2070-2553_10-14-1914_11-12-19148 i - - % �:%Vo START qo --, Serial No. of Roll �S`f% \\�► ��tC �P�+, d v�� \�� Department , -y e./ I -e y7 '0,e�P�o �2. @?� s Zs J Office— \\� \�\ o l \ 61 0110 4�41 ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP \ % �� f. F PER14ANENT RETENTION S "sem { M1 A � 0, . 4 �rs� y\yya�o LIMITED RETENTION s Date to be destroyed ; g Iflimited) d Date NicrofilmA&"_./ T �� . �z v CONTENTS C o ce- r/ e rGo a w' Number or name of first document of regular contents t $k BY D� ✓ o s a Operator � Operator ---- -- By BY ., Supervisor _ - , 61 ti. .wo�4:::r>+`.SIG.^.'c4�u;it�+e�....an,,.•w,sv,�?"' . r . x� ` \��Cboy e O b \�� V P 1 02Po I 0 • c; 2 %r 2 ��s NNE • s ms�G9 9 C)9,Q I GS I 9 0 1 ' r i 9 - ' VIII •0 IIII2=8 VIII Z=S W IIS -15 1111125 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CNAgT P Request of Sena Van Hoven. Council File No....... .._ PROPOSAL FOR nIIPROVEMENT. 2070 axis ` 1 PRELHIINdARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followZ"W lieprovement by the C' of St. Poul, viz.: _aonstrnot....A..._QMr.....0.33 Randolph... .. th...Sh..... ....Drake_St. and on t,r._ftom_'Ra�tdalpiz....St t....t.er us...-of.....the_...._o.....thsaid_...D.rakeSt..:26.4.._f...:. _...north...n r.....ot...Andubou....St...Dated this .......24.th.......day of DA.taber...... .. ..... therefore, be It -- 7{eso1_1..That tho Commiselone- 76rk� be and, ho la h, •et: WHEREAS, A written proposiil"for;tludnadill. of tne't`ollots se! er__.on..Randolph....St..._fxom_S.eventh.St......_t.o. Councilman. cut, viz.:....o.onatruat_a. .....and....on...Draka....St... Irom...RIM.a.'�• h St..s. to the_ preae>lt, te.rzninue or zgie_ s.e�¢sr._ nn. sand Drake_ St. 2 4.fe.e.t..north....of...the.....o.anter..._o3_Budnbon..St...>..... .. _... ..._ ...................... ........ .... .......... . _..... ._...... __.._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couucilmaa! ............... ................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is here ordered and directed: To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of-aidimpmvement. - 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated; cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other, data and information relative to said improvements_ ............................_........._..... . ...................................................-.................... ............. .......... ---.... ---............................. _...... :................. ......... _...._................ ........_......_............ _.............. _................. ....... _............. ......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the, foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............ .. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fat -worth / oApproved ...... ........_F.......�J..................._ r Ke r llI oil ° i 7 O' ary 'Mayor P rs ((( /� fay T `7 Petition 7> Council File No ..................................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. - and PRELIMINARY ORDER.' l The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pub improvement by the t' y of St. Paul, viz.:_.........c.onatrma.tdng....a....eemen r...:.blook.- .l 11-k to. a._w#doh sls....feet r a..o.orsans.o.....wa.t.x....F.e.c.z.I..a,.�.n._.x�ar-.ox.o..... .>.acnes�,_................_.........................._................_..........._...._.............._........_.. Datedthis ....._....14th...._.day of........._...._..... t.oher_.........._................_.................. 91...:.A t C r ere. 20i1— whereas l,wrltteu proposalnorover [h mal ingof the foliowing 1 provem t ------ - 1 Constructing a ement ' bio e - 1 se nik to a width 'ef six feet .. the oe University lve" havn6 St fronthbeen pre_ Councilman. sentedto the Council f the City ofd St. Paul therefore, be It The. Ceu ell of the City of. St. Paulyyy h 1 sasfanerVeof LFin n eertlPonfi the*r ORDER. fmnrpvement; ..aral hid-,, ^ eP,4 WIIEREAS, A written pi6jpmsaf fdr tnt uhakA'tgiif the following improvement, viz.:...00nstruating -a_...o.ement..._blaak...aidevml lr-o_._a.._t!vidth.-..of.....six....fest...-.on....t.he..._west-aids of... _ Roy....$}tft........'T.Q.l?l...S.h..675�8.....ii]CQ...._..ji.4.... t..Y.RO..ty._.4Yd.._rr__.............__........_._......_......._..__.-..._.........:.:................._ ..... .......... ..........._..................._.............................._.._..........................._......._..................._..................._......._ _..._........................ ......._......... ....... ..................... -_........._...... ._ .... _ ...... _...... .................... ........_..._.............._...._.._.._...._........__:__......__.............__........._..........__..._................................._.._._............................__...................._................_._..._..__..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................... .................... _...................... ............. _...... ; therefore, be. it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cos'I t thereof. - - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .......... 5.. To state whether or not said improvement is asked For on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. L Adopted by theConncil............(�� Gl�.........191.G/ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worthGos Approved �( v......... r_.. ! \ -Ices - - 7 M1 1 41. O, Y .. Yoe_ ................... .......... ........_......._ ............V....Gc ..._l ._.......... Mayor Poi May Council File No . -I ..... �✓®J Fv PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �. PRELIMINARY ORDER. b The undersigned hereby proposes the making of they followin ublic inglrovement by the Cit St. Yawl, _....._Grailing....Qent.xal._.Ascanue....Yrom.... lag....St.......to--Lexingt' Aeenue,...... Dated this ..._._- _..1.3.....:..day of........J:...;_;VQT:9..4.e.Z C P No. 2072 Whereas A ritton iXOp06a1. Po tb... _ __, ,,,,, ..... .. ............ of the/ ]longing imp pv me t 2 - making - iz Grading C t 0.1 avenue from D lap. at t L xi g[on avenue. h V - t�'011riCllmari. '- - Ing been Presents d t the Couneli o[ the Cify of St P Ul,.therefore ti 1t^.{ - - To lnveetlgate+the : neaeseiry 'a' X ORDER. - '.tesirablrit>„Othe„making:•"oY r -----.___. =ment. lnVeatigate-the nate ,n., il' WHEREAS, A written pr d east of aP "kind of the following improvement, viz.:. ..Grading.- _C el�+z al_..AQ.en. ue...:......_1..tn._..Lexington.....floe...►u6................._......__..._..._........... °.................................... hawing been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........................... .......................... _.................. _._._.... _, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to•said improvement:......._....._ .............................. ....................................... _......................... :... .... _......................... __................ _.... .......... _........ _............ ........................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. .41q 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. _............ ........./. . ....191. Yens: Nays Councilman Fa iswor•th �/ -- r OoApproved .;........................ _._.. ......... x....191..... 7 K r 0 r r o iy . Y C/•a�u...c-........... ....... .... Mayor Po re ay ' 1t�CJgLiS)E1y /v/j� tit- Council File No.... pRopbSAt FOR IMPROVEMENT. A ♦ Z97.3 Con and alad PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followi public improvement by t City of St. Paul, viz.: ........ ...... UAdis BUTi.- -8tZgP1- ...? -0 Qrk 'Eli pa ly PtKqet I n A.A.ATA Aye in. ac.comdanoe wi.th patiti.cira herelo. . ttialo.had . ....................... .... .... ---- .. . ... ..... .... .. ...................... ........... ... Dated this...... . ....... 13-1 day 0 ... .... .. . - ? . . ....... ... ............... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.. gr ade .BUZZ.-Straet between-Brairtemd Avenue an& Ivy BtXe-et-, .. ............................ . ................... F. No. ........................................... - .... .... ....... .. A written11-9 of the 'following .Imp veme t vl (. d Bl�iae`�'ca �Z-rn. street btwo . ...... . log been Present,dsd Ivy.-etreet, h . . . . .............. ...... ... ............... - ................................ h t t - City of St M1,therefore,hobune t 11 of' Resolved That. the CO-rallVer of 1- . . ...... ..................... ....... .. .... .. . ......... . . ......... ........................................ . ... ,bu. Works: ba and h..Ia hereby or. Id and Alr..tsd! Tc be necessity for,) Investigate I �y Councilman............_._..._.... ............................... .......... . . . ... . ... having been preseuted to (1,e0 s1rablut of the making of sat therefore, be it X "ITIRtOd cost of said; Gun, !, the'totall cost th.ro.f. and he is hereby ordered and directed: 01 RESOLVED, That the '111111, -,Ishma Plan; profile or th To investigate Ion relative to said 1. the necessity t 0-followJng other looking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,, . e I xtpni'.41, - or ""aid I.. f said improvement, and the total cost thereof.. titlon a 3. To furnish a plan, profile be sketch t. 4. To faraish the following other data and information relative to said improvement :. ... . .... .......... ...... ... ..... ........... . ......................... . ..... . ......... . ...................... ............................... .. . ............................................... . . ......................... .... . . ........... . ..... . ............ 5. '1% 'state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council - ... 191Lf. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth/(f .191 Go Approved Y.1-.191 - Ke Me I 0' ry .... .............. Yo...... . ........ ......................... ...... Mayor Po s J Council File No......_ ............................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. i1nd PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pub Paul, viz.: .......... ......._chAA9q....4..f.....gT_ade...--Q,LL....PrinQ.S.tr_atl Dated this........... 1.3..............._day g PRELIMINARY ORDER: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the staking of the following,improvement, viz.:......-003--SXi$e._..01... ,r Alia nn Pri noatnn.. AVP.ntta hatmsan_.. Pri_nr._Ave....... and ....KeiMeth.._Street.............. .. n th. street. 'having: been PresentedV.ro the, Council of the City_ 04 at. Paul,} therefore, be 'it I Resolved, That the eof ...._... ............... ...... ...... .._......................'. Public wo ka bo aad'he he Is Ie hereby or�.................................. ................................ _..... ......._....... derad and directed: 1. To"lnvegtlgate the neeeselty. f r having been resented to the C or deslrablllty of the tnakln� or s ldy ncihnan ............._...___ . g P Improve -.................._.__.._.._.__.. q 2., To'.Investl'gate the nature,: elttont< therefore, belt td estimated coat of ,said. Improve 3 nt, an'. the total :.eoet thareoY RESOLVED, That the Coumia '156 of amidatmprov m jtale or a is hereby ordered and directed: �i. the I. _ I. To investigate the necessity fos ttd6di, n y'of thus Id g of said improvement. 2. To ipvestigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To fui,-nish the following other data and inforniation'relative to said improvement:. ...................................._................_ ..... .--_... .. ........................................................._. ...._..._......_... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report Spon all of the foregoing mstters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......_..........:��.LG......_I91_�/._. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fn sworth GApproved........__................._................��� Ke r 7 M r 0' cry Y............. g gUgLISHED Mayor P rs � /6 11fay�� Council ile No ................................ r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.�,� anill , PRELIDIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followi public improvement by tie, ' y of St. Pail], viz.. ...........;gradia&..Dunl.ap....Stre.et.....from ....-Anth.ony....AAsanue_.. C.entral..._Avein..ac.c.ordc_a. suitb..._P.e.t.i.t.ion....hexe: .....at.tache..d—...................... ....... ................. -................_.............---- ......... _. ........................................................... ................. ............................. _............... :...... _... _............. _............. Hated this ....._...._13.....__......aaof Y .......... ;.-........Oct.ober.................................... 91...4.. A rittenp op 1 for the mut IHR or the follow Ing 1 Drouem t ..... .... .. ... ... ........................................'� 1 Grading Dunlap. str t from, St' A n ny''LLvenue to C t nt avenue, riODUCllman. h 1 g been. Dresented t the Course' 7C the City of St. Paul th refore. b R olved;. That the Commlaeiotier .> m P bll Works be and he is hereby d r d nd-directed: ' 1 To investigate, the necessltY SII o dei abuity of the, malting, of iNARY ORDER.- ., �. -PI OVemen To•�inve tfgate the nature i WHEREAS, A wirtten tl"'t 1'eoat ort t), 11' }.ilig of the following improv 'it, viz.:: ......gr.adlx�B_........ Dungy R-_St.ra t.._..ram....St,..._._AnI O �X.._AVIRUP..._t_O..._C_eat .-Al A.e..ue�...._.._..__._............... ............. ......................... :_............ ......... _..... ............................................. .................... ................ ..... ......... ... ............ .............. ... _ ............ ...._............ .._.................. _........ ....... _...... ........... ......- -..................... ....... .........__.._.........._........._........... -.............. _....._.._..._........ ._....... .. ........... :....... ... .._. ........ _. _............................ ............................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...... _... __......... _..................... ..._................_..____..._; ' therefore, be it HE, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. ' To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated costAsaid improvement, and the total cost_thereof._ 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ........... _.........................._..... ........................................................................................................................._......_..............._.._............ ............ _...................................................................... _..... _............... ............................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. ......... _........ 191 l Yeas: Nays: Councilman F worth Go - Approved- _.._... _ .[..... �......� .(..-. ..191._... Ke r 7 TyIe oil d ary Yog .......... .................. ......... ._ Mayor Po rs or. FiTJRLISHF. _ !/ 1 Council-File No..... .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.'` and- -PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin ublic improvement by th Ity_of St.. Patti, viz.:.._....o.onstruoting....a._sev¢er...:on....StIns. ..... Rt.r-ee.t.....from -..Lax ton ....Ame_............ to_....Q.xf.oT.d_.8t....,......and.....on....Lexington .... Ave. '...frnm....S.t.inson._t.0...-. ont..._8.ts........... in........... _. a0 c.Q.rdnnQ.@..._with..pet.i taon.._he.F_et.o....ta0kt_ed....... ............................. ...........:............_........................................................ Datedthis ......._........13...........day of.......... ... ......._Qatpber...._....... ..... .. .... ...... .:4r -C. b•. No. 2o7G— Whereas. A written proposal for the _.. ................ ....... ............. ...... ....... .........................._....................... ......... ..... making of the following, Improvement. -- -. _ viz: Constr •tins- a. sower. on St}nson trect fronrLexington Ave. to oxford Councilman. St. and n Ltxington Ave. from Stin- n to flronY Ste.. .having been pro - sented to the Council', of the City of St 11 u1 therefe,orke It It' itso ived, That the' Commisaloner o[ bl: [forks be and he Is hereby 4' hY ORDER. WHEREAS, A apa!al ect t . ,gate th C e9eit I i-; vllttul prul t ti;•_titg of the following improvement, viz.: _._aQnet.ruat�_ng a._eewer.. on. 8t.i�.z>.son_..$tre.et._..f.FQm_.I�esan�t.on Ave.....t.o.Qxfa.rd..,_$t., _and_Qn: � _Lexi.ngt.on... Ave ....... from ._S.tinaon....tn..... Front ....St.s—,................... ............._........_:..._............._...I................._.._....._ ._ ........................ ..........._......... _..................... .,_................... _....................................... ......... ................ ....._.....__.._............_.............._............ ................................................ .. ........--........_................_.........._.........._......_....................._...._..._......__..._-.....__...................................................................................._....................................................._.....................-. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .... _........................... _....._..............._....._........-_._..__; e therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the'Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:............................................ ......... _.... •................................... ......... _................... I........... ---................................ _................ ....................... _....... ....... _......................... _................................... ........ _............................. .1- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council................ ../G ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F nsworth P r -- - - (4- s Approved a, -5.... U Ker 11l oil r O' exry Yo 'g Mayor Po, rs // Mayor. J •' ?''(7ALISfYETY�� i r ri g CITY OF ST. PAUL f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM/ s7 Subject: _2ermiesi.on...to._ 6.on666.true.t..:_pri.vat.a._s.awe.r.....033:..Mor_ton_S.t.. 1 C V. No, 2077—BY AT, N. Goes— COUNCIL ' Resolved, That pe mission and au -I. FILE No .....: ...... :........... ........ ... _......_.................................................. ... ......__. 1 th rltY_ be and.:.tho same hre hereby......_...__..__...... ._ ... ... ewer on ..11.n. t set;, beginning at the. center: line of Cherokee ave nue thence east 1p5. feet, bu[ ub,eet Date Presented. ..._.....Oea........18--.-....-I914_::.... to the'following -pr ss conditions, i 1 The said D. s ��net—e shall j' core stratisaid aforesaid aewer betwei th•• p i 'ce fo expense. a [itchy at hl cost and theses, , the f I.f' -± and oder the aupervlslonof th�•' ?�iseloner, of Pub11c-'orke,. a , _ .^dnnce ltk theR ➢lens ¢r ared by him. said Resolved, That permission ande�auri thoty be and the sane are hereby given to D. H. Michaud to construct a sewer on Morton St. beginning at the center line of Cherokee Ave., thence east 165 feet, but subject to ;the following express,conditions, viz.: 1. The said D. H. Michaud shall construct said sewer betwesn the points aforesaid entirely at his own cost and expense, to the satisfact- ion and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public works, and .in accordance, with the plans and profiles prepared by him. 2. The said D. H. Michaud shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. _ 3. The said D. H. j+dichaud shall properly protect all excavati®rs made in the street, both by day and night, so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons and property; shall properly fill, pack and roll said street so as to avoid settling, and to protect water mains and conr:ections and other public service instrumentalities in the street, and shall restore said street, including curbs or sidewalks, if disturbed, or damaged, to their original condition. 4.' The said D. H. Michaud shall give a bond to the City of St.Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollare,conditioned to,comply withall: the terms of this resolution, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, damage, claims or liability, both as to persons and property, occasioned by the making of the improvement, or arising out of the same. 5. The said D. H. Michaud shall,.within 20 days from -and after the passage of this resolution, file with the City Clerk his acceptance in writing thereof; if such acceptanoe is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Yeas (t") Coun men (P) Nays Farn Orth .Goss In favor Kelle MCC I _'__.Against O'Le y Yoer Mr. President, 'vers roaw, C.8•2 Adopted by the Council 19 Approved.- �i 91 IV � i 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'GENERAL FORM 1^ Subject E.s.tabli.sh.....gr.ads.. .....- ........ .._ � _..._.._ P COUNCIL _.. .. FILE X10.1....... ..... ........ .. �->Date Presented........... Oct ...._.1.4....._I914...... Resolved, That the grade of Andrew Street from Belvidere Street to a Prescott Street in accordance with red grade line as shown on attached profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 951 )� C. P. No. 2078—BY M. N. cone - Resolved, That the grade of Andrew I et et Ir6ec 73elVh1e .1 1-1 to Pre- - s ii ..or da c with red Cott tet, gradlinen eho n n attached p o- fil d s r omme nded by the C aimeo1, '.hereby badopted ne the retalic Works, be and b I Ilnhed grade. 9 � r—e - the Council Oct, 14.1914.. Approved (Oc 14, 1914. (Oct. 17=1914) 1 Yeas (1') Cou illnen (h) Nays Adopted by the Council Far worth GOs __ __In favor �: ^ l91 Ke r APProved_ _..- --_ Me oll O' ry Yoe _ .— Mr. President, owers - - - - MpYOR - °AM c.8-2 ea it CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject Es..t.b] ek?._..g.ade_.... ;....._ ............► �! �� 1 ........._....COUNCIL ... _F-ILE-- NOt ..... ...: ..... :... ...... Date Presented.-. Oct _.._...13_._.._...._I914....... Resolved, That the,grade of Glenham Avenue from Somerville Avenue to Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (r) Cou ilmen (T') Nays Far worth Gos In favor Kell Mc Il_Against O' y Yoe Mr. Presidettt,^ veers roRM c.e-z 0P Adopted by the Council Approved- - - MAYOR r CITY OF ST. PAUK, C . OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL`FORM Subject; .,...Establish grade. .... ......... .. ..... . . . . . ............. COUNCIL No 6-1) FILE ...... .. ...... ............... ................................... ... .......... ...... ............... ...... . ........... ...... ....... . . . ...... ...... . ................... ........ . ....... Date Presented Oct.— 1.3........-I914........ Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block 35 St.AnthonY Park North in accordance with the red grade line on the accomp, % anying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C R No. 2080—By Resolved. T hat the grad. at the I - ley In Block 15, St. AnthonyPark North. In accordance with the red grade lineon the accompanying pro - his and as ended by the Co— missioner of Public Works, be and the same Is hereby adopted as the ast.b- ll.h.d grade. Adopted by the C-1111 Oct. 11, 1111,, Approved t,4. 1914. (Oct.t. 17-1914) Yeas (I Cou ilmen (T,) Nays u Far worth Gos in favor 11 Kelt Mc 11 Against O' ry Yoe Mr. President, wers 10AM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council, 191// Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL 6—QQ pCOUNCIL,,,9SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject;. Eatablish....grade COUNCIL FILE............ .. .... . ...... .............. ............................... ... . . .............. ... ............ ........ . ........... .................. . . ...... ............................. ........ . ....... Date Presented Resolved, That the grade of B rand Street from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. I I C. r. No. 2081—BythAl- N. Goes— f B That e grade - Brand.. Whit. Bear -1 aae j-gia�n-dr.retr.ei' --cordance with the red grade Iffie the, ar-MP-%5' ..d ded Y leg pr.fil. rl,.. e 'the Co­i..I.ner of I a.d the same s herby adopted as the ­tabli.h.d grade.'Council 14. 1911. Adopted by the ,l 4 Oct. APPI-11 Oct: 14, (Oct. 17 Yeascilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 'JFsworth In favor er Approved- 91 oll Against 0 ary Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject Esteb.].1.8b_..Gr.Hde. _:._ ........_._r. _......................_ COU" �gDsy L B FILENCIL NOq ....................... .. '`4 j] Date Presented 11111.....-.Oct_.......13 .......I914....... Resolved, That the grade of Maplewood Avenue from Medford Avenue to Somerville Avenue in accordance with the red, grade line on the accompanying profile an& as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 11. N. Goes— Resolved.. That tie, grade of ]Saple wood a nae, from Dedfard avenue to nce wit She redl)grade line i n hae,ce rd eompany- Ing profile and as ommended by the, hb aimeloleehcrebyu adoptedras the es tablished grade. Adopted by the Connell Oc[. 14. 1914. Approved Oct. 14. 1914. (Oct. 17-1914) 1111-. „ t Yeas (11)cilmen (Y) Nays Fa worth In favor K r M oll __Against O' I Yo g Mr. President ower, rpRrn c.e-z J Adopted by the Council _ _ _t(U/ 191 Approved _ / l %� 191 y MAYOIyJn p CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject 9 5 t ab 11 sh- grade, ....__........................ Q�y COUNCIL No. ,FILE . .� .. .:.:.:. ... ...- Date Presented.... .Oc.t ...13._I914........ 4 1 Resolved, That the graof Medford Avenue from Maplewood Avenue to Columbus Avenue in accor ance with the *ed grade line on the accompanying a profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 1 C. P. No. 2083—Ry It. N. coos— Resolved; That the grade f Jled-1 ford avenue, from ➢taplewocd avenue to Columbus avenue, In accordance, withthe red grade line the ncc m- panying profile and ao on omtnended ` by the Commissioner of Public Walk., be and the ea a Is hereby adopted o j the stablished grade. s Adopted by the'Counell Oct. 14, 1914. Approved Oct. 14, 1914. (Oct. 11-1914) a Yeas (P)Cou ilmen (P) Nays Far orth Go -In favor KeI t"MC 11 _______Against Q, ry Yo Mr. President, owers roaw c.e@ Adopted by the Council _14a A -Z -y 191y Approved_ ! G - 191 MAYOa CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjecr ...�_Cr%sswalka _ __...__.. r• )s COUNCIL N .................................. ......_...................................... r Date Presented. :......._Oct..1_.14___....._I914........ Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed to cause crosswalks to be constructed at the following locations: C - F. No. 2084—BY \i: N. Goss Cement block crosswalks Resolved, That the' Commissioner of '', Public works bed he is hereby or- as dered anddirected to nuse vniks to be constructed atthe f.11 - Curtis Ste, N. side, across Mt. Hope St. Ing location.: Curtis St. N. side, across Woodbury Eve. I cement Block Crasswnn�s— Curtis street, north side. across At Tyler St., No side, across Gorman Ave. 114.po atreat. Curtis street, north side. acro.! Burns Ave., S. aide, across Hiawatha St. 1 woodbury avenue. Hiawatha Ste, E. side, across Burns Ave.TYlevenueet, north side, across Gor- an avenue.. south side. acrosstreet. Brick crosswalks I Hlatvalet s }hn street. oat side. acrossBurnsI IttP'ulavenue. Chicago Ave., S. side, across State St. L3"`'` crnaove—, Chi,C.. nue, south alae. ncross Indiana Ave., S. side, across Robertson St state ana a Indiana str avenue. south aide. across Robertson street St. Lawrence St., N. side, across State St St. La.vrenr [rest, north side. asd State street. \\'ood Croa.—lk— WOOd crosswalk ,,,awick street, east sidej across - Randolph atreet. Adopted by 4he Council Ocl. 14:.1914., Warwick St. 14. side across RandolRh St. Approved Oct. 14, 1914. i ) ) Yeas (I%) Cojn- GOS linen (P) Nays Farrth eIn favor Ke Me _ __Against O'y YoMr. Presidentwers ORM o.8.2 Adopted by the Council Approved_ .� _ 191 S! MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 611�� � ..... ........._...............".:.:. r ..SuD1t:Ct:.........................:....................._...._....................... ...... FILEC I. ' ...................................... _ ........... DatePresented................... ........ .... ............. ...... 191........... esolved', That the application of H. J. Maker for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at f399 Prior Avenue be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such " 1. license to H. J. Maker, for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury -of the fee required by law. C. P. No. 2086—Ry 1{Tccoll— . Resolved, Th rat the npplica[lon of H. - 7. Dlnlcer for license to conduct Motion, bectRn� It Rereby at399 gr rated, ,and the cit,• Cleric Is instructed t0 leeuo snch license to H. 7. Mnker for upon h [h eafeee required tby, he Citi T asury of I.W. pyi Ado{ tedby theCouncil Oct. 14, 1914. App Oved 0 t 14,. 1914. (Oct. O t .11-3914) i Yeas ` ( 17) C oilmen ( r) Nays Adopted by the Council_a/_/ 1914 *worth s In favor S 0 lerApproved 1 Oil Against O eary. D 1�/✓--� rg MAYOR Mr. President, owere City of St.Paul IAJf Council Resolution - General'form. Department of........._....._....---.__P.ublo,:tl.tige.......................... _-------- __A.�..._ Bureau of ....._...._._--._._:_._._. „._VP? ter _.._: Council pile No. ••.••-._.:._._..._...._._:_.. 1 11 By Date Presented .............. ......... _..1914. k Resolved, that the City Council authoriz a laying of a water main on Sargent Street, between gamline and Pascal /venues. C.1•.. No. 2086 -By Keller Resolved, That the City Council eu. thorize' the Inying f a .vate, ronin band Pascalt avenues between Bnmline Adopted' by the Council Oct. 1911714. Approved Oct. 14, 1714. _ ' (Oct. 17-1714) 'I CouncilAdo ted by the _._. 1_ _ __..._._._............... 1914. Yeas ( ) Couni'Ilmen ( ) Nays Mc11 Yo g 0' ary Approv / _ Z..1 4. Se er ---/ - •• Mayor Mr. President, eowwwee�commi+y-a. M. M N e. cau.ra. a eaae.� N.-0035 ,9. & MMSWOMf CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DIMPMRTA E OP PUBLIO IITn=MS f° BUREAU OF WATER OMIM: a Eks FLem smear Oct. 12, 1914. To The Honorable Council, City of St. Paul.. Gentlemen; The Board of Water Commissioners at a meeting held this- . �l date unanimously adopted the following resolution. "Reeolved that the City Council be requested to author- ize the laying of a water main on Sargent Street, between Hamline and Pascal Avenues." yours very truly, Secretary 6 .. r JCF-LM CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .................. F®� Subject:................................ _.......................................................................... .__.._------. OOUNGIL PILENO.. ........................ Date Presented....._ .........._......................... ,Resolved, That the contract bearing date a 13th, 1914, by and between, Thornton Brothers and the City Of St. Paul for ourbing certain streets in St. Anthonq-Park (1TOrth and Proper), be an& -V,16 same is hereby, approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of.the City.ca ° (!: 1`: No; E081 —By Ni. N. Gose— Resolved; Thnt 1714 liytnnd between date October 18. Tht.ornton Brothers nneJta'netreets in St. Anthony ;Park Paul for curb n(North nd Proper)., be and the same fe here aDProved, d the proper ,c(ty $flcera are u - Cho lzed and dliee[ed t execute the e on behalf or the city. s �I Abptedd by 14Oa1911 Oct. 14.1914. APt (Oct 17 1914) - / (,,GJTY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office /...... . /...191.Y Rea ived of City Clerkl. F Yeas ( Y) Cou men( Y) Nays Far Orth Gos In favor Kel % M 11 Against O' ry Yo Mr. President; P ers Resolved, That the contract bearing date October 13th, 1914, by and between C. A. Carlson & Son for the construction of a sewer on Geranium street from Cortland street to a point 850 feet east of the east line of Cortland street, be and the same is hereby a approved, and the proper city officers are _authorized and,direeted to execute the same on behalf of the City. soca—ma$yy TT. N G s— Re lved. fih LTU.e'co t et benrint; date October 199th, 1914, by and be - twee n C. .1.' Carlson &Son Por the eonstructlon.of as ver on Geranium.'' treet, from Cortland street to a point 250 feet east of the cast. line- f Cort- ' land street, be andthe sameis. hei•.e- ) - by approved,nd,the proper; city-of- dcers. are authorized nad directed to ,t City.ute the same on behalf of: the Adopted by the. Council Oct. 14,1914. I Approved, Oct. 14. 1914. OF SAINT PAUL �( City Clerk's Office m ............. ...... ( ; .......l9l Received of City Tart l`'r ra.. Yeas ( ),') Col omen ( N �In favor Against Mr. President, PcUre Approved U l 91 MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO.-- 13Y O 13y . ...._._.... .... ...-.. ° FINAL ORDER. Iu the ,tette] of.......r.a.ving__Plum.. street from the west lire of Maria Ave. to the east line of Bates avenue including intersections of Fates avenue Plum- _s.tr..e.e..t_.._and ..Ha.s_tings._.ame.nue.... _ _...... __ under Preliminary Order. _._7_03y..... _.._... ....._approved '._JLly 15th, 1914 a _ ............SEP...._1 t 1514 Intermediary. Order .....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the seine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paullythat the precise mature, extent and kind of in1- provmnent to be made by the said City is-Paving. Plum -.St. -.from._ the -..mast.. line. -oi....Maria /..Ave. to the east line of Bates Ave. including intersections of Bates even Plum-street.. d-Rastinge-avvenue ot• rs sal >/I and thdGo�i reby Improvement to be made. ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Conniissioner of Public Works be Iuu] he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications fo; said improvement, and submit same to- the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....._:__.(�l 1—1 .CQ. ........ � 1�...._ ........ City C •. Approved......_....... ..... ..... ...._. `__...._19._.._..... --- — -_ a r, r, Din, zdsa— Ix or. Jn the .butter f ...Inx Plr+m. y f— the west lane .f w-1Z .' the• east line of Bat-..+.ee Councilinen Far swo•th 1 dtn i� 1't r ettnn of Bad, - �nsee!PtPliminary Orden•" Is 716th. 191d;int-,j Order. 11..45: an...-d's—t. 1'.,An thelC halimncov Inst!,+ tl ndih(` anQ ith 1 n e oA fits ten d jd ata 1 tlV tin— a 8n oll conald red thea t b ItAe C.—MI of— the -n1. t at,ry t i d L IrVhI,a a InSt f om'. the et 11nP f Ma la �g ha eagt line Of Bare tding. inter tl ne- Batevtr-t 6 d ITate g h It L i n 9 r.➢layorere t M � � a 89 Yf P (COUNCIL FILE NO. s' By FINAL ORDER. In the liutten of.....xa.ving.. Plum street from the west line of Maria Ave to the east line of Bates avenue including intersecteione of bates avenue Pham.....st e.e..t.....and.._Hgastings.__ave.nue.-_. under Preliminary Order?._1.03. '.... _.__.__..........approved July 15th, 1914 164 11 a roved SEP I- 1914 Intermediary. Order __ _. _ ._ pp A public hearing having been had upon the, above improvement upon due notice, and the .Council having heard all persons, objections and reeommendat-ions relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul' that the precise nature, vxteid and kin$ of iun- provement to Ile made by the said City is._ paving --Plum. .. 8t...,from.-the....vrest lin ..of-_Maria.-Ave...--to .the east line of Bates Ave. including intersections of Bate en .-Plum-street— d Hastinge-avenue and th . l;otmci ] reUy o• rs sw mijtroccuneut to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed wit7h the snaking of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........__�.....Q_._..._1J/�{ City C Approved.........._.. C. r No. 2089— .._... ..... - -- ... _......__. In theMatter of -­P I- Flnm 1layer, f.nm the est ]ineof Marin ^he ensL uric of B0.tdA AVP.i '"' •Councilmen Fill .,worth 1,+%Ia,;e mrersenenne ni Rnti - maer11 i' Jlan nark Ord tr `" Go • or ved .Tnly. 16th:..fa14_Tnto order 1sg1• ayuroved. �Qeot 1,, A nnhlid h Hrui 0.V lot the'abo -e imnFdv�ment , K er rire. .4,the Council bavir - ) nrsonv hie Canna d t1 n tf thereto. a At ell oneidered the am t; be it F yn_ vei "V` tt+ Co, n n of f et nwl 41 f the ore i n to eary t �ar sod kind t-imnrovemen de hV the Sold City is a Ip Rt f om the w st 6f: Il nt ETarl0. nag rh t line on.Ba+e dfn¢ (fer ti a of Bate t et and Hastine n F f halt do et ten Vr. Dlayor era d�thn ra nr+I he 1 i' meF t t Yurl A„ i M. N. �GO55 - OSCA12 CLAUSSEN CWEYISSIONE0. UBL1C {I'ORRB j � t ' CRIBP BNGINSBR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS C, Stj Paul, Minn. Oct. 26, 1914. A Mr. M. 1T. Goss, Commissioner of Public ,'forks, C I T Y. Dear Sir,— With reference to the paving of Plum St. from Maria Ave. to Dates Ave., I beg to report the estimated cost of paving with asphalt concrete and cement curbing is $2.90 per front foot. Yours very truly, e Chief Engineer, CITY OF SAINT PAUL orry oxmv -8 orplor, Oct. 24th',1914 F�) nD 70_n 'r r Hor.M.X Goss, oCT 2 4 914 CoFmr. of PuIrlic Forks, City. M. N GOSS. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WOMB De,,r Sir: - The Counr,!', et their rieeti,'y',)f Oct. 23rd,19314 referred C. V. 'CE9 a Fir.nl %rder to pmve Plum Street, to you for on estirnNte of the cost of nr. ',sphalt concrete pmvemert an .- lum Street from the west line of Vri,, \",. to he _t lire of 9Ateq Ave., exclusive of the ,rte-lectiOr F of 3ntr.e Ave. —11 Plum St 'est nvA F,7—t!'ks Ave. TA4 s mlittar come- up before the Council q-,nin or F.,,aDg OCTCD111 30th, 1914. L .Yo,ar- tnily, City cla't . Q E" ^ e CIT -Y OP -SAINT PAUL OSTY OLIDBB'6 of ` nc n d?, 141h,1914. OCT 1 `: Hon. TAX. Goss., r ^, GO:�__, Cosinr. of Public '19ork s, pp;;,6ti'Stpt+t� OF fU LIC WUi; CITY. Denr Si r:- I hand you attnched ?-,erewith, the papers m:l dnto i+, connection with the paving of Plum S't.C. F. 2089, which the Cou»cil referred to Bomar depnrtuent thi. ,.horning , the City Engineer to rake w, other estin,te of the cost of this.pnvirg, exclusive of tha cos; of ^nein% the internectiore ,f Bate., %v -a. Plun and Hastings Ave. The mntter ^ins lnid rarer o -a uveek, and comes up before the Counc;.l n;nin on October 21st,1911. Yours truly, City Clark REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE in the matte, Alf paving Plum street from the_ west line_of ..Iaria avenue Eaat—line- of.. Rates. am enue., . inaluding. intere.e.o.tions of.. Rates Has.ting.s....avenue.... .......... . .. ..... .. . under Preliminary Order approved Jul.y-15th, 1914 To the Council of the City of St. PaIll The commissioner of Finance lherehr reports as r(ill—s: The total estimated alaoll"t of the assewiiew for the allov, improvelm-lit is . ... .. Kind of Pavemert ApT•roximate Estimate Per front foot. Sand—lime brick ;6,652.34 u8.31 'a' m n i te 6,632.99 8.16 San,latone 15,850.99 7.31 32" Creosoted Block 4,981.44 6.22 Brick 4,674.54 5.84 Asphalt 4,248.29 5.31 Asphalt concrete 3,361.69 4.20 Asy,ha I t macadam 3,003.64 3.75 Macadam 20577.39 3.22 Concrete 8,037.74. 3030 The lots or pareeis or-inii,i that may he assessed for said it'll, rm".111011, nlld the assessed N.,111lation of each lot or pareel a., last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ALvl. rw-oec —.,-4 DESCRIP"TION Lot Blocl ADDITION Assessed Valuation (� �/ DESCRIPTION Lot Blocl, ADDITION I e DESCRIPTION Lot Blocl, ADDITION I Assessed Valuation 461 li `a The Connuissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter 0 the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........._....._. /(� ._ ... 191. Commissioner of hinance. OSCAR CLAUSSEN -. M. NGOS9. commsso� euocm wove CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - St. Paul, Minn. July 31, 1914. Mr. M. H. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. , Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the-paving of Plum St. from the W. line of Maria Ave. to the E. line of Bates Ave., including intersections of Bates Ave., Plum St. and Hastings Ave.., in accordance with Council File #q7w, approved July 15, 1914. Assessable frontage 800 ft. KjjgD OF PAVEMENT Y APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE Sand-lime brick $6,649.50 Granite 6,530.15 Sandstone 5,848.15 on 3u" Creosoted Block 4,978,60 1' Brick 4,671.70 _ Asphalt __ - 4-j,245.4&- Asphalt ;,-245.46 Asphalt concrete 3,368,86 Asphalt macadam 3,000.80 Macadam 2,574.55 Cone,rete 3,034.90 Where sewer, water and gas connections are not installed, add the following to each lot; For sewer, either side of street $27.90 For water, 3/4- H. side of street 21.00 For water, 374" S. side of street 35.0b. For gas, H. side of street 10,00 For gas, S. side of street 5.00 Final order should be corrected to read from•the'East line of Maria Ave. to the East line of Bates Ave. instead of, from the West line of Maria Ave., as the intersectio* of Maria Ave. and Plum St. is now paved. Respectfully submitted, Chief ,Engineer 1nL*jajgti6ns of. Bates TAge. { Plum St _ things xeferreo,to therein,'hereby xeporta. f is $—Kx-__ ,and the •total 'coat thereof ie $7 ... . provement4i as follows:, _ ....—•••--- =- 1 TO THE HONORABLE, TUT' COUNCIL OF Tlir "ITY OF ST. PAUL:- Pe, the undersigned, hereby petition the Honorable the Council of the City of St. Paul, and protest against the Strfet paging of Plum etween Bates Avenue and Maria Avenue in said J City. Respectfully, 0r,. ,R DES RIPTI.OP1i dL h 9ffI —73 ' a 1 { 1 f 4 i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Au ?et..._7.x.....................191.`'._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......_790................ approved ...... jtgy ,c41...........................191...4, relative to........................... _ aonetruQt o 4f, _sedere,.-9 Edmund•._St_......from.,,Snelling__Ave,.,.„to-„Fry_ St..., on Fry St.: from Edmurd St.•..__to___Charles St.. _and on Charles St. from _.......................................................... ...... .............. .............. jrSt. to ...:..................__......._......_........................_.................................._...._.............................................__..._.......:...._.._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............. ... .... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $R.._.._...... , and the total cost thereof is ,4,69$.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................. -3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof., r� op I COUNCIL .FILE NO .................. By _ .................._-__._....__..... ........ ....... ......._.._...... _..._...._.. _ FINAL ORDER. In the Ill -atter of. __gra.ding_.Hyac!nth._s.tre.z.t f.rola._Far_l,._s.treet.._t.o Qrarge 6t.reS.t.._.... .._.__._... _._........... __..........._ _......._..... _.__.... .._._..... ......__ uu&g Preliminary Order ....._...... .... 616 .......... ..._.... July 10th, 1, 1�4Q _ SEP 17 1914 nternlediary Order _ ._. -approved ................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RES", By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the clse nature extent Id/kind of im/- poc o be�oMade �b ihe said ty i4G� ........ . _ ..-_. _��li...�(?'� ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and snbutit same to the Council for approval; that upon sairrapproval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed wigh the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... ...r t(( �100 IVY ` .... ....._ . _ __......._ L ........... i k. Approved ._......._1......-._._._....._T .19_._ T ................... ..... mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth - _ ,C r No: -2091 -- _. _. In the Matter of grading Hyacinth - Goss street;from ,Earl afreet ",Orange si set .under PFalimtnary Older 616,: - approved: July'10th;: 1914, 'Intermedi-- Order 1640 approved. Sept': 17.. -- Keller 191 i.'. A publlc hearing having been::'haa1 upon the .above imp;ovement upon due; McColl notice, and;_the •Counoii having lieard - all.pers9ns:.oblectiona'and reeommenz, Patlons',relative' thereto, and havfug. fully considered the,,.same; therefore,., O'Leary b, it .�_ ° 6 i Resonved;'By the Council oY theOlty of St Paul"that the precise nature, ex -.i ioer tent :and'.kfnd of 9mprovemenl' to beo m d by the enld C[ty:is grading;Hya-' 1nth, St. from Earl St to Orange St„I Mayor Powers and the pounell hereby'orders'said im-1 y provement to be made. i Resolved:: Further,; Tl at' lha.commf s- i �y In the Matter of__...gra...ding.._H,yacinth_,_street.. from Earl street to Orange Street. .. .......... ".... C ._...... under Preliminary Order approved. ....s .111.X . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for file above improvement is J...754..,0 .......... 38¢ per front foot. The lots or.parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said imprmienimt, and the assessed valuation of eaph lot m• pareel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows; a J DESCRIPTION Lot Blocl ADDITION. Assessed Valuation I *-)a s l�3 � �I ' I la J 1 _ DESCRIPTION Lot Bloel ADDITION AssessedValust;oll i 1 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to 0 him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated..........................1 ..... ............. ........... f��..,.....J.�L...._........... ..._....... Commissioner of Finance. N roF Id B.TOG;c olio------ I ffiv L 5114 -iJAG 2LOO �-O bT-obGL;1 0 J&G fil: G L a[ tltt 0 :6 -BjjP3'jG FOL] 110 Lot I Lot 2 Lot 3 ro lot 4 Lot 5 lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 ',y Lot 9 Lot 10X Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 r�� a io{_ p i BTccK apxe© Pc•F T -- ----- ---- et ' l i i try v J� u l- - f�^ s ' A COUNCIL FILLS NO... ....... By............ FINAL ORDER. In the hatter nf......grad.ing_.Qlsar..t....t.p..:..grcaet. ...... _...................... _.........._.__...................:.._......::..................._._..............._......_..__._........._.__._.................._.........._........_......._............. _.. unden"Preliminary Orden 416. ._.._..........approved .... .J..UA6 3Qt 1914 °' ��.c� _ SEA 9 e 914 Intermediary Order ........... .._... .__. ..approved ..._ ..... ......... ..- -._..- A. public hearing having been ha(fupon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heml all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the slime; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul tha /le, precise stare extent a kind of inn- ,rodeo to be ade by the said City .. .... �! - -- -- . •, aad the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereb} instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby .authorized and directed to proceed with the, making of said iunpt ovemen�t b ni accordance therewith. . Adopted by the Council �lA.....19.� Clerk. Approved .._.......LC/..... .-...... ...../.�19 �.. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss' Keller Alecol l O'Leary Yoerg. Mayor Powers I In the Matter of... grading .,..Clear ...,.p,treef.... f.rom..Foreet..,_etreetto.. Arcade _street - ............. ............ . .............. ... ............. _.... under Preliminary Order approveR.. d.._....J.U..e ...Kti.1],...._Z.e914_..............._____ ..........._...__......._..........................._._...._........................_......._ To the Cmtneii of the City of St. jjlied: The Commissioner of h`intuuee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amonat of the assessment for the above improvement is x.....2.._1.5.7...4,__ 92¢ per front foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed 0 valuation of .trach lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: � _ ., �, ------ a-� r -- �°- - -L � �,��. �,.__^ .� _. 777,577 J DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION Assessed Valuation J� G� 1 -- ADDITION Assessed��lvot'oT DESCRIPTION' Lot Bloc _ 3 /D e(� t�/ 2 Qa i U - 1 DESCRIPTION Lot Bloch AUDITION Arsessed Valuation l ------------ —�— �— — ---- -- I )J 0 o 4' ■ 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, 1 and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the. Commissioner of Yublie Worhs. Dated.._...._.................... ..... ........ ............... ......._.191 _....._ ...... .... ........................_._...................................nm• ..._....._...F.i._.... _....._........... � Conunissi.oof nxuee. lim 0 MR for said improvement:- . .. . .. . . ................. l6issione bf Pub C By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the) tter of_.._.grading,.._C1ear stree�t._from Forest street to Arcade street. :. under Preliminary Order .:_.._.. 41.6._ ................. ....... ......... ........ approved ....._.!Uric 30th�...1914 ._........... .................. ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having rebeived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: i.. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement khereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That 'the nature of the .improvement which the Council recommends is..._9T94RE C1@ar ;Street _fjrom__Foreet. _street. to._Arcad® street..._ ._ . _ .. _.......... _................... __................ ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 2,15..%_...8. ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.._.. 14th _.,day . of 10 A: amber 06tob.4r_...._.. _............. ......... 191.1--, at the hour of ........ _........_.._...o'clock........._ 11., in the..._O.O.L7 1Q 1..::411. 61 froom of the Court House and City -Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance gijce noticeof said .meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of t�y�olre t, and the totpeostereyoastimated. Adopted by the Council.__. __......... 19. _..._._ a ...... ...,..... City Clerk. APProded_. .......... _._.19.f.._ ------ ..__.. .. .... _ Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth C F Nb 189s—sy's A Farn9wprth ." In the Sf¢tte ptc radlhg Clear street - From,rorest 'street to.Arcade street, under: Pr liminary Order 426 ap='! - Go 'yroved Jude S6thi>I924 " The'Fggdncll of the City of`,SL'P,aul .. - hhving-recelVed the report of the Com= ' gCl r mtsaroa8r at FS¢atipe upon.the above lmpfddemenL and ".hading Conetdered lapid report herebytesoly e , I Ttiaf the aald,'Yepor! be*;?ind ,tha - MC IL ' same is;hereby�approved Bad adopted, = qrd that s¢td tmpgoVament Is; hereby _ [order d Yo be proe¢eded- n' ary 2 That tho natupa of thA linprove .I meat which tha CduhQ1l recommends 1s j gradipg"-C18hr Street frtlm Fo'xest $L. ix Argahe street w1tL nnxalternativea, YO g sand thaE' [h$ est[mated cosh i; tiereot Ss - ; - lep ly $ oltied Y�`Urt}itifi: That a`"pnhllc Mayor Po ers heari¢g b had6h`sa{d improd neat¢n t fthe 14th; day of October 1914,.at the ` hon gf,1,6 o cock A'; lll., !rt tha.CoUncn :. Chamber, >room 97rot the Couri•H uee ' aUd City;_$all nWldlag' Ia "tho _City SSL Paul;: Commfe9loper oL �Flaahe@;:gids nonce;bt sold meeting;to tthe per4on9 and !n', the manlier pm vlded tagx the Charts{ sfating tha time 1 " - hhd place QP hearing' [he nature nt the �Smprovemerit and'the fofal Costttherd of na estimates s COUNCIL FIL .. .. w 13� ..... .. ....... FINAL ORDER. In the Matte of awing_ th_e_ alley ._in Block 1? .Bern's Addition. .......... ... y................ ......_... wider Preliminary Order. 6.Z4 approved .. 10th . 1914 ..._._,._ sc�7 SEP i 151 ; Intermediary Order ....... _. ................ . _ ...... _. ... _..._.approved _......�... .... ... ... ........... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and theCouncil. having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully esfnsidered the a sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is............... .............. _.... __........... ........ .. .............. _ ................ _................. _........ _.... _.......... _.......... _.... _................................ ......... _....._....... ........ ..... ...... ...................... ....... ........................ ........................_._..._......................... ..... _...... .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..... ............................... ....._....... _19....... ............... .. ......................... City Clerk. Approved.__ _..._....._._....... ..................... ... 19............ ................................... .............. .... ......... _.............. Mayor. e 0 Councilmen Far sw i lteH 1� McColl O'Leary �(( rf Yoerg� Mayor Powers M The Commissioner of Finance further reports that ~he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his repot thereon to the Council, together witli the report made to hint in refereuce/ o said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ..... ............ .10/w....__ ...............191. 1�.._......... _...... .... _.... _..... _......_.._. ..........._....._ Commissioner of Finance. I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that ~he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his repot thereon to the Council, together witli the report made to hint in refereuce/ o said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ..... ............ .10/w....__ ...............191. 1�.._......... _...... .... _.... _..... _......_.._. ..........._....._ Commissioner of Finance. C F'= Vo 1Q1 BY 9 L Farpawq th •••181 , i. 8 solved Whe;ear tmmedfatgty ate PrGSGnted............. prnd up to [he time the exf t1ng Charter ,, th Otty OP St ..Paul tgok etteeE there was{pending in the Boards � of,Pulltq �..' Rorkeoadattrig,gttr ondemnatooeoda oegtaLn;i - Flnat Ot•,tl No. 3fi887, approved Einrgh 28 for tho opening;`, vld ntng and ext 'y - - �:: - in j•t r .rere t�f xS t'° v _ - ,,edot r to'; T c ,nr • •( Resolved, Whereaa �Iinmediately prior and up to the tims the existing- Charter !of=the City of St. Paul took effect there was pending in the Board of Public ;forks of said city a certain conde1nation.proceeding, Final order No' 38687, approved March 28th, 1913, for the opening, widening and-.. 1extending of Payne avenue, from Linnehaha streat to the southwesterly- e - corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Irvines Second Addition, to St. Paul, bac"con demning and taking a strip of land described as follows to -crit: Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 5, block 2, 3rvines Second Addition: to .St. Paul, according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey, Cou Ay;"Minnesota; thence northerly along the east lins of Payne avenue to the ..northwp st corner of lot 3, block 2 Irvines Second Tie to 'ea teiiyry'along the north line of said lot 3, block 2i a distance of''30 feet,; --;04a�¢souvhwesterly in a direct line to the place of beginning -sing parts !' of- 3, 4 and 5, Block 2 of said Irvines Second addition said City, not already condemned or dedicated to public use. -- - t<hereas, the Board. of Public Works, prior to thb first dag; of June 1814, had—directed the Clerk of said Board to glve the assessment notice, and the proceeding for said condemnation is stiil'pending and it is the Aesirsible.to proceed with the same, and 3�hereas, It is the opinion of this Council, that all other eats and'proceedinge to be had or done relative to the completion of the afore said<assenemen.ts are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the present Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said assessments-be.completed S under the terms and provisions of the existing; Charter as to all further ! acts ,and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and:'ot'her officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized. and directed t?, to csantinue to complete the Bald'assessment under the existing Chahar, in• �lco�sdtnee therewith: Yeas(V) Co cilmen (V) Nays - Adopted by *'��SY191 s -o rth t' In favor 1 i t u 1 S t{CL- r. � j i l i i i J 7 V11-111-1 �711 Cl OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OLUTION—GE AL FORM �02 Subject: ............ .... ............. . ...... ....... ............................COUNCIL FILEN No . .................. ............ . .......... ......... . ........ 2102 -By �, ..... . ... . . . . ............ a, S,.A. Fairm, .......... . . iin ", Prior -1 1 Ih the time they::xisting e cits, ot St. Paul I t, tesented .............. . ..... . ...... ................... 191 ....... .•... . pas-Pend)ng in the r Date P said City ri of " a - No. 15931 o.15931, approVed I the -:opening, widenIn an efHeroIfeet-f,cffi Selby,, avenue � o Dr. aveby and the'%3tt"h:"'thha[ ea..j�nd, h, the VtIm. -mr!heait -lot 23 Resolved, Whereas, Immediateprior "to the time the exising Charter of the city of St. Paul took effect there was pending in the Board of Public W-brks, of said City a certain condemnation proceeding, Final order Approved Aprilffith� 1914, No. 15931,_,Cf the opening,- widening and extending of Herschel avenue ito a width of 60 feet from Selby avenue to Dayton avenue, by condemnin,g, ,and taking the East 30 feet of the North a of that piece of land in the Northwest 41 of the North East 1 of Section 4; Town 28, Range 23,, lying between south line of Dayton avenue and north line of Selby avenue and between Block 4, Kuhl's Addition and Block 4, Skidmore and �Cassedy's Park Addition, not already condemnedAr dedicated to public use, also condemning and taking the East 30 /0- a t of the South 1- of that , piece sof land in North Test i of the Northeast -1 4 of Section 4, Town 28, Ra I Range 23, ly ing between south line of Daton avenue and north line of Block 4,,Fuhl's Addition, and iSelby avenue and between Block 4P Skidmore and Cassedy's Park Addition ;not already condemned or dedicated'to public use. Whereas, the Board of public Works, prior to the first day of June 1914, had directed the Clerk of said Board to give the ael9besment notice, and the proceeding for said condemnation is still pending and it is the desirable to proceed with the sairie, and Whereas, It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the af.ore— said assessments are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the present Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said assessments be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and departments of the,oity, are hereby authorized and directed tQ_ to continue to complete the said assessment under the existing Chart,r in accordance therewith. V) ComfMno-Io ( V) N-Ys"f– Adoptcd by the Council---.. I - 191 IV '--In favor 1103 CITY OE,�§T. PAUL . COUNCIL RE LUTION—c�nnenv cg Subject:.. ... o CIL ....__ .. .. _ .............. of s,3 -� nae NO..._... ... ...................191 ....... _... !:der,No:•42134, approved May-3'i.1a1, .'•2 -- for Ahe opening, widening and. eztend - Ing' Of West Lnw o'n etr11Ltureen `. Kent street a d Ma 'j�l 1n said etty, by co dem,, •Ingl 'th etrnst e� of thea , t"said -§trip-etC?beCI iaqson . >3- - Rcsoly d, Whereas, Immediately t:.tr�a kir 1W the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect there was pending in the Board of Public Works of said city a certain condemnation proceeding, final order Nd. 42134, approved May 30th, 1914,Lor the opening, widening and ex- tending of West Lawson street, between Kent street and Mackubin street, in'said City, by condenLning and taking a strip of land, 60 feet -wide across the east z of the S.W. k of the N.W.,-- of Section 25, the center line of said strip being the center line of Lawson street in Como Prospect Addition, produced East across, said East of the S.W. -1 of the S.W.-�, not already condemned or dedicated to public use. Whereas, the Board of Public ?forks, prior to the first day of June, 1914, had directed the Clerk of said Board to give the assessment notice., a�'d the proceeding for said condemnation is still pending and it is:tha_ desirable to proceed with the sage, and Whereas, It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the afore- said assessments are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the present Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said assessments be completed finder the terms .and provisions of the existing Charter as, to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other, officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed tD,_ to continue to complete the said assessment under the existing' Charter, in" - accordance therewith. Yeas i(V) Cou ' rne" (V) Nays Adopted by the Coundl_-191 $ Fer orth Go In favor fJ — 191 61 Ke Approved M 11 Against 1 MAYOR ' Mr. President, P ens ij [J3LISI3EIS� �7 ` 21104 C _ OF�SL PAUL i COUNCI SOLUTION-GENERAL FOR Subject: t�lt CRS _ 21 04, COUNCIL o.. N FILEiY .... ........... .......t.. ! ��....._...__..._..._...._...... ............. ..:..._........... .... ........ C. F..N 2104—BY S A Farn th—^` Res 1 ed Whe a Immedi t it .,._._..., ."..191. ,. yrlor n d up'to,; th tim .th ex1 ting Presented..............._4...,.. J Charts Y .the CStY Y St.. P ul took .t_ t them ruse.: pendt gin theHo d f Public Works. f said cltyo a arra n I'I",, Order No: 15085, upp 27th... 1013,•Por. the Paving 'of Sneer ¢venue, from C7rand avenu to yl- v.rsity Vonue with 3j¢ 1- or r - ':Foul fi0 fees t.e.lat, �. Resolved, . whereas, 'Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the.Ci'tq'of St,. Paul to3k effect there was pending in the Board of Public 'corks of said city a certainy Final ()mer TTo. 15()85, arrroved Idav 27th, 1913, `for the paving of Shelling avenue from Grand avenue to University avenue with 3" inch long leaf yellow pine creosoted wood Blocks /.,r to a width of 50'feet, and Whereas, It is the opinion of this Council that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid assessment are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the present Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said assessment be corn pleted under the terms and provisiond of the existing Charter-as to all further acts and proceedings to be-done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith. l 1 /ry�j Yeas ( YV CN ilmen(!�) Naya _ Adopted-by the Counc Fa sworth G �In favor He r Approved M 11 Against 01. ry Y _ --__ MAYO Mr. President,P cre 6 j r • COUNCIL FILE NO. .. .... ... INTERMEMARY ORDER. _-A In the 'Matter of Avo'n p frora...University avenue to - .......... .......... .............. .. . . . ...... ..... . ... ..... nnder Preliminary Orden. ......................... ...._approved _.._.July :lO�th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. Qja?� jgLf i�Ka on Avon street from University avenue to Lafcnd street. .... . ......... .......... . ...... . ... .. ... ... . .................. ............... .... . ........ ........... ....................... ........... .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__95.O0 ............... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ tltth .............. . day of er .......... .... Klavembex .......... 1911..-., at the hour of o'clock in tbe.-CoIA4911 ql�� 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persoiN and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time anal place of hearing, the. nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 0 7 1 Z 4 Adopted by the Council......... .... _19.........._ .................................. . .. ............ .................................. - Clerk. Approved 7- /_o__ 19 .... . .. ...... ..... . .. .. ................. Mayor. oftDkIts., Councilmen th y -S A Farnsworth- the'Alatter oUeba,, of -grade �,n street from University _aa. �o swor to LafondTy AL Order 598- r.' "thT%V 1. L The Council of the �Clty of 'SL, Paul )fie er having '-eel of the, Inkne. ujlofi - the 0, Improvemedti 'add havingI , ,2 - con 7 M 011 stere a1 rp or herebyr..:v_Je,. .. , That t0 said repart beand the aand: the 'IS Ireby ed an he by. do ted. r e eat�1.0eary ordered obe proceededIt That t.nature, o prove meat i- t Council recommender is change raWonAvon atreet: ,Y rg r nhIt ..avenue to Lafond at IItI alternatives.' and that: the estimated -- f1s:$25.00.. Mayor P era That -.'a. pubo, o hearing l 0 eId" COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIpARY ORDER. In the Matter of..__Change _cf ;rade on Orange street from Payne avenue to 1`ialsh s ..... on_........ ...__... wider Preliminary Order...........412....._ _................. ... _..._.approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered laid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. . Change_._of.... rr_ade__-on Orange street from Payne avenue to Flalsh street and on Greenbrier Ave., ...... -.. ...._ .......... ......... ..._... ....._ .. ._.... from Ha-thorne stre.et to Hyadinth. _atre t ......... ......... _......_.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .......... 2rJ....QQ.....-__..... 1/ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....J__....... .......... .............._day of November _._.........__....._.__._....._....193.4...., at the hour of.._..ZQ....__...._.o'clock... _......... A-31., in the_CG"0.1.1._..cliamber roomgfthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin nissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and K place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council d ...4..... - 19...__..._ a ..... .......... ....... Ci Clerk Approved...........C_��..._ .._..... .... _................. ...-.. -.e it sJ. .... ....f ......._._ r 3�z Mayor. t Councilmen Fai isworth Oo. Kel er Me oA 0' ary Yo g Mayor Pot Ir. COUNCI FILE T1Q .._ ... _. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ln the .hatter of . CR4499e -0. forad..e. on, Carroll_avenue.._fr 1: Fin ay.o n.e _t0_ Vii 1 d er ver,..e... under Preliminary Order ._-.597--- 1 ---...._.__ ......_..approved ._ _ __._j:ql ... lOtAi___1°14..,..__ _.._ ___. __. t The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Co unissioger of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said repot be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouuuends is....Q.,f...:Zra -e or_ Carroll.._3vkpl e.&Y.e.^uA...t9._ �.1de1_.._ave.rue... ........ _. ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *_25.,_.0..0......_..__,._,.,.„_, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said h rovement on the.] ......................_._..._ _-day of hamber A?OV4'mb.K_....:..._..........._._......_....._..._._..1914....,'.at the hoot of. ......._1.Q.......... o'clack._._.._ .........hL, in the.._C...ot}nci1....Q.... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance ” 4 give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. , Adopted by the Council_.._ ..... _."..__. __..._..19.......__. ......... .......... ..... ...... Clerk. �� - 3^ . Approved_.._._.................._._........_.....__.'.....lJ....�. .......... ... ...._ .._•_......... _....... ... ..... ....-. - Mayor. C. F No._ 230T BY S Ai_Fap arch- Councilmen Farnworth ^^ �e� GJ�, Kr Mll / 0ry Yg Mayor Prs �e� COUNCIL PILE NO.—.—.- By O _By INTERMEMIPARY ORDER. In the Matter of c.h..ange _o . &radce_.on_ Roy, etreet_Trom_._Shi.elds avenue to St-- Anthony.... avenue.. __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ under Preliminary Order ..........469.......... _... approved. June.._30tht__1914 _...._._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be kind the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._ChAA e_.._of ..grad.e Q.n....rc.y.....atr.e.e.t....f ou.. Shi.ed.da....avenu.a...to...8t._...An.thony.....% e_r. ......_..........._..............._....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is {.._X5...,_00 ...................... / %fly_ , /% Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _...?6.r#h day of :jgvember___._......._... .._..__._....._..._._191._4.., at the hong of...._1Q._.. .._.o'clock......__._Aa.._.11., in the_.. -Council.. -Chamber ..._............... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givgnotice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. !SaA Adopted by the Council.. ....... ... ..... __._ _ _ _.._ __. _ .19.._. ��L �. ('i . CI Approved. . ........ .__... .................. ..... ._........ ....... .......4..1... C....a...'"....'�.... Mayor. Councilmen Farlsworth Go Ke er M oil 0' eary Y erg Mayor P vers COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of -chanze Qf grade—on OrQWp.11 avenue from Orchard street .. ........ under Preliminary Ordel July 6th, 119114 - The, Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is cha?�Zq. of grade!A Crowell avenue,_ from Orchard street to ljcXenty street............ .............. .......... ......... ...... .............. ....... ..... . ..... ..................... .. ...... .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *25,qp- ............. )sod Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of November at the hour of -o'clock A—M., in the. Qou.n.c.11 QAT,,;ber ......... ..... .......... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 19 ......... ... Approved....... C... ................ . ......... . . ........... ............. ... . ...... Mayor, Councilmen FA-nsworth G s K ler 0 Coll Cary erg Mayor a wells A COUNCIL FILE LJNO-- 13Y C�/-6 INTERMEMARY ORDER. )? I In the Matter of qhange� cf grade, on Ryde street from Union street to 0 - ............... the: T. P. Right of .'ay. -I . .. .... ..... - . under Preliminary Order 591._ --- .. . .............. . -approved ....,TU!Y 10thi- 1914 - The, Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--QhAA9j8 Of- gr.ad-e.. on ayd.(._ eerr jst fXOM- Union street to th—e- P right of Way. ....................... - ............. - . . ..... I .................. . ....... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 95_,,IZQ -- la� Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .— _— day of Nove - mb e * __jql!�� at the bour of.. ........... o'clock...... in the Counail Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin inissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, sod the total cost thereof as estimated. 'C' A Adopted by the Council ........... _._19__........ ..................................... Cle Approve(] ...... ........ . . ... ..... .. ......... . . . ........... .. .... .... - Mayor. Councilmen Farnslor'th Goss 's Kell Me 11 a ry Poe g Mayor Pow -s L A COUNCIL FILE LJNO-- 13Y C�/-6 INTERMEMARY ORDER. )? I In the Matter of qhange� cf grade, on Ryde street from Union street to 0 - ............... the: T. P. Right of .'ay. -I . .. .... ..... - . under Preliminary Order 591._ --- .. . .............. . -approved ....,TU!Y 10thi- 1914 - The, Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--QhAA9j8 Of- gr.ad-e.. on ayd.(._ eerr jst fXOM- Union street to th—e- P right of Way. ....................... - ............. - . . ..... I .................. . ....... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 95_,,IZQ -- la� Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .— _— day of Nove - mb e * __jql!�� at the bour of.. ........... o'clock...... in the Counail Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin inissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, sod the total cost thereof as estimated. 'C' A Adopted by the Council ........... _._19__........ ..................................... Cle Approve(] ...... ........ . . ... ..... .. ......... . . . ........... .. .... .... - Mayor. Councilmen Farnslor'th Goss 's Kell Me 11 a ry Poe g Mayor Pow -s COUNCIL FILE NO 13yl INTERMEDIARY ORDER. , In the Mattel of.._changeof._. grade on Knapp street from Raymond avenue to . __ .. ._ . ............ .._.._p Cleveland- avenue,... _ __ _ ._ .._....._ under Preliminary Order.. 172 .......... _.... .......... _._.approved ...June.._.l2.th.,__.1214 _.__..... . ........._: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the $ature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_..._Chan&e.__of_.._c-rade frorvFaymgndavenue _ to .Cleveland avenue. ...._ ............ w .......__. _. . . ......__ .... ....._ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ).... 5_,_00,.._..._ ............. ,y.// Po— Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_..,_.........._.......---- ....... day of iVovember191...¢.., trt the boor of.........lii.._....._o'clock......__.A.._..M., in the..CQUACAl..,._Mamber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and _ place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council �4 'S_'...___ . 19_._..__. Cl /` L ff�aa City Clerk. Approved.........._.... _.`.........]9...Y .......... 4 .......... .... . ......... ..... . ....... Mayor. Councilmen Fal isworth Go Ke er M oil 0' Bary Yo g Mayor PoI rs , COUNCIL FILE NO... By mt INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of --qb-AnZQ Of grade. ., pA_ Cleveland T.r. om,..__S.Pudd..e..;. Street -...t.o 0.,ax.t.er Av.e., aricl.Knap.p...atreet. fTom Raymond Ave., under Preliminary Order ........ ... ..approved.. .. June. 19th, -_..1914. .. .. . .... ... - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends e ..e.jand Av f �e.—.r- omsaudcler -Str.eet to G.azter from.. Rgq . ...... ................... . ....... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 2.5 .00 31; e' e -day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the _...._...191.._'4., at the hour of. o'clock..... 4-.M., in tbe-4.Q-1;n.Q 1-1- Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _.__1J.........._ ............. ... ...... .. Cl k. Approved... ............ . .... .............. . ..... . .. ............ ....2:1.2 ... ........... ........... Mayor. s A, Councilmen Far sworth In the Ratter of chant; 6"�X-d. Fa on Gos Ke er M 011 0 'eary erg Alayor wers COUNCIL FILE NO. a INTERNEMARY ORDER. ° - In the Matter of. change.. of _rad.e on_.Co.umon..uealth.__ayenue frc,r. .Raymor_d avenue to.__C..lev.P.land avenue..,_.._._... under Preliminary Orderapproved ....June 19th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner `of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Change_._91_._9 84e._on Commonwealth avenue from. Raymond avenue to Cleveland avenue. _. .._...... . a with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is................... — . Resolved Further, That a. public hearing be had ou id improvement on the....._(0................___day of .... _.......... ._..._....1914....., at the hour of_.._10_....... ... _o'clock ........ ... A�_...11., in the ._Onuncil..._Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the wanner provided by the Charter, statfj�,- the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. C 15 ;5.4 Adopted by the Council . _ 19.........._ ._......... ..... ................. City- Cle - , Approved............�61 .../. . ..___._....._..__ .i ._.....1J. _ _.. ...... ..... .. .... bfavnr. Councilmen Fa nsworth Go Ke ler lie oll 0' eary Y rg Mayor Po ers COUNCIL FILE 13Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of change of grade on Scudder street from Raymond avenue t ave.nue under Preliminary Order._._. 17._...._ • The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. on aaud-dez street f-r.om...Ray.-cfand....ay.an.ue.....t.o Glex.e.l.a.L.D.d. M.ep a ........................ ...... .... - ...................... .......... . .......... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the...........___._.__.._day of Nnvemb-ex 191.A.., at the hour of ............. o'clock... As U., in the �00qjj.Qij 01 r jambe rooms 1 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council __..19.........._ ......... . . ....... .... ... .... ........... . ---, . . ........... ... City C k. Approved`5-__.'-.._l 911E . . ...... ..... . ..... ............ ......... - Mayor. Councilmen Pal sworth In Go n gel r h;il Ile, oll abc afd 01arY ar. an( .id 2 Yoi -g lice fco Mayor Poi ers :.Vl 'th, I he n thi 4 e V COUNCIL FILE 13Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of change of grade on Scudder street from Raymond avenue t ave.nue under Preliminary Order._._. 17._...._ • The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. on aaud-dez street f-r.om...Ray.-cfand....ay.an.ue.....t.o Glex.e.l.a.L.D.d. M.ep a ........................ ...... .... - ...................... .......... . .......... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the...........___._.__.._day of Nnvemb-ex 191.A.., at the hour of ............. o'clock... As U., in the �00qjj.Qij 01 r jambe rooms 1 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council __..19.........._ ......... . . ....... .... ... .... ........... . ---, . . ........... ... City C k. Approved`5-__.'-.._l 911E . . ...... ..... . ..... ............ ......... - Mayor. Councilmen Pal sworth In Go n gel r h;il Ile, oll abc afd 01arY ar. an( .id 2 Yoi -g lice fco Mayor Poi ers :.Vl 'th, I he n thi COIJNCIFILE, NO. 13Y INTERNEXARY ORDER. III the Matter -K4,dq cr, the alley runnin� East and Test in &—Yo.r.ton Addition. under Preliminary Orden... 72.1. approve,, July. 161t.4-1- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recoup lends is change of—z--;rade on ,he alley running.East and Test in Block 3, Stone ',Iorto--qs Addition. ...................... ............. ..... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..__._.._ day of November 1()l 4at the hour of .. ....... .. 10. -....o'clock ... . ...... in thc..Go.unci. 1 Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iniprovenietIt and the total cost thereof as estimated. T 4 Adopted by the Couneil. -19 .................. ...... .......... Approved... 19 ........ .... ..... 1. ... ...... .... . .. ... . .. ... ..... ........... ....... Mayor. V. NoAilr—BYK. A. F'.--th' Councilmen F4sworth [-�a � the. Matte of eh.zoti, of g -de .-7n Go Ke er M oll 0 eary Y erg vers ' ers COUNCIL FILE NO 13Y ---, , INTERMEMARY ORDER. In the Matter of....change.. of-grad.a....cn Glendale enue.. avf . ............. . _rcri.Otis_ a.venue to under Preliminary Order ?7a ......... ................. ..__.approved July 21st, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: -4 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is bereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is . ........ on Glendale avenue from Otis avenuetoLap l.e-7 o-04--ay.e.,nu-e ...... .... ............ . .... ........... .... ... ... ... .. .. 0, ............................... ................. ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on saic� improvement on the of ......... ........ .. at the hour of N .............. o'clock....... A M., in the. Cou.n.c.1.1 O.h.amlvers 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Conuni4sioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._.....0 , S 1 5 S . 1 1 41 -19 Approved.. -e-- Councilmen F rnsworth G ss S K ler M 011 11 0' ea ry Yo g Yo Mayor Po ers 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ... .... ........ .....__._.___..__.. INTERMEMI,ARY ORDER. In the flatten of .0114AZrr__of rsd.e or."';'aple:'c.cd._avenue from Sore.rvill.e..__. .aad...Fiver_ Boulevard..___.._ _................ under Preliminary Order...2.x.1 ..____.. ___..._.._...._..._.approved......Sevt_ezn...ex-__�t);1.�._�.•�a..9r..__._ .....____.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. 9. 9MEe_-of grade on_.Klewood avenue from... Sora rville averue.to Como. and A_iver,'calevard... .... __..._ ...__..... _ ___......................_. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .......... 1�tte Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .._ 4016k........_...__......_day of ilO.YerA)a.ex..._........__._.._........._.__.___191.4'..; at the hour of........_10..........o'clock.......__A.._...1f., iu the..._COunCil.__ %amber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to thepersona and in the manner. provided by. the Charter, stating the time" and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated, r'7 r �Q4 Adopted by the Council ".'_. _ 19......_... 4.i� .............. Clerk. Approved...__. _.........._ .. ......... .. ..... _.. _ .. ........................ Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth Go %e ler hfColl 0' eary I rg Alayor Pc ers rw COUNCIL FILE NO._..______ _... __ _.._....... By GliG:L-:f..U_ fiY:G INTERMEMARY ORDER. In the Matter of. change_ of APrade on La .rel avenue from Albert avenue to ... .... ............. ......._.. ............. .... ..... ...... ... .. .......... ........._ Haml ine , avenue . _ _.:..._.. under Preliminary Order........779 _ .__.._.. _ ......... _ ...._,.approved .._._July ,.2i.e11... 19.14 ......____... _._. _._... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconunendA is_.._ChangE..__Of_____grade Laurel. _avenue from_..Albert_ avenue to.Hamllne. avenue._.. ........... _............ _ ........ ._... with no alternatives, and that the e§tinnated cost thereof is *25-0.0- ............... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _.....,_3'?L�lv.._.t..�..... ...... day of .-Nome.m.b.ar .1914..., at the hour of ........... 19. .......... o'clock......_..._A.e._91., in the._Co1nCi1 Chamber' 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finane give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the timeand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. I0'4 Adopted by the Council Approved..... c.).....__...../_5......-19._ _ Councilmen Far sworth CCiOZ City Clerk ............ ....... ....... _..... Mayor. Oo s 7 K]er M Coll O eay Y rg Mayor P vers CCiOZ City Clerk ............ ....... ....... _..... Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO _.. �'� 13Y.......... ... ........... .. ... FINAL ORDER. In the 11jittel, of conatructing a Rewer on WaXefield avenue from Mlap.i.e streetto Forest street ........... I—— .............. . ...... under Prelimidary Order___.. 617 .......approved .-July 10th, 1914 ........... 1914 Interiliediary Order ........ .. - approved SEP .. ............. ............ ..... . .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it I)ESOLVED, By the Council of the Ci St. Paul that the preeise nate e, ex of alid kind ok-4i+-, proven,% said t to be the y i w Council athe Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and directell'to-1#0are plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are L!Tleby 1111thorized and directed to prteeed with the making of said improvement i �ua.ccordn lice therewith. Adopted by the CounciL.. Clerk. Approved.. Mayor - Councilmen Far . orth Go. Ke er 111 '011 0eary V erg Mayor P veers FINAL.,ORDERS. (r. R No. 2119— To the Matter of � constructing a sewer OfWakefield ..avenue :.from fpld reet to Forest. st—tandorPrejim. rary Order, 617 approved'July 10th:9 14, jntermedlary Order , 1698 a,- prove( Sept. 17,:1014..' A Public heariig hvtag bee. had upon the abovLtrapi"e ment'upon do. W"' _fid -"" 6""" C"'on'h IvIng heard all per.0 . objections nar dati.l. relative thereto.a jn�d`oh`avl`n'L bull b. y. considered the same: therefore, f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of. .9ons-truc-ting a. sewer—on. Wakefi.e.l.d..B-venue...from..Maple Street to. FGr-ee-t at-reet.. .......... ........... ......... .. .... ........... - ruder Preliminary Order AN)"oved --JUly- 10thy 1,914-1-1 To the Council of the City of 1;1. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessuu•ut for the above improvement. is *_896_82 $1.09 per front foot. The lots or pareels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reporlell by the Assessor. are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot lock ADDITION Assessed Valuation -,L2J ms's i 1.3p 6 __u DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Velue ion ..���`y`P'"�,':�u-��"`°'`,°`:. 64 'D 3 rr The Commissioner of Finanee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said natter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C Dated................_....�/..../�...._.._........................ 191....1.. Co1.unissioner of Finanee. 1 . COUNCIL FILE NO .. ........ . 13Y.......... .. ...... FINAL ORDER. In the 'Matter of ......C.PaStrUpting.-a P.!swer PA ROY street fro.,m..,',.Shields Aven.ue ... .... ... . t.Q st . ....... lwthony.......ame-nu.e ........... ... ... .................................... under Preliminary Order... approved -JU11253-0.1hl- ........... I d Intermediary Order ............:............_._.............._.approved............ .......... . A public hearing having been had upon the above iniprovemeift upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the., sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im2 provenient to be made by the said City is.SGP4rW#n --A Itnet from Shields Avenue to St. Anthonyvenue, ......... .. ............. ................................. Avenue. ..... ..... and the Council hereby orders said inip rovenient to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commi ssioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed wifAi the making of said vement' 11a cordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .................. ........... .... ........ Clerk. Approved ................... Mayor. Councilmen 11-11sworth ler roerg Mayor otivers W REPORT .OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE in the Matter of .C.axl.atxix4.t. ng.._a.._sewer,_,.on Ro.y...street from Shield$ Avenue to._.S.t._.... Anthony ....avenue .............................................. .. .............................. .... .... .... ..... . ......................................................................................................... .............. ... ........................... ............ ......................................................._..._...._........._.................._ ........... .................... ..............._._........ ......... _...._......_...._................ .................... ..... .......... ..._.................._................. ........................ ....._.:.._............... .........._........... .....................__ _...... ............. ._................ ._..._._.......... .............. ................ ................... .................. _............. ... _.............. ....._._._................. ......_.._.__..._ ..._............_ ................................... .... . ............ ...... .......... __.............. __...... ........ under Preliminary Order approved -June- �.Q.tll,y 1914 . .... ._....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: -.a The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is per front,_foot $1.16 The lots or parcels of land that inay be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed Valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 2, DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Vu t* n FLY l0i ter. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, 1 and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said /matter by. the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.............9/...L?.......................................191.._ / pi.... ............ . ...................... ............................... Commissioner of Finance: k COUNCIL FILE NO.... - By................. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. .._constructing_ sides of Winona 6tr-eetti( 3_t e menu....and...Chie.w. avenue... avenu.......... - under Preliminary Order.... approved....... June 24-th,-.1914 SEP 17 1914 Intermediary Order 16474 approved . ... ...... . . ....... ....... ......... ..... .. A public hearing havingp—been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provernent to be made by the said City is-canstricting-a cement sidewalk. six feet wide-va-both fidae-cf.111nona,Streat between Smith Avenug qnd Chippeaa Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That. the Conunissioliel- of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepay plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the. Council for approval; that inion said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed wit4i, the making of said iniprovein t iceordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... e r .. k =-.19-- Approved.. Mayor. Councilluell arnsivol-th C r Nai 2121— of can.t,seting a In the Matter t -iX feet wide on both oss .1d..-Ik e tree t sides of Winona street between;; Smith v.nu.,, and Chippewa ,avenue. Preliminary under sOrdar _99 June 24th;, ld 14 Int 0 r proved; ii 1 -v�hl, Sept , 1914. Order' 16471,.approve, I d is4 hearing son:, ,had' I, de I I A public, u_ upon the above improvement no In car ..U.i and .ti,6,Counall ll Persona -objections and, recOnu 'e -- 'I S' ho,vin 'Leary 'datiorls � relativ6:, tberato and fully consideredthe nam0 ; therefore, b. I.' Resolved; By the Council of the City oerg t, of st•Paul tha t e pr.ci.e nature ' 'be be1-,pro I tant'und kind of 1-,pro"-'nt l 'made by the said Cit is e—tructl-. t I e I " d, Beet wide `ve Mayor wers . c'e. e. t� ee. 'bothf Inti Ipp a vern. , _ Smith and t ve e he Ila ere orders said I— r c e t to atthe Commis- Of lie or be and he I- sion r �ro re instructed 1 alre..df.rpaid are 1 8notal- .me to the limpr3submit .il for approval; that upon said cetros 4Coun 1, the r pArore Imri- nr directed ifefdi , it the a 0fso1 improve- ment Iard ce there vIth Adopted: by the'Cou-11 071" 1914 Ap roved O�t 16 1914 Oet.ber 24-1914) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alatten• t,t. c..o.nst. u.G..t.,zl.g_...a.....came.n.t_._a.i.dew.aa,X six sides _._of.__ Winona. ....street ...between. -Smith avenue and Chippewa avenue; _ .. .. ander Preliminary Cyder approved._..�.un.e.._r?1;t.h,_..1914. ...____..... _ .......... __._. .........__.. To the Council of the City of 5t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is s......._42.0..pex._lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said ingn•ovmnneut, and the assessed vahtatioi of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ /��1/%0??�l �9�i/I�/ /�o� �✓A%ITiJ �ld�-�'���%G� Gr�J.crir-�� � DESCRIPTION !Lot Bloekj ADDITION Assessed"Vslvati—, i ew 04- .... .. 1 9 ..�CUAI�dna A -i.-( �-G qq uu�.cu�y�-..- .- 7oZ ✓� i. __.. 0 Y DESCRIPTION ;Lot �loek'', ADDITION Assessed Valuation I i `moi r J ►7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid Watters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..................� ................ i Commissioner of Finance. STATIONERS ST. PA - TO THE HONORABLE COMMON CQURCM AlM-B-0ARP-QF-2MlD-KQlM V V, _(ientlemen,- We. the und -gm ofAh"T-0"-rtY- 'both sides of Winona—W.. between v ,,4erebZ tition pur oause-Abx-fomt- 0- -me _pq_ _Honorable Bodies to _ei dgvg kq_t_o _be sides o-u-id-WLnono -St betwwen le ,pints above mentioned. 9 N A M E MAWS --- 7 2 f r 4 C, dr it 15 to 30 21 22 23 24 26 c--) 1,114 27 as 29. Ji - 3C 3 2 low COUNCIL FILE NO .................................. 13Y..................... .. FINAL ORDER. r,! 2p, In the Matter a., sewer on....$.I-ier.b.uxne...ay..enu6 f-r-om. Snelling avenue to Fry street. ..... ............. .......... .... ... . .......... ................... .................... - under Preliminary Order......................._........................approved .uly Q.1hp ............. Intermediary Order 16.4.6 ...........approved SEP 17 1914 . ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent slid kind of ill- prevenient lwprevenient to be made by the said City is a-ans-tMating AL imawer on..Sherburne.:.Avanue from -snellirmt, .Avenue A-0 F27. Rxest .............. . ...... . ............ . .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officem are hereby authorized and directed to proceed wird[ the making of said improvementI hince therewith. Adopted by the Council MY . .......... ............ lerk. QQ Approved.. �o ...... ............... Mayor. Councilmen P rnsworth area 2122 ss. In the Mutter 'o -conatructing er ravenue from 9nemng. t ::.tree[ 'IIP[' 1914Y Order r or el t Z� provedlBeeC 4 /[earl I , public enhath upon te ovd Improvement L6o ecolI oau niltce a. rho en a 0 0 eard eA ult'va a0l " eretnno"jn9Leary fl considered ;the ,eref0r, lz 'I a hii-ell of the Cif, of 9t. Pa t )erg I'lle "'lull - e may rens of ],,.ve...i to the 18 constructing a .1, er on er u Mayor I wens u avenue from v Fry t treer,.11,d the ae_n .avenue Ce� t t order. aid rove - resolved urte' It or, hatL'th, Co. -].- C 1 0 hereby S A 1, Instructedi ... t.ad' to pare plane an8na eciacationa Por sold t$ eubmtt Conn oil per e to the or herebe Y or]are o,- e,, to pro-. or ad pled Dy the'tAuboll Oct. 15,191f. I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of aeve..r on She r.b, u rAe in Avenue— to Fry ..at-reet.. .................... - ................... ........ .............. ­­­­ ........ ........... - .............. - ......... ....... ...................... ...... ............... ............... ­­ ................ . ..... nuder Preliminary Order approved ............ JUIY Ztll.,_ 1914 .......................... . .......... ............... - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports its follows: The total estimated amount of the aasessineut for the above improvement is 1,048-44.... 00.980 per 11KNK front foot The lots or pareels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are its follows: 2, �l -.j k. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the &uncil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of �iPublie Works. Dated................. . j/... .........................191.... w Commissioner of Finance. a Fj NR E. WEDEL EDT Co. STIpNEHS S, Pn Minn. 1 3 5 6 I u , r. , 2 2 "— 2 a 2 2 21 2 2, 2 0S LS: rr yl— 0 101d. Lon. M. N. Goss, — ------ --- -- ----- ---- commissioner of -Public 7 I �IlEaz-Sires=-- - - r undersigned, pr-opsrty -o-wneis_and -3%# I ,on SherburneaveyAue betweenSnelling avenue and Fri street, re- s�ectfully__reguest_tnatyouu cause a_sewer to_be-built in the above—J II idmLdbed_lQcation_as_�e2n_�s p4$sib�.Q--------------- -- --lames_— Addition _ i II I i J U L 15 1914 --- -- ,�Vp �r F'AUL.,� P _- IN Q -_ i tk k� COUNCIL FILE NO............ By....... ...... .---------- ........_..........._.. FINAL ORDER. In he Yatter f.._construct_ing .a.._.s_i.dewalk_.__. ,_., ement_.blocks _to _a width of (4) four meet on doth aides of hightner Plac from Sycamore stre8t td,...."" Acker _street.a.....-....._............._......_......._...........:............. ........ ............ ..�_......_....,, , underPreliminary Order ....._......1.0...57.......... ............................ ......... approved .Aug...................................... .............. Intermediary Order ..._...... ............ . .....approved SEP 17 1914...._......... _... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the. sauce; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind, of im- " provenent to be made by the said City is..conatruating...a...sidesalk....of.... cement ....40AI e__ta._e._width of (4)...four ..feet ...on._both...aided,-_of-..Lightner._. Place.. from.-Sycamore....S.treet...to_.diokes:..S.ta eeL+........_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, .That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvementt' aacc o/dance therewith. Adopted by the Council_._........._�� .. ....-..1... erk. Approved.__6 ..............____4177=.12._l.. ei.z, lfavor. Councilmen Fa isworth Go Kel r Me 11 O'L ry I oe Mayor Poi rs ....... under Preliminary Order approved ........Aug4at....8-th.,_._.1914........... ...................... ......... _.... .......... ..... _...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is * ...3OAer......lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Bloel ADDITION Assessed Valuation i c The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.............�l J... ....... .... .... ._..................191.... Commissioner of Finance. r To 4►he Council:— We the undersigned, property owners, on hereby petition your honorable body to order sidewalk laid on between (tet r.�C ___street and ._.� street. 1 COUNCIL FILE NO .................. ..... By............... _....... ............ ...... ..._.._....._............_..._....._...._..._. f A � F r P. t~ FINAL ORDER. In the `latter of..c_on.at_ru.ctA.g..._a cement ._sidewalk to a width of six fact on the north side of Blair street from Pascal avenue to Albert avenue ....................-.._...._._..........._....................._...._.__..................._..... .._.......... 1359 August 28th, 1914 underPreliminary Order..........._....._...._.........._..............._..._.__..............approved....._........_.-......._.............._............-_.................. ............. ............... ..... ..... jBSEP 1:+ 1514 IntermediaryOrder......................_...._..............._............................_............approved......_.............._...............-.........._..........._..............._..-_................_...._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the LLnecise nature extent and kind of inn - F ,sms provement to be made by the said City is...constructing.. a.}sidetmlk.._to....a... Width ....of....six.l.eet....on...the noTtl ']a aide ...of.. Blair ...street --from ...Faecal- Avenue ....ta-- Albert ...Avenua........ .._..__................. .._........_.__...._...:........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTH911, That Qhe Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit, same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed witch the making of said improvement ior lance therewith. Adopted b the Council..................�9...x... ... ...................................................... .......................... " Approved ..........1/ _.. ..... _3._.........19.__ .. i Councilmen Farns orth Goss Kelle MCC I l 0'L ry Yoe g Mayor Poi ere ti Mayor. . 1. �J .............................. --- .............................................. ......................... ..................................... ......... ...._.......... ............. .......... ................................... .... _..............._.. .............. _............... :....._..__................... ._............ ............... .._................ ........._.................. .._............ ..._ .._._..... _._....._..._........................... ... ......_ ....... under Preliminary Order'approved....... Auguet._.Sa.th....... 1914........................ ............ .................... _....................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports its follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above iinprovement is J .....49 .... e.T lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvcineut, and the. assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: +c. DESCRIPTION of lock ADDITION IAsses2 Vnluation -- y Zfi ---'-----� --- --- _ ------_. - —ice /t— I -------- �� ---'-----ih- .�.__ .l ��'G DESCRIPTION Lot Bloek ADDITION As seFsed Valuation --__-__ _----__-_ r—_ r - - —' - -- - - --_ %=y- == fi71 ' 1 te The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to Z him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ...... ........... ....:.....1/..J........_ ................_ 191 Commissioner of Finance. MENNY E. . STATiONERS' ♦ Sf. P- .ULza_Honorabla_Counail,_ WEOEj6TAEDT CO. 2 a_Honorabla__Council,_ 3.--- City. of St)Paul,_-- 4Gentlemen;- 6 __.-We_,the_undereigned,-ownere_.of pr-operty-- abutting ..on__ north.__._--_-� I 6 eaide_ of Blair street, between -Pascal avenue. -and -.-.Albert .street, --do-------- , ngreby_ reepeotfull I - Binsaid 6 alk of cement blookeetotaQwidtoh ofsixfeet,toybeolaid I Blames Lot Blk Addition D! 13 ( j 17 ?7 c I � O FINAL ORDER. In the Matter ot...curbing__Ashland avenue from Dewey avenue West to Howell Ave_.., ......................... .. .... under Preliminary Order... 1.6. approved June 5th,_. 1914. �� SEP 17 1914 IntermediaryOrder ...._....._..... approved.......... .... _.-... -._.......................... ............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, , and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,.annd having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it - - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be node by the said City is...curLing...dehland._Averalte._Yr!1W-T�eF�Y.-nenue_WesE.._to._....... _......9.8B�.L.s98.�...... .......... .... .... ....... ................ ...... ._.___. _ ....__... .... ...... .._........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED, FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed witrh the making of said improvement inn accordance therewith. / Adopted by the Council.. ._...19. k. Approved......d° 3...... ..19._.. L�l — Mayor. e In the clatter of._.Qux..b.ing_...Aehlaud_._avenue_;__f_rom De}cep _avenue >¢eet to Howell Ave. ...... _.... ._ ...... ..... under Preliminary Order approved........J.U.-e.....,5..ths..._1914...................._................_........., ................._................. ..._.._....._........_........_......_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as:follows: The total estimated amount of the ossessment for the above improvement is I 3.9.4-8.2 .......... $.0.39¢ per front foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the. Assessor, are as follows: c; M1� t DESCRIPTIONLot lock ADDITION Assessed Valuation -- -- -- - ---7-11Z 3 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said /matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.............. _`/ /lD........... ......................1917_..... /-- Commissioner of Finance. 4 ti PETITION. FOR CUFBING. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS] CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: We the undersigned hereby petition your Honorable Body for Street curbing,on the North and South Elide of Ashland Avenue, from Dewey Avenue, Weet, to Howell Avenue. Lot Feet Azk Z' k f So Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance . Jul.X..._1.4.x__........._.............191.'x... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn• cil, known as Council File No ............. approved ..._._....._June...._5..x............................... 191.._4, relative to....................._..... curU ink.._As11.a:>zd._.Av0.........� r001.....A01�.e.Y._.Axe........19..e.a. �......t.o.....H.0�t0.�.�.....A..V..0................................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......................necessary and (or) desirable. 39¢ per front foot ......... and the total cost thereof is $ ...............'s7. ..QQ... and 2. The estimated coat thereof is $.................. ' the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.._....._........................._.........................._............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . /r 5. Said improvement is no ..... ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Con issio er of Public Works. CITY OF PAUL . COUNCIL RASO ION—GENERAL ........... 1.26 .. COUNCIL FILENC►...._... ........ ... ........ ................... _............... _. . ................ a......................... Date 'Presented ......... :............... .._*......... ..... 191... ... ...... Resolved, That the assessment for sprinkling the streets of the City of St. Paul, ordered sprinkled by the Council during the year 1814, as sub- mitted by the Comptroller with hie audit, under date of October 16th, 1914, be and the same'is hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Finance is hereby directed to certify same to the'Auditor of Ramsey County, accompanied by a certified copy of this resolution. - C. F. No. 2126-13y O. E.'Keller— Renolwed, That the u .essment Por sprinkling thestr14rts P the City P Rt. Paul, ordered sprinkled by the'. Council during the year 1914.. Bub- - ittrd b 'th . Comptroller with hiena V' t, u d d to oP October 16th 1914 be u d thesame is hereby app d' nd the Commisel.ser of Finance Is., hereby directed to certify same_ in the A ditor of Ramsey county. compan I ted by acertified-. copy oP this resolu tion: Adopted b v the C e it Oct 15, 1914: Approved Oct. 16 1914. (Octob 'L4-1914) Yeas ( ✓) Con i en ( ✓ Nays Fa orth Go In favor Kel M 11 --Against O' ry Y -Mr. President, Po en � t OCT :1 i 19iti Adopted by the Council-----191— Approved/0 ouncil__— —191— Approved 191d -- �YOR .__.-\MAYOR .. �k.�ttul.�lUCrtrn. October 16, 1914. ' A.L.tO6ERTDceury to ♦ '1.�cw - To the Mayor and Members of the Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - 2n pursuance of Section #276 of the Charter, he'ewith is transmitted sprinkling assessment for the ye r 1914 together with a copy of the report of M. N. Go s, Commissioner of Public Works, and a communication fr' S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of.Finance, trans mi .ting same to the Comptroller's Office. Said assess- ting has been audited by the Comptroller's Office and found correct. Very trulyyours, Comptroller. W. C. Handy, Comptroller, Building. Dear, Sir: October let, 1914. In pursuance to Sec. 276 of the Charter, I transmit herewith, sprinkling assessment for the year 1914, together with a copy of the report of M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works. Very truly yours, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. CITY OF SAIF?T PAUL Department of Public Works St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 30th, 1914 Yr. S. A. Farns,„orth, Commissioner of Finance, City. Dear Sir: In accordance with section 275 B of the charter of the City of St. Paul, I, M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, do hereby report that the total cost and expense of sprinkling streets, including oiling as ordered by the council during the year 1914, together with the cost of inspection, will be and is the sum of x'142,013.60. Tl:is cost and e-:pense is divided as follows: Cost of Sprinkling ra116,913.60 Cost of inspection 7,100.00 New equipment, repairs L: general maint. 18,000.00 Total J42,013.60 Less amount payable by St. Ry. Co. where it occupies the public hic�,htivay 17,165.85 Cost to be pro -rated against each arcel fronting on the improvement $124,847.75 / Of this an;ount x12,040 is the value of grater used after ,.ay 31st, based on a total of 301,000,000 gallons of water used at 3¢ per lOQ cubic feet, in accorda_.ce with section 460 of the charter and ordinance No. 3263 approved Septeuoer 8, 1914, and is payable when collected, to the Board of Fater Commissioners. I am delivering to herewith twelve books, one book to each card, identified by my signature, which contain a true list and description of all he parcels of land abutting upon the public high- ways and street that have been sprinkled, and the amount set opposite each respective description of land therein, is the pro rata cost and expense of sr:rinkling, insr,,ection and the pro rata cost of equipment, repairs and maintenance in front of each respective parcel, less the Pro rata amount paid by the Street Railway Company. The property assessment by wards follows: (2) Ward No. 1, Ward No. 2, Ward 'io. 3, Ward No. 4, Ward ;o. 5, Ward No. 6, Ward No. 7, Ward No. 8, Ward No. 9, Ward No. 10, Ward No. 11, Ward No. 12, Dict.-G.H.H. 5,10,282.48 11,133.34 7,632.56 8,738.01 11,311.72 11,610.74 17,277.50 13,053.96 6,935.47 7,023.23 13,064.70 6,784.04 X124,847.75 Respectfully submitted, i. N. Goss Cornn;issioner of Puolic Tiorks. 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That the oigarette license 'No. 297 granted to Thomas Wrigley 242 E. 4th St., August 26th,1913, be and it hereby is transferred to %. E. Bessie at 242 E. 4th St. Yeas ( V) Coon men ( V) Nays 17.ro rtht- M 11 ?j DSLry Yoe / Mc President, Po r. ✓ F. \o. "127T— itesulved, hnt the 1o;gftl tr. 1lcrnse No. 297 Frnnted to Thomas X913- be 242 E. 4th St.., AaBUst 2Gth. 1913. d It hereby s transrened to Ii. E. Hessle, at 242 F. 9th St. \dnyted by the Council Oct. 16, 1914. -'t ,d Oct. 1G, 1914. (October 24-1914) OGT 25 i9i4 Adopted by the Council_ In favor Appr edL 191/ Against ' MAYOR 4iii1FS'',1 S, F' d A. Ruw,ch and h. rpuy have piieu. to the Council of rile City of 3t. Pzui, TAmic!oLs,, for a _icen:;e to con- auct a ,Lotion pic�ure the -.ter upon !,ny or :ii of Lots T'ccn -six (26), Twerty-seven (27) and Twenty-,�i ht ('tib), Bloc!-, Twcnty-tt,o j. (22) of Suivait PArk Addition to St. Paul, s: -id site being the Northwest corner of U_ ric -nd Victoria Street in tyre City of St. Paul, end; ^1uiHLlra, ..re ,;uildin6 or id .:ot on pict.re treater has not been erected, 1:OVi '1, Fi r0iw rE IT hh.SULVr,D if the --id Fr d L. Paunch end E. F. Murphy erect on ary or all of said px.ejni,- s .-4 building approved by the ruiloing Inspector of the City of 6t. Paul for use as a iaoti.,n picture the :ter ti -t u.iereupon allicense sn 11 issue to the (--Iid Fred A. i4uncn and 2. Murp,-i to conduct :uch the -ter in said buildinb on said premises. -i':P BE IT YURTiihE HESOLVLD Bret upari proof of tale approv:-,l off ttheer�Bui0lding Inspector Qf the City of St. P -,a1 as aforesaid, the �,.i i epeeoas of the City of bt. P=nA1 oe nna her, by is auth- orized to issue a license to conduct a motion picture theater at ss,id place to the said Fred A. Munch and E. F. kurphy, subject -to t_.eir complying v ith oti.er provi si ;ns of i=nr relative tnereto. i II NAYS. 0 MR. PR SIDENT (POWERS) !b'i7iti.:'S, Fr d A. Munch and 1 , i', ihu'rp..y have rA;piieu. to the Council of he City of St. Paul, hinner:o:a, for P iiccnse to con- auct a irotiun picoure the: ter upon :any or , it of Lots Tv.ene,;r-six (26), Twenty-seven (27) and Twenty-eight (U), Block Twenty-two (22) of Sw(mit Park Addition to St. Paul, staid site being Qe Northwest corner of Gonna :end Victoria Street :in the City of St. Paul, and; THEREA6, the nuifain or said .notion pict-re theater has not been erected, ! O1°1 'l,L h 101 Ir; IT REaULIAD if one e yid Prod A. Munch and E. i. Murphy erect on any or all of oei,d presi;.es Y building approved by one Builaing Inspector of the City of St. Paul for use asas Nji,,n picture the:,ter that uuereupon a 11cK e sh it am sr i r my to conduct .uch tinea of sal �� \ 14 �P 7 -Adopted by the Counell ........... `,L%1........__191 y YEAS, — - NAYS, MR. FAR SWORTH y G S v KE LER M OLL �- O'1,EARY 2G�L�v YO RG �� NAYS, 0 MR. PR SfDENT (POWERS) TO THE COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL: The undersigned Fred A. Munch and S. F. Murphy hereby make application for a license to conduct a motion picture theater uponLots-26s27 and 28, Block 22,.Summit Park Addition to St.Pauk; the said site being at the northwest cor- s nor of Grand Avenue and Victoria Street in the said city of St.Paul. The applicant Fred A. Munch resides at 1017 Dayton Avenue and the applicant E. F. Murphy at 824 Grand Ave- nue in the said city of St.Paul, and each is over twenty-one years of age. Upbn being granted the license herein applied for, the applicants intend to erect on said premises a first-class theater building to cost from $25,000 to $30,000, and to operate the same in the presentation to the public of high -grade motion picture shows. Dated at St.Paul, Minn., October 6th, 19141 1%u", STATE OF MINNESOTA ] ) sa. COUNTY OF RAMSE'Y ) Fred A.Munch being first duly sworn deposes and says: That he is one of the persons by uho* the foregoing application is signed,that he has read the same and knows the contents thereof,and that the same is true. Subscribed and w.•orn to before nae thio 6 of October.1914. Notary Public. Ramsey Co y,Hinn. My commission expiresif� Pi n Is the undersigned property holders and residents are opposed to a Moving Picture Shorn being located on the corner of Grand Avenue and Victoria Street or in the neighborhood. ;1-1 ! 1- =��ti'.,•�..�rn/j oma' IAL o i'o Ilk uUIr g s y ./ f ;�: ��� �,r^ rS'.,.�,�w' 4/L:�'4..�." G°�' �yd-�e)�¢' .,�,.+,� ksr,_ L:,t•'�-�i �O''���h. i ;G�G�r } ♦. Y - ' v /may"/��(�� I/(�((!`p� � � � /(//' • -- ' � /. ,\ i f �. tfj. Com_./ (f�`'C'r...�� -� -. ' � �`' �� ,. �- �,. ___.. � �- ___ ;, __ G'G.L �crf�-- GCS' � � ,. :. _ _ � __ . 3 �� -� :% _ s _ .,. .. ._ f � - �. / ' F" -' �i � _. _ 4 _ .� ��_ ,�, _ ^ � �F �' ,,�r�?` ' G'` ' -' ..-->:�1 �.__ icy / c, mac, _ _ �� ���' /,.�� _ N _. .� �- � r ' r� � �, r j �,��"''''' /�� ,C�j,?/ �.' r �, 2" �. (��� ��yv� /� .F q � a, i:, . _. _ ? ..e r _ _ _. __ L;. _ _ _ s it? l_. ''' £; i_ ?,' } ♦. Y - ' v /may"/��(�� I/(�((!`p� � � � /(//' • -- ' � /. ,\ i f �. tfj. Com_./ (f�`'C'r...�� -� -. ' � �`' �� ,. �- �,. ___.. � �- ___ ;, __ G'G.L �crf�-- GCS' � � ,. :. _ _ � __ . 3 �� -� :% _ s _ .,. .. ._ f � - �. / ' F" -' �i � _. _ 4 _ .� ��_ ,�, _ ^ � �F �' ,,�r�?` ' G'` ' -' ..-->:�1 �.__ icy / c, mac, _ _ �� ���' /,.�� _ N _. .� �- � r ' r� � �, r j �,��"''''' /�� ,C�j,?/ �.' r �, 2" �. (��� ��yv� /� .F q � a, i:, . _. _ ? ..e r _ _ _. __ L;. _ _ _ s i. HENRY MCCOLL OpMMI..IONBR JOHN T. MCCOLL ' OfiPUTT COM.M(/I..IONfiR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY October 18, 1914• To The Honorable The Cou roil Of The City Of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - The attached application of F. A. Nunoh,and E. F. Murphy for a license to conduct a Notion Picture Theatre upon any or all of Lots 36-27 and 28, Block 22 Summit Park Addition to St. Paul, N.W.. corner of Grand Avenue and Victoria Streets is a new location. Applicants desire that license be granted before erecting and equip- ing theatre. Respectfully, "canoe, NUG � F HINT PAUL. City lark's Office 1191. Reaei ' of City Gler2 G r I ty, `Y OF SAINT PAUL ♦� City Clerk's Office 191 Received off`'City Clerk e TY OF' SAINT PAUL l7! y f ✓ City Clerk's Office ....../ .. � ...191...... Reeeived of City Clerk 't�' #2 Corporate Purposes -Cont. _ Interest Fund -Cont. :� # 46 5 Eric Fridholm, Interest on award of damagee, 1.41 626 Willard B. Clow, " " " 1.87 627 George A. gees and John Gustave Becker, n " " 32.67 i E: Special Funds f; Red. of Tax Levy Certificates of Ind. 1913 Acct. 4 28 S. A. Farnsworth, Certs. Cashed, 600.00 V Engineering Inspection Fund 4;629 A. P. Moore, 8.50 Total Special Funds, 608.50 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Dale St., Grand to r'ront, 4;'630 A. P. Moore, .30 i s Spec. 'Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening 4 Johnson Parkway 431 Everton J. Abbott, et al, Award of damages, 1,100.00 4f132, Emma Bi"et sch, " " " 2, 000.00 4Q3 Eliza W. Dougan, " " " 300.00 4 Orrin Kipp, 294.60 46 5 Zeno Hagenstein, " " " 2,050.00 466 Edith A. Wait, " " " 175.00 46 7 Martin J. Taylor, " " " 300.00 46 8 Emma A. Sutton, " " " 2,300.00 469 Edward P. Sanborn, " " " 450.00 46 0 Amund Ostrom, " " " 150.00; 46 1 Grant S. Norton, " " " 1,800.00 h 46 2 Eric Fridholm, " " ° 225.00 4613 Willard B. Clow, " " " 300.00 46.4 George A. Kees and John Gustave Becker, " " " 5.250.00 `{ a s ✓4 F Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Mounds Park Boulevard 464 Estate of P. H. Selly, Award of damages-, 2,475.00 464 Ferdinand Krauft, " " " 9,300.00 464 Onofrio Maggi, " " " 2,550.00 464 St. Paul Realty& Assets Co., " " " 500.00 464 Louis Testa, " " " 1.750.00 '�'o#.a-i-"fipezrts3g-LSoutsdsm, W'."° , 0 Total Corporate P rposes../Mod .... .. ,700.57 _ " Special Fu do,. ... 608.50 " Spec. As'a ss. Cons-Open.son•P• kway� 16,694.00 n n n n n Par Blvd., 16,575.00' Acctg, ... .30G and Tota 38578.37 _ E^c� CITY OF 5T. PAUL l r ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. }� AUQITED`CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL ` ' FE No. OCT A E It.i . BY ­150, r AUDITED PER `I 106 a 4 = Resolved thatkwnts be drawn upon the City Treasury, able out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the-persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respe a names as specified in the following detailed '. statement: out,3 Yeas ( J) C ncihnen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 19L F nsworth _ ss In favor A 91d� ks Der ` cColl Against ■.roe Leary Y etg Mr. President, owers fi � gpBLISE� ; R Corporate Purposes, Lighting Fund 4650 Patterson Street Lighting Go., 7,044.20 4651 St. Paul Gas Light Company, 15.509.64 / Total Lighting Fund, 22,553.84 V/ Special Funds New Library Building Account 4652 Electus D. Litchfield, 366.04 4653 Electus D. Litchfield, 170.34 4654 Electus D. Litchfield, 500.00 / Total New Library Bldg. Acct., i;o36.38" ff/Total Corporate Purposes...................,,. 2.2,553.84 r " Special Funds,......................... i.o36.38 Grand Total, $ 23,590.22 A/UDi- srti OCT 6 191 e -e ..... ......... T C R OLLE An ordinance to settle the claim of John T. Dervie. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of John T. Dervie to oom- promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of damagee'to his automobile on account of the defective condi- tjoh of Eighth street, near Wacouta street, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of September 3rd, 1914, upon payment to him of, the sum of Eleven Dollars and Fifty-five Cents ($11.55), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the City Treasurer in favor of John T. Dervie, payable out. Of the,Compromise Account of the General rand, in the sum of X11 55, �7- dsl' h iveked on Y - upon - Is said, sum, owever, o-1 e ti filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor., t ogethet=with- -a release duly executed by him in a form to.be,.Approved by the.6rporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the damages sustained by said claimant on the day and tinder the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after -, ids -p— a&P,_--', publication. �rdi��ioerte:!eettle. the -Yolin I -A h 41,t't e ft Eooncil191 ........ ....... YEAS. NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH PUBLIY' IIED GOSS A A/UDi- srti OCT 6 191 e -e ..... ......... T C R OLLE An ordinance to settle the claim of John T. Dervie. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of John T. Dervie to oom- promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of damagee'to his automobile on account of the defective condi- tjoh of Eighth street, near Wacouta street, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of September 3rd, 1914, upon payment to him of, the sum of Eleven Dollars and Fifty-five Cents ($11.55), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the City Treasurer in favor of John T. Dervie, payable out. Of the,Compromise Account of the General rand, in the sum of X11 55, �7- dsl' h iveked on Y - upon - Is said, sum, owever, o-1 e ti filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor., t ogethet=with- -a release duly executed by him in a form to.be,.Approved by the.6rporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the damages sustained by said claimant on the day and tinder the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after -, ids -p— a&P,_--', publication. �rdi��ioerte:!eettle. the -Yolin I -A h 41,t't e ft Eooncil191 ........ ....... YEAS. NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH PUBLIY' IIED GOSS To tht'Counoil. ,Gen;lemen:- Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settl*ng the ola n of John T. Dervit apiast the City of In. Pad tos the ems or $33.55. Atter s thorough investigation or this chin, we are of the opin4og that.ths settlement proposed Is seasonable and for the best laterests of the City. Yours t , f Wt Corporation Counsel f T e J � �'f �9/e✓ ' _i � � ij COUNCIL FILE N0.__. b FINAL ORDER. In the natter of grading Wyomingstreet between Maromin and Ohio streets under Prelimima•y Order 434 approved Jllne_ Nth, 1914 __ _ _... •. approve ,roved SEP 17 15 14 _._. Intermediary Order __._ _.. _.. 1 I - .... ....... ......... _ _.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, ,md the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and hating fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of io- provement to be made by the said City is and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and speeifientioils for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity oflieers av hereby authorized and directed to proceed 0 wiA the making of said improvement in aceordanee therewith. Adopted by the Council.........__.__.._._____..._____......19..... _... City Clerk. Approved. __.__ _ _. _ If). Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Feller Voerg �� 6 a, Mayor Powers �/ .!t COUNCIL FILE NO...._________ . .__ By__.__......_ _._....____.. _.... ._. _.... . FINAL ORDER. 40 In the Matter of Curbing Thomas street . from ^ascai avenue to Albert Ave. ._.... ...... under Preliminary Order.. 578. approved July 7th,1 4 Intermediary Order.__ 165 - -.. -. pproved SEF 1.° - _..a ___ SEP ...... ...._ ...__ _... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the stone; therefore, be it RESOXYD, By the Council of the City Foul that the I c�n Iture, .tort and ld o inl- lroeeme o bt made b the Ill City 1. I 3 Y - l� slid the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit saule to the ,'olincil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby tnrthorized and directed to proceed s'i4h the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted bydhe Council......_ YC:_ _ 13 Q 4 _. 79.........._ Approved./....v._— /_Y __ _ ____ ....19.� Councilmen Fa nswm•th Go s Ke et' ll 'oil 0' eary Y rg Mayor P I vers C. F. NO. In the the ilf¢t[er of curbing 111otnns St. from Pascal avenue to Albert Ave..- under Preliminary Older 678, ap- proved July 7th, 1914, Intermediary Order 1662 approved Sept. 17, 1919een . ad upon public labove Improvement bpon due 1 :ice, and the CounclI having heard 111 persons, b,iectlons. and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore. be It Resolved, By the Councl] of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature. ca- ll tent a d kind of Improvement to be made by`t pet frim Pid ascal Is •e11ua t- Albert sav a and the Council hereby orders said ulmprovemeat to be made. Resolved Further. That the Commis- sioner of Public Worlds be d he fs hereby Instructed and directed to pre- . pare plans and pccmcation. to t.s.id improvement. and �¢7bm'6ntsame upon sold the CouncR for pV pprnvni. .he proper city Ricers a ro- cod with the nae icing o Ire id linpr1-d to ove- e t in accordance thernw'Ith. m Adopted b, [he Cou null Oc[. 16, 1914. Approved O't-be6' 119141 FF � 1i I `- 1 FF � I ......... under Preliminary Order approved July Zth,,......1914 ............................................ ........... ............................... ..... ........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated mount of the assessment fol the above improvement is ............. 390 per front foot. The lots or parcels of )find that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A)4usaar, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION )Assessed Valuation i r — 3; 4��0 0 1 _,_ 0-(D II DESCRIPTION Lot B16ch ADDITION Assessed Valufti;on 510 Ao c;6 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said ma tt er by the Commissioner of public Works. Dated- ........ _......... /............ _.... _...... 191..x. ...... Conmissioner o: Finance. HENRY E. WEDELSTAEDT CO. VATIOIiERS - a - ST. P.- MINM. n -___-_--_-_-_- — _St.Paul,_tdinn .._ --.1914 _ �T.o..�he. �. 3 �____---__—_—.- City-ofSt,Paul.____.__._--__-.__ 4 yB Ye ten sl We the_und--- ned_owners of property abutting on both dides blofy P I Thomas-street,between_Pascal and Albert s_treete,do hereby respect-, full_ atitio� Y -au r__honor_able2d}c to cause said Qtreet to_ be curbed D II-boule-vardtd-and,--improved,between_.the_-p_ointB_-menti-onne_d._.._ ', -- _1Lam.es--- _. -__-Lot -_ Blok-------- Addit - , -1 12 13 i '✓ EGA � , A _ 2-0 171 _ ~" 3 3 mar✓ All zt � LV-._4/��''�� P. Q._.r' ��f�tf.•11 •a i1 ( � _�_�6 �/p l' -.' 22 l ca 1.:5 1914 - j ". Office of the Corimmissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of F.ipance ...........................Aug t....a8.,.... ............ 191-4- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 5.7.8 ...................approved......................................191.`....., relative to...._tYe......._... cu .b.ing.....a ..._T -ha a...-at.Z.a..e.t..._fxom... a . a1.._Apenue.. to -_Albert --Avenue .. ............ . ........ ........ ........................................... _.......... .......................... ...... ............... _......... _....... _........... ........... ................................................... _.............. _..................... _................................ _................. ....... ......_......... .............................. _......................................... ................. _....................... _....... _............................. _............. _.................. ..... .................. _.._..... _...... .................. ............. ............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ... _ ...................necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX 464.80........, and 2. The estimated Bost thereof is $_............._.._....._..-_., and the total cost thereof is $......................_..........._ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....__ ............ .............................._..........................................._._...........-................. COUNCIL FILE NO.___.._......___. 13y.............. .......... ..................._...'-_._........_.._._ __ ..... I t r 9 FINAL ORDER. Lt the Matter or. ..curbing._.East. _Fourth .streetfrom _ 14.ple...street to Hope s_t reg t. ....... under Preliminary Order._1131....... ___.....__.___....approved .__... August 13th, „1914 ;.��n�� intermediary Order_._ _._ __..approved .._..... SEP 171914 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, be it RES VF.D, I3 the Council of the Cit st. Ya1, that tht ease ntrt»1 stent and kind of r - y r J f proven to be made by t ,said City�Ger?�X_ -.P-. j... - ..._....._ ! - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed., wi4h the making of said iniprovenie t, n p • •o } ce therewith. ,, 4 Adopted by the Council ...._............._..�__. �.. .......__ ......19............ r City ' erk. Approved/.U..rJ.--_..._.............. '.- .Mayor. Councilmen Flu ns orth C F.1: ho 2141�y ki, �, v _ I She ;>tatteP bing- Fourth - ti OSS ,cU a'st ti•eet P om ; Maple strt aV to Hope under P eIimInaiy,-6rde 1131 Kell l 1' gpproV d August 13th, 1914, Inter-� i ;nlsdfI 1 Order 1661 .approved Sept. A r iMC )Il ubli A :'public' hearing having been had upon' above improvement upon due nonce. and .persons, Councilhaving fiearddl persp s, titedtious and -0 -mc. - ary tions relative thereto, ndhaving fully thO' sd ed e Eam therefe s, be It Resolved, By the Council of the City Yo g of St. Paul that the precise nature. ex - tent and itind of Improvement to be -1O made by the. said City Is curbing Cast Fourth .Street from %faple street to Mayor PoArsthe 1�1IIyOr POt 1'S Hnpe streetand Council hereby or- dere bald Improvement to be m made. Resolved n,rthrr. That the Commis. stoner of Public 'Works be and he is ' hereby instructed and directed to pre - para plana and specifications for said imnrovemengnnd submit same. to the Counbll for approval; that pon-said n pproval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pro- cecd with the making of said improve_ ;i ment in: aceordamm.. ttieretvlth. - Adopted by the Council Oct. 16, 1914. - �� Approved Oct.b 16, 1914: :(October 24-1714). V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ],I the mattvr of curblng....Eazt....Four th stre.e.t.-from. Maple st.r.ee.t. to Hope .............. . . .......... . .. .... .......... under Preliminary Order approved. -A gqqt J3 h, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Th6 Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated :amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -s 4.0.7-13 ............. oiXt per front foot .360 The lots or parcels of load that may be assessed beistfor said i In prowulont, and the assessed viduation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows- DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation i 7 ----- kk 0(0 +�5 DESCRIPTION Lot Bloek ADDITION Assessed Valuation s� J - S -o 010 ,. v%161-.- �i/.ill?�..Li — — - --- --��� ?VI V The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sa i d matter by the .�f Commissioner of Pnblic Works. Dated...... _.......... f, ,.._(0 .............................191 .. // Commissioner of Finanee. ' ' Ofke of the. Commissioner of' Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ............... .................191.4_. To the Conmiissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._1131............... approved ......A et.....13..,.......................... 1914...., relative to..__th.e._.__... cuzb.i. ....of.... e.s......F.s�u t.h....S.t. fle.t...._frotn.....�aP......Street.......0.._Hope..._Street................ ............ and having investigated the matters and things referred to theAcin, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-.._..._..z X.XX........, and the total cost thereof is ......._ ` Qa.r..° .........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................._..._:...__......_....__.........................._....._.......... ........ ...._............... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............... .......... ......... ............... ............................................ _.................................... ...... _............................................ ....................................... ...................................... .... ....... 5. Said improvement is. .................................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......................... ............................. ....... .... ........................ ...................... ......... ...._...... 'Comm ssio er of Public Works. of COUNCIL FILE NO. _ FINAL ORDER. 42 IB the matter of_ ._curbzng_Beech street from Cypress street to Earl street colder Preliminary Order 1024 -approved Au_gu_st 7th, 1914 l i . Intermediary Order _.... __...r....... _.._..._ -approved _._._ ..._._.__ A public ]tearing having been had upon the above improveBlent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconuurndatiols relative thereto, and having fully t onsidered the saute; therefore, be it LVD, y the of the plrovelRe �o UEuIxTe Uy Couuciild City ]city��P:�.u�tlr �t�fh,.._ t/sl�rn _I� yf+it and ��ldlof�i�/J} f 61 and the Council hereby- orders said improvement to be utade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hr is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said inn provrnu•ut, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city atiievrs are hereby authorized nod directed to proceed - w4h the making of said imBroveutent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... 19.._ Approved `• 'T.._1{7 _..._.....19 Mayor. Conneilnteu Fa stvorth- C. 2142— In the matter of curbing Beech street from Cypress street to Earl street Go S under Preliminary- Order 1024 ap- prot'ed August 7th. 1014. ih—rae- dlary Order 1650 approved Sept. 17, KI ler 1914. :1 public herring hat -Ing been hnd anon the abnye im U rovem ent o n due Alt 'nil Rilucc. and the Council ho li hcnrd persons, objections and r o dotlons rel Id— thereto, andcha Ing full, consld Bred the same; therefore, 0' eary be it resolved, By the Cottrell of the Cit�y of St. Pant th yo I'g mat the -pre cisr nature. .- d bind If Im nrovem ent to be de aby the sold Clty is curbing • Beech street from r•,p ­s,sl^ Earl street and the Council hereby o - iliayor Po •ers rlcResolvsdr Further, Thatothe Commis- tonor of Public Works be and he Is hereby instructed nn,r �-- olnns and peclon Mons for said improvement, and s bmtt same to the riI for npproval; that upon said approval. the proper cit, o hereby authorized and dircrted�tn�nro- ceed with the making of said improve - m ' ent In accordance therewith. :ldopted by the Couneil Oct. 16, 1914. A 'roved Oct, 16, 1914. (October 24-1914) a REPORT OF COMMISSI TER OF FINANCE in the jilattur of curb.ln.g_.Hxd_ Beach street.. from Cypress streetto_ .Earl str.e.e.t.. __. ............................... ........... __ _._._... under Preliminary Order rtpploled.....August 7th,, -1214 _. To the Cooucil of the City of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is *464,..9Q_._....._.... cost per front foot 39¢ The lots or plreels of land that may he assessed belletits for said. 1111 prow111 ent, and the Assessed valuation of each lot or pareel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows: P DESCRIPTION Lot 'BloAl -ADDITION — — i Assessed Valuation — i 210 ak Zl2 o vi PA iA DESCRIPTION ILot Blockl ADDITION 'l Assessed Velnst;on - -- - - - }. o4-- -- S a U /09 3 DESCRIPTION !Lor Plock! ADDITION j!Assessed V i I I 01 i 0.6 lQ_!lA_ ii 3s q DESCRIPTION i L.t ADDITION 1� Assessed MIA 'Phe Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him ill reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Publie Woks. Dated 191. Commissioner of Finance. 1010-4. Z71 '4 (IV 1914�UNES?! Office of the Commissioner of . Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance J�i3.1..._2.8.,._..._.._.......... 