1-582_06-22-1914_07-07-1914r a i1 � r� � s F i � �• PtiJA,> >ro ti MmAnistrative: m Ari ordlnsrlce ",eaiaGllnP, -,nei fixing the Ab '`•, -vns:n ) °' �:Y•°E „f.J:=-:i � ,necessary fotl:e tion9 preservation , I, ! r,f V YU lectiOn Tho 96 r- 8 0�lk���,11q��l1,� Yd r f u;iry "S irtStal1..merl�Rfid" ./ r his o%'. i`ce ° shad `Yuri all acid ilea f .. sa. ' -; �, :,a ` a the sum of . Five ?T}iou©and i®I1 e f , T' 0. V) . � Charter, ,:which bond el all be E�P;)rolr by•the 06iincil by resolution.. Section 2. 'The Mayor - gra: I l .. ,.. i*,mer 3.#f , ee" stenographer a sd Assistant e retit'r'7, r,t ' Ary w" �m Allms # ) per year, 's 11 � ' 4' � u Two Hundred Dollrzre { 3 died' servioe, Oka clerk wholshAkl Also r8qt I i 4y I" �' ANN$„ S h 0 1 ?: in eq#1 monthl"y In llm nte� , t fection.3. 'Subject t4 to civil tY .*,Ai ytz z s the 'ldayor, ruE1„y ya 3 help inn his o p f 4 resolution auti a that the ,salariels such clerics) �apj (w5,.000.0.0) in.. yayor! s 5scret11 e 40 i t �ordirianoe relidere °gf immediately, r M r � 4 a so that, the workx;;: Section B. b trom and after i � { 7 ,i e. n Ai - ,- t �, ordidd►tae grIA. t iai€s% aassfstt �� ' lea .i` X ii" ir}i@�Y aD F'�3t''-fTi9et �:ii'ti,n l l4 }9. ar'i R'... -.- r" 'O"tJj ,� ec awry for the 'rresae" Linke of Otw sig'= Tlit ©Ui#�"i'� Gs 'fru; t appoint a .Morat€sry, who Malt oueanci ,T1oilFiYg ($2.000.00) pox 3ekY _ *a3 � taf t §tallmentar *': %%1 4, _:.. 3k p • •moi c:., a �� hS�3 otR ce, ill furnish and.kes ThwASaM ( rtxsx," urhioh •botad araii I xir * by Liteoux+c31..bys?renolutiar�r d 286tfou 2.. The °ka,,tor,, ahai't iarAMA steyogiCa heY a,ytt Avvieta°�L' b$P t y c g 1 mwa , iiun+irad Dollars tl , 200, 0) pery srx , in* Y� l i � � 'P'4 � 13ad °scrri% and ea Clark whoWkmlx a,t.eo .t • 'a .grlsxy oP 235 f:'un4re@riR�t4�.e in equai-xontmy n>ett+lxssser te. • - - ,4,+'�-'�:x} � y kms- .X �' �'�-'' .,.- �Y 'ectSon 3 �S:+bfoa't tvi �ai�b�.. at���� toe Uaycr "Y' t ' uza to tit e w . h ; -.�." . • r�elp in his, .oYia ran SAaa 1. u spa��x res4juL cA author xo# awl c ' awwsm&I tl� t the ear ar an at na i i g +'40os Vag"iy t± . �•. such c]:�r�tal i� not e� 066Qp i in nr C II ! " owl * > - . W4 " s I Meyor f d `wgak'ati�rgt. ,. p=aetioe -4. rhto ort# . is: ordSnranoe roi dtai ar{i;z s+aa fear two,t x : ar t. ' •� } )1ealand nd Sf t*t y,.' trm 45V sY" '� m t+6 *� '.� _t. s ,�„wi,'t � '44 111J ®o that tine 00rk aR V 'C# S @ , from OtC attev it*, Ova ;' • r' ., a ' J f ,. Y.. � r' I f . 3 At oxdioenee xiliol the ON AM 00 of ai��i�� I f WM4 Agent, Me dolOy 'd��td othef eeeieteet'e fifin twif ti��i' . ra dtttier iM #010eittetion This it aw,00tioney *Y4ftt 4 ,rendff �. Asolligy foie the P16161144,66 of . the. POUS Ow hoolth A1C . aefet 0019QU OF TIM CITY, 0 ST, PAM M118 0001 pbb� n 11*04 the f im, dna' ofVe aid th# 11 d of bigot, A0140 and botwodo the pos ditto to arae gad a Ca ao��� N qa limed oo*d ent' WO P00OWo , Cita► of sc Peoi.' •se shed foT with *opdt to the 0 ►fl fog, . approval the arms of said appoixteei, ri the Com oil swover M appointment, the` Purchasing Agent appo*ted in .1914 ahrll aeetow, s f 4 iainediatelk upon such appiotal; and shawl retain it'117til the Monday in August, 1816, ulnless sooner removed,, and until h w- v*46e8e0,. < is .appointed and qualities. Thereatter� thio` terw of ot'fice shall bpi -: two years besi"iag the first Monday`UL, Otgust of easl�esea r021616ifea year. Should the Council tail to approve- _the,appo tasnt:cf aakI& chasing agent, the Mayor Siall sake additional appOiatMOUts to aadA place until an agppoin` nt isfade ehiom the Qotwoil does_. ®0aotRew, on 3 Said ohas eat shall as caiitivaa: preobdentf �o t'" ug- ot'f#oa .01" bad' eitl � Duff10lent Sureties to;, the $us Qt tY Th Qu�s�d Nh'ioh bol shed be Q#Oved 4 the gOrlor,at# Owl;eVA �f ,001 aaiw� , a� d obi � 49� "401 4 441 ' �C N , i 9 'A 001 it! .4j OVA-. os;#1 0;4 44;,i� 4, ■■j+j1yYyy. py y■� ®ujyp� pyyyyu�yp�d(JyI�yyyj{y�■y 4, 4j' ii 'r 04 0 Adopted M the Commissioners 141 kdopledli f6Ammiasioners i41 I AS MR FARNS\VORTII (/ o MR. FARNSWORTH GC15S GOSS KELLER (i // KELLER / v� M.COLL ' /' M�COLL O'LEARY (/ ?, t/ O'LEARY YOERG YOERG, 1VAYS,O SMR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) f r� SC}y\�d. �i`il'8t tlilfi £�y�Cli�l�silll�ii�. b -k 'ty�38a 1L , ftfant, forthe YioBx t a ieA51 ri& "rm_, ts� and tip �Y82lP� g _ fag ai6rLourr6d iA and 9LpProved s All 5 - 1 y A--blp - AdO3,ced b -p the Boa d - n the _ ALD_ HAUMEI51•ER ,g -_ NAYS YEAS - MR. - _ -KAY3 HAAS � _ - CORNING EDWARDS�- - - HYBAND MONTGOMERY -`" -, - - POWERS _ --� -._,MLRNANE, E. J. _ 'Conacll- ,•ResolYc'd 8t.: tli@ Sl.DpOl22tr[teZiL bY. 'SRNBORN - -- -tiF;b 'Ms9or S1AV;ti812$Y =♦HOIa,P.a6La zz „a8• ; .. _ ' - - MURNANE. F. PIIrC118�3315 ;.EISCiI`[.- PO2' y3se ^aCSL OIj.9ii�. WAKE' - __ OBERG 'COI1C11r3•ed311, 8II8=_8.,p3TrOYE�d_ '._ -, � AdoptecT by the �Comanis oaers �aYa_o - 'YOERG - , _ RYAN 2` -:approved PRESIDENT (KELLER) - . IE(: STER a - - - •TROY -(Tuna _- �� - _ •OT - - NAYS 0 1 R. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) - Uavoz,. .. -� :- .. ., ... �t• Ertl �. 9t#ai ��i.�� i:t.�i To the 0ounoi1 of the dity ,of 8t. _'Paul.. ae,nt Olson. 3 here6j reapootfully notify,your Tio`norr* to Body th*t purrivant' to ,authority oonferred upon eye by then Char#es of the CitY, I Sl",I I Opointed Justuo Ohsge,. M. D., Rosath Oftear, sAd (Pistav A. Rena, M. D.', Deputy Health'Offioer for the next ensuing tM' , ft'*d reepeotfully request your approval of such eppolntment. Yours truly, -- Commissionet�Pnblic Safety. t J mm 0 00 ............. Ah g- Ordik"eq P, r YoA 444, Adopted bY, va XRLUI QUARY NAYS 0 j ATT1111i PIN 'Aq 14 w r• �' An rr�l%nanc®�f i the `°si ies and compensation of ,he wuperntendent and othsr neaeayaary emp3oyery of 4he. klitoriurs. This is Ott' emergency ordinance Tendered-necessary for the preeervstic,r, of the putli peace, :hea'lth app e°nf0ty.. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF, 7, PAUL 10-F S.ection 1 Under 'the. dir;� tion of the "ornmissiocer Of Fdu- cation,.ihe administrationsof .the Aud tor,ium.sha1I be in e hapde of a 94perintendent of said Auditorium, a pointed by zuail oramissioner ?rd -;confirmed by the Council �.y reeoltrtion. Said Superi , onde .t'shall be qualified under she civil service provisions of Chartex and I' the ordinances passed in pursuance thereof. 'He shall ^ai,� � icuntil removed under'said civil service provisions and shall racelve.a atalary not to exceed T�renty-fiveiundred Dollare. (2.dGC. ,G•' year, Haid in equal- monthly i°netalmenta, said•salary to be �ixci ,y file ^ounc•il b, reSO14tion on freeomiendation'Of the CogjDiasioner o" tducatioa,, Said; Superintendent sh41 perfom Bull duties 1' oonneotion with oald, 0 a ,;: �uditoriu�'�omaid Cor�missionergay �e��uire, ° . � � • ���� eo�ion 2,r Said Comieei.oner undeT the P i i0�� Charter and or inan6ee rolatin to the of i1 e, 'ay ��iea ��f �r a n d CV� n�oO�eAdr o� � a stags ou a t�x,at a salary 140t inn °3(00,ed ane yen ro f1i 010) a g1Orith, act en i��e�u : ; 3 �,� 1'y ; o ► Hundred ala, colla ��" to meed otao HUdl'od, Dollars (1100,01) a month, ;,"wl �'aQ fl, uhna,, door-keepers, tioket,ee1i'ere, i�aioo, arri?% «ie.r$ M'r;# ot;or am lob � � way Vie. neceeo ry The oxao t S`oriiut"nhtiJ�s 'or .± � 1 aeon �� ' ' loyd ha11 � ixda py the i1 ay cru r of Baia Cozrunia�s)0r, LduaMI�r i vc* per-form such �iut ee as said Uo uii: l iouai a niit t�U���, k'iGt�itierl, hi�'NeVsr; airf��;��11A $�.,Gir rt,hall u� �;��d :�� ,���,Uwcaw>,.'�,� :��,w,'1 •: the QUrO; 40 G116 adula, o ze4in64 w �,�i,iaai.�O-L e, ��p����d �� A�� .A�����aal an�� ��l'�:�; ��� V� ����Is�lil%rw ,��5 �•V��.Li.i�'� -;i hero,WN1 ae Oreby °oio� 1`i trexl�ycc. a.;• 3r: crl` " _ Tic•sr,l�•t�d. Thai � C � r� . 4 � , � nrtl f :��. 9. t(7 tF frt rt 1anra - • . _ - ikeFei A That Sl d�t,U, r \uPNRt; � Hlh+m tsx. an Pert b !t nteent ttt Itiie l Itr f CY t*g„i .v ,bmlttart t7x15 84Y 8R nd the 1. me L4. i rr I t rPD'ru d. . A (7nPt i 17'11, ttia CMMt.Ka(bttAY J�fnn i tt gk - aRpPrn sa JYfne s 101.4 . 1S I:.4 ro FRB. - --- ' ",rh„e It Yar: f.JtYn. F-1B1/ Adopted by [be Commissioners. ........... 191 KAS' N AYS. MR. FA*SWORTH A doT.,�d he Yhr Rha rd :. - p1ei _ GO S 141 7 !j KE LER ATu. a, ., . YJ/ M. OLL - - c E O' EARY N 'Y ERG NAYS 0 MR. C AIRMAN (POWERS) y x ` ER1 —191 AYS O MR. i•RESI ---,_ _ �`I3�YOr. f Anscmbh' P ia� 3 - . ,��►y �r '. / : .:eft i.,l ? �r , , v w.. �Jy.I,hMi iii, 1 k'< AW.P i by Ihr RORrtI n1 glArnnrn. - id�,pl+d ]91 191 vAVS \!AS ' ALn. R A 1 MbSTFR v.SYS ,I\c I MR. HAAR Y CORNIKl. 1"I—AROS - NYLANp MONTGOMERY ML'RN'ANE, E. 'J SANBU0.N ._ MURNAN E, F. _ OBERG V - WAIJE YOERG , RYAN - STIEGER TROY NAYS U SIR. 1'N ESI RENT (KEI.LERI - - 191�� Approved ' NAYS 0 MR—RESIDENT (SICCULL) __ ____ a.vor., ����►,E.t;�� �, filo `� , �_` ' '- ttFto}pi", Oro ty peal be, and i t ber#,by is dlretto+d to iezlr 4,.0tetw **i," on exah of the folloeing etrool.t'r and eev�r�uea IIAYmltno frcm Randolph to Iiil441, Aebitry frdm Blair to litf'ond,_ -we,st Seventh frog Darnell to Vi eai tttai PPI Ri *er gra-I *'M td Wyciming from Booth Robert to t}oMan, Px' H Mmline from Grand to Lincoln, and Lexington from $t. Clair to Lintirood Plftce!, and in a cco rdanee with the request of the Ponrd .o f W^ t!! ,�- ��` miseioners at its meeting held on pay 27th, 1914.- U -111d. 924. —71N,frpn}t sd 7'h31 Lfi. cll of tiT.—I - C^mDrxt»a}nnere'Dt ,kxt,`:tzt .rt gr; F•an;. t RDQ ft Y, .reby 1. AFTM:CM Ixs lap x wxi„i m»t» an•arh oC t1,p t:iidwtn(t iramle andIhhbc Fig m Flamt}nw }Fnm »aA1PF+ rM h^ri,ex S" - h:tsurF• troro itialr to tatbnA. \\'i•nt Se,'enth Cram"ilaAcll, rn �}is „, , 4 x1,.ptrd 1:,, .Le HnxrA ni Aid - xiDDI Rtr . "'a rA hr A.—bip i •-nmin� n,,m anth Ftobp r>S„W C - Adopted by the Car; ' 191 to 1 y.' YEAS C NAYS.' ALD Fi.(7�). MR. FARNS ORTH H` L GOSS MD KELLER oRRh M°COLL. , MI : .. J 5'S191 F•"° I/YOERG NAv. 0 'MR, PRESID.— 1 ✓ _.Mayor NAYS 01 MR. CHAIRM N (POWERS) .. .., .. ., Hg r wnd i xi 4. mi not o6 i 197 - - A1.1,. }}Al'MRI�IkR l MR. IfeA Aa - 1 JCANR v - • .. EDNARI15 �� 1 Mwix l.• -. _ MONT—MHA I' .. MORNANE, E, J. - - MARNANH. F. EVAN NAYS O MR. PR— ..:— (KEEL..) ^ ' - .,IppFoaed TROY. NAL s 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL}C., u �µ Z4•- .MayOT t►�l,r �i;•tl-rr- �c•,p.rirt'ntrrtk nE l�,Etr,LtF�.t1F �nttt��ia�.tl, ( _ , 115i P. f'Aftl ~;llltfi�;t11�.Altitl! may 1 9 1 4.. 11pnorable Co>mnon Council, Turk 014q O' SATYT PAUL, St- 4Aui, vinne "in te. \% Gentlemen;- At a mest.rg of the Board of Waiter Connnissioners held on #y v 27. 1914, the following resolution was unaniteously Adopted.- "resolved, dopted;"Resolved, that thio Ponrd request that the Honorable Common Council authorize the laying of water mains -on the "follow- Ing .streets and avenues; Hemline from Randolph to Niles; Asbury from Blair to Lafondc West Seventh from Purnell to }.aiseissippi River Boulevard;, Wyoming w from South Robert to Gorman; gaailine from Grand to Lincoln and on Lexington from St. Clair to Linwood Place." This request is made in accordance with Section 33, --- Chapter 9, Tithe 1.- of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, -- se adopted-3n h+?sy 2900,-phtc}r=pTvvidea as-foHowe- "Pvo water main shall be laid by the Board of Vetter Commissioners of said City _unless the owners in the City of St. Paul of one-third of the property fronting„on the street liable to aesessment for this extension shall first have petitioned in writing to said Board of Watei Commissioners for the laying of said maifns, provided%, however; that upon the recommendation of the said Board of .Wath Corrmoissdoners, the Common Council may by resolution or ordi nce, passed W a vote of two-thirds of all members of each body thereo-f, authorize the laying of any such water main ow pipes without aj petition of resident prop- erty owners having been made therefor.” a Very truly yours. BOARD OF WATiR CCRIUS8I0YMS jerk t -the B. s Assembly F. No Vesolved,,Tha1 the bond of John I'. Farley, as Ci'ty Clefk, with the Globe Fndemnity 'Company a.13'Aur,ety thereon, this day presente4 to the Coune,il,• be and the name hereby in approved. Adopted by the Commissioners. .. <l .......... - . 191 1 .FAS NAY-. MR. FA NSWORTH : G s KE LER M. OLL E v t O' ARY - Adopted 1,y ilety the Board of AttT1e Assembly _ —191_ - �== Y RG4- NAYS 0 MR C AIRMAN (POVl7ERS) vAvs ALD.. 6 UMFWE t _ 1 a V - CORNYNO 3 8 t`,s�y1tN. enw�t�oq;; . MONTGOM � q y MURNAN E° _ _ t�h-�_k-.,i�ii�;x� `r. •. < MURNANE� F MEi.-r-M.- 'g o OBERG -YOERG RYAN NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (REELER). STIEGER TROY A ppro vert _ —1911 NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) _ - �Mavor. Board 1�. No: As`senibfy F. No $y Rica ved,.I'bza, the bond of John I. Farjcy, an CA ty -Cljerk .wi�h the Globe Indemnity Company as surety thereon,' this day presented to the Council; be and the same hereby is approved.- pproved./ .1e, ° • za � 1 _ cf ff7 - Adopted b3 the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by rhea-,—.—bly " YEASN.4ys PEAS A ALO. BAUMEISTE0. (:OOnC11.F 1i 0. 30— �/ MR.' NAYS - Resolved. That the bond of John I. coRNlr:e .Earle}•, ae CRY Cterlc, with the Globe KANE - Indemnity Company as su,6ty thereon, EnwARDs this .day pt•BBented to the Cou-11. be, MAHLE - and the same hereby is approved. NYLAND - MICHAUD Adopted by the CWLssloners June 13. 1914. r MONTGOMERY Appreyed Jtlne 6., 1914. POWERS -. - WINN POWERS MORNANE. E.E.J. Ar.Yor. SAN BORN _ (June 6-1x14) M URN AN E, F. OBERG WARE - YOERG ' - RYAN - NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT - STIEGER (KELI.ER) • TROY Approve( --___T` — ___ 191 . NAYS -0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) - AashmUily F. Na. <I - fie�nlF�d. rl,� i.ils; podrd of ti istor rorls�siPPIc,norA of x)n bB :-. _� sus. be r+n If herAv to iir?ctod to' I,Ay n vnstPr street, fr(-" Wyc�liff to 7rlli's , and in nrordnnr. Veil- + o quest c f the Ponrd o f tisA t.er Cntrmi tselrW4rl§ nt i tg* r-. <. nn a n. y 7.4' th 1914 . � unell t' to. 1./-- mn,,$'-i Na oI the tIty `tf "st rent - - b be, and It i rnb Ia Bir cert td lay mater mntn n NePA.ev - AtPnet. front - Wyclth to vl)A, And In xecr/hrinhcc:: of hItoRoneof AVA- _ ee . ommissl ncre Atne$t meetjag N67Y jnn9hAdopted LIB�•Cd;nm4$sttlHpl•9 - b t. 1x14. 14rta, � APPr.—d SbAe F, tA19. ' t41VN l'ht'V'ETLS, (.Irmo F-SOli) 3layor- I. --s-- —. Amsted-hp-ihe �ommisaioneRs.-.—., z-. i9�� Adopted be the Board of Alderm E _sem _3 _c��zza YFias . `N A V(i, i 33 - MR. FAR WORTH - A1,1, BA!'NEIf' COS - - COR—( i� - KE ER s� H}LAND 7 Me LL - - MG NTGQ - MUEN AOT ARY�I - ` OEEEG j I YO RG RYANNAYS"0 MR. CH IRMAN (POWERS) STIEGHii — -� •- TROY " NAY ME. 'PEFSIngNT (MC .�f o, ee..wea, ri— the Ponrd csf f t -,-,T- os�� 3 3 - on ^--j- 0, r"I f thio, Ci ty of .rq -pa �. _ be, And it hertby'Ie _ direct!aoff f- <:i 1'--y m wnitei- mstira on xsernt"Y -,t quest o f t d ng h ei d oon a;�v 29t -! L A, NXEV Adopted#)Y the RoaFd of Aldermen - ' Y4 � y the A--biy.._' t ..d - Imo] ' 191 NAYS - 'V 8AS A • •- VAVS ALL. BAD—S, 1. \ MR. }{AAs _ C.R N rn c K... ' " N.DN'AR— - - MAHLE - nHYLANn . Aiu Hwvn MONTGO.ERI' P.K'eRe \BURN AN B, E. J. - - SANBORN � MURNANE. F. WAIt]t t ` QRERG I.ERG .. < RYAN R. PRESIDRNT-(KRLLER) - S-EGER TROY NAPS /) MR. PRESIDENT (MCC 014. QiT i,/0T ' t%Itr �lhnlrr T1 eft rtlttrltf ,nE Vir (if tti�;.� tfiattr( - .Orr I(: E9 pr; FAST FIFTfj 911jFFT ti,tt I A16111 .. 'ru.o ecn f n ,....: n,r rrs . ,, opsr •,� - � - xcau eaF ,. June ronorable Common Council, 2, THF C I T5 'Ori RA 1�AT �V PA St- Paul, ginne-nots. Gentlemen;- At a meeting of the Board of Wnter Commiseiuners held on }ray 29th, 191'4 , -the following tesoluti on v*s u-'uini - rously adopted; _ T "Resolved, that this $oard request . that the •Honorable Common Council authorize the laying of a water -main liersey street from wycliff to Ellis.. This request is made in accordance with Section 43, Chapter 9, Title 1, of the charter of the City.of saint p. paul, as adopted in yay, 1900, which provides ns foilows; i "No voter main shal be laid_by the' Eoard of —_j._ __ �__,__ _ water Commissioners of said Ci unless the owners in the !f --- tG ty of St. Paul of one-third the property fronting on the street liable to assessment for this extension shall first have petitioned in writing to said Board of Water Commissioners for. the laying of said rains, pro- vided, however, that, uon'the recommendation of the said J Board of water Commissi ners, the Common Council may by resolution or ordinance, passed by a vote of two-thirds of all-members of eech�b dy thereof, authorize the laying of any such water main.or pipes without arW ,petition of resident property owners having been made therefor." "r Very truly yours, ♦ BOARD OF WA COISrISS S Pr Encl. . i ` Clerk to the goai�. salary aP Eight uncedrrxtyalar �4' ��JDX pIr ",hoar; , gprxa ix dt a salary of. Eight Hundred 7orty D0l1ara (,,84r Par 4 Zil ' ;. clerk at a. salary of Seven. Hundred and Nexty Do lars a stenographer at a aalary of Nine Hundred CollaTt s") per 1t ; and a messenger •at.a. salary of six Hundred Dollars wC ,,a p' =lei.•_ and such other additional or temporary eelp as the ^cuncii byasolurior, may ^provide on applic4tor. of said Comptrc'ller the saac ies of �5si. Of said officers and employes shall be payable In MOnttly IA t:a1,9 Every officer and employs of the department, 1.1 addi Jon o gvr f�sr the duties properly appsxtainSig tc.h3s.of=ica a emp•loyme,.t, 8AA11 psr form such other duties az, the Llptrciier may require; Section 3. Said officers and employee meLtioned is ae%:tiOn 2 hereof shall be appointed in accordanee with ws.e .�1"i ar iv3 e ;pro visions of said Charter and the ordinanc adopted Biurmuawt t tires Section.4. Persons ha-vi r<g held for the aix re n=tea next vious to May 31, 1934, the pgsitiona mentioned i.n zez 'C" . r be nominated and appointed to the Gaze Or similar posit.ionA un;ens t moved or dropped for. cause pursuant to the civil a�ervi;e vlvi*`F-R ar the :charter and .i:e ordinanoee,passe ix aocordare thsr+ mth• 'u + tvhq has held such position lesd. tYl aix mo;1the nex preFi,out fi 1914, may, in the discretion of the Couptreliev,- be regards &ap o bationer, and may be re-appointed or -not as he xey o", -fita, bou "j. With regard to the public interest and the good of the ;ervl Section 5..All' ordinances and pito of 0.::,.tnu ass .uz 40-ora hete*ith are.her.,eby repealed, but it is not the 44 extioh o to `repeal_ or modify 3zx tiny say any rela�.tir to the vice of the City of St. Paul. Section 6. This ,ordinance is h reoy •Saw« e A- ordinance rendered necessary fox ,the presuatkon of kIki pP`r health and`sa:fety; the emerge cy exlOti,Ag bT.reas0a o t,4 for• an,'immediate re-organization aDi equi men» gf <,. ,:cmT r ll r' office-of said City, to able i•t to poxfcrm t'h#* paid charter as amended, ark, oeoauad I„a �a=lm-ixf*�s4101 o Brt►nra r. Nc►. � Assembly V. No ' By Rechh-cc . Thal Mo ti. on Pietu:•0 Thonter IA00-qe-41,0'. eG i.nnUet1 to rn. 1:Tacna, Us , V9 7th Street, be'rnd th4+ aNrEe it horaby trnrnferrac to R. R. Aln-Adsr, nrnle IOcntiOn. Ilk- ,tea S� r. r No, 18- Cj YLC--1 5i1� That N EPa n. Pi�.yture ,Tl ei{e.tI.irot se'No. 86 inAued to Wm.. .I .cnn, 946 W. 7th Ser t, he and the S 1 -erttr}e la heryby trans[ rred to Ft. Alexnhdc" enure ""tl n. i3,'�\ �� - Adopted b9 the C .Hell Jnno 11, . \.J 1914. Approved J..A 1$; 1914. (Su4ie 20.1914) _ Adopted by the Ceemeeeiee "'..- P;AS N AYYS,S, M . e dopred by the iKoaral• , GOSS' plied by the Assembly .4 - KELLER �_:._ ._ ----191- YEws '. McCOLL a ; ca r O'LEARY Ism "I Fi YOERG- „� 1 NAYS 0 M ul3 '--.- *w, Z NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) /�/}� %-/rye _ jj8S'Or. ' Mombly Viol 1 fly Rcelil� eta t"!m . Lucn y, 145 , " l ac nt �,� .y J - Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: - .Adopred by the Assembly ' 191 -- - - —191., 1"EA1 NA\'S - IE.AS ' .—S' Al.. RAUMEIST ER NR. HAAS CORNING - NAME Y —ARDS NAHI.E I- -LAND MONTGOMERY POWERS 5 AII:RNASE, E. J. SAN 80 RN MURNANENF.. _ WARE OUR. YOERG RYAN NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) STIEGER TROY Approve -- -- --29] -- • NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (A1C COLL) .,y _- /-VWRWRF—,`,fa-v n li g�yyp�,, ...�,• .. _ .. ;B' Y ii. A k7 # � F �` �nr� T" �i"R� k � �`Y7�J "�Ia-�'� i�3✓ �S9 � .tdcsiA b 10 1 Olt *i4ot"toto it it, ilho otu A, r _ B$Ems d .,y L ., k kashep to t$ - * s 37dt14/4 0 Of St r' a r Adopted by i 1oa o n: ... _ Adopted by the ABMmbty YEA j NAYD ..•.•r�.^,'y'°•" r} `O i" YY'O ST µi, tha $toed@r! 4491 BAVMEISTER itbdolVCd�;, yMRt URS HAAS CotntSany a edradrKtlontaik oC4.Ynd�RBa, - CORNING nyi°td R.Oth4riBPoK �O hdO`;0t10a1Rbe !n tit CASE atdtb by ht{RripkofH. lieStSa h�t abtiuCi ° EDWARDD jpL�rld9tl@d'„ta bans .dtedl t`OR. S!. 'MANCE YI.wxD 'flRd mAintaln do hain�k ai$» ao bran al MlcxwvD`V tiOT o4 ipt i8 ra RtsRh6@T� °t ?t�.'bndiRnaa�Arh•1.`� N OMERY 1dd1t10R tb $t, 'pRul R{1#In eltnq' POW _ puYhdao of at4rinlf Rnd� dtt4lp. � 1 ANE, E. 1. Rasotl 4 pbd- oth¢E P, Ctrbibum PrQ .; 6 k�� SANHO0.N to �R GuailtitteB lbohto RNANE, P. - ibn@ Tdnka�xt°Y .l4 P ilno'§h@.it.')iaryp•t'nlUd@1'$t'bt}j1d 411•�t 0 WwRE �� °•.. OBERG ®v mAandr?RR LLO b0 lgak(OYBR`rq,-1:t0 (70R1miQR�ORHY Ot'Pub9IC $flY@S'�' B�.�Pd }�YOE0.G RYAN - }ld@d, bl�'.khH n}dfnh@e'bt +AiSl .. IAdopted liY th° OduRi Jpn.?4 (KELLER) • .." _ -. hPD�'oti.@d (JHRe 2T SSS44:rJ �4 _..� TROY �.. 's"` APProved .1911 NAYD. O. MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) Mayor. n a � V i1To Fiaz:asnY: Po na M vvE E_,3 S war . WA (5p.,Yo � R v, e approved' , t E _ 4 1 VtTE1t:A nriitert titn�rniani fox ttie malnrig of thy' inllntioing ititgrbcertrPfrtr.;c ._T`3'tS1;. 1 ' 0 A��r�atljl><• "�". art. — -. � - ... 11:1� lli rth� i)arlt a rrl Fti 1.1<, '6iflliwls :sx»- - 't' At tb, tt.?44tytil" .,!#V&bttg tt* norift y 0jy L 3 sa1C f' 10,014". _ ' �Ptl4 4� [1f�FIT3�1fYClsII! 3.� �i l[�Y'- - �aa•�F+ -�G tw twhil thr Pame Is berehy eferred t+ the Tk_ftlA n�a`-7'•�r>t{r S3 -fin rlti+!E F.. 4?� ^y-'+ 5> "a'f� �.r-P: 'a-«3°v+�•• - ' F'tkar: iR tNtP ImprovemRnt t3rn1—r aYk!'i 'rew-�+-vn-. 4iS`•`� _ - - -,.. i4t!tftttn: iltcn the Cnnnril an owtfmat.• r*f tTkr Nc..® +,g2-"_�tr- rt�cg-m-.z3t �%s�-R�tier -Mo -7t ef thw btr Im onto thrt Cltl: TM,,"rer hefazre tho rnnt:t•a:rt i< 3: -t. � ; - - Tninn: Can realestate to ba "Re e'd for PR -i- frrf-Zai o� -rzs' rr� �Ta.� [°i^z=zTt+3' €r+�� CttRe4 t, the a'txQYt4 .nY t#-nse:u M.c Th'R'' AstvS__:-... .. t+tit'>:!t+aea .naeesaarY to he incurred tbeMb'y'. FocnrR: Is ancb imlirc emont 9_<kei f.r ar;�on cTi» �r moi'#tivsa a sksi . s.4-'F-�•n cs4 th. evrnP.a nt a m P+rSty nt tts� per- -- ---_ ---arty-to'be iasa4ped for such Imp. o�-oment? PwTm Send the Council a Plan or protil- of rasa i21'a by TA' . if Yon report :n ?itror ttf the "slut?. - - StYTn: Send the Connctl a Proper 12s_�• Ariz Lrs 'lyse s}� zs•�, <.�w- - - _ t kis f• i �t Ct. � az3 TYl a.t Lha TYS St22 r' �� CII YYt t---� €kl.� imam i?P vc—F•�- ^yrs u -e 3.L-t_r3 74 - ,*ie sve• ss a \.Se�r� FR --rim r c9 .*. �T_ i :�i..�T9 TEAS - �i`a Ya 2?F ^- �f3 TFi Co En Adopted by -the Commissioners- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - .191 y4 Hi Mt Y CTAS Iii �Srs� Mi MR_ FAR1�iSWC3'RT�- - on S GOSS ER) s KELLER . ...... ........ T McCOLL t!rt%�_ Mayor NATE 0,- Y )ERG fi�LiS_HED�e NAYS O MR. CHAIRMAN <POWERS) ` z 1' 3 ooh It is IIcrcl)>'l)rAvvcd liv Iltc obiwimillk coll"c II "f If [;its of Sf. Fs,rtlt: ,no 1ho R,attnr m otWbing UA, aorft "d N6tt„`,0 lot**---*t A!!I'<fi/121A- oft* * ff*j� 00" --' I . he Mid .the antne i - rMOT: I a SC.Ca'.in: he h1lI$ Into the - - - - 'f}tlnh: - t"t of damages. eaat am exthnaea neeeasn 'FOVRTA:, i f a Majority of the prop ,eFtS to be assaaa, _ PrFTA: `" A report in favor of the 9 $IATA: YEAS. ';ATS AT, CT)WARIIF TIA E. J. a Mc 'ANl:, F. Ou n yA.r NA1.1 11 141R. PI{Fi51 UEVT (1{ELLER)- - p ".. STI ER -.. APPrnael .. . / ...�. ...... ........ 1y1A , .. T oy ... ..... Mayer - - NATe— pggl,,,iSHED 7� c - ,� fly P2ePoh•ed, Tivil permieeion be And it in hereby granted the Rorth*cl stern. Tel eph one RIKchange Company to not polee and miring (1014 wlth the neceteary anchors thereon in the following namedatreitb: West side of Stryker from South aide of Congrena to Vorth aide of Isabel Street. Poles and Cable to be removed when requested to do by .the Common Council, Said cost :to be` paid by the Telephone Company. The Telephone Company topayto,the-City the cost of inspection and engineering. t" 41 COMMISSIONER.OF PUBLIC WORKS. Adopted by the Board sof Aldern ',e Ably Adopted by the.ComnivAe": 191 A) D. A -E -El CORN �C ED ARDS YEAS w NAYS, - HY AND • T V , j l A, TcoME-, MR. FARNSWORTH MU 'ANE, - MORN NE,1 GOSS Cy \ 'oee RY j' " ICELLEI ; - IF.GER +� 1'� b ROY I MCCOLL 19 I: AYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCI O,LLAR 1 ^'1 rf F J YOERG I. NAYS MR. CHAIRMAN (PO`VdERS) o T y Amenibly 1P. Na Resolved, That., _ Northticee a string osb19 _ with the no etT9etg: �West earth "®:i de of Isabel Sta Por. do by the Common Ca t Company, The Telephone�� tion and engineeri t N D," Adopted by the Roard of AfAi ii SiI Ably 191 _ - -- - — - ---191 YEAS - NAIS I-- _ NAY9 ALD, BAUMEIISTER NIR. HAAS CORN NG K N C E t ED RDS A �y HLE , v MY AND a. K1 'TGOMERY WERS l` MU 'ANE, L'. ). SA BOB. r i MURN KE, F. - r' W RE , ,// .,, OBE - y ERC BY N S IF.GE0. NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) Vi ROY A ppro 19� NAYS OMR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) - -V. dt r P Y` . �.r p.; bt, .1 -t r. -t _^-a.'9a+ ..r+«.a•. s.. 01!PIA `Y sMK*e.a ro', ��.ar ,x..�,.s• h.'t' r t' , f T n t: ♦ t-.. (. p :;: to ^ ` -r n '. 1! .. d. �. a ;•, r . • tt'rftit^.A 3.•;--.. {. ^ •T as FlF^ij'rn of I^i.. •: t'n ,.. (`; �_ `. -»_ :v "ARRC ° n,^s,.t°". ,«� 0 ' FieWiledii:.±'h RL tfi9. f.'gninilAeiRTtrr UT ,. F'tshilA N Rrks Hd dhA �fA herdbq o"t ..� fjjigYlse+d rthei +jirPrtrd, fn r"fi rMillpie$. a l pldpLYRlk +'14tPnRtUnA tu'.hq.t7d P. a71,r<Cp KV•cPAAary truJl'l. lh� iYna 0f ihE wRik . .. t1,o lba nrk+ 8nd Rt lhti sttErrPmetiOeu UT ff,ti4thit cohuc U tRpM1 YiattilsnC R'M1 r ti h ft"m A Rl.`a at2T - �»enrc Rt ARmP to La, irRid ant nt thie - �C ays6wRik fund AdnI, d by the coUntll J.0 IT, 14-14. _ �, AdapMd J 1R. 1914. CJ".. 20.19141 Adoped by the hoard Of rd by the Asu bly to ^' Adopted by the Cams. ALD. RAUI COR - t'nK YF.AB NAYR, k HYL 7 Mon MR. Mu4 GOS oB61 a v KEL ER sT!r!,. (� MeC LL TRO l/ O'L RY— - ---Is7 e NAY9 U MR, PRESID "big—Mayor. YO G . 3. NAYS 0 win — �i - r ' s WArti . 't 6. Q ±ta�1nl,1y kti h ltrciih+ad. That tl;t-!.� F. ,,.t '.)f. FUJA i# wovka �? :' x 1 SPS. kg jr A p 0 PP 3' t Adopted by the h ..`Dl #6 by the -NA—bly + • e -.191- YEAS VATS YEAi � VAY9 - ALD. BAUMEISTER MR. HAAS •e CORNING BANE ED%'ARDS - MAHLE - HYLAND MICHAUD MONTGOMERY r, POWERS MURNANE. E. _ SANBORN MURNANE, F. WARE OBERG YOERG RYAN C+ STIEGER V NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) TROY - A ppro NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) I C Resolved, Th,t the; Fur7 i c '�nrY,a ' � An,1 ', 0 noret'Y a,: thortzed and dtre:^tcl to cause-efeer;t •sirleWk y(?enn!or s - "�+' .Tali+ rherc ncocssary,from thyedge of th-r� walk to r _ .. - line a; .:.t ir,treCctionc arcrA+ pre,r.ue an.' -ar�l'-.^� t:.,,' expense of saran t ^ t e' rai d out f :. 'rrissrwal k C. F. No; 19—.r1y M, N. a a-- Resolved. That the Commisalonnr nT - Pub116 Works be and le herabY aothnr- -12`Sd and directed--tri--csrsatr-ceglcnt sidewalk extension. to he maA0 Whorl It eceasary, from the edge of the walk to the Curb line at tl o lnteracntk,ra, at Buhumit avenue betweenDaly street tend Hhnillne avenue the' c+xpenne- at Fume, to be puld out of [bo Crose, lk 1914d pted by the Council June 17. . Approved June 18, 1914;. (June 80-1514) d by Assembly - Adopted by the Board of . / the YEA6 Adopted by �r .. ig NAY] ALD. -014 cont) EDW) YEAS... - NAYS, YLA MON7 MR. Fn LWQQWQ 14 j MDR MuR GOSS one - RYA KELLER Slit MCCOLL n rRp O'LEARY 191 - t NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT �ilupc YOERG , f Mayor. ( NAYS 0 . M er .� 11 Resolved, That the r;orrmi.e©Inner of Pub1 '^ Plr•,rk4 b.q and is hereby a� tl;orizea aria 12:.,1 `o ;,e Mach P Whlere••06 line at t:.e aTT• . cree'air,line av t h(' exp 4 [ At h Adopted by the BDard�' the Assembly - --- ----- - -- -191--- -- - - _ ---191-_ _ YEAS NAYS o " ALD. BAIYMEISTER YEAS _ MR. HAAS NAYS , - CORNING\,jj EDWARDSJ BANE MAHLe HYLAN �/ ' MONT OMERY MICH'AUD POWERS MUR AN E, E. J. SANBORN MUR ANE. F. WAR OBERO 4 V OER(j RYAN - STIEOER .� j NAYS O ,M1 PRESIDENT (KELLER)) s TROY j Approved L NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL)_—m. vor. �4nar�i t1F� �a. u Recolw;i, That ;' xi Fp i. r,r,rr rot in 0 t kh ¢r" r+ r e `.-pit. i rrct,t, rquee stre't,Y^ '.c c1r r:kIe.? t'1°r v zy of Re It d to d$A be tl t mtnlAAt n. Puhlit N and I herxDY di at- -•"� . NnnPD aad n tC'th vsnDo, trpm t nmp . k6 n b kl d with } to Noit tAtr. -t,. to 1 . offl.x p "u-lutf pil durl g hat ncp: t914�'Uf d AY the COVneit Jung 1f,I i Ann round June 1E, (Jun . .. f Adop1n16 ted 6y the 191 Adopted by the Ax',.Aly > ' Adopted by the Ad }'F:A9 NAYN, _- _191 -' MR. NA:. YEAS ALD. GO Si KE LER Mc OLL �, � +.. Fix ✓I f 3 ARY YO RG r ;ELLER) NAYS 0 MR. @ii• _$r19 NAY. NAY.O -R, --Mayor. - 4>V e ,_ a Adopted by the Roard of .Ald'0,rme Adopted by the A. FJv 191 191 YEAR NAYS \"fA5 - Nn13 ALU. RAUMEI�R MR. NAAR CORA KANE' ED S M[AWLE NI LM,1C//t1AUD r MINT.. R, �WER5 MUR li E, E. J. SA NBURN MU NA , F. WAR ORERC YO U ' RYA NAYS O MR. RSI ENT (FELLER) STI ERQ'' TR Y Approved __-191/04 . „/ Att3uQ NAVE O MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) __ _ / / __.1'1ayo d - - i R«}11vcd, That t3'r ar ., • , i ; ._ u: 'n--. `—- r _z - __ _ - C E,rly to YC, airs; nk1 =: L_ -_ y N ' _ a- =T-I C— 'f. SIF' 8Ft h7, 1?74 t`., .. 1; T7 j1 each 1.217e a£,� 1 - J,, m - s .. }t-cct�3- cr 3a—= int.f0� 2iA - j _tar �,r-t '� s' sstict� Ei*Yi.' xq tt -•c - Adopted b - :.191 - Adopted by theoB—d of s - - Ed by the A, —My - NAYS, 1--- -----191_ - YEAS _ - -Pv _ std f—. w0R'TH ALL. RAU! CORI J. N,4r��R .. MON: .4 _ Mt,kt Q Ry" 34-- �® STIPC TR n NAYS MI2 _ Gi� RMAN (POWERS) - z9IlG� NAYS MR. PRESID M -3YOr_ i' _ 'Board` I'. No. Ice Reso'h-ed, That the Goinm1. 0e 3.0VIE 37 o f Public Works b6 aL- 3 r ec -L E, d, tOeats tc 3 4 �c- 5 er15 ME 3 s s�- :hw � -94 f .Ad,,j5fed by :he R—d of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly , Y tiAS - NAYS n ALD. RAUMEISTER V F_AS MR. HAAS vAY3 - CORNING - -WARDS HYLefND MONTGOMERY - KANE MAHLE MICHAUD .. POWERS M-NANE, E. J. SANBORN - - -1KNANE, F. - - OBERG WARE YOERG RYAN ' STtEGEA� NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (FELLER)' TROY 4 ppZ'O1v Z9If NAYS 0-- MR_ PRESIDENT (MC COLL� __ _ .�IBVOI'. '�anrii'�'.:.filo. �� I' . -J • e - Resolved, Thal t h& T6, i'6A.0 A h p 2atr��i €d 16, h P -1A .: Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUM LISTER CORNING EDWARDS HYLAND n MONTGOMERY f MURNANE, E. J. ., MURNANL,-"F. OBERG RYAN STIECER TROY NAYS O "AIR., PRESIDENT (MC COLL) Adopted by the Assembly ----- — – ---191 - - YEAS - ♦ NAYS MR. HAAS KANE MAHLE MICHAUD POW ERS SANBORN WARE YOERC NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) A ppro ved 191 hoard V. a Rtg1)h-ed-. t } e ar cf k _ , t iiP P �Ct 7'hAt th C mmbd-' br by 1� Mete{d tof ka 1 tiYb tun�9ir'nt 3trbm. ' - (`[, rt n A n t f. 150 f C. weAt OF th.+ T,nlAh a of n 1411. -11 Ju n ;, - Adot7t d by th C,a. 914. lupi of od � ane 13 in11} V , Adopted by the s. Adopted by the blfarajjjjjjjW .. ............................ :1dup,ed by ,h, A—rhi., —191 Y l:AS 1�FAS ^QC MR. FARN WORTH i GOSS ' a KELL R —' McCO L ` i h O'LE RY YOE G ELLER) ' NAYS O MR. CHA MAN (POWERS) NAYS 0 MR. PR'. Board F. -Nn. AssemWn s Resalf ig and hfl }► to"I5C, feet Teat of S CftE aeaeir. 1914. ;aP 3y _ rel' F k 1. ASF Adopted by the B—d of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly YEAS NAYS, ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING YF,AS MR. HAAS NANE - -D ARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MAiILE MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN - MURNANE, F. n ,4HE, tl l:' Nig YOERG RIAN NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (FELLER) - STIEGER TROY Approved —191 NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) - _ avor. tosird IF. kmembly V. No. c �- Rmlvcd,That tht� ^rnmi.eeinner of C`1`lic IF]*,rlca �c ar i ,e, rer 'r7 a,.. rrcted cat:pe hrfror�,"lrani ntv.n.)c +,� n '•`: a tc rc- r3PI'inklel d r`.r.g ral.ancr,. ^f e^a or 1914. c` r xo. za-lly rt. x: csoa,-- fp , Ileaol�ed, Thnt tNe CommlaRlener A „ - oP i YDblic Rbrl<e be and la hereliy dt- reefed to �. cause Cretin nvenue. Prom Grund avenue to 3u3nmit. b!e.�edll during balance 1prinitled 914. ofnvenue aeato , d Adopted lEy tho counell June 6, 1914. } APProred 19 f uno 191>4) Adopted by the Board of Adopted by the Gundod m. . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . ". . • .. • .191 ed by the Assembly' _ —191 . 1' EAS YEAS NAYS, s,sYs A- RADI CORI MR. FAR SWORTH - EDW Q GOSS HVL MDd �J• KELL R Mac LL: MD II ULE RY 7 RLI YA� L :Tlli YO G f4'i TRo4? ® NAYS 0 MR. C MAN (POWERS) 29%_ 3 HAYS O MR. PRESIDENT G' w 1'�oMayor. r N V 1V �� ��-_' RSP i. 1, T^ ` �%k / '• 1?rw,EdleKtil. - a Y.j *4 ly! 1� ? S�C6 Y - zdrrm AdnpePd hv'rho A,-111, .Adopred h, IhP RDRrd of . . 191 -191 -Are YEAS NAYS ALD. RAO.E04ER B CORNING - EDWARD. YEAS MR. HAAS KANE MAHLE _ INLAND - MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MICHAUD POWER. - SANRORN M ORNANE, F. ORERG WARE YOERG - RYAN STIEGER NAYS O M PRE.ID_ENT (KELLER) TROY Approved NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) 8yor. __ dam^-' CWt' •,A IRY Rre�,htxl, 1"hstt }ka ^r,. •� tr° ,p ,. x� �` r F" {:'` ; es hd. Tbot the Cnmmtdwfoadr al •°' lie Wr 1'Ohlc. �iptkR be And to hardB7 dTrrr aH to anuoa Atdlnq,etreat. trom HFRl Rtr" ed Cap tn1 , - - avanua Rn Dd Ind dUrtnq batanrd of RA -1. 1511 Adopted by Co@Nell dune .the 6, 1914:.' AnDroveH .TUno E. 191{{. ' {Taus 18-1916j AdOplyd by the EOAtd of •d by h, A—bly YEAS Adopted by.the*lloioiNes ...........................191 ALD. BAUM RAY, CORN Eewv YEAS NAYS, HYLA MON' MR. FA NSWORTH f 5 MUR? - AfURb GOS S -, OBER. RYAN KEL ER All STIED MCC LL 'AAtt TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT O•LE RY Mayor. YOE G NAYS 0 MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) sur &hrd E. No. A�sem�l �'�- �'" By Reeolaed. That . t r e r. b. _ V. .. -edea to • t r e B ,��.3 - ,asst; r o � . - g,,, .Adopted by the B -Id b z, i ,y the A—.bly s 191 YEAS - NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER YEAS MR. HAAS - NnVS v CORNING ElIl r HYLAND .MONTGOMERY BANE MAHLE MICHAUD POWERS - t MURNANE, E. J. SANBORN MURNANE, F. ARE OBERG q2 YOERG - �. RYAN e • - ' � STIEGER - NAYS O MR PRIll (FELLER) TROY Approved 11/ — ----131 NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) _ Mayor. 77 - - - . r 17 Akar I- _ A` ft-of the o1v of 5t. P llt ' • 'chat the Shatter of• yp p f.°C��t�'�s-� _":'mow' �_- -�v-�.`s�'s a K�av' 1.�3y` .-�a:''j".-s"$�$.is� C,°w.. �i":�. itd�"�:`• b.$!'. Li�...; I00van;^am. a t t, 0 75L s 5_x? 1 2m f0eG We P, of F'-dg lt6r. atr#'A _..:. lst~-and ihe'eane i9 ''"a4 -PbbiicVtTo fic>s W-fnvA€tEtKt+! and rtfsnrt,. is this t_rli ca<: Ir- and ne-cp"Par9' $acorn: dive the C'r�a = - � tet:;rrtat� aa'f the e%p� nse'thereof., end state whether one-half of thr rinpt [hRYanf {R. td be paid into the City mlmtmr-t in let.- �. RtRI:Oan real 1L' -T-W� asse3asled for srad improvement be found benefited to the #xte.4t'of damdges Cost and ... a e"enses necessary to be FdGRTR-: is 8ucta iII1: aL asiced ;or, -upon the petition or application of the owners of a majoritp of the Prdy - 'ortY to be assessed for 8124r3i, i ,r ,• `--- FreTn: Send the 4,3o= a3 plea or proflle of aatdimprovement, a!1 required by taw, If goareport In favor of. the •Send Stxa'H: the - a pv-cj>er order directing the,work to be done. - Adopted b9 the Board -o -. - "-.. d by the As9eillbfy: - c F- vo za- - - 1t Iherei.y0 rdered by the Counefi of - the cit or 3t P ul: . • ................. V .. . • .. i8t - ....... - TZtat tlt matt¢ of C tructln Y,rS cic aZ3 y-. croa inf, on the nr`rtt, e EA YS yiPgt i of Geranium - street. begl- - NAYS of rz:,1=erton r _ _y .ALD. BAL 16, feet- be and' the - - - "-rerred to the Con - ` Wofka to love,tit JLIN .. CO v - 9 Dro�•er.... ...... , ....... r - ed t! YhC Za thi im�, t9t . y '- - En` teasary4 13t—the CO_ e h¢ pen Sher". ' o n -half t the < D into the Cit''! bio otd 'EAS .t— fse.t. HAY", eatt t "an r . 1 tate sa.id Imp'--c, 4I mt.ethe enec- I,� "g fi' 4 sear g"i H • OU .. .nDrove• Rr, C.4ass a S-r IG ELLER .:..191. !. �•.. TRMcCOLL Mayor_ NAYS O'LEARY LISA /y _ c YOERG MR. CHAIRMAN ',(POWERS) , i , e Ovipk*F%No................ A".einbly r. No., By 4. .:.. . 4 It k Hereby ?rdered by Iltc City of St. Paul,. That ihc' raft r .1 :Jnr_s.tr.uoting..a.ai.d.e�talk:.n£. cement ..blo.eka. to :a.ui.c h of.. _ eight feet, on the south eid'e of 'hJ,cago avenue,beg.ir.r ng at i7a?�a- sht3150 feet.. _ be and the sadle in berchy referred tolhe'"rr1116 of Public Works to Investigate and report. Fms7.1 Is this improvement proper and necessary? e Seconu: Give the Council an estimateof the expense thereof, and state whether one-half of the cost thereof is to . be paid into the City .Treasurer before the contract is let. Troon: Can real estate to be assessed for sold Improvement be found benefited to the extent of damagd`s coai{ttd'. expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? - Founrtr: Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a maJorlty ottbe prop? erty to be assessed for such improvement? - -- Ftrru: Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, ,if you report in favor of the li 31x2n: Send the rdetnteO a pionnn.-arder_dlrectlne the work to h,. C. F. Nb. 26— Adopted°by the. Board o' d by the Assembly: it h hereby Orders.: Pa .. ,� the City of att. er That the matter ,,,,,.19].. .' of eight feet, cement w -• of eight feet, on the F - YFAa cage avenue, beglnnni ,.treat, thence we.l 150 NnFa Ain: Bat ,same is hereby referre 1 mifleonof Jublir Wo: 4reeport. Adopted bylg-FIata`Improy - ' ......191 andnecessary? Second: Give the hether, mate a the expense of hec .t 'whether one-halP of the co Ito be paid Into the City 7._ �� YElfo the contract is ,let, NAYS, Third: Can real estal ....ed for said Improve - benefited to the .tent t jcost and expenses. nec,RTH f Ip incurred thereby? - Fourth:, Is such Imps I. HF (tor Upon the. petition of r -the ownere of n. m jorli 1 e ty to be aeeeaeed f""' I Y m rt? Fifth: Send the C� i•Ee,� f profile of said impr o T _profile by law, If yo[ of the same" •• •.. .. .....191A Sixth: Send the C ,1, order directing the wt • ". • • • • ". • 3fnUor ". Adopted by the Con .. I6, 1914. NAY. 0 111 a. PRF.tiiL 11 Apprdved June 6, 19 (June '27. . . YOERG it lJ[ai.� " NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN, (POWERS) i ., • j h Is 1Ici•chr th'ricrrd l:lc Iht'.,;t{t>n{'1 r1 1I1F (:it1: t>i del. That ill, (I-Attet o; .', !?t_6 �`: .12Ct 3.,IIjy+' a.ci.de't��,l }:. nf. cfdmont t-.,_Zboka .vn .a' '-%' r) eight feet, on the eriuth ai !e of "l-icagn a--, n "nn flk etref t, thein 't• west ] So f et- he anti -the "An, Is h.a'ohy rrf.-d to the tttmt+Tof l,hlir works, to in,,omtgate Mand report x - rm.T: k$ this improvement pro pnr And ne esnry? , d' SPMN*tlt {lh', tbn Crtnnrtl An estimate of tho —penao thersiof. and stat, xb,ther o,,hotf A¢Rhn cwt rhoP be Pahl litto the City Treasurer h,fore the eontraet is let. real estntr, to be nsRnsnnd for said impr ovem,nt hefound hennRt,rl to the est fit oYs`d k2tAi t{' eto be Inenrrra thm-oby? - y l617a1'iL ,' .iR such improvemont asked for opnn, tbo potition or applleation of the trwile dE ff ia&,{fStS,fjs pE:tita k{YbP. - u�0jiteli Tor nUeh Improvement? F t Niiv Send the C61 U011 a plan or profile of said im proromont, as requ red b jl t'it, { - - !` Ybfl te{s6Yi` iTY ltltibY 'off the ;� 5ii" Bend the 00611611 a Drplker_.order dire C .. P. No, 9dbptt' ,'�y t'b6 1'�card c• - it in d byeAe6a�bty: ... . ,..': ;' .: ., ::.....197.... .. YEAS NAFG BAr v Con .191 - YwtRn to - ✓-",. :. NAra () IR. PtIFSWF. T (1{RI.I.FRQ F ff dpprovcd ..: .-... ... :.........191 ". a T Mayor NAra 0 3In. PRe taxi }- ?Cur, e J =it o d iia'F. N o, ssemblv F. No .... .c am ' ilcrchN Orderod It\ IIIc 6""w o Illivilr)f III( (.il'. ,d S1. P1111. `" '1'hnt Nn mntt,r.•f CONa�rGt:T1i.Q CrOoswalks )f hri0k ,^.t i-.9 Tnl]oWirg. 10'.^a'. i3Ors, Weide aven,:t'; east side, acmes Geranium etre-` Arcade street, east sitYe, acroes :'.ary land at r,?,,' -ta hr and the same is her,+, rrfrrr d to the �i�Y,. r rw,iir Workn t„ in,"•stiyn t,• nnd. r,•port . --, Frn=i' In this im prm',•n vat pmprr and n,•, •,ass r[„ •, Sel„vu: (Uvr the it nn est low, of it,,, exp,mae thereat, nnd mate xh,•,hn ,m half of be ens, the, erf ss n be paid into the Civ Treasnrer brfare the contract is let •1'ttran: ('an real rslattr in he assessed f,ir said intprovempnt he (nand benefited to the extent of damasks. ^ost and expenses neressary to be Invorred therrhy^ FdrBIT n: is sorb imprnvemrnt ask,d Gtr 111 the petltion or appllention of the owners of i mnlority of the pr„p arty in br assrscrd for sorb imprnvemrnt^ - ° FIFTn: Send the Council n plan or pro0lr of said Improvement.. as req.iired by law. if yen report in fa, r nr the - Srxnr: Srnd L�Pexati+a proper order dirrrtting o w be done. Adopted by the Board .! ted by the As_ mbly. ... No. 27—. I,�I ......... ... ... .. hereby orderer] by the l ,x:ity of Sl. Pao]: N.,rs i-t: .%s the matter o[co -lke of brtek at the n - ' a venue. east nide, ace-, ' Adopted beet. I;,., erreet. east ads, ^:...�':.'..:.........a.. •.l91 Id erret. be sad the ., red to the Comm "� I; '%orks to invesfignte -. .u.. 'Y this Improvement 11 YE,ryr j NAYS,v 31ve the Council bexpense thereof, - -half of the coat tl o ,y -,td tha City Tress,WORTH . .act I. lest. e r O < eat tate to d f erovement be.• is tent of`dsi _ r ' ,res necessary to > A I (( b improvemen 8 ell :n otYalici of the •r ... .191 , N ^r CF I, _ T� Nnrs 0 'tin. Puts: `OLEARY t„ v�^'•nx�n - / YOERG NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) i a iiaar F. N n. BY `2' Ic C a'Q" lr isi c�� i b� '(.)rriered 11� the IfMAU4 0(fi f ()i' II (-j \7 St. V€ t stat.� tby 111RItTl' ,r COFS 1't UC lFQ VTO{y%i1f�..pL �riolc at th ii34.t•W't� �Vr r .YtilY3 D. /ryy.h.l Arcade stxE _.... 2 ��yhp 9,c' ILIA 't f"d' 4 tli Cyt s F 'b4 r favor •,t the 4 same. iY it %4 �t Adopted tf�1 8baTi� - Rti� d&a M:d ,f s � ' � { •._ y � 54 Ali. A. i Y1 R NI, In—F:, E. d: Mun... I:. P. n Mo., !' NA1'4 $T1RCI:R Approved ... .. .... .: ... . .. ............191 TRc1Y ... .......... . ........ ..... .. .. .{lpt/Or NAT9 0 MR. PIt1:el D.1T 1 Betel V. N d)... sembb F. No ... - • v 11 i llcrch. Orticrc(I h'; the F'%1111011`11+4011 I'nunCil fIl Illy r tib nn;t,t.,rconstructi.ra w Lrick alley crnsei.r.g on ..,_,1tie.r -3 T-rlt, teat bide, l e 7r.ni.r.b 17. ." feet south of ':nr : rr.o dvenue, u:.P-nce aryl-th.. - 16 feet, i. be mrd i1,, srnnr Is h^rrl:c imf,•rrnl to thr•'FFIPI R"rf 11,1,13, Works to htyentigaf,i And -T rt. Frn.T is this Imp I-,—u"nt prop,, And n".—sary'. 9rrnsn: cave .the Coun,ll nn eslinmle of the expense thereof, And state whMher nn, half of.rh, c,et thereof is. In, be Paid into the City Treasurer before tho contract Is let. Tmmm, Can real estate to )?e, assessed for said improvement be found hone%ter] to the extent of damages. ,coat and expenses necessnry to he incurred thereby? - Foras'-u: Is aneh I pr—ruont aslmd for upon the petition or application of the owners of a mninrity of the prd� arty to hr assassed for such Improvement? Flrrn: Send the Council a plan or profile of Bald improvement, as r-quirod by law, if you report in favor of ,�,. game. SISrn1 Send the Cr,e R proper order directing the work to be done. ' Adopted by the Board 1 ed by tho A.—nibly C. V. No. ,.28 15 1 — ItThxtet1,eecroe in dony Gau. N-, the City f St. Paul: Yr:- brfek IIe3' g p Al,n. I, i u t aide, beginning 119.76 ee Ad fe Sherburne avenue, then Peel he .and the same Is C,n tarred to the Carlo,".10.,111 ■1 — i 191 _ tt'Fir to tiv 1. igate and :.. LLI`l 1• 1,.n• Firet: Ie thie ImDroven and At—: Give ry Hr. Second: Gex the helico Cou- m to of the expense thereo . Nether on -hate of the c•'. \\ w l 'o b to be a Id tragi [1. et. NAYS, before t1, contract fe let. , � .Third Can real estate .. eased for said Improvemer � a AIu `east benefited expenses necessat ,, RTH -- oat and expenses necessar �. pt,l carred h: Isys i r Fourth: In ueh n of L ,at for upon the 'pet he p of t. ,t ° Ii I a majorit;' of the pioperi, j,trg) sassed for such i p o ems Fifth /' Send theCounci fii / Set profile L old improvem a ,.. .N _ sullied by law, if y rep - ,,.,..191 - of the same, Stxth Send the Cause _ Tal order directing the lc Adopted by, the Commq 6, 1914 Y NArs 0 311t. PRrh11 Approved June 6 LXr 21914. Y (June 24 14. 1 l YOERG NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) Assembly 1V. No 4�= h is Hel•VI)y 01deved—by 11ie 0i"WM-11 Q'fmm it f)I Ill, Iv I)f St. Paxil. That the innttor of_abnstruating. a L r i (.-k all ey `^ g. G" �,rncf3.1,T. C<xr. sau].t.ier. str��i� Yt� 6i.de., _beginni.rg 118..75 feet er)"It:". of -;..r,rburne avenue, _thence_".Uf he and the snme la 1 - - - FinaT: Is t - 9Rrnsn`. G( half of the coat ther Ci&tO AYd 3n#o tho Ctt r jk r\ 9rtaeNshrY f � iia �e'egeed'ft r r � LM_ Ye�'Vor of the ?ti S xv 5H'S➢N�'a� ,� +c AdoPte;i�8-$Hoa'td ed`' 0ntfi1y: s cAt i y1::\S\AY `Cm .0 \ru MONTf.ON11 Ry - Yol n \VA" F. CRRR(i ,f r .0 ' RYNAY" 0 IR. I'I:—)E\T (KEm.F.R) ' r , / ST ­ GER - Approved... .. ..... .... .............. 191H TROY ......... . ......... ' . : .. ......... . �:'. Mayor NSA 0 M.. PREa)nE\T (MICn Lf.) Thr Nn., 29 . . 4sseihbly V. No.,.,...',+ � " By ..... #� .... It Is Herebj' Ordere.d by the ( ou'nril of the Citi- of St. Pall. QY....... That the matter oe.QQhst.tlxat.ig..a.a.x�as.�4a>Y..of..bxiak..atxtY�e..no.x.th.,a3de. __..... ...... be and the same is hereby referred to the'HearAro[ PDblic Works to investigate and report. 1�t FIBeT: is this improvement proper and necessary? SECOND: Give the Counell an estimate o1 the expense thereof, and state ,whether one-half of the cost thereof is to sv - be paid into the City Treasurer before the contract Is let. _ THIRD: Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby? _ Forarx: Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a majority of the prop- " arty to be assessed for such libprovement4 --- Flrrn: Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, If you report In favor of'the r same. Slarn... Send the-OeanefT a -;proper order direeUngt,eywork tao be°dome... - Adopted by the Board - :ed by the Assembly: . C. F No. 29— - ....... i it Hereby Ordered by the Councll 1 ....•..• ...........191.... als f. the City of -St. Paul:. - YEAa That the matter of constructing a f - NAYS walk of brick on the north side. of Burns avenue across Hester street. ALD. B, be and the same Is hereby referred to ' tComissioner of Public Works to Inveethe m �+ igate and report ( _ f :: _ • First: Is thre Improvement proper " ! and necessary? .........'.......I9I.,, Second: Give the Councll an ti - 1 mate of the expense thereo'..:and state' - ihether one-hal[ of •the' cost thereof yI is to be paid Into the City Trea u er :, i before the contract 1s let. NAYS, Third: Can regi esCate to be as- j - eased for Bald Improvement be °found of dam gas, benefited 'to the extent cost and exp.nees. neceesary to be'1n� urre'ther by. ,dRTH - Furth, Iasuchimprovement 1 for upon the petition o apDIlea' •. theowners of a. majority of tl?' to be assessed for such 1,-. - Lrry- �.crty meat? Fifth; Send the Council a p Odle of said improv enr1,' "aired by law, if You report r _ ..... .:........ .191.►F thesame.$IAthBend the Co citrd Ef directing'tAe w ktAdopted by the Cammi 10±+ 1914• NAYS U 1111. PRE. Approved Jdne.5, 1914. - (�»no zz-191a1 RY - YOERG Iw r NAYS 4' MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) t - i d F. No. ...... 311;... - — Assembl 1 'o � It is HercbyOklererl hV the t'>r� Gotitiril of the City of St: Pool. .That the matter at ,COl!•8tTu1Ct121A .4 r1.ok _ e11.1.Pry_.�SS!Jttiai3;?.i2 r.:S3Y1, 'Gk.1.Pt..4%$1 { • 0 , �i..�i `-. t,',/"" - pr.ea8 f tea : sUeat,t-horioenarth he and the snore is hereby rohrrrtl to tha-mot Public Works to Investfgat- aft4 spurt. Fiagr: Is this Improvement proper and 'necessary? Strovm Give the Council an estimate of the expensPe thereof, and state whether one-hilf of the cent th'reof is to be paid into the City Treasurer before the contract is let. - Tutan: Can real estate to be assessed fol' said improvement be found benellted to the extent of d&mattes, cast and - expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby? Founru: is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a majority of the Groin - erty to be assessed tar such improvement? FWTR:- Send the Council &.plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, it you report in favor of the same. _ r SIXTrf: Send the Counclf a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Roar, ., - led by the Assembly:. C F. Na 0— ...... !f It i hereby ordered by .the Council of • .. • • 191.... the City of St. Paul: - - YEAS - That the matter of constructing a. 1AYY brick alley o ing n thewest aid of Cypr...street.. begs ing 126 fe t north of M g ret street.thence n th t ]S ,. to feet be a adthe samefa h—by re- ferrel to the Commissioner of Public I Works to Inveatlgato ..d report t9t First: Is this improvement proper and necessary "Y Second: Give the . Councll aneats- _ mate of the expense thereof, and state t ger one-half of the cost thereof is NAYS, ,paid Into the City Treasurer be- iie contract,la.. let Careal estate to 'pe aa- f'or -ne id improvement "b foundH to the extents of; dainagea. exp nava aeceeeary tc a Sn- e 141, 01 ... ---,- 1'lg. ora , i511rir:U�� Or�dcr•eflhj� the tr �'f'oitiicil of the City of' St P11,11. rhat thr n;aiter of. aonptruc.tI eewal.k& O ..kss3 ¢1 •.&t tkc f'dll•�ivt.r,:p,. � ti9'yg frRVf r dt ,P1 C'r 0rlr nr gElr Q ett'e - rtr e"t,eart ei.. ', .cr ne,e nF,:... }; etr--'• f3t'1 3t. F, r,:r�t EjC `,•cCrrsc Taney etre^t. - i'ar7 etre'°#,PHet oi.9,acroee Fifth etre *.. Pet StTP.-t S1 it,^�!'r OP r. r'garol st--.,. "`a �e.ret gtre `,r..o1_ s, ie,acrnl?,s Foreetotre�t. be and the snme ishereby ret rred to the HeSt� df Publte Wf its to investigate and report. rmST: Is this improvement proper and noCcSBary? 9 Secoxn: Olve the Council ail estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one -ball bt the cost thereof is to. be paid: into the City Treftinrcr it 4e the contract to let. - Tnum: Can real estate to be assessed for Haid �rnpr overnent be Pound benefited to the extent, of damages; dost and Expon§hb necessary to•bq incurred therebyl - -- .:-p'or•Rrn: Is-sueh -0mprovament-asked– for -ltpon-- the -.peUtton. or-.applicailnn_ot.th.-owners of a majority of the 00V - to be assessed for such Improvement? Prtrn: Send the Council a pian orprofile of said hnprovem¢nt, as required by law, if yon report 1n Favor of the same. i SIXTH:: Send the C.tdunini"proper order dlrecting the work to be done. , Adopted by the BoaT– -` - __�– - • Wed by the Assembly: .. It the .rco f gaePnuly the" .... ....... ... ..191.... f o n YEAH _ Tbat the of mis atter • !g I CLAB R lke' bTlelc RL the NAYS� . - . iS tlocntton o EE Earl street east eld At.n B et stre, rc ;' Earl streetet, east aide 'street. ' • r' �� • Earl street, enet aide .. •A]l�i'••-A�. street east aide, Her'"" Earl street, - - +street, tt. west side, acrr, - o I Fotest sree - garoi street, north side AY B, B� b{argaret street, . .y Forest streetfurred, toothe eenme'� ` e the Com aitef e - .ibllc' Forks to t rovemeT"AWORTH t; de- thio imp oad: - 6lVe nae thoreofl of the e1tPi the col, ,or one -halt of City' .. i into the LEH) 0e.:.Pafd x'he contract I let' ''n Can .real ,. .......... .......191 _ �.r altentl of " + Lpafthe necesen ' • - expepsee:_ b.r.bY vci lm.1, -pi .}� '• t1e oS aP.. *' ayor Petition hAve fl NH. PRE. - p of a ma, one - is eaed� ior for 7, L> V _ ,he. Coun r tp47Y:Y..TSY� r3'i• -- NAYS-�O-"-MR. GHAIRMA9 (POWERS) a. -- -- r i n • n D' Asseti�b y '?. No .:� ; Ii iti Tlcieli� �r<lerEd by ihr (a;lnz i1 .cif .thn (;ity ot'St. Paul. . i'hai the n:auer er....a..aTttl.txuc+i.ng::c-ro�e:c^1'a1.2cs - -cam - t>.x_i.�.L at 6•o::g.o•1�tv,j•r.•l.•tSe'�t•io17g; T c.• , T^ _•- g a. r r t o^ r _ N f :l'�'G` t-.'`�l :f+ 81Q.'�acr-E3 �" T_Ejr ka:rt GtlP,.t,l`aet �i4:,a.:rr;se Fifth 3i"�a•^+ .^>1 L' *r'� ac"='rr E ST L'or fl; El':C P"�• - -• - be and. the s.nrle is hereby referred to the PJ17 of Fublic-f7orKs to Investigate and report. `-f're r11L T: is thio bnprovemcnt Proper and neeossary ? Sernsn:Give_ the Council an estimate of the espens a thereof. and state whether one half of the cost thereof is to, ' 'be Paid Into the City 'treasurer before the contract is 1et_ "" L'atRR Can V&14" to b8 as'se5aed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of dS d«' s tut4d ` 8ecosBa4'y � �s y 7g"$-tihProved't nL ent-§7ccd=4or upon the petition or--applicatton_attl_gwi'6'oiaaiaiatt xl in 4 ..,.:,y..a.�,.s ,"r3 a y �. Q 'eo be assessed, or each; imPiove ant + t r y g PIMP yy % ' �, Ta e fie h Coian'bil $'p7hL or 777. Yosaid im provemeut Li's` Le2�II(red"by 1 "' If 9b1ii �#dVtii'"-bL� riy�isssn �`. z z. t • _ _ a� o,tr ' �. r as �y €cue : Isla; I 5• rt .