2554-3057_11-27-1914_12-28-1914h A W0,1114,01 f 5 START Serial No, of Roll t. Department Off' re �✓ �a /'�11 a �, ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP Q\\ \O { _4.,,:/PERMANENT 1G /PERt+iANENT RETENTION s t: LIMITED- RETENTION 92 NA. Date to be destroyed c (If limited) Date Microfilm CONTENTS e o rrn , • P e� Number or name of first document of regular contents ;+ f a Bye,.✓ a� / e Operator V r' Operator a By "I-,+ Supervisor r Mo. vw A• "� as ,lP �e AN Je cS� 41 r NVP — ,j�,\\ r �o? �s ? 0�� a 42 IS. �s�G "A" y Z gA09,p a O VIII• IIIII2=8 IIIII2=5 J�15 VIII z=Z VIII 5�,� 1.8 11111125_4 _ VIII= VIII1-6 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHAR} a _ r � }` J . � r COhA?T0o An ordinance to settle the claim of Martin Bishop. THE COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Martin Bishop to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him on June 16th, 1914, on Summit avenue, as more,particularly set forth in his petition to the District Court, upon payment to him of the sum of x.M.obg Dollars V$5.00), be and the same is hereby agoepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, in favor of Martin Bishop, in the sum oP Irive' Dollars, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a re- p; lease duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account` " of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day -and under the circumstances hereinabove -noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in _52'` force hirty days after its passage and .publicat10 . FICf1L PB•OCEEDIND9 OF THE —_ - -- oovxalL. 9664—Ordinance Na 5316 - b ordinance to settle-`the"olalm of iia ttn Bishop. ',([ f••7 'P ,,.�,.. _ Council of the ;City Of St. Paul LISIDJ.S���^'—,�•�''i' +e ordain J.r SECTION Hol VF 1: Of blF _ •Aae¢ied 6y the council.........����-.....,.�.�7_.._191 !� ,y MR. GOSS ICY, McGOLL Y O'LEARY YOERG NYS 0 M ,,y, .Al .� T 7 51�'_l._/ham r YEAS. NAYS. —'`—ani-fsrieris • MIS e en ordinance granting to C. L. Graham permiesion to erect a wood and iron -canopy over the sidewalk on the west side of Maria avenue between Conway and Third streets, adjacent to the northerly fifty-five feet of Lot 7, Dayton Place, in the City of St. Paull -THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to C. L. Graham to construct and -maintain a wood and iron canopy over the sidewalk in front of Ho. 287 Maria avenue, between Conway and Third streets, adjacent to the northerly fifty-five feet of Lot 7, Dayton Place, in said City, said canopy to extend out to the edge of the boulevard on said street, and over an extension of the sidewalk to the boulevard, which extension of the sidewalk is to be n{ade by said C L. Graham. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby` authorized to issue a permit to the said C. L. Graham for the erection and construction of said canopy, upon the 'said Graham's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works ,a plan and speci icationa of the proposed canopy, which plan shall be subject to the a oval of said Coupiesioner. " (2) The said canopy shall be installed under the super- s' vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection and of installing same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any andall liability, judgments, suite, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the con- struction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said canopy, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said canopy remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties r as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptrol� 55 of said City'. (4) Said canopy shall be removed by said C. L. Graham p whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after Its passage and put' ' `4... = C P No.,2555-Ordinance No. 2323— . / r An ordinance grant) g to AC, L.Graham p rmfesipn tocerect. a wood ,and Iron canopy over the sidewalk on .;the West of llfarla avenue between Conand Third streets, adjacent to the nettherly ,fifty-flvYeet.. of Lot 7;: Dayton Place, in the City of St. Paul. //1/ The Council of the City of St. Paul 7�6 does ordain: a/ , G - SECTION 1. ll f That .permission and authority are hereby."grant d.. to C L G sham -to / on caro and maintain a wood rand C'� by the Council i n o. 287, over the Ie, betty In front ..-....._ ... of No. 287 Maria, avenue between -Con- -- acent IWay and Third northerlyy fifty-fiveefeet feet Lot 7,t Day- ton ay ., ton Plage in said City, said canopy' ii to extend out to the edgeof the boule- �� 7 i ard..on paid Street, and over tension. of the sidewalk to the boule YEAS. - ` �ard,hich extension of the sidewalk Is to be made by said C. L. Graham. MR. FARNSWORTHSECTIOx.z. The C mmlasloner of Public Work. Is hereby aUthori.ed to issue a permit to the said C. -L.: Graham for the erec- GOSS [ion and construction of said canopy, upon the, said- Graham's compliance with thafollowing conditions: (1) The said: lIteraee shall file with KELLER the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and epeclHcations of. the proposed nopy,.. which plan shait be Subject to TO�.S Mc OLL the approval of said Comtalasioner. J rf (2) The= sold'. canopy. shall be in- stalled under tite;snpervlelon and di-' hiv 1 re tion of said Commissloner, and the F,gRI said license shell pay the'cost of in apection and of installing same. i+ji,- QY (3) The said licensee shall furnlsL 76 wC,/fit, � a bond to th i Ity of St. Paul In t1e um of Five Thousand :.Dollars ($5,000.00) aondltlo ed to Save the. AYS, 0 MR- PRESIDENT (p City of. St. Pa liar as ,from any and all-- Ilabllityt judgments, outs, "leec sts, .charges, damages and expenses. that may accrue .to at a n s or prop•. arty on account a An rising by reason Oof the_constructlon maintenance, op-. eratlon,:, user ?rosaries or removal . of %rte- said canopy, the said bond toremain / j In force and egt as Ions -;aa said –'- - _ be approved by the Mayor,. and shall be Hied with the:Comptroller oP .as d C{ty.: (3). -Sald� canopy shall be removed. by, d C.:LGraham -whenever the Council- shall eo order. (5 ..The said.licensee Shall -pay, any license fee or to. that may berequired by any:, ordinance or lawof the Clty of St.'. Peal,.. - (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after t"''a""' of .this-ordl- nance, 111. a written acceptance there. of wlth the 'City:. Clerk to such form 8 as may be approved by the Corpora- tion Counsel.. S.ECTION 3. "his ordtnanc¢ elia11 take ciYcet and be in force thirty days after its pass- age and publlcatla a-uncll Dc: 4 1914• seMaCwGoea. Y e-dyr4he'Fe. Keller. ;MoColi, Yoerg.. Mr., Presldent (Powers) -5. Nays A1014 <' \. rpproved Dec.' K. R'INN PONVER`3 e u,.4c d, nix i. r,�icic _Ji"u of said City. , (4) Said canopy shall be removed by said C. Ia. Graham whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any *cense fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the•Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effea;,and be in force thirty days after its passage and Age ,fid<C.�• a. .._.__ _. _. – wo$G ° uoW P,oa 4Z I wes 7 i �'3 P�3.,a 17 1 • /— 1 - / t '`...I g al Eae�ta Paeaa aaeura�ul 4 alo 7auo T uoa;{aE,uax ag 'bu uoJ u•", ,� /i' C J( y,.. dA. u4nf To ala •� E WEIeaI aJal7 r y aaaQ � dSNI100 �-,x,q d e 77aR a� 7T'q,� •�..� by the Council t i w '8a1Pr,ng •lead 7g r-Zt! }. n to-. •aaa8faap ,oj �r,�JcaJ R I on �a„ojq Jo•NgOgN9 v dN➢dAl °dQBra 8 8 fVI YEAS, t- '7saJ X. frer lII S 7,vz .y'. "1 7arQlp� aq, JO-U Ptae ,l .la4e�oYJ - To'10 tro ad IsJoaa, aqi �o °97 V as aka Palen MR. FARNSWORTIi, tg` J vv'o °18,a gay` �sv °vin l°ar GOSS `3-24,010,14.a&,s? ry itr aa`.,ae aPa. au Co. " al pleQ a a, It. a (,neap` s"-pa. °q oa`a8rar KELLER vdarroQ q w asaguor am ,° a Pr: a,sojea 4, Pua a°A'6,gae secs a, Pa Jo �« /� j• Ilm ar 'ae las To Jo rata°.' ✓0�$�'t McGOLL sa aauQazo ,aooe W plea( ag aa,a4eJ s,41,v a7oa@ave J. bel $-or oaken 04 -q as `• Q/ Cy +upeJ a N "egls �r��� s ' h?cS, Z AYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) I 0 ' 55.5 of said City. (4) Said canopy shall be removed by said C. L. Graham whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written ,acq,6�e�thereof with the City Clerk in such form mayri rY� htheCorpor'ation Counsel. I MOR s Section 'cake effect and be in (orae thirty daystt 44s8ge Yafid ti' '' NNed / u��, ,�.. �:=% why �b � e4 sY7 vo !Ia ,rd • "do o wPyoDe BYS a-Arva P .r3a'`aP ti J'/ /fi'a1 1[ /G ugot Yo a7aae�'aaae -CI a$al�a ai a •la s�NA17�oao aN L 78`x'' �� 11 Bag rola➢ �' ""d1.sV8 .8 SOP , JZ .gaxy �� r:,.. f'Pfas I Ja90aIdv, as so eo &o a 1 Pee N Pa f<. 7 8"p, B! argB! 6 -pa.' Baa@v Y5i1BO�lpPPBM^B.aatrt;xk.. 6 Nui',ha2�rVVI. -Pqe' PPB Sego y?o'aggl/t ae Y IX al6 \\ `e8a87to �oaa lalard..B Py; b<`s Ja °esaB re oa R" tAoe_V_ e�- PlaByl '.Ma. ..rngBIP Bn6asB,. A B! l(a0ld'TBllae olP•do Bai{ ':elalp �� a(o1) Bal lu `'.ate'=liY?.1a2-r.:a� • AYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) , 61("K ly r ^� 8 B DEPARDUMT•PARM ••PLAY GROUNN-PUBLIC BUII.DiNG� l m JOHN J.0' F,AILYCo it r' M 'nnP•le. V ,a w� s Nov.27th,1914 Mr. John J. O'Leary, Commissioner of Parks, Play grounds and Nubilc Bldg. ultiy Dear Sir: Yy attention has been called to a resolution which ie to be presented to the council, allowing the construction of a frame and metal canopy over the sidewalk in front of a new motion picture house being erected for Mr. C. L. Graham on the west side. of Maria avenue between Third street and Conway street. All resolutions heretofore paseed by the council allowing , canopies for motion picture houses have provided for the construction of same of metal and glass. I do not think the City should allow a frame and metal covered canopy to be erected over the sidewalk in front of motion picture: houses, as I consider it not good construction and may become dangerous at some future time. It has not been the custom heretofore to construct canopies in this manner. Yours truly, Building Inspector. A DEPARtMENT•PAM .PLAY GROUNDS -PUBLIC BUILDINGS x.a.aonsxoa,n.wry �. „u... JOHN J.ULEARY, r6mmissioner o. e.eoweaos.e..rs...b <. •.... ..fAso xxsse�uxsassr..r o.rx. �� cxns.e.xeus� .B.11 e9 I-P . W. Wy Oaxua.euxJ I y-91 --- GS.WYexO.F, OIreclo. e�.y�gr.we. Dec, 3rd,1914 Mr, J. I. Faricy, City Clerk. City Dear Girt I am returning herewith C.F. 2555, and your letter in reference to same. I have notified Mr. Graham of the objections to this,. ordinance, and have sent him copies of the attached lettere. Yours truly,, C� Building Inspector. A A .ioax x. saarar. Var aona. ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITY OXXnn'6 OFFIOE y e Nov. 27th,1914. Hon. John J. 0'Le ry, Cosmr. of Public Bldge., Dear Sir:— The attached C. F. 2555, an :rdinance granting C. L/ Grnham permis-iorr to erect en iron and wood cnnpoy over the sidewnik on the west side of m9rin Av :between Conway and Thin' Street wns referred to the Buil!ing Inspector in your department, he to notify Mr. Graham of the objections to this or-iinanee. Yours truly, 1 City Clerk. G/ L This ordinance canes up before the Council n€air an Sea. ht'r.,1914. t 1'HEREAS, unforseen obstacles. and difficblties have arisen in the construction of a sewer at the intersection of llackabin and Front Sts. on account of interference with u 12 inch water main, and WHEREAS, it is, necessary to, raise said water main sufficiently to clear the sewer, ` THEREFORE 31:7 IT RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be gond he is hereby authorized and directed to incur the e7pense of rs'ising said water main at a cost of not to exceed the sum of Seventy-five Dollars, pdyable from the Sewer 13aintenance Account of the General Fund. C. F. No. 2666—BY M. N. Coe`— Whereas, unfo seen-.obatacl.$ ano. difficulties have nrl.en.hlo the icon• structlon of a `ewer "tt eat.- ni4i of Mackybin and Frontstreete-on:�na- count of interference w,th. a`.12'�lhch water ..In, and Whereas, it Is necessary: to rale. said water main sufficiently to clear the ewer, Therefore Be It Resolved, That the C. he Is hereby authorier of zed a dgdirectea to incur the expense . of raising sald water .main at a coat of not to eaceed the `-sum of-,Seventy-fiAve Dollars. "A.- able from the Sewer Maintenance.- count of the General -Fund: Adopted Approved by Council3. 1914.xov- 113. 1914- (Nov.. 21-7919). ,. I Yeas (I%) Cou ijmen (1) Nays Adopted by the Council Farn ,orth I Goss / In favor f Kell Approved _j - . / 191 Fj Me oil _ 0 -Against (- O' ary Yo g Mr. Presidem�P-ewers---- , ronin C.8-2 1 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby authorized to employ, subject to the charter and ordinances of the City, one additional general clerk, at a salary of Nine Hundred Dollars 0909.00) per year. C. F. No, 2557— - F nancev be That he u3eraby.,tautho Ized to mploY. subtest to' "the Ono ad - and ordinances of the.aCitY,� 'df tional general lerk.. t s snlary,ot �Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) per year. - Adopted by the Councll Nov. 13, 1914. Approved Nov Nay.121114) Yeas (I") Court 'lmen ( J Nays Farn orth / Gos 6 In favor' Kell Mc -Against O' ry Yo Mr. Presid roam c.e-z Adopted by the Council��-�/ .'--191�j� Approved,;,'(� b � Cojiqtil File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and 519 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 11 The undenigned hereby proposes the making of the followin ublic improvement by the CiIt Blair Street with oement - b froM Snell AV e Paul, viz.: ........................ - .................... -.1 -- .... ...... -.1 1 ................... _from. I ......... . ...... ........... ..................... .............. to Fa rq ew Avelwe, in a000rdanoe..W. h.,p#t#194 hereto... .... .... 494§4. .. ..................... ............... ..... ------- - .......................................................... ... ....... ..................... . ............. .................. --1 .......... ............ . ....... . . ... .......................... Dated this - day of X embei. ............. ...... .... ... . ....... ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1IIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz ,:. Blair atme.et with ceizient. Curb fron Snelling Arenue to FMirVieW Avenue.... ....... .. . No- "'I- -re. A written proposal for the .............. Is of'tbo following Improvement. with j t lena", ... ....... Curb Blair street to from snelling avenue o Cvlew a,, hav gCe',n.frS,,,,n,tcd to,,they ... .... .. ....... .............. . .... .... ................................. ....... . .................... ........... .... . .. ...... ...... . *',Incll or he It, rd., there. be It Of -3�d, That the Comm l61on.' -'f having been presented to the Council lie -ka be �ft b or. all.... ................ .. .. ... ........... ........................ directed. �nd he Y ed and To Investigate the necessity for therefore, be it -desirability. of the making of said RESOLVED, That the Commission 2P."T"."I'�n," .tigate the natum, extnnt ereby ordered and directed: d estimated cost of said Improve - 1. To investigate the necessity fo �nt, and the total cost thereo in said improvement. 'f a . te hmi. pro a, or h of . . f.�1ndI.mPtrh1v0m011 ", 2. To investigate the nature, eXteA T h fell_ o-h,,r ovement, and the total cost thereof. O ta an -I -nto—tIon re'aVve to said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sk;.—.v.m'.t tat T� se' whether or not said lin-, 11 AtO. for on the petitl 0, 1 said improvement :-- 4. To furnish the following other sFLi( .................................... ....................... . .............................................. ..... ....fie r . ................. . ... ............ . ........... ......... .............. - ....... .......... ............. .... . ......... 5. To. state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregniag matters to the Clamnissioiler of Finance. Adopted by the Council .........191 r Yeas: Na, Councilman Fa I orth 11Z Go Approved.1 91 K r oil 0 Barry rg Mayor. Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 12th, 1914, by and between C. A. Carlson & Son and the City of St. paul for the con— struction of a sewer on Dale street from the Northern Pacific Railway to Maryland street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. N. No 2669 Resolved, That the ntract benring; date No robe 12th 19 t by and 'b -� tween C A Ca 1 d; "0'* n and th City at aof $t Paul t the conatruetloh Northern Pnetdc Railways to Maryland' atreat, be Rod' the name In hereby ap proved, and the proper olty oltlbers are. authorized and directed to '--acute the dame, on behalf bt tpe Clty:. Adopted by the -Connell NNov. 12, 1914. Approved Noy .a 1914. (NOV.' 21-1914) Yeas (P') Coun men (!) Nays Farn orth / Goss , , In favor Kell Me 11 _____ _Again) t p, y Yoe Mr. Presi —m c.8-2 -- �% TY OF 'SAINT PAUL' ,�r-f city clerk's office// � 191 i I'Y OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office ........._.. ........ Received of City Clerk A�' Adopted by the Council ._ c y_ 191114 - Approved yApproved e t v / C 1,91f --- MAVOft I , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ............. ............. COUNCIL FILE No ...... ..... ................... ..... ............ ... . ................. ... . ........... .... ...... ....... . . ....... .................. ....... ........ . ....... Date Presented. ----191 IN CITY OF SAINT PAUL Oty Cl.W. Office Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 12th, 1914,11 by and 191y between C. A. Carlson & Son and the City of St. Paul for the con— Received of City_Vlerk yr %9' struction of a sewer on Fauquier street from English street to 'I Atlantic street, be and the same is hereby apprbved, and the proper oity officers are authorized and directed to` execute the same on behalf of the City. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C. F. No, 2560— R..J.1—dThat the contract bear" . d 'I City Clerk's Off c t=n o,, v e rber 12th. 1914� by ad ho! Carlson h & Son and the, City 7,1 of St. Paul for the - a of a twer on Fauquier street !1rtMEn.thih c rest 9# a reet to Atlantic strcj'qt&j�Is,-aTxd the, .. ...... ............................. , �'iind the same is hereby RPPrbV proper city officers are authorized dire , rected to excouto the same, on e� *f th City; eAived of City Cler hai '/­ pledeb,ilt'he Council Nov..No13,1%14,, Approved Nov, 1&_1914; ,i (Nov. 21-19141 Yeas W) "'ren (P) Nays Adopted by the Council Fa worth Co0 "'ren N tu Fa two worth C. In favor Ko , I Approved-; 19 M M 11 oll 'Against 0' sty P Y g Mr. Press en V01M C.8-2 CITY OF ST."PAUI COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM ........__._...n __. .... . Subject: COUNCIL. �C - FILE O. ......................... .. Date- Presented............ 191 ........... I'PY OF SAINT PAUL -City Clerk's Office Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 13th, 1914, by and between /Z/........191..._ C. A. Carlson & Son and the City of St. Paul for the construction oY Received of City Clerk ALT04- a sewer on Dale etr,eet from a point 185 feet south of the center of south of the center of Front street, Topping street to a point 100 feet be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. g"' . N,14 Y OF SAINf l_IJL a F? -City Clerk's Office %. C. F. No. 2661— i - f.. / Resolved, That the contract bearing .............. 1111�",f date Novemberm12th. 1914, by and be- y twe C. A. Carlson -& Son and the City of St: Paul for the construction o6 fife}+ on D le treet from a Doin[ A / �it { ! i 196 feet south f the center of Topping Recei d o{ Cit Clerk 4 t~.,�o•'+"-'&'� street to a Front 100 feet south of the p center or Front street, be and r the Ae^ me Is hereby approved, and the Prop. �. t' ,� r eery o e leer. t .authorized n arid di- rected l- � p rec[od-to execute the home on behalf. (' of theClty. L Adopted by the Council Nov. 13, 1914. r r Approved Nov. 13th, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914),r � •t Yeas Mr. roars ..e-2 Nays I9� 3 Adopted by the Council A�� �� -- In favor Approved�� .Against -.- CITY OF 5T. PAUL r ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. 6- low, ,• AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM `ILE No. FILE air IPEIR TITLE 12@ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fund in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following 'de statement: Adopted by the Coun ' 3 I Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays FaltnsworthApr ed r Goss 4111' In favor Keller l McColl Against ■.row O'Leary Youg Mr. _ 0 X - � `..upon the CItyTreasury,payable ou[. or - , the her lnaesfid funds and :in' raver or the -peonfirma or corpor8_ their for t5e o s, amount. a- ;cJ ed their teapectivt totalled sial men - d -:fn':; :the rollowing !baps ed statement:' Corporate xo- o! - A.i e a :4 Fund Elect b : $22. a Aecpnilt .g" A. Fnrnaw lr'F nds. .- cx - '.9p clai Funde=9pec. �'6raees ,Band( Znt, Lot,.: 14:-A. Farnswo 111E1,p48i32:: "Adopted by'the Council -Noy' 13, 1914: - Approved Nov. 13 1914:.- '(N v 21=1914) Corporate Purposes General Fund -Election Expense Acct. I $22.50 5 31 S. A. Farnsworth, Special Funds Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acct.. 5 32 S. A. Farnsworth, 1,048.32 � Total Cor ,•••• " Special ••• Grand , l An ordinance granting permission to Susan A. Kenny, doing business'as the Kenny Boiler & Manufacturing Company, to construct and maintain a traveling crane on the east side of Locust street, between Sixth and Seventh streets. THE COUtiCIL OF TEF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. =That Susan A. Kenny, doing business under the name and style of the Kenny Boiler and Manufacturing Company, is hereby authorized to construct and maintain on the east side of Locust street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, one hundred (100) feet Anorth of the lot line on Sixth street, two I beams of ironor steel, to project out from the wall of the building there occupied by her, over the sidewalk and grass plot on Locust street, at a height of fifteen feet or more above thr walk, and to support sadd I beams by two iron or steel columns or pillars to be set on the east'curb. line of Locust street, and to place and operate on said structure a traveling crane. All of this structure shall be -built in a manner to be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commission- er of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and if at any time it may"become dangerous or, out of repair, or its removal maybecome`sir�-� able because of any inconvenience it may cause the public, they may require that it be repaired, altered or removed from the public street at the expense of the persons then owning said structure. Section 2. Before the permission hereby granted the said Susan A. Kenny shall become effective, she shall cause to be executed 3 to the City of St. Paul a good and sufficient bond in the sum of`On Thousand Dollars (010,000.00), conditioned to save harmless and.,,defend the City of St. Paul from all claims, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of the hereinbefore described structure and the traveling crane to be used thereon, and further conditioned that she will comply with all the requiremepts of law, either of ordinance „ or statute, with reference to this structure and its use. The said Susan A. Kenny shall be required to reimburse the city for the amount expended in securing the publication of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication.. C. F.'No. 2663 -Ordinance. No. 3317—Bye. Henry McColl An ordinance granting 'permission to; Susan A. cKenny, doing business as (f the Kenny Boller & Manufacturing /. f / in a Company, veling crane OR the eastnd Sid.o1. Locust street between Sixth gad: �s s Seventh Streets 'The Council of the City of 9t. paub- - ,( des ordala Adopted by the Council 3D SECTION, 1. % That Susan A. Kenny, doing business'. under the name and Style "of the Kenny h reby and Manufacturing Company. le . auth taed. to o..truct and oll maintain on fhe`east aide of Zocast^ NAY, street, between Sixth and Seventh: YEAS, streets, one hundred (100) fee lee., -nor tfi of the lot line on Sixth Street,,, tivo I beams of Iron or;steel,'to pro Jett out from the wall of the'buliding. MR- FARNSWORTIi there occupied by hqr, over the arae=' walk and grass plot on Looust: Street, ,at a height of fifteen feet,or more above •the avalk, and to support ea1d. �f�M3cJ I beams by two iron dr alae] columns or pillara'to beset on th 'of Locust street, add� to east curb tine era on said his tura to a `tshal lin e KELLER ane n of rata structure shall be built in amarine r ` to be a) r6ved by: the C lnmtaeton too b Pulic -Warks' y McGOLL and the Commissloaet of Parks, Play-; ground. and Public- Buildings; and If al: a Tp any thiie it may become denP4tone or f J out of repair 6r Ire removal map be-' ayP O'LEARY come 'desirable be'eauee of'anyanwn IY" or ell ce it may cause I apublic, they I, ,or either of them may r.%uicg 11t. hat it be repaired alteredorremoPed Yrom / YOERG thepubLc street at tae expense of the' persons then owning�eald Structure 1 AYS, 0 /92. PRESfDENT (POWSECTION 2 Before; th permlgelOn e hereby_grav-,' ed the -said Stl6au 0 8epny,"shalt b-� came' eKedtive;'e a hall caves; to ba, •executed,to the Clty'of St. Pail]' -a goad e4d Su8lclent bond"in the rani' 8L Ten;• Thousand Dyllg s•: (ZI9 OJIO'00)c coni I dltioned to save harmless and'd Le d1 the.: City oL 8t Pau} from all glatm6; ilndgmente a lte eoete� ghArgea, dam„ ,ages and xpenae tfiat'mayaccTue,. to :persona or. pcoperty'oh aGebunt'Of'. or )arising by .aeas0ac.'.dt the 'eonatruMon. maintenance operation,. vee, presence _. or removal of tae',h before.- scribed strutara and the"�.traveIde- Inv de, retmourse the City fortheamount `ex- pended In securing the publication of this ordinance. SECTION. 3. This ordinance shall take effect sand be In force thirty,. day. after its vasa-, age and publication. = - Passed by the Council Nov. 30, 1914. Yeas—Messrs.: Farnsworth, .,Keller, McColl, O'Leary, Yoerg, Mr. President {Power.O'Le Nays -0. - Approved Dec. 1, 1914. WINN POWERS,.. Attest: JOHN I. FARTCY. Mayor. City Clerk. (Dec. 6-1914) or statute with reference to this structure `hnd it8 ube =6�EQ•"oaia aq7 ysT 6 of as 3 aivByn P{asiolo au7Mount Susan A. Kenny shall be required to reimbil�, apaaa l' �a�s �a uo laa'agiai"ld agi� ` tli �ulFloo� P I , 1Hoa18 b°O13uo M.jpq expended in securing the publication of t9 sm ;qoa ml easoq 5 puu°� Secti@�s ordinance shall;°p P � 910.Tpa4 �ep15ui�am°88auaj9 )o aaeo1l aoklu ad n'eio9Dunno'UM, alx force thirty days after its passage and pu el _ P, olF , ,,, sxad aq,'a° nB,P 8 I. 3ara7W i ulsa Pus n1uus3 Pus un °�PP� s�uaS a9aoaU pa,�lEw an. .PPO pus 1. oPT 0 mo 1 Is uuOf u egdo0lagallia8a �'� t�L� �L± �,f G "•j _. _---_._._-1r_—__ ......_... -_..__ n' PP°a upas sa8aS 40 ynaace.4 v 'PPoa nUaluue3y o%Pyo 31pul Hy, ¢yueP9m uee4 usq iSn'o3aP to, .3�($ 31TR 30 30Ts )ng r T; .SO'iOQ1I01'�'3`Jtl'JS7iOPQ ��- n of Adopted by the Council . .. a PaIB d olli p, s 6 d _ ar; y uolllPPd aos 'irtud '1S ,�I 'Al.. P YEAS. N q °me8 F3 su ¢ ;o (9(EZ)A u s, (DZ). ano7- 1 cams ell°ol8 3 0o 1- '(ZZ) MR- FARNSWORTH I a� �Bma ga luUllgul a as -0 ' 4) San ,o auo a z ao lana egomS '(T) u0 sa y d aoulaal) (OOT)1 PoiPunq auo 43iFasm�' .tluno0 s m-oi `elosauul7^< ul Sufi uq pas 9u O lansd 7S Eo 6ai0 aq3 usl lull o. iu°y ® 1an118 saP.,q li P oea usaaaoaP Pus 3u4.t KELLER n pun 6661va�j ,0 .3^WIXm 9Pn( PSse nl a7rtlea 1'oa uu yuauxsE^ 1 s uadsa aA1 P_ q McCOLL F O'LEARY cher YOERG Q AYS. 0 ��Z. PRESIDENT (POWERS) or statute, with reference to this struct Susan A. Kenny shall be required to reimb expended in securing the publication of t Section 3. This ordinance,--,shal force thirty days after its, / //,-l' /' / '�. - ?5 3 Ld )unt m An ordinance granting permission to Kenny, doing business as the Kenny Boiler & Manufacturing Company, to construct and maintain a traveling crane on the east side of Locust attest, between Sixth and Seventh streets. _ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Susan A..Kenny, doing business under the name and style of the Kenny Boiler and Manufacturing Company, is hereby authorized to construct and maintain on the east side of Looust.strest, between Sixth and Seventh streets, one hundred (100) feet north of the lot line on Sixth street, two I beams of iron or steel, to project out from the wall of the building there occupied by her, over the sidewalk and grass plot on Locust street, at a height of fifteen feet or more above thr walk, and to support said I beams by two iron or steel columns or pillare'to be set on the east curb line of Locust street, and oto place and operate on,said structure a traveling crane. All of this structure shall be built in a manner to be approved by the Commissioner of Public works and the Commission- er of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, -and if at any time it may become dangerous or out of repair, or its removal may become desir- able because of any inconvenience it may cause the public, they Amay s`require that it be repaired, altered or removed from the public street at the expense of the persons then owning said structure. Section 2. Before the permission hereby granted the said S"an A. Kenny shall become effective, she shall cause to be executed to ;the Oity of St. Paul a good and sufficient bond in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save harmless and defend the City of St. Paul from all claims, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or'property on account of or arising by reason of the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of the hereinbefore described structure and the traveling crane to be used thereon, and further conditioned that Abe will comply with all the requirements of law, either of ordinance or statute, with reference to this structure and its use. The said Susan A. Kenny shall be required to reimburse the City for the amount expended in securing the publication of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3272, entitled "An ordi- nance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation .of the officers and employee connected with the public schools of the City," apptoved September 22nd, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 3272, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the.officers and employee connected with the public schools of the City," approved September'22nd, 1914; shall be amended by adding thereto the following: "The Commissioner of Education, within the time fixed by this ordinance, shall appoint such kindergarten assistants as he shall consider necessary, at salaries not'less than $500 or more than $750 per year. The I alaries of said kindergarten assistants shall increase annually Fifty Dollars per year, until the maximum salary hereby fixed is reached." � Section 2. Thst Section 4 of said ordinance shall be amend- ed by /adding thereto the following: "Principals in the elementary Schools shall receive the following salaries, which shall incrase at the rate of $75 per year: oa, Buildings with less than 8 rooms, minimum 9 maximum $1050.00; Buildings with 8 rooms and less than 12 rooms, mini - 01100.00; maximum $1300.00; Buildings with 12 rooms'aud less than 16 rooms, mini- mum $1300.00; maximum $1500.00; Buildings with 16 rooms or more, minimum $1500.00; maximum $1700.00." Section 3. That Section 4 of said ordinance shall be further amended by adding thereto the following provisions: "All supervisors shall be appointed by the Commis- sioner of Education at a salary to be fixed by him, not to exceed $1700.00 for the supervisor of music, and $1600.00 for all other supervisors. The salaries of supervisors after appointment shall increa a at the rate of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per year. The increase of.$75 per year provided for in Seotiona 2 and 3 hereof shall be made only in such years as the salary may be raised such amount without exceeding the maximum.herein fixed, and in the year in which the salary cannot be raised $75 wit4out exceeding the maximu*, then the increase shall be only'such sum as will bring the salary up to the maximum, which maximum shall at no time be exceeded." Section 4. That Section 8;of said ordinance shall be amend/� by striking out the following: "The following engineers for 10 months: 2 at $100.per month C. P. No. M4—Ordinance No. 3318— R)' df un}' Yoe men .7n orinunce to a end Ordinance No. 3272, entitled "An rdin ince Hxlno the number,titles, duties and Vol- 1 Pere. tion of the officers and p lc yes c eeted with the puh`" schools u[' [he Clty;' approved tember 22nd, 1919. This is a r�. Fency ordinance endered if for the preservation of the peace, health and safety. .The CounclI of the City of does ordain. 7 at 0.00 per month SECTION I. 3 at 85.00 per month " s Ord' The following firemen for 4 mont"t tae year: 2 at 460.00 per month 5 at 40.00 per month." And there shall be subetituted therefor, the following: "2 engineers for 12 months at 100.00 per month 3 If n If n n 85.00 " a 7 Is n it n " 1 80.00 2 firemen for 10 months at e70.00 per month 3 n d 11 a n 60.00 2 ° ° 4 " " 60.00 Section 5. That Section 8 of said ordinance shall be fur- ther arse-ded by adding thereto the following: _"The Commissioner of Education may appoint at such tide as he shall see fit, six cooks for school recess lunches at $1.00 per day for 125 daye_)(and one•ehauffeur for the automobile of the Superintendent of Schools at a dalary not to exceed $75.00 per month,)and one assistant instructor in athletics at a salary not to exceed Thirty ITollars ($30.00) per month-" Section 6. Said ordinance shall be further amended by adding thereto the following provisions: "The Superintendent of Schools, on the recommend- ation of the principal, may permit a teacher at any time to be absent from her work for a day for the pur- pose of observing the work of other teachers, or attend- ing teachers' conventions, or consulting with others ,engaged in educational work on educational matters; no deduction shall be made.from the teacher's salary because of such absence. A permit from the Superintendent of Schools shall be first obtained, and a report shall be made by the teacher showing that the time of absence was spent as hereinbefore described. Supervisors and office aseistants to the Commissioner of Education and the Superintendent of Schools may be ab- sent from duty on like terms, providing that permission shall be obtained from the Commissioner of Education." Section 7. Said ordinance -shall be_further amended by a+a4�q thereto the following provisions: "The Superintendent of Schools may authorize the pay- n,gnt of one-half of the salary for the time of absence of a*teacher or supervisor or office assistant when caused by pf7sonal illness or by quarantine imposed by the Depart- mt of Health, provided that such absence does not in any oAP� school year exceed twenty school days. Teachers shall , rqsive full pay for absence caused by death in the immedi- a, family, provided such absence does not exceed three A , d ¢ in any one instance." Section 8. All ordinances and parte of ordinances ineon- eistent..herewith are hereby repealed. Seotion. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance endered neceseary for the preservation of the public peace, healtand safety. Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. ddoQfed by the Coon 0il / 191 YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH QQw- KELLER McCOLL iN O'LEARY p�JgLiSI3ED YOERG b NA YS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) LI2�%' Section emergency ordinor public peace, hea Section force immediatell l\ j be an >n of the I be in Council Filt,'No_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the. follow . ing' flie improvemen y the City of St. I making ,k L ing �;liinipr 0 P . . ..... q9tirp P. x Pull], Grade alley iA_B�Pk� 1 s Wit _n, in ........... .......... 310 accordance _with -pot ition....herptQ_ X_.+1 .. .. .... ....... ............................ .......... .......... ............ .......... I)ated this 14VU..day of eMber, . .... ... . _-77_ o Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. INTIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade alley in Block 80hroeder' a A.44itl.on......... ........... ........... .. . ............ .... - - .......... ..... . ..... ItI.n kraprcr, Icing of the following .......... e. in tore f Addition -'having c ,,,e Council ofm. thft e CIO u,IvedT`Wh&tthoCommL8. nor of .c W,orloil*lre �and he to hereby or - having been presented to the Council andAl6octed: To investigate the rece..'It, for therefore, be itsuability' of the making of said Ivcm..t+ o Investigate the ratio, RESOLVED, That the Cominisgione.,� thrated total cost of said nature, extent 1, hereby ordered and directed: . .•TW the tat coo thereof. I 1. To investigate the necessity J!I:l,�',' furnish a plan. - proffis or of said improvement. 'I " c"c"'s t '� ` �!, hpt'h. foil. rg other 2. To.investigate the nature, extents nation rol=lve to said nprovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sk , , tcl - oj 'her or not said fm or on the petition 4. To fiii-iiiiii the following other,Aula 111rto ih. oner f.rofajo said improvement: ............... .. . , .,I, b,,.,,. 14,1914.1 .......... .......................... .. .... . ... ... .... . .. ...... .......... ......... ......... ­.. ' . 1- - + - * ",+*,+,* .. - __ - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more own_k_,,) 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council,... Yells: Councilman Fal )sworth worth Goa Approved.+_..)S/�._v... ............191.. I Kel r Me 11 W .L L ry Yoe........ .... ... ......... 211a Mayor - PUBLISHEll Council File'No......_.,........__.............. 0 -PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �a 215 r ,ELIMMARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folloiv• public improvenle y the City of St. panl, viz.: Grade_..Osoeoia. Avenue......._frOm.._H___line..._Avenue............_Gri.99e.. St..............__....._ in aocordanoe with petition he o attaohed•..._..._..............___......................................._._....... Dated this... 14th day of_ November, 191.4_* Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz..: _ ._G.rAde..._. Y.xv.iu.._5> ml.ine.._Av..�nus...to.._Griggs-_.S.t_..._.._._....._............... .. ..._........ .____... _......_. ..J No.268C ner ,jugeof the following Improveralitit. . Grade 0-6.1a avenue from _......_ ..._..... .. .. s St aline ie ted to the Council t of the lla Viilg beell presented to the Colltncil-may oerec Paul therefore, b0 It '111:1ll. ...._.... _.____... .... .._.... ....{ teeolved. That the Comml.stoner of ,bile Work. be ad he t. hereby'or- therefore, be it 'ped and atreetedi To inve.tlg.te the n.e...it, for hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Cul lesion lability of the making of Said Im- , •emoent. T investigate the nature, "tent 1. To investigate the necessity for, estimated cost of . is improv. f said improvement. and the total coat thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extet1, ofurnish a plan, profllo o' niprovennelnt, and the total cost thereof. o[ said improvement 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skete id furnish f rmation relative to s� ¢meat. eve to said improvement: 4. 'I'o punish the following other d. o•at isoasked t` o' morn n 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing. matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_._....._ � IL ._/. _....191._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth oss Approved....._._.._....._. ...._._......... ........._._...191.�J" eller ecoll 'Leary Ierg ................ .. ................ .t...................................... syor vZ Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL '5( 6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ....................:........._..............................__ Subject:..............CaY,e.hhas3ns_......:_............................................... COUNCIL NO PILE d__......._................................:............................... Date Presented:...._._Ilov......14.............191....4... Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to construct -two catchbasins on Stellar St. midway between Atwater St. and Lyton Place, also one sewer manhole in the center of said Stellar St. betweon the above points, the cost of sane not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars and to be paid out of the Lliseellaneous Sewer Account of the General Fund. Yeas I C- F. No. 2687—By llf. N. Gosa— Rlic Works That the he 1, 1r.1.7r ". Public Works be and he to hereby au- thorized and directed Yo construct two nt6hbastne n Stellar SY. midway be- tween Atwater St.od Lyton Place, also one sewer tnard, 1. the center of said Stellar St„ between .the nbovo ,.late, the cost of sane of to ezeoed the um of Two Hundrodd,, Dollars and -to be paid out of the-. Akellaneous Sewer Account of the General. R`uhd: Adopted by the Council Nov. 14,1814. I Approved Nov Noy121-1914) Nays _X—In favor ___Against Adopted by the Council_�i_*_. 91 Approved191'x-' —'---� .— - MAYO Ili Herrold, A �U T. P L CITY OF ST. PAUL ecretary at Commission. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FOR 'Plat DH D. . Micha 'i -Min . ........ Subject: Md. Addition., St. COUNCIL FILE No ..... ..... .... .................. ......... ....... .... .. .............. ................ ..... . ............... ........ . .. - ...... ........... .... a ...... ........... 0 ............ Date Presented NOV. 14 191.A.e. Resolved, That the plat of D. H. Michaud Addition, St. Paul Minn., as recom- mended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Yeas Mr. C. F. No. 256l, ­*By R. solved. q�h.t the plotoBsof D H. Michaud Addition. St. Paul, Minn., as recommended by the Plat Commission I ,,d,,,p,ov,d 'by the CoCommissioner of Pub,lc Works, b,and the am. Is herebycenthd Adopted by the Council Nov.'141- 1914. Approved Nov. 14. 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) a, Nays / 19 1�/' Adopted by the Council In favor Approved >�� 19 Z14� Against YOR �A .1 I 59c) CITY, OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GE AL FOR Subject,`._ Approval 'of Award of -Con-tract £ - theGr ing--of Hudson Ave+)K��`� COUNCIL !'t' FILE No. .... ....................:... .. _.__._..nne...fr.om._Ear-1 Stseat....t.n..Heste ...treat. ..... ............._..._....................... Date Presented.. -Nov. 13th Resolved, That the award of contract to Mr. Peter Dickson for the Grading of Hudson Avenue from Earl Street to Hester Street, Engineer's estimate being $1056.88, for the sum of $1,000 be, .and the same is hereby confirmed and ap- proved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 2569 By M. N. Gose— trto a Mr.T PeterTh Dieksond of for can- actthe grading of Hudson u—no from Earl Street to Heater treat, Engineer's ea tlmnte being $1056.88, for the sum of $1000 beand thea Is herby can- an - firmed and approved8 ant the Corpora - 'ton Counsal'Is hereby Instructed to draft and submit the proper form of o tract therefor. 1 e'A P dupted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914. AProved Nov: 14th, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Yeas (r) Coutilmen (11 Nays Farn worth Goss Kell Mc 11 01A iry Yoe Mr. Presi a rs .o.N ..e-: n Adopted by the Council In favor _41 - Approved l .191 Against -- - MAYOR 5'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE AL FORM Subject:...--.- Approval -.of, Award .of Contract .f. the con r Boon, FILE CIL NO.. ...... ...... .. of a Sezvex.....an-Ery ....5tzeel_irom.._Uni.vers.i. ... Avenue....tc_ S:i....-Aithflny. Date Presented Nov. 13th -I914..... -=_ N Resolved, That the award of contract to O'Neil & Preston for the con- struction of a Sewer on Fry Street from ,University Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue, Engineer's estimate being $2268.00, for the sum of $1,970.48 be, and the same is hereby con- firmed and approved, and the Corp& -ration Counsel is here- by instructed to draft and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. Yeas (11) Council .en (P) Nays Farnsw rth Goss -j In favor Keller McCol Against O'Lear Yoerg ( Mr. Presiderte Po ers-- ronw c.s-z C F. No. 2570—IIy M. N. Goes— Reeolved. That theaward of con- tract to O'Neil Sr Preston for the eon- atruction of n sewer on Fry street from University avenue to 8t. Anthony avrnne. Engineer's estimate being 11111,00, for the on, of 11.970.41 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel Isb.e"by Instructed to draft and sub- mit the proper form of contract there- for. Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914. Approved Nov. 14. 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Adopted by the Council ` 2r /�K-191 Approved _��, T .191 {{� _- CITY OF ST. PAUL -� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE AL FORM J Subject: -- ApprovalofAward. of Contract r--the--Gr ng of- all in �r�� COUNCIL•, FILE 0... ... .. Blaak..4,...Eareatdale__�dditinn...... ........ _....... ..... ....... ............ _.... .............. ..... - .... ........_....._ Date Presented ..Nov. -13th--I91.4.,.- y Resolved, That the award of contract to Mr. Peter Dickson for the Grading of alley in Block 4, Forestdale Addition, Engineer's estimate being $477.35, for the sum of $500.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Cor- poration Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Yeas (b") Counc en (T) Nays Farns orth Goss Keller MCC ULea Yoerg Mr. Press e , �.e•m C Resolved. That the N.CoasT f con - 3 tract to Tor. Peter nlckaon for the - �. grading oftill Si -in Block 4. Forestdale Addition. Englneer's timate being ${17.35. for the a �m of $500.00 be. and thea me Is hereby confirmed and -p - tile A d theodotoodrnratttn Caunabmlt st Is t=een .11 the oiler form of contract therefor. Adopted by the Connell Nov. 14, 1914;. Approved (N 1 4. 1 (Nov. 21-1914 1� - Adopted by the Council 11�1G�l/': In favor Approve - 19114-1— Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:..... Approval of Award. -of -.Contract -for- the--Grading--and Improving' ).r",72 COUNCIL .... FILE NO._.: .............................. .. of HvtheS,tree.t._. r.oxn:.A.nsS¢e.11....Stre t...t.o.—HandalL S.treat......... ....... , Date Presented-.... -Nov. 13th- I94........... Resolved, That the award of contract to Mr. ChFist Johnson for the Grading and Improving of Hythe Street from Doswell Street to Hendon Street, Engineer's estimate being $1720.24, for the sum of $1,452.00 bet and thee me is hereby con- firmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is here- by instructed to draft and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. C. F. No. 2572 By M. N. Gas. — Resolved. Thnt the n and of ti tract to Mr. Christ-1.1tre— for the grad, ng and improving of Hvthe street from Doswell street to H nd— street, i Englnre o¢ timate baI141A.69-, 1 ,4.24' Cor t 1,2 sum f $1.45200 ba gp{{ ctb- herehv conarmed and b nd' the Corpor¢tlon Coun I 1 h. by:l.- stnreled to draft and spbmlt.the Drop- 1 r form of con tact therefor I Adopt ad by [he Council Nov. 14, 1914. Approved Nov. 14. 1014. t Nov. 21-1914) Yeas (1,)Com cilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council �� � /_�,__. _ 191 L� Farr iworth Gos In favor Kell r Approved 191/_1 Mc oll Against O' ary Yo g :,;Mr. Presi en , -Moron CITY OF ST. PAU)-'-"' NERAL R JTIC 0 T : N C:OUNGIL RESOLUTION— ENERAJL RM of or t Approval of Award, of C oTLt r �for. th , urbIng of Tatum Avenue t C S tr,.t lt Str t 0 C Sub* 31 n Street nd Chelton PL"'81N6F9m ................. . .. .. tj a �L ee Ch el TAinnehaha. S tr e et to Ch4 V P hag.A!�-q ............... ...... . . . Date Presented.. Nov. 15411_1914 Resolved, That the award of contract to Mr. J. J. Connolly for the Curbing of Tatum Avenue from Minnehaha street to Chelton Street and Chelton Street from Prior Avenue to Tatum Ave- nue, Engineer's estimate being $828-18, for the sum of . $803.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 2571—By M. N. Goa.— Resolved. That the award of contract. to Mr. i i Connolly for the nothing Of Tatum avenue from Mhmeh1h. 4ut jeet to Chelton street and Chelton t, et. from P,I.r, ­entuo to Taturni enue, Engineer's m ate being! ' 18 f" the sum no of 1,111�11 'b�,d 11 fie urns 1, are,. , run, ron d pI -proved, and;tbe Corporation Counsel is hereby Irstruited to draft and submit the proper form o dito therefor. Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914. Approved Nov. 14, 1.14. (Nov. 21-1914) Yeas 1/�) Cou cilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council --191 Cou c"M Far sworth G C In favor 0 Approved Ke er M oll Against 01 ary Y Y rg Mr. Presi en ers 4 r... ..a-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL q COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: -- Approval of Award of Contract- for the-Gurtring of Grand r,74 CCOUNCIL No., .... ......................... Avanuet-G.- Bal dwl-n­.S.trees..............__._......_............... t , r Date Presented-... Nov. --13th----I914--- Resolved, That the award of contract to St. Paul Tile Company for the Curbing of Grand Avenue from Fairview to Baldwin Street, Engineer's estimate being $110.50, for the sum of $97.00 be, and the sameis hereby confirmed and approved and the Corporation Uounsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 2671 By 11. N. Cos.— . 11-1 ed That the nWRrd of contra to St. Paul Tile Company';fgr the ee ba- InF of Grand ave—is :frbWR F¢Irvlew to Baldwin Street. Beghieil se-mimate be 1,g $110.00, for the spu,zjjtl97.00 be, and theame la hersby;canQrnsed and approved prov dsand the Corporation Counsel" " Is hereby Instructed to draft and ?.b- it the proper form of cRttr¢ot there- Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914. Approved Nov. 14, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) t( Yea41m�,dewers en (T,) Nays 191E Adopted by the Council ���y �� th / Goss In favor / 191 Approved If Against MrIawv a -...8-2 c.ea r 51-,75, CITY OF' ST. �" COUNCIL RESOLUTION Subject,. Approval of.. Asyard. of..C.o.n aci :RAL F FAQ e .:Curbing._ if V n Buren f �' cout4cl yFILE ...... ..... ................... ..... .. a,at-------•------- ----- Date Presented- ._:.-Nov. 13th --_I914.4 Resolved, That the award of contragt tg St. Paul Tile Company for the Curbing of Van Buren Street from Hemline Avenue to Albert Street, Engineer's estimate $481.80, for the sum of $416.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and ap- proved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Yeas (Y"jCou ""en (P) Nays Far orth Kt Kel r Me oil O' ary g Mr. President o coaM c.B-2 'C. F. No. 2615—By DL N. Goss— Resolved ose— l Resolved, That thea and of contract to 6t. Paul Tile Company for the curb. Ing of Van Buren street from Hareline avenue to Albert street, Engineer'. ea - timate $481.60, for the sum of $416.00 m be, and the same Is hereby confirmed and approved, a ad the Corporation Counsel fa hereby Instructed to draft and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. 1(�J Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914. . Approved Nov. 14, 1914. INov. 21-1914) Adopted by the Council - x i ,./ 191 xi— Against In favor Approve . 19- CITY OFST. PAUL ~ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -G RAL FO Subject:- Approval -of -..Award of--Contra:c ortherbing-of Bayless COUNCIL �4y�� FILENo ...... ..... .:............:.......... ... Benue, ...... _........ ....... . • Date Presented...... Nov 13th--I91..-g.-.-. j Resolved, That the award of contract to St. Paul Tile Company for the Curbing of Bayless Street from Cudworth Street to Hampden Avenue, Engineer's estimate being $669.20, for the sum of $563.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C.r. No. 2576—By M. N. Gose— Resolved. That the award or rOntr4h'4 to aL Paul Tile Company toee:Cli ,,thing of Bayless, street trom.Ed'd, rth street to Hampden anus 1 - glneer's estimate being $669:20; for the sumf $663.00 be, an t same Is horeby confirmed and' approved,and trio Corporation Counsel le hereby In- stru0ted t0 draft and an it the proper form of o traat therefor. Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914. Approved Nov. 14, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Yeas ( V) t ) Nays Adopted by the Council r-191 In favor APProved _ 191 Against Mc Presid NATO �r w� � G1TY OF ST- PAUL COUNCtt- RESOLUTtON-GE�{6AL F Subject. _ _Approval of Award -of - .C.o�it ��� h .:f the.. i.ng-of• Lake Como & Phalen Avenue from Edgerton Str to P e Avenue,IENO1 No.,: -------------- -------- - --------- -- .................. ........ _..... . , Date Presented Nov. 13th --1`91..4...... Resolved, That the award of contract to Mr. Christ Johnson for the Grading of Lake Como a rnc3 Phalen Avenue from Edgerton Street to Payne Agen-cxe , Engineer's estimate being $1155.86, for the sum of $1, 109 - 4a be, and the same is hereby con- firmed and approved , V nd the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. 2577-13 y M. N. Goee— Resolved. That the award of contract to 3Yr_ C Iat Johneonfor-the grading -� of r 1ce Como and Phalen avenue from E dgcrton stra¢t to Payne ue, En- - �iaeer's a t1m t being f3166.e8, for '-ciye sum of $1.109.48 be, and the same 1s taereby co firmed and approved d t tie Corporation Counsel is hereby In- - 2o draft and submit the proper Porro oY ontra t therefor. Ada pt ea lay the Council Nov. 14, 1914, Approved 1140 v. 14. 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Yeas (V) Coun'men (() Nays Adopted by the Council �i�--/�� Farn -orth Goss i In favor F Kelle Approved - 1.91i- McC 1 Against O'Lea y Yoerg -_ Mc Presiden , 4`P6� ton., C.e-2 a CITY OF ST: PAU p ',F S COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM Subject.. Approval of Award of- tract for the ' nstru onion of a .Sewer on Portland Avenue from atoga Avenue arWick FILE No. ....:.............................. -- .....__...._....... - . Date Presented..:. Nov. -13th--I9L -4-- Resolved, That the award of contract to O'Neil k Preston for the construction of a Sewer on Portland Avenue from Saratoga Avenue to Warwick Street, Engineer's estimate being $604.00, for the sum of $490.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved,'and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Yeas ( Y) Corisen (L') Nays Fa sworth G K r M oil O' ary Yo g Mr. President ro,m c.s.2 owe C. P. No, 1111—By M. N. Goss— Resolved, That the ward of contract to O'Neil & Preston for the onstruc- V.. of a seW o Portland avenue from Saratoga to Warwick street. Bugl neer's estimate being $604.00, for the eum'of $490.00 be, and thesame is hereby confirmed and ap- proved, and the Corporation Counsel lehereby instructed to draft and sub- rott the proper form of contract there- for. Adopted ,the Council 1914. Nov. 14, 1914.rove ev (Nov. 21-1914) Adopted by the CouncilLr�/V191 In favor 191 Approved �/r/ U / ??1"` /5,/- Against - - itwvo - CITY OF ST. PAUL °� ^ COUNCIL RESOLOTION—GE5FERAL FORM Subject: .- Approval, -of •Award- of Contract the. Cur g of...Lincoln Avenue-)rl-�� COUNCIL w FILE IVO..... ..... ............. .. ......... .... fs.om..P.fiscal...Asenue....ta....A1bert_.... set. .._..... ........-......_.......... ...... S. Date Presented.... --.Nov. 134,, - -I91....4... Resolved, That the award of contract to Mr. J. J. Connolly for the Curbing of Lincoln Avenue from Pascal Avenue to Albert Street, Engineer's estimate being $176.95, for the sum of $155.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and ap- proved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Yes Mr. C. P. No, 1111—By DL N. Goss— Resolved, That the,award f c tract to Dir. J. J. Connolly for the curb- Ing of Llncoln avenue fr. gIPsla vc- nue Albert street, n ..to being $170.95, for theer'sm Y $166.00 be, and the same Is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Cor- poratlon Counsel Is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Adopted by the Council Nov. 14. 1914. Approved Nov. 14, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Nays j Adopted by the Council �� /�j 191 L� In favor Approved1 19,14 Against ` MAYOR CITY OF -ST." Fsf a COUNCIL RESOLUTION - Subject:.. - Approval of Award of--C-©ntr t- ERAL hurbing--of Taylor COUNCIL FILE Nor ..... ...:. ........ t.............. ................ Date Presented....... i3ov. 13tYr-I91........ Resolved, That the award of contract to St, Paul Tile Company for the Curbing of Taylor Avenue frorn Aldine Street to Asbury Street, Engineer's estimate being $1342.45, for the sum aof $1,064.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and ap- proved, and, the Corporation. Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. N%.1.5T80 —By M. N. Goss— Resoldat the .word pY ontraet to SL Pnul The Company for thecurb- C, b- of Taylor ¢,Venue from Aldine street to Asbury street, Englneer'9 es-', timate being $1842.45, for the f i confirmedband a d the pprovedame d1 the Curt poration Coun el is hereby instructed) ito draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Adoptedby the Council Nov. 14, 1914.1 Approved Nov. 14, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) 1 Yeas (r) Councilmen (P) Nays ,adopted by the Council �O7/ ; �� 191, Far. worth Gos In favor Kell Approved �� 1914 Me 11 Against 0' ry President, Poll s -2 ?F CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL M Subject: -Approval of Award of tract -for 't eonstrt3 tion of a Viewer on East Geranium Str frrom Woodla treet to - _ ......................,......-. ............... ....... - - Daie Presented, --Nov. 13th Resolved, That the award of contract to O'Neil & Preston for the construction of a, Sewer on East Geranium Street from Wood- land Street to Arkwright Street, Engineer I s estimate being $702.00, for the sum of $570.00, and the same ,is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. `c Yeas 4,o _n (Y) Nays th Mr. Prsrolm e 0. P. No. 2661—By M. N. G--S— Resolved. That thea and of -contract to O'Neil & Preston for the construc- tion of s sewer on East Geranium street from Woodland street to ArX- ight 8t.. Engineer's stlmate being $702.00, Por the m of $670.00, be and the 11 me is hereby confirmed andp- proved. and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft loand ub- mit contract there - the proper form of :. Adopted by the Council Nov. 14. 1914. Approved Nov.1914. 1 (Nov.. 21-1914) u Adopted by the Council. 19 In favor ly, Approved Against on MA -- - OP CITY OF ST. PAUL" y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G RAL FOR01,C Subject:. Approval of Award Contract , _or .the .0 ...ing....of Cromwell p' COUNCIL FILE NO...... ..... �. Pvenua:...fram T. T..x�.t:ox.11.� . R:oFd:.:_#v.CwQud m S.'. :...:...... Date Presented....:..,Nov, 13th Resolved, That the award of contract to St. Paul Tile Company for the Curbing of Cromwell Avenue from Territorial Road to Cudworth Street, Engineer's estimate being 0143.35, for the sum of $70.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in" strutted to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. P. No. 2592—BY M. N. Coss — Resolved, That the award of contract tost. Pnul Tile Company for the curb- ing of Cromwell avenue from Terri- torial Road to Cudworth street, En- gineer's estimate being $143.35, for the sum of $70.00 be, and the same to here- by confirmed and approved. and the Corporatiod Counsel Is hereby In. structed to draft and submit the prop - r form of contract therefor. e Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914. Approved Nov. 14, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Yeas (V') Count Imen (f) Nays Farns orth Goss In favor Keller Ooergr cCol Against 'Lea _ Mr. President, ers ro— C.9-2 Adopted by the Council Approved � vp l// ,44_4�_ 19 MA OR - d� �D CITY OF ST. P,AUIL " COUNCIL RESOLUTIOt1--GENP_RAL F Subject'. Rejection af..a11._bids-- .. th.e...:grad.i- and.. -- improvement of Mon' 1 Avenue f West COUNCIL NO............................ ........... ....... ._.... ......._...._....._SeMen.4ne---------•_ --- . ........ ....... Date Presented.. 11/15/14 ........... Resolved, Resolved, that the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the grading and improvement of Montreal Avenue from West Seventh street to Elway street be, and is hereby, con- firmed and approved and the-eurchasing Lgent is hereby au- thorized and directed to ask for new bids, as all bids re- ceived were higher than the engineer's estimate, C. F. No. 2583—BY M. ' Gosa— Resolved, That the etton f the Purchasing Committee in ejecting o.11 a._ cone bdMontrenl ave ale Tro and West Seventh of treet to Fi1waY street be. a d 1s here_ by, onfirmed and approved and the Purehaatng Agent isherebyauthorized and directed to ask for w bide, the nil bids received were higher than engineer aestimate- d by the .-Wil Nov. 14, 1914. Approved (Nov. 2111914) Yeas (1')Cou4cilmen (P) Nays la favor Against Mr. Pre: ,os, c.e-z Adopted by the Council 191 Approved �� 191 _. _ .. MA R __ �5 1 CITY OF ST. P jyy(--.��/� ,,,, // COUNCIL RESOLUTIO GENERAL FOR pf Subject: _�!�/i!�[= "<_6..COUNCIL FILE FILE O ...... G ...... . ...... ......... ....... ........... - _.: ._-............... __:.. .... - Date Presented11/11/14 191 ........... Resolved, That, WHEREAS the Commissioner. of Finance has made requisition on the Purchasing Agent for one Marchant Calculating Machine, net -puce of which is $235.00, which, by reason of a patent is sold at a uniform price only, and no advantage can be se- cured by advertisement or by asking for competitive bids: And, WEREAS, the Comptroller has certified that there is sufficient money in the Treasury of said Department to pay the purchase price thereof; therefore it is hereby RESOLVIO, that the Purchasing Agent is authorized to buy the above mentioned Marchant Calculating Machine for the sum of $235.00, without advertisement or competitive bids. This Resolution repealing and annulling CF.No.2516. Yea: Mr. roar c.e-2 C. F. No. 2684—By S. A. Farnworth— Resolved, That, Whereas the Com- missloner'of Finance has made requi- sition on the Purebas i ng Agent for one Marchant Calculating Machine, net price of which Is 5236 .00, which. by reason of a patent is sold at a uniform Price oNy, and o advantage can be secured by dvertisement or by asking ,,for competitive bid'. And. Whereas, the Comptroller has tcertifled that there is sufficient money ent to :pay the purchan the se priof ao thhe eofmthere. !tore It Is hereby Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent its a thorl,,d to buy the above en- tloned Marchant Calculating Machine for the sum of $236.x0, without advert -I null or competltive bids. This Resolution spearing and n n ll ing C. F. No. 2616. Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914.1 eV5 Adopted by the Councill'� In favor � a�, Approved / Cw / 191 Against r ' H9 ofl,erading Cook _street 27 agpi'ovea sept. a ' aesolved. Thatthe l ns. sDeciacn-. and estimates b sI, fitted by the nmisaloner of PubliJo Works for the - enamed improvement be And the . e are her by npprov d. olved'F rther; Tant thaPurchns- Agent band he is h rrby author - j( and directed to avet'tlae in the C I T or provided by the City Charter i bi da for the malcing P aid im- ,mcnt a rdingtoaid pla s flcations. on the bass 4A1� That, 'OU, iaa n� o traarto .hall farm ,, r d tlllt f ld w rk I ] tie bid-,, Ir_ the matter ofgradin_ .,._._,:'from Y[eetern Abenue CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office to Matilda Avenue. IN 1 under Preliminary Order' 349 ., Intermediary Order 1$56 . "v" h Final Order 1737 approved sept. 33, 1914. Received �[ City brk Act"*". yy -� ! RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted 1L&�tG by the Corimissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be � �� and.the same are hereby approved. n RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the rsanner provided by the Cit z Charter for bids for the making. of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That -the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish' all labor and material for said Mork at a speci- fied sun; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per - f ormin— the same. In said advertisement. for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu theieof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract-, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Vorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the JG it �j-U Lj /= 1914. Yeas ( ) ilmen ( ) Nays orth Go r 1 rysr. President,, s_ Appro7 d 61�C 1914. nPUBL payor ISD �% "a % � . i.C...F. No. 2686— �, 'to tttt 1 J. 'C . I.. tic��s and�estlm¢tea� ubm(tted�by��[he `�",�r7 esioner oP Publiq Works for G. ; named Improvement tre end the e here Uy approved. li, A. Ed Further, That the Purohas- ILII 't of be and he is hereby author - t GOL i dire t d to advartlse in the ' ' tl- ..�.•. provided by the City Charter- "' for the r n1 id i, In the matter o£ oonet1 a`.°audit "a'� 'a' "on Marion Street from I OF SAINT PAUL e. "g Lawson Street to Geranium i _reet. r f i�rY , " City Clerk's under.Preliminary Order 396 Intermediary Order 1659 r"" Final Order 3334 approved ootober 37, 19.4•- ted; Reee', ed of Cif �lerkJluf4�e�Vke RESOLVED, That the plans,'spocificatior_s and estimates submit f �a7� by the Cot:�r�issioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be wz, 1�'' f and the same are hereby approved. 'f: r rf �f L; '• r int be and he is hereby j RESOLVED FbRTY_ER, That the Purchasing Age authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City% Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidd2r:or contractor shall make se.id improve- ment by force account, recciving a percentage of cost. price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the.,Ela�;,ch�sing Agent shall require a bidderts bond to -the amount of at'least twenty per cert. of the laid, conditional for tie execution of a contract with the City fox the perferrance ofbaid work in accordance -aith the plans and specifications in case the Zid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a ccrtifi,:d check for ten per cent. of the aYnount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agett shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or al`1 bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as ::;,_y be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the oorirr.ittee authorized to a`;ard the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be o_` opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should 'so done by the Corr_lissioner of Public Ciork8 by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Go wn^ 1 %/ /—U 41_ Yeas ( ) Cc ilmen =_(� )—Nays Far worth / Gos Ke 1 r MCC 1 OIL ry r. President,. Approv 1314-• dayor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ., 37 1 Subject:..................................................._._.............................................._..._....._.._..__..._._.....-----..............................................."COUNCIL FILENO .......:.................... :.............. ........................................................................... t Date Presented .._...._•..... ......_...._ .191 ............ i Reso ed, That the application of the faliowin persons fora license to conduct FW*,vaa3=, Restaurants at the looations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such 1i.oenses to said appliocrts upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT, XUBUMM RESTAURArTS- Bowlin & Lunkenheimer Business Lunch VKalogerson & Co. Lunch Room 1/ Albert -B,e,ck,, / Rooms & Restaurant fT, t�twQ' Restqurant Paskales &pBrovm Lunch Room Yeas (V) Coo cilmen (V) Nays Far orth Gos Kell Mc 11 O'L Kt Yoe Mr. President, LOCATIOK8* 486 Jackson 1581 Selby 942 Raymond 172 E. 3rd (2nd fl.) 211 East 7th St. C. F. No. 2s.7—By Henry yMcColl— ' eeolved, That the appll cation or the lowing persona for a. lice... to con_ duct restaurants at the location. re- n eeceti veir indicated nd and nuns and cies same i. atno�la to i..ue such licenses to a Id pplicanta upon payment or the fee requ lred by I.— Bowlin & Lunkenheimer, Basin,.. 486 Lunch, 486 Jackson. ,.,0 & Co., Lunch Room. 1681 Selby. Albert Beck, Rooms and Restaurant, 942 Raymond. (2nT. d Annast, Restaurant, 172 E. gra, P..it is & Brown, Lunch Room, 211 East 7th St. Harry C. Boss, Restaurant, 979 Wabasha St. Adopted by the Council Nov. 14, 1914. APD toved Nov. 14, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Adopted by the Council— _—___In favor _ _ ._Against LA CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM __.....__..._ 1-5 H� ' . SLLbjt:Ct :.:........................._......_......._..................................................................................... COUNCIL PILE No.... ........................ . ` ......... _... _............... ._.... .. .... .......... C R volved Th�t'tlt appItB ""the 1� - following Perepna, PP < 'ducE^I;estaurAmeis( ;qei"l lob" a Presented........................................191........... tPeoe-; speotlYbly; indleoted jbe and. the aeme herabY are granted 'and the-Clty Clerk j isthorized and dtrected to Issue �euehulicenses. tol;sald appllcante..- pun 'the .payment of,, f e„required by ` taw_ (`un'. Georg” �'feeta rant, 184 Eastl r / - - Rr s.,'Buelneae Luncli, 738 Val- BusInes e Lunch, 61; solved. X Ranco, sas T"t the application of the lollciUk 'VAZVone ror a license tb aonda0t,2Q*9Uxbx ROGtauraute at the locaticntI respectively indicated d > � and the easalo hereby Sze granted, SMA tbOr Oity Clerk is authorized directed to 10*U* 8120111liosne86 to said >ap>slicai►ta upon the payment Of the fe f required b! law - !WE OF ApRW=x0R RESTAMANTS, LOCATiols. Gus Georgi Reataurant 194 East 7th .Mair BroB. Business Lunch ✓ 738 University `y iness Lunch V1 516 JackEtn l F. gkweres Bus Tom Niteti, Lunch Room 468 8t. Peter 49 Nest 3rd �g Fred Plante Business Lunch / John Stoyka Restaurant �/`- 739 University G. DioniGOP01110e Lunch Room ✓ 170 -8th St. N. Aoebe Business Lunch J 121 So. Nsbasha. C. BacigaluPo Lunch Room 359 Jackson C, Bloc], Restaurant V 242 East 4th C. Nepper Lunch Room 324 West 7th J F. LaPage Restgkurant s� 345 Wabash& a 4 Mitchell &Washington Lunch Room / 30 East 4th f Frank McAtdell Lunch Room 1674 Grand Ave„ Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays � 191/ Adopted by the Council --FSC F sworth ' G s �In favor ler Approve 19 Oil Against ry I�vaLrsr�n 11- L-,.4 Y AYOR Mr. Preside rs �'tt the application of the following persona for a license to eonduct 33QiX1J1XS=Rastaur%nt at the loaatione respectively indicated be =4 the same hereby are denied. NAim or APPLWANT. �]�AXRESTdlLi. LOCATION. :PJalter Defour Lunch Room 200 East 7th 411 C. F. No. 2689—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That the application of the -; following person for a license to Con duct a restaurant at the location re speotively:.indlcated- be and the -same 'hereby le dented: - Walter. D : •efear, Lunch Room, 200 7 it 7th St Adopted by the Council Nova 1.1, 1914. Approved Nov. 14, 1914. (Nov. 21 -1914) - Yee Mr Nays In favor Against 0 Adopted by the Council—jLfl�lr ��-191 Approve 191 MAY'R -- TO THE HOXORdBLF TRE COLTYCIL of the City of St. does hereby make application to t e C cil of the C'y of St. Paul for a License to conduct a . ........ jV and .. ......... ........... ........ ....... ........... ............. to that end does hereby certify as follows: at the It ame of t pplicant for said License is.. and his Zi*Vlace of residence .. ........ street ICWvwm� in the City of St. Paul; that is the exact location of which the said applica 0 os s to carry on business is... in the City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is zpe in the now gaged in aid business City of St. Paul. Dated thio�day of.. 4ac'04 Applicant. Date of Expiration of License.. Date of Inspection— — 1. . � W -�' 6 r. 191 '.Z Fire Protection Ventilation of Building Meats and Provisions....... Beds and Bedrooms Toilet Rooms and Plumbing Kitchen and Utensils --a 'If —V .... . . .... .... Refrigerator and Store Room' Basement and Cellar.. 40,114< --- ------ --- Back Yard General Condition of Premises License Recommended City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: try 4 Health Officer. DatePresented............................ _.................... 191............ f Re ,!pKed, 'mt the arvIioation of the fallowing; persone for. a 110emoo to oonduot ,gatels at the looatione reapootively Indloated bee# and ttl.rpDze hereby are grunted, and the City Clerk is author eed'and 41re ated tc lazuea au*b 11*e"eas to Esaldf ap ^iiealaltte upon the payment of %be foe required by lett. UMM., or APPLICANT, BMW LOCATIONS. s/' Albert Back Rooms & Restaurant 942 Raymond Ace, H. Hittman Hittman Hotel 238j- gest 3rd John Kostuch Van Buren Hotel 561 Van Buren \` Joe Dotty Hotel 309j Jackson L. Demos Rooms & Boarding 376 Jackson (2nd Fl.)- Cora A Dayton Snelling Hotel 477 N. Snelling J. Battasta St. Louis Hotel 9 West 3rd St. Ycas ( v') Counblmea. ( V ) -0 Mr. ['reside In favor _—Against Adopted by the Council( yL 191 Ap e 191 MAY R Resol d, That the application of the f*210WW pQsaona for to 110en8e ' tc cossduct Ho'.telu gXx%Xxt=wx0 at the locratioW respectively itaciloated be and the wase hereby ase denied. WAIM OF BPT.'LYCAS'Ts, ROTEU i Fir LO'CATIOS. C, A. Hyde Rooms & Boarding 229 East 8th L. Frantz Oakland Hotel 180 E. 7th., 34 E. 3rd (2nd fl,) Mary Lattaza Hotel Cox & Taylor Rooms & Restaurant 107 East 3rd (Aome Club) Yea Mr D C. F. No..2G91—ty Henry'%cCoil— Resolved, That the application of the following persona fora.1 cense to con- duct hotels at the locations respective - JV indicated. be :and the-s¢me hereby •are denied: C. A. Hyde, .Rooms & Boarding, 229 . East 8th 9t. L. Frantz, Oakland Hotel, 16.'i:'7th. -May Latin—, Hotel, .34 I) 3rd lFrid. j Floor). - Cox & TaYlor, Rooms '& Restaurant, '((Acme.Clulip, 197 East 3rd 9t. .adopted by the Council. Nov: 14. 1914. Approved NOV. 14,191C - i -(Nov. 21-191 41—In favor Against Adopted by the Council vA-/Ar �191 Approved 19W o MAYOR To THE HONOR.IBLE THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Partl: X e.. does (/.. ............ .. ............ -------- ............................................... .... ..3 , of License to conduct a.�"-.-, by malke, application to the�ncil of the Cil�. of St. Paul fora .......may® .. and .f� "flows.. to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant 'for said License is and hisC�,place of residence is fe -street Z'.,"m4in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said nt poses to carry on business is... in the City of St. Paul. That IbP'said applicant is ZX .,.now engaged in said business a in the City of St. Paul. Dated this/ ay of 191- 4-L, d- - ............... .. . Applicant. License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant inspect Approved: Health Officer. 0 i� t U �'� TC THE HONORIBLF TEE COUXCIL ofthe City/ of& Per I ------------------- - --- does City of St. Paul for a Licen-se to conduct atl� -.! and W ---------- to that end does hereby certify a follows: L h f 11 f the licant for said License is r t hat the u go e ay!j�= and his t%4.place of residence .,street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that is the exac3 location of Whit the said applica t roposes to carry on business is in the City of St. Paul..jhyx the said applicant is now engaged in said business at.1ra the - City of St. Paul. , /I" Dated thi day of.... I�gcolt Applicant. Date of Expiration of License. : 19 Date of Inspection. .... . ........ Fire Protection--, Ventilation of Building...... r, ............. Meats' and Provisions. j Beds and Bedrooms. J s. Toilet Rooms and Plurnbing__,,'1154 Kitchen and Utensils... Refrigerator andStore R Basement and Cellar.. Back Yard... .... ............. General Condition of Premises License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspsgor. Approved: Health Officer. C�', 'TO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: does --------------------------------------- hereby make application to the Council f e City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a ............ and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant for said License is - and his (its) place of residence is !77,(..� . _ . .- street ( avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said a licantpro oses to carry on business is - / ........., in the City of St Paul. That the said applicant is now engaged in said business at.._�T. �'a the License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Insp�ecto�r. Approved: �- Health Officer. A ' f, C�', 'TO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: does --------------------------------------- hereby make application to the Council f e City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a ............ and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant for said License is - and his (its) place of residence is !77,(..� . _ . .- street ( avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said a licantpro oses to carry on business is - / ........., in the City of St Paul. That the said applicant is now engaged in said business at.._�T. �'a the License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Insp�ecto�r. Approved: �- Health Officer. J w� TO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paid- does ........... .. .......... -- -------------------------------------- ---- S"t hereby make application to the Cou5 of the City of St. for -).icense to conduct a and ........... . to that end does hereby certify as follows: ;Khat the full name the appli nt for sai�icense is— and his (its) place of residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —7�meet (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that is the epct location o which the said appikcant proposes to carry on business is.. .1. applicant in the City of St. Pauli. Th the said's inthe ....now engaged in said business a City of St. Paul. Dated this__.day Of Applicant. .191 Date of Expiration of License 19L. Date of Inspection— Fire Protection -'- Ventilation of Building --- Meats and Provisions... Basement and Cellar. Back Yard General Condition of Premises License Recommend d City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved; Health Officer. 9 Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER COUNCIL o. FILE NN Date• Presented 191 e . RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred,as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 1141 A. Braohett 280 F, 6th St. RealY & O'Brien, 280 E. 6th St. r. Benedict 493 St. Peter St. F.w. Benedict, 497 St. Peter St $99, Walter J. Johnson,147 V. 5th St. Theo. G. Peterson, 147 W. 5th St F.. No. 2592— aesolved,: That the following deefg- led llcenees to Bell intoxicating Par - ant to opplicetio a dulY madeethere- No. 141, from A. Brackett, 280 E. 6th to Kealy & O'Brien. E.. Bth-BL 97, from E.W W._Benedict, 492'gt eter 8t, to E. W. BenedicQ 497 St. ter St. No. 299, from Walter d. John, 1,11, 47 /. 5th St., to Theo. O: poteroon, . W. th 8t Adopted by .the council Nov. 14, 1914. ,.Aproved Yoh 14, 1919. (NOV. 21.101,):,. t Yeas ( /) Co cilmen (./) Nays F sworth Go In favor Kell r Me ll Against O' ry You Mr. Pres] en , Adopted by the Council-��191/� APprov d 191 MAY R Subject CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE C t� COUNCILFILE No. COU 1 Date Presented _191— RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the,locati^s re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant., Location. E. A. Tana 353 University ,Ave. C. V. No. 4693--,. `. -- --- 4.111. 1.4r Thatthe ttorrtaDllcret onof the IM.Nto, tail spent, Ming liquors, at'the location"re- epectively Indicated, he, and the sione aersby; W-Irrsnted, and'the City Clerh Is-autfiori¢ed'-and•dlrected to leeue'suah llceneesYo :said applicants upon'ilie filing.., !the bond; and the Daymonithe , therequired 'by late, :n A iDanz,:a53 University Ave. Adopted -by the Council Nova 14, 1914. AProved Nov. 14, 1914. (Nov. h-1914) tt P 1. Yeas ( IFa e"men (./) Nays Adopted by the Couri.61 1 191 sworth In favor rApprov 191 oil Against ary g Mr�eslLS MA OR FINAL ORDER. In the \natter nr_ change of, grade on Crowe].1_.._avenue_.from _Orchard._.etreet. to 3 c.Kenty etreet ander Preliminary Order `5.53 _approved July. 6th, lq 4_ ���777--------���jjj .. a P Proved Intermediary Order _ '2 1 al I ... A public hearing having been had upon the above impto� ment upon due notice, and the Council having beard all poisons, ob,.icctions nud recommendations relative theroto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the 1'01111ail of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im provenleut to lie. made by the said Cit} is ._ __ and the Conned hereby orders said inlprovcnwnt to be Made. RESOLVED FURTHER, 'Pkat the C'onuuissiouer of Pnblie Works be nud he is hereby inslruclod and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improveub,nt, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said tlppl-owl, the prejler city officers ;In, hereby authorised rind directed to proeeed with the making of said iolprownwill is arenrdauee therenilh, Adopted by the Comlcil I � - Oty Approved.__._ _ 19_...__ [;nnncihueu Fa swo•thO i G s j / L 1 'eary erg 'NIA ' rs —Y A l REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ]o the \larhroan...._.-i Crowell_..avenue from Orchard s b eet to _ ..._ ._ ; cKeat tr.e.et . _ .__ under Preliminary Order approved...._July_6tkz.,__114. To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: The Conun`issioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is: f;.25,0,0_._.?oTl asse58aDle improvement. The lots or pareels of land that may be assessed benefits Fur said improvement, and the assessed valuation of eaeh lot oi• parcel as hast reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot G BloAk ADDITION 11 Assessed Valuation 01 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he tills investigated Dill of the aforesaid umt.ters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together ,vith the ].,•portmade tr, Ili,,, in refeeenee to said matter by the Commissioner of Publie Works. Couunissioner of Finanee. J^.y.3.'-....31.,- ............... _........... 191_.4 . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cd, known as Council File No........5.5.0........... ff approved ..............._,_..1.t1 .jC.....4.x......._..........._191....4., relative to............................. 1 . to ore . r i;rase Qn �ro�rell Gs�:. Paota Orohar3 �.................................. _...---._cam n,�,`°....4�........................._.............._...._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_............ _...necessary and (or) desirable. 2. he estimated cost thereof is .---- -- --' and the total cost thereof is......._...........`_.''` ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..........................._.._... ............_........................... ...... .......... _............ _ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached aiid made a part hereof. •'.........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject v. Said improvement ie.._.rr� -. to assessment for said improvement. _.............. __�_...._.......................................................... ............ ...... Coni ssioner.of Public Works. ua OSCAR CLOYy ss oxrw JEss rA ow Oss oxrx GEORGE H...... r.... x �c��rtxt�Eltk ztt ��r��i� �nzk� . E au Athuit_ St. Paul, Minn. June 6, 1914. Mr. td. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works 011 Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Crowell Ave. from orchard St. to Mc Kenty St., it accordance with Bd. File #40021, approved Aug. 14, 1913. I am advised by Mr. G. 0, House, Supt* of water Dept. that the proposed change of grade will not necessitate any change in the water mains. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. r � ' Ci�y v,�,�` j €� i �►�r��jJAu i► pjepa3rhrrzye,n�Fwf �;iiblc`'vr;ks ROBERT T.GOURLEY. Oepory0—..-- - M.N.GOSS. Commissioner - OSCARCLAUSSEN.Chi.f E.91-11- - J. E.CARROLL. 5u pr. Con.rrucHon A Repan. ALFREOJACNSON.5up1 S.nil.li.n G.H.HERROLO. Office Enyin.er St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 7, 1914. Mr. M. 11. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, C 1TY. Dear Sir, - In the matter of change of grade on Crwoell Ave. from Orchard St. to Me Kenty St., as shown by profile #86, I beg to advise you that the street is now at a grade that substantially conforms with the proposed change of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at some future time to the present established grade, it will mean considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be made of record. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. M. N. GOSS n OSCAR CLAUSSEN COMpt—ONRF PUBLIC W00.H5 CaIeF F—MBE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. July 25, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Crowell ATe. from Orchard St. to Mc Kenty St., in accordance with Council File 9553, apprOTed July 3, 1914. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. coax x, c�aaxas, OTT o..nnn' CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CZJMK'9 OFTIOE Hon. 1d.N. Gose, Cosmr. of Public VIOYV8, C I T Y Deer SiT-- M - 2, OP,, R L NOV 16 1914 COMMISSIONER .OFG�PUBOLICSS' WORKS Nov. 18th,1914. Attached Final order to ch nge the grade of Crowell Avs, from Orchard St. to HcKsnty St. as per profile ettnched, woke laid over toNOVHAMR 231d,1914, mid referred to your depnrtmeit. There seemed to be only on a party objecting to the cnvige of gr..de. Your= truly, City Cl erk 1� 9 5 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. in the Matter of,change. ,of. grade on Avcn street frOP Ur iverAity a en..u. .. .e . tO ....... ... oaf o nd s-txzet.. july 10th 1914. iluder Preliminary Order.98 approved /7 .................... ..... ....... Intermediary Order 62 ..approved - - ........... I ........................ - A . public hearing having been had upon the above illivrovellie"t "poll due notice, and the Council haviug heard I all pel-solls, objections and I-ecolillneudations relative thereto, and having fully considered the Sallie therjore, be it kind I theft the precise natu d In 8 VED, By the Council Of the Y Prov to be made by t1_W Said Avon street University avenue hango the gradeof .......................................from...................... . to ...................tree.......Leond street ........... acoording to profile hereto attached and made a part hereof. The blue line representing the old grde and the red line the no's grade aS hereby established. Adopted by the Conned... 'erk. Approved Mayor. Councilmen Fai swortli C� P. No. 2595— Il lha� i anue �'vo DY lo' 'h grada on. wee r.- I eiia a Go S to Lafond street under t , ry Order B98 approv ;19 4. , �Prry Intermediary Cod 2105, Oct. 15, 1914. "a v 4K ler having b had. A Public be 'S'=" ".ri upon 111. b.vo�r'.Pr - ��ap _du'. notice, and the'Council int, pgLoa r Tom"'¢suM all persons, cbjectlorW:_%rT ta. an dationg relutive there 9, t. fully considered the anot;iherefore, be; 0 0 Lell" Council .0��jhe Leary itResolved, By the C'narl- nature. a'- Cityl Of St. Paul I that the pr� verne 0 b a g tenteand it 1. . ro rure erg h. h r.de 0 . tvc t, ni rsltY avenue to Lafond street accor I t pro is hereto attached tj rt re-) of., c tilos11 c representing c at an line the nein, grad0 ar the t O"Cll hereby ere o improvement to be, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matte- l of ._. change. of, g*,ad.e_...or, Avon street from University avenue to under Preliminary Order approved..__.j_uly 10th, 1914 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated Amount of the assessment for the above improvement isk._5_,...0..0..._non assessable improvement. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: dM �'C /j�dvj ��/Jf��/V,11114 W-*,;4401 DESCRIPTION Lot lock ADDITION Aasesseci Valuation i lei � i 6i o 1 --- ---- --- DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc It ADDITION' II Assessed Valuation TP IF _Y.�rAeu�� _ � /� i I f The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid wxtiers. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Co veil, together with the r,,port made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....___Ct�,_._.. (.9 .. ..........._..]9L Commissioner of Finance. A i�y v� � Ain► . A � C VOIF - i i ROBERT T.GOURLEY. DepUly Co--l-ne1 M.N.GOSS. Commis.ion— OSCAR CLAUSSEN.Ch'IF Enq.n..r ' J. E.CARROLL, S Up1_ Corlslr-- 6 Repairs ALFREDJACRSON. SUpl San4.1— �+ G.N.NERROLD.OFFIc.E.g—.r St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 7, 1914. Mr. Ia. N..Goss, commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - Relative to the proposed change of grade on Avon St. from. University Ave. to Lafond St., I wish to supplement previous letter,, hereto attached, with the following advice: This change of grade is proposed for the reason that the grade as originally established"would seriously damage much of the improved property°along the street. The proposed change involves less grading than the original grade, and therefore no estimate of cost is needed. There are no buildings adversely affected. Yours very �truly, Chief Engineer. ;V6 .... .___ M. N. DOSS COppmS510NRR IMM NORRS b OSCAR CLAUSAN Ri18P 7NGINRSR CITY. OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. July 22, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Avon. St. from University Ave. to Lafond St., in accordance with Council File -ra98, approved July 10, 1914. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. `D P AF 191_fit I z Mayor. 11 1111vor, comicilmell Fa IISWOI*tll ICr. No. $696— on G I' the matter of.chalLrom streetdo Toton ,t3 Nor I It sset aiy 'Order 591-- APIP'.6 A" i* rd trr;�21A, -P,,' .11ev 1914, proved Oct 16..19#¢ Dad public I upon he 'a P" 6a., a dation. relative ;t - t ' lisreforeo fully considered a Leary - he It Cit. art 'a' a oerg that jh6.�prehl$e,nature, f St paulb; t t and kind of'jtaproVeenchange , Clj��pj',.t..tr.h.t me�ndc by tile sold grade of Ryd. street tl��f Way according P R do to the N. I; t9 to profile ere . attached ad re Thblue Itr- Part hereof. re et senting the old gradel'and the re n hereby estah- _the new grade In hereby orders lisped, and the C. ' Improvement' J.J' ' 'Zode. 'sold , h Cm a j lzet..W-11 Furth , I he Is sioner of Public Wodkdjr`i5-0tad to pro - hereby instructed %old 'par. plane an " "brAlt isme t the t, d so ja�provepcarn 'approval.- that upon said Council f*the "AtT OfEl",. are a, proper to0 �ap_P.rb'y' .�othorl..d ad 'dfirected . pr I"pr-'e coed �Ilh the do. therewith. "an' In accordance Adopted by Co1914,ncil Nov. 16- 1914 - 4 ix A L tt ljOUN('JL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. �jj�jo.n ,street. tQ 'r t r 0 e t f 2� or' III tile Matter of change Of of Way, . y�Zj�t approved July 10th, 1914.. 1111der Preliminary Order loterinediai-3, Order Z) approved A public hearing having J)eeii had upon the above, improvement 11,1011 due Ilotiee, and the COUleil having heard IIII persons, oh'it,etiolos and recommendations relative' thereto, and having filly considered the 'jinw; therefore, la! it I extent at d kind of in IIE'SOLN-EI), the ('0111161 Of the City of St. Paill that the reuse natty .", L prov/jelit to be 111 17 V /Y the, Said City 1 17 7! Q hangs the grade of ........ ..... from...... . 9' -At'l*'a" attached and made 8- F.;411- -01. V"Y ........ s cc ording to Profile 'bWe+o s old grade,and the red ne the new part hereof. The bluelire representing th gradeline se hereby established. Approv (I 191_fit I z Mayor. 11 1111vor, comicilmell Fa IISWOI*tll ICr. No. $696— on G I' the matter of.chalLrom streetdo Toton ,t3 Nor I It sset aiy 'Order 591-- APIP'.6 A" i* rd trr;�21A, -P,,' .11ev 1914, proved Oct 16..19#¢ Dad public I upon he 'a P" 6a., a dation. relative ;t - t ' lisreforeo fully considered a Leary - he It Cit. art 'a' a oerg that jh6.�prehl$e,nature, f St paulb; t t and kind of'jtaproVeenchange , Clj��pj',.t..tr.h.t me�ndc by tile sold grade of Ryd. street tl��f Way according P R do to the N. I; t9 to profile ere . attached ad re Thblue Itr- Part hereof. re et senting the old gradel'and the re n hereby estah- _the new grade In hereby orders lisped, and the C. ' Improvement' J.J' ' 'Zode. 'sold , h Cm a lzet..W-11 Furth , I he Is sioner of Public Wodkdjr`i5-0tad to pro - hereby instructed %old 'par. plane an " "brAlt isme t the t, d so ja�provepcarn 'approval.- that upon said Council f*the "AtT OfEl",. are a, proper to0 �ap_P.rb'y' .�othorl..d ad 'dfirected . pr I"pr-'e coed �Ilh the do. therewith. "an' In accordance Adopted by Co1914,ncil Nov. 16- 1914 - Approved Nov. 17, i -(No, 21-1914) ix A L tt REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G I t the Alattvr Of .-change._ of. .,grade._on_Ryde_.s.treet fr.cm- Union__street to the N. P....._ri.ght_._9.f,-A.ay.......__ ........ _... _........... _..... _.................. .. ............................ ......__...._........._........._ .._......_...._......... .................... ..........._............._......._ .................. .........._.................... . July.l..pth, 1,9..14 -- uuder Preliminary Order approved___.. ____... To the Council of the City of St. Palll: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _._..25-00....no.11 assessable improvement. The lots ol• pal -eels of land that may be assessed benefits for said Inlpl'nyelllelll• illlfl "le if SRI sed valuation of each lot or parcel as bast reported by the Assessor. are ns follows: _ - �17LL12 / DESCRLPTION Lot IBloek, ADDITI N Assessed V91Udtloll o DESCRIPTION Lor '4Block' ADDITION Ass—sed vnlvetion 0, J'd, p The coluloissiou er of Finance further reports that he hill; iuvestigated all of the aforesaid "latter%. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report "lade to hien in reference to said "latter by the Conn"lissioner of Public Works. Dated....._:f/�. __..._.........._141. t:.. / /_ Ciolllllllssl0❑Pl' Ilf 1''In allee. 1 Office of the Cornnussioner of Public Works, , Report to Commissioner of Finance .................A. ®t...a0.................._.........191....4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ............ 581. ........... approved ............. .....J111y...,10.,t...................... 191....4., relative to........ ....... ........ .... ...................... aha lge_...of.....grade......on._Ryde.....S.t.......fxom.._Union....S.t.........t.o...._the....Foxtbern....Paclflo ..................... RighE_._o3.....�ay......... _.._ _.............._............ ._........................._............_........................ ......_........................................_... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._.. �;X&N............ and the total cost thereof is f.._....._. •.XXXY_...__........ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................. ......................... ........................... ....... ................ _......_....._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ....... .... ................................................................... ........_................................... ................ .................. ........................ ........................................................ ..:..._.......... ........... o. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. '..... ..... ... .... ....... ............................ ... .. ............... 7 '.mmiC.mmissi ner of Public Works. VF' D,e'p adr,h:rrzTe rtdF w1f Puiib,I i c ) P-1+5 ROBERT r. GOURLEY. O.p.ry C.mm—1—I M.N.G03S, Commissioner OSCAR CI-I E.qm— J. E. CARROLL, 5p, Lon.rructron E R.­- ALFREOJACRSON.s.pt. S.- tion {. G. N. RERROLO, Office Eng-- St. Paul, Minn.yinn. Oct. (, 1914• Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Worlm, CITY. Dear Sir, - In the matter of the change of grade on Ryde St. from the right of way of the Northern Pacific Ry. $o Union St., as shown by profile #302, I beg to advise you that the street is now graded at a grade that substantially conforms with the proposed change of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at some future time to the present established grade, it will mean considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be made of record. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. S t � . � d � I [ I . I' i- ! l I I i t {. � 1 �, t I I � } i .. �i {j� ti � �' @ 5 �5 G'� 1 F� �� 4 r COUNCIL FILE NO.. FINAL ORDER. In the Mattel- of change of ..gra3egr. Carroll avenue.. .._P.ilder avenue. ...__..._. ..............._.........................__............... under Preliminary Order 597. __... ._;approved July 10th1914...... Intermediary Order ._ ©2 ! ._V approved A public hearing having been had upc the above imnprovennent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered the sauce; therefo•e, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the prelfise uatm•e eerten _ ai�d,kmd of a - proven'Poit to be naadcb , the said Cityfjis < Change the grade- of ......1jTTp7,. AW"w• • • f rom...... " avealue. to..... yI314Ler. 8,veMW.......... acc ording to profile hereto attached and made a part hereof. The blue line representing the old grade line andthe red line the new grade line as hereby established. Approved....).? . .-._ /.%.__.__.19h— Councilmen 9 — Councilmen F nswo•th G s K lei- 0 ei• 0' eary I o rg 0 i'. ! S. •if i�l,S a {?r ��� 1 � r COUNCIL FILE NO.. FINAL ORDER. In the Mattel- of change of ..gra3egr. Carroll avenue.. .._P.ilder avenue. ...__..._. ..............._.........................__............... under Preliminary Order 597. __... ._;approved July 10th1914...... Intermediary Order ._ ©2 ! ._V approved A public hearing having been had upc the above imnprovennent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered the sauce; therefo•e, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the prelfise uatm•e eerten _ ai�d,kmd of a - proven'Poit to be naadcb , the said Cityfjis < Change the grade- of ......1jTTp7,. AW"w• • • f rom...... " avealue. to..... yI314Ler. 8,veMW.......... acc ording to profile hereto attached and made a part hereof. The blue line representing the old grade line andthe red line the new grade line as hereby established. Approved....).? . .-._ /.%.__.__.19h— Councilmen 9 — Councilmen F nswo•th G s K lei- 0 ei• 0' eary I o rg 0 r ..........._ .............._........ Mayor. i'. S. •if i�l,S a {?r ��� 1 � r ..........._ .............._........ Mayor. i'. e. J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Mattel, of ghange_of...j.='...d, _on Carroll averue from _Finn avenue., to... Gilder avenue _._ .._._. _.... ._...._._........ ... 10. .._191.4 _...__ _......._ ander PreliminaryJuly t.:11, Order approved _____....._... ..._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ass follows: 25,_00..._non assessable The total estimated amount of the ass''eppssment fm• the above maprovernent is :�_......... the - tsemeH cels of land to bores seal grade eniediii{lnproeeeentsldpehe east nq En`C'• records.' r valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 9 y- .. DESCRIPTION--- Lot Block ADDITION--- -Assesse Velnet'on Ir 0 syn � 7 f i 'Che Commissioner of Fivanee further reports that he has investigated all of tlir aforesaid matters. a.ud hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report wade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....._._ Commissioner of Finance. July.._1+........... -191.4- ........................ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No .......... 5.,9.7.........._..approved ._...................... iul.y.....1Q„,,..._.........191...._q, relative to......_.............._..... ohange. ................................ ............. .............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $_........_.r et........ and the total cost thereof is .................. .............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ............... ........._..._................................. ....... ................_.._............._............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is. ......... _... a:. .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C missioner of. Public Works. OSCARCLAUSSEN M. N. GOSS CmRP ........ COlOi1M10NRR PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORMS - st. Paul, Minn. July 20,, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile of a change of grade on Carroll Ave. from Finn Ave. to Wilder Ave., in accordance with Council File 1597, approved July 10, 1914. It will not be necessary to call in the property owners as this change of grade is for record only, it as much as it conf6rms to the i-provements now it place, such as curb and sidewalks. R-;pectfully subr(it '� j Chief Engineer. �l 4 $ A V,; r i t ;� ri k 1 1' r. � t� i • i r i i r �2 1p;98f COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. in the Matter of Change Q: r3.de on Cleveland Ave., from _Scudder ._street treet frorq Rayccnd_ Ave.,_ to Cleveland Ave. to Carter Ave., and Knapp s .. a 1 n•ovetl June 15th, 1914. colder Preliminary Older 175 _ _.. .l1 /.. - �,� Intermediary Order !/ __...approver! „ C•�/ /`-' ��!`- . _ A public hearing havilig been had upon the above ialprovenuent ,poll In,, notice, anc( the Council -llayiug heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the ('ouueil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and hind of inl-. - te dfi°'Gll:'pyE,ro>i{ Bgilifi11f7RTRfi` proveuunt to be made by the said Cjfy- ��� Scudder avenue .. Change the grade of..Jlevelexil-avemle.•••from ....... from Raymond averue to Cleveland avenue to.Carter sygJgp¢,{CpRpp,$tr@ ^ ccording to profile hereto attached and -made a part hereof. The Blue line representing the old grade line and the red line the new gradeline as hereby established. Cle r ( oillleillllell For Worth C F No. 2698— In the-DTatte of change of grnde�• oP! Cleveland: Ave, from feudder street'' , (x,lg to Carier a, and Knapp, street fromRaymond Ave., to Cleveland' Ave., 'under PrelimlparY Order 175 Kell 1, approved -'lune 19th. X1914 TntQvma d]aty Order 2112, appr ved b 16th. 1914, A Public hearing •hQvtng• been hart upon the aboive improvement uDdlt/3uee notice.,and the Cdunell having hee.rd alt peFsons. oblectfpns .and recpmmen_Y (1•I ill d tlG relative thereto and Asatng y Yully oheldered-the same;, -therefore,. Ile 1t Tt4eo y 'the Co o .i ^C! 1'o •g toy-,sr.�ttsetish�re�rJ`t.>r \la made bYq tl;a sold tY; 16 ? YVe -grad of Ciev ls6g aa -IC epd d veri 8:' t l: rt e3b _ t. 8 .1 st set L ms2ny{no d Yg fie_ta ,Cleveo er to &t aV or In to Profile- gr Thetblae d-.-ndepresentingrth thee0li grade111, sad. the red line the n ped Colanciln9herebYY orderestabslsh td -'cod or* vem..t.to be made. -R...lved Further. That the Couiinls- `yam -loner of- Public Worcs be and he Is! - hereby instructed and directed to Bre-I P' plans and . pecId tlone Yor s Id improvement, ands bmlt. ams to tho Council, for e -approval; .that upon �Suld approval, the -proper_ ettY o]Yfcera are hereby- uthorIced and directed to.. pro -.I r eed'Ith.the making of said lmprove- Q ment 1n accordance therewith. - Adopted by the Council Nov. 19, 1914. ADDrovAd Nov. 17, 1914. (Nov. 21-f 914) 4 t i FF� 1� l 7 ij j r A t REPORT OF COMMISeSIONER OF FINANCE In the ;\utter of Change Of gxade_ on. Cleveland Ave... frcm_ S.oudder._S.t._ to Carter avPnue,.and.Knapp .at.xeet_..fro .m Raymond_Avenue.to_97eve1and__ avenue. under Preliminary Order approved . June 19th, 1914. To the Council of the City of St. Panl: The Commissioner of Finnuee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _2_5_.00.._.no.n assessable improvement. The lots m• parcels of land that may he nssessi•d benefits for said improvement, and., the assessed valuation of each loll m• parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I I DESCRIP'T'ION IL.t lock ADDITION Il Assemr d Vele ion I 7,4 /(f a4l 6"ILL �� _ The Commissioner of Fivauce further reports that he Inas investigated all of the aforesaid chatters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the reportmade to him in reference is said shatter by the Connmissiouer of Public Woks. Dated_......: _............ ._...7J1.. Comahissioner of Fivanre. Office of the Commiss%ner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ... ...... .... ._............. ._J.u1Y....z $...........:..............191.. `*.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........._13A............ 'approved ..... _........ Ju7:.Y..._17,0........__......._....191_'x..., relative to - ................... _._...........c_r,. x,^e...4f.....x.:e......Qn.....leyelenci..Ave_,....._from...acudder..._S_....._to..__Certer..._At'..e..z...v... x1d.....oxo....4,1��Ph...._5..t..,....._fro..nl..Ray,;ond..._�Q..._�_leve_land..._ vez...._.._........._...._................_..._....._........_...........:.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. X. �..._.,..._...., and 1. The estimated cost thereof is $......... YY ................ and the total cost thereof is.........'................ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............... .................___.._.............._..........._._.................................__......_... .........__............................................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...... '< 5. Said improvement is\ ..--.-asked for upon pet�tion of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis 'oner of Public Works. wt ROBERT T. GO UR LEY. Oeparyeamm —.Ir M.N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCAROLAU SSEK,C-F Engineer J.E.CARROLL.Eupt. CoestrucHon 6 Repairs ' ALFREOJACNSON. Supt. Senitet— G.N.NERROLO,Or-I Engineer S�. I'aul, Minn. _ Oct. 7, 1914. Mr. M. 11. Goes, Commissioner of Public Wort®, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - e In the matter of the change of grade on Cleveland Ave. from Scudder St. to Carter Ave., as shown by profile 7x399, I beg to advise you that the street is now at a grade that substantially, conforms with the proposed change of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at some future time to the present established grade, it will mean considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be adopted. Yours very truly, t 'v1 Chief Engineer. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your honorable body as follows: That the present street grade on North Cleveland Ave- nue, between Scudder and Commonwealth Avenues, be substantially retained as it is now graded, and not changed to conform,with old elevations on file in the City Engineer's Office. some of your petitioner ,are now living on North Cleve- land - others contemplate building homes there, and we are in teat need of City water, and pray our honorable body to help us maintain present street grade sq that the City Water Board can soon g ve as much needed water., Respectfully requested by:- sa ET 4 �illi .i9 1914 A COUNCIL FILE NO..... 13Y'_ ............ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter a , change" cf._o.n Qxarge, atr,eet fx..om Payne...ay.,-rue t.a. Walsh atmaet - aad_...an.. Gxcenbriex avenue ..from. Ha7zt.j-.r_rne Zt_ --t.o.-Hyac i nth St. under Preliminary Orde".. 412 approved... june-3.0th 4 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconiniendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ... ..... . . ... ........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans Hiid specifications for said improvement, and sm1unit Mine to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized all(] directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19 ............ City Clerk. Approved... ...... ....... ............ - Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss K. a O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers 9 ul 1, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the 11latter of change, gf.....6.rgde.. o.n Orar.Ee. street from Payne avenue to Fsalsh street and on Greenbrier avenue from 3mrrthcrre mxxxxax street _.... .......__...... ................ __......... _.._ .to Ityacnth.. st.,._et, _.. __....................__. __ __ .__ ...._...._ _.... _...__ __......_....___._. _. ....... _.. under Preliminary Order approved .._June 30th, 1914. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Coin inissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated aniount of the assessment for the above improvement is ....25.,_90. nqn assessable improvement. The lots or pal,e. a of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: n DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION 4 Assessed Valuation I I I I — ---- -- f -� - --- all T i DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION -- �I Assessed Valuation , pyo M2 y �� , zo i The Commissioner of Finamee forther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Conseil, together with the report made to him in Ieferenc/e/t.o said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. ............... C � ... L . Coin missioil er of Finance. i ..T Office' of. the: - Works o Report t Commissioner of Finance M. N. GOSS COI® .1--- PUBLIC mm OSCAR mlen CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. July 14, 1914. Sir. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - In the matter of Council File X412, approved June 30, 1914 I"submit herewith for your consideration and approval, profile #258, Orange St. and profile #lbl Greenbrier Ave. In connection with these profiles I beg to advise you that the proposed grade, as shown by the red line, is at an elevation that does not agree with the elevation as petitioned for in the petition attached to the said Council File. This matter of changing the grade on Orange St. has been looked after by Hon. Charles Oberg, who represented that district vl� in the past City Council, and at his request stakes were set on �l Orange St. at elevation indicated by the"red line in order that the property owners might see for themselves and determine whether such grade would be satisfactory. He informed me that the grade thus set, at elevation 216.0, as shown by the red line on the profile of Orange St. is very satisfactory to all concerned, and he further states that he believes that the grade as now proposed will be much more satisfactory -than that indicated in the petition, in as much as the petitioners did not know what 218.0 or 216.0 signified at the time 'they signed the petition, but they do know that the grade as set in accordance with the stakes, is satisfactory. Whether this is entirely the case, or not, can be determined at the time you have the hearing on the proposed change of grade when the property owners are in to signify their approval or disapproval. A change of grade on Greenbrier Ave. will involve a change in the grade of the east and west alley in Block 3 Stone & Morton's Addition between the north and eouth alley and Greenbrier St., and I would request that a preliminary order be introduced to, cover this in order that it may receive consideration at the same time as the streets submitted herewith. Respectfully /submitted, Chief Engineer. M Ell ml ST. Pl- St.Paul,lSinn. ........ _- 210 the Cormon Councili. 3 city of Gt,paul- owners on Orallge street and 5 We t -he undersigned, proPeTtY * r hoi,crable body to change street,do hereby-petitiOn Your -------- -- penbrier -------- - grade of OranSt street,between Payne avonue and Walsh street, F - d of Greenbrier -avenue between Hawthorne street and Hyacinth St., raiesent eptablish _gr of Orange -sin -t-he--Pr a4eat the-inteTsect ion treet and Greenbrier avenue to an el e nation of 218.0 NAMES LOT Blk Addition Pll 12 L, 14 _04A A9 L__ A' 19 20, _JA 22 YAW 2U. N23 =4tr_ %GINEER'4 24 26 27 28 �4 30 - 32 :A COUNCIL FILE NO-- By O.._ FINAL ORDER. - III the Matter of change of -rade on Kn*p street from Raymond avo ue to Cleveland avenue. 172 l June 19th, 1914. under Yrelinlinary Order a } 1roved / J /—1 intermediary Order ......approver ... r A public hearing having been had upon the above innprovennellt upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, Obieetions alll I've onunendation.9 relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it R SOLVED, By the Council of tine City f Si Y nil that thl pi ecis� a tare 1 xtutt, and kml� I prov e lent to be iil le by the said Citg, Change the gradeofWVP-OlUlti............... . from .... $aymond.asesue...•• ,'leveland avenue ••according to the profile hereto attached and made to ..................... a part hereof. The blue line representing theold gradelone and the red line the newgrade line as hereby established. �j y C, k Approved_�� sz�-vim , Mayor. 6. I the matter f change .�:nade ori (�011ll Clllll t•Il 1'�:11'lui Ol'i.h KnapP street from Raymond, .one 'to Cleveland avenue under-Prellra. Inary. Order 172. approved Iuue 191h;- Gosi1914Inte mediary Order '2111; up -p owed:Oc[ Sb, 1914 Apubic he¢ring aymg beehaduPthebe imprd a lent upon, dueKrlnotice and the Council having .heard F all Persons olijn ectlons and recomme- dations 4•elative thereto, and having:.l fully considered: -the. same;. theref¢re,.. bo It ' Resolved, By the Cquncil of the City O 1 •v o4 St. Paul that the Precise nature, ex-. ten[ and kind of lmproyereent to be made by -.aha said City is change tire': grid on1.I app; ;'St: Yrom Raymond: Z o v nue T Cleveland avenue accordSha; to the �.proale hereto attached' and made a part a scan, . :The blue line rep- Alayo ting the old grade line and Lire Y_ — d line,the nen•• grade;llne. as hereby, �establlshed and the Council hereby or- ders sald'Improvement t..be made: Resolved�Purther: That the Coin nisd v �r 's<v REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'r In the -Matter of change of gradeRavrcond _avenue._ to Q1...ve.a.and_...avenue. ...... ..... _....... under Preliueiaary Order approved..___Jurie 19th, 1914. __. __.... To the Council of the City of 8t. Paul; The Cmnmissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: "rile total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is (__.$.5....Q.Q... non assessable improvement, conforms to present grade. The lots m• parcels of land that may be assessed benefits £m• said improvement, and the assessed vahmtime of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: .. DD�t a� }:. DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation i� h The t �oo,aiisslllllel• of 1',i11alo,e further reports that he bas investigated all of till• aforesaid Inatter.. �- D and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Cwmcil, together with the report uuule to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public WorkH. Dated._. ...... .......191..° Commissioner of rinaner. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said impiovement is.. .......... ... .....necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ .............-....................., and the total cost thereof is h..........._..._..._ ...__............. and the nature 6Sid extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. .......................... ............. .. _ .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. J.................................. o miseioorr of Public Works. M. N. DOSS N OSCAR C AUSSEN <OAIDftS5M. N. PUBLIC WORE[ „ CQIHP GTNBBY CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS at. Paul, Minn. July 9, 1914. 0 4A M6OmmiesioAer of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir,– I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Knapp St. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave., in accordance with Council File #172 approved June 18, 1914. This street was graded in 1889 under contract No. 701, and the estimated cost of grading same to meet the proposed change of grade will amount to $411.80. "?Z '—, v /:-a !� Respectfully submitted, 0. Claussen, Chief Engines , By ineer Construction & Repair. q. 41 1: L-a4l- COUNCIL FILE NO - FINAL ORDER. avenue to C1 vel avep 0 - and A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement UP011 due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections all(] recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saine; t1lerefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. paul that tile preeisc naturt-�IeV.eiit and kind oi iin- de by ity is —21,04til'to -1, Comonwealth avwnue Raymond avenue made a part hereof. -,,he blue line reproventing the old Zrdq and the red line the neW grade as hereby G,-toblished. r� Councilmen Farlavol-th G o S, Commonwealth avenue 'em. Ke I. proved June 19th. 1914; intermediary Order 211. approved Oct. 15. 1914 and the Council having j1caed,it Iy the Council .1 the 01Yal 40- —~—' ~`~` --------' Mayor.` e fr.cim. RPLYm9n,.d... )b' I 0 in,OR,, 'L$i' jectio s,'a , r ww- �FIIRT W3Phat the C(nuillisjoll, of PubiioWorks ])I, and he is hereby ilistruct(t aild 0 cd t prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit s;IIII, to the Council for�� approval; that upon said approval, the proper City offleers are Ilerej, authorized aljtj (lir—ted to proceed with the making of said improvement in arrordanee therewith. Adopted by the Council...... .......... t - Clerk. Approlvcd-).4��.17 —19. Mayor. Councilmen Far vorth C. F. N.. 2601— d 1. the Afatter tof ch—go, f gra on C f Cos manot-wealthta%��II-1,..1-111 4y-; mondd avenue. 1under 1111131ninary Order 171,d,aP- Ke proved211 JUne,19th, -c �d9lOct. ,t� In15. term10 914 et ary ' ,� public herringhad ;up.n lho above dile notice, and the u to oug 1, mel., I Prootoreiallvell","Uns and.rce-ame-c- 'd ti ne I.. u crct, c ""Ing Y ry 11 1 y censidered the same; - therefoofe,: tIt -Resolved, By the C.urtefl,of the MY: Y� St. Paul that the precise nature. ex- hent and d1"nd o" mprolych . me."nt't, the y Is 'grade of Commo made by the -aid Citwealth avenue from, llaA -S avenue to Clevelan avenue I. pr.fls thereto. attached aml ads ,art hereof. The blue H111 or,— and directs P.r,' hereby Instructed plan. and -Pe i,1.1 t" and s rTRroveme cmf.Vj 'tb —11 frtr aid fi A It COUNCIL FILE NO. -- By.. ............. . FINAL ORDER. e fr.cim. RPLYm9n,.d... )b' I 0 in,OR,, 'L$i' jectio s,'a , r ww- �FIIRT W3Phat the C(nuillisjoll, of PubiioWorks ])I, and he is hereby ilistruct(t aild 0 cd t prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit s;IIII, to the Council for�� approval; that upon said approval, the proper City offleers are Ilerej, authorized aljtj (lir—ted to proceed with the making of said improvement in arrordanee therewith. Adopted by the Council...... .......... t - Clerk. Approlvcd-).4��.17 —19. Mayor. Councilmen Far vorth C. F. N.. 2601— d 1. the Afatter tof ch—go, f gra on C f Cos manot-wealthta%��II-1,..1-111 4y-; mondd avenue. 1under 1111131ninary Order 171,d,aP- Ke proved211 JUne,19th, -c �d9lOct. ,t� In15. term10 914 et ary ' ,� public herringhad ;up.n lho above dile notice, and the u to oug 1, mel., I Prootoreiallvell","Uns and.rce-ame-c- 'd ti ne I.. u crct, c ""Ing Y ry 11 1 y censidered the same; - therefoofe,: tIt -Resolved, By the C.urtefl,of the MY: Y� St. Paul that the precise nature. ex- hent and d1"nd o" mprolych . me."nt't, the y Is 'grade of Commo made by the -aid Citwealth avenue from, llaA -S avenue to Clevelan avenue I. pr.fls thereto. attached aml ads ,art hereof. The blue H111 or,— and directs P.r,' hereby Instructed plan. and -Pe i,1.1 t" and s rTRroveme cmf.Vj 'tb —11 frtr aid j REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE` In the Matter of change, of__grade ._o..n Corumonvaealth avenue from Raymond avenue to Cleve land._.. avenue..... .......__....... _. under Preliminary Order approved....._�T.tane.._1,J.th,...191.4_, __...._....... ...____. __...._.. ___ .......__...... To the Council of the City of tat. Paul: The Commissioner of Finanee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is_2.w�T....QQ...37.0..11 assessable improvement, conforms to present grade perfecting Engineers' Records The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 0 ,a The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report wade to him ill referemcr to said natter by the Co moissiouer of Public Works. Dated........ Commissioner of Finanee. Office oL the.. Commissioner of Public Works e Report to Commissioner of Finance ........................ .................... 19L To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuujss�nger of Public Works, having had under consideration t eliminary order of the Coun- cal, known as Council file No....._171 approved......_........_) B..__l��t .....................191.A.., relative to .............. ...................Commonwealth_Ave_....._from.._Raymond. Ave......._to....._........................ Cleveland._ Ave. e. ... _................. _. _........................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............: ................ and the total cost thereof is * ............... ..................... _._......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ............ ............._.__................................. ._................. .............._..._..........__... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and wade a part hereof. #............................ ................... _................................... :.._.................................................... .......................... -.......................................................................... - .................. ....:...... 5. Said improvement is.._._.............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...................... ............. .... ................. ........................ ..........:............. m issioner/of Public Works. OSCAR M. N. GOSS ®UKP C0 idMIS5-R PUMIC WORKS I CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, lfiinn.- July 9, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change, of grade on Commonwealth Ave. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave., in accordance with Council File #171 approved June 18, 1914. I am advised by the Water Department that the proposed change of grade will not affect the water mains on this street. Respectfully submitted, 0. Clausen, Ch in BY gineer Construction & Repair. OP6 ct`i'Y 'OS SA IW,-JVP1.0%� e,�arhrn�etin�l' D� �o��� Paul libtil��r�j\�,vr4ss� �P i ROBERT T.000RLEV, Deputy Commiemoner M.N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCAR CLAUSSEN. CnieF Engineer J. E.CARROLL,Ou p!_ Conslr-- 6 Repe lre ALFREDJACNS DN. Su pt. Banda lion /. _ G.H.HERROLO,ORiceEngineer Sy. Yaul, Minn. Oct. 7, 1914. Mr. M. 11. Goes, Commissioner of Publio C IkB, Y. Dear Sir, - In the matter of the change of grade on Commonwealth Ave. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave., as shown by profile 4102, I beg to advise you that the street is now at a grade that substantially conforms with the proposed change of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at some future time to -the present established grade, it may mean considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be made of record. Yours very truly, Chief (� Chief .Engineer. COUNCIL FILE N0.___________ _ Tay FINAL ORDER. In the flatter• ofchange. of__.gra4q,,,-on Scudder street from_ Raymond_.ay.enue..,. to Cleveland avenue, under Preliniinary Order 175 _approved dude 19th, 1914 _ Intermediary Order /_ upproved A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the ,acre; therefore, be it RE`OLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul th;il fll precise n nture, t xtent/.aid Linder of nu- proven 1 °nt to be mby the said Citi is tr f - Scudder Raymond avenue - —'hangs® the of............ A4... from ........................ to...... Cie �elend� MMI .......according to profile Preto attached and made a part hereat. The blueline representing the old grade and the red Une the new .. gradeline as hereby established. Approved /7 _. ,Mayo•. Councilmen U)sworth 1 s I ler e �r a 0 eary f b Y rg L .rt re Mayor _ to of hnnge of gde p et from rfaymonrad. a and avenue, under. o r171 approved June terme _ ry Order 2114;' e some; Counell precise loner of tete Works- he and he 1e hereby nnatrnctd and directed to pre- pare plans and .ape ciacatfona fur sold lmprp _.t' and salmi[ _ me 1n [he Connell for approval: thatnupon .old apprn�'nl. the Prnprr i•It)' aRirrra a hr rc by' uulhorized nod dirrctad to pros •rd tci th the m:t lei oi,- t aid Impro�e- in rd:t at•r ihrt.lh. my\dap tedeh �N thy —U-11—U-1111ll Nov. 16,1914. --rd N21 r 1 1914. . (Nov.oe. 21-1!1144 ) n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE fte In the Xlatter of .QhaA-0_..of....gr.a de__O.n.._S..Cl1dder._atre_et...fr.Q l .Raymond ..avenue.. to.....C.l.e.?reland....avenue._.. ............ under Preliminary Order approved... June, 19th1914 To the Council of the City of St.. Paul: The Coin missioner of Finance hereby reports as follows; The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is �....�a..r?...Q.Q. non assessable . improvement conforms to present grade. Perfecting Eng. Records. The lots or parcels of land that cony be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed vahmtion of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid undters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report wade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ............. �C _. __..]9L� i Commissioner of Finanee. I slid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......... _............necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is y._................................. and the total cost thereof is$.................... ............_._.._...._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... .......... ........................... _.._.:..... ................ .................. ..................... __..... ........................................._.........._.................._............................._.........._..........._............................................................................._.........................................._................_.........._......_ _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _................._............ _... _._..................................._............ ..... _....... _........ ............................... ...... ............................. ...... .............................. ......... 5. Said improvement is .........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..........:_..............._.......................... ........ _....... ....................................................:........ Coi a issioner9of Public Works. 1'. t ROBERT T. Go URLEY. OeD.lr C-1-10— M.N.GOSS. Commissioner OSCAR CLAUSSE1.11ie1 E1,11111 J. E.CARROLL, 9UDL Lonslruclion A Rape irs ALFRED JACKSON, $.P1 Sanire Hon - O.H.HERROLO.Or-. -91 er St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 7, 1914: Mr. M. Td. G&ss Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - In the matter of the charge of grade onoSeudder St. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave., as shown by profile 77340, I beg to advise you that the street is now at a grade that substantially conforms with the proposed changu'of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at sone future time to the present established grade, it may mean considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be madw of record. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. v COUNCIL FILE NO -- 13Y FINAL ORDER. III tl� Al.tt,l. of . ..... chan--e. .0f on. the e,jje.y 7,4nni gjEast and_ .Taest . in . ........ Block 3, Storle& -l.ortcnls Addition. under Preliminary Order approve(, July 16th, 1914 ........ .. .... . ,2 Intermediary Old— ......approved 1/1' A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ED, By the Council Of the City Of St- Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of in'- -14de by the said 'ey, is �hange the n Fk ...... Stone & Morton's Addit ion..according t 0 the prof:Ll e hereto attached and mad* toxx....................... a part hereof. The blue line representing theold gradel�ne and the red line the newgrade line as hereby established. Councilmen Y on. to a v. tiierete, anY` having fully too.Id dered the home;: thetefore,� b. It Re only d By thw Council oC'the City, Resolved they. That the Commis. sloner of Public Works be and be 1 he by instructed and directed to pro- pare plans and specifications for old Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said pro c 1. the proper city ' officers are hereby m,d and directed I. r— with rhe. martin!; of xrtid In;prorr- t to Jrc\d 191J. It. Allayor. CITY OF ST -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FtEPORT OF COMM � IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIARY ORDER ✓ . under Preliminary Order approved --------------- . -----� isr.-.� - -- -- - ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-----`------"-""- -- assessable ir.prcver..ent. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION FORM B.S.A. 8-3 A LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i dwe������� o TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL - AWN 1 _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, - - .., ...� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED .. VALUATION+ �/ 4_JJ'.... 23 C4 U G J 77 U� 'Z-0 J'- (U The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said /matter by the Commissioner of Public WWoaks. Dated Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. a -s O Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ............ ........... 391.4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 721 Ttl lug 191..._4, relative to ..................... _.. cil, known as Council File No.. .........:......._................ approved ......___.........`..................... _............ ...... _clen....... =.....encie.._on..._-the .._.alle.y._.running._.east.....and...Best.._in.... Block....3..._..._.. rton!.e..._l_c tion. ..................... _............ .................................................... ...................... ....... ......................................... ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__....... ..... f7 t......., and the total cost thereof is $._...._._...._{ X .................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............__................_......._....._........._.......................................... ___ ................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..................................................................... .... .............. ....................... ............. .................... .... ................... ........... ...................................................._........................................ o. Said improvement is... .......... noi;.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..... .............. ... :..... o missioner of Public Works. OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N.-GOSS Cmsn ¢acWaea cmuasss ;Tx R -C woeas , CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Caul, Minn. July 26, 1914. ...Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on the alley running east and west in Block 3 Stone & Morton's Add., in accordance with Council File ;721, approved July 16, 1914. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. I / COUNCIL FILE -NO_ --IV By. ....... FINAL ORDER. I n the Alatter of, chane. of .wade on. Glendale avenuet.0 :daplewood under preliminary Order. 778, ,approved _J"lly q;st­-1 14 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement 111)011 due notice, and the Council, having heard all pe,sous, objections and recom In endations relative thereto, and having fully considered the therefore, be it i 'stent and kind 0 ini- RESOLVED, By the Council of the city of St. Paul that the precSe 60 'idit to be /L, by'd', saia (Glendale avenue Otis avenue ,Change thegrade of ....................... from ........ ................ ,,-aplewood avenue, to ............................ according to profile hereto attached and made a *rt hereof. The blue line representing the old grade line afidthe red lin® the ne® grate line as hereby established. Approved).? __p7v; - /7 Councilmen For'r wsorth 'v Go S K • her 01 'eery Y, erg Mayor line tthe new gTa 8 M aa My 'tabliahe , and �theS d0o6eit U der. sotdirootovenbenf to be, -fade._ 'Resolved Further: That the',qo .IL .loner of Public Woriks be and he is hereby Instructed and dl—ted to a pre- pare plan, andMp­if­t1.n. f.mia and submitsame to the C-61 for app�lv11;that port Said oval'th.noi0,..r. bb,­h.H.ed and di—ted td- P'r.-: ceed with the making of _R,,t,erjw,t. in- accordance -.th Ad --1 by the Coanclt.Nov. 16- 1'914: (Noy'. 21-1914) Mayor. COUNCIL FILE-Nt).By __.. _....... __. ,Q y FINAL ORDER. tFi`+c":k�l�frrq�ltrtTn�tmprauemeaTst&Si�,�s•JPxue,;.;�,� ,� ,5,:<°?'c.�.�.,, F;,r �-..,:.-�-,r:.r�-----��----..._.__.._._ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans .uld speeifications for said improvement, and smbmit sanm to the Council for, approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the C.onncil.._...._ -ity erk. Approved�U - - - — ' C. F. .No. 2604— Mayor. In the Matter of hang¢ of 6ruda op, CouncilmfKer' Fill-ord) Glendale avenue tcp� Otis avanue•;to- Maplewood avenue; on.00siavenue'u: Y Order 778. approved .Tuly..21st-, 1934; -intermediary, Order 2176;; ap proved Oct. Y6, 1914. - A publia hearing ha i g'.lieen had upon the above Improvement upon, due notice, and the Couhell having,. Leard. all. persons, obleetioha. and�recomm n- datlbns r lgad thergto and hang: 'fully considered the same; thorefora,, be Itthe,o1 St. Paul that the'preciee nature; etent and kind ofAmp'rpvement to be' made by the'sald City 1pphange. the'gradeofGl0ndlq.avenue Irotn. Ah.,.avenue to -Maplewood_ avenue, ac Cord-.agto.proflle hereto attachedo:eenre- ting the oId 'grade-.]insandthat edI1Iay!line the ,new, grade line as hereby es- ' �tablished ah¢ the mCounellhereby or- dera said Improveent to be made.:; Resolved Furth r That the Commig;� - ion of Public Wok be and -We 1. hnroby i„ t u sed a d dlated-t p e- `C eoul�n 1,. cne ro ioi(1.lyov. 141914: .1Ppt'av,,l Y�v. 1' � 1 ( COUNCIL FILE-Nt).By __.. _....... __. ,Q y FINAL ORDER. tFi`+c":k�l�frrq�ltrtTn�tmprauemeaTst&Si�,�s•JPxue,;.;�,� ,� ,5,:<°?'c.�.�.,, F;,r �-..,:.-�-,r:.r�-----��----..._.__.._._ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans .uld speeifications for said improvement, and smbmit sanm to the Council for, approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the C.onncil.._...._ -ity erk. Approved�U - - - — ' C. F. .No. 2604— Mayor. In the Matter of hang¢ of 6ruda op, CouncilmfKer' Fill-ord) Glendale avenue tcp� Otis avanue•;to- Maplewood avenue; on.00siavenue'u: Y Order 778. approved .Tuly..21st-, 1934; -intermediary, Order 2176;; ap proved Oct. Y6, 1914. - A publia hearing ha i g'.lieen had upon the above Improvement upon, due notice, and the Couhell having,. Leard. all. persons, obleetioha. and�recomm n- datlbns r lgad thergto and hang: 'fully considered the same; thorefora,, be Itthe,o1 St. Paul that the'preciee nature; etent and kind ofAmp'rpvement to be' made by the'sald City 1pphange. the'gradeofGl0ndlq.avenue Irotn. Ah.,.avenue to -Maplewood_ avenue, ac Cord-.agto.proflle hereto attachedo:eenre- ting the oId 'grade-.]insandthat edI1Iay!line the ,new, grade line as hereby es- ' �tablished ah¢ the mCounellhereby or- dera said Improveent to be made.:; Resolved Furth r That the Commig;� - ion of Public Wok be and -We 1. hnroby i„ t u sed a d dlated-t p e- `C eoul�n 1,. cne ro ioi(1.lyov. 141914: .1Ppt'av,,l Y�v. 1' CITY Off,ST. PAUL - DEPART/ �OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM�fSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER- under RDER- under Preliminary Order approved --- ------ -/(-l`-`t----Ki.__.-------�-�1---/-- --------------------------------------------------- C/ ----------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ assessable imp-rcvem-ent. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION C7 00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- -�f .—-------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.O.A. 0.0 C September....5.,..._.................1914... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._.....7.2.8..._........... approved ...... July...: 2.1.,...1.._ ... ......... ............._1914......, relative to....._....._......:.....:... ........... changz_._of.__.grade.__on_._Glendale.__Avenue..._f_ron-_:_Qt_ Avenue................. ........... _.... ................ ............................................. ......................... .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._...... -;XXX .......... and the total cost thereof is $........... ;iXXXXX.......... , and the nature and extent of said improvers}ent is as follows: ...................._............. _...........__........___............_............. ................................. ...... ........................ ................ ............. ...................................................... _............................... .... ....................... ................. ..................................................................... ............ - ............ ........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................................................._........................ ..................................... .................... ... .... 5. Said improvement is__::.._?}t......._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject, to assessment for said improvement. Con Hiss ver of Public Works. OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. GOSS _ - q.— axcixaax coe��ss�orsxn evai.rc woxxs CITY OF SAINT -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - St. Paul, Minn• Sept. 4, 1914. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, CITY. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Glendale Ave. from Otis Ave. to Maplewood Ave., in a000rdance with Council File #778, approved July 20, 1914. The proposed change of grade will not increase the cost of grading,or laying water mains and there will be no damage to buildings. Respectfully submitted,[ i.1 a Chief Engineer. I COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER. In the 11111tte, of change,of grad on Map;ewoodaveTue. frcraSOmerville...... avenue to under Preliminary Ord appr ove( —&eptemblex Intermediary Order "proved ......... e improvement upon due notice, and the Council A public hearing having beef, had upon above IIILVillg hear(] all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLV D, BY the Coci, of the Ii,y of St. Paul that the precise nate'e extent and kind of �011 .ve, made by the itent 7111, said C)& • a5i Maplewood avenue Somervilleavenue Change the grade of ......................from.......................... Como River Boulevard ...... according to profile hereto attached and made a Part ., to ................... hereof. The Blue ling representing the old grade line and the red line the new gradelins as hereby established. Clerk. I Approved-))VV—'j7 19/d/ Coun, tiel'ovlement, —d sut� it ­n,c to the Cou'"'i for approval; that one. said "pqr­1 , the tiPlIper city officer. a. hereby ethezed and directed to pro_ as ed with the making of said Im Prove_ . It accordance donce thcreu,i 'th. 45 Adopted by the Council Nov. 16, 1914. Approved Nov. 1 7, 1914. (Nov.21-1914) Alayor. oil I COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER. In the 11111tte, of change,of grad on Map;ewoodaveTue. frcraSOmerville...... avenue to under Preliminary Ord appr ove( —&eptemblex Intermediary Order "proved ......... e improvement upon due notice, and the Council A public hearing having beef, had upon above IIILVillg hear(] all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLV D, BY the Coci, of the Ii,y of St. Paul that the precise nate'e extent and kind of �011 .ve, made by the itent 7111, said C)& • a5i Maplewood avenue Somervilleavenue Change the grade of ......................from.......................... Como River Boulevard ...... according to profile hereto attached and made a Part ., to ................... hereof. The Blue ling representing the old grade line and the red line the new gradelins as hereby established. Clerk. I Approved-))VV—'j7 19/d/ Coun, tiel'ovlement, —d sut� it ­n,c to the Cou'"'i for approval; that one. said "pqr­1 , the tiPlIper city officer. a. hereby ethezed and directed to pro_ as ed with the making of said Im Prove_ . It accordance donce thcreu,i 'th. 45 Adopted by the Council Nov. 16, 1914. Approved Nov. 1 7, 1914. (Nov.21-1914) Alayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF. COM .1-SSIONER OF FINANCE" ON PRE !