791_ .4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had Ruder consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No,.....1094..........-approved.....-Auguet.._7-+_............._.... .19]._4., relative to..._th!p_...__.. curbing of Beech Street from Cypress Street to Earl Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............ =12 XX__.., and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................___.._....... ...... ........................_.....__............. ................\..:, 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d._._.._..__....._....__..............._.....__....._...........................__... ...._............... .... ..._._...............__...._....................__...._........................._.................._................_.. o. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... _.....: .................................................................... _....... _............... mn nissioner of Public Wor Y' . COUNCIL FILE NO... n FINAL ORDER. In the Matter or curbing._ Aurora avenue from. Dale street to St_. Albans street under Preliminary Order_ 618 _ ___.approved July_ 1.VTQ, 1%1914... 1649 approved SEP 1; luterwcdi;u•y Order _....._____.. _... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Coiineil having heard all persons, objeetimis and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante: therefore, he it RESO 'Ell, By the Council of the l riypf St. 1 sur that tl wevist nature, At and k d of ml pl•oty�o bt made *the stn Cit is p_.. ._ f atld the Council hereby orders said improvement to be nttlde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificatimis for said intprovenleut, and snhulit sanm to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hcavbr nuthm•imd and directed to proceed hitch the making of said improvement in aecordtulee therea-•ilh. Adopted by the Council__ �( tv I erk. Approved,�o.�_ _...19110// , Mayor. Cuuneiho Farnsl I;Oss Keller .11pl of O Lea 1'Oo Mayor Polve' In the \fatter of curbing :\nror:a e Prom Dale street to .1lbn nu sttreet-.:under P-11ralnary Order C18 approved- July :16th. 1914. "I"non- diary -Order 1G41e':aproved Sept. 17, 1914. .F _,; A Pobnc heanip�. havige bean had upon the above improvement upoa dae n tics. and t nn persons, objections sad I.M.effa do ti n ns rel•" tiv- 1 .et fully considered the same; therefore, be n Res.':' ny he Council .f the City .f tit. ] thnt the precise nature, c t�nI and I<Ind of lmproeement to he nod, by the said City Is curbing Au- rcirn Ave. from Dale street to St. Al- bans street and the Council hereby .r- dera said imnr., mi t to I, ads. 11—hr1 Further. Thnt the Commis- sioner of Public \9orks I, : nd he i hereby instructed and directed to pre- pare plane and p—Ifleatinna Por .1.Id improvement., and submit sums to the Cou ncll for Ip Proval; that Pon a id pprnval. the Pro Per ty olA rs are hereby authorized aneitrected to pro- hereby ceed ,y1th the making f s Id Improve-' 1 nent i edn rdance therewith. Adoptby the Council Oct. 16. 1914. Approved OCL I6. 1914. (Oetotrer 24-1914) filiiid3HED___ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ii the Atanter of cu.rbin.g__Au.x.ox.a_...avenue_, from ,Dale street to St. Alhans street under Prelimin:u•y Ordra• approved ..__ July, _.loth, _._1914 To the Council of the City of tit. Pail: 'Che Commissioner of Finance hcrehy reports as follo«s: The total estiinlited amount of the asscsio nnrt for the ahove improvcnu•nt is cost per front foot $C.38¢ The lots or parcels of hind Thal om}• be assessed haaaefits for said improvcmmat_ and the assos—d valuation of each lot or prnrel as last reported by Ili, Assessor, am as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot )31oek1� ADDITION !Assessed Valuation i cy pp ,, nn � 7 Oo1 � .2 31 �a 3_Pv -o i - 2, A� DESCRIPTION Lot jm.a ADDITION Assessed Valuation e A 'Che Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits 'the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.- ......... Commissioner of Finance. 77e, the undersigned property owners, petition your honorable body to cause the curbing of Aurora Ave. from 'Dale St. to St. Albans St. G�NEERo JUL i 5 1914 rn f ��ra�so�C %Ulm✓ � %�r,4-' ��' ` b �17 PROP08AL FOR IMP$OVEMENT. and �. PRELIMIPiARY.ORDER.., ll`he undersigned Hereby proposes the `making of'the follo g public huprosement by Xthi'y' f St m Resolved, That the Commissioner. of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause cement block crosswalks to be constructed at the following intersections: Laurel Ave., N. side, across Herschel, Ave. Laurel Avei., S. side, across Herschel Ave. Herschel Ave1IW. side, across Laurel Ave. Fry St., N. side, across„ Ashland Ave: q Yeas (V) Counc en (P) Nays Farns rth Fj Goss 1 .In favor Kelle / MCC __Against O'Lea Yoerg Mr, President, P ers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. 6 �..st.ab.l.ieh.....Grade .._...._ _ .._......... ...._.:__..... ....... . COUNCIL FILE NO..... ..... o. - ....... .... Date Presented _.........Oct ........ 16 ...__I914........ Resolved, That the grade of James Street between Underwood Ave. and Burlington Ave. in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. , Tf t't That�ttie gr do ,of ',Jamas —t:.bod Street ,betweeh Underwood ave. and Hurlington Ave In- accordance with" thb•red.grude Ilneoh the accompany -{I -Ing proRIC and aerecommended `by tho'i Commlesipner of PLbllc \Yorks Abe and';' the snme�s,hereby ndopted a "the tablished`grud •. - Adopted by the Coun Sl Oct 1Z ip14-� App cued Oct. 19,^1914 I (October 94 1914) L CITYOF ST. PAUL \ f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' Subject:_.._. Eet,Bb.l sh..Gx_ 1�........._ ..... _....... _. ........... ... _—........ C �y FILENCIL No...... ... a:9•'E ... ............. __............... ......................................_._---------- --- I.. ......... ...__ Date Presented-.......0ot...._�16............... _I914.+...._ Resolved, That the grade of Brand St. from White Bear Ave. to Flandreau St. in accordance with red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. O L'; No 2167-RY 11f N ;.Gose StRfrbl Whlth Hear Asi alos'Flundreuu'��I S[..1h cordnnce Wfth,redgrade linG.i pn'.;hes attyfno, Obg ytpalo eked ase ecom e d d,'6j Zrhmmieal ner of � Puti11C 1i'orke,He id 'thgqIdh.d Ashere-", by"adopted as it�G ydin6l oed gg nde. i113opted by the Counetl Oct. 17, 1914:, +lnpzovad' Ooc 19',1914. :: (October 24-1914) Yeas (11) Cou ilmen (P) Nays Far worth Gos_In favor Ke r M oil Against O' ary Y Mr. Presiden , owers FORM C.8-2 In r,,,. Adapted by the Council _.)-F_Is.f.F_ 191. _ Approved_..- U, _---� - 191 t MAYOR leP"l¢t11S 1914 kY and ba,- � f tidttnpUY and Atha C(ty..o - Cp tl�� narUlpg"nt dart n.. (/ �IOF SAINT �P: n OIUo atraat to ChiDp % and ahea nfe islheraby ap_: d,thepTDDer ctty:ofEicere nra f ! city Clerk's Office and directed to exacat tho 1 ehalt oP the it f hy'tfb Covncll Oct 17 1914.- � � � d OcL; 18 1914 � ' (October 24 191#) �••••y+" •'•••••' R Vp pity Cler qui 01RM FILE ............... Rewived'of City Clerk ,/ fU4 CITY�OF'ST. PAUL RESOLUTION-.GENERAL, FORM ... ....:: .:: COUNCIL I oNed. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject :.............................. ........ _.... ..........: cTn COUNCIL N C I�'.No. 2163—By H¢nry Mc Resolved, That the aPPilegftl r uowmg per.oh. ror Date Presented .........................................191.........,_ conduct Hotel. at the ioeatic .,c' v.1, indicated be and.-th,. h - by a grant d al r1 ,:the Clerk Is eth_I.ed ertd dl acted.., 2us such 11censes to said &$pill[ 'on the payment or the ree,rege :a ^. , Segers, Rooming House, 59' J. M. -I., Duncan Ili " 'a Hueser. R,. Resolved, That the applloation of the following persona for a license to oonduot Hotels aaxftKt=zaakK at the locations reepeotively indioatBd be;, chd the came hereby are , and tits City 81esk in wtborised and direotetd to issue such licenses appy ioaute upon the payment of the fees required by Uwe NASfIs' W APPLiCANT,o 1;o LS a LOCATIOR3. N. F. Segers Rooming House' 597 St, Peter Mrs', T. J. Morrie Duncan Hotel 248 E. 7th St. Mrs. Hulda Husser Rooming House 275 Eighth St, `i s J. B. Dregelies Porter Hotel 127 E. 11th St. C. G. Sayre Rooming House 641 Wabasha J. B. Dregelies Princess Hotel 4205 Minnesota F Mrs, T. G. Cochran Rooms & Boarding 633 Wabasha M. M. Morgan Liberty Hotel 149 E. 7th St. Mrs, A. Stenlund Hotel 430 Wabashe, B. F. Ferris "The Ferris" (Hotel) 625 Wabasha k Charles G. Sheekman Summit Hote1G" 337 Jackson 0. F. Geisenheyner Gross Hotel 210 West 7th St. E. L. Clark A Paxton Hotel . 60 East 7th L&E _ Yeas ( V) Coinarneri. (f ) Nays 1 r j� i �t Adopted by the Council— 191— Faorth Ke K. favor Approve � V ^" 191" M Against /1 Mr. President, Po ere CITY OF St. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA406RM ubject::..................._..............................._......................................................................................._......__....._.......................... COUNCIL NC►.. s;,'A_�,� PILE.......................................... '.. ......... _....... ...._................................ ...................... ............ .......___-_._.._.. ... _-._ _........ _........... ............... - 0. V, No. 2164—Ry Henry McCo11—f Hee Olyed.That th0 application or . " dVct .s`tpereona for a licen t :c' duct F.eetauranta at [hello [lone ., dnd the>a��ate Presented ................................... '.......... 191 ............ . epectilelyfndlcated be.. hereby are and, the Clty Cl, .granted. is authorised dud directed to I89ue s licensee to said app canto upon - paymnnt�of the fee required by. I_:, ; Vletor Jeanaan, Lunch' 'Wagon, 16 II Childs.` Company, Re.,aurdnt. 3881 - WabaHha. Phe Golden Role, Restaurant. 96-1 / R ved, L'. 7th. - ' ngor T ule Aiedl Lunch \V St. J. L That the aiSnl1**t1cn .., Of the following persona, far a license to ft#egaxSx Reetgurants at the locations "OPSatively indieated aonduot 'be, -and the €, a hereby a" granted, and the Cite Mork le authorised and to Issue such licenses to.tsal ap;liaanto upon the payment of ateoted the fee =qialred by laws NAME OF APPLICAUT, jg2XtZx0M pXSTAURAVTS. LOCATIORS, 1501 University Victor Jeanson Lunch Wagon Childs Company' Restaurant 388-90 Wabasha The Golden Rule Restaurant 95-111 E. 7th Louis Riedl Lunch Flagon 147 Eighth St. Jacob Each Business Lunch 447 Cedar A,'.'Trooke Restaurant -(2nd floor) 100 E. 5th Batroot Bros. Business Lunch 551 Jackson Albert J. Dreis Buffet Lunch 610 Webasha Geo. Alveres Restaurant 379 St. Peter Mrs. A.P. Drake Restaurant 142 E. 4th St. Ed,Bueger Business Lunch 35 E. 7th Wm. Harasch Business Lunch 327 W. 7th Joos & Bang Lunch Room 506 Mississippi Yeas ( V) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council—.{iC_r _J_:;� jGf+.f{191— Farnsworth GossKeller favor � V � l � � Yeller K APProve 191 McColl Against O'Leary Yoerg _ Mr. President, Powers v/ WI;LISI3ED Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a the locations respectively license to indicated conduct Zet>aUxxx Restaurants be, and the same hereby are at granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said ap:licants upon the payment of the fee required b4 law. NAIVE OF APPLICANT. ]MT1MNXMM RESTAURANTS. LOCATIONS. Gust Gafiris & Co. Restaurant 414 Broadway Joe Dotty Lunch Room 197 E. 3rd Mrs. Helen Flanders Restaurant 99 So. Wabasha J. Bousquet Business Lunch 146 So. Wabasha Peter Ungaretti Business Lunch 91 So. Robert Wachuta & Belisle Business Lunch 119 So. Wabasha P8�8 Daltos Columbia Cafe 149 W. 7th John Manes Restaurant 117 W. 7th J. S. Tatkin Restaurant 374 Jackson Yeas (V ) C cilmen (V ) Nays F -worth G s Her M oil O' ary Y Mr. President, owers 'M 1, C4 Adopted by t e ouncil— 191— �In favor / Approved L "191 Against MAYOR /r 1.UDLISIIED 1p i d CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: COUNCIL NILA O. C N Date Presented 191— _-_ RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) #369—i E A ftery,460 a+ Peter a+ John Stahel, 460_St. Peter $t. 208, Joe. Poidinger,559 Blair St. K. Biringer, 559 Blair St. 391, John P. Johnson, 536 Deoatur St Joseph Miller. 536 Deoatur St. 242, T. H. Krueger, 1060 Hastings Ave. Heintz Bros. Same Locatioil. C. P. No. 2165 -DY Henry M Co11— Rcsolved. That the Yollowing dealg- - noted licenses to sell Rtoxleating llryuors be .transferred as. Indicated phor to APPllcatle.. duly made ereant No. 300, J. E, Rnftcry, 460 St. Peter St. to John Stahel, 460L . SPeter St. No. 203, Jae. Poidinger, 669 Blair St., to K. Biringer, 669 Wall SL No. 291, John P. Johnson, 63G Deca- ter St., to Joseph Allller, 636 Decatur —� St No. 242, W. II. Tirueger, 1060 Hnet- ings Ave., to Heintz Bros.. enmo Icea- tin. '.I .1doP[ed by the Council Oct. 17. 1914. ..�� .1 PProvc (Oc t. lir, 2liill i lil Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 191— Fa worth Go' In favor Ke Approved M oll Against O' ary Y g Mr. President, Po er5 MAYOR Subject CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE _T COUNCIL AI^� PILE v Date Presented 191 — ��' RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for alicense to sell intoxicating liquors at the location•3►e-. spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby .granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to.issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of. the fee required.by law. - Name of Applicant. ,Location. ilnnfinink e_ %teh. _ 73 West Third St. 2161--By Henry MCCOIl— Resolved, That the oppliCation of the I following Persons (or a license to sreell Intoxicating list—Ts t thelocation spe Ut ly indicated. abe,And tile. 91nle hereby le. granted. and the Clty Clecl:. is anthorized ood directed to issue ch ncenses -,to Aaid e.PPlleanto upon the filing of the bond and the Payment of the fee required by 1a1v: DoMintcic A. Butch. 73 West Thlnl St. 17. 1914. r— Yeas ( ✓ ) Co en (./) Nays Fa worth Co Ke M 11 01 ry a Yo Mr. President, Po rs 414 Adopted by the Colmcil L ° ' 191— In favorc) Approved --7Against .A- 2161, By AYOR Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 317 issued September 9th, 1913, now in the name of E. S. Bing, Dispatch building be and it hereby is transfered to H. J. Byron, Dispatch building. C- P. No. 21`7-7gnr� It�su�veau $to te—ber 9th. 1913, no�v r1o.31". ies e P L1sPatch in the nn be indrltSheitebY is trona- bulldinl, DlsPntch I 1 19, 1914. AtloP[ d Y \ppru d -O [ 19 1J14 Yeas ( V) Coucilmen ( V) Nays Far 'men Gos In favor Miall Mc 1 � � Against O'Le Yoerg r Mr. President, Pow s! Adopted by the Council UU T 19 i5 ; d 191— A proved .1914t MAYOR 'i COUNCIL FILE NO... By FINAL ORDER. 11, the aL•rtter of grading..Cleoxa _avenue f.ror. Vandalia, ..atre.e_t,....to. _-...... ... ... __..... Pillsbury .avenue under Preliminary Order Ads ._..approved June 30th, 1914._ SEP 17 1914 .approved Intermediary Order _ _ �. ____._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement neon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it REItl ytheuncil of the City of St. Paul that the p e�4 nature i xtent and kind of jm- ��Yviade by the sued ."ity is .(..l�j..iet.. �.... �J-rC..l�'L 4j: •�,, L( .•.� -e,i V J/ �. and the Council herehy orders said improvement to be imide. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and 'directed to prepare plans and speeificatious for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otiicers are hereby ;nrtho•ized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement it) xecnrdauee therewith. /77 �� r± i. Adopted by the Council...... _:..t ...__o.4:_ �,.,a._..........] J.... __._ Approved: v..—//C/ ..____.._..i91d Councilmen Allswm•th G erl K let- 3Coll O 'eay 1 erg Mayor Weis REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the Alamr oI...grading __.C.leo_.ra_._avenuefrorn. Vandalia street to P.il.l.sbur.y. avenue.. under Preliminary Order approved..____ June 30th,1914.. _. To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: 'Phe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 'Che total estimated amount of the assessment for the shove improvement is_1.�_�3...23.a76.... cost per front foot $1.67 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefils for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of eaeln lot or parcel as ]list reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION J Lot Block ADDITION /fel Assessed Valuation P ,I -e- DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Vel".. �'_ /3 Q I DESCRIPTION Lot $look ADDITION Assessed Valuation 0 , 0 The Commissimier of Finance further repm•ts that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report male to him ill reference to said mutter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ ....._.... ..........Inv - Commissioner of Finance. ..... ........ J.une_...1.8..,...............................1914.... To then Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.......__..15........ ..... approved ...... ..................sI41X1......3.0,................ 191..4.., relative to............................. r rt dir. .._Cleora.._Ave....._fxO ,._Ve ndalia..._St.,...._to..._Pillebur_Y.._Ave_,....._.._.........__.......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. ?1.67 per front foot •L. The estimated coat thereof is :8 .... ........ _..................... _. and the total cost thereof is x...._1.,.3.19._30_......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................................. .................... ............ ............ ........ ._..._................ .... .................... .............................. _.......................... ...............................__...... ........ ..................................... ......._.._..........._..................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3 . ......... ............ .............. .......................................... _................... ............ ..........__............. ................... ................... .......... ....... ......_............ ..................... .......... ......... ..... .......... ... .... 5. Said improvement is ... ................................asked for upmt petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ..........._.................._.................._........ ....................... _.... onuniasioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. lej 13Y FINAL ORDER. III the Mattor of. ..curbing parrett_ street from Front street to McKenty St-� .. ...... . - under Preliminary Order approve(, AlagUst. 8th, 1911-41 1514 Intermediary Order ........... approved ............ . ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above, improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the SaIlIV; therefore,, be it Cit f St Paul I he preeis, t t It d kind f 'I- JRE VED, By the Council of the I o In 91 z a it is., prove e t to be in by ILI Aid Lx and the Council hereby orders said inilm V'01lent to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit SAI'le to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, th., proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 5A Adopted by the Council 19 Approved. /6 19./// I Councilmen Fara sword Gos, Kell I- MeC 11 O'L ry Yoe] Mayor Pow, rs Mayor. WITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerks Office 0--f---....._191.x` Received of City.,Clerk� / N' r REPORT OF CO ISSIONER OF FINANCE in the i\latte;r nr...grading...Bar.re.t.t..._s.tr.e.e..t.....fr.om_.Fron.t_.a.txeet__ta_.kic.Kez}ty._ street under Preliminary Order approved...Augu.e.t,.._8.th.,_..._1_.914......._.__ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessnu•nt for the above improvement is:R__533_,7.4_....___ cost per front foot X0.24¢ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improva•ment, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as Lest reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LotW.k ADDITION Assessed Valuation /67 -ie DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADD ITION Assessed Valuation Id G ITION Assessed Valuation DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuatton` _iso. y I 4 DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed VaIUetion Z .12 14, K 1 154, 0 <j. DESCRIPTION Lot Block. ADDITION A.aessed V.Iuetion` — 1) � $.A Assessed Vnluet;on M 19ie Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report guide to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pnblie Works. Dated....__.._._......_I.r.._._............_._191.L1.. Coin missioner of Finance. 1 _ To the Honorable Council_,_____-_ I Cit _- _ _- ,�' �---------- city -at -St. U t . Paul ..- - _ . s s - -Giem l-emen; - - — - -- - I II We,__tLe under signed_.o;vnera _of_ property .abutting - _or, _ Barr-et-tAve_._ betweenFront St. ­ .and "cKenty St. hereby petition.______ i ul our_.h-Qnoxab1e....body. to cause said avenue to be.gr_adeLd-_hetue.en- I 1 -the -points Trento tined. ___ - -------- __ ot.Blk. Adai-t-i-on_ -- - - nn,��Id 7 . � PUI 14 irk ,a r, - _ r:> 2 I 25 I I 29 20 . I I 31 __..----- .----- _.-___.-- -� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Aug u e t..:2S_t............19i_4..: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under oonsideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No_......_lO4O........... approved ...................AuEUPE H..1.................1914...., relative to.t.bo ............ grading of Barrett Street from Front Street to McK-enty Street. ....................._ .............._.._..... ....................................................... . slid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....... ................ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. 'lire estimated cost thereof is $._._........... and the total cost thereof is $.........._rJ?t4.1_10.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............._........ .................. ......._.............................. .................... ................... ....... ........... .......... ................. _.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........... ...... ........_........... ........ ........... ......... ................................................................................ ..._. 5. Said improvement is ...... _....... ......_............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _....__.................__......_............c�-.._...'i ner of Public Works. Jr F �F COUNCIL FILE NO.__....... FINAL ORDER. Lt the .flatter of..__ gxad.ing.._Palaae_ stree.t__fr.o7n..Prior....ay.enue..to-._F.ai.r.v.i.ew -_ avenue. uuder Preliminary Order._.. 418 ... _ _._._.__approved _ ___ J1.121e _J.Qt�#....1°�a.._.___. Intermediary order _ __�.e� ......_........... .... approved __ SEP 17 19.1.4 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it R LV'Ell, 13y the Council of the City of St Paul that they ct/s�ef nature>>t ' and kmd of t prover ent to be made U to said y i .f '!.�.CL_? - _`N`�.f`-'l:/u1 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publio Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offleet:s are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement illl oil -cgrdance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... __..._._ ._..... _.......�/�a..4..���3�7�i-11.x..._..__._.. Approved./G._^.. 11 Conncihnen Mayor j(Q , — Mayor. Y IF REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In thc;\hjtvn• of grading, _Palace s.treetfrom Prior _ avenue_ to„ Fairview ar.enu.e... raider Preliminary Order approved JLlnB.._Nth1 1914 __.... . To the Council of the Cite of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated auiou t of the assessment for the above improvement is :It.._...2.,..A.4.3.....47.. cost per front foot .88¢ The lots or pareels of land that may be assessed benefits for said iaprowememt, and the assessed valnatiou of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - 1'/Il C L "Ar 151Z DESCRIPTION Lot Block', ADDITION Assessed Valuation �� GCIi/�flood/ o ��L �� f � 3 6/ — — DESCRIPTION Lor Block', ADDITION /assessed V.IU6t10I C(a Cam 2 Tr DESCRIPTION Lot Block � ADDITION Assessed Valuat;on __-- /I 41 3 DESCRIPTION Lot Bloch ADDITION AssessedV I ' . - - --------- ----- Ij \s� t DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION AscesF2d VaIxistlon I ,the Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referenee to said natter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated.. c, Commissioner of Finance. 0. St�Paul,--Minnesota, June' l7th;-1924; Honorable-- Common Council and --Board -of -Publid- W6±Yd Ci-ty of---qt. Paul, Minnesota, - ------------ Gentlemen: 4 5 We, the undersigned owners of property do hereby respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have Palace street Graded from Prior avenue to Fairview_ avenue in said City owners names residence 101 Z 141 Al 17 is 2( 21 22 i e;,, z - -, e- 23 25 27 28 A "7r . ..... Uf i I To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cour- ell,'known as Council File No ............ �18............ approved ...... ................. ...June... 30.? .... ..... ... 191.._ , relative to ...... .... ._.......... .... Grade__PalS reet..._from _Prior .Avenue t.o .I'airviel. Avenue. ................. .._.......... _......................................... ...:._._................... ...... ............................ 4................................................................................................................... ................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................ necessary and (or) desirable. 88¢ per frons; foot 135 76 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............................... _... . and the total cost thereof is f......_. 2t.a.........._.................. . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.._....._................................_..........................._...._............_..._._...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. s 5. Said improvement is............................::.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. mus sioner of Public Works. 1 7 COUNCIL FILE No 13y-- .............. . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of__ .grad-ing ..L.ouia...s.tr.eet f.r.om. Nelson- avenue _-to- Dayton -------- a.yanue.. __...... .__. _.. _ ..... _..._. _I I . .. _. _... .--- _ ............ ...... under Preliminary Order ............ ................_ _..._.approved August ....7_th,.....191.4 ��......_. __.._......... _......_........_... Intermediary Order .._............ .. �" _..__approved SEP 1914 . ._..._ . __... _. .................. .. .._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESO VED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thnt to ptectse n tui Ment at& kind of ipt n rr proven to be niayie by t)�said Cit�r,/,is .��[...��'��.. 11Z�.c.�' '�' . � 4%/' J -'r z- Loi ti :Mid the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council- for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said iniprovemient in accordance tl 514 Adopted by the Council ......._......... _'......1 ._. �:.........._.......19.. Approved V .... ._../_!......_...... _ _._.19�. Councilmen Far isworth Go s R ler M Coll O' easy Y m -g lam, Mayor Po ers I%Layor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alatter of_....._gxall.ng.._T.,ouis_..,etreet_from Nelson avenue EO Dayton Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved......Au.guH.t._.7.th.x_...19iA... ........ ..... ....._ To the Council of the City of St. ,Paul : The Coin missioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is x...1.1 7_..�J�..._.... cost per front foot U2.48 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Coin niissioner of Public Woks. Dated .................... ....../�t 1....__......._...._.191... i Commissioner of Finance. R Office of the "Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ........................ Augus t....a:8........._.........._..191-4- To 91..4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil,l._ .. p t 191..4..., relative to.._Lhe_......._... known as Council File No...........approved radin of Louis Street from Nelson Avenue to__Dayton_Avenue.. .................. .......................... ....... _.......... _..... ..._... ........................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie..........:._ ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 8. The estimated cost thereof is $_.......... XXXx._.,_ and the total cost thereof is $_.._1.3156.,_40...,.„- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... .............. .._._... ..._... ..... ........ .._.................... .._............._........._...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......................................................: .............. 5. Said improvement is.__nOt............... _.asked for upon petition of three'or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /�8ssioner ? .......... ....... _...._.._._........._.._........._... Com of Public Works. 0 7 a ��A COUNCIL FILE NO By..................... .......... .... FINAL ORDER. Macadamizing, asphalt macadamizing, asphalt concreting and paving with sand -lime brick pavement under patent #777'�bg,e j,6& to Frederick J. Nash; together with ne0e8Sary.._eewer water and gas service connections from the street mains to property line complete where riot'aTready made on Te* st'Iridiana"Ave r; from Wabasha St.I-to Hyde St. under Preliminary Order 631 _ _..._.. ......... ...__approved __July 10th, 1914 .Intermediary Oiler .......... _...__......_.._.._approved ....... ...... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it t RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn- provement to be nnade by the said City is._._......._.__ .......... _ _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to lie made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subunit same to the Council for approval ; that upon said approval, the proper city officers air hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __ . 19....._..... City Clerk. Approved... _........_. _...._ _..__. _ _.._.. _... _.19..._... _.. ,Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Killer f� McColl jw{ O'Leary er r' I jayo • ower O� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _macamizing, asphalt concreting In the Illatter of _magadamizing.,...... asphalt da aiA....p.; mi,ng.._w.i.th....cand.-.1.ime..._br.i_ck....paYeme...nt...unde_r_..patent..._#777,858 s granted to Frederick J. Nash, together with necessary sewer, ................. .._.- ....... ... water and gas .. ____ _ .... _ ...... service connections from the street mains to property line complete __..._...__._._..._....._.................._...................... _._......._.......... .........................__..._......_.................... ..........._._......_............................ ........._....._............._.........._......_......_._ _.1.... where not already made, on West Indiana Avenue, from Wabasha St., to ........... ...................... ___......................... ......._......_._........_......_.................. ._......._..............._.............. ........... ............. .............. ........ . Hyde street. ..... ......... _......................... _............ ....._..................... _....._..:..... ................. ._............. .................. ........ ......................... ..... ..._..... .... ... _._. ............. ...... .................................... under Preliminary Order approved ......_.JLt.1.y..._1_Q.th.a..... 19.14..._ .............................. .......... ._.......... ._..............__'_..__..__.._.__.............._.__ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is..._..........__........_...._.... --- �Klntl of 11 Pavement .-Approximate Estfmate Cosmo per fiont foo -t, Sand -lime brick $18,436.50 $10.48, Granite 18,152.94 10.31 Sandstone 16,P15.28 9.21 3g1"`Creosoted Block 13,852.28 7.87 Brick 12,954.34 7.36 Aspharllt 11, 725.58 6.66 Asphalt Concrete 9,362.58 5.31 Asphalt macadam 8,181.08 4.65 Macadam 7,094.10 4.03 Concrete 8,559.16 4.87 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: For sewer, either side of street $27.90 Fdr water 3/4" N. side of street- 21.60 For water,3/4" S. side'of street 35.00 For gas, F. Side of street 10.00 For gas, S. side of street 5.00 ---a---- t - The lots o• parcels of land that may be assessed benefits fs�r said improvement, and the aSSPSSed valntltlon of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION ' Assessed�l�oli7 �r/L ��.e i._ .�-:�__�irZ' ..,_ _ � 1, /G � �o,_F�iL�rzd�_o _____ .• �dG� - - - ---------- - --------- - ----- - ---- .�-- _G_ —------- - -��.- _...— _---- .- �_-021 _�� �_ .— U l Ai 1e DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION I Assessed Valuation rah o a ` -- y DESCRIPTION Lot Blook ADDITION — II 4sFesse Valu ion i ------- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the a.fo•esmid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing its his report thereon to the Council, together w}th the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated...^raj............................191..Y Sl%.� ................. _.................. _.......................... _ _....... Commissioner of Finance. Office of :the Commissioner of. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Aumt......17..,................... 191.4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......._6431............... approved. ....__Jul,y.....IQ........ ........ ..... ..........191.4....., relative to........_}.hFPR._..... Hyde :paving Of West Indiana Ave. from Waba,sha St. to H.de St... ..... ............................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... ..... _..necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $._......... ._XXxX and the total cost thereof is $ ........... ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _........ ......... .............. ................................................................................................. u ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... ..... ....... ..............._... 5. Said improvement is -......_._nit.... --.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . .......... ... .... ................... V mnrissio er of Public Work. OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. DOSS WIBP R 1NEM CO! 010N PUMIC WORKS - CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 14, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of west Indiana Ave. from Wabasha St. to Hyde St., in accordance with Council File #621, approved July 10, 1914. an Fro/ -7 ye /7690" KI1D OF PAVEMENT Y APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE Sand -lime brick 4 .ro $18,431.40 = /v.�B /�•3� Granite 18,147.84 = Sandstone 16,210.18 = `/47 3j" Creosoted Block 13,847.18 12,949.24 = Brick x•36 Asphalt 11,720.48 1� Asphalt concrete 9,357.48 = S3/ Asphalt macadam Y� 8,175.98 = Macadam Concrete 7,089.00 _•� 8,654.06= 1,4S7 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: For sewer, a then side of street 027090 For water, 3Z4", N. side of street 21.00 For water, 314" S. side of street 35.00 For gas, N. side of street 10.00 For gas, S. side of street 5.00 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. TO TIM, 1011,1I3S.iOM"R 0^ PUBLIC WORKS: Cle, the undersigned, property owners on Indiana Avenue from Vlabasha Avenue to Ilnde Avenue, respectfully petition you to 4 pave said Avenue with Sandstone paving blocks; Names Description Frontage l / i rr (v " /w3 700 If u I ips- U_ 7 `o�9t/6- f 43 � 7- o " zi-o" eye f 7 )0 0 PAUL Date Resolved, That the Oommissioner of Public Works be and 'he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause.eement block crossings to be constructed at the following locations: Me Lean.St., S. side, across Mound St. Me Lean St., S. side, across Bates Ave. Elliott Place, S. side, across Mound St. j C.r. No., 2174-13Y h9 N. Gcss— Resolved, That tkoCommlesloner of Pubthorlizedic 5 an)1 Instb. truce he Ito hcause ae : ment blocko, Ouga,,to ba construct- �: ed at the _following locations: j'. Mcl.eap St S. side across ]found �h R '1Ic1. an SL'S' skis, across �I3ates I� Ave. r111 tt Pl ce S. side across din nd St. Adopted -by the Council Oct. 20; 1914.- IIApproved Oct. 2e, 1914. ":(October B-141,114) Yeas (0 Co cilmen ('P) Nays Far worth Go In favor Ke r — _ �., 1 M oil _Against O' ary Yo g Mr. President, owers rOPM e.e•2 Adopted by the Council .ZfJ� 191 y IU191B �0--- Approved _ _ _ . __- __ MAYOR 6 :-x7.5 Subject: _........Crosswalks. _.. CITY OF.S AUL COUNCIL RESOL ON—GENERAL FOR 4 .. .... ............ ................. ... ............ _ ......................................... .............. ..._.......... COUNCIL FILE No ...... `i: �........... .. Date Presented...........00.t........2II.1........-191...4.. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Pgblic Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause cement block crossings to be constructed at the following locations: Howell Ave., E, side, across Dayton Ave. Selby Ave., S. side, across Fairview Ave. Laurel Ave., N. side, across Fairview Ave. Fry St., IT. side, across Ashland Ave. Yeas (1) Co ilrnen (i) Nays Adopted by the Council _ Far worth Go -.7 _. In favor Ke rApproved __l _ __ _. --- _ __191 Mc oil ____Against ary Yo g Mr P�esldent, Owers ------ MAYOR FOR .. CITY OF ST. PAUL Subject,-....-Croa 4r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ERAL FORM 1 swalks 6 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ..... .....:..................: '... Date Presented --........... Oat ...... .2Q_,.._._I91...4s. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause cement block crossings to be constructed at the following locations: Gorman Ave., E. side, across Louisa St. Mt. Hope St., E. side, across Bunker St. C'F. No. 2179-13Y M:, N. Coes Besolved, That the,Cemmissioner of Yubllc Worlc'be and: be Is hereby au- thorized and u-thorized:-:and instructed•to-cause'cc- ` meat block crossings. to be construct- ed at the .following -locations: Gorman 'Ave., �E stde, across Louisa: gtiit. Hope St:E. side, across Bunker' 64'I�Ptedl by the Councll Oct. 20,.1914. \PProve 4. (Octob r.2411914) Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (Y) Nays Far orth Go In favor Kel Mc oil _____Against O' ary Yo g Mr. President, owers FOP. c.8-2 Adopted by the Council —y—--191/ Approved .. �P _ ____.. 191. S% A MAYOR CITY OF ST. ' PAU COUNCIL RESOLUTION' NERAL FO Subject: _............... Gx.ade......of...B.exkeaey_...1�brenue... _ .. _. ............... .......... ......... _........... W COUNCIL FILE NO...... .... 6.... . .. .. .. Date Presented-... DO•...,.20......__.... ...._I914........ Resolved, That the grade of Berkeley avenue, from Prior avenue to Josephine strbet, as shown by the red grade line upon the accompanying profile,and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby. adopted as the established grade. c. r xo. 210—'BY_ na. x noes R... lved, That the grade o; Be Gley av ue from P for avenu t Joseph Ino stet, sae shown by+,. the red grado Alne upon the acm copanying Profile, al d as recommended by ,the Commie ;slobs, of Rubllc M'o�lcs, bo and. the' -same la harebr adopted. as tha: estab-'� ,{shed grade;' . adopted by^ the Coil 9 11 Oct. 20, 1014. 4ove Pprd - O t 20,. 1914. (Ot:tober,.24-1014) Yeas (1) Coun Imen (Y) Nays Fern orth Gos In favor Kell — Mc Il ___Against ry }Foe Mr. President,' overs iONM c.8 .2 Adopted by the Council %19 V/ Approved_ L_ —__- _�_U/_-' 191_ ,CD m CITY OF ST. Il. COUNCIL RESOLU —GENERAL FOR Subject......Grade.....cf......alley _._.._..........._....... :... .... _...................... _........... ,.................... .. . COUNCIL FILENo ........ ......................... .. Date Presented Oct. ............................ Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block 5,Woodland Park Addition, from Kent street to Maekubin street,as showfi by the red grade line on the ko- •companying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby adopted, as the established grade. 0. b`. No. 2178—By —xx. Goss Resolved, That th gra. a of the nlley' In 131001J,5. Ivoodland Park 'Addition, 1f"" fromKent street -oto Maolsubin street; accempanying, PToaleg and •Ian co n' mcMIcd,by tho Commleslonei• of Publlg \Ponca be nd the a.me '1s herebyl adopted a. In, established grade Adoptedby the-0ouncll Oct., 20, -19111 i -1PProved Oct, 20-1914. (06tober'24-1014)`. Yeas (h) COU ilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council Far orth Gos_Infavor !� Kelt Approved _ l0 __ ^ _ 1917^ Me 11 _____Against 0 Y r Yoe 'Mr. President, wers -- --- MAYOR FORM C.. CITY OF ST: P COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL F „Subject:._..grade.of.....all.oya..__..._.......... ._......._.. .... ... .............. ........ .__._............... ._:_......_ "i �9 OUNCIL C . - .. FILE NO,.......... ..... ....... .. Date Presented 0-0-t 2Q..........._...._._191..!x _...... #.; Resolved, That the grade of alleys Blooks 6 and 7 Summit Park Addition, from St Albans street to Avon street, as shown by the red grade line upon the accompanying profile, and as reoommended by the Commissioner of Publio, Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. o.. No. 21til—By 14'L ig Goss-- Blackol0eand,7 Summit Padi7c Addtti nii I -In SI..Albane istreet td"Avon etreat,':' ne shown .by the red grade 71nae upohj they . accompanying, profile,.` and stet-.! (ominended by tha CommisRlo a .of.! Public Works, ba a d the s., is here. by adopted ae, the a tabllshed grade. Adopuid by the C uncll Oct, 20, 1034-1 ,A'ppro ed Got 20 1914. (October 24-1914) Yeas (Y') Cott -ilmen (P) Nays Far, worth Gos._[n favor Ke r Me oll _ _Against O' ry Yo g Mr. President, owers FORN C,B•2 ... Adopted by the Council _ (0� 191 y Approved_ _ G _ U _ 19l .y MAYOR C. P. No. also— R t Ived That theS[ PIIul ® Light �C P Y 1 here by dared - @� .directed t .tend f[ lectric line"' !f fr .ting' poles and stringig th on fo [ansmon [he isslof t t fty n and In the following s and streets of said city: -\ One pole In and through th through the thrblock between All ; tree[ and \Voodbrll p i not rtn td a"a••• F' e au y ordered and directed to extend its electric lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of electricity on and in the following alleys and streets of said city: - One pole in and through the alley through the block between Alber ' marle Street and Woodbridge Street, from Front Street to Wayzata Street, with all necessary guys a:.d anchors. Twelve poles on and in Take Como and Phalen•Avenue from Albert; Street to Snelling Avenue, with all necessary guys and anchors. Fourteen poles in and through the alley through the blacks be. tween Snelling Avenue and i :. sy from midway Parkway to $ebrao m Avenue with all necessary guys and anchors. All of csuch extensions, poles and wares shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervi#ion of the Commissioner of Public WorXol.:and in all things subject to the provisions., of Ordinanoe No. 2424* and -of all Ober lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City f of St. Paul. All poles shall be set in such lobation in said alleys' and stree"�S as the Commissll .loner of Public Waits shades'ig'nate', end shall be of such �„ height and character a, he .shat;]. designate and approve, and any and ab1 su r poles shall be taken down and remoVedo and such wires pleased underground, ` whenever the Common Council shall 4e%�� � jj is interest so requires and when it shall so order. E 3 IS THERE A 51OT ON EARTH A RENTED FARM YOU CAN CALL YOUR OWN? THOS. FRANKS0N 15 NOT A HOME IF NOT. BUY ONE REAL ESTATE 320 P-NEERBu­­ 5T. PAUL. MINN.GENERAL R R, C EEC7EIVED OCTO12 19iA 914. REF. TO--_ FOR OR October 12th,1914. St.Paul Gas Light Co., St.Paul, 1,11innesota. Gentlemen: - T will inform you in reply to your request that I have no objection to your company extending your electric line poles from Albert Avenue on Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Snelling Avenue. Very truly yours, F -G NUCIGI, rYTO q-,%t4t-,-TO;] 1717'"T e.'ybGLATV0T1 OT, y; r6 OT, VTT "T, 117OIT I)nT(;@ if.'q '7I.G3 217'TTT 1 ';Lf-'C;;Gq Cf',Jq I gn JJ43PL0'2TUr boTtia 'fLl COTJ l,TTG,'\ fYT-0-'r:JJ fPG PT"YL4 P(3— _rT.(>rf rn 2v (3.r r T R T 1 bn)'cia T,JUVI 'J.AGJfTU r i,ti ctiTi,, oU am.1 TA TlTrG rbJ uIT i ;,OGOeFL' (I- q "Tuago'La. is=Lyo 2.rLsb; -Tziq iolon(1p),Tqii-. 2TL66;' FJ,00 ,P;, -k4 nuc; t)Olb TV 0JJ9 g}moi-iLy 41,,G CUT0, PytT-OrTi4J 91Ju Pl"F, P43FAIGGU V-TPO &T 91](1 3�LGGf2 01 OUTI4 G It-TLG2 f)JGLGOU LoT­ ;P6 'LtP13a!UT0RT03J OT. GIOGILTCT0, Ou g,',Tq TU PPG L0.TT)1;,T'J,_ MJ 11 11TLGC­PGCJ 470 ,YrGIJ.j ;r3 GYG0,PXTG P? I4TII­G4PT1 bti.Tua cruq cl�lTutTIFE IS THERE A 51OT ON EARTH A RENTED FARM YOU CAN CALL YOUR OWN? THOS. FRANKS0N 15 NOT A HOME IF NOT. BUY ONE REAL ESTATE 320 P-NEERBu­­ 5T. PAUL. MINN.GENERAL R R, C EEC7EIVED OCTO12 19iA 914. REF. TO--_ FOR OR October 12th,1914. St.Paul Gas Light Co., St.Paul, 1,11innesota. Gentlemen: - T will inform you in reply to your request that I have no objection to your company extending your electric line poles from Albert Avenue on Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Snelling Avenue. Very truly yours, F -G Petition' Council File No....____.__........._..__.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ` 18 and ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. 7 w° undersigned hereby proposes the ula'king of the following is improvement by the City Paul, viz.: Grad.e...11heel.er Ave... from .0arra AY.e........to Selby .G�oe... n. -...: aocordan.Ge, e�ith tionher ..o....attsahad. Dated this 20th_ _ _day of Oo.lob.e.r .,--_-)_ ... r 19L Councilman. a PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inlprovenlent, viz.:.... .....__..._.... ............... ..........Grad.e_Vae.el.e.r_ Ave.._.. from ._Carr.oll..Av.e..._.to__Sol.hy.... Ave. ....__........__.._..._.... c r lsl l lvt o tt N o t[ u e ..__.. __ ... m ki t, ! th. I II I !, fmn - 161 1 C t n a t my a h vA , h nl .. - - p rs nt d to the C ril of the CItr O4,I St. Patti. thereY be it ne i a Ttiit tile Cotml cion p;C� ......... .. _..... ...... ..... .. ,,,, .. _..._... ._ _ ...... _......._... ._.. P bn tV k9' lie d hole herobr orr'4 de ed ad di eeted I. To 1 tigato the'ne ssity f i• orP eslrab nL 'd 1ma11 ._..._ ... ..... .. .. ... having bel'll prl'Sented t0 the (✓OUIIC r d Ir bf ltt} E the maltl g t Ba1.µ ""' "" 2.T.investlgato the nataro, -t!,PY therefore, be it I estimated eat of and i-- I rd the total ca t the red and directed RESOLVED, That the Conllnissioneros. ':rnlih pin .nu he'is hereby grde: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirubin:,; -.ff the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. a. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the f011Owiog other data and information relative, to said improvement:.__._.___....__....__.____... a. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition Of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the faregning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._.___-...IJI.. Yeas: � Nays: Councilman It{ •nswortll // L, o o s Approved ._......._L....._............__..........__.L)1.._�� let- 7 er 7 11 oil t ea ry Mayor P err 14 CITY OF ST. PAUL ;,; 41 COUNCIL RESOt.VTION—GENERAL FORM Cs Department .of...Publia._Works _ ...... _....._.. GOUN CIL u...of.. Engineers ..... .... ...... .......... ....... C. F' No. 2182—By 11L N. Goss— l:esolved, That the amended A X% and aneeidcations for grading I m Dale street to Kent street, e nitted by the Commissioner of Pablll Yorks, be and the same are hereby p proved. Resolved, Thnt the plans. peel• ,t -bmi, -0 b, ......FILE NO ...... .......................... .......... .... Presented.._. Dot. 19, - I91._4..... Resolved, That the amended plane and speoifioations for grading the E. and W. alley in Blook 3, Ware and Hoopes Addition, and Hatoh Street, from Dale Street to gent Stt, submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be snd4are hereby approved. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates_subrsitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- Pied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price fox per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract -with the City for the performance of said work in accordance ,ith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Comrzissioner of Public Vorks by day labor, in which evert, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Co Yeas ( ) Co cilmen ( ) Nays Fa sworth Goo Ke er Me 11 0' ary Mr. Presidents, Po` rs Approv yor ppgjST�D_�G��� �//I� CITY OF SAINT PAUL t YCitty Clerk's Office, ...191 Received of Citv erkv r l&I Resolved�f That the sale by the Commissioner of Education of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 2, Drake's Re-arrangepont of McLean's Reservation, to Frederick William Hilgedick, for Nine Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($975.00), be and .the same ie hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed for said premises to the said Hilgedick, and to deliver same upon payment of the sum of $975.00. s Yeas ( V) Colicilmen (V) Nays Fa ` 'worth 6 Kt r M' oll O Bary Y rg Mr. President, wets C . r. Nl: 2184—Ity Antnnny zoork— '� Resolved. That the sale by thn coal-. ml. sh a of Eduu• lion of Lots 28, 29 ne tad 2t0. Plock 2, lira IR's r't'l age - en[ of Nltl.an's Respr,allnn, to b'redel-b-11 %%'lt . oa 1111yedicl<, for Nine Hundred Seventy-11"o 15o llare ($075.00). be and the same Is hereby approved. nd `uhe proper c•Ity orf leers are hcre- bg a .h arized nd dl rec ted to ez c to deed for sald pretnlsos to the sald Ililt;edlelc and to deliver s the upon payment f the 'ut m of $9'5.oa. Adopted by the�Cmmc11 Oct. 20. 1914. Approved Oct. 20, 1914. Wetob,•r 24-1!114) Adopted by the Council—___ __7- In favor 191 Approve �— __Against MAYOR -- - - `'Pi3BLISHED - Subject:......... That the 'apIlicattion of the Orpheum Theatre and Realty Co. for a license to conduct a Theatre at 5th & St. Peter Streets be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license to the Orpheum Theatre and Realty Co. for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. ' c. r. ,ro. z1s,—uv aenr �lecnu— _ Resolved, That tho aPDl�ca{ton o[ th^_ Olm beam Theatre and Realty Co. Cor a Itcense to a nluct. theatre at 5th and st. Peter trects bs,.—,l It hereby Is granted : nd the Clty. Clerk is In- stru cted to issue such 11—s—to the tlrPhsum T1,)wrtt'e and Realty 'Cn. for r ol" the Payment Into the `Treasury ' '. -It v of the fee required by. J11 11 "I Adopted by the Council Oct. 20, 1014. ' .\PP roved Oet. 20, 1914. (October 24-1014) V Yeas ( V) Ccun drnen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council— — l / Fard orth favor Gas _.!—In Approve 191 Kell wd - Against O'L Yoer M Mr. President, Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the application of the lfm. R. Burkhard Co. for a license to sell gunpowder for the year 1914 be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license to the said Wm. R. Burkhard Co. u 0 ;he payment' innttto, the City Treasury of the�quired y law. C. r. No. 21st—By 11enry .11scoB— the,\;'lil R. Buhlttharhl (`u,pfo rsatllcenser e [o cell Gunpowder for the y'enr 191A be - Clerk le<1 nstrueted•t Coerigsuo ah chClltiY Cons• to the said wn, R. Burkhnttl upon the payment In[o the City T reuse ry or the : unt and- pnyment� oP the rer squired by pru red lxw. Ade pt -'i ed by the Cpuncil Oct. 20, 1914, pOrt. 20, 1914. t OCtobor 24-191.k). Yeas ( I') Cow �cilmen ( C) Nays Far' worth — Go In favor Ked r Mc all _Against O'1l ary Yo. g Mr. President, Po ers f, Adopted by the Council— Al— ouncil_Apve 191 r MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL rh Ct1on sypP: _ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. 6 , zz^S j"01 �ry AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM FILE No.� . FILE BY OCTI J BI_� TrTy I, Ern E(. .:.- < AUDITED__ l7ep LL`y PEO l08 nrEr ..y- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and specified in the following detailed in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as statement: Adopted by the Co6ncil 191.— Yeas i J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Co.. $360.00. 1t11ntr Fund: Pure Oil Farnsworth 7 Goss In favor Ap Keller McColl Against --' - Aforsing & St- v O'Leary C F No. 2181 1 YOCLg R 1 ed that w0.rrants b - � - Accounts—C—;r Tice wor:.• . 1 Mr. President, Powers the City Treasuryli Pa, f th hereinafter. specifled fund L ' f Of the parsone. flrsm a p [i seer the mounts oPPc /v a•' j///Jl �j p -their especttve n nes ae speo . following detailed ', Cement: �Jgj,TSI� the Corporate Purposes—School iAFi. , od,ilon keet of the Soho.no C. E. R'tera hk Fst. No. 4, $2,826.2` .:.- < School Fu. d Geo.A. Kees Dom tic Englneering Co.. Est ;. . $1.897.00. e1: ter Dept. Fund: Cochran Co.. $360.00. 1t11ntr Fund: Pure Oil 98.88. Funds—Playground+ _ --' - Aforsing & St- {� - Accounts—C—;r Tice wor:.• . 1 Corporate Purposes School Accommodation Acct. of the School Fund 4S96 C. E. Wierechke, Est. #4, 2,826.25 / 0 School Fund J 4 97 Geo. A. gees Domestic = Engineering Co.. Bet. #1 and final, 1,897.00 ✓ _ Water Dept. Fund 4 98 Cochran Sargent Co., 350.00 ✓ Sprinkling Fund 4 9 Pure Oil Company, 438.68 ✓ Total Corporate Purposes, 51511.93 Special Funds Playgrounds Bond Account 50 0 Morsing & Steenberg, 1,-60.00 ✓ Total Special Funds, 1,36o.00 ` #2 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewers Roy St., University to Shields Assesement.Account.4. .- Cement Walk 1912 5011 Christ Xohnson, Est. 5001 St. Paul Tile Works, Est. #11 & Supplt., 381.13 1/ `- Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-Paving 5002 Holly Ave., Western to Dale, W. H. Malone Estate, Est. #1 & final, sand, 101.8 5003 Minnesota Crushed Stone Co., Est. final, asphalt sand, 28 20 Ho Ava.,,._.W�est�ern fo Da IX 390.08 ✓ Case St., Payne to Westminister 5004 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., Est. #2 partial, cement, 398,40 #2 York & Westminister Supplt., 489.92 5005 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., Est. #2 & final, cement, Portland Ave., Western to Dale, 5006 W. H. Malone Estate, Est. Co., Est. #1 &.final, sand, #1 padtial, cement, 18.75 i/ 61.60 5007 St. Paul Lime & Cement Blair, Fry to Snelling a or an ve., 80.35 University Ave., Syndicate to City Limits Christ Johnson, Est. 5008 Capital City Lime & Cement Co., Esta•#1 & final,sewer p1pp, 272.58 Hastings Ave., Bates to Earl 5009 Chicago Creosoting Co., Est. Est. #1, creosoted blocks, #1 & final, cement, 7,271.5? 1.892.415 5010 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., To figs Ave., Bates to Xarl, 9,168.05 To s, onat. Acc.- atfng,•- 10,799.38 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewers Roy St., University to Shields 5011 Christ Xohnson, Est. #2 & Supplt., 50.00 1/ `- Herschell Ave., St. Anthony to Rondo, 5012 Christ Johnson, Est. #2 & Supplt., 3000 Griggs & Minnehaha 5013 Christ Johnson, Est. #3 & Supplt., 200.00 Blair, Fry to Snelling 5014 Christ Johnson, Est. #2 & Supplt., 50;00 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Grading Hendon St., Cleveland to Como Ave. 5015 W. H. Malone Estate, Est. #2 & final, 2,245.00 Total SVen t. Acct. -,Paving, ` ........ .:. 10,799.38 " A" -Cemen Walks 1912, 381.13 a -Se ere,....... ......: 330.00 -Grading,... 2;24§.00 Ces,.. S.. ............................ 1.;560. 00 Grand Total, 20,627 44 9 M CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORMNo COUNCIL � FILE OOT By_ AUDITED_-- 191_ DBPuf9 U ffonFmptroller. - i PEP _ 107 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J-) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ Farnsworth Goss In favor Approve a 91Y Keller McColl Against O'Leary .Aron Yoerg Mr. President, Powers pUgLl�tiED ifl _ r Corporate Purposes Municipal Court Fund 46 5 Clymer & Huelster, 5.55 Lighting Fund 4 56 Bureau of Bridge Bldg. & Repair, 180.22 " 4 57 Dayton's Bluff Printing Co., 9.75 4 56 McClain & Gray Co., .tt0 i Printing & Stationery Fund 59 American Stamp Works, ri 1.00 r 60 H. C. Boyeson Co., 5.50 61 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 19.02 62 Clymer.& Huelster, 40.25 63 Daily News Publishing Co., 45.36 4 64 L. F. Dow Co., 63.00 r 65 E. S. Ferrey, 45.35 66 McClain & Gray, 148.48w` 6 Meyer Engraving Co., 24.00 69N. 69 W. Stamp Works, Perkins -Tracy Co., 1.70 4.40 70 Pic'neer Company, 4.40 4 71 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 4.50 4 72 Review Publishing Co.,_ 530.22 4 73 Royal Typewriter Co.,.75 4 74 L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 96.65 4 5 St. Paul Printing Co., 9.90 46 6 .3uperior Printing Co., D 12.00 _ 46 7 Virtue Printing Co., 162.50 ,o,,, rin ng &amu a ionery Fund, 1,218.9 f ,,, 5 #2 Corporate Purposes s Police Fund 78 Auto Tire Sales Co., 1 3.07 �j9 George Benz & Sone, 250.00 80 H. C. Boyeson & Co., 3,54 E51 Clymer & Huelster, $.75 32 Adam Decker Hardware Co., .60 33 Ford Motor Co., 4.�0 34 Kissel Kar Co., Walter S. Bowen, 35 Manhattan Oil Co., $ 77:37 36 McClain & Gray Co., 14.15 3q Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 8,29 38 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 27.65 39 N. W. Telephone Co., 3 60 )0 N. W. Tire Co., 18.97 A Noyes Bros. & Cutler, .30 )2 Peoples Ice Co., 3.50 )3 Raymer Hardware Co., 2,60 )4 Rochester Germicide Co., 13.75 I5 Andrew Schock Grocery Co., .90 )6 Schuneman & Evans, 14.92 6.25 4;10 Fire Dept. Fund 4097 American Engineers Supply Co., 3.0.0 46,9 American House Furnishing Co., 1.00 4¢99 Auto Tire Sales Co., 184.97 4700 Board of Water Commissioners, 21.12 4701 Walter S. Bowen, 3.80 4702 Brings & Companny�', Q 262.57 4703 Charles Electri8 Company, 10.30 4704 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 4.63 4705 Jesse Foot Je*elry Co., 4.00 406 Adelbert Hubbard Electric Co., .90' 4.0 Maendler Bros., 14.00 4 0 McClain & Gray, 23.30 4709 Mitech & Heck Wagon Co., 6.25 4;10 N. W. Copper & Brass Bo., 43.90 411 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 2.40 4712 Raymer Hardware Co., 1.68 4713 St. Paul machine Works, 10.80 414 St. Paul Pattern & Model. Works, ;,9.83 4 15 St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., 5.40 16 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co., 3.50 4R17 Waldref-Odell. Motor Co., 5.10 4P18 Waterous Engine Works, 43.80 4?19 W. G. Whitehead Co., 2.40 t ---Ibf-a-1 71rept. Fund, € Health Fund i 4.720 E. S. Ferrey, 4.50 M721 McClain & Gray, .50 g N. W. Stamp Works, 9.00 ;4723 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co., 41 .75 m + l i�esitir-F<.nsd, KK a - �K Garbage Fund 4724 McClain & Gray, 27.00 47�5 M. McLellan, 10.40 14726 N. W. Telephone Co., 7.10 !4727 Virtue PAinting Co., 19.25 Total Garbage Fizrid; ____.--- .__._ 63.75 #3 Corporate Purposes-Con't. General Fund -quarantine Acct, 47_8 Griggs Cooper & Company, Aros. 6.9; 4729 Noyes & Cutler, 17.08 4730 Perkins Tracy Co., 2.40 4131 Pioneer 6.05 2 Virtue Printing Co., 4 -�+�� �>»Tentine Aect 37.68 .✓ General Fund -City Dump Acct. 47�3 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 1.00 - Workhouse Fund 47 4 J. H. Allen Company, 14.00 4735 Crescent Creamery Co., 17.40 4 36 L. Eisenmenger Meat Co., 53.57 4 37 E. S. Griffith, 33.22 4 38 Haskin Bros., 10.75 4 9 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 7.15 4 0 Mr. T. A. Rafftery, 44.84 4 1 Tierney Hay & Grain Co., 25.79 4 2 Tri-State Telephone & Teleg. Co., `18.00 or rdiouse Fund, Commissioner of Public Works Fund 4 43 H. C. Boyeeon Co., 2.50 4 44 Crane & Ordway, 22.07 4 45 Grossman Instrument Works, 2.25 4 46 Kissel Kar Co., _ .99 4 4 McClain & Gray, 25.79 4 49 N. W. Stamp Works, .60 4 49 Tri-State Motor Supply Co., 2.10 4 50 Virtue Printing Co., 6.75 4 51 H. E. Wedeletaedt, 18.25 Total --Com: of-Pub3-ic -Works--ftn-d-_~_-....__-..__-_._._ gi:3Ti - 3 Street & Sewer Fund 752 Austin Western Co., 24.75 753 Auto Tire Sales Co., 4.36 , 754 Battles Oil Co., 2.11 755 C. Bielenberg, 10.50 756 F. D. Cummer & Son Co., 37.00 757 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 2.20 758 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 4.70 59 Department of Public Utilities, 16.56 60 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 25.84 4 61 Fielding & Shepley, 333.45 4 62 Ford Mfg. Co., 4.29 63 Goodyear Tire Co., 21.10 64 Kissel. Kar Co., 7.06 765 Maendler Bros., 156.00 766 3Qanhattan oil Co., 321.80 767 N. W. Jobbers Credit Bureau, Trustees, H. G. Neal, 13.7 768 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 2.2 769 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 11.46 770 N. W. Stamp Works, . 0 771 1773 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 2.16 772 Raymer Hardware Co., 13.55 Reed Motor Supply Co., 50.99 X774 Robinson,Cary & Bands, 9.15 #4 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Street & Sewer Fund -Cont. 47y5 Russell Grader Mfg. Co.,35.25 4776 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., 0.00 4 7St. Paul Gas Light Co., 41.00 r 4 79 St. Paul Machine Works, 20.70 4 9 St. Paul Rubber Co., 12.50 4 Yt0 Shotwell Harris Co., 4 81 J. F. Wall, 10.00 11.82 4 82 483 Water Board, Western Machine Mfg. Co., 244.21 4 84 Western Supply Co., 3.05 -_.-___.,-_.__.__. ___1-.5343-✓ -,__, Tota , Street & Sewer Fund (C. F. #1005) 47 5 47 6 St. Paul Electric Co., W. H. Malone Estate, 90.76 13.28 Bridge Building & Repair Fund 478 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 2.30 22.00 478 Ford Mfg. Co., 478 Lindeke Warner Co., 2.40 1.05 479 479 Maendler Bros., Manhattan Oil Co., 2.94 General Fund -Crosswalks Acct. 47 2Chicago, St. Paul, Mpls. & Om. Ry., 1_88 47 3 Workhouse, / 4488 General Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. 4794 Ottawa Silicon Co., 23.50®� t i General Fund -Election Expense Acct. 47 5 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 19.22 18.00 47 6 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 91.79 447 7 Ford Mfg. Co., 3.00 H. B. Fuller, 1.40 4 9 Raymer Hardware Co., 7.44 4� 0 Standard Oil Company, 5.50 481 J. C. Stuhlman Co., 3.65 48 2 E. B. Tolson, -Total Election Expense Acct.; -15G."00- School Accommodation Acct. of the School Fund 4 03 T. L. Blood, 50.37 171.50 4 04 Burns Lumber Co., 1.56 05 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 50.85 06 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 25.00 807 Gribben Lumber Co., 808 Manhattan oil Co., 6.16 809 Raymer Hardware Co., 286 3.4 810 Shevlin-Carpenter Lumber Co., .16 116 ]. '811 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 1 Total-School_.Accommodat<-M-Avrt-11- #5 Corporate Purposes -Cont. School Fund 2 D. Appleton & Company, 28.13 Bannon & Company, 1.00 r 14 Beier Bros., 13.90 15 T. L. Blood, 112.06 16 Bon Ton Grocery Co., 7.3 19 Brooks Bros. Lumber Co., 56.00 18 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 18.71 19 J. Bruening, 15.00 20 Builders Material Company,4 4.45 21 Burns Lumber Company, 169.00 22 Capital City Lumber Company, 18.00 23 Capital Trust Company, Assignee, Matteson Rood Repair Co., 89.00 24 Crane & Ordway, Hardware 13.36 12.60 25 Daily -Fraser Co., 26 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 40.45 27 Louis F. Dow, 27.38 28 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 9.35 29 Field Schlick & Co., .40 30 The Golden Rule, .27 31 Jos Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., 14.40 32 T. S. Hayes, 57.57 33 Highland Spring Co., 4.85 34 Holm & Olson, 65.00 35 J. W. Hulme Company, .90 36 M. F. Kerwin Paper Company, ` 1.67 37 Manhattan Oil Company, 13.23 3 McClain & Gray, 31.55 39 R. A. McGrath, 8.47 40 Nicole, Dean & Gregg,1 3.7 U N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 38.77 42 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 64.33 43 Odgen, Merrill & Greer, .76 4-4 Parker Process Company, 11.25 45 Peoples Ice Company, 7.00 �6 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 24.54 47' Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 4.87 48 11. A. Popham, 1.00 49 Ramaley Printing Co., 5.50 50 Raymer Hardware Co., 9.25 51 Remington Typewriter Co., 2.50 52 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 19.72 T - Rochester Germicide Co., 37.50 54 And. Schack Grocery Co., 7.65 55 Schuneman & Evans, 2.62 56 St. Paul Boiler Works, 11.94 57 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 48.67 58 St. Paul Electric Co., 6-79 59 St. Paul Foundry Co., 109.78 SO St. Pau]. Machine Works, 12.25 51 St. Paul Printing Co., 21.35 52 St. Paul Trunk & Bag Co., 53 Standard Oil Company, 2.16 54 Furman Tuttle, 25.25 55 Underwood Typewriter Co., 6.61 56 Valley Iron Works, 12.44 5Chas. A. Weinhagen & Co., 8.50 Ig Western Electric Co., 2.39__ / Corporate Purposes -Cont. Library Fund 4 69 Dayton's Bluff Printing Co., 10.25 4 70 water Board, 53.46 4 71 Joseph Koskie, 1.50 72 McClain & Gray, ,60 73 E. A. Moeller, 68.50 4 74 WaldDrf Bindery, 92.10 4 75 H. Wedelstaedt, 15 48 6 Weed, Park & Co., 7.00 -o Park Fund 48 American Linen Supply Co., 60,89 48:. Armour & Company, 16.47 48 9 Auto Tire Sales Co., 96.06 48 0 Crescent Creamery Co., 6,30 48 1 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company. 114,62 48 2 Jesse Foot Jewelry Co., 3 00 4 83 Herschler Candy Co., 9 .67 84 Manhattan Oil &,Linseed Co., 13.72 4 8; National Candy Co., 4 86 85.46 Peoples Ice Co., 4 87 Raymer Hardware Co., 350.55 10.94 4 88 Sanitary Food Co., 24.�5 89 St. Paul Bottling Works, 27.95 90 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., 891 St. Paul Foundry Co., 200.00 892 Furman Tuttle, 19•?5 893 Twin City Motor Car Co., 40.74 4.894 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 4.50 .... 19 General Fund -Public Baths Acct. 895 Crescent Creamery Co., 69.65 896 A. Schoch Grocery Co., 346,61 TS"ta7'"Ptib�t-c-Bsth�`-Acc't. �_.o.s..-.n.,,_-.,�.,.,,.�n.-.aw.,�.,_,�36.•26„�...a.,.�...,_1 General Fund -Playgrounds Acct. 4897 Manhattan Oil & Linseed do., 48 8 John Martin Lumber Co., 48 N. W.I. Lime Co., X88 3.40 9 .50 4 00 Raymer Hardware Co., 4 01 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co., .81 02 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., .45 5.75 Tota1-- Water Dept. Fund X903 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 11,25 1.904 Capital City Lumber Co., 177.77 1905 Charles Electric Co., 16.3o 1906 Wm. Constans, 1907 Dayton's Bluff Printing Co., 2.50 4,75 -90 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 7.56 9.09 Dyer Building Co., 21.27 910 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 21.05 11 Ford Motor Co., .40 12 Tony Hensler, 4.80 13 Adelbert Hubbard Electric Co., 4.08 14 Kennedy Valve Mfg. Co., 684'.90, 15 Kissel Kar Co., 1.75. X16 Kissel Kar Co., •75 #7 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Water Dept. Fund-Con't. Leslie Paper Co., 3.00 Manhattan Oil Co., 2.94 '-McClain & Gray, 3.20 T. Milton Fowble, 3.32 Morton-Bronn Motor Co., 46.42 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 4.65 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 43.41 N. W. Fuel Co., 10391.08 N. W. Telephone Exchange Co., 3.40 "Norwood Engineering Co., 99.00 J. F. Pearce & Bon, 24.00 Pittsburgh Meter Co., 3,762.38 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Pure Oil Company, 14.00 laymer Hardware Co., 121.21 Reed Motor Supply Co., 48.78 Robinson, Cary & Sancta, 16.18 C. T. Spear, Local Agent, 20.00 St. Paul Blue Print Co., 5.98 St. Paul Rubber Co., 13.50 Swift & Company, 3.75 Tierney Hay & Grain, 16.17 Troy Laundry Co., 1.89 3,50 General Fund-Supplt. Acct. Pur. Dept. H. C. Boyeaon & Co., 7.50 Adam Decker Hardware Co., .50 McClain & Gray, .25 Noyes Bros. & Cutler. .40 Review Publishing Co., 105.49 The Adv. Novelty Mfg. Co., 20.00 Total Patrr_ha ai n g ........... N' Public Utilities Dept. Louis F. Dow, 3.97 Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. 8 McClain & Gray, 1.80 Public Safety Dept. 9 Walter T. Lemon Co., 50.00 0 E. S. Ferry, 6.o Tn t al Pub i c Saf e#ry-Be'pt-: �-----�. ..�.,,®..�..-.-.,.,gym $ 195,96 Sprinkling Fund 1 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 17.60 2 Adam Decker Hardware Co.. 18.00 3 E. S. Ferret', 6.00 s' Corporate Purposes -Cont. Auditorium Fund 44 Water Board, 8.00 / 4 55 Consumers Power Co., 13.74 6.00 Z 4 56 N. W. Telephone Co., 4r7 Raymer Hardware Co., .10 4 8 Remington Typewriter Co., 7.18 49 9 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 20.945 7"7.i$'�� 4950 St. Paul White Lead Co., 20.00 4951 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 1.80 4 6 Total-- itartttm-kind,..._7..1�- 2.94 �- 4 69 To_taL-..15. 668:20* 4 69 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 4170 Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 42.98 Special Funds 1''o"£aiYork &•_Westin#n#�ter;.,�_...,.�.. 55,w40.� Humboldt High School. Library Acct. 49"62 E. H. Sargent & Co., 23.8o 26.98. ✓ s' Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Holly Ave., Western to Dale / 463 Fitch & Hill, 75.00 Market St., 3rd, to 6th St. 464 Manhattan Oil Co., 3.00 4165 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 7.18 :�.a7-�-Market--St�:; 3rd-:-ter�Er% • 7"7.i$'�� {jE York & Westminister 466 Adam Decker Hardware Ro., 2.50 4 6 Mrmhattan Oil Co., 2.94 �- 4 69 Raymer Hardware Co., 4.43 4 69 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 4170 Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 42.98 1''o"£aiYork &•_Westin#n#�ter;.,�_...,.�.. 55,w40.� Prior Ave., Marshall to Univer6ity 4 71 Austin -Western Road Machine Co., 23.8o 472 Manhattan Oil Cik., 7.30 Total- -Prior,"Mar.shakl~--to•-Unna,.,, _... / Dale St., Grand to Front 49x'73 Board of Water Commissioners, 696.00 4474 Brooks Bros., 3•.30 4q75 Builders Material.Co., Hardware Co., 46.64 1.50 4 76 4 7? Adam Decker Manhattan oil Co., Cary & Sands, 7.38 x•57 4 79 Robinson, 79 St. Paul Machine Co., 9.95 80 Wells, Fargo Express Co., 40 81 Western Machine Co., _ 1 .48 241a7 „Dale St :,, Grand to Front, 782.22 a `► #9I �+.• University Ave., Syndicate to City Limits 4982 Manhattan Oil Co. 5.63 4983 Trussed Concrete Ateel Co., 23[(1.'04 236.67-. University Ave., Dale to Syndicate 4984 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 6.96 / Case St., Payne to Westminister 4985 Koehring Machine Works, 2.68 4986 ma,nhattan oil Co. c. F. xo. z1as— Resolved that warrants be drawn 4987 Trussed Concrete steel Co a the city Trensnry. payable p t� 4988 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. P� of the hereinafter specified Puna. and in, favor f the person.. Orme or cor- 4989 Fitch & Hill, Phrat one for the amount. get opposite respective n specified In 4990 General Contracting Co., ae following detailed statement: Corporate Purposes—Municlp.] Court d: Clymer & Huelster, $6.66. Ugh ting ,,FFund: Bureau Tata}'-P8 B8" .�7 t �'� "'dg. & Re[n1r, $180.22; Dayton's Blurt "Inting Co., $9.75; McClain & Gray�., 80 Cents. Printing & Statlonery Fund: Amer- - Hastings Ave., Bates to Lt n stamp tivorks. $1.00: H. C. sere- , Co., $5.50: Brown, Treacy&Sperry, 0_; Clymer & Huelster, $40.26; News Publishing Co., $46.36; L. 1 4991 Trussed Concrete Steel Co., w Co., $63,00; E. S. Ferrey, 45 McClain & Gray, $148.48; Meyer 4992 Adam Decker Hardware Co., aving Co.. $2400: N. W. stamp 4 Koehrin Machine Works . $L70; Perkins-Tr Co., $4.40 993 g Co..4.50;Company, $4.4 Re—P tt.b ;lass o.. 4994 Manhattan Oil &Linseed Co., o., $530.22; Royala art.: L. C. s ar�i �. ..,,,. , ;.....,r�g,,35: ,✓ .._, Summit Ave., Lexington to River, 4995 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 6.00 a T.�i a P� na oee.�G9t►std'C:=ij�i+i'�i�,.._;,"�"v.'.Z:...�0`:"�`.«. _._ «.»,.,..,._,._.., i r' Total Corporate Pu$poses, , .............. 15,b68.20 }' e Special F"ds,.. :.. . .. 1. 2 ;98 " Spec. Aaess. C' et.yz.-Pavin ,..... 1 b and-T0 1 ,215.94 q 5 � i ('OUNCIL/FILE N0. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. III the Matter of._.. constructing a sidewalk of ce:_ent blocks to a :vidth of six feet on the east side of Avon street froiL University avenue to ra-.aganuee and on Avon street both sides frou, aurora avenue to Fa Ter s.,reet. colder Preliminary Order ..... 1.2186_ _ __ _.approved . Au.�us t 24th, 15'-4 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report he and the same is herehy approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouunends is .e alk, of., cement blooks to a width of six feet on the east side of Avon street fror.: 'r. .'t^ersity avomae to Aurora ave -nue and --on--O'zon--street both sides from Aurora avenue to f,:ller street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is y_49¢ Fer li.neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the _. l7t.h._...___._day of No.v.etab e.r_ _191 4_' at the hour of 1Q_.........__o'clock A•_1i., ill the Council.. Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said sleeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the natmr of the iinip�rovvvinent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___._./.. - _.1!✓- /, ty, , erk. Approved I\TEAi1F.IILIRY ORDEits. Mayor. Councilmen Far swo•th �. ..... _.......,...,, . Go. Ke er M 'Oli O' eary I rg Mayor P vers I'- n. Avon 1 ''Aurora avem der Prelical-2 ld August 24th. the City of SL the report of Finance upon is to a width of six feet on the 'side of Avon street from Univer- avenue to Aurora avenue and on i street both sides, from Aurora us to Fuller street, with o alter - res, and that the stimated cost sof Is :49 cents per lineal foot. arrived Further. That a public In manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the lure of the Improvemnt, and the to- tal cost thereof as estimated. adoptedby- the Council Oct. 20, 1914. } ,1pProve (October. 41914) ! C:OU�N,C/IIL FILE NO._____.._._._.__......_....._..... By 5.......✓.%�fiLLL2Gfi 1�.:/...1......-_. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the platter of reconstructing,_..relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the present side—..alk on the south side of"Dayton Ave beg.i.nn.i.ng...4.4 fee of. _Lex_ington avenue_,therce west 40 feet. under Preliminary Order..._...__1,.0.44....._......._..._..._..........._...._approved..._Augus.t 8th?_ 1914 ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, id the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_..._reCOne-trUCting� r..elay.ing.....and....r.ep.a.i-r1ng....ri.th_..c.e.m.ent.._b1..Qck_s..-..._t4.._.a._w dth-__of.___six_..feet the present sidewalk on the south side of Dayton avenue beginning 44 feet west of-....Lex-ington......thenee_..we.et....40.£ee.t......__._._..._..._._........_........_................. ..... ............_........._............... .... ....... .... ............... ............... _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5.......49.¢__.peT..._lineal foot. Resolved. Further, That a public hearing be had on said improveniei'on the..._17_th.._._............. _._day of ?TovetTiber...........__....._......._._..._...._.......161.4.._, at the hour of......_10...._......_o'clock........_A..:........................... in the..._Council Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .............. .__ ...16�, Jerk. l0...-yU- Approved_.........___...._._- ................. . ..... ............. ....... _............ .._...:.. —— Mayor. Councilmen Fai isworth Oo 7 Kel er Me oIl 01 eary Yoi rg Mayor Po ers COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._ch.arge .o...f_ uade_ on_ F.a_irmcun_t avenue froc. Kennethstreet to Prior aven•:ze. under Preliminary Order...._ .75.9. ...........__.._............_..approved...._.Juljr 20th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsis..._.....C..!1A;a&9......4..f.__gTaAe cn..._Fa r.[n.4.u...nf....aY..'Ru.e.....f.r.oral.__K.enn.e.t_h_._etree_t_...t.o..._Prior..._avenu_g_,...._...._........__........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is:p.....2..5..,..Q.0.................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the":._�.kd_........_...................__day of IFovember..................... ...... ........... 1J14.._.; at the hour of....._1............... o'clock......_A,_..._...1L, in the...Ccunc4_1 Chamber 611 room o£the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in'the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council........G�-'%� 1J1 ...._ Ile ........_............ ............. ... ._._..................... it .......... ...... Approvede......... !J _ AA ..___.._! �_........__x _..._......_.19..F...... � , Mayor. Councilmen F •nsworth G ss K ler / M oll / 0' easy Yo g iilayor Poi ers sus with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x(;..._5694.84 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, ....._17_th_....day of .........._ ... . _.N ou.embeT_...................._..........._...._.__191_.4_, at the hour of.....__1_Q.....__....o'clock ........... A......_.M., in the_counci1 ChaIY{ber room f the Court House And City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of,. Finance give notice of"'said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the notal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council................4`_....1�1..._—sdyi Approved ........._..J...... ...�_®_ .19._/_.. Councilmen Fa sworth Go Kgl er Me oll OIL sty Yoe Mayor Po' rs .mayor. COUNCIL FILE iNO.__....._..___._._.._.._.._._ By INTERNEKARY ORDER. In the Matter of.._ter lan.g,._Hancock _etr.e_et frons Terry street to Fast Third street. ... .-...... ._. ... _... _.... _ _. under Preliminary Order ......._....._10.45. ..... _._._....... _.._.___.....__approved ........ ' The Council of the City of St. Paul hating received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the move improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ia.......g.radiIlg _Hancock ........................ a.t_r.ej9..t_fx.oM merxy, ..at-ria.e.t. to ­ razl_ lhi rd.._s_t_rae_t.:...................... ____..._ ............._......_.............._.__... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x(;..._5694.84 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, ....._17_th_....day of .........._ ... . _.N ou.embeT_...................._..........._...._.__191_.4_, at the hour of.....__1_Q.....__....o'clock ........... A......_.M., in the_counci1 ChaIY{ber room f the Court House And City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of,. Finance give notice of"'said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the notal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council................4`_....1�1..._—sdyi Approved ........._..J...... ...�_®_ .19._/_.. Councilmen Fa sworth Go Kgl er Me oll OIL sty Yoe Mayor Po' rs .mayor. COUNCl INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter opgrading.._Ivy..s.treet frorr_T'a.x_1..,street_to..or...ange.atreet:;.._.. under Preliminary Order ....._760.__......._._._....._.._...... .............___approved ....._ Jti1 20t_h 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance.upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._.._arading Ivy street from Earl street to Oranze street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $66.2.._76 .................... cost per front ft. ,"0.40¢ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........._17th,_..._..,........... day of ITo..v.eta;:.er....................... ..............._.. _.191.4._., at the hour of.......10........_....o'clock........ A..,....._M., in the....Ci.Q.Un_Q.l_l.:_.G.1lamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ... _.._..._'ve�/......'1��.._.19._ 1//Y Approved._.___l ............._ U.. -19._C Councilmen Farm vorth Goss Belle McCo 1 O'Lea y Yoer Mayor Powe "s, COUNCIL FILE 194 ....................... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._re.CQlh$.t.ruct_ing, ...._rel_ay_ira_andrex_a_iring__with cement blocks the present sideralk on the south aide of Lafond street_...- - beginning._-24p'.f_e_e.t wes}.tf. Dale street thence_ wes_t_40 feet _. .......... _ ......_.... under Preliminary Order._....1053.................... I I The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of'the Commissioner of Finance upon s, the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommmeads is......_re_cons.tructinggo relaying and repairing -with cement blocks the present sidewalk ori`tTie e..outh....aide .....of._.Laf ond....s_tre.e.t_.. b.eginning._24.0...f.e..e.t.....we a -t.__0 f.._Da l e.._s tre_e t.._... thence west 40 feet. .............. ..._................ ..._................... ..__....... _....... .._. ._.._._.._..._...__...___...._._.__......._...._........_..........__................ d9 er lineal foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is:1�._..�_.r._._.�._1................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_........_17_th_....._.___..__.day of NpVe.AI?eT.........__.........................._...._..191 4 at the hour of......._1Q............ o'cloek........... A_......M., in the_.._Coune.l_1.. _Climber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council- ..............�(�� f/_.�-. 7City Clerk. Approved .......... -.19...... _------ ___......._ .... ._t+....Y. f .Q ...... - — — Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth -Gos Kell r 7 Me II J O'L ay Yoe g Mayor Pot rs V COUNCIL FILF� _...._..._....... By INTERMEKARY ORDER. In the Matter or'__..g.rading_..Van_Duran- s_tree..t....f.rom.__9 f_or3._..stre.e.t_,., to Lexington '. under Preliminary Order ....._. 1133........... .. _. __.. ............. __.approved _._A.ugtlBt__13th,_,_1914 _......_ _-_.. ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Conmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....___grading Van Buren street from Oxford street to Lexington avenue`. ........._.........._.._._........_._..__._.._._......__._.--....__.__..._...__..........__._............._.....--......_.....____....._...._......_..._.._.._..._........_...._............._........._................................__...._. _ _............................._.......... _.................................. ._.........._..........._............... .._....._...._....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..117th ..._.__.___.__.___day of• lao-me��7mbex.._.......__.................. 1914..., at the hour of ....... _._10 .......... o'clock .......__A.!...li., in the._Gouncil....Ch. ber room of•the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance - give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provider] by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t ere as tinnated. Adopted by the Council......._....... ._..._19._/G/ Cit Clerk. Approved......_....'._...? _...-_..19�... ......._......._ ..._...._.._.......... — ------ ... _.. ....... � �.._i•'......._.............. Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth Gos Kell r MCC 11 O'Le ry Yoer Mayor Pow s INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the )`tatter o£....._re_conetruc_t_ng,..._re_layingg ar.a repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the north side of-UriYversity avenue....b.eg.i.nn.i.ng....xJr;.._22....feet, ea.a.t....of Fry ..street _thence east 32 feet, begin- ning 32 feet farther eaf,,t thence east 18 feet. under Preliminary Order ._...-1059, _I ._approved .. _.A.L1gUs t ._8_th, 19-14 . ..... ._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemnent is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomanends is..TeQ_Rre_tructingi _ relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the pFesent-_.aideiza.l.k.....G .._the.....n.o.r.th..._si_de....o,f_...Tln.ivas.ai.ty:.....ay.e.nue.....b.e.ginn..ing...22.....feet east of Fry street thence east 32 feet, beginning 32 feet farther east thenee-east.....18-._fee_t_.......__.._..-___.._....................... ..... _........ _....... .........._..._..........._...................._.._..... ... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is h._4..¢....p_er._.._1_ineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_17th................... ......... day of N.omamber_._................... _............. .............. lsl..!}..., at the hour of ............ lO..........welock......_._A.!...:..M., in the ...... Council �ha7aber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided.by the Charter, stating the time and 'place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof s estimated. Adopted by the Council .._......_.i� �i ^ �°'� City Clerk. Approved._...-...... ...... _........ ._._............... ....__._l k........... _.............................._.._.._._......._........._..... Mayor. s. . F �iog relay -I - Councilmen F nsworth Go s Ke er Me oll o'r� ary Yoe Blayor Pow rs COUNCIL FILE NO By 011 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. I In the Matter of reconstructing,.,.relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the north side of Univeiei:ty avenue beginning at Pillsbury Ave, thence west 250 feet. under Preliminary Order . ... . .............. .... approved 28th, 1914, _ ­ . ... ...... ­_ ­­_­ ­ I—- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report., hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is . _reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width o six x feet the. ......... .. present­.sidewalk- on the -north -side of begInn.-ing.-at Pillsbury avenue thence west 250 feet. ............ ... . . ........... . .......... .......................................... .......... . .................. ................. . ............... .......... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is p. ..X l.j..neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on day of Nazemhez........... ...................._.....191..`x., at the hour of o'clock. A! M., in the. ��n il Chamber . ................. . ............ 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost6th rpeoas,.,,tiniated. Adopted by the Council....._....". -191 Approved Y..'o. ....7 _®lq_(_Y Councilmen F nsworth GO S 0 n' Ke er M [c e oll 0181-Y o g Y I Mayor Pol rs Mayor. ,1 COUNCIL FILE NO 0 ................._..._......_...___.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.._c.Q.n..s..tru.c_t.i.n.g.._a...._sidewalk .._o_f.-...e_ement..._bloc.ks .to a width of six feet �3¢z on the east side of Westminster street beginning 124 feet o.f....J.enks.....s.tree.t.....thenc.e...north....to...-Lawson..s.t.re_et..,..... bs.gizln.xtlg.....r _t.. _,...... Lawson stteet thence north 122 feet. under Preliminary Order .._......1(163 ................. _..... ....... _........._approved __._.lugu.Bt............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the re .port of the Commissioner of Finance .upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_..._4.Q.Ilet_TUCtng sidewalk of.cement blocks to a width of six feet on the east side of WastmIns-tar-'.._s-tre.e.t.....beginn.f.ng...._124.._-feet._-n ort"I._a.f..._a.enks_...s.tres.t.....then.ae.......-.- north to Lawson street, beginning at Lawson street thence north 122 feet. ............... .................. _............ _.................. ........__............._.................. -....._:............_ ._............___..._.__..__.._...._............ ....... .......... .................. ........... ........................................... _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..49. per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......l7.t.h.............. :.......... day of NOP.e.{gl).er.................._............ ._..........191_4..., at the hour of....._1Q_..__......o'cloek........_A_e.._..hi., in the __COUIIC_11..._Chamber roan o the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the,�nprovement, and'the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ... _......... W, 19_'_ 7// FZ i Clerk. Approved__.._l.'.....'.......Z 1 Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth Gos $e er Mc oll 0' ary Yo4 rg Mayor Poi ers NO COUNCIL FFIL /_.._........._....._._......_._....... �'L✓ L.t�... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._ r.ad]..n ..._Qani_tp_1_,.avenue from. Avon _street to Victoria street,.. under Preliminary Order......... ._961.....__ .. ..__approved 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .........gz'.a. pg__Cap_i t 01 A.v_qn_.s.tre..e_t._.to..._.....Victoria Street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is y._13.68_._65 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile ....._1$......_...... _........ _... _-day of lama b.er.........._......_.........._..........191.x.., at the hour o£....__10 .............. o'clock....---.._A.t..__M., in the ..._CoUncil__Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._.._ �L I �' .�. _ ._.19......._._ �--z ..:_..._.................._._...__........_.........._.........._.... ._....................... s Clerk. Approved........G..........a Councilmen Farlworth Gos Kel r M _ oll O' ary Yo rg Mayor Po ers COUNCIL FILE -NO . .............. .. By. ......... ........... INTERNEMARY ORDER. In the Matter of... sewer on Charlton stre et from Be... lmont .from_ ...................... street. to Sidnev street. . .. ..... . ................ . ... Sidney . ................ .. under Preliminary Order -99.6. approved.. A!19.1141..��Xd,—.. 1914, ........... . .......... ...... . ..... ................. ..... ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered . to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._.G_o.it_@..ti.ru.Q ttng a sewer on Charlton street...frQ .......... -- ............ ................... ... ......... ...... ...... ............... ... ............... - ...... ....... ............ ...... ............. . ...... ....................... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x.:1096.05 .................... Resolved Further, Thai a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile... ......... 1,8,th...._._day of November ............ ................_....._..:191..._4, at the hour of.. 10 .......... o'clock A-- M., in the.. 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... - ...... ...... ........ -19 Approved 00_....'..._...._-.u.4.19._( Councilmen Fa nsworth Go, a Ke ler M( " Joil 0' ci ry Yc !rg Mayor Pc ers COUNCIL FILE BY sf1lilG��`C� y N INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Rutter of. ._conetructi.ng- a_se ger on Fuller street froze O3:ford Street to_Chats}vorth .street.....___ __._ .. __ ..__..... _..... under Preliminary Order....... 1.046 ........... _......... approved T4 Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Counnissioner`of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .q t..r.UC t.. g & eevtes _.on...Fiill �...s.txa.e_t... f rom_.:9xf_oz._.13tree_t...- to.._Chatsvro rth... e trek t..... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is {-....1231..12. ,_. p g 1 18th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said ml lrovement -m� the „ ...._........................_..day of Novenl!Jer_._. 191_`?.-, at the hour of .......... 10 .....O'clock......... _A...._.M., in the.....COUnCil Chamber roorrythe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance of give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the im rovement, and the total cost then f as estimated. OCT ?�1 194 Adopted by the Council............ 19.......-_ . e_ ty Chi k. Ap'Proved._..._e..0.' ya_ 191/ y _ ._... _._ _....._._..._...........�..5: f[..._ Mayor. lC F. No: 201 By Sr A, Farnsworth— Councilmen Far sworth m the, Matt of consWuestng-a: sewer, n Full t eet,f om oxf et to Chats Orth 'str et under. Z$�Ef s lnary' order 10{6:- approved'�•tU GO 8th, 1014. - The"Councll' of the -City of -St. 'Pati ' having received the report, of the Ke er Commissioner of Finance upon - o abovelmprove�ttent,�"andhaving con sidered anfd report, hereby resolves . M O11 1.' That 'the said: report be nd the t same �ls'-herepy approved and,:adopted,; and thersaid;4mprovement is heretiy . ordered--to be proceeded Lv1th.-: 0' eflry 2. That the nature of the improve ment which:,the�. Councll. recommends constrUctfng'a_sewrr. on Funer etreet from 'Oxford] street to, Chatsworth Y erg t eet Avfth n4 alter allies, and that' .. IthestlmateWeost,-thereof is"�1 112..1 R olved' be gurther,�'ThaC a. pub.1N Mayor P vera on the 1th day of"N6 ember, 1914�nt the hbur. of 10 o'clock Ae,W in thea Councll: Chamber, room 61 of the Court linen.., COUNCIL FILE i . _ ... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the clatter of....G..4SLe.txuCt.. ng a.. s_idewaik.. of.,cement blocks to a width of six feet on the south side of Fillmore avenue beginning at Fdward ay.enne.....then.ce._w.e.a.t...161...f.eet. .... _ .......... .... _._........ ..-....._ .......... under Preliminary Order...__l.?Q2 _ ...___. _...__.approved_......Au$u8.t...l5thz...._1914.__..... ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........._con6_truct_i,n.g-__a sidewalk of cemert blocks to a width of six feet on the south side of ........................_........._................_._............_........._.............._......_....._........_.............._.._......._...__._..................__._..._......._........................_..._......_..._._...._...........__......::......._.... Fillmore avem.:e beginning at Edward avenue thence west 161 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is........49.¢_-p.e.r......l.ineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 18-th .........day of November ............._............_._.....191..4.., at the hour of...___10_._.........o'clock..........__A..eal., in the_._Counc. il____Chamber 61 room of the Court HouseandCity Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. :0 �c1 0('' 4 Adopted by the Council.....__'...'._....'"_�_..... ._. _.___.._.____19 .......... _ ..........................._..._......... ..... ._............... Q...'...._........_.. __..............._.. Clerk. Approved..... � �........_._�-. ®...-._...19®....._ _ ........... _..... --------------- ._-------------- --------- ...... C. r. No. 2202—Pv s. A: I. Mayor. Councilmen Fa sworth Go s K ler M. n eary Y erg Mayor P vers c COUNCIL FILA 0........._..._.__.__..._ :.............. INTERMEMARY ORDER. In the matter of.....conetruct_ing.__asix foot. cement sidewalk on the following streets, Milton street east side from SumRit Ave. north 292 feet. Portldnd avenue .....s.ou.th....e1de.._b.eg.inn.ing.....19.3.._fe.e..t.....ea.st.. c.f....Ali.1.tc.n..._at.......thenge....Eas_t_..193_...feet (repealing and annulling Council File No. 565, approved July 6th, 1914. under Preliminary Order......._7-7-5....._.._....__......_....._...._...............approved ....._....July ...als.t.,-_.191..4.._....... ..... ---- ........_.....__. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ._.._COnstruc.ting a_ six foot cement sidewalk on the following streets, Milton street east side from Summit .....axenue...north ... 292...-f.t _.__Part land.... avenue.. sou-th.....side.....b.eginning..._19.3_..i.ee t ileNoeast of Milton St. thence East 193 feet (repealing and annulling Council File- Noe .-565-j----app-roved- July. 6th,....1914........ .... .... ......... * 49¢ per lineal foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .'._ .................P _..............__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- .._._.._...._1&_th._._._._day of November........_.._......._..._..........._...._.....191.._`x., at the hour of........_� �._.........o'clock .._......_A_�._lli., in the_CoUnCll Chamber 61 room of the Cont House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvemc . T „ q Adopted by the Council ......... ... ......._............... .... Approved r Councilmen ] nsworth G as n ller eColl 'Leary oerg Mayor owers 2010d 1f 1 ' 4 COUNCIL FILE NO_ ........... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of reconstructing relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk oti the south side of--Faiace etx.ee..t.... g.in jng.at..,Ailto.n street... thence west 300 feet beginning 110 feet father west thence west 330 feet. 1 28th,.1914 under Preliminary Order ._._...881 .......... .. .._........... approved _JU y..,... The Council of the.City of St. Paul having received the report of the Conm,issioner of Finance upon, the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hcreby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconuney eC O�BtruCting . __....._..t relauing and repairing with cement blocks to a wi fh o c fee- the-PreBet sidewalk ....an..._the._..aouth....side ......e.f.....Pal&Qe......B.IrPet..Xgg.lnnin_gat..__Milton street thence west 300 feet beginning 110 feet farther west thence west 330 feet: a>&w#k[xsasx�xR�sxsx� �x)�sganrsingxatxld3id �raxad ash..._.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :$_..._19..0....Per .__lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._18_th...... _ ...............—day of ......?Sovember........._._....__._......_......_..._iDl_4..., at the hour of........._..4..........o'elock............_A_,...li., in the_?zn .Cocil Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin missioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by.the Charter, stating the time and pp hearing, improvement, and the total cost thereof as lace Adopted by the nCouncil f. the re -7 ^ ^_.. _ii__ °i.Y.. _.19.........._ Approved._...........__..- .....1J o Councilmen Fa"I worth Goss Kell r >VIe 11 0'L arY Yo g Mayor Po ers COUNCIL FILB NO. ............ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Lithe Matter of sewer on Roblyn avenue from Asbury avenue ... ......... . .. ....... 485 -feet. _.east Q�f t ineo. f.-_As..buryavenlo.e., under Preliminary Order ... . ........ approved J 301h, .19-11 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...... c-o.n.$.tx.u.Q..tinz A- sever on Roblyn aven,-e from Asbury aven,�,.e to a point 485 feet east Of the -sa-st""Tins- **of- AsbuTy-av-snus. . ..... . ............. .... ...... ................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 6.54-02 ................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............... day of N.ovzmbP--r....._...._.....-..191..._`.:, at the hour of in the gRu.n.q-il ...Chaziber- 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th eof as estimated. OF7 C Adopted by the Council.........__.._ . ..... 19 . . ........ ........... . k. Approved.... 19 -V ... . ..... . Mayor. Councilmen Fari sworth Gos Kell IM c C I O'Le ry Yoerj Alayor POWE 'S V OT COUNCIL FFILE/ NO. By�C......✓..'_CliliC INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ll the Matter of...... .P.UTb.A.ng,. Payne avenue.,.to.. �dg?-T_to_n ... under Preliminary OrderX8............._ _ 3.........................aplproved Augu_8_t_...3rd,_.1°.1.4.x.._ .__................_... ...__�.._............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received. the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the, above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the some is hereby approved and adopted, and the said inlproveuielf is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. curbing Maryland 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......_.._.._......_. _....e..tr.ee.t.....fr.om_..P.ayne ..au.enu.e.....t.o..._h'.dgex..ton..._st.ree.t...-......._._..... .........._.._.............._....__........::...._........._.....__...... ......... with no alternatives, and that tile estimated cost thereof is ....... k..S...2.�................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemeut oil the 18 ..............clay of November............ .......... ......_..........191.4...., at the hour of......_1.Q_..........._o'clock...._......._._A..M., in the ..Cqunc l..__Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice pf said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ther of as estimated. -- ,n ',9',4 Adopted by the Council ......... =.:.:..'._._ _'......__... _.__._ _...19.._..--- ............. ...... .... ........... ...... .....__..._......_..._................. ........ .......... _.-- C erk. Approved._.._.._�_..........._.__1'"._......... __......_..... _..... _.. ....a^'......... Vfayor. C. F. Po 2206 -BY S. A., k a'nswo the Councilmen Fa nsworth m the Aiatten o@'curbs g' 3z¢ry lana street, from, Payne avenue to-);dger ton et eel under Prenminary Older ry Go a 983 pql owed August 3rd, 1914 The. Council of, the city of3t. Pauf KC ler Mc Poll l 0'.Bary Yo rg ;Mayor Poll o ers !It IL v �.rn7 COUNCIL FILE �'..........._....n 13y�dJ..s/G..../ ��!/! U_ ..._........... y...11... ........ .... ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..... ' Rec_onstruating, relaying and repairing wit ce1en block— o a width of ten feet the present sidewalks on the following streets, wabasha street west side beginning at Seventh street thence north 180 feet';Wabasha street east side from Fight street to Ninth street, Seventh street north side beginning at wabasha street thence west 12 feet, Eight street north side beginning 98 feet east of wabasha tr-set-�th.ence..Tatat 22 feet. under Preliminary Order.... _1061 .__ .. _.__approved ._.._AugU,.9_t........... ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, tnul the said improvement is hc+reby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_............__...... _....... ._................ ....... .. 1�2COri8�lUCtirig, reiayin par nlg,w Cement-ui0CS8 Lt _ width of ten feet the present sidewalks on the following streets,`: Wabasha street west aide beginning at Seventh street thence north 180 feet, wabasha street east side from Fight street to 'Ninth street-, Seventh street north side beginning at rabaeha street thence west 12 feet, Eight street north side beginning 98 feet East of wabasha street_:thewe.- Eaet. $2 _.__. _ _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is q_._.2¢.:..P_er.__llneal f bOt . Resolved Further, That a public hearinghe had—on said. improvement on tile ._..._1.8_th....... .._.......lay of November _.__ _ 191._4•., at the hour of _19_..A. _.........o'clock_.__ .... .hL; in the _q ounc i l Chamber roont0of the Court House and laity Hall Building in the City of St. Paula That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. e 0 :(? Ig14 Adopted by the Council. .......... `_' 19.... _ww�_` k �...� ^....19- C F "NIn,-220. 13Y S.,�A Itfi T Mayor. - II the Mtatttt��te f reConsttuc nS ,eek 3 Councilmen Fnsworth blSeke sewldthoYwten neer ane; pre nt +iafdewall s?o the following ).6 Ll_�,/ [� q G Sa t e ts,;wabasha sir et west efdr ! beginning io th 180 Leet wabasha sheet easx K Her Y5 m Eighth' street to ee, ne II, * res pore. std , 6et1 ' - 9 et, them - M Coll i•f 0' eary Yo rg� Mayor Po era F -; F i E 1 ,• r r � �` - 3� �i' r COUN�CI/ILL FILE NO-- ..... ...... ...... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.......x8.0-ons_tr..ic.ta.ng_,_-_x.elay r.,.g._._an,3_._re_r:airing with cement •blocks .......................... . to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on west side of sTabasha St. _.b.eginzring-.`7.Z....feet .....south ..._of -sixth str"..t.. thence ..south 1.2.p.....fee..t..,......_.._.:_.._.. under Preliminary Order. .._�.83.__.... ......... ... ......... .... __._..._ approved _...__...Auguet_3'r , 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. — 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends relay_ing__ani_.._repairin ._with.c.ement.blocks to a width of ten feet the ....... .. _.............. ....................... the present sidewalk on west side of Wabasha street beginning 22 feet Sixth at.r.e.e.1,. the.nc.e....anulh.._1_2.0_.f..ee_t_._.................. ..___.___._: _._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof isR....._82.¢.....F..erlineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thc._....._28_tn..__.......... .._day of .____November.................._..._.........._.._191.4..., at the hour of__...-_1.',lock- .11., in thc......_Council Chanioer. 61 roma of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... ` may --z. ,lerk. , Approved ....aC1..._ _....7�. V ..-. _..I9._ O_ y, �� F BYG<-11!IiI�� L�......... 6 INTERMEDIQARY ORDER. In the Matter of.?eG.a.n.6_tzu.a_tirg.,_..rel.ayang and._.repa _r.ing :with cement_ blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the east side of West- �;,mina.ter.....at.ree.t;-_b.eginning....at.. Lafayette...ay.ema.e.....th.en.c.e_..norih_..165.-fe;et...... under Preliminary Order......_._990 approved .._._August_._3rc..__1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Coinaiissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommmids is......_recon......................s reconstructing, ...................... relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the psssen.t....s-idewa.lk--on..the--cast.Zi.de_4_of....Westminster .._s..tree..t-b.eg..i.nn .n.g....._....__. at Lafayette avenue thence north 165 feet. _...... _....... ..... - .._. _ ._... __ ... _ .......... ........................ .. _ ..._..... .............. __. ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is h.._12.¢Fer,,.li.neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......_l._th......................_day of 191._.... t the Imtri f ...10.............o'clock__._...--A...M, in the....�.CllX1.G........ri.�A aamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, andPhe total cost thereof as estimated. C. Adopted by the Council _ ..._._ ___ 19_...._.._ Clerk. - Approved..._.��- ........._�._.ls._ i� Councilmen Fal sworth Gos Kel r Me 11 O'L ary Yoe g mayor Poi rs N ...................... .... Mayor. W COUNCIL FILE -110 .......... .... ... .......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of QVIXIo ing_ and b­ou.1ev.a.rd,i,n­g., bo-th- sites.. of Fairview - Ave. from tJniv.er ity AyieTue to Suramit Avene. ... . ........ . .......... hnder Preliminary Order._ ............ ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approve(] and adopted, and the said improvemenS is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is and ................. .. ........... ..ard-ing b..alb� rjJ_es of ....Fa.i...rv....iew Ave.........fron,.....n... v...s....i.....ty Avenue ------t---o--- -- Summitavenue. ............... ....... ......... . ....... ....... . ..... -- ---- -u-IM-no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.2887.71_.. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be,had on said improvement on the_....__Tath .............. . day of November.. ......... . ...... .. 191 at the hour of........... ;9 .......... o'clock AM., in th,_�90KRC i 1 Chamber .... .. .. ........................ ... ...... . ...... 61 v room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and, place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the -eof as estimated. CoUne,,�­7 L Adopted by the T;4_.19.........._ ..... .... ............... .................. C, r Approved .............. ...... it Mayor. Councilmen Far worth Goss Kel*j le MCC I 'e 'OIL ry Yoe Mayor Pow rs I _ 1 COUNCIL FILM O. B"a'. / � INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of._._cons.trua..ting....a....a.eiver._.on_.Go.odri.c.h_..avenue_-from,_...Cleve.l.and amenue.....to- .S inr......ay.e_-. r.e._ _ __ _ ___.._ .. ......... under Preliminary Order_ 836 .............._. . __...approv ed ..__.JUS Y_._28 thZ _1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon theaboveimprovement, and having considered said report., hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved aril adopted, and the said improvement is,:hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_......_._C_CI e_t_^uC.ting,_3 sewer on Goodrich avenue from Cleveland avenue to Finn avenue. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x..._1.1...76.._25....__...._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...._....._19_th__.__._`__._ day of ..N:o.Y...S101ex............ .....................1D1...4., at the hour of .......... .Q._.........o'clock._.._.._A.A._M., in Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance. give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof / estimated. CCI 20 '914 Adopted by the Council......_....__.:__._......._..__.___ _.__19._.....__ a_�.. ....19_.__. Approved .............................._._... Councilmen Far worth Goss Bell r Mc 11 O' ary Yo g Mayor Po I era 13 COUNCIL FILL NO._....... A INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of._..c.ona..t.zuc...t.ing__.as_awer .on Jarnes._at.r_a-s_t-.from....Ar.b.bx-...a1x.e.et to a .Pol_n.u...150._Pt. eas..t... _ . under Preliminary Order ............. .9..31 ...._._..__... ........... :._....-approved ... _. J.uLy....3Cth,._. __._._.__..._._._... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ° 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..... 0.9ri_8tKg9Iing_.d__ .................. ...... aewar--on-- Jame .s.._at,re.e..t...: f.r.om.....p.rh.or...._e.tre e.t._._t.o....a._..p fl-in.t......}r5 G.... -feet- e$s t . ........ .,....... .. _ .... . . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is y:.._ 4.G. -.-4.6.......... - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....19th . , .,, ._.day of ....... Novemb:er ....................191._4.,at the hoot of_....__.._1.0...._..o'clock ._........ A_.. ..... M., in the ......_Co- ns..i.l.._Chamber 61' room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............... .___ _ ._____19.........._ Approved...... 1-_._.'....._.� `..19_. Councilmen Far isworth Oo gel er Mc oll aiy Yo rg ` Mayor Po eps A COUNCIL FILE N0_....._.._.......___._...__......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of....grad.itg._Jaaes....a.tzee.t....fr.ore__Hanline.._.av.enue.._.to_.-11b.ex_t.._.Av.e. under Preliminary Order ......_833.._...._._.__.__....._._......_.....__. ......... approved...._...Q'U,l.y..._10_th,.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. g;xading J.ame.e...._.... streetfrom Ha . ..... ... ...._..__..............._.................. .......__.._.__................. .... _............._.......... .......__._................... _._.......__.................... ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is....._.1.$..v.8....3.7........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th...... ..._1.9th _ _clay of November o'clock.. A...- ..bL, in ttP_.._...0.o.unoil_._Ghan:ber _........_.........._.........._....._._............................_.._...191.4..., at the hour of ..1.0 6 room o�the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. r Adopted by the Council .......... ____......_....... r,0 I0,14 _19 ............ .......... .............. ................�/ ? �r ... .._....._.._ B k. Approved...d ® ...z_�__.....19.__ c5 .. ......... ......... .. _[ 3fayor. Councilmen FA•nsworth Go s Be er Mc 1011 W1 eary Yo g Mayor Po era COUNCIL FILE NO / INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofgith...._ceruen_t...._blo,cks .O.o a width of six feet the present sidewalk on Sioore avenue west side egrinirig at Carroll aver e thence south 150 feet under Preliminary Order _.1 03._ . approved ..._... AUgLlst. 15t}1F..1914_._.... __. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......_ . on_8trueting,_ relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet t?ie presen. side^alk on F+Ioore avenue west aide beginning at Carroll Ave. _...the-nce-....aeu-th-150.... fe-e.t.... _..........._.........._._...._............_.:_.............._......_....__..............._.........._....._........_................._..__..._..._........._. a with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 9......._4:9.¢.....p.e.r..._lzneal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... 1° h._......._......_day of N_ov.emb_ex................._................. ._.._.is1A.., at the hour of... .......... 1Q_._....o'clock............... A _3f., in the CQunCll Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t ereof as estimated. 0'i ��? 1914 Adopted by the Council ........... ........... .....__.. ___._-...___._...19......_.. Approved../(J.......__.. Mayor. C F NCNo. Councilmen Far sw.orth 1 i th bi Gen west as west a - rine, 't prelim - Kel r Auff... TheuC Me 11 `Ctioveti eldere'l O'L ary same Is andth, ordered Yoe 2. Ti meet w recoret] Mayor Powirs`ith ce tett -th A - SoF f-, I City of St Y - si e - of rt anee 'gi a notice of said meeting to the Der n and. i [h manner provided by.t Chart r stat Ing the timeand place f hL I d [henatuh t t Ir co t thh if n .\doP_l by the Council (Jct _0. 1915 A11 --d p 0 1'111 I Fri 91+5 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 'Matter of......gr.4din O.X _QXd gt.reet fT R.on..i.o . ..... S -t r ee t . ................. ........ . ....... .............. ............ . ......... .. ....... . - under Preliminary Order.........5.6A... ............ ............... approved..__sill_1X......t.1....._.14_:......._..... The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby orde . red to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._..grading Oxford St. .............. ...... from 1gle -har.t avenue _±0 Rondo__StXe.et...­ ...................... ........... ............... .................. .......... _ with Do alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on .........day of Norezb.e.r__............._........_........._..I91..4., at the hour of. 1ja ...o'clock ............. in th,..qpjjnci1 Chamber ........... ­ ............... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the eof as stimated. 21) !914 Adopted by the Council ..... .. ..... .. . ....... ...... . .... ...... . ................ Ci r Approved .......... ... ................................. Mayor. C. No. Councilmen Farn orth laithe blait-eiA—y s A of.91ading, rorn. 1glehor I Oxfordnsw9.1ttrh'6't t, av q t It street under Prell son % 60 a led, mine" Goss approved July sib 3914 � , Order 564 The C.uacu_.f the Cft�. Win. P.�ul having received the report of the Com- ssioner of Pinance Kell coprovereent. and h upon the above said report. hereby resolves ng. considered solve 1. That the said report b:e',,ard,thc Ale 11 earuc 1 �, h..r,' Id and th - , adopted, orlered to be Proceeded ;wltb.. hereby O'l, ry 2. That the rtcre Of the improve- .neent which thea recommend., leen grading Oxford earn ever,,. '. fro rulchart t, to rd. —, Yoe =ilvc�', . st' !ith e,rnmtive that the �Z;cnatsd`coaq't t ercof is $13,023.70. in ss Yee 'Mayor Poj s P.bll� r h eAlad on s ldh'i t .on t e 19th day bf'N a p1pr.vs.o.t [the hear of 16 914, at 1, Connell-:Chamber,Or`oquck6j4uf t'� n the C -use anda,, PIN,! ty of fst, Paul , h Building Or- leance givat'th" Commie alone the person,.n n,tjcO,. :.aid I f �NN..net _ provide by th CI'to In the th hn�. 0 tand 'place.f'her.�',�r;,rttVO ,nature -, o&. the, iMPiOvement, and'tho �t '_ ­ t- "' to �; ­ill=.d. �, I Adopt by C.__._ 20, 1914. ppr.vcd Oct. llo. �., "'e, ll4 1lu', y COUNCIL FFILIJ--1NO . _ _.. _ . By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of. _pr43_ing.. Page _street from Cherokeeavenue to Delavrare .... ...... avenue. ........._. ...... .... __.___ __...... under Preliminary Order 575_ _. _......._. .......approved . JL?_la 7th, 1514....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends street f_rorg.__Cherokee..._ avenue.._.to.._Delawa.r_e.._ venue..r............_......_._....._._.........__..__........._._......_.....__.... ...... .._...... ..._..........__._.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x...._373.33 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -day of ilOve2LDe_I ____......_.,,._._....._........_..191....4., at the hour of_1Q._.............._.o'clock..........._A.x.... M., in the...__Ccune..l.__Chamber of room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......... -_ ` "_.1 -!4...--.-.19..._...._ ..............._....................... ...._ Approved._... A ....... Councilmen Farn worth Goss Kell MCC 11 1 O'L ry Yoe Mayor Pow,rs 1 COUNCI FMO.__._..._ _...._._...._.__...__. By //, i INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the flatter of.. c..o.na.t.Tus._ting_..a... seweron, Rayraond _Ave from 'Tendon strzet to..._pudley. 9tre.,et ._._._ under PreliminaryOrder.. 375 .. _._..._ June 24th, 1914 ._ ._.__...... .._._,glproved .._..._..._.. ......_.. ....__._.. ..__..__.._ ..._.._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._._C_On_etx11C_t_lTig a sr.....on_..Ray.mond....a-v.emu.e...from _.Hendo.n..Xxxa_. s_treet...._t4...._pod'–.e..y..._g_tre..e..c. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is:f....._.$..J._l._�_.`.-�........_......_. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._........_ 1°.th................. day of Nov.emb..er......._......._.._..........._191._4.., at the hour of.__......_10...._...o'elock__......_._A_1.11L, ill the__Counci.l.:__.... r room ollthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ^.._ r 4.!_� .. 19..._....._ .... ....... .......... Approve �._.��._.._. ......19__ ...... .............._..............._.._........ .............. lfayor. Councilmen nsworth C. P. No. 2217 -Hy S A Farnsworth- Ia the. Matter of constructing a sewer. on , Raymond from Hendon Ut a It -to. Dudley- Ave,[reel, under'Pre- li gnary order 376 approved June 24th.. 1914.. The Connell of the Cfty of. Ft no, 1{ ler having received the repos[t of the Com- '.misslnner. of Finance updn the aUove i alt rgment. here d having considered I<1 "011 safd ort, hersai resolves: 1. 'That the said reports d d the same le hereby approved d adopted, a d the said Improvement is hereby ()' mary ordered 'to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Improve- 1secln—lilhingthe a Council recommends - 1 erg vin sewer on Raymond avenue from Hendon street to Dudley street. with no c.alternatives, d that blayOr P wel'S LhestilResol ed eFurtherIt thereof Th¢t(s $861.66. _ hearing be hic ad on sold fmprovemelnt on the 19th day of November. 1914, of the hour of 10, o'clock A; M.. 914the .t Con ncll--Chamhor, room 61 of the Court _ Rouse. and It all Hutiding,. in the City oP ,SI- Paul.:,That the -Commis elo er oY Plna co giv n to . sai9 _ meetinanner ;to the pe ons a d. in . the. manner l o ided Uv the Charter stat- IJng th ti e d pl a f h acing the t -ov th i n t, a the total 11,1 thereof as, stlmated. an?od ba the -01-11 Oct. 20, 1914. Approved Oct. 20: 1934. 24.19141. COUNCIL FILE NO.- .......... By a -K' A - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of. �rplaying a�n4 repairing. wth ceii,ent blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the west side of Capitol ..q. e 1 g 1. h - ts - beginning - a , t -- Arc? 6t-r�46t thdH66 south '70 feet. unde , r Preliminary Order........1200 . ........ .. -Augug.t15t',- 191Ae- .......... --- -.1 1 -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Coin.niissionLr of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said iniprovenig, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2, That the nature f Pedal v inif rennniends econstructing, a r W cemen 0 s a .:int.. 2-N. relaying ana repo neroynnt which ?eb(?o C )Tf 165 the pre.qp.nt sidewalk on ....the'w6st side of qspit.o.l. Heights ....Kit.....b.....e... g..i....n...n.i..ng at Arch street thence south 70 feet. ......... .... ......... . .. - ...... ........ . ..................... ............. ---- .............. ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 49.* p.0.1 J.jn-eal foot. Resolved Further, That a: public hearing be had on said improvement on tlle_P0.01h - day of ............. 191..-.4., at the hour of 10- .......... o'clock --A . ...... Al., in the C.D.U3ag.j ..I Chamber 61 ronin of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance giye notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council IS14 -19 .......... . ........... i? perk. Approved ... ..... . ...... ... ........ . ...... . ...... . .. ..... .......... Mayor. Councilmen Fai! sworth �\._2j2,9—By' S A. Farnw—h- Go, inAe re It, -a.wldth t ix feet, thle e I ,aeric Idea al k th west .side of ogi 1. at Bel er t; ..a e; a - el r 1200, P- rove 914. a e t . a,, of to City t. St Paul Me, 1011 a --1-1 the re -1-1 t art of he Care - 1 i—r a me r o'd o'd o'd t. nd h i F-1 ar.d ary lPil r art,- ereby r -lve.. t rt be and t are Y PP,o a .1 ad pf del, Id traPt. - an ith. Yoe g end the mid , tral, �de ordered to, be. pr.t— d , % f R or - the imp 1-1m 2, That tblha team ( ourrilen a, Sh to r - Mayor Pol I's 18 I etin', relayin an t , .��aof jj,�in - an. ePtJ 4 ti g -fin � COUNCIL PILE N_0 .................._..........__......... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the flatter of recpnst_r:a.eting.,._.rel_ayng and._repairing with cPlenhblocks to a width of six feet the present silewalk on the south side of _............Fi:l-tr:ore avenue beginni=. at Wal" ter st.re-et... tgenee east ..5cg......f2.e..t.,..... under Preliminary Order... __1201 _ ......... ___.........__.approved ...__...August... 15th,_ 1914. ..._........._._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul leaving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: r-1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is b&eby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_...._r_e_Cor_8tructing,_ re— laying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the _ ..................present idewa —k ou the south side —of --Fillmore _avanue_ begi=ing-a t ''falter street thence east 58 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.__.._4...Q.¢.._._r,w_rlineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._....._2.Q..t.h....._.......... _.day of November 191¢., at the hour of._......_._10.........o'clock_._......_._p:_'..1L, in the ..__Coun C_i_1....Chaulber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1914 Adopted by the Council ................:_'__._.__....... _..._ .._.....1J........__ nil ��•e .,i ince m'""Ye1­111­.. n 1 the total cost thereof a estimated. Adopted by the Copn cel Oct 20. 1914. Approved Oct. 20. 1914. -.: (Oct. 24-1914) V � Approved.._1� .-._._ _ .... ._._..19..1. 'C. F. No 2221—e3y S "a: FartreWOrtli-- Mayor. In the M tter'ofr onstructint,.,relay- I Councilmen F nsworth - In and repairing a,ritk' cement ' blocits to a wlath of six feet the -.present sidewalk on -the south side" P. --Fillmore-. avenue; beginning at G s Walter street.. thence -net 58 feet,-: under Prellminary Order 1201, ap- 'proved August 15th, 1914.- - The <Council of the City ' of St. Paul Ii ler having received the report of the Com- issigner of Finance upon'the above Improvement, -..and having "cgnsidored 1I 011 said report, hereby sort i: That the said report be a d the b sameis hereby.. approved and adopted, n' Bary and, the aid Improvement. Is h coy -, ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That. thenature f. tfre.tmprovc-' YO rg went, which • the Council recotnmends is - reconstructing; relaying and-,`�epair[ng, with cehlent blocks to a wldth bf si feet the present sidewalk'cm the south Mayor PO ers side et Fillmore -avenue, beginning.iat Walter, street, thence east f 68 eet, wth - no'alternatives, and that the �estlnfated- I coatYhereol fa 90cents per lineal foot. -' Resolved Further: mhos.„ e,.h— nil ��•e .,i ince m'""Ye1­111­.. n 1 the total cost thereof a estimated. Adopted by the Copn cel Oct 20. 1914. Approved Oct. 20. 1914. -.: (Oct. 24-1914) COUNCIL FILE NO........... �... ... __.... ....... __.. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the matter of ..reQQ.n3trUc_ting,_,relaying and repairin7 with cement blocks .._... ..- ..... to a wi#',th of six feet the present siieaalk o he e t site of l.fissisei pi strzzt beginrxng 30 _-Feet South of n '- Ry. Bridgej. c hene South 145 feet. Au ust.6th, 1514 wider Preliminary Order. 1Q.54.._ .._.. ....approved _. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reeouuueilds s......x. c_ 0.40..ruc.t_i .�,_. relaying and rerairing with cement blocks to a widt.. o six feet fie _.:.pr.eaanl...siiewalk.....an tse_.ls.e..t side ...o.f__.;Giseissi::Ri...Btrzet min^:_..nom 30.. feet south of "_T.P. lRy. Briige thence south 146 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 6..._.4°......per_.._lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 2Oth'...... ... ........ clay of vcre.mker.......___.__:......_......._._.._1x14..., at the hour of__._1............ ... o'clock ......__A_t_._nr., in the.._Couneil Chamber .._............. 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cmnmissioner.of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearin the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council nrT 2r 10 4 _lx..._...._ Gt r—U .. Approved...:_ ...... ..._............._.._.._ ..._......_._................ ............ ....... ............ .... ...__._.. Mayor. Councilmen*. nsworth G ss Iler Coll 'Leary oerg Dlayor wens NO FINAL ORDER. In the .Matter of.._..cone..truc..t.ing_..a.._s.e.wer....on_..iiarlon..a.trea.t...fr.om.._Lawson............. e.ranium....a tree t ...._ .......... . . under Preliminary Order. .3.96 approved—Ju ne24tha...191.. . Intermediary Order _...... . _.......... ........ ........a roved SEP 17 19�4 1 P _ ......._................. 14 ... _ _..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having. heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the suiae; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is......the...construction...of...a...salver.... on_lda.rrion...str.eet_from atreat....to....Geraninm-etreet.............. ... .. ........... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare pians and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and. directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... .�✓4-_Z..._19fy. e n Cork. Approved..._...-(...__..Z./..._....19....._� ......................... ..... Mayor. Councilmen F. .1 worth Oos Ke er 7 11 ;oll 0' .eary Y erg Mayor P wer6 o-! eison .' In the Matter of-..-.Q.On.Q tructing,--a aewez. on Marlon, stro.e.t.-Ir.Q.m Lawqom str.e..e... t .....t.o ....G..e...r.a...ni... U ...................... ...... ....... ..... . ........................ ..... ............................. ................ .... ...... ............................ .. ... ..... ....... .... under Preliminary Order approved... June 24th. 1914 ................................ . ............ .............................. ........ ........ ....... .... ..... ........... ... ....................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 2,.692-77 $1.18 per front foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefit,, for said improwaient, and the assessed valuation of each lot. or parcel as last4eported by the Assessor, are as follows: z r^ _ DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION lII Assessed Velus!� —) DESCRIPTION Lot loch ADDITION I Assessed Vslvstiori IIS, do -- - DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation Z3- el IL o n :Y,ry DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed V luetion I --- --- -- DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION i Assessed Valuation i � t l ell f I The Commissioner of FillallCP further repots that �e has investigated till of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated......._..._._......./! . ......................191...�� -- Commissioner of Ninanee. y 4 sr -PAP, 5 1 .. 1 April, 17-1914, TO THE HONORABLE COMMON COUNCIL, OhTY OF ST PAUL. We, the'undersigned property owners living on Marion Street.betw i and Lawson Streets petition your honorable body to usey ur beet efforts to secure for us a sewer ;on Marion betwe�and�Lawson. R NAME ADDRESS GONEERIS p� p 1914'IV itl Fs SD ��•\rjy;�r-.-�' ��.P;' lXr� r _T -�% .��/� ��i ri' _.�L://� L�l;� �jllC.,`f ^_V.f� �-Av L/�t F� ✓ �,_. (i�P� _ is ill_ !'Pi�.�f:. �„�� �1 X / YYY r• `.1, °?� � �q�,s..�✓7, � _'�—� � � � �' �<F�t. �� / '.� Pig �,�.�� �-- // - _ 7 -- - -- - J J°•l. x �i1'. �.1 �� W 1�/�'"�� �.��I.�Y'�/'Jl/��,46'4/i'�q� ��.%� �! t��� M. N. GOSS . OSCAR CLAUSS911 coemn.1—R PVRLiC WORKS - CRIRP R .-I R I CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 243- 1914. 1. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir,— Referring to attached letter from the City Clerk under date of Oct. 20th with regard to sewer on Marion St. from Lawson St. to Geranium St., beg to report that the sewer should bo constructed from Oliver St. to Lawson St. or from Geranium St. to Oliver St.; that is if sewer is d6b ired on Marion St. from Oliver St. to Cook St. the sewer must also be built on Marion St. from Cook St. to Lawson St. to provide an outlet for the sewerfiY the center block, from Oliver St. to Cook St. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. coax x. saaxax,�orrr o�=a= CITY OF SAINT PAUL aizR or.�as•s o�zo� Get. 20th ,1914. Hon. U. N. Goss., Cosmr. Public Works, CITY. Dear Sir:— " The CsUncil, at their meeting of today - laid over C. F. 2224, Final Order to construct a sewer of Clarion St, from Lawson Street to Geranium Street, to the meeting of Tuesdsy Oct. 29th,1914, and referred it to the City Engineer in your department. Yours truly, /W Ci ty Clerk L. y COUNCIL FILE NO ......... ... - .. _......._ By....... .. ........ .... w FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.......nonB.true.t.ing._ sidewalks _o.n_..b.o_tb-- sides __.of__.Finn _...avenue ._....._ ba.tw"n._Aobl..n.avenue._ and. -St. Anthony _- _.. . ._........ 3' y --avenue -under Preliminary Order_...749........__...............__................. .... ......... approved ..__.July...17..thy...19.14_..........._........._................ .... Latermediary Order ..._........._...--._ & .6..47.........__._.. approved ... ..... ............ ..{.._.1.%..... ................ ..._........_.... A public hearing having been had upon the above ivapurovenuent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it g RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ............ .__................ ........_....._....._..._._...._..._._......_............ __._.._..........._................. ....._................... ....:. and�tfue Council. hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Conmissionel of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ ................ ................... 19............ Approved............ ........... ................. - .......__._._.19.......__. Councilmet Fa isw / 0 Keller McColl O'Leary /v J Yoerg I Mayor Powers ` City Clerk. U REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ]n the Alattur of_...c.ons..txuc..t.ung.....e.i.dexvaf.�.a....on.....lz_o.tkj.._s_ .dee.__of....F.i.nn...._ay.e..nue ._ he..trteen...Rob.l_yn....avenue -and. ...-St.......Anthony-alre.nll.e.,... .... t .................. ............................................._.... ............................-............. __..... ... .. ... ... ......... .... __. raider Preliminary Order approved . JU.ly 17th . 19. 14 ... . ....._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement �-k.foot The lots or parcels of land that only be assessed benefits for said improiienlent, arul the assessed valuation of each lot of pal-eel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Block) ADDITION Assessed'Valve6on 7 77 — - -- IT q. ; DESCRIPTION Lot iI$lock ADDITION Assessed Valuatiox�I i -- -- -- - _ --- -- - -- _ _--------------- I 0 The Commissioner of Nimance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report mnde to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated .................... _ lG%1......._.........._191.._7. Commissioner of Fimmre. COUNCIL FILE NO .... _.......... ................ __...__. By............. .._........ .............. ...........::z..........._..._._..._..._..._. t K , t 292 FINAL ORDER. I„ the Matter of._.grad. ng...Power... etreat. _f.rom._Wild r.._.street-to clemeland avenue...... ......... . _ _._..... ......... under Preliminary Order. ..__837..........._............ ......._..._...._.......approved ..._Jul.Y.....2.8till"_.19.1.4................... ................. .......... .... Intermediary Order .......... __. _._..._166�r_`..'............__....__......approved SEP I._t 191-4 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recd imendntious relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature; extent and kind of inr- provement to be made by the said City is _............. ............... ....... ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED RURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public, Works be. and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said inrprovenrent, and submit stone to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement iu accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.......... ............ 19./,� erk. Approved .....tU....... ........ _6.."....19...._� ... ... ..... ....._.. Mayor. wuucnu,r„ i oww, Gos Kel •r 7 i\Ic oll O'l eary Y6 rg Mayor PO erg m REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Efatter of ....grading .popwe.r ...9.tree.t...,frgm. N _lder.., @_treat _t.o Cleveland._ ","under Preliminary- Order approved........... July .....28.th,......1.9.14......