� z v 'i t ,d `Y {:9h�� VrrgTg Hea�•lheT.;Pron ..-c �i ti 6 r �•: - +� I, i ,,,+• a-..:,,aM .d b9' the gs5embly ,v, . y 1,$dptetYlrp3be=soat- 155. c '_7 NAY"�J O TR. PI: _SIOEYT� (KEIT-ER) - S ant - - - 4pproved _ . :.. ....191ly: TaoY tayor NAY9 0 Silt! PRESIDENT (NICCe1.1.) . ,. t # tt fa^`t Iii�rle 1tv trc'„rr..tI3$] ��C"= ,r 'I 1f:110 1 �%:9t t $4., v C, ate r5 x, W4A'b��e�1, �p A�"v�y 3M �6 ���%d. 24, LL a.. m �'O< #e f�sfi: ii'+��' •"'�� •� X -- ]iry b$T! iI+F *&zft. tx ]SrrrR.y rr-trrr+^ti f� Yhc ;..rr? f�+14:Ptx �r-rAA to tri ".�aiA�h4r eR -*+'� • Fhasr )-� &h?a IrNt M'v�t»hr:i Y+Yrxnwr "rtttd nsxa�ia*t°tr J 6' ResYt'st'i alrr aw claf rill sa mlrumf. ,':f tba 6'LC=!°.:S-#e ttw•>rri.. end >ksat'p x$-F2#ve r.+sr. ArfA e.1' thn t>'? hAid Into tttn t ulp Tmns%ror t0fore t.ho rorttt^art 1a Sri. n Omit 1:0111 oatat+r too be nhire'!04 tr"r IoM jutp V r^'"tel. t.• e:-:ttsd tw:.e�tF%asi etx t2t� nec+m5 of d .vmtR^t°e, nr arks' -:_._ R]liti931ri+a arreissk,rx to tae Inrttrrod thp""? - 1 Poll"U. Is Farb improvrmeht "k -i lox atom the prmttfon or. &Ispliratkon -t the o'wmrr% tr a ft%inrltx Cyt i%- V - to . to hr aa+wlxtatd liar 0,uit imprisc¢z=sty o --._ c 9 flrrtt': .Send tb* cvut t) A 5i1Pt1 td' grnille of said Itnprdvt+7n�nl- as rm-.,Ir+vt by 1A sr, if Y,rt mJ ml to fh�or nr tnr 9rxr, Stand the C.onnrll a prolmr order d1ro ting the. work to tar don .Adopted by the Itaard rd by tie Anurxrebt] No. 82- i -7Rt wrebl• ordered by th a' Ott of lit. Pant: TRAa Ott Of taatklr Ofthe Cotta' .a KAYa of brlelr an aOY� reet. Reiollb BtarkeY F - Au+. fly `stnr 1s hereby rererr +k '{{int -r or rotate Wor. 2 4 _ c Ad %"itite�iMDroveMen ..... �MAt"-' y.. n r... 19 pt3lve the Couneil , ') - . } expense thereof. P ,e•half of the cont '1d Into the City NAYS, T YNAontract Is tet. �n real eeta_te + _ afdImprovement 1 the' extent of 1, Itense� noc..OarYSWORTH bY7 .. 0 1'y each imDrov¢lC: V at)ma]oritY aCt. . eseseed for sue, r.RRI I l'" d the Council - it -Imp ovemea R - . W+ .Lr. v u reDor 191 i dthe ,. the Work tq 'LL Mayor.. }.. �`• Y K RUbr ltia commiest f r NAYH:0 MR. PRRR Inee 2791914 ARY- \• m 1 YOERG "LISEBM — n.-... NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) ^s. - ”. 3 elf 'wt- wt-"° #,,fC •Y z';". !its ra nwh a l Aq. of lWo ....-4,4 tr?et Traa.� -ho $t/a tall+ R$mP mtlTit"/t. t4 t1i1 llb6 W a( {'121)111 44"nrkR to inti*<.yti E9.Rin A-4 pTR^R- Lt th1A Imprm-etnew prop('r m,d n "I"Art' e .v rip114`1i�0' (i1t'P theC`nttnrti $h e$tEinate at 011 •*'[j9PnRP tt!*:TPNt: ."d STAY# ' b-tber an'P.'hAlf m? kilt• P,%t tt}et!'% ik ltl iIt lih[t't IniTt the plty 1't`�l49t1NlT bRfore the t lttrlirt 11V tet: &i6 btt'd'tur 004tm t+r at-nYclrt[t teff tAitrt+�".b`tYt�'ltet4 .y s s� ti`lTYri �rr.'! e'U+lo- ' �t>�.etlnr3� iu bb ;tiiC6tiWil 'ijlaf6�� - - . ` tSft t`. - tS jfe .' 1r Litt9ffiY , iti ht5hh: Ynl�roremetiL RilitLl: iz.T tit 3h thn p Pt plan ot'; xjs#liestt7rns tE ,:ii!€ eF9tn�'YU' �'1 .� Y £8W neseegi*fl tot finch Imllrov�t# ±iYF"LYfaItl 't -1 —4A 're—vord tlt. tw rPttntred 6'¢. It*, it YrA feoof ft}'.�tbi''`1�t�t l ,� tkfttE .� $eAd t ' - i ]►$np'ied 6Y t'he I4oarh 6Y tbt .#is�dwhlp , '' •: 1 n % i o R 1N - NAYS .. ., Sii GER - d-pproved' .. .. .. .......191A - TRaY ......: .. ....:.. - .. .. l..... .�IT �! Hal/or .; NAYS O MR. PRNSIIiNNT (MCCOLL) a kUBLISMD • r.. - "`rte - +� � � ., c, _ T1 Ts tlel, l)y lltt'tr t'rT( ljr tho (; af-CoIItlril of* Ifle Cityof'St, Vaal. Thm thr. matter „t .xel.aye.n{ ,,x.eennot.ructi.ng.r..r.cpzlir.I.n:g. 1riVA..eflme.n3 ctcscta,trs A. 1 width of nil feet tht?. present sidevial.ko on tho followlIng gtreet,Ayx_ ice t �r�,�re_..rr+ad .�trzd frix�'f'fci�nt ct'm^nt• �ifl�rra7kl�'rr�:t- ^li>wt. _ Chicago avenue4sn-bY.t_S1d6,begAnnJ.ng at ;aster aGreet�thence to :Iol5at w be and the same is hereby, referred to the 33oatr}-of Public Wbrks to invost.lrate and report. - ,FunT: is this improvementproper and necessary? Sx. xP: Give the Council on estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one. -half of the coat thereof la to -'be paid into the City Trensurer before the contract 113 let. - Tenn: Can real estfito to be assessed for said Improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, cost and, expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? q Femrrn: Is such improvement milted for upon the 1?etitlon or application of the owners of a majority of the prop- erty to be assessed for such improvement? --�— Fu-rn: Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, if you report in favnr of the - - same. Sura: Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. - Adopted by the Board of r by the Assembly: _. ;.. ....9i _ .. . ..... .. ... Yzts i I: Is hereby ordered �by the the Clty of St. Paul: - That the matter of reisyi;; Arn. BA trusting and repairing witl ,• ocks to a width of six feet t n as t sidewalks. on the followings �II I'f _ 5 4 . Adtepl here_govd ana .uffIc' 191 El rt Idewalke' now exl t "t south side, beginning H - t t, thence to Robert si - vi same 1s hereby efe— ..loner of Public Work 11 C 'toand r port.. ri AYB, { Is this improvement. + - 11i[ j ....Give the Council iy f Al[, 'he expense thereof, at 'ne-half of the cost "WORTH r Ot : ald Into the City Tr, ` contragt Is let real estate `i.sid improvement R the extent bf :w i ,ne.: necessary +� 5 IE zuch Impro, p........391 / ltlosn q.•r. r ' ....... �iao "°°MeCOhI. !/-/[` Mayor J, NAys o 31frz,.PrzeslnE .. O'LEARY YOERG -. NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) Tl Is Iferctly ordoved by the Ceaftow-coutic0 of, the (li, of St. Pctrl, J'h%tlhrtt!attrr ,r .xnlaying,reco a rujnaing & xcp lri.O; ai a,or en*. 1*1ko to a hziath of oix feet the pr'eip,ent eldowsi'i~e em **ze fo:klo*1;16 stree:`,-,�x "n}*t wh-e're good fsrfi fuffIcIvit cimen-t sidewaslltaz rri;x ^hictl(�o arr�r.•Lc,an�„a gicie.•,l�egiz r,i1,g, tiv a tes >Iur ie ,th€rte to "�obcrt ;Q be and the sAMe IR hnrehy referred to the naartnt rome Works to loir6su"l:.+ And t�Do'et Fin+T: Is this improvement prnper and ho.—nry? SEC D: (live the Cmmell an estimate of the oxpense tbermnf. And pinto whether one-half of lbo coat fbofmf is to 'be paid into the City Treauaror before the contract IA let, m Tnlntr: .Gan real estate to be assessed (orpaid r,w�ptneed bt Utt is be lfarptrted'thereriyi r bvkYr�t'--Is G.oa 'nllti'broetlthitt= kvd fat 1tf>dit !� to De ritlOesed rbc aucti�itnpmvenentl' Frs $end the Council a titan er hroitie of .a n I7 7 _ Y R AN NAYA d ill. TAMI)ENT (FE LE n SIl'tEuEA dPProved .. .. �... ......... 1914f'. LLL/ 1 Noxa 0 MA. ]?Rrmuusr (MCCoci) ✓ d J - i ra15SFh1tl�J '. ivb„ . t1 Is Hereby Orkl, ed h%' 111e Cly CtsE;!raril ref #��� £ :�,� tai fit. I'�ul..' .i`feat the motter of . QOk7i3i'.LiOi.TRg. CRQk9J�9i�11� �imtEi.*� w.'?Lt�!;�s locatione; ��f�il�4.e� 9��txe�g ....... .....�iy�?.o�'d?.. .8-�..�'1 � ►..y^.'E�='��3-��' . Etre' -- r he and the name Is bereby referred to the Hwtt-* of Public Work-% to and rwpert FlnsT: Is this bnprovemgnt proper and nervssary? - - Srenvo.: Give the C:ounetl an estimate of the expi-nae thereor, st-na lwtate. xbethor one.tialf. of the cont thereof is to be,prad into the City Treasurer before the contract is let. - - - - Time: Can real eathtb to be assessed for said improv+ Ineirt ba- found benellted to the Orient of damages. Boat and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby? - - pous : ts,sueh improvement asked for upon thepetition or apttlication of the pwoera of a malerity of the Prop erty to be assessed for such improvement? N Flrrn: Send the Council plan or profile of Raid improvement- as required by law, if You re ort in favor O[ the -Rams. - Sixrn: Send the Council- a p&oper order directing the wOrlc to be, done. Adopted by the Boar led by the Assombty: . C. F. No:) 3/— _ it Is h e by ordered by_the CO -11' 02 Tf8t P"'fres ThatheIns. er of conatrncttrlgcro lk of c ment blo Ks t Uoe, Al.a followng locatlona:!!Gernium street. both vide ` _ rose 4 Gaultier street, - ; Gaultier atree t, both sIdea osis , AdGeranium street. be and ......191 hereby referred to the Comr of Public Works to investigat yort. First Is this ImDrdvem n . and neeea9ary? Second: Give. the Counc4l -mate of, the expense thereof, - j whether one-half of the cos. .+-e Daid into the .City .i 9' -- �Lo re bthe contract Is let.,' gird: Can.real estate k for said i.7ribr.v re i ; led fo theexteiat oP ,a expp�enses necessary • erebS.LLERJ a Is such ,Improve h petItion or ap j - a ma]oritY6 "VMayor .. 191 NnyR`0 MR. Pae .. ...r - aLEAa 1(7t:r,I9FY D I'-' YOERG NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) n a :lsembl No ar y It Is llcreUt Onleiled by the 00 rt C,0i1111-lcil cif [tic 011 o1' S(, P111 - That t1w matter,>r...cnnatr.cacting,'..a.aoment..h.],neis.:�la..ey..aro.atl-i.ng..on.,t.h.t±..n,� tk..... _-e4-de ©f Breda strcrttibeginn#Itg-3.20 feet. east sof 9�s:g...s,,.emle�. _tense east z0 feet; - be Aplt the Gime le hereby referred to the tlasrd,of Public works to investigatd" and'report. FmeT: Is this improvement proper and necessary? Sr.mnn: Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one-half of the cost thereof to to be paid into the City Treasurer before the contract Is, let..:l= Tuttle Can real estate to -bb assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, roof and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? FnrinTn: Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a matorlty,of the prop- erty to be assessed for such improvement? ,. FirTn: Send the Councils plan,or profile. of said improvement, as required by law, If you report In favor of the same. -- . - StsTa: Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be. done. Adopted by the Bot > ° lopted by the Assembly: .........• .............191.... Yens .C. F. No. 36— It p 1 - 3 6— Itis hordered ldered by the Ain, the Ctyof St. ra,ul: That the mtellof cem t Woo „ ,•"��•:1t north id of Br d street. r•..,,191 NArs i 120 4cet east of Snelling a n •.0 ll.f i eat 20 feet, be ad thecam referred t the m C missiooc yl o k to Investlgat nd t T First Is thle Improv NAYF, y and Ss11,a B Gl ee the Coun �maiof the xpense there, whether one-half of the c . j is to bepaid Into the Clt.. 7 before the: contract is tet. ' ISWORTH i Third:Can real eetato ceased for said Improvemer _ ' e sed fd to the extent u. cost and expett9ea neceeear cur cod ther by FpurtriI Is. s such Imptoy for upon the petttion=ar o Y R .......191 th owners oa malority F erty to be. e e sed went: the Sen o1I�I ayor e d p e' '. Nara o Ma. Payrtl]EARY .e, YOERG 41 g NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (PbWERS) � si • i `4 . 1; It I•s 1-1errb� t�t,d(r(A by the 61,44 it Council of, the (11v of St. C -o6ynr-, nt..b1nck al.].Ov, crosilln J Thai the matter nt�.C(7118tiT'uc.{'iUgl—a:,. w aide of—ATtda ot-y t.t beginning finet. ,b.f." Oholll frz- m A,ef be and the same Is hereby referred to the lino Public Works to investigate -and report. • - PinsT: is this Iniproventent proper and necessary? I ° svcost: (lice file Council an estimate of the expenso thereof, and,state whothor one -bait of the cost therr,4 is to s be paid into the City Treasurer before the eontract Is let.. _ - Tumn: Can real estate to be assessed for said improvemeet be found benefited to ttie extent of damages. coat And eapan'9 iteceseary to be Incurred therebYl •` : t; Y z % 1'�St)s'13t ;�a '6aah ivmproVoment Usf 4 for upon the petition 6r af5pliedUrill 6v e 56 IYto'_ iz»t�` 6� `� �� � , 'o`r�y Rdbe aesesshd for 6Uah.t�mprovemontf ' � x Bead the Gosip9cil play oi• fSrOflle vf:3bid im provemenf,; se 4egnir6rf by law ; 2i' YbU ifsvdY' �A th&� at i ' ;;- flood the Council areser 98opied Abe Bb ted by £htt Aadefh5�>( 13 ,by } e yy F s - 1 - NATS 0, Ei PRGSInEYT (KEIXE . STIEaER - Approved .. .. .., ...: .....-.. -191 TaoY c . ......-..apor ;•,-:. NAYS O DMR. PRESIDENT (MeCOLI.) � ��. i • -� �- ._, 1 As0011i4bt F No "e '1iMIfi HCYY`ill®t}i'f GSY'€'c 1'1=.. i'f: +lr._ssr = ti�ar" 7"i:.iT;'Cti t3. •��f(` City fli''C�. .. `5-'' C'- r �'�... < _ '-`-ice" .ice c ": w�. i.i .. L° caT.�'c e`:.i.'� tt .' ^v i -.aLt tact Rab-lyn, zcv :you t,i rie.rx avenue,. . ` • ---mss Tt Rini tFC -mifile Is b ir-oTip r2-Sf.'t"S'i' ...Lif -ice= - =3f 1—rib4i'C'WrkR 't6 and- rolk=t.. Ftagr: Te this impzoti*E+znr>xtt yare�r>ea-�z'2 asr-c�arT' - '. - SE16m : Clive 01'e Coun-a an. the emperise tbcreot and state. wbether on*-baif of the c!'rst therms fa ta, • _. r-c--2w-E is let.,. be paid Into the Cttr Trwagvar�r- i�foro -t3ie -- o .. _._. 'fftti[n: can t tsl esta-teto ba: for ,sojd trnprovenaent be found benaflted to the extent of damagm. eedt "M expenses neeesssary to be iitCvrrc.tti t$'�t"823�+''s _ - Funnrn: Is sorb apo,Z+ the potttlon or"application of the owners of n majority of tho prop- Arty to be assessed for such tnzproc-em�a t" - -- c said-tinprovemenL as required b9 taw, if you rlport to faiar or the Ftrsn: Send the C+ovmci3 a pima z- gr�cs4M f same. Sura: Send the ioo"TteAj a p'nsP�z- c=-c3.�r rlirecttng the work to be done. .. Auopted by the Board of by the .Usembly: , .. _ _ 3t is 1s re-b� .orr3er�d by til_ ' .....:...... . ... ..19t ... . YEAA _ t2se Ci'Y_r �� ^rte Palsls -. in � - iYaz'�: a-za�t�r 6f aims �;S C�3'>`Sent bi0e. t - V.S YY ALm BA'vj _cr08 md• Zl:obl vzs r�z�a, ao'riii Tempa Caca r-'L'-_ r.' ... COB x RYab2c^a ati e33 z�e� bOLH... 17P. - ' Pisses ave�zz e, �e and tine stn �oZ:he VOm 19... y��y/ r ._ ....•••f.LU I\.. .�91 , ]nu blfCrti.nvc+a .t�.....7. _ S -1--attg.te ' Hy- '�F'irst:= .Ss -- i3s4s isaProvemen ,-� ' ' � i.3 aeceasai-y T Ria_ '.-ecG+nd. G3�.-e The Cowncti' - to -r T-3-- e_Cp e:ss�e t�ereot, i„ .. NAYS, - �Iri _ .tis a-r ae-3xali —T the cost Yx>:�o.. •e pa.€a Llze .City Tre: - _ �.3�ie cataract:..._ 's tet_ �! - ,era= - Qaa ream. estate t•� a- Por sa�B z-su_provement ;S'VVORT-H oflr .. --rites- -tome. steat''or - ' RY- -•_Lis-.- Vis- szzch iaiP.roveme�• . -�a--L3ze-.�eLsiioisor.. apP1L ............... -... M.COLL NATA 0 MR. PREsmm2'- O LEARY YOERG,,... NAYS O 1�IR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) 1 I ,.` 3E It is Hereby Ordered by Iliet,:�t-E oi11161 of the. CRY Of St� Phil. Thai il,r matter ef... w�nstr,ucting. c.raLizitflkin..of cz:n- t block a. int.. ;zo fall-OW1419: locations; RoUyn avenue.,north...a_icie acro.zz.. T.e=pie C+ourt_, RoU.lyn_ay.enu_e,_b.ot .,pi_deq,,Agrges Finn avenue.,. _ ie and the name�^ .. 9 '. is hereby rnfan•cd to the Anard. Of T'vblic Wrks'oCA.Investi�ate and. report. , ' FIRST: is this improvement proper and necessary?- - the coat thoreof iN M SECOND: Give the Councilan estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one,-half of ",aD paid {��nttl..<<.ihd•'i{tyIeA9ilTDT hOW. is let. improvement he. found. Ti�tl¢fltedd id, tR04tim 'i t�$tY18t+e5 "' ry7 5 1HiaV fah relri 06tRt� said Irduitftn' 19 RnOft I pPrli eht Okbd'fmE Upon the petition or applfCaLfi6ri€ ts; the QWlfei'B DT a t118�011tY-�` f�9 pYdp' to Yia agRD�nea '%! Enah ha¢roPemen(;Z „.�$r`fY ` 1. ar 'ik'r`d Sohd th0 CoUht'!T 8 Y,Ti}n br profile of said lm provement, s { ,y haw �,✓�y3(� .. S .. iz�S $'vwta r a � d'bY't`l,e:Boerd�C by fhd AEEemhip , '. 7 _ �� •� i� .4 t iii �', -S. a� sir - RNA NAYS O .TH. PR-c..Sln}YT (10Eti .. STIE EE TRoY ..... .. .. ."" " �' �"0"` . Mayor , NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (IMCCi0LL) - - NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) 1 V. lt�iiz�blr J'. No It l� Lirrt hr Orrlrred 1)hN lb(, E;fiti1'l"fm1 CgIlllr;l III 11w f;ift. of t41 f'rnil "'•rhe;, ���, GrRd.�ng Ferry Ave. from Raym,rd^ N.ve. to )dyrtle Itve, t•alt,,..•f br Wild ihn ::ami Is beech> rr frrrnd In flu FMirr+i' of t'nlrilr 1'4'nrk.a to Inc,atian rn and reriort - F�m�- le this Im'.twee, nal nrrq,rr ­1 n,rrssn ry" Svenv n' Mcn the-t'mmrll tm nstimntr ,d the ncn^Wan thereof, and slate whether ,mnhalf of ,h,- Tort+ •horn=.!_ - be'patd Into ihr City 'rrea rrr before the rlontrnrt is Int_ 'I'pml, Can rrnl a=tate to bn nsanssrd for sold Improvornont he fmmrl henrfited to the „x+ant of damazenrout and ecpenses neressaty to be Incurred thereby' " Fore,Ttl Is an b imprnvemrnt asked fop upon the Petit[— or npPlientinn of the owhnrs of a mafnrity of 'he p ,.- - - - erty to he assessed for such Improvement? Ftr . Fond the Council a Pian or profile of sdtil improvement, as rngnirnd by law, if ydu report In favor of th-• same. StxTtr. Send the Council a proper order rlirerting t Lg work- to be done. e Adopted by the Board ^d my the Anrs•rbi; t No a'r— Se.,s her by ordered by the Councll of N ,vv At.n. t , Clty of 9t. Paul., rading BerrY r - t th"B matter o, B mayard Ave. to Myrtle Ave.. hereby referred to _ t• i the eamels iDmtaeloner of Public St?orka to y,p - 191 ,tt'' gate and report..o. .................... rn' to thla 1mDTvement proper y eeear'y?, ea}l H8 t: (;,,,U the'Councll mt" therebf, and a _ • the expense City su1. Mde-half of the coat Treathedef N AYP, - Donald into. the \Lt the contract le let. ', estate ILbe ;. - Can real IX t 1tf1 .r said Improvemen' e, f tt�� to the extent ot_ dams, to VORTH g' :axpensea necessary .bo O i rIsy Ucfi-SmPLpWRment a• x a petition or, aDPllcatlo+, - s ma7orltY Of the �- I`¢ �;of ' ,asea.ad. tor., such imps t , s e uncil a k d thCo STj - ttd Improveont t g ... ........191. 9 a+ if You report Til! 11 ouncl.�LL .. Mayor N.irs 0 Tfa. PRt:stni / O'LEARY . . ' YO'ERG pf,.„�rFlS�if/G LG NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) 1 Assembly F. N110. 77 Ot'dcl.vd }1i' illl`.4_11 .. rim (-_tllirrcI (A tj1(- V,it,\ (J' St. P', Gradixkg Perry Ave. from 5ayrtrd Ave. wo. yrtle Ave, r be and th'r .^-nnu• 1a hnrt•h, rrtnrrrr) M the Fleve'.Y f i':, brie R'nrkz i,. tr� -11 en- anA nt,^rf 11, rt=T -1, ihi? Itnp,vn--' t,mp-r ,-1 n.•,. --r" ., . the 1'onn ail ,-1!Y--of th- --- tb--f.. nn,! -tato -h:- b- nn•• S" -o' n eo '-rWv h.: coat h�r.•nf ;,+ half •,f :r he pnjd into it,, ('ltdTraw , before the rnnir-er iG lr.t. Ti,i a, Can real estate to he a.waaesod for =ai(i !mprovement hr frr„nd hrnit t-1 to ihr ovtrnt of dilanz-. rmt and rap^oars necessarp'to be Incurred thereby? ro1-nrn Is such tmprorrmrnt ask-d for upon the petiti,.n or a ppBcation f the nw•nrra of a !najnMty ,�f 'hr prop trip to be asseseed for such Imprn,-ement' PrrTnSend the Connell a plan or profile of said lrnpr-Poinent, as r-qui—I h.y !xu- if von report -,r. `a.'nr e,f the same. - - RSXrtrt Send the Connell a proper order dirnctlnR t be work to l)e done. '.Adopted by the Board ••d %, th,• A.-,-1,A;1! Y-, � hereby ordered _by the Council of - ,y City of 3t. Paua: �S�hnn Berry Bd the of oraSSl*rLta Ave.: e33.3= At.a. Ave. tter to d (. �i the -erne obi r te'r works tae{oner of Public Wor1c to Pl .. .ISI AaltTate and 1•eport- er _ 7 lJl Adimprovement prop la thio e SaYY `Council and at- the the expense tth eoo ans e t \tb one halt of the coat they - NAYS, City Treasu > p Id into the the contract Is let. \ t Can real estate to be Improvement be to i aid the extent of to be, o`=. VORTH .3xpenses necessay;rO •r"ssath {tr}provement ar•F - "' e pe tion ot.: aDDl :y itb. k.a -a .matorr s c the p.,� }saeeeed xorauch -SmT' o e ti . S d the Covnell a .�`g� t .'. - -.. l 3{d improvement jw,- if sou report .;- ° T d -oiin i .. OLL n e fq •F h �. .11-dor NAY,; o AIR. pat:at yo O'LEARY YOERG . .'CAIRMAN (POWERS) ;A NAYS O~2�3RIi . a r)� Yl - 1 Apsembly r No. it Is l�rirel» �E)rc�crrc S�� ttie, ('011/ ;1 �...,�� 1f the (►(v patai. That.th_ watt", or GreLcllii.;. Derry .Ave, from•%.yard Av6. tca _ my7ctl!?A:'ea... . bp. Mid the same la 1 - F1ha2 19 B[ {1i k—r nt th- AdoliEed z —,-- An_emitl` qi`d'+ Xr Y,:As N., YS Eli l AitnP _..._._...:_ , i :. ll� AID 4.1 _. ` 1• Yl>.z :ct� - Ml'R AIF., s..1. W.\ 01'r, c: z R) N 's 0 r . _ STM, Approved ...........191. Mayor NArs 0 AIR. PResmeNT (AICCot.,,) lD` r y� i ✓ ice' ,a I . 3e<olved, That t , 7irkblred, That rttsat'ttLa Ut erase lea• - b40 H. laaneA to P i.. siS[tetm n 2t:' 1.t., ;Bt., E0., and tpe. aama f8 NbrAbY - ` ;LWan■TirtMA to i.j 8. Taamd} b9-;iveBT: `7th; sheet.' g Adarted EY th6OnttineSt ,lµtti`F 8 t'9Y4 - A$grbded-.Tnne'6,- , (JvhA :1b Yl14) A&pW b, the ......... Adopted by the B—d o7.A, ` I YEASNAYS. YEAS FAR SWORTH- ALU. RAUME,,III(I 0*Nlil f� GOS i FO R[ IM NE v IZEL ER MON Gf nm u - v Met LL MdR�At - �/ O'L RY ) RYA V YO G STI�CE �, / T'OY NAYS 0 V MR- C TRMAN (POWERS) _ 1s1— } 3— NAYS 0 MRS PRO16ENT,r 4 - Mayor. f 'Resolved, That ^a, �� .--�_� �;�- ��_�+��� '��f5_ ku�t tzr �. f;. s i++nlr n, "r, t. e ill A - 'rye • y yk y�F Y 5� Adopted by the Board of Aldercacza = Adopted by ehe A—.bly -. .- YEAS - �: .a Y 5 YEAS 3 NAYS ALD- SAU)4 FIST ER MR. H A9 COR'?Ai l�CG ANE - ED (51_J 3 - ✓ MAHLE ICHAUD MO GOM ERY _ - ERS SAN ORN M URI�111A111......XEx E OBERGYO RG 1 , - 5'rGEfR _ NAYS O AIR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) _ - Approved - - --._.. 191— -- NAY$ O MR. PR"IDEN{MG COLD - - _ _ Mayor. t y T ,.. Nfrsfri3�'. Vie. - a of t ea City hA_.TO tequOi^tt:o the fthseis ,mss for°vo taitei lrLillt�;` ea Vio1�#ssf3at+a►: r -tb* �. C-' .4w dole , _plsiet .n '.'t;4#d osaseltr*4 0., and1 1,000 plain, Gx3assa�ieasiorsset of �v 'lftt fficruhr1,066, stowed fo-r tb�* 1,000 staspod - prj_nft.4ftI, •:A 1#000 stat V" snvel4saw X11, pritslad t+rs>ti & 1 �- trsg fAVVA�"t 1st 1 a Sts sed d�rstelopee printed- ,and � e� � _ ex:�c��afe 43, printed, AW _ s t 5ctg 7G � i* o aw"r-t f i Wtt t S -t tiztere !1t` ssgf i' i# ant money In t sat 6a11.,49 dlOpartments to pay for the urobaioe pr ac+s!s t r as erYz er ass, eeid putt ser oeaanot dse tide from be United $t:ftssrm for *AL02 ,, orsd It 10840 through a pxintasr Or healer, will ca - mit y tca g x cent. and re than they would if Pur- Chased frost tt:e>} 43ss-W-40r= c— ; thus# -sage, it to hereby RraOL a -It_- a:yaaeptzo3.3,ftr be and he Is hereby authorlsO. upon the corass4mm—t. tce sa reszolut3.c,sa lwy the Mayor and by hit4elf, to draw his searrazat Lo>mssstiesiossOr of *inanae fos~ tZse 0L—e— gate amount c :f amt tiers, ;�+3 tvp charge to eaCh department iter distributive zmDr-ti:LA=­ sreof, a.nd tAxe Purchasing Agent is hereby author- M Issed.to ysur-asha:toift 4ommaXylpliree rax, o:s.elb obtained from said warrant; the said supplte8 tem lis =ectied iay 'L1se Comptrol`1sr, and distrlGuted tO the various the eame and their respedtiv+e reoeipte obtaiss4ft33 We hereby the fflregc olutior > Y { 1Vher4a the, clts" have restcvS s3 -Lions es3. -- - fir- llbyor hnnt cag 46 L 6. l he-Ing sa tolto$ - For tae Mayos"S �lEire 3..�e3E0Y3- +y-..-��-�zy - i � . dtnmpt:d ` errvciopes Zo. gra --tea i. ity Co rot er. -d.- eavcloPeg "-'PY3a ia'El 2oz=3-te- _�a'za Adopted b saoelopCs -No. s..-g�s�tc -�ao.; 191 p by stamped mn'oEYopes3�Ta -12,. gr -'^�_ - 2vr,_ e amped enVeia,;aes N'� S tic-,3cas-=----;s' _ 9e .i - e.00 atamPe@ Y A,ad Wli'ere2[s T2s <-• r - -, 'l= fitlfled £haY iY� GOSS ;KEEL McC L �, NF �-- � c NAYS lR'7 MR: C MA1 BOWERS) �ta-0 The following officers o t tte miY bncee requi#14tionod "thtj Pak( abikig topartmism for postage 6UPIP1160 AV tolli*ee! bat A env lopse, rimed; for t j Vor the Ufty#at'b office, 1,000 Plain, +stamped env#lopos �a, ems' i 1 000 plain, btaer oA etv-elaoje# #13; tear tb,. Citi 0lerie:s offlo'd, 110 1 �b ]l+b+�ti3eai+ittex of Fhblioetrrs, 1,00a b!"Wed envelopes 5,. printe+i, &"a 1,.000 btaape4 envelop'** 03, printed; for the purchasing ltpb:rtb9ent, 1,s3Og stamped et*610pe.s , printed, and .1,000 stamped enve�le�pee',.i .. #i,, pri»ted'; AND 1i Et i , The OoWtroller Aao OePrtirti'ed that there 4r suffict- ant Ooney in the treasurys 0f each at *0-14 d is�part�eants to pay for the purchase price thereof; and wbereaa, *-arid VUrchaaets oanno" be wade frdu the 'United States except for cash, an4 if wader through a printer or dealer, will coat the Cit' . ten per sent _ moro thin they would if 'purC- chased ftorp the Governmeni; therefore., 1t ie hereby RESOLVn, That the GompttQller be as d he is hereby authorized . upon the consent tokibib` resolution by tete Mayor and by himself, to draw his warrant in favor d *Urex. Co* m1ea:L*ner of rinance fo-g the, aggre gate amount of said supplieib, mit to Obmxger to each department itis distributive portion thare5o t 4tx+d t$ee Wmai log Agent is hezety author-' meed to iVurobase said s.0Oii P19 tit sold warrant; the baid' b limb to be in$paotetd b1t�e�es dS�ttrt4?titesd to the rariOu .department a requ tt tAe 4 t # : tAe respective �v receiptstb"talose tt►ee#or. a. _ _ ,xludo r > _ y a , s __AL Corol er . . 9 .� t7.Ly _ I `�° ib Pa �... •e� tFy'.'.cs•"P" �':o.' -,.- .'i - _. �`4r�� L' ` t R� � '�_ �- _ ,. 6 �. - �_. R` f tn'Y„' a'-� � y. -•s k`. _"'�+ Y'!''E' �`". '' a, e+g: a s � ' T � s �'�� �: ��.&�• , :�}� t 'ni� L x: �?. - � ���r+�-.....--��i£-�1......efi-� ...uw.mw - - ,r.u.....�wwu.r«. e+„,u-..Fsa 041 't y .=,"F°•�..33s' �":,.+ce ,-.a.� - _t`�' a.3'.s .� m ^F z'r-��e..%..' .fw ?"Y `F.: ”; r 0 .. .. '� �4a' .�' ...�.w.+aa :os ( tid941 .5: t ¢ t os@•i T,6" 'vod V x"rS"V'�1Q•.: X30 .�.-.,,v --.�..__.. _...w.+s-_.o...,.-ter _ __-. *,jr 3'.nt *e s,,%A A�.y And i— ' VTA non t;A P n 0 a w �--A il `=- rte- �4a,-,:x8 � � �=� "» ?_ � #, :� ���. a-?----�r.�. � 4�- $: '�°-�=. as'^v_'#`.w i��i r,- � �3' �t�E�i sP r �k'F# .�Ls��" � �t?€a'� "hit od .110.1' 17th to !d€ptad b.v the Counci .ts1i tQer r.prov3dent. goxc'xv ter. • '``-moi � _ ' - _ A _ i � r`, - ' y__� -+� i � y� '`3C=-FOFIa 2'a .«tf :`k�. C' '� ry :.tort, + 9:'• , 01, I!'.m iY+m-§ V.L4T %i vI4'O- « C<7iyFml. #'? �-'?3't"3 -.�s"- . 1,^' - �r 3..e.* .-T'� Y'k'.; R � A 'i"!3 : s 4. ^t�a - of 't; ,�. d?f Y`N+fi pi FY t't • � M-=L$ ;<-� tr,. is r-z :Y' 4"i'#�. �. .-. :a- °� � .. _ rurR9mi C? r _ _ -k Y3 '!iN IT".Y'en t e f vi I fir S r#Y4d cl". , ae1 ]tav th m .343. � s 1, Adopted by the C�axxncil -2934. Ye as { yf } count i linen fP F.�rrs�resc�rtga - Ga953 McColl Yeerg O • To-m sry r '!3 -v-e- E31914 IMP- s Mr.Preeident. Fokez--rte 4ayor. ,' o _ r cr _... — 'v [''E', .��+ �ya3'��}µq�� b F Yrt V{{�6:y�w i�a`r • t �'8 (�, �..:ar ...auiG'b .YR�i4 F„^-..�Cs.�. r.c+MraF,�n .swe».e��MR^•-�'k az.���+�.ixkC��a, � .. ,a..m, ,vr w.<.s. :e.., i y ' „yR,as.�.s.,.-xw.e. sr.}.wwna.anawk� vv. <....-r,. � •..• - •• d m,A ls# t' a{ r ,.nerd ,F tar {"-n ,;nn ter, t, t, A, > --*I 'A 1d Li�'�" 1�i 7,��'�9i f"�ia M4LY��CF YFwwwwN.u�V��VFA �'iYi'r'�+ f5,fi Ci V:Rii� ,.www,.....,.. „'hwa•..w..n.,w:.«.:.+..w..ww wwn.wu..w;,a.4.&;e,.e..a.�a+�.....,vn�-x»,a..w:.:m,..-.:..:k� . �? %4V.�Y1� »O � • A. *Y � 4"O'i� vd°#"g iw lRr'� t �Jy�{a�.�B{�y SF I ti"r'�'v-' �[° :`i) . xi.1 .,� Y y IY. v: e. '� �/'1 .• r,,r� 7r,1{igY .'}"!P r.. �i�yxiy�yi } + .� i3 �Vxi i1, Ylp wei at aftd �'yv..(j pe*t1tt .t tin o ^Sit >'.e4,4nnf,, for 0) el re;r..pootivo 44.1-1rv11x- 1*41"501"d - ertod. 12,th to M 10t,. _ ._lgl�4, y • k> h4opted by they Council Yesog t7 :vovnollraezn t Nays .._. Varnvworth q _. Goon McColl XQorg 'd Iter a i�r.rar€eraSderle ien�r�ra ?A�yor.. uix; —$ ',' 4 ..,,�.,,,.,„„ ''i'E#• V VAW ;�cvoll Yoorg 0"Leary A7,�k'Oved Keller r.Praatsldetrst.+a�srae sntr. '� Y.i, • ¢ 4 Jy-h , � ;r, r t . ,% � �;. �: ,.•,;7r,N,. sk . Y� }v��`.y�} ",�:'kjrr's F,'.�i. y,'�?': '�. �rt �€ ry' ,m 9'o- �„lh.,y{.es5.. .- '. ' ,w�y.�.. ;n� '�"�.'r .. 4 __ gg'S> M 7ly�yy�i}�y �d 1i fy :�S ��p�y+j� y}� S3 R �P/5 0 F - •.:i? �y �� #y ',7 `�. { � � �#'S � 1'� F 3'$x'532 to = n J AOrted by Sass O*3unol l: uix; —$ ',' 4 ..,,�.,,,.,„„ ''i'E#• ;�cvoll Yoorg 0"Leary A7,�k'Oved Keller r.Praatsldetrst.+a�srae sntr. . •} y 'ht� }S €3 M " ri t'4Ch+1A i P[� #tY e'4-+�' 'itiYkM ? ee oia d thnt ra r�rr z t 'b e drnwn -up6n Departr„Ae'nt Tin a pr`'��GQ1+T 2` (1Y+'R� Tj�fiw 01e out of th6 In favor of fi. A. F are;eworth, Comrlis.sloner of ;.ine lat,, t'or ta:. 1911m df �tlf''211i n nAt)j1rt'iC"AjBf2t. Snd 20AOQ (4138.20 ) 'gid posy th�' ''Oetoonp n-k-ned in troll of n 3d 7voart';ent of - Bure u of in pnyment of galnry and am- penonti-axe of e�.id per sones for their rpspect3ve ser vie FA,, render ad- during `her Vav17th, to May 1914. a , Adopted by the Council Yeas Co.uncilraen ( (:�p.Ar Says Farnsworth GOSS McColl soerg O' Teary Anpro ve d 1914. Keiter Yr.president. Powers yar, lel AV._ .. Andi*'tedN h.� Civ Cc4tfY tro 1 r he goirted, thiat *nrreint be drawn uVib t tft 1��rartra�nt of 'i�irli�ncg; pc►y010,, but of the in tPlf6r o $. A. ?&rrja*b-rth; 1t 10itidnbe, for the sure of . .. _ 8Sx nna 5t ��C7l# ;. �+ :11 rs t i8 i.5i1 1to p4 the peat4*11 named in the pay roll' of Gild n OVment of salary and compen- - - Nures.0 of ° ,, eation of a id personb for their re#pearti ve services rendered during the v..w� re No.� i n+>, •. }.. v:.. jilt - - - Adopted. by the Council Yeas C )Councilmen _ ( )Nays d — Farnsworth. Goes. Goes. t: McColl Yoer.g' Approved 91_ Oiheary Keller or. W President. Powers __ Ari41t . _ p #teeolgeil, t:Yut _ +rr1 r-�� r ► tierit.1��r e. _. -.11P_ < able nut of thO in .fAvor o A. az a �, # i r rs *� of FitTaarst+e, far t#s s r f » to PAY the personift. nemned —D" rtiaent Or - -- -- - ent of - Bureau of ( _ in payor sale" and 000- ---- pQ#� utiQn..of SM.1d Pers<W-IiX6,MW _ cs t?� i r4emqpe:cti•re services rendered during the oeriod�tr.,. i�stn S^ E _ 3�g14� Adopted by the Caurac: 3 k�< — 4 1914 - Yeas ( p) Councilmen Itsys _ Farn awa r �'�• Goss - Yoe r 0' 2,e sry Approved 1914 . I+te 31 e r yor. Ut. President, Pawers O? -41. Mid I r.. wr� '+ Om $#I?i�:? i4t3 s i? »• �- _ _ - �,... �. _. ". - r<<. ",,,,�„x„"„`...1.e......».,..s.,rw�rw..w„�,.dww. ... r tai• I ffi, q to . per sr�ta -� *.I t�qpay roll of 1---id Bur+e&u o - 3 i tt of rxla s pensatian c rra trona four th#-Ir rftftp*eS�',& ��+r�irs�� �^ 'tired �.Friu EerS odA"X 3 lla y 'fib. e. Adopted by yrauncii J1iP1 - 1 --f 1914. Yeas (� - - -- �TL 3l men rasuorth • �csCoii ! Me ary AD o vor e iler tiayos. idr. Frseider� �. :M��Ovrers f ° Wry.. _ - JUN *91,4 _ Ul that"^ -V-Avm t, nv�< 'l 4k*ft '%X f,1 �y,'S n dA:R , 'Ll " r - ?P"z-ci"S Grotto St., B"airt Am'�z t.o mNood Piece. 8 ble ou I- or itt rnror e� S. A. th� Lh- Two hundred oris and 201 .15 €?a } to the trcrson nrertl�d Gx=Y "'t3-11 of "-id } Bureau of 171 zit of nAlary and. } . a-- or said-------: for their reep�egi�� �"' x-etic�as randerod detrS•nq� tbtG pentaation a Adopted by the C6%x-V°� BSc 1 1giA . Yeas ( 7} councilan 601) Pm3rsR ? c "`+ X YO le�:1914. O' x � arx Iapprov®d :tor. Mr. President, - Povw-wmm� -r- s 61 tAU ,mr�t. ?rfolret9� t.F»,t s rxsarrt� .�� -- upon ��,e �e9yt, rtfnttt Of Ping:ioe, vnjr" pvi ng t7ri i v -• 3 ty Av , s Synd i ca t e; to C! ty L`mi tetl . - titalta esu" o the "QPTSCI�1sj AS=n Stn- l CTICIN ACC4tnJfT" in f=jvo� �i .3. A,. Fnrn,,,,zrtx3, �- - :nz�i Jn r s r3 .n . f•rr th w -Lhre a c►].� • ria ( 53.00 3 t a the person" W—pi in the pay AIL urf±tsu Of �._.� p- .P, .des t of Salary r,n t *()no ,seneolien bf eeid POreon a #, _ r� as rvIcea rendered dliTinf. the period 1'Zth to 16a�v 's1� Adopted by the CounotI X71+' n ` y 1914. Teras i;" ? councilmen Vn.rneworth Go ea s ccol 1 Yoe -g - 1911. 01I.e3ry ALPp-- c3?-ved Ke l ler Mr. president. powers P E, R'At 45ty�c'�J ' +l�Y `A� �- � � i[_-5�3 S'..-.$ry--r=ilr/.S.L8�v.1.. �.w,...ir:,..a..w..s+m.w��,..v- .E:..rxwrw••.s ..vr+:.+w.w+'' 0 y/��_��yW}may♦s�4�ww�ywr�'-r-.wK+.gwv.ra ) j V lifk $7 ' i N \) .tom .. .. _ 1� ft C) d,' that xs s - --- _-�- � �x r r gun rsPao Lhs r �x�mr��s Av., Grli?ftd tis Ujalversity Av. paving Snelling a 1 out d aa n TM ---%M Seve�rnL enhundred thi —ie3._�t and _1 100. »- 973$.12 the 1persors" Stsf3lEd iss or "Id } s tTQSA\l - - -- - -- --� -- —} .tS 'p 4m32 "v ..,.-M't +.c3'f $12 mry and can- .. ` penvaGtion Of E9 £6�t$ 3-+"9' 'i S C'3' �,.*lP�i' E'C 6'}?�'at�"I Leax. [�-5F 4 3 "fs't i3+8!�`<?+ •�-:::.'7' to Y6:k�' "rtina SSay 17th to 3� - 3 21. JIM -6 l� . _- - ,adopted by ease dun c S � _ _- Tons t �) Gcs4srsoi lxaex� �ssye t } Gees ` _4. 530001 fl, tTimm =Lw—= — 3 ^•�yB ~_i�i 4. Ft? A,L- 7r— President. P{3a 'r- 4M;nor. C1 P -yi:"Y6'Ar-:.£�y►•u,,;1.+.'r,,,.,,w.. ... .... ... -, ..-«..... -. _:-_.,.�....,......,...usu.«w.J -�°i.� y Cbrnp re ler. r - tee$o'lved, that A *arrTdnt bo dret.-M 1 11-V0`.2' the Department of Vinnni-5. PAY b out of the '"$Z22fL# 1tCCQCENT� 3ra-roovor bf 8. A. Parneworth„ C*fwn3.ssicaller ofline.,,c9, for theof ® �"*a+o., lcidred leve t -four and ors. t6 pIV Sze persona n.smed in the pay roll of skald 33tG pa'rtment of M3ureau of ; in payment of Oalg&Y and com-d r�jsation of Said persons for their respective services rendered during. the U v t?tYi to u,v i. 193.4. JNP! �c3opted by the Council - -- 1914. Councilmen, - Farttswortli Goss McColl Yoerg:. Approve 1914. O Le axy Seller.w,... Pr. President Powers or. ids s 513 'ifII .rtli�i`d'�'.'U;:y:}•�. :}'�°F'_. is `*'`�fi ���"Y'S ��•S.7a ,t���h >."Y? S��ti }i ��� �,5+'�r'%:#' irY°k %£'%k� •CSF 1$`+�''t�ts`t�i!".�.E'",?. �. °'�,O'�! as!% h i?'t: $. !1" d`'$'3 t .+'....-r+—.�-.•. - — ESA �'• >, a 1•b la°p... AksXT,..«.•M fs R ?-t?, � 016. . tz ;tib # } � � ,gam 07--, m a -s• If l2hr€iu of s�<rn3 9 anti r#ra vefl+jloti Of X41-4neersaon%'for the fx r-qla;mail,'—i 'Fng,,,tae 114* Ado'a•tad'by the Counaik �imy's is� fl �\ kbprove8 1414. ' 4., Jkr. President ppvs re - eyor. .q A rmao � 1 �yyy'ww.♦m���. -. P�Y� .��tzAYs°tesr�,• � - , = -Fr�te; ay9 !914 -r 011 er �' R�aolsyecl - =tet E WsrTet nt be drawn tailors the Department of Finsarscer payer able o-ut o _ a +�alax -mmikASC t r ittF7Ai �UYO� __ � 'A FOLrneworth. Commie slcrrs�r of Finance, for the stun of - - ..._ .:�,.--------�^�--� . � �.► _ _. - - - ol2are 0 206.00) to gay the person lm ned� 3n the p r021 of sem.-ic3 * -� - 17epart�ent '-tiresau " } in payment of salary ani COW ,og?sation . c3d sa.i-d ereonW for, their rsa3yective cervices rendered daring the aywinH ��� -'�7tYif n ?Y3�Y` ;;O_ ,Adopted bap— Council" �l�N —01" 1014 - _1914.Ye ELS ( Q t . Naye - uoss _ �cCo11 Yoerg _ R_1914. o *zeamy A$ro-ved feller / ay '• ar• W.Presideat mower$ �"\ - CITY iii` v MIT_„ _ P Ot ♦ ,i _ 1 4 i, } g, {�LL►C Y ..,M Comptr01Ier. • R+e�olneif, tAbt .e wr�rr�.rit tie 'd:7r�+�ri. ex�a�'�-�---�topnrtml�nt`ts3'.,?jr't"narsae,� YvSrig Urxrxsty Av...l�le %0 SYrtrt este tC n,s n1�1e out of the" 4' or the sum of in "ft+vor a •8'. A. 1�a xre�i�sr � •Co sis�eic►rtesr Finance, t zur t` d all hm- a �n _ llare ($46 7$) 'to paY v the persond'.";m6(_ in tiie p �_ roll of "S Id pepwrtinent of Bureau of payment of salary and cone-. penestlon of .sa.„id";perap'he f;r their retspe:c : services rendered during the nieriod Y9Y 'Y7th" A 1IK4 . e�� c Q JUN -9 !� = � -1914. Adopted' by the CbunciT t _ Counclldien }: i 4` ) `Nate _ Farns4ortri , Go as e , �., McColl. g Y. teary Appr 1914 Mr. President'' PowOrs-- yor. ^ •. Ley'—. �. S@+ v "� • ra AUL f Ciii or f9T . PAUL- _ o DRI -Alt , T d " T `G 171 $- Com' SF. - Cis Ft DR p�f15C ROL, A3k8OjkgTI . - A MY Resolved, hat �ft grant be dr,,�Nrn upon thea 3D4--p�a.rtmen_t of Finanoe, pay- Pffiving Summit Ase.,, Lexington to River able out o tYmLrmai _ ��^� �At, ABB�88MXTCb- _UCTX,QJ91�C �3t71�TT _ in favor of S_ A.-• —44-sr-nsworth-, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of 19/100 Eight Thousane3 Six - Mlunclred Fi_ftsfive find _ v07„14OLZ-0 ( $8655.1q) to pay the " `perebns nairtwd n_- pay roll of said Department of A --`•r+rr.-.per Bureau of -- _ in payment OL salary and com- pensation of 3L=o-tarsons for their respective_ geirvicsg rendered during the period May 17__ 193 -to 2lay _ 31. 1914 . ,,opted by the Council _JUN -!3 1° 4 --- 1914. Coin -=-- j Farnsworth Goss McColl Yo erg _ - O'Leary Ap 1s ve 1914 Kel l er 3 dmmnL t , - Powers _ Scor P E "' F sCt3 �'r 1'3f Cts. Audited B3' y Co nx#»rca o liel�oived, t a�!!tL .-r$-isn-smL be dravm ujo*rs the Department of Finance p bble ont of th+a "' PiJMLIC 1F0s of in favor of B. A. `arc �s" eyaarniesioner mf pinano@, for the anal Twelve Hundred it! ime• vm63sd --a iPO ($1209.20) to ps the perooris named its Z ase pa y res 1 4 t *aid - 4Department of Bureau of - __ in payment of salary and coa- peneation of Veaid p4wrsosa+�e-- ��r-Zheir.resgective eervioee. rendered during Lh+ month of. X& _.. 1914. _ J —8 1914 1914. Adopted by the .Yeas Cotitnc i���ra (®� Nate �` rnsworth Ya erg Approv d 1914. : Z,ea.ry: o yor S��e33. e Lim. Presi dere -•— - - F v Board, F. No.------_ 4 Assembly F. No. Claims.Audited- __ a City Comptroller. RESOLVED, That City Warrants be drawn upon the City Treasurer,', payable out of the a in favor of the following named 'persons, firms or corporations, for the amount set opposite their respective names: Peter Paulson, Interest on .award of o damages for 'Lot 11, Alk. 7, Eomecrott A4144taken for Ldgedomb Road:, ReaZ240 67 Vc d That CityWarrants he drawn-'upon the City Trensurer Day- abte au of the "Irate esC &orad" ;it 1fe-. firms o�corpor6t�onar - ° tbr-.,thamkuat set aPDlbbbbIsite tbetr `roePeeHve names: damageaPfor� Lot 7 A�ppmec 11 Ek ooi : 1 Add.. taken for-Edgeaomb'�Edad ;309.. Adopted by .trio Co"CtI"Julie . _ ` 1944: , - • Approved June 8,'1914. CJun@ 18-1914] - Adopted bi JUN —X3.19.1.4..... 191 YEAS NAYS. J o I MR. FAR SWORTH/r- 14, -e t • o "`- Gos s/ KE ER _ - Adopted by1 I I ' • ✓�" O'L�ARY YO RG NAYS 0 - MICIdAUD . \ o POW URS w WARP, • Ff)ia'gtti - - - - 6TAEOBR ; -..... ;. L@ ;- TROY - Approved ....� •... , ^. Nays 0 Mr. t'realdent (M-0011) v { I \ Board F, No, Assembly F: Na. claims Auditc4 JUN_, 1 i City comptecillef" RESOLVED' That City Wa>+rantA be dtaWn upon theity'ra'sore, payabf,ou ut'te' i608t� .ACCt)ttl''� in favor .of the following named persons, firmsr corptiratione, for the af6ounf sed owe their respective names: Peter Paulson, Award of darns en for Lot 11, RUA Ho es'oft Add. 'taken for Ope ft $dg�- Comb Roadli: • i ; l if l 1111iyli4if It111 Pe„ 6' r I I! Ijlll ! i r I I1' I �i�nu+►i �po� lll� �It�'��'����li�� Mi�� ablo out df thA "d onln (l u¢tlmb r ' p Road Account" to favor p the fdlot a; Ing named persona, Arms or. corpora I 'don's, fpr the Amount silt oppaaSCu their respeatIve names: Peter' Psplsnn, `hNard of damages'.. Por t 11, Eik ?,. Homeeroft 'Add;;' take fqr Opelli>tg Ei9&oo�ritt(- Eoad, =aao;oo• � - �+ Adopted by the Councll 100, DU Approved Juns 9, 1914. (dune 13.1914) i JUN Adopted by the C�Ir r ........... .... 191 •. YEAS r NAYS, 7 1 -'MR, 'FARNSWORTH Ft . _ o COS KEL tR. ( Adopted by the O•LS RY .... 1a1...- -` ' Yens YQE G A NAYS 0 MR.t-Ii I N (P ani 1C1{A41v Wrletu" TROY A4iiroroo:... Naye 0 Mr. President (McColl) .- p AAK :ette�S . + 4 I. - r y ttesolv@l, Tlllt Cignrbtte Lioelsmo, t(o:,\69 issued 'to H. Fl. Cholomm CigAr Cd., tie and tho e+ete is herdby trlmbterred to H ti.. N mmen, Cot. U11 Ahil Jdcl�doh 3t e. Adopted by the C *wim. .. 191 N w;, YpA9 7 . MR.. FAIY SWORTH GOS KEL ER MDC I OLE RY A�opted by the Boafd of Aldgl I _ YOE G dn¢ A.<sembly a I . NAYS 0' MR. CH IRMAN (POWERS) --- - --� 191--_-- t'EA$ NAYS {C. F. No. 69—I3y WC011— ALD. PAUMEISTE I Resolved, That Cigarette Licexlee No: ,69 issued to H. H. C'. roan ClP.ar CD.,. , CDR ING - be'and'. the smao, a hereby transferred to H3 L. Newman, cot. 4th and J I I ` ED ROS eon etre tR Adopted by the. Counall June 1914.:.j < HYL ND Ado""' ' 1nn¢- 1811914) _ __S(1 MON COME MOR. NE, �. J. SA 8 1.4 MORN NE, F. W RE ` - OBER Y ERG RYAN STIEC NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) ' TROY Apprgved _ _.. -. _191— ' .NAYS D MR. PRESIDENT ( CCOLL) --_.L18vor. 'N 60 P t2ez±tltThat Abord of ,waterbo»imietdonre are hereby ordered Md direet9d'to I *, t►ator nitre on the fb.11** v1R streettia+id svIxiue#:- "Ronda Sites fr1h kibuij to Isiaael, Pe)l661,frdm Rota to 8tr Ahthony; and Lsmleard Park ?loco ftotlyd® Knepp to Gordon, in oaoplimlao *1th requatt made by ab" rd of MeterCodndi'tsionarr et their meatinR held June 8th;1914. Adopted by the P.omwoeerb.o..�l'R! -`� " ........191 'Y i1,AS NAYS. ,e - t' MR. F[RMA T-H f G{ K M Adopced by the Roard o�� � by the .4ssembly -- • �� O'Y.,,,S ALD. •A OA NAYS 0 - MR.C(POWERS) CD ` ED 11 ,C P No �'GO=Sy. 0.'E. Ke116t• fie IdYed, That the Board of Water - xv .CommlBaf011ere are hereby oreeidd fol, `dlre¢[ed ,tolay wntar..mainson tke'fol=1 - SION ^t, t¢wing streets And-,' �avenssea: ROrtd6't �etraet+Prom AsbvrY,to. Passat; Pas¢aiq muR txom Ronda to 8b,Anthony; Yord Pnrk PlacO west' from .Bns.Pv to Gordon, in= co It with nregsseet: ` 'made by Boa d,pt Wgter. ;�ommis-.� o9ER stoner sat`tlieir, meeting held ;June s, 399.4.. „ Adopted'yv—,,tthe Council Janus,"1914._ 'RYAN glppr¢ved' Jdne 9, 1934 i7une 13-1914) STIEC'DENT (KEW), f- TROY i��P Approved----- NAYS pproved——---_-� NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT ( coEE) - , _ --.Mayor.• , , 1 $,l 4• To the gonorable Council `yW. CITI 6V SAINT PAUL. St., Paul, yinn:' The ndard of.Water Cotmnissione-re, at a .meeting held on June 8, 1911, passed the following' resolution. -` "Resolved, that the Council authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets and avenues; Rondo street from Aebury to Pascal, Pascal from Rondo to St: Anthony, and LL ��}}ngford Palk Place West fon Xnapp tb Gordon." s, Very truly yorurs. p Secretary. v.'• > „ - - OPriCE.� 2is C.A 4'!' F,eTH 9'l tii 2±r 4 tAUL on LESv -.. dt7 w •LD sG•. _ 1 9 1 4. To ths- �a3:e Couneil. n GI s F S -t r r, 'WI -is Board of YPa ter Can nasi oners, at a meeting - held on .Trs>m4mr —4B. 1914, passed the toll owing resolution; •'Resolved-. that the Council authorize the laying of water mine on the - - Yollbving streets and avenues; �- ]Rondo street from Asbury, to-pasml, Paacal from Rondo to St Anthony, and Langford Park Placa wesi�`terom xnapp to Ver trul rs, v y � ou C e Secretary. e if 6 \ •:m nemIN1 1, That -the CotYtyhlo016rler o1` i'[tbl o *or" IJJ drd h4 1.0. hOYrl "_'gti'thSAittill and d3rooteA to r eonarva s ihcl oneirte d.ri-vewrey iri fr6t1+ 0 ftgihe Honbe #1a cornier of.ttniversi vo. 9nd St. A1ftli, st., tbo cost 0± issud wo" not to,:1excaOL tb6 slim 0-x$150.00 tYid to be paid from t)1� • AN —9 1,114 Adapted by the Cvwmd eiWj ..........................191 YEAS NAYS, - - e MR. FA NSWORTH GO Sil D:4dopted by the RoR LLR by - KE ted the A—bly Mcl OLL'• 14 - 191— Y E15 O' ARY ' ALD. A� `Y RG ' E 5. NAYS O MR: ClIRMAN (POWERS) -,_ M !--12esolved 7;h¢t the Commiselgnor - xt of ;.� I� hlla 'Worlce'be�lnd he is 'lleteby aur;; thorized ¢ d dhected If reeonstruct`1 ((the o engine drlVep•.¢y In .irotit oL Lan-'� 1 fg•ine; House Tju. lbcornerot'U111verettyf IAve . and St.' Albnne Sf., ,toen - said mgrlr not ta--exgeed - s7 1111,16um oi,! S1S0 00 .and to be pp,ld f om tb Street's -and Sewer ,Fund. ,� ;R) - TROY 0 , Adopted by the: Council June 9 1914.E APBroye'd D 1014 - (S. If fJunq�131r14)� 19l_ IbENT (MC CCUL) - n - - - NAYS O MR. PRE I3l _, \ ayor. l 0 1 / J i Fl ""edministrative. An ordinance organizing the Bureau of Corrections, preearibiBg the officers and employee theieoN fixing their compensation and duties. This is an emergency ordinance renderefl neoessaiq for the preaeFvaEion . a of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL.DOES ORDAIN: .Section 1.. The officers and employee of the Bureau of Correa - tions and the salaries which they are.to. receiv;,.shall be as follows: One Superintendent, at a salary of Th:61 Thouland Dollars (13000100, per year; one seoret�ry and assistant superintendent, at a salary of 81x- tea'Hundred Dollars (11600,00) per year; one enginee�, at a salary of one Thousand, Twenty Dollars ($1,020.00) per year; one,foreman of guards,- at uards,at a salary of Nine Hundred Sixty ($960.00) Dollars per year; one cook and baker, at.a salary of Nine Hundred` -Dollars ($900.00) per year;,one hall master, at a salary of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) per year; ons. van driver, two guards,'one night engineer who shall also be gardener, one teamster Who shall%Also be a general utiliiy mank Be night watob mat, eaoh at a salary of light Hundred forty Dollare 1840 Q0' per year; one matron, at a salary of Six Hundred 81xty Dollars ($660.00) per year; '. one instructor in the broom shop, atLa salary of Twelve Huhdred Dollars ® ($1200.00) per year, and one guard, who shall also be as assistant in- etructor in the broom shop, at a salary of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00; per year; the salaries of said employee and officers to be payable in,. monthly instalments. Section 2. Ill of said employee shall be appointed by the Com` miesioner of Public Works under the provisions of the gharter,and ordinances relating to the oivil servioe, and each shall perform -such duties as may be prescribed by the charter of the City, as the Commissioner of Public Works may from .time to .time require, or as shall be.re'quired by any.>xuls4 rvand_regulatione adopted•by the egid Commissioner, with the. .approval of the Council, in connection with the administration of the Bureau of Corrections'. Section 3. Persons having held for the. six montVs next P., S 1 1, 1 , I '1. 1 r ceding May 31st, 1914, the positions, appointment to Whip h is provided for in this ordinance, shall be nominated and appointed to `the same or similar positions, unless removed or dropped for cause, pursuant to the { civil service provisions of the charter and the ordinandes passed in accordance therewith. Any person who has held such position less than six months next previoue'to May 31, 19,14, may, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Public Works, be regarded as a probationer, and maybe re -appointed or not, as said Commissioner may see fit, but always with, regard to .the public interests and the good of the service, 010tin 4, All �rdlm000 and poll of ordinaAoee In aon» Eliot herewith aro hereby repealed, 6ection 5. Thii ordinance, is hereby declared an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the emergency existing by reason \of the necessity for an immediate re -organization of the Department of -Public Works, so that the work of said department may be carried on without interruption, and the public peace, health -'and safety thereby preserved. �. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effegt and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Ctmw6kena .....' ,- 191 a_,,: •:., NA Y EAS .. MR. FARNSWORTH LOSS MXOLL O'LEARY I YOC y 'a IVOW'ERN' � •.. Boerd F Nn Asaem�ly F By Ttr<{,ir�,i That r, . 'i '.� +•4 •..- ,,, .. - - ^ .:�.< -. , , �,. _ -�, 4 Y'i• .. ., weer f-•nm t.e a U-10e "i,+. 1 e.�re e' n.i.vn U`'.i l ' uS- .•'C nn 1"er ,;..,e "u :} .^-'r^ .`. r�? _ "S '.a ��. rl•e•'-•-e 'o: `r.a� rr', ru r,.. t.-x� . •n�r.�., ami er t P••'lt .. .�..itv - � - .. p. '3. t: s,:1c 'rul,nr ,, �^-.,i r,]i .'..e ,...arn'-•.,a bN used o"io•.= t e e :vm t esein re i- Ali r--oec's S compiic wi r: _ -'ui z'e o! `•ts •.ity o; .F •.i }.as ii '.h.e cert..ic -te "r. t Adopted by the CiNiii eli6r...... -/........ i9Lf 1Jrplaar l b ,he 'Bod nt 4 �'�- ..'� >"•"",�,�° Y+:AS NA i AI" MR. FART SWORTH ORN GOSS KELL R MECO L ' AIURN oneu - O'LE RY. RYAV YOEI; G EE NAYS 0 MR. CHARMAN (POWERS) - o ",( rd F'. No RYIr/ �_..... # 1'2r<nl��rrl. l'bmt tl p •; �\ ..�, .. � e nn ', i >. - . .. ,«1 „ r. t•1 n •lhi Tyne nnirl '11-'.t Tt cen•• T ••nm ti •� � . -.. ar e :. "'I.e.,�.l•f� tab h: - .••o . p•. foh� '.i re hi•i�•a _ t a t e div hW au-: ' d e v' 'r e i ty of 8t 1 �ilEr. A{,prrJ Iy dIe Hoard of .4 nnimene. ..• - - � ... � '. ._. A$>••j„ed '.t :^:, \.e ,�hlr H � '. IT R 191 . e• It .: 1 I fl 11 vl. I I f� �n.G> 1 ,1. I .1' 111, II I 1111 i fl� 'il 1 J r 1 LC��`g♦ va, , ALn. It1l CI ,VI:R I .1 I I I f. I vl \A 11[ 11..16 CORV•t I. ;t ,Ivt„ Illln• I'I[Ii II TI 1� IA rt: r :� IUk'A ns (.,I •:n ld Ill en v'enP t hl nl. P. , •'yv "ILA U ,h I'll it 1 t_ i I.h+inlll II(: �. �Thlre (Yl,m t l:llnt-U / - UuBT :oNLRS lien. .ehrnl not tie ixxueA , 1', c�nid •ffee tl l(n _ �f t- t' �'[ P. 1. unlll iulldinp,' has become P��11.- mol el e.l and ,Intim ,id o Theater 1•n. v Prncu P kER4 R'uuR� -f - . - red Prom the 1'Ilmmissloner of Public Bull, his i s11, N .'1:, F. oerunentP Inns the x sa -- 'u� n, ual llhFR � e<•tlnn kith the P�hibl[lolns I to be Y FRG - R>Av ��1 t',n therein nrlt In all "Pests in SI'II: I:R In Ulillnce k'w, Lite Manila, ('ledOde PRI11111. T (AFLLFRI .PRo InOf. of tit. :,nd has net tel Lille t 1t1 th th, l;leri. , >a,>It.a t ur nen .lune za'y�— ___1911- tTIPt 1J .L.ti. .`AVS l) PRI III (NC Llll,l.) I ne 27-1,114, — __./`.Varor. - aoerd F, Na. Assehrbly F. ;1Vo. � - .. R Ived�, That The City Cleric be and he is hereby -Ochres-::t.—ar+ff t,*Saeue h JACengo t r for a Rtbtilln Picture ThOOL,re et 9Oz-rL�r arl uPO+ P"ritinte tbeCity Tredeury of the usual Saler for- as 4 21ctr2sss. f ' Ade W by lbs lIIIIAAINOW. ...,.-. .. �. - - - - - - -1SI i aV Y nAB NAYS, - = r MR` TH K LER y Adopted by the Board i w M OLL a� a by he A-emhl Y YEAS U1 EARY--191- = ALD. nAl c.. Y WS • \AYS COl -:4— NAYS 0 MR. Cl!RMA-M-:4- xv� � F 1r`- No. 64— ,,,,QpQp Resolved That* theCbly Cle be --d he Is hereby autbortzed Yo EE,,,, a 71 - nae to Jos—Friedman Fa. Motlon Mo� for Picture Theatre at corner. of Selby- and - _ MN 6 elilnl; avenues. Pon payment Into the City Treasury o3 the usual svm for -rh licenses. p,,. )i G14l - Mui Adopted by the Councll June 18, 1914. _ o9E APProVed June 18: 1914. (Juno -27-1914) . I.' RYq _ I IIS SfIECER "ROY - NAYS O MR- PR S rmuT c_- Approved 191_ NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) - 1/aror. ' ,p p1.lYtiQ � 1 - AsMb V. b IZ 12e a' That one a petition bonring the Plf-natvre00" n large number, ot-pxoperty owners on Hendon Avenue between Cleveland Avnr,txe *a, kwd Comb Avenue hest has been presented to t,be,CoT!Cfl1sajoner of Public %Vks, which petition is' hereto attdched, requesting, that the roadway of said, Hendon Avenue, be graded to a width of 27 feet instead of to a width of 33 feet as now ordered,, the boulevard on either eider of the road -to be made three feet wider than now planned, Y THERrYORE BE IT RESOLVED, That when said Hendon Avenue is graded that the roadway thereof **u*ajWxxxxK*imy be graded'to a width of 27 feet and the boulevard on either side of the rogdway be made three feet V der than now.planned. p � _JA i 1 Adopted by the Board of Aldermbyl Ps V — AdopfedT by the Assembly J wV9 VEAS S `, EAS "^- L➢. HAGMEISTE0. 00.NING ••�� �I HANE / C� � •� EDwAR➢SHYLAND • (/ 14 SfONTGOM ERY J 6 yyPO ,+pT MURPAN E, E. 1• v 4. µVQ SA N•••HORN AtURN AN r� g�6Y WARE ��I� / p• �r OBERG � �. -� � YOERG �J• r I RYAN NAYS O MR. ..NT (KELLER) STIEGER TROY A roved. _ ___. I91_ NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) Mayor. f l , . - i�lt'c 'tilt:>"r�tilij ,srf �iittttr�snfsr: _ t9nit+rrrtttt"�x?'rr+rttrrn err++trr June 4t17, 191.4 Commissioner of Public Worke, 8t. Paul , Yin?, . I*ar Rir + I am serding you 1 erewith a p@t.ition for the changing of the width of roadway on Hendon Avenue from 33 feet, S* now contemplated, to 27 feet. This petition wen started sometime ago but was not completed in time to have it Reted upon by the last Eouncil, We would be glad to have this matter taken up so that the contractor who is to ado the work mey receive instructions before starting on the grading. _ Yours very truly, CHW - 8 Secrata�3c. -.. Enc. r3 , y St.paul, Minn., April 26th, 1914. 1 If u To the Honorable Courtoii Of the City 6t Bt,p)ku;:- � 9 �- The undersigned owners of property on HenBon Avenue, between Cleveland Avenue and Como Avenue West, hereby( petition you to change the order for the grading. s• , of Hendon 'Avenue, between the streets.namad, so' that the roadway 'shall be 27 feet wide, instead of 33 feet as now ordered, the boulevard on either side of the road to be made three feet wider than now planned: � property Oomex Lot HlacY j a . t 7 CL4.1 IWO ZA i, s� :� r ` t$IIr iltni�rrc�itg of t�liafirnmttt . ti a�'{nrffurrnitll €zfruninu l�rrriirr - . TlnlnrraNp 7Fnnn, BL 'amJ ° - 4CWICULIWOL LiTENSION 111l1SLI)N ABP PIFMRgK IN""""' . June 4th, 1914, Commissioner of Public Works, fly ' St. Paul, Minn. -Dear Sir: S.am sending you herewith a petition for the changing of the width of roadway on Hendon Avenue froze 33 feet, am now cobtemplated, to 27 feet. This petition was started sometime ago but was not completed in time ,tg have it acted upon by the last 8ouncil. We would be glad to have this matter taken up so that the contractor who is to do the work meW receive instructions be11fore starting on the grading: Yours very truly, CHW - S Enc. °s i' St,paul, Minn., April 26th, 1914. To the Honorable Counoil of the City 6f St -Paul: - The undersigned owners of property on' Hendon Avenue, between Cleveland Avenue and Como Avenue fest, hereby petition you to change the order for the grading of .ft4n:don'Avenue, between the streets. named, so that the roadway shall be 27 feet wide, instead of 33 feet as now ordered, the boulevard on either side of the road to be made three feet wider than now planned: ° property owner Lot BI.aoY LLLJJJ t .