#NARY ORDER n , In the Matter of>--_+—�—�– under Preliminary Order approved --------------- ��^''�- ------------- ----------------- -------- --- ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 25 QQ----Y-1----- assessable improven;ent. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION s 0���114� a Y/ oCo d0 `%U a �0 'Z u a 7u0 TOTAL, •�-' �' i1 - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL.ItI'INARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION_ l� yaa. � o a o.. / O 0.: �3 �� da �i� p.. a z o c9n� J_2 . U . /s 4v a o .. s o . c, o (i�(C�TI` W ?NO c ��/L! �•ui�aa � �O �f � s lk 0. a(I lz�� 5� 2,�l all, TOTAL, hh :- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON •PRELIMOARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION , �/fiaC., The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference jtt000 ssaiiC d Dated--( by the Commissioner of Public Works./ - -----._----- Commissioner of Finance. FORM 9.9.A. 9•3 G _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No_ ........... Pall ........... approved 1.7... ........... .......... 1914....., relative to........_..._............._ .... wood..-_Avenue--,from._Sor ervi_lle ..avenue to ............... Como ....&... RAV -ex ....Bora.levar&......................................................................._........................................................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._...._._n....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ........... and the total cost thereof is $........._ XXXXXX ..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................. .......::............_.................... .............. .........._......_...................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................................ 5. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......................... _....... ........ ,....._ .. Corm issioner of Public Works. i OSCAR CLAUSSLN M. N. GOSS - cRlap s>vcnrsax COEtmI9510Nah PUaLIC WOR85 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL - J DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS _ St. Paul, Tainn. Sept. 4, 1914. %r.�M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Maplewood Ave: from Somerville Ave. to Como & River Boulevard, in accordance with Council File #211, approved June 20, 1914. The proposed change of grade will not increase the Bost of grading or laying water mains and there will be no damage to buildings. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. P. S. Council file #746 covering the same proposed change of grade is also returned herewith. 'i To the Hrnorable J:aT1rr and Crnnci1 of tae City of st. Paul, Z;inrtesrta. ri i The undersi„neo property owners on ltaplezrocd Avenue, in trte City of St. Paul, beta: ri Somi:.arville Avenue and Como and River Boulevard in said Cit,', ao hereby respectfully patition your honorable boat' to cause tyle astablishad grade on said 2,>%ille..00d Avenue betsveer; said straats {” to be lowered, chan,,ed and re-established. That by lowering the said ly nrnv established it will the property grade from the grade as along said A�arle-.ord Avenue as there is considerable proparty abutting �n said street which is below the :;rade as now established; that the vacation of Glendale Avenue as vacated 'heretofore has noK, made it' (el possible to lower the said rade cf 'apleword�ueSra� trxa�?owering A of such grade will. be a great benefit to all.pr*y abutry ? �h's.said ? and ewood Avenue. it I� aH 2 ./ ✓� -� e `'`tom—v3�-3/-32-33-3t' o is ' //064 37 �� Cf 41 Mr. Gourley Council File No ............................ . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. '06 Ejnd /9 :;' PB,EiMaKARY OR v V The undersigned hereby proposes the making o£'ill ollowing public impro nent by the City of St. Paul; viz.:...x.e.a_anatrua_ting....... r.elay. d....r..e..pair.ing....�v .....c.ement.....h1,0-a ts.._.to-._. :._.w..idth...o. ...:..igh .....e.e.t.,_._t_he...... .. a.ent.....slilevzalk_ ....the....vest_.sic e.....Cd..._............... South..._BOOrt..._St..r_,:._be.ginn......at..N.OvA.._at.._._.. ................. _.__.._........... .............. .................. ..................................... ._........_............._..__..._............._............ .............................................. ................... _... ........... _..........._._....... Dated this ............. 7.th_...day .... ...... _....Hamenheir... ............................ ............. ...191.._4.. .... ........... _.......... _..._................... ...................... /............ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:xec.onat:rooting a ld_.I'.epa..fixing.._Mith..._a.ement_..blacker._.t.Q....a....width_..0f.....eigh_t.....faet ,.... the .... .pies.ent...... sla.eralk.._gn.._the .....vie.s.t_...side....nf.... n.outh._Ra.her..t_.u.t.......... hegirining. at 4Yo_od..._St....... ..._th.e..nQ..e._.S..amth.....fi:Q.:..�e..e.t.................................................... ................:........... i C. F. No. 2GOG—BY M. N. 6osa ._..._..... ................... ........ __.. ...... .... ..... ...... .... ... Wheieae,-'a wiltten Proporal for Lh1.' ... making of the following tmpro4oment h' viz Rec.nstru ting, relaying and re having been presented to the Council of t patting With con nt blocka to a Cvldth -•................ ot eight toot th Present idewalk on :the west aldc of Boutk Robert street, therefore, h0 It ! beginning ^at wood street, ,. hence south 60 feet,,having: been presented_ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner to the couneil of,the city of st. Paul;,,iy ordered and directed: therefore, be tt" Resolved',. That the Conan asioeer of improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for < Public, Works be and he Is hereby p �. ordered: and directed: 2. To investigate the nature, extents oriaea rabitiiytoLate> ehmrznecessity, ta ment, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish ae lan, profile or sketi "`2!roTvment a,, p 1 2 a investigate the nature, xtent. • and estimated coat ;of eaid'lmprova •1. To furnish the following other ds.ment, end:,the total,coet thereof.,,.. improvement:... ............ ...... 3 To. r furnish a "Ian, ian yroale or eketch t Bald Improv e t 4 To furnish the Yoilowing other. ... ........................ ........................................................... .. – 'd to a d information x01.duve to said. ._...... ............. ._......... ............. imp v n :nt 5. To state whether or not said no A n' „ �lon of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foie i'ng matters to they- i • of Finance. Adopted by the Council......... Yeas: Nays : Councilman Fa sworth Go Approved _...., ..._/1 ...................19 Ke r M oil Y .......... *-..._................................. _ ..............•.............................. ...vlL..._C. v....... g'.... Mayor P cis - AJ , /� Mayor. �P d CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _.............. - ........_ 6017 FILE NO ... ... ... .:. .., ...... -. ...... f f Date Presented..._..._Iios.._...17...__....._I91.4...... Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause cement sidewalk extensions to be laid where necess— ary from the edge of the walk to the curb line at the intersections of Dale Street between Grand Ave. and Front St., the expense of sane to be paid out of the Crosswalk Fund. C.F. No. 2607—By M.21 6oes— nes.Wv d, That the Commisstoner of Public Works be and he is hereby au- thorized and directed to cause comeppt sidewalkxtension- to- be laid whet'e.. necessary efrom the edge of the walk` .to the curb line at the lot e..ectlons of i•Dale street between.. Grand Ave.'and Front SSL, the. expense :of same, to be Pafd out of the Crosswalk -Fund. :\a.'ted by the Council Nov. 17, 1014. APProve.d Nov. 10. 1014. (Nov. 21-1Q14) Yeas (V') Cqun ' men (P) Nays 1 Adopted by the Council _��.�✓���r---191 �/ Farn , orth Goss _ _ -In favor Kelle Approved_ MCC I Against Yoer — _ - - _- AY ' Mr. President, P wers MAVOR aa CITY'OF ST. PAUL Par. Kuchera - CJ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ............. Subject: .....Q.'.Q9.B.SNaa..S. .._... .... ... ........_... ..... __. _. .. ....... .................... COUNCIL FILE No ... ....., .... Date Presented ......:.....ITov_....AT,...:....._I914....... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herebu authorized and directed to construct brick crossings at the following intersections; Ann Street, both side,, across St. Clair St., St, Clair St., North side, across Ann St, Yeas (i") Cou lmen (i') Nays Far orth Gos __ —._ _In favor Kell Me II __Against Yoe Mr L nt, Owers C. P. No. 2699—By M. N. Goss— - Resolved. That the Commissioner of I Public Work. be and Is hereby -autho, 'Ized- and directed to 'construct brick crossings at the followlntq. Intersec- tions.. Ann street, both sides, across St Clair St. St. Clair St., North side. across Ann S:. Adopted by the Council Nov. 17, 1914. Approved. Nov. 19,. 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Adopted by the Council _1 ri ,_ /�__ 191/ Approved_ 191 -- – — MAYOR --_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ln' i3 Subject: ............. ..... _.._........._� FILE COUNCIL FILEF IVO ............ ........... .............. .. ....._'._........ _.........._....__..__........ _ ....... .....- ...... _....... Date Presented_ ..... Nov- ......1.7 .__......_ ....... In the matter of reconstructing, rebuilding and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet, the present sidewalk on South Robert St., West side, beginning at Wood St. thenoe south 50 feet, under Prelininary Order 690, acproved July 15th, 1914, Intermediary Order 11[x, approved eAugust 14, 1914 and Final Order 1782, approved September 24th, 19148 Resolved, That the Final Order in the above matter be and the same is hereby rescinded. i or 1914 111e, ntermedlaryproved rOider T1160. '1 ap- proved August .14, 1914, and Final Or- der 1782, approved Septembet 24th, 1914, the Resolved, �matte� beo o.nda the Osrnme le hereby rescinded. Adopted by the Council Nov. 17, 1914. -Approved Nov. 19.1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Yeas (1,) Con ilmen (P) Nays Far worth / Go _ f2. In favor Kel Mc 11 _Against ry Yo Mr. President, owers o.M 4i?�% Adopted by the Council _� 191/ Approved > _ 191 -- MAY.OR City of St-Paul �® resolution - General form. Council Department of ------- Bureau Of --- _.__------ _--•••._-------------- _- ------ ___---- _------ ' avaavavvaaaamvvvaoaavmaaaxaxvxaaaaaaaxvavaaaavvavaaaxaaaadavavmmvavmm n Date Presented .._._.___-_•_•_---»-1914. Council File No. ....._._._.--....------------ By(6 L,/y�------ ----------- _-_-_-_--,-_-_-_-__-_-_-_--.-__-_-__--- _-_.___.__.__ Resolved, that a water main be laid on Raymond Avenue from Hendon to Dudley street. �C. r. go. ' 2614 Iv Hall e -= .: ; Reeolved� That n at r main be laid;.. on Raymond avenue, from Hendon to udley street D. Adopte'"c' the Council Nov. 17, 1914. Appro4ed Nov. 19, 1914. (N.V. 21-1914) i �-ir,�_•��,-•__......_...._....__...-1914. Adopted by the Council�!/ .•_._...._......._...._...._._._._-_._._..-_._._._ Yeas ( ) Coun .lmen ( ) Nays Par worth GOB Mc 61 Yoe //.�/ 14:, - Approved -- Sel r Mayor Mr. President, Pow s e.wyw.w, c.mo,,.ti.aa. S A PARN9W00U CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DMPAR%-A 1 OF PUBI.IO'OT IaMES BUREAU OF WATER omcav: a BAST P,rm sraeer November' 16,1914 . To the Honorable Council, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, $t • Paul, yinn. Gentbemen. - The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held this da.te, unanimously adopted the following reso- lution; "Resolved, that the City Council be requested to authorize the laying of a water main on Raymond Avenue from Hendon to Dudley street.,, Very truly yors, Encl. /,! J� Secretary. G i . i Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 16th, 1914, by and between H. W. Slack and the City of St. Paul for furnishing the newspapers for the year 1915 at the Public Library, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are author- ized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 2611—By Yoerg— Reeolv d, That the contract bearing date Nov 16, 1914, by and between IL ��v ,..///''"'YID ' N. Slack d the City of St. P Ul for �'3 r' SV PY OF SAINT PAUL furnishing the neWspaDere for the year y,[y(y 1916 at the Public Llbrary,'be and th dy'� City Clerk's Officesame is hereby approved, and the prop )t -" er city officers are authorlaed and di rE rected to exeecute the same ons behalf oYAhe dopovedbNov e191914 Nov. 17. 1914. ...................... ..._ ..Y...... l�il.. (Nov. 21-1914) Receive if City Clerk Yea4President, Co (G) 'Nays rth ___- In favor Against Mr.ers ro M. Adopted bye the Council �!� �%/T �j 19/ Approved -'191 y Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 16th, 1914, by and between the St. Paul Book & Stationery Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing domestic magazines and irregular subscriptions for the year„1915 for the Public Library, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (V') Cou tiIr (V) Nays Far worth Go In favor Ke r Mc oil _ _Against Yo Mr. President' owers wM ..6.2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office ��// .....191.f.. Re i ed o[ Gityk .�-,•--Ga-- lel � �2.' �”">--....•^} :� Adopted by the Council 1914e' / Approved_ 1911 —— — ----- mnvoa 6 Q Resolved, That the contract bearing date November' 16th, 1914, by and between G. E. Stechert & Company and the City of St. Paul for fur- nishing foreign magazines for the year 1915 for the Public Library, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �a City Clerk's Office �,i . Rec d ofrCity �oClerv._ > Yeas (V) Co cilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Councilzv�L7 Far worth Go __-- __In favor A� — � Ke Approved_M 11 _____Against YoMr. President wens 7,1191 soaM c.e•z Resolved, That the, contract bearing date November 16th, 1914, by and between Thornton Brothers and the -City of St. Paul, for grading and improving Clarence street from Burne avenue to Hudson Road, be and the same is. hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'A*I City Clerk's Office ' -` 70��° . .....u'....191.. Regq['�+d of City Clerk CA 1 Ae7 I (Y) Nays ���� Adopted by the Council }A_191/ In favor -- Approved _ 191 T Against -- MAYOR Garbage'Fund 19 R. c. Boyeson & Co., 0 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 1 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 22 McClain & Gray, Genera]., Fund-ouarantine Acct. t23 Golden Rule, 724 Martin Lumbdt Co., j25 Perkins Treacy & Co., Workhouse Fund 5726 J, H. Allen & Co., 572'jj Crescent Creamery Co., 57213 L. Eisenmenger Meat Co., 57?9 Foley Bros. & Kelly, 5730 E; S. Griffith, 5731 Heward Farwell Co., 5732 Jameson, Hevener & Gr-iggs, 5733 `Manhattan oil & Linseed Co., 5734. N. W. Fuel Co., 5:735 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 5736 St. Paul Printing Co., 5737 Tierney Hay & Grain Co., 738 Joseph. P. Whitwell, Commissioner of Public Works Fund 5 39 T. L. Blood & Co., 5 40 H. C. Boyeson &.CO.. 41 Clymer & Huelster, 2 Adam Deokdr Hardware Co., 557 3 Grossman Instrument Works, 57 4,. McClain & Gray Co-, Meyer Eng. Co., 57 6 N. W. Electric Equipment CO., 57�N. W. Stamp Works. ?3. W. Tel. Exch. Co., 57 9 Perkins Tracy Co., 3.6o 2.32 2.40, 1.27. 3 �-borporate Purposes -Cont. Fire Dept. Fund -Cont. 7 St, Paul Electric Co., 8'05 8.60 8 09 .St. St. Paul Foundry Co., Paul Machine Works, 1 245.61 10 11 Tierney Hay `& Grain Co., Villaume Bos & Lumber Co., 37.0+� i12 West End Lake & Ice Co., 40.600 � F13 Western Supply Co., --- Health Fund 14 .Adam Decker Hardware Co., 4 5 75 15 716 Golden Rulef Mjsyer Engraving Co., 4.00 36:00 717 Fla 2- 1. Moeller Co., Virtue Printing Co., 1.50 Garbage'Fund 19 R. c. Boyeson & Co., 0 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 1 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 22 McClain & Gray, Genera]., Fund-ouarantine Acct. t23 Golden Rule, 724 Martin Lumbdt Co., j25 Perkins Treacy & Co., Workhouse Fund 5726 J, H. Allen & Co., 572'jj Crescent Creamery Co., 57213 L. Eisenmenger Meat Co., 57?9 Foley Bros. & Kelly, 5730 E; S. Griffith, 5731 Heward Farwell Co., 5732 Jameson, Hevener & Gr-iggs, 5733 `Manhattan oil & Linseed Co., 5734. N. W. Fuel Co., 5:735 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 5736 St. Paul Printing Co., 5737 Tierney Hay & Grain Co., 738 Joseph. P. Whitwell, Commissioner of Public Works Fund 5 39 T. L. Blood & Co., 5 40 H. C. Boyeson &.CO.. 41 Clymer & Huelster, 2 Adam Deokdr Hardware Co., 557 3 Grossman Instrument Works, 57 4,. McClain & Gray Co-, Meyer Eng. Co., 57 6 N. W. Electric Equipment CO., 57�N. W. Stamp Works. ?3. W. Tel. Exch. Co., 57 9 Perkins Tracy Co., 3.6o 2.32 2.40, 1.27. #4 000 ate Purposes -Cont. Com. of Public Works Fund -Cont. 6.6o 5i7 0 St, Paul Printing Co•Co., 57 1 L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter26.25 5.00 5 2 - Villaume Box ,& Lumber Co., 12.50 57 3" Washington Foundry Co., 64-40 57 4 Wedelstaedt Co.,� P blit W rk- 300.56 Street & Sewer Fund 1.08 5 55 Barr ett'Mfg- 'Co., .99 56 Brown,:Treaoy &;Sperry, 70:40 5-Enilders � erial Co., 6.25 75�- Charles' Electric Co., Co., 759 `Chica90 Burlington-& Quincy Ry. 1.1'5 5.70 760 Chicago,'Great Western Ry., 152.00 761 Dale & Baumgardner, Utilities, �3 32 62 Dept. of Public 63 G. Hecka 64 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 6.63 40.00 65 J, W. Morrison; 36.10 66 N. W. 87ec.-Equip. Co., 167.0.3, 5 F. J'. Pearce &'Son,. 8 4 67 5 68 Raymer Hardkare Co., 46.25 5,69 Republic. Creosoting Co:, 80.00 5 70 St. Paul Cement Works, 51.00 5 71 8t. Paul,roundry Co., 10.35 5 72 University Garage, Villaume Box & iMfg. Co., 10.00' 13.7 5 74 Western Machine Mfg. Co., 2 5 ?5 W. J. Westphal, Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 134.13. 776 ;Mr. C. Bielenburg, 777 Capital City Lime &,Cement Co., 121.60 1 5. 3 778 Adt Decker. Hardware Co., 40.00 James W. Morrison, 37.00 70 St. Paul Foundry Co., 40_8f� ,81 J. L. Shiely, Testing & Inspection Acct. 0 7$2 American Can Co., 24.00 5783 Clymer & Hueleter, 2.00 W., 6hot & iead-Compapy, 6.,00 �8N. N. 4d Tel.;sch. Co., 2 5 786 Roe -James Glass Co., 5.06 78Q E. H, Sargent & Co., 7$ Transit supply Co., 5•00 ectio General Fund -Ejection Expense Acct. 89 Brooks Bros. Lumber Co., 13.00 96.27 qo, Adam Decker Hardware Co., 4.29 91 Manhattan 011 &'linseed Co.,00 5 F. R. Mann Company, 66.00 .92 5 93 M. J. Moriarty, .70 5 94 Raymer Hardware Co., 3,70 5 95 St. Paul Printing Co., 1.55 5 96 Ed. B. Tolson, 13.50 5 97 'Union Auto Livery, 5 98 W. G. Whitehead, T Corporate Purposes -Cont. School Accommodation -Acct. of the School Fund 4 T. L. Blood Co., 20.5 1.665 5 pp Adam Decker Hardware Co., 17.90 5 o7.17:90 Insulating Co. 6 Plate Glass o., 8 5 02 803 Pittsburgh Raymer hardware Co., 232 Total School Ac •. School Fund 804> American Seating Compangs 7.08 10.30 805 J. F. Bailey, Beier Bros., 8.00 s' O6 Cq T. L. Blood & Co., 12.4 6.44 5 0 Bon Ton Grocery Co., 3.80 5 09 5 10 H. C. Boyeson Co., Brooke Bros. Lumber Co., 7.40 4.00 5 11 Brown, *reacy & Sperry, 0.55 12 Builder s• Material Company, 0.45 5 13 Capital City Lumber Co., 14.60 5 14 Capita.] Plumbing & Heating Co., 11.49 5 15 Central Scientific Co., • 39 5 16 5 1 Crane & Ordway, Daily, Fraser Hardware Co., 12.40 11.72 5 lK Adam Decker hardware Co., 7.50 5 19 20: Louis F. Dow Co., Electric Construction Co., 95 00 177.36 21" Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Co., 2.00 822 Jesse Foot Jewelry Co., 21.12 823 Golden Rule, 59,12 824, Gray Motor Co., 25.55 825_ J. W. sulme.& Co., 10.50 826 Johnson High School,, 22.37 827>'W. H. Kane Grocery Co., 3.00 82 William 7P. Suhnyj, 192.00 829 F. G. Leslie & Co., 18.10 830 Maendler Broe«, 8.13 831 Manhattan.. Oil Co., 4.50 832John Martin Lumber Co., 49.53 833 A. Marzolf & Co., 1 834 L. Ir. May & Co., 30.65 835 McClain & Gray Co., 342.00 836 Melody Paper Co., 26.71 83Z Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 0 838 839 E. A. Northrop. North Star Varnish Co., 40.50 245.59 840 N. W. Elec. Equip. CO.. 79.97 841 N. W. School;Supnly Co., 1.75 842,N. W. Stamp Workss 22.29 843 Noyes Bros. &Cutler, 33.75 44 'Pennsylvania Rubber Co., 5 Perkins Tracy Co., 14.40 5 46 5 47 J. - F. Pearce & Sons, PittsburgYi'Plate Glass Co., 10.00 63.`� 7 5 4 -_ Raymer Hardware Co., 20:90 5 9` Remington -Typewriter Co., 5 5 50 Robinson, Cary '& sands, 55.15 5 r1 Roe -dames Glass Co., 3.4 2 ,Mr. I3:: A. Sauer, 33 Schuneman & Evans, r 8,80 5 4' Shevlin-Carpenter Lumber Co., 9.74 58 5 Standard Oil Cb., 58 6.; St. Paul Book & 6tatinry Co., 311.54 140.00 58 St, Paul Crushed Stone Co., 12:00 58 St. Paul Foundry Co., . 93.03 5'8 9' St. Paul Gas Light Co., 26.05 58 0 St. Paul Printing Co., 1.30 58 1 St. Paul White Lead & 011 Co., #6 v Corporate Purposes-Contt. School Fund -Cont. 58 2 Studebaker Corporation of America 5 3 J. C. Stuhlman, 58 4 Swift & Company, 58 5 E. F. Thoele, 58 6 University Garage, 88 7 Virtue Printing Co., $ Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 58 9 Western Machine Co., Library: Fund 5 76 A. -L. A. Publishing Board, 5 71 American Diet. Tel: Company, 5 72 Water Board, 5 73 <H. C. Boyeson Co., 74 Brown,,Treacy & Sperry, 876 Mr. Buell, :City Club of Chicago, 878 Mr. F. Corning, Browning Press, Crane & Ordway, 879 Adam Decker Hardware Co.,' 880 Diebold Safe &"Lock Co., 881 Detroit Publishing Co., 882 Louis F. Dow Co., 883 Dunn &_Company, 884. W. J. Dyer & Bro. 885: Elk Linen Supply 886 Garland Trunk Co., 88 Ginn & C 888 ompany, 8 : Golden Rule, . 889 C. C. -Hager Company, 890 H. R. Euntting Company, 891 Jacobs,Company, ° 892 W. H. Kindy-; 893 King, Richardeon Co., 94 Kos.'Koskie,,. 95 A. J.•Krank, 96 'Library Bureau Card System, 5 9T Maendler Bros., tf McCla n & Gray, 5 99 McDevitt Tilson, Bargain Book Shop, 5 00 Minnesota News Company, § 01 -N. W. Slee. Equip. Co., 5 02 'N. W. Stamp Works, 0 -B. W..:Telephone Exch. Co., 5 04 Pitt,aburgh-;Coal Co., 5 05L P.itbsburgh Plate Glass Co.. 5 06 Z. F. Ptacek, Co...7 St. Paul Book & Stationery 0 50 Schuneman &,Evans 5 09 Smith Publishing �o., 5 101 Standard Laundry Co., 5 11_ Standard Oil Co.., - 5 12 E. 'A. St' & Co., 5 13 St. Louie Public Library, , 5.14 St. Paul. Gas Company,. 5 15 Tablet & Ticket Co., 5 16 Times Book Company, 5 17 Tri-State Tel. & Tel. Co., 18 Waldorf""Bindery Co., 19 ,1/. E. Wedelstaedt, Total Library Fund, I 19 . 450 26.70 .45 7.49 1.00 .6o 3.00 3.6o 20.00 17.00 3.30 ,50 1.00 5.46 2.75 1.44 7.43 6.00 15.24 4.92 .50 5.25 3.00 3.1 0 .00 4.9.5 86.98 1.08 117.27, 16.19 4.95 16.00 106:61 .85 579:15 1.25 6.3o .�3 1.96 165.41 2.14 4.57 36.00 14.35 2.20 Y 1,316.83, 3.73 404.25 87.45 4.$2 12.65 255.06 21.56 123.17 3.00 350.46 .75 2.50 1.35 _Z o 83.74 22.00 8.58 24.20 6.50 1.96 20.00 1.6o 45.00 6.86 32.50 5.40 341.69 4.004. 3 2.78 3.38 19.6o 1.65 74.55 7:F 5 4.�0' 2.96 321 4.41 3.04. 13.15 2.08 2.75 31 6.66 .83 3.95 3.00 6.50 12.76 5.00 74.69 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Park Fund 0 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 5 1 East Side Lime & Cement Co., 2 L. Bieenmenger Meat Co., 59 3 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 5 4 Indian Refining Co., 5 26 G. W. Keys, Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., "Co., 5 2 L. 'L. May & 5 29-Mcclain &:Gray Co., 5 29 N. W. Fuel Co., . Tntal P rp Fund- und General Fund -Playgrounds Acct. General 5 30 Adam Decker'Hardware Co., 31 N. W• Telephone Exch.Co., 32 Raymer Co.,h. 933 Roe-Jamee Glass Co., Water'Dept. Fund 934 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., 935 Consumers Power Co., 36 Nicole Dean & Gregg, 93T R. C. Jefferson, 93 Hurley Bros., 9.39 T� Milton Fowble,, 5'- 49. 941 Haas 8"°Anderson,. The Tire Repair Co., ' 942: 5943 Tire Repair Co., Builders Material Co., 5944 Fairbanks Morse & Company, 5945 St. Paul Lime -& Cement Co., 5946 McClain & Gray Co., W. Shot & Lead Works, 948= -.Cochran -Sargent Co., 949`- Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 959, 951 Crane & Ordway, St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., 952 Me,dernach &`Zoch, X353 N. W. Stamp Works, g54 N. W. Tel. Exch. Co., 955 L. -'L. May & Co., 956 Field Schlick Co., 7 Niimis & Ni is, 958 Tony Hensler, 959 Quayle & Kelley, 96p N. -W. Else. Equip. Co., - 961 Louis V. DOW Co., 62 Farwell, Ozmun „kirk & Co., 63 Joseph Dixon Crucible Oo,, 65 St. paid Electric Co., Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 5 66 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 5 67 5 6 Robinson, Cary & Sande, Pittsburgh. Plate Glass Co., 5 69 St. Paul Machine Works, 5 70 Shev_lin-Carpenter Lumber Co., 5 71 F. Radant, .H. c. Boyeson Co., 5 73 94 J. H. Allen & Co., Western Supply Co., 3.73 404.25 87.45 4.$2 12.65 255.06 21.56 123.17 3.00 350.46 .75 2.50 1.35 _Z o 83.74 22.00 8.58 24.20 6.50 1.96 20.00 1.6o 45.00 6.86 32.50 5.40 341.69 4.004. 3 2.78 3.38 19.6o 1.65 74.55 7:F 5 4.�0' 2.96 321 4.41 3.04. 13.15 2.08 2.75 31 6.66 .83 3.95 3.00 6.50 12.76 5.00 74.69 A Corporate Purposes -Cont. Water Dept. Fund -Cont. 5975 Maendler Bros., 1.20 2.94 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., 75 59��: q$ Reed Motor Supply Co., d1 �. 19 5fjz9 N. W. Shot & Dead Works, St. Paul White Lead & 011 Co., 45.00 5980 Wayne 0 1 Tank & Pump Co., 190.00. 7.38 5981 Raymer ardware Co., Ford Motor Company, 10.11 59983 Crane & Ordway, 25.6$ 5.984 Goodyear Rubber Co., 60.74 5985 Robinson, Cary & Sande, 7.0 5986- Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 20.`95 87 ,pittsturgh Plate'G1ass Co., 15.QOQ 98 $ Union Braes & Metal Mfg. Co., 5989 St. Paul Tile Works, 4?;52 5990 Louie F. Dow Co., 84.06 5991 T. L. Blood & Co. Fairbafake, Morse L Co., 63.62 5993 St. Paul Foundry Co., 12.80 -95.75 5994 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 4.60 5995 The Andrew. Schoch Grocery Co., 3.00 5996 Co -Operative Tire Co., 19.33 y N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 2.90 5998 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 20 5999 F. V. Garland Co., 6,, 6000 Elk laundry Co., 0 6001 Maendler Bros., 4.00 6002 The Auto Tire Sales Co., 4.53 6003 St. Paul Rubber Co., 1$,15 6004 Burns Lumber Co., 10 6005 M. N. Moffat, 2.80 6006 -600? StPaul Electric Co., Tri-State Telephone & Tel. Co., 21,10 :6006 John A. Bayne, 2.40 .51 6009_ Troy Laundry Co., 3.75 6010.;? C. E. Henri cheen , ?4.50 6011' 6012 W. A. Lane, R. J. Maybell Stationery Co., 6.75 5A.64" 6013 Quayle & Kelley, 6014 Mutual Auto $$Ecialty Co., .60 6015 6016 Reed Motor Supply Co., South park Foundry & Machine Co., .14 47.95 6017 St. Paul Gas Light Co., X7.07 82 1 601 Western Supply Co., 2256, �o Market Maintenance Aect.-den. Fund - 6019 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 5.40- 1.00 6020 St. Paul Review Pub. Co., General Fund -Supplementary Acct. (Parke, Playgrounds & P. Bldge.) 6021 Phoenix Chair Co., 4.84 (Purchasing Dept.) 6022 American Express Co., .49 .,-r.Toka't�S�1ppT"eueni`azy A""_ eco,R.�..�.,a.�.•.,.�,��--.�...�.;D„a�.�.,..,,�.5:3'�' i Corporate Purposes -Cont. Sprinkling Fund Peter G. Arend, Capital City Lumber Co., Adam Decker Hardware Co., Nicole, Dean & Gregg, Northern Pacific Ry., Auditorium Fund Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 1. 0 Monarch Theatre Const. & Supply CO., NO N: W. Elec. Equip. Co., 12.80 N. W. Tel. Exch. Co., 6.09 Peoples Ice & Fuel Co., 6.50 Raymer Hardware Co., 1;080 St. Paul Rubber Co., 85 Special Funds Humboldt High School Library Acct. Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 21.63 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 1.00 Adam Decker Hardware Co., •30 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., .09 20.80 Golden Rule, Kramer Publishing Co., .3.00 Nicole, Dean & GreBg. 9.07 N. W.,Eleo. Equip. Co., 3.72 N. W. Shot & Lead Co., Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 1.00 12.36 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 2.71 Raymer Hardware Co., 3182 St. Paul Electric Co., 1.92 St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., 4.23 Acct. 85.65 v .—Johnson High School Library Bon Ton Grocery Co.,•52 26.10 Capital City Lumber Co., N W. Stamp Works, 7.5.0 Schuneman & Evans, St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 75 1.05 t;gg Q2 \ _ 1 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. Paving Portland Ave., bale to Western General Contracting Co., 7.530 Manhattan 01& & Linseed Co., 5.60 Wells, Fargo express Co., T t Dale 1 4 0� OI 01 0 0 0 C w S Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Holly Ave., Western to Dale General Contracting Co., $ Manhattan oil & Linseed Co., 9 RobIineon, Cary ,& Sands, Market, 3rd..`to 6th ;0 General ,7 Contracting Co., York,& Weetminister, 51 Ari ing"ton:__machine Works, 52,Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., i3 Raymer Hardware. Co., Case, Payne to Westminister J. F. Pearce & Son, Raymer Hardware Co., Robinson, Cary & Sands, Wells, Fargo Express Co., $astings, Bates to Earl, Soehring Machine Works, Xanhattan:Oil & Linseed Co., J. 'F. Pearce &. Son, Raymer Hardware Co.. 5 A .39 8.36 z� 5.50 47.95 7.00 82.90 10 University, Dale to Syndicate 19.83 Diicols, Dean & Gregg, University, Syndicate to Citg limits 6.00 Independent Oil Company, 16.74 Raymer Hardware Co., R.,B. Whitacre & Co., Tot' niversity, yndica a ., Dale ,,Grand :to.Front Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry., 204'35 2 Ford Motor Co., 17.93 Manhattan 011:& Linseed Co:, 22. N.`W. Slec. EgniP. Co., ` 10.915 Raymer Hardware Co,, .60__ Robinson, Cary & Sande, Tot 1, Dale St., Gra d to Fron , 239.33 a Spec. asdea. onat. Ace .-Paving 728.89 Total Corpora t Purpose ...............•. 1A . n Special nda,.... .. 7 e Spec. Ase e. Cons .Acct. -paving Grand Total, 3;861.£ 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM . co°a°IL No FILE e 'vv Ij C1T <O T.01ZE AUDITED._ 'tat PER P nil[ 130 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and ,' in favor of the persons, firms Qr corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed - i1 statealent: l-2- 191 Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council -2- Farnsworth �C Goss F,No 2616—.' S '' �'I 1i Reao}ved• that warrants• -@e drawn] Approvell 191E 04t'OL upowth,¢ Ity Treasury, payable the he{elnaiter apeclded funds and In, J .. Keller McColl P6VOr DP th0 p.rponH am a of eo pores-,. aAr t16D¢' ¢or the ,ani`ounto aeti'_; oDpo¢ltci O'Leary th.ir, respective names las Bp¢cl50d �y, the,f611pw1ng aetened Htatement Purpoe9.s-�-wate;,7,DaDE-i Mr. Yoerg President, Powers ,Corporate Fund-3atactes & A lvsrns�verth.1 Corporatg PuYpo¢ea—General Fund .) ' - , bvfiocece'ilan0ous Acct. 'Joseph Steln-J / giuehle '�AiYard ;voP damages 51600:' PWMMD - Geo ;Miphei eL al ; 576 00 . - - Dono3d- Lb nvC6;,' S00% vi8J0 oShenwa rMc , Re • patr �EHt No 8 .& anal 5688 86 - School A°Gommtlflatlon Acct. oL th I 9cEdo1 Fund C � E Wlerachke Eetl '6q. 400 d - No S8 I IntereeL Fund r DYaggle wtrta r on award of Aamages S9 88 .. J FURd¢,-Naw LSDrary B}y�t: ` ' `Special Ac¢t: Thomas J &teen )et No - 512:69672 V I • Spee Assess Conal Acct P Dale, ;Grand to _Front Conning - Company Eet Np 1 ;387008 9pec Assess :Goner_ Acct (EiamllneJefTereoh - I Sewer- O Nell & 1'reeton` Est No 2 1 Cofi A fit= - ' t lSpec .e eas n Johr:{ '?I kw. Im• - Aviv'. , a Corporate Purposes Plater Dept. Fund- Salaries 6 0 S. A.'Farneworth, Part/tT (` Corporate Purposes -General Fund -Mi see llaneous Acct. 6 91 Joseph Steingrueble� Award of damages, 15.00 61 92 Geo. Michel et al, " n " 75.00 S0 x .� - - — Street &Sewer Fund 6t3 John F. McDonald Lbr. Co., Somerville Sewer Repair Bet. #3 & final, 688.85 School Accommodation Acct. of the School^`,'unci 6 4'"_C. E. Wiereehke' Bet. #51 3,400.00 ✓ Interest Fund, 6o 'S• Maggie Wirtz, Int. on award of damages, 9.83 ✓ 71111,1171 17,1 a rpo #2 Special Funds New Library Bldg. Acct. 60 6 Thomas J, Steen, Bet, #51 _12,19L._22 12,595.72 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Dale, Grand to Front 6 97 Corning Brick Company, Bet. #1, 3.320.68 To `3; 310'6$' Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewer Hamline Jefferson Sewer System 6 8 O'Neil & Preston, Est. #2, 9.350.00 sp c��issesa. �G.as t :� c:t� a sewer -6 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening i Johnson Par]avay, 60 9 Maggie Wirtz, Award of damages, 1,100.00 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Edgecomb Road 6200 John W. Sch*itz, Award of.damages, 50.00 6201 100.00 E. G. Walton Agency, ng gecom o , � { Assessment Construction Acct. Easement-Mackubin, Frodt to Lawson 602 George Michel et al, Award of damages, 170.52 03 61"04 John Gutz,- - oavawacfn;su..,�.� Opening Wheelock Varlaray Neil B. Ferguson, Award of damages, 105 Mathias Thommes, 95:988 06 87 Mathias Thommes, " " " ' - 1.82 Total Opening Wheelock arkway, / J 175.56 i Total Corporate Pu ossa .. .. .. ......\*2 x x Salaries,. ........... " Special Fund ... .• .;•.��•. •Spec. Aasesa. Co t.•A72 cct.-Pavi-Sewers. 72 0 ening Johnson P�•kway,-Ed comb Road,.. " Assessment Canat, Acct asement-rdackubi�• 221.88 t Front to Law so .. Assessment Const. Acct.-O••ning Wheelocko 175.56 Parkway,. rarrrd-Totsl, _ 02 ,:: CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. 2 AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM CDU"CILFILE No. AUDITED NOV 17 191 4 I/ aT �C' TT �U9rTa9 E 191_{ PER 131 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and 2 in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective ,names as,specified in the,Vllowing detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the CoonciL 191 Farnsworth Goss In favor rov + _ 91% Keller McColl Against MAYOR O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Reaolved,..that warrants be drawn : ilpon the,Y TrEORLIry:paYabl B' 4he hereGafter epeDifled funds �aiicL ln: 'favor oY'the perenna,fl[me or,garpoca= Nona for•, --;the amonntaset oppoatte Yhelr :respective names' as apeelfled• in' - - 'the [ollowing•detalledatatement: •%�i� •: Corporate' Purposes; -Inter et :Fund:% sF Rt hard' Df. Brndley, Aanry B. Caboi: �n.nd -ArEhIT. Ll man, Tru t e , j882.125_ ^ISpe ^Asse Con$t.'r: Acct._widen- .1ng Robert °St J Rlchai•d ,M"B>•adiey; Henry B: Qabot .atld,, Arthur Lyman:: a.'rnateee, Award of damage un,, 1 $28,346 AdoDted,by the CoNo 17, 1,9 4:• - ApD owed -No 18, 1914 -(N 211-1$14) - Corporate Purposes �f Interest Fund 61 7 Richard, M. Bradley, Hanry'B. Cabot ` and Arthur Lyman, Trustees, 292.12, TOjca7.nrnnrit Utrr nrtpn ,ri12� Spec. .Assess. Const. Acct. -Widening Robert St. 61 8 Richard M. Bradley, Henry B. Cabot .and Arthur Lyman, Trustees, Award of damages, 28.346.00 Total halau Acct 28 46 Total Cor, rate Purpose\Acct. 292.12 " Spec. sees. ConWiden- ing. Ro ert Sft,,2 46Gra Tot28, 8.2 } CITY OF ST. PAUL Yeas ( 17 ) Mr. Preside Thal. the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employe in the Bureau of Police the services of a subs8itute, matron for•fiftpen days at an expense not to exceed $32.50. This substitute to hake the place of the regular matron during her annual vacatiFon.period.. re-,osploSafetyTof ublic lshereby uthorized to ln"the Bureau t Police the ervices of- a=substitute matron. for'. '.fifteen days at n¢. expense not toea- ce d $32.50. This .substitute to take, the place of the regular matron duringher annual vacation period., Adopted bYo the Council Nov. 17,1914. (N !' Approved Nov. 19, 1914. amen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council4x,--- "191 orth �In favor191 �j (/ Approved Against Y MATOR rs November 17, 1914. Ur ..r Whereas, it has been reported that school payroll check #886. for $80.75 issued in favor of Myra Udell covering her October salary as teacher has been lost and whereas the said Myra Udell has filed with the Comptroller an indemnifying bond,properly approved by Judge Catlin of the District Courtin the sum of $165.0O3 therefor be it resolved that the proper city officers are hereby directed and authorized to issue a duplicate check as above mentioned. M NAYS, FINAL ORDER. In the 'Matter of street from Eaxl ptre.e-tto Dr4A&e- street.. ..... ..... ...... ..... under Preliminary Ordw-... July. .aO..�Lh, 1914- ....... ....... . % Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and 1-ceounnendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iiii- provement to be made by the said City is -grading IVY STREET.f.romAPART.-STREET TO ORANCE STREET. ......... . ........ ;q ................ .......... ... ........... ... - ..... ..... .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............. t iterk. Approved ........... . ... -- ........... mayor. C Coun, swortW `Yfiedram Earl, atrew to Orange matter of grading Ivy 11 4nd.i, Order ,90 1- ' 6.8 ' Z�111 I 'Pcoved July . 20th�, 1914, .erinediar0 Ff 2193,`approved'OCL'26, 1.914. A G a P / Mayor f4 �z F I OkPARTMENT O p'INi4NCE i r/ / 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY,ORDER 1 \ In the Matter of �� Q - --� r a 2, - �--�-Z!l -- /v under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner. of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ �0�'-`3----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ .400 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement.,. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION YL 4.7 d. x �33�; ;l yz j .�� ..... TOTAL .J - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSA.NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION VALUA I 44 da 3� Ar. �jE 17' /A QYLr/-0 /GLz� •'�r^(G���d off/ Ii/.u! r+./l o!% Ij, TOTAL CITY'OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 017,11NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK! ADDITION Ml ASSESSED VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all S of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedf�- ----------- -191-{..-.( 7.�.._�Q�-- Commissioner of Finance. CORM 9.9.A. 9-9 C a HENRY E. WEDEL TAEDT CO. ;% SIpONERS Si. PIUI Mixx. To . the commszn_ Counc-il, .--- -- - - _r< - --- - ----- ----� and rasideiita_.of - —: ,F _Wes_the_underei&ned._pr9jp�r.ty__owners S—e°1t. fr -- -� t92 a_n_ I 5 reectfully_.ask-your honorabl-e--bo_dy_.to-cause aaid.atrs.et--to__l)e— 1 a -raded�alUing.,a2Q_fs-_-drive-nest--to-�Yte park, the renrairideor� walk said boulevard. E3espertYully-]coursr--------------- - -- -- ----- Lot. Bl.k. _412" 1 ► Y 6 --- - L/ 13 i i 19 17 18 f - 23 I i 24 26 :.. 28 --- ' A STSii9xEH5 St. P. M�rvx rI To-t o Oommon Oonnoll, - II II 3----- ----------�tty of-Vit.-Fauull ifs-t: �-zutdarstgnst�-pragerty -owners -an-restdent"f - � 5� .. resgeoly aeicy�ur-lzoac�rab body taaae�alzt-at7ce4 be . 'I ugly-y AMitlm A ' 10 i I 13L 14 I 17 I a1 22 L—_�—�-- -- 23 r I 26 /ct 26 28 COUNCIL FILE NO- .._...._....... ....... ......_.__....._ ' 13y .. ........... ................ ........_.......... ............ I ............... .._........_ :...._:....__.. FINAL ORDER. 6 In the Matter of_......C9netructing.._a..._s_i.dewalk of. cement blocks 'to a width of six feet on the east side of Avon street from -Tin niversit.y Ave'.' to Aurora avenue,.._ and.._on_.._Avon...__stre_et bot'1 sides from Aurora avenue to ..tiller St. under Preliminary Order .....x..2$.6. .. .__.... .. ......._...approvedu/et/24th 1914. Intermediary Order ...._: _- �." . ................ _........ ..- -- �_.ol .. .. ��� ....._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be inade by the said City is.:_Ronstruatirig...a....sideaalk...of.... cement --blocks ....to-..a...aridth of six feet on the east side of AVON STREET from UNIVERSITY AVE. to AURORA AVE. and on AVON ST. both ...aidea.-from....AURORA--AVENUE to FULLER STREET•_.._......_....__.:........__.............._____..____.._._......._......._._..........___........._......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approva;; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ................. 19_� ......_................ _......... ....... ............. ......... Clerk. Approved .1.......-. ........ l.19 ...... ..........__ _......_.........__.................._................ Afayor. Councilmen Fa orth Oo K A Il ry Mayor rs og sz II Ax oz --------- 61 WA 4r- —eV 91 4WA Lk �IIA 4Lk, Pt I it MINA � k! X1321 COUNCIL FILE NO.-... - 13Y.— .............. ............... ..... .. .. ... ........... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. Q.QAs1r Pling 4 p1dewalk of cement blocks to a width of Six feet I-- I � - university - A ... e• to Aurora ee on the east side of Avon street from v - avenue.__ and on Avon street both sides from Aurora avenue to Fuller St. ...... .... --- . ....... ..... -- .................... .................. - I . ...... ...... ... ..... .. . ..... ......... . ............. ... ........ tinder Preliminary Order... .728.6 ......... ... .... ......... approved ......August . 24th, 1914. ............. 113'-1 RQ .................. .. ;;'; . ... ... .. Intermediary Order ........ ............. ... ...... approved 7' - - / A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and. kind of iiii- proventent to be inade by the said City is porkatructiag a aidawalk of-zement blo,:,ka to. a -width of sIx feet on the east side of AVON STREET from UNIVERSITY AVE. to AURORA AVE. and on AVON ST. both aldes, -from AURGRA AVEAM.- to -FUIISR STREET a . ...... . . . .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said. improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . . ................. .. ............. ....... Clerk. Approved. -.1//... . ...... . 19 ...................... Mayor. Councilmen Pa orth G K 11 ry Mayor rg f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of_.._c_o...n_s..t.r:uc_t.ing.._g,.._s_i .grrg.l...k__. of_,_cement_,blocks _to a width of pix ..._feet..._on..._thg..._east...._s_id_e..,._o.f.from__ University avenue to to Auroraavenue and on Avon street both sides from Aurora avenue to ................... _........._.................. ............. ........................._................._.......__................_.._............... .................................................... .............................. ........................ .......... Fuller street. .... _........ .......... ...... ............... .......................................................... .......................... ........... ....................._................ ............ ................................... ........................_................ ............ ._._ ....: ................. ................................. _......__..................... __.....__............. ........._.............................................. .................._....... ..... ............... ..........................._........_.................._._ _..... .................................... ._.............. ............._.._....................._...................... ................ ...._......._............. .._........:......._.....__...._.............. ..._............ ._..................... ............... ....-_....._._..._ under Preliminary Order approved_...._Augu_st.24tha 1914. ......................... ........................... _.. _ .... ..................... Tothe Council of the City of 8t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 49¢...peT lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ILot lock ADDITION Aese�sed Vel\ietion !B G d ems",. -r i __ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby subinits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........tl/.._.......... 91. Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO..........._._..__...._... By.......... ............. I FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of TeQ ing, .;rel! _y.�.ni airing with cement blocks _Qnstruct. kand.repz��ing w� to a width of six feet the present sld�iwa on the south *61dg -of Day-to*n Ave beginning A.4_fe.e± th 4,0_ ..... ..... .......... under Preliminary Orde .............. .-approved ug Ph'..' Intermediary Order approved ......................... . . . . public hearing having been had upon -the above improvement upon cue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconimendations relative thereto, and having full3r considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- pro'ement to be node by the said City is.rojo.ons.tr.ua.tinr,,....relay-ing...and repair_in&._.NitIL..cemsnt blocks to a width of six :test the present sidewalk on the South Side of DAYTON AVE. beginning 444set-wast of-1exington.Avenue thence...west 40 f -est. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .. . ........ 1.,.7 JV/ Approved 19'. Councilmen FaInsworth ... ..... . .... . . ....... ............... ................... .... . . Clerk. .... ............................. . ... . .......... . Mayor. Go S K ler 11 Co" 0 eary erg Mayor overs ... ..... . .... . . ....... ............... ................... .... . . Clerk. .... ............................. . ... . .......... . Mayor. Ant 6�2 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of.......r.e.c.ans..t.rua.t.in.g......... ral.a.y.i.ng_...and.._..x'.epa. r_i...r..g.._yyith_._cement_ blocks tb: a width of...__six_.___fe_etthe.,.. re_sen_t..._s d.ewalk, on..._.the_.__south side cf Dayton avenue b_eg_inning_._44..._f eet___._._we_st..._.of._,_Lex_ington_., ayenue__. th'enc_e.._west_._40____f feet. ....,............ under Preliminary Order approved.-A.UgU6.t.....S..tZ1.......1.9.14........... ._........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul-: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 49¢ per lineal foot. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is...._ ................... ............ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1i, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referencetto))said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ....... ...... . .................. 191....7. Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO...........__...._..._.___.........._. By. . ................ . .... ..... FINAL ORDER. raconq.tZj..0.t.jj ai.rin.g with cement blocks In the Matter of, ­'�l .�.g, relayin.". and rep -the n6r+_h*­s1z1'& by to & width of six feet he precent a ewalk 6n . n, fPet Pas tof a Fry street thence east" ft. ................ ........ beginning 78 feet farther east thence east 18 feet. Under Preliminary Order approved Auggqqt, 8.thir 19 - 140 ............. ___ Intermediary Order approved ........__/-. ........ . .. / A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconiniendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- p . rovenient to be made by the said City is.-..raronstr.uating.,....r.sla.ying and repairlug -with. cement blocks, to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the North side of University Ave. beginning 22 feet east of-Yry.at._thqn,Ge east, 32 --feet beginning 72 feet.. farther. -east thence see+, .18 ..feet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement i accordaiici� therewith. Adopted by the cc cil-_ Approved-.. _`....-..19.._.1 Councilmen Fari worth Goss Kelle - MC0 I O'Le ry Yoer Mayor Pow rs Gam„ r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE the �iat.t r of...xe.G.Q....ruc..t.ing.,......ra..1.aying....and .....r.apaai.xin..._w.i..th....c..ex:an.t.....blo_aks to a wic�h oi" ss feet a present sidewalk on the north side of University avenue beginning 22 feet east of Fry street thence east 32 feet beginning 72 fee.t..._farth.er.....east- :....thence ..Fa.B.t...._}8....fest..._.........................._...._..... .......... .... ..... ..... .._........_......................................._.......... ... ..... ... ...... .................. ................................. .................... ._..._.._...._..................... ...._................_.._._.................................... ........ .......................... ................... ._.............. _........ .__ _........ tinder Preliminary Order approved...._ Auguat...._8th ........ 1914..................................................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as -follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 9.....4.9_¢.....P.ex... lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement., and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance furtber reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Conneil, togetber with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated...... Gy _G'._....: `_.::...._....._..._1911/— j j% Commissioner of Finance. r � , Office of the. Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 ..........191..,_._4. . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had raider consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 1059 Au et 8, .._4-, relative to ...................... .. cil, known as Council File No............... approved.. 191 ........_�................_ xecans�.triicting.r ..relaying._.and_.zepairing.._With ....Cement- .kzloaka....to.......... width _....of._.. six ....fs.et.,..... tbe_...&xes�z�t..._s.id��P�� �.o_._o??__the..._f ollo�sing.._streets;.....:. ._ University Ave., north side, beginnilg SZ feet east of Fry 8t., t11onca..._east .....38....f.eet;..._ beginning ......8.....fe.e.t:...faxth x_.eaa.tr.....thenoe....a�.st._ j 18 feet. _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._............. ......necessary and (o) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_..__.:.._xXxX.., and the total cost thereof is $ ..XXXXX%,,...,.,.,,, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ .................. ...................._.................. ................ _...... _................... .. .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .........._ _......_. ......._........_..............._.._._............................._......_. ..._.... _. _........ _.................. ......... 5. Said improvement is.._ngt ...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .1.........f... . _... _....... ........................ ............... :. ... Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. .............. ' By....................... .................._.......:_. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._ re.construe_t_Ing,.._..r.e.layi.ng and...._ repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the north side of. Uni-rerbity avenue beginning at Pillsbury avenue thence -west- -2540. fe-et. under Preliminary Orden 369 ._-approved August8th, 1914 Intermediary Order / ../_ _....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Cduncil having heard,all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pani that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._.r8.c.onstr.tic_ting,._.rslsying... and ... repairin'%._.vith...c.emment. blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the north side of UNIVERSITY AVE.beginning at-PILLSBURY...AVE...thence ...mest...25p...feet. .___. _.. ...._. .. ....._.._._ _.. _. . _ ...__..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit dune to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............. .../ G ... %...._192,; / ... _..... _... _...._ _.._._. "tY , erk, Approved...___. l ..! - __ Mayon Councilmen Flu sworth rC F. No 2624 1 In tba matter •oY reconstructing e_ ]aying and ,t�eppnirtng. with De (i0 bloaka1 to a.,wtdth ot'sFz X:, a Fz - pkeaep @Idetyaik on the-•nertb, s de itaj41t4ra1(�'.;$Yenaeq begtt{atng • � . AJF�4U.tfiy` avenue thenoy', t I{el 1• t 4'bVq 4r PalhNtnary' O'dAr 13 � �u� nae zss�...z v>)bbi.the gbaea linin; O'L aryotic ce. nd the a s hit perao bi a and-}' a.G d tions relative "queo, ' f ny eD Idered 'ta `- rtthD L•f6 i �•ill'1 r bs It . { 11, nesolved,/By the c tl tt qc thih City tl f St P utth t hep ly stunt Mayor Ymv rs �t t a I d iDl pro empht t be to sby th Id t,tt> i myon t- 1 to ad w{h[ Ftxfp0t to nt. aid ik thenorth it ot;� nlversitJ av u,e: beginning t Yil]n- ibury avenue;.tijenee west 260 sae t, and the con cul . hjk by orders said im-• I iDro-vement "to bb' e A.Iaereb of tublicheW$rk tb0 and he ins pre -parebple"trUctel' end inr ted to end soecitlratinnn fn.•.w REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of.......r.e.c.anE.tru.c_ting.,_....relt>y.ing._. nd....r.e..a.i.x _i�g wi_th., cement blocks to a width of six feet the present eidewa k on the north eide of University avenue, beginning at Pillsbury avenue thence west 250 feet. ............ _........._...._................ ........._........................ ................... ........ ._....... .....................__._........._....._................................... ........ ................. ..............._......._ ...._.... .............. ............_.._................................................... .................. _......._............ ........ .............. ..........._............ .................................... ..................... ..._....................... .............._...- .......... .............................. :......_...._.......................... .................................. ......._._........_..._._..__....__........ ......_....._................... __............... .... ................ .._.................................... _......... .............. ....._............... ..._......_......_......._._.._.._............_.......... .... .._...._....__................ ...... ......_...._............... __............................... .. ._....._...._......_.............._..:... .._.. ....... ..... ..._._... _. ..z.. ....................... .............. ...................... .. under Preliminary Order approved............._AUgU_st._ 28th,__,_1914, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is s......42.yC....peT.__lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation i i r 1-31 G'Q LO The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he hos investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.........�ll/.....G..............................191._ /./�1.:.✓'CcC�...1.......... Commissioner of Finance. 44 COUNCIL FILE NO........ By- ........................._..._._....__...--.. FINAL ORDER. In the \Tette of..._re o.ns.tru.c_ting.. _xe.l yiA .. na....rega. .r..in. _ w th._._c_ement.. blocks the present s�dewal on the south si e oxo afOnd stree beginning"240 feet west. of Dale street thence_.w.est.._40.. fee. t...... _. _.. _._ ...:._._. _ . ....._... ......... under Preliminary Order 10.53 approved August 8th 1914; ............ Intermediary Order ......�e � approved ..... .... Z { . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having frilly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ilrf- provement to be made by the said City is.renonatruoting,...relaying_.and_rep.airing.._with....o.ement....blocks the present sidewalk on the south side of Lafond Street beginning 240 feet crest of DALE ST. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council19 __._. _.... ..... ._. / Cl Approved.........:_ .. — /.-..19...1.... Mayor. Councilmen larnswm•th SA K 11 \I Coll l 0 eary Yog® 'K Al.y.r Poly rs I 'CITY op"1�1T. PAUL. .- DEPARTMEN4 OF FINANCE a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER O FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -�- l -- - - - ------- % -- under Preliminary Order approved ----- - ------------------- --- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: TheCommissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is per lineal foot- $.49¢ The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ' 1� iI The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference t�oo1 said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- �-Y� - _(1. ----- ---191.. - ,�I --✓ - Commissioner of Finance. r6me e.e.w. o•e e - Office of .the Comriiissiolior of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .............isi To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Cmnmis4ner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary orger of the Coun- cily known as Council File No ............. 1053...._..approved .:........... _.............. 1'91.._4, relative to.................. ............ reoonetruoting,,.__relaying,;_and_,repair_ing.._with..,.aement..._blocks to__a widthofsix ..Yeet,_.the_..Pxesent. aidey+alk_,on_._the...._Bouth...eide, of ................ ..__.....Lafond._St.._......... ,be,ginning...a.�kQ.....fe..At_._W �t...._of..._Dale_:._St.�:.,....thenee__we_et_40._3t. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. S. The estimated cost thereof is $_...__X?FXX..___. and the total cost thereof is $........... xXX............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................... .............................. _.............. _.-........ _................... _..................... COUNCIL FILE. NO._ .......... ........ ___...:...... By..__.....__..:.... ................ .............................._.................._.._. FINAL ORDER. "626 In the Matter of_cgn_atruct.ing.._a..._s. d.ewal_k__.of... cemen.t., blocks to a width of six feet on the east side of stminster street beginning 124 feet noriri Wi A.f_Jenks..-a_ tree .t-- thence ._.north-.t.o _Lawson.. street ..be.ginnintg at. T4.awao.n e.treet t1flance north 122f6et. Au ust 8th 1914 under Preliminary Orden ._ 1062 Q_ . ....._approved .. �..._...... .... Intermediary Order .......... :......approved .. ............. ...... �.{ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon Clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iml- provement to be made by the said City is.Conetrur.ting_.a.-aidefa]k....of....cement .... bloaka--to-a--width of six feet on the eget side of WSTMISTER ST. beginning 124. feet north of JENKS ST. thence north ....t9.._LAWSO.N.._STREET ...ba in _............_.__._...__.__._.... beginning. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare pians and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed r with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...._......._.%l..o'::�._/_.7_...19..1.4/ C/ 'it lerk. Approved_..._......... .1s. - l.-....... T l Mayor. F No.,2629— _ CCouncilmenFal'nt}�'SaC the matter oP cpnati'uafing a side-, �f- •proved Atig S 5914<� Tgtermedtary , / - / -Order 31,98 approved�0ot 2Q ).914 ,/ \1C O + A Public,^mearlpg having beon,3lad; �' / upon the above Improvement upon duo; notice and `the Council having henrd '. no M1l t a a d m Y Mayor P pare pl ns;8nd eHeckflcetlonsPor-- said't lmprovemenE, and submit same to the C upon -for approval; that upon Said apP ♦al: The proper Ulocers + he r orived nd direty CCl [h ted to pr ' eed�t�lth the t Ind- of Hold ,hnpro nt�.iaonieat�b, the C0u 611 Nov.:17,1514. d N 19, 1914 - (N 21-1915) F / 71. _ LCITY. r' ST. PAUL- DEPARTMV OF FINANCE f a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE��� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER'~ r under Preliminary Order approved --- s /"""-'-""'"""""""""""' -'" - - - "-----"--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: O` The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—----------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $ 49@ per lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: li ASSESSED ... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, ` and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon t4 the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - --- 191-G� / (!1 ✓/ _ .G��.. .... ........-- ---- - Commissioner of Finance. - -- •onrn e.a:�. e�e c r :: COUNCIL FILE NO......_.__.....___. __....._.. _... By ... ............ __........... ......_..__......._._._..._.... ...._........ FINAL ORDER. In the shatter of.....Qhange.... o.f......o ade ..on._T4aurel...ay- enue.._from A1bert_.ave_rue.__to- . o _____fiamline_.. aVenlle _ .._. .. ...._ _ . under Preliminary Orden 779.. Q... approved.. ._.. Julp �9 !. Intermediary Order ...._.......__/ ./ .�?""" ...........approved ._./{ ..._....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn proyentent,to::be made:by the said Cito is _- .: ---- Change of grade of LAUREL AVENUE from ALBERT.AVEi1UE to RAMLIIE AVENUE according to profile hereto attached and made part hereof. The Blue line representing the old grade and the red line the new grade as hereby established. directed to prepare plans and specifications for said innprove»lent and sabnlit same * the Council, for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the snaking of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... _:D/6�./._/7..._._19: ......._._.. .......... -...... ...... I Clerk. Approved._ _.._....-.._ __. _-.....19...1.... Mayor. Councilmen M nsworth _ ti0 I the matt r f hangs bP grade on'. Lural: efy ae fro3�T, Albert aveauaj �_ to 13amlae avenues under �rellal-' e el'�Ic 1b. %Oilk'tolfl having. hea d• s,fdhseothereto d reeommendatioha relative thereto up having full O' eary T considered the same) t arePoa, R solved,':.By theCrou or the City of St Paul that the yreolgo nature, yo •g ex - tent and kind of tmpro ement to be made Py the Cisy'; In said change the -.grade of Laurel avGane, Prom Albert ma Po ers }'. or .ave u to 13amlineaY.nue, aeooraing 'to pr ale her to ttebh d d made It`, tth r ldt.a gas and the d uneethe tv g ade - her by established. and a ounen -.hereby 'orde s and, fm-, $ vmset'to be made 3solved"Further What` the Commla Palo]�ttsar of !P.•ih1l Wvrka• be and he I. instructed. and.)dir-Oted tq,:yre-:. pure lnna una psubre tions Yor said.. tmprovemen i, una suhmit to the C Por ppr van; that uppon said ......1, the p oper city oPPlcere. are cerepy uthorized and dlreeted to pro-' ed w th. the malting of -sand Improve- ment in accordance •tliere !tq dopted by the Counci)ov 3T 1914. 'ADproved,.Nov. 1 23_191¢ 3914) p�� III the Matter of- Q.1;g!Age q;f g7 qtde Qn..L4 qj. avenuefrom Alb..e-rt a-M.P.nuo to Hanline avenue. .............................. -.1.1 .................................. -- ................................. ....... - ........... ..... ...... ......... . ......................... .............. .... -- ...................... .................. .................... under Preliminary Order approved.. j 1Y .............. ..... ............. ........ ....... .. ... ...... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ;is follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isnon aseessable ............. improvement. The lots or parcels of land that may be Assessed benefits for said improvement, and the Assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are As follows: 1„. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated ell of, the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... ........ 1...��. _. .............. Commissioner of Finance. 4� r: �1`I'Y VF' ti R I IY`P AVL, Mr—M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - In the matter of the change of grade on Laurel Ave. from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave., as shown by_profile x#202, I beg to advise you that the street is now at a grade that substantially conforms with the proposed change of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at some future time to the present established grade, it will mean considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be made of record. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. �i?,� pad rR�enl� co�f� �n�ibI ����o-r Wo ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D.paty Cl—iasion.I M:N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCAR CLAUBBEN,CM1I.r Engin... 1. E.CARROLL,Supt. ConatraGlon b R.pe ira _ ALFREDJACNSON. Supt S-iteti.n G.N. NERROLD,OM- Engin.ar ' St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 7, 1914. Mr—M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - In the matter of the change of grade on Laurel Ave. from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave., as shown by_profile x#202, I beg to advise you that the street is now at a grade that substantially conforms with the proposed change of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at some future time to the present established grade, it will mean considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be made of record. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. -I OSCAR CLAUSSBN M. N. Goss ` ev aerc�Neea mxmnssimaen ewuc woacs j. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF.PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn; July 31, 1914. Mr. 11. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I -T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade On Laurel Ave. from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave., in accordance with Council File #779, approved July 21, 1914. There are no water mains laid in this street. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of......._.grad.in.g...Hanc_a.ck._.stre_e.t_...#'.z'4rA._'P..e_rry_-_etree,t __to._._East_, Third street. __._._ ___ .._....................... ._........... .. under Preliminary Ordel 10.49 _approved ...August 8th, 1914 A l ....d loved .._._... . Intermediary Order .._.. ...� . { . .� PP' . . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paull that the p}• c)de nature, extent and kind of ' - pro 1 cut to Ue ilia fillyt said •ty is—�!i . and the71,1 l hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the propensity officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by theCouncil........-Y 19 O /r .......... I Clerk. Approved.--/- r &fayor. C..F ho. 2828- y Councilmen SnaEreet lfromr Terry street 'toEast- Thl d street, under Preliminary or,-, der 1049 approved August -8th, 1914„ y.✓""� intermediary., order 2192, apProved�� Oct. 20. 1910. A. ""-ice, and the C nc11 -h ving hears j nir l nersone, bl tlo a and r co eons relative thereto, d ha Ing t, fully considered the same; therofore,- _ be itr Resolved, By the Connell OI tate Clty f/ -of St. Pau�[hat the p edea nature, ex An 1-iiim,-onontoivcd to rt made. < "' R solved'Furiher, That the Cam-- Mayor P Iasi ncr oI Pubne Works be and he is l �.V UI s F J .. ereby Instructed and directed to pre - apeclacatlons for.said _ G re -jplane and ImProvement,::and submit same to the,•." Council"for :approval; that upon,sare ,p. approval the property city officers are hereby authorised and dfracted to pro . • teed with the.making of aald improve- ment In accordance therelvlth Adopted by;ths �Councll-:Nov 24111914:: ^t. a CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPAFrr E,ff OF FINANCE, REPORT' OF COMMMSIONER OF FINAl1 j ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of--- \ under Preliminary Order approved — ------ ---.<Lf-----Jf�1.----...-------------------------- -------- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 5694.84 _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $3 .28 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of 'each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION t o 1-21 aZ I,Z / / 0 6 ° ' I TOTAL, ronM eA.w. a -e wIF � CITY OF ST. PAUL` y; DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE p' REPORT OF COMMIASIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)V. -.. @ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2Ya%?i�� /Puo�au�cwwL. ,60 .. z all 01114 tlnS q-1 /-L?1Vrri z;" �j z//y� ✓,% /�iy /���1�0//�r )�r/` o. - `i / /0 /✓(�c CLt G 41L�2Kd�/ The Commissioner of Finance' further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid In ers, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference tttoo�said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—"/='I.1� __ 191�L�. �L--/ .: ' ... .-------------------------- -- ------ Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 8-8 C - .TOBN I. CARIOY. O�xe Ocsac CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY MERH's OFFICE November 18th,1914 Hon.M.N.Goes. Commissioner of Public worke.City Dear Sir.— The Council at their meeting held Novemberl7th,1914 ordered the N aco_ompanying Final Order for the grading of Hancock street from Terry street ^ to Third street,under Intermediaby order 2192,approved oct.10,1914,reforred back to you for aanev estimate,same being laid over one ®eek. to November ?flth,l914 Yours truly, John I.Faricy. City Clerk. G. -OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. GO$$ csiac snomasrt roi�ssionsa rootc aeoa�s' - � .. .. CITY OF SAINT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK9 St. Paul 1914. D �� N�1g14 Mr. Pd. 11. Goss, N� Dear Sir,- of Public Works, M\SS,pNERo o`S p acs D er , CONOA Noting attached letter under date of llov. 18th with regard to grading of Hancock St. from Terry -St. to Third St., beg to report that -the partial grading done during recent serer construction has been taken into account it making up estimate of cost of the impr overlent . f C tr � ve r AN ! UU . v Youre very truly, Chief Enr-ineer. JOAN I: FdRIOY. O[xv Oman CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CIJMX•s OFFICE November 18th,1914 Hon.M.N.Gose, Commissioner of Public `Norks,City 0 Dear Sir,— The Council at their meeting held Novemberl?th,1914 ordered the accompanying Final Order for the grading of Hancock street from Terry street to Third street,under Intermediaty Order 2192,approved Oct.10,1914,referred back to you for a new estimate,same being laid over one week. to November 24th,1914 �'y���� Yours truly, T hn I.Faricy, City Clerk. . L.l G. COUNCIL FILE NO .............___......._._._.__. By .. ......... ....... ..._..._.r, .......... ........... .................. ......_._._.. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_..gra _ ng.,v4)n, Buren street from Oxford street to Lexington amem.e.. _. under Preliminary Order1.133, _,....__. ......_approved ... August 13th 1914 Intermediary Order ....... /.. approved .. ._............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due not)ce, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the -same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Panl� that the I 1 Us ature, ytxxtlnt and kind of inn- to ,be vd by tJie saiv ty ?fement ; .1�N, .rim �...:- ; t L ,� F�., o''' .... _ an the Council hereby ,o�l3ers said innprovei,14 to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be. and lie is hereby instructed and directed ;to Prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, all(] submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._ ............._ % / _...__.... ........ ... ... i Clerk. Approved..._...J..(.._`.../ 1........__19_/. / Mayo . Councilmen Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the Matter of........grading.._Van .Buren street from Oxford street to Lexington _. ............. ...... avenue. _............... ................. .............. .................:...... .................... .. .......... .................. _........... ....._.............. _................ ._......._._....._............_._......._....................:................_......__................. .-............ ....................... ...... ............... _._..._.....:................. ..._ ........ ... --- .................... ......................... ...... ... ............ ._......................... _...._.........._........................................_..__........_.._..._..................... ........_........._...._.....__..._.................._. under Preliminary Order approved.........................._AU.gUs_t...__13thx 1914. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The CommissioneTnf Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement. is $1.992 &Y . per front foot 1.18 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated till of the aforesaid Matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .......(!v......0 .......................191. Commissioner of Finance. 10 A 1r. -J, HENRY E. WEDELSTAEDT CO. STATIONERS p- N- 2 Tlh e_. loun 3 of -maul.. A en t -1 em en;' Y;e,theuladersi.,ned,cainers of r)ropjn.ty Zouttirg ':an-zUVan-- ,jbtreet,_betw,een Ixford an,.! Le.xington streeta,do hereby respectfully -__j 71(etition-yo-ar.---onarable body to cause seLid at eat iseen the �.�oints lije-ntioned. Lot --jk_ t. i on ailles '2 13 r 27 14 lE Ak �11 41 20 21 22 AUG 19 'f- PAUL, AL 261 29 31 ?21 COUNCIL FILE NO_ Iy...... ........ . .......... -4 FINAL ORDER. _a"d In the Matter of Change Of grade..Qn...Ro.y. street. Zxprp Shiejds.aye—e..Jo. t _Anthony_ under Preliminary Order..-- ­462 ... ... ..... . ..... e� approved june 01.4 "e J to ....approved Intermediary Order A public hearing having beep had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- i)rdv.ement -to ba the —id Citv ig-­­-- Ghlange grade of BOY STREET from SHMUS AVENUE 16-"'SN.iMMLY AVENUE pace or,4ins to the P= firdfile hereto attached and made part hereof. The blue line representing the old grade and the red line the. new grade as hereby established. _r�rxs Dv-nna ne Ts PereoY-MILMMete �alll ru directed to prepare plans and specifications for soaid improvement, and submit same 10 the Council for approval, - that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the snaking of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...._........,_: ;/1111 _ I 7,.......19/..'/ — Approved..//-""._ .. 1)? _...M./I 500, Councilmen Faisworth Go S 1� K( ler 0 .racy Y erg Mayor P Wenq REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Iu the Matter of.....C.kl.ange. 9.......,,'dde......QR....Roy- _..&t.x. e.ti__. .'.QI!'i_.ShAe1d6.__a:VQnUe..:...'.t0.... St_, .Anthony, avenge... ...... under Preliminary Order approved.._._ 1;Ap 30th. -1914.. ............... . To the Council of the City of St. Pan]: Tine Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as`follows: The total estimated annonnt of the assessment for the above improvement is :}:_r�..:2_..Q.�.__ .Q.x1. asseSsaule improvement conlfo �ns to presbent rr e fpexfeotin� Engineers' records t -,'c The lots o� parce s o and that may a arse. sea ede s faor sand nn roves lent, and the a.asessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the 4ssl'ssor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Z' Bloch ADDITION Assessed Valuation DESCRIPTION Lot Bloch ADDITION Assessed Valuation ----------- t ,_, < <s ` � t -- DESCRIPTION Lot lock ADDITION Assessed Valuation I � I _ G ? � lS I The Connuissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, J an ereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner of Finance. OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. GOSS _ wean aNClNsaa C010+fI55(ON. PUBLIC W.- CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St, Paul, Minn. July 13, 1914. Vx. M. N. GOSS, Commissioner of Public Work-, C IT Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Roy St. from Shields St. to St. Anthony Ave., in accordance, with Council File #469, approved June 30, 1914. This street has been graded in accordance with the proposed change of grade petitioned,for and the water mains have been laid to conform to this grade so there will be no expense connected therewith. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. 1 HENRY E. WEDELiT>EOT CO JI STiiTIONERS 5T. P_ Mlxx. a • St��slUlsl��,IlSl-e_J11Asi._. � �1 . l��_� a o the HonorableM. N. Goss, --- - j ''t-- - - -----Comraeion�r o SPubl-ia 9iorkar -- ----- - ----- �j _. We�the_-undersigned,prQpexty ownera_s.eaiding ten- Eay-street-,be-- a 1tween -Shiolde_ansl__S_t _Anthony _ evenue_,_ r_eaps-0-tfully-r.e_quea'-that the 9 grad�4f a isL_Qtr�et-he__ohaa pesi_�o__that_the_aummit �o�---in said.�tre�-t.� _wil_"s__mo ed t9 viithi"b_Q_feP-t__fr_om._St.Anthony _a¢ e.------------- i Lot---Blk_.-- i 12 14 is -LIL ---- - i ---. Vc- I I 19 t 21 I � as 25 l -- 26 29 ---------- 29 -- -- 30 32L___— ,.... tial: 1. �.. ... r, COUNCIL FILE NO-_ - 1% ' • • . . .... . ...... . ....... ... . .. . ............ . ....... . FINAL ORDER. Ln the natter of,— c hang e... of gra:le on . Faimnunt aven7;1e...fr.om at.re.e t to..._Tilar amenue under Preliminary Order-- ...____._...._approved 759 191.4., intermediary Order--- ...approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement, upon (Joe notice, and the Council having heard and i-ee.oiiiiiieiidkitioltE,;-relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is---�"`........... -1, .......... ....... ...... . . ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . .......... .. City Clerk. Approved..... 19 Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth nn Goss K+-' M i 0 LeRry Yo'l-g Mayor Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF CbMMItiSSIONER OF FINANCE ON.PRELR44ARY ORDER — .- - .——._-...—.-__-------._.._._.------__—-------- -- under Preliminary Order approved ----------------------------------------- --- .._ f!.--- .---------/S� l ------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—�+�-1�-9------ -------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1 VALUATION y S / s / d, 3� 5` 3_2 TOTAL -I roam s e.w. e e l9 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM&ARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT 6LOCK1;' N ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA ION J` -iOO -/wrI ,211 JS�o" a- .3 3 o. d � LN . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Commissioner of Finance. � � it z ;1�, MN. GOSS - - OSCAR CLAUSSEN tGEG %Io. 6 -1c wo- Cp18P IINGIN666 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 7, 1914. Mr. M. Nr Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a proposed change of grade on Fairmount Ave. from Kenneth St. to Prior Ave., in accordance with Bd. File rr'759, approved July 18, 1914. I am advised by the Water Depart-•Icrt that the 1..:cP.ojed change of grade will not necessitate any expense to them as no change in mains or appurtenances will be necessary. However, it is not practical to chance this grade at this time unless it can be shown that the s bier will be constructed in this street in the very near future in order to properly provide drainage for the street in as much as all the storm water will be carried to the center of the block. Respectfully submitted, �lt� l Chief Engineer. V } REAL ESTATE ARM'LANDS SUITE 606 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG ,,,J-,. , 16 1 c I, PROMOTER make a spec,zlty of b- _ d Idlnq and p epa Inq e dd,tn n- f-1 the —1-1 Vacant a d Imp o ed Prop- erty n all parts of the City. FIRE INSURANCE. 'MORTC'IA(iE LOANS idembei�" St. Pard Real �..tate Excl�an�e and Nato Aso: iaton .Real Estate _,.change,. _ i April 20th, 1914. THE HONORABLE 00191M COUNCIL AND BOAIM OF PUBLIC VMS - WE, the undersigned, owners of land facing North and South on Fairmount Avenue, request your Honorable Body to cause a change j of grade on Fairmount Avenue, between Kenneth and Prior Ave Lot Block Addition Si FREDERICK GANGERSOLL ATTORNEY ST. PAUL, MINNESOT:, Nov. 7, 1914, Mr. John I. Faricy, Clerk of Common Council, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; Mrs. F. V. Underwood is the owner of Blocks 'd and 3, Underwood's Addition, both facing on Fairmount Avenue between Cleveland and Kenneth. I understand that your body has before it the matter of the change of grade on Fairmount between Kenneth and Prior, which if made will not be in harmony with the present grade of Fairmount in frontof Mrs. Undervood's property and for that reason she is opposed to the change, and I hope it will not be made. About two years ago Mrs. Underwood graded Fairmount Avenue to the established grade at her own'exponse, laid stone gutters As directed-and�as since gradedBlack2,lying at the north of Fairmount, atlarge expense. At the time this grade was established the City Rnginenr's it Department gaveXvary careful consideration and taking into consideration the topography of the property on both sides of the street established it ought to be a very satisfactory grade to all parties concerned, including those living on Fairmount west of Kenneth. It will be manifestly unfair to change the grade of the street at any point between Prior and Kenneth, for by doing so the property between Kenneth and Cleveland will be injured— If you will kindly advise me when this matter is to be heard by the Common Council, I will endeavor to be present. But if for any reason I should not be, will you please present this objection? �� /�' Very-truly yours,ro / tf /�/x t �.iTERSf �AIiY ORf,1fQ68+ ! r i � r, _ ✓/ In,t'ite ?.chatter of �oyPnin H d T1 d8 ^ Pxtendtng ' an n`et�alkh� ec�io�. COUNCIL FILL NO. .... het eaitt tea"tees ofLot +v �- dditlou Bald 6trIP`bein att6:'E feet W de; r C / t tha::gouth ond,.d K 14 feeb 1Ylde _ 13Y�"� -' ���'�f' ° atrtp of lana�orc th weee slap ot; , set ia0 feet :; of Loi 3 .Moylan•e; t elon chid et[l�p belrtB :614 feet st the, soot$, end and ?6180 teat-. INTERMEDI qt the °°rih` °nd .rip of land ;hrc the West nide ofi het 20 feat of Lot 4S-Bloek 4' Tl ti tt eti of Lot et0 et3lock 64•�� nt the north- P d 'rlp of land off tfie west side of Lt the Opening, widening, extendin "F,3, s'`c ai'; 1tC,; kh Sue street frog. -� -Goodrich avenue to 1rand avenue, by condemning and taking a strip of land: A strip of land off the est aide of the east ten feet of Lot 100 Moylant s Ad41tl6r,,,4Ji6Xdetrip being 5.1 feet 4ide on the south end and 5.14 feet wide on the north end. -A strip of land off the west aide of the east 10 feet of Lot �, May- lan's Addition, said strip being 5.14 feet wide at the south end and 5.18 feet ,wide at the north end. %% A strip of land off the west side of''the east 20 feet of Lot 43, Block'4, Rosedale nark, said strip being 4.82 feet wide at the south en(!, -- and 4.65 fast wide at the north end. • A strip of land off the west side of the east 20 feet of Lot 10, Block 4 Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.61.feet wide at the south end and 4.44 feet wide at the north end. _ 3791.5..... approved -November 13th, 1913. under Prelnninary Order. — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cmmnissimter of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said inrproveaunnt is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouuaends is _..__._ _.__.___._....._......_. _ _.. _.. --Opening, wideningavenue, xtnding andemningPandntakingeastrip of land: stre t from I Grand Goodrich avenue to A strip;nf,?and off the west side of the east ten feet,of Lot 100, Moylan's Addition strip being 5.1 feet aide on the south end and 5..14 feet wide on the mend. A strip of land off the west side of the east 10 feet of Lot 3,160Y lan's Addition, said strip being 5.14 feet wide at the south end and 5.18' feet wide at the north and. A strip of land off the west side of the east 20 feet of Lot 43, B1ock'4, ROBedale Park, said strip being 4.82 feet gide at, the south end and 4.65 feet wide at the north and. A strip of land off the west side of the east 20 feat of south Block a, Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.61 feet wide at the ecuend _and 4.,.44 flet_ wide_at-the x_Qrth end., ....._.._...._....._ .........._...... _354..._._. _...._.._.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof' is $ Clay of iprovk.._....__..�.......M.,_r.�/ / Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had mr said mr trovenun,t mr the 1 amber Bec.ember 191._.4., at the hour of 10........ • A r room6of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the commissioner of Finance. give notice of said meeting to the persons and it, the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and 11 D place of hek,iring, the nature of the imlirovernent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......._.._._._. Approved..._.._....._... ...._._._ �..� Councilmen Far�lsworth Mayor. Gas $el r 7 Me oll r O'L ary Yoe Mayor Pow rs Mayor. An ordinance to amend ordinance No. 32991entitled "An,,,. ordinance regulating the appointment of teachers, supervisors, physi- t cians and nurses in the public schools of the City of-S%. Paul, and , prescribing their duties," passed November 5th, 1914., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ,g Section 1. That Section 1o Ordinance No. 3299, entitled ; "An ordinance regulating the appointment of teachers, supervisors;, physioians and nurses in the public:schools of the City of St. Paul, r' And prescribing their duties," passed November 5th, 1914, be and the same is' hereby amended so' as to read as follows: "Seotion 1. The following classes of persons „ shall; b'e;eligible to appointment as teachers in the e1ementAry schools of, St. Paul: (1) Graduates of the St. Paul Normal School; graduates of this Normal School, may be aed with- out previouse experience for a probationery period of ; two years (2)Graduates of a two years course in a Mine- aota State Normal School,- who have had-brie year's teach-. iag�esper"ienee in some other district having a regular system of graded schools. ; (3) ,Graduates of some other recognized normal ;echool,'having a two yearscourse, and graduates of a college-or- university who have taken a full course therein.. Both'of these classes, must have hadtwoyears auooess-ful feaoh,ing experience in some other district having .a regular 'system of graded schools." Section 2.. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inoon- sistent,herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in -- force thirty days after its passage ani publi�ation. ;iACttAF9flinsa afOittonaN.nocS+j�tta4a A � // pervtaora phpa[etapa 8n8-nutaea< in;; ttie public schools o� tjte'Olt,t pt .pre9arlbing theft duNe � � / ,.axed NQvomtier 6th 3914. �i .__— 191 400M by the Council ................... ------------ -- f,ISFiE� �` YEAS, NAYS. _634 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3,�,L 0 ENTITLED"ORDINANCE APPROVING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BUREAU , CIVIL SERVICE-" 326n�,4 entitled Ordinance Bureaqn. ft5and PT, UNCIL OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 90 THE 15- 7,does%ordain 'r Section 1. Th t ordinance 'N (526035 equtl:: -.5 0 entitled, .do ­U - -�,sction 2 of Rule %A M4f- III of said ordinance NO -13 �1 Z- 6��. herel t rsd as follows tie %Ilifl- Approving Rules and Regulations of the Bureau of. Civil Service," 141," tttdLths same is, hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. "Residence. --No person shall be admitted to an examination for any ice who is not a citizen of the United position in the classified sery States, and who has not been an actual resident of the City Of Saint Paul for at least six months next preceding the date of examination; pro- vided, however, that in examinations for positions or places requiring aj technical, professional or scientific knowledge and experience or manual skill of EL high order, these requirements may be waived by unanimous action b. of the City Council on application by the Commissioner and upon his cer tification that the good of the City of Saint Paul demands the making of an exception; and provided further, that in examinations for positions in Classes J and'K-the commissioner may, if he deems it necessary, waive either of both of these requirements. All appointive officers and em- ployees must be bona fide residents of the City of Saint Paul at and during the time of their employment." kde*d-by the Council oC............. 191 -------------- ----- - ----------- YEAS, NAYS. MR- ; FARNSWORTH O's, GOSS KELLER McGOLL O'LEARY YOERG RE (POWER U, a Li L Lj;L -3 A7"' U Di !TY COIYIPTROE�R C j: An ordinance to settle the claim of Austin 'T. Baillon THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: -Section 1. That the proposition of Austin T. Baillon to compromise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a hole,on University avenue, near Virginia avenue, as is more particularly set out in his claim to the Council under: date of°Xovember 14th, 1914, upon payment to himi:of the sum of Twenty-five Dollars 025.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, in, favor of Austin T. Baillon, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Twenty-five Dollars;,said sum, however, tobe'delivered only upon there being filed with the City,comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to 'be approved by the Corporation Counsel, Z, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of 'every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of biose arising out of the.injuries sustained by said claimant on the day . and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Ahirty days after its passage and publication_.,.. a F. No. N. 3321-:�-, -inca to settle th.,, clatal. Austin T, Hatllon. 11111mby the Council YEAS, The Council of the CltY Of St. Paul does ordain' S3ZICTIOn That the proposltlojof Austin. Baillon to compronol..-aadBOWG'htS: claim gainst the City _Of SL'TAul­ out "of InJurlOaL Sustained by him by reason Of'a-hole on--,UnI1V4tsIt3ri ; !.&vpnhenesti, Virginia; axenuq,,jas -1s1 g 1ore hw Council under.: dui a6! 6 Kn J_b06rt:: 14M,t9m, 494„upon vvt�e�qo-ff,!Oy; of wery kind anand Sian d nature, and and nd more pr- Licularly on account; of_ those arising )ut of, the Injuries sustained 1d ,11a!rnat On, thd, dajv�. and 1. tdhe ,IrcunistaAces hbrelmah(lyp noted L, This', ordinance,'shalt SECTION fe.t and 50 10 forceLthirtdays atter Its Dase- - We and.publicatiOn. APProved Dec. 2, 1914. WINK POWERS Attest: JOHN L PARICY. May.. (Dec. 5-IA14),C'ty Mork., MR. FARN GOSS OF KELLI ✓O's. MCGO 01F) YOERi NAYS. 0 MR. PRES11 The Council of the CltY Of St. Paul does ordain' S3ZICTIOn That the proposltlojof Austin. Baillon to compronol..-aadBOWG'htS: claim gainst the City _Of SL'TAul­ out "of InJurlOaL Sustained by him by reason Of'a-hole on--,UnI1V4tsIt3ri ; !.&vpnhenesti, Virginia; axenuq,,jas -1s1 g 1ore hw Council under.: dui a6! 6 Kn J_b06rt:: 14M,t9m, 494„upon vvt�e�qo-ff,!Oy; of wery kind anand Sian d nature, and and nd more pr- Licularly on account; of_ those arising )ut of, the Injuries sustained 1d ,11a!rnat On, thd, dajv�. and 1. tdhe ,IrcunistaAces hbrelmah(lyp noted L, This', ordinance,'shalt SECTION fe.t and 50 10 forceLthirtdays atter Its Dase- - We and.publicatiOn. APProved Dec. 2, 1914. WINK POWERS Attest: JOHN L PARICY. May.. (Dec. 5-IA14),C'ty Mork., NOV 171914, -. CITY CONIPTROLL R An ordinance to settle the claim of Austin T. Baillon. TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Austin T. Baillon to compromise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a hole on University avenue; -near Virginia avenue, as is more particularly set out in his claim to the Council under date of November 14th, 1914, upon payment to him of the sum of Twenty-five Dollars (,125.00), be an°d the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, in favor ,of Austin T. Baillon, payable out of the Compromise Account of the.General'Fund, in the sum of Twenty-five Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, togetherwith a release duly b on Counsel; executed by him in a form to �e Apps�oved ky: 3 re3"easing and discharging the CitYTO•c _ 11 3 ,4; • , tma -and demands n .i�. aa''Ixp u I. yf those of every kind and nature, and more paid 4 x,,;4on,1t�' a q .., rls °xyZ •p P l 'f '1��� -< ]U73 U A... J� .Y u, u., l Ih I I qday' and arisiIn out of the :injuries suata g P W4 �F Ptx111 QnJn I11 �1JIN'``I 1 I Ix J.x •I1.. IC under the., circumstances hereinabd,, P,,• ,a ;;nni aM�;'..... In 9+nub e7vga.•xu caauul � in Section 2. This or in_ '10 d.Lstn<la vaoswrl6iNuu ai0 ul.ty ,> force, hirt y days a after its pass ---- FI _ -- K� A '. ' 'xl.. ,tl JU .lalxl'b Ohl) Sty F i cl I l iia 13 , 19 1 l)L,I IJ 1l JV �i is •. n3 J 1 II {� 14 x3V F.3P '41p ayj 1 {v 1i[ "ul `II , LCf -2:. • / �� I v UI• P41Q xo41 ala esa d11Uao 1'1 14 "'1 2I 41 J • 'C 'tlSOS�NNIIY S luno ° 15 Io .iJUlau a y 61 the Connctl alZaVill S p ------- - ass nr YEAS. NAYS, MR_ FARNSWORTH v GOSS KELLER T� ,oy2� McGOLL i '{ O'LEARY 9 i YOERG NAYS, 0^� MR. PREStQENT (POWERS) " ALJu I 1 ED NOV 17 1914 A. 2-f cc CITY COMPTROLL R An ordinance to settle the claim of Austin T. Baillon. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: .;Section 1. That the proposition of Austin T. Baillon to compromise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a bole on University avenue; near Virginia avenue,i as is more particularly set outin his cleim,to the Council undez data of, November 14th, 1914, upon payment ," to him of the sum ofTwe�ity fiva Dollare;(�25.Q0), be and the same �h is hereby aocepted, and theiroger° cffioers are hereby authorize and directed to drag awarxarrtugo ssoner _of: Finance, in r ..� Y favor of��Austin T. 8 17 on, payab , ampromise Account of the General Fund, inn the �nmD, t `ae ,D f Ba, sum, however, to. be delivered only upon Comptroller a receipt of said `cisimant tai ` �� duly r executed by him``iri s form,CmTaneel releasing and' d�echarff n de Q f every' kind Gild natur �a' arising out of th8n d under the a rcnmsta ' foroe Ahiit y da' 1' 1i 1636 :37 An ordinance granting to Peter G. Boosalis and Nicholas TR4 P b Papa@, partnere as Boosalis & Papas, permission to oonstruct,a *boor in the sidewalk adjacent to the Library B�ilding on Seventh street, fifty feet from the corner of Seventh and !Wabasha streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Peter G. Boosalis and N cholas Papas, partners as Boosalis & Papas, to construct and maintain a strate four feet square, in the sidewalk adjacent to the Library Building on Seventh street, fifty feet from the corner of Seventh and Wabasha streets, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to the said Boosalis & Papas /Ja - for the construction of said , upon their compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of ) T,4P,0ao1' Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed emote, which plan shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. %Rh P,Jc o r (2) The said ghit#e shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner,'and the said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection and of installing same. (3) The said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suite, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the con- struction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said R,f,0Doo-m Ai;a*e, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said J;' A4PTJoo r Aahv a remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. T41,4 P �o 4 (4) Said ohtth shall be removed by said licensees whenever the Council shall so order. NAYS•'0 MR_ PRESIDENT (P WERS) � z �,y (5) The said licensees shall pay any license fee -or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensees shall, within ten days after the pass- this ordinance, file'a written aoceptance thereof with the City age of age Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. •:0 2636—ordinance NO. 8$2Pr— /re"ae ......._ _�.:..._. .�.�....:.. Me 6 antfng to P to as pest- alfa nd Nicholas Pa., Be ally & Pagae: Permfs-' /.� on W t net tap-dogr la the A idbwallr 81 cent a the Library. SalIdinS On S venth Street tlfty feet corner of Seventh and Wa- Baa hs. krt sCounelI 7 : of the City of St. Paul nes ordain: t. SECTION I. Phat permisECT and authority aro �reby granted {o. Petet 'G. Hoosalle.. NOWb the council ...' .. 2/ 'd Nlcholaa Papas, partners as Bob - ' Y Ila & Papas, to q u,feeCand main-. •1n a trap-doot;.fo�t feet ai�uare 11- j e sidewalk a d,lacent to the Libre; �Alding on Seventh street, fiftY ' d amom the coiner ofSeventh: and ahstreets, In, said, City. ' YEAS, SECTION 2:: The 11ComnIIseloner of ". s ebfoyr authorized MR. FARNSWORThs; CITY OF. ST. PAUL - - FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL r 263' .__...._.....:............ r Subject :.............. _....._:... _. ....................:. ......... ..... ..... ........_............... COUNCIL i TILE No........ ... ... ........�. -............................. ........ .._... _..... .............. _...................................... .............. ........ .. .....:.................... 1_..191.... Date Presented......_.... r .... Resolved, That the' City Clerk he and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a license to C. P. Shears to conduct a Motion Picture Show at 1912 University Avenue, West. That said C. P, Shears pay into the City Treasury a license fee of $50.00, which is the fixed amount for said license, for said motion picture show, for a period-of one year from the. issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or become effective until building has been remodeled or new building erected, and until said 0. P. Shears has pro- h cured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings hie certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in eon- neetion with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance with the Building Code of th® City of St. Paul and has filed two certificate with the City Clerk. C. F. No. 2637— §iesolved. That the City Clerk be and he': is fiereby nothorl.cd and. directed to - I esuo. n It e.g. to C.. P: Shears, to conduct -a' Motion Picture. Show at 1912 University %venue,- That cut d C. P: 9heare pay'. Into the fee of r6sa which rIs� the flxed.1. out. foso d '.. license. ;for Bald motion gteture show, for a porfod of one year-;rom.,the; is- of anoilbe n5, thit It- cense ahall l..:4 Cur become eRective. until builds Bhas�beon redmodllere: at.. ed, iaid(.PSbtA aspprou e Pub11c Bufld- ' from the Commissioner of Inge hla certlflCIIte thatShe enid build- Ing and nll the apparntue to be used , . - YCHa ( V CoLL cilmen (✓) Nays 1n connects wlth .the oxfiibitiona to - .- be g1Ven tfi dreln are In IIll reepecta In coin➢lla ce with 'the suuding Coae ted b the Council___ of the City of ST. Paul and hne flied p Y - the certiftcat with -the Ctty Clerk. Far worth] Adopted by the Council Nov. 13. 1914. Approved Nov. 19. 1914. Gp(Nov. 21-1914) ` Approved 191 Kel M.11 _— __ --Against O' ry �. Yoe "YOR MrPreaident, Po ers .lOBA• I. FAAI +�Ore� Occnn CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITY OLERK'6 OPPICE w ov 5 th ,1914. }{pn. John J. O'Leary, Cos,^r. of P,rl:s & Puhlio Bldgs., J e+rr Si r.— City of ..:.P:.ul, 1:linnes3ta. The sttached applic4tio. of G. P. Shears far r, i:otinn Picture Theatre Licer.se nt 1912 11,iver;:ty Ave., was laid ::ver, by theCounc'l,nt their meetint; of—todriy, ar,d svgs referred to your department for approval of the building by the 3uildin[; Inspector. This Natter comes up before the Council sgain on Saturday i'OVII'UR 14th,1914. Yoi.:r= truly, �,!,x � /City Cl erk . JOHN T. McCOLL HENRY MCCOLL DKPDTY COMMIB.IO... corMls.IoneR - CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY November 4,3914.. To The Honorable The Council Of The City of St. Paul, Gentlemen: - Attached application of G. P. Shears for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 1912 University Ave. T. is for a new location. Applicant desires that license be granted upon condition of approval of building by Building Inspector. Present building to be remodeled. Yours truly, - / oeWen1p tor` . MMG CITY OF ST. PAULY COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ?�� 4 Subject, _ _....._... _....... . . _._...... FOUENCIL NO V....... ... ................................ ............ I ........ ....... .... _................... Date Presented........._ _ .-.-._ I91........... Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a license to Harvey C. Sargeant to conduct a motion picture show on Lots 8 and 9 of Block 2, Lindeman Place. That said Harvey C,Sargeant pay into the City Treasury a license fee of $50.00, which is the fixed amount for said license for said motion picture show, for a period of one year from the issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or become effective until building has become ful'_y completed and until said Harvey 0. Sargeant has procured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his certi- ficate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibition to be given therein are in all respects in compliance with the Building Code of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. Yeas (P') Councilm( ays Farnswor Goss In favor Keller McColl -against `J'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers ✓etc_, /// <:. roRM e.0-2 '4- rN� 'Ci�id� Adopted by the Council _ - 1_. ___-191 Approved_ =191 -'--'- --- -- MAYOR I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL„ FORM .................................... _. ............... Subject:...................... ......................... ....................... COUNCIL NO.... ............................ nLe : .._..a..... Date Presented- - ..... . . . .. ...... ......... 191 ............ Resolved. That the City Clerk be an hs -is hereby authorized an& directed nt a motipn to issue a license picture show V_ �• That eai pay into the City Treasury a license fee of $50.00, which is the fixed amount for said license for said motion picture shoWTor a period of one year from the issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or become eflep� uickil uIlding has become" procured fully completed and until said ' U from the Commissioner of Public•Buildings his certificate that the said building and all the aplaratus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance' with the Building Code of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. A Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council -------191— Farnsworth Gose In favor - Approved 191— Keller McColl —Against O'Leary Yoerg — MAYOR Mr. President, Powers JOHNMCCOLL HENRY MCCOLL - o nuTY �MMiesioNert eoMMisnoesn CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ,ble The Council I St. Paul. Gentlemen:— November 16,1914. Attached applicationof Hervey C. Sargeant for a license to conduct a hrlotion Picture Theatre on Lots 6 and 9, Block 2, Lindeman Place, F.S. Snelling Avenue, beiveen Blair and Van Puren Streets is for a neer location. Yours truly, Lie Inspect—o..� fl. qUrrcu-nt rnsidir,'. t ,cuth _,von Street in the C`-%- of 9t nF- first Elul- vcrr., 6ej:oses ani' sa,-S: That 1',o is '. 270,-,'dcrlt Of 1,1:O 9tc-t" of T'irnescta ,.nd 4 3 over twent,,-:ne .� ct:rs c of C. IN-lat he h,.S not rior to !aAc horocf i!L'.d caul ..11)1 -Ah.o ri ?(," to cf-,rr,,, on t 0 t . - - the novinc,- :jcture bus_nesq ir, the ,it-- of.;t. u 'nLL,l u to the, license for a first cf JaT:uir-., , H14, and t. .,, no,,,, desires t'r,c Slid movirE ;acture Easiness on SnellinE .vcI.u(; 3�,.id -- i.,.ovine picture LusineSE to 1,0 located on 9neii'n.:venue or, 7.ots ",i�ht (6) and ,!-reLir�,enan PILce. k TvIc Tal S-IcrT, to '"fcrc ... ....... ITC tr. ?mise c nri--' s s i o r. o x- i r e s big 11 ilii� Dc� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subect:..._.._........._ 1 .._.._......_. _:............ _.. _. .... _. couNetC w� .. . FILE NO ...... .. .............. �.......... .: Date Presented.... .•..... Resolved, That ';he Cor-isaiorcr o_ _' i x°or1:s be and he is hereby authorize,i and directed to const_-n.ct the fol.lo,iiTi.� manholes on Oxford St. between Central Avc. and Sherburne Ave., the cast th-ereof not to exceed the =,i of T*ao Hundred 1''ollars and to be paid froii the 11iocellaneous Sewer Accol.11lt of the Gcneral Fund: one midway between Central Ave. and Fuller St. Oise midway between Fuller St. and _iurorE. Ave. One rnid,ray between Aurora' Ave. and University Ave. One niavmy between University Ave. and Sherbtu•ne Ave. . That y e N. d. That That the h. i. a hereby of Ii Public t9orka be and ho to hereby an 1h,1111d and directed to onstruct h. Ji tollewing manholes on Oxford atreet. between Central avenue and Sherburne avenue. the coat thereof not to "'I'd the , aum of Two Rundred Dollata In- he paid from the .�ifecellaneoue- Sewer Account of the General Fund: One midway between. Central avenue and Fuller atreet. One. midway between Fuller atreet and Aurora avenue. I One midway between Aurora .venue tl nna University avenue. i5 On midway between Untverelty ,,,avenue and Sherburne avenue. Adopted by the Council Nov. 18, 1914. Approved Nov. 19. 1914. . (Nov. 21-1914) Yeas (P) CounJIraen ([,)Nays Adopted by the Council // __ 191y Approved _ ! 191 [L - -'--- -- � MAYOR Far orth Gos In favor Kel r Mc oil __ _ _ _/against O' ary Y g Mr. Presiden owers vOwM c.9-2 Adopted by the Council // __ 191y Approved _ ! 191 [L - -'--- -- � MAYOR Resolved Th"t. •Hotel License heretofore issued to J B. Dregelies to conduct a Hotel e be, end the same is hereby revoked an the ground that he hes sold liquor illegally therein, and conducted the hotel in a disorderly manner. Yeas ( Y ) Coul c#rnxn ( N ) Nays to C: N'.ZIo-2640=,. - foosolI u That Hotel Tff Anse here - duet Issued J. B. Dregdl[ea-t* con - etrehotel at Porter Hotel, 127 11th street, tic, and the at is hereby r yoked on the' ground Chnt he has sold liquor IllegnllY [Herein, nd conduct- ed the hotel in a disorderly manner. ldouttd by' the Council Nov. 18, 1914. APProved Nov. IQ.''' - (Nov. 21-1914) In favor __Against Adopted by the Council Approved MAYOR Far orth Goe 7 Kell McC 1 UL Yoe Mr. President, Powers to C: N'.ZIo-2640=,. - foosolI u That Hotel Tff Anse here - duet Issued J. B. Dregdl[ea-t* con - etrehotel at Porter Hotel, 127 11th street, tic, and the at is hereby r yoked on the' ground Chnt he has sold liquor IllegnllY [Herein, nd conduct- ed the hotel in a disorderly manner. ldouttd by' the Council Nov. 18, 1914. APProved Nov. IQ.''' - (Nov. 21-1914) In favor __Against Adopted by the Council Approved MAYOR 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0.6.4 Subject:^...................................................._....................._..................._..............._........--------------...'--------._..................... COUNCIL NoI PILE. .....:..................................... ,. Date Presented ..................................•,x...:....191............ Resolved,ThRt, -Hotol License heretofore issued to .1 B. Dregelies to conduct a Hotel etL1be, .nd the same is hereby revoked on the ground that he has sold liquor illegally therein, and conducted the hotel in a disorderly mariner. C. F. No, 1111— Resolved, That Hotel LI nae here- tofore Issued to J. B. Dregelies to con- duct a hotel at Princess Hotel, 420 Ml unesota street. be, and the same Is hereby revoked on the ground' that he has sold liquor nasally therein, and conducted the hotel In a disorderly n ner. ldopted b the Council Nov. 18, 1914. Approved Nov. 19, 1914. (Nov. 21-1914) Yeas ( V) Cou ilmen (V) Nays Fa orth Gu In favor Ke M 1 _—Against OYerory M.P. rs Adopted by the Council— �� 191 Approved / / 191_ MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL z� CITY cr IV.Rws OFFICIE November 12th,1914 .r.J.B.Dregelies, ;x420 Unnrsota Street & ;,127 11th Street,City '&ar av 1 am directed by the Zity Council under RssolutionsCo. 2467-2468, to notify you by mail to appear before the Council, in the Council Chambers,Room 61 Court House & City hall Bldg. Novemberl8th,1914 at to o'cloc a,m. to she, cause %hy the licensee for the Porter fiotel,;'127 lith Strait and the Princess Hote11420 Bin - assets Streets shoula not be revoked for selling liquor illegally and alloving the use of said hotel for irmroral purposes. z d ouu 8 tiruly. City Clerk. FINAL ORDER. '' In the Matter of...9rAd.i._ng OAP..toj pLVeAVe from AVOP street . ... .. .... . ......... I 961 A 191 under Preliminary Order .......... ....... .............. approved ... ....... ... .......... Intermediary Order ...approved .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, Objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iin- provernent to be niade by the said City is eradingrof Capitol Zverme f rom. Avon- -meat to a...Ixint and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be miade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and-,,, directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the 'Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. 19. .................... Approved... -.19 r— ................. .......... ... Mayor. �. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of__.grad.ing...G p.i.to.l....avenue....f.ro.m._Au.on. t_. t.a-V.A.o..t.or.i..a S.t. ander Preliminary Order approved ..........Aggue,t„_l..e.t.,_.._1914..e._...... ._......_.....__................ To the Council of the City of St. Pan] : The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is...1u�.6.8_...fJ.5.......... per front foot..- 1.08 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 'Lot 'Bloch ADDITION Aeaemed Valuation 1 JN 12, f _ i 1 DESCRIPTION ADDITION Assessed Valuation Lot � - -- _ q�,�� ti G i �c /J\0 , y-( AssessedVejat��` DESCRIPTION Lot3lo�ks ADDITION 1/ U I 4 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report ioade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated......j...lJ............... Commissioner of Finance, I St. Pauly linneso 2 TO THE TTOITORAMF CO?UfMIT_COUNCIZi C�Jt�?RIS I0� �3.__QF_P.tIF?I.Q_1'IQi3KS,— a Cite of St. Paul T Jnr,. _ ffe, the undersigned owrFrt of property, do nerely 5 0, res 3ctfully >7etition__your Honorab.l�e Bodies to have Carltol. 9 Avenue graded between Avon _and ..Victoria _Streete 8 of St. Paul . - - --- Owner's Name Residence -- ---- i Il �_l�L-_ Y L''Y✓% _ l/�'�1/!13 G 14 p Lit i 17----- �/ �J ozz ---- 21 26 30 - pj 1 I 4. • 1 ~try.:,• I St. Pauly linneso 2 TO THE TTOITORAMF CO?UfMIT_COUNCIZi C�Jt�?RIS I0� �3.__QF_P.tIF?I.Q_1'IQi3KS,— a Cite of St. Paul T Jnr,. _ ffe, the undersigned owrFrt of property, do nerely 5 0, res 3ctfully >7etition__your Honorab.l�e Bodies to have Carltol. 9 Avenue graded between Avon _and ..Victoria _Streete 8 of St. Paul . - - --- Owner's Name Residence -- ---- i Il �_l�L-_ Y L''Y✓% _ l/�'�1/!13 G 14 p Lit i 17----- �/ �J ozz ---- 21 26 30 - pj 1 • 1 ~try.:,• .. µ T J- d <•� ! OSCAR CLAUSS&N ,M. N. GOSS - cx�eP axcareea C- 10— cvVL'Ic WO— ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF` PUBLIC WORKS - St. Paul, Minn. Nov. 21, 1914. MD MLs Mr. 1.1. 11• �oUs, N1�1 Commissioner o- : ublic ilorks, NOV N 1 1914 C I T Y. M- N. GOSS, Dear Sir,4 COMMISs10NEROf PUBLICWORKS Iieferrir. - to attached order, it appears Mr. Michaud's contention is correct End the final order should read to grade Capitol Ave. from Ammon St. vieet to a point 116 feet eget of the east _ --- _ -- line of Victoria St Your: very trulY, W, Chief Engineer. i CITY OF sAI1�T �Ai�L OITY Oi-F.R1Z•g OFFIOE Hon. U.N . Goes., Coss. of Public Works. City of St.Paul. Lunn . �r De"r Si r:— Nov. 18th,1914. Colpt�SS10NER OG SW ARKS Attached Final order 130_ 2642, in the ratter of gra ling Capitol Ave. from Avon St. to Victo--isa St was referred to your depart— ment oy the Council, at t eir meeting of to—d y� and Laid over the week. Mr. D. H. Michaud was present at the meeting, and stated that by grading Capitol Ave. one block f --.j rtkle r a cheaper route would be obtai :ed . L Your= traly, Qty Clerk This,up sgaln before Council on NOV. 25th,1914. r i COUNCIL FILE NO._____ Lr By--- ... _.. __ FINAL ORDER. La the Matter of..curbing 1ary'l.and...street frog, Fame avenue to___Edger_to..n_.._ street. under Preliminary Order approved klgust_3rd, 1_914,__.. _.__......_. Intermediary Order ___.. _. __._ _._._....approved A public hearing having been had upou the abovr improvement upon due uotice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reeonnuendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the xamc; therefore, be it RESOLVED, 73y the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provemcut to be made by the said City is_ ............ ........ ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be umde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cmnmissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said ionproveuaeat, slid submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers nu•e hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...__.__ _ 19....._. City Clerk. Approved _ _ _ 19___ Mayo'. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller I McColl l O'Leary Yoerg 'Mayor Powers / 'a� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of eu. rt;_1r.g u4aryland.. avenue from Payne avenue to Edgerton St. under Preliminary Order approved __,Auguat__3rd ,.. 1914. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Pittance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is :1;_ 449 .• pl5 . _ _................. cost per front ft. .40¢ 'Phe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,. are as follows: Arc �u -- �c Ju.-�r� 4 PTION Lot Block ADDITION. Assessed Valuation 4 DESCRIPTION v Z t Lot Block ADDITION Assessed/Valnstl'on c �j y 0. M t DESCRIP'T'ION Lor Block ADDITION Assenh��Val atja �� J��: The Commissioner of Ninauee fia-ther reports that he has irivestiga Led all of the aforesaid matters. amd hereby snbmit.s the foregoing as his report thereon to the Conucil, together kith the report made to hint in reference to said mater by the commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Auguet...._17. .........................191.. 4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan] The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._.._983............ ......approved. ...._ August.....3.}............._.............191...x..., relative to__�.x1P_..._...._. curbing.._of..._Tviarylan�L._.S.t_.._ ftyx1.e.....R,.v-......t.o....E.dgert.an....St......... ................. ..........._..... ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .....................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......._XX :. X...._. and the total cost thereof is { .........._43.7.,..$Q..._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as_to ows:.............__.._...__..._..._..._.... _....... ................................... .......... ..... ............ .... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....... _ ..................... _....._.......................................................... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... ..........f. Conunissi er of Public Works. 9 COUNCIL FILE NO. By- ........... 1.\ .. ............... FINAL ORDER. I it the Matter of with cement block. t� -- ---- X&&6n—s—tructirig--, relaytng—an'x pa ing w7 width of ten feet the present sidewalks on the following streets, Wabasha street west side beginning at Seventh street thence north 180 feet, Wabasha street east side from Fight street to Ninth street, Seventh street north side beginning at Wabasha street thence west 12 feet, Fight street north side beginning 98 feet East of Wabasha street_thence Eaat 82 feet., under Preliminary Order -approved August, 8th, 1914'. Intermediary Order approved ... .............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement IlPoll due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconiniendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the stinie; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- reconstructiong,relaying,repairing with cement blocks to a width of ten feet1the present sidevalke prove lent to be made by the said City isAon.tha t.allowinj namd...ja-tr..e.etit:;WEk.b.a.sha 7th thence %,T.180 ft. and K.S. from 8th Rt.'tlo 9thst. 7th St.N.S. from Wabasha street W.12 ft. 8th St N.B. beg .9$..feat_.Za,st a.f...Wabasha..atre-st,thence,.Eant_82 f ast.. aunt the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he.is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said iniprovenient, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the inaking of said iniprovenient in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. Approved.... 19- Mayor. Councilmen Farn worthIaYlngt and of , repalrinx _,with eeit6.nt bz 0 locks, to ­ width tf.jetj. feet, the ,W'ant, 'sidewalks, -t-, the, following -a - Webaside, street west side,, Goss ots ftrpdng.ttt a9ve-t street then" orth 180 feet, Wabasha east 1,f,pId.,, fro. EighM at Belle street to Ninth A1,1g,.et.,.11eveth re. , north side, n . at We,, West 12'fest, Blg-gtbha street. thence McCo I 14"Whie, beginning 98 feet etgatcfn�;.,� tr­t, th..c. � e I'll 11 felt 3,�,der Preliminary Order 1061, 0 *LeN ry 8, 1914. intermediary Ord - 1144, approved Oct. 20, 1914. ,�-Vu lie hearing having been had 7" 1 the above Improvement upon due Yoerg Cep, and the ouncl having heard diorson., objections and re....e.- "a relative thereto, and having Mayor Powe a .:cmtsltiared the same;therefore, eicl,veti" the Council of the City llftyt the fecise nature, ex -1. tint `;and sna� t kind I "m" :be" tdsde by he .-I City .const'ruct Ing, repairing withconige., blockswidth of ten feet, present sidewal a, bon the following; named street.: Wabasha street, wast: i.td..f,.b,e beginning at17thi thence north, 180 and east side ten!. 8th street) to 9th street; 7th street,, rth Id`e�! from Wabasha street,, west .12 fe.jtj: lith street, 1b,:Ide_ beginning 9 feet east north . a street 'thence' ;east .82 feet, and the' Council, hereby 'ord6r. said Improvement "made. Resolved Further. That lithe Commie --;least of. Public Works be and be. is hereby Instructed and dlract.A th ­_,. 7� fl REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter nf. r ..C_on_Qtrt Ctng, .re,laving and repairing with cement blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalks on the following streets rabasha street west side beginning at Seventh street thence..north. ..180 feet,...Wabasha street east aide from Fight street to Ninth street, Seventh street north site beginning at Wabaeha street tHerioe"west"12 feet; dight street, north side beginning 98 feet East of Wabasha street thence East 8.5.. f.8e.t........ .:.................. .......... _ __. ......... ... .......__........ ............ .._.._.... ..__ _ _... ._ .._........ under Preliminary Order approved ..AU.gUst_ $_th, 1914. .............. ._ ..._....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $¢...,l The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement. is .$ per ...ineal foot._.. d The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ,C�r / /✓A �-/-1p�CZ/!`4.�.[t 7.1f1///Ir /G _�C7t Zit �u..�\ ter./n J(/ �v.d�� .ojc/C •U���H+�-w p 4� Oi`O�Ar!/� �� ? ///fit G�ih �✓I?f r/. /%��. -�\ �.�J s�I` /-� �CC>� �__ �=l �1` � I \iLtO? \ O�GG /VF 1�v4�w f//411r✓Ll !1 /J71i r/ A'/iJ�uc-L -C �"v/\ O� �'C /� DESCRIPTION Lot Blocks, ADDITION Assessed Veluation rblu rlN: dr-- ( `�. _ __-_ DESCRIPTION LotIo�k ADDITION fiEFQFF d V l.,ac�on � /_.� ��.i��L K ��1//-uta yJ�a. u: .. i�!/ri✓,� % � •: yle� fC� r �� .o -f' - o� _/—� `� to .1� 7 .� S\ --5- J -- The Commissioner of fiirthe-r rrpurts that lir has itivrstigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to Lh:e (- ouuc il, together with the retort wade to hint in reference to said matter by thc- ( of Ilublie- Works_ Dated---------------------- G Commissioner of Finance. Office of tine Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance' ..... ...A�ygust....]..4................_.............]91.4_ c To the Commissioner of Firsaace of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 3063 A Bt- $.x........_ ...... 1914...., relative to ............... .... .....-.. cil, known as Council File hTo-------------------------------approved.---.------_---AU& . --- reoonstruotizsg re3e.ying and repairing with cement blocks to a ✓width of ten Peet s t13e present sidewalks on the following street$: Wabasha St _ -vwe Bt side, beginning at Seventh St.,. thence north 180 Y e e t . ✓/ Wabeaha St _ � east side, Yrom EightL St. to Ninth St. JNltri Seventh St . rio rth Bide , beginning at wabashe St., thence -jSh twelvefeet - \ Eighth t _ nort3� side, beginning 98 feet east of Wabasha St., !bene east SO and h., — 1. Said improvement is- seceasary and (or) desirable. %XxS 2. The estimated cost H=ereof is $------------------ -, and the total cost thereof is $ --- - - _....., and the nature and extent o£ said improvement is as follows : ..-.--_-. _. _ - c f said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch - - - - - ......... .....-. -- - --....... - 5. Said improveezit 9s _ 220____ --asked for upon petition. of three or more owners of property, subject m • .to assessment for said improvement_ , -------------------� --- --`.--....-.."'..�.../......... ... Co nissioner of Public Works. gr, ' _ r -i IF2AM D. FE2ANKEL - ATTORNEY AT LAW --�V[TE-1017-IB-1D PIONEER BlJIL01N0 SAINT PAUL-,MINN- November 17, 1914• v 1b the Honorable C.cwm-mzac=*:=L Council of the City of St. Paul. Please to twice notice that I have been retained by Andrew Winter Eats.ts =L-a -the mutter of notice received for a hearing b at 10 A. M. in the mat t t--:r of realaying and repairing the cement side walk on Eight Stree t 3gorth Side beginning 48 feet East of Wabasha Street thence East SM=–, meet_ r "relaying and repairing cement walk on WabashalStree-t Sicle from 8t1a to 9th Street." It vw:!L73-3 - be imposalb3-e for me to appear in this matter as I am in Court is -'s rxleapolis, amcL request a postponem at of the 4F hearing to some c--h3=-gr time when I can be present. My ci --s has but recently relayed the walksand we consider them in pe sf a ct condition anti are unable to understand why any repairs or is necessary. Respectfu3ly yours, �— F-M COUNCIL FILE No..._. 13y FINAL ORDER. lu the Matter of. ...re.ocnd-tru.c.ting,.._.relaying _ ane repairing with cen.ent , blocks to a width of six fe°t the present siaew lk on the east side of Testminster street beginningatLafayette avenug thence north 165 -feet. under Preliminary Order.994 __.approved August 3rd 1°14 ._. Intermediary Order -approved I A public hearing having been lead n�lgod the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, alit] having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.....tba.-reonstru.ction.relaying... and ..rapairing...with .....Gement bloc to a width of six feet,the present sidewalk on the east side of Westminster street, beginning at Lafayette avenue theneenorth 1,65 feeto and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and, directed to prepare plans and specifications for said ialprovenieut, and snbulit same to the C0111161 for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__.......__...__.._�.__.._.19_ _ ... _. ._.... ../ % (,ler . Approved....._// ---- ,Mayor. C. r. No. 2646 In the matter of reconstructing re laying. and repa ng with eemene Councilmen Fat is wmth blocks p a w��t��iitth of etx<te t b present eidewaljt.on the easTf# Westminster ': tre t begtht) Go. a LafaYette Qrnue, thenGbrb'iif feet, u.due Pliminarg Alptter approved Aug. 3, 18],4 1}tte Ke ,,1 -cry Order 2289, aDDtovadr Oc 1814. r--� - A Dubne hearing having -%bio •, � il upon. the above Improyedlgpt u d pile doll notice; and the Counolla;jta-0ln all persons, objections aD- datlons. relative thereto a' the O'Leary ,fully considered th9 sem t , ` be it got Resolved, auhat the Areutee:jt�fdYe, exy YO I'g tept and kintiled of`7tnprgvo]pent to be ,structlon, relaYing and ;eDa�rice ng ewlth Mayor Po Vers cement blocks to a width' f six feet, of Westminster wstreet,t�beglnnlnrsldi Lafayette v lie, thence rth ]65 feef, and theencoanetl hereby orders said Improvement to be made. slone�ol la- Resolved dPu bli a Wn rke tbeae d ha is hereby instructed pec. ni tlo ns dfor Arid pare mprPlans vement,nand submit same to sthe Council for approval; that aupon sante approval. the proper city officers hereby uthorized and directed [o pro- eed with the making o[ said Imp ole meat in accordance therewlth. , Adopted by the Council Nov. 18 1914 Approved Nov, 19, 1914. p� (Nov. 21-1914) il<<» Gx•'"t".t�f�'+':''F7i%'`�: I REPOR' Off' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alatter of c_cr_-s-t-x ic.t.%_= _,-re.1.a_y .ng, _and _ reiaixin.g rwith cealent tlocks to a width of x feet the present sidewalk on East side of Westminster r_=Lt_....�a`aV_Ythence north 165 feet. under Preliminary Order x-�r>i-oved---Ai1g718 3rd, 1 ,14. ......_ To the Council of the o£ St. Paul : The Commissiorxer c> Tt'inanee hereby i -,ports as follows: The total est.imatE-cam rnoiznt of the assessment for the above improvement it$.A9..¢.._PP.r lineal foot. The lots or land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessod valuation of each lot. or N-��—,Esr- as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated rill of the aforesaid matins. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....._G!f� G._ _ ._. _...._......191L1.... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 7, 4• ............ _..191...... To the Commissioner -of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of theeotm. eil, known as Council File No --------- 990............... approved_.._Aug.jt.......... 3rd.,_......................1914....., relative to.............................. ......... reaonstruat ing, .--- ra 1a Ying--_e ad--_re..�?air ing..._witfi.._oemant..:_blooka... tc..._a..._....... .......... ._oY.._a ix -,--Y e e t-=.-_the----.pre s e nt--__sdewalk..._on,__eaet__s ide_,_of__we stminst er and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..... ----- _--------- necessary and (or) desirable. XXX and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— -----x ------+ and the total cost thereof is $ . ..............._............... ., the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......._._............_. _ _....._....--._.._......_. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _........................ 5. Said improvement is_.. -_210._ -___-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. oC_ �..../ .... _..... .......................... . o nissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO.._......________ 13Y. . ....... _ .. .... ... .. . ...... . ................ ....... . ... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of... g.., relaying. and repairing with cement block a to a width of ten feet the present sidenalk on west side of Tabasha stTea-t—beonnin,y 72 feet* south of Sixth street - tl-e-.nce south 12'J feet. under Preliminary Order. approved . Augus,t 1 14. ...... .. ..... Intermediary Order .....approved Air A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recoinniendatiol's relative thereto, and having fully considered the RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is pd repairing .... .. with cement with cement ..............blocks to a width of ten feet,the present sidewalk on the west side of Wabasha street beginning 72 feet south of .6iXth.-street thenos. south .120 feet ................ ..... .......... . ... ....... ....... .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be Mutile, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the, Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers MY hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19,/ Approved -__-19.._/ fi( 11\ Councilmen Fa nsworth 0 K( ler 7 31On 0' en ry yo, 9 Mayor PON ers 4 Resolved, 13Y tne ing —a— — Of st. Paul that the, pr6cls: are, tent and kind of TMent to be made by t blocks to the aid C1pr.� tY 11 mco.-t11hr— — tion relayand -paikith of c"gn tec'. g' ' a present sidewalk 'a the . -t Wof Wabasha street, cq'L 72 feet REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of reccrstructing_,...:relaying.. and repairing i^;ith cement blocks _.. to a width of....,tan..feAt.....the.present sidewalk on west side of Wabasha street beginning 72 feet south of sixth street thence south 120 feet. .. ..... ..... _ _. ...__......_ .._............. _.__ . ..... .........._ ...... .....--._ under Preliminary Order approved.._....Auguz.t...3.r(i, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is:k.....U...¢....P.e_r..__lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Aaseasor, are as follows: ■ / i /,'0 DESCRIPTION Lot 'Block!, ADDITION Assessed Valust;on 24/owd'/Y7�r��o�l�>S%�T� /— -Z �, i'i/• i�Gl�� ��/" ��!�./`/f, 6e.�._. 3 x The Conuoissioner of Pinauee further reports tba.t 11c has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereori t, o, they Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _. ���� . _191 Commissioner of Finanee. Office. of the Commissloner of hLAis Works Report to Commissioner ofar�a��e J\ .........................191.4.1. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under order of the Coun- cil,known as Council File No- ..................................approved-..-------.....------�.-- _reoonetru4t. ng.,,.._r lay ng,.._and---_cepa r ri�___vs a __ s cent...blo9...... to -.._a....-....... .................. _width...of..._ten....feet..,_.._the....pres_ent._sicZe- 13�----off --- s s�..... side...._43_._L7abashe........ Z2..._feet_._sQuth..._Q- Six"- �� - _-thQ.n.Ge...._e...out.....a2.4 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to thereiv,iereb�r reports: 1. ,Said improvement is ....................necessary and (or) desirable_ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... -------------- and the total c--<> reof is $........... X .......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:---------------------------------------------------.................. .................................... ............... ._.. .......... .......................................... _.................... .._........_............. _.... ............ .--------------------------------------------- ----- -------------- ---------- —.................................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached aac3 made a part hereof. 4 . ................. ..... ...... ...... ................... ............ ............ ..._.......... ......._.----- - --------------------------------------- -------------_._..._...._........................................ ... ... 5. Said improvement is._...not ............. asked :for "upon,-petitioxi of tk�rae or �zore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------- -- ----------------......... .................................. ................. .......... C missioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. ..._ ....... ..... 6 - 41 7 'r, y FINAL ORDER. III the Matter of. ror _g, won st ruo'.1 r relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the Present sidewalk on the South side of Palace street begInni.ng at Nji.l.ton. street -thence west 3.0.0. fe.e.t..beginning 11 0_1 -e e t farther west thence t 330 feet. h 14 ". .8 pe under Preliminary Ord _......approved July 2.a�.t­ 2 luterniediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council liaviug heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said Citytis.....the cement to a gidth of six fpetnthe present sidewalk on the sou* side of Palace street bPginnima. at Tilton street,thance* west 3O0 feet-ibeginning 110 feet farther -west thence wsat..330.1.eet...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit saille to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offleers are hereby dilthol-i7'ed and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement ill accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... Approved__ re 4', No 2641'� 'red .......... Mayor. IL 6 - 41 7 'r, y FINAL ORDER. III the Matter of. ror _g, won st ruo'.1 r relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the Present sidewalk on the South side of Palace street begInni.ng at Nji.l.ton. street -thence west 3.0.0. fe.e.t..beginning 11 0_1 -e e t farther west thence t 330 feet. h 14 ". .8 pe under Preliminary Ord _......approved July 2.a�.t­ 2 luterniediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council liaviug heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said Citytis.....the cement to a gidth of six fpetnthe present sidewalk on the sou* side of Palace street bPginnima. at Tilton street,thance* west 3O0 feet-ibeginning 110 feet farther -west thence wsat..330.1.eet...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit saille to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offleers are hereby dilthol-i7'ed and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement ill accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... Approved__ re 4', No 2641'� 'red .......... Mayor. "Tn Cha ;.after of. reconstructing. -9 and �layl is" , ceimenil _'1pp.iril with Councilmen Far sword] I I blacks to - width OQiCJea _��the] th�, present- .sidewalk on , do or Palace: street,, beglnofl�eat* Wil- 0 COs ton street,, thence west 900 -feet' be-' ginning,110 fast farther west,'theace; west 330" ­feet, under Weliminstry; K ler le' .Order_891_ approved Intermediary. Order 21,01Z ' .1,4i"At 0 'had A if'. e, I, having be' , 3 Coll upon t b 0 1 r ant upeom=tcdae,' hvi. heard o . ,attd` , e-, notice t'l e .11 ",So _ oil ne and recommeu�, dations. I relative thereto and havingi 'LeRry fully ;considered the same; therefore,, oerg oivad� k the Council of the City' ,SL aul the, precise nature, ex `ofusL tent ad- 1, of improvement to be to t kind by 'the. . said; City is the rec..- Mayor owerS .truction, relaying and repalrink, with! cement blocks to a width of Bli feet tbalprcieatsaldewslk on the-.d.th Side' of slocc Set, begla"t at Milton " I west . fee,, b.gioning, street, thence US 830: 110 feet farther west.thence west feet, and the Council hereby orders said Improvement tbe mada, Resolved Further. That the Commis- sloner of Public Works be and he IS hereby instructed and directed topr n 'IfIcation. for Said ,Van' and d 'pe Cre submit Sam provencrt and so e to the ,Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to pro- = , ", the making of said improve- ment In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Nov. 18, 1914. Approved Nov. 19. 1910 (Nov. 21-1914) p, J :L V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the Matter of reconstructing, relaying .and refairing with cement blocks .-"-oa. _.71_id.th_...o.f s.i.ac._.f.tet.....the....P.resent_.e. dew.alk on the south side of Palace atree.t!. eginning_._a.t_idilton . street_.._ thence west 300 feet beginning 110 feet farther west thence test 330 feet. ..___........._..._.............._........ ........ ._........ ..._................._.............._.._........._._....... under Preliminary Order approved.._Ju_ly.....28th, 1914 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount, of the assessment for the above improvement is :(t 49 ._._.......0..er P ......_.... lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 145 -IL AIJ F/J% 100 `rC/� TJ �`i�+f-' y (Aj Gam/ .�ftilc G /45 U✓% DESCRIP'T'ION Lot 'Block ADDITION Assessed Vxlustioii i m DESCRIPTION 'Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation 5 j �d d ; i A The Commissioner of Finanee further reports that he h:+s iuvestigated all of the aforesaid luat.ters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated.._...__..._(_Z.............. ]9lL<' Commissioner of Finance. Report to Commissioner of Finance ...........August....3.:,....._.................191..4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Tile Commissioner of Public, Works, having had under oousideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, _wknown as Council File No...._881................. approved ._........ J111 ...28.a...............................a.t191.4..., relative to.............................. Sl.Ql7.�#rx1_..X.QP.E!4r.IYiZ.....tC..._a....17•..._9f...._elx..._feet.,........_....._... ................... Palaoe__St-,_-�..-_begnning.,_at..,_ldlton .,_.-._thence..._west,.._300-._3t.;_._be_ginning_. 110 ft. farther west, thenoe west 330 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ..........necessary and (or) desirable. 3. The estimated cost the is $.--------- XXX........... and the total,..eost thereof is ....... ..... ................ and .the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......:............_...__...._..__............ ........... _..................... _................ .: _... _. _...................... _.-............ _....... _. _ .................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..........:......_..-......._............................._..............._..._......_.:........_..._._.......__............. ....................... 5. Said improvement is ..._:asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement mmissi ner of Public Works. � t COUNCIL FILE NO. __ __....... _ By........... FINAL ORDER. hr the Matter of.. cpnstrt c_tiftg a s�wer or, Fuller street Front oxford street under Preliminary Orden _ 1446 % _ approved Av. gUst/8�tJh� Intermediary Order.:....... V . 1..... approved .............. . ...... A public hearing having been had upon thel above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconuuendatious relative,t.hereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of'im- proveiment to be made by the said City is.._.constructing...a._ sewer __on._Ettlle.r_.etre.et....fram._.Omf.erd_ Street _.to....Cbatsworth._.street, ___ __ __ _ _ .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be node. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the. Com muissioiler of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to tine Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city! f officers are hereby authorized -and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in a codance therewith. Adopted by the Cohncil................. .._/L......._...........19. Approved ..........F._.R®..c. / ..... _..1.9.._.. Councilmen Fa,lo•th C. In �ims t: K,l .n, llet oil no O'L e any e °d Yoe Mayo Pow rs �? I � t COUNCIL FILE NO. __ __....... _ By........... FINAL ORDER. hr the Matter of.. cpnstrt c_tiftg a s�wer or, Fuller street Front oxford street under Preliminary Orden _ 1446 % _ approved Av. gUst/8�tJh� Intermediary Order.:....... V . 1..... approved .............. . ...... A public hearing having been had upon thel above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconuuendatious relative,t.hereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of'im- proveiment to be made by the said City is.._.constructing...a._ sewer __on._Ettlle.r_.etre.et....fram._.Omf.erd_ Street _.to....Cbatsworth._.street, ___ __ __ _ _ .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be node. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the. Com muissioiler of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to tine Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city! f officers are hereby authorized -and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in a codance therewith. Adopted by the Cohncil................. .._/L......._...........19. Approved ..........F._.R®..c. / ..... _..1.9.._.. Councilmen Fa,lo•th C. In �ims 2648— ty , erk. Mayor. t: K,l .n, llet oil no O'L e any e °d Yoe Mayo Pow rs �? 2648— ty , erk. Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of oonstrud+in a server on Fuller street frcrr, Oxford street to Chatsworth street. t under Preliminary Order approved. Auzul s.t_ f t.:t,1914. ............. To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of. Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above iw •ovenu•nt is :F..._1_2..3112 per front fo�< 1.07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed ' e . valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Y(//GIO/!G/�/�l� %LWT// oil �u���J D/rlI!