_.................. ..........._......._....._................._.._....__.......___.__......_......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tatfirestimated amount of the assessnumt for the above improvement is .670,.33.... $0.96 per front foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last repotted by the Assessor, are as follows: r 14 Ile DESCRIPTION ILot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation M�W-U' IV The Commissioner of Finance further repots that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to 1 him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated.... ........................ 191 Commissioner of Finance. S k n PAUL I N ES 23 f ------------------ ----- 526 J 26 28 L__-._--.--_..._-._- 29 30 31__- .............. Sep_taiuber.....3.,............. _191..4., To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 0 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._83%....... _....... _. approved ......_Jllly.._ga. ..................................191..`.x...., relative to.the.............. _ ................ ___................. grading..._of....P.n77-aX...S.t.xe.et....fr.0a Wild.ex....S.txe.e-t_ to . ..................... .............................. _................... _..__..... _............................ _.._.......... ................. _...... _............. .......... .......... _........... .......................................... .............................................. _... ................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......... .... ........ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof js $.......... and the total cost thereof is $..................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._ ................................... ...__........................... ............. ....................................... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. CITY 57. PA4J L COUNCIL LUTION—GENERAL F M s x Subject....;.P1.at....Hs�i.iCation..P. IIfl _.2.._._ ......... _._. _._ C UN FILE No ............... ...... . Date Presented'!......... Oat_..... 2PI........_I91..4.._ Resolved, That the plat of Habitation Plat Sto. 2, as recommended by the Flat Coramission and approved by the Commissioner of Pnbltc Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. 27= C.22. -BY 11L N. Goss — Rieolyed,•Thnfle recdo amended byIthe "I.. Plat -Plat :Commfee(on'; and•approved by the! �Commldnlonet o[:;Publlc-Worhe be and.+ •the.eama lR herebY_accepted ` �-.Adopted�by,the Cossncll Gck 24, 1814: i. •'Approved%Oek=24 1814 '` Yeas (V) Coun men (P) Nays Farns orth Goss _--_In favor Kelle mime _____Against O'Lea Yoerg Mr. President, ers s CRM c.8-2 - Adopted by the Council Approved _ 1911 MAYOR R . �A CITY OF . PAUL. FJ COUNCIL RESO ION—GENT 1 Subject: 1 .....tPa. 1. a ._�.......Gclm.....7&sle_:......................_---......... ;��/ ",P" Resolved, That the plat of WallraffIs Como Place, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. C• F. `No.. z2M--a- Goes Resolved,' That the . plat Of :Wall-� ) .the Plnt Commis lone -.and :amended by she Commlosloner of;PubllcpWoeke,'be-} and'tha same. Is hereby accepted: ro: 9dopted b3' the Counell Oct,24,:1934:; +�Dpved.Oct . , 1914. q � (Oct. 33-1814) Adopted by the Council ___ ._ ______ 191 Approved J V 2 191{ ------------_.-- MAYOR Yeas (V) Co 'cilmen (P) Nays Far worth Go _ -_In favor Ke1 11^ -Against - _ O' ry Yo Mr. President, c.e•z owers Adopted by the Council ___ ._ ______ 191 Approved J V 2 191{ ------------_.-- MAYOR maw COUNCIL.R LUTA q jL-.._..._:.........Depar ment....of..._ .. ...a....Wor-ks..._'.. .Engineers..::... _ ........... _.... Resolved,. That the (Iommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct brick crosswalks at the following locations; Both sides of Ottawa across Morton South side of Page across Ottawa . East side of Ottawa across Page Both Udes of Ottawa across Belmont Both aides of Belmont across Ottawa Both sides of Winona across Ottawa Both sides of Ottawa across Winona Both sides of W910ming across Ottawa Both sides of Ottawa across Wyoming North side of Annapolis across Ottawa Above made necessary on account of new sidewalk. Yeas (Ir) Cou . cilmen (P) Nays Far worth Go . - In favor Kel -- Mc 11 _Against O' ry Yo g Mr. President, owers o w'n e.8-2 JI Adopted by the Council Appr ve �) a Yeas (V) Coun ilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council J�$r Zy _ 191 Far sworth G ss __ In favor / ller App 91 ccoll ___Against / 'Le -__.. oerg Mr. Presi ent, Powers — - Mnvon CITY OF ST. P �o COUNCIL RESOLUTI GENERAL FORM Sub}ec4:.... ._....... Crosswalk8........ .._..... ...... .... ....... _.... .........._._......... .. ......—........._ ?i 22e`3Q COUNCIL" FILE Iii®...... .::..... .. ..... Date Presented............ Dat— ....21,......._I91.4— e Resolved, That the Commissioner ofj Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause cement block: crossings to be constructed at the following intersections: Hatch St., 17. side, across Kilbourn St., Ryde St., Colne St. and Louth St. Colne St., E. side across Hatch St. and Front St. 2230—Ry 11f:. -N. OO.S—' Resolved, :That • the'Commlaetoner OPS 1'abllc Worke,be andhereby: cauae ce- ment, block: c ossings to� be constru t- 1 J:thorlzed�'and,�Ilwt­.tod.16 - od at the•following Intereseot1, $etch side, ema. -Kllbou n'' �94 Ryde St Colne St. and Louth St.� -i Coins SL, E side, -c i... Hat0h SL. ' and Front S4 u .: Adopted by the Counc(l Oct., 23, 3914.5 ... ABprOved,OcL 24, 1914 _ `(OCL 31-1914) 4[ Yeas (V) Coun ilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council J�$r Zy _ 191 Far sworth G ss __ In favor / ller App 91 ccoll ___Against / 'Le -__.. oerg Mr. Presi ent, Powers — - Mnvon 223ACITY OF ST. UL COUNCIL RESOLU —GENERAL FOR m Establish .._grade...._.._ ...... .......... - -- ......_...................................................... COUNCIL - _.___. y FILE . ........... ......................... ... Date Presented ............Oct.......22.,.......... _I91...4. Resolved, That the grade of. Underwood Ave. from Hartford Ave. to Randolph St. in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. �C,fi:.`No 2$91-B—'GOea . Resolved. That the e. to grade. of Under- wood AVe from 86rtYOrd Av red grade Undn On the anecompienYlnB .,profile, and as recommended by Wo Commiesloger. oYPubllc 1Vocka, be and illo.sameys hereby adopted ns the ea- I tabll hed erode. +Adopted by the CounelCO G 23 1914. Approved OCG 24, 1914. ' 0 Yeas (F)CounC men"(P) Nays Far worth Go In favor K er Coll _ __ __Against Leary oerg Mr. Presid. nt, Powers FORM c.8.2 0 Adopted by the Council _.Si.�1-191 Approved r - _ MAAYOY6 R ✓/'� Resolved, That the grade of Flandreau St. from East Seventh St. to Minnehaha St.,.in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as reemmmended by the Commissioner of Public Yorks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. IC F No. 2232—BY Al. N. Gose— Resolved,'-That the ;grade ,oE Flan - dr au � St.: trore'Seventh St: to IiMinnehaha- SL.,I- accordance with..�the; ,red trade line on Ittie nccomDanying, �p' ft and" ae recommended by., the Comtoissloner of Public Works, be and • ;.the' same'I's-hereby adopted as tho'es taWished gr d { Adopted by the Council Oct. 23,'1914.. Approved oet 24, 1914 ( (Oct. 31-1914) J Yeas (V) Co ncilmen (P) Nays F rnsworth ossIn favor Her - - ccoll .Against Leary oeI Mr. Presid nt, Powers M C.B-2 .Adopted by the Council --��� 1 191 Approved �U__. __. -._._191// �_— -- MAYOR Mr. Carroll Council File No.. _ .......: PROPOSAL,FOR IMFROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY 0 The undersigned hereby proposes the nuking of t ollowing public improve t by the Ci y of St.' Paul, viz.: ¢rade Hudnan Ageaue:._fr -rl 8traet _to H ...... $treat.,._..:...__...._.....__ ..................... ._................ ................. .........:......._._.................._......_.._._:..................... _.... .... ........ ........ _................. ._................ -_.............................. •..................................... _..... ..... ....... ......._........................_........._........_._._........._................... .........................._......__....._........ _......... ...............-.............._............._......................-......-.........-.._...-................_ _.......... ........................_....._..............._.........--..._.._...___....._....-...................._..._..........._.................................................... ......_...................... _......_.......... ,.._ ................. I............. _. Dated this SSnd_.. ay o£....October,. ......... _... .._.............. 191_4- ............. ...... ....................... __.............................. ........ _............. .............. _ ............. ...... ......... ..... Councilman. PRELUdWARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:... .................. ............ .. Grade Hudson Av nGvm'uia:Sz:.olFchtne61gf•T1eoarndcfo2, t2mAh2H3e,Earl slalotlntoroWnlnfnvpegrnSo"u1ptmeor9Heemfotr thto HeaterStreet. ... _.. ......_. _ _.._....... .... -- -_. ...........-.................................... .............Myment. .. _.......... _ ........................ -. Darl - atreeY to Hester etre tha tng been l pre ehted to 0the Counel] . ... f at Pnul tho eforo hoit .: "' - o<�. ]ved Thdt the Commisalone of, Worh d ha la hereby or .... _.... _ .......... I ,.... __ .r . 7 r .... having been presented to the Council of'the City -of St. Paul by Councilman.._.................................. ..... _........................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worksbe and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for'or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said: improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data,pnd information relative,to said improvement: ...... _..... -._. ............................ _.... _........ _........ ..... _....... _....... _......_.._-._...... ..... _..... _......... ........ _ _ . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.: _...._... x.....191......_. Yeas: Nays: Councilman •nsworth Qa APproved...I�%.....:_ .....�.................... 191, K er 7m oil . M ary b .. yo g . .._..--.._._. _..._ Mayor Po ers 1Vlayo> Dated this .._........ 2a...._..._,.._day o...................:QO_t.0.�1.8T..._._............. ......................191...4. _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:........ Grade.... ...... -- _?Ny_al :IZ9.:st.._:.fr.Qm....Cbarltou St.._..._.......__....._..._.._._..._.........._. ... having been resented to the Council of the Crt . of �'Pii ` 1 • g P Y lit Fij% uuaSi�Iitn$'L<__......._.............. .......................................... _....... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be, and he'is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of amd..�,Jmprovemeut. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information rel ative'to said improvement :................. .......... .......................................... .......... __...................... ......... ............. ............... ...... ... _.............. -... ... 5. To state ryhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report ,upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby eZ ouneil....................�.� i �1... i5_� Q..1D1......... Yeas: Nays: Couneihnanmsworth s Approved v...1.............. ... vl.._............. . j er \ /{/ Coll eery ll jerg .......__... ......... _....._ Mayor were PU$�iSI '11�' / R lr. �i IIP Q. FdRIOY. Orsr OP.aaz � CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY 01.ERS'6 CH' MOB Oct. 16th.191 pgeem�" Hon M. N. Goss., Cosmr. of Public Works, CITY. Dear Sir:— The attached F.O. 2139 to grade Wyoming St. between Maromin and Ohio Streets was killed by the Council at its meeting of to—dry on request of one of the property owners, who desirgs a nev .t. P.O.,introduced grnding Wyoming Street from toy Yours truly, City Cledc.y'�� L. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alattvr of... 9;rAdAx1& Wyoming stxaet_.batueen� Ylanomin. and . Ohio-. atre e ts ........... ........................... ................ ...... ...... . ............. C, under Preliminary Order approved.._ June.....30th,_ .19-14 .............. . ............. . ... .... .... ............... ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is per front foot $1.48 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed Taluation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -n Q216' -144 a t1 f -f -N I . DESCRIPTION Lot �lock ADDITION AsseFsedis�r Valuation j � 1 I i .y I yrs DESCRIPTION !Lot Bloch1 ADDITION Assessed V i ovv ob -41 ��4 /M"#� czl N9�� 3 DESCRIPTION Lot Block-. ADDITION Assessed V�ustion` fr,� tr: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..-...._........ _... ..../6..... _....._......_._.......191.. Commissioner of Finance. July 18, 191_.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ._....... 43.4......approved....................+711X1P......3.O.>.....................191 ....., relative to......._ ...... ..... ......... gxdixl....1';Yo.LSI..._S.t.e......b.tween..._1anomn...and...Oho.__ trezts_.............._.................:...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ..................... . necessary and (or) desirable. x$1,48 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ................................. . and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ........ ...... .......................... -....... ...................... ...... _................................ ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .......... ..... ............ ..................... ...................................... _.............. _................................................................................ ..................... --...................................................... ..... o. Said improvement is_._n�..................._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C m�issioner of Ynblic Works. ,;y Council File No._- ................. 2235 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned. hereby proposes the making of the following ie improvement by t I of St. Paul, viz.: Qanaxxnsa.t...s.emer..nn_Fremont .St._..fr' _C ypreas....St... ...:point..._184.. deet east o3 the east line of Earl St,i, thence an easement ( be obtained) 16 feet.....in-width.t...the-_.aentsr_...lins... o�..:.mhioh 8 deet--�v8s .... pa-ra3.le1�-to__the east line of Lot 4 Gotaian's Re-ar. of,Blo 24 S3gel's, Ad from Fremont St. to the alley of.' said.-Bloo'k 24., thence24 from tlxe sbuve lies cribed'easement (to be obtain to Tell St., noe south on Tell St. from .......... ._.. .. said alley Block 24 to Third St-; upersedirig'a IT.File #1554: Dated this...._.... 22ncl....... day of.,, wfier a A wYitton pr poeal fog the ,n 11 6 oY th 4ollowing'improv m nt --^- "' vlz C atruct sewer on I`cemont Tai et ^Prom tCy�re„p e�xtblInt ne.. 84 Darl ' Couneilman. WIIEE6QS, I written proposal for the !Waking of the following improvement, viz.:. Qonstruct.-.sewer on Fremon . rom Cypress St. to a point 184 feet east of the east line -of Earl _St.;._thence..._on..._an.....saeement......(.to....b.e....obtained.)...-_1&....feat.:...3n....wftithy._the o-entee line of which is 8 feet west'and parallel to the east line of Lot 4 Gotzian's Re-ar........ .f....Block...24- Sigel! a-Add...._.from, .._Fremont. Stj to.. the ta2ley -of said Block 24; thence east on said alley Block 24 frommthe above described easement (to be obtained}:._to--Tell St.';'t'hence south on T'ell`St frog ilaid aT1ey EToQk 24 to Third St. .............. _............... ........................................................................ _............... _................. ..................... ..._........ _........................... .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................ ....................... _.............. ............... _....._......; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worksfie and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:. ....... ..... ......................................................_............. ..................... ................................................. ........... ................ _....................... _. _............................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three, or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the -Commissioner of Finance. 33 5...... Adopted by the Council.... ..............DL.I..._zl........1.1.4..........191... . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth i Go s Approved/................�..�../.......... ........... Be] Mc 11 ' O' ry yo. _.. 11Layor. Mayor Po re �1%�.� 3� f Council File No....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ` 26 and PRELInm NARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pub]' nlprovement by the Cit f St. Paul, viz.: oondemn..._eiid..._t.eke.:....pn_...e..a88Alent.....1n..._t and ...na"asar�....f .............. for ...cuts... and ....fills -.-f.or....grading_ ._t alley.._4_n.....Blook....1__ anson.._&....g-imon- ....._..tan..t..a...:..Add.i.tion.._b.e.t to .en....Summi_ venue.... and.:... Grand..... nue....and--Lexington ...............ay. en.ue.....and....Dunlap.....stmee.t._............_.._.... _......__.... ........._........ ............. ..... .................................:..._..._....._............................. _.. Dated this- .._.22— ............ .....day of....D .. oher:_....._.........__..:........... .......... ........191.$.. �I"q r No 2ti3G Iry i. .. n ///��� Whorene,A ritt n prop Hal fothe, „. .. ... .... ......... ........ � mniting of tH fq llowi �g tmprov me tts lic, the land n cesHary' for.siopea,fori fe / Councilman. !ute nd: Iola for,grading UhPauie in C } ;nlock:l, Mason g,Slm6nton &-Addltion.l r 'beriveen.sum Itavenv and .Grano' hvenue' d Lex Ingfo avo ue ;N and ? -Dunlap street, having'%b en presented, to the Connell of jho coy of St, gaal;IRY ORDER. :bh-rrt'.B be It , i That the :Comml-I finer oV - iH hereby o - WHEREAS, A tvrltten proposal Yoe 6rl the following improvement, vir.:..c.O.ndemn....Blld.. .............. take.....an....easement ....:in..the-land-necessary-_-far..... s1.©paa...for ....cute- anti.. fills _for .....grading ..._the ....alley .....in:...Block .....3,.,.....Alanson....&....Simontenls Addition be- .........._tw.eei.....Sumtai t....au.eaue-.-and:.:.Grand ... avenue and Lexington avenue and Dunlap etrest...... .......... ..................... . ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................ .......:_........ ................; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.. ........... ................ ......... .................................... _...................... _...... _............................................... ....................... ...................................................................................................................................................... 5. To state whether or not, said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 2... Adopted by the Council.....................QC....... T ........ 19 i 4...........191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa ' worth /� ;,.'f G o'. Approved ... ................................................ Kell Mc I ... O'L ry Yoe..__..._ ............................ Mayor Pow s p 3 �uyo�% PUBLISHED ----^� Council File No.. .. .... 2('�iF�,Y .PROPOBAL FOR I1V�PROVEMENT. �rrc�� - and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of .the following public imavgenlent by the Cit f St. Paul, viz.:...aondemn._.and...take .....an....easement....In. ..the. -....1 rlsEessary-._ .................................. Dated this-.-_. 3$ day 22 1 C F No: 2237 I w'h teas A Written propoeal�-for forth. ,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,, making ;of thA following improvement - ✓ -')"'^ "' "" In Condemn and -take an•eas menu ! in the Land neceaea 3� for lopes for Councilman. I cuts dnd(fllle'ior- ,gradl g the -alloy imj .731oc1c"IS Oakvule;•Park havfas been^4 - presenYeri'to LhC:CCuncll• of" the "City of 5t. Paul; th11 eeafore, be 1G' ... ^'o ke be and he i5 hereby or- ORDER. `the necessity for: a. WIIEREAS, A w17ttC11 proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.... condemll.....and.. take _...an.....easement ..._in_..the..._land._neeassar.X.....for slopes ...-for .....cuts ....and......._..._ . fi.l a._..for.._.grading_._the....allay.._-in.....Block.....11......0akui1.1.e.....Park.,....__....._.._.._........._.........__... ....... ................. ......... .................... _............ ......... ._............ ._ ._...__.......__....... ................... ........................................... :._.._................ _.... _... _.._.............................. _..... ..... _................................................... _................... ....... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.........................._...._..........................................._....... q therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worts be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_....._..._..._....__ ............._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for o1 the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. - �'3 1914 Adopted by the Council ._.............._.�L..l....._...t._............._....... 791......._ Yeas: _ A Nays: Councilman Fa ll worth Go Approvetljd............. .. .................... K 1 01 1'Y yD....................... yor......_... Mayor Po s 4D 3/ " /W PUBLIS ' Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 223& and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the• following lie improvement b e City of, St. t ....i 1 .ne- a . ...... ....... for Paul, viz.: .......... . ... ....e .. . ......... ............ oluts Ead fills for- grEding Rile str.eat fx.om-.-aga Street to-.-Syndi— .............. Q..ate axenu.04 ..................... ................... ........... ..... .......................... . .............................. ......... ......................... . ....................... ................... ....................... ........... ........................ ...... .. .......... Dated this.. ..day 0 ztoher ........... . ... ... ... .... I'Whereas A, ritten'pr.p6sm for the ..................... .............. ..... makink at. tb6� following -improvement. .... .. ... ... ...... ... zv1z; Condoma,and:.takbun easement Hn, the lan& ,necessary 'for �'Slopes for cute and: fl.ii for rgSn9.Ni1--gtrest . Councilman. 'r eg t e, havin ..he's.' 3vndlcate ave- nit, Paul; ere Twit Of the , Y" it That t .1 or, ORDER. WHEREAS, A writtenpropos, i c following improvement, viz.: condemn and &;iJ . .... IM-the 1,MdneAe-a-B�Y- for _0.1ope..8 for ou.t..a....-and fills t_"e ejui.ement 1.0-T graanz X1100 ot.T.O.Q-tj fxwl.. Qe ....... ... t t.o 5Y. . ................. ........ . ..... ... .. . . .............. . .... ............... . ......... . ............ . . .. ............. .............. ....... .......... . ........... . .. .... ..... . .................................. .................. .......................................... . ..... . ............ . .. ..... . .. . ............. . . . . . ..................... ....... . . ....................................... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_-, ......................... . . ....... ... ...................................... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._.........._...................._.._.... .................... . ... ................................ ................................. .......... . .. . . ............................... ............................................................... . ....... . ...................... ................... . ......................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. � Lj 4;j 6i4 Adopted by the Council . . ...... . .................... . ........ ..................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Failsworth (40 Approved./Q.....`................... .. ........... ... ....... K41ler ecoll 'Leary . ... ...... ................. ............... . . ......... . . . y ........................ .. Mayor Powers . oerg ........ . .......... ......Maor. "LISM, T) to — -3 iy p.. Council File No.. ..... ............... PROPOSAL FOR WROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pub by the 2239 Paul, viz.: _.condemn ....and .._take .- an....,ea.s.ement...in....t .._1_and.-nec.eszar3�....-f .....slopes- for cuts and fills for grading Griggs s et, from Universi avenue to Dated Councilman. - \yIIERI:AS, A written proposal for the making of .the following improvement, viz.: c.cn.demn.....and- ._......._.'take..-LIM....e.as.ement.__in_ the.__land...necessary--fa.r....slopes.__fOz....aut-s..-.and .....fills Griggs.....streett from U-niversity avenue. to Minnehaha. et-reet, .... -...... -............................ -............... ............. .....................--_..___.._..._........__.............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................ .................. ..... ............. -; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereoL :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .......... ......_.................... .................. ................................. ............... -......................... ........................................ .......... -........................................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. UGT'�'....y. 4......191......... Adopted by the Council ............ Yeas: Nays: - Councilman Far worth _� Go Approved�Q ..............._......_..... .... gel r 11I I 11 O' ary Yog ........ . .......... %A/(r.................................. ......1_....._..... yor Po ra Mayor. 14I /' Pus�.IsxEv / 6 — 3 / / Connell File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public imp • euu Y ul viz • condemn and _..t.ake,....an.....eas.em.ent....in.....the_.. ._.ne.e.es I 2240 by the City of. St. for cute and fills for grading the alley ' Block 3,Wann's ;i' between Albert avenue -and. H.au).line.....ave and L-inooln ave rich avenue. Dated this 22 day ition, d.. -Goo d- .................................... _ _... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inlprovenumt, vl%.:_c.ondemn.._and_. take an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills ..far.... grading the alley in Block 3, ..Wann.!..a.-Addition, ....between ....Albert .. ave- nue and Hamline avenue and Lincoln avenue and Goodrich avenue, C, ti zzao �1 h A 'Itten proposal for the - maliing of the following Improvement........... ....._.... ...... .. .... ......... ....... e lz: Condemn and take an easemn t In the land necessary for slopes for . ......, cuo and ❑IIs for grading the alley in _...._,_, ..,_,.._„ ._..._ ... ......_..._ .. ......_........ .............. ..............._. ... n's Addition, between Albert a -'-- Block 3, Nnnvenue and Hemline and Lin- - coin avonuo and Goodrich avenue..................................._........._......_._................... Il it Villg bl'ell pl'l!SCllt ed t0 the. t'01111C11 Of havins been presented to tiie Council I.. .. of the City of St. Paul; 't herefore, be therefore, be it "Resolved, That theCommiesloner of Public Yvorlis be and he Is hereby or- h ordered slid directed: RESOLVED, That the t.O111t1113S1O1l Cl' deredand directed: y 1, +ante the 1. To investigate the necessity for u. lllt:.wfi, making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:__ _.__.._ _......._ _. o. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fo•egning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 914 Adopted by the Con\Kell ....._.__....._.._................._._....._.......1.)1._...... Yea3: Nays: Councilman wo•th Approved ..._._... ..`191..._ y Yoerg!-__...................__.........._.._.. t -3 Mayor Powers /_/ ayo•. ' Co,incil File No.. _____..._ . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 2241 � Jr anll PRELIMINARY ORDER. is 'im n•ovement by the of St. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following I. hard, viz.: _-condemn.....and....t.ake....../Go0dri _ e_..l.and..nec.eas.ar. ...ar.....al.opes.. for cute and fills for grAve.,from Dunla to the Chi- cago,L'iilwaukee -x St:__Paap St.frof»Li o1n Ave to Good- rich Ave.,Fated this _22. __der • o .... 4 _.__191 4... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERP Ati, A xi-ittell proposal for the making of the following improvement, Vir.:...O0.nde.MA.. and.. take an easement in the land necessary for slopes forujs and fills f.o.r..._4rading_Goadr.i.ch...Av.e...,.f.r.om._.IIun.yap__St..".,to.--the Ghica o '"i-lwaukee & St Paul Ry, and Dunlap St.,from Lincoln Ave., to Goodrich avenue, ._ ...................... _.. _... _... Cl r. No. 2241— _.. Whereas, A written proposal for the: -- '"--" -- "--" ........ _. .. making of the following Improvement. -'-" easement '- vlz: Condemn and take an In the land necessary for, elopes for ...... ... ._........ .. L and alis for grading Goodrich avenue, from al7eet to the Chicago. Milwaukee dt St, Paul Rail-. , way. and D-ilap street, from bincoln ellluall_.._..,._....._....__,._......_......_ ...................._.......... _. having been presented to the l'oui(.venue to Goodrich enu having been presented to the Council of the therefore, be it City of at. Paul: therefore, be it Resolved. That the Commissioner of That the Commis Public works be-and"be 4 hereby or- is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, dered and directed: 1. To Investigate theecesslty fors of said lin roveaeut. ]. To investigate the nccessitlim r Id"' ability m the nl<Ing of said, Z. To investigate the nature, extent and�estnnatc.� _tm t said improvement, luul the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profilee or sketch of said improvement. 3. 'Po famish the following other data and information relative to said unproven,ent:__.___ ........ _.... ........... _..................................................... ........... ....... _....... _.. _........ _... _ . ers 5. TO state whether o• not staid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more own 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. rr Adopted by the Comical .( > 1114_791.._. Nays: ays: Couucilinan Fal ,sworlli Gos Approved.._._.. Kel n. .11c Il o'L my 1oe........... /..... . Mayor Pow i's p�LISIi)JD 6 — 3� /'Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 22-42. Subject. ..................... ................................................. __........... .......................................... .....,............. ,...... _.................................... .. COUFILENCIL Date Presented__ ....... ... :........... .:................... 191............ Resolved, That the contract bearing date October 22nd, 1914, by and between Keough Brothers and the City of St. Paul for grading Chatsworth street from University avenue to Charles street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. 'F C. F. No. 2242— " Resolved, Th the contryyt anar be% date October 22nd, 191ad tbhe C 4, ofvSt. Paul fort grading nchatsworth street from UnlversltY avenue to 11 Charles street. o'anthe proper eity he,eeirfeera arerouthorizod and directed to a. cute the same on behalf o[ the City' Adopted by the Council Oct. 22, 1914. Approved October 2C, 1914. . (Oct. 21-1914) Yeas (V) Coun en ( V) Nays Far orth Goa __ _ In.favor Kell Me 1 _Against O' y Yoe Mr. President, Po rs Cl'llY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerks Office ��...� //........._.........191_ Received of /Ci(v Clerk p -2 L/ ftll f i'Gt�t�1,.G6� :.0 e�i�'`L-il iefi ,. 'Yl/1, —yo' Adopted by the Council_45 Z�—_191 L` Approved 191 _ IV MAYOR — I CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' AAa� Subject :............ ....... ,..... ......... .......... ... F. cout+cn �p NO..... ...� �tc3-...:. FILE Date Presented.._...._._.....................................191 Resolved, That the contract bearing date October 17th, 1914, by and between the Webb Publishing Company and the City Of St. Paul for printing the annual report of the Commissioner of Public Works for the year 1913, be and the same 1s hereby approved and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 2243— date October eThl7th'L1D34;tDyt b� b. CPPY OF SAINT' PAUL tween the Webb Publlehint; Compare and the City of St. Paul for printlnFr,'-�;r, thea annual report of the Commissioner` _ G1L)' Clerk's ()f II('(' nn b.' of Public }Vol'lcs for the year 1913 'and ` and the same 'a hereby-DProved 6 _ 1 the Proper city officers nre authorized' lJ1 -and directed to execute the same on w ........... .............. bohalf of theil Oct. 23, 1914. ty. Adopted by the Counc Approved Oct. 26, 1914. (Oct. 31-1914) Received of City Clerk / Yeas ( V) Co ocilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council _191 Fa worth G __ In favor yp Ke er Approved 191_./'' M oll _. ._Against t)' ary Y g _. ......MAYOR Mr. President, P ers City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of ..PUBLIC UTIIaTIES............................ Bureauof ............. _. .... _.................... ..................... Council File No. ............................... _.. Date Presented .._._._......._x._..........1914, By.._._...._._...._...._...._._._._._._._._...._......._...._._._._:_.._._._._.__._._...._._._._._._._._._._......_._._._._._._.a._._._._._— Resolved, that water mains be laid on the following streets; Hendon street from Cleveland to Grantham street, Hythe street from Hendon street to Buford street, Hendon street from Branston to County Road, Eva street from Indiana Avenue to Florida, street. C. F. No. 2244— Resolved. That water mains be laid on the following streets: Hendon street from Cleveland to a ranthnno street. Hythe street from Hendon street to Buford street. Hendon street from Branston to County Road. Lva street from Indiana avenue to Florida street. Ado led pproved the29o19141 Oct. 23, 1914. ,A (O.L 31-1914) \� Adopted by the Council .._._...._... Yeas ( } Couilcilmen Fa nsworth Gois McColl Yo rg 0' eary SeI er Mr. President, Pow rs ................. _.1914 . ( ) Naps Approve _ 1914. G. . .............. ... _........... _ Mayor RW(C of W.tu Commivlona. \ m N. R. -R.hulErnt M. N. COS4 S. & PARNRWOMI CITY OF SAINT PAUL 2244 a DIMPARTMENT OF PUBLIO DTMrMa4 BUREAU OF WATER October 19, 1914. ovrtces: a ensr etFrx sraeRr Honorable Council, THE CITY OF SAIIIT PAUL, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held this day, unanimously adopted the following resolution• vlResolved that the City Council be re- quested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets; Hendon street from Cleveland to Grantham street, Hythe street from Hendon street to Buford street, Hendon street from $]'duan to County Road, Eve, street from Indiana Avenue to Florida street.n Very truly yours, Secretary. 0 I .4 G zz4s— t tv In the :Matter �l;radi Branston + , lies to avenue. Prom the south line ' a vor. let blocic'31 and thosouth Itne oY lot.10, i]Vo [h City Ifin(ts.a fncludinl::rk y1 toock L line of lot l.. r<. i2, St. .krthonv Park North e th046 both sides oY blocks A d 1 under he es roh City limas, inclunder both 1d f blocks and ¢, Prelimlllary Order 757, approved 1635, approved. September 30, havinF been had July 20th, 1014. Intermediary Order A public hearing upon the above ImProvement upon the Cannel] having ...5. pProved September 30, 1914. have Fimprnvem beenhad ' ommendations relative thereto, and ,dj the same: ponputhlec f'OUN(AL 1�ll,ldue sand 'the Council he w having fu.ily considered therefore, It ReaUlved. By the Council of the City ' notice, r heard e onela l extent and kind of Improvement ithe tY isgjadi'nF relative thereto. mme n ZTmendlations -)`aeref ftlly considered the ser mode by the from avenue" u line line be store, be It t of lot n- in- Northto Itocke lAfasndi B. ��2eaulved. By the Council of tti. St. Paul that the prer"s, eluding thesldeartoI- the Council hereby / and kind +f by rn ORDER. Resolved of Public na and directed to IffNAL ielssioner hereby instructed on.pre Pare plane and , sps,lfl,a same to In th,• Uauer of. grading_ Branston.._Ave. from the So. line of Lot7, Block 11 and th.e.ecuth line of Lot 19, Block 12 St. Anthony Park No. to the North City limits including IJndt ng both sides of Blocks A. and 1914 lulvrnwdiary Order _._. 1835 ;ipproved ..___._.Sapt..--$0th, 1914..... A public hearing having been had npou ih,• above iwpro, "I I upnu dur notice, ami the Coulicil linving hrard all person.,, ub,jrclions ;Ind rrconnnrndolions n-lotiv,• thereto, :nal having fully rollsidet•ed thr .rune: ihrrcforr, ht• it Rh:NOhA'P.I), BN the l'ouucil .d' the Pity o1, tit. 1':] 111 that the pn-vise nature, cxtent ;nut kind of iw- prnc,•nnmt to b,• urnh• h' - Ill,.,a r id cit>' i.,.grading BranatAn Ave.. from. the 6o. line of Lot..7.,. Blockll, and the south line of Lot 19, Block 12 St. Anthony Park Mit. to the North City limits including both sides of Blocks A. and B. ;gid Thr ('ouncil hervIlY orders ,aid iwprovrumul to br wade. RRSt)LVED FURTHER, That the (Wnnuin,ionrr of Public NV'nrks b,• and hr is hrrrhv instructed and :lireoted to preparr pinus ;unl sp:•cifivaliow, fur said iwprnve 1,11t, and sn6wit -in, to thr couneil fiir approval; that npou said approval, thr proprr cit}' ofli,•rrs :n•e hrrelic ;ndhorir •d ;nal dirrrt:•,I to prnrred With the )Waking of sail iwpro'ennvt in arcordnucr ihrr,-vvith. Adopted by the Council � -�I" approved] U �i'0 T l'muicihnrn 1•;n• islvnrih 6, ss eller le('oll �) ltl•ill;\' Uayor ''powers are here Py ' proceed wil t pro vemetdt \doP[rd 1 .\p»roved tv l Ifl�i � vor. . "•d. .•'., L line of lot l.. r<. i2, St. .krthonv Park North he es roh City limas, inclunder both 1d f blocks and ¢, 7 Preliminary Order, 757, »Proved jet, 20th. 1914. lntermedlnry Order 1635, approved. September 30, havinF been had A public hearing upon the above ImProvement upon the Cannel] having duen otice, and heard all persons: eetlthe and rec- ' ommendations relative thereto, and ,dj the same: having fu.ily considered therefore, It ReaUlved. By the Council of the City , of St Paul that the precise nature, to be l extent and kind of Improvement ithe tY isgjadi'nF mode by the from avenue" u line line Branston P tot 7. bloekit n d the 0., 19, block 12, St. Anthony Park t of lot n- in- Northto Itocke lAfasndi B. /! •'r eluding thesldeartoI- the Council hereby / nd . ers safdtmprovement to be made. Further, That the Com- �`'.•� Resolved of Public na and directed to CJ//,/„ ielssioner hereby instructed on.pre Pare plane and , sps,lfl,a same to are here Py ' proceed wil t pro vemetdt \doP[rd 1 .\p»roved may•• . 4 - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1,. thr Lu or grading Branston Av. frons the south line of Lot 7, Block 11 and the south line of Lot 19, Block 12. St. Anthony Park North to the North City Litiits, including both sides of Blocks A & B. ander Yrclimiu.n•y (h•dor appru�ed _..July 20th, 1914 _. To the Council of the Citi• of tit. Paul: Thr Cunnnissioncr of Vin nncr hurl)}. Ip'11s as follows: Thr tofid estimatrd mmount or thr ussrsvinrul for Ihl• nhovhoproi t is 21743.55 Cost p r front foot j .39 Thr lots or parcels of hind that lilac br assrssrd bvlo,fits for said im provmon•nl. ;uol thr assrssrd valuation of eocli lot or pa rrrl as last rqowhl d he thr Assrssor. on- as rollmcs: 41 1�`r��✓U/ !�/ - �A 1 DESCRIPTION Lot !Blocki ADDITION Assessed Vd u.tl'on AT 9q C DESCRIPTION Lot ',Block' ADDITION Assessed Valuation i — \ 7 A/ j! �a u, ao. o a'i. --- 3 DESCRIP'T'ION Lot 'Block. ADDITION Assessed Valuetiou ' --- -_- d doO % v DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Asse..ed Vales non 051, 02-0 oZ.j : Q- --__ ^1 DESADDITION Assessed Velust'on (,ItIfTION Lot ,Block',., � � a-% J /3� PIt, Con I m issiouer of Vi I) It uce 1'u rl her reports that hr lues in C est iga ir•d all of the aforesaid ulzutters. and hereby submits the foregoiog as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him i❑ reference to said umt.ter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ���(- � �GGG.! G✓�r v`vYj,� 1. ..:. Co n nissiom•r of llhlaluee _.. P a, June 25th,1914- To the Counoil of the City of St- Paul; - The undersigned owners of property abutting on Branston Street in the City of St- Paul hereby respectfully petition your honorable body for an order to grade said Branston Street from a point beginning at the South line of Lot Seven in Blook Eleven and the South line of Lot nineteen in Blook Twelve of St Anthony Parh No North to the North �imitB of the said City:of,St. Paul;- Name owner -of Lot Hlo.ok: ------------------- J Zt Qi-r�/ %• '-�>'''"-cam `7. .........._....................... .........................191.6 �. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of'the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ............. 757 ............ approved ...... ............. &!Y -30,s. ..................... 1914....., relative to...,......................... grading. ................_......... ................. _....._.............__....................................._....... ..............-.......m.........................................J....................................................... thesouth line of Lot 19 Blook 12 St. Anthony North to the ................................._..._.........................................................................................................._.........................._.......................................__........................_...................................................... .................. Roxth_.. Oily -..Limi.ta...... ino.11ading...both ....side_s_..of.....Blocks....A.._.and_.B_.................................._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..............X.X........... _. and the total cost thereof is $ ..._ai 741a d......., and the nature and a§tent of said improvement is as follows: .................... ............... __............... ._...................... ........................................... _.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4_ ........................... _........ ..... _............ ___............. _......... ______...... _........... _____........ __.......... _.... _... _________..... __________________............ ___....... _.............. .............. _..... ________ ....................... ________ 5. Said improvement is ......................... _... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. w ommissioner-o ublie Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y_ ......_..... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter If grading Kerwin street .from Phalen avenue to Tracy avenue ruder preliminary Order. 560 _ a.pprove'l_ _July__6.th, 1914 .__...._ Intermediary Order 18.34 __ __ approved Sept. 30th, 1914__° A public hearing having bee" had upon the abov(o improvement 111)011 due notice, and the. (10111161 having heard all persons, objections null reconmendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the snu"e: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Coweil of the City of tit. pawl that the precise nuhnr, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is grading Kerwin Street -from .Phalan -.Avenue --to -Traey.Aveo and the Coune hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, 'I'hnt the Coumissioner of publie Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, 11)1(1 submit sanw to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eily omcers are hereby snithorizel and directed to proceed with the malting or said imprm-emout�in aceo'danee therowith. Adopted by the Conn Approved... U.. I`V,// Cnnnnilmen h')frnaw—th InaF.660, liellet• tem A due ' .McColl omheard me / havin 1 Zein ;y there] - Res ar st -ten YOct'g made min e Trac? Mayor Powers hereb made. Res ,al -1, 1s he V C ler . b \layer. fat er of; grading Kerwln.� _..-.. avenue to Tracy; t 1 n h 1ng1 Lod e � t.,..d d S& me; Ment to be .ding Ker - avenue to n which to meet oto be 1� Adopte3 �by'the Council Oct 23, 1914- Approved Oct. 24, 1914. 1 (Oct. 31-1914) REP2T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 11, the I -n street from Phalen avenue to Tracy111tt,il. of g;a4pg Kerwi ... ........ AYOT.1111.0 ............. .................. — ............ wider Preliminary Order approved ju.1y_pr th ,J91 4. To the Council of the City of 'it. P11111: The Commissioner of Finallee lit'reb . N 1-1-1-ts as f011OWS: The total estimated 11111o"I't of the Assessilivill for the above improvell)('111 is*. t. .2 If graded to the present establish—ea—g,;�def,2,430.24 ppe�rlfit= �22i If graded to the proposed change of grade ( 915.74 per ft. .85 The lots or pareels of land that IIIIIY be assessed benefits for said i III proN14111jeot, and the assessed valuation of each lot or pareel as last reported by the Asse-m-, are ;is follows: I DESCRIPTION Lot. Block ADDITION �° t�AssessedVeluetion— J , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the fm•egoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hint in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated ..... ...._,..7� .............. Coil] Ill issiom• of Finance. 1 To the Honorable Common Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - St. Paul, Minn .............. 1914 We, the undersigned property owners residing on Kerwin St. between Phalen and Tracy, respectfully request your honorable body to cause said street to be graded between the points mentioned.(,"t avv,- /Q 1 .�;ra-tu) Respectfully submitted, / Names Lot-Blk. Addition r I9—/q-10:8 " me J . } fit! Jr Office of the Comrmssioner of Report to Commissioner of Finance S.ept.emb.er....3.,................191..4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._560............... ....approved. .......__JL11Y..._6................... .................. 1914...., relative to .......... e..rly. zt...... req_t.....f_xo..ru....Ph I-O.�,....AYPAVa...._t9.....Zr Q..Y....A:N.110..e.._................... ..._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_....... ...XX.X.X......., and the total cost thereof is ._........_XXzx.................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................................................................................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ......_ . ............. ................................._......._...._:......._..................... ..... ...._...................._ 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of, property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .. _.._................ __ .....1 .......................... . Com, i ' sioi er of Public orks. COUNCIL FILE NO.. By. .............. ..... ... FINAL ORDER. 2247 1 In the mattei, or _. oone tructing. a, cement t ­.... � I . _5idewalksix feet_ dth...,on,. the Fast side of Curfew avenue from Bayard street to JAyrtle-,avenu . ........... under Preliminary Order . .. . ........ ,])proved july..7.th, 1914 . .. .... Intermediary Order ....approved .,Sept. _30th, 1914. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,/olijections and reconiniendatiodi; relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it,./ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 6t. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City isognotructing..a, coment faet in_vidth ..on.. the Zast_ Side,, .. of Curfew AvenUs from Bayard Street to Myrtle....Avenue.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offleers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. City C -k. Approved./P Mayor. Councilmen Fa lisworth C. F. No. 2247— G( 'S In the Matter of constructing a ce- 'width ment­sIdewalk s x feet In on the cast side of *�C.rfcw avenue, K( ler from -Bayard street t. -Myrtle Ale - 'Preliminary Order 574. nue, under approved J61Y 7th, 1914. Internuedi- ary Order 1830. approvedSeptem- lie ")I] her 30th 1911 A pubN hearing having been had upon the, above improvement uppD b., ng 0' due notice, -and the Council bJectigns and rqc5 heard all persons. ornmendations relative eretO, an, . the having, fully .... Meted, e_ Yo -g therefore, be tithe 6mmen of the City Resolved, By of• St. Paul that the pr -I.. nature, to b Mayor Polders extent and kind of improvement it City Is c�­trul,,',ng made by the said feet I '. width, cement sidewalk a. on: the east side 0 Curfew avenue,' from Bayard street to Y' e ve and the Council hereby order. said Improvement to be made. Further, That the core. Resolved ss!a�c ��u d he �'Work� be and — A i__tc to the on -1-9 or a— accordance.therewith. 14 fhe Council Oct. 23, 19 2 4.114j ,.L 31!191)- _1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the flatter of_...._.con.at.ruo.t.i.ng.....a. cdlr,ent sidewalk. six foot in width on the East side of Curfew avenue from Bayard street to Myrtle avenue. ........................._.._._ - _............ . .. under Preliminary Order approved__JUly._7th, 19.14. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is x._..,.49¢ per lineal foot The lots cy pareels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as Inst repm•led by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Bloell ADDITION �� Assessed Valuation _._ - _ - --- _ _-_ --� / �- lt.__. /O✓Q ��FiL!�_ _S�.G(G(_-� /��.^1L . _ U2d1 S S. . A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. ,,C[ L/ Dat ed......//9LL..... c. 0...._.._.__...191......... Commissioner of Finance. v( t St. Paul, Biinnesota, v September 16, 1914. The Commissioner of Public Works. City of St. Paul: The undersigned, property owners on Cur- few Avenue between Myrtle and Bayrd Streets, respectfully petition your Honorable Body through the Commissioner of Public Works for the completion of a certain sidewalk on the east side of Curfew Avenue between Myrtle and Bayrd Streets. ., Eleven families must cross this unikproved property to get to the street car and the necessity for this walk is urgent. Signed: / /J C ........... .... ............ 191...4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul p The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coon- oil, known as Council File No..........._574............ approved ................. _J............Y.......7 ata.Ivet.idth..._on....the.._East...._s cle of 8.�.._A_V.�..,....._12.�.tt�.e...e;'1.._paX�.� a.....S..t......._a,nd�.._�?y..rt le..._Ave.,........._......................... _........... .............................. ................................................................................................ _.. ......................... . ...................................................... Md having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......... .... _.......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._...._ 2x ............. and the total cost thereof is $............ ?'xXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows-- --------- - -------------------------- ............................................... .......... ................................................. ..................... _.......................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .. 5. Said improvement is..... .................... _.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cm niseioner of Puhlic VPorks. COUNCIL FILE NO....____..__. Iiy. ......... _. u FINAL ORDER. 2248 In the Matter of reconstr acting, _relaying and repairing with .._cat ent ,blocke to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the west side of Sibley a.tre.e..t.....b.e-ginning_..at_Seventh. _stre.et_ the_.ce_Scut."_-.8.O__feet.._.___--- under Preliminary Order _1.284 __. . .....approved Augu.a_t._.24th,,_.1..°.1.4..... _ ..__...... ___.. Intermediary Order _ _ ._ _ 1&37 ........ .... . _ __ ....._._....approved _:....._...Sept....30th,..191k __.._.... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconnnendatio 6 n4ative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and ]rind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..reconstructing,..- relaying -and. .repairing -with --cement -blocks tela width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the W S 1 of blqI Stbeg' no, Seuenth....street thence... south- 80 feet. r� l and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed �to proceed With the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. J Adopted by the Council._...._Q! Approved._, .._- `... _........1911/ Councilmen Farn worth Gos. Kell r MCC 11 'j—, }t 0 U ry Yoe g Mayor I.'ow�rs City C Mayor. ri1� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the \attar or.rec_ona..truc.ta.ng.,.._relayi.ng. and, repairing with cement blocks to a width.of..ten fast.... Tresent sidewalks on the west side „f Sibley street .... . ... . _. _ ...... beginning at Seventh street thence south 80 feet. ruder Preliminary Order approved..........leu.gust.....Z..4_th,._..1914._........_ _............ ......_._... __._.. _.... ..._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement i's per, for new walks. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement and the assessed valuation of each lot or pareel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: FA DESCRIPTION 'rhe Commissioner of Fimuiee further reports that he has investigated all of We aforesaid matters. and hereby °submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the reportmade to him in reference to said nutter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works - Report to Commissioner of Finance Ate®t.._25 , ................._161.4• To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ........... 1264.........approved ..........._Au.g.!...._24.,.............................19f4......., relative to -the ..... ........ reconstruction.,.__reZay..ing,,._and.,-repairing:_with.__cement.,_blocks,..._to..._a.,,_width of ten feet, the present sidewalk_._on.._the_._Weet_._side __of..__Sible.y__..Stre_et, .................................. .............. .......... e.gnnng._at..._Seventh..._St_re et....._thence....south..._80.._Y set......._..................................................................._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $..Y_.._xx= i...:_, and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _......_......._ ................. _..................... ...._........................_................................. _.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .................. ..................... ........................................_......................................................._....................._. 5. Said improvement is 49t ................. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _......... ...... ......... _....... ._. Commi inner of Public Works. X249 COUNCIL FILE NO..___..__......____ By.._................ FIN®L ORDER. ]n the \latter of_.... -r-recoss"ucting, re-lay1mg rand- repairing with cement--b7.ocKs -to a.width of ten feet the present sidewalk on Seventh street south side beginning 150 feet west of Sibley street thence west 54 feet,, beginning 72 feet west of Tacouta street thence west 28 feet beginning/feet east ' of wapouta street thence Fast feet, beginning 50 feet fartSP east thence East 174 feet. a_ under Preliminary Order. 1285 _. __ . _ __ .approved _ A::gus t _ 24th,__1914 1 ntermediary Order ___._... ___..._ __.........approved ...._ . _......__.__ _._ _.. ......__ _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having frilly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couueil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iva- provennent to be made by the said City is.__.._. _._........ _..__. ....._ _.__ _..._._._.. _........_._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and smholit same to the Conneil for approval: that upon said approval, the proper, city otiieers are hereby arthorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aecm•danee therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... _..._. A ................. City Clerk. r Approved._ .. ...19....__. . Mayor. �- Councilmen Farnswo(rtth Goss cColl Y" ' y Yoer:: Mayor Powers a fA/ fY� a' X249 COUNCIL FILE NO..___..__......____ By.._................ FIN®L ORDER. ]n the \latter of_.... -r-recoss"ucting, re-lay1mg rand- repairing with cement--b7.ocKs -to a.width of ten feet the present sidewalk on Seventh street south side beginning 150 feet west of Sibley street thence west 54 feet,, beginning 72 feet west of Tacouta street thence west 28 feet beginning/feet east ' of wapouta street thence Fast feet, beginning 50 feet fartSP east thence East 174 feet. a_ under Preliminary Order. 1285 _. __ . _ __ .approved _ A::gus t _ 24th,__1914 1 ntermediary Order ___._... ___..._ __.........approved ...._ . _......__.__ _._ _.. ......__ _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having frilly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couueil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iva- provennent to be made by the said City is.__.._. _._........ _..__. ....._ _.__ _..._._._.. _........_._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and smholit same to the Conneil for approval: that upon said approval, the proper, city otiieers are hereby arthorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aecm•danee therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... _..._. A ................. City Clerk. r Approved._ .. ...19....__. . Mayor. �- Councilmen Farnswo(rtth Goss cColl Y" ' y Yoer:: Mayor Powers a fA/ fY� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Ia the matte, mt..r...ecor,strtcti_rgrelay_ng,,.and repairing with cement blocks to..,.a.._width.,.of ten .._feet.the present sidewalk on Seventh street sout side __._. beginning 150 feet west of Sibley street thence west 54 feet, beginning ...... ................ ..... _ .......... ._.. .__-_.. _ _...... ......... I . .__ ..__ _.. 72 feet west of Wacouta street thence west 28 feet beginning 25 feet East of.71s.couta__A.tree.t.._theneg_east .52 feet,. beginning 50 feet farther east thence. east ...174 under Preliminary Order approved...._August-24th... ...1914 ............ ._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment to]- the above improvement is :�...$..�t�.... pe.x_.._lineal foot for new *51ks. The lots or parcels of land that nmy be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed vatluation of each lot or paamel as last relim•ted by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot BIock ADDITION i Assessed Valuation / -- -- %v.... —/-Z .i 'IF-It I, ']'he Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him ill reference to said nmtter by the l'onmiissioner of I'ublic Works. Dated ............ Coin ill issionel. of Finance. 9.11 g11st..._2.5..,..........................1914 ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conunissloner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._1285................. approved .............. .............. 191.._4., relative to..._th0..:........ .. reconstruction, relaying and repairin, with cement blocks to a width of......ten_fee.t...._the ....p esent....aidewalks....on....the....f.allowing....a.tMe ts:... .... ............. ........... ......... Seventh St. eqquth side, beginning 150 feet west of Sibley St.,thence w.e.s.t.....5.4.... Q.et.;.Tubegi.rn.ing.....72-f.e.e.t.....we.a.t...._of...._SVS.o.aut.�....S.C.....,......t.die.i��e.._we.9�................ 28 feet; beginning 25 feet east of 1Wacouta St., thence east 52 feet; begi-nning-...50 feet -...fsTthen..._esatT.... thence- ...east ..._3-74.... feet ............................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..__ ii .. .........._, and the total cost thereof is $............+'1X 3.._..........;I and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................._.............................. ........................................................... ............ ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .................................................. ......................................................................._...._.............._.............. 5. Said improvement is.._....._I Qt ... ...... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject Q to assessment for said improvement. <, / ._..... ..... ........... ..._................ ........... _.... ....................... Cormnisioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO.......___...._.._..___..... By___....._......... ...... ....._......._____ _..... __.......__ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_constxugting, a,... side'�alk of, _c_ement.. blooks to a width of six feet on the west side of fiamline avenue from Randolph street to S_t......_Glair .....s.tr..ee..t.._and.. on....the...Eas.t..side_..o.f._.Hai lin.e..._ay.enue_...f-rom.....S..t.,._...C.la.i.F_ street to Jefferson avenu under Preliminary Order. __.. g360 ..... proved .. .August....... 1914 IV Intermediary Order 7,$39 .._... _approved .....Sept. 3Qth,. 1914..... .. ... ......... A public:kearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the stone; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of imr- t provement to be made by the said City is.....C.onstructing...a_.Bide.walk....of.._ osment...b4ake...to_..a. width of six feet on the West Side of Hemline Ave. from Randolph St. to St. Clair St. and on the east side ....of-.Hamlin--Ave'.,...from ...St... Clair....St. ....to- Jefferson. .Ave....._......._.......___.._...._...._.........__....._._................._......... s � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit stupe to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..........�c... 3/....19 ........ .... ............... City Cler Approved .1/.........„?..._..._191. // Mayor. Councilmen Fa nstvortlt G ss eller Ict l Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter ef., constructing., a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of .. ............. ................ - ... ............ ............... ..... RIK fimt Aide ofHamline avenue from Randolph street to St. ................................. .. .......... .............. ......... .. ....... .. ....... — Clair street and on the east side of Hamline avenue from St. Clair street ..................... ......................................................... ................................ ..... .................. ............. ................ ............... ............... ........... - ...... .... ta_.Jeflarana. ay..e.nu.e .. . .................... - .............. .... ... ... .............. .. ...... ...... .......... ........... . .... .. ............................... .. .... ............................ .......................................................... ..... .. .... .. ...... .......... ...... ........ .. ............. - ........ .... ............ .............. - .............. .......... .......... .................... . ..... . . ..... . ..... I . ............. under Preliminary Order approved.......... Au ... V 1914. .... ...... ....... To the Conned of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ �.4R.o p8;..Jineal foot The lots or pareels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 7_ i1 z 1 / ! i o -- �i DESCRIPTION - Lot Block ADDITION — Assesse�ua tion\ — G ADDITION Assessed V.elved.. The Commissioner of Finanee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated .................. - s Commissioner of Finance. PIONEER PRESS C0.'- Ans-rrtecr L6cAL. — Sr. PAUL. 2 3 q 6 e is i 9 18 t i 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ronarahla-hi.-N�-Gass„ -- ---j Commissioner -of Public_WQrkA._City___-___- Dea.r Sir: We, the undersigned owners of property -do hereby_—___ respectfully petition your Honor to have a 6 foot cement walk constructed on de of Hamline avenue from Randolph street to St.Clair street, in said City owners names residence 1 i 611'e -II/ 1-`1 /J7 ell _/,"/6Z 7 2e ✓i�w f ���'_�'` t fit „�'°�'"'T- .- , 0 82 COUNCIL FILE NO . ............... ..... .... ..... By... ................. V FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of........PpA-structInga sidewalk of cement- b.1.,,k,-..t..0C-11 width of six f e.e.t on the-eas.t elde....of ....Hamline avenae-from... M&r ahall- ave:R'40 -10 $.edby AVE under Preliminary Order 10.5.0 -........_ ....................._._........._.approved A14VOt 8U!4 ... .......................... - Intermediary Ordei . ....... . . - ........... approved ............ i- * ' * ' ' A public hearing having been had upon tile above iniprovenient upon due notice, and the Council having heard till persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise _nature, extent and kind of ini- prevenient to be made by the said City is the...."natru.0tion of_a, cement side.walk....on the east side of liamline averue from Ma..nehall a.veng—q-t-o HPAin.Q. avemgi .. .... ...... ....... .. .. . ....................................... .......... ........... - and the Council hereby orders said iniprovenient to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Conunissioller of Public Works be and lie is herbily instructed .911d directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, till(] subunit stone to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city of are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. '.? . ....V Adopted by the Council ..... 194" 7-. ............ -- ................... . .... ... City C rk. Approved .... ........ Mayor. Councilmen Farn worth Gos. Kel er M 'oil 0 Leary oerg Mayor, ewers In the Matter of........o-o.na.t.rue.t.ing....a....si.dewalk.__o.f.....c.eme.nt. blo..ck.e....to..._a.._w.j dth of six feet on the east aide of Harnline avenue from Marshall avenue to ....-..._.._.-...............-................-........_............._.._.............._.................................................__......__................__...._......_......_....................._......._....................._ __........--... .._. Selby avenue. .......... .............. ......._................. ............................................................................................. _...._....... .... ........... ............. ..._.._................... ............. ............_.._..........__......_....._....._.._......... ................. _........_....._...................................... ..._............................_..........._..................................._............._......._....._.........._..__........................_....._............._...__.....__._..... —............... ............. ... ......... ... ............ _ ........... under Preliminary Order approved _Augugt....S.th,.,.1914. .................... 0 To the Council of the"City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated ammmt of the assessment for the above improvement is x._..49¢_ per._ lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 'Phe Commissioner of Finauee further reports that. he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. G Dated......................._...�/ .................. ................. 191......_ ... 1 ..__...._......................................_ ......................:. ..... Commissioner of Finance. , 13Y ..... ... ....... - FINAL ORDER. III the Matter of... ..ohanging, the gZade on Kerwin street from Phalen Avenue t.0- July loth, 1914 milder Preliminary Order..... approved . Intermediary Order ..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and i-ecommeadatiolls relative thereto, mid having fully cousidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, exteut and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is- the.. change of grade on...Kerw]ln straet. from. Phalan. avenue ......... ...... to Tracy-.avenue. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woris be all(] he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for Said illil lAe'lit, and .9111allit gam, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized :111d directed to proceed with the making of said il"PrOve'lleat in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19 city erk. Approved 19/X_1/ ............... . ....... Mayoi; Coulicilluell Fa Isworth Go s "a 'o K, ler I Coll 'Leary oerg Mayor P - under Preliminary Order approved..._.._ July .....1.O.th...... 1..9.14.....__ .................................... ................... ._......._..._.... ... .... .._....._..._......_...._... 'To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is.....(non-aaseseable improvement) The lots or parcels of hind that may be assessed benefits for 9x1(1 improsemeat, and the assessed i•nlnation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: --.DESCRIPTION Lot Bloch ADDITION ,; Assessed Valuation a � Af The Commissioner of Finnnee further reports tha.t he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with,the report made to him in reference to said matter by the. Commissioner of Public Works- Dated ......_.._................... J . 191.. Commissioner of Pinnnce. M. N. GOSS o OSCAR CLAUSSBN co��svoxsn wmic woaes ; - � cern axcrt+ssa CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 8, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, CITY. Dear Sir, - K ' I transmit herewith profile for a change of grade on $erwin St. from Phalen Ave. to Tracy Ave., in accordance with Council Pile ,1596, approved July 10, 1914. There will be no cost incurred on account of changing water mains and no extra expense in grading on account of change of grade. See preliminary grading order Council Pile 1560. . Respectfully submitted. Chief Engineer. Jh ResoluN ,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause cement 11kock crosswalks to be a nstructed at the following places; Finn Ave., both sides, across Roblyn Ave. Cretin Ave., East side,, across Roblyn Ave.. O F:: 2283 BYE N.. Goss- a a ' Resolved That (he COMW s10nbF af'' hereb u- Publlc Works be and he 19 InthoFlz d and directed to; cduee ceYtour 1 croeaWalks to be constructed'.at '` thef.11.wing�Pla4e Flnn Aye.;! 4. ides across Roblyil ANe:. Cnettn A e, side ncroas Rgblyn � AVAr' l Adopted by,tke Council Oct. 23 1914. l .1Pproved Oct. Z1914 : �p 31 y Yeas (V) Co oilmen (T') Nays Adopted by the Council�191 y Far worth Go ___In favor &e r Approved_ �® .-. ,Z 191 _ft M ll Against O' ry Yo Ml.Presidenf owers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:,...__.. Qsswal.k....:... _.__... _.._...._ ............._.. __. FILE COUI' No., i Date Presented_..... ............... Oct......231_191_4.- Resolved, 31_I91_4.. Resolved, That the CoAi"bioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause a brick crosswalk to be constructed do the east side of rorest St. across Pacific St. 00 22W -13Y M6'N<'C7oae— C. , Reeolved;,Tllnb khe Conu�lseloner `ot. I Rnbllc W4rlts- be and he"Ls her. Y. 1 T authorl. d ated Instructed to caneIVW l hrlck crosswalk to rbe conatructed on[� "tlfe eaet,elde o[ ForeeY¢f. ncrde6 Rp-; i Iclao street:. , - I .Adopted bythe Council-0of. 23/ 1014.. t � Approved OcL $0, 181};� I 31-1811) F Yeas (V) Coun linen (P) Nays Farn orth Goss __In favor Kell Me Against 0lu Yoer Nlr. President, Po ers IR Adopted by the Council �-191 191 Approved _ ._ l ®_ r Z�—_ _�' CITY OF S COUNCIL RESOLUTIO Subject ....... ......... T. PAUL N -GENERAL FORM: 225, COUNCIL yy FILE. NO ......:.. .... ........ JOHN T. MCCOLL mENRY,MCCOLL OapUty COMMISSIONER COmMIGSIONER CITY OF SAINT PAUL 2258 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY October 22,1914. To The Honorable The Courcli Of The City Of St. Paul- Gentlemen: - Attached application Of M. P. Ryan and Cha8* F. Arrol for a license to conduct a moving picture I show house on Lot 14, Block 17, Summit Park, S. E. corner of Grand and Victoria, is for a new location- Applicants desire that license be granted upon condition of approval of building and equipment by building inspe otor. Yours truly, Be peo 0 MMG Otate of Munewlta,� O COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 155. JI CNTY OF ST. PAUL ,:.�.[.T...! �.1....�_A-..i- ........_..*�J.:...� 1.,.,..............residinaat nnA ' F VVC vV/ ...........Geired duly srooru, depose4 arad say$, thatfhe� clvLe_ .:...1....a`�c-P..,....................Lel-�.:�J-o--�:•Z�:.........._.... U residea,Mol the State Of ✓Ylimn.esota, and Reloz er tlVeaty-one years of a ft, that he has liad a (Uty St Paul Licen se role%%h urctlrnriaeAtrm to rangt nn ....... .......... .k�.......`....... "L ..... ....... ' ..-G,-4'... .... -� ... .•T Zy�...... .... £ . .1...SLC.2�cv.!t.C_-�4.: ............... arzd� Irat 6 now desires_ a tleease for said. Gusiaess, at sui.d plane, �GLaWc�j,� p _ Srcnrn, to amd smbseri.Ged before me this ............ •� . '- . ..................... / l .hntan/ I uGlir.. G r V/ Varaar ruuuc, RAM= comr, rr, Mm. � • � �` - Mr Calor ox k:xrixiro lau. 9ru,. 191 Yeas (lr) Count en VI) Nays -. Adopted by the Council Farnsw th GossIn favor' [Geller . Approved � � �LLIf•-{iP{ST: PAUL ..' DjL •a COUNCIL RESOLU�ON GE�IERr41 FORM p Sup�i3f'ee .COUNCIL 261L J FILE.rvo.......:. _........: . .... .... au.korized to purchase sa warrant,; said supplies -to FPn rth Kelle 2vicC 1 — U Le Your Les for oash obtained fro"aid. ected'by the GPmptrollei�,and re- n favor Appro Against gollo >-,,e 191 CITY'.OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GL""NERAL FORM -.aggregtLUC ,roup. u[au vc Public ."Safety; with r. authorized' to ;purih "warrant:; saidsuppl ceipt obtained th11 —er ii I aI orth GIn favor Against -Y 77 a e A •ha i a''haraiw' a,sloneT, OI' xin"utiji_ Lul uuv to charge the-department'of a Purchasing 'Agent "i s" hereby Dr cash obtained'from'said by ahe. Comptroller` and re 7`1 iPg I. ®® mm Ivy . Btu. t :bas-. .' Rnd eep int!, J "per pu[_ e e ' be. is the = tYe khis Oner oh the ®® mm C9UNCiL Ftg5QLUT101V^VCIVCt[AL.T VRm ...... ... ...........: IcouNci�.� VCIL RESOLUTION Of,"' RAL: FORM rf 2267 ...... .. ..... J �.......: .... .... "' COUNCIL . ' '.. PILE -' NO ..y ...... %L- FORM `r CITY OF: ST.: P_6 \ k HENRY C. DEVLIN - MYLES MCNALLY ' A..I.TANT'CMI[R RIRRCNI[P ' CITY OF SAM_T PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MOCOLL, CoNMlceloN -" u BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION - October 22, 1914. Hon. Henry Modoll, A Commissioner of-Plxblio safety. Dear Sir; - in regard to the applioation made by the Manhattan 011 & Zinseed Company for a permit to store 2200 gallons of gasoline in a building to be erected as a filling station on.the south side of Stith Street, " between Exchange & Franklin on the property known as the East Half of Lot 8, Block 6, Rios & Irvine's Addition. This,station and all appurtenances thereto are to be inside, property line. *ill day, that I Have oarefully in- speoted the sametoday and see no reasons why a permit should not be granted and do hereby recommend same. I em of the opinion that said tank should at least be buried 8 feet underground on account of the large quantity of gasoline to be stared in same. Respectfully yours, 1 FIRE 81" CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM c ft"c" Na' 2273- ' FILE 9Y RUDITED_�.py i.2 1G1A Igl i 4n Ia PfR— _ 112 ""` Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( ✓)Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council _191V , Fasworth G s In favor dU p �19�J K ler `JAL f�CIL',; M Coll Attainst 0ear C. F. 2271 Y.YOR y Resolvolv ed that war rants be drawn oerg upon the City Treasury, pn yable out f the hereinafter specified fonds and Mr. Presiden , Powers I. favorof the persona, arms ore - porationsfor the an nts set opposite E theirspec[Ive nn a specified In the following detailed statement: Corporate Pcep.. —Interest Fund: I Evan G. Chandler, Interest on sward ' f damages, argaret S Curry, award$4.87 Interest n f damages, $2.28; ' my Ehlers, Interest on award of damages, $3.99; Mary A. Fox, Interest on award of damages. $16.19; Wllllam Jarvis, Interest o nrd of damages, $14.00; Wit I..F. Ma rltz, Interest o - award of damages. $4.45, William F. - ' Moritz, Interest- on award of damages. $3.6;Interest dd Lou raa Dawson Read, Trustee, damages, $3.41; award Joseph San<Ie Jowicz, Interest n and of damages, $9.48; Oliver C. Semple, Interest on award of damages. $2.28: Alma Hinrichs, Guardian. Dorothy / -- I Hinrich. Helen Hinrichs, Interest < Specard of damages, 1.11. Assess. Const Acet. Opentng C/ Mounds Park Boulevard: Evan G. Corporate Purpo see Chandler. Award of damages, $1,700.00; _ Mary A. Fox, Award of damages, $1, - Interest Fund', 850.00; Alma Hinrichs, Guardian, Dor- othy Hinrichs and Helen Hinrichs, $4,914.00. 50 6 Evan G. Chandler, Opening Johnson Parltway: Mar - garet & carry, Award of damages, t ward of damages, 14.87 5 0 Margaret S. Curr g }� $300.00; Henry Ehlers. Award of dame p p ages. j525. 00; W'Ilia925' Jarvis, Aw¢rd p 2.28 50 Henry Ehlers, f damages. $1.925.00, IViI]iato F. fl R Tloritz. Award of damages, $475.00; R 3.99 0 9 Mary A. Fox William F. Dforitz. Award of damages. R n $580.00; Laura n 16.19 S 0 ✓ , William Jarvis Dawson Read, Trus - tee. $450.00; Joseph 9niklewlez Award p 14.60 5 1 • William F. Moritz of damages. $1,250.00. Oliver C. aemple, $300.00. " " " 4.45 5 02 William F. Moritz 1 Adopted by the Council Oct. 23, 1914. approved Oct 24. 1914 " " • 3.60 5 03 Laura Dawson Read; (Oct. 31-1914) __ — " " " 3.41 5 04 Joseph Salkiewicz, 9.48 5 05 Oliver C. Semple, " 2.28 06 Alma Hinricho.Guardian, " " " " " 43.00 Dorothy Hinrichs & Helen Hinrichs, Total Interest Fund, 118.1ri, Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Mounds Park Boulevard 07 Evan G. Chandler, Award of damages, 1,700.00 08 Mary A. Fox, " " " 1,850.00 09 Alma Hinrichs, Guardian, Dorotby Hinrichs and Helen Hinrichs, " " " 4.914.00 Total -Spec: Assess:'6onst,_Acet.. Opening.,_ 8;464s90�. Mounds Park -,Blv.d,..f.._�..w�._:. E CITY OF ST. PAUL ,, ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. 2271 AUbITED BY- 2 2 1019.__191_i 4,Trc l PER- ER 112 TITLE 112 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed' statement: Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ✓) Nays Adopted by Council_ o_ ( the �_191?/, Fa sworth G s In favor U 191,, K ler 0—p- M Coll Aeainst_ vIO` 0 Bary Resolved- that warrants e drawn - oerg upon the'4'ity TLeaeury, payable out - f the,herelnafter apeolded funds and - Mr. President , Powers in favor.of: the, ggrso7la drme or cor- i poratlons for the.ardonnte get opuuo.lte - ,. !their; reape¢Uve 1ta}de$S >f-epacU? In the following ditalrefl�%atat0rfae,Itf.. Corporate;- a=IgtBrtilt, t1nd \ \ I Evan G. Ch t3ntf'$hkast,`- / - of damages,itCa`pga„�'et`'4 tit'sy Interest onwaE� N 1 enry Ehlera Intereat,'�n,aivPifd . damages;'!.•)< pSary-A. F intokoet9H; .. /` �= .; on award!,, i'�' agee.;;IB 3 tlitgm; Jnrvle -.Id / `eard of dauiagee !14 soV", c�Interegt. on Ward' G"• l lUffitn F� :; M rltz�: a$ea 60 x rt. in Inte .Inv ^ �, /I / o Corporate Purpose ,�- ';,<,,/ ,•�. -;;; Interest Fund 50 6 Evan G. Chandler, int. award of damages, 14.87 50 7 Margaret S. Curry, a « a s a 2..28 50 $ Henry Ehlers, 3.99 50 9 Mary A. Fox, « « « a « 16.19 5 0 William Jarvis, "rl " " " " 14.60 5 1 William P. Moritz, " " " " " 4.45 5 2' William P. Moritz, " " " 3.60 5 03 Laura Dawson Read, -Trustee, " " " " " 3.41 5 04 Joseph Salkiewicz., " 9.48 5 05 Oliver C. Semple, " " 2.28 06 Alma Hinrichs,Guardian, " " " " " 43.00 Dorothy Hinrichs & Helen Hinrichs, Total Interest Fund, r 118.1 jZ , Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Mounds Park Boulevard 09 Evan G. Chandler, Award of damages, 1,00.00 O Mary A. Fox, « a « 1, 50.00 09 Alma Hinrichs, Guardian, Dorothy Hinrichs and Helen Hinrichs, " " " 4.914.00 Tolal--Spec.-Assess- Const. --Acct. Opening, - - 8;g64�•GOn..., Mounds_Park.lv...d,:,___ Y #2. 2271 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Johnson Parkwsiy 5 10 Margaret S. Curry, Award of damages, 300.00 5 11 Henry 8hiere, « " " 525.00 5 12 William Jarvis, " " " 1,925.00 13 William B. Moritz, " " " 4:j5.00 14 William F. Moritz, " " " 556.00 15 Laura Dawson Read. Trustee, " " " 450.00 116 Joseph Salkiewiep, " ° " 1,250.00 117 Oliver C. Semple, " " " 300,00 Tots��p Johnson P ay Total Corporate Purposes :...........}.... .... 118.15 " Spec. ssess. C not. Acct.-,ening•J•hnson arkway .......... ..... ....... 5,81]..00 " Sped Asses Const. Acc -Openi Mounds Park oulevard... ......... 464.00 Grand T tal, 14,393.15. i. } 1 I CITY OF ST. PAUL ....... .. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS- RESOLUTION FORM' COUNCIL No. FILE AUDITED CITY6 PT Qi- GOT 2 2 39 14 191 PER 110 Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following Aetailedl', statement: Adopted by the Council Yeas ( V Councilmen V Nays Farnsworth Goss — In favor McColl — Against MAYOR ]Keller O'Leary Yoerg Mr. Prent, Powers Corporate Purposes Water Supply Fund-Salaries 5021 S. A. Farnsworth, 27.50 Lighting Fund-Salaries 4?. 25 ✓ 5022 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund-City Dump Acct. -Salaries Vl' 5023 S. A. Farnsworth— 242.00 Street & Sewer Fund-Salaries 5024 S. A. FarnswoitY, 10,203.16 5025 S. A. Farnswcth, (Council File #1005) 43.11- Total Street & Sewer Fund-Salaries 10,246.27 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund-Sal. 442.77 V 5026 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund-Croeswalke Acct. 5027 5028 S. A. Farnsworth, S. A. Farnsworth, (Cement Walks Expentions) 120*00 55.50 Total Crosswalks Acct., -175.50 Gemeral Fund—Paving Street Intersections Adet.—Sal. 5029 S. A. Parnmvorth, (Council File #1425) 35.45 Corporate Purposes -Cont. General Fund Election Expense Acct. 5030 S. A. Farnsworth, 843.70 Sprinkling Fund 5031 S. A. Farnsworth, 305.35 ✓ Total Corporate Purposes -Salaries, 12,365.79 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving -Salaries Y-Qrk & Westminister 5032 S. A. Farnsworth, 8.40 r/ Case St., Payne to Westminister 5033 9. A. Farnsworth, 81.50 Hastings Ave., Bates to Earl / 5034 S. A. Farnsworth, 1,156.00 ✓/ Dale St., Grand to Front / 5035 S. A.,Farnsworth, Total Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving, 3,061.77 Total Corporate Purposes........................12,365.79 " Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving -Sal.,. 3.061.77 Grand Total, 15,427.56 CITY OF ST. PAUL e ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM cDDaea F%l E No. 7 71 BY ITY Cp iR96 rn AUDITED p67 �,2'.:isia 191- s {PE _ TITIE out of the hereinafter 'peg�d funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable, opposite their respective names speci& in the folloWmg detailed in favor the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set statement: Adopted by the Council9 y J) Councilmen ( J) Nays g Fain orth Goss In favor Kell --- _ _ �:31 Mc on c. F. xo az7a— Re of d That ar is b dawn •AYo9 Q.'_ t•afy Y rg i upon the City T as r1 I Yable ut I L the hereinafter epecifled fund d fn fav of the Der o s firm or cor- ! O /— ) /. Mr. Presid rtt, OWers Durations, for the amounts set opposite��� their-respeetfve ames as epecifled in - 5ttie''Lollowing detailed state ent: -.Corporate Purposes—Water-.Supp1Y Fund: Board of Water Commission., ors, $381.88; Western Supply Co., .. Printing 8: 16. Stationery Fund: Cly- $3or & Iluelater, $80.36. - ort _. . .GeneralFund—Legal Dent Expense j Account. 'I. A. Caswell, $2.60; Dr.- u. . 0.' 7.1ch, '$26:00. .General Fund—Miscellaneous Ac - at (C:.. F. 1274):' Board of Water =amissfonera, $7.42. oJPoll a Fund: M Coll, Co" ' rubllc Safety, $133.94. -Henry Gen ral Fund—Qun antina Account: �. F. G lie' Compn y E30 6.0 Cc o1.Publlc W ka ., nd West- '. ' - - ern on', Tel graph Co, E306 Brid a Bulldfng and RepairFund: $516-- - -- .. 26L ; N. Gose; for street and sewer, - General' Fund—Election E.penae ���unt; Daily -Fraser Hardware'C•o., Corporate Purposes 1 e :. s. Bata a1s9c-Y 'e y Water,.$upply Bund _ 5 36' Board,of Water Commiseionera, 381.88 X1.88 Western 8uPP1y CoI, Pr�ttttrig Stationery Fund 80.35 5 $: Clymer & Huelster, General Bund -Legal Deft. Expense Aoct.,' ; 2.50. 5 9. .1. A. CaeWlEsl 25.00 Dr. H. C. Welch, General Fund�iscellan`eo>�s Acot. (C. F ,1274) ?.42 5 41 B?ard of Water Commissioners, Police Fund 4� Henry 2Ae0011, Com. of Public Safe *Y 133.94 D� General Fund -Quarantine Aoct 30.50 45 F. G Leslie Company. 2274A Corporate Purposes-Conot. Com. of Public'W6;ks Fund, 5044 Western Union Telegraph Co., 3.o6 6/1 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund -i ✓ 516.32 50 5 M• B, Gosa,for Street &Sewer, ,+ General Fund Election Expense Acct. 5 6 Daily Fraser Hardware Company, 1.70 �1 School Fund 77 048 B. S. Bates Brown, Treaty & Sperry, 18.00 162.40 049 The.Golden Rule, 7.50 17.87 050 051 F. 0. Gustiner, Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., 470.00 052 'F. G. Leslie _& Co., 322.20 t 053 L. L. May► Company, 4.97 79.75 54 55 Louis F. aienaber, Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 37.32 5 56 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 1.54 -5)57 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 162.71 tt St. Paul Books & Stationery Co., 2.61 6St. Paul Electric Plating Works, 3.75 5 0 Underwood Typewriter Co., Stilwell Co., 13.03 5 61 Wright Barrett -& c ool<Fun ��.� �.w�1,122�- Library Fund 62 B.T. Blake, _ _ 18.75 _: .. - Park Fund 063 Charles H. Corbett Jr., 27.13 064+Walter,Mallory, 7.00 44.64 065 5b66 Noyeo Bros. & Cutler, OlMeara,.Insurance Age, 37.50 III 567 Strickland-Doolittle Co., 3Z.50 5 68 Tri-State Telephone & Tel. Co., r 162 12 1l General Fund-Playgrounds Acct. 50 9 Ssymer Hardware Co., 20.25 General Fund-Art Institute Acct. 50.0 Consumers Power Co., 1.98. 27.50 50 1 50 2 John Dillinghem,. St. Paul Gas Light Co.,— 15.00 Water Dept. Fund A3 GF. A Flanagan, 121.65 50 4 50 5 Edward Drewry, M. N. Goss (Street & Sewer) 183.65 50 6 9. A. Farnsworth, 12.945.00 T'fWbal.,�sDept� l P 3t #3 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Market Maintenance Acct. 50 7 Parkins Tracy Co., 29.5 Interest Fund Is1 50 8 Merchants National Bank, 26.277.33 Sprinkling Fund 50 9 Bureau of water Commissioners, 23.53 50 0, M. N. Goes (Street & Sewer) 3922.97 Total Corporate Purposes, 42,757.19 Special. Funds New Library.Bldg. Acct. 50 1 Tresham D. Gregg* 85.57 �JJ Spec. Assess. Bond Interest Acct. / 50 2 S. A. Farnsworth, 40.819.77 J/ Tot - - . . 905. 34 Assessment Acc'ou*e Paving Franklin 8t. bet. 9th & 3rd. 506 M. N. Goes, for Street & Sews; 6.71 v 7th St. between 7 Corners & Cedar 50 M. N. Goes, for Street & Sews; 68.90 " St. Peter St. between 3rd. & 10th 508 M. N. Gose, for Stredt & Sewer, 10.17 ✓ Bates Ave. from 7th to Plum 508 M. N. Goes, for Street & Sewer, 51.57 W. 3rd. between Wabasha•.& 7 Corners / 508 M. N. Goss, for Str e6t & Sewer, 1,441, 76L 1 1- Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Grotto St. 508 M. N, Goss, for Street & Sewer, 13.32 Holly Ave., Western to Dale / 508 Western Union Tel. Co., 4.10 ✓/ Prior Ave., Marshall to University / V/ 5091 Western Union Tel. Co.. 1.12 Dale St., Grand to Front 509 A. E. Ferries, 26.00 Hastings Ave., Bates to Earl Spec.. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving -Const. Hastings Ave., Bates to $a'r'1 50 A.A. R. Perrins, 2.0 ✓ Caee'St., Payne to Weeiminister 5 3 Western Union; Telegraph Co., 3.79 ✓ University Ave., Dale to Syndicate / 5 94 Western Union Te. Co., 2.07 Mnive®sity Ave., Syndicate to City Limits Western Union Tel. Co.,4.93 o 5 95 Total Corp o ate Purposes, ....... 42,757.19 " Bps al Pun 0... .... 40,905.34 " As essme -Acco to....... 10579.11 " ecassns, onat.Ac .-Pavin 81.33 Gr d Total. 85.322.97 r cons=icTine a t5",v,ur u.,-- 38 693 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order Marc'i 7t3+h ___3 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in/equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 9 , 4 191.—.. City Clerk. Approved /y 191 r 6 f ,._.. -7e n r 22175 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1../.........._..191.. hn the matter of the assessment of.beaef.i.tB_..aost.$....&....expemssoel.a.S.....0(�net_rt1C_ting_,_a mewer.._on..:Tames.-._gtreet from Arbor Street to Bay Street ._...__...... .. .......... ..- __......... .. ... ................. .... ............ under Preliminary- Order ......_......_..__.......... ......................._......._............ Intermediary Order ............. ................. ...................................... ................ ... , Final Order .._.............. ....__.._3Fis9_3................_.___181 .........._..., approved......._M&2'Ch...$$th...........................x....._ To the CouUcil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in eonnection with the making of the above iuprove- went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - *....87.7..110 ............. Cost of publishing notice- - - - - - - - - ri..._--.8.0$........._........ Cost, of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - ill -.... _.... ._-....._......................... 45.00 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I+._.........._......_._._............ ____ .... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - --$................................................ ... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $..._93.1.02 .................-. Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......t;3.1_�..6g....... ....... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the -said Commissioner, and nnade apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by hinn, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such -action thereon as may be considered proper. �J.....�r_..�ofFinan_ .._.._.._...Com. Co By be RATIFYING A99F.35111RNT3., Ii 9 determtneu Befit Further 1te olved:. That the �datarrBnente as to each an e cel of land deet Itied thereln 1914. 1d aeseaement be and It fe hereby taopted b the Cou c11 Oct• 23, 1 det mtn d Co be paYnble 1n flue equal [�yyrov, Ont. is 19" lin tallmente nano each and revery par- . tont•— 3' 1-11914,_ ^..atlf, eelof, land described thereln. ., `I Adopted by the Cognc1 Oct 23, 1914. P o 4pproved ONov.s'7 1914) In the matter of the assessment of ti-- f -4 +s., cnetn And exnPnSAR for P under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 15464 approved October ?Ftb .1913—. -s A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i Adopted by the Council—OCT `,:3 514 191 Z City Clerk. Approved �^ 191 Mayor. Council File No. By��cr�� Resolution Rat re- benef In the matter of theassessment of it 1 grading Vandalia'street from University avenue to St'.Anthony Avenue, and Cretin avenue from St Anthony ��*ar ,a +� Maraha�l avenue. for OeW9 , Final Order , Z 8 8021 - approved _ roe — A public hearing having been had upon the psssessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore re— RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. re, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the saidnassessjnent be and it is hereby detefminedi to be payable i n �e qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council " 2 3 191 . City Clerk. Approved ayor. Co By �2 Q 7 ResolL OeI or land des %r ,a rnere,n.. ;sment. Adopted by, the Council Oct. 24, 1914. ^ Approved' ,ort. 24. 1914. (Oct+ 81-1914) In the matter of theassessment of benefits costs and expenses for t �rai�np aid Having of the, A11ejr in Rlonk P. r ( S+n,ltta Addition_ and Kenwood Parkway Addition. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 15465 approved Ontnher With. _1914— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in___J0(V2'!:!&�—equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Clerk. Approved—/—d— 191 77 22 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 191 In the matter of the assessnhent for te grading ............... .................... . .... . ...... and paving of the alley in Block 2, J. C. 'StOuttB Addition and Kenwood ................... ....... ...... ............ ................................. Parki'-a'-y*'**'*-A--'d"-d'i't- io n**-.'-- ....... .. .... under Preliminary Order.....-..........._ ....................._.......__._ ................ . Intermediary Order Final Order_...15465 .................... .......... ... approved,...October 25th .................... 191.4 To the Council of the City of St. Pont: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - orient, viz.: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of publishing notice - - 10.24 - - - - - - - . ...... .................. .... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - .... . ......................... . ..... ............ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - =$_......._120.00 .............................. Amount of court costs for confirma t ........... .... . Total expenditures - - - - - - - - $ja,.Q.6.7 2.* ................ Said Commissioner further reports that be has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $2+00.7 $4 .............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be ornisidered proper. 'o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commissioner of Finance. Co By Dent. In the matter of the assessment of assex benefits coats and expenses for paving the alley in'Block 17. Summit Park Addition under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 37872 approved November With_ 191. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. r Adopted by the Approved f z 191— Q278 , REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 91.. In the matter of the assessment otbenefit_ei _costs and Weapes for the -the_,.-alley__._in Block 17, Su=it Park Addition .........._.._.....................-. ......... . under Preliminary Order ..... .............. ... ....................... ....... ....... _...... ...., Intermediary Final order...._.._37872........... ............ _.......... ____ ............ . approved.._November 13th ...... ..... ........1!i12 ...................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- 'Yaeut, viz.: Cost of construction - -3,-215.00_ .... ...._.. Cost of publishing notice - - _ 10.16 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - C._...._ ..................... -.- ............. -. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - b;,__120._00 ......... __-- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$............................ .............. __..... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - 0,345!1-6 ................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of ........... upon each}and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Comnni�sioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and •m which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. a -- Council File No. By— Resolu n 22,'79 In the matter of the assessment of_benefits, costs and exr enses for paving the alley in Block 8 Summit Park Addition under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 383 50 approved February 10th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ; ,! C ' 191 Approved — 7 Clerk. Mayor. 1� 22'79 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 91/In....... ................... ...-. ..../. 191171— fit the matter of the assessment ofbene.f.j..tg,_.,..COBta._.._and e}( e{��86 for the ............... _ .......................,.................................... paring.....of......the .....allay .....izi_._Blq c_k..._8.,...._Summi t...Park..._Addi tion under Preliminary Order.........._ .................... ...__......_............ .:..._....._.., Intermediary Final Order ......._38350 ....................... apinoved.._Februar...._...10th._................_.191.._°x.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul• The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - :8..._2.,_237.._00.__........ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - 10.94 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - --............... ._............... ...._......... _ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - y..........._1 -20..e_0 ........... - Annount of court costs for confirmation - - - -...... ..........._........ ...... .... .... ........ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - �..._a.�367..94....-...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sun of upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as maybe considered proper. . ... ..... .._......... ....... ......................... ...... ...... Commissioner of Finance. t' v— 7 /— Council File By Resolutio In the matt:; of the assessment of benefits Coate & expenses grading Sargent. Ave. between Fairview Ave. and Sue St i 2280 40632 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order , approved November 12th 1913 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i❑equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. UJ/ _ , .3 q 4 Adopted by the Council - Clerk. v Clerk. Approved ° ' Z 191—Y TMayor. 228® REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ........................._......_.....1.( ....... ........... 191 benefits costs $ expenses for grading I: matter of the assessment of..._....._....._ .................... - ................ ._......... .... ........... for the ............ ................................................. _...... :.. Sargent. Ave. between Fairview Ave. and Sue St. ................. .................... __.....:.....__.... ........ .............................. ....... _................__................................ _.................... ........... ............ ................ _......... _............ .............. ........... _._....-_................... _....__.._.............. ........... ..._........ ................................................................. ._........... wider Preliminary Order....._..._ .......... __.._........................ Intermediary Otder__.._.......... ._................................. :.................... ............... Final Order_ ..._40632................................... Novembe............approved .......... .......... ........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - 65.18...88.......__............... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - -- ................_ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - -$............................... _............ ..... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-40.00 _ ........................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$..... ... ..................... _,.._......... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $.567.._6 ..... ....... ...._...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- 567.60 tained, to -wit: the sum of $................. I..............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith subninitted to the -Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ...._ ............................_......_....... ... ......... ........... ............ Commissioner of Finance. Co By benefits costs & expenses In the matter of the assessment of radina Hubbard Street from Griggs Street to Syndicate Ave 2281 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 40108 August 27 1.13 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in [%equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council -0 � I ^"" 1'e 1 19 `�I Z City Clerk. Approved 7 // Mayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER` OF FINANCE _...._.. — .... r..191 In the matter:of the assessment ofbenefits- _cOetB & —Hubbard Street Street from_GriggaStreet_._to.__SyR cate Ave under Preliminary Order..__._ ................... __............... _.......... _..... ..... Intermediary Order _.... ........ _....... __ _... .......... ................. _.. Final Order ..._..._40108........... .... _........... ............ __, approved -....... ,_Auguet.._37th_........ ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: 359.56 ✓ Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - -$............. _...... _..:___----------- .... 7.76 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - -$..._..._._..._......__._........ ._ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - $ Hnspection fees _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _$ _ 30.00 — Amount of court costs for confirmation $___.____.._.._...__....._.._.._ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $--.39T,3 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- 397.38 tained, to -wit: the sum of $__..._.................. _....... _... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits ' conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. i Council File No. By ResoIution Kaif Y'A'ti9sess'Iiient. benefits costs & expenses In the matter of the assessment of for grading Hewitt Ave from Griggs Street to Lexington Ave. 39906 under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Order August 14 3 approved 191— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequalinstallments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. _ ay Adopted by the Council 9 CitClerk. Approved / Q 191 TiMayor. under Preliminary Orde.... -._.....---'--.._.._....... Intermediary Order -_-_...... _..............._........ .... .._..____ Final Order....___3.9 0 ................ _.__........... __....... _.. approved .....__._Atl_gt18t....14th..................... To the Council of tl e City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, via..: 1600.00 Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - --.. --- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - _ _ _ $ 8.02 ✓ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - i Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72.00------ ----- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - --___._.__............................ 168002', Total expenditures - - - _ __— Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of ...... __ 1680.02 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited _._ by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. �e �iI / r-- r - Council File N By Resolution 1 snprQ*ed'°°� 2s 19x4 - `+.tQCt 81 x814 ' t• In the matter of the assessment ofhPnP—.? --Tito npata and Axnensee —for the raying nf Grotto street- frnm Fairmnrtnt acremte to T.inwnnd Plane _ under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 1x21 approved AuQu_� at 14fihi 191` A.public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Councilor—why 19 A—•n Jf 191 Approved Mayor. - - ..._.__._/_.. .......19I In the matter of the assessment of......banef.ili@see for the paving cf_rnJito_..erect,_.fr..4m.:lx.�runt._agenue.._to_Linwood Place. under Preliminary Order .... _...... ............................ _....... _......... ..... ... Intermediary Order ....... _... ............ _...... _....... L.................... ............. ........ approved._......__._August.._13th_.__......... 191_` _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- aitures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $••--.x,,553. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - .56 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $._.._..._.._._.._..._..--- _— Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_.___...._.._1.20 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - $�_.5� 551..70^_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to-wit: the sun of $:.5.,_554 t Q.._....._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. e Council File No. By 41284 Resolution s..� In the matter of the assessment of benefits coats and expenses —for to Paying. with brirl<. of the allay in B1 ock. 16 slimmat 'park Addition from Victoria street to Avon street intermediary Order , Final Order under Preliminary Order y 37131 , approved Aumist 22nd" _191-3— A 191 3A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having --- been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the some is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. I dLT 3 I 191 Adopted by the Council Clerk. Approved — 191 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of_b.8.11.e.-it_4..r......C..oste_-an4,._..Mp for the _.... pav_ing._of the.__a1.le._v__in._B1ock 16, Summit Park Addition from Victoria etres_t..._tc....Av.=_ titre.a..t.,.....v¢.ith__bsic.k...._..___..:._............................. _.......... .................................. ___................ _.... .... r ....... . << under Preliminary Order...... ....._...._..._............ _......... ............. -., lutermediary Order ............ _....... Final Order____37111- ...... ------ ------------ _.... approved_AugUet.._33n4, 1._._ ........... 191_a To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen ditures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $_a., 337 .00.--... . Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $........... 7.10 ....._ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - ------- _....--_--....._....._.._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $..-._ 120.00 - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$.___....... - ............ ......... _......... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - _ $ _ Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sun of _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance %vith the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is berewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. fy �► _ g An ordinance granting to Mannheimer Brothers, a corporation, i pe'�mission to construct and maintain an areaway on Seventh, St. Peter and Sixth streets, under the sidewalk and extending to the curb line, in front of Lots 4 to 9 inclusive, in Block 7, of St. Paul Proper. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Mannheimer Brothers, a corporation, to construct and maintain an areaway on Seventh, St. Peter and Sixth streets, under the sidewalk and extending to the curb line, in front of Lots 4 to 9, inclusive, in Block 7, St. Paul Proper, in accordance with the plan hereto attached. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said.Mannheimer Brothers for the construction of said areaway, upon the said Mannheimer Brothers' com- piiance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of, Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed areaway, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said areaway shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection and of installing same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construc- tion, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said area- way, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said area- way remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said areaway shall be removed by said Mannheimer Brothers 2286 whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by -the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. C- F. Goss 22867-0 dinaDce 3301—BY 11. An ordtnan e. gry ti g to Eiann�te7mer q / .•isco po atl to construct and oSeenhSt- o'et penrtM9 lxI4taeytundg tFht q thF idewHlkl and ex-; tending td the 'cur4 lfte;-lri front of Lots 4 to 0 inclusive 7n Block 7, or 9t. Paui t I • '2 off the 0t, - ' by the Council ............... _...,.....,,_-._... 191 YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McCOLL O'LEARY YOERG AYS, 0 �" ,v a {S n t ✓ � }� Yy f y S� � v C i r l V 3} r R d r >• 2wmWt ,you X �. f 1 r ,.•`l � f �3 t >< 3 r 7t y V � t t Yale Y `J S: } Y Ys S' t 4 1s + — fj 4 < i ABU i { 1 1 � , } 4 y { Y a i ......................... Ito W NOW, Kry gisrownQW! a h fi rdr�dl.) • An ordinance to provide for the payment of a pens %n to Clara Aamold, widow of Hans Aamold, deceased. WHEREAS, One Clara Aamold, widow of Hans Aamold, deceased, has filed with the Council a verified application for a pension, setting forth that said Hansinold': was, on the 27th day of September, 1914, and for several years prior thereto had been, a patrolman and sergeant in the Bureau of Police, of the Department of Public Safety of the City of St. Paul, and that while in the performance of his duties as such sergeant, the said Hans Aamold sustained a gun shot wound, from the effects of which he died; that the said Hans Aamold left surviving him as heirs, the following: Aamold, a widow, residing at 913 De Soto street, St. Paul, Minnesota; Lena Aamold, a daughter, aged twenty=two years, born February"8th, 1892; Edith Aamold, a daughter, aged twenty years, born April 7th, 1894; Walter Aamold, a son, aged fifteen years, born August 15th, 1899; Helen Aamold, a daughter, aged eleven years, born August 15th, 1903; Dorothy Aamold, a daughter, aged one year, born March 30th, 1913. I That the said Clara Aamold, widow, and Walter, Helen and Dorothy Aamold, minors, were wholly dependent for their support upon the said Hans Aamold; and VY EAS, Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety of said City has recommended that a pension in a sum not exceeding Forty Dollars (W.00) per month be paid to the said Clara Aamold in.accord- ance with the provisions of Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul for the year 1912; now therefore, for the purpose of providing such pension, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That a pension in the sum of Forty Dollars C :h�. N - :-.dlne? Ro 380$={ By 8 my2267DfcoollOrpn An.Qrdinance'--: tG yro9ldo 'Yor the DaY-. ' .-uient. of a' uenefon to +Ole a pamoid� g1dtlW of Harte desmoid, gtlo�ased. Lin s. a 61 Clara jl'aplol{j illv�don� ot'. 8, oun ld; decea9ed e;ha$ flied! with the Council avertflad appinj pen6f1 Betting forth [gestt oat eafd? Aamold wns on toe -27th de et, (t40.00) per month be and the tie rr "try authorized and allowed to be paid to the said Clara Aamold while she remains unmarried and a resident of the State of Minnesota, and until her youngest living child attains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pension in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per month so long as she remains unmarried and a resident of the said State, unless sooner modified, altered or revoked. Section 2. That said payments be made in monthly instal- ments on the first secular day of each month, so that the.amount to be paid for each month shall be paid on the first secular day of the next succeeding month thereafter. Section 3. That the provisions of this ordinance shall operate to provide a pension in accordance with the terms thereof so that the payments shall be made for the month of October, 1914, and monthly thereafter. That before any payments under this ordinance are made to the said Clara Aamold, she shall execute and deliver to the City of St. Paul a -good and sufficient release discharging the said City from any and all.liability on account of the death of said Hans Aamold, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counset l. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. by the Council ---................II/ ......... 191L/ Yens. NAYS. e STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 2287 City of St. Paul. In the matter of the application for pension of Clara Aamold, widow of Hans Aamold. To the Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, and to the Council of the City of St. Paul. The applicant herein, Clara Aamold, respectfully sets forth the following facts as an application for pension under the provisions of Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul for the year 1912. That one Hans Aamold was appointed a patrolman in the Police Department of the City of St. Paul on or about July 22nd, 1892, and was appointed Sergeant in said department an or about February 16th, 1900, and thereafter and up to the time of his death was a member of the Police Department of said City. That on or about the 26th day of September, 1914, the said Hans Aamold while in the performance of his duties as such sergeant, sustained a gun shot wound, from the effects of which he died on the 27th day of September, 1914. That at the time of the death of said Hans Aamold, he left surviving him, the following named parsons, who are his sole and only heirs at law and next of kin, to-wit: This applicant, Clara Aamold, his widow; Lena Aamold, a daughter, aged twenty-two years, born Febru- ary Sth, 1892; Edith Aamold, a daughter, aged twenty � years, born April 7th, 1894; Walter Aamold, a son, aged fifteen years, born August 15th, 1899; Helen Aamold, a daughter, aged eleven years, born August 15th, 1903, and Dorothy Aamold, a daughter, aged one year, born March 30th, 1913. M lob That at the time of the death of said Hans Aamold, this applicant, his widow, and the said Walter, Helen and Dorothy Aamold were wholly dependent upon the said Hans Aamold for their support. That the said Clara Aamold, widow, has not married since the death of the said Hans Aamold, and that she to still a resident of the State of Minnesota. Wherefore, The said Clara Aamold, applicant herein, prays that a pension be authorized and allowed by the Council of the City of St. Paul, to be paid to her in accordance with the provisions of said Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul for the year 1912. Dated this day of October, 1914. \ GG Applicant, 913 De Soto St., St. Paul, Minn. STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. County of Ramsey. i Clara Aamold, being first duly sworn, says that she is the applicant named in the foregoing application, and widow of Hans Aamold, deceased, therein referred to. That she has read and knows the, contents of the foregoing application, and that the same is true of her own knowledge. Subsc:/y7day d sworn to before me this of October, 1914. No y Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires 2-f / �G/ CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Safety. L I, Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety in and for the City of St. Paul, have investigated the facts set forth in the petition of Clara Aamold hereto attached, and after such investigation, I do hereby recommend that the Council of the City of•St. Paul authorize and allow a pension to the said Clara Aamold, widow of Hans Aamold, deceased, An a sum not exceeding Forty Dollars ($40,00) per month, to be effective from the first day of October, 1914. That before any payments are made to the said Clara Aamold, she shall cause to be executed a good and sufficient release in a form to be approved by -the Corporation Counsel, releasing the City from any and all claims due or which might be due because of the d ath of said Hans Aamold. Dated this Z36 ay of October 1914. Public Safety. Commissioner of I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM Subject: ge.:..an.._Robert .....St. .___' ....... COUNCIL r.� FILE NO ..... ......... .......... Date Presented..........-- Oct _..... 24,._......._I914..-.. Resolved, That the Commis:,ioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to build, repair and reconstruct the various catchbasins and drainage connections on Robert St. from Second St'. to Sixth St. made necessary on account of the widening of Robert St., the expense of same not to exceed the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars and to be charged to the Sewer Ma.intonance Account of the General Fund. No. Yeas (L") CoIt c en (P) Nays Farns orth Goss __.__ In favor Kell Mc II _Against O' y Yo Mr. President, wers 'ORM c.8.2 of Bund Two -Hun - , to the tccount of the on Oct. 24, 1914. i l4. . 14) Adopted by the Council Approved/11 " �— 191 _ -- MAYOR That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employe in the Bureau of Police, One (1) Assistant Bertillon Detective at a salary not to exceed $105.00 per month. ( C. F, No. 2289'—I3y, McColl— Resolved, That, the. Commissioner r Public' 8arety is hereby authorized to employ In the Bureau 01! Police, one ass, Bertillon-detecitvo ata sal ary not to exceed $106eel Per monthal Adopted by the. Council Per -o, 1014.1 Approved Oct. 24, 1914, - - (OCL 31-1914) i Y Yeas (Y) Coun' Smen (V) Nays P1 Far orth GO. �In favor Kell M I Against O'L Yoe Mr. President, Po 5 � —1 Adopted by the CouRcil_ —X�91. App U 9I a -- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM �y �n®. . Fs a� Subject:..............................__....---........_..........-........_............................................................-------.__......_.._............ 0. .........COURCIL - FILE NO. ........................................... .. . ........... ......-.-.-............. ............................................................. _................................ .................................. ........................................ Date Presented .................. .................191 ........ Resdlved, That the apnlicatia.n of the following persont for I. 1100866 to oondu0t HoteX4 x=9k=h=w1mzW at the loa&tion/ respectively Indicated be, and the name hereby are granted., and the City Clerk to authorized and directed to i46ue, Such lioen6ee to Q&1d applioanta upon the payment of the fess required by hitt. SAME OF APPLICANTS NOTSLH 3MMOVIMM LOCATIORW 'D. D. Smith The\Portland Hotel Broadway, Retn.8th & 9th Ste Rd. C. F. No. 2290—By McColl ResolvedThat the application of the.. followingperson foe license '.to� conduct Hotel, at the location rcapec- tivelYIndicated .dbe, and the - same -ln; City hereby grante,nnd tha Clerlt; to nsed, ¢nsaid suchlice applicant upone s u he license to '.sold- appliC¢nfe yon.. the Dnyment of they -fen regptred bye, law. D. Smtth. The Portinnd II St. Brood Y between 8th and•9th 914. A -' by the CoLncl] Oct. 24; 1014. A owed Oet. 24, .1914. 1 Yeas ( V) Cou lmen (V) Nays )� / I Adopted by the Council— w� 191. Far otth G Hel In favor rove U Me 11 Against O'sty Yo pp . Mr. P.sli&nt, Powers I� _ .. MAYOR _ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION. GENERAL FORM _ Subject ".......__..... _.... _....................... _.__. COUNCIL NO.. ..• PILE 1Y n ......... ................................ .' C. P. No. 2291—BY Henry McColl— Date Presented.................................................. .......... Resolved, That the application Y .the following person¢. for ¢ ifcense to, conduct. Restaurant. . the.'foc¢tloha respectively indicated. be; and the Came hereby are granted and the Cl.y Clerk e .`y. ;authorized and directed to IC-'. Cue such ll..n:,.,. to eaffl applt ante. pon the payment "oY the Yee Lequt ad by law: John.;M hunger 'Eaeine¢s Lunch, 463 racks qn St .: n ' " " e A Ro trke;.t nc S.uh Room,, 913 solved, That the application of the following. Persons for a license to conduct ftialuxnr Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the Cit•t Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such lioensee to said sjip3.iowjte upon the payment of the tee required by law." NAME OF APPLICANT. John Mehlinger James H. Rourke J. J. Grady Henry Vatzl A. W. Anderson Mary C. Willis Gus, Augustine ''Posel Bros,( Kealy & OtBrien J. A. Alexander Steve Vasco Charles Ogle Yeas ( ✓) C . ncilmen (✓) Nays I nsworth C (/// Iter Coll Leary rg Mr. President, Owers, kBTMXOR RESTAMUNT9. LOCATIOVe Business Lunch 453 Jackson Lunch Room 913 Bioe St. Lunch Room 376 Cleveland, N. 4` Lunch Room 1095 West 7th Spokane Coffee House 179 East 3rd.. Restaurant 188 East 3rd. Business Lunch 96 So. Robert Business Lunch 484 Robert Business Lunch 880 East 6th Restaurant 17 East 5th Lunch Room 341 Wabasha Lunch Room 691 west 7th. In favor Against (in rear) Adopted by the Council_ 1911-1/': V1p ved v 191 r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM .. .---....- ...................... 2292 Subject:......:..............-........u....._......................._................................................... COUNCIL •. PILENO. . ..... ..... ........ Date Presented..................................................191............ l' Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels zzxRzz±RxxRm±jE at the locations respectively indicated be and the Same hereby are denied. NAME OF APPLICANT. Lee Johnson, Mgr. Yeas (✓) JFasworth c m en ✓) Nays r oilary g identMr. Pres wers HOTFL ffRXVXXTAffiIQM- Silver Moon Hotel _ ) C_ F. No. 2292—BY Henry McColl— I;eeolved, That the application of the following persons for a license. to 1 C hotels at ttat done reapec- tively lndlented be and the aame here- by a e d nt d. silver Moon L J h on llrgr.. I H t l 7 ); 3rd St, (upstatrn). Adopted by theouncil Oct: 24, 1914. APP ted.0 t. 24 1914f 31,1914) LOCAT 10N. 7 E. 3rd St. (upstair G Adopted by the Council_�1911/1 In favor Approve L— _—Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject Resolved, COUNCIL2292 FILENO ............................................. DatePresented..._.............................................191.......:.... That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels zxxftz:k�.sz> 1L at the locations respectively indicated be,and the same hereby are denied. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL 9RXKK=AHRA1l"A. LOCATION. Lee Johnson, Mgr. Silver Moon Hotel 7 E. 3rd St. (upstair C. F. No. 2292—BY Henry D4cCo11— ft sblved. That the application. of the .following. person. Ifor a license, to conduct hotels at the loeations.respec- lively indicated. be and the same here - 'by are denied... . e John. LD1gr., Sliver D1oon H .t.1, 7 3rd St. (upstairs). Ad pt d by theCouncil Oct. 24, 1914. APP oved�0 t 24,.1914. -1914) j CIT_ Y OF SAINT PAUL ��� f� § �° Stt Clo k's Offici1N e �' / �GGI .......j....f... 191 1 z ROCl1V d of City Clerk "a) Yeas ( ✓) Co cilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council_ Fa sworth In favor Ke er Approve � 181% , M oil _—Against O eary Y rg — MAYOR Mr. President, wets A { " � t `An ordinance granting to James F. Sperry permission to con- struct and maintain an areaway on Jackson street, in front of the strip of land lying between Jackson street and Lot 10, Prince & Des- toyer's Re -arrangement of part of Block 3, Joel Whitney's Addition. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and author�ty are hereby granted to James F. Sperry to construct and maintain an areaway on Jackson street, in front of the strip of land lying between Jackson street and Lot 10, Prince & Desnoyer's Re-arrangementof part of Block 3, Joel, C Whitney's Addition. j{ Section 2. The Commissioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said James F. Sperry for the con- struction of said areaway upon.hie complianoe eith the following con- ditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of. Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed areaway, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said areaway shall be installed under the super - ion of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall vision and dt�:ect / pay the cost of inspection and of installing same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (05,000.00), conditioned to save,the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construc- tion, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said areaway, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said areaway remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as maybe approv ed by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said areaway shall be removed by said James F. Sperry.,, i h whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. tg Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C F No. 2253--0rdi a Ap dinars a grantlnb t 7a;ges P� ---"""---_--"—` SP Y p rmf9afon.t0 netruct. and mal taln an areaway 'Jackson (' IYIngt betwrent Jack onefreet(Iand Lot 30 P Inc & ;Deanoy eaRe-nr- (. Ta. g ant P pat of BI ek;3` Joel whltney'I Add(tfon: t Th C.—I f the `. City of Sk Panl : ,s d sora In /.' SECTION 1. re 7f Th t pe le t o "and auth aer a �+ h str granted to Jam F Sperry to. construc[.and (Stairs as reaw yon Ja k o stet l fr nt f the t llp y the Conncit _ f 1 a Lot lyl g b t Jackson street a.d 110 P 3 � DyR - 1t hi g t Y p t. f Block 3 Joel 1 Y' ;Add[ti Id SECTION a Th C mml t of P bll Wo kx Yens, he by;a th 1 ed t l p mit t th aid Ja es' 4! Spe y f'. Eh 0o t Cela ofareaway,upon his �l pll nce Eh �tM1e ftlllow(ngc n-.� MR- ditto the C.*aid ommissioner: of9Pube6sllcall Ill-- Works !_ plan and--epeglHcattona ' of : the ' pro - 1 C - P6 --d areaway, which _ lane Shall be !� ubJect.-to the approval of athe said! Commlasloner• ' '(2) The aid areaway hall tie in stalled under the supervision and dl-. r do of said Comml to r; and the a s llcenaee shall pay the coat too in--� ap(3)'n and'of hoarding a ml,i 'I ti (3) The shed itceneee shall , 1—tsh i n bond .to'.. the City o[ St Paul• in tho �+ ,S sum of Ftve Thousand Dollar. C (S6cotldltlsued to save -the Q /f C. C,ty of St Pa.1'harreless leave, rom' any, .{- f and all :(lability, judgments, "..'suits,- co is charges damagas, and expenses that m ac.ru to person or ,prop /[', erty on acc unt o[ or: at Tains by rea. -; son of.the. c nae uction maintenance, op, ration, ;use p'earncs o removal f. NAYS, 0 M said areaway, the safd b d I. tn- u lin force, and eQect •,ae long as said H l�,T}/p.� 0udyay emaina or'exl t The id /+' bond ahall.be In such P r m s. may be A^ -(approved -by the sCorooratl n Con el. (4) Said. areaway shall beremoved w 4Y aald Sam F: Sperry whenever the Council shall so kdeT..c E (6) The.saI licensee -halt pa y�hny 1}cense fee or tax that may be re-, qulred by any ordfnanee or law of the CIt3 [ $I. aul (6) Said licensee ah 11 within ten;' day after the passag of this d1- anee, fit ithe a wrltte cceptance I. ref wthoff City, CI 'rk to uch fo m a may be approved by the -Cor- poration Coun 1. This ordInaSEe:s ah take .elect and Ue In Iorce thirty days aver 1[8:pase- agPna ed by lie thetion Counetl Nov. 9,:1914. IY a Dies r . Farnsworth„ Goss, I{oll O'Lea Y. Yos. , Mr. Vice Pre-_ ld t (i a 11) 6. ' xays e Apn d Nov. j HENRY DfCCOLL, I - ottng Mayor. dttesC A JOHN I. FARICY, '(Nov. 14-1914)Clty Clerk. J PV.P. "'0 4; Uf polu U01M.U.- Ul. IIV o7 n qx T.n "RIS Jo' .)-I._ p Rpp.. 'Ian 01 1j; q,,a UZ xxj�.�, 0 I -L zL. 'Iraq -11N JO Aap 4761 o197 In,,43 ri , .4K6'Joqo,ao z) ."'1 p -PVC, 11 I *A;UnoOn zni.t 0 it I I U I K 141 .,whenever the Council shall so order. 0 1 .... I.d it P.- 0 U ,11114 q... j. 0 (5) The said licensee shall p pg,an .1.11 P.7 that may be required by any Jill R 41 P.. ordinance or law, In. vul. .In JO Ti a I UT'jun( • q ol w In (6) Said licensee shall it 1.16 "In Ropi . Osage I 7I of this ordinance, file a written accep `p1---FnO MUT y -p.... Clerk in such form as may be approved .0,,P10 l2U1q;JA.q ..O.� NP..W.p j. .;np I IP 4. aq gi In.. A q ­.q 4nqx •p P". Section 3. This ordinance s ;nx 1— n force 4 is P.n P,:,""2 S.1 _.UUT 'M p .... a.p .'W-zr J. .4 .2 Oqj .. u.,j 1111nziX �j. °4eJO.,I.Iu,.p thirty days after it* passage and publ 'n-,, in .1.1.a OPJ ..­... 44 . �4.j elo XL N"OID*q: vlIo-sc..4 ..R -faxa2LVL S Qjhlzva I I aa 0 rJ °41 p P,gg Iql ..ROD P,_ ;0 I the 'Council --------------- ---- -- . .... 1 91 YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McGOLL O'LEARY Olk YOERG NAYS 0 of this ordinance, file a written aooe-.', Clerk in such form as may be approyr'' Section 3. This ordir), thirty days after its passagr- A It 10. I p"7ua22Sjda.j -.1 0 4-I.At 1 0 Ip"M gUo "�' A, lanwvg Jo` ap ... P�v PPOE) qvl�a a4x to '04, 'A..Mqzr aL,rxs tp la"im A.P q"' jqj j_,6TGT '-qojao PP. etnlee 1pi() 'IG whenever the Council shall so order. U... PIE it a7 nn,8'aq (5) The said licensee shall p P.- ..pp that may be required by any ordinance or law .. dV1 -;7PIT" Fr (6) Said licensee shall, wit 139j7` of this ordinance, file a written aooe-.', Clerk in such form as may be approyr'' Section 3. This ordir), thirty days after its passagr- A a �1( WESTERN DEPARTMENT Policiesbearing thia printed 'form am bound to be correct, m three carbon copies are made' at the Same time, TWO going to the company, oMb, attachr�d to BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS the policy, and the other filed in our office. A. D. BAKER & CO MANAGER. k [$ i LANSING, MICHIGAN J k..-ACs f.� I x gid, ' t ! Attac d to and made a part of Policy No., of the dyenby.rof the W1D' (�ulun}t 9lt%ux'a3*ce QOm}1 t�not of Boston, Maas. Dated_ I9_ gent. !„ ., �(�- i � ; � �...�, �'�� � ���r.. Council File No. ♦ hs'ya�� r. The re as, T ....e liatelY rri^- an! --r `.�j 'Ie - Ile C .aster . +`.e Cit; 7f !�*. Paul, tcck e. feet, .'.:e-rc rer.din91 in the office cf '-.= lcari o` TTMatlic Torks of said City; a certain a i= ccnde:rnation proceeding for 'he taking of an easen.ert in t+e land n_ i necessary for slopes for cuts and fills for grading ',liltor. street from University avt;nue to Iglehart avenue, carried on -order Final OrdPeR,o. 39192, arprcved June Sth, 1913, and Thereas, The said Beard of 7ublic 1,11orks, prior to +he first day of June, 1914, 1^ad :.aie, but not confirmed the assessment of damages and '`enefits ar,sin.o cnt of the n:akir^ of said improvement, and the rrocaeding for the making cf said ia.rrovei:.er.t is still rending, and it is de3irabie -to c^r.,rlet t`:e sane; row tlierefcre, be it Resolved, That in the orinion of the council, it is iu.rracticable to continue or eomrlets the assessment of dah.ages z:nd benefits for and arising cut of `he ii:akinj of seiid iMT-r;;vs+i:ent under he Charter of the City of St. Paul as it at rresaent exists, and for the purpose of con- tinueing the :said rroceeding and completing the said aseensment of damages and benefits 1lnder the terns of the Charter as J�-6r�-y,ted rrior to the first day of June, L914, John J. n'Leary, Comnilanioner of Parks', Playgrounds rind Public BuildInge. R. V. Gone, Commissioner of Public Works, and Sumner a Farnsworth, Corrunissioner of Finance are .hereby desii;nated and appointed to Lontinue and complete the assessment of damages and benefits arising out of the staking of said improvement in place and etead:of the Board of Public Torks, and to that end, the said officers are hereby authorized and eniro-tired to .;ive, or cause to be /given, any and all notices required by law, or necessary or proper to be riven, to co::.rlete the anseesment of benefits and damages for the making of said improvement, iboluding the notice of Confirmation of said assessment, :,nd mith power and authority to revise, ,:.edify or correct said ar:sessment if deer..ed advisable, to issue -and sii;n a warrant to the prover officer for the collection thareof, and in rereral to do and all oti -n actn nd thin" in connection with the Completion of said assessment as fuIlly an the-caid Board of Public Torke might or could have done had it continued to exist; and Leonard C. Seai,er, Clerk r:nd in chart,a of aoneenments in the office of the Comrr,iesior;er of Finance, is hereby appointed and desi3nstorY Clerk to the aforesaid aol�-mianloners, and is hereby designated and arpointed to rerforlu the duties pertaining t- the ofrice of Clerk of the Board of Public Torke, in eo::nection With the making of sail al�sesnaent, _n:i is hereby irxe£xteel -Fin the ro�,:ers and al,thority of such clerk for_ the rurrose of am11T`1etir,g r! -.e said asseelsr,.ent ire connection -itl T :is ConarAnnioner.a aforeonid. Adopted by the Council, /� � Yeae ,, .. Far BwOTth GO a r�provamenf, Ke ler C. 2284—By'S. A. Farnsworth— l%... 1 Whereas, Immediately prior and 'up to the time the existing Charter ofthe City of St Paul, took offset, there was {+ pending In the of said citieso f the Bcertain oard of PublicWorks Proceedingitfor a the tak- Ing of an easement In the land neces- ary Por lopes Ya Cuts d finfills for Naj grading Milton street from university avenue to .Iglehart avenue, carried on under Final Order No. 39192, .approved June 9th 1913 and Whereas: The said Board of Public Works, prior to the: first day of Jun 1111, hall made, -but-not cont) medthe assessment of damages and benefits'. rising out of the making of said im- and the proceeding for the •— )ng nr SP,id . improvement Is stilt lt' Ss'-'deair able to n- - - ' '� &i CO11 a;now therefore.