+ 'WI p � Ct.paul, Minn., April 26th, 1914. To the Honorable Counoil of the City of 6t,Pau1;:- � Theundersignedowners of property on Hendon Avenue, between Cleveland Avenue and Como Avmnue 'Test, hereby. petition you to'ohnnge the order for the grading of Hendon Avenue, between the streets named, so that the roadway shall be 27 feet wide, instead of 33 feet an now ordered, the boulevard on either Elide of the road to be F, made three feet wider tnan now planned; look property Owner Lot H i e c ° I ; by ordered and directed to eXtend its 61,00 nits lis 41eing ' pores and etyingin Wir" thdra'ch for the transmission 4f elee- Eke following and StVOWIts of saki city' trioity on and •In ,alleys, About seventeen poles on and in Boer StrlOt from Seventh, Street to Matgaret $treett, with all ne0offeary guys and anchors. About lour poles in and tit sf alle? t4reu9h tb block betireen Mdl'WWO% StTest 900Beech Streetanchors.c3ay Street to Germaine Street, Vith all necessary gnysF About five pole8 in and through the slleyy -.hr )ugh the blocks between Sosdh Strdst and + Street, to Germaine Street, with all necessary 4WD SWa a arra. AbWAlt ria[ poles in and through tlit allay, t'hraugh the blocks ,,-:tram Rosa Street and FWAquist Sth fW= 714*7d*M Street to XavA&rd Street witil al.i ne0e88&- 8 A" te' About five galas in =4 thWOU t %hV alley t :he block between Jenks Street and Case Street from 7brest Street to Mendota Sheet. WJZh OU *ossa&&$ SUYs and ano'bera• Oise pole on and in Syndicate Street between Sol-by Nvsas+ and Sagw Avenue with all necesearY gV76 and anahass. A31 of such extensions, Vols* and sir" A;1, be erected and constructed under the dirsotlen, sW supervision of bJeat o the Commissioger of p4blic Works and in all *.pings auy the provisions of Ordinaarce $0.2424, and at all other 1AWful ordlumces and resoWtiions of the Cit, Of St.1111"• All polsa ehll be set in g=h location in mrAd sll,elre and streets as the eaXniggioner of PUbliQ Worms 4041 , V&ts• and ahaa2 b, 'ai a� • charadtea� a$ 8s eYasll cktxa .4 ►try. and ReNu`vrAh Th t h t �'g$e& l—be U61wn 1,i 3" . ajspl9Ye 1 : n 4 i ' ai i - t t i Wil�:Mk W1, da 3%pnover Uts Win' removed. • axe , Ccunoil-sh�th r th p ptl3o Wterea'F., requires. as t u f.- When It sh& ° ° ; Y I::rw,: PJ vn ii a1t,.hor - _ t,the / uI1r�1thr:,utKh bl,,,'k"I j Nt rr,•t Adopted by We neer, s f Al • Y x:na - � J _ MR. FAI W06 ORd H G0 S KE LER M. LL JL ARY, YO G NAYS U MR CK, IRMAN E'Ww EK3 JA* 1,k - ---- Whereas:e Foargil -° the a -,eszl r.l'.`. .[ .r:�» r aaG " - >. final order; fog ,. ,: x .. a tat- nace esc,ry fc.r slcl frch:rsity Lindex the terL.s ar_d r ziaicr.a 2 ar Whereas: it is _ ,p;.r:... and oce-din s to "e ad ..r 1 3' aforesaid asse:.sn.er:t are t ractica .e - provisicne cf *he rreser.' C7:artar. Therefor, ce it rea:,IVa as,:: A0;1 under the terr::a and , rc 1 ,-_ s s xx6 further acts and b ... '_spa 7inance and c '-er cffi _rs 7r authorized an di ted in,u' .rp•e1 under the exst`_1-a, charter, Adopted' .by he ('01,11.c n Yeas airs ° Farnsworth Goss ` Kelier ,dc co l l nlLaary Yeorg r. Preside::t 'P,'rerul C F 'vo. G7 —..— Wherena, the E#oar11 t pn Lttiie pf {F orka has mad-. UUt net u fi,nied y..• ,a,.i � � Q., the aaaesament at 1—eot :a an't espeneea, Un n the folloFv lnKr anal nr- , der. for c de [. Inq aeu# taktag an easement In the land _.."'y Ury- 1 p a far, c ita t 1 d#Fo It es,adio, .. Nllton tt t f -m ilnt a It,- avaaue tp Iglohn t street app --d ,lane. 9tp, 1913 U."' ndt the- t r and prU.vlatUn'a - at the Chaet _ ft he ae a 1 rral uqf ,Ion U3 snip Co rll. that at# gthar p to nd PI'V- e �edinga tut hitt t d n relntic0 to: tl cUnlpletio at tho,i2 ra ei[t n.o- ' a moat are preotlnUblq to be aaae athe terms and 6rUUlNduna of th" w ---t Charter. R'hewtere, be It rosolrod. that 111, - Nllbd aaebayi{lant na• •O[ht[tateit aieI- ' the tonna ana pToviolunp ut ha ox la tiny Chert? na tb nR Porth«r earn and i rtlreedtr xe ro ho door. ala alto Comma -loner t 1 antuta tiia.r uf- d, v end deprl nal. { ar h seUY IlUtt la 1 aro#dlrectod rn ronttnn. and !entptrotu tbo .acid aa- - eoaament pnde.the wM.Ung t)h}rtkt. - In aceordnnee. thprawl[h, - A, plgd' h} tk., CUU1011 Jun. to, 19111 •Ippreti•ad'JUna l9, kN1�i. _ - KJUne 1.1-ItfM . ; i f >nv_ — Wherdag: The 3oari of ., io IJ be, efi `,s, a the asiiessment _'final order; for charZe. r;f ;rate ..r; e al ie r, , ,c:k 7. Park Ad li *ion, ar,r-,ved Ser tec er : 7.th "1 d,= r ;:rovisi:,ne sf the clz Charter. a Whereas: It is the opinion cf and -rccee.iir;rs tc _, ad ,. ,.:n.e re a - - e :aforesaid assessrr.ent are cractica"-. - .provisicns c` ''e rreaent Chart, -r. Therefcr,L t , t - under the tern.- and , __ isicns a further acts and I:rcce='..nga to .. Finance and other ,1. _cera a- i ierart...e: authorized an', lireeted t,, ....._., . under t''ne Adopted by, the Co,:ncil, �f Whcrepn: Th n gonrvt .,f P:Ib1lC [Borba I— made but nuE un84',h.O Yeas al^the n9sesamRnts of I,enu te. 111-M hntt-- - - exponyQn, npnil tho r(A1­1l,r li" .l I,— dor, Ear ch:xnl;a It ;;rudu "n eha amiiy - In Rloak 5, Roblyn 1,0l A,119lt1n1 411 proved 4(-ptu,hba1r 11ttt, tat1; ­i- Ine tFytnX and pl ovf nto,t'> �f •lhe Wd Farn swo r th chnrte,. . Whtll lo! IC` ,hu optmm, ttf. till. •.nu''- u. - LLunc1(, that oils tfhrr a.t.[ p: n t eutllnrla EU ho had ar Bunn vrutat:vm '[tt Ba .Ino a2mpk,Nun uf., snanto " - ..........nShFuS . ae1pr-11-Ml,ltl, i.�rma . u.t „rnvi;>tund •.,t trin d0'eS­4 , Yeller " 1 il z t till, --�1 11 F�Y b _ <tt lh 1[,fn wdP to 1f 111 pj}&+_ :;:CCo11 g 4{rt 1t lit, u Cu l uvL Iiad m:.d �_ p u Amgs1 alla tb".- n ual ke f[ 1 a a Llx uC`,�`e Ieary li1i rizel > air„r as t, i n , d nple to th c, 1d � Nrn li - tnesi' N a .kers e [, a.�wra- - Yecrg d ut`Att4 td by 11 ill +1u# 11 dunw Ii v . .lupruur,l S lu, 1914 Lir. Preside'A '�... v? 1•a� Itn 131:114) - ,. r Whereas: The Board of Public Works has ::.ade uu` t a:ed the assessment,of benefits, cost, anj ez;.er:sro, -:Poo o` `•;g final orders; for the ccratrt.,c ...r a > er �n , "� " • , w South Robert Stre0 to a point 150 foot eastierly ,f the r e Riverview Street, approved Yovem'ier Ath, 1412, !or th.a 7a r'u` tia. of a sever on Briggs street, fres. 7ar Zuren ,.treat to AnnINVa etF ved and on hinnehaha Street! frog=. !riga S`rea: ar. •.'e Y .. :r may 21st, 1913.1 For -the eonotfuctinn a e-v: VAsOn Iverue, f-cz Hoffman avenue to :Maria avenue, ar.rroved .arch : ;-t:- . ::a..% , -_ the construction of a ... a'er on Su. riot a`r it, _ - Me Ctrd.'t- Street, approved PlcvAmber 13th, 1,:,x]2;/under ^:e ner.-a inj ;­vA61010 ' of the old Charter. 49hereas: Tt i�s t:e. opininn -is :-.s a-;: ea and'procaadings ._ be had or Ane rsla470 . r. J aforesaid assessments are pract`_c.a_'e 0 le i c Unief _ns 'I" an' provisions of tie ireaent Cha,ter. Therefore be it resolved ..r.. ''e sail ossa =t;_ under the terms and provisions of lhav": xr a.' further acts and pxoceelings to ':e &L,and the Finance and ether officers and Aerar'menta of 'to ant authorized and directed to ccntinwo = cc ;.r lets h s= r t under the existit.; Charter, iz,,Y hvrea Th? E>"d�l "hu tY 7tc hu Ida hua tt st rVn .rYR44 thV asr xm¢Rt aA CV'iVi}t ce ai, alk spunx upon E.Re YCI V iz� iku .i se• Ado ted by t.:8 i nC� , d o Ln ina ton sraaaR oyay _ ((an C.ure1 c4 cey Lrbm � � 1 Mout t r -Cfh F�,tSazrt- L� 1 tho N«ri liR G qS j tY v QY N�triy dj G._. '`— CVriYLPli4tlO,Y VP K.. A494' F 9� S�pi X,gy..:. Yeas lay9 J poi,Ytum arissa trs 3Ww l ��`�� tNUUd. 4IIG=UV �i QfaafbtA ' ihz •oRy[xttctton (e n d,maa n 15,vti. FarnsWcrth SNpua Ytln Eit+lim,�t Nuc u � t[ Ylro rs aM Q Goes 1 13. Ear to arC f'q lrm r� a acvan - SunNr[ r traset, fcai& E Keller t> On Ir2n s n k aG'+ei*Ea4� IIr,-�4r U i3 P ih1S ICU'A% syt,,; . k:CColl IiYvn" rQ4t a:1 ats esa�a.. O'Leary Yeorg Mr. Preside::t (Pokers) },f A�; l _V d •' i€ n f eT1 f ILI A _ Whereas: he Board of Public Tnrks has wade _ t ' ','? 1 > the ssaesMer.i: ... .;er,eri`,a, costs ?r-1 4xer-.,;._, � - final orders; for the 7radirg cf Al ert a7 n ,T-1- to St. Clair etre 't. arrraroed .=.rc` i �3. � �._. ,SNnsa9+d S�ed;a,nn of - '- 1 _ in Block 79, Lyban 7aylor's AdVO n, az.r.^,,ve1 .. .,_3`, 1913w n Grading the alley in i.. 7, Hod 's M114"10T -'r' ai K f ywzr Dayton's Adlition,Canj 1r 'lock, 4, cn.. ; and -a ApIly, - A'•` t Own, approved June 7th, 1012, For r+'i , p,e and Xelly's AMItior tetween ,era- s`-_ , e aTTrnand September 11th, 1 12. For grading t',, alley .,10 i 1, _cae0ale ,;,'r-, approved April 7th, i`'13: For grading Chats—: :; ecait:*/ avenue to Aurora averse, approve in17 23rd §0'r a mg "ir = t'' avenue, from Fairview- avenue to Prior �vaY.Us,�a"} rsd %^ I-`1^J E w For grading t;cntrose avenue from ha=1 = enwe" - - ue, approved July 23rd, 191304 For 1rali _ "r`.. . :,n%. ,!In— to ?illes avenue, approved july 2Qrd, 1q'l: . For _ a ii :r from Fairview avetue to Clafelard avenue, aTyio . 2 M, - -i a > Grading Palace street, frog:, `'. Oica`e avenue to ; a—1 ..` e avanIne AgFrOval- April 7th, 19131 For ,ra ng Oaratw�a ajen e laic 'c Jefferson avenue, aptroved .'u;.e Hit 1913 'unit: Q - an!;X- visionsof the old Charter. Whereas: It is the'opirior, of .`M courc: hat all Winer acts aaa proc'aedings to to had cr '_ne relative said aszessments are Ira. b t s ::1v: `,., rot visions of the pr.ouLt Charr-.r. Therefcrg.b .it resolved Vat v said aese is _ vttf under the terns art: rr^-Hsjcrs __ Ve existing •hart, i:: in all aoz acts and proceedings tc va i..& , ar::i t . - v o Xc i other officers ar.i dee:urt&er.ts of the NO, area :Here , avor.111u, A"A directed to c ntl= be; c Q105,42 Aa ,>se.._ .T_ _.a;g_ Charter, in accordance jharW t" : 6 Adopted ty t-e Council; 0 a�f - /d /�/� C tl'her, Whe'ea: 70- The Board of Public h lt'o rka ae mode but no on drmnd the n meat �� henefi t.a c dnai and _ exPe^�;y99ttn nFtl. difr�lnW f n\lbert ve- dens' ^r grading trr to Ct. Clnlr nue, from Grand t ',street, approved March 28th. 1913. For railing the alley In Syna,Pp' Daytonls �' ion of Block ed jnn �2Set. 1913 - Proved up Prov N'ur grading the lley In L -D. I11yums , '5ubdlvlslon f Block `193 °f Block a4. Pa. ton's r�dilition, A cofdmorT ^nil Cassedy's Addl ding the e i 1912. F'oi' tare alley din Block S.-Se¢uDre d$elly's Addition, between Gerautum street andj Rolle Street, approved 8 ptemher Ilth. 1912. For grading the atley; In Block 1, Rosedale Park, approved April 7Ch. 1913. For grading Ch Uteswoo h street. from L'niver.ity en avenue. approved avenueJuly . from Fair- view e to Prior avenue' en approved June 21atu v 1913. For grading Mont- rose avenue from ve blare hall an to. Dayton avenue. approv ed JuIP '3,d. ,1913. For gradlno H�11es a ap- 'Chelton ae a venue, ,proved July 23rd. 1913: f For grading Portland av ue from f' rvloe\ ed v May to Clevelandn nvequ' sppr 23rdlr.n. 1913. For gr.dlnF PIIsBRnmlinc avenue 9spo,—ed April tf7th, 19U3. For graadlolF a a .term, f 1St CI I tree[r to JeffefsOu ave^der. the proved June 21.1. 1913: terms and provl.lona of the old Char- ter. 11'hers— it Is the opinion and olf pro Council. that all cher arta thedingsplelton had f othdone foresaid Bat- to t. are prnetie.ble to be done f the under the terms and provlslona o present Charter. snlvwl that tpe Therefore eed.'t bee mDleled under said vo the Cerma and^provlslona of Chuo esiaa1- InF Charter as l0 11 furt her ole d proceedinga to be done:d the Com- ' mission Or of Flnaneo and other -R1i and departments f the C". are herehY authorized and direeted. to e aid meats under'" theBlalstin'bug a Charter,al^' r •o Idanca the re`„Uh. C'ou ntll Juno 10, 1 . Ado Dted by Oil. I Approved JJunc10. 914. 13`19111 'TICK ole 1114. - e U 0 6 v r G 3 8 K C- ^ � .^i C(Ji1 0 a�f - /d /�/� C tl'her, Whe'ea: 70- The Board of Public h lt'o rka ae mode but no on drmnd the n meat �� henefi t.a c dnai and _ exPe^�;y99ttn nFtl. difr�lnW f n\lbert ve- dens' ^r grading trr to Ct. Clnlr nue, from Grand t ',street, approved March 28th. 1913. For railing the alley In Syna,Pp' Daytonls �' ion of Block ed jnn �2Set. 1913 - Proved up Prov N'ur grading the lley In L -D. I11yums , '5ubdlvlslon f Block `193 °f Block a4. Pa. ton's r�dilition, A cofdmorT ^nil Cassedy's Addl ding the e i 1912. F'oi' tare alley din Block S.-Se¢uDre d$elly's Addition, between Gerautum street andj Rolle Street, approved 8 ptemher Ilth. 1912. For grading the atley; In Block 1, Rosedale Park, approved April 7Ch. 1913. For grading Ch Uteswoo h street. from L'niver.ity en avenue. approved avenueJuly . from Fair- view e to Prior avenue' en approved June 21atu v 1913. For grading Mont- rose avenue from ve blare hall an to. Dayton avenue. approv ed JuIP '3,d. ,1913. For gradlno H�11es a ap- 'Chelton ae a venue, ,proved July 23rd. 1913: f For grading Portland av ue from f' rvloe\ ed v May to Clevelandn nvequ' sppr 23rdlr.n. 1913. For gr.dlnF PIIsBRnmlinc avenue 9spo,—ed April tf7th, 19U3. For graadlolF a a .term, f 1St CI I tree[r to JeffefsOu ave^der. the proved June 21.1. 1913: terms and provl.lona of the old Char- ter. 11'hers— it Is the opinion and olf pro Council. that all cher arta thedingsplelton had f othdone foresaid Bat- to t. are prnetie.ble to be done f the under the terms and provlslona o present Charter. snlvwl that tpe Therefore eed.'t bee mDleled under said vo the Cerma and^provlslona of Chuo esiaa1- InF Charter as l0 11 furt her ole d proceedinga to be done:d the Com- ' mission Or of Flnaneo and other -R1i and departments f the C". are herehY authorized and direeted. to e aid meats under'" theBlalstin'bug a Charter,al^' r •o Idanca the re`„Uh. C'ou ntll Juno 10, 1 . Ado Dted by Oil. I Approved JJunc10. 914. 13`19111 'TICK ole 1114. - e U 0 6 inistrative. An ordinance organizing the Department of Finance, and pre- scribing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and v employes thereof. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and pafety., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL TOES ORnAIN: Section 1. The Department of Finance shall be under the general control, direction and supervision of tpe Commissioner of Finalise, who shall appoint a deputy to perform such dutie and assume such re-sponsibilities as the Commissioner of Finance may see fit to impose upon or intrust to him, and such other duties as -may be required of,him or , of the Commissioner of Finance by law or ordinance. The salary of the .said deputy shall be the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,GC0. C) per year, payable in monthly instalments. Section 2. Other officers and employes of the cepartment of Finance shall be as follows: A cashier, who shall receive a salary of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) per year; an.aecountant, who shall receive a sale ` of Fifteen Hundred Dolla4s ($1500.00) per year; an_ clerk, who shall receive a salary of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1560.00) 'per year; Z;; one counter clerk, at a salary of Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars ($960.00) `' per year; one counter clerk at a salary of Nine Hundred Dollars (1-900.00) x per year; one stenographer at r salary of Nine 'Hundred Sixty collars ($960.00) per year; one transfer olerk at a` salary j in d Sixty `p r, at a mlary of Eighteen HundTe(.t � Dollars ($960.00) per year; one ep�sa.iae Dollars- ($1800.00) per year; one abstraet$t.�,18rk, mat/ a /salary of Twelve a°�"•Tn KY2�a4G/ C' a_.. _.- '..��. � ..F,r Hundred Dollars ($1200.00) per year; one tnclerk at a ®slaty of One Thousand, Eighty nollars ($1,ok .00) per year; one general clerk, at a - salary of Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars ($96C.00) per yeaX;/one Z for the collection of water rents and other duties in caonnection,^wttix the - Water ^epartment, whose salary shall be payable out of the funds of -ths Water Department, and ^hicL a.,al'. :.t. Pixa.i ty t:,e ddv;iuiatratdve ordina.11ce �.'AN, regulating the Department of Public Utilitil 0 officers and employes shall be payable in monthly instalments. Section 3. 'All the.officers and employee mentioned in Section 2 hereof shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Finance, 3n accord- ance with the provisions of the charter of the City and the ordinances enacted in pursuance thereof. M Section 4. Persons who have held for six months next pre- ceding May'31, 19,14, the positionirmentioned in Section 2 hereof, shall be nominated and appointed to the same or similar positions unless re- moved or dropped for cause, pursuant to the civil service provisions . of the charter and the ordinances passed in connection therewith. Any person who has held such position for less than six months next preced- ing the 31st day of May, 1914, may, in the discretion of the Commission- er of Finance be regarded as a probationer, and may be re -appointed or not, as said Commissioner may see kit, but always with regard to the public interests and the good of the service. Section 5. Subject to the charter and ordinances of the City, the said Commissioner of Finance, with the consent of the Council, and at such°salaries or wages as it may fix, may appoint and employ such other clerks, assistants and employee as the'needs of the department, may require. Section 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance is hereby declared an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the emergenc `4iatinp,by reason of the necessity for an immediate re -organization o,6;°° aN,;,ipment of the Department of uzva Finance; so that the work of siMi- ,epartment may be carried on without sada i fJ interruption. Section 8. This r;dinan_a„' ;, ,` it tyke effect and be in force a,l from and after its passe. � 4 � 'v � y _.... LL, is II 1. P Adopted 11,PI y 7 11 yu i uJ 1 3 191-' MR FARNI,\VOR M GOSS dTT OLEARN' \ AL!, kv YOERG i`, (POWER51 NAYS fl h1R officers and employes shall be payable in monthly instalments. Section 3. All the officers and employes mention,,d in Section 3 hereof shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Finance,�n accord- ance with the provisions of the charter of the City and the ordinances enacted in pursuance thereof. Section 4. Persons who have held for six months next pre- oedin4'May'31, 1914, the positions mentioned in Section 3 hereof, shall be nominated and appointed to the same or similar positions unless re- moved or dropped for cause, pursuant to the civil service provisions of the charter and the ordinances passed in connection therewith. Any person who has held such position for less than six months next preced- ing the 31st day of May, 1914, may,'in the discretion of the Commission- i er of Finance be regarded as a probationer, and may be re-appointed or not, as said Commissioner may see fit, but always with regard to the public interests and the good of the service. Section 5. Subject to the charter and ordinances of the City, the said Commissioner of Finance, with'the consent of the Co<incil, and at such salaries or wages as it may fix, may appoint and employ such other clerks, assistante:and employes as the needs of the department may require. Section 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance is.hereby declared an emergency . ordinance m.ndered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the emergenc Biotin bar reason of the necessity for an. immediate re-or anizatio 4.. ":'iipment of the ^epartment of Finance, so that the work of siPi!d"_'epartment may be carried on without interruption. _P Section 8. This r;dina;� `,' ;�';�il take effect and be in force from and after its passa( 1 / Adapted MR FARNSIlkURIH Coss 'KELLER M:COLL O LEARN' \ ✓dysT YOERG r NAYS ¢ t `MR iPOW'ER!)' r City of St.Paut count, II pneolutton - Geniral form. Department, of T _.:-. Bureau ofth ,•. _ Publi Council File No..--../... ---- Date 'resented ._.Jun4r.11th...19114. ,T ._ M _........... _. B C.Q1zI'1��:�..man,....... Ida_..C�l�...................... . u. _ Sy Thereas it is impracticable to operate the Publi� Baths on H r iet Island without a- Contingent Cash Fund" to be used for '',!�anFa" and two, pay immed- iate necessary expensesas they arrise, be it therefore, Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the uepartment of Finance for the sum of (:x.100',00) One hundred >ollars, in favor of the Commissioner of Public Safety, payable out, of the Ceneral Fund, 'Fublic, ?aths i.co,-nlnt, to be used for the following purposes onl.y:- lst Car fare of employers on Citty b ainess 22nd Freight :°- Ex press 3rd I ostaf e due ° 4th T'ewspaper advertising -Help Tanted" 5th Payment of Temporary r;mployees (by day or hour) Receipts shall be taken for all Disbursements and sa_d receipts shall be turned in to the Comptroller with itemized expense voucher :.hen - ever the re-imburse ent of said fund is sought,and on'such forms as the Comptroller may req" re. The fund to be kept intact in this manner and at the end of the s axon deposited with the Department of Finance to the credit of the Gene al Fund, Public Baths Account.. _B. Adopted by e Council ....._...._. y la :...-......._.._-.ts.! . 1._..._....- - bllc / ;uP o Coune lmen .. Yetis ( ) S ate cer.as,ed ( ) Nays ' Is It therefo That a warn . a Department of j/ Far 8W!In favore t of U thCComm, Sety, payable t f, .Funafd.. Public Baths Y Gob 'ed for the following Car fare of employe,, . esa. Mori 11'. Ftelght and expree >:'oatage due. ed. " ewspaper advert'' N Y0,8 8 Payment of temp ,. is day or house • Ip[t sand be taken f. _ _ 14. cora and a1d r .11- , Appr g 0 L arj 1n to the coinpirml• - .e .xpense voucher wig •' -Bement-of sae fupd •_._ .. ....- Kel gr ch forme ae the Ip1_ re. Thu fund ,,. 'thea manner and - Mayor aepnattea .r / Mr. President, Pow. ra t kll PCTRLIgWD Bt►rd F. Nn... l Ug embly C. No try Resolved. ThAi thi oontvv+ t be!�ring ;int'( June 8th, 1911, by be,t'Qt'€r the Review Publishing roeplr.y nnl thA ^i'y of '«, piul for printing and binding two hundred copies of the rAporte of city officers for the ytAr 1917, be anA tho-Acme is herdby n;-pro'rei. ani the propet pity of`'icers are euthoriv-1 ;pri ilrecto4 t,� execut+e ti`s(° r r r r7 eamle on behalf of the Yt vttel ttMc ito i'a»i' tr" dnt Tnit "t5 1114 tj}n tl�cte'ft JPnt nFAtt +rtiifln� and 7 Fn 1f1 F•rr'i TTRrFdrrti�ri4F v LBa-st B �'ntta sf cttt rznicerrt flat' tbt . r tot%, „y "a IIIr rtc tat hreby Rnd the proper rttF n 1cc Arc su- tbArired and dtreaped c eArzmite Rhdbptx+d rthY,t ftf hon tst i .rima it. A ib r' .App+`Acted Ju c 12, t�14 i to , era -t At-tt 4 Adopted by the Emmiedars.............. 191 e Y F.ASN A M MR. FAR SWORTH GOS Adopted by the BT' - KE ER 4dAp+ed by mr a.,..�,nbiy —191 "I/ Mc OL YEAS O EARY ALD. ERG --NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) a LLER) TROY -------.._. Approve NAYS 0 AIR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) _ _ - • v 1tay Or. 11mird F. No. a " Assembly F. No 13y _ Re5nh•ed.110t the bond of Herbert 7', Southirorth to tbP ^Ity of St. paill, ae Firet'Aerleten,t Clark of the VuticiPAI Court, in the eum off 1,CCO.CO, be and the enme In hereby nFProvf+l. a Adopted by ilie 6inebtte�w .. •Xchu<" 191 y� YEAS NAY-. �- 4 --MR. FA NSWORTH- GO S K LER M O1_ 4aDp,ed h> d,e sDara p,ed by he Nj Ibly O' EARY _191 V Y RG S YFA$ ' NAYS 0 MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) 'c E, C.74— Reaolved, Th�rtt the bond et Herbert W. Southworth to the City o' St Paul. tt;.. First Assistan'f Clerk t the Muni- cipal Con the a 1 �.,Jeo.ev, .y and the ,ne fs herebura y nPProved. a "A Adopted by the Couneil June I_ .M 1914. Approved June M_1914 t (June 20-1914) 61 RYAN NAY5 O NR. PRESIDENT (RELLER STIECER ppr Appr Ax NAYS O '!e NR. PRESIDENT (NCCOLL) , _�•2�1-Mayor. t t As�Nml�ly r. No . i3y Rer,ol ed, That the bond of Lawren`zTgpon; snort!tnry of thAVayor, inthe :'s sum of P5,000.n0, I-,an<3 the her -by allpro-7A9. r Adopted by the C'wA�ire11ls1(F� •f� 1911./ 1"VIAS NAYS, - L MR. FAR SWORTH GOS V KEL ER Adopted by the Board el ted by the Assembly — Y MoC LL YEAS UL RY ALD. adtrt 1� YO G CORI EE Hyl,. NAYS 0 MR. C IRMAN (POWERS) . raiy C. r. No. 76— Resolved. That the bond of I.nwrence the 11faY- . R, :1^ C. Hrti, o , ns Secretory of or, ID the sum of $6,000.00, be and the - Afi1R7 same Is hereby approved. .n Adapted by the CQ -a 11, OB$RApproved 191 (Sun. 20i191a) ....... �..e......,.-.-Ywnur.cat STIED.... _ ... . .. `• TROY ;j ppr01'f'(1_ ___ _—_ .__-- 191% NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLLy /aror. t ¢ nrd f No Rn_ RV 17r�nit!a1. 1'llas the appointmpr:t of c}PCZY of the r'ity Of Pt. Aaul, at q ar,lary of Fig "kCSYle+anA llr� `�,i" ' and^r thr rotremielaionr,r of F1.1111ir Warks, ie h^xet)y or.letn'�*d peT yeer, -to art! aprr' ,*ee by the ^our.rll • P Adopted by f1w4mowasm 191 1' Fee NAY-. MR. FAR SWORTH GOS KEL R McCC LL d.,plea b) InP a�,a�d O'LEj kRY i�,lPd'I,)' Ina rniY 191 YOE G NAYS 0 MR. CH IRMAN (POWERS) Al r. F. No. 70-11;, Com lRa - Goan— ' RIn11;ed. That the ppointment of t-, , c r ('loo ecn, na Chlef -ginoer of 'h o City nt 9t. Paul, at n clary of Five ThonRnnd Dollnre ($6.000) Der ub- II llca Nor eerin hherepynconnente� of approved by the Coon ell. el Adoptod by the Councll J,% 11, . .11114. .... Approved June 12. 1914. u (.Tune 20.1914) "KII OBE0.G YOERG RYAN , - - WAYS O M0.. PR ESI pF.N1' (REI.LER) STIEGER TROY Approv NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDLNT (MCCOLL) - 1'la.vor. _IT y. OF SAINT PAUL 1T-e Tri t'e "nY-,r, ^r:• ttrn'.I" .ar,i ^r; :n,' ] of t' e ,"its of .`='. Paul. Centlemem I reg to advise yr,u that I "hPv? appointed Oscar Cla.ussen, C.hi.ef Engine -.^.r ir, nv lepartrcent for a term of two yen ra_from rind after t':e. fire` lay of June, 1914, and until !,is succe 3.aor is a-c,oir;ted, at a salary of Five-Thouaand Dollars (i`5,000.")0; per year, the ea.me to be payable in monthly installments. Youra truly, Commissioner of Public Fork Board F. No. Assembty F. No By 3eee R"q+, d, That the Purchnsing Committee to hereby given authority with the A. consent of the gsn$tmft Comptroller, to purshnse one automobile uper the requisition and for the use of the Cemmissionerof Public Works,and of such type as said ;ommieaioner shall approvs,at n cost not to excAed 01850.00 oempleto without advertleement for compotative bide therefor for the reason that automobiles are sold only at uniform prices and no advantage would be secured by competitive bide. d v i r Adopted by the 410— e..... • •Jl1N.... ;J..:::.: 4 ...:191 1- FiAS N A Y-S, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS Adep-i by KELLER Adep,ed by d,o A<,—biy ° MCCOLL ---- —191 rLAS O'LEARY `"r` SAS YOERG E 1411.E NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) xA-P C. F. No. 77—By Commiseloner Go..— C' That the Purchasing Com- WERs ittee is hereby givenRothority with Pur- the consent ot`the Compt{'oiler, to Pur- ueoRu chose one au tomobfte -11 h the regnt- sition n d for the se of the Comm1 H- )RE slonec of Public Work.. .and. of such , P, ae said Commfssfoner eball aD-' " prove. at a cost' not to exceed $1:860.00 ERG omPlete witriout adverUaement Yor competitive bids therefor [or �tfie rea- HOn th.t 8lltonloblles arC sold Only nt IT (KELLER) uniform prfeea and no dvanteg. wtd Taov u--red by competitive bids. _ Adopbe ted by the Council June 38. 1919. Approved June 16, 1914.. t envs 0 MR. 1'RESIDF.ST (Mf.,(t` (June 20.1019) Board F. No. Resohed, That ° That the Commissioner of PUblio Torks _7 and is herewith authorized and directed to advertise for an automobile for +`'- -se of hie department, the coag of same Ierr �(j� not to exceed ?F)l (rrind to be pail from the Commissioner of Public Works ::uduet fund. 4 Adopted by the Commissioners......al!tl...x -.:• ... 191 Y F.AS NAYS, MR. FAR SWORTH `G OS Adopted by the B—d D1 E� ER --- 1V` \C�\ -C LL YEAS 'L ARY ALD. RAV) - COR, �U RG EDW NYL, NAYS 0 MR. C AIRMAN (POWERS) MON' MUR OBER RYAT STIE< TROY Approved---------- NAYS pproved--_.----__NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) -_ id by the Assembly —191- -- � NAY9 Hoard F. No e Assembly F. No Hy ,j Resolved, That Pbol Room Lice o suet} to Hugh Doekett, At 50 vo F Grotto $t• he rd the enure to 1 reby raneterrM to E. O.. Hoppa, aline locwtion. Adopted by the G�snis�ieee. , rr£"�*.s.•.. x.wf'.l. ... 191 Y P:AS I1 AYR, G MR. FAR SWORTH v GOS KELL R L McCC LL Adoped by the R—d; ted by the Aaembly O'LE RY _191 YOE G N,rs AS ALD. RAU NAYS 0 MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) CDR C. F. No. 78— Resolved. Tha[ Poo) . Room Lice—el ID,` No. 103 Issued to Hugh Dockett,-ot 567 North Grotto St, be and the enure Is IIYI hereby transferred to E. G. Hoppe, same locatlon. Mot- Adopted by the Corned June 11, 1914. MUI Approved JDne 12. 1914. (June 29-1914) MUI ORERC RYAN NAYS O SIR. PRESIDENT (RELI.ER) STIECER TROY Approved- NAYS 'InpiOl'C(I_NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) OFFR;tAt. FUSUQM'1�Q�_' �J� a. df Grmna,q., vea*ddp *V - t ��` A dOMev�:>v • h.4 �Ib4MYl00of i tn, of it. �aHl, •� Administrative. ' An ordinance organizing, the Civil Servi n FSszrsass of the City, an(4 prenoribing the mwbpr,, titles, ?utinT and oorrPerssation of the officero and employPs thereof. This is an e,,Tgcncy ordinance rendered necessary for the presservption of the public .P«cQ, hr."th and safety. _ THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF FT. PAUL "OTS OR^AI"'= Section 1. The Civil Service Bursas oA the City shall be under the general control and direction of the Comptroller as -ex officio Civil Service Commissioner, as provided bthe'Charter of the city. Section 2. The other officers Sd employes, and the salaries which they shall receive, shall be as follovrs: One Chief Examiner, at a salary of Three Thousand-ollars (03,000-o) per year; one Assistant Examiner, at a salary b:f ?Iftaeen $undred Pollara- 01500.00) per year; one stenographer, at a an<trry Of Nine Hundred s`ollars 0900.00) per year; anA such othr employee, in- cluding examipere, an the= Council, at the request of the Comminnioney^" may authorize, and at such salariesas it shall fix. The, zalari6a Of all.suoh ofiionrss and employees shall be paid in equal monthly inOtail ments, and in case of temporary employes, shall be paid on the :i"xt day 'of than month following tb&t in which the service was renderers. Section 3. All of said off Were and eaglayes ehaall be aPPoint- ad by the Civil Service Comniseioner0under the csharter and orctim-a.�es of the City, tan& subject to the prov�ions thereof. Section 4. Every salaried officer or emp?aye Of this City, at the request of the Commis%einnor, aaifO without extra componn,,ition,hal•i perform such serviaaes and make such exaaminatiorae, Phyeioa= "` cuh`'.r`i=;ei, as may be required of him in furtherance of thea civil a: rv3 .4 y+>rit;id=3s-s of the obartnr +..ru1 the or linalnoes, r lease a in puroues::o s t:sWs -:c All office'`re sang employes of the divil Service F3WOau 9111%11 �ci.rCaw au0b` ,1utlep ito may bo required of theca, bylthe Ceavelkovioner ts.r tay �hn _harte'r ,Pic. of 1.40 city or the or�iin€tnoes paio-,y i+� a�c.k' ""'c"""'c"h•.�r:fu and regulations of the Civil "Vice Bure"- Section S. Under the direction of -14 Examiner shall be executive head of laid civil Servlole, Suren7l, a He keep its records and look after all details of its shall have charge of all axnminatione, axoePt -hen A-1.0 'To mm's""er At4n 11 act as examiner. Said d 0 ef CompIRSIOnOT parmonally or throughhl examiner, shall, on written request of any dismlOP"fl eMPIOT'a. ovfako a com- plete investigation of the circumstances surrounding amid 'r of all the facts connected therowltho and shall rnport aluch fasts rs3d and shall give his opinion �a to -hether circumstances in summary form, such dismissal was Justified and forr-tha good of the Mervine. This re- port shall become a public record I in the Civil S8_rvjar, Bureau. V, ing said investigation or any other investigation authorized by the City shorter, said commissioner shall have power to compel thp. atten0ance of witnesses and the produotl*n of books and papers, ine. the power to administer oaths to witnesses and to examine them under oath wither hiz�- self or through said ftief Examiner or an attorney. Section S. All ordinances and parts of ordinance in oorSltOt herewith are hereby repealed. .. Section 7. This ordinance is hereby declirOd to '00 an ameng er.07 ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the emergency existing by reason of the necessity "ear an immediate organization of the Civil Service Bureau of the City Of St Paul to enable the provisions of Chapter 7 of the City Charter relating - to the civil service to be enforced, and because the §LdminlstratiOn Of - the other departments of the City of St. Paul will be hampereOo 10147ed and rendered inoperative should the civil service commiosioner of said City be unable to perform his duties as prescribed in said chapter of the Charter. Section 8. This Ordinance shall taktq offect aa ­i ba ti) fora from Faul aLjLr_I_t0 -Rasalaple, an,l pubI_jQ&tJAj3­__.__ W ..... ... . .......... . MR FARNSWORFIt (;k)ss 0�&[ EAR\ V NAY; a "IR �R 80 ; Administrative. An o minanee to determine the duties, titles, 00mP1*nsatiet1 and number of officers and employee of the, Comptroller of the City of ►" St. Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ^OF.S OR^A17. Section 1. The Comptroller shall appoint, betrQen June lot and August lot of each even numbered year, a 11eputy Comptroller, Who shall receive a salary not to exceed Two Thousand ^ollars per year, payable in equal monthly instalments, to be fixes by the 'Comptroller, who shall perform such duties as may be required cy lax, by ordinance, or by resolution, of the Council, or by direction of the ry Comptroller. His term of offiee'shall be two years and until his suocessor is appointed and has qualified. All vacancies occurring in said place shall be filled by appointment by the Comptroller for the r unexpired term current when the vacancy occurred. Section 2. The other officers and employes of said Comptroller shall be an .examiner, who shall be a skilled accountant, at a salary not. exceeding Two Thousand, Five Hundred rollars (12,500.00)pnr year, to be fixed by the Comptroller; a qualified civil engineer of five year's' municipal engineering practice, at a salary not to exceed Two Thousand, C Five Hundred nollars ($2,500.00) per year, to be fixed by the 0omptro2ler; an auditor, at a salary of one Thousand, Fiye Hundred "oilare (.-,'r0•'o) per year; a bookkeeper, at a salary of One Thousand, Two Hundred '011=6, ($1,200.00) per year; a bona clerk and inspector, at a salary Of Fifteen Hundred nollars ($1800.00) per year; a oontragt clerk, at m adlary of One Thousand rollars 01,000.00) per year; a oounter olark at a salary of Nine Hundred collars (;$900.00) per year; a pay -roll clerk, at a salary of Nine Hundred nollare ($900.00) per year; a statistise oldrs, at a salary of Nine Hundred nollars (t9oo.o() per year; a filing clerk4t a, salary of Seven Hundred Twenty collars ($7,so.00) E.er year; a atOM4tgM4?r1 at a salary of Nine Hundred collars ( 9on. ?n) p. -,a yefar, awn asich Other additional or temporary help as the Council by resolution may provide on application of said Comptroller and at such salaries &0 it,sstall fix - Rhe salaries of each of said officers and employes phall VA payable in monthly instalments. Every officer and employe of the 1p-Oxtmert, in addition to performing the duties properly appertaining to'hie o?'ice or , employment, shall perform such other duties as the Comptroller mal require. Sep tion 3. Said officers and employee mentioned in Section 3 hereof shall be appointed in accordance with the civil service pr —1 alans of said Charter and the ordinances a'opte-! pur3uant t.heratr.. Section 4. Persons having held for the six mont ca neat pre vioue to May 31, 1914, the positions mentioneA in Section-:irsof 9ha`sl be nominated and appointed to the came or aimil2r poit tions unlexe ra- moved or dropped for cause pursuant to the civil a=rvirm aro-71siong of o the charter and the ordinances passed in aecor4ance therswi h. A'Per- son who has held such position less than six months ne-tt y 31, 1914, may, in the �igoration of the Comptrall-r, . 4 as m probationer, and may be re -appointed or not 'is he aia., ltd ';t, aut al ys with regard to the public interest and the good of thtl a•urvice Section 5. All ordinancos.and parts of or3lnancea in, sagfllct herewith are hereby repealel, but it is not the intention Of this ordi- nance to repeal or mo.".ify in any way any or•linance r•latiag 'o e;!%e civil service of the pity of St. Paul. Section 8. This ordinance is hereby .iec!sread an amerganay c inane, ende•red necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the emergency existing by reason of the necOeai ty :dor an immediate re -organisation and equipment of the Comptrollsr'a of'icer of said City, to enable it to perform the ±utiea presoribL-d in ae.id charter as amended, sand because the a.dmintatratiota of thea other .i*pa=t^- menta of the City o4 St. Paul will be hampare•i, delaYod -Ad roaktarcAf 1,"` operative should the Comptroller of earid City be uuaable to par"orm "d3 duties. Section 7. This ordinanoe shall take affect A114 be iza 1`0roo itnrccrliately upon its r.aeo.i e, apg roval and publioatlo{a. 1 YEAS N MR. FARNSWOPTH GOSS KELLER p M�COLL i O'LEARY F YOERG GHQ 0 MR q!Q ,POWERS t/ SC11- ,.r„ :, , „ authorize either by resolution or by budget ordinanoe ;ender the terms of Sec. 200 and 2OZ' of the charter. geQ,e QUALIFICATIONS AND APPOIATMfNT. The chief clerk shall possess such qualifications as may be satisfactory to the Commission- possess and shall be 4ppointed under the terms of gee, 356 and 100, para— graph B, and C. of the Charter. All such persons shall take office or employment from and after their appointment and shal' hold the game subJeot to the provisions- of the Charter. ' BUREAU OF POLICE. ORGANIZATION. The Bureau of police shall be composed of not to exceed tho following persona and classes of persons, and thay shall receive not to exceed the compensation set oprosite their repsective olaa6es. A. Supervision. , A chief of police, at an annual salary of $4,000.00 payabla-in eugal monthly installments. A captain of police at an annual salary, of $1,800.00/ A captain of deteotives at an annaul_ salary ,af $1,800 -OC• -Five (5) lieutenants, each at an annual salary of $43W•Qfr B. Polioe Force. Foot P trol Ten—( sergeants, each at a monthly salary Of"" $9O.Oa. Ten (10) roundemen, each at a monthly salary of $88100. Two Hundred (300) patrolmen at a monthly eaISTY for the follow'- ing gr.ades: - ved First Years oontinucuslAll ymen who on the Policell haVe f,orce,r;)8 -tom*ee Second grade: All patrolmen who shall h* a salved at least one year on the police farce, $80.00. Third grade:- All other patxolwn T"5'Q0. Three Policewomen,. The chief of police may detail any of the for egoih, officaxe or patral- men, and any hereafter named to act se oonductars, )ailors, or to ;»r - form other police duty. 0 (2) Traffic Sauad. Thirty (30) patrolmen, Traffio Squad, at & monthly salary for the following grades: - First grade:- All patrolmen who shall have served one year in the traffic squad, or a patrolman of the first grade promoted to the traffic squid", $90.00. Second grade:- All other patrolmen in the traffic squad, $85.00. (3) Mounted Scuad. One (1) roundsman, at a monthly salary of $105.00. Eight (8) patrolmen, mounted, at a monthly salary of $100;00 each. one (1) motor roundsman at a monthly salary of $105.00. Nine (9motor patrolmen, each, dt.a monthly salary of 400.00. All the foregoing mounted and motor officers shall furnish and main- tain all their horses, motors and other equipment at their pewsonal expense, provided that the same shall be satisfactorY' to the commis sioner and in conformity with his rules and regulations. C. Detective Service. Twelve (18 detectives, first grade, each at a monthly salar of 0 y 105.00. Twelve (13) detectives, second grade, each at a monthly aalarY of 895.00. One (10 bertillion detective at a monthly salary Of $135.00. One (1) assistant to bertillion detective at a monthly aalaxy of $83.33. D. Miscellaneous Service. p A license inspector at an annual salary of $1,800.0:.. A clerk to the-licenee inspector at an annual aalary of $1,000.04- A.pawnshop inspector who shall be detailed from the de oti.ve service. A clerk to the pawnshop inspector at an annual salary of $900.00." A messenger to the chief of police at an annual salary of 080.00..: ; A court officer at an annual salary of $1,900.0:0. A matron at an annual salary of $1,000.00 tar aervi"a xnd m - tenanoe of quarters, A janitor, Central Station, -at a monthly salary of $66.00. ( A patrolman detailed as secretary to the Chief of police at a monthly salary of $12.00. Ten (10) Chauffeurs each at a monthly salary of 070-00- E. Ambulance Service. A day surgeon, police ambulance, service, at a monthly salary of'$75.00. Two (2) night surgeons, each at a monthly salary of $70.00. Two (3) ohauffenee, police ambulance service, eaeb at a monthly salary of $70.00. 0 And, such other and additional permanent and temporary officers and employee, in this Bureau at such compensation as the Council, from time to time, may authorize by resolution or by budget ordinance under the terms of the Secs. 300 and 303 of the charter. Sao. j APPOINTMENTS. A. Chief of -Police and License Inspector. The Chief of police and the license inspector shall each be appointed for a term cpf t ago years from and after'their an and until their raapectiv\e-eucCeeaox is chosen, and qualified and each with the approval of the Council by resolution, and each shall take and hold office under the terms of Seo. 356 and 100 paragraph B, of the charter. Bt READ OF POLICE AND FIRE ALRAI{ TELEGRAPH, Seo. �p. OPGANIZATION. The Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph shall be composed of not to exceed the following persons and clasaes. of persons, and they shall receive not to exceed the Compensation set opposite their respective Classes% - A superintendent of said Bureau at an annual salary Of $3-400-00- A first assistant superintendent at an annual salary Of $1,800.00 A second assistant superintendent at an annual salary of 31,480 -00 - Your lineman, one each .at the following' monthly so-lary:_ W0.00; $92.00; $89.00 and $70.00. respectively, Three (3) fire alarm o erators one each sat the following monthly salary; 97.001 694.00; end $90.00. Three (3) police alarm operatora, eaoh at thn f olla+tn5 monthly salary $75.00. a s4s And, such other and ai@.1tional permanent and temporary offioeirs and employee, in this Bureau at suoh compensation as the Council, from time to time, may 8uthoriee by resolution or by budget ordinanoe under the terms of'ftde6•200. and 203 of the charter. __- - ••. - sec. 6. APPOINTMENTS. The superintendent and fire sistant euper- intend atereeaid shall take and hold of from acid after their ap- pointment and un -2iii reapep _ reuCoessor is duly appointed aid qualified, and each ohs -e appo3lr a .0 cCer` rY OFme of Seos. 381 and 100, paraWua 9, and C., respeotively. All otfi�3^ �eacezlq sham be appoin in accordance with the terms of the char#er and enactments a in auanoe thereof. BUREAU OF FIRE _PROTECTION. Seo-.,- ORGANIZATION. The Bureau of Fire Protection shell be com- posed of hot to exceed the following persons and classes of persona and they shall receive not to exceed the compensation set opposite their respective classes! - A. Supervision. A chief of the bur -eau or fire chief at an annual .salary not to exceed $4,000.00. An assistant fire chief at an annual salary of 53,000.00. Two 2) battalion or district chiete each at an annual lialary of 1,800.00. p Two -(2) battalion or district°chiefs each at an annual salary of $1,680.00.- ' One fire marshall at an annual salary of $1,380.00. Two (2) assistant fire.marshalls, each at an annual aalary of $1,200.00. A superintendent of apparatus at an annual salary of $8,400.) . An assistant superintendent of apparatus at an annual salary oX $1,500.00.. -+)q Electrical Inspector at an annual ealary of $"3,400.00. a Two assistant alootrical inspectors, each at an annual Q,",Iry Of $1,200.00. a B. Fire Foroa„ Two 3) Captains, equad wa;;ona, eaon at a monthly aalasy Of l25.00. .o- Twenty-eight (28) oaptains, eao:l at a wonthly dale-ry of 3113.00. 119 Twb Lieutenants, squad wagons, wao, at a montnij salary of $110.0ro . Thirty-two (32) lieutenants, each at a montaly salary of $100.00. Fourteen (14) squadmen, each at a monthly salary of X95.40. Sixty (60) pipsmen, each at a monthly salary for the respective following grades: - Fire t grade:- 92.00. Fouth grade:- 6380.00 Second grade:- 89.00. Fifth grade,- $70.OG. Third grade::- 1860004 FortyBfive `45) truckmen, each at a monthly salary for the respective following grades:- First grade:- 92.00. Fifth grade:- Second grade:- 0.00. Sixth grade:- 80.0. Third grade:- 88.00. Seventh grade: 70.00. Fourth grade:- $86.00. Twenty-one (21) engineers, each at a monthly salary of $105 -00 - Twenty -one (21) assistant engineers each at a monthly salary of 092.00. Fifty-one (51) drivers, each at a monthly salaxy for the res- pective following grades: Fife, grade:- 95.00. fourth grade:-- 80.00. Second grade:= cr` 90.00. Fifth grade:- a70.00. Third grade:- 85.00. Fifteen (15) chauffeuse, each at a monthly salary fox the respective following grades: - Fir at grade:- $100.00. Second grade:- 085.00. C Miscellaneous Service. One (l) -department veterinary at a monthly ealasy of $Ei"03' Two (2) machinists each at a monthly salary of 0115.00. Two (2) blacksmiths, each at a monthly Galaxy of $95.100. One (1) painter at a monthly salary of $95.00. One (1) clerk to the fire chief at a mont1i-1Y selY of $a•00• And, such other and additional parmanent and✓ mpor.ary v.,ffIQ6ra aAd employee in the Bureau of Fire Protection at euoh o!.owapa jiaati on .ss the Council, from time to time, may authoriec by raoQlution or by budget ordinance under the terms of Sena. 300 and 3,0:3 of th# ohAx ta" cgs H { 5Ui3 AU OF HEA%Tiis Bea, « Op0ANIZATION. The Bureau of Health shall be composed of not Iib exceed the fblieming persons and classes of persons and they , shall receive not to exceed the compensation set op=osits their repsebtive classeil- A. Sunervisioxi, A chief health officer at an annual salary of $4,000.00. A deputy health officer at an annual salary of $2,500-00- B. ,500.00. B. Headcuar ter Q, A chief clerk at an annual salary of 01,200-00- A bactepr;iologist and chemist at an annual salnry_of $1,500-00- A 106atory assistant at an annual salary of $800.00. A statistician at an annual salary of $1,080.00. A secretary t0 the chief health officer at an annual aalaxY of $750.00. A stenographer at an annual aalary of $750.00. A chauffeur at an annual salary of $900,00- C. Field Foroe. Thyme medical inapectore, each at an annual salary of $1,20000.; One chief sanitary inspector at an annual salary of $1,350.00. $ix (8) sanitary police or inspectors, first grade, each at an annual salary of $1,050.00. Six (8) sanitary poli;oe or inspectors, second, grade-,, each at _ an annual salary of $900.00. D. `Beirf4ota Osnital. A sup intenden't of' the detention hospital at an annual salary of ;600,00, A male nuree at an annual salary of $480.00, A female nuree at an annual salary of $750..00.. E. Tuberoulcals DivlatOh- A chief nurse at an anaIW salary of $1,600.00. Seven (7) visiting nurses, each at an annual salary of $l,Ot30*.Cg4 One clerk at an unnual salary of $7$0.00. One 'janitor at an annual salary of $540.00+. Three (3-) phydiclane, e4wh at an Annual salary of $l,JQ0-W% FLZood IngRgo_tion Divisoin. One Live stock inepeoter at an annual salary of 40W -Wt Wit, I a" One M OtIt 1111flaCtOT &t 4r anrltlal 8al"Y of Three (3) food Inspeotors, eafl") at ELI, A superintendent of flarrlgt T ila-111 e -t, tr� 9M"1Jv.1 34jyr- �; One chief dairy Ina,,ector at an an-rial an--ala'alarl If `.105L 00— Two (2) dairy inspeators eaah at -an annual Ai- One mesh; innppator at yn annual salary of Three (3) food inopsetors, stoma>, at an annual saiar; n7, _ « Ol Bublic Why A superintendent of Harriet I gland at An amnua.l ia,i 4r ' oa ?1,080.00. Two oJo`nan at an annual salary of 1540.nq. 'act. .4 One oatchman at an annuli salary of X600,00; And, such other and additional permanent and temporix r nm;l ,gee in the Bureau of Health and at such compensation as the Covncii, ram time to time may authorize, either by reaoluticn or „> ouo-igRt W- dinanc : under the terms of Beos. 200 and 203 of tr,^ ahar`ar. GENEPAL PPOVISI NS. Sec, All and any salary hereinbefore mentioned in, On annsa6i amc.��t or az an annual salary shall be paid in squ-_ sc-'o!7 �nsta- W ,'sots. Sec. 16% All ar ointments which shall requ re the eonaent o, _Ppivv- al of e Coineil before they shall become final, GAO!_ %e lUe =y the Conni.asioner subject to such consent or a, sons appointed hereunder shall take and tom: office fro: m! after their up! ointmel shall refuse W t� F cements, and thegs ome _WA!, such ice sh Seo. P% This `sr or ,:a ;.xe�ervwtion s+ h.0 c emergency e0d! zr izration o: QQJ 31 "' th! WE, th to. Seo". SK Thi, i as a£te. . to pal i LA[ , �..>•s . �',��a- _� �{ __.r� r. �. ,fit.. i� �1.�:�_. b IIPFI('I Rh 1'R uf'mMWO. of Term t'nry u.. '. F. N.. vl Mrd ln„nr,• N,� s2Ra rn- Irodoeerl liyt(',�rnmlanionrr \1rf'oll-- An Admin ln(rnitar 0,01 ... rr rel to the hrnnHment of Pointe snfrfy I'l Its /lr¢nnlnnllnn, It. nfftt•eex nim —11 Onn iny M, fhNr ,/[il Arnf loon nnA AlrVnlnfinenf, had Onf leThis nx'" n,; .ory- (—ad wo' oe at the VViilr nMe, health and safety. Thr Connell of the CH, of St. Pani dors nrdnln: SECTION 1. In n ,tris nr•r with Ihr• terms Itt thr rhnrlrr1, the I)epartm Nnt of Pa hlic. Safety aholl he r mpnsed of thr fni= lowing any, departments r hu- !:(•nerni Ad minlsrration,Pn- - 11-. Polis nA F11,.Al—ne Telegraph, Firr• T'rolcrtion and Ffnalth. :- BUREAU t/F C.Er F,R hi DMIQti TRA r SECTION ? ` The Rureau of 'he alAdminislra- 'tlnn shall be r mposrd of not [n n erl [he following n tuber and r lasses of pets, n.s, and they shall r i not retloppo- fn eCceed the r•pmpens IL"n site thelrreapeetive elasses: - A Chief Clerk. who also hereby Is . eared Ilr Du ty Commissioner of Public Sr tet y, and personal represen tativsof the l`ommisalo mr in the discharge of I _ his du=na the head ([he admin- ' Istrative Department of Po bile Safety. and he shall r e the annual sai.u)'! 1of $2.000.00 payable In equal enon¢hly! - in llm enf ' An ucc oun tint at an annual salary of $1.500.00. ` C, Three 131 elerl: s, each at an annual - - salary of $1,200.00. A clerk at an annual salary of. $900.00. AKeneral steuora,h— at an annual as lacy' of $900.00__g . Aat an .tnh.al .alar.' .,f nsuch other and addi1i.,aI per - `nt :Ind tegtpora ry officers ad, mpioyes at v1 ' ,1, 1 mp•ns at". rhr' t'nuncll, fro tlmy to timea I . - thorize either by aul utl,a b y' hudget—linanre un'b" the terms of - �u. 200 and 203 of the ehatTer.- SECTII,N ;I. QLUAMFICATIt1Ns AND APP111NT- :\f l.'NT. 'Che chief clerk shall possess . ueh Glial I, cv ' 11 be s fee tore to the Comntlnaioner and shall be appoi Iled oder the Lerma of - 350 uud IOV, palrut;'raph N :Ind t_ of [ar t'h 11t". ' All ouch persona shall talc, otTlee o mployment U t 11ad after their 'p - " .d hold the t_I sullied to the In o1-lai.oa of it,,. cast t•r. Rt It L.\l OF P"I'll C. 56rT11N 1. I:.\SI%.\'PIuN. 'I`hr I:urc.w of shall l.•npI ea �1d ilnP r-�lua•a es , e —aaw:, : and the a.l and l., . ll• o,i. pp, 51 IIIr�U V �r hl.Il' iii uG u.Il - alln�ra p.fll�i .il •a IanV. 1ijj 11.aUi� VV II b Clerk's File No._-_-___' - v �I� VIntroduced by Counci er, �' Z _._.__ � �� i`�� Recommended by 'h v Co sioner o:rP,a r Sa sty. An Administrative Ordinance�elaCiaB_t.v tksa�_rtear- �w°, al. Public Safety, its Organizationits Oficrate3 o,e { Their %it lifice.tions E.nd ointmenat,-�Cci e s€ttlo and Deities. This is an emeroa3inanca z:e�sue asc tyec.00- sary for ttie Preservation of the public—egace,�,;q_-tl . 4 safety . TilE COV+CIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUTL DOESATt4'-- Sec. 1. In accordance with the terms of the charter,*+he i'OTmrt W - of Public Safety shall be composed o; the following exeoaative departments or bureaus:- General Administration, Police, and Fire Alarm Telegraph, Fire Protection and Health U o f0 ,r Sec.2. The Bureau of General Admin.i:+tra* ion 4hekl.l ?aa aovvpe, of not to exceed the following number rand classes of pe®mode, M4 thy, shall receive not to exceed the compersetion se" oppos:"e them* respective classes: - A Chief Clerk, who also hereby is orated Duty uo iee.ioner *f Public Safety, and personal representative of the fttmlaolor* In the discharge of his duties as the head of the r;in.ietraaw9.ve Department of Public Safoty, and tie shall r#cei4,* -,Ae z- Anu al i a. of $2,000.00.,paytble in equal monthly inatalkment-s. An accountant at an annual aalary of Three (3) clerks, each at an annual aulary •,: t 1 , -`Q1'0 -Q . A clerk at an annual salary of $9W .00 A general stenographer at an unnural asaLexg 4f 00<_,•,- .; A messenger at an annual aalaky aP V7610, .00, And, such other and additional tenant earnci 4"Mvov ran,"I'ff ,7#S4 *aA employes, with euoh quxalifictatt..ns and,$' 3uoh 8 Council, from time to time, may authorize ei*.her by re�olut" nn or by budget ordinance under the terms of Soas.200 and 203 of the charter. Sec.2. QUALIFICATIONS AND A:PTUIYT-2?1'+" . The chief clerk shall possess such qualifications as may he satisfactory to the CrimmiOsioner and shall be appointed under the terms of Secs.386 and 100,par'egrapb 3, of the chaxter. All others shall possess such qualifications as may be necessary to perform efficiently the duties to which they may be assigned, and -`all persons in the Bureau, when, this ordinance shall take ef`fect, shall be deemed to possess such qualifications. All such persons shall take office or employment from and after their appointment and shall hold the same subject to the proa.siorts of the charter, and all persons in the Bureau when `_his ordinance'sball become effective shall be deemed to have been appointed under and sha31 hold office under the terms of the charter. z BUREAU Sec.,# ORGANIZATION. The Bureau f police shall be composed of nor. to exceed the following perso and classes of persons, and they MIall receive not to exceed the compensation set opposite their respective classes•- . �A. Sunervisionr� ;` A chief of police, at an annual salary of $4,000-.00. payrablo In equal monthly installments. r= A captain of police at annannual salary of 0,800-06. A captain of detectives at an annunl salary of tl,800.00. Five (5) lieutenants, each at an annual sa-lary of B. Police Force. 