/ �Dnnt ViJl�dilGl Oi41rr/� DESCRIPTION 'Lot 'Block'; ADDITION Assessed Valuation . -7 S� d /3 z .3 15,11 s`�' DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation r � 1-2-J VL y s 9 A, M DESCRIPTION iL.t loc ADDITION _ Assessed Vslvstlo ... a 5� A _ M i ry DESCRIPTIONTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation __ t �/� 3 G I The Coanuissioil er of Finance further reports that he has investigated sill of the aForesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner or Publie Works. Dated 6 ZI 1 ...._.. _.__...791. Cmmnissioner of Finanee. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to, Commissioner of Finance Auet.....2x,....:......_...........191... To the commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the ,Coun- 1046approved..Au st 8 - a ......................1914....., relative to...._t..._e............ cil, known as Council File No_ ................:........................................., construct. .0 ....0...._a..... e16.fl......4.A....k3t�.�.6.7G....St...e....._fxQli1....Qxf.Qx.. 131.Me_'E....to............................. ._Chatewort..... t_re:e....................:........................................................_................._........................................................................................ ............................. 0 ......... ..... I .......................... .......................................................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to thevein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 1 1 �0.........., and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........... XIXi ,......, and the total cost thereof s $_.......�_2..._8.e........ ........................................................................ ... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....._....._...__................ 3. h plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .. . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5. Said improvement is ................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ,on 'ssi ner of Public Works. HENRY E. WEDWTAEOT Co. syATioNERS S� St.Paulp, Minn- aLb Cjtyqf_qt._Pau1. 4 1 �qzkt lemqn., _Wethe.under.s_i9AedqlMerR -Of. -property-_abutting, OnJUlIaT anUep frm Oxford street to Chatsworth etreat)do t4jeby_r0SP-eQt7---J -o ullet , ition your honorable body to ORUSe 4 0ewerto be built iA oy.p said. tre _t,between 9 Names 4ot,-Blk Addition_ 12 13 K 17 18 r I /0j�_ t 2C k 23 26. ti COUNCIL FILE NO.--.��.. 13Y . ..... FINAL ORDER. te Alattlr of constructing a. six foot cerient sidewalk on the following its MA�ton street eastside fr3181"Mit Xvendsn6fth 29Zrest.F5ttland m. p.qu.j.h. s.j.d.e.lDe.ginning 193 feeteastcf ivlillon..str�,eiet thence East; 193 ft- .. .. street ..... .......... ..... (repea . ling and annullingIC ou nci .. 1 .. I.. File No. 565 approved July ME) 1914. under Preliminary Order._ 775 . ..... apin-oved.,,,..July. ' ...21s.t.,. - 19 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the Above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council objections and recommendations relative. thereto, and .having fully considered the having heard,all persons, Same; therefore, beit RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City is ..zanstruatine A gixfQAt. qpilignt sidewalk on the follovring 'Ave - 80AW side streets; Milton st.MM-Oast aide from 5u=an j+ Avenue north 292 feet. Portland Aj11,piRg Council File beginning 193 -feet -east - of Mi-l.ton Street thence East.,193 f.t.Rapealing.and. .4 No .5aoelltl1914" nonhl �Wxyrders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificatio . us for Said inipl-ovenient, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said : approval, the proper cify officers are 1101'el)Y authorized and directed to proceed with the making Of Said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..........._ .._......19./1f 7 .......... Approved........&—. `;C. -'F' No., 264 Mayor. In the nmtte� of constructub$'a 1! foot,coment sidewalk Ion-Affiosir I gir streets: - Milton � t ... t7ituit,i'lio C,(;1suu cil n i en Fa nswortIl rem summit, avenue, north.-, uPtee, t; Portland avenue, south alde', begia- ning- 193,`feet_east.or,-mutqn' stiset, Gthegca eget 193 aanp.4`1 P ll=ed JUIY.'6th, 1914), -under 'I or Order 1175, approved. July! 2L K Iler 4 h4terated,"rY Order � 2203, ,approved Oct. 20,1014 � • _­" 1 *1 A pub)ic'hearing havhijrrbc6n hod, upon thefabove Improvennottypon one I Fa notice d cotthavink, heardl it,, persons, -objections Ah'en and pommen- dations. relative th 'to and hsvingi Leary fully considered the same; therefore, be it yly he can,,,, of he city, oerIf at. Paul thot he or. i, 'c as nature, es g It tent and kind of Improvement to be ad. by the aald City I, ,,,tructihg a Mayor owers lo Ix foot cement side,. the fol, wing streets: Milt.n street, eis.t� side, from Summit avenue north iiii Peet; Portland avenue, southside, be-, ginning 19,3 feet east of Milt.n street,j annulling -eastcdun193 cil fasrilet. laNo. virIcal565,lng and '- 'proved July, 6th,:1914, and the Cono'1 cll .-Pr.vtooFn4 to, De t do !lRe.ol,ed Further, That the C b I Is 19ner, of Public an ore'r.Uj hereby instructed and directed � _ pare Pill" r andzeP:cifl�I l-iont., f r' . said ' Improvement, aVoptha cVcu"111 r aX�b5.ld byatilhorid ai�r ftodeodoo"s leFnof said I P _: .a__P_- 21-1914) 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n. the r-latte, of.. cone.tructi.ng_. a.. _six foot cement sidewalk on the following ._..__. _......._. _.._._ _ __......_.. ........ _.. streets, Milton street east side from Summit Ave. north xidx 292 feet. Portlad avenue sout-lih, side beginning 193 feet east of Milton St. thence East 193 -Te .. e t (grepealinand annulling Council file No. 565, Approved duly 6th, L914.) ................. . .. _......... ....... . ................. ..... .......... _ _.._. _.__..... ............. - under Preliminary Order approve.(]..._Ju.1.y....:2.1. at. .,...._19_14..,..._........................._...__...._....._......._..__...._.._.._......__....._.._..._......_...._..._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paxil: a The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated arnount of the assessment for the above improvement is a_4.9.¢.....pe.r.,,.l_ineal foot. The lots or; parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valantion of each lot or pareel as last reported by the AAessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION i Assessed Valuation ,c Q_7 ___._` p. 0 The Cmnmissioner of Finance fnrther reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report wade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. • Dated........../t.....4................. / .....:.��1�-rte..............._.......... '1;. _...... __..... Commissioner of Finance. e: Office of the Co mssioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ., 191.. _.:. To the. Commissioner. of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cmm- 775.............. Jul ...x41....... ............... 191....._ relative tq................._.... eil, known as Council File No................... approved...................... �......�. constructing six foot oetnent aides mlks^.on the .£o.l...... streets *,Silt;on St„ east side,.from. Sumuit Ave. nortr 292 fe-st; Portland Ave. .....l.z ...fe_ .:li......ee_st of....i. lton.._St.........thAnge, �wst..l°3.._�eet. vm Repealing and and annulling vo%r-oil 1�ile ,i=56�'^Ap1...roved U'�_.__�_............�....._s.................... _l 1911 and having investigated the mattersandthings referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. ... .... neceseary and (or) desirable. n +. h Y:{XX .. and .. and the total cosVereof is $...., ....'.. ....................... .. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__...:..._`.........._. _, � �' ..._ ..............................._......... ................ ............................ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. ........... ..-.._...... _............................................. .................._...,......_. _. ..................._........... not 5. Said improvement is ...... ...... .--- --- masked for ,upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessiueut for said improvement. ' ._.. _ ...... v Commi loner of Public Works. 'I, FINAL ORDER. ill the Matter of. ccnetr cting a. sidewalk of cement blocits to a width of six feet on the south side of Fillmore avenue beginning at Fdwara' - i the=0....W.e.et._l8.t..._1e.e.,.._ llndl l' Pl'e111111lla1'y OrdCl ...�1j2 /-0 �2 .._. ........._ _.... ._.. _...._.ilppl'OVL'd _.. _....AU_F,Ust1 aF.l ti 1 191$ lnterniediary Order .__. v....approved _......... ... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council- I having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, Wit RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn - 7 l provenlmlt to be made by the said City is.....constructing ...&. ha .k. eidaoY ^...... ,blocks to a. width of { six feeE ori..th.e__�outh aide of Fillinare-avenue.beg.at-..Rdward.. etthRnce_vreat._161 feet ant'', the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coln missioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and . dir�eted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and, submit ssuee to the Council fur approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed ' with the making of said iniprovement ina of 1 1n a therewith. Adopted by the Council_:..._._..._...__.._..1._............._19y c; 'ity Clerk. Approved......../..... -../..1..._.—.....19.._. s Mayor. �' ! C No. — ; s CO77nCt1111(n Fal•11$\ 07'tll In F 2660— the tter, of conetructl g A. slde i - - °, wnik of cemenLhloclts to a width of� more, feet n the south eider oD ,-,8'111-! 5 (OSh mora' avenue, west l 1 ate 4dW,ard sir et,• thence went 161 feet °ugdod ay &uk. 15, Order _1202--'40r6vod r Aa§ 16 1ve 3nterme 914. .b;der ellel' 2202 oP➢roved n L a 1014 i ' o -the--hearing having been''hudj apo the above improvemetlt anon: due i eCol notice; a W the C ncli havipg 4'4ar' A � 'ani p ersons, objectioxre:;and-feSedRm4ne datfone rele.tiv thereto and having: iuttY considered the 'aa>zke titer fore4. a O'LeA Y 'bo 4e .: Reeotved;�8y the Councft oY Yhe;Clty. of 6t. Paul that the preclae hatUip es,`, F Yoerg fent and .kind of. imD}'ppveme'nt. FO be, .made 'bY tfie 'eatd.CltA 9+te conetlSn ttag a eta walk= f ' cemPt 12tooke,?,;t4a s :width of slz tea roa^tbe--pon[p §fdo 9f5 Mayor Powe F/amore "avbn eta el{tktdfng at Eawara' - avenue tEijn y 'j,$}�' ;eat MAd, the' � �Coundl hF,e ;? �htd,,�lmApve � ;b' - ■ COUNCIL FILE NO_... ...... 13y'__ ........... .......... FINAL ORDER. cQjjqtr�qting_a sideivalk of cerrent blocks to a width of'. III the Matter of .......... ....... . ... six feet on the south side of Fillmore avenue beginning at dward therice rest *161 -feet. ......... . . . .......... under Preliminary Order. ._1202 ........approved August 1�th 1914, 4 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recd inundations relative thereto. and having fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of fin - prevenient to be made by the said City is zonatruating a sideVal nt bloc.kB to a vidbh of . . . ....... qq-m,e, vaird- Lcehonc.e. r �pgt 1.01 feet six feet Wn the - #juth -side of Fillmo-re, avenue beg.at F'd . .. ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instimeted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in a oi'dauce therewith. Adopted by the Council ............... ......... ....... .......... .......... qq lity Clerk. Approved .......... 19 Mayor. Councilmen Farnsi orth co nstrii'6tini sidb-� .1,` b1ok, t. . width of '�`eiz -feet-on the.th side ;.I �VIII-1 Goss more Avenue— beginning a sireer,giience west X161 feat, under 120s Keller 2202, :aPprovied'oet. 20, 1914. -.A:- jntb1tc'�hearfng' vi ��been had Upon the abovWimpr6ye �u .6n, 6 mccol .0M.; an'd'jhe council . , ;� 'pr ut,,er,,,rn�"j.,,,,"tion., . c etet d* n._ t,,! thereto I O'Leic y bulli ,:conisideredt! the :same, jttertorst; 0""dkind that the P X4 Yoerg tent and of 1 -0, shade by .� .aid 11 si 'n � 2 May& Power 'width, pe itf nn gtdln t' t , t 6une U". -is T. �A_ COUNCIL FILE NO_... ...... 13y'__ ........... .......... FINAL ORDER. cQjjqtr�qting_a sideivalk of cerrent blocks to a width of'. III the Matter of .......... ....... . ... six feet on the south side of Fillmore avenue beginning at dward therice rest *161 -feet. ......... . . . .......... under Preliminary Order. ._1202 ........approved August 1�th 1914, 4 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recd inundations relative thereto. and having fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of fin - prevenient to be made by the said City is zonatruating a sideVal nt bloc.kB to a vidbh of . . . ....... qq-m,e, vaird- Lcehonc.e. r �pgt 1.01 feet six feet Wn the - #juth -side of Fillmo-re, avenue beg.at F'd . .. ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instimeted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in a oi'dauce therewith. Adopted by the Council ............... ......... ....... .......... .......... qq lity Clerk. Approved .......... 19 Mayor. Councilmen Farnsi orth co nstrii'6tini sidb-� .1,` b1ok, t. . width of '�`eiz -feet-on the.th side ;.I �VIII-1 Goss more Avenue— beginning a sireer,giience west X161 feat, under 120s Keller 2202, :aPprovied'oet. 20, 1914. -.A:- jntb1tc'�hearfng' vi ��been had Upon the abovWimpr6ye �u .6n, 6 mccol .0M.; an'd'jhe council . , ;� 'pr ut,,er,,,rn�"j.,,,,"tion., . c etet d* n._ t,,! thereto I O'Leic y bulli ,:conisideredt! the :same, jttertorst; 0""dkind that the P X4 Yoerg tent and of 1 -0, shade by .� .aid 11 si 'n � 2 May& Power 'width, pe itf nn gtdln t' t , t 6une U". -is REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the Matter of......c_ori.e_trot..t.ing.....a.._s.i.dev¢.a.1.k.....o.i'...._w_eune.nt.....bloc.ket.Q...._a.._width...oi six feet on the south side of Fillmore avenue beginning at Edward avenue v.hen&8....w.es.t.._lnl..f.e.e..t......................... .. _ ......... ..... . . ...... ........ ..... ......... ...... .. _.................. .... . ............ ............................ .. .....__........ ......... under Preliminary Order approved ......_.._August __15th,.....1914. To the Council of. the City of tit.. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: rhe total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is..,.._49¢._..per lineal foot 'rhe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed �. 's ]nation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Aasessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. i Commissioner of Finance. _........,g.ti..._17.,......_.........._..1914_.. 6 , To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousiderat ion the preliminary order of the Couo- cil,.known as Council File No............]3.Q3........approved ...... ........... Q11g1dR.ti.....15.x.............. 191....., relative to......._the.... oon�truation of a sidewalk of cement blocks to a Width of six feet nn....the..._scnth....aide.....o�.....E.illa oaCa.....AY.e...,,..._be,gfinning.._&t..._Edrvard_._St..r...,...._thanae_ _.. ...... ...... _wee_t..._161..._Yeet..•......_............... _.............................................................. .........................................................................................................................._........... mid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is, ............. . ........ necessary and (or) desirable. xxx and the total cost thereof is $.......... .-........-_.. and L. The estimated coat thereof is $_......_........................_, n •......................................................................................... .... _. _... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................... ........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................................................ 5. Said improvement is._..........._nQ.t -.-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Com `gioner of Public Works. .. 0 FINAL ORDfEJRV/. In the Matter of -constructing a sewer on. stre.--t from Belmont street to Sidney street. I—- .......... __ ­­ . ....... - ....... ............. under Preliminary Ordei*,-. �-. ..................................... ......... approved A llet 3rdo ....... ............ Intermediary Order approved ../ ... A public hearing having been had upon the above huproveni t 'upon due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- .the.. constntati.on.. of..._a 0pWpr..qn Charlton street from j)roveinent to be made by the said City is ........... ........... ... ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for -said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to priiceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19 ... ......... . . .. . .. ...... ... y erk. Approved 19.. ............. ... Mayor. Councilmen Far worthN.. 2661— 1�iiie, � matter ok constructini's, sewer, on Charlton t, Ii,oul."Telinent, Charlton, -street, Gos! :Jimi.ary. Or at: street to7 S hey street, d 9 3,;1914_ Inteimediary,.Oider,,2200, approved Oct 20,1191C Kell q 'A Pilblie�'.hearinEi'having,:beenwpad' upit.the -above Improveinentilpo #ue notice; and the. Council having ,Iteliftl dations relative N Mc( oll thereto, &nV.'havr. fully, c6ruddered'the , be It.: 0 ary -� Resolved; By, tho-counalLof this City' of S !;,Paul that thetiipaise,nature; ei� tent and:.kink of Improvement 'to, be' madYoe g tiont� of I " treat " street: from Belmont . t !.Cheritona, c-tra.t, and theCouncil 1"re-der,_W& DlayOr �rs .improvement n . bemade. Resolved Further. That the C.m.l.. ioner of Public Works e and he is REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE lrntbe Matter of co.n..etruot.nga, sewer on .Charlton street from Belmont _st..X.( _C .............. .... ... ....._...:_..._..... under Preliminary Order approved ....._Au6119_t.__,,..3.rd.,,_,.1914....,,__._...._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isq...149.6....05.....per front foot $1.96. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed •henefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said nutter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated....._ .._ ..................._...191_S ... Commissioner of Finance. Augtta t..._17.x...:..................1914.- To 914.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissionerof Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimina.y -der of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No....... 996 approved .................._A st 3 191.4relative ta.V�e .............. ton:_St.A...._CNN .._Be.W4t.. st....._t.4............................... Sidney dne. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is................necessary and (or) desirable. 0 Q94 QQ......., and 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_._._xXXRX,_.., and the total cost thereof is $......�..�............. . the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ...................... --........... ...................... ..... _.................... _........................ ._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .... ... ...... ..............._....._........................................... ........ ......................... _..._.......... _...._.... .... ii. Said improvement is_......... _....: ....:....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /...__.......... -__.. .............. ....... _................................ ........ _ ommis ioner of Public Works. 2G5 v kg COUNCIL FILE NO. lly INTERMEDIARY ORDER. --grading Be.rkely avenue from Prior avenue toJose..ph_ ne. III the ` Mlei of. ......... _. _........ _. .._.........__ .................. _..... st_ree.t.......... under Preliminary Order . 1041_ approved . Au ust 8.th,_ 1914...__ The Council of the City of St. Pan" having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.a ad in'i..B.erkle .y. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the ("Otnll'11 reconuuem]h ls_............_....._.._........ -avenue_._from ..prior avenue to._Joaephine._ e. res_ _..._... _.......__..... .........._.._... . _._..._......... ......._.._......_...._........._...... . _.._._.._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 22nd . day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said unprovement on t m ....._........ ._._..19]4.._, at the hour of, ___...�.ci..__._o'cloek.....�.._..11., in the..i.'9Hric.il..D.hambex Decembex roma 6�the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance, give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the jofi�jJ-ote#et 4nd the total cost thereof as estimated. N;.GV 1 Adopted by the Council._..__ ...... t , erk. Approved ..__............................................... .................. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss C. F. No. 8062—By S. A, Farnsworth— In'the matter ougrading Berkely,ahg- to Josephine -- nue, from Prior avenue ,street,under PreliminarY Ctder 10§1. Keller Bth; 4.o 'St. City Paul The Council of the f:n9 of The Ced•August,0fh Com- McColl having recelved the report of the missloner o[ Finance upon the above' R and Improvement'and having considered ,aid report; resolves: 1, That the enId report be and they Leal y same is hereby approved and adopted, Is hereby and the said improvement to be proceeded with. Yoerg ordered 2. That the nature f the Improve- ! is ent which the Couneft recommends Berkley venue, from Prinr green Jlayo' Pil\�"l'1's us [o Josephine street. with .. and that' the estimated alternatives, o t thereof Is 51;780.70. Resolved Further, Thnt a Pp blo, hearing be had o said improvement 22nd day of Doeember, 1914, at n the �hn nanr of 10 o'clock A. M., In the; t l 1 1 r 2G5 v kg COUNCIL FILE NO. lly INTERMEDIARY ORDER. --grading Be.rkely avenue from Prior avenue toJose..ph_ ne. III the ` Mlei of. ......... _. _........ _. .._.........__ .................. _..... st_ree.t.......... under Preliminary Order . 1041_ approved . Au ust 8.th,_ 1914...__ The Council of the City of St. Pan" having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.a ad in'i..B.erkle .y. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the ("Otnll'11 reconuuem]h ls_............_....._.._........ -avenue_._from ..prior avenue to._Joaephine._ e. res_ _..._... _.......__..... .........._.._... . _._..._......... ......._.._......_...._........._...... . _.._._.._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 22nd . day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said unprovement on t m ....._........ ._._..19]4.._, at the hour of, ___...�.ci..__._o'cloek.....�.._..11., in the..i.'9Hric.il..D.hambex Decembex roma 6�the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance, give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the jofi�jJ-ote#et 4nd the total cost thereof as estimated. N;.GV 1 Adopted by the Council._..__ ...... t , erk. Approved ..__............................................... .................. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss C. F. No. 8062—By S. A, Farnsworth— In'the matter ougrading Berkely,ahg- to Josephine -- nue, from Prior avenue ,street,under PreliminarY Ctder 10§1. Keller Bth; 4.o 'St. City Paul The Council of the f:n9 of The Ced•August,0fh Com- McColl having recelved the report of the missloner o[ Finance upon the above' and Improvement'and having considered ,aid report; resolves: 1, That the enId report be and they Leal y same is hereby approved and adopted, Is hereby and the said improvement to be proceeded with. Yoerg ordered 2. That the nature f the Improve- ! is ent which the Couneft recommends Berkley venue, from Prinr green Jlayo' Pil\�"l'1's us [o Josephine street. with .. and that' the estimated alternatives, o t thereof Is 51;780.70. Resolved Further, Thnt a Pp blo, hearing be had o said improvement 22nd day of Doeember, 1914, at n the �hn nanr of 10 o'clock A. M., In the; ___r p-vid. _r-provided hi the Charter, ete.t'-.; ng the time and place oY hearing. the nature of the m iprovement, and the i total:eost ,thereof. se estimated. a Adopted'by the Council' Nov. 18:'1914, .I Approved Nov. 19, 1 1914. 2 -)sill I COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y...,�-- G�ycr{trGl s. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. _..gra4_ ng Berk.ely anenu.e from Priore ., avnue ._to._Joseph_ pvi In the mer of... et_reet _ _.. ander Preliminary Or der 1041 -- The Council of the city of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. v adin Berkley_ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouuucnds is.....�r........_...P anenus..._fr.4.m.P.r.i.p� .-aY.e.nue.._t_o._Jos_agh ns__s. r ...._... ........_..._.... ...._..._.._....._..__................ ............... ..._............. .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1+78_.6_`1-0 land ...day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on t u- D.eaem er_._....__..... 1914 at the hour of_...._._10_...._o'clock....:.._A....._ M., in the...CD.unzil.....C.hamber room Bothe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cmnmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of thNoe4+je{(i�4r�u1 the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... — - /j _... .t er/k�. Approved...._.... l {.. lJ__ l:f�A/ /i• ............................ Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth If Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Provers l k• r I COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y...,�-- G�ycr{trGl s. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. _..gra4_ ng Berk.ely anenu.e from Priore ., avnue ._to._Joseph_ pvi In the mer of... et_reet _ _.. ander Preliminary Or der 1041 -- The Council of the city of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. v adin Berkley_ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouuucnds is.....�r........_...P anenus..._fr.4.m.P.r.i.p� .-aY.e.nue.._t_o._Jos_agh ns__s. r ...._... ........_..._.... ...._..._.._....._..__................ ............... ..._............. .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1+78_.6_`1-0 land ...day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on t u- D.eaem er_._....__..... 1914 at the hour of_...._._10_...._o'clock....:.._A....._ M., in the...CD.unzil.....C.hamber room Bothe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cmnmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of thNoe4+je{(i�4r�u1 the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... — - /j _... .t er/k�. Approved...._.... l {.. lJ__ l:f�A/ /i• ............................ Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth r Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Provers r V COUNCI%FJL FILE NO..... By Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the TAIWer of.. UA4l49 Dunlap _street _from St. Anthony avenue to Central avenue . under Preliminary Order_ 2075. _approved Qvtober 14th, The Council of the City of St. Paxil having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z. That the nature of the improvement which the Conned recommends is$rrlding_ Dunlap Street _from St..,......An.thouy...avanue._to__Centxa.3 .......... .. .._........ _.._ ._ ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _.__..2gxia.._.........__joy of _R.ea.amb.er.._.....__..._.._......._......._.__.191.4...., at the hour of...._1.0...._.._.oclock. _.__ _ii..:..lL, in the__._Counoi_l.. Chamber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Y4 Adopted Adopted by the Council_......_____..__._._e _ __ _ __ _.19............ Approved...._......_. _ /_!..._.-....79 ..... __........... .._a✓..._"_` ..... Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller b1eCo11 / O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers f3 l V COUNCI%FJL FILE NO..... By Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the TAIWer of.. UA4l49 Dunlap _street _from St. Anthony avenue to Central avenue . under Preliminary Order_ 2075. _approved Qvtober 14th, The Council of the City of St. Paxil having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z. That the nature of the improvement which the Conned recommends is$rrlding_ Dunlap Street _from St..,......An.thouy...avanue._to__Centxa.3 .......... .. .._........ _.._ ._ ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _.__..2gxia.._.........__joy of _R.ea.amb.er.._.....__..._.._......._......._.__.191.4...., at the hour of...._1.0...._.._.oclock. _.__ _ii..:..lL, in the__._Counoi_l.. Chamber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Y4 Adopted Adopted by the Council_......_____..__._._e _ __ _ __ _.19............ Approved...._......_. _ /_!..._.-....79 ..... __........... .._a✓..._"_` ..... Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller b1eCo11 / O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the iffier of_....grad ing._Warwick _ street—from. Randolph- street, _tc.._Palace . 8t. ._..............._ tinder Preliminary Order -19.51. __... ...._ __...approved . Q9.tober..7th,._._1914. The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reemumends is$Ta41R9..._}9ATY!iRk _street frpm._Rand.9.lph _s..t.r.e..et _to...Palace _st.re.e.t.. _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1,1M.41- Resolved .1 160.a1__.Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. __..._._a211d._._.......day of __....._D..e.0@(Aber__.._._......_.__....._.1914.., at the lion, of_........10.._..._.o'clock .....__...g..._1L, in the_...._ Council -Chamber roon1G0 the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estial t�GV .[`i IS14 Adopted by the Council....._. _ _ 19 .._...._ Approved..__ _!../..._-_ 19_/_.Y Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers mayor. I i 4 a' COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the iffier of_....grad ing._Warwick _ street—from. Randolph- street, _tc.._Palace . 8t. ._..............._ tinder Preliminary Order -19.51. __... ...._ __...approved . Q9.tober..7th,._._1914. The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reemumends is$Ta41R9..._}9ATY!iRk _street frpm._Rand.9.lph _s..t.r.e..et _to...Palace _st.re.e.t.. _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1,1M.41- Resolved .1 160.a1__.Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. __..._._a211d._._.......day of __....._D..e.0@(Aber__.._._......_.__....._.1914.., at the lion, of_........10.._..._.o'clock .....__...g..._1L, in the_...._ Council -Chamber roon1G0 the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estial t�GV .[`i IS14 Adopted by the Council....._. _ _ 19 .._...._ Approved..__ _!../..._-_ 19_/_.Y Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers mayor. H COUNCIL FILE NO . ........ ..... .. . ..... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 11, the IlWel- of grading.Alley An_Bloct_2,_8AmUQj. aA, Pi ere ee ...Enlargipment of Summit Park .. .. ....... under Preliminary Order .......... approved.111 August, _a8th, 19.14. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Alley. An _Bloak­z-,--s"Mel .-B.Pier"l s Enlargement of Summi-t -Park. ............. . ........ ­_­ . ....... ..... ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 50-. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. . .............._(lay of AH.A.., at the hour of 1.0 .....o'clock A,., ill the Q.qUpqj.j Qhamber rooni6 3'f the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That t I be Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the igrovenlent and the total cost th r of as stir- ted. S14 Adopted by the Council 19 Gtr .......... .. .......... Cl k. Approved...... __1 9XV A Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers I COUNCIL FILE—NO.....-- ..... . .... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the er of....grWng.andpav ing alley in Block 24, Summit Park Addition. Vft.. under Preliminary Order .......approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is , hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is g;rading and paving alle.y )t Ad t Q .......... ... .... ._in Block 24., Summi.t Paa r- n. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Yurtber, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement on the ......__......-.....-day of December .......... . ... ..... at the hour of o'clock. in the Qoun.oi 1 Chamber 1 room o6f the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 19 .............. C Approved.... /4-7. 1-14- ........ . ...... ....... ............ ........ .. 31ayor. Councilmen Parnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers COUNCIL FILE NO --- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lnthe3XfterofP-TPLdiP9 tbTee AlleyB in Block 3,.Hamline Syndicate Addition No.....z . . ......... - under Preliminary Order 1734 pproved se p te.m.ber, 42nd,.... 19.14-11 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon, the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement Which the Council recon vends is 9;r94]q9 th ree., Alleys _in k-3 Haim line. -Sy xi_�c.ate Ad dition No . . ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be. had on said improvement on the day of December 0 - C.,hamber 191.i at the hour of o'clock.... Aol%L, in the qqqpcil 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost 14ereof as estimated. ,-- !� 14 Adopted by the Council.......NOV P, Approved....-_ -`- .__-___19..( ...V Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers .viayor. 4t COUNCIL %F�1LI• /N9.,... Tay �.r..(�L..'✓���1/��ili,?iG.fi`��l'G�..'L INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Intheilifterof.. grading and graveling Cretin Aven�e from Summit avenue to.__at. .._Clair _ Street. under Preliminary Order... 981 ... .. _ __.__..approved August 3rd, 1914' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. rnd 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council rerouuueuds rs._.._gadiog a _................ ................_.........-_- graveling Cretin avenue _from ._Summit avenue to St Claix ..P tr.e.et _.... _.__.._.._ .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-5.14U_.8? ........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement on the...._ 21.3rd_,.___,....,__._day of _..1914...., at the hour of_. 10 ..._.._:o'clock....A \L, in thr.._Couneii Chamber December ............._._..._ _......... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the h rovemeut, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Idu 1914 Adopted by -the Council . ____ ...ti......_._ _.. Approved..... ......... ........ ....... _............... ... ...... ... _. _... Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers W a C S n 1P i E � �, atl yl 4i I ' x i• .� � � td �i 7 ! v B � � i �� � 1�•, � �ia � _. 4t COUNCIL %F�1LI• /N9.,... Tay �.r..(�L..'✓���1/��ili,?iG.fi`��l'G�..'L INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Intheilifterof.. grading and graveling Cretin Aven�e from Summit avenue to.__at. .._Clair _ Street. under Preliminary Order... 981 ... .. _ __.__..approved August 3rd, 1914' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. rnd 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council rerouuueuds rs._.._gadiog a _................ ................_.........-_- graveling Cretin avenue _from ._Summit avenue to St Claix ..P tr.e.et _.... _.__.._.._ .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-5.14U_.8? ........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement on the...._ 21.3rd_,.___,....,__._day of _..1914...., at the hour of_. 10 ..._.._:o'clock....A \L, in thr.._Couneii Chamber December ............._._..._ _......... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the h rovemeut, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Idu 1914 Adopted by -the Council . ____ ...ti......_._ _.. Approved..... ......... ........ ....... _............... ... ...... ... _. _... Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers W a C S n 1P i E � �, atl yl 4i I ' COUNCIL FILE NO .. . . ..... . ....... By Q1-/ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Wier of_ grading Vandalia street from the southerly end of approach 10 f. 00. t.. .. txi d over-chicav, ajiwaukee and. S t. -Ta 44, RY-__to.St. Anthony Ave. under Preliminary Order The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Fgp�4;jg Vandalia ... ... ... . s tree ram....th.e...-southerly end,, _of aPPrO&C-h to f Q _h ,j.oago, PaUl Ry- _to -St- .. ...... ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is -49.3,44. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...,....day of ,.Pvw-embex.... .191 4.., at the hour of... 1.0 o'clock.- A.- ......... . NT., in the_.._GO= batllber rooypol the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the 1111111-ren)4M and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved.... "Otox 7 19 Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor PoNters stoner of Finance give;meeting I. the oe'TI'led, In tho — manner provided, by the Charter, stat. Ing the time 'and place of hearing the "tore 11 and the total cost d, A-1.0. , d IY the Connell Nov. 18, 1914. Approved N 4. (Nov. 19, lot 21-1914) Alayor. C COUNCIL FFFIILL NQ.__... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lntheerof.. grading Hand street from Front street to Maryland street. 1914 lender Preliminary Ordel 173.7 ___....._ .--approved.... Septembe ..._r_ _ 22nd, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the (loinmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recmumeu(ls i9_..'T.ading.._ Hand street .................... s t from,_Fro nt stre_etto Maryland._...street._._.___ __ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_4., 147.•7.4__........ Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on.................._.._(lay of _De.C...ember._....._____._.._....___....1914....., at the hour of....._1Q_... ......... o'clock.....in thQoung1.1..._Chamber rooms the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the planner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t reo s timated. Adopted by the Council.._...__..._. �)a�._._3p 5_.I�14 _...1!1.........:.. ......_..................... ........... ® // s Clerk. Approved..._._._'._! .y......__1!1_ Councilmen Farnsworth -- _ -- C.F No. 2660? -$y S. A. Farnsworth—• Hand street; k In the matter: of grading street, O 37, under PreliminaIr 1914. ::approved l' September -22nd, 1914.: Feller "The COuncit Of the Clty Of et. Paul the rspgrt of the Com- ' having, received att stone of. Finance ;lippn tha,abo4e I and `hgVing d:, McColl Inaln. meht;` 'd said r po t hereby resoh es itis eQ `'1 Tirat. - hereby pro a ana.a 1. d.: O'Leary land the said imceeded-wi i. hereby. and th with. . ordered to De proceeded? :.2 That 'thb Iature •of..•the 1'mprgver; YOBr g meuGwhich the Councilrgcotnmends`1s. t h wno a teraat - -to gdaryl.ml etre l tives and that the -estimated. cost Mayor Powers thRreo tvod 4Further. .That a public C COUNCIL FFFIILL NQ.__... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lntheerof.. grading Hand street from Front street to Maryland street. 1914 lender Preliminary Ordel 173.7 ___....._ .--approved.... Septembe ..._r_ _ 22nd, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the (loinmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recmumeu(ls i9_..'T.ading.._ Hand street .................... s t from,_Fro nt stre_etto Maryland._...street._._.___ __ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_4., 147.•7.4__........ Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on.................._.._(lay of _De.C...ember._....._____._.._....___....1914....., at the hour of....._1Q_... ......... o'clock.....in thQoung1.1..._Chamber rooms the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the planner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t reo s timated. Adopted by the Council.._...__..._. �)a�._._3p 5_.I�14 _...1!1.........:.. ......_..................... ........... ® // s Clerk. Approved..._._._'._! .y......__1!1_ Councilmen Farnsworth -- _ -- C.F No. 2660? -$y S. A. Farnsworth—• Hand street; (1093 In the matter: of grading street, O 37, under PreliminaIr 1914. ::approved l' September -22nd, 1914.: Feller "The COuncit Of the Clty Of et. Paul the rspgrt of the Com- ' having, received att stone of. Finance ;lippn tha,abo4e I and `hgVing d:, McColl Inaln. meht;` 'd said r po t hereby resoh es itis eQ `'1 Tirat. - hereby pro a ana.a 1. d.: O'Leary land the said imceeded-wi i. hereby. and th with. . ordered to De proceeded? :.2 That 'thb Iature •of..•the 1'mprgver; YOBr g meuGwhich the Councilrgcotnmends`1s. t h wno a teraat - -to gdaryl.ml etre l tives and that the -estimated. cost Mayor Powers thRreo tvod 4Further. .That a public _ Hous. a City of St. Paul. •That the -Commis- o¢'Flnnnce give notic� sthe , seting t0 the persona manner prov(ded by the f benrir. state Ingthe time and p1ac0 0¢ hearing, the - nature oY the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Nov. 18, 1914. Approved: v.(Nov.121 1914) Wn G o t UNCIL FILEN Sol INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Pi_ercagenue .e _from Brompto�rl1 street to Como avenue In the mer of._..g.raanP _ - _.. _..._.. West. render Preliminary Order.....1.0.10.. I 1 Ajj gg st 4th 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon .the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sane is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemeint is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....ZX8,ding_.._P.i_BrCs n street to .._Como avenue West _av= nue...._f :from Br.omgtXo.. _...__-._ .. _... _..--_. _.- _. _..... _.......... _ _.... ..........._.. �q e7(rSKti[rBRthe estimated cost thereof is .,996_.29.__i..f graded to present established ?rade- n alternative for the T1re Councyr also has under consideration a grading of pierce avenue from Brompton street to Como avenue west, if graded to the proFosed change of grade the estimated CostZf which is $1.455 1$-- --- — 23 Td Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thrday-of Council Chamber _..._..e.G_emb..er...._._....__.__..___...191._'lr...., at the hour of....._.....p...___.o'clock....._._A.e._...\L, m the_ ...................._....._..___.. 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tirne and place of hearing, the nature of the improvennLilt, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....__ Approved.........y..... - ...... Councilmen Farnsworth Coss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers 1 1 4 1j; COUNCIL FILF—N-0— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. in the i1fter of grading Hyacinth street f rom, Ed9.Prt,GP, B t7e,et .t!q Payne, avenue under Preliminary Order........ 240-6- approved NOVember. 6th, 2924— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. gxadinz HY QUth street t -f rm-IdgerUn, . ... .. . ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...21.418-2.6 hearbe had on said improvement on the .23rd---.- day of Resolved further, That it public heai I -DoCember, ....... ... .... . ..__..191..... at the hour of.. .1.0 ........... .. O'clock in th.....qppRqj1...Chamber room6 oithe Court House and Cify Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the, manner provided by the Charter, stating the timeand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. NGV 314 Adopted by the Council ... . ........ ............ ............ ty Cler'. Approved ... ..... . ... ....................... ..... ... . . . ... .... e Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl OLeqry Yoerg Mayor Powers I- Jr. COUNCIL FILF—N-0— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. in the i1fter of grading Hyacinth street f rom, Ed9.Prt,GP, B t7e,et .t!q Payne, avenue under Preliminary Order........ 240-6- approved NOVember. 6th, 2924— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. gxadinz HY QUth street t -f rm-IdgerUn, . ... .. . ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...21.418-2.6 hearbe had on said improvement on the .23rd---.- day of Resolved further, That it public heai I -DoCember, ....... ... .... . ..__..191..... at the hour of.. .1.0 ........... .. O'clock in th.....qppRqj1...Chamber room6 oithe Court House and Cify Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the, manner provided by the Charter, stating the timeand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. NGV 314 Adopted by the Council ... . ........ ............ ............ ty Cler'. Approved ... ..... . ... ....................... ..... ... . . . ... .... e Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl OLeqry Yoerg Mayor Powers COUNCIL FILE By................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ag., relaying and repairing with cement blocks Ili the iffier of . .. ... .... to ja width of nine (9) feet the present sidewalk on the north side of t 7 feet. Ninth street be qeptq*tle; . ginning at St. PetorrStreet thence Eas 5t4'. - 1914. under Preliminary Order. 1487-.. � 11 - -approved - I The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the (,"unill'ssioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said iniprovLlaeut is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouunends is— relaping and repairing with cement blocks tq..p�_w.i4t4 of _NARe (0 the present sidewalk on the north Bide I of Ninth street beginning at St- - .............. ... ............ -- Peter **street thence East 72 feet: a 0 'cost thereof is 74t per front foot for new sidewalk with no alternatives, and that the estimated 2.91.1t day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement oil tile I Chamber ,D. e.c.embsx at tile hour of- 10 - o'clock. %I., in the P9PP4 .. .._Chamber (Rhe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance room (Rhe and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and give notice of said meeting to the persons place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1' 9 Adopted by the Council ...... ..... Y Clerk. Approved.....- .......... . . .............. .......... ..... - - Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers 1 iii AI . COUNCIL FILE /N(.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 304cr of... constructing a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Hague avenue from Pascal avenue to Albert avenue. under Preliminary order..... 214.6 .___... _. ._......approved oc__tob .r.__19.th, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._GAne.'tr.uCtIn$....a__cement b.loc.k._.s_idewal..k.....to..._a.-w_idth_af..._six__ feet ..cin._the-nOr..th.....side. _of_...Ha. e....auenue f.o..._Ea.e.cal_avenue. to._Al.ber_t_avenue.., __. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is `h 49,Q',,,. ✓.P;r f Tpnt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ?".41_ .. _.._day of Dec.ember..._.......... _..... .....__.__...__.1914....., at the hour of._...aQ.._._......o'clock......_A.........M., in tbe._C_ounc l__ChPLmber room6of the Court. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the,111,1l>r1v�`r7 u ul' 14 and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .._.. V _1... 19 -- Approved.......__ I.__ l_._./__.(._.._..11 Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers LJ AI . COUNCIL FILE /N(.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 304cr of... constructing a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Hague avenue from Pascal avenue to Albert avenue. under Preliminary order..... 214.6 .___... _. ._......approved oc__tob .r.__19.th, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._GAne.'tr.uCtIn$....a__cement b.loc.k._.s_idewal..k.....to..._a.-w_idth_af..._six__ feet ..cin._the-nOr..th.....side. _of_...Ha. e....auenue f.o..._Ea.e.cal_avenue. to._Al.ber_t_avenue.., __. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is `h 49,Q',,,. ✓.P;r f Tpnt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ?".41_ .. _.._day of Dec.ember..._.......... _..... .....__.__...__.1914....., at the hour of._...aQ.._._......o'clock......_A.........M., in tbe._C_ounc l__ChPLmber room6of the Court. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the,111,1l>r1v�`r7 u ul' 14 and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .._.. V _1... 19 -- Approved.......__ I.__ l_._./__.(._.._..11 Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers COUNNCCII%L FILE %N�,_.By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the *WerOf.. constructing a sidewalk of cement blocksto a width of .s.is....fae.t.._on._.th.e_..s.outh side _of Midway Parkway. from Pascal avenue to Hamline avenue. under Preliminary Order.a4Q7... .. _ _approved November nth, 1914_. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Colnnlissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved luul adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._ggnstructing a .... _......................... _............. . sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the south side of midway Parkway from Pascal avienue to "Hamline avenue:- __ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is_..49.¢.....P.er.__f.o0t• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had ml said improvement on the_.._a9.th__._..._ ___day of December ._.._.._..191.4., at the hour of... A, M., in th<�._Gounc.il...ChambeT rornA the Court House•and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pani. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th ,of cst' ted. NOV 1 1514 Adopted by the Council....._ Approved......P Councilmen Farnsworth Coss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 49 cents per foot. Resolved Further, That a publ4c hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of December. 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In the Council Chamber,nm61, f the Court H House and City 171,11 Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- sioner of Finance give notice f s Id meeting to [he persons and In the r provided by' the Charter, stat- IngnI�Le time and place of (tearing, the nature of the Improvement. and the t 1 c thereof a s[Imated. [o Adopted by the Cpu nc(1 Nov. 18. 1914. Approved N0 , 10. 1914. INov. 21-1914)' :nayur. COUNCI i/FIL/�, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ll the ift(er of... const-ructing__a cement sidewalk on the east side of Baldwin street between Goodrich avenue and Princeton avenue except where good and suffioient sidewalks now exist November 7th,1914 under Preliminary Order 34.3.9;... __. _ .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the inn rovenient which the Council re out Wends is. constructing e Cement sidewalk on the east side of Baldwin street �be�ween Goodrich avenue and P.rirleeton avenue-exoept... where ....good.. and _ cuff.ic.i.ent....e.ider.al..k ..._now..._ex e_t. 49 er front foot for a six foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._...... 1, ......._...... sidewalk. 39th Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. ---day of .e.aemb.er._..__....___..__.__......_...._..191..._4, at the hour of.._._.._10. O'clock...._._.._ .•...M., in the ....__Counc i l.__Chamber noon 5the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof s etiniated. Adopted by the Council ....--- _.!�Cu :# '� i314_.......__._19..._.._... Approvea..___�.......__L.._ ._..._...19..C_ o. r; Councilmen Farnsworth I [n . I me Bal aYE ti069 ':wH Keller 242 :Tai at misa7 McColl Im, aaiai O'Leary same and>' Order 2 Yoer g trent const Il'IayOT Powers Good, Good:, I -Ik i n dk Mayor. Is 49 cents per.' -front I-1 to[ a a,. - toot sidewalk. Be- Ived Further, That a public hearing be had on aid Improvement n the 29th day of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M.. In tha Council Chamber, room 61, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- sioner of Finance give .notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stat - Ing n the time and place of 'hearing, the of the Improvement, and the total[ cost thereof a estimated. Adopted by the Council N-18,1914. Approved Nov. 19. 1914. (No V. 21-1914) z i COUNCIL FILERNf)�.......__._....._.__..... By� ,/G�z INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 1 er of.. constructir_g a . e_ide'^alk _ of cement blocks on the west side of Lexington avenue from Goodrich avenue to a point 80 feet south of the eputh.._line_of...Fai...rm.4unt avenue. _ under Preliminary Order $a98.._. __ _ approved October 37th, 1914, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._CpnetTUCtin.g___A sidewak. o.f.....c.emen.t.....bl.oc.ka._..on ..the:...we a t._.e..ide.....af ....Lex i_p4tpn_. ayenu e,._f rom._G pod r is h avenue__t0 a....p.0int-80 feetsouth_of__.thesouth line of Fairmount avenue. ....... ...._. as with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :Is....4._9.¢._-�for a six foot sidewalk. ....-.....-.- – Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the .a+9th......___.........Ally of December.._...._......____.. _.._....191._4.., at the hour of...__._1__........o'clock_............_A.711., in thC...C.o..uncil..._Chamber ._.......__... _. roomraof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coinrnissioler of Finance, give notice of said meeting to the persons and iu the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improveineq Ind the total cost ereof as estimated. l�(� Adopted by the Council....._.___... 19._...._._ Clerk. Approved......1...........__...f ...._79..a... Y �� p�/� _. . .. ... ...Ll.....''..` ................... _ Mayor. 266 --By S. A Fa worth- 1.a/k Ottter e mens blocks ecce -to west' tiollnCllttlen Farnsworth 1 a de of LOX ngton 'avenu; frdm=_ south Goodrich of the south 1Ine' 1{� '0 set Goss avenue, under; RrenMin-Fa Order nt 2298, aPProved'�O toher,27th, 1014. h ving received thehrepor; 'of ihe�Com Kellermtsaihner of,Fipanco.upon;the above' In proyeen mt reb haying c nsid red Bald .sorhereby eaobvea:- McColl 1. Tatl a aald sport be and the me lheeby app oved and adopted,. and thsid improvement -i he eby- 7 O'Leat °rderedto ' proceeded wltht y 2. Tat he nature o1[he Improve- ment which; the -Council recommends:,1 conatrugttng acaidarvalk- of cement' 1 oerg blocice on the: weat aide of Lexington nvenue, Prom. Ooodrlch avenue to n point. 80 feet south oP th venue o a Mayor Powers °PtFAlrmount avenue, with no alter_ - thereof is 49'ce,f4 fon --a slxmtoot sldet walk said I h eltl adoly tiec acetheron : That a Publla� the rl-be day of Decemb rr 1914 ani the hour oY 30 o'clock A. M., 7n the Council :Chamber, oom 61, of theCourt House and CIt71 alt Buliding in the City of sh, Paul.: .That the Commie -i anomer of Fl nahce give notice oP said j meeting to the persona and in the I manner Provided by .the Charter, state I '"go the time,snd Place of hearing, the natre of theelmprovement, and the total cost th¢'reof e-eatlmated. Adopted by.the'Counan Nov. 18, iP14. Approved Nov. 19, 191t. (Nov. 21-1914) 5 F G INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 1 er of.. constructir_g a . e_ide'^alk _ of cement blocks on the west side of Lexington avenue from Goodrich avenue to a point 80 feet south of the eputh.._line_of...Fai...rm.4unt avenue. _ under Preliminary Order $a98.._. __ _ approved October 37th, 1914, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._CpnetTUCtin.g___A sidewak. o.f.....c.emen.t.....bl.oc.ka._..on ..the:...we a t._.e..ide.....af ....Lex i_p4tpn_. ayenu e,._f rom._G pod r is h avenue__t0 a....p.0int-80 feetsouth_of__.thesouth line of Fairmount avenue. ....... ...._. as with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :Is....4._9.¢._-�for a six foot sidewalk. ....-.....-.- – Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the .a+9th......___.........Ally of December.._...._......____.. _.._....191._4.., at the hour of...__._1__........o'clock_............_A.711., in thC...C.o..uncil..._Chamber ._.......__... _. roomraof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coinrnissioler of Finance, give notice of said meeting to the persons and iu the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improveineq Ind the total cost ereof as estimated. l�(� Adopted by the Council....._.___... 19._...._._ Clerk. Approved......1...........__...f ...._79..a... Y �� p�/� _. . .. ... ...Ll.....''..` ................... _ Mayor. 266 --By S. A Fa worth- 1.a/k Ottter e mens blocks ecce -to west' tiollnCllttlen Farnsworth 1 a de of LOX ngton 'avenu; frdm=_ south Goodrich of the south 1Ine' 1{� '0 set Goss avenue, under; RrenMin-Fa Order nt 2298, aPProved'�O toher,27th, 1014. h ving received thehrepor; 'of ihe�Com Kellermtsaihner of,Fipanco.upon;the above' In proyeen mt reb haying c nsid red Bald .sorhereby eaobvea:- McColl 1. Tatl a aald sport be and the me lheeby app oved and adopted,. and thsid improvement -i he eby- 7 O'Leat °rderedto ' proceeded wltht y 2. Tat he nature o1[he Improve- ment which; the -Council recommends:,1 conatrugttng acaidarvalk- of cement' 1 oerg blocice on the: weat aide of Lexington nvenue, Prom. Ooodrlch avenue to n point. 80 feet south oP th venue o a Mayor Powers °PtFAlrmount avenue, with no alter_ - thereof is 49'ce,f4 fon --a slxmtoot sldet walk said I h eltl adoly tiec acetheron : That a Publla� the rl-be day of Decemb rr 1914 ani the hour oY 30 o'clock A. M., 7n the Council :Chamber, oom 61, of theCourt House and CIt71 alt Buliding in the City of sh, Paul.: .That the Commie -i anomer of Fl nahce give notice oP said j meeting to the persona and in the I manner Provided by .the Charter, state I '"go the time,snd Place of hearing, the natre of theelmprovement, and the total cost th¢'reof e-eatlmated. Adopted by.the'Counan Nov. 18, iP14. Approved Nov. 19, 191t. (Nov. 21-1914) 5 i it -A ,-1,-9(' 8 -1,-9('8 COUNCIL FILY-NO.. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 1)fter of.c.onstructing a-see,weron-Brimhall avenue from_St- Clair .... avenue ....... street to a_.ppknt 50 feet south of the south line of Stanford.-ave.n.u.P.. ..., i under Preliminary Order... th,_ 1914..". The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: . 1. That the said report be and the, same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconiniends is sewer on Brimhallliavenue from St. Clair street to a point 50 feet south of the south line of Stanford avenue. ........... . ..... - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 1J.4.1 -9 -..44 - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement on the Aay of ..Decambex 1914 at the hour of. -o'clock --A . .... ..... NI., in the G.o.0 b amr 8 6 1100111 Ythe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of tbe,i�j)rovenient, and the total t ere f - estimated. 1-� Adopted by the Council.. _.19 - Approved 19 Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers xayor. —r By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. inthe mer of constructing a sewer on Dale street from the center. line of Maryland street to a point 820 feet morth under Preliminary Order 1387.. .... ...... . . -.a pproved .. August. 31st, 1914, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: . 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is q.qpgjTqcting a sewer .... . .... ... - on Dale street from the center line of Maryland street to a point 220 feet - North, .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *A.11-2-3 . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on 30th- day of De-cember !)14 _, at the hour of... IT., in the. -PO oil Chamber 61 room of the. Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of . Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost, the I f s timated. Adopted by the Council..... _____..19...._._... :M/, "I - Approved... Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers A t d I loll AUDI D 18 1 Y TRU-LER An ordinance to settle the claim of H. Martin Johnson. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That the proposition of H. Martin Johnson to compromise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, aris- ing out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on a de- fective sidewalk on the south side of Rose street, between Weide and Arcade streets, as is more particularly set out in his communi- 0 at:Lon to the Council under date of November 12th,'1914, upon pay- ment -to him of the sum of Fifty Dollars 050.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, in favor of Albin E. Bjorklund, as attorney for said claimant, pay- abli6 out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there o. being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demandsofkind and nature, and more particularly on account of those aris!�, d,,bU t of the injuries sustained 1_9 lot, by said claimant on the day and under' circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in -- 't R IQ - _af"r,,__iAJA_P_qss�.ge an W.hbli Arcal) force thirty day 'Oly, !I 41catl , se on Conn., tl-November` , to., 'at t�&thi �1914; P. sum o1 Arty;Dollarz (x60:00) be and;the cam Isereby accepted, ndAhe'proper'bity, cl cars are herebY",au1b.rJZCd;Addi- reiged toidraw A - Warr.ntIUpon ­zth6Co , au­­.n.r,.r','Fln%ce,u.tn his, E.' 13jorklurid, tc=Ffgg� said,: coalman[, 1 pa Conalironalme-, yal,16� out o1 the ilii Account �of ' the General. Fuli*d,".iiithe ;slim,:pf-plftk,.,Dollai6; .W "sum however ' t be delivered.only.�Cupo;��,,ihtam� being:: hilt"d,.7 by tj amptroller! a; recelp a '11h hw .City there .. d_.�bl; said claimant F1h1the!J. tf,., ,auit. rar, 't be =adb orporation, Counsel;­�:, y 11.2 , and d charging,the'Lity4mm On)' and alP., claim., and. demand, of more ei�ery. kind .and mature, YEA titularly an account Q Out :Of� the Injuries s..1bthose arising clued, by said_ 'I"- on the day and . 'der the :.Ir- cu=.U. herel—b—. noted. RECTION 1. Jahr hall take effect and be In f6rLe . -Ixlrty�days after its pass. 'Passeil, by, the Council l , Dec.4. 1914. c 1r.1Farnsworth; , swort , GGeB. lj..Y.er IC Mr. Preald.ni Appzoved 1c; 6.1914WINN ., 6 ? Ic nyqr.(Dec: 12 1914)Citg, ,:, erk. YOERG ",-NAYS, Q.- MR.- PRESIDENT (POWERS). 41 �j F. -I 5 115 f 7 AUDI D C! T1 C T*'r'('O L L E R An ordinance to settle the claim of H. Martin Johnson. ORDAIN: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES I Section 1. That the proposition of H. Martin Johnson to laim against the City Of St- Paul, ar's compromise and settle his 0 ing out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on a de- fective-sidewalk efectivesidewalk on the south side of Rose street, between Weide and Arcade streets, as is more particularly set out in his communi- cation to the Council under date of November 12th, 1914, upon pay ment_to-him of the sum of Fifty Dollars 050.00). be.and the same pted, and the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to draw a is hereby acoe ioner of Finance, warrant upon the qOmmiss in favor of Albin E. BjOrklund, as attorney for said claimant; Pay - L 16 out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund in the sum ab Only upon there however, to be delivered f Fifty Dollars; said sum, e city Comptroller a receipt of said claimant being -filed with th therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be ging the City leasing and discharging proved by the Corporation Counsel, re approved k aims and demands ofevery kind and nature, and more from any and all claims h injuries sustained those aris' particularly on account -Of. B hereinabove by said claimant an the daq acid under �� circumstance5 noted. M ffect anbe €n' d Section 2. Thio flrirca°e a` force thirty dais _after _,i, ts gj ftV i0 L bin ........ ... b .... ..... ..... .. . *10" y Y, . ..... ... ......... YEAS........... • YOERG 0',MR� PRESDENT (POWERS) r--_ . tA 41 �4 An ordinance to settle the claim of James Saunders. e THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of James Saunders to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him on September 10th, 1914, at York and Mississippi streets, in said City, while in the employ of said City of St. Paul, as is more particularly set out in his petition to the District Court, for -the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), Four Hundred Fifty Dollars of which shall be paid to said James Saunders as soon as may be after this ordinance takes effect, Fifty Dollars of which shall be paid to the Board of Control of Ramsey County to reimburse -said Board for money expended by it in providing rent, fuel and food to the said James Saunders pending the settlement of this claim; and Five Hundred Dollars of which shall be -paid to the said James Saunders on February let, 1915, be and -the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of said James Saunders in the sum of Four Hundred Fifty Dollars, pay- able upon the passage and publication of this ordinance, a warrant in the sum of Fifty Dollars in favor of the Board of Control of Ramsey County, payable upon the passage and publication of this ordinance, and a warrant in favor of said James Saunders for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, payable February let, 1915, all of said sums to be payable from the Compromise Account of the General Fund, and to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller proper receipts by said James Saunders and the Board of Control, together with re- leases duly executed by them in a form to be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said James Saunders on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. m Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. IC. F No 2611- Crtt8325 r An o dlnanc 'tb Ue theclaim of �// lam a Saund ra Then Counetl of. the CIEy of St Paul g�CTI0A7 1 That he prgpo6ltlon Of.Jatnea Saun-. I to codlpromlee cad; eetUe hfe claim against " 10t , sof 8t. Pauf, / arising out ,gY-in7urfea euatalned ;by, t hfm`on Septembet YO `h 1914 at. YorK 0 section 2. This ordinance shall force thirty days after its passage and pu IC a 7 A rdf Jam e -ITha-C doea a7a9wd"a•N,a'sr 1. c1at7R np ° 7na'v.: Paa "7#a;h arteiq r 7# •r d,.�y, tB 47 hi. „ 'r4MPd#uaf Pa�J °Y, U af: o f eq_7oa i u01;V4 S .ut, pltra8 °'Id e8p$ JiaB q4g� la'Vf°17 7 QC °7S GD.� Q Jo R# u1J�a aVi a°Y� Qtd J c668pfed by the Council ..._: D° P;,to°7o aP y�°OlgQu o auoE4 w},� Je;ib a Je - 8z OI , as .a� . eju •�4°.ra Hb �7Er°afQoj p. P! exp fta 4 V, YEAS. Teff Sel eJ° eo f$!af Paf`JfSP gPfe, F. S ollP J#II. eqa P4a;e7,ely °7aP O jPit i� f� Plaa' x787 8o j'•b IBI Pk e.t7f 78 8 l8 so JOPo MR_ FAR +a, J p1 neon's tr Joo�Pa..... 7f GOSS KELLER f McCOLL N� C� gc YOERG AYS, 0 c�. PRESNENT ( WERS) Ok9, _7R .:.. C R -An ordinance to settle the claims of Dr. A. E. Ahrens and Dr. V. D. Turner. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the propositions of Drs. A. E. Ahrens and V. D. Turner to accept the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) each for professional services rendered to James Saunders who was injured voile in the employ of the City of St. Paul, on September 10th, 1914, at York;and Mississippi streets, be and the same are hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of each of said doctors, in the sum of Fifty Dollars, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund; said sums, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the Ci.ty_.Comptroller areceipt therefor, togeth@r with a release duly eaeouted by them in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, ._ releasing and discharging ,he Ci"ty'from--any-and all claims and de- mands of every kind and nature; and more particularly on account of t those arising out.of the services rendered as hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication._ ---J No. 2672-0rdinaaua No. 3326,- E.Ahrens An: ordl>E Ahte < `settle thy. c: o[ D A na and Dr.'Y D D. Turn, - The Council, of the City, Of; dose, ordain::A. .SECTION >1. / That the.propoaitione Ah,d.. and,V. D Turner to accepptf the' : sum of Fifty Dollars ($60 00) each for. ,pro1eselon.1 9ervioee rendered ..'to' James Saunders who wne Inof St. Paull. i in the employ -of the City; Y by the ort+September 10th Is14 at,York and } Mississippi streets be and the same G are. hereby , accepted and the -proper ity Officers are herebYr authorized and directed, to:adraw warrant in favor: 'OL'each of sold Doti*"rt."e Coro YEAS, 'Fifty. Dollars,,:payable ..promise Account of th, ,,a.,l Fund; said sums, howev r :to -bea, .only upon there. being; filed with.: the City Comptroller -a recelpt executed together witha release duly„ by-thdar -in -abrin to be approved, by. ;the Corporatlen Counsel; releasing and' diecharging;tbe C1tY irom'anY and'sll. and clalms.and.dema4de ofeverY kion ac 'nature and :moa particularly', count of those arlsing out OL the BBT- i vices tendered ae horeinaboVe noted.l_ SrCTIOY 2" This rdinance shall take eGect aiid.I be In force thirty date after Is pas- < • age and publication - k °-Passed by they Council, pea 4. 1914. t Yeas—Measra Farnsworth. Goss. PPPP Keller. McColl Yoerg, Mr.. President F (Powers)-6C'r • Nays -0. tt. Approved Dec 6,WINN PO1 914 WDRS, ' Mayor. Attest: JOHN I FARICYCIty Cleric. � ' ,o Dec. 12-1014) G �r /!6 OA/- 6 4A R An ordinance to settle the claims of Dr. A. E. Ahrens and Dr. V. D. Turner. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That the proposition of Drs. A. E. Ahrens and V. D. Turner to accept the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) each for professional services rendered to james Saunders who was injured vtile in the employ of the City Of Bt- Paul, on September 10th, 1914, at York and Mississippi streets, be and the same are hereby accepted, directed to city officers .,,, horized and ; and the proper each c� afore,in th6�sum of Fifty. draw a warrant in fAvor11__.Or1'.: t of General Fund; out of the Comg Dollars, payable g filed with to �bb:' da �siid sums, however, release duly the City COVPtr011e:r a @r with aCorporation Counsel, executed by them in a form .;to` and de- releastng and &iscbargint 7,.Pn account of wands of every kind and nal, vjilebovQ noted. out of the•oT;_ those arising W, d be in V.n d Ilu . ;. an Section 2. This 'A. '%'odoh fu. force thirty days 14 after its ­'.}44 AIL 2"J-1 .3-V 611 �/ / / u10Qdteuouq ''i gill, 1. 'lou V'01n1° 10, 0,;f -J*pW by the GO noll .... . ... . ............. ....... YEAS. NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McGOLL YOERG MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) IV 1016 Petition --r PRELIMINARY ORDER. -NVIIEREAS, A written p I roposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: aonzta-uc.t, a . .cement ... ...b....l.o....c.k ..s.idewal.k . to..fL jjjt of a1z fec-t an-lcth Burr. st. between.................... . .. Brainerd Ave......and... ;vy_§_t . . . . ... .. ......... .. . ............ .. .............. ............. .. .............. .................. ...................... ........... .................... PRRLI RY ...................... ............. . .......................... ........... ..................... .......................... ........ .... ... .... ,.. No. 2G73— 'her.. 11 p, A H 11,ig �"fqx thce of the* f. ...... . .......................... . ............ . .. . . . ..................... . .......... .. .. . truct an ckiiaa _t ..................... ... . ............. .......... j.;,to a �Jdth ofew, th, �e of Burr'St­, ;e' -p , r . I aGilman....___...__......_... ............................ ......... ... having been presented to the Cou c7, and Ivy St, b—Ifigboonlitpi the Council of, the Cltyof,Nt;'- therefore, be it �r1fcr,,dbcT1ht t the a o cotfircia.IQ O�f' the Cord S be and he aj( In Mr.. mi 4 ls,:bor§ ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That directed the ao,... Py: or is hereby v..tls.to y -for 1, To I. 71t - 1. To investigate the necessityT trability of the making. V�aqjll g2'of said improvement. T.7,0.n.t.Uget, the nata, the nature 2. To investigate ea' entfinated, coat of 39td- h cg improvement, and the total cost thereof. 0 the total,cnal ther. .3. To furnish a plan, profile or Ant. t. 4. To furnish the following other datax�dijull'-TornlRlioll relative to said improvement:....... .................... . ... . ...... . ................................ . ..... . ........ . .............. ..... ........ ........ . ...... . . ............. ....... . .... . . ............... . ... ...... .. . . .. . .......................................... 5. To state whether or not said imp,iovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the f ;rs to the Commissioner of Finance. AdLpted by the Council .......... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman F. $worth ed .. .......... ......... GApprov ........ ..................... K r M 11 0' ary —Y --O; -1 . . .... . ......... . ............ ........ . .................... . ......... ....... ..... .. s Mayor Po rMayor. 'Council File No .. .. . ...... .... ...... .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following el Paul, viz. :'c.onS,tr.ua_t a S.e-Vl.e= on WinBIQVI a6. 4 Dated this I J.e..th day Petition improvement by th ity of. St. Councilman. pRELIDnNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written 1)"OPOsal for the lashing of the following improvement, viz.: Con-st.ruct on -nL........... . . . ...... St t.o.-.-An ftd..._....._..__........................_..._...._............. .. ... ..... ........... ­ ........... ............... .. .......... - ........... ...... ...... having been presented to the (punt :�I"Torn wy.ral.g SU 'h� accordance with ched, bVLvIhg- bee�hiP.T4!. therefore, be it shted to the. nidl'of the City . '. ,Pavy. there , 't the Counni CO.bov 1.1 T�st.jh. lie is is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED,Thi Ol .11. wo;ks be and'M�)X,harobyor Id;rI ' directedti , . . of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessi�, 'n,',,,,,tg.t, ,t,,, I I - 11- . � total cost thereof. ,desir.bIlItY Of 1,.!p making f .. " vernent. & n' '9 * d improvement, and the 2. To investigate the nature, ').179To InVestigatt, 0 nu�i� qialtnat.d cost ----pr se. 3. To furnish a plan, profile 't,� ATd';th6'totaI c6st'O To ' furnish , a: :plan.-; proul- improvement .. ........ 4. To furnish the following %'ob of ald'irnioroy-meht., Xtive to said To furnish the'-f-Ilowing' ot�- aner-Infordiatio,p'Ybiative to T.ru..t., , . . . ...... . ..... ..... ........................ . . ........ . ......... . ....... . . o st.tA,wbetb.r -1 'q ................................. '"t- asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not ls n c 6. To,report upon all of the foregoing:mattersr . to the Commissioner of i an e. INOV 19 1914 ' 191 Adopted by the Council . ........... ........ . ........ . – Yeas; Nays: Councilman Fa sworth Go Approved_ .. ............... .................. 19 . 2. Ke r Me oil I 01 ary .............. Yo'g ... ........ . ...................................... . ........ M a y or Mayor Pot 'rs hh-N petition Council File No ................................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and P675 . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pant, viz.:'....c.ons.t.zuc.t...._a_s.ever.......... Qx>.._Sur...._t....._between.._Brainerd.._2ve...._and .................. LYS'.._St. .... n..._accorclance.._7rith....Petition..._hereto..._attached..............__......_.._:................................ __ Dated this __.__-.._19tk>...._day Councilman. PRELnViINARY ORDER. WHEIiEAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.......GOMB_trAC_t... a s.ewer.._.os-3ur.r....Si;...... he_tyle..en...Braine.r.a-AY._e,.._.ata...._IY7S.t................ ............. .............. ..................... . gOW Y-�-- _... . g P having been resented to the Co' .of the city That the�Commisefonere It Fncilnlan .... ..._............ 44 ..... ........................... . Punic Works be and 6e le hereby oY therefore, be it dered'anP directed: 1: To iaveetigate the neeeeelty:.;t4� RESOLVED, That the Comr Jmorovement y or Ltie maklna of's? • he is hereby ordered and directed: and stl_ma ed cost the said rlmproikin of said improvement. 1. To investigate the nesse, g P ment and"tho total coat thereof. ,.;, 2. To investigate the natllr•• 1. T 'of.furnish ImD*ovbm,' Orolle said improvement, and the total cost thereof. -� j To 1urnleh the -following. 3. To furnish a plan, prof ��6 pin'ormation. relative ,at. -l. To furnish the following ot4t,1 .r:;' n Hh,ecr onn'�11'relative to said improvement: Ft19 re, 5. To state whether or not said imj �vement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .............. .lrr% ...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman )�' asworth (3 Approved...._.//............_ ._�...._..... K er II oll _ �F 0 eary • Yrg...................................._._..................._._._.....__........................__......__.... Mayor Po era Mayor. In the matter of the Change of Grade on Knapp street from Raymond avenue, to Cleveland avenue, under preliminary order °'172, approved June 19th, 1914, and intermediary order m2111, approved October llth, 1914. Resolved, That the Final Order in the above matter be, and the same is hereby rescinded. C. F. No. :2676—BY S. <L Farnsworth—:' In the matterof the change of grade, on Knapp. street .from Raymond ave us to Cleveland avenue, under Pre - 11 r re11r inary Oredr No. 172,, approved June -19th, 1914, and Intermedlsty 'Order No. 2111, approved October.' - 11th, 1914. Resolved;. .That the Final .Order in the above.tratter be, and the eamo.: la hereby rescinded. Adopted by the Council Nov. 19, 1914.1 Approved, Nov. 20, 1914. 28_1914) - Yeas ' ( /') C oilmen ( V) Nays (i 1114 ' Adopted by the Council�d� 1`191_ F sworth In favor r � 1911/ er -F�'— oil 2_ --Against E �} Cary [Q - MAYOR } Mi Presider Owers 7 _ COUNCIL FILE NO. . . . ........... 1 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 3 raa,in Y ier ,tr et__f.rom nenrar.,.5. eel to.. ]n the ;mer of... � _. - �- rearav nae and lainar.eau__street.,frcm,.Seventh $tre.et to-'inrebab.a..St. _............_._..._._..-. index Preliminary Order ....9.3.2... ....approved _ July.3Q.th.,__ 1914...._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. S. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recoumends is_L?;a 1z 7 ler „� _... �..1.i.2 e.a1.. 2,.✓.:�?=?LB-.aZld-..... i.al'..�.L.eu'.U-...a:tr-eet fr Om S 4x e_t_..zrorn.... e. nnarrl...s.treet. Lo neve.-th str-._et tc, o �t p to_ the ._e.s.t.ah.lished_.�m.ade_ . __....._.......... 37.5.. J .7 .............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of DeCeuber.._..._..._..__.....___....__191...'x..., at the hour of.._........1.0....__ocloek..._....A.....-\i., in the...._C.ou71C.i1.....Citamber ..._.__....... 6� room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pxul. That the Commissioner of mance give notice, of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the it, n vent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. C' Clerk. Approved..._...._._.... .��/t/ ..............................._............ Mayor. - Councilmen B'a nswortn GG is Kt Iler I M Coll 0.easy Y erg Mayor Y vers i ry i S i C � I 7 _ COUNCIL FILE NO. . . . ........... 1 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 3 raa,in Y ier ,tr et__f.rom nenrar.,.5. eel to.. ]n the ;mer of... � _. - �- rearav nae and lainar.eau__street.,frcm,.Seventh $tre.et to-'inrebab.a..St. _............_._..._._..-. index Preliminary Order ....9.3.2... ....approved _ July.3Q.th.,__ 1914...._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. S. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recoumends is_L?;a 1z 7 ler „� _... �..1.i.2 e.a1.. 2,.✓.:�?=?LB-.aZld-..... i.al'..�.L.eu'.U-...a:tr-eet fr Om S 4x e_t_..zrorn.... e. nnarrl...s.treet. Lo neve.-th str-._et tc, o �t p to_ the ._e.s.t.ah.lished_.�m.ade_ . __....._.......... 37.5.. J .7 .............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of DeCeuber.._..._..._..__.....___....__191...'x..., at the hour of.._........1.0....__ocloek..._....A.....-\i., in the...._C.ou71C.i1.....Citamber ..._.__....... 6� room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pxul. That the Commissioner of mance give notice, of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the it, n vent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. C' Clerk. Approved..._...._._.... .��/t/ ..............................._............ Mayor. - Councilmen B'a nswortn GG is Kt Iler I M Coll 0.easy Y erg Mayor Y vers i ry i S i COUNCPL FILE NO By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_ graling oxford. etrqqt froll, 1glehart avt!nue to Rondo under Preliminary Order. 564 _&II.Pprowd July .611t.h . .. ..... Intermediary Order /Qf ......approved .... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above iniprowinent 111)011 due u0tice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, slid having fully considered the, saute; therefore,, be. it E//SOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. pfll� thkit tile�r li , yl_( Ise ati x tZandnl kind �rilii- " "" _ x4iivt t be made by e said City is.- - al(I the Courici reby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couiicil--4.':' 19 y erk. Approved 4 Mayor. Couileflinen Fa 11sworth G o s Inithe lifatter"4 grading Iron 191ehart - aveng O.ford, strdet: In street'ondor;Prenndna% to -Rondo' r app owed, jF,,,.,g,,,,,,,,Y;,i0rtdcr 5' ary�, ,22Y6 Ke Ke er M.o7derapproved OCt 28; e ellvorl -:A pubila ' C-.P.rOve,-e-t Pon- had Me oil �-211%, I LY I be6fi' all"P-MWie,� objeettims 'Udav11'.'�K.a,.b.ii,! Aatlon. ;eIatj*6: thereto �,,d,,, , .and lid,ifig be . same;,. therefore, V.11 t no ' I 'd the P,-. onnol of the 'o g and i- I I t re mad iait� I I Yo -g "as a by e it o be ford'�street`:'ro sT radin le 't ave ue It.,, Mayor Po rs and' tr orders. -I ricli era y ford` t wit aire made. I.ner of t I Com 'Is- her.bv. 11; . and a 1. COUNCPL FILE NO... 13Y........... ............. ..... .... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.,.9,r4Ji.T!9..0X.fQr.d. street froq, Igleha..rt, a,ve.,-ue,,-t,o..,..,R.o,.n.d..o. 4- re under Preliminary Order 564 I --improved JU ly 6th 914 Intermediary Order .... .... .. ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pau t]Wt the ise nature. vxtcu and kind iin- '� le�,q it /be made by ( said City iE Z .7>,' a/d the Council-Ar4eby orders said improvement to be. miade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lit, is hereby instructed'and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceordance therewith. Adopted by the 191'4/ 01 y C erk. Approved 19 711 .............. Mayor. —p - r --l" r - . - r''i " 11 A r 7p[ 1 qli a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of ._..;xadA.ng.1 xf.or.d_ Iglehart av ,nue t_o.,_Rondo _ street. .......... _..... ....... ....... .. _...._...... ..._... ... _ _.. _ _ _.__._ ....... _ under Preliminary Order approved....... JUly...5th, .19.1.4 .. .....:_._ __............ _....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Coin missioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ;x;_13.„.023 90 Per front foot 11.S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid mailers, and hereby submits the foregoing as his repot thereon to the Couucil, together with the report wade to him in reference ttoojsaid lmatter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated... ....f( .(%.... �0 ..... _ .....191 Commissioner of Finanee. . , Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _AUZ.0 ........... 191.4., To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had ladder consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No_....._56...............approved......_........ ..... JUly.,_6.a................ ......1914...., relative to_ ........... ........._.... .. $dadimg....9xY.Q a.._$t.r...... x.9A1....1gIv Xa .....�i,Y.9...19.....RQ.Sid.,4.._.B.t..............................._................... _.............. .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....... ..... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 019 `L. Tile estimated cost thereof is$..........1.3........................... and the total cost thereof is $................_'.........._. ..60 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................... ..................................... ........... _................ -............ ....................... ............... .........._................. ....._.................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4_ .......... _... __...... ______.... ____... _....................... ____................................................ ____...... ____.......... _____________..... _.......... _____........... _........ _________......... _....... _............................... ____________________ 5. Said improvement is ......... n -.........._...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....................................................... ...... .. Cmnmi.one • of Public Works. .lOBN l: FAftIOY. Oaxt Ocs¢s • 1 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERIC'S OFFICE "november 20th,1914 Hon.M.M.Goss, Commissioner of Public Works,City Dear Sir,— The Council at their meeting held TIovember 19th,1914,ordered C.F.No.267�1 being a Final Order for grading Oxford street from Iglehart avenue to Rondo street laid over one week and referred to the City Engineer for report, to be paken up .'ovember 27th,1914 Yours truly, John I.Faricy, City Clerk G, -COUNCIL FILE NO..._......._..... _..._.._.__ _...... FINAL ORDER. M In the Matter of._.. gra�,i.�ng Jar;:�s s..t.reet fro.rp r-tarnl.re aver.:,e to _A lberAve .........._._....._...._._.....__.._..........._.... .... ._ ... .............. _ .. July 10 , 191 ............. ..... under Preliminary Older 633. approved . _.approved is ' Intermediary Order, - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconnnendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it R LVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that tlje `l t'ecise nature, tent ankind o inr d i �r �t •" pt•o to be Lade by the d Ctty is __��' _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be wade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cominissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and e to the Council for directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sottu approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordmrce therewith. 1 ' ..'_ ....._..... Adopted by the Council ............19. ._.._._r'_ .'.._......... Approved..L.J.-:...._.. _ ..__.......__.._...19W 9 / FINAL. OliD1iR.9 ; Conncilnien Farnsworth C'F No 2sys=t t y - . Im'•the blAtter,o[ gradlnB Jam atceeFF . Goss from t3amttbe saeav9 So Albert Ave : - under PreliminarY Order 9n8 aY , `proved r7uly�. l4ti� 1919;sInt¢rfnediaO, Order 2218 `;apR}oved Opt 24 YBY{:., Keller -2, publid ivearla� pav}ng been had-, 'vpbn tha abosetimpragemeat. nddri�d4e-'i �"notice andith8 Cpl3neft=l�aiviba• 76R,•etd..J McColl nit persona dhiec ane an redomrvea - _ d4tlone talaElge there�p; and having, �tnitY coneideiyd that eaMe therafpie, O'Leary Roeolvad, BY the Cquricil of the C[tY oft8t Faul that the pr¢cise nature etc 9 meadeb9 1 ei aatdflLyYs'g+'ading,.Taa,tn4�,i Yoerg 1 atieei from,Hamllha Ave xo Albert; Aqe and the Councl7 Mayor Powers-:herohY ordze'j eatd imnrovetnerit to be -made Resolved b�rth�iTuettia a c� tim!ia t t n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of ........... gra_dng.._J.aAeP_._str.eet from .HaMline _avenue t,o ,Albert Ave. _. r - under Preliminary Order approved ...._...JU,.1.y_...1Qth_,,.._.1914. _..........................................._...................... ............... ........................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $......1862.37 .................. per front foot 41.56 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as lost reported by the Asaessor, are as follows: 2, DESCRIPTION Lot BloA ADDITION Assessed Valuation — i i ;s140 . 6 ' i ' i ;i s The Commissioner of Fivauee fm•ther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid Watters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Conncil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.................P_�d.: (>........_..._.19L �1�-- Cmumissioner of binanee. PRESS CO. 3 14' IF 171 19 20 21 C.D 5 1914 * SX. PAU -IN-hr, 0 24 25 - ----- 20 '27 29 30 31 ----- -- 3-2, J2 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y- ............ - - FINAL ORDER. In the Batter of relaying and rerairin-> with cer.,.ent blocks .............. tc,....a,. width -of six feet -the rre.sent si-lemalk Qn-M.o.ore. -Sid a beginning at Carroll ave=e thence sout%) 150 feet. August 15th, 1914 under Preliminary order 0- approved V ..... Intermediary Order . ......... .,-.-.�.4...approved .. ... V. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,- e it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to beCshade by the said City is..re.c.onstr.ur.ting,...ralay.ing...and mpairing-wi-th aement. blacks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on Moore Ave. west side beginning at GARROIA, -AVEN=- thence- South 150 fse+,- . ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,:That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and dir4eted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby A1,010rized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the -19- ..... . ......... .. City e .. Approved ......... .... ..... Alayor. Councilmen Mayor a 'S REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the illatter of .. re.c. ons,tructing,._ relaying and repairing with ceir�ent blocks width..._of six...fe,e.t .tale prip.sznt.__s.idewalk on, Moore.._ avenue west side .begi.nning._at..Carro_ll._.._ave_nue thence south 150 feet. ....._... ......... ... ... .... . __........._.. .__..._. under Preliminary Order approved ...._August,._15_th,_.__1914.•...... ..............................._............................................... _. To the Council of the City of St. Pail): The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is h...._4, .¢._...per lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: f 047 GtfY",/,- "(,s e4 all m DESCRIPTION !ter i Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valnetion ■ The Commissioner of F'imanee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Comcil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated.....C%�. ........_...__.....191.... ....:................................. G..............:.... ./. CommI Iiasioner of Finnnee. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No................ 2..O��._.approved............_Al? ,X11 .tr..-... .a..................191 ......, relative ta.._the.............. .canttuf3t.1.Q.,.....aY..-aa..._reparng...with..._Dement"..blocks,._to..._a.:_ridth _ ................ _.............I..... _............. oY_.___s1x., feet.,___._the__.present__._Bidatsalk_._on_._the __olloWing.._etreet: Moore Ave. waat.....aida..,.....ha.gix>ming....at...._Q�rxa.11.....�th 150._Yt_:.............................................._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. _........ necessary and (or) desirable. xRXR..._......, and 2. The estimated coat thereof is $._........7C$Jl',........ _, and the total coat thereof is $................................. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........_............................................................................................................_..... ......................._....._..._....-........................._._._...............-......._......._.........._..........._...................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............................. 5. Said improvement is....._n�............... _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...._i......_...___........... . .......... ........... ........ _... _....... .,...... Comm `sinner of Public Works. l.� L COUNCIL FILE NO ..................... . .... 13r.__............._....___._......................_......._._.......... __.__ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_._grading. __Paga_s.traet_ f.nom_.Cher.oke..e....ay.enue...._ .o....D_e 14IY4Ke.. _.. avemie. . ........... .._..... under Preliminary Order 7.5. ..._._. ._.__..apprroved .Ju�..y. 7th., .., 14 .. _. ........_.. __..approved Intermediary Order ._.... � _ � _.. �✓✓✓ _. __. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconrmpudations relative thereto, and having frilly considered the same; therefore, be it R S , LVED, By the Council of the City of St. P�nl\ that th recise Hato extents and ind of inn - or" rt to be made by th/aid Cit is and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ _.... 1 ...... _.._......_...._.... ......... 19........._. nn rk. Approved..../... / ._a ..............._19/. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller 7 :McColl / O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers 1 , ' 1 � Ek pp •S' i l [. E� !. �!j — 45�. �t. S ?' i - d1 � P is P�: �s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE fn the Matter of.__l;.x.adi.n.g._.E.age._s..tx.e..et.....,f.r.oazt_._Ch_e..r.o.kz:e....,aveizue_._ to_.._Delaivare .avenue . underPreliminary Order approved ........_.._.........J.u1.X....7.th,.....1914............................._... ._................._...._................_........................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $k......_373,Jp . per front foot .77¢ - The lots o• parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the /assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION I Assessed Valuation wl— i i - - - Sm The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report. umile to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.....�j� _............__........191.L/ �� Commissioner of Finanee. Office ,of the Commis s ; ner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance tle.....1:.....1.... ............... 191.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- July 7 , ...... oil, known as Council File No...._575 ___approved ....................... ...... ..................191..4..., relative to ... .......... from.._Cherokee...Ave_......tO....Delaware. Ave. ............. ........................... ............_... .................................................. ..........._................ ...................................... ..................... ._............... ........................ . . .................._.............................................................................._......................._.................._................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _._.......necessary and (or) desirable. ....._. and the total cost thereof is$....................._......._9............, and 2. The estimated coat thereof is $..._........._....___... 371.5 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... _........ ......................................................................................... ....... ................ ....... _........................ ........................................... .......................... ._.......... --........................... ....................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... 5. Said improvement is........................ _...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1.......t....:...................._._..._................. _....................................... C imissioner of Public Works. JUL 141 ST, u L, r. 761, d, -"L44 2rL, MA COUNCIL FILE NO ................. ............ BY._..._........_.----- __....... _------................__.._......_._..._._.-.. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of carbing.._axle..._w..ou].e.u.ard.i.1g..._7.ot.h...._xsee 4....Faj rvey� Ay_�..... f.> om University averue to Summit Aven•e ...._..... ....... _ _ i under Preliminary Orde, ... 9.. - .._ .............. approved. ..I11.1 3.0 h, __ 1914 .. Intermediary Order ....... _. _. - .-/ D....... .. approved _----------- - .! "/ �!-. I ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cousideled the i same; herefore, be it ESOLVED, By the Council of the City f St. Paul t t tl . prec a nature, extent a kind of nn- prow wento he made by he said ity is. ✓.' '. �' "Gy - -"'� GG�.,���-:.. �%�,-.,.._rte and the Council hereby orders .in improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. p,9 lv' 4 <� F Adopted by -the Council.-_ ......................... _............ .... ..-_.19.__..... ............ City k. Approved... ...__...:.. . Ma or. Councilmen Farnsworth i.. -, Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers 9 ! DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION II ' Assessed VAi tion,. _ a o -- - --- - -J--7_- it 610 I �6 DESCRIPTION ' Lot Bloc ADDITION Assessed. Valuation 61 5 161d -a 4n DESCRIPTION Lob Bloc ADDITION. I Assessed Velvetion . CJ 10, If 04 m 1, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to bim in reference to said �tmatter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ............... C%-...:............. ......_191.% ..v.... I. . ............ .... .... ._ Commissioner of Finance. 0.3 COUNCIL FILE NO 137 9 FINAL ORDER. III the 'Matter ,f constructing a sewer on James street from Arbor street t a point 150 feet east. ............ under Preliminary Order 931.. --approved JU 11y, ..3.0.:t. 1914. Intermediary Order -approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, BV, he Council of the Ci St. Paul that the precise ature, extent all and of Da - It a e neat to hem e said Cit pr b .. .......... A, z a the Council hereby orders said improvement to Ye. miade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie, is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plains and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....... Cit erk. Approved Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller 7 McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers f Jt� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alatter of__..co.ns..ts.ua.t.ing....a..saw.er.....on...Ja.t ea__ aTtz'K_t. frQm.__Arbor._street to a point 150 feet east . __ _ ........_.. _ _ ._.. ............ ......... _. under Preliminary Order approved ..._JUly.....30.thy.-..191.4.......... ............._..___................. ........... ......._.__---- ..:.._ __....._._.___.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the 'assessment for the. above improvement is h.....4F1,_46_........., u r front foot 1.71 The lots or parcels of land that. may be assessed benefits for said improvement., and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are aS follows: DESCRIPTION I Lot Blocl ADDITION �' Assessed Veluetion i I ---- - p The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid mattersr and hereby submits the fo•egoiug as his report thereon to the Comucil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....C!�.-....._. / v l Commissioner of Finnuee. officeof the Comnlisioner of Public Works T Report to Commissioner of Finance -'Usl X..e...ti......1.s'3.......................191..4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- July...30.t.......................191.._4., relative to.............................. cil, known as Council File No............931 ...approved. .... ......._................. . Arbor .to ... _............................... oonetruoting.. a••_s®wer..,on _Jamee___gtreet .Prom Street 150__t eet.... eae_t...................................................................................................................... ....................... _........_..................... ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: P 1. Said improvement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. xxxx 459.00 `L. The estimated cost thereof is $..._.................__. and the total cost thereof is h ............................._... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................... ................... ................ .......................... ............. _.......................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................................... 5. Said improvement is.._ ....... gg .........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i................_ ........ .........._._. .._............._._...._._......_.... _..._ Commissioner of Public Works. i( .j � .. � � _5 �i �'{, _ �,�� ,•:; a <;.�, :,... COUNCIL FILE NO............____..____.. By i. --- - - - FINAL ORDER. in the Matter of.. 'constructi.ng a, SP17e;7 on Ravrnond avenue from Hendon tr.e.et -to. Duljev. ...at.ree t.. ....... - ........................ ... under Preliminary Order . .. . ....... . approved th 1014 luterniediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations. relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it St. Paul that the precise nature, extent a ad of . im- I OLVED, By Abe Council of the C 4 JR r— I trove e Y prove cut to be in 4�b thesad City i it t the Council hereby orders said improvement to be rade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FIV in _.....____...._......19...._...... 1914 Adopted by the Council .......... ... ................... ...... City erk. Approved-.// . ..... . . ......... Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McCall O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers In the Matter of.._._..con-$..G..q.tJ.t1g.....a.....a.em-e.r......Q.n-..R.dym.0.nd_ street to Dudley.e.tree_t..__ ... ........................ _ ......... under Preliminary Order approved.._...._. TL?n.e................................... ................... ......._.__.......... ....._...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: pppp CCQQ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement1s......A�.N1..�..Y.\........... cost per front foot 1.06" The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1Y k DESCRIPTION Bloc ADDITION Arses'sed Valuat*on —T The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid Watters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference tosaidmatter by the Coinmiissioner of Public Works. Dated........uL.. ..... ............................. 191..,. Commissioner of Finance. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.. .c.cn a truat.ir&_a. ..a e-MeT_ on.. Good riol�avenue from Cleveland ........... ... _to.Finn.. a_v..enue.... ...... under Preliminary Order. 836 .. .......... ....... .... . .....-approv,d ..Jul.y...28th, 131- Intermediary Order ..approved ............. .... ...... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it /R -OLVED�, BB the Council of the City f St Paul that the precise nature, extent ail�a�'M PL nn- all A prove ac y the �'nt to be i e y the said City is pr ve c. ...... . . . . . .. . ................. ......... ... . . .. .. ...... ... 'o the Council hereby orders said improvement to be viade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. `3.�, ig;A Adopted by the Council ......... .....:_...._..._> . . ................. rk. Approved...// .... . ... .. ........... ...................... Mayor. Councilmen k ai nswoi, Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers �_ 911 ■ ■ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of_C.pn_s_tTt1,g,.t ungas,}^er.,__on...G.00drich_._ay.enue from Cleveland avenue to._.Firn„avenue......._ . _.............. ........ _ __ ......__ ...... ..... under Preliminary Order approved ......_J.1,11.7_„._3511i, 19.14- ........................................................... _.......................... To the Council of the City of St.. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: s The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement. is *....1.17.6..._25........ per front foot 1.11 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed ` valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ILot Block ADDITION Assess ed Vsluation� , i � ? 1. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated ell of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._..--&. �U.................._.._......191_ . Commissioner of Finance. Office.`of the Commisslbner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Auguet ._13.: .................191.4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: i The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No...._83.......... ........ approved.._.....July r28'.........................._191.4.., relative to. .... ... ...... ..... _..... .-A .__e�e._..an.._CxQ.Q. �.sfk�.... �v�........fa:l..._Qave.� gid__ �va.._.._t_a..........._:... ...... ................. F..inn..Ave............ ........ _.............................. ...... _............................ ................ .................... ................. _.................. ................. _.................. _............. _.... ........... ..... ................ _............... _...... .... _...... --....... ................... _.._........ ............... _.... ........................................ ................................................................................. _........... .......... _..................... and leaving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ ........ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is .......... and the total cost thereof is �. 1166...OQ........... _. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... ............... ..... ........ ............ ...... ...... ..... .... .............. ........ .._.._ .......... .............. _...... 3. A plan; profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........ ..... _....._. _. _. _ . _------ ._._...-.._..... ...... .................. ......_..........._.._........._......._..._.............._.......... __..... _.._..:....._ .._. 5. Said improvement is. ..... _..... ...... ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ._............. -.../.............. _.?p.._ ....._.. ---.... _.... ............................. _...... ......... Comm ssioner of Public Works. fns�;iw® $386 of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City ":Clerk `in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C,.F No 2888,=0rd3 ancgNR BBBQ '8> . - $spay McColl � 0e Po Pette' An drdlnance granting toy ' mieslon to great a balcony o)fe} the / / entrance to -_No Va16 Wabasha ,akre�t � . _ tTlie C01fAc11 -bY tae C1tY ori St...ga1i1. - ii,2 �C' S� fir✓ That ) TmisatAnTB d1sukhorltyJ� : / ft d hereby grante20 Yea -pPgn toy,C h Council .._........._. .. /../.. t9� by The ab} et aad m f tai a bateony over the V arra a to tp 4ulld[ng 7cnoWn a9 No � r /�� t4}8 Wabasha str ek is said Clty NAYS, (trhte hBbeay lCdaoV mYtemheorP¢.Ii1oIIqrtCd TeftYrooYEAS. OorN fta2'en- be3rl-teetxcWLiwave rttsa it /Ie,Iydtlo s7 ;,11d g,cn tracttos idf sid aslaonY upon the f IdolloWing Yeo Pon compllailce With " he ondittona r MR. FARt�iSWORTti 6 . ql) Thq-sala ueansa �Lhati ata W�> � ��©� � � �D7an an't� eyeclRcakion� {� he, p opab'9d r < bN ony ,W415h p7aa shall be subjpet, to= the hpp oval f datd' _orymissionar atd,,l}iplc n,,Iq el De Sn Vatalled nde ", the sDPory;alga sad :Ri c KELLER section of said Commlea[angr ana oaf of in ilia _ '-: a1d 11ae a 'shill] .pay th cn, aP tion nd', L I stall( 'g 4ll mow. said 11C as e-ahailr'f rnlah: -31 M.GOLL a =b nd t toe 61ty nc fit? P vl hr th e FS Tp ana D 7Ift ; ��a�� �(i6se°rauLioaaule ea ;gavyfp b L/t GEARY Qiahuify ivdg encs ,m Its K ani e p as'✓'titat YOERGr u to p r t hna or preps fyrion N ae u t f.o : a i in�by`'seaagn at tlia fiegastrq tt n4ap7 enants 6Peratlaar :� �, Off, ,lt i us pregeR a:f.oc retdbval ob aatd p '\: -9,cony the said bond.ito`remalnefn fo ae NAYS, 0 ',4�l�jt. PRESIDENT (POWERS) and e8ect a"s_Ton Sa eald batcny rq,f' mains pr exlsta T e 01 pboad i all.'bel, .in• such form; ne inay<,ba bpPl'4Q4d hy' , / tae Cgrpo'raFfan �Counagl and shalt a- --r as may_.ba aP$r _y@d Mayoi at d rgha11AIR, Ries 'pzfUt toe C4omp[roller of veld gltY 4 lintsatdSX.apon wvhengvelr ther�onn 11 shall eo order t -,(8) The said 1lcieaeee 6ha11 day anY� �� licen a fee ori talc teat msy be CC�xeired - - ,by any ordln9nce or taW o>: the ity rof ^.'16) Sald Ilcenaee shalt Withln -ten, ',' _days after toe asyagcth1$' 4;dirt ante. 111..aWrittenraece ptanec}he}eaf € maybac C1ty Cle kV in'such>'-YOcm -.;aa stay be approKed by tae C4rPor�.tloss 11 ,'SPILT ON 3.r t } ='Phisbrdlnanpe eaa'1L take elTeet and _ hl 1n Lo ceaA arty days ,aLtOr Ike ptYmd' _ -age aAd'Pub11c8iton +;]?awed by't7ta Counctl!17eC 3'1 -%DS4 - '=Yeas 31 sere Farnacvonth. 8ellel' . �McCo17 Yoei_g Mt^ Ytgaldent (P¢�v . . ...NO a ro ed Dec, 12 1914' (tis g, - - WINK-YOWHRS .:;T A:tt et JOHN I FARSCY ' ' City Cie k.t :.. Iain x, saxaxps, omr oasaa a CITY OF SAINT PAUE OITY OLERH'6 OFF10E . Ran. 0.11.0111eill, Corporation Counsel, / Nov Z7th,1914. i te, Denr Sir:— The attached C. F. 2688`, nn ordinance granting Yeo Pon permission to erect a balcony over entrance atnumbar 418 19ab9she Street, -acs referred to your department by the Council, for correction in accordance with the reeomendst&on of the Coamr. of Public Works . Laid over to Dec. 4th,1914. Yours truly, Jo:n+I. Faricy, City Clerk } A 'JOHN I:'-A�BSOY. Ors* Ocui - 3` d J CITY OF SAINT PAUL . orrY o�ass o�oa �BNov 27th,191419144 -• NOV u Hon. O.H.O'Neill,juORKS s, Corporation Counsel, CoMMi5S10 E8 OF p a Deer Sir:— The attached C. F. 2686, nr ordinenca granting Yee Pon permiaaim to erect a balcony over ertrence at number 418 Webashe Street, was referred to your department by the Council, for correction in accordance with the recomendatkcn of the Coemr. of Public Works Laid over to Dec. 4th,1914. Youre truly„ Johri. Fericy, City Clerk i JOIN I. FARIOYOrsi Oisec • CITY OF QAINT PAUL ,...' crERIK-S osPzaE November 20th,1914 Hon.M C'omr*ssionerof Public Wbrks,City Dear Sir, - The Council at their meeting held "Iovember 19th,1914,ordered the accom- panying C.F.No. 2686,an ordinance granting permission +o Yee Pon to erect a balcony over the entrance to No.418 Wabasha street, referred to you,,same to be taken up and considered November 27th,1914 Yours truly, John I.Faricy, J I City Clerk. G. w i 4 -,68 relating to the civil service, and each shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the charter of the City, as the City Clerk may from time to time require, or as shall be required by any rules and regulations adopted by the City Clerk, with the approval of the Counoil,.in connection with the administration _,of-the office of the City Clerk. Seotion 5. The salaries of all the officers and employee of said departmentshall be payable in-equal monthly instalments on the Ifirst day of the month following that in which the service rendered, or at such time thereafter as may be practicable. Section 6. This ordinanceshalltake effect and be in force.:from and alter the earliest time permitted under the charter limitations. aQrEd- Do r .to3 pet • I me record clerk anA etenograDht jsal0ry' idf Nfge' Htinflred S1 `//� � (890000) par year ande'such other sulk,, P oYed as the Cotfncil at Yhd request '. of the Clty Clerk m�y duthori�e by sok ti n and at such; slarle s itl' f/� // z SF.C7'ION 12 Y-ia' J�'z �� _ (-// The Iloputy�Cliy C10;k offltl�e lCity' ,. r of S4.Ysul4ehall:be aDppoLlted�` y Ond %/ aublecj to the City Cie;1r of}tc"is by the Councilis by the CISY irk scull he resppone�Me he' z / � ;hall>be�aPPOlntgd m q+rlti8g b) rhos ; CIeC7t� 1&Rsatd Y. f�i. t by d%1d yCitY Cleck at Pieekure �daid 4 pPatittl� Ijb heeds tt t{hailzbq opera Live §h"Wt be filed ]n the. otfic¢ of the YEAS, NAYS CItY c ln'pootier The 'bald RelvtY - CItY Cle(•k may P�rtgrth the,ea(. du / tries ;equl ed of s8td Clty Clerk f V/ MR. FARNSWORTH sEeTzoN a 3 . .Tjic aid Deputy Clty Clerk §hall be " - ,iegnired to enter into a bohd to Lha smoubt oY FFva Thousativi 'Dp1la;s - '• ($G;000) to the C VYA,at BGKPaul epu� dlttoped U9t be-Dgrtgrm thry ililtlgge qL- hieofflce honestly talthLully ahti t KELLER Parti y twlthout trautr ot'.oppteealF 0nd u •that he accont far and pove; on demand to •the Prop r]ty °laid ! j fill money prndeity qthl gs of 'ya]u8 M.GOLL re elY d by aim 'by virtue z61 his pot# �i�Yy���(9 _ All:-other of Bald yemployasysaal, be° iY- appointed. IlY the, City Clerk: C it the prpylatone oi',t6e Oh�rtdt'vtntrao'(llfi eases elating"too,Ue oivil aecytFe� and YOERG paah,shslt PR form eaeb eau as ay be Pres rib d by th Chaiter of the YS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT eotYU ttQ ieuu ate ooras sited` qui, p anY•arules and *yegal4tion§; 'adopted - theCity Clerk yrlthtthe� aperi„r, dal of the, Council in' connac F, s� wlttae ;onadministratiet t�te 0.� c.. F, - o1'the CStyjClark. � ,� s�;; 8y1CTYON 6 ( r the ofllcera und` i, j�(iy/��• oinploYae of said depithi, nstalment° payable, lu, egus.l monthly: e, _on".tae.5rat day oL the monfh followi ,that lm.whlch ;the eervtpa'.ls rendered or at h time the _-a Or ae may be - _ practicable. ,STICTION 8 - This ordinance shall take bftagt atld - ba In force iroR1 and alter. the aatllee� _time pert¢tYteA under the pharYOc,Itmtr t - tations '�YeaeeaMe ar9°FaenewaT.tnh °• Kellatk - McColl Yoerg 'Vf l'reetdent CP ers)aYe 0 � `APP oved.Dec WINN YOWF7H6�' .�' IAti at JOHN.�L H�ARl$i C}tYtCIe;iC_�it' o 6.8 r ° (4) Said areaway shall be removed by said MannhelmexllRebt,T Company whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any, license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul (6) Said 'licensee shall, within ten days after the passage.•; of this ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel: Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. _ By ';+fa N Gose An ordinance granting fo hhe�iHapni heftfser R alts ComD$nyy a'aarp`pF/d o5tatetot MinAeebta- 7 ant atria xo cnerugUatl atYatntainh n aresteay on S vent6 pL;Peterr♦<17 Sloth tel nnderl t BldetV,l and eatendlag t 16-411Y nB�7 ZZI'//(��/(`�b1h8 COoRCI�,,L dose ordain S ..' °F SECTIOlq 3 �- That permfaelop. end aufltor-Jty are • 1 ; hereby grasped to.the° 3faisnhal/aei Realty _ Companl ^a corpgratlon Ac construct and malhtaln ah arRaway n Seventh. Stas.Peter snd Aii :stt0ets, _ YEAS, unser_the alaewalk; and eatendtng ;te -- the curb ]fns;' in. Lrgnt aL Lote�.9: toa8, �; incius[ve la Biock 7 3t. Paul-Prope4 MR. FARNSWORTHInached accordance wlth`the plan Har to at; C The Comadealoher to a alic�iW'or-11 is hereby d. tMannhb to Sesve a permit / ro the said Mannheimer Realty Com. KELLER pang Lor tea conatruatton of sold area, way upon.. the said Mannheimer. Realty Compapy s Complfanhe wtth, the 3o11bw; •.- �� 1n eondfffons * _ ;�; {/ �1 a mml aion I(ceneee shalt 8�e t¢tkb ,Q T 1 f McCOLL the Commisefoner of _Public Warks •a VV plan and.apecidcatlons of tae proposed J areaway;. whisk Dla'n shall ba aubjabt J?to th prgvat of said Commfa Soper (Z)'Thet, Pa areaway hall-6 n Q lCatatlol oder khe Buperv191on nd d! reoClon of aald Commi4elones ori the C/C YOERG Sala Ilaenae saaluAay rhe coat a1 in anecuon ane at :tnseaiung same (8) The said 2lcehse0 wall to : fthe a Dond-C St Pavl'in the AYS. 0 Y MR. PRESIDENT (P to anm of the T Clt . s2gaveana Hailers (E340a¢S00) a ndittoaed to say the City rot,3£Paul harmlee ;rom,ahy £ad all IlaDtlfty judgments suftgi aceta, thflsgea fr,magee);,end expends that may, aggrua to Persona or properj$ 'on agggfsht:ef or arising by\reason'dt•the onetructtoh matnte once .,oDetati n; uae.presence or rbni vat as said area• way , fres satd bond,:to re aitl',i1h Sor e M8In8Lect ae llong ds said a away re` malne—rit ¢alafs THe Sala boild!shall e approved by tL 4-;a,rpora'tioa Coun- eel and;apprd save°sthe-�aureU;aAhd -- may bahPProved•Dy ;he•MaY.or ;end G— hall; bei flied wtih ;}4 Co ptroller'o1 by(4 ofd .�Mah hClwee R elrye CoPenF r wfi th C esti D It s prder •, (6) ,Tli aid Il n hall'yaY any It r@e&'.fe o t +.Chat y be ?re-: - - auired'•bs ay rdtva or Iaw,= [ th!a CICY of.8t Paal =' • ' (6} ;8afd li seat h 11 Wit1i1 t n d ye, disco Wr�tteng of thl - dtn- peen a-th roof with they. Cit} CI rtt'F n h'fq 89 Covnbel. ;_anp dDy the Corpo tion' be nlafor of thirtysddys tatter ttt.-P esa. age.n.nd publication:':: . Passed by the Council jDec 7. 1839: 'Xeas=-Mee ra -Far Worth x{etter, 31eCoii,_ Yoerg Mr ' President ?,(Pbw ' `�`� - Approved Dec 9 `.1814 �y .,' WINK POWERS Attest TOI9N I F48TCY MxaYo t CItY C�erk � (Deo 12 1J14) t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILF2ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............... ................ ........: .......... _.... FILE NO..... -. DatePresented-.................. .:............ ....... ...._I9,.......... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 80th, 1914, by and between the Portland Stone Company and the City of St. Paul, for curbing, filling, leveling and improving Arundel street from Marshall avenue to Carroll avenue, be and the same is'hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. ` TY OF SAINT PAUL //1/ r 2686-Gose-s. //syn`,(�/ylt ,C•12eeo1ved. .That th' oantra4t,.bearlbne (jv� /' Gltf GIOTIC'3 OfI1CP, ember 36th: by Venuonfe //// '® date Novo porttand Btone sen and 11nP to et t[4 Paut torth4 omPanYii curbin6:) pad ihe`�CitY o[ S roVin6 �r j�. lyl eae' ..... flll1n8 leveltnB n, �arehall a p eaoa0 del. sire De and ep oltY�{ !r ..• �' .Ca[C011� aVenvep :an8 th 4ruP ��_�/ _. hercbY aHDroved d directed t4 `� sal ere are anth4rtzea ahs �L tha cuY-� Rof C' i@T oxADProved Novel 3s 191aN4v-�-:zo 191a. Q��/�,,p Adap ,�V41!•- Vii 'r �'bc "�wej. GC !. 1U1\v1G/vVJ' Yeas (V) Coun linen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council �o�rp� _ 19 Far or [/ Go favor ` �. 191 :T Ke r Approved- M oil _Against ' - ;. Mr. Presiden Powers "'" iONM o.e•a _ i X CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjecti ...._...... -- ...... coufvcaj Fn.E Noz... ............... ' Date Presented Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 19th, 1914, .by and between C. B. Lyon & Brother and the City of St. Paul for furnish— ing ninety tone, more or lees, of calcium chloride, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers ar'e authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. .�';F No.', T PAUL Resolved, That the' co�. F i OF SAINT data November 19th 19 l. r v�rQ GI TY C B. Lyon & BBt7 �i city ot.St. Paw rot tprnta Cil Clerk's Office tone more or, Sega oNcalClu _ ' ;be:' nd the, name fa hereby ' and the ,proper, city ofticera;� thorized and dlreCtadh. ig es ........... ,..,1J] ... Adopted by the Cd -11 ' Approved Nov 29 1911:1 ��� �./'.•� (�IoY ae 1sR> ceived e , ity Clerk �rj Yeas (Y) Coun linen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council__/�f.-191Jr Far `orth Go (' Kell lam' "n favor Approved _ ' - - � �---191 7` M oil —____._Against,,,_ CR Mr. Presides owers - Mtron uj,. FORM:G.8.2 �. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL t f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: - coulvem FILENO...... :.... ............... .. ..... .. - µ ....... Date Presented .._....... ..... .....— 91......:_ f Besolved, Th t the syplioation of A. Farrell, 163 Rondo street, for a license to sell meat at retail at Stall No. 7 of the City Market, be and the same is hereby denied, and it is further ordered that the license fee paid by the said A. Farrell be refunded. Yeas W) Mr. C. F. No 2891 -By 1�enry Mccoix- ` ParrellIv183 Rondo atceefilforta Iicanee to Bell•meat t r tail';¢Y St811: Tto.'T.,ofl the 'City :;Market ba' -Nand thei le -f, eamo 191 hereby domed and ltfe further ordere3' that ,Che��lleenfee,:patd by theealdr, iA Farrenl8e refunded. Adopted by the Couholl Nov. 30r 191J.,I A➢Proved Nov. 20, 1914 3 men (P) Nays Orth in favor _Against Powers Adopted by the Council �_lt7d 2 d 19� Approved —`— MAYOR CITY OF ST.,FAUlell DEPART NT Fi FINANCE NO. BUREAU C - S RSEYENTS RECEI R SE FEE T f. RECEIVED OF------ S------- ------------ _-------- __.-.__-_____`_-_�:.�-_____-______._____-_-______-_____.-_-..-__ THE SIfM OF____�1"",•r� 7.. _. _. ____ IDO DOLLARS Jjyy FOR---___.-_-.-_._- _! "�r__5•_......r"_------ LICENSE. FOR THEP.ERIOAEHDING___'�- y� �^� �-_-_-i 91.... STREET LOCATION--t---i -r' r rG' _..- ` - �---- `---------- ------------------------ _.._--_--- _-_--.-..._--._.- -- COUNTERSIGNED SIGNED t fleo-4 A 1 pY FTAD LLER , CONYIS I, E RFINANCE _ BY__�Zr'__j_•_'1'____i-_ TITLE__________ }_C ITL.__________________________ _ .___ B ._, Porm B. r. d, 210 1*tatc of M11 SMal CWINTY OF IUMSH'Y. ss. CITY OF ST. PAUL �"....._.... Leine duly sworn, de/sed sails, that lie is a .. LY...._V,.....V......................._.__._.....__....... ....__._.._....... resident, of t re State ol"W1 inne.s,hi, and is over twerdy-or erns f a�'r., t art lie ha31 ad n City of St. Paid Livense whir Iu+rflrnri:r hin+tu rarryun the ... ... ._...._.... ........ ........ ... .. \\ _....__... ___.. ..... .Lusi n.ess up to the... _dart of 191_.x.. .......... that lie now desires a di�ren.ce fur sn.irl. /ncsi(+.rsn•, rat said p/nee, for the year L9 / Srr•vrrr.7o rintllsndmer•iLrd hgiwo me this C , - _ HCENSE INSPECTOR, :9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subt;_.: ... -... ._ .... .. _.. .. COUNCILRO '',C}y'�..�?at FILE ... ... . Date Presented.._._ /'-----I91.[,�,-. Resolved, That the commissioner of iducation is hereby authorized and empowered to employ temporarily one additional school nurse at the compensation of Three Dollars ($3.00) per day and car -fare as pro- vided by ordinance. ' C. F- No. 2692—By Anthony Yuerg— Educatlpnd,l Thhereby authorized a finof d empowered to employ temporarny one'; nddMount .school nurao.. at the co. peneation or Three Dollaie .(53.00) per daY and car -[aro as provided by or._ nonce. Adopted by the Council Nov. 20, 1914. Approved Nov. 20, "" (Nov. 28-1914) Yeas (1") Courttine.,ffi n (P) Nays Fern Goss In favor Kell Mc oil _ -Against 0' ery Yo Mr. President, Owers FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council _p !l__ 191 i Approve _ , _ 191 - -' - -- MAVOR 0 kL FORM . ....... .......... . ... COUNCIL No . ..... ..... ................. . vt,,�resented j'c rredmnn hasotaT P Resolved, in 61 That tiYe City Clerk be and he' ere h horized and " directed Issue a license to to _Cjmdduct; a motion -picture a w on a-0411, That said 12 pay ULU the City Treasury a 1i a fee of $60.000 which is the -i d amount for Said lioenee"fOT said Notion Picture Show for a period of one year from the issuance of said license. effective That said license shall not be Issued or becomeuntil buildi, . hyi 6 become fully completed and until, said z,;�hae procured from the Commissioner Of Commissioner lie Bu inRe hi 2bllic Builodinge hiez certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance with the Building Code of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. Yeas (I'') Councilmen S Adopted by the Council arnsw avorvKeller Approved- 3E 1914- 191 McColl gainst PUBIISFIED A-Yoerg MAYOR moi•V" CITY OF COONCIL RESOL .......... . . ....... ..... . .. ............................»..........a..-......-......... V iMan`pK .0 fron kL FORM . ....... .......... . ... COUNCIL No . ..... ..... ................. . vt,,�resented j'c rredmnn hasotaT P Resolved, in 61 That tiYe City Clerk be and he' ere h horized and " directed Issue a license to to _Cjmdduct; a motion -picture a w on a-0411, That said 12 pay ULU the City Treasury a 1i a fee of $60.000 which is the -i d amount for Said lioenee"fOT said Notion Picture Show for a period of one year from the issuance of said license. effective That said license shall not be Issued or becomeuntil buildi, . hyi 6 become fully completed and until, said z,;�hae procured from the Commissioner Of Commissioner lie Bu inRe hi 2bllic Builodinge hiez certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance with the Building Code of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. Yeas (I'') Councilmen S Adopted by the Council arnsw avorvKeller Approved- 3E 1914- 191 McColl gainst PUBIISFIED A-Yoerg MAYOR moi•V" CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY To The Honorable The Council Of The City Of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - JOHN T. MCCOLL OMPYTY COMMIB.IONH. November 18,1914. Attached application of J. Fredman for a license to conduct'a Motion Picture Theatre on Lot 6, Block 1, Tinker Addition F.E. corner, 14th and Jackson Street, is for a new location - Respectfully, -- cense Inspe r. MMG COUNCIL NILE NO. _.. FINAL ORDER. lu the hatter of __grading .the_allay_s.. 1^ 31ock 34.,._.L7,L.&n.� Day".r_C.'..E.__....Ad-lition. ........._ ....................... . ....._...._.............._.. _.. d" .._._........approved June . ..O.v.:7•v__"'w�4'____. under Preliminary Order _._<.Q�J _.__ ... _ ....._._......._ . Intermediary Order ___ ___ ___... approved A public he&ring having been had upon the above improvement "poll due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iia-• provenrent to be made by the said City is _.. __... ._.___... .....__._..............:. .......................... ............._...._..._...._............_......._ ..._......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized Hud directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement ill accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couned..._.. __ _..._.19.. ___ _ _.City Clerk. Approved ....... ..__ 19__ .-. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller / McCo O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers k REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r -"_r, tie alleys in Mock 3�, L;...ar. Dayton's Addi .i- . 1u the Matter of. _...._. _._ ..r._.._._... __..__.. ......._.._. __....... _.. under Preliminary Order approved.._..Lllne....3.0th.y___],o.1.4.,.... _ _....___..... .._..__.. .._...._ _.._.__ _..___. To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is x.._.._3...73,.._6..,._.,_..., per front foot. 30¢ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I If I DESCRIPTION !Lot Block! ADDITION ! Assessed Valuation — 9' _ �C gzl �o �_G Ste, r IL� : .3.S_-zi 1 -— Assessed Valustion DESCRIPTION Lot look ADDITION � 3 I, s y� s-ol i S� 1� A 'Phe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the nfoesaid mattws. ,and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the council, together with the report road, to him in reference to said matter bytile Coonnissiooer of Public Works. Dated ............ ._.._ Commissioner of Finanee. Office of the Corrimissioger' of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _._JulY.... l$.x..............................191.4- To the Connuissiouer of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- Junv.._ 30.,_,_..._..........191.4..., relative te_..._......._.._._... cil, known as Council File No. ...... _4.39......_..approved........_...........__....... . grad ng..._a 11e.Ys...._n..._Lloc k..._34.,....-L.yr�a n.._Dayt_on!._g__dci.L_ion........................ ....... .................. ........._.... _......_........._............._........................_........................ _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._....._....._.......necessary and (or) desirable. 30¢ per front foot and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ . .................................I and the total cost thereof is $......._362.,_55, ......... ..... :. _ ... _ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... .. - 3: A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nmde a part hereof. ............. ....... .... .... _........................._ ...... 5. Said improvement is ...... ...... ...................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... ............................. Commissioner of Public Works. _ .;:,M COUNCIL /FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. t In the itiatter of Axa ._i.rl `-"-e alleys in deck 34, Lya;an Dayton' a Addition•. ♦. under Preliminary Order 435 approved i,re 39th,_ 1914._ The Council of the City of St. Pat'] having received the report of the Coulunissioner of Finance upon - the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomulendsis.._ ra:^-1?o ttiiC 3112;J8 in E'ock 34, L,_c:and Da}-tonla A3lition. ....._..._..................._...._........_ .... .........._..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement ml the ..._20t.h _____.._day of _o'clock__ A -M., in the _� rC 11 Cha.^.-bOTy 19]...4._, at the horn• of _�_Q.._.. ._._..... . . of ronin of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iunproveloent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 9-- !"- 'c Adopted by the Council_.._._ - -_ 19 ............ 'I erk. Approved...../O.- y ................ . . - Farnsworth Mayor. r, r s� zz13—ry s .a. �..nrth— In the Matter of grading the alleys In Councilmen Furl worth Bloch 34. Lyman Hayton" Ad, Won. under Preliminary order 439•_.ap- ved June 30th, 1114. Thr Council nY the Cit>' f St. Paul Gns. having recelverl the report of the Com- ' mission er of Finance upon the above Improvement. IIad having considered Kell r said • oort, hereby resolve,. I. That the sa'd report be and the me Is hereby approved and adopted. ble oil ,nd the s id Improvement Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. / 2. Thnt the nature of the t Prove- ( men, 'h ich the Co une•11 ec me ds ()• al'y s- R'rn ayt the Revs . with n 34 ter man n, ar"'s Addition, with le alter �ativ�= a ,limit the estimated cos[ thereof Is $373.62. Yo rg Revolved Further. That a public h earl ng.. be had o aid Impro cement I 20th day of November. 1914, at Mayor Po ers `he bear f 10 o'olocit a. M., m ehe _ Council Chamber, room 01f the Court MHouse and City Hall Bulldlag h, the ity- of St. Paul. That the Commis- oner of Finah ce give notice f said - eating to the persona ad In the .tun r to by the Charter, elat- ing the time and place of hearing, the pato re of the improvement, and the ..total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Connell Oct. 20, 1914. Approved Oct. 20. 1914. (Oct. 24-1914) - t i 6 COUNCIL /FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. t In the itiatter of Axa ._i.rl `-"-e alleys in deck 34, Lya;an Dayton' a Addition•. ♦. under Preliminary Order 435 approved i,re 39th,_ 1914._ The Council of the City of St. Pat'] having received the report of the Coulunissioner of Finance upon - the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomulendsis.._ ra:^-1?o ttiiC 3112;J8 in E'ock 34, L,_c:and Da}-tonla A3lition. ....._..._..................._...._........_ .... .........._..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement ml the ..._20t.h _____.._day of _o'clock__ A -M., in the _� rC 11 Cha.^.-bOTy 19]...4._, at the horn• of _�_Q.._.. ._._..... . . of ronin of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iunproveloent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 9-- !"- 'c Adopted by the Council_.._._ - -_ 19 ............ 'I erk. Approved...../O.- y ................ . . - Farnsworth Mayor. r, r s� zz13—ry s .a. �..nrth— In the Matter of grading the alleys In Councilmen Furl worth Bloch 34. Lyman Hayton" Ad, Won. under Preliminary order 439•_.ap- ved June 30th, 1114. Thr Council nY the Cit>' f St. Paul Gns. having recelverl the report of the Com- ' mission er of Finance upon the above Improvement. IIad having considered Kell r said • oort, hereby resolve,. I. That the sa'd report be and the me Is hereby approved and adopted. ble oil ,nd the s id Improvement Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. / 2. Thnt the nature of the t Prove- ( men, 'h ich the Co une•11 ec me ds ()• al'y s- R'rn ayt the Revs . with n 34 ter man n, ar"'s Addition, with le alter �ativ�= a ,limit the estimated cos[ thereof Is $373.62. Yo rg Revolved Further. That a public h earl ng.. be had o aid Impro cement I 20th day of November. 1914, at Mayor Po ers `he bear f 10 o'olocit a. M., m ehe _ Council Chamber, room 01f the Court MHouse and City Hall Bulldlag h, the ity- of St. Paul. That the Commis- oner of Finah ce give notice f said - eating to the persona ad In the .tun r to by the Charter, elat- ing the time and place of hearing, the pato re of the improvement, and the ..total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Connell Oct. 20, 1914. Approved Oct. 20. 1914. (Oct. 24-1914) - St.Paul, Minn., Nov. 16, 1814. "TO THE HONORABLE MPY OF COUNCILMEN OF T+HECITY OF—ST .PAUL" _— we, the undersigned property holdes, herewith beg r to enter ton protest against gai to stPthe grading of alley 1n Block 34, Lyman- .ay ll l 1/'�►-�. 'tel 9 /: �`� �° � ,�,� Pt t y {i JOBN I. 6ARIOY� Ome O�sne CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITY 01EH%'6 OFFIOIC i Hon. M N. Goss., Color, of Public Works, Csty of St.Pwl, Minn. Dear Sir. - 1 I Nov. . 2oth,1914. NOV :, 0 1914 M. N. Goss. commISSIOtIER OF PUBLIC WORKS 0 The attached Final order, C. F. 2694, to grade the alieyr in Block 34 Lyman Dayton 's Addition, was laid over one week t 0 jamfi%alic and referred to the City Engineer of your depart— ment for inspection and port. There was sane discussion ea to - whether or not this alley should be opened thnl to Bates Ave., and one party threatened to block up the alley by fencing up his property. Yours truly, City Clerk. L, ���/ f 1 /vYi'1�1-t �2k .Gic�'a 112 t_/f'.�.P.�V�,.,,'i�� �:. .i /��,, t (ir � ��.� �`V�.....� S<1..�.Y "✓.�,r`.�"'s�i, 4r�,�`n 4:99 y 1 a, rt ,::!` a .ff' q 69p, 7 COUNCIL FILE NO. BY FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of recons tfuc tilnL, relaying and rej..airing vi-' th cen blocks to a width of six feet the ,,reoent Sidewalk on the west Msslssirri zt"et Iteri-ining .30._feet scuta of IN -PI.- 148 Leet. ....a under Pre numaxy r(er pproved—Augu.s.t, 8tIW-19 Intermediary order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council Of the City Of St- Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenlent to be made by the said City is... A44 repairing y#h.. cemnt blocks ...... . ...... to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the West side of Mississippi street 1-1--beginning-90 -feet South of the N.P Ry -Brid-g-0. tjjenc-e.south.146. Feet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be Idiatle. RESOLVE]) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public, Works be and he is hereby instructed and' directed to prepare plans and specifications for said ill1pov,111,11t, ;111(1 submit saille to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby ajltjjorized and directed to proceed with the making of said ilill)"Ove'lle"t in accordance therewith. Adoptedby the Council Approved.. Councilmen Farnsworth �O-ls 'eller IcColl O'Leary Yoerg Alay r'Powers r' .......... lerk. ............ Mayor. CITY OP ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ I REPORT OF COMMI-IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMM. NRY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved-----C/L-Y�fa.�J-1--- ----=----..1l y----------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— ---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is (ter Lineal f o c t ) - $ 44 ----- The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION it The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DatedY�....`�----------191_�._Li.r.✓..:c:C!!1�........ - Z ..._..... Commissioner of Finance. ronK e.a.w. ea c Office of the Commisaner of Public. Works r Report to Commissioner of Finance August.....14..............191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as -Council File No.:...._1054............ approved._......._k11g t__.$„a....................... 191.._4:., relative te_......................._. . reoonetructing_,...... ;Il ying,,._and.._repa ...................... .........Ry.,..._ bridge_,.... thenoe south 146 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ ........... necessary and (or) desirable. `l. The estimated cost thereof is $._....._?!; ' ......., and the total cost thereof is $......:......._XXXX7C _._.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .._ .... ............. (.............. ..._........ ................ ............................. ..._..._ mmissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE , NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the -Nlatter of... r.2001IStrUCting, xe.layazig aad repaizin.-', with canlent blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk or the west Bide of Capitol tTelPit A h set. � s beginning a� rc. street thence sci,th under Preliminary Order.. 1.200 .......approved Aug.us.t. 1.5.*, .29'. Intermediary Order 2219, .....approved ........... .. .......... ......... .. - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn- provement n1- provement to be made by the said City repair n t a. . bl --4-9 v h_qoTgrt to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the west side of Capitol Heights beg . i at Arah street. then" south 70 feet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and Iiii-ected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offleers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.......... -.19 Approved..... Councilmen Fa nsworth Go s '0 Ii ler 17 21 .Coll 'Leary I oerg Mayor Powers Clerk. ... ........ Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of an.d__r.e.paa,r.ing �7ti.t C: ni.er_t.. blpcks to a width of six feet the present sidevialk on the ':vest side of Capitol 7eights beginning at Arch street thence south 70 feet. __.. under Preliminary Order approved......-Augu -August- _15.th. ,... ,..1...9.1. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finnnee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is:1�...._'.9.'.....per lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ■. vl U .. ��j,�7�, Q'%js/o �r j/�1�/✓ � £id/� Q-��cl< /U'��-iii—�+� �/_ C/�� �/err � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lit- has investigated all of the aforesaid mittens. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said uurtker by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .......... (. _......_ wr;�:�._....191.!- Commissioner of Finanee. Office of the Commistioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ........... _17. x ..................191.4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File NO........INO............ approved......_A,;vgt_._.1.`J.............. .........1914......, relative to......_th8.... reoonstruotion, With relaying and repairing cement blocks to a width ........__.............................. _................................... ........ of.....S.ix...S.eet....the ....present ...-aidewalk....on....tha....we at....side.....of.....Capital-...Heights '. be-ginning.._at..._Argh.__St.e..,.._thenoa..._eouth 70-Ye_et_r_............................_.........._._.....:.............................................. _.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. xxx_tix 2. The estimated coat thereof is $..................xxx.x ..........I and .................. and the total cost thereof is $....._.......................... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................ _..................._................................... .......................... . _ .... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................................................._...._... _.... a. Said improvement is.__nt..._.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....................................................._.....!......._._.._..........._......._............_........_................... Commissioner of Public Works. 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER. and r e3'7-' i r i n blocks, regonstrl,�Ctin-',... 'd 11,zo re III the Matter of- -je soiith silo 5, 1 k on - rreoa— dewa to a v.,idlth of six feete East 58, laal .. . .... ... . ..... �t tter-c alv, allle at Kaltel Str-� approve, August under Preliminary Order - Interniediary order 2221 approved -Z. improvement upon due notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had upon the above hill) having fully considered the having heard all persons, objections and I-ecolullivii(lations relative thereto, and ha same; therefore, be it that the In, -teut and kind of inl- RESOLVED, By the Council Of the City of St' Poul precise nature, et tent to be made by the said City with Gement blocks to a width of six feet ,the Pre=ent sidewalk on the south side of Fillmore avenue,beg. &-t mater street tyier166 sae, 58 feet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be '"Od' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Counnissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and plans and specifications for said inip"Ove"le"t, and submit saran' to the Council for directed to prepare 111 .1 hereby Authorized ;lud directed to proceed approval; that upon said approval, the proper city Officer'; a' with the making of said improveluent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. Cit Clerk. Approved.. Al 77r �?