^-' the 0 Leary Y org M yor Powers Arprove - U 13AYOR_ C I T Y O 1 COUNCIL In the matter of O V. No. 2295 f o structing s Air In the Matte a from Seeding qn Portl d A 11 InarY_ eve., oder Pre- jn 1627. to Snrot l,a 660. IntermedlarY Or Order Order 1974, aDProved Anal. t1 the PI s,-'"t P the d R solo sThat the . mates submit be nd the 4 t ner of P Vble�torlta f ii d imPro l me t the Pur- hereby apPrPTh ' Ji -d ro,tie or,d he is hereby :Ing Agcn beo edv rtl'., ea to rued and Ided by tv'' " .., manner Prov ,i, Act Yroin ¢ a ibwb-'a'4 Portland Snelli Ave. to Sarato e, Ave. under Preliminary Order 650 Intermediary Order 1537 _ Final Order 1974 approved Oot. 70 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of Public Glorks for the above named improvement bo and the sdme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURT=, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the Charter for bids for -the making of said improveity ment, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at,a speci- fied sun; (B) That the bidder or contractor' shall make said improve- raent by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price fox Per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance aith the plans se he bid epted, or 2. certifiedand fcheck for lten aper tu cent. ofthecamount of thebid. ltheieof a The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to awo.rd the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Vorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for' further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council CV/�i 9 1914. Yeas ( ) Co oilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth Cos Ke ex Me oll O' Bary , 1914. rr. President,. Povers Appro _ c.ayor f O — 3 PUBLISHED " �f 1 , Council File No..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 2206 and PRELUMNA,RY ORDER. The undersigned 1 reby proposes the "laking of the folio • g public •inlprovcment by tl City of St1 Paul, viz.: Pave_ the .._alley.._runni_zg.._fr ,_...._Ohat_sworth....$trset_. ........_Ox3_prd........ .... Street, in Block 33, Summit Pa Addition• ................._....._._._... . 22a6— al for the'. Wherena. A written Pr ant,', oP the YcllotVing ImP ova .................. ......... BupeT6eding._ C, F,.__a 2 makmg from viz. Pave the aIle}' runni S Chatsworth street to Oxford street, n Block 33, Summit Park Addltic n, hav- .. _. ing been P�'esented to the Council of ... .... ......... -'-. the Clty oY SL Paul; [Herefore, be t 26th October Resolved, That the Cutnmisatnner or, Dated t117S ....... ...._..day Of ..--- ---- - -�i Pubiic Works be and he le hereby or -I ,i dared and directed. �. 1. To lnveetlgate the. neceasiitY for d'I or desirability of the making _._,_.....__..._ .... ltnpr-annont. 2, To f,ovcstlgate the naturaide, ex ted east of p—en e , atndathe total cost there Ira- tent.Dtineih"an. pr 3. To t, oale ori 3. To furnish h rt Plan, Pr sketch f furnish Improvement. . ToiflnPormatlan relative to other- _4id PRELDUNARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, rt. �a .. Pace the.__ WIIEIti�IAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._......_........._........ . alley runnin_g__from.Cbat.... ._Btreet___to.._Ox... ...Street_,____in Block_.___. Summit Park _Addi..__on. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul 113' Councilman. ....._..._........_.................................._................___; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cot"tnissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data sad infm•ntntion relative to said intprovemeu 5. To state whether or not said inlproventent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fmrgoing Hat ters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted b the Coon •1...._... ..- o'- Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth �... _.. Go s Approved -A!';_ ............. Ke lm• bI all 0' carry Y erg _..._._....... Mayor Powers May or. /t Council File No...................... ...... 0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and E?s ..- •. h PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pail, vi .:_Pave tha_.allay_._runn m from._Chatsctort l...SIX0.01. to Oxford _.._ Street, in Block 33, Summit Park Audition. ............... ..... .......... .... .__....._..... _ ..... ..... Dated thus 26th day of QctobQT Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIJEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __ .Pave 1- ttk14._ _ a.l.ley running _from,Cliatswortlx._Stree_t, to.._Qxfor.d._S.t.reet........in....B.lcCk_.._ . 33 S,1 ,alit Par..k_ Addition, ...................._.... _ _. _. ..__....._ having been presented to the Cnuucil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.........._._.................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of said improvement. 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other dot❑ e,ad iurm•mation relative to said improvement:...___ b ............___ . ._ ._ .._... ......_. .... _... .... ....__.... _...._,... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•egning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._. _... ......__..... _._.._..............._....... 191......._ Yells: Naps: Councilman Farnsworth GossApproved.._......._ ......_..... ._.._.._...........191-__... Iieller r Mccoll O'Leary ................. .... ... I oerg -......_........_........_............._... Mayor. Mayor Powers CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY OrERK'S OFFICE c-oss. Of PUBLIC WORKS a7 Full: '-,rkq. TI" Att, C.", d Fi- ." � : to _I.< _" "lock 13 "r)n CK'�t";w :1"! t va" ki—c" by ty"3 Oct. 22r,'.,1914, CMjnisAD—_!- -,f ru�v P.C. to CiAUqe t).is lor - V'�t to et t gid. City Cl -z V7An ordinance granting to M. P. Ryan permibsionn(o construct and maintain an areaway and trap-door in the sidewalk on Exchange street, in front of Lot 11, Block 4, Bazille & Guerin's Addition,- .in the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to M. P. Ryan to construct and maintain an areaway and trap-door in the sidewalk on Exchange street, in front of Lot 11, Block 4, Bazille:- Guerin's Addition. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby, authorized to issue a permit to the said M. P. Ryan for the construe tion of said areaway and trap-door upon his compliance with the fol- lowing conditions: (1) The said M. P. Ryan shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed areaway and i. trap-door, which plan shall be subject to the approval of said Commie-, sioner. (2) The said areaway and trap-door shall be installed under , the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said M. P. Ryan shall pay the cost of inspection and of installing same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construc- tion, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said areaway I and trap-door, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said areaway and trap-door remain or exist. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said areaway and trap-door shall be removed by arid Y ". . n- 4�PP7 M. P. Ryan whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fP4 or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City Of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage - of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel.. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be to force thirty days after its passage and publication. �C. F. No. 2297—Ordinante No. 3305— ................ "By M. N. Q.se� " I ordl .. c. granting to M. P. Ryan pe mission to construct and :,mAin- Mr.— areway andtrap-doorIn. /� Lys ' �j%/ �:UjI the oldeWdIk -on, Exchange -s reet, in front of Let 11 Mock I -M. N. GuerIn's Additio 'n, in thc'Clty'bf St. 1 aulO . The Council of the Cl`ty of St. Paul ,do ee ordain - SECTIOWL pe rral-lon and authority ari -ranted to M. P. Rye- f I . "--il-lin r [he . Anb(6 by the COURIV—', ,at2 .. . ........ //__ 1914/ YEAS, NAYS, MR- FARNSWORTH FS A, , LOSS 0"t, KELLER O'LEARY W7_ia� I N o PU13L Council File. No ..,,...... I C F. No 2298- Where s A written proDosat fortho I0, of tho fnllowln llnproyement, vi : •con t uct n - ]de alk of cement OVEMENT. I/axington - e bio 1va'o the west Ids oY I_ m 000dr[ch nvenue to-a� nv e:' poi t 80 test south at tho. south line of I`airmoun[-avenue, fiaving , beenJ preaonted to the Council of .the CRY, of $A Paul thereforB be it -- ORDER. Resolved That the Commissio r off Public �Vo k be and he le �^ ^b.•,. . - dered and directed. •1, 1. To in eetigat tri fl 1•rsi red bele n.• o£ the follow' public improvement by the Ci St. le im g =-- C _ I - Paul, vi,.: -.._Construct_._..,_eidewalk..._of.__oe _..._. LexingtonAvenue _%rom...Goodri __.....__Avenue_ to__a.._I Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__..CO _aeidewalk,_ of__oement__blooks_. on.._the___wept side__._of .-Lexington .__Avenue .., . of...Fairrtwunt Avenue _.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmtui.__..._..._...................__........_._........._._................_..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvenieit. }. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_.__......._.___.....__ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i Adopted by the Council..7 191......._..(- Yeas: ..........�..-. Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.._/U.... _............._ _..... ... Keller 7 McColl O'Leary Yoerg ........ .... ..... ............ ......................... . ................... ......... ... Mayor Powers -Mayor. i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCI i ESOLUTION, GENERAL FORM G/ .........._......_ .............. ........couMct� Subject:.... . ..._...................................... ..................... sae NO. Date Presented..__...._._........._......., ............191............ Resolved, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the General Fund to the Supplementary Account of the General Fund, the sum of Eighty—five Hundred Dollar';4(t8500.00). C. Ir. No. 2299"Bsvvorth . Resolved. Thnt [he.Comptroller. ed be nec[ed toe transteraYrohmr'the' G nediu Pund to the..SupP1fr entary "Account Y the General Fund, the flighty-fide 13undred Dollhre 00). 1914. Adopted by the'Co19141 Oct. 27, Approved (()e 231-1914) 0 Yeas ( V) Cou cilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council�/_�_ 191— Fan sworth In favor Gos �O -- 1 ./=— Kellr Approve Mc oil _. -. --Against O' ary Yo4g MAYOR Mr. President, P veers i .Cit9' of;"9t.Paul ` �® Council Resolution - General form. r Department of .._......._.. Bureauof ........ ---------- _------- _--------------------------------- .._._._._._._._._------ _..._._._._._._.__._._._._._._---------- Council File No. ..-.-._._.-.--..._._._._._-- Date Presented ---------------- _:...... 1914. By._.;.._.:.:: __..._._....__._._._.__. Resolved, that water mains be laid on the following streets: Como Boulevard from Como Avenue north to the west line of Lot 15, Block 5, Como Heights Addition; Buford Avenue from County Road to Brompton street. C. F. 'No.- 2111-11y Keller— ' Resolved, That water mains be laid on the following streets: Como boule- nrd, from Como. avenue north to the west line of Lot 16, Block 6, Como Reights Addition; Buford avenue from County road to, Brompton street. Adopted by the Council Oct. 27, 1914. Approved Oct. 27, 1914. Adopted by the Council ........ __._...._.._..._._.__.-._._. ..::_.,�.�J......_ ._....__._..1914. Yeas ( ) Coun lmen ( ) Nays Goa 1 MOC 11 Yoe 7g 0' ary Appr �U -------------- .. _._.. 14. Mayor Mr. President,, on OSCAR e. [EUEe. q.slEmt S. N. GOBS S. A. PARNSwORTI CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEIPAIRTMMNT OF PUDLIO USTE"1ID6 , BUREAU OF WATER OPPI : E EAST PIFTN STREET The Honorable Council, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St.. Paul, Minn. October 26, 1914. Gentlemen; - The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meet- ing held this date, unanimously adopted the following resolution; ,,Resolved, that the City Council be requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets; Como Boulevard from Como Avenue north to the west line of Lot 15,Block 5, Como Heights Addition; Buford Avenue from County Road _ to Brompton street-" Very truly yours, Secretar Resolved, That the 0ommieeloner of tduoation is hereby authorized and empowered to employ one temporary nurse at a salary of Three Dollars ($3.00) per day. -Re�ol on That the Couth 1. rad—' _ EducOtt red,itoh mPboY onoh temporary, empowe nurse at naeaylary oP Tpree Dollars ($3.00) per _ . Adoptgd by the Councll. Oct. 27,-1914.1 . . Approved. Oct. 272 1914. bz. (OCL 31-1914) _ 4; .. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y� subject ...... __......... .,._. __........... FO ENCIL No.. .... ............................ .. Date Presented.......x.0./27.......__ 'x...__...._I914........ i C Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and dieected to rebuild the so-called Washington St. Steps, located on the west side of Washington St. between Third and Hill Streets, and that said work shall be done by day labor and force account, and shall be paid for out of the Bridge Fund, at a cost not to exceed $325.00. Resolved further that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase the necessary material with- out first advertising for bids. Yeas (f") Cott cilmen (F') Nays Far iworth Gos _ In favor Kell r Mc oll aRainsr O' ary Yo e Mr. President, Powers M C.8.2 Adopted by the Council Approved _�U_' Z 91 /zj'- a MAYOR f, f S P E C I F I C A T I O N S FOR REPAIRING THE WASHINGTON ST. STEPS. These steps are located between Third and Hill Streets on the west side of Washington St., constructed of wood. There are seventy-two steps, eight feet wide, sever, inch rise, twelve inch tread, vertical height, forty-two feet. The steps are to be repaired by replacing all decayed parts with sound timber. The material required will be as follows: 7600 ft. B.M. lumber 10 gallons of paint 300 pounds of nails. Office Comrfdssioner of Public Works St. Paul, Minn. 10/27/14 G.H.H. S P E C I F I C k T I 0 N S FOR RFPAIRIMG THE RtA.SHIVPTON ST. STEPS. These steps are located between Third and Hill Streets on the :vest side of Washington St., constructed of good. Taere are seventy-two steps, eight feta wide, seven inch rise, helve Inch tread, vertical height, forty-two feet- -The steps are to be repeired by replacing till decayed parts with sound timber. Tae material required will be as follows: 760 ft. B.M. lumber 10 gallons of paint 300 pounds of nails. 1 Office Commissioner of Public works St. Paul, Minn. 10/27/14 i ZD' Council File No.-- ", 27 141 i 6 ITV CGIvIpTR0 Reso.ved that a Warrant be drawn upon the Commissioner of Finance payable out of the Election Expense Acct. of the Ueneral Fund in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of $9,212.50 to ;pay judges and clerks of election Fall of 1914. C. P. No. 2303— _ Resolved, That a warrant. be drawn-- - - upon the Commissloaer of Finance ---'^'- payable out f the Election Expense Account f the General Fund 1. favor' of S. A. Farnsworth, .Commissioner of. Finance, for the sum of $9,212.50 to y - pay Judges and clerks of election Fall: of 1914. - Adopted by the Council Oct. 27, 1914. Approved Oct. 27, 1914. (Oct. 31-1914) �,_I...191� Adopted by the Council .....___. _ { YEAS, NAYS. ��- MR. FA SWORTH GO KE LER M C O EARY Y ERG NAYS, 0 MR. 'JA (POWERS) N E ' CITY OF ST. PAULdcr. h°nc<" i�ca -MI ties»�aeun n n:cua ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. ,. ,Os "Y 0-1WIN"a n"d AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM '' °"`I�' � .4 COUNCIL . 1��. AUDITED OCT 2 , 1914 BY C1 , BI_ { PE 113 Resolved tlfat warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council 1912 Farnsworth Goss In favor App&QiJ "� ` 91 Keller / 74 McColl Against f O'Leary YAYDR Yoerg� Mr. President, Powers Spec. Assess. Cont. Acct. -Sewers Woodlawn & Fairmount -- 5118 O'Neil &Preston, Eat. ��, Z0, 030.00 Terry- Griffith Sewer System 5n9 Thornton 13ros., Est. #2, 19.80K.1% v Total Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewers, $ 29.835.00 COUNCIL PILE No. 13y y j� FINAL ORDER. south si`c�e1eofitt ortTandBavenuerBeg nrirgt14 .43tf�00 ft. westerly ofetherjwest line of _Aldine street --o -5s+erly line of Lot 1, Block _3,._Walnut. Grove _Add. under prelilllivary Order. 577 _approved July_ 7th,... 19/14 Lntermediary Orderapproved A public hearing hitviug been Lad upon the above ill)proveun'11t 111)01) due notice, and the Council_ having heard all persolls, objectimrs and reeoillmendatiors relative thereto, iunl having fully considered the ,iuue: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Cout eil of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, .stent and kind, of im- provement to be -made by the said City is., the -constfustion-of-a-.six .. foot- celaent--sideavaTj on thr south aide of Portland avenue beg.143.43A00 ft Westerly of the west line of -Aldine street to Westerly line of Lot 1 Block -3. Walnut Grove Add. Jl F X�S�i>"'iaPxiF3 VP4T"6XK 6xBg xIF33s43f1-Mxf-4x'fl yj*t"x6Fx"lixS6xILlgx and th,p ,ouuol ere,y- ort ers sill, mtprovel n be. 'i e. RESOLVED PURTHEIs, That the Commissioner of Publie Woks be and he is hereby instructed anal directed to prepare plans and specifications for said ioprovenreut, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby autborized iuul directed to proceed With the making of said innproienu•nt m ;1eym•duue therewith. Adopted by the Council Pity 'V Councilmen Fatnswllrth C. F. No. 2306— In the Matter of constructing a ce- ent walk to a width of six feet n the south aideof Portland ave- nue, beginning 143.43/100 feet west- erly of the west line of Aldine street to westerly line f Lot 1, Block 3, Walnut Grove Addition, under Pre- liminary Order 677, approved July 7th, 1914. Intermediary Order 1843, ppraved October I, 191}, A public hearing having been had fon the above Improvement upon due notice, and the council having heard all persona, ob3ectlons and rec- ppmmeadati'ins relative thereto,,. and !havttig fully: :considered .the same; thoreYoro,. be it Resolved. By the Council of the City of 8t. Paul that the precise nature, made by the said City 1e the construe - 'tion of a six foot a nt sidewalk con the oath ids f Portland uv n glnning 143.43/100 feet westerlyuof the tire line Lo[Y I,lBlocicsaeNnlnu[to eGroly. dersAddrtlon. and the id improvement do be de.r- nesol^ed of r. `That then Cnm- miei, grid ,1lmP �L d 1 ,it io j the said ouncilalfor ppoper�'citY oflfefr4i ,;.i are proceeds wYlthu thertmak9ing fire pr—truent In accordant the 7. Adopted by the Couneel OcL 27, 1914. Approved OOOet231 1914) J '('oil i) Leilr ;y erg Mayor 1wers C. F. No. 2306— In the Matter of constructing a ce- ent walk to a width of six feet n the south aideof Portland ave- nue, beginning 143.43/100 feet west- erly of the west line of Aldine street to westerly line f Lot 1, Block 3, Walnut Grove Addition, under Pre- liminary Order 677, approved July 7th, 1914. Intermediary Order 1843, ppraved October I, 191}, A public hearing having been had fon the above Improvement upon due notice, and the council having heard all persona, ob3ectlons and rec- ppmmeadati'ins relative thereto,,. and !havttig fully: :considered .the same; thoreYoro,. be it Resolved. By the Council of the City of 8t. Paul that the precise nature, made by the said City 1e the construe - 'tion of a six foot a nt sidewalk con the oath ids f Portland uv n glnning 143.43/100 feet westerlyuof the tire line Lo[Y I,lBlocicsaeNnlnu[to eGroly. dersAddrtlon. and the id improvement do be de.r- nesol^ed of r. `That then Cnm- miei, grid ,1lmP �L d 1 ,it io j the said ouncilalfor ppoper�'citY oflfefr4i ,;.i are proceeds wYlthu thertmak9ing fire pr—truent In accordant the 7. Adopted by the Couneel OcL 27, 1914. Approved OOOet231 1914) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the matter or constiuc.t.i.ng_.a.....cement walk_ to a width of six feet on the south side of Portland avenue beginning 143.44/100 feet westerly a.f_.t.he,..wset_..1ine...of_...A.ld.izze _street to West Vrly_.1_ine of_Lot 1, Block -3 Walnut Grove Addition to St.'Paul Minnesota uniter Preliminary order apprnved.,.,._July 7th, 1914 __... _. ..._._ __.... To the Council of the City of 1t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance 1Lerebv reportsasfollows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is :�.__�.49perli^sal foot �t, The lots or parcels of land that may be nasessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed vahlzltion of eaeii Int or parvel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �0%�i(GliG1Gr C{�/�iGLUL iO�,u� /�•i% �£%��r2r� /%J��cI'�uf�vl1 The Commissioner of Finanee further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid mutters, j,ud hereby submits the foregoing its his report thereon to the Council, together with the repot wade to jOrn in reference to said matter by the Conunissioner of Public Woks. Dated 191 Commissioner of Finanee. ri 0 COUNCIL FILE V0. _ — l;y FINAL ORDER. In Hu• jbItter of. constructin.,. a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the Fast Bide of oxford street from: Stinson street to FurgesB street. _. miller Preliminary Order 5.52 approved July10th, 1914 lrterinediary Order __ _ _approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections aid reconuven(lilt ions relative thereto, 111141 having filly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couneil of the City of St. Paul that the prreise n lore, extent and kill(] of im- provemerit to he made by the said City is imd the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissiouer of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed ;rain directed to prepare phras and specifications for said improve111mt, anal submit same to the Council for approval; that upo11 said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized ;md directed to plloceed Nvith the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....... _.. City Clerk. Approved- _....... _.._... . _.]J._.. _.. Mayor. Couneilmen hmvswa • ���� _ ';os. Kelb•r /J McColl O'Leary Yoew Mayor Powers I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the malter nl c.onstru.c.ti.kig._a....s..idewalk_ of_,.e..ement_.blocks to a width of si.x..._feet_on_.the.._Kast...s.ide...of_..Oxford._street_ from. Stinson street to Burgess street under Preliminary Order approved,_July 10th} 1914 To the Council of the City of St. Pool: The Commissioner ot• Fiminee hereby reports as follows: . The total estiumted onaonN of the assessouml for the above improvement. is ..490..per lineal foot. The lots or parcels of hind that may be assessed benefits for said iIII prow -Ill I'll l, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as hast repnrled by t1w Assessor, are es follows: 4d x ,: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid natters, t,nd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to Joint in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated __....._ ��/� .tst y Commissioner of Fiminee. COUNCIL FILE NO.____ By FINAL ORDER. LI the Matter of constructing a six foot cement walk on the west side of Baldwin street from Goodrich avenue to Prince'= averue -rhere walk is not -al -ready _ ..laid- under aid..under Preliminary Order_ 576_ _ approved July 7 try, 1914_ lnterm edimy Order �1 ,� t .... _ ....__.__ approved ....... all, /I A public hearing having been had upon the above improved ent upoi due notice, >uld the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconnlendatiois relative thereto, and having felly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the premise nature, extent and kind of im- proveulent to be made by the said City is., the construction of_a_.s x..fb.ot c.ement.sidewalk..on the wes gest side of Jaldwin street from Goodrich avenue to Princeton avenue where walk is net already lard', and the Council hereby orders said inlprovennent to be. made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be ,and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Comncit For approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are herehy authorized Ilio directed to proceed with the making of said iulproveulent�bi, aceo•dralee therewith. Adopted by the Couneil 7 ]9_./1// / C� i 'lerk... Approved_.__ l �._. z... s..._.19.. _. \lawn lbuneihnem Far sworth - Uro s I No. 2307— In the Matterof nstructinlk on the g a sst ix - ht I� t 11. of LBaldwin sement treet' fr m Goodrich -�7 avenue to. Princeton avenue, where walk fs not already laid, under Pre. 76, 676, approved July 7th, 1914. Order Intermediary Order 1842, app roved .Oct. 1. 1914. 0 ea1'y A -public hearing having been had 1 upon the - above Improvement upon due netice; and the Council havlag j� P1•gr I heard Il persona, objections and rec- ommendatione .relative thereto, and �. having fully considered the same i\Iayol' Y vers therefore, be It Resolved. By the Councn of the Citi of St. Paul that the precise nature. extent and kind of Improvement to be madeby the said City is the c n t—c- tlon of a six-foot c eat std_alk o the v t elde of Baldwin street, from Goodrich a us to Princeton venae. here walk Is notalready laid, and the. Council hereby orders said im- provement to be made. Resolved Further, That the Com -i Issloner f Public Works be and he Is hereby Instructed and directed to prepare plane and ,specifications `.. for said Improvement, and 'submit. same,tbi the Council _for, -approval; that_.upon-?;' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE it, the Matte,- of_corst.ru'c.t.zng._.a___six ,foot cement wal,!*on the west side of Baldwin_e-tre.et.....Prov._.G.ocdxic.h._...avenu.e....to Princeton avenue where walk is not already laid. ......... _.. under Preliminary Order approved_ ..._ .July.. 7th.: 1914 To the Colneil of the City of St. Paid: ,t The Commissioner of Finance hereby rnports as follows: The total estimated amoart of the assessment for th,. above improveaumt is :�.._490...per lineal foot. The lots o• parcels of laud that may be assessed benefits for sail improvement, and the assessed Valuation of each lot or pal -eel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I i 4 cl rIPzf-q E-- U LJa,^1 ct.JGu 44L, cr3�rtt cS w ��/ GY��ca% ® DESCRIPTION I Lot Block ADDITION j Assessed Valuation r ` _..vim-- =X /� - --- - /° - -- - // - — / n The Commissioner of Finamee further reports that he has investigated all of theafo•esa.id m attvrs, ind hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hint in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated j'c.0 _ _..191. / Commissioner of Finance. 0 The above petitioners desire the walk now be laid the entire block as described above where walk not now laid. considerable space on either aide of present walk where it is almost impassable. Would appreciate quick action on this. 1, IUKEER ±4Ci' CO q - Si. P.1 i'i. I - -- St, Paul',Minnesota:,April 13th,1914 - -To-the--Honorable-Common Council and Eoard of -Public Works .--,City of St.Paul,Minnesota IL Gentlemen: 6� We, -the lindersigned owners of property do hereby �Lrespectfully petition your honorable bodies to have a I six foot cement walk constructed on the 7'est side of Baldwin i street, south of Goodrich avenue,'Macalester Parr, from the of.Goodrioh Ave. to Princeton Ave„ ' corner were walk not already laid.. pity ' i owners names residence 411 t 14 jl In 17 18 i I i •t I - - Office of the Corn"ssioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ...................... u 13i. _ _1..,...........................191.. 4 . To the Co nmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Counnissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No .............._5...._6.........approved.................. ...........,Y...........n.... ......... ............... 191.._4..; relative to............................ constructing.,._ a...._aix._.foo_t..__cgV nt...walk.:_on.._the...,wzst..„eicle.,._of..._Baldw from.._Goodrich.._11ve......... to..._Princ:et_on._Ave.,,..._where.,._ Alalk..._is...._not.._already..._laid. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. .........necessary and (or) desirable. X ....___, and the total cost thereof is ......._...._ x3;.X............... . and 2. The estimated coat thereof is $__..........._ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................... .........._......_......................... ........._.....__.............. --- .................... COUNCIL FILE NO ay...-_.... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter Of constructir_g_ a aidelval.k. on the vest _aide of.-Grigg...s.tr.e.et from Randolph street to James street _ under Preliminary Order_ - 63�_ ___ __...__ .._._approved July _10th, 1914 Intermediary Order.itpproved ......fL/ i...�1 .__...,_ A public hearing having been had upon the above iwproveulent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having frilly considered the sante; therefore, be it loy E to be m e by Council of tile. Clty • St. Ylntl that the pt cise Harm extent and kind of im- RES LVED, By the C P he said ,its ls....._.. ,.. _....... .. and the Council hereby oilers said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works_I�g autl lie is hereby instructed and - --_ directed to prepare, plans all,] specifications for said intproventemt, umd snimnit same to the Council for -- approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby antho•ired and directed to proceed with the making of said intproveoen/tin accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..._.._.__. Approved ...l....i/-- —..-Z. ._ _ la / T Couneihnen Fardworth C. F No. 2308— t - In^th ;Matter pf- conet$cting„a:' side• tnererore. b It R ply d, h th Council o[ the Clt� oft Paul that to pre eve nature, e tent a d-;ki dl f -imp ...tr [o -be deal the said we la side ouGriga. '1 atdewalk on the west ids' of Griggs' the[r Ce Randolph St. to order. ea id and the Council -hereby orders s¢Id Im- prResoly t to r made. -Reanlved Further. That the- . loner t Public Works andd he he is l hereby of and directed to pre-' pare plana and pan to ttone for said',, Improvement, a and submit .same .toy the Co 'ppr .] for approval; ; city rfl, r said .prays], She .raper city Died to hereby authorised and dl cted to p ory peed with the making of said im provement-inaccordance No,. 11. th.19 ,.I .ldopted by the Coun I1N .11,.1914. -` I vPd Nov 11, 1914. /�, ✓ y ,.. tea_,... 914) j.� aft{s (ns Ke er Al '.oil O' .easy Y erg Ma —ems— C. F No. 2308— t - In^th ;Matter pf- conet$cting„a:' side• tnererore. b It R ply d, h th Council o[ the Clt� oft Paul that to pre eve nature, e tent a d-;ki dl f -imp ...tr [o -be deal the said we la side ouGriga. '1 atdewalk on the west ids' of Griggs' the[r Ce Randolph St. to order. ea id and the Council -hereby orders s¢Id Im- prResoly t to r made. -Reanlved Further. That the- . loner t Public Works andd he he is l hereby of and directed to pre-' pare plana and pan to ttone for said',, Improvement, a and submit .same .toy the Co 'ppr .] for approval; ; city rfl, r said .prays], She .raper city Died to hereby authorised and dl cted to p ory peed with the making of said im provement-inaccordance No,. 11. th.19 ,.I .ldopted by the Coun I1N .11,.1914. -` I vPd Nov 11, 1914. /�, ✓ y ,.. tea_,... 914) j.� aft{s 237f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ]it the AlHtter of const-ructirg.-a sidewa-lk an the west -side. of -Grigg e -s tree t .rQa.-.Randolph atr.e.et to..J.ame.a stx.e.e.t. ......... .... ...................... — ......... .......... ... ........... . ..... ......... . . .... ........ under Preliminary Order approved., JU.ly.10th,-1914, To the Council of the City of 8t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improveolf-ot is per, lineal foot for six foot walk The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said imprownient, and the assessed vahiation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assyssor, are as follows: The Commissiouer of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, {,nd hereby submits the .foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to jhim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated �1%3 _.__.....ly]_ . Commissioner of Finance. To The Honorable Common Council and Board of Public Works: Vie, the undersigned owners of property abutting on the west side of Griggs St. from Randolph St. to James St—do hereby petition your Honorable Bodies to cause sidewalk to be laid on the west side of Griggs St. between points above mentioned. 4 ... ..... ......................_Jul1_.._1:7.,..__.................191.. 4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- cil, known as Council File No._.......632........... ...approved...............July_.....lQ..,.........._............ 191.4:..., relative to .............. ...... _..... cons'ruc_ _ing.._a.._s_idel alic..._on..._the.._ Ives.t.._s_ide....Qf..._Crriz .-St_,... .......... ..........................._. ')e tween__Rando l�h.._and..._Jaine s...._Scree_t s.._._ ......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _._.......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- ................ and the total cost thereof is $....................... ........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................................................................................... TO THE HONORABLE COTIRION COUNCIL of the Qity of bt.Paul. 17a, the undersigned owners of property to !be benefitted by the proposed side -walk on the west side Of Griggs 6treet, between Randolph and James Streets, do hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to cause said sidewalk to,,be laid, and urge that it be done with the least possible delay. ■ Joux x. saazas, o.xr acnnn CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITZ OLTuRR'9 OFFICE Yob. 4th,1914. ITFI Hon. ;d. rI. Goss, Effi�W Ir1l Cosmr. of Public 'Norks, City NOV 4 - 1914 �J DM. N. GOSS. Dear sir:— COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WJAS Attached C. F. 2308, a Final order to construct n side- walk on Griggs St. from Randolph St. to JamesStreet, was laid over one week to meeting of M ovember llth,1914, the Council to visit Ad interim. Soave owners of property abutting an this improvement object to this side- walk, ns the street is not graded, and there is no necessity for a walk. Yours truly, K f , �/��k f • ��r lJ ff City Cla COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. -,4 In the 3fatter of. MRBIT140.n..g si.x, foot cement . side.i,val,k, .. o .. n King street both sides from Charlton street to Bidwell street ................. ............ ....... ........ under Preliminary Order. _702 approved .1914 Intermediary Order ......approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sinne; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of hn- provenient to be made fly the said Cit.), i,the donAtuction of a Ax foot cemaztY41- )c on kA g etkeet both sidev- fr6m­ Charlton street to Bidwell street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plan's and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement I accordance therewith Adopted by the Council ........... if........... Clerk Appi,oved... Mayor. Councilmen Farilsworth Gm �(a Ice Ke or Al Coll 0 eary erg Mayor overs y71; - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE undbf Preliminary Order approved......_J.V.ly. 15th,,, , 1914 To the Council of the City of St. Paul• The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is f.....49,¢„peT lineal f oot. S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improw went, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are 118 follows: W'/ .7 DESCRIPTIONof 61 ADDITION Assessed Valuation s� a -ON�_._._i�L_O 4 f i i Liz 444 DESCRIPTION Lot. Blo ADDITION Assessed Veluat��n I J- 17 -4 !� , f � 1 ! -744 R The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he bas investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to acid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ...... _.......... . Commissioner of Finance. 1 PIONEER PRESS CO. Aasza Lace, M 1 To the r;9nQr_abLe_-City Council,------- /-- - --- -- Wit. . Paul. — - - - --- - - — i -- ---- 3— SGen_tlemens_- a _-=- ---------We-,_tlie _under -signed. c_wners _of _propErty__on botIi_side-,-_ s between CLarlton_ St. - and Bidwell St. do i ereby_rec— _ s _p-ectj11y_.pet tiyn your honorable body- to- Eaus,e-a.ei,devalk__o#'_—. 4-_ceren_t blocks 6 feet in width to be laid on said street- I Owners. Lot_ k310 k Addition - -- .— 10 f 12-7, f-- --—''�.°'. `_� �.. �t•.�(./ c}-ft%'t ��u t`C c-r.t.. �_..__—X.L _/='a_L' i 14 16 18 / ,j/�]� �,� � /fig {' ✓r /� �� ,cr 21 JV 23 24 26 27 291 30 - fi 4 i '- - --- 31 m Office of the ComirAssioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Conmaissioner of b'inance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideratioKIlie preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...__70u._.........__approved ._......._.Julj' 15.1__ .............. ... 19L.'I relative ta_..........._......_._ c..r.,.e..t_xu.C..t_ » .....r ..._s_i .._fop.�...._cam ent..._a.i _eti alk_ on.._IanE..._St_._._...ot'r..:._side.. fror; -. Charl.tcr. St..._to. B.idwe'..1.. St ..._.......... _.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............. _._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is {.._.....:jca:.'_h....._.., and the total cost thereof is { _.. ____ . xa...__..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. _........... _ ........__.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. .... ... ...._... _... .. .. _... ......._ ......... ... ... ... .._.... ....... _- ._ .... 5. Said improvement is ............._..._.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' m issioncr of YuUlic Works. .r 09 6-�, q COUNCIL FILE NO... _.........___._.._._.._..__.. /// 13y.... ..... ........ ____ ........_................_. FINAL ORDER. Iu the Alatter or ._.gogstruct_in a_._eidev✓alk of ceren.t...bl.ocks_._to-a .width of 4....f.e.e.t...O.n...th.e._we_s.t...s.i.de...of__CheImsf.ord....a.tr.e.etfroff, D.asvrell 2ave.qqel to Dudley street. under Preliminary Order......... 1278. _..___......_....................approved...._..,i►ugua.t._24..th....._1..X11/4....._.._.........._..._._.....__. Intermediary Order .. _......._ _..___..approved ........_._ J .��1 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of int- provement to be inade,by the said City is..._.the__construction _-of-a- four. -and -one—half foot. cement aide -- vial -k- on --the Meetaideof Chelmsford street from Domall evenue" to Dddley stred and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and snbmit sante to the Council for approval; that npmn said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement tiinacaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.............0 "''"�..7_.......19�. j /i �lm•l�j Approved......, 1.._G.._..._.........__ 7__ Mayor. Councilmen Fart worth Gos �7 Ke] er / M ;oil 0' eary 1 erg Mayor were Resolved 'Further, That theCom- rassloner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare glans-.sud pec(flcntioas for. and tinprovement, and submit same. to the Council for; approval; that upon - said .approval„ the proper, city officers •are hereby-at.thort-d sad directed to proceed with thething f said Im- provement in c dance therewith. Adopted by the Cou ncl] Oct. 27, 1919. Approved'' �7Oct c1231 1919) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE L: the Matter of .con,etxuc,ting a _sidewalk.. of cement blocks to a width of 4.7BI_..f.ee.t... an.....th.e. _w.e.at.. aide- Q.f,...Ghe.l_maford_street from Doswell avenue to Dudley ........... ........... _... street. under Preliminary Order approved AU e t .. th, . 19I4 .... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: r The Commissioner of Finance hereby te)0 as follows: 37 er The total estimated :unom:t of the nasessuumt fforthe above iuyn•ocemcut is:�._,_._......�.....P.............. lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that cony be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follonn•s: n AG -1 12_o� DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION Vahlation iDl��o DESCRIPTION —� Lot Bloe ADDITION Assessed Valuation � I I � -- - - - - - _._s�..a_- --- --- ,.--------'� I Jry/ The Commissioner• of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. _._r%/1197.._ G Commissioner of Finance. � StPaul, Minn., August 3rd, 1914. .To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul.: We, the undersigned, being owners of property on Chelmsford Street, between Doswell Avenue and Dudley Street, do respect- fully petition that you cause an order to be given for the r/Aconstruction of a^ idewalk on the west aide of said Chelmsford Street, from Doswell Avenue to Dudley Street; said sidewalk to be ld.,.bprivate contract or by city contract, as the —66ers'may desire; and further, that said sidewalk be com- pleted during the summer or fall of 1914: J proPerty owner Lot Block a%8yaq �v Y a y D tF s I Lot Block a%8yaq �v Y a y D t: C� COUNCIL FILE NO ........... 13y.......... ........... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of...reconst.ructin,g., .r.elaying.and K.e. rg with cement blocks to_a._width. ofs_ix fee_t__.the Preeert sidewalk on -Tag -le street east side bnirningg at..Exchange street thenc north 230 f*d under Preliminary rder_._1Q45._._/// .._.... approved .....Alltust..._8/Gh, 191 ......... .... Intermediary Order . _...___... LI X ........_ ......_. _..approved ............ ............ J...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.....the...reconstructing.,ralaging... and -repairing ...aoth._.eament a sidewalk six feet wide on the east sideof Eagle street from Exchange street ;dorth...2.80._..eet _ _......... .... _......_ _._ .__.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed oil(] directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby autho� and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._.........19./..... t1 / .17 Councilmen Faralworth Gos. Kell r 7 lIel ill / O'L ary Yoe Mayor Poi ra -- --....__.................... Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the platter of__.re.p.gne,tril tin .......relayin.g_,_And repairing with cement blocks t...a.'a:.i.d.th .af.....six ....f.e.et. th.e....pr.e.e.Kz_t s.i.ciewalk_„on_Eagl_e street, east side beginning... At_ ,.Exchange...etreet_thenpe ryprth 230 feet. ... ..... ..............1 .... .. ......._.--- .. . ... _ ... _. ._... ...._.... 1 ander Preliminary Order approved .._...._.Angus.t......8..tb.,..._..14............_............... ..........__.........._..._....__........._._........._ _............: To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the shove improvement is �_ ..49.....per.__1ineA foot r� t. ,wu.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improlunnent; and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as list reported by the Assessor, :are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, togethei with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ..__......_ //_� ...........191.. Commissioner of Finance. j To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Comical File No...................._...............approved.............._.ugu..................a.................... ....1914.,..., relative to............................. reconstruc_ing....,relayng_and.._repairing__wth, ce�ent blocks the P..resent..._e della k....to.._a..._wid h...of,._e x._feat...o? ...the.....east....aids.._ qf.............I........... ag.1e....St.,,...hag.3.nring....at....Exohange.:...St....._thenca....noxth._83.0-ft ........ .._....................._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is and the total coat thereof is $................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................. _....... ............................................ _................ _....................... _. CITY OF ST. PAUL +- COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM A � CITY OF ST. PAUL 23M COUNCIL RE§OLUTION—GENERAL FORM. Subject... ..................... .._ aoltr,ea Fug No. .....................',. Date Presented./ .........t.....1911�..... Resolved, That the time within which the St. Paul City Railway Company toe ordered and required, under Ordinance No. 3905 to build and.operat a line of street railway upon St. Clair street from West Seventh street to Oxford street, is hereby extended to June 1st, 1915, and said City Railway Company is given, until such date to complete said line and have the same in operation. Resolved further, That the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to refrain from causing to be issued or enforced a writ of peremptory mandamus in the action now pending in the District and Supreme Courts of this State in said matter for the enforcement of said ordinance. Resolved further, That such extension of time and stay of the ,issuance of a writ of peremptory mandamus are hereby granted upon the of express condition that said City Railway Company waives all right n appeal or writ of error or other means of review of the judgment entter- " ed herein in the -.-District Court- of Ramsey County and the Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota in the action to compel said City Railway Company to comply with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. This resolution shall be in force and effect from and after it passage, approval, publication and aoceptanoe"in writing by.said Bt. Paul City Railway Company in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. l'C sR B Ivod,'. Thaatt heF No 2219 �Veowe-lthln it ' t:- tPm0 'x'hlch the"St Pavl Cipt 'RnilVvnY. gder't, a utrad, . - I;pgny Se::,order d and of ¢ erto nxG ]Ins of etre t�slwaY upon 8k - ICl¢Sr street;Yrom \S estB h.jba ten eot . 'to Ox�orletetrel6 a d eaid3rXClCY ft¢11d t - III p Y COn1Pan in glv n:uhtil each [late ;�. to c ttiplote enid Ilea; and hnve;y th js¢me In operation i fteaolVefl::,furtho T1iat the Corpora } y di t4 tfon Counsel in heroliY dlra4terei - I;t Ln from=paaeing to;be ieaued or en• Ii fore d R vrrlt oY p@remptorY dgmue ItW the actton. now pendthg Sn t District and 9ttDreme CoUrta of �I +this !4{ate i;in said .matter for tho en i"toreemaut�bf enid ,ordinance. Rce41v6d furthea. Thgt such eaten ��aton of thea aria stay of Lha feeugn4@ Toe n'wrtt-ot perempto{'Y tgand¢mtfe aro i h ehY,lg;tinted uDCfi�:theft �x1PnYe+COM-, pntlY iwt�hnt Bald Y 4 Luca ell night of aPDeal or Meana OL r0' Yeas (V) Co ocilmen. V Nays ( ) Y ' writ o[ mrot' or ptheC vt@ v 4t.;the ,dagment entered _, eCoh n, in the DI htot Court oC Ram Y`+Cove b and the $uprem@°: Court of the to. ted by the Council // t state t M,,nneaota to the action eats CL{S Railway Company Fa worth compel / 11/comply with the forms and con8tttonB Go __C'L_i of enid „ofdirtnnca Tp 1a res lution stiail ba !n. torch A ;¢et@r 1ta Passage V 1 KC er �� - nndettecG from and [Ovid arta ncc0ptanna PP 6 M 011 / approval,: publicatton In wrtnng fay said $k Pnui C[tY Anil COmD&ny in a* Corm to be 6Y1 „ ". } . �' ary . way', ' - proved .bY tris Corpo,ratlon CoUnBel by tNe Cougqofl Ock BB 5,916 - 2B iB14 Y gAdopted Approv: dOct .,a fOtl. 21 YB161 y '� MAYOti I _-Mr President, P were _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, .. � t, Subic'eL ........ml _....__._ - .........COUNCIL 2M ._..._ .._._ _.... ...._.........:....... ._..._ PILE No _......... .... .._.._............................ ................. ............ ...... _...................... _ Date Presented............:.. ..... ........191 i r� Resolved_ That the Commissioner of parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to give and hold free public concerts in the Auditorium during the remainder of the year 1914, . and to incur all necessary expense incident thereto; such expense to be paid out of the appropriation heretofore made for such purpose from the Publicity Fund. 1 { C.n olo 2313hat, O E ,1{uiler ges Ived That the and, FU ll0113 of ,I I<Parka PlaYb '"ta and Public liutld-; Inge fa horoUY:'authoTlzGd.and di ectod, inb ttheeAudltorlum1tludngbtha, T mala 1. - 'deri of the_Year 1914 and-_:.ko,.lnour all, { necesary expena incl�ent thereto, such xpense,to bo' aid aut of the ap pruprlation pdArpdoohpUted heretoto a ell, li mythoo CPpuu liaro`btayd�.eFufnord Hoch i Oat 28 1914•.II (��ADprov d Oat. 291914 i� :, 45 CITY OF ST. PAUL ^i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ......... .Q0F.D M1kG....OLn.:.21PE ....... ........:...........................__..............._.._ ���5 COUNCIL Y.IO _ PILE.......... ......... Date Presented ._0OA _2$:,.1:9.14191........... Resiiwed, That. WHEREAS the Commissioner of Public Safety, has notified the Pgrchasing Agent that the Bureau of Fire Protection has an assortment of lead pipe, sheet lead, iron pipe, etc.', valued at about $65.00, on hand, which is not available for use and which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, o And, WHEREAS thi's has been approved by the Comptroller, now therefore be 'it RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to sell the above mentioned pipe at the best prices obtainable in the open market. Yeas ( Y) (oerg ncila swol 1'.. s er y oll �Ay . eary *'i FINAL ORDER. In the Mattes of ..r!pgonetruot n.g,_. xebk_ilding _and . rz.pa ring__wi th .cement .blocks toa width of ..six feet._._the__present._s_idewalk_ on.north_�de_of Z4 street .... . be 105 fegg west of Mississippi stgeEt gP,ppc QQ8 46 feet under Preliminary Order ..._b.5 ! ___ ..._.approved 1.L11YT[l, �`�.J. Intermediary Order /._ _._... __._._approved ___._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sauce; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im, provement to be made by the said City is._...the...ra.c.on 6t.11tCx.�.oiz.,.i e.laying_._and._ repairing_Ptith.__..___._ cement blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the north sideof Cayuga street bega05�faebmes4.af i ssiesiper.street -thence. ..aast...46- feet .-...___._.._ _.. _.. _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and be is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .....� .....19//!�" Approved.._._Y...U....._ __. v.�(....19_C..... Councilmen Fa Nsworth G Ke ler Ill "oil 7 0' Cary Yo rg Mayor Po erg Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alaiter of. __r4.C.ons_t.xu.4t.is.g.,.....rebuil3in.g.and .r.e_pa_irigg.._with. cement __, _bl.o_4 a ta.....a .mi.d.th.._of...a..i...fe.e..t.....the ....pre se.n.t....exdeval.kt QA_ north _s de_ pf... cj _y 94.._,atreet.__beginning..._105...,feet,., west_._of..,_M _e.siasippi etr,eet thence we.at.....46..... feet ..................................... ..........................._.....__..............._......._....._......._.._..._............._.......................__................._.........._......._.__......... _... under Preliminary Order approved .......sJuly.....15_th_1.�1.4_ -... ........ _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports its follows: 49¢ er The total estimated amount of the assessnumt to,. tile above mlprovement is �:lineal foot......r._....._.......F?........... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of.each lot or paryel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION I Lot I Blocl¢ ADDITION fI Assessed Valuation REPORT ...................... ... rr 4 !nf r..................! �— /✓ > ! a /� t .......�.fret.C.. f',J!tJ.. � �` C'Cl r p �'Ym�'- ....mss... t-. ..,......... G2 ✓, d Y f J P I�`�.... ` .........�"_........ ..........e. CJ...........W �,y?;?t �.. �I'.I� /f -✓ ;... _ C9 .................. .....:;....:.......................... ¢ ....... / l , / ✓ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... . ... . ....... //v.G 197.Y Gam, Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ........................ °1:4191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........:.._695.,.._...approved ...................... _July_,_15,...._.191.4...., relative to._... .............. _.... . reconstructing, rebuilding and repairing with cement blocks to dePalks..._gn.._the.follo ing..street _......_........C. YuBa.._. t..,.....?1.4rth_._side..._1� ginning.._105..._ thence west 46 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... ........... .... necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is$_..f... ..._................... _, and the total cost thereof is._..............._..... ...._......_ and the nature and extent of said, improvement is as follows: ....... ....................... ........._................ _......................... _... ....... .... ......_.......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................._ .................._........................................._............. 5. Said improvement iqk''-�......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. t........ f ... ... ..... mmissioner of Public Wor S. FINAL ORDER. In the Mattel ot.._.recon_e. Ving.,._ relaying and repairing to a width of ten feet the present alk on the west side of Wacouta street beginning 3f30 -feet north -of Sixth--st'ree't-'thenoe- north .__5f1....fes.t.,_................... r under Preliminary O,del 7.6a approved July 21st1 1914 �h !/._. ..... Intermediary Order_ �.U.. .._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iul-, prevenient to be made by the said City is._. the .._ re.canetru.ct.ion...,re.p..e r._and.._.relay ng_t,o_._a.,_widt'h of ten feet the present sidevalk on the saw side of. Wacoute. street beg.100 feet north of Sixth_. s'tre'et"thence Horth 50 feet and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, Ind submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper cityofficers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � i Adopted by the Council ................ .. _._..__.... ......... lerk. . _....._.. C Approved ........ l..................__.lam.... ' ,Mayor. Councilmen For sww•th Go Kel r 1 Me, oll O'Lary Yoe g 1llayor Pot rs made. i Resolved Further. That the Commis - loner of Public Works be and he :s j hereby s Instructed and directed to pre- Ipare plans and peciacatione for /d improvement and submit same to te 1f Council for approval; that ,an aafri lld herebyaauthorized athe ndror edirected to„ Pro need with the making of. said Improve- . F� -1 Sn'accordance'- therewith. 28, 1819. Adopted by the Council Oct. ?. Approved Oct. 29, 1914. (Oct. 31-1914) 3� I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of.rec_o3�etructing_,...._relaying, and,_ rerairing to -a.. width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the west side of wacouta street .. ... .................... ........ beginning 100 feet north of Sixth street thence north 50 feet. ....... ...... .... ....... ... ........... ............ .._...... . ......... ..... ... ........... .... ....... . ........ _ .........._ _..._......... .... ....._... . under Preliminary Order approved ....;T..Ul.y...21et,.....19-14 _ .. _.._..._... .._ _... __._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 82¢ _er The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above iuipro�•ement is lineal foot .'._ ..............P ............_... for new walk. The Pots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Vol DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION Assessed Valuation _ I ' I. vl �7 �0. rPlo �—}-r .__.._._._._- _-____�._ 1 t � I _,. a� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ._____�f/ _... .... _..191 _� Commissioner of Finance. Jtt1X....2 J ......................191..4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- - cil, known as CounciVFile No ........... Nq............. approved.. .......... _......... �u .Y _Nla....._......19LA, relative to ......................... reconetruo_in ,..._r. lc..yn�.._and.._repairinG�_,i h_e...rressnt__sia hylic,. on _Ghe............ !.Ide....of ..._l"J_tcouta_._Streea,_._to..._a-..aidth,.._of,... ten..._fe.et..,...u!.g 2 ing..._100..._f�et north of Sixth Stract, thence north 50 feet .._._..._ ...................._ ..... _...... _....._......... and having investigatedthe matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. r L,.x...... and 2. Thei r.'estimated cost thereof is $ ........... and the total cost thereof e $ ............ .............. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... _..... ... . ............ _....4.,,........_ ................ .. __...... . . 3: A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. . ...................... .......... .................. .._............... .............................. _........ ._. _._. .......... .............. ... 5. Said improvement is__ ... ...�...................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... .. _.......... _............. Commissioner of Public Works. R ,l COUNCIL FILE NO.._..._ ... ......... ___ .._.__.. By_ .......... ................. ..._..._...._......................... ...........---__._......... _ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter ol'....xe.Co.nB.tru.c.tin .g.,_._relaying ..and., repairing Mit_h._ cement blocks -- to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on North side of Seventh ._._..s.tr.ee.t....be g.i.nn.ing.....67_...fec t....was t. -of _.Jackson ..street_-.thenc e__w.e.st._ 9.4....f.es t.. under Preliminary Order 1.283/.. l�..- _ __,...._ . _ ____....__approved _._AU.gust _.2.4.t_h, __1914-11--.1--1 Intermediary Order (b. c! .� v approved .. .._..__... ............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the. precise nature, extent and. kind of inr- provennent to be nnade by the said City is..._.the....rec.onstru.ction..rel,.E>y.ing...an.dre.pairing...With ....a..ement blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the North side of Seventh streeet beg: 67 feetrwest..of...- Jackson .s.trest thence ....weet_.90- feet. ...._._ _._. _.__....._.._..........___. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council, for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..............L�. I9 erk. Approved.......____l a....._... F%....._19_. Mayor. Councihmen Fai isworth Go s Ke er 3Ic 'oll 0'ary Yoe g Mayor Po rs a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alatter of- relaying and.. repa i.ringw it.h ..c.twe.P. o c4s to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on North Bide of Seventh .......... .................. .............. ............................ .................... ... .......... ........... . ...... street bqginning 67 feet west of Jackson street thence west 90 feet. .................... ............ ....................... ............. ..................... ........ ... ... . . ....... ............ ..... .... . .......... ... - .. ..... .... ............................. ........... .... ... ....... ............. .. ........ under Preliminary Order approved . ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finantie hereby reports its follows: The total estimated amount of the assessla,ut for he above julp,ov,olent is lineal foot for new walk. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for Said improwinelit, and the assessed valuation of eaefFlot or parcel as lost reported by the Assessor, are its follows; __- `! DESCRIPTION Lot look ADDITION Assessed Valuation s � 1144 ;111 --- .—. _ _ _---- —T7 i c I i i!r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated till of the aforesaid Matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together W& the report Made to_ him in reference to sant emitter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated..._.._......_..........__ 1 ....................191..` Commissioner of Emmnee. Office of the Com, hiissioner of Public Works J / 5 Deport to Commissioner of Finance ...................... ---191- _ 4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- cil, known as Council File No........_1283........... approved 91.._ relative to...._th8 .... . reoonstruotionen ,_.._relaying..and._:repalring_._with..__oep�t_ blpcks_._to_.__a...................... _ w. dtl.....Qf...._t.en...%e.a.t.,......the.....psazent.....eide.malk_._ok-the.....north....side .....of.._.S.eventh and having investigated the matters and things referred to the'Na, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_............................ _. and the total cost thereof is$.................................... _.........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............._..._:.... .>............ ................................................ ................................ ....... ........... ............... _.................... .._................. ............................... _................................... .... ............. .............. ......... _.................................. ........................................................................... ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4..-..............-........................__....................-.............._......._........... .... _- ............................... ............................... ........ ................................................ _ .... ... 5. Said improvement is... _....... nQt_........ -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. r �.. _..... ._............... ... ...._..... _.....-_ ............... riOmmi�ai ne of Public Worker COUNCIL FILE NO.._-__... By.............. ............. ........_.._..____ _........ FINAL ORDER. reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement blocks III the flatter of to_ a..width....of_ten .-feet ..the .-.present __side -walks -_.on....the ......_- following streets, Fifth street south side beginning 65 feet east of Robert St. thence..east.....4-1.._feet, Sixth street. south side beginning 140 feet east of Oedar street thence East Y feet 888 Jul 28th 1914 under Preliminary Or er. ._... / approved a _. Intermediary Order / ........... .......approved ............. ................ _..................... _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- pg9vement to be made by the said City is....tha...reeonstrtiction,relayi%..and_.re_Iairing....._... ........ ...._._. with cement blocke,the streets as follows: Fifth street south side beg. 65 ft east6 of Robert -'street thence east 41 ft:--Sixth-street'-south side berg. -100 ft east -of-@edar-at-then east 75 f t. an(ffile Council hereby orders saitkimprovenient to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER Tha a Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and dllected to prepare plans and specificatmn�s r said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the 1) h ity officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the looking of said intproveulen 'n accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...... .. ....19...ZZ, La Approved_...... _.__..:. _......__._....__...._-- ................. ?....... .... Mayor. Councilmen M •nsworth C. F. No 2310— t InIng ande.repatring trQnitti g�cemerelant.' G ss blocks to a'.;Wldth oP ten feet the - present sidewalks on the f.11 , Ing atreeta Fifth}.street, eouth side ,be Il ilei. .ginhtng bb feet ,east oP^Robert, 9t., . thence east .41 feet;- Sisth atree;,- ..uthz arae„ beginning 100; feet sash \1 Coll -of Ce,;T street, thence East 1fi feet, ' under rrstreet, the Order:'. 888 aP ' Preyed, July 28th 191,4. _.A pubna hearing having been bad ()' Can•)• open. the above improvement Po du 1 notice e,nd; tke a.Counetl -having heard a12 persons, obl.ctiona and recornmen- Yo dations relatve thereto, and having g fully, con$Idered;the same, -therefore, V e It - Resolved ]3Y the -council of the City:; Mayor Po ers of St: Paul that the precise nature, e8 tent -and kind,ot improvement to be made by the Bald CitY,Is, the recon strue on. relaying and reyp.iring with-- cement blocks,. the streets ' as follows: -Path-. Aireet. south, aide, beg. 65 ._feet,. to pro- , Drove - 28, 1914. Y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the msttar of re.con.stru.Q_tin.g, ._relay.i..ngand.__.repai_ring._with cement blocks . ..... .......... of.._ten feet..._the present ,sidewalks on the following streets Fii..th....a.tra.e_t-anuth....:s.i.de.....be.g.i.nn.ing_..6.5 .f.eet east.._of . Robert_ street thence east 41 feet, Sieth street south side beginning 100 feet east of Cedar street ... ....... ................. ..._...... __.... .......... .. ........... _.. _.... the nceEaet.75._feet,__,_. _ .......__ ___. under Preliminary Order approved ..... JWY 2E.th., 1914 To the Council of the City of $t. Paul: The Commissioner of Fiji anee4-rehy reports as follows: The total estimated amolult of the assessment for the tlboce iinproepill elL is $..,.%%O.._per lineal foot for new sidewalk. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows; ,file Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all ,of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the l,,onuaissioner of Public Woks. Dated........_._......__.. G...4......_ ................191..0 .......�.... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the`(omrrussioner of Pubic Works _. Report .to Commissioner of Finance ............AuM......_3..t ........_......._.........79L 4._ To the Commissioner-of Finance of the City of St. Pall: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- S . $.approvedJul 38. t.........._........._1914<..., relative to...... _................... cil, known as Council File No..........._s... ___.......................... � reaonstruot ng,,,_„rely. ing„_and..repa ri.. _with o....blocks to a width of 10 ft., the present sidewalks on the following streets F1fth__St,..,._south.._slde,�.._beginning 65 ft Eaet of Robert St ., thence east 41 ft., Sixth St., south side, beginning 100 ft. east of _Oedar....8t—,.....thencs_...east_...75....3.t .. .............. ............ _....................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ __........ necessary and (or) desirable. XX:c 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__....._......._....._.._._, and the total coat thereof is �............................. and.............. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........ ....... .... ......... ................................................................._.... COUNCIL FILE NO By .4 FINAL ORDER. 2'3120 .4 In the Matter of...,. constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the east side of Robertson street from Fi moi avenue o .... . .......... .... under preliminary Order 10.56. approved..___August­ 8. th., 1914 . JA Intermediary Order ....approved ........................ ...... ..... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sallie; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- ProvenleiA to be niade by the said City is-_ ..the.. con.struction....of a six foot c-ement, sidevialk. - on the East side oloNabertson street from Fillmore avenue to Fairfield ave ......... . ­ .. ...... .... .. . ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for Approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance ith there""w. it" 19 //Z/� Adopted by the Council �Aa ' Approved_.._.G Q. '_ Z -f '.0/-/—fZ Mayor. Councilmen Fill.] sworth Goa! C F iiie %atter In of,coaiai:4c"h`'' walk- of: -dement Weeks t..-Iddt}3�' of SiXteet, on" -the east side of Rob - Kell -r ertson street from-Fi_Umors avenue to. Fairfield avenue undbr,,Prellmiri-i ary,Order 1066 approved August sthil A,publl-beaAng having, 'beea7hadl upon, tho,"aboie Amoroverent; upon: due ratios Aad the , C.ifficil - lutvlrlg' O'Llal. y board all , erAous,"obje.tionw-amd. r.- . ornmendatf, us coos thercto,e and havjng, fully, -, considered. the same; Yo g therefore,, be lt�, 'Resolved, By. the� Council -of the City of BL' Paul, that the-, pmel.e nature, Mayor PoNjers _tent and k��ml C prqeme, d y is .t to be ren by ti�. old ilin ,,true_ tio. of " a foot coolant ablev the East P'd. .___ I... .-In n rillmore _�e to Fairfield -ilfiel d avenue, and the Connell hereby e,.by orders said Im- pr_ms.t to be made. Resolved Further, That the Commis- sioner of Pohl, c Works be and he Is hereby Instructed and directed to pre - Pare plans and specification, for slid improvement. and submit same to the Cc "' r Prl1ll; 1hlt upon, said hppr.v,jf0t.:ipr.p.r city Officer. are amiho­ an dT.,c.,0.a' t *I 4 .,r,by _it. theed ro,ced cc.klrg of in-, Pr—ree., .. —or a... ­­ltb. Ad.ei­ k,Y Approved Oct. 29, 1914 (Oct. 31-1914) Mayor. r �' v3 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the \Litter of_ c_onq.truct.ing a..._sidewalk of..cement blocks to a width of p.. Bix feet on the east Bide of Robertson street from Fillmore avenue to ....... ......_. .. ......................... ............. ........... .. .... Fairfield avenue. ander Preliminitry Order approved 8th, 1914 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is x_,.49¢ per lineal foot file lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvemctit, and the assessed vshiation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are ns follows: x' 1 /✓��/If Gil/ olclL �/�4 /n/�isue�L Q % uL �N The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and herebysubmitsthe foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 0 � _.__.. 3_ . 191 G ... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of .Finance ........................... Auguat_..14,.............. 1914.._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No....._1056 ............ approved .... ._u. a�.�t....8.•+......._..............191..4..., relative to..................... _....... _... .......... _conatT.uctlag...a....H.1ftWalk....o3.....aement....blacks ....to a....wlclth....nf.....Bis....f.S.at.......... ........... _...... on.._the..._eeet...._s_ ....... . .Ye..................................................._:................................................................._......_................................................................................................................_._................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie........._._._.._meeessary and (or) desirable. xXXXX. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.__XXxx _..._......X............_. and the total cost thereof is $..................... ...... _.................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................................... _...... ..._.................... _....................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.................... ........... ........_..._.....__._......._......................................_......_......_....._......_................_.................................._........................_......................._._.................. 5. Said improvement is_..... ??4t.._..__.._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 ...' .............. .......... __._............ ...... _..................................... Commissioner of Public Works. t 2321 COUNCIL FILE NO.- .............. 13y.....___._..........._.............--__..._....._._._..._.._.._..__....__...........__. FINAL ORDER. Vol, ]it the hatter of..co.n.s.t.ruc_t.inga....sidewalk-of _c..emer._t._blocks__to a width of. six.._.f.e_et...on._...th.e..._na.rth__e.id.e._ o.f._?iel�itt.. avenue_ from.._Syndi.ca_te:,avenue to --a Griggs street under Preliminary Order— approved August. 8th,1914 Lttermediary Order _._� _.... { ... ... ........approved _...._. _........... _........ ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having filly considered the same; therefore, be it 0 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City 91...4-4x„f.o.9.t_ cement sidewalk ... _.__._.or,...the.-Nortb._sida of .I3ewitt-.avenue...f.rem...Syndiaate._.ave.nue_.to__Grigge.__atreet_.__. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare pans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in �accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _......ti�%f ' i'” 19.// L / - Clerk. Approved....... L d _.� �/J....19. .Mayor. Councilmen Fat i�sworth Go s Ke ler \ic 'oil , O' eary Ye rg Mayor Po 7ers "IA � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of....const_ructing .a sidewalk of .cement blocks to a width of ___.... _ _.._.... ___ .. ._.__..._ six feet on the north side of Hewitt avenue from Syndicate avenue to Griggs .._. ...... ........ ... ... ..... .. ........ ...._. street under Preliminary Order approved ..AU,gust_8th, 19,14 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of h'ianuce hereby reports as follows: 49 er The total estimated ena mount of the ssessment for the above improvement is �..._,_..._....�....P........._. lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement., and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION Assessed Valuation I � t � I � � � 1 � 2b o I I DESCRIPTION Lot Bloc ADDITION Assessed Valuation 1c, ,24 5-------- - 02� ,I The Commissioner of Fivance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_... .,...0.... ... .... ._...191Y... _ Commissioner of Finance. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......._1051... ....... approved .............. . .....................191.....4, relative to............. .......... _.... Q9net.lGt.x�g;.._e......dewa.�...._4....cement..._blooks..._to..._a.._width..._oY...._ax.._f ......... ........ _on the.._north.,_ede._..9....._Aewtt_._Ave.....?em...gY?1.d..aste.._Ae.x..... o..._G?gge...:$t• a HENRY E. WERELgAEDT CO, fATIONERS ST. P 1 2 3 i 1,M st,Fa 1-051 City_ Of a-t—paul-, -0 -ay-ndijcate-avenue -and,-Gr-i-&gs -s-tT---t bIr -petit-ion your- honox-ab.1-e --body- to Pnt blocks -I F'REr to a width of six to be laid on'said street between the points men- tioned. Lot -I Addi-tl On-- ----- - - ------ t ------ 0 7 2 3 4 30 C9 COUNCIL FILE NO._ ............... By_...._._..._.._..._........_....._..............._._.._......_._._ _-____..___-__ .. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_.._cone.tructi.ng....a_.s_i.dew.a..1k ofcemer.t... bloe..ksto-_a..wi.dth of six -feet on the east side of State stre:t beginning at Alabama street -.1 ............ ._.... ...... . ...... _....__ ........ _.__._. - .....__ ........... thence south 150 feet under Preliminary Order. .......... .......... 81........_. . __.....approved .. Augu_e ttJ.._2/4th,.__ 149.14' Intermediary Order __.....__:..._._..._/ ..�3_..._.......__........__._...approved.... ............�/rlV_..•..../y...�............ ? A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council ' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saoie; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. ......... __ ........... _. _..._..__. .._.__......_ _.. ._.__.... ....__._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and - directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the snaking of said improvement in aceordanee therewith. Adopted by the Council...._......_.....__..__ .............. ..__.._............19 .......... _ Approved....... ..... _....__.__.............. _ .._......19_.._ ... Councilmen Farnsworth G s i er I I, MecolY O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers -- City Clerk. Mayor. 9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of__c.qn@tru.4_t_n.g..._a„.,_sidey{alk ,of cement blocks toa width of six feet on the east side of State street beginning at Alabama street t.h.e.nc.e.....e.ou.th....1.50...f.e.e.t................... ....... ....... . ..... under Preliminary Order approved_....AUgU.B.t_..2.4.th.r_...1.9.1..4.......... ......... ...... ......_............ ............. ._....... _.._...._..__....__....__........... 1b the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total -estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is.._...9.Q.....p.er- -lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated .......... lL.................191_y j Commissioner of Finance. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No... §! ..... .......... approved. ............. A}?gU:et.....2.4..................... 191.._`x., relative to ............. c.onata...s.idewalk.....of......aement.....hlocke.... to ..a... width ..._oi.....a.ix_..F.aa'�...:.... _on.,._the..._0ast..._sda.,._o3..._State..-Street..,..._beginning.__at____Alab:wma.._Street ,_._theme ............. ............ _....... ...... _.................................. _................................................................... _............................................. _................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...... _........ _necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ............. _................ _. and the total cost thereof is $....._._ .......................... ......_..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................... ........ _......................................... ................. ........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .................._................. ......... _.......... _.. _............. _....................... _....... _... _. _............... ...._.........._...._._......__....-_.. 5. Said improvement is._.._nOt............ __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... .............. _....... ...... _ ....._........._. ...:. ... Co Issioi r of Public orks. .TOBIQ I. H'ARIOY. O[ie Oceae CITE' OF SAINT PAUL 0\�i'Cvjjv`jjT'�L=2LJ/8 �y Oct. 28th,1914. (;U; w'ISSIONEB OF PUBLIC WUt'n. Hon, M.N. Coss, .Cos.mr. of Public Safety, City. Dear Sir:— The ettoched F.O. C. F.2322, to construct n sidewalk on the east side of State Street was laid over until VWT-`.ESDA7%'N0V068ER 4th, 1914, and referred to you. %A representative of theCrescent Creamery appeared before the Council, who thaught this sidewalk was unnecessary at this time as there are no permanent improvements or, the street,the residents e -a mostly squatters, and there is at pr3sent a ou'ficiw t cinder sidewalk vt this place. Yours truly, i City Ootober 31, 1914. I made an investigation and see no good reason why a sidewalk should be laid as oalled for in this order, and I therefore reoommend that this order be killed. l �sy COUNCIL FILE NO ................. ..........__._ __ By...._...__........._._....._.._..._.. ............... ......_.... ..__ FINAL ORDER. ?13r2Z In the Matter of-C.O.Detru.ct.ing.....a_ s.idew..al,k of __c...en,ent.._blocks to a_width._ of a2__ -f-et cn _th.e__sout.h._ eide ..of yi dvray Park. yvay fro..,n Pascal avenue t_o,_..- Haclline avenue. under Preliminary Order.......128D..... ....... ....... __..... ....... _......AUg118_t...2-4...th,,._...-9i4_......... Intermediary Order _._._._..... __. approved ._...... ........ ............... __. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be nnade by the said City is...... .... _ . _ ..--...... _. ..................... __.. and the. Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVE]) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offieers are hereby autliorizo-d mnl directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... City Clerk. Approved_......_.._..__..._......_._...._._ .. __. _....19_.......... Mayor. Councilmen Fm•nswo h as � eel q MeColl z O'Leary loe•g Mayor Powers ✓ '� �y / f i u ...._.............. ........._... under Preliminary Order appnovid...._A1xP11st....Z.4th...... 19.1............. .... .. .:I::..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimate 37. - Ar lineal foot. d amount of the assessment for the above improvement is :�i...1.... �..�!_......... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvennent, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of-oOnOtMUCting a siciewalk.....of ...c.ezent.. b..joq_ks _t.o a w,i th . of 42 feet on the south side of Midway Parkway from Pascal avenue to 0 ........... I ............... I ...................................... -- ......... .. .............. ......... - ......................................... - ............. I .................. -- ................ ........... under Preliminary Order approved Augu.at ZAth 19.14 ..... ......... ....... ............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo is as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement, is x-3?0 --R�T lineal foot. The lots or parcels of load that may be assessed benefits for said iniprownient, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are its follows: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to//said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_.._..._ 1� ...............191 Commissioner of Finance. a7 '3`324G An ordinance granting to H. E. Mack and C. H. Davidson,. co-partnere as the St. Paul Motor Car Company, permission to install and maintain a gasoline storage tank under the sidewalk in front of the premises commonly known and designated as No. 118 West Seventh street, in the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to H. E. Mack and C. H. Davidson, co-partnere as the St. Paul Motor Car Company, to install and maintain a gasoline storage tank under the sidewalk in front of the premises commonly known and designated as No. 118 West Sevdnth street, in the City of St. Paul. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensees for•the installation of said tank upon their compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed tank, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said tank shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection and of installing same. (3) The said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on'account of or arising by reason of the construe tion, installation, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said tank, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said tank remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said tanshall be removed by said licensees whenever the Council shall so ord A 2 - (5) The said licensees shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. pawl. (6) Said licensees shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be"in force thirty days after its passage and publication. F No.. 2324—ord. No 87A1'r13y 31. N. � A din- granting t H. E.: Mack nd C H. Dn Wsan.: co-partners ae the Paul Motor Carfat. 1, na n l.. t.t.g. to Install and mC1 p-gasoliDe storage -- V emises commonly khowat and des ial-Wout of d N 118 \V t Seventh street, lathe Tile Y St.nc Paul. is 1h Council Y the IO of 5t. Foul does OIUnIn: SIX;TION 1 That per mieslon'and authority are -herr by granted I, ffi ?�: black and C. H. Ideon. CaDII mete as Ah. St. Paul Mo-: t C r COIDDany to i to nstall ad matu4tla g ohne -t a mak ¢ der the tk (n Yront of the P .m deR ise- o IDonly yseventh kngwa and lgnated as No:'. ll8 est S at'ret In the C[[y of St Pauh. algepi�by the Council The commtasi oerlo[ Publlc,No ks is YEAS, y MR. FARNSV T ✓p�s� GOSS KELLER E F9 E O•LoEAARR t, NA S, 0 MR -1 P 1Nl file (Sj" Th. .aid lleeusees shall farm.- a hand to the City Of St Pant in the anm oY r. Thonsn d Dollars (510000.00). ondi- ti n d to .a a the Clty Y 9t Fnul- bnrm- I s Prom any and ¢ll 11 Ullity, ludgm nt-. alta 'coats chnrgea,:dnm gas and .-pease-. that mny nccrne to Persa or p- Party on account of or arfaf¢q by rert-on oY the. c.. traction. IastWlntlon, mnlnteuance., operation, use, presence or remount of said tnNl'or . the said Uoad',,. remain In force and e0.'ect as longus--.anld mak remnlns .[at.. The said pond hall be in such':., Yarm na mn be n BProved by the C rpora- tion Coaa el and. hall have such Pr ties ns' ny. be approved by the May and .hall be died witl� the Comptroller of anal! CU. - !4);.Said tnnkrehNl be removeU by said Ilcepaeea..whenever the Council -hall so "I de na, f licenThe -rtid llc r ees -hall pay se fee or, tar that mny be required b an -y ordinance or'law oY the, City of St i Fn4.- hall, ti� affer:thei passageo-thla rd n�Ithuneen flle5a-. written neceDtance thereof with the City; Clark in such farm . m¢Y be nppr.1r'U 'by the Corporation Counael. 8l)CTION :' ThI. oalinnme ehN[tev It. PasIngeb� nd horn• thfrb- day- n a� pnburntloa. I•n%sed by the• crnnc❑ (I 7.oa �Y. i[,PflrFs.\ Icr I rend t; •(:iccoi�i : Nays: p. .S Pp rovrd Nu.-. HENRYActing MaYoi'. \tt,•.st: JOHN 1. FARICSCIty Clerk (Nov. 14-1914) '�i \, •+agola0 to AnP 4J0 I41 uU s '.<aewu3l to AlunoU ���y` 3U 01 J.VYS rte. _ L" - '.\:INYIHA\ 'U Q• J3103U ' • —:Jo �,I 1141 ul SYVH 'D UNVNIOU"Id -XII( \'1I\"1.1 '}I 31)YS'H'100 .H 't'101\'ll \' Tan an "P etgl -P-4+no las olun u+�i A14 boa+a4.11 .(uowl]Aay i apusenand a'.4ua uu do 401 ¢(, joaCQ ss wR m o A311 Q"11 aq g , n (1n+na+nD (43 u 1 ; Or tax that (5) The said licensees sh esaupalgapul io 7unowl 7sa4814 64Y TA 3Z alYlid I...KEa3oP — °a awes 6 +e; 61w s+olaa+IQ Eo P off .1 7+ may be required by any ordinance or 1 -do+d 1 -0 -ad "1+° °d°w "1 al"n°w'3Eaul . 'yans{ +o +auulw flans u( Pun sawn yone 11 u, pl. d aq 1114. Pun 4=111n s+11loQ (00'001) Pa+Pµnji 0"0 Eo anll (6) Said licensees shall, Q udlapap'\Ip111111l°Q1(o0'0 009H Puee'he passage _nogL .Ildld °4 Ils4s uopmod+oD s141te Cit Eo ll=oj..l"lld- 1143 do 3unown a4Y of this ordinance, file a written ac' n34DTY8i -11JOA, Y auo 03 pa1317ua aq 11"4s llaols bo a+nys) Clerk in such form as may be approved 4°na s�"naaw s+aplouK°Oeoainai,,,zsel. 9uilaaw 1"mly tlF A— Inatlai� [1nuu1 141 1n 1- 4 Section This ordinance o p"awn •3dopn .c1w P"1 s''P°q awls �9 Plag Allnnen s+amotl 47 --11e iln ssaseotl IIs4s s+olaa+IQ bo P+s°H °U, force thirtydays after its passage "°+Y p°° I+1111+1111. '31°°lsN-D 1+sID' Y pu1 I—Pisa+d oolA 'snnH 'J Punulp'i a,T :3uapslea+d '3l_1_10D g 6++aH7 - 11"4s +a=}yo 1s+H 1141 s+ ssaaansI +1041 do uol;=ala e41 Ii7"n pun .s1 H: Pu"u}Pla3 P"1 Haolsaiog aia D:t{ •1(ao7eatoD 'H F++113 d° s1In H ols, eaolaa+IQ Eo P+ E.1 a47 s+apl°4K°°1se i 111µu1 3s+p 1147 W. a 1 5"Insua a47 +od sEl PI— yll P+1°H Plas 1141; 9uiiaaw Vlgm 41 0;;sa+a0y747 'vaw! .+apt°43i o3s 1o° 7 -u+nolpl III +old" •TI°lelpawwa +o 6sp' -Bu1T' el ,.Pu P"ou puo=as 1141 + 3d� { 043 o TII d K°°la,o d ana86 saauisn4 to sold 11d}°ut+ PI g II"411 a+ol°a+IQ 7° P+" H� 3ul3aaw oni a4Y . ooIDmonl9 kno now. aldepllihy the Couuc{I _°i��' <-�Z--T91� YEAS. . NAYS. ,q MR. FARNSWORTH i T ✓pysT GOSS KELLER /erg O"LEARY E. NA� MR PIt&�{E��1F6�UER�� SOBN I. PARIOY. Orin Ocnvv CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERIZ'6 OFFICE Oct. 261.h,1 914. 110, . }I -r. ry 1" C C o l l , Co,mr. of Public c;nfcty, City. m};: Council, of tY,pir meetiri. of to—dsy referred the aatt"c}ted C. F. 2324 to you or report to fire hszzerds. This oldins+,-.ce cores ;p a}:+i*'. for its soc or, ijM!'i:SDAY tJ ov. 4th,1914. Yours truly, X / City Cledc. L a ti l 011 ( �--1 0) T_-_- ��% G L� �-� y' ��� 1� I AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION AND APPOINTVFNT OF A CITY PLANNING BOARD. A Section 1. There shall be created a City Planning Board which shall consist of the Mayor, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the Commissioner of Public works, the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Commissioner of Pub- lic -Utilities, the Commissioner of Education, the Commissioner of Finance and nine (9) Yembere to be appointed by the Mayor, none of whom shall be in the employ of the City government. Three members shall be appointed to serve until October -lot, 1915, three to serve until October 1st, 1916, and three to serve until October 1st, 1917, _after which all terms of such members shall be for three (3) years each or until their successors are appointed and qualify. Section 11. The City Planning Board shall study the needs of the.oity and shall prepafe comprehensive plans for the development of the city and shall present such plans to the Common Council for approval and adoption. And especially shall it be the duty of the Planning Board to assist the City Departments.in harmonizing existing conditions with proposed plans. Section ill. All questions concerning the platting of new areas or replatting existing, areas, the vacation -or rearrange- ment of streets, the location of parks, playgrounds, parkways or. other public spaces or highways, the location and design of all public buildings, monuments and street fixtures, the establishment of building lines or of other building restrictions, and „all other matters relat- ing to the planning or replanning of the City shall be referred to the City Planning Board for its consideration and report before final action is taken on the same by the Common Council. Section 1V. The City Planning Board shall have poser to employ experts and to cause to be made such maps, drawings; pho'to- graphs etc. as may be necessary for the proper presentation of the ,plans. The necessary expenses of the Board shall be paid by the .but no member of the Board shall be paid for his services as a ' :member of the Board. , ELK j,AUNDRY COMPANYcz 487 TO 495 MINNESOTA STREET October 27th, 1914. Honorab/Winnwers, Mayor, Hall, . Paul, Minn. Dear M At the meeting of the City Planning Commission held at your Office Monday, October 26th, it was decided to request you to.call a joint meeting of the Common Council and the Planning Commission for ThuredaY October 29th, at 11 A. M. for the purpose of deciding some very important points connected with the proposed ordinance creating a City Planning Board. I am attaching copy of the ordinance in its present form, which I will ask you to send to the Council as soon as practicable for their consideration. We want to be advised par- ticularly on the proposition of whether the various Commissioners should be members of the City Plan- ning Board. Some have thought that perhaps the gentlemen composing the Common Council would prefer not to be members. Yo s ery truly, A. C. P. Secretary. Eno. Administrative. 2, (r7t-i 7 An ordinance determining the manner in which bids shall be received and the contract let for publishing all proceedings and matters required under the Charter and ordinances to be published in a public newspaper. This is an emergency ordinanoe-/iendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAI_d: Section 1. On or before the third Saturday in the month of November of each year, the Purchasing Agent shall advertise in the offioial*paper of the City for bide for printing and publishing, during the year beginning January ist.next following, in a daily or weekly newspaper printed in the English language in the City of St. Paul, all ordinances, resolutions and other proceedings and matters required under the Charter or by resolutions or ordinances of the Council to be published in a public newspaper. Section 2. Such advertisement shall be published for two successive weeks. All bids shall be filed with the Purchasing Agent on proposal.blanks prepared by him; and all bide received by said Purchasing Agent shall be placed before said Council, unopened, at the first meeting thereof occurring after the time for receiving bids has expired. Each bid shall specify the name of the paper in which it is propos.ed to make such official publications, and shall be accom- panied by a bidder's bond running to the City of St. Paul, in at least the sum of One Thousand Dollars, conditioned that in case the bid of such bidder shall be accepted and the contract awarded to him, such bidder shall enter into a contract with the City of St. Paul to perform the work, and shall execute said work for the price mentioned in the bid, and in accordance with the specifidations therefor; or in lieu of such bond, the bidder may deposit a duly certified check on some bank in the City of St. Paul for at least the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, payable to the order of the Commissioner of Finance. In case the bidder to whom the contract is awarded shall refuse to enter into a written contract and furnish the bond hereinafter provid- 11 Rp VF F 3 Ad N . �nl "'M_ �d lermIg.111 M d I%.. 'phs, %Orb n'.hq W, for publlahing all Droneedtn¢s4B d, re '. xsl. re ",d ' bloness, 11,bl publ'.... .'5F. ;'-Izr' ewer -ey or" saillpaplgy Th', 'an-1 rc.�.Icd us ll or 'be F. of the Fu'Alc liane., health slid -fhty The C...Ci 1-f the City of St. P. ul oes 'I'lle Ordain; " SECTION 6.1mfty Z or befo thin the of such your. month of Noy ember.lldrs�t..a the or check, as the Pur- ed for, within ten days a 'km"`�FPaner fa`gt1"` "ft',,for mQu C bid. ror printing' be year be,111 ng JVuP 'l.g '. . do,,, or case may be, shall be for �vcekly. cw�t.,�a.plZr rIat,,d,'1,,.tba hlmma I. City. 'j" fnil rdi-j names. re..l.flop. and other Proceedings Section 3. The , c rt tract or reject b�drml ersr-qnbr.,rddi=ll�o, thh, tgrau , �l ,oil. 6 ce n!pon cil to bep.bIhibEed In a ablic now-paper. SECTION arjONp' I all bids, and thereupon t - b, a 6'1..,6�d 1 re-advertise, giv- .ell "'e"I"m -tealball� f6Sr tW4. successirdew Ile filed with the '"" Agent. "' : .11 Is Council shall, on nroposnl prepared reps r6db'b"" 'hli - g' - d ing the same notice as he ..Jd�- having Agent %la Par " gel a! ,hall be cod before, Haid Conn .pe. .?It, * 4d of the lowest ed b..fl t Un. r1m; Itrii;1b, P core I bidlinR e a rzpgd. . a or before January 1st, by btbW.Imll, specify the naFt. If the--.pa?" t 1. propose fl qualified bidder, and des brgr`tm't',',n,At by aiibidder', bo.u,,, ufI. egircified in said bid the an. of One"Afousand Dollar., '­ndf- 'a an ","'d that " on" the bid of "" b'dd:d .1.11 Ile accepted .d i ---tract word 1 ordinances, resolu- as the official newspaper to him Zgr1bidder shall enc'[—to h c ou- "act�,thaCIt"of,St. P.uLt.qmrn tae wort; hod hal-teaid warkVfor tions and other proceeding the price mentioned In tbe,�Id and J. under the charter or J.,tr c?r.d.. e selfleti. ns ,foetal f In I,_ of each bond, the bidder y cer1I1e%1,1 -In so,, by resolutions or ordinanc�bmn'-id-'-P't'�!te�cidt;I of St. P check 't legate published in a of Five. .1I,nd.r,d,,D.1IfiLr1 plyub.11 the f the ulholi. or f to Finance. rder hidert.whmathe4ewspaper so designat- spaper, shalla,, rf - to enter public new' bet. In nd furnish the bond provIded, for. within bm lig ad orror '. after ,all award, aid IN ed shall be the official nicherk , as the "So may be, shall a said year and until felted to said 'Cite. 'i its successor shall be des TheCouncil may award the contractor refect nit bld,,,,nd there...n the Par ch....g "ce.,,.I re-sd,erth,e''Iving the able n tice nshcicI.b=rJvI- I11d. The, Section 4. The or; a'-t. enter into a written list re on accept the bid of the lowest qualiflell'bidder, and dei,immte the n si fa contract in a form to be a c,i paper spse fled In said illd as the o a a � l new,paper!of,sa,d City In which .11 rdi-,ion Counsel, and l nance.,,, resolutions and other p—sedin and a esinlred under the charter: '.r b, ,solution, or ord Imme,,. of the Conn. furnish a bond running to , ell to fie in . public uliwe"Per; Ten Thousand Dollars, naafi-fie MI b, a b (Isbell � The said newspaper d,,immted shall-'be the'efficlal newspaper ,aid v r.,,Id yenr?and until !tH'o do b llu're.e.glt half, with some responsible sure,of ll� 'lliill"'ted business in the I i :SECTION 4. The successful bidder,ohall enter Into a i written contmetAn -a form to be noproledithe faithful perform- State of MinreBota, as Bur by the Corn ation, Counsel, and furnish &I bond ru a 16 the t, 11 Ib.e a- of ,,,,w Tb=u d D.Il..'with: some m :4 .port. ance of said contract. Ible surety, company, authorized to do business in, the State: of Minnesota, as surety thereon. to, lnthe faithful per- ,. re of said contract Section 5. All 11 1, SEMONA ordinances inconsistent !1:oTlum or parts of ordfimmm. I.- iz Ithi are hcreby,lrapeoled• i herewith are hereby repeal e9u�'!' Ms N 3 This declared -an encrierenderedordins.1- rendered nem ... ry Section 6. This for 'Ile pre=tIqn of-tae f the public peace, rlared an emergency health and 6ECTI 7. This- ordinance shalll take effect and h ordinance rendered necess 1. for- Immediately upon its passage and of the public peace) publicatl ty" o Passed Uy the C-nel I N­ 12, 1914. doles Messrs:-Farnsworth. Beller. health and safety.b,Er: Y.aZVI- Preside.t(,b 1)-6. ApprovedNov.12. 1014. Section 7. This , HENRY, �,%CS'Ah,.r. - ��fect and be in force Attest: JOHN L �FAR ICY, City Clerk. ,14-1111.1 immediately upon it. passu _INov. jXW*by the Council YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH oy GOSS KELLER C." C- /1P�- McEetC O'LEARY y .M. �.MR. P 4 % Hulpaoaau —1:-U lnu.) ']S alR ul n,a.Nnu Il III U 1 I' an a9 ulll 11 III l u l nll u u+ Jo aaswa a u 1+ 1 k 3 q U t l J 1 1 {[ x 5 tlt 1 FF', J u 111 ti..�l I J rtul 1\ I f 1 U b Jaglull, U 1 1 I i r [ { 1 lia a4 al ulna I II 1 I 1 11 t t ` l{ yU Ifo 4u4y utl J Jxa lust Plus un UIJ 1' 1 1 I I �. ) 7 lul 7xa4 a41 lu) 1 uu roJ4aP I 1 e'Sausna 1u41 vorJaa xl 71 1u43 P l7 �;l '� I� LI ala alula lua.l all 7xv1u8u Hull uul 1u } ud of x alluluaxaada %...... 5 3y YY" vuox, lual w 1 t 1 L ; 4 041 vi alulxa 1, 1 � aaa47 ll A ad Plux q nul t� .� I av •pavnl plus )o alulea lval a41 HnHI m ,1 � 1 u7 Pa)4vaH Wa43 07 aq aenaall 7n 17 H41 -'; •nvad 'p,lum Plva )o alulxa a4i do eaaNwu 'aoetumg. uppS Puu uosu4oi uP2v )o no1113odi aUl Hu11P Puu HalPlwa vp :ujwuoz) auN 7d mo4N Ill 0l u7 sannli¢ l0 1v79 IS P nal 'zl.[unf4 oS )o alule`I 1-H R nxnJ,ole 7 1 'I4mJ uopuallU l4 a47 Io Ja73u)4 a41 al w, •PnoO al u4o�d f 31 a SS'aw 0 f!S\ L:, ed for, within ten days afters sudtr' awa �V; said bond or check, as the ease may be, shall be forfeited to said City. Section 3. The Council may award the contract or reject all bids, and thereupon the Purchasing Agent shall re -advertise, giv- ing the same notice as hereinbefore provided. The Council shall, on or before January 1st, by resolution accept the bid of the lowest qualified bidder, and designate the newspaper specified in said bid as the official newspaper of said City in which all ordinances, resolu- tions and other proceedings and matters required under the charter or by resolutions or ordinances of the Council to be published in a public newspaper, shall be published. The said newspaper so designat- ed shall be the official newspaper of said City for said year and until its successor shall be designated. Section 4. The successful bidder shall enter into a written contract in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and furnish a bond running to the City in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, with some responsible surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, as surety thereon, to insure the faithful perform- ance of said contract. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and ublicatior,. .Iby the Council YEAS, NAYS. y MR. FARNSWORTH 'oys� GOSS .c+ KELLER 9 Meet>r �f� O"LEARY AN �� y NAY 0 MR. PBE% poi An ordinance granting to Charles I. Marks permission to erect a metal and glass canopy over the sidewalk in front of No. 389 Fest Seventh street and No. 401 Smith avenue, being the south fifty— seven feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Leech's Addition to the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted. to Charles I. Marks to erect, construct and maintain a metal and glass canopy over the sidewalk in front of No. 389 west Seventh street and No. 401 Smith avenue, being the south fifty-seven feet of Lots'l, 2 and 3, Block 4, Leech's Addition to the City of St. Paul. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Charles I. Marks for the erection and construction of said canopy upon the•said Charles I. Marks' compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner I ' of Public works a plan and specifications of the proposed canopy, which plan shall be subject to the -approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said canopy shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection and of installing same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, chargee, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the con- struction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said, canopy, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said canopy remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may A be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties ,- as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comp- troller of said City. � ,7 (4) Said canopy shall be removed by said Charles I. Marks whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of .the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. /!lqi V. F. No. iOrd. No. granting, to y McColl . / An" ordinance .1.1--tomito: Charles" d Mar" D canopy over to erect u I. frotid' and gloss swops orer the sidewalk d No. oP. No. 390 West SetUnth gtreet-cud Na. 401 Smith avenue, being th .sonth fifty-seven feet f Lots 1, 3-.n d 3 Block 4. Leech's Addition to me City oL St. Paul The Council of the City of St. Paul does Ordain: SECTION 1. tr - That perm led— 4rw authority are here, Uv granted to Chryrles I. Marko -to erect, couatruct and .maintain n metal n d glass Dy ver the aide ¢Ik In front f No. 'i8il.Neat Seventh :street and No 401 5 -alt] to the CityoT tlt. 1'IIu1: SECTION 2: The C missioner of Public IV -kg is herebyauthorizedh1 lea permit to the std Ch tyle I. Jr k Yor the he,"' t rt�d netrnetion of snll care an py oPoa the anld Lbnrle I N rkn' comDllance �vlththe f.1 - lowing c ndltlons: 0) Th. said licensee shall fit. with the .RR .i by the ������� Gommissloner of Public works a: plan. and ^aoPt�a sprci0entloas oY -the proposed canopy, whIAU. DInn ^hall be subject to the approval YEAS, pRTthe cost 4'Inspectios slid of installing MR- FrM GO;¢lint KE ..� ✓�ryp OCL .4 Cl R same, (3) The, iedd lfesnsee shrttl Yprniah n UP ead Fivex the Thopsn dxDolinra x($51000.00) .con--. ditloned to.anve the CIty otfS6 Pnnl.imrm• less form any nnd,nll. liability, judgments, snits, costs, charges, damages and eaPtIenises mny accrue to neraona orproperoa ncconat of or nrlaing by reason. ofPthe con - .traction. maintenance;`:operation, use, pres- ence- or.. removal of ied canopy: t ie. sold . bond t'remnin in fore: xnd'eRect s long: na said c Ilbpy remal s or lets The be app lid hall t in each formtlen may be npnnr d . by. the Corpo,.,. Counsel; and hall shave'are aUreties: ae may be npnroved by the ilf yor and ab ll b filed with th Comptrollo 4 amid Clty (4)_ Said -c py: hall be removed by s Id Charles L Marlex whenever His Co... t viipall so order. (,) The said licensee shall pay any license fee ormz that mny be yye�quired by any ordinance or law o1. thokcity of St. : Paul. NAYS,of NAYS. 0 SMR- /// / �• Saidall. withinnten Ole s ' niter P. itten' ncroptance thereof -with the City Clerk 1 such form. s may be approved by the Corporation C s 1 // / This dl nSUC 110 take eRect wad be F In force thirty. dal after its passage and ; publication. Passed by the Council Noe. L'. 1114. Yens:. Messrs. FIIrns\vortb. Gose, SOltcr. O'Lenn•, Yoorg. Vice President (McCall)-�1. '( Naps: O. Approved Nov. 1_^^. 1014. �• HENRY McCOLL. (; Acting Mayor. -- IAt[es[: JOHN 1. FAIiICY, f City Clerk (Nov. 14-1914) (4) Said canopy eshall be; removed by said Charles I. Marks whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee Or tax that may be required by any ordinance oCity of St. Paul. (6) Said licenseeshall, within tetafter the passage file a written the City of this ordinance, , Clerk in such form as may be appro Counsel. Section 3. This ordinar nd be in force thirty days after its passai tri tri ,� � /r TIWuno�'a411 ddt 7dopF- a41 Puv ]u wtl W7. B43 ]eoa IV]o a4HluyuadVa4 J I - Id Pue awls aunJu` 1uayJ os ay ea P! � d a uVu PP 1.- avaF]ouu-n Yd y]13]Jo uiauau VI SUIP11nd II atna<T 'IS J. .T,I luno i9 wool Puu J. an uiayh'V >tavla,v 1 J. ' Ilaun H I61 .aq WaaaQ ,o u J. Vnoy ay ]uawanovld w, plus uo P ,I, 4J Z o![9nd ]aqy 'ua471vn3 P n oera�a{s ' m 0 a41 apVus do sway ` ' 7t 6T 1foolH au7' o7a uolalPPV ]Isad lrwwnj .col anllaulal[E uta uo] Jo sulPaus a.47:..:`, say osl8 Ilouno a18uaPlsuoa uap4r„? ]uaeaad a41 pals peyvil987 isoa o] papu.ts J! TT'�6IS T doauayl 8/WwnSa7 illea a41 oil lPPF d /i a ePvawu%aau j��un okra] IIH s rP V ✓//iC///� no tlwl a41 do auniVu e43ylaya I 'y]Pu papaaooud q of 4P Z 6gauay sI 3ua/wano�dW[ pr8 MArtpted by fhe Council _.._-..-. .._.._191y Yens, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS / KELLER Al O'LEARY 'D NAYS, 0 c ;,,MR. o, .IOI{N•I. 6'ARiOY. O,is Ocvae CITY OF SAINT 1PAUIJ"'-1(-,-) VP OITY OLER%'6 OFFIOEJUT281 GOS v.-oOISSIONER of F C S Oct, .ti ,�A*s Hon. M. N. Coss., � L� Comr Of Public Norke, City. (.�){ 2 l De.r 3ir;- The Council, at tLeir mee`.i.:: of to—day, r:.ferred the nttnched ordi,wce C. F. 2327, �;ranting Charles T_. Enrks pe-mssion to canstrxt n glass cnnopy over sidetvslk in front of 30IVest 7th St. an.: =01 S:nith ',vtmue, to you. This ordinnme, comes up for its second readier; on 1TI7:, ESUAv I'UV':;:3i:R Ott}.,1014. Yours truly, ' City Clfl/l erk . CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. FILE M616,9 100 y AUDITED IBI_ PE 11'5 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following, detailed statement: Yeas ( ✓ ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council<9 191 Farnsworth GossIn favor App i% 9LS Keller idoil1ll— Against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Corporate Purposes Water Supply bund 5125 Board of Water Commissioners, 201.42 26 51St. Paul Electric Co., 1.50 Tot 202 2 Printing & Stationery Fund 51 7 H. C. Boyeson, 6.85 51 $ Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 47.24 51 9 Louie F. Dorf 37.56 51.0 G. A. Falrfield,Printing Co., 3.25 51 1McClain & Gray, 75-70 51 2 McGill Warner,Co., 124.50 5133 National Printing Company, 10.00 5134 N. W. Stamp Works, 8.30 515 Hannaford & Wellck, 2.50 51'6 Perkins Tracy Company, 4.70 51Pioneer Company,' 12.00 51 9 Review Publishing Co., 483.98 51 9 Virtue printing Co., 3.50 General Fund -Legal Dept. Expense Acct. 5140\ Louis F. Dow, .67 5141 `,Avans Fla Company, 49.50 5142 McClain & Gi Atli 23.05 5143 Review Publf6ing Co., x,00 T 22 '. n #2 2 70 71 72 74 51 51 Corporate Purposes -Cont. General Fund -miscellaneous Acct. -N. W. Telephone Co., 3.50 Royal Typewriter Co., 2.90 Tri-State Telephone & Tel. Co., 12.25 Western Union Telegraph Co., 3.02 Police Fund American Linen Supply Co., 1.25 American Stamp Works, .50 Auto Tire °ales Co., 6.00 Water Board, 26.16 ;,Margaret Brady, 5.04 B2'own, Treacy, & Sperry, 1,95 Cen,�rai Lunch Room, "Daily 9.38 -Fraser Hardware Co., 4.10 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 1.50 Detective Publishing Co,, 15.00 Louis F. Dow, 1.80 W. J. Dyer & Bros., 2.85 Elk Laundry Co., X6.52 Griggs Cooper & Co., .90 Mrs. Mary Horan, 31,78 Kissel Sar Company, 16,95 Maendler Bros., 3.45 M. Makiesky, 2.50 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., 22.09 McClain & Gray, 3.90 THAakina_.Broa., ��.. - - 2.50 Rational Laundry Co., 2.55 Edw. Neuman, 1 1.74'. N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 101.49 N. W. Stamp Wcrks, 10.25 N. W. Telephone Co., 29.77 N, W. Tire Co., Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 149.04 32,65 The Pioneer Co., 22.00 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 1.64 Pure 011 Company, 3.72 Schurmeier Wagon Company, 14.00 Anna Sparschultz, 17.22 St. Paul Gas Light Company, 85.88 St. Paul Electric Company, 38.11 St. Paul Rubber Co., 7.03 St. Paul Stamp Works, 2.25 Transit Supply Company, 305.00 Tri-State Telephone & Tel. Co., 29.20 Twin City Auto Livery Co., 12.00 C. E. VanDuzee Western Union telegraph Co., 8.00 24, 5 Alexander Rice, 19.98 und, Fire Dept. Fund Auto Tire Sales Co., 11.30 Water Board., 248.46 C. A. Brophy, 28.67 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, Fisk Rubber Company, 27.00 Chas. Friend & Son, 29.19 F. G. Leslie Company, 12.95 Mahle Wagon Co., 43.50 1,224.29 V #3 Corporate Purposes-Con't. Fire Dept. Fund Cont. 99 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 24.00 00 O1 McClain & Gray, Minnesota Boiler Compound Company,: 14.79 15.12• 2 Mitech & Reck Wagon Do\, 25.50 53.23 2 3 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, Co., 214.85 ;2 N. W. Copper & Brass 146.21 ` ;20 N. W. Electric Equipmen5 Co., 20 N. W. Telephone Exchange Co., 17.00 1.16 20 Oakland Motor Company, 5.6.45 X20 X20 Pennsylvania Rubber Comggany, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 6.40 2 0 Plant .Rubber CO., 21.00 i2 1 Raymer Hardware Co., 12.40' ~1.95 2 2 Ree -d --Motor Supply Co., 14.60 i 3 i 14 Robinson, Cary & Sande, St. Paul. Brass Foundry, 14.60 i 15 St, Paul Gas Light Company, 154.06 21.60 i 16 St. Paul Machine Works, 17 St.. Paul Rubber Company. 12.00 5.00 218 219 Transit Supply Co., Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 300.00 220 Waldref Motor Company, 13.12 T toL�ep . nd, 1.549.27 Health Fund 221 N. W. Telephone Co., 1.50 27.62 222 223 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Tri-State. Telephone Co., 1.50 24 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 2.50 25 Western Union Tel. Co.. 3.00 i 26 N. W. Stamp Works, 7.a0 otal Re .- 43.12 Garbage Fund j 2 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, 11.55 > N 5 29 N. W. Stamp Works, N. W. Telephone Exchange Co., 3.30 Total Garbage .Xaapaa General Fund -Quarantine Acct. j, 30 Water Board, j 2.00 3 00 5.31 Mire.br, Treas., Mire. C. DeCost5.40 52 2 j233 Louis F. Dow, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 35.80 5234 N. W. Telepho a Co.`, &Cutler, 3 50 a.G9 j2 5 Noyes Bros. 6.50 52 6 Schieffelin & Co., 56.00 5 37 5 38 C. S. Stewart St. Paul Gas dight Co., 6.39 5.39 Tri-State Telephone Co., 6.25 5 40 Virtue Printing Company, Total Quaranti-ne Acct., 169.68 General Fund -City Dump Acct. 5241 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 1.00 #4 Corporate Purposes-Con't. Workhouse Fund 9.28 2 2 Crescent Creamery Co., 7.26 ;2 3 4 Water Board. L. Eisenmenger Meat Co., 20.61 70.86 45 Foley Bros. & Selly. 67.54 i 46 E. S. Griffith, 2.50 �Qq i24$ Robert Kopp, National G s Governor Co., 5 4:90 i2�49 Pittsbur Plat ass Company, 0 6.00 i2$0 jZEjl Swift & Co , Tri-State Telephone Co., 195.10 i• Totalwr�uaa._Fun4 r __ Commissioner of Public Works Fund 9.6 3 525,2 H. C. Boyeson Co., 11.45 5253 52554 Louis F. Dow CO -,5.50 Grossman Instrument Works, 45 5255 McClain & Gray, N. W. Stamp Works, 1.00 52567 2 St. Paul Stamp -Works, 29.00 5258 Wedelstaedt Go., Fund,104.86 . Street & Sewer Fund 5 59 Austin -Western Road Machinery co . , .83 13.10 5 60 261 Barrett Mfg. Co., Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 1.95 262 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 3.00 263 264 Chas. Friend & Co.. Kissel Sar Co., L29.85 310.05 265 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co.. •37 266 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 2.40 2667 Henry Orme & Sons, 1.60 269 J. F. Pearce & Son, Reed Motor Supply CO" 48.27 80.00 270 271 St. Paul Cement Works, St. Paul "Gas Light Co., 55 71 .5 5 272 273 St. Paul Glass Co., St. Paul Printing Co., 10.50 2.92 74 75 Tire Repair Co., Washington Foundry Co.. 17.55 62.69 5 76 Western Machine -4fg. Co.. 5 77 Western Supply Co., 644.26 nd, o a 1 General Fund -Sewer Maintenance Acct. v� t 578 Robinson. Cary & sands. 1.72 General Fund -Crosswalks Acct. 5219 Corning Brick Co., 5280 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Co., 400.00 2.00 0 52$1 St. Paul Cement Works, 478.00 I,,'1'.p•�E,Y'C2' O 9 8w a•���CC t . , #5 Corporate Purposes-Con't. General Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. 5282 American Can Company, Ak 5.00 5283 Louis F. Dow Co., 14.81. 5284 Hurley Bros., 1.75. 5285 5286 McClain & Gray, St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 1.10 5287 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 2.00 T�+ m_s+g & Inspectn t�cat.. 35.86 General Fund -Paving Street Intersections Acct. 5288 Fitch & Hill, (C. F. #1425) 334.00 Election Expense Acct. 5289 5290 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, St. Paul Glass Co., 25.80 4.25 -o' 30.05 School Accommodation Acct. of the School Fund 5291 5292 T. L. Blood 80., Builders Material Co. 20.89 10.73 5293 Adam Decker Hardware 6ompany, 23.00 52.94 Gribben Lumber Co., 1.60 5295 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 2.00 5296 529p Osgood & Blodgett, Raymer Hardware Co., 5298 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 173.19 / ✓ 173.66 ., School Fund 5299 American Crayon Co., X300 American Engineers Supply Co., 5301 Arneberg & Schoeller, 5302 Black Jack, 5303 T. L. Blood Co., 5304 Bon Toa Grocery Co., 5305 Brooks Bros. Lumber Co., 5306 Brown, Treacy & Soerry, 5307 I. Buchhatter, 5308Builders Material Co., 5309 Central Scientific Co., 5310 C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co., 5311 Crescent Creamery Co., 5312 Da4ly Fraser Hardware Co., 5313 Adam Becker Hardware Co., 5314 Dept. of Public Utilities, 5315 Dore & Redpath, 5316 Louis F. Dom, 5317 Ellsworth Company, 5318 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 5319 Jeesd Foot Jetelry Co., 5320 George M. Gray, 5321 M. A. Hanna Coal Co., 5322 D. J. Harrington, 5323 J. W. Hjorth, 5324 Holm & Olson. 5325 Janitschke Bros., 5326x. John W. Lux, 532 C. B. Lyon & Bros., 5322 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 5329 A. Marzolf, 5330 McClain & Gray, 52.31 114.36 5.25 12.00 24..99 28.00 1.80 10.00 31.25 21.57 10.97 10.480 1.80 146.58 3.25 1.50 7.30 10.00 55.839 6. 5 6.40 8.58 41.86 8.75 28.15 46.40 13.40 44.37fih 37•:89 #6 Corporate Purposes -Cont. . School Fund-Con't.i McDonald Lumber Co., R. A. ReGrathj Meyer Engraving Co.. Newson & Company. Nicols, Dean & Gregg, N. W. Electric Equipment Co., N. W. Telephone Co., Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Odgen.Merrill & Greer, Peoples Ice Company. Pennsylvania Rubber Company, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Price Electric Co., J. F. Ptaeck, Raymer Hardware Co., Ramaley Printing Co., Robinson, Cary & Sands, A. E. Sauer. . Schnaith Bros., Schuneman & Evans, St. Paul Book & Stationery Co.. St. Paul Gas Light Company, J. C. Stuhlman Hardware Co., Swift & Company. E. P. Thole, Tri-State Telephone Co., Villaume Box & Lumber -Co., W. L. Weber, Western Machine Co., Max Wittman, Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, OVTXN=--r., --- - - 11.70 89.82 30,00 510.60 5.00 89.76 50.35 32.17 14.15 21.00 8..39 47.24 14.00 2.10 16.83 18.00 22.55 10.81 7.90 36.04 107.90 70.63 12.54 17.60 2.t 5 42.00 22.30 2.00 2.25 8.00 / 7*59 20203.16 Library Fund 5362 Gaylord Bros., 3.00 414.92 5363 McGill Warner Co., 10.63 5364 Maendler"Bros., 216.00 5365 5366 E. A. Moeller, St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 393..40 5367 Western Union Telegraph Co., 00 5374 National Candy Co., 1,042.95 5375 Total"Library Fund, 69.90 Park Fund 5368 American Linen Supply Co., 25.13 49•15 5369 Builders Material Co., Co., 1,174.03 5370 5371 Crescent Cruery Eisenmenger Meat Co., 6.50 5372 M. A. Hanna Coal CO., 25 5373 McClain & Gray. 102.7 5374 National Candy Co., 4.46 5375 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 69.90 5376 Pittsburgh Coal Co., 121.34 5377 St. Paul Bread Co.. 42.3 5378 St. Paul Gas Light Company, 53�7 9 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., 28.003 53x0 Tri-State Tel. & Tel. Co., 23.00 / 5381 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co., Tota' sark-^ Fu -fin .'- 1 659.25 ✓ � #7 Corporate Purposes-ConBathe�Acct. General Fund Public 5352 Crescent Creamery Co., 7:65 5383 Daily Fraser Hardware Co., 32.46 5384 5385 Water Board, Fairbanks, Morse Co., 2.00 4.80 5386 53.8 Minnesota Tent Co., H• W Telephone Co., 2.00 535 Purity Bread Co., 39.94 64.79_ 5389 at. Paul Gas Light Company, . Bates 155.89 General Fund-Playgrounds Acct. 5390 Water Board, 62'36 2.30 5391 5392 Builders Material Co., Pittsburgh Plate Glass,Co., 1.60 6.00._ 5393 St. Paul Gas Light Company, 72.26 0 Water Dept. Fund 5394 American Hoist & Derrick Co., 2.75 .50 5395 Auto Tire Sales Co., 6 539 Cernegie Fuel-Co., tizens Ice & Fuel CiCo., 198.1 7 11..7 13 Consumers Power CO., 6.04 5399 Elk Linen Supp*'-:CO., 67.65 54001,Fairbanks:�orse 5401 &'Co., Farwell; Ozmun, Kirk &.Co., 2.40 1.60 5402 5403 Ford Motor Co., Gribben Lumber Co., 100.88 7.50 5404 Haskins 13roe. Co., .40 5405 .5406 John, Martin Lumber Co., McClain & Gray, 4.50 16.05 540V Mitech & Heck, 1.75 540 peoples Ice Company, _ 5.50 5409. 5410 Pioneer Company, Robinson,.Cary & Sands, 11.55 5.00 5411 Schuneman.& Evans, 12.48. 5412° 5413 Standard Oil Co., at. Croix Lumber Co., 24.00 50 5414 St. Paul Blue Print Co., 83.25 5415 St. Paul Foundry Co., 5416 A. Uhler, / mo+�Wat�er D,epii� , _ 545, i6 t� General Fund Market Maintenance Acct. 5417 5418 St..PaulBpok &-Stationery, Tri-Stat e`Xelephone & Tel. Co., .52 Tots?"'arks Ma�ntetacs,.:Aect.; 3.52 ,v/ Heneral Fund-Supplementary Acct. 1 // Public Works Dept, / n ✓ 5419 Furman Tuttle, 29.50 #8 Corporate Purposes -Cont. General Fund-Supplt. Acct:-Contt. Purchasing Dept. 5420 5421 N. W. Stamp Works, N. W. telephone Co.," •55 1J 86 Western Union Telegraph Co., 5422 Total Purcha_ ng Dept., �. 18.01 Teba�"SiiPP�=�-fit•-. 47.51 Sprinkling Fund 5423 Austin Western Raod Machine Co.. 69.84 5424 Brennans Livery Co., 40.00 5425 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 5.64 / Q.ntnl Sprinkline F md,____ 115.48 Auditorium Acct. 5426 Consumers Power Co., 62.22 5427 Tri-State Telephone Co., 6.00 T �a u i orium Acct ,, 68.22 ✓ Teba3-�Qrpol'8t s 1'itx�pOaeg, 12,116.51 Special Funds Engineering Inspection Acct. 5428 N. W. Stamp Works, 2.00 Central Higr_ School Library Acct. 5429 5430 T. L. Blood, McClain & Gray, 3.22 1.25 4.47 Humboldt High School Library Acct. 5431 5432 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, _ Capital City lumber Co., 7•32 2$.48 5433 Central Scientific Co., 5434 Daily Fraser ardware Co., •65 5435 The Emporium," 4..95 25 --- 5436 5437 E. S. 8errey, Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., .80 5438 Rand McNally Co., 56.00 5439 Schuneman & Evans, 2.45 2.8 5440 Singer Sewing Machine Co., 28.62 5441 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 21.20 5442 St. Paul Printing Co., _ 5443 villaume Box & Lumber Co., 40..QO_ T umboldt7H. S. -Lira -Acct"., / 194.35 T ` '� ___az ? + -a' undo, 200.82 Spec. Assess. Const., Acct. -Paving Hastings Ave., Bates to Earl, 5444 AustinTWestern Road "`achbne Co., 3.10 5445 C. M. & S. P. Ry., 1.92 5446 Ford Motor Co., 3.30 Total-Hastinge-Ave,-,-� tea to Earl, 8.32 #9 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. Aving Dale St., Grand to Aront 5447 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 20.41 544$8 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., Total— Grand -to -Front, 21.16 Case St., Payne to Westminister " 5449 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 2.25 5450 James Sheily, 76.74 T-ota"aee,-Payne to Westmini78.99 University Ave., Syndicate to City Limits 5451 St. Paul Foundry, -3.40 Tolai Spec. Assess."Const. Acct. --Paving, 111.87 Total Corpor Purposes, _....................... 2,116.51 " Special Fund ........ ................... 00.82 " Spec. Assess. oust. Ace .-Paving,........ 1.8 aR¢Bo 1113 that warrants be drayva and Total � 12, 429. 0 .upon the Ctty Treasury, payable out C the herelna[ter specified funds and: '1n favorof the persona, firma or cor-t �poratfons for the amounts set opposite, theta especttve'naMesa specified In; tha Lollowing detailed tatement: Corporate Purposes—Water Supply, Fund' Board of 6 CITY OF SLPAUL ACCOUNTING -DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS -`RESOLUTION FORM FILE "C" No._232A'_ ?. OCT 2 9 1914 aT G cn u xo, x AUDITED {PE TITLE 116 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and _ their respective names as specified in the following .detailed in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council Farnsworth / Goss In favor A Keller 'Against r AroB ,. --;-� - O'Leary T Yoerg' Mr: President, Powers 329=-R C.. F. No. 2929-- ] d that warrants be draw. Resolved I upon the a Treasury. p Y bt :O t C thehereinafter specified 4 d -and fl in P C thepersons, c - per tl a for, the amounts set oppoolte - their respective name as specified 1n the follolving detailed. statement: _ - Corporate Purposes—Municipal Court 1 Fund: H. C. Boyeson. Co., $44.75. Printing ;&Stationery Fund. H. C.i - Boyeson Co., $94,76. -. General Fund—Legal Dept. Expense !Account: nt: Drs: O'Brien, Telsberg & - iJones; $10.00. 11 Fund: Webb Publishing - Co.,a$20.00:. - Commissioner. of •, Public Works i Fund: W. p'. Buth & Co., $5.37: i Street & Sewer Fund: Chicago Cre- - ;0soting Co., $4L42; County of Ramsey, '1. $209 46 AL N. Goss for Dnly, Dale to / !Syndlcate $48.92 ' Library Fund:. John Wanamaker: C4.... +$5.67 Waldr.f Bindery Co $409.36. IIS 'Park Fund: Tonic Murphy Sheehan, $20 00; Water Board,. $214.73. o _ General FIt d Art Institute Ac - I count John DI lingham, $56.00; Miss COTpOTate. Purposes J. I Bele O'Brien, -.$6"5.00; D Samuel Resp $7600, Albert F. Sol. 1 bq $60.00.1 I Municipal Court Fund P ,Ma ket Maintenance Account: Geo.} .C! cr 46 rest .CFund Johann n ' lbrock, Charles " rnavr., 5' 44-75 ✓ 5 52 H. C. Boyeson Co., r n Printing & Stationery Fund 94.75 5 53 H. C. Boyeson Co., General Fund Legal Tept. Bxpense Acct. 5 4 Drs. O'Brien, Teisberg & Jones, 10.00 Garbage Fund 54 Webb Publishing Co., 20.00 i Commissioner of Public Works Fund 5.37 545 W. F. Buth & Co., Street & Sewer Fund - 545 Chicago Creosoting Co., .42 545 County of Ramsey, 20099.45 545' M. N. Goss for Univl, Dale to Syndicate, 48.92 j---- 'Pcta� =8tt set .& Sewer Fund, 299.79 —� #2 Auditorium Acct. 3 A. F. Morton, 66.10 ✓ Special Funds Spec. Assess. Red. Bonds Acct. Clase"A", C. 0. Kalman & Co., 52,000.00 ✓ Red. Tax Levy Certs. of Ind. 1913 Acct. S. A. Farnsworth, 500.00 matars�es� Far,a;.,.. _ 52.,500_.00.. Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-Opsaing Johnson Parkway, Johanna De Haas, Pauline Leibrock, Charles Hauser and Paul Hauser Jr., 75.00 Emma Hauser and Paul Hauser Jr., 200.00 Katherine A. Newton, 4 00 1 16 Total Spec.,GAss�9'�:` toned Acct. -Opening , 9.00 j""" --rohnson Parkway, Corporate Purposes -Cont; Library Fund i 54 0 John Wanamaker, Bindery Co., 405 7 5 61 Waldref m TOt�Y�+iuracy Park Fund 462 Tenie Murphy Sheehan, 20.00 T 63 Water Board, 214 -� General Fund -Art Institute Aect. 544 John Dillingham, 55.00 65.00 545 Miss Jessie O'Brien, 75.00 5446 547 r= Dr, Samuel Reep, Albert F. Salaba, 6o.00 i Market Maintenance Acct. 548 George C. Binder Co., 7.75 Interest Fund i 5¢69 Johanna De Haas, PaulinaiLebbrpck, Jr., Charles Hauser and Paul Hauser, •57 570 Bmma Hauser and Paul Hauser Jr., 1.52 5471 S. A. Farnsworth, 230.00 5412 Katherine A. Newton, 7.48 Auditorium Acct. 3 A. F. Morton, 66.10 ✓ Special Funds Spec. Assess. Red. Bonds Acct. Clase"A", C. 0. Kalman & Co., 52,000.00 ✓ Red. Tax Levy Certs. of Ind. 1913 Acct. S. A. Farnsworth, 500.00 matars�es� Far,a;.,.. _ 52.,500_.00.. Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-Opsaing Johnson Parkway, Johanna De Haas, Pauline Leibrock, Charles Hauser and Paul Hauser Jr., 75.00 Emma Hauser and Paul Hauser Jr., 200.00 Katherine A. Newton, 4 00 1 16 Total Spec.,GAss�9'�:` toned Acct. -Opening , 9.00 j""" --rohnson Parkway, #3 Total orpor a Purposes,...•• •••••• 1.692.83 " Special Fun .............. �•�\ 52,500.00' " Spec. Assess. C et. Acct.-Opening'.....�� 1.169.00 a Total. 55.361.83 7, COUNCIL FILE NO By. ... .... ..... FINAL ORDER. 11, the .hatterof constructing. cement sidewalks on both sides of Loui..s.. street fro _$,on...avenue to .Dayton Avenue, . .. ...... July 30th, 1914. Prelialillary Ordel. 935 ...approved ... under - Intermediary Order ....approved A public bearing having been had upon the above il"Provelnent upon due 1aotjce, and the Coll"CiJ having heard all persons, objections and ecolalaelldatiolls relative thereto, jind having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Coulleil Of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kiud of im- provement to be made by the said City is and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coll"llissiollel. of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificati011s for said i In provement, and submit 4. sAille to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized all(l "'reeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -19 City Clerk. Approved - Mayor. Collacilaleii Farns r h Kell IcC, O'Leary Yoerg '0, -g Mayor Powers REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE in the Alatter of _gon.struct.ingcement _.sidewalks on both sides of Louie street The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is :E;_._, 9¢_psr..._.lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that. may be assessed benefits icor said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Couneil, together with the report made to laim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._.._ ..... (L/..°L�........... .........................191. ....................... _........... ..._...._....... ... ... ........ ........... Commissioner of Finance. A Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .......... ..... ..... ...._Augue t..._6.x................... 191.. 4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ............... approved........................ allly _30_!................191.4..., relative to .............................. cone_truoting..._sidewalks..._on..._both.._sidea..._of.._Louie.. Street ........................................ from Nelson Avenue to Dayton Avenue. ........... ......._........................ ......................... ..................................... _......... _................... ............ ......... _................... _.......................... ,.............................. ......................................... .............. ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. _........ necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... _K ........... and the total cost thereof is $............_X _............., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................................................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #........................... ........................................................... .................................... _........................................................................................................... ......... ......... ................. ..... 5. Said improvement is_: for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 u......v........_... ..._..........._N.................y....................................I.............. ..... _..... Comm sioner of Public Works. CITY OF SM PAUL - �' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. ec ._....._._:.......... � ((���tj�2i} SA. ,G•r27t3� SUl3JCCt .....:....___........ .._.............:............................... COUNCIL ,�'^ ..K ........_. _. PILE I�fV.................... ..... .. . ....... ;... .......__:.- :...... ............ _........................................ ........ _........... _............. _........ ........................ ..- Date Presented....... ....... ..... ..... ...... ...191::........ Resolved, That the oigarette lioense No. 380 issues LO J. Williamson at *357 Edmund 8t. Feb. 161, 1914, be and it hereby is transPered to J, williamson, 1300 Gaultier Bt. C.:Y•. No. 2331- Resolved,' That the cigarette Hoeneel No. ,380 issued to J. Williamson at NO.� I251 ');flmuad 9t:, Feb. 10, .1914 be and !t ]ierehy Is tranerotred to J William. ... ApproveAdoptedd- Ott. , 1911430ct• 29, 1931'. eon, 1200 6aultler St Adoptee' Oct. 29, une i V Yeas (V) C ncilmed,,( r) Nays Fa nsworth a G sIn favor Ke er ,L Against ry Yo Mr. President, Po ers Adopted by the Council__ � 191 Approv MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL nc� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L FORM Q�}�cl� Subject _._..... ...... c F: No: 2382—Sy Lfl N. Oose— ^.Zcl� Resbived, That permission and RU. POUNCIL NO•. •.. • thorlty -bo and the ;"" are -hereby given toJ. W. Norton to grade --,Good ........ ....... ........................... ...... _.._.................. ._ rich avenue betWoer. Cretin .avenue and River Boulevard; Fairmount- ave- i ive, between Cretin avenue¢nd Wood. OC.t......Q. .......,_1914. awn buena , vehi o Nd ¢venue.' be- ...... +sen Crattn "aventis and, RlverBou- Senfed""" - r ,nrd;.'Sorgent,etreet, betweenCretin - �nue'nnd Woodlawnavenue, :an ntrose avenue between Fatrmou' T iue and St, Clair street, accord he' established `.%rftdes, pt -'u' . he ,fo4loWing-condltlona, T]Ye; a'l'ly. W' Nortrii ..:. Resolved, That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to J. W. Norton to grade Goodrich Avenue between Cretin Avenue and River Boule- vard; Fairmount Ave. between Cretin Avenuend Woodlawn Ave.; Princeton Ave. between Cretin Avenue and River Boulevard; Sargent Stree� between CX,etin Ave. and Woodlawn Ave.; and ldontrose Avenue between Fairmount' Avenue and St. Clair Street, according to theestablished grades, but subject to the following express conditions, namely: 1. The said J. 19. Norton shall grade said streets between the points aforesaid, entirely at his own cost and expense, to the satdsfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in ,accordance with` -the plans and profiles prepared by him. 2. The said J. W. Norton shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. 3. Before entering upon or doing any of said work, the said J. W. Norton shall procure from the abutting owners such easement in and to the abutting property as is necessary for the construction of slopes for cuts and fills, and a written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easement for slopes, and releasing it from all consequential damages by reason of the grading of the street. 4. Said J. 111. Norton shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars, conditioned to comply with all the terms of this resolution, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, damage, claims or liability, both as to persons and property, occasioned by the making of the improvement, or arising out of the same. b. The said J. FJ. Norton shall, within 20 days from and after the passage of this resolution, file with the City Clerk his acceptance in writing thereof; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Yeas (V) Coun men ( T ) Nays Adopted by the Council _ ��%,��_.__ 191y Farris orth Goss 171n favor Kelle Approved _ 1` - k _ 191 MCC 1 ___.___Against O'Le y Yoe _ Mr. President, Owers — - rwwoa - roRMe.9.2 CITY L equest of )F ST. Robs i g f 141 & COUNCIL RESOLUT —GENERAL RM r 12MVIand Xv. Subj ct: ..Orosswalka.. COUNCIL FILE No 7 ........ . ...... .... ......... . . .... . . ....... ....... . . .... ............... ................... I .......... ... . . ...... ...... . . .......... Date Presented Oct 2.13-T-.191 4.. Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause brick crossings to be constructed on the west side of Griggs St. across Ashland Ave. and on the south side of Ashland Ave. across Griggs St. Yeas (11) (P) Nays C. r. No. II333—BY M. -N. GGo— R..Q Ve at h Public a h b. to hereby In In In In ,na In. t.d to caufle an orize -b ick cro constructed on the rl. Ashland . I n and 0 the ­uth�j!ldo of . an Ogg I `1 A 0 to C n 1, 0.t.0�0. 1914.1 Approved t. 31, 1914. (No, 74914) Adopted by the Council --- 4'j- 191 In favor Approved- 1- 191 -_Against s� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENT Subject alley_ cr..P_ssings.. ...._... //..._... FORM ...__ .......... .. ." GOU n1�' FILEGNO1... .......... �............ .. .. Date Presented'.......... Oct— __._29...........-1914....... Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause brick alley crossing's to be constructed on the east side of Victoria St. between Grand Ave. and Lincoln Ave., and on the west side of St. Albans St. between Goodrich Ave. and Fairmount Ave., the cost thereof to be charged to the Crosswalk Fund. C. F: No. 3334—By N. N Goss Resolved, That the Cam isslone -,af; Public Works be and he ]s heis y Ru-' th-111d and instructed th au6 )•icl . alley .arossings to :b theeast side of V11 as' GrandAve. and ,Lineb� the' west side of 3t Al &n tween Goodrich.. Avenue ri r- mountAve., the coat tfidred „40' `charged So tho•Croaewnik.Fon Attopted by the 'Can ncil Oct:. 30,.1914. Approved Oct. 31, 1914£ '. (Nov. 7-1914) Yeas (1") Coun men (P) Nays Farn orth Goss In favor Kell Me -- -Against O' y Yoe Mr. President, wers ro. C.e-2 Adopted by the Council __221-1161 191 Approved1 191/ _-- C CITY OF ST. 2.3,25 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Subjecr Cr os sw.al.lcs . quest of Profs or Scofield, Pri pal -Central ERAL FORM High School. ¢Ot1NCIL ' FILE 0...... Date Presented-......-.- 9ca........._34.__.F.._I9Q1�4..+�. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public "Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause cement block crossings to be constructed on the east side of Dunlap Street across Marshall Avenue, and on the west side of Lexington Avenue across Marshall Avenue. C. F. No. 2336-13-v M. N. Goss— Resolved,.- ose— R olv d,. That th C' �sloner of P, 1,111 W be h some, a t¢ 61te¢� Ce ! m nt hl _'y' tP n ted uc the t '.Aun tract t tit ijYj and on the e ,� d '�: .avenue across 3I all e ' A opts h 'ouhc11 Oct 80, 1714. Approved Oct. 31, 1714. ( (Nov. 7-1714) Yeas (11) Court men (P) Nays Farn orrh Goss In favor Kell` Mc 11 Against O' ry Yoe Mr. President, wers rosy c.e-z Adopted by the Council II Approved_. �-' - - 191 0. Claussen CITY OF ST. PAUL sD1'p COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject .-....- "Keep .._to-..the_...right."-..Bo.ulevarcl Signs..._ . _. _.... _.._....... couN"- w� FILE 1`10 ...... ..... ....... :........... ..... . ... ...........I.................................................. . _.......:............ ,........... ........ ........ .... ............ ....... ...... ........................................... Date Presented ...........O.ot...... 3.0;_....:._I91.4....... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to install the, necessary "Keep to the right" Boulevard Signs on Summit Ave. from Lexington Ave. to the River Boule- vard, the cost of same not to exceed the sum of $p50.00 and to be paid from the Miscellaneous Expense Account of the General Pund. c. r. No 3"33 l lv d Thnt: tppp,yy q Publfc Work bp'_ght{"h'81y 4 y ap thorfzed and directed tSi7;lpnll fhe necessa y 'Ke p*to, the s L' 'o e= mrd 61gns on 84m'a5( nveni�e from; Lexington Ave. to �Riverl Bou) rd, the coat -f-69notA exdeed; the sum of $50.00, ail bo Dald f q1d: the Mf cellaneous. Exyense. Account of the Genera] Fund Adopted by the Council Oct. 30 1914: APPTOved Oct 31 1914. _,.-- Yeas (11 Coun men (V) Nays Farms Goss orth _- In favor Kelle MCC I _Against O'Le ry Yoe Mr. President, wers FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council _dzI 191 Approved_ _191 MAYOR �I CITY OF ST. PAUL Q COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ....._..... Eatabli sed_..gx.&$.e ._._._ __ .7 COUNCIL FILENO ...... .............................. _. Date Presented- Me t.._...2 _I91...4.. Resolved, that the grade of the alley in Block 15 Schroederte Add., as shown by the red grade line on the'accorapanying profile, and as recommended by the Cozmnissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Nq.d=3ssY=By'+3tt t N Goes:= k.( R,epgtYOd That theroe era" of the al-' Jdy th 81'00$ 16, gchroeder's. Add... as ahRyYn by: the 1 d;.,grad lipa,,,p nie eGDmDanYtiTg'paga��.epd se r maridefl by the, COmint§slop0s b{:P.Wo, the Worka, be and. the' ..,ta-��pareby' aHopted as 'est0b11eegrRde.' Adopted by the CounOcL 30,. 1914. ADprOved Oct. sl, 1914. cil (N0 ..7.1914) 1 Yeas (V) CoIntr1lmen (P) Nays Faorth Go_7__In favor Ke M_ _ _Against O'y YoMr. Presidenwers roaw Adopted by the Council -8�`— __ ___ 191y Approved_ 191 Request of Leo J;,Borer, CITY OF ST. PAUL Realty Co. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 161 College Ave. Subject°RexCourt,°.,.n.ams......to...be..... given ......alley ......in._..Blo.ck...4.._D.ayt.o.n's Addition. COUNCIL w� FILE NO................2.. Date Presented....... -- Oct., Pl$...-.1914' ' t Resolved, That the alley.in Block 4 Dayton's Addition, between Grove St. and 13th St. and connecting Mississippi St. with Broadway, be named Rex Court. F �y 7 <e. Q That t) ' Black 4. n e diCion tiotw ;iv- Bl allay en .L}tuve 3L &and 133hr St n d cc necting Miesla- Ip)41 SL: with Brondway, Dn named ex Court I IL Adopted bf the Council Oct. 30 1914. Approved Oct, 31, 1914. (Nov.. 7-1914) Yeas (11)Coun men (P) Nays Farn orth GOSos In favor Kell Mc oll _ __ __Against O' ary YO Mr. President owers Adopted by the Council-J�4^��(% 191 Approved_ l' r '�S ''".___191 Y RESOLVED, That the at. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electria lines by erecting poles and stringing 1 wires thereon for the transmission of electricity on and in the following alleys and streets of said city: Four poles on and in the west side of Syndicate Street from Juno Street to Watson Avenue, with all necessary guys and anchors. j Four poles in and through the alleys through the blocks between Niles Avenue and Watson .Avenue. from Syndicate Avenue to Griggs Street with all necessary guys and anchors. Four poles on and in the south side of WylVmd Avenue from Ditle 3' Street to Kent`Street with all necessary guys and anl2ora z E Three poles in and throtfgh the alley through the block between Third Street and Conway Street from Forest Street to Undots Street with all h� I necessary guys and anchors, 3,J One pole on and in Rose Street between BradleyStreet and Jessie.' Street with all necessary gmys and anchprs. One pole in and through the alley through the blocks between Brad ,, ley Street and Jessie Street from Rose Street to Uaryland AVezwe with all : necessary guys and anchors. i— Two poles in and through the alley through the black between Cleve- land Avenue and Finn Avemue from Grace street to Sloan Street with all neces- sary guys and anchors. 4 s All of su * extensions, poles and wires shall be erected and conw structed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public• Works, and in all things subject to the provisions of ordinance No. 24240 and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All poles shall be set in such location in said alleys and streets' as the Commissioner of Public Works shall designate, and Mall be of such height and character as he shall designate and approve. and any and all such - — - 1" 1 7(3 -'1'yG 'GG4V T L �;T T t uric" L1,01, oq CU VAG �JA 'q .. LJjc, PTO"' T P� 8 "UP iTT( tj -j.r 0 CT fy uTT I3'GG@ ST" kLl"j Ej T qo a.L o:5t t Teo OU all,j TU FNG cavah BT T 0 T ;'N LOTTOMT" O N "q DU 2 QL�' %-T; b G�4 ozqGLeq Uffe !'Tt ;FG 0'r —1 — -3 'a�'Mlaaw W W 2 poles shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground, when ever the Common Council shall deem that the public interest so requires, and when it shall so order. HOW by the Council YEAS. MR. FAR ORP GO KE M, LL O• ARY yo G MAYS, 0 MR. PR ENT (POWIJN-,, Ty-, op pjM0j.VHD,-That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electric lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of electricity on and in the following alleys and streets of said city: one pole on and in the west side of Farrington Avenue between - Rondo Street and St. Anthony Avenue with all necessary guys and anchors. Three poles it& and thru the alley through the block between Third Street and Conway Street from Forest Street to Hendots Street with all necessary guys and anchors. Twelve Poles in and through the alleys through the blocks be. tween Iglehart Avenue and Carroll Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal J. Avenue, with all necessary guys and anob.04, one pole an and is the SoujA% 6jde of Xglebart Avenue between Snelling Avenue and Asbury Avenues With all necessary guys and anchors. All Of such extensionespOX00 and shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision .gf-the -Com isiaianer of Publie Works, and in all things subject to the provi4jons of Grdinance. No. 2424, and of all other :Lawful ordinances and resolutions of the city of St. Paul. All poles shall be set in such Iodation in said alleys and streets as the domissioner of Public Work a shall designate, and shall. be of such height and character as he shall designate and approve, and any andall such poles shall be taken down and removed, and such, wires placed underground, whenever the Common Council shall deem that the pub - lie interest so requires, and when'it shall so order. 71 KL M LL O' ARY K1, M 01 L L ARY YO G MR. NAYS, 0 PR DENT (POW— ERS) cif A Ty-, op pjM0j.VHD,-That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electric lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of electricity on and in the following alleys and streets of said city: one pole on and in the west side of Farrington Avenue between - Rondo Street and St. Anthony Avenue with all necessary guys and anchors. Three poles it& and thru the alley through the block between Third Street and Conway Street from Forest Street to Hendots Street with all necessary guys and anchors. Twelve Poles in and through the alleys through the blocks be. tween Iglehart Avenue and Carroll Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal J. Avenue, with all necessary guys and anob.04, one pole an and is the SoujA% 6jde of Xglebart Avenue between Snelling Avenue and Asbury Avenues With all necessary guys and anchors. All Of such extensionespOX00 and shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision .gf-the -Com isiaianer of Publie Works, and in all things subject to the provi4jons of Grdinance. No. 2424, and of all other :Lawful ordinances and resolutions of the city of St. Paul. All poles shall be set in such Iodation in said alleys and streets as the domissioner of Public Work a shall designate, and shall. be of such height and character as he shall designate and approve, and any andall such poles shall be taken down and removed, and such, wires placed underground, whenever the Common Council shall deem that the pub - lie interest so requires, and when'it shall so order. 71 KL M LL O' ARY K1, M 01 L L ARY YO G MR. NAYS, 0 PR DENT (POW— ERS) cif ti rrtic}rnzll• ze.;F rttxFN JUaGazz3 grr�a truq zs*+;S Fa ]'elrgtsL� dF ErTr7Q5,(.' jr1,OUJ 1,�0zE3F s`�iF .. ;tzeblt gliq Gaura:,r 3< • �, n7aujt FeFEnt�s IJ 7.1JTF e a'TT62' FNza in}J FN �zEyr� balsa ttq T AaiJfi:,deaAAt}'iN ttJ,F UL.Gf38�?:tI.1 ,• ruq 01,11;me gougHF'FVAe aTg6 at Sazz pr,�Nl eu >a bole ou g1Jq Tujq FN' fe111 n?taio?�" 'i13rur#a#a oT v'u c osf ? Tu ;�T IieT13? 10xxsA F tas�eri3d:. ox. &ts'� � ypr3al a bb", Fuq �F�? � � 6GF�ia Tr17e8 A ;jt4i7'.U'Gk Fst34 q? 3r,Fbq -Fp ux.ou ?F FNATa;- T,6vT OIa I'?RAF c10mb u Q T asp 4ygax eq iCReeol�" sfhaIdv"17x Gsa 'Light CompauY[s herebq'6Y.dored and` dire ted to extend 1ta,elecPtlb 11nea by'. [ereotlni,-poteal aa{L,_�,atringing. ;wires "thereeq far, 4C transmission of: elec- tri ttv on:. a d In' the :f 11to I g ntte3e'.; 1 streets of said olty- One pole. on and in the +-vest side oi. Fa rlrgtott avenue 'between Rondo 'street and, Stynthony avgnue with all. ,, ereesary`gu�and anchors. ..,.;1. Three pp10e Sp:.and tieeough the a1- n— I Icy thro.Kh th.�blpck'hetWsea Third' street and cn a.Y: sYrdet from -Forest ' atreet•to..Mendota...street with all. -nee-_ i.aaty jour. and,anch.ui. Twelve: poles :ln. i(d, through the blocks between', Iglehart avenue and Carrollsvenpe.frottq i Aneltnavenue to Pa enl 'avv nue with all -ni ..eaary - g s andanchors One Hole ond-Ir,theeouth�.eide� _ of Iglehart ve n :between Snelling - ave n? and Asbury,tavenue, with all , necea.ary`.gu5e and anchors. All' of 'st ch extension poles: and wires, shall be erected and consttueted under the;directtonand snnervision of , i the Comm sin of - Public Works, endAn all things eubiect t the o- i - ell other l wfirl-ordln pces434nd resot — _ --- lutbna�of:.the.citgof;:St Pauln -- �" All pole. hall-be.s L 1rr'such loll - fi n 1n said alley. nlid ,stre,to ss, the_ Commissio, er of: Pobitc Work. eight d Ignnts; and'shalt;be:of such height' and character s : he shall- designate and approve and sny and' s11 each poles , shall bet. taken, (town and re moved:,•and such: wires•ptaced under. ground: whenever th8 Common :,Coup-. cii shall, deem that:' -the public -interest - so requires d when It shall.`ao order." Adopted by the'Councll OcL'30, 1914: - .A or we od Oot.31; 1814 Adopted by the Coun tN6"''"19141 YEAS. NAYS. IMR. FAR ORTH GO I KE M LL O• Y iF YO G MR_ PR 1DENT (POWERS) NAS, 0 i fA p Oj tlC4f SFT6"F 1e13`.F}T �ff�il NT3t1 Ef {7 c;�i[7J.H• cr7T uhc�s3azx� TGF 17 F 1a q r .� 7fi6F Ton; Ly011-{:3F c.F T6aA auq (30mar'n F " To:rS}J F}�b pTo°n pG;MGGU ?,NTT" & c a TU au{t Fin"ss SNS ffT7dT FII auc �cYS.9' x � bo} > gz. LI:i',i c uq } f ,una AT;P oil uLc t3<:. bongo 2.PLGG auq aF' �NFtrUs�?� V sa c c of kssTTruLiFou yn�un� paFf1 �U (ZS.i bo Te OU jTuq 37J iJI° ,,6yF X 1 3 9Qfm I# ' u d 4�. a o Tta VIT a uc F� � aT $ t1 cssT q .T. Aa o e s�frJa�e> ss 1 s %3q efiS Tzrt? rU� atT� ' rP0a xTG TV"p . GLGcstTsz �v ' 0 axVsuq T$e..a7 �6p osgsssq �uq qs ;scF64 F r� F �crmf��vT T �acrt��' ,T,1JeF F1 Y a Adopted by the Council ......_ .....17_._.._-..191j YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARORTH KER M LL O' RY YO G NAYS, 0 MR. PR IDENT (POWERS) �q Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following puUli Paul, viz.:Construct a.ewer s.. on Robertson...t ,. • .. t: ..... Chioago 9ve.„ in, ,ac_cordanoe with.. petit : .haxe Dated this __28th .._day Petition "rovement by the Cit St. Z....Indds'n ... ..... and.. attach ,................ ..... .... ............... ........... wen PRoberteon .. _. .'.A've and titcago .pre ent d�p.to:lth of.9£... Ful there- e.Commsslonop�o' 0 h6 is herobyjov the.neoessft,:�"&'lie . -� Y)tr ty.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ma Icing of the following improvement, viz.: .......... CQnst3'u£t-a _sewer_._on....Robertson..._St_a;._bateleen_L..ndi_ n.F}_..&�fe: ....l lj...._CU-0a9Q_..As_e.,.. ........ ............. ...._..... _........_._.._....._......._.__...._.._....._......._...._._.... ................ ......__..._............__................._._....._._........_............................ ........... _..._............................................... .......... _.... _................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. .......... . ....... .. ............ .. .. ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._ ..........................._..._...._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on.•the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_.._�/�//::..-........ ... ...191..�� Yeas: Nays (ll;l' 431 IS;=} Councilman Far swmth jOo Approved ........ _......... _....._..._............... _................_....._..7 91._...... Ke r M oll O' ary Mayor P era Mayor. .' CITY OF ST. PAUL :•: "., .. ?. < ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. ` i✓ AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM eeo'"" No. 4`� FRE `. AUDITED B7 OCT 301914 .P Ra«IR " t PE iii 117 7 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the reinafter specified funds and' in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specif in the fo wing detailed` statement: ' Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Counci Farnsworth Goss In favor Approv Keller McCall Against YAYOR' O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers PUiSL�9i� ...r /— / piiBLL4f3ED �3 Corporate Purposes Interest Band 5479 John E. Darmody, Int. on award of damages, 36.75E 548o James Devitt;33.69 a a a a a 2.85✓ 5481. 5482 Geo. H. Emerson, Ada -S. Good & Dorothy if, Good a ° a 5483 " Nels D. Grenberg1.7 , " a 9.24.50 ;a _5464 Lulu, Lulu F., Clara Z., Minnie " "G% " 4.93 5485 and Caroline G, Howard, Herman M. Joseph, • a a n a 1295 ✓ 5486 Herman Mundt, a „ e „ " 3.6 i. 8.95 5487 N. W, Lutheran Hospital, Augusta Schreiber,' 48.13 5488 5489 John:Schroeder et al, e n ro n a PZ-. 25 5490 St. .Paul Realty & Aeeeto°Co., 3.15 .545111 Jan Wasienaky, " Alfred Whafori, a " " x •, e " a a 8.50, 5493 494 am WillimH. Barron, Otto, Rowe 61. 286.'T25452 .q } Marion C.,Bugbee, „ p p a M 2.1 8 .r 5496: Mary. X. Hadley., ; Total Interest Fund, 323.41 3 #2 10 Spee. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Hohnson Parkway Award of damages, 300.00 549'] Marion C. Bugbee, p „ x 4',100.00 5498 William H. Barrom, Lulu F. Clara E. Minnie a 00 5499 Lulu, , x Caroline G. Howard, p p 4500:00Herman and „ M. Joseph, p p p 5.00 5501 Nels 0. Granberg, ;, p x 1,800.00 �/ 5502 Herman Mundt, a ;, 465.00,/ 5503 St. Paul Realty & Assets Co., „ „ p 950.00t/ 55o4 Jan Wasiensky, « « 975.00 5505 Alfred Wharton, matal ne •SAGO__—� Mounds Park Boulevard 0 00 4'850.00 Award of damages, E. Darmody, 3, 5506 John „ „ 550'8 James Devitt Emerson, x 1$ 25.00' 2,800.00` 550 Geo. H. Good p Good Dorothy J. . „ 1:0 OW 5509 Ada S. and t „ N. W. iutheran Hospital,Aes n. „ p p x p 3,005.00 �919 j11 Otto Rowe, p fl x 3, 000, 00 V 5512 John Schroeder et al, « „ 51 500.00 5513 Augusta Schreiber, p p x 500.00 5514 Mary W. Hadley, , Did' 2y,203.0o To un e a warrants nnte bE drawn is Irea u payable out to specified 1 I and 36, 818. oo�-" ,,. _ _ _ . AeC,t____ 1jOtg� $pBC. &B�e88. Const then s s nset o e s the. m u t set cape its ( ec °Int d 1n - the�rfore llowin� :.detve ames as il d tatspecified Fund:. Corporate Purposes —'isInterest o[lldamnges,r $86:75; ITn ere. nmestDevlttR $33.69::. - dart ll. [erest n- ward of damages, Geo. IL Emerson. Interest on nword', $2.85; Ada S. Good & Dor- . of damnges, othy T. Good. Interest on award of damages, $24.50; Vets -G. Granberg. In. and' 'Lulnt Lulua F.r Clnrd Em Minnie Caroline G. Howard. Interest on' 'Car. of damages.. ,:,,;In, .93: Herman M. 7oseph i errant an -award ofd meg - Corporate Purposes ;$12.9f Hedamages, ama: s, dt, IN iit Lu -i tart of damag s s161o, word Board of Control Fund them Ho'"' Into e t n damages $B 96; iugust 5 h etbe 3:;` i a a d of-damnge 448-l- 7.032.31 5515 S. A. Farnsworth, Interest John sf am ' 1 Inttnn; award of dnm g 826 25: St Pavl ; As Co Interest nn _ Realty ft awa'rd ofd mss. $315 7a W lensky,7 Interest o award of d mng $8 50:-1 -I e damq award of — Alfred What t ,damage., damag L$872 Willi- H B on.T�7,� t o d fd mag Tota]G Corporate Purposes. Inter ottr Rowe. Interest'aa damages, $26.29 ua 1 n r „ Spec. Assess. Const. t n awa 44,173.72 Grand Total,'" CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM•' Subject:_....J±Xtthew.... f.R.r..._atze.at..._lig tilg. .... ...................... COUNCIL NO...� . «, PRL: .. .... . Date Presented 10.30._14 .............191............ ..............� ..� Resolved, that the Council hereby approve the specifications for lamps and fixtures submitted by the Commissioner of Public Utilities this 30th day of October, 1914 and authorizeeNt a Purchasing Agent to advertise for bids under these specifications. C P No.'23�i'1=-RS'O• �• Keller— jj Tbat We .Wi ReaolYeA Zdr ]nrmna np�'-e'+ he aubmlt ttie n p blid te this 30th In' d. a 1914. a [authorize. spgg.. tblda under'the a epecent ia- cationa. 0 30, 1914. Approved Oth6, ..—Ol (Nov. 7-1914) Yeas ( V) Cou ilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council—/ 191 Far orth / Go �In favor Approved-„L!'S '0 (� f 191— Ke r ! M oil Against . 0• ary / Y g MATOR Mr. Presidiint. P ers SPECIFICATIONS FOR INCANDESCENT SERIES STREET LIGHTING FIXTURES AND GAS FILLED INCANDESCENT LAMPS. ssssssssssssss FIXTURES The fixtures upon which bide will be received are the pendant series type to be used for street lighting witht he gas filled incandescent lamp. The number of fixtures to be installed is 425. s The fixture complete shall have a substantial and well designed body to accommodate the stem of the lamp and the socket. Bids will also be asked on the fixture to accommodate a compensa- tor. The body shall be equipped to give the necessary venti- lation and shall have the insulators for the current leads and hangar compactly arraiWd to give a neat appearance. The fixture is to be finished in either black oxidized copper or black japanned steel. The fixture must be so'arranged that a reflector can be attached if desired. No fixture will be considered where construction is in any way flimsy, or impracticable, or which is awkward in appear- ance, or of poor design. The fixtures will be passed on for ap- proval by the Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories of the City of St.Paul. Each fixture must be provided with an approved film cut- out socket which will automatically out out the lamp in case of an outage. The fixture a hail be so arranged that the outer globe can be easily removed to make lamp renewals. HANGARP. The hangar upon which bide will be received are to be of a cut-out type which will discount the lamp from the circuit when the lamp is lowered. .GLOBES. Globes of light opalescent glass and of approximately 12" diameter will be used. REFLECTORS. The external reflector to be used on the fixtures are to be of steel with a good vitrified enamel coating. DEFECTIVE FIXTURES. Defective fixtures shall be replaced by,sound ones if found defective within a year of the date of delivery provided he f ixturea have tm an properly installed and used. LAMPS. Bide will be received on the followingsizes of stand- ard series gas-filled incandescent lamp,equipped with el screw base: 6.6 ampere 250 C.P. 15 or 20 ampere 400 C.P. 20 ampere 600 C.P. 20 ampere 1000 C.P. The number of lamps on which bids will be received is 2000. The guarantee as to life and e ficiency of the lamps un- der proper operating conditions is to be given. BOND. The contractor shall give a bond with sureties approved by the liayor as required in and by the terms of the City Charter and Laws of Minnesota in the sum of the estimated maximum contract price to save the City harmless from any and all claims for damages costs or expendes for or on account of imperfect construction of its apparatus and from any and all claims for damages cf any infringement of patent rights in the use of said apparatus and conditioned for the full and faithful performance of the con- tract by the contractor. BIDS. Bids will be asked on the following: 1. On refractors. 2. On fixtures with compensator for the various sizes of lamps. 3. On fixtures without the compensator for the various sizes of lamps. 4. On steel enameled reflector. 5. On opalescent globes of a:-rroximately 12" diameter. 6 On hangars and cutouts. 7. On lamps of various sizes given. Samples of lamps and fixtures complete are to accompany the bids. FORM OF BID. PRICE PER UNIT. 6.6 amp: 15 or 20 amp: 20 amp. :2U amp. 250 C.P. 400 C.P. 600 C.P:1000 C.P.: 1. Refractors 2. On fixture with compensator. 3. On fixture without compensator. 4. Steel enameled reflector. 5. Opalescent globes (State kind of . globe) 6. Hangars and cutouts. 7. Lamps. V, 2344 'City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof _ ......................... .------- ....................... _....................... ».___............... ...-....... i. Bureauof .... _............................ _...... _...._-_.__...._..._..-_._......._._._...._-------- _------ -_.r Council File No. ',/ «�__._.. Date Presented ................ _...... ._.1914. By----------------------- _----_.._------- ------------------- _--_.--------.-._._.----._._.-._._._._.__--------------------- —_.-.--_--- Resolved, that IC. F lz-, 344 ed pecfd- Resolved..: c ns Yo P'- oT@ L)Blit'%; bo apd me a r,0 1.P he ed, and 'c anLQ h�s1 teat t fe -hereby di bids thereon. opted , e C�qn cll' Oct. 30, .3934. prp�d f. 31. 39%4. ..ov. 7-1914) Adopted by the Council .._.....__ _ .._-...... __CLIC..._ x_..__......_.._..___._..1914. Yeas ( ) Coun' lmen ( ) Nays Fa worth Go' MI 11 y g 0 eary Approve -- --------------------- c/1914. $e ler _ _. -=t•--_ Mayor Mr. President, Po rs SPECIFOATIONS FOR FESTOON LIGHTING. Sealed proposals marked "Proposals for Festoon Lig ting" will be received at the office of the Purchasing Agdnt of the City of St.Paul, until for furnishing current and for turning on and off the festoon jE_htin _on - streets of St.Paul according to the following schedule: - Item "B": Cost of current using present 30 watt carbon lamps for the following periods: Nights of December 8th, 9th, 10th, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 318t. Cost per night..... $ On the night of the 31st the lights are to burn until 2:00 o'olook A.M., or until the regular time of extinguishing the upper globes of the ornamentals and the dfference of price, if any, is to be given, stating which is the cheaper. The time of lighting and extinguishing will be the same � as the schedule adopted for the ornamental lights, the festoons being turned off at midnight. The number of festoons are 131 with from 55 to 60 lamps in each festoon. The right is reserved to alter the dates of lighting the festoons within reasonable limits. Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories. Oct. 29th , 1914. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ............. . _ _.... -- -__. ......... (, COUNCIL �t`� FILE NO...... .... Date Presented ......__Ogtobe.r.__3Q ........_I91..4-..-. Resolved, that the department of public safety, bureau of health is hereby authorized to engage the services cf one additional sanitary inspector at a salary of ten hundred and eighty dollare($1080.00)per year. .O FGeegYYet1:3'Tha$t th nd part. ent .t .her)bK authortzed� 1 ,^erigaged.iheheere vl a of one dQttlon&1.'eanttary tn- a �htyrdot1yla saar ((E3080:0q) Der Yeatd and, .� 30, 1914. p�cpigflkthe+l:opnctl Oct S' p prWedr Oot,'31, .1914 Yeas ( V) Court en (h) Nays Fern rth Goss' In favor Kell OLS __.___ ..Against Yoe Mr. President, wers ro ew c.8-2 Adopted by the Council _191// Approved_ MAYOR _. _— COUNCIL BILE NO. 13y.......... ..... .............................. FINAL ORDER. 9 `346 lu the \latter of._ reconstructing., relaying and repairing with cement .blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the south side of Sixth street beg innine at Cedar street +hence west 66 feet under Preliminary Ordtr 1331. August 8 th, 19.14 Intermediary Order __ .%/ b, ... ___.. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above ingn•ovenlent upon Clue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconuuendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the stone; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Yaul that the precise natnre, extent and kind of im- provement to be Made by the said City is_ _the -reconstrtiction,relaying-and repairingwithcement blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the south sideof Sixth street beg— ir�nin Cedar &tree] {hgzic jtt p f ee and the om i here y ort cis sad 7m 1 •o,qei�n tb�te m T. RESOLVED FURTHER, ]'list the Commissioner of Ynblie Works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improveuleut, and submit sanle to the Council for - approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otNeers are hereby aathm'ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement inn accordance therewith Adopted by the Council .._.. ��.c — _51 6� _ _._ 19/7/ �it. Approved..... _ __...19...____. .................... Mayor. Councilmen Farns •orth _ C P. No. 234 ; I the Matte "fi trActing, rpl¢y ti0A3 Ing and repai •4 nth, cement; -en feel' the blocks to n veldt present sidewalk-an9the south-%Fde' beginning*,at Ced¢r iirlletstreet of Sixth street' thence west. 66 feet under' P prim - " rY Order'- ter "I.'approved Aug th, 1914, Ince tuedlarr Or Oct 2'1914. 18 approved hearing having been had pyla „F p n�the abov Improvement upon due. tic nd the Council having heard O'Le rV I ', 9: bjeetnona nd-"recommen- dati a cto a'd.heving fully con - Y oel same ; therefore. be It Resor ed, By:the Covell of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, ex- tent and kind' of Improvement to be lila Ol' Yot el•S ads by said City is the reconstruc_ y tion, elaying and repairing with ee ent rbloeks to a width oY ten feet the present sidewalk onthe south aide of Sixth street- beginning at Cedar street, t h'el— we9t 66 feet, and the Council hereby 'orders: said Improve- . meat to bem¢de. Resolved Further. That the Commis= loner of Public Works be and he 19 hereby Instructed end directed to:Pre - pare plane and apeclacations . for saki% - Improvement, and a 'omit same to the COLnen Yor approval; Shat upon said! approval, the proper city oRicere a hereby authorized and directed to pro- im- '-� ceed with the making of said provement In accordancetherewith. ' Adopted by the CouncilOct 30, 1914. •lpphoved Oct. 31, 1914. (Nov. 7-1914) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the AMlit te ot..re.cOnetv,,.cta.ng.,......rel.ay_ n.g and _repa r. ing with cement blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the south side of Sixth street beginning at Cedar street thence west 66 feet. under Preliminary Order approved ...._AULU t__ 8th,.__ 1914. ._...__._... __._... To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: The Conmissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ek_.82.¢..._P-e_r....lineal foot for new sidewalk. The lots or parcels of laud that may be assessed benefits fir said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or pareel as last reported by the Assessor, see as follows: ti DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Velvat;on a M The Commissioner of Pinance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thertion to the Council, together with the report made to him in referenee to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated......191: Commissioner of Finanee. Office of the Commissioner. of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 28, ....................191.. _4 ........................................ To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Coannissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._.....1.3.61......_....approved....._....., k%U9UP-trelative to.. the............ v �..... ......... .....................................I........................ reconetruetion,_relayin and repairin.w_ith.cement blocks to a width ......................................... of ten feet the .present eidevalk.._..on the e_outh _eide...of ._Sixth Street, . ........................................................... beginning.... al. ....C.e.dmx....S.t.re.et..,......t.hent.a....vr.e.a.t.....6.£i_...e..e.._......_.............:............_........_..................... ........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._...__._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ._......_XXX._.....___., and the total cost thereof is .............._axxX and the suture and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................. ..........__............_...._...... ........................ ......................._.............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #........ ..... _......... ................._............................................................................._........................................................................_....................................................... 5. Said improvement is ................. nQ.ti...,....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. '`:'i,Con riseior r of Public Worke. I I COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y.. ........ .. ... FINAL ORDER. In tile Matter (If. reconBt.ructing, . relaying and repairing with cement blocks a side of Eagle street to wi dth of six feet te present sidewalk on the ea begia nning 154 feet northhof Tashirgton atreet.thence n.orth 2Z f set., under Preliminary Order. -- 982 .—Approved Aqgust 3rd, 1914, lilt ennediary Order -approved 4 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, Objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the ,auiv; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the. said City is the. reconstruction Y.elaVing. and rspairJr4;..with cement blocks to a width of six feet,the pesent sidewalk on the east side of Eagle street b beginning 154 feet north of Washington street thence north -:5 ft ;jild the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coniiiiissiollei. Of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications tor said ill1provelll,ilt, itild submit sant, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city Officers are 11,1 -,by inithol-ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... 19 Approved- 19 slayer. ayor. Councilmen Fal-11swortj & P. 2347— the R-ttqr--.f recons[ ructing, relay Ing 11'-� .11P1,1(itIg 1.1 centerti to width 19ow h, GO pr%ska toe -alk on the ..6fe�et the, de of beginningDag street . 154 feet .or .gt.n stV11. lh... }{el elhim. Ord 2 or, 92 4proved Aukti9t, 3rd, 1914 1"t,1=1fley Order'11,1.`-,aPProvea� Oct 2 -1914 .11's 'oil A P 61he h`11rjug haling been had Pon rap_verc. notice. and the council havtlh�p;*a.'�',d dell Person!, objections and reemr—en- _ it fat ons . re at ve thereto. and having ulIY considered -'the: -same; therefore be It YOP _fl�tl lived, 13Y 'the Council 61 the City , 'ert __all that the Precise store, e.- and R Mayor Poters made by NVen'I'ti Improvement-toIt 1ob the rec n - I n. I�elaylng and repairing with cempresent nt hl..k. to . Width ,.at of the r , .1d.waM a the "'. fee" f a 11 street egina ni, ea,,t side north of , t I feet. t Washington street thence nor 23 feet. �n Ctml orders sal i prove c.toe to bVe "im"Ielb.." 1'es,lved f art er. That the Com - "In or 0 1. here, I Pubila orks be and he 'y ", ult'd In cr.­c Pi... and ell. d.lr,,Ied to c�ldc I f, "Id ImP---rt. nd —hmi, '.nq,'n , l` the C --ii If— cr­_,; thct ,p— "I'd --- . he --er —3- Meer. are he r' hY .th.ri.ed and direeted t. proceed with the malting of �'aj� 1—vern it I .—dance [herewith ih.!m- Adonted by the Council Oct 30, 1914. Apphoved Oct 31,1914. (Nov. 7-1914) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Mattur of..r.e.c.on.s..truc.t.in.g.,......relaying and ,repairing with cetr:ent blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on the east side of Eagle etre..e.t..._be.g.innin.g_..15.4. feat ....nor..th....of...Washington stxeet thence north 23 feet. under Preliminary Order approved ......_.Augu.8t....3,rd,_...1914 __.._._ To the Couneil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Thehe total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvrmrnt is $ .-49.0– per lineal foot-......_. The lots or parcels of No(] that may he HmNess,(d henef]ts fm. Sal(I nmproveffieni, 111(1 the assv.q.-,1 valuation of each lot or parer] as last reported be the Assessor, are as follows: 0✓q (l (J l[ �U DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assess.d Valuation �! GlG yr4 Ae R J& The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to ;him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. --.- Commissioner . �................... _......191 <_ Commissioner of Finanee. Office of -the CommiMorier of Public Works l Report to Commissioner of Finance __...._Aug.... -..3.., .......................191...4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, .............._Auga..__7_e........................._191_`.., relative to ...................... cal, known as Council File No...._...._X.........._ reconstructing.,_... relaying..._ and.. repairing.,_with,__cement„_blocks to a ... ............. yridth.._of..._s_ix..._f a et,_._,_the....prey_ent.__.s ide_wQ lk,.._on.,_east_.._ s_ide_.._g.,_Eagle_._Stre et , beginning feet north of i�ashington._Street, _thence .north a3 feet.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. ....... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............... and the total cost thereof is .i.._....._y`XX ... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................._.._.._......__....................... ............................................ ....... ......_._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. o. Said improvement is..._n t........ .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............. ........_............................................................. Conn issioier of Public Works. u !O O c 2 3 COUNCIL FILE NO ............ 13y._- ..._._.... ._. _._ _.__.__._.. FINAL ORDER. III the flatter of ccns_t _.)cting..cer:ent block side-..valk edieffee Syndicate avenue ,"test aide fro:. Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avenue under Preliminary Order.-- 65.2 � approved July 14th,_ 19 Intermediary Order __ _. ... �!..__.... approved ... ..__ 5....._. _... A public hearing having been had upon the above inlprovenient upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconnuendatiolls relative thereto, :wd having frilly considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is... the _construction. with .cement —blocksla-pidewalk -- -on--Syndicate-avenue-west Side frok'Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avL=e and the Council hereby orders said improvl;00iit, to be. made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subn)it same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement ill aeem•danec therelvith. Adopted by the Council..._...`"�' ty (I fr Approved. ...... _._. ...19____.... _. ......... MXtay r. Councihnen Farn worth --- — I'C. F. No. 2349-- 3A 348— In'the .Blatta[+ -of constructing cement (xnS. -'block sidewalk on 9yndic,ate avenue; I - •est side, from. n I drich avenue to Lincoln avenue u d r Pre1914n In 1 erder. 662 pp Ved July 4,1 914, )• I t medlarY Order 1860. approved OcIL 1.1914. been had A publichearing having /y �l el Al upon the above'Smprovl having g heard notice, and the,, Council having 11 persons, objections'. and, recommen- dations relative thereto, and having O'L ry fully considered the same; therefore;- be It Resolved, By the Council of the..61t'Y Yoel of.St. Paul that the precise nature; ex-• tent and kind of Improvement to: be. made by the said City Is the construe -- tion with, cement. blue ks of.a sidewalk' ,,'Mayor Po ri; on Syndicate avenue,west side, from , Goodrich: avenue -to Lincoln avenue. and the Council hereby orders. said improvement to be made - Resolved Further, That the Comtals- loner of Public Norke-be and he•Is hereby instructed and directed to pre- pare plans and: epee cation. for.,Ild improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval;. thnt d.lcers the approval, the proper o are reby u[harized and directed to pro - `,.d .ith tb,. ,:,king of said improve- s i i„ crdance therewith.., 1914 . n�Ad o pied[ by the Council Oct , Ap p hoved Oct. 31, 1914. (Nov. 7-1914) C .2 e �l � '� r• ��� 7q 4� L 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I In the alatWr of QQAqt.rup+t1pg cement block sidewalk and on Syndicate avenue West side from Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avenue. __ ............ ­ ­ ......... ... .. ........ . ..... . under Preliminar), Order approved ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above impi-ovement is * AQ.0.....per lineal foot for s'ix ' 'ft. sidewalk The lots or parcels of hiud that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: tdf<rf L •(L14.1 f- q Pk I L ..4C'4! /%L! !? L � �1� /✓�/tolL _. /��o �^ � -C�` Q.o �{l-L _._ _f2l�a/ /G_ / � . __ �rtil_ ��. at-'✓L�l�+,r � (((/// , DESCRIPTION Lor Bloch ADDITIONIll� A Fed Valuat;o� /C e ?! n3 /f The Commissiom,er of Fiotmce further reports that he has investigated. all of the aforesaid omtters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the rrport oxide to him in reference to said mattrr by the Commissioner of Publie. Works. Dated-- _ .. ............... 191 Commissioner of Finmiec. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July....21_e...._19.. 91_ .... ....... _ ........... _ ....................... To the Conrvnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No- ....._65........._...approved._..._......:......._ my.....4.,..........._197....., relative to... .................. Al conetructin�__aids}7e,lke 2.n G.00dricl}__Ayenj e!,j fsom.._(aniline,,..P,venue_._t,o.._....... ... Mdl.- Sy.ndicete werue,_ _and .on ,�.yndi.._te Avenue,..f_ron Cooar_ich Avenke ......... 5 and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.........._ ............ necessary and (or) desirable. xxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $... .............. �.'..c and the total cost thereof is .......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........__._......__.._......_._._..... .......... .._................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #.--------- ........... ....... ......... ........... .......... ........ ............. ......... ......... .........................................................................................................................................................._...................... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Conn ' sroner of Public Works. d'�� aS � 0% -",Iz7E COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y..._ _ .....__ _. _..... FINAL ORDER. III the .Batter of.__.re.coostxuc_ting.,__relaying and repairing_ with, cement, blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the North aide of Third street beginning._ 192..._feet .._west._of--Sibley street thence west _.30. -feet. under Preliminary Order 1,0558_ _ ._approved _ Atlgllet 8_th., 1914 hlternnediary Order approved _.._..Oct..11,191¢.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recouuuendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- to be node by the said City is._She_.rae.oretr='U.c..ton, re..l eying and .re psiring with • cement provement blocks to a width of ten feet,the present sidewalk on the north sideof Third street beginning 182.... feet _west. -a£..Sibley;etrset.th.ence_ west__ 30 -ft..... and the Couneil hereby orders said improvenllelftto be load'. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and lie is helwby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications foo' said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authm•iz'd and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in/act ordanee th 1 ewitl . Adopted by the Council— ". D .. 19 .1/ " �\ c City Clel,k. Approved 19 C. F 1\ C2349— 349 u In th \x 'tt f reconstruct) g relay. Iayor. Cn1111Clllnt'll FaI'tl \V OI'tll 'ing adrep airinS with cement • bl cls to n idth of ten feet the present sidewalk on the north side Gas of Thlyd'etrset beginning 182 feet . west of Sibley street, -thence west n "feet under Preliminary order 1058,1 a 'August 8th, 191.4, Int I,— hell 1' dPPrpved lary Order 1858 approved Oct. 1, 1914. A public hearing hnving been had \Icl: II upon the above improvement upon due d tice, and the Council having heard all persons, bleclions and recommen- dations relative thereto• and having D Ll 1'y Pully considered the sloe; therefore, be it Resolved. By the Council of the CI [y Y ll' a of St, Paul that the precise nature, ex " tent and kind o1 'improvement to bei muds 6y the said City is the recon- llflyOT POW 1'S struction, relaying and repairing with'. cement blocks to a width of ten feet the Present sidewalk on the north side, of Th l rd street beginning 182 Peet west of Sibley street, thence west 30 feet ' and the Council hereby orders said I.' provement to be made. Resolved Further, That the Commis - loner of Public Work. be and he Is hereby Instructed and di ---d to pre- pare plan. and speclflc:i tion. for .. Id f Improvement, and st bmit me [o the !! Council for approval; that aupon said approval, the proper elty officers a �'- hereby authorl,ed and directed to pros, teed vvlth the making. of sand ImP r ova-:. •nt Ina ordn nee iherrwith. m,.\doptedr by the ,ell net 30. 1914. .\pp hayed Oct. f.�'nv. �-lalll f .m f REPORT OF COMMISsSIONER OF FINANCE ]a the Matter of _reconstructing,relaying .and repairing with cement blgq}s._.t.c..a_w..idth....o. ten.......f_6et th..e. pre. sent sidewalk on the north side of .. _ _._ _..__ ___...... eet.._.w.est._.of. Sibley street thence west 30 feet. under Preliminary order appron,I August 8th, . 1914 'Po the Council of the Citv of St. Paul: 'Phe Commissioner of Finance hereb}- reports as follows: 2 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above uuproven8..¢ uvtt is :�...__._..er lineal foot. p.. .............. The lots or pareela of laud that mny be assessed benefits fxor said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as lost reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 11 4 The Commissioner of hin:uiee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. Will hereby submits the tbregoiug ashis eeport thereon to the Council, together With the report made to .him ill reference to solid matter by the ('ouunissioner of Public. Works. Dated ����� Commissioner of Finance. R Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August..._14.,................191.4, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Comm - 1058 .... Au et 8'............_........1914...., relative to....._ ..............._..... cil, known as Council File No ...................._........... approved......_..............._........................ - reconstructing. ...... relaying and._.repairin_g___ith cement Meeks t.o a ..............wldth....of- ...t.en...feat..,......tk1e....Rrr.s_sz>�.....e..�dewa.�.k.....4..�.._the...._ north..._eide.._of..._Th rd St beginning.._18Z..._feet.._we_st..._qf..._Sibley..._St.�...z_._then...... wast 30 feet... ......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. XXXXXX ., and 2. The estimated coat thereof is $.........._�Xx7C......., and the total cost thereof is:{�.._.._......................_.._._..... , the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -" 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #.... ................ ....... ........... .............. ........ ......... ........... ................... ..............._.......................................................................................................... .................................................. 5. Said improvement is__................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... ...._...... .... ...................................................... ommissioner of Public Works. I i _ COUNCIL FILE NO- 13Y O._ k FINAL ORDER. 1 0 L, the at r' e onstrugC.tjn�. rjla�tiw ebuildin and replairing with cemezi t9Ak �o a wi a x ee tie preeen si ewa k -on Cathedral Place west side beginning at Carroll avenue thence south 80 ft. _ .......... ........__ umdgr Preliminary Order. 694.. ? __ .. ..._...approved _ July l5th,1914 Intermediary Order ._.__d�O ,_..- _._.approved _ _...._99t.1,11914 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council. having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn- proveu,ent to be made by the said City is._.the...reconetlf.'.11.Ftion, r..el..aying.1Tebu"din g' and repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the pesent sidewalk on Cathedral Place ----- - vrsst-- aide --beginning --at- Car roll -avenue thence ..south _.SO fast.._._... ;rod the Council hereby orders said improvement to he alade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and snbn,it surae to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city off,eers are hereby authorized amd directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement io accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.....>'�il.:.�._ City Cle,•lc� / Approved 19._. Councilmen Parnyworth (foss Kell r 7 JIc( ,Il 0'L ary Yoe, ;Mayor Pow s r V f' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE L, the matter or . recons .truetirg.,._.re.lay.ing,___repairing and rebuilding with cement b.lpcks..ta....s w.i.dtk}.of_s.ix._..fe.et the pre sen...._._sidewalk on Cathedral Place.. wes.t_._sde beginning at__Carroll__avenue__thence south_80__ft_. ........ _ ander Preliminary Order approved._Ju1Y..,_15th, ..19.1.4. ____. ...___ __........ _..._. __.._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessau•nl for the above improvement is :�_...e,49.¢._per lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits far said improvement, and the assessed vahuition of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _��j£�(�a-� /�(C(C� M� f/J/ �✓�l�lL 'l/-%�2f•il-� alp ��� a�-C anlu.-..ate /1 DESCRIPTION Lot I Bloa ADDITION Assessed Valvetion iG!/-..d�lG���rI i M The Cmnmissiouer of Finauee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid tuattees, and hereby- submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Coonaissioner of Public Works. 11�......_191....�� Dated ... ........... .... Commissioroer of Finanev. Office of the Co missioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................... J.u1.Y....2.1., .................. _....7 91..4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.. ............6.94...._....approved...-_......_J.Uly.....1 ..,-._........._.........191..4..., relative to_ ............... .........._ reconstruoting, relaying, rebuilding and_ re pairing_rrith cement blocks to _a _width of ._e_ix__feet.__the...Dres..ent...._si.dewalk_,_on_..the...._i. .... ..,. Cathedral.__Place,_..we_et_,.e_ide_,be_gi.nn n,g_..ot_._.C..arroll_A e,_,._.._tl-ence___south_._60.,._ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.._..._.............necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is..._......_a%.._..., and the total cost thereof is slid the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................_....._..........__................. ...... ................ .._..._................... ............. ......... ... ....... .........._._............ .._............... .............. .............. ............. ................ ...._........................... ...... .._............ ..... .._._-.._......_....._..._........._._....._........._....__....._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nuide a part hereof. 4. ........................... -..... ................................................ ...................... ...... _... ..... ....... _........_........................... ....__......_........_............ .... ....... 5. Said improvement is.......__......................... asked for upon petition of three or mnore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............. ......................._.................... Commi mr o Public Works. i Subject :............_........ . Resolved, That the Cigarette lioense No. 226 granted June 6, 1913 to A. B. Friedman, 329 W. 7th St. and transfered to Julius Fendrey, 329 W. 7th St. be and it hereby is tranefered to Theo. 9chuneman, 329 W. 7th St. q O F No 2862— ' Resolved, That the'..P1fir tt6. liceneo .No 226 grhi�Le June�,;6, 192, to A. A. F ledmn 3 9 7th Sc, and trans-� tetrad to, Jullu .F ndr y 329 W. 7th CCC -54 be ii}i 1t her§by'1 transferred tol 9 Theo 5oltiby nn 32.9 W 1th St. {I 1 Adoptddd the Co�ynel3 Oct. 21, 1914. i. App vkd: Nov 2 (No�7-1914)-1914) -19 Yeas (d)'Gou ilmen (v) days Fa kh GM Il O' a Y Mr. Pr ' Adopted by the 1 is 191— In favor Approved 191„ Against • — MAYOR Mr. Harrold Council File No ....... ..:.:...... .................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and wrtD R- PRELIMINARY ORD The undersigned hereby proposes thZ owing public improvement by t City of St. Paul, viz.:cond.Q.lrnl.:,xl..._a2ld.....t.ekit.....in.._the.....land-.non. sry....far..:............ s..o.P.eQ_,._px.....cut_s_..and._:1.1�.]anl.as..._�va.:.....fix .......:.oncord..._St...._tc. ...avm ... ..p r Dated this(v__./. Wh r ne, A w 11-- proposal for. trio .. , . „ . ....._ m ki k of the followingg improv Ment .. viz Condemning and takl g an eae - Moot 1 the land necensa Y fo slopeCouncilman. ng for 'lit, from andflaConcord n to nnP di gn having been preeen[ed!to the C' e[ tto City of St Pnul•.therefo e,; T: ved, That the, Comolis 4 4o>•ke V an8 lig i directed:ORDER. y i Ltnirof 1 g P WHEREAS, A written p> oposa' lu it:, g t 1e following iw rovculent, viz.:.. . 0ondefxlxl rlg....ax>...... t.eking....an-...eaeenellt. in....the .._land ....nee .assaxy slapea,.-.... for_._cutsilx....graing..._neaor.d...Sa......._t.n..................... _... Annavolio St...................................... ........_....................... ......._...._.._.......... _.._.....:...._.....-..................................... ..............._... _.- ........................................................................._........-..-_..-..................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.- ......... .... ...... ..._... ..... ..._......_........... ....... :...... ....... ....., therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner' of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. Toinvestigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3, To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of,aaid improvement. yttive to said ...... 4. To furnish the following other data and information rein improvement: :.....:............................... -............................................................................................................................................ ................................. _........... ..... _................ -................ I .......... ....... 5. To state whether or not said 6. To report upon all of the for Adopted by the Council ...................... Yeae Council�m rnsworth 5 V a M oil O eary Y rg May - is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. .to the Commissioner of Finance. Council File No .......... Mr. Herrold. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 6 y PRELIMINARY ORDER. rk The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publ mprovement by the of St. condemning._._and___taking-._an..._es_erpent Pall,, viz.: ........ slopes, for cuts and fills in grad' g Griggs St. m Randolph St. .... Dated this 39th day of .. ..... .....OGtObBT._/ Whe ene,.A written; - ---- meKing of the following <improveanent, - -vis: Condemning ,and'tpkin$ an+eaee -- mept In the land necessary FFor Elopes, Connellnian. :for cafe op e flus !I grsdfng"-Grlggs St from Rend ]ph St.r::te ScheiferF _ buying been 'presented -to the Count' �of-ilib City,`of St Vaul th refore ,Resolved,. That theCommlee1-1 Public Wor1[s, be ane, be to, hr ;,i1VIINARY ORDER. 'dared and directed , I T investlgat _ WIIEREAS, A"�cilttena��io� + x 6i the;making of the following improvement, viz.:_condemllin.g,.... .and _taking_-_an__._easement__in_the.__land _._ ne_ces_ear_y___for .S.lO.pea-,_for .cuts fill's in .grad ing.:..Gri.gge_St, from..Randglph..S..t.....to. Schaffer ,St..,... ............ .............. ....... ........ _ _..._ . ............ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...................................._.._.............._.........._.................; therefore, be it RE, SOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. 'Po furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.. ....................................... ............. _............... ...... _....................................... _............ ......... _........ ................................... _................... ....................... _...................... ................................... ...... ...... 5. To state Whether or not said inlpr vement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fork in matters to the in of Finance. Adopted by the CouneiL......._..............................�%...�....... ...... 191.Vj. Yeas: Nays: Council It-nsworth Approved.._.................._..._...._.............all Mayora7 Mayor. PUBLISMD.. % /—' % Mr. Herrold. Council File No— ........_....................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 23e5. 5 PRELIMINARY ORDER. Ptte undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the, followin lit in7provement by City of St. Paul, viz.:condemning..._and..._taxi ng.....f ....e.aaIe) fo ..v1'10n.....tb.e...land....n . s.eary....f.or................. ......._.... sl..op80.,.... for out_s..._and_.fi_i1..Q..__in.... ...... .ing.._jumR....f..TQ.M gecumbe.....Road .....to_._... HemlineAve. .... ....._._....._........_........._........._........................................ _........._- _....._.........................._..........._..........._.................._........................._._......_...................... ... Dated t1us....__._.30t da9.. of 0 t ...Per............���i" 'f Councilman. u of 8t Paul therefore _�t'• --- +T6at thQ e tumieeto Publla T,ke; be hutygt�rf@+lter aerea antlKlt ect¢a ,, t !RY ORDER. - ri.aek'o inveeFlt ut oondemnin WIIEREAS, A turttet ;`,,1tt4r+rh ;' the making of the following improvement, Viz.:- ...... ...........�. and taking an easement in the land ne4essary___fo_r._._slopee.,_..._for..__outg__ _. _ n.d__fi11e._, in_...grading.._June..._frpm_,_Edego.unite..._Rg.ed_.._to._H_amlfne.,..Aye,..___.....__ .. .. __.___........_.......... .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................. ........._..... ......................_...._........_.. ; therefore, be it RE, SOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. '1•o furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:..... ....._....._...._..__.. 5. To state whether or not said i p ement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore t 1» ers to the 'ormnissioncr of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..........__....._.._{{{///...................._.._..._ _.._191. Yeas: Nays: CouncilmanfFah Approved. ...` ......._ '..........................._�..........................._......._....._............................._................_.._....._.. Mayor Mayor. Mr. Herrold. Council rile No. t 1 r*s�t✓�, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and V PRELIMINARY ORDE The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the'f owing public improve it by the City of St. - Paisl, viz.: (3_onderan ng_._and... t.elcing.....a1n.....e. ..emen..... in...the _,..1. ne.aeas.ary....f.or............... slopes, for cute._.and fills... __..• grad?ng...H.YaC. kit.....S.t.....f.r.om....Ear.]....S.t...... ...... toOrange...._St..._.........._....._....._...._..............._.._...._........._.......................... ..... ......._._........_..........._..__......__.............. ........................... _..__... .._................ ............._............ ....... ..... }� .-- Dated this _ ..39tk>,. days Qotobe ........ � �' c d tiv hereof, h wrltten,yroposal for th mnlclnB of the Yollowln6 tmpprovement _so s - 1. t e land ...e t ki k' rin ease-,� ent in the land necea a Y for_.alope 1 Muneillnan. _. PobtlfWorke be and:.he fe herebyo,-� Y ORDER. d t0dn d�nveetlBate tha r, WIIE1tEAS, $ ]vrrtted i)1•opunnr ,—t.te malnng of the following improvement, vlz.:..AOn. Eil!i1.7..AS ak.i.n.g.....an.....e.as.ement_...in....th.e_...1-and....neae.ssary_...f o.r.....s1.opes,.....f,ar...._Cuts. . .............. ,l l e._._1_n.....grading.._HX_ac.. nth.... St_,......_r.o.ru.._E.aX.1...S.t.........t.o....,Orange at-,_ .._ _.. _ ................ _...._._..... .... f having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........... .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.... ....... ... ............................................. ....................................................... ........ _...... _._............ _..... _._.............................................................................................. ........................ 5. To state whether or not said " n r ement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the fore, o matters to the ommissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................. .._...1. ...... 191. Yeas: jo, Nays: Couaci an worth _ ��ff Approved...,//... ........._ 4 .............. 191.4/ v0"A .........I ..... ................ ........................ ............. :..._..........._......... lZayor J, 1\'Iayor. PUBLISHED/ 2" S Council File Na ............ ................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tile undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Pub Paul, viz.: condemning,._and._taking....an ..._ eaeeme..... .._.?:_n - ...................._.............. elopes, for cute and fills in ing..:C_arb, Marion St. and Marion 30th day of .UWP.l.h! Dated tins. __...... i nO -P-s r - oee,l C F No. 2 t� Wherens;'A written d o Deal tot th making of the followl prove=t,; viz Condemning nit's mo In the land heceA o,, o '- Tor cuts and hila I gYhdln a'n,st trom Rice St.t Marlon stn n exlon' ..,m.:M la d :bt to slldth' st.. Mr. Herrold: by the City of 1 Councilman. 5-7 tho. Qtty; st Paur th@reforai; be'it tveo;Ahaiig,lbe a d bell,ntepioner ;N ARY ORDER. worjce be andhe !s h condemnin WHEREAS, A written proposal for hhe making of the, following improvement, viz.: and taking...._an._easement_. .. _in...the.._1_and..._ and f i lle____in gr_ad> ng__Carbon_. St ... from t..-- fro.Sand, t , ._ ... Marion .._St_...._f rom.._Maryland.._St,_._..._to ... South....._St .......__.. . _....._..._.._._._..__...._.. ...... .................................. _..................... _.... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........._.........._.._............._........._......_. .................._..... , therefore, be it RE, SOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total Cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . _....._............ #, To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: -- ............... 5. To state whether or not sai I i 6. To report upon all of the foe( Adopted by the Council ................ Yeas: ConnClj.!Dalf0eary sworth l' oll Mayorers is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. to the, Qmmnissim,er of Finance. Council File NO-- pROpOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and p]&Ejj=ARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fOlIONvjllg pull Paul, viz.: Lan lo I" ,Z,15 -8 b*he City"'of St. ............ .............. .... ................ ................ ......................... .. I ......................... ............ ............ Dated this 29 ................ .... wh..... 12hte. ........i ................ 9aa GT4W, at -1 t 'j%j. -,.ttUM.; Councilouln. I " 6. carll n ORDER. W11174,RBAS, A written )1, 2i rfA" r, d:,.fihe following inip rovellient, viz.:., ],Qr Aae jaf.Q_n.rj...6.t* an4 ReYlitt Ave—JI-An ac-C.O.r.dalln. Y.ffi-e .-Q with P-0.1it-IOn- . h.emeta- attache+& . ...... ... .. .. .............. ............ . .................... - .................... .......... -.1 ......... .... ........ ........... .......... . ...... ......... ............... ........... ........... ............................................. ........................ .................. ...................... I .......... I .. ................ ................. ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............................ ... ............ ............. ......... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a- plan, profile or sketch bf said improvement. : 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ...... . ........................................... . ... ..... .... . .............. ................ . ... I ......................... . .... ................. .......................................................................................................................... 5. To state whether or not said improv Alit is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregtj.jers to the ou"nissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Nays: Yells: Councilman Far worth Gos Approved......... . . ........ 2� . ...... - 191-il Far worth JJJ 0. 11 , I oil 0' ary Y y ...... ... . ............................. . ....... . g Mayor. Mayor RMLL Council File No ............._.._...:....._.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDE The undersigned hereby proposes the Making of the owing public Paul, .vii.: condemning and taki_ng..._p..e m_ent..._in_.._the,. slopes_,___fo:r.cute..__and ...fi.11 n�._grfaing..._C.je,ar.. Arcade St.. Dated this .....30th---_,da#Fof ..... C F No .2768-- Wh oas,L$ Fittest' T , makl g oYr-kl'{. 71ot iz CondO § n d a a accta�1 Lhe�ess f vts and tG i*16 l' t Yr Fornat Arc b en ^presented, 'to the Cu 4Y 6L- L�t Mr. Herrold. 3,59 the City of St ary for Councilman. pirylWdTk�and lapm9 (t airentnd w Yp£ .:+ "Y ORDER. at tt .y IVIIEREAS, A written prHposst-yoi• the making of the following improvement, vi,.:e.andemTli.ng..._ .. __an as_ninand takin_._.- ... ........_.... . and fills in grading Clear St from Forest St to St. Arcade... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketeh of said improvement. 4. '1'0 fw'aish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.._......._...__...._..........._. ----................. ... ............ ............ ........_............ ..................................... ........... ......._......_..... ._........................ ............._...... ---.. u.' To state whether or not said 6. To report upon all of the for Adopted by the Council...._..._......._.., Yeas: ,L is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. , to the Commissioner of Finance. Mr. Herrold Council File No..................................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f wing public improvement lie City of St. I condemnin and...t.akina..._an......._sement...._?n:...the._s�lan .. a..ce.a.a.ary...f.or............ Yaul, viz.: ..........................._.................._. s l o pe s.z...._f o_r.._ cu t:s..:and..._f i_? 1 in, g....r ad. i..ng....P.ow.e.r.... .-......f.rnm....Wi.id.er.....to._.................. ClevelandAve. ..:..............._............................._...._...................._.._..........._....._............._.... ... .... _ ... .... _ Octobe ... Dated this 29th .._ day of hNeaegA,,,wr}tfen propogal o.. _ ._..... .._.._... ',Ong of the following llnpro Inimt,I Condemning and to as an .ease- �—' ._ 'It in theIand necessary for slopes,-! Councilman. cute' and"fills In grading Power St. . sn Wildar.'St, to Cleveland Ave., ...'ng City beenof St. P-1,theretore,nted to the 1 ilved, That the Commission r Works be and heis hm,f'.�p=Agy ORDER. �.id directed: "'aef t9 'tl" :., WHEREAS, A written 1), et;,.(t'S:• o� pt ' ]making of the following improvement, viz.:.....COridemriin.g_ and taking an easement in theland necessary for elopes, for cute .. ................._................._................................... and fills in grading Power St. from Wilder St. to Cleveland Ave. ... ....................___..........................._.._..._............ ._.......... _...................._.._..................._.................... -.............................. .............. ....._...._..........._.............. ............. ..... _. ..................... ._.......................................................................... _.................... ..................... ...... .................. ................... ............. ............ ..._............ ... ... .................... ........._._............... ....._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman................._...... ..................................... .................. .....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ' 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: . ..... ....... ......................................................................_..........................__..... .._..... _.._......... ................... ............... ......... _... ............_..-............ ............ ........... ........................ ........................ 5. To state whether or not said imI prov ent•isasked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foreg n a ers(to th`e Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............................. ................ ..L..191....T Yeas: 111 Nays: fYrg CouncilmanrthApproved._ /.�_...._.........._...................1'Jl�. Mayor Mayor. Mc. Herrold Council Nile No........: PROPOSAL FOR IrdpROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public impro t by the City of St. gondemni ng..._a?ld..._t ak_ing..... 1.....e..ae.s.mezl t.....in...: land....ne.o.e.e.aary..... .......... Paul, viz.: ... elppee, for cuts _and_ fills in__,gr.... ng._Louie.:.._St.,. fr. ...... g1..Qgn...._ Ave..to Dayton Ave.............................................................. .... . . __......_.. Dated this. 29th day of October. he cue aA written+l�ropoeal for the ... 1' ' .......� i ._._... .. .. . .......... _..... __.. Ing of the folloWina'. Improvement, Condemning. and-takingan A In the land necesSMry for slopes-. Councilman. cuts and fills In grading Lou1e St- .. Nelson Ave. toDayton Ave., hav ^been'presented to the. Council - ',Ity of St. Paul therefore, be 1t folved; That the Commlesloner •: Works be and he Is hereby jARY ORDER. anddirected::' r. Investigate the neer aZ, • '�Iv'of tk—skln!•,,- of the following improvement, viz.:._............_.._......._....._....... Condemning WHEREAS, A written prop.: .lag and t4ing,.an_.e_asement..._in__the_.__land..nece_scary..._f_or__._s1.4F.es..,..__for ........... .............. .... ......... _...... cut e...._ and ..._f....1.1.s......i..rn.....g.r.ad.i.n.g...L.oui.s.....S.t_......from ...N.elaon...Av.e.........t.o.._......_... _.... Dayton Ave.... _........... ... _. ..... ....._. ... ......_..... _... _._.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Patel by Councilman .......... ..................... ............._...._........._.......................; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. #. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:................ .. ........ G. To state whether or not said inr rove ent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregors to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._.......................................I....191. Yeas: 1\ Nays: Councilman Far sworth //•• Gos Approved._/t........_............. er ; J( Mc oil O' ary YoeguK....... .._......_............... Mayor o�v rs :Mayor. Y 1'UBLISHED�=-� I. Mr. Herrold. Council File'No.........................:....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, F; 2 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned herebyproposes the making of the following public ovenlent by the City o e, condemning..._�n"d..._t.ak_lAg.....azl:....e.aaeme.nt.....' ..... he._..l.and...nec.e.s ...i.nr;.......... Paul, viz.: ._ slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Pal a St. from Pri Ave to...._.._..,......"..,... _........__........_............__..__......_....__............_........__.......__._.... _ Fairview Ave. .......... ..................................... .... ............. ........_.......................................... ............... ....... .. Dated this 2.9th .. C. F No. 2362- Wh res , A w itt n proposal for the i making of the followbeg .linprovement, r„�, .......... �Jm P e .. ....... viz: Condemning and Laking an ease i -- "m � ment in the land eceseary for' elopee � for cote and -fals In grodl g PulacC ,� Councilman. S. fro Prior Ave to Fairview .Ave having been presented to the Coon of .the City of St. Paul therefore, be Resolved, That the Commissioner._ —' ---"— .Public Worksbend he. Is hereby ered and directed: :. ,"j ORDER. 1. To Investigate the;:nee . desirability of- the -mai,^ ';ent: .,i ronin \\'HEREAS, A written propose.,.,,. ,,,, ,;,:cth„ of the following improvement, viz.:C.911'��....... . g.....-.. and. t.aking.._.an....eas.ement....in_...the.....land_..ne"c.eBa.ary.......fox .....slope.s.,.....f.ar.....c.ut.s....and......... fills.._ in .. g r.gd...i n.ge_._St_,.....f_x.A..m:._Pr. i a.I._..Av...0..,......t.o.... E.a7..rY.i.e.w..._ Av.e..,.._....._................._....._..._ _ . ......... ... _._.._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..... _......... __..... .... .........................................................: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and Ile is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_.._..._._.........._...._ ............... a. To state whether or not said ini 6. To report upon all of the fm•egoi Adopted by the Council-,, Yeas: Councilman F41swortll -01,iC.foxo.,', V Mayor is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. to the Commissioner of Finance. Nays Approved..../ ........................................_.. .. ...... ............ ................ .............._.._ ... Mayor. �'LJBLi9HED 1 �i �� Council File No._.... _._.................._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followinj pub ' Paul, viz.: c..o..nd.em. _ng....A.Ad.....t_ak.�. g-....an.....e_U.eMe _......�.n..._t Dated this...2.9..tk1.._..... ..... day of/......_.C1.CT+S Ic r.No. 2363 Wbereae, A w ttten:pco�lgenl Mr. Herrold. rr , u•ovement by the City of C Councilman. ve Im Ing be" presented to-: tlta 1 oonhe it .the Cityof•St Paul Yhere- Y ORDER. I� r elo ly7arkehbe tnd henla hiY or� i:dirncted �.� ki,•b f the following improvement,viz.:.....C.o.ndemni.ng.._. WITEREAS, written and_` a�cing_an_`.e.aaeme.nXt1t t.....ill,-t.he.....l.and....ne.ce.s.o3-—V-_£.o.r.....ta.�pP.e_s.,_....f_o.x..._cute..._and.. . fill .3..._ n.....gr.ad ........................ ................ ....- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Counm man--......--...---..-....-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other chda and information relative to said improvement:._.__............_..._.._......... _... .................................... _.... . 5. To state whether or not said impro ent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for eg�i tters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............... ....... .._..11...._........_.... ......1914. Yeas: Nays: Councilman ty l Approved........_.._._.._..........._. ear 11 ....._........................... .................................. _ .Mayor r / Puussirs�n� l //�C.. Council File No ................................:.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tile, following public Pahl, viz.:..P�z Dated tbis.....__..W............ .day Petition by the City of Councihnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A Written proposal for the malting of the following iniprovmuent, viz-:_.......grad.e .Hubbard A .... ........... ...... ........ ....._.....:............_......_._......._........_......... C. 1? xo. aaca— ' A written prdposaOVemen � � � ��� Whereas. � I_........_........_........................_._.._........._.................__................. ............malting of the following lrnpr i chri Grade Hubbard .Ave. b [ween' g St. and Lexington Ave. h vi g .............. ion Presented to the Council of tpYl-- ------ """ "" y .,_... .__....__.... be It ity of St. Paul therefore, ner oil 2esolved, That the Commissi _...................._.........._._..........._...............:_._ilio 'Works bed le hereby ot'.- ...................................... 'd and directed:/..............__..._......_.._.................__......_........... inveatlgato the necessity for) �nbllitY of the malting oY 'e^'•l �,.nt' ,. ._........., having been presented to the Council i. mo ,,,;:uticl man.........._._........_....................._........_........._.._. therefore, be it 't ' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or, desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improventeut, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -l. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_._......_..... ........ .............. _.... .................. ........ _.............................. .._...... ....._.........._..................................................... 5. To state whether or not said i 6. To report upon all of the fore - Adopted by the Council...._ .................._.. Y ese Councilmanf�wortli Mayor is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. to the Commissioner of Finance. 1.9114. Nays Approved../v. •........ . _(J_w..................................�I.'�;, `........ ........ ............ Mayor. Council File No. 7�e8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMWN r' . and PRELIMMARY ORDER. h The undersigned hereby proposes the nlaking,of the followil public improvement b e City Of. St- "a t.....in....the.....1eYid._ a aFary....9Dx....._....... Paid, viz.: mondemning.._.and .....taking .... Hatch St. fM Dale St. to slopes, for outs and fills.in gra g Kent- .�....and....east--aaad-west..-a11 ....n..-War-0.....8e....Hosp Addition..._Blao'k....g...-and .......................................................... _..................... Mare 8c Aospes Re -arrangement Supersedin ouneil File X417. ......................................._.. g Dated this..., QRWA nay s .. C P No. .2365 for the .... ... .. .... ... ..... wh a s. A rine proposalVem nt .... ... ... improve e vl kl Condem irc a d taking lopesr ent .a th O, land neCeesnry flinch ° .. Councilman. Yor et is and fills In gradingd east s fram.Dnle St. to I{ent at+ west n11ey In are & HosPes ditlon Bloch 3d ware e n p p- arrnngement 1 having "!=MARY ORDER. Cnuncll of the CItY of 1 l '> It WHEREAS, A written proposal for the oinking of the following improvement, vlr.:...:..¢Dndemning and ''";taking S, easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills iz1..-gaadangeasemh....S.t,.....from...Dal.s.._5t.,_to..Sent...St. and east sand. west alley in Ware & Hospes Addition Block 3 and Ware 8c Hospes Re -arrangement A. ._.......................... .......................................... ...................................... _..__........... ..........- _ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............ ...... ........... ........ ......... ........... ..... ................___...; there& e; be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1.. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . _................._. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ............. .......................... ......................... ................................................. .... .... _.................. . .................................................. 5. To state whether or not sai 6. To report upon all of the fo� Adopted by the Council..... Yeas: Councilman Far sworth 0 11I 11 0' ary Yo g 1llayo — is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. to the Commissioner of Finance. 191 Nays; Approved ..:.r...:..........._�Le-._................__.........19 j Mayor. Council File No ............. .............. PROPOSAL FOR nVIPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes .the making of the fol ving public improvement by th y of St. Paul, viz.: o..ora(le4MIng..._and_...taking..._&n......e.....ment......in..._the....land... a2ary......f-am...........- a sewer, 16 feet in width, the enter line of whic s 8 feet west and .....parall..al. ...ta.._the-..sast....li o.f....Lat....4....Go.tzian.!. .. earrange-ment....Of....... .... Block 24 Sigel's Addition rom Fremont St the alley of said Dated thus.. __+-V oYc �� _') 0. F. No: 2se,366wrItte. aski1ngor tits eof the Pollo nd g� mgrb fement, - f � 1 - � Iz: Condemning and takflr9 an ease- Id- �nent to the la'necesenryy'.for sew- 16' feet 6In width,p the t anbla tergllel to sew - Councilman. he east line or LOt 4 lio[ZtIIn'9 n" ngement of Bloc 24 alit Ad• Jon from Fremont St., to the -alley j , said Block 24, having been present., to the Council of .the CRY of A+iRY ORDER. 1 therefore be It 1 °d, ,Th t the. Cammf ''.. -e•-� WHEREAS, A �vlltteil'll u�l0�a! Yvl!'it ntakingof the following improvement, viz.:.. condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for a sewer, 16 feet in v U-! h.y.-._the---center. 7 ime- of....wh#:e% is... 8 --feet- west and parallel to the east line of Lot 4 Gotzian's Rearrangement of Block 24 Sigel's Addition .........-............_..........._......._........... _..._...__......................--.................._.__..........._............................_............................. .........._........._._.._..._..........._..._......._......_......._......._.......... from Fremont St. to the alley of said Block 24. ....__.........__................_............._.............. ............. ._............ ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................. ......._...... ..._.._.... ........ .......... ......... ...... ..... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. `L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish tile following other data and information relative to said improvement: ... . ........ 5. To state whether or not sal I i •ovement is asked for on the'petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the ftr natters to the 'Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._ ................................. ... ...... 1J11,j� Yeas: ..f iii rr Nays: Council ln Farr iworth GossApproved.11..::_........_9........................... ...... l O'L1 +V/ ry Yoe......_ .............................. ..........- Mayor c� Mayor. Council File No........___ ....................... - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.' `, 3367 AR u and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public it •ovement by the City of §0 Paul, viz.: .obange.....of..... grade .....an...alley .....in....aa0t.t�s.._ itian,....8asage_'s.... ,........_ --A mu—c, -n--tin Rnb_ _ from Pri Ave. to _C.levele.a .._.._ye. Datedthis._._....31..............day of......_........_f1C..p_eT_..._....._.._....._................... 1 C. F. No. 23A l } Whereas, A written Propoeni for the ............ .... ................ .............. -- making of the:;followtng improvement, vlz: Charge,'.:of` grade on aey. in i. Scott's Addition. Savage's subllth ., Smi's', Councilman. Sub. and .Thomas Dutie's Sub., from. Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave., havin.' been presented to the Council of 't City of St. Paul therefore, be it it solved, That the Commissioner - I'll 11 war1 be and he 1s hereb�;�RY ORDER. a d • n4 r!-QedM1 h ner ` WHEREAS, A lvrltteut pQf.ropoaul foi• th u..ixiitg of the following improvement, viz.: ..... ....... .._....... GhAnge.....:nf.....grade._..tun....alley .....in....S.c..a.t.t' s.... �d..t_j.A.n.,......EtYage_'_s.._Sub.a... Smth._:.s.. _Sub. and....Thomas ....Dunn.'..s....;Sub..,..._fr.4_m.._P i9:x_.._Ave,_...t4..._Cleveland.._Ave_........ .... _........ ............. .............. ._...... .... ....... ... .._........................ ............... .................. ............... _...... ......................... ...._............... .........._...._._......_.__....._..........__.........._..._._............... ......... .... ._........._......_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........... ......._.... _............... ......................... ...... .__._.... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said iinprovement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .._........_ ..................... ._.. 5. To state whether or not said improv vent is asked for oil the petition of three or mote owners. 6. To report upon all of the for glia l a ens to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................ ....... ............._......._ ...1...._L')1...I - Yeas: ` Nays: Councilman F nsworth f3 s Approved -1L..` .................. _2........ ......... ..... .191.% h Coll 0 euty erg MayorP wars Mayor. Council File No............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r +e L'he. trod 'signed,hereby proposes the )taking of the follo g public improvement b e City of St. Paul, �iZ.:....._.._P, acgnstruot ng,....relaying._e.._.:_.._repairing..w th. ....... blocks ........ to a, width of tan fent the prase sidewalk on Sen St., south aide .,.....beginning....at....Sibley ....S.t,...,.... enea.sreat.....9...1e ,.....beginning...141 feet farthar west, thence was 50 feet; begi 45 feet east of paeouta:St.--, zhenae...east .....30.. set; begin-- fit._ farther.... east*............... thence east 26 feet; begi ing 75 feet f her east, thence east ....Su. eraedi C 'F. 3285 .. _._55 feet: p � Dated this . ..31st. day of.. .. .........Do,cbax,#i... ...... 191..4.. r. f I C. F. re .-A--- Wherea A wr11, .. .......... ... _.. .......... ........ naking: of the foltbwl»g mp�Qvement;: """"""' ' 1 Reeanetructi'ng, ralayln..hnd' e -- airing with cemer�t blocks6tp';a width Councilman. ten YeeC ,the ��ppkesent IU9w.1 on _ • —th street, 9duth side; .beginning ubleIng 1 1�•feteb farther weat�'ttienc}� -- FO Peet, beginni»g 45 feeteast+t touts at.. thence oat 30 Peet; bRY ORDER. 1 g 60, feet - to they, on- t:' the• f P t b ginni g 75 feet far'• WIIERI;AS, A wutteu projc t ties a tudt:itlg`of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width ..-of ten— feet the. present--sidewal.-k on--Seventh. St...,..._south side j -beginning at Sibley St., thence west 9 feet; beginning 141 feet farther west, thence �cest 8'0` fast; 'b'eginning 45 'fee -east of -i9 'Oouta .St.r ._.thence __... eastQ_..feet;_ beginning-50:feetarther.,eaet.,..thence.E�as 26 feet; beginning 75 feet farther east, thence east 25 feet .................... ............................................... _:...................... _... _...._ ................. _............ ........... _.. ..................... ...................... ............... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......._.._...._........................._......................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 8. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plat, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and inforatation relative to said improvement:................__..........._..____. .............................................................................................................. .........._........._..................._............................._.................................................................................................. 5. To state whether or not sa' iovenient is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the f rei"atillars to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...,........... v.. ..........1 .. Yeas: Nays: f J CouncilFatrnsw o rth t_o Approved ................. Mayo001L ary Mayor. •� -CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT s u�yo} �lcltia no11T^l��'� nIH AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORME""3 No. �aT TY< PTROLL[R AUDITED. c . IBl_ c' .. PER TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified. des and names as specified in thy�l ng in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective � statement: Adopted by the Counci 191— yen (✓)Councilmen (✓)Nays rInf.vor Farnsworth C9WGoss McColl —LL— Against W.. O'Leary Yoerg Mr. Presidontr� Corporate Purposes -Salaries City Officers Salary Fund !r 3,166.65 5 16 S. A. Farnsworth, Municipal Court Fund 5.02 1,67PP 5517 S.. A. Farnsworth, C. H. & C. H. Maint. Fund 866.68 5 18 S. A. Farnsworth, Mayor's Office Salary Fund 341.66 10, 19 S. A. Farnsworth, li City Clerkls Office Salary Fund 615.00 %20 S. A. Farnsworth, Comptroller's Fund 1,624.17 21 S. A. Farnsworth, Finance Commissioner's Fund 1,4o6.25 22 S. A. Farnsworth, 11 corporation Counsel's Office Salary Fund 1,183.34 5 23 A. Farnsworth, �Y� #2 • Corporate purposes-Salaries-Con't General Fund -Purchasing Agent's Fund 1,049.66 5524 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -New Accounting System Account y 270.00'\ 5525 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -Miscellaneous Account 405.00' 5526 S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Pub. Safety Salary Fund X 341.66 5527 S. A. Farnsworth, Police Fund 5528 S. A. Farnsworth, 24 1 51.7 ✓ 5529 S. A. Farnsworth ,IpolicetAllaPoyice Fund 24,990.19 Fire Department Fund 5530 5531 S. A. Farnsworth,812. S. A. Farnsworth, (FirTotal ire Dept. Fund 29,937.60 V 30,7 0. 9 Health Fund y =_ 900.00 5532 S. A. Farnsworth, Garbage Fund 3,182.6ol( 5533 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -Dairy Expense Account 405.00 5534 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -Quarantine Account 2,605.00 5535 S. A. Farnsworth, Board of Control Fund 2,237.92•\ 5536 S. A. Farnsworth, Workhouse Fund 1,348 33 5537 S. A. Farnsworth, . Commissioner of Pub. Works office Fund ✓ 699.99 5538 S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Pub. Works Fund 3 793.05 , 5539 S. A. Farnsworth, Street & Sewer Fund 31343.79 554Q S. A. Farnsworth, Bridge Building & Repair Fund 561.16`x 551 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. ✓-. 5542 S. A. Farnsworth, 788.32 #3 Corporate Purposes-Salaries-Con't General Fund -Election Expense Account 5543 5544 S. A. Farnsviath,(Com. Pub. Works Office) S. A. Farnsworth, (City Clerk's Office ) 100.00 20 .50 �- Total Flee. Expse. Acct. 302.50 Commissioner of Education's Fund 366.66 5545 S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldg. Fund 835.00 5546 S. A. Farnsworth, Accommodation Account of the School Fund 150.00 5547 5548 S. A. F2rnsworth, S. A. Farnsworth, (Portable Schools) 770.05 ✓ School Fund 91,188.60 5549 S. A. Farnsworth, Library Fund 3,432.42 5550 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -Public Baths Account 5551 S. A. Farnsworth, 280.00 General Fund -Playgrounds Account 5552 S. A. Farnsworth, 134.00 Commissioner Pub, Utilities Fund 266.67 5553 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund -Market Maint. Account / ✓ 5554 S. A. Farnsworth, 210.00 Auditorium Account 592.19 ' 5555 S. A. Farnsworth, Sprinkling Account 8 874'92 5556 S. A. Farnsworth, Total Corporate Purposes -Salaries Special Funds -Salaries New Library Building Account 5557 S. A. Farnsworth, L-17 5.00 ✓ Total Special Funds -Salaries 175.00 Total Corporate Purposes -Salaries $195,964.04 it Special Funds -Salaries, 175.00 196,139.04 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ASSESSMENT FOR .-..GRASS .-CUTTlN6 _..._ _ .. r'!171_ COUNCI FILE0 ...... .............................. .. Date Presented...._.._. _ ___......_.___-..........._191......._.. Resobved, that the assessment.submitted by the Commissioner of Parke,Playgrounde and Public Buildings, for the care of grass plots during the year 1914 be end the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed the to certify same toAuditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of Grass Plots during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council, accompanying said certificate with a copy of this resolution. for aub- ar for'. directedeto certifhe y City tol In the"Audltor� of'•RamseY County for collection. as ' the'amOssment for the care of Grass ,Plots ;dufing the yenr aforesaid, which, 60eaapproved by the Council, ac uMpanying said ertlflcate with o.'. Eeb}+.; of this resolution. ^Ad.9f by}� the Council Oct. 31, 1914. 'Aptirs,ld NOV. 2, 1914. Yeas (1")Cou "men (P) Nays Far orth Go _ In favor Ke Mc 11 -__Against �" ry Yo Mr. Presid roe. c.s•2 f d by Council Adople 11 - - — — _ �. Approved_1911f — MAVOP DEPARTMM-PAM -PLAY GROUND3'PUBLIC bUILD1NGs w � x: h<dadq,o.,•y - JOHN J.O'LLARY, Commissioner _ Eowegos,n.•ru W. f11E0 NU BA. 5 p - -OIA .A MA-LEn.CI dF� W. L.V�N OgM�M:Bullding lmp..b- aswviceu Oct. 30th,1914 To the Honorable the Council, of the City of st.Paul,Minn, dl Gentlemene I herewith transmit for your approval, asseements for grass cutting, for the year 1914, and upon approval to 'be certified to the County Auditor, for collection. Yours very truly, r Co seioner ot P ks,Playgrounds and Pu lic Buildings, i CITY'OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER (UC act: COUNCIL No. PILE ISI n: Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to jpplications duly made therefor. 1 N i''' 5IJ Joe. From (Name and Address) Beaver, 451 Wabasha To (Name and Address) Louie G. HoffmanLSsme__Location. 99'n)onohue Rroa 147 pf rth At Walter J Johnson 147 W. 5th St. _ 47 a Bibea Geo11 Smith Same Location. i Ed Leicht, 376 Jackson St. L N Baker, 378 Jackson St. C' Resal' Thnt .;the t.110 Ing. deslg- 'natediicensee to sell intoxicating 'liQuore bo traneterred s Ily made yurenant to u0pllcntiooe duly made. therefor: Llcenbo No. 250. From Joe Beaver,: 451 Wabasha St, to Louie O. Hoffman, same location. Lleonse N. ' 9 200. From Donohue Bros., 147 W. 6th C, to Walter J. Johnson; 147 W. 6th SL License No. 347. PSmith, rom , same to- Biben.u,'- 636.: Dole St', to Cecil . Batton. L cenee No. C, From Ed. Leicht, 376 Joe '.a. SL, to L. N. Baker, 378.:Jaolt- eon 9t.. Adop Ated br the Council Oct. 31,__1914.'I Approved Nov. 2, 1914. - (Nov. 7.1914) Yeas (✓)fForth n (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 In favorA roved Against MAYOR Mr. President V Resolved, That the snnl3:eation of the f"olloving _persons for a 1108DOO to eonduot Notels 6> tMXX=*X at the locations r041COUVOlq l md*oated be# and the same: hereby are granted, and the City Mork in authorized and directed to iaoue'such lioenaee to said applicants agva the.Payment of the fee required by lam. RM Or APPLICART. FOTEVS UxMKff1xM4x L+��A'�i13ffi. C. Debald Hotel Denmark 260 East 6th. Charles Bennett Rooming House 7-9 Lyons Court Mrs. M. Regan The Palmer Hotel 44-A West 4th St. George Wil-liama Banner Hotel 95 at 3rd St. /t v y �Yoe Mt. PJresident. the Zzo6., a nnott' Rooming $ouch. 7.9 Lyons Cou t. Mrs. M. Regan, The Palmar Hotel, 44 /y %Nl :t 4th St. - Os' c}eo"r Williams, Banner Hotel, 96 East 3rd4L, Adopted by the Council Nov. 2, 1914. ^Approved- 'Nov. ., 2, 1914. (Nov. 7 1919 _ ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council �S 1910 In favor/ Approve 181— Against MAYOR i. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......................... _........._....._....__..................... r ............_.__........__...I,.............................................COUNCIL Pd M1a3 - � PILE 1, ., 0............................................. .........:...... ....................... :....................................................... ..-....... .... ........... .......... _............... _....... .... ....... ................................... _ \. Date Presented ................... ...... ........ .... 191............ Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct xxx Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and, directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. X=XXSX RESTAURANTS, LOCATION. Louis Davis o Restaurants 448j St. Peter Roy B. Day Lunch Wagon 610 Front St. T. Skaves Lunch Wagon 407 East 7th Hessinger & Petrich Business Lunch 339 Jackson L. Davis Lunch Room 851 Rice St. Joseph Skally Business Lunch 227 Wast 7th St. F. E. Goff Restaurant 475 Snelling Ave. M. Rer & Sone Business Lunch 13-15 best 9th C: 1P, No. 2074-11y $ent9 McColl Resolved, That the, appllcatlon • of. the following pe sone,;;or, a license to conPact Reetauranta at ^the IocatldnBI reby valY indlcateand and the; l.,I,l hereby are ranted, aril the City Cierlc!!! le, authorized and tested to :aeeup) euch llceneae to eal�- applicant¢: upon; the payment or the law: required by Louie • Davls 4c.tnvrant, 448%, 8t. � -Peter St. Roy B...DaY. Lunch Wagon,' 610; ' P RoySt. 7th Shaves, Lunch, Wagon, 407 E.� neeaingec' & Petri h, Bueln-e Luna 830,Jacksea SL L Da 1 Lunch Room, 851 Rlce St.: Joseph Skelly, Business Lunch. 227 Yeas VfFsworth n V Na s Wet 7th St; Y F,E. Gait, Reataumet, 478 Snelling ave g dopted by the Council— 191 M. -Xrammer & 'Sone,Businees Lp dopte 4C west sett St. Adoptedby the CouncilOct. 81, 1814: Approvefl'Nov. 2, 1814, !-L--191 (Nov. 74014) roved Against MAYOR Mr. Presiden CITY OF ST. PAID .- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LI"L J� t^"LICENSE TR FIR Subject:`.00,COUNCIL FILE rd375 FILE Date Presented. 191— RESOLVED, 91— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuanto applications duly made therefor. 4 No. From (Name and Address) 144 Wm H Bands 222 Eagle st To, (Name and Address) Osoar Labbe, 222 l�agle St, C. V. 111. ""-; Resolved. Ths, the following destg nated ltcehso. to sell. Intoatcatto. ng ilauors be transllcaelone sdulY tmade pursuant. to APP therefor.221 No. 1. 4. Flom �'m. A• Bands; gla St., to Oscar Labbe, 22&..Eagle — Yeas ( ✓ ) U."Itne. t v hays Adopted by the Council 191 FamwOrth Go �In favor Aproved191 Against NA a Mr. Presiden CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE rvt. ✓ Subject: CPILEOUNCIL NO. Date Presented 191_ RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the'City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants uponsthe filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Jackson & Nelson 372 Jackson Groshong. &McGinnis 379 Carroll St. Bakula Bros. 751 p. 7th St. C:- F. No. 3370- Resolved, That the application of i �i Ql. BOBS the foliowing. pet" for a I ""' to-'. 379 wabasha St ell intoxicating liquors at the loca- I tions respectively indicated, be; ..and! -the same hereby are gr...hted, and the.; City Clerk Is.authorized-.and directed: Rommel Bros. to issue aucri ltdenees to said appil-L38 St. Peter St. cants upon the fining of;the bored and Otho payment o[ the feo�megv(red byUniversity Ave. He Gehrke 'aw: Wiry Jackson I & Me 8n ', 379 - Groshong ' & McGinnis, 378 Carroll Paul Patient s Pakvia ii oa 761 wsth st. $o. $abashesy m. Res. 378 Wabash& St.ABO jX0lBros., 499 St'Peter St.n.myGeftMce, 381 University Ave.Babel St0has. $Ohmalzbauer' Pawy Patient 4z76o: E.Isabl. IChas. Schmalzirauer, 20,E. Teabel et. Frank E. Turgeon,10�W. 9th SC9th St. Frank E. '1'l1T eon Frank Rotgrs. 806 E. Third 3t . .Ernest A. Jackson; 200 E. 7th St. 'August Greer, 276 Sibley.St. P. D. n O'Connor, 411 Rob§rt St. 806 E . 'd'hird $t . Frank ROters joh9tabel, 4n0 St.. Peter.. St. DL. D. Ryan, 678 Temperance St. Galvin &- 6chwartz,366 Concord 9L Franlc.,T.orenzi, 334 6lbley St. Ernest A. Jaokson F. w Pec z el so no b thale a- 200 E. 7th St. 7. F. Esser, 101 E. 6th St. 13antcs ti.: Watkins. 40-.E ..3rd St. August Groer Lorenz Sehwletz, 1109 Arcade 6t. 275 Sibley St. Wlllkomm. Bros 109 Carroll St. Adopted by the 'Council Oct. 31, 1914. i i Approved (OchZ'7-1914) - 411 Robert St. P D. 0 Connor John Stahel 460 St . Peter St_ yeas (✓) Councilmen (./) Nays Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl Against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President) t7weiR r, l i Adopted by the Council 191 Ap ved 191 a� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE -- Subject: - COUNCIL NO. FILE Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, 91—RESOLVED, That the application of the following perms for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations e- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond.and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. M- n_ Ryan 578 Temperance St Galvin & Schwartz 165 Concord St. Frank Lorenzi 314 Sibley St. F�Reiohelt 390 W. 7th St. gz W Foster 601 N0. Dale St. J. F. Esser 101 E. 5th St. Banks & Watkins 40 E. 3rd St. Lorenz Schwietz 1109 Arcade St. 109 Carroll St. 9 h ItdOpIBG'hy the Counoil ......_...f._..........191� sem;. YEAS. NAYS; MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS s,. KELLER McCOLL �j O'LEARY r YOERG !NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) ONF'ICIdL PHOgIAEb�NGe OF'� ( -,377 .�.� C F N Tq-prdWan44No 33Y sEY aS�Gfgl-gat, xt t; An to�dfganca am�indlnl�l.e� rdi n hdtdtaie-j Silt`µ vg iafdl}IafiDd ent}ti. t An op y ;\ ltfippk1bboe �etatjnBtta;Ne Pe attment �of: "r ib1'[LpeYa �nH cP16�6e'S•ta zla�t[quallfl t !� � � cations an{I pDPolnting e; ea , uulvpen titin D Were -.and dutleaPProved.' ;1UlY 8 1n1A eThls la an herCency / rdlnnnCp rend0red rieceaearY Tesetvatfan of the public eatth LT aestety Counnll of the Clty got 9t .✓��,,,,,..i , / .... 1i Pubii An ordinance amending an administrative ordinance entitled"An ordi- nance relating to the Department of Public Safety, its za- tion, its officers and employes, their qualifications and ap- pointment, compensation, powers and duties, " approved July 6th, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Cou m it of the City of St. Paul does ordain: - SECTION L. That an administrative ordinance entitled ornordinance relating to - the Department of Public Safety,its and employes, their qualifications and organization, its compensation powers and duties", approved July 6th, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended as follows:- By striking out the words and figures, "One Chief Sanitary Inspector at asionn"c"�gflSection 8f of1said Ordinance and inserting .00 in the second line finui lieu thereof the following: - One Chief Sanitary Inspector at an annual salary of $1380.00. By striking out the words and figures "One Chief Dairy Insepotor at an annual salary of $1350.00 in the second line of, Subdivi- sion "f" of Section 8 of said ordinance inserting in lieu thereof the following: - One Chief Dairy Inspector at an annual salary of $1380.00. By striking out the words and figures "A male nurse at an annual salary Sectiono8 of8sa0id ordinancesecond and inserting inSubdivision therf thereof the following: - A Male Nurse at an annual salary of $540.00. SECTION 2- ered This necessary for hthe bpreservation ofemergency ordinance is thepubordinance public peace, heald th and safety. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. �/� . ! � , _ '•.,1 .. ,�-e", _ ���� � ate/ Mx. Herrold f r Council File NO. _ _ ...._.._.._......_.e PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 3, 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following ie improvemcut by the Cit St• - Paul, viz.:__o.o.na.emnr}1;.....44u.......�tr.�. elopee_.for_ cuts__and_fa1.19.._f.-Q:r Ave..e. _ ... _ _ _._ _..._. ........ Dated this...- 211d ._ _......day NOvemhez 191.4, ._.._...... c.r.area Whereas.,AA written Proposal for the !-��-�-'-""""""""-'-""'�-��� � �������������-�������� • ranking of the following improvement, y viz: Condemning and taking�an-'eil-' Councilman. ant in the land necessary for slopes for ct Is and alta for grading Cook at from Matn da St. to Western Ave.• h— ing been presented to the Cc nen n the Clty of St. Pnol therefore, be it . ,Resolved, That the Commissioner �bllc Works be and he Is hereby.Y ORDER. ,a and directed: _ :^o investigate the necese ,lut" of the making of the following improvement, .i..:_.._c_p.nde..mn ng.. he and ..._t.akingr.an._easement-in ..the...ltneae.sari..y.._f.o.r.._s.lop.es._.f.or.._.cut.a....and....._..._ fil.J.e_ for __grading ...4.o.0,k St._....f.x.0.m...2dat11da....St..._.to.._�i_es.t_ern._.Ave...._. _ _.... .............. _......... .................._......_._ ._....... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_...._ .......... ......._...--- ......_............_......................... .... e therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .........._........ 4. To furnish the follon•iug other data and information relative to said improvement: . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._......._... , .............. // yeas: t // Councilman Fat swol•th S GOApproved _.._.....1... (......._..............._......._........] ..._ .. Ke r DI oil O' ary I J dyer. Dlayor P ars PUBLISIiED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. P.e.rmissio.n.. to gra .Pa.irmoun;,..:Ave...__.... COUNCIL hr; N F„ No. ..................... _. _..................... y�,q Date Presented . - - Nov.. �—� � � , �;/. � RFs, s"� ' y..�• �, � , �/` ! lj Resolved That permissipn and authority be and th arae aro hereby given to hernard 2. Rosenstein, et. al. to grade the roadwa$r portion only of Fairmount Ave. from Lexin�ton Ave. to a point 340 feet West, according to the established grade, but subject to the follov,ing express conditions, namely: 1. -The said Bernard P. Rosenstein et. al. shall grade said street between the points aforesaid, entirely at their oven cost and nxi-ense, to the satisfaction and kinder the supervision of the Coruaissioner of Public Works, and in accordance With the plans and profiles prepared by him. 2. The said Bernard P. Rosenstein et. al. shall, the cost of engineering and inspecting said ;:!ork. 3. Before entering upon or doing any of said work, the .laid Bernard P•. Rosenstein et. al. shall procure from the abutting ormers such easement in and to the abutting property as is necessary for the construction of slopes, for cute and fills, and a Written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easement for slopes, and releasing it from all conse.uent- ial damages by reason of the grading of the street. 4. The said Bernard P. Rosengitein, et. al. shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Pive Thousand Dollars, conditioned to comply With all the terms of this resolution, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, darlage, clains or liability, both as to persons and property, occasioned by the making of the improvement, or arising out of the same. 4. The said Bernard P. Rosenstein, et. al. shall, within 20 days from and after the passa«e of this ro•Olution, file with the City Clerk his acceptance in viriting thereof; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Superseding 2xx Board File 142247, approved B7ay 29,.1914. Yeas (I,") Councilmen (P) Nays Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powe r � In favor Against .adopted by the Council _ _ ______19I Approved 191 FINAL ORDER. 11, the Matter of constructing a_ sidewalk of _ce7en,t blocks to a width of six feet on the south side of Commonwealth avenue from Raymond avenue ............ _. _. _.............. to Chelirei1or3 street. under Preliminary Order __ 104.3. ...... ._.approved __Avguet.._2_th, ..19.1`1 ....___.... __. intermediary Order 1d- Y ..approved ...._ _ _ _..._ ... ._. ... ..._.___ A public hearing having had upon the above improvement upon dueLiotice, and the Council having heard ill persons, objections and recolnmenLrtions relative thereto, and having, ally considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Loumcil of the CityLof St. Paul that the precise nature, ,.tent and kind of im- provonent to be made by the said City is.aonstrur-tiug,s...aide.valk...of... _cement_ hlacka...to.s.._midth of six feet on the south aide of Common®aelth avenue from Raymond avenue to. Chelmsford street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instrneted amd directed to prepare plans and specifications for said Ll n, proven,ent, fund allullit same to the(Louncil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers arethereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improve nemt n accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .. -............1/C...47 e rr✓i 1 k... Approved-... ..... ___ .._19./l.. lla.vor. - I Councilmen Fartworthwo.ik In thaMatter of onstructing aide. of cement block$ to a width of: six feet 0..: the south $ide of Com -i - monwealth avpnun from Raymond Go. venue to Chelmsford street under r Prollminarv'.. order 104, npproved: APP•at 8th; 1914 Intermediary Or- 11e der 18 a. - , A er p hlic hear1rg hiMr9 been had n the above Imo ovrmsnt upon dun notice. and the C in ii havin� heard itl `,nil all Persons. objections and 'ree mom -i dations relative thereto. and havinii:. *idly- ()' ea1•y considered the. same; therefore;:: be It Resolved, Crecise of the City of St:that the nt the ol$e. nature. ee-: tent. and nod v d'ofsaid. truo be Y pg man, by the said men fa he City 1. cons uo of cement blacks d .ck. P a sth of six width of six feet on the -sout}t'�etdet-! Mayor P er•a y Commonwealth' av-h di from, Raymond •$hue to Chelmpf^,d street, and the . Cou ncfl hereby orders said Improve -i m ant to be made. R e solved Furth-. That the Con—d -. cion --f Pubnc Works be and he Is ' hereby Instructed and directed to pre -j Pare plans and peelflcatlons for eatd fmorovemeri t: and limit me to the, Council for approval; t}iato non sold h rrebyal. thor't ea Dend: cheated to are Pro - sed nth the altinF f: said Improve_ c ord Imur— ...t in.=d- an m:\dopted by the Council: Nov. 2, 1914. Approved !(Tg 6; 1914. -' f.(Nov. 7>191,4) lla.vor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Iii the Matter..t..CODS'^D...C.T.IEG...a..._e.a.de�•talk of_._cert.ent_.blocks +o a widthof _s.out.h..._s.id.e.__of _Commonweal th _ay.en.. v from RayMond. _. ay.enue.._.to.Ch.e.t.znefo.r..d....etreet.. ...... _.... __._... under Preliminary Order apprm,-1 August 8th, 191$ _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby ro•ports ;is follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the ahoy, inuprovenrent is _.per lineal foot. 'I'll(, lots or parcels of land that may lie assessed benefits fm• said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: J DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed VNIUetion The Commissioner of Finanee further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, (and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to jtaim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. E i Dated/C / _ 197 L/ Commissioner of Finance. AUG4 '- 1914 ; M. PL.. DOSS:COMMISSIONER O PRFM� ,�. Gu. � I I i i l � r. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Auguet..._14,.... ................ 191_4! To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.1043...._............. approved_........_.... Al1gV.4.te.....£i.x...... ...._... ...... 191.4..., relative to............ ................ oonstruoting.._a_.._eideeealk..._of,.,_cement..,_blocks.,..to..._a..._vuidth ofsix feet on to...._ .......................... >vhe] ras�nrd...St........................... _....................................................................................._....................................................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _._.......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... XXXX _..., and the total cost thereof is $........_._^XXXX, ,_.,__.__. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .........._....._....._ ........... ...... ......:........................... ........... ................. ..._............... .......... _....... ......... .............. ........_.......I ........................... ... ............. I................. - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ................ ..................... ........ ....... ....................... ......... ........ ...... .......... ........ ......_......_....................... ........._..................................................................................................._ ....... 5. Said improvement is._ ........... nat.......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. rz Commissioner of Public Works. 2181 COUNCIL b'1LE NO - 13Y 0. .._....._......_... ._......_........ ..._.......... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter nfrecc.ns.tz', cting., relaying .anti repa.lrin.g_with cer..ent blocks to a width of ten feet *,je present sl e-^alY. on the south side of Sixth 96 street beginning at Jackson street thence East gust. 3rd, 1914_. .._.._.approved AU.g- under Preliminary Order pp Intermediary. Order ...l of jo . _._approved ._. __..._. .._. le cil above l due A public hearing having been had neon tlrinlatioustrelaitivlllithereto,Mand hacmg�tnlly�eonlside•edlthe having heard all persmis, Objections and reeoeu, sale,_; therefore, be it aild with cement bl RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Rt. Pa„1 that the precise nature, �tentgintl of uu- ction,relsying and rep t deoP Sixth street k on th a sonthsi4 provetnent to be umde by the said City is__.th h� esu t eidewel _. to a width of ten feet, e 1r at 7ai1teoix street thence 'east -90 -feet. and the. Comu,l hereby orders said improv"ment to be Made. RE5_0LF,D FURTHER, That the Coe, 1 unr issioeof 1 obin, Works be and he is hereby vtstrueted and directed to prepare plans ,ted specifics,tions for said ie,prov,meet, and submit sem, to the Council for ypprov;d; that upon said approval, the prop,, city otiic,rs ar, hra•rhy anthonz,d and dir,et,d to proceed kith the making of said iu,provelueld ill accordance then,with. Adopted by the Council_... ._r_ ._.. � z, �n _ (•. Clerk. Approved..._. __ ._.. r. F. No. In the M blocks Councilah, }•;a-Ilswotrtll of six[ street. C„ s Prelim Augus iRS7. 1(e l,•1, A. Put poop thI n tic.. \Ic 'nil ,1 pegs' dntion, fully: ,ec 0' eary itea T of'St,P Y tent _an made ib .rg cc �Iayor P ver9 othe."Rire . $lYt flireet.. Clnncn J 1 2181 COUNCIL b'1LE NO - 13Y 0. .._....._......_... ._......_........ ..._.......... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter nfrecc.ns.tz', cting., relaying .anti repa.lrin.g_with cer..ent blocks to a width of ten feet *,je present sl e-^alY. on the south side of Sixth 96 street beginning at Jackson street thence East gust. 3rd, 1914_. .._.._.approved AU.g- under Preliminary Order pp Intermediary. Order ...l of jo . _._approved ._. __..._. .._. le cil above l due A public hearing having been had neon tlrinlatioustrelaitivlllithereto,Mand hacmg�tnlly�eonlside•edlthe having heard all persmis, Objections and reeoeu, sale,_; therefore, be it aild with cement bl RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Rt. Pa„1 that the precise nature, �tentgintl of uu- ction,relsying and rep t deoP Sixth street k on th a sonthsi4 provetnent to be umde by the said City is__.th h� esu t eidewel _. to a width of ten feet, e 1r at 7ai1teoix street thence 'east -90 -feet. and the. Comu,l hereby orders said improv"ment to be Made. RE5_0LF,D FURTHER, That the Coe, 1 unr issioeof 1 obin, Works be and he is hereby vtstrueted and directed to prepare plans ,ted specifics,tions for said ie,prov,meet, and submit sem, to the Council for ypprov;d; that upon said approval, the prop,, city otiic,rs ar, hra•rhy anthonz,d and dir,et,d to proceed kith the making of said iu,provelueld ill accordance then,with. Adopted by the Council_... ._r_ ._.. � z, �n _ (•. Clerk. Approved..._. __ ._.. r. F. No. In the M blocks Councilah, }•;a-Ilswotrtll of six[ street. C„ s Prelim Augus iRS7. 1(e l,•1, A. Put poop thI n tic.. \Ic 'nil ,1 pegs' dntion, fully: ,ec 0' eary itea T of'St,P Y tent _an made ib .rg cc �Iayor P ver9 othe."Rire . $lYt flireet.. Clnncn •ueting•relay-' with cement ten feet the 1ei Jth aid. ackson nd hei is I VPP1 vul-;he ,proper city pRl4ere;;urs ceedth t he maklp9 of e0 and i said improve_ m ” t In....rdnnce• therewith. 2, 1614. Adopted by the Co1411 Nov Approved N,v. 6'T 11914)o REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the Alativr of reconst.n cting,_.relaying and repairing with cec:ent blocks to._a....w-i.d.th._of _ten._.. feet...._t`le, preser.t _sidewalk on tete south side of Sixth street b..e.gir_n.in.g...at...Jackson _...street .thence_.Fast 96_feet• under Preliminary Order approved_.... August 3rd,.,,.1914 _. .. To the Council of the City of St.. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 82 The total estimtrted amount of the assessment for the above improvement is *•....._.._�....F......er ........lineal foot for new sidewalk The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits ku• said improvement, and the assessed vahmtion of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 2� � �� �` .�//IF� iC /` ISG 1-r% n C�('ozr a/ir�c�iuq y� ��iuCc. a -o ,� d The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.__._:.._/ __._......_........191. _ n Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Co, i _ssioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 7, 4• ..... .........._191_ ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Comi- 3..._.._........_._.........._19L..4., relative to......_ ...................... cil, known as Council File No...9B6................approved._...._.._4............ . .................. ._reognetrnpt.tng...... rolay ng.._ ............ . atkl..._R.....tl�.�....feat.,..._th.Q.....P.-X-5ant.....0A4P.YAIX.._on.._south_._eide..._o�..._plagh..._St. .................. ._he Uming.._at.._Jaokson..._st. a..._thence.._east...._96..._ft_,............... .................. ......................................................... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... ...... ._...._...necessary and (or) desirable. X •L. The estimated cost thereof is $_._XXx .... and the total cost thereof is :Y - -.X- XXX ............... and .-----. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................. v. Said improvement ie._ ........ .110.t..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject I to assessment for said improvement. �............................................................. f........ ................ Can issioner of Public Works. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of .c_onatruct. .ng .a_..sideivalk of. ce .e^.tblocks_ to a _rvidthof six feet on the east side of Chatsivort`1 street from Hatch street to orchar'i street. under Preliminary Order. _ 1199_._._. _._-.____.approved _ _August_15th, 1914 Intermediary Order /��(!/ ___...approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saune; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of imi- provenlent to be made by the said City isths...e.onatrtl.cting_A si,dewalk_.of cement blocks to al -width of six feet on the east sideof Chatswodth street from Hatch street to Orchard street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare, plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sane to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are herr-by authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.....____`- /GLI.. ?_.......19.Z _ (A Clerk. k. Approved...__ _ U 19- �X Mayor. Councilmen Fa lsworth1 r. No. 2882— ID the.Matter of ronstruMing a side - ,a,,, of cement blocks to a width of six- feet on the. east side of 'Chats - G s worth street ::from Hatch street to , nrrbard' street ander Preliminary.- - 0 er :1199: Pnproved Ail—W15th, K ler 1914. 7rtermedlarl' Order 1886. A putille hearing- having been` had n the. nbove.'ImprovemenE upon due _ tics,. and the Council having heard JJ7 it Coll n person objections and recommen- / d., relative' thereto. and having / R llv con ldered .the same; therefore, CePV b It peeotved; ?jy-,tbo Council of the Cltv of qt. Pell, that the preclse nature. ex. tent and kind of Improvement to be Yo 'g nae by the.6a,iA Oity Is the conatruct- Inv a. sidewalk of cement blocks to - width of six feet on the east aide of Mayor Po{ 1's Cbti.chstreet. street from Hatch street to and the Cpunoll herehy orders said Improvement to, be mads. Resolved Furttler. That the Cemmis- aloper of Pubtin. WO -1- be end he Is I,erebv Instructed and dlrected. to pre - e olans and .spertlanatlons'for sold Improvement -and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said —v 1. thepropereity. offl'ers n hereby auth.rl-d and direrted to pro - Beed with theak .mia. of sell improve -I ment- in c o dance tb .rewith. Adopted b. the Col nn Nov. 2, 1914. Approved Nov. 5. 1914. (Nov. 7-1911) r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1n the Jtatter of_.c.onatruc_ting.a._.side-walk of cement.. blocks tq a. w,idth of six feet or. the east side of Chateworth street from Hatch street to Orchard street. under Preliminary Order approved ..August, 15th, 1914 To the. Council of the City- of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the nsseasn,emr for Ih., above iminmvoment is .er__lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that mays be assessed benefits For said improvement, and the nssessed valuation of each lot or parcel as hast reported be the Assn-ssor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION I Lot 'Block' ADDITION Assessed valuation 7 s`I �Z !a DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valustdon f /o .A 'rhe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid Matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. c Dated...._......_. .. � _.......... ___..._..191.4/.._.:.. Commissioner of Finance. o _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance A1.iVq, ..._17.a ...... ._........_.......191.. `? To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - Au s ail, known as Council File No........._1199.......... approved. ......................._�......t .._.1.5 ..._�................ 191.4..., relative to the t.he.....eae.t....011d ....Of. ....Chat.axorth....St.-,....from...1 t.l:jh-.S.t....... to....Orchard ...St.. .............................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......._XXXX....... and the total cost thereof is $........_XXXXX................. . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:................._.._........_..._......_._........._..._.........................._.............................._..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .... _. 5. Said improvement is........_..:AQt.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..........._.........�........._.....yP........._..._..............._.................................._................, / Commi sioner of Public Wor r t, t COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y FINAL ORDER. A In the 'Matter of _ccnstrli tirg_a siwevvaik of_cen,ent_blocks to a. dth of f.e.et..._cn..the .....east _side cf Arkviri.zht .street from. Rraine...r3 avenue north 440 feet. 1363 Au.ust...2th 1914 under Preliminary Order ___ Ir �j __ _ _...approved ...... g _ .. r _.. __.. _....__.... Intermediary Order __....�Ir. .' _._......approved __..... ..... ._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconnnen(lilt ions relative thereto, and having folly considered the same; therefore, be. it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.... the., c.onstru.ction__of...a.._six_foot_.cement.-sidemak._on._the east side of Arkwright street from Brainerd avenue to a point 440 feet north and the Council hereby orders said improvoment to he, made. RESOLVED FURTHER,. That the Commissioner of Publie Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for, said improvement, and submit slime to tho Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity offices are hereby authorized and direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in aeeordalce therewith. �= 5 Adopted by the Councll_.____...,.��G.'Z'_ L _.. rk. Approved..­..�. �— Mayor. ' Councilmen F 'ilsworth 'r•. F. No. 2383— �-- �- a I In th• hfa_Lter pY rnnacks ti nt blocks' d x wirk- 'a width 77< f on ofa Ix feet the. aide of Arke SS et Br n r t ht tract from Brainerd avenue north andor y • 13 ,feet urenmi Order Iter oro .d t 28th h Iles' 1014. t ter dfn 7.7885 Order 1 is h . ring hn i g ben had 7 Dothe eon the above io t uno du 1b. �I Poll [ice, and Council having heard ( ot,o a persons. relative acid r coh n-- dafionconsidere thereto. and havip t)' ea 1'y nilly considered the same: rf. it Ro. By e Council of the City ; Yo 1' g Paul; that t ex - Of St. Paul kind the precise ant tbe tont and kited P Improvement to be made by said em is the calk on [the sex foot cement sidewalk on the ><IflyOT PO en's ea t east side. of avenue to ght street from Brainerd avenue to' p, poen[ 440 feet aro the Council hereby orders said said shed Furth to be mads. Resolved Further- That the Commie- toner'oY Public Works and he is ns directed to pre - notebpl and sand anions specifications for said are yemeans and d submit tand submit nme to the Council for approval; that upon said approval; the 'proper city officers. are - hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with, the making of said improve_ men[ in accordance -therewith. by the Council Nov. '2, 1914.. iAdopted Approved Nov. 5, 1914. (Nov. 7-1914) . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the natter of c_onetructinga sidewalk of cement blocks to a _width of six fee,t,on....the East,e.ide.„of _Arkwri,ght, street from Brainerd avenue north . 440 feet ..... .......... __.. .... __....._ _..._._.... .........__._ __....__ __... under Preliminary Order approved ..._.AU9U.Q_t.__�i$ To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total rstinuatwl amount of theassessment for the above nuprovrnunt is.$_49_0 er lineal foot.E _...._._...... The lots or pareels of land that mac be assessed benefits For said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as Inst repotted by the Assessor, are as follows: t DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Vel—tion /X4/0 1II?�J - /-7 Z �) /J� u aZG � . _,7 -2 Q"a •Z .Z 3� _i 21 DESCRIPTION L01 loch ADDITION I Assessed Valu } The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has imvestigated all of the aforesaid matters, [ind hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to fliini in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _/' ..191 Commissioner of Finance. HENRY E. MDELSTAEET CO ST TIONERS 5� P_ St.paul, Minn ...... .......... 1914 ,The Honorable Council, 3 City of St.Paul. Gentlemen;- We,the undersigned,owners of the abutting property on the ,east side of Arkwright street,commenoing at Brainerd avenue,thenoe (north 440 feet,hereby petition your honorable body to Oause a, side - a Walk of cement blooks to a width of six feet to be laid on said 1. treet,between the points mentio"do Names Lot Bli Addition 1/7 13 '41 19 201. 22 23 25 26 57 29 29 30 31 32 3 HENRY E. MDELSTAEET CO ST TIONERS 5� P_ St.paul, Minn ...... .......... 1914 ,The Honorable Council, 3 City of St.Paul. Gentlemen;- We,the undersigned,owners of the abutting property on the ,east side of Arkwright street,commenoing at Brainerd avenue,thenoe (north 440 feet,hereby petition your honorable body to Oause a, side - a Walk of cement blooks to a width of six feet to be laid on said 1. treet,between the points mentio"do Names Lot Bli Addition 1/7 13 '41 19 201. 22 23 25 26 57 29 29 30 31 32 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ......... ... ............ A_ugGl.et..._2$..,.............. —...191-4- To .....191_ .4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No.........1 63__,...._.approved._..._........Auguet..._aa.:.............191..`1'....., relative to .the............ o.o.ns.t.z.u.c.t.lo-n..._o .._.a.....s.. dev;.4.7.k..._af_....c.esn.Q.nt.._b.I.p.o..ks.....t.c..._a.....vr. dth..._of...._s. x ._feet............ on..._ the ......eas.t--si.de.....of.... AxImm.ight-B.t.ra. e.t.....f r.om.-B.ra.inar.d.._Ave.n3te...._no_rt h...._.._._._ _.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._.................necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $_...._xXXX._....._., and the total cost thereof is ............ xh............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................__............. ................. ...................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..._....._ ........................ ................. ....... ............... ............................... ........ ..................._...__..... ._........ .........._._....._........... ............. ..........................._......_._......................._ 5. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ` �^ Commisioi er of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y ..... FINAL ORDER. Ill the \lelttel• of con atructing a ._cement _ sidewalk, on the acuth side_ _of _ Goodrich avenue from Pascal avenue to Saratoga avenue .... ..................... . under Preliminary Order _1..Q11 _ _._approved -August, 4_1h, 1914.... Intermediary Order .._approved A public healing having been had upon the above iulproveolent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconnumdations relative thereto, mud having filly considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pail that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- proveluent to be made by the said City is . the construction _v± th cement r a six f oot.._c_ement side— )r on the south side of Goodrich avenue from Paecai avenue to Saratoga avenue ......_................ _ ...... . .uul the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that. iipon said approval, the proper city officers are heroby antho•ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordauee thcrewilh. Adopted by the Council.._._...-:�t:i:.:.11 _ . _.__19...-1L� ...._...... _.._........ ® (a Aerk. Approved . 19....� 2384 — - Mayo'. Ih the Matter oP-constructing ¢ cement. If sldewallt on the south aide of Good-. 'rich ¢venue from Pascal -avenue to CO11IIl'i1111P11 F!i]' Swmthl Snratog¢ avenue under Prelitninary' order •1011, :approved August 4th 1914. Infermedl v Ord— Isaa_ Mayor olved, ny-the Council of the City Paul that the precise nature, ex-: and kind ,of that to be Saratoga avenue,, and --the -'Co'unell hereby orders said Improvement to be made. Resolved Further, That the C. le. aloner of Public Works bendhela' tereby instructed. and directed to pre -I tare plans and specifications for said: mprovement, and submit same to the ,ouncil for approval; that upon said 1pp 'van, the proper city officers are ; tereby thoriaed and directed to are eed with the making of said Improve-' nent In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Conned Nov. 2. 1914. Approved Nov. 6, 1914. ..(Nov. 7-1914) It - 1 ) COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y ..... FINAL ORDER. Ill the \lelttel• of con atructing a ._cement _ sidewalk, on the acuth side_ _of _ Goodrich avenue from Pascal avenue to Saratoga avenue .... ..................... . under Preliminary Order _1..Q11 _ _._approved -August, 4_1h, 1914.... Intermediary Order .._approved A public healing having been had upon the above iulproveolent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconnumdations relative thereto, mud having filly considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pail that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- proveluent to be made by the said City is . the construction _v± th cement r a six f oot.._c_ement side— )r on the south side of Goodrich avenue from Paecai avenue to Saratoga avenue ......_................ _ ...... . .uul the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that. iipon said approval, the proper city officers are heroby antho•ized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordauee thcrewilh. Adopted by the Council.._._...-:�t:i:.:.11 _ . _.__19...-1L� ...._...... _.._........ ® (a Aerk. Approved . 19....� 2384 — - Mayo'. Ih the Matter oP-constructing ¢ cement. If sldewallt on the south aide of Good-. 'rich ¢venue from Pascal -avenue to CO11IIl'i1111P11 F!i]' Swmthl Snratog¢ avenue under Prelitninary' order •1011, :approved August 4th 1914. Infermedl v Ord— Isaa_ Mayor olved, ny-the Council of the City Paul that the precise nature, ex-: and kind ,of that to be Saratoga avenue,, and --the -'Co'unell hereby orders said Improvement to be made. Resolved Further, That the C. le. aloner of Public Works bendhela' tereby instructed. and directed to pre -I tare plans and specifications for said: mprovement, and submit same to the ,ouncil for approval; that upon said 1pp 'van, the proper city officers are ; tereby thoriaed and directed to are eed with the making of said Improve-' nent In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Conned Nov. 2. 1914. Approved Nov. 6, 1914. ..(Nov. 7-1914) P REPORT OF COMMISoSIONER OF FINANCE 11, the clatter of cons trv.cting__a_.cement.s dewalk on,_ the south side of _ Goodrich avenue from Pascal avenue.. to Saratoga avenue. ....... . _. _....._.. - _... under Prelitnivary Order apptroved_.....Aug"t 4th, To the Council of the City of 8t. Paul: The Cmnotissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estinutted amount of the assessment for the above improvement is :{-s49.0...,pel',._ lineal foot for six foot sidewalk The bots for parcels of land that may be assessed benefits kor said improvement, :tnd the assessed calnation of each lot or pareel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ z. DESCRIPTION ;Lot !Block! ADDITION ;i Assessed V 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..... Commissioner of Finance. Hon. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of public `'forks, City. Dear Sir; - We the undersigned taxpayers and property owners in Block eight (8) of Summit View Addition hereby express our desire for the installation of a sidewalk in the above mentioned Block, viz;- on the South side of Goodrich Avenue, between pascal and Saratoga Avenues. Trusting you will put this petition through the regular procedure and same will be favorably acted upon, we are, Respectfully your _-0wner of Lot A- 0 d2 of Lot `— caner of Lot caner of Lot �� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works r Report to Commissioner of Finance 4g.e..__7.:........................191..4.!. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - oil, known A Council File No.__1011...............approved............... Aug�.....4.a....._................. ._..1914...., relative to ..................... 9.Rnet_ru4.t.�.37�..._ ...Ss StlB.xa .....la.iaoffl..fills..... ozi....tho- ....sout.h.._aide._..of....G.aodriah....Ave....._....... betwzen.._Pascal.._and.., Sarato.ga..._Avenues,......................_............................... .............................. .............................. ............._ .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ............ ......_.necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $........... XXX ............. and the total cost thereof is......_xX ........... ..... ......, and the nature and extent 'of said improvement is as follows: .............._.........._........... ........ ........ -................ ......__.._:............ ......._._......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and unade a part hereof. ............ ..... .... ........__.... _.......... ........_......................................................_................._._.................._._....._...................._._..__.,,.................. 5. Said improvement is .......................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ///77 ...... .... ............. _.......... :................................................................. ..... omnrissiorer of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE. N0._._......__._ 13y FINAL ORDER. III the Matter of co-jstruetzng a_ cen.entbIock.. sidewalk to a width of Sim feet on the north aide of Goodrich avenue froir, Saratoga 1. Ave. to Pascal Av. under Preliminary Order 561 approved July 6th, 119,114.1.1 Z Intermediary Order approved __ .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement ipou due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recmnnu•ndatious relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pail that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City is _thpgonstruction with Cement blocke,a sidewalk .dix feet wide on the north sideof Goodrich avenue from Saratpga avenue to Faecal avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be all,] he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans rind specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improveme'n`tin accordance therelvith. Adopted by the Council........