1 Foot Patrol Ten 10 seggeantc,, anon at a mont2:ly salary o£ montk.ly Ten (10) roundsmen, each at a/adlary of a8q.0o. Two hundred (200) pntralmen at the "Is th.ly saltiry "o'r «te dol? ing grades! - First grader All patrolmen who stsall have aerv+ad t,41.06 years continuously or, the police zo:ua,- Second grhde:- All patrolmen who shall have served at least one year on the police force,-- ?�� •oo Third grad -- All other patrolmen,-- $75.00. ) % 't. rt i The chief of police may detail any of the foregoing officerfs or patrol- men, and any hereafter named to act as oonductors,jailorH, or to per- form other police duty. (2) TrafficSuuad. Thirty (30) patrolmen, traffic squad, c.t 3 monthly salary for the following grades:- First rades-First grade All patrolmen who shall have served one year in the traffic Squad, or a patrolman of the first grade promoted to the traffic squad,$90.as Second grade:- All other patrolmen in the traffic w ad, $85.00. (3) MAunted Sguad. One (1) roundsman, at a monthly salary of $105.00. Twelve (1� patrolmen, mounted, at a monthly of $100. such,_- J Six (44 patrolmen, motor, each at a monthly salary of i8fl.00. All of the foregoing mounted and motor officers shall furnish and main- tain all their horses, motors and other equipment at their personal expense, provided that the same shall be satisfactory to .he Cammis- sioner and in conformity with his rules and regulations. ' C.. Detective Survice. Twelve (12) detectives, first grade, each at a monthlj salary of 4$-105.00. Twelve (121_deteotives, second grade, each at a monthly ;;wry of $95.00. One (1) bertil]ion detective at a monthly sulsry of One (1) assistant to bertillion detective a' a mon--hIy auLtry of $83.33. P.Miscellaneous_Service. A license inspector at an annual salary of el.800.00. A clerk to the license inspector at an annual sal.a.ey of l,lai�.au A pawnshop inspeotor who ehgdl be detailed from the detaotive service. A clerk to the j)u%4nshop inapecto_ at an Lunn -1 a,l<+ry Of Qo— A messenger to the chief of ;,olice tit an annual dal4zv Of P .00 A -court officer at an annual eaiary or u����f A matron at an annual salary of $1.,000.00 for services and quarters. A janitor, Central Station, at a monthly salary of ;6Fi.on. A patrolman detailed as secretary to the chief of ,oli.ce at ani monthly salary of $125.00. Ten (10) chauffeurs each at a monthly salary of $70.00. E. Ambulance Service. A day surgeon, police ambulance service,at a monthly salary of 575.00° Two (2) night surgeons each at a monthly salary of $70.00. Two (2) chauffeurs, police ambulance service, each at monthly salary of $70,00. An(— n auoY� other and additional permanent and temporary officers and employes, n this Bureau, with such qualifications and at such compen- sation as th Council, from time to time, may authorize either by rose - lution, or by budget ordinance under the termp, of Secs.200 and 203 of the charter: e Sec.4. QUALIFICATION. A. Chief of Police. The chief of police shall be a qualified voter of the City of St.Paul, and possess at least five years experience in police administration and crime control. , . B Detectives. The detectives shall lie qualified voters of the City of St.Paul, able to read and write English, and in good health. C. All Othera. Every police officer of whatever rank, grade, and classification shakk be a qualified voter of the City of St -Paul, able to read and write English, be in good health and of good phyaiqua, and hereafter no person shall be appointed a policeman or patrolman unless he shall be alle to read and write English, be a voter afo_esaid, be in good health and of good physique and under thirty-five years of Age. But none of the foregoing physical and age qualifications shall apply to the license inspector, clerk to the li,onae inapaotoi, matron,( who. shall be a resident of the City,) all persons in the deteOtive service, and all persons in the miscellaneous and ambulance service, provided, however, that all shall be able to read tini write English, be in food health and that such su°r eons shall be duly licensad pkvtaioians and such chauffeurs be duly linensed ai:or:iir to luw. _ c- FO All persons who shall constitute the Rure�i» of Polige phen *-hi. ordinance shall become effective shall be deemed to possess such qualifications. sec.5., M!OINTMLWTS. A Chief of Police and License .Ina actThe chief of aolice and the license inspector shall each be appointed for a term of "a years from and after their appointment and until their -;respective successor is chosen and qualified, and each with the appro9al of the Council by resolution, and each shall take and hold office under the terms of Secs.356 and 100,paragraph B, of the charter. B. -Others. All others shall be appointed in accordance with the terms and piovisions of the charter and enactments in ursuance there- . of-, and all persons holding any p>.iition in the Bureau of police when; this ordinance shall become effective shall be deemed to have been appointed thereunder. BUREAU of POLICE and FIFE AIJM T'XU*PAFH. Seo.6. ORGAt7I7ATI0N. The Bureau of Police And Fire Ax�rm "'=Iegraph shall be composed of not to Emceed the following persons and classes of persons, and they shall roe.3'.ve not to exceed the compensation set opposite their respective classes: - A superintendent of s«id Bureau at an annual salary of $2,400.00 A first as3istant super intan.iant U� .Ln :.enna.� A second assistant suporintentdant at an annual 341_try of 3,1 5,()• Four (4,) linemen, one eueh at tha foilo,,ing monthly salary. $100.00;$"P92.00.;$89.00.and $70.no reepco'i7dly. Three (3) Fire Alarm operators, one each at tha foi'_owing monthly salary ,-- $97 , o:, . ; X94 . )o : , .1nd• $90 -:10. Three (3) Police Alarm oper.ttor3, each a', the fol'•u;vtng -son;'hly salary.- $75.ou, And, ej:.(rh )thehr and adLiitonsl parmanent an.1, term.,' a of"Ji - a,.rs A :3 employes; in this Bur a all, with such yu,zIIf 0,-tt tons a:n:t .:,t 3uole ') eat- pansation as the CoiinoiI, froiu rine t., `i ie mzt. y w= 'j re3olution or by bulge'. rirAImanoe knir, ..,s ".e.rmM Seo of the rh;trt.er, Sec .7.!4UAT,Trr(!ATI(i7S. All of tYie foreg.•,ng or"io,�ra and employes shall be -qualified votes of the City of St,Paul, .able to re -,.d and write the English, possess such other qualificationa and expert -gym ee necessary to perform the duties to which they may be assigned, and such superintendent shall be a journeyman elec`.rioixn holding a certificate issued by examination by the State So ---rd of Elec?ria'`,y, and all persons in such Bureau when this ordinance shall take ef-fect shall be deemed to have such quali"icationa. first i Sec.B. APPOIltTtJMdTS. The auperintopn3ent and sit superin`andect aforesaid shall take and 'r.c_,l of: ibe from ani after s.neir appointm-it and until their respective successor is duly appotn`.ed anti luali'ied, and each shall be appointed under the terms of Secs.381 and 10i, other paragraphs B and C, respectively. A1112ersons shall be appo_nted in-accond,ence with the terms of the charter and enactmenta in-)ursuance thereof, and all persons in the Bureau when this ordinance ah -11.1 be effective shall be deemed to have been appointed trere�xnder., BUREAU _ of ^ FIRE PROTECTIj i Sec.j. OR.GAITI?ATION. The Bure:,.0 of Fire Protection shall be )mTosed of not to exceed the following persons And classes of persons, .nd they shall receive not to exceed the eompegaa* ion setV-4ogpoa_:a :ha_r respective classes— A. S�r,eryiiAion, A chief of the "bureau or fire chief -.t an con to exceed $4,000.00. An assistant fire c?iief _.t an nnuzl s<!l:uy of Two(2) battalion or district chiefs each :.t ani!uttl sala-y of Two (2) battalion or distriot .:!M efs each at an anri,_,a'_ of $1,6A0,00. One fire musehall at an :nnu.-,! ialL, y of Two (2) assistant fire mara}!alla, eaoh at an an:,us:. ialar,+ of w1,200.00. A dui Bran' 3n lent of upparatua at an annual sylwo of An aariistant superintendent of _1ppmi:-iWt3 at n L:VILk .1 �?1 nili),00, - B, Fire Fo r,:d . eo� B. Fire �oroe: -- Two (2) captains,. -,quad wagons, each at a monthly s-.lary of SV el''26.00. - - 46 Twenty-eight (20) capt Lins-n each u`, a rnonthly rialary of Two lieutenants, squad wagons, each nt -,"monthly salary of Thirty-two lieutenants, each a monthly salary of $100.0o, Fourteen (14) squad-n.m,eaeh at amont.hly salary of $95.00. (a0) Sixty/pinemen, each at a monthly .ealary for t'ne respect _v3 following grades; - First grade,-- f92.00 Sec -m d grade, --$89.00. Third grade ,--$ 86.00. Fourth grade, --$80.o0. Fifth grade,-- $70.00. Forty-five(45) truol:men, each at amonthly aale�ry for ,he resa%c' t ive following grades- `Rc First grade,-- $92.00. Second grM e,--`�90.0o. Third grade,-- 88.00 Fourth grade, -S6.00. Fifth grade,-- 84.00. Sixth grade,-- 480.30. Seventh grade, -w70.00. Twenty-one(21) engineers, each it a monthly salar;%`;9f $105.00. TwantV_ one (21) aseietant engineers each tit a monthly 0f $92.00. (51) Fifty-one/drivers, each at a monthly salary for the res;>active fpllowing grades - First rade- $95.00. Second oracle,-- 90.00. Third grade,--$ 35.00. Fourt}I grade, --,80:00. Fifth grade,- $70,00. Fifteen (15) chauffeurs, each at a monthly salary for the resi,ective following gradee - First grade,- $100.00. Second 6ruda,--$85.00. The Council, by resolution may reeadjust the grades and :he ;o,%rensution y for each grade, and the qualifioations naceesaayy for entrance from One grade to another, and do anything else la the rejniaea the efficient conduct of the Bureau, f1, C. I%Bcsl7,neous Service. _ One (1) department vetarin<..ry at u monthly sal -try of $83.33- Two (2) machinists "Oh at a monthly aalary of $1 1 +,i�0. Two. (2) blucksmitho, each ,.t a inont"ily aalary$aD'0'0 One painter at a monthly aulary of One clerk to the Fire chief at a monnthly salrrey of „Saa.Ou, And, such other and a:lditWnal permall-It and taillpiro.ry oc f•ivaio -e.ud 11 . and employea in the Bureau of Fire arotee,ion, wi'r- -3•1oln 'iueii"i^, *.inns and at such compenz«tion as the Council., frorn timo, '.,o `+.rae, nay authorize by resolution or by budget Ordin+snce under the `erras of Secs.200 and 203 of the ob rter. Sec.10. QUAhIPICATIONS. A. Fire Chief. The fire chief shall be a qualified Voter of the City of St.Paul, ;possess at least fivi years experience in Fire on- trol matters and be in good health. B. Assistant Fire Chief. The assistant fire chief shall have the same qualifications as the fire chief, but need have only two years experience. C. All Others. All others shall possess the same luali'icrstions ,as hereinbefore prescribed under See.4-C. hereof, except that such qualifications shall not apply to the fire marshalls, superintendents of apparatus, department veterinary, engineers and a.ssia.ant, engineer.i, machinists, blacksmiths, painter areal clerk to `.ze fire chief, such veterinary shall be duly licensed to practice :pia profession, and all shall be able to read and write 11�rigliah and perform 'he dut_.aa to which they may be assigned. All other provisions of said Sec, --C shall likewise apply. Sec.11. APPOINTIM-NI'S. A. Fire Chief. The fire chief ehitll be appointed for a tads of tms ye.trs from and after his appointment and$ until his 3uou"iaor is fu0;l appointed and qualified, and shall take and hold sffoe ftom and after his appointment under the terms of Seoe.35' and 1)0, pa.ragr Vh 9, of bf-the charter. B. Assistant Fire Chief'-- The asuis-:tnt fire e3iaie; yhll be Appo'_n'ed for a tern of two years from :uid after hie sptoin';reat. and .until hid nuoeeaeor is appointed and qualified, and he ihall t,,O a yr.$ 'poli offioe under the terms of Seoo.367 aril 1vJ,i rnga'�gA C. of wins •sXdxtai C. All Others. -All other persona 01,11 be api-ointed i:n xac'tE'1rY�=+r with the other terms and proviaiond"f tnx© 3.1XLrtJr rand ara::..r:.,rns`•s ,n pursuance tliMreof, and the terata of kAa��.J�-3 n4�:�e";a:i.i s11i �..,9'.a=�•s,;,-3 0 thereof shall apply wink) tnu flame foTee art to 'r= ';�,rAasi 0f fire protection. BUREAUO f _ Sec.12. ORGAiTIZATION. The Burevia of H4'alth ahal; be i mry0aed 0f n0t to exceed the following persons and clasles,4 of persons an•i 'hey shr-11 receive not to exceed the compensation aet oppoat'.c :heir ress�ac` �s classes: - A. Superviwion. A chief health officer at an annual salary of $4,000.o0. A deputy health officer at an annual salavj of X2,,00,00. B Headquarters, A chief clerk at an annual salary of $1,200-00- A bacteriologist and chemist at an annual Sala r of 81,590.a0. A laboratory assistant at an annual,salary of W0,en. A statistician at an annual salary of $1,080-00- A secretary to the chief health officer at an annual aalaly of $750.00. A stenotrrrapher at an annual salary of $750.00. A chauffeur at an annual salary of k900.00. C. Field Foro�e. � Three medical inafectors, each at an annual Salary of1,`;"'°" One chief sanitary inape,etor at an annual ealary 0f ,• •10 Six (6) sanit:sy police or ins,-ec'ora, first grade,a�sch * .in annual salary of $1,080. Six (8) sanitary polioe or insprc',sra, aev>na grade, t `an annur,l salary of $900.00. D) Detention Hospital. A 8uper•intendent of the detdntion hoapital at an of $600.00. A male nurse at an annual as+lary of A female nurse at an annual aala_ry of F. Tuberoulosis Diviaton. A chief nurse at an annual salmry Of Seven (7) visttint° nuraea,'eaOh at an annual $slam or $1,'�J. One clerk at nn nnu.anl salary of 2?.v nano jani'0r at, nn nnnuz:l trainry u -f goi•'.o'r. ya.,. Thre (3) physintane„ertoh FLt an Ftnnua.I salary Of $3 2..00.00. Food1 tnsv9otiMALi IOA-- . One live stook insoeotor at an ,innial spiry Of $1,500.no. One chief dairy inspector at an annur,l salary of $$1,7)60. Two (2) dairy inspsotors each at an annual salary of $800.01). One meat inspector at_-,a'n annual salary of $1,200.00. Three (3) food inspectors, each at an annual salary of 91,080.eo G. Public Baths. A superintendent of Harriet Island at an annue.l salary of $1,090.on Two watchmen at an annual saiar; of $840.00. each. One -watchmen at an a.nnua.l salary of $60C.o; . And, such other and ttdditional permanent and temporary employes in the Burea of Health with such (qualifications �-- nd.such compensation as the, Council, from time tottipe, may authorize either by resolution or by budget ordinance under the/terms of Secs.200 and 203 of the charter. Sec.13. QUAT.IFICATIONS. A. The chief hetltai officer of the city shall be a qualified voter i of the City of N. Paul, and a di.ily licensed physician of not less than five years practice. I B. The deputy health officer ehnll be a qualified '0dter of tile City of St.Paul, and a duly licensed physician of not less thin two years practice. C. The bacteriologist, laboratory assistant, superintendent of the detention hospital, sanitary police, nurses and otbere requiring tech— nienl knowledge shall possess such qualifications as the chief heal th A officer shall recommend to the Commissioner, and all vedioal inspectors and physicians shall be duly licensed physicians. All others shall possess such quali4'i0•1tiuna as shall make them eff'ioient euplo.vda.` All persons in this Bur3Gau when this ordtn,Gnoe sh.xll take effect shall be deemed to be duly qualified for tlfeir raapaativn POsltloria. Sec .14 . APP0 rFT1,,M-TT 9 . The ohiaf,hez�lt.ri off'io"r c=n.l tt�c ufr'ioo+r shetll eugii be appointed Por a term or two yours Cru,u rand <<fte:r tiivir �kyint�t3F}litt and each shall take and hold O£"tce from and _x£:ar *.hw'r sp .^ ^'''.•.v*. j and under the terms of Secs.7"2 -nd 100, pnrxgravh= -,n1 "t tively of the charter. All others Shall be `ppointed in arn,nri nRe "it() I'n,l- provi3ions of the ch,Lrter and enac`rrents in p*armiNnne u'acsP, rni tuw person holding a poait"ton in aatd '1fC3!' v'.r«rn this ,ea'.man ahall�ta e effect shall be deemed to -have been %p,.ointed `.i^c+serart�3�� See.15. All and any salary hereinbefore ren* `oned m an 't 1' 1 srso{xny 1 or as an annual salary shall be paid in equal mon`n1Y tnacn).:aaen", Sec.16; All appointments which shall rei,.u'ra the-i-n,w9nt or of the Council before they ohall become P nut, shall 'oe rads o, -,be Commissioner subject to fka such consent or Fappr"al, =.tnd 4t�ch ;�z€ nns appointed hereunder shall take and)hold a "' ice frol� nisi �f'�er i appointment and until -suoh time as the 7ounci l by re do lut ions x.1.1 r refuse to approve and confirm alacsh ak,­oi-1tment or--ipiso`'nt°::.enI n•d then, thereupon, when such resoluCion staall oecs=ne / shall be deemed vacant and unoocupifd. See,17. Every budget ordinance adol,"-ed .rnzter tide 7arme � and 203 of the charter which oh»ll either Inc:daao it ieo<%rtes salaries,onlarge or contract the force or numte.c of bureau, or in any way modi f v the organ t -.3 t ion hinre - r 4d* fo c " .. k be deemed and const rued to be an amendment hereof w;t'.::xiu or addi-ional action on the 2ttrt of the 151-.1011. Sec.18. Will at oonvenlent epded, and submit to t`le Council,fvr it, in corpliance and conformi`y wi; h 9,00- 380,382 and 384 of the abLrtdr. Until the time when ,ioh %Ml'1, approved by tine, C!Ourloll, all I�Veou�c, -• ikSa ";:, :�, a &$ procedure and h .a itasa if tt,a Dapnrr.::eu,' stab ,a under the aawe in force May 31..,° fully authorized and empowered to amend, alter cnange, add to, rovige and abrogate any of the aforesaid andir4ke new and addj.',Ional ones as be shall I deem wise. Sec.19. This'iB an em--rancy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and that the emergency exists bffl reason of the necessity of the immedi;tte organiza- tion of the Department of 'P-ablic Safety to enable it to perform t? -ie duties thereof prescribed by the charter and in conformi%r "hereto. Sec.20. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force "rona and after its pasaage, ap.roval and publication. e/14 j X, Original CITY. ,OT ST. AL, to ACCOUN'11Ii(3 DTPA TI=TT to City Clerk. AUDETBD CLAVES RF,SOLUTION 7014,74 Council Fi of .........^ ........... j _.. Audited �l 7.191....�.. By..._................... _............_.......:.1�t:.... .. .... City Comptrol er. tj Per.._._._._._.....__ ..................._._..._ .. _:. teou+.v. ReeoL c.i, payable out of th !NA i..=l'.A.ATJdFM.._AC.CO[TNT kr f 7irar e, _._ t,h� fel ,win r orae- .0 t s ns, f'lrms .._...._._._......._.. or coi•powations, for 'h. �tmc•=z �. ohL)°:._ = .....r ream^;'i'le names: T. L. Blood & Co., 2+1.16' Northwestern Lime Co., 12.W/ Quayle & Kelley, t9.a5 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 40.97 St. Paul Foundry ,Co., 13.75' Crane -& Ordway Co., 296.34, Tierney & Co., 48.6V p. J. Brings & Co., 69.3t Northwestern Fuel Co., 21.90, Womack Bros,:Coal Co., 41.9& So.. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 595.001 N. W. Shot -A Lead Works, 5> Berger Mfg. Co., 10ti.54 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., 24'7.50` Robinson, Cary & Sande Co., 75.29- 3.29- Fairbankek, Mores & Co . , Fa 26.%5. C. G. Rartin Coal Co., tt1.Q' Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 93.39' Griggs., Cooper & Co., 11.5T West Disinfecting Co., Troy laundry Co., Alfled J. Krank, x.75 The Villaume Box & Lumber Co..3Z.73` John Martin Lumber Co., ?.94 Adopted `by the Goizr_c-; _. Yeas ( ) .Co camon (_ } Y'ays Faswgrth Go rg A p14. 0, eery Ke ter Mr. President; Fo era or a P.. Original CITY,OF ST. PAUL, to ArCOUN%ING" DEPARTMMiT City Clerk. AUDITiED CLAIMS RrSUTIUVON Ao— Council Pi )b 04 ....... 191 Audited............. .. . ..... ... . ....... .. .. By .. ................ ..... ... ........ . Cit . y ­ Comptrollier. Per........ ............ .............._.I..... ...' -1 ..­.. DejDut-i. yIlnance, payable out of th,! WATBR.-=:PARTMFNT,.AC.COUNT,-. fell A isms .......... ............. ....... I ......... .. names: or. corporations, foi- h.'. T. L. Blood & Co., 24,16/ Northwestern,Ume Co., quayle &Xelley, So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 409.97 - St. Paul Foundry Co., 13.75, Crane -& Ordway Co., 296.,34, Tierney ,& Co., Q. J. Brings & Co., 6c).3o, Northwestern Fuel Co., Tomack Bros. Coal Co., 44.90, So. -Park Foundry & Machine Co., 595.00, N. W..Shot 4 Lead Works, Berger Mfg. Co., 100.5x• Kenny Boiler-& Mfg. Co., 247.30, Robinson, Cary & Sands Co., 73.29 - Fairbanks., Morse & Co., 26.95 C. G. Martin Coal Co., 111.3w Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 93.39 Griggs, Cooper & Co., West Disinfecting Co., 6.25, Troy Laundry Co., 1,17- A1fted J. Krank, 1.75, The ViijaVme Box & Lumber Co.., John Martin Lumber Co., 7.94- I.a% Al Adapted by the -CounqiA Yeas t0 r Fa worth 4- w oil Ya rg A eary Ke ter cr Mr. Pre5Adent,"'Po ers —Wood r City Clerk. AUCs ND -r— Council Filpffn.• -1914 _ _...._.............._.... Audited ................ _ .....,.._..__ _.....-.._...._....................1914 .......... . By........................ ... `........._......................._.........._......._....__ City Comptroller. PerDeputy. ........................ . Resolved, thn 1 t ._ T,nance, payable out of th ".YJATrR...IMPART:�EBiT ACCOTJI4T" . ............ i n fn,vnr of the fol I -,vii:•: n,mn! pe, ,ns, firms or co;•porqtions, for tY.e nmsunt. :.t opposi.te tr r .^e.,p=cti✓e names: J. C. Flanagan„ 103,-65/ x The Western Supply Co., 120.83/ Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 256.ag` H. Mueller Mfg. Co., 6.00' Borg & Wherry Motor Co., 9.55, Higols, Dean & Gregg, 22,.60/ N. Wo Motor Supply. Co., 32.49' The Auto Supply Depot, 12.78` Co -Operative Tire Repair Co., 4.00 - Kissel Kar Co., 33.02' Pure Oil Company, .80 - Independent 011 Company, 105.20• Indian Refining Company, 23.18, Engineering & Contracting Co., 2.00- W. F. Buth & Company, 6.o0 - Review Publishing Co., 1.50- H. C. Boyeson Company, 137.00 - Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., -21.00- McGill--Warner Co., `11.03' H. M. Smyth Printing Co., 104.70' Zimmerman Bros., .44, Boeringer & Son, 9.00 St. Paul Blue Print Co., 11-65- T. Milton Fowble, 6.12 4. _ asvwtlr - Adopted by the 'Counci _........ ., a ,�.. . k>..... ..., Yea,e i ) . Co cilmen ( ) gays Fa .sworth tom' Go if Me oll .. ' VYoTg A _1414. `V01 eery Re lar or ,, Mr, President; Po era {� 6 Council rile, Ido. ......._. _........... 1911. Audited ....................._......_..... City Comptroller. F a Per Deputy. , Resolved, that checks be drawn upon -he Dopartmen of Pinarce, J P Y e " oiit, of tha ...,..... _... _...__. . ........._ a abl in favor_ of the, P.c1lowing named 'e� sons, t'irms .. - .._..... or aoi-porat3ans, for the amount set aiipasite their respeefise names'.: - St. Paul,'goundry Union Machine Co., P x.70 1_7.65/ N. Moffat; The Weiekopf Paint & Wall Paper Co., St.. Paul Crushed Stone Co., it .21f Michaud Bros:., 14` National Meter Co., j St.. Paul. Gas Light Co.,-' 777 -Standard Oil Co., 25,.92- Lec Levy, 47".00/ Bayard, Deuel & Cu., :sa— 4_.t8f M. Oaet8110, .,, _ ._ to W4 AtD�*at. :ter'- ta �bate! pbra and=oeW 2.-50., .: �. �t - Tri-State Telep. & Teleg. Co.�$aouni l<xII' a,��R qa>: btb CIt& §ea VDaa Sa °iu' 20•20 N. W. Telephone 8"x. Co. eEcrrtmff,ra ptuaa PRkIR0liSlt;1` 8.'6- Qu..� _ al&T6rtafl�'� . . 146U May; �d�aaitN�oe�gak�i Barbar fitter t�RU6 aT Ax MSYa GW� & C� 9Rgqlia�Gdu� T4s �Ax: - €ELYke6"§aK xiays� Bcba - ... �ID1etn[etsEa°'6�°Ca oa �y k[ Y4sea �'JLTR�I 8c,liimnaa ,ecu ae�N � 6owe is a 'i -- � � . - > .. ;, Ca �QB�t{a �in411ar 2TYaa1}a R � UCstt2". M taF �NpPlx ow, • s'$306 �Paua afi'camr - taAapb6,dant Pl6 �umU!._ a - #a :s Adopted by the C0nr-oi a.0 .,aauaa -... .... ... Yeas ( �) Co cilmen { ) Mays Fax sworth ' Xo rgd, �,. eary Ke -1.er Po :... ct n �` z Nr. President; era z,IU F` PIP ]� Ori `g3si l CITY OF ST. PAULA 'IXO 4 : -- 01.1 'ACCDU',j City Clerk. AUj)tTLD, CLAN D T9 , IN Jnnates§try:.. RiSfizCizON b S - d� SC�."••C4J'tGt�OA�LY�CSCCt3._C�w-G�C-'f Ct�C _ ... ia'�C �.._...�C.. �.__�i �I S"��sF�C+aCI-+_•rv^a�CC�� Council. F1--b , No j f lSld. uN Audited :: , y }wry City Compt oiler. Per.................... _.................... ..... ....... ...... ._....... De! iUty. <. Resolved, that checks be Irenn vron the J`Dar mer of P#n�zrace, "PLAY R OUIdT58_ $OiQD ACCOII9T _ _ _. payable ;out of th _ -- ----------- in favor of the following named persons, f#r, _._. ........._.. ions, the amount Bret opppsite their respective natttds:` or eor•porat.for Solnt.dc Olson, Le attd material-> fu nished for panting treats and ebrub o► Roberti st « P`layground,� 10 Pell contract,., Harp &.>.Oison,. Labor and material ., ftt rsiehed, for pl ttng: trees ,and; shrubs at Ram- sey Playgrounds, as per t 5i>.94 act, Adopted.by the Counei ...... .....,. .. _.... _...., ;` .... I' Yeas(. ) Cou cxlroen ( t% ) Nays Far sworth Go$ Moo 1:1 rts Yoe R An ed✓ ary c X. ler Mr. President, Pa ors t �' 84 /-�Olt Original CITY OF 82'. VAUto ACCOtJNTI11 T MPAAT"NT k to City Clerk. AUDITED GI.AIMS RMSOTt1TTC1V' X10 G'O1SCFilp ��Cil3Tl�����.y=C�1`S�_f3�^`:='��-..._F�^.'x��.-.._":!�1._� Fil� C Audited ..Va „) : V iiGt `f '.. ,..._.. By ................ _..... _.,Ci .. City Goroller. Per__........... ............. Deputy. -Resolved, that cheeks b Tatem upon the Deparmen* of rinande, .. payableout of the _ . ..._ .... �r rut9 in fnvor of the following narsed Persons, f _._._....:_._._._._._..........__.:_......... or corporations, for the amount set op prgits Choir reaprotive names.:. a Edward Bjorklund, get. #1, labor and material furnished for constructing' pouter house and service building; for Green1gouse plant A Como Park, as per coir&ra�et i.,4$ti:Of3 5 ra . Adopted by .the Coin,, 1 ............. lk Yeas Co inoiImen ( G') Nays Fa nsworth G0 i s me 161.1 _.-- Yo ------- 00 0" eery Ke ler Mr. President, P erg' a 2 Otiginal 85 CITY C1}i' S'Gf PAUT.u ...y to ACCOUNTT t� bI ;iT bI City Clork. AUDTrED CT,AIMl� RESOT.UTI" FOAM mCC.SGCSWyJmYl�L".Sides-'3-Gy�MCEnY�rs'"z�.L�_., ...:'IVY•.X'._C-"1b3!._,.__].. �-t.... :'C= • Auaiteay,�liN° T�14�rI+ .t. By ....._....1�� lS...... .... City Eorn troller.' Per......... ......................... .._...,._.. Deputy. Resolved, that checks to drawn upo-d the Department or 1i`ixla�ce, payable out of the _._._._............ ......... ..................I......._.. in favor of the=foll.aarinr named *erseqs, firms or eolporetions, for` the amount set opT3rosi.te their respective names. Waldref+Odell"Motor Ono 1914 Pierce•Arrorr Car Co., Motor Squad and equip - mento as per contract, Adopte;i by the Cot C!.l ........ ,. _._.... ....-. .. � .. Yeas arnswortr. Oso aColl x; 1 :erg , ed (oA1 ._ ^� ..00: Mr. President, F :mr.. 4 Adopted by the Councilrte" �`� 11. _ .. _..._ ...r.. Yeas( ) Cou'oilnien ( ) Nays Fpr laworth Qoa MaC 11 Yoe ' 01L ar•y ^` Kot e r �r'» Por. President, Pow re PAUL,Orlginai b1`TY OV 6T, to AC00014TING DTGI�ABxxhT 7fi City Clerk AUDIxFD C1�A198 RkS, 6LU!', 01 O {rA Council Filo Audited RJ'�. �D� 191�r . cI..._.t . . Ctty ComptroTier. Per. . _ _...._. ....._................... ................... Deputy. , Resolved, that ohFCka l r, c3rA'rrr, a on the Departffia nt of PInaxt 0, tB %i d XC�._AC W p `ayable out of the " C1AT+...A,� $f i ..G in favor of the folloWing naMod » Pe*`gons, firm' _._ ...._._......................_............... .or' Corporations,, for, the-Lmoutjt set opposite their rr ypect vu na tal: E. T.:webster,. not. #Land final, Suer go. University Av., Pascal to dine, ti,g56.06° 'Neil ;& Preston, Slit. #2 and suppit., sewer Walpole, Fair- view to BalAwin, tW IOW ,s St. Paul,Crushed Stone Co., Net. #6 and final, crushed' Stone, Paving Summit Av.,-Lexington G` to River, - 6,85 .o* East Side Lime & Cement Set. #3 and final, Com; sewer pipe, Paving Su=ait As., Lexingt.Gn,,1 / � to Riser,. Kettle River Co.; get. #1, creosoted paving blocks, Paving Snelling Av., Grand to Av., t4,4Q.0€3 University St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., get. #1 and final, ' crushed atone, Paving Hamline Av., Suaanit to Grand,-' C 2_:&t2::4,5 4 Adopted by the Councilrte" �`� 11. _ .. _..._ ...r.. Yeas( ) Cou'oilnien ( ) Nays Fpr laworth Qoa MaC 11 Yoe ' 01L ar•y ^` Kot e r �r'» Por. President, Pow re _ - i ltegoNod, ThAt the 00ftfsoidner of Public �d ke be and ha is hereby -__ authoritodt and diredtM to purchase an a ton taMera road kolla end, the City Purchasing Agent be slid Is hereby authorized and instructed to advertise and'reoeivo bide on same, the cost of said road roller to be pat& from the Paving Equipment Account of the General Fund. Adopted by the liN;, 2..191.4......191 a. YEAS N 8,# MR. FAR W RTH GOS KEL ER Adopted by the Board t © lted by the Anembly MCC LL 191— Yua O'L A/R�Y NAYS ALD. RAU YO RV - - - COR E°� NAYS 0 MR. C IRMAN (POWERS) NYL ,�C F No .rBT $Y colnmfssioh6r,'�.$3oas—; Resotve� That the'CommlaeJ.`gner Publid 'l9oSkey be And he .,1s.iLar'eb5 1. n.uthorized ,arid dir$cEed fo Dd�ehaRo. . MVR I Cj 8 tbn fande It r6Ad toiler Attd tha '. - I C1t}t Purcha9ln4,-Ak@d'4+bo, gnB. ie `hece ,{ MVR by pp�hoplIed +and lnatrpote$ to ad I - vertiae and receive b1dR 8n eatne the' OREt { c $t of; ehld road:t.Noiler to lie pgid from the-PavinLt :lrgitlpment Account . RYA7 qt the General Fund Adoptgd, by the Cgvnglt Jane 3¢' SrIEI - gpprove{{�Juvo 18 {1814 tL TROY ,��pe ,¢Qr ve ' �od197 NAYS O MR. PRESIQENT (MCCOLL) - . .Mayor. l: N I , e �lbi►iti F too.,_- .. i _ _. C1c�. _: - . ��enit)t tai► _ .ii' �_F ) to L 'A C l wa c ftesbidetl, Phat th8 utahsa g i+�, her9 sy giv(t dt �hox t9t t2€ n the consent of.the Gaetptroll'er, tb purohaee tine automobile, UPon tho- requisition and for the use of the 06'b tiesioner of Parks, Plaggroundr and Public Buildings, and of such type as said commissioner, shall approve, at a coat net exceeding 01850.00 oammPlete, without terCiee ment for competitive bids therefor, for the reason that auto`sobfies are sold only at uniform prices and no 'advantage Would be stoured-'b)r -- competitive bids. 3 3 4 J11P1 Adopted by the tEenexea $ ...........................191 YEAS N AYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McCOLL O'LEARY YOERG NAi o Leary . � aeeotvea �nat mlttee Xe hereby"(: � the Conaent�of the :,shave oneaautpmgi eltton Berke and''tor 'the; iloner oY.P'P tc $uuatngR and' Commlahloner ,gha] "hot'esceeding ;8181 ant adpertteslnen yUtda"-thatefQr fo"r.� Eovtbb!]eeb%qe ,so1 1 prP.es ana ;co�n ady PA� , cured by et!'� '* gs(optedi by th X914 - w' pDProved7JDu0�}1 Adopted by the As+embly NAYS MR. HAAS KANE MAHLE MICHAUD - POWERS SANBORN IERS) WARE YOERG _ PRESIDENT (KELLER) r 191 y r. 89, a �. BY Whereas, The Board of Public Works has made r,;t not confirmed the assessment of benefits, costs and ex-ensee, upon the following final orders; for change of grade on the Ailey In 7160k 1, Capitol Addition; `approved September lltt, 1913. For charge of grade on Princeton avenue,,from Baldwin street to Fairview avenue, approved s March 24th, 1914; under the terms and provisions of the old Charter. Whereas: It is the opinion of, +'--is Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the ccmplation of the aforesaid assessmentsare practicable to be done under the teras and provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that the said assessments be completed under the terms and provisicna of the existing Chartar4'as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance thereawith' - Adopted by the Council, !1 Yea Far sworth Gos Ke er �Mc 11 0' ary. Yeo g _ V, �Mr. President (Poore JUN : 2 FT 1914. IQ Ptsolkvd, Thst the Purchasing Agent d he is hereby authorised to 'blioit and reoeive bide for installing intaining,the decor- i ati'te street lighting festoons and deoorative lig equipment of the City, for keeping the same in repair, and for remov and'storing "the same from the first of July, 1914, to the first day o ary, 1916, under the plans and specifications prepared under the supervision of the Commissioner of Putflio Utilities,, which plans shall be filed in ,. the bffioe of the said Purchasing Agent. Bids for said works shall,. be ta�eAect in the presence of the Comptroller or his representat ve,` the ; Putb as ng Agent and the Commissioner of Public Utilities. The Purchas .4 ;Agent may in said advertisement prescribe such reasonable conditions as may be necessary to secure the entering into a contract by the success-=_l ful bidder�'the cost of said work to be paid for out of the appropriation made said forpurpose.c r xD, so By O sD Keuat` _ Eeeotvedi' 'Chat 'the itu�a' _. - (,tR ae;fdlt and reael�e .� de !or !+ -fog' andr, lIIafntaipfng?u�ha deco' Adopted b the Boar btreet 11g'btlpg feetob 's 4n3 deco? opted by the Assembly - p Y .lighting•-equgpment of thg, Gl;� ;,hee,:n ;e ram9 In reaat}.-a�yp i$RiIIX: m , the pa.T, 191— P . :.t 1 ,i-u� . YEAS - PAYS S ALD. )till g2 19�a...191 Adopted by tbeff�rs ...,I M YEAS Nays, MR. BAR S,WORTH GOS KEL ER v I91� Me LL NAYS O MR. PRESI t'l'I&f07. O'L ARY YO RG J(� NAYS 0 MR GI AIxRMAI (pOR7EiiB) / / a. ' 0" y C 12em)lved, That the porehasing Agent be and he Is hetiby autboffat6d to solicit and receive bids for installing and fttintainiing tte decor- ative street lighting festoons and decorative lighting equipment of the City, for keeping the same in repair, and for removing and storing the aame:from the first of ;bly, 1914, to the first day of January', 1315, under the plans and specifications prepared under the suupervisidn 1= of the Coimrissioner of lRiblid Militias, which plans'ehal-1- ba fi nd--ia thug'.pfimriyfr+t�ahaein�Agent Rids for tiid work shallbe eritati- y° the N M r; 4-vu, $ The PUrChaa- �''� '3G _. - is +ciot�l3ti-ans a � ;Y bite duacee --, Y �roprsti4at ' t ILR�einbly Adopted- t,. 191— NAY' YEAS ALD, _ A pIp �4 NVLAND MONTGOMERY ' POWERS MDRNANE, E. J. lro. SANBORN MDRNANE, F. / , WARE OSERG (� / YOERC RYAN NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) STIEGER TROY 191 ... NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) O Mayor.. PUBLISHED , MI YI NAYS 0 MR. C j 4 0 fir: � ! datgz [AN (POWERS) MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERO 4t -the7 contPactrl?4aringF1 'i8F4 xbYr'>R.ad b �.wecn'. me >?t d$apY Graft kat {bia pµL y p�StulK+n SojI:l it ml T ae_.ba':A`u'd Atha sam91'?tRa herot totrfFe N!� OXeGI YDY4 ayor. MR.. HAAS KANE MAHLE [AN (POWERS) MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERO 4t -the7 contPactrl?4aringF1 'i8F4 xbYr'>R.ad b �.wecn'. me >?t d$apY kat {bia pµL y p�StulK+n •PRESIDENT (KELLER) it ml T ae_.ba':A`u'd Atha sam91'?tRa /17 n / ayor. SYYtCY t. PARigti' O.xSi .Ji.v�� ). voAUII CITY OF SAIN a1r�`Us�rcaaeoa va July l9t 1919 .0% Bill. �f Corporation Attor+:ey,City Doer Sir,— The Council at their meeting held this dateordered C.P.Ho.n. nn administrative ordintres providing for the publication of .abstracts of resoles tions, referred t,o you. Yours truly, So il" ,Aricy,City Clerk. E. ib IN �+ ,•W� tee - a�garQtnancte f 4 Adopted by the ON uieeeerr Irl �o YEAS XAYB, MR FARNSWOR.TH GOSS KELLER MCCOLL O'LEARY YOERG NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) . P - - :s�f. ; - a city of st.1'aull• jo Council Resolution - Genere.l form. ............ D xrnsu bf - _.__.................. ......... b �'�Cf-'m 1a C5 QYCI'OC.C��`^�_ •"-+ v�mm�naaa caxmmsenTS� fY1#3t iGmlALlikm Y'�mI BY cassrsrsm>eevesrtmsar�evmmm� Courici.l File No. _...:..:. bate Presented ....... _-------._...._._..1914, Hy.._ ...:............... ........................ :........---._....---.-.-....___:--._..-...._._........_........._._-_...__:---._.._-...._....... -_._.-._._-. Resolved, that city order be drawn upon the Deltartmeat of Finance, payable out of the Armory, Maintenance Account-GeneraSi) Fund, in favor of the Qt. Paul Armory Board for the eta of One 'thousand Dollars (?$1,000), being the quarterly allowance ending June 1914. JUN i Adopted by the Council .._......._....___._.-...__._ ..._.__._-_._.-....__....___._....1914. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( C) Nays y� Ear $wort c it' IYedTb'At'a City % otden be drawjj upon theeDarimep} ofl FI �/ Hance. paY0 A out oY the Armory` Y � QO$ ,Matn'tenanco ACooulft Qenei'ak8rund�. Il'e' �avar-t. of the 8 IM1 Armory Board {it,QO) a hainB jthe 77pLLtYeT Yr 61Iow Me 11anCeFe dII AY :tha Qpssnbtl 3une 3.3�, I,pproVed aun�e lk I914 � Y Yoe g r. , tayrte ao 191A) 2. 3... 0'L ary. APPr _. 914. V Kel er - Mayo t Mr, President, Po r$ 5 Original 11 CITY OF S�'. PAULV to } ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITYD CLAD4S - P? ;807UT1011 FORM r Council File No ... - ..- Audlted ...:.......1.U.N 1 1914 1914. By....._.......................... City Comptroller. /a Per............. ......._.................. Deputy. Resolved, the; ch: ck < k;, Irann i>; n ' h^ Lr erten r:'. of F;narte , ayRble out of the favor of thez'rI1 ,,avlrT n Te' PArso s, firals or corporRtions, for (.'no ain ut-., :..r oj.,p �.. t `r o4 Baa 78 names: Bartles Oil Co., 6.13 Board of Water Commrs., 52.14 Capital City Lime & Cement Co., 51.25 Chicago GPeat Western Ry. Co., 6.00 Daily-Fraser Hdwe..Co.., 6.65 Electric Mfg. Co., 8.30 Fairbaiaks, Morse & Co., > Gene ralJ'Contracting Co., - 16o.00 Haas & Andgrson,. 3.,5+0; Theo. G. Hells &iCo., 16.00 Ha'n'419ford & Wallck,- 26.90 �. Indian Refining-2o.,' 202.38 Kelly-Springfield Road Roller Co., 48.25 Wm. Kehoe, 5.60 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., 367.55 Maendler Bros., 90.00 Richard Moffat, 2.80 Magie Bros., 25.35 Nelson & Peterson, 11.70 N. W. Stamp works,, 1.00 Pittsburgh Coal Co., 513.,06 J. F. Pearce & Son, 375.25 Republic Creosoting.Co., 51.45 Robinson, CFlry & Sands Co., 95.97 Adopted by the C.ovnc JUN3 d Yeas Ccu oi7tt�en p ) Naya / Far aworth Goa Moan! Yoor Apps O=Le ry Mr. President, PoweY N,t3#I�ISEl1iD� Council Pile no ..... k. Audited........ ... ........... ....... _.:................. .. ..... City Comptroller*. Per... ................................. ......... ....... .............. _- Deputy. Resolved* that checks be drawn vprin the De_artmon` of Finance, _ ._.. payable out of. the _...._ n, favor of the ._.......... ._ following named ,, t�sarg,, fir�zs _... _... _....... ` or corporationg,. fo,r the amount set opposite their res ective nerves: St. Paul Paundry Co-, St. Paul NachineVWorks, _ 52 ;St. Paul Gas Light CO-, Studebaker Cor`porati,on of America, 134.73, St.- Paul Crushed, Stolle Co., ` St. -Paul Rubber Co., Thornton Eros., e W. H. Ulaaer CW TD -r00: Washington Poundry Co., ' Tt4�t, Z„772~ 74 nheF'.�'�,�'1R�41.R-+- •Rbaat sPRtf iICMR„W nam_ Mig '$w errtx t�[RYf AT t ay .. Yaku t "r e - 4sa Adopted by the, C,ounci. .Ways Yeas Cou ci7t�er ( © I Far s,vorth Ras MCCa 1 Yoer — Apl�rav ... ._,.11b.. 0'Le ry Kell syo` Mr. President, Pott Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DBPAFCV&NT .. City Clerk. Lu, r•a7u� Ri r Council File o 91n - i 1914. f.. Audited�u.. By ....._............_..........._ u... ..... _.. (,,j ty Aimp rol.�ler Per........ _._.................... ............_......................_....... Deputy. Resolved, t.hst Check; b^ Iraw v;�j '.he 21nzm9, payable out of the .".TUBI,I.O....B 2i ..ACC0t3B -G P UN7?" _-.._..._ fcLi lair, or Corpo.•atior,G, for,' he am)u';r, :>E• -ppo szme.: ,The American Cone Co., 12.00 American Sanitary kroducts Co., 13.5 .Board of Water Commissioners, 63.21 H. C. Boy=son Co., " 72 D. L. Clark Co., -55.00 Capital Envelope Co., 21.00 Crane & Ordway Co., 5.0? Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 105,55 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 4.157 Diebold Safe & Lock Co., 1.50 Mrs. Ada Gregory, - 2.25 24.75. Herschl er, Herz Manufacturing Co., 9.30 Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., 11.00 5.65 F. C. Kohnke, Kuhles Stock Co., 00'07 156.79 Jacob Lauer, Lieberman laos., Matteson Roof Repair Co., 3`Q H. G. Neal, N. W. Stamp works, '25 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Jos. P. Whitwell, w5-2:0 ,u 1 �- ..... � i. �� � J� � :..,s I J _ ',. � y�_. � ,. .. ., _ ! Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT to City Clerk. AUDITKI) (TAIL(" - P.E:SCIDTIO POr�-4 ._ ,.,-=. 4 6 -,''•ace Council File o. ............. ............ _... Audited .._......11..1,1.1914-. �....._131h. /Z . i ; ComptrallEr� Per .._._...._............ _....... Deputy. ca Resolved' the.: °BIKEPAR� Finance, - Payable out of th -• Yl f(i7Cr Of ramex ,lAr;33x a,. firmS ................_.... ........... ......._ or corporations, for ...9 Fi T.':!].�.': ^=E`. cp oFite tK'—ir natres: _ 4$.00 American House Furn. Co., 30.37 The Aherne Fox Fire Eng. Co., 16.75 Auto Engine Wqfks, 545„Z� F. J. Brings &J Company, The Century Printing Co., 5e75 400.00, Charles Brown - Carnegie Fuel Co., 42`72 F. T. Connolly, .229.00 2.25 Crane & Ordway Co., Adam Decker Hdwe. Co.,_ 3`95 41.68 Electric Mfg. CO.,- The Fisk Rubber Co. of New York, 103.10 Mahle Wagon Co., 73.70 Minneapolis Mfg. CO., 12'00 N. W. Copper & Brass Works, 4.00 N. W. Motor Supply Co., 12.60 Price Eiectrie Co., 5"85 Reed Motor Supply Co., 24.00 Robinson -Cray & Sands. Co., T 11"21 Schultz Lumber Co., 10'37 Shotwell-Harris Co., 3.85 United States Bedding Co., 33'00 The Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 114'00 W. J. Westphal, 11.50 Adopte l by the Ccuhai � .... �.......v� ..� �� � ..i „� I . Yes ( ) Cou oiln Nay Ra aworth Gros i Rin ll Yoe -g Apo da ll.. O'j i4ry Fiel or Cllr. Mr.: President, Porgy rs City Com„trolIer. Per.. ....... ................... ..._....................._ ........ Deputy. Resolved, that checY.y be Irawn upon the Department of iinaneff, payable out of ,the ........................... __:....�...................._._._._...._.. in favor of tyre-„follOWiner maned pereons "firms or .corporation s, for the amount qet opposxto their Y9 peG"l� ti>bss Jim Wittmann, t rs Wright; Barrett & -well Ca ------ --- a:,,oag£,�� t _ .12eaoivedr iTtiBt`,.'bhWCYs�LM �'$Wp,tl9, na-.]ha .I?agq�troen}, o!16a6,�^pe,>(,. 49�,4vrr 4t' they �S£Fa. k�aMarYmGtd' ' - `Eu d !'$:Lader o,T Ytiet39�! Vr3q� baured. . iexuba: $ $44lok AhO _ .. blrt4bn! e t ep++4YY � - ThatApart� �'a�Irlr`o� 7✓SS'3$ '- A}7to, Ctha+. Pt4Y - Httltg(E $ `C"olapQpyrS- •!� I+rle,tC4�+ ��asai3ka' - Hrgi4h ut'AiQQBQ Ca a $µeF, CA.� - 14 $41 Cb 7S�A¢ �Y9a uk c ,-coq-. 7f41.6B - Yogk #IDLE � ! "�Kat[4ti r.b'gg- '.4SMfl o.,iaRos CYa ZO Sad , {{Il MA u -_ Sh4kig, E�arrt4 3'tfa .e$s waxx�aau+>,aw''a> !RA 4 - IT, Adopted by th,Cou7t Yeas' (' ry C.0 10ilawn Farieworth Gos Ida 11 r- YQa g t1.po d ORL tory `�_ Ked e t - .,. r Mr. President, -'aw re g iginal CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ity Clerk. AUDITED MAIMS RESOLUTION FORM r � Council Fly No Audited .: , X14 , 1914. t} By _.... � ... �xu City Comptroll Per Deputy. ° Resolved, that checks be drawn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the in favor of the followin named peranns,• Firms' _._._ ......................... or corporations, `?for the amount set opposite their respeotive namesC Bfbrrett ]dig. Co., Eatr paving pitch Snelling Av.p Grand to (48.45 �-- University,. James Shiely, Est. #1, sand, Paing "< University Av., Dale to Syndicate, $arrett Mfg. Co., Esta 0, paving pitch, Paving Summit Av., Lexing- j 1.874`711 ton to River, CI}ieago,Creosoting Co., Est. #5-, creosoted blackes Paving Summit Av., Lexing- giver, Z5,94845 ton to W. H. [alone, net. #4, wind, Paving Sun- mitAg Leziagtosi to River, i S 1...---?=; k i. r r JUN °i i 4 Adopted.by.=thee Counoi _.........: .........-- ....._ .._._.,. _...... .. ... _._. 1s1. Yeas ( r/I ) Co' oilmen ( �) Nays Fa swarth Go Me 11 Yoe g Appy d ary _.. I el °or c% :LYa; ruL $ayar, Mr. PreLsident, Po rs Original CITY Q 'ST, PAUL, to ACC6W4TT-NGi DEPARTMENT" City C1e►"k. AUDITED CLAIkt RMSGLUTION FORM, _ .......... a. o_ ^-+ _r—­.-.?a��� Council Pile No -f Audited... JUN 1�; By _._.... _. "Ciiy CompPer -1 ....... _..... Deput3' . 1. Resolved, that checks be drum upon the Department of k"ina'cq, payable out of the..."...LEOTLGIt..>SB:�fC�CtJTelIkAL.Lt11413'" _.. ............._...._._................. ....... in favor of the following named persons, ,v`rma or corporations, for :he amouot set opposite their respective names: Daily Fraser Hardware Co., 14.38 S. A: Farneworth, ,City Treas. 0-,00 Finch, Vin ;Slyck & McConville, 13.5 Nick Fischer, 70.40:, L H. B. Fuller, 3.00 J. A:-Y,rien, 4.00 r J."J. McNeil, 84.68 Melady Paper Co.; 331.29 Moriarty, 63.00s Nelson,& -Peterson, 85.7E T. W. Schmitz & Co., 100.0'0- W. J. Bazille,AssigneA, G. Sommers-& Co., 67`85, Victor St. Martin, 535 Twin City Auto Co., 25.00 The. Villaume Box &Lumber Ca„ �,,,ea43 "t= c48ckn tis arawtie:,wti-Q on�ta artnv4�a o�r$1adS+ae,� ff 'ck9ocCtt�q }p'sYleage Rc � i FkAo6+R,R�n Ott a,y�eg§, as Nlek .R{e Aer {7940 -fir 1T�utlerg hlorla Xc f9a 99 4�e4A + j,r ' - ss�7a� a 4i a9A:�ac �sommeFa v"ar E _ F }er;s Ri t r #�4i+�rgU, aaas 7sa,xar� C1iY uto a., g 9br " Ttie..� 4tll�um4 . - ff eldolitedx.by . fee, tb�aeK` TG1yq � sar � ApproYeck iuAe�2a 3914."_ �4`. ,r y C�4Ad $Q 1914' s. Adopts: by the Caurei ........ .......... ... .._.. .......... ...:,.�. .�.. Yeas ( ) Cou ilmen ( } Nays Far sworth Gos MCC 11 — YQe C A OIL ary Kal or Mr. President, Povi6=rs - Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPATMMIT City Cler-kAUDITFD CLAIMS VESOLUTIO i VORM •�C5 �S5GC��¢Ca�-.ac�C�-,-sCb 1�.C�7 7. Council File 5 ��� 1914. Audited .. A.A a OT4 q _ ....................... _............ ... City Comptroller. Per....._._..._......._....._.:._......._..............._.._._......, Deputy: Resolved, that checks be (barn upon is^e- Deportment of Pena -=e, payable. out of the °!SPECIAL.A38ES- Nx_.CON3xaFJC�St3$.•ACCQ e A Std@1 � Sri Jed �e.Q...T�Xi1v.....:. in favor of the following n3M d NelYears,,. firms or'coiporaticns, Por:.ham amount set opposite their t^ertNec fJe nemes� Peter G. Arend, 10r.5 Igiiiy-Fraeer Edwe. Co., - ZOO Edw. Jaoobs,� R. C. Jefferaon, 53•b Kenny. Boiler & Mfg. Co., 'r Phi14 &`Reading Coal & Iron Co.; 13.1j o- Raymer Hd14e . Co'.,' 03..97 Robinson, Cary & Sands Co., 21.83 Standard Oil Co., 4.73 St. Paul Machine Works, .80 `M. E. Smith, Bnelling,gdwe. Co., W: J.- Thone, 3.60 Washington Foundry Co.,t'�50 , - Re5al �:: Tp�t FhR9`it3 bo drawn q - tha� Cr4Cnt,, AL-.P'EnaRCbA«tfnY 2W! w61 .. - ' - - - gn TWEE AM9es+inq-eqE . ;4Ungtrg5tld Aagptn. g MAgln�. $n;RX1'u 4rand to Li��" �*k fOFdgk 4�i't44er3gilnaF-ri. ln� hh1C18d'F taap� �t4§ or+ M.�Donn= 4todp adoY� hr Rmo,;tipt- $ot gB9oa�tAk, �tt18i[ i$6DCC�R Pa4IP9l: ' . . - _ ' . - aer iiawe.'.Co} i�Q6i'x.3Gdaeg'; IAL 11A $ l8 Co, �¢i8� PHY3 8G iron Rgbiq.$ny �4$ptq � >$ SigikYs, :7b 00 8a41llUa" . . ykb.wnsxa .. Ati9ntga t�a�adx>t ea< sa�.ea �yl the sCRnnett Svna• ��i ieaY§d �ii�o`sei4j .. t � Adopted by the Counci ........... .......... _ _........_ _..191.. Yeas ( J Cou 'oilmen ( ) Pays Far sworth Goa MCC 11 Yoe g Ap ed y dell r .-Vay6r. Mr. President, Pow.s Original CITY 07 92`. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DT;PA�MV"ti� City Clerk. AUDITEDGfAih1`O kCtf a�! �m'_9 CS Gt5>fSd�"••iGS'�^•C''.'�'�3.3."'i�.�.".. _._N �Ca_`��•aflm^..CS'_Y-ifY . ... �... Off" Council File No Audited tl�fl ; s 19i i9l i. �� ¢Q�,���(f City ComptrolZe?f. Per............. .._..._....... ...._......... :...................... ... Deputy. Resolved, that chock-, b-Ira sport nz D=:partm:n- of 7inam'.0, ESStd IS1 t12C7` (i�F..A Chi °� k� ,t paj able' out' of the"SPBCIAL_.AS _.CC SURE+_.AY,A'Lox .».1eQ..R.iyP;r .. in falto r of o Iot; ing ramod their. rcpef, nam'-°�� o,r corporations, for the 7moli t se* opposite Adam Decker'-Rdwe.. Co.,` hoard>.oYcWater Commrs.,280 Daily Fraser-Rdwe. Co.,' Daly Coal Co., 1• Farwel1-0 mun, Kirk & Co., 21.45 Edw., Jacobs,' 5.57 R. C. Jefferson, 19.75 Phil. &� Reading -Coal & iron Co.,�, i Raymer Edwe. Co., 18$• 'Rex Oil Co., 215' Robinson. Cary &Sands Co.,, -, Standard 011 Coil, W. 2 Smith,: " St. -Paul Machine Works, • Well8-�Fargo 8xptae8 Co., x;.70 y R. B. Whitacre & Co., ....,......, i.entxa cele z- Nen. ntx a� - Q ae �tcp Y ItS4a�i'Y�s ��fR <kllt*�+�6tlHa[� �gl�'aiAkRtfi� j9atb ac at"Sl A,si i it .45"a i gem+n d4 - < zi Adopted by the Council ...._..._..__.._... '?y>. Yea's ( J Cpu icilmYn Farisworth Gos — Rc ll yK 1 X108 'g t�Altt { kr Mr.President, Powers Original CITY OF 6T. PAUL, to ACC0UNING DEPART IT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS AIMOWTtbll FOPM CyF c Seel GOtSCCmac Cmr.�rS�T_-s.c ._ -. Council File No _....... 1914. Audited 41 ...._.........�.ii+.:_ ... By ........_._.... .... City Per.._......._.........._..............._._........................_..... Deputy. Resolved, that A'eclUl be ramn upon the Department of Finance, "Ak" P4yable out of 'the ...... ............. _:..._.. ....... .... in in favor of the following named persons, firms - _....::. ............ or corporations, for the amount sEt opposite their re:pect6ve names` American Linen Supply .Chas. Anderson, Rlie D.Z. Clark Co . , o �7 «56 Farwell, Ozmun,'Kirk & Co., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., _ 184`68' M. F. Kerwin Paper Co., 22.40 [elady ,Papel; Co.. 15.06 Noyes Bros. & Cutler., 4.4$ Paul Reichelt, 1(1,..50 Review Publishing Co., 2.40 Robinson, Cary. & Sands Co., C. J..'Smith & Co., 2.20 Standard Oil Co:, 47.15 -State Telep. & Teleg. Co., 6.25 . q RerAivnzwhae,4Dd67ts, �1e.-8r4w�E 4B pn the Ae$a�th}! *aC �iin6nne nub sble ¢ut bf� t110 4r�+$'uud,.' tzr xakoc dt tlid9101a'fP,tntF"nRine� Dnk4dYtffi., drma' tlke- e6tj 47M2 . - _ _ - _ 9r �Cut`Dgr6t1.P'R8 5 9r nWh71nL pRpoeAle Lket�.gteeeo�Llaa na57tefi .gine Ifi�itttTil Lr supulq,�Eo' 996.67:,' Chga:"ipde,S�Dtt `s,,t>tggfi ';`h¢iS.r C1D;k. Co1ht�6t RR .�'6fxWgNl 1rtc ,ta Can 31R9.R( At3Rgga riwar#tuDbec. Co 916k 411!, Atir' ice 9+RaFea Co - 9rue6., 1k):etg h� CR. 916 9a 1`79y . tr'lti 16 PaW:° �tetohoi Aabineog7�aeiR� 44 41Lshtntx:,Cot 9:4Rr� iffitktlwr & �t"S` 94pd's� Coz,99 6R C � 8`8 1§�tndard< 111#. C76� Adni��p2 pyo} t��'$CRUNnt1 sTyatfe i8 f93A si , tA1+RY�Vttd 1dlkue �R�34x� ' e� - - � f Adopted bk the Coanci _.... . ........ ..,.....:...� ._. _. t..:�.:i w,.... a i4. `°� Yeas ) cc tc Llmen ( a. Nays. Farnsworth o{ Go. a Mo oll /J Yo rg Aupr v d 01 ary _.. .... Kel er <_ .. ., Mr. President, Po F's Qriginal:� v"t CITiI 4F CT PAUT,f„: to ACCOUN'T11w iiEpAY lii ” JU1TL�i CLAili'S Rf,,%bT"uT-l(1 `Wr CityClerk. �Ai Council File N� Audited .. '�N 1914.>if i By City Comptr0 o Per.................. ............. .:_.............................._.. Deputy. °. Resolvpd:l' thlt.ene6ks�be d.ra� ri upon ther Depiartme^t of Virarr.±, payable out ofih JaUAT..CT�lAS:ACGl1TS�S _... .� n M _.. in favor of the f0110viir reamed c z°ao�s � ?res or corporations, ..for tY.e amount set Opposite tsaix'' respeg'ti-V American Engineer Supply Co.,rSO. Board of Water Commissionere, 8« O•. Co:gsumers Power Co., T. wL`.-�,%ood-& Co,., g- arwell, C3mun, Kirk & Co., Holm & Olson, lES.OQ Joseph Haag-Roofing & Cornice Co., '*gO John E. Holt, .`l Maendl:er Bros., 6.2 >Mannheimer Bros., ,,r r A. F. Morton, .Supt., A 'W: Ehectric Equipment Co.'; N W. Telephone. Co. (er8 xa gam 6440: '. ,. . ReeaY�cd;.'1'pyLehes�kz h� �ra�wY3"�tss� ; ��; $t. Paul Gas Light Co., on the no rwnent §t Btnaucv ttaa Qti,6 { +:Bbl 4tlt dune 'A,ftdit0elipAc..icCuat' ', ifk¢Y i•ET ih0 [A%t(a}Plna^h E $4£ ' St. Paul Mchine Works ^�uPt egt 4�astt zre,txr4sai�ei � na1a01/'i� tAptd�toan `l�n$FfiP t+,�yA CWS sas $t . Paul Rubber Co., oae nq,err nth rAloptC de tAa$'a. t .;- kret �9 A'W 'mot Q4 7tice !4 1 X3pBfi dk, Le ET QO ILft 'Tri State Telephone Co room ���s�so ,tas". , �f4ia'�or :sro,c �, V111aume Box & Lumber Co., ,Ea44t�F�extz&� vxeca i •8t? Y uBc wnrs, ax reu 2.Q3 Western Display Co.,h4r argg 7tet tern u a P Ys na R#1tggt* ae Zq�of t�'enn��t A�"ts ctt, ,} i♦ Q fir. � .. - .�tP4��Ys�k�EBj{w�Sb;9it;p�,..'. - .. .. Y. �Jph1D 7,l(�t�.►.3.} .f, � 4 l i Adopted by the Council ,.................. ,.........�iw?'�....;.'n,. Yeas () Noun ilmen mays Farn worth fl Coss bi000 'l Yoer ARVA d -:77 Kell ay Tell r � ot¢4 lHx; PreaUent, PoVe s a x Original CTTY 0 82. FAtTT a to ACcoUUJTING DEIPAttft it City dlerk. AUDITED C1,AI Grr FR901,13 lON aGPM M"�CELC�.R#bYW� •: n,�CtID C'^`_ »'�4c�CYY^�L9Y;'Y,R _C._..., i!f tit-YtOf..Y�Me+..�:Y YYI. #[M':�.... " Council File JUhlf�l U 191# Audited�1!r-'­ ptrq. _By RCa_t."tc Per Resolved, that cheek3 .b� dx atrn ulton t,:c lierra?�r" r ' kt$Cd payabl-e out of the .. 1X3. vcr of ,tha folio�rIng rate=k pe2�oY��',Mxizt�s� _.._ .'o.0 corporationsy. .for th© amount set oppo;ai , thiol n9,60, 9 American Linen Supply Co.,'` 26 Board of Water 'Commseionere1 206- Central'.; Co., l' 16.04 The Golden Rule, ' Melady Paper Co.,2297 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, ' Lundry,#"u;, Oriental a Sebief-felin & Co., lfs,. 25 C. S. Stewart, 22$.40' St. Paul (3as night Co u . Olt.