--11-19- if NlAyor. Councilmen Iler m;;�'-;xcnue; beginnInM' ars at, - mat McColl set thence r, f. "lGI—Y Order IgOl ' P� dl August 16th 1914, I-tOIT . 0 Leary d 2221, app­yed.06f-1400V A polol. hearing h.11ag' upon the above irnprovenlont V ',ties ad the Council h.vin Yoerg oil pe6ons, objections an r.. Anil relative thereto, and considered the scrab; A MAJ., Powers 13Y the Connell Of. tent -no .ade by th.:sand .ld CRY a 'ig with a - Ing. iAth of six feet. the ,sloncr;of. Public — 11 -F -e — ;- I ilby�lnstructed anddirected pr,;, 'thegr. plans and dspeebll cations "to sale 0 nell for rOv&I; that on arovat.t proper alt officers are h aly atr ze an atracteto pro - 0 WI oIn f said I rOva- 0Iin ace r sn a therewith. Adopte era it- Adous a Councila,. 2 , 1914. Approved Nov. 20, 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of rA^,on.s.t ructing,, relayin.g..,_ani Lepairin7 with ce er.t 'docks ... .... to a width of si;t feet the present sidewalk- on the south side of Fillmore aven;.e haZjn irg at Tal+, straet thence east 58 feet. ........... ...... .. _ _... _..._ _ . _...... under Preliminary Order approved- August- 15th, 19.14 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is �...49.¢..._per. lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i' �s�-/'-% 2u0//L Q�LU•uL .moo a �� �J.! c1L ���r�� j a% �(/LI.Q�f/J .O/�Itt/� DESCRIPTION Lot Bloak' ADDITION Assessed Valuation s SOS f / G I/� T �/•� /� � �� s � � . J, Q 'rhe Commissioner of Finance further repots that he has iuvestigated all of the aforcuiid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. .._C�� -� _ ..._._....... .19Ly.. Commissioner of Finance. Report to Commissioner of Finance Auet....a7.r...._....._.._.... 191. 4. To the Conunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissiouer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 1201 Auguat .15.'..........191..4.., relative to._the.. _...... cil, known as Council File No.........._.........................approved........._................_........... ........... reoonstruotio .n.,...._relaying.__and.__repairng.._with.._aeraent...-blooke_.._to., a.._wdth..._of .............................. sx..._teet.,..._the..-..pre...7t.....a..�d�14.1.....an._te.._.a.outh....aide......of._..F.illmoxs....Ase....,....._ ... _he ginning.._at..._W�.�'ter.....St.,..,......thano.a.....0.as t.....58....P.0_e.t........ ..................... .................................... ........... ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............_..........necessary and (or) desirable. XXX ..... and the total cost thereof is $......... X------ and 'L. The estimated coat thereof is $..................._....._... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................ ............... .......... ........... .................................. ................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............ .................._.. is......_nof....-....--asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject 5. Said improvement . to assessment for said improvement. ........ Commissioner of Public Works. - - - CITYOFST-PAUL - 2 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. FA AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM R° E""` No. A CITY eO•PTR 1. e. "`-` IDI_ 4-AVDITEDg•"' >C132 JBY PE nne Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and <' names as specified in th�effoll�owing detailed in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their statement: respective Adopted by the Councilr-191 V Yeas ( J') Councilmen ( 1 ) Nays Farnsworth Goss In favor Appr e 9L Keller Against YAYOR President, Powers Mr. s: Corporate Purposes C. H. & C. H. Maintenance Fund 09 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 116.75 6 10 Board of Water Commissioners, 4: 2 6 it T. L. Blood & Co., 2.88 6. 2 6 3 Henry C.Capser, Diebold Safe & Lock Co., .40 44, 61 4 Louis T. Dow Co., 36.25 1.28- 61 5 H. Eichorn & Son, 6.40 61,6 Frank 0. Huebener, '-Co., 24.75 6 7 J. W. Hulme 16. 6 $ 6 9 J. D. Hyland, M. F. Kerwin Paper Co., 3 6 20 Maendler Bros., 1.94 6 21 A. Mooreman &`Co., 72.03 6 22 Nimi s & 'Nimi ey 6 23 North Star Varnish Co., . 9- 6 24 N.-W. Electric Equipment Co., 9 6 25 Ogden,"Merrill & Greer, 6126 The Peoples,Ice Co., 20.70 612 Robinson, Cary & Sands Co., 1.22 24.50 6129 Louis Rusch 62.50 6.29 St. Paul Decorating Co., Light 541.67 6.30 St. Paul Gas Co., 116.80 6.31 St. Paul Machine Works, 6 32 Tri-State Telephone Co., 23.20 6 33 Twin City Plate Glass Co., 2.45 6.58 6 34 6 35 Julius Yillaume, David Wallblom, 6.00 Te +s1 r,. rt 'Gf—gA Mflin.�und, 1.592.3 Water ,Supply Fund 61 6 Board of Wate,'egmmissionere, .98 Corporate Purposes -Cont. :4270 0 Printing & Stationery Fund 61 61 H.'C. Boyeson Co., McGill Werner Company, 12.'50 118 65 61 9 St. Paul`Printing,Co., X00 61 0 R. E. Wright, a �.. General Fund -Legal Dept. Expense Acct. 61.1 .I. A. Caswell, 10.75 105.00 61 2 :John B. Darling, M. D., `Kenna, 25.00 6 3 'John T. 3•2 5 614 A. B. McSnig'ht,,- 61 5 I)rs. OIBrien, Teisberg, & Jones, 10.00 61 6 Howard F. Warerp 25.00 stat- ga Dept. Expense Acc ., General Fund Advettising & Publicity Acct. 61 7 Minnesota Tent & Awning Co., 17,50 General Fund Miscellaneous Acct. 61j 8 Matt Jensen, Cerl of District Court, 83`10 Police Fund 61 9 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 498 G- General Fund -Quarantine Acct. 61 0- Norman C Hayner Co., 8:75 ✓: Commissioner of Public Works Fund 61 1 Humboldt irg. Co., 96.50- 62 2 R. J. Maybell, 10.50 , 61 3 A. P. Moore, 22.10 6 4 Arthur H. Thomas Co., 7.40 Total Street & Sewer Fund 615 General Contracting Co., 3.00 61 6 ` Board of eater Commissioners, 25.60 61 7 A..P. Moore, 4.90 61 8 Minnesota Crushed Stone Co., 20.00 61 9 Jno. F. McDonald Lumber Co., 260.63 61 0 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co., 1:00 61 1 R. C. Jeff er eon, 157.10 bat 13b2ee,b 4 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 6 2 R. C. Jefferson, 199.98 ✓"r General Fund -Crosswalks Acct. .6 63 R. C. Jefferson, 672.99 2.55 6-64 W. P. Heag, 61 5 A. P. Moore, 1.00 1 7 5 #3 Corporate Purposee-Cont. General Fund-Testing & Inspection Acct. 6 62 American Can Co., 2.50 85.64 J. T. Baker Chemical Co., 3100 6 6t3 J. Bishop & Cc., Platilnum Works, 6 . 69 Board of water Commissioners, 1.95 6,70 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 5,00 6 71 Dr. E. P. Harding, 10.00 6 72 Jas. W. Morrison, 1$5.35 6 73 Rausch & Lamb Optical Co., 197,05: 6 74 Arthur H. Thomas Co.. 34.00 6 75 The W. S. Tyler Co., Tota T General Fund-Paving Street Intersections Acct., Counedl File #1425 6176 M. N. Goes for Street & Sewer, 20.32 i-- General Fund-Paving Equip. Acct. 6:77 Minnesota Tent & Awning Co., 51.50 General Fund-Election Expense Acct. 6 78 S. A. Farnsworth, 325.60 206.57 6 9 R, C. Jefferson, 6.70 6 0 A. P, Moore, _ ;r School Accommodation Acct. of the Sdbhol Fund 81 W. A.-Cameron, 40.00 4000 82 P. J. Ho of er , . 2 00 83 William Schwalm, T fby%L,.a}-d4sR-emmlo&qtr# er+_.A School Fund 184 B. S. Bates, z5.00 •50 185 Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., 297.56 ! 3.86 Dept. of Public Utilities, 54.17_ 187 K. F. Dreher, 60.00. 88 89 George S. Eddy, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 4.40 62.46 190 91 John eon Service Company, M. F. Kerwin Paper Co., 31.50 92 Noyes gyros. & Gutler, : Co., 8.85 93 6 94 Parker ro,cess Raymer Hardware Co., 16.00 6 95 Volkszeitung Printing & Publishing Co., 1.40 _ rr� Re Park Fund 6 96 The Bishop-Babcock-Becker Co., 64.80 7522 6 97 Board of Water Commissionere, 18'00 6 98 Geo. C. Knispel, 2.42 99 F. Nuesbaumer, Supt., 100.00` 00 S. B. Ringwald, � � a t,.__� - - obi •zA > General Fund-Playgrounds Aect. 201 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 6. 3 1 i-et:,ion couuril filo No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thr undrrsi;;nr,l hrrrhy proposrs Ihr oolkiug of tilt' following puLlir iwproveoitvit by till, Pity- of St. Vold, viz.. t .,C`J . _ (n[. C`C d.. 60 t, _to is w c nth to l ;_r;! `t. -11 t. _ a L 0111t r e f t. of tile Yre, Lerly lire prortuc.ed of Lot 5 Feirchild's Sub, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots; thence on'an easenent 16 feet in width, to be obtained, across Lots 4 and 5-'1airchildls uub4 of Cruickshank's Garden Lots frord Brand St. to Hay46ster Ave„ the centre line of which easement is described as follows: Corimencing at a point on the north line of Brand St, 8 feet east of the west line of Lot 5 Fairchild Ts Sub. of Cruickshank's Garen Lots; thence northerly-' and parallel to the west line of said Lot'5 a distance of 254 fee thence easterly parallel crith the nort�'line of Brand St. to apdint 8 feet westerly from the east line o2 Lot 4 Fairchild's Sub. Cruickshank's Garden Lots; thence xaortherly and parallel t, -,,(h, east line e-" aid -7,et-4—t­e�ftp— ester {14e. - Harvester Ave. from 'oint 8 feet west of t}te`'east line (produced) o -c Lot 4 Pairehllcl" pSub. of Cruickshankls,iCarden Lots to White Bear Ave*; Flandrau St. frons Harvester Ave. to S t!ater Ave.; Stillwater Ave*"from Flandrau St. to Bear Ave.; Ames Ave, frons Stillwater Ave. to lh Ave.; White Bear Ave. from Harvester Ave./to Lacrosse Ave.; lacrosse A6e4 from WhiteBear Ave.}Ao Van Dyke Ave.; Flandrau tt. from Harvester Ave. tO to St.; Brand St(. from Flandrau St. tohite Bear Ave.; White Bear Ave. from Brand St to East,Seventh St,; East Seventh St. from White Yar Ave. to Flandrau St. All of the [.love to he known as tl'e Hazel ret'k :;&.r.i_„ar,, Set't'er em. Dated tills.. 20th ,lay- of 1vDVCmeer 4.. (`. F .. 2701 Itten proposal for theI _. \ h eas. h Wr improvement. "'king of the f.11-11ng Ene[ 9ev- enz: Construct ewer a Co till ei l.nla ll. til St. from Onenn sSS on FlaSt. 10 St,,. Bock St. from Seventh 9t. to Brand. SL; Brand Sttroat the cract --- -------oto a point 8 feet of k st v erlY of produced k' Lot , ps ee of on an etsera tot Gnrv� n I semen[ -. obtn ned. a td's �'r,n e folln mprovwol,ut. ciz.: VCIIfiRl'sAN, :1lriltru I:roposnl fol,�.,, •' Construct sewers on East Seventh St; from Ocean St. to Flandrau St.; Bock St. from Seventh St. to Brand St.; Brsmd St. from Bock St. to a point 8 feet east of the westerly line produced of Zn+ Fairchild's Sub. of Cruickshank's Garden Lots; thence on an easement 16 feet in width, to be obtained, across Lots 4 and 5 Fairchild's Sub,, of Cruickshank's Garden Lots from Brand St. to Harvester Ave., the oentre line of which easement -is described as follows: Commencing at a point on the north line of Brand St. 8 feet east of the west line of Lot 5 Fairchild's Sub. of Cruickshank's Garden Lots; thence northerly and parallel to the west line of said Lot 5 a distance of 254 feet; thence easterly parallel with the north line of Brand St. to a point 8 feet westerly from the east line of Lot 4 Fairchild's Sub. of Cruickshank's Garden Lots; thence northerly and parallel- to the -eset- line of said Lot 4 to Harvester Ave.; Harvester Ave. from a point e feet west of the east line fna--ed) of Lot 4 Fairehild's Sub. of Cruicicsharilc-'u__GLQNIBIL Sat s to r•u�.: Flandrau at. from xarvea et'e'A 6; "'to>�lwater Ave.T -.,��� Stillcirater- ^�-..a_s-,. m=.3ad:andrau Ames Ave. from Stiilv7a>;er eve. yo YY 1a1 ou Ll White Bear Ave. from Harvester Ave. to Lacrosse 11ve.; Lacrosse Ave, from 111hiteBear Ave. to Van Dyke Ave.; Flandrau St. from Harvester Ave. to Brand St.; Brand St. from L'landrau St. to White Bear Ave.. White Bear Ave. from Brand St. to East Seventh St.; East f eventl1V. from "Miitc Seer _rc. ;:o St' a.t St. All of the above to be known as the Hazel Esrl..,ritary Sever System. having hren preseuhvl to tilt' t'ouucil of the City of St. Paul by Couuci uuiu ..__._...... illerefore, be it RB,�()LVED, That the Conuuissioner of Public Works be and he is Iterrby ordt'rrd and dirertrd: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvrmeut. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said iniproveuieut, and the total cost thcrrof. ,. 'l,o furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said inlproveulent. 4_ To I'urui,h flit' following other data and "'for"'aIion relative to said iniprovennent: _ ... .........._ ......................... ..._.......... I'ostatewhether or not said iuyu•ovenlent is asked for on the petition of three nr More owners. li. To report upon all of the forrg„ing uuitters to the 1'nanaissiooer of Matinee. . i :Adopted by Ilse Council.... 1"rns: t'omu•ilnuui F; SNvol'lh G K ter \ Voll \.Iayom• P •ers Xns: CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COU FILE No Date Presented....... _Nov, _ 21A, 191..4-.... RZKOIxettk a Whereas, immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter took effect, t'zere was pending in the office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order Number 40105, approved August 37, 1913 for the grading of alley in Block 16, Rice and Irvine's Addition, and No. 2702—BY S. A. Fnrn:`vorth— i - �V harene. t • areas, Immediately prior and up l time the existing Charter took ryheII� was pending in the officCe' • .: ..ems n! P hlie. Work.. a eartaln In terms ..e —dings dings t stoner of and doper, �he order for said grading Ing and it la desirable to the . me, and [It Is the opinion of this I Is acts and pro- be had done reactive to his to he to, ofthe done .aforesaid do, 'the provisions of the exl.tIng be It resolved the[ the be completed under the provisions of the exlating all Purthor act: and pro- be done; and the Commis - `In ne. ad other officers 'erta f the City are here -I ed and directed to ontlnue, theaid ain accordance der Charter,, n ,gent be and he Is hereby 111h11- andirected to advertise in the " by the City Charter nAs en', aroccording ton "IId plane and :�*Iona• cn hector siha(l famish ' nd Metorlul for said work Tiled s ; (B) That the bid- / m'+h til make sold Ile- ., zcount, receiving ,••.e for perf-m- i � ndyer[�x C• �1[C Il t �I ,e Yeas (h) Court ilmen (Y) Nays Far orth Gose favor Kel ' Mc11 _.. -Against Mr. President owers FORM c.e-2 r+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office M� 4 rr, . 0...191 �((aa $eeeivetl+of City Clerk 5 & Adopted by the Council 4/ r — 191 j Approved_ /�� 'x y _191 y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL "Le No. .. ... ...... Date Presented ......_ NOV- .._$.l.i...........191...4"" Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels 52;xR9�ga=axis at the locations respectively indicated be and the same hereby are denied. NAPdE OF APPLICArT. Emmett Hoover J. R. Laurence Yeas ( V) Co cilmen (V) Nays Fa 'worth G Ke r Mf Oil O' ary Mr. President, ers HOTEL MRF=1LXR1XTX Argo Hotel Hotel "Turin City Tavern" — (:. F. No. ,That t Henry McColl— Resolved, That the as lice tion o[ the following persons 4or n license a ve iduct lndicaHotels tedat t bene Ids the nssP het'obY denied: an Argo'Hotel, 443-5 arl0tnmett Hoover, Jackson. Hotel Tavern"L'u0,-2 lVabasha. Twin Clty Adopted by the Council Nor. 21, 1914.. Approved Nov 14. Nov.2 , 1974) LOCATI0N. 4,i3_5 Jackson 550-2 V;abasha Adopted by the Council/` 191 _,.,—In favor Appr ve -----Against MNYOR LY TO THE HOSORABLE THE COUNCI of the City of St. Pa A does It conduct a hereby make application to the ;ouncil of the City of !�. Paul for a License t and .......... .... to that end does hereby certify 4/follows: That the full name of thea_2plicant for said License is - I and his jits� place of residence ..s treet (avewap,�in the City of St. Paul; that ' the exact location of which the sa' plicant roposes to carry on business is in the City of St. P I That the said applicant is no e aged in said business /a�� in the City of St. Paul. �4 Dated this - -"'--day of 191 Applicant. Date of Expiration of License, Date of Inspection 191 Fire Protection. Ventilation of Building.. Meats and Provisions Beds and Bedrooms... Toilet Rooms and Plumbing. Kitchen and Utensils Refrigerator and Store Room Basement and Cellar. Back Yard. General Condition of Premises License Recommended: cef� a City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: Health 0fficer. X � 64W TO THE HOSORABLF THF COUXCI of the My ol'St. Pa, does hereby make application to �t"ouncil of the City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a ...... ........ and ............... c, to that end does hereby certify ffollows: That the full namef the s�aiiddLiicense is. . and his TitsLplace o f residence . . . . . . . . . . .....,'street (IaVew4ojin the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the sa' plicant TOPOSeS to carry on business is. in the City of St. P I That the said applicant is no e aged in said business�'3 in the City of St. Paul. Dated this ;'--day of Applicant. Date of Expiration of License 191.. Date of Inspection 191 Fire Protection. — Ventilation of Building._...... . �74y Meats and Provisions Beds and Bedrooms.. Toilet Rooms and Plumbing... Kitchen and Utensils Refrigerator and Store Room Basement and Cellar. Back Yard General Condition of Premises 7�'li� License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: Health Officer. 00, �� 4 r TO THF HONOJUBLF, THF COI'NC/L of the City Zothe 1: does hereby make applicati it o the City of �. Paul for a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: % Th the full name o e applicant Eor said License is. and his j'iba place of residence �/ 7 Lf —Street—( avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said applicant proposes to carry on business is.__.__.. _ in the City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is 7-/^ '/,__ now engaged in said business at CRU ri / / `� r i' (—� .,in the City of St. Paul. Dated this ��.day of ` 191 AvcApplicant. Date of Expiration of License _ _ 191. Date of Inspection L �/�// 2 _ _ . 191... Fire Protection. _ Ventilation of Building Meats and Provisions.. Beds and Bedrooms__.. ._�j '/ Toilet Rooms and Plumbing lr/ Kitchen and Utensils... 14-1 Refrigerator and Store Room Basement and Cellar. Back Yard.. _ General Condition of Premises. License Recommended: 0V City Hotel and Restaurant Inspec Approved: s .......... Health Officer. tt CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:......` ............................... ....................................... ..................... . C ................. _ ............................. I .......... . ...... . .......................OLINCIL41%�, FILE ............................................. ..................... ............ . . ...... .. ......................... ................................. ........... . .................................................... .. ......... C. r. No. 2704—BY Henry Ife That the aPll1,lca.tt81,c Date Presented H.Q.7V . ...... 214 191.4 ,Resolved, ilowinq persons for a duct restaurants at the local spectively indicated be, and t- h.r.by are granted, the Cl Is authorized and directs lenses to said a"Plicants r P.ym t of the fee require, Brucker Bros., Lunch Room 7th. J. A. Vass, Lunch Wagon, 2E 92. WilikoBros., Lunch I w Resolved, Carroll Ave.v John Sieges & Co., Lul; 1, Pr . Icbe, Be, ?het - the -F�tson. �Iperovxw for a appIloation 0,.rFj license to Indicated I XMkM1&X9Z 'Rugts,=%nte� alld conduct an d the City Clark ke authorized bo,..aud tvic ooze 1wreby are g", gaid apnllounts upon the 1'�PI'Ment of directed to laouO ou(yh licences the fee reqijired by law* FAVE or APPLIGAIM 7,mx=xaR REsTAuRAIT. Lo, -,AT 1011S . Brooker Bros. Lunch Room 378 East 7th J. A. Vasa Lunch Wagon 28 East 8th Willkomm Bros, Lunch Room 109 Carroll John Steacs & CO. Lunch . Room 303 Jackson Fred Priebe Business Lunch 937 East 7th Oscar Lobbe Business Lunch 222 Eagle Paul The Market Lunch Room 168 E. 10th Wm, L. Vollmer Business Lunch 346 Minnesota E. Skogstrom Restaurant 647 York Ernest Port Lunch Room 596 West 7th John Hegyi Business Lunch 619 Van Buren Bergeson & Frykholm Business Lunch 254 E. 7th Peter Pierre Business Lunch 949 East 7th Nie Mertz Business Lunch 95 East 5th Adopted by the Council _�--�- 191,1/ 7- Approved191- - M—AYOR e Resolved, - _ That the plication of the following persons for a license to conduct s tatlaec Restsurent€a at the leaztiOnr respectively indicated Our - be, and the same hereby are erestsdi and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to 16Oue suoh lieenees to said applicants upon tine payment of the fee required by lava. RAttE OF APPLICANT. :'�75!}'VDDDM:il'STATMAST,. LOCATIOVS,- Frank V. Peterson Lurch Room 951 Arcade E. C, C>amm Lunch Room 41 East 4th L. A. Griffendorf Lunch Room 178 Concord Louis George St, Louis Lunch Room 420 Sibley Sam Baris Restaurant 412 Sibley Yeas ( ✓ ) Cou oilmen ( ✓ ) Nays Fa sworth Go , In favor Ke er M oll __Against 0 eary Yo g Mr. President, era Adopted by the Council__ —'---/-191' .' i �// /! 4 ..., C., CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE iy� T :_. �f 5 Subject: °°,`L NO. PILE Date Presented 191 I RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons fo a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- specti-#ely indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses i to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. 392 pracouta St. in neb 228 w. Fairfield Ave - Jos. T. Mahoney Yeas Mr. 4- 412 Cedar St. Adopted I by the Council 191x LS V Appro `i"�_ 429 Se. Robert St. Welz-Mangler Company, 468 Wana- aha St. 410 JacksOn,St. C. F. No. 2706—By Henry McColl— osolved, That the appllcatton of the 1- jgeventh St . owing persons far a license to bell intoxicating liquors at the locations 225 F- respectively indicated, be and the same hereby a e granted, and the City Clerk, 115 T. 10th rSt is authorized and directed to Issue such licenses to said applicants upon the �— 468 Fates ha St . filing of the bond and the payment of thC.fn�ea a;ta92 w I., fa St. 32 F. 4th St . John Pregler, 228 W. Palmeld Ave. P. H. Leltner. 429 So. Robert St. M. 225 E. Seventh 10 Jackson St. 528 St Peter St Stromberg. Fred Brault. 116 W. 10th St. John M.CleyGeary, Sl Pato, SL - or James G. C62lkanek, 1167 W. 7th St. 1167 T. 7th St. Jos. T. Mahoney Yeas Mr. 4- 412 Cedar St. Adopted I by the Council 191x LS V Appro `i"�_ Welz-Mangler Company, 468 Wana- aha St. i 1 321 Tabasha St . Chas. Hoist cnsen, 389 E. 7th St. R-.—.-7 Morgan — Ros=1 Be,e., 444 St. Peter St. Anton 1clelter, Ot E. Minnehaha St. 468 Fates ha St . T,elz-Msngler_Company John Stoyka,n73� University 412 sAvenue. - Joe. Lucla, 464 E. 7th SL John Gardner, 506 Come Ave. 3B9 E 7th St. Chas. Holstensenp W P. Daley, 241 E. 3rd St. Clarizlo Bros.. 420 E. 7th St. James F. Foley, 406 SL Peter St. Commercinl Club. Commerce Bldg. 444 St .Peter St . Rossi BTOB • Adopted by the Council Nov. 26, 1914. Approved Nov. 26, 19 14 — -- _ . (Nov.28-1914) 699 F• biinnehaha St - Anton Kleiter, ---- — Jos. T. Mahoney Yeas Mr. 4- 412 Cedar St. Adopted I by the Council 191x LS V Appro `i"�_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject:. COUNCIL NO. PILE Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Joe. Lucia .Tnhn nardrer 739 University Ave. 454 F. 7th St. 505 Como Ave. F p Daley, __ 241 F. 3rd St. Clarizio Bros. 420 F. 7th St. James F. Foley, 466 St. Peter St. Commerce Bldg. Yeas (✓) tPoeis en (./) Nays th 14r. President, Adopted by the Council -.f-2--1917. . �2In favor Approved 191 Against MAYOR CITY OF' ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: COUNCIL NO. - Date FIL.Y Date Presented �'• 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell oxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) X27, Flom H.F. Ohman,346 Minnesota St. Willard L. Vollmer, 346 Minnesota 69 From Tm, Robinson, 468 Main Ave. Geo. 1.. O'Neil, 46B Main Ave. 214 From Rott J Fater 939 University Herbert Henry0439 University Ave. 304, From M.J. Socha,537 reetern Ove. 4.4orinsky & Pilircy k,537 Western Iigaore be transferred ns lndleaten. pursuant to epplleatlons dp1Y� made' therefor: Nd. 27, from H. E.346 Min- eaotn ScL. , to Wilinrd L. Vollmer,. 346 ➢ilnnesotn St. 69, from Wm. Robinson, 469 TinlNno. Ave., to Geo. L. O'Nei1,.468 Mat - AV.. No. 214, from Robt. j.' Wagner,t 439 University, to Herbert Henry, 439,Un1- e 1tY Ave. v No. 304, from M. J. Socha: 637 Weet- Itnrinekv & Pilipe.yk;. 637 -1= Yeas (✓) Counci en (./) Nays Farris orth / Goss In favor (� Me 11 Against O' ry Yo Mr. President, Po rs Adopted by the Council �v-1 f 191 Approved _ — MAYOR — Western Ave. Adopted by the Council Nov. 26, 1914.._ Approved (Nov22811914) -1= Yeas (✓) Counci en (./) Nays Farris orth / Goss In favor (� Me 11 Against O' ry Yo Mr. President, Po rs Adopted by the Council �v-1 f 191 Approved _ — MAYOR — Council File No........__.._._........._... Bequest of J.A.Stees PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and !-'-17(17 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1-44 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following p c improvemen�the o£ St. Paul, viz.:...const_z�uc_.....I<.o�+e.T._...xl_...&11eyJa.e.t.w. ....o.t.s....1Ell.....tn....19.inl:e1 "s - - . __ rr._, __ , +Moo TamFlv _....End....Lanhurst Ave East: thence Dated this 23rd day of IZQV.eIDbo1_._. ... ` ...... ..........1914... ,. C. F. No. 2707— ........... ... ..........._. _... Whereas, A written p oposal•fgr, tha.- making ... truct or the faewerfln alleYbe'trov ween;,. Lots 181 to 103 knot. H1nke7's 3rd- d& Councilman. and Lots 87 and 11)0 U 1 n Par lt.':be- tween Dewey Ave. d Lynhurst-Ave. _ nst; thence from aLy.bar. Avs. of --------- t to anhole near interl ectfou;.. of kley Ave.d LY., t Avenueothc ORDER. having been pPaea Le �f the CRY C WIIEREAS, A written propbeal'l_ t•.:"io.;, . ,he following mtprovenu;ul', c1z. :.9.QnS_ r.11C...__.. ... d....Lot s 87._& 100... Union Yark,.:be"een__Dewey_Lve...._and.._IlxihlD'st_Ave_.__Ea.4.t_r._..thence. fromLyn Qv..e . B.aBt.. _to.....manhnla._near.._ inter.s.e.ction--of-Cal?rley -we.--sand Lynhurst Ave. West .................._._......................._........._ . _..__.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cou»eiln»uf_._.._...._......_......._......_....._.___......._..._._........_..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. Y. To i»vestigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To ft»•nish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ._...... _. _... 4. To furnish the following other d;da and information relative to said improvement:._.......___._.._. _. ......................._.........__... 5. To state whether or not said iinprovefnent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the f0ee90in9 matters to the Cemulissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._._.. .... ` _.....191.x Yeas: Nays: Councilwa❑ F s'vorth z G Approvrd__..._/�.�___ ......__...__...........101........ I{ r 1 1 ,l .. ..... •g •or. hlayin P era 1,r.... r .. Council File No ..... .............:.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and T• PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 The undersigned hereby proposes the Making of the following public improvement by the City of St. panl, viz.: Pwe .Dayton.._Av...enue._....from.._yi.010-rico.....Stie.e.t._.to....Lexington ... Avenue...... _SuperBg.4i�ng.C.•__F, 997.... _._. _ _...._ _ __ .. _ I.. ._............... ..... Dated this. 23X4 __day of. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VIIEIIEAFt, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemeat, viz.: _._._.___......______. _. Pave Dayton _Avenue.from.Viotoria._Street_ to_..I�exin$t.px] Avenue._. ... ...._... ...� C. F. No. 11 A written it-Posal for the ............ .......... ..__.. ........... mykt Yave Aaytonowi erne from VIc- av ..... _......... ._........__ v,ria. Street to Lexington Avenue hav- _........ .... _ ......... ...._......... g been Presented to the Council of City of St. Paul therefore, be i ...._.._.. ......___..__ ..........__. s.Ived, That the Commissioner Of ........._. _.._....__ __...._ ....._.. ... __....... c 'V. k. be and he is hereby or and directed: ne easily to having been presented to the Council Cl".�nbnitylov­tia.of ttheh. .... of ¢f- ueiluuul........__..................__.__._......._....._.._._._.__......_.....; ant. therefore, be it estlgate then tare, extent �� '.1 coat rf said imnrovB- -� RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of -,i.:, ,':, i 1' of jd tic is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish thefollowing other data and information relative to said improvement:____._____..__.__.....___.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...._.._....._._..rZl.,...�_:�._._..191..��.... Yeas: Nays: tlouueilnuau Fla worth Goa Kel J, Ye Mayor Poi •s Approved........._(... ....__..L'.._ 7 .. .._............._ ._.._....... __..... ..... ._... .............. 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ( COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM LIGHTING OF_FE$T.QQN &_CEN.TER._CIRCLES:;STREET....LI.GHT.ING Subject:- COUNCIL r � FILE NO ...... ..... ................... ..... .. DURING_. f1E4'F1�AIBA....'-::: e 1914 _................... ....... ........ _ ....-- Date Presented .Nov. 21 914-...._I91....-- - Resolved, WHEREAS on account of the wiring of the decorative street lkghts and center circles, it is impossible for any company other than the St.Paul Gas Light Company to furnish the current, and for this reason no advantage can be secured by advertisement or by asking for competitive bids, q RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be, and her is hereby authorized ask for arlPformal bid from the said St.Paul Gas Light Company for furnishing current and for turning on and off the festoon light- ing and center circles on the streets of St.Paul, during the nights of December 8th, 9th, 10th, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 31st, in accordance with the specifications approved by the Council October 30,1914,-C.F.No.2344. - C. F. No. 2709—By O. E. Keller— e Resolved, Whereas on account of the wiring of the decorative streat lights and center circles, it Is Impossible for y company other than the St. Paul (las 1 ght Company to furnish the ant, and for this rose.' no ad. nntage can be secured by advertise - no ent or by Waking for competltiva bide, Resolved, That the Purchasing'. Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to ask for an informal bid from the said St. Paul Gas Light Company for furnishing current and for turning on and ortthe festoon lighting and center circle. on the streets of SL Paul, dur- .Ing the nights of December 8tb, 9(h, 10th. 23rd. 24th, 26th and 31st, in ac- ' cordnnce with the epeciacatlone p - ,proved by the Council October 30, 1914.—C. F. No. 2344. Adopted by the Council Nov. 23, 1914. Approved Nov. 24. 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) Yeas (I'')Coun 'men (P) Nays �f Adopted by the Council I�Fd_rr_ _ _ ._lgl ! Farn Goss, orth 7, In favor r, 7 191 Kell Approved: Mc I Against O Y Yo - MAVOR Mr. President, owers roam C.'-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. FILE NO J Date Presented..... _ __ X1.._191......._.. That the application of F. P. Johnson for a license to conduct a motion Picture Theatre at 945 T. 7th Bt., be and it hereby is granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the payment' into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. C. F. No. d That Henry 3feCo11— Reshnaod That the nse to con of E. Motion Picture Theat—, at 945 W. 7th St., be and It hereby is granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to Sesue such license for a Year upon;: -the payment Into the City Treasury9'" he �fee requ trod by law. - ` Adopted by the Caunc11 Nov. 28,7914. Approved tov.24 191 1914) Yeas (V) Coucilmen (P ) Nays Far Worth Go In favor Kel r Mc oil Against O' ry Yo Mr. President, olvers ro,m Adopted by the Council 191 ppy e a _ 1 ~ y - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:...................:..................._.._..........!................. ....................... ............ y COUNCIL No FILE........ ............ ........................ Date Presented ........................................191............ Resolved, That the cigarette license P:o.'447 granted to A. A. Wagner, 459 Broadway, Sept. 25th, 1914, be and it hereby is transfered to Late Le May, 459 Broadway. R C+',T' No. 2711— •�]4e�&plved,. That the cigarette license) `No. 447 granted to A. A. Wagner, 4891 Broadway, Sept. 25th, 4914, be and It[, hereby + le: transferred to -Late Le;Mgp.� 459 Broadway. Adopted by the Council N.V. 28� 1914. i Approved Nov. 24. 1914. Yeas (V) Co ilmen ( 17) Nays I Adopted by the Council—el-1-71-1�-191 Fal orth Goi ___ __In favor K r e 191— M 11 � _ ---....–Against ' O' ry Y Mr. President, P ers (/ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL I "�:OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. Postage cour4eiL v FILENO... ..... .. ........ .. Date PresentedN..0v.25,1914.--191 ........... Resolved, Resolution authorizing the drkwing of a warrant for $821.00 in favor of the Commissioner of finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the -purchase $6r cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to Dept. of Public Safety -Bureau of Health. C. F. No. 2712—By Henry McColl— Resolved. Resolution authorizing the drawing of a ant for $21.00 1n, fa- v of [he Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroltaller for the purchase for cash to Dept. ofo Pu bale Safetamounty-Bureau cha bot Health. Adopted by the Coun ell Nov. 23, 1914. Approved Nov. 24, 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) Yeas (j%) Cou limen (P 1 Nays Far worth Go In favor Ke r M oll Against O' ary Y rg Mr. Preside Powers ronM c.a-z 0 /l Adopted by the Council __191141 y y Approved_ j91 CITY OF ST. PAUL �7£'OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL _ .... FILE Date PresentedNo...v.23,1914 ...._I91........... Resol ed, Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $21.00 in favor of the Commissioner cf Finance, with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to Department of Public Safety -Bureau of Health C. F. No. 2113—By Henry McCall— Ree warrant or $21 tog the drawing 1 a warrant for $2100In ' it pY tho. Commtasinner of Finance, with tho ,ent of the mayor and Camp trotter, for the Purchase for cash of postage to said nt, chnrgeable to Deport- ment ofmoPubl lc Safety -Bureau of Health. Adopted by the Council Nov. 23, 1914. Approved Nov. 24, 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) Yeas (11) Counemen (h) Nays FarnsN orth Goss In favor Keller Mccc I Against 01 Le y Yoer Mr. President, P 'ers "'m e.9-2 - 1 v .adopted by the Council /�z} _----- 191/ ,approved � � � y _191 � MAYOR CITYOF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Postage t Subject: N . _ COUENCIL NO. FIL H,�,�......... ....... _ .................... �i Date Presented.. .._1123114 _.....-jg] ........... M^ Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $10.00 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the purchase forublic cash—of postage to said amount chargeable to Dept. of eral Administration. C. F. No. 2714—BY Henry h1cCo11= -... Resolution uthorizing the drawing f n arrant for $10.00 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance with the con- sent of the Mayor and Comptroller for thid Pumount fhargeable fto oDept. to Public Safety—Generat yldminlstra- tlon. \VPPoved by 24� 191 q, uncil Nov. 23, 1914. (Nov. 2$-1914) Yeas (11) Coun 4nen (l,) Nays Ferns Orth Goss In favor Kelle Mc II Against p' y Yoe Mr. President, veers roar e.e-2 Adopted by the Council _ �? �- —191y Approved - 191 • - �YOR �r CITY OF ST. PAUL P COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; _Postage ........_ P s COUNCIL FILE NO. .... ... ..... :. Date Presented .Nov. 23,.19.14_.:.._191........... Resolved, Reeol4kion authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $42.00 in favor of the Commissioner of Fianance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to Dept,- of Education -Bureau of Public Schools. C Re'solutlonlbsa _ttho eiag the drawing Yocrg— of a n rant for $42.00 In favor of the Commissioner of Finance with the cou- nt of the Mayor and Comptroller for the purchase for cash of postage to Id amount. chargeable to Dept. f Education—Bureau of Public Schools. Adopted by the Council Nov. 23, 1914. Approved Nov. 24, 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) Yeas (V') Co cilmen (1) Nays Fa sworlh Go % In favor K r /M oil Against O' ary Yo'g Mr. President owers .oaM ce-2 Adopted by the Council2-3- _ Approved_ A 91� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Resolved, Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $20.00 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the pllrchase for cash of postage to said amount chargeable to Dept. of Education -Bureau of Public Library. C. F.' No. 2716—By Anthony Yoerg— Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $20.00 in favor of the 'Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Alayur and Comptroller Por the purchase for cash f postage to said amount, chargeable to Dept. of Education uBurean of Public Library. Adopted by the Council Nov. 23, 1914 Approved Nov. 24, 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) Yeas 6") Co' ilmen (f) Nays Far sworth Ke 7 In favor K Ke r I M oil Against O' ary Yo rg Mr. Presiden Powers rpaw c.e-i Adopted by the Council /�/:2_ _ 191 h Approved- v 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL CONCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM jU SUbjeCr"2'd 1 ` 000NCII ��� f/Q.ep.F FILE NO. ...... .......... .. Date Presented .Nov.23,1914 191 Resolved, Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $2.60 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance, with the consent` of Mayor and Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to Department of Public WorN, Bureau of Correctione—Workhouse. Yeas (V) Court men (! I Nays Farn orth Goss In favor Kelle MCC 1 7Against O'Le y Yoe r Mr. President, wers 'o" c.s-i b C. F. No2717—By M. N. Gose— Resoluilon uthorizing the drawing of nant for $2.50 In favor of the Commissioner of Flnnnco, with the n ent of Mayor and Comptroller, for thepurchase for cash of postage to said amount, chnrgeable to Department of Public Works, Bureau of Correo-' tions—Workhouse. Adoptedby the Counell Nov. 23, 1914, Approved Nova 24, 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) Adopted by the Council J__ 19 1'(/ Approve �� 191 . I MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM subject:. rl l 47_A/�i j. FILE No. ..._........ .......... ...... Date Presented .Nov. 23,9t914. -..._I91- Resolved, Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for 018.97 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance, with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, charged to Department of Records, City Clerk. Yeas f h) Court 'men (f) Nays Farn orth Goss In favor Kell Mc 11 Against O' y Yoe Mr. President, wers rORr c.e-z C. F. No. 2718—By Farnsworth— of 18.97 I the drawing f a ant for $18.97 In favor of the Commissioner of Finance, with the con- nt of the Alayor and Comptroller, for the purchase Por cash f postage to said am u t• charged to Department of Records• City Clerk. Adopted by the Council Nov. 23, 1914. Approved Nov. 24, 1914. IN�c 28-1914) Adopted by the Council //_ L 1_ __ 19I If Approved_ // Z 191 Subject:. - - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ....__......_... _ FILENCIL NO. Date Presentedpov.23,-1914---191............ Resolved, Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for 010.78 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the p>achase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to Municipal Court. C. F. No. x419—R Irg a draw n6 Resolution uthort28 i f x warrant for $S0.48 In .favor of the Commtseooner t Finana Con,ptro]ler concent P the Mayor oe pOetagt• to o the Purchachaiseable to 111u Plclpal or amount, 1914. Court. Adopted by the i0 r "No" 23„ Approved 4. (Nov. 28-1914) Yeas (1,') Cou ilmen (V) Nays Far Orth Gas In favor Kel r Mc_ oll 7Against O' ary Yo g Mr. Presiden , Powers roe. c.e-z - Adopted by the Council yJ- —191y Approved 191 - GAZ - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIMN ENERAL FO 0 Subject.. - COUNCIL l•i` ...... N�• Date Presented Nov, V,,1914-191.......... Resolved, that the annexed specifications for electric wiring for festoons and center circles between Third and Sixth Streets on Robert, be and are hereby approved, and the -Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to ask for liforfna3 bids for furnishing same. Yeas ( V) Co 'Imen (11 Nays G In favor K r M oil Against Y g Mr. Presiden owers ronin c.6-2 C. r. No. 2920—By o. E. Heldr— Resolved, That the nn ed .pecia entlons rut electric wiring sur festoons and center circle. between Third and •.l.1l, street. o Rob;rt, be and are, 'hereby approved, and the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to asic for informal bids for furnish- ing. ..me. Adopted by the counell Nov. 24, 1914. Approved Nov. N. 1914, (Nov. 28-1914) Adopted by the Council "//o rr Z l __ 191 V Approved �,^ 2 1911f MAYOR. _. ._ SPECIFICATIONS ,,R`FURNISHING 12 FESTOONS COMPLETE FOR ROBERT STREET. The work called for under these specifications shall in- clude the following: - 1. To provide 12 festoons complete„ including lamps, center rings, suspension cables, hooks for attaching suspension cables to the buildings, attanktag and all other material necessary for their proper installation. 2. To erect the 12 festoons as given above to conform with general plan as adopted for the other festoon lighting and satisfac- tory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities. The district to be covered will be on Robert Street, from 3rd Street to 6th Street. CONSTRUCTION OF FESTOONS. The suspension cables are to be stretched tightly across the street and fastened to galvanized hooks attached to the buildings. The cable used is triple braid weather proof No. 6 stranded iron wire (approximate length of about go ft, for each festoon.) The center rings are to be constructed of galvanized iron of the same weight as that employed in those already in service. They shall also be of the same design and constructiq'p as those now used. The number of lamps in each circle shall be 15. All center circles are to be given two good coats of white lead paint. Each center circle is to be supplied with 15 standard make.. porcelain recgptacles, and for the TemainaW of the festoon, 52 high grade weather proof socketstofbstandard ed. mall (96socon leach todbeocon-n si ter and evenlyq� are neded in multiple. The wire to be used for the festoons is No. 12 double.cot- ton braid rubber covered flexible copper with two circuits for each festoon, one feeding the center circle and the other the remainder of the festoon lights. Leads are to be of sufficient length to make connections with the leads the aret ornamental benprovided8 and connectors similar tothe ones now in use If single conductor is used, the three wires are to be firm ly taped together at frequent intervals to form one cable. All wiring must meet the requirements of the City Electrical Inspector. The lamps to be used are 10 watt tungsten lamps of about 115 volts of which there will be 804 in all. After the festoons and rings are in place over the streets the supports used for attaching the festoons to the cables must be spaced in a manner to cause the lopps of the festoons to hang uni- formly, the supporting rings must then be permanently fastened to the suspension cables. The festoons are to be Up ready for lighting on the even- ing, of December 8th, 1914. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.. . BROOK CORN FILE NCV. T11* ... .......... .. Date Presented- ...Nov. w3,1914 -I91..... --- Resolved, AREAS a requisition has been made by the Commissioner of Public Works -Bureau of Corrections, Workhouse, on the Pur- chasing Agent, for two cars of broom corn, estimated cost of which is approximately 03000.00, And, WHEREAS, the Purchasing Department has advertised for said broom corn, as probided in the Charter, and on opening the bids it was found th no legal bids were received; And WHEREAS said Workhouse is in need of this material at once and failure to purchase same promptly would work an'injury to the best interests of the city, this con- stituting an emergency; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the rurchasing Agent, with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller be, and he is hereby authorized to pur- chase two cars of broom corn without advertisement and com- petitive bids, at the lowest price obtainable in the open market. C. F. No. 2721—By M. N. Goss— escaved, Whereas n requisition h as, ,be de by the Commissioner of Public Works—Bureau of Corrections. Workhouse, on the Purchasing Agent, for cost w of nre of which broom 'Is corn, ap➢... bn tely $3.000.00. Purchasing At d. nt has advertised for the aid broom De - earn, as provided In the Charter, and'. onolegal opening the biie received, found that n And. Whereas said Workhouse le Sn' need of this material at once and fail - ore to purchase same promptly would. work an in]ury to the beat intorests of the city, this constituting en emer gency; no therefore be it Resolved. That the Purchasing r Agent, with the consent of the Mayor. and Compt-roller be and he 1s hereby . authorized to purchase two cars of broom corn without advertisementandl competitivethe lowest ➢ric bids, at e obtainable In the op arket. Adopted by the Council Nov. 24, 1914. Approved Nov. 24, 1914. (Nov. 23-1914) T— Yeas (t) Court men (t') Nays Adopted by the Council Dim_ 2__191/ Goss I In favor 191 Kelle App ve MCC 1 Against Yoer Mr. President, veers Fonts c.6.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. ?722 COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM No FILE �PE aYAUDITED191_`-�135 n 16 r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: 1 %/191 Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council--e ounci Gos �! In favor App ve l 9W Ke r Mc on Against .AYoa Yo g Mr. President, owers Corporate Purposes General Fund -Miscellaneous Acct. 6244 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 710.50 V �J 'G F, No, 2722— Resolved that warrants be 'drawn upen the Clty Treasury, payabl''Out,of the here[nafter epe I- fund,i arid'In; favorofthe persons, Drms or%corpora-' Hone for the amount. set -opp oalte. 'their respective names as'. apsclI, t the following "detailed atatemen't: . Corporate purposes. -General Ftind- -lflseelIane.us Acct.: Burroughs Add - Ing! Machine Co., $710.60. Adopted by e Council Nov. :24, '19I4. Approved Nov. 24, 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) Ir ` CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. ,. AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM � COUNCIL No. FILE til AUDITED PER 134 E Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as sped in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Counci 2 G 191 Goss In favor Appro Keller McColl Against -- - _ C�ieDry- _ MAYORi Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Part 1. Corporate Purposes -Salaries General Bund -Miscellaneous Acct. C. F. 2336 tic pJ 620 S. A. Farnsworth, 33.25 General Fund -City Dump Acct. 6 21 S. A. Farnsworth, 222.00 6222 Street & Sewer Fund S. A. Farnsworth, C?.4D9� Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 6 23 S. A. Farnsworth, 296.95 General Fund -Sewer Maint. Acct., C. F. 2288 6 24 S. A. Farnsworth, 393.20 General Fund -Crosswalks Acct. 6 5 S. A. Farnsworth, 280.80 62 6 S. A. Farnsworth, (Cement Walk Extensions) 88.00 General Fund -Election Expense Acct. 62 7 S. A. Farnsworth, 578.00 #2 Corporate --Purposes School Accommodation Acct. of the School Fund Corporate Purposes -Salaries -Cont. 62 Robinson, Cary & Sands, Water Dept. Fund General Fund -Mise! Acct. q 2 00-✓ 62'8 S. A. Farnsworth, q Sped. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Sprinkling Fund York & Westminister 6236 291.00 6 9 S. A. Farnsworth, ' rk & Westministe 9 Case St., Payne to Westmibnister Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving -Salaries 1,219.00 Purington Paving Brisk co., 347,42 6239 York & Westminister 15.30 Summit. Lexington to River, 6 30 S. A. Farnsworth, & final W. H. Malone Estate, Fat. #5 , 1,039.80 l/ -- Dale St., Grand to Front T o tal---Spe4. Aare 79?;08 6 31 S. A. Farnsworth, 5,907.50 6241 Thornton Bros., Est. #3. Hastings, Bates to Earl 3 a 6 32 S. A. Farnsworth, Case St., Payne to Westminister / I 62' 3 S. A. Farnsworth, 12.00 T tal S cc - a aries, 834. Part 11 ; Corporate --Purposes School Accommodation Acct. of the School Fund 12,595.01 ✓ 62 Robinson, Cary & Sands, e General Fund -Mise! Acct. q 2 00-✓ 6245 Frank R. Winship,zA- r q Sped. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving York & Westminister 6236 Puri&gton Paving Brick Co., Eat. #1, 3.816.00 Est. #2 6137 Allem P. Boyd, and final, ,_._IU..14 ' rk & Westministe Case St., Payne to Westmibnister 6238 1,219.00 Purington Paving Brisk co., 347,42 6239 Allem P. Boyd, Summit. Lexington to River, 6240 & final W. H. Malone Estate, Fat. #5 , 1,039.80 l/ -- T o tal---Spe4. Aare Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewers Sewer System Terry -Griffith 5,907.50 6241 Thornton Bros., Est. #3. 3 a #3 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewers -Cont. Woo dlawn -Fairmount Sewer System 242 O'Ileil &Preston, Est. #7 &final, 17,470-00 0.00 Hall Ave., Augusta to Wyoming 243 P. J. Ryan, Est. #3 & Supplt., 3100.00 Total Total Corporate Purpose//iaree,: "1111.+ 1111•••, 9.976.69 " Spec. Assess. ConCCtrS 834.41 " Corporate Purpos ... .. 12,830.01E " Spec. Assess. C net. Ac .-Pavi g,..... ... 6,805.36 w a q e " -S ere,.... .... 21.677.5o -_ 54412-S .:9)7 g �p, Farnsworth, $sa. - ' Account: . G A. 'Z I Fund_.(,`S[Y T1umP S. A. Farnsworth:: $222.00. Street & 78 98er Fund: 9. A. Farns- worth. §7Buliding& Repair S• - - Bridga 298:96. , p. Farnsworth, $ General Fund--S"'n orth. Acct.:' C Genet Fund—Croaewalkn Account. Farnsworth, $280.90;S- A• Fa ne- �worth; (Ccmeat .Walk eatensions).. $88.00. Election Exuense General Fund .678 00. account: S•A•FFund.o9b�!y;Farue- Water Dept I'w- orth. 5314.50. I Sprinxll g Fund: S. A Farnewortri. $291.00- - 'as Const Acct Fdving Spec' A rk & Westminster: S• Sala 16:30. f.Far awor E "'Grand to Front: S. �F naworth, 5792.08. tt aanRe. Bates to ESrl: B. neo th,$16.33. •I /, Cas 'St.. Fayn.to Weetminater: S. i, p• Farnsworth, 532.001 Cary & 1 the School Acco Robinston,� Aect of the, School ,Fund: _ iE12,696.OL ...._a_x4fac. Acet`. Frank i nma... 1,21s.00;' �flnal 517 •"._: -- -to Nyoming: . flail Ave.... AUNata $npplt ESL No 8 & 2}„191f: p J RYan Council Nov Adopt d ov 24, ,1$14. APProv a N 77 • City of Bt.Paul 27PA Council Resolution - General form. PUBLIC UTILITIES Department o f _._._._._._.:. ..... Bureauof _.YAP,TRR...__._._._-_...._........_...__._._............... ................... ........ -_-._._.r.... bouncil File No. Date Presented .._-_._._-.-_.---------- 1914. By.._._...._......._._.-...._.-- ...._.-._.---._...._._._._._._._._._._._._-..--._._._._._._.-.-._._._._._._--._--_.__._._._._.-_._.- Resolved, that a water main be laid on the south side of Summit .Avenue between Saratoga and ga.mline Avenues. C. F. No. 2724— ' Resolved. That n nter mat. be laid on the Sucernit between Saratoga andHnmllne Avenue Adopted by the Council Nov. 25, 1914. Approved Nov. 26. 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) Adopted by the Counoi:�=--moi—••-•••-. ------1914. Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays Ear sworth Goo Mee 11 Yoe g pro 914. Mayor Mr. President, Powe s ' v 'IT T 9724 Vvpar-hnvi2,tvf PubllvV'Nllhv-5 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Wxjpv:a'u o \WaFvr ITovenber 23,1914. OSCAR E KELLER. Pl.-- S A FARNSWORTH M N" ' .—ETT . HOUSE, C-1 S.Pl TO the -onorablc Council, CITY G? 2.%7'-T PAUL, St. -aul, 1:.inn. G e n tl err, en: - The Board z)fgater Comiscioners, at a rieetinE held tris date, u-ytnirnously adopted the following resoluti:,n• . NEcsolved, ti -at the City c,,uncil be rec zce t-,—1 I, -i;.thorize the lr. ing of a water main on the south side of uTa.,jit Avenue between sir,toFa and IlaIirq - .,-,c bvenues.H Very truly Secretary. n 2y��T�. yCI Y OF PAUL CC COUNCIL RES TION–GEN L FORM ubject:.. POSTAGE SUPPL_ ILS - -COUNCIL FILE .._FILE 1X Y ('.. ........ .... Date Presented .....#) ov. U. 1914-191 ........... Resolved, 2)= Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $50.00 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to office of the Comptroller, Accounting Department. Yeas (r) Cou ilmen (F) Nays Far worth Go _ �— M oil Y g Mr. Presiden —.r c.ea Powers IC. F. No, 2928 sy S A. Farnaworth— f ae u•nrrnnt Por $60.00 In favorre�In� [hetCom of thner of Finance with the cone f of the nfaYor and Co,ptrouer for, Bala purchase (or amount, char eneh oI P..taga t the Comptroller, Accountln Dce PI I men' B epart- appAd roved "I 8th 5, neil Nov. 26, 1014, (Nov. 28-1914) Adopted by the Council // _ 2 __ 191 ' In favor /�[� Approved �r 3 l91 7 .Against YO -- – MAYOfl �p�f'I1.8 CI�LU T. PAUL tG 0 COUNCIL R N—GE AL FO Subject:._.AINARD OF_ CONTRACT _ _. ..._- ......... .� COUNCIL FILE NO ...... .. ... ..r.]�•'mr• .... _._........ rC?.._P4 3Z........4`... .F.) ._.. 1.1�IG.. 6AAt�T.00A....._ Date Presented ....-Novv25, 1914---191 .......... Resolved, ghat the award of contract to O'Neil & Preston for the con- struction of a sewer. on Portland +venue from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Avenue, Engineer's estimate being1$1722.00, for the sum of $1341.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approvgd, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Yeas (11) Cou ilmen (N) Nays Far worth Go M oil O' ary Yo g Mr. President, eoeM C.e-2 owers C. F. No. 2726 --By M.N. 6ose— Resolved, That the he award . con- tract to O'Neil & Preston for the con_ s—fron of ewer eon rmaorttandSar ve nue from Snelling avenue to - be, gg Er thee se sof $13e being; and t00, for the sum of $1941.00 be, and the came Is hereby confirmed and approved , and the Corporation CoUn.el Is hereby instructed to draft and eub-I mit the proper form of contract there- for. Adopted by the Council Nov. 25, 1914. Approved pprved Nov. 25. 1914. (Nov. 28-1914) '9 Adopted by the Council -%COZ/ • 91 �% In favor S 191 y Approved_ Against CITY OF ST. PA TAT. Carroll COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.._.Es.tablished_grad.e.._ _.__. __._ . FO ENGIL NO. Date Presented.. 110v- ...2.3__ ......-I911....... Resolved, That the grade of Livingston Ave. from Annapolis St, to Augusta St., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profiles, and as recomriended by the Coruiis, ioner of 1'liblic Works, be and the same is hereby adopteri as t' e established. grade. c. F. No. 2727—Sy M N. Gori -- Resolved, Wet the grada St. Living- .ton Ave. from Annapolis St. to- Au- gusta St., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanylag pro - flies. and as recommend" by the COID- atmseoistherebyblie adoP ed rs, be ad the estabe llshed grade. ae e. Adopted by 'h Co cR Nov. 27, 1914., Approved Nov. 28, 1914. (Dec. 5-19147 Yeas ( 0tGos (I) Nays 100 .adopted by the Council _ /�-_ o1 19 In favor)�J Approved _ 191 Against Mr. PresMAYOR ro Rm c.8.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL roll COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: Established- . ... ............. c,,0LuENc"­ NO. ..... . ..... ................... ......... .... .... _.....I .............». ........ ...... ....... ........... .... ... . ...... ... I .... ...... ........... ....... ....... ......... ...... ...... . . ....... Date Presented 110 v . 83 . ....... -1914...-.. inifred St. to Congress St-, Resolved, that the gado of Livingston Ave. from W in accordance with the red Praae line on the accornpEnyinF profile, and as recommended by the ComicistOrel- of public ["larks, be c.nd the same is hereby adopted as t1,.e established grade. C. r No 2728—By At N. Go..— Resolved, That the grade of Living-, ston Ave. from Winifred, St. to Con c5 Con - gr... ... St., In accordanae,wlthth..r­ �h rade line on t a acc-�7 &fp. Pr-: g e. and an recomm, the ma miaBioner of Public �d i. catab ­. 1e hereby dopto II,hd1 grade. b. Adopted he Councils Nov. 27, 1914. Approved Nov. 28, 191 (Dec. 5-1914) Yeas (I') Cocilmen Nays _n 0 "c"T" -In favor oil -Against 0 eary -at.' .r , g 'g Mr. Preside -m c.6-2 Adopted by the Counril7- -__1 91 Approved A,? 7t 191/` M YORR Subject: - CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL � 2g FILENo .. ....... ........... ... ... Date Presented- .-Nov- .._ 25, __....-I914......:. ,JHLR1;AS, John C.I.Corning & C.R.Corning, co-partners as Corning Brick Company has flailed to deliver the vitrified brick paving blocks reouired to be furnished under its contract dated ?day 26th, 1,914 for the paving of Dale St. from Grand Ave.. to Front St., and is now in default for at least seven thousand vitrified paving blocks; therefore be it Resolve That the purchasing A eat of the City of St. Paul purchase in the en mar etvseven thousand (7,000) vitrified brick paving blocks in accordance with specifications for the paving of Dale St. from Grand Ave. x to Front St., said blocks to be delivered to the Commissioner of Public Yorks, the purchase price thereof to be payable mut of the special assessment fund for the paving of said Dale St. between the points afore- said; the additional cost thereof, if any, to be deducted from any moneys due or to beco'!e due under said contract to the said Corning Brick Company, and if there is no money due or to become clue, to be collected from said Company, or the surety on its bond, RESOLVE) -1UR2HMi, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, from time to time and as £ten as he shall be notified by the Coriraissioner f Public Works that the Corning BricicCompany is in default in the above contract, or in nny other contract for the supply of paving material to the City, to go into open market and to purchase said paving material, the cost thereof to be payable out of the appropriate special assessment fund, and deliver said vitrified brick paving blocks to the Commissioner of Public Works, the additional cost, if any, over the contract price or prices, to be chargeable and collectible as aforesaid. C. F. No. 2720—By M. N. Gosa— Wherens, John C. 1. Corning and C. R. Corning, co-partneres Coming Uri ch Company. has failed to deliver the itrified brick -paving blocks re-', quired to be furnished under Its con- tract dated May Hth, 1814, for the paving of Dale St. from Grand Ave. to Front SL, and Is now in default for at least seven thousand vitrified paving. blocks; therefore be It Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent or the City of St. Paul purchase Adopted by the Council �//rt.___191 y Approved / U _ 1911 _._. ... _. F_ —MAY R_ _ .. �:TSLI9I�'D specifications Grand forp Lothe in FrontOf r Ave. t.from said block. to be delivered to the mission- of Public Works, chase pricethereof to be p4 of the special nselement paving of said Dala tit., points aforesaid; the thereof, If any, to I 1— moneya due or I. nald contract t1 ��• Company, n du or I, ob Yeas U -')Co ncilmen (I') Nays I It In favor M oil Against —O' ary —Yo Mr. Preside rs Foam c. e.2 Adopted by the Council �//rt.___191 y Approved / U _ 1911 _._. ... _. F_ —MAY R_ _ .. �:TSLI9I�'D Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 426 issued August 29th, 1914 to Anthony George, 137 E. 3rd St. be and it hereby is transfered to Anthony Georp-e, 85 T. 7th St. 0 Yeas (t') Cou dmen (f) Nays Far ' vorth Kell Mc 11 O' y Yoer Mr. President, ers —m c.8.2 272o— Resolved, Thnt the cigarette lloenee j No. 426 Issued August 29th 1914,: to i Anthony George. 137 E. 3rd_t:,'tie and{{ It heroby 5e trnneterred+ to Anthonyq George, 86 N. 7th Si. S AdoP ted by the G 11 Nov. 39, 3914. p. Approved Dec. i 6-191 01914. fbf (Doc. 4) Adopted by the Council 19 1' ►n favor 4pproved_/ `aa) 191f4 Against /� 1 MAYOR Mr. Carroll. Council File No .... ..... .. .............. PROPOSAL FORIMPROVEMENTr- and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo wing public improvement by tl City of St. Paul, viz.:. Construe.t..._a...._sed=�er...._on..._Semin...... _.._St_....._f :om....S.G..:....f1� k�.�?x>.S _........t.a:...._.....d.......... Zeaiugton_,_ve_...,__On, _Lex.int.onAve_.__r_om_._Seminary.__.S..t.,___t_o.. ._._.pit_ ol....bve_...,_.._._..._.. and on Capitol Ave. from Lex zton Ave, to Hamline e._, tobeknown _.___. as_.t.kle.._S:&.p1t.Q.J....&ve........ ............. _... a_1x8.exa.e..a.in Dated tins 28th__......_day PRELITIINARYq, oliDE _,_.__.19I,.4,, No. 2731— f ns. A e teII pIr - ,g of the follo{v,FnB 1-,'�' ...... ._._._...... .... ........._ ... ..._..... ....... ... .. _.___ _... 7onst-et sewer m 8t. Albans"8t: Lexington Ave: 1 Cellll Clllllflll. .1t.1 Ave, snd ngton to Ham' -- the C.1itol A ----- s beenp,! Cit • of .;'NARY ORDER. . ,.nn WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:.._Qo. nu.t.r.11C..t__.a.. sewer onSeminary ..._.._-,....__ ...____ Ave. from Seminary„Gt_..,_to Capitol., Ave, .and on...Qtpito..1.Lv _.e, _,f..o �.ni ,Lexington to Hemline Ave. ._,.,.t,o,be._known._as the -04pitol Ave._ Sewer _System __..__..,_........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman _ .....................; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:..._._..__..__.. _...___.. ..._....--- _....._........___................_................_......................................... ......... _ ._._....... _...... _ .._.......... _._....._...........__. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin inissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....._......_.�07�..�0 ............191.L1 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth” Approved.____!.... _..._.........._../._......__..191_..( / K of er :17 0ll O mry Y•g :._... ............... .........._......... _................._....................__._........_._........_...... Mayor Po .rs flyoi. Petition Council File No ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 3 �/ and PREIMVnNARY ORDE The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the ' owing public improvement by the C' of St. Paull, viz.: _QpeT11Rg..,.._p1�.d.0SL ncling....an....a.11.ey....eixt.e.en....f ...._iii....witith through_Lot C block 4.Smith,hddition e.d..pex..o 8�.4.ck 4...._...-- th Forepaugh_'.s. Div.s_ion.in..._a .'_ordanee.�.i. p.et-iti-oxl--her .. . ... C: P. M."'2— ... ..... ... ... _........ ..........__. whereas, A written proposal for th making of the Co1loWing Improvement, 4 vlznlloyeslzt ,en Yeetl In width through "1 Dated this.-_ Y nn ZBth, a nt, Lot C. d aoI am roea mock& , Forepaugh I litlon .... _.. .._.._... _...... _... nivleton, having been presented to the ...__...... _ _...._.... �.rouneil of the City of 9t. Paul, ther 'a' oucnCnilnan. '. bllc Works be nd he is hereby or- I ea and dlreoted: _-- To, In v estigate the cesalty for --- iombnity or the making oY satd I "i •Hent. `•a;westlgate the ns,4,:�jr�t "` 'd cost of "' �Ltal rem" WHEREAS, A, writ ten proposal for the mnietdgattf the following improvement, viz.:._.O.}lEnirig_�._._.. w Bening_ ncl.._ex .ex�a_ zlg....±1 ....a�.1eY-......� t.e_ex1__£.e.et.._..in..._Yrill.th.._thr.o.0 h...1nt...._C..._._._.. Division. Bl.o...ek 4.._Smith_&Talor..:s .Addition, and across nlogk,4_Forepaugh's City of St. Paul by Councilman-......... _... ............... ._____ .-................ having been presented to the Council of the........_...._....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public `Yorks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and iufornlatiml robitive to said improvement; ................... '_._ ......_.........................................__.._......_....._..........__.._.._._.......__.._._..... �. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......_..__Q tr.-....191X Yeas: - Nays. Councilmjer m•th Z Approved_____..._.__.._..__.._ ._. _........_...191......... ...............I.................._..y.........a or. May SiIBLI�IiED� / CITY OF ST O"W-L COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. . COUNCIL o FILE No .... ......... .... ... ... Date Presented.........._ _ _ ___ ' ..I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date ?November 23rd, 1914, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for grading Buford avenue from Como avenue west to Brompton avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 2733— - Resolved, That the .tract bearing ^' ddto November 23rd, 1914, by d b 3t. Pe.ul for grading Buford avenue tweenw•Chr)et Johnson and the City pf ��� from Como avenue west to Brompton =1;I`PY OF SAINT' PAUL avenue, bo and theY proved,- nd the pr e R oiler tty o(fi e 1. her by ape 4Sk• i--- City Clerk's Office Yeas (ICo oilmen (V) Nays Fa sworth IC r M oil O' ary Yo g Mr. President Powers ion c. a•2 C. F. No. 2733— - Resolved, That the .tract bearing ^' ddto November 23rd, 1914, by d b 3t. Pe.ul for grading Buford avenue tweenw•Chr)et Johnson and the City pf ��� from Como avenue west to Brompton =1;I`PY OF SAINT' PAUL avenue, bo and theY proved,- nd the pr e R oiler tty o(fi e 1. her by ape 4Sk• i--- City Clerk's Office ed on behalf of the Cit execute the eamoApproved Adopted b the Council Nov. 80 Coon. /J Deo. 3814 ......... //� / I9I ... ... ......./.... . (Dep. 6-1914) F f,. Received of City Clerk' rte'.- >•°''�{ Adopted by the Council In favor Approved _ __ / 191 Y Against — _ — MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: .. ._ _ _......._'. _ ......... PILE NO.. Com' COUNCIL t f V 1 9-4 Date Presented....._.' _ _.. __ ......-I91 "...._.... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 23rd, 1914, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for grading the alley in Block 1, Stone & hortonle Addition, be and the same is hereby "approv- ed, and the proper city officers are'authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. tween1Christ—Johnson and the C(ty st. Paul, for grading the ley Ia 1310. 1 Stone & Morton's Addl Non, be an CITY --t- + CI I Y OF SAINT PAUL the earn Is heereby approved, aad th n propce"Ity ot[Icers are authorized n pf1 dddddd , Cl()' G1PTk�9 �IIICP' directed to execute the same on at of the City. . Adopted by the Council Nov. 30, 1914::. '1 Approved Dee. 1, 1914. �y - u 1JI7. (Dec. 6-1914) ': ......... .., Rec e}I of City C1 A f 7,. 91, Yeas ( I") Coun linen (F') Nays - .Adopted by the Council _ � _ 19) Farn orrh / / (� In favor � � Y Kell. Approved _ 191 McC I Against O'l e y Yoer , Mr. President, P wers roe. ..e -z _ Mav&a Resolved, That the contract bearing date Xovember C;?th, 1914, by and bet^.reer O'Neil & Pr^eton and the City of Pt. Paul for the Cono,.rUCtion of a serer or, Fast Geraniun: street frog. Woodland street to Arkwright street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized a:.d directed to exclute the sau.e on behalf of tie City. Yeas (1%)Co cilmen (P) Nays Fai isworth _jGe r—In favor Ke er M oll _ .Against O' ary Yo rg Mr. President Powers ronu c.8.2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL .AO'City Clerk's Office .� fst_A' Received of City Clerk ,F t'+ d"' Adopted by the Council _ . �0.__ 191V Approved_ 191 MAYOR Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 27th, 1914, by and between, O'D?eil 1 Pr=otos and the City of tit. Paul for, the construction of a seti.er on Portland avenue from Saratoga avenue to Warv:ick street, be and the same is hereby approve::, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. "War e theaeame Yeas (1") Coui cilmen (P) Nays Far worth In favor Ke r / Me oh __Against �j O' eiy Yo g Mr. President, Powers -a...a-2 - a°natr°°"an �,'( CITY OF SAINT' PAUL 41and avenue from ea Ji, o Wnrwlek street, b &� e b� aparoYea, nna y City Clerk's Office oBlcera are autho Iz f cf execute the aam 0 the the Counali Nay. 30, 191 ¢ 6 ea 1, 1914. Dec. 6-1914) ........... .............................191..... Re ived of City Clerk GSL S'; �� i.-G'L.'i V/G-I � �Cc. .{r•... / / '/.'y,• -r Cts=� 6.. Adopted by the Council -„ �__191L/ Approved_ / 191 X _ MAYOR Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 24tH, 1914, by and betvreen Christ Johnson and the City of St. paul for grading Wakefield avenue from Earl street to Heater street, be and the came is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. 1 Yeas (I)Co cilmen (P) Nays Far sworth In favor Ke r / M oll Against b O ry Yo Mr. President, owers c.e.z 6I`I'Y ()IF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's flM % �7�{ .........................;:.................191. Received of City/ lerk frl w 4 i Adopted by the Council_0-4 191 Approved_ f 191 r MAVOR &R - 0 V Resolved,That the contract bearing date November 24th, 1914, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for grading the alley in Block 86, Leffman's Subdivision of Blocks 86 ar:d 87, Lyman Dayton's Ad-lition, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. °'CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' . City Clerk's ()hire »' �,"� 191,4 Recoaved of City Clerk i Yeas (P. C4ci en (T) Nays Mr. PresidentlPowers v .. c.a.2 Adopted by the Council d __ 191 In favor Z 191"'Approved _Against - - — MAYOF Resolved, That the contract, bearing date Eovember 24th, 1914, by and betreen Christ Johnson and the. City of St. Paul, for grading Syndicate avenue from Ashland avenue, to Selby avenue, be and the sane is hereby approv- ed, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City, r i Yeas (P') o cilmen (F') Nays Fa sworlh Kell r Mc oll O' T. Yoe Mr. President, veers . , c's-2 �I y OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Mlwe d _....... r.......��......191 _.i/ Received of City C1. I .adopted by the Council _ �� 3 0`-_ 191y In favor A ® 191" pproved ,Against Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 27th, 1914, by and bet -seen ""eil & Preston and the City of St. Paul for constructing a sewer on Portland avenue from Snelling avenue to Saratoga avenue, be and the same is hereby apFroved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the sane on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 2740— Resolved, That the contract been date November 27th. 1914, bynd t-een O'Nell & Preston -and the Cit: -anfor eatfronSeePortlld avenumnlling nue to Saratogaaven c' be and ..me um isherebypproved, d e the in erity officers n authorised and vied to execute tis same on bhal the Ci ty Adopted by the Council Nov. 30, 1 Approved Dec. 1, 3919. L Yeas (1')Co cilmen (P) Nays Far worth In favor Ke r M oil _ .Against O' ary Yo. g Mr. President, owers raeM �.e-z CPPV OF SAINT PAUL f ity Clerk's Offi7 �; �` �7 ve d � I� 6 ........ ' ..............191. �. je,"; e91 0[ Gity Clerk moi:' Adopted by the Council 191L� Approved_. ( 191 ,e - - MAYOR Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 27th, 1214, by and betvreen Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for grading and im— proving Lake Como and Phalen avenue from Edgerton street to Payne .avenue, be and the sane is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the sar.,e on behalf of the City. /7 , Yeas (I') lFasworth oilmen (i') Nays In favor r oll_Against ary g Mr. PresidPowers roxw c.8.2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office gec,Wed n( City Clerk Adopted by the Council✓_o___ 19I% Approved.. Z / / _191 _._ --� - � - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:........._o............._.._...................._......_._ OOUNO,L No `d'd�42 ............. _.............. PILE.............:......... ........... ........ ............................ .................. Date Presented ......NOV.......?x.,..:...........1914......... Resolved, That the a� plication of the following persona dor a license to conduct Hotels3sp: Es s at the locations respectively indicated be. and dthe same asue auohylicenare sesntodsaiddaphlicantse city Cupon the is lerkaPay dirmenteofand the fee required by law. NAME QF APPLICANT. HOTELS X8MZG 1U�= LO CAT IOD?S. Mike Nitti Brown & PulOu P. Col Rooms &Boarding 197 So. tilash4 Rooming fiauae 2041 E. 7th 253 E. 7th Yeas (V) Coon men ( V) Nays Farre orth Kell McC 01 ` Yoe Mr. President, Pow s Adopted by the Council o,;'_ "-191 In favor % H 191—� Approved Against AYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,,Subject: _. Aour4cIL FILE No ...... ..... ..... ............ ... ... .. Date Presented... 110v25,--..__I914-...-- That the application of the following persons for a licen c to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively Indicated, be and the same hereby are denied. NAT,1E OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR F_ESTkJFiANT. LOCATIOII. Rire. Elizabeth netvty Fen.,ay Motel 42 W. College E. A. Netivber Hotel algin 402 No, ';,ashingten N. ;, NelsenLunch Room 147 W. 5th (in rear) C. F. No. 2713-11y Henry McColl— Reeolved, Thnt the ap Plication of the [o110wing Persona for a license to c - duct Hotels or Restaurants. at the locn- done respectively Indicated, be sad the same hereby are denied: 4Elizabeth Dewey, Fksnway He - tel, 42 W. Colle,e. E. A. Newber, Hotel Elgin, 402 No. 1V11hington. 1 6N. th W. Nele�o)n. Lunch Room, 147 west _ Adopted by the Council Nov. 30, 1914. Approved Dec. 1, 1914 (Dec. 5-1914) Yeas 01 Cou' ilmen (V) 7 Nays Adopted by the Council 19 / Far ' orth Far In fayor 191 Kehr Approved_. M oil -Against O' ary Yo g ✓. Mr. Presiden owers -1 C.e-z n4Aron ll TO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL 2743 of the CItYellf. pl—k does o h - City of St. P aul f 0 r ...... 0 -------------- -- ....... ............ .. .. ....... . hereby make application to the and ................ . . ............. to that end does hereby certify as follows: ate full name of the applicant for said License is and hjs�ace of residence 000 ..�iT/ �� (/%"l/ ... ..... V7 stree& (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location olfZvhrich the business aaid plicant proposes to carry on business is..... in the Qty of St._P_aul. That the said applicant is now engaged d i aid bbuin the y� City of St. Paul. Dated this/ d''. -day of. �Appllricant. Date of Expiration of License .191 Date of Inspection 191._....._.... FireProtection— Ventilation of Building Meats and Provisions.. Beds and Bedrooms Toilet Rooms and Plumbing. Kitchen and Utensils.... Refrigerator and Store Room... 00; Basement and Cellar.. Back Yard . General Condition of Premises License Recommended: City H.1.1 �and Restau I ector. Approved: Health Offiam. T6 THF HONOR,11BLE THE CO I T.IVCI L of the City of a d s oe, --------- - - - ................ ..... ----------------------- --------- --- .. (,_;� -0- hereby make application to the C 10the Ctlyj I fora License to conduct -7� and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of applicant for said License is and his N*&4Qlace of residence is street T-armw in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of w h nt proposes to carry on business is.. * �'t'l 17- - �4� , in the City of cul. That the said applicant is now engaged in said business at..4,--e p- ;kp the City of St. Paul. Dated this 611 ..day of Applicant. .Date of Expiration of License .191 Date of Inspection- 191 Fire Protection Ventilation of Building... Meats and Provisions - Beds and Bedrooms Toilet Rooms and Plumbing Kitchen and Utensils. Refrigerator and Store Room. Basement and Cellar.. Back Yard. General Condition of Premises._e_� License Recommended: City Hotel A�andRe rant Inspector Approved: Health Offim. 3 r 4, c T6 THF HONOR,11BLE THE CO I T.IVCI L of the City of a d s oe, --------- - - - ................ ..... ----------------------- --------- --- .. (,_;� -0- hereby make application to the C 10the Ctlyj I fora License to conduct -7� and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of applicant for said License is and his N*&4Qlace of residence is street T-armw in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of w h nt proposes to carry on business is.. * �'t'l 17- - �4� , in the City of cul. That the said applicant is now engaged in said business at..4,--e p- ;kp the City of St. Paul. Dated this 611 ..day of Applicant. .Date of Expiration of License .191 Date of Inspection- 191 Fire Protection Ventilation of Building... Meats and Provisions - Beds and Bedrooms Toilet Rooms and Plumbing Kitchen and Utensils. Refrigerator and Store Room. Basement and Cellar.. Back Yard. General Condition of Premises._e_� License Recommended: City Hotel A�andRe rant Inspector Approved: Health Offim. 3 r J j /0 TO THE HOXORrIBLF THE COUNCIL of the, City Of St Paul, does ............ ............ .......... hereby make application to the Counc of the City ofSt. Paul fora License toconduct a......._............___.... and ................ ........... ........ ............... ... ................ to that end does hereby certify as follows: Th t the full name of the applicant for said License is and hisT*A place of residence _nmk (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said applicant proposes to carry on buginess is.. e�&, . ..... in he City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is if engaged in said business at.-/ ,inthe _now City of St. Paul. Dated this. day of... Applicant. License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Health Officer. M A CITY,OF ST. PAUL a , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM :o 44 Subject: _ ....._.. __..._. _. .... ............ _._.......... COUNCIL y - FILE No. ... .. .. Date Presented-......._ Nov. ...28,.......... _191 .4;...... glved, _. That the application of the follo•rting persona for a license to conduct x2zxms Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licensee to said applicants, upon the pay— ment of the foe required by law. HAIM OF APPLICANT. XVXT=JM RESTAURANTS. LOCATIONS. Danes Staurates St. Louis Lunch Room 286 Sibley R. R. Nordman Restaurant 67 w. 7th Adam Lang Business Lunch 880 E. 7th Henry Poppenberger Business Lunch 512 E. 7th W. H. Gilbert Restaurant (Eat Shop i`3) 8 E. 6th (2nd fl) Fred Brault Lunch Room (Rear of)115 W. 10th Chas. Demaic Business Lunch 119 West 3rd Spoliopoulos & Castros Olympia Restaurant 313 E. 7th Bennett & Feeth$m Lunch Room 355 Minnesota Tom Sames Lunch Room 14 W. 9th Phil. Giernaert Business Lunch 323 St. Peter A.'Rossini Lunch Boom 320 Sibley henry Metzger Business Lunch 875 E. Minnehaha Yeas (r) Councilmen (P) Nays l°�r''�-d�f Adopted by the Council --191 / Far orth In favor Z _ / 1{e Approved_ 191. Me oll - _ _Against O' ary Yo g Mr. President owers _ _ _ __ _ MAYOR ronin c.8.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMie� 4 ................ _._....... _.... ......... S11I7j'eCt: ... ,. COUNCIL w� ,.. FILE NO. ......... ....... .. .. .................................. ......... ..._... _�._......_.._. ....�............ Date. Presented -IT OV Lr Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to icated conduct = Reoterebptare�gran*ed>aana the vCity tClerk iaaauthox— be, ar;i tile same are y the ized and directed to issue such licensee to said applicants upon payment of the fee required by law. TTAME OF APPLICANT.�FXff RESTA RA'TT`S• LOCATIONS. S, 412 Piabasha. S. Dittenhofer Lunch Room F. J, Jacquett Restaurant ( 2nd fl.) 379 b'Iabaaha Matt Hofner & Son Business Lunch 691 Dale St, 'IC. r. No. 2744—By Henry McCon— I Resolved, That the application of the following person, for a license to con- duct Restaurants at the locations re - sportively and the same I here, 3, are Indicated be nd the City Clerk ' 1, au thorized and directed to Issue such llcenae, to said applicants, pon the Payment of the fee required by law: Danes Staurates, SL Louis Lunch Room, 286 Sibley St, R. R. Nordman, Restaurant, 67 W. 7th St. Adam Lang, Business Lunch, 880 E. 7th St. -- Henry Poppenberger, Business Lunch, 512 E. 7thSL W. H. Gilbert, Restaurant (Eat Shop No. 3), 8 E. 6th (2nd Floor). Fred Brault. Lunch Room. . (Rear of) 115 W. 10th SL Chas. Demalo, Business Lunch, 119 West 3rd BL , Spellopoulos & Castros, Olympia Res- taurant, 313 E. 7ch SL Bennett & Feetham, Lunch Room, 355 �'Minnesota. i Tom Sames. Lunch Room, 14 W. 9th. Phil. GlernaerL Business Lunch, 323 St. Pater St. A. Rossini, Lunch Room. 320 Sibley I SHenry Metzger, Business Luttch, 875 , E. Minnehaha. S. S. Dittenhofer, Lunch Room, 412 Yeas (P) Co _ cllmen (P) Nays waba,ha S. rby e Council�191/F. J. Jacquett, Restaurant, (2nd n.) 379 Wabasba. jFsworth Matt Hofner&Son, Business Lunch. 691 Date St. Adopted bythe Council Nov. 30. 1914.. 191Approved Dec. 1, 1914. roved-. , ^ r c1 (Dec. 5-1914) oll-.AgainsT`arygMAYlMr. PresiPowers ro,u c.9-2 _. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL „RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _. .. _ .._....... ......... _..._.... _. _. COUN FILE No NO...... .............................f• Date Presented ....... .._ _ __ ........._I91........... That the application of Engler Bros. wfor a, license to conduct a Motion Picture and Vaudeville Theatre at 902 Rice Street be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license to Fngler Bros, for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the Customary fee, $75.00 and filing of the approval by Building Inspector. C. P. No. 2746—By Henry McColl— Resolved,That tho application of j Engler Bros. for a license to eoaduat Motion Picture and VatmeVllle Theatre at 902 Rice street be .14 it hereby Is granted and the City Clerk 1 I..tructed td Issue aveh a cm,e - Engler Bros. for one year upon the payment Into the City Treasury of the Customary fee, $76.00 and filing of the approval by Building Inspector. Adopted by the Council Nov. 30, 19,14. Approved Dec. 1, 1914. (Dec. 6-1914) Yeas (V) JKel men (P) Nays orth �LIn favor 1 Against y Mr. Presiveers ,oars c.e-z Adopted by the Council Approved_ l _ 191,!` - - ---- -- MAYOR 2'45 DEPARTMENT PARKS •PLAY GROUNM-PUBLIC BUILDINGS „o„ ........ �,.l..a.: jo NJ.wLEARY, Commissioner o. ecowwgos,w.ns.wb- ' LcgBGIh u d'mg l�ap..br Nov. 27th,1914 Hon. John J. O'Leary, Commissioner of Parke,Pla.ygrounde and Public Buildings. City Dear Sirt I have been holding an application for a license for a Motion picture house for Engler Bros. at 902 Rice street. This show house 1s located in a new building just erected by Hiller Hoffman at the above location, and was under construction at the time the application was made. The building is now completed and has been examined by this department and found to comply with the City ordinance governing motion picture houses and is hereby approved. Yours truly, Building Inspector. .TORN i. FARIOY. O�xs Occa • CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY Ci.ERK'S OFPZCE July 24th ,1914 Hon.J.J.0'Leary, Comsr.Parks & P.G. City Dear Sir,— The Council at their meeting held July 23rd,1914 ordered the apcompanying application for a Motion Picture Show of Engler Bros. at No.902 Rice * est,referred to you as Comsr.of Parks. Yours truly, John I.Faricy, City Clerk G. r� Mr / F ✓ i 0. frt.f Ett,' Z.. ? : p. !+,.. F1 z P r {, t r' ,r.4 r _ ... � it r � f f CITY OF ST. PAUL qt' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 2746 tSubject: - COUNCIL NO PILE N Date Presented-19-1— RESOLVED, resented 191_ RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell oxicating liquors be transferred asindicated pursuant to lications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 228 Froom & Ohlin,245 E. 7th St. Raemue Hansen,245 E. 7th St._ 311 T.A. Benjamin,482 &liseieeippi St. Phillip O'Toole, same Location. I C. F. No. 2749—By henry Mecoll— Io Le ll ol. to That hefOlsell to.t..juatl g n ll4pouantu to , applications in duly edmude therefor: ' u No. 222, from Froom & ohlln, 245 E. 7th SL^, to Rusmuu Hanuen, 246 E. 7th St. from \V. 1. Benjamin. 422 No. 311, �1lseisslppl 54. to Philip O'Toole, same •. )oeatlnn.{ .1ppr.l dhbec cit 5 7, 1914 IJec. .914. (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (✓) Coun erl (✓) Nays I Fa rth Go Kell Mc Yo g Mr. President, Po r JO Adopted by the Council � 191 —kIn favor App 191V Against / /t� MAYOP 2747 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 2747 Subject: O°""CIL NO. FILE v� ✓.. Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated purant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 346 P.H. Courtney, 88 p. 5th St. I T. H. Burton, 88 E. 5th St. Yeas (✓) Co Lncihnen (✓) Nays Fa nsworth C. Y'. No. 2741—BY Henry McColl-� I Heaolved, That the followln9 desig- noted — liquors it bonstransferredce to l - lydicatea pursuant Ce appllcatlone 0.BInlY mnde therefor. No. 246, from P. H. Co I E}'•5th sr. — 5th 9t., to W. H. Burton, 88 App ovodby the? council Dec. 5. 1914. 1914. (Dec. 12-1714) In favor Ki ler M Coll Against ✓c (fi �i Y rg Mr. President, Po ers Yeas (✓) Co Lncihnen (✓) Nays Fa nsworth G s In favor Ki ler M Coll Against ✓c (fi �i Y rg Mr. President, Po ers Adopted by the Council Ap v 1� MAY' Resolved, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized anJ directed to arge off the Street and Sevier ,und the sum of in the repair and Dollars, heretofore exi%enae,i reconst c ion of the Somerville sewer, -and to charge eai3 amount to the Sewer Llaintenance Account of the General Fund, the Barebeing a proper and legitimate charge thereon. C. F. No. 2748—By M. N. Goes— Rssolved, That the Comptroller be and he le hereby authorized and di- ectedto charge off the Street and Sewer Fund the sum of Nine Thousand Dollars, heretoforeXpended In the repair and reconstruction of the Som- 1ervllle ewer, and to charge aid amount to the Sewer. Malnfenan ce Ac- �count of the General Fund, the same being a proper and legitimate charge thereon. Adopted by the Council Nov. 30, 1914. Approved Dec. 1, 1914. (Dec. 5-1914) Adopted by the Council 1971/ 9y Approved / 191 A MAYOR Yeas (1")Counc en (P) Nays Farris rlh In favor / Kelle MCC (9 McC .Against O'Le Yoer Mr. President, vers r.s. e.8-2 - Adopted by the Council 1971/ 9y Approved / 191 A MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL_ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM :0749 COUNCIL No.—� FILE CITY COMPTR -- AUDITED IBI — . {BYPEN •lil.E 137 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and," in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified ! the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council�d 191 Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Farn worthL In favor i / Kell __ ✓LLti Li' (i/r!''.' /„ Mc oll Against " 111«</// O'L ary Yoe Mr. President, P ers pUgI ISIiED Corporate Purposes -Salaries City Officers Salary Fund S. A. Farnew-orth, Municipal Court Fund v 5 9 6 S. A. Farnsworth, C. H. & C. H. Ma.int. Fund 6 57 S. A. Farnsworth, Mayor's Office Salary Fund 6 58 S. A. Farnsworth, City Clerk's office Salary Fund 6 9 S. A. Farnsworth, Comptroller's Fund _6 0 S. A. Farnsworth, Commisetoner of Finance Fund 6 61 S. A. Farnsworth, Corporation Counsel's Office Salary Fund 61 62 S. A. Farnsworth, CITY OF 5T. PAUL T ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. FILE J' 2749: AUDITED--- 1P. UDITED--- 1PE 137 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified R the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council �d 191 Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Farn worth d Q. In favor yif / Kella 4B / Mc oll Against O'LYoe ary Yo f / Mr. President, P wers Corporate Purposes -Salaries City Officers Salary Fund 3,166.6; 6' S S. A. Farnsworth, Municipal Court Fund- J 7.1,67y 4,9 6 6 S. A. Farnsworth, C. H. & C. H. Maint. Fund 863.43 6 57 S. A. Farnsworth, Mayor's Office Salary Fund - 341.66 ✓ 6 58 S. A. Farnsworth, City Clerkta Office Salary Fund 615.00 6 9 S. A. Farnsworth, Comptroller's Fund 1,847.33 6 0 S. A. Farnsworth, Commissmoner of Finance Fund 1,436.67 6 61 S. A. Farnsworth, Cor -ooration Counsel's Office Salary Fundi / J, 1,183.32 6 62 S. A. Farnsworth, #2 Corporate Purposee-Salaries-Cont. General Fund -Purchasing Agent's Fund 1,058.33 626 S. A. Farnsworth, 7 General Fund -Miscellaneous Acct. / 405.00 ✓ 62 4 S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Pub. Safety Salary Fund 341.66 626 S. A. Farnsworth, Police Fund 24,756.31 / 626 S. A. Farnsworth, police Alarm) .� 11 6 ✓ 626 S., A. Farnsworth, So t al Poli c -- - 2 9 - Fire Dept. Fund 626 S. A. Farnsworth, 30,000..9393 f 62 S. A. Farnsworth, (FTotallFire Dept. Fund, 300056 32 ✓ Health Fund 900.00 627 S. A. Farnsworth, ✓ Garbage Fund 3.175.00 627 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -Dairy Expense Acct. 627 S. A. Farnsworth, 405.00 General Fund -Quarantine Acct. b�7 S. A. Farnsworth, 2,589.00 Board of Control Fund 627 S. A. Farnsworth, 2,287.37` Workhouse Fund 62 S. A. Farnsworth, 1,348.33 Com. of Public Works Office Fund rth 925.00'_ 62 6 S. A. Farnewo , Com. of Public Works Fund 6178 7 S. A. Farnsworth, 3.579.92 / Street & Sewer Fund 6 S. A. Farnsworth, 3,2$1.50 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 466.66 v/ 6 79 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. oP., 788.32 6 80 S. A. Farnsworth, N 6 6 Part 11. Corporate Purposes -Salaries Library Fund S. A. Farnsworth, 3.437.76 Total P t l,•...'........ \$194,52 191,086.82 n n 1,.... ......4. 6 Gran Total, 4 58 Corporate Purposes -Sal, -Cont. 2749 General Fund -Election Expense Acct. { S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Public Works Office) 100.08 S. A.'Farnsworth, City Clerk's Office ) Total filar+i m. - :00 Com. of Education's Fund 3 S. A. Farnsworth, 366.66 Com, of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. Fynd 4 S. A. Farnsworth, 835.00 Accommodation Acct., of the School Fund 15 S. A. Farnsworth, - –_ 150.00 School Fund C. F. No. 2749— 749— Resolved that warrants be d' '. upon the City Treasury, payabI e the her. rr� ter epeclfled funds, -In favor of the persona, firma or 6 S. A. Farnsworth, :. poratlone for the amounts set op , their respective names as epecit 91 642.86 . • 6 , ,the following detailed statement: " General Fund -Public Bathe Acct. 'Corporate P.urDeQes—Salaries i offtnera Salary Fund: S. A >: "$3,166.66, worth, Munlc[pa3 Court Fund: S. AF( 7 S. A. Farnsworth! worth, $1,674.99. C. x: C. H. Malnt Fund:. 231.5O Farnsworth, $863.43.- Mayor's Olflce Salary Fund: Com. of Public Utilities Fund Farnsworth, Clerk'e$oaice `Salary Fun A. Farnsworth, 4616.00., Comptrollers Fttmd: S. A. 8 S. A. Farnsworth, worth, $1,34733 Fa f.slonhr$1,43Finance Fur 266 66 A Corporation Cotrpsel's Office Water Dept. Fund p Fund. S. A. Farnsworth, $1,183 nd oral s$19lnq 'F A. Farn worth Ir _ Oenergl ,: und—Mlepellaneoua - 9 S. A. Farnsworth �. A Farte�ort411105,00, Commissioner"or 2556.o8 ! yb. safety :. Fund 3. •'A. FarnaWgrth, $341.66. ! - General Fund Market +••trot. Acct, polls Fynd: Fa A. Farm $24,7as.a1;-•a A newo th, Fat' •-.. Fire Deptp, .Alarm), . 67. - lj'ugqd: Fa •�" 0 S. A. Farnsworth $$0,000:98; -8. A Farn lH a oa: 190.OA ha7F 90000, nr •, Auditorium Acct. 1 S. A. Farnsworth, 639.63 Sprinkling Fund 2 S. A. Farnsworth, ' 5$153.'99° _J9. -O.911.82, Special Funds New Library Bldg. Acct. 3 S. A. Farnsworth, 175.00 " To a l Crn.T� 6Fete-�SSgO� " , .... la 7 R2 Part 11. Corporate Purposes -Salaries Library Fund S. A. Farnsworth, 3.437.76 Total P t l,•...'........ \$194,52 191,086.82 n n 1,.... ......4. 6 Gran Total, 4 58 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM eo0"e'L No. f FILE NOV3 0 1914 �By ADDITED 191_ <,n con En 136 PER T.ILt — Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter& tcified funds'and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Councila lgl!/ ` rth Q � In favor Appro / v 91/¢ Against MAYOR jPers Mr. Presid-- -- +, R(so)ved that warrants be drawn upon "the -City Treasury, payable out of - the hereinafter apeclaed funds and In favor'ef the person;, firms or corpora- - tions for the. amount; set oppaelte their respective names as peclaed in the following detailed statement: • Corporate Purposes — Llgfiting j Ftmd: St Paul Gas Light Co., ItNJ AF cct X 13. Hensler. Mg • rTwin City Lyceum Bureau, $85.00; A. - L. - Snyder, $133,00. I General Fund—Charities Acct: S0-` letY to the Prevention of C lty, 100. E300 00 -school Fund: 'Citizen's,lee & Fuer Co:, $2 337.36, tL� Corporate +µ Park Fund: De nie E. Lane $50000:! I) Amera Hee ITr naPip DCo. $292203: M es for. and Lighting' Fund Street &sewer, $1,6oz.93: J. J. RITTFan„ $409.64: Swanson Br.a., $47( ao Adopted by the Council Nov. 30, 1914.1 _ 6 45 St. Paul Gas Li t Co. APP awed Nov 30 1914. — lO, 625.31 6" (Dec 6-1914) General Fund -Advertising & Publicity ACCt. 62 6 K. B. Hensler, Vgr. Twin City Lyceum Bureau,, 85.00 62 7 A. L.. Snyder, 133.00 T r' General Fund -Charities Acct. E 62 8 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 100.00 School Fund 62 9 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., 2,137.35 Park Fund 62 0 Dennis E. Lane, 800.00 Water Dept. Fund 6 621 American Cast Iron Pipe Co., 2,922.03 62'2 M. N. Goes for Street & Sewer, 620 J. J. Kirwan, 1,502.93 409.54 62 "' Swanson Bros., 4 6.00 _ Total Water 1.3D6 A 2'51 COUNCIL I FILE NO._ _ r 2751 BY/l •�c�rr�-� Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain order to pave with 31" yellow Pine Creosoted Wood Blocks on a 5" Portland Cement Concrete Foundation, Summit avenue, from the east line of Lexington avenue to a point 1038.15 feet West of the west line of Cretin avenue, also making the necessary sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the.property lines complete, where not already made, in said City, instituted and carried on under preliminary order number 39,029, approved April 23rd, 1913, and Final Order number 15,299, approved August 7th, 1913 Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts ani proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Ftnsnce and other Officers and Departments of the City, are hereby authcr_sei ani directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council, 13 .? O 1914. No. 2761 -By S. A. Farnsworth- Ireas: Immediately prior and u I time the existing -Charter of it ,f St. Paul, took effect, there ws sg In the -.office of .the' Board i Whereas: It Is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and pro. edlage to be Tied or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order] re practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be It esolved that the. anid order bo completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as..to all further acts and pro- ceedtngs to be 'done; and. the Commis - stoner, of Finance and other 'Officers -ndeDepartmenta of the City, are here- by autborlsedand directed to continue to .9mplete'the said assessments under the existing Charter, In accordance thereWith. -- ' Adopted by the Council Nov. 30, 1914. Approved Dec. 1, 1914. - (Dec. 6-1914) AAYOR. Yeas Farts worth Yel r McCd 1 OIL' ry Yeor kayo Powers 13 .? O 1914. No. 2761 -By S. A. Farnsworth- Ireas: Immediately prior and u I time the existing -Charter of it ,f St. Paul, took effect, there ws sg In the -.office of .the' Board i Whereas: It Is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and pro. edlage to be Tied or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order] re practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be It esolved that the. anid order bo completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as..to all further acts and pro- ceedtngs to be 'done; and. the Commis - stoner, of Finance and other 'Officers -ndeDepartmenta of the City, are here- by autborlsedand directed to continue to .9mplete'the said assessments under the existing Charter, In accordance thereWith. -- ' Adopted by the Council Nov. 30, 1914. Approved Dec. 1, 1914. - (Dec. 6-1914) AAYOR. 27 fey f� 52 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. 111 the Matter of _.Paving._Fi.11more avenue from South,_Wabasha St., to Hyde St. colder Preliminary Order I _566. _.._._approved September 14th,[ 1914, Intermediary Order _ 1745 approved September 22nd, 1914'__.__ A public (tearing having been had npol the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the salve; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, 133, the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, -stent and kind of iu1- novenient to be. Made by the said City is. Pave .Fillmore Ave., from So. Wabashrt St., to F�yde St. with 3j" long leaf yellow pine Creosote wood•blocks on 5 Portland Cement__foundati.on with all_neces.eary sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the property lines. and the Council hereby orders Said inlprovemeut to be Made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cnnuuissiouer of Public Works he alit] he i. hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for Said improvement, nut] submit same to the Council for approval; that npou Said approval, the proper eit,y officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said iiiii), ill ax-d4-a-t4ierewith. Adopted by the Council. ......... ._,....____...19..14. Approved__ —14 Mayor. coalleil men Fal '11sworthFINAL ORDERS. — In the }fatter of paving Fillmore ave- nue from South Wabashe St to Hyde St. under Preliminary Order1666 so - K, lel' \1 "oil 07 eary Yo rg Mayor Po ers le hearing having been had above improvement upon due idthe CoUncil having heard . objections and r ommen- sle.tive thereto. and having sidered the same; therefore: d'By the Council of the City I that the precise nature. ez kindof improvement to be he sat City is pave Fillmore a So.Wabasha St. to Hyde 3%" long leaf yellow pine 7wood blocks on 5" Portland nodatlon, with all necessary ter and gas connections. from mains to the property lines, suncil hereby orders said im- to be made. J Further. That the Commis - Public Works be and he Is 4—ted and directed to pre - e and spedfl-tio.. for said pre- : a, and submit same to the sapproval; that upon said the proper city officers are thorized and directed to pro - the making of said Improve- ccordance therewith. by the Council Nov. 30, 1914 d':' J)". let. 1914. /Dec. 6-1914) f� 1 A 1 I; i i f f aaj� I 1 tt- K' - t le hearing having been had above improvement upon due idthe CoUncil having heard . objections and r ommen- sle.tive thereto. and having sidered the same; therefore: d'By the Council of the City I that the precise nature. ez kindof improvement to be he sat City is pave Fillmore a So.Wabasha St. to Hyde 3%" long leaf yellow pine 7wood blocks on 5" Portland nodatlon, with all necessary ter and gas connections. from mains to the property lines, suncil hereby orders said im- to be made. J Further. That the Commis - Public Works be and he Is 4—ted and directed to pre - e and spedfl-tio.. for said pre- : a, and submit same to the sapproval; that upon said the proper city officers are thorized and directed to pro - the making of said Improve- ccordance therewith. by the Council Nov. 30, 1914 d':' J)". let. 1914. /Dec. 6-1914) i A 1 I; � i f aaj� t � i f aaj� I tt- K' - t AP (Jl J COUNCIL FILE N0. By _ 6'i ✓ 1 j y ' � FINAL ORDER. L. the Matter „r paving Fillmore avenue from South .wabasha street to.. Hyde._-atr.e.e..t under Preliminary 0rde7%586_ r__approved $prtembeg 14th— 1914 _.. Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having Been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recoaunen(bit ioils; relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of "t. Paul that the vise nature, extent am an� II f� �im� /)r0v.ci(i't to ..made. by a said City is - ��9 ouncil hereby orders said improvement to be nnade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, soul submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authm•ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accorda//nee thm•ewit-h. Adopted by the Council__..._. __ ........................ // / (ity Approvedl-U9141 Mayor. Councilmen Fa nsworth G o. s �J Ke ler / \.0,11 oll 'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers " i F + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE III tele Matter ot_.Paving.._Fillmor.e.._ay.enue.....froln South Wabasha._st_reet to Hyde_ street.......... _ Hader PreliuunHi;v order appru\'ed .__._September ..14th,... 191.4.•. _ To the Council of the City of tit. l Hlll The (1,olon11Nsionei' of Finance hel'eby 1•-pol•ts as follows: The total edtilllated Hl"011ot of the assessolelli for the above improvement is •r .. .... .. .... ... ... .. �RTt`TDz?4\`F_1_FNT APPR^XT+BATF FSTIAIATF Coat per foot. Sand -lime brick $$17,985.83 $9.77 9.62 Granite 17,705.63 8.83 ✓ Sandstone 16,257.93 7.3L✓ 31"Creosoted Block -13,455.93 Brick 12,568.63 6.83► Asphalt p 11,354.43 6.17 Asphalt concrete 9,019. 4.9043. 4 27 Asphalt macadam 7,851.93 6,777.83 3.68 Macadam 8,225.53 4.47 Concrete There house connections are not in, adi for each lot: For sewer, either side of street '27.90 For water, 3j N. side of street 21.00 For water S. side of street 25.00 For gas, N. Side of street 10.00 For gas, S. side of street =5.00 The lots of lial'eels of Illild that In Hy be Hssessl•d helleiils fol• said improvelovilt, And rile aS., e[� \'i1111Ht1on of eaell Int 111' l)H I'C el as lastrYliorted by ill(-Ass-sor, :Ire its follows: t ` V h m DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation Z /�% 6 DESCRIPTION 1 Lot Block ADDITION' In /6� D��l//Join a l i�1 izi w� Asessed Val--tlon iJ `r�C 1 a -01a JJ� L o - da 14 02 37s(, M i .1w DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Wuat;o�, L ��s 160 If),. 0/1 �yo�5� 10 1y DESCRIPTION Lot Blook ADDITION Assessed Valuation ' 46 r The Commissioner of Fivauce Iln•ther repots that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Couneil, together With the report made to hint in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Yublie Works. Dated U/ ..... .... Commissioner of Finanee. _...... ...... 191A.- To 91A.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Cmninissioner'of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn cil, known as Council File No......_1566 approved._...._......_Sent........ 141...._ .............1914......, relative to.._th ........ avin of F llnore Avenue from South Tabasha Street to Hyde Street. �A.1.149.F.e ............. .._..................._....................................................................--...._..................................._......................... ............ _.................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_...... XXa..._...._., and the total cost thereof is .................... and RECEIVED the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....._......_.. p.�.R. ......... Y ,12.•..)w 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part 4............................................................................. ... . ................. ........ 5. Said improvement is.........._A.4. u.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. !__. .......... ......�.._.__...................................................:......._.......... Convniss�oner of Public Works. 4 OSCAR CLAUSSEN. ' M. N. 'GOSS cmen eercnes. coanx�¢ioxae 'eunuc woaxs CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 21, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works,. CITY. Dear Sir,- I transmit,herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Fillmor'o Ave. from South Wabasha St. to Hyde St., in accordance with Council File #1566, approved Sept. 14, 1914. KIND OF PAVEMENT I APPR0XIMATE ESTI1:,1TE _ Sand-lime brickZ7,979.b0= Granite 17,699.30 Sandstone 16,251.60 3j- Creosoted Block 13,449.60 Brick 12,662.30 Asphalt 11,348.10 Asphalt concrete 9,013.10 Asphalt macadam 7,845.60 Macadam 6,771.50 Concrete 8,219.20 Assessable frontage 1,840 ft. Where house connections are not in, add for each lot: For sevger, either side of street 027.90 For water, 3/4- N. side of street 821.00 For water, 30" S. side of street 35.00 For gas, N. side of street 810.00 For gas, S. side of street 5.00 q Respectfully submitted, sY' Chief Engineer. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS & OMAHA hY. CO. T. A. POLLEYS, i oe WAr CouuieeonEu. , H. P. BABLOW , AeeT. R-7 o, WAY CO—ee" e. C. A. LEOOO. gISt. Paul Minn., Oct• 17th, 1914. M oe WAY AOEMT. To the Honorable The City Cnunoil of the City.of St. Paul; St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:- r-7> In regard to proposed pavement of Fillmore Avenue from South wabasha Street to Hyde Street, the Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis & Qnaha Ry.Co., on account of its exemption from paving assessments, feels that i.t would not be proper for it to join in a direct petition for ouch pavixrg, but if the Council should decide to pave said street, this Co, would prefer that it be paved with Kettle River sandstone in preference to any other kind of paving. This is the kind of pavement which this Co, uses along its freight houses and tracks, and the kind which it will use when it paves along its freight house on Fillmore Avenue. Yours truly, Asst.Right of way C- om`r: APProved: vice Presi en . St. Paul,Minn. Aug.24th,1914. TO THE 0O11UJI53IOIINR OF ?UB TIC WORKS: We, the undersigned, property owners on j:41jaiLze Avenue from Wabaj3ha Avenue to Hyde Avenue, respectfully petition you to pave said Avenue with Sandstone paving blocks: R!# - L 07 UN, KIRK '5 Her--- - ------ rmtf . 20, 1914. Wet TO THE HONORABLE ODTMCIL Ob' THE CITY OF ET. PAUL, NINFMWTA We. the Undersigned property owners sbhtting on Fillmore Ave.,. between the limlte of Wabasha and Fyde, do hereby protest against the paving.. of the above Avenue, but in case you decide to order the paving„ we hereby petition your honorable body to use as the material, 8reosoted Wood Paving blocks. DES=PTi4?i pI- P_1?AmR`1'�C_ To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul: - We, the undersigned\ property owners, owning property abutting on Fillmore Ave., between the limits of Wabasha and Hyde strees, do hereby protest against the paving of the said Avenue with sandstone DlocKs, and asX that Creosote BlocX8 be the material used in this paving. >..;M 1914 ,.. TO TIM HONORABLE COMM OF THS CITY OF ST. ?AM. MINNESOTA. We, Via undersigned property owners abutting on Fillmore Ave. , between.the limits of Nabasha and Hyde do hereby petition your honorable body to cause said etreet to be paved with Craosoted Wood Blocks in.accordaanos with plans and specifications of the Commissioner of public Works, and we do hereby withdraw our name from any other petition. CR?'tOtt 0E Ali0�'f?R?"! �' L TREATED TIMBERS AND TIES' WOODAND STONE PAVI NO ;CROSSARMS'AND POSTS i AND BUILDING STONE MAIN OFFICE MINNEAPOLIS IN REPLYING REFER TO THE ATTENTION OF THE WRITER October 30, 1914. Hon. Winn Powers, Mayor, St. Paul, Minn. Dear sir:-- V Referring to petition presented to the Council today, asking reconsideration of your final order for paving Fairfield Avenue. We respectfully suggest that if final orders are not to be final, the whole scheme of your charter as to street improvements is nullified. The charter fully safeguards the right of every property owner. He has ample notice of proposed improvements, and full opportunity to make his wishes known. He has his "day in Court" - three of them in fact, and if he sleeps on his rights his rights should be lost; otherwise you start an endless chain. If this policy of reconsideration obtains a foothold in your proceedings, it means that after every "final order" the representatives of materials not selected will go upon the streets and stir up protest or reconsideration petitions. This will inevitably mean (1) A constant paving squabble all through your administration. (2) Serious interference with the efficiency of the Council whose time will be largely taken up with these "aftermath" petitions. (S) A heavy increase in paving cost to the property owners themselves, for these petitions cost money - a lot of money - and the cost of course becomes a part of the cost (and therefore a part of the selling price) of the paving material. The charter says "final" orders - not "semi-final" or any other designation. For the sake of the Council, and the: propert owners, and the material men, I sincerely hope you will deoide,,—&- final orders when once passed shell be final.. r'. Yours truly, ,_ 8e1 es Manager. COUNCIL FILE N0. 13y---- ........ . __....... ........... FINAL ORDER. hr the Mauer of_.Paving Fairfield avenue from Wabaeha street to Belle St. __.-- ...._...__.... ........ under Preliminary Order 486 .._ __....approved July lets_ 1914......... Intermediary Order _ _.._ 1145 __.. _..approved .._Angus t 13th, ..19.14 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upou due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent slid kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.. pave_ Fairfield avenue from Wabaeha street to Belle St., with 3j" long leaf ellow pine Creosote wood blooke on 5'0 -Port- land Cement found tion with al yl necessary sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the property lines. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are herediy authorized and directed to proceed with the staking of said improv n aecgrdalye/therewith. Adopted by the Council ... .we).......19._._14 City C rk. Approved...�� ._19...1..4 f� --.:_ .; ..; _ - __ _— _ It ryo•. Cotwci]nuu Fa sworth 1 11 0 ary Y g Mayor P ere � � l COUNCIL FILE N0. 13y---- ........ . __....... ........... FINAL ORDER. hr the Mauer of_.Paving Fairfield avenue from Wabaeha street to Belle St. __.-- ...._...__.... ........ under Preliminary Order 486 .._ __....approved July lets_ 1914......... Intermediary Order _ _.._ 1145 __.. _..approved .._Angus t 13th, ..19.14 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upou due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent slid kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.. pave_ Fairfield avenue from Wabaeha street to Belle St., with 3j" long leaf ellow pine Creosote wood blooke on 5'0 -Port- land Cement found tion with al yl necessary sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the property lines. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are herediy authorized and directed to proceed with the staking of said improv n aecgrdalye/therewith. Adopted by the Council ... .we).......19._._14 City C rk. Approved...�� ._19...1..4 f� --.:_ .; ..; _ - __ _— _ It ryo•. Cotwci]nuu Fa sworth 1 11 0 ary Y g Mayor P ere COUNCIL FILE .f 1 FINAL ORDER. In the 'Matter of .paving of Fairfield Avenue from Wabasha Street to _Belle...$treet ___ __ __......_ _............._____ under Preliminary Order. _.__....49.6........_....... .... _.......... approved ____July...lx_ 1914 ]ntermedixi•y Order approved �t notice and the Council A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement tl , and recommendations relative having fully considered the having heard all persons, objections same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the-ti Oct. 20, 1914. TO TIM HONOPWRTE COTITCIT OF THF CITY OF ST. PATPI„ NIITNFSOTA. She, tLe undersigned property owners abutting on Fairfield Ave., between the limits of WabaBha and Belle do hereby petiticn your honorable body to cause said street. to be paved with Creosoted Wood Blocks in accordance with plans and specifications of the Commissioner of Public Works, and we do hereby withdraw our name from any other petition. NAS IgSCRIPTION OF PROPrRTY FROITTAGE MINNESOTA JsA0AkONI co;, 41, s 4/o�` 1"ORTH 1 t E Rid S Or 11 'b l'yORKS: (d NnNCHOF Ni a0LE0.D G0,� I 1�j.. Per - R4ana9er. G V THE Vt AUME LUMBER I!n , a a Mi St. Paul MinnSeptember 10 th. 1914 To The City council of the city of St.Paul Ramsey County Minn. live the undersigned owners of Property on ',;est Fairfield AvenAe in the city of St. Paul Minn. between South 'Nabasha Street& Bell - e Street Take this means of protesting against the paving of the Said -"Jest fairfield Ave. between South Tabasha Street & Belle Street. as we are very much opposed to having the said Fairfield Ave . paved at this timyo Names Property Owned �,AW let -.,4.F' 6,51 0. -7 xz W st. Paul 1.11inn. Aug. 24th, 1914. TO THE 001.1:1ISSIO111IR OF PU.13TIC I""OjMc;: Ide, the undersigned, property owners on Fairfield Avenue from 17abasha Avenue to Halle Avenue, respectfully petition you to pave said Avenue frith Sandstone paving blocks. lk to �P iIT (3e&� 4-,F? To The Commissioner of Publio Works: We, the undersigned property owners on Fairfield Avenue from Bell to Wabasha respeotfully petition you to pave said Avenue with Sandstone paving •Blooks: MINNl TA �1:& e, 10 5 I t� z' I+ s THE ViLLAUME BOX & LU ER CO. 5� I q3 r *t4(0 I (05 Zso v �.�--ter 5 YOEIRG! BREWING CO.A D' A`° 19 cp jqg AW I -iia fir; o THE HONORABLE COMMON Cvui7��+ 10 u ra 1 3 14 C I T Y. Gentlemen: -- We, the undersigned, owners of the property abutting on Fairfield from Wabasha to Bell do hereby etition your Honorable Body to cause said Avenue to be paved between the points above mentioned with Asphaltio Conorete ON6TER LOT BLS. ADDITION FRONTAGE jig � 1y3 i � d 8 30 L U C;�. Sty. a Srn r lu Sr. r,.;.. THE HONORABLE COMMON Cvui7��+ 10 u ra 1 3 14 C I T Y. Gentlemen: -- We, the undersigned, owners of the property abutting on Fairfield from Wabasha to Bell do hereby etition your Honorable Body to cause said Avenue to be paved between the points above mentioned with Asphaltio Conorete ON6TER LOT BLS. ADDITION FRONTAGE jig � 1y3 i � d 8 30 L U 7 1 <. p I, I � • ✓� 17 sI w a u 32 it� �-Ll✓lad'�,.�- r I - v F S jig � 1y3 i � d 8 TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: We the undersigned, owners of real estate on West Fairfield Avenue between South Wabasha Street and Belle Street in the City of St.Paul,Minn., most respectfully and urgently protest against the paving of said Fairfield Agenue between the above named po n a. ---- RESIDENCE PROPERTY OWNED FRONTA 'I(— E RESIDENCE PROPERTY OWNED FRONTAGE•= 17 ro TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: v Zy 1,60 s p I P /�O } n r ire Fairfield Avenue between South Wabasha Street and Belle City St.Paul,Minn., most respectfully and urgently d� .-' in the of protest against the paving of said Fairfield Avenue between the above named points: � s? r } NAME RESIDENCE PROPERTY OWNED FRONTAGE a s 1 Y 14 I r/ A 2 tic%• -'.� � f 9 ! s' 5z TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: We the undersigned, owners of real estate on West FAirfield Avenue between South Wabasha Street and Belle Street in the City of St. Paul Minn. moat respectfully and urgently protest against the paving of l� A id"Fairfield Avenue betwee t N' E RESIDENCE PROPERTY OWNED FRONTAGE•= ro TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: v Zy 1,60 s p I P /�O } �-• ire Fairfield Avenue between South Wabasha Street and Belle City St.Paul,Minn., most respectfully and urgently d� .-' in the of protest against the paving of said Fairfield Avenue between the above named points: � ti TO THE,,,HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: We, the undersigned, owners of real estate on West Fairfield Avenue between south Wabasha Street and Belle Street in the City of St.Paul,Minn., most re- spectfuily and urgently prote@t against the paving of said Fairfield Avenue be- tween the ointe� IYNNE8071! G b Flu a c a* I� ro TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: v s p I P We the undersigned, openers of real estate on West Street } �-• ire TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: v p I P We the undersigned, openers of real estate on West Street } Fairfield Avenue between South Wabasha Street and Belle City St.Paul,Minn., most respectfully and urgently e .-' in the of protest against the paving of said Fairfield Avenue between the above named points: � s? r } NAME RESIDENCE PROPERTY OWNED FRONTAGE a s 1 Aj A 2 Qe�ai a �Q� I _ Oct. 20, 1914. iPPPM TO THE 1101TOBA1PId' COUNCII, OF Mr,, CITY OF ST. PAUL, ,,U:IT,'7FSOTA We, the undersigned propert-r owners abiZtting on Fairfield Ave., between the limits of Wabasha and Belle, do hereby protest against the paving, of the above Avenue, but in case you decide to order the paving, we hereby petition your honorable body to use as the mat?riwl, Oreosoted 1Tood Paving blocks. NATM DESCRIPT70`7 0 . PFOP_r_RTY FROTTTAGE LT 73 1145 19-1 DESCRIPTION L Block ADDITION _I AFF2FFC(l VH11,9tlOD --_ -L - G�,o 45 I Assessed xaluat;on D SCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION _aur. o /92 o DESCRIPTION T Lotl Bloc ADDITION Assesl Valuation � 169: 0 DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION Assessed Velietion 2_� —_ — -i / tr � I / � � Geo • �._ : / .�.� � _-. q 701 9I V--- t r t The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Conicil, together with the report made to him in referenee to said matter by the Commissioner of Yublie Woks. Dated... 19]__ C0111 nlissloler of Finanee. ■ 1145 ..... _ __.. _. .... ' under Preliminary Order approved ..__._.... -July 1, 1914.. _.._ ..................._.._...... ............. _........_........._.._. 'Po the Council of the City of St. Pahl: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estinulted amoont of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ................... KIND OF PAVEMFTNT- APPROXIMATE EST. T I COST PER FRONFOOT ------- --------------------------------------- ---- Sandlime brick $34675.76- $8.71 Granite 34139.78 8.59 Sandstone 30566.58 7.69 ✓ 3j" Creosoted Block 26100.08 -- - -6.75 ✓ Brick 24492.14 6.16 ✓� Asphalt 22080.23 5.55 Asphalt concrete 17613.73 4.43 Asphalt Macadam 15827.13 3.98 Macadam 13593.88 " 3,42 Concrete 16005.79 4.03 For sewer, either -aide of street 027.90 For water, 3/4t1, N. side of street 21.00 For water, 3/4'e1, S. side of street 35.00 For gas, N. side of street $11.00 For eas. S. Side of street 5.50 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed y \aluatlon of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, 111't'. Na follows: j f I 14.5 A June 29th 1914. TO THE HONORABLE COUaiISSIONERS OF PUBLIC WORKS:-- We, the undersigned property owners, owning pro- perty on Fairfield Avenue (an arterial street leading to Ohio Street and River Road) from Wabasha Street to Bell Street, do hereby honorably petition you to have Fairfield Avenue paved with such material as the City Engineer may recommend. ,i MINNESOTA MACARONI C®„ � L 17t YILLAUIVIL WX & LUN113LK W. �GINEER'Sp�, U JUL 2 1914 ST. PAUL,,�Q' ®I►» Eso M: Resolved; That the contract bearing date November 28th, 1914, by and between 0 Neil & Preston and the City of St. Paul, for the con.—, struction of a sewer on Fry street from University avenue to St. Anthony avenue, be and.,t)}e: same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorised -and directed to execute the same—on behalf of the City. t CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office f �, .1911/ leeceejived of City Clerk f v, 4 Y'L J/ Yeas- (11) Cot4cilnen (P) Nays 191 Adopted by the Council—1 Fe sworth / y In favor l4, er Approve — - -- — — oll ___Against ary Yrg -- — --- Mr. Preside Powers — MAYOR FORM O.8.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolveti,'That the contract bearing date November 90th, 1914, by and . be J J. Connolly and the City of St. Paul, for curbing Tatum , avenue from Minnehaha street to Chelton street, and Cheiton street from Prior avenue to Tatum avenue,, -;be and the same Is hereby approv- ed, and the proper city officers .are "authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the. City. C. F No 2766 Resolved What the contract beari g date N . Co 30th 1914 h and be '"� CITY OF SAINT PAUL. - 'iween J J Connolly and the Clty, of 1 from for curblng.,Tatum avenue Ifrom Bfinnehaha' street m Chalton City Clerk's Office l.treet et and Chelton strefrom Prlor ay nve to Tatum avenue be and the ' ZpIs hereby approved and ,the ,+ % %/ , Ipropgt clty,nfficers are.authorizad andl�/' Gf 'u act d t execu[e the same on behalf ........ f .. lyl.._y of tho City ... ... a Adopted by. the CoUnei.Dea 1, 19141, f II �:. Approved Doc 2� 3914. _t'�e s-1914> Received �of C'ly Clerk liLGr'� ✓ c•e'�7'"1.t, aroma GJG�-�w�,•. �.�`./]� . F Pc.,.� :1r -ass -t l✓"rw��_ ✓/1�C.�. `rrvt-`=ilk/r �6 Yeas (1^)tF en (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council I91 rth In favor V Approv99�191 _ __Against Mc Presiers — - -- MAYOR Mr. C.B•2 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM • Subject:- --=-°_ ... _...... ......._.. _ ___......_....._._..:...__........_...._ ... _....-- -- , d�1 c�7 COUNCIL FILE NO. .. :_............. Date Presented .......... =-191.-....-.. Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 30th, 1914, by and bAwe6h Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for grading end Improving Hythe street from Doswell street to Hendon street, be :and the same is.hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorised and directed to exii4te_,0e same on behalf of the City. r C F No 2769— Resolved, Thal. the contract hA'aq � .dater Chrls - 90th: 1914 th and ITY OF CAIN P PAUL twee Chrlet dohneon1and the Cd of 9L Pnul :. to grafltnq and lmpruytnq Rythe tenet from Doswell street+to-I rrendi, ""at;d, dna the .ams tee d'' Cit Clerk's Office hereby approved, and the prOper`eftY' y o8lcers are authorized and directed to e- [ execute the eam on,.behat[ of the Clty. `- Adopted pyy the Councll Dec. 1, 1914. -s^//[1 A . pproved D6 2; 1914. ..:.... ............. (...F,..... 191 LI (Dec. 6-1914) Received of erk colt, 6*`'" , 1'�z pal L �) ? Z'1-1�1 _._ i/ Yeas (r) Cot icilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council Far sworth / _to___In favor Kel r Approve _Z __ __ Z 91 V _ Mc oil Against O' ary Yo g Mr. President, Owers — ---- — MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: -- ___..............._. _ _._ .............. — COqMCIL �Cy�If(j FILE NO..:.... '..... Date Presented ---------_191:..---... Resolved, fhat the contract bearing date ,November 88th, 1914, by and betareen J. J. Connolly and the City of 8t. Paul, for ourbing Lincoln avenue from Pascal aveiteie.,*.-Albert avenue, be and the same Is hereby approved, and.t e,..proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City., CITY OF SAINT PAUL tt;(o CI—I". Art: -- Yeas (1) Cou cilmen (P) Nays , Adopted by the Council____=L/ Far worth In favor — - KelleL. Approved__. Z 191: McC 11 Against o. y -- --� Yoer Mr. President'' wars - - MAYOR IORM C.E•4 .. . . -... .,. MW 2758 COUNCIL FILLF N -O. BY✓ 2758 r Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order, approved March 24th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Cleveland avenue from Scudder street to a point 140 feet south of-the.South line of Commonwealth Ave., in said'City. Whereas: Itis the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the complati'on-of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms.and; provisions"of' the existing Charter. - Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the"terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council, -1 +sad °�"d qvI to the time�tgul mok dBecEtthexa was 1914• bending In.the asipe.pt'athy� gaprd`.ot Publla Wtlr$e � a certain g�tttnt�al Crder.: aggraYed AZn!'leve and14 avenuC, rem' s:e war vn; G allYeas Nay Scudder 0#ept tit is line nt x Cor feet epgth bt the south 111ta pt Common }t wealth Av$., in salt C1tY g .-yPhpteas. It fe the oDintpn ofthCe Far or th �e al„ige Loeb has for done reaietiverto ;are Praaticeber a to be :done under zahe ,terms and-grov�slois?ot the ex)etm6 -'Charter it, reso]ved, thaE :the, :, TheretOre; be 8e 1 ! said order. be completed under the Chn t r as'tor all further acts andhe apro-'_ ,eeedtnds to `be done; and the Coidmis- 1 add Of of the'CItY are herebl. odthorised j,nnfl directed to' continnp_ to complete the saki oeeessmente. vn-. ° Q I L ry .der, the existing Charter In atecordancQ.- `therOQrlth.,-. Adogtedybv She :Council Dec. 1. 1914, YeO Apgrnved Dnec ,6 1914) May Powers Approved 1914. MAYO R • COUNCIL FILE. NO.___2,7,5!qL BY - _— - Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works,` a oler:tain Final Order, approved Jan:,. 26th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Front street from Dale St. to Mackubin street, in said City.,' Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all -further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in acc rdance. therewith C F No 3769—Hv f3 :l Farnemorth— ' Whereas �.Immedlatey prior afiA,up Aitopta t by the Council, to the time-.iha a Intlag Chanter. ef. ihe' Clty of St Paul took'effe6 there;mas :enndfptl.; the oRlee�gf the Board of; 1914• rPnblio orke a:cer; 1n Ftnal;Crder-� apptoyed--,Jan 39th,. 414 t0 "conetrudt; t a Wer,onn(str street frbm'Dd1g Z�3LL to Mackubin An,, .,6 sped C�tiy Whereas:: It Ss the 'apfnlon rof ;ahfa: a8 �A yB �c edIng" that alt other..acte andc:pra `; :ceedinga:,to:be had or 'done reffitive t , aforeeald',o-Ithq . FBrns rth are pRaaifdpble to be ;done under: the; -farms and;,:provielona hof the e5detfug. Ch taA The;etese: be ft .resolved that.: the. eald`order be eompleted under'. the :terms egd!a'provlelons-bf the, exlpting: i 'Chatter'as to all further acte,'aud=prom :e6dingp oto be done and the Commis• _ Heller @loner a Penance and other bek era; and departmefits of eted ityto, are hne"to authWlsed:^and dl acted to gontfriue to, MoColl tomplettp the eafd aspesemente nhder 'the. afeting Charter -. ,7n aceordange ',theremltjl gptad by 46a Council Dec 1, :1914: AppcovedDea 2;.1914. 0 t Lear cnea 9x141 _ - Yeo re Mayor were Approve 2 2 1914. MAYOR 2760 i COUNCIL FILE NO. 2760 U BY „�r�/A� - - - AL Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order, approved March 24th, 1914, to construct a sewer on W-nona street from Ohio street to Manomin street, in said City. Whereas: It is the.opinion of this Council, that other acts and proceedings to be had or ;done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practi,aable.to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments 'under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: F No also -13y &. A. Farnsworth=: Adopted by th Council, Whereas:Immediately prior &nd pp 2�tlle time the existing Charter bf the 1914 ,Ppaurbaliiocnf6Y,in' t4 nsththe.. aorteoloe7at'-0f,, .er1fif tFhl- e�tdshla3;erd-.waosr 0r�ar, appravoq;xarch 24th 1914 te.00geirEldu 'a aewer on;Wtnona"atr7fer trortr ;Oh11Y, yeas _ �ay street ao Manomtn street, !n aa{5t L1Ey.' ` Whareas.`It fs"the, pinlon.,of=Ap. ;Council; that all other;-aots apdslpm- ,ceedings oto be had or, done-relativa�to, jFaor th ,the: cotnpletlon'of the,. aforesaid order aro.praeticabl. to be -done under :the teime'-and Drovlaiona<of the..eaisting Charter :. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order. 'be_.completed' under the terms and provisions of ,the existing r `Charter as to all further acts and. pro- ceedings to be don.; and. the Commie- sloner of Finance and other officers. and departments of the City arehereby 1 authorlaed and directed to continue to omplete the said asaessmente under ing Charter, 1n accordancethewith.ry Adoptedby the Council Dec. 1, 1914. ApprovedDec. 2, 1914. (Dec. 6-1914) Powers Approved 1914. MAYOR 1 at COUNCIL FILF NO.,_,U B Y� �2 2761 Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. paul took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain final order, Approved May 13th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Hatch Street from Mackubin street to Arundel avenue, and a temporaty outlet as ler on Mackubin street from front street to Hatch street, in said City. Whereas: It is the opinion of hie Council, that all other acts and proceedings tq;.be•.had'o",r done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the esieting Charter: Therefore, -.be it,resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council, p�� f 1914. as Farns orth Belle McCol O'Leary Yeor Mayo. Powers 14 'OR s 2'762 COUNCIL FILE NO. 2762 � Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain final order, approved April 30th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Ma�F_aret street from Duluth avenue to Gotzian street, in said City, Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter: a Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed. under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authori:.id and directed to continue to complete the said at@sessment'e under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: e C F No. .2752—By S. A. Farnsworth— Adopted by the Councils Whereas: Immediately prior and up y�- to the time the exteting.Charten'of'the �1 1914. etcy f St; Paul took affect there was pending In the office 61 -the Board of Publia. Works ace talinal order, ap- proved April 30th 1914,lto construct a ' sewer on Margaret at?Obt from Duluth as Nay® wWhereas: Iue to t IIan s theropl.In nlou of tlhi Council. Sthat : all -other acts and pro- ceedings to behad or done relative to 4Farnerth the completion of the.aforesald.order was practicable. to be -dose under the termsand, provisions of the existing CharterTherefore. be it resolved .that the said order -be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and pro- Kell ro- ceedingafto be done; and the Commis- sloner .of Flo-- and other officers and departments of the City are. hereby. MQ CQ 1 authorized and directed to continue to ompletc the said -assessments -under the existing Charter, In accordance therewith O ' Ler Adopted by the .Council Dec. 1, 1914. y Approved Dec. 2, 1914. (Dec. 5-19}4) Yeort 4 may Powers Approve 191 MAYOR M 2763 COUNCIL FILE NO. 2763 BY/j ��a4a/ice Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain final order, approved January 26th, 1914, to Construct a sewer on Reaney street from Clarence street to a point 265 feet eaet,:'o£.:-the east line of Clarence street, �lr . in said City. Whereas: it is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts anti proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practionble to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter: Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and rrovisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by th Council, O/ J 1914. Yeas Naye -C.:F. No. 2762—By S. A. Farnswortb— Whereas. Immediately prior' and p Farn North to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took eftct,et-;Bdw ,pending in the Mae. thof Public Works, A certanifinal - :order. Approved January 26th, 1914, to'con- atructa sewer, on>Reaney'street. from Clarence` street to a.point 266 feet saaf Kelle r oflttheie ast line of Clarence street, in u City h It 1. the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and pro - M0001 c edI Ig to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order a're practicable to be done under the iterms.. andyroyisione, at j4e_existing.I _ 0' Le y ( Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under- the (terms and provielons oY 'the' existing Yeorg Charter as to'all'Yurther acts and pro- ceedings to be done; and the Commis- stoner of, Finance and other.' officer... -- 1914 Mayor Powers and departments of the City are hereby y authorized and directed to continue to ";complete the said Assessments under ;the existing Charter, :IA Accordance AYOR therewith. Adopted by the Council Dec. 1, 1914. Approved Dec. 2, 1914. (Dec. 6-1914) 2764 COUNCIL FILE NO. 276 r' BY O//� Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain final order, approved April 30th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Sixth street from a point 340 feet east of the east line of Duluth avenue to Atlantic.street and on Atlantice street from Sixth,street to Margaret street, in said City. Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be'had or done relativb to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be dongii under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter: .Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are herety authorized and directed to contllnue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Coun011, he ene'i° BetQt iy p l � and at ;n� 1914. yto nm e act, ae ;the i Cen f St hPaul- took $ Was lG P ding t th Hies of the Bo fl of! P bil v -Wo k attain Anal-oder," approved Ap II 30th.' 1914 to eonst uct Nays 340 tee[ on t o1Y the ea ttilne ol'Duluth' Y as avenue to Atlantic street and' on At- lantic street from Sixth;street to Mar-, Saret street In said City. F8rT18 Orth Whereaa:It Is"the'opinlon of this Council; ,that all 'other acts and pro. the be.hat7'or doae.S and o. the. Completion;; Of.abe-aforesaid order at @ practicable to -.be done .under the terms and proVislans of the ealating� Chartr. Rall r Therefore be It'reaolvel that tho said order ba completed under the tarda and no of the eztattng Charter ae to all further act- and pro- MCCG 1 ceedings [o be done; and the Cominis- 6loner of Flnsace -and other G icerel .authorlaed ane 8lreet B to co are to L ry the pe, tine ala assessments under. :therewith. a -'Charter, in accordance Yeol Adopted by the Conned Dec. 1, 1914. j Approved Dec. 2,51114 ._- ), 1914}, Mayo Poweils. Appro (Dec. 1914 ATOR. 2765 COUNC,ILL FILLSE NO. -97Q-5 BY Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order approved March 24th, 1914; to construct a sewer on Ninth street from Temperance street to the East line of Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivision No. 24, in said City. Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done, under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter: Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officera and Departments of the City are herebj authorized and directed to Conttnue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council, C. r. No. 2466—try &%'. -an and up Whereas Immedlatq to the time the ezletid'(lnarter of the Paul, too])44 },Er�ect :there rasa City f St nt Ftnal In 1914• vending lfe_ Works a• o s itip.t to con.tsVot I approved March 29ttr a 14 jtanth.,4th Y s Nays anew arrest k line of fAt 12. Aaditor's Subdlyision'No. 24, 1n said City. i Whereat. It is the opinion of this douncil that, all othe;' ante and pro- to Farre Orth cording to be had or done, relaLtve order the completion of the aforesaid p16 doneto be under racticabrovleiona nexisting are of terms 4dP Charter. Therefore. be it eeolvad that the under the Re 112 .aid order be completed terms and 'provision$ of the exists 0! adm1a-I f Charter ae the done:t and the C4mts " other officers. MCCOl i eioners oft Finan a and departOrjment. of ttie City are here- to to comhyylete the saidand irected s$ee,Maents under Srt accordance. O ' Lea the ex sting Charter. there With. Co9ncil Dec. S, 1919. Adopted by the Approved Dec. 2. 3914. Ye or g (Dec. 6-1914) Mayor ewers A rev_1914. pp __�MAYOR. c v66 2'66 COUNCIL FILE NO. BY Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order, approved April 30th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Roebe'street opposite Lot 4, Block 8, Ridgewood Park to Ridgewood avenue, in said City. Whereas: It is the Qp,inion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had o,l, done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and Provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to ail further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commisssioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council, 1914. C. F. No 2766—By S A. Farnsworth—I Whereas: Immedlately-prior and up! to the time the exbrilfig Charter of the Yeas Nays City of St Paul, took offeet there was: ggentling In the o$ice oP .the Board of public. Works, a certain "AFI al. rdor. approved Aprii SOth. 1919 to •construct a sewer on Roebe street opposite Lot jaorth 4, Meek S, Rldgerrood'Pat to,Rldge- woodd avenue, in said -City. � Whereas: It le the `qp1 16, `of this Conncll.taht all otiier.,act� sand pro ceedinge to De had'oc'done=ielative to - rthe.Irompletieh of the: Aforesaid order :are practicable to be done under the term., and provisions of theexleting, Charter.Therefore,. be It resolyed that thesaid order be ompleted under the terars and provision. of the. existing,arter, as to all furthernotaaad;proasedinga to be done; and the Commtaclone, pf, Finance and--other o kers y And departments of the city ar, ¢Mr.,dikthorize-nod.,direoted:"to continue to let. dlie iDald - aeseeemente ilnder Ch&rter - 1r, accardat.. thereWltz Adopted by the Councli Dep. }, 1914.by 1914. Powers Appr4 approved Dec a 1s14.(Dec. 6 1x14) MAYOR. 1276 276'7 COUNC`ILL FILE //NO. BY/ (// ✓��� i� Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the ,,ity of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order,'approved April 24th, 1914, to grade Sargent street between Syndicate avenue and Griggs street, in said City. Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commisssioner of Fiaance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council, 1914. Yeas Fa worth $el er �j He 11 O'Li ary Yeo g May I r Powers 14. YOR. COUNCIL FILE NO..2768, AJ BY�1»� Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain -Final Order, approved February 10th, 1914, to Grade the Alley in Block 1, Stone and Morton's Addition, in said City. Whereas: Tt is the,opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relatiye to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done undir the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commisssioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the C tol.ly IF 914. F No _ C Wtiereae;�Immediately Prior end up. to the time-tha to ing Charter oY the Yeas Nays cityFaul, took effect there was pDending in the otfiue of the ]3oard of Publfc Works, a certain Fi :t Order, I February loth. 1914 n grade Fa worth the alley Sj 31ock 1. Saone and Mor- ton'e Addition, in said City. Whersae: It ie the opinion of this Powers i to be had or iptettdn of the cites. a to be .nd provisions fore, be it re Ser be efona ,nd provisions as to all furtk s to be done; of Finance ar therewithd . Adopteby the Council Dec. 1, 1914. ` Approved Dec. 2, 1914.. 1914. e..y.�. (Dec. 5.1914) YOR. a 11/11-1 a. 2`769 COUNCILFILE NO? BYW'"////? f���t Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final order, approved May 8th, 1914, to construct a' sewer on .jjaa amine --- street from Woodland street (recently vacated) to Trout Brook, in said City. Whereas: Tt is the opinion of this Counctl, that all other acts ani proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done undsr the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed. under the terms and rrovisione of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the CommiBB9ioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Cq nci 1, C. F. No. 2769—BY S. A. Farnsworth— / 1914 � Whereas: Immediately prior and up he Ci the time the existing Charter of the City of Sit Phe took effect therewe.of Public Works, acertain ce of the Finalo Order, Yeas Nays approved May 8th, 1914, to canstroot a sewer on Jessamine street from Wood-' land street (recently vacated) to Trout Farn worth Brook, In said City. Whereas: It Is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and pro- ceedings to be had or done relative to the completion f the aforesaid order are practicable to be 'done under the terms and provisions of the existing Kell, r Charter. Therefore, be It resolved that the said order be completed nder the terms and provisions of the 'existing Yo Cc 1 Charter as to all further acts and pro- ceedings to be done; and the Commfe- sioner of Finance and other. o8lcera O � Le author ed and dir ctedthe CtoYare continue to ompelete ttie said assessments :under the xfetlne Charter. In acordance Iherewlth. YeOTg Adopted by the Council Dec. 1, 1914. Approved Dec.'