_._..19/` Approved.__ ....f...._- __J_ _ _19.._ Mayo. Councilmen Fa isworth _ (C. F. No. 2A85- (i0 S 13n tho htatter of constructing a ce- ent block Idewalk toa width of ale feet on the north`: lde of Godd- Ke el i Pascal Ave., underPreliminary der 5G1, approved JulyGth, 1914. A -public hearing having been had SIC 011 upon [he shove Improvement upon due; notice, and the Council having heprd / all persona, objections and recommen-datios' el' live n e () COUNCIL FILE. N0._._......__._ 13y FINAL ORDER. III the Matter of co-jstruetzng a_ cen.entbIock.. sidewalk to a width of Sim feet on the north aide of Goodrich avenue froir, Saratoga 1. Ave. to Pascal Av. under Preliminary Order 561 approved July 6th, 119,114.1.1 Z Intermediary Order approved __ .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement ipou due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recmnnu•ndatious relative thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pail that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City is _thpgonstruction with Cement blocke,a sidewalk .dix feet wide on the north sideof Goodrich avenue from Saratpga avenue to Faecal avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be all,] he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans rind specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improveme'n`tin accordance therelvith. Adopted by the Council........_._..19/` Approved.__ ....f...._- __J_ _ _19.._ Mayo. Councilmen Fa isworth _ (C. F. No. 2A85- (i0 S 13n tho htatter of constructing a ce- ent block Idewalk toa width of ale feet on the north`: lde of Godd- Ke el rich avenue from Saratoga A-.0 to r - Pascal Ave., underPreliminary der 5G1, approved JulyGth, 1914. A -public hearing having been had SIC 011 upon [he shove Improvement upon due; notice, and the Council having heprd / all persona, objections and recommen-datios' el' live n e () 'al y fully�cansldered the eame;nthereforh. be it Resolved, By the Council of the City Yoe g of St. Paul that the precise nature; e - tent d kind of Improvement.to be Mayor Pot ers nde by the raid Cit, (s the wastrue- tion with ment blocks, sidewalk Ix feet wide on the north side of Goodrich avenue from Saratoga ave- nue to Pascal avenue, and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made. Resolved Further, That the Commas_ loner f Public Works be d he Is - hereby instructed and directed to pre- , pare y"" and pecIll-lions for -a' 7 Improvement, and submit ams to the for approval; at Cppaid roval, the properca Yil fficeraaare j hereby uthorized and directed to pros with the making of Improve_ teed ,Ji ment in accordance [herea lth.' Adopted by the Council Nov. 2, 19`9. Approved Nov. 5, 1914. (Nov. 7-1914) x' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Lt the Matter of construct,ing_a.__,Gement._.block sidewalk to_a _width of six feet on .the north_side_._.of_Goodrich_avenue from.Sarato.ga._avenue to..Pascal avenue. under Preliminary Order approved_..July ....Sth,---19.1.4 To the Council of the City of 4t. Paid: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tottil estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is :h....4rJ.¢_.per lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefils far said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Bloekl ADDITION 1! Assessed Valvion � 1 \ i � I I -. _---- I I The Commissioner of Finanee further reports that he has iuvestigoted all of the aforesaid matters. andahereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council; together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._ _..._...._ _ Z. ... ....... l ./. Commissioner of Finance. HENP.Y [..Y!_fEl5iAE0T CO. 5TAT:Ox EMS 'Si. VIUI Maxx. ' St. Paul, .1dinn.. - s .AP 914_ 2The Common Council, r 3j;... City of St..Paul,.,,inn. _... _.. I, We,the undersigned,owerns, of property abutting north side it qof Goodrich avenue,between Saratoga avenue and Pascal avenue, do here- 11by respectfully petition your honorable body to cause a sidewalk of s!cement blocks six feet in width to be laid on said,between_the pointe, =mentioned. :of %Names. ,Lot nik, ..Addition 12'. lam[/1z /& I I I i I l 20 2!. 22 ` Office -of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................. J.ul y.....14.,`..................191_ , To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ........... ._561.........approved ................. July..._6..z...._............. ..........191_4..., relative to.....................:...... callsL.x> cta_n.�....a....ceuzat.....black ....aidaws.1k..._t.o.....a...-width .....of.....s.i.•:....fe...c..t..on.....t.k..A................... ncs.t.h..._side. ....of......Goodrich ...Ave..._..f.r.om..:Barat.oga....Ave.,_.._t..o.....Pr4cal....Ave..,_......._._..:........._......_ _... ................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._...................necessary and (or) desirable. XXX ..... 2. The estimated cast thereof is $._............._X%{�_._., and the total cost thereof is 4......._......'.X......_......... ........ and the nature and extent of said improvement. is as follows: ..........................................................................._._......_..............._........._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............................................................:......................................... 5. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. mmissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE No..__�....____ 13y_...__.. _.._.. .. . _. __._ FINAL ORDER. to the illatt, if constructing _a_ .sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six_ fe...et -on.. the_ north. side...of Hendon_ avenue__from .Cleveland avenu..e to Hythe street. _approved.._. ,.Puny.. 6tr� 191.4. cutler Preliminary Order.___557. _ __ Intermediary order _ __... _.._..... _.. ___approved A public hearing having been had upon the above iniprovenieut upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provmuent to be made by the said City is ...__thg o.onetruction__oY a...six foot._ cementsidewalk on the north aide of. Hendon avenue from Cleveland avenue to Hythe street and the Council hereby orders said improvemetWto be nude. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subunit dune to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement ill accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... 'lerk. Approved_._.�� __.....19 _. r Mayor. Conucilmen Fai iswo•th C. F. No. 2386 'of In the .Matter of constructing, a side- (� g alk of cement blocks to a width oY six feet the or, aide -of .Hea- aon avenue Yrom Cleveland avenue hi ler, to Hythe 8 rest :under'Preliminaiy Ordaz.. 661, approved July 6th, 1814.- Intermedlary if order 1882. A. pubc _hearing MColl nhaving been hadoon the above Improvement upon due i t notice, and the -Cannell having heard daltloneala relativeeCtheretb�dnndaohgmong (� t'ary fully considered the "aame; therefore, Resobe tt Y r' I of 9C lved.thatthe he Coined of the City g tent and kind of Imrecise nature, t ebe made by. the. said Cit hItthe cconstrue- Mayor Po ers � than of .six foot cement s(dewalk on y the north side Hendon avenue from Cleveland avenue -to Hy the street, and the Councit h reby orders Bald im-provenc- el esoly d Further, Tto be hat the Commis - loner f Public Works be d he Is j hereby instructed and directed to pre- pmProveinentnsrtdpauboltissue to the Council forapprovnl; that upon said epprOVal Che ,.proper city officers are 2. Mi. y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Piattu,• „f con..e..tru.c.t.ing_a._aidewalk__of...cement _blocks to_a_width of r—_i e.ix...f.e.e t_.. on.,_the_ H.or+...h aide , -of Hendon. _ avenue._ from _Cleveland avenue–to .Hythe street. under Preliminary- Order approve(.. 1.111.y....6.thr__12.14 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Couuuissiooer of Fivauce hereby reports as follows: The total estimated ,unonnt of the assessmeot for the above iuynn emeut is per lineal foot The lots or parcels of hind that ,nay be assessed benefits fnr said improvement, and the assessed valnalion of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows; DESCRIPTION _ _ ILot �Blockl _ ADDITION I! Assessed Val mtlon — I � rF' ld�� i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Couneil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.._(.(Cr/ ................. .._....__...191. 4, Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Cominissionei of Public Works Deport to Commissioner of Finance .. ........ .__�.&!lY...._14.z.......:.........._....791:..4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No .......... 551.............. approved ................ JuIY..._6..0...... ........................ 191.4...., relative to ........................... e_on.a.txuc_t.i.n .....a.....idelyelk..._of_...ceruent....b.la.ak>i..._t_o....a.._i�idth.._a£._s..ix_..f..e.e.t...._..... o.n ._t .e ...nox.t.h.._a.isle...._of..._FS.enc3_on....Amp. _..... b.etyz.ae.n..._C.le .e.land....A_ye.........anc ....Hyt.h.e... ....... ........ ........_......................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. XxX XXX ................... and `l. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........................._......._, and the total cost thereof is $.....-..... ,'...._...... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._._ .............................. .................. ............... ......................... ........_.._......_......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ... ......... .... .... ................... ....... ...._..------- ............ .......... .............. ............... ......... _......... .......... ..... .............................................................. o. Said improvement is............nQ�........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. omm�101'1.1'---of Public Worka. 1 1 (COUNCIL FILE NO By FINAL ORDER. 2:1387 :13 8 0 t v' • ]it the Matter of._._..construc.ting...a_.sidewalk .. of ceutent .blocks to, a width of six feet on Portland avenue North side from. Saratoga avenue to Albert Ave. under Preliminary Order 882... approved July 28th) 1914 intermediary Order __..... _ .._.approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council. having heard it]) persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, all(] having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. the._conetructign with_cement__to a__width,of_six,.feet a side.wak..oa..the...North_aideof...Portland_avenue fromSaratoga _amue_.to_to Albert avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and lie is hereby instructed old directed to -prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upml said approval, the proper city otiieers are herehy authorized and direeted to procee(l with the making of said improvement in aceordmice therewith, Adopted by the Council...._..._ -.f_........191/7 G� r— _Z C ' lerk. Approved......//`. Mayor. Conncihuen Fa>llsworth mase, Resolved Further. That the Cammis- loner',or Pubile Works be and he Is hereby Instructed and directed to pre- pare planaand speclacatlans for said Improvement, and subrilt. a to. the Council for approval; thatupona old approval, the proper city officer. are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of sold improve_ ceed with the makingof said Improve_ menu in accordance. therewith. Adopted by the Council Nov. 2, 1914 Approved Nov, -5, 1914. (Nov. 7-1914) C s K ]ler A] Coll 0 Leary erg Mayor P Wers I' mase, Resolved Further. That the Cammis- loner',or Pubile Works be and he Is hereby Instructed and directed to pre- pare planaand speclacatlans for said Improvement, and subrilt. a to. the Council for approval; thatupona old approval, the proper city officer. are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of sold improve_ ceed with the makingof said Improve_ menu in accordance. therewith. Adopted by the Council Nov. 2, 1914 Approved Nov, -5, 1914. (Nov. 7-1914) 3Y (REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 11, tile Matter of conetruct_ing aeidewalk of ,cetr.ent blocks/to a width of _North, aide from, Saratoga avenue to Albert avenue. under Preliminary Order a1)prot•ed_ „July 28th, 1914. To the Conneil of the City of 61. Paul: The Commissioner of leinanee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of tln• assessment for the above improvenmut is .'_._'_49¢ per., lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may he assessed benefits fnr said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot m• pal -eel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i-- l�jiI�ITION '-- �I ftlssessed Veluetion� DESCRIPTION ILot Bloch _ _ ` 1 W7 J DESCRIPTION Lot /u tin Block ADDITION —11 Assessed Val 61 -- i ---- - - �� L/ -aZf J`I r � ----- a The Commissioner of Finauce further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid Watters; a.nd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report Wade to him in reference to said matter by. the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - 6-:.. ........... . .... Commissioner of Finance. A Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .......__....... .... AL1$L1.0'li...._'v...i...._.........._..........19f ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No RP? ................... approved....._......._JLt1.Y.._?44.......... ............... 19]_4...., relative to ........... ._............... Ave. to Albert Ave and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. Xxx and the total coat thereof is �......._.._XXXX ._.........., and L. The estimated cost thereof is $..................... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................................................................................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................._...................................................................., ............ ....... u. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................................1............�-)­issioner ��`.�.`..5.....-.:............................................ of Public Works. i yr, A i l •6 12i RiR e` COUNCIL FILE NO-- . .... .. ... . 1 By _... FINAL ORDER. luthe Matter of. re.cone tr.ucti.rg, relaying and repairing wi th cement ._> locks toa width of ten feet the present sidewalk on Concord street scuth sale beginning 180 feet west of George street thence +^est 42 feet. ruder Preliminary Order........205 ___.. ___..._.__approved JI;n.e 2.0111.,. 1914._... int,einediary Order _. __. __._._. __._._—approved _.__...... _...____.._ ... _._..__ .... _...._... _.. _. . A public hearing having been had upon the above innproveuleut upon due notice, Mud the COulleil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, esteut and kind of inl- provenlent to be made by the. said City is. -the. coifs.truc .ion,re..l..aging._pnd repairing with„cement bloc to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on Concord street south side beginning 180 feet west of George street_ thence... west-42-feet.,and the Couneil hereby orders said improvement to he made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be turd he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offiee•s are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aeeo•dance therewith. Adopted by the Council..__ /....�1 -'—l—I ...__..... 19-,, 1Toy0r Councilmen Farnsworth C. F. No. 2228—' (ios. the .andterrepairing of truith cement Inlug nto a -width: of I-- 'set the' blocks KrII p nt sidewalk on.Concord, �atreet, outri aide, beginning 180 fet..west t of. 0e., go street, thence, west-' 42'. feet "under Preliminary Order ..205,: ICI lI approved Tune 11th, Int. diary Order180. approved Oct 2nd.,' 4. A ipublto hearing havingbeen had4 ()'L try up the above. improvement upon due, n Lice, ¢nd Like Council having heard' all persons.. objections and: recomrtten- 1,oel dationsrelative 'thereto,- and having fully considered .the same; therefore, be it Mayor Pow s Resolved, By the Council of the City, of St. Paul that. the precise nature, ex- tent and kind of improvement to' made by the. said City le 1teonstruc' tion, relaying and repairing with e- ent block to'a width of ten feA@ toe Present sidewalk on Concord street. -nth side, beginning 180 feet west of George street, thence. (vest 42 feet. and the Council hereby orders said Im- provement to be made. Resolved Further. That the Commts- .1.r- of Public work. be and. he Is hereby instructed and directed to pre- pare plans and enecmpations.fpr.said ino provement. and' submit ¢ e to the. Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper ity tficers are hereby authorized and directed to pro- eed with the making of said Improve- ment In accordance therewith. ? Adopted by the Council Nov. 2, .1914. A pprpVeQ Nov. 6, 1914. (Nov. 7-1914) � l � � r' � I' 1 i i n ra 44•� E i yr, A i l •6 12i RiR e` COUNCIL FILE NO-- . .... .. ... . 1 By _... FINAL ORDER. luthe Matter of. re.cone tr.ucti.rg, relaying and repairing wi th cement ._> locks toa width of ten feet the present sidewalk on Concord street scuth sale beginning 180 feet west of George street thence +^est 42 feet. ruder Preliminary Order........205 ___.. ___..._.__approved JI;n.e 2.0111.,. 1914._... int,einediary Order _. __. __._._. __._._—approved _.__...... _...____.._ ... _._..__ .... _...._... _.. _. . A public hearing having been had upon the above innproveuleut upon due notice, Mud the COulleil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, esteut and kind of inl- provenlent to be made by the. said City is. -the. coifs.truc .ion,re..l..aging._pnd repairing with„cement bloc to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on Concord street south side beginning 180 feet west of George street_ thence... west-42-feet.,and the Couneil hereby orders said improvement to he made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be turd he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offiee•s are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aeeo•dance therewith. Adopted by the Council..__ /....�1 -'—l—I ...__..... 19-,, 1Toy0r Councilmen Farnsworth C. F. No. 2228—' (ios. the .andterrepairing of truith cement Inlug nto a -width: of I-- 'set the' blocks KrII p nt sidewalk on.Concord, �atreet, outri aide, beginning 180 fet..west t of. 0e., go street, thence, west-' 42'. feet "under Preliminary Order ..205,: ICI lI approved Tune 11th, Int. diary Order180. approved Oct 2nd.,' 4. A ipublto hearing havingbeen had4 ()'L try up the above. improvement upon due, n Lice, ¢nd Like Council having heard' all persons.. objections and: recomrtten- 1,oel dationsrelative 'thereto,- and having fully considered .the same; therefore, be it Mayor Pow s Resolved, By the Council of the City, of St. Paul that. the precise nature, ex- tent and kind of improvement to' made by the. said City le 1teonstruc' tion, relaying and repairing with e- ent block to'a width of ten feA@ toe Present sidewalk on Concord street. -nth side, beginning 180 feet west of George street, thence. (vest 42 feet. and the Council hereby orders said Im- provement to be made. Resolved Further. That the Commts- .1.r- of Public work. be and. he Is hereby instructed and directed to pre- pare plans and enecmpations.fpr.said ino provement. and' submit ¢ e to the. Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper ity tficers are hereby authorized and directed to pro- eed with the making of said Improve- ment In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Nov. 2, .1914. A pprpVeQ Nov. 6, 1914. (Nov. 7-1914) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement blocks tp a Ti.dt..b.pf ten.. feel ...thp.,..present ._sidewalk on Concord street south side bpginning_,.180 feet west of George street thence west 42 feet. wider Preliminary Order approved......_ June_.20th,.__19.14 ..._....._ _..__.. .___... _. _._.. .......___... To the Council of the City Of 81.. Paul: The Commissioner of Matinee hereby reports its follows: The total estimated amuu• amount of the assesennt for the above uaprnveuus :h att iz8_Pto.....Per ....... lineal foot for a new sidewalk The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits £m• said hoPrOvement, and the assossed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: PP77F, DESCRIPTION I Lot ADDITION I Assessed Valuation The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to ;Iiim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Commissioner of Finance. a Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of- Finance ............ July..._lS..,.._.....................191 A.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: ' a The Commissioner of Public Worksi having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.........2r�..._.......... approved .... .............T _une..._2.Q......... ............_i91.'k...., relative to........................... _........_r.2_G.9.z16 Erti1.c.G_ x1 .,......�.e.�.dX.7 n ,-..az�.d..:.x.e a.. n1;....w.a..t.h.....o.Q.luent.....LIQ-c.kvs... to a width of ten _feet the present sidetivallc on Concord Street ................. ..... ......... .. ....... ...._......... ..... south ...._s_ide.. .._b.e.L';inning.._1R0..._f_e_e t- Me s_t..._of..._Ge orze..._$1!- ..._t_he...nc e........._ .............. west 42 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ......... ...... .._necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....... ... .:GX.Y........... . and the total cost thereof is h_...__6xaX.X.._,,....._._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _......_ .................. ...... _................ ....... _............................................. ............ .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .............. ..................... .......... ..._............... ..... ..... ..... ....... .................... ............ .......... ........... ...... .............................. ..... .... ........ ................................................................................ "a 5. Said improvement is................ not_......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �...................r......... ........................................................ .............. uuni, ioi ublic Works. 2'1iel COUNCIL FILE NO._..._..__.___ l FINAL ORDER. In the. Matter of._construc-ting.- a... sidewalk of ceuent.-blocks to a width of six feet on the north side of Lafond street from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue - under Yrehminary Order _1.279 _ ____¢))proved August_84th,_ 1.914.__.. _.. Ialtermedillry Order _._.._ __ _ _..approved ._._..... A public hearing having been had ,poll the above iulprovtmleltt 111)011 due notice, and the Colmcil having livard all persons, objections and recol,nundatioas relative thereto,;uxl hHviug Hilly c0nsideted the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council Of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, xteat and kind of ia1= lu•ovement to be made by the said City is..._. the -construction Of_a._ six . f.00t c.ement...aide.mll...on the North side of Lafond stret from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue and the Council hereby orders said improveulent to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said iulprOveulellt, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offieers are hereh•y authorized aild directed to proceed with the making of said iolploven,',t ill accm d ince therewith. Adopted by the Conned _.. �4� .'. - ..... ® clerk: Approved.. // ....- �`—.. _ ..11)-/ YQ� ............_.... _ Mayor. (`.01111 C)I711e11 FaI11SN,rtll In the matter of constructing ¢_side ht IPI' In termedlary Order 1879, approved Oct. 2, 1914, 7 A public` hearing having been had \I !oil upon the aBoveimprovement upon .due notice. and the Council having.heard all persons, objections and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having ()� eary fuliv co nsidered. the same; therefore, be it Resolved,'ny the Council of the City Mayor PO el's tion of +a'siz Ypot ce nem elder alk on. y the north side of Lafond street from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue. and the Council hereby orders sald.im-' provement to be made. Resolved Further,' That the Commis-. toper• of Public works be and he is hereby Instructed and directed to pro - pare plane and ,._specification. for said i mprovem en[; and su to It ams to .the Co—ell"'Yor appropal; that pan said approval. the proper lty !Veers a hereby authprized'endedirected to pro- ceed with the making of said Improve_ m— k tber, Adopted by the Council Nov 2, 191 4. 1pprovel Nov.'6 1914. jNov: 7 1914) i } 2'1iel COUNCIL FILE NO._..._..__.___ l FINAL ORDER. In the. Matter of._construc-ting.- a... sidewalk of ceuent.-blocks to a width of six feet on the north side of Lafond street from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue - under Yrehminary Order _1.279 _ ____¢))proved August_84th,_ 1.914.__.. _.. Ialtermedillry Order _._.._ __ _ _..approved ._._..... A public hearing having been had ,poll the above iulprovtmleltt 111)011 due notice, and the Colmcil having livard all persons, objections and recol,nundatioas relative thereto,;uxl hHviug Hilly c0nsideted the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council Of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, xteat and kind of ia1= lu•ovement to be made by the said City is..._. the -construction Of_a._ six . f.00t c.ement...aide.mll...on the North side of Lafond stret from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue and the Council hereby orders said improveulent to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said iulprOveulellt, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offieers are hereh•y authorized aild directed to proceed with the making of said iolploven,',t ill accm d ince therewith. Adopted by the Conned _.. �4� .'. - ..... ® clerk: Approved.. // ....- �`—.. _ ..11)-/ YQ� ............_.... _ Mayor. (`.01111 C)I711e11 FaI11SN,rtll In the matter of constructing ¢_side ht IPI' In termedlary Order 1879, approved Oct. 2, 1914, 7 A public` hearing having been had \I !oil upon the aBoveimprovement upon .due notice. and the Council having.heard all persons, objections and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having ()� eary fuliv co nsidered. the same; therefore, be it Resolved,'ny the Council of the City Mayor PO el's tion of +a'siz Ypot ce nem elder alk on. y the north side of Lafond street from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue. and the Council hereby orders sald.im-' provement to be made. Resolved Further,' That the Commis-. toper• of Public works be and he is hereby Instructed and directed to pro - pare plane and ,._specification. for said i mprovem en[; and su to It ams to .the Co—ell"'Yor appropal; that pan said approval. the proper lty !Veers a hereby authprized'endedirected to pro- ceed with the making of said Improve_ m— k tber, Adopted by the Council Nov 2, 191 4. 1pprovel Nov.'6 1914. jNov: 7 1914) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .............._... .................... _........ ....._..._.. ......._._................................. . miner Preliminary Order xpprovec..._.. ........._.. ............ ......._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Coxmlissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: • 49 er.....1ireal foot The total estimated amount of the a6sessmE'nt fol' iha' above' n111)"O •E'x1Pnt Is .�......._.¢....x' The Iota or parcels of land that may he assessed benefits for said improcealent, 1111(1 the assessed vatllatiol of exell lot m• pared as last reported by the Assessor, NT as folloll•s: V The Commissioner of Pinance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_......._(J� ..@ �... � ..........................197.. L/ Commissioner of Finance. HENRY E. WEDELSTGEOT STAT101E15 Si. Pt4 Maxx St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 14, 1914. 2, The Honorable_ City Council, -� 3 _. 0 I 1T Y. �1 <'. Gentlemen. - We, the entlemen,-We,the undersigned, owners of the property abutting b on the north side of Lafond St. from Snelling Ave. to Asbury Ave. do hereby petition your Honorable Dodyto_cause a six foot cement D. sidewalk to be laid on said street between the points above mentioned. lo, 01,11TERS OTT BLgKI / ADDDITION17 p �/ 12 111II IN 19 • .. 22 Office of the Comonssioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ................ Aug ........ Z-5-.....................-_......1914.... To the'Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil relative to....._ta1G.......... cil, known as Council File No_.....32.7..9............ approved .....6d dAW Ik...._4f.....4Qinen..._ba ocks..._to..._a..._w di h_._gf._ a x.._f set...... .......on....t.he.....na.rt..h....ai.de......of.....Laland....S.ts.e.e..t..,.....be.g.inni.ng....at.....Sn .�.1. zag....A...Ve u..e...,_....... theno.e.....to....Aablar..y...Avenua.-....................................................._................_........................................_....................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. S. The estimated cost thereof is .................................. and the total cost thereof is $ ........... .................................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v. Said improvement is_ ........... .......... ..........._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................................. . ........ ... _............................ ..................... ommissim o Public Works. h® CITY OF ST. PAUL r�J"T a , 3 G�OUNCIL RESOLUTIOU GENERAL -FORM Subject:................._........_............-_-......-..-._.........:_,.................................._....._............_............._._-...._....._......_............. COUNCIL VILNo......... ......................... ........... .............. _...... _......................................... _................. ... _............................... r.......... .Date Presented..::..............................................191............ In the matter cf paving Fillmore avenue from South Wabasha street to Hyde street, .under Preliminary Order 566," approved September 14, 1914, Intermediary Order 1745, approved September 22, 1914, and Final Order 2173, approved October 26, 1914. Resolved, That the Final Order in the above matter be and the same is hereby rescinded. Resolved` further, that another public hearing be had on said matter on the 400th day of November, 1914, at ten o'clock Aa M. in 3 D the Council phamber,'Room 61 in the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner;of Finance give notioe of said meeting to the persons, in the manner and within a the time provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estti- mated. O<. F. No. 2390— In the:matter of paving:Flllmore ave.. 'nuo from South Wahawha street'•to H4¢e SC; under Preliminary Order 686, approved September l4, 1914,.In • termodlnpy Order '1746, 'approved. September. 22, 1914, and Noel Order 2172,'. approved October".26..1914.. `gesolved, "Thai the :FIn" Orden: la tfia ofinva ma a. fia a.. a verve o Yeas ( ✓) Council n ( ✓) Nays /-_Fsrnsw th `Goss In favor Keller fj2 pl Against � t. Pow � Mc President, Powe Adopted by the Council�_191L� Approved (� — S 191 cy (�� CITY OF ST. PAUL Ts`7 COUNCIL..RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM 2391 -_ Subject:...:........_........:.........:.:_................._...._...........,.............................................................__....__....._............................._ 11 COUNCIL PILE........................ ..................... DatePresented............... .......................... ...... A91............ In the matter of paving Fairfield avenue from Wtabasha street to Belle street, under Preliminary Order 486, approved July 1, 1914, Intermediary Order 1145, approved August 13, 1914, and Final Order 1729, approved Oct- ober 26, 1914. Resolved, That the Final Order in the above matter be and the same is hereby rescinded. Resold further, that another public hearing be had on said matter on the 80th day of November, 1914, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council �d Chamber, Room 61, in the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of 8t. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice Of said meet- ing to the persons, in the manner and within the time provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the im- piovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. — In;he matter _ f Having Fair.d. ave - 1 nue from Order 86 street, under Fre. I - ]tminnry Order 436: annroved Tulv1. Yeas (Y) Cou cih (✓) Nays Far worth ✓Goss Kelle �^ MCC 1 "UL. /iYoer Mr. President, Pow rs I,— In Adopted by the Council In favor APProved Against -- MAYOR An ordinance amendir_g Ordinance lo. 201, approved Larch 19th, 1880, entitled "An ordinance in relation to the general supervision and control of the sewers of the City of St. Paul." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIY: Section 1. That Section 8 of Ordinance No. 201, approved March 19th, 1880, entitled "An ordinance in relation to the general supervision and control of the severs of the City of St. Paul," be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as foilowe: - "The Commissioner of Public Works shall not grant to any person, firm or corporation. or association a permit to tap or connect with any sewer of the City of St, paul, un- less the assessment for such sewer against the property which it is desired to connect with such sewer, has been paid in full, if the assessment has not been made payable in instalments; and if the assessment has been made payable in instalments, no permit shall be granted unless all in- stalments due and payable shall have beer} paid. Where a sewer is constructed, but the assessment has not been certi- fied to the Cos=issioner of Finance for collection, no per- mit to connect with a city sewer shall be granted unless a deposit shall first have been made with the Commissioner of Finance to an amount equal to &1,25 per front foot of the property sought to be drainet_�n all cases where the assesement has not been made payable in instalttents•and in all cases where the assessment is payable in instalments, no permit shall be granted unless there shall first have been paid into the treasury of the City of St. Paul an amount equal to Forty Cents per front foot of the property sought to be drained. The said deposits shall be applied pro tanto in payment of the assessment for such sewer after the same has been certified to the Commissioner of Finance; and if the assessment for the cost of such sewer shall be less as against the property for which a permit has been granted as aforesaid, then the overplus shall be returned to the person who has made such deposit. Where property has not been assessed for a sewer, and no sewer has been built in front or alongside same, for which it may be assessed, no permit shall be granted to connect such property with a city sewer unless there shall first be paid into the city treasury the sum of One Dollar and Twenty-five Cen s per front foot of the property sought to be drained. LIf thereafter a sewer shall be built for which the said property shall be assessed, the said -de- posit shall be applied pro tanto in payment & the said assessment, and if the assessment shall be less than One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per front foot,�the overplue ehall be return to the person who has made the deposit. If no sewer shall be built and the said property shall not be assessed for a sewer within_ ten years after the making of such deposit, then the said deposit shall be turned in to the General Fund of the City as a license fee or charge for the privilege of connecting such property with the city sewer system." `1 Section 2. In all places in said ordinance where the words "City Engineer" and "Board of Public Works" are used, the same shall be and are hereby stricken out, and there is hereby inserted 1n place thereof,9 the words "Commissioner of Public Works," and in all places in said ordinance where the words "Commissioner of Health" are used, the same shall be and are hereby stricken out and there is hereby inserted in place thereof the words "Commissioner of Public Safety." p Section 3. , All ordinances and par- --d-_ Ar Lnoee-:=loco :- .116 'Q�d ']ag6po 1. 6aP P]sz .143 V-3 plus 3o .2pnf aql ....ITAk '1_0 eI41 Do sae mo]3 ]sadder ..seer] eda Pun sistent herewith are hereby repealed. sollp ;amu. �Je enaPaaap Pins to ln2al ous saas3 p ' ]laq a4) 1. 4aaa of 'sLI ]Ea4 lu Fup Plus a]olaq .,(up }T 1-1 Section 4. This ordinance shall 1a ¢¢nalia •14310 Ad.. v Sulllnw eq puu 'mat of BUIP]oaau malnax Insd 'ls 41 uo loa]a43 uollsallgnd .Cq panus g lou pin¢ge 1111ad Plas eqM '—q force thirty days after its passage and pun iaq)¢All'J1 ,asnaJ -1141 lnwga Pp¢u pa)unoo .las u{a 'load ZS 7o e){O a41 ul .snob C{.lnoo 4; u{ smoox 1]no0 a3a eo]d a47 � ,e 'p]ua4 aq uvo lluw Piss u allu 01 ala / ,/% o_/ TuoT ]agmanoN to .lap p]EZuo 'Id]natldu of •� Y3 / C�7.P/i%l I�a]{nba] P. aI41a a oe q w A 4a1sa]alu) suos]aA q lla a la]aal I1. 1n43 Pu P 4 uo1317ad Plas 7nud, 'P4]as]Oe sl li :pallilua la]a 3 ]ad s yl )3 7nlsa plea 10 anpl.noaa43 ,0 luam i ul of 41 ]ol Puu lu a imuza sU1 al§ 8movu PB a 2u13snCPa '9ua 1 a ] 3 oriq la pus wn s xP 7]no0 Ul 1. 5u1 SRSu]d'a;u16a plus Dq ennnlauus2]ad U aq) ao II uo)3liad .4, 2u11P P:u—u.01p.esiquO Cou�nkugglA IItl qlalos�lic 3o slats a4S, /� SP1°•" y 1+ qJ aPaaaQ 'u{nlua 'f uI $^�` CgaluuQ do a3a1s3 43 3o a73aIC 41 3tlO7! 1]Rb0 aingo]d uI s '.casmnU nd0 aSNIIOO 'tlSOS3NNII1i d0 ZLVLS I Yens. a U CtZ-5T sox) �A;¢a9tl eu)angJlnd Nt�assaaoa oua M 1 allo]ldmop -Ill nun jl11qud nto slmmo0 aql ]—gansaqaqa];oad2. aa q,.1 aaq{q pqut.eogn It -ql 3-IN1gul 11q lit. PIQ I1V 8- T—a Jlaa- U.n pannlgo q A - o ajqd1l¢Iudod ]aIIl u-d- 3aJ•n[p .1Plllm4ns q of q11.S epo lQ S�• 'Rna laaja] o; 3g9W aql sae]aaa] ells aqj lan]3¢oa a bo uonnaxa P¢u SUIHnm erg; ]ol d)a]ns su lasodo]d gana e¢udmoJan lsnm 'PIq lanomv A� agl l0 1uaJ ]amd 0� ]o� ryP¢oaagqa PaPn]aa �jty jQYl ]o lunom¢ a us gl 7 6¢admop Sla]ns u ger 'lansoud au)uS ao S?IJ ql 30 P" -q4 Ilaonl nun, plq 3L¢¢mn aqi do I... Sad pya,o mn. q; ¢F Puo4 8 mus Il v¢lm]ol]ad ob .Xpd lsoa to a5¢3namad yule)aaal '3¢noJap —A Sq lnama.w]d Ni I'm 9alAuIv 1(l) s paads lu 9]o.a Plns o, .5. Mp � I]alum Bou"la ugnl na yl4gslu]ng n0rq . i� Section 2. In all places in said or,linaznce ;;Lere the %:orde "City Engineer" and I'Eoard of Public Works" are use.:, tide sl-:n.e shall be and are hereby stricken out, al,.- there is hereby inserted in place thereof, the •:,orfs "CofTr..iecior.er of Public P:erY,eand in all ,I_laces in s_id crfinance w' ere the :cr-s ]Ou n:i3 io::_r of _isl-idealth" are uaed, tl.e sac.e a-all be 1 are _.._ _oy s t_ _cken out ai.dl [Here is -., _eby inserted if, r__-ace ther_cf the .:oris "Con.n.i:,sioner of Public Cafety." Section All or,.inan-_ea and .arta or i=:a::ca is:Co:— siste_:t herewith nre hereby re-,ca-7 e Section 5. This orlir;c,= snail take effect and be in force thirty ys aft -r its .wail;, ;e u... g',:,„iication. }•. No 2392—Ordinance Vo. 3309- 1 A)as— n \T.n n. a '—din, Ordi ranee No. An rdi . ce - 17nrch 19. 7680. �i Y �oc, �, ;• --•� I[ti a"Anal- rnP m latico of J titled .an ordlna t I.lo1` it ed tnntrol l the Frvrn•el cof the CIt" of ct. Pool." If the - thr City f St. Paul The Council a( �t Ines ordal n: SECoTiO� 1. i �! That Srctinn 8 f it nano led "A" / ne ,nnrov etl �I.'trch 19. 1880. a led ".\n �� r, loaner In relation to thr (; e—a sop u aPraisi It and .octroi nfo it, ers of the City f St. Paul;' hr ndWthrea a is h Adepte6 h the 0001 's "The C-mrmis sinner amended Pal-lig„\\-flrks 'I ttnot ,rant in t Pe^ li in ,rI oration n intiotl a perpf [he tan or n:et awith nlPs stilet assess- 'ity of oGt. I urh'aul, ll-ver ago list the prom YEAS. Leith I hl, t ihaesbs,nir,d PniA ill cin full. If thr n melt has netdbit>lhmade s 1 PM1.cib,n in in s[been [ma n Han t has been dP Pa)'able t Mtinst;tln:enty. to Prrmlt shall Inn,rant_ ed unless- all In st:tl nten is due I Pa)'- ul�lc shall have been Pald. \l'herr a r is c nstrueted. hat the a sess- •tnt has of rieP ccitified tlr't tionhm `nrrntit to I,tc"it hr r city sett l ,—sated unlrss a•dPinsit shall first hate been tnndc 11,1 the' ComL missinnrr of T'Inance to an am til .pool Ln 81.26 per front foot ([ lhll nPr�[t' ... the to shrSe rninPd, in ni wile til s se men[ has of r{. 1.,� all, paya„ l�ei(he stash S9n tsP1 a t and pa)�ahle In in st almrn ls. nn4petmtit shall x,an"" unless there shall first haw" aid Into the L'easu r)' of thr Cit}' p rat Ppaal to h'o rt)' `^ t. Paul xn amou �•• is Per front foot of the PropratY _­,t la hr dra inr.1. The t:•�ntn In pnvlls =hall hr anuli e`ln urn o 0 ME' l ` ih t 1It S. fruntllm ninon �.ril umr. fol` it `%•' Fri�n[rd tnc.•rt .aril n���nrrtt- twlt oily s �tnl. s,v shall Hrst h1 _ polo intr�tiri Pt rit> "Ir, tar s.te el Bor Dnllnr a d 's p-p-fit's Cents Per ni runt of dile Prn Pcrqmeth doti 1 drained if thereafter a aParr ch be bullt for vtc eNeth. irl •drt pit`�hall halt he br spotted raTO tont, tin pnFmrnt of fI P sa`d ass ,s,ent and If the •tse ss- nt :hall be Ir•s thnn nae Dollar and Tta nic-11— tints per front foot. the - erplas shall it 'It"' I to the Prr- sonit-hn has mode the rlPpolst. Tf na shall he hailt and the said irop- erittn shall not hr asses ed for a se rr within ten t'cars after=the akin,[ f uch denositthen dile said deposit shall br turned In to ihr (:.neral 7earad of till, elle ns a lire a,, fel, or char,. for thr oriaileF trh roperte r of rt n rrtin, t,ith till, cityn v s.ne .stem." C1:C\ TTnn r Tn 917 nlnres i� said nrd inanre [=hero the ^'n�.isI" areeer' and "Tl some of Pa blit ad ors" are. usrd. ihr some sh. Il be .anrV nre hrrrha si rirken sate t 1 there i herrhp In"'to rl In nice ihr"ror. ti,, a' rds "Cannot lnnrr f Pnbllc \l'n r les." sod i all nine.. In void nrdlnanlr n'lle"e till, tan rds "Cnm- m""a" "r of Hrnit h" arr usrd. the y c shall fir and are hrrcha cl rirken .,It and lltrrr is 1,:;,. - insrrird IDI Glace lhr. rnf `I,r rd.v "C,oami,sinn- nf Ptdill= f.•ta'� �1:CTTn\ 3. .\71 ordinu nrrs :tn7 nnrl,v of nrdl-I s Inrnnxi.t�nt herrtt'ith arr idol,._ bytttrrprnl rrl. e T:CTTnV A. This nrdinth!- shall [rafter Tl tst and i fnrcn rl�l rpt' dn}'s s nar- rad mihli�n tion. sal,, s��,d h.- Ihn t ••nrf7 \na. 17. 1911. erns–.�(.•ssrs. •nl:irnsa'nrt h, Doss. hrll ., ATrCn1L rLr:n->- ToerF. AT, prrc4irnt lrntarr�)—s. • \Pprn c, d N, 1P. I rl1. NIs. rrncrrls. - xnynr. i\n,. 21-1917) � f ,i tF 1 1SBS F'Q. d 1a4o1a0 io AVP PMI;1113 ci P{us Io aepnf 071 sD W1�Io p m s ( Iapp . ql wo11 1s8ddn Bassa;pp of 0 P" c jf ( Iamnueoym 7uapaoap pine ;o sea7neal 55 ! un seaeleap elleq 043 Io 4 .a eui alodaq;s6nP YI ]Vaal u_'p1aa4 aq-ueo :aallnmpl¢s s. a 7d , a10g3' ¢oos se 10 '.' aQ ? ROO[° O OT 7n q I8S",••]agwanoN )o Rap PEE a43'RIP uoa¢_ UO.'7snoa. Si41''alo;aq lnadda o7 .mba. pu.. pajio aq ai}$uu%1n18 1 ele0111 i suoslad IIs. 1a43 P p 4 C5 quo{]pad plus inyy Pa apa0 sI ;I -Pal1I3u. o16 ,l suoelad 43 lI 1 01s7sa Pi.s Ioonvlo aq7 30 IV— . I W041 l P4a. ;unooay III I3 s111 u{mond. Pu° 8u13sxp ;an0CPa '8ul°Iwn 1, Li onld Pu❑ awil.n 00 041 3.47 Sul RsaQ'eln3. p1.s 1...13.1...0 da.d a43 ' o: uo'1 ed e41 9uilu Pua eu{p as u0laa-4; uuo0. nnat( 1I 0q& it g3 b70s UINIo 07.76 04.L €� - 7uap— '¢Inl'0fl 'f e{uaQ do -1-1-IJ a047 l0 1a11.1'I 043 uI µ 7 '1—ba aIugoja uI s 'A..w.. y : O ASNROD 'vmos3NNIX 30 '.d,LVS6 . eo Section 2. In all places i ` �naees4i6s4a1oa�T �) ie words Nl Hssxaaoa 'oae •,lalio17dm80 aqa 'pua .4-1n II4n3 ;0 1a4orlmmoa aql o" ag; ;o "City Engineer" and "Board of Public o¢asaad, Oro euleagoa. aauado L;'hall POIA. aeoqu amp: 043 7a •allgnd ¢I p. y 41[Im s�I0.11P 1na8geulPn4aand 043;0 ®o.agl ui 76anDaz.¢Odn pau{algo aq S. F dn be and are hereby stricken out, and th IQII R4nPIa-la6caoad ¢ugl0I s3aB1°s n • IIIaIId P I P 33Iw4 •ePI4 IIn 10 p, R❑n ]a iaa 1 Wt. 4; sheat 11W aqx all place thereof, the words "Commissioner.3-1.0.- S.M.- 4ama43 R3 6'en Iesodo a 4 PR -d 3 PIq 3 . a. 0.T 3 R-4 P Allo._ " places 3r. said ordinance where the wor 4103, 1 wn aq1 1 P pa 9—d-3 can O '[und 7 .186 70 d11a - 41 Io Y aP9 came 3 MIam P14 janomn F, are used, the same shall be and are her 043 do 3❑1a a oa l 41 a1 P4«I Qr •am.e 041 e❑Imaoyea loa aaµd e e0loai lad V Rq'nema oadm4 Plu'IBQIN°Ii is hereby inserted in plane thereof the •mns. P ul" 7u R1o.a Plus . 0d ,nI1a7°� P.. ll¢a 841gs1¢ani of 5 :6,604 3¢{m8[I0; 041 n° ap— a4 0a Ias �aoa<R Public Safety." y¢48B 8alen4at.I 047 do a q,0 13 I40uo _ ¢0 . enop0061aade pua s❑ultl aq1 471-«I ana paoaau ¢1 4a@a3S: A111H 01 a aa�aeoldoSi GiJ. Section 3. All ordinances an 'd moll anneep" ar7 ?p d a6nog 31no0 on— p¢ue¢IP478,84? dAI 1'OS ;• 430E'eOK R.PuodQ ll3un 11n8 8710 pnu®0 043 34 041 In 1na80.5¢I8u4o1n Rasa. J. 7nP- airy paaiaaaa a4 Illm aOm❑II 043 43I•ti r=oP¢ sistent herei9ith are hereby repealed. P.. ;a 6m6ba k Pna PIg 041 a0 as uae°g :4galasl ea17o3S. .old Pa[nas 7043 Section 4. This ordinance sh kT6T sY ;,n �ni3 -'InHa is - force thirty days after its passage and muolas 760h1 L°0'nn0 "fl`u447 °soa t - do 7uam8eolamI.. P @ a aayxrm sz�'soad7d.i ; l 74 - Q-j� -yuaed 3uls 4n nd NI'3S6N�IIOA ySR` . 1 d VIIId-. Oa a43 P¢g 10 �OIl44d d01a¢O)68lWWOa 041 to sfe}q agl;o aauasald eyi 41 i a n s a,.,a ew}1 047 -843 RQ P 7 7 3V 0I8:j°3u147 4p °do eq 47 be Il�da P 047 ¢ `d // •///// b od¢ pa 7 1441 Q R w 4aI4m p d a;IIo -Ill4 I otlo a¢qn gag of;. sPIH Fld°P aPS0. iia o..Iun "f. .tial-T.."_..1��� A*Pft by the Couebii a cC1..' ! YEAS, NAYS, I i MR_ FARNSWORTH GOSS STT KELLER yN: F McGOLL c/cY O'LEARY C/erk YOERG S, 0 MR.•PRESIDENT (POWERS) COUNCIL FILE NO...._ 13y_._ .... FINAL ORDER. lu the matte, of.-constrac_ti.ng a.sid.e.�rai k..of_ce �Qnt.. blocka to a, r.idth of six feet on the north side of Osceola av-nue ro.L Oxford street to Chats;•,orth, street: I.. I I ander Preliminary. Order approved pu°u_._G6 � 514 Intermediary Order (� _ approved . ... Y/ .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement npou due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, rod having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of tine City of St. Paul that -tile precise nature, extent and kind of inn- provement to be made by the said City is..Constructing -a sidewalk --of- cement --blocks ---to-a-width of six feet on the north aide of Osceola Avenue from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval ; that npou said approval, the proper City otiicens are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed _ with the making of said improvement ii%n aceordauce therewith. Adopted by the Council9. _._. _... ._ . ....... -y Approved./l..^..... ]9 _ llay m•. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE III the Ahitinr or co_r._str,a.q_t.ing a. a.-ide,,tialk of, .ce..._rnt blocks to a width of six feet on the north side of Osceola avenue from Oxford street to Chatsworth street. aniler peelimivat•y Order approved._.._AuZ e.t 213th-,_ 191.4. _... _._.. ._ _... _ ._ _..... To the Council of the City of 1t. Paul: - The Commissioner of hinnnee hereb}• roports as follows': 'Phe total estimated amount of the assessnn•ut for the above improvement is :{x_•.49¢. per lineal foot. 'I'he lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, amd the assessed valuation mf each lot or parcel as hast reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1. DESCRIPTION Lot IB1oAl ADDITION Assessed Vslaetlon t. I } tI I --- DESCRIPTION L'ot Block ADDITION '-_-__ ______._—_ Assessed �Val.ation aL ' I I I A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has invt-stigated all of the aforesaid matters, find hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to f0m in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ /C�_ __ _ _..19]_ Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to .Commissioner of Finance Augupt_...2.Q, ..... ........._...191 _A.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pool: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ...._1364.._........approved._... _AUEUAe ..._26.x ..................1914....., relative tn.._the.....__.... _ QnstruQIIQ)ft Qfc_ement...._b..4..eke.._tq..._4.._ladth.._gf..._pix...;f.VA.t............. .oxl..._t.he._..na.rth....side......Qf...._O.B.C..e.o.le.....Axe.nue..,....beginning. _4t..._..0.4f.ord..._S..t re e.t.,.......... ................._....... ... ...._.._....._._._ _.._........... _..........--.....-__.................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said inrproveurent is... ...... .... .. necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is .'_.._.. XXXx?:and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .__............ _..... ______.........__.._...__...._...._................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......... _... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Coinmisai uer of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. - 13y FINAL ORDER. Inn the Matter Of. c.onstrUCtilln.a._sidewalk of c .er:t_ cocks +c six feet on the south site of aobie street beginning at EellOWs. 11 street t'zenee -lest 61 feet 4 under Yreliulival'y Order•._ 1362 / _approved _ Aug s. t Zi/ apProved ..._ / Lntm'anedi.n•y Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard III] persons, objections and reemu(nendatiolls relative thereto, and having fully considered the sxnu; therefore, he it RESOLVED, 13y the Couneil of the City of St. Foul that the precisr nature, extent and kind of int- provement to be matte by the said City is. .....constructing -a-sidawalk-of- cement -blocks -to-a-width of s,x feet,. on_the..Bouth.side _.of, Robie_Street beginning --st-.Bellows St' thence. -weet-.6l-feet. Ind the. Cmuleil hereby orders said improvement to be umde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Couuuissione)• of Public Works be and he is hereby "'["Meted Innl _ directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improveluenit, cold submit same to the Council for npproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby autho'ired lural direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in 1� accordance therewith. l Adopted by the Uomlcd..__. //' Approved.w_"`'. � __ ]9b? /✓ C.F No. 2394 a'' .Mayor. lagwidthdof In ilk of cement ti.1 ck. t xis feet on ''the south ends of Roble ,. street. beginning at Bellowstreet.min- Coulleilnnleu thence west '61•feet under Prelf Order 1362; approved August 28th, 1914. tnfermedlary Order 189^., OSS pproved oct 2.1914. . A public hearing having been had upon the above Improvement upon duo the Council. having heard e]lel. notice, and Il persons, objections and r commen- dations relative thereto. and having considered the anus: therefore, be Resolved, By the Council of the City 'Leafy of St. Paul that the prectse nature, ex- kind of tmyyprovement to be ( tent and said dth n slde.waIkhe of cementihlocks to n'_ of six feet on south side of Robin Ii erg street beginning , at Bettowa S[.; thence west 81 feet, and the Council hereby orders .aidtmprovement to be made. : dPubllcheR'orka thehe �Iay01' P era .Ioner1lof and he • re- hereby Instructed and directed to pre- aid,clarat Parethe Council forthaaid approval, the pproper city. t Ricers on care hereby authorl."d'and directed to pro•. mprove- ceed' with the making e[ said improve- - - e t in accordance thsrewlth, ment m Adopted by the Councn Nov. 9, 1914. Approved Nov: 4, 1914. (Nov. 74914) l 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. - 13y FINAL ORDER. Inn the Matter Of. c.onstrUCtilln.a._sidewalk of c .er:t_ cocks +c six feet on the south site of aobie street beginning at EellOWs. 11 street t'zenee -lest 61 feet 4 under Yreliulival'y Order•._ 1362 / _approved _ Aug s. t Zi/ apProved ..._ / Lntm'anedi.n•y Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard III] persons, objections and reemu(nendatiolls relative thereto, and having fully considered the sxnu; therefore, he it RESOLVED, 13y the Couneil of the City of St. Foul that the precisr nature, extent and kind of int- provement to be matte by the said City is. .....constructing -a-sidawalk-of- cement -blocks -to-a-width of s,x feet,. on_the..Bouth.side _.of, Robie_Street beginning --st-.Bellows St' thence. -weet-.6l-feet. Ind the. Cmuleil hereby orders said improvement to be umde. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Couuuissione)• of Public Works be and he is hereby "'["Meted Innl _ directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improveluenit, cold submit same to the Council for npproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby autho'ired lural direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in 1� accordance therewith. l Adopted by the Uomlcd..__. //' Approved.w_"`'. � __ ]9b? /✓ C.F No. 2394 a'' .Mayor. lagwidthdof In ilk of cement ti.1 ck. t xis feet on ''the south ends of Roble ,. street. beginning at Bellowstreet.min- Coulleilnnleu thence west '61•feet under Prelf Order 1362; approved August 28th, 1914. tnfermedlary Order 189^., OSS pproved oct 2.1914. . A public hearing having been had upon the above Improvement upon duo the Council. having heard e]lel. notice, and Il persons, objections and r commen- dations relative thereto. and having considered the anus: therefore, be Resolved, By the Council of the City 'Leafy of St. Paul that the prectse nature, ex- kind of tmyyprovement to be ( tent and said dth n slde.waIkhe of cementihlocks to n'_ of six feet on south side of Robin Ii erg street beginning , at Bettowa S[.; thence west 81 feet, and the Council hereby orders .aidtmprovement to be made. : dPubllcheR'orka thehe �Iay01' P era .Ioner1lof and he • re- hereby Instructed and directed to pre- aid,clarat Parethe Council forthaaid approval, the pproper city. t Ricers on care hereby authorl."d'and directed to pro•. mprove- ceed' with the making e[ said improve- - - e t in accordance thsrewlth, ment m Adopted by the Councn Nov. 9, 1914. Approved Nov: 4, 1914. (Nov. 74914) .54 1/ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the llattar of.. 9.011.et.I'11G_.t.l 7__.a.....E3i ie)v.alk of_...Ceu.ent._ blocks, to. a_.width Of six. feet on,..,the_.s.outh....e.i.de.o.f.F.abie__street veginning at Bellows street, thence west C1 feet. under Preliminary Ih•der approvni_Augu, st 26th,1914 To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amomtt of the assesson•u1 for the above improvement is_.`9...por lineal foot ... ............. The lots or parcels of hind that map be assessed benefils for said improvement, ®ad the assessed valuation of each lot or -petrel as last reported by the Asscssur, are as follows: ;4 DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Asse—d Valuation 0 The Commissioner of Finauee further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, {ind hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to VAIII in reference to sai3 matter•by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ._jC�-.� .191 L ..........:... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Comrnissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance et..._2$..,..................191..x, a To the Coinnrissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration' the preliminary Order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ..... ._;; 62._.._approved.___. A' guPt_.28x......__...._...191..4..., relative to.t4e...._....... of..,._@_ix,.. BA-X.J.��.S.t .............. eouth..._ ..�de,..._4._.R9b.I..e......Street..,.__be. nn.�?.g.._a..t_...Bello.rys_,_S_tree.t_,....tLense and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 4.............X.XX.X....., and the total cost thereof is 4o.- Xxxxx--- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...._..._........._........._.._ .......... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. .............._........................................................................................_............................._............................................... ;i. Said improvement is .............. n9�..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. (iomnn8sr ner 'of Yublic Works. l t000 COUNCIL FILE. NO., 13y f FINAL ORDER. LI the matter a— c.onstructing_.a.. .sewer On. Paly street ,fro,L,.Jefferson, avenue to ,%_race street._..__._ under preliminary Order ._ 398 _ approved June 24th 1914 Z lIntermediary Order _.. �l..l. ( -. __approved _. �fC.'�.rj ......_ .... I / , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upoli due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recoum en dati ons relative thereto, and having filly considered the saare; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. pawl that the precise nurture, extent and kind of im- provenieut to be made by the said City is, constructing a -sewer. on- Daly ..Street -from .. Jefferson Avenue -to -Grace -Street. _ and the, Council hereby orders said improvemcut to be wade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Couunissiouer of public Works be mud he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, :uul subnut sane. to .the Council for approval; that open said approval, the proper city officers are herehy authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement nn accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couacil Approved. ..//- 11�/.._I9/K Councilmen Fill isworth C o. Kel or `f^ o O'L ary Yoe Mayor poi rs C: F. N In the atter of cunstructing'a sewer on Daly street frim Jefferson ave- nue to Grace street under lrrellmln- 1914 ntermeiLaPyr Order ]891 Zgp_ proved Oct. 2, 1914. .1 public hearing having been had n pon ticethandb the ove improvement havingItit dittlp reons.objections and re ommen- fullyAs relative thereto. Ind having fully.. considered the same; therefore, be it Y St Paul•that tthe precise ,lure, exY tent and kind of Improvement to be made by, the said City Is constructing, a sewer on non.. ...... __- 2396— Mayor. ar10 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alattur if c.ons.truc.tin.g_..a.._sewer _ or, Daly street ..frol Je_f f.erson. avenue to Grace street. under Preliminary Order appr�eed._.Ju.riE..24.th.,---19.14 ...__._... .._._.. ..__..... ._.._... _.._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is *.2.,.556e8i _.......... cost per front foot $2.60 - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed henefits kor said improvemeot, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, art, as follows: DESCRIPTION !Lot �lockj ADDITION I Assessed Valvetion� i i 06 s 1 DESCRIPTION Lot Block I ADDITION ';'Am.e .d V ;AGI ► _?. 3 5_ t_l o i olp.. i DESCRIPTION Lot �locki ADDITION Assessed Valuation 37 1.7 . '21- S {- 3.7.5;66, _ _ i G�/ i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated.. Commissioner of Finance. TO THE HOYORABLE BOARD OF PUDLIC WORKS. We the undersigned respectfully petition your honorable body for a sewer on Daly St.between Jefferson and Grace Sts. This is deemed a necessity a , s refuse andwaste is now running into a quarry near by. NAME ADDRESS., -2 4Z Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _ ^..........sT u#Z4...._ r�.,............................191..4... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........_.._398........... approved ................ !Tune..._a4........................... 197...._4, relative to .............................. conetruet.in a sever on. Daley St.._..between Jefferson Ave. _................_e_?id..._Gr...._St..,...,......j.n...said.....5_--.X.�.... ................................................._:......_............................................_..__.............................. ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie .... ........ ...... -necessary and (or) desirable. 4`2.60 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $____._ and the total cost thereof is 550. 00 , and the nature an*, extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................... ........................ ....._....... ........... ...... .... ............. :........................... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............................... ... _........ ... ...... ....... ............. ........... ........ __..........................................................._ 5. Said improvement is ........ _._............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _.._.. ....... ......... ..._._:_.....__ ......... _..._............. C issio r of Public Works FINAL , ORDER. In the hatter of conatruc_tinga._ sewer on Harvard street from Bunker street tot .._Pag.e.......atr.e.e_t.,_.__ under Preliminary Order 397 approved .. _ June. 24 -hl 4 Intermediary Order ..V �..... ._.._approved ._... �/ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upoi due otot'ce, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the Baine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kirxl of ini- provement to be made by the said City is- _..a.anstr.ucting-a...B.aWar_..on__Harvard .._Streat.._trom.. Bunker St. to....page-Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be node. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and r directed to prepare plans"Ill(specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Couneil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvementinaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ ..............// _ /......19/_%� Cit Cler . Approved.. \layor. I� FINAL , ORDER. In the hatter of conatruc_tinga._ sewer on Harvard street from Bunker street tot .._Pag.e.......atr.e.e_t.,_.__ under Preliminary Order 397 approved .. _ June. 24 -hl 4 Intermediary Order ..V �..... ._.._approved ._... �/ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upoi due otot'ce, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the Baine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kirxl of ini- provement to be made by the said City is- _..a.anstr.ucting-a...B.aWar_..on__Harvard .._Streat.._trom.. Bunker St. to....page-Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be node. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and r directed to prepare plans"Ill(specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Couneil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvementinaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ ..............// _ /......19/_%� Cit Cler . Approved.. \layor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alatturof.._..cons.t.rmo.t.ing...a....sew e.z'......Q. ...HaxVard s+ree,t from.. Bunker street to Pagestreet. .......................................... ..... ....... ..... .... __... ... ...... ............ ....._.. ... .._..... ........ ... .......... .. ................ _....._..._.. ..._... ................... ..._-_ ....... ........... .......... ...... ......_..... .. ......._.....__ ...._...._. ............... .. ...... .......... _. _............ __... _ __._ __.._... __ __ _... ........ ..... . _ . .. _.._._. ..._ .......... ... ..... tinder Preliminary Order approved -e _34th,..1914 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.A44.3..28.. ._.... Cost per front foot X1.40 The lots or parcels of lnnd that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Block ii ADDITION —�� Assessed Vel..tion �� I LJ 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Coin missioner of Public Works. Dated......_.(LG.1................................191. Commissioner of Finance. St Paul,Minn..........................1 yl j The_Common_Council, City of St.Paul. 'Gentlemen;- i We, the undersigned, owmers of property abutting on Har- Bunker and Page streets, do hereby respect- olvard street, between ',fully_petition your honorable body to-cause-_a_sewer to be built-in said street between the points mentioned. - NAMES LOT BLK Addition ,off _ 4 ��� l ,a' 191- - - - F 191 20 - M.Af 1914 I22- - 23 21 251 asp - i I _ Ij 'k I i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of . Finance June 29 ..............._............791_ . c To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- Jun@.-_2..... ..................191`'-, relative ta............................. cil, known as Council Nile No......._3_97.............._approved_...._..............._.......... i;._......................................................._............. conetruc_tn a..._sevrer.,._on._Harvar_d_St.4'etween _Bunker St, an - ................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........__._.......necessary and (or) desirable. ?E1.40 per front foot and .� The estimated cost thereof is $..........__. and the total cost thereof is $.... 440.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............._........................................................................................................................................ 5. Said improvement is ........ ...... _.._............... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjset to assessment for said improvement. ---2--7 of Public Works. ' COUNCIL NILE No. 13Y FINAL ORDER. In the :\latter of curbing both sines cf Ilinnehaha stree..t__from Fast.-seventh street to Earl street. under Preliminary Order_ _'a�/0�_6_ _ _ api Wovi•d __June 24th, 1914! Intermediary Order _.approved (Jl A public hearing having been had upon the above improveunent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and re ilillwnda-tions ri-bitive thereto, and having fully considered the saute; therefore, be it - RESOLVE]), By the Council of the City .'t. Paul that to pirrise natter, rStei and kind of imi- proveme to be ma le lie sai CiCi is all xa Council hereby orders said improvenu•nt ie be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and nlibillit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflieers are hereby antho•ired and direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceordauce therewith. Adopted by the, Council.___ 0"— q4— _.....19/ ' lerk Approved../. l/ 1 _19 f. J:fay 1•. i C. F. No 2397— In 897 to the Matter pC.-curbing tiotr, aides Cmnlcilnmu Far lsworth of nnnnehaha atre�t tro T7a t Sev i enth street to Earl atreet'under, Pre- ed limina y Order.;-880 apprgvJune 24th, 1914 Jntatjtedlary Qhdert-1889. Go tipprov d Oct. 2, 1919 iA public hearing haul g'been had upon the above ttitprov m�nt' upon due h lei• notice, and the Catlneil havtng heard all person objectloha and-recummen dation: relative thereto and having' fully considerad.,.th sem the tore, el doll be It Reeoly l By the C n Il of theCity of 9L Paul that the preelse —lure, 'Leary cent d kind f Improvement to be sides ofads 1M nnehaha 9t,lProm in St to Eboth nrl St., and the Connell hershy�or=, oel'g 'dere eatd Improvement, to be made7l.- i neirolof dPa lie Works art er. the end he Is hereby instructed and directed to`pre- pare plane and pecifications Por Bald provement, and submit same-to the Council for npproval;-that upon aaid pp 'oval,. the proper city offleers are heretiy act horized and directed to pro- sed nth the making oP said Improve- t 1fifi ccorden ce therewith. m Adop`te�'by the CquncI Nov. 11, 1914. Approv d Nov. 11, 1914. '4 1914) l I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE III the matte. of . curbing both_ aides, of �Iinnehaha--street- from... Fast. Seventh st.r.eat....to...Earl. street.... under Preliminary Ordtrr apprueed....._JUne 24th,__1914 To the Council of the City of tit. ]'all]: The ConIII issiolm• of Finanee herabv reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessuu•nt for the above improvcau-nt is 4-,955,.37 per front foot 54¢ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed bruefifs t.n• said improvement. and the assessrd valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot iBloch ADDITION Assessed Valuation S Flo_D a 1 Il �C �Dvi 0,01 7 I 11 / 001-1 ADDITION DESCRIPTION — --- �—Lot BlockN Assessed Vnluet;onl— — _-- —_ — 7lll' 0110 a — ', lit 66S/,off lx 3 DESCRIPTION Lot �Blocki ADDITION Assessed Valuation l� //o 13 ` o o, 330 0 ��.0ot to : //o rPb Y -o o - sS-7 d �� >E DESCRIPTION iLot 111lock ADDITION Assessed Valuation U b 7.0 01 n 0i 001 /IO 06 0.0 gaol 9- 1. 7dp� I S; DESCRIPTION iLot Block) ADDITION Assessed Valuation l l ;f7 aiz/ioy,,a X12,5; s dv 2 -J -d 0 I t, DESCRIPTION �L,ot �Blockl ADDITION Assessed Valuation o S,- - .S'lD ow 2��SJ J X02 s i -2. s; -- o �5 o DESCRIPTION t I.ot i$Iockii ADDITION .is .e .cl V.1—tion� 9v_j��t 9 v /Z/: Z� iC� o 0 1�3�0 t lm II DESCRIPTION Lot BloAkl ADDITION. Assessed valuation -62 a 07r 0; ,I ; S 2� oho /�s 1 t DESCRIPTION _ ! Lot 1131.4ADDITION _AL2 G' f 2 ao �� zl D(0 r �- W 04 a W f In DESCRIPTION Lot iBloc� ADDITION A.ses*a Vole I . 0l0 3 o v! /5' �� CIO 2._0 i 17;! Il �i o�) I I DESCRIPTION ( Lot IBI.A ADDITION Assetised Valva ion _ i 7; l/ 04 i 06 �Z �70.0 j The Coil] mission er of Finauee further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report wade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner of Pinanee. JOHN I. FARIOY. O,xc Ocie¢ CITY OF SAINT PAUL • cITY MERK's oFFIOE rlov. 4th,1914. Yui . '41/Gass, Cosmr. of Public Vorks, City Desr Sir:- (/ NoV.l,' Attsched C. F. 2397 , s Fir, 91toy curb it' . of Mir,neh4hn St, from East `rth St. to Esr'_ St., was �ajw the council at their meeting of to-dsy, for one week, snd comes up Ags n on November llth,1914, snd, st your request, wes referred to you. There - %.;A, some disco=cion ss to whether or not t'nis st^set,is graded. Your= truly, City Clerk. L JOIIN I. FARIOY. O�tm OLnHa �--- --f- CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITY CT LRRK'6 OFI+'IOE raw. Ind ,1314. Hon. 0.11,0T; eill, Corporation, Cou+-sol City. Den r Si r: - The Cou-cil, of their meetirj, of to -dry, referred the nttschyrd petition frrn property 3Wne.rS an Charlotte S°t. betnee- Taylor St. -,d GreptForthern Fly-of-Wey, to your departime:t, requesting that you draw up proper foTn of resdu tion revoking the permit issued to G. S. Innis to grade this street . Yours truly, City C 1 erk CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL .RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ............ ......._............................................_.......................: ....._.... .._.:....:........:.:..................FILECOUNCIL NO........... .9........ PILE 1:.. ._......... Date Presented ................................ .... ......:191............ u Resolved, That Board File No. 42247, approved play 29th, 1914, being a resolution granting permission to Bernard P. Rosenstein et al to grade Fairmount avenue from Lexington avenue to a point 376 feet west, is hereby amended by striking out the words and figures "three hundred seventy-six (376) feet" where they occur in the first para- T graph of said resolution, and.by inserting in lieu and instead there of the words and figures "three hundred forty (340) feet.." �� C. P. N.. 2399-13v M. N. G.- :' �� JOIIN I. H'ARIOY. Otte OLC9s CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY OLERWS OFFICE [ v'c9i Hon.C.H.0'1'1Bill, Corporation, Cour, so! , City. 1)enr Sir:— Nov 2,191 The Council, at their meeting; of to—day, referred the ettached.C. F 2373, gr,nti, jr perniinsion to Bcr,ard F. Rosensteir, to grade Fninaoun t Ave., to you . Y our= t in ly L Resolved, That the oigarette license WO granted to Irene T. Cutter, Lowry `Bldg. Aug. 26, 1913, �_ .• be and it hereby is transfered to E. H. Thoele, Lowry Bldg. C. F. No. 2100— Resolved. The' the cigsl'ette Nedtiee 1, No: 300 grented to Ir= and At,!, "Lowry Btd6 Aug. 26, 1913, hereby fe [rn.ne[erred to. II., SL Thoele. Lowry Bldb. Adopted by the Counatl Nov. 9: 1914: Approved Nay. 4, 1911. (Nov. 7-1914} Yeas (V) Cou cilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council — ._-191y Far worth / // Gos In favor , Kell - Approved _ ` 91 �y Mc Il —,-_Against O0 ry Yoe Mr. Pre —._--------^–M�Yon rosM e.e-2 I ___ J CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Sub.... _-....... 210- .... 1 „ ....... ..... COUNCIL No. e - .... FILE . .... .... ..... ...... .. ".:. , tl. .._ ....... Date Presented........... _..._I91.......... Resolved, y9 o V C. F. No. 2401— Resolved, That the cigarette 11 a. No. 3I9 grouted Sept. 9, 1913, Thoele, 241 Eor1 street, be and lt..here- .....:..... by 1s transferred to O. E:S¢uter,. 241 Earl street Adopted by the Council Nov. 4, 1914. ; :Approved Nov. 4, 1914. - .(Nov. 7-1914) ,,I .adopted by the Council Approved __' '._ 91� MAYOR C0111161 File No ....... .. .. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and "A PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby Pl'ol)()ses the lllllkillg of the fo]"v"19 1)'11die improvement by the City of St. rail], viz.: . . ....... .... .. . ... ...... Construct P -jestorly from southwesterly e of Lot 6 Luditorl 'A Rence southeasterly to a point on soot asterly lino of But rnut St;., which point 'is 25 feet southwesterly om most northerly a er of Lotl,:! Block 2 Stewart Ave. Addition; the e southeasterly on t eontor Iiiie ok. an easement 16 foot in width ore ng Lot I Block 2 5 rt Add"axid- Lot 7 Auditor's Sub. X45 to th h, 5 to Mississippi River, cont_ line of aforesaid easement being nor articiLlarly deacri as fo Iowa: Beginning at a point 0 o the southeasterly e of Butternut St. distant 25 feet southwest ly from most n,,the y corner of Lot I Block Stewart Ave. Addition; t once southeasterly a line with an angle of 900 520 to the line of utternut St., the C;le being measured on the northerly side of the course running sent asterly (which line throughout. the several courser, nd distances thorco- is also the cent -or line of a sandro2k sewer sore imes called the Ba olzer Tract sewer) a distance of 48.9 fact; thence on a line dcfloctin to tha left vrith an angle of. 80 222 a distanc, of 46.0 feet; the o on line deflecting to the loft with an angle o 80 260 a distance f 131.1 foot; thence on a line deflecting to the right with an Is of 190 228 to the Mississippi - River, in accordance with petiti n hereto attached. Superseding Council I'lle #181. ............... ........ . . .... ......................... ................ .... ....... Dated this `VPX wart -Ave. A A —ly — the .t 16 feet —1, 2 11-0 WHERrAS, ............ . ....... ........ ....... .......... . ............ .. . ........................ ......................... ........................ Couneilman. URY ORDER. of the following improvement, viz.: ............................... Construct a seder on Butternut St. iron Bay St. to a nt 25 feet southwesterly froze southwesterly line of Lot 6 AuditortooSub. ;�45 thence southeasterly to a point on southeasterly line of Butternut St which point is 21) feet southwesterly from most northerly corner. of Lo#�l, Block 2 Stewart Ave, Addition; thence southeasterly on the center line of an easemont 16 foet'in width crossing Lot 1 Block 2 Stewart Ave. Add. and Lot 7 Auditor's Sub. ;�k5 to the Mississippi Iiivor, the center lineof8iorosttla eaBem®nt beim Moro Beginning at a point on thersouttt�©a`e1iior]y 21xt'iaaoT�Bu-bt;e°-n�jt St. distant 26 feet southwesterly from moT'i northerly corner of Lot i $look 2 Stowart Ave. Addition; thence sout easterly on a line with'an angle of ° 52' to the line of.Butternut S, the angle, being measured on the northerly side of the course running southeasterly (which line throughout the several courses and distances thereof is also the center line of a ssridroek sewer sometimes called the Banholsor Tractlsewer) a distance of 48.9 foot; thence on ft line deflecting to the left with an angle of 80 221 a distance of 46.0 feet; thence on line deflecting to the left with an angle of 80 26' a distance of 131.1 feet; thence on a line deflecting to the right with an angle of 19° 22' to the PSisaiesippi i River, in accordance with petition hereto attaghod. Superseding � Runcil F31e X181... r a having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. ................ ....... ... .................................................... therefore, be it RIMMIED, That the Commissioner_ of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:___._...__ ................__ _. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...._...._/.......... 1911 Yeas: Nays: Councilman b m• G s Approved ......//.-..�1.......... ... { __K er O eary ` Y rg ...... _. _........ ............................................................................................... Mayor P 'era \Inym•. v `CITY OF SAINT PAUL r City Clerk's Office / / 191 ................................... . ... R eived of City Clerk14� ruvul 1)jfu Y No. 2403— e matter of plana and aDeciflcn- ���� e: for the Pumping Ylant.for 0. 1 r Green 13ouae at Como Park. calved, That the plana, speclflca-' and estimates eubmlPttgygbo nds lasloner:'oY Parke, -)Public improvement YOY the shove, :d fmproyement be and •the same. neraby approved. ¢solved Further, That the Purohae- , Ci I T Y L F' Agent be d he Is herebisen y ' in the directed to Adverte - nerprovided by the CItyChaMer bide Lo the making of said 1m- meat ace rdlfig to Bald Dlane and COUNCIL RR"^ e.ti ns, onthe aehallAYuxnhl.f ' Sbor and materiel for said , pe Mod um; (D) That tb i'. In the matter of R�a,a And BPeCr hontrac[ar,shall n i•q inn P1Rtt fOr NN eW by force acs• Green House nt Como P n5k under Preliminary Ordem Intermediary Order Final Oidex. approved 19 RESOLVER, That the plans,-specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner o£ o t dVoe�k21048 , ePu�s��c l °ed improvement .be . and the same are hereby-g' rv. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise -in the; manner provided by y Charter for bids for the making of said improvement,, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work ata speci- fied sum;(B)-That.the bidder or contractor shall rtlake said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage I of cost price for per forming the same., ` In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing -Agent shall requi e a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof.a , certified check for ten per cent. of the anount Of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids.should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council 194. Yeas ( ) Co clmen ( ) Nays _ Gos Kel er O1L ry Mr. President., Powe s A�re /-- 914: yor DEPARTM,NT PARKS-Aff GROUMTUBLIC BUILDING .�.a�N"xON,4.p•ryF�mml,mbn.r JOHNJO'LEARY,Commissloner d .E.EOWMOs."..,:o.p.ry.c.mmiwa..r GPEO MIISS.A�N W.SuyLaf , sLEri.clry "{enll,c,N, ov. 4th,1914 vcxOFF.Oireeim. Pl.y g,e...a. Oct.. To the Honorable the Council,. of the City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: I herewith transmit for your consideration and action 1..;specificatIons for the Pumping Plant for New Greenhouses at Como Park. Yours very truly, 0 ��� Commission Parks,Playgrounds and Public Bld. - CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. C04 AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM 00 L No. 404 - 41914 (Bv cm coxa ccx �. " -+' AUDITED NOV PE TITLE 119 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 19 GossIn favor 19; Keller *e,,,, n&te_ - Against O'Leary Yoetg _ Mr. Pres — : C F No 2404 i -- .rawn! Resol ed that warragt6 ba,d L/y upon the:.City Treasury ps able out. audiat'J$LIJr+''”' / oreinaftgD44tHednhdB r the heer„ in favor �qf the 'p draput, onstfor t$e eanpuhfe espeepposlte their respective names %ne. spam: tn; their 'tpE followWe detatled4tatein ), - Corporate Purposes-9alarSeq-Com=, mis.loner-of PnbII.-,v B Fund: S.: - A Farnsworth $15.00.A `Farnsworth, Park `Fuad. 9..:'-, ... `). . 54.839.!3: - Corporate Purpose --Lighting" Fundi Pattersonstreet Lighting ;6,96936;1 >; _ sL'Paul One Llgb[ Co., ;§¢d166. generN rand—Publtc CCharltie-; Ao-+ �of. . .. count: :Society for the Prevention Cruelty. 5100 00. - - Park Fund Ed*&rd Bforklund E? N 4; ;1;659.39.- �, water, Dept Fund. Amertrl 47 Pipe Co 56:09! Co., $776 00. F hire Co., fl. - H ` F Corporate Purposes-Salarids Coimnissicner of Public Works Fund 15.00 ` 8 S. A. Farnsworth, Park Fund 5 � S. A. Farnsworth, • a 4-,8 9.43 �.� Part 11. Corporate Purposes Lighting Fund 5;60 Patterson Street Lighting,b,969•'35 5 61' ;St. Paul Gas Light Co., 606 S6 g ng un � 7,575.91 General Fund -Public Charities Acct. 5 2 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, VI 100.00 Park Fund 55 Edward Bjorklund, Est. #4, is659.39 f #2 Corporate Purposes -Cont. L �4 Water Dept. Fund 5564 American Cast Iron Pipe Co., 6,098.47 5 65 Pittsburgh Meter Co., 1.775.00 66 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., Tots3-mete , � . �T Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Dale St., Grand to Front, 5j67 Builders Material Co., Bet, #2, cement, 2,794.50 '! Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewers Orange St., Payne to Greenbrier 5568 C. A. Carlson & Son, Est. #2 & Supplt., 40.00 v Aldine & Sherburne Ave. �o 5 69 C./A. Carlson & Son, Est. #2 & Supplt., 50.00 ec .- ewers, 90.00 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Grading Stinson, Chatsworth to Lexington 5 70 Christ Johnson, Est. #1 & final, 1,036.82 Fairmount, Cleveland to Finn 5 71 O'Neil & Preston, Bet. #1, 583.10 pri c t n Cleveland to Finn, Est. #1, 953.10 ✓ 5.172 O'Nein1 P $rbston, _. T pec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Grading, 2.373-p2 Total Corporate Purposes, ,28 .82 « Spec. Assess. Cc t.Acct.-Pa ng,..... ..... , 94.50 « N a N N ewers,.. 90.00 « N N « N -Grading, ...... 2.193.02 Grand To 1, i 27.544.34 0 City of St.Paul 2405 Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof.._....PUBLIC_-U.... ES•_._._._._._._._._...._._._._._._._._._._..,._._._:_._._'_._._.-..__.-_. Bureauof WATT _._...._....„--------------------------------- __.-------- _._._._._._--- a==�a�as�o�o=�===_n=Q=am��e@maw=ae=�a_a=ae=_�_:,oa===�==_a=Qo=nae=amour Council Pile No. .._._._...._._..__._._._._.. Date Presented ..___._...._._......___1914. By..-........... ... ................................... _._._._._._._.__...._._...._._._._._._._._._._ _._..._.__._._._.-_.__.. Resolved, that a water main be laid on the following street; 1 West Robie street from Hall Avenue to Go f Avenue. C. F. No. 2405 — "} R-1ved, That a water main be laid o n the following. street. Neat Robtestreet from Hall avenue to Gott'dvenue: - Adopted by the.. Connell Nov. 5, 1914. Approved Nov. 6, 1914.:. (Nov. 14-1914) . d Adopted by the Council ...._...._._._._._.....__._._...._._._.....: 1_ �- -.--.-••__._------- 1914. Yeas ( ) Counlmen ( ) Nays , Far sworth Go Mc 11 Yo 01 ry Approv �_._�?._ _. 914.. Eel r __.w--._ -- = Mayor Mr. President, Pow e —a W.- C.umtm.xt. 09CAR R. [EVER. P. It M. N. Go. S. A. PARMWOMf CITY OF SAINT PAUL DBPA WXMIDNr OH` PUHM0 UTrr rrrMS BIIREAII OF WATER ovatrss: zs eAsr eterll srReer To the FFonorable Council, CITY OF SAII.T PAUL„ St. paul, Ifinn. November 2„ 1914. Gentlemen: - The Board of Water. Commissioners, at the meet- ing held this date, unanimously adopted the following reso- lution; "Resolved, that the City Council be requested to authorize the laying of a water main on West Robie street from Hall Avenue to Golf Avenue." Very truly yours, Secretary.,! V Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.4�3 and P>ofthc RY ORDER. The undel•signed hereby proposes the mae followil ntblic improvement by the City St. Paul, viz.:.._ Grade_._Hj!ealn.._$t_ree.._T,'. enue.......... t.atYa yne...corganoewith_beret.Q...�.t.te�.ched...................._.........._......:.:...............:._............... ..:.._.:............_..........._..........__...:....._............_._....._..............................._...._........_......._..........__......................................_....._................. ..... . Dated this -..__._04.11....... _..day s PREinuNARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.......CirxsgLAe.._......._. ... .............._Hpaainth.._8tre.et.__Yroru.. Edgerton.._Street.._to.,._Payne_.._Aveuus.,. r.,__�. . No. aaos— ..... ..... ... .__....... .. .......... ...:where¢e..A p•ritten propo9¢1-for the I+nkin� of'tM1e following imp oyement. ,I Grade Hyacinth :street from .erton street to Pyne nvenu e, hsving' -. ""' ""' "" '- �een presented t the Council of the: tty of St. Paul therefore, be It 'I, alved, That the Cpmmisafoner of — .-...... "_""' --� 'ilIc Works he and he Is hereby or- ` .. . d and directed: + investigate the necessity Ialleilman............. having been presented to ilia Gounm� �.�, al luty .of the ma.lting of �. ...... ....... ............ ......... .. � therefore, be it •'aul;¢te an • m.:tm•e , ,,.._ y: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public V3oiks and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. I. '1'0 furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ........... G. To state whether, or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To repori'upon all of,the foreTol Is a to th(ninuss)oncl of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....._.... . ....._ ...19 . Nays: Yeas: �%f Councilman Fa worth `:� J t.. Oo APProved .._.................a?r.._. J/� M 1 O' ry Mayor Po s Mayor. PUBL1SxW...L_jL- //1_Z/ Council File No'zw���2.' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby jWposes the making. of the 1`01101ving public Paul, viz.: ...... ................................ .......... ............. ..... .. ........... ........ Dated this day of ......... .........j o:Naex, ............ Request of Charles Id. Miller by the City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A'written proposal for the making of the follolvill)g it ..... ..... . ..................... --ora ......................... . .............. P all ey in BIQ.ql� gighrp�ftdpr ............ ........... ... .. ....... - ereas,"k.,wri ten Dronoeal for the Ment, v1 -!"G -de �Wrdl In 15,Schiioe . ........ ............. ........... ........... .It der'. Addition; h.;i1Ij11'1Pk fitod-� 'Ft o -o 'st:'Poui to the Council• of tile it), th,refore, be It ........... ................. ..... ... ......... ............................ . . .......... ..................... !esolved,:Thnt tbd�. t — f.jjoner'of ,111 ork, b h A .7 eod1!!d.f' jb� or6by or: of d I direet n .......... ........... . ..................... ......................... having been presented to.lie Council Investigate the , """IY�of tho"L3""?` 7114 therefore, be it Ive., RESOLVED, That the 66.mmissioner of is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the nee I eBsity for or desirability of diemaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish -,I plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. T . o report upon all of'the foregfling matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_....._...... /'/ .. 1.. ........ ...... 19 Yens: Nays: Councilman Far "ivorth Go ' Approved./.........................._........._........_...._....191 Kel r Me o11 fit 0 , ary ...... ...... ... ......... ....... ......................... . .................... Yo g Mayor Po rs Mayor. Council File No .......... ......... ....._.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. fr' ¢'aPI;` and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Phe u�,dhecbyoposes thenutkiug of the following pnl nnprovemeut 5y the City of Paul, viz.:...._._..0.gnat.ruot....a_...ei.da�lk....ni_._o.ament....o.ake_..to...a....Width ..saf..._ ..... ..:_............... 6 ,feet on_the. _eoutb. side _.._of._ i dway ....__rkyray.._from.._ Paso al.._..........ue..._to...._....... Dated this..., day of- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._._0PA0.4ruOt__ ..,, a..._s_fdewalk..-_of.....Cemsnt..__blooks..._toa.._width,,,_of.,,_ •_feet_.._on.___the,.,_eouth____e.... _. of....Midwiay....Ear�y...f.r.Qm._Paa.oa.1..Avenue ....t.o...Hamlie...venue_........ ...._....... __._...__._...___ .. C. F. e ' 2407 —. 4. ........_... ......... .... ....:. _.. _. _.._....... .. ... ..... _.. ......+. wherehe, A rvrll,en pre, oaal for thc! - n eldewfllk' of -cement, ' making of the following improve men ., viz: Construct blocks to o. width. ,G feet .on [h. ... .. _....................._ ......_.. _... ........ .... _....... ... ... n south side of Mldway Pa Itway. fry ecnl avenue to Hamll av having been resented to the Uouucil of �g been presented to th c man .............. ; g p City of,st. Paul therefor (, l.v dIV,., That the Central , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pa- ' o ire and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvemelit. 2. To investigate the nature, extent aKd estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said intprovrment:_.....__._............_.._......_.._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or store owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the"Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....._....��%... _.......1D1. ... Yens: Nays Councilman F nsworth �, G s Approved .._L/.............._...L/:.__..__..__.._......19 ..... K ler % M oll fO eary Yrg .............. ...... Mayor Po ers Mayor. Subject '-CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENT 'A e of Old Lumber COUNCIL NO 2408 FILE'�............................................. Pttr r F ............... 191 .......... Resolved, That, WHEREAS the Commissioner of Parks, Playbrounds & Public, Buildings has notified the Purchasing Agent that there is a quantity of old lumber, siding, ceiling boards, fencing and plaster board, to the value of about $144.00, which is noy„ available for use and which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, I And, WHEREAS, this has been approved by the k%omptroller; now therefore be it RESOLVkID, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby au- thori'zed to sell the above mentioned lumber at the best price obtainable in the open market, and ” RESOLVED FURTHER, that,Vhereas this above mentioned ber was obtained from the portable schools originally to be erected by Thomas ivy, Contractor, all money obtained from the sale of said lumber shall be placed in the School Accommodation Fund and credited to the account of said Thomas Ivy, Contractor. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays 0 Farnsworth Goss 1n favor Keller McColl Against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Approved 191— CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: SALE OF WASTE PAPERCOUN'09 FILE J�' No ...... ..... ....... 24... ...... ......... .... ............... ....... P-T.M1-r--LJM�4a-y . .......... . ..... . . ......... .... ... . ............................ .... . . ........ . ....... Date Presented..Nov.5 i 1914 191 ....... ... Resolved, That,WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Education has notified the Purchasing Agent that there is a quantity of waste paper on hand at the Public Library which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, And, WHEREAS, this has been approved by the Comptroller; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to sell the above mentioned waste paper at the best price obtainable in the open market, and to contract for the removal and sale of such waste paper at least once a month for one year. Yeas (0 Cocilmen (T,) Nays Fa sworth G Ci 0 In favor Ke r MJ oil Against 0, ary Y. 9 Mr. President, owers Adopted by the Council 164'11-z r---191 d Approve191 Approved MAYO. CITY OF ST. PAUL P COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM SubIect .... ...... _ _._. _._ COUNCIL + FILE No...... ... ......... ... ...4 ......... ...... ....... .:......... ......... ._ ......... ............ ....... ......_..._.... Date Presented ........-11ov.._.......5,....-..-I91...4.... WHEREAS, Fielding & Shepley, contractors, have requested the use of the City Asphalt plant for the purpose of laying approximately, 3,000 yards of asphalt concrete, Resoi THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the cat of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to grant the use of the City Asphalt plant to said Fielding& Shepley, on condition that they pay to the City the sum of ten cents per square yard for each square yard laid, -and indemnify the City for all damage, costs and expense occasioned by or grouting out of the use of the said plant and machinery. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sell to said Fielding & Shepley the necessary material, such as asphalt, sand, etc. at cost. 6 0 Yeas (I) Coun ilmen (T) Nays Farn worth Gos In favor Kel r Mc oll _ _ _ _Against O' ary Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers FORM e.e-z ST , Adopted by the Council __iU/jk 1191E Approved a Resolved, That the cigarette license f73 issued'May 15, 1913 to N. Sawaya, 242 E. 7th St and tranefered to F. A. Faehnrich, 242 E. 7th St., be and tt is hereby tranefered to p, PL. Eastman, 242 F, 7th St. C..F. No. 2412— Resolved, That the cigarette license ._... No, 73 issued M Y 16, 3913 t N. Saw- �- nya..242 );. 7th St and transfertefl to F..L F ehnrhl 242 1✓: 7th bt., he and n le h eby tran 'erred to R N. 2aet- ^nah..242 E. 7th: 6t.. Adopted by the Coaneil 3914. Approved Nov. 6: 1914. (Nov. 14-191;) �. Yeas (V) Co lcilmen (P) Nays Fa sworth LV -- In favor Ke er M oll Against O' airyYo rg Mr.$President Powers t--- sonny c.6-2 Adopted by the Council %/� 191 L/ Approved � 1911/ r MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO...__._.____ 13y 2 FINAL ORDER. In the Mattel of recor.str_'.c_ting,. rola i.r§ an rewiring withce:aent blocks dd the present sidewalk to a •�1 th of 4 feet on she west siae .i. South" a.ba.s`a.__a.t.szet._.be.gir .ir.g._at Ina.iana_ ate ..e t_-rce north _5G feet under Preliminary Order 84..approved duly 28th, 1514 Intermediary Order _ _ _. approved ........... .... _........ A public hearing having been had upon the above iulproventent open due notice, and the Couueil having heard all persons, objections and rveonuuendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; thereforehe it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ho - prove nit t-provent to be made by the said City is.the reconstruction relayingandrepairing-with...oement blocks the present sidewalk to a width of 14 feet on the vest side of South Ylabasha street beginning at Indiana avenue thence north dQ feet and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Connuissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and ' directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, ;uld subunit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed -with the making of said improvement in aeeordanch therewith. Adopted by the Council....._.. _..... ..../_<tY;_..�.....19.�... —_ re beginning t rk. �._ 1.1 .. ..._.._ Approved ...+ . _ _ _ Idl ...... ............... ' ._. _Mayor. C. F. No. 2413— Councilmen Farnsworth Councilmen In the matter of r constructing, relay- _ Ing and repairing With .cement -- - _ blocks (yeSS the present sidewnllt to Width oY 14 feet on;Yhe. west Ido oY SouthWabnstia atreeC:.beginntng at ' Indiana avenue, thence north 60 feet. under Preliminary Order 884 np- Keller. proved July 28th, 1934. ' .- A public hearing, havtng:;been had - .IICCnII upon the above improvement upon due nonce and the Council having heard ail persons, ob)ectlone and cecommen- dxtlon �@@lative thereto, and tiavtng' Cully ca gidered the same; therdfore, O'Leal'V beit Resolved, -By the Council of the City ofSt. Paul that tke precise' nature, e 1'OCl'g tent a d. kind of- Improvement to made --tiY the. aid 'Clty.le dhe sec s[rur. tion, relaying and reDairing. w(th - cement blocks the present ..aid ewalk.-ta Mayor Powers width of 14 fees the •of, South Wabasha street .beginning. at et Indiana avenue, ereb orders rdnorth sai deet and the nt Council hereby orders said Im- provement to bemad d sesoived Further That the'ItCommie. h her of Public Works be and he 9s he�oby Instructed- and dlrrggcted to pre _ i gEl Ylhmt� landed - for Bald 'Couhcil [or sand eubmlt aame to the Aw— c--- _ pprovai; that _upon said menti: in accoraancetnerewitn :Adopted.by the CouncilNov.6, 1914. Approved Nov. 6, 1914. - (Nov. 14-1914) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the llauur of ri'ccns_tru.ct_ .relaying and repairing with ceirent blocks td,.a wid.th_.of_,14 feet, the..preeent.._.sidewalk on the west side of South wabasha ............ _.__. street.,..beginning.at.Indian.a...avenue thence North 50 feet. under Preliminary Order approved..._ July...28,th, _1914. To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finanee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated anumurt of the assessment for the above improvement is:F_.1....1.5.._p.,e r.. lineal foot for new sidewalk. The lots or parcels of land thatmay be assessed benefits fur said improvement, and the assessed cabmtion of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �y `(//,r �/`C(�q .o/itr r% � Fi✓l' .o.ic�� �fT r j� � � -�--�� �/ �9�4 u `'� � DESCRIPTION v I—1 Assessed Valuation Lot lock ADDITION d i { f - Ji The Commissioner of Finanee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, .ri fund hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the reporti ade to "him in reference tosaidmatter by he Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Corn hissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .............. ..August..._332..._............._...........7 91. `... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._...._884........._...approved........._.. J Y..._a8_t..........................191..._4, relative to. :......._...._........... .. reoonetruat.ng,..._relaying.._and.._ rep airi.ng,._with.._osment blooke, the pra_sept._s-idewalk_.to.._a.._width of 14 feet on South Wabasha St., west aide ..,.....beginning ....a.G__thenoe.._north....50..._ aet_ ................_.. .............. ....... .... ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_..... XXR and the total cost thereof is $............ --XXXX..._..._.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................:.....__............. __.................._._.._...._....._................ ......_........ ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is................. n4t._...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. mm' sinner of PuUlie Works. � I ZI COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y..... _-- FINAL ORDER. In the •latter or' sone tr •stir.; a si,lewalk_ of cement... blocks to a Width of six feet on the south sine of Pacific street from Pester street to Griffith ......._......._.___- street. under Preliminary Order._ 1055 approved ___A.uguet.-..6th, Intermediary Order __ ...___... __.___. ._ ___..._.approved _...... .._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upoll due notice, anti the Council having heard all persons, objections and reeonnm•ndations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saule; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im provenlent to be made by the said City is........ the _.construction _.of._.a._oix_foot ..cemant._.eidewalk __onthe ---I south -sideof- Pacific -Street from Hester street' to Griffith street. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and ` directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approved; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized aad directed to proceed with the making of said improver nut ill aecord:ulee thel-ewith. Adopted by the Council..._/-..��_ e , Approvedl /P t Cl � Mayo. coeneilmen Parnsworth C. P. No-::2414-- 1,the-Matt f onBtru H gaide- Gass si8lfeet :an. the .south able blocks to a.1 PaclflWidth c tree[Tetim Tiester^:street to Griffith t t nd Preliminary Order 1055, Beller Apropubllc, hearing ]ia111g ,been -^had np , . b 7 Dove tug heard _ tt m;-.1 c nMl h 1 o heard McColl alp one, bf tt re na m .dations reidiate thereto and ]lavinb'! '.Pully, considered the same therefore, O'Leary he it Resolved; y the Coancll o4 the it f SL.Paul that, the'ptecise nature:,ez-° e t nd kind of Impr nt �:to 6a'. YUeI•g - ade,by,tpa said City -.fa th construc- 'tion o[ a af:f Y ot'c"_ment .1 air 'lhfl south.. aide of Paclfltreet from Mayor Powers 13ester eueet to'GiI ith street and^the is E I: t 1 1 ' N t f { f 1 t- �n ( ! r .S is E I: t 1 1 ' N REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alattar of_ ..9. Ons t.rtz.G..ting_..a....s].de.'n!a..lk oFcement blocks to a width of six feet on the south side of Pacific street from Hester stre-t to Griffith street wader Preliminary Order approved_..._AugUet_uth, 1914. To the Council of the City of tit. Paid: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ._4..._..P..e_r l lrieal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may he assessed benefits fior said improvement, and the assessed vahiation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDI'T'ION I Assessed Valuation - —, r�v- I. // I DESCRIPTION ADDITION i Assessed Velueti n r 'I i a.( Q���/ .dam �vy.iLlCL V•...oN. __. i ... ... �. � _ �/' ..d...... __. Lot Bloc ADDITION Valetion ��__ ------------ _ --- - u u A._.- Ly�l ._Q .- �.+..�-.� .AC -a: <�.0-�_... _Ltc c_L_...'_•-^. �:�..��1.�`.Co _.�/'L .?�r�cra.. I _ _. ._ _.._._-..._� 00 �P _-- z.G, I The Commissioner of Pivanee further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, '(,nd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to [aim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated _ ..! L� �_ __...._191 L/ Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 14,.._.............._.1914'. .......I.................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......._ 055............ approved.................._Auguet S..x.............. a.191....4., relative to ...................__...... constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet .....................................................................................................I............................ on.._the... _south side ,._._of.._Pacific..__St,... ..fro.m_._Hester..,St......_to._ Griffith St..... ...................... .............................. .......... ...................... ................................................. .... ............. ........................................ .................................. ....................... ........... ............. ............................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports° 1. Said improvement is ........... _..........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ XXXx XXXX.XX and the total cost thereof �s Ii................_.........._................. , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..._._....._..........._......._._......._...................._.........._................._............_.............. ^ ................. .............. ................ ...................... ....._.............................. ....................... .......... _........................ ..................... ............ ... ............... .......... ...._.._................... _._............__. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5. Said improvemeflpt.._..__........................ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ....._............... ...i..L........... ..... ... ......... .._......_........... Commissioner of Public Works. a- CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. rry AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM FILE ILIO 24�� �BY AUDITEDlet— �,IBI_ --- / F{> - PEP 121 r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed ' statement; Adopted by the Council Yeas Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays I Farnsworth Goss In favor 9 ( Keller McColl Against •eYoa O'Leary 1 C. F. No. 2415- Resalvod that -be drawn Yoerg upon the Clty' Treasury, payable' out, F. Mr. President, Powers of the' herein... syeelfted funds and In .favor:. of.'the-persons, ftrmeor'.cor-`. tthrlr�respectiveenamesnas spec fied,ln the follorvinpa,detalied statement:. 41 Corporatd 'Purposes-galarleaWater Dept: Fund—S. A. Farnsw,grthj20,667.-! IBri-Cre6..j and Repair Fund: Re- � pu dtlil' apt. ng d!C.win, 52.:. � ' Rster Dept Fund: Twin, City I7ron; - & SS Ire Works, . Est No, 1, -&. first; x$8063 Thume 73ox &Lumber Co lt. Asstgnee. Thos. Beeken & Sons, Esta F. Ntl. 5 & ftnal, $3,729:13 -' Spec: Aaeesa., Const Acek=Sewer' 4�JmneollCy;-Eat: No. omb Ra 11 300 -<-+ Adopted, by the Counen Nov..-S, 1914.: Approved Nov. 6, 1914 (Nov. 14=1911914)_ Corporate Purposes-Salaries Water Dept. Bund 5 86 8, A. Farnsworth, 20,667:34 r Corporate Purposes Bridge Bldg. & Repair Bund 87 Republic Creosoting Co., 1,640.52 Water Dept. Bund 5 88 Twin City Iron & Wire Works, Est. #1 & final, 806.35 5 89 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., Assignee Thos. Becken & Sons, Est. 5 & final, 3.729.13 T 4,535.a8 orate s, 26,843.34 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct..-Sewer James St. & Edgecomb Road 5 0 J. J. Connolly, Est. #1, 2,805.00 T poses, ............ 2', 843.34 e 8pe A`seess. �'one3. ccs.-Sewers,.... 2. Grand- T- tal, , ¢ 7 Lhl CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS —;RESOLUTIONFOR`LE No. ' M PILE' (ar CITY COUP— ra AUDITED - 191—Jj1/l 122 PE x4� iliLF Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds an( in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailet statement: Adopted by the Council -191 Yeas ( J) Councilmen (J) Nays — Farnsworth Approve / 91 Goss In favor Keller McColl Against AT. O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers IC -111 , No:2416 Resolved that worrants'be drawn; upon the CityT ... ury payable :out oV ,the hereinafter specified funds and. In avor nf,the person.flrms or corpora-!! tions for the amousrnts ;eat, opposite; their espeettve; names.ae epecifled:in.I the Pnllowing detailed statement:.; ' Corporn.tePurpoaes Polfce FundS.I. I artes. S. A. Farnsworth $1248.96." Adopted by tho.Council Nov. 6„1914. Approved Nov 6� 1914 I— -- (Nov. Corporate Purposes Police Lund -Salaries 5591 S. A. Yarnsworth, 1,248.35 Total Corporate Purposes, 1,248.35 c A * Aff - I RP-ECIFICATT§s FOR LIGATING WITH SERIES CRNAVELAL "IhIGLE GLOBE ?ORT LOCATION CF LA'4 The district to be lighted with'S,ies Ornamental single Globe Posts will be ancc�� boulevards, parks 'other public places that may be designated by I. Commissiorer of Pub3 Fk Utilities. Dist. No. I. That portion of the City bounciA a line running from `he Mississippi River east on and including Stj; r Rt. to Lexington Ave., thence north on and including Lexington Ave;tc the Great Northern Railway Tracks, thence west along the §rest Nort2JBa, Railway Tracks to Snelling Ave., Vence north along cnelling eve. a,y DTorthern Limits of the City, thence west and then south along the Cit. Limits to the starting point at St.Clair St, and the Mississippi Ia Diet. No. 2. That portion cf Summit Ave. from Lexington Ave. to 5jofp' Fpg Ave. Dist. No. 3. That portion of the City other than covered by P.istricts 1 and 2. The lamps are to be placed in circuits such t,,... i,; um distance between lamps shall not exceed 200 feet. No lamps shall be ordered installed during January, February, hb,.rch, Novembar and December. r The right is reserved by the City to remove any lamp from one location to another within the districts above described, upon written order of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, such removal to be made by the contractor, the actual cost of such removal to be paid by the City of St.Paul. NUMBER OF LAMPS. The minimum number of lamps to be installed during the life of the contract shall be, Dist. No. 1 100 Dist. No. 2 100 Dist . No. 3 100 LAMPS. The type of ]amps upon which bide will be received are the, new_ series incandescent gas filled tungsten lamps of the following r ted can- dle-power: 80 C.P. 100 C.P. 250 C.P. E^UIP 1?ti NT The type of fixture, post, globes must be of the bent quality .or the purpose and must be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities. The post must conform to a drawing on file in the Municipal Testing Laboratories. All wiring on this system must be laid underground in an ap- proved manner and safely insulated to withstand the maximum voltage on the circuit . Each post must be rrovided with afilm cut -cut socket adaptable to the lamps called for. The feed wires shall be run on pole lines to some approved lo- cation where they will enter a pothead or other connecting point. through conduit or armored cable -to the lamp poets. r1. � POLES FORt,�STEM Poles for lines shall be fro thirty --five to forty-five feet long and not less than seven inches in" ,aster at the top. They shall conform to the Northwestern Cedar' a ecif ieations, be subject to approval bf the Commissioner of Public.ttilitias or his authorized agent, be smoothly shaven and painted wit J,. o coats of paint, of a color approved by the Commissioner of Pub14.Utilities as soon after erection as they shall be dry. They shall be plaaed not to exceed an average of one hundred and twenty-five feet apart. TIME OF LIGATING. The lamps are to be operated continuously each and every night during the continuance of the contract. The lamps shall be lighted and exting, had. in accordance with the Electrical World Street Lighting Table; 1, Northern Sche- dule, for all night operation, using stand and t'e instead of local time. This table provides for lighting the 1 " one -hall hour after sundown and extinguishing one hour before suer i using local time which, for St.Paul, is twelve minutes slower t`' standard time. OPERATION AND MAINTENA- The lamps furnished shall at all tiifiproddioe a r2t:z steady light and be kept in proper adjustment to opea'a effieientky. The current f or the lamps shall be 'applied at the proper voltage and amperage to secure successful andiatisfaotory operation and the contractor at all times must furnish;,Service satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities regakess of the minimum amperage specified below. 1 The current ,supplied the lamps shat not vary more than five (5) percent from the normal rated current. %' The lamps renewals shall be made whenever normal rated candle- power has depreciated more than twenty (20)percent. All lobes must at all times be kept clean and in good order. All globes that may be broken must be replaced with sound ones each day before starting the lights. INSPECTION OF LAMPS. For the purpose of making tests and examining the lampes, wires, poles, apparatus and appliances, with the view of ascertaining whether the company is complying with the terms of the specifieations,'it is understood and agreed that at any time the Commissioner of Public Utili- ties or his authorized agents shall have access to all of the said lamps, wires, poles, apparatus and appliances in the City, and also to the plants of the contractor, and shall have the right, at any and all times, of attaching in any of the circuits, at such point or points as -they or he may direct, one' or more ammeters or other measuring instruments, and to maintain the same during their pleasure, and shall have the further right to remove at any time, one or more lamps, for tYe purpose of exam- ining said lamp or lamps. For the purpose of facilitating the inspection and examination of all lamps, wires, poles and applisaees, and the making of any and all tests that may be required, the contractor shall submit to the Commis- sioner of Public Utilities, or his authorized agent, upon request so to do, anpt and all information and data rith reference to the t:o-eke elec- tric appliances and apparatus whidl ghe contractor has in use and opera- tionfor the purpose of furnishing sire()t a= lighting: and to facilitate any tests that the Commissioner of tublic Utilities, or his authorized a, � agent, may desire to make by running ends to testing stations, installing testing panels, assisting in the pl.act% of electricl meaauring instru- ments and by submitting and delivering'pr test any lamp in use upon which it may be desired to make photomeTl;ie measurements, if so ordered by the Commissioner of Public Utilities.., PENALTIES. ' In case the actual current supplietito any lamps shall be more than five (5) percent below or in the case of�,tihe City owning the lamps, more than five (5) percent above or below the�pormal r=ted current a pen- alty of ten '($0.10) cents per lamp per night shall be deducted from the contract price. For a^eh and every electric la mV which shall be found extinguished at any time when required tobe burning the City shall de- duct (.0.10) ten cert a unless said outage is caused by fire or the ele- ments or other causes beyond the control of the contractor, in which case the deduction shall only be made for such amount a^ •could have been paid if'the lamp had not been extinguished. Defective lamps reported "out" two nights in succession shall be replaced by perfect lamps by the contractor within t;vent.i-four hours after being ordered to do so by the Commissioner of Public Utilities. Failing to so re -place lamps ordered replaced, the contractor shall be peanalized twenty ($.20) cents for every night the he shall delay in carrying out the order. FULFILLMENT OF CONTRACT. The contractor must furnish all materials m ceseary to proper- ly install and maintain the number of lamps herein specified. All excavations or incumbranoes madein or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places of the City of St.Paul in carrying out the provisions of any contract let herender., shall be made in accordarD a with and subject to all charter ar}d ordinance provisions relating thereto, and the expense, of resJbffng'the ground surface die- tiirbdd in erection and removing any poles or wiring must be borne by the Contractor. V LURE TO FULFILL CONTRACT. If, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, the contractor does not proceed with all reasonable diligence in the perf ormanaa of the various terms and conditions of the contract to be let or the service caller for hereunder, or if the material furnished and employed by him is not in accordance with the terms hereof, then upon five (5) days' notice in writing, of such dereliction, if the con- tractor shall fail to promptly obey any order issued by said Commis- sioner in connection with the-worA to be done hereunder, the City may thereafter declare the contract forfeited, and proceed to re -let the ryame at the coat and expense of the said contractor, and the contract- or shall be held liable for. all damages accruing'thereby to the City and the amount of such damages deducted from any money that may be due or become due the contractor under the terms and conditions of thdse specifications. BONDS. The contractor shall give bond with eueties__aprov,��d__b� the Mar required in and by the terms of the City Char 5 sA in i'h sum ofthetimatad maximum contract price, to save the city h-rmless from any an ll claims for damages, costs or expenses for or on account of injuries to persons or property arising from imperfect construction or maintenance of its wires or apparatus and from any and all claims for damages by reason of an infringement of patent rights in the use of lamps, lights, wires, poles, machinery and appliances connected there- with and conditioned for the full and faithful performance of the con- tract by the contractor. PAYMEWS. The contractor shall receive monthly payments on eertificatae approved by the Commissioner of Public Utilities. ('.ONTRACT PERIOD. The contract for electric lighting shall be for a period be - �inning January let, 1915 and continuing for one (1), one and one-half 12) a*& two (2) years. or - REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONVT ACT. Any contract entered into under these specifications shall be subject to the terms and provisions of the City Charter and all laws and all ordinances now or hereafter in force. The specifications shall be incorporated into the contract a- warded to the successful bidder. BIDS. Bids will be required as follows: (A) On furnishing, maintenance and supplying with current the above Single Globe Posts. (B) On making the necessary connections to the underground conduit or cable and furnishing current only, the City or property owners, to furnish all equipment including the underground conduit or cable. (C) On furnishing current and maintaining the lamps, the City or property owners to furnish all equipment including the underground con- duit or cable . Bids must be accompanied Uy a bidder's bond in am amount equal to twenty percent of the amount of the bid, or a certified ohehk on some St.paul bank in the sum of ten percent of the amount bid, payable to th^ order of the City of St.Paul, as surety for the making and execution of said contract on behil4f of said bidder if his bid be accepted. The A said eheck.will be.returad immediately after .the acceptance and approval \of his bid; ,and execution of contract. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.. EXHIBITION OF LAMPS. Bidders will also be regmired to exhibit a lamp, appliance and uipment in actual operation at some convenient point on their lines gEr the purpose of demonstrating the qualities and operation of thelamp prposed to be furnished, and may be required to submit and install Bits of the kind to be used, for test as to efficiency and candle- POWr -at the place to be desinated by the Commissioner of Public Utili- tiea CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _....Change of Plans - COUNCIL r' "„ _..... FILENO...................................... ...................................... ... ........... _...... ............... Date Presented-Bov.6.,..19.1A - --i ..---- ,I Resolved,That, tK&,bpi8cifications for the lighting with series ornamental single globe posts in District No.2, be so amended as to read "That portion of Summit Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Selby Avenue", instead of from Lexington Avenue to Snelling Avenue. I -. C.'F. 24 17—By O. N. I{eller— No. ec Besolved. That, the apiacattona for the .lighting � wiin thor etrl t No. 2n tre - - " "p -'Ie globe Posts e d "Th C.portlon so- mended as t0 r from Inetoadt-' lot Summit .avenue venue to ;Selbya ue-• to Snelltng, from Ilexington RV.. avenue. `7914.` ..Adopted by theCouncil Nov. s, k Approved Nov.s 1914, y� t"yb Yeas (11)Cou ii -en (P) Naysl� ✓✓cam_ Adopted by the Council -_191,/ Far Go worth In favor Ke r M oll _ . _.Against 4APproved O' ary Y g Mr. Preside. Powers FORM c.8-2 Council File No .................................. �p PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City St. Paul, viz.: repave. alley Block 1, "unim t...._2ark.... dd.i ttn.,3n....ac.c.oxd e ................_...... ........ ........_....... with petition hereto. at.t.&c.he.ds.np.ersedi Oa�uici7.....r6.. appx�ovad July 10 1914 _... . Dated this ...6th. ....... day of—No.ve C. F.2418— fi Whereas, h Itten propo r ranking:R of the f iy El.,4mp o Councilman. viz: Repave allay Block- 1• .Sur ' Park Addition, In accordance wl•,, title. hereto ¢tt¢eh.d;.:':. sup,- CoFilo N o. 619; approves roves, 14, having been pref' • - Council of the Cita- uf- PRELINIINARY ORDER. fore. bo 1t ` That tti� � WIIEREASi ii writtel.. .'. ,__:,.'1 for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..repave --- -- a.11.ey....Hla k,l,.....Summit.....Park...eAdit.ion.,1.n-acco.rdance....writh..._pet.it_i.on.....__..._.. hereto ....__att.&.C.1�.ec1.,.s.uner..S_e_ding......Qaunc.il_.. rJ619_,approve.d._.July._�0.._. 1,.9.1.4....._.__..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._.__..............................._................._....._..............._.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_ .... ........ ._....._....._......._.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for ping matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i Adopted by the Council.._...._ ! .:.....lv�............191. 7. Yens: Nays: Councilman Fart sworth Goss Approved.................._.........._®®...� ..�..._ 91.._..� j Kell MCC 11 r O'LE try Yoe .................... ............................. _....................................... ......................... ........ /I-yor Pow, s .Mayor. Council File No__.._-...� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public inipro ent by the City of S Paid, viz,: gr.f.LAd.e_.the,.._alley_.._in..._Blook,.:6.,,..._Surunit_.._Par __.....ddition,in.__acc. ................. anc.e._with P.et.itian...har.at.o.._.at.xaahad.,.:.E.u., soding..._Gity 6oit..._.......... Dated this........ 6th ....... day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIPRE,AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.gra.de...... he......._. all.e..y....in_..Block 6, Simmit- Park Addit-ion- in_.-a000r-dance vrith Petition hereto.... attached,.euperatiding...C.ity.....0..aunail...F..;'kfit.9..,approved_..July ....10........___ _. . _ ._ ............................ ..._....... .......� F. N. 2412— ' Whereas, A written proposal for th . .,'ctnfi of the E0110 ng 1 proyeme t i ..... : Grade, the a11eX Addltigp 1n h8eco Banc ith .(tion hereto attackkd sUpera dtnd'I having been presented to the Council of 1 1 1e 1411 ,Fna1i .bean• Presented tan- ........... ._ .................................. ..... -.................... ; �•", CovnciI of the!Clty St. Pnul I_.Y therefore, be it re he u olvea, That the C loner o RESOLVED, That the Commissioner t.' work. h na ri env 8 hereby ordered and directed: a air- tea: To inve.tigote the neoes unr. 1. To investigate the necessity for of nity of th n ;.r _,g of said improvement. �t. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent all :. "e80t11 ;'vb At`bf said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sai 1` improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.....__. ,.,.....__.._Q............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............. .._�...... ..1J1�� Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth GoApproved_........_...._1...._®......._.........._.._.._ 1 Me er M oll 0' eary Yrg ...................................... ................... Mayor P vers( or. PUBLISIItD_,Lj__21__ZT// Council File No.. .. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and . PRELDUNARY ORDER - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public Yanl, viz.: ..gxclde..... and ..._pave ._.. alley....I31.0.c.k._.7..,....y Pae an.oe._w.i.�.h._R.etition.._her..et.0._.attac ..,s:upexas.din; approved July 10 1914.. Dated this ....___6.th..... .....day PRELIMINARY ORDER. by the City of Councilman. Rade and_. ... AN-TIEREAS, A written proposal far the making of the following nnprovement, viz.:._.g.....--.---....-...-- pave..___alley.._Blo_ok....7.,,.....S.ummit......park...Addi.t.inn.,.in....ao.c.ordanop--wit11.....peti..-..... tinn...her..e.t.o....atta0heds.uperaoding...Goumil -P#6l9... approved- -July 30__....._.. _. No. 2420— ... _.. _. .. .. .... x 914...... ereae, h folleW.nroaosnt � the- ,;� ng de a d nave Improv rOt 7 , Graae and pnvo alley porda 7 .. ..... .. ..... _ .it i nric h To a necordanc "' ' �,,, petltlon hereTo nttnched..l super i,F . 1914.l' Pae g 010 P epcn. 10, Connell having hey P engnn 'II _.................... .. ... ........ .... ... having leen presented to the Council of the C _covncli oeine city a si.- e12bo It therefore, be it a That the W h RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of 1 � ,:a.hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilnt--Uttte faaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other (lata and information relative to said improvement :........................_.._....._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report neon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Counci�'{.............i%T:..._........1911, Yeas: y Nays: / Councilman Fa+sworth / / — (/� 191.... Mayor Powers Approved.._ _....... _......................._..._..._........................ favor. Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 2,121 and PRELDUNART ORDER. f.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public i vement by i11e City of Pail, viz.: _._Sr.ad.e-_.Euld.....pave....all.ay....D1ock...1G,.....5 _ t.....Yark.... dd.at.ior�,. ac..-............ ©ardane©_w.i.th petition hereto e' to ed. supere'ed1ng Ce 3 '1`638 annroved July 10 1914 ...................... ............. .............................. .._...................... .................. .... ...... ........... .... Dated this_ ..__.__ 6.th.__.day Councilman. PRELI=ARY ORDER. WI3EREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. grade and pave..._al_ley..._Bl_ock..._16,._..Summ t..._Park...:4ddi�3on.a n..._al.cco.xdRnc..e..... .�.th..._pet:�...-..... ...tian,he.r..e.t_a. a.t.t.ache.d.,s.up.e.rs.e.ding.... Council- ..P.u61.9..,.ai>}crowed.....July ....1.0.....__.... C."F N —iii _ _..._,..F._ _. 1914 ....._.... _.. ......... . .......... ._ ..... - • --"-" """' ""' ' ""` malcins`Qof the folloxving mDrovemerit.., having been presented to the Counel to'the council of, the city of $t. Pam uman..................... _.._......... _......... .............. .... , therefore, tie It • <. ReeoI d That the Come Pubmleelonr•'-+ therefore, be it lic Work. be and he is h r br; dared and directed. RESOLVED, That the Commis I. To investlsate the ne :he is hereby ordered and directed: or de it Ity. of th^ mnI f- 1. To investigate the noraeaslt 1nz°°. °T�4 olTity of the making of said}mprovement. 2. To investigate the nature; m i� and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. U:. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or.sketch of said improvement. #. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._._ .......... ...._............ _....._. ........... ........................ _................................. ....._.._..... _._..._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ...............�li... .... _....191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa•nsworth o Go s Approved.....__........._._..._/P.........�......: Ke er DIe oil O' eary Yo.g .......... ............... 2.y, r Po" rs Mayer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 2422, Subject:....:...'_t...... ...................................... ................. ........ ...................... ......................... . .. . ... . .............. . ......... ........ COU FILE NO.._ ..................................... ... ................... ... . ........ . ........................................... ............. .... . ...... .................... ....................................... .............................. Date Presented ...................... ........................... 191 Resolved, That the application of the Godfrey Labor Agency to conduct a- employment agency at 0162 E. 3rd St. be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk Is instrueted to issue such license to the Godfrey Labor Agency for one year upon the filing of the bond and the payment I . nto the City Treasury of the Fee required by law. C. T� N cluJ;�I!T2 13 crry rd`ccoll— _y That 'he it,- Godfrey Labor A., application or' n.3, :to ­dUct4 a male erngloyment agency at No 162 13. 3rd St. e and -It hereby Is'granted! issue the City Clerl, is instructed to h license to theGodfrey La- bor 'cv for one year upon the I fihc bond and [he he PaYment In. I red qub$Ity . Treasury f the fee re. Adopted by the Connell Nov: 6, 1914. Approved Nov. 6, 1914. (Nov.. 1, Yeas 17 Coun ilmen V Nays 'on Adopted by the Council_�Z/4�_'-'_Iq Far worth Gos 1 In favor Approved Kel r 191 M ' Oil -Against 0 Jeary Y rg MAYOR Mr. President, wip, OL Conseil File No......_ ........... ............ ..._ PROPOSAL FOR lunpROVExiEw. , 2423 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following publ'm" provement by -t Litt' of St. P1111, viz.:._oonstruct._a..._sewer.._on..._ aldw n-.._a>ffenu, _ _.._rom..._ he.......g..e ....r.....ji-ne...._af......... Dated this.__._dth _.....day Councilman. PRELuMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._."comtru'ct a' 9.1�.....on....B.aldwin_aysnlw 4rom..the ....cent.ex.... line ..._of..._ Walpole, ---s�rme.�..._to-...a... poiat...18D.__ieo.t.....north,..in_..acc.ord=Q.e._. With ..._t axma.... o £._..pe.t-it i on.....hereto.._......_ _.. 0 423= ,'�... �..... ._... _.......... ......$.f'i.t.ached, . ......_..-.. ._ .._... - .. ..._.._. rea� �.7vrlttan_nroyosnl for the cordance� os(th Perms of p tit1 ; havingbeen resented to the Couucil of thN attaehca having bee p es 11man ..._._..... I....._ . ............. : p thtereforenlll of the Clty of therefore, be it •owed, Thele the commla ion • Works be and hele h 11 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner oiro dl Investigate me.. ne�eee .e is hereby ordered and directed: Irablllty of .the mat In6 'in of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or 'o Investigate the natu g 1 2. To investigate the nature, extent uji hnatedthe total �fz..Id 'did improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of saiii. 't}i„trcitient. d. To furnish the following other data and iilforntation relative to said improvement:. .. _ ...:. ............;_ ..._._.......... .._. ...._.... __r ....... _ ......_......_._........................_..............._.... _................ _........ _......... _._._._.............._..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... G. 7J' -- 191_ Yeas: Nays: / Councilman Fal_ worth j� g GoApproved ................a.....®..... ................._._..............191..._ Ke� r 7 M 11 0' ary Yog....................................................................................... Mayor. Mayor Po ers FULISHED. Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 424 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public ;W' by a City of St. Paul, viz.: _.. .. Conetruat.._a.,.cement_._sidawalk._gn__theast.,_ede ..._f_,_BaldWin..._... ......... ............. .._........ . good and suf iOient sidewalk now ,to P it onatta.040.d ............. _._..,_.._ _........_..._...._...................... ...................................... ...._._..._.......... .......... .... .... .... ........._....._._............... Datedthis .......... ..... _6tt?l.._.day of.........__._._..........NO. ............eTi .._......:........... _..191. 4r .-.. .._................_..:............'L3.._. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makingof the follow OOn9truCt . . following mtptrovemCut, viz.:......._......_............................. a cement sidewalk on the east side of Baldwin Street between ..................................................................................................................__..................................._................................._.................. . Goodrioh Avenue and Prinoetn. Avenue,_.__esoept__where__.. good__ end_...._,_...._,. _. ............_........_..................._._-......................I..............__.................. suffioient_...edewalk..._now.._eaiete........_._..................._........... _....._....._.._.__....__.._................_.................._.... Ct:. F. No.'2%124— _ .. _.... ... ..... ........... :D ........ .... .. ................................................. _.. v yki Co'n tract fou—inn impFbV lke he - ...._....Wherees,A written. t'apoeat for nt having been presented to the Council O° man............................................................: th east .aide of nnldvvin atreei she+ therefore, be It tw en Goodrich avenue, and Ppkticetan iav nue, except where ,good arid, euf- Hct t ataewatk now exiete? having ereUy ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comntiss :° presoated'to the 'CounctL of-the St.'++:Paul therefore, beIt ed4hat the-Co 1. 1 8loner said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity yorka be an he is hereby,c� 4-j tmprovemcut, and the total cost thereof. Z. To investigate the nature, extent a :' investigate thd. necessity ablllty f the making' of 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketeh i' nt. )vestigate the nature ,•" g . ,,% coat ot- ald in `ve to said improvement _ .. -... �. 1'o furnish thc, following other dnU.. tsrcoat there. nlan, or • ,..net 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon till of the fm•e"mng matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..... .:....:�j .:....1911 Yeas: Nays: Councilman F •nsworth Go a Approved.. ............ ®......... ._..... ....-......................_.191......y Ke er M ell O' ary Yo•g ............................. mayor Pot rs Mayor. °RJBISSFIi�'b� y. CITY OF ST. -PAUL r"1 -`?5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /CQUEN.U.. IVO...: . re FIL and. a.