#a a �RY�ggt1t,ey ad1N'*"S « vt Qana k'8x G wtl't - - , - Adopted by the Coinei1 Yeas( } cou c i lti rt ('' ) Pyr$ Far sworth Gos Mac .11 Yoe S .. of y r F' r4. Ke] e r _..., Mr. President, Post rs 1 Origional ' 06' CTTY Or ST, PAUL, ACCOUNTING LFPARTPAF�Tf AUDITLD CLAIMS ruSOTUTIOU FORM City Clerk./ , r�r -<,:•- aaEamae at®cma a •oai-�.Y,y �,-ter, . Council rile Audited ... ,�iJ l T�J1�4 _. ..1�71�. By._._ l ................. city L'omptra7:lrrr./ . Per .........._..... .. Doputy . (/ Resolved, that <.rerlc be drslxn upon the Department S.TA�"2.132iERY..�.. �f PInartcn, _.. _.. payable Writ of the ....... .. .....PRXXT.lHt1_If� in favor of the follolling Damm p-r 'so*s <`.arm's t _... _.......... _.:. _....... e ecti— s or corporations, for the ambul.t s t app 'ire their re..p naives: Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., i5 Geo..C. Binder Co., .75 H. C.:,Boyeson Co., Handford & Wellok, , '4.75 Melady Paper Co., 6.oa Meyer Engraving Co., 22.60' MoClain & Gray Co,., e MgGill� Warner Co.,, Review Publishing Co., 59°40_ H. M Smyth:printing Co., } 182.001• - Gt.0o,�Fed. Thad 'ss1s0 d{f{xn3q` qN ti�n�- eb@qRrt@leat ,J3lannnau p r.al. anq $ ��f' 1'Ftntl�� ,xc 8f0t1Rpr' - ei^y Fudq°2!iIti Kar afi t0.a teltowl,og. 4aed p0M00lY. APtge QF`"CC=DBFRYItlAAFi.. B - PaN ilt ,�.fpO�RG 00�, 4�(,13A1t¢ tiietr•¢•. �Aantea {t[k - Bg6ctl i r l C " • !pQpOR '�0. A '�$ Kelw (6.iii dR �1,4{R� .PBC qoN R§ �{ieyey; 4'&d6Pexla 90` t6 Q 'bSbG�t,RI� t9 . COA ilfl♦.8U `MF�It�l �RPtSBII E}a 'fi6 c - '� _ �kb;V{{�5r k'ub lah I Carr li$ytU: a� Adopted by the Council s}i...`.: ..._ I1< ...........NaTs Yeas ( % } Coun r barn 31nien worth Gone �daOa Yoer 1 r�1}gout ....4r"sr O'Le rY lfr`.. Proaident, Powv[4 1 10 Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTZNG I)SPARTMENT City Clark. AUUIT7I) CLAIMS RFCOLUTIOTT PORE Council File No Audited JWV lxi _ By.............. ...._..:........... ..:. City Comptroller. Deputy. r Per.._._....... ................................. ................. Y Resolved, that ch,,cka be .1ravin upc,n the Dnpartmert of Firanen,- } payable out of the .."MI.BCMIS.ANMS1tIB AC40S►32r.C7AE-�"iJ)" _._.__.. in favor of the following name;:]. persons firms or corporations, for ..he amour;t Opposite their rasheCtiweBmes' A. C.`Boyeson & Co.,. 1.5$ Burroughs Adding Machine, W. C. Bandy, x.64 John F. Johnson, 10.00 M. W. ?Fitzgerald, Id. W. Telephone Exchange Co.' 1'Sg Twin City Auto Co., d 86.43 Adopted by the Cotlnc i L .— .......................... ............. Yeas ( j Co oilmen Fa nsworth Go a Ma oll Yo rg 0' ear y Ke ler Mr. President, Po e... 0.opr ed .I f l�k . '`, Llai rvL i Original / CITY OF ST _PAUL, to ACCOUNTING TAPAFtT;dFN2 City Clark. AUDITED CLAIMS L RESOLUTION POR4 Council Bile No Audited 1914. By................ _ .. _ _..... "�K , city Comptroller.,/ Per......... ........... ................. ......................._......._.. Deputy. Resolved, that check:; he dravTa upon the Dapartment of Finast^e, pay�le out of the ..... ....."LIG$CI P. ,....._......... in fsvrir of hpPfollcuinn natleipp' ns, Pirn,Et rgrso. `. or corporations for he amount set opposite their res e'etive dames:' Oscar Claussen, Patterson Street Lighting Co., 8,88.58 Patterson street Lighting Co., 5,446.49 Nimis & Nimis, 250.f3(3 St. Paul Foundry Co., St. Paul Gas Light Co,, 28,526-.82= T. C. Auto Livery Co., c �: tfa seep-" E Reeolve8,.�agti afeQ�eF.��n,u�'� do ,tai 4eDstlat8d �x�l�ii .. - - - favo oi' t8aifdl�dryrtfu&'>f$m�. peeeone:. - BtJ�°or eotj/tix9[�t011eG.iai th6 'aID4na}:'� ' .. 6et?bDAaei£e ingia toey�4dtl,�a�nuIDeae '' _ _ O§cs� CtauaMea .1168.68 a Rattenoa _ - � teieon �tS�eeCn�.�3tln� �C �i6 �&49:� • - _ Niaitn Bs �N1mle: ;860:06 6G Sonfi�yg IIa 16?.II0 8>:.�'ual Qai.ZlB;kti'� "-18'8'68668d` {v, by ¢e Co pdi. Jaam j - Wp�a pFi6Yad upat"16. x$14. -° t� - n. �$+khe- 86 1814i, Adopted by the Courci ...... ... ... Yeas ( ) Coi oilmen ( j} ) Nays Far sworth Go$ IuicC 11 f/ Yoo g Apar ur" ! ._ 191.4,. 0' pry Ice. ler Mr. -`President, Po ars �f Original 3 CITY 6� RT'. PAUL, y to ACCOUNTINI, MPARTMEN City QleY'k. AUDITED CLAIMS. RESOLUTION I"OPO Council File zq' d Audited t 2 97.4. 73 City Comptroll r. Pe.r .................. ._. .. 77sputy, ai F Resolved, that dhecke be rJrarrn. upon the 1Departvont nBence, payable .out of the ..............°PAYS1Qt.:EQt1 he foljo,rM g named pel,son s, _�i'rrFfs­ .._....._..._ or eorporati......nn3. for the amount set opposite their respe6tive namds.' P L. James R. C. Jefferson, 2$6.$6 ' Raymer Hardware 'Co.,97r�. !' 17 Robinson, Cary & Sands^Co., 2I�5 Western Supply Co., ` - zReaolxetf Th$}, CTieakhe ig'QTo stpoW rt4vb .€e�v�1n$ ERu mgeu xA,Paourtt �,fa4,fay jj g, 16i,71056*int ;. aBal`8Af X1BieRL6�' $rajs C,S� tal�WSCEtelt6,,' .... _ xar ttia n+n,Pvut seL,�a�pRLft4:. that#- ca. apeaWc�-riap3ea - , h a " Yap JRai4� lot,,- t98B.8� RaY3reK $e,Fd�is'are C4., RL9�TOt •. - RogYngaa Cary .� adpp Ga. t9kb�{* 'SKeafeSa S - Ad'opted.�g tha Cauactt 3naat9 . -. . . �sA9PiRVAds3uacti3,k9tf}"� - Adopted by.,the Counoilp 1914• Yeas { ) Colin a lmen f) Mays Farn worth Goes MCCO l Yoer A Q'-e ry _ � TLt 1{el.. r I..... Y A..._.,.....,. _,M.t 4'r, Mr. President, Pow rs Original ; OITY OV bT. PAW,[ to ACCOUNT1.140 PtPARD!, MT City C'lork. AODt'lED CLAIMS - PE90LOTIO14 FORM -mb!'n'tlGc�MNRc: Cl t,tlk:1C L -'Y .Y rY"kt:_YM:'"..c+tYn!-•wyr_'f���.._tlY.ffi.='Iw_.T,_---?i :�4{,.._�1'..5 ^u''.�1 .�J H`:,..:2T.°!1i C®unoil File Audited fob 1 c� q A914, 8y „ Ci tv_ cojhptrollor.(� Per .......................... ....................•............:.t.,.... ,Doputy. t Resolved, that chccks> b drawn Di—A. Dopa.rtmmn' of .t,nance, , payabl© out of the .....".1dflSKT_.IIAS21TkAC �C.C.Q.Urd3kL_.Irfi"` ....w: in fouor of ,the following ritirrefi pe; snrs[ f,3rm>l or corporations, for the amouht set opposite their respective [7eMiefs': Board ofWater Commissioners, Samfl. J. Davis, 2a»� H. B. C. Martin, The Julius: Peter Co.,`'` Shotwell-Harris Company, 4` St. Paul Gas Light Qo., 1.00 a e. out o ar a;ent of .k[nancea ; Z thd• Marget jr,' panoa . .aoe6jtnt Geherpl'�yn� �RB.vAr o - tjte [ollow[ng tta)aed.. < mgt oxo: . EB�porat[ona 11 oilj th9, y'oe1tA�'tbetr s�s[ieotFkelagtue� M`gai��[yterf ahningtee[ogaw.. igss a +o4G;x1°e�e}ec cQ. �[.t FB,ttlQBg.[gh�t'Co. gj OP.rh �0, asAtea b t2�otaa¢tL•uao xs �E4r,°r5t1 7 e lS zs�f , Alortrd" by the'Courio 1 1 � ;. Ye[is ( ) Co[r;CiUnrYl ( A'4yt l' n.aworth . Go e 1dG Q l l ' Y+ illi ,....... 9�. Mr. Pri Oldt `l?o 0r•8 Y :K v Original r CITY 0b1 8T, PAUL, .to ACCCUNTIN3 DEPARP�fFNb City, Clerk. AUDITED CLAIPdS, RP�SOtUTIOV PPR: Council Bile f';7T ; Audited ..:......,.. �'� 1914. By....._._.....:.. ..................:. ... ,r CIt, &M troiler,` Deputy. Per ........ ......................................... - Resolved, that checks b 9rnwn Yx on the Department of inaneQ, _,Payable out of thT............ "2D-_._.:. ... _...a. _....-.._........:._..:._._...._._.. in, favor of the following named persons, firms._. or corporations.._........... , for the amount se's opposite their respective names- t .�Jt S. A. Farnsworth, Coupons cashed, City Treas., S. A. Farnsworth, " " ttO.Qb City Treas., Merchants Nattl Bank, Coupons cashed in New York,-May 15th to Ju=te 1, 1914, . and exchange, 4,074.017 st.:.Paul Tile Works, Intorest on deferred 97, XI'— p�e'nt, -4,996.,78 IC'=E Flo Slf �tasotpe8 that ehoak�6e drawn nit. 7 °anis on � h� #niaxatdY�Fnnd� 49 ., " vo `, oL Le , fotibN3nB'''na' nerpo3 - - flrMa sorQhi�g�Upn&�toD tD8- ma;oath - net;>opy�elta, t_(�glC� cea�aoSl4e aemea`'.;, . -'B: A+317'§§rnexiorth YCiiA;T>•.'emeu �aac� . - tlCpa .Ca,6ad �S�T26 �lii7 &'• � E*mrp6- - waCtth 'ii[iy True. GOUDone e9,slt&di ' �`�11�'06 MerC'tiaata,.�Vat'4_ 9mYtLt. COUP � ' voria oaaDed in Near A,QSFC 7{iag-.11:t7a. -> ittd'8 =3iin8 1:.'--31814 arid�.�e7[ Daaage.+. .,.y-`,.. ' CS4:R'G402.tee- oat qa deterred prtydienf - Xa�ppted DY. tho Coaa, ip16 ' +}PproY4d 7aaq"1$ 1$Y9.='- �. t 634 a "8U 141? - OriginalCITY 021 sT. PAUI;, to ACCOUNIPItNG T18bARTMEMT City Clerk. � AUDITIM C,LACMS RESO (TION FORM � 0ounoll File�t Audited r�lJ� ifi 1914. _. city comptrolle .^ Per .... ..._......... :........9._..:,_.. beputy. m Resolved that r;hcok bh dr nn payable otat of the ...p k Y+Ai ...... D. ._..:...._..............:................. In Envoy of the fol2owArg na,TMed porsoms, tIr.m9' or fcol•p_orations, for the amount et' oppo.s2te their respedtive namae.1 4.40' W. J. Burns, 8. P. Davis, J: `J: "Watson, } °=ReabTvEd �ha�-gfieq&atbe dr0�av,:`dD- t-. ' .. gn�Yhg .i�OPa'Ftn nt qL ^F1nuaSe.-. BaY� - �O rEXpepne�-Aeq. g61,0YOr q'Gafng" yg6,nte+�k DerAo31S.: , _ x Sia1H dr 6f(gR6n i0�tfie aatanaC� aet bD�oaite ;heiy� reep�btlae; aames'� ,' risco% r a :tieb� ;13Gd0 AdgDt9 b3 f1kR.¢nhgll, Daae 1., 181E °, � - (AIR 4vad JRg9- 6 y19i4 'v 5 'J Adopted by the Coln 21............................................................. ... ........... ............. 1914., Yeas G unailmen Nays 7,rnsworth ti s 2�I olltk- ;�� Yo rg ApoY d "'�` 1914.. Q' eary xf Ice 'A Mr.��.-Prauldonto P� ter mo _"�� Original CITY 0 g1'. PAUL, to �� ACCOWMIIO DVPAIRT'lA�`.ltf City Clerk. AUDIV D CLAIodG L RESCUUTiON FORM Council File Nta��p�F Audited .3llY � 'It�14_.��� :191h. By_._._. ..._............ .. ........y .. ....... Cit Com trolle Per........... .......................... .._....._._................... Deputy. Resolved, that checks be drel41n upon the D=oArtmen -of. FInarce,• able 'out' ut of the rhVIQI Lj1PIV,�Pt► _.�Q...OUP1.043in favor of the following n -a � pergor�s, Tiring or coi,•porationsi for the amount set Apposite their i :;pnctf re names: Phil,. ;& Reading Coal & Iron. Co., ` 18.64, Raymer Hdwe. Co., 62.46 Robinson, Cary &Sands Co., 16x'77 W. S. Smith, ----- t i5�E3 t= r xa iib= x F�BeQYreal: i<t. ohah�U,e400m;V�Dr o h 3�le txiteAi.,,Qr qr'; 44., Dom" ' s- �h ty.iY L Lha,'=3PeC[al axit<r Co3LOLk"S1cLtgxi 4A+iaount" Yaylya' IInt�t - .. - Daae�ta 9'sndLauLBt�iv=.iatas�at L�tr'tc�-r- - - Io'vFID '74'�Lka getaeuBr ArihM' o� DRMn6t,:3ote 144 s1U0u�iLi°&9D . i elf Y9sveailvgU,dagnmgr ., ,; 1'hli �-5'riead3 Cc�af g� �ra�t X4 MtoDLad, 4k"`'Lh u f� - ' aA'D➢4�8Y��tun4'36s�.i$,f�'+ ��;; ,� Adopted by the Coianci ..... ................ ._...: t ......:..... __.....,: _,_.. _..., 1 ;R Yeas (� ) Cou cilm6n ( }} Pays Far sworth Gos MCC 11 / Yoe g And 0'T aryKe t� Mr. President, Po era i r} r Original e i -01TY OV ;S . PAttD, ACCOUNT7Na DEPART tT to 'ATIDITED CLAIM hsSOLVT1O� POPS4, City Clerk eca— nnem �mrmvaaoacnasr=�p�.iy�nce: r=�tt�s. r•-•u-+±c=_. _. -s_:�� Couna3l File 1I0, 1.914. 1/ Audited xIUN l (514 ( r City Comptroller/ Plbeputy. er ._.__ _...................... Resolved, `.hat checks be drawn *soon the D partm r r of FIariee, payable out of the _in favor of t,ne follonira flt�z o'd pe#Ongr .......................... or corporations, for ,.he amDunt =et opposite their res peat ive.nm ae3: The Electric Construction Company, 139.:aCt < 30 4 Baree12, Ozmun,ICirk & Co., F'. Nuesbaumer, Supt., Joseph Spornick, �o �ino93. uDoing ou •E�Ynance�,yy.aseD,yy;- I able op4�oL a .P1aYRKbnadB'>�:4` Pac9aat la Sa ar oY° ills= LodawHag m hXb atoll,l5otap�:'Ma'-Ck�eRY�ot�ttonB,. N e�gtk a',i es 4et oFPb914a' CAekr re:; j,�Tfie EtooLKt6sC"paetrnutloa C'9mysalr - . �'7YiB b9 kar`xroll,Oaatgt ,..rRlzB � �o lE3Q:64z F 3Jaea-gaWaoY, 9nPPSe,'�.3�Q�� �7oee h ggoaarhlol� 1E349G, ..a. - _ G +1:i�aPte$ 4b� �hbw CBahii[l 3fiaa-4 F3. �39hDPKRYO� Julie a� � F�l".i�` �- I �. Adopted by the Covr:cil .._..............._._,..., i a .k ,. �... `1 . Yeas ( 7 ) Coul iimen ( i Maya (/ Va sworth (dos MCC 11 Yos g A or OIL ary Mr. President, Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ,� ACCbUNT1t G DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS RFZOT,UTION FORM Council Filsj .. ... f Audited uv�iyv 1 ! i�-.1 1914. .._........._._.._...._......... �f By......_....... _.......... _........................... ._... City Qomptrollor/ / Per.._...._._...... ................ ..............I......_...._._.. Deputy. Resolved, that check-; bF drawn n1pon the Department of Finance, payable ,out of the ................. :..._......_._......._.. in favor of the following riamed persons,. fi ma or'coi•porations, for the amount ,mt opposite their respeetiva names: Austin-Western Road Machinery Co., 1•g0` Board of{'Wat,er.Commissioners,`o 32,94. Board of EireCommissioners, 40.00 Nort)iern Malleable iron Co.:, 6.3o Western-Supply Co'., 33.96 ¢itda`plvH3 Tt1at;phhc8e Sa;FdF&w OF - - on �t1}e Iie� ortmeaY .ai Fluence o� t .ga'zlp?df�iy Accoune - _tn "'fBiYoY- a� the tojro'aefng _ � ncnH -=:firms oa egzUarofla3x.'�az the ". amount "6Ht` a H�•,'gteh� ,�eaF[gctlre ihaleB h •'S• AuHtln `Wegternv,Bood bp`achingzlt' Cp D£ 1 Ba�Boot`Qb C hotel' Cann¢ strlbnezG ass{; Bo@rd �s Rtro- oarq�essaaerH; ; Joao Naztheen�LGdtlaable-^7froafco,•:. - rPF WY Cx i�3.8.& - �Adogt d bg ��Cegnctl daaHt .L�` ' • LB¢BProvH�Suae;2� X81{, e s - . sx. ; .—` t.FaAe✓.gO 133{ }, - 'Adopted by the Council .._.. ,. ............. <........................ ....._._. .......... ,......... 1914, Yens Co oilmen ( ) Nays 1/ Far .sworth Gos MoC ll ff Yoe,g Approve--r_l�t 0' ary Kel or 4`usyor- Mr. President, Po ra Original 49621 CITY ax CT. TIMM, to ACCOUNTTYSG btsPOTMEN City Clerk, AUDITED &Alms RF:CGfvmn runt Council File No - Audited-... 1UN ! ,3)'-1914 1914. „ t. By _: .. City Comptr.olle Per ......... Doputy. Resalved, tha..t, ch-Pc!ks b, drajrrk upon the D vtrtrd*r of Finan"o, payable out of thh.........._._...._..... ,i 1 ; .. A' ... .. .._ •--w.. _..._ .._ w_.. in Savor of the following namedpor'sane, $ir ma :._ ..............:............................. or corporations, for the amount eat, Oppos.t ,e their respective navliet; Edw. T). Reynolds, 3usttce Court Judgment, 2.71 F1en 1d. Reynolds, Justice Court Judgment, ,,, 4. i� _.• �idtlRiYbtli �7aE4Ckll�.'H'tl`iiff �kP"` _ � - . '� RA �glr�'.Dep�}ftMOnC-'61 .9YnanCClj O•a.. tbYB Ani off' kit £'SIIdgefeP=a IaY4t' n� lTtn,�iukkoitkng. Hain - �6 �` °1' 9P1 ihr Y.(ca x�smtk4. _ - . .. get 6A1M t4 tkta etleLbctkY 46V 3nf7t#ea fttNnT, Cou SnA�m@pY''Cg 1§Yett 84'SAtrx. 3vetin3, Co JnaBtrt�A'kF � '� E - _ - AdOp,{4d: bY' 1'�e 4'�Ui�15t4. r`�}tcs� SYr k�nn '� . i'4vea�puns b�2isi�,.wr -r Adopted by the Coure it ._....... ......... ...._:.._... _-...-.. ...'. "..._........ u.._ t�3;3; �. Yeas ( `} } Coun ilmen arn worth F"24 Goss a 1�'`. Yoer wed Q'Le ry ' Kell r Mr. President, Pope s < Cri incl 1 .•� CITY .OP X37'. PAM, �'AtlC(fUNTING to 15-PFAR kd NT City Clads, AUb17`ND CLAIMS Council. File No 31014 1914. Audited JU E r n By ........ ....... «.._ V.....'-.... ' City ComptrAler. Per ....... ..... Deputy . Resolvcd,_ that check, be r1rawri ripon`.�h: m N a`nicn cif T rmnen, payable out of the .._...._..._.. parsers PirmA in favnr of the follcla Jng rr3.mcd r ..........................._...._...._.. +; ti ^et opp,.:ss e n r'eaPe Ci ,,.TB nH3?SP fS.: or corporations,. for '.he amo.�n� Robinson, Cary & Sande Co.,; Western Supply CO.," $40.69 l� x xar�> Reeoi �k cheeks bwtirypr,�F on Lbs�De bnt of a yaga able feu.. a�atdm Mn,PlrkV�."HngB�` . fn!,Zdpop of ewing. ggegedy¢b. - .. dans as capDokaIloas;, ::,fair th p�ttsa}y CarYE -R ° Cents 'Westar ydPA'" Cn., fS 1� idapte�- r47* than �AgSm7i .1ttng. {.t ' �126ti�ed 3nne l:6 � F91'f - Adopted by the Council __....... r... ......... Yeas ( i Co Pa nsworth 00 a Me oll Yo rg Pary Mx--. Presid6hG.t P airs original CITY OP OT. PAU f to ACCbLt@TfiJ.nTr ll00192'TAt y!°7 City Clerk AIdbTTti1 CS,A1m9 t`� gGL1J'il0Pt FJiI't mClYpmYlCeY'� mtCmCC ���' »s d •t " : ... .�_� �m�.��v: x.� _:i:._,... ... . 'Counoil File No. Audited 'By _._........... G t2y CityGomptrPer.:..._._....:..............:.................. ........._.... Resolved, that eheokU.b ,Ira Nn upon th l3a rrtmenr of Fznartoo, payable out of the ...... _................_._....:................r. 9n favor° of the following named tp-mons, fl?j;1 or corporations, for,�.he smaant Set oppasi.te their respeo nsmes: N.. W. T::e,lephone Co .., $t. paul Stamp Works, . RenoTve�.. SC6eL .chedkB bo- dra�ycW vc��:- . - 'on tbB pepdttmeat 6t FW§noe�p6g - able- �it'y'C€3 FT". h =;M niCfgBS ,CWFB . n& �€faxor Lr� - :geFfione xsrms a corpu}'Bsta3s.:tdx tho- F' . �smo+�xGt".�BBL �CDPofilt , tbe1,K- reBgectLYa „ - naffieB Sv 1'eieghane Cm;. ti$ga st'�uk" ". S�mp S�Xorx ;869 �.5 x ' dagmt�d by ehe� Cutinofi Snne. 23� �gpfoved� Stine .%9 X8]],,4 yyf Adopted by the Cormei _.. ...... ..,. Yeas.( ) cot ailroen ( d j Nays Va isworth Go s Me o11 01 ary Tie 6f�x arer. 4—* W-4 e'- Y Mr. Presi,dont, F9 rs ,� Original @ 2 nTY Ov 9T. PAUL, - AC0'flUNT,INCa M,PA�i1'I&IIL to city Clsr1 . AUDITEIP CLAIMS RrJSoLbTr0'�T FORS city�C Jerk Council o Filo ''•. Audited .. 3 1�J14 y" .I�JI�k. ..4- City Compfr.o3ay. Per............_........_...�..........De utly { Resolved,'ha r. r,hceks be dra,,,m, v urs he D artfffew. of si 3diico, o"S�? '4r ._ ,.,.w..., payable out of the _.!,ART_.1XS-TITV'1'�..e� in factor of the following nam., pat .goner fl rttt3. _._._._.... _..:..... ... _...._.. or coT•porations, for tr.e amount set appisit s heir req pn.c. i to name. Miss Zessie O'Brien, Albert Salaba," p 61Y�eDa�*tm'�gi } 4' < .. ob �9 :$t1TsaCA., paY": akfa aatr oX a `&tC Iatkit�ta' �eoaai CaegBrst ' Tn NTS iaTTax '. - - - ,taaoact{f Tai Named' yeYaoaetE /<r�y.. afi ,�azTipxac - N{aadj Xb�sy25�- bkTIIaaa.#ry4.,6e�apDMlf L1�U1'.'.�69LCCLSY-C - SC78s -QQ�,t'7N1]y}' 186:1a .iyjbB�f�`. sdopkad qy tde cant��sTx�, Suab � - ;: 18x4'? APT�TWM'SaaW i Adopted by the cunei Yeas () Cou cilanen ( ) Way. T Far sworth 4os MOO 1.1 xT:111,01 r �'` Mr. President, Pare E AtMj OriginalR to ACCOUNT194: MIA.1164fl City olerki AMITED OLAVAS -MOLUT ... . ......... . 1914. Audited -:t.e By...... ......................... .. . .... City Goiaptrollarl Per DOPUt7- ................. ......... ....... . ............. Resolved, thaA chocks be dravtn U4(';11 the Depar�tffe�"It of 9i naAe6 -,-.'payable out Of thn . ....... in favor of the fallcVlng r16,ffted pe?50w .......... — ........... .. or corporationsi for set OPPOSIte their rasp -a C"r, J. 7 IJ rMI10 9 jntsreat due on specigj' 8. A. Ttkrha*orth, - Com -. of, Fimnoe*6 0 so pmetij bonds, Yuly 1, : ", 114 t 'taag' FF MNDhdl OdA& IAN. ' ond Z Adopted by the Cou o i ...... Yeas C. u to i Ifflen 4 Nay s `a sworth Me oll Yo rg p ved 01 Ice Mr. Xresident, - PO r4 Or igingl -� �� CITY OF 6T. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING LPPAR`PMIENT City Clcsr�C. AUDITID• CLAIMS RRS'OT,UiTOX FORM q Yit rl........Y1g35nG�='fMC" Council File No ••. Audited .....J R 1 191 �GL.Ay ��' ..1914. 1. By................. .._................... City Comptrolle . Per..... ............... _................ ....... Deputy. e Resolved that Chocks Le drawn upon the Drypnrtaient of VTnaneo, payable out of the...7.0I20IAL...ASS:SOJA...CC�S�il�"7'XQ.1�.. AC.�411}34�'`�PtiTf�7(� g113!?Atgm5RAnD TO:..SU1dMIT In fRvor of the following, named p'P.rsonat pirms� or corporations, for the amount qeu opposite their respeetiia names' Christ..dohneon, �5d iT t .TiehPveditntch1i6ns-be drg. yD' .. ort the, t-T7e nrtmean- of �ErnancpffY ' ; � abYa. outs �`t,ixn "$pGaiaL Ks9danmenn Zorlstrue On6` AcobnL"'Pe,'o'tnBi, g� ' - 7ine-GFand tSuhSmtn(•ta LBYOY o(;?7ie;_ -. . � ;otloa`ci'ng na.1f§&;q'era ne HrmQ.�Pr`"co�,.-: - poratSbjFsrtoP the nat nen oppon$e � - . ixelr renDecflYa hPffie$ , doD.tedt xYz.,tile,fCqunclt dans 13c i 19a�p�zgve�} f nns 2a isi:j � �. k ri a x fi .: 4 1 �... .. :... .. ... .......191:a, Adopted by the Cour:oil)- ..._............. ....... ...... .... ........wt Y.....�s.,.. Yeas ( ') Cour eilmerl ( ? Nuys Far swarth D 008. Moo 11 YoeC A I)roved Q.. t ».„19 4. ry Kel r �` : ��' Frt� G ? ' y s^a. Mr, Preei,-dent, Pow res .; v r � CITY OV ST. PAUL, Original , � d�. to ACCQUNTING DEPAR'F�IirNT City, Cleric. AUDITED CLAIMS RH,SOLUTTOTT FORM Counoii Fi jpfPS 914 1914. Audited ... ....... City L'.bmroller� Per.._ ............................................. .........:. 'Deputy. Resolved, that cheoka t'e r9rawn upon he C)e;Dsrtrnsr-1, of Finance, payable out of th,:".I�[I.t*.Ti)1Ja...A0�S31�'P GFffi�AL..Flfi� .Baard..B°i3e_.. 4.?.a4Z._...._......................... .. in fervor of the foll.otting named persons, firms or corporations, for .he am•,unw net oppoeite their respective names: - I. W. 'Granite ja D ReD ab6lYThem c- q6j b diaeR nP•: ay MBLYm� aadfL P7 suae b12�6 Lt bE YtY@&^ :8 d +&'iIAPo' Nva _ in riGCttaraT"F�nY '41788 ',Sq faaar om'th follawi'�$ nam d" A0RR e�B/."ES PqqOaTai1 II OL �,' R,m oppoeti 2h�1f bapeciST u DPe'aQR�4 ntie��a. d3SQg xWoDtbd hT tHa CibphCt€' Svna S -3r pp t 4� ' { F18ADDrRvec]JTu�OFid 181E °`t _ _6Tuhe..8Q x9113 1914. MCC 11 / yoe'g ea OIL ary -r-- rsiel 'er Z11i2�tf1� rG?Cyor. Mr. President, Po re ; r: original r -14P GI,xI CW'.6T. PAU f. to ACCOUNTUO T}19PARIITMT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAWS k RESODMON P[IRki Council File No 7// Audited JUGI LS ��" 1924. Ry....._ ... ,..: _ ...._.. ~ City Comptrol2e . Per _._... ._......._....._.............._._......._.. Deputy. Resolved, that checks be drawn upon the Departmen`, of Finance,.. payable.<out Of the ".R.:MAI]�TEN..AC.!L_FS7!F _., in favor of the following named persons, firms or corporation's, for the amount set apposite their resp .c names: The Wm. Ulmer 'Stone CO., ;, 10.00 . &aaotve�_`SAfiL ch'ec�tdrha�raau-=vif 'awe. a�,Dar�d�`reewetz ��va�noe' aeatvnt �[iaue R3 Svad Bd. &'.�„1Qp. tz8si �ytaa�r-Q� �tt� YnlroaFtd,� hawe�. yara4LrM=dcros #m c6rtiGlax3me tatsitttr �:antavnl 48Y, �+RFVs4� theii'� xeet4ettt� '. . - 1pi.#doD4t b t tr Ccnnefk � � iSr AD�t4c e� 14h# k�e" 1534. � I A-dopted by the Counci ....... Yeas (` -'%'Lys 7 ) Far,worth Ga cilmen C MCC 11 dr 91 Yoe" ry 0. Ke l er Mr. President, Pow FB iglnal �, at Ty 0�' OTs i?An, to ACC(7UiTrti�!3 ty�G:4ork AUT4MID C,t:_,'"t,UT11�Juncil:Fildited City COmptroi7 r :t— Devi Y. Tlesolvi�d, that c1; cks be drawn tx_rxon the Dl t a.r tme'nOf y nnnca s payable nut of th_. ..M'N-.AG.C4N1'j13fG SYB ACCi1S""+.� _.i.n favor of fhr .... foJ 2 Orin. n rood p'f"o'�s iritis or corporations, for the amount sit opposite thear resSpectiv1 nsm Edgar B. Toison, 2�« F cF ; I ( etfped� pL ..la,Fl%r1iCOn r- -. 1j� . hYs tSh� 2�?fs.�^NaV!'tsiMaltt(�g't � . eLF �MnikktGea�Qy`�fRaltd.'�TG �'1'6T, - z.,. of 2$a"tott6a¢Lng e� pmcggy{rc��� •`� .. - 'gdst�Detr� �sG�E,(a�ffa l Adopted by the Cour,ei 1 .._._...._. ,_.,...,.. ._.... Yeas ( ) Cou_ c ilmen 7 Par sworth / Gas Moo ll Yoe g. :A vv ..... n..a 0Tf pry or '0 Mr. President, POW rs i Original". c a ���� OITY OF EST. P.AUi, vl ACCOUNT,INq , EPARTEIMIT to City. C1oz'k. AUJ)tT- D ,CLAVAS RESOLUTION- 76RA o Curlcil Fit Audited .._ Ju1 i r5ia l'914. By e ,City Co4trol er . Per, .................. ..... ........... ...................... .......... __ Depute. Resolved, that checks be dram upon the Department of �'inancg, payable cut of the •.._........ ".0 i1SSVVAt ,.ACCOIJN7'r. mel p'� ..r.:. ...........coi._...._...._._...._............._._...._..:.. in favor of the followingfollowingnamed e�-sbns,- i�rrTtis ''or �porrztions, for the amount �-,-et oppasite their respe6tftre namcss Deily -Fraser Hardware Co., 31.60 _a - � Redo v§�f,�si. gg1�ebT�a#beti,daawli�.lnff ; '.. ntc Lhegile PEta�•n�o€' S1h8nn�apnyF. . SDIe assk �t�a ,OrBBavW1X8 ,9,ceoWt�„ Geaerak B'tind 357hYs�xur o€ tt�e iolhiw - 1nK''named�Pereot[q .6"rma orl boryora tlbae torr i o amovh� 8@C oppasl�o � - th01s'teePdat�ve-nsmeq rfi' � k-> P D�Datlz-Fi'89ert Eiaedwara Clr �31i86. - - dj 4 Adoptedby the Council..............._._._........_._............_.:............_........_._.._... ......... ) Colin Yeas Ilaisn ( 1 (_ d Far s vor th Nayo Gos MCC 11 Yoe G A ed ..._ 2141, .: O t h a ry _. - -- _ Ke1 er r 'M.,E&,,A1iON �nt, 11QF1 rs _ fly /}tt (,�M {��({�y Original 'kJ Ulli O V1, F'AVLs t T e� ACCOVNTAXG T�CI�ARTREIT to city Clerk`, AUDITED CLAIM, WOOL TIM VORU i Council Vit 0 1.914. Audited 1 1914 ,/F G ...:f...Y''L'c ._..q _:....._._. ... By ... ........... City Comptr'0'110'P/ � Per ........ __.._.................. ......_..... .._._......._,....... Deputy, Resolved, that checks bn drawn upon the near tme of ssananrrr, payable out of "the "k'"(i$..b'UNAp. fav ar of the fo7.lcirg namedurcnH, firms __..:>: ...:............_.........._........... 1n or corporations, for the amount set oPpo.,ite their reIs+pfcttve naoriie4 farfl4^ M. McLellan, t�-`n�ia3iv a That enactsUM#utgolde ae�tir�'r�, • Q'Ee'a[.tx°�nit i acr ad�ir� " - " �ro�;Cctp��r � awanm� aeh aDAteCLe Wei aflvai"ffROAtje`i� • . ,. <. . Mrbo3tsnr i8 � � A; Ado�tte�> F!Y thq �"9ueS17 SpY�l� I j i b.11?lt Adopted th© CouncaZ ....... ........_... ,by Yeas ( ) Cour. ilnat•n i �; ) ays Par suorth GOB Mae 11 Yoes Kel or Mr. President, Pow"; CITY OV ST'. PAUL >' Original � � c�3�) � to ACCOUNTIN(I DVIPAIi'jvtNI' City .Cleric. AUDITED CLAV48 F{T"+:SOLUT1014e �"ORhs ' msx v c. �nccccuca�rcc: =c a�-ie�cee.asti »�•�:rmr+zxz-+s �ca+m _._.=.�-� r���.c.-:�'c �'��ra• s m c Council Pile No djT94 Audited a City comptroller. Per .. ....... Deputy. ;Resolved,; that checks be basun upon the Deps.rtment Of .ainance pays.ble out of the ..... tZ ,AWD,..C�:ptJ7fLSG.9�dAIfS. in favor of the following rimed versc..e, or corporation's, for the amount aet opposl to their re;4pective ravel Handford & Wellc t.`Ftt3 t 1 � �o�yeli aT�kff�cSildG$R X19 �g� 1a�-` od he xgep lbba`'a meet .ot 7aus Gni - WoF�t h�.tG6?-. eYeonf 9rID9 a� IIaYS 'R*# ' tax, ti.e� Atdan� daL �PyoaEte 'kh�LY` se- gy�ca4e ' ,sgnature �-�lett,��, siaoa. i91 D���'Ju?1e YBS {ilSi '� y 9 I Adopted by the Co;7rcil............................ ............. .. _.. Yeas( ) Cou ciieuen ( } 4ayu , Pa sarorth Go s etc o l l Yo rg . r ed 4t; airy Ks lard...: Mr. President, Po ars —_..— r JaA Adopted by the � —191 YEAS NAY*. MR. FARNSWORTH 'GOSS IKEU A 77§}� RF 7, wl . Ct17Y bF�A1Pi'� 6AUL, JOHNtHdMHe+e gkYLE JOAN A \VILLIAM J,pItEA0BERBON T +� tt ' OB.W. M<MEEkIN eTiine loth, 191`Y6 i'O the iioUno il ntlenen:- ' Herewith i transmit for your oonsideration, an ordinanoe settling the olaim of William F. Freudenberg against the,City of St: ---- Paul tot the sum-of Seventy-five rollers. After a thorough investigation of this olaim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasomable and for the beet interests of the City. Yours truly, F fF ae't Corporation lgrne7. Peaotved, That permission be and it is h6r6by granted the! x6rthweetern Telephone Exchange Ct)m{any to set poled and string wires with the necessary anchors thereon in the following names streste: Noym Slat Three Poles on Dunadian 'Terrace Between Ada & Bancroft Streets. 01 Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do by the Common Council, Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. The Telephone Company to pay to the City,,the cost of inspection and engineering. ' R9Rb1 ndr THnt pnt'fYtlaetony d tire,. �7s hbrn�fy y'�yyrantnd eH0 NoXlhWeg(1 :Tetep"llottb �7%ahah@U �ofn]tany te., .y. ' .;PntOe' 4rYd, btYtnit rnswltT, the peer., :,�Cy ,hndha'rn [ nrbbh tjfr rhA 1g1i4'�?Ir ;- '1 ed btre�ta ` "�hYnb Polga an h�Pti atdP t , si ' COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. Adopted by the Board of tt i j ;Q r 4 d by the Assembly YFAS ��/��•� � NAYS ALO. BAU COB Adopted by the f rrieeie+te�. , //.e .191 .. •... ...T/l CO Eo HY1 YEAS NAYS, - MO N° MR. FARNSWORTH " . ODE GOSS RYA KELLER TRO MCCOLL -9. — 191 NAYS O R. PREIMEN1 O'LEARY Mayo r. YO ERG Y x, NAYS 0 M Northwestern a+�iehogeo..Yr6►ngr►GDS6�dYe;oCakand.tring soiree with thb nee streets': Thre Croft stye'sts. Poles and t the mpany, _ lThe Telepr action and engineerix Adopted by th, YEAS ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING EDWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MURNANE, F. OBERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) by the Assembly A^ NAYS MR. HAAS KANE MAHLE MICHAUD z .. .... POWERS SANBORN WAKE YOERG NAYS O AIR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) Approved pyor. $I7BLISIiED � �oih'rtl �. Vie. �itokeitttih. - -- `,u�.+�..x-.' - Itesorved, that �et'iai#hire ie' Hereby dr�+rteit !. ��� t"ddiiiet� c�yrf 6inllti'fit8t �rtd Vb�,,Aaia a tt*t deet ih the oiAbi0aik *006" 1- tr+►i�+f POW'"'# Me'* de; tt h� 8titch.petti#ie#len it Created upon the oenditidn that amid fto metwo Co. oiit , itsdtWirtify end eavo hard##e the City if St. Pani fret all da%adr#, feet and Expanse srirtif eY the oonetrnatien, waintenamos operamo tion, ase pretence or rval of feed trap nd deer a th►t #aid 7d Mmo CO. veil itr o an •xpenee romovo #aid trap door %&#never that CO". I,t Ct>r1mu *hall ao diireat. That raid trap door moll be oonetraetod =der the o0p#Yw lien end e Ilio #atisfactien of th COIOilSSI014� Pd&talC IIGNIt 13 rho is hereby tvOhorised to t? a "Raft ter the same open t&a delivery to his of a bend in the am of YM T9006ARD DOLLAt 401036*1 t :ooh rul.0 MOW"" that the acid 110ensee wairlheld the City of St. Pntl harsioss trot any and•all claims for 6~ 9, or oxpenee arieina out of the oonstrustisnaase.oDeratiea presesce maintftwoe or reeuval thersefa end conditioned further that the said trap door shall be reasvedI, #s5=gs cdmrdtRatahgr baea� be directed by the Can" CO03 IL. rdthswt exponoo to the pity whenever tb�aa .That get3fcteatda ae ger. tree ane madntatrtaq #req-�oty;ta Isewall SI{- ,Srani"' ot• greaiYsos; n as -:std ti ave. ,w#ba>*i,a^ mast, , .tthatostd aFioerg Br6 Adnpt mytty ane as"vn Hazr►eea [ba Adopted by the Assembly �! . c tt YroM g11 damsggeeM ;qne# ".` 5 a t tg ouk a2 t1YA 'aoa _ ul,. ti r " ay dL asr�#�ran 191—.— YEASsetnays.'aata. NAYS 13 1314{ he cdtrs>Anz. Adopted fiy the tbmmieeieee� ���!.. 1;¢ji n the AAs 'yyyy �trob WOr7t8" ANE AY N B ANLE YEAS pn the Vara;, e enm Of IreVB. ICHAUD aldb licgnBeo" a}ntl: wERs s MR. FARNSWORTH 14 d.Rayt harmtase. ,51ma YOr dainago, NBORN lt�ot the cpnatrua GOSS presence tmafate w thereof d,con i ARE (,a;artha as --trapj. - pVed vett Utt` OERG t {V)teaeV t}10 Fe- KELLER c tt -,ua ctaa pr. }iT •(KELLER) cll.-Jun _- �—' MnCOLL a) 191 NAY sxi O'LEARY ._. Mayor. YOERG� r PUBLISHEID � NAYS 0 M ) a. Ttesolved, That prrlsiosibn i %or6by granted tr 1661*9 Errwirid o rseistrNt am lintain a trap door in the sidewalk in frmfir premi6s6 knrirn as, jwg 1iwr Nal E' $traatY Snap p6reissie» is granted upon the condition that raid TOMPA B1 6 Co. spial indr�m ry and save hermi6se the City or St. Paul rrem all damages, aost eni exponre ""� as f prrrsno� it rriow2 odd trap trap teor and tf' tori henetraotion, s _d sh$never the COMO" as rosovr rail tsar is36n ani net fry fi thy stiprrr =u dM `�tthorised to out a ri THOUSAND DOMAN, ply :'2 7d' gt: Pau), harmless from ioa,use, operation Press"* any trap deer oball be rsaevrdt. heated by the COIOtON COIItd:II,. EDWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MURNANE, F. OBERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) Adopted by the Assembly NAxs MAHLE MICHAUD ^ POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERO- NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT(EELLER) A I �V9 1 ayoi- $'I)BLISHEY3 Board F,; No—____ .- _ _-- Assembly F. No. _ Resetved=Thai A WHEREAS, The following,officers of the City have requisitioned the Purchasing Agent for postage supplies as follows! For the Commissioner of Public Safety, 1000 stamped envelopes, V, No. 5.,, and 500 stamped envelopes No. 8, 431.86; ;.For the Commissioner of Public Safety, Fire ?�epartment, 1000 m stamp"d eni elopes No. 5, $21.00;' ,For the Clerk of the Municipal Court, 500 postal!oards, $56,00; For the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, 500 two-cent postage stamps and 1000 two-cent stamped envelopaw No`. 5, For the Commissioner of Public Safety (Fire Prevention), 1900 stamped envelopes No. 5, $21.00; AN^ WHEREAS, The Comptroller has certified that there is su£ficsat money in the trgasury Of each of said departments to pay for the `pus- chase price thereof; and whereas said purchase-cannot be made from the United,Statee except for cash, and if made through a printer(�ar deer will co$t ,the City ten per cent. more than if they wou!id if purtshere@ed, fromtt1e,Government, therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the Comptroller be and he ie hereby authoritts#, ia€n :thqmie ponisnt:to this resolution by the Mayor and by himself, to draw hia wax�rsnt,in favor of the Commissioner of 'Finance for the aggreg*>*-. sof �aiar supplies, and to charge ;to each department its; diatbrzt ri, u prtion thereof, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authori2 staid supplies for cash obtained from said warrant; the said eupP es ,i r be inspected by the Comptroller and distributed to the var#cus{ , departments requisiti nine ti m@,,, and t,heir respective reae#pte - obtained therefor.T� F 4 4rnersR�atrpw�nt� °r`t�; r r_— c6o-;41tys>sscb trM}ttoa�q,sby r t r — a$aalnB pana35 rootasa nowt a^n �$ttr,:'iba4inilil►Stbnetze',`� 7'J Bargty 1D Q,ftatA1tii<7,ekYM v Adopted HrtF vt i - - " Adopted by the .Assembly. . YEASAdopted 6y t6e a minis ieneN.........` ...' .......19I YEAS NAYS, EnxE —BLE MR. FA NSWORTH atctuuo �'iQ. - .0 AXP fi3 l SAYAORN KE ER € tqwitr Rea o f i ,`ilei i t MX LL , wu tds asp': t ace�;s,w �a j\T (EELLERI aL RY YOE G i xa s as , agct . NAYS o MR. CHAIRMAN (PQWERS) '1 Board Assembly F. No._�___ By - Reseh*d-TW , WHEREAS, .The following officers of the City have requisitioned the Purchasing Agent for postage supplies as follows: . For the Commissioner of Public Safety, 6°, No. 5 1000 stamped env�elopea, and 500 stamped envslopee No: 8, For the Commissioner of Public Safety, $31.86; repartment,,ld10 stampoe envelopes No. 5, $31.00;. Fire F,or the Clork of the Municipal Court, 500 postal Cards, £5,00., For the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildl*i -5500 tUOo-cent postage stamps ad 1000 two-cent stamped ertvelopes•Md. 5y 1.For, the Commissioner of Public Safety stamped (Fire Prevention}, 1 00 y envelopes No. 5, $21.00; ` Ate` ller has certified that there is su­ffiafent money ohasep talents to pay for the pur.-' Unit ed —not be made fromthe will c a p inter or healer from wou d if purl awd thgtc hereby authorixed� upn1� Warr himself, to draw him: oP ae pr the agg-re t port it its—distributtre Eby authorized= o 'b at; the said s�ipp e$ ted to the varfctusT ep: ! z<rti respective rece#gtst 9bta= - F . Adopted Adopte4L by the Assembly,, YEAS . ALD. BAUMEISfERV� "3 `x' '�+' x CORNING ceHM9 RAKE '.. EDWARDS HYLAND 'l MANLE MICDAUD, MONTGOMERY POWEREWERE MDRNANE, E. I• lx � MURNANE, F. Fj SAHBORN - WARE OBERC.:ISi.'�!:, RYAN f�AYfi±/ - 9TIEOER - NAYB°U MR. PRESIDENT (k ELLLR) � ' TROY Approved NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (IIC COLL)6 ff -,: _'ecl � J l , �oe otved, That permission is hereby granted to.the law0boya fTcte Associiition, of St. Paul, a corporation to ji0e a portion of central e o- and Park l uR_ e, not exceeding twenty feet of each street, for the week beginning June Sand to 87th, inclusive, for the purpose of conducting a carnival; any and all obstructions to be placed in said streets to be under the supervision -of the commissioner of Public Works. Before said permission is granted, or any obstruction in said streets erected, said Newsboys Home Association shall execute a bond to the City of St. Paul.to indemnify it against any damages, cost or expense that may be occasioned by the use of said, streete�,' u� v d�%`�U� i�C! wP.•ffL�t c' g�t�a" ta7 " 1,Y Ytkeo oedt 'ChA$�.,,�4er,rtlatfinv. §rahEtid to f di'N_aWbbO,Y'M. rTiof .• pitLtlOf'} Yff 8t. 2'itnt n e�i'4bi )t- ort�4t�b#';. C'efltral h0 -et { �veff�tc Ytf,6[ gtetrdd�tiq df. WafL3 etF�nb fqr tt(e Wkpnar w;R Jun '82119 xry $7tYufuc. ! put4o6C'eM vabat+^kfnK `i .:* Adopted byAdapted by the Asxmbly - i Adopted by the Caauuiaiwk*e. ..... 5 f ..191 G! f 191-- , YEAS NAY! YEAS xAYs, MR. FARNSWORTH LE GOSS tAnu , y KELLER L(KELLER) y M.COLL OLEARY NAYS O M NAYS 0 ed, That" permisAiOn is hereby granted /i&tion, to the Ndi6boys H601 Astb of 6t. haul, a corporation to use a portion of central errac' and park Pi*Ce, not exceeding twenty feet of each street, for the t°A"""'�"'^"..a.. "„� 2atnIS "n2nd-to-27th. -inclueiva, for the purpose of othd to be placed in J �eaia stri ;amieeioner of Public lobitruotion its "id works. streetell all execute a bond to the y damages, costs or exp d streeter Adopted" Adopted by the AMembly wr;> YEAS ) NAYS 'YEAS 191-- NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER M0.. CORNING EDWARDS - - HYLAND MONTGOMERY � HM9 KANE- MAHLE 1 MICHAUPOWERS POWER9 MURNANE. E. J. SANBORN MTp . MURNANE, F. /'s YprIY2 WAREOBER YOERG RYAN / RYAN NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) STIEGER - TROY 191.5 - .NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) }'OT. m x k �i x R, .� , r M 8t niil Minis t t5t 2414. TO tike Cbunc i b th'e City bf at. Pali1. dOnt'l #mbn `c The Nervsboye iioiAe ►esooiation of St. Paul, a gorporationr is deeiroue of holding a oarniVal upon the property in the bloats opposite the new stat°e. Capitol, fortotly occupied by the Madison School and Mechanic Arte High School, and in so doing it is necessary that they have, in additibfi tb the space within that block, a portion Of Central Terrace and Park Piss e, the streets adjoining said propertq. Said corporation therefore requeste of the Couno*l permission to occupy; so much of'the streets above named as may be necessary for the purpose of conducting their carnival or fair, not exceeding a distance of twenty lest into the street in each case} and: any Ob strsotion'placed `therein to be placed under the approval of the Com- missioner of Public Works. Yours truly, NEWSBOYS HOME ASSOCIATION, By .: - Cef:�:ttail �eehit�tian- - t�er�erai foi'�ia 14113 of otiftul 1i;=�stii of .......... ..• ............:.._...:.....:..........._:w _ H.,.m,. _ . ,. �D s£.a tc�ai rrls-a�l�rsF-'iv��.eer.�m»:t+.-"ewr., eaW �a�firi��w�em xr+irnis easigma rtvYit i#v+nk rs:iar eFaeoafee4d�rmc'A�en��efvad Vouncil Filo No _ bate Presented Resolved, that W'hergas by an ordinance dated Jan. 26, 1914, the C3iy._bf St. Paul doxy authorized the Mayor, Comptroller and TreaBt]rer of said 'City to issue and sell, As provided by lave, e4r'tit- --... ficatea of Indebtedness in anticipation of the collection Of the takes levied for the -year 1914. "AND WnREAS said .officer: constituted the Sinking sound Committee of said City; "NOW,Ti1BRVORI� the Mayor, Comptroller and Commissioner of Finance,of the City of St. Paul as the Sinking Fund Committee of said City, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to carry into affect the provisions of :aid ordinance, and to issue and sell, as therein provided, the Certificates of Indebtedness of the City of St. Pa#1 described in said ordinance." Adopted by the Co' Yeas ( 7 ) Gt-1 Gity a't` Bt.pd,u, Colinnil ftegniutiori - deheral form dui esu of ...... •...... .... ....:....,-....._.. _......: -.. .._:......,.._.......- ....--- .--.mow ...�- t.w. m +fiuxA. naesey,s: s�iaien�extrti:>r_exam»a�andmxendtixaeaba��inebe..c.a:nkteafeemmeadaer.+tiee!ai+ena�wls►»cl�umik Counaii File No. ...... _ Date Presented .......... 1914, Byi�;x.e,�.t..�'tr [ tGter� . a�. :c +cr lG--------------------------- i Resolved, that Whereas by an ordinance dated Jan. 26, 1914, _the.-city _of.. St.. Paul -duly. authorized- the-May-sr;-ComptroI1-.r- nd -- Treaeurdr of said City to issue and sell, as provided by law, derti ficates of Indebtedness in--anticipation of the collection of the taws levied for the year 1914, "AND WnRFAS said officers constituted the Sinking Fund Committee of said Cityt "NOW,TMRF'FORr,, the Mayor, Comptroller and Commissioner of Finance, of the City of St. Paul as 'the. Sinking Fund Committee of said City, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to carry into effect the provisions of said ordinance, and to issue and soil, as therein provided, the Certificates of indebtedness of the City of St. Paul described in said ordinance." Adopted by the Council -._._.-... Yeas (� ) Couilmen ' Fwr amnr+' MCC 1 Yoe C' T r; Kel r Mr, President, Pow a f � k Assefl�bl'y Resolved, That the Mayor, Comptroller and City Clerk and the head of the department to whioh the contract pertains, are hereby author— ized and empowered to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul, all oontracte awarded by the Common Council^previoue to June 1, 1914, where said contracts werje not, previous to said -date,, executed on e I° Y esQ v'oa 8rhai tln�'alevo `�`Cbtliti• - behalf Of said City. Ltrhapiler tI.d City sorkgtPPa thb ea of depPrtment�odh the gO11 - PerttthstrmB"hb"tAtl-fiVOW-IROd Acid ant¢ow0rrad to akOCutO bn 11 g( Lhb- �Clty of St Pnul{ hll' a PNda m'1�e$r'd0$•, Iby the C oron CbUhcR1 to TUPar it YDl44 where FOgi�L�'6['Knatih; dere Pot pr#vlous'La gaid date) bYe autbd-on behalf o[;khld Clky=' Adolitod by tho ,:Counolt fano 37„ 1911 A@P[a40d Juno PUN` 2U 1814) Adopted by t� 7 1914 ..191 YEA. N AY., Adopted by the MR. 919@f1��f1� ! r Resolved, That the Mayor, Comptroller and 01ty Clerk and the head of the department to which the contract pertains, are hereby atxth6 ized and empowered to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul, all dbWtraete awarded. by the Common Counoiinprevious to June 1, 3.914, where said contracts were not, previous to said date, executed on behalf of said City. trauDr uid eK q CIO, rk And tha: h,,gDyoY - - thR dcpattmpnt-la.`µht�tt the "hDatraat:�. I�orzatne; p.Pe hdrrbyY Apthorteed- Is7g mpoWorod tD oxoeUtq oil Cris t.lty of Ht�L 7�4u4 atl cafltr� fr�di5d. Abp the U'ojhtnoD L'trtl'heli aYi ftri �N Sttoo,_Y 1B1 aCher@ as rater w-elro' hot prev ous,: to eBf crate, e7to nDted at�yy_ behet! a;'raid fl1Cjr._ Adopted 4q tha ,CotrrteAt . 9LLDd , t9;, 1QA ApprobCd Jnho -1'8; ltl1}; Adopted by t 19j.4 ....... 191iQAYB} IJ Adopted�bq th2 Bout teiiI the Aatemblq �rw 191— EDWARDS MAHLE NYLAND MICHAUD MONTGOMERY POWERS MURNANE, E. J. - SANBORN MURNANE, P. WARE OBERG r YOERG RYAN STIEGER NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) TROY Approved NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) Mayor. At"," ty ; �_._.. `I;eAlL.1.- ." I emleod, thai the mayor, Comt)troller anti City 61e I axd hexe�lxt► authoiAted, directed and empowered to execute on behe,lf of the 01 of St. Paul all contracts let by the Board of Public Work prvious to jute let, 1914, and Which were not exeouted in behalf of th# City by said Hoard before its term of office expired. i Mooed 6q th $r ireiseera, ........JtiN j_ 7..1,9 .........191 YEAS NAYS, d MR. she ?T8i7�T8RTi--y'- t-GO5S . KELLER Adopted by the M.COLL dopted by the Assembly 191— `O'LEARY NAYS Yee--VbERG AL NAYS 0 MR ) 1q F ko, 9s �v �o t Reeo}ved Thal the MaYot Otlmp troller C 6 Clerk a`kd ComMleeibuer � oft Rublja �'."Q4*orkit Ara hergby author I{ -. , �1xgd 1 dlrept�l and. eomAbwore$ to�eze- ? " outeJonabeh 'AL bt the: City of fit: Pan! i alI _a�on vaute,�te; by,the*'Soar$ ot. llo W°Fka_;gn or Prov Op'6�to 3upo- let,- 1 191 &rid �whlah�Yter�,hoW eScedut 1n � _ bekat -o tI}o� City Se'ut $tlaFe .i oge !te rm of atop ezptred t AgP4egd4:, }by�,`tt;e �'ovnolT r 7j>ne 1;7 -" 9 yprovbd u4e.& 911�r i x i1 ' NT (t:ELLER) 4 STIECER . �vt7nae 90�'�Ys1M) w G:-Nyirr; TROY A ?v ov d - � 191-4 SAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) Mayor. i 14 city of gt, Oan Coundil Vesolution - Gdrker&l form. T4epartrdsr2t ofoks $urtaAA of ........ i. kiblb...._._..... _._._._.....w.._. --- --:._.. •,.: kE 4Qrmmrtfr�Miae.arettb's•.tia.mei meetairfnrn brtalmei cem.eaeHwm»eiE'h+aaea®+. siiesaivs-assarse s�twr'�.a vmuev,a@t��..,.,W#nF: Council 'dile Nod ....._.............. Date Presente4 f 'Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby directed to cause Churchill street, from MoXenty street to Cross street to be sprinkled with oil for the balance of season of 1914. Adopted by the Counci _._.__._.:.._._........ __._._ _._ � 191'4• Yeas ( J--) Coun ilmen ( Nays (T'; b; No 14A—ggY a4 N Cibea 8ae@iged "[�a'r tbo Comm2eofo2}@r o� L' Pul2I2e Wotka bo at7d 20 :"herebf di tepteom;, ei0 8 33 toy cauOe ;CRsrop111 aEra@t, fr - '1lSelCenty etrRReE to Croee street to be=, aPP'Ak20i1 wlth pll for the-bs1@ns@ pf� � - Y- eaeon of 3BH n IAC 011 AdoDted by ythe C@unc2U Ja{l@ 17 :;;; 1014 ' � r Approge� J�ine iB 1914 r Yo rg 0 easy Appro ed __C� �• - -1914. vI H ller ---•• • dna �� Ha Mr. President, VOOMM- Cit* of t.vpma 0611 abil teeolutltm General f6ft, � �u'e�„io, lfgt' 3u�Aa or Counoil File No. ..._._..._...,..._.W.__... Date Presa__nted Resolved, that the Commissioner of-Publio Worka be and he to hereby authorised and directed to remove twenty feet of the Robert St aide of the building boated at the southwest corner of Robert St. and Fourth 8t., the cost of'same not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars.------_ 5._. n -At Adopted by the Couroil Yeas Coun ilmen .� Go s 'IL oll Yo rg 0' eary ( ) Napa V ,_....._.._....,1914 . r 42;' CAPS=CIL t7t:ereas: The boara of Pull OR -as •« �.' the asr-esoment of benef i t.e, c sts and W'', a,, Tn: '3 final orders; For the uunst_uctinn •f h $sewtr nr A Pu. Cortland street to -- fa]o ,rent. ap;PWOU construction of a sewer ,n Aldine strFet, from V: A - a University avenue, app, :axed April •-.:ird, ]TWe -:e.c - of a se"ar on Alice str, t :rpt: � `io z ., fee,.. - •.- . ed Qvec.ber 28th, 1e13V Fur the c:.:s`r,:..; !un Uf a so -v: Ar;.Ja a:__.q * ,. _rs ,_ Ren - . from a point 30 fent north o y � z present tarLinue of the sewer C,etwAen Enoch s t-.- ., ... .• .. .._.....-` sire' a distance of al, roxinately 135feet/ a., rived ., - :1V 1113. 71Z he construction of a - er ,n Arcade 'tran;t, __l. 72_-._: _.-- _- Cook street, approved .,.ay Ord, 1913! Fnr t..-. ...- _ ..._ _ .._- on Ar,,.strung aver.ut, from Chats- .- h s :_ , 1 to _,«. ,_. _ v d , Ovenber 12th, 19131 our the c5nstruction cf a 3e . -_ . .._ :- -'.a Avenue, from Lilwaukee avenue to a point SGC fc _ t north .. _ .-=_i+a'-._. d approved July 10th, IS13V For the constructi.n of -- .- •_.. Ars' 6'a - street, from Goff avenue to South Robert a tr at, -- rLved -.... _ .: 71, 15121 For the „_:.stguctior of a se er _. -air air: _ __... avenue to Virginia avenue, alk oeed Ovea'a_ 10h, _,:on e construction (f a sewer on Blair street f r m : rg _ ;_ _ _ -_--- --•_g avdr_ue, approved August 27th, 19111 _„- n_s-._..-- G" on Capitol Boulevard, i'ro:.. inter ,...-. _ .� Arcl a`.:,__ may plat, 1913V ior tit co strut, On f 1 -0 __ :11".0 Sir from Granite strtet to fay -6a , oat, M 1 r: ve_' :_ the construction of a sewer on Cretin _va..'a; fro), A':: A. cr s: -- v to St. Anthony avenuo, on Ann. Arbor ecrr:0' ffum 4r:,1. , .:... ,11 avenue and on 7a*13v kn t, •.r` K,ndc K,.-,cW V _ . -o 2-7'n ''Lue. June 2let, iC13. Fos the . os. -wt! v .. w a point 185 f.. t b,..th of '-:a Ce" W .. . r. feet South of *he center _f -A"t s'..:.t; r For the conutfuctiOn or �nwwr on Dale w`. r- -`,, fm or% " :" ! ,,,,Gved•Qr Railway to garylbLd stre9t, construction of a sewer cr, Fuller QM?t 1� -nrla S'r 2-tt, G r street, apprrved OVEN, er on Oranthaw 6trPet, fr,m DOSW911 avoku& % Korth, approved larch 2Sth, 1913V M "1 9'" Griggs street, fIcs Vat 7urun street .0 !:t"Aa winnehaha street, frus M69S street M a.iioe nv P. all 21st, 1913y For the mnstructiar of a sewer sn 701 a—na, Fiskn6ust& , A ,t ... t to wyoLing street, approved jvne TO, M31 W 7ne Inly:01ion of a sewer on Herschel av,,, frc, St, A thon7 av,nwe approved Aw��Uet 27th, 1913.1 Few 'he street front Arbor street to Buy strut, aqLr�EW inde7& -al-t L the terns and yrovisiuns cf tne 311 Charter' Whereae: it is the n;inivn M 'tL� all 1:tIz ..Is and procaedinis to te had or done relati7s; to the if 'he • aforesaid assessments are practicable tc he done ULASr 'he ""a '- a provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that the Mid AsOe e -an -I :"Iecea under the terms and provisions cr the axis -!:S Char e: -w all further acts and yroceedings to he ME; a2d thd 7 :f Finance and other cffJcQrs and dejar'ssnt- if :1�71 authorized and directed o continut :: v:QIsZ`` under 00 anisting Charter, in accord._....: '4 Adopted ty the Cnurcil, C. P. No. 5-2—ByC­­jlmap- Yeas ✓ worth" Whereas: The Board of Public. Works has made but not c0.41mod. the Wsioss...t of bmialita. cents .pnk Far OT-th the following $Irmlj-or� dors; For the construction of,a se -4. :ron Acker street, from Qortiliji4= LI-Ot to buff4h) Street, aPprOvint lunf�, Ael er 9th, I . For Me W on, Aldine ireoti from $Il, A.-�, ony avortne to UniVerilty a -Venae,; 101 (ea r Y -Pprowed 'April, Satd,- 1PI&, -F.- A1164 , tr i from Ohio street takU� IZI approyod November' x9j&` For, sewer 04 Arox&fz 1�:j Pe ft;triltlon-ot- 9, a M. . point Unt Is" iuT" 3 4 , im"kntirth 11116 of Real street Wtihis�, ppkes@@ni terminus of the; se a not "d A WUMbit of 4ppr, Iftica ` "L Y I'mitimmt I Nr t r On 0 a sewer 0 from aw.on street to Co. rjv p r M I 1, P / f oma chat v Pe p +1. COUNCIL F ILF 3'C- - - - -14-- BY — Whereas: The LG&rd Public I9ork , has 1.,ade Yu+ r; ,t .,,n i rn-ed the asseseu:ar_'.t rr lenefits, costs vr;I exiells ut,,r k`p - licwicg final orders; for the grading of Asbur avenue, fr�,m"&.-n puren street to Charles street, approved June Zlstg IS<13✓ 'cr t''.e -]rad-ingg avenue, frac: Como avenue "7est to Lroa:ptar. aftre�t, app r-,ved .. ..car 12th 1913 For the grading of Chatsworth str�:t, frc;,. .a.rl.es.atra t tc University, avenue, ar,proved January 26th, 1914,✓ F'or the -rad-ng cf Chatsworth street, between Front street ani sur es- st. prc,ved Lecen:ber 27rd, 1913✓ For the Sradir:o avenue to Cleveland aver.'_le, apr:rcved :ei tei ber 2 !d, -,13 i rcr e z grading of Fair:,ount avenue, fror, Cleveland avenue "G ave::ue apr roved Au oust ."th, 1913 ✓ For tre o^a i r:g Cf Cleveland avem:e to Ccu:o aven-,,,e, Test, api r.ve`? ber NI",i 19T3s For the Brading of Syndicate ave..^:,;e, fror:.As;lar:d are:_ to to Saib avenue, approved Jan,-n:ry -, 1914/un.ier the _ter--.s ani - -.s -Id Charter. Whereas: It is the opirion of this C_uncil, all ct-df seta d or done relative to t:^e c;L.-.=eticr t'.ye and proceedings to be ha aforesaid asseseu:-.nts are practicable to b dci:e 4=.der t eru•s''a::d provisions of `.e present. Charter.IIIN Therefor; be it resolved that the said assess ants '_a cur.'-e ted under the terrus and provisions cf the exi-4ti.n7 Charter as .c a11 further acts and proceedings to be done; and the finance and other officers and departr..en's Of the City, ara her'-:y authorized and directed to c:;ntinue to coq lste the said assessu.ents under the existing Charter, ir. accordance therewit`'.: Adopted by the Council, / ----- —Zt. _ .47 —19'4 r� Yeas Nays C. C. P. Nu. 113- Whereus: Tho L'aard of 1'ublio - -- Worha hae etude but nut emith--d tha naaeaatnllu of hf.11Ca. eu to and oX- `- ✓ GI P-t upon the Lullowing fine J Pur. the glading oP A burl Y.el er Lrom`Vnow—Ven :.cc 11 r ^'L dry j ye c. g y ...r. Pr�ssr'sr,'G—ri'd�ere Approved. r_ GCS _ COU11CIL FILF iiD .— IL14 , __ - __ , __iv. Whereas: The Poard cf Public Turks M3 wade the asnesswent cf LenefJts, costs a A19EP-S, WPM tie final orders; for the grading of the alloy in Lloyd's Lots I & 2 Block 3, of scLean's RenervatM from Far! str-n -O rens street, approved AuSust 27th, JeM For the grading f -Ae Mat alley running 7orth and South in :'lock 2, Me 7aoMe &Yz"!Z01 All!'" approved July 23rd, 1913, For the gradlzg if '"e &HY :r Leffman's Subdivision of 11,0k Ep fLj E7 Lyman 3a1to0i Awi7isn, approved February lCth, 1214/ under the ter.; all 7he old Charter. Whereas: It is the opirion Cf WO O"cil, "t -1: 'tto: and proceedings tc be had or done relative L 11YI,z �f aforesaid asseswents are practicaUe to is 11.. s: 7?d 70" and provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that _he saii as -- ••• te :;�jlatad under the terLs and provisicne cf the existing MaritO as '0 n1l further acts and r-ceedings to be Jane, and the n&r Of Finance and other officers and Aerar7neLts . of 70 :'0, act ne2" authorized and directed to contitue '0 0001ete " so'' asessy-ents under the existing Charter, in accordance 7harewitz: Adopted by the CGuncil, Yeas C R No. 1 Whereas: l�To D. -d ' of PbIl. Works has made but not contIrnied the se n alta, Qt, "d e_ N=%'- flual or- I ✓08 ors: For the Lloyd's SUbdIv1i W"" a to slay 1 1 st­ of Lot. I a ✓ Kel er Block a. of M.L.... Ms street I 'I to Cy"... fe-f'�* he Ci 11 prQVOd August ;7th, lata. - g -T9 Y CIL a ry Nort -0 r Ye, tg L v ad.LL—L__C A-sembly 1,e -i-nci 1,,-, nerr!by to isq,le 9r) V�'! r t 7 t licer)r1p t,) r 1,ytie, 411 uI ter. I)avremt intr, thr, City Trf,,-jFjiiry of th-- llml'a) fee n3n(ll lc-j,d apj,r(,ved 1:\' the a ren'evval .c -—M YOERG Ma.vor NAYS 0 Rosotved That the CRY Cleric be and to hereby nmtructod to We— a Pawn- Doon.e to.r, 1,31tlej,411, Rob- ert St., upon pakenont ItitO the C'Ity T,baeorF of the UA.Ml fee fid hood PP -MI by the COPOeti0ot Att.rfieY: be ,thb ofteo. e, ron—el. Adopted by the Counall June III 101#. 9 14 ATIP-led Joee 18,1914. (J.— ?0-1914) jr f A,,p,,d by the A­,olhl, Adopted by the 1...7./...191/,191 i YEAS NAYS, GOSS L-' KELLER v MCCOLL YOERG Ma.vor NAYS 0 Board V. No. Assembly C. No. By the City Clerk I,e and is neret'y in-!tr'JOte'd to �iie a raNrbroRer's Jq licienne to F. Lytle, 411 FobFrt 't, �% 1,avnient. Into thP City Treajiiry of the Ullial fop and gond eq,,r r oveA by the ('Or T c 1, 1 t 1 n A,ttorne,y; t ilA saaUP a renewal, 4. R No. 145— R-1—di That the City, Clerk be and 1. hereby nstrue.ted "b""'a"": broke,-'. ll,,.n.a to E. Lytle,. -.411 Rob ort At., upon p I Into the city g aym T--ry of i.no .1 fee and bond 111111=d by the Corporation Attorney; the be,., a'enagod -- 4V, A A—.bl, 0 A,i,pl,d *,Iiili��BoarA 191 7 -- SAXHORN —RNANE. F. V0EK(; RYAN 'AI'i rKv IM r INEI.I.E KI ROY .1ppr v 1914 -/- All Afavor lav 17�Rt,Ive�1 That !,. "'1!.Y ,^lerr t-� -,. 