(Dec.25-1914: . T9 Mayor Powers APpr � � � w14)i 1-1914. COUNCIL FILE NO.2170 _. 1 Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain condemnation proceeding, instituted and carried on under Preliminary Order No. 15,043, approved May 12th, 19130 and Final Order No. 40.740, approved November 12th, 1913, for the Opening, Widening and Extension of Burne avenue, from the East line of Wessel's Addition to the East line of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22, by condemning and taking a $trip of land 60 feet in width, not already laid out as a strestrj lying north of, and abutting on the south line of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22, and extending from the East Line of 9lessel's Addition to the East line of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22, and Whereas: It is the.opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: C. F. No. 2770—By S. A: Adopted b the Council, to the Wh : the xl.taly phi p y CA .1 the there .h, eplatdii W 6_Y/—// of ct B rd e P bile Wort , 1914. talo condemnation nender l under d tuted and eared on . . -Order No. 16, O al043 approved No. 4� approved a 1913, nd Fin- ea8 Nays proved November 12th, 1913 'opening. widening and ext - Burns avenue, from the ear Weseel's Addition Ao the as Irnorth section 34, Towneliip''29,"Rah ' 60 ndemning and .taking a sit feet In width, not alrea. is n street. lying north of, ng on the south line of rT Inge 22, and extending. fro / f Weasel's Addition �tnd Section 34, TowneTilO hereas: It is the .otell, that all other 'n 9to be h+aoletl­y Powers Approved ^ _1914 MAYOR 2771 COUNCIL FILE NO. 2771 ,i Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order; approved March 10th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Curtice street, from Oakdale avenue to Woodbury avenue in said City. Whereas: It'i4 the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relatide to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be donjl under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter: _Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter ae to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the -City are heresy authorized and directed to contlinue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith, Adopted by the Councils TY-- 2J 1914. as Nays F8 TA lorth %e 1 r / 6/ Mo 1 C. P. No 2771-8t' BFa NheT a Imm"pol telt' pr) ( to the ti—the ealsti g Cha:.. City of St Paul, took effect, pending In the 'ottice or the . Public Works, a certain. Ff't. approv a March 10th 1914, ' struct a sewer on Curtice etr• , Oakdale avenue to Woodbuty.r said City. Wher ns: It 1s the opinion ` Council. that allther sets a ceedings to be bad.or _ done rel 'he' cornpletion of the stoves s practicable to be done i ma ;nad' provisions of the c• rtes.-- ' orefore, be it resolved order be completed -� and p allelo f th_,� ae to 11 tfurther to be done xn i rr t OIL ry: Yeo Hay Poweifs- APPro 2 1914. r ATOR. PUBLISIiED/ / �4 COUNICIL FILE NO 2712 2772 'Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect, there was pending in the'Office of the Board of Public Works, Final Order No.39,648, Approved July 10th, 1913 and Final Order No. 40,123, approved August 27th, 1913, for the construction of Sewers on Goodr�h Ave., from Finn Ave. to Woodlawn avenue. Fairmount avenue from Cleveland avenue to Woodl1wn`Avtn e. Princeton Avenue from Cleveland avenue to the Mississippi River. St. Clair street from Cleveland avenue to the Mississippi river Boulevard. Mississippi River Boulevard, from St. Clair street to Goodrich avenue. Woodlawn avenue from Goodrich avenue to St. Clair street. Cleveland avenue from St. Clair street to Fairmount avenue. Cretin avenue from Goodricti avenue to Lincoln avenue. Lincoln avenue from Cretin avenue to Finn avenue. Sargent avenue from Cretin avenue to Woodlawn avenue And Srp,,jqn t avenue from Cretin avenue to a point 360 feet east �.)f the east line rof Finn avenue, and known as the(Woodlawn-Fairmount Sewer System, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that al.11other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter" Therefore, be it resolved that the said ordersbe completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by th:e,Mouncil, O. F. No. 2772—By S. A. r-' Whereas. Immediately pri 1914. ,to the time theoxisting Cha, -City of SL F dft 1, t2l' took e7feteltA' ' V e onto. 0 P.1,11. rk., Picot %d., Yeas Nays , ,ppr.vcd' J.1, 10tb. 1 13 Ird- N*- 10 d ��_ t'III, or. the conetrvotion of n Goodrich AY,-frorn Finn AQ0. to 1— avenue;,V&1r.di,.t Fa Sworth C1 ... lend Princetonveno f C11 nue to the Misels-1ppi ' rive: street from Cleveland.7av, Misal Ippi river R.,11-- .81 PPI River Boulevard. .treet to Goodrich avc jKeer ",Ienuefrom G.0,` Or street. 01., Clair tr,.-!t I. In 'vet Mo 11 In 0 Dairy Ye c rg 1914 Ma)Dr Powers MAYOR I I 277a COUNCIL FILE NO., INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of grading and p47ing Aliey in Block 18, Summit Park Addition, .from 71c.toria street to Avon stxeet,. under Preliminary Order.... $Kal November 7th, The Council of the City of St. Paid having received the report of the Conimissitowr of Finance upoll the above improvement, and having considered said rePOrt, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be. and the sanie is hereby approved ;in(] adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. S. That the nature of the improvement which the Cooll,il r,coalolellds j, g.rade—and pay.e., 'Al I e y ... ... ... ... ... .. ... in Summit Park Addition from Victoria street to Avon street. with no alternatives, all(] that the estimated cost thereof is 800�,43 .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had Oil said improvement on the 4th --day of January 191.5 . at the hour of ....o'clock A e in the Q0:qPcA..1.. -Chamber 61 ronin of the Court House and City Hall Building ill the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the inwrov,ol,lit, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C Approved 12 Councilmen Mayo I I 'M 2`74 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. III the Matter of grading and Paving Alley in Block_., 7, _Summit. Park Addition, fro»t__Avon street. to_.Grotto, street. under Preliminary Orden _ 4a.Q _ .__,lpproved _November 7th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul- having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upotl the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. •a. That the nature of the improvement which the Council rrcmunlen(Is is_..._gr3d.ing.and Paving Alley in Block 7,_Summit Park Addition. from Avon street to Grotto street: with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *_3i_7.+21_+> g._..._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement n11 the__. 4 ay of J.anuar.y_. _ _. _.1915 at the hour of __..i.Qo'clock._ _-1-M., in the _C.Q>1nC1_l.__C1;ambeT 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persGms and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...._t- Approved L%� Adopted,'by:the Council Dec. 1, 1914 Approved Dec. 2,1914. (Dec. 6-1914) L i Mayor. Councilmen Fit lsworth S. A. Farnsworth— `In the Matter ofygrading and paving i alley 1.Block 7, Summit Park Ad - t 4 a et uon nder Preliminrom Avon ary LOrderG 2420, approved November 7th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul Kt ler having received the report of the Com- missioner ofFinatice upon the. above Improvement, and having considered M 'Oil said . sport; hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same Is hereby approved and adopted, .. the said Improvement is hereby n .Pal'y ordered be with. roceedednature: t 7 2. That the naturd� of the improve- t.That the mentwhlch the Council recommend. is 1erg Summing and a = Park Addltioln,y fromloA,an street to Grotto street, with no alterna- Mayor P wen's tive, an .the estimated cost thereof is, - Resolved Further, Thatapublic hearing:. be had on said Improvement on the 4th day' of Janpary, 1916, at, the Adopted,'by:the Council Dec. 1, 1914 Approved Dec. 2,1914. (Dec. 6-1914) P L i l �)(4 1 i t j t 7 :7771 1'. / = P L i l 1 i t j U 10 217'75 COUNCIL FILE NO. y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 11att., of .grading Alley in Block 6, Su>rmit Park Addition from Grotto street to St. Albans street. under Preliminary Order.., approv,,d November 7th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the commissioner of Finance neon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sluue is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 'L. That the nature of the improvement which the Couneil reeouullends isg.radin$....AZ_1e.y .in Block 61Summit .._Park.Addition_ from _Gro_t.to__str.e.e_t...to__.S.t._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ._................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil tile 4.tth____ _J.anv.ary 1!115 . at the hour of.... At.._1L, in the _....CQunci_1Chamber 61 rooin of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the planner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._..._ Ci erk. Approved Mayor. Councilmen Far swmth C. F. th AT of of gr ding alley in Block A. Farnsworth— 6, Summlt.Park Addition from Grotto - - t. arrest to St. Albans, street,- under Preliminary Order 2419, approved No- vember 7th, 1914; The Council of the City of St. Paul Kel el• having received the report of the Com- Implol inlonm, of Finance upon the above Improvement a d . having considered MC oil Bald report, hereby. resolve.: - That the old report be and the same is hereby approved and adooted, Fand the said Improvement 1s hereby or - 01, airy dered to be broceeded •Ith 2.That thenature of She Impro$e- ment:-which the Councilrecmum,ods is Yoe g, Additl n froin Gro tok E, Su -m PArlk bane street; Wlth no alternatives, and Mayor Pot rs g6 6;17he., estimated coat thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be. had on said improvement on =the- 4th day of, January, 1916; at the hour of10o'clock A. M.,'in the Council Chamber, room 61 of the -Court e )vedthat. 1914.1 Dec. 1, 1914. ivied Dec:' 2. 1914. -.(Dec. 6-1914) COUNCIL FILE NO... 2776 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ili the 1111t.te,. of_grading Alley. between Rearrangement of. Block 3, Macalester Park and Block 3, Elmer and Morriebn's Rearrangement of part of Mac'(alester Park (between Summit avenue and Grand avenue, -Fairview Av. & undBaPa�im nd8y suet.11953 _ appn,v,,I October 7th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul haviu,g received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved fund adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. th 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 1s Grad. .e.....AT1e X between Rearrangement of Block 3 Macalester Park and Block 3, Elmer and Morrison's __ _ rearrangement of part of Macalester -Park (between 8udutit avenue an Grand avenue,. Fairview _and -Baldwin _ atree.t.)..__.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_3.54,80..__...__.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the 5th__.. day ,f _January, _ 1!11..9._, at the hour of _..1Q- ... _o'clock___ Ae-M, in the _.....Counc l..Chamber 61 room of the Cont House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and plaee of hearing, the nature of the improvement, afid the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....._ ' L erk. Approved 3fayor. C.. -F. No. 2776—BY S. A. Farnsworth— C;oulteilillelt Fal' SR'01'th 1n the,Matter of grading alley between . Rearrangement of Block 3, Ma- calester Park and Block. 3,. Eimer and Morrison's. Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park, (between summit avenue and Grand avenue, Fairview Ave. and Baldwinstreet), Kel er under Preliminary Order 1962, ap- Thr. Councilof er the' City of SC Paul i\Ic oll having received the report of the Com- I�/rJ, missioner of Finance upon the above Improvement, and having conafdered ()' pa,•y saId report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the sold Improvement Is hereby Y rg ordered tobe proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the Improve. ment which theCouncilrecommends Is .11ayor P Vers grade the alley between Rearrange- ment o1 Block 3, Macalester Park and Block 3, Elmer and Morrison's Rear- rangement of part of Macalester Park (between Summit avenue and Grand avenue, Fairview and Baldwin street), with no alternatives, and that the es- timated cost thereof Is $264.80. Resolved' Further, That a public hearing be,had on said Imprn•,-.hent on the 6th 'day: of January, 1916, at the hour of 10: o'clock A. M.. u, the 2771 COUNCIL FILE NO. _- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In rhe j1at.tc,. of_ grading Farrington avenue from Lawson street to Maryland street. .__.._.........._._ ....................... . Hader Preliminary Order 1738 __ _ _Hpp,..ved September 22nd, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Pinel having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the, inlprovement whlch the Couneil recomuvends is grade Farrington avenue from Lawson, street to Maryland _street..,___ ...... ..._. _.. _............... . ............................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the__ 5th day of January.__ _ __ .___1975..., at the boo of _ 1.0......o'cloek.. A'..__3L, in the QOuncil Chamber ronin the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paid. That. the Connnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons all(] in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iniproveulent, told the total cost then, f a est* ted. Adopted by the Council._... _79__....... k Approved- .... ........ Mayor. Councilmen f rth y s; a .F¢r�neworth— In the Matter t e• A— venue t rain of atreei: to n land etrettt, .under Preamat to �9y 1738, approved september 22nd. 1914 The Council of the .City of 9t. Pnul having recelvzd the'rep¢rt of the t•nm_ mtsafoner of Finance.-uoon the hove Improvement, and having- considered, sold eport, hereby resolves:, 1. That the said 'report be and the came fa he approved and adopted.' And, ed saki be proccc ement Is hereby, ordered the nature oP hlehimprove- men! whlch. the Council recommends Is grade Faryington. avenue Yrom Law- alteativao'pdyth t tithe !estimatedcost thereof is14,710,31.HeRs lved, Furthddr, .That a public .a�1ay01• g be had on. safd improvement ' on the 6th d¢l.y o[ January, 1816, At the -Council uCh mber, room 61 of thenCourt House ¢nd City Ha71 'Building In — I - fi 4f � t 2771 COUNCIL FILE NO. _- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In rhe j1at.tc,. of_ grading Farrington avenue from Lawson street to Maryland street. .__.._.........._._ ....................... . Hader Preliminary Order 1738 __ _ _Hpp,..ved September 22nd, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Pinel having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the, inlprovement whlch the Couneil recomuvends is grade Farrington avenue from Lawson, street to Maryland _street..,___ ...... ..._. _.. _............... . ............................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the__ 5th day of January.__ _ __ .___1975..., at the boo of _ 1.0......o'cloek.. A'..__3L, in the QOuncil Chamber ronin the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paid. That. the Connnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons all(] in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iniproveulent, told the total cost then, f a est* ted. Adopted by the Council._... _79__....... k Approved- .... ........ Mayor. Councilmen f rth y s; a .F¢r�neworth— In the Matter t e• A— venue t rain of atreei: to n land etrettt, .under Preamat to �9y 1738, approved september 22nd. 1914 The Council of the .City of 9t. Pnul having recelvzd the'rep¢rt of the t•nm_ mtsafoner of Finance.-uoon the hove Improvement, and having- considered, sold eport, hereby resolves:, 1. That the said 'report be and the came fa he approved and adopted.' And, ed saki be proccc ement Is hereby, ordered the nature oP hlehimprove- men! whlch. the Council recommends Is grade Faryington. avenue Yrom Law- alteativao'pdyth t tithe !estimatedcost thereof is14,710,31.HeRs lved, Furthddr, .That a public .a�1ay01• g be had on. safd improvement ' on the 6th d¢l.y o[ January, 1816, At the -Council uCh mber, room 61 of thenCourt House ¢nd City Ha71 'Building In — � t f � f i • 1 L� 2771 COUNCIL FILE NO. _- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In rhe j1at.tc,. of_ grading Farrington avenue from Lawson street to Maryland street. .__.._.........._._ ....................... . Hader Preliminary Order 1738 __ _ _Hpp,..ved September 22nd, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Pinel having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the, inlprovement whlch the Couneil recomuvends is grade Farrington avenue from Lawson, street to Maryland _street..,___ ...... ..._. _.. _............... . ............................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the__ 5th day of January.__ _ __ .___1975..., at the boo of _ 1.0......o'cloek.. A'..__3L, in the QOuncil Chamber ronin the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paid. That. the Connnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons all(] in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iniproveulent, told the total cost then, f a est* ted. Adopted by the Council._... _79__....... k Approved- .... ........ Mayor. Councilmen f rth y s; a .F¢r�neworth— In the Matter t e• A— venue t rain of atreei: to n land etrettt, .under Preamat to �9y 1738, approved september 22nd. 1914 The Council of the .City of 9t. Pnul having recelvzd the'rep¢rt of the t•nm_ mtsafoner of Finance.-uoon the hove Improvement, and having- considered, sold eport, hereby resolves:, 1. That the said 'report be and the came fa he approved and adopted.' And, ed saki be proccc ement Is hereby, ordered the nature oP hlehimprove- men! whlch. the Council recommends Is grade Faryington. avenue Yrom Law- alteativao'pdyth t tithe !estimatedcost thereof is14,710,31.HeRs lved, Furthddr, .That a public .a�1ay01• g be had on. safd improvement ' on the 6th d¢l.y o[ January, 1816, At the -Council uCh mber, room 61 of thenCourt House ¢nd City Ha71 'Building In — � t f � f i • 1 "Nk 2778 COUNCIL FILE. NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. ,n the Matter of._ grading Bellevue avenue._ from Wordsworth street to, Field street. under Preliminary Order. 1128 _ _ _____.approved August 13th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having.received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement I is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. L. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recmnmeuds is..$radO— Be11e7ue__, avenue. .from—Wordsworth _etr.ee.t_ to Field Street,— with treet with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Fitither, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement oilthe__ 5th dav of JanuBTy .... _._...._]!1L__J, at the hour of _W.___.__.O'clock _.. A_a...._M., in the_.Coun.C.i.l —.Chamber 1•oom8of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councilt..-_ City c Approved.-/ Councilmen Farnsworth E � Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Provers Mayor. 1! 1 .. A COUNCIL FILE NO. 2779 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 11, the flatter or,. constructing A cement sidewalk.on b.ot.h..s..i..d.e.s.....of....Gr.i.gge St., between.-Summi.t_ avenue andAshland__avenue-except where good. sufficient sidewalks now exist. , miller Preliminary Order- , 1.7.00- ..til),)I.ov,,(I...Se.pt.em.be.r 21alt,_191.4. The Council of the City of 'it. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance iwoll the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of ,the improvement which the Council recommends is cement sidewalk on both sides of Griggs street, between Summit avenue and Ashland avenue except where good and sufficient sidewalks -now exi9-te with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Ago per, lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said i'llprovellient on the day of -January- 1!11-5., at thi, hour of -o'clockit, tbe--Gou . _nci.j. Chamber 1-0-olu the Court House and City Hall Buildinginthe City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the nianner provided by the Charter, .9tating, the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as e tat Adopted by the Council --I i2A It c Approvedl�' .......... Mayor. .—C A- Farnswoitb7— I�F. oco t tt of t—tr.g Councilmen Farnsworth men, ilid.—Ikett- both .1 a - Griggs street weeIr SU it Irve- aus and Ashland even except u Qas— where good and suffen t .1 e .1 now exist. under Ptcheanar r er SeptemberI 21st, 1914. 1700, appro-df out l fthe C tY 0 Keller The c.—,� 1 d-th r — ort of I a 0; t a a 0 e he-'-' �,ilm ce a sa,a,loner of In to I ered i-prcv—s"hea,n.bdy rc"-l'"b: d the Alecoll said r"Dort, the I Thatsaid report be adn.ptcd, se;is is hereby approved at 1. hereby l.. 0, Lea ry and the said Improvement ordered to be Proceeded'Improve- t 2. That the ngou's of the uncli recommends is ment which t as on I ]'mer construct n cement sidewalk g street, between �jd both . s- of Griggs ex - Summit avenue and Arland avenue tent side- Mayor Powers �ood and suffic let. with no alternatives, total cost thereof as s.—F Adopted by the Council 1914. ApprovedDc..,2. , 191'4 (De 5-191i) p 4 33 ..u• ,.�,., t I 7 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 3latter of -- - TEeconsT ctzng; relaying -and repairing with cement blocks to a width of ten feet 'the present sidewalk on Seventh street south side beginning at Sibley street thence west 9 feet beginning 141 feet•farthor westthence west 50 feet beginning 45 feet east of Wacouta street thence; east 30 feet,beginning 50 farter east thence east 26 feet,beginninaq 75 feet farther East thence East 25 feet. - under Preliminary Order 2368 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received tilt, report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above *riln•ovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said ilnproveulent is hereby ordered to be proceeded With. 2 That the nature of the improvement Ivbich the Council recmumeuds is _ Reconatruoti�g, relaying and -repairing with cement blocksto a � width of ten feet the rresent sidewalk on Seventh. street south aide beginning at Sibley street thence west 9 feet beginning 141 feet farther west thence west.50 feet beginning 45 feet east of Tacouta street. -thence east 30 feet,beginning W1 farter east thence east 26 geet',begfnning 75 :deet farther East then a East -25 feet. ........................ ........... . ......._.......... ....................... ._.......... _ . 82 per lineal foot 7,y with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost then of n 1+._.. . 1 15th . . _day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement ml tile ....._... . J anuax_ _ 191...5_, at the hoar of.... ..1.0._..._._.o'clock_.._. -A._:itl., in the__Qouncll._Ch .Y _ amber 61 roma of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St -Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said sleeting to the persons slid in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and Place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ther of as til�trd. Adopted by the Council_..._ 19.......__ Approved.../ Paul be and the d adopted. t 1s hereby Ith. he ommrVda e n adm Palr- width of alk on Sev- e9iraln feet�bet C. P. No. 3780 -By S. ,e .Inof rt the nfand rrepair' rth CounelllnelllKeer lnv ng blocks to width o , Adopted by the Council Dec 1, 19. Approve Dec 2 }914 1914) present idewalk south atde, begin t` ,street, thence west 141 feet be glnningt ar r 45e1. � costa street, thence ginning 60 Peet Ynl et36feet. beginther =a . a st.. thenceet retlminary Order Nve2nd.heoucilofhaving receivedthe t and hsaid Imiprop eement, port, heeby re aid 1.. t, napprt g.; Ie eby ands. the a id improv ord red to be prooceedMayo2. That the tura ant which the Cou I-er nstructing. rel] ec ing with ment bloc feet the present .ten enth atteet, south si Paul be and the d adopted. t 1s hereby Ith. he ommrVda e n adm Palr- width of alk on Sev- e9iraln feet�bet ............ _..... . ........ Mayor. ,e i 1. t , Adopted by the Council Dec 1, 19. Approve Dec 2 }914 1914) t` •i � 4 � =a . g.; f JJ i i gg i ............ _..... . ........ Mayor. i 1. g.; f 2781 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matterof., grading Mendota street from Wel.18-street to Maryland street. September 34th, 1914 index Preliminary Ordel''1774 approved The Council Of the City Or ill having received the report Of the (,onu a ission.,r of Finance upon the above improvement, and having coll'idered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. nient which the Coulloil recommends is g ra.de lend.o..t.a. street 2. That the nature of the improve from Wells street to Maryland street. ill" estimated cost thereof is The Council also has under consideration an alternative for eet from Wells street to Mar -land street, with. the grading of Mendota str mated cost thereof is4 58.13 -—_eLr-etaining__jEall, the esti dmOf ResOTT"Wrarther, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement Oil the 6thL y January 1!)l at t1l, hour of o'( -lock , A—, ill theCouncil Chamber r.01116 OY the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of Paid. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place, of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimate Adopted by the Council-- .......... .. - y Clerk. Approved../. ................ ............ — ........... Ifayor. No -th C' F di Jjendo a Councilmen rnswoi in the �d-ttc z gra tng from =161-t"s to Maryland rest under 1imnary order 177C 1914 spp roved Septeitiberi24th The coundli of)the City Of St. Paul. having received the'report'of the nCOm- missioner,oI rinace upon ' I - the above , a hiivin Iler improvement, On i sconsidered . - said report,hereby reso �gteb. and the 1. That the said repo' d adopted. Coll same is hereby approved aa d the to sabid' Impeededrovementwith. 1. hereby d e ordered t the proceeded Onto's of the improve - O 'Pary Lt which the -Council recommends Is grade ' Mendota:titrs.t from he street .Maryland street, the sethuhted. to 5'13. Yo g cost thereof Is $3,44 der consider- . thereof also has U -h ation an alternative for the grading 01 street from Wells street to Mayor Powers Mendota sa .,,l Maryland street, COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of grading St. Antho y.av enue from Asbury avenue to;Pascal under Preliminary Ordt'11--ilmi 987 .,.V,(, Augustj.st, approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: IV 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grading St. Anthony avenue from Asbury avenue to Pascal avenue..... with no alternatives, and that the estillinted cost thereof is $0.33.136.__-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said ilolo,ovelocut oil the 6th. (lay of January -191-5-, at the hour of...... .1.0 o'clock ....A-' 11., in the C.hamber roon,6l the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... ....... ... erk. Approved// ...... ...... .......... .................. Mayor. Councilmen NAI-lisivol-th 0 %11,o, �.Ijie!—If3YSS�dk- Farnsworth— . I. g St, Anthony I Anit avenue from Asbury avenue to P de cal avenue, under Pr.ilml.s. r er The Ifs p,,1d.f1't1h9.U1Ct City -Council f St. Paul having 1111v1phar-%-,rt of the C.m- K ler mls.,eccrof r1l,. c. on the abova Improvement, d having considered, report, and c said hereby resolves, d ' and a AU c oil 1. That the a report a.tTd. same Is hereby, approve a and 'd - d ewith.I. hereby 011 ary rdcr1hr'tu"`b- proceeded "I y 2 lihat the nature of the moilt which the "U"'I recommends fa grading th, even.. from S' In Ny NY o one to Pascal .... us, with no "y avenue and tht,tiie estimated Asbury 'thn,'h,,r or 1, 0,,1,,, 1 11L. In cost thereof (Furthers Mayor Pow rs asolved, Further, t . public R' hearing be had on aafdh'improye.7ent he the .6th day. of Jump 191 a t .k 'try, Council Chamber, room rt Coul or the Court House and City H-11 Building tl.!. st That b . morn of ties of said4 City o" BUKAU Ur L-,,6H\EZ-,' stoner or 1=i) give -notice meeting to the persons and In th C provided by the Chart eq. r at- tjme li..ri�g'tt- ad PIsea 0 f , Ur—ra At. and the -Zjop'tch t37'tjt; Cbunclt Dec. 1. 1914. Approved DC. C. 2. 5- 1914. a' :1914) 4 FF f COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of grading St. Antho y.av enue from Asbury avenue to;Pascal under Preliminary Ordt'11--ilmi 987 .,.V,(, Augustj.st, approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: IV 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grading St. Anthony avenue from Asbury avenue to Pascal avenue..... with no alternatives, and that the estillinted cost thereof is $0.33.136.__-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said ilolo,ovelocut oil the 6th. (lay of January -191-5-, at the hour of...... .1.0 o'clock ....A-' 11., in the C.hamber roon,6l the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... ....... ... erk. Approved// ...... ...... .......... .................. Mayor. Councilmen NAI-lisivol-th 0 %11,o, �.Ijie!—If3YSS�dk- Farnsworth— . I. g St, Anthony I Anit avenue from Asbury avenue to P de cal avenue, under Pr.ilml.s. r er The Ifs p,,1d.f1't1h9.U1Ct City -Council f St. Paul having 1111v1phar-%-,rt of the C.m- K ler mls.,eccrof r1l,. c. on the abova Improvement, d having considered, report, and c said hereby resolves, d ' and a AU c oil 1. That the a report a.tTd. same Is hereby, approve a and 'd - d ewith.I. hereby 011 ary rdcr1hr'tu"`b- proceeded "I y 2 lihat the nature of the moilt which the "U"'I recommends fa grading th, even.. from S' In Ny NY o one to Pascal .... us, with no "y avenue and tht,tiie estimated Asbury 'thn,'h,,r or 1, 0,,1,,, 1 11L. In cost thereof (Furthers Mayor Pow rs asolved, Further, t . public R' hearing be had on aafdh'improye.7ent he the .6th day. of Jump 191 a t .k 'try, Council Chamber, room rt Coul or the Court House and City H-11 Building tl.!. st That b . morn of ties of said4 City o" BUKAU Ur L-,,6H\EZ-,' stoner or 1=i) give -notice meeting to the persons and In th C provided by the Chart eq. r at- tjme li..ri�g'tt- ad PIsea 0 f , Ur—ra At. and the -Zjop'tch t37'tjt; Cbunclt Dec. 1. 1914. Approved DC. C. 2. 5- 1914. a' :1914) FF f COUNCIL NILE NO. � 13y SG_.(%T--/%-�•G?iliv,ZrGCi. ..2..___. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. to Eustis Street. In the \tatter of _gr_ading Doswell .avenue from Keston street under Preliminary Order 1250.. ____.approved August 20th 1914. The Council of the City Of St. Paul halving received the report of the Counaissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consider'e$ said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the salve is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconuueuds is__ -Grade _Dae .AF.e.1.1.__avenue from Keston, street. _to. Rist s. street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 6th._ _.day of January._. _..._. If)] at at the hour of..... lQ._......o'eleek_.. A., 11., in the._Council .Chmber ...... ...........a 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof, as estinl ed. Adopted by the Council...... Approved_ ^ -`Ji _.19.I-61, < Councilmen Far sworth Kel er .lac OR O' ilry YO g Mayor Po ers C. F. No. 2783—By S. A. Farnsworth— In the Matter of grading Doswell ave- nue from Reston street to Eustis street, under PreliminaryOrder 1250, 'approved August 20th1914. The Council of the City of. St. Paul ! having received the report of the Cam- - missloner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered .aid.. report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be ad: the same )s hereby approved ndadopted.: and the said .Improvement 1e' hereby ordered to belproceeded with: 2. That thenature of the improve. -ment which the Council recommends Se grade Doswell avenue from Reston street to Eustis street, with no alter- natives; and that the estimated coat thereof is $1.902.72. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said Improvement .on the. 0th day of January, 1915, at- tha'_hour of 10 o'clock A. W., In the arureof the: improvemcut , and total cost -:thereof as.'estlmated. Adopted by .the Council Deo..1, Approved.Dec. 2, 1914. ,(Dec. 5-1914) E f- 2 7,94 (yQ COUNCIL F1L1__ By 1 -/ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the j"er of Curbing Doe -ell avenue from Keston street to Eustis Street. __. under Preliminary Order..1248 _ ._ ........... __.._approved August 40th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ia_Curb __Do..e..1Pe1i .avenue from. Ks tan _etree_t to Eustis street. with no alternatives and that the estnnated cost thereof is *770,54.............-- ResolvQd Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ._..._day of January 791._rJ., at thy hour of_ 1_0_.....o'clock... A.e.31., in the.._�'�nci.. Chamber 61 _ , room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and' place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_..... _ e - I9 .....-- �d. �f Approved../.Li!....__ .._.12--.._... Mayor. Councilmen Faksworth Ke ler Nie oll 0' ary Yo g Mayor Pol ers A : f- 2 7,94 (yQ COUNCIL F1L1__ By 1 -/ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the j"er of Curbing Doe -ell avenue from Keston street to Eustis Street. __. under Preliminary Order..1248 _ ._ ........... __.._approved August 40th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ia_Curb __Do..e..1Pe1i .avenue from. Ks tan _etree_t to Eustis street. with no alternatives and that the estnnated cost thereof is *770,54.............-- ResolvQd Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ._..._day of January 791._rJ., at thy hour of_ 1_0_.....o'clock... A.e.31., in the.._�'�nci.. Chamber 61 _ , room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and' place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_..... _ e - I9 .....-- �d. �f Approved../.Li!....__ .._.12--.._... Mayor. Councilmen Faksworth Ke ler Nie oll 0' ary Yo g Mayor Pol ers ti 2785 COUNCIL FILE NO. %f INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Atucr of... Curbing Mac."aleetex.. avenue from._Sgmmit_avenue. to__P_rinceton avenue_:. and Princeton avenue from Macalee.ter avenue to Baldwin avenue. under Preliminary Order _3Ei9 upprovetl June._ 24th,_.1914 ...__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. I That the nature of the improvement whiell the Council recommends isCurb Btacaleeter ..__...._..___..._......._....._............_ .... _ayenu.e_.from...Summit .avenue.._tPrinceton avenue.,.. and . avenue from Macaleeter_ay.e..nue to Baldwin avenue.with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *9#2133- 9.9 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement on this ..__.7th__.____...__ dfly of January.. ._...__ 191.._5, at the hour of l_Q._.._o'clock ............. At..,M., in the _..._COUIICI"1 Chamber. U6 roma o the Court House and City Hall Building in the Oity of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the planner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ---.- Ci ( rk. 1 -2 Appl•mvea ..... _....._.. _ �s_L_� .............. ' ...__ ..................._................................................._.._........................... Mayor. Councilmen rnsworth C. F. No. 2786—BY S. A.,. FernacVorth— Inthe er avenue atter from of fSumml[g MI to Princeton avenue and Princeton - e- s from Dlacalester avenue to Bald - by the Council Dec. 1, 1914. d Dec. 2, 1914. ' (Dec. 6-1914) f wan avenue, underPrelim nelim n. 910t - der 369, approved 4. ]ter The COUC.pCII f the City t St.. Paul Com -mi having received the report of the above -loner of Finance uPoti the having considered / M OLI C Ualyovem(mt. and ;said report, hereby resolves. i 1. That the said report tieand the F same is hereby approved and adopted, is' hereby (I' Bary and the said improvement with. ordered to be proceeded te nature of the Im YO e t which the Council recommends is from Summit rg curb Macalester avenue [avenue to Princeton avenue, and Princeton Ave., from Macalester ave- '4layor P Vers to l ethe if n natives,nue that estimated -at thereof le.$2.283.99. - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 7th day of January. 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of. St. Paul. That.. the Commie- sloner of Finance give notice oY said meeting to the persona_ and in the by the Council Dec. 1, 1914. d Dec. 2, 1914. ' (Dec. 6-1914) f i F ff r i p if n c i F r i I Is' COUNCIL FILE ENNO. // INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.. Grading Blair .street from Lexington_._ avenueto Oxford__ Street_...._._ under Preliminary Order iar36. .approved Auggs t 18th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, mrd having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ` That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconmends is.. Grad'eBlai.r street 1. _ ._......_. from__ Lexington...a4.enus....to Oxfo.rd_stmee.t.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is*._1.,..?r.29....73__....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..__7.t4. ............ .._day of January._ A�..L, in tbe_Council Chamber .. 1 .._...._.._191_._5, at the hoar of..1Q._._..._._o'clock.....___ _.. _- room sf the Court House and City Hall Building in the. City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ 19 ........_ Adopted by the Council__...: __.. erk. .......1V v... ._ ........_._..._Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth F. Na 278s_gy S. A. Farneworth— In the Matter of grading Blair treet from Lexington nvenor to Oxford street, approved under Aug eta l8th.t 19 4. 12 a, The Council of the City of St. Paul $e Cl' having received the report ofthe the Com_ mise o� merit, Fsndn having coneldereon d said resolves: M 'oil cold report; hereby be and the 1 That 'the agfd roved and adopted. . hereby -PP __ e„ is hereby O' Carry Y rg Mayor P vers I 7 I Is' COUNCIL FILE ENNO. // INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.. Grading Blair .street from Lexington_._ avenueto Oxford__ Street_...._._ under Preliminary Order iar36. .approved Auggs t 18th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, mrd having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ` That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconmends is.. Grad'eBlai.r street 1. _ ._......_. from__ Lexington...a4.enus....to Oxfo.rd_stmee.t.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is*._1.,..?r.29....73__....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..__7.t4. ............ .._day of January._ A�..L, in tbe_Council Chamber .. 1 .._...._.._191_._5, at the hoar of..1Q._._..._._o'clock.....___ _.. _- room sf the Court House and City Hall Building in the. City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ 19 ........_ Adopted by the Council__...: __.. erk. .......1V v... ._ ........_._..._Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth F. Na 278s_gy S. A. Farneworth— In the Matter of grading Blair treet from Lexington nvenor to Oxford street, approved under Aug eta l8th.t 19 4. 12 a, The Council of the City of St. Paul $e Cl' having received the report ofthe the Com_ mise o� merit, Fsndn having coneldereon d said resolves: M 'oil cold report; hereby be and the 1 That 'the agfd roved and adopted. . hereby -PP __ e„ is hereby O' Carry Y rg Mayor P vers Mr. Herrold. Council File No...._...._ ........... 2787 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin�i;ee blic i, -'III et by the City of St. Pall, viz.: c.o.ndemni.ng.....acid.... taking .::.an:.easement. _band .Maces f© -T Earl Street to Orange_Strge C. -F. No 2787 ...... .. .. .... ... ... ....... ........'W.he as, A u � f mailing of the fon vta. p demning and 4 _.. ..191.4. Dated this.._._..._l at mea to the land .-s.. �P for cut and fill. f a.. -. e .treat -Srom )✓nrl t .. ............... street, hewing b an pre'1u" Connell of the City 3t. �,' for., be It Councilman. Resolved. That the Comm P.blio:".Work. be'and be Is dared and directed: 1. To Investigate the -` or deslrability of the ma Improvement.- 2.'r To investigate the m }ARY ORDER. •�' alio ted co.t of e- ,,ad thetotal':' tiP13EREAS, A wriltc❑ proposdi — 1"h NII of the following improvement, viz..:-...........eondemniAB a<n.....e_fie.-MOnt.._.in....th.e..._land...nec.e.as.ary.....far.....slopee....f0x..........__. cuts and fillefor, 9KA4 4g. IV.X._.S.t.r.e.et,.....fr.ogt E,arl_.Str.eet.._te......_.._ prang e...Street......................... ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......... .............. ............. ...... ....._......._.... -- ............... : therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_..._......._..._.._..........._.._._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing ,natters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .._......_.........._.___...:/.../......._........191. Icas: Councilman F nswo'th // z Y Approved.........1......_'y ......191......... ................................... Ker �} t/o M oil 0 O eery erg .............._...................... . or. Mayor P avers J�Ia Mx. Herrold Council File No... ..... ............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT. ����• and 1, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' ,public improvement by the Cit St. Paul, viz.:...._condQ.mning.....and ....taking .....an....a . e.nt.:.3n....the.....land ...nec.e far........ slopes _for cuter and _.f..ill .. or gr>�,d.,ing. V.anB�tr_eI} .....,. eot,.....,rQm_....... 1 D ated this y s xo -27as— or . se e. m.ltten nr000aal. for the' Councilman. -sl C... of the City -of -SL. PaUI. [ e, be it ' clued, Th t the ColaNfaeionerof Y ORDER. Works be and he 16, hereby orI ,and directed: Snveatigate the tfeceeaitY for WIIEREAS, A written 1:'` einity of the me has of eaId T a following improvement, vir 0.0.ndamning .......... vestlg.t. t'•"•.• .. d •o and.._t_akin3..._an:.s:K'"Y ant...._in.._the...._1.&nd.....nec..e_s.s....Y._._fo_r..._s1.O.Pe..e..._for._....._ . __..._.__......c_uts_...and....f..i.11a..... fox .....grading ...Van ....Aure.n.._ S.t.r.e_et..,....from_ Oxfo.r.d_._S.t_.._ t..o .T�e.xi11gt0>�....AYenu.e ............ ... _ _........__..... ........................ ............................ _....................... _...... ... ........... _............ __..................... .__....... ............. _..............._..__.....__................_..........._.._.._._............. ..._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............. ................... ........_............._......_....._...............; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. f. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._.........._.._........___........._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ ........ ..---- ...............191.;! Yens: � Nays: Councilman jFariwo•th 2— Approved....__/.....� .._.. ............_._..........191l ry ................._......................._....�........................ ..... ........._.................. Mayor s Yayor. L'LISI3ED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Thgt the cigarette license No: 339 issued to Julius Blumenthal at 384 Robert St., Oct. 17th, 1913, and transfered to H. 0. Snyder at 498 Thomas St. be and it hereby is transfered to Morris Fineberg, 498 Thomas St. Yeas ( V) 4F..orlh en ( ✓) Nays V ✓-�Mr. Presiden C. F. No. 2789- Resolved, That the cigarette t1cense No 339 le ed to Tultus Blumenthal nt 384 :Robert St., Oct 17th, 1913, a &4 transferred to R. C: Snyder at 498 Thomas St b and it hereby 1s t ane i r -red to Morris Flneberg 498 Thomna St Adopted by the Council Dec. 1, 1914. Approved Dec. 2, 1914. (Dec. 6-1814)__ Adopted by the Council— -L--191 4In favor / Z. Z Ap d 91 � Against MAYOR CITY CO AUL R _P COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. -- _ __ CONDD Li1Id DR _ - ..._.. 2a d 90 v � ea NO bepartment of_Publ_ic 1Yorke.... _........__...... ............ ____..._........_.___ Date Presented -1.1/30/14- -I91....- • - Resolved, That whereas the Commissioner of Public works has notified the Purchasing Agent that there is about seven thousand feet of old lumber, to the value of about $10.00, which is not available for use and which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, And, Whereas, this has been approved bjr the Comptroller; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to sell the above mentioned lumber at the best price obtainable in the open market, and all money obtained from sale ofsaid lumber shall be placed to the credit of the Department of Public works. C 90 BY J- R$eolvod.�ThatWhereae theaCommiu-! sloner of Public Works has:: notlfle3. the Purchasing Agent that there ls; about, seven, thousand feet of old In,&. her, to. the value of alibut e10.00, which is not available' ter vee Wud l htek may,be Bold in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, Ah d, Whereas, this has been approv- ed bythe Comptroller; now therefore. boIt Resolved, That FtheR Purebaeln6 o,.rhnrized Yeas (Y) JFarns en (Y) Nays thIn favor ,Against Mr. Presiers _RY c.8.2 by the Council Dec. 1, 1014. ' t Dec. 2. 1014._ (Doc. 0-1914). Adopted by the Council Approved_ Z —191 / � M Y -OR - - - - -- - MAYOR That Hotel Liao a heretofore issued to�/o��Aor/��s/ to conduct ��0�/ �z be and the same is hereby revoked on the ground that liquor has been sold illegally therein, IC. F. No. 2791—By Henry McColl— Resolved. That hotel llcenee. hereto- fore Sssuefl to Delmont & Fre,.i, I. to i conduct the Roeabel Hotel At: 274 E. 7th -St., be and the eam0'its hereby ) revoked on the ground that 11Quor hne been sold I11ego11Y therein, Adopted by the Councll Dec.'. 1, 1914. Approved (Doc 26 1.914. 1914) Yeas (V) Cnone" en (V) Nays Adopted by the Council— Farn rth /4 e In favor 191— Kell 91 / Kel Approve Mc I Against O' ry ... YO'— Mr. President, P ers CITY OF ST. PAUL . - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , '�. �1,w••�^� � ..._................... '� COUNCILS Subject:_ _ ........................................ ............................................WW PILE Nd... . ... .. DatePresented..................................................191............ Resolved, That Hotel License heretofore issued to��� �o�, �✓ _ be .. to conduces and the same is hereby revoke on the ground that liquor has been sold illegally therein, and the Hotel used for immoral purposes. C. F. No. 2792—RY Henry. McColl— - Re.o�ved. That hotel -Items- hereto-., fore . lseued to Kathcr)n, Chr]etlansen to conduct the Twin City Hotel at,� 411 Ellnhesota street, be and tri- same '. + le he7eby revoked Pn the t;rr vnd, that find the ahotel been useddfor1e mmorally laParrr' POeee. Adopted by the Counoil -Des 1, 1919. .- Approve� Dec. 2; 1914. (Deo. 5-1914) - Yeas(V) Cou oilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council—L--191 orth _In favor / / Approved � � 191 oY rll ___Against ary MAYOR g '".r,.President, ere q esol.Rd, THe Hotel *sense heretofore issued to � to `rte ponduct -S a and the same is hereby revoked, o the ground that liquor has been sold illegally therein and the hotel has been used for inmora.l purposes. C. F. No. 2793—try H nrY McColl— Re9oive'a The. hotel license hereto- fore issued to Olaf Berg to conduct 443-6 ? bee e lIs - nndr[he salintel, herebyrevoked, on.' the ground that ltgnorhaebeen eold. Illegally therein and 2" hotel-has.has. used for immoral. purposes,- 1 Adopted by th¢ Council Dec.. 1, 1914. d _.1 ApproveDec. 2, 1914. 8 (Dec. 6-1914) Yeas (V) Coun en (V) Nays , Adopted by the Council--i�__191 ` 1 Far 'orth In favor z _ y y / Kel Approved 181 b M 1 Against0. • ry YO ernrow Mr. President, P ere Li T�1r�t fo%oi sol td�ofoxe 1=104 to�- o coed d and the +�eoby on. #-ho fur that Uq.wr heln Elven ts01A 111v thoroj%0 =,, fft notal use& �vT' 3ztlaorsl mtrpon�lo. C. F. No. 2794-13Y Henry McColl— Resolved, That hotel license hereto - tore Issued to L. N.Drooker to con duct the Waldorf Hotel at 500 9L' Peter street, be and the enure la hereby, bevoked on the ground that liquor has �,, een sold illegally therein, and, the hotel used for immoral ➢.[pose.. Adopted by the Council Dec. 1, 1914. Approved Dec. 2. 1914. i (Dec. 5-1914) Yeas (V) Coun linen (V) Nays Far orth In favor Kel r m M oil --Against O' ary Y rg Mr: President.- erg bo Adopted by the Council— L %191 r Approved_ _ 7 191Y ----- AYOR OITY OF ST. PAUL i J P Yeas ( Y) Councilmen (Y) Nays r Adopted by the Council 191— Farnsworth� Goss o --In favor ✓ Keller y V Approved 191— ✓McCollAgainst O'Leary Yoerg ✓ /Q-r:Gt. ---MAYOR Mr. ProWnt, Powers a d �(. C;ITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office ��(( L....(...........:_v...........191.. _ / . //Received of City Clerk /�,/ cold. Petition. Mr. Her .............. •Q da Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. pRELnyMgARY ORDER. y t. The undeeiifNiie3lwi� e1�'�ol�g;eS8ShldmexGBndingfoll�owin leylito'connectbyhhe alley iA pall, v'�.:block _1__Wilsons_ Re_-arr.angeme..nt... h..._the..._all.e:._.i l-...bl 1._Audiiors Sub.331. Said opening being further scribed as follows: strip of Band �._�......i.n._width;......the_._southaastex.ly....ai. of..._whic.h-...stri.p.�s... ....l..ne.._startin at the northeasterly corner of lot 9 lock 1 Auditors Su ivision #31 and extendl-ng.....northeastar'ly towards. ...point whickr i -6-15-t- .rom the 6011thweat corner of lot 10 block l Wile a Rearrangement mea red at right angles to such line-tmti-2 it. intersex he south fins of a1 y irl $lk:T <R lsoris Re'. .Decsmb.e ....... 4. ............... .......................... Dated this .......... .l.fl............._day of. ..__...... Councilman. PRELuVjjNARY ORDER. WIIE EAS, A writtrn noposal for tile making of the following im Irovement vit.:._...4.pe�-?P��•N� a•ening l and ex ending an alley to .connect the alley in pblock � Wilsons Rbee1Arr� Te- . went.._with._the...._ai_l..e.y..__n.._b.1o.c..k.....1.....Audi.t.or.s.....Suh...f31....._..Sai.d.....openi.ng.. ng... ther described as follows: A strip of land 151;in width; the southeasterly sid.a...:of....which ._..at.Tip. ..IG— a...li..ne.....starti-ng. at the northeasterly-- corner of lot 9 block 1 Auditors Subdivision f31 and extending northeasterly towards a po-int-which- ke 151 from the southwest_ anrner of Tot 1f7 bToak 2 Wilsons" ..................................................... _ ........... .angles to line until it intersect Rearrangement measured at right such l south Tine of a112y in �Ik:I Wilsons Ae. e. t... younclhnan......................_.........._.................._......._..-._.._ , having been presented to the Como P $Io zvss Y where 2 A written proposal therefore, be it mz7c1 Ppeninge widening a ape ier RESOLVED, That the Conlmi In alley a canners he .1 eywith i he is hereby ordered and directed: alley in block 1, Audlto 's:3ub x akih of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessi g¢la opening being eurther,.a s; g as follows: A strip of luno 2 To investigate the nature, which' strip lana t eaeenriingtosaid improvement, and the total cost thereof. northeasterly corner of lot 0 b 3. To furnish a plan, profile Auditor northeasterly fow31 as°it 4. To fuluish,the following nor. / 1e from the aouthw ative to said improvement: ..... Inc of 1 t 10 block i, Wllaona rang ma eared III' right to such 11 until it interee t r _. ... ... seat It of loY In 81k. 1 ...... _................. • lReari¢ gem ht havin6 §sen 5. To state whether or not fintho c encu oe the on the petition of three or more owners. ,, t Yore,:h It hat the C 6. To report upon all of the fore .111 lil J;�Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... ....... 191'. Nays: Yeas: Council F Haworth APPioped, .... ..... .... .... Q s B ler 11 0 eary Yrg / I 41-yor Po era t I - w Council File No ............. .. Superseding Preliminary Order 2181 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELI1111INARY ORDER. 'rile undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu c inipxjj tjuent by the City St. Grade Wheeler .ave nue...._from._._9elby .. nu�•.._to St......_Anthon. • . Pali], viz.: ... ....... ... _..... _....... _..: _...... _ .. _.......... _....... _. _. _....... _...... _...... .................... _. _.. _........_...._._.__......_.._...._._.._.:___......... _._....._................................_....._............. ......_ .......... ................................ ........ __... ..... ..................... .._.....__............................ .. (lay ......... 1 Dated this....._•�L........... y of.......::... .......�_�... .... _.... _................ _.................... .... ...... _... _... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Whe_e.ler _.............. _.._.._.. ayenu.e.._f rgm..._$elby,.._an>9nue..._tG ............._................................._. ........ ... .._.... C- P. No. 2797—. .... ......... ..... .............. ....... ........ .................... ..... .. Whereas. A Poll wing imp ...- ...... .. m whcrier .­­ ki g of the following imp t. _..... by enueet St- Anthony, avenu'' 1t ' .. "' .. "" ben presentedJO tke Coun 11 \ city f. St. Pani therefore b1 it , .Resolved, That the CommfsRfonI ... ........... .. ...:... ,................._..................�� �,ublio Works be and ho is hors' �....._...._.. . i red ands directed: t. To'investignte'thd king Of-Councilman ; having been presented to the COIIIIWi desirabllltY of;the mnkin. Of- 1rOYement: therefore, be it elonlbniilivtioitiriahm xlages;j Yement. 'and he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comnnssi 1ilrol Investigate cosi toi en a r ' 1. To investigate the necessityfor `a the total cola, 1 a makingof said improvement. tur ish a P p 2- To investigate the nature, extentaua .iwit.abed cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. #. To fnrnisb the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ...................... ....... ................_ _..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked-for ou the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mattt,t�i•s to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..................._........_f/....._191.... Yeas: / Nays: Councilman Farnsworth — 2 Goss Approved...:..:. Beller rf McColl _ (/ O'Leary c,.............� . ................. ..........._......._........ Mayor Powers yo Petition attached from Wheeler'avenue toCala enue o Selby Avenue. fel Q c%8 Subject:....................:....................................... Rosskna�, C. F. No. 2798—By S. A, Resolved, Whereon. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL .FORM COUNCIL NO.. FILE ._......_._. 2798 Date Presented_.= O..Yelilbe.r.._la.*.1914........ IBeamved. Whereas. Imm edla[ely prlor and up to the time the existing !Charter of the City of St. Paul toolt effect there w s pending In the Boars of i'n b11c [['oris of a all city nc r[aln ondemnatlonn aroceeding, Final Or - ler No. 4513 ppr o ved nfuy 30, 1914.1 for the pe g, "lenleg and tend - I Ing of It [ Lawsan atreet, between Ken[ tre t and \laeltub in street, In i sapid Ity, Street condemning d taping I. strip of Intra 60 feet wide liercus the east Y. of the S. W. % of the N. I'. tt'. of Sec[lan La. the center line oP said strip being the ce [m• IIne f I, _ 'I Lawson atreet o, Come k'rnaneet Ad- g .'prior and up to the time thn, exlating dltion, Produced east r said E. 4 Charter f the Ctty of St Paul tools eRect [M1,re was pending (n the Board,. of the S. q'. I f the g%/. W, y., not ' of Public Werk. of s Id city certain, ' nl ready condemned m' decleated to ondemnntion Proceeding, 'Finl Or- Public u 'der No. 4'L134 aPProvea Mai' 30, 1914, Whereas, the Board of Public for the -opening, widening anti extend- Worl<s, prlor to the first day of June, �1 g.of \Vest Lawson atreet. between 1914. had dire[•led [he Cloth of s id Kent tract and Mnckubin street. in Board to give the u ae—em notice, said city, by condemning an inking j and the proceeding for a Id concern - .1 o dem- ; strip of land 60 feet wide r mien fa still pending ana It Is then the ant of the S. W.. y. of theoN. desirable to Pruceea with the sum W. y of Sect ton 2:, the center line or':.' sold strip being the center Il ne -f' Whereas. It Is the opinlon of this) Lawson ,,blot in Como Prospect Ad- Council that 11 other acts end pro di tion, produced east ser ss Id E. " ceedings to be had or done relative� of the S. \V. , of the N. W. y, not '� to the ca mpletlon of the aforesaid n alrmtdy cnna trained or dedicated to, seasments a Prnc Ucable to be done public use. under the term, and provisions of the Wh erene. the Board oC Publle present Charter. Works, prim' to the first Any of June./ Therefore, be It —.1-1 that'lh,i 1914. had directed the Cleric of a id .Paid nsseasmeats he completed undar Board to give the ... es.ment notice, the terms and provlelone .P the e and the Proceeding fur said o dem- ing C furter as to all further actsuntil �nulion i. slil7 Pending rad It 1, de -I Procccaing, to be don,; and the Com- raI, to nrne,ed Wllh the Same, a a re asincer o: r;nat— and oil,,, - .1 o[[i- lVhtrens, It Is the opinion mP this ars and department. oft the City nre Coal ou ncll that all other n to and pro- her,hy authorized and directed to eedinga to be had r done r leave con tinuc to complete the sold a III the cr mplctlon of the aforesaid a ment und,r the existing Charterer"'' smurentm are practicable to be done lac eidant,e therewith. m tier the terms and firovlsI. ne oP the Press it'Charter. rso Therefore, be It 1 lved that the. said a ent. her mpl,tea under the term`s suit provi.lon. of the exlot- Im; Charter as [o :ill further acts and', proreodinga to be done; ana ate Com- missioner of Fin sure- and tither offl- hereb r a totho-rized teof trad the directed trio on "u, :In to complete the Gala n enc under the exlsll.9 Chante-BCyin' ordam, the tcAdopted by a Cou ncll Dec 2, 1914. Approved Dec. 2. 1914. (Dec. 6-1914) Yeas ( ✓) Con �'orth act en ( ✓) NaysAdopted by the Council___ 191Fa � __ 7 In favor ', l Go — / Approve / 8 S� Ke M 11 _ --_- Against 0' e ry Yo rg — — — — MA TOR Mr. President, P vers i Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 73 issued May 15, 1913, to N. Sav,aya, 242 F, 7th st: Transdered to c, A. Faehnrich 242 E. 7th St. also tranefered to P. N. Eastman, 242 F. 7th St. be and it hereby is tranefered to Julius Fendrey, 242 F. 7th 8t. t Yeas ( V) Co cilmen (V) Nays Fa swarth G Ke 1 r Mc oil O' ary Yo Mr. President, P ers f/ C. le. No. 2799— That the eig—otte Wen 11 No. 73, Issued May 15. 1913, to N. Saavnya.242 E. 7th St. be transferred to 11. A. .aehnrich. 242 E. 7th St., also transferred to R. N. Eastman. 242 E. 7th Sl, bo and It hereby ie tranefered to Julius . od—y. 242 E. 7th 5t. Adopted, by the Council Dec. 2, 1914. Approved Dec. 2, 1914. (Dec. 5-19141 --Y,--In favor ___ -:�L Against Adopted by the Council g--- I/ Approved 9 191 CITY OF ST..PAUL 2800 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 2800 Subject:.. _ COUNCIL N FILE 1`10 . .... ... ..... .. ....... .. ate Presented 110v, Sp _ __..._I91.�k.• - Resolved, shat the Con:rjissioner of Public lorks be tial he is hereby aut orised and directed to issue a pernit for the connection to the City sower for the prer;isec at the S. W. corner of Str'yl:er 1,vc. and nnap�lis St., S<Lid promises beim; loccted in ;fest ;t. i'aul, on i'rct receivin` into the City treasury the suli of 62.50, the sun rcnuired by ordint.nce as a fror:'�ge tax to be paid before a sewer connection per.iit can be 7rt�ntcd by the city €::tthorities, also the Pe_ ir;F; of ti,3.J0 for issuin t, po:•:Iit. ' c. r. vn. z9oo—n n— Resolycd• Tltnt lite Columissloner of Public \M1'orks he ands he Is hereby a thurl_d and di,ected' othe Cl ps twat for Lha conn v far the prem lsos t the S. W. cot aid of Stryker Avc. and Annapolla St., s promises helve located IntoT that CRY T'nul, on first receiving eGinto the Trea9u r,' theSUM a o n frontage tax required by --- ordnance n pnectlon to be paid before a sewer u permit. n he grantod to the 1ty a thnrltles.r alsmit a paying of $3.,o for issuing a per Ad„°n'yod y ch% 1914,11 Dec. 2. 1914. (T)ec. 6-1914) Yeas (I') Count, men ( h) Nays Farns orth Goss 1' % In favor l / 17 MccI Against O'Lz y Yoer Mr. President, wets ro,m c 9.2 .adapted by the Council nn Approved. 4 2 191 j` MAYOR 77 G'[ Subject: -- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ,FORM Date _._.... 2801 COUNCIL w� FILENO ...... .....................°. ...... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 30th, 19142 by and between the St. Paul Tile Company and the City of St. Paul for ourbing Grand avenue from Fairview avenue to Baldwin street, be and the,same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. R Yeas (r) Co cilmen (hl Nays 191 C. i'. No. 2801— nexotved. That the tract bearing �y dv ,into Noembm' 20th, 1914, by And be- N '{'� IIhY OF SAINT PAUL tureen the til. Poul The Company and the CIL)' of ti[. Paul for cu rbing C d Y—e from rnlrvle —corn, to ]3nla- �'- City Clerk's Office ,, un the same Is hereby Nin sttt+e[, bC city ofticere /� approved, Rnd [he proper exe- i,.,. are authorized and directed to Cute the some on behalf of the Cl ty. 1 1 1914. r" J Adopted by the Cit)• ......... .. Approved llec. 2, 1914. (Dec. 5-1914) Ret•eice4l of CityClerk 4� v, Far sworth Go In favor Ke l r Mc bll against O' ary Yo g Mr. President overs vo.. cp.z `8EC -� 1914 .adopted by the Council y / _ 191 .approv / c// 2 191 / MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:... COUNCIL I.� FILE NO...... .. ........................... _......................... .... ..... ........ _........_............ ........ _........... .... ....... ....... _....... ......................... ........ - . ' Date Presented....-- __191...-.... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 30th, 1914, by and between Peter Dickson and the City of St. Paul for grading and im- proving the alleys in Block 4, Forrestdale Addition and in Stevens' Re -arrangement, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. d. Th CI'P�' OF SAINT' PAUL ResoiVed, That the oltruct banrin ,% data November 10th. 1014. by d be4 -/,-�' ttveah rete, Dlekxon and the CIty of f (;qty Clerk's Oiii9�r st. rnai ter graaing ana +mproylnt,'} ' the. ulle)•s in illock 4,aForr es tdnle Ad-{ 21U,on and In Sevens' Rearrangement,' / e and [he xame le hereby npproVed, �/ and the Vroper city orricere are au same - "- '- 19I Y ixed Id alrected to execute the "-'- 1 behalf f the City. /`� o'Adop ted by tho Counc It not. 2, 1014. Aphroved Dec. 2. 1914. RPe ivt�91 of City Clerks -•err.. rf"'"�'--�r (Dec. 5-1014) U , f T�p4•^ eZ y^ f t y 4 • - tt Jl .. J £ tl'✓'4",,;.. i.: -,-,.ant Yeas ( 17 Com cilmen ( I I Nays ,adopted by the Council BEG 191 Far lvortb Gos / In favor n Kell r approved. !� 91Z/Me oll Against O' ary Yoe g Mr. President, oNvers MAYOR ,oew CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. _ y/hep f�p�lu [S1 ., ` .. _..._._.... FO ENCIL NO.. ... .....E�1L'l'.l'J.... .. Date Presented... A11.. -I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 30th, 1914, by and between the St. Paul Tile Company and the City of St. Paul for curb- ing Bayless avenue from Cudworth street to Hampden avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. fF f j Yeas 1. t'):Cou cilmen (1') Nays Far worth _7 G I / In favor Ke. r Me oil .against 0' ary Yo g Mr. President, owers roam c.a.z C. I. No. 2808— "-lvea. TX [he tract benringi ,.in November 20th. 1914. by and be-Itopany .dC.' [he Cit)' of St. PUPl fors curbin. B-1 j, avecue from Codwdtr neatreet to xamP- Nen ­enue. be n sam is ohereby pero�ed: and I c Prooer, city A�Icero thorizea a directed to c uto thesame o behalf of the CII)'. Adopted PP of 1lJecezClul4n Dec. .2 1914. (Dec. 5-1914) CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office _............�`�/.....�......_. ISI `r tl Received of City Clerk '� t.m r• ' ,adopted by the Council Approved. / Z _ 91 i MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _. Subject:..- _ _ � . COUNCIL /n� FILE NO ...... ..... ....... 28.0.4 Date Presented.....-- Resolved,That the contract bearing date November 30th, 1914, by and between the St. Paul Tile Company and the City of St. Paul for curbing Van Buren street from Hemline avenue to Albert avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 2884 SAINT Beaolved. That the [caul bed bqn' /�T r �/ J�11V71 _`�' l� date November Pontth, 1974 by and ba /j V,.1e17 + OF 1, PAUL [ween the ']t. aThe Compnny and 1 lJ the Clt)' of St P. I for Va curbinF ? ; Buren street from Ham line nvenue Alber[ avenues. be and the same le Ile City Clerk's Offx+/ h by approved. and the proper city olft !( r JJ cera are authorized and directed t0 t / S br execute the name on behalf of the Cit){ Adopted by the Council Dee. 2. 1914 Appraved Dec. 2, 19.).1 (Dec. 6-19114 4) lie r.pived of City Clerk Yeas (1')Cou'a Imen (P) Nays Far orth Go 7 In favor Kel Me II Against O' ry Yoe Mr. President, wers Adopted by the Council —� i91A BEIr 191 Approved191//, MAYOR MAYOP CITY OF ST—PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... coUNCIL w� �sa� .. ........ ................ .. Date Presented......-- -- I91....._:... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 30th, 1914, by and between the St. Paul Tile Company and the City of St. Paul for curbing Taylor avenue from Aldine street to Asbury avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same,on behalf of the City. C. R. olv 2805— hat the contract hedate s Resolved, as twee, the St rPnulh Tile Com4. 3pl n the City' f St. Paul for curhi ng Ta e from Aldine- street to As enu¢. hand the s e is hers"' __ 1. , d the Drover OILY Off ins 'ens e'o" beh.lf"of!11' city. Adopted dP ted•db Dthe e!., 1014¢II Dec. 2 1914. 5-19141 r G11PY OF SAINT MAUL City Clerk's Offs f �f --._. e, .191 r R� ei.ved of (itv ClerLr, DEC oP Isu Adopted by the Council _ 191 7 In favor approved. 91(C Against MAYOR 1 Yeas (I") CU oilmen (f,) Nays Fa sworth C K r M oll O' ary Yo g Mr. President ,... --z owers C. R. olv 2805— hat the contract hedate s Resolved, as twee, the St rPnulh Tile Com4. 3pl n the City' f St. Paul for curhi ng Ta e from Aldine- street to As enu¢. hand the s e is hers"' __ 1. , d the Drover OILY Off ins 'ens e'o" beh.lf"of!11' city. Adopted dP ted•db Dthe e!., 1014¢II Dec. 2 1914. 5-19141 r G11PY OF SAINT MAUL City Clerk's Offs f �f --._. e, .191 r R� ei.ved of (itv ClerLr, DEC oP Isu Adopted by the Council _ 191 7 In favor approved. 91(C Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject,._ . ___COUNCIL FILE �c7�. FILE NO .... ............... ... Date Presented....-- of --191 Resolved,That the contract bearing date November 30th, 1914, by and between Peter Dickson and the City of St. Paul for grading and improving Hudson avenue from Earl street to Hester street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the city. C. P. Nn. 2806— 89 n ... ]led, Resolved, That the tract beariorw and twee November 30th. and the Sween Peter gradin and the Clty 6d�, 9t. Paul for grading nd ian ltl� Tr -. 1 ]. OF SAIN'P PA L �� Hud on ave from Earl street tp} He street, be and [he same Is he by approved and the c ptirected Rtq 7� jl ( /� ` dt Ol Il' V Clerl, ti -. City care are nuth,ri,ed and areeete the ewme on behalf of in rf C,d"• ` /%(f City. Adopted by the Council Dec 2, 1914 .191 _ Y .Approved Dec. 2, 1914.0 (Dee. 5-1914) a f t; l�,t,e ll'PIl I/f City Cll.l'1'� J. i Yeas 17 Cou ilm (P) Nays OEC —'2 19*4 191 .adopted by the Council Far worth Go Ke r ( In favor Approved -/� 19 V"/ M all Against O' ary Yo g `—' O Mr. President overs C. F. No. 2807.— - In the atter of grading of alley in , \Venn's Addition, between ' Block 3,A Albert Ave. and Hemine Ave., and Goodrich Ave., u _ Lincoln Ave. and der Plrliminary Order 668, Interme- diary Order 1196, Final Order 1898. "• , approved October 2, 1914. - R..olved, That the Plnn... .VeCIflCn- - Linn. ad estimatee ubmltted by tho _ Commissioner f'Publls wont. for the .P A U L above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Further, That the Purchr tng Agent be and he ley hereby aatb• -f ION • Izod and directed to .ndvertiso In i manner provided by the City Ch for bids for the malting o[ 3' In the math Provea cprding to .aa'` a in Block 3, Wann's Addition, the ' and aper"' catlon. n That the t" •r betwesnAlbert Ati ,, y•..;: Eetr, %t,r�e and Lincoln Ave. and Goodrich Ave under Preliminary Order 558 Intermediary Order 1195 Final Order 1898 , approved October 31 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans,'spacifications and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are Hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby in the manner provided by the City authorized and directed to advertise Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make slid improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- ; forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of Lbhe bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of. said work in accordance ,ith the plans thereof a s and specifications in cage the bid is accepted, or in lieu certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. i The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the which n committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract that no further bids shout the committee may award, shall be of opinion be that be dor_e by the Commissioner of i received and the work should Public Iiorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council ��� 1914. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farnsworth Goss Keller McOoll O'Leary Mr. President,, Powers Ap�prov EC —` °la. Mayor itTaLI3IiED / 5 CITY OF SAIN PAUL City Clerk's Of lie ) �f till Received of Gdy Clerk r Infrom Griggs treat +SYnd+catel - • .I street, der Pa IlminnrY Order 963, un Intermediary Order 1624, Final Or-,. der 1968, nPProvod October 7. 1914. Reaol ved. That the plans, epecitica- [Iona and eatlmatee submitted by the • ' Commisaloner of Pu bl lc LV arks for the •- - bove n¢ p +mnrov¢ment be and the - - me tie hereby apPt'..a', U 1, Resolved Further, That the Purchas- ^^® 1 g AF'en[ be and he le b_r 11Y author- �VM Q laed and directed to d_t._ In the (] r UloVided by the City Charter ON ` II loan bids for the ¢king of Id m sa -, ,rovem en [, ¢ccording to sold plans id apeclflcn[fons, on the 1,441. (A) •t the bidder or cont t F shall l,: In the matter a#'alt all I¢bar and mate 1 }t pya-i`8et Yrom Gri��A_ Street- �t a aPeclfled sum ( �r aontrnctor t by ear „1 to gyndiaate under Preliminary Order 963 Intermediary Order 1524 `_---.---_-- _- Final Order 1966 approved Ootober 7. 1914 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTI'ER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City m.r Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to plans and specifications, on the basis (A,) That the bidder or con Y OF SAINT PAUL So 1 /) tractor shall furnish .all labor, and material for said work at a speCit? Clerk's Ofiire Pied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve r r ment by force account, receiving a percentage c£ cost price for per forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing,' ' i9L ii Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty 1 per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract witReeeived of Cio, Clerk J, '' v` the City for the performance of said work in accordance .with the plans:" and specifications in cace the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a I. 4`,F� �L i,. f .. certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid.._. M. .._ t The said Pttrchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve' the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, ' Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as the Purchasing Ag n t is obtained, unless the may b� necessary until an acceptable bid "� ~A oomrnittee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should � be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which evert, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Gouncil ?� 1914. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farnsworth Goss 7 Keller --- .._ McColl O'Leary 8EC —2 1914 _- Pair. Presidents, Powers Approv 1J1C• — arz �;• yor , 2r "OUNCn, F11 H Nn. o INTERMEDIARY ORDER. to the flatter Of repaving Alley in Block 1, Summit _Park Addition from St. Albans street to Dale street. ondcr Preliminary Order 2418 approved November 7th, 1914• The Council of the Cit.v of tit. Poul having received the rl.port Of the Commissioner of Finance neon the above improvement, and having considered said rrporl, hert-hy resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sane' is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded kith. 2That the nature of the inij rovenu•ut which the Coum•il reconnm�uls is .repaving.. Alley in Block 1, Summit Park Addition from St. Albans_st et to Dale_stre.et., ....._.............. ..............._.......... ............. .... with no allcrnativcs, inid that the estjnlated cost thereof is � 3,750.53___ Resolved Further, That a puhlie hearing he had ou said imprnveloollt Oil the _ 4.t .__. _ _.day of .January ..1!11_.5, at the hour of 10. _. _o'clock_ _. All 11., in thi. Council Chamber room of the Court House and City Hall Rnilding in the City of 5t. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fiu ill, ' give notice of said meeting to 1he persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of till. improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouuciL__ Approved_ /2 - 2 V1/1/� r Mayor. 'CoF. No. 2809—By S. A. Farnsworth— the latterSuMrof Fa repaving Adit ton alley rin otn St. Albans street to Dale street, u - �i0 S der Preliminary Order 2418, approv- ed November 7th, 1914, The Council of the City of St. Paul ]{i ler having received the report of the Com - missloner oP Finance upon the above Improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the .said report be d the is hereby approved and adopted. "ame it aImprovement Is hereby 0 .oa ;v ordered to be proceeded with 2 . That the nature f the Improve- ment which the Council re mmends le r paving alley In Block 1, summit Park ]' erg Addition from St. Albans street to Dale street with no alternatives, and the estimated cost thereof Is $3,750.53. i\la or Wei'1 Y Resolved Further, That a public a hearing be had on said Improvement n the 4th day of January, 1915. at the hour 0 30 o'clock A. M.. In the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- sioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the nor by Chart tlhe 1 ggnthe [melded place f hearings n tore ofthe enimprovem mit, and the, total cost [hereof a9 estimated. Adopted by the Council Dec. 2, 1914. Approved Dec. 2, 1914. (Dec. 5-1914) i COUNCIL, FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 28-0 III the Mattel. of Opening Suburban avenue from Farl street to Hester street. under Preliminary Order 282 563 _ _lipproved July 6th, 1914. The Council of the City of tit. Paul having received the report of the commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and laving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2, That the nater of the Improvement which the Council reeommendaidt_r..baA avenue from F.arl. street to Hester street_, .. _.. __... with no alternatives, and that ti, estimated cost thereof is -$798, 59. Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement ou the 11th. _..day of January. _ _ _im,5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock .A.r V., in the__QoUnQ_i_l CY13I7Iber rooin of the Court Hulse and City Hall 111litding in the City of St. Pail. That the Connnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tinle and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof its estimated. Adopted by the Couneil..._ Ci 'ler Approved-�-Y -(✓— -- 1�1� T Mayor. t '011ll cilinen Farr worth C. F. No. 2810—By S. A. Farnsworth— In Matter of opening Suburban sone from Earl street to Hester .street nder Preliminary Order 663, Cxos. approved July 6th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cotn- Kell r asloner of Finance upon the above Improvement, and having considered' 7 said port. hereby resolves 211c 11 1. That the Bald report be and the same Is hereby approved nd ndopted, and the said. imProvement Is hereby! ordered to be proceeded Ith. o'L ary 2. That thetura f the Improve-' ment which the Council re ommends Is Open to bur Hest bree[.avenue '1 enor alterEnatlivea, Yoe g and that the estimated cost thereof is $i DS.59. Resolved Further, That a public Mayor Yol rs hearing ne sad on Id Improvement ton he 11th day, of January, 1916, t the hour f 10 o'clock A. M., In the Coon ri selChamher. oom 61 of the Court House and CityHallBuilding In J the Ily of St. Paul. That the Com- missoner of Finance give notice of said ng imeettothe persons and in the 1.9 thr Dng od a the Charter, stat - e ifine and place o[ hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. / Adopted by thel Council Dec. 2, 1914. Approved Dec. 2, 191444. (Dec. 6-1914) I GJ a j Tj �1 5 COUNCIL, FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 28-0 III the Mattel. of Opening Suburban avenue from Farl street to Hester street. under Preliminary Order 282 563 _ _lipproved July 6th, 1914. The Council of the City of tit. Paul having received the report of the commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and laving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2, That the nater of the Improvement which the Council reeommendaidt_r..baA avenue from F.arl. street to Hester street_, .. _.. __... with no alternatives, and that ti, estimated cost thereof is -$798, 59. Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement ou the 11th. _..day of January. _ _ _im,5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock .A.r V., in the__QoUnQ_i_l CY13I7Iber rooin of the Court Hulse and City Hall 111litding in the City of St. Pail. That the Connnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tinle and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof its estimated. Adopted by the Couneil..._ Ci 'ler Approved-�-Y -(✓— -- 1�1� T Mayor. t '011ll cilinen Farr worth C. F. No. 2810—By S. A. Farnsworth— In Matter of opening Suburban sone from Earl street to Hester .street nder Preliminary Order 663, Cxos. approved July 6th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cotn- Kell r asloner of Finance upon the above Improvement, and having considered' 7 said port. hereby resolves 211c 11 1. That the Bald report be and the same Is hereby approved nd ndopted, and the said. imProvement Is hereby! ordered to be proceeded Ith. o'L ary 2. That thetura f the Improve-' ment which the Council re ommends Is Open to bur Hest bree[.avenue '1 enor alterEnatlivea, Yoe g and that the estimated cost thereof is $i DS.59. Resolved Further, That a public Mayor Yol rs hearing ne sad on Id Improvement ton he 11th day, of January, 1916, t the hour f 10 o'clock A. M., In the Coon ri selChamher. oom 61 of the Court House and CityHallBuilding In J the Ily of St. Paul. That the Com- missoner of Finance give notice of said ng imeettothe persons and in the 1.9 thr Dng od a the Charter, stat - e ifine and place o[ hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. / Adopted by thel Council Dec. 2, 1914. Approved Dec. 2, 191444. (Dec. 6-1914) I GJ a j �1 5 St! COUNCIL FILE NO Byl:;�.16 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofPpening, widening and extending Burna avenue from White .... ...... .... . ... .... .. ............ Bear avenue to the Cit.y.-L.A.mi-ts.. . ..... .. - ............... ........ under Preliminary Orden. -.7.0-0 ............ ...... ........ ..... ... .........approved jUl.Y L50i The Council of the City of St. Pan] lidving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon, the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___.._............._.__.__......:.......... ..... - Open, .. widen and extend Burns avenue,—from WhY e Bear avenue to the Easterly City Limits. The land to.be condemned being all that part of a strip 60 feet in width, not already laid out as a street, lying North,: and abutting on the South line of Section 35, Town 29, Range 22, and extending from the center of White Bear Avenueproduced, to the Easterly City Limits of Section 35, Town 29, Range 22, in said City. with no alternatives, and that the esihnated cost thereof -i's Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...1114. .................day of 191 January -.5 at the hour of 10- o'clock...._.1, it., in the qpqg;A.l Chamber rooin61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ ................ I y rk. Approved .. .. .. ...... ........ .... IN . I . a . y .. o - . r .... ...... C �F. No. 2811—By�s. A.'Varnswortli� Councilmen Fa i Lworth I� -the nlatteri of openIng,.'Widening ,and textending,Burns , avenue :from i s�heavenue-to,the City,Lim. Go 3 Its, unm, dmPrellminsily', Order700; 700,1,ap- proved JuIy1l0th;:,IQ I The _Cmmc1Vqfbthe .01t Paul having. received t a roporrof the Com - KG or missioner of Finaura;upon,tho above Improvement, ;and mving, considered, aaid, report ,� hereby resolves; �. M$ olli.l. That the said -report Do and the me Is hereby, approy6d and adopted - and and thesald Improvemept. Is hereby ordered to, be, proceeded..with., improve 0 y That tne nature of the Im me which the Counell,recoMmends /r// / open, -w en mid. extend Burns, avenue.. th fro white Beat,avenue to the Y g �� �bLJmlts. I The land to c con - tre.,"'.s. north-4fi-d-hinatting race sing a I that part of a strip' C't 60: feet' a width, not, already laid out Alayor P rs as a on the south lane of Section 35, Town. 20,_Range ge 22, and extending fro. the denten _,of Bear Avenue,, prbm� cesaterly City du d. it. the'I't' -Lim is jil, A NO,,. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 1 r tract bounded he %Wter of...-Condemninglfor Park -p Bes a triangular com a avenue . , Vd%e' ton. Street, St Anthony Park by ChW( noswe avenue an 8 North,known as Block "EP St. Anthony .Park , nI .... ... ... -- ..... ........ utiderPreiiininaryorder,.,�.131,5 . .......... approvedAuzda.t a5th.._!9.14, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the C(allillissioncr of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2�-- -That the nature of the improvement . which the Council recommends is Condemn and take for the use and purpose of a public park, that triangular tract of land bounded!by Chiloombe avenue, Doswell avenue., and Keaton street, A.St. AlthonyPark North, known aeBlook "E" St. Anthony Park.Yo:r th,in said City. , ................. . . ....... ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ solved Further, That a public hearing be had on Said improvement on the..._.__ day of the hour of O'clock in the.� I- Qo� ... ........ 1 . ..... dom the 7rt J91at House and City Hall Building in the City of St: Paul. That the Coin missi( ner of Finance give , f notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimate(]. Adopted by the ColinciL . ..... � .. �.-�/219,/X- .......... - .. ...................... erk. Approved-./..� .......... - ...... ............ ....... . ...... ....... ........ Mayor. -F.bFfi No: j,211nB y S;' A. Fa oranwllo rth It.at,.f_son ogforp'r k �purposes atriangular act lmudel Councilmen F rnsworth nys04d"Eosten trelt, SLwnthony; rkaort known G ssAnthony irmry Order. 25th.: 14.. K ffier having The Council f the City of SL Paul -cslved the report of the ,Co. - ,b, of Finance upon the above v. irn n having mrovement, and considered, IM Coll d report, hereby resolve 1. p he said •)report L and the] Th. (same Is hereby approved and adopted and the said Improvement is hereby 1'eflry ordered to be proceeded 1�tlht.l,,m, ' 1, That the ,are of"vo- =which the CianouhrecomInwud. I. erg mn and take for t a use an 'mr- pd.. of . public park, that triangular tract of land bounded by Chil-mbe Mayor JPwers avenue, Doswell avenue, and Keaton Istreet,'In St. Anthony Park North, known as Block 'ESL Anthony Park (North Inesatdo City* sit -n. -A I V L X. Il I I I- JJ fl_fl 11 fi`[ r1l."I T! 2814 COU C��C '�LF­NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the fifer of_- opening, widening and extending. an alley 20 feet in .... . ..... width... th ough nrner,., P Pro. Ppee t PArk.... .... ....... under Preliminary order ............ ........... - approved._August_Sth. . 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopled, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........ ..... open, wffen and —extend to a width- of 20 feet, an Alley in Warner's Prospect a:-rner76- Prospect Park Addition from Bayard St. to Myrtle 9%11992 avenue, by condemning and taking the rear 10 feet off of Lots 1 to and including Lot 30, in said Utv Pros e _t Park :Addi_tJ.oA­.ir ........... . .,with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *P.944 ing be had on said improvement 011 the ........... _._day of Resolved Further, That a public hear in the qp Chamber at the hour of... 1.0 . ........ . _o'clock 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give noticeofsaid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating I the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Council 19Z Adopted by the 1511L� 1 / ...... .. ... . . .. . ......... ............. ­­ ............. .. ... ........... City rk. Approved ................. ............ ..... . .... .......... . ..... ... ..... ......... . ....... . . Mayor. Farnsworth —_ L: Councilmen F nsivorth ltlit�c` No. 283A-By �S%Alnz; - Widening d extending an . :!'y'feet in,.th through Warner's G a Par11,�ImdulPr.lfmj . I : Iap proved August S,t .1914,i The Council ofsit f .'I P"b aju l K ler having received the ;re rt of -t a Vom_ _ misstoner of Financein onsldeove 1. "o—ve.rn ycred 1.T. report, ere resolve.: Ni oil said ort e and the, aMe is hereby,a r vanopted. and the BalImprovement 1. hereby 0' eary order toproceeded I it 2. That tatureief o Improve- . .entwhiche oun.r­--- .open, widen and extend to width 21 rlet; — easy In V��rn r's Prospect .Park Addition f..,. , iard St. to ldyr- r tleavenue. by condernn ng and taking Mayo P a 11—rear 10 feet off of Let. I to end ll,lldl,g Let 11, in .aid Prospect Park on in said Clty.�j Addition "th no alterna- tives, and that the estimated cost th=,I. $639.8 4. Resolved. Further, That a public r YF hearing be Ind on aldo Imurovern-t W 2815 COUNCIL FILE NO _. . INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of...Opening,___w_denng._and extending_ an alley _.15 .feet in _width to_c.onnec-t.....Oneida. ...street.with....tha eas.t....and weet..._alley....through Bl90k_3,__. Norwood addition. lla7 Au at 13th, 1914 under Preliminary Order..- _ _...._approved ........__.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. OpBB.z.._widen and_ extend anto...,connectOneda._etreet with the eastand west alley through Block 3, Norwood addition. ...... .. ...... ......_. ...... _.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .'�.S...Q4_..... ......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. .. 13_th, _._-day of _J.anuax.y........... . . 191.._5, at the hour of......�Q..._.......o'clock.... __.Aa M., in the_COunCil. Chamber ` roo-111 the Court House and City Hall Building in the City oi`St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance i give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the planner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ G--- ��f% n 1 'lerk. Approved../lr ..v _...... y :C. � No. :2816 BB•—Fa newo th Mayor. 1 the matter of ,opening feeN Councilmen Far worthng a extends n 1110-15 idth to,. connect Oneida ough :blocs -. . the`B 8t and w at alley th ough lilo k' ,3, Norwood Addition', nder Prell— Goa [nary order 1127.' approved August 13th,, 1910 1 The Ceuncll `A the `City of 8t. Paul' - - Kell r :7faving received the report pt the Com. - miasioner;of Finance <.upon the above:' Improvement., end,.having conefdetedl eafd Th.V het gold Treolgea ' MC 11 3 That the, Bald 'repot[ be and the same fa h0[aby aP" vo 'd •and adored, i and th saki improvement fa hereby- n'L ryordered to; be propeed 2 That'the nature: of the imyrove-• _ meat whloh the C on Cil ecammende' open, widen nd exte d an•alley' 16.4 . Yoe g felt 1Lhe least lao nd weat alley dthT'ough l / �rJ '•� P Norwood Addition -1'v1th no al -i Mayor Pot ers ::.'�rr atives; and that the eat tmated coats 4 theof Ss ;36 00. t Per, her. That a Publla� henrPer ; Fur tie had on aid lmprovem on th.1 3th daY oat Y Ja uarY 1916 he ,. he hour of 10 o'clock 1 M 'Wthe Council Chamber,. room 61 of the` Court / J,, House and City Halt Buflding ln'the `�,vt+'0 CLty -oL'9t Pavl. That the Commie. af:-Finan a give notice oe eat meeting ^ to the bez one and in the 'manner-llrovid d b§ the Charter. stat, ._._ ._._.. ing the time,and plae of hearing the' •- natur� of the imPr0-ma. est m tedgnd the . ,.' total coat th t¢GoY ae - Adopted by ri.0 Co¢n n D 2 1914 -i Approved %c 2 198Y - r s �r ,. •,xe / l�, r �---ce- f?.j CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM r �s Subject: ....... .... .r 1. J COUNCIL NO 1 Date Presented ..........._.__.....:.-....--___..._...__I91....... .... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 30th, 1914, by and between'the St. Paul Tile Company and the City of St. Paul, for curbing Cromwell avenue from Teriitorial Road to Cudworth street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city .officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. is C. F No.ZTh ITY OF SAINT PAUL Resolved, That tha cont act be 1 .,� date November 30th 1914 ,by an 0 .� - , twe th St Paul TIIe Company the City of 9t Paul fop cur41nt4C �;' City Glerk c Ofhc well ave ue from Te rld th Ron Cy�}w [h a[r t b and 'the sam Uy hereby approved„nnd theproper 191-- pfti ra n o Guth rued and dtrecte $ executo the same, on beh if of'; i.. "At dopted by theCounell 1 c 3 1$ �; t k_-0 approved �e emb r 3, 191a i ) 4alf Gtly Gler.It - rte'^",.. (Dec. 6-1914}`, f fiC t� Yf �V ;1, Yeas (11') Co ilmen (11) Nays �C —2, 4944 Adopted by the Counei F orth (g In favorr� 91 K Approved%4-- M 11 .against ry Yo _ Mr. President, wers ORN CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject : ..... ..:..... 1 ^ _.. .... ..__........ _._ ....COUNCIL w� FILE NO........... ........... .... . Date Presented.................. _._.............. ....-. -191......... _ Resolved, That the contract bearing date December let, 1914, by and between the St. Paul Gas Light Company and the City Of St. Paul for furnishing electric current for the lighting on the Earl filtreet Bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (V) Councilmen (P) Nays Farnsworth Goss . In favor Keller McColl _ __Against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers CORM ..a , CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk''s Office 7•........191�/ .•tam-°e.� Rcce ed of City Cler�lc 211 Adopted by the Council B-EC:^1 IBL,¢ Approved � 191 . t MAYOR ;CITY OFST, PAUL, r e ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS -. RESOLUTION FORM °°°"°'L No. ' FILE I( CONP LL AUDITED IBI_{ / PER X39 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for theamounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: 49 t, ; Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council-----// Farnsworth Goss In, favor Keller - McColl: Agaiho O'Leary - Yoerg z Resolved -that warrants be appn ,the Ctty Treasury Dayabl eciaed fund MT. rGident, Powers In Pavoc of the perEons, arms o - 'I rntlons for the amounts set or - ,their. respective-namee:ne apeph .the folioVng detailed etatemant.:. C°rporate:`PurD088s-. LVD>t.a "t IVDA Dept Funds- 3.. F.1{rgawortl Of Finance,-.(B3dg..Repafra) $22, '1",, t; - _ School ,Accommodat)oh AceL ,3chool;'Fund,�' 9, A-Farnswort a M'. el'. Flnanee, -(Portable 'Schools) - School, Fund Farn - - - cont. �nFund �laygrounde General'. t' S. *Farnsworth, Com: of ' $206.20. h „ ' - Corporates:Purpoeee-Prin1 :.1. �nerY. Fuad: Webb -Pub -y12400 - nernt'ic tc - f r 1 y Psx� at. Corporate Purposes -Salaries'= Pi--rw--Dept. Fund 6 ,09 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, (Bldg Hepatrs) 226 25 School Accommodation Acct'. oP the School Fund 61 10 S. A. Farnsworth, ' Com, of Finance,;(PortaLle Sehools) 83 80 School Fund 63 S. A. Farnsworth, Coma of Finance, 366.66 General Fund -Playgrounds Acct: 631 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. -of Finance, To', a' �,.r + v,0, SQkj =-s�T-- QAC Part 11. Corporate Purposes Printing & Stationery Fund 63 3' Webb Publishing Co., 724.00 ✓ General Fund -Local Impr..00:ement Acct.. 63 4 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 221.84 ✓ ro�N , Corporate Purposes -Cont. Workhouse Fund 6 15 Thmnas Flynn, 34.00 General -Fund $lection Expense Acct. ' 6 16 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 12$.00 Interest Fund 317 Mary V. Caswell, Geo. D. Woodbury, and Albert F. Pratt, Admr. t of Estate of Chas. T. Woodbury deceased,5.69 318 Mary W. Hadley, 7.8b 319 Anna Potter, 1.34 320 Mary F. Folsom, .67 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Johnson Parkway 6 21 Mary F. Folsom, Award 6f damages, 75.00 6 22 Anna Potter, " " " 150..00 - 225.00 r Mounds Park Boulevard 623 Mars W. Caswell, Geo. D. Woodbury, & Albert F. Pratt, Admr. of Estate of Chas. T. Woodbury, deceased, Award of damages, 650.00 0324 Mary W. Hadley, " " . " SQ -0-100 s Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Case St., Payne to Westmint.ster x,325 John Baker Jr., Est. #1, 1,423.50 Dale St., Grand to Front 326 Standard Asphalt & Rubber Co., Est. #l, 565.65 ✓ Hastings, Bates to Earl 327 Chicago Creosoting Co., Est. #2 & final, 1,516.17 Prior Ave., Marshall to University 328 Chicago Creosoting Co., Est. #2 & final, 4,951.17 University Ave., Dale to Syndicate ?29 Chicago Creosoting Co., Est. #4 & final, 7,859.39 pp CITY OF ST. PAUL �0�� ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No.-2819 FILE aT - eiTY ctly a AUDITED f 91 __ PE V TI 140 r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the,hereinafter specified funds an - in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective. names as specified in the following,,dptaile - statement: - ' Yeas (✓)Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council—L�Ipl� nsworth s In favor gT /ller jGs CollAgainst eary —ORrg Mr. Presidenowers -. C F:.No. 219— Ileaelved thaT w xante lie dracwq ! uppa City'T;V64V - - .. :the y•payable out,. of the hereinatter epeetled;lllnde and ; `tavor •1n, of th6;Dereoas;'Drm�gr, Car-9� pora[lo e–tor the_amqupt get: oppo6ltg their. reapeptive a4q*�4Qe�a As ' apociEE,ed YYn 4he ro11.W'Ing' defslled ptatemont. - I C4tryorate Pprppeeg-9alartee—�apk.,.- ,. Fund.P & A, bla;new"grth, 94,d8q 6B. `, Adopted by, tha',CoynpUDeC. 2 38Ltr..,; Approved Dec t 1914 Corporate Purposes-Salaries Park Fund 633 S. A. Farnsworth, 4008.5$ =- p� CITY OF ST. PAUL ° ACCOUNTING, DEPARTMENT. AUDIT CLAIMS — RESOLUT ORM couacn ..; FILE No. - ADDITED 9 cin c� iP0 191_ � PE 143 ..LE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the heremaft� `specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or. corporations for the amounts set opposite their, respective names as specified -:an tlie'.wtollop,�ng' de`taaled 'statement;" - Yeas ( J:'-) Councilmen (v-) Nays Adopted by the Council- Far worth Go - In favor _1g� er M M oll Against 01 eary Yo g Mr. President, veers Corporate gurposes Board., of Control "Fund 6` 3 S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finance, 91.09 Library'Fund 6 E. W. clnte, 'Interest Fund 6 45. S A. Farnsworth, Com. .of Finance, 1,160.00 6 46.]�erDhants National Bank, 5.197.61 ; Special :Funds-. - ' Red. Tax Levy Cert. of Ind. 1913 Acct. '6 7 'S, -A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 1,000.00 f - Assessment Aoaounte Oakland. Ave._, Grand to Ramsey - _ �'. ,- 6q $ M._ it.. Go' es f„or.,Street & Sewer, 154.69 f y�. r: Fmk 4e.,- between Thtial & ' tenth at. r"a 6� 9 M. N. Goss for Street & Sewer, 7.94 8th St,. ,-3roadway & Locust ., 6717 Goss for Street PrSewer, ;: X1.08 ° :f #2 1 '. Assessment Account s-ConIt. `6751 St. Peter, 3rd. to:T:QWb ' DS. N. Goes for. Street '& Sewer, 265.33"` loth St., Broadway to 'Jackson E 6752 M..N. Goss for Street & Sewer,, 103.08 i , Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. Paving ° Beech, 7th to Arcade 6753 M, N. Goss for Street & Sewer, 31.85 Summit, Lexington to River 6754 M. NO Goes for -Street & sewer get. ;l & final 756.00 1.992:68 - 6755 "Kettle River Co., University, Daleto Syndi-cate 6256 M.. -N. Goss for Street & Sewer 64SOOt University, Syndicate to City. Limits. 6757 M. N. Goes for Street & Sewer, 142.00 Total Corporate poses,.:... ... 13, 68.89 - « Special Fun s,-....... .....,.... ...... 1 000.00 « Assessment A counts,.. .... 600:12 " Spec. Assess Const, ect.-Pavin „Grand Total, 17.355.1[4 Rau yed that RNrrppte l De draws Il upop•YDe City, Tregeury DaYpple Op ; of the,herelppaY{ epeciliep ,fundg as favan of tb@ elagae 4�n - Or IDora:tltjna ;or tpe;amonnte gqt� the" reepeOtiva naLtes a9.epe¢{ftQd {rc they folloawWtg Aet8t ett atairrObh Corporate Purpbaee—Baard:ol �pq trot su>1a a A 't{4awortb' cpm ps 1099109"' FLibrary- ibra Library Irdad -Y7. �p Cyut4 ;ii 4$ Jntereat �e:lA � A. Faeaawortb 11� Com .ot 'Ftganoe` •11180 00 .7�t8rcDaht f . at{o? 7ianX ;bigf 06 111 $necfht "guiiifa--•R �,e�Yry COr}.,',. � of ind:1918g Aect:: �. tN'�FogpoX ComaoP FADa'aEG i;'41�Q90 ,]�,ee4atnen'4 A¢coan a�a$lan8 {eBe.;,; c $jtd to RameeY•: ,agQe foL Street- do $Owe '3859 i•'P�'t;:'$L bet�eeR hlyd-and Tepth: atraeta: . - )t IF tipaq $ewer, iZ 91 ::. iIWhth SC Btogpway and'Lo¢Dae :j M N.^Dose for �tr''let & Sewer {Zip¢, S treeeg S;d to 1l tb b1';ST Y9ogp'. for treat end elder �{to" 'thSt idowf BrQgdwa{ tQ Jackson ack- NBpc Tor Qtfeet;c Sew i1010>I �ceah.OoaeL A$rat.-PavJppa:. 11g�1r:. b -to Arade 8tr et'&"Seger 191:96 $utninit, Lextngtun ;q .;ifver� M. D(•_ Gds¢ fbr Street &.¢e�Tqr (3GB,•�0 Set,.,. tie• River Ee" , ' . - 9388X8& qa UpSvereltY Dalg-t $ypploete �3VL [loeg'tde $tr6et d: $ewer :9} q0. iv rr��1t>t BYndlept., .�„ t4 GFY, ytm{(p� L86 fQ{� ggfre�t 8s 8pw@r; ;149.. i AQproved Deb. 9_-.�41lA� (Dd¢._S YB9�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCQUNTII�[ PARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS•._-'.'RE30EUT10 �, __..-.NO ' .ORM. coos°i� NO" �pEC = 3 t91 By"C,.rto' .o,L AU IE -- PE TITL Resolve that warrants be drawn upon t ity Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and h " in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts posite their respective names as specified in the following detailed' statement: Yeas '( J ) ^C ncilmen ( J) Nays -- Adopted by the Council / 19 Fa nsworth / A ~ 9r `G s b In favor K et M OU Against' — ■eron'" Yo g Mr. President,'P wens Corporate;,Purposes Lighting Fund: 6,40 St. Paul Printing Co., 13.40 ✓ ;; "Water Supply `Fund 6 41 Department oY.Public Utilities. 231 42 Printing &Stationery Fund `6 2 H; .C. Boyeson &Co., 26.15 6 .3. Brown, Treacy &'-Sperry,Co., 40.00 .6. 4 Capital Envelope Co.., 35�1z 63 5 ."Clymer &`Haeleter, - 59.50 63 6" Louis 7P.' Dow Co'., 14.50 6 Kerwin Paper Co., 10.6©° 63 ',The Kino Co.; 31.23 63 9 M601ain &"Gray Oo., .30 63 0 E2';A' , Moe"iler Co,; 4.5© 63 1 N ;;W Stamp`Works, Co., 6.65 07.00-00 63 2 Perkins -Tracy Printing . 63 3 Rami Corporate Purposes -Cont. General F'and-Miscellaneous Acet. 6' 2 H. C: Boyeson Co.,' 10.75 63 3 Farm Mortgage Bond Co:, 40.00 63 4 James C: lamioson, 25,06 _ 63 5 MoClain &';.Gray:Co.,, 7.90 63 6- N; W. Telephone" Bitch. Co., _17.00 63 Remington Typewriter Co., 72.9.0 63 Tri-State Tel.'& Teleg. Co., 12.55 Police Fund 63 9 American Linen Supply Co., 1.25 . 63 0 Auto Tire` Sales Co.,' .•59 63 1 Margaret Brady; 5.04 63 2 Wm.g3af Burkhard Go., 27.00 12.88 63 3 Central Lunch Room, 63 4 Daily Fraser Sardwaxe CoT, 4.50' 63 5 Adam Decker Hardware'Cc.,; 3.89 63 6 Louie P. Dow Co::, 1.10 „b3 Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., 83.85 3 8 63 " 63 9 x. J. Hebei Mra. Horan,,2$.48 63 0 Hubbard B;ectric Co.,. 2.00 ; -63 1 Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., 18.13 6.90 63 2' 63 3 Kern & Ackerman; Kissel Kar o., 2$.50 63 4 F. G. Leslie Paper Co:, 6.40 63 5 Maendler:Bros.; 2.5� 63 6 N."Makisiky, Manhattan0il:Cc., 97.67 63 Manufacturers Else. Service Station, 10.75 63 9 Marchal &'Marthaler, 12•-95 63 0 McClaixi &` Gray Co., _ 8.20 63 1 Mitsch.;&.Heck'Co., 3.00 63 2 Minneapolis-Dsrectory. Co., 14.00 63 3 E& Neuman, 188.58. b3 4 North American Telegraph Co.j 2.13, 63 5 N..W.�Eleo. Equip. Co., 62.79 63 6" N. . Telephone Exch. Co., 26.47 6 N. W. ire Co.,.. ].51.49. 6 Noyes roa. &Cutler,: 18.27 6.99 T. J. o�zeary, 76.25 6 00 Peoples ice Co. 1.75 6 01 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1.15 6 02 Alex Rice, 14.42: _ 6 63 Mi as As A. Rost: 30.6 6 4 Schroeder & Co.; 6 05 Anna Sparechuetz, 17.64 6 06 Daniel,W.> Stevens, 7.74 6 07 St. Paul;City BY. Co., 305.00 t6 o8 St. Paul Electric Co., 4,50 6 o9 St.'Paul Gas Light Co., 151:29 6 l0 St, Paul Printing Co., 3.40 6 I'llWestern Badge &'Supply Co., 34.2►f 6 2 Western $apply. Co., .40 3 Western Uni"on;Telegraph Co., 16.92 64 4 Zimmerman. Bros., T#al pnl4 nn Fuld... 20.99 71 JB 21 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Fire Dept. Fund. 6 15 Adams Express Co., 1.42 16 American Engine Supply Co., - 6 ATnerican La France Fire Engine Co., .20 283.14 7 Line'Brick Co., 37.35 1.60' 6 9 Belt H. C. Boyeson Co., X3:15, 64 0 Brooks Bros. L4ber Co., 64 1 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, City lumber Co., 0.63 64 2 Capital 54.67 64 3 Crane & Ordway Co., 64 4 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 11.00 1.40 6 5 Ford Motor Company, 17.00 6 6 Kenny Boiler Works, 50.00 6 7 Mahle Wagon Co., 143.60 6 $ W. H. Malone Estates:., 1.80 6 9 McClain & Gray, 6 0 Midway Lime & Cement Co., 41.95 24.50 6 1 Mitsch & Heck 44.35 6 2 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 2.95 6 3 N. W. Copper & Brass Co., 16.05 6 34 N. W. Else. Equipment Co., 4.25 6 35 N. W. Telephone Exch. Co., 20.00 6 36 Pendergast Bros., 6 37 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., .20 41.35 6 38 Robinson, Cary & Sande, 1.50 6,39 Si echo & Baird, 6`. 0 St. Paul Boiler Mfg. Co., 122.00 5.00 6 1 St. Paul City Ry. Co., 12.73 -. 6 2 St. Paul glee. Equip. Co., 28.40 6 3 St. Paul Foundry Co.'s 16.41 6 4 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 2.24 6; 5 St. Paul Machine Wor:K .44 6 6 St. Paul Rubber Co., ___,__ 50.00 47 Turin City Brick Co., 88.50 6, 8 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., :75 6 49 _virtue Printing Co., 172.50, 6 50 Waldref-Odell Motor Co., 12_ _ 6 51 Western Supply Co., e ep s . 1,449.13, ✓ Health Fund The DePree Chemical Co., 200.00 1.02 653, M. F. Kerwin Paper Co., 1.50 Y. W. Telephone Co., 6 13.00_ 55 N. w. Stamp Works, 34.62 6 6 36 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Co., 77 Stuart Sanitary Supply X8.75 1 0 6 58 Tri-State Telephone & Teleg. Co., T Garbage Fund 6 5 9 Forest Cemetery Association, 60.00 1.10 60 McClain & Gray Co., , General Fund -quarantine Acct. 6 61 Department of Public Utilities, 2.00 48.00 6 62 F. G. Leslie Co., 1.74 6 63 Maendler."ros., 13.74 6 64 Manhattan Oil Co., 20.00 6 65 Maplewood Mills, 35. 91 6 66 N. W. Tire Co., 12'00 3 6 7 N. W. Blaugas Co., 3.60 6 8 N. W. Telephone Co., #4 a Corporate Purposes-Cont'd. General Pond -Quarantine Acct. -Cont. 6 69 Noy es Bros. & Cutler, 18.00 - 6 70 Rochester Germicide Co., 39.00 6 71 C. S. Stewart, 4240 6 72 St. Paul Gas Light Co.,42 6 73 A. C. Thompson Carriage Co., 1.00 6 74 Tri-State Telephone &. Teleg. Co., 6 75 'Chas. Weinhagen & Co., 11.70 antine_A Workhouse Fund 64 6 J H. Co., 16.12 64 q .Allen Brooks Bros. Lumber Co., 22.60 64 8 'Crescent Creamery Co., 2820 64 9 Baily -Fraser Hardware Co., 38 6 0 Louis F. Dow Co., 64 1 L. Eisenmenger, 92.26 64 E. S. Griffith, 3184.45 6 A. J, Krank, .b4 64 Lindeke.Roller Mills, 143.00 64 5 Martin Falk Paper Co., 6.90 64 6 McClain:'& Gray Co., 4.33 6. National;Gas Governor Co., -75 6 New York Tea Co., 12.95 6 9• Pittsburgh PlateGlass Co., 19.26 6 0 Robinson, Cary & sande, 3.98 6 1Stewart Broom Co.,- 2.00 6 92 St. Paul>Us light Co:, 11.66 ."6 93 Co any, , 6 94 ,Swift ,8n Tri-8tate-Tel .'"& Teleg. Co., 6 o 6 95 Western Supply Co•a Commissioner of Public Works Fund 6 6 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 1473 6 9 Charles Blectric Co., $ Louis F. Dow Co., 11.87 3 6 9 F. 0. Huebener, .45 65 0 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 7.55 6- 1. McClain & Gray Co., 11.10 6 2 Jas. W. Morrison, Printing 120.00 6 3 H. M. Smythe Co., - 3.50 Total Cnm f' 2 1. 6 v { Street & Sewer Fund 6 04 Kenny Boiler Works, 44.50 6 o5 N. W. Stamp Works, _ .75 6 06 standard Oil Co., 24.80 "tu,, Bridge: Bldg. & Repair Fund 07 Builders Material Co., 2.50 08 T. W. Morrisom, Total;L40.00 #5 65 Corporate Purposes -Cont. General Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. School Fund Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 2.80 9.00 k N. W. Telephone Exch, Co., 15 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., E. A. Armbruster, Virtue Printing Co., --_ Total Te 19.25 General Fund -Street IntersectionsEAcct., Beier Bros., St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., C. F. #1425 209._ 95 General Fund Election Expense Acct. 2 65 29.24 Wolff & Lehman, 65 5 School Accommodation Acct. •29.71 of the School Fund W. W. Boyer, 15.00 83.18 Crane & Ordway, 89.22 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 345.00 J. C. Stuhlman, 10.08 Western Supply, 104.61 T Citizens Ice & Fuel. Co., School Fund 651 American Engineers Supply CO., 2Z.90 652 E. A. Armbruster, 1.13 652 Baily Plumbing Co., 19.25 Beier Bros., 79.50 Bergstrom Bros., 2 65 C. Bielenberg, 4.94 65 5 Bon Ton Grocery Co., •29.71 65 6• W. W. Boyer, 15.00 6 q 6 8 Jul. Bruening, Builders Material Co., 128.10 12.50 6 9 Capital Plumbing & Heating Co., 97.05 6 30 Central Scientific Co., 104.61 6 31 Citizens Ice & Fuel. Co., 4.50 6 32 M. Coushois, 22.45 6 3 6 34. Crane & Ordway, Crescent Creamery Co., 24; 90 66 6 ,35 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 30.78 6 36 3g Adam -Decker Hardware Co., Dept. Public Safety, Bureau of Health, 8.40 6 8 DePres Chemical Co., 72.00 18.75 6 39 DeVihIe Bros., - 3.00 6'40 Louie F. Dow Co., 303.50 6 1 W. J. Dyer & Bro., 33 00 6 "2 Electric Blueprint Co., 2$;26 6 3 Electric Construction Co,0 35.00 65 - Fairbanks Morse & Co;.,, . , , - Kirk & Co., _ 36..76 5 Farwell; Ozmun, 59.55 65.6 E. S. Ferry, 3'3.50 6, Field, Schlick & Co., 1 .00 65 8 Jesse Foot, 3.40 65 9 65 O. B. 0, Fraser, Gardner Barada Chemical Co., 9 .35 12. 65 1 J. Gerlach, 2.2222 65 2 Golden Rule, 24 '05 65 3 65 4 Gray Motor Co., Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., 93.58 14.70 65 5 T. C. Hayes, 4'50 65 Highland Spring Co., 5.65 65 J. W. Hjorth Co., 655 Howard -Farwell Co., 487.80 655 J. W. Hulme Co., #6 Corporate Purposes-Contt. School Fund -Cont. 6560 Johnson High School, 6 . 1 W. H. Kane, 65 2 Kelly & Son, 65 3 F. G. Leslie Paper Co., 65 4 Lewis Institdb, 65 5 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., 65 6 McClain & Gray, 65 7 Midway Lime & Cement Co., 65 8 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 65 9 Nimis & Nimis, 6 0 N. W. Copper & Brass Co., 6 1 N. W. Fuel Co., 6 2 14. W. Electric Equipment Co., 65 3 N. W. School Supply Co., 65 4 N. W. Stamp Works, 65 5 North Star Varnish Co., 65 N. V1. Telephone Lach. Co., 65 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 657 Ogden, Merrill & Greer, 657 Peoples Ice Co., 658 Pef'kins, Tracy Co., 658 Phoenix Chair Co., 658 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 658 Plant Rubber Co., 658 Price Electric Co., 658 Rand MCo., 658 Raymer Hardware Co., 658 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 65Schuneman & Evans, 65 9 Scribner & Libbey, 65 0 Shevlin-Carpenter Lumber Co., 65 1 Singer Sewing Machine Co., 65 2 J. J. Sniker,_ 65 3` St. Paul Gas Light Co., 65 4 St. Paul Printing Co., 65 5 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 65 6 J. T. Towsley Mfg. Co., 657 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., 6 8. Underwood Typewriter Co., 6 9 Valley Iron Wprks, 6 0 Vi llwame Box & Lumber Co., 6 1 Wards Natural Science EBtab, 6 2 Western Display Co., 6 3 Western Union Telegraph Co., 66 4 Mr. Max Wittman, 20.00 4.35 186.88 30.00 8.00 15.24 7.80 4.5.5o 12.00 .65 2,062.12 29.90 282.45 1 48.60 199.02 .46 7.50 31.00 140.00 31.99 28.15 2 . 4 8.47 194.68 1.70 39.70 15.69 4.50 159.20 39.00 301.86 21.00 22.11 12.36 120.00 1.50 95.00 1.58 4.00 282 T-�talr-sci�ooar►d; �'.�,..--'fr;89��r3'°,'.- Library Fund 66 5 American Dist. Teleg. Co., 4.50 66 6 A. L. A. Publishing Board, 3.60 66 7 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 24.50 66 8 Cbiver's Bookbinding Co., 120.70 66 9 Detroit Publishing Co., 15.00 66 0 Dyer Bros., .5o 66 1 Golden Rule, 2.88 66 2 Good Housekeeping Magazine, 2.00 66 3 Gribben Lumber Co., 26.00 66 4H. R.HUntting Co., 16.55 66 5 Jos Koskie, 6.75 66 6 Krantz Art Shop, 18.29 66 7 Maendler Bros., 3.42 66 8 John Martir_Is House, 3.75 66 9 McClain R, Gray, 11.45 66 o Ernest Musegang, .20 66 1 N. W. Stamp Works,'.40 AM— Corporate Purposes-Con!t.`" Tiibrary nit i 668.00 66 Telephone &Tele g. Go., 8° .00 66 3 Noyes BrAe: &Cut]. 35,50 66 4 Peoples 10e Co., 472.50 66 5 Pioneer Company, 66 6. Pittsburgh P1ate,Glaea Co.:, .62 8.05 66 Raymer Hardware.Co., 66 �' Robinson, Cary "& Sande; 2.17 66 9 ,G,.., Schirmer, 6 Schnneman & Evans, .52 258..40. b 1 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 175.39• 66 2_ St. PajAl. Gem Light Co., 12.20. 66 3 St. Pau Printing Co., 2 66 4 Tablet"& Ticket Co., 6 5 viliaume Box &Lumber Co „ 4.37 4 6 6. H, . Vollmer, 2 .' 6 37 Ta' ldorf 'Bindery Co., Park Fund 1.62 6 '8 Auto,Tire_S,ales,.Co., 322..63 6 9 Cresd4nt'Creamery Co., 7.63 6 0 Adam Decker Hardware CO." 90.00 6 1 G. Gilbertson, 6 2- Manhattan Oil.& Lines Co., 21..56; 3 59 E. Co., 6 3A.-:Moeller28 NfcolsDean & Gregga 6 5 N W Copier Braes Co., 4:40- 6 b ,Noyes Broca. & Cotler, 27.08 k b Bacples'3ce Co , 25..30 _ 94,..25 aesr 66 9'.!,! St .Paul Bread Co., 66 0 '..-St Paul Foutti dry Co : , 21.00 9.- 42; 66 1 t ' sul Gas hilt;' 182.05' �( 2 ` J. C.""YanderB e, ,L49 -66 3 West ern Supp :✓ Coy . T , General Bund -Public Baths,Acot. 6.09 Banner Laundry Co., 10.00 66 5. A; W. Brownlee, 288.63 66 6 Cxe,ecent"'.Creamery CO., X5.0$ 66 Board of Water Commissioners, 5.26 66 Peoples Ice Co.; 66 9. St. Paul Gas bight Co., 13 .20 66 0 sJ C: ' , der.Bie# 4 66 1' ,WoIff &Lehmann, Genara1 Fund-Playgruunds Aect.- 6 62 Raymer: Hardware Co.., 6o.00 1.00 , 6 63: Paul Gas. Light Co., 2.30 6 64 'R. H. 'Vitt, -.,:��,p�g�.Siltn[�8+*+s1CC�.y;.�,.�:,,x.�riz:,.,.. _-...�.•:.mxcm „.a,...x.:x..r.�vr, ^rr.-. ?t�, Ale- $ J wa Corporate ,Purposes -Cont. 2821 ' Water Dept. Fund - 6665 American Engineers Supply Co,., 7.75 IK 6666 T. L. Blood•&°Co., 21.19 67 Boeringer"& Son, T0. $0 ' 11.67 6; 8 Brooks Bros., 66 9. Brown, Tr'eacy Sperry Co., •99 16 0 Brown; Treacy.&,'Sperry, 4.50 6 1 Consumers Power'Co., 29507 6 2 DailyrFraser Hardware Co., 2.20 6 3 "Adam Decker Hardware<Co, ,"` "Adam Hardware'Co.,: x•70 181,67 6" 74 Decker 6`75 Department of Public Works, 7.14 6 76 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 77.01 6 ?7 Farwell; hmun, Kirk & Co., 77.91 6 7$ 6''j Ford Motor Company The Goodyear. Tire &'Rubber Co., 1.10 17.50 9 ti0 Hackett, 'Gates, Hurty-& Co.,' 162.50, 6 81": P. W". Jackson & Co., 25.00 6 82. McClain'&:Gray Co., 155 $3' Rr- McCleary &.Co., 97.00, 84.'-,Manhattan"011 &;Linseed Co:, 13.72 ,M�hattan Oil & Linseed Co., 26.94 86..Medernoch & Zoch, 42.00. 87 Minnesota,,Roofing:& Cornice Co., 42.32 88 Mitsch.& Heck .Wagon Co., 37.29 $9 Mutual" Auto Specialty go., 76.70 90 National Meter Co., Nimisximie, 1.30 m, 92 ; Pioneer,",Co , 42.10 ;6 93" 6 94 Pittsburg�.ketir,Co.,, Pittebnrgh Plate Glass Co., 3a450".00 1.63 6 95 Quayle & geiiay 5.00 a 6` 6 S6 Quayle ,�C Selley Reed Motor .$uPF 34.40 1.80 6. A6M- on,: Cary.:&' Sands, ^' 2 J.00 6 9 AobIhson,`. Cary & Sande,' Paul "Bice Print Co., 134.79 9•�5 6 O 6 1,.St.Paul St: Ele"otric Co`., 29.94 6 2 St, Paul ,�dachine Works, 2.70 67 3 Paul Stone Go., 21,25 67,4; "St:. Tri State Tel.•."& Teleg. Co., 21.10 67 5 `.Troy Laundry Co, .80 67.6 .A. J: Wallace"&'Co., 6. o 67 Western.'El"ectrio Co.; 7 � n 6� We"stern-SupplyCo., . 20.4'-- General Fund' Market Meintl` Acct, 67 St. Paul Gas Light Co', �. 5.58 67 :Tri` -State' T.e1. "& Tsleg Co , 3.00 67 Yillaume..Box & Lumber*;"Cp.=; - 51,"o General,Fund-Supplementary Acct._ 67 67 Farm Mortgage Bond Co., ()Public'Works) Farm Mortgage Bond Co., (Pur. Dept., )'" 5.00, 25.00 v-/ 671, 3 67 Virtue Printing Co..,, (Public Safety) 1.00 282J Corporate;Purposes-Gonet. Auditorium:Fund Co., 6 5 Consumers' Power Water.,Commissioners, 6 6 Soard of, 24.90 6 R. W.'Elec. Equip. Co., 67 $ F. J•. Spriggs.: 67 9, St. Paul Gas -ttight', Co., 15.84' 6.00 67,0 Tri-State Tel. & Teles. Cso., __ 6 1 Wes Supply ;Co,i .' 0. Special Funds New Library Bldg. beet. _ _ 22.5 ✓ 6 22 Fairbanks, Morse '& Go., Humboldt High School Library Aeet. 6 23; .Central"Scientific C'o;, 9.22 14.50 6 24, Adam Decker, "idware .Co., 4.4,0 6. 25 •:Fairbanks, Morse & Co;., 6 26'. Adelbert; Hubbard Elea. Co. 1.22' 6 24 McClain &-Gray ..Co., 6 28 ;Peoples =ce Co., 11.25 6 29 Price Else. Co , 5.09. 6 30 St .Paul. Electric Co,:, Paul Book & Stationery Co 2.00. 6 3i .St. Ab HigiiSenool Library Acct.- eolCentral - 7.79 6 2 Devine Bros., 11.21 -" 6 3 Raymer Hardware Co., Book & Stationery• Co., 38.00 - 6 4 St.. Paul • T ibrary �3$ Spec. As�eBe.'Const. Acet.-Pavipg Portland, Western Io Dale.: 3.08 6 35: Robinson, Cary &.Sands, Case St.., Payne to.West minister 1.6,.45" 36 Chain,Belt Company, Hastings, Bates to Earl 13.86 73 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., 2 00 73 Raymer Hardware Co., To -. 4niversity Ave., Dal! e to"Syndicate 9.20 739 St. Paul Foundry Co., Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-6Paving . University, Syndicate to City Limits. 67,40 Chcago,,Gxeat Western Ry Co., 323,,65 6741 Kenny Boiler &Pg Co.., Tota;. Universits� Dale St., Grand '16'. Front 6742 St. Paul Machine' Works, Re$d1Ved that ,a, Tit Y P 'drawn i . - " pori tho'Clty Treasury baYabld out, 10f the herelnattor;:apeciffe Utlda and .�F✓$ j 1. fa,l ftp: of the per aOna ryrltltl'Ok dbT Total Co DoratldH's dor the ahioUaiff tlAfdyyyy6elta their rhbpectiVe 'n'ani@Qe to ap$olttdd f the fdilbwing detdilUdatafetli0ttrt $ •. •$ "23 69oi' Corpdrate Purpoaea Llkhting;:Fund 'SL Paull. Printing Co'$10((0 1 �eparliJient - - N s ecie, Specie Water. Supply Fund bt'• �: • • • • • • Utilltleti ;523142 • l3 -oZ ✓ Printkk9 & Statloaery . ■ Sp Boyeeoa ;& Co 6s28.16 $ro hi^Tre,a a, sPerr33 Co Ea000F tlapfta E�{lYelope �. ,O' • • . • • • Co $36111 C1ym0t & Hue1k{ei, $6H 60 III 24 - s L.uls Fibow Co; $1160 Rdrt6ln Pa f, per Cd;`$3080 The ::Klndy Cqq ..;0118 ,' jMeclaln:� Gray Co:; 30 ceate':E A ,99}.gz - - , 31aeller Co $4'6StamD.',Wtlrka, Eerklna Tran ' �E6700, Aamaley PAY Prtnttng inttng co,.;4ao00:� y- -. - Ru h E.TRas r Co , $2 60 ReV1etY Ii hing .Cb ;30142.2. C, - i vrlter Co $160 Sc Nob $16 12: , st Pavl Dispatch, $23.69 -,E Paul Pklnting Co $8640; VlrtUd Pi•ih - - IngC .; $11 76, Volksioltung J, ; Prl {�n�t:: CO $3.26. - - Geudral Fund-911ece11aheoue- Ah -= 1 H C. d$yeson Co:,-$14 76 Farm' M •. - - gage Bond Co, $40.00 Tame. C. Jar ., son,'$26.00 AreClain.& Gra Co.; -' Telephone Dxch Co,• iM r� t Remingldn Typewriter Co, - MMUS Trl•State! Tel:-& Teleg, Co., $12.66$ i� Pal llbe'; Fund: American' Linen . - rp11 Coe:5126 Auto Tire Sale.0 Cen�s,; Margaret. Brady, $5.04; Wr 7 ` 1 Bur h$rd Co, l$27i00: Camra]-;! Roora . $18 88 'Dally_ Fraser- Hai i - - Co $4:60; Ada.M IDecker Hatdws x$3.89, Lovle F-"Dow Co $1.10 r ' 5 Haag Rdon.j & Cornlee Co T. Heberle $&8$8$;:Mre Horan.- Te ` • Hubbard' Eleotrl0;Cd $2.00, He Bros. Arms Co Kern &:1 1Xor - XIII; man. E8:H0 Iilaeo Co„ $28:50 3a1 Lealle PaperCO, $0.40• Maendler 76 Cents N Alaklesky, =$2.60; t. , hattan:Oil Co„ i$7:87: Manulacwca - - Elea service Station,:$10.76PMar. Ernrthaler, $12.pp:meClatn & Grr • ;_- .,' ... 'is s Di- & $bck Co $3t•% e� 'l ctOfy id $188:58ZNorth TeI Jj* dY.a' ={'11'e' _ f, CO •. C,C r; $18.27 -Alf I a ;so `Cc r •race ..i ea-:. .. - .. s.df 1 i a• .;0, n CITy OF ST. PAUL CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ,FORM Subject:,_... ..................... ........ .._._... ..... ...._............._........_....... COUNCIL 2824 FILE- IVO ..... ..... ................... ...... Date Presented- .................._........_ ............._._I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date December and, 1914, by and between the Gorman Electrical Company and the City cf St. Paul for installing festoon lights on Robert street between Sixth street and Third street, be and the same is hereby approver, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. t, TY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office .................:..191 if el, ived n - 'ty Clerk Yeas (V) Co ncilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council --_-191y F nsworth G'ssIn favor ]ler - Approved ccoll __-__ _ -Against oerg reside t, Powers mwran e -z CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM P.O.S.TAC.a...suPPzs........._. 225 ........__......... .Subject:— _ .. .... sou NclL FILENO ..•••••�•••�'� Date Presented --....Dee. 3, 1914_,_I91...-..-..- a Yeas (1°) Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $2'0.00 in Favor of the Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the pur- chase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to the Office of the Commissioner of Finance. rt CF NW •Resalulloa?GsuBholz ng�¢e'edrawinel r o[ a warrantf [or$210,00 In favor, of t¢e, Commiss lonc+• of Finance with-tlie.co¢-. ent of the Mayor and Comptroller [o theenld napurche for cash of Dontnge to , hmdunt chargenble to the off(ee f , of the Com lealoner of Flnnnce. Adopted by the Council Dec. 2, 19, 4 A Approvod Dec..3, 1914. 12-1914) Vj` Powers (Y) Nays ist Adopted by the Council ___ __/;Y_4i _ _ - __ _ —._-__ (� Inf -Aga nst / 191 Approved_ A ainsr i CITY OF ST. PAUL F RM �^ JJ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL OQ�c Subject, -.Printing, Publishing & Binding all of'.icial....'.____..___ Cv CR proceddinge of the Council' of the Ci „y of St • FILECOUNo......... .._....................... Paul" and 'the Legislative and Administrative .._..1.;.,.,_ Date Presented--.,Do.a-3-1.91,4. 191..-...-.- I at, WHEREAS it is desirable that ;here be 200 copies Res of the afficial: proceedings of the Council of the City of StRPaul bound in book form and 400 copies each of the Legislative Code and the Administrative Code bound in pamphlet form for the year"1915; and WHEREAS, for reasons of economy bids for the priming and binding of the aforesaid publications should be received in onnection with the bids for the priming "and publishing of the official ordinances, resolutions and gther proceedings and matters of said Uouncil; now :herefore be it RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to ask for informal quotations for the printing, publishing and binding of 200 copies of all official proceedings of the Council, adopted during the year 1915, and 400 copies each of the Legis- lative Code and the Administrative Code, without further advert imement� Yeas (V) (Yoerg n (P) Nays ____ . In favor __._____Against Mr. Presis IGR4 C.8.2 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved - y Council File No.....i........ ........._......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. pp and 2827 PRELIIViINARY ORDER, 'Pile undersigned hereby proposes the slaking of the following publie inlproveinent by the City of St. Paul, viz.:._Qp.ening.,.....Nriden.inl_..ancl extending 11..r.axle.richt.....bve ...... f=.Oln. St... cm—'ix St. to--Randolph--St., .... ............ . _........ _...... Dated this .. __..3r.d.._.day of ...._.........Il.e.o_emb.er ..... 191 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \V'IIEREAS. A written proposal for the nulkin of the following iarprovement, viz..:._... Qpening"s-. -.. crideningan..d_.e.Y,te"r�dire. l.[....Tauri"c.&a._.k1�n.e....._�x.on..._M.t..,._...CIE_ir._.S.t........t..a....1:emlQ.lph._St. .......... - _._.... .......__. ...... .....__. C. P. ere 2827— . Wing of, h written prop making of the ids ingIngs nd 1 ..-........_._.. vie: Opening. Widening a d , t" " "'-"- Ra d Randolph Ave. from a Cl ;�; Randolph it f the begirt f . ..... .......__...._.. ...._...� the Council of the C1CY of y .......... ..._..._.. _...._. ....__....... _........_ ... _. ...... .... .... . therefore, be It Resolved, That the Cmnmissl ` PeurbWks baed: , and. he Is hE. having been presented to the �aby(iellllelh_nnll............_._............ ........ ..__........... ..._.._._..._......._.... edlic arta ordiroot 1. To investigate the cer ,1 therefore, be it or desirability of the making .o improvement RESOLVED, That the Coll1 2 e o favesngatt the Harm and eu 1 0 ..at of said be and he is hereby ordered and directed: mentand the total cost there 1. To investigate the uece. , 2. To furnish a Plan, r •the ranking of said improvement. ,c tch of said Improvement .I d a' and furnish hathe Oil' 1, �ist of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature,' l 3. To furnish a plan, profile dive B1et' aittu.aildprovenient. 4. To furnish the following other data and inforlilition relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not, said improvement is asked for on the petitiel of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•egoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted Uy the Counci ._.__...._.....___..... ..............191.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman F rnsworth 012 Council File No......:... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nudersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .0p.ening.,...nidening_.. and .....e..t.end..ing'._..J_e.... ers...4..n.... e..._._ rom...Under.woo'd.,...Ave. to Pairvi ew Ave - Dated this ..... 3rd_ __._.day of I?eeeraber 1914•. y Councilman. PRELDUNARY ORDER. WII ERE AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...--O.pening..,-- -- widexl_ing---.all.A ext..endi1.1Z J.efi.e.r.. on._Ay.je _f.r..Qj.j Un&ar.w_o..o.d ...Ave.........t.o .Pair .vi.ew:.Ave. ....._... __....... ...._. _......_.._ C. F. No. 2828— Whereas, h written propoef makln �' of the followingalnd a""'--'" .. viz: Opening, widening ... .. _..-..-._ ...__._.... .. ' Jefferson Ave. from erwod , Fairview Ave., having g been p.'•. ...__..............._............._._..__........._........._.__......_....._.._...._..........._I therefore, he ]t of the City of `_.................... ... ............... _. _ .... _......................... _............... _........ Resolved. That the CommleE- - haviug been presented to the Council of tae edoa Work. direoieana he ie he cilman,........_...__....._............................................._....._..._...; -.1. To Investigate the oee'' therefore, be it r desirability of the making Improvement. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 2• To investigate the natar Ona estimated cost of nald to hereby ordered and directs t, and the total cost ther 1. To investigate the necessity for or'?,_ T of aaialimprovam'.n't.'p of said improvelnent., rernlan the '01�o� s improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e,' noon 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improves,+aaaP 4. To furnish the fallowing Other data and information relative to said improvement:...._.___ ................_._...__.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....191... Ll Yells: / Nays: Councilman Farn worth Goss Approved__.......l..G--_....-...._..F........................191........ Kelle 4feCo 1 «r• Yoer........................ ..............._...._........... .. May - Powe a ayo,,,r.j%% PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, ? 2-829 and PRELUIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .0.p.ening..,.....videning....and .....ext.end.ing.._Wle....at....... t.o.....a..._nitlth...of....Fi.O.....fe.e_t._ between Goodrich Ave. and Grand Ave., the land to be taken for such opening-,- -widening-- and --oxt ending. ...be.ing_._that....part..a....strap. ._.of.....land- - not ---- already laid out as a public street and lying within the east and we.t linea of Sue. Sty In Underwood --'a First Addition produced north tv Grand - Avenue. -- Dated this _..__..3rd.___...day of-......__...ILe.o.erther 1914. 1_ Councilman. PRELDUNARY ORDER. «IIEREAS, A Written proposal for the making of the following inlproventeut, viz.:....0p.ening.y.-- .. widening And extending Sue St. to a width of 60 feet between Goodrich Ave. and.._ Grand....•A.ve..-r.....the..... land ._.t.o....b.e.....taken. ....f or....ipc.h....open.ing..,.._.widen-ing__an.d-...ext end ing being that part of a strip of land not already laid out as a public street and lying -with n the east_ and went lines of Sue St i in Undervroad'8 First Addition produced north to Grand Avenue. 2829— Whereas, A written prop, ....... ...__.... ....... ... making o1 the following Im.•U- . """""" - - I Sao topening,width widening and . Suo 9t. to a width of BO feel: , Goodrlch Ave. and Grand Ave'.uncllman........................ _............................._........_............... ._., having basil presented t0 t11C COl1n C11 O� to be taken for such openle, ing and extending being that therefore, be It ¢ strip of land not already lan n public street aing w1'. RESOLVED, That the Commissions east and went ones and lyt sua ale is hereby ordered and directed: underwoods First Aaafnon m . north to Grand"¢venue, haul: 1. To investigate the necessity foi•presentad to the C..nel of iAlg of said improvement. t st. Paul therefore• be it 2. To investigate the nature, extent olveo•keThat and heals lssj improvement, and the total cost thereof. `red and directed: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketdf. To Investigate the neees .`.desirability of the making .v #. 'Ib furnish the followin r other datirovement. .'e to said improvement:_..._._....... _._............_._....... 6 To lnveaEtgnte the said I' estimated coat of Bald 1' ..............................._....._....._...._........._...._.......... ro- ,urn— a u. e.. , .............................. �l of said (mproveme� 5. To state whether or not said ilnprovC furnish t, , %ql%n the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing mna"tte'ItIfd the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... . ... Nays: Yells: Councilman Fin lsworth z Go s K ler / A Coll (' oerg Mayor overs .� 2830 An ordinance amen.3ing Ordinance No. 3237, entitled "An ordinance organizing 'the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Building@ and prescribing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes thereof'. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved July 16th, 1914. THE COUV.,CIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOFS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section two (2) of Ordinance 77o. 3237, entitled "An ordinance organizing the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and prescribing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employee thereof. This is an emer— gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public r peace, health and safety," approved July 16th, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "an assistant Secretary _ to the Commissioner" There they occur in said Section 2, and by in- serting in lieu and instead thereof, the words H'Zauestlgator of'Fark6 and ' and Playgrounds." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication r^ I OFFIC[17. PAOCEEARV tyy$,�aQF4 C. .F: � 830-Ordinnncc z, +11a11 1111 by the council YEAS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS ,yam '.- `'O�S�L:J McCOLL C9R�Q publt peace. health and safety r _proved Jaly 1 _- 0th 1919: -- r I .._` The-Cbuncll-oLthe City of,st.:P e)d" ordal - , 1 3 SECTION 1. That Section two (2) of.O din No:: 323 entltled'An ordinance NAYS 1,lhq, th Department of'.Park.; ruonds-and Publlo Sulldtn gsi' ,crifaIng the 'number, -sit:, � y- —penetation.: of "the o .,i- N,9YS, 0 MR. PRESI, ENT (POWER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:...._.__sPECIFIC'ATIONS _FOR LA]Y1P8 _A M STREET LIGHTING--— COUNCIL FIXTURES OF THE SERIES GAS FILLED INCANDESCENT FILE No........... ..... ...... ............. -• �.. _ . ..... ._._.... ............ _.. .._......... ...._ . Date Presented -12/4/1.4._ _......_191 .......... Resolved, That the attached specifications for lamps and street lighting fixtures of the series gas filled incandescent type bA and are hereby approved, and the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to ad'veftise bn the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the furnishing of said lamps - and fixtures. '\ Yeas (Y) Coun Imen (Y) Nays Farn orth Goss Kell � Mc Yoer Mr. President, wets roar e.e•z C. U. *to. 2831—BY O. K• Keller— Resolved, That the trached. apeciE- entlons for lamps and etreet..ughting fixtures of the sertso gns,.alled'�itrcan- descent type be and Lf hereby hereby ap- proved, and the Purchasing -Agent be. and ha le hereby authorined and em- powered to advertise In themannerids y providedby the City Charter for bids for .the tIrnlshing oY-said lamps and y flxture9. t{C Adopted by the Council Dec. 4, 1914. Approved Dec. 5, 1914. (Dec. 12-1914) Adopted by the Councilv�-'/-----191 v In favor /r-- 91/'/ Approve 41 -Against . _ _ ._. MAYOR il► 2831 SPECIFICATIONS FOR INCANDESCENT SERIES STREET LIGHTING FIXTURES AND GAS FILLED INCANDESCENT LAMPQ. • k • *: t • r o • • FIXTURES. The fixtures upon which bids will be received are the pendant series type to be used for street lighting with the gas. filled incandescent lamp. The number of fixtures to be installed is from approxi- mately 100 minimum to 825 maximum. The fixture complete shall have a substantial and well designed body to accommodate the stem of the lamp and the socket. Bids will also be asked on the fixture to accommodate a compensa- tor. The body shall be equipped to give the necessary venti- lation and shall have the insulators for the current leads and hanger compactly arrangedtogive a neat appearance. The fixture is to be finished in either black oxidized copper or black japanned steel. The fixture must be so arranged that a reflector can be attached if desired. No fixture will be considered where construction is in any way flimsy, or impracticable, or which is awkward in appear- ance, or of poor design. The fixtures will Is passed on for ap- proval by the Bureau of Municipal Testing Paboratories of the City of St.Paul. Each fixture which does not contain a compensator must be provided with an approved film cut-out socket which will automatioa. ally out out the lamp in case.of an outage. The sockets are to be of the mogul screw type. The fixture shall be supplied with a hinged globe holder which can readily be opebe d to change and clean globes and lamps. The holder is to be capable of holding both a refractor and a clear globe or either separately. The fixture is to be so designed that when a refractor is used with it, the filament of the lamp will be in a location for which the refractor was designed. EANGERS. The hanger on which bids will be received are to be of a out -out, .type which will automatically disconnect the lamp from the circuit and close the circuit. GLOBES Bids on globes of light opalescent glass and on clear glass of approximately 12^ diameter will be asked for. They are zap to be supplied with an opening in the bottom to give proper ventilation to the lamp. " REFLECTORS The external reflector to be used �.n the fixtures are to be of steel with a good vitrified enamel coating. DEFECTIVE FIXTURES. Defective f ixturen abn" br, replaced by sound ones if found Defective fixtures shall be replaced with sound ones if found defective within a year of the date of delivery provided the defect is not due to improper installation or improper use or other cause not the fail.t of the manufacturer. LAMPS. Bids will be received on the following sizes of standard series gaafilled incandescent lamp, equipped with mogel screw base:, 6.6 amrrere 250 candle power 15 " 400 20 n 400 ^ ^ The numbers of lamps on which bide will be received is from 300 to 2500. 1L ,ran of not less than 1000 hours average life is, required, also a guarantee; of.. the.,a7gTags ;watts per,. candle. The var- iation in watta per candle shall. no be"oche 8 percent above -and o 8 be percent below the guaranteed average.aIId the candl.epoweremCeantdletower. over 8 percent above or 8 percent below tHe`rated averag P__ -The City reserves the right to have its representative - make an inspection of the lamps at the factory, the factory supply- ing the customary facilities for the purpose,. BOND. The contractor shall give a bond with sureties approved by the Mayor as required in and by the terms of the City Charter and laws of Minnesota in the sum of the estimated maximum contract price to :aa,ve the City harmless from any and all claim® for~damages;, costa or expenses for or on account of imperfect, construction of its apparatus and from any and all claims for damages by reason of any inf riig ament of patent rights in the use of said apparatus and conditioned for the full and faithful performance, of the contract by the contractor, BIDS Bids will be asked on the following: 1. On refractors. 2. On fixtures with compensator for the various sizes of lamps. 3. On fixtures without the compensator for the various sizes of lamps, 4. On steel enameled reflector. 5. On opalescent globes of approximately 121, diameter. On clear globes of approximately 12^ diameter. 6. On hangers and out -outs. 7. On lamps of various sizes given. The prices bid shall be list prices and the discount per- centages for purchases of various amounts shall be given. Samples of lamps and fixtures complete are to accompany the bide. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: POSTAGrSiJPPLI_I;5 COUNCIL FILE No Date Presented .. Dec. 3, 1914-I91...._..... Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrarlfor $110.30 in favor of ;he Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Eayor and Comptroller for the ;pur- chase for cash of postage to si$id arrourlt, chargeable to the office cf the Department of Purchasing. Yeas ( 1 ,) Con "M' n l P I Nays Farn h Gosl Kell@ Mc I O= 1'oer Mr. President, vers Ite>��I,itl�in uutl�i�'I zi,i �; tl, �• .i r�..v'i ii 4: � Illy. 'I' iiilunl��i�er of I�lii:�iie"mlt rlollhr I„���t 1, �• 'i�ur I,x., f�.r n vh of .....'I."ci, 111e fn this Ile�� of ll,� 1 Ile ..'t�,�ci.t ��[ 1'��.��I�:,vl�i t,•. Adopted by the Council r 191 J In razor approved Against MAYOR C7e��y CITY OF ST. PAUL .A C7 xx7� COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:. POSTACTE SUPPLIES — ------- __ 2833 COUNCIL - FILE NO. ... ..... .. ...................... ... Date Presented_..._ Dec..3,.,1914-_191......-.._ Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $21.56 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance with :he consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the pur- chase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable :o the office of the Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Fire Protection. C F. No. 2833 By Ho y McColl I IlrR salutfon thorlaln>; the d)nwi g� of a warrant fol. $21.66 In favor; of the, - Commla.lo er_oP I`in¢nce with the on eent of :the Maxor and C pt o11er for the Purchae fo: ca h f Poatfi$e to' id amou t, har6eable to the office f the Dep rt nt. of Public Safety ' Bur au .of Fire Protection — Adopted by the Co ncl1 D 4 Y914 Approved; :Dec. 6. 1914. (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (1°) C cilmen (Y) Nays F( worth' G In favor K r b M oll Against r Yo g Mr. President, Owers eoaN e.f/-2 Adopted by the Council / �___-191 Y ed Approv_ / l91/ V MAYOR i OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Offi• - AV ............. ... ........ _................ 191, Received of City Clerk '41 V'✓i+'1�--•'fes �F� w1�',.r� V _ LrT� tl '" .: PAUL 4—GENERAL FORM' COUNCIL -FILE No .................. .... ... Date Presented. - - I91........ Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 2nd, 1914, by and between the Manhattan Rubber Manufacturing Company and the City of at. paul for furnishing five thousand feet of hose, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. r. No. 2334—: Resolved, That the ntract,bearinfi date December 2nd, 1914. - by and be- tween the Manhattan Rubber Manu-. 'Lncturin5 Compuny and the. City. of st: Pxul for furnfahtng flve thousand feet, of base be and. the eame Is he by aprc- puthored. l5edand and dl cted to ertfcuta the same on behalf of the City Adopted by. the Council914:.Dec 4. 1914. approved Dec. 9. 1. (Dec 12-1914); Yeas (1) Co cilmen (P) Nays Fa sworth /� G _Z In favor K er M oil ___.____Against Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers roar c.e•z Adopted by the Council __�_, —191 Approve ' MA _. — - -- ----- �- MINOR council Fi o ........... ........ _............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT'j�•�?� and ' PRELINIINARY ORDER ' owing public imgrovelue y the City of St. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f Paul, viz.:..T.hax.....tkza.... xade.....o�.....Carro.l.l. :._�..--....�a:..orn._.L.ex nQ�.........A P.,...._to........... _.:_..........._........ Dated PRELE IINARY ORDER. Councilman. \VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iatproventeut, viz.:.._._That_.._the_....... t0 d the same , ie .hereb.y._._changed to conform.._.to..the _red..line _on .profile _heroto ..._ attached and made a_pprt hereof,._the,presont..gKA4 being represented.._ bY....the..._Ulue..._line....9n..._sa d.....1?r .......... ....... ..................... .............. ......._................. ....... _..... ................. .............................................. ..... having been presented to the Council of d e. F. No' sas— 'aeilman......_..._.................... _.................._....._....................... ; {\ h r na. A rnten p opo therefore, be It m 1 Ing of th following In p vhi That the grade of Car frgm Lexington Ave, t Ch , RESOLVED, That the Commissioner St. 1 end the ame ]a horebr ,na hereby ordered and directed: I to eonform to the red lo 05 e of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for ( hereto auabe8 dna made p' 6r of, the present grade batnf ented by the blue line. on sat.'• 2. To investigate the nature, extehtl of he been `s er¢v finer Improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketc Resobliciworkshbe and hemi. he,' and..directea:.- - ........................... ... 4. '1'0 furnish the following other dat TO invest ttil, 0 kieF neo said improvement: .. gf ut^. the i ....._.. ...... _............ . .... ........... ...................... ........................ .._.. ._ -.: tc cat o ..._. ... ... ... , 5. To state whether or not said improvement is d In :the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....... .r....... ....191 ...... f( Nuys Yeas: $ CouncilmantFasworth���((( Approved ......._....... ..... ..... Ke r ...._............................_......_........_............. y ........__... Ma orMayor ME COUNCIL FILE No . ..... 2837 13Y FINAL ORDER. ]a the Matter (if grading _Alley in Block 3, Palace Addition (between Holly avenue ........ and Portland Ave., Grotto., St. and Avon.