-'1. Date Presented... - ITO V nataeiy; aid L'harlss M. 161erF ' 'iia alley between '.the '• T, .:, f: l- '*.l-• Resolved, That permission and authority be and the sarie are hereby given to Charles 11. Miller to grade the alley in Block 15 Schroederrs addition accordino- to the established grade, but subject to the following express conditions, namely: 1. The said Charles I1. Miller shall grade said alley. between the points aforesaid, entirely at his own cost and e::pense, to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by him. 2. The said Charles M. Miller shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. 3. Before entering upon or doing any of said work, the said Charles M. Miller shall procure from the abutting owners such easement in and to the abutting property as is necessary for the construction of slopes, for cuts and fills, and a written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easement for slopes, and releasing it from all consequential damages by reason of the grading of the alley.. 4. Said Charles M. Miller shall give a bond to the City of St -Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars, conditioned to comply with all the terms of this resolution, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, damage, claims or liability, both as to persons and property, occasioned by the making of the improvement, or arising out of the same. 5. The said Charles i1. Miller shall, within 20 days from and after the passage of this resolution, file with the City Clerk his acceptance in writing thereof; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Yeas (V) Coup Imen (I') Nays Adopted by the Council Farn orth Gos In favor -- 191 y Kell Approve _ Me 11 _ _Against G, ry Yoe- - --..._------- Mr. President, owers jeIJBLISFITrT3 MAron FORM O.e-z lCOUNCIL CITY O� ST. PAUL� R71�LUTIION—G RAL FORM ei Subject:... Grading atidgImpro ' ng of-Ber . . ..... Avenue- .. . .......... ............. ........ 0" COUNCIL FILE No ...... ..... ...................... from B and Ay;n/.,- to R e Avenue . . .................. ............. . .............. !m . . ............. . ..................... . ...... ...... ... ... ............. .... ........ ........ . ..... Nov.4,1914 Date Presented 19.1 ........... Resolved, That the award of contract to CHRIST J014NSOI%T for the grading and improving of Berry Avenue from Bayard Avenue to klyrtle Avenue, for the sum of 0646.30, be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. RNo. 2426—By. M. N. — e R, ', solved. That 'the or tract to Christ lohnsonfor thefg'rond: Ing fand improvin' of Berry avenuo rom hBayard avenuto NtYrtle ave.c., far I same 1�� .--ro of $6e46.30. be, and the ' h,,�e Proved ' an d ChB con armed and. n, hereby instructed Corporation Cdounael n, th ted to draft an eubcut eaproper form of contract -therefor:. Adopted op ted bjlc Counc 11 Nov. 6, 1914. Approved Nov. 6. 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) Yeas (I,') Co ilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council%Y___191Z/ Fa 'worth In favor K I r Approved 191 M oll -Against 0, ry Y Mr. President, wers MAYOR 1ORM C.8-2 I��..� 6 r r -t Subject ............... CITY OF ST.A-AUL COUNCIL RESOLU N—GENE L FORM Cpns_uructia.n_._of_.$ewer......n....Garro from Snelling Avenue to bury AV ve FIILEMtiL No........ ................. It, I / Date Presented .....N.ov.4.,1.914---I91._,....... Resolved, That the award of contract to OINEIL & PRESTON for the construction of a sewer on Carroll Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Asbury Avenue, for the sum of $790.00, be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Cor- poration Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the piper form of contract therefor. C. F No. d, TTnty M. N: Goes- - Resolved, Thnt the award,ofthe con- tract to O'Neil & Preston far the con- --- etraction of a sewer on Carroll ave- .. nue from Snelling a ile to Asbury venue. for the: sum of $790,00,6 and the some Is hereby confirmed and }" ap- ;.proved. and the Corporation Cour gel le hereby instructed to draft and submit' the proper formof contract therefor wanted by the Council Nov. 6, 1914. Approved Nov. 6, 1914. IN— 14-1n1ei .. Yeas (1") Coutici -en (P) Nays Ferns forth Goss7 -In favor Kellet / MCCJI _- -_ -.Against OTy Yoerg Mr. President, Po ers -AM C.8.2 Adopted by the Council- /'lam -_-4---191 y Approved_ O 1 191 x MAYOR CITY OF ST. FAi COUNCIL RESO JTION— Subject....-.___ Grading_. and.....Impro;' g.....01,tr oe--S 1 Road from Burns Avenue to -Hud C ERAL FORM .set .........._.. COUNCIL FILE NJ.. .: .......... _... ............. ........... Date Presented........_. _ _........_ __..-..._I91........... d Resolved, That the award of contract to Thornton Bros. for the grading and improving of Clarence Street from Burns Avenue to Hudson Road, for the sum of 03887.00, be, and the same ie hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. b`. No. 2428—By It. N. Goes — - Resolved. That the award of con -n tract to Thornton Bros. for thee rad- . ing and Improving of Clarence: treet for mtheurum avof n$8887�00H be.�and othe I same Ise hereb. conarmed andn- proved,. and the Corporation COuneel Is herehv Instructed to draft and —non" .the proper form of contract therefor. Adopted. by the Counefl Nov. G, 1914. I. .1PPrnved-Nov. G, 1914. 4) ISI (Nov. 14-191 Yeas (I') Cour ilmen (I') Nays Farn worth Goss In favor Kell Mc II ___. -.-Against 0' ry Yoe Mr. President, wers rosin c.82 Adopted by the Council... �/- _ 191 Approved_ ! 191 r —. — — MAY-- _ . OR CITY OF SST: PAUL COUNCIL RES TION—GE AL FORM Subject Constructing -.-Saw on...Fa-lvo. .,reet .from _.._.........._.. COU Palace Street o Jeffers Ave • FILENCIL No....... ..... Date Presented....Nov.4,...... 914__.,._I91....-_:.. Resolved, - That the award of cbntract to O'NEIL k PRLSTOF for the canstruction of a sewer on Fulton Street from Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue, for the sum of $1270.00, - be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. rC. F, No. 2129—Ry \f.. N. Gose - Reaolved, That the amnrll 'c4'rtle. coontract [o O'Neil- &: Presto. -for the' nstnfetlon.^:aY`a. sewer on Fulton. street to i fferaoh atreat venue, for thel um of $1270.00. be, and, then a Is hereby conarmed and up- proved, instructed and tructedoto draftnd s nsubmit th,3opted� by the Counen Nov. G, ri 914. Approved Nov. 6, 1911. (Nov. 14-1914). Yeas (I") Coun 'Imes (f) Nays Fars Orth Goss In favor Kell Me 1t ____against O' ry Yoe g Mr. President, Owers Foe. c.O-2 r' Adopted by the Council Approved � -191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTIO�EN. Subject,.._...._-- _ Grading and improving W from Doane street 70 7.An ............... ....... I....._ _ ............................. ..... ..._............._... ......... ................. RAL RM P ee t_. ............._..._.......::.. COUNCIL Avenue FILE No ...... ........................... Date Presented ..Hov.4-,1,9-14-----I91....... Resolved, That the award of contract to MARTIN EBLRHARD for the grading and improving of Wentworth street from Doane street to St.Anthony Avenue, for the sum of $725.00, be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved,_and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. C. No, 2430—By M. N. Goes — Resolved, That the award the ontract for the grading d imm prov-! Ing or Wentworthstreet from Doane , street to Ill Anthony avenue, for the i hereof $725.00 be, and the s nd by fllTned and approved,'. Is - the Corp7ra[lon Counsel 1s hereby In- structed to draft andsubmlt.the prop- er form of contract therofor. Adopted by the Council Nov 0, 1914. Approved Nov. 6. 1914. l (Nov, 14-1914) ;1. Yeas (I')Cot ` cilmen (P) Nays Far isworth Go 1n favor Kel er M ol] _Against 01 eary Yog Mr. President, owers roar c.e-z Adopted by the Council_..% _19f Approved Ir 19 9 -- -- -. - MAYOR J �... Aye. • � . �1 CITY OF T. PAUL COUNCIL,RE5 UTION-GENE FORM Construc on of Se r, on Minneh a 51reet Subject: ._. From Ve ern A ue `o Az n S ree FILE L� Q- FILENO...... ...'............ .. Date Presentectiov 4 1914 _.._..._I91........... Resolved, That the award of contr,ct to P.J.RYAN for the construction of a sewer on Minnehaha Street from 71estern Avenue to Arundel Street fox the sum of $1273.00, be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby i instructed to draft and su�,mit the proper form of contract therefor. v C. P. No. 2.111-111,1u. hat N. d a of the , Resolved. he ntr¢ct to P. .t. Ryan for f�nnelt¢h¢ etructlan of ewer o sheeet t for 'Veetef rn enue to Arundel rn 273 .._.._ ... the a Ieh hereby o armed b d npa � proved, .ad the Corporation, unsel is heroby Instructed to draft and -- "t the proper_torm of contract theca - to tdopted by the Council N.V. G. 1914. Apprpved Nov. G. 1914. _ Yeas (P) Co I Imen (P) Nays Fa sworth Gas _ In favor Ke er M all Against O' ary Yo g Mr. President, Powers 4eonr c.8.2 Adopted by the Council _4�I— —'('-191 �/ Approved_ ¢� 191Y e — -- -"' -- to Subjeci: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ....... . ..... ..... ......... ............ COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ..... ................. ...... ........... ........... ........ . ........ .. ........ . . ........ . ...... ............................ ........ . ....... Date Presented. ....-191 That hat the City Clerk be a he i hereby authorized and dir— ected to isBue,a license to Geo. W. Gr nstrom to conduct a motion picture show on Lot 15,/ look 22, Park Addition, 1on the N.E. corner of Grand & miltocN� Styeets. That id Geo. W. Granstrom pay into the City Treasua license e of $50-00, which is the f fixed amount f said �sn for aid motion picture show for a period of one 8-T fr the nuance of said license. That said license B 11 not ssued r become effective until building h B b come Ily complet and until said Geo. W. Granstrom has p oour d from the OOM ssioner of Public Buildings his certificate t t th said buil ng and all the apparatus to be used in. con- n otion w h t exhibitions to be given therein are in all re - 0 in . compliance with the Building Code of the Cit%P of St. Paul a d has iled the certificate with the City Clerk. Yeas (1,) Councilmen (V) Nays Farnsworth Goss f, In'f.,.,, Keller McColl e Against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers ,oRm c.a-z Ad'opted by the Council 191 Approved_ 191 "YO—W __ — -n� Mate of Minneouta" COUNTY OF RAMSEY. Ss. ..QITYOFST. PAUL s. idin ........... ..... .... ........... ............................... 1 'es'0 at twine duly sworn., deposes and says. Mat he is a ....... .. resident offlip, St(ite oj'Minne.,alo, anal is rwer twe;at - npj�, _jwul de, that 7�*has,bad a City of St. Paid _ a a - Lioensp whiie tomrr' on the ......... ........ ............ ........ ....... ....... business ict, to the4-day .......... JYI ............ ......... . ...... ...... - ,5x�. at .......................................................ad that he now desires U license for sold hitsimess. af setid pluoe, /'ar k4w year -orn. to nn, -rihed la,lare me this ay . .......... ... . ..... ..... -------------- ... ........ ... .. ...... r % N HENRY MCCOLL - _ � ( cn OJOHT. MCCOLL QPUTY MMI9810NHR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY November 5,1914. To The Honorable Theel Counoil Of The City Of St. Paul. Gentlemen:- Attao ed application of Geo. W. Gra.nstrom for a license t conduct a Motion Picture Theatre on Lot 15, Block 22, Summit Park Addition, N. E. oorner of Milton & Grand, is for a new location. Aprlicant desires that license be granted upon condition of approval of building and equipment by building inspector. ReBpectfull , e nepec or MMG �,y Saint Paul, Minnesota, November 12th, 1914. Hon, Winn Powers, Mayor of St. Paul, SAINT PAUL. My dear Mr. Powers: - Referring to the application for a li- cense for a moving picture theater on the corner �bf Grand Ave. and Miltons St., pending before the City Couqcil, upon which a hearing will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday, Nov- ember 18th: As I am leaving the city this evening for several days, I wish to record my objections to grant- ing the application. I have stated my opposition to moving picture show houses on Grand Avenue so frequently that it is unnecessary to repeat them here at any length, although I will record some of my objections very briefly. First - Moving picture show houses in a residence district are detrimental to the best interests of the children of the locality, for the reason that they create a distracting influence. It is the universal testimony of educat°ore that the children in the schools in the vicinity of moving picture show houses show a marked deterioration in the charadter of the work done. The subject of the films are always of a more or less exciting nature, frequently trashy and sometimes positively debasing to the morals. The most important busi- ness of bny municipality is to make provision for the proper training of its boys and girls. It is for this purpose that the cities have within recent years spent large, sums of money in the establishment of play grounds, bathing facilities, etc. Anything which tends to interfere with the mbntal and moral development of the children of any locality should not be tolerated. Second - There is one lesson which we should teach to our children and that is the lesson of thrift. It is conceded that we are a nation of spendthrifts, ender the leadership of some of the foremost men of thecountry, r the schools, have taken up the work of teaching and encourag ing thrift in a very practical way, viz. by encouraging the children to bring their pennies to the school for deposit in their own names in a savings bank. The school children of this city have on deposit many thousands of. dollars at the State Savings Bank. From November 6th, 1913, to June 12th, 1914, the chil n o the Irving School, acting through the teachors, depos3ied in ?& State Savings Bank, in their own names, $674.74 The children are thus being taught early the value of saving their pennies and are made more \or less fawiliar with the system of Savin€s Banks and the value of a bank account. This work should be encouraged rather than discouraged. A moving picture show house in a resilence district, where the children frequently come in contact with it, going to and from school, is a. constant temptation to them to spend their pennies. I am advised by Mr. Thos. F. Chapman who hqs charge of the school savings in the State Savings Bank that it has this effect to a very marked degree. He advises me that it is recognized by savings banks all over the country, that the moving picture show houses by temptintg the children to spend their pennies, counteract the lessons in thrift taught by their parents and teachers and thus are leading them into habits of extravagance. 11 this license. I sincerely hope that you will vote to refuse JHB -B Yours ver yo , 1 I CITY OF STf PAUL�r: =� COUNCIL RESOLUTION— '.L ERAL 'FARM f Subject .Crosswalks ......._.. _ .. .......__........ COU NGIL- ...... FILE NO,....: ........ .. .........»............ Q. f — ---- Date Presented-.._':.....b.5th....._..._......_I914......... Resolved, erossvralks of brickbe constructed on the following streets; N.anomin avenue,west eide,across Xing street. ding street,north side,across "lanomin avenue. Yeas (1�) Mr. Pre, scRM c.e-2 I IC. P: No Resol ed Ttia4- to§ ailca of b 1 is I be .con t t d; n the f 11.wl g, streets Manomin avenue, Ive-t aide, a teas, King street noming street. nnorth side_:a s MW-- Adopted by the Council Nov 6, 191M1,. Approved Nov. G 1914. i .'(Nov. 144934) � Cou cilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council __ Far sworth — - GoIn favor Ke r APProved _ _ _ 191 Me oil __ __ -.against O' ary Yo g ---- ent, Owers — - - - MAYOR An ordinanoe to provide for the creation and appointment of a City Planning Board. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - 6 Section 1. That there shall be created a City Planning Board which shall consist of fifteen (15) membere, to be appointed by the Mayor, none of whom shall be in the employ of the City: overn- ment� Five members shall be appointed to serve until October let, 1915, five to serve until October let, 1916, and five to serve until October let, 1917, after which all terms of such members shall be for three years each, or until their successors are appointed and qualify.. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be only for the - unexpired portion of the term. The Mayor and members of the Council shall be ex -officio members of the Planning Board, but shall have no vote therein. Section 2. The City Planning Board shall study the re- sources and needs of the City, and shall prepare fcomprehensive.and otheplans for the development of the City; and especially shall it keep 'informed of the plans of the various city departments, of the County, of State Departments, of public service corporations and of other official and voluntary bodies affecting the development of the. City and shall actively endeavor to co-ordinate such plans, -and in all proper ways to safeguard and direct the City's physical growth. Section 3. All questions concerning the platting of new areas or replatting of existing areae,. the vacation, opening, widen- ing, narrowing, straightening or extending of streets or alleys, the location 'and ornamentation'of parks, playgrounds, parkways or other 4 public spaces or highways, the location and design of all public buildings,bridges, monuments and street fixtures,- the location of any " tunnel, sub -way or other surface, underground or elevated railways the establishment of building distripts, of building lines or other, building restrictions, and all other matters relating to, the, planning or re -planning of the City,'be referred to the City Planning Board for its consideration.and report, at such time as the Council 1;,', may direct, before final action is taken on the same by the Council. Section 4. The City Planning Board may recommend experts and other employes to be employed by the Council, and may cause to Surveys, be made such,maps, plans, drawings, photographs, reports, etc., as , may be necessary for the proper preparation and presentation of the plans. The Council make a sufficient appropriation to enable the Planning Board to carry on its work efficiently. No member of I the Board shall be paid for lis services as a member of the Board. Section 5. The Board shall have the power to make its own rules for the conduct•of its business. Section S. All ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 7, This ordinance shall take efrect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. 'Y9/ provide for the ore: ointme` An ordinance to p.�� . of a City Planning Board. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That there is hereby created a City Planning Board which shall consist of fifteen (15) members, to be appointed by the Mayor, none of whom shall be.,in the employ of the City. Five members shall be appointed to serve until October let, 1915, five to serve until October let, 1916, and five to serve until October 1st, 1917, after which all terms of such members shall be'for three years each, or until their successors are appointed and qualify. An ap- pointment to fill aancy shall be only for the unexpired portion the term. The. Mayor and members of the Council shall be ex-officio members of the Planning Board, but shall have no vote therein. Section 2. The City Planning Board shall study the re- sourcesand needs of the City, and shall prepare plans for the develop- ment of the City; and especially shall it keep informed of the plane of the various city departments, of the County, of State.Departments, of public service corporations and of other official and voluntary bodies affecting the development of the City, and shall actively en- deavor to co-ordinate such plane, and in all proper ways to safeguard and direct the City's physical growth. Section 3. All questions of which the Council has juris- diction, concerning the platting of new areae or replatting of exist- ing areas, the vacation, opening, widening, narrowing, straightening or extending,of streets or alleys, the location and ornamentation of parka, playgrounds, parkways or other public buildings, bridges, monu- ments'and street fixtures, the location of any tunnel, sub-way or other surface, underground or elevated railway, the establishment of building districts, of building lines or other building restrictions, and all other matters relating to the planning or re-planning of the City, may be referred to the City Planning Board for its consideration and report, at such time as the Cunoil may direct, before final action .' is taken on the same by the Counc. Section 4. The City Planning Board hereby created may recommend experts and other employee to be employed by the Council for the purpose of making surveys, maps, plans, drawings, photographs, reports, etc., when directed by the Council in connection with said planning work. No member of the Board shall be paid for his services as such member, nor shall said board or any member thereof have " authority to contract or incur any liability or indebtedness on the part of the City. Section 5. The Board shall have the power to make its own. rules for the conduct of its business. Section 6. All ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. .C. F. No. 2424—Ordinance No. 3216- - --- An ordinnnce to provide for the crea- tion and, appointment of a City) /// Planning Board. The ly Council of the 'City Of 8t.',Paui' r! !` does ordain SECTION 1. That there Is hereby created a City Planning Board which. shall consist the -116) members; to he appointed ' 7y the .Mayor, Pone of whom shall be n the employ of the City er e men vers ahall be appointed to serve :until the Council .. - -- October 1st 19I6,'Qve to serve $uhtil ' J/cfiober let, 1916, and five to serve un- '1 October let,` 1917,:. after which alk rms. of such, members shall- be for, liree Years each, or until their succes-; re are. appointed'. and quallfy.' An.; NAYS, ointment to fill'a Vacancy sfiall be! YEAS. for the unezDired portion of th The Mayor and members. o[ e shall be ex.officlo-- member MR_ FARNSWORTH ening Board, but shall KELLER MoGOLL /)l I O'LEARY 1 l7 � QUBLiSF� j STT YOERG NAY'-DF MR: PRESIDENT (POWERS) �� QgRJ i ' er Section 4. The City'Planning Board hereby created may recommend experts and other employee to be employed by the Council for the purpose of making surveys, maps, plans, drawings, photographs, reports, etc., when directed by the Council in connection with said planning work. No member of the Board shall be paid for his services as such member, nor shall said board or any member thereof ho -e authority to contract or incur any liability or indebteAfll he part of the City. Section 5. The Board shall have *'' a✓ rules for the conduct of its business - Section 6. All ordi are hereby repealed. Section 7 force thirty d5 �n Lm 46 all or ti's fo �'s qu llr sal, n. qu(l]Ifa An i 1 a'V.. nRy shall bel tl`expired portion of Lr a,,6n eyer and members,of hallbeex-offlcio member mina Board, but shall? �A 35 �An ordinance to amend administrative Ordinaye No. 3272, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compenea tion of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City of St. Paul," approved September 22nd, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF ST.'PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Administrative Ordinance No. 3272, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City of St. Paul," approved September 22nd, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so as*., -to include the following: "The Commissioner of Education is authorized to appoint such supervisors, principals, teachers, engineers, janitors and firemen as he may consider necessary for carrying on the work of the evening schools and social centers. Janitors, engineers and firemen shall receive $150 per night for such service. Principals shall be paid $2.50 -per night, one teacher of physictraining shall be paid $4.50 per night; one assietan*eacher of 0 millinery shall be paid $1.50 per night; alll then teachers shall be paid $3.00 per night. Persons otherwise employed by the City of St. Paul in the Department of Education, and who are appointed in accordance with Section 1 ofthis'ordinance, for service for -the social centers and night schools shalI constitute separate classes of employes, whose duties shall consist of.rendering service 'in the. day schools and evening schools or the social centers,, and they shall be.paid.one salary for all Of such service; said salary shall be 'deter— mined by adding the amount due them for services performed in the day schools according,to said schedule of salaries as'fixed by Administrative Ordinance No. 3272, and the amount fixed as compensation in this ordinance, for service in the night schools and social cent re. 0 er f U �F� 1- 0 , F1 d t 0 a P 8 n, cv or ice a th oo a c to gection 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an ewer gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace;',health and safety. :7 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication, -7 q J A 0 43 lvavl' 10, '71 An ordinance to amend administrative OrdinaFj e No. 3272, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and.compensa- tion of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City of St. Paul," approved September 22nd, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. -'PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Administrative Ordinance No. 327$, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City of St. Paul," approved September 22nd, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so awto include the following: 'The Commissionerof Education is authorized to appoint such supervisors, principals, teachers, engineers, Janitors and firemen as he may consider necessary for darrying on the work of the evening schools and social centers. Janitors, engineers and firemen shall receive -$1.50 per night for such service. Principals shall be Paid,$2.80.per night; -one teacher of physic training shall be paid $4.50 per night; one assistan eacher of millinery shall be paid $1.50 per night; all1other teachers shall be paid 03.00 per night. Persons otherwise employed by the City of St. Paul In the Department of Education, and who are appointed in accordance with S 2 of, t . his ordinance, for service for the social cei4�--achoole shall constitute separate classes I of rendering sery schools or -the so �jy salary for all of mined by adding q in the day school' as fixed by Admi amount fixed as Ice in'the night so 0 it gection Can emer- gen y ordinance re hepublic peace health and in force Sectionl lie immediately upon '17 154 -7 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y��.�CGl�G2� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the .er of...grading h'.1_e.y:_..i.^_ 31.ock_ 31 Pa.lac.e.....Addi.ticn...;? etseen..'?olly ave: ua a_d. r.nr.tla-fl _Ave,.-'xotto and Av.cn_Sts.. ) under Preliminary Order -55.9.111 I I I _ approved July:_ _6..th.,__.19.14. 1914 -- The Council of the City of St. Paull having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sauce is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 'l. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ._.Zra i_n6..._A11 qY. i.n Block 3, Palace Addition (te^een 'loll �ay.npe and.._Fo,rtL,nd Ave........_.Grotto .... _.. _...._..__ _. streetand -Avon street_. .... ..............._ .............. __._. _ ..._ _ _._.. __. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_113.,..2.8.._ ............... t solved Fur her, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the..._-_.......`C�PPC...._._.day of _......::.._x_...._....191.4._, at the hour of......1Q.._......_...o'clock...._._..A.....M., in the .._Q.011XiQ.i..l.._Charrber 61..._ ................._....._.. room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said ineeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....' •f 4.::j --.-.19. ........_.. ._.......... C• erk. i J.r... .Vi4 - Approved ....... .. ... ,....._................_....__......._.. Mayor. Councilmen rauvortu r 7asy ll fo gMayorrs ri 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y��.�CGl�G2� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the .er of...grading h'.1_e.y:_..i.^_ 31.ock_ 31 Pa.lac.e.....Addi.ticn...;? etseen..'?olly ave: ua a_d. r.nr.tla-fl _Ave,.-'xotto and Av.cn_Sts.. ) under Preliminary Order -55.9.111 I I I _ approved July:_ _6..th.,__.19.14. 1914 -- The Council of the City of St. Paull having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sauce is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 'l. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ._.Zra i_n6..._A11 qY. i.n Block 3, Palace Addition (te^een 'loll �ay.npe and.._Fo,rtL,nd Ave........_.Grotto .... _.. _...._..__ _. streetand -Avon street_. .... ..............._ .............. __._. _ ..._ _ _._.. __. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_113.,..2.8.._ ............... t solved Fur her, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the..._-_.......`C�PPC...._._.day of _......::.._x_...._....191.4._, at the hour of......1Q.._......_...o'clock...._._..A.....M., in the .._Q.011XiQ.i..l.._Charrber 61..._ ................._....._.. room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said ineeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....' •f 4.::j --.-.19. ........_.. ._.......... C• erk. i J.r... .Vi4 - Approved ....... .. ... ,....._................_....__......._.. Mayor. Councilmen rauvortu r 7asy ll fo gMayorrs Is L -An ordinance to amend administrative Ordina e No. 3272, entitled'"An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and coupenea- tion of the officers and employee connected with the public schools of the City of St. Paul," approved September 22nd, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.'PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectionl. That Administrative Ordinance No. 3272, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City of St. Paul," approved September 22nd, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so asi,;io include the following: "The Commissioner.'of Education is authorized to appoint such supervisors, principals, teachers, engineers, Janitors and firemen as he may consider neoe8Bary for carrying on the work of the evening schools and social centers. Janitors, engineers and firemen shall receive $1.50 per night for such service. Principals shall be paid $2.50,per night --one teacher of physic training shall 'be paid $4.50 per night; one aseistan eacher of millinery shall be paid $1.50 per night; all1other teachers shall be paid $3.60 per night. Persons otherwise employid by the City of St. Paul in the Department of Education., and who are appointed in accordance with Section I ofthis ordinance,.for service for the social centers and night schools shall.constitute separate classes of employes, whose duties shall consist of rendering service 'in the day schools and evening schools or the social centers, and they shall be paidone salary for all of such service; said salary shall be deter- mined by adding the amount due them for services performed intheday schools according to said schedule of salaries .as,fixed by Administrative Ordinance No. 3272, and the amount I fixed as compensation in this ordinance, for service. in -the night schools and social cent Ars. V:�VTIA Commiastc&er of Xu WfQtkpr,*:uri;Ad to AWthLt'&:146cf6Y cifiteft, gection 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation -of the public peace health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Ji immediately upon its passage and publication. '17 ffy V . . . . . Adopted by the Council 191 YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLEY MaGOLL O'LEARY YOERG NAYS, 0 -A- MR, PRESIDENT (POWERS) N, 1 1 COUNCIL FILE NO..__..___ _...__... _.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the ?& er of_�r a , g A! J_ey__i.._ Kock 3,_ Palac.e._Ad i.tion. _(_he.w.een_. ?r lly _d..._P. or.t.la^d _Ave,... -aro t to . and _Avon. Sts..) .__ _....... . under Preliminary Orden 559._. . _ approved . July:__o..th,__.191.4..__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having reeeived tine report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. E. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_....Zx4jATiZ.,__A Block 3, Palace Ad3ltion (be *- er_ Voll _av nve_a d_,Port_1and Ay.e.....,._:Grott0 ..._.. _. street and -Avon street. ......... _ ......... ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1..13,..28..._ .............. solved Fur her, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__.__.�J.....L i1�....._..._(lay of :..__:......................................:_:......._!_...........191.4.._, at the hour of....._1.0_.............o'clock .._..........A...._It., in the....�`9.11AQ.l..l.._'ChattbeT 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paull. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said ineeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... ...... ........ 1..._......... _... _..... _.......... ........._. .. _ C, erk. Approved. ...I`Y . _ o Q19 —........... Mayor. Councilmen Fan.i orth 10,eary 1 dr all g IVfaypr rs 1p COUNCIL FILE NO. ��_... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the -14*er of.__gr.aiing .the __alley- ..in- Block 8, Suwat;it View -Ad ltion..(cetween- Goo..x.�c'7......-_._Fa.rm--..nt-Pascal _':.__Sara toga. ..Ave^ues.. under Preliminary Order...._. � � � __ _.. __ __..._ __ .._approved .__ August, 3rd, 1514 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....=,bz3_l.rg.....t.h_e_._.a.l.ley in Block 8, Su :_i..t "ie'^ Adiition (between "coiric.h G'::wnt-Pa-c_al & - Saratoga avem,•es. _ n with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Besolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ____... _.__....day of 191.4..., at the hour of....._..._ .1Q ...o'clock _ ......._A.. lI , in the -Go tar.:p }j C1131rber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._.�,.:,i.;._.,-._p_. �o G Approved....._._.,..._._._........._..........._._....._._. Councilmen Fa nsworth G as K Iles NI Coll 0' eary Yo rg Mayor Po ers I ..i's7n, COUNCIL FILE NO , INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the i*er Of .ra3_irg _Alley inEloek 1^ Lewis and biabcns A.iaiticn (zrcm Ask zs.is'st.. to "es t.:_i star _St-) under Preliminary Order 614 ...approved July 10th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above imprpvenrent, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recolunie1( is ._oradi ° Alley in 1. __......... Elo..c.k_..1.9,__La .is.._and._.aiab.one__Adai.tio.n(f_rcn Az��,riZtt ._to_ des_ ins_':er St. ) with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is h _., 307 3.9- $esolved Ft then, That a public heating be had on said Improvement oilthe . ...__day of _..-61 .197 ., at the boor of .......... O'clock ...__A_til., in the__Courcil.....Qhamber 1100111 of the CourtHouse and City Hall Building in the City of fit. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and, place of hearing, the nature of the iniprove mcut, and the total cost thereof as estimated. —7 A •n Adopted by the Council..._ �. �__ _ _ 79 ._... Q City Clerk. Approved....._____ ..__._ ......__..L'1.....__... ".5 ............ Mayor. 2438—By S. A. 11-raworth— Couneilmen F rnsworth m the Tatter of grading alley in Block 10 Lewis and Ma. Ad di tion (from Arkwrlght to West- inster St.) under Prennalaey or - G s der 614, approved' duly. 10th, 1914. The Council of -toe City f, St. Paul having received the re of the Com - Ke ler issloner of Fihance art the above Improvement, and having considered said port,. hereby resolves: 1. That -tris Bald report be and the' TwIC OII came le hereby. approved and adopted. and the -said. improvement Is hereby ordered to tie proceeded withf the . n early m2.ent whichhat [ then Counciature l recomm odsI. ts. Mabon grading Addition alley 1. B(from Arkwck 10 rlght to Yo,rg Westminster St.) with 'no alternatives. and that. the estimated cost thereofis $307.39. Mayor PO ers hearing be had on r'SaidhImpr.rovemelnt the theOn 4th of l0 o'clocks Ae\f .1 in the Council Chamber, oom 61 P the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commis-, stoner' of Finance give not the of said meeting to the persons and in the; manner provided by the Charter, stat - ng the time and place of hearing, the — 'nature of the dmprovement. and the i total coet_triereot as estimated. Adopted by the Council Nov. 7, 1914. Approved iQov. 9, 1914. "._�_ _ (Nov. 14-1914) •r COUNCIL FILE NO., By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the I*er of. grad: ;g Johnsen street frch, P,,�rns ave-ue to Suburban 1330 aI l roved . AuZ u st 216th, 1914 under Preliminary Order.........1.330 _....._ --approved.- 1 _ __.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconnnends is._..u-ra_iing JChriaon etree_t fr_om._Flr..9._..av'nt;.e_.tc S:alzuxba_avenue._...__ _. __...._.. _. .........._.. with no alternatives, and that the estinnated cost thereof is R d F irther, That a publie hearing lie had oil said innprovenient oil the__. -f .. at the hour of'.- o'clock ._lL, in theCcunc.i.1.....Chamber 61. room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin missioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estiniated. m 4 Adopted by the Council ......... .... .__ _ _ _ _ ._. __19............ a. IJ'4 Approved _ 19.___.. Councilmen F rnsworth --- - _ S Fhe o aJob G ss In Blatta ole gced ng so_ street from Burns avenue to 9u- burbdn avenue under Preliminary Order 1330 approved August 261h, Iter lsl+. The Council of the C(ty C St. Paul, having received the report -of the Com- ' mlesloner of Finnnce upon the bove 9 t •, onprovement. and having considered said report, herebyresolves: . i, i� . ��. same Is herebj. approved and adopted; 1s hereby �._ � � � 2. That the, ature P the Improve-' erg 1 r m Bun. grading Johnsons street from venue to Suburban avenue. with o Mayor Ner.Y i co t thereof 1. $879.68. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on - aid Improvement be on the day. of December, 7914, at the hour of 30 o'clock A. M., in the Council., Chain er, room 61 f the Court House �lhen Cotamin iPaulHnll ThatBuilding CITY of St.nd fee stoner oT Flnanee glue notice' of said In the meeting to the person. and provided the Charter• stat-. ,manner Ing the time and place oP hearing, the nature of the Improvement and then iota] coat thereof as e. Adopted by the Counci6l1 Nov. Nov. 7. 1914.; Approved Nov. 9, 1914. ' - (Nov. 14-1914) _ _ •r COUNCIL FILE NO., By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the I*er of. grad: ;g Johnsen street frch, P,,�rns ave-ue to Suburban 1330 aI l roved . AuZ u st 216th, 1914 under Preliminary Order.........1.330 _....._ --approved.- 1 _ __.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconnnends is._..u-ra_iing JChriaon etree_t fr_om._Flr..9._..av'nt;.e_.tc S:alzuxba_avenue._...__ _. __...._.. _. .........._.. with no alternatives, and that the estinnated cost thereof is R d F irther, That a publie hearing lie had oil said innprovenient oil the__. -f .. at the hour of'.- o'clock ._lL, in theCcunc.i.1.....Chamber 61. room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin missioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estiniated. m 4 Adopted by the Council ......... .... .__ _ _ _ _ ._. __19............ a. IJ'4 Approved _ 19.___.. Councilmen F rnsworth --- - _ S Fhe o aJob G ss In Blatta ole gced ng so_ street from Burns avenue to 9u- burbdn avenue under Preliminary Order 1330 approved August 261h, Iter lsl+. The Council of the C(ty C St. Paul, having received the report -of the Com- ' mlesloner of Finnnce upon the bove Goll onprovement. and having considered said report, herebyresolves: 1: That the .aid report be .and the Les 1' �' same Is herebj. approved and adopted; 1s hereby and the eatd improvement ordered to be piruceeded with. 2. That the, ature P the Improve-' erg ent which recommend., Is r m Bun. grading Johnsons street from venue to Suburban avenue. with o Mayor Ner.Y alternallvea. and that the estimated co t thereof 1. $879.68. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on - aid Improvement be on the day. of December, 7914, at the hour of 30 o'clock A. M., in the Council., Chain er, room 61 f the Court House �lhen Cotamin iPaulHnll ThatBuilding CITY of St.nd fee stoner oT Flnanee glue notice' of said In the meeting to the person. and provided the Charter• stat-. ,manner Ing the time and place oP hearing, the nature of the Improvement and then iota] coat thereof as e. Adopted by the Counci6l1 Nov. Nov. 7. 1914.; Approved Nov. 9, 1914. ' - (Nov. 14-1914) _ _ TU i. k , 1 J, u INTERMEDIARY ORDER. f grading Cottage street fror.. Arcade st^e=t tc Fa l,, 1430 approved Serter ber. 3rd, 1914. the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fins it, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: id report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said ilnf e proceeded with. iture of the intproveatent which the Council recouuuends is. _Z1ra31ng C ,.r.e_et. -to Forest street. _ __ ......._.. _.._._._................ ....... that yrd That al1eublirtthearmoshelharlomts Hit11226..68 3 ........._.. / p g improvement oil the. 7'.)1..., at the hour of. 10_...o'clock A ase and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Connnissiouer o eting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. " .11 w In,A en Fa •nsworth G s B ]ler b Coll O Leary erg 'or F vers t 41 COUNCIL FILE, SIO.__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the After uf_- ' wz --, Gs _ -` - 3y::e aver ;e to..~r 'Ir-ier under PreliminaryOrder.._18a8_. _.. ______approved October,l.st, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be kind the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____sradin6 Cottage a..tre.e.t __._ . ::. `Nifiti no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,_356, 48. P'W Resolved Furt er, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the y __. ... .........___.da of .191....4.., at the hour of _. 1.Q._........o'clock...... A..•..._3L, in the...._C C11 Chaakber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pard. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said ureeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....._. j ___ _.19 ..._... GCS Z City (;perk. Approved C 4 _.19___.... v ............. ....... ........_.....__._.. Mayor. Councilmen F •nswarth C/JI sss Her 11 eColl Leary Y erg Mayor P vers C OUNCIL )' ll,�I0. 4- INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 11fter of .grading. Finn wren^e_ from. Robiyr avenue tc St. An t1iony Avenue under Preliminary Order.. _.._730 ......... ___._approved July 171h, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Pau] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...v'.xa. .in,gF_inn.__avenue f.r.c>v...Rob.l;n.to_.St_.....Anthony_a:*enu.e.... . ....___.. _ __..._ .....__..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated eost thereof is olved F rtIt That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._ -.__._day of .191...4.., at the hour of_.._._1Q............o'elock_.......__A....._nf., in the...._....._Couneil Chamb£ room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impu�qvq;ejit, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci]_.....__.._ _ 19....._.._. City Clerk. Apploved__.,,^ _..._. .......__._.19..____. ............ ....... _ Mayor. C. F. No. 2442—By S. A. Farnsworth= In the Diatter of grading Finn avenue Councilmen F tt Iisworth from Roblyn avenue to St. Anthony. 1 avenue under Preliminary order 730, approved July 17th, 1914. G. S The Council of tha -City. of St. Paul having received the reportof the.Com- missioner of Finance -neon the above. Improvement, and hav)ng' considered K ler said Thattthe aid report be and the same to hereby approved and 'adopted, M all and the said Improvement Is hereby ordered tobe .proceeded with. 2. That the, nature of the Improve- , menu which the'Council recommends is O' ea I'y grading Fmn avenue from Roblyn ave- nue to St. Anthony avenue with no al- ternatives, and that the callmated cost lra g thereof is $460.96. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be -bad on s'ald Improvement on daof'Iayor Po v ers the the hourtf o 10 o'clock A.eM.,1 In,the, the, _ Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City- of St.- Paul. That the Commie- sloner, of Finance glye. notice of said meeting to .the persons and In the manner provided bytheCharter, stat- ing the'time'and place of hearing, the ' nature of the improvement, and the 'total --cost thereof as estimated. Adoptedby the Council Nov. 7, 1914. Approved Nov. 9, 1914: (N.V. 14-1914) l'OUN—CIII FILF, NO. _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Mattel of__..,rd i : Ke.e.ton atre2t_fret.. Chi Icci-,be :Nr: e. t.o._Tiarc under Preliminary Order 53 4._.._.. _. _._. __...-approve, .___.uG.Ty__.1u.t: ,._1 14- The 4 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be `and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recmunlemisist_Qri street frca. CIilcc- j aye'r:e tC 'r: cc with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is {;__�..,,.�_....M_�__....—_ � Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _... ........ _,.._.....::_...day of ___.....__..1914._.., at L11e hour of. -_.....a0 ........... o"filrk ii:r..__..bi., in the_._Guun.c l .Chaa,ber 61 room of the, Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the trtreostimated. --7 !SA Adopted by the Council (Sty Clerk. Approved.__. _ iayor. I C. F No. 2Z463—By S A. Farnsworth—) In the Mdtter of grading Keaton -:St:, Councilmen Far worth from Cbilcomb avenue to, Pierce Goss. Kel r Me 11 n'I, Iy t ]oar Mayor Powe s said report. hereby resolves: 1,'That the said report be: c and:: the same le, hereby approved ad adopted, and the said Improvement hereby' ordered to be proceeded -with. 2. That the nature of the Improve ment lyhich the Council recommends Is' grading Keston street Prom Chilcombe' avenue' to Pierce a nue with no al- ternatives. and that the estimated coat thereof is $450.55. ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 9th day of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In :the Coune/l Cham Der, room 61 of the Court .House and City Hall Building in the City of St: Paul. That the Commis - stoner of Finance give notice of said seting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stat - Ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement,: and ,the 'total cost thereof as estimated:: Adopted by the Council Nov. 7, 1914. Approved Nov. 9, 1914. (Nov. 14-19141 a COUNCIL FILE NO., By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the i0fter of. .7raa.ing__Goodrich avenue _frcL. Lesirg.t.en. a.venu.e....-_to... ur_lap under Preliminary Ordet..... ___1255___. _...._approved ..._ A'u 'rstNth,_ 1214,._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the saute is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to -be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the inlprovenfent which the Council recoumends is.........g.rgd n_g_l 0_Cdr_ic`; f.r.om__L.exing on....ay.Pnne..to. _Durlap_.s re.et.. .... _... _......__.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is___5.,36_._50_.._._,. olved urthe That a public hearing be, had on said improvement on the......- ....._day of ..._ ............................. 191....4., at the hoot of.._.............o'clock....._......._P,lf, iit the.___QoLln_C_1_..C`Sa[beT of room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance 0 give notice of said Meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ' P)._......... l/1..... `.. City Clerk. Approved__...___.....:'. . ......................... ............. GW......,......._..:_._._._..:._._... - C. F. No. 2443—By S. b N``arnaworth— Mayor. 7n the Matter of grading Goodrich avenue from Lexington avenue to Councilmen Fa tawor -Dunlap street under Preliminary or- der 1255. approved August 20th, 1914'. The Council f the City of St. Paul G s9 haying received the.report of the Com= mlasioner of Finance. pan the above Improvement, and 'having conatdered said report, hereby resolves. Iler I. 'iM the aidreportbe d the same Is herebyapprovedand adopted, and the said Improvement le hereby (roll ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Improve- ment which the Council recommend. 1s, grading' Goodrich avenue from Lex - 0 Geary. ington avenue to Dunlap treet,with no -alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof Is $5,396.66. Y publi rg hearing Resol�'be adrton hersaidh Improveat a ment m C at on the;. 4th day otDecember, 1919; at Mayor Yo el'8 the hour,of n the Cou cll Chamber.roomk 61 of the Court ,House: and City Hall Building In the. City of St. Paul. That the Commis stoner of Finance give notice of said. meeting to the pe—im and in the manner. provided by the.Charter, atat- Ing the time and .place of Tearing, the nature f'�the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Nev.'7, 191.9. Approved Nova. 9. 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) COUNCIL FILE_�W INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the A*I er of ._ constructing a cau,ent si.ie,.iallr on the a^ .th side of Heritt avenue fror.. Syndicate avenue to Triggs St. under Preliminary Order..1959 .__.....__ _ _.._approved iDctcter_7th, 19.14.1. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._...con_s t.ruc_t_ing a cement sidewalk on the , south side , of. ` e l t aver e roll. Syndicate. avenue . t..o.._:xi_yzo a.tra.et_..._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 1, foot. solved FIl tI r, That a public hearing be had ml said improvement on the_._. � .---day_ of ........_.. ....... 197.4.., at the hour ofaQ.......o'elo k.. A....__n, in thi COLncll Chai:ber of room of the Court House and City Hall Building in thel City of St. Paul. That the Coinmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heating, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. -. 0'4 t Adopted by the Council __ 19._........ o,`a lty Clerk. Approved....._.__..__._..._.__... ------._.__......19..__.._._. . ... Mayor. Councilmen Frnsworth I C. F, To. 2444—By S. A. Farnsworth— in tha matter of constructing a cement sidewalk on the south aide of Hewitt avenue from Syndicate avenue to 9s 'Griggs street. underPreliminary Order 1969. approved October, 7th, eller 1914 • ' The Councilof the -City of St. Paul having received the report of the Com - of Finance upon the above improvement; and havingconsidered 11 ccoll said report, hereby resoivea: 1. That the Bald report be nil the same is hereby aproved and adopted. I 0 Le. Nry and the said improvement Is hereby) ordered to be .proceeded with. , 2. That the nature of the Improve-' men[ which the Council commen�s`.is i Ir erg g constructing cement sidewalk on the 'south`afde of Hewitt avenue. from Syndicate avenue to Griggs street. " Mayor PO era with no alternatives, and that the es- tlmated cost thereof is 49 cents.. per: lineal foot. Resnlved� Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement n the 4th day of December, 1914, at -. the hour of 10 o'clock- A. M., in the Council Chamber, room 61 of. the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commie- sloner.of F;nance give notice of gald meeting.to the persona and in the manner,provlded by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing. the: - nature, oP the Improvement and- the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Caunetl. Nov. 7, 1911. _ Approved Nov. 9, 1914. INov. 14-1914) (OUNCI FILE N0. 13y_ //"z .11 G L INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of,... c' ange__of orad.e. on Andrew stret._f rc c.L e _street _to. Winifred street. under Preliminary Order_ _approved _..._ June _24th, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Con nissioncr of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement: is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._....._.Q. ange._...Of..._&r..a4e _o_r.__Andxe31<s.treet.....fr.am_.Rob1e_.st.r.ez.t_ to Tiai.fred.__e..tr. _t....._ ...._...- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is__u. _.. .Q._..........__..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._....._. ......__day of 191.4..., at the hour of..........1_...._.._o'clock...._._..._A.�._M., in the._Courc_il Chamber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance . give notice of said, meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. J 01 / Adopted by the Council.....___.:_' .__ .'.... t"_'_._ _ .19...._..... c. Approved......_ Councilmen Fasworth Gos Kel r Me 11 0'Lary Yoe Mayor Pow rs COUNCIL FILENO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 11, the flatter of.__3ra t -*ng Andre r stre.'+, i rcrr. Ro'cIe street to Winifred street. under Preliminary Order._1905 __ _ __ approved _ _ CC tober 2nd/ 1914. The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the stuue is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Counril recomniends is_...zi:aJ nz Andrew street Sinifr.ed._s.tre.et.. _._ -. .._._... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 1 388.24__ ................ Resoh•ed F Aber, That 11 public hearing be had 01i said improvement ml the day of ... ...... at the lion 61of y 'clock........_._A.•_..f1., in the Ccur:C11 Chamber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ...T'...!0 Q Adopted by the Council._.... —" _..19._...1.... �c C"iw Clerk. Approved —_.19 C. F. No. 2446-16y S. A. Farnsworth— r._ Councilmen Farn worth 'In, the Matter. of , street under Preei 'approved October Gos. The. Council or t h-1.9 let. —I the mieeioner of Finan ovement, and Kel r s ai the 1. That "II same le herebyHapl Me 11 —'l the said Impi ordered to be ➢roc 2. That the nate meet wbldh the Cot G'1 ar S � Brading Andrdiv treet to WlnIfr.dP natives, -anrl that yo g th—cof la $288.24. Resolved Furthe, hearing' be had o or AIa Po rs Y the 7th day of the nhour f I o ii HousendaC ty'11c City ofa SC Paul. stoner. of Finance,; '.ty of St._Paul art of the Com - Pon the above. ng, considered ,Ives: the -d and 1 and adopted, fent, le hereby with. the improve - recommends is from Roble ft ithal- etimated�cost hat a public Improvement mber. 1914. t A. M:. in the 1 of the Court Aiding to the the Coming_ notice of said and In the 9Unarteq stat - ,f hearing• the.' nent, andthe mated. I Nov..7, 11914. (Nov. 14-1914) COUNCIL FILE NO.24 7 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Alatter if -raging Andrew street . roa, Concord street to Ro'cie Street. ................. ............ . _.._......... under Preliminary Order 1 27 _ approved OC of er The Council of the City of St. Pahl having received the report of the COIllillissiotler of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . 2. That the nature of the unprocement which the Council recoauuends is radinE Andre,: r ........_.-_...---..._..__._..... _. stree frcE Concord street to Robie street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is__1,_50_,39..._..,,._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the -_7........--._... ___l._...__..:(lay of . 191.4...., at the hour of.__1_C..._..........._o'clock._......_....'�_�..�L, in thP..._Cot..._..'nct_.._.i 1.._..._....Chau.ber __.. of room of the Com•t House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___.. e' /.ity Clerk. Approved ..... .................. .... .._...._._- .___... Mayor. C. F. N. 2447—By S. A Fan orth— CotIDclltuen Fa'tswm'th in the street bfromrConcord street tondrew Robe street. under, Preliminary Order¢827 GO_'approved Oetolber laG'1914. The Council rof,the-.Clty of St. Paul 'having recelvedithe;repurpofthe.Com- mteeloner of Ftnnnee upon, the above Ike ler Improvement tnd having. considered' 'eald-report hereby resolyea: 1. That tfie'sald, redort: be and th'e IVIG oll -same Is here by;'approve d.. a ad adopted; rand the said Improvement -la heFeby order -4 to- be �proceeded"aIth. 2. Thvt e nafrire dti oil n' eafy ment whichth* the Counglt-copDtp¢gde:_. e. Brading .:Andrew etregT'-�uroxiLRon cord Ire.to Roble atreet`wit(tii>ao'ai: j Yo g te'nativee,,and that the satlmated cost thereof Is sixe.89. Resolved, .Further, That a public Mayor PO erS bearink be had on said Improvement _ on the 7th day of- 1914, t'. the hour of to o'clock A. M., In the .Council Chamber. room 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the; Clty of St. Paul. That the Commie- COUNCIL FILE No..__. _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 41 —1119 In the iONter se.wer on _172. -,':art street fro3, Theeler avenue t I�,1chart s reet to o ,,.u� ._and__S_t ...P...Hy._.ani__oxl Aldine qtr � Marshall avenue. ul 28th 1C 14. under Preliminary Order ...$_��_. __ _. _ __ _approved .. Y _ ...__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouunends isc_on_8 ruct_inpg_a... _.nd t _.._o -a._ Aldine.__s.tr.ee.t...frou_ 1�glahart_ s re.et to .14ar.s.halI....ay.enue_,_.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is i Resolved F n•ther, hat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ _ ......... __- day of __..191.4..., at the hour of.—JO...... -o'clock A. _3L, in thr__Coancil Chamber rooiNf the Court House and City Nall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coinmissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heating, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......... ~._ V . a ......... !0 ti Approved. Councilmen Fnswo•th os eller cColl Lesry erg Mayor vers COU\CILL FILE ---M)... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Iathe Matter of _Cor.etrt;C` sezrer on Cleveland averua fe:^:don a rue._ to Du31ey street. under Prehlmnxry Order.__1.0 r% _approved Stsrtember _lSth,1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__.._C_OPrt_rt:_c_t_ ng a se:^er on Cleveland avenue youHendon endon aver, to Dudley s reit _. . _....... .._....._.. __._. - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 9.53-M. 2-8 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._.... ..........clay of ,( 19]_4.._, at the hour of... 1�......... o'clock.. _ _ A.�._\1., in the__Cc ri ., .- ChaiLber _.._.F.1 room of the Cont House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Conmissiomor of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tulle and place of hearing, the nature of the improvylnelt, and the total cost thereof as estimated. !:-1 Adopted by the Council - •� i4 rty (lark. Approve(].... ............ ._..-_ ...._..._......__. _ 'May or. C. F. No. 2460—By S. A.worth— ' in the Matter of constructing a sewer Councilmen _ arnsworth on Cleveland ve a from Hendon avenu20 Dudley street under Pre-' e minary. order 1677, approved Sep [ember 19th, 1914. Boss The Council of'the City of St Paul f having received the reportyof the Com -..Ione, of Finance upon the above Keller' bnpi'evement- and having consiered sThatt, hereby resolves: i. That the said report be'and the same is hereby approved and adopted, ., McColl • and the Bald Improvement Is hereby 't ordered. to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the lmprove O'Lent•y nt which the Council ccommends is e i evelan avon enue from Hendon avenue t 1 Dudley 'If Coerg 'the estimateth d cost tthereofels $953 28and . Resolved FurtherThat e. ppbllc ucaring be had , said Improvement Mayor owels n tho 7th day oe December. late o - eloper of Finance g'lve matte=ref R'id meeting to the yyersons and In the ma pr -r rovid,o by the Charter stmt Ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the 4mprovement, and the. total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council Nov.. 7, 1911; Approved Nov. 9. 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) r 4 COUNCIL INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lu the .flatter of o _ s_I r asi:c. font, eer-.ent_ side-valk or. 'he south side of.. F_ae.._etreet,.from Smith avenue to ^ttawa avenue. under Preliminary Order, 1.8.74 .._.._.approved CCtole.f Srd, 1014. The Council of the City of St. Pau] having received the report of the. Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_gons -ructino a six _o.Ct._c_erent..__a_i.de. 1_k._. r t';.e...south„_sideof na=e s reit frou. Smith avenue to .. . .................... .... .. 4.t_tawa....av an-, e with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .__._4ct _F.er ._lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public, hearing be had oil said improvement of the __-. ___clay of c 191.4-, at the hour of lO. _.._.....o'clock..... A ......DL, in the.._. ollI1C�_�. ti aii.ber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give, notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. A Adopted by the Council_..__....._.__ __ _. __ 1!1............ .............. _......... _. Clerk. !Ci Approved 19__._ C, P. 2451—By S. Farnsworth— y> Councilmen Fat' 9w01'th In the Matter f constructing s g1x a s on the save font cement atdeet ,9 from - aide of Page street from oder ave- no,avenue. under Pre - U. Ilminary Order 1874, approved Octo- ber 2nd, 1914. .' The Council of the City f St Paul' ' having received the report of the Com - ]ler issloner of Flnancc upon the above and Improvement, and having coheidered 3, Coll said report. resolves: 1. That the said ,report be and the e Is hereby approved and adopted. and the said Improvement Is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. O vary 2. That the nature P the improve- ment which the Council recommends Is constructing a six foot cement .side- Y rg walk on the south side of Page street from Smith avenue to Ottawa avenue, with no alternatives, and that the es - Y Mayor P ers finest footst thereof Is 49 cents per Resolved Further. That a public f hearing be had on said improvement be on the day of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. In the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court ouse and City Hall Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Coroads- !i - sioner of Finance glue notice of a Id meed ng to the persons and In the manner providedby the Charter, stat_ Ing thetimeand place of hearing, the rare of the Improvement, .and the total costthereof as estimated. Adopted by the Connell Nov. 7, .1914. Approved Nov. 9, 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) COUNCIL FFIILEE, "z/ - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ln the llattu of._ c^rStr1-:ctir,7, a cev.ent block sidewalk tG a T,idth of six a_t on the r.crt" s -.— In e ;; .> t 4 * :ae fr^. ?"heeler aver,ae to pierce St. under Preliminary Ot•der_.....� 1 D 1 __.._ _ _ _approved _ _o C tc,er l C - t h_, The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finlike upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the. Council recoumleuds i5. _._S. •g.tr'1 C. t.i1:G a Cei-ent ,leek sidewalk to a vtidth of six feet or. the Hort" _de o Sur, it Avenue __. fro:. Wheeler a a :ve to ''ierce street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is. 49 ` _rer._ll,real fGGt• Resolved Fu thee, That -,I public hearing be had on said improvement oil the __._.{�.//fi!_._..day of _._ ..._ ......._ ...... __. 1')]...4.., at the hour of._..__10....__._o'eloek._...p r_.... _lf., in the CG rG 11 C 7a,:,'er 0 room of the Cont House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financia give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated." Adopted by the Council !9''4 1J..... "Pt .v l Jerk. Approved..._ __ P) ._ ....Cr' ............................_. 3fayor. C. F. No. 2452 BY S. A. Farnsworth— Councilmen Fart worth In the Matter of constructing a ce• meat block sidewalk to a width oP e VounCll NOV. 7, 1914. I Nov. 9. 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) six feet on the north side of Summit GOS Pier e. St under nd r P eliminarer y Order 2151. e Dthe l 1914. Ke r The Council of f City having received 'f the report of th Com- missloner of Finance.. upon the above Improvement. and 44V ng considered AMM oll said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the name is hereby approved and adan opted, O' ary said ceeded oven hereby or errneto be prothIs 2. That the "nature' of the Improve- ment� htch the: Council recommends is Yo e f six oo the to a width feet northwide Ma or Pol rs Y .of Summit avenue from Wheeler ave - nue to Pierce street with no aIterna- lives, and tht the stlmated cost thereof is 49 cents per lineal foot. Resolved Further. That a pupl)c bearing be had said Improvement on the lithday of December. 1914. at she hpu�ot:10 o'oldek A. DI., in the nn...,,.m .,... __ ,. _ . e VounCll NOV. 7, 1914. I Nov. 9. 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) F t f 1 1 1 Itf I� 1 ('OUNCIL/FIILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the i�e1 nY• ccr._stru-ctir� a s ie�saly �° ce..ent blocks a_ -;i3 h of _ six feet on the Fast sine of r)xford, s`re-?t `rcm Stinsor. street 'urgess street. under Preliminary O _ rder.....552 JulY,5thy1°14. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul ]laving receival the report of the Commissioner ol'.Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recotmmends Is cans truotinv a sidewal. of ..c.e ext-_r.locks_._tc a '.viatb C`_..six fe .t 0nt e ,. , s_az_ cf oxford street from Stinson str2st toEurgess_street _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x...40¢.3T. lineal foot ResolvedPtirther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement ml the .___ day of _..1!1]..._4, at the hour of_._.... 0 .........o'clock_ . q,.........IT., in the_._CGLnCll Chamber 61 roma of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as e: mated. d Adopted by the Council _.19.__.. lAy Clerk. Approved....._ 19___... ......_........._ .._........._......... ... _ ._ Mayor. Councilmen FarnsworthC' F. 1% 2455—By S. A.'Farnaworth— In the platter of constructing aidp- nll< of cement blacks to n width of six feet on the east side of. Oxford ss street from Stinson. street to Bur- gess street under Preliminary or- der 55'2, approved Jhly 6th. 1914. eller' The Council of the'Clty of SL Paul having received the report of. the Com - Improvement, of Finance upon the above t ecoll said report. h and harms c natdered said rT hat[' thesaid report o report be d the same h herebyapprovedand adopted, Leary and the sale improvement .ia hereby .ordered to be Droceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improve - went which the Council recommends is erg blocks to a a idewalk - of cement - blocks to a Idth, of alx feet on the east side of Oxford street from Stinson Mayor P ers etreet to Burgess street with no alte,- natives, .and. -that the estimated coat thereof is 49 cents per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That public hearing be had aid Improaementl on the 9th des of ilcrcrobe,. t s the 7, 1914.' COUNCIL FILE SIO. 13yG�-✓ GGvt�LGGn:� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. . In the Matter of_.....char..ge..ef._..;x.a. e.. cr,Bla,ir..a.`.reet_..`�etti'�e..;,rl Tr...x..,^.©tqr......averue. under Preliminary Orclel•.._2145_ _ _ approved . _. OC tO Mgr 15 t 1 1514 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Counuissimler of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considerer) said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__..Q .ari.gegf..,_r s.tr.ea.t.__Ire_tweer__Lexi.rg.to.n...aver; e_and .^x.fox-d...s.treeL.......... . .................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 2.5.00 Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said iniploven)ent oil the._.__.. _.....—...._.day of 191_4, at the hour of..____...Q.._o'clock..........A.......M., in tb,._ Cca;=1.1._GLalhGer 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Conunissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ther of estimated. `i —7 '0'4 Adopted by the Council_."_...+_.__ _(JA __ _ City (leek. Approved.. __ 19_____. Councilmen ler n Y Mayor P hue erOxfordwtreer Nide tPrelim- In 3 "e- adOrder 2149, pjiku ? d., October 19th, 1914. The Council of the �City'of St. Paul havingreceived the report of the Co.. mission er 0f Finance upon the nbove improvement, and having.; considered .aid report, hereby resolves: - 1. That fhe Bald report be aad the same I. hereby approvedand adopted and the said -improvement fs hereby ordered to be proceeded with ' 2. That .the nature of the Improve- ment which the Council recommends is change of grade on Blair street be- tween Lexington avenue and Oxford street•with no .alternatives. and that the estimated cost thersolf Is $26.00. Resolved Further, That public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 9th day of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 O'clock .1. ill., In the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court and nd City Hall Building in the City cfSt. Paul. That the Connote - stoner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner to by the Charter, stat- Ing the time and place of hearing. the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estlmated. Adopted by the Council Nov. i, 1914. .Approved Nov. 9. 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) Mayor. I k J.771 i COUNCIL FILE SIO. 13yG�-✓ GGvt�LGGn:� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. . In the Matter of_.....char..ge..ef._..;x.a. e.. cr,Bla,ir..a.`.reet_..`�etti'�e..;,rl Tr...x..,^.©tqr......averue. under Preliminary Orclel•.._2145_ _ _ approved . _. OC tO Mgr 15 t 1 1514 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Counuissimler of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considerer) said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__..Q .ari.gegf..,_r s.tr.ea.t.__Ire_tweer__Lexi.rg.to.n...aver; e_and .^x.fox-d...s.treeL.......... . .................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 2.5.00 Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said iniploven)ent oil the._.__.. _.....—...._.day of 191_4, at the hour of..____...Q.._o'clock..........A.......M., in tb,._ Cca;=1.1._GLalhGer 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Conunissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ther of estimated. `i —7 '0'4 Adopted by the Council_."_...+_.__ _(JA __ _ City (leek. Approved.. __ 19_____. Councilmen ler n Y Mayor P hue erOxfordwtreer Nide tPrelim- In 3 "e- adOrder 2149, pjiku ? d., October 19th, 1914. The Council of the �City'of St. Paul havingreceived the report of the Co.. mission er 0f Finance upon the nbove improvement, and having.; considered .aid report, hereby resolves: - 1. That fhe Bald report be aad the same I. hereby approvedand adopted and the said -improvement fs hereby ordered to be proceeded with ' 2. That .the nature of the Improve- ment which the Council recommends is change of grade on Blair street be- tween Lexington avenue and Oxford street•with no .alternatives. and that the estimated cost thersolf Is $26.00. Resolved Further, That public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 9th day of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 O'clock .1. ill., In the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court and nd City Hall Building in the City cfSt. Paul. That the Connote - stoner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner to by the Charter, stat- Ing the time and place of hearing. the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estlmated. Adopted by the Council Nov. i, 1914. .Approved Nov. 9. 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) Mayor. RI COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. -An'`X +e i Cl: C1 V land avenue to In the Batter of._C"a=�-oe-Sf _grz3e on ^0.[„•A r__ n, '... Wilder avenue. 7 uus�.,t - antler Preliminary Order 1�X35 .._.. ___.. ....____.._approved... A,.�Jl,.,,, ..._....... ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upml the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the irature of the improvement which the Council reenlmmlends is__._(1,1.an-e of Erade on Power avenue from Cleveland aterue._to "i 11er averue ..._.._... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is I.._ _5.e_CC.-...._...._._.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement ml III e._.. f .........__day of at the hour of 10_...__._o'clocic.......A1j.' in the_C(',?noiJ Ch.—Ler 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pilo]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....._ J.f 7 _1914. _ _ _ 19 ............ Pity Clerk. Approved .:__... 19 _.._. i ._-......... Mayor. (J Councilmen Falttl$worth C' F. No. 2457—nS S. !.. Fnrnaworth— to the 91 tter oP change ii i o[ grade on eve�£ G fi nue to Wilder avenue under Prelim- lnary Order 1339, approved August 31a t, 1914, e Council of e C K ler having lg received the report oIof the ComPaub missioner of Finance upon the above Improvement, and having M oll considered. said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is. hereby approved and ndopted, 0' and th said improvement Is hereby ordered�o be Bary proceeded with. That of m2. ent which[he thenature Council recomm nds Is YO rg change' of. grade pn Power nvenufrom Cleveland eder nvenne to Wflavenue with no alternative., and that the es- Mayor PO erS ttmated cost thereof la $25.00. th hearing�be haded n saidII mPl ovelnt tt the 9th day of December. 191mm4eat the hour of 30 o'clock A. 11f.. 1n the Council Chamber, room 01 P the Court Nouse and: City Hall Building In the City of St.' pool. That the Commfe- eloner of Ftnance give notice of said meeting to the' -persons and In the 'manner provided by the Charter, eta[- Ing the time and place of hearing, the - nature oP the" Improvement. and the �. total coatthereof as estims ted. Adopted bi the Council Nov. 7, 1014. Approved Nov. 9, 1914. (NOV. 14-1914) COLNNC ILS FILE -N10. 13y C;?/ v< _f�/.�G�Y2-✓—G.! INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the )latter of. change ,of :•rale on Pierce avenue rre:. Kestcr s traet to County Road. under Preliminary Order....__. 554_._.. _ ____approved _July 6th, 1514. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconnnell (is is....c_!ianggof. ,.grade on Pierce ._I._aue.na.e.....r.cro Kg_stor sere t .t.o.._County_..Road..... _...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Fm•t er, That a public heating be had oil said improvement oil the.._____ _ _._._....._.day of .11 t the room 6f the Court House and City H�tl Buildingnin the City of St. Paul. That t,f., in the.CQ)�nC.11 Chambers he Commissioner of Finance give notice of Od meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the,iurovqnit, �Q and the total cost th .re a : imated. i Adopted by the Council,._...... Approved_...__. __._._ :.._' __19 Councilmen Fa nswm•th Go s Ke er Me oll 0' .ary Yo g )layor Poi ers COUNCIl FILE -NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Illltter of__Cilia, -e ., ,ry'A in A" 1 y _ Flcek 19 Sur":-, t Park „11 i tion under Preliminary Clyder._1;;l0____. _ ___ ______wpprove,l Cei teii,ber _15th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1• That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 9 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Change in Allev it Djocf 11.,.._Fj-,n.r.it...Park__Add4 ticn.. ........._. ..........._... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 25 , 00_._._..._.._. — esolved Furth That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_._ ....._.day of of _..19]_x...., at the hour of....._ Q ....._._.O'clock...__A., _......til., in the_..CGP11...,_C au.l er froom of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tine and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...._fl I _..... ._....... l.4 a ._....__ .. ,�,i City Clerk, Approved 19____. Councilmen Fa nswo•th G s K ler Al Coll n 'eary erg Mayor P vers I t J t i i'y t r i — . .. 1 F11 COUNCIL FILE NO. __- 13y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the matter of_ grading A11A5._i:, Took 19, Su...,.i_t_-Pa-k Addition. under Preliminary Order__. C15___ ......... .......approved .July_lOth, 1914. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 'l. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_-grad_i g._..AM..1_w.y...._ir 31cck 19.,._.S..uac i_t_ P rk _Aidition_, Fl$ i�{IiltXriiztXut ta}icxklk�7E the estimated cost thereof is F__ 140._1.1..._.i.f g railed tc pr3ser,t established ?radethe_Cou,cil also has uniar consideration an alternative '�he'�r Sind oi; the a11 -,y in Block 19, Summit Park Addition to the proposed change_ of grade, the_estiihated cost thereof is �1Q/ ia;�i ,-'t a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.__ lay of_ _..197........, at the hour of.._...........o'cloek......�...._JL, in the roomwf the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....:.' _.19._........ ..........—�--z��� ..... _.. _. City Clerk. Approved__ ........... ..... . — G2/ Mayor. k• t thooMn tir of $a adf ¢cull wthi VX Councilmen Fargsworth- 3 Gosi Kell r Mc 11 O'I, ry Yoe Mayor Pow s !i i r �• ' i ( i j t 1 5 1 � ! ( t• �_ � i• t= of .t �. Sft •` l� 1 Council File .No .. .... .. ...... ... � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 2461' and pRELDMqARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followi I publicI iniprovenic# . t b I . c City of St. Grad® Che . ....... . Tly -1110.....UOVA Paul, viz.: A�iTT'qqt :�Oi�... Northern Right of Way. (Petit attached) ........... - .................................... ............... .. ....... .. ........ ... .................. . ...... ............... . I ......................... .............. .. .............. ....................... ....................... ................ . ......................... ............... ....... ... . ................................ ............ - ........................... .. . .. ........ . ........... . - .......... .......... .......... ..... ...... ................. ......................... ........... 7th Dated this d.y . ............ ............................ 191 ................................. ..... ..... ....................... Councilman. pRELIMMARY ORDER. WITEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...... ...... Grade ........ .. -- Charlotte Street between Taylor Street and the Great Northern:_______._..... . . .... . .......... . ......... ....................... 1- ............. ....................................... ......... ............ .............................................................................. ....- Rightof Way. . ................ ...... . ...... ....... . ... ... .... ...... .................. ............ ............ C. V. No. 2461- Whtrcsz, N. —ittan py-1 making of the following ....... . .... .......... ........ .. Ch I it ............... ............. ............. .............. .......... viz! Grade r.t,,. .6 Taylor street and. the "g' .... ...... to -: . ................. .......... . ....... .............. ............................... ..... . ............................. ..................... ..... . ....... th�c of way, .1 the Cl; � therefore, be -It Resolved, , That the Comet, .k. d to the Council of t Public Wor a.be and he isjilcilinian- ....... . ......... . .. . ................................. . ........ ..... . .. Navin been presente dared and dfrected: 1. _To investigate the In 3r therefore, be it or dealrabi ktt�y 0 - the ma,' lmor ... men, . 2. To inve.09-te, the r 4'1'e is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Co,"no"'S'oner and estimated cost of a.) rne,t, and the total cost' ng of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for 3. To furnish & plank sketch of said improveme7 the prevenient, and the total cost thereof. 2. data and information rqf To investigate the nature, extent 4. To furnish (Oil- L 1M improvement-:,,�-,, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skete B.- ",tate '.= p"'Innami. da of three ormore owners, Ive to said improvement: 4. To furnish the following other 6. To report upon ali going 'matters itte cor Finance Ad..1t ,� ....... ................................. ... . ....... ... . ................ ..... . ....... . ................ .... .... ........ . ........ . ...... .... ... ... . ...... . ....................... Approved NA I ic� by 0, 5. To stall }_whether or not said itin i '.uskedfor on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for Zing Matters to the Commissioner of Finance: e Council Adopt, by the Ye"": Nays: Councilman F sworth G Approved.. r Oil easy ...... .......... .... . .... ............ ........... ... .................... ... . . ....... .................. Mayor ars Mayor. PUBLISHED Council File No. - i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Pa» 1, viz.: _Condemning.....and....taking....an.....easement. slopes.,,.. _Q..r...c_ut.s_.an.d_..filla.....in..b'Tadi Barri Mc Kknty St.. _....._................ Dated this...___..7t ._.......day Mr. Herrold 21162 by thy of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:.....O.Ondetmling .... ._...and....t aking....an..._eas.ement.....in.._th.e.....land...ne.c.eesary_....P.er_...slapea.,....fnr.....c..nt.s....and. 17.a...In_..gra.di.ng__B Xr.stt... ..._.._from.._Front....St......._t_4.._&io_._Kenty.._St_......_..........._.._.....__ ..._ ... C. F No. 24fi2— ......_._ ... ...... .... Wh enc.. A written Proposal for th, -- -- - �- kl g f the following lmpr vemaesn vi . Condemn) g and, taking n nt 1 . the land necessary Sor lopes . . .. ....... .... 1..... ... ... .._ .... ... .. .... for t and air In grading Xnarretl r St. from F nt S to NfcKenty St hnv h en Areae t d to the Until 01 hilvlllg bCCll pl'CSC11tCd t0 t11C Council Of the Ut'; d, That the'c6mmis to etr o. 'orke be and he is.hereb9 therefore, be it directed: agate``, nere'.-6reby ordered and directed: mri RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public,, `". 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability -vi' the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement :.......................................... .................................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. egoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. To report upon all of the fol Adopted by the Council...........` G [x......7 ..............19 Yeas: Nays: Councilman uswort.h );„',;' —;� ,a'd Gs Approved ........................:...._..........._....... J...'_......._.....191......... ler oll eary I rg ....................... _ ...... iliayor. Mayor P era Couucil'File No. Mr. Herrold PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. A and * 24 3 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followi public improvement the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Condemning.__and..._taking..._an..._et e......_.t.....�.x�:....tile .....7,az1 .0 -0 - Paul, - -- Dated this ....__..__.Ml_.......day PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement., viz.:.......OAndemning.... and__tal ing_._an.....ea 3.ome.nt.-in....the._..1-IMI._naaeB-aery....far...sl"open.,-....fnr....onta....__. gram.ng.._X%rw n. Z.t.--fr_om .�hal.ezl ..�v.e..,...to.._T.ra¢Y _AVe.. . .. ...... .. ................`•o. 2463— A 463 A written proposal for the of the following Improvement. .. ndemning an ease-......_...._...__..._.....__....._........._...............__...... nndtaking �...._._.......... .__................._.........................._.........._..._.._.._..._...........................__. -,.� the Iand_.see ,9anrY for -slopes,: and fine grading Kerwtn. mPhalen:. Ave. to TrneY'. Ave.. an..........._.................._......................._......................_..... , having been presented to the Council of the been preaentea to the Cotnen{n .. ;it Y oe St. Paul therefore, be It, therefore, be ]t ed. That the Commiestoner oy 'o ks be and he Is hereby o- f s hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of is l `l,stito hm ing sot of of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or d� veangnte the nature.., g d , ; r ed coat of said ^irld improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent an 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of saiA'inipiroMAhnt. ..................... -}. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ....___._......__.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .._........ ....��lll ...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F Lrnswortli tl ss Approved_ ............. IV Coll l O Leary .................................................... erg -Mayor. Mayor vers J / PUB."" 1 I / - / Mr. Herrold Council File .No...__..__ ..... . .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 2464 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publi uprovenient by the Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement, I he ..land....nec.eaq slopes.., for.,..auta and fills ..In gr.ad.1 ... ra ston Ave 6 f aE ............... . ..........._the.. I . 2ark North to,the North City 3its, includinp4oth sides of Blocks Land R.. ................. _ ... ......... ........ .. . ... ..... .................................... "er Dated t1iis....__7th_._ day of --7 Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..C.0nd_emning_. . and_ taking an ea.sement in the land neaeaaary for Qad.e and ln_grad ing the a.Quth... line. of_1o.t_ T..Bl.oak...11 and the. aauth, lina.....of Lot 1.9_B1odk 12._St Anthony Park Nnrth,.._t.o the. -Rorth 0.1ty Itimit's includ.ing both sides o-f--.2loolm A and R . ..... _ .............. __ .......... having been presented tothe Council of�­ C. r. No. 2464— Whereas, A u,ritten therefore, be it proindial toi- the Makin i (9 of the follow ng in, ;I Ing an V11.' lad—Irn; =atsk ..n, ease - RESOLVED, That the Commissione one., in 'he ian, t, for cuts and y ordered and directed: if"" In grad Aire. from 1h south "to"'o 14 t improvement. 1. To investigat Block , and the south , nhe"of-I .stock 12 t- 1, 2. To investigate the nature, extent he N.rth'Cli' �'L't."ne, P1' '9th' t ­ aide. of Block. A -and B bpvmiehj .,; b %,,,and the total cost thereof. Pfrosou Pte to the Council 3. ted of the "N To furnish a plan, profile or sk 0 bc� .1t on is. therefore, Ften-ivcd, Thitit thC i.." 4. 'ro furnish the following other P}Vbl,", Id Wks b, orAt �ra d .,Id he Is hS� o said improvement:. ...... ....... .. ......... ...... .. ....................................................................... ......................... . ............ . . . ...... .......... ..... . ...... . .......... ..... . .......... ................................... . ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. . _.......:.1911", .........1911", Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fit sworth Go ' a Approved..............._f-N 'a .......... ........... 191 K el r Me 11 0 11 Lj.' ry Yoe........... .... .................... ... Mayor Poi -a Mayor. PUBLISHED Council File No......._. _......_....._._.__ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public ' >ro Pan), viz.:.._condemning.._and..._t..alcl.lLg_...an..._e.as.ement.... the:..lal slo.pee,:.._ for .__out_e..,_and__Yil.]s_...in.._gradi ha....all.ey....in. Savage's..._Sub..:..._Smith's .._Sub. _... and. _T ....._mas__Dunn.! s..._Su ..... to Cleveland Ave. __.......... ......_............. ..._............ rDated this 7th.__ .day of _.._,_..._ .....NA.vemb.Qr._........ 191._4.. Mr. Herrold, 1 2465 by the 9eof St. t!.EL Addition., 4..._Yr or....AL.4Q.._... ........... ....................... _.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..._Condq ;Lng_.. _.i}nd.__takilAg-:..an.. e.as.erlent.....in.....th.e....land_.nea.essary._..for.....slop. eas---for -outs and fills in_,grading._the alley n._Saott'3..6dditioj sayagQ.°s.._Sub._,...... ...___ _.. Smith's Sib and Thomas Dunnts Sub., from Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave. .. ........ _ .. . ;Fo. 246s- I.. having been presented to the Council oft the Mend n`e`g nQn� th:10pas Ellman ..._........ ........................................................ ej Vs Addition, Savag a Sub., therefore, be It 'Sub.. and Thomas D n Sub., rfar Ave to Clevel nd Ave.. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner, aiv of St.`Paul to be`It s hereby ordered and directed: ed, That the Commissioner of 1. To investigate the necessity for' c,, irks be and he Is hereby or- 1 of said intprovetneut. directed: 3. To investigate the nature, extent'9f,r estiegf a he necessityking saor aprovement, and the total Cost thereof. 3. Too furnish a plan, profile or sketch c •Fe;,.gathe nature. saidimprove- cost thereof• to said improvement: d. To furnish the following other dttn¢,1 t+haa Plan. nroale --- ._._....._.... .. Tr 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon Fill of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council __.......... _...1///G 1r..._.. ......191. Yeas: Nays: Council fan Fa Go isworth :3 Approved ........ 197....... K r M 11 O sty Y g ........... ............ ........ ..... ......._............. .._........... ........ ......... ... .......... Mayor Po rs Mayor. PUBLISHED 111- l SL 5­�,. µ'1�6 Subject: OF ST. ERAL FORM B4@iD :. _...:....._........_s......- ���� COUNG w� ^� FILE Nom ...... ..... ...................... .. .. T Date Presented[l.ov-6.,1.9114 Resolved,That the action of the purchasing Commitee in rejecting all bids for furnishing current and maintaining lights on the Earl Street Bridge be, and is he confirmed and approved and the rurchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to ask for informal Com- petitive bids, without advertisement, for the furnishing of electric current only for lighting said bridge. C. F. No. 2466—BY O. B. Keller— Resoly d That the action oI the Purchasing Committee In rejecting all bids.. for., fu lehing current -and in- t fining lights on the Eart 8lieet Bridge be, and lshereby conarmea and approved and the Purchasing Agent ," hereby u tho 1 ed and directed to ask for Informal competftive bide with- out tui a ti ent, P the furnl hang t electric cui rent only for libhnng sold brldge. .Adopted by th'e Council Nov. '7,' 1914.1 APP .vcd Nay. 9, 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) Yeas (11 Co oilmen (P) Nays Faworth .00 -7 In favor Ke r M oll Against p' ary Yo rg Mr. President Powers roaM ce-z /ll/v/ Adopted by the Council Jr' -61L: —1911 -;s !0" 191 Approved • __. That the City Clerk be and he hereby is instructed to send written notice by mail to J. B. Dregelies, proprietor of the'Princess Hotel #420 Minnesota St. to appear before the Council in the Council � h�bers, Room 61 of the Court House St. Paul on November 14th, at 10 A.M. to show cause why the - above,named Hotel license should 'not be revoked for selling liquor illegally and allowing the use of said Hotel for immoral purposes. C. F. No. 2461—BY Henry DleColl Resolved, That the City. Clerk.:'. be -i.enceyatteted send iJncseDHreostso- ._wttn otiby milto.aproprI"'- etor ofthePr fore the Connell Sn theC Counc T:Cham- h ul ,ono November 18 thou a t. 1081. ,..bf. to show cause why the nbove.nnmed. -hotel licenseshould not ha revokedPor- elling llgU r Illegalt nd alloWIng.: the use of Snld hotel. for Immoral Dur-: poses. Adopted by the Cou cil Nov:•4, 1914. Approved Nov. 9. 1914 Yeas (V) Cou men (' V) Nays Adopted by the CouncilA71-1— Far orth j j � — s ', Q Gos �ln favor 191— Kel Approved M l _ Against O' ry Yoe — MAYOR Mi President, Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL , `±t1Lt POUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM f 468 Subject:.............:......................................................................................................................._.................._.....__..._..................._ COUNCIL FILE NO ................^:..................... .......... ................._......................... .......................... :......... ....... �.. _.. .:....................... _............................_............................................ DatePresented ................ ............. ...... '............. 191............ solved, That the City Clerk be and he hereby is instructed to send written notice by, mail to J. E. Dregelies, proprietor of the Porter Hotel, 187 lith St. to appear before the Council in the Council Chamber, Room 61 of the Court House St. Paul on November`A*h at 10 A.M. to show cause why the above named Hotel license should not be revoked for selling liquor illegally and allowing the use of said Hotel for immoral purposes. a C. F. No, 2468 -BY Henry McColl— Resolved ' cCollResolved, That -the Cali Clerk be,and �1 he hereby is -instructed to send writ– .ten notice. by, mail, to J. B. Deagelles," proprietor of the 'Hotel, 127 11th St. to appear before ;the'Councll I,. the Council C"mber,_Room, 61 of Yeas ( Y ) ( N) Nays �In favor Against Adopted by the Council' 191 191 !914 Approved 191— MATO Mr. HP wold CITY OF ST. PAUL, lat Com sion- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ;M ........ . Subject;.. ... Plat CA sm ap.r� JRe,.r:arrarigeme_nt COUNCIL FILE N44 .... ................. . . .......... . ... ...... . ...... .... ........ . . .......................... ...... . ....... ........... ..... ... ........................ ... Date Presented.._.._._O 31 ...-.191 Resolved, That •the plat of Gausmann Re -Arrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. C V. No. 2-47.9— �ym. E7 ­l. of ' R ... I­rn d, That the precoind meedGao-M---by the Plat COTRM and approved by. el of Public Works' be the C""""I" "o..pted. and the . i:'h.r.by 1914. 11 'a' 7, Adopted by the Council Nov. Approved Nov. 9- 1914-i .(Nov. 14-191 Yeas (V)Coun Imen (T') Nays n I Farn orth Goss oss /7 .In favor Kell Mc 11 Against 0' y Yoer Mr. President, wers 'o'm c.a-z Adopted by the Council 7_191 Approved 191 OR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN Subject: __Plat Indian. Mounds _.Park..-Add.i.ti.on/ r Herro Sec ry at Commission FORM A.... 71 COUNCIL FILE NO...... ............... .. .. Date Presented............ _ Oct... 31_......._191.4. Resolved, That the plat of Indian Mounds Park Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. 1 C. F. No. 2471—By 11[. N Goss— Resolved; -That tha plot +o[ mend- I Grounds Pnrtc Additt- ea reco" d d ed by the Yju[ Commlbaion . proved t e tho Com 1t Ioner of Publlc� Works. ben d th rime f hereby It -1 I Cepted. Adopted b the Couticit No .7,..1914. Approved N v 9. 191-0� Noy Yeas (V)Cou ilmen (P) Nays Far orth Gos` In favor Kel Mc 11 _Against O' ry Yo g Mr. President, Owers •... c.8.2 Adopted by the Council _!`/I/ _ - —19 Approved191 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �pLy Sub'ecr, _ `7 1 0 ] -bale o£ -old LumberCOUNCIL FILEFILE �.... ..... ........ .... Date Presented ......No.v.5.,..1914---I91......-- Resolved, That, WHEREAS the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings has notified the Purchasing Agent that there is a quantity of old lumber and new siding, to the value of about $40.00, which is not available for use and which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, And, WHERr,,S, this has been approved by the Comptroller; now therefore be it P RESOLVER, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby au- thorized to sell the above mentioned lumber at the best price obtainable in the open market, and RESOL9ED FURTHER, That,+iWbAre5s''the above mentioned lumber w4a obtained by the City Architect for the construction of scaf- folding and for use in the construction of the portable schools, originally to be erected by Thomas Ivy, Contractor, all money obtained from the sale of said lumber shall be placed in the School Accommodation Fund and credited to the account of said Thomas Ivy, Con -:rector. �o Yeas (11)Coune men (V) Nays Ferns orth Goss 17 In favo Kelle Me 1 _.against O' y Yoe Mr. President, wers —M o e -x Council Approved _ I_ 191 Resolv#` That the application of A. C. Douglas for a license to conduct a female employment agency at 359 Minnesota Street be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license to A. G. Douglas for one year upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. { C F: No 2472—By Henry EfgColl {Ill Lsoly d That. the appllQatlon f A. G: Do iglas ford n ehao tq t� ngohdpct a i femalo omploympnt agency, a 969 ; Minnesota street; be and�it, hereby fa --ranted and" {he Clty .C1erK Se In= at_.ted-to id such llcepae to Al �. Dough for one year- . flung 11 Wthn bond and the paYm nt lnta thejl Olty'T .nry op 'thet7ae re4uired ,t,' Adopted by Sl,}c Coungh Nqv. 7, 1914. Approved NoV 9 1914.. 14-1914) Yeas (Y) Coun men (V) Nays Faro orth Goss �In favor Kell Mc 11 Against 0"_ ry Yoe Mr. President, Po ers Adopted by the Council":191 Subject No CITY OF ST. PAUL - .. COUNCIL RESOLUTIONT LIQUOR. LICENSE TRANSFER 14 .$ COUNCIL NO. FILE Ki4' _ Date Presented 191— R SOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell ntoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to �. applications duly made therefor. 257 Tm. From (Name and Address) I To (Name and Address) Na• 2473 TtReow n-jy o11— '- - ReP i d, h BY the�-.follvg d slg-•'. atcd llcenees to C sell Ihtpzlcntin,— liquorsbe transferred os lndlcated purshanl to oppllcationa'' duly made' therefor. No. 257, from Wre. L Vollmer -842 Rice St.. to Nick Bretori end Aur 1 Paplp, 342 Rice St. Adopted by the Council Nov. '7. 1914, Approved Nov. 9: 1914: (Nov. 14-1914) n,842 Rice St Yeas ( ✓ ) Co cillnen ( ✓ ) Nays F worth favor • er on Against O ry Y rg Mr. President, P ens Adopted by the Council�1911 i..'i Approved 1�J1— MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL That the cigarette license No. 354 issued June 19, 1913 to F. E. Cobham, 846 6mo Boulveard be and it hereby is tranefered to A. J. Osteman,.846 Como Boulevard. C. F. No. 2474— Resolved, That the cigarette 31cense' No: 264 Issued June 19, 1913,:'.to;.E. E. Cobbam. 846 Cama Boulevard,'' be and It hereb,. is transferred to A. J. Oste-i .846 Co.. iu B-1—rd. by the Council Nov. 7, 1914.1 .approved Nov. 9, 1914. � (Nov. 14-1914) _ I Yeas (P) Cou,` ilmen (P) Nays Fair.. orth✓' _ Go In favor Ke - M 11 _Against O' T. Yo / Mr. President, owerl'- eortM c.a-2 ' Adopted by the Council i' L-(/ 7 --191- t e d Approved_ } r191 -- --- —- MAV OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL. L �. C. F. No. 2476—Administrative F, e No. 3211—BY AnthanpiiX eCg Ana ordinance amending Adre 1'NL1Xd. Ordinance No. 3272, entitle Dom. dlnnnce it. ie the number. titles du ties and ompeneatlon of the of[ica ._ and employee connected with 1 public schools of the ace, • This Ie' an emergency nrdinnnce, re ere iI "'r for the preservation of the', nublic peace, health and safety. •n ncil of the CitY of Sc Paul j,•j rin: . „ S41An0e amending Administrative Ordinance Ido. 3272, entitled 'An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compen- sation of the officers and employee connected with the public schools of the City." This Is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TAF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 3272, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City of St. Paul," approved September 22nd, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to Section 4 `of said ordinance the following: Mere half-day sessions may be established and one teacher is in charge of both sessions, she shall receive at the rate of Ten Dollars 010.00) per school month in addition to her regular salary. When a principal of a building is absent for two weeks or more, one of the teachers from the building may be assigned by the Superintendent of Schools to act in her place, and shall receive as compensation for such service, in addition to her regular schedule salary: r1005.00 00 per month in buildings of 16 rooms or more It12 to 16 rooms .00 " " " ° " 8 to 12 rooms 5.00 n " n n " less than 8 rooms When a kindergarten director and assistant teach in one building in the morning and another building in, the afternoon, they shall receive, in addition to their regular schedule salary, the sum of $2.50 each,. for each school month. This rule will also apply to substitutes and manual training teachers so employed for one week or more." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. y Adopted by the council w NAYS. YEAS_ OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL. C. F. No. 2476—: dminiatratlVe: Qr¢1- nance No. 3311 By Anthonyj An ordinance amending Admlal tYattXs: Ordinance No. 3272, entitled dinance d'Ing the number, tl Is ties and compensation of the ofP(ceYe,. end employes o e ted with 1 pubs lc schools of the Clty." This is emergency ordinance, rende necessary for the preaervntlon of pbl is peace, health and safety. ,! CA ncil of the City of St. Panl / �"� 9rfn: 46nee amending Administrative Ordinance 110. 3278, entitled *An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compen- sation of the officers and employee connected with the public schools of the City." This is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 3271.? entitled *An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City.of St. Paul," approved September 82nd, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to Section 4 'of said ordinance the following: *Where half-day sessions may be established and one teacher is in charge of both sessions, she shall receive at the rate of Ten Dollars (:%10.00) per school month in addition to her regular salary. When a principal of a building is absent for two weeks or more, one of the teachers from the building may be assigned by the Superintendent of Schools to act in her place, and shall receive as compensation for such service, in addition to her regular schedule salary: r20.00 per month in buildings of 16 rooms or more 15.00 " " " " " 18 to 16 roams 10.00 ^ °_ ^ ^ 8 to 13 rooms 5.00 ^ ^ less than 8 rooms When a kit -infant teach in one builditf the afternoon] ih regular ached+ a school monthq or and manual tx more.* Beotidr emergency ordinance render. )ublic peace, health and safel sect# ad be in force upon its; l � Z�/rte 7 Ln• •-tz ��LL -/. � , - .. CITY OF ST. PAUL a r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,fiat,,,do 16sion_ Subject:. ...Plat $Ohl-etti flao-ond-Addi-tian - OUNCIL ................... ..... ZFILF ... . ...... ..... . ....... .. . ......................... ... . . ....... ............................... . ........... ................. .. ..... ................. ....... ..... Date Presented NOY- 191.4.1 Resolved, That the plat of Schletti. Second Addition, as recommended by the plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. N.�-2_476BY V. N G" Ye..Wed,Thatthe 'plat of Schletti Send Addition. as e c y 1h, 111t 'IM,"' 11_ y C.aaaeaone, f�. 1h ia.10n., ie -10 " and the =elS here qopted bbY, t a � y, the�C�l'Cni fl (i&d;,A4 Yeas (r) Coun en (P) Nays Farn rth Adopted by the Council _0'_ Coun en (11) 1 rn jFa rth Goss favor Approved- 16V 19A 191 Kelle MCC -_—Against Yoerr MAYOR Mr. Pr MAYOR FORM C.8-2 Mr. Herrold. CITY OF ST. PAUL Secre y COUNCIL RESOLUTION–GENERAL NORM at Co ssion. Subject ............._P.l.at _14lidge.t_..Addi.ti.on_ ....-_ _.... C NGIL w,. .-4..7.. FE 1`f ... ........................ Date Presented..........____N.o.v....... 9._.__..._I914.....-... Resolved, That the plat of Midget Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. yeaE Mr. CF. No. 2477-6y 11, X. COee.- Resolved'. That the..plat of Midget Addition. ne recommended by the Plat Commiseton and app,Ovad'by the Com- mtseloner of Public--Worl<e, be and the same is hereby accepted. - iAdoppted'bv the CouncR Nov. 0.".1914. Aprovedb Nov. 9;:1914., (Nov. 14-1914) lys ""19iG� Adopted by the Council _!!1-�— _In favor -9 –9 10A 131 ___ ___.Against ,c 7 8 2478 BOLV�D� That rho au Gas dight Company is hereby dered and directed to 61tend its electric lines by erecting poles and stringing wires ther4 on for the transmission of electricity on and in the following alleys and str6etj of said city: Pour poles in and through the alley through the block between Lawson Street and Hatch Street from Dale Street to Kent Street. with all necessary guys and anchors. two poles in and through the alley through the block between Wheelock Parkway and Nebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, with all nec• essary guys and anchors. All such extensions, poles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision of the Conuhission of Public Works and in all things subject to the provisions of Urdinance No. 2424, and of all other lawful: ordinances�iuid- , resolutions of the city of St. Paul. ,41,-Ipoles shall be set in such location in said alleys and streets as the commissioner of.-Pub11'c~Wo'Fks shall - designate. and shallbe of such height and=Character she a,,..--AeBignate-s-n-d--dgprove. and any -and -all -such poles.-shal: be taken dolm and removed,.'smd such wires placed- underground, whenever the, -04. mon Council shall deem that the public Interest so requires, and when it shall sc order.4 7 -7 4h6hi&,That , We St, Paul', 7 Light C6Mpm;Y- le hereby orderedand', �wlres .dlredthd toext4nd,',R6 eIekrrclfn4scb3' Th'.166n, for �&�-'tratt=WiGW' Of t" ele O= nbtdeand .la 'cfQllo*fng alleys and of'galdiUhrour pole. ffiand through the ¢Ile}•, thr6ugh'the block',be -t between eon stredt and, HM.tofil str — 1 11 . 11 street I street A6 Kent �sti]vtth all nate.. .nd throegY the Alley e - whrAaka save vas Yrom. Adopted by the Council 24-78 �® tKWt -the St.- Paul Gas Light Company is M-rebyordere'a and directed to eXtend its electric lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thero on for the transmission of electricity on and in the following alleys and streete[ it of said city: Pour poles in and through the alley through the block between Lawson Street and Hatch Street from Dale Street to Kent Street, with.all necessary guys and anchors. two poles in and through the alley through the block between Wheelock Parkway and Nebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, 1with all nes... essary guys and anchors. All such extensions, poles and wires shall be erected and'constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commission of Public Works and In all things subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2424, and of all other lawful, ordinanceR afi&-resolutions of the city of St. Paul. All poles shall be set in ouch location in said alleys and streets as n4ir,•of"Publi'd, uxkg*,-shaJ-lL-deoignate�jandjj such �height -, and -character -, _IWell -=designa e • be 'taken do*n and removed, and such wires men Council shall deem that the public Inter s" 11 so. order. . .......... Adopted by the. Council - YEAS. MR. F r r v f C•, .•T9F 7L1.hz S)'.. T „^,it"fir T. F � :•}.nye• r.`r-<< j','. u;jq T,,opT. bop a 3' Ti?. 47 �3 7- Tv Ur. -7 CjJt.o�€'.v r, P ou rr: r v f T. F AEEtIAL PERUIT October 9th, 1914. City of St.Pau1279 11- Council Resolution - General form. Department of ----._.,.._._. __.._...-:_.w. Bureauof................................................... .._._-----.....-----.----- Council File No. _ .... .._-• Da. te Presented .--.-.---••-••--• 1914. By.............................- - --.......................................... _................. Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri- state Telephone & Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary anchors and to string wire and cable on the following named streets: Oliv. r Street from YTooderidge to Matilda '.'York to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public works, the Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspection, engineering, and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do.so by the Common Council, said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Adopted by t Yeas ( Mr. Pres 5, -"54NA COT Own ff I MA. ASIA V 3 Y f WS - Row , ,�' _ Y OAK" Y K t ; t 9 i 1 t s f WON ON— t a y, Y Z - d31.407 Y PraPos�q� Leod _ ' `•s Ali SIV MARINE Mfg togas" "S jm _ Too t onto lot t i. C ." 2Qo 2480=Ordixaace N8'9312--� nth (�'lf I , An ordinance to settle the claim John:P Miller. � The:'Cou 11 o'f the Clty of,'St.: � •' �" aoe"s:o aain•. SECTION,Ai••�° .That Rhe proposition oP John -r, Bas's Garden, n Lota,4for `ue: Y�.3lnance to settle the claim of John P. hiller. n account of the>d of, ti o[ the"Sauth street ..'9as - nartieularly-'set out in hie c - .tion to the Council unar vOUidCIL OF THE CITY OF T , PAUL DOES ORDAIN: S '..ly..l4th1914':-, upott pavn e sum ui,,Ono Huila.',,. • F0.00),'rF � e'er � "' Section 1. That the proposition of John P. hiller to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of damages to his property, Lot 10, Bass Garden Lots, for the year 1914, on account of the defective condition of the South street sewer, as is -more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of July 14th, 1914, upon payment to him of the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollar's (Oq150.00), be and the same is hereby - accepted, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, in favor of John P. Miller, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One j1undred Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly exe- cuted by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, re- leasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on accountof those arising out of the damages sustained by said claimant under the circumstances above noted, up to and including the 31st day of Decem- ber, 1914. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. PUBLISHED�� / /,,17 I 6i21� Adopted by the Council fC`....�i �r .a y .....191 C An ordinance to settle the claim of A. L. McKenzie. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of A. L. McKenzie to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of damages to his property, Lot 9, Bass' Garden Lots, on account of the defective condition of the South street server, as is more particu- larly set out in his communication to the Council under date of July 13th, 1914, upon payment to him of the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150,00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and,the proper city officers are authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Com- missioner of Finance, in favor of A. L. McKenzie, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars;.said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation. Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the damages sustained by said claimant up to the 31st day of December, 1914, under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pasearc:F.xd zas�—ordl�CeNo.aa>s—sy' / -- ttle the clai An ordinance to sem of A . / L_. McKenzie.: I The COUncil of as the Clty. of Sti. Pavl dq i Ordain follows.CTION the Proplon otA L�MdKe'n-' zieto compromise and settle hie claim agjh,st the City of St... Favi art,tn9, VAI damage, to hls pnpert. Tt ;fi Adopted by the Council / YEAS, NAYS.- MR.-EA&WE*0R5t6RiJBIJSEiE�!!! '' GOSS KELLER nTO McGOLL' J , .•;� O'LEARY '� �iQ,�jOERG NAYS, 0 MR. PRES S) i i. Subjesf:............................................. Y Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fithC7� COUNCIL NO... FILE1�r ......_....... _........................ ! t Date Presented_. _..._....--- ...............................191...........: That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a licenee to,D. C. McKenzie to conduct a motion picture show on lots 15 to 21, inclusive, block 6, Skidmore & Cassidys Addition, at 156 North Fairview. That said D. C. McKenzie pay into the City Treasury a license fee of $50.00 which is the fixed amount for said license for said motion picture show for a period of one year from the issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or become effective until building has become fully completed and until said D. C. McKenzie has procured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance with the Building Code of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. Yeas ( V) .Councilmen (V ) Nays tt ' Farnsworth VCoss In favor 4lfeller MCCo1I v - O'Leary J- ✓Yoerg Mr. President, Powers` Against Adopted by the Council--- 191— Approved MAYOR HENRY McCOLL JOHN T. MCCOLL COM MI ea OEPUYYY COMMISSIONea CITY OF SAINT PAUL Y DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY November 9,;914. To The Honorable The Council Of The City Of St. Paul. Gentlemeni- Attached aprlication of P. C. McKenzie for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 156 No. Fairview is for a neer location. Ap;li- cant desires that license be granted upon Gond`tion of approval of building by Building Inspector. Respectfully, ense Inspe r. MMG �t of �Iitttte attt, � -""' COUNTY OF RAMSEY. SS. j CITY OF ST. AUL ..._.residinf at /��/ n / � .._� ✓ '.__ .......... _. ................ he' eQ daa(1/ su•or•rr, iirpos_ es a ld swls, that /if i.e u i resin erat uJ'Nre SMfe /'✓Yfinne,wd u, ured has land ra City o • St. Paul /,i r•ra sr, which uuJhnr r. e�h inr t ca.rvrl un th ..... ...... ..... ... ...... .. .. .......... ..... _ ... ...... _.. ......... .. ._... business rap to the. /* day of �l� t J-ural that / e uum desires l i.een•.ce fur sn. ie! Gr6sr n•r.va•. ut snirJ pinor, /'ar .y">...... �� �J`� Sworn, In r •u.G.vrr/'ore nr e, this 2 I� .... ... ............. .......... .. ..... 9...... TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OS ST.PAUL: Below is a true list containing the names and addresses of St. Paul citizens, owners and renters who have signed petitions in favor of granting a license for a moving picture theatre on the so called Scott property at number 156 north Fairview Avenue in this City. NAME REOIDENCE OWNER RENTER w � L.I.Casserly 1953 Selby J.D.Hilger 1941 Selby R.L.Vatherhouse 1765 Selby L.G.Schillirr��gg 1758 Selby _ F.A.Edmunds 1787 Selby E.C.Neily 1961 Selby Jas. J.Conway 1975 Selby E.?".Grace 1979 Selby n.D.Bachelor 1981 Selby J.L.Cahoen, 2023 Selby F.I:I.Rorton 2052 Selby F.w.Bender 2040 Selby i.J.O'Toole 1970 Selby E.W.Brand 1875 Selby I'_rs. OLLJones. 1768 Selby D.D.rilger 1946 Selby F.F.Stevens 1947 Selby Yrs. E.H.;'arvin 1942 Selby r'm.D. Jamieson 1908 Selby ".A.Pardo 1903 Selby A.J.Niemeyer 1888 Selby J.C.Niemeyer 1894 Selby T.;v.Conley 1841 Selby J.L.Marshall 1790 Selby F.B.Schultz 1711 Selby T. Keefe, 2029 Selby P.A.Linden 1790 Laurel B.C.Swetley 1804 Laurel C.W.Yoore 1798 Laurel N.H.Moore 1796 Laurel H.Fr.Coughli.n 177$ Laurel J.H.Rice 1772 Laurel O.E.Spaeth 1732 Laurel G.W.Cohoon 1736 Laurel J.B.Sloan 1740 Laurel John M. i+ark 1764 Laurel Ben. Ruler 1816"Laurel A.P:.Bakland 1787 Laurel T.P.O'Regan 1773 Laurel H.L.Simons 1784 Laurel J.E.Berry 1959 Laurel J.C.Hardgg 1915 Laurel T.N.Farley 2022 Laurel J.F.Borden 2026 Laurel Jas. Xenaly 1652 Laurel P.J.Reilly 1997 — Laurel 0 F LIE RESIDEUCE S.?"_.I:`cBride 1764 Iarshall G.'.Vore 1794 "arshall H.E.McGuffin 1823 Harshall J.J.Grathwool 1899 Marl3hall R.t'.LaBarr 1767 Ashland E.H.I,daher, 1783 Ashland J.G.Claffey 1779 Ashaldn W.E.Jones, 1773 Ashland C.A.Pear 1772 :shland E.U.Haagensen 1768 Abhaldn C.E.Davis, 1764 Ashldna A.J.04mclee 1768 Ashland M. Schwktts 1816 Ashaldn ? sxM.J.Schapero 1754 Ashland / Thos. -Robinson 1750 Ashland L.S.Bristol 1736 Ashland W.S.Clemont 1728 Ashland F.J.iafulland, 1748 Ashalnd H.Uelson 1749 Ashland P.II.i,'aher, 1745 Ashland E.J.Lencine 1741 Ashland J.D.Goodman 1729 Ashland R.L.Vills -- 1758 Ashland J.F.Smith 1756 Ashland U.P.Hohmberg• 1883 Ashland P.Runde6erg 1892 Ashland H.Lieberman 166 No. Fairview ,.i.Schwartz 70 I;o. Fairview H.Gallick 1744 Hague U.C.Gordon 1749 Iglehart L'.4'.Schmitt 123 Wilder F.'.i.Chester 436 Dewey C.B.Root 296 Prior C.S.Lidlaw 419 Beacon Ave J.Eosinger 384 Prior E.Bowman 2055 Terrace Court W.D.Fahrenlrof 1924 Terrace Court Peter Ggdbson 2037 Carroll .;.J.Shiely 1209 Grand Ave. F.J.Uorton 2138 Grand Ave. G.A.Theobold 2062 Grand Ave. J.J.Daily 1901 Goodrich J.G.Bach 2110 Goodrich J.F.Dolan 2169 Goodrich QW:T-,R REIiTT:R 0 70I2 RESIDFNCE R.E.Kennedy 2083 Dayton !:.D.Powers 2143 Dayton Z.B.Clark 2117 Dayton A.R.Starkey 2146 Dayton Roy F. Gilbert 2127 Dayton Jas. Cane 2006 Dayton R.L.Bouham 2016 Dayton P. 1797 1779 Carroll Carroll P.J.Gleason 2018 Lincoln A.F.Page 2116 Lincoln A.t.'iller 2111 Lincoln John Donovan 2117 Lincoln John J. Slattery 2170 Lincoln J.L.'_?offman 2077 Lincoln R.A.Ranney 1957 Lincoln C.F.Engles 1768 Dayton T'I.J.murphy 1766 Dayton :rs. J.E.Eall 1767 Dayton si.H.O'Connor 1764 Dayton R.E.Sttthem 1799 Dayton I.Fenifftene 1780 Dayton G.O.Baily 1758 Dayton C.11 -Payne 1797 1779 Carroll Carroll Jas.Dowlan J.z.Xatzenburg 1780 Carroll Patrick Connor 1792 Carroll G.N.Fairchild 1888 Carroll C.Id.Brokaw 1805 Carroll Carroll Jas. F.Shellman 1894 Carroll Isace Ceymour 1901 Carlon V.C.Pidgeon Geo. H. Ilichols 1844 Iplehart } k 7 i } k 7 TO THE HOITOR' BLE COUNCIL OF i'HE CIT`' OF ST. PAUL:, The undersigned, residents of said City of St.Ina, and occupying the premises set opposite their respectivefavor a theatre or moving picture house on the so called property at number 156 Horth Fairview Avenue in said City, and respectfully request that your honorable body grant the neces- sary license therefor. The applicants for this license expect to erect an attractive theatre at a cost of not less than "25,000. -The proposed location is proper for a business project and can only be so used. ';!e feel that the erection of a theatre an this property will be beneficial to the property in the neigh- borhood rather than otherwise. Respectflully submitted. a NA: RESIDENCE 174, w �. g o r i2ti V , Cel, /7 C�� � � r7� ��� �'i�4, ����+%�'�°� a G"� k TO:TIM HOKORADBLE COU-ICIL OF TFi CITY UF ST. 1AUL. The un,9p-si.7ned, residents of said City of tat. Paul, -nd occupying t,ie premises set opposite their respective names favor q theater or woving picture house on the so called Scott property at number 156 _forth 2airviem, Avenue in saidGity, and respectfully request ti—t your honorable body grant the -neces- sary license t-erefor. The applicants for this license expect to erect an attractive theater at a cost of not lose Chau Q',2.5,000. The un- posed location is proper for -a business project and can only be so used. We feel t riat Z.ie erection of a 7. -.eater on this property will be beneficial to the ?roperty in Like neighoorhood rather than otiierwise. Respectfully submitted. NANE MrISIDMITCE & /ot 'je ',a'k TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The undersigned, residents of said City,of St-Paul,1. +' and-000upying the premises set opposite their respective names - favor a theatxe or moving picture house on the so called Scott . L. property at number.156 North Fairview Avenue in said City, and respectfully request that your honorable body grant the neves- t saiy lioense therefor. The,applioants for this license expect to erect an attractive theatre at a cost of not lees than $25,000. The proposed location is proper for a business project and can only be so used. We feel that the erection of a theatre on this property will be beneficial to the prdperty in the neigh- borhood rather than otherwise. RespeotPally submitted. RESIDENCE 7 .'.:c-, .» x-yEr ✓sem ,:^moi • Y }..- C, r � f� t Lc, lr 0>uikt3Lc Zhe'7ln'errigned, residents of paid City �n,7 o^�uP ina ti1e Aremises set opposite their respective namea fav-oxtt,e-tter or movint, picture honao an the so c21led Soo pr.perty At ,^,arioer 1F)6 _forth .a'ai..viow ,tvenuc in sn.idt:ity, and i i respectfully re3ueat LiO.t your honorable Cody E'>r'-ni r.;ie ;, oee� Bary license tuerefOr. the :3,'plica.nts forthis lir_ense e-sq)ect to Bract -n attr:aetive theater -'t e. co :,L of not lea= t:^.a, %'��.OUO. the cxo- posed location proper for a business Project aYO can only this be so used, e Peel treat the erection of a tnep.ter on property will be ceneficial to sne ,)ropert,Y in the nee: Y:Lorhood Tether than otnerwise. 1ie9pec6fully submitted. j .p Lam. 9 ,r -� �C f- St.Paul, Uinn. P" ITOV. 13,11114. To thenorable Common Council of The Cit St. Paul, 'Minn. ,';e. the aidersicned do re- quest that our names be taken from any petition which we have signed against f. issuing a license for a Loving Picture Theatre at 156 North Fairview '_venue, Merriam Park, oil St.Paul, Uinn. P" ITOV. 13,11114. To thenorable Common Council of The Cit St. Paul, 'Minn. ,';e. the aidersicned do re- quest that our names be taken from any petition which we have signed against f. issuing a license for a Loving Picture Theatre at 156 North Fairview '_venue, Merriam Park, TO THE HONORABLE CCS"'07 C'CU'CIL OF' TEE CITY OF ST. PALI,MUM. The undersig=ned do most respectfully urge upon you to refuse to issue a license for a moving picture theatre at n156 North Fairview Avenue. We do fur.her urge that it is fair for us to assume that we may expect co—operation on your part in our efforts to pre— serve the residence integrity of MERRIAi PARK, that its Home Owners and Tax Payers may continue to enjoy undisturbed this secticr. of our City known so widely as a HOT,G DISTRICT. NA,TT % RESIDENCE TAXES PAID. elk a _ i P Los. - A2 S 17 r- / .. �} �f f, /} .� is i..,'✓�.w'�' i...'�..<'�...�..,�..r"�,,4 .:% TO THE HONORABLE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL,MINN. The undersigned do most respectfully urge upon you to refuse to issue a license for a moving picture theatre at #156 North Fairview 41enue. µ� We do further urge that it is fair for us to'assume that we may expect co-op6ration on your part in our efforts to pre- serve the residence integrity of MERRIAM PARR, that its Home Owners and Tax Payers may continue to enjoy undisturbed this section of our City known so widely as a HOME DISTRICT. NAMES RESIDENCE TAXES PAID ey c_ IdId i� a -c" CC 76. �; " 1-771 f E-A Date PresentedNOV.._........10..........:_I91.-4.... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to construct a crossing of cement blocks on the north side of Portland Ave. across Griggs St. Yeas ( V') Coun Farm Goss Yoer C R 1; Noiv.2485—EY 3(3: N Gose ao_d That tie»Gam�Nfa toner of . PUbil `4o ke be and hale 1�erebS u thoriz a "n ddlrected to eonetruct a roeetn� f c Ment b]oi•ka on th north sid f Portland Avz ac o e GrIggs St: A,de Adopted Uv th Cquneil N v 10 1914 1 Approved Nov 10,, 1914 (Nov. 14-1914) (P) Nays _. In favor __Against Adopted by the Council 191 If Approved__._-�U _ _-_ _ __191'x'^ s,M91 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION–GENERAL FORM Mr. Gayton A Subject: ._....Or.o acralks _...... _...... _.... _ .............. __......... ..-� ,L. Fc Ir ••�� FILE O .... .... ....................... .. Date Presented..........ITOY..._......_.1.0.......__I91..A.- D Resolved, That the co^missioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to construct a crossing of wood on the north side of Page St. across Brown Ave. Gose— Besolved. That the -m, i., .rebYr [.,b11 edVand dl,',tedht isconstruct u. ...1.9 of wood on 'the Orth Bide of page 3t. ncroeB ,n AYe: I.. Adopted by the CoJn 11 Nov- 10, 1914:., �I Approved Nov. 30, 3914 I (Nov. i4-1914) JF.r.orth Yees ( Nays __-In favor ____Against Mr. Pr FOPM p.B-2 Adopted by the Council _-191. Approved_/ ` lar. Herrold y /p Y2 CITY OF ST. PAUL C�3 • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. Subject:._..... Establish:e.a...grada .......... .._. .. ............ .... ..... . ..... .... _._..._.._..... _...... R FILE ENCIL NQ...... .... ..... ........ _......... --_... ............_.:-.-..-.... ................. ...... ......... ....... Date Presented_........Tdov._...._...lQ I91..!..... Resolved, That the grade of Charles St, from Aldine St. to Snelling Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. �— — � C. F of d. Th IIP a rad& 99,0i ­ Raolved.:ThaC the grade, oP ChAvee st. from ;Aldine SL to Silo I1pg., In. accordaace wtth the: red grade IA.— (on the accomppanying -groaliI e., and -a 'recommended bybtehe and the Se me fa Pubnd R'orka. hereby adopted ae the atahltehed Igrade. Adopted by trie Counen N v. 10. 1914: . Approved Nov. 10, 1914 - , (Nov.:14-1914) o Yeas (V)]Kelle men (Y) Nays 1911/ Adopted by the Council d -K.' % , orth In favor 19� App4ed- __.___ __Against iy — Mr. Pres' — �Yow C.a-2 City of St.Paul Council -Resolution - General form. Department of .......... PUBLIC, UTIL_I T2ES.--;,__------_--------_-_--.--_-_--._-_-------_- M�._._-.... wA TER Bureauof- ---------------- --- ----------------------------- w_- ---------------- ------- Coun/t, 1 )File No. Date Presented ----_------._ _ 1914- By(j .._.__...._._........................ -----------------•-••------------------------------ —• Resolved, that water mains be laid in the following streets; Fairmount Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 340 feet west of Lexington Avenue. Wakefield Avenue from Earl to Hester. b Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Count //1 Mr. Pres C P o. 2486 Ry O. E Beller R soNlved that wat mains be laid'I In the following "trusts - - - - - - Fairmount n enue. from Lexington. venue to -340 feet west f Lexington' avenue. Wakefield Avenue from Earl to Hector.' Adopted by the Council Nov. 10. 1914.., Apprgved-Nov. 30; 1914 (Nov. 14-1914) .._...._-...__-_.1914 . ( ) Nays y Approve �� �,-119114. Magor Saw Nw—Cnmml..lmu. 09G W18R.p. l N N. DOSS S A. FAO WO CITY, 6F� SAINT PAUL DUPARTMHIN'1' OF PUBTAO UTrEXrXBS BUREAU OF WATER OPPtCCS: x 9— FIM S MET To the Honorable Council, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, V![inn. Gentlemen.. - November 9, 1914. The Board of \Yater Commissioners, at a meet- ing held this date, unanimously adopted the following resolution; ,Resolved that the City Council be requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets; Fairmount Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 340 feet west of Lexington Avenue. Wakefield Avenue from Earl to Hester." very truly, ours En cl . Z Secretary. CITY"OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office I'll 6'�. Received of City Clerk cent:. Purchasing.Agent be and he is,hereby` rose, n thairanner:provided by the City' ofimprovement, according to U ma,6Ci ldS 1V]. ocr a.0 .... kntractor.shall"iaake said improve- pereentage of :cost price for per- emerit'fox.bids, the Purchasing o '.the amount -,Of at least twenty > "�� 3or;the execution of a conte t With id work in'accordance rith t plans• is accepted, or in lieu the' of.a,;,. certified cheok for;ten per cent. of sthe. aTli ung ,of the bid. the said Purchasing Agent shall in>said advertisement r serve the right to rejec any, or all bids.' Should all bids be rej "ted, the Purchasing Agent is authorized ,to advertise again and as often as may be neceasary until an acceptable.;bid is obtained; unles the committee authorized to'ati�ardIthe contract, if itis a.contract which the committee may ;award, shall be of opinion that no iur•bhar`bids should be 'received and, that the work 'should be done by ;theCommissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which. event', the said comnitteeunc' l ', make -an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by .the. Council G%' —yrs✓,-� ` 1914. r; Yeas ( ),Co c'linen ( )"Nays fa Orth Ker Rel: r MCC 1 . CSL ry Mr. President„ App e �0 1914._ f' . PI'Y OF SAINT PAUL 7 City Clerk's Office Received of City Clerk I C 1.T co In the matter'bf Tgre CITY OF SAINT PAUL E r, City Clerk's Office Re 'ieed cf City n io i . Subject _ . C) e A / 0. Claussen CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUN61}. FILE NO ..... .... ..................... .. Date Presented.........Si.pv........�i'S`.............._I91-4.._- WHEREAS, a final order has been passed for the paving of Plun Street from the east line of Bates Ave., including the west line of Tlaria Ave. to intersections of Bates Avenue,'Pllm Street and Hastings Avenue, adopted by the Council on October- 30th and approved October 310t, and vIHERF.AS, said intersection of Bates Avenue, Pkum Street and Hastings Avenue has been paved under Council resolution adopted September 2nd and approved September 3rd, and the cost and expense of paving said intersection has been ordered charged by the Conneil to the Paving Intersection Account of the General Ftind. THEREFORE'B2 IT RESOLVED, That so much of said final order as refers to the paving of the.;.intersection of Bptes Avenue, Plum Street and Hastings Avenue be and it is hereby resoinded, Yea: Mr. .oRM ays Adopted by the Council __ . e z�_ __-IbIn favorQ' 191 _ Approved � !/-- _Against _. MA OR - - _-/p 91 - CITY OF ST. P L `- COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIVENERAL FORM ` 91 Sublect:..................�COUNCIL NO .. FILE O .................._._ ..... Resolved. W r* mm�' a.Eely prior and ;bR to ....�}1Lrrazletin8: charts, 'toohe¢e*d A tV,e i,enodb1�IB // in th l'p9+,�f1�; Presented -.. ...... ................ce;taln ;gR.hbn tiiopeed t r�limi airear 'a e"%' approve i M ember i3tZR ' ,'l�rtnal Order, N 8$668, :aPArpv�d. 7'4h*t2th 3." f the opening wfded ng §nd axten; ea: on of Su atreeY betwaen ttood;[ch r;.e n'1iand hyo by co>Sderhnlnt; _ 1 t1 fog a 4 laand6d.tiht l oL-b = .ofC,e zveat'stile of, - d strip belag 6.1 feet w„'' Resolved; Whereas, immediately prion InaandGigfeenvglae time the ers_ating Charter d off the, west st'de took effect, there was pending in the o 'ocs amY�anµeue Board of Public works, 1M1 1 certain condemnation proceeding instituted and carried on under preliminary older~n37915, approved November 13th, 1912, and Final Order $38563, approved March 12th, 1913; for the opening, widening and extension of Sue street bet-.veen Goodrich Ave. and Grand avenue, by condemning and taking a strip of land. f A strip of land off the Blest side of thq�/east.ter. feet of Lot 10, ioylan's Addition said strip being 5.1 feet wide on the south end and 5.14 feet wide on the north end. A strip of land off the west side of''the east 10 feet of lot 3, wloy ' ln'_s Addition said strip being 5.14 feet wide at the south end and 5.18 .feet wide at 'the north end. A strip of land off the west aide of.the east 20 feet of lot 43. block 4, Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.82 feet wide at the south end and 4.65 feet wide at the north end. A strip of land off the west side of the east 20 feet of Lot 10, Block 4; Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.61 feet wide at the south end and 4.44 feet wide at the north end, and Whereas, said Board of Public Works, prior to the let day of June, 1914 had instructed the Clerk of said Board to give the Assessment,Notice Lt; and the proceedings of said condemnation is still pending, and it ie desirable to complete the same,.` Now Therefore, Be it resolved that the said assessments be completed ander .the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: YeaImn V) Nays � Adopted by the Cou=4 'I91 In favor j -- C Approve `' 19Kell1 Against J� '✓ I MAT 7 a' Mr. YEAS, NAYS, COUNCIL FILE NO.. INTERI(EDIARY ORDER. In the U*er of ....q.!Pna truC,tFai'rvier aver, ay. -el ............... ... tot a ci_wi5�kg.a qt 4venuefF .rorflai view Ave, to Sue street- . under Preliminary Order . .......... .......... . ........... approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 0 P -2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Q-0 11-5 trUQ til -I& -k awar 77 _ave"_e to Z�I.a ... . . . ......... Fa Iry.j. a .......... . ....... ..................................... ....... ... .............. am-anue froaL ew avienue ....to. Sue _8 tze a with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile(lay of December b ................... 191.._4,at the hour of. O'clock .... ....... Al., in Council Chamber -77 ' h Commissioner of Finance room o 6 �the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Co give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 19 Approved -kn'L/0- Councilmen Fa' sworth Go s K ler 'a 0 s 'Kj ler M Coll 0 ea ry erg w Mayor wers COUNCIL FILE. NO . ...... B......... ....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 312ker of rlUc,t1r:_S, a, . s_e,er,on Thi_r3 - 8-11.a 8 -t -11 -fro -m- QVI reds s.trzet to G-riffith-str.aet under Preliminary Order. .. .... ....... approved- qe_pteq,;er 22n.3 . ........ 1911 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Couneil recommends a Sever -i se-atza-0-t -to� r,- -t.r..e.a.t frou ...C. - x.e.. th glrjp.�Zt- ............... . . ..... ....... yp ................ . ...... .......... .... ........... . .......... .... .. ... . ......... ........ ............ ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ......... . .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_..._-1-0.th. day of . . . .....................191__x., at the hour of ... ....... 10 ... . ...... o'clock .......... . ........1f., in the__ CQ n c. -1.1. C..h aff, b e r 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impi-6venient, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........._..._......_... !4.-- 71 Ccs/l-... Approved.. Councilmen F. sworth G 8 K ler 7 Coll '6M, 0, Yrg Mayor P( ers E i loss 4 - COUNCIL FILE NO.... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the N*er of_...._c.on_s_trac_tln.g__a.._..ee-nex_ _on_.I.agno..lia...e..tz.e. t.....f..r..onz.._a_..p.D.in..t . .6.4_...f..e.e.t.....e.as..t._of._...th.e.....eas t . lin a..._of _..Syl zan..s_t r..? at _.tGar thard. _S.tr a t . under Preliminary Order..__... 10.Q.6_ ...... _..__.. __...._approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopteti, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_...._GQ1 B_t._ UC_t Rga.._Sewe .......................... 1-1re of _..__._...__S.y..1.xa:..... s__4r.aet......to_...Co.r..tland._.s.ts-eat.._..........._................... _...._....__.........._.__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is__l.r_724_e_07.__.,.._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____1.Q..t L.__.._.._...._.day of 19LI..., at the hour of....__1:0....._...._.o'clock.......... A......._lL, in the.._....G..olAnoi.k:_ Chamber 61 room of the Court Hose and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nniue of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...._!.'.:'...... .'- ..'_._ ..._...._19........... _......... ...... ..ldL ..`.. L...... ........... _......... _ . _... Cit Clerk. Approver7.........:..................._._..l.U...._...__..19�_ Councilmen Farlwort.h ,t7+n 1�. Qoa Kel r 11 O 0'L rY ' Yoe Mayor Pow s ,t7+n 1�. i COUNCIL FILE NO.. ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the V*er of s a ri .,ructing a cement sidewalk to a Width of ix fest o ............ il-- � - sidewalk � I - ... -- 1 -.1 .... ........ - ................ —.- -Neen Snelling avenue and Aldine St �h�� south ql-de- of Laf.qn.d -s ti'�ast bet — ......................... . ... .. .. .. .. ... . . .erl9th 1914 under Preliminary Ordcr........aUp . .............. .........!approved Qqtpb........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsa cement . ............ tin. ...... aidewalk to—aw—.dt.1--Qf ZiX -fe.e-t on the qpqth ....s.i...de . ...o—f--.L.....a...f...o....n....d.........s...t....r.. eet between Snellin avenue and Aldine street. .............. ........... ............. . ........ . .. with no alternatives,. and that the estimated cost thereof is rer lineal foot. . ...... ........................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.._..__10111- ............. day of mb-ax .............. 191 at the hour of....._._lA... it., in the -council ChaL,bex ............. . . . . . ....... ........ .. ..... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the, improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Coon e11 I 1 914 -19 ............ .............. ................... • Cit y Clerk. Approv "0' Councilmen Farns lorth Mayor. Goss Kelle Mcco O'Lea Yoerg Mayor Powe Mayor. 0 '197 COUNCIL FILE NO By .......... .......... .... ......... ...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 1tiler of to 1�enscn nz Dealton street frc;,. 7est Seventh street .... .. ...... ....... .... ..................... .. .. ............... ..... - ............ .... . . . . ................ .......... ............ under Preliminary Order ....-59'$ ...... .................. . approved 2.4t.hj 119-1.41 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner . of Finance upon 6 the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is &Xp4ipg pealton street ............ . ............. from "lest Seventh street to Benson avan-,S. .......... . ......... . ................ . ....... ............ . .... ........ --- - 1 --1-- ............... --- I . ...... -- - - -- ..... ............ . ...... ............ ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 17 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............. day of D.B.0 e.[LL.ax ........ .... . ......... 191 1,.at the hour of o'clock ........ ......... in the....� Eil room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature ure of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.0 11f) 1914 . . . ...... ........... Approved./.4.� 16f 19/(,/ Councilmen Far worth CIOs gel er Me oll 01, ary Yo g Ma 0 COUNCIL FILE NQS..- ......... ._. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the i*4cr of_ .grad.ing_,Belvide-re at.r.e t to. Concord St. ........................................ .. .. - .. _. under Preliminary Order... 177. .._.... ..... approved __ June_ 19.th, 1914 _........_.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. s 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:...gr.ading...Ard.T.e.S;..__Street; r f r ctL _.Helv..i.de_re.... s_tre e t ..to_._Concord _ s tr ey t . _ ._.. ...... ........ _.. _..... ........j .. - _............... rJ' 5 12.` ith Btcr_e cutters. i43tPc�I3.ri p07p1Cbt'y}c�y�pp,117thtZ tine estimated cost thereof is :{L.._., .......... ...... ....i - The Cetlncil also has under consideration, lternative fo`r;iha grading, of Andrew -street, ,from Belvidere street Concord street, including cement gutters between Page street an noord street the �r �Ost t$eeecf .is _ - -- w5, 3. ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement: on the. _.........._.._day of DPceIT_ber..........._._...___......_-_........._.-...191._4., at the hour of......._..p............o'clock..M., in the...._Cu: ...G_h..�.-_.C.Jamber 61 roonn of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons xnd in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time slid place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th reof as estimated. �t Adopted by the,�ouncil s+:.._.._191.4 .-__._19..._....... ......_ .................77 ......._ �4. q�-�ty Clerk Approved.`�� .. `....._.79_l.)61 ._.vvvv i.._.. _._ .. . _. ...... .... .`.._`yoa Councilmen Fa>tsworth a f.,No. 2498=13Y S. A. Farnswortl- In Gots Yp g etre cosi gut '6'ra ;deri Ing. tra T * ler h., nis imp esti M oilsad I' 0' Bary and a mer gra Yp g etre cosi gut '6'ra ;deri Ing. tra COUNCIL FILE NO....._ .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the ltiilYlter of.._.bra3ing Avor. stre11 1et frons University avonue to ;,:r'nnehaha under Preliminary Order ._6.1.2 ..... ........ ........_.............. ........... ........ .approved .__. J-u1-y._..1.QVh,.._._1.91-1._ ............ ._ ........_.............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upmi the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._.... yraa_irg Avon ......_graet from tir.iverist avenue to :.:ir.rehaha street. __. vjth no -alternatives, and.that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 11th . day of +42 Decer..Ler 191 at the hour of......_ 1C'. ...o'clock.. ... ...tM., in the ...C.O.ldt?C 1..._Qhamber ai _ room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... Cit ,lerk Approved ......._�. `........19(. 4�t�q Mayor. Councilmen Farn vorth jKeII Ma—. COUNCIL ULE,No. _._...__...._......_ .. ........ ...... . By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the After of.....tiradi o_ 2a^.,O^•. s. tre"t f "ca. th av -, e, to r tta'va etree t. under Preliminary Order......... (�._..._.. ...-approved..__J'alj The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante, is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._..r 11.: Belllient street ..rq;T:_S,it,.._av? ue t. Ot.tatra__Street.r. _. .... .......... - I-- ... -_---- 11_. ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :{L._146 628 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._,....._ll h____,__.._.._clay of _._o'clock A_...._If., in the gour.cil Chamber' i_...__..__......_..Q.e.G..fllllbeT ........_...... 191._4.., at the hoar of.. 1.0 ..... ... ....._ 61 roan of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time .n)d place ofhearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. J�iQ Adopted by tWe Council 19..----- ... ....... ............ ................_. ....... _._._...... ity Clerk. Approved�G Mayor Council Hien Farnf vorth j C. F. -No. 2609-13y S. A. Farnsworth- . In the -Miter of ' grading Belmont' street: from Smith avenue to Ottawa Goss Istreet, under Preliminary. Order. 672, -approved July 7th, 1914.. - The Council Of the .City of St. Paul - Kelle having received the report of the Com- missioner of Finance.upon the above. Improvement, and having considered said report, hereby' resolves. MCC( 1: That the eaprove rt be d the same Is hereby approved and adopted, and the Bald 1mpr vement is herby OLea y 'ordered to be pi•.oceeded with. 1 2: That the nature of the tp ove- ,ment which the Council recommends is ��grading Belmont irest .from Smith YOer avenue to Ottawa street with no alter- natives, and that the estimated cost thereof fs $146.28. Mayor Powei Resolved Further, That a public _ hearing be had on said improvement on at Chethe hour t01 day 0 11 oclock A.b M.er.1 in the Council Chamber, room 61 f the Coen 'House and City�Hall Building 1n .the City. of St. Paul. That the Commis - stoner of Finance give notice of said seting to thepersons and in the ? manner provided by the Charter, slot - at-Ing.the hearing, the Ing thetime and place of nature of the Improvement, and the . total cost thereof as c.t mahed'. Adopted by the Council Nov. 10, 1914. i Approved Nov. 10, 1914. lNov. 14-1914) COUNCIL FILE. -PIH :.............. _......_.....___._.. } By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ili the A7l erof o.C.^st.r C_ul^6a4er._o.; Tob:1'1rgs.t_reet_froi rarrington ay..e.rue...to....."sau.l..t.ier._a.t.r.ee t. under Preliminary Order. _......17.83___. __approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._...Con.s.t:ru t.l_r.g.._'. server on ._Tc;rir_g._ s.tr.e.e.t fro ..__: rr_.ng o ,C"2rr.e..,.,.tc Ga '_ ie s_tr et_.,_... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is11495.30 ........... ............._..,......_...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the____. 17._ti__........._..._day of _.Dsc.E:n..bee..__...__......_......._ _.... _ 191.....4., at the hour of......1.0......_....._o'clock.__._.Ii...........m,, in thr,_Ccu:.+_C_il._ l;au:Ge1 room o the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finanee give notice of said• meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cos/tbe eo as estimated. i -�D1'4 Adopted by the Council __ 19.._...... Approved:f............ �l...0 ........19 Councilmen Farn ,worth Gos Kel r Me oll 0'I a1•y Yoe g 11I C. F. No. 2501-8v,;S. A. Farn- 1n the platter ot::.cttnstructing a on Topping street. from Farr TheCouncil oi tite :Clty of St. Paul having received thereport of the Com miseloner of .Finance, upon the above' Improvement, .and having considered' said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improve- ment which the Council .recommends is constructing a sewer on Topping street from Farington venue to Gau.- that ler atheet. estimated cosh no t thereof hle esof and - $1.495.30. e Resolved. Further. cost a. public hearingbe had onaid improvement on the 11th day of December, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council. Chamber, roo-6:L of the Court House and,. City Hmall-"Building in the ! City of st Paul. ` That the Commis of aid meeting f to r. the epersons o anFnagive d in: tithe manner providedby the. Charter, stat - Ing. the tima.�and: place of heating. the natutotal rcost thereofmns estimeated. and the Adopted by the Council Nov. 10,1914. �pproved. Nov. 10, 1914. (Nov. 14.1914) COUNCIL FILE NO By I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the ?4*er of a.—ca;--at aix f.e.jat o.n bo.t2i ... si.de st-of 1.g.1 eliar t ..av enue f roja Sne-1.1ing Av.a. to F-aacal Ayqnue '01 under Preliminary -der ...approvedSre,T. t ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, liq-eby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approve(] and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is . ....... �.�P­P­s­t r...,zeting a ....... .... h1ack. sld.vnalk tG -a width -of six f-3at rn both Sidaq.-..C-f* ....-J.9.1-ehart avaiTaja fro,AJenuw Acna.a0a.1 avanu.& .. ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 490 pe r..j.i.neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on day of .191.4..., at the hour of o'clock in the Joun.oil ...Chavaber room 63 ol the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finanee, give notice of said meeting to the , persons and in the, manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estialated. 'tcl JA Adopted by the Counc �_- - _ ". .. - -.19 Approve&/_ 4. S'v 0 Councilmen F sworth Councilmen G S K ler jFarth Al Coll 0 'eary Y rg rg It i I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the ?4*er of a.—ca;--at aix f.e.jat o.n bo.t2i ... si.de st-of 1.g.1 eliar t ..av enue f roja Sne-1.1ing Av.a. to F-aacal Ayqnue '01 under Preliminary -der ...approvedSre,T. t ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, liq-eby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approve(] and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is . ....... �.�P­P­s­t r...,zeting a ....... .... h1ack. sld.vnalk tG -a width -of six f-3at rn both Sidaq.-..C-f* ....-J.9.1-ehart avaiTaja fro,AJenuw Acna.a0a.1 avanu.& .. ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 490 pe r..j.i.neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on day of .191.4..., at the hour of o'clock in the Joun.oil ...Chavaber room 63 ol the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finanee, give notice of said meeting to the , persons and in the, manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estialated. 'tcl JA Adopted by the Counc �_- - _ ". .. - -.19 Approve&/_ 4. S'v 0 Councilmen F sworth Councilmen G S K ler jFarth Al Coll 0 'eary Y rg rg C. COUNCIL FILE NO.... 16 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the til er of._Paving t h..e ,.iv.i..siQ a 11.ay.s in . Cochran.' ',s �3jl�j n.. and AdditJi.gn to- Block ..... .. .. . ....... .. . . ..... ... under Preliminary Order... approved July. 10..th, 1.9 -1.4 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the saute is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. TaVi..P.9 �3qTUB ixk.Gachran.'_a ..Subdi.vizion.. a-,,d..'.Aid i ti -on to i t ion ... ......... - ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement oil the . ......14th clay of' _.._...._..._...191...x..,at the hour of.- o'clock.. A..-321., in the.... C.oi _C_ji .Cbamber of room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin inissioner of Finance give notice of said ineeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time slid place of hearing, the nature of the ilii R•ovelnent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... ..... . ..... ....... ......... Cit Clerk. ,if App'roved��W&.0�7,19/)(,�' .. . ... ... ........ Payor. Councilmen Fa 'swarth 'a Cs th the all ya n's Subdivision and Addl I.. Go s "'ph,'jock 11. Woodland ark Addi- to r t tion under P-lical—,g Order G!l5t, approved July 10th, 1 4. of at. Paul, Kfer The Council of the City f the C--- 1 rt 0 having "'of"alp.h' '.ep.., improvement, . V ac . the above Me !011 Improvement. and having Fonsidered said report, hereby resolves: i 1. That the said reportbe and the sameIs. hcreb5 - approve and I hereby' d d adopted,; 01 eary and the said Improve.- .r,lcr,dt* bep .... ded 11h, Z. . That thenature of the improve ro- Yo rg ent Which the Council recommends is paving the alleys In Coch ran'a SUbdi- v and Addition,. to Block 11, !"on pa�� 11 V�oodland 1, Ad ti.n. with no al- tarnatives, and that the cstlir-tcdcost thereof 1. :$3800.85. ,,a,d — lurlhThat a public hearing v�,b c _b.d ,onlaid Improvement a they '4th a.v of D—mbc� 1914, at the h..,' of 11 A. ., In the rourell Chamber, room 61 of the Court g In th cf"S'ld C'.tuyl "That thenCom s- e SCI'o'ncr of li'lintre's give notice of. said. meeting to the persons and �astlhl manner rovIded by he Charter, harter at - Ing the'timeand Place of, hearing. not" the , the Improv meat the of thereof se se t'm Adopted bthe Co.rmit Nov' 3 ov'l Approved Nov..10 1914. T! r' i it A L 71 V COUNCIL FILE NO.... 16 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the til er of._Paving t h..e ,.iv.i..siQ a 11.ay.s in . Cochran.' ',s �3jl�j n.. and AdditJi.gn to- Block ..... .. .. . ....... .. . . ..... ... under Preliminary Order... approved July. 10..th, 1.9 -1.4 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the saute is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. TaVi..P.9 �3qTUB ixk.Gachran.'_a ..Subdi.vizion.. a-,,d..'.Aid i ti -on to i t ion ... ......... - ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement oil the . ......14th clay of' _.._...._..._...191...x..,at the hour of.- o'clock.. A..-321., in the.... C.oi _C_ji .Cbamber of room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin inissioner of Finance give notice of said ineeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time slid place of hearing, the nature of the ilii R•ovelnent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... ..... . ..... ....... ......... Cit Clerk. ,if App'roved��W&.0�7,19/)(,�' .. . ... ... ........ Payor. Councilmen Fa 'swarth 'a Cs th the all ya n's Subdivision and Addl I.. Go s "'ph,'jock 11. Woodland ark Addi- to r t tion under P-lical—,g Order G!l5t, approved July 10th, 1 4. of at. Paul, Kfer The Council of the City f the C--- 1 rt 0 having "'of"alp.h' '.ep.., improvement, . V ac . the above Me !011 Improvement. and having Fonsidered said report, hereby resolves: i 1. That the said reportbe and the sameIs. hcreb5 - approve and I hereby' d d adopted,; 01 eary and the said Improve.- .r,lcr,dt* bep .... ded 11h, Z. . That thenature of the improve ro- Yo rg ent Which the Council recommends is paving the alleys In Coch ran'a SUbdi- v and Addition,. to Block 11, !"on pa�� 11 V�oodland 1, Ad ti.n. with no al- tarnatives, and that the cstlir-tcdcost thereof 1. :$3800.85. ,,a,d — lurlhThat a public hearing v�,b c _b.d ,onlaid Improvement a they '4th a.v of D—mbc� 1914, at the h..,' of 11 A. ., In the rourell Chamber, room 61 of the Court g In th cf"S'ld C'.tuyl "That thenCom s- e SCI'o'ncr of li'lintre's give notice of. said. meeting to the persons and �astlhl manner rovIded by he Charter, harter at - Ing the'timeand Place of, hearing. not" the , the Improv meat the of thereof se se t'm Adopted bthe Co.rmit Nov' 3 ov'l Approved Nov..10 1914. T! COUNCIL FILE NO ................ ... By A K INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ill the 2AWer of....-.Pay.i.,ag._Gong-rens—e-trivet frons South-Wabaslaa—s vreet to State street and Isabel street iron, Greenwood avenue to South Wabasha street nd... G cord -at_ea f=. Sc_`- RR; t rt stfaet to .._7satel sheet: under Preliminary Order.. 8.91. _.._........ _ .........__.._.._.approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having receivAlghe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Pavia C.-_ ,3treet r 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouuuends is_._.._.-_............�..___._ _..._a_...__.-'.'... Lrcn- South nabas"a street tO State str'_et and Isabel street from Green ood avenue...._to..._S_�' +:3.._"'a.. a.s... a._.s_tze..et_erad... .enc. r.a._.. _tr.a.:e.t.._.f.a..ul._.s.:: t,.... ob_er_t_Street to Isabel street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x......54.,42.7.....9.8.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._._ la_t ^., ........ ...... _.clay of at the hour of........ .......Q...._..o'clock_.......... 4....._\I., in the ..__.C..oun.c..1.1.....9hamber bl room of the Court House and City Hall Building in City of St. Paul. That the, Commissioucr of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. f � �Ilq Adopted by the Counml........lr_,t.+_.'�.,..__..._' _ ____..19....,....._ Clerk. Approve(/!! !/. �K....._..79 ....�..... c/ I ayor. C r. No' 2504— . Councilmen F neworth 1" tss "et fromeSouof P. h w ban ha streConet to Stato street and Isabel street from Greenwood avenue to South Waba- G s .aha street and Concord street from - South' Robert street to Isabel street. under Preliminary Order 891, ap- K ler Droved July 28th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul / having received the report of the Com- ///✓�// aI Coll issloner of Find having he above .Improvement, and having constdered' said report, hereby,reesolvea: 1. .That the sold report be and the n eary same is hereby approved and adopted, and the�'said Improvement fe hereby, m�dered'to_be proceeded with. 2.' That -the ¢lure oY.thelmprove- Y sig meat which '-the nCouncil .'recommende is; paving Congress street from South. Wnbasha street to State street and 1Ia3yer– vers Isabel street from Greenwood avenue.' _ to. South Wabasha street: and'.Concord` street fromSputh Robert street to Isn-. Imptovementt d.. the3 of as.' estimated.n e.(:oanotl Noe. lo. 1414. 210. 1914. v. 14-1914) , COUNCI 14 /FlLF/NR I3y .vG'✓; G///%z��L-Gam!!!.. �..__. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter in__KerdriCY13... carx rl.� me_ra._of Block4.....__ of jx1.a.ans..._Fies.e.rv.a.t.ion....__ under Preliminary Order ..___$.................. ._._ _.........___..approved ..._._..__July.._lOth,__1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the, said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. l 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grading Aley in ..........._......__.:........ . ........ _..................... ..__... ......... ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 94 __ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__........._1.5.t11;_.....__....day of I3E r_llit�e.x..... ...... ....__.._._. 191......4, at the hour o£._._.....1.Q._.....o'clock..............A..._DL, in rhe......_Coun_.11..._.... Uer room Pthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. ,That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imiprovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ysi. 19 Adopted by the Council __. 19 ApprovecY`O .... Councilmen Fa nsworth Go s Ke ler /� Me 'oll f 0,eary Yo rg Mayor Yo e's bb COUNCIL NIL"_ I3Y 4 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..-9)AAjin.o,...G.clum u.e avenue fxvil, Qom..a.. t_o__ St under Preliminary Order... . __.._,[,)proved _ July _10th, 1514.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._._.6gTad.ln6 .CO.lu',ibue _2;-..45ru.8.....f.170rrt.... Como River Boulevard ....tQ..._6.t........ Anthony ....aeentle.....:................................._.._......___. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i_,.$__4-,..8.9.2_.,..2..8 esolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._. 1.5th_ __ ..............._.day of D..e..erLb..er..........._..._.....,.. 191...4.., at. the hour of ............ 1Q...._...o'clock ...............A.....11., in the. ........C.oldr:_C.7.1......Qhanber 61 room of the Court House and City. Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost>heref as estimated. Adopted,by the Council 1J.._.... z�. / __ . J.�.�j,C/ /// City Clerk. ApprovedG'h...v .(.... .79.�.// Councilmen Farn worth C. F. No. 2506—By S. A. Farnewortb— In the Matter oY grading Columbus. avenue from '. Como RSver'.Boulevard under -Pre- Goss to -St. Anthony avenue, liminary Order- 610. approved July', 30;. 191The 4.rril of the of St -:, belle having received the report of the Com - alssioner of'Finanee upon.the'above Improvement;, and having considered renort, hereby resolves: McCo ;.Id the said report be and the Home 16, hereby npp rued a d adopted, 6,h O'Lea and tfie said 'm prov menu f hereby Y rdered to be p oceeded with 2. That the nature of the imp ove- mentwhichtheCouncil recommendsls Yoer gradingColumbus avenue from. Com. mseny ave, Rivc with noval ernati es, a dSt nt6at ilia le $4.892.28. " Ala or Pow S Y estimated coat thereof Resolved Further. That a public _ hearing be had on said Improvement Aber i tdh thethuur ota10 o'rlocke Ino thhae Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court CPaui..aThatu Crmmise Clty8e Ca 9t. the stoner. of Finonee :glue notice of said meeting :tr-the-peraone and fn the - manner„ provided by,[he Charter, stat -I Ing. the• time and place of hearing, the star of theimprovement and the total cost, thereof as--eatfmatsd. Adopted•by the Council Nov. 30, 1914. APP owed N.V. 30, 1919. - (Nov,. 14-19141 COUNCIL FILE N 0 I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. � � rairf ..eld avenue ]n the ilil*er of._.9.or-s..ruc.,.tri_a..s_e w under Preliminary Order...__1129 .___....... __._. _ ........ approved _...__August....13th.,__l l4__....._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.._Qcns. truc ti rga Sewer or. Eva street frprr Fa�..r.fiel3.__._.av, n,le_ ._liana ayen?re,.._..... .................. .... _. _ _... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._....1Jth.........__._._._day of D_e4.e.mbs.r...._._...._.....____._....__.197._4, at the hour 'of.......__..1.0.........o'clock ........... A....._AL, in the.._.Co.unAi.l_.Chauaber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Conunissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, thetnature of the improvement and the total cMeieofstimated. ,._.19............Adopted by the Council ___ Approved).V[...�..........._....19./ Councilmen Farnsworth Gos Kell r Mc 11 0'L ary Yoe g 1llayor PoI rs !NEI1 Rom I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. � � rairf ..eld avenue ]n the ilil*er of._.9.or-s..ruc.,.tri_a..s_e w under Preliminary Order...__1129 .___....... __._. _ ........ approved _...__August....13th.,__l l4__....._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.._Qcns. truc ti rga Sewer or. Eva street frprr Fa�..r.fiel3.__._.av, n,le_ ._liana ayen?re,.._..... .................. .... _. _ _... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._....1Jth.........__._._._day of D_e4.e.mbs.r...._._...._.....____._....__.197._4, at the hour 'of.......__..1.0.........o'clock ........... A....._AL, in the.._.Co.unAi.l_.Chauaber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Conunissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, thetnature of the improvement and the total cMeieofstimated. ,._.19............Adopted by the Council ___ Approved).V[...�..........._....19./ Councilmen Farnsworth Gos Kell r Mc 11 0'L ary Yoe g 1llayor PoI rs COUNCIL FILE NO ---- INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Vl el of..._PpLying...Allay i.n...B.I.Ock's .3.and_6 Bry4lEA.1-p ... A44.itio.n.,. between V.J.c.tomia under Preliminary ......approved AU.g . ust The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, -,in(] the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. L. That the nature of the improvement which the Council I-ecoulluends is _ _ :Favi-nZ.-All. y.,,in Blocks 3--and-6 Bry—antis Addition. . .............. .. ..... .......... - .......... .......... - ........................ - ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement or the....-16.th day of .....Dec ember... - . ..... ........... .1911 at the hour of... ............... o'clock A,m., in the-._.._qQ P..i 1 -.Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the to Adopted by the Council -19. Councilmen FA*nsworth C. F No. 2508—By S. A F.rne,.rthT a In the matter of paving alley a Blocks 3 and 6 Bry—Va Addition, between VictoriaSt., Avon St, Port- land Ave.: and He ly Ave., once Preliminary Order 979, approved An - net 3rd, 1914' Pa.) g il f the Cit of St. ,The courel 0 c Y baring .cd­d,jhe report at the Com- ssioner of, F nance apIthe above 'improvement. and , having' considered said report, hereby resolve-: I T— the sold report be and the estimated -cost thereof A V—th— .That a Po G a a K 'or M - ,.11 0, eary Yo g Mayor Po ers C. F No. 2508—By S. A F.rne,.rthT a In the matter of paving alley a Blocks 3 and 6 Bry—Va Addition, between VictoriaSt., Avon St, Port- land Ave.: and He ly Ave., once Preliminary Order 979, approved An - net 3rd, 1914' Pa.) g il f the Cit of St. ,The courel 0 c Y baring .cd­d,jhe report at the Com- ssioner of, F nance apIthe above 'improvement. and , having' considered said report, hereby resolve-: I T— the sold report be and the estimated -cost thereof A V—th— .That a Po COUNCIL FILE NO 13y V INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Atfter of..ravirg Jac .ksor street_frc: ....e scut _ 1,. _.e _Af... all street t the north_ l�ae,_cf_Syca,cre_ street_.„ under Preliminary Order. 171.1.5 _ .............a i- b 19:14.._....._.._....._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the, same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....R4Y_ n.._Jacks.o...Street _fre.ti: th.e....acuth.to....._the ...=_rt :. 11r_.e. cf..._Sycanc.re St. ................_.. ........................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved -F 1•ther, That a public hearing be had oil said improvement on the. __%.. T ....day of A _ � !. _..._.........:._ __1.Q_ ..............._.191...x-, at the hour of_....._..._.o'clock......%�..,........._lL, m the_._G`.Q1111.C11. G�.�lap u.er 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finanee give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tune and p Adopted b the Council__..,._ mprovement, and the total cost t ereof as estimated. lace of hearing,pY he nature of they h � l9 . ity Clerk. APProved_�\�`.!lII.ZL.�lrl._.19./. ,......... ... ...... ... . ..... ......_..... ....._...._..._......_.__...... Mayor. Councilmen Farn worth c. r. No. 2609-13y S... A. Farnswocth— In the matter of paving Jackson street .from the south line .of Valley streak Goss to the north line of Sycamore street, proved September122Dnd.e1914.16, up, 1iC]l The Council of the City f St Paul having received th@ report of the Come mtaefaner of Finance uponthe. hove improvement, and having considered Mccl 11 said repot t. here byesolvea: -1. Thn[ the saldr report be d the same la her by approved and adopted. O'Le ry and. the said improvement Is hereby ordered to proceeded with. I 2. That he stun l the improve- ioer mens which LhenCouncil recommends to paving Jackson street from the south ]Ine of Va11eY street to the north line of Sycamore 'St, with no niternative1. Mayor PON s d thnt Ice e[ed cost hereby Is - 'j14,712.60. Resolved Further. That a "public. onathegIsth day of December 1914. at the hour f 10 o'clock A. M:, in the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court 'House and City Hall Bulldingt,)n-'the .'City of St.: Pau). That the _Commta- 1914. COUNCIL FILE NO..................................._.._. By .1Y f INTERMEDIARY ORDER. avenue td"feFgPf.av°eir eranclor3neEng°avener°romaanrmouamaveuell to''St. Clair street. .. ....................... ....... .. under Preliminary Order ...758 ____..._.__approved ._July 20th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the saute is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Couneil reconuuends is._c_onstruc_ting a sewer ac_a...l__.a-v..enu..e.....tc_$nel_l ngaven _e..__and _on ....—Snelling avenue..,. _`r.4r:; F.a..Tli;oun.t__.avenu.e. t.o. St...._Clair.._etreet..... _.... iLtIX�1&]C1x114L[ xxd[ffim7[tile estimated cost thereof is:�...._5.,.,1.18...55.._if nearer is built in and Talong centre of Snelling Ave. TYie Courc \ also has urdef""Consideration an alternative fore the coist uction of a sewer on Fairmount Ave., from Pascal avenue to Snelling` avenue, and cn Snelling Ave. From Fairmount Avenue to Tk ^'a -,-r street, f'bethe construeonaF�Wo ?,p �n and along Snelling_ Avenue, the estimated cost thereof will be J X7,860.55 Tile Council Also has under consideration an alternative for the construction of a sewer on -._Fairmount -Ave., from Pascal avenue to Snelling avenue, ani — Snelling Ave. from Fairmount avenue to St. Clair street, For_the_constraetion_ of4sEWeiia the Fast side of Snelljng Avenue, the estimated cost thereof will be6, Resbl6ed Further, That it public hearing he had oil said improvement on the 1.6111 ___day of 10o'clock... Council Chamber D w.erlbeT __ 191 :; at the hour of _.._.........._ _... room o9he Court House and City Hall Bullcaing in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... r ....... ._15.!'.4..._..__.:..19............ ';� ��% , / , Approved/. / ......._.__.19L.?� / 1 y Clerk. Councilmen l Prov e' d July of St: Paul �(]$'jy�uri�`1�•%L� '� of the Cent - the above, .o Considered tenue to St_ Ctalr st d cost thereof Is $6.1 Vu 1, and Wong cen' nue. dl hay unser n nnttvc [or the r Fs� m• 1 j COUNCIL FILE�,O S By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. ]it the 104er or...gzading avpnjqe. to prio,g_avenue.. ........... .... tinder Preliminary Order. ....763 approved... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby res(Aves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...91441.r.g t avznue avev.-lue to Prior avan"I.e. .. . ...... . .. .. .......... ......... ..... .......... ................ ......... . Wff"2UEMiVX4XlXd(ffiXxthe estimated cost thereof is h 1,973.,24 for present estatlished gra- e. The Cbim-ell also has ur—,.der. —consideration, ori alternativT for grEFdfft9-- 'rior avenue to the prop d F&imount avenue from Kenneth avenue to T E; e ��'c)sange of--a%rade._the-- estimated cost thereQLJJ�. W1,042.49. Resolved Furtber,,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thel­­Ift___.___day Of Decembp . .......... ___.191 4, at the hour of. .......... 1Q o'clock.. A�t M., in the C.Q_ 1�9.il Qhwuber ............... .Z .............. ..... ....... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Matinee give notice of said meeting to the persons and in'the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. rTJ 10 1914 Ad . '6ted by the Council. ............. C k. Approvedev%.l� /... ..� ........ 19/ ... .. . ....... .... .. ... ......... ....... . ...... .. ........ . ......... ............. or, Councilmen Fa sworth C. P. No. i511—By S. A. Farnsworth— In the Matter of grading Fairmount avenue from Kenneth avenue to Go S Prior avenue. under Preliminary' Or - red 76;, approved July 20th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul I having received the report of the Comm Ke er missoner-of Finance upon the above Fa Ss lmpr vernent, and having considered Bald oreport, hereby resolve., I . I I. That the said report be and the I M oil same is hereby approved and adopted and the said improvement Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. eary 2. That the nature of the Improve mea ent which the Council recommends, I gradingFairmountfrom Ken - r r avenue; the Y rg meth avenue to P 11 4 ea - tlnmated cost, thereof Is $1,973.2 for present, established grade. The Council bes under pon.idcrationi, ,d, tt Mayor P. ers an alternative for gra ns; F%Lnrumoun avenuet from Kenneth avenue, t.! Prior avenue to the proposed ehange F 4 it F COUNCIL FILE N0 .... ..-.......................... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. in the lel . of Change of grade on Princeton avenue betw-nerl...Pr.i.or avenue undcr'Prelinitinary Order approved-Octo` ..e.r. 14th,. 1914. ... ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having donsidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved anti adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...__change o. f......g.-rad on r avenue -b-etwaan Rrlox ave.au.e.. . and.-Kanae-t.h atrap-t..'- ........... z .............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof iF .......... . .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the-1.7th ........... day of ..................__.__...._:...191.4.., at the hour ---o'clock ........... A-171., in the -C-Qun.cll Gliamber 61 Paul. That the Coal i9si 1 er of ro in of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. P, in, ol Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the inanner.provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t creof s iluated. I /cot t...Peie 0, 'q 011 Adopted by the Council..-........._._____........__.. �.19 .......... ....... ...................... - .......... iiy - C . I erk . .. . Approved`" Mayor. Councilmen Far y iworth C. F No. 25t2—By S. A. F.rr—.rth— .In til� Matter of change of grade on Gost Princeton avenue etween Prior — nue and Xenneth bstreet, under Pro-, 71minary Order 2074, approved Cat- her 14 "' , Council Kell r Th. C... I of the City of St Paul having received the report of the Conn. entesioner of Finance upon the above Improvement. and having considered hereby Me I ill said report, here Y resolves: 1. That th-said report be and the "" " hereby approved end adop ted; 0'L ary and the said Improvement is hereby ordered to ' be proceeded with. 'I. That thennture of the I-pr,,e- net, recent Yoe change which the Fee recommends is 9 change of grade on Princeton avenue between Prior n no end Kenneth street, with no alternatives. —d that, Mayor PON rs the estimated cost thereof is $25.00.-1 Resolved Further, That a public -I COUNCIL FILE NO_ 7. KennECS Addition, On tne e NdgequmbeRoad on the so u tt INTERNET. 'S'ftPark -F,t a and o,] ,na,,O,der 37i, aPT e24th�11914 Council ,�nlYledoft!lVe City of , iepo" FtrIn tile iAffter Of.-.. - —Opening, widening and extending Griggs Street to a width of south line of J. J. Kenna's Addition to the north 60 feet from the line of Lexington Park Addition Plat .3, by condGifining and taking the Westerly 30 feet of that tract of land in the North East 4 of the South East 4 of Sec. 10, Town 28, Range 23, bounded on the north by J. J. Kenna's Addition on the Fast by Edgcumbe Road'or. the Soutn by 1exingt �rd on the West by t�le_,1_17_1 Sec. line �,on Park Plat 3, . .. ....... under Preliminary Order_ ....Z.77.. ............ ......__......_.approved .juD e 2.4tn, 1.9.14 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon i, the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... ............ ............... .. ............ ........... . ...... . . ..... A"hig, widening and extending Griggs Street to a width0 a f from the south line of J. J. Kenna' Is Addition to the north --e om .line of Lexington Park Addition Plat 3, by condOmning,aid taking th Westerly 30 feet of thaVtraefof land in the North East � of the South East 4 of Sec. 10, Town 28, Range 33, bounded on the morth by J. 4 J Kennals Addition on th6Fast by Fdgeumbe Roadion the South b : -.Lexington (Park Plat 3,_P,.n.1 on the Test by the See. line .... .$. ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is- -LEC-00 Resolved Further, That a public' hearing be had oil said improvement on the.....E-tn of . ...... at the hour of.. o'clock ................ in the. roont of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.,Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance e r 1 give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time ne alid place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost tb 'eof intated. I I ,191.4 Adopted by the CoVilcil.: ... . ....... _19 .......... . fz- .......... . .. ­­ ....... . ... City" Clerk. Approved,/&V7 Councilmen Fa nsworth VIM Go a Ke ler M oil j, 0 eary Y rg Iftyar--Powers- j q A 4 CITY GP ST. PAUL . ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. - AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL NO. r! PILE 1914. aT�d m 119nrnour• I( AUDITED NOV 10 PER ' TITLF 123 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds'f in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following Ifetai statement: Yeas,'( J) Councilmen ( d) Nays Adopted by the Counc191 Farnsworth f 91 Goss In favor Ap r ed— Keller McColl Against ♦Y0. Yoerg Mr. Presidei;ix, wers'� �C 3? Wo 2614-- .�: Resolved That warrants tie drawn' " UDPn the ClIy 3'reaeury Da bis out of the her4lnat apeN. ds and fn 18 or of Lha DPrppn,9t 'HTr Corj}Pta. '. -' t1on8'_foC th0 avfot{aTa,. 0 pOsii their+seaDectivgauatnnes as peed 1 [he tolowing {7dk9iIod ataLeNBnt.-� YJgght . - Cqrpnrnte ,PprDOee—SBlartka Ing 9 A. Farneworth $Ti7 X50 - General Fund ;MiaceUaneous Acct ifiera ' S °A. F8aIl asworthY y64 OD I Fire, DY:Dt Fund S. A, Fatinsxio tn,i - { 'CItY.�DumD Aoct' S A Farnsx o;th, - .Street 8c Sewer ::Fund 6 A. Paha , ' (,Farnsworth Bridw. Bldg apalr - � $6nd General Fund--Croaewa}ks Acct 'A. -.. 9 Farnsworth .$$23 60 ++ Electton E D nee ACL 5 A`� `Farneworth - - Corporate Purposes-Salaried 6DrinkUng Funt 5 A F rpaworth ,^.y�, ii tin Fund $48830 6paclat Funds-Englnear[ng IneDec _ b", f34coL �II B A. S,arasworth" 1.718.50 6D c' Ase §a Cont A et,—Raving, - 5 2' S. A• Farnsworth, f ity 6Yndtcat to C7ty Limits S. A.F aworth, $3700 57.50, Jf Fern worth $lae4t t ' General Fand-jascellaneo Casa"=84 PaYne;to eatminat0r S A, Farneworth $10 2b Prior Ave Mdrahalt to �VntveteftlJ. S A. ;Farneworth x214 D6 Bates to S• A' , V 54.00 5 3 8 • A. Farnsworth j Haetinge Ave.. Earl Farnsworth; $167:60 .4 �DaIe-� 6L .Grand to Fropt S Al Fire Dept. Fund FarneFfITLh $b76 80 Adopted by the Gooncil Nov SO 1919 . h ADProved Nov 30 1914 99.20; V 5 4 S. A: Farnsworth, City Dump Acct. / ✓ 5 95 S. A Farnsworth, 256.00' Street & Sewer Fund 6- S. A. Farnsworth, 8,834.43 Bridge Bldg."&,Repair Fund S81.21�� 5 7 S. A. Farnsworth,' General Fund-Crosswalks Acet. 5 8. S. A. Farnsworth, 323.80, y M Corporate Purposes -Salaries -Cont. ' Eleotion Expense Aceta 55 4 S. A. -Farnsworth, 395.60 ✓ " ff Sprinkling Fund 488.10 " E_ 5c 00 S. A. Farnsworth, Total Corporate Purposes,.. 11,089.84 Special Funds Engineering Inspection Acct. / 5 01 S. A. Farnsworth, 1,718.50 Spec. Assess: Const. Acct. -Paving University, Syndicate to City Limits 602 S. A. Farnsworth, 3,7.00 Pak— York & Westmi.nist"er 603 S. A. Farnsworth, 12.00 Case St., Payne to Westmigister 604 S. A. Farnsworth,; 10.25 / Prior Ave., Marshall to. University,: J _ 605 S. A. Farnsworth, 14.00 Hastings Ave., Bates_ to Earl, 06 S. A. Farnsworth, 157.50 Dale St., Grand to Front 5 7 S. A. Farnsworth, 575:6020 Tota Total Corporate P ores ........ ............ 1,08 .84 =: N Special Fun s,. .. . • •• 1,7 •50 M -Spec. Aese . Const. Ace ,.-Paving.... 6 Grand Total, 13, 14.69, r ; 3$ Y Colmttil File No....... .......... 2515 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELDUKARY ORDER. Tile undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pl a improvement by the y of St. Paul, viz.: ......_..Grade...Whit.e.. Bear ....R3o.Ad,--..T,rom...E ton...Street .....to....P . ....AAenua., ...P.G.t.il on....hare...... attaohad.....__..... _....................................................... ........... _ __._..........._..........._...._.._...._....__...._._........................_......._..............._............_....._..._..................................._....._......... _....._.................................................._......................._...... Dated this ........... l.It?d...:...day of ........... .. @mbar.., ................................ ... ....191.A. "7 �- Y � liVllnelln1611. PRELIMNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...._..GTade................... . Wthite_ Bear Road... from.._ EdgertOn._Btreet...t9..Payne..A.v..enaca... ............................... ..... __... ._... .. ..... ........ {r go E616 �'.: . .............. ............................................. ... .'herene A Wr tt n PTO%- at tor- - c1n d LWhotio1B 4318o4dptroo •- (iro rade h o yn ............ .. ....... ... .:.......... ........................ ton' 9tTae t.to' Ra ,ay.nu. hj ... .. ....... ...... .. - an �,preeented to g CuunOil Of s4L ..Pae"nefOre.".be .._......... ...._........................................................._.l ienoJvad, That?.f,Jle Commlaeto ........_. ........................................ ....................................... �'�110 oWr .'=; -,and h0 to hOref •d•and'd,r@etedp having been Presented to the Gonnell.,pgl° aiitiyaun/tibghmnuw"`Uy Councilman ........_ ......_._.._......... ; therefore, be it toveomenvesttsaYe th40matur • ,' 6timat.d 'coat of chid 3 RESOLVED, That the Cc is-sle d tho total cost tilrl{and he is hereby � ordered and directed: nlsh. a pl. , 1'�; move 1. To investigate the necessity fol 'of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent iiad estin,,', cost of s1Ci4 improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or s t Ii of eaidSQSprovement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement :................. ....... . .......... _............... ...... _._.... _............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing'inatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted'by the Council. ��....,. rX ......191. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa worth \`/- / Gos APProved.'...Z( ......191. M i Mc l:' 0, ly Yo May . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RMSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........... ,...--.-........ C16OUNCIL / i%7 _..... _....._.��._ _............' ... _._......._.....-_.........._.:__................ Date Presented -.Nov.10.,..1-914;--I91-.....- Resolved, That, WHEREAS the Commissioner of Finance has made requisition on the Purchasing Agent for one Mardian' Calculating Machine, costing $150.00, which, by reason of a patent is sold at a unif orm price only, and no advantage can be secured by advertisement or by asking for competitive bide; And, WHEREAS, the"Comptroller has certified that there is sufficient money in the Treasury of said Department to pay the purchase price thereof; therefore it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Age is authorized to buy the above mentioned Marchant C ulating Alachine for the sum of $150.00, without adve Bement of competi.tivjw bids. NOV- Yeas (1/) Coun men (P) Nays Farn orth / Goss _ _In favor Kell MC I __. -Against O, y Yo Mr. Pre FORM C.9-2 n - Adopted by the Council __1��_ ��-191 Approved)t_!l— MAYOR Council File No. tATIFY1NG ASSESSMENTS, Nora tt — - e s, cosr of the ensesamr Per - the '11-Y and Block 13, Woodland land k. 'A:slley In Block l9, R'000rder k '.Cdditlon qq�der Final Order'. 14. 6ppro" Adgust"27th. ri %lie hearing. 'having been hnl�, , 'x!117 and lmvingg been considered finally sat_. Infaltory. *be it'therefore B9 - Resolved; That thesaidassessment be and..the same, Is-hershy .In 11 re-� apepts rutffled..and the'same -Is be-byI ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the -County of Ramsey for. connrmatlon. Be rt :Further - Resolved, That the sold assessment be and It le berth I ment. determined to be..pays. in five equal Resolut Installment as to each and every par -I cel f land described. therein. Adopted: by the'Council Nov. 11, 1914. Approved Nov. 1.1, 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) In the matter of the assessment of benefits costs and nses for —y'- pavingthe alley in Block 132 Woodland Park Addition 4104 under Preliminary Order—, Intermediary Order Final Order ' 0 approved t 27th} 191_! . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 �'�� City Clerk. 2rl— ; Approved Mayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter- of the assessment of.._b.pApfitea_..._COet_a..._and,._. pg{�see for the paving _of...._.the._..allay.....in....Black.._.1.3.,...._Wo.odland....Pax.k.,................................... _.._... .................. _......... ................................... _... ........ under Preliminary Orderr............._......._..........................................._._....., Intermediary Order ........................ _............ ..___........_........... ._........ ........ , Final Order ................. 4..0104 .................._................. .......... . approved ............AU&l.1.e.t.....27111.................... _.191_._3. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - :(;.._1., 987..00,_..._.._.._. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - ;x ............... ...._6.36 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - -$............ _... ................ ........... _.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $............ laQ00.......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$........ ._...................._..._............ 2 115.36 Total expenditures - - - - --- - - - -$.........'.._..........__..__...._._..._... Said Commissioner farther reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above a3cer- tained, to -wit: the son of ............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, mid that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as con by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may bi ,onsidered pro 1 Commissioner of Finance. v ? s l ' C. F. No.+.2618—' In [he matter of the assessment f beneflI costs and e8penees forE F r Brading: the :east alley running north and sonth'tn'. block' 2 The Hamllne ' �• Syndicate- Addition 'No ': 2, under Final Order .39739, approved July'. f NO. 23rd, 1 ..911, A public hearing having been .had , Council File upon .the -assessment for the above'.lm- pprovement.' a n d said assessment hav- 'ing, been further considered by the Council, and having been considered anally;=satisfactory, be it therefore By Resolved, That the said. assessment . be and, the .same Is hereby In,' ail - bpects'ratided , sand thesame'le hereby 'ordered.. to be submitted toDls[rict�¢ -'Court of the County of Ramsey. for conflrmation. Re It Farther Resolved, That the 1 sald'as r=ent be and 1t is hereby de- l termined to be payable in ave equal itnstaliments Sa to Inch and every par-SSment. bed I Adopted by the Resole "eiCou ell Nov. 11, 1914 Approved Nov. 1t. 1914. (Nov. 14-1914) benifits costs & expenses for In the matter of the assessment of grading the east alley running north and south in block 2 The Hamline . Syndicate Addition No.2 39739 under Preliminary Order—, Intermediary Order Final Order ' approved- July 23rd A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council / /fir �� 1914K. City Clerk. Approved >Uy" // 191 r ayor. j REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE c_ ....... . . ......................19L,C . In the matter of the assessment of..._be.1..f .,te._ppets- & exp lsA> for grading the east p.._runn ng.._north_and south in Bloak 2 The Hemline Syndicate Addition under Preliminary Oraer......._..._..__......_.........._---" .-.._._.._........._., Intermediary Order_.........._._......_......_.__..__.......__................_._..._....., Final Order_.'................._39739...................._:...............__.� Proved........._JLt1.Y....__23rd....................._.._._191..._3. f To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily, incurred and to he incurred for and in connection with the4making of the above improve- Illent, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $ ......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - -.................. F>....2.7. .............. _ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - ..__..__----------------- -_------------------ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - x........ _.... 15.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - * ..... ....... ......... ............. ........ ..... ... 219 2� Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - �+._.__....._.......'._..._..... ........... Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of....._a19__a7................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is her4with submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ... Commissioner of Finance. Council File N By. In the matter of the assessment Co an ) be 3 the eto the tye otRans.eyt Loc - ,ResolvedThat they', . . be and It Is bar. Y Payable In flue equal. �I saehad tand 1-verY Par"., Council Nov. 11, 1914. �n e n t. 11, 1914. I rte conte & expenses ora,iinu titP a71pv in Tclvd'I ubdivision of Lots 1 & 3 Block 3 of McLean's Reservation from earl Street to Cypress Street 40109 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order , approved A'vp"+tst 3'7tb 1913 . A public bearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council -amt__ Z/1Alt City Clerk. Approved 191 ���ayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Gam...._._/ �...._._ ..:_i ,i.�i` In the matter of the assessment ofb.ensf.I.is.-co.8t8-...&.....expertzellhe.for.....gimding.....the ....._:.... a) lev in.__ Lowl! a__ %ubdivi sion.,.-of.._Lots 1 & S' Block 3 of McLeant a ............... .... ....... _ .. ............. ....... ............ ............................. ....... T�emerveion from rarl Street to Cypress- Street ................__........................................................_......._........_..._..._.._.............. ... ........................ ..._._.................. ......._................. _..._..........._._...._.._................... ................ underPreliminary Order......._......................_.........................._............._.. Intermediary Order ............... ................................ .......... ......__._....... _..... ... GN Final Order................... _.._40109.........._..._......_..:.........., ap ......._A. x�et_...3'7_th.............._......lsi.._3. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and im commetion with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - --- - - - - - - -....791...9.. .......... .......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $........1.©..56...................... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $ .................. __............................ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - --............45�OQ..........__.... Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . .................................................. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - :1;...6-.+3.6.s-_,5.$ ....................... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.........S.3-8..58 .............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be eoonnsidered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. By Resol •. F. No. 2820=- [n the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expeneesforl grading Subdivisf6n1 orB131-ke886 and 87, Lyman Dayton 'e:. Addition, under', Final Order 41248; approved -..,Feb-i unry 10th, 191. ' A public hearing having been . had ,Ponthe as e e entfo theahave im- provement, and eafd-ase esment. h Ing been further consid red by the I Council, and having. been considered finally satt fa tory, be 1t th refore esol•beRnnd the same is hereby¢ine.11 p sets ratified, and the s me Is here b_ ordered to be an ed to the Dis- trict Court r the County of Ramsey for canflrmatlon.' Be It Further Resolved,- That the aI d a sesement be and 1t fe hereby determined .. be payable in five equal Ment. installments au to each and every par- cel of land described therein. Adopted Uy the Councit Nov. 11t 1933.4. �I APProved (N2�o114 19141 b ifit. costs & expenses In the matter of the assessment of en ". �rnding the Fal ley J flIon4 as Teffmanns SLb. Division of Blooke 86 and 87 Lyman Dayton. Addition. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order— , Final Order 41$46 approved February 10th 191 4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of landdescribed therein. Adopted by the Council=dLL�� �i 191 City Clerk. Approved � l- ?1 � 191 � REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (_<....__ ................ benifits costs & expgnsels for grading the In the matter of the assessment of_..........._.._...._....... ... _......... ........ ...._ ..........................for t ne.....__......_............................ ..... .......... _..... ...... alley.._in.__Block.,.86__Leffmanne Sub.Division of Blocks--... and 87 Lyman ......... .......... ......... _.......... .............................. ..._._............................. ..................... ...._.............................................................._..................... Davtons Addition. under Preliminary Orderr..........................._.._......-................_........._._....., Intermediary Order ....... ......... ......................... ............................ ..... _.... ..., 41246 February 10th 4 FinalOrder........................._............................................................, approved.............................................._......_........................191......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditar,gs necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the upking of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $.............. 453...44..._....... Cost of publishing notice - - 7.58 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - -$._........_._ _......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - ¢.................. 30.00 ... ........ Amount of court costs for confirmation — ..............__..........._........__._.... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - _ _ ............ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of._..._490..r_9B.,............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case" Of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. 1 c. F, xo:raszl— m tne:':i atter ee ens for gr of 6enefits;�Gbyta and expenses for grad- fr.. ing'..$tiford Ave. from Como Ave pt to 40631, approved No,der Final Order, 40631, aPProved :November ° 12tH. 103,3! ADublic. hearinghaving been bad .anon the assessment for the above fm - Council File No. 10 be By „° tin tt Further Resolved, That the - 01 said nasessm on and It Is hereby de- termined to be payable fn ave -equal Installment' ne to each .and every pa, cel or land d_erlhod therein. Adopted by the Connell Nov. 11. 1934, f',IIt. ReSolUti APProved Nov. ll` 1914. 14-1914) benifits Costs & expenses for In the matter of the assessment of gradin ,Buford Ave. from Como Ave. west to Brompton Street a 40631 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order approved November 12th 191 3 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. �l Adopted by the Council ��� // 19 City Clerk. Approved X V_ 191 ayor. 1521 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G��«....:.........1......._.....191 benifits coats & expnses for grading Buford Inthe matter of the assessment of.......__....___.____......__...__................._.......__....._... or the_...........__._.............._..._......................... _Ave..._from..._Como.._Ave..,...._wee t__._to..._Bromp-ton_.. Stree-t.___...... under Preliminary Order_................._...................._......_.............__........... Intermediary Order ............... _.................................... ......._._.___._...._......., 40631 November 12th 3 FinalOrder._..._._............................................................._........., xpproved.................._..............._....._............................._.....1J1......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarilyincurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $............ Cost of publishing notice. - - $ ...........................7.07 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - -*...._..._._._..._....._.........._.......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $.:.............. ... _75_._00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$ ................... ......... .......... ........._.. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $........... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._.... 184...39 .......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Coin mission er, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. y JL . I I _ I I I.. r•. No. 2622 In the matter of . the ax. -me.; oh ;- bene Pts, cost" and expensee for ""'d ing Chatsworth street 'from Charles street to Unlvorsity. Ave., under Pa,t Order. 41206, .approved January. .20th_ 3914:__-__.__ a Council File By- 111, It r,rther Resolved, That the aid :assessment be and it ie hereby determined to bepayable7n five equate Installments as. to each and every par cel or 'land rescrlbed therein. Xllopted by the Council Nov. 11, 191'4.. Approved Nev. 11,. 1914 (Nov. t4-1914) ReSol ' t,ivir _i`�ng_cnbazsSmellt. In the matter of the assessment of benif its COBtB & expenses __for radon& Chatsworth Street from Charles Street to University Ave. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 41205 approved January 26th 1914 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in�l!�/n�equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council <— i 19 City Clerk. Approved (�1� z 191 i e��1 V Mayor. 5f REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE benifits Coste & expenses for the grading Inthe matter of the assessment of.._........._..._._._._......._ __.........._ ..............._......_......for the ............. ....................... -_............ __...... _....... ...... _of.....Cha-tsar..th....S.treat....fmom....Char.1.e.a.....S.tx.e.e_t...._to_...U..n verei_tY..._Ave...... ........ _............................. wider Preliminary Order.........- ................ ._......_.......... ........ ........ ............. Intermediary Order ...._.._.................................... ...... _.................. ..... ___...; 41205 January 26th . 4 Final Order_....._....................._..._....._._....._..._.........................._, approved.......... .. ..._....._............................_..........................191......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as it statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - _ - - - - _ - - - $ .320.00........... Cost of publishing notice - - -....._ ...7.19 ............................ Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . . . :..................... ...... _._._............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - x____60.00 ............................. .............. Annotmt of court costs for confirmation - - - -:}:................... ..... ....................._ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - x.387.1 ...... ................. Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sun of.'..._......._387. 19 $ .__....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in aecordanee with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ......................... _........................ _..............__............... Commissioner of Finance. In the matter of the assessment of benif it4 COryts & expenses for construction of a sews n Da1'e Street from the Northers Pacific Railroad to Maryland Street 41324 - under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order , approved February 10th 1914_ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordergd to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installmdtts as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by Council�191 City Clerk. Approved 191 Mayor. C. F. No. 2622— .� • In the matter, of the assessment of ba vents, colts and expense. for on atrU tion ( sewer j on Dale BtT et t m the N thern Paclflc' Railroad tod�rD rylnd street, under Final Or- approved 11441324, February 10th,:: ,, putheblic Fhaving, paboveeen ..had; nrine'n -'a-Yor .+. upAn saeah m i th0 -provem nt,. and said. asaeesment hav(ng bee furtherconsidered b1 the Cbun-. 1-'r?lsT cll nd hay b en considered finally Council File No. eatisfa t y, 6 tt therart re - 6eR dl the, amt Is hereby ass all ret -Peet' .tined, and the e¢me Is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dleti•Iet Court of ..the County of Ramsey tori confirmation. By it ed Band .ia assessment be It Ishhereby determined to be payable In fire equal Inatullmente ae to each and every par- cel of land deae"bed therein. Adopted by the Council N.V. 1f, 1914. ipP Dyed WoV. 11, 191 41914 . 1, ) Resolution Ratifyi:.V.ng Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benif it4 COryts & expenses for construction of a sews n Da1'e Street from the Northers Pacific Railroad to Maryland Street 41324 - under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order , approved February 10th 1914_ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordergd to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installmdtts as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by Council�191 City Clerk. Approved 191 Mayor. d REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE benifite costs & exp sl for the construction Inthe matter of the assessment of ......................_...._............ ... _....... ................._........_....� tf�........................._..-...............:...._............_..__.... of a sewer on Dale Street from the Northern Pacific Railraad to ..--.......-............................................-...-...................................-......................-.........-..........................................................................................................................--..... _.Maryl.and.....S.trae,t..........-..................._..._........._............-.................__..._.__...............__.._.........--.............._.__.............._................_...............................-.._..... under Preliminary Order....-..... ............ -........... ...-------- _--------- _................ Intermediary Order................. ............ ..._._........_......................... - ...... ........ , Final Order.............4.1.3.$.4.................... - ............ ....__........... approved .................. F 1914..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul:, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - :y..._517._00 ................. ... Cost of publishing notice _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - -D ......... -_6_x_00 - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - ---- -------------------------------------- Inspection ........................._------..._Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - x......._45.00 ----- Amount of court costs for confirmntion - - - k... .................................... ...... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - -- ..................... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster - 568 . twined, to -wit: the son of :�...............00 ..............__...._......_.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of laud in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by Iftim, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be eonsidered proper. . ..... . . .- ............ ........... - -- Commissioner of Finance. .C. F. No 2824— o In the matter of the assessm nt hof �i'•r� benefit costs and expense' faron-1 .trading a sewer on Dnla -9t from a point r85'reet south of. ttie. enter of Topping, St. to a .point' 100 feet south of the center of :Front $t., un-; dar FinalOrder 41323, approved Feb -I ary 101h, 1914. Council File No. A public hearing -having been hadl �':uVon the assessment for the above Im- provement. and said assessment hav Ing :'been further considered by the. Council,.. and having been considered. B 1 - finally 'satisfactory; be .It therefore , Resolved, That the said aasessment be and the sameIs hereby In a 'specta rntifled, and, the some 'fa he reby, ordered to be submitted to the Ms- trict Court of the County of Ramsey! for confirmatlon.. Is It: Further' Resolved, That the aid assessment 6e and It is hereby 1 determined to be payable In five equal Resolutl� installment. as to each and every par- cel of land described therein. - e.T11. Adopted by the. Council Nov. 11, 1914 g Approved Noy. 11, 1914. (Nov. 14-1014) In the matter of the assessment of benefits costs & expenses for constructing a sewer on Dale St. from a point 185 feet South of the center of Topping St. to a point 100 feet South of the center of Front St. 41323 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order , approved February 10th 1914 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved �Ln x 191E i Mayor. '52.1 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE benefits costs & expenses for constructing a. In the matter of the assessment of ......... .. __.._ ...............for the ._....................................... .... __..._.._............... sewer.....0n__Dale-.._at..*._._frpm..._a.....point..._ 185..._ feet.._ South... of the center of Topping St. to a point 100 ft.South of the center of Front Street ,....._......._...:........ _....__..._......._.........................................._................. .............. ........... -.........._........._....._.._..._.._.....____................ .................................._........................................:. under Preliminary Order..,...... _ ........................... . .... . ....................... Intermediary Order._._...._.........._,............... Final order _...._..._4. a3 ............... .._._... ................ ........... approved ............ F8bPi1aTY..._lgth............. 1914..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: - 2179.00 Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - -..........._....... ..... .............. ...... 10.03 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - -- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - -$........... ........_._......_........._....... 100.00 Inspectionfees . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - -................................................... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - 1-..._..�.2. _ ...._Q. ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- 2289.03 tamed, to -wit: the sum of $._......................... ....................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by, the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. IC. F: No. asa6— assessment r of the . Inbeneflte,attoeta and sh'es''for of �'. grading Doswell Ave. Yrom Raymond to Cleveland Ave —din Final • Order40449.. -approved September 22rd, ""- A-pubitc. hearing having been ►pd upon' .the assessment for the bove Council File No. mprgvemenY, and geld assessment hav- C tog been nd t having ebeea aconetdered 9'R"11',. 6tisfactory, be it therefore i ly d That. the aid assessment , 6e nd the.. ams Is beret, ai all re. By spectg- atlflad, and the ams 11 hereby of dered to. be submlttsdetoa the Dietrtet Court of the County of Ramsey for conarmatton. " It Fp'rth r Resolved, That the aid assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable In ave equal Inatalimentg as to each and every par - eel of land degcrtbed therein. Adopted'by the Council Nov. 11, 1914. i Reso Approved Nov. 11, 1914. �ssment. (Nov. 14-1914) e benifits costs & expenses In the matter of the assessment of grading Doswell Ave from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave. Final Order 40449 under Preliminary Order ,Intermediary Order September 33rd 191. approved _ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in/__:_1.�1_cqual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council zz A-1 /- City Clerk. Approved I Mayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE.COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE benifits costs & eapBns for grading 'Roswell I11 the matter of the assessment of...__._...._._........_.....__....:_......_._......._..............tor Pf(ee...-........................ ......_............ _...._...._....... Ave from Rapmond_._Ave. to Cleveland Ave .__.... _... .................... ........................................._..........................................._.........-..............................................._.........................................._............ under Preliminary Order.-...... ........... ._......_..... ............_....._..._............. Intermediary Order ............. 40449 September 23rd 3 Final Orderr....................................._.............................._..........._..-, approved -.................................. ............ _... _.............. ......... 191....._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a atatenient of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve= uient, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - x.._.....-.-895•.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - 4 .... _........ _.... 8.00 ........................... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - -*... _................. _.......... .............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - s$ ....... ........_45..-00...._ . Amount of court costs for confirmation - - -................. ............... _..__........ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - y_......_...9..4...QQ...---- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied,the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -tuft: the $11111 of�...._g48. 0.0 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and ep*' which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ��.............._............. _ .__._.._..._:_. Commissioner of Finance. Co By vent. 3914. (NU V:-14-1914 )' In the matter of the assessment of benefits costs expenses for constricting a dew9r on .Tames Street from $amline Ave. to Summit Ave. Pmi+t,falso known as Frteecomb Road) and on Summit Ave. South from James °+,reet to Ranlolrh Rtreet. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 3RD—, approved —R rri 'i$Tt4 191—x. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in —equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council �,..� City Clerk. Approved )�/% /0 f � /* 191 ayor. P= REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ..L'�........................._..._Ism In the matter of the assessment of._benef ite Costs & exp�A.Bglp, for cone trnetAhA a sewer on :Tames Street from Hamline Ave. to Summit Ave. South (also _..... _................ _...... ............ .......................................................... _........... _... ........ _.... ........ ... ................. _.............. ......... ......... ......................... ......_......................................... __ known as F-dRecomb Aoad) and on Summit Ave.South from James Street to __....Rlfndolph 4treet..._....._..................-..... ............... .......... ...... .................................................... .............. ........._......... .......... ........... ........... ._.... ........__......... under Preliminary Order. ......._......._........... _...... ._.... _........... ..._.............. Intermediary Order ...................... ......................... ........................... _..... __, Final Order......................_3s9ai._........_....._._._.._......_._., approved....._............_._..aril...?,3rd._...........191..3._ 10 the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve, went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - -00 / The sum of $3845.00 was Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - .._. 11 39 ✓ appTopriited and set aside Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - y ............................................... out of the sewer bond Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - -._...._.3.j�,0©...._.1.--. account of the General Amount of court costs for confirmatim.......... ........... ._......... Fund. Total es euditures - _ - - - - - - - - 5917.39 Lese the cum of �384'5:"00......._...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied Trip th mount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sun of..........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and n+e a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be eonsidered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Co By u�527 grading Syndicate Ave. from Ashland Ave. to Selby Ave. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 41201 Januray 26th ___4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described, therein. Adopted by the Council / 191 / City Clerk. Approved ��/ a k V`� 19114 / ayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .r?%YY.... ......... /...........-1'11�� In the matter of the assessment of b@neY _te... Coats & expq{�ae �e foT grading Syndi.. Ave. from Ashland Ave. to Selby Ave. under Preliminary Orderr..............._..-_............_._.__...._....._.._.._......._... Intermediary Order ._............................... _..... ___ ....... _ ................. ...... _... ... . 41201January 26th 4- FinalOrder...._...__ ....................... ............. ......................... ........., approved ......... ........ _......................... ....... _.................... ...191._...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - X252.80 Cost of publishing notice- - 5..+.5r. Cost of postal Cards . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - >......g0.+.00.....1.. ------- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - '):........................ g 1319.62 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - -$.................................................. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total n,mount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.........1319..-62._......upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be eonsidered proper. s ....t. _. _.................._......_ _..._ i.__......._....... Commissioner of Finance. J Resolution K of the aeseeemen[ of ether R -1—d. nve 'equal every par - 11, 1914, Assessment. benefits costs & expenses In the matter of the assessment of for grading Topping.St. from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. 35991 under, Preliminary Order- , Intermediary Order , Final Order April 10th ,n, 2 �A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council— –City Clerk. Approved 6 l ` 191 ayor. ���benea Ing >T to tar 36991, A pul upon th pTove— been;fu Council File No. en eatl,saencnd Resor be and apeote ordered B- 3r Court connarj ' Resolution K of the aeseeemen[ of ether R -1—d. nve 'equal every par - 11, 1914, Assessment. benefits costs & expenses In the matter of the assessment of for grading Topping.St. from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. 35991 under, Preliminary Order- , Intermediary Order , Final Order April 10th ,n, 2 �A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council— –City Clerk. Approved 6 l ` 191 ayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �l benefits costs $exp nsgB for grading Inthe matter of the assessment of .................._........_.........................._........................... or tine_........._-....__.._._............_--...__.__._......_.. Topping St. from Syndicate Ave to Griggs St. underPreliminary Orderr...................__.............._._...................._.._........... intermediary Order ....... ................. .................. .._.._.......... ................ .... .... 35991 April 10th 2 FinalOrderr........... ....__..._.......................................................... .... approved .... ....................... ................. _...... _........ _...... _....... 191-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- meut, vii.: 600.00 Cost, of construction - - - - - - - - - - -$...................._. Cost of publishing notice - -$._......_l0..l_5.7.............. _... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - $--................... _................ -- Inspection fees. - - - - - - - - - - - - - $---__40.0.0 ----- ---- --- _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -'*'......._.....--- ...........:....--........._. 650.57 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $--...... __.................... .......... -... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........... 650_._57........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith snbmitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. 0 1 C,. F. No.: 262 th s m nt t f In the matcostaof is Texpens s benente. coshefleld Ave. from For rl ^ gradin£ 10th. 1914: SL'to aeSrov dt�)!ebruary lothrml , rIa 41248 PP aridg having .l a-_Publ'O see r the hove itn- Council File No.�nPoh the t' same t f 1 r pprovet.11, a d aid nyidered nbyh the 1 & .beo furth been c sider-d Oouncli and havin6 factory, b It_thereforesmant w Birn Gena •thde same 1sth'eo�9 Ima is hereoY ,. i,.. Died; rntiDied; nthe ordered to ba eetmotY oto._say-rfor' i court oY the .c That the o ilrmatlon: 11 Be It Forther,b eanQe li. is. hereby'. said .nsseseinent od in flue equal I' Installment et as to ebe ¢eh and pverY P°T' Resol�CeAdopte Nthe 1� 1 114 0" il; 1914'Ssment. a..roved (No 14-1914) benefits coats & expenses for In the matter of the assessment of �� grading Wakefield Ave. from Ea -at St. to Heater St. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 41248 approved February 10th 1914 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council- 191 kr--v /% City Clerk. Approved � `�r� Z 191- _ r ayor. -x.529 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 6:9'y ...... /o�-__.............._.l benefits costs 8, expensels for grading Wakefield In the matter of the assessment of ... _ ..... .. ..... ........ .-.... . Ave. from " St to Hester St. -....................-....... _... _.......... _............ IntermediasOrder......................................_........_....._.__.._.......-..__......, Soder Preliminary Order... ......................._.............._._. Y 41248 Februaty 10th 4 FinalOrder ... ....... _................. ... _....._.__.... ...... ......... ..... approved . .................. ........ ._..... _............... .... ....... ....... 191_....._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the makiug of the above iniprove- went, viz.: y 1.556.80.._..... Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - ......... ....-5. -36......... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - --...._...... ......... ........ ......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - -......._60.00.._._ ... _. Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ........ ........ ................ ..._...... ..... Total expenditures - - --- - - - - - - x.._1632._16-.-....._ ... _. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the swn of:�._..._..._.1622......._.._..._...16 .._...._..upmn each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of"each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has'been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment its completed by hit", and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon its may be eonsidered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Mr, Nerrold. Council Fite No............. _.............. PROPOSAL FOR n U' ROVEMENT, 2530 and PRELIMINARY'ORDE The iuldersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo wing public improvement by t City of St. Paul, viz.: .......... andemning.-and....t.aking....an-- sement.....in...the --Land. -• cessar.y......fox-_ slop..e_g.z.__fo_r._cuts._and..._fil_le..._ n..._&I....._ng.._Ran ..._T.err.ac:e....fx.a. .... _ens.an...Aze:......_tD Youngman Ave.._.... _...... _.............................. ...... ._._._..... _ ._... ........ ..... _.......... ..........................._ j 1 ........... TRELISIINARY ODDERS' 2530 C F 'No .a........................__.. ..........._...... .._. .. _. ...... .. ...... _......._,.._........._ ...._. Whnreae, A �vrltten Proposal for the making of the following lmpr v meat.' Dated this t:111 da o viz:` $o t emning and I.— an' ease• ,1914..... - y meht.In the Isnd'neceseary:for §lopes,, " for cute and fl11. In grading"Glen Ter , ace Irom Benson Ave: 'to -Youngman Ave...having ,been .Presented to th .......... ......,........._ ............. .... Council of the Clty of 6L Paul there- a ' ,.be It That -the Commi9sloner of Councilman. Work. be.and he Is hereby. or•.� and directed: - - 'of1ti neceset y h �rabillty'oftho mnkia,t wm nt WHEREAS, A written proposal for the slaking of the following improvement, viz.: ...........condemnin.9 and.aaking__FAt?...eae.pMQ.n.t _i.n_...the..Land. _.nen.eas.ary ..fur....el.ope.a.,.....inr..._ants....and._._. fi_lls.... i.n.. gra:ding. Glen. Tarr Qe rvin._Ben.aoh Aye :........t.o.._Youngm.an...Axe_............................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......... _.... _..._....... _............... ......... ... _.._._.----- therefore; be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:................................_..__....... ... ........... ........ _................. ......................... _..... _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... ......1911 Yeas: NuY CounLeilmanFa sworth ��- os Approved /�Jf' '� .... ........ ...191..0 el r e oil' dryo g Iw................. . Mayor. ' PUBLISHED_ � %� Mr. Herroid. Council bile No ............................ PROPOSAL FOR IMpROVEMRNT. 2531 and ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the -foil�ng public improvement the City of St. Pall, viz.: ._con.�ierlln..Xlg....and.._t.aking_...an.... ement_._in..the neoeasar.y.....%os.._ auts ...and....fi.11s....in. ...ar--0- WaX....ir ...Henso.n- Ane. ---t© _._..._..._. Stewart Ave sear ...................._.._...._......__ r_.. sae, A written Prop osal zce tEn! p ., of ahe.following'1mProvement'. ondemning oe."I"ar'as'eae0 ................................................. ._.._....._. ..---- n, the -land neceeesry Lor elopes-�"" .- ......... a andldni In gr gory ivan' WeY{ - Benson „Ave [o,: Stewart' Ave., Dated this.....l2.th ..-....day f been presented to the Councl1L191_i.. City of St; Paul tkeretore„be It _: solved, That the Commleeloner; uL. Iic' Worke;:be and tie to herebY'�or . ...._..._............................................ .. . ... ed and directed: - To inveatlgaate the neeelty -�-deelr4billty of the making eaoL eLoold,I Councilman. �: rovement, T6 tnyeatlgate the nature, extent '..i ostlmated east of7 said improve- _YotolCoeti,th�reof. �j'o Eurnleh , a, pinn profile h o1 said: itu!; vemept. .J;� WIIEREAS, A Written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..cond.eml i -ng.._,. and.,taking_..an_ easement til::..the....:1_d_...Ba_c.eaaar:X-•-fox_.. loges..,.._fo.x.....clzts... nd.:::. fills in .gr ading.._2v.an.. PiaX.:;frgm Bens_pn A_qe... o.. S.tewart....�1se...........__... ........................... ._.......... _..................................................... ............ .......................................... ............... _......................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ---- ------------ ._._...__------- ------------ therefore, be it` RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost theieof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. }. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ... _...... _. ............ ............ .................. _........... _.................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..........._Q-ir ..:� �i.._..191.. Yeas: Nays: Councilmanh Approved..'-�m v ` /�l .191 .........._.... PI yor. PUBLISHED �Lz --� 'A Mr. Herr.o]ld. Council File No.........:.. ......... 5e32 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELAUNARY 0 R. hereby proposes the making of t following public improvetnent: b to City of St. The undersigned Y P QP Pali], viz.:...Q9ndelnning.....md.....t.alcing.._.....e.3aemajjt....in...the....lanCL... gradi.ng._.Aenaan....Ave ...... f m..the.;n¢ .:..line........ of_. Kipp' e_. Glen.._Te.rrpce._Add ....i.Q.xl...to t11.e _east......Ii.n .. f..._Kipp.1s_:Dlen ...Terrane 21 C. ir. No. 26 A' written propo§a Lor_ tho Add: tion Whereas, A, ...... ... ... _. _. ..... .. .. .. ... I making of the Loliowln 1mprOyement iz Condemning :and, taKtag a nt S len. the.land'ne paeaTy rM�SA e , Dated thts.....� 2th-.. day of .... NQY.QAlb�r .ler cptB and for ans m gra'ding on ion'AV.. fr.rn the'west 11no`.or- X1pp's, len.•Tetrace Addltlon to the:.east llne•. Y •Kipple 61en Ternace Addition hav................................... . S, been presented to the ,Cdyncil oY - �• C1ty: o1'9t. Paul Iherfore,t to 1t `2esolved, That the Commiesloner oY I Councilman. f•/ S•�lto :Works' bea.nd he Is,:hereby,or Kand Airected:,; -i��a. fi estlgate the, neceeslty �r' v YL the maHQnyof 1 PRELIMNARY OREB� ,, u • ,•1 :; .>, WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following; improvement vi.z:_Qondemning........ anal_tak.ing._..an..._e.aaement_...i.n._the.....1-and....ne.cea.aary.....for..slopea.r.:in.r..._nuis._..and..... �.e.....i.n....gr..ading.. Renann....Av.e.......f.rom ..the_...vre.a! ....:li.n.e._.ni ..Kipp! .e_...Glen.....T.erT.ac.e_ Addition. to,. theq et.ealine..:4f_.Kj.pP.'.. G.Ie.A-�.xrce.....Additit>i.... ......._..........................._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ... _:___..... .__...................................... ____......; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:........................................_...... .................. _... _..... _........ _....................... _.__.................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. w Adopted by the Council ......... .... ...���..ys2 ....191. Yeas: Nays: �J �}— CounjFswortl l/ &/ U'( % Approved...19_ .....�....._....--- ---._ mayor. Council File 'No........... .............. p PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT: 2533 and PRELUdMARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes lhe.nuiking of the following lie improvement by the Cit St. Paul, viz.:............... RQ.b.l .. ........... to..:.Sydney fkt.._,.... aocorda.nce..._with.... petit_ion..._hetet..........ttaohed. ................................. .............. _............................ _......._... ........................ ..._............. ........................................ ............................................ .................... .... .................................................. .. .................................. Dated this......._lath..........day of...........!�..... en?beT.... ...... .... 191...4. _ Councilman. PRELIrIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz-:...C?xaS78............... ..._ _.. _............... _.... R.d1� QL4.@.....tSt..... 71.9.1A...Roble Rt...... t.Q 513!_dn.QY- .$_!.....__. _........ ........ ........................... _.... .... ... ................ ........ . _. .....-. ....... c 11No. 2a32 ( .... ............................................... 1 Whcreae, written proposal foT tae making of the following lmproY Ment. _ vl. (3mdo=$ellow.V& trc=&Robl9 st � .. ...._.... .......... .... .. ..... .. ... .. ao.>3ydney. St having bEen p esaif�.ed to th0 Counoll:: of the:•Cfty of 19t thoTefore� be it . ' ' `"'� .... ..... .... .. .... _. .Resolved,- That the Commission0i of - "' Public Work. be and he Is hereby or - 'Is "4- directed: having been presented to tile Council of 1 .To;fnvestigate the nese. uy for .__.... ._......___._._...._ ....__............_..___..., - �br, dgstr4buity of the .making of said., -lmpr Yl:enent therefore, be it °2o tnye.eigate tt a naatture ; enter t nnQ S.timnted coat of nd lmprovq-: RESOD ED, That the Commissions jileat artd the total -coati thryrgot� y ordered and directed: �. tf fu ni.lt:' a pian DY"o�glt. or: 1. To investigate the necessity for el eioh-of seta improvement improvement. g y ; Ta furnish. the , followinS fethe)' F Tfl} 7fkod: information t lative ta'�eaid. 2. To investigate the nature eaten 1p�rement meut, and the total cost thereof. C + T4v Ii. state wbether or not apid fm 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eke prove}}{p ant is a.xea for on the yletitton bf tht`ee,or more ownare B To report upon all of the Yote- 4. To furnisk the following othep ''tt ng matter.,to`the, Cgmmleatoner of improvement: ............ ..................... .. 'R a' %fir 11_by the Counotl Nov. }2,:1914 1. ' sea trio .psi oij ._._.............._...._.........._......... _..... ..... .. __ — 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on thition of three or more owners. -6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .._........... .'✓L?! :......_._191/ Yeas: Nays. Councilman Farn worth �-, q t Goss APProved.�G...al...�L ....191f— Kell J Me 1 0'Le ry ( Yoei _. .. Mae n .a liayor. . Pv»1Ysx�n z,L CITY OF ST. PAUL v� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i __..... .... .. ..._.......... Subjecr.._..".Estabhished.....grude ..........._ coul4elt. � 2:5.. ...... FILE NO ...... ..... ..... .J.............. .. ......»_......................................................... w.... Date Presented ....._-i1.ov.=.-.1-----I91..-4... Resolved, That the grade of Wheeler Ave. from Selby Ave. to Marshall Ave., as shown by the red grade line on the accompanyine profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of. Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C F No., 2524—By M. N Goes �R solved;: That the grade of Wheel e Ave from,. Selby Ave to Marahalt::, -Aves ., aho'sn by the red grade d--; ,hn ihe. accompanying"proale—and. Be'. eecp ded by the C role toner of Public Nor1 he ud: the me 1s hereby ddpted as �, the established d Adopt d 'bv the Council Nov.12,191h.'�' App,oved Nov 12. 1914 (Nov. 14-1914) Yeas (V) Coun ilmen (Y) Nays Farn orth Oos _____In favor Kell Mc oll --- _Against O' ary Yo g Mr. Presi I — C.8.2 Adopted by the Councils -191 K Approved_191� -" _-- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Established grade ,. Subject. ._...... _ _..._ ... _ COUNCIL FILENO ...... .... ......................... .. ,.............................. Date Presented ....... .... Host,......1.2_..__..___I91.4... A Resolved, That the grade of Griggs St. from Van Buren St. to Minnehaha St., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted.as the established grade. 10. F. INV. 2636—By M. N. Go. — - ReggolVed, That the grade of Grlggs St Crom tan 'Buren 91 to Wnnehaha l 3t... ln. accordance wIth the red, grade'! --- line on the accompanying pioale;-atidl :.recommended ,by, t I'd ' 'the ..elen W of: PDAllc Worke, be nnd- the same le .herepy, adopked ne- the estnblleked •grAde A,d6pted hY:the Council NOV. 12, 1914. l ApDroVed (Now 14-1 14-1914) A2 IL 'Yeas (V) Counc' men (() Nays Adopted by the Council _/�19; 1 Farns orth Goss In favor �/�f�-'J�j Ke lle ApprovedZ .. _.__191 MCC 11 _._Against ((( O'Le y Yoer Mc Pr — — --—.-,--- MAYO c.8.2 Hr. Herrold Secretary—Plat commission. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject- Plat Glandkke-. Additi.on­­ . ......... .... I .... .......... .O UN No ................ ..... ... . ............ ......... . . ......... . ........ . .. ... ...... .......... . ..... ........ . . 7� 7 Date Presented NOY- 12-191 Resolved, That the plat of Glendale Addition, as recommended by the Plat commission and approved by the commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. I�pddltton, ne.recbmmbnded�by the pis Adopt d by itis Council Nov. 12, 1914:. Yeas (j,) Council nen (1,) Nays Adopted by the Council Ferns w )rth Goss In favor Approved ._'��_2__'�7_ 19/ Keller mccol —Against _V �ar O'Lear Yoerg Nwvoa Mr. Presidy� Subject: 5,37 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ivor: 2637 B/ Y 'O 'F7 $e 0I'•r' etVea ThntSYhereae lho Com- -..—_... .......... ......_...._ - coUNOIL FILE MO `�j l5 00.tRmODUt Oi nh Fart' 'Y Resolved, That, WHEREAS the Commissioner of Public Utilities has requisitioned the Purchasing Agent for 1 car of approximately 100 to 150 lengths of six inch cast iron pipe for. the tiareatucoftWa£ery_bhnd ViHEREAS the Bureau of Water on August14,1914, entered into a con- tract with the American Cast Iron Pipe Company for what was con- sidered, at that time, the required amount of pipe to complete the season's operations, which price per ton was $24.40, and further, that conditions have arisen as to make a greater amount of pipe ne the extensions pati` ! ned.for and acilua cessary to- complete lly_ne- cessary, it will be necessary for emergency purposestai►?{,tchai�ethe' ss amount above specified at ®nae, and WHEREAS a delay would work an injury to the best interests of the City and this therefore constitutes an emergency, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase the above mentioned six inch cast iron,.,pipe, at an approximate cost of from $488.00 to $732.00, without1Advertisement or competitive bids, from the American Cast Iron Pipe Company', and here is hereby authorized to empower and order the Robert W.Hunt Company to inspect said cast iron pipe at a price ngtD.o'exceed 20¢ Yeas (I,/)Councilmen (7) Nays per ton. Adopted by the Council --'1_� _�2� 19 Ferns orth 1 Goss -- --In favor �+ (i / _ 191��• Kelle Approved J, -_---- . - . �r McC IlAgainst O'Le y Yoer — My Preside wo PIjgLISHED AERIAL P3MaT ` City, of St.Paul� Council Resolution - General form. Department of ................. _...._._...._._._._._. ..._._...._._._._._=. __...._„ _. __...._._:_._......._...._. _._........:._......._._._._._...._......._._ Bureau of . _._._............. Council File No. .-_...:_._._......._...._..__.. Date Presented ........................... 1914. �.. ............_._...._._.........._..................................................... z_._._._._._._.___._._._...._._._._...._._.__. By Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri- State Telephone & Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary anchors and to string wire and cable on the following named streets: Bustle Street between H7rtle & Wabash 2538�h%'f ;$illes Street between Prior P: Pussy tolved. That Permi§clo d 1s by granted to the Tr�Y 'Tele- -o & Tele�faPh CgmPr PY �fo, erect _ with tgrapceaeauyf ,allchore "and etrfng wlro and ckhl. o the fol Ing name&,atreets^ ;; •.uetla $t , p 6treen MYrtle and; Wa � prior avd' x to he done wtder<he d�.rert{. ;J Rork to be done under the dii, C. W°rk er tiq�cnri e satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the 1cii�Fiori�-rompany to pay the cost of.inspection, engineering and publication. sted to o so by Poles and wires to Said costeto�beQpaid by the ed when uTelephone dCompany. the Common Council, �j vl�lr.•-•,1_ ....._..._...._..... 1914. Adopted by the Council....._...._...._._._............._-._...._...... Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth Gos MCC 11 Yoe g / 0' I. ry A r ro+ Sel r Mayor Mr. Preside F j fl _ t i } >5 . 11 � }^4 6 � ' . '1 ,y5ja 3 - - �, � .� �rF . a .: a� .. �, , . -- - � .. , .: � - �- •--�---------=---2 ITY OF SAINT PAOL City Clerk's Office . Recei d.oi Citv Clerk. `TtJ F. No. 2"1— the atter ofc n tructing a ower on Wall. flold -Ave. Prof' Maple _I. to RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Coi:voissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the ;:annex provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That t' -.e bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said irnprcve- /went by force account, receiving a percentage cf cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount,of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance -rith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids the rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to av;ard the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the work should be �dor_c by the Commissioner of Public liorko by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommenda�ons to the Council for further action L r proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Co it Yeas lir. President„ Co Forest St., der m l 617, Intermediary Order 1648. Final 1 Nays Order 2119, approved October 16.I 19t4. tnca-.- Resolved. That the plana. pec s�l1 eworth lona and oatimates eubmltted by the: �e' IR(9 5 or the of Publicent eve amod Improvemsloner nd the be and e r a hereby approved. �Ileaolved Further. That the Purchaa-I j- -/- �Z .\gent be and he le hereby a thi d and directed to advertise In C provided by the City Ch �blda for aothe making 4 al I T Y O F ', meat. c rdl' g to a is pir 7� !iL� .-Incatlon., on the baeh Ap`p -Mader or contractor COUNCIL REQ.;' r:, -d nat.r, 6 Ir_ the matter of oonstruating a Bawer on Wakefield Ave from Maple 8t. to Fore`at St. under Preliminary Order 617 Intermediary Order iaag Final Order 2119 approved ootober 15. 19 14. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Coi:voissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the ;:annex provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That t' -.e bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said irnprcve- /went by force account, receiving a percentage cf cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount,of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance -rith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids the rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to av;ard the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the work should be �dor_c by the Commissioner of Public liorko by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommenda�ons to the Council for further action L r proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Co it Yeas lir. President„ Co ilmen ( ) Nays N Fa' eworth Ke e r PtMLISHED l j- -/- �Z Me 0' 11 ary 7� !iL� -Psw rs--� Ap`p Z 1314. N.G. acting a sewer I ' aeamtne 3t. to IMllnary order lar 1612, Final October 7, 1914. Irtne,"pecI cn- - —11ted by the k Wors for the a t be and the. a�-e.the Purcha r ;e,t be and heto hereby auth,,J L - ri 'I T +nd directed to advertise In ^,provided by a the city C1 o [on oche bine e s l COU nlona, on'to the baatsata n' ontr— or sh Ir_ the matter of oonetruo'�i,� a sever on Abell St. from t. to Rose St. under Preliminary Order'. ' 413 Intermediary Order 1513 CITY OF SAINT PAUL City'Clerk's Office ................ ... Ryefc/e,iJ«f,d of City Clerk A Final Order 1978 approved Ootober 7, 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates subriitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTI-MR, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the snaking of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; '(B) That the bidder or contractor shall snake said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance .with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the COMMissiOner of Public ;iork3 by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Co un 1 j�� /2-1914. Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) 'days Far * worth Gos KeKe l r Me 1 0' ry , President,. _ Po s-- Approve ayor pUBLISFiED,_1 L i z'u41- Inner of a tatructing n aewor herburne Ave. from Snelling to Fry St., under Preliminary r .6, Intermediary order 1646, '1 order 2122, approved October 1,114. olved. That the plana, peciflen- Ind eetimatea ubmitte I by the IsMl r of Public Works for th, na 'd improvement be and the e hereby approved. '.rived Further, That the Porch ns -e t be ad he to hereby aIthor- and directed to advertise in te C I T Y provided by the City Chartehr Ids for the making of aid I-1 ant, accord ord ing to s. Itl pians ar tions,on the basis (A) T1 COUIQCIL d contractor h ontratr1 .1i 1— . In the .matter of onnetruatinlz "--54�n8h, under Preliminary Order 5AA , Intermediary Order — Final Order alas , approved October 15, 1914, /�OF SAINT PAUL _ City Clerk's Office ��Re4 ed of City erk ��«,e_� RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates subrlitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FbRTPER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance -.-with the plans and specifications in cage the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a ccrtifiod check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as :n<y be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to avward the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may avrard, shall be of opinion that no furth:.r bids should be received and that the cork should be done by the Commissioner of Public Worko by day labor, in N7hich event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council 1914. Yeas ( ) Co ilmen ( ) Nays Far worth Gos Ke r Me 1 01 ry r. President. �—P � Approv r Kayor P LISI3ED r In the ¢[ter a nP lruetiJlg sewer :\nRpr st. trnmpsnreida aye. th,,, .\ve.. under Pnellminnl_y Order 461. In[erinedinr)' Order`} f.Ju. Final order 2120,'. ap(aro,,,71¢a�!Qatgber� 16, 1D14..J Oonss utne`I' Tlhar. mlaalmeer vEjte'blerng p •men s mdt bmitt a by the t : Com oP Puhlic \i'orlca Por h' 6be,, nn d Improvement be and the' r nme ahereby rt.. ove•d. Resolved Fdrier . Thnt tho Purchn' F' Ing and be and he la herpbq nvrhs-er-i tI..d and directed to ad• U L • l !♦ menner provided by th fo`r—bide Pur the m.k _:•r. CGS RESOLUALiON In the matter of oonstruoting a sewer on Roy St. from Shields Ave, to St. Anthony Ave. under Preliminary Order 461 Intermediary Order 1645 Final Order 2120 , approved Ootober 15, 19 14. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Cor.miissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the sdme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forminf the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty POT cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance :rith the plans and specifications in came the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as mc_y be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtair_ed, unless the committee authorized to avTard the contrac-, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no fur-hsr bids should be received and that the work should be dor_e by the Commissioner of Public Mork:, by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Go oily �21914. Yeas ( ) Co oilmen ( ) Nays Fa enorth / Go �6 Ker er b?c 11 0' ary b;r. President, — Appro e 1314. !'ayor Y OF SAINT PAUL ��0 City Clerk's Office Ree ved of City/Clerk it�� ',. F. No. 2543— ( ) Nays 'the matt- of a atructlnt; a w r north Icltlorinh 911 unAvon dcrr f'rel ml nryt. Oro 1 �' 46D, ]ntcrmedln ry' Order 1522. 'lnnl OrdCr 1975, of roved October 7, .914. r teaolved, That the plana, p IHC¢-ts t�§ and ,I bml[ted by the m1, lodatimn[ea s of Publlc Norka forth nt be and {I ' ve n dr lInp'a""'cby ry s-- op e of ed Fu the Thatdthe Purch:: C I T eA 1. SAnt be and he le hereby ..ti, r ' ,A 1 and directed to dverti- In .• provided Idthe by the'City COUl\ vblda is Cnt, nc ording to id pin - Ifl nti n the b is idder ntrRot In the const her d on Minnehaha St. matter of stet' eclH d u from Avon St. to YivcOria $t. under Preliminary Order 459 , Intermediary Order Final Order 1975 , approved October 7, 19 14. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public ViorY_s for the above named improvement be and the sdme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTIER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied suns; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the /f}rchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cont. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordant ,-rith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted,o� n lieu thereof a eortifiod check for ten per cent. of the amount ok the�bid.� The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as mF_y be necessary, until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to a,,-rard the contrac�, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furi:har bids should be received and that the tiaork should be done by the Cormissioner of Public ;iorka by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall ;rake an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council j%�- ,%2 1914. Yeas( ) Co `oilmen ( ) Nays Far north Goa Ke ' r ?cO' 1 OIL .:r. President„ _.Pe ry s-- Approve 1314. i:iayor FC7BLISI�D - �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office ....1911,7 It +eived,of City Clerk✓/ ill In to matter of a __Edmund St. from Snell St. to Charles St., and '. No. 2644— the m t[er oPCon.tr ucting newer the followtng ,xtreets: Edmund St. m S.;lling Ave. to Fry St., and oo Pry Sl. from Edmund St. to Charlon St., and on Charles St. from Fry St. to Aldine St. under Prelitnlnary 01 i'.' no, ].termed fury Order 1639.' Fin.l Order 2X, aPProved October 16, 1614. Aesolved. That the ➢lane. Pecldca s nn tl estitnatCs bmi tted by [he T �ommtsslonor of Public Works for the o us" cd improvement be and the e .re hereby . ➢Pove rd. solved Fn rther. That,thePurrh, CC)_e.gedt b,h­ is rob .v null onstruatin a sewer on nn Charles St. from Fr St. to Aldine St under Preliminary Order '7__________ 90 Intermediary Order — roved October 1-6,— 19'].4. Fi1 Order 3090 approved RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Corailissioner of Public ed0rks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby app RESOLVED FURTP:ER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby anded e in the improvenenter l,rovided according toesaid y plars and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish nisheabidderoor^contractond alshallfor s make ~!said irnpreveC1 lied sum; iD) a percentage of cost price for per - rent by force account, receiving 1? g foxmir g the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least tcrentY per cent. of the bid, conditioned fcr the executior.cf a contract -,ith the plans the City for the perforance of said �r cc in d, oor ince mlieuthereofa and specifications in casthe centldofsthear�ount of the bid. certified check for ten per The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as m, --y be necessary until an � acceptable cid is obtair.ed,unontTat ,rhich oolnmittee authorized to aviard the contract, if it is cshould the comrlittee may at:ard, shall be of opinion thatc by hEoCom11ssionorJOf be received and that la'oor`,oin rahichrk devertbo �rt e said coffrlittee shall Public �iorko by day ,rake an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Counc`lmen ( ) Nays Farm orth Goss. Kelli McCo" 0'Le y President., P_e� Approve 7,914. ayor IRIBFriSYiEb CITY OF SAINT-' PAUL Gly Clerk's• Offic. Re ,ived u[ ". Clerk � r CITY �F ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION' -GENERAL FORM - Subject: i, �.. COUNCIL P ........... LS -FILE NO_- ................:.. .. .. ................................................................................:............ - Date Presented - _I91...... _. Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 11th, 1914, by and between O'Neil & Preston and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Fulton street from Palace street to Jefferson avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. P. No 2545— bend /l ! 1 SA1N I PAUL Resolved. That the co tract and date Novem 1— 11th. 1914, by d 1 Lwean O Nrll ,@ Preston and the City V�� ilp Clerk's Office pr st. rnnl rer the eonetrr" pe ¢ eer.•er oa rpuan street erem rain �. street to aercareon nyenne. no and th same Is he-eily approved, and the prop 11 1' IJl ar city off tete are authorlxed and ratted to execute the same on behalf e 1 ... .._ .. .. .......... u,e Clty A, pled by the Councn Nov. 12. 1914. approved Nov. 12, 1914. Receivr� of City Clerk i (Nov. 21-1914) yx� f Yeas 1 I') Coun ]men ( P 1 Nays .-adopted by the Council 4-T1_'/.-2 191 y Farn vorth / Gong [, In favor L - Kell r Mc oil approved 191 agains[ O'L ry 1' Yoe Mr. President, Owers V MAYOR .oaw c e -z CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject.._' ;> ^ .•F' " COUNCIL w' ....... w....... N • FILE Date Presented..' I91..__..... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 11th, 1914, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for grading Berry avenue from Bayard avenue to Myrtle avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. P. Na. 2u4«- CITY OFSAINT PAUL Resolved That the t •t b t date Nny ber lith. 1914 by 7 I t.veen r_n�ist sehnaon d the cit r L Clerk's Office jjt Paul for grading. Bqgk a e yaf m Itv , An Yard Perntl o R'jcIIryNtt-avv�."vve, be avenvo to. and u,, roh,>• al>praved' .md the nrn c vrs nrr au thoAzed and dl rec ted to oexecute the .vnme on "' 191.. be h:tlr of the Adopted y the C-norn N12nn1914. royed bNov.;vny. 12. 191x.ov. A(Nov. ..1-1914) Received of City Clerk ewl Yeas W) Cot cilmen (1,) Nays Far gworih Go In favor Kel MC r Vic oil-�gaPnsr O' ary l'o g Mr. Preside _ I'll c e -z AdoPted by the Council Approved_ MA CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM - ry - ,` 1"T d Subject: _..... __. FILE NO. ' y FILE ... At) ............ Date Presented.-- -I91.... -. i" Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 11th, 1914, by and between Martin Eberhard and the City of St. Paul for grading and improving Wentworth street from Doane street to St. Anthony avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (1) Council en (P) Nays Farnsw rth Goss � In favor Keller McCol Against O' Lea{ ,- Yoerg Mr. Presid —11 1 e -z _ ITY OF SAINT PAUL C.r z>lvrd. hn,t mr t o n� City Clcrk's Office ate Novem bel 11th 197 b{ a 1 be- d 4 twerp Marlin libel had 1 the CIty-9 5t. Paul for gradlnr; and Imp O in t,, W—tworth .treat from norm e. t e t, 1; Anthony avenue, bo and th J . hereb • npproved, n 1 to liroeier •ity OXeI`er. are 1pmhoo,in i,g--- ao- . •tri to e •sue. tnp sa n 1 air r ;: of City Clerku- nf the Cltp. .\apnoea by the Cou Nl Nov. 12 1914 -\PProvetl Npv. 12. 1914. , (I"ov. Adopted by the Counciljy;�2� _191 Approved �Z 191/` MAYOR I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMr.rtfa Subject, _. COUNCIL FILENo ..... ........................ .. ................ ....... ....... ......... .............. ...... ...... ...................... ............ .... .... ........................ ................... ............... ........... ................... Date Presented._ 191......_... Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 11th, 1914, by and between P. J. Ryan and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a,sewer on Minnehaha street from Western avenue to Arundel street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. P. No. 2:r 12— R,_11 ea. That the a Irnc[ bearing ante IQn vem her 11th. 1914, by and bo- t(T L hverm P. d. Ilya. and the City at St. (♦ ! 1 O SAINT I'� L i'anl, for the cot,-t_tton'of sewer ':� /! I 1 on 1, f.r haha street fro. \Neatern ro oe to nrnnael Street. ire a d the C (hrk r ({iie same Is hereby approved. and the / ity' 1 Proper cltc orcieers ars authorized and, v� diverted to eaecu[e the same on behalf n/ of the City. (/ /...... ...191 Adopted by the Coo -11 Nov. 12. 1914.1 ........ .... Appruved N.v. 14. 191 L INov. 21-1914) d perce�iv , I ,v Clerk J � �, - ��- w���� Yeas W) Counc en (1'1 Nays Fara �ortl) Gos In favor Kell Mc II against O'L ry Yoe g Mr. Preside vonl,l [ 82 .adopted by the Council �//�'/�2 ._191y ,approved �s�� 191 -1/" rrvC' MANOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM - d/ Subject: COUNCIL FILE No. ....... ................... :. .............. ti ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ...... ......... .......... _............ ........ ........ .... .... ...... ................... ...................... ...... ...... ........... Date Presented.. I91......_... t. % 4 Resolved, That the contract bearing date November 11th, 1914, by and between O'Neil & Preston and the City of St. Paul for constructing a sewer on Carroll avenue from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. (' R rol i 71 at th trapt bga Ing -/ date --d ate,Ftht1Iop8n.1 ,):7bf1 twoenOvNt•{dr- to Ci 5'R1'l adstScti g a sowex�,UL tlY OF SAINT . Vbae -y fBa on Carroll aof[O bu y en 6§.aq&_t'fi{buthe $ n et ".bar, (g`Tj eby pn oved d th®City Clerks Office ffl ,are avthorl d d dl ked to t4Ye to the anme v h ]C of tAe4 i Adopted by the C i(�w Y�1�P 11it" 14. j! 1191 . AnD,rovea Nov....... .. ....... . (Nov. Received of City Cler Yeas W)Cot(n men (hl Nays �1 A(iopted by the Council Farn; -orth Goss In fat -or Ke Mc I _l Approve �l 191 against O'L v Yoe I�'I r. l rCSlde �{'el`$-� on e 8 2 '- MAYOR ' CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. „ ,. AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM - - CUONCIL "Q FILE NO. be draw-" - � 1 h •�71 IIpITED—.. II `d--itsi Resolved Vhnt t `..,rants upon the CI t, Treasury, payable out [ the specified funds and l- (}` PER r"ie, Cavo, t the persons, firms or eorpora- ofa pe ts oppodlI the amounts 126 Corporate Purposes Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds an _ - in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detaile statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council*g1-A-7, - S. A. Farnsworth Farnsworth 5.69 /��� Goss In favor APPFOd 194 Keller Fire De t. Fund p Bridge Rldg. & Repair defferson, 810,242.37. Election expense Acct: S. A. McColl Against Max Wittman" Farnsworth. $265.00. School Aecommodalon nept. a the Sands Co.. $4.948.49; Doyle Bros. & Co.. O'Leary Yoerg Mr. Pres owers School Citizdn's Tee &' -Fuel Co.. $3.354.53. Library Fund—E. ' W. ClutE:- $10.90; - FLTBI.ISiiED � / Z be draw-" - Resolved Vhnt t `..,rants upon the CI t, Treasury, payable out [ the specified funds and l- (}` r"ie, Cavo, t the persons, firms or eorpora- ofa pe ts oppodlI the amounts Corporate Purposes dons Cor Pete their respective o peeifled in he ,""awing aet.Iled tatentent. Fund— General Fund -Local Improver Corporate Purposes—General Lpeat leoprpven,ent Acor S. A. Farna_ 56 0 - S. A. Farnsworth ,,h, $15.60. ,v Fir. Dept Fund: .11ax wittmann. $395.38.V Norkh"use Fund: H. W. Goetzln- 5.69 Ser, $10.60. Fund: R. C. Fire De t. Fund p Bridge Rldg. & Repair defferson, 810,242.37. Election expense Acct: S. A. 56 1 Max Wittman" Farnsworth. $265.00. School Aecommodalon nept. a the Sands Co.. $4.948.49; Doyle Bros. & Co.. 395.3$ ' $9g,ho. Fund: ?Gottlieb Bigler. $137.50; Workhouse Fund School Citizdn's Tee &' -Fuel Co.. $3.354.53. Library Fund—E. ' W. ClutE:- $10.90; - Pari, Fund: King Construction Co., 56 2 H. W. Goetzln err g 810.178.75. water Dept Fund: Lynrnbnrg r Com u pPu yd: 82 10. bo rnklint5 Pure8 Oil $488.39. Bridge Bldg. &Repair Fund p^np. Spec. Assess. Const. Acct=" Pr,pE A -e.. nl.renml to r„ . 56 3 R. C. Jefferson, Paul T.fmr & Cement Co I $191.12. -a��e- "�° b" � I, •37 �. 10,242.37 Election Expense Acct. 865.00 56 4 S. A. Farnswort. School Accommodation Acct. of the School Fund 56 Robinson, Cary & Sande Co., 4,948.49 56 Doyle Bros. & Co.., 92.40 040 89 ti School Fund 137.50 561 Gottlieb Bigler, 3.354.53 561 Citzen's Ice & Fuel Co., Total 6choal k'Stia,� .,.-�>_- >�...::.A.-d- ,,._..._ _-,.:.,.._., 3.492.03 '� "" #2 s Corporate Purposes -Cont. Library Fund 10.90 r 5 19 E. W. Clute, Park Fund 10,178.75 5 20 King Construction Co., Water Dept. Fund 2:088.66 5 1 Lynchburg Foundry Company, Sprinkling Fund 488.39 V 5�22 Pure 011 Company, i i Tot a rpoees, �`��� Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Prior Ave., Marshall to University 101.12" 523 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., Est. 2 8. final, Holly Ave., Western to Dale 56 4 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., Est. #2 & final, 190.1.9 ✓ y Portland, Western to Dale, 562 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., Est. #2 & final, 1,027.95 Summit Ave.,Lexington to River, ' 562;"b Angus Macdonald, Est. #1 & final, 96.35 University Ave., Syndicate to City Limits 562=7 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., Est. #4 & final 611.52 Case St., Payne to Westminister z 5j28 St. Paul Lime ® Cement Co., Est. #3 & Supplt., 566.72 ' ii fl� Market, 3rd. to 6th 29 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., Est. irIl & final, 8.96 Total- Sp A"s- Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewer Ocean St. Sewer System - �630 E. T. Webster Pat. #3, 2,507.50 Total Corpora a Purposes, ........... ........ 3 ,2$.66 " Snec. As ess. Const, Acct. -Paving......... 602.81 H a nn n -Sewers,. .... 2 0 Grand Tota $ 37.33: 97 t t1CNCII, FILR NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Opening, widening and extending Jefferson Ave,, from In theer of Fredericka Ave,, to Fairview Ave., to a width of 60 feet by condemnin and taking the Southerly 30 feet of the W. 2 of the N.W. of the t -of _Sec. 9, Town 28, Range 23, Except streets. soder Preliminary Order ......41112.._.._ _approved December 23rd, 1913 The Council of the City of St. Paul having rccriv,d the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon file above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and ~ule sante is hereby approved all(] adopted, and the said improvement is herehy ordered to he proeeeded with. 2. 1'hat the nature- of the improvement which the ('ouncil reeouunruds is. Opening, widening and extenling Jefferson Ave., from Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave. to a width of_60- feet --by- condemning and taking the Southerly3030 feet of the W. j of of the N. W.. 4 of the N.F. � of Sec. 9, Town 28, Range 23, Except streets. with no alternatives, and that the t•stialatcd cost thereof is Resoh•cd Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement nu the 18th_ _ <lay of December. 7!11.4., at Ill., hmlr of 10____o'eloek A•It., in rhe Council Chamber romn�f the Court House and Pity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the ('onunissioner of Fivauee give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner iirovi&d by the Charter, stating the tine and plaee of hearing, the nature of the immprroveulent, and the total Bost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___. j Citv Clerk. Approved 4 L <u V c r ���. 2sat n> s .1 F ,ran— Mayor. In [he• )tatter of opening. widening a d extending .Jefferson Ave.. from Fred - Councilmen Fa nswmth ka A� to Fairview Aye.. W . width of 60 feet, by c Idemning nd taking the Sautherly� 30 feet of (i s lilt W. 5_ of the N. w. Ya of the N. pf See. !, Town 28, Range 23. sept streets. under Prelilann K ler i;raer 4nv. .tvprpted neeember 23rd, 1918. The ('ounell f the Cit)' of St. Pilot huvin g' received [he report of the Com - 11[ Coll mn issioer of Finanee upon the above Improvement. a d having c nsidered s:tld rport, hereby resolves: o d 1. That the said report be and the t) e111y e is hereby approved and adopted. slid the said Improvement 's hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Y rg 2. That the nature of the Improve- , ent which the Council r ends Is –� opening. widening adco mxtendl ng Ila n 'ers SelPerson Ave.. Prom Frederlelca Ave. to ralrview ave. m a •Iatn f 60 feet by condemning and taking the South- erly 311 feet of the \t'. Si of the of the N. E. ;i of Sec. 9. Town 28, Fannie 23. rept streets, with nu al- (crnalives, and that the eaticnnted cost thereof is $440.6J. ResolvedFurther, That public hearing be had on sold Improvement oil til 18th day of December, 1914, at III,t f 10 o'clock A hf I til 1 h l 6, it til C tc r il• 1 I 11 11 n Il II 1 1 t I I c� J.: l ,.' 11 1 1 f Ih i g. til l' J r; i,t-� u r a pI elute of the pt ut itna nl he .1 total list thereof s estimated by the coo ncn Nov. 12. 1911. I i ., .t npror�.a Nov. 1?. t97a. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE6- REPORT OF COM`41SSIONER OF F ,Nr✓ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �4..:f (A) l In the Matter of --� _ ..=.G_._.;.i j,__ LL:'L__�� l.�L.1.a l4cai-. r. ( -----r- c [. [_(- ' c"�------- 'L C _21 �L F.f_:.---- -------....... _. L t 1r..G-_.. - - � - 2f--- -- - -- 9� --------- ----------- - - -- 0ez-- - - --- - - -- ------ - ---------------- - - -- ---------------- _, ,------- ------ ----- .........-.- �j....... ... ........ .... . _-.._.. .. ....... _. under Preliminary Order approved --- --------- r - ---- -- - --- - --- � To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--------------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION << 115 pyo TOTAL, ( 1 I FORM 6.9.A. e.p A f / CITY RTM ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL MINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1579s The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the'foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191-� C,.4> ��., GGG,�Gc!., /�(/T!l'!AL Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO . ...... _ __....._... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. r ]n the ifter of.... _ Opening, Widening and extending Fredericka Avenue from Jpffereon avenue to St. Clair Street, to a width of 60 feet, by condemning ani -�-- taking the easterly 30 feet of the West j of_the North-West.}, of -the North�East j, of Section 9, Taxon 28, Range 23, Except streets. - - - under Preliminary order... 41113 _ _ approved. _ December 23rd, 119.1.3_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. •, 2_ That the nature .of -the itnprovement which the Couneil reconmlends is. ._.... _.. .. ....... ._ ... _.. Opening, Widening and extending Frede-r-Acka.Avenue from Jefferson ` avenue to St. Clair Street, to a width:of 60.feet; by condemning anti takin tithe easterly 30 feet of the West j of the North-West j of the Nbrth h$t of S_qation__9�_ Twon 28, Range 23, Except streets, _ ___. =_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :h_.135.0.,_00..__..__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__. ; 7 •..._...........day of ii.@.G.@IASL@.r_......_.._.._......... _ at the hour of............a.........o'clock .........._A.,......M., in the _._.MQU....il...._Cbamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL__.....`Z ..-4-2-...19-�'� ....._._..._....__......................_..........._....._......................_....e........__... City ']erk. Approved.._\"..(.._v.... _�Z `I 19�..... ............_................... _...... — — Mayor. C. F. -Na:'2662—By S. A. Farnsworthi In the Matter o[ opening, widening and extending Fredericka avenue from Conncihnen Fart worth to a width vof c0 feet, by clonderen- In�.,apd talcingathe.,easterly_.3o. feet. (Sus of the lves,I % of the Northwest 'A of ..the Northeast; 'k. of ..Section 9, .Town 28, Range 23, -except streets, Kel er, proved Decemlber 23 da19131113, ap- } The,FCouncll of the City of St Paul h¢ving: received -the report of the Com - Me oll issioner of Finance upon the above Improvement, and having considered said repurt,. hersby..resolves: 1. Thatthe said report be and the, - n' eal'y same is hereby approved and adopted., .and the said Improvement is hereby; ordered -to the. -proceeded with. Yo g 2. That the nature of the Improve-; menu whlchthe Council recommends is opening, wldening,.;:,:and ".extending. Fredericka avenue 'from.Jeff—ea ave- . I<Iay nue to=St. .-Clair street,: to . -a width. of'. 'the hout�itof 10 o'clock A. M 'dn the :Coun ll Chamber room 61 of the Court( J Huse and, City Ila ng in the :City of St P 1 That th C 1 el n r Of FI a give notice P Id, �' meeting to thep' d In th 1 iI v m`at Vq' provided by the t•,, o- 1 g to time and place of. hearing, th r tie ot, the Improvement and the f t 1 Gdsoot��thereof ae estimated. ono<u'vyd Nove ou 1914. ov 12, 1914. t� ?,(Nov. 14-1914)- F t t i Ij 1 �ITY OF ST. PAUL - - ' DEPAF�TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COop11CRISSIONER OF FINA ON PhEL MINARY ORDER r under Preliminary Order approved ------ ---- ---------�-F—"' ------------ To ----------To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is he lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - - V �.. �/Jn^ /� �2 3 O /6 1 3 S �T,� - TOTAL, I i O - ,CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '�'► REPORT OF,COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE *!� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lC) _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION l tA49-L � �" r��.l.('�� 9, / � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. --- t9f.y- /�r.!��- _. �-�.� � = - .-------------- Dated---- ---------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. S•S C _ :s; �': �r '. r' COUNCIL 111.E NO.-, FINAL ORDER. 11, the Matter, of constructing a. server or. Roblyn aven,,:e fro is Asbury Avenue to a point 485 feet east of the east line of Asbury avenue. wider Preliminary Order. 4.60 ...approved June 30th, 1® - .. G �...oZ Intermediary Order _� . -J _._ _-approved __... ..._. .. `T --.. A public (tearing having been had upon the above iunproveunent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City St. Paulthatthe precise natureextent and kind off im-- / pr em nt to be n} le by the said City is `4(11 .�GFr./GL 17..%C!"ut�yv/.`.1/lx,._✓ .r/LA L''G%��� �'r"'' ;uul the Council hereby orders said improveWnt to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for eIpproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authoved and directedto proceed with the staking of said improvementinaeco•danee therewith. - Adopted by the Council.....__._..i!/.� _�.._.19.. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O`Leary Yoerg 11a '�-i�sva�• ........ ..__ _. 1 lerk. Mayor. I II F ........ ..__ _. 1 lerk. Mayor. f13 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE III the lfatterneoon.a.tx.uc.t.ing__a..._s snc.er_..on__Rab.jyn...a.v.. nve..._f i,om, Asbury avenue to.....a..p4.i.nt 4{i_5.of_.._theeast lin_s of. A.s ur.X._avenue ,._ .. under Preliminary Order approved June 39th, 1914 To the Council of the City of 5t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finanee hereby reports as follows: 654.92 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $..._6Z.¢....p.er lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation. of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are f11NN's: 3, DESCRIPTION {LotBloch AUDITION jj Assessed Valpetion The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the reportmade lu him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated........... /G_._....._._............_..191 C � Commissioner of Finance. Office of: the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 23,........._........_.._...191.4... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- June.....''J..Q.4..., relative to_........_ .......... ..... cil, known as Council File �No__._......4�D..... ...... approved ...................._ 4 ...... ............. 191 t_ Q.17.ir.r.....4.17......RQ.b.2yxi....A.Ve.........fXQm.._AA3i 19y....:�u,.,...._E4.._a....Point_................. 48.5.....f.e.e.t.....e.a.st......of...._the ......ao.a.L..... lina.....of....Ashi fy-St......................... ............................................... ... ....................... ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 62¢ per front foot„ 645.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............ .......... ........... and the totytUcost thereof is }...._......_................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ............... ............... ........ .......... ........_....._........................................ ....... ......................... ........._.......... .............. ................. ........................_........ _............... .._........_..._..................... ___..........__......___........................................................ .._.__..._............... .._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3 . ......................... .._........ ..................................................................... _............ ....................... .... ............................. _....... ....................................................... _ ........ ................::.:... v. Said improvement ie.. ................................ .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of subdec, to assessment for said improvement. ._... ..... ..r ......... ...._ .....:......._................................................._................................. Cmmnissioner of Public Works. M. N. GOSS OSCAR CLAUSSEN .. P RNOINRBR COmf15510NBe PVHLIC NOR85 } CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. ^Pain , i:. - . july •-.3, 1914. ".Z. `..d. Goes, COIf:...186'iOnCr r,f Public Works, C I T Y. Y Supj,ler,ental Feport to C. F."46C. I the ,.:atter c� of serer on Foblyn Ave. from Asbury to Pascal. A ,roper Sewer. one l --i,, to e_ depth of 12 feet or to a depth necessary to give ample drrir:ege to houses ;-.n,1 lots or, this street cannot be built until the t.ain thunk sewer in the riL!ht of ,t way, 3 "t.P. F.y. is built, _' 821 tr1.sk sewer :ill not r' oul'_ t until Cr.e ,ue5ticn of n;rerinL .he , ,.F. ;ilway tr,.cks is settle(!. If tre l arties who r,allt this sev,-er aa", milling to pcy tl_e .,-.tire cost for zs'.1ch sewer ,o be, ''!.nown z,s atemporary sewer only, then it rr:i .,ht be per;.;issible to ;t:t it in. I ar, quita ure that �)n account cf uhe ,!;allow depth v;'.1,ci: ,. oposed sewer .:ill lave to be laid, Il .rael} E.0 cove' zt�G'c.9t erly e nd fc,t cit Fiesterly e.nu, til t t.- er e.,.ry expenee c.,n_,ot be assessed .g ir. "he ubuttinE r, operty unless the _Xopti'ty c;:ne-r: agree to ou.n.e. Further, there is a pvscibility of freezirlg. Fe.spactfully sub -,fitted; r5 r' :-ir.eer. 0 %V, \\ y u J401 END J �o is t 1;iCROFIL9 CERTIFICATE NV \p\ The Undersigned hereby certifies s follows: \ b � 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of, business by �a , in accordance with 690 the standard and approved techniques with a Record microfilm machine, i4odel//j pro _� of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm waf made on `O o a rc a8 3� o� undersigned operator(s). 19 by the �fs� 9 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is //v2oQpo s 4, The roll of microfilm containshoto \ p graphic copies of: 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: C t 02 SS 3 IK vP vh Il After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. { Signed: �q / Operator Dated 4 ,G�h ay 19 s - p y a ��iir eo� � P e � r Vt- 0 G 4iY 4 0 VIII �• � —6 :.9—, VIII ` i-4 IIII1=6 Z NAS` �"-'U OF STa*Wrns