1a ,. 1 If•a. �a� .. A ;'htii r; t"7t Y.vr f fit FST vY i r v} ri' . r" , - ror,PmF, R�nolven. Thnt thn t:nmmtsxinner of in hnrrbY d�ninn Ydd. SVorke hn and d tr r V-0nAnitk. 1'rnm 13cn1evnrdH+ nrth-ly td Hnuth Rtrent. cn .� 10th ntt dhf tna lrnlnnre he sdrihkteQ at n0— 1974. �AI"n hq the Connell Junr 17. 1914. APltrnven (pn 18, -4114 (J'unn ED -14141 SJnp+rd by +hr B"a"t ui ;. plat Ihr N,—W, Adopted by the Cowwiui "wF-- ..� /L 191 ZI 191 -Al YEAS NAys,Ile 7 RAY! UO IIAO� t i1,RF F e nlJa HYLA F \1 (l v G KE R - oRe0. ✓ �" Mo LL RYAN OT�. r OARY �;! srleC YO RG -YS 0 Mayor NAYS 0 __— r1loard F. No. 1416 Rrsorocli,That ti}e City Clerk be '�nI In in3'.ruat?r1 to to !ue a rlwnl,rcker 1,rlicL'f, to eo. Hnlrnea, 41i 1'.obert ^,t„ uln.- laN;!;en`. Int, t�,e Cit.y Tr=ai1: y r 1 fee an;t . b(" T. ;clrc.VPCl by rFr,rtt., t?';', rru..ji of t nh };.aura the sr r e hr. i ng �s, renewa 1 . Y[CeolvCd 7`h6`$ tMar 8P� ,.,,j dtreat-_' - Yubita W arfte�' F`� tomo ' flnu gvardCit } .� r!, ° iroCf. fo ��: �K[n NrllaneC ba egr[nktd f o- - l Ald. 5 M S t° '� 1a1 pted3j�fi' 'Anxmhlr. 4dtlpted Gp;6a Bnard � y ; 4 r e 191 u YEAS U ALO' SA 4} CM M L'R\ANE, E.1 9ANEDRN ML'NN'ANF., F. MARC OEENG 1"1lE NI: RYAN N.1Y)il AIHPRESInENt'INEI.I.CNI TRO YEN Y .1pproved 191 ,A", 0 MR. YRESIUF. N'"1' �\Ic�'t)1.1.1 � / l Mavor i Ii4Re'I'litl�}' �. i�D Cly Regn1ved.'Thut theco.ntraet b—firing late .June! ICth, 1914 by snl tetween the Ket.tie Fiver company nr.d thr ^ity Of W Pnuz, fnr the F purchase of "CIC r+qunre yar.3a of ^raopate I paving ':IONP to Ce Uawl Jr, pnving Drrttn otreet from Fnirroun' '=,pmts to Li^111 and the etre is hereby ayrrovol, arl the proper 'ri`y of`i^era are authorized to execute the enure on behalf of the Pity. Adopted by the Boa of YEAS A& MU co En H L M S MUF ORF. RYA ST�r NAYS O MR. PRESIIIEN Adopted by the Geese. ........... Je YEAS NAYS 6" 141 A hY the .Assembly_._.. ' ,VATS Hord F No Amembly F Nn Rptnlml, ThM W tortrAct 4 �WnF I" JUA Inn, uy w between thr, Kettle river fompotny and th, MY of bi. Mi, for tho pi irchaeo of pqr, p,(jiinre yen 1p of agoonotO I WIL9 in 1�avinp !rt,* and 1 h unmr-b authorizeJ trot AWW 4 111 — "AS NASS tLAS 191 -S ALD. RAU EISTER MR. H M A U E A - CO KA E 0 1tesnived, That theMAH Ante E Al AD �P ARM j'"I 16th 'Ont t be- 'n' B bY and J)etw T Settle jtj�,, (,je C- =ny and MIC 11 LAND 2 j Or St. P.. all th. — ADD R the ht, muere yaQ 0, or s to be ­�' M NTGOMERY atused in 110 ERS eet froja paj,U, MA1.1t%., ... t .= -ee' be and the Ran, - h—l". — M R PI e OR, 11 RN.A—, E. j. apPI-a-d. If I to Lin- SA RN "" ' th, and the I -Op_ I, lih'.-d to SID ANE, F. b...R 0, thlt%..'iee,'�� wA "'Y Adopted be - ID14. th..c.—Pil "BE Sun,, 18. YOERG A pprON-ed s une 1B, 1814. RY tJ IIB 27-181{) R. Pa ­.NT (KELLER) ST GER T y A;7ppror7!!�� 191Y NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) ayor. City of Bt..paul Council Re'nolutton p- 9eneraI form. t Pepttrtment of, __.kuhll�a...lNo lrt�,. ......... ................._._. .r..-:--,toren.-,n------a��hFm Coi il/e� N% ........._....._....._....... ... Pats Presented . _-�.-/�-....1914. Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and instructed to cause Dnyton Ave. between Hamline Ave. and Syndicate Ave. to be sprinkled during the balance of the season of 1914, 4 trips per day, in accordance with petition herewith attached. Adopted by the Council Yeas Counei men ( /) Nays ;i C. P. No. 148—Ry \i. N. G.g— Resolved. that the Cummlasloner, bf Public Wo Oka be and Ishereby or- Dayton (loss dered and inatrueted to .cavae Ave. between Hamline Ave. and Syn- dlra[e Ave. to he sprinkled during the balance of the aeaaon of 1914, 4 -'tripe por day. In e...r anee with petltlon McCo 1 herewith. tt.rhed. Adopted by the, Council June 18. 914. ,f. Yoer Approved June 19. 7914. (June 24-1914) L 0'Le ry914. Kell/ ... . ._ _._......._._._..... Mayor Mr. President, 11to - �,,. Referred to 'o mis ner CITY FINGINVER'S OFFICV: tit. Paul. A1inn., � 1`tl �� COMPLAINT, i I. r I FR -PH,,, Name of Complaint .address COMMISSIONERS REPORT- _ /) �/��w9 a`l�� �lin 1�•..., �' r_ �.,::� -�, . r St. Paul, Minn., 191 't ,' << � �+< i C� ='r � � '� � i h /' � %� % / ,� - � � % �/1 !� �� i � � .1 __-. 1 .��, �_ .� % j . 9, ('harnell Tisa lotion 11onrarIO f-rm. e' bt^p'+rtmert of ..1'1itT1�..0 Wpxl�fl � ". Tkuareeu of Ccu1 Ffle To. Pa'a Prc�r�ln`.e'! �.l.� _ l 7.h. Resolved, that the grade of Danforth Ave. from W ryiand ;t. to Carbon St., in accordance with the red grade line on the_&ccnnp&nying profile and as recommended by the Co`runissioner of Public 'Aorlm, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 1 r', l Adopted by the Council _.-I ....... Yeas ( ) CtGos ( )t Na" C. F. No. lag—sY rt. �. aeaa— Re.oived. That the arnde of flan - forth Ave. rom 'farYiand St. to Car - hon 9t... In ac rd.n,e with the red iFilede dune onnC the ac ompanYtbo pro -e dedbytheseCommiaalnoerofrPpbldo`telky. [he ndtabeaame IabeebY a p .. s,Ilah1d gra A dopteddeUY the Connell .Tune 18, 1914. Approved Jane SD. 1974. Yo rg (June, 27-1914) ! 914. 0' ear Ke er .._._._. y _ Mayor��� Mr. President, city of at,Penal Cotanr4l Pesollat("on - t'ien>tral {arm, . Bureau of affi......... . ......... ...e..� Couno ile N Date Preeented ... -...1Q14. Resolved, that the grade of Kent St. from ',%ryland St. to Carbon St., in accordance with'tho red grade line on the accoerpRlny- ing profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council ._.__-__.___.-__..191x. Yeas ( ) C11r ( ) Nays —N-- _ ' .'.0-d6 thaBlth, it""'oor Kent i fr.. ccordarnee lard "St tth the to Carbon gradeand. line n the nCcampenhYyngtti r.fti. 81oner as eC� a-.—d.d Public 1Vorka.. be and hethe established Is hereby adopted a MCC grade' ntea by the caunau June 1a. 19A • ed June 19,1914. �^APpro� (Juno 27-1914) G -=_l pro _ - ...- ayor Mr. President, city of St.rant. Counotl. tinl?nit�t9nn - Oener€ i P,arm, _... t?ap�rtment of.7?uV?i9 .qO-rk_4 _ Al Counc ile N Tate Presented 1 14. By.._._..._ .. Resolved, that the grade of Carroll Ave. from Asbury Ave. to Pascal Ave., in accordance with the red gradeLline on the Boo ompsny- ing profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established graAe. AdoLpted by the Council .... ._....___._._._._..------ _------- .....___._.__;___._._._. Yeas ( ) Counc lmen ( ) Nays F. C'Resolved,lthnt theGgr9do of,&r'ra11 Ave. from Asbur, Ave. to P cal Ave.. in accordance with the r d giiid ins GOB (on thedccomPanytng P od1� and � � t (( recommended by the Coarull �91one'r ot, I1'ubllc Rorke h and t ems is MaC 11 ho aby adoptee �h ' s`iawlatea Adopted by the Coune, June 13, 1914. I APP,,'oved June 19. 1914. Yoer (dune 27-19141 _� / 0'Le ry Approv _.___ 00._. �� .x.1914. Sell r _._. _ .. " Ma or Mr. President, ----- ----Cite of Bt.PaIll Council 'Resolution - C-eneral form. „e»srtment of .... Pub13o.._PVo.I� �......_...................__....._...._...._...-;...._......_...._......_._ _... _ .__._...._.. P.ireau of �+ni�ine©r1 i3._.._ .................. __...................._...._...._. :,.,.. Council ril No . ............ .... .,.............. _.. Date Presented .._:..1...........191h. 'By Y/_. .......... .. �.............._.. _...__.....__...._ .._...... ...... ...._.,._._._.--- Resolved, that 49 grade of Carbon St. from Dale St. to Kent St., in accordance with the redPrado line on the accompieny- ing profile and as recommended by the Cormissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Coti Yeas ( ) C Mr. President. City of pt.P€a+a1 1��rp ("r.Unait Ttenntlition - f3nnnral form. reparkmpn+, of Cosine 1 FileN� ba.te Preaen�ni �_�.�_..__tA].4. _ . ..V ..a..... Resolved, that the grade of the n11ey in Block 11 Oakville Park, in accordance with the red grade line on the aoeompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of ilublia Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council ....._...._...._._._._.. Yeas ( ) Councilmen 4 C. F. o n 1 Ic in cord¢,' chs. ac' Gop ommem Publie hereby grade. MeC 11 1914. Aln. Yoe g - 0'I, ary gel er Mr. President - - --------------- 1914. .Tune 10. 1914. (June 27-1914) Approv d ___ S_T L_ ..... 1914. r Mayor Cauneit. Peen . t4on-it3hrfi tore. Departmnr.t n# Pu IAo. V-orks, Buret of .__ __.... _,Engingaring Cott Pi Is No. Dntw Fre�+enh,P�i sra�e..��..1914. hy Resolved, that the grade of Berkley Ave., from. Prior A-re, to ClevelFr:d Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile,and as reoow- ended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the establiaied grade. Adopted by the Co Yeas ( ) Mr. President, w ✓ i ?P� Cita bP Fit;,l5a.v1 1. C/mnnil F2Ai1ni.Utiorl - fiAn6rgA .f0rtri. T`uhllo...Workq.. rppartmrnt "oi° ....., _.. . Tq1j-0'A1A Of Covtt� it Vile Nn. jaatn freAente9 .,.....s(1Xn0_.1f.,_1914. Resolved, that the grade of Vandalia. 8t, from Terr;toria.l :load to a point 5CO'feet north of the center of TertitorIOJ Roal, in accordance with the_ red grade line on the a000rapanyirc, profile, aad c. as recoumended by the Commissioner of public Works, be and the 9eMe is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council .._...._.__._ _ -- -�) ys Yeas (�'{ ) Councilmen C gonolved gThalt-the grad* of Vachnt I it. St. from T. ofothee votRm'er [0.1th the rs- i609teet nodrthln flecordunce mppnytng Gos terlal Ron bye. the I red Srod ud t es recommended Wnd flie. Commtealo' e„e Q'n ubldoPtedrka. the e8- MCChe 13. 11 tnmished Frnde.,h. nconoelln Jnne Adopted by , 19 APDroved 3"o' 1R. t of b. Y08 g / - i (June a0 Ule roY Mr. President, city bf St.pn't Council. Resolution - nenpral form. T)6pptltfflent Of . ... ... Polio- N.9r:K0-- .... .......... .. ..... - ----- 13ureft'l of .... ....... ...... June 17,1914. CouFile No. Date Preiented 157 ............ .......... ...... Resolved, that the &srie of Kennet1r, Ave, from Jefferson Ave. to Berkley Ave., in accordance witl the red grpd.e line o I P. the accompanying profile and as recommended by the CommIssioner of Public corks, be and the same is hereby adorted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council ---------- --- ------------ ---------------- --------------- 1914. Yeas Co- ilmen Nay *' pa"STC. F. Resoiv d. tb�to Aer bbbbThat m Jelg'r' -_ with the aeA Go SComms 'jdd b V be _V" b_ , 91 ner P"b adopted the 't, Me 011aam '�o I "-ZM't.'j Yo rg r Ot eary ppr Ke ler CCL Mayor Mr. President,-PeWers- I 15r 61ty of at.PRtil Collnoil Reooltitlnn ao-nerni forgo. spartmrnt of Put?.�c� WgX0 ._ _..... _ CounoiI rile t7o. ... Pate Prraented' Resolved, thnt the grade of Jeffereor, Ave. frog* ?ar:,iir:e .A e.. - to Grif'F s rt„ in accorrlftnce with the red � rF.'e line on t1 -,e accompanying profile, and as recoum*nded by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and :.he same Is hereby adopted as tha established Crede. e b the Council ....._...._._._._._......-..._._---._._..__. _.__.__-_--_-__-__.__-1914. Adopted y yeas ( ) Counci men ( ) Nays Farns orth C. F. Nb:' i6i 1 t hL gr Coss R 1 ed, Thu[ the gad [ JeR o q Yrom Hairline Ave.to Grigg-, aO9$ 9t i n co d e Ith the d grade lI eon the necompnnYiand ns commended by -the C inmlaa he'r, ,of .public «.ric. be, tM1 te.tubifehed4 Mcco 1 he adopted' h e grade. the Council June 18, Adopted by i 1914. - e .19. 1814. Yoer I • Appr.ved (Juno 27-1814) OIL r.y Ap o d .._...._.__.: ~Mayor Mr. President, Powers City of st-NI'l q OoCtrrcil [tegol�rticn General. iorm� bopkrtnent. of 'Pur anti of ...... Et......._. rng... .... ... _....... ....... Oouno File -- "Date Presented i.. U.........1914, By................ .. .. _...._....._..... _.... _.. _... 0 Resolved, that the grade of the al.leysin Block 2 St. Qlrir St. & Short Line Addition , in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public works, be and to same is hereby adopted as the established grade. I h� 16" .�..� Adopted by tile -Council ---- ------------------- .1914. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farns Orth; C. F..No. 15e R) ,1. 1z cepa Resolved. That the,grq;1 irriAhe aI- ley. in Bloek 2 St..Clatr $� ?gG 5horf' Ure Addition 1 aucd�ganit:6 '1v)ih the Goss red grade I7 a thAP a ¢on Pas .1 Profile and 1 ,;41 ended by th Commlaslone of Pubite' V .f1,gftZ. end. the same is hereby adopteds .the es. MQCQ tabllshed grade, Adopted b the Counoll .tune 18 1914.. Al;Proved J e 18. 191-0 Yoer (J ne z7-1911) A rov.........1914. 0 Le y -' - d_ Kell r - Mayor Mr. President, Powe 5 City of Rt.paill Co)inoil Resolution - General form. Departmert of .....2ubl10....W-orkZ.......... ............... ...-..................... ...,..._................ _.... ..._...._..-,............... ..._... Bureauof ....._. 9Ax.?8............_........................................._...:................_._:_._.-........._._......-_........._...._.. ----tea �ah�__,T�e=_� n�a r� .mom -r ee�H mar a., -. � _ --- n�Q i �ouno 1 File No Date Presented .-_....�--- •--...1914. " 1 7 i zf.....9- _................ Bar......../_..G:_�n..:..vti ................_...._..._............._......._............_...._._-..._._...._._. L� Resolved, that the: grade of the alley in Block 13 Boulevard Addition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying ` profile and as recommended by the bommissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 1 Adopted by the Cour.ei ...-..._.. ..- •-•---•-------.-.-._...... .•.-.----- 1914. Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays i C. F. No, 169—Ry M. N. Gos— Par swort' Resolved. That the grades. [ [he t- ley in Bloch 17 Boulevard Addition. In cc* rdance with the red grade line o the accompanying praflle. and ns rec- (dos mended by the Conimiseloner of Public Works. be and the same is hereby adopted as .the -established grade. Adopted by the MCC 11 cepnail. sane 1a, 1914. Approved June 18, .1914. Yoe, (June 27-1914) / OIL ry APprov ... ........ Kel r Mayor Mr. President, Powers, - s r11�� Cptj of St.Pgal Council nVi"OlutioM (7ener�l f�rnf. Engineering __,,... llitt,,��+u Of ....- . Council File No. Date Pro"Wgd Ry , Resolved, that the grade of Ciloert A,,e. from Pillabury Ptfe. to Montgomery St., in'actor-Ism--e. witsl ti-e rel grn.de line or. tha a,ccorq)a yint; profile and as reoomreended by the Cor,.rniss;or.er of Public %orke, be and the same is hereby adopted as .the established grade. Adopted by the Council --- - --� -"' Yeas ( ) Counci men ( ) Nays ypya L. 11 No. 160-1;y M. N. C — Parns Orth Resolved, That the grade'nf (illbert Ave. from Plllebury ave. to 111 Ts gomery St... In oraance. with the red 1\ ,q grade line. on the ac omistWing'pto- h Goss! 111j. s onerof Publlce�4 or �s. Lehnnd the '7 a 1. hereby adopted-. s the estab- 7 lt.hed grade. McCo Adopted h1° the Council dune'18. 1914. Approved Jime 14 June 127 1,914) Yoer O'Leery - Kell r �~ Mayor Mr. President, powers v` Co %,no 11 Resolution oongral form. of .-JUDIAq IQX�O-j ....... - ------ - - - - - - - - - - 6 11 ji.- oil File No. Date Prementel Resolved, that the Plat of Niaryland Felg.hts, as recommended oy the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Publ-ic Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. ht t h1A. n. recommended hrShe 111-t the O.M. he and the Adopted by 'h. -Tune is Ap".—d 31— 18, (j— 27-0141 Adopted by the Council ------ Yeas Coun linen Nays s. Yarn worth Goss 8 MCCMCC 1 X Yoe IL 0 r ary A prove ... .......... .. -.191A. Kel er ayor Mr. President, PC rs City of 8t.faul Council Resolution aobneral fort. Depgrtmcnt of ....... ...... _...... hn innA .Ei ._._._......... Bureau oi' � ��.. ....... _.. Caun o �_._, Date presented Resolved, that the plat of Rosen Addition, as rAcorwiended by the flat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of eublie Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. No 183 n AT 'g fwrb$ Resolved Thet the nint dY'4t6epn p�a� ditiun, as rel. ended .Zf'd `: fi ('.ummlealon d D9rove Y•pY the Com- 'miealnner of aT'uhtfe W.,Ue.`be and the an AdoDtr, bay the °f oanan .lune 19. 1914. ,1PProved :funs 1R, tat i. (luno 27-1914), �'' I sJ Adopted by the Coune 1 .__. -------- .._...._.._..._--- 1914. Yeas ( ) Cou oilmen ( ) Nays Fa sworth Go Mc 11 S Yoe g r 0'L ary p p r v Sel er �G Mayor Mr. President, Pow rs flout,47 i 11, R-0, u 1,r Midi 9`he wldl`5tgttrd hereby propokl,s 1111, nulkinp of i)+'" fnllmoing 'pohlie impiori.rnadC by the City of `4t. Rele,yin reoenetxuoti repairing 7*9l cement blocks to tw . a 1'a»l, viz. gl idth of six feet the present sidewalks on P4, following street, except where good and sufficient, ement sidewaj)r now exist: Chicago Ave., south side,beginn ng at Oust- at thence o Robert St. 7A1h>d this SEith any f June O1+ Couneiimon. PIN MMARY ORDER. Relt in ` URRF,AS, A wi-iitem,peoposal for 1111, nmking of the 'follniving improvem,•nt; viz.: y 90 - reconstructing & repairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalks on the following street, except where good and Buff ioient cement sidewalks now exist; hicago Ave., south side, begirming at Custer St.', ... thence to . Robert_ St.... having been presented to the Council of he City of St. Pail - - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner' of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: l: To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. pl 3. To, furnish a plan, profile or :ketch of said improvement. j c. F.elatne to said improvement: ----- 4. To furnish the fol whereas, a written promo al Yom the making of the tollowiI, Improvementr Relaying .reconstructing ad e Pairing with emsot block to n width - .. - _- . - ..._ .-------- v -_ ........_. .............. ... ...._.. --t oP six Peet the present Idewalka' the following street, except wh :or on the petition of three or more owners. •$ J. TO state RhCtllel' good and sufficient cem • oa -oe •"" - n exist: .Chicago 't G. To report upon all ni mtinntrat eet ...... ... atiers to-th'd Commissioner of Finance. the Council t rhoI Adopted by the Council It stoired,eThat the c`,� c.Works be and he NIl s: ZCRS: _ and directed: y '1,o Investigate the r. Ccouncilman•mane_ - I-mentbinty o[ the ma • . - - Go -� investigate the not Approve:...___ .... ..191......- - ........ ._........ mated coat of. satr $e or '1 -the total cost th , 'turniah �a plan, 1 M Ol), ' I ImProvementij LJ sand h-4;he foihv., ZZ O,' eary „crmatlon 1,.r , �J YO Pg ,� Jett) .,(' ......... ........... .. ... ..... ._.._.'1Sayor. ." ..r Mayor ' l� ouneii Vile No: - PftoihogAL FOR IMPROVEMEIdY. . itnd e FAELIMINARY OPDkR. I`he undersigned herehy propose.; the malting of the following pliblie improwll;�nt by the City of :3t. Paul, viz.: Constructing a sidewalk oi,•,cement blocks to a w.idtb of eight feet, on the south cis of Chicago Ave., begs ng at Wabasha St., thence Vrf 150 feet. „ 18t1i June, 4. hatld this d of Comneilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. Wi1F.REAR, A arilten proposal for the malting of the follolving improvement, riz.:ConOtrUiStiltg.. a sidewalk of oement bloo.ks.to.a width of eight feet,._o..n.tnz__eouth side of Chicago Ave., beginning at 1,7abashe. St., thence West 150 feet„ ........... _... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. YauV'k� _.... ........ therefore, lie it RESOLVER., That the Commissioner Of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. \. 4. To furbish the following other data and infornoltion relative to said improvement:__.. . _._... _............... .._........._.._.....__....:.......c..........__.................-........................ _.._.....__.._....._..............._......._ _...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council X41 . Yeas: I Wing of. a written propo.¢I Nays: making of the folIowing impr 1 COlIIlC11mA71 viz' Conatrueting a sidewalk fA �f ment block. to a width of eight JVet� /VI 1�1 Cr OS. 'm the eouth side of Chicago Ave.,-- - - i'nning at Wnbasha St., thence v. —.-I, (Kell i+! feet, having been ➢resented to Saf�W& etc of the City of St. P¢ud, the MCC 1t+ It ,lved, That the Commienlone• i� Yoe ryv,I dt et, nd hl t -i ria iI m - Il 1 Mayor Mayor. , d 1 PUI;L.�rB 46, 6 ineil File No. � jiROOOSAt $`O#, IMPROVEMENT. dad o . P�,P1ttMIN'Alt URD�1L. _ 9 The undersigned hrrrbv prnlinses the mnlcing of the tolls vit g^pnYrlie improvr•m ty the citv,of St. 1'itttl, vi>,.: 0011struotine a O.Cteetval, I.,bricit on t-'Te©y side. 0f Walter 5t., across ndiana Ave.' lhrtrd this 18t Yac nl' ,'lru ne�_.... t'oun'ilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FIUMEA9, A written proposal for the making of the follmviag' imp rovement, viz.:..COnetructing a crossWalk.__Of brick on the west aide. of Palter St, .across Indiana Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman._._...._..__.............. _...__._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.._. . ... 5. To state whether or not said inprovenlent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fol!epoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Co.. 1 C. F. No. 166— d Yeas: .Whereas, written propose•. NRvs: a making of the fallowing ImDr� vis: ConetruCttng a erose, Councilman ` biz: on the west aide of Wa. fJf/ across ,Indiana avenue having xroved ..................._..._-..................._......._. ._......_.191 Ci . presented to the Council of ti Ket' st.' Paul; therefore be it -oAd, That the C-1.1-1 ,f M O1P';c. Work. be and he fe he t/. a.. and directed: 0'. eary<"p 1n esttgato the ner ,;f, v gbf lly of the mak 1..`, Yo rg year .... ..... ..... e \1n r. ` ,b" "1--T mTTEb ° t - 4 166 PROPOW, FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, ` The nudersigurd hin•rhy prnpnsrs the nlllltinIf of the followia ldir improvement by the City nC t. Construoting crosswalks_ of.. ok rot the following lo_ fbn•s;_ Greenwood Ave„ wrest._ a, aorose Roble St. y% Clinton Ave., ea side, across Roble Sty/ Dated this 188. ,lay of June, _ 191 4. � -('onncihnar.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WTIrRF,A',, A written prnposnl 1•01• the alnking of the following improvement. viz.: Constructing 0 crosswalks of 'crick at t ,e following locations: Greenwood Ava,_, vest aide, across Roble St. Clinton Ave., east side, across Robie_St._ _ having been presented to the Council of the City, of St., Paul by&WuL..................................___..._._...................__...._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: \ 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 0 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, afiA the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan; profile or sketch of said improvement. - d. To furnish the following other datll and information relative to said improvement:_._ _ ... -_......................_......P.............._..__._._...._..._............__......_.._......_.__ ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i 1 '... Adopted by the Counci c. r. io.hss C -0 x`71-......_ m lc ng of the written' proposal poral ' yeas: vfz: ConstructlfInnPrc lvaVS• } at the following el crosswalks Ika Councilman P Greenwood A e tweet las, Go. Roble on Ave., eaat'eld�; ncroes,roved St., having b ptesented tc , ffe council of to City of;st rayl, e, be it MC (Resolved, That ti a Commissi, ' hllc works be rtnd-;he;is he O' ear, „ Z O r T roveatl ¢t thep.r r. � and directed: ",irabllity of the.ma1 Q TI dMayor. R leo y to the r j. , Vile 0. vitoo6iAt' i6h WItOmmi"T. i acid PIiMIMI21AkY Oftb;' R _ til, andorsifir, ed hervhy proposes the nlnking of tlir fn nrg�pnid ie imprnv°•ment by tl iity of 4f. Pool, viv. Constructing crosevsa,, t1f brink at the fol,l"f e locations, Earl Street, bo eides, across welle "tweet. llnlyd this 1$t$ dny of June, 1p1'I• - t, Con neilroan. p PRELIMINARY ORDER. WlllsIirA.,. A written jwoposal for the linking of the following improvement, wia.: Conatructing crosawalks_of brick at the -following locations: _ earl Street _both eidee,_aoross Wells Street. C. r. No. to. .. _... _ _ _.. Whereas. written proposal fm ,king .oe.following - / • Conat ti tfnp.,ry'�" � having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Coune........ ; e therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby Here . nd directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated epst of said improvement, and the total cost thoreof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement - 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:. ..__.........__................ ....:.._....__._._..........._.................... ........... _............. _............. _............ ._............ ............ ------_.__..-__-.... _..___...---...._._._.___._.._.------------._..___ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coln missioner of Finance. JJ It�!SA Adopted by the Council ........................... ..........._.............. _........_1J1......... Yeas: Mays: Coil neililia Go Approved- Kel er McColl 0'1 eary Yo rg _........._ ._.rr_ �_.... 13�ri?T,ISTIEI9 /l ` � Y _ � v PitOPOAAL volt, IMPROVEMENT. and 1 — PRELIMINARY OhDLR. The tnulersigned hereby l,roposea the Touting of the follmvinR:lniblie,-4mproveolent by the f'ify n rSt, constructin _ a cement block .a s+Nalk on the_. earth of Reartey Street, acroea-Cypr a Street, � 1)n1yd Ihir, 18th .1 ny or June 19 4.. conn eel man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. W1IFREAti, A written proposal for till, making of the follolving iInproven,elit, viz.: ConetrucrUng a cement block crosswalk on the north Bide of Reaney_Street.,_ across Cypress Street tt C. F No' 168-- wh ens. a wrl tten proposal for the i- making of the following Improvement Constructing a - cement bloc , !crosswalk on the north side oL'-Ren' street, acre. Cvpresa 6t.•eet- },,, f„ ,._ - ... .. _..._.._.. ....._ 'been pre, ... .... 1'6 - .iinrl' CN having been presented to the Coullefl'oi tilt City of St. Paul plt43e�/i ...... .. -- -' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. i 2. To investigate the nature, est 4itanddestimated cost of said itnprovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,.profile or skof said improvement. ,4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: --------- -............ ... ....... ............. ..._.._.......................... ................ ___....__..... -................................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the Foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._...._..._.'.' L._.A>9.....,...Q........ ...... 1Si1......_. Yeas: Nays: CouneihnTKe11r Approved.........._ ....__...__..... ......_.....191 _ May Mayo•. Ii f PIMIMMAft? ORDER, ;�Itq�'UeAt, �'OR I1V11�1tI1V;�1Vl1�tT'. � .. , and Thr nudrrsiall+`d htreb} prnpnyes tin` nialiink+ of tilt firllnwing pilhlie inrprirvelitrn'i by On, City of Ali, rami, ; 6onetrutlting eroo6w1aka of brick t Ile'fo1101N ng lcoation#?-- Page Street, iyorth fide, ao Ottewa Avenu" Ottawa Avenue, west S. , across P"e: root, hatod this .18th dap June, sill ` . Z� C milwilltlml. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1C11FREAA, r\ written prnpnsal`fnl tilt, making of thr foHenving itit provenl,lit. viz.: constructing . . crosswalks of brick at the following locations: _ Page Street, north side, across Ottawa Avenue; Ottawa Avenue, west side, across Page Street. . having been presented to the (council of Ilit, City of st. Paul 4kpmammaibtan-—�-.-.-. - - --- - therefore, be it. RFtIOL\'FD, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: .1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. — :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish III, folinlving other datn and information relativt to said improvement: 5. To state whether• or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of tllf forl"ing latters to tile_ Coannissioner of Finance. J i': i' 1' } :5:4 Adopted by the Council',, —_191- C. F • No. 169-, Whereat a written p opo.; Nays: Yeas: making of the following Iml� Ia. 'Cone tructing crosswalk,',, ((�/ /[�. Coullellluall at the following locations: �/C, -,_,t 1 1.1..... Page street, north side, ­proved... .... ti IYerg­ avenue. ttawa venue, west side,street, having been pre6o 4ounca of the City ofe, be it ,red. That theCominisel rke be and A.,,,- ectea: .Allayvonu,e i, u n Mayor. i'mhn•il 1'i1r No.. __. VIWOOAt F60 IMPROVEIVIEN' T', lif tilYMA0 ORDER. The ttnd0rsigned lwn-by propost+s the uur,tiu4 of thr fi II ir•` pnf Its impro—oloni by ibe Cifv of f, 1'n»i Vi.,.. Construoting croi�swalks, riok Ctt the f611gTing, yl0em,-tiong: Earl Street, both,. es, across Rose Flandreau St t, east side, acrosr Ave., Ross Str. both sides, across arI Street. Dated this 1 day of June, 197.4• �l ` !'+ntneilman. c PRELIMINARY ORDER. \C17RRE S. A wriitvn Innl osnl for m the arabin of the follmvina imprnvrmrui, vi✓. ConstruCtingy „n crosswalks of brick at the fallowing locs.tions: Earl Street, both sides, across Rose Street; Flandreau Street, east side, across Harvester Avenue; Ross Street,_ both._sides_,_.acroes__Earl Street. having been presented to the Council of the City. of St. Paull*-r'e�rnei�hrrrs+� _-:___ ".._ _.._._ ... _...._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvemeht. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of aid improvement, and the total eost t1wn'llf. 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - 4. To furnish 1110 following Other data and -inforutation relative to said improvement:..__.. 6- ' .__._....__......_..._......._.___. ........ .. ................................... ... _...... . _. _ . _......... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three6or more owners. G. To report upon all of th ifr��e niAgiameters to the Commissioner of Finance. C. F. No. 170.— ;t._...._I91......... Adopted by the Comic whereas, a written - , maktng of the ifollo it Yens: viz: Constructingc ose' - Nays Teas: nt the following loc tl Councilman Earl street, both side street, �- 791Y Go,Flandreau street: a Approver Harvester avenue, KeRosa street, both aide:'' street, hav(ng been pros• 1,IC Counen of the City of st.�1� .�. fuuP be..on 14.. v:- it B t .nnt•il l"ilp \'o. PP OPo§At Ioft fiVIPROVE1i3EN1. . ntrA PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'I'ha undersign rd Verrill ptnlo'— the milting of the Poll - III, lnlhlir iml .. ave olent iy ,tit*, r'ify or 'if - Change o£ grade on CommoY.. lth Avenue, from fond Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. lhited ibis 1Z 1, June, 191 d` PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1\'11RREA`;, A written p-,,pce it for the mf!kinn of the follniving ituprovement, vii.: Change of grade on Commonwealth Avenue, from Raymond Avenue to c.r•.No. Zvi_ Cleveland Avenue. whe Po , a wrtteen prnaasal for the. .making f the following tmproveme _ via: Change of grade an Comm. yealth avenue. from Ragnlond ave, ito Cleveland avenue havtng -been p - - - - onted to thpp.. Counefl of. tk' CIt Pnnl, !I.. fare- ^esolved, TThat the Coni�F a•p_„_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To famish div following other data and information relative to said improvement:....... ......._. _. - ........_...___.._._..__.._...t8....._..._.._ .............. ......._...._.......... ......... _...... _..... ........_.._.__........._--._--.__.......__.:_....._...... _.... .__...._.._................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregning matters to the Coin missioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......:...._ .... ....:............._...........................191......... Yeas: Nays' Councilman G s Approved_ .._._Q. ___191 K ler L M oil O' eery Yerg ................. .. ........_.._ ...-.............. Ma lfIalymm . / OW,r`iAF,D �j�/ pop�i��>SOsAL F'dl'i I1�7'?R.d�1PNlFtP'k'. 11, No rtt1� Tip• nl'1'q'aiannl loll-A'r Imnpod'�a It,110hill th„ (ntl 'int 1,10i}6p) 1-,141 nt 6v 1hr C+rr Change dradb , Snapp Street, fxo>»rymnnd Ax�+nut to y' Cleveland Av �. .- hntrd lhic 6thdat' of .1' e, - 1914. t'nrmriImarl PRELIMINARY ORDER. o wriltrn 11t•01-11 for the mnkinQ of the fnllav ino i*nilrnrrmont, vii Change of grade of Knapp Street, from Raymond Avenue to .._.. F. 1q0. 172 Cleveland Avenue. R'hereae a ,arltten p7`0paaat t0r' - hingg of the (0110w ng impr0vem Chan90 of 911111 01 Xnepp etri - pR h vinR 6114 presented � t0 t. •11 et the C4t9 of at. Paul,. ther 1 nem' ,lr having leen presented to the C.'onneil of the City of St. Paul thrrel'ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of,Public Works be and he is.hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pill", profile or sketch of said improvement. ;. To f ""Mull the Poltowiug nibrr data and information relative to said improvement: ............ _..._..._..................... .,_.... _............ _-_............. _. S. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._._.......Y.'�' Yus. Nays C�o�uncilta Go Approved Ma Me 11 'L ary Yoe, s Mayor. _.. �7tnr+arTF�D - r�.tl�o�Ai; and . I'tttti,YiVIY)�tl�i' til�•L1i�R,. - . L T�lr pni1,•raf6rfual lu•rrlt�'.ptoplts"i the nlaltill the rollnwillft puhljp v'• nl:rnc,;i�tnr�4' trig fltr City vii OrMLing Clarence u het, from. Flu fj Avenue to Ftudson Road, in ticoor nos viith to. s of petition atta•ohed. 1 da> ,If June, Ifn 4• lt;urd this , � ('nnueilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. \`,"lt'iP,lil?:\R..\ ti'ritton Ilrnpn.Fid for the mnkinn nr the follnwing improvrrnrmf. 6,.: Grading . Clarence Street, from Burne Avenue _to Hudgon Road, in accordance with terms of petition attached. O Wh Nans, a wrlttenup Peat fn• �,,,° making, of the taut ming improve. ' - VIL Grading Morne Read,, Rurns avenue to Hudeort Road, ._� cordance with t""e" pet' - - - - - --- -"' taahed, having hien prenen4,w hating been presented to the Council of the City of at: t'.tul4y-6eaweilman... -.-. .....-_.._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost theranf. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. }. To furmish the fallowing other dataand information relative to said improvement:. _.. _.._ __._..__........_...--:............._...._....__......_...._.......-._..-_........_............_..._................ _.............. .--- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three. or more owners. 6. To report upon al%of the, fo e1mjpgi�luittera to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............... _..... ................... ... ......._.........191__..._ leas: Nays:, CouncilmTKeler 7t Approved_t91._ .............. ....._ .........-..-....... - .:......... May �,, .c, -Mayor. 174 _PROPOSAL Folt ImPRO VHMENT. And PRELIMINARY ORDER. = `` I'be mul+•rsian rd herrh�' prnl,n ry t he Hulking of f ho fuPew „+ l'uhlie nnprow m"Ilf lh,� city Hi 3t . Change of grade on. North Cl eland Avenue, ween Scudder and Commonwealth Avenues, an • leo Knapp Stre , from Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Aven , in accordance ith terms of atte.ohed petition. Hated ibis 18th ,ia • of June, 191 4. PRELIMINARY ORDER. a Change of \SIIRIit:.1�.:\ writlen In•ni—fli for the making of tho follnw;ng imps V,etnent, cif.: grade on North Cleveland Avenue,_ between_ Scudder and Commonwealth ,Avenues, and also Knapp Street, from Raymond Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, in accordance with terms of attached petition, .. C. F Vo. 174— I' 74 n written proposal f,, t' tho following tmproven• grade nn ' .,......:1...., .... ... .. . ...... having been presented to the Council of f0l;'ifiy G'P rt.'.. r: �+«�.ua+..--..��—v __ _....... therefore, be it 110,101 W), That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orderedalnd directed: ; 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate .the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost therrof. , :1. To furnish it plalr; profile or sketch of said improvement. ;. To furnish it,,, following other data and information relative to said improvenwnt ..___...._._........_.................. ......_.._........_.___........_....._.................._........_....---................_.........._.._............._......__._.............___...-..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted b the CounelL..:_. ,ai '`s IC a _ 1 y _.............._......_.......... ...... .._......191......... Yeas: '"" Nays: Councilman ac ;s Approved.............191._. K ler Al,Coll O' eary Y erg ........... May Mayor. , '/. councill`ih PROPOSAL FOR If4PROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY 9ork 1`he mlilrtcig»r91 hrr•br plot ns=s thr making+ e` Tr faltmvina Imblir impr..... 0, qlvflhe Pity of St. Change of rade. Scudder Avenue, fro ynlond Avenue Paul, viz. to Cleveland Avenue 111,11"d this h (InvnC June, 1914, Councilman, PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1C1lFMEA1,. A \vriltell 111•»1osnl for the nulking of the follywing improvement, viz.: C Z;fie of grade on Scudder Avenue, from Raymond Avenue to Cleveland .. _.. .. IC.'F.-No. 176— Avenue. as_.. I where, a " ttnn proposal fo (making of the following lntproverrenY, vrn ls: Change oP ade On Scudder, ave Mnue, from Raymond -upe" torClsve=' and avenue of the hoer, 0, atltEd. to- --- --- - ' -- the Council of the ,.Clt�' o! St.: P -. Reeoha' Th t"ff1eC morias'., - --"'-- pacing been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul'�er�f1T�' therefore, be it RRSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: \ 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement_ d. To tunvi.,h the following »thee data and information relative to said improvement: .._.._ _..:.._.... .................................... ....-.................. .... _.......... -'-.............. --.-... .............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to.thc Commissioner of Finance. .. .....t. ..__._.....- ._.. 191........... Adopted by the Council..._.__ ! .�...._..._ a p - Peas: Nay Councilman th y/ G s Approve ...... /U ......191._.�� $ ler iV Coll 0 Leary oerg............ ... ... ............_.__...._.:.............._.._. f ........_...._ Mayo Mayor. 1: qtr _. �'onni�ll 1"ile iAn i�i0p0AL i"UR 3OV NVINy �ItL'Lf1VllivAii IlEli. 9'h+• nn�lrraign�d belvbc propnseplhe nlahllt hr• fnllalvio;+ pnhli� imprnveu lip fhe. Pity of Ott Grading Hurry Ave_ , from Bayard Avenue., myrtle Avenue. `.Doted_lhi. th day of June, _ 1914. .. PRELIMINARY ORDER, A wriltrn prolroeal for the ntalcing of life follmeiae improvement. i -r..:. Grading Berry Avenue, from Bayard Avenue to Myrtle Avenue. _ ................ C. A No. 17G— Whereae, a written p}eeenteproE-1 for making of the following mprove�--- Ba9nrdreatave ue Ing been to d Aft to rtlevavenue the City a�._. .. -. PAO]. therefore. be 1t. nesolved, That th� C mol .i 1h—le Work. be ana\he i directed: �....___ .. haling been presorted to t1w Council of the bity of St. Paul bu-Fenttei}mte*c-..—._ -. therefore, , I it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: ]. To investigate the necessityfor or de arability of the making of said improvement. °. To investigate the natru, eetent and stimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of a 'eid improvement. 9. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: _............... ..._...._...._ ._.._....... _..... .... -... ---- 5. To state *wfiether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of th , fo'egoin lnatters'to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Connc' a. 1914.1 Yeas: N'ay's: Councilman • M 11_ Gassv: Approved.............._ ...T91 B ller l N Coll 0 Leary .. erg ................... ......_....._.... . ........ ......_. , Mayor i Mayon S�lhiLlJHEI' �� 540 a PROPC!'w FOR tMOROVM il4T and PR7LT1NIIfJAtY 191t,r The und'ersigurd he,rhp llroposes the mniting a ie Pollo%vb,e+ public iniprf)V.ritot hp the City of :�!t palll, viz : Grading on Andrew 5t. t from relvider© relit to Conoovd 3t. (Petition attach 11ate,tths 18t day- of June, lsl 4 , - f'mmcihnatt. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIMIM AS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Grading . u on Andrew Street from Belvidere Street to Concord Street, - _....... _ _ .. C F. N 147- ti'h a 'a wrltt. proposal for the (Petition attached ) a> a of the f. ]owing imp --meat. --- viz:Grading on Andrew street from Belvidere street to Concord street (Pe - title. attached) ha Ing been present- ... _.. ed to the Connell of the CRY of.--- ;,naul, therefore, be It That the Commlasioner - '. _. ::! i•r r, ,,y.'�n and he is be or; _ having been presented to the Conneil of the City of St. Paul bg.6exm Tmn. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'l. To investigate the nature, extent and (estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. T,o furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. z 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: __ _..__.._._.......__ ._ ... .............. .......... -.................................. ._..................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G.- To. report upon all of the. fQragabngtngttters to the Coin missilmer of Finance. Adapted -by the Council.....i ,C'4 Yeas: Na3 s: Councilman�F G' s Approved ..__....... �C"1.......1J......'...191�tG j K ler o Col] O eary erg — / Mayor t�)l /Mayor. 1 omiiiil File Nfi.. - f+1tOPO>�AL T'UIt tivlPROV);tVI�NT. Ind ,. PSiLI111IAiLY O it Thr undrrVgneii bereb.1 poillom- the inititinf; of w iolknvinQ pnhlie imprn emet t the (•ifv PrP St. Grading Kansas Str. , from Concord `oto' A yolia Street. (Petition Etta ed) 18 lav nl' June, 4 1Llir1 this 197. AY .// � � � ('onneilmin. !' PRELIMINARY ORDER. i�V11E121i,:\S, A « t•iltrn propnalll for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:Grading Kansas Street, from Concord to Annapolis Street. (Petition _attaehedc. r, x•'78 written proPoaal for the .malting of the following Ireprovemer viz: Grading Ksties. atreet, fre: .Concordto Apnnpolls street, (petty attoo fied),having tree, ,presented Council Of the City of St. PauIit - --- That the�• having been presented to the Council of the City o Sf.'Paill,iyys:ouserh ...... _..._._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orde a and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement) 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish it plan, i31•ofile or sketch of said improvement.. 1. To furnish the followingotherdata and information relative to said improvement:._. . __ _...__... _.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JJ1 1 !C• Adoptedby the Coancil..................................................................191......... Yeas: Councilman G ss Her Lj D ctoll Leary erg May rfioP-66AL Pott, iNti'it0i15r1VCP'st and PRELIMINARY ORDP 19m nnarrsignra hrt•rby Innl,nvrs Ntr uuthingof The loairia' public improv,mtetit by City of it Yit»1, cir Constructing a 08WO, West Minnehaha Stre Wcestern Avenue to Ar.,' e7. Street,.in aocor, ce with petition herewith attache_ tr,,l a ttt;, 18. any »f June, 1, x- ('naneilman. , PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VIll;liialS, :1 ,vrilfen ln•op»sal for the n»ticing of ihr following iny,rnvrmwit, viz.: Constructing A sewer on [Peat,,innehaha Street- from 9�estern Avenueto Arundel Street, in accordance_ with petition herewith atteched. . _ .C. F. No. 179— Whet'eas, s, written proposal for t, _. ..mnkfnt# of the follonwt sewer➢ ono W E'i 1z: , t voting Minn shahstreet, f m Western V no to A t 1 street in a co d r _._. ...___. .. - ith Pet .re vit t' 'oh •hs having been presented to the Council A$e Cnty to s Pant kp-L:o therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the \C\ommissioner of Public Works baasnd he is hereby order and directed: ]. To investigate the 1` eessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the 11 inure, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 41. To furaih the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the+fm ginatters to the Commissioner of Finance. 'g �T Adopted by the Council...._ .`...:. _.._:.... ..... _:.J_.... .......... _.........191._..._. Teas:Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth Oo s Approve, .._.. .._.191_..7 K ler M Coll 0 Leary erg.. .... ... ........ -....... ._....... ..._ \l avor" Mayor vers uURi.151M 0 Cotmril Pili- No. - h PIIOPWAL r6R IMPROvErmt, and � YRELTTVIINARX ORl7ETi.. The lindersignrd herrhy proposes Ilse nulling of thl. I'nllntving it iln(n•nvenu"nf by Iiie C* ° of >t. I-i, . Constructing a sever on Morton.. reet from South h Avenue West', a distance of one-h red and slixty-fiv eet (165) feet, from Ottawa Avenue TVe one.hundred an _ixty-five feet (165) feet, ( ition attached) tinted Ibis 18th day of June, 191:4. \rtterena, a f.111 — i nl<Ittg oC nfo Lalla'SIC nn On My Iv ron truUlntk a sew r on NFr an Cet rt.lt 'south S nl avenne (�ouneilinan. tone-tanarea-n �`• 1 feel tltifi) [ ek from Ott n 1 /tort ro•: to "•..: -ili L11V MARY ORDER. WIIBR7i:1S• A written proposnl For the making of the following itnprovetnent, viz.: Constructing a sewer on Morton Street from South Smith Avenue West., a . ._............ ._...... .. distance of one-hundred..and ext,y-five feet (165) feet, from Ottawa Avenue i9eet, on...e.-hundred _and sixty-five feet (16.5). feet. (petition _atta shed) .....__.. .... _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PaultYt''...___.._...._.._....___.__..._ _......___....___._.; therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate ,the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and informntiol relative to said improvement____ M ............_......._..._..................... .._.._.._..__.................... --- ................................... _............. ..... _...... ................-._.._........ ...... .. ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked, for on.the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forming matters to the Commissioner of Finance. u',N1 18 S 4 Adopted by the Connell..........`...._......`....... 191......... Yeas: Nays: CouncilmalKeer k- Approve..........:_.....__...__.____....1.....(/.......___...191__X . ... .. ........................_.-..........._......-._......._Mayo lla3•or. ('oful til Nile Vin. ° ` p�,b1�bAC►L i�O� I1EO'VE�1VT��F`7.t. mid II ` � �i'tELt1YIINA�Sf ORDLId. �- 1 The ,plri'signtvl 11"vebc lvroplisea the lunkilig of the f tvhjV ptlhlie imtn'nve,,tfw' ly III" t"ify of t ,i l'anl, viz. Constructing a owwer on termit St. , be en -3ay rst. and Patterson'e Bill (Petition a. ailed) 11inted this liltil y of June, �L 114. !ff f'oaneihnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \GIIERTAS, A ,critic, proposal fm• the making of the following improvement, viz..: ConstGXUcting a sewer on Butternut 3t., b.etwePA_Bay 9t.. and Pattexeor>fsF llC. . Whereas. a written prory,6-i for the (Petition attached) asking f the fallowing t norovement. i vlv: Constructing a sewer on Butter- nut 3t between nay at, and Patter' _., son's Hlil (pets tl n attached) ha r - -- - .......... been presented to the Council of f`ny of Pt. T'�at, the emote'. t• del .�... t.. having been presented to the Council of the City of 8t. Pani - therefore, be it RES-OL`tED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inv(Vtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of saiimprovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: `....... _................................... __.......__................_...__...._._..___......_...._..._._.._............_............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all ot,the fm•egoing_ matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J 1N IS !9,4 Adopted by the Council '......_..... ......................... :.... ................. . 191 Yeas: Nays : m Councilman arnsworth ` oss Approved191....7 eller Iecoll 'Leary .... ..s ...... ... oerg Mayor oweri yet ? May , /y� C'YitNfeil -1�iie ;tin. 82 Pilo,-SA;f+I ton ftwis$o1Vot ". (ilia 'i1w nndvviQurrl hr.rol'tp prnpnR"s the mahing'''si t.h" (ull' lift p+ildi» i oprovool"M 1v Cilof �t Poul, vit. Conetruoting a 00*0-r on Lawrenoe str � et to to State Street and Fem n Street ( .'ition att ohed) , hat.•d this 16th da of June, iml 4. . Conneilnnae.. PREL MINARY ORDER. WiIE,RUAR, A n•ritten proposal for the making of the follctving improvetnont, viz.: wonatruaUng a eewer on St. Lawrence Street, between 2tate Street and Fenton Street. (Petition attmohed) ..C. F. No. 182 f nVh0eaa. a written pro peat . maklnR of the fotipwl nC mpr' vta: Conetrueet. t ewa+ Lwwren ec street. batweon 9 • and Fenton atreot (pet •' __ _.. ... - .. ---- " hadinR been of th. ,Dream• S' having been presented to the Council ot"{fit Ot)tli-. t:Ieul by.Cetene'NR[il._. ___...._.. therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: u 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and Estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said, improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_____:-_ r_.._............. _.._...__.._................... ............ _...... ...._.___.._......._.._...__ J. To state whether or, not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........i9L.- Yeas: ....Yeas: Nays: Councilman( " G ss Approved. ... ........... 191 Her �.J Coll 0 Leary g _ ._ ...yar. .. _........ Mayor s T' tliny �+ gLISiiED_�� .�timeil bili \t>. P2sOP08AL Pon imPROvPMENT PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thr nndrrsigmvl boreby proposes the null(ing of tho following pilbl•.� 11 prnvellwilt by lit, 1 its oF.•tt. Yxui, viz. Construction ofwe,r, Aie and, the gradin Eva Street, from Indiana to Florida.,(P ion attmohed) ltntrd this 18th day of June, 19 4. Councilman., PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1VIIERE.1q. A wlilteu proposal Por the making of the following improvrmrnt. viz.,Con$tructiQn.. __. ..of Sewer,_ s and the _grad.i..n9. on _lava Street, from Indiana Ave. to Florida. (Petition attached) .......... _.... _...,C. F. No. 183— Whereas, a written_ proposal for tl, making of the followinglreprovemr -. •' _.. ...... _...._ - vlz: • Construction of sewer, and r - grading an L—' .treet,from Ina; y' 'Ave. to Flarida (petition at'xr .........:having been presented t.'le o.._.. ...... _. ....... .._ ._. ... .... .. ..._.... .___.__._. .-. If the City a• c. Pau'' ,..,(, " R solve haying been presented to the Council dl: therefore, be it O RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. "2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. ' 3. ,To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement �+... --. ........_..........._._.............._...._......................._....._...........,_......_......._.__.....__......_.. 5. To state whether or not said iigprovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. i G. To report upon all of thf,,�ry"png-natters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .. _ ....... ....' ...191......._ A Zeas: Vilys: ' N ti011ll Cll :10 1Approve' ...... ._..e r gg1BLIS11E07!�7�/ % 7' 8 t,ony+;ii�x�h• Flo. -- PROPoRAt rok IMPIMVEMNk. ixnd PRELIMINARY ORDER,. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of III, rfo ng lmhlir imprrrvr•ment b a city, of St. Constructing a brick Galley rossing on the Y side_ of Cerenium Street ,�beginning ,�`3 feet west of exton Street, thence west 16 feet. hated this 18th ,L of June, �/ I 19]._�• !s° tlouneilman, 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVII MAR, A written proposal for the oinking of the following improvenrrait, viz.: Constructing a_brick_alley_crossing an the north side ofGeraniurn Street, beginning 123 feet_west__of Edgerton Street, thence Brest 16 feet. C r. Nn. 194— - whereae, a wrlttell' yredot ... _.... ..,.making of the following lmi __..... ......... __. ....... ... viz: 0 ... tructlNrt a brick. a, Ing on the north slde:,.af. _.. _..... .._. ......_... _.. . ,...._..:.bast. beglnni.g 143 feet :µ+e- _...... .. ...... .. .._. g rtoh tr et then e.We.-,, T �� -i g been f raee t l to bating been presented to the Council G_ ,, p, �: •r, iq',y f nune;l a„ ... - ..__..... . tlierefore; be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be andc is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the mak' lg of said improvement. •l. To iilvestigatc the nature, extent and estimated cost oflaid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. • To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To'furnish the following other dat.nand information relative to said improvement:._. ._............ .... ............... ...... ----............................ ............................. _:........... -....... _....... _._................. ...... _........... .... ......... _.. _..._._..__..._.. _...... _..__._...._._.__....... _.`--........... _- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is a§ked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To repod".p. all of the }ili9'*g iTd4ers to ✓the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._...._..._._ ...................._... .............. ..... ...... 191.:....... J Yeas: Nays: Councilman Go Approved .......___............. . . _.19 er M oil O eary Y erg May 1... , ... a� _e%liay01. P47BLISIiED.