-stre,et.,) ......... 1514 under Preliminary Order559.._approved July 6th, Intermediary Order —approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the �one; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is - mail the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, ']'list the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificat i oils for said ilopro,olent, and submit sall, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers al, hereby alltllorize(j and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...............__._._...........__..........___19............ City Clerk. Approved.._...._.._...__._.........._.____.. _- 191 11 1 Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Lear Yoerg Mayor Powers 1 1 1A 1 5 11 D , I ME COUNCIL FILE No . ..... 2837 13Y FINAL ORDER. ]a the Matter (if grading _Alley in Block 3, Palace Addition (between Holly avenue ........ and Portland Ave., Grotto., St. and Avon.-stre,et.,) ......... 1514 under Preliminary Order559.._approved July 6th, Intermediary Order —approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the �one; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is - mail the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, ']'list the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificat i oils for said ilopro,olent, and submit sall, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers al, hereby alltllorize(j and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...............__._._...........__..........___19............ City Clerk. Approved.._...._.._...__._.........._.____.. _- 191 11 1 Y 7, Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Lear Yoerg Mayor Powers Y 7, D I Office of the Commissidner of Public Works. Report to Commissioner of Finance Sel?t,embe_T.._14.,................191 ! To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known.as Council File No... . ............. approved ........... j1JY.._ 6............ _E .......................191 4...., relative to........th........ .AxadiXlg..._o,€.....4-11AY.....1n..._Bloak..._3..,:.._Palace..._Addition.,................................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_................necessary and (or) desirable. XXX and the total cost thereof is $.._...._......_100_._98 __ and 2. The estimated cost thereof Is �__......_....._...._........, the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...._.._...._....._....____.............. ........._....._......_.................. ..................... _............... .........................................._...._.._................_.......... ................... ._....._..........._................ ...... ........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......................................... ....... 5. Said improvement is ....... _..._...._ ...............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to aosessment for said improvement. _ ........ _...:......... _....... ........... ........................... ._.......... ommissioner of Public Works. CITY OFNST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + REPORT, OF COMMIS•IONER OF FINANCE PT ON PRELIM110!MY ORDER In the Matter of ---------------------------- Z�'under Preliminary Order approved ---------- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - 113 . -H3 - ------------ $---------- $_.09¢ E.er_frglt The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION all •ORM B.S.A. 5-6A -.. TOTAL. -.. ..: ,.-.. ✓+ U,:_., .. ..<-. CITY OF ST. PAUL lqk DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAIY, ORDER - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �7`� 6� o 'Z The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /to Dated —. 111 y -.. — — - 19LZ�(- _Gl /------------- FORM B.S.A. 8.8 C Commissioner of Finance. -_ 7o, the undersignod -croj-.ort,r oviners rsidir r oa 7011y and 7or' land- etition -our to tci-c o , -J- action loc'-ing toward tho gradinz of 'he alle', loca'God br,"wore .,n 7oll- Knd Portland avonuez', and the 2;tTec"s Avon and "o. in 'D'a will disc'.,r'50 t'nc said alley -C' rostcondition nd atcally rr--s cLbl 0. jj ,_ 1h 2838 it ,. S41 I COUNCIL FILE NO. By............ . FINAL ORDER. j94T.son street frog. Burns av-nue to Suburban avenue. ........ .. under Preliminary Order ...approved,.. Al�gu-s 30 Intermediary Order -approved .... ......... 91 7 A public hearing having been had upon the above ijuprovenient upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 'St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ....... ........... ..... ............ ... ........ ... ... ...... .. ............... .... ........ .. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...... . ............ - ........... City Clerk. Approved....................................__.......___._19..._ -,Xfayoi-. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller "XICColl / ju,/ O'Leary Yocrg Idayor Powers ij A .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISQIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM[ ORDER -- --------- - -- - ------------ -------------------- I ------- --------- --------- -------------'---------------------- ------- under Preliminary Order approved --- —.�1------------------------------------------- ------ -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 879 58 i The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 1.49 _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and v the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -Tp- i; DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .ASSESSED VALUATION i e, o J X, o TOTAL, . FORM B.S.A. 0•3 A ' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- -- ------------191.--� -- --- ----------------- .... Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 0.0 C _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works --- - Report to Commissioner of Finance Oct.ober._._12.:......._.._........... 191° i. To the Commissioner, of Finance of the City of St. Paul; -Phe Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......_1330.._........approved...............'..':ucuat SGv-......_......._191..._`.., relative to....the......._.-. ^•tr e. fro"! Burns to Suburban -Avenue. of J0'rs0PSuburban ....................................................................... -Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ...................... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... YX.............. and the total cost thereof is S_76.30 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................. .............. ............ ............. ____ ........... .......................... ................. _.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ........... ...._...................... ... _........... ....-._._........._............ .......................__......................................_..........._....._................ o. Said improvement is .......... .1'h.Qt.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 11, missioner of Public Works. St.Paul, Minn., December let, 1814. To The honorable Board of Commissioners. Gentlemen: - I have received a notification card relative to the grading of Johns on Street from Suburban Avenue to Burns avenue.. Thg grading of this street has been under consideration for a couple of years. ','-hen the hearing was before the Honorable Board of Public forks, the property would not stand the assessment. There ifere four owners at that time, since which the City of St -Paul has acquired ownership of the property :in the East side of Johnson Street. if the prbperty at that time would not stand the assessment for gracing, and as the Property valuation is the same and has not been changed, I do not see how the grading can now be done and assessed against said property. I pray that your Honorable Body can see the injustice which would be caused thereby, and request that the grading , if necessary, be done by the City of St.Paul at the time the Johnson Boulevard is graded and the cost of grading Johnson Street be borne by the City of St•raul. At the time the City Engineer,-ir.Claussen, inspected the street, also-4r.C'Leary, they made the statement that if the street was graded to the level of mourns Avenue, which should be, that it would damage my property, as it would make quite a cut on the north end thereof. Attached you will find a out showing my property. Very respectfully 4'—J 3 A40 L c i N ro -f9ht45on/ S; C tXJ v F S r �►q u p, vjt ............... r 2839 COUNCIL FILE No. By--- - - FINAL ORDER. I In the Matter of gradj.n.g tllg-- 'alley in-131,ocX-8 Add.itlall Falrirauhth". Pascal Sarato-ga. Averlue. under Preliminary Order- approved Iumst 3rd, 1914 Intermediary Order approved..._/1..... . 1. /� q 7711" . ....... . ..... A public hearing having iteeu had upon the above improvement upon (Joe notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provernent to be made by the said City is 9Mdjng the _ AIIQy dn bjqqk 8, surrmi Vi w A.dAit-iqn awnue,pasP4 And Saratoga and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for jjpp,Oval; that upon said approval, the proper city Officers are hereby authorized ;1nd directed to proceed 'with the making of said improvement I Adopted by the Council Approved p Councilmen F -nsw ortbIler A pt upon 'dee � due ,nl iheimrd�, ommen 7haying th Reii;6 .9 efxtent � st:� :made,'-'k Mayo r e rs fbetwee a"'U" ends th. pf!&ern W p I I, Y1 i _�.�.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMI' STONER OF FIN ��ON PRELIMARY ORDER ��1•/-tea%�� under Preliminary Order approved -----------. - -- / �1Y ------ - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---------- - -- ----- $ 51¢ per front The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION G �� Gs�v f GS�o TOTAL, Q y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMN$Ry ORDER, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUA?N all 41 U o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedl ....... ... ... ....... ........ -------------------- ---- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 8-8 C d a, S Y'-. Hon. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of public Works, city. i)ear Sir. - We the undersigned taxpayers and property owners in Block eight (8) of Summit View Addition'hereby express our desire for the grading of the alley.v in the above mentioned Block. Same lies between. Goodrich and Fairmount Avenues and runs from pascal to Saratoga Avenues. Trusting you will put this petition throug'1 the regular procedure and some will be favorably acted upon, we are, Respectfully yours owner of Lot16-1 /SO'7o-c"ti Gh- of of Lot _l,7, Office of die Commissidner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................................191A.- To 91 4To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........9.9.7......_......... approved— ...... A.UgUfl.G.....3..+..._......................191....x., relative to__t_!18.............. gx&ding.._caf.....alley.....in... Black. .8........Sumali.t.....V.1ek7....Fldd...................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_....._. .............. necessary and (or) desirable. xhxx603._00..........., and 1. The estimated coat thereof Is $...........:�......_............... and the total cost thereof is :}�............ ..._ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................_._.___...__._............. .........................__._...._..............._....... .... , 3. A Arlan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .................... .... ......_................................... ..... ... ......... _..... .... ......... .._........ ....... .._......--....___............_............._....._.._......_............._.__...................................._.........._ ...... 5. Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /.................._......................_......_........................._._ Co anis `over of Public Works. 2840 COUNCIL FILE NO. ..... --- - - 13Y.......... --- ........... .............. - FINAL ORDER. In the-31atter of ...gr4dj ng Al,y �e in Blo.ck.10, LeTis and �Iabons Ad i tion from, , .............. St. —TeStMiatner St.) Under Preliminary Order 14 ---approved —,TU.TY. .. . ....... .......... ..... ......... . . ... ............ - Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, Objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- proveinent to be made by the said City is ZrAding..the alley in Block 10 Levis and mallon's Additior ........ ....... f vola-Ark.mright—ip trieet .to gqAminster street and the Col"icil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cominissiouer of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in acro "'lee therewith. Adopted by the Council ......................2.........._.19_/. ........ . .. . ...... Cit e -k. Approved Councilmen F isworth "vort' K r NJ 11 Yo Mayor Po' CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ON iVSSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ORDER `L -f p In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved------6�`-'-----�-=� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: v The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: In The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $307 ,39-_------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - 2 $ . . mer frm The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED . VALUATION do i6 S J11 Aj TOTAL. .moo CITY OF ST. PAUL .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION -. LOT .BLOCK'S ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION y all d f o a / 0111 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ��/j// Dated --/L----- ------Commissioner 191_ lel . ...........................-------------- --- ------------------ FORM B.D.A. - C _ _ of Finance. :f t r Tb the Common :c7ncil .City of St. Paull Gentlemen: The Undersigned prope4y ownerd Lewis & Mabones addition,respectfully petition ,blooX,said alley rimning East and Wast,between in block designated as you to grade alley in said Arkwright and MoManemy sts ,,and between Cook and Magnolia streets. Name of owner Lot V/�����9 [h - C Eike of the Commilioner of Public Works IF �i COUNCIL FILE NO._.__........._._.._ By....... ... ...........................__......_ _ _.. _. _.__..__ _. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.. grad_^,g _C9ttage___etreet.,.,from Arcade ,street _ to Forest Street. .. ................ ....___.___ .. _..___......... _... _.. . _.........._ .. _. .__.__..... .._.__.. under Preliminary Order - !.`k3O -... approved September 3..d. 1914 Intermediary Order4 / approved / ...� .... _..-... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to,be made by the said City is.._....grading._Cottage..__..street-..from.-Arnade...a.tre.et..to...Fore at street. _._.. ._ ...___. and tine Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in ac rdance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.._....._.._ ....... ...:.._19. / ... _._ ......... .._............ ........ . _.. .......... _......... ._.__._..._....- `` Cit Cle •k. Approved..._/. J.^-...._.._:.....19.1.4 Bayo•. Councilmen tPo' r� Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL o DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS-R-iHONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN`RY ORDER v -AK - In the Matter --- -------------------------- na Preliminary Order approved ----- -- --...------------`-`''----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- --------------- ---------------------- ...--------------------- - under To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 3 � 226 . 68---_.- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION to II d° TOTAL. jIOP B 9 A. B.D w }I �. "--` •' "a-"__ V T5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT TMENMEN T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINVy ORDER ' ASSESSED 'DESCRIPTION LOT I9LOCK. ADDITION VALUATTIIIO �Y3 . zz y all /.Z J1. do, i o all /3 { X 14 --- - - -- _ fl TOTAL : CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON,PRELIMINAP'Y ORDER (C) u �i DESCRIPTION LOT InLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED f VALUATIp%pJ� / y b` : A /� o all /J ./a � r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. % / Z — Dated--�� f---------191....L _-iG....... Commissioner of Finance. IOBM B.B.A. B•B G - To Councilman U. I:. Goss, I Commissioner of Public Works, 'City of St. Paul, Minnesota: �FYe, the undersigned ovmers of property abutting on Cottage Street in Phalen Grove Addition, do hereby respect- fully petition you and the honorable bnd. of Councilmen to nppT! Rnd .rade said 9trPPt between Fcrest and Arcade Streets at your earliest convenient time. Idiom ADDRESS _ LOT BLOCK _ 7 d ;z7 �L 16- y" �' 19K n, f Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ....._19_t-..._...._._..._.........191.. 4 To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........1QQ_..........approved.................. t..e...._..�.._......._.......... 191._n., relative to...__................_..... g? .�jX1w.....4..t.r^ u.....S.t....._..S.Q.[A....LlS.Q.G.B.....5��........�_Q...._R..T...9_�_�......Sae......._............... ......._............_........ _. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....... ................ necessary and (or) desirable. . • 3 207 00_._..., and XXXXX,..., and the total cost thereof is:._._......x..........__�......._ L. The estimated coat thereof is $...._...._.........._ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................. ......... ................ ............ ... _.............. _ _........_...... _.. ....................... _............. _. _.........._......................................_............................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. a. Said improvement is:......._ ..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _.._._Commissione�of- ,blic Works. X� COUNCIL FILE NO.. 2842 By FINAL ORDER. Ill the Matte, of coj,$trvc� e. 05 ,ir,7 a cement �;n the south s d 1 Hewitt aveni-, e f roul., Syn iiica to at en'le....... . .... .. 6717 ander Preliniiiiar.T Olde] _approval _ October 7thl 1914 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had "poll the above improvement ai)ou due 110tice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Comicil of the City of St. Penal that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be nai& by the said City is c onstructing a cement... sidewalk on -the--South--side of Hii-witt-smenue.-from. Syndicate avenue to Griggs street and the Couneil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said ialpl-ON,ealent, and submit sain, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in ace( 11 the/rev/with. I—with. Adopted by the Council..... sx�/� neely,e Lf A Approved. /v. _.__. _.__1<l/. ._ __..... _ _._.. Mayor. Councilmen Far sivorth �i4_2— tt.r 00 st'ueth"'; ment sidewalk,6n the Az"c . ;south; pbJ.,HeWItf avenue=any, der�,,,,PMhfiinary, GrIg.. late."c"to Ko �r Order l959,­,'avPrA ed October , 7 1914,' I.terniedio,ry-v Oder :x444, ap: ylg,d co 1rj If oil g g;' upon denbad upon the above Improvement` upon'due ell notim -And the, Cou.1c I having ;heard I all objections And '3_counnendations. 'o Ko .1 oll relative thereto, and idered the t having. fully con. ,ame;� herefore. -be it, .,Resolved, -city. Yo An" tByi the � Council of,the 0(iew•Itt A' the Precise- nature, tent ad klml of I morn, I c -11t to be made by the said City Is c...ruel., 1118 or P. rsMent sidewalk on the south side avenue from Syndicate ave_met nue to Griggs street and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made, Resolved Further. That the C.mmI.. i sloner of Public Works be. -and and. !j her by I Instructed and dIrsctpd to pre. Lar: _plana and slicellicat ons for said 1117�, 7i!; �7 X� COUNCIL FILE NO.. 2842 By FINAL ORDER. Ill the Matte, of coj,$trvc� e. 05 ,ir,7 a cement �;n the south s d 1 Hewitt aveni-, e f roul., Syn iiica to at en'le....... . .... .. 6717 ander Preliniiiiar.T Olde] _approval _ October 7thl 1914 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had "poll the above improvement ai)ou due 110tice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Comicil of the City of St. Penal that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be nai& by the said City is c onstructing a cement... sidewalk on -the--South--side of Hii-witt-smenue.-from. Syndicate avenue to Griggs street and the Couneil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said ialpl-ON,ealent, and submit sain, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in ace( 11 the/rev/with. I—with. Adopted by the Council..... sx�/� neely,e Lf A Approved. /v. _.__. _.__1<l/. ._ __..... _ _._.. Mayor. Councilmen Far sivorth �i4_2— tt.r 00 st'ueth"'; ment sidewalk,6n the Az"c . ;south; pbJ.,HeWItf avenue=any, der�,,,,PMhfiinary, GrIg.. late."c"to Ko �r Order l959,­,'avPrA ed October , 7 1914,' I.terniedio,ry-v Oder :x444, ap: ylg,d co 1rj If oil g g;' upon denbad upon the above Improvement` upon'due ell notim -And the, Cou.1c I having ;heard I all objections And '3_counnendations. 'o Ko .1 oll relative thereto, and idered the t having. fully con. ,ame;� herefore. -be it, .,Resolved, -city. Yo An" tByi the � Council of,the 0(iew•Itt A' the Precise- nature, tent ad klml of I morn, I c -11t to be made by the said City Is c...ruel., 1118 or P. rsMent sidewalk on the south side avenue from Syndicate ave_met nue to Griggs street and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made, Resolved Further. That the C.mmI.. i sloner of Public Works be. -and and. !j her by I Instructed and dIrsctpd to pre. Lar: _plana and slicellicat ons for said J I iA CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIIIIISSIONER OF FINANCE } / ON PRELIN,.YARY ORDER �. In the Matter of. ....-7----'----=�_(..��.'.,•- -�. - ------------------- ---'------------------'-------------------- --- ---------------------- --------- ----- ft�-------------'---.....-----__..---- ------- --- ------ __.....------------...--- under Preliminary Order approved --------lY- --- ----f-----'�--------- ---- ------ --------- --- --- ---- --------- _-------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ - -- ----'- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ 90 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION '54'� s� ,y C J6 �G0 /d G G 0 • /,� G � a G o o /a a 4 f G 2 FORM B.S.A. a-$ A TOTAL, C „ ,o CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELfMI#ARY ORDER I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUA'FJON The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated /-------..-..__ —191 Commissioner of mance. FORM B.S.A. C IAOOV, 'z The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated /-------..-..__ —191 Commissioner of mance. FORM B.S.A. C Office of the Commi 0oner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- t eil, known as Council File No........................_...........approved....._._.__ ...'....._.-_......"...........t.."............_1J1`........, relative to ..._....__......._.... �V..- L and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._........__.._....necessary and (or) desirable. hat 'L. The estimated cost thereof is *........._c�e:�t...:.......... and the total cost thereof is:�........_........_...r....:.-._:___....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... .......... ...................... .._................ .................. ....... _.............. ..._.......... :__... ....____..__.."._...._......._..._..........._...._.............. ................... _.......... ...._...........__.._.__............................ .._............_............... ......... ...... ......__.... :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaihe xiR& , Jae Mreof. .............................................. .s .:c •t 5. Said improvement is ............. ---- .............asked for upon petition of three o f i`d 6iv sof property, subject 191; to assessment for said improvement. G Commissioner of Public Works. COUSC11, FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. 111 the or gradi^g Cottage_ street from Payne avenue tc aroen!rier avenue. - under Preliminary Order. 1Q28 approved OC to 1 luternlediary Order __. — -..._ approved A public heating having bceu had upon the above inlprovenunt upon due notice, and the Council I aving heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, be it RESOLVED, 133, the Couneirof the Pity of tit. pall that the preeise nature, extent and kind of im- proveuneut to be made by the said City is _gr©ding_. Cottage _..street --from _Payne --avenue --to- - _Greenbrier._.avenue and the Council hereby orders said iulproveou•ut to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Connuissioler of public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subulit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper City officers are hereby- authorized and direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement ill atci lane- therelvith. Adopted by the Council__ _.. _. 1 /...,leek...... Approved Mayor. lbuncihueu Farr 'worth Go. c:l xo a99(s=- `-:In the MattOc of grailing,,.-Cottage. Ke l. T Cottage stieeB from vPnyngt avenue, /// ` - to Greanbrle av ntte 'ilnder .PreTlm- nary Order 3201 \ICr Ilj tat, approved "Intermediary, Order 2441, e approved Nev 7 3lut A public hearing Fhaving been 'liafl. uPon .the above 6,.Xiyement upon; Jj. t due notice,: andson {ob .Coals it d.y.bavliig- (//rj�'Q/ heard all persona, obfeatlth. and res-. omm g fully r mlder6d the 'and 0 g 'having tally aanaidared the Slime;, th r fol ae dbe It s Resolved: By. the Council df the. City TIa O7' Po 1's of St. Paul. that the. precise nature, Y ..tent and kind of lmprovelnent to ba made by the Bald' City ls'glading Cot tage street from PaynR- avenue t0' Greenbrier 'avenue. - and-.1,.tKo C. Cil I A ;4 I CITY OF ST. PAUL - I . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA&Y ORDER f?J _ rr under Preliminary Order approved ---------- -- -.._-J----- --------'- -_-----...------------------------------------------------------------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1�3 58 . 48 total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $— ------- $ 1.17 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - -------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION• -/ 6" TOTAL. 9 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL f 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .N.` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR-J ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , d` a` o i 14- d, G dN o C. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --191 j Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 8.5 C - TAE FOTTOWINt; ITAMS AF.F ATI, IN FAVOR OF HAVING COTTAG33 STREET GRADED BETWKn PAYNE AVE. AND GR BIER. 9 0 UFF OCT ' 1914 Fesn .Ey 5T. PAUL, *"N N .i's OK Office of the CommissiorYer of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance -%`:'.."......-`:..2....._............_191 �. ............. _...... _... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had tinder consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 1828-z7to;:n: 1, 1 �•. cil, known as Council File No... ................_..............approved__..........:....._`................................................191.......... relative to ............. .a{r.., of Cott'.^'G n rec t :ioii. Tla—".:c. fv. o -,..1 ............................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..........._. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. ,a7 . �N..., and 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $.........._'.`_'r.::::::.._....., and the total cost thereof is :�.....__....�..t."._-_...... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........._ ..................._._. ..... ...... ...._..____..._....__._......_................... ._...._........... :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. &........... ......................... ........ ........... ........ .................. ......... ...... .........._........._......................................_........_.... _.__..........._..._...._.._................_.......-....._......._........_........ :i. Said improvement is .... ._....._ ......................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........................_.......G. ._...._....._................... f.�.`."��.L....__ _._..._. Com ism -6f Public Works. _ COUNCIL FILE NO. liy FINAL ORDER. In n1,• \lartc,• oL. gra3r. _ig _Fir. z�;,�, ��e fron. SoLlyn acen"e to St. Anthony miler Preliminary Order. __7.50 __.._ _.._._..approved July_ 17t :,...1914 - - Intermediary Order _ _ _y ► ----approved A public hearing having Veen hacl upon the above improvement upoi due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, obicetious and recommendations relative thercto, mid having fully considered the saute; therefore, bu it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn- provmueut to be nlilde by the said City is__ grading. Finn._atetale-_fr. om_Rablyn ave.nUa-to--.St—.Anthany avenue. - ......._........._........___.. . :nut the Council hereby orders said improcemeldto be. made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coumlissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby iustrneted 21111 directed to prepare plans and specifieatious for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized Hud directed to Proceed with the making of said improv meat ill accordance daun therewith. Adopted by the Council Ci C r . Approved__ Mayor. Councilmen Farl vorth i.c. F. No.'2844— - .--.-. In the Matter of. grading Finn avenue from.;Roblyn avenue. oto St. Anthony (i os `avenue funder Preliminary Order R3, approved • J,uly 17th,. 1914, Interme- ' diary Order 2442, 'aDproved'.Nov. 7, Rot 1914. -; .A publte, `h earing,'haxing been... had upon the above Improvement .:upon dve notice, • and the Inneil having. Al 11 heard all persona ob]eceume and ree, ommendntlona relative thereto, and. having fully coaat atea the aam.; therefore, be-I Resolved, Hy the Council of the City -o1. St::-,Paul :thnL the'ptools. nature,. extent and kind of Improvement to be, YO madepy Ne evld OSty=fe grading FInn avenue Irom. Roblyn.' .venue to St.' An, theny avenue,.. and the..Covnellhereby Mayor Pot S orders Baid,hanrovement to be me e. Resolved,Further, That the Com- missioner' of Public Works be and he la hereby Instructed.. and directed .to' _,esre mane and :apecidcatlons for. Ci p CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS'IONER OF FINANCE / a ON PRELIMIN-AY ORDER Ia the Matter of - ---- -------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved ---------------- -- ---`---r----�'l -f To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 450.96 $-------------------'----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $__• 33—_____ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Q DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 'f ,J r^ ri�Ypa /li�i�ucr/rteuir X25 A9�;%o ads da A zFORM S� B.S.A.w. a -e w TOTAL, c / , ' /.� /5' ✓- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ---"" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON. PRELIMINA%:- ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION , ./. J.S./.f_: _..... The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._... ... _..._...__._-..191.x/.-� f - - - .. _.-------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. B -S C St Paul Minn Jan 17th 1914 TO THE HON. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS; The.ymdersigrled, property owners of the City of St. Paul petition you to grade Finn street between Roblyne Ave and St. Anthony Ave so the sidewalks may be laid on the proper grade. Nape I.ot No Block No. Addition TOE TSI S TELEP °' & — Z HE Tail -S TELEPO & TELE66AF0 C r ��......... IP ......................191.. 4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 7.3.0 ..........approved................... J_u3.Y....,?-, .............:.......1914...._, relative to........... grading of Finn Avenue from Roblyn Avenue to St..9nthony Avenue ..... ............................... _............._......._......................................:................._......................................._..................................._ ................................ _.... -....... ........ _...... _..................... ............ ............... ..... ........ ........_........................ ........................ ._................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: , 1. Said improvement is ....... _... __........ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_....... XXX.......... _, and the total cost thereof is $.....445..,63........... _... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... _ . . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. If............................_.........._...._..--.--....._.............._................. ...... _:.... ..... 4._...................._............................... ......_ .........._..._............:.. 5. Said improvement is._....__. .........asked. for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _...................... ...._._... _... _.......... _....... _._...... ........................... ........... i - 'ommissiouer of Public Works. GO SS KEUER 2 ? � « ^^ �� � ° ��� � <? y k�� « �� < � : %» ZL YOERG - ^ \ ( ( \ \ \ i !) S, 0 PRESIDENT (POWFXS \ ri �/ Oxy \� ) \ \ \ USIWW \\ ^! \2 { / \ / j \ } 1J F ._ . t,. 7�, �� ,_. ,'fir., COUNCIL FILE NO..........._...... ....c_.... .... _... .. /2846 ., BY Resolution of Council Approving A`ss'essment. dama�es for ,.._chap, e,._of In the matter of the assessment of benef....t.... o_e..._e.___and..._expenees g _ grade on Stellar street, between Atwater street and Lyton Place. .......... ........... _.._............I ... _.... .........._..._......_..._................._.............._._..... under Preliminary Order ....._. 9373....__... _..__ _....................... Intermediary Order.__._...__..........._..__...._._._..._........_......._...._........._, Final Order_-..40.�.1.Oa..._._._.._...._.._.._........ _._., approved _Novemfber.....10th..................... 191-3 The assessment of,...G��:_...Q....ES�or and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ._8 t.?1............_........._....._ day of Januar_y ....................._, 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_.._._ ____._.__...... �._... ._..., 191_L� c_. _._.............. Yi Clerk. Approved ....../..` _......_._.._.._...._._:.._.., 191 Mayor. CouncilmantFWd . 11 Mayo Forw B. S. b 8-8 $UBLISHEA �� COUNCIL FILE NO .......................................... 2847. By Resolution of Council Approving AssessmetA. In the matter of the assessment of benefits., .,c_ost.s_and, expenses._ for _paving Snelling avenue, from Grand avenue to University avenue. 1.111. .......... .. _....... under Preliminary Order 41,.574 Intermediary Order 1111. 1111_ Final Order _...15, OB.B_..... _ 1111..., approved ._. May 27_th 191.._4 The assessment of . benef l_t6_, CO.B_ts and,_.eXjpen8e9 _._ 1111. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ._ _. 1111... day of IW5. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ISI., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 the Court�e and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council // /I // 1ty Clerk. Approved ..1.���.. .. __ , 191t�.. 1111... _ ._........ 1111 Mayor. CouncilmanjeIr '"mein d sea all esament i' a be it That the. said asse�', .: same Is hereby In •aved. '(. d .Further, That s had on'snid n e m' lay oY J nua,y 1316 .' 10e cloakA. M. 1n theNo. '.61 of thty Han Building t SI. P nl, that -the Comml `)1 L,ISI'Il✓ance givonotice ofaald rnutred by theChaeter, tice the time. and. place e. nature ot;; th, Pacecbetthere. , nel, ;lhaMayor Form B. S. A. 8.8 ' COUNCIL FILE NO ............ .... ........._............: - Bye. 1 .GC.:Gvi_..�L._......._.. Resolution of Council Approvin ssessmet. In the matter of the assessment of benexp...ite, ..COetO and efor conetr ctng _a sewer on the following streets: Maryland street from Trout gook to T.e.a.ai.e.....a.tr.ee.t.._...Burr.....etree.t..._Uom..Brain_e.rd avenue to Rose street_......._.... Arkwright street from Maryland street to Brainerd avenue. Brainerd Ave. from Arkwright__stre.e.t to_Ed_gerton..stre_et.. Clark street from Maryland street to Jessamine St., Jessamine St. from woodland St. to De Sota St. under Preliminary Order _._40,,006 Intermediary Order.. Final Order.._15,550-__ ____. , approved ._ December 9th, 1913._ The assessment of b4.1?_O-fi.t_e., costs and __expenses __.. for and in connection with a oy s..L nFarn—'�i the above improvement having been submitted to the Council .1 and a .nseaei for considered same and sewer 'on'the follo• Maryland street found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it n sralnecd'avenue to. 4rk v Ight street to Brnlnerd RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is he. A.rtf om a Icw ,roved. retreet '�n'Mn gland 'etre t - ,. 7esea ins at Lron: RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on ora i• s4o oostjin"he ..... .... day of ppro ed Decerang seeement of bene.i Eor and In conn qtly i 101 at the hour of 10 o e Improvement ha -mcil Chamber, room No. 61 .__. .. ...... _..__ .... ....._.... eo the c—ncli. •i�� eonsldere the Court ouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St' 'i In missioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par - titular owner to whom the notice is directed. .Adopted by the Council ___ Approved ...("'_ ,....._ll....:.. _... Councilman tj 00 1' Mayor Fmm B. S. A. 8.8 L �TBLiSIi�p/ / f I ti a a fit I:� 3 COUNCIL FF%ILEBy A_______........._... . .. IJ 4 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the iffier of_.. c.gnstruc ting, a PeTer or, Hall aae i.e froa Winifred street to Robie street. . _... .____... _........ under Preliminary Order 137.3.......... ..... .... ........._...approved . Aug--st 28th,. 1914_. __.... _ _... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of t)°ie Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved rind adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. , 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_......._9_0n_stru_ct_ii'i.g_. a_ s_ze wr. QD H.al.1.._ay..enae...fro.xl._7kini..frs ....a.tr_eet G.o..._Rgbie str e e_t__. _....... ... ..... __.. _ ..... __... _.__ ..... ... ........ .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .___57.5.1.0_...____._.. Resolved Ftwther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_..........,jl.........._._day of ......................:...................._........_.__191..._4, at the hour of....._1...............o'clock... ....... _A..�....M., in the ......_ CQuncil...._Chamber. roan of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and p g y __ '914 t, and the total cost thereof as estimated. lace of hearing, the nature of the ,im �rovemen Adopted b the Council. ._.. . 19 .-...... �/ Approved..._._..._. _...._:...._......__._..._....... Councilmen Fa nsworth Go Be' er Me oll O' ary Yoe Iilayor Pow •s r 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. (306S, COQIMI%SIGNER A ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY C01116910NER OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF E.1.111 J. E. CARROLL. S-. COHRiR l— & RERAIRR ALFRED JACKSON, SORT. Se.rtA _ G. H. HERROLD, 0 1- E..I. R H. W. GOETZINGER, S- W.—I-1 Mr. M.H.Coss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. St.Paul,Minn4 Jan. 12,1915. D UU JAN 1 �5. 00tiss Dear Sir:- C.F. 1373, preliminary order for sewer on Hall Ave. from Winifred to,Robie, was laid over by the Council for further investi- gation. The attached sketch shows the pr!mperty affected by the order', and it appears that owner of lot 8, block 79 is the only party desirous of having a sewer built. An advance assessment of $62.50 has been paid on lot 9, blk. 79. . The main objection to the sewer comes from the Church of St. Matthew, owning the block on the east side of the street. In order to sewer lot 8, the sewer should be built from Winifred St. to a point 105 ft. south of the south line of Winifred St., and if such a sewer were built, the Church property would, in the ordinary course, be assessed for one half the cost of the sewer. The total cost of the sewer is estimated to be $340.00 At a previous hearing, it.was suggested that the owner of lot 8 could build a private sewer connection to Winifred St. This would cost him $175.00, including the advance assessment, and'a better solution would' be to build a public sewer and assess for same according to a mutual agreement between the property owners. If the Church of St.Matthews would agree to accept an assessment of $1.35 a:'front foot for 50 feet frontage, total $62.50, this together with the advance assessment on lot 9 already paid, would leave a balance of $115; equals the estimated cost of the public sewer to the owner of lot S. The Corporation's Attorney's office advises that such an ar- rangement would be legal, and the proceeding would be for the Council to pass a final order, a contract to be advertised and bids taken, so that the exact cost may be ascertained. Then, before the contract is awarded, the owners of all the property liable for the assessment, should be called in to sign a paper agreeing to whatever arrangeend t can be made to M.N.G.-2- apportion the oost. The final order should read "To construct a sewer on Hall Ave. from Winifred St. to a point 105 feet south of the south line of Winifred St." Respectfully submitted, Q Chief Engineer. -�? { So S o sa J-0 all Ch r c% B�6e rfy s� 04��Unza Sewer01b ................... ... ......... ........ .. ................................... .................... fromM ............................... to.11, 'File, No..._ ............. ✓Ipproved . . ...................._„....._.191..._.................A,/......................_...191,, � 4 'Total frontage ft. Returned to the Board of Public Works less exemptions Pre. estimate 191 Assessable frontage -Y I,, Plans and Specilications 191 linal feet of inch pipe leiver at at at Li at I i at Sandrock Tunnel (lined) at (not lined) at I 4_ Standard Manholes No._1 t WD No. 2 at Catch Basins at lit at at Advertising arid -Inspection CIO; Total Cost COUN�CIIL`� FILE �NO.'.... ... 2849 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbgn.Qf"9!x -Qpe- e --fid ,_eApeR888., for cons.tru .t ng.__a Bever on....kala4u.i.e.r.....at.r.e.et...f.r.am...English.... Street ....tra....A.tl.antic..stac.ae.t�__........_ 413.73. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order - -- Final Order ._..41f74..___, .___ __.__..., approved _..... _MBTOh 34th.... 191_4 Ad geR . e;i088 _._........ for and in connection with The assessment of _Qf .1;iQ>7ef.�te.,..__4.pe. e _ _p-... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........_....�....._-. _.__.... day of _.........._, 191J-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court H se and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council l� C. P. No. 2M—BY"-n- Inthe —tte,neneats.ac ,4,s a> vaAeessP Approved 1.. _L .........v.. ,mn axle eut. C'ol,Coin then - Councilman Fa �IhHi s -ort. _^ " K r MC i'. 11 Yo Mayor Po s perm B. S. A. 8-8 8811 1311 rl .............. Mayor. $UIILISHED�/--- Mr. Claus o on. `Council File No. ... ...... '............ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIBUNARY ORD The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the lowing public improvement e City of St. 1'ttnl, viz.: _Qt?ening.,..... #�d z g_..aritl.__ex: s�ixz enne . 3.1.asut_.Tenth-._St. to _College_.Avo....a. _and. Z el th.._B.t .:. A 1..._G.eclar.._.S ir.a.et.......:_Qoll.e.ga_..love..,_...aa'-' shown and laid out on.accogm ..ging plan_._ PRELIMINARY QRDI9RSi__ ............. ... .... ......... .. ........ _ ............. ........ l C. E. No. 2860— +----- - ----- .......... ...._...__...._ Whereas; -A written: proposal foie I making of .the following Smproveml Dated this.. 4th..._...__ day .Dec emUe viz Opening and ext ding .................. " "" ' avenue from West Tenth St to Co ]11.Av :, and- Twelfth '.'.w"? t from Cedr I.tp College Ave., as sriown and 1 accompanying Plan havit. .. ..._. .................._...... ....... +vented- to the.. Council of th s qt. Paul therefore; be St i. , l lved,lce be tile and renis her�t Councilman. •d and. dlreoted: To investigste th n `.'esirability of they-mak r ovement. PRELnVIINARI To„Snvesd= to d H WIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the i.AProvemen£; vlz.:.....D_pening............ and...extenaing...Plfln. Avenue..._fxom,...i?lest__Tenth Twe7fth..St....: .xam._gedta St._._.t4.._�.91.lege :r.V_a_., ..as..._ek�slr....and......laid..._o.11_t.....on_._._.._. ac.G.ompany.ing.....plan ............. ...... ......._ ......... ......................_ .......... .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .... .... ..... _....._._.._.._.__................ _......... _..__...._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.............. ............. ........._........................_..............._............._.._....._........__.........__.._..........---- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.................. Yeas: // Nays: Councilman Fa worth GoApproved ............ _:... ............ ... ....._. ............ K r M OR rg.........-........................... -.............�.�//.... Mayor CT9. ilfCr. WBLISI�u�_ Council File No... ...:............. a PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 2851 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. l The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tile following p le improvement by the Ci of St. Grade.__Undexwood Avenue_._Yrom_._Rando 9treet:,_to $artf ._..., ... ............. Paul, viz.: ..... Street.,. in,.aocordanae with petiti:.. hereto _a attached .. Wh rens: he f011ten Provos ............................. ....... , ... malcfn� of the'PollowlnB..fmp� .. ..._........ ............ 11s: Grade 'underwood avent. andolph street' to Hartford ......_. ........................._. een pre en ....... .......... ......_...... _..... �Nf CRY f t the Comml sI J ns b e tl ........ h i . De mber� to works b and he Ie he Dated this . 5th day of. ... ¢ d directed: fl To Snvesttsate the ne ee H j/J elr btllty-ot ,the maktne ement i rn Investigate oho': : nd estimated coat e. est, and the total: o�, , .... '(iollllCllmari. o turnleh roveme 1 of urns improvement. furnish, the follpw '! tnPorm¢tlon relatty 1 hent. PRELIMNARY 08DEh t1. askefojhdr or. not j '., t 1s asked for .. the_�e ' ,or more owners. Y, r Port upon a1L: of P:.S7.. ......... WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follows tters to the Com s G............ . -.- .............:........ . ...... ........................ .__.._..._...................._............_....._._..._....._._.._.....__...................._............._... ........ _... .,....._,............. .. ouncil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .........._._........ _. .......... . having been presented to the C; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:............................................ -_..__.:._...._......__._.._.__.... --- ..................................... _..._.. . .................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....... ... ... _..... / .. . ......191. Yeas: Councilman Far lsworth Gos APProvet _ ::::... ... ........ ._........ . Ke l r Mc. oil Yo _ Mayor Pow s May fUW ISB ED Mr. Carroll 'Coutielf File No....... .... _................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. r' and 2852 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following lie improvement by the City, t. Paul viz.:tk�.e_..grad.e.....of....Paga S.t:....from- . if.._Aze.a......tA....Livingst" ra., . be and 1he same is hereby changed to oonf to the red line o he profile hare.to;..ai;.tachad....and...made....a-part._"hexed -y-.._the..... present, grade "e �lg_represent�d. by the `blue line on said profile, a that that part of aid Page St. from South Ftabert"-"St " to Livingston Av be "graded to the-" tabltairatl gr�i'+ie and that part of said.Page St. from ivingston Ave. to ff Ave. be graded to . ... �.3..r.3......_......... . the gra:de"".:"izereby .estab3iahed:�; ...."..�/ Dated tlus......_2.7th...........day of................ ._iov.einb.er...................................... 191__4. Coune' man. PRELIMINARY ORDE . WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.That .the__.grade of page St. from Goff Ave. to Livingston Ave. be and the same is hereby changed to:o.nnfnrm_._to.....the_...x.ed..line.on_:.th-a._pro.fil.e.:..haxe-to"-attached...-.and- made-" a -part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line on said profile,; 4nd":.:.that.....part-"of said St"" firem""Soath. Robent-"St:--to 3virsgston five:" be gradedto the established grade, and that part of said Pae St". from Page Livingston Ave:.to Goff �+� rn rr,.4"n�� t" -,,W ^rad"e hereby establiohed C F No =2862 '14herRa A written P og-I for the „_......... ..........._...._........._. .... __ ... ,,,,,, snaking of the following Itnprovern n .�_ Goff,AveTh.s to Lloingato.abufn dk7, be �r/� having been presented to the COnn •the same 1 hereby'changed to conr, 411e11man...- ... .............. _----- ........---_..- to, the red line os the pro83e"berato therefore, be it taches :ana made s part: h.feof r nreaentgrade being;reptesented' by r blue line on ealld proms and that p RESOLVED, That the Commis f amid Page sr from south Robot is hereby ordered and directed: to s.lvingstoa Ave., be graded t ; g of said improvement. 1. To investigate the neceasit eat,bllahod grade; "end" that yat g gold Page at from Llvingeton �A, Gott Ave: be graded'. to the grade 1 ;a 2. To investigate the nature, be eatahuehed, having been"prep rsiamprovement, and the total cost thereof. to the Council of fhe Clty f 9t Y 3. To fnrnish a plan, profile o thereto e beThat !be roc . �' 4. To furnish the following of ru t i dllrve,to said improvement:..._._................._... ....... lol- ...___`.... _.......__..... .___ ..._ 5. To state whether or not"said improvement is asked"for• on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing Inattorps, to. the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....................... ••- 191 Yeas:NayG,�t/ GC/ Councilman Farlsworth Goa Approved ..................lz-" "......... 191....... gel r Me all Yoeg .......... .............__l�l!C.~...'... ay Mayor Po rs 3UdiSIIED % mr-. Carroll Coupeil File, No ............................... - > .PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and 28M PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the m/confo the following lie improvement by the Ity of St. Pani, viz.: That ,..._ ror� _.... a�_...._t.o_...2 _ cY... 1[e...._be. andthe same ie hereby changeonfo to the rod lin on the profile here:t.4.....a:shed._..axad._.made.....a.__pa.e.o ...._the-...preaent.:..gr e....being...-represented by the blue line on said profhat thesaid S uin St. between the p.o.int.s....afaresaid..._be_..graded:....in.ane.e. _with . the ads hereby --established. Z ...................._...I........_...._................__................... .._..................._. - �� talallol,u,au. PRELIMMARY ORDER. WHEREAS A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:....That ..._the.__grade of Kerwin St. from Phalen Ave. to Traty Ave. be and the same is hereby the .....re.d I ine.....on.. the.._.profile.--h4Dre-tD--..a4t,"hed-...and...mdde a part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line on prof.ilea- and ..._that.....the.. said .- erwi-i gt .between the points aforesaid - be graded --in accordance with the grade hereby established. _...................... ..........._.._._....._._._......._..........................-.................._.._..........._......._.... ....................._...._..........__......._........................................._......_.................. ................. ....... C.::F.: ere s. A ..... ..:.... ....... ............... .........._.... ..... J ......._.... ............ _.................._... .......... _.. �Vhereae. A written proposal for the m¢king of thetollowing Improvement. viz: ":That the -grade of .Icerwin at: an...................................... ._. .._....; having been presented t0 ti COlmCll from'. Phalen Ave. to,Tracy Ave. tie """'- '-- .and the same.: is hereby changed, to therefore, be it conform to the red Sine on the profile hereto attached and madea part here- of,. the.prosent grade being represent- ereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the COmmiSSlo ed by the blue line on said•prome and that the sold 'Kerwin St. Between tfie. 1. To investigate the necessitypoints aforesaid -be graded' in a cord said improvement. 6r ance with the grade hereby Qatar Ilehed, having -been presented to the -ovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ea council of the City of St. P. I there- . -fore, be 1t 3. To furnish a plan, profile or Er oso R nrhe be That and hemsmis Inner of dered and directed: . , . 3. To furnish the following oth i. To investigate the, n Ative to said iruprovement:..... ..... ...... ....... or de. e Ilablll" oI th m I ovement . __............... _._ ._.._.._.. ........... _._........._...._._ .. ..... .. ........_......_....._.._ . __..__.... ._...._.._....__.......... _. .. rent or, 7 lot. ' 5. To state whether or not said iiu%> Isked'for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ Yeas: / Mays: Councilman Fa lsworth Go Approve .... .. ......... ... .. ...... 19..... Ke r Oil rs /\ 1 or. i Resolved, That Council File No. 2252, approved Oct. 24th, 1914 purporting to establish the grade of Kerwin St. from Phalen Ave. to Tracy Ave., and Council File Oo. 2245 approved Oct. 24, 1914 for the grading of Kerwin St. from Phalen Ave. to Tracy Ave. be and each thereof is hereby rescinded. C. p'.!Nd- 2864—By Df. N. Goss— Resolved, That Council File 'No. 2262, I app'pved Oct 24t4, 1914; purporting to,; eatd�lf'it the grade of Xerwin $t-' Lrom .Phalen Ave. tp Tracy ;Ave: an�ll C ----Il File No, 2246 approved ".Oct.. 24, 1914, for the grading o[ Xeriwn si. from Phalen Ave.' to Trney Ave., be And each thereof la heroby, rescinded. Adopted by the COuncll Dec. -6: 1914;] Approved Dec. 7; 1914. (Des 12-1914), Yeas (r) Conn en (P) Nays Farn orth / Goss __b ___In favor Kelle — Mc Il ------Against Yoe _ .Mr. President, wers FORM C.8.2 Adopted by the Council- — --71 91 - _ 191 Approv _ — . _ .. _ _ 91 if C MAYOR '.,.. _ dd.GOBS CO26IIS 4;.,,N. N. PUBLIC WO885 OSCAR CLAUSSEN GINeP UNG -M CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , St. Paul, Minn. 11ov. 25, 1914. NLr. i.4. 11. GOss, Commissioner of Public FJorlo3 Dear Sir, - In the matter of a change of grade on Kerwin St. from Phalen Ave. to Tracy Ave. in accordance with Council File 42252 hereto attached, this order is of no effect as it does not designate what change is made in the grade; hence as there is also a final order to grade this street, report thereon would have to be held up pending settlement of change of grade, it has been deemed advisable to introduce a new order in which the change of grade and grading will be considered at the same time, and also to introduce an order setting aside Council File (2252, approved Oat. 24, 1914, Lmd Council File #2245, approved Oct. 24, 1914. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTICE iiO�J — � 1914. DATE_ 191..... Wmrnlwuner of Public Womb THE ATTENTION OF THE .......... ........ ..... ........... IS RESPECTFULLY CALLED TO THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION, WHICH H.Q�$ BEEN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR. �il,��ajl1 `\Q C F No '3392 to\1 ,�1� Isi the on 8erwln jrer { ¢tree[, of Chanro�nsg Ing tho:g ade hho to TraoY avenue undePrellm N maty Order 996 np➢roved 7uly 19th r 1914 ,t A pu�bi.l�ic hgatlgg havngibeen had . nDon "'i'� $b¢Ye tplpCOy¢meRt : ➢pOJi ' (� -duo notice and a]the Council h'aving V' hear}i p p¢rao s objectlon¢ and pec C oinmendatlons re14tive theceto� and. •1 having fully considered t ¢ mot,,, { tllere[ote,bo 1t Re . P.1 $y't6ss h: re I { t}(e city '. 'OfCst Pa»S that the re I9 dature , I extent and kind of ltisyrovemenNta be made de,pn', Bald City Isitbe 01 grade.on o{,Tr.n .IwMp, tlrom-Pha . ' 'len avenuo to Tracy' avApcspi nbd the Cotinotl liereby ord re said IKiDrovo moat to 1 Resolvedd Furthsr �iJ.'hat the;: Com mi la hby- jj Public }Vorka be and ho e eby'+ tna tuoted� acid dlr pied to pre➢ar plana and pp@c1$¢ntlon� for antd iinprovem G and bubmit snm¢ to t� the Couu¢11 for approval that` upon 1 aapproval the prober Qtly officers 1\\t arere herebl autho{lae3 and d/teoted to procee8 with thb making of said fm provem@rIE Ini.accordance tis teyvith A➢provei] 0¢t 24;.; 1914 dopt¢d'.by the'Counau Onr.'2aLn ora+ IN D" ,��, j ca 9914 m seg ]v V ,� y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4. 1! Sllbjeot:....__.._ ......_....... _.. . .............._._.---l- FILE NO.... COU .......... ...............»»..»..........� .....« Date Presented_.................__......._......__......._.._I91....... .... That the application!.of F. P. O'Malley for a license to conduct a motion p;oture theatre at #108 Concord St. be and it hereby is:igranted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license to F. P. O'Malley for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee $50.00. C F. No. 2867—BY ll my -c-117- Co11 � Resolved. That the applicaiJ.. Of F.'' P O'Malley for a license to cundu L� motion':picturetheatre at N% low con- cor4 St., be nod It hereby Is, granted; nd the City' Clerk is Instructed to'. Issue such license !'to P. P. O'MaileY', for one:�Yee 'upon Ih0 payment Into) the City Treflaury. oY the customary I fee. ;60.00 Adopted hy. the.Couneil Dec: 6, 1911: Approved Dam 7. 1914.' (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (r) Cou ', men (P) Nays Far orth Go —.-----In favor Kel 6 Mc II Against — -- y Yoe Mr. President, FORM c.6.2 ' veers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: - ------- _ ....._ ..._....... ....... _.... _.._.._ _........ COUNCIL FILENO ...... .............................. .. Date Presented .- .......... . D.ao.....5.t1i_I91 4...... C.'F •No. 2868—B��p',. Fteaolved, Thea the app thq, following. peraonB for a lic; condhat hotel ori reetadicnttd loca sa e respectively ! 6f 'uie same ev -t 'are granted n,•. Gift Clerk -i authoriged nd tb ieeue om neonses ':t0 aaf II'ta up n the Payment}of th0 gLfred br.law: V. Bnllis,-Buslnese Lunch �. / 2rd Bt ;. �q J 7Kars1 an. Lunch R 1 I v*vnnd`SGy That the app ication a. Persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants 'she ld��':�ons respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAME OF APPLICAP1Ti F. Dallis Y:. J. Marshall C. H. Evenson E. W. Benedict D. Grossman Mrs. K. K. Porterfield Joe Griffin E. A. Jackson Rocco Delmedico C. Merrill dw�r-+8�akwda C. Anderson Yeas (V) Coun men (P) Nays HOTELS OR RESTAURANT, LOCATION, Business Lunch, I 71 West 3rd Lunch Room 444 Edmund Lunch Room 2264 Como Ave. Lunch Room 42 W. Exchange Lunc3A Room 69z Si. 7th Lunch Room 312 Lowry Annex Lunch Room 474 Rice St, Lunch Room 200 East 7th Lunch Room 137 East 3rd Lunch Room 502 Rice St. Rooms & Boarding 1485 Meveland I rth __�_ln favor ___ __-Against Mr. Presiders FoRm c.e-s Adopted by the Council _ 191 Approv - - - - 91 r MAYOR L� piTBLISHED� �� / CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: 2859 COUNCILFILNo. CO 1Y / `� Date Presented 191_ RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses t sell eating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to ications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) 339, Peter Glieoh,560 Van Buren St. To (Name and Address) Gust Tohler, Same Loaastion. C. F. No,'2869—By Henry mecon— Resolved.. That, the -following desig-j nated 'licenegs ,to •3611 into; teating 71quo s be: Ura' nsferred.as Indlented,pue-' ,fu not to ;applicatlons,fluly Ioade tbere- No 389, froefer; Gliabh, 680 Ydm Buren 6t.,,to Guet'. �VGhI r,. same. loch-. .tion. .' .. 'o . Adopted by the Council Dgc. 6, 1914.1, APPI'eved Doe 7, 1914. (Dec..18=1924) Yeas (✓) JGo en ( ✓ ) Nays th Mr. President, Adopted by the 191"V In favor 1 A ---A 191 Against MAYOR Subject CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE COUNCIL No. -2860 FJLe Date Presenter) 191- i / RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted;'jand the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. R. M. Schorn 171 Front 6t. yeas (✓) Counci en ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Councils -191 F orth Goss In favor 91 Kell Approv Mc ll Against fff000 Yoe MAYOR Mr. President, Pow CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Resolved, I CF**"F olv No.2663— R edl That the Ignrette"license ' No. 299: Seeued Aug.f 26 1938 to'.'DaYe 8grkue, 82,7 Canada SC. be and tt�here- by 1R trnnePerred'to $, Stremling, 927 Cnnuda,atreeC. 1914: . Adapted;�.bp the'Covncil Des 'd, ApP oYed'.Dea:7.1914. ' Yeas (Y) Coun en (Y) Nays Ferns Orth_ Goss _ In favor o� MC C /--� _ _Against — 0 Yoer Mr. President, FORM C.8-2 ersz/— 1,`P Adopted by the Council �� 191 Approve ---- ._ _-. 91 1 --- - —- MAYO ' 1dr. Carroll 2862 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub'ect:.:..._ ... Established &r ..... _ 2862 COUNCIL FILENo ...... .............................. .. Date Presented— ...D.e..g...................5......_..... .191..4r� 4 Y; Resolved, That the grade. of Hubbard St. from Griggs St. to Lexington Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompesnying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Glorlm, be and the s, me is hereby adopteC4as the established gr€td©-. IC F No..2962—SY.Rf. N rade Resolved. Thntthe grad of $ab- Uard 9t. 'from nrigge SL to Lazington {llne ion the�n ac,rCcomPan191ng Proale rad. �. as recommended by -the Commieatoner' [ Public Worl<e,ie and theeame ls: ,of adopted ne the eetabliehed- 17 de..' 1914. de A' ed by the 191411 Dec. 5, ll pPPTOY (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (1) Coun linen (P) Nays Far worth Gos — _ __In favor Kell r MC o11 ____. _Against Yo g Mr. President owers Adopted by the Council __ 1 —1910 Approved l' /' 1911 y —"- _- - — MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Mr. -Carroll COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALQ1 FORM S b'ect:- �(tsb:�.a.hod....xadQ _........_......._. _.......... °i��` COUNCIL , iFILE IVO ...... ............................. .. "i Date Presented-..D.ea..._.......5.,..__......_.-191..4..... r Resolve&, That the grade of Wyoming St. from Chippewa Ave. to Cherokee Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accorlpanyinf; profile, and as recohmenaed by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. IC. 'F. No. 2863 -By M. N. Goes'— Resolved, !That .the grade: of Wyom lingkeSt. from .Chtppew Ave:+to Chero- s Ave in ac ordn ce wlth.- the' red grade line on the accompanying Pro- file. and as recommended by the Com- mlosloner of Public Worke, be. and the same .is hereby adopted as the estab n.hea grad . Adopted by the Council Dec. 5, 1914. Approved Dec." 7, 1914. (Dec_12-1914) Yeas (r) Cout oilmen (P) Nays Farn worth b Gos __ In favor Kell _Against Yoe g Mr. President, Owers rpe11 C.e-z Adopted by the Council 191 Approved. ..____ ._ ,. r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:— p ..................... .... .............................. _...._.._..........._._......._.........._.............._..__.............._.................._....._.............. 2®64 FILE lv FILENO ...... ..... ......................... ... Date Presented .... :..Do.e.............3..._ _......... .I91 _4..-.. Resolved, That the grade of Juno St. from Hamline Ave. to E&gcumbe Road, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. �C. F. No. 28G4—By M. X.Goes Resolved. That the g,ade. of Juno -SL. I-. Hamllne. Ave. to'Edgenrobe. jRoad. in accordance with-. the red ifilru e,dsnli es reco e a dce ed13`r the Gbm miesioner of Publl'c„' 0rhs,.'bti and the-, same is hereby adopted as the .stab -i liehed grade. - Adopted by the Council Dec. G, 1914.,1 rov Apped Dec. 7. 1914. (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (Ir) Coun ilmen (7) Nays Farm vorth Goss In favor Kelle MCC it ____._Against Yoe Mr. President, owers Fonm c.8-2 1 Adopted by the Council Approved _ %C/::2—.1_9 1 PP. R55 CITY OF ST, PAUL ,P couNcIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OUNCIL Subject: - ----- CFILE No ..... . ..................... . ... .. ..... . ........ . kill, Date Presented . .. .... . Dec 3 -191.4._ St. iron JVj St, to the north line of Resolved, That the grade of Burr , e with the red grade line on Stone & Morton's 2nd Addition, in accoraano iioner of Public the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Com.lssrade. Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the establishedg - �­_ G-- �C'Rre'soNlov'e'd;SGTBII=.BtyM. W.the grAd.of-n Nrr, st,;, ;from IVY st, to the north -line 0 stony? j&; -Morton's 2ud AAAltion; in accord;, a..e with the 'red grade lInq on; acompanying profileand reed mended, by,tboMh"I ssioner o Work., be ..d - ---- I-. t;_ adopted as the established gra... Adopted by the council Dec. S. Approved Dec. 7,- 1914. (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (1/) Cour oilmen (() Nays Farn iworth Gos! In favor KeU,,r Mr 'o )4 Mr. presid+en-owers 19, Adopted by the, Council-----.—/ r_ J. F. Carroll , CITY OF ST. PAUL 2800 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 2866 SqbleFC:................................:.,.:........................_...................:._..........._........_......__......._._... FILENc1L No....................... .... ........ .._..... U111,nA Date Presented ....-...:....Roo ..•.......... .3.,....___I91_4... a St. from Premont St. to East Pourth St., Resolved, That the Grade of Areed in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the CO2nPlissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. c C 2866—B)'. M N. ..a— ¢Reeoly d That the grade o[ Arcada St. from Pr mont-.5t toF]ne[ Fourth st.. in a cordnnca elth the red gg��ada, lne on.. the nocomPany ing proflle,4nd dna r nded 1,Y tha Commlasloner ©t of Pukilic Works, be ¢nd the enure fe.I eretiy adoped has the. established grnde; AdoptedbY_ -the Council Dec. 6, 1914. Approved Dec: 712119 4) Yeas (V) Co cilmen (P) Nays F "nu favor r Oil _—Against g Mr. Preside , Powers �c Adopted by the Council___ I9lj Appro e _ _ . 91 ----'-- _ - MAYOR Hr. Carroll 2867 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Es3tab.� islaed_._ .€�.u4.. ... _.................. .............. Subject:........... - COUNCIL FILENo ...... .............................. ... Date Presented ..-...h_A.a..........._5..,.......:..__.._I91.4..__ s. Resolved, That the grade of Hazzard Ave. from Lawson St. to the North line of Hokoombe's Sub., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as reco=ended by the Corulissionor of Public Worke, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. n N'ved, 7 -'BY '• N.: Goes—. Itesnlved, Thnt• the Grade of Iiazzard 'Ave.from°.Lawson. SL to the North '.line of Holcombe'sSub:,. lrvaccordance� :with the red grade line' on the. accom-•- panyln� proftie, : and ae recommended � y: the Commiaeloner or Publlc'�oorks,. ibe .nnd-the'same fs hereby adopted as .the stnbltshed•grade.-' -'. '-adopted by;the Council Dec. 6, 1934;; Approved Dec:7:I914. ' -(Dec..12-1914) Yeas (l) lFawevii en (V) Nays (n favor ___Against Mr. Presiers ORM e... Adopted by the Council _�_ �___ 191L� Approved MAYOR -- Petition 2869 Coinlcli File No. ...._ 4 _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and'm PRELIWNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folio ig public improvement by t ity. of St. Paul, viz,: _Grp.de.. et.o...I�.ttr shed.:........ _............ .............. .............. _....... __.......... _---------- . ...... ........ _. ...............�.._.......... .........._ .... ... 7thday of........ pec ember ................. __................ 191A.* hated this:................... Council n. PRELIMINARY ORDER., WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.............. ._ ............_ ...__... __..._..._._Gxaae._Itogdbridge_...nutkz.._'str..e.e>i...... ... .. _........._ ........................ .............. . C F. No. 2868— ........ ._..._........... wherena,.A written DrOImpr ereene .... ..... -. ^-_ ..................' "' '" baking of the follow.n6 i PT vem-nL vt Grnde woodbr.dgo street t from Carbon acres[ to South" tre t having ...... - .........................:...__._ _.. . .......... .... -- -- - be presented to the Counbit oP the haven been resented to the Council of �cln• of SL Pau. therefore be IL ` �• Resolved, ThnL the Commisaloner of -................_ ..... , g p Pubne,Worlts be'snd he le hereby Rz dered and direct ed: l therefore, be it t.. To .nvV"` to the neceaetty-for br desirability of the making o2, satd ordered and. directed haprovernon RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ,nnd o roved Igoe[ o e Baia i i eove� Y .went; andthe total ooet.[hereof. improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for a• To .furnlsh a ylan, proate or sketch of -enid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent' C , To- furnish the 'L.1 trvng other ment, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile other dafet �5 r��ome rwhownersrnttt�aii on •mprovement:.._.. ................. .... ovementis asked for n .,%t, e pet #. To furnish the following T upon.. „ f _.._._ C.: 5. To state whether or not said improvement'is asked fo\ on the'petlt.on of three or more own. 11ers. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...... _�7....___ .....191. Yeas: i Nays:. Councilman Fasworth Approved /� Cf _............ Ke r S Mc oil - �if D yor. . Mayor Pot re Dated this......... j.ti1..............day / v Councilman. q PRELMNARY ORDER. 1VHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement., viz.:....QpA�t.T..UOt.... _.. _aewer__in_Mnnehahs_._St. between. (#rigge._St.._a_nd_.Lexington Age,...,_._:_._ Ale_o.....on...Legingt.on...Ase........fX.a.>al...S�.lael?>2�...5..,....o...CaP.itol.. Ave,_..........................._ .....__... ......... ..... _........................ having been presented to the Council Avi MIS therefore, be it het Cit RESOLVED, That the Commissi¢ Pul der 1. To investigate the necessity i or- 2. To investigate the nature, e>{ 1 a 3. To furnish a plan, profile or I m3 4. To forilish the following otQa,4 Itten Proposal tr ..._............... ........... .... ......... ......... _..................._ Bowing improve l ewer In Minn .� ' ., gs: at. and Lex WnCllmall......._..._.....__...................._..................._ - f. LexingtonAve., Capitol -Ave, I , I tho-Councn ` Iheretore.` be I[ the Commisaio"o`ie hereby ordered and directed: and he Is h-1 d. 'n of said improvement. ate the recess, g the making ' d improvement, and the total coat thereof. n, pro ive to said improvement: owlnt n . __..v_ ..,.F,a,.... ..F tl„•no n, mnra nwnnra. — o 4-- fs4h* ,. OFFICE OF JOHN LFARICY, CITY CLERK `I Numbers 2.670 to 2899•sk'lgged: J�umbering Lachine being out of order there being no rec-ords carrying these numbs _ f City_2d.rk. f 7777. Y 4V, 14t '"•Z- }r {,�.�3 _ C,iftt Uf 'it itlf �a it OFFICE OF JCHN I.FARI CYpp CITY CLERK Jftc C Lu. ��rti4. out: of c;" re., _ ro CITY OF ST. PAUL 2,,70 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:- __..REJEOTI.OR. DF.....BIDS..FOR .....GRADING ....HAT.CH..ST . ............... ------- 2 r O FROM DALE STREET TO KENT STREET AND E & W ALLEYcoFILENea NO ...... ................................ _IR...w r _& OSPES._ADDITION__BhOCK, 3 _ .............. _.._...... ......... ...... Date Presented -12/514 - -------I91 ...- Resole d, That the action of :he Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for grading Hach streetfrom Dale street ;o Kens street and E. & W. alley in Ware & Hcepps Addition -Block 3 be, and is hereby, donfirmed and approved. C. F. No: 2970-13cCotl= fteeolved, That the In action of .11 tho I Purc'h Ing C---"natch e,trert from bide for gra Dnleetreetto Kent street end 1';• an. CNV. a e3 be wand la h-1-11"A� ntflrmed Wand approved. Adopted by -the COneii D-7. 1914• Approved :DDec 9 1914. ) Yeas (0 Co ilmen (Y) Nays F worth J In favor K r - _ M oll.AQa1naC y4 )` Yo g Mr. President Owers aM c.a-2 Adopted by the Council __ _ _ __ --1917 Approv _ 1 J. E. Ct.rroll 2971L 1L CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rTT ........................ .......... .... �T . f __ _........ . ..___..._.. COUNCIL _.... .FILE NO,.." . .................. ...... .. Date Presented.. _--- pec._..__ _ 7 _....._I91..4.•... Resolved, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a vrarrant for the sun of Y'P9 •47 in favor of L. C. Erbes, payable out of the.University Avenue PavinE; Accotimt from the 'gest line of Syndicate St. to the City Linits, the sario being due '.aim on account of over-payrjent for the construction of a private d-rivoway into his pre Wises lmovrn as 7'2654 University Ave. Yeas (11) Mr. FO.M C. P: No. 8971—B Go" Re.oivea. That the ,ProPer Ity ize cera be and they' arhereby ¢uthorized eum doYeSE9.47 in rYa r of LErbes. pp Mable Out of the L'ntverei[Y avenue Pn Ing account from City Limit., t it oche Syndicate to him on account ee soamn einem ter the ...tructl mice. er-P¢Y driveway into hl. Pre a Prlvate TUni 1914. known as d by the Con cAd-nn Dec, 7e. approved Dec. 9, 1914. (Dec. 1 :ou ilmen (1') Nays gar worth In favor 29 Q 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subj ct.. _..Award of..conxrac, f.o.rfurni_ehng.._gas ,.posers..`. _.._ 2972 and connections to gas mains for lighting COUNCIL certain NO. ............................. certain s�ree�s al.le�fs and public grounds Date Presented_ .....12/5f24 ---;91.......... Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Co: mi : tee in awarding contract to the st.Paul Gas Light Company for furnishing gas, posts and connections to gas mains for lighting certain streets, alleys and public grounds for one year 1),eginning January 1,1915, for the sum of $10.50 per lamp per year be, and ;he same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed 0 to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. P. No' 2972—BY O. li. Keller— neaoleed, That the actlon of the Purchasing Committee In awarding contract to the St Paul Ons Light Corm ectfofor ne tourgn¢Iaehln lne¢fo ritghosts and ting certain streets, alleye and public In gr 1) for one hat mgofnE30. Oaper Jump per year be, and the came la hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel Is herehY In- structed to draft anti submit the prop- er form. of contract therefor. Adopted by the Council Dee. 7, 1914. ,Lppro Ved Dec. 9. 1914. (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (D) Nays 19' U Adopted by the Council . 1-2-1 % j Fa In worth 1 In favor ' / K r Approved _ ��- � _ /G/ oil M Against Y g 191 - Mr. Presiden Powers Mwr 29 Q qTY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjecr:::. ....REJECTION OF BIDS .FOR --GENERAL ..CITY ._LIGHTING _....__ 2i97 COUNCIL F. FILE NO ...... ..........:.A.'............ .. Date Presented.. De e . 5, 1914 . ...... -191 ......... . Resolved, ,1914....,_._I91......... - Resolved, Tha, the action of :he Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids received from the St. -Paul Gas Light Company for furnishing electricity city street lighting is hereby confirmed and approved and the Commissioner of Public Utilities is hereby authotzed to have prepared new specifications for this lighting. C.2973—BY O. E. Keller— Reaolved. Thnt the 'action of he Purchasing CommitteeIn ejecting all bids received from the 9t. Paul Gas _ t Ieity eht lty st eetmpanyo ilght(n6 hla ghereby llrmed n d npproved and the Com- missloner of Public Utilltfee is hereby authorized to have specifications for this lignew hting. pp,oted edb by 9C 1914.) Dec 7, 1914. (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (l) CouIt tj eg (Y) Nays Firhs orth r J In favor Kelle MCC Against Yoer Mr. President, ers FO1W c.B•2 Adopted by the Council _ 191 y Approved / l MAYOa I COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. 11, tilec on str-2cting a six foot ce;..ent si.d.e.w.a.ik —:e scuth ajda.-of...-Page st.reet.f-rom Smith avenue to (1,ttawa..aven-e. under Preliminary Order 13.74 ...approved 0clobeT 2nd, 1914. Intermediary Order -approved 2 A public hearing having been had upon the above iloproN,eilleilt opoll (Joe notice, and the Council 'baving heard all persons, obi0etiolls and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the C I ouncil of the City Lif . St. pawl that the precise nature extent and kind of inn - prove /-( ive nent/ pi -C Ae /fiade by Pie said 'it is ........ . ... . ...... . . .... It , �2e�le, and the Council hereby orders said improvement o be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of public Works he and he is hereby instructed lind directed to prepare plans till(] specifications for said improvement, ilil(I sohlijit gaine to the Council for ?ipproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby withorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aecordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- ty CI ir Approved.j.2 191J/ Mayor. Councilmen Fa isworth I- the Matter of c ... t - ructink 00CCeftient tde�valkt , 90 the t.� . Smith Pide,of Page street.fr( I on" to Ottawa' nuchae, under , IF— Miary lier be, 2nd, 1014, Intermediary Oct.,. 2451; approved,No7,:1914.d eary Order A Public hearingNA ,Ing been �had Fa WWI upon the above improvement upon 's'vo" lie'll due no cc, ;and:. the Council having, heard all -fersons,'objectitohn.srain ander 0 Ind, , 0 Leary brinnendat site , relative ' I aving ' fully coluildere&' the 7senic- hereforej be it -,�- i �, - � , ' Resolved; By tha"C"n6li, of ?he city 0 that tb -precls. nature. extent t an in of :Improvement -to ,- be Mayor 'vers In_sixe f y ihe,aaid it Is can. ers -s, 0. cc ent, at e*alkVi`1t-hg0' e of Pagel street,from11 It Ave ; o Ottawauand the.,Council hereby ordersImprovement tt! be -,sr, t'a a C it t h I COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. 11, tilec on str-2cting a six foot ce;..ent si.d.e.w.a.ik —:e scuth ajda.-of...-Page st.reet.f-rom Smith avenue to (1,ttawa..aven-e. under Preliminary Order 13.74 ...approved 0clobeT 2nd, 1914. Intermediary Order -approved 2 A public hearing having been had upon the above iloproN,eilleilt opoll (Joe notice, and the Council 'baving heard all persons, obi0etiolls and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the C I ouncil of the City Lif . St. pawl that the precise nature extent and kind of inn - prove /-( ive nent/ pi -C Ae /fiade by Pie said 'it is ........ . ... . ...... . . .... It , �2e�le, and the Council hereby orders said improvement o be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of public Works he and he is hereby instructed lind directed to prepare plans till(] specifications for said improvement, ilil(I sohlijit gaine to the Council for ?ipproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby withorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aecordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- ty CI ir Approved.j.2 191J/ Mayor. Councilmen Fa isworth I- the Matter of c ... t - ructink 00CCeftient tde�valkt , 90 the t.� . Smith Pide,of Page street.fr( I on" to Ottawa' nuchae, under , IF— Miary lier be, 2nd, 1014, Intermediary Oct.,. 2451; approved,No7,:1914.d eary Order A Public hearingNA ,Ing been �had Fa WWI upon the above improvement upon 's'vo" lie'll due no cc, ;and:. the Council having, heard all -fersons,'objectitohn.srain ander 0 Ind, , 0 Leary brinnendat site , relative ' I aving ' fully coluildere&' the 7senic- hereforej be it -,�- i �, - � , ' Resolved; By tha"C"n6li, of ?he city 0 that tb -precls. nature. extent t an in of :Improvement -to ,- be Mayor 'vers In_sixe f y ihe,aaid it Is can. ers -s, 0. cc ent, at e*alkVi`1t-hg0' e of Pagel street,from11 It Ave ; o Ottawauand the.,Council hereby ordersImprovement tt! be -,sr, t'a a C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEn ON PRELI IIIARY ORDER �'j �� 7 the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved —=� S� ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 49�` p2T lineal pot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 5 - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of.. each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: !I� ASSESSED 'I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION P, 74. y� r ii- iII !. TOTAL, i FORM B.B.A. !-SA The Commissioner of Finance further reports that hehasinvestigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.. Dated'-- — Commissioner of Finance. Q, CORM B.S.A. 8-3 C a 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is here J 2976 COUNCIL FILE NO.--- .......... By.......................... ..... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of......90natructing..,ay . eeer on nd Clevela ... ........ avenue from Hen...don avenue........ ... to Dudley . ..... ............. under Preliminary Orden._. .. . ........ ... ....... -approved --Se.r-t-0Lb-E1.._1°t`1}...1214.. Intermediary Order . _..._approved approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.._Abe c.onstru.--tion of ..a se.werr-on Clemeland -amenue—from ............... Hendon -amen ue._t and the Council hereby orders said improvement to b RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commission ::r7ouPeublic Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............... 19-- ...................................... City Clerk. Approved......__._..........._......... .......... 19 ....................... .. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers 'L CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR,L_IMINARY ORDER In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports, as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 953.28 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is g 2.38. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: — - ASSESSED t DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ;u !, d TOTAL, Q The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --------Z / ---- 191 f�G C ✓.fL� ��i( — — ..'K�(/ / Commfssioaer of Fina.e 'ORM 0.9.A. 9.9 C Ra.M of W OSCAR E. M LER. OSCAR E. ItELLER. PreaHdm S. A..FARN CITY OIC, SAINT PAUL OF S. A. FARNSWORTH 7 DIMPARTMM2WT OF PUBLIO UTMITIVS BUREAU OF WATER OFFICES: M EAST FIFTH STREET Sept. 16, 1914. Mr. G. 0. House, Gen. SUpt., B u i l d i n g. Dear Sirt This morning I saw Mr. Carroll, Supt. of Construo— tion, Dept. Public Works, relative to extending sewer on Cleveland Ave. north one block, from Hendon St. to Dudley Ave. It is desirable to have this sewer extended account of our new pumping station, which will be between seven and eigher feet below the street grade, thereby necessitating, in case the sewer is not constructed, a oess pool to take care of the toilet. Also the blow off from the tank must be provided for, and the sewer is the only satisfactory way to do this. Mr. Carroll informs me that the sewer is physically possible and he has no doubt it could be completed this fall. He suggests that Councilman Keller request Councilman Goes to introduce a resolution in the Council to construct this sewer and in this request mention the fact that Mr. Carroll is already acquainted with the facts. Very truly yours, RLS/THD ' ti'w 1914 ri`no/ipal Assistant Engineer. Report to Commissioner of Finance ...................... ...........1 sz.4.,.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._..._67............. approved ...... ....... .gY t._._....19.i.......... _.......... 191._`x.., relative to...G.Ma6............. construction ef...._a...._sevter....on..._Cleve r-rcl Avenue. fr_oii:_..;;ench;...._Ave. u! .............. .......... ...................._. '."_........... ......... .......... �.......e.3:..._2_..�. e..l-:.a................_............_............._.._........_................_........................_.............................._._............._...............__..........._......._ _... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._..._ ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $._....... ... .....:.:......... ...... and the total cost thereof is L...........__95v_t_w........, and RECEIVED the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ................. _........._................._......__.._............ - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pa ' of. iY �nr01„ 6t _........................ ........... ........................... .......................................... ............ ............ ...................................................._................................................ ........ ..........._........ 4�I9f � 161�F' 5. Said improvement is..._......._L<Q—.t.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. o2/.. Co nmissioner Public Works. 2975 COUNCIL By FINAL ORDER. 11, the I av eaa'e f r t Matter of oQr6tr.,.;c.1jr,7 a-ae'77er-oll to under Preliminary Order. 1373 approved Ai, ;flet 19.1.4 . ...... *- Wfl , Intermediary Order......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council -fi/a/vii'igg heard all persons, Objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council Of the City Of S, Paul thilt the precise nature, extent and I kind of in,- proveluent to be made by the said City and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be porde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner Of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed And directed to prepare plans and specifications for said iniprov . elliellt, and submit silille to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are berel)v unthorized and directed to proceed With the making of said improvement , I accordance therewith. lent 1prov:r�`� Adopted by the Council k Approved.......4— 19.A in the Matter, of• constructing n. sewer Mayor. councilown Farnsworth 1914, Intsrmeafnry Ord.c-2448, up-- I proved Nov. 7, 1914. . — A public. heaKing, having .-Iiio bad Goss upon theabove ve Improvement ap-ndu- notice, and, having:-heard'hCouncu all psts.n..,oblections and reconernen- Keller dations relative thereto,and-.Laving 'fully, considered the same; b`it1'...lv.d,:ii1'the Cconll.bf the City Afpk:,Wi of St. Paul that the,precl.c-nature, ex. tent and kind of Improvement to be bade by the, said 4C ty, 10 " fruftl . O'Leary sewer on Hall', Ave., iror"h' Winifred 111,fe.t the south of street it, atp .0 h . f%llfr street. and the -jDounell, hereby orders, said Improve. Yoerg twerittobe-made. the Commis- Further. inis- Mayor Powers a I Pu wjhat : of Public Work. be and he Is hereby instructed 'and directed to pro. pare plan - a and apself1c.tioriB for said inprovement, and;submit same to the Council for.approval; that upon said it fear. are *p" city `*'rov`d�t'h,`riNrd hereby . h and tyreoff d t.d to pro. ceed with the making ofslid Improve- mett In accordance, therewith.. Adopted by the Council Jan. 21, 1915. ApprovedJacii. 21. 1915. J, `CITY OP ST. PAUL �CEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM�ARY ORDER a In the Matter of - -� _- 1f1� --- under Preliminary Order approved "�""""""'""'"""-'""'---------------------------------- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: , The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: is - I $�-'-��---- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /0 A� )oo C �f CPO / 7t )r z y 1 6�' d� MB.B.e.,A TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance ftirther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._�147�-- / -- - - ----191-�- -�.1�/�fi�l"� � -- .... _.. - -- - - Comriissioner of Finance. IOBM B.S.A. B -S C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under 000sideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council Ike No.._.._137. __....._.approved .... _..._AUsue-t_-?8.....:..__..........191._4.., relative to.__'he... _..... . _c_onstruct of.._a.,._sever..._on..._I3�.11__Av_-nue...,_from...!"i.} ii,rzd_.,Street ,_t o..___.,..._._,.., ........_................ ................ _.............._._........................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....__..........._.necessary and (or) desirable. 3. The estimated cost thereof is $........... &XXX...-._, and the total cost thereof is {....._57.1.,7...-....-.... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _..............................._.... . 5. Said improvement is....._...n ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance AA ..... ........ _..S..e .t_a .ex_...1.5..,.............1x1.4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conunissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File Na......_1373....._..... approved. .... ....... AgSIA9...._28.x..... .............191.._4, relative to..._the..._........ c_onstruc_tion..._of.,__a,..,sev�er...._on,._Hall,._Avanua.. frog_.!fii� _............. Rob ............................ .........................._.......................................... ....._......... _..__....._..................._............... ......._................ ...._......__...._........ ............. _ ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._...__........necessary and (or) desirable. 571_..30 . 3. The estimated cost thereof is 4.._.......RX]Cx........, and the total cost thereof is 9�------- ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................._. ............................_............... _. .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ................................. .......... ............................... ............ .............. .............. .......................................... ................... -............ _............................... .......... ._..._..........._ _.... 5. Said improvement is ........... no.t............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. — ...: .... ........................................................................................ Commission r E Public Works. 2979 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. i In the Matter of gX4d4 ng tcdt to under Preliminary Order 1 5 approved October 2ndA 1914. ...approved t Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvi,ment upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, obioctions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be, it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of 'it. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be. made by the said City is and the, Council hereby orders said improvement to be minde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner Of 1,111die works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for slid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved.. . -- .. .. 1 19__ Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary l/�J� o///// o � Lj ED Yoerg pcC l 0) 1914 . - C, LL lVi. Mayor Powers ug , 0 ............ 711 ds r A A A I E it .7 2979 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. i In the Matter of gX4d4 ng tcdt to under Preliminary Order 1 5 approved October 2ndA 1914. ...approved t Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvi,ment upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, obioctions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be, it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of 'it. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be. made by the said City is and the, Council hereby orders said improvement to be minde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner Of 1,111die works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for slid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved.. . -- .. .. 1 19__ Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary l/�J� o///// o � Lj ED Yoerg pcC l 0) 1914 . - C, LL lVi. Mayor Powers ug , 0 ............ 711 ds r A A A I E CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSiONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN,,Y ORDER In the Matter o'�2 1 f — I -F ------------------ �7 ------------------------ under Preliminary Order approved ........ ... . .................. - - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 386.24 I The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ . 1 3 � The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION`-' TOTAL. J" The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matter% and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -------------191. L/ - Commissioner of Finance. Office of the._ Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 16, _. 4 _........................._......_..... _.....__........191 ._ ...' To the Conunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.......__1 5 ......... approved. .... 00tiA .Q ....ax . ... .................. 191!x..., relative to..tbe........ ..... , grading of Andrew Street from Robie Street.to__191nifred Street.._.._..._.,_......_ ........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. - ....... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... .IP�......._....., and the total cost thereof is i __385_,37 .._ ._.,, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................. ..... ._................ ................. ........_.__............._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #......... ............ ..... .......... ...... ....... ......... ............ ............... .......... .......... ...._......................._..__........................._........................._...... _._.,............_--..... ....................... .. .3. Said improvement is ............. DOt........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. L........_ ...... ........... ................... ...................__.,.:......... :::::i._.. — Conuuissioncr-af'Fubiie Works. i .IOII1P I. FARIOY. Orse Oenne ' CITY OF SAIIW PAUL CITY CLEHK'6 OPPICE Dec. 14th, 1914. Hon. Id- IQ . Goes., Cosmr of Public Works, City of St.Peuzl, ML,.n. Dear Sir; - The attached Final orders, C. F. 2978, 2979, and 2980, for the grading of Andrew Street, were ordered discontinued by the Council at their meeting of to -day, and were referred to your department to combine all three of these orders into one Preliminary Order. Yours truly, City C1/rk. L. >> nD IWO u_C 1 G 1914 - / ' BUREAU Or Lo6INEERS, q y, � ± t I ( � I � ' J COUNCIL FILE NO. 2977 By. ......... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter (if. c one t r'7,c ting, a sewer on. I,- p1hart stre t froir, Thaeler. a ...._ani._Bt. Ry. ard on. Alii.ne..e tr.ee.t froii... !,;-1-ellart -etreet to 11'arshall avenue. under Preliminary Order 8.92 ....approved July 78 t'-1 15.14 Intermediary Order -approved ..... ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preeise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct jrlg a eewllr gn Iglehart avenue, from- i7heelPr ave .'A 'q.' -and an U,dine. streat-from lglehart...avenue to-" riii'l-411, MQnUe and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be Miade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit smile to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........... Clerk. pt;; 15 191A Approved..... 19, C. F. No. 2977 In the matter of construct n ewer ....... .. . on 1glel=t street from X h el ave- Mayor. nue to C. 0. At - (line street from , Iglebart street to Councilmen Fiti-fiWorth Marshall Avenue, 'under Preliminary Order 892; ativroved July 28th. 1914, ,all "'R'e's.1ved, 13Y the Coucil of the City Jof of St. -Paul that the precise nature, ex_ tent,;and kind of improvement to be orders prepare plana an I 'Pecific-ti.ne for 'old improvement, and submit same to the C=11v1.1f.1r I .old 0 th.p'pl.v:r�;th.t upon proper city of"..ra are hereby — - and thorld adirected to proceed. with the Mo.,. of said I.- Prevenient In accordance therewith. i 'Adopted by the Council Dec. 14. 1914.1 Approved rol ed Dec. 15, 1914. (Dec. 19-1914) lk.'�" (AZ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'til REPORT OF COMM SIONER OF FINANCE [ / ON PRFILi, .�AARY ORDER / n -------------------- p� /_—;,y- ----- under Preliminary Order approved -------W--4 ---- ..... 4---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: /."t- ----"---"--"--...__..._— .__...._-------...._--..------------------ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $4�C05_"73------------- __ $__l.. 55 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - "—"""""—"""""' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION GJo f Aa f 4o '( ronin e.e.w. maw TOTAL, - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL@ANARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION O 6 s` o y xL 3 oll TOTAL. FORM B.S.A. S -S B CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - A. ��' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIAARY ORDER (C) ,..,.._... _. .. _ - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V A1y�y5J TION / 7 /�/J1 a� GJ�u S� 0.11av�ZJ% 'eAdd r'0 S o dd 04.E47 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public /Works. Dated° - --...------ -----_ 191..-.Y Finance. ------1--Commissioner FORM B.S.A. 0-3 O of J�NRT E. WEDELSTAEDT CO. STATIONERS' Q, Si. P•Ul. N.ixx ._St.Paul ,11i-nni. 4,The _Common Council, __ - City of St.Paul,Uinn. (Gentlemen;.- _ Wethe undere i gned, owner 8 of property abutting on Iglehart___' 5'avenue,between Wheeler avenue and the "1-ilwaukee Railway Short Line I tracks,do hereby respectfully peti.ton your honorably body to oause a elsewer to be built in said avenue,between the points mentioned. NAMES Lot, Blook, Addition ; 12 16 19 y; G ' tell a 21 2 914 "' - -- -- =---- - -1 2x_. __..._. _.- -. -_- _-__ �-JU 15- _. _.-._---.. , as IE 24 24 i Office of the CommissiAner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance A11 .wt ....... .... 1914. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Co piissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._89f3..................approved...... ....._July..38,,,,,,._..............191.`.x..., relative to.................. . oonetruoting a sewer on Iglehart Street Yrom Wheeler Avenue to C_:,.._...._&.._St..,..._p.,...._AY.�...._ nd..._on.,_Aldns.,.Street...._from._Iglahaxt.__Stree.t.._to....__. B�arshall Avenue. ...................... ..............._. .............. ................_......_...................................._....................................................................................._........................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- Xx._. __ and the total cost thereof is s3.984.,0 _.__...,., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................... -.................................................... .................. _....... ._.................... 3. A plan,.profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _... ............ ...... ... ................. ....... ....... ..... 5. Said improvement is.. .............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............. ...... ... ..... ....._.............. Commissioner of Public Works. .......... . ..... ` COUNCIL FILE NO --11.1.1 -92zeft,�?p .......... .. 2978.......... 13Y FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. frc.-., "e I—' dere street to Concord S-tx e e t under Preliminary Order . ..... -approved J11,18 19th, 1914 Intermediary Order .... . .. . ... ....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pre -vise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be node by the said City is ..... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offleers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council... 19 City Clerk. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary D E C I G 1914 Yoerg BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, Mayor Powers A-0" 0 1 .......... . ..... ` COUNCIL FILE NO --11.1.1 -92zeft,�?p .......... .. 2978.......... 13Y FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. frc.-., "e I—' dere street to Concord S-tx e e t under Preliminary Order . ..... -approved J11,18 19th, 1914 Intermediary Order .... . .. . ... ....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pre -vise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be node by the said City is ..... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offleers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council... 19 City Clerk. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary D E C I G 1914 Yoerg BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, Mayor Powers A-0" 0 - CITY OF ST. PAUL ��;_;;, DEPARTMENT OF MNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE.:1 ON PRELIMjNARY ORDER In -the Matter — ---- .._---- ---------- under Preliminary Order approved -----------------(V -------- L—f-�---,..-----.4. r ---- --------- ....---- ----------- -------------- ----- ----------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: u The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-5 jn-42- The estimated cost per fpot fol fhe abo a ijn rove nt is - - - - - _ ft including oo...e: 71;—ars �e tipeen age a:a Ccr.ccr•i. $3.00 epr f Put t The -total estimated amount of the assessn:ert for the above ira.Froverr,ent, is including stone gutters The estimated cost per front foot for the cbove ir.:prcver.;ent is ,$5,122.32 1.91 _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 'u /-7 rr 1 TOTAL, 2 II,1A' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- - - ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION / ✓ 6 `' ✓ /G YA%aiL arc( —yN//�oq/tu[r�[! X. — / S` o o dpi 2,. i/ J 3 16, C Q�td /a kw w, j\ a` ✓C - TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -(C) Y.. __ ..: .. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIO N 7 Aw l,17 %�d lrca/ o /tel a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- 1 `.�...._.......... —191_ . /�--,✓' -:. l�.fit cl lt` lJ�Lna, __._..._Commissioner oce. IORM B.9.A. 9! C r Office of the Commissigner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Ootober..._$..r.........................191.4.' To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Couunissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...._.._177 ..approved............... ze 19� .......... ............ 191..._4, relative to_....t?.8....__... grading _oY„_$ndraw__Streat._from__Balzrider8.__Streot__to.,. .................-..._........._..............................._.._.........................._......_................................__.......................................................... ............. .................................................................................................................................................. _ ........................................................... ........... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............. necessary and (or) desirable. r 2. The estimated cost thereof is._.._SXXX , and the total cost thereof is..........._x.. - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................... .............. -............ .................................... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and node a part hereof. ....................................................... _ 5. Said improvement is................. ................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................... �� vv Commi sioner of Public Works. r Apoetlerl '90, ;244 2980 COUNCIL FILE NO. By- . ... ... .... FINAL ORDER. ]a the Matter of grading Andre7 sheat from Concord. Bt,re3t_­to.­Rollie _. street. under Preliminary Order.. t, 1914 2- Intermediary Order -......approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard till persons, objections and recollilliendations, relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of tile. City of St. pool that the pj-eeise lintill-e, extent and kind of inn- provenient to be made by the said City is and the C'ouncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit saint, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._. . ......... - -.19. City Clerk. Approved ___-__ , 19. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers �T,00 -'D 161914 of n Ari It CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIf VARY ORDER In the Matter -- -- ---------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved -- - --- ---?�--f��'---------------------------------------- -- -- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: e The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $— 1,856.39— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 4.05 _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , � X0,41 �0 N Ile TOTAL, FORM B.B.A. D-! A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference Lto said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. V191 -------.Dated --------------- -..-. - -- - --------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. B -B C Office of the gommisk'8ner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance na t ol= e_r..._h_?....................791.4.: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- - o% oil, known as Council File No..._...._1837..........approved.........._. .'...._..191.,4...., relative to...__t_h .......... . cr�dinrn of I>:ndrerr °tre^t fron, Concord... tr=et 1°....P.o?... :'treet.. ......... ...... ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......................necessary and (or) desirable. x'`x and the total coat thereof is �.__.._1,855.10 mul 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........_...:-..... :. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and utade a part hereof. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Said improvement is .............. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................ ............ i_..._........................... ... ......_L.... ............... �"........_................ Co nus ones of Public Works. 1j .12981 COUNCIL FILE 1�0�1-01.l1A�l 6/' 13Y -L" FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of,,, change. of .,grade on Andrew street f roii. Robie street to Tirifred street. 3 48, June 24th, under Preliminary Ord Intermediary Order approved I A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be inade by the said City is- the. ehanga..of grade on-Andre.w. street to Winnifred street, according to the profile hereto attrched and made a pail W majmx hereaf,thhe bl uElin� e represert i-g the old grade, oiid the red -line the and therApegy1yiuLlAblii,jdbe ma(, ESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby b ins ;i1lit �ouu'ilfor .c to the " C directed to prepare p I cifications for said ii t sain" to the Council for i officers 1, s d a y are ere y ed, to proceed approval; that upon said a - e proper city officers are here y -% " - said i 1) it i ""'. la", therewith. making of said baprovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Approved.. Councilmen Farlsworth Go K ler M Coll '1. 9 Mayor overs Z 1j .12981 COUNCIL FILE 1�0�1-01.l1A�l 6/' 13Y -L" FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of,,, change. of .,grade on Andrew street f roii. Robie street to Tirifred street. 3 48, June 24th, under Preliminary Ord Intermediary Order approved I A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be inade by the said City is- the. ehanga..of grade on-Andre.w. street to Winnifred street, according to the profile hereto attrched and made a pail W majmx hereaf,thhe bl uElin� e represert i-g the old grade, oiid the red -line the and therApegy1yiuLlAblii,jdbe ma(, ESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby b ins ;i1lit �ouu'ilfor .c to the " C directed to prepare p I cifications for said ii t sain" to the Council for i officers 1, s d a y are ere y ed, to proceed approval; that upon said a - e proper city officers are here y -% " - said i 1) it i ""'. la", therewith. making of said baprovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Approved.. Councilmen Farlsworth Go K ler M Coll '1. 9 Mayor overs In the Matter of CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINAR XRDER 'k k ---------------------------- ------ -------- ----------- ---------- ----------- - ---- --- - ----- ----- Order under Preliminary approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $—Z"' 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improve I ment, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK OCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Alf", "flaA 2 jk�i F— B.S.A. 0-8 A TOTAL -J— IL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing'as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--�/�-----7 Commissioner ofFinance." inance. M. N. PUCLAUSSEN G C060ft35N. BU OLIL woaaa IILII„IU(I�Uy cater euctxeaa 7 - SEP 4 - 1914 CITY OF SAINT PAULM. N. GOSS. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS St, Paul, Minn. Sept. 4, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, C I T Y Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Andrew St. from Robie St. to Winifred St., in accordance with Council File x#348, approved June 24, 1914. I am advised by the Water Department that there are no water mains on this street. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Office of - the commissionei of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance t..lA1aB.....cJ.,............191.�k ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 348...... .. ..approved....... ................1914......, relative to ..................... Change. _of_...grade.,.._on.._Andrew....Street_._from_Robin...__Streat..._t_o.._S91niYred. _._....___ ................................................._........ .... Street .......... ............ .................... . _......_._. .......... _......... ............................................................................ _................ __ ..............._............ ............. ....................... .... _....... _........................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_._...................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......... SX e........., and the total cost thereof is $. .......... ___.- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................ ......... ......_................................... ................................. ....... ....... _....... _............ ....................... _......._.................. ....................................................................... .._._.......__..................... ......................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....................................... _ o. Said improvement is....._not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------ ........ .. ........... . ... .. .. Commissi uer of Public Works. C F Nn. 6982 Or C'A 5 1::Frn v rth= 2982 1 0 t11uaneeprovld nc for the crew- rf t[ a a matnFen nce of n pavinE R� doprecIntl on fund. , Th Cou n cll of the City o[ -S[, Paul di�. 1�\_ v nrdnin: - �' Vj i.' SECTIO' 1) 1 `---•`' The Commissioner of Public- �Corke is. hereby autharizeQ and 'directed to Include In the coatfi f flniel ot(a tht• et cents U3cents) p f-ree squure yard to•cover de- por-11tint a. Wenndleurpluehmate- lee providing for the creation and maintenance of n buff -neer claims arising an m foreseen 1 ted A; 0 eat hne been Comp e ( certifled. The a hio et ..:, .ation fund. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of public Works is hereby authorized and directed to include in the cost of all pavements laid by city force, a charge of three cents (3¢) per square yard to cover depreciation and wear in machinery, losses on left -over and surplus materials, and unforeseen claims arising after pavement has been completed and cost thereof certified. The charges made on this account shall be transferred by the Comptroller from the special paving account invt.lied to a fund or account which the Comptroller is hereby author- ized and directed to establish, and which shall be known as the Paving Depreciation Fund. Section 2. That out of this fund shall be paid unforeseen labor and other claims arising after any paving improvement account has been closed, the cost of repairing and replacing paving machinery, and the purchase of left -over or surplus paving materials. ti Section 3. That all mAteria� pai for, ou of said depreci- ation fund shall be sold by the _� _ as soon as convenient, and the proceeds of such sale eredeted to said fund. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. / F i ,9y the Council _ NAYS. YEAS, - YY MR. FARNSWORTH x i a GOSSt KELLER Mc:GOLL MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) NAYS, p C F *]0•.:2982 Ordinn ee No: 3y3: By " 2982 S A .F,arn v rch N. ord)na c pto�iding for the axing „a+i4.. tion and malunen¢nco of a n r�,�' depredation fund. Che City f.'St.. Paul Thouncil of t ,! d 's ordnln: SNCT101 1,� The CommJsefoner of .Punllc. Z4orks (s. hereby. uthorized. and: directed to bci[}'ifot e u oharge of threet cents 3 ce nts) 6e quare Yard. to'cover de- p ciation d wear in reachlnery� lO8 providing for the creation and' maintenance Of toc ^s on left over .and surplus mate- rl; and unforeseen claim- arisinr a, vment has been completed a ,.'this- cent fled The, ration fund. 1, "h. o'... ., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Public works is hereby authorized and directed to include in the cost of all pavements laid by city force, a charge of three cents (3¢) per square yard to cover depreciation and.weaa in machinery, losses on left -over and surplus materials, and unforeseen claims arising after pavement has been completed and cost thereof certified. The charges made on this account shall be transferred by the Comptroller from the special paving account involved to a fund or account which the Comptroller is hereby author- ized and directed to establish, and which shall be known as the Paving - Depreciation Fund. Section 2. That out of this fund eh�+f�l�efipaid unforeseen labor and other claims arising after any p� wamont account nachinery, has been closed, the cost of repairing 'ag;? and the purchase of left -over or eci- section 3. That ;a11� ll be sold +$r ation fund shaby i "T r as convenient, and the# Section 4 thirty days after �3 jf.iSUE 9;98 RESOLUTION Be it resolved that permission is hereby granted the North @e►ntral Commercial Club of St.Paul to string a banner diagly across the street at the intersection of University,hioe d Wabasha, for the purpose of announcing and advertising their annual Bazaar which will be held at the Club December 9 to 12. Adopted by the Coeecll ... 191 ; ti YEAS. NAYS, j� MR. FARNSWORTH v { GOSS V KELLER r' V McCOLL O'LEARY /0PERG NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) Mr. Herrold. Council File No..................................- PRAPOSALFOR IMPROVEMENT. and — PRELIMINARY 0 R. *, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of a following public impr ement Uy the City of St. Paul, viz.: G.O.nd.eanxli.ng...sind.....f.aking_... .....Q.a.B..M .nt.....�.Xl....fah.. ,IIS ..... 5 4e..8g.Ar_y...._f.4..r.._......... Dated Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:_.o0nds.mni.Ag...... taking_..an..._e.asament.....in.._th.e.....l.and...ne o.e.s s.axy._...f a.r.....s.l_aP.e..e......f a r..._ou�..._and .. fi.116..for.....hr.ad.in.g._..�.aR.i.t.o.].._.Av.e_,_.._f..ron.__Avon.__gt_,._..wes..t.__t4....._a.._p..oint..._116_'.._...__ _.. ese.t..._o.f.....th.e.._e.aa.t._li.nee....o.f _.tE.ic_t.o.r i.a... Vit..,....... _......_.....___.__........_...._..........._..._._....._._......................_...._..... _ .... ............ ._............... _.................. ..._................... .._................. _...................... ............................. ... ................ .................... ....__........__._...._. C r. No. 2984— -` 1 � � Whereas, A written .prep oaal for.the ❑e ilman............ _............. ....... .............. _.. ...; having been presented t0 the Go making of the following Improvement. 1 Condemning and taking an ease - therefore, be it m nt in the land .-catiary for slope, for cute and all, for: grading Capitol RESOLVED, That the Com Ave. from Avon St. west to a point e is hereby ordered and directed: 11.0• east of the east line f victoria St. having .peen presented. to the 1 of said improvement. I. To investigate the nece council of the City of St. Paul there. g p fore, be It 2. To investigate the natu Resolved. That the commissioner of improvement, and the total cost thereof. g Public Works be and he. Is hereby or- -tiered and directed: 3. To furnish a plan, profi.1. To investigate the necessity for 'or To of the making of said To furnish the followin Improvement a to said improvement:. 4. 2.. To. Investigate the nature, .extent and estimatedthe o,t.of .said improv,- m3nt,Toato furplshtsa. cos platere profile orI ...... .. _..... ._. sketch of said Improvement. ollow 5. To state whether or n 4. To turm,h the: following other, the petition of three or more owners. tint and; tnrormntlon relative to said � 6. To report upon all of t i fore o u whether or not said tin I loner of Finance. ,.ked for on the petition . owners. Adopted by the Council........ / �� the Col Commission December e, pan all of the fore - Yens Councilman Fa Haworth " 1014. I/ 12-10i4) II f Go s xpprovrtl r....^ K ler M Coll -` O eary Yerg ........... ........ ................ ... ..........Q........./4... Mayor P wens /_ —/I/-- F ptMUStiED__ Mr. Herrold Council File No._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ✓ d PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t/fol1101:4 public improvement by' the�h`; of St. paid, viz.: c_orzde_ming..... and .... taking....an..eai.n.._.t.1�e_._1. .._neva ar3T.....fo-r.... Dated this....._ 7th .___._..._ day Councilman. PREL'TIVIINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the inking of the following improvement, viz.:__ Q..011d( -..M x] n4& ' and ._taking.._an..._easement...._ _n._the-_.�,gn;j...RQ.G_e.e.s..arY.....for alo..pe.a.....far.._.c.ut.a_..and..__ g Ad.�,ng...�7a[acs....S.t......_from....ji' ine....to._.Alper.t_...Au.e..._......__........................ ...._............__ _.. ... .......... .........._............._....._.__......_............._._..__..._......._................_.............._... .... ._ ................. .. ..... " 11c. F.. Plc. 2986— I .................. .... Whereas h written proposal for the mnking_of the following improvement, 411111sII....................... ... ... _..... ... having been presented to the Cout viz: Condemning and taking'; an ease d mont In.:the lnndnecessary for elopes for cuts and fllls�tor gtnding 7amea therefore, be it St. from Hamilnel to'Albert Ave., be, -- Ing e,- I hereby ordered and directed: Ing been presented to the Council' of RESOLVED, That the Co the City of St, Pnul. therefore, be it Resolved. That the Commteelonpr of I. To investigate the rieCC881t Publlo Works be and he Is hereby or- IOf said improvement. g dered and directed,." e.. 1. To'-[nveeuente the neceeeltX fornpl'OVenlent, and the total coat thereof. 2. 1. To furnish thefollovvlme mBnt a desirability 1a otal cost o making thereof. leteoa investigate improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, pl'Otlle and estimated coat of said Improve- to said improvement:....... .................... g Ildata and Information relative to sold .......-. .- ............. ...................................-........... _.._.. impro vement. ro state whether or not said Im he petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not silld',:rmee. i arl.-1 i• on they natftlon 6. To report upon all of the foregoing inatters to Ile Commissfoner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ... .._ �`f ........ 1911 . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa ulsworth Go APproved....../.4! Kel er Me oll 0, ury .. ...................................._................................ ... . Yoe g D L �I yor. Mayor PA I's /ol pf7gLISHE Mr. Herrold. Council File No......_._.................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. r 29861, o and PRELIMINARY ORDER. fr The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo� ' g public improvement by t1��Clty of St. Paul, viz.: ........C.o.Ild.epuling.....and.._a.aking.....an....e. meat.....in....the....l.and....ne a.ary......fnr_.... sl_oyes.._for.__9_ut..f nd..._f.i 1.1s.....f_o.r.....gzad...g.._H.anc.oc..k.....St..._....frara..e.r.r.X.......t..,......t.o....._...._. E.Thi_rd..St_,.._......_.......__.._.._............._....._.__.._.__..._........_....................._._._......_........._..__........._....._..........._...._............_........................................_. ....................... Dated this- _.... 7th...._...._day of...._........._.De.c.emb.er........ ...... i..: .�% Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:.o. nde.mning.. -- 8XIA t..ak.n.g.._.an......e.asement.....in—t.he..-.axxd.....ne.c.e.s.aary.....fo.r.....Slope.s....�...fo.r......aui.e....and. f.i.11a..._fo.r...gx.adin ..Flan.aa.ck....St......fx.am...T.ex.r.y_._S.t...._.t.o.....E....Tkaix.d..St_.._._.........___..........__._ . ' to tUo Whereas, h writtenngo opal. for the Councilman . ....._.......... ... ... ..... ....... ........ .... _.; o having been presented nfYkink em In611and TnkingTan, ease- therefore, be it tont in the 1 nd neceaeo Y f slopes for'cuts and fill. for gradf S Hancock d he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the St. from Terry St. to E. Tm d St �kuv- the counou;. of i. To investigate, then lag. been pre.ented to 'tne Cityof St Paul therefore, be It ' eking of said improvement. on or of g '.:Resolved, That the Commis.. Pobltc Work. be and he 1. hereby or- ]nlpl'OVCmCllt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the n dered.and directed.°. Said d To,. Investigate the? necep ity for, • 3. To furnish a plan, p or dpslrablllty of the making of .old ltnprot•ernent • -' ` ' the nature, a t0 said improvement: i. TO fltl'111R11 the folio\ ov.! aj d .estimated c e[ _- .aid'imprOVe,•.Iat1Ve n-vt d,,cost data a — formation relative',to .ata on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or hadpr= to whether or not eels am 6. To report upon all pr.;e foregl:.lak d r vecitlon. lissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...._......._..........._.../._ ei............ r Yeas: Nays: Councilman arnsworth ons Approved- eller pproved .._`..................._ eller !G ecoll 7 Leary oerg ...... .......... Mayor overs Iayor. Mr. Carroll _ Council File No . ...................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 298 anXAYqA ''� w PRELIMI The undersigned hereby proposes the making of blic iniprovcnlcnt by e City of St. Paul, viz.: Chane..__°f..._the..._grade...._of ..idarsrorn..._the...._n..........7.ine.4a +v.,. To Dated grade. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the inakifilof the following improvement, viz. :.Change.....af...:thB grade._..o.f...liar.s.hall....Aye_...... fr.OM.:. the.:.:>t�'at..._line ......Q.f ._ane],..,.. p.c.int....SQ.Q.._.fe.et.....eas.t.....of.....the......east._:line.....of....Asbury...Ase_..,._..ac.c.o.rdin.... Lo .. pr.gfile..._hexet_o..__attached..._r nIk ;N de-._a....p. rt._. hereoP_�..._the__bh e..._l ne................ re.pr__e.aent.ing.._tha..._pr_ee.ent e.s_t.etzlishe.d..gi:.fide..+tnsi..._the_.red ....line .....the..._... proposed change of grade. having been presented to .the Council of the City of St. Pani by Councilman ............ ............ _......._........................_. ....................... C. F. No. 2087— therefore,,Ue it Whereas. h wrltten proposal for tho eking of the folio -Ing grg Improvement• reby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissio making of the l grade of Mnrshnll .Ave. from the east tine oY Snelling Ave. to a point 600 .Peet east oY the east line L To investigate the necessity f or Asbury Ave.. accordion to profile aid improvement. here - here t[acheJl ane mase Dart here- onlent, and the total cost thereof. f, the blue ono representing the pres- 2. To investigate the nature, est e t established grade and the red one the proposed change oY grade• having been Preeentedtothe Council of Lbs 3. To furnish a plan,profile or 81 been citof s Peal tnereforo, ne It Resolved, That tine commissioner of id improvement :.............._.......__......_...... ..... 4, To furnish Lhc following othe>j Public works be and huts hereby or dered and ,directed: 1. To lnvoetignte the n ..... ItY Yo ,. ...... .._.. .... ... ............................. ..... or desirability of the making g oY said: Improvement. I, gLe th¢tition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said z To love. e pa r exteTL and eytlm.t.d cost o i• moot 3 th totni yunN1i19Sloner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the for j.e+g., r.• 1• Adopted by the Council ....................... f a... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth Of Approved / ._......J..... 9 y K ler , / Y rg ... .... lf....... � ...._.._ Mayor Po vers Mayor Mr. Herrold.- Council File No ....... .............. PROP08AL FOR IMPROVEMENT and w PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following is improvement b3 Paul, viz.:._c.o_ndelnni.><fig...:.and _..tgki.ng....an.._e..aaamo ....:in....the .....land e Dated this ........_ 7.t.11..............day 2988 City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIFRF.AS, A written proposal fol lnakifig oV`the following improvement, vlz.:..a.o.ndemn.i.ng_.... and.._taking._..erl..._eaeeme.nt..._.i_n.._the.:: axzd.....ne.4.e.e_e..aY._.f.o:.....elo_pes.._.farcut_e._..ana_ . fills fox.....g.rading Tpge _51 . . ..... from Ohexoe.e..._Ave......._t.o.....D.e.1.awar.e.....Av.e_.._......_.................. _.. ........... .................._.................. .................. ._............. _........................... ;:.... .......... -.............. ............ ................. _......._._......_....._............. ._............ ................... ... .... I� C. F. No. 2888— ............. .............. ...._.................. .................................... making dt the following, Improvement, vin: Condemning and inking an ease- havin been resented to the Co feent In the land necessary for. slopes t.uclllnan................ _......................_.................._........ _............... , �" P for cuts and elle Por u Dela re A.9., from Cherokee Ave. to Delaware Ave., therefore, be it hsPving been presented to the Council othe City of St. Paul therefore, be'it RESOLVED, That the Com publiclWorksbbe and he 1s herebyror- i9 hereby ordered and directed: dared Ind directed: 1. To investigate the nece orl-Todee r¢bnitylof tthehm kneeing so Bald g of said improvement. 2. To investigate the natul Im2 roTo, investigate the nature, extent improvement, and the total cost thereof. and estimated cost of said. -improve 3. To furnish a plan, prod men t, aqd the total cost thereof: I. To furnish I plan. profile or ict h of ssaid Improvement. 4. To furnish the followi a Toi fur n 77sh the following other to said improvement :....... .. ................... ..+gx. n'% Infdrmatlon rel¢tive to said t: ^ + whether or not Bald -int..... ...................... ...... ... _........ _...... ..... _..... ........... ........................... . .._ .........................._......_......._'""-'"'1 - .•ked f, ., nn the DaP.•• 5. To state whether or not said inrprovemeiii is"aeii u• -for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoinggmnatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .......... ................_�:_.../....8..........1911�� Yeas: / Nays: Councilman Fal lsworth Approved ....._/.2. .......... t ..................... 1 Kel er / Y erg ........ ........ ........ ... ....... r.. .... .................................... ....... ... Mayor P vers Mayor. YiJ1i1.151iLii I a�� � _ I /� ■ Resolved, That the bid of the Review Publishing Company for printing and publishing during the year beginning January let, 1915, in the St. Paul Revie*;.a weekly newspapet printed and published in the English language in the City of St. Paul, qualified under the laws of the 'IFF Kurt State of Minnesota to publish legal advertisements, and specified in6, CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office the bid of said Review Publishing Company, all orders, resolutions, / and other proceedings and matters required under the Charter orLthe by-laws, resolutions or ordinances of the Council to be published Received o[ City Clerk z c-�, ." k �^ in a public newspaper, be accepted, and that the St. Paul Review be, and it is hereby designated as the official newspaper of the City of St. Paul far the year beginning January lot, 1915, and until its suoceseorshall be designated, in which paper all such publications for the year 1915 shall b(C. F No: 2989— y •.o Raview Yeas (1'") Yoerg Mr. President, R roRm c.as Mr. Carroll 2990 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub'ecr.-...._.._ ... _... . � � - COUNCIL FILENO ...... ..... ......................... ... WHEREAS, unforseen obstacles and difficulties have arisen I the construction of a sewer at the intersection of Terry and Fourth Streots, on account of interference with a 6 inch water main, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to raise said water main sufficiently to clear , the sewer, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the mmissioner of ilublic Works -be and he is hereby authorized and directed to incur the expense of raising said water main at a cost not to exceed the eum of Thirty one Dollars and fifty cents, payable from the Sewer maintenance Account of the General Fund. r. No. 2990�11Y' M. N. Gose— I Whereas, unforseen obstacles and linculnas have arisen In the true- bm of . sewer at the tntere..tfon f erry and Fourth streets' on account f -Int rference. with a 6 Inch -,water nain: and , • ' _ ._.. _�–..–r..... _. _,.. whe eas,It 1s nec... arY to raise said -water main sufficiently to .clear the sewer,' °.hsrefore 13. It Resolved, That the Cortimissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby autherl-cl _and directed to Incur the expense, of, to alag said water main at acost not to. exceed the sum of Thfrty-one Dollars avid fifty cents. Accd the eF Malntennnee ount ofheGeneral Adopted by the Council Dec. 8, 1914. Approved Dec. 9. 1914. (Dec. 12-1914) Yeas (V) Coun limen (P) Nays Far sworth //In favor K ler Against Y �� Mr. President; Powers tFoliM c.8.2 Adopted by the Council ____. ^_-191�J1 CITY OF 5T PAUL' S ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUT�QMFORM,y�y ;°,E""` No 1 DEC - 8 1914 aT " �, . ca..; AUDITED 191— PE tiitc - s 144 Resolved, that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the h as specified in after specified fund' the following dE in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for,the amounts se their respective names statement: Adopted by the Council1 `Yeas (J) Cou ihnen ( J) Nays Farn ortb Approv, In favor - Kelp Against -++ Yoer Mr. President, P ers Part 1. Corporate Purposes -Salaries Acct. C. F. #2336 General Fund•MisC. 67 8 S. A. Farnsworth, 6.00 Com. of Finance, General Fund -City Dump Acct. 67. g S. A. Farnsaworth, 222.00 Com. of Finances 1 Street &.Sewer Fund 4.790.68 6740 S. A. FarnewOrth$,Com. of Finance, Bridge.Bldg. & Repair Fund, 67A S. A. Farnsworth, 255.60 75 Com. of Finance, Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund C. F.-2302 6 2 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of 'Finance, --�— i General Fund -Sewer Maint. Acct. 6 3 S. A. ,Farnsworth, C. F. 2288, 786.40' _ Com. of Finance$ General Fund -Crosswalks Acct. �:. 6 4 S. A. Farnsworth$ 8.00 3 ° com. of Finance$ a a a (Cement Walk Extensions) 6-- 6 65 ' ti " Tot #2., Corporate Purposes-Salariee-Con't. General Fund-Election Exp. Acct. 6766 S. A. Farnsworth, 868,90 p _ Com. of Finance, Sprinkling Fund 676 S. N. Farnsworth, CCom. of Finance, 195• OCA (Calcium Chloride) 114 6768 � Total L,. qua Tot%l.Zo-VP15%'trt'";Tose Sal , 7, 12.9 f t� Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-Paving-Salaries f Dale St., Grand to Front , 6769 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 355.20 ✓ University, Dale to Syndicate 30.00 f 770 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, University, Syndicate to City Limits i - t F N 2991 art ori, Financq,nP 6771 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of n rn citihTt a n Y PsyaDi clHed fu d d 1ni theh inaft T p h Pe a ass o isrm t aPDOslte tg tt t thed la en tt� th.1 Y 11 ptl tgPd tp tl ,ad_3 1 pl :t Gert-: C pnrs a C: 1 F d SI lla... Account, F No 2336 g A F'ar w th. Com.. Special Funds—Salaries tri ,F$000. C1Ly.-1D mP Acct. S. f I_ Engineering In Fund A F ew th Com Y Fln e, 6772 $222 00 _ Ste t .tc 9 Fund g A- F,n a 1,843.00 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance th. cam of Fmnra $4;790- 63' 0.. Com .. �,.'.+ Fa nswortBha of Flnance, 5266. _ r"WOBridge thl'dg, & RePair Fand C. Fl-, ' 2302. -S. A. Farnsworth Com. of - Hance. $169.70' - - Fund—Sewer ,General'. (faint. S :3• Farnaa-orth, Com of Flnance, _ I. 2288,'-$786.40. General' Fund—Croaswalkf 9 A. Farnsworth. Com of, Finance. 2800 S. A. Farraw0 th Com. of FI- $13. Purposes nce' , (Cement.,walk E t IGAV Fu d Election Exp Ae t . Lighting Fund �6G@neral_ an e. C r o. F ( 1f g A. Farr wo th $868 904,385.36 p y;- hp juk)1ng Fu d.' S A F rnaworth $tr.;..Patill'Gas:.:If1a3$t;'C.o1A �n $1960D 9 AFarna: �'`� 6773 ICom oLFlnance worth .Com uC 'Flnance (Calelum` Chloride) $114.70.' Street & Sewer Fund Spec. Assess. Const Acct Paving— St,.' Grad to'.Front: + Salarles�-Dale s 'A.,. Forceworth,yCom of Finance,' 6774 $366.20.' General Contracting Co., Farnsworth Com. of Flnancet$3000� D Ctty Limits: R 6775 Minnesota Crushed Stone Co., University SYndlcato to • warth, C m of FI auce, _ S. A. Fa $33pea7nl Funds—Salaries:.Eti F- Farnia- ing 'Inspection Fund: & A,.` worth,,Com. ot'Flnarce, lghti g ' d: StC Paul Gas ught Co P1uny,n5 386n36. Bridge Bldg. &Repair Fund Street & Sewer Fund General Con= tracting Co $76.20; Minnesoffi,Crushed,: - 6779 time Cc $36C70—` Y3,. St. Paul Foundry Co., sriaga stag &' Rep Ir Fund st' 8.627-38 Co., $8 627 38 ' P ul. F`o nd y I ter.at Fund. G ne al Coutracting ' Co.. 4180.00. Interest Fund 'Wat r Dept. Fund Lynchburg ;I Foundr} Co $960.27 Const Acct—Paving, J , ;4 777 gpec - Aeeesa U iversltY Ate. Syndlcnte to Cit. :, General Contracting Co., Limlta:: R ttl Riv COMP gnY $10 18000 ✓ y 082,24.. -U,nire alty, Dale t syndicate tie Rfver ComPanj $2 062 96.' ' Aur rett,i j Water Dept. Fund Hamline, Summlf to Grand:; MfBC. Co $6963. ,.' Spec- Aseeas Canst Atet=,-Sea ers--. 960.27 st 60 ff3 or Toronto to 7th $ t 6 78 Lynchburg Foundry Co.,ames Ly 8 Y • a gt; C A Nelson, Eat No. - & gUPDl2.r "0.0 u Adopt d by the Council Dec 8 1914. E Approved Dec. 91 1914:. .....,i4 T n t Sl_..CA ( Dec. 11 1914) 582. x:R Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. Paving,, University Ave., Syndicate to City Limits. 6779 Kettle River Company, 1f 082.24 University, Dale to Syndicate 2,o62.96 6780 Settle River Company, Hamline, Summit to Grand 69.53 ,- 6781 Barrett Mfg. Co.. ec a Spec. Assess. Const. Acet.-Sewere f James St., 50 Ft. W. of Toronto to 7th St. 6782 C. A. Nelson, Est. #2 & Supplt., 20.00. r: L») Total Corp ate Purpose -Salaries,.... ......... 7.512.98 „ n • ... .. 14 5$2 91 , ,. .............. " Spec. Ass ss. Const. ct.-Salaries,.... 421.20 " Special Fun e -Salaries,. ................ ' 1,843.00 " Spec, Assess. onst. Acct. awing,......... 12,214.73 < w „ • w « -Se ere,......... 0 ;r ;. Gr d Total, 36*5 •82 4 s� d cv�s I Subject rt CITY OF ST. PAUL �_OYj NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .......................... 2 ......F.L.WL No ................. 29.. _ Date Presented....r...... _ _ __........ .__ ... ...-I91........... Resolved, That the deed bearing date the 11th day of November, 1914, by the St. Paul Title & Trust Company to the City of St. Paul, of the southwesterly thirteen feet of Lot 19, and the northeasterly ten feet of Lot 15, of Upper Levee Addition to St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, for alley purposes for the benefit of the public, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the City Comptroller is here— by directed to place said,deed on record. Yeas (P) Councilmen (P) Nays YJerg Mr. Presiden, Powers Fonts c.e•z y In favor _Against r CITY OF SAINT PAUL he 1914, 1 City Clerk's Office pf the / Lbt 19 tt o Lot ' G,.0,11, 9t: P.1.11.......... .......... 91 on, file of the coq ntr, ;i Received of City Clerk ee[ed to. place nnld deed on by .the Council, Dec. 1. ;1914. i J Dec. 9, 1914'. (Dee. 12-1914) Adopted by the Council �_ 191 i Approved J 12i _ 19 1L" � C1'z�7/yoZ MAYOR _.- JOII1P I. rARi01�. O,xx Ocxec CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLKU3118 OFFICE Hon. U.N. Goes, Coemr.of Public Torks, Han. 0 H.0111eill. Corporation Counsel. Nov. 13th,1914. Wm ED HT E I 5 NUV 131914 M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Dear Sir: mie Council, at their mestinR of this date, referred the communication of the St.Psul Title & Trust Company, transmittinr a deed to the southwesterly 13 feet of Lot 19 andthe Northwesterly 10 feet of E.ot 15, Upper Levee Add. to St.Paul,this land to be used for alley purposes, to your department for report as to advisibility of accepting the deed. (Deed and corammicvtim in hinds of Cosmr. Goes.) Yours truly, City Cleric. ST. PAUL TITLE AND TRUST CO. NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING 9T. PAU M- Nov. 11, 1914. -To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Mr. J. I. Faircy, Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Some years ago the undersigned, as owner of the tract embraced in Upper Leave Addition to St. Paul, (plat whereof is enclosed), subdivided this property into small lots to suit the pasties who had settled upon the land and in connection therewith dedicated to the public certain alleys. In order to satisfy the de- mands of the residents we found it necessary,after platting the prop- erty, to set apart two other stripe for alleys, viz: the Southwest- erly 13 feet of Lot 19 and the Northwesterly 10 feet of Lot 15, and we accordingly retained and now have title to these stripe. I ir is now our intention to deed these stripe to the City for alley -way purposes and to that end we enclose a deed thereof, duly executed, which we ask to have accepted. The taxes are now delinquent, but this Company will pay them up if the City will accept the deed by proper resolution. I have indicated on the enclosed plat the location of the two stripe. Very respectfully yours, ST. PAUL TITLE & TRUST CO:, By �Gx �. n sident. --� �Y �� 2encs. now TI ow To S 7 1471A Liz /ivG i O :.vn is gTEs �iQON /Lln.vc. ti/EivT / j� 5L34r ci Bo //OTE,• LO./s 80 f0 l/O 117c1L/I/✓CldlB' //'7 \ ��/ A ro a U-'-,-zp L /06 a '° .F'L�EE ADO/Y/ON /✓UM/�Ef,� .2 (') 2n 38 a/ 39 0 J -G9@7' � Bch 2P N Bi � oar Dy o BP 0 y' 9/ 92> 93 94 so / f11�zG/ a o 8 p 'b a e9 0 8g 0 90 q 8% \ ^ N 81� S¢V 83ti i2.dz s / o _ 1 L � ! �� • X46 ") e � 0 4 60 S )17 I ° So � Gz• 6z.^ II �! S3 id 54 40 Ll A � //o c Bo 60 so✓fes � n9 I04 0 /03 a /02 t9 �� 20 ao 80 o J742„ ° C) h. i 96 97 98 99 a �, cP \ o Bo Bo Z?_•A�p BP 69.34 4 2a5 F° I 079 77 176 7•s' 07-x• 73 77- 7/ ' 70 � 69 r '\? i' ti 22. 44,3 67 s/ j1 3Z 43 z r 41 m 35p SG 57 SS o S9 6, V�6/o�oi630614 o 'S 6&0' 67 N; isJ SB.Z 48 i4 1$ 3/ z 90 -34-57 Ne, 41,1 Rely "-` S6S e 41./7 SP �o 98.3 ;1 m J6�zry 9s8 40 4-0 o 48961�� b5,8 14z Zen o f4, 3a�3 134 4Z 40.6 tort—c i2', a M Ij 34 6/ ! 7 a hi zo .r 6 ,26 zu 3° t O ^� N N• n 'S 3G �'�1 X33? yl4b.e m� z z4 a ` 2z �zl, 20 /8 �<a1�eA,'0m.; 7 6 4 3 eg/�� "�' z9 °WN r%ri 16 I4�,° W 37 1 g�02.8,5 6g :30 - Z—1 44, 2° 62.1 SS' �av" 85 .56.$6-'0;4�? •9.31 40 'pD �l, 8 4Jr/ 2L i x. �I L' 9 Q. 14.$,'%8 1iP ,38. l 33 3/7?2.' 31.E 30� i t �77 �5i -?L 4-C• .36,4 �i66�r 74 \ � (h9ti 38°ab%z I�Jr.-52.'gE/z _ .0 wx of L L ✓E E f-%'se.7�Prion/. 407- fi✓E, Sec. G, T.28,,[1�iR 22; h! 4nt. t ti/ 0 9 COUNCIL FILE NO....._._ ............... _ By_ ......... ......_..... ... ..._ ...... ..... ......... ...._..._.._ _ FINAL ORDER. 2993 `f I In the Hatter of gr.a.3ir.g_Kestp:^.._..s xee_t_ fror.;,._,.Cni1cQ�b_e ave under Preliminary Order.. 63_I approved July 10th,, 4 1 1 .._ 14 Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and ..recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..............grading._K.e.st.on.._etre.et._Y.rom_.Chilaomb.a-mbeAvenue _..to...1146rea.......Avenue. __.. _...._........ _ _ .. __...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said intproventent, and snbutit,same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and, directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.............._.......0.........._19. Approved.... / v/......q._..__._...._._._19//,/ Conucihucu Fenusworth Kelle - g oerg iliayor Powers Mayor. mt REPORT OF COMM SSIONER OF FINANCE 0 III the Matter of. ._..g.r.a .z.xlg...-K.enton--.alr.e- t....fr...Qmctj1c..cmbe_.,_ay.eru_e to Pierce avenue. ....... under Preliminary Order approved. ...JUIY.....1.0..th,......1a.1.4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ais follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.45.0....5.5......_........ cost per front foot .61¢ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 0` j(, DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION Assessed Valuation zk 1 10 s s� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and herby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hinn in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commiss�Fn To the Counoil of St. Paul:— The undersigned residents n prop rty owners on Keston Street, between = and •���a Ave., earnestly desiring the grading of said Street, for the section above named, respectfully petition your honorable body to order that said grading be done. /tib„ [;�%��/!2 ��-•-°� tiNG1NEER�� �� L ; 1914, 0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to' Commissioner of Finance Im ....................191.4... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coum- cil, known as Council File No— _.......634........._ approved... ... ........ J:91Y IQ,..................._....191.._.4, relative to .................... _._... Aye.. ................................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.....__.:...........necessary and (or) desirable. �$7. 446.86 _., and `L. The estimated coat thereof is $....... _......'.................. and the total cost thereof is :�;........_._....... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... ......................_......_............................._....._......_ _.., 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.... - .. --- .............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ommissiouer of tblic Works. Al" COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the ALdter of P:.virg_ the A' ley ir_ 5, 7codla;:a P ric A3.ii tion under Preliminary Order J69/ ..approved A.:i,6'u3 t 013t, 1914. Intermediary Order _.._ - --... /_ ._.approved __. __ '/v v A public hearing having been had upon file above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise uahnr, xtent and kind of im- provement: to be made by the said City is and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and be is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and suhoit same to the Council for approval; tjlat npou said approval, the proper city officers are hereh,y rndhorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._._. _.... .. _....... City Clerk. Approved __._.. _.... _1``I____. . .................. _.... _. _........... . Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth (3oa, Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers CITY OF OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a� under Preliminary Order approved ---------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ -- ------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - r -------- — _t. A7i APP =A:-! `-_— -Per = t ioc 3'2II re s' cd -_-cck 361.56 112.35 :rick 2,501.44 0.19 Asphalt 2,245.48 1.97 Asphalt Co4rete 1,771.48 1.55 Asphalt macadam 1,562.92 1,37 :::acadam 1,325.92 6 1.16 Concrete 1.581.88 1.39 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION : FORM B.S.A. S -S A TOTAL. _ - -•... CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A �� under Preliminary Order approved --------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ - - - — _ _- __ A ; G _-_�--_Ai.. AP .' — Per _r.. - — - - - -.:t 2G:7t. 32° 1� BC `8d -_LLrCU ,Jpl.Sp 35 !-r'ick 2,501.44 2.19 Asphalt 2,245.48 1.97 Asphalt Concrete 1,771.48 1.55 Asphalt macadarn 1,562.92 1,37 ::acadam 1,325.92 1.16 Concrete 1.581.88 1.39 - The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION JA u TOTAL, I 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 P 6 ,z,z / 71.3 7 � , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - ------ /- 1-7 ---------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. G-5 C St. Paul, Minn., July 24th, 1914. To the Honorable Counoil of the City of St. Paul: The undersigned wishes to petition your body to pave the alley bounded by Selby, Laurel, Maokubin and fie. e Yours truly, � mss° r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ............._oot... 18, . 191..4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, t__ 31. ........ 191.A., relative to......_the..._..... ed, known as Council File No.........._........................approved............:.::...._....�8... _ Park.._�ddit io n......................................._...._..........................._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........_..............necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.............. .._., and the total cost thereof is $.......... XX..........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................. ........................................ --- _............ .......... _..... .... __........ ...... ........ ............... __..................._._._...._........................-................................................_........__....._.........._........__............................................__._......_......_..._........._.................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............................................................. ........................... _....................................... ........................................... ................................. .................................... _......................... .... ... 5. Said improvement is ..............................asked for upon petitioiaf three or more owners of property, subject to assessment fpr said improvement. ....'..._.... ........ _................................................._.............. Co rmissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE C ., INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the clatter of. Fayi,ng t'�z_. A11e_yin Block 5, Woodland Park Ad i_tion. under Preliminary Order....... 569 ._____..._approved August 318t, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement _ is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._... .aK 19......:u`le.._AZ T9y in..._B1oak .._5.,Wa.n.dland.._PaTk....Ad.dit.i_on_._._..........._._..___._..___._..........-........_.........._....... ......._.._......_...._._........_....__..... __. __... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is -$._2.,_08_l,_58.._____._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.__ ..._..._ ............._day of ......... . _...__.191..4._, at the hour of.... 1.0 ..............o'clock...._...___A_..\f., in the_.Ccunc_i_l .Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the �,harter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as ektimated. Adopted by the Council ...i. 1014 19 ._..._. f�....._...... CityClerk. Approved..._...... ....__ ....._____ .......__..19...._ _ .. r`T.`�(.................. Mayor. Councilmen Fa 1lsworth c. F. No. 246S—aF rnsworth lnHlhe Matter of Paving the alley (n ytSu. Woodland Park Addition,. G S under Preliminary Order -669,r ap. proved August 31st, , rde $ ler hav �g ecnived'the rep ity of the Coml.. Impro emort Fioanne upon the above lmd. reP lent. and having considered ci 011 Bald port hereby resolves: 1. "That .the said '.report be'and.the- eame le 'hereby.. approved and adopted, "and the'eafd Improvement laheretiyt O' eary ordered to be proceeded with., 2 That the nature of the.imptove" menttvhleh the Council recommends is. Yo paving the alley (n -Block. 6, Woodland g Park -Addition w(th no alternative— Mayor 81 68�he estimateld, .:oat,_ .thereof i<lriyor PO erS 'Resolved Further: Tha: a. pubue heurlI t tied n said Improvement. n. the.9if1 day of December, 5914, at' CM1e, h11 of` 10 o'clock A. M., in the Connell Chamber, room 61 of the Court House and City Flan Buliding In the City o[ Bt Faul. That the Commis_ sinner Of Finance give notice (s id maenner to the persona and In the 1.ner -provided by the Charter,. state t the time and place If,nearing, the: ture of the theimprovement: and the t Ad opted �bvetheeAanndli Noved4, 1914. Approved Nov. 9. 1914. , (Nov:' 14-1914) 1 COUNCIL FILE C ., INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the clatter of. Fayi,ng t'�z_. A11e_yin Block 5, Woodland Park Ad i_tion. under Preliminary Order....... 569 ._____..._approved August 318t, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement _ is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._... .aK 19......:u`le.._AZ T9y in..._B1oak .._5.,Wa.n.dland.._PaTk....Ad.dit.i_on_._._..........._._..___._..___._..........-........_.........._....... ......._.._......_...._._........_....__..... __. __... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is -$._2.,_08_l,_58.._____._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.__ ..._..._ ............._day of ......... . _...__.191..4._, at the hour of.... 1.0 ..............o'clock...._...___A_..\f., in the_.Ccunc_i_l .Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the �,harter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as ektimated. Adopted by the Council ...i. 1014 19 ._..._. f�....._...... CityClerk. Approved..._...... ....__ ....._____ .......__..19...._ _ .. r`T.`�(.................. Mayor. Councilmen Fa 1lsworth c. F. No. 246S—aF rnsworth lnHlhe Matter of Paving the alley (n ytSu. Woodland Park Addition,. G S under Preliminary Order -669,r ap. proved August 31st, , rde $ ler hav �g ecnived'the rep ity of the Coml.. Impro emort Fioanne upon the above lmd. reP lent. and having considered ci 011 Bald port hereby resolves: 1. "That .the said '.report be'and.the- eame le 'hereby.. approved and adopted, "and the'eafd Improvement laheretiyt O' eary ordered to be proceeded with., 2 That the nature of the.imptove" menttvhleh the Council recommends is. Yo paving the alley (n -Block. 6, Woodland g Park -Addition w(th no alternative— Mayor 81 68�he estimateld, .:oat,_ .thereof i<lriyor PO erS 'Resolved Further: Tha: a. pubue heurlI t tied n said Improvement. n. the.9if1 day of December, 5914, at' CM1e, h11 of` 10 o'clock A. M., in the Connell Chamber, room 61 of the Court House and City Flan Buliding In the City o[ Bt Faul. That the Commis_ sinner Of Finance give notice (s id maenner to the persona and In the 1.ner -provided by the Charter,. state t the time and place If,nearing, the: ture of the theimprovement: and the t Ad opted �bvetheeAanndli Noved4, 1914. Approved Nov. 9. 1914. , (Nov:' 14-1914) ST, PAUL, MINN�f , G /6Z .,/�, pp' � /Urr� GGa�.u�. o� awv►�1 /f ,� /3 /� 5 : b�v�t�c � OJQIu/ Y Louce� g 13- Soy - X 17Y St. Paul,hinn.Septamber_29th, 1914. To The Common Council- of City Of St. Paul, Flinn. The undersigned are citizens of St. Paul and are owners of property abutting on the alley in Block .five (5) in Woodland Park Addition to St. Paul. We have been informed that it is proposed to pave said alley and we respectfully and earnestly protest against it. The alley is not in need of paving and there is no propriety in imposing upon us the expense of it at the present time. We shall oppose it before your honorable body at a public hearing v,hich );,ill doubtless be accorded with due notice to those interested. Very recpectfully- J. W. Bishop - owner of Lots 1,2 & 3. Block 5-161 feet ✓ frontage. Mrs)Abbie S. Ladd -owner of Lot -Block 5 - 50 feet frontage,/ ✓ Robert 2. Topel-owner of 80 feet South of Lots 9-10 and 11, Block 5 - 162 feet frontage i J. S. Tripp by W. A. Warrant agt. owner of L.13, B. 5 ✓ 50 ft. frontage. Sam G. Sloan Lot 8 B-5 50 ft, x 172. COUNCIL FILE NO. - By- - ............ --- ...... ....... - 'r���� �j 2995 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of......c.o.nst,r.�..c.,.ti,n,g,.4 cei;.-nt block of six tie.._. aoxt.h...s_ideo.f.Surrrj.jta ............. venuefroiLTheeler avenue to Pierce St. under Preliminary order.. --approved octQber 19th,1914. Intermediary Order approved .. ....... ........ /-V .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be inalle by the said City is con.stru-ating. -a Acemen.t....blook...sidewalk...t.o ..a....width o.f six ff feet on the North side of Summit Avenue from Wheeler avenue to Pierce street - ............. -.- - . .. .... .......... . and th4Touncil hereby orders said improvement to be. made. .�7 RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord lice therewith. Adopted by the Council 19, ........ ............... C' y erk. Approved - 11. -1- 19 Mayor. Councilmen Far isi -1 K .11 er erg Mayor Power i.� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM,#,ARY ORDER (r -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - --------- under Preliminary Order approved ----------- .r._ff-, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is p r = a 1$F G_t 49 -----_- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $-- —The The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .. ASSESSED VALUATION _ y �44r7 d. �/r te -7 6 �t e� /-Z J oo -7 16 J 3 (-ry r�i! �wl� /�1 Afr� all" /v .7 / TOTAL, 2 4� S.S.A. S -SA r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN#$Y ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION` G 7/,C7 /o /) LGA all The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -----------e- 7------- - 91 -------1_7.. _.._ .................... - ... //// Commissioner of Finan FORM B.S.A. a-5 c fl> W.MOLE�9ALE A.LSHAPIRA ESTABLISHED 1886 H.aHAPIRw ' I/ j RETAIL AJ o,SAAP1 BP-Qo JEVJ�EL,ER, s COR.SEVENTH & MINNESOTA STS. June 22th, x914+• To the Hon. M. N. Ooss,, Commissioner of public works, and the Honorable Menbers of the city council, aul Minn.. Cantlemen;; we the undersigned property owner# in block 3e Walnut grove -pain, Minn. #W do respectfully petition that an order be put through the council for the laying of alae—walk on all the unimproved lots on thq_sar h side of salt block Name ADDRESS LOT NO• ��, ���•�J �,. � !fes o � o � ' 7, `I Report to Commissioner of Finance 0060b r..._19. . .........................1914-. To the Commissioner. of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._�lrJl.............. _ approved .._...._OOhObES„_19,x,,,...__........191...4., relative to ............................. oonstruoting _a oement._blook sidewalk _to..._a width of ...six _feet. on .................................. ....... ................._........... ..... ..... the north side of Summit Ave. between Wheelei Ave. and Pieroe St. _ .............. _.............................. _...... ................................................................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.__._..=.7AA......_.. and the total cost thereof is $_......._ ........., and. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; .............. ... ........_.......................... ................... _................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................................................................__.........._..............................._.............._ .__.. o. Said improvement is__ ........ _ .....................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... _..... ..... _.. xnuis oner of Public Works. ® CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Snbjecr:-. •.._...... _ .. ...--...... . __. ...... _........ __------ COUNCIL NO2996 FILE...................... .. ....._......_ A_........._ ... ........ ....... _. _.......... . _ .....-.... _....._......__....__..._..._....__...._........_ ..... Date Presented-._. ............... __....._...._.__.......__191... ----- Resolved, i That the application of Goldbloom & Rubenstein for a license to conduct a Llotion Picture Theatre at 2511 University Avenue be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license to Goldbloom and Rubenstein for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee $j50.00 C. F: No. 3996 -BY Henry MCCoII - -- Re� 1l0 e2. 1F the application of ! Goldbloom & Rubenstein for a 14,ense -tonduct a Motion 'Picture Theatre.I t 2511 University avenue be and It hereby is granted and the City Clerk Is matructed' to Issue. such ._nes to .Goldbloom and Rubenstein for one Year upon the payment Into the City' a Treasury, of the customary fee' ;80.00._ Adopted _ by the Council Dec 8, 1914. Approved Doc. 9 1914. :(Dec 12-1914)_; I Yeas (11)c ticiltrien (P) Nays]gl // Adopted by the Council __�—.T— J F � nsworth n favor Approved Her -- GColl -----Against Y erg- MAYOB Mr. Preside , Powers FORM C.8-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM POSTAGE __ _..__._.....�_..__._ Subject:—. ...__ ...... ........... .__.........._ _ ....... COUNCIL N01 .. VO . ... ..... ........«. F.LS «« _ Date Presented-31.e..a.7_,..1.9.1C....__I91.......... Vd,R7esolutionhorizingthe drawing of a warrant for $20.00'in favoroommissioner of Finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller for the purchasepffor cash of postage .o tmenPublic said amount, chargeable to the sH P ar Safety -Bureau of Health (quarantine). C. F.'-• a997- McColl . ;:geaelutlan nuthoriztng 'the dr wing's Commt8rion fof Flna ce wlt0 the con- �•� eni of the Mayor. pnd. Comptrollto .� [i,r,tc .yurchsee'for¢bleht Lthe•DePBT �.' ,yald amount.chat6e SnfetY-Burenu of I ment t PUbllc Unrentlne). Adopby ted the 9Coun Elealth (Q 191411 Dec. PProved' Dec.: (Dec. Sa_.J.4)_; Yeas (V) Cou men (Y) Nays Farn orth _J7 In favor Kell Mc __,a _Against Yoe Mr. President, owers roar c.e•z Adopted by the Council Loved_ / - � _19117- t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubjeeR'VOT.AGE _............. .... cour4ea FILENO ....................... ............... Date Presented...dee.7,3914---I91........... —IRaes1Vad,Resolu:ion au;horizbg the drawing of a warrant for $10.00 in favor of :he Commissioner of Finance with the consent of :he .Mayor and Comptroller for :he purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to ;he Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Health. c r. olutio-sy Henry aPc the d Rosotutlon uthorizing: the drawing.; oL,a Warrant Por $10.00 In favor of: the Cbmmissioner of Finance -wlthi-the. coneent'. of the Alayor and: Comptroller, :for .the purchnse for cneh -. mpballer, to, said mount, h-geable to 'the Nei - Hen.lt e.t of Public Safety-Huruau:.oil Adopted -by the Councll. Dee.., 9, 1914.1 - .Approved Dee. 9, 1914. (Dee. 12-1914) Yeas (V) j en (P) Nays th In favor 4 _Against Mr. Presiders ronr cX-2 Adopted by the Council - Approved 9 --'--- - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 2999 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: - .2999 COUNCIL No ...... ..... ................... POSTAGE FIL.I* ........................ ...... ....... . Date Presented Rec.7,1914----I91.........- Resolution --,91.......... Reablution authorizing the drawing of a warrant for $50.00 in favor of 'he Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Ylayor and Comptroller for the pur- chase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to the Department of Education -Bureau of Public Library. C. F. Ne. 2999—By Anthony. -g— Resolution authorizing the =Ing', of a wart -ant for $50.00 in favor of the Commissioner of Finance with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller forpurchase �h­ far cash of postage the P.'c t Ila . said ....at, hargsa le.to the De-, pgti�l,nocnt of Education—aureem of Public Library. I I . Zopted by the Council Dec. 9. 1014. Approved December9,1914. (Dec. 13-1914) Yeas W) Cou Imen (P) Nays u `ru 0 R Im R Fair- orth In favor JK@11 I Mc 11 Yoe oe I Mr. President, owers Adopted by the Council Approved j/1-- 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL C'_Z Resolved, That with the consent and concurrence of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, there is hereby set aside out Of and on the Fifth street side of the block or square of land upon which the Court House and City Hall is located, whatever land may be needed as a site for the erection and construction of a public comfort station by the City. -Of 8t. Paul, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to enter upon and use said land for such purpose. P. No. 3000—By Winn Power-- 3esolvedThat with the consent ands tcurrence of the Board of County mmissionere of Ramaey County, ace fa hereby set Heide out of and on Fith street side of the block or f ' usre of land upon which tke Court.. ruse and City Hall is. located, *hat- ub er. land may be heeded as a Its for e. bmfort statiection and on by uthe �City of 9t. wl and the proper City otflcer- are. Yeas (I'') Cou ilinen (T) Nays Far worth In favor Kel r Mc oil __Against Yo Mr. President, Owers osc: .opted by the Council Dec. 9, 1914. ,proved Dec. 9, 1914. - (Dec. 12-1914) _ Adopted by the Council _.� 19,1 Approved �2 -1911f CITY OF ST. PAUL 300 GbUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM 13®®1 Subject: - ... _ POST. AGE _. COUNCIL PILEIVO ...... .... ................. .... .. .. .......... ........... ...... ........ _ ...... Date Presented__W9/14..._ _.... ...... _I91 1 Resolution authorizing ;he drawing of.a warrant in favor of the Commi sinner of rinance for $9.00, with :he con- sent of :he Mayor and the Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to the Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs., Bureau of Pakks. (C..F.. No. 3001—By S. A. FIL-sworth Res07utlofl_ authorizing :the drawing. oP a'.warrant In P vor of,.the Compete - ,stoner P ,FI..nr. for $9.00, with the 'consent f. the Mayor and: the m Cop - troller, 111, the purchase for .-cash' -ot.- postage to said amount. chargeable.. to the:Dept.f Parks, Playgrounds and Pu6ue But ldinge Bureau of Parks. I' .Adopted by the Councll,;Dec. 9,. 1914.. ,Approved Dec. 9, 1914: (Dec.12-1914)_, Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (Y) Nays Far, orth — ,�_ In favor Kel Mc 11 Against Yo Mr. President, Owers roam cL9-2 Adopted by the Council, ____/--191 Approved- _ / 191 ---OR --"--- --� MAYOR �/. a Cnn9ed by -0 ln] l VVV him as hereinbefore dg"; 1 p 't' poach - ,''1 stgte Tiles WREREAS, Patrick C. Roach was injured ods he let day of October, 1912, in the performanoe of his duty as a police officer of the City of St. Paul, and whereas, said Patrick C. Roach, a8 a result of said injury, became wholly incapable of performing his duties as a police officer on -the 9th day of October, 1914, and was adjudged insane by the Pr..bate Court of Ramsey County on the 16th day of October, 1914, and it'was found by the jury in the said hearing in said Court that his insanity was caused by the injuries received by him as herein- : before described, and . WHEREAS, The said Patrick O. Roach having been committed to tie' State Hospital for the Insane, hie wife,'; Anna T. Roach has been appointed special guardian of the Bait Patrick C. Roach by the Pro - bate;'Court of Ramsey County; and whereas, affidavits of Dr. A. B. linker, City Physician of said aity1, and Dr. R. A. Schnacke, one of the Police Surgeons of said;'Cityr, have been filed with the commission- er of Public Safety, stating that the said Patrick C. Roach is now unable to perform his duties as,,a:'Solioe officer; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the Comptroller of the City of St. Paul is hereby authorized to draw a warraut'for Eighty Dollars (080.00), payable out of the police Fund of -'Bald City, in payment of the salary of said Patrick C. Roach for the month of November, 1914; said warrant shall be drawn in favor of Anna T. Roach, speoial guardian of Said Patrick C. Rosoh, and shall be delivered to her on condition that she execute a good and proper release to the City of St. Paul from any and all claime due to said Patrick C. Roach thealst of said of Deoembersuffered by him as hereinbefore noted, up to Yeas (V')Cou iIn (P) Nays "<rFar worth ✓� In favor C O Kel r Mc oil _ _Against Yo g Mr' President, In i011N C;O.2 Adopted by the Council—_ —191 y Approved— / / 1911y{ MAYOR VUBI.ISr A� ----- Sl CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub'ect:_..o sd99 3kgi nao11 1 sae P f! o�shaYaa to eqA C., T912 t: COUNCIL .. o Lhe ..... 1. t1eTtOT}a6n '. P�y�LydUtSWAO: .....".. ......"_.... "....."...._.... _. :fticer of the::aClt o St.;1faU1 an T: ..".... """"""""'"'"' NO..... ..... ..... .'..., .. eae, eald:Pat11C „C. Roach, ae.a niurYl became 01 tcof aald Itorming U, ;.. .: t li df per h1a..dutlea t' a ort Yhe, 9t aaY of her resented-. _..._.. ......:.._.._191 4 ,,.n -1914 and was nd�udged means,11 Probnt6 =-Court, Rno 6011 -0 the 16th daY , C Ontobax,' .bv^the iurY ihi �/. a Cnn9ed by -0 ln] l VVV him as hereinbefore dg"; 1 p 't' poach - ,''1 stgte Tiles WREREAS, Patrick C. Roach was injured ods he let day of October, 1912, in the performanoe of his duty as a police officer of the City of St. Paul, and whereas, said Patrick C. Roach, a8 a result of said injury, became wholly incapable of performing his duties as a police officer on -the 9th day of October, 1914, and was adjudged insane by the Pr..bate Court of Ramsey County on the 16th day of October, 1914, and it'was found by the jury in the said hearing in said Court that his insanity was caused by the injuries received by him as herein- : before described, and . WHEREAS, The said Patrick O. Roach having been committed to tie' State Hospital for the Insane, hie wife,'; Anna T. Roach has been appointed special guardian of the Bait Patrick C. Roach by the Pro - bate;'Court of Ramsey County; and whereas, affidavits of Dr. A. B. linker, City Physician of said aity1, and Dr. R. A. Schnacke, one of the Police Surgeons of said;'Cityr, have been filed with the commission- er of Public Safety, stating that the said Patrick C. Roach is now unable to perform his duties as,,a:'Solioe officer; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the Comptroller of the City of St. Paul is hereby authorized to draw a warraut'for Eighty Dollars (080.00), payable out of the police Fund of -'Bald City, in payment of the salary of said Patrick C. Roach for the month of November, 1914; said warrant shall be drawn in favor of Anna T. Roach, speoial guardian of Said Patrick C. Rosoh, and shall be delivered to her on condition that she execute a good and proper release to the City of St. Paul from any and all claime due to said Patrick C. Roach thealst of said of Deoembersuffered by him as hereinbefore noted, up to Yeas (V')Cou iIn (P) Nays "<rFar worth ✓� In favor C O Kel r Mc oil _ _Against Yo g Mr' President, In i011N C;O.2 Adopted by the Council—_ —191 y Approved— / / 1911y{ MAYOR VUBI.ISr A� ----- s 3002 SJINT PAUL- December 3-1914. TO WHOM PRESENTED. - This is to certify that Patrick Roche, who was under treatnent in the Hospital from October 9th, 1914 until the 22nd day of the same month - when he was transferred to the State Hospital for the Insane, at St. Peter is, in my opinion, suffering from a form of insanity that is likely to permanently incapiate him for any kind of work by which he could earn his living. ABA EJJ SUP T, Subsoribed and sworn to before ms this S day of Deoember, 1814. Motary MILD, eameey County, flan. my oommission expires I 3/ /f2f Dr. Roy Schnaoke, being duly sworn, says that he is and at all times hereinafter mentioned was, one of the Police Surgeons of the City of at. Paul. That on the 9th day of October, 1914, he attended Patrick 0. Roaoh, who was then and there a police offioer<of the City of St. Paul. That the said Patrick C. Roach then was and now is un- able to perform his duty as a police officer of the said City by reason of mental disability, which he is informed and believes was caused by injuries received by him in the performance of his duty as a police officer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of December, 1914. Notary Public, Ramsey CountMinn.Mi3n Sy commission expires G,& U ��7- 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 300 Subject:- -. __ __......... .. COUNCIL FILE No. .. _..___.—...._......._.... ..........._ ....... .#a Date Presented -.......__.__ .._......._ .............._I91... Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 5th, 1914, by and between the St. Paul Gas Light Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing the necessary electric current to light 131 festoons on the nights of December Sth, Sth,,10th, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 31st, 1814, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. I d¢te So14. l d beh 61t he -1914 bYnt,act andrbe e9t soh"° sh;ns CITY OF SAINT PAUL Paul undethehOlt9 o -.the nets arY el trlc: cu rent to 11ghC h23rd 126thcond City Chalk's Office '131 T etoone 10th Toth m yrt T aPProl d4tand th P oPe I'Y ttloe o e hereby .authorized and dl tied to n h 1t of the CItY• V ... ...... ✓ 1:...._ execute,tho some n'b • I �SPPToved ll ch 9 1914c11 Dec 9, 1914.. I {Dec. 1z -Mal , / Redive of City Qferk t i I Yeas (I/) Coun men (P) Naysf 9/ y�/ Adopted by the Council Fara orth `_ In favor � �f 1 Kelle Approved / Me _____Against Yoe __ MAYOR N1r. President, owers row+ o.e-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 8th, 1914, by and between J. G. Robertson and the City of 8t. Paul for installing and completing a pumping plant at the greenhouses at Como Park, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas W) Coun men (P) Nays Farn orth �n favor Kell Mc 1 --d—Against Yoe Mr. President, wers FORM C.8.2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerrs Office l !' 191// Received of City Clerk .adopted by the Council(_ Approved _/ ✓. _ _ _ _. 191 -- -- - ---- MAYOR- 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:...._ __.,_.............--------- COU / FILE NO...... ..... .Q6.177••BI;.... ... Date Presented ...... ...... ___._a......._.._._.........._I91........... 4 Resolved,That the contract bearing date December 8th, 1914, by and between the St. Paul Gas Light Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing gas, posts and connections of posts to gas mains, necessary to light the streets, alleys and public grounds of said City for the year 1915, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (Y'j Coun 'if (i) Nays Farns orth _ _._k, . In favor Kelle Mc l -_Against Yoe Mr. President, veers POA. c.a-: CITY QF SAINT PAUL aj City Clerk's Off'cy' 191-4/ Recei edVf City Cletk Ce"" (J 4_ .adopted by the Council------/, Approved _A, , _ 91 A=4 PMWT n'' eMbex 27, 1914. City'�Pf"St.Paul Council Re�61ution-,,v eneral form. 3006 Departmentof ..._.....-._._...._._._._..._._...._._._._._...._._._._...._.__._._._._..»__._._._._ Bureau rta la of._.,.........._...._._...._...._._._...._._._._._._._._...__._...._.._._._._..» 3008sv o. > x uer— s cmecvcccveco=c=v_ocecee_coco=aaacc=C F No. ermiasion be a� oms_oo YLesolved. Thnt D ;Tri-State Tele 'herdby gr.w tihcuinvaay to erect 1914. Council File N0. .. .. _._...._._.. phott & T gratia ea �� ao chore ele _. y aol str n6hwl e n ca n the Lot lowing named streetetV. 7th to Young ........._....... .._.... .. _ ..._._ Alton etre.[ from ,_,_,_,,,,_....— By •• ... m n Ave: , wo done under the dlrectlo ..._ r.,mmle- i�ll 8atd:,coat ro e - Resolved, that permission be and,W c ft mil Dee s, Iola. d the Tri- State Telephone & Telegraph Company to erect ooles wiiw.,'. Ineoessa y anchors and to string wire and cabI4.On.the following named streets: Alton Street from ':;. 7t --q to:.Ypungc;a.n Ave. t7orls to be done under the dirdction and to the satisfaction -of the Commissioner of Public YfOrks+ the Telephone Company to pay the cost of ine$ieotion, engineering and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone company. Adoptedby the Council......................... _.................... _._........ _._ ......_...___._..1914. Yeas ( ) Cou ilmen ( ) Nays Fa sworth Mo 11 Yo Approv _. ._._ ...._._._. 914. Se r _ - _._.».».— .. Mayor Mr. President, Po s D �l Jl 1 V 1 N 1 v Council Resolt" 3007 -BY ° orm ylved,.That the $4 -.Pnul 6se a. .Y1 herobY ordered. and. 1, to extend tts lechtcal 1[noe, 3®0'7 ting 'polee..and-ntringing.wlren •+7 9 or :'the ivunslltaelun of e10c- on and Sn the Lo1lowing, alleys. Department of . "— __ __ _ sets er seta ettx . -.-_----- --- - - Ole r Ptha klock between Ro ee street a . nlum�;etreet from Frnnk street Bureau . of ... _ _. .>, uvenue,'u'1!h nil neeessurS. 1anchors. �— •glen In'nnd•tnrough.;he alley, -blockfietwern-Ron^ h rr • Council File No. - �.' r Date Presented". -_ _191 By It ESULV ED.: That the St.Paul Gas L eht C- ­:s h eby dered avd di—ted to alevd its electrical lives by tttitte p Ice avd atrinaive M...hereuv fhe traysmisnlov of electricity vv and -h, lollowiva alleys and streets of said city: Five poles in and through the alley through the block between Rose Street and Geranium Street from Frank Street to Duluth Avenue,. with all necessary guys and anchors. Three poles in and -through the alley through the block between Aces Street and Maryland Averiuer o;a Frank Street to Duluth Avenue, with all necessary guys and ancbprs. Ones pole on and in the east side of Rice Street between Litoh• field Street and Wayzata Strest� Vith all necessary guys and anchors. Ons'pole on and in the east IdA* of'Sherman Street north of Smith Avenue, with all necessary guys,and'andhOft. Three poles in and ,.through the alley throughthe block between Princeton Avenue and Sargent Avenue from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue$ with all necessary guys and B"}RUprei. A II :,( such c ., pules avd xires sh:Jl be erected avd covstnicted under the direction and supervision of the 1'ommisxiover of Public Utilities avd 11 ,11 thivcs .uhicc tv We pr ris�cvs of �hdivavice Yo. 1f 21. evd (all other lawful i. dinavices -d t-1.t1ovs of the Clty of St. Paul. All poles eh ll be set ins ch locution n s :d allgs and streets as the Commissioner of I uh1lc Utes shall desiavate, and shall he of such heicht evd M1aneter u he xlull des nate and apprpce, and avy and all ranch poles shall be taken down avd reissued, and such wires placed nndereronnd, wl:enerer the Council MWI deem that the publi.: interest so ttv lres, avd when it shall ss order. Adopted by the Council __ __ 3j, 191 Yeas ( ) Co u oilmen ( ) Nays IKELER ORTH Mr. President, Approved Mayor .. Penr.I'mm,n October 26, 1914. AER2AL pM=T n Q City of $t.Paul Council Resolution - eral fo Department of ............ ... _._._......._._......-_-_--.._-_._-_-_._-_- ._._._._.. . ...................... __._._._._. Bureau of_.._�_-_... CF•No. 3008—B3' O. E. Kelle and Sa. It" 1l ed -that permiealon' be herb, granted the Tri-9t-to Tale= 1914 phone & Telegraph Company to 'rent: _.....1914. polee:with the neceaaary anchors and ed ......_. Council File . ••• •- • ........ to string, wire and —ble on the fol- lowing namedi.teeets: Autumn,street, from White Benr Ave.. L........ _ _ - _ By _. -.. to City Llmlta. ••_,_,-„_-......_....— ••••-•-•• Work t0 be done underthe direction.' ;p jttr :patiaf. tloq of the Commie- - Abil. Wo*fWthe; Telepho e so pay the def ,ofC(p hnd,:wlres to hie rei tldt Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri- state Telephone & Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary anchors and to string wire and cable on the following named streets: Autumn Street from Rhite Bear Ave._ to City Limits. Mork to be done under the direction and to the stoipfarcihen of the Commi"ssioner of Public,NVOrks, the Telephone Company cost of inspection, engineering and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. .. ..._._......._._� •__ ._.._.._....__.-_._._..1914. Adopted by the Council ..-_...-_._._._.-...-•................... _- -• Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays jaworth Approv __ _._/_ ._._.... 14. r __...Mayor_ __.._.. Mr. President,s rtr *1• �_---� Department of Bureau of Council File No. Date resented 191 3 By FSt1LV n D.'fhat the St. rain Gas Liant Compans : h b,- d.r� E , 1. extend it -el � br ere Une rules ana -i- -1—thereon tho transmvs:on of <kctriciU' on avd in the tollvwive alln's and streets of said city: Three poles in and through the alley through the blo9k between Fauquier Street and Reaney Street from Cypress Street to Berl Street, with all necessary guys and anchors. All d such satensi-ns. poles and wires eLall Le erected .0 Lject to tl:e provisions o(t rrdinavice \v. 2ALa, avd of all of \71 lroles .Call be s<t in nucL locationd 1 in a 'd alleys ani plobliclinter att so rtnnire+V and when it shall sorarderlcs Adopted by the Council_ Yeas ( ) Co 'cilmen fIL SWORTH G O KE ER Mr. President, PO ERS ( ) Nays Public Utilities avd iv all [Lines acs leipineiuht d hcara1--5 he th G cil +hall dem h th App _ __ _ 191Gf Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---G ral Fo Department of _- Bureau of Council File No. DatePresented-_ 191 By�k ^nd t e elec� one tyles avJ s e n> w ea there for the RESOLVED ,'I hat the St 1'a 1 Ga 1. ht C o > h b> J d d dnated to al lives Ly er tranunissiov of elertnnt> on and ie the followrv4 alms a . treets of sad 6w Three poles in and through the alley through the block between Fauquier Street and Reaney Street. from Cypress Street to Earl Street, with all necessary guys and anchors. i All ,rl -6--w-. 'poles avd ee boll Lc r ed nd cv trotted under the direction Red sunervisiov lithe t'oinmissiuver of Public Utilities and iv all thiols 1 t u vi.n> of trdin v e \o. 24Ga. avd �I all o her lawful v `di vaaces and resolotiovs a( rhe City of Sl. Yaul. l •ubicctt" ��olee ahallvbe .et in ouch location in > 'd aIle>s and t e the Con miselan of P. Utililiev rhnll deaicvaie, anJ nbxll be of such heieht avd luracler ea he f dull dee .ate avd apurovc, nd anv and all each Volen xliall berta4en do vv xnd re vved. and noel, wires,A-ed uvderrronnJ, whenever the l:vuncit shall decor that the ar a vubl'c'nterc>t no renuiree, and when it shall so order. Adopted by the Council - Yeas ( ) tEE n ( /) Nays ORTH �f — 191G� 4.. APpro y - — Mr. President, Mayor 4 Department of City of 6t.Paul, Council Resolution - General form. Bureauof ....._....-._.-._._._._._..._....-.-._-_._.---•---•-•---: 3®10 Lee for th' .' -._._._.6.._._-_._.-----------_---- r an addttt. � itwarehou itted by he, ad o -=v o amv�avaaaa are hereby D . le hereby afraid tt d 1914. } eonatructing satdaddll�..._._._......._._......._..... Council File No. -------•••••••- - - - Department upon, tt Dunt, it being; the 'ppcll hat, 6, ,pu11 _ By.--•_.-----_._._.----- T )o-. can. b6; Vn -eeo1 -. \S/ Ci[y through. .. ' . Playgre by 11 Resolved that 1 - r Ile ao Adopted b4h, oust Yeas ( ) Councilmen Par sworth Mc oll Yo rg � Ke er Mr. President, Po ars 04,1111. �,. Appro 2 _.. _._.. 914. Mayor DEPARTAENT•PAIM •PLAY -GROUNDS •PUBLIC BUILDINGS JOHN J.MARY, Commissioner EDWAPDs�A..r.p.puly pe.n�..ie�.. su/I.np L vAx DPMUM pa.xC �g^Inap..le. y6.Wvcx-pDec. 9th,1914 Hon. Oscar F. Keller, Comer. Public Utilities, City Dear Sir: I send you enclosed estimate of labor and material for the remodeling of and addition to the Warehouse building of the Water department on East Fifth street between Cedar street and Wabasha etreet. Yours very truly, Cemer. arks,Playgrounde etc. Per Deputy. _M DEPARTMENT -PAM •PLAY GROUNDS -PUBLIC BUILDINGS KpK,p.p.„p ,..... JOHN J.OUARY; Commissioner 10 RDs,Aa.Dg1, 1.m1.. , p KUSS. w. Supt. e. p..x. G.S.W VCK0M,;t.e.11o. pil yP'. �. Dec..9th,1914 Hon. Oscar E. Keller, Comer. Public 'ltilities, City Dear Sir; The following is a schedule of the costs of labor and material for the remodeling of and an addition to the Water department warehouse building. General construction, including foundation for testing machine, all necessary under pinning of present walls, painting, glazing, etc. "9,600.00 Electric wiring 275.00 Heating and ventilating, including fan system of ventilat- ion for portion of building occupied by municipal labratoxy 1,500.00 Plumbing 560.00 Total 11,935.CO This does not include the erecting of the Fourth story on the building. includes only one extra floor. Yours truly, /C�. omer iks etc. ( Per Deputy � R COUNCIL FILE cs�� ,qq g By _ _ __ 3011-3, FINAL ORDER. In theflatter ofter_ ui s ``z f�',1 is lc i 1 , �u ,...i _Paris Ai1i tion. under Preliminary Order _615 approved _. j1_v 101`1, 1914. Intermediary Older _ ... l-. �. --.....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above iniprovenu•ut upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recnulmendatioils relative thereto, :ill(] having frilly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Yaul that the, precise nature, extent and kind of inn- p roveuient to be made by the said City is__.. _ .grading -the - alley in -Flock..19...Summit -Park ....Adlition and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woks he and he is hereby instructed nud directed to prepare plans and specifications for said iInproveun°ut, and submit same to the Council for >:pproval;that npou said approval, the proper city otHcers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceordanee t1wrevvith. Adopted by the Cotiucil...._ / ��/6 _.___...1J1%. y Clerk. Approved 19_ Block 19, Summit Park Additionun- '''yI��' Councilmen Fitllal\'nl'Yll In dor Prelimthe inary order 15 aryapprovOrded ��dy01• d Atli, 2460• proved Nov. 7, 1914. �* s ad upon Phe )above Improveme C upon dus notice, and the Council having heard a 11 persons.,ublections and recommen- K., lel' dations r lative. thereto, .and having fully cons[dored be 1t the .mme; therefore, Me •nilResolved, By the Council o1 the City C St. Paul that the precise nature, ex- tent and kind' of.'. improvement to be made by the said City ig grading the alley in Block 19, Summit Park Ad- - dition, and the Council hereby orders .said Improvement to. be made, ��o ig stoner Of Publiolved c .Works t be and hells hereby Instructed and directed to pre- pare plane and. specification. for said Al Improvement, and submit same to the CnoneI for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are ment In accordance therewith•. hereby author)xed and directed top- ro seed with the making of said Improve - Adopted by the Council Dec. 16, 1914. Approved. Dec. 16, 1914. (Dec. 19-1914) .E 1 CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter under Preliminary Order approved — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: .- __sde; to reseLt dota"ulish- Grade. ..µµ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvemea�is - - $ 1xQ�1.1.___-_—_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $._•� `I _ _,__-.-_-- ra:'i: cf tike Al'_ey inlock/9, 3us:it park t. C'le prc,jcsed c--a:---e of -rade. The 13ti;,:ated cost ere-cf is ;;105.01 �, p^r fn-nt foot is ::=e eat�r.:ate3 cc.�� - 0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of i each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �V, J Cj ro J IOPM B.9.A. e -D A TOTAL. / CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Z(/ o . ;� Z The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_.- -F--.-- -----------191.i�_l��J ".�.1.LGl/y.. ......_.. Commissioner of Finance. -RM B.B.A. 8.8 C •'1hr C�ummexr't�l (ala*� ■ --- --- Tr) -the-Hanorabl-e. Zommon -Counc i 1, - 2 city of St. -Paul. ------ SI Gentlemen :_-- We,, the undersigned residents and propex-ty owner..s- o.n-all-ey--.-. block.- 19. Summit Park, respectfully ask that- y-nu.r honorable -body cause said, alley to be graded as soon as possibje, as the -water is now standing in large quantities and is det-rimenta1toth.e- 3I ry occupants of the houses on both sides near Yilton St. 9 E am e 6 Lot Blk. %A dd i t i -Q -T, 12 all 14 is LO �40 -x- ;9 A0. za 20, A---- Ld 22'-- 23 /4 y- 25 26 27 325 - - - - ------ - HENRY E. WEDELSTAEDT CO ST :6 -ERS ST. P- ■ --- --- Tr) -the-Hanorabl-e. Zommon -Counc i 1, - 2 city of St. -Paul. ------ SI Gentlemen :_-- We,, the undersigned residents and propex-ty owner..s- o.n-all-ey--.-. block.- 19. Summit Park, respectfully ask that- y-nu.r honorable -body cause said, alley to be graded as soon as possibje, as the -water is now standing in large quantities and is det-rimenta1toth.e- 3I ry occupants of the houses on both sides near Yilton St. 9 E am e 6 Lot Blk. %A dd i t i -Q -T, 12 all 14 is LO �40 -x- ;9 A0. za 20, A---- Ld 22'-- 23 /4 y- 25 26 27 325 - - - - ------ - M. N. DOSS OSCAR CLAUSSEN COL1HtS5M. N. GOBS NORA.s CeIPF BNGIN88R CITY OF SAINTNPAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 12, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimates of cost for grading the alley in Block 19 Summit Hark Add. in accordance with Council File #615, approved July 10, 1914. In looking over the alley proposed to be improved and comparing same with the established grade now of record, I am of the opinion that the grade of this alley might be changed. The object would be that the proposed work can be done for less money, hence I transmit herewith two estimates, the first based on the work being done to the grade as now established and the second on a proposed change of grade which agrees very closely with the improvements as now in place along the lines of the alley. I transmit herwwith profile showing the present established grade with a blue line on:.:which the first estimate is made, and the proposed change of grade with a red line, on which the second estimate is made. #1 Approximate estimate �4p129.45 Excess inspection necessary $6.45 #2 Approximate estimate $94.35 Excess inspection necessary $7.15 Assessable frontage in either case 1197.2 ft. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- .`-..f.....�.....t......:._......................., .............................. cil, know,, as Council File No .......... `..'.-.'5 ......__. approved ........_'...:: .191:..relative to £.' Oi .. gv yr. ;:�. •..C'; uU.;. :.ii - '- -..�L':p }-:. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................... and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $_............... ::.:.....: and the total cost thereof is $... ........... `.......................... and ................. _ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....._........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .................._._....--__............. ..... .._...._............. ........ ...... ........._.... _....,..............._....,._...._,.._..._...__._................. ......._...............-._,:...,..,................. ......_.... ............. ...... ......_ 5. Said improvement is ....... ....................... .....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co lois n�o�iei• of ublic Worke. ASO COUNCIL FILE NO 13Y FINAL ORDER. ljithe Matter .f.c."Ianr;e Of gr -j.,_ A,jey Du,,.!,,it Park Addition. under preliminary Order approved_per, tq.q;b_P r 15 th, ... 19141-._._ Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard till persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the smile; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Sit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City is a Change of grade in alley. in '21o,k 19 Summit .. ......... park�' tiOn- ..1.1.1.­­11 .Ad -i ­llcclir.ding � to -the profile hereto.. attarbe d and. -made -.rpart hereof,the blue line representing the old grade and Via red line the new grade as hereby established and the Council hireby orders said improvement to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for suit] improvement, and submit saille to the council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19/ .................. 7 y Clerk. Approved..... . el C . F_ PTo. 3o12— �y In the Matterof'change of grade in a M ,y Order 1610' !ley In k;19; Summit Park Ad-; 'd tion under-Preurnins. C'oulleflinell J"jj sworth loPP-111113leMbIr 36th 1914 In I r_dI_,o1pqqr 2469,, approved No,. T. 1914*.� 0 A 'Public hearluilfiiiln,':bc.iu bad .o, upon; the'abova,-Imp�conitnent, upon due Iand recgmmen ,notice,and the Couitell�'having ,,heard. all' persona 6bJections I KeI- fullr� cdn.idereA;,,�o .�aixxe-,.,-therefore, bF; 71 �1­1777771,�,_ M 111 rlaaolv.dBy the 6o "Iu ofll 1 -the City Ien,st�� - i of'"t a ' -I. , Park, III— r I ; In Bl ck 19 3ummlt hereto t c I ` , the b r Yoe g t e lue-:11 ere r 6 t and, he re line:. the ��c 61de Hereby " u r hereby r ere I I 'r Is .ad.. nt to be Resolved Further, That the C.amela- stoner or Public works be, and he is hereby I nstructed anddt rected Pare Plans and .... I PITY OF ST., PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAI °BORDER .ice.. =� ----'/"------- under Preliminary Order approved ---- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - g —9-5,c 9 ------- The_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _--- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 164 s �f �o yes a /S ou. 011 J, TOTAL, IORM B.B.A. B -D A - CITY OF ST. PAUL - I - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARYJORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 //�// / f � �? GyG 6 (0 �� d6 d d6 3� o+� Y yUas� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- -- 191..-.:/. .�/-G_ _ .- ----------- - �v ' Commissioner of inane. FORM 8.3- G-! C . . n cl`1'Y VFF`5 Fi II�Y`jl' A V L � pe�p�a�r�,in�e rt4h' °'F" ��udb�l i c�v r-4ss ROBERT T. GOURL— DeD.rr E^^'^'1S1.... M.N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cnief Engineer J. E. CARROLL, 51 D, . Coesrruclion A ReDairc ALFRED JACKSON. SW Sanir-- G.M.RERROLD.orf— Engineer St, Paul, Minn* Oct, 71 1914• Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Corks,Y. Dear Sir, - In the matter of the change of grade on the alley in Block 19 Summit Yark Addition, as shown by profile #701, I beg to advise you that the alley is now at a grade that substantially conforms with the proposed change of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the alley is graded at some future time to the present established grade it may mean some considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be made of record. Yours very truly, C V. 'I�l Chief Engineer. K.f. Sion i �l4 St Paul,ldinn.,Dee ember 5,1914. To the Honorable, The Common Council of the City of St Paul,-- Gentlemen: Petition of Remonstrance The undersigned,owners of property deemed ben- fited,a description of r'hi8h is given below,being advised that the City of St Paul proposes to GRADE and CHANGE THF GRADE in ALLEY IN BLOCK 19 of SM31IT PARK ADDITION under Preliminary Orders 615 and 1610 d file r,ith your Honorable Body an emphatic remon- hereby lodge anstrance against such alleged public improvement at this time. One of the reasons impelling opposition of your petitioners is. the fact that one of the owners of certain lesentat�pnrby himto bo£benefited pur- ba the above irrprovemer.ts,through misrep' pose and objects of such petition or by other mears,secured the sign T of th se whose signatures nnnear beloN0t Fel;488 @n3nterest- Fonorable -Body in the form of an npplicatiohn f snento ed property* or;ners who Nrould be subject to assessment for benefits pe - result from the above improvements, --those signatures to ti.e said pe- tition of the said owrvr or cef ur Iyi'rMtioners.er',~ ,te ng, not the free act and deed of ally o£ y p " {;,11 Summit ark '.':dd ) Description o� Pro:ert7 Name of Or:r.cr Place of _ or A,ent re �qz7� Q x7 Zvi M Tnis petition is signed by not less than sixty per cent of the res - Vent o1,mers — A of the property affected hereby and not less than fifty per cen, of the parcels of land which would he assess- ed. State of Lin$esota)ss Co ,ty of Ramsey ) A?'yf/� known being duly s�:orn,de `....�....... ,.:.i,to me persomally poses and says that he has carefully read and knows the contents of the above petition of remonstrance, that he is one of the signers thereof that such si+ratm+e is h1sGfre h?S and deed ledgeainfond haction aforesaid pe�tai^n is r.'.e .o the best FF- and belief.a Subsot ibed to and to before we this day of De r 1 t .... . fi.... .. ... . ... .. . . notary -ublic Ramsey: County COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y..... ... .. .... ........ . ... .... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of....changeof grade on Pierce aven-e froin Keeton street to County,_ under Preliminary Order.... ......approved J.ul I y .6 t.h. 4. Interniediary Order C ..approved 4/4._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City iszhanga the grade of, Fiarco..Avv.efrqm Keeton St...- to. County Road according to profile hereto attached and made a part hereof. The blue line representing -the. old grade -line and t*he red line the now grade lize as -hereby... eatablished. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be laulde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and sifljnlit Same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicei-s are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement id accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-.....___..... lerk. Approved .................... . Mayor. C. P. No. a-01, Councilmen Fa nswortli �1" the Matter of C'h Pierce avenue tr=P-9:.l*01. K."r,.d:t ogn Lountv,Road. undpr'Preliminary or- d'r'6' in OrdNov.er �2458,'�a approved A Public hearing us" 'o upon due I K el' Upon the above,imp aoveving'been -had notice, . and 11h.. all l Persons, objedtia 'arkd"recommen,' dations �n' 5, relative ;thereto, 11. all ;fully considered andhaving b,,l1.t..j'V.d1' -therefore, same'; r -f St., Paul that the the unt-1(6tthe city to - I I - e rant,d and kind I' eand tk be I herc.1lXd - . . Pl. •g_ds' 'f. liq "C t change' t to county Road a r e to Yo - t*' r le he at, -ttd'and Mayor Po B ,he blue line re a if t a sold gg�'.Idd�0 1,1.1:e .adhereby lh�e t Po b e ne the Council hereby e to be e,. Rmade. said Im- provement .,.­.l'sd Further That the Co. I er o Public W11k, �bl. and he .11. ,ad hereby instructed and to are pana and specificationsc. Pre - d for a.ij !�arqent. an submit same t, th. J J, f 'Jf 1 1 � '1 lY � -I- J I-, j 1- COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y..... ... .. .... ........ . ... .... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of....changeof grade on Pierce aven-e froin Keeton street to County,_ under Preliminary Order.... ......approved J.ul I y .6 t.h. 4. Interniediary Order C ..approved 4/4._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City iszhanga the grade of, Fiarco..Avv.efrqm Keeton St...- to. County Road according to profile hereto attached and made a part hereof. The blue line representing -the. old grade -line and t*he red line the now grade lize as -hereby... eatablished. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be laulde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and sifljnlit Same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicei-s are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement id accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-.....___..... lerk. Approved .................... . Mayor. C. P. No. a-01, Councilmen Fa nswortli �1" the Matter of C'h Pierce avenue tr=P-9:.l*01. K."r,.d:t ogn Lountv,Road. undpr'Preliminary or- d'r'6' in OrdNov.er �2458,'�a approved A Public hearing us" 'o upon due I K el' Upon the above,imp aoveving'been -had notice, . and 11h.. all l Persons, objedtia 'arkd"recommen,' dations �n' 5, relative ;thereto, 11. all ;fully considered andhaving b,,l1.t..j'V.d1' -therefore, same'; r -f St., Paul that the the unt-1(6tthe city to - I I - e rant,d and kind I' eand tk be I herc.1lXd - . . Pl. •g_ds' 'f. liq "C t change' t to county Road a r e to Yo - t*' r le he at, -ttd'and Mayor Po B ,he blue line re a if t a sold gg�'.Idd�0 1,1.1:e .adhereby lh�e t Po b e ne the Council hereby e to be e,. Rmade. said Im- provement .,.­.l'sd Further That the Co. I er o Public W11k, �bl. and he .11. ,ad hereby instructed and to are pana and specificationsc. Pre - d for a.ij !�arqent. an submit same t, th. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of _jo ange _.f._Zrad...o _ox. _Pierce av,ent e,.fro:r Keston etreet to Ccunty _Road_..... ............ ..... _ tinder Preliminary Order approved......u.l_y:....6.th.,.._.]9.1......_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is......?.�7_�..Q.Q....._........ The lots o• parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, nre as follows: I' 'rhe Commissioner of Finanqe further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing' as his report thereon to the Council, together with .the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ . �.._ _. _ _191...x( Commissioner of Finanee. WE, the undersigned, owners of lots abutting on Pierce Ave., St. Anthony Park, petition the Honorable City Council of St. Paul, to change the grade heretofore established from County Road to Keston Street. We believe that a change of grade may so reduce the cost of improvement of this section that grading may be done at once, ana water and walks be put in. Por this we humbly petition.. / EERYSoF �/, yr�t c- Z-3 CD APR 25 1914 3. ,��� -'s3 M. N. GOSS colWISSwNna wnuc woal:s F CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 7, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir: - OSCAR CLAUSSEN CIfIRP 6NGINeNR Ir. the matter of the change of grade on Pierce Ave. from Keston St. to the County Road, as shown by profile 0410, I beg to advise you that the street is now at a grade that will more nearly III conform to the proposed change of grade and as a result no expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at some future time to the present established grade it will mean considerable ex - pence. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be made of record. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissigner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance T..,., 31e....__.._ ....................191...1 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, ......................191..._4, relative to. ....._.._......_......... cil, known as Council File No........_.._ r�...`.4...........approved....-__..__.... O CONT t. i 1208. v'.w.. .. ....... d'L OTl ................... :. '.)t,y OLLCt. :..-.di.. .. ... .u�.a. ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._................necessary and (or) desirable. : �..........., and the total cost thereof is h....._._...._.:::.:.'.:.:" ............. and 2. The estimated cost thereof Is $...._..._ ' .. ......._................__....._................ ........... ............................... ....... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... r 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said raprovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ......._.........._...........:..................................._...._................................................._................................__........_........................_ .... 4.................................................................... o. Said improvement is .......... ....._..........._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. n n ................................ .... .. . _��........................... _... _ _ .... _.... Cmuunssion of Public Works. t COUNCIL FILE NO.___-_ _ 13y.._ _.._.... _.._.. o_. __.._ FINAL ORDER. _ a c- Pc - a .,,...p ..c,,. C1 -Iar.1 l e In lhr �lattrr o£_...�r 1.. .7r .. �. ,..>..-@. _,.. .., G -... �.. 3.^.. to Ti13z_ a,:6n-e. under Preliminary Order 1S __approved A oat. 31sel _ ]uternnediary Order ___. �_ _- ---approved .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the. Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of st. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be inade by the said City is._change.-the __grade. of. Power Ave, from._ Cleveland..Ave. to Wilder Ave. according to profile hereto attached and made part hereof. The blue line representing the old --grade -line -and -the -recr line -the -new -grade line -as- hereby .-established. -- old the Council hereby orders said inlplovenlent to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans ;old specifications for said iniprovenuml, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the looking of said improvement in itec��o•ddjance therewith. Adopted by the Council Approved /" �_ 19_� llavm•. Councilmen h'arus o•th C. F. No. 3014— of grade on Tn the Matter of change Poe er avenue from eCt7teder Augus- ue to Wilder avenue ved August 4nary Order 1339, ,pro Y 31st, 19f4, Intermediary' Order 3467, alst. If, Nov. 7, 1914. been had 9 Belli A public hearing having 1 uoticetheon due no tve he. lCouncilmhavinent g heard / \1c( )Il all persons, objections and gre ommnd haV, - dations relative thereto, fully considered the same; therefore, (+ be it Resolved, RY the Council of the City tent[ 'and kind[ the improvemennature. rto' be •g tri¢ 'sold CICY is change the Y� no of Power Ave. from Cleveland ,Aveleberet ildettachedaand dlmuae Per 11ayor Po ers hereof. The blue line representing the old grade line and the red Ione the rice grade lone. ¢a hereby sders d I-- the Council hereby or provement to be TiPp¢de. Resolved Furthet That the Commie- eloner =of Public t, he be and 'he Sa hereby instructed and directed to pre - aid improvement nandpsubmlt lsame to tithe Council apPrOealeotbe approval; ProPgr c0. I at y off upon era Aare ro- hereby authorized nd ir..tdedtprove- bZe with the making Of jment in accordance therewltH. Adopted by the Council Deo. 9. 1914• Approved Dec. 9. 1914. (Dec, 12-1914) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER p' 2C l/ In the Matter of/S-4'a'=%�---� // :.•<— —��� �d =�� --�� -F��— %2.� -----------------------------------------------------------,- :;;;�i I . under Preliminary Order approved —=-(--'-` •------- aL_-= —1�.1- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION �U 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----- !'f 7 ------- ---- - --191 / FORM B.S.A. B -B C Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul Aug. 24, 19 14. To the council of the City Of St. Paul: lne, the undersigned, do hereby represent, That we are the owners of a. majority of, and the majority of the ovmers of the real estate fronting Power Avenue, between lkl_der and Cleveland Avenues in the City of St. Paul. That the grade thereof has been established so so as to require a fill of three and one half feet; that .such a fill, will make it very expensive to the owners of the lots on the north side of said street to fill up to said grade and will cause water to stand thereon unless so filled; that they believe that it vill be just as well for said street, if said grade be changed so as to reeuire a fill of one and one half feet instead of thr three and one half feet, which will reduce the expense of filling up said lots greatly and also the expense of said`:gradinh.' '?herefore your petitioners pray that said grade be changed a..d astablsihed so as to require a fill of one and one-half feet instead o three -. and one half feet. resio'i.ng at n O q / M'9. GOSS _j- PUBLIC WC - OSCAR CLAUSSEN CHI6v fiHGINfifiR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 10, 1914. Mr. M. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Yublio Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on Yower Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Wilder Ave., in accordance with Council File #1393, approved Aug. 31, 1914. This street,for a width of from fifteen to twenty feet and for its -entire length, is substantially at the established grade. If the proposed change is adopted it will necessitate the building of a sewer and catchbasins to take care of the drainage.when the street is graded Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissions, of Public Works Report to Commissioner of 'Finance 191A.- To 91.4. _. To the Connnissioner• of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No............:I.393......... approved..._ ........ ._r_u uBt- 31... ...........191...4.., relative to......._................... _.. }=c;n: e of ";r`' e or. power Avenue froi:: Glzvzlerd A.`_`. -i ° _ ......._.._....._.... 7,. �...._.._ ... and having investigated the matters and things referrea to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............. .........necessary andl (or) desirable. 8. The estinlated cost thereof is $ .............. ."............ ._....., and the total cost thereof is ._....... ....... ..... _._......._._.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................- ............. - _._........_.........--- .......... ....._._.. _.-_.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pant hereof. _ ..... b. Said improvement is.........._........._........._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... _...._f .............. Columover of Public Works. ) i' COUNCIL F1Lx NO... 915 FINAL ORDER. 11, the Matter or c' a,,gc cf_ u1_ r -r_ ='_ '*' street retween T e>;ingtcn Ave., and 0 f xd Sire, ,=t,_ under Preliminary Order 2140 _approved. Oc tcber 1�h, 1914- Intermediary Older ___ _ i v t% approved f ._... ? _.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recouunendations relative thereto, ruin having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, xteat and kind of im- the proveuent to be, made by the said City is change al..grade.of_Blair -St. _from Lexington -Ave. -to Oxford St. according to profile hereto attached and made part hereof. The blue line rep- resenting -the -_old ..grade -line -and -the -red -line the new grade line so hereby established. rind the Council hereby orders said improvement to be anile. RESOLN'ED FURTHER, That the Connlissioler of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifieati ons for said improvrocut, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officer:~ are hel'eby autho'i'red tool directed to proceed with the making of said hair -overlent in dcenrd:ulce there—illi. Adopted by the Council._.__. Approved / _. _. _..19.l - Mayor. Councilmen Fal'1 sWnrtll In theMatt- of change of grade on Blair street between Lexington ave- nue and Oxford street, under Prelim- tnary Order '2149,approved October 19th. '1914, Intermediary Order 2456. approved Nov. 7, 1914`. }lel (•n' p public hearing hnvlbeen. had upon the above Improvement upon due nonce, and the Council having heard l Ile all all persons, ohiecttona and recommen- d �" ations relative thereto, and having Tully considered the same: therefore, be it Resolved, By the Council of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, ex- tent and kind of Improvement to be 1'o •g made by the aid City Is hang. the grade of Blair St. frppm Lexington Ave. to Oxford St. accordlllg to profile he of o erg reto Ma Pattached and made part hereof. The y blue ilno representing the old grade lino and the red line 'the new grade; line as hereby established, and the Council hereby orders said Improve- ment to be made: Resolved Further. That the Commis- aroner of Public Work. be and he is hereby Instructed and directed toproparc plan. and .pec"It"uone for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval , the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pro- meed with the making of said improve- ent Inn accord... therewith. Adopted. by the Council Dec. 9. 1914. Approved Dec. 9, 1914. (Dec. 12-1914) Ft CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE C�E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA#$'DRDER (A) ---------------- -------------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------------- --- -- - -- ...... ......... ----------------------------- -) --------------------- - ------- ------------- -------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ------------ - ------------ - - - - ------------------------- --------- - ----- ------ --------------- - - - --------------------- -------- - - - - ----- -- - ------- - --- ------------------ ------------- ---- - - ------------- ---- - ---- - ------- ----- ------- --- - -- --------------- ---- - - ----- ------- --- - - -- - - ----- -- -- ---------- ------------ -------- -------- - ---- -- under Preliminary Order approved ---- -------------------- ----- ---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ iLa�q - - -------- --------------- - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J% v J, FORM B.S.^ TOTAL, /433 k The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._... __ � ...... __,.__... — 191.. ....... �iLll..... ------ 77- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B -B c CITY OF ST. PAUL - W DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I ` ( REPORT OF COMMISSIOZER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY RIDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a �/ /'41' 0 7 /���)1• /L/� /A •Z vl�T A/ �(-4..i /y /U ti -1116 /j, u A. all, 0 /433 k The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .._... __ � ...... __,.__... — 191.. ....... �iLll..... ------ 77- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B -B c •M. -N. GOSS co�mnss�orcea noeuc woaxs A I CITY OF SAINT -PAUL T DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OSCAR CLAUSSE-N c.... evc0—A St. Paul, Uinn. Oct. 27, 1914. Mr. M. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, o �g14 C I 'i Y. �C� u Dear Sir,- ��. 1 1. GO S"" C hlM1SSIGNEk OF PU6EIC �'IOIi I transmit herewith profile for change of grade on Blair St. between Lexington Ave. and Oxford St., in accordance with Council File #2149, approved Oct. 19, 1914. I am advised by the Nater Department that there will be no expense incurred by that department in changing water mains on account of the proposed change of grade. I fu ther beg to state that the street is now at a grade that will more nearly conform to the proposed change of grade and as a result no additional expense will be incurred on account of buildings or other improvements that are now in place. However, if the street is graded at some future time to the present established grade it will mean considerable expense. I therefore recommend that the proposed change of grade be made of record. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissiler of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council rile No.....approved _,_OOtOb®T,_ 19,,......._ ..............1914....... relative tn._..................-. ohange of grade on Blair St. between Lexington Ave, and oRford St. ........... ..... ........... .._.._ ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_...__............necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX.___......._.., and 'L. The estimated cost thereof is ;�........_R$X_,__.___.. and the total cost thereof is :{�.__......._..._...._. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._...___.. 6. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mode a part hereof. d. _......_...._...._....... _.._.__......_.._._.._.._....._......_._....._.......... 5. Said improvement is.......__ri0t_....._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...................._... . C � uiissiouer of YuUlic Works. COUNCIL FILE NO 13y.._.._._._.....__ _. __.._.._ FINAL ORDER. In the _liatser of.1,4 -h avenue .`.rot.• Lexington avenue- to Dunlap S t r_@. under Preliminary Order 1255 _ _.approved A'-1/Lst 20th, 1914 Intermediary Order __..� ?-_ _approved A public heariug having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Comieil having heard all persous, objections and recouuueadatious relative thereto, and having fully cousidered the seine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, ezteut and kiad of im- provement to be made by the said City is...grading..Goodrich_Avenue-trom1-ington_Auenue....to __._....Dunlap Street.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be unade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby iastructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, euul submit Same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby antborized and directed to proceed with the making of said imp •oven out in aced lance therewith. Adopted by the Council....... �..19 IX Approved Clerk. LN_. __ __ L`).! _ Mayor. Coamncilneu Fan nswm•th , Me olI � y Yo rg Mayor Po era � - . 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE / / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA{VC�� (/ / ON F($ELIMINARY ORDER ( � (A) In the Matter - ---------------- ---- under Preliminary Order approved ----------------- ----` ----------'1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-5+3-13A-Q _ $.------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - P - - front foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION S' �V?11'111 �e/ J .7u o z S 6K ✓,� 02.0 66 z v 6 d z G O Al O 0 �onr+ as.w. ea a TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUAT N � all G U a / G / �� / �. Z y -Z � l CPQ oZ u u d z 3` W y� o Z 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. . _ . Dated. .. _.�'1._..- ...— - --------191..-_...- ....-. _=�G='�G/r��!/�'...-_.. _.. Commissioner of Finance. ronM e.e.w. ee c Office of the Comit issioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance S_ ................19iAr. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No .......... aa55........... approved ......__....-A�t_._20..x...._........... 1914...., relative to..._t. le...._.._.. ..........gradin......................................_............................:.................._. g..._of....Goodr_ioh___Av nua_ fro .._Lexin ton Ave me to Dunlap Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......................necessary and (or) desirable. 5 386 82" and 2. The estimated coat thereof is $.............X,XX......_..., and the total cost thereof is$............_z............_r......... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4......................................................................................._..._................_..........._._..._.........._.........._..........._._......._............_..............._....__......._......................__... 5. Said improvement ie........_....nod ..._.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... .................... _..................... C mmissioner of Public Works. �.� �� � �� �.�� �� , , � :, , �t ,.� . � �� IXI JOBN I. AdRiOY, O�xr Oiaaa CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITY MMMIS OFFIOE Dec . 36th,1914. Hon. M.N. Goes , Cosmr. of Public FHorks. Dear Sir; - Attached Final order C F. 3016, to grade Goodrich Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Dunlap Street, was discontinued by the C ouncil at their meeting of to -day, a new preliminary order to be introduced for thegrading of Dunlap Street and Goodrich Ave. tambined in one order. Yours truly, John I. Fnricy, City C lorl:. L COUNCIL FILE NO. By..... ._ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.. _constructing__a sidewalk, of cer..ert blocks to a width of six feet on the ,Fas.tside of Oxford street from Stinson street to,Burgess street. under Preliminary Order. 52 tpproved __. J/lll 6tr..�. 1914.._ . Intermediary Order __.__.approved /( .� /�...y .. ....................... -... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City .is.-...c.onatructing._a_..eidewalk...of...cement... blocks ....to_.a...width six feet on the -East -Side -of Oxford..:Street from._Stinson_..Street to Burgese-Street,.__.....__.... ._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pnblic Works be and he is hereby instructed and ° directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the -Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ �9.__.....19_/.`�� Approved...h _._.....G�......._...__19.1f/I ,�� Councilmen Farn rorth ]fell \IcC 11 Yoer Mayor Pow s \Iayoi . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE/:/*// ON PRIg.IMINARY ORDER , �4 M In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved --- ------ — --------- -------- ------"""— To --To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated �am ' Zi of the assessment for the above improvement is 0 The estimated cos per foot for the above improvement is $ .490 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or.parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Cora n -191 -t Dated, — ------ -�7 - -- - ---- - ------ Ms�i—rf mance. FORM B.S.A. 8-5 C CITY OF SL PAUL ' ^ r ,ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. COUNCIL �I AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM FILE - No'Di aT C, DEQ 1814 cm co.vi. A¢. AUDITED w 1I( .,_{ It PE iliLF 146 f Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified futii set opposite their respective names in favor of the per`ons, firms or corporations for the amountsed as specifi in the, fbllowing de statement: / ] Yeas (✓') Councilmen ( V Nays Adopted by the Counci L / Farnsworth; In. favorlease— Keller McColl —LL_ Against YATon Yoerg Mr. President, Powers z� Corporate Purposes " Munioipal Court Fund-` 6.84, Brown, Treacy. & Sperry, -6`& Gray Co... 6; 5 MCC 1.00 4.10 Total Mnniei sl C Lighting Fund 6 "6 Art Engrating Co. 66.1 1. 5 6 7" Western Electric -- T I lighting Fund, � 06 Water supply Fund 6.88 Robinson, .Cary & Sande, .20 :' Printing"& Stationery Fund g . Boyeson, 6 0, Brown, Treacy &Sperry, 15.56 53.70 6 1,. Mouis-P,; DOW 00.0 7.10 6 2, i?,"0: Ruebener:, 11.00 6 3 ".Matt;denroen,. -ai�} 89.70 loo.�� &._�&Y co., 6; 4 31eC 67 5 Noyes" �r o s: &Cutlor, 1.75 67 6 Peltz.& Bon, 67 711. .Perkins-Traey Co., 34.75 67Pioneer'Company. 4.70 23.52 6?7 St: Paul Dispatch, 40.90 680 St. PauPrinting Co., 68o Wales Adding Machine Co., 1.00 Tota 38 .86 r #2 Corporate;Purpoaes=Contt. General.Fund-Mies. Acct. C. F. #2336 ,._ 6802 Fairbanks, Mores & Co., 10.98AN ' Gen. Fund-Mis. Acct. 68 68A M. N, Fitzgerald Globe IndemnitFyo., 14.00 5.00 68 5 68 b Remington Typewriter Co.,20.80 st Paul Stamp Works, 80.6 68 )7 Weatern'TJnion Telegraph Co., 2 2 M ec Police Fund 68 8 Citizens Ioe &`Fuel Co., 'Co., 381.68 68 9 i Adamm Decker Hardware 1.36 68 0 Lou`i a F.' Dow- Co., 16.2 68 1 Hlk,Laundry Co.; Door z3 " 68 2 Hardwood Co., 6.95 683 H_T.<Heb6rle; "Leslie, 6.5o 6 4,. 6 5, FG. Manhattan; Oil &,Linseed Co.,- 13.31 6 16" Minnesots`Soap,CO..$ 2.50 26.99 6 1 N- Wl Ilse. Squipment Co., 1.60 6 18 6 19 Noyes' ros. & Cutler, M. J. bsborne, 30•�7 6 20 The Pioneer Co., 100 6.50 6 21 6 22 J, F.. Ptacek, Schurtei`er Wagon Co., 4.50 6 23 Tri=State Tel. & Tel.eg. Co., 14.60 6 24 Weern.Vnion Telegraph Co., te 10000' 7•48 Zimmerman Bros., a Fite"Dept. Fund 826 Auto Tire ?ales.Co., 'Capital Co., 14.E 8 8213 City Lumber .'.Consumers. Power, Co., r� 21.24: 829` `Crane &-Ordway,'Co., ecke- Adam"Decker Hardware Co., 17.08 .50 831 -Adam' 31 Field,, Schlick & Co., 1.25 832 Jesse Foot Jevwlry Co.,1.50 833 834 J ,tT,. Kenny & Co.; Wm''hindeke-Roller Mills, 24.50 44.00 835. M hattan Oil Co., 197.86 „ 36 Mitsch &Heck, 3.50 4.54 37 6 38 Ni odls,, Dean & .Greggs N.W.'81st."Equipment Co,, 151.36 6 39 N.;W. TelephoneFacch. go., 7.90. 4.25 6 40 Reed Motor Supply Co.,` 6' 41--Roe.-Jaines 6 42 Ghee="Co.,;_ St P�1 'Gas Light co., 20.20 143.93 6, 43 St° Paul ``Glass -Co.; " 4.50 •b3 6 St. Paul Machine Works, "Paul co., 18.50 b` 5" St Pattern & Model 6 V17�laume Box & Lumber Co., _. 9.40 68 : WaldreP- Motor. Co., 9.89 68 Western 8upply`CO., 3K.9R Health Fund 68 9 National Printing Co., 9.75 68.0 R. L. Polk Publishing Co., --o- a Total ealth Fund, #3 Corporate Purposes -Cont, Garbage Fund 68 1 68 2 Louis F. Dow Co., Hackett, ,Gates & Hurty, 3.•02 11. T ar Garage :57 General Fund -Dairy Expense beet. 68 3 H. C. Boyeson Co., 3.75 General Fund -Quarantine Acct. 68 4 Golden Rule, •50 68 5 West M"sinfecting Co., 1.00 T cc ., Workhouse Fund 6 56 J. H. Allen Co., •85 6 Brooks Bros. umber Co., 13.00 8 Adam Decker, ardware Co., •20 49.98 6 59" L. Eisenmenger, 3.20 6 60. J. :B. Hoxi;e &-Co., `J.`. 42.25 ' 6 1, 6 62 A. Gordy, C. '66ttiari.& Company, 120.00 226.61 6 63 6 64 E. 3". Griffith, Griggs Cooper-& Co.., 71.21 6 65 -011 & Linseed.Col,_ 1.76 6 66 "Manhattan .Schuneman &"Evanao 36.21 _ 6 67 Jos', k.-'- Wriitwell 12 -2 ox ouae un , �.� • _ Commissioner of Public''Works Fund', 6 68 Brown,.Treacy & Sperry, 5.31 6 6% Louis F. Dow Co., 47.30 6 U Maishattan:Oil & Linseed Co.,,- 10.7�i 4:65" 6, x. ,fit. Stamp. Works, 60.00 6 ;2." 6 3. Review Publishing Co.,- Scheffer & Rossumu, 6•�5 Wedelstaedt, 6$ 4 H..E.. Street & Sewer Fund 68 5 John Ares, 11.70 12.06 68 68 Board of ater Commissioners, Capital City Lbr. Co:,, .41 687 Chicago Oreoso;ting Co., 128.39 6877 Chicago, Milwaukee &-St.Paul, 1.90 4.20 688 DaiZy.Frssei Hardware Co:.; Hardware Co. 6'.35 688 <6.88 AdeY,Decker Fairbanks,' Morse` & "Co., &. 32.50 8.50 688 .Holmes &,Hallowell, 68,8 Siegel Kar Co., 9.15` 688 Manhattan 0`11 Linseed Co., 244.96 688 J.""j. Morrison, 40.00 3.60 688 tioble,' Dean & Gregg, 688 H."W. Else. Hquip. co._ 1..09 688: Robinson, Cary & Sands, .60 689 St. Paul Cement Works, m 40.00 689 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 42.04 6.89 St. Paul Lime & Cement. Co., 17.92 689 St._Paul Rubber Co., 9.18 689. Washington Foundry 99 .,; 6o:.o0 689 Western Machine' Works,; 6K.99 ��„tr,ept $c Sewer Fund .;;•...,,„,.,..„.,.��(?�:3�,,. ,: r #4T! Corporate Purposes-ConIt.. Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 6 96. Great Northern Ry. Co., 6 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 50.9838 t$ 68 9 He Co., . Raymer 68 9 Republio Creosoting Co., 10 ge g. ep General Fund -Crosswalks Acct. 61.80 69 0 Malone Estate,' 1 6 1. et,. Paul Cement Company, Total •a General Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. 1.95 6 02 McClain ,& Gray, Co., 90 6 C3 N. W. Electric Equip. Co., 6 04 N.W. Telephone Exch. Co., —1--00 g, Inspection Acet., 5. 5 General Fund -Street Intersection's Acet. C. F. #1425 35• 44 q05 Barrett Mfg. Co;., General Fund -Election Expense Acct., 0.65 906 J. McNeill, 6j. 65.00 907" F. F. Saliepury, 36.00 908 _J. W.I Schmitz, _ Tot School"Accommodation Acct. of the. ` .School":Fund., 6909 Drake Marble: & .Tile Co., 214.24 76.23 6910 Western Supply Co., 0.47 .� School Fund - 6911 -"American Engineers Supply 00., 8790 1.00 Stamp Work 6912"American s 37.35 6913 Bartlea011 company. 6914 'T; h. Bood &o.,, 3.95 '6.915 Board -of Water Commissioners,, 3.90 6916 Buckbee-Mears Co., /8b,2 .I 6917 C3tfzensce &Fuel Co., 691 -= Clymer & Huelster, 203.13 6919 C. H.: Congdon .Co. 1.50 699o;IAL 6reent Crery Co., 20.00 . ,,w 6922 Daily Fraser Hardware Co., 143.89 6923 edam Decker- Hardware,Co., 9.492 b924n Devine .Bros.,.' Co., 2,8 6925-:ouis'F.,Dow 6 6996 Education •Compar�,y, 'compa, 13.47 692.7 " Llk I+aunaTy 11.21 6928, Z. Eisenmenger, 14.49 6929 ,"Slit's Laundry Co., 6930 Barwell, Ozmun, $irk & Co., 226. 0 26,96 931%. -Field Schlick.&-Co.-, 2.00 932 Fisher Box Compap;/e 4.00 933 ;:Griggs Cooper &.Go., 287.75 934 "Howard Farwell Co.,, Corporate Purposes -Cont. School Fund-Con't. - 6 35 Kenny Boiler 'Mfg. Co., 272.28 6 36 Kenr�yr & Co., 10 •35 1,208.45 6 3Maen8ler-Bros., 6,38 xanhattan.0il & Linseed Co., 10 4 6 39 6 40 McClain & Gray, Minnesota Brush Co., 2.10 137.40 6 41 IT icols, Dean &.Gregg, 62.12 10.85 " 6 42 -N. W. Electric Equip. Co., 4,40.54 ' 6 43 1-: W. Fuel Cc o .. W. school Supply Co., 10.91 1Qoyes Bros: &Cutler, 149. 0 6. 5 47 Pearce.&,_Son, Peoples Ice Company:, 14.00 3b•76 48 949' Perlt & Staack, Pittsburlih Plate Glass. Co;, 17.10 50 951 R. 'A. Popham Price Electric Company, 2.Op 6.00 5,2,1 Robinson, Cary;:& Sande, 96.61 20.00 953 954 Seabury & Company, St. Paul:Boiler & Mfg. C ompany, 5.98 955. St. Paul Book .& Stationery Co., �5;16 "St:"Paul, Electric Company, Glass.Co., 72.00 956 St. Paul 154.60 959 St: Paul Sanitaticn.Company, 2.20 959.' 960 Schnaith Bros., And. Schoch Grocery Co., 6.23 961. J: J. Snyker, 42.00 1.35 962 963 J. E. Strause$ Swift &;Coa►pany, 24.00 964 965. E. F. Thoele ' Tire Repair,.ompany,,. 14.39 0 966. Union StoneAara Co., �•4 96 Underwood Typewriter Co., Box &'Lumber Uo., 143.80 968.;,Villaume Western Electric Co., 5.14 216.54 970 971 Western Supply Co., western -Union Teleg. Co., 1.23- T3un 4.467• Library Fund 972 The Cudahy Packing Co., 12.00 1.58 973: Louis,F. Dow Co., 5.46_ 974 81k Linen Supply Co., 2•75 975 976 Emil Geist, H. R'. Huntting Co„- Inc., 760 77 97F:. G.'Leslie,` 2 3 $ Maendler Broe., .40 6.50 99 9 0 McClain:.& Gray, -C": McClurg & Co., 4'2.51 981 982 ..A'. ?dinnesota BrushCo., National Association of Corporate Schools, 4:00 6.00 983 N.°W. Tel Exch: Co., 8.00; 501.08 984 The Pioneer Co., 985 -St. Paul Book'& Stationery -Co., x.76 986 8t'. Paul Electric Co.., 'Co., 24 5 3 987 8 tandard Oil Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., 9.00 89 -Western Union Teleg. Co., Library, 3.00 6.60 90 The Wilson Package To #6 . Corporate Purposes -Cont. Fark Fund 699 P. R. L. Hardenbergh, 150.25 699 69 J. B. Hoxie &Company, Jameson, Hevener & Griggs, 26.58 Wk 69 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, .40 , 3.54 69 5,.St. 69 6 Paul -Bread Co., And`. Schoch Grocery Co., Tn 2 Park Fund, 49.69 r General -Fund -Public Bathe Acct. 6 g77 6 9$ Wm. R. Burkhard, Crescent Creamery Co.,- 5.54 `�Totat.:-PaLLh�:I<s�llath8,�4ca - General Fund -Playgrounds Acct. 6 99 Farwell,.Ozmun, Birk & Co., 2.31 00 Gribben Lumber Co., 19.00 7,1 o F. G. Leslie, 4.00 -- Water Dept. Fund r 712 02 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 3,42 7 o3 7 04 Reed Yotor Supply Co., T. i. Blood & Co>., 17.10-' 7 05 7 06 The;Preat-0-Lite'Co., Ina., Tierney Hay & Grain Co., --- .•75 - -- 40.00' 7 07 H. 'W. Stamp Worked .. _ 1.50 4.06 0 The western Supply Co., 2.38 09. 7 TO Fitch &Hill, Roe-James'Glass Company, 2 7 11 -Review Publi stung Co.,- 82 2.66 ^ 152• 7 12 7 13 Adam Decker Hardware Co., So.,ParkFoundry &Machine Co., 76.50 14 7 15 F. Radant, Crane & ordway,Go., 4 7 16 The Tire Repair Co., ,12 , 7 17 7 18 N. W. Stamp Works, Noyes Bros. & Cutler, •�5 2.75 7 19 Minn. Dept. of Weights & Measures, 45 1 50 1.50 7 20 P."W. Jackson &`Company;" 5.20 ` 7 21 Hackett,. Gates & Hurty Co., 2.28 22. T. 'Milton Fawble, 8.50 7 2. 7 24 A. Bpobel, N. W.. Shot & Lead Works, ✓ 62.99 2 7 5 W Tele' one'Exch. 'N. Co.,. _.Ph .55'' 64.07 7 26 7 7 Builders Iron Foundry, Elk Linen' Co.; 8 Equipment Co., 7 $ N. W. Else. 6412 7 9 H. Mueller Mfg. Co., . 0 7 0. R. B. Whitacre & Co., 81.91 70 1- 70 2 Tha'Westeih Supply Co., Farwell-Czmun, Birk & Co., 60.82 70 3 Robert �. Hunt & Co., 111.15 972.5u 70 N., VP. Fuel Company, 7p 5 70 6 Boeringer & Bon, & Linesed Co., 83.80 70 7 ,i[anhattan:_.0i1 The..Tire Repair Co., 4.89 14. 70 8 M: N'. Moffat 0 St.'Pau1 70 9 Machine Works, 1.60 70:0 -Mitech & Heck Wagon Co., 76.76 70. N. W: Tire Co.,. 70. Henry S. Wedelstaedt., .9.60 ,. ..- ,.jj�J • ..- yam,,,__.,. - { .. _ Corporate Purposee-CobIt. Water `Dept. Fund -Cont. 70 3. St. Paul Gas Light Co., 83.09 50.58 70 Pittsburgh linter Company, 4.80 70 5 'Tongy Hensler, 21.88 70 6n Louie'F. DOW Co., 1� 18.10 7p 7 'BSedernach.& 70 Zoch, Robinson, Cary &Sande Co., 14.�� 9 Farwell Ozmun,-Kirk & CO., 15.68 7 0 7 51 Brooks roe., ey.er Engraving Co., 50.00 528.83 7 52 Crane,&;Ordway Co., 2.25 7 53 H. C. BoYeson Co., .90 7 54 S'chuneman '& Evans, 17.33 7 55,"A: 7 56 E. Ferries, Ray -Palmer, Consulting Engineer, 99 05 6.45 7 5 Martin Feint, $t. Paul Glass Co., 12.00 9.90 7 59 7 60 'McClain & Gray Co., N. W: Electric Equip• L•. 9.00 1.00 52.50 7 61 So. Park Foundry &'Machine Co., 7 62 7 63.Villauma xoyee Bros. .&Cutier, Boa 8c Lumber Co., 3.40 18.42 .Adam Decker Hardware Co.+ 30.81a 5 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., � 8 ? 6 Burna Lumber-Co,w. ,s market General Acct. General Fund 77Q Brown',_Treacy,& Sperry, 1.50 95.00 7 S: Citizens Ice & Fuel.'Co., 7 69'- 'St Pahl Glass - Cc., an, cc::. General Fund-Suppit. Acct., (Pur. Dept.)- 7 70 American Adding Machine CO., 34.65 42.60 7 71. Library Bureau, 25 7 72.`Peltz 7 73-` Bros. & Reimann,, St. Paul Engraving,CompanY, 1 0 7 74 (Com. of Public Works) ;St. Paul Gas Light Co., 66 --�-`� Sprinkling Fund 7 75' Brennan+s Livery, 40.00 106.75 7 6 _`Produce Refiger-ating Co., 312,26 7 7q -Robinson Cary &Sands, 7 78 Westernbupply Co., #8 ftorporate Purposes-Conot. Auditorium Xrct. 49 Daily Fraser Hardware Co., 1.25 !� 70130 Louis F. Dow Co., •35 7 1 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 15.02 Total Au .,«,._....- Total C poses, ""�°"�Oi��B=•4: Special Funds Johnson High School Library 82 83 Hoefer Mfg. Co. Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 3.24 19.51 Total Johns Humboldt High School Library 084 Dodd Road Dairy, 2.00 085 Field Schlick Co., 3.00 086 N. W. School Supply Co., 38.37 087 Perit & Staack, 13.93_ Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. Paving Dale St., Grand to Front 7 88 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., 28.50 7 89 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 12.51 7 90 N. W. Else. Equip. Co., .72 Total Dale St. } Grand to Front.m University, Syndicate to City Limits 91 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 340.56 92 Manhattan _Oil Co., 2.94 Hastings, Bates to Earl 093 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., 13.47 094 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 6.17 095 St. Paul Machine Works, 3.90 096 Western Machine Mfg. Co., 13.96 ...To #. 0 Summit, Lexington to River 097 C. M. & St. P. Ry., 10.00 Holly Ave., Western to Dale, 98 Minneapolis, St. Paul & S. .Ste. Marie, 66.00 Snelling, Grand to University 70.9 C. M. & St. P. Ry., 5.00 . 0 y � Administrative. Y An ordinance organizing the advisory board of teachers, fix- ing the manner and time of their election, and defining the duties of such board. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The teachers' advisory board provided for 1n the City Charter shall be organized and elected and shall perform duties as herein provided. The teachers' advisory board shall consist of twelve members and shall be composed of the fo.lo,wing persons: Five grade teachers, two grade principals, one high school principal and four high school teachers. Section $. The terms "grade teachers," "high school teachers," "grade principals" and -"high school principals," as used in this ordi- r nance shall be construed as follows: The term "grade teachers" shall include all teachers regular- ly employed in the elementary schools of this City, whether permanently appointed or on probation, and shall include domestic science and manual training teachers, the major portion of whose teaching time is devoted to teaching pupils in the elementary schools. It shall also include critic teachers in the St. Paul Normal School. The term "high school teachers" shall include all teachers regularly employed in the high schools of this City, whether permanently appointed or on probation, and shall include all teachers of domestic science or manual training, the major portion of whose teaching time is devoted to teaching high school pupils, and shall also include assist- ant principals. The term "grade principals" shall include principals, super- vising principals and principal teachers, and shall also include the principal of the St. Paul Normal School. The term "high school principals" shall include the principals of Central, Mechanic Arta, Humboldt and Johnson High Schools, and the principals of any other high schools which may be hereafter established. Section 3. Each class of teachers or,principals shall elect 30.9 3. (3) its own representatives on this board. Seotion 4. The persons elected to this board in the present school year shall hold office until noon of the first Monday in Novem- ber, 1915, and until their successors have been elected and qualified. All persons elected in succeeding years shall hold office from noon of the first Monday in November in the year in which they are elected, to the first Monday in November of the next succeeding year, and until. their successors have been elected and qualified. Section 5. All persons who are members of a class of teach- ers or principals as fixed by this ordinance shall be eligible to election as representatives of the class to which they belong, and shall be elig- ible to vote at elections of members of the board held in accordance with this ordinance. Section 6. Candidates for positions on this board shall be nominated at a primary election to be held in September of each year on such day and at such hour and at such place as the Commissioner of Education shall fix. The first board to be elected in accordance with this ordinance shall be elected as soon as reasonably possible after this ordinance becomes effective. Section 7. The ballots in both the primary and final elec- tions shall be cast in�the offices `of the Departme11 nt of Education or at suoh other placeas the Commissl,pner of Education shall fix, and it- :leotion hall be the duty of the Commissioner of EducatiO in giving notice of as hereinafter provided, to state the+time, place and hen of the primary and final elections. The fina} election shall be held not less than 15 or more than 30 days after the primary election. Section 8. All voting shall be I' no by means of ballots to be prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of Education. These may be either blank slips of paper or printed forms, as he shall direct. Each person voting shall mark his or her ballot In the voting place, and shall not exhibit his or her ballot, or alto* any other person to see the ballot while it is being marked or after it is marked, but shall fold it and shall hand it directly to one of the judges of election, who shall place it unopened in the proper ballot box. 301-9 gpee (3) W Section 9. Voters shall be allowed to ask the judges or clerks of elections for instructions in marking the ballots, but no judge or Clark of election shall advise or direct voters for whom to vote, or interfere in any manner with freedom of voting, except to en- force the provisions of this ordinance. No person shall be allowed to cast any ballot prepared out of the voting place, or to cast a ballot, the marking on which has been exhibited to any of the election officials or to any other person, but the ballot shall be rejected and the person so doing shall be required to prepare the ballot in accordance with this ordinance. No mark of any kind indicating the identity of the voter shall be placed on any ballot, and if any mark is so placed on the ballot and is discovered by the judges in counting the votes, the ballot shall be rejected. Any judge who interferes with the freedom_ of this election or attempts to direct voters for whom to vote, or to 0 examine ballots after they are marked;-shall-be--aummarily removed by the Commissioner of Education, and a new judge or,, clerk shall be appoint- ed by the Commissioner of Education. Section 10. In case a person votes for more than the proper number of candidates, in either the primary or final election, the ballot shall be thrown out. All ballots which areirejeoted or improper- ly marked shall be preserved and set aside by the judges separate from the other ballots and shall 1pe placed in a sealed envelope and returned to the Commissioner of Education at the close of the election. All other ballots shall also be placed in sealed envelopes and returned to the Commissioner of Education at the close Of the election. Section 11. Each person voting at either the primary or final election shall vote for as many persons as there are positions to be filled in the class of representatives for whom the voter is eligible to vote. The two high schools principals, four'grade school principals, eight high school teachers and ten grade school.teaohers reoeiving the highest number of votes at the primary election shall be the nominees, and may be voted for in the final election herein provided for. Section 12. If any person nominated at the primary election 301-9 1'+" (4) does not desire to be a candidate, he or she shall, within three days after tue result of the primary election is announced, by the postieg of the notice herein required in the office of the Department of Edu- cation, file a notice in writing with the Commissioner of Education, stating that he or she does not desire to be a candidate for the posi- tion for which he or she was nominated, and shall request the Commis- sioner of Education to withdra4 the name from the list of nominees, whereupon the Commissioner of Education shall substitute on the appro- priate list of nominees the name of a person who has the next highest number of votes to the number of votes received by those nominated. Votes cast for persons not nominated, or whose names have not been placed on the list of nominees to fill vacancies created by withdraw- alsyas hereinbefore provided for shall not be counted at the final election. Section 13. Notice of both the primary and final elections shall be given by posting notices in the offices of the Department of i Education and in each school building at least three days before the election. These notices shall be posted under the direction of and by order of and in the name of the Commissioner of Education. They shall state the time, place and hour of the election. Both the primary and final elections may be continued over more than one day by the Commis- sioner of Education if it seems necessary or advisable, and may be fixed for more than one successive day or parts of days in the notices. Section 14. Three judges of election shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Education from among the teachers and principals of the City. The judges shall meet three days before the primary election and elect three clerks to assist them in the performance of their duties. Not more than one judge and one clerk shall be elected or appointed from any one class of teachers as provided for in this ordinance. Judges and clerks of election shall receive no compensation for their services in connection with either the primary or final election other than their regular salaries as teachers and principals in the public schools, but they may be excused Iwith pay from duty in (5) the schools for such time as may be necessary in the opinion of the Commissioner of Education for the performance of their duties in con- nection with the primary or final election herein provided for. The judges of election shall determine the qualifications of persons who desire to vote at either the primary or final election., The judges of election, with the assistance of their clerks, shall count the votes after the ballots are closed at both the primary and final elections, seal up the ballots in envelopes, and deliver to the Com- missioner of Education all ballots cast and all those not used, to- gether with a statement of the number of ballots cast in each class of teachers, the number of votes each person received, and the names of the persons who appear from these returns to have been elected, to- gether with the number of votes that they received. Section 15. The five grade school teachers, four high school teachers, two grade school principals and one high school principal who received the highest number of votes cast at the final election shall be the persons elected to the board. The judges of election shall certify their names to the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner of Education shall cause to be posted in each school building and in the offices of the Department of Education a statement showing the number of votes oast at each election, the number of votes each person received and the names ofjthe persona noomi-nated`or elected, together T with the number of votes they received. He shall then certify the names of the persons elected to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall cause notice in writing to be sent to each person elected, stating that such person has been elected and that he or she shall be required to qualify in accordance with the provisions of Sections 48, 49 and 50 of the City Charter.. In the event of the failure of any person to qualify as provided within ten days after the posting of the results of the election, the vacancy thereby created on the board shall be filled by the Commissioner of Education by substituting for the person failing to qualify, the name of the person in that class of represent- atives who received the next highest number of votes to the number of (6) votes received by the person elected. The Commissioner of Education shall certify the name of such person to the City Clerk, who shall notify said person of his or her election as hereinbefore provided. Section 16. It shall be the duty of each principal or teacher of a building to post or cause to be posted the notices and announcements in connection with this ordinance hereinbefore provided for. It shall be deemed and considered part of the duties of each principal and teacher in the city schools to vote at both the primary and final elections herein provided for, but they may be excused from so doing by the Superintendent of Schools for good and sufficient 0 cause. The judges and clerks of election shall keep a record of those voting, showing their name, place of residence and the school in which they are employed. Said list shall be certified by them to the Super- intendent of Schools as soon as may be after each primary and each final election. Said list of those voting and the returns showing the numbei of votes cast for each candidate at the primary and final election, and the list containing the names of those elected or nomin- ated shall be signed by all of the judges of the election, with their statement that the statements therein contained are true to the best of their knowledge and belief. Section 17. The failure to post any notices herein provided for, or the failure on the part of any one connected with the election to strictly comply with the terms of this ordinance shall not invalidate any primary or final election, unless it shall appear thatby reason of such failure, ten per cent. of the teachers or principals of the city were deprived of a right to vote, or their votes were improperly counted. Section 18. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to pro- vide at both the primary and final elections four ballot boxes, one for each class of teachers or principals. These ballot boxes in form and construction shall comply as nearly as may be with the provisions of the general election laws of this State for the construction of ballot boxes, and shall be provided with locks and shall not be opened from the time the polls are opened until they are closed. .+ Section 19. All ballots to be used in both the primary and final elections herein provided for, and the blank forms necessary for the performance of their duties by the judges and clerks of election and other officials shall be prepared and furnished by the Commission- er of Education. Section 20. The high school teachers' ballots shall be blue; the high school principals' ballots shall be pink; the grade school principals' ballots shall be lavender, and the grade school teachers' ballots shall be white. Section 21. In case printed ballots are provided for the final election, the names of the candidates shall be placed thereon in the order of the number of votes they received at the primary election; those receiving the most votes shall be placed first. Section 22. The Commissioner of Education in the notice of the primary and final elections, in addition to the matters herein- before provided for shall also state the hours during which the polls will be opened, and no person who is not in the room where the votes are being cast, and ready to vote, before the time for closing the polls arrives, shall be allowed to vote. Section 23. This board shall perform the duties assigned them in the City Charter as follows: "Board of teachers.- Sec. 399, It shall be the duty of the Council to provide, by ordinance for.the election of a board of teachers of the public schools toconsist of not more than twelve, no:: less than eight members, elected by secret ballot by the teachers and principals of the public schools. This board of teachers shall be called together by the Superintendent of Schools from time to time, not less than once a month', to advise with saidLjS perintendent and said Commissioner upon problems relating to the designation of proper text books, the adoption of course of study and the methods of teaching in the schools of St. Paul. Said meetings shall be public and records thereof kept as public records. Said board of teachers shall have power to pass resolutions and make recommendations upon 4ubjects designated in this paragraph, but it ie,hereby declared that the adop- tion of such recommendations shall lie in the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools and the Commissioner of Educa- tion,, subject to the action of the Council." g Section 24. This board shall meet whenever requested to do so by the Superintendent of Schools, at such hour and place as he shall 9 301-9 request, and shall consider such matters as are definitely specified in Section 399 of the City Charter. This board shall organize by electing a president and secretary. All recommendations made by the board shall be made in writing, and shall be signed by its secretary and president, and shall be made directly to the Superintendent of Schools. Section 35. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. OFFICIAL FAOCEEnINCS OF THE COUNCIL. C. F e`No.33,u � ay l—'honly IoOergt- r\nlno rdlnanca orgnnlzln6 the a -unary board a teachers, Isla$ the d defln� nd time of their election, lag he du ties of such board. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordnln: Nays, 0 Mr. Presiden (Powers) Approved 9 Mayor. Al r / 2 ,le 6 SICL•7ON 1. The tcnchers' advisory board Prhe be vided for In the City Charter shall rganized and elected and hall Per- ed. s form duties s he el.r.vldlbe 11The teachers' advisory hll o[ twelve members sa°' m- Posed of [he following Persona: Five grade teachers, [tvo gntde principals• _ high school Princtpa.l and four high s`"°"' _ Passed by the Co t,a,here 191 SECTION 3 / Th terms "4'rade [e chore." "high school teachers;' "grade ,,' nclpaly' school ls;' a used ", p Yeasin 1 and - hulls o this ordinance shall be construed as tolio,rs: Th•t rade teachers" shall In- Dir. 'Ir�[each ors regularly empl- " Farnewoi k °f nnarin °,p" Goes Keller McColl Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. Presiden (Powers) Approved 9 Mayor. Al r / 2 ,le 6 An ordinance fixing the amount of expendi- tures in dollars that may be made by -the several ]'departments, bureaus or activities of the city government in the City of St. Paul during the fiscal year of 1915. An ordinance fixing the amount of expenditures in dollars that may be made by the severqP, epart- men`s, bureaus or activities of the city govern- ment in the City of St. Paul during, the fiscal year of 1915. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUI. DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the various amounts of ex- penditures in dollars that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activities of the city government of the City of St. Paul during the fiscal year beginning January lot, 1915, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 73 of the present Charter, are hereby fixed and deter- mined by means of and through the appropriate funds as the same are in said Charter defined, as follows: 9 CHARTER FUND NO. 1. "The City Officers' Salary Fund" from which shalt be paid the salaries of all offices, of the City of St. Paul elected by the electors of St. Paul. Salaries; Mayor .................... ......... ...... . ... $5,000.00 Comptroller .......................... 5,000-00 Commissioner of Finance .................................... 4,500.00 Commissioner of Public Works ............................... 4,500.00 Commissioner of Public Safety ............................... 4,500.00 Commissioner of Education .................................. 4,500.00 Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings....... 4,500.00 Commissioner of Public Utilities, ............................ 4,500.00 $37,000.00 CHARTER FUND NO. 3. i "Find for salaries and expenses of the mayors office." Salaries .................................................. $5.000.00 3laintenancc (Office expenses) ............................. 1.76.50 $5,176.50 J �I CHARTER FUND NO. 2. i "Find for salaries and expenses of the mayor's office." .. tialxrics....... ..... Ff .................................... 8:>,000.00 i Maintenance (Office expenses) ............................. 176.50 85,176.50 ' CHARTER FUND NO. 3. "Fund for wlnrios and -111-ditttras of the coryiontion counsel's o0'i—" SaLlnes.............................................. $14,980.00 Alaintemuxc _� _ _ _ -........ ...................................... 12,550.00 $27,530.00 CHARTER FUND NO. 4. "Fund for silaries and expenditures of the city clerk's office." -laries.................................................. $t3,fU0A0 maint-arce ............................... 250.00 / 58,6.50.00 .V/ CHARTER FUND NO. 6. "Contingent Fund," whidfiefimiteei-ccti$-t£i;W(CLN)imnty'flscaty✓;13• J ... .. ...... ............ s711011.I1U J CHARTER FUND NO. 6. "Finance curnmissioner s fund," from which 'hull be paid all s:darie' and expenditures of that department. Salaries ...................... _............ $1�✓�tLuu Dlaintcnanee (... T,ansp,"Wion (C'icwing pruperly fur asscssnu•nt', r,icatiun'. ctc.l ... ..... ... ... ..... ...... .... .. 2,0000) F,9(yu.on ✓ CHARTER FUND NO. 7.. i.'dmrfs155faifCP-6?—Pur>—Cl c m i y s e o ice, ire General Administration """" •2`000 m nee...... /00.00 apportioned to Police, Fire and Health( ands. Police and Fire Alarm { salan "' "" L` f maintenance...... 7500.00 apportioned to olice and Fire Funds_ Police Fund. General Administration: Salaries Account a/fwrt< ,,.W .. 33,250.00, Maintenance Account... j/...... .9cW.00 $.350.00 Salaries ................................. $325000.00 Maintenance and Repairs.. ............... 22600.00 Construction and Betterment .............. S--000.00 3 6bO.00 Police and Fire Alarm. One-half Salaries ......................... 31YO0.00 Onc-half Maintenance .................... 750.00 16850.00 $3''000.00 Total Salaries ....................................... ! $3N4950.0V, Total Maintenance and Construction .................. � yye.0.00 ' Last years budget provided for ............... .. . ..... $330,000.00. Increase .......... $4.'000.00. I CHARTER FUND NO. B. "Fire Pond" t, meet all fire bureau expenditttres. l ;cncr.J Admini<tration: Salaries Q�/o.r�/o r1 e.�.... :;j-ZAil l.tlll Maintenan.c S:xtrcn �j51HIN) Mt,in,t—nee and Repairs ... ..... ........... P562.5.(HI Cnnstntrtinn and Ucttcrnunt . . . . .. . . .... . 20(H)0.0t1 ----- Pulirc and Fire Alarm: 0--ludf Salaries. ...... Sl�lOU.IN1 ltu•-hAxl( \horn cnancc.. :i�511.1111 %�q.a rixi Last year's budget. .. . _. Saa1l lM Nl.nu Increase.................................;... .._ ... � / 8 CHARTER FUND NO. 8. "Fire Fuml" to meet all fm bureau osp-dituras. Goncr;d M mi,t-ti,— salaries.. I/,/o.rfi v 91 e.4......... $9.Z,SU.OU Vlainaaiantt•... ..!4 ....... ......... t�t)O.W g3�311 IKi sW;aio, mul Wages_ ......................... $i85000.(HI NLiint ,--:nd Repairs ..................... P5625.00 Construction and Hcttenirnt.................. 20000.00 47oA3a.1111 Police and Fire Warm: Unc-half S:daries......................... .. 1tCl,IOO.W 0 --half Maintenance ........................ :3 75(1-00 X90/3;�.uo ✓ Last car's budget ....... ...... .. .. ... ........ S430,000.00 Incrrasc ...... E CHARTER FUND NO. 9. "Health Fund" to meet all health bureau expenditures. General Administration: Salaries. /I. a.ry A I(........ $2,750.00 ........... 300.00 $3,050.00 Salaries and Wages: Health Account .............................. $29,175.00 Dairy Account ............................... 4,680.00 Quarantine Account .......................... 14,000.00 Public Baths Account .......................... 12,000.00 Public Comfort Stations ...................... 4,320.00 64,175.011 Maintenance and Repairs: Health Account .............................. $2,075.00 Dairy Account ............................... 320.00 Quarantine Account... ................... ... 0,000.00 Public Baths Account., ..... — , .. ........... 7,250.00 Public Comfort Stations ...................... 1,600.00 17,245.00 Construction and Betterment: Public Baths Music .......................... 5,000.00 5,000.00 $89,470.00 And in addition to the item for Public Baths all receipts from activities maintained at Harriet Island. CCons'ryering approp t n fo ubli Co Station, $20,000.00 last year, I incre i x$14,08 0 'Total PWic Saf ` ncreasc , .00. 10 CHARTER FUND NO.,10. 'Commissioner of Public Works Fund" from which shall be paid all the .darics and expenditures of all except persons working by the day or hour, who ure employed under the control of said commissioner; also all expendi- turesin connection with his office. Salaries: Administration .............................. 814,500.00 Engineers ................................... 35,000.00 Workhouse ................ ...'.............. 15,500.00 Street Construction and Repair .............. . Sewer Const—tion and Repair ................ 25,000.00 leaning.................... Street and Sewer Cleaning. . . . . . ........... .. 7,000.00 Bridge and Building Repairs .................. 51000.00 81031500.00 Maintenance: General Administration ....................... 88,000.00 Workhouse .................................. 10,000.00 Construction and Bclterment.................. 110110.00 19,000.011 `! .8122,500.00 `1 ":C*TK—And in addition to the items for Workhouse Maintenance all re- ccipts from activities maintained at said Workhouse.: III CHARTER FUND NO. 11. "A Street Construction and Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for street construction and repair charged to city revenues under this charter. Wages ................................................... $81,500.00 Maintenance and Repairs .................................. 114,500.00 Street Intersections: Wages.. ................................................. 12,000.00 Material...................................... 3/,001.00 $26000.0) J '--And in addition thereto all receipts from corporations and private parties for outside work performed by city force. V 1E S CHARTER FUND NO. 11. "A Street Construction and Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for street construction and repair charged to city revenues under this charter. Wages ................................................... $SI,500.00 Maintenance and Rclmi rs.................................. 114,500.00 Street Intersections: Wages. . ................................... ............. 12,000.00 Material ................................................. .0,000.00 $267,()00.00 1l —And in addition thereto all receipts from corporations and private parties for outside work performed by city force. CHARTER FUND NO. 13. ' "A Sewer Construction and Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for sewer construction and repair charged to city revenues under this charter. Nages ....................... _ .......................... $12,000.00 Maintenance ............................................. 23,000.00 $35,M).00 I 176—And in addition thereto all receipts from corporations and private parties for outside work performed by city force. _. im CHARTER FOND NO.18 I "A Street k Sever Cleaning Fund" to meet all 0*00 dituree for street and sewer gleaning. I thg6o,9ever Fund 122,500.00 Wageo,Street Cleaning 97,900.00 J Vageo,Garbage wagee.City 93.800.00 Dump 40000.00 V I±Aintenanoe,Savor Fund 7,500.00 ✓', t4ilt9n4noe,Street Cleaning 24,000.00 �¢ a3ntOnanoo I G&rbage Water,Strest 500.00 ' ;y -1usshing dater,Sewer I�luabing, 1' 500.00 600.00 j..... t,! 3 !4s Total •192,400.00 And in addition thereto all receipts from corporations and private pwtias. 14 CHARTER FUND No. 14. "A Bridge Building and Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for the con- ! Stnu4ion and repair of bridges charged to city revenues under this charter. Robert St. Bridge: Wag, ................................................. x;3,250.00 General Supplies. (1,450.00 Hire of teams ....................:. ....................... 200.00 Wahasha St. Bridge. Wages_ ................................................ 856.00 Gener.;l Supplies ............... .................. ...... 4,644.00 Hire of teams ........................ .. .. ................. 100.00 Weslminister St. Bridge: Wages................................................... General Supplies ................... ........._ ............ 400.00 675.00. Hire of temns......, _ ................................... 50.00 High Bridge: Wages................................................... 1,200.00 Gener: ldiupplics. ......................................... 5,490.00Hirer7� t,ams...._....................................... 1.50.00 blenileta Road Bridge, Nappy Hollow: Wages................................................... 516.00 Genera Supplies. ........................ 1,734.00 Hire of teams .... _....................................... 50.00 - Jackson St. Bridge: — Wages................................................... 60.00 General Supplies ...... ..... ........ ....................... 430.00 Hire of teams ............................................. 10.00 Harriet island Bridge: - Wages................................................... 100.110 General Supplies ................... ............... ........ 375.60 Hire of teams ............................................. 25.00 Genes l Bridge Repairs: Wagcs................................................... 4,295.00 .... General Supplies .................... ...................... 4,100.00 Hire of teams ............................................. 000.00 �. Cleaning and painting 6th'St. Bridge: Wages.............................. ..................... 1,500.00 - General Supplies .......................................... 800.00 ,. 7th St.. Bridge over G. N. Ry., "Contract" 23,640.00 . Dale St. Bridge .............. 5,000.0(1 Summary: $67,000.00 Wages- ............. .......... .................... 812,177.00 I1 Supplies:' ............................................... 24,698.60 Team Hire ............................................... 1,485.011 Construction and Betterment ............................... 28,640.00 807,000.00 '�. - IN CHARTER FUND NO, lb. I "A Public School Pund" to meet all school expenditures. r r. lvinintjance, Repairs and Red Estate ........__ 189592.00 — Gaultier School New Building ................. 22,000.00 Randolph Heights new eight room building.... , 42000 DO Ames New School Bldg. 22000.00 Plumbing 2500.00 Y'I New School Bldg. K McClellan Dist. 45000.00 271041.0C Total 1, � r I • I 'r CHARTER FUND NO. 16. "A Public Library Fund" to meet all public library expenditures, and all expenditure, for art galleries and museums. Salaries. _............................................... S-15,938.00 A L�intenancc and Rcpairs....................... _ $8� A00.00 .......... $% OIL'(nJ ,1'1 ................... ......... 16 CHARTER FUND NO. 16. "A Public Library Fund" to meet all public library expenditures, and all expenditure for art galler;es auul museums. Salmies....................... ..... ...................... $-(13,038.1111 alaintcnancc and Rcpairs.......................... _ ...... 38.062.011 $84,000.1111 /i.«t-trH�,vpereeb;ii„-vmaccotmt-er-xuw�,wl,;te.a o e bi Lus r 1/1,11\ � `�1nen •' ...... !1,11 .1111 Q M CHARTER FUND NO. 17. u' "An Auditorium Fund" to meet all expenditures in connection with the Auditorium. Salaris.................................................. $10,848.00 Maintenance ............................................. 5,042.00 Construction and Betterment ............................... 650.00 $16.540.00 CHARTER FUND NO. 18. "e\ Public Parks Pund" [omcet all expendihves for public parksand squares charged to city revenue under this charter. dA Salaries: ' General Administration. ..... ......... !-4,520.011 . ...... Park Employees ............................. 64,450.00 $69,970.00 Maintenance........... $:31,2.'30.00 .Mu sic..4.71a..f. ntz YbI /n snzwl/d....._. 9,800.00 41,030.00 $110,000.00 . vz -And in addition thereto all receipts tram activities maintained in Public Parks. ,,` Last earudget ..... ..:.. - _. .......... . Incrc e... t....... .. ..................$20,0 q r' CHARTER FUND NO. 18. "A Public Playground Fund" to meet all expenditures for public play- grounds other than school playgrounds charged to city revenue under this charter - Salaries ........... ...._.................................. $16,1011.00 Maintenance .............................................. 5,000.00 320,000.00 L.�, ,- rx%udg.lal.l.o.w.a.n. c .. ......1f. .. .t ase......_...r" ...............Inc 331100\,.000000:.00101 "i d CHARTER FUND NO. 20. "A Public Building Find" to meet all expenditures in connection with the office of inspector of buildings. Salaries: Inspector's and Clerk's Account ............... $10,000.00 Architects ............. ) Supt. of Construction ................. l` ..... 8,8110.00 Dravehtsmen and Clerk of \Narks.......) � $18,800.00" Maintenance: Architect's Fund ............................. $700.00 Inspector's Fund... .............. — ........ 1,0Q0.00 Inspector's Auto.. - ............. 550.00 2,250.00 x23.050.00 cHARTER FUND NO. 21. "Commissioner of Public Utilities Fund" to meet all expenditures in con- nection with the city business under the direction or the control of said commissioner, unless provided for by more specific funds. Salaries: General Administration ................... $5,420.00 Municipal Testing Laboratory... .......... 8,000.00 Market Maintenance. .................... 3,300.00 $10,720.00 Maintenance General Administration— ................ $500.00 Municipal Testing Laboratory ............. 1,000.00 Municipal Testing Laboratory, new apparatus and installation ...................... 3,000.00 Market Expenses ........................ 780.00 .5,280.00 $22,000.00 l� `Lmt yi ��-7r- s bpd' t a1Y�a ... .... $14,92 00. Iner sel_..... �...... �................ $�"08�.00 `. �/�/ .. '. CHARTER FUND NO. 22. "Public Lighting Fund" to meet all expenditures for public lighting not chargeable to a more specific fund.. Salaries.• ............................................ .32,720.00 Supplies and Expenses: 349 Ornamental Lights ................. 823,732.00 101 Flaming Arcs (Underground)........ 9,090.00 485 Flaming Arcs (Overhead).. _ ....... 42,680.00 772 Old Style Arcs_ ................... .50,952.00 12 Navigation Lights (per moth) (6 - months onlv)....... _ ... .. .. .. ... 144.00 40 Park Arcs (5 months only).......... 1,100.011 13 Incandescent Lights on Stairways.... 312.00 4959 Gas Lamps (gas) .................. 52,069.50 1095 Gasoline Lamps ................... 32,685.50 Sibley Street Signs... .... ...... 150.00 Festoon Lights_ ................... :3,500.00 Printing and Supplies. _............ 50.00 4959 Gas Lamps (Maintenance)........ -. 54,549.00 Additional Lights Needed: Lk Ornamental ....................... 952.00 t00 Flaming Arcs (Overhead)........... 5,000.00 20 Old Style Arcs ..................... 1,320.00 100 Gas Lampps........................ 2,150.00 280,436.00 8283,156.00 rf;,Jt � eLis blhlgl-t llgc�ncy $2 X293,.0011j.. .. 8. .. ........ CHARTER FUND NO. 28. "Water Dcpartmcut Find" to meet all cxpenditives of said water &p:rt- m mt charged to city revenue or the revenue of slid department. Salaries .................................................. $208,455.00 Itlaintcnance and Repairs .................................. 173,648.00 Construction and Betterment ........................ ....... 417,500.00 Bands and Interest ........................................ 184,781.75 $084,384.7.5 ��I rc�s ... 22515 ao 24 q CHARTER FUND NO. 34. "Board of Control Fund" to most the eity's portion of hoard of —Ar"I expenditures, Salim Board of Control ............................... $14,300.00 Citv and County Hospital ...................... 00,000-00 Almshouse and Poorfarm..... _ ................ 7,100.00 and County Sanatorium .................... 2,500.00 '583-900-00City Nlaintemncc: City and County HoSPItal ..................... $131,000.00 Almshouse and Poorfann................ . ...... 10,900-00 Ahnshouse Neo• Building ....................... 100,000.00 Sanatorium .................................... 10,500.00 50,000.00:311,400.00 Outdoor Relief Depa rtni-t..................... $395,300.00 City's One-third.... _.................................... $131,700.00 m CHARTER FUND NO. 24. "Board of Control Fund" to meet thy rity's portion of board of control expenditures. Salaries: 13oard of Control ............................... $14,300.00 City and County Hospital ...................... 00,000.00 Almshouse and Poorfarm....................... 7,100.00 City and County Sanatorium .................... 3,500.00 $83,900.00 \faintenanc City and County flospit:l...................... $131,000.00 Almshouse and Poorf arm ..................... . 19,900.00 Almshouse Nene Building. . . . ............. 100,000.00 Sanatorium .................................... 10,500.00 Outdoor Relief Department ..................... 50,000.00 311,400.00 $395,300.00 City's One-third ............. :........... ..... ............ $131,766.00 CHARTER FUND NO. 25. "A City 1-lall and Court House Fund" to meet the city's share of City liall and Court House maintenance. Sahirics.... _........................................... $22,M).(9) Maintenance: Ileat, Light and Power. ......... — — ......... $13,000.00 Vault, Furniture and Fixtures .................. 10,000.00 Alterations and Repairs. ...................... -- 25,000.00 48,1100.00 $70,100 011 Citv's (Joe -half .......................................... 305,050.110 �t I, �t �iur'. ( fir(`�ln ase ...................... ........... $I'1�46 '.ill CHARTER FUND NO. 26. 'An Interest fund" I. in,,t :dl cu,rcot interest paynunts der by s.,i,l . it, m'hin th, f -al cear. On chn..tunding Bands: $ 50,0W.00 @9 5rl (Dur Jan. 1,_ 1015).... ............... S1,250.00 577,0(K).00 d. 5'.c (Due Apr. 1, 19 15) .................... 14,425.(H) 250,0017.00 G 51;' (Due May 1, 1015) .................... 6?50.00 1111.... 1111...... 1111..... .. .9,013,000.00 @ 4 jt" i' _ . ... 225,540.W .10,000.00 aiz'.c. 1111 . .................. .. 2,1 5.011 5.161,000.00 L 41:x .......................111 .. 1....... .. 206,440.UU 09,000.00 V 34._<;, ........1..1.1.1 ..................... 3,465.00 On City Certificates of Indebtedness: 'nil semi-annual on 104 certificates 92,581,400.00 ........ . .. ............................. :11,628.00 Ist semi-annual on 1015 certificates 92,600,000.W (est.)a14�j ............................. 52,000.00 On Rcvoh,ing Bund Funds: .:300,000.00 (est.) Qa 4% ............... ....1111........ 12,000.00 On Refunding Band Account; 9677,000AH4 (eight months) G 4est.................. 20,310.0(7 On Paving Reserves, Deferred Payments: On contracts, auvards of damages, etc., (est.) ................. 8,000.011 _.- _------- $503,433.00 nnt to be laid 8y W.te Board.... ..l�i�............. $$6,865.00 PPu 3 liat-i)ings from special sinking f �d (sec do l Auctions)................ .. j{� 1.., ........... 2,370.00 27 CHARTER FUND NO. 27. "A Sinking Fund" to provide additions to the sinking fund for the payment of bonds at maturity. The-city-is-buseby-authorized -to place -such "sumsin..._.. thirf md$onrycar to year as will be sufficient to payoff all bonds--at, -rrtatnrtby� � General Sinking `Section two (2) of Chapter three hundred and four (304) Laws of Minnesota, for the year 1903+{uo»Wee-that--Lute city iV4-s1a•=4ueiif,i1o11anof-tom blc iu r eirrkin 'Ert ii'iii-S'uh-revenvc�6+beused-solely- Inr-tlu�r+xiuetiane-of thehortded'dCbt--etihesirrkingiuntj95fuY=— ther increased bv_amounts re"oeive(from sources pro`vidcd-in thd'eh-Aer. , n one-halftl-Las-Levy, based. upon an assessed valuation __. af-,,+t4,21"orta{ amenau-to .............................. $57,121.65 Special Sinking Fumds:Lt r<, The enabling laws of 1907, 1909, 1911, 1912 and 1913, per- mitting of the issuanec• of certain bonds, latory pmvisioo—for-thc-rreatirm of nsepat. Lund .tor. colt purpesa'of-INsuance-to- ruleem. e . thbonds at matt Theamountin this estimate will produce, with irate sJon the' investment of thefunds comptunrled.at"four per cent per amlum;, the .annual -pro, rata, amount necessary—to redeem each"iss.eIat maturity ..... ............................................i. 84,235.95 / $141,357.60 t/ Last y ar's lhtdget,'provided l/ s71 9 rDerrca Sl ?;"71. due to A ase n ss s valuation.) - CHARTER FUND NO. 28. "A Redemption of Bonds Fund" to provi&&r paying the principal of any certificates of indebtedness whether against current, general or special assess- ments to mature within theyear and which are not otherwise provided for, and also for paying the principal of any bonds to mature within the year which cannot be paid out of the sinking fund and which arc not to be re- funded or otherwise renewed. BONDS MATURING 1916. Issued Purpose Due Estimate Jan 1, 1885 New Court House and City Jan. 1, 1915 $50,000.00 Hall. 30 years 5% Apr. 1, 1885 Extension of St. Paul Water Apr. 1, 1915 380,000.00 Works. 30 years 5% Apr: 1, 1885 Construction of Sewers. Apr. 1, 1915 197,000.00 30 years 5% May 1, 1885 Robert Street Bridge. slay 1, 1915 2(@,000.00 30 years 576 May 2, 1885 Erection of Public School May 2, 1915 50,000Ao Buildings. 30 years 5% / $877,000.110 V Water Board :finking Fund will care for ..................... $]00,000.0O�-, ........ ......... General Sinking Fund will cakauthorizVetax 100,000.00 Refunding Bonds (of which $e Water orks-) .... 677,000.00 •'... $877.000.00 t„ Unless Refunding Bon -- are levy will be ., 'iitc(eased b 4077 000.00 v -- CHARTER FUND NO. 29. "A Judgment and Compromise Fund" to provide a fund for the payment of any docketed and unpaid final judgments against the city, and all disputed claims which are compromised and settled before judgment. Docketed judgments ...................................... $10,700/8' Compromise Estimate ..................................... 4,000.00 / $14900,/� J Last year's budget provided for.... ,. ..r % $14,603.49 Increase ......................... i' .f CHARTER FUND NO. 29. "A judgment and Compromise Fund" to provide a fund for the payment of any docketed and unpaid final judgments against the city, and all disputed claims which are compromised and settled before judgment. Docketed judgments ....................................... $10,)00/,I( Compromise Estimate ..................................... 4,000.90 $1490O,/f/ Last year s budget provided for....., t- Increase. ......................... ncrease......................... 30 CHARTER FUND NO. 30. "A Comptroller's Fund" to meet all expenditures in connection with the comptroller's Office. Salaries. .............. ................... $18.00UA11 Printing and Stationery fHcc Bo Ooks and Records Expense and Transportation ...................... I.... 400.00 / $18,700.00 V/ 30 tr CHARTER FUND NO. 30. "A Comptroller's Fund" to meet all expenditures in connection with the. Comptroller's Office. 818,000.00 Salaries.... ... .... .... Printing and Stationery . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 3110.011 ... ... office Books and Records 400.00 Office Expense and Transportation— ........... $18,700.00 ✓ 31 CHARTER FUND NO. 81. "A General Fund" which shall provide for all necessary expenditures in cnnnoctinu with the government of the City of St. Paul or any of its depart- ments, bureaus or activities, charged o city revenue, and not provided for in _ the funds hertinabove named. - Municipal Court:- --' ........... .......................... $20,100.00 .Salaries Maintemmee (Office Supplies) .................. 1,325.00 $21,425.00 Purchasing Agent's Fund: e. Salaries .... .. .......... .... $13,120.00 Office Supplies ................................ 3,310.00 16,430.00 Armory Maintenance... ..... ... 4,000.00 Local Improvement ...................................... 20,000.00 E; of ml Publications ...................................... 5;000.00 '1 ................................... Public Charities....... 1,200.00 3 Firemen's Relief ......................................... 11,424.00 Police Pensions .......................................... 16,320.00 Teachers' Pensions— .... .................. 11,424.00 Deficiency Account.... ... ... 25,000.00 �. Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Expense . ....... .... 20,000.00 Postage Revolving Fund ...................... ..... ....... �9,000.00 Purchase of Additional Armory Site, and Interest........... 8200.00 _ Civil Service Bureau: •Salaries._ ...................... .......... $7,000.00 ... Maintenance. .......... 1,200.00 8,250.00 .= Municipal Garage: Salaries.. .. ... .. ..... .. ... $16,860.00 Maintenance— .. .... ... .. 23,925.00 40,785.00 •'-" Water Supply Fund ....... .......... .............. .. 54,398.00 Art Museum... ......... .......... :3,475.00 Sprinkling Revolving Fund .................. ... 15,000.00 Forestry Revol. F IMisc. 4, Stationery& Supplies,......... 000.00 Blanks, Forme & etc.,_....... 8.000.00 'Printed Expenses of City Officers attending Conventions,. ........... 3.000.0C Collections .......125,000.0 in Tax , • Shrinkage12 Q 00 0 'Outstanding Liability ........ >...x... ,__ 1 5574331.001, Section 2. That no department, bureau, acitivity board or officer of said City shall have power or authority to expend any of the public moneys or to !` incur any liability on behalf of the City in said I,F fiscal year in excess of the fund or of any item of any fund as fixed by this ordinance, except as in the Charter otherwise provided. Sec. 3. That so much and no more of said s �a several amounts so fixed and determined as may be necessary for an economical administration of the municipal affairs during the said year 1915 shall s: be expended through the funds hereinbefore mentionei in accordance with the itemized estimates as the same appear in the recent report of the City Comptroller to the Council, as the same have been 'modified, itemized and finally approved by the Council. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be An force immediately upon its passage,, approvaY' d publicatign. Passed (b,fe Counci# 191 � �/ JYt l Nol t� Mr. ?,arniswar11 1`r. McColl ll Mr. G e Mr. el ler Yoerg 6 Nayel+0. de k1974e) t APP a l�;,AMayror [is RECAPITULATION Fund -Name of Fund 1----7ity Officers' Salary Bund 37,000.00 2—Cc:larias Expenses -ayor's Of"ice 5,176.50 Corporation Counsel 27,530.00 4^.= City Clerk's Office 8,650.00 '—Contintert Turd 7,000.00 6 ----Commissioner of Finance 19,690.00 7 --Police 385,000.00 8 --Fire . 490,1.25.00 9--FHealth 89,470.00 10 o issio; r of i r. l_ _. 122,ScO.00 11—Street Constructions & Reppirs 259,000.00 12—Sewer, �onstftctior. Od R@pairs 35,000.00 13—Street & Sewer Cleaning 192,400.00 14 --.Bridge Building & Repair 67,000.00 15 --Public School 1,271,341.00 16 ---Public Library 84,000;00 "r17 ---Auditorium 16,540.00 �. 18 --Public Parks 110.000.00 19—Public Playgrounds 20.000.00 20 -.-Public Buildings 23,050.00 21 -MC ommissioner of Public Utilities 220,000.00 22 --Public Lighting 283,156.00 21--Tvrater Department 984,384.75 X_ 24..-.Doexd of Control(City's one-third) 131,766.00 25 -.City Hall & Court House(City's one-half)35)050.00 26 ---Interest 603,433.00 27 -winking 141, 357.60 28—Redemption of Bonds 877,000.00 29-. udgment & Compromise 14',900.18 30—,Comptroller's 18,700.00 31,+-Gsneral 557-1031:00. Total estimate expenses .............. of all departments for the year 1915- y6�939,55i.03' CITY OF ST. PAUL ; 021 COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ...... ......_. tB�� Subject:.._ ._... _ _ __...... _ COUNCIL a FILE NO ....... ...... ..... .. ....It .... ..... ....... ........ ....... ................ ........ .. _...... .... ....... ........ _........ ....................__...._............ ...... Date Presented....... _ _ I91......_... Resolved, That on account of t e4 Hath street, the contract bearing date the 33rd day of September, 1914, between Peter Dickson and the City of St. Paul for the grading of said street from Grotto street to Jameson street, and Grotto street from Hatch street to Orchard street, be and the same is hereby cancelled, the said Peter Dickson consenting thereto, and the bond given by the said Peter Dickson to secure the performance of said contract is hereby released and discharged and the surety thereon is hereby released. V. Nn. 3n21—By 'M. N. G... of u Resolved„ Thnt on u Of g,-nde Batch street, the I �henring date tho 23rd dnV Of iqI4t ties e City'nf St.Pauls for Lthe I of said street from Grot'to Yeas ( I') Counc' ' en (P) Nays Farns orth _.� In favor Kelle Me 1 G Against Yoe t Mr. President,- wers oaw �.e-z Y thereon is Dee. 10. 1914. .adopted by the Council �2 / 1191 L� Appr d - - -R MAYOR I COUNCIL FILE No. ' 3022 73y FINAL ORDER. c s` �c .i:. a e e r ca avenue lroc.. tea: rvi w aveniv Ln the \latter of. 5. , .. - - � �. �.. to sue . atreat a: a on, Sar. er.t avere ` ✓ .. e tc sua street. under Preliminary Order .,o,2<) _pproved k,,, o, Intermediary Order _ ��' , _ _ aapproved A public hearing having been 11 ad upon the above improvement upon due nrrt/iee, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recmuon-ndillious relative iber,4n,:1,1d having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the prrcis, ualnre, extent and kind of im- proveun'nt to be made by the said Cily is..constructing _.a sewer .on.PRINOETON AVENUE from.-_.-._ FAIRVIEW AVEME to SUE STREET said on SARGENT A',ENUF, from FAIRVIEW AMITUE to SUE-SMEZT. :nut the Council hereby orders said improvement to be analis. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the (bunuissiouer of Public works he and he is hereby instraeted au,l directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imprpvelneut, illi submit s:uoe to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized will directed to proeeed with the making of said improvruu•nt in n.-cordanee therelvilh. Adopted by the Council..._ 7____..19../!y/ t' ity k. Approved///1� _. ( / 19 1 C. F. No 3022= ................ . m u,e Illaner of constructing sewer Mayor. n Princeton a e from Fairview' o avenue.to Sue street and on Sargent avenue from Fairview avenue to Sue Councilniell Fal'/ S\vol n street, der Preliminary Order 962. pprot•edAug. 1, 1914, Intermediary Order 2493, approved Nov. 10. 1914. t of s A pabl is hearing having been had on _ rr n due aotice,hand the e abovehearing Council havingment oheard a1L persons, objections andardohaving t dations relative thereto, fully considered ,the same; n therefore, to tt IleColl Resolved, By the Council of the City f St. Paul that the precise n� ture, ex- tent ' nd kind sold City is const a be Tmadeaby the said City Is con trusting sewer on Princeton avenue from i Fairview a to Sue -street and on Sargent avenue Prom Fairview avende Y erg o See street, and the Council hereby orsaid Improvement to be made.m Resolved Further, That the Comis- >\Iflj'Ol' P wP, 1'S hereby Insructled and lldi di recteds be to tp re - pare plans and speciflcannns for en id Improvement, andsubmit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pro - eed with the making of said Improve- ment In accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council Dec. IT. 1914... ! A ii h it L e elFi COUNCIL FILE No. ' 3022 73y FINAL ORDER. c s` �c .i:. a e e r ca avenue lroc.. tea: rvi w aveniv Ln the \latter of. 5. , .. - - � �. �.. to sue . atreat a: a on, Sar. er.t avere ` ✓ .. e tc sua street. under Preliminary Order .,o,2<) _pproved k,,, o, Intermediary Order _ ��' , _ _ aapproved A public hearing having been 11 ad upon the above improvement upon due nrrt/iee, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recmuon-ndillious relative iber,4n,:1,1d having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the prrcis, ualnre, extent and kind of im- proveun'nt to be made by the said Cily is..constructing _.a sewer .on.PRINOETON AVENUE from.-_.-._ FAIRVIEW AVEME to SUE STREET said on SARGENT A',ENUF, from FAIRVIEW AMITUE to SUE-SMEZT. :nut the Council hereby orders said improvement to be analis. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the (bunuissiouer of Public works he and he is hereby instraeted au,l directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imprpvelneut, illi submit s:uoe to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized will directed to proeeed with the making of said improvruu•nt in n.-cordanee therelvilh. Adopted by the Council..._ 7____..19../!y/ t' ity k. Approved///1� _. ( / 19 1 C. F. No 3022= ................ . m u,e Illaner of constructing sewer Mayor. n Princeton a e from Fairview' o avenue.to Sue street and on Sargent avenue from Fairview avenue to Sue Councilniell Fal'/ S\vol n street, der Preliminary Order 962. pprot•edAug. 1, 1914, Intermediary Order 2493, approved Nov. 10. 1914. t of s A pabl is hearing having been had on _ rr n due aotice,hand the e abovehearing Council havingment oheard a1L persons, objections andardohaving t dations relative thereto, fully considered ,the same; n therefore, to tt IleColl Resolved, By the Council of the City f St. Paul that the precise n� ture, ex- tent ' nd kind sold City is const a be Tmadeaby the said City Is con trusting sewer on Princeton avenue from i Fairview a to Sue -street and on Sargent avenue Prom Fairview avende Y erg o See street, and the Council hereby orsaid Improvement to be made.m Resolved Further, That the Comis- >\Iflj'Ol' P wP, 1'S hereby Insructled and lldi di recteds be to tp re - pare plans and speciflcannns for en id Improvement, andsubmit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pro - eed with the making of said Improve- ment In accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council Dec. IT. 1914... ! A t I t � .N� COUNCIL FILE No. ' 3022 73y FINAL ORDER. c s` �c .i:. a e e r ca avenue lroc.. tea: rvi w aveniv Ln the \latter of. 5. , .. - - � �. �.. to sue . atreat a: a on, Sar. er.t avere ` ✓ .. e tc sua street. under Preliminary Order .,o,2<) _pproved k,,, o, Intermediary Order _ ��' , _ _ aapproved A public hearing having been 11 ad upon the above improvement upon due nrrt/iee, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recmuon-ndillious relative iber,4n,:1,1d having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the prrcis, ualnre, extent and kind of im- proveun'nt to be made by the said Cily is..constructing _.a sewer .on.PRINOETON AVENUE from.-_.-._ FAIRVIEW AVEME to SUE STREET said on SARGENT A',ENUF, from FAIRVIEW AMITUE to SUE-SMEZT. :nut the Council hereby orders said improvement to be analis. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the (bunuissiouer of Public works he and he is hereby instraeted au,l directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imprpvelneut, illi submit s:uoe to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized will directed to proeeed with the making of said improvruu•nt in n.-cordanee therelvilh. Adopted by the Council..._ 7____..19../!y/ t' ity k. Approved///1� _. ( / 19 1 C. F. No 3022= ................ . m u,e Illaner of constructing sewer Mayor. n Princeton a e from Fairview' o avenue.to Sue street and on Sargent avenue from Fairview avenue to Sue Councilniell Fal'/ S\vol n street, der Preliminary Order 962. pprot•edAug. 1, 1914, Intermediary Order 2493, approved Nov. 10. 1914. t of s A pabl is hearing having been had on _ rr n due aotice,hand the e abovehearing Council havingment oheard a1L persons, objections andardohaving t dations relative thereto, fully considered ,the same; n therefore, to tt IleColl Resolved, By the Council of the City f St. Paul that the precise n� ture, ex- tent ' nd kind sold City is const a be Tmadeaby the said City Is con trusting sewer on Princeton avenue from i Fairview a to Sue -street and on Sargent avenue Prom Fairview avende Y erg o See street, and the Council hereby orsaid Improvement to be made.m Resolved Further, That the Comis- >\Iflj'Ol' P wP, 1'S hereby Insructled and lldi di recteds be to tp re - pare plans and speciflcannns for en id Improvement, andsubmit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pro - eed with the making of said Improve- ment In accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council Dec. IT. 1914... ! A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P 2 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIN.7,1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ----------- In the Matter of Ila ------ -------- --------- a- ...................................... ................... ....... .... - ---------------------- - ------------ -- ----- ... __ -- --- ---- ----------------------- --- ---------- ---- - - ------ - - ----- ----- ---------------------- ------------------------- --------- ----- ---- - ---- --------------- - ------------------------------------- --- ---- - -------------- - --------------- - --- - --------------------- ----- .. ..... ----------------- ----- -7--------- :�� - / IC2"W --------------- /-- ---------------------- - ---------- ------------- under Preliminary Order approved - -------------------- -- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ -------------- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - . - . - 6 . $ ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION C30 0 4 0 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAF, f ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION- ^ U l J ` Oz L, ✓� J1 aY/ij j G S G l lrc'�� icy ht 411 f 4'a /!3� / �1 J1 L¢ o TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 4w,4 REPORT OF COMMISSICiNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION f / Z & y � 2 ASSESSED VALLIT.2 ^ /y i� /G a /y u The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G L Dated ... _.____191-y-.._..�.�v.�/�"1-LG✓�(-O%G"./-�---..__. Commissioner of Finance. 10R 8.9.11. 8 5 G Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Pt1?" ............ ... 1914.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Comt- cil, known as Council File No.......962................ approved. .._..__August ...._1. .............._.....191._4.., relative to._th8........:... xloeton.._Ave_,..G_from,._ke Sue St. and on Sargent St. froma Fairview Ave. to .Sue St. ._...._.._....._.__,.__.__ ........._- .................._....._..........._....._.... 1 i and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ......_ .............necessary and (or) desirable. xxxxx 3 503.00......... and 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $......._...._......_..._._._., and the total cost thereof �s �_....!............._.... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......_._._..__...._.____.___......._.........._......_......._.._...._..............._.........__._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1_.._..........._.__.........._.......__........._.._.............__............_..._........_._............_ _... _............................_......_............................ 5. Said improvement is......__nOt._........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Conan over of Pblic Works. OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. GOSS cx�en axccxaea coeonss�oxea nonuc woaxs P CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC -WORKS u St. Paul, Minn. Dec. 16, 1914. a� �~/Lcc��' �g Mr. M. Sl. Gose, ;blic Corks, ` �4Commissioner tgti PuNIAU 0 Dear Sir,- S,sJA'a �ucwc^�s Regarding Council Pile) a,62 A proposal to build sewers on Sargent and Princeton Aves. between Fairview Ave. and Sue St. first came before the Council in 1913, Board File #39154. The Council ordered the sewers do oe built, Board File #39649, but the Board of Public Works found that they could not let a contract because the lowest bid received exceeded the limit that could be assessed. An effort to get an appropriation of 01,800.00 failed and the project dropped. Both of these streets have been graded and there seems to be no immediate necessity for the sewers as no hou.sG have been built. ____ , -1 Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. -�l n � C�t�✓ ;r- �"yv�, �� �� '�,%; � Joux T. -T- - ocvai CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITY OLMRWS OPPIOE Hon. M.N. Goss., Gosnr. of Public Works, o City of St.Paul, Eiinn. Derr Sir: - Dec. 10th, 1914. JJLII���JI_ �J`'�l L'� UD DEC 10 1914 CQIriMI5SI0t�Er YUuLIC WGd�CS The attached F innl order C. F. 3022, to construct a sower on Princeton Ave. and on Sargent Ave. was laid over one •meek and referred to your dencrtr:ent, to the City Engineer. The C ouncil wishes to know crhether or not this isprovement is necessary, and who the narties are who ere asking for it. This comes up again before the Council on Dec. 17th, 1914, Yours truly, City Clerk. L 9 COUNCIL PILE No. By'3023 FINAL ORDER. Li the �1;,jt of_ construct;r.7 a _serer cn 71 rd s t -aft i, ... Cy -reps et to ,riffs.+h sir= -t', 1735 e t e 221.3, 1 �4. under Preliminary Ord")._ ..._approved --_.. .. -. Intermediary Order _.-;Ipproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard hll persons, objections and reeonuuendatious relative ibereto, and having fully considered the ,ante; therefore, be it RESOLVEI), By the Council of the City of St. join that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn provenieni to be made by the said Pity is constructing -a sewer--on-THIRD-STRUT--from CYPRESS -- STREET to GRIFFITH STREET. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVEi) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Poblie Woi:ks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit samo to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otHeers are hereby :ndhorized amd direeted to proe-eed with the making of said improvement im aeeo•dalee therewith. Adopted by the Couneil /_:�g','1,7.__ ... 18/� C"YCe Approved / v / 7 _ 1!) y Mayo•. Cowcilnu•u P'ar`Isnmth C. F. No. 3023— 1 In the Matter of ... structs ng a sewer (Msfi on Third street from Cypress street to Go., street, under Preltmjnary Oder InteS•medla rye Ordert mber 49apZ,l jCel el• proved Nov. 30, 19 14 . A pubic hearing having been had upon the above Improvementupon due \1e�'OII notice. and the Council having heard, / n persona, bjectlons and recommen- � l relative thereto, and having fullyc fully considered the same; therefore, I be it j Resolved, that the Council of mune City' , 1 of St. Paul that the. Precise nature, ea- Yojl•g tent and kind of Improvement to be - made by the aid City la constructing a sewer on T IV street, . from Cypress 1 street In Grl Ith street, and the C. - Mayor Po ens t1hereby or era said Improvement to be made. Reaplyed Further; That the Commis - .loner of Public Work. be and he 1. hereby Instructed sad directed to pre- pare plana and apect8catlone far sold - Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval. the proper cl[y otYicers a hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said Improve. m ent In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Uec. t7, 1914. A ppreved .Dec. 17. 1914. `<Dec. 19-1914) /M j r b i 9 COUNCIL PILE No. By'3023 FINAL ORDER. Li the �1;,jt of_ construct;r.7 a _serer cn 71 rd s t -aft i, ... Cy -reps et to ,riffs.+h sir= -t', 1735 e t e 221.3, 1 �4. under Preliminary Ord")._ ..._approved --_.. .. -. Intermediary Order _.-;Ipproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard hll persons, objections and reeonuuendatious relative ibereto, and having fully considered the ,ante; therefore, be it RESOLVEI), By the Council of the City of St. join that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn provenieni to be made by the said Pity is constructing -a sewer--on-THIRD-STRUT--from CYPRESS -- STREET to GRIFFITH STREET. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVEi) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Poblie Woi:ks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit samo to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otHeers are hereby :ndhorized amd direeted to proe-eed with the making of said improvement im aeeo•dalee therewith. Adopted by the Couneil /_:�g','1,7.__ ... 18/� C"YCe Approved / v / 7 _ 1!) y Mayo•. Cowcilnu•u P'ar`Isnmth C. F. No. 3023— 1 In the Matter of ... structs ng a sewer (Msfi on Third street from Cypress street to Go., street, under Preltmjnary Oder InteS•medla rye Ordert mber 49apZ,l jCel el• proved Nov. 30, 19 14 . A pubic hearing having been had upon the above Improvementupon due \1e�'OII notice. and the Council having heard, / n persona, bjectlons and recommen- � l relative thereto, and having fullyc fully considered the same; therefore, I be it j Resolved, that the Council of mune City' , 1 of St. Paul that the. Precise nature, ea- Yojl•g tent and kind of Improvement to be - made by the aid City la constructing a sewer on T IV street, . from Cypress 1 street In Grl Ith street, and the C. - Mayor Po ens t1hereby or era said Improvement to be made. Reaplyed Further; That the Commis - .loner of Public Work. be and he 1. hereby Instructed sad directed to pre- pare plana and apect8catlone far sold - Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval. the proper cl[y otYicers a hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said Improve. m ent In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Uec. t7, 1914. A ppreved .Dec. 17. 1914. `<Dec. 19-1914) /M j r b CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT f)F FINANCE I'. REPORT OF COMMIS!:ONER OF FI, E �� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER : 0 (�,7 u under Preliminary Order approved --.1c.,— --- 1 ------ --`- ---- .l�------------- --------------------------------- ......_-------------`--------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: / The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 0 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $? 22- 4--------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION qI1117 16 L �. FORM U.S.A. a -e A TOTAL, Q y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 fid/ i jq o A6 C7 J6 (fie O J .23 �) oZ) 0 Jr) d� S f 7 �� j o A) C / A z �a TOTAL. •onM e.S.w. B0 r.* ASSESSED VALUATION L ^ i U i .7 s� fps_ 7 f� ys6 o so 1zv 0 A- u o ,Zo o lzuAl" d� �f U o ,13` o / 2ofo ys,o S6 a � o s� y� o 50 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSiONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION z�ygo 0 z 4 "j, e,7 C x 41 dh `1 L/]!// /04,4z The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. 3t4 Paul, Minn. Sept. 14.-1914. mrr----,mra+n.9.d. WE THE UNDERSIGNED RESIDER'S ON EAST THIRD STRrPT BETWERIN G..ffrf/J YPRESS ST. & TBIW -ST. DESIRE THE SEV= ON EAST THIRD ST. NAMB. RES. NO. LOT NO. BLOCK NO. 's �; f r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance d To the Commissioner of Pinauce of the City of St. Paul: 'file Couunissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- :,- P UA 1 �5__.... --approved proved Y �' ..__...1111 _ -.., relative to_.__ �._.... cil, known ua Coancal File No.. I I - -"�-- - rl ...,-�+;ru,�;r,., ......_........... .............._......_........._..._.................... _ .... aopd having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__ -___.-necessary and (or) desirable. 'l. The estiumted cost thereof is '.. - _..., and the total cost thereof is h C, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.._... ..........._.............._........... ..._. _.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said imaprovemaemt is hereto attached and mode it part hereof. ............... 4. 5. Said .improvement is ___asked for upon petition of three or oaore owme•s of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- - Conuu' amu• • g.P-a ac Vo•ks. rM' CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY OLERH'9 OFFICE Dec. 10th,1914. Hor,. Al . Goss., D[:C 10 1914 Cosn,r. of Public Works, City of St.P:,ul) '..:i,v:. OF FUSLIC Yi LilnS Derr Sir: - The ottz'.ched Fin;'.1 order to construct a sewer on Third St. from Cypress St. to Grif°ith St., C. F. 3023, we -c roferred to your deprs-tment , and laid over ore week to Dee. 17tii,1914. A nroperty otimor who was present at the hearing this morning, asserted th;it two-thirds of property abutting; on this improvement hc:.d been sold to the city for delinquent tales end the City c'oCad ha�re to pay for almost the entire sever, so the Council referred. the matter to you to investig;ste in reference to ti.c benefitted nroperty. Your: truly, C I y Cl©r'k L. r r - a y e- F i� 50`24 Ct)U\CII, FILE -NO. FINAL ORDER. a sewer t. t `con, a rci? t 364 feet east :f 31.. --ir.2 :'_van ,rp t lnr� ruder Yrelinliu;u•y Ord"?.�— ........ ppl 1��•�l InL•rnu•dilu•y 01 -der Ipplovcd A public, hearing having becu hod upon the above iulproveuu•nt neon due ❑otic",' ;unl the Council lulviug heard ;Ill persons, objections and rcronnuendations rehltive thcrelo, cull having fully emisidered the s.nue; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Ry the Comwil of the (,it., of tit. Paull that the lu'eeise uatnlr, extent ault kind of iw- provement to be luade by the said city is constru pion -of a. sewer on. Sa alae s'-reet °rQm ', Point 364 feet east of the east line of Sylvan street tol.ortlard street anll the Councit herehy orders said inlprovenu•ut to be mule. RESOLV•FD FURTHER, That the Coul nl issiouer of Pnblic Wto-ks he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificatimis for snid ire provcunvlt, and suholit some to the Council far ;approval; that upon +gill approval, the proper eity oflieers are hen -h.' anlhorired and direeted to proee'd with the making of said inlln•oveonml in acenoll>Iuee llieretvilh. Adopted by the Council__ 'Ity •rk. Approved lfaptn•. l olincillllell hen. ti\\orill C. F. No. 3024- - rn the Hatter of c nstrueti.,, a r! feed fagnt U. freer from opoln[ 364 aaeei en" Coortl na ^tree . ordeypen Ilminxry Order 1006, aPProaea 'Ier tiust 4[h. 193 a. lntermealsr>- Order 2x95, lac he tl \ov. 30. 1914. having been had upon he Public Imrj�provement upon due c(•oIl notice, and the Council havin heard all persons, obJcetlons and recommard en dations r lative thereto, and having ( fully considered the same; therefore be I[ Resolved, By the Council of the City t,l.g of tt. Paul that the precise nature, e ant and kind of Improveomit to be ln¢de b3' the said City le tructl on Mayor P. vers noGuaacaeieei �tysrooiix acres[ from . sy h'an street w Corthr d t line o[ the --ole^ hereby ordersstsn d and P invement to be made. R seolved Further, That the Commis_ f Pubilc %Vorks be And he Is he by indurated and directed to Zr im plans and pecifications for Bald l'orunclle1 fo rltII and s bmlt a to the rrpprovxi. the PProve1. theta Pon s¢la hereby u[horin yd Peed ad it ofl,ere are 1, ki , act a to pro- •",' „ith chr a '` t i dance therewith. Improve- m �l doP[,a by the Council Iles. lo. 1914. .lnm�.-ca nee. Il. 191.1. [nee. 12-1o14i ii F i� 50`24 Ct)U\CII, FILE -NO. FINAL ORDER. a sewer t. t `con, a rci? t 364 feet east :f 31.. --ir.2 :'_van ,rp t lnr� ruder Yrelinliu;u•y Ord"?.�— ........ ppl 1��•�l InL•rnu•dilu•y 01 -der Ipplovcd A public, hearing having becu hod upon the above iulproveuu•nt neon due ❑otic",' ;unl the Council lulviug heard ;Ill persons, objections and rcronnuendations rehltive thcrelo, cull having fully emisidered the s.nue; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Ry the Comwil of the (,it., of tit. Paull that the lu'eeise uatnlr, extent ault kind of iw- provement to be luade by the said city is constru pion -of a. sewer on. Sa alae s'-reet °rQm ', Point 364 feet east of the east line of Sylvan street tol.ortlard street anll the Councit herehy orders said inlprovenu•ut to be mule. RESOLV•FD FURTHER, That the Coul nl issiouer of Pnblic Wto-ks he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificatimis for snid ire provcunvlt, and suholit some to the Council far ;approval; that upon +gill approval, the proper eity oflieers are hen -h.' anlhorired and direeted to proee'd with the making of said inlln•oveonml in acenoll>Iuee llieretvilh. Adopted by the Council__ 'Ity •rk. Approved lfaptn•. l olincillllell hen. ti\\orill C. F. No. 3024- - rn the Hatter of c nstrueti.,, a r! feed fagnt U. freer from opoln[ 364 aaeei en" Coortl na ^tree . ordeypen Ilminxry Order 1006, aPProaea 'Ier tiust 4[h. 193 a. lntermealsr>- Order 2x95, lac he tl \ov. 30. 1914. having been had upon he Public Imrj�provement upon due c(•oIl notice, and the Council havin heard all persons, obJcetlons and recommard en dations r lative thereto, and having ( fully considered the same; therefore be I[ Resolved, By the Council of the City t,l.g of tt. Paul that the precise nature, e ant and kind of Improveomit to be ln¢de b3' the said City le tructl on Mayor P. vers noGuaacaeieei �tysrooiix acres[ from . sy h'an street w Corthr d t line o[ the --ole^ hereby ordersstsn d and P invement to be made. R seolved Further, That the Commis_ f Pubilc %Vorks be And he Is he by indurated and directed to Zr im plans and pecifications for Bald l'orunclle1 fo rltII and s bmlt a to the rrpprovxi. the PProve1. theta Pon s¢la hereby u[horin yd Peed ad it ofl,ere are 1, ki , act a to pro- •",' „ith chr a '` t i dance therewith. Improve- m �l doP[,a by the Council Iles. lo. 1914. .lnm�.-ca nee. Il. 191.1. [nee. 12-1o14i CITY OP6ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN'r'OF FINANCE I' REPORT OF COMML,SIONER OF FINAN E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) C-. J.�-.2 - 4-', 14 - y:2r o_l%' 6L.-------- /_.: £ ------------------- In the Matter of -- --------- -- _77- - - -� - - U `i - --------- - - - - -------------------- - under Preliminary Order approved ----------- --- -- - - - ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - 1 1J The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefit for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ���%� ASSESSED VALUATION 3 ��t7 i% V4//J/Jio'a� (/ e � � , a. c� aKd%O � � �G _-s-•. ('(-u-v i�L � r� O u �C -7 1 aep i�u�G ?l Cu✓JoNa A s -k f� /3'J� 0 ° 0 �� � l �� •^ C�.CI P�1.H.0 Q�cC 4 � U � � O Z' IORM 0.9.A. 5 5 A TOTAL, ( U V CITY OF ST. PAUL _ �y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISISIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER P lC) DESCRIPTIONLOT BLOCK ADDITION ' ASSESSED VALUATION /G o /W G /G 6 16 / W O u G �G U S.3 �L) / Q Ll J I/ N ? 0 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigatedall of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the'Commissioner of Public Works. - _._191. Dated -- - J1 �- -- - Commissioner of Finance. ronM B.5 A. S 5 C C- �,�2u/o ,Llai! Cir1&a° x / a•J';7o14 o a "z/A. S +� �J do mss. a y� / N Y �Zf14 ASSESSED VALUATION /G o /W G /G 6 16 / W O u G �G U S.3 �L) / Q Ll J I/ N ? 0 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigatedall of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the'Commissioner of Public Works. - _._191. Dated -- - J1 �- -- - Commissioner of Finance. ronM B.5 A. S 5 C ". - - � � ix far p St, Paul, idinn, July 1. lth,1914 To the Icayor and Counell of the City of at. Paul, We the undersigned property owners,on East Mage is rid Street, between Sylvan and Abel streets, Respectfully Petition {r your Honorable Body for a sewer between said points. POttgieser's Sub, y Of Weide & Dawso 's Garden Lots. �,�,--� 4(,� �-%l mss/'✓ - �� F� y,� — �. J. �.�:r-c",; .� ti ................_..,_AugUet...._h.z.......................791..4.• - To the Colnuiissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The. Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No .............. lOOB......approved. ....._._AuguBt..,_4.. ... ..... .... ....:._...191_`x.., relative to....... he...._..... construction of a sewer on Magnolia St., from 364_ft...._east _oi........................ ........ ............................ ............................... ......... Svlvan..._St......._to..._Cortland ,.._gt.............. ........ ............... .................... __....................................._.........._................................................... ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $..........._XXXX,.,,._ and the total cost thereof is L..........a.71...x.4....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... .... ..................................... ...._................_.._............... _.......... ..._....._.... ............. .................................. ....................................... .................................... _................ ........................... ......... ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ....... ...........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. bnuniseim�er of Public Works. i COUNCIL FILE NO-_ 13Y FINAL ORDER. III the Mattel. of. Deal.' on street f roa, 7,'a st Sa-V r..t' - B-IXet to Bans or, Avenue. under Preliminary Ordf r.. pproved june 2.4t.21, �914 , Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saine.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Conneil of the City of St. Paid that the precise nature, extent and kind of in, provenient to be made by the said City is grad_inZ.A),eajtQn street from riest Seventh L.U'e..et, to .Ele.1011 avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subunit saint, to the Council fdr approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby alithol-ized and directed to pr(keed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.__._._._...... I 91'e. C t; •I:k. Approved 19 C. F. No Mayor. Inetree[ th e Matter of grading Dealto, W a to r e;from est Seventh.tree[ Coliticibilvi Fill-- orth Benson avenue, under Preliminary Order 394, approved June 201, 1914, Intermediary.;order 2497, approved Nov. 10-1911. A, public hearing having been had cPon the above Improvezn do, n ar, oil ad .. n having h all 'et.' K el' pe on., '.hb'j­tIra and re-nim— d.tI.n. rml.tive"�thereto, and having fully considered the. name; therefore, y �025— be It .N 'all of11e01I11d,, BY he nell of the City St. Paul timjthe %,'u tent and kind. of else nature, ex - b3 Improvement to be made Y, the said City Is grading Deal - to street from West Seventh street to" Henson avenue. ands ---the: Council ,hereby order. said Improvement to be erg Made. - . Resolved Further, That the Connote - stoner of 3�ubllc Works be and he is 'hereby I"1ar.1ncdtq,.1',nd directed to. Dre- pa lones eeffic tIons for said Improvement, and submit same to -the T.approval;.: that:upon SLIa 1 Q� .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI jSSIONER OF FINANCEW ON PRELIb-INARY ORDER In the Matter of /1L�`C�iJi� / .-G Q1.----1-G%L"�_���'----�•`—u��-! �- under Preliminary Order approved --(77/- `'t----Lr�4 ----------- ----------- --- ----------------- ---- — --- To the -Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment fort& above improvement is 4 06.17 The estimated cost p!tXUdt:idtr the above improvement is ��@ t 4I 0 �t $ 95d The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- ADDITIONASSESSED VALUATION � -� 1��4 ��f fit j ��/%�%liC' ✓r U TOTAL, ... The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--------f-` - '-------------19161.._ .--- -- -- -- --------------- �- - --------------- -- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. - C ,. ity..-�J.: _a, i. r ti' .v z. .� .. ...:.... ."k r '; .,.,.. 1, ,. :: .i. ... ;.. .f .4, -u � F.. i7'. is='q 1�;• (7r Y r r t{� t a tt5 F rJt S Y YA^ • 5t ..4 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................._��.e1?.1i.z.i.(1 6. ....,3...�.... ............ 191A. — Q N To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No....... _394..._...........approved......... ..- .....................1914...., relative to _..t.k18.........:.o 0 grc�ding,.._of____Dealt on ._St_re e_t..__from.._ti�e et..__Sev9nth_._S tre_et..._t o.,._Beneon_._Ave_riu e . ............................. ................ ............ .............................. _................................... ......................... .......... .......... ....... ... __.............................................................................................................................................................I.................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........... .........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....._ { =_X [._...., and the total cost thereof is $......_465.,:3Q,.,..._......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......_..._..._......_....... __._.._..............._.................................... ................ .................................. ............................. ................... ............. .............. ....._......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached aid made a part hereof. ...................................................................................... ........... _. .............. 0 a. Said improvement is........... na_l ............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to asseAslnent for said improvement. ............................................................... Co nissi ner of Public Works. p j 3026 COUNCIL FILE NO.. ]3e, FINAL ORDER. ]u the Matter of"'ant, _..„� 3 wJdth Si_h foat �`. _ .._�1..t... block de:v�l�c ._..._. Qn_._t.ha_...aout; _side of _Lafond street between. is ✓erue a,4;t. _Aldine street. under Preliminary Order815 _1 /J� _-.approved OCt,ober 199th, 1911-4 / Intermediary Order ___ _.. 1 'L,/._ approved A public hearing haviug been hadupon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objeetions and recommendations relative thereto, mid having fully considered the saule; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise• nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is con 'rttructing-a_cement-block_.sidewalk. to-a.width ...of six feet -an _the _south. eiris.of__Lafond etre.et__bet.ween.Snell.irg_a.renue and Aldine__ street and the Council hereby orders said improvement fo be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Conunigsiouer of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plaus and specifications for said iniproveuieut, and suhuiit sauu• to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oficer:s are hereby authorized and directed to proceed, with the making of said improvement in, acceeordanee fllerewith. Adopted by the Council_.._...,% / / tit -lei- I. Approved._.1.. Mayor. Councilmen Farworth C. F, No. 3026— - Matter of constructing a cement block sidewalk to width f, stx feet on the south aide of Laf$ond�, stree} Aldint¢ btree,. u der111 rellmin¢ry pra der 2160, approved October 19th; 1919. Ke '1' rntermediary Otder 24 ss, a Nov. 30,'1614.. PProved- \]C II A Public hearing 17aving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the CounclI having hes d. daltions relativeeCthereton andcomamjng fully .considered. the name; therefore, b¢ 12 -Resolved, -By the Counetl of the City ]' of.St. Paul.tltat the precise nature, City tent and kind of Improvement to be a cement id blockasidewalksto a width of 1�]S nix -feet on the 'out aide of Latond street between 3nelling avenue' and Aldine street -and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made. Resolved Further, That the Commis- : loner of Public' Works be and ha is hereby instructed and directed to DrI- (pare plans and peciflcatlone for said Improvement, and aubmlt ame to the Counell for to 1: that upon gall pp royal, the prober Ity aHI eIs are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Geed v)ih [he malting oY said improve_ m Ad opted byrthe Counclle Uech10, ]919. APProved Dec. 11, 1914. (Dee 12-1914) i F I � � 1 i i I l + p j 3026 COUNCIL FILE NO.. ]3e, FINAL ORDER. ]u the Matter of"'ant, _..„� 3 wJdth Si_h foat �`. _ .._�1..t... block de:v�l�c ._..._. Qn_._t.ha_...aout; _side of _Lafond street between. is ✓erue a,4;t. _Aldine street. under Preliminary Order815 _1 /J� _-.approved OCt,ober 199th, 1911-4 / Intermediary Order ___ _.. 1 'L,/._ approved A public hearing haviug been hadupon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objeetions and recommendations relative thereto, mid having fully considered the saule; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise• nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is con 'rttructing-a_cement-block_.sidewalk. to-a.width ...of six feet -an _the _south. eiris.of__Lafond etre.et__bet.ween.Snell.irg_a.renue and Aldine__ street and the Council hereby orders said improvement fo be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Conunigsiouer of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plaus and specifications for said iniproveuieut, and suhuiit sauu• to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oficer:s are hereby authorized and directed to proceed, with the making of said improvement in, acceeordanee fllerewith. Adopted by the Council_.._...,% / / tit -lei- I. Approved._.1.. Mayor. Councilmen Farworth C. F, No. 3026— - Matter of constructing a cement block sidewalk to width f, stx feet on the south aide of Laf$ond�, stree} Aldint¢ btree,. u der111 rellmin¢ry pra der 2160, approved October 19th; 1919. Ke '1' rntermediary Otder 24 ss, a Nov. 30,'1614.. PProved- \]C II A Public hearing 17aving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the CounclI having hes d. daltions relativeeCthereton andcomamjng fully .considered. the name; therefore, b¢ 12 -Resolved, -By the Counetl of the City ]' of.St. Paul.tltat the precise nature, City tent and kind of Improvement to be a cement id blockasidewalksto a width of 1�]S nix -feet on the 'out aide of Latond street between 3nelling avenue' and Aldine street -and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made. Resolved Further, That the Commis- : loner of Public' Works be and ha is hereby instructed and directed to DrI- (pare plans and peciflcatlone for said Improvement, and aubmlt ame to the Counell for to 1: that upon gall pp royal, the prober Ity aHI eIs are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Geed v)ih [he malting oY said improve_ m Ad opted byrthe Counclle Uech10, ]919. APProved Dec. 11, 1914. (Dee 12-1914) i F f • CITY OF ST.PAUL I I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS?fjIONER OF FIN ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of--- - --------- --------------------------------- ----------- ---- --- ---- -------- --- ---------------------------------- - - - ZZ ----------------------- - under Preliminary Order approved --------------- - ------------- ..------------.....---........------------------------------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-------------------------- The estimated cost geh-,flaotdor the above improvement is (Tel: 1_-i n ea 1 foot' - $49� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,' and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:_; DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL, .v CITY OF ST. PAUL -fp DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISjIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAIRY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION/, / ,� � �lc / �zN �✓ �C/2✓ L l / d y G -Z a2 � ��"� � � ��� �,� .� FIs• J J` o f The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. v -- - 191. 1 Dated L�L.--:✓-..:.:L2 .....(/... . ------.._.- --�1 /---- - Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.G.A. E-0 C J ii J. We the undersigned tax payers Of the City Of Saint Paul r4quest your honorable body to favor the laying of stoneLaidevialk on the south side of La Fo nd Street betiween Snelling Avenue and -Aldine Street roping same vrill receive your favorable report te, - L&V 1 76 / CITY OF;.Sf PAUL ,. 0 COUNCIL RES TION—GF,N7='RAL. FORM '34/ ✓ r Subject.-. LIGHTING SPE'CIFI(;ATIO,.._,_FCR_LIG Na.S PARKS & &I' PUBLIC � CEpe COUNCIL ' FILE NO .... ... ...................... .. ..... - 7 Date Presented ...Dec. 11,-1914...._I91.......... 7 Resolved, That the attached specifications for lighting streets, parks and other public places be and are hereby approved, I and the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the furnishing of said lighting. C. P. No. 3028-13v O. 1•;. Koller— Resolved.That the attached aDeclfl- c dons for lighting treets, parks and other pa bllc places be and re hereby ppro Id and the Purchasing Agent be, and ho le hereby authorized and empp1vered to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the furnishing of said lighting. Adopted by the Council Dec. 11, 1919 Approved Dec. 12. 1919. (Dec. 19-1919) Yeas (V)Co lcilmen (F) Nays Adopted by the Council Fa, r'orth a In favor 1 Ke er `�'p ° M oil Against O� Y rg -Mr.-Presiden P -ower -s ron� e.ea COUNCIL FILL; NO. I3y<.-i INTERMEDIARY ORDER. on -k, In the Matter of..Curbing_and Boulevard ing both sides of,_Shielde avenue from Fairview avenue to Aldine. street where_not.already curbed and..Boulevarded, tinder Preliminary Order.__9_3'�__. ._..approved July.3Qtht 1814.._ ............. __... The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is CUTb- and __Do..u1e..,q_aTd both sides, of -..Shields avenue from Fairview avenue to__Ald. l.: stFe_e.t.. g-xe not alre.ady_curbed _and'Boulevarded, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :}..._9.89....51.....-- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ____.31e.t._._._ __..._ day of i January _ _.., 191.5_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of i the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notiett of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _- � �_ _, 191 Car, J, Approved C Councilman Faris Kell " Mc „ :a Mayor Ptl f Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. \o. 3053—By S. AFarnsworth— In the DIa"" of curbing and boule- yarding both ids of Shied avenue, - ----"- � - ` from Fairvie venne to Aldine tree[ where t already curbed,and boulevard d. on der Prelims ary, Or- der 933, approved July 1914. The Council of tb 'City. of St. Paul 1. That the said report be and the same Is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceededwlth. 2. That the nature of the improve-. ment which the Council recommends la! curb ant boulevard both aides of Shields avenue from Fairview avenue to Aldine street where not already.. ,curbed and boulevarded, with no alter- nnves, and that the estimated cost ,thereof Is $929.51. Resolved Further , That a public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 2lst day of January, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In` the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court a St. Paul. That'tbe Com House d City Hall Building In the City of St. of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and In the manner provided by- the Charter. stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the nature ofthe improvement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -Dec. 11, 1914. Approved Dec. 14, 1914. (Dec. 19-1914) COUNCIL FILE, NO. INTERMEDIARY'QRDER. In the Matter of . Curbing and Boulevarding b tb sides. ofShie13_s avenue._ from Fairview avenue to Aldine_ street where not ready_curbed_and.._Eoulevarded, under Preliminary Order ...933._.. .__.... ... approved July ._Q.th,: 1914..,...._.. .... ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Cu..xt- . and ._._B.oule_v._ard both .sides. of Shields aveni,:e from Fairview avenue to .Al_d.. i,z not already.. curbed a�id_Boulevarded, with no alternatives, a7d that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the y @$.. ...._....day of [January _.., 191.5._, tit the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No.'61'of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - "_ • ; Adopted by the Council i < i C City irk. Approved 191 fC. F No. 3053—By 5. A. F [h In the1I [ter f nrbing and b I - yarding both Id f Shi d ve, Prom Fairvleavenue to Aldine, (/^'/t IHyOr. street where t 1 'dy' b d d er 33-aud "d r ly i tY Or - Councilman Fart s The OCouncil f the uell30th St.1Pab1 " 1. That the said report be and the Keller same Is hereby approved and adopted; ¢ and the said Improvement Is hereby tiered to be proceeded with. 2. That the .tura f the Improve-, M--t l C ment which theCounefl recommends Is -curb and boulev.rd both sIdea of - Shields avenue from Fairview avenue "&tkr to Aldinestreet where of already ' curbed and be levarded, with no alter- j natives, and that the estimated cost YI thereof Is $929:61. ' O re Resolved Further , That a public hearing be had oold Improvement the 21st day of January, 1916, t Mayor Peer; the hour of 30 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court Form B. S. A. 8.6 all Thatt the CommisIn - HouCity of ofand St. City _ / ,loner of mance give notice of said meeting to the person, and In the f r provided by the Charter, slat- ing the time and place of hearing, the ..lure of the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Dec. 11, 1914. Approved Dec. 14. 1914. (Dec. 19-1914) 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE I/ Hon. J olin J. O'LeW,Y, Co::r. 1r. Etc , ol P�,l De;i,, -,ir:- ,t -c'lied C, . P. 30:137, 'in ordin-i-ico rel to hoes, shrY):i z-,il Q!-mts un -)n tLe ;,u.:lic:„rect., alloys iork”, n—'<kways ul�l pul)lic 0f %ity referred -g--;qt ',y Council t its 0-d;,,y yoar..-, truly, city K. c ( lite'- ,r'z� ��G:d. / _' L�Gr'1-Gti�� �'� - d �,✓ j�::ic..-,..r ��_,•-��ip-�L-zLGy.. 1 1• / ry �y c. 027 An ordinance relating to the trees, shrubsandplants upon the public streets, alleys, parks, parkways and public grounds of the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to appoint a city forester, and said city forester shall have, under the direotion of the said Commissioner, charge, direction and control of the trees now or hereafter growing, standing or located on or within the public highways of the City of St. Paul, in respect to their planting, care, removal, trimming and > treatment when diseased. Section 2. It shall be and is hereby declared to be unlaw- ful for any person, fir or corporation to willfully out, break, in- jure, remove or des tro y tree, shrub or plant located, standing o= growing, or which may hereafter be planted,or.placed upon any public street, alley, park, parkway or other public ground of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. It shall be and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to tie or leave untied any horse or other animal, in the City of St. Paul, in such manner as to permit s? said horse or animal to injure trees, shrubs or plants in or upon the streets, alleys, parks, parkways or other public grounds of the City of St. Paul. Seetion,4. It shall be and is hereby declared to be unlaw- ful for any person, firm or corporation to attach or tie to any tree or shrub now or hereafter growing, standing or located upon any public street, alley, park, parkway or public ground, or to any stake or, guard intended for the protectionof such -trees or shrubs, any wire, rope, sign, or any other thing whatsoever. Section 5. Every person, firm or corporation now or here `t after having any wires in, upon or over any public street, alley,.park, t parkway or public ground of the City, shall so string, place and main r� '3027 tain the same that they will not come in contact with, injure or destroy any tree or shrub now or hereafter standing, located or placed upon or within the public streets, alleys,,parks, parkways, or other public grounds of the City, and it shall be and is hereby de- clared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning, leasing or controlling any wire or wires in, over or upon any public street, alley, park, parkway or public ground, to fail to remove, within twenty-four hours after being notified by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and,Public Buildings, any wire or wires in contact with or injuring or damaging any tree or shrub within the lines of any public street, alley, park, parkway or public ground. Section 6. Every person, firm or corporation receiving from the City of St. Paul or from the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, or from any other commissioner or officer of the City, any permit to use or occupy any part of any public street, alley or public ground as an incident to the construction or repair of build- ings, or to the°making of sewer, water or gas connections, or to the making of any excavations in the streets, alleys or public places, or. for the making of any public improvements therein, shall so exercise the privilege granted by said permit as not to injure, damage, deface or destroy any tree, plant or shrub within the limits of such public street;, alley, park, parkway or ot$er public place,. and every such person, firm or corporation receiving a pe�mit to use or occupy the public streets, alleys or public grounds for any of the purposes afore- said, or for any other purpose, shall properly protect and care for all trees and shrubs to prevent injurylthereto by their operations. Any person, firm or corporation receiving a permit to use or occupy the streets, alleys or public places of the City for any purpose whatsoever, who shall willfully or negligently injure any tree or shrub, or fail to adequately protect the trees or shrubs located within the streets, alleys or public places from the consequences of -such persons' use of the streets, alleys or public grounds, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and shall be punished for such under the penalty hereinafter a provided for. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine -6f not more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than ninety days, and each day that the viola ion continues shall cousti-. #Mute a separate offense. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. d 1 Passed by the Council 191 Yeas Nays /q �s / Mr. Farnsworth Goss, Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg . Nays 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approved 191 Mayor. i 'y and ooadAi,,ed for'therfy ull =atid 'faithYul p`eriormeaae of the 'by the contractor. l -4- t b ., _5- CITY OF ST.PAUL. SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIGHTING STREETS, PAARKS RC ANDGHTSOTHER PUBLIB PLACES WITH ELECTRIC Dec.12, 1914. LOCATION OF LAMPS. The districts to be covered by electric arc lights shall in - elude such streets, parks and other public places as have heretofore been lighted by are lights and such other streets, parks or public places as may be designated by the Commissioner of Public Utilities provided hcwever, that the carbon aros may be replaced by other lights as called for below. It is also provided that the construction of additional length of pole line and wire shall not be required unless thdre shall be ordered into service at least one arc lamp dor each six hundred (600) feet of pole line so extended; provided the City has the right to - order not to exceed five (5) lamps per year requiring not more than one thousand (1000) feet of construction per light. The-lat than ps will be arranged 1n circuits and generally })ot line shall secu- tbenordered iinstalled during rJanuary, Februas ry¢equiring the ,Match, ion of Nov Nov- ember or December. The right is reserved by the City to remove any lamp from om location to another within the district above described, upon written order of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, such removal to be made by the contractor, the actual cost of such removal to be paid by the City of St.Paul. NUMBER OF LAMBS. The minimum number of flame arcs required during the life, of the contract will be five hundred (500). The present total number of aro lamps is approximately thir- teen hundred fifty (1350). 'rhe right is reserved by the Ci#y to order in at any time during the life of this contract, additional flame arc or such other high candle-power electric lights as may be agreed upon by the City and the contractor, arranged in circuits, at the brate of not to hed by exceed fifty (50) per year. The additional lamps the City or the contrgotor and may either replace carbon arcs or be placed where no arcs previously have been located. The right is also reserved by the Vtty to replace not to exceed four hundred twenty-five (425) carbon arcs by gas filled incandescent or other new electric lamps during the year 1915 and the remainder if desired in the year 1916, . locatedgwillsbetusedthat to supply circuits lightswhich r placingcarbon area are Any arc lamps must be installed within three months aft("r be- ing ordered in by the Commissioner of Pubic Utilities. TYPES OF LAMPS REQUIRED. The lamps on which bids will be received ded a to beAthe rc Lfol- lowing types, to -wit,: Flame Are Lamps, aTl -1- G ENERGY OF LAMPS. The consumption of electrical energy in watts at- the are, and the current in amperes, shall not be less than the following: WATSS MINIMUM AMPERES MINIMUM Flame Arc Lamps, D.C. Multiple 700 6.3 GL Flame Arc Lamps, A.C.cco 4Aat*p-1'a- 450 9.5.. Carbon Arc Lamps on Over- head System EQUIPMENT. 'Thestyle of globes and electrodes used must be of the best quality for the purpose and must be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities. POLES FOR OVERHEAD SYSTEM - poles for lines shall be from thirty-five to forty-five feet long and not less than seven inches in diameter at the top. They tomapproval oftthe hComm Commissioner ofCPublicc Utilities edarmans oorihis �subject authorized agent, be smoothly shaven and painted with two coats of paint, of a color approved by the Commissioner of Public Utilities as soon after erection as they shall be dry. They shall be placed not to exceed an average of one hundred and twenty-five (185) feet apart. The poles from which the lamps are suspended shall extend a- bove the ground to a height satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities,, and shall be at least seven inches in diameter at eht top* and conform to the Northwestern Cedarmen'a Specifications; they shall be smoothly shaven and painted with two coats of paint, of a color to be approved by the Comm(isioner o_t_Publio Utilities. 1iw ole �h __ :t _ ,oide i:, cur') iin_< ,,r:, ixc:ction ^ *. 1 n t; „1 i f ",icn .f .'� C, .r"if, ,icy. r ut. i.. tiiitia n,i r :Need : ith hc e .,f .: v, nc r. 7harn c:r ;.3, i rr:.i -ic ., urr _.1 u-", of a st _r , uo11 of aezign a; rcvad by the Cc. .. i :,ic; er c:f ru::iic '.'tiJ.itio- tem. These poles are so -oe-maznT, +A . •- - e t tions and wiring must be furnished by the conreazos. METHOD OF SUSPENSION. The lamps shall be suspended either from two poles on street diag- the streetatoleastrners�ten,feet,or from oas ne may beole iordered byth a mast the herm eCommissionero of Public Utilities. The suspending wires must be safely insulated from the light- ing circuit. All lamps must be provided witt an inen iividual out -Out that will disconnect the lamp The suspending wires may be attached to buildings on the street corners, provided written consent can be obtained from the owners of the buildings. -8- The position and height above the pavement of the wires and lamps shall be determined by the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and such wires and lamps shall be placed in such location and in such manner as to prevent them from being tampered with orhandled by any unauthorized person. It is desired to have the lamps at least twa"Ir-five (25) feet above the pavement on new pole lines. TIME OF LIGHTING. The lamps are to be operated continuously each and every night during the continuance of the contract. The lamps shall be lighted and extinguished in accordance with the Electrical World Street Lighting Table No. 1, Northern Sohe- dule, for all night operation, using standard time instead of local time. This table provides for lighting the lamps one-half hour after sundown and extinguishing one hour before sunrise using local time which, for St -Paul, is twelve minutes slower than standard time. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. The lamps furnished shall at all times produce a clear steady light and be kept in proper adjustment to operate effioienm$ly. The electric current for lamps shall be supplied at the pro- per voltage and amperage. The service at all times must be satisfac- tory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities, regardless of the mini- mum voltage and agoerage called for under "Energy of Lamps." All globes must at all times be kept clean and in goad order. All globes that may be broken must be replaced with sound ones each day before starting the lights. INSPECTION OF LAMPS. For the purpose of making tests and examining the lamps, wires, companyappcomplying withitheetermshof thew specifications,1githishunder- stood and agreed that any time the Commissioner of Public Utilities or his authorized agents shall have access to all of the said lamps, wires, poles, apparatus and appliances in the City, and aleo to the plants of the contractor, and shall have the right, to any and all times of attaching in any of the circuits, at such point or points as they or he shall direct, one or more ammeters or other measuring instruments and to maintain the same during their pleasure, and shalfhave he he further right to remove at any time, one or more lamps, pur- pose of examining said lamp or lamps. For the purpose of facilitating the inspection he maand examina- tion of all lamps, wires, poles and appliances, g of anY and all tests that may be required, the contractor shall submit to the Commissioner of Public Utilities, or his authorized agent, upon request so to do, any and all information and data with reference to the also - trio appliances and apparatus which the contractor has in use and opera- tion for the purpose of furnishing street are lighting; and to facili- tate any tests that the Commissioner of %. blio Utilities, or his authOr- ized agent, may desire to make by running leads to testing stations, installing testing panels, assisting in the placing of electrical measuring instruments and by submitting and delivering for test any lamp in use upon which it may be desired to make photometric measure- ments, if so ordered by the Commissioner of Public Utilities. ZZ 40 PENALTIES. In case the actual watts or current supplied to any lamp shall be less than given under "Energy of Lamps", a penalty of $$0.50 per lamp per night shall be deducted from the contract price. For each and every electric lamp which shall be found extin- guished at any time when required to be lit, the City shall deduct $0.50 unless said outage is caused by fire or the elements or other'cause be- yond the control of the contractor, in which case the deduotion.shall only be made for such amount as would have been paid if lamp had not been extinguished. Defective lamps reported °out° two nights in succession shall be replaced by perfect lamps by the contractor within twenty-four hours after being ordered to do so by the Commissioner of Public Utili- ties. Failing to do replace lamps ordered replaced, the contractor shall be penalized $1.00 for every night that he shall delay in carry- ing out the order. FULFILLMENT OF CONTRACT. The contractor must furnish all materials necessary to pro- perly install and maintain the number of lamps herein specified for overhead and underground lighting, excepting poles for lamps in under- ground district, which poles will be furnished and erected by the City. All excavations or inoitmbranoes made in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places of the City of St.Paul in carrying out the provisions of any contract let hereunder, shall be made in relatingathertto, and �k6 expenseh and subject to , ofresoter ring the ordinance roundrsurfaces distrubed in erecting and removing any poles or wiring (except poles for underground system), must be borne by the contractor. FAILURE TO FULFILL CONTRACT. if, in�the opinion of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, the contractor does not exercise due diligence in the arection of his plant, and does not proceed with all reasonable diligence in the per- formance of the various terms and conditions of the contract to be let mr the service called for hereunder, or if the material furnished and employed by him is not in accordance with the terms hereof, then upon five (5) days' notice in writing, of such dereliction, if the contract- or shall fail to promptly obey any order issued by said Commissioner of Public Utilities done the City Council may lthereaft r, t deolarethen with the work to ehereunder, contract forfeited, and proceed to re -let the same at the cost and expense of the said contractor, and the contractor shall be held liable for all damages acoxuig thereby to the City and the amount of such damages deducted from any money that may be due or become due the contractor under the terms and con- ditions of these specifications. BONDS. The contractor shall give bond with sureties approved by the Mayor required in and by the terms of the City Charter and the laws of Minnesota in the sum of the estimated maximum contract price, to save the City harmless from any and all claims for damages, costs or ex- penses for or on account of injuries to persons or property arising from imperfect construction or maintenance of its wires or apparatus and from any and all claims for damages by reason of an infringement of patent rights in the use of lamps, lights, wires, poles, machinery and apparatus conn eche contractbyand conditioned for the full and faithful performan e of -4- n PAYMENTS. The contractor shall receive monthly payments on certificates approved by the Commissioner of Public Utilities. CONTRACT PERIOD. The contract for electric lighting shall be for a period be- ginning January let, 1915 and continuing for one (1) or two (2) years. REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONTRACT. Any contract entered into under these specifications shall b subject to the terms and provisions of the City Charter and all laws and all ordinances now or hereafter in force. The specifications shall be incorporated into the contract awarded to the successful bidder. BIDS. Bids will be required on the above lamps as called for un- der these specifications without alteration. (A) On furnishing, maintenance and supplying with ourrent the above lamps. Bids must be accompanied by a bidder's bond in amount equal to twenty percent of the amount of the bid, or a certified check on some St.Paul bank in the sum of ten percent of the amount bid, pay- able to the order of the City of St.Paul, as surety for the making and execution of said contract On behalf of said bidder if his bid be acceptancedand approval ofeck will his bid,bandtexecution ofacontract. er the The right is reserved to the City to reject any and all bids EXHIBITION OF LAMPS. Bidders will also be required to exhibit a lamp, appliance and equipment in actual operation at some convenient point on their lines previous to the opening of the bids and before the contract is awarded, for the purpose of demonstrating the qualities and operation of the installllightsoofaed to be the' kind to besused,aformay testeasetoiefficie efficiit ency candle power at the place to be designated by the Commissioner of Public Utilities. FORM OF BID OR PROPOSAL FOR ELECTRIC ARC LIGHTING. (A) To furnish and maintain lamps and equipment, and supply current for the following type of lamps: (1) D.C. (a) Multiple Flame Aro Lamps For a period of one year beginning Jan. let, $_,lamp/Yr (b)- 1915 and ending Dec. 319t, 1915, inclusive a period of 2 years beginning Jan. let, S—/lamp/yr 1915 and ending Dec. 31st, 1916, inol.usive (9) A.C. (a) Series Flame Are Lamps beginning Jan For a period of -none year . let, �p_Jlamp/Yr 1915 and ending Dec. 31st, 1915, inclusive beginning Jan. (b) For a period of 2 years vlet, 1915 and ending Dec. 319t, 1916, inclusive $_j lamp/yr -5- A�* . . 7 ` ,4ft (3) Carbon Arcs: (a) For a period of one year beginning Jan. 1st, 1915 and ending Dec. 31st, 1915, inclusive __/lamp/yr (b) For a period of 2 years beginning Jan. let, laanp�yr 1915 and ending Dec. 31st, 1916, inclusive $_ / NOTE: No alteration of the specifications is permissible. WA MORO S"ICIFICATIOTT FOR 107TINO OF STAR&AYS, -pincre, TTC, 71TH 40 TATT VULT170 I7CV,`DrSC7!,T T7G`T7iT ',AT -7S. LOCATIO7 OF 1AITS. The dlqtrict ton covered will to 411 .ridgw -, atvirwm, and other public piano- now it by 10 c.p. Yczndaqonnt cirb,n 40 watt tUngstcn and 5 watt illn lanju, and mia ouch other - &- cay to ordered o lit jurInj the Ilea of the contryot by the Connia-lunar of Public utilitler. Q light=s will'be ord rod in no nr tC rnqyira own7trwOtion Of linen in ox0an, of An avar- o of lCT furt _�er !NT > :nJ no joloo "Ili be rnlyiral to 5e net in frosen ;round. The right in reporvea by the City to renove any !amp from one loo tion to another within the dintrict alavy doqoribel, Upon VrItLan order of the Commissioner of 7u-.,) is Utilition, nucb roviov-1 to be i --Ae by the contractor, the aotu"i cc t of -uch rerovul to be ;aid by the City of St.pau . HTTVR OF MMIC. Tho yra,ant nq*bir of IaMpe nro 12 Nhv:gation Lithtn. 13 lquande,cont ntnirw:y igiths. I Incand-ucent Lldht Ut CU -t=! HLUSO. 5 atract nlnp vah Navin, V - live wmtt tunvtau sign I.mpo. T"7' OF I Vm? Thd lype an which Lida %III reonivea arE Q Yqtt 7ultiple 5 at t ,.! aeries MORTIRD The lampa arc to he ororyt& continuously each and avery night juring the ccntinunnoe of the contradt. The larpm 7ball be lighted ind extinguished In awoorinnue with the Fiectricil World Strait LightinS Tnbla Mo. 1, rarthorn Tchcluao, for all night opsr-tion using HnnKrd fire InnteaA of looni tiro. The ptrc-t Tj7nq are to to extinjuishcd nt ridnight. O'PTMATIOF AND 7A1",TF',X'C7- Thi electric currant for the larpe Hall be nA,111ed at the proper voltn.ge and the oervioa nt all timer nuit be satisfactory to the Comminnicner of Public "tilltle-. All lav;s broken, burnt out or rare than 23 porowt bolus their normal oandele-joner runt be rorlucod nith ound ones conh daY VfOrk -tartina the lighta. nFIALTIES . 'or such and evary 40 wAtt Jsnp Or ltrOet 7ign net In operation t any tire when called for in there opeoifia tions a penalty of twice the amount th t woulA otherpise be ayad for the survice for cue night will be leduated fr:r. the Auc the contractor for each :.md av-ry Ught 1,ch failure occurs. The contractor shallive and with sureties approved by the ::ayor required in and by the terns of the City Charter and la,:s of :binn- esota in the suej of the estimated maximum contract price, to save the city harmless from any and all claims for damages, costs or expenses for or on account of injuries to persons or property arising from imperfect conatruc- tion or maintenance of its wires or apraratus and from any and all clai:s for darages by reason of an irfrin.ement of patent rights in the use of lamps, lights, rrires,.poias, machinery and appliances con;_ected there- with .and conditioned for the full and faithful performance of the con- tract by the contractor. PAY"ENTS.. The contractor shell receive monthly payments on crtificates ap_roved by the Commissioner of Public Utilities: RF'GULATIOilS GOVfiEPTI G CO't1TRACT Any contract entered into under these specifications shall be subject to the terrr.s and nrovisiong of the City Charter and all Ives and all ordinances now or hereafter in force. =he s-oecifications shall be incorporated into the contract a- warded to the successful bidder. EIDE' Bids will be received on furnishing, maintenance and sup_ly- ing with current the above lamps. ,ids must be accom-oanied by a 'cidder(s bond in an amoura equal to twenty percent of the amount of the bid, or awolbed cheLK ount sun, some St.Paul bank in the of ten percent of the � "1e to the order of the City of St.Paul, as surety for the making and execution of =aid contract on behUf of said amxxty 2ms kkE mxksng ffiAd 'eidder if his bid be accepted. The said check will be returned im- mediately ap?royal of his bid, and execution after the acceptance and of contract. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.' F ORid OF BID FFOR I'_11CA: DSCENT TUT GS EN LIGHTTHG OF STATF7AYS, B^IDGTS Ai?D S1071,S St.Paul, Minn. c the Purchasing Agent of the City of St.`_'aui, St.Paul, '.,Unn. Dear Sir: pursuant to the advertisement had under the resolution ap.roved _ the undersigned offers and proposes as follows: o furnish,maintain and suo�ly with current the following: a (A) 40 watt tun -sten la..ps (1) For ar_ereriod of one year beginning Jan. 1st, 1915 alp%y a. -naing Dec. 318t, 1915, inclusive _ For a period of 2 years beginnin- Jan. 1st, 1915 l i r and ending Dec. 31st, 1916, lnc"Isive —i P:Y 5 watt tungsten lamps for sign lighting used in grou-ps of about 50. (i) For a period of one y- r beginnir.; J n. 1st, 1 _5 j1"npjyr _nd ending Dec. 31st, 1915, inclusive beg•innin;, Jan. a- w (2 For a period of 2 years lst, 1 1� 1� ;,-r and ending Dec. 31st, 1915, ino-us�ve —/ p LOCA 1011 - Soch I r,.!tn :,. gxv no, in o rvici Pha- a �n continued in their recent locAions, anj am, fonto ohloh vay on added durin; the yoor Awl be 1ooatad on oxInting undorground line (;f !he ountrantor. nbs-11 be ordered Juring W rOnths Of Rcvevoer, DOOT bors J�Lrlu r,.]:-.ry and Th:: right is rcinrvcl by tho City to repave any Pont frOL one toe= tion to anot within the liDItm Loove dcocribcO, swab roroval to Kai uo made by the oontrt-,otor, the '"ch rOy'tov,l to :a aid by the City of St-Plul- 17-T The mininup nu:&Gr of lontm in We lha�" 1W 300. Lr&S p,,h IU, t hz1J no equirand nith AM (4) wixty a:tt tungotan Inoanjescent Crj!) (1) obb hunlhd W f1ft; r,At tun on in aandamoont lamr.' The 150 r tt larT nhall te conneated on a �ajaxalc cirolt fro n the GO vi,-,tt lur-7. 9, 'Ith ar to nitchei cn each circuit. S, , ,, , hiah torn uUt muni be rine %od by t:1O O(A_Ar-:-ct,r nithIn one day, unci in core VIM one 10-t move thun one CC watt jam;, ur ons 150 vAt lamP hurnn Lut they -hill W renerad LnedIANY. The 10W Hall be I of Gait iron of nuch deALn a, to 00it Of ear,y wiring ;,,nd ' rovilinj .pycm for 00 W -t 11 tion of noitchev W _ outcutn In the a"C thOrcOf- 4 rach Irnt rhall rovIdos Vith cur '­Lch -rrrY1ng o= IQ,, rnd on he to, yxpQQcn Aosl Lo vane for no 111ht. Globe holdern sholl A ;rovidad of Init,,ic alocn-Unn nnJ ,kith ;To,or Pro- visione for draining any ::.tor ~:hick � ay oollcct therein. nolto uri to no ourninhed and in 001od by the City, tut the firing n.nd connection, "hall A furnished by ,no o,.,ntra„tor, aad at'Lul rcrain the 1ro>0xtY 01 thn contractor. CLOUS Thr 71abas ribull bs cf the quLlity known au light alaianter, extra heavy, atylo ani ihorc to ;a do-iSnacct by the CDmvinsionar of Public UtIlItI03. Tho le an rawlrOd -h All :o furnished by the can- trfadtor. The style of Incandescent alp* to oo uned Anal be daniSnatud by the Corrissioner of lublic ADM= DINTINO -EPTOD. The nmyn are to over tod cantinuzuily each -a nvary kht aurin;; the continuance of 0o contract. ,,,s nh»i 0 liptoi ond zatin,pis'god In WOOrWmae kith the SontriaQ vorli StMat Ll},tin , Tablo 70. 1. 7un rthirTO" dule, for ill night alcration, Poing ntandard tIF0 WYKA " 10cul time. This ta-10 rvOvldO- for IQhtIna the X-10 one-balf hLur 0tar lu_.-Iown soil nxtinrkilshing one licur na:orc Punrisa, uqin3 loom! tire ,hich, for in t,alva mjnutamiawar than stoidard tie:. J The G�" V.' tt , ar,,; n i7ho,Il ..jo c,.;t ln„uiohod �,t vAdni,'-,-ht, the 15C tt to ,jirn until the ti! c -.ivdn In -10 n"'ovc li�htinL'- rJohedule for Vtin m 1.;bin­. Th ti; W.,j 11riltint, wid G/the t1W Ou 0 of the -altiona:,00 by armtraot ,:I, d 0't 1, h- j_-, - or ,110 'n ip!�-u not in of 111 olootrollor'­ vojt:.,O (;yj oircj� jto not OAQ,rO-ii V3 17, T,11,1LATION AMD "AI:177,AITC7. t,,Ic oornrE,'.�tor Alzal The be Oct inccfncr!:tol ;r the io jo,',sd rol�.3_ _0 1;c al 0 tin.c., to � aho h 1 QoT�,noction ere0t.>d Win. Z:ofora the corwr,-,ting lo done. --onco c.. the contrLt--Ac�r, brokon, unlc­� by no1L , ',)o ?:o -laced by the city. vo.,.,.? ahz:ll be -L,-Intcd by tl,,a ocnl,.r- -otor 'Iroctc Ly the co-mrlt'3nionsr of rubilo T'Itiiitier" not to cxcced one coat (:f I. aint iach P -h-11 00 !:Iaac "heutVFlr It onx tha'v the Tom, �ji r�.,.tod .'.;-,d mioro th n u erccnt. rent a. on account c i' do, rool=_tion in o-Lndv.--. 0�n"oa Or ror*uls, or fru-: tmrrIiit"cr jjv other 'aI -I to 1-o -A the ex} r cf tl,,e oontr.actor. , .1.0*�)eo :)c (.ntT-.Ctor rit leant �;"103 a _�qcol" o' 0"? . that aj bocc,rm,, uc �,"a v. Itb ne' A 'I I "l �) ;htn. 1,1°prCTI4II For ,;he _ur,,one cf tert-, -,nci o- ; .jnlnln� the Irc' ole a; : "'-r '7,t 1-W nn' 'Ino 0 lith the vio�'j o aF,.car�iiinln;' wtbar -Irf,-B _f tho it 1z the aol-;'� 'aly GGT'11-�Jyjns Ith the t, under '-�f6'pulb'Ac Util- t It :�my tir�c the CCL Cncr the id 1�,Jas or -_­tAC_riZ0d Z:, :01t hall ""LVCaccon to all I a, _nl �-' in the City, and :,loo V�' the j Th�L!l hve the right, t *TLY and 'u_l ti on, lant,j of the ocjntr�Lot-Or' )31- -11 - t they Cr cf attaching In any cf the ;u.oh � oint or r olnt!u w. c -.no cr rore En! Ctr-4r-")(Or cu initru ents,rid i 1 '01 ; he n:�.jo Turin Lboix or hir, '. uriure, and to Paint— to . re,.�.ov: ,any ;.nc or ioro larlj-o for the ur- t he furthcr right at _ia .1i a ; wnp or 'or the 1).r;x!,e of ij.4ojjjtatjn;,- the jrf3,eotIo!i and ex. -urination of and the na..Ang of any wnu Iron, pole;, nm' I fk, ano c, , o the all � Ut t xaq�jjrso,, the contractor 3h _mUr _-�nor of njf�D. ,0 Ttilitior,-, or hin a1t!)Gr!z0d -Sinat Upon r--':(Jue­t C 'c; rr to the -r, tc, J,, , any 111cl 1 In. tion tr&o -yi=t :)yr1.1L&nooi �'j'n joh the Contractor ',a- In une acid A, 3tro�­ ightinS; =11 te f;Xill- C.T�12,r-�tion for the --UM010 Cf urnishin.--r , I -ub,ic or juthorizud t.,e jny tot­_�. tll.,-,t the :nts rznY 0,-Irc 'y runnin- trio �,cnriuring in- fr t e,lt jjj�_' nnF., in the I vo In!cc in it Ih I �c; or t -,:,,t any in Lioe by slib"'ittin:_ an "� -kclivorin:-' to,.,tric, if nG u.:on -:1,1oh it t, Phc� t, of Utlliti"- r. "!A LTI Y - ti conowiod by any �;ort obull all 1),�10-o-i there �ironnt *a A - , 'Wp 4000111, bele, the normal, a janalty pt jilty nwqt (30;) Qn.1 c a6wc, 3d by the City fron the ar owat which the ocnor stcr would ontitlad to, b-1 the ;rarer nytt-se or oandle-ya or boon raktkinV cr caun A!Zht un nhich nisch AeficianyY -hod! Ocluz- A v.rllion of 5 rorcant Lf the -V, 3 will be 01CWle. I For ,Oh 0 t which shnij no emnV.ishad or uot iijhtud Yhen required to oel 11obted 0 rar gyoo1fic tionz, the City shall lcnot KIM' the unoun! th t the contractor vould have beon Witle! to hnd upoh jo=t can 11QW1 the whcon Ijht. No jenaltW nil! a "a uVed In ca -0 the CiLy vwWrt.heo the int nianco unIc he jp7ravor jalln tc lurnlsb currant W the ;!an - BOW The ocntrookor 0:11 J�:c and "Ith nvT0K0q lVrOvla 0: the '4yoprajulrad In ana by the torme of the City Ch Her %nd the las Of linnenot in the aun Of tho a timiled Kaxlzuy ocntrnat 1000,1t, -00- the City harmle-n fro, any anti all Olaim' Wr "WO 'co -t -a pr 04- anqrso for or cn aosount of injuriao to . :.,rmna ur serrcp jp:orfect acnKriwtion or ; aintanance of W 1 ire; , or f rn tua n1 frcrr, nny and all cialro for Ly rv,�,on oZ :-,n irdrin..-o er-t of ;-tvnt rights In the une of lamis, Ighto, wlrc3, jolan, nmchunry ,•n3 -annoctod ther! Ith and c nditioned Wr the full anLI folthful nerforrance of the contract by the cmtraaW. DAYOEUTT The ountr"OtOT shall receive month j;' lay onto un cort ilic,to-j rovad by tte Cunrji,lonnr of Public Utilities. In a,o the City maintsIn the aloatroll -W, tno right it r" .,rV9j tc re:laco the Irm ant Go wAtt Knd 151 rvtt wng-Lon insis Y''Ith -rare n_jojcnt of the or LiSher condle:o7or if thp a dovalwyod luring the ;,rind of the contryt. In a --e of thiq oh-nqc bainU .Ze the rinht V rasorvnd to rake sero -r to Toduction in the rcunt TMA the acntructur fcr currunt b,qnd an the rei-tive n,tt gc of the old and n'ev, typc.' .-f _"un"o. C317RACT -7RIOD. Me contract Wr IncindagGent oloctric 11;hting 7holl 0- ior a I ariod of one; or twC Ye ra e- may Q dotervintod whcn contraota are -iRrdad, be. JanoWy a, 1915. Any acnmot entered into under lbs -c 01901110 tiOnO W�l inbpot to tha terms and revisions of the City Ch0t6r vnd nLl ia- nnl GO erdnahues new cr herenft7r in forac. The arecific tiona -hill be Incorporatad Into the centrant Quarded tc the oucce- ful bidder. 01 , will ba required: (A) an :ar:­:nt naintaining the (B) On -ukinz the naceqs ry connection n anj .:urn oh1nj.crnricnt; only, the City tc turn the iijts on and o accordinj to tho ach-Wo, rcirl.1s for thcIr -roj or maintenance. (C) 0- Iroperly saintaining,and turning an and of the iijht-, the City jvcvilinj cnly the :a-wna tha current. It is understood that the lamps and globes at present on the electroliers are to remain on them in the event of the maintenance bei$ separated from the supplying ofa current nd thatl be at the end of the oliers. maintenance period the lamp an g ? ren`. rvcd ty tilo City ti. ?... �. ;lc;^;;r' o iCi 1n ai rsro'zlt equ i :7 c, .c t._.:.�nicQ 'v µ c�ri: if 011c r ,,n Canty } r Dent ofiJthn ,rcuLtl`'r hxc nt�cdd �r;}1 b tr �, k in he ;ur. : ty S:Gr th GY71Q llT in .l v^ nt-Y Mork C,f n.t .L?la if :1153 tc r cr: 1 tr nd as.cat_n. G,: ccs 1 c.o e tc3. 2h" n(1- :scoutYG of id- 7-I'.I-ITIOV OF i y1 ay.:r cr- i t ^1 onn`r. ctur � r .r lr i l h to l ._toa icy^ ier of �'I17 . - *il;: rom, �� 0T. TD --�- OS ".L e'M th^ r.urc?1.r..a Yn; A ;edit ci' tr1L' City of tit..u., r'a :r air:- - Tlt to t:iC�t,Y iiC't. r t'ft:3 z ..:.cation L:, r.. ". rG- t:S� n ;",roved ___.._._.--------------- _.1 c11c:a�. (A) '.'orcvi .' our n n i intain the x ,:o „ ali6�a : (l) ,:or `� ,.hr�aa Gf C,nc }'�.,� 1Si� re 31:st 11%15, no-uoivc !1 yr Fur s.. cxlod of yy,....rs uc-InrlinE Jus. 1 t, 1C1 —/yr 5c= (`� r :mins D00. ina u iv.J t'lac, To make the neoao ri ccnnootion, Cni .i.raia?ail: C _rt un_3 , (u) to turn the light' Gn ;n"t o LL a:cor:lIn City Ijoirx 1 CLinton.,:c0; t'r k g'1; .in:_ J: n, 1 , 1`J1 c.n-i '. . 1015, '"aol-iloivu ,or c r siod. :f r. �in:lin; J ':1• - 1 1: ,n'1 Doo. _-'i-t, (C) i'c ; ro orly r:;.lnt;.in n.l turn an µz ;'xf the? .i lLt , th0 Cit} t' n:? ourrcnt -only, 101 v ilde the ,"-,on _. r - s i 1 1:1_' J ... 1..t,^�' :r;; /--r Slat, 1.1 ,, ira0lu siV:' ( } vc:. z , ;1}Lnin ; J- . 1 1^i , /}`r Y'c ): - ^.x1O 1..`1n 1��� In- au {i Vi, "'� .,a.lin , SOC . O 1v IL k. _j. COUNCIL FILE NO. 30jpq 13Y...... .. .. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. Pell;,ont street froaz. � SnAth aveni)e to Ottawa street. under Preliminary Order.- July 7th, 1914. Intermediary Order ....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due, notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saine; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paid that the precise nature, extent and kind of iiii- provenient to be made by the said City is...gr.E-AinS...EEJA0NT STREET rrom..SMITH. AWRIK. ta.� .............. . OTTAWASTREET. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be node. RESOLVE 3 FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works brand he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, ;in(] Submit same to the Council for approval; that.upon said approve], the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ ...... I erk. Approved..... /y, Mayor. Councilmen Fa wort FINAL ORDERS - c. F. No. 3029— ding Belmont -- In a the t' "all"from ton,',h r. a vs...- to ottaw's 'rd r 7 street under Preliminary � g.,_ approved July 6 7ih, I , Interni Nov. I0, K r or Order 2600, approved 1914. A Be ear vin been had above u a us upot t a -I notice. an, the _o c, "I"! eard, on ­,!n�,j a ja tions nrace an- -dati.n. r. I . I erst ,sand In fol con:a a a a so a erefo a. be lit .� o , ! Resolved, a a ricit of the city 9 of St Paul , that t, olprecise nature, a' tent an In 0 Improvement to be I wing a, - "'a" wort made-by the old ItYths grading. _ JK,�. g Mayor P ers nont treat from 7 avenue to ot- tawa street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. , Resolved Further, That 2-sd- Commis - loner - of Public d and directed to pre- pare instructed p are plans. and specifications for a the Improvement, ad ­�mllt --in- to for r approval; at upon said a p proval. the proper clI7 officers are ,hereby allthorized and directed to pro - if ceed with the making 0 said improve- ment in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Dec. 11. 1914. Aper,v,d Dec.Do,. 12, 914 , _c. 19-191;1.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL'IINARY ORDER a under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 146.28 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 250 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of 64 each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION cwS 0 k", �7 .. _ ... TOTAL. FORM B.S.A. S -SA The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. wed--- ------ ----- - - -------- ---- -4L �Commissioner of Finance. FOpM B.S.A. S -S C ; _ � 1 , G� EER'Sb rz JUL .5191 I COUNCIL FILE NO....._ 13Y- --- .......... ..... FINAL ORDER. In the Al I atter of grRdl.ing.. Avon ..e.treet—fr.0%, pnivp _h ,_r,sj�ty .. A7en—e a ................ ........... ......... .. under Preliminary Order.,,-.?...... .................-....approved . .. Jlu'ly Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City AVENW.-to .. ......... ... ..... I-- . ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he. is hereby instrticted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............. Approved .... ...... 19.1w Mayor. Councilmen Fa#ixivorth - "wilhe o .tyuliAvon Unf—A.deva..a 't- min.e baba -tr.woiPreilminaiii-orler612approvedJ24loth,'1914�4nter�rnedlary Order6 . ' jet: 10 1014 A.publte hearing having,been had. Jli A Coll 'upon: the above Improve7ment npoh.due' :notice; iand ,,thi,,C.tin.ii-,!having 'heard dationsmn,relative' dfra.ornmen -� :1FP theretofully, coapl4ere4-#be same;', therefore„ and havin4 batt_ of Re solve , d ;ZY66 i i no 11 �st;Faw that: 1w. I ,the jt Y rg ture:.ex!* I t ' - made -'-t eCdIty,�,1g:g a ro ra 1, on, t Min Mayor P era and, a 1 r P ers in er.h, J1 FINAL ORDER. In the Al I atter of grRdl.ing.. Avon ..e.treet—fr.0%, pnivp _h ,_r,sj�ty .. A7en—e a ................ ........... ......... .. under Preliminary Order.,,-.?...... .................-....approved . .. Jlu'ly Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City AVENW.-to .. ......... ... ..... I-- . ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he. is hereby instrticted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............. Approved .... ...... 19.1w Mayor. Councilmen Fa#ixivorth - "wilhe o .tyuliAvon Unf—A.deva..a 't- min.e baba -tr.woiPreilminaiii-orler612approvedJ24loth,'1914�4nter�rnedlary Order6 . ' jet: 10 1014 A.publte hearing having,been had. Jli A Coll 'upon: the above Improve7ment npoh.due' :notice; iand ,,thi,,C.tin.ii-,!having 'heard dationsmn,relative' dfra.ornmen -� :1FP theretofully, coapl4ere4-#be same;', therefore„ and havin4 batt_ of Re solve , d ;ZY66 i i no 11 �st;Faw that: 1w. I ,the jt Y rg ture:.ex!* I t ' - made -'-t eCdIty,�,1g:g a ro ra 1, on, t Min Mayor P era and, a 1 r P ers in er.h, CITY 0;,ST., PAUL, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OOMMI SIONER OF FINANCE 0 ON PRELIV JARY ORDER 7 OJ -6 6 3 In the Matter of '� z' ............... ........................................... ... .......... 1- ................................ ------------- ------- ------------ under Preliminary Order approved — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 228. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 0 41 or 0 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCES „ p• f REPORT OF COMMIWIONER OF. FINANCE ON PRELIM - WARY ORDER - (C) DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK; ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO JU �GJu/G /�/�u� //aNl�id-� Lu 6 1,4 ja y' d '' y' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of PublicWorks./ Dated rOHM e. S.A. 9d O _ Commissionez of . Finance. • Cel n S i y 6t.PauliA4inn®spat � 191 J i 717 7 To the honorable C®rcr+on COune it sand Bo"rd of Pub'" fork® 4 i t13�3 of st.paul'uinnewota j Ontlement Wv, tole undereJ(gned osnere of proporty d o h eraby e&pcctf�u^l2.y petit on your/'bone le borilea f in �' o errs n(OOM repic:anee 14 t .'!., iA _�. /,7 �C.L%'C ,-+" ���lf„ �. L�. M1+•t� FL: ( � 4 �� ..� � �£ �.ro6 _.__ �5fs��pINf i ,.• ; c.����.,r~ G1% •— i f,�r,&.re....tet y.:��r.,,....�:-'•; �,,• V�Ci ' •{r�•`-e..r.A G ..-...�. Of 64, 21L-�fz.[F' <`� / /cam I�i`•C .-7*'t.�L"i'� -. - j �'" L`. i"%",..a. _ 23 E `S— ,Z4 '"' '�7.-Ch...-."" ��) 'j J% .:•_-._.;.,.._„b..w (�C,J�•:. 26 j 30 I � — on . 31'--`a-�— -- -- ----- � � y 1 j # T1. N. GOSS -n OSCAR CLAUSSEN COMM........... VORILe CII— ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St.—Paul, Minn. July 22, 1914. Mgr. Iii. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir,g I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Avon St. from University Ave. to Minnehaha St., in accordance with Council File #612, approved July 10, 1914. Approximate estimate $2,216.00 Cost per front foot .56 I beg to advise you that this estimate is based on the proposed change of grade, which change of grade is called for by Council File #598, a report on which also accompanies this estimate. The change of grade profile is identified as profile #15. I would recommend that the final order for the grading of said Avon St. be passed only when the proposed change of grade is out of the way and has been settled. I believe the change of grade is necessary in order to do this work. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. I 17 Office of the Commissitner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Azu.s,..t._..10,_.....__.....19i_4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under coasideratioa the prelbill lilt ry order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No....._.. _ 612......__approved__. __ JUly._.1Q 2._ .......... ...........191.4...., relative to .'_the__..... grading of Avon St. from ..Univerelty Ave to Iiinnehaha St. ......._ . _...... _ slid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is inecesgary and (or) desirable. 56¢ per front foot 2 315 00 'L. The estimated cost thereof is 4._............_....._..._....., suit the total cost thereof is.-__ . t. sod the nature sad extent of said improvement is as follows: _.._._.. .._.._.... .._._.... .__._._. _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and node a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is.____. _... __........ ..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvemeut. j 'onaussioner of Pu lic Works. '.ir. Carroll Council file No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDFR. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of Z ",e imrovement by the UT•�of St. Paul, viz.: _a. Q e 0 . tinge.. of..._r.ade._.nn....Av.an_ Lafond St• ........... _ ....... _ _ ....... .._.._..__._..................._...........___ J.u1 Dated thisfith ___ day of _ uY l,onncilman. n — — PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FIIPRb;:Ati, A written proposal for tile making of the following'111 vemeni, vlr..: _a_change__. .. o. _..gr.�d.e....pn AV.c rt._` f r.orr C. r No.Sha— _. ,rrltten w'o nasal t tht' �, 1 rof A t.._._ _.. n„king of the following ion k L Chang.. or g t m1 A,on SL. 'uol.erHltr .we to t.aenna at. the C e'lo'aUl therefor be I[1l Cit - •% 'hc Commissl r.. � . havio beell p esented to the Council of the l ' City of St. Paul by Couucilnlaur.....__._. ...._.._.._. g 1 therefore, be it f Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: RPSOLVED, That the Commissioner o 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. 'fo investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. '1'o furnish a pltnl, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_._ ._........... 5. 9'o state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report uponallof the fa•egning matters to the Commissioner of Livance. Adopted by the Council._.. s. _..:_..._...._...._.1:11__._.. Nays: Yeas: Collucilmnn M •nsworth .. �..� . Oo s Approved Ke m• / c o e a ry OVA Yo •g ..._.._........._.. .. _..... _.... _..... _. 1 ayor. Mayor Poi rst7 �. eUBLWtL:0 , 1 t. X. r C'OLXCIL FILE NO. Ji\ FINAlk ORDER. "-.�. lu the \lath,r of - �_..1 . g .. ` ... _ Pasc i ye e. 1813 1514. v `: 1111.71 Preliminary Order _.approved ��r.,• ...�'"f .._.. CS` Inha•nlediary Order _ --.-.approved A public hearin,' hilvill,9, heell had 7111.111 the above in] I novel tell t 11poll due notice, and tilt' Colllicil having heard all persons, objection's and reeouill endaliu11x r.-lafivr ih.avlo, and having fully considered the x]uue; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the C'ouseil of the City of St. Po lit that the precise 11atlnr, extent and kind of im- I to be by the said City is-constructing e. cement_ block Sidewalk to _a width_ of proveunvrlt nlilde six feet onbothsides of 1vLEHART AJrjj'UE ;rQm S1MU1i:G AVs.. to ?ASCAL XE. - rubl the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Ysblie Works be mnt hr i, hereby instructed 011.1 directed to prepare plans and specifications for said iugn•ovelneut, inld submit saute to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oftieers are horehy authoriz"I msl direete.l to proceed .n with the slaking of said improvement in aceorda11ee there\vith. Adopted by the Council_.../ ity Approved / 2 19_ l• t C. F. No. 3031— Inthe Matter of contstructing a nt (oulle linvii Forn \ orth block sldewalk too a ldth of calx feet - n both sides f Iglehart venue from Snelling avenue to Pascal - N under Preliminary Order 1812• a Go , Sue pproved September 30th, 1914, In- termediary Order 2502. approved Nov. - 10, 1914. Krl1. A public hearing having been, had upon the abo—lmprovement upon, due; notice d the'" out 611, a Ing hear `Itl� d ecomen� I all persons, bjectlona,and Ym dations relative thereto, ',and , having I fully considered the same; therefore, 07. .y bo It Resolved, By the Council of the City ! of St. Paul that the precise nature, ea- ten[ an¢ kind o[ Improvement to be, ��O('7' made by the said CI[)' Is constructing l cnt block sidewali< to a width of Axfeeton both sides of Iglehart a - Snelling Ave. tp Pascal Ave., fromen 1\18�QL _. and the Council hereby orders yard im- 4rResolved tForthor,dThat the Commis- sioner of Public Works be and he i hereby Instructed and directed to pre- cations for said pare plans and spectill Improvement, and submit same to the Councilfor approval; that upon said approval the proper city offleg�e are - cdirected ai6 pro- hereby authorized and eed with the making of said Improve- . ent In accordance therea-ilh. m.\cont, lby th« Coonril I),•,. 11. 1114. 1!114. a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMNCI i"SI ONER OF FINANCE a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ✓ ✓ P. \ L , In the Matter of — ll t�1.Gi�'.--�{ ._L(._..L:.?Gf------ �G1..�Gll---r�...._/...�.............. -- c1..�r1 2u...� . - - r-£ t �'• GI a%f�t.rr t - �� - «�C.- g �I `� `-`-L------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order approved -------- :Lv%i-L._._.Y._.lC...._.—'--_1.-CL-/-,--...-__.------.-_......._.._...------------------------------------.-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ — The estimated cost pe*-4ect for the above improvement is t. -,Jr 1•' -'_':.� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ff2l�al iJ' J 7 s• roam B.l.A. B! A TOl AL, UA CITY OF ST. PAUL ? DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMi04ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /a% 7s` 7 �/ ala � \ l /!J v J 1T lli c, fLi �,d ✓ �a cilf'3� ti i dd' �}r♦ .aa�asA a.�e TOTAL, /1�� CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMInWARY ORDER (C) D ESCR IPrION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a G .7 1-7 IZ-f ,. S y IZ/ s ` r e The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - - -- /_ ----191_ _ _... _ -� GC <'_.. 4LC Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.9.A. B 9 c Y E. WEDELSTAEDT CO STATIONEFS Sr. Pa'J� Mixx 1 f t• I �E I ; A: r Y E. WEDELSTAEDT CO STATIONEFS Sr. Pa'J� Mixx 1 f t• I at.Paul,Minn....................1914 2�o the Common Council, I City of St.Paul,D.4inn. <jGentlemen;- s. We,the undereigned,owners of property abutting on both 61sides of Iglehart avenue, between Snelling and Pascal avenues,do ,hereby respectfully petition your honorable body td—daffse a side - .;walk of cement blocks to a width of six feet to be laid on said 9avenue between the points mentioned. i NAMES Lot Blk Addition III 12 13.. fir' 1 `�. "Y/ `^'vVv LTi 3 '_• ✓ _ •�_ _ e. J1 ! t a3 24 S. i h Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance z. _._...191.. To the Commissioner of Fiala"" of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- _`'. �"a. 19L_-.., relative to._....._.___.._._... cil, known as Council File No.._....= 1 ..._......_approved. ."'.- - :i_ ... .. ,� .� �h i, .. f at c. 1. r- .. _. - _......_......_.._...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is, necessary and (or) desirable. •� The estimated cost thereof is �_._. _.�r.�.__, and the total cost thereof is __, __....., and the nature nud extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a.p'art hereof4.. .... :�. Said improvement is. ........ __.._......asked for upon petition of three or mot owners of,lii<b).terty, subject to assessment for said improvement. $Ff' -11 Coovuissiojer of Public Works. a � i t i 1 ii I t "I k CoU\C'11, 177.E VO. s' r 1, ' FINAL ORDER. I11 the ALtttl•,• or is 1_ soder Preliminary Order approved e1r. -fir eT tic., -a 1S14 'i _.... lilt,•rmediary Order ®_.approved A public hcarili; having lhecu had upon the above impruveulrnt upon due untie", and the Conucil having heard all persons, ohjlrtimis vld lweosnoendalioils relative thereto, and having filly eousidered the s:nn,; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Pity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provcment to be made by the said City is..constructing, ..a sewer on TOPPING STREET.frpd_. _._.. F$RRIYGTON AIMNUE to GAULT7ER STREET. nod tilt, Council hereby orders said inlprovelueut to be wade. RESOLVED FURTHER, 'Pint the Couuuissiow•1• of I'liblie Works he asd he is hereby iustrueted and dirrrhvl to prepare plans and specifications for said ill) pt•ov,•us•ut, and submit spun, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity officers ane herrhy nuthorized ;old directed to proceed with the slaking of said iwproveulont in acenrd:nlee th,•rl•nith. Adopted by the Council.__ _: _ __7!). I'X Approved.. i '� - C,oillivilllle) F; I. S\\ortil In the ➢latter of cous,rueting a sewer, n Topping treet from Farrington y - o ue to Gaultier treet. under Preliminary Order 1785, approved Sept. 26, 1914• Intermediary Order 2591, approved Nov. 10, 1914. / ll • �I 1 A public hearing having been hatl t j npoii the bore improvement upon due notice, and the Cpuncll Having heard �(,'. `oil a persons, ...cttona and r ommen- I' ti dations relative thereto, and having �''ts fully considered the same; therefore, be It Resolved, 13Y the Council of the City �'' of St, Poul that the precise nature, ex- �'!)fk tent and kind f improvement to be Sg made by the rid Cit> is tonstru ding I �� E a sewer on Topping street Prom Far - k gton avenue to Gaultier street an Alayor P SV4Gl's I the Council hereby order: said im- em r provent to be made. Resolved Further. That the Commis - loner f Public Work hs be d he Is here instructed and directed to pre- pare plans and speclficatlons for set improvement. and submits me to the Council 1I., eIIPProper c`t,Vc to Ricerson —id 1, —, authorizer) ad directed [o pro- ,d with the alcing of s: Id improve- nt In 4-- dance therewith. m,,,,, t,,, the f`ouncil Ler. il. 191 a. .t ppn,tea nee. 12. v14. (l)ec. 19-1914) �I 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE L 1, REPORT OF COMMISM'ONER OF FIN ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ". L r.L - - - In the Matter' of /PJ - ----------- - ----------------- ---- --- --------------------- ---------- --------- ---' l ------ ----------------------------------- 7+� -------------------- - - under Preliminary Order approved-------i,t---=-/6---------- To the the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ -='-J 9 5 - -- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ --- - ------ ---------- ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .// y� l / 0/u FORM..S.A. 6 ! A TOTAL, � CITY OF ST. PAUL - M. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS$J)NER OF FINANCE 410 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER tC) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION X, Jc� 4 d /U d"( a A aL L' u !o G lv C�1 �5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /^ i Dated — . __.._...191. .. -�"•- .:. ��" Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.I.. B s c �1GiNEER MM rn ®�!I soN z , A YP,7lgn�ij�grAX'AB1lE�CtF "S 03"8Ya$`�A�"'SaWOT In t¢zF fKt sr^%a$ cop6 c[itl&,�.ae3v r� e031 i �ns�e}Eottawtng u�i�rap gueeteE tdz Entnr&ef}}H>it of t6ekst♦ Ci$ir afteel COUNCIL FILE. NO.atYyyr�.t Fred�rlPkafreet to g& ; ,o�Peaace ettaecefsRtt,,}aatzalsivs�e . nue to V1.lj41 Intl svanuP. > By . ... ..... . ... ....... .. _ .....__ .. UC on ;Tereey avenue Y[Pm Federlolcs: ry nue.�ta &rwopp n'g�nye ^ od atanfarasa-varipe'ir9m '�edaPIK i,venge tg 3Sa7eat44�+aveaue . SQA Weuea$Y @Xegge Ziam r,BriedeT'.. INTn Rt ave5ne t Maaaieatar avenge. 3 � C��r'�`�@�rtelca Pavenua from St Cin{r'. it � 1 art to:� &tidal h'-atreei.• a:'. � - t JeR rann'aVPptie Yrom Fairview; I .. Clndarwpad avenue ,`aud •' ;rAiq TdlrvtaW avenue ta, �� venue :_the bale aewera ttz In the Matter of _. �/O/// tHalFreaericicg .AVen �(LZ-_....w.l...'�li. ..�. �-6tiG(/�.%"?�L uifder �'reliminarY „,,, _. ........_. "'Construoting sewers on the following named streets, to.Wit: ^f Enlargement of the St..Olair street Bawer from Fredericka `a street to Fairview avenue, On Palace street from Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue. On Berkeley avenues from'-,Frederioka avenue to Underwood avenue. ' On Stanford aver+?a froai'Fredericka avenue to Ma aleatar ;avenue, On Welleeley avenue from Fredericka avenue to idacaleater avenue. On Fredericka avenue from St.`G1air street to Randolph street.:` On.Jeffereon avenue from Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue,, and on 'Juliet street from, Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue, the said sewers to be''known as the0?redeiioka avenue SewerTSirstem�.._.. _ _ - _ under Preliminary Order 417..... .__..__...................... . .. approved June...30.t.h,. 191.4...... _..... _.............. __ ti The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the l above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and" adopted, and the said- hInprovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ............. ........... ............ ...........__.._ Construct sewers on t e o ow ng name eie�a;o-grit. Enlarger .-1' the St. Clair street sewer from Fredericka street to Fairview avenue. On-Palaoe,street from Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue. On Berkeley -avenue from Fredericka avenue to Underwood.avenue-. On Stanford avea avenue to Macaester nue from Frederick avenue. On Wellesley avenue from Fredericka avenue to ilacalester avenueIt, On Fredericka avenue from 8t. Clair street to Randolph street. On Jefferson avenue from Fairview avenue to Underwood, avenue, And on Juliet street from Fairview avenue to.Underwood,av;enue _said sewers to be known as the_Fredericka avenue,Sewer S stem --. ` the6_1 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is g. 47,47.3....Q.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....._13_th..__........................... _._ day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......_... ..../..._ ......., 191 _. Clerk. Approved .! •- !/- ....".G/ ..._.._.._.., 19](� ............................... _.._..... ...... � G Mayor. Councilman Far worth PUBLI • erg Mayor P wers Form B. S, A. 8.6 . n _ f 3035 COUNCIL FILE NO ..... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. B In the Matter of1.e..ax.cl Ixom...:Daane ..St.,_..._A?�th,ol�Y-._avenu ,........ .... ........... . under Preliminary Order ......_122.x..._ _.-- .____..._ approved ..._._. AU9U-S: --Mth, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and -having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.Con�truct,.a Be;^er_. on # 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _ cemo...._and._River Bou levard._-`..r_am. DopAq _................ .......... _ _ . vtilibcRal�tllakasx�x the estimated cost thereof 1s $1.,201.30 -one se:'.er to center - The Council alsohas under a consideration an alternative mor conatructi a serer on C _m -o and lqiv r 3oulevexd from Doane str et to St. Anthony ave .ue uuildin t;;o sewers o:.e on 123.30 each side or11P tr et, estimated hereof is 5r2, _ <; - - =. _ _14 �h.-_._.... .day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the uanu?S_Y.._.._........_....._................... _1 191._`x.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of i the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total costthereofas estimated. Adopted by the Council ......_ ,= G /.._._. .. _., 191 /�%� ! _ .......... lark. Approved - Mayor. sworth Councilman Fa 'g5rehyna�Dagiy a ;d—'^,.T' � t e adtd Smpravetn nLt .� � d to � be Drocegg4£�mIt1r. �� b Rpat��.hq'�tatarpnoL thd'7A,r_a„,�;; ygife (i6ngC0{ ' er r uc't.a sespar osr.;Atf— taail'rR Qoo . t rr ��dFdfrgm ➢ban@'9tr.0e2 to td Ad' ¢8 _ naidnuo ihs aasttthat¢�' Copt �„ Y3 oil L int 20I 30 bne sewer £o �ehtec. set , „ r t t!e Couhcfl n15o has under conefaeF Sa an a7terhhtive+tg� pa,Sculevard. ,,; er ori,_Cgmo and, n ➢ohne atre¢U [4 ^St Afitno 0werpone on 1 ' a by 3unlding two 8 . rg _. gida;df the attCaf the eatlmnteU ,` h¢reoL !s $2123 30 teed �urtry.er : That a "D4�to MayorP ers ne naa on eafa lmnrovemeaL� 4th ddY of 7anuary 1 to t£he, of 10 o cloclr A. 7¢ Farm B. S. A. 8.6 rknmber,.roomthat Courtl City Ball Nuifditt u6'thap .PaUI "That the Gmmisi� saneq.;givo notice:oi antda rne.`.:betaonp_nndthe! Do 3®36 COUNCIL FFI 0......._...__.........__._...._.. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter oft_'uc tin.g..._a.geme.Tl_t...block..._a�_dewalk..._tQ......a..._W.fdth...-q t.....0.n_.._the..._we.a_t._aide ......of...._Roy....a.t.ree t.....from...Shi.e.ld>3_...ay.enue......to._Tniverai.ty avenue. 8071 under Preliminary Order ................. _...... _...___.___.._._.... ...... ............._. approved _14th, -_.._1914._.__._-__..:'=...,. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..._CQX?.@truC.t_, block., sidewalk_,to__a_veidth.of._SAx...feet.__oe_ n th_west_..side -of ._Roy__atre.et from...Shields___ay.enue..._to._UnivBr.aiiy_ay.enue........ _..._.._......... .--------- _..... .___. -.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_A%0 er_jAneal foot. _P..��_- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....._1.4th._.....__ .. ........... day of j _Jaxuar.y...... _........ _..... .._._, 191_5_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ .5%' Adopted by the Council......__._......._....._.L%/__./_L........__......, 191/. Approved ... f...... _... ._ ! 19L% .......__..............................._...._ _...._......__....................__........_ ....._.._....._...Mayor. Councilman Farn J orth , r Kel " Mc oll Yo g Mayor Po rs Form a S. A. 8.6 . PLIBLISHED,y�----" c INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_-.P..azisng.....A.1.1.a.y_in....15too.k....3.1.,....-Anna.._E........Rams.e.y!_s...-Addi_tion...a1.0o _Cit.Y...'e._..Part 60__feet.._on....Lexington..._Parkwayx.._................. ... _._............._........._ ..-.._..-__..._..................._.......- under Preliminary Order ....._1395_------.........----.._._....-...._............ approved .._AU9uet.._310_t.z..._1914_............._....------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Palle. in Block 21 Avehat the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....__............._._.._..__._.Y..._.._._................._......_ Anna-_E_.__-_Raweey!_s __Adciiti_on..__al_so.. C_ity_'s_,_part.._60..._feet-.._on..__Lexipgtpn__Parkxay. .... ............... _....... ................... .......-_... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the V4th.......... _................. day of Jamary....... __._........... _....__, 191.5....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, `the nature of the improvement, and Adopted by the Council _.__..__...- Approved .._r-...._ ......f 'L/ .. Councilman Fa swornh K er M OR Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _construe.ting... a_._e_ewer..._on.,._Baldwin..._ayenue.._f rom.,.. the_._Center_ line of Walpole..._ street......to ..a point 180 feet north,...._.--- ....... _.... .._..._......_.....__....._.__....._._.................... ..... ander Preliminary Order approvedvh1914... ......... ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and \ed, the said improvement is herebyordered to be proceeded with.2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recoimn Baldwn,__a_v_enue__f_rom.. ofWalpoleatre_etto__a point 1BO ....... _....... ........... ...... ... _..... .... ...... ..... ........._ .......__.... with no alternatives, and khat the estimated coat thereof is $_?.._9_ ...... 1 ........_ 68. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._........1.5.t11.._......._......_........_ day of _ laJ1L11 ry._.......................— 191.5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, as estimated. the nature Adopted by the Councimprovemil and the total//cost there/, Approved....! ".(/...__./L/...-.......... Councilman Farn forth i • felr J Mayor Form & S. A. 6.6 COUNCIL FILh NO ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ir 3030 In the Matter of...._Q.o.na_trllc.ting....a._c_e.me.nt._..h.1n.c.k.._.aideuralk.....tn.....a.._w.isith.._of_._s1x...ieet _on_..D.on. cell..... amenue._.....nor..th._ Bi ds.-.�._.b.eg.innimg.._:at....a.._point..-1-06....f.eet-.-we .at...-af. Grantham street �h ce west 59 feet: 1914............- ...._......... g ... approved .._O.c..t9he.T_.1.9.th,....... . under Preliminary Order....._....�4�.__.__-..__...._._......._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ Construct a cement__bloek 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..._...-..--------------------��-------- - sidewalk to a width of six feet on Dosw. . . a point 106 feet west of Grantham street thence west 59 fee with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_49.0-_.PeT_._linsal foo t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .....__15_thday of _._-_-.-.-_-..--, 191...5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of 1. _.._ the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice i of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, and the o c thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved Coun C 9 Form B. S. A. 8. 304-0» COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.......gr.a...di,ng._.Bur_r.....a_t.re_e.t..._b.e.twe.en....mine.r..d...,�uenue...#?Ld...Ivy_._..a.treet, under Preliminary Order....2..°u...._.................... — ................ _......... approved:bEr.__1.4th.,_...1914.._..._........._...._..._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the pature of the improvement which the Council recommends is GT.ad.e—aur-r •S-tzee..t.-between _Branerd.... avexlu�_.and._.Zv.y_._..e_tre.at,...._......._._......._....__..._........_..._._..._................. __....... ................ _._...._.........._......._._...... -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $$.5.%....._......_.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of p u.ar..y......__._........._...__..._, 191.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...__.L. /_...... _.....I 191V Approved Coun j Form B. S. A. 8 304. COUNCIL FILE NO.-- By O....... M INTERMEDIARY -ORDER. In the Matter of ._.l'-_�:,za...t..T..U..C.iin .....8, side.tlalY..._a.i.....^.�--,.nt....:ala.ckL._.t.D.._E....::r; fee_t___on...._S::h_..o._:,-rest._._eir1e.....c.f..._77cid.e._avenue__ _eg rn ng.._at. JeiY_e..._stre.et..._the ce North 145 feet, 1465 under Preliminary Order __ _. _....... ._................. ..... approved ._.,S_Qpfi.Erilb5 G.ah......7.°al.'�............. ___. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said repdrt be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ._GQndtxUc%t._.a._8ide.xm1k. Of b_locks___to_._a_ ,.id_th._cf....sx.._f_set.._gn..._the.._�'te..at._._s.ire.._..of..._:r:;.e.ide....ay.enue_. laH.6irnin...a.�.._= ers.e.....H:� e.e.t.....tAne.e.._L.or.th....145.....f e-._-.._...._._......__._........._......._...._._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.49-�.—p.ex..._lineal I"oot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_..___.1_yth._.......:...._....._.._..... day of JanqaS.y..........---------- _......._............. _, 191_5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. �....._._.., 1.y.. Adopted by the Council ...._....._.._.......__ 19/ d a City Clerk. Approved _..1.. - �.: 1,91—y; Councilma May( Form B. S. A. 8.6 a 1 304. COUNCIL FILE NO.-- By O....... M INTERMEDIARY -ORDER. In the Matter of ._.l'-_�:,za...t..T..U..C.iin .....8, side.tlalY..._a.i.....^.�--,.nt....:ala.ckL._.t.D.._E....::r; fee_t___on...._S::h_..o._:,-rest._._eir1e.....c.f..._77cid.e._avenue__ _eg rn ng.._at. JeiY_e..._stre.et..._the ce North 145 feet, 1465 under Preliminary Order __ _. _....... ._................. ..... approved ._.,S_Qpfi.Erilb5 G.ah......7.°al.'�............. ___. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said repdrt be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ._GQndtxUc%t._.a._8ide.xm1k. Of b_locks___to_._a_ ,.id_th._cf....sx.._f_set.._gn..._the.._�'te..at._._s.ire.._..of..._:r:;.e.ide....ay.enue_. laH.6irnin...a.�.._= ers.e.....H:� e.e.t.....tAne.e.._L.or.th....145.....f e-._-.._...._._......__._........._......._...._._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.49-�.—p.ex..._lineal I"oot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_..___.1_yth._.......:...._....._.._..... day of JanqaS.y..........---------- _......._............. _, 191_5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. �....._._.., 1.y.. Adopted by the Council ...._....._.._.......__ 19/ d a City Clerk. Approved _..1.. - �.: 1,91—y; Councilma May( Form B. S. A. 8.6 a F7 J1 19042 COUNCIL FILE NO --- By............. .... .. .. - . ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of -Cu)rt i n9.--MAA.Q.M4 n 91AS street....... . .... ....... .. . ............ . . ................ under Preliminary Order...-1451� ...... . ..... approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is - Curb ManOmin street from - Cherokee _AyApV tp Annapolis .....S.treet . .......................... ......... ............ .... ............ . ....... . ... . ................... . ...... ............ ........... &XXXMXjg=AxV_%XWxW=the estimated cost thereof is $...-,3.,,.B.?.I.C)C)..(/ivithout gutters ---ve--f`b-T the culrb* an alternati Pro' has under consideration, ;.Council --ai so t e Molis street with ne. P- —t- of.�Uanomin street from Cherokee avenue to An and'Curb combined, the estimated cost thereof is $7�,ZEA.73. - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of January.._._ .............. ............ ..... . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 1- of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, th,ailaiure of the improvement, and the tot f as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved 191. /547�� ...... ......... Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 I Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO. 30-43 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Alatter of - 9Q49tXq9.!1A9 acament -to -0.n Iae.t­ .....xid.t.h of T on Rice otreet.) t rjo­r.th. o.f thence I.d.e.,.beginning 8 fee ......................... north 74 feet, under Preliminary Order119.9 6 ....... . ... ........ . .................... approved qe-P-Iamb.ex I.o ..th 19.14---- ...... ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul havingI received the report�f the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, bereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Qpn atruct --a.. Q& Bide- ent walk to a width o Tenj ee,t on., R11ce ..§.trAq!j4A1 Aldg�,kagiA)X:r.& . ............ width ... . ....... .9 ­­ - .... .... ......... . ............... of Central Terr q.e Vie ce no P et . . ........ - ........ ..... - .. .................. ......... ..... - .... . .................. . . . ....... .... .. ...... with no al$patives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_Rao pg;r _lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... ....... day of JAnuax-y .. .. ... . ... ... ....... ............. 191.5--., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. III., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost they o19f as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... ............... . ...... Ci Clerk. Approyed­-.-..--./77;...—. Councilman Far.", orth Ke1 r M Oil y g Mayor P rs form B. S. A. 6-6 F 4. ?Wow INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 4 3044 In the Matter of _.Cons_truc..t.ing....a_ s.ewe..r.....on....S.t,.i.ne9.n__s.t.re.8.t.....�.TQIA.....�.P..X�.11gtQi1..._avenue to- __Oxford ....t.r.ee-t,_... .and. .-On _ L exing.ton._.ay.enu eto...-Front .... S t . , under Preliminary Order __2076........_ ........................ .......... ........ approved .....N—ti_ober.._14th The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the pature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Stinson ....s tree.t _.f rom...Lexing-ton...ay.enue...-to..Oxford...S.tre.e_t.,...-..and.....on_..L.exington avenue.....fr..am.....S.t..i r�.e_o..n---a_to.....F.x.a>a t.._at.x. cot ........ ....... ....._........._.._....__..__.............. .. .......... .....__._.... ..._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._1,_46.1,_40., Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................. _. day of Janna=.g_....--------- .._.__..._._.—, 191._5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 8EC 11 1914 Adoptedby the Council _ ................._...... _...... ........- ..... ... .... ...... ... .._..., 191....... Clerk. Approved . _... / °Z ......... _.._.. !........_..__., 191.... Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. .. .. .............. By.-%_...._........._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. jn th batter of o4_ �� ^tit a _se r... � Z 77.4 8..rP.,'a:.., .fz.c . Rand41p11 ...St . , _ . . to the iter.::, r_ s e_ _e se'"er as r�_ ov ded in e : a, lire er`e_ sar. .'e- er r +,, 8j_4%v.4'11"l ,jJQ �._t �r,EL_..a_ ..,....._ under Preliminary Order _.._...19 5____ ............... _........... ._........__. approved .._...Qat.eb.er:....2_th...... 1514.._.._.._ ....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 0 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Q.G.TlBtr.Uc_t_._c^.._se_a-er.....r-n Tare iclt street,tfrem Randolph street to the tertrinus cf tize sever as .._......y.... —._._..._....,�...,�..........__. � 330 feet...... south of -,',P Certe __ne-Jet`fer"sen Se.:er �•. .......... . s�P'"•� o` Palace__etre_et.,._........._.---.._............._................,.......__._..._...._......_._......_.._......._..........._........._....._........._._.......__..._..._..._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._655..,_46...... _,,,. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._1.6..tlz....._..__................. _... _. day of 191 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing„ the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. / Adopted by the Council 191......... _.._.._. _. ......... __ Clerk. Approved _._.. Councilman Far c Go Ke r M oil O' ary Y B Mayor Po erg Form H. S. A. 8.6 f ..... Mayor. I1iLISdIEI7 f� /� 10 -- COUNCIL FILE NO......_®/ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _._F ae3n__Alle_y..._it_._Elock.__15,,._.__chroeder'_ s___A it.ion, .......... __........................................... under Preliminary Order...._;O-U.... --._............. _... ._.......... _......... approved ...-i_4Y.�r9:R..F..__14th.�..__ 914. .......... .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .._ z c __Al]_ _.. irt..._�.iOCk on, ........ ....... ............_............. ......._._....._._............... ......... ............. ........... ...... ............ _........ _............. _...._........... ..... ......... _........ .._..... _................ ................ ..... _...............- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._128. 18..______ s Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... ._.._20th..,.......... ._.......... ..... day of 92�11Ar.y......_..._......_........_...._, 1915.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total c//ost there f as estimated. Adopted by the Council....__._......__:.._.____...._A...' .._./�..___....., 191. / _....._ __..._ . _......_. C Clerk. Approved.... 411 �In lh No. ter, BY, 9. A:`•;Farh in mo _ :. .. .. _.� ........ In the'Dfafter,of , N d itl6n, lu a mock '- Ma Or. �1fi;Setirtleder s..lddlttbn, under'Pre,' y j tlml a y Otd S85' upOr edIi } -:� mb 14th i9i4 ' Councilman Farn 01, '.Th Council, of tho MY of 9t V, having Mved the r Port of the Com mtssioner ut:'FI ante= upon tho i red s Mayor Form 8, S. A. 6-6 0 i r COUNCIL /FILE /NO. ..... ...._ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _.gra.d.ing.._Q.s_c..e.o.1a....ay.enue....f r.om_.Ham I i.ne.....ay.enue_ to-Gr-ig.ga. S.t„ under Preliminary Order _....._aJ.._. _.....................__. approved .._A7.1 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._GT...3d8-....Q_ cg o_la,..,_$_P..eTl?l8 _from_.Hamli.ne.._auenu.e...to.. _tir.ig.gs.._fitxae.t,---.._...... _......... _.... ........... _.... _................. ._........ ........ ........................... ---......_. ........ .... - .............. --.................. ..._._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .._......... . .................. day of J8X1LtS.ry._....._.. -, 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -_...._......_.._.._......._.... 1..�/..<%.-......-.., 191 / r c( f C' Clerk. Approved C -I` Wo 304$ -BY S ri.Farn wo th �� Intha Matter of Brading Osceola ave-.. ........... . 'nve from Hamline avenue to O iBBs. / ,Mayor. i 't_pprnuveddN..oePYreemllhemei.rnoa�ir,4.yt.h .'O19d1eh4 Councilman Farn ly _st 2P6a6u6l, : U , Mayo] Form a S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 301:1L19 U. r t n In the Matter of .2PRS.t. �U.c . ... I ...... g a pid �Valk of C 9L!�n! t -Q., a_.W-j_dth Qf- aix .......... -1-1 .. ......... .... feet...aa_the South zjsle of _17e.sley.avenUe. fr-CM FX.Y. zt-razt avenue -1 under Preliminary Order _1595......._..._......_...._---............__..._.... approved ....S.e.P.t.embex 14. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. of the improvement which the Council feconimends is _0_Q n,9 tX12, Q.t of 2. That the nature re SIX SCatll' 2d.cLe r -f ey av ax�e -vlr" with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 4�4.299L_Iineal foot. Resolved 'Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... day of J&P Uary .. . ......... 191.5...-, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof, as estimated. Adopted by the Council ,//........, .... Approved �� . .... . ...... . 191 No. 30'44�'By_r­A, walk of cement. btocka. , Councilman Far orth P_,1505;�'Aopjove-d. Sepiela ' 'The, �CoUfidl`;OJ'AhO`:Cl :having . r Ke K r '-TheL �_the ..14,,�rppd L""Nsame Se �jub��apOrovO he'� j�44x Improve., fFaro, 0 M M oll Nrddoire A,.t6­',b . 7 proceeded; 1, ,..2:<i �Thi& thd, a-tuMu! �to'%L;wIdth 16f ;of Weeley; om ewavenue with?; Y rg g read thlt,�the ','osthnkted, p.49 cert,6, Per'lluee,l, foot. R6golved o Further, P Mayor ers Pt heVing',be .had '.fiLjfj.j on, the-, 20th', day�- of 48, Form Ek S. A. 8-6 . the hour' of� 10' o'clock the -:hour charriber; room Hou.6 end City Hall -?P ,city: of"st­ - piul— 3�n. ; a �­_­_ ... 8 6i�­ qkri COYUNC U --- , INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _...Op.enir_�.,.:_: v.ide.nir...-.a Q ._e.xt.a.ne ing_.Er.edss.icl a....auanue....fs.nm-.... Jefferson avenue to St. Clair Street,' to a width of 60ofe at b3'rv°h set u demni.ngd....ta�rltha-easter]y 30..._feet....e3f..{ieeet- . �an a 23 (except streets} ..... approbe 13ezr'embEr 4th, Y93 of the hortheast -y of Section 9, Torn•28 D under Preliminary Order _..........._...2&27 ---_...... . ort of the Commissioner of Finance upon the The Council of the City of St. Panl having received the rep above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. same is hereby approved and adopted, and That the said report be and the the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. to a width of 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsQ fpE�>—� i_�1163..Ve� �.�xofnthe _ F." eriaka avenue from Jefferson�aveneu�eassterl.. Clair street, �o.T�deznx��nE ..a..nd......t.4ino... a G To 28, : anEe 23 (except i orthlvest v of the Northeast y of S coon) _ --_ - stree.ts).._ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-. .........21St .... day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._ at the bour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of _.__......_. .... t the issioner of Finance the. provided by tile Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. a le Cart r, start ng the time and place of hearing, of said meeting to the persons and in the manner p § the nature of the improvement, and the total cost theras estimated. eo i l / /�..., 191//1. Adopted by the Council ......... ----- f — City lerk.L Approved/ � r'a Jtthade MwVea[it 0Et nv ttero8eid aendtaS` Fr.'Ito. faerf 11naBv3n�ei eda8'' ..uma redtG Y60 f s,bo d m th ...... M. a_y.o. r... L " th w t -`;ii C th N thw t i4 of Councilman Fath z g a623t ( ctpshtta)and �a P elfmlniy b der 2827 pp p V di ber-;4th 1914 Y " Th Coun fl of th `City of st ='P ui I�h tae ece7ved ,the Py t otttbh bo :mfaeio pt Ft a P Kel r Imp oepom` ana 'resp s eon fa ea iQ. sport, he eby reaoly a , i- 1 That th ,Aoi report De a§nd the ams t .Deeeby app owed a d adopt d: M " d.`and the' esid Smpro'dN W.1tb fa '-hereby. prdered to :be proceeded Imp'ove- 2. Th&t '.the nature.; oY the, riieht,"whtoh •tie o Cqunclhrecomtnande, 1. -open, widen and aktend k're e .,avenue, from. Jettersan avenue ;tv,sG ; Clafc street and 'LWa, lct Sothe easterly' " Y r� rand"emnih� lvlayor Form B. S. A. 8.6 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIj*IONER OF FINANCE ON PREL-IMINARY ORDER `- ✓fit In the Matter of._�� .�G a-'�`�=!-r��y�--..1?JL�I.......!!�.:�.�.. /��. L to a width of 60 feet t.X„_condemning and gine_the easterly 30 f,^et o...the M r ........ est i eF the orthnest 1 of +p 'dorthsaet 1 of Section 9 Town 28, Range 23� 9.._..._...._..._.::_.__. .........4 .....:........ _t._......_:. _. ............3 ........ ...... ............_._............... ....... ..... ......... ....... _.................... — _..__......_.........._..._..... .... ...... -- ...... ........... ... .... ..... ---- ....... ................... ........ . _ .._ under Preliminary Order approved..._........ _---......... _.... ....... ........... ....... .............._... ...... ..... ._ To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 12�Q,, Q,..__ ............. _. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows ASSESSED -.-. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION L 23 /S /U Glo 2 3. CJ /& �s /� 3o /3s” 3 _ V -s-- _. TOTAL. The Commissioner Of Finance further reports that he has investigated alii of the aforesaid matters, -and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DoteB ......... ..... _.191__ G .._._...... ._.. _ rowM D. S. A. a -a o CommISSIOIIer of 3nance. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In th% MaPer of qp.en..widening and extending Jefferg op A. f.rpm Fredericka v t avenue o airView Ave.'s.-, to a. *Idth""of 60ft­ y""co-fidemning and* taking the Southerly ­ 30 fee of.. the ­.RA,�.14 .....Town 28, ......... R;iiije­53,exoept streets, d under Preliminary Order...._.,2.8.28...__... . . ............... . ... ........ .. approve The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered toLb(!�`proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..O.p.en,-end-..and,....gX.t-end Jefferson Ave., from Fredericka avenue to Fairview Ave to a widty of 60 ft., , by. cond.emrinj_..and__...taking the-SOUtherl,Y­30 3.D.-et.of_theW___ofthe..-N—1. I of of the N.E. 4 of Sec. 9, Town 28, Range 23, except streets ......-_........L._...._. ...... ­­ ........ .......... . ............ ......... .... ..... . ........ . . . ..... ...... ....... - . ................ ... ........ ...... I . ....... ....... . . ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $_.44.0.x00--_---- Resolved -.44.0-00-- ----- Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement, on the day of 191.5— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iniprovement, and the total cost there o.�4' X as estimated. Adopted by the Council r Clerk. Approved.. _,,� . .... ... .. Councilman F Councilman Fa W 7 "-" ­` �, '-�- streets�: ul pproVe city 'oi- SL, pa.i, the ­ The Counell;, 'maving receiv�d'thprepartzof the 2 M d :,improvemeDt-And'. having _�Co6sldpre ' bY,jesDiveif. r J,.�Id'rP. T'P,'Ortt�ihb.o�.6.b.id,t.p6rtbe and thp 'the' '86lpuaj r ere by and ;t , Pi 'pro h T t e niek which the Reraon Ave. wide rti;; de 1, r I !awidth 60 by 99 yideinni Ave � to of .1'ee4 and takln6 the,, southerly '30} r r2 Range 25, P, Mayor F, 'r 9 T.Wh�28; `.Vtrf;Se(f ,ers with i pltern.tivel.�, nd eptimated"c6sV thereDf the �444 Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mayor. — — /,�_ /ff PUBLISRZD12� CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISJI,ONER OF FINAAIC { ON PRELIMINT!RY ORDER In the Matter -of width_o SQ.-iee ,_ y ndemn;n� and --taking thR Rnj,tbprjy 30 feet of of_._the-.-N-.W.. ofthe-__iy-F'.----__of_-_Sec-.-._$,---Town-2, Range 33, except streea__. 0 -- -------------- under Preliminary Order approved----------�`G--�--`--1---/{-------- --------- -............... -......... ._..-.------------ ------- - ------- ...--------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-440,00 ------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $C The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION *s' ASSESSED VALUATION /_o 3 !/ roew e.e.n, a -e a: TOTAL, �'r, CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISVjONER OF FINANCE ., REPORT ^ ON PRELIMINAI:Y ORDER, ASSESSED D E S C R I P T I N LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ° VALUATION /d ado 4, /.5.7 �. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated-- - _391 � �.. _....�` -` �=-�G_ ------ --- - Commissioner of Finance. IO- ..S.A. 6-E C ���ic ^ rar„,„^� � x >s -+ted. Frcd .-. �d.a. �o �i''�G��'„»�m^�„�"`.. s�-'�c'�- �xmm�`�`'.'� ��u*`7'�' �p �.de,�w<od P „rd .Fxj '�a�'^�'„''�'�„"�'�°�;",�,�°� �r=�z rvv.�:;�'w�"'....u+a.d,..,..�.,__ w ds d. est o%, .:�y:.r. �,., .- Office of fhe Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance. _De cet>ibe_T._�..x..................1 x14.,.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimu•y order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ..... 8.2..8 ............. approved........_DeO@InbBT..,4.x............. ..... 1914....., relative to............................ opening, widening and extending Jefferson Ave. from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ..necessary and (or) desirable. XX7[xX_...._........, and 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $..............X%�.X....., and the total cost thereof is :h..._................ the nature slid extent of said improvement is as follows: — — --- . ..... ........... .... _........._...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............. ........ . ... . ............... ............. ..........................._......................._......._............................ _........... _ _........ _.... _ _ -. _. _.._.. _ _ _... _ _.. _................. _ _......... _..... .i. Said improvement is_.._not ...._... ........ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. k.... ............._............................................... .. .. .. .............._......._................�......._... Com iissiouer of Public Works. COUNCIL FILN, NO, fly INTERMEDIARY ORDER. III the Matter or 7 t Ce -31 -•tl) 111i'der Preliminary Orloe r f C t approved The Council of tile City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the nbove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: . 1. That the said report be and the snore is hereby approved and JId0ptffl, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. 2. the nature of tile improvement which the Council tecommentim is d 1221 f etr._ iVOf Jt: t with no alternatives, and that tile estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said i I mprovement on the day of y 191_5 ., at the hour of 10 O'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in tile, manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bearing, the 1141ure of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council city erk. "'r Mayor. // Approved !V, 1401 Ihs CRY 'If St- mt .P.,t of tI0 or IN"I!,uro upon the nul having h.!V" IV r1l"Olve"i ,�J'nrt I'll -nid,or6 Councilman Fnr sort' LIM and 11(-P ;(III IVCf I Ill,, rnturo nut"Crtn�.-nt ;,hh-slho K west alae, In v,,h nr 182 1"; s';uth 'If ntrecp h"I'l".Ing 20 N."t. thon�- ",n"I"An't th" M "it". ..Alv--i n .19 `v Th hP 1 1 n snit IMI)r(,V,M,,nt 11115. `t th'i 1IILv 11 f' I mm', , In thc. (,lonnel to "'I 61 .-f oll� C -rt tj o,— r.n. tho (�Ity 0 I'llnX of 111111 Bljlh 1411,11 Th "' t, '.r nam -l"I Me. "Mnr, to NAlayor P. •rs :,j:s(�)'nvm" nnd III the manner lIro- it,(, t I, S. A. 8-6 tjj,- Chni-tontfitAtin %ar alfo" 'r the cost thorn. vumFarm "'r Mayor. // COUNCIL FILE NO. � BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of 4' ............... to.. Anriaiclis c r9et,_ under Preliminary Order 2c7d ., approved ..1:._Ie R.'..T....uGth, __19.1.x..._....._.... _....... - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the salve is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is s hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recolmnends is - _.. Street to Ar.wp01',P s ..__....._................... . .............._..... ........_.... .............. . ...._.._........ .......... ..... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 47 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ;;lst-- .-- _.--. day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ATL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the t4e and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. J Adopted by the Council _.--.,.-.�_ - -, 191 _.. . y City ,G`Jerk. `" Approved . _ ( __ 191 e C. F. No. 3054—nconet u tingsa sewer Ino the Matter of -' -''--" on Winslow avenue from Nyomin6 Alla or. street to Annapolis street, under re?:: - .. e. llminary Order 2614, appy r Der 20th. 914. Councilman Fans The Council 1f the City of st. Pahl', havfreceived the report f thecont=' ,.,no n,',' of Flnance upo the aboy. •' �, improvement, and having on ide, d-. -'' saidport, hereby resolvese " I. That the said report b and to e ,� IC11P�r sante is hereby' appended and adop and thesaid Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Improve-' �.j 2. That the nture of the Cl:o men[ which theCounctlrecommend. Is a ewer on Winslow avenue construct E fom Wyoming street to Annapolis street, with¢ted no at[ern¢tivea. and that the esti mcost thereof is $480.44. R Resolved Further , That a publlc hearing be had on a id Improvement the 21st day of January. 191b t'i Or g the hour f 10 .'clock A. M.. to thea, Council Chamber. room 61 f the, court l ., Mayor FiO wei House d City Ia11 Handing n the }' C7[Y ofa St. Paul That the Commfa- 0 stoner of Finance give notice of a id In e Form B. S. A. 8-6 meetingP ,vided brsthe Cbadrter, stat Ingnner the time and Place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof sestimated. Adopted by the Council Dec. 11. 1914. Approved Dec. 14. 1914. " (Dec. 19-1914) I COUNCIL FILE NO. � BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of 4' ............... to.. Anriaiclis c r9et,_ under Preliminary Order 2c7d ., approved ..1:._Ie R.'..T....uGth, __19.1.x..._....._.... _....... - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the salve is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is s hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recolmnends is - _.. Street to Ar.wp01',P s ..__....._................... . .............._..... ........_.... .............. . ...._.._........ .......... ..... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 47 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ;;lst-- .-- _.--. day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ATL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the t4e and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. J Adopted by the Council _.--.,.-.�_ - -, 191 _.. . y City ,G`Jerk. `" Approved . _ ( __ 191 e C. F. No. 3054—nconet u tingsa sewer Ino the Matter of -' -''--" on Winslow avenue from Nyomin6 Alla or. street to Annapolis street, under re?:: - .. e. llminary Order 2614, appy r Der 20th. 914. Councilman Fans The Council 1f the City of st. Pahl', havfreceived the report f thecont=' ,.,no n,',' of Flnance upo the aboy. •' �, improvement, and having on ide, d-. -'' saidport, hereby resolvese " I. That the said report b and to e ,� IC11P�r sante is hereby' appended and adop and thesaid Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Improve-' �.j 2. That the nture of the Cl:o men[ which theCounctlrecommend. Is a ewer on Winslow avenue construct E fom Wyoming street to Annapolis street, with¢ted no at[ern¢tivea. and that the esti mcost thereof is $480.44. R Resolved Further , That a publlc hearing be had on a id Improvement the 21st day of January. 191b t'i Or g the hour f 10 .'clock A. M.. to thea, Council Chamber. room 61 f the, court l ., Mayor FiO wei House d City Ia11 Handing n the }' C7[Y ofa St. Paul That the Commfa- 0 stoner of Finance give notice of a id In e Form B. S. A. 8-6 meetingP ,vided brsthe Cbadrter, stat Ingnner the time and Place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof sestimated. Adopted by the Council Dec. 11. 1914. Approved Dec. 14. 1914. " (Dec. 19-1914) C. P, No. 3061—Administrative Ordin - ce No. 3334—By O. E. Keller— , An ordinance authorizing and Ing the purchnee of supplies In built. The Council of the City or St. Paul docs ordain: SECTION 1. Tltat not later than the first day In reurnary. 1615. and ant titter than the nret day of aanaary or e:a•n t ar Mere- fter, a cry atric ' sad department of the Clty aha11 transmit to the P—che - ing ,l gent a 11111 and complete ,t:tte- any stationery, postage, ol""''a'd unit ainesof ueitann.- at have been bought 'tit1 hereof which shall probubl}' be for stock, it shall make r�" °tt�adbyin�etiao,t,19U�� .� d�par�_ acing Agent forch raleg1 l the e me can nese umaiea, , together wlth : ntutement o�tne proximate time wli,a saint shall aIt, supplies or postage out ofn-ded. and the PurchasirPg SFCTIM• .., ent shall deliver suchdd "tin :�o requisitioned, uisitioned, to the department l la;, or bureau, without making a purchase der for them, but shall issue an invoice and take a receipt upon the delivery of the supplies or postage, as the case may be. 4 IV- Section 9. The Purchasing Agent shall keep a true and accurate account of all supplies received for such stationery stock, postage or other su.ies purchased for stock, and shall issue at they end of each month a complete statement to each department or bureau of all the Bales made to it--ilux-ing the said month; upon the receipt of; said statement, the department shall make a voucher bill to the Comp- troller, certifying thereon that goods, as invoiced, have been re- ceived, which voucher bill shall be complete and sufficientvidence for the Comptroller to charge such amount to the department issuing the same and to credit the amount so charged to the appropriate fund or funds. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council -! e 191 Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth Goes Keller McColl Yoerg 3;•.._ Mr. President (Powers) 5.q.� Approved L,ty y Y C�Erh Mayor. 't ` YU�LIst-iE�9 VMb On 7�Administrative. An ordinance fsr the purchase of supplies in bulk... THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:' Section -1. That not later than the first day in February, 1915, and not later than the first day of January of each year there- after, every officer and department of the City shall transmit to`the Purchasing Agent a full and complete statement of all the kinds of supplies, articles and commodities and the quantity thereof which A shall probably be needed by the said officers or departments during the ensuing year, as accurately as the same can be estimated, together with a statement of the approximate time when same shall be needed. Section 2. On receipt of such statement,fy or,at any time .l..ii. � fin¢ Ci"G:.�a .y u,.eaa•.iy. �^' Q+..J�"`�Y—-,..,..Y .<.,c f a.�-"I thereafter,Athe Purchasing Agent shall make up a list of the supplies, articles or commodities and the quantities thereof which he thinks it advisable should be purchased in bulk, and submit the same to the Council; the Council shall thereupon consider same and authorize the Purchasing Agent to purchase the whole or such part of the supplies, articles or commodities so submitted, and in such quantities or amounts as it may deem advisable, and thereupon the Purchasing Agent shall proceed in accordance with the terms of the Charter to contract for and purchase in bulk the supplies, articles and commodities so authorized; for the use of any and all officers and departments of the City needing the same or any thereof. Section 3. Whenever supplies are bought in bulk, the Pur- chasing Agent shall make a report thereof to the Comptroller, giving him the quantities, prices, amounts, cost and method of delivery, and all other details necessaryy, for the protection of the City, or demanded by the Comptroller. Section 4. Whenever any department, bureau or activity shall 'require any supplies or material contracted for or bought in bulk by the Purchasing Agent, it shall issue a requisition upon the Purchasing Department for same, if possible for a suf-ficient quantity to cover a period of thirty days. The Purchasing Agent shall then issue a pur- (2 ) 1*305 I'll chase order for the amount of the requisition, stating thereon the point of delivery, the department and bureau for whom supplies-areIf ordered, the price agreed upon in the contract, and the number ofx the contract under which sucIA purchase order is issued. Upon such purchase order, the Comptroller, after being satisfied as to all de- taile, shall draw proper warrant covering such claims as have been satisfactorily approved, provided, however, that if any department, bureau or activity has not used all supplies or material requisitioned for, within thirty days, the vendor shall have the privilege to turn in his purchase order, certifying thereon the amount actually deliver- ed, and the Comptroller shall have authority to pay such claim when satisfied as to all details, and proper report as to delivery has been made by the department receiving the same. Section 5. The Comptroller shall apportion such payments t to the several departments so that each shall pay for the supplies actually purchased for and ud by it. Each item shall be charged to the appropriate fund. Section 6. The Purchasing Agent shall purchase stationery, stationery supplies, postage, and such other supplies as the Council may by resolution authorize, in bulk, and have a stock of such supplies on hand for the use of all the city departments; such supplies as are capable of standardization shall be of the standard quality fixed by the committee on standardization. Section 7. For the purchase of such supplies,vthe Purchasing Agent shall have, and is hereby given authority to make requisition on the Printing and Stationery Rig Fund for printing and station- ery supplies, on the Postage Revolving Fund for postage supplies, and . on the appropriate funds for such other supplies as the Council may authorize to be purchased in bulk. The Purchasing Agent shall state on the face of the requisition that suoh purchases are to be made for stock. The Comptroller and the Commissioner of Finance are here- by authorized to honor such requisitions. Section 8. Whenever a department or bureau is in need of Salaries Maintenance,repairs and Real Estate Completionnew buildings appropriate ^n last year's Budget Completion of Ames School Building Sites & School Wildings $102.620.00 26,000.00 25,500.00 150,000.00 Elementary Frre Night Schools 21000.00. _ 6,120.00 $1,391,120.00 Note:— And in addition thereto all receipts from sale of property and collection for damage done to property and services and benefits fur— nished and School State Aid to High Schools 41,fk5,000.00 Salaries t1,*5,000.00 Maintenance,repairs and Real Estate {102.620.00 j Completionof new buildings appropriat .Yn last year's Widget 26,000.00 Completion of Ames School Building 25,500.00 51tes & School luildings 150,000.00 Elementary Frro Vi.ght Schools 2,000.00 •306,120.00 01,391,120.00 Note:— And in addition thereto all receipts from sale of property and collection for damage done to property and services and benefits fur— nished and School State Aid to High Schools 4 END PIICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: n 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by J T� �Y Q �s Z"A in accordance with the standard and approved techniques with a Racordak microfilm machine, Model/2d Z _ ,� of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made 19 �_ by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: u4z asp P i. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: 30sXg After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of mi�rofilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Operator Ala, ; )ated A a, ;I-9 66 v ro \� OP 'It Q, lQ611W al y apo a, 0 0 „ a # V VIII 1-0 s A': I�jGa is VIII2=2 1 ' 1 r VIII z=° VIIIVIII 1.2 5 1.145 — — VIIIl-s NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST -RT „0