�'�� " ��1� I i)Ill 'il Vile \ttl s phood§At, Pon tm>ynolpn hof u p and i' a I'tiIlILIMIktARY ORDLIt. Tho mub'rsignrd hor.,by prnpus"s tin' malting of t1w fnlloty` 1,1,1, 111 irrtprnv,.rnr19Y I!y t rty rP 1'itnl, vi>. ConstructZeaoOtdeO,, ick at tYe .foil Vo ide Avess Gerani treet; Arcade Steaoss N lance. Street. hatod this 18th da197 h• � (;m�nailman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERRAS, :1 written proposal for the malting of the following inlprnvamerit, viz.: Construeu'ng crosswalks of brick at the following locations: Weide Avenue,. east _s.ide,_.across_Gemanium Street; - Arcade Street,,east_side,_aoross_Maryland Street. having been presented to the, Council of the City of St. Paul t4r EfetrtrCtiTIR:'tt therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:___._ .__.......................................... ... _._.......... ----..... ............. _.... ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners_ 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN IS :�A Adoptedby the Council _........... _._........................................... ...._191._..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman t1gate the nature G ss a cost of cola `Approved....._ Q . 1!tl l.. ..qqe total cost there- ]ler. here- . ]ler .tnlell a ,plan pr , 'said improvement Coll . furnlsh the follo lr.l 'I . Information relative 0 Leary'epe Fate whether or u ' ' erg le aeltea foc„or ' ...._.._.......... ..... ... ........ ... c,rvne e: �i t! h ........._.... May r. !♦1ay0 ^are. p '�l7gLISiiE �/ t'olinrli frih tr�. ;:+:t'Ct � ". 'Pit6l' snit ton tNl 4tdV1 +[F 7. and 'I•hr, nnderuig4uA �irrehv prnpncrw the malting of ttv, fnito1R potpie hn}v rv,w")t 11V Constructing s brick &JI(O crosoinS on G&Ulti* treet, tiwcat aide, Ueginrin 119.75 et south of Sher-, � Avonue, thence south 16 feed:. 18th fi of June, t!) 4• ' Dn1ra1 chic y �l .. : _ l'.+11Y7r'II144a Y4. PREL11MARY ORDER. `C11P:RVAq. A 44-rili-91 ln'opns;tl for the nmking of the following improv,•mnnt, riz..%onstruct.i_m a brick alley crossing on Gaultier Street, west side, beginning 119,75 feet south of Sherburne Avenue, thence south 16 feet. • rirten lir p x ' � n sAar having been presented to the l'ouncil of the City Of- Si: Paul 4�1 fteR ._..._... _. therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. ;To investigate the nature, extent. slid estimated -cost of said improvement, and. the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. l To hu•nish the following otiler datee, and information relative to said improvement: _ _... ,. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more. owners. '6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cominissioner of Finance. .........:181..... _ .. Adopted by the Council:_..........�.U.f........-............_.... i Vays: Yeas: y% (% Coni4cilman F -- Approved Go s _ .K ler ^ M Coll O eary Y erglIay o,•. May ��rnf �cciEA 4- e�� i `vlslrvil V ill N F'RELi11iI�fA�Y bRbL>Tt, �' „:- Tho the soaking of the fall th@ puhlir, improvm",n? 1 . to CRY Pat 1. ,i, Conetructing cros:::;ater k brick on t"Ze. no h side of k?urne Avenue-, acrosiStreet. Pnted this 18tH, oP Jt%iie, 191 �t • F`otme�iimtln. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1VilEREA"'. A tcritt"o proposal for the malting of fhe folloki-big improvement. vie. Constructing a crosswalk of brick on the north side.of Burns,A.venue, across Hester Street. �s having heen presented to the Council of the Cipy of St. Paid b} ��__ t -herefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is h(hreby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. i. 'ro furnish the Hollowing other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is. asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•egning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN M' ti,A Adopted by the Council .... .......... .................... I ......... .......... ._..191.....:... Yeas: Nays: Councilman I— f the i, stlgatey Go .tea eche :of Approved the ...... the totaJ',e et. 'i V me,oil 'I f -Id I pro- I • j furn Ish the. fol' O' aly rti. nd Infomaon rel, ,oment. Ytate heth r uO g nen1aked fold' + � "" A j ay o"a__ or PJ Mayor. T° rt tlPatl: r- nt It"q YI t'hn„eil I'ile No. 100 r a5ti _ PUftTMII7ARY ORDER. I'I"ti nuriersiptned herehw itnposrs 1he nuddog of file following publie f'l* turnt by lite G y,. of L Pn»t, viy. Constructing a brick alley crossi, on .the Of Cyprese Street, beginning 186 feet orth of }tier Street, thenoe north 16 feet. haled Ihis 18th day of ne 191 4• _ I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITEREAS• A w4•itten In•oposnl for the nicking of the following improvement, viz. COnOtruoting ,. a bri.ok alley crossing. on_ the. weet,_s_ide _of__Cypress Street,_,_ beginning 186 feet north of Margaret_ Street, thence north 16.feet. ....__...... - having been presented to 1/Council of the City of St. Paul �l"vn---------- therefore, lie it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigatethe necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a p an, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To fm•nish the following other data and information relntive to said improvement _.......... _..... ..................................... ........... ..... ...__ - - ._..__._....._... 5. To state wbetller-or not-improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of thplfpregong, rrlatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........ ................:_...._....i'la ....... .... ... ::191 agate Nays: Yeas: a-the n o Cl - e tignte the nature, r 011llCllmail �. oared cost of said Im G 9' and the total coat there. ovetl... ... .791 !_.. o furnish a plan, pros, -- K ler /of said Improvement. M Collo furnish the following tnd information relative to O' Bary' .meat not said \'J(' o urate whether or _p; ne t Is asked foron the p ...... ._. Y erg t . more wnera. _. .... ... ....- - ...... ... ,. To report upon"'- oe th i ,��. :lfayo . - iMay -5 matte_. to the Commie t dopied by l- X14. _ l _ {y18! Alta rit.#>vlrivAE1 oltntk. Fes+ 'I'hiflndelaia„r`r! hµ,rhv p,npo`Wrts.ih• ink ins{ iif fhr rr i! nz lH .��}t �"T,71,r Hl, i;f t?Y $ -fit •ef +'s? - i`int, tiv Constructli cr:�,sswalla of bri -4t t�_o !"o71o�i. �tsts.tfond: '"&Tl fit. ,st4.et eide,a.crona v r1-°nrrt , ra t v-. ,eom t4e"t"cv':tasfBelch, earl St”"not aide,across Realle t.; Earl at., t side'across T"Orest St. :V,e*at eide,acroee rgaret E'?t.; fe.rot St..,ntrrtfl edit*, w^scat Forest St. I m."I Ihiw ISth b, June, 10] h, PRETIMiNARY ORDER. AVIII'RFA9, -riiten ;n-nlmsnl I'm- the m;,lcillp er the fnllon'i,2 imprnvrmr-nt..riz.: Constructing crosswalks of brick at the following locations; Earl St. east aide,across Margaret St.; Earl St. ,east side,anross Beeah St.; Earl St. ,east side, across Reaney, St.; Earl St. east side,aoross Fifth St.; Forest St. ,west side,acrose Margaret St,;_ldarEaret St.._,noxth side .across Forest 3t. laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul Witter _ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Connnissioner of Public Works he and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated costof said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3.. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the follolving other data and information relative to said improvement: ................ ..... _.._........ ......._..... _.... ......... ... _... _._................................ _..- ... __.... --................ fi. To state whether or not saM, improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. '6. To report upon all of the foreg-ing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ ...... 19.L..__ Peas: t,° Nays: r�G/' riol3llClllllfln - 'e the natvre, �J..V...,. ..] ._..1 .a o t' oY a he In •SroVed_..... Ill.. 11 � total coat thereof. - � - ��������� �� en lsh a pian 'e er i d .Improvement Prolix -,1.. M 011 ',raleh the following °ormatlon' relative I. Y ear whether or, no Yo g _ked foC on tr ......... ... ... .. . _. ... .... .... .. .... _.. ._, owaer'r e May d, a h,•:Ir \favor. " • 90 a l onlivil Vile Nn. , AA f1ROPOOAL VOR IMPROVEMENT. and r PRELIMINARY ORDER, Thr undel'signed hereby propftises lh., niahing of the following pl ,1111 `improvement by the C• ' `01­114f, 1';1„l, viz crossing of brio on the'north 9i Q4 Dater Construotin a c Street, across Starke Street. Y lAlled this 18th da of. zjwle. 191.4• 4% PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1V11EREAS, A twrilivu proposal for Ilse making of the following improvrnleni, viz.: Constructing a _crossing_ of.. brick _on the_ north . eide_ gf _9�atex Street, _.e.Gxosa_ Starkey Street. having teen presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.±._._..._.._...__.....___....___..._...___ ...... _ ... _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That. the Commissioner of Public Works be and Ile is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof- :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furuith the following other datll and information relative to said improvement:. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon al AfAthe foe m lg matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 'rte t7tlil.: — Adopted by the Co}t 1 ... ...... 191 ” rkn yeas:, Na:ys v .he r.. e Coulleilinaf.ar 'ed ce�c of said mprol ' the totgl cost thereof. =' f' "" i a plan, proale •.quad ... ....!��!.'%v--�„_ ./..... jJ aid Smprovement / // rnlsh the following othe nformation relative to sal t. 1 . te whether or not 'said is. asked for ort_the pel.:,:�• moreowners.amort uvon all of ............... ... ._... ............_11'faV01to the Ce;, i lltfu5 'r ' n Y PROPOAAL FOR INPAOVM'91 2', and PR1ctimmARY oltbrg. The nitdersigne'l hereb3 propnses the oinking of the follnwing pnhlir.. rm•etuenf by.thr City of St. q, l viz,! Conetrubting crosswalks of cement oeka_ at th,e.. fol1, _ g locations: _ Geranium Street, both s. s, across',Gaulti Stroet; Gaultier_Street, b 1 sides, across nium:Street. i alvd this 18th day of June, 1 l.4• "PRELIMINARY ORDER. \1TltRliF,:\S, A written proposal for the looking of the following improvement, viz Constru0t�3x crosswalks of cement blocks atthe follbwing locations.___ Ge.ranitm Street, bdtb sides.., across Gaultier Street;. Gdultier Street, both sides,, across Geranium Street. _ - hawing been presented to the Conueil of the City of St. Paul h• .__... - ..... .......... ________.__... therefore, be it RrOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the,.necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate tite nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost therbof. 3. - To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. #. To furnish the following otber data and information relative to said improvement:.__. ._...._ _...._._.... '............................'__....._...._............ _..... _...... _...... _........ ........_._.._._._._...y. c:.._ ....... .._._....._..__......;._..__._......_._.__..._.__..._..,..-__..._.... .......... __ ................. _.._......._.__ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. JUIN L.._>_ .._; -0—>:Q...---.......191....-.... Yens: l� Nays• CouncilmanTKel�,'., t q - .,g to nature t coat of said Improv Qpl Ove ......... _ .. _. _..... t)]...._. total coat thereof. sh a pian, profile Improvementish the following ormatlon relatl a to whether or not sp j .. _....... .... ...... 1 -k d for on the r\ja 'OI'Mayoro ere. U,:, 3 X i7F.j _ t'nufifil hiie ,Vn; ' P>xCi 08AL FOR IMPROVEA'1ENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The unfhratgned herehy prnpeses the making Of tile :fr111owina p111'1htOYCA,•ulent by fit, City of St. .Mfl vi. Constructing a aeme�nt block all ? tsrossing an the nor side of Brevia Street, beginning feet east of Snel Avenue, thence east 20 feet. Dal ed this 18th day ns' °ee June, 9 4. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \1'lii?R1'sa1,. :\ written lWn local for the mniting of the follmviog imprncemenl, viz.: Constructing a cement bl�k alley _oroaeing on the north_side of Breda.. Street, beginning 120 Peet_..epgt of 8nellincr Aupr:t,e, thence east 20 feet. ti'hcreeo, I[ten propoenl for then n wr ,... ._ 'l, C o[ the following improvemea":... .. via:. Constructing n cement bio llcp street, o the north eldr n n T•cOn .street, beglpning 120 feet having heeu presented to the Council of.the City 0'1FS-[ft"aa1 ; therefore, be it R.rsOLVRD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of, said improvement; 4. To furnish the following other data slid information relative to said improvemost: __. ...... .... ._.._......--- ................. ...__......_..............._......_._....__.......__..__._.._..._...._.._.........._._...._.........._........._........-..... ....... ..__..__...._......... ....... ..........- .- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... '::._....8°._r..:_d.........._..... ......191......... Leas: � Nays: �J Councihnno Oo � Approved.._......_...__.._._......__./..<..........:..191L_... Ke er Ale oil 0' eary Yo rg . .... ................. ................................. . Mayo — Mayor: 04illiwil mile Nn.` affil B POt;2M100 610Lfi. TFlo nnllrrsigniil h rphc proposed the. nidlting of the fnlInwing 11111d' irillr•ovpinpr9l by rhe City W Pnlrl. 07.. Cons'truoting erosealis,lks of cOitentodkS tit, the fail `€.. locations!:.'• Roblyn Avenue, north ,o _across Temple, 1rt; Roblyn Avenue, bot amides, across F Avenue. 1lnle.d chis leth day of June, % 11) 4• PRELIMINARY ORDER. \CIIEREAR. A llritten inopasnl for the oinking of flip following improvement, viz.: C0 3trY1£tin crosswalks of _cement _blocks _at the. _following _locations: Roblyn Avenue, north side, _across Temple Court; Roblyn Avenue, both__e_des,_across_Finn Avenue. c 1-. Win. 193— I sa— Y. 4 written propoxnl for ' - 1 mflklnF oP tho follOVrinp, Imnrocemr �'-"---' --- - - - ,. Conetrifcting romwa.• 0 Ulopkhe having been presented to the Council of Lt.✓ t fPoll ` , k'^llnptt nn_ ,_„_ ............. ..__......... .. ___......__.. therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public orks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1, To investigate the necessity for or desirabilit of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following otb,�data and iuforamtion relative to said improvement _.u.__............... ..... — .......... _...... ___.._..--....--.._ me.._... .... - .._. 5. To state whether or not said impro ent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners_ 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council ........... .... ..............._-............_...............191._..:... Yeas: Nays: . Couneilmat ss Approved. .............. ......__...___..._.___.._..............191_ Her 4 Coll 0 eary erg .......... r May - Mayor. :<,' W � � � �" 4 �' ,, , ,,a .y . �.,�� �;.� ; ��i �.� �� J' � � � /��F� �� U'' 't's U VA Administrative.. . Commissioner of public Utilitie��/+` 1 x; An ordipance providing for the organization of the Department of public Utilities and the various bureaus and activities, thereof, and prescribing the number and character, duties and compensation of the c officers and employes thereof. This is An emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIPt;. Department of General Administration. Section 1. The officers and employes of the 2iepartment of General Administration of public Utilities shall be as follows - Exclusive of the Commissioner of public Utilities, who a3'all be in general charge of the department, there shall be one deputy Com- missioner, who shall receive a salary of 2000. o'o ` ( ) per year; one clerk, who shall receive a salary of T*elve Hundred -Dollars ($1200.00) per year; one smoke inspector, who s#all rs- ceive a salary of One Thousand, Eighty Dollars ($1,080.00) per year, out of which he shall be required to nay all street car and trarepoit^ ation charges and other charges which may be necessary for the perform- ance of hie duties; one street car inspector, who shall receive a salary of Eleven Hundred Forty Dollars ($1140.00) per year, out of which he shall pay all charges incident to the performance of his duties. t Water Department. Section 2. The officers and employes of the 'dater Departm,"t of the City of St. paul, except those specially provided for in the Charter of the City, and the respective salaries which they shall re- ceive, shall be as follows• 1 General Superintendent, $378.00 ger zontb "l Civil Engineer, $150.00 g 2 Draftsmen, 80-00+� x. —1 Supers rite,: dent of Commissioner of public Utilitis Administrative.. An ordinance providing for the organization of the Department of public Utilities and t, various bureaus and aotivitiies thereof, and prescribing the number and character, duties and compensation of the officers and employee thereof. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace., health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Department of General Administration. Section 1. The officers and employee of the }7epartment of General Administration of public 0tilities shall be as follows; Exclusive of the Commissioner of public Utilities, who shall be in general charge of the department, there era..11l be one deputy Cam- missioner, who shall receive a salary of 2000.00 ($) per year; one clerk, who shall receive a salary of Twelve Hundred -Dollars ($1200.00) per year; one smoke inspector, who shall re- ceive a salary of One Thousand, Eighty Dollars ($l,OaO.00) per year, out of which he shall be required to pay all street car and transport- ation charges and other charges which may be necessary for the perform- abco of his duties; one street car inspector, who shall receive a salasy of Eleven Hundred Forty Dollars ($114Q.00) per year, out of which he shall pay all charges incident to the performance of his duties. Water Department. Section 2. The officers and employes of the Water Department of the City of St. Paul, except those specially provided for in the Charter of the City, and the respective salaries which they skull re- ceive, shall be as follows. 1 General Superintendent, $379.00 per mond Civil Engineer, $150.00 " " 2 Draftsmen, $ 00.00 " " 1 Chief Clerk to General Super inten dent$1 6.00 " " 2 Clerks to General Superintendent, $ 70.00 "7 Superintendent of Di t-jibution, $ 40.00 s 1 Superintendent o, f Ywatotm�sj $ a!k?o par day � J IJ (2) 1 Superintendent of Mechanical Equipment, $275.00 per month 1 AssIt Supt. of Mechanical iquipment, $ 85.00 2 District Meter Superintendents, WV -00 " ^ `2 Repair Foreman, 4.00 per day "2 Connection Foremen, 3.50 " " `l Construction Foreman, - 4.00 " " VCionstruction Foremen, ; 3.50 " f construction Foreman, 3.00 " " V7 Repairmen, 2.75 » " 13 Caulkers, 2.75 " " V2 Shop plumbers, 3.00 ' v2 Street plumbers, # 3.00 ' • v4 Plumber Ia Helpers, 2.50 " I,'l plumbers Helper, a:n^, » » 3 Engineers at pumping Stations, $ 85.00: per month 3 Engineers at pumping Stationo, 80.00 " " 1 Engineer at pumping Station, 75.00 " " 1 Engineer at pumping Station, $ 70.00 ' " 1 Asset Engineer at pumping Station, 75.00 1 A sett Engineer at pumping Station, 2.00 per Say 3 Firemen at pumping Stations, 70.00 per month 2 Firemen at pumping Stations, 85.00 ' " 1 Keeper High Service Reservoir, 80.00 " n 1 -Screen cleaner, 65.00 » �' 1 Meter Tester, 2.:75 per 4&y. 1 Meter Repairman, # 3.00 " " 1 Meter Repairman, 2,.75 + + 1 Meter Setter, 3,0 " " 1 Meter Setter, 2,75 1; a 1 Deter Setter's Helper, 2,,75 ' + 2 Meter Setter's Helpers, 2„50 ” a 1 Clerk Meter Department, 70,00 per month 1 Clerk meter Department, 1.30 per U* 1 Automobile Mechanic, _ 85.00 por mo; • C3) I Chauffeur, $ 80.00 per month 1 Chauffeur, $ 65.00 '1 Rodman, $ 65.00 1 Chemist, $ ;80.00 0 Laborers, $ 2.78 per day Laborers, $ 2.50 A 1 Gm I i I or, $325.00 per month 1 Chief Accountant, $208.33 " ° 1 Audit Clerk, $ 70.00 " 1 Stenographer, $ 75.00 " " 1 Stenographer, $ 70.00 " " 1 Stenographer, $ 60.00 -1 Stenographer and Assit Control Clerk, $ 55.00 ° 1 Telephone Operator, $ 40.00 " 1 Wa tchman, $ 65.00 " • 2 Watchmen, $ 2.00 per day 3 Watchmen, $ 2.28 " ° 3 Lake pa trol'ipen, \ $ 2.00' " " 1 Janitor, $ 60.00 per month 1 Material Clerk, $ 65.00 " • 1 Messenger, a $ 2.00 per day 1 Water Registrar, $200.00 per month 1 Control Clerk, $116-66 " " 3 Schedule Clerks, $ 45.00 " " 1 Bill Clerk, $ 85.00 " n 1 Aselt Bill Clerk, $ 85.00 " " 3 Ledger Clerks, 3 Ledger Clerks, $ 90.00 " ° 2 Ledger Clerks, $ 65.00 ° " 1 General Clerk, $ 65.00 1 Complaint Clerk, $ 85.00 " 1 Information Clerk, $ 75.00 1 Application Clerk, $ 80.00 " 1 AasI t Application Clerk, $ 75.00 " 1 permit Clerk, $ 75._00 " n (4) V'1 Cashier, 90.00 per moth 1 Entry Clerk, 80.00 " " 1--8 Collectors, 70.00 " " ✓l Delinquent Clerks " 80.00 " " 1 ChiefInspector, 95.00 1 Inspection Clerk, 70.00 1 Supervising Inspector, 90.00 " " 5 Inspectors, 75.00 " " 7 Inspectors,_ $ 70.00 " " 2 Inspectors, $_65.00 " " 1 Inspector, $ 6.00 per day 3 Inspectors, $ 3.00 " " 3 Inspectors, $ 2.75 " " 5 Inspectors, $ 2.50 " " Bureau of yunici�al Testing Iaboratories. Section 3. There is hereby established a Municipal Testing Laboratory, which shall be under the direction and management of the Commissioner of public Utilities. The officers and employes thereof and the salaries which they shall respectively receive shall be &a p follows: One Director, who shall be a skilled chemist, at a salary of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2500.00) per year; two assistants, one of whom shall be a skilled engineer and one a skilled chemist, at a salary of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.00) per year, each; one gas. inspector, at a salary of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per year; one cement chemist, at a salary of Eleven Hundred Forty Dollars ($1140.00) per year; and one cement tesiter,, at a salary of Seven a Hundred Twenty Dollars ($720.00) per year,. When this ordinance takes effect, the offices, the work of which the said Municipal Laboratory takes over, shall ipso facto be abolished. Buieau of public ga rkets. Section 4. The officers and employed of tho yurezu i _,�' e„b,:. Markets, and the salaries which they ahall receive, .elall be as fol.low4; (8) One Market Master, who shall receive a salary of One Thousand Dollars (1,000.00) per year; one Weigher and Sweeper, who shall receive a salary of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) per year; one collector and repairer, who shall"receive a salary of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) per year; one sweeper, who shall be employed for six months, at the salary of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for said period; one night watchman, at a salary of Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars ($720.00) per year; and one Inspector of Weights and Measures, at a salary of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per year. a Bureau of Lighting. Section b. The officers and employes of the Bureau of Light- ing and,the salaries which they shall receive, shall be as follows; Two inspectors, at a salary of Thirteen Hundred Sixty Dollars ($1360.00) per year, each. Each of said inspectors shall provide him- self with such vehicle as may be sufficient in the opinion of the Com- missioner of public utilities to enable him to discharge his duties. The salary herein provided -for is the gross salary the said inspectors shall receive, and covers the compensation for the use of such vehicle e as the inspector may provide, with the approval of the said Commissioner. Section 6. All of the officers and employes provided for in this Ordinance shall perform the dutiesTproperly pertaining to the office to which each is assigned. and such other duties) as may be pre- scribed by the Commissioner of public utilities, by the charter of the City, or by' any ordinances, rules or regulations that may be passed in connection with the administration of this department. Section 7. The salaries of all of said officers and employes shall be paid in monthly instalments in the usual course of business of, the City. Section S. All of the aforesaid officers and employes shall t be appointed by the Commissioner of public utilities, subject to the charter and ordinances of the City. persons who have held for six months next previous to May 319t, 1914,. the positions referred to in this ordi- nance, shall be nominated and appointed to the sante or similar positione, unless removed or dropped for cause, in accordance with the civil service t sr j provisions of the charter and ordinances passed in pursunneff thereof. Any person who has held a position less than six months previous to may 31st, 1914, may, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Pkablio Utilities be regarded as a probationer, and may be re -appointed or not, as said Commissioner may see fit, but always with regard to the public interests and t�e good of the service. Section 9. In additian to the employes herein provided for, the Commissioner of public Utilities may appoint such casual laborers from day to day as may be required to carry on the business of the water or any other department, and said Commissioner may, subject to the charter and ordinances of the City, and with the authorization of the Council, by resolution,'appoint such other necessary employes as may be required to progetl,y equip any of the aforesaid departments, and at such compensation as the Council shall fix., Section 10. All ordinances and parts of ordinances.,in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 11. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the emer-' gency existing by reason of the necessity for an immediate re -organiza- tion and equipment of the Department of public Utilities, so that the work of said department may be carried on without interruption. Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Adopled'hy the Commissioners . .......................... 191 1"KA9 NAY", MR. FARNSWORTH 'GOSS KELLER McCOLL OTEARY YOERG NAYS o MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) 3 6 Al provisions of the charter and ordinances passed in pursuance thereof. Any person who has held a position loss than six months previous to liay 31s4 , 1914, may, in the discretion of the Commissioner of ptiblia Utilities be regarded as a probationer,'and may be re -appointed or not, as said Commissioner may see fit, but always with regard to the!public interests and the good of the service. Section 9. in addition to the employee herein provided for, the Commissioner of public Utilities may appoint such casual laborers from day to e y as may be required to carry on the business of the water or any ther department, and said Commissioner may, subject to the charter and ordinances of the City, and with the authorization of the Council, by resolution, appoint such other necessary .4loyes as may be require4"I­%--- epartments, and at such c Sec ances in con- flict herewith Sec 4ered necessary for the press the emer- gency existire-organiza- tion and equ that the work of said Seqa std be in force 77 from and afte "4 g C�anttttv�n C��ixnxi! �.�ti�tb�rr COMMON COUNCIL -�st-jjaui,.JL'UIM. June 1$th,1914 To the Honorable Council, City of 8t Peul,Minnesota. Gentlemen,— There has been filed with me, an application for the transfer of a Liquor License by Barney Spinner from Schildt & Lagermaeier,381 University Avenue to #511 Rios street,same being a new location. Very truly, License Inspector Board F. No.---J911i Assembly F. No.— Y-- Resolved, o.yResolved, That the application for the transfer to the said app nt of saloon iioinee No. orig/in lly ieoued to at No. �) 6' street, be and the same is hereby granted, upon the said applicant furnishing the bond required by law. C. P. No. 196. '.____..... Resolved. That nppllentlon of Tf. Hayes for the transfer to the .n.ld applleant f saloon license No. 212 iginntly Issyed to A. P. Pouliot- at1 No. 312 W. 6th St.. ben d the same is; hereby granted, upon the said appll ennt furnishing the bond required ly , Ina'. i Adopted by the Council .June 18. 1914. Approved June 78. 1914. (Juno 27-1910, r ? Adopted by the Commissioners....... .... ...19 YEAS NAYS, MR. F GOS Adopted by the Boar KEL ER 3 — M.0 LL K 'A YEAS �.tp O'L RY ALD- F i YO RG 1�4 lEOt NAYS 0 MR. C _ PO ERS) f; raoY Approved 1191. NAYS 0 Ma. PRESIDENT (M—OLL) _ - _ ;Flavor. !. Board F. No._ .--__....___• Z � -- Assembly F. No. By - Resolved, That the applioation of f for the transfer to the sa d ap lican of saloon license No. C. iginally issued to at No.C� d est, be and the same is hereby granted, upon the said applioant furnishing the bond required by law. C. F. No. 197— Resolved. That the application of 'Joe Schwartz'IS tforf t saloon transfertoNo. d apD I288 originally issued to John P. Kraus at No. 870 Rice treat, be and the_same fs hereby granted, upon the eafd aP'pli ant furnishing the bond 'required by law. Adopted by the Council June 18. 191 Approved June 14. 1914. (June 274914) Adopted by the Commissioners ...........................191 f YEAS NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS Adopted by the Board of KELLER t r McCOLL YEAR O'LEARY ALD. RA1y coI`p YOERG ED T nYT NAYS -0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) MON MUR) MUR OREII STIEq TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) Approved 191 - - /�—'-11aay000r. Board F. No.______ Assembly F. 1No._ By ---- Resolved, That the applications of the following named persons for licenses to conduct hotels and restaurants at the respective locations hereinafter named, are granted, and the Clerk is hereby authorized,and directed to issue licenses for said purpose to said applicants. James H. Calhoun, Lunch wagon, lSl Eighth St. John Frisk, Lunch room, 1100 Arcade St. Mrs. Delia Ellsworth, lunch room, 1930 University Ave. W. E. Wallace, Restaurant, Snelling Ave. and Minnehaha St. F. Matsohinger, Cafe, 372 Wabasha St. George W. Scott, Restaurant, 474 Rice St. John Hill, Restaurant, 1754 Langford Ave. James J. Sommess, Hotel, 225 E. Seventh St. Adopted by the YEAS ALD. NAYS O Ma. 1•kf51 V Adopted by the ' oners ............ .....191 Y F,AS N AYS, MR. FrR G KC, Rexolved, That the applications of 1 the followingnamed persona for II- ­nses. to conduct hotels and restau. ants at ;the respective' locations here. i Inatter named, re. granted, and the 'Cl ark Is hereby authorlaedeand direct- ad.to issue llceneee.'-for said. purpose totr said applicants: James H. Calhoan,'�Lunch Wpgon. 181 Eighth St. NAY!-'ohn FYlsk, Lunch Room. 1100 ERS) de St. Tors. Delia Ellsworth, lunch t,,,,n .1930 University Ave. W E. Wallace, Restaurant. Snciiint; A— and 1111nnehaha St. F. Ttatschinger, Cafe, 372 tVnbashn 9t. George SV. Scott,ReetxuranL Jil Rice St. John Hlll, Res[aurxln,L, 1754; I.nng- James Sommers.. Hotel. 225 Past :Seventh St. t' - Adopted by the Cotincll Juno 18. ; - 1 IJ Approved June18.•19 1 (Jana 27 , ,,..;.. I �ii Board F. No.—______ 98 Assembly F. No. �► . By_____ Resolved, y---- Resolved, That the applications of the following named persons for licenses to conduct hotels and restaurants at the respective locations hereinafter named, are granted, and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue licensee for said purpose to said applicants.,, James H. Calhoun, Lunch wagon, 131 Eighth St. John Frisk, Lunch room, 1100 Aroade St. Mrs. Delia Ellsworth, lunch room, 1930 University Ave. W. E. Wallace, Restaurant, Snelling Ave. and Minnehaha St. F. Matschinger, Cafe, 372 Wabasha St. George W. Scott, Restaurant, 474 Rice St. John Hill, Restaurant, 1754 Langford Ave. James J. Sommess, Hotel, 225 E. Seventh St. f � I IL Adopted by the Owers ..............•••..191 9p� YFiAS NAYS, d Adopted by the Boa MR. FAR 1� P K Tees � �� GOS ALD. NAYS O R. PRESID J I (KELLER) by the Assembly Mayor. 1 Board F. No.---,- 09— Assembly F. No. ---- By — -- -- J Resolved, That tha applioation 0f ✓ 1� for the traneter Lo the id ,leant o a 1 2--12;L 0 V0. O or y isoued to at �o. streets be and the some ie hereby graRted, Upon the said plioant ttruishing the bond regUired by la+K. lvo:199— Resolved. That the pplleation f \\ .A. Hanson for the transfer to the Said applicant f saloon ddLele No. N09O- I '�f) rlSlnally Issued b, Ed Lthe at 18 I22 East 4th St.. be Settle the same Is hereby 5ranted, upon the enfd appli. cant furnlshing the hand repaired by i Adopted by the Board of YEAS se ALD. RA EB N co r � 421111 1 Mdp/11 MURyA] ORERC+l1 $Y, RYA � 9TIEG TROY nw. Adopted by the Council Sune 18- 1914. r' .approved June ]9, 1914. l-- (.Tune 24-1914) f� r Adopted by the Commissioners.... ? .. • r • • • • • • 19 YEAS NAYS, NAYS 0 NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) MR. FA H a i� GOSS KEL R by the Assembly MeCC LL' 191— n1 NAYS O'LE RY YOE G x MR. RMAN (POWERS) �s 1t;54 n 3� Approved 191 avor. Board F. No.------ 0-- �► AssembLy F. No. --- By Resolved, That the applications of the following named persons, firms and corporations for cigarette licensee at the respective locations indicated, are hereby granted, and the -Clerk is hereby authorized and d kcted to issue said licenses. Frank J. Sandusky, 251 Edmund St.' Boosalis & Papas, Seventh and Wabasha Ste. S. Barnett, Cor. Case and Clark Ste. Adopted by the Commissioners..... b'/'/e., , YEAS M Adopted by the YEA9 NAYS 0 1. NAY$ O MR. YR"IbEI¢7''`WX'OT_L) 191 by the Assembly NAYS ij 00 Board F. No. --._.__I- —1 Assembly F. No T; By �f Resoly t and cor' ' indicat $ and d d persons, firms tive locations y authorized x '. A� Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly -- 191— 191— 1 YEA9 NAYS YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER MR. HAAS CORNING ResoF 1N0.lved 200— Thnt theappllenti B of KANE the folloWing named DQ Ona. fl ma! �C MAHLE EDWARDS and corporations fop cigaretteIlc ¢ HYLAND ' at the respective loC tlona polcated. arehereby gran ted, �Apnd t ark lai I hereby authorlaed' alYd d1, 4 1a- MICHAUD MONTGOMERY susaid _llc¢neeB. 1 Prank J.Sanduek 261 Edmund St. POWERS MURNANE, E. J. Sun. 11. &.Pap... S tanth and W - SANBORN F. bash. Ste. - g. Bartlett. or. Casa n aik Sta.! ,LLna WARE MURNANE. Adopted by the Council 18,E OBERG 1914: Approved une Is. YOE0.G ' RYAN (Juno 271914) / NAYS O st P ESI ENT (KELLER) STIEGER fi TROY Approved NAYS O MR. PR LSIDENT (MC COLL) — __ 1� / / 418y 0F' Asgembly F. No. a. R—l"m That NAYS 0 MR. ,S) MO NAYS YEA ALP. 8, Adopted by the Commissioners......... 4� .......191 NAYII, MR. FARSWORTH NAYS 0 MR. ,S) MO NAYS Yf7f lz smbly. F. No.- CeG, , 'Ro lvM That `NAYS t , YfJ S( t r. ` 4'+'14x• - ..� .__._.—�. _ �..�....,,. .._.._ �"-j �... '-. �' � h10NTGOMER7C F. NO, 201— Pow ERs It That t/ MVRNANE, Eii'. ThRt thB COmmiel n¢r OY" SANBORN Publi d tgrunt Worke be, and le hereby authortz- T I a pormlt to -tho 3Yinnesptn ! wARe MVRNANE, Pnater R¢Ilwny Company, to Cpnatl'llOti nd Be Intain a n11W¢y por track n YOERC ^r.. olleac i the north Idp oP Wnbnah avenue, be. [ween Pelhnm and Euetla etreete, and - t RYAN fo connect the Ran Ith- their mnin Iiwny tt¢ek on Wnbnah. hyenuG, ae U- MR. PRESIDENT (REI LER) h, STIEOER thOrizGd by the Common COunCll OI'au- J City oY 9the t. Paul, odor Ordinnnco. No. TROY 7748. and as Rhp tt by the red Ilno e, the OI I97� 'bind, to herewith. --" Adopted by the COmmleslOnere Aug. 19, 1914. i/� mayor. 0. PRESIDENT ("CI� APPPOVCd Aug. 16, 1914. V"�"�-v--r- �y) (August 15, 1914.) 'tZ' �,, a+:cac c.. 'r. ,. '(f. s. 4C r.: :;: •....,. ,rn -. ,.'a ME i k .:.. tr t _ .. .. fir, !. +;>''• r.•, m. ., -,.1.,�r< rr" a .. n.., %•4,., Af: 4 , a. :.5 %,. f., ,rF( -.i1. , ,...,,:��"rr..aS .. 5w... e � C-•� >•. .. ... 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Via• Ott AW i by � 0 r ; AT v hill, OWNt f �. t� :. ., � n,. i ,`' :.'i�fi ,.._ ... aF L{ �iracvw4{ •4, 'de7,3,q w y"L zoo ANN } MIT OM, : _ f F A . a> . gFIT r ,,>t _--,� � .-, .,All" r+ V Tom 4. , - 3 �. - +a 202 Board F. No.---_--- _-- Assembly F. No.---) By--- Resolved, Y —Resolved, That Cigarette License NO. 41, issued to Lawrence Colson, at 22 E 4th St be and the ssme is her (by transferred to the Western Cereal Mills Co. , ,A 76 W 7th St. Adopted by The e0l 1111111 lei.. YEAS NAYS, MR. FARNS T11- �+ KELLER t M.COLL / O'LEARY Adopted by the xai YOERG YEAS x NAYS 0 MR. CHAU04AW--(�� h ALD. Ifelt COM EHY^, M 1118 ANE, E. 1. -_- (( .— •e+mmsvEy,^ys�- BORN M ANE, E. W RE OB Y RG R A NAYS O S1 R. P0.ESIOEN (REELER) . 1 I R Y Approved -- -- --191-- NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) - _, _ _ ,_-__ 1layor. ®2 Board F. No. --__-'-- Assembly F. No.----- By- y Resolved, That Cigarette I39ens hTp. 41, issued t'o Lawrence Colson, at 22 E 4th Resolved, ed +� the westem Cereal Mills Co. , .St be and th- t 4 'ttP. �kY+t i x p '1 Adopted-by-the-A—rubly Adopted by the Roard of Aldermen: YEAS ALD. A. EISTER NAYS YEAS NAYS MR. A 5 K C R NO E RDS NO M COMERY M R ANE, E. J. - All E M CN UD Po R5 / SA e00.N M ANE, F. OR W RE Y RG K A - 9 I ER NAYS MR. PRESIDEN ,(EELLER) R Y pproved Approved ------------ NAYS 11 AIR. PRESIDENT (MC LOLL) N AYS _ _ ____..__Wayor. $XOyoo ward 2(�n Eleventh, necessary Vc7 City of St.Paul on acct new curbing 'Council Resolution - General form. Department of _-. _.-._._._._._.-_._._..„_.--- Bureauof ._._._._...._._._._...._._._._.--------- .---._._._--._.__._------ it File No. .,,_:._._.....__...._...._.. Date Presented Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is here- by authorized and directed to cause cement sidewalk extensions to be made from the edge of the walk to the curb line 4� tXA/ on Snell- ing avenue,from University avenue to Grand avenue; also on Summit avenue,from Lexington avenue to Cretin avenue,the expense of same to be paid out of the Crosswalk Fiend. C. F. No. 103—R,v 1,1 N. Go— Resolvetl. Thnt the Commlesiono, of Public Works he and le hereby auohor- Izde and directed to ause cement alae-, alk ,melons to [5e made fro,[ the edge of the wall, to the arb ,no on ' 'nailing avenue, Brom University ave - mto e [o G from a Lexington Yenue venae. Cretin Entl.. the X,enso of same to be paid out of the Crosswalk Fund. 11.14dop[ed by the Council 'June 19, Adopted by the Council ..__._.IApproeed June 20. 1931. f./.__._._. ........ ...__._..1914. ' (June 2'.m" Yeas (��) Coun ilmen y ( ) Nays s GOB MCC 11 i Yoe 0' Le ry A rose _....- ------- ---.%ell Kellr� Mayor Mr. President; -Paw 202 Board F. No— _ _ _ __ - _– - -- _-- Assembly F. No. _ By Resolved, That Cigarette License No. 41, issued to Lawrence Colson, at 22 E 4th St be and the same is her by transferred to the Western Cereal Mills Co. , All A 76 W 7th St. l Adopted by the CfflIASISS481Rtl. i' i YEAS N AYS, i y MR. FAR+&Wiili't''Jfi IK GOSS i. KELLER 71 M.COLL �w= O'LEARY �� .A Adopted by the YOERG kdot a-by-the-A—rnbly » ------191- j NAYS 0 MR.�, YEAS NAYS ALD. ,...,E ND � � / /'� �• Iri� MO COMERY. 111 ! _.. ___. ... _--<...—.............ws»:>Fu`+.?:a`:c:- M R ANE. E. j. 8A ORN M ANE, F, W RE OB Y RO R A 1 I ER NAYS O MR. PRM... (' ELLER) R Y Approved------ 191 NAYS 0 AIR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) m 1 ward Eleventh, necessary l) City of St.Paul on acct new curbing Council Resolution - General form. Department of .......Aepa-tm.en.t._.oi._Public._.Wox----------------------------------------- __._._.__... Bureauof ............... ............ _------------------ __...._._..._._._._.-._.____---- it File No. Date Presented Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public works be and is here- by authorized and directed to cause cement sidewalk extensions to be made from the edge of the walk to the curb line 41 tXA / on Snell- ing avenue,from University avenue to Grand avenue; also on Summit avenue,from Lexington avenue to Cretin avenue,the expense of same to be paid out of the Crosswalk Fund. C. F. No. 203—By M. N. Goss— the Commleeloner of Resolv•11. shat Public Works be and is hereby author- izae and directed to cauee.. cement side-', be to thea urb rline the walk edge of tthefo alk to Snelling. avenue, from Universlty aver! nue to Grand n n e; also on Summit e, from Lexington avenue to the expense of aame to Cretin venue. be paid out of the Crosalk Fund. by the Coswunell 'Sune 19. - Adopted by the Council .._._._.i �Adopted 19 E Approt•ed June 20. 1914. !r.__._..•..._._._...._ ----- 1914. (June 27-1914) rcam--- Yeea Coun ilmen ( ) Nays I - GOB M'C 11. Yoe 0' Le ry A o Kell r Mayor Mr. President,- 24' s City of St.Paul_. I Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof .......... Elkbl.i.G....Kuke........................... __._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._..--- Bureau of .......... ......... .._.?nAe�iAg_....___..___._._...._._._._....__._._._._.__._..._._._._._...._._._._..... i vvaavva vvv-vac � a. ----vcavacavvvmvva-ava--evv��xc3amc-cv ovCRvvav93mv By itFile No . ...................._.........._.. Dates Present e�.T ..1914. Resolved, that permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to C.R.Smith and Fred Kamnetz to partially grade Clarence St. from Burns Ave. north 100 feet, but subject to the following express conditions, namely: I. That said C.F. Smith and Fred Kamnetz shall grade saiw street between the points aforesaid, entirely at his own cost and expense, to the satisfaction of and under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by him. u. Thu said C.R. Smith and Fred Karrmetz shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. 3. Before entering upon or doing any of said work, 'the said C.R. Smith --:nd Fred Kamnetz shall procure from the abutting owners such easement in and to the abutting property as is necessary for ti,e cunstruction of slopes,, for cute and fills, and a written release, releasing and discharging the City of. St. Paul from all uai46es for ti,e taking of such easement for slopes, and releasing it from all con- sequential damagee by reason of the grading of the street. 4. Said C.R.Smith and Fred Kamnetz shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sura of Five Thousand dollars, oondi.tionedJto com- ply with all the terms of this resolution, and to indemnify and save the City harmless from any and all loss, damage, claims or liability, both as to persons and property, occasioned by the making of the im provement, or arising out of the same. S. The said C.R.Smith and Fred Kamnetz shall, within 20 days it from and after the passage of this resolution, file with the City Clerk his acceptance in writing thereof; if such acceptance is not ft filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. �-�—Om Mr. Presidentswe PUBLIsum J �` sv 7� �tJM . tai � ,. City of St.Paul. Counail Resolution - General form. "N"ka'�':a'<�.i'a'm'��.J:v'n'"°a r'" •^ST[lit?u_. 'f::G:n Gob hd au- hereby if. reason of the grading p[ Kam - I clue n bondoto hn°City of e St. . 0 Oct.fbut Yoe Q to colitvie- •`l the terms oP this resolu- . •-plea. con- leeei [o'mnl[Y ¢n d Save 'the ' '. Smith and Fred hall .r ade Said 0'L aryxi�s s to oc, �"°p rt>•, pe°aalar,ar h�. thef impra••� the [ret be - pointe foresail. estl rely out osame. . / Id C S•• u shat 1.' Ith' —�...- •-_ y Of and ands expense. to the u der the di,,, - i l Commlasloner of Ppblic ucorannce by the Council _ with the-. "'ronles prepared by him. d Id C R. Smith and Fred T�.11 41 ...._._ Adopted .._......._. Pay the c ng, 'Vecting said [Work. Yeas (�) Counc �k."tho upon or d C. R. Sm1[t NayS linen aeall �ece Der¢cure from '.. `tr�gep_opertY •-••-_�___.a.� . ne Is nec_ Gob each from m 411 ant for clop" . g It all cone@goes if. reason of the grading p[ Mo 11 I clue n bondoto hn°City of bllure eeondltioned Yoe Q to colitvie- •`l the terms oP this resolu- o leeei [o'mnl[Y ¢n d Save 'the any all loss: "ala ltnS Ilabll both 0'L aryxi�s s to oc, �"°p rt>•, pe°aalar,ar h�. thef impra••� the gel r out osame. . / Id C S•• u shat 1.' Ith' —�...- •-_ y osp� Mr. Preai. 914. 914'. Mayor / PUBLISHED �• Sixth ward ConiciirileNo........ ...0W ordered by Mr.Claussen a PROPDM FOR,IIVIPROVEMENT. G and + PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul,_ viz.:..reconetr-ueting,-rel:aying..._and....r$pai..x_i.ng...-wi..th....cement..... hloEko.......... ............... to a width of 10 feet,the present sidewalk on Concord street, ..._s'ou'th aide -,-beginning 180 feet west of George- street;thenee_west, 42 feet, WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._ ... _.__........ ...... ...... ___._ ... rec_onstructing_,_rela_ying._and___repPAT ing..with.__cement...,_bl_o.ck_s__to.__a_ width of 10 feet,the present sidewalk on Concord street,south ............... side.,_he.ginning.._180....f.eet....w.es..t....o.f.._.George .._.s.treat,.thence. -west ..._42..:..........._ _.. feet, + N _nos .• •Q a written pro oval Por the ung of the following mproven.�ent, R c natructing, relaying n. e- 'nr, W th cement block. to .... ........ .... ... ... ..........._._.__...._............._..._..........................................._._...... �,. :',„ present aid,., "•' = south side.: ' .''. v having been presented to the Conneil of"the Cif vl„r Geo St: Paul bPGmmeiitxtan.........._........... ............ `........_........................................ ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub lie Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: \ 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. // L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:..... ..............................:.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .................. IN..._i_9 Ig i.!i........191......... Yeas: Nays: 07 Approved.................... 21111/ ..................... ;—A ..._L Mayor. PUBLISHED Twelfth ward ���� petit,i on.- attached Council File No ................ .. �. � Y . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r The undersigned hereby proposes,the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:...c.ons.trq� Q..ting.....a.....sidewalk .....o.f.....c.em.en .....bionka_...t.n....a...w.i.dt.h....of.....aix......... _ f.eet._ on__both. ._sides .....of....Seminar.y..._av enuA�,_S-r om.....Grotto.....str eet.....to.._.Avon......_ 1. t.XO.et.,...._in_. ac.c.nr.dame.e...with .._petition ....attached .,.............. ............_......_................ .......... ....... _..... ..._.... V Dated this 19_. _ day of. .... ... _.June ....1914 __. ... 91.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. d ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the narking of the following improvement, viz.: .... ....... ... eonetruc_tng_. a.,_sidewalk .__oY;._Dement__..b_l_Qcks......t.9......a....w.idth.....of..._s.i.x.....f..e.et.... on both sides ..of._Seminary_avenu_Q.,from G.r_o_t.o. a.tr.e.e.t...to....Av..on. .......... _ C. r . No. zos— whereas, a written Proposal for the �.. .. _... making of the following Imm proveent.' _... H $ T .e e. t. ...... .... _..... viz: Constructing a sidewalk feet de. mens ides a to a width of elx fest on ; ....._._.........._.._.._................._�...._..........._...__.................._ both sides et Seminary avenue. from 1 ........ ............ ..._........_........_._......... ..... ............._.._....__._.......... {l �ettn. .1t,,et to ,\von street. having ;T.¢9• •1 to - Council Of the having been presented to the Council of the City of St. ha : ed,,t ,,.,.,,,,4Rwm..... .... _........ _........................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be'and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said im�rovennent, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement._ 4. 'Po furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:..,..... .......... u. To state whether or not said improvement is'asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing gat�enp to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.. .......... .......... .........._.........,...... ...... 191......._ Yeas: Nays , p CoullcilliTO'Lary .y Approved........:........ _...._.................._..._`.......'..191 ............ .............'_......................_........._..... :.._....... MayMayor. PUBLISHED 6 — — 141 0 •,4 Fourth ward Council File No % complaint police dept' ...............ate............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and — PRELUMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. d, Paul, viz.:.r.ec.ons.txuo.ting,xel.ay.ing.._and.x-epaizing....with ....cement--block.s:.._to. ...a... width of 10 feet,the present sidewalk on Third street,north side, beg.inni.n.g.. 66 feet.. ­east of -Exchange- street ythence east, 60 feeft. _......_...._ ])kited this...___ 19__.........._day of Jun Councilman. PRELIMMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of tilO following improvement, vii.:.:_....__._........._.._......__. ... r.a.4.9n.Q_tru.atang,_r..e..1.aX.i g..._and ....repai.x.ing.._wi.t.h__.Demeaxt.....bloch.e.....t_a.....a...ml.dth of 10 feet,the present sidewalk on Third street,north side,beginning 66 feet ._-east -'of ....Exchange, atreet,thence.... east- ._50-- feet, ----__......._................_..................._.._ _. _ . `C. r. re zo- .................._._ _. ... ..... ._ _ _. ` Ni,W of. n written Pop 1 enr [h - - - eking of the cting. plc 1. p m t 'Iz: Reconstructing. relaying d ..... ........ ... .. .............. palring with cement block to .width ........ _... .. .. ..... ...... ... f 70 feet, the preaeut Idew Ik n Thirdatreet, north side, beginning GG . havingbeen resented to the Council BM1Ot Pagt of Exchange street, thence it p t.50 feet, having been presented to he council f the City City of St. real, therefore, be it `f�!'"'db Tea the - of t, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of PubPic Voris be and he isb reby ordered and directed: L' To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.......__ ....... .......... .._...._.. G. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing platters to the fommissioner• of Finance. Adopted by the Council .............._..:,i.A ...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman rth 0 as Approved...... ...... ................ . ............ K ]ler M Coll 0' eary c:7/ �� Yorg ....... ......... ..... ....... ..... .._. ........... ......... ........_......_.... Mayor .. Ma or. 208 Council File No .................................. Eleventh ward 230 ft already laid,nfaeeeary to complete block, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and A PRELIMINARY ORDER. -A The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pali], viz.:._c_9n.4.t_rupt.....a.....a.id.ewalk-1 of ..__a.amen.t._..bladka._::t.a....a._ width- ..-of ...:ai.x...f.set ....... on. _the.. _south.__s_i_d.e_..of.__g.t.._Anthoz�.y_..ay.enue.,_b.e.ginning.._at....Asbur.�r...avenue., then.c.e..._W ee t....1.B.0......f e.e.t.,......... ..... ._....................... ....... ........................_ ..._.._....._.... ......... ..... ................_.._.........._.............. .._............. ..... ...... ..........._._................._.............._..................__..._._..._............__....._.......... ...................... .__....__..._......_._..._........... ............... Dated this.......__19.....__._.._day of_.._.June....1914... .................... .......... ..191......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followin `huprovemellt, viz.: _.. C.on.a.tract...a....si.dewalk....Of_cemen.t_ .blocks_ to....a- width....of.....aa.x.....feet..an..._the e.Q.utk�_.._e.ids..._of.._..S.t....Anthony_...a4.enue.,beginning._at_Aa>urIav—e—e,.thenee_. 'C, F. No. 208— West 120 feet, whereas. n wrntsn proposal for the ..._ mnlcing of the [ollon•Ing Improvement. + Construct a sldewalk -of cement to a width of six [set on the '.de of St. Anthony avenue. be-....._....._._..._........._....__.._......_......_._..._......._............. ......_..._..... ................_......._...._..............._....._......_................................_._:n•i�.: .,�.bury avenue, thence west• ..Ing been presented to the.' _ having been presented to the Council of the City Ity of st. p co therefore, be it RESOLVED, T at the'Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby prdered and directed: 1. To investigat the neeeseI , for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigat the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_....__..._...._.._._._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............::.: '.........._............. ................... 191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman _ o� GoApproved_......................_.__....___......,...__S.._U_-..197..... Kel er S Me oil 0% ary N / .. CT. 5/..r/ Yoe .. -' May L'Uuf... / ayor. Tenth ward �.i party claims petiticbn in last Council File No .......... ..�."............. year and owners are anxious PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. for walk, cannot locate old petition and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of tJlc following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vii.: ...._a.ans.truc.t_...a.....s.i.dew.a�l.�.._.of.....c_ement.....h1n0ok.....ta.....a_.w.idth.__of...six:...fe.et._ _-on ___ the- no.r_th..._slde-of_....Sher.Burne.._.ay.enue.,.fr..am_..Gr.i.ggs.....stme.at...._to..._Sxndi .... _.._.........._......................_......._._._....._..._._......._...._..._........._........... .................... _............... ................... ..................... -_....... ... Dated this......19' _.._......_._day of......_Jun e 1914 _.....191... e Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:- ........... ........... ... c.onutruc.t.....a_.s.i.dewajk.._-of ....c.ement..._bl.acke......t.o.....a.._ width....of_..a.ix....f.eet..,_on_ the north aide of Sherburne ay_end}Gr,i-u—s .tx.est._ .o._ S.yxt.d.i.o.at.a._..aYe No. zs a w areae. —It. pr.p.aa3 for the ....................... ..... _........................ -. ee pt s@ntetl,to, the Council of �t3 of st Pawl thvefo e, be it having been presented to the Council of I p ............ ..... .... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he. is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. '1'0 furnish the -following other data and information relative to said improvement:....._ ....................._._...._........ 5. To state' whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing nsatterCto the Commissioner of Finance. „�:•.1 5 6 .�� Adopted by the Council......_.....' :'..:_`....._.`_. t_...:..... ...............191......._ Yeas: Nays: 0 Couneilma — joerg as Approved..._ ..............._...... _.....__....=G er oll eary LS/. v✓Y May 7�Mayor. �x PUBLISHED—L---4— r' S Tenth ward neoessary-to conneot,walk al- s Council File No......._.�'"ready in pROPOSAL FOR imp ROVEMENT. R. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _..construct.....a....sidewalk..._©.f..._Gement._.blocks-.._to-..a....w.i.dth..-.o.f_...s.ix. fee.[.:... on the east side of Simpson avenue,beginning 13 _ 5 feet .. _ .. °north of Min- nehaha street, -thence-north..99 feet, _.....__.._._..__......._.................._.... ..__......._...__............ ....__........_....._............_..._........._. _._ __........ .........:_... ................... _._._........._.._.......... ..... ..._. Dated thle.__._..19 _.__._day of..._Jll.n.e__.19.1. . 191.... .......... Councilman. PRELIARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.---- ..... _.... ... aon.e.tacuo.t.._a. _s.i dexval.k.....of..._c..em.en.t...b7.o.cl s.....to......._w .dth....of..:._si. ;& _feet.- on..__ the east side of Simpson avenue, beginning 135 feet north of Minna - the tYhereas, a w'rltte p pO-I a tile _.haha....Btreet,thenre_.north _99 feet C. r. Ne 9tp— mxktnF o[ the Pollo.vina lk of t _,,,, 1 Constrnµt a side Ile e m e ... ... _.. ... ... _ ... .. _... ..... _ . _.... l locks t h of x feet t ... - _._. Idt six o n 1 t sid f St peon venue, b ISt 9y pl 196 [ t Orth a kiln h hk 0 Orth p9 feet ha Inc' h the Connell [ the . � ro m 1v Jp va.:...�.Lig..................._............., having been presented to th Coun I of the City of St. Paul bg-60-,,4e�—� therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. R. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ..................... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•egning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. „•r.1 ............... 191......... Adopted by the Council......__... a'..._..e..'_..._.......... Nays Yeas: Councilman 191...7.. APProved..._...._._.... — 2 G — ._........................... . oss eller / Coll O eary Mayo -- PUBLISHED -�M �Y Council rile No ....... 211' Eleventh wa;-d PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned hereby proposes tl making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:..a....ch.ang.e.....oY.....grade....... Ori... aplaw.00d...avenue.,hetes.een-..Somervill.e........................ avenue and Como and River ulevard,in acoordanoe with petition herewith. attached,......... __._......_....__..............._....._...._...._.._._..........._......_.._... _....... _......_ ................_......... . ................. _._..............._:....._..............._......_......._.............._......__....._......_._...... ..._.._..._.... Dated this......__19..._ ....._.day of..._.._June.__1.914._......_... .... ..._.. 191......... Councilman. t PRELDVIIN Y ORDER. l4IIEREA5, A written proposal For the nothing of the following improvement, viz.:_..._....__........_.._......4... .......... _..a....change,_..oi ..grade .__on....ILaplew.o.od...ay.enua.,.batw.een....Somerville .....av:enue_ and Como and River Boulevard, in accordance_ with petition here - Y. No. 211— ... .._. ....._. w.i.th.._attached, j wnereaa, n writte Pra4eaal 'or the making oe the.foilo ing mprovement It•1 z: A change oY g aQe on Maplewood ... ..... .. . .. ... - ..----.-.--- """"''avenue, between soI- nine avenuo :and Como and River Boulevard, in a[ nr dance ' , oetulnn herewith __„_.___.._....._...... 1rhed, llavl•.. nrn Presented to the........_...-...... _..........._.......... ..._................._........._.................................._....•. •troll , r r •+ai There- having been presented to the Council of the City'of St. Pau lan........... _.... _.............................................. ................. .... , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is heret�y ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L, To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: M 5. To state whether• or not said improvement is asked for or the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '�' Q .._.........u::.,:.:..._.:_.....:.._........_........191... Adopted by the Council ...... ._... Yeas: Nays: Council- / _,.........191....... - Approved........ — = ....... .................. Mayor. Marrs PUI3LISi3ED � �f' J Sedondw�uand Council File No /....._%j petitil PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. X The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' public improvement by thtr"City of St. Paul, viz. op.19n"."_sub._urb.an.-amenue.,......to.._.a.... th....oi_...aixt.y....f a&t.. tween.....Ear.l....._.. •t Dated this .... ..... __19"........Any yP'..._s l=a - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_.....__....__....._._.._...__.. .:. ' s a.....width.....of.....e.i..xtY--..f..e.e_t,.b.e.tw.e...QIR _K.ar 1...._.....__...._ _. street, _.and ....Hester ._.atr"ee.t.,in._..a_ceordanee petition ....herewith _..._........... .. ' ,, .. alt a0116d, when w ' S nropdsal Sq the .. ... mnklnS of th fo11 t $',IllliieOV¢meat. ." viz: Op 5 bprbn avgritl9-y. to -width of 1xcY f t betae�¢n E ti .... .. .. ..._... .. ... ..... ... ... t eet a d H tr t t. In "n"ce dan e . .... ._.. .... Ith n till h re Ith ttaehed. hnt- v t•o a ntad t th C+un¢II o[ having been presented to the Council of the , e' �^ a ..............................- .... ......" therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. Y. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_........._..._..........._....._._... 7 -......................_.........._......_._..._.............._.._........-:_............_._..........._................................. - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council ................. ..............._...-...........................191......... Yens: Nays: Councilman I Gos Approved......_....:...- ._...2..........__.........]91.. --Ke] r Mc 11 OT ary Yoeg ........ ............ Mayo Mayor. PUBUSIM11 ---2 — /l,- - " h Fifth ward jordered by crosswalk f1w eman Council File No.................�!�+ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. �( and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the Making of the following public improvement by the City of. St. Paul, viz.: .4n tTUC_t. zlg__Ar.4ss.41.elks:..__of ....br.i.ck.....at.....the .....f ILO ing....lc.c:ati.osns.;_....... Pleasant avenue.,south side,across Westeriavenue. Garfield avenue,weet side,acrose Ramsey street. Victoria street,east side,acrose Jefferson avenue. St Clair street,north side,across Pleasant avenue. Pleasant avenue,south side,across St Clair street. Osceola avenue,west side,across Pleasant avenue. Pleasant avenue,south side.across St Albans street. St Clair street,north eide,across Torotto avenue. Webster street,east side,across Michigan street. Banfil street,south side,across Richmond street. Richmond street,both sides,,acroseBanfil street. St Clair street,south side,acros8 Nugent street. Nugent street,east side,across St Clair street. Western avenue,east side,across Emma street. Dated this ._ _.day of.Jtlnt_.1914 ......_.._ 91......... . �7 tVhe. eas, n written proposal for the � rt the Pol, qr s lmpro g t:: etructlnS Crosawa , of b leis., ' - rllowing locatloh Councilman. avepue,, south aide; -- „ iveat gide, PRELEMnFARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the staking of the -following improvement, viz.:........ _ ... =Latr_ucting.....cr..aaswalks_.of.....briok.._at.....the _..foil.oa> Pleas�nt avenue,south eide,acrose Western avenue, Garfield avenue,west side,acrose Ramsey street. Victoria street,east side,across Jefferson avenue. St Clair street,north side, across Pleasant avenue. Pleasant avenue,south side,across St Clair street. Osceola avenue,west side,across Pleasant avenue. Pleasant avenue,south•side,acrossaSt Albans street. St Clair street,north side across Toronto avenue. Webster street,east side,across I€ichigan'street. Banfil street,south side,across Richmond street. Richmond street,both sides',acsoss Banfil street. St Clair street,south side,acrose Nugent street. Nugent street,east side,acroos, St Clair street. Western avenue,east side,across Emma street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul net I _ ........................... ............ ......... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvcurent. r,, cr r•stigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total eost thereof. 8. -.To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said im proveruent_ I. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .__........_...... ......_.......___. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition,of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .................. y Ado ` t� is Q P 111........, Yeas: NaysC Councilman / oss ' ' Approved ....:........ _ ____ v.__ _......___U....191.... — jelC.lei,c Lenry Ma Yoerg ° � F + 11 -Ward. Con ncil File No.......... -- J.W.Jordan, property owner. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIIVIINARY (RDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by, the City of St. Ynnl, viz.:Zinc_oln.._AYe_e.a_=bg.h..._e_.�e_>�.,.....fr.om....F.arsie�t... Ave ........t.o...................:...._ Pr..4x.._Ave...._,.....who r.e...n.at.....already_..c.urhed........_..._..._.._........................ ......._:.._.._............ .._........_.......... ..__..._........ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._....o11.rh.ing.. 1. _.. k'.a h....e1.ale.e._,.....Yram._ir.Yie�f...Ave_.......�.a..--Prio7r....Ave_._..,................:... C F No. 273— 1 f th S where not. already citlbed, ,Vherene. a w"rla n .e _... ❑ """'� kl I of the f.1101-1-9 Impro etiieni; 1 Curbing Linc In Ave beth de ...._. _ f o Felrvlew A to BKlor Av _„- , ........................... ... .. --' '- where not aiready -bed,, haYlnC beon .... ...__.... __...._..._t r�.'enteed.11tn 11- b.. having been presented to the Coaocil of the City 4 St. Paul by-QgRnei4uart..... ............. ...-..... ... ......... ............. .......... _.._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Workl�be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. i d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:..........._...__ ...................__.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coulmissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......... .41iillq..V)....IS 4 ............ ...... Yeas: Nays: O Councilm t th G ss Approved ............ .191 ._........_Y ...............__......__..........._.._. filler M Coll / O' Bary Y rg r.` Mayo lfavor. a�. Eighth ward Council File No ;...._..::..� a neoessary,on acct- old crossing rotten r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vii.: _..that .....the ....matter .....of.....c.a.81rlkating...a....ar.osaw.elk.._of.....aement_...bl.o&s_::..... ____on...th..s east _.a.i.de....o.f.._of.....A,].b -mar.le.....a_tr.e.et..,.ac.r..oss.....➢Vayz.at.a..._et.x_e.et.,_._............. __........_ _......._..........._.._.... ........ ............. .................. .......... _.............................. _............. ._............ ...._............. ................................ ._............. ._....._._........... .._.........._..................... _. Dated thi�_.._...�-_1•.9.....day of._._JUne_ _1914 ....... ... ................... - ........ ... _. 9 Councillnai* PRELU41NARY ORDER. WIIERF.AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. _..._........._.._..._........._....... 1 .........cons..truatin.g...a...crosswalk ...of. ..cemen-t.._.blocks\\on...._the .._east.....ai.d.e....of. .......... _ Al.b214— R emax.1.e..._s.tr.ee.t_,.ser.ass..._V�ayzata....a.tr.ae.t.,...� wher,•efla. a written ProPOafll for the making of the following improvement. •"I.: Construed ng acrosswalk of c e- t blocks the eu t slip of Albe- - He fret across Wayiate. at eat, y�y bee pee ted to th -0 >ouncil 7 .. P S[ .;Pahl .......... ..... ....... ...... ....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ll?;L teii+xes'? - .--- _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'l. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cos thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and iufo•nintion relative to said improvement: ................................ ......._....................................................................................................................... 6. To state whether or not said inhproveghent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........_:,1.44 lo !.4 ..............191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F Q as proved ......................... ........... K Coll M CColl e O' eary tLw(% Yrg _ .......... May 14f or. PUBLISHED /y Seventh ward Council File No ............. ..... new walk laid,new crosswalk x�eoessary PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of +St. Patel, viz.: .....Constxucti.....a....Grosawalk.....of.....cement ....blacks .....on. :...the...-eas.t-....a.].d.8.....of............. _.. _.I...exingt.on... ay.enu.e.,.aar..o.se.....Faixxount.....avenu.e.,....... _......... ............ .._.....__...._....._..._......................... __...._._._.... Dated this ....___ 19..._......_.day PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. Couneillnan, WIlEREAS, A written proposal for the making.of the following improvement, viz.:......_.._ ............. ..... _..__ __ _C.onetru.ot.....a._or.o .sw.alk..._o.f...cement ..._blocks ......on:.._the...._eas.t.._s.i.de._...of._.1ex.-.__. . _..ing-ton._..ay.enue,_...across.....Fairmount... avenue, ..............._{C. F. No. 216— 1 .. .. .. .. ... .. ............. ..... .. .. _. . .. Construct a r al em nt. 215— Wher a writt p poral for th m king 1 the following oll wi g Improvement, ie kofc e ,venue., on the cast tde of yaxington nue ea F Irtgppn't lavenue., ........ ... ................................. .. ... .... ......... .......... ........ .... h vi g been Presented td .he City of s.. Paul having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul b neilman_ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eatimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of saii6 itn.provelnent. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement :........................................_.. N u. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil tj�e petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r�0,.4 Adopted by the Council__...._....�..:.t+.......:_t._... ................. ...... 191......._ Yeas: Nays: CouncilmaTKeIr Approved..... ...................._Y�..._-..__......_U...^..191..... ................................... .......... ... ....... ........... Lj/..P ' Mayo Mayor. � ` J FirstWard Council File Ni ordered orosswalk foreman PROPOSAL FORAMPROVEMENT. and PRELUMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of,the 'following public improvement by the City of 9t- .......................................... t.._........._......................_..... Paul, viz.: ...................... ... ............. ....... ........... ......... ........ ...... .................... :.......... _tha _.._the....mat_t.er..._4.f_._cAl1s_t.ru.ot.ing....a.....or_onewalk_...of....br.ick_._on..._the...xest _.._.........._s._i.d.e...._of..__._`dendo.t.a.... tr.e.e..t.:.....acr_oas.....Gas.e..s.tr..e.et.,_..._.._......_._...._.........__......._......_......__.. ....................... _........._ .........................._......_..........................._....._..._..__._................... __._._..__._.... Dated this_... T' %......__.day of__._JUn.e.....1.914.._...._...__......... _. .... ..... 91.. ... ........... __....._.........._..........:__........_...._................._.._.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of,the following improvement, viz.:_.....__...._..._ ................_.._. + ... '.._..n.onstx=t.ing._.a.._cr.os.swalk_.-of.....br.i.ok....On..._th-...Weat sides.... Y.....Menriota...._..:.__ C�ShN 216 Rrltte P pcaal -- ki F of th f011oa'1 g0lmsprOVik ti street aCT008 Case street, t constructing . 6 fck n the et aide aE�1+f5ndot .....or .r, naa Cnee street. hnvlaF be -n ....... ...�- .. -- St. Paul the erore, k ^.'Y Resolved Thatthe C m�q(LHlotter of ... .... .. ..... _. .. _.... _...... Publle Works'be-.and he 'M1aXeb�! or- dered and1: it .gted: ,.,.. 1. To inv6stt�nt ...._ � having been presented to the Council of the City o or desirability si eility of..f ^•, T,%.vea3 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hgFeby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of sand improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:..... 5. 'lo aalto whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. -To report upon all of the fDreguing hatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..........._.` .__ �_�....I9.I4 _......__1D1.._..... Yeas: Nays: d Councilman F/ .... Oas APprovPtl..._......_............. 1�o......._......_.................. 191: K Iter Coll O Leary .... Mayor. Mayor Y PUBLISHED { Ninth ward 27 ordered byy-erosswalk foreman Council File No ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROV}:MENT- and PRELIrIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followingpublic improvement by the City of�St. Paul, viz.:._..c.AxLa..txuct.....a....cr.nsawalk.....of.._brick ....On..._the _..nor.th.._side.-Of.....RQber-t............. street,across Capitol Heights; also on the east side of Capitol _...Heights _across. ....Arch...streets.................. ..........................-......... ........._.....__._.._......_......._....._.._.__................__....._._........._...._...._..................... Dated thus.........19._..._....._._day of...._.....+1LiTl..e_.. 9.�.�k........._......_......._ ......_...._.................. " Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writtell m•oposal for the lnakin of the following improvement, viz.:.__.COngtTllCt ]lg crosswalks Of braek at the following loo.ations; o.f..._Rob.ert....0t.x.e.et.,.acx.o.es......C.api.t.o.l.._H.e.i ghts..,.._.alea..._an)._t.he_... east side of Capitol Heights, across Arch street ... .... - �- C. F, ere 21I.--i — Wherene, a wCltten pT P al fo- the ,,.... .... making of the' following I'4P'.,., P ove e t ... - -..._..._. ............. .... - viz:. Constructing crosew lka f brl k . ....._. Height also. on tae east 91 xuuY.- ....... -'"' " .. ""' tol Heights, acr a Arch efr"t h&_ tee 7 .sented t the:Cou clF uC%'tAe �7R8�3 ,,,,........ _........... , CIU. rf SL Paul therefore V-tiy ..... ....._....... _. having been presented to the Cmm . nerd ed, That the Publh,,\Farks be one therefore, be it ae ea —I di—ts ,r L To In v.atig.� RESOLVED, That the Commis t�laLtf�Ur'Ii3RSx Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity. for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the' nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. f. To furnish Ute following other data and information relative to said improvemcu :......------------ ............ 5. T.o state whethm or not aaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1914 ..... _.... Adopted by the Council .......... Nays: x» Yens: CouncilmajGo (J.... 191.... Approved.............y �....... —i\fayo PUBLISHED 77 �q - Eleventh ward 1, - new walk in Council File No ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROOEI LENT. and PRELIffiINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.......4_gnat.r...>}ot.....ara.aawalk; ....nY.....n.emen.t._..hlacke-on....the_-w.est_...aide.._o3....._......... Pascal...._av_enu_e,. agr.4..a_ar....Gx.axe.d._..ay..enue.,............................._.......................................-.............-............................. ................:...... _...._._...._...._....... .... ._....................... ............................................ _........... ................. _ _..................................... ... _........ _.. _... _... _ .-........-. _ _........... _.... Dated this ...__19.__.._........_.day of_._._.._June._..1914..._............ ... ....................191...... Councilman. _7 PRELIINIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:__.....:.........-......................._. Construct.__aros_swalk..._gf.._gement__.b..l_R.Gk.e.....4..n.....h.e_._vie.a.t...s.i.de.....o.-...P.ae.o.al..._ _. C. F. No. 218— .................. 18— , R'hereae, n written propoeul for the mnklnc o[ the Iollowin tm' ......_..av.enne..,.....aCTO.e.a....Grand....1 v.enue,........_.__., g provement, vl z: Construct crosswalk) of cement blocks on the west side of Pnsenl u nc osa G a d avenue h vlha -' . .- ..... - ... - 1 be Presented t the Couactl of t Cit f 4t P u] th efore b it,;, Res `That th nmisaloriec."of _... _........... ...... • .................................... r..,, e•tman............._......._.._._........ ; having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul 1?3r-...�.,:,� _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered, and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost there f. , :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: _.. ..................... ....... .......... _.... ............. ........_._.._................_........................_........._............... T5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council4 ... ........ 191......._ <! Yeas: Nays Councihnan•harr<sraorttr Qoss Approved..._.... ...... 1--1�eHer J McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayes PUBLISHED Eleventh ward ordered by crosswalk foreman Council File No....... . . 219 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. .and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Gr_o.e_eYialk of cement blacks on the weat Warwick aven e,,.aO 008 S _Q 419--.0 r _ 1 1 tTv.eA,_._ ...................................... .......... ........................................................................ ............................. U ... ........... ........................... __i ­­ - -_ - - - - - ­* , , , , "' ** ­ " Dated this dof ;A449. ....... ........ ........................ ............ .......... Councilman. PRELIbMARY ORDER. \VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:....._.__...___.......__......._.. ox.o.a.s.walk of cement b1cok.s Qn the weet e.j.de of Aax= ........ .. h ............... .... ................. ................. m Proposal for the ereas, a written ............ ......... ... . Caking of the following Improvement. ... ......... �It; Construct. 4 crosow. 11 0 .0rna. (blocks on theWest side of Warwick ............. ........................ _.javenuo, across at Clair street having ................... ... ........ ........... ...... .... ............... ..... ..................... . .. been Presented to. thW�Councll of the I Cltv of St. Paul db#rpf6rb.-be It, of Resolved, That '. missioner of ...... . ........................... ........ . ..... . ...... . ...... ing been presented to the Council 'PublicWorks be and Lh.'I. hereby or. dared and directed: 011v 1. To Investigate the necessity f therefore, be it or o des1=1t), of making of said,,d J,r by ordered and directed: nProv I. RESOLVED, That the Commission! 2. To investigate the nature. teat a hd estimated cos 't said Improve- improvement. I ' 'a for rn,nt and the total cost thcre.fet"!� the ut"r. I a d r.. of I or =r thereof. -'.I r.,I 1. To investigate the necessity i S. To ;,urni.h a plan. ta sketch of said 1. v"' t To investigate the nature, exterldats Pr' '* 2. To furnish the fell. I., other �ment, and the total cost thereof. ,and Information elatlye to said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skd"5t"P,`tnt�e Whether or not sold Im- t 1 asked for n the petition i improvement: . .... .. I _ 4. To furnish the following other . rl — Ii of the f ­%pommissioner of ........... . ..... ................. . ........... ... .. . .................... .............. ­ ...................... I ........ . .............................................................. . ...... ml Jan.: is -1 tion of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improvement, is asked for 6. To report upon nil of the foregoing matters to the Comlais'sioner� 0' Finance. Adopted by the Council .............. Yeas: Nays: Councilman FWrrTxTMrdT-- Goss Approved... ........................ 6 --Kelley McColl O'Leary Yoerg....... ...... ...... .... .......... ............... .......... ... ......... . . . .............. ... Mayoj;_Pov;!—g– VUBLISHEP First ward 2UCouncil File No , ordered by crosswalk foreman ....... __._.:...............l...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. s The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the .City of St. I'alll, viz.: .ons.t.x.ua.t.....a..._cr.oes.walk.....o%..._br.ick.._nn_..the....nor.th_..aide.....ot.....G.erani_um_. street_,__acrose._._Uen.dOta.str. et, llatpd Alis ___19 ._ _dav of___...Jt1ne._1.914 Councilman. PRELDhNARY ORDER. \kIIEREA3, A written praposal for the making of the following improvemlent, viz.:________________._..____ ._. __._....__aon.e.truc.t _a crosswalk of br.i.ck.... on -__the.... north ..aide .....o.f Geranium ........... . 6treet,aCrosa i'endot. _ strefr.t,l,zao— j jo rens. w,itteh m'oPosal P the �... t 1 l[he pnatru t Pollo I-9 Impro t, north side of sawnik of b ick -- ° . GernNum t et. across Mendota etreeti aving b'e' presented to the Counci .___. ..... . , Paul therefore. be It .1 the �It P ----"" ---" Resat sea, Thrtt the C.mmlaslon of having been presented to the Council of the City i ane worts be and he„la he,eb, ea and directed: ” ""' I To Investigate the necesaity for Gm deal rablll ty of the making oC said therefore, be it '. movement. _ To lm•eatlgnte the nature..xteat and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wy.au aataa ro-t of Bald improve- d --•• -� total cost thereof. 1. To investigate the necessity for'or desirability of the n'Im" Phan. proal. or intent. 'h ntherorement. following other the total cost thereof. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of -nhuon r.lnuve to sats J. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. thf � ..'nntn a�tl.i ' 4. To furnish tilt, following other data and information relati�wera. -nnpvovemeut: _..__..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of tlree or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregping matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4 Adopted by the Council. ........... ''_.:.. PJl_....... .Yeas: Nays: 3 Councilman 44vaffkiit tir " Gose Approved........_._........._ W._......_..___U_-.191._...." �Kelle • — Mc 1 O'Leary /� t Yoerg_.. ............_............. _._......... .. Mavo>_.Pivsra— %layor. PU3LISIED_6_ _I_ /'fc Board F. No.____� Assembly F. No.—_—— By -- Resolved, That the appointment by the Commissioner of EdjjCation of William Dawson Johnston, as Librarian, at a salary of Four Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($4,50C.CC) per year, is hereby approved. 'C, F. No. 222T ln[ment by Resolved. Thnt othe PP° the Com mlesioner f Education [ ,jon ,Ilam Dawson of FouroThouaalnd.�aFl�e 1-t t a salary 600.00) Per .ear. Hundred Dollars ($4. 'is hereby' 6PProved, Adopted by the Council June 20. 1914. APPrPt'ed June (June227 1914) Adopted by the .....::.......... 191 YEAS N AYS, MR. FA NSWORTH GO S ?: KE LER MD OLL ii OrL 3ARY Adopted by the Boatel YRG YEAR a NAYS 0 MR. C IRMAN (POWERS) ALD. PA MURNANE, F. ORERG RYAN STIECER rzoY NAYS O MR. PRESMENT (MCCOLL) 191_-- NAY$ WARE YOERG NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) Approved 197 pl :Flavor. Adopted by the Board of Aldermm�n: 1 YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING ED WARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MURNANE, F. OBERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) i Adopted by the Assembly YEAS 222 NAYS Board F. No.----- MR. HAAS Assembly F. No. BANE By------- Y MAHLE Resolved, That Resolved, the appointment by the Commissioner of Ed�*cation of William Daw-'- '-`-_�__ f„ Four Thousand, t Five HU a SANBORN WARE approved. YOERG NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) .9pprored__ .- —I91� t k j r yr S K M1 . Adopted by the Board of Aldermm�n: 1 YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING ED WARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MURNANE, F. OBERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) i Adopted by the Assembly YEAS NAYS - MR. HAAS BANE MAHLE MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERG NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) .9pprored__ .- —I91� llaror. _ Vit. ttul u�lzz JOAO is ' ST. PAUL, MINN. June 20, 1914. c To the honorable The common council of the city of Saint Paulo u entlemen: %.%accordance with Section 401 of th e.charter of the City of Saint Paul, and amended by a legislative act, 1 hereby appoint Dr. William Dawson Johnston Librarian, at a salary of $4,500.00 per year, to be,paid in equal. monthly installments, and ask your ap- proval of the same. Respectfully submitted, commissioner q Education 0 _3 Board F embly�NJ�. � V�HEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Safety has requisitioned the Purchasing Department for 800 one -cent postage stamps, $8.00; 100 two -cent postage stamps, 42.00; and 1000 two -cent stamped en- velopes 115, $21.00; and WHEREAS, The Comptroller has certified that there is sufficient money in the treasury of said department to pay for the purchase price thereof; and whereas, said purchase cannot be made from the United States except for cash, and if made through a printer or dealer will cost the City ten per cent. more than they, would if purchased from rt he Government; therefore, it is hereby J RESOLVED, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized, upon the consent to this resolution by the Mayor and by himself, to dray✓ a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of, Finance for the Aggre- gate amount of said supplies*..�d to charge,said department therewith, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase said supplies for cash obtained from said warrant; the said supplies to be inspected by the Comptroller and delivered to said department, and its receipt obtained therefor. Adopted by the Board of Adopted by t�S. `' . 191 .....� ••••............... +d by the Assembly 191 ---- NAYS YEAS NAYS, a MR. FAR WORTH Co - EDW. KEL ER MDC LL O'L RY YO G NAYS 0 MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) YEAS ALD. RAU COR EDW. IIYLI MON' NAYS O R. D Board F o._— -- -- embl the Pf}g>zs 100 t1i10� X5;8 velop�+5 moneyat; pride t`e} Unitedts will c o s' r the GoveN h RESOM upon the gC draw a waa gate amount and the Pur for cash 6 by the Cori obtained tb ioned 8.00; d en- fficient hase m t 1)e or dealer chased from lorized, elf, to he aggre- therewith, lid supplies inspected receipt Adopi by the Board of Aldermen: % / f! Adopted by the Assembly i C. P. No. 223—By l`ommlasloncr .11c- - rens Wherens, The Commissioner Pub- Wher Nnrs Ile Safety has requlsi boned the Pur - ALD. BAUMEISTER chasing Department for. 800 one -Cent NR. Postage Stamps. $8.00; 100 two -cent HAAS CORNING postage stamps. $2.00; and 1.000 two- cent eta roped anvelopes No. 5, $21.00; - RANE "WARDS and Whereas. The Comptroller has cer- MAHLE HYLAND tilled that there IS sufflcient money In the treasury of depeNz`meat.Le pay - MICHAUD forsaid MONTGOMERY whereas, said purchase ctillmot be made POWERS MURNANE, E. J. from the UnitedStates'r+except. for cash, and If made through'. printer or , MURNANE, F. dealer will cost the City ten per cent more than they would If purchased sANeoaN .BERG from the Government; therefore, It is WARE Iltereby Resolved. That the Compptroiler be Y ac RYAN andhe is her byoautbo-1; ex'Dot ttie: (consent to thl leaolutt n by the .or sTtec ER I1 nd by hlm cif fo draw u warrant In favor of the Commlesl ner of FI nce RE ea) for the' gregate amount o=j said sup-. 'Plies, 'department ' TROY and tu'efiarge said "therewith,. and the,. Purchasing, Agent NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MC CULL IShereby ahthorized to. purohase Bald supplies [or ea h obtained from aid the �.r �%'"'+t warrant; bald supplies to be inspected by the Comptroller d de_ {-�' � • j'Or. livered to Bald deDartmeni, and its re celnt obtained therefor•. E Adopted by the Council June 20. %1DIQ 1O .4 D led June 20, 191 1. Fel s r r (June 27-1$14) the qhs 100 velopee3 moneyt. price tr United ta' will cos..d' the Gov-41iii RES—'\ upon the (c draw a wTr gate amount and the Piix for cash'. by theCatiup' obtained Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: ate- Cotl .The Commis.lOner of Pub• YEAS WI{erPB.� IIP. SafetS+ has requlsl [toned Ihee: bnt x�vk`%sitioned r.., etAmp "It !8.00; nt et,�nped en- xg"�=s sufficient puxc has e made from the inter or dealer de f purchased from i y authorized, 1y�7 himself, to p for the aggre- , gitment there�rith, 'Mase said supplies g to be inspected Mrd its receipt .Adopted by the Assembly chasing, fDBpartmend for 800 one F MR. HAAS ALD. HAUME15TER p .tags; Stamp.. 58.00 t00 'tlOtwoa cent. py OTp0atagLh-1-Pc'CORNING e.t tRitpm-.4.eD N KANE - EDWARD. an\Vhel•.ea., Co. 011e) tills OP v. MAHLE 0 polten.':7 monPAOmi Tina HYLAND d I LA"etU F MICHAUD Py Oj" A by b 0p apY . F iU abi MONTGOMERY E O�/o qp gvput hO�OWt gtu ei}t JF nly��, POWERS MURNANE E.) t. Jebfi � Sy a+'TD kp4 dYn t >'`� y}A'y3�.R SANBORN �� 6 h MURNAND gyp..: rfj]Idiby'b �"S�rnStii�, YA11 RG�% OBERG RYAN NAYS T KE ER) STIEGER ' TROY ed NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (911CO1L) Board F. No_ __ 9924___.. Assembly, o By - ' RQSOlVP1Ir� . WHEREAS, In abd by a resolution known 4s Board File No. 4203, approved May 13, 1914, the then Board of Public Works of the City was authorized to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City, with the United States Government for installing the lighting equipment and lighting the Fort Snelling bridge, the City paying one—half the cost thereof; and whereas, by reason of the discontinuance of the Board of -Public Works, it is necessary to appoint some officer to carry into effect the said resolution; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Oscar E. Keller, Commissioner of Public Utilities,., be and he is hereby authorized to carry said resolution into effect' and agree with the United States Government for the installation of .the lighting equipment and lighting contemplated by said resolution, and to agree on behalf of the City to pay one—half the cost thereof'. C.'F. No, 224—By O. E. Keller— - Adopted by the Board M Ardor...— Whereas.. In and by aresolution ,dopted by the Assembly known as Board -File No. 2003, ap- preved May 13,. 1914, the then Board of Public Worhs of. the City was author- 191•_— lzed t0 edtet Into an agreement on behalf o[ the City, .with, the United States Government for Installing the : vers light m, eauloment and Il htl a the. anus ALD. 1 by reason of th the Board. of Publl esaery to appointee Intoffect the eat . Adopted b l now .therefore; beI y 1 Resolved. That OI S tesioner of Publi -authc he, Is hereby r resolution Ip toeff� the United States_t yI, Installation: of the: and lighting con a enol Clon;- and to the City to pay- , thereof. Adopted by the R 1914. Approved June 2 (June s T KELL NAYS D MR. YRE51 D. / McCO / X cner rY c- cnow g�eauipment' ted by said {n behalf of }t the 15ost I JuneJ 20.- I, ' y is) 1L AlaI-or. NAYS 0 MR. CHRMAN (POWERS) ., Board F. No.-- Assembly BY -- -- R.¢solved,.T WHEREAS, In abd by absolution known as Board File No. 42003, approded May 13, 1914, the then Board of Public Works of the City' was authorized to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City, with the United States Government for installing the lighting equipment and lighting the Fort Snelling bridge, the City paying one-half the cost thereof; and whereas, by reason of the discontinuance of the Board of Public Works, it is neves'.""'. ep�r"'int some officer to carry into effect the said resolutia 3 e .ore, be it h RESOLVED, That Oso �gy mmiseloner of Public Utilities, be and he is hereby authift d�oarrp said resolution into effect and agree with the Unitefor the installation of the lighting equipmo; ;;;"" y 1plated by said resolution, and to agree on beht;; ;',',;;;;,`. """"t',.Y"t .Dne-half the cost thereof. .R''l..Atilt.l�x,.itit 't wl .'>>t`t i0 Yl t.t u.i l.0 -t ,u t.t )tti 3i 1,.) i tt Adopted b the Board of Aldon..e-• ' l " >�t•> •"+ " ,do ted b y the As utbl P Y ❑.,ut�,, :W, >tt o,,.,ou, P Y Y � —cE 'ten ':r• .------ 191---= lttti ['LE, auunf Pa nodcf V'�•' '6[til � 6D161 ; TEA$ vnlutWo,), •>4] .<q (•aid It �'- NAVS ALD. I Adopted by the Coneeie�- • • ; ', .:..! . ; <..y .......191 n , r NAYS O MR. YRESID YEAS / NAYS, NAYS 0 MR. FAR WORTH GOSS KELLI R McCO L O'LE RY YOEIG MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) A. :R) Board F. No. 29 Assembly o _ By - 122GOlVear WHEREAS, In abd by a resolution known as Board, File No. 42003, approved May 13, 1914, the then Board of Public Works of the City was authorized to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City, with the United States Government for installing the lighting equipment and lighting the Fort Snelling bridge, the City paying one-half the cost thereof; and whereas i}y„r*eBeQnlbf tile'discoutinuance of the Board of Public Ficer to carry into of fent ,6f Public Utilities, be an lotion into effect and ag*A he`inetallation of the liq said resolution, and to:`' the cost thereof. Adopted by the J 2 14opted by the Assembly 0 191_— YEAS R NAYS i ALD. $. MONTGOMERY MURNANC, E. J. MURNANE, F. OBERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) _.....-.-_._...._-..._.»�.-_.W.-.. MIC NAUD POWERS 01, SANBORN WARE y+ J 1 YOERG NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) .4 ppro ved Z 91 9215 Board F. No.—___- Asse ly F. No p /1 er:'pp- sioner BY Resolved�lat thointment of Dietrich J. Lange by ACommis- of Education, as Superintendent of Schools for the next ensuing term, co= encing July let, 1914, be and the same hereby is confirmed and approved. _ C. 1•. 22 That [hoot ppoln[ment o[ 61 lieoolvlveQ, irtHo b J. Ltoneasl Superintendleut of Schools Cor the n.gt e s Ing term. commencing Jul)• 1st, 1911, he a d the 09henebY le conOnned and ap- app roved . Adopted by the Council June 20. 1. Approved June (June 227-1911) .- Adopted by 1 yrs. t. "......191 Mf .ifY 1}t R $TIEGER TROY NAYS 0 MR. ---T I—. MR. 11.--T I—'-) .4pprored_ YEAS NAYS, MR. FAR SWORTH GOS KE ER Adopted by the Soard:'. Me LL YEA$ O'L 7, kRY AEU. HA r YO G CO rEo NAYS 0 MR. CHItIRMAN (POWERS) Mf .ifY 1}t R $TIEGER TROY NAYS 0 MR. ---T I—. MR. 11.--T I—'-) .4pprored_ Board F. No. ------ -_?25__ N. Assewbly F. No � / By Resolved xL' e""by A COmmis- 1jS;j sloner of,•T r;' the next ensuing eby is confirmed term, comm'. and approve! r ); t� 4 F A tt 5 h 41 !1 9 >"a3 � y Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: 1'• Adopted by the Assembly -- ------ YEAS ALU. BAUMEISTER CORNING --191- NAYS 1'I:AS ----- T --191-- NAYS MR. HAAS KANE EDWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MORNANE, E. ). MAHLE MICHAOD POWERS SANBORN MORNAND, t'. WARE OBERG RYAN YOERG NAYS O / MR. PRESIDENT (KELL€R) STIECER TROY .7pp,:. red -291.NAYS �-az"---Alayor. O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) _ wn• #. Paul f uhlzz Ozkuols ST. PAUL, MINN. June 20, 1914. To the Koncrable The Common Council of the City of Saint Pau . uentlemen: In accordance with Section 389 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, I hereby appoint Dietrich J. Lange Superintendent of Schools for a term of two years from July 1, 1914, at a salary of $5,000.00 per year, payable in equal month- ly installments, and ask your approval of the same! Respectfully sububmitted, Commissio�.f3ed�diaition Board F. No.— Assembly F. By Resolved, That permission be and it is hereby granted the 00 Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wires with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets: Fast side of Madison Street from West Seventh Street to Youngman Avenue. Poles and Wires to be removed when requested to do by the Common Council, Said coat to,be paid by the Telephone Company.) The Telephone Company to pay to the City the cost of inspection and engineering, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. i C. V. No. 226—By O. EKeller— _ �� t% R lamed. That ermisslo hen d. It --I.. 1 hishy granted the Northweate'rn I Tel elRlo ne Exchanh•e Comnan3 ko.';;�et �, Adopted by the Bo� d o notes and string wires with th87,ifd06_ sed by the Assembly snrynchors thereon In the`,tolldwing -' dna ea streets: e:- East aid. of Madison streetfrom '� � West Seventh street to Youngman 191—__— y EAs _..ov, Pales and Tres to be remedavhen Z Poles NAYS I requested to do by the Common Coun- r 61. Said cost to be paid by the Tele - Alp. aA 4 / phone Company. The Telephone Com- pang to 'paY Eo the City the coat of ) col Adopted b (� p y Innnnetlon. and engineering. i{I�/ 19- Adopted by the Council Tune 20, �' EDI 1914. - t Approved .June 22. 1-11, 1. (June 27-1914) F1Sf YEAS NAYS, mul AtuI I- MR. FA NSWORTH t,as 0.V9 GO sT1{� KEL ER T0.) I� 1911 NAYS O NIR. PRESIDE, 1j MCI+/+ LL C / Mayor, aLE RY YOE RLG t iy NAYS o MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) 1. Board F. No.— Assembly F. F— o By - - Resolved, That permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wires with the -necessary anchors thereon in the following r - named streets: East side of Madison Street from West Seventh Street to Youngman.,,! EU WARDS HYLAND MSNTGOMERY MURNANE,.E. J. MURNANE, F. . ODERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL 4 MA11LE .mss. MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERG NAYS O AIR. PRESIDENT (NELLER) Approved_ 191 / flavor. 227 _ r i a ® au3 ae omp is here- by ordered and directed to extend its electric lines by\erecting poles and stringing awes thereon for the transmission of else-- tricity on and in tide following alleys and streets of said city About 12 poles in and through the alley through the e:. block between I,iarylabd Street and Hawthorne Street from Hazel Avenue to White Bear Avenue with all necessary guys and anchors - About 18 poles in qnd through the alley through the k blocks between Autumn Stfoet and Prospect Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth AVenue, wj%h necessary guys and anchors. 4i About 1p poles in anti through the alley through the block between Orange StVget and Hyacinth Street from Hazel Avenue to Ruth Avenue. w t2Y all necessary guys and anchors. Abo4t 12 poles is and through the alley through the blocks between Cottage Street and Denney Street from Arcade Street ~� to Forest Street with all ne0e88axy guys and mors. About 12 poles in and through the alley through the ii blocks between Cottage Street and Clear Street from Aroade-Street to Forest Street with all necessary guys and anchors. � All of such eXtensionq. poles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision of {� the Commissioner of Public Works and in all things subject to i the provisions of ordinance No.2424a and of all otb% lawful :3 linsnces and resolutions of the City of St.Pauh. All poles .shall be set in such location in said alleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Works.ahell designate. and shall be of such height and character as he shall designate and approve, and any and all such poles shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground, whenever the Common Council shall deem that the public interest so requires, and �E �. hal an order. ,T ff NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) - rdayo'r. 1. V. l 4 .-.• ,. [ Taj �7 YEA: )�• v _ ',f vv 7r7 1G, i.i`T l' f" 1n • v C, " „.L-ar?. J77� �5r �Q9 �i•c.',.C,i C s7 C� 6)e. -lIq ?:a ..TC 'I it ozgszsc �rtl�] qi <<' . a o T;fFIIb- ;� t .ctrl P7 r C. F. No. 227— Resoived, That the St. Paul ,as Light Company Is hereby ordered And dirented to -tend Its electrc linea by wire, therei ng,forolthe transmit sionln of en In +Irltty ana the following alleys an"arrears oe said city. About 12 pole¢ In And through the '•'lev through the block between Maryland street and Hawthorne street from abenue to :Yhl to Bear Ann eHazel ¢chore. with all necessary guy. and ut 18 les in Ad AI e6o throughothe binnks betrwern Aue tum¢ tree[ and Prospect Avenue White Rear ,from a esus to Ruth a ve- nus with &11 ne cess ary guys and nchora, aleyout 10 fh rough lthees l block betwean the Hegestreet anl In tenuerc .....e to Ruth ithro l w A e ary guys and a nchora. ut 12 all Doles a bothrou Rh the blocks between Cone tags street And Denney street from Arcade street to,Pore.t street with all:' n eA bora[y12 nyotesn n an,dothrovgh the +Ilea- through the blocks between Cot- - . rage street d Clear street from Ar- cade street [o Fortis[ street with all nea'lsaaty guys and An hors. h extenafons, poles and - wires shall be a acted nd eon trusted der the direction d pervltrucsino T. Commissioner Ballo Yn things subject tobthe nrovlalone m No. 2424, and of all other _ Iof.Ordln lawtul ordinances nna resolutions of Ithe City Of St. Paul -_o -- Adopled by . All pole. shall be set in such loca- - tion In said alleys and streets ae the Commlasioner of Public treet. thi..... designate, and shall be -- ]9 oe u h helgbt ' d character a has shaall designate y' -"-d approve, .and by d 11 such ' h poles shall be taken down and r and sue wl eed under- sCom¢m YF�ell ground. whenever-rhmoved. e n Co n- . shall deem that the public Inter- est so requires. and when It shall so ordcl Adopted by the Council June 20. Approved June 22, 1914. i (June 27-1914) t REL ER f / M.0 LL OT4RY - YOE1G .a NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) e, f !_1914. W r. UayoNO -P r� k, 1 r,a„u T POTGR :T NFss- 19 iUI�Gae. )red and' lldee by o x'lres a[a elec% g Alleve +ler llfal'3' {rom, 8V6tit atAll, aIle. abggt'-:10 na%s In a d through the all v tfirougli” the block betweon nr - Adopted by the C�� ���.`...........19 Yens cc NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GO S KEL ER McC LL /// OTE RY f YOEG L,b NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) r _1914. 1 r l �J E f 'T c 2 C" �'�7 r T ly :�C T, OTgn 0 C L q T T 1. - f, OTqrtc;q Mfrt ICT V ,O,, IJ G 1, G T. T, Y 0 s �i,!,oqooq Approved 1914. ayo.r. W W� F No 227 3 ,ReiblvA� �3 Light Coma I na, djiropt.d, torderedn I I 11h.0 y -tb , 60 , 6'j, 'ire. tricify, .,,b- of ele, ani trw leys bout U the ".1 t bIocR et s �i,!,oqooq Approved 1914. ayo.r. W `)248 Cc:, -I: sil FFiil'e'L'c. R}.---esu-/l_iKlcCi!' � WHEREAS, Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the office of the Board of Public Works of said City a certain condemnation 6 proceeding instituted and carried on under a resolution of the Board of Park Commissioners of the City, No. 2552, approved March 31st, 1914, for the acquisition of certain lands for an improvement known as the Johnson Parkway, and also an assessment of bene£its>o property from the making of said improvement, said improvement having been initiated and carried on under the authority of the Charter as it existed prior to the first'day of June, 1914; and WHEREAS, The said Board of Public Works, prior to the fitst day of June, 1914, had made, but had not confirmed, the assessment of damages and benefits arising out of the making of said improvement, and the proceeding for the making of said improvement is still pending, and it is desirable to complete the same; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in the opinion of the Council, it is impracti- cable to continue or complete the asse-ssment of damages and benefits for and arising out of the making of said improvement under the Charter of the City as it at present exists, and for the purpose of continuing the said proceeding and completing the said assessment of damages and benefits under the terms of the Charter as it existed prior to the first day of June, 1914, John J. O'Leary, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, and Sumner A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, are hereby designated and appointed to continue and complete the assessment of damages and benefits arising out of the making of said improvement, in place and stead of the Board of Public Works, and to that end, the said officers are hereby authorized and empowered to give, or cause to be given, any and all notices required by law to be given, Ynecessary or proper to be A given, to complete the assessment of benefits and damages for the mak- inE; cf said improvement, including the notice of confirr_-ation of eai assessment, and with porer and authority to reviee, 1�odiff or correct `. if deemed advisable, to issue and sigr_ a warrant to the proper officer for the collection thereof, and in general to do any and all other acts and things in connection with the completion of said assessment,•as fully as the said Board of Public Works might or could have done had it continued to exist; and Leonard C. Seamer, Clerk and in charge of assessments in the office of the Commissioner of Finance, is hereby appointed and designated clerk to the aforesaid Com— miesioners, and is hereby designated and appointed to perform the duties pertaining to the office of Clerk of the Board of Public Works, in con— nection with the making of said.,,—F-�- sP gY' Cmaza—isahereby invested with worth— 'mtth ettime lmmedlntely prior and nP 1 of completing the powers and authority rrs- of suc.f.ltc nP time II existing Charter of th,• effect. there was Pu�bIt, gtIork,e oPPCice of the Board of the said assessment in connect i eaaemm,tlpn said Clq• tai„ :rs aforesaid. onc,.Instituted the Board ao( "Park eComml.sion ers nP the Clty, .V o. 2552, n"Pro ved Merch 31. i'ay Por the equlslti on oP "main Solei neon IP r r v aertelsooann a th es meat of be ne n is to property frum _ Imp rovem en tIII I p1, ving IbeenolnitlateG suld and Cha r[ar q Iton ,in ist ed trthority or th., d:ty of Jun 1914; an b riar to the flrvt .• 1Cnek sten �Alo Th n -Id Ilna rd „f 1'u hllr 1914. had node. ho had 1111,tnett `cnorIll_1. the sessmen( of dnmaSes and be e It. ari.ing out of the making of sold f/ tlte­m not ornrl the Proceeding for still Pending, and la[ improvement m Adopted by the Cy,Wmpii,,tete the sble ame. thereror , be Rssnlyed. That in the opinion of the tlnuecio, It is I Pra c t icable to c d.ma 'es c Piste the assessment oor 6 od ben en[s he, aieing n et If the making of s• Id tmVrove- �•FAS t nt oder the Fharter of the CI[3- a at pcu en[ x tss and for the par j // pose of nt5nuing the said Proceeding l_ MR :nd Completing the said ss essment of damages and bene, is under the term, mf the Charter s It existed prior to the ora[ day of June, 1914, John J. r,eary'. Cn is,lon er of Parks. Pla,- . grnlmds aid Public Buildings, �l. N. •.. Cort'. nls,foner oP Public Works, V1 cumn"' A, Farnsworth, Cummis- 1'lnance. re hereby deslg- ranted and ppoI"tea to continue find anm Vlete the as eessm en of damage, a d be neflts arising nut of the making e.steeaaot thand e rBoerde of In lace ' nd to that end, the sold otticera are / hereb3' authorised and empowered to V glue, or cause to be glued, ani' and all Icees required by law to be given, ` eesn(h o proper to be given, to 'o Plete the mens f oenesants sod aamagc. fox.BQthe king f Ira Vro Yemen 1. Inrludin6 the notice or NAYS 0 aNtdlon aiU ,q. ,sit-and,lhI, mrd., irirt avid, xe.nemn et. eyi.nIeaP to t "ort to he Pruuer .LLamre�d fnrh the - �,li,,u,m i I IIi t, 1 r�11 , 1 I I 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 I(„ t t ,ivvi �, i I 1 fPil _ Y1f i ri _ I If ,.I N ',painted :na ae IPi ,ted clt�k [o .t` 'he 'tfo ' mise xuid m '� ml I,. he�eh3 design, ced and appointed to 6 Perform the duties Pertaining to the office of Clerk If the Board of Public':': tvorl:s. i e orcetlon'�vlth the king ','��: d .th the ,ow "c" eat and in hereby 1 f 1 e rx and u th it '• 914• I,I f Ih purposes of m 1 , I" d if ng Stn qyn n 1 t on - id. the I of �a oral ,- Adopted 63 the C 11 14. Lune APProyed June 20, 1914. hi9yq Y• I.Iune 27-19141 --_! m -H 1 d y. �,in TOW -,10, 00 BYy i 18 4, �� o] Paairtq nN aso4M }� , Uilaa� o�.IIj to do any proper officer for the coil; oliva , 1 and all other acts and thin$ P� 1f ; omplet�on of Works might or said assessment, as fully &� „�,"" - �\ �' ; " aolJ.na-btla Beamer, Clerk could have done had it contiu A'St and in charge of assessments •� ,�sbg E;.......:a.�,assass`:�+, o=:>;;;, nieeioner of waaPais 7°'I awed 1 Paalnb Finance, is hereby appointed alums the aforesaid Com— a a.,rnhS auspul.,\ miesioners, and is hereby desi •xoiaaixos3a perform the duties Tt......... .. slues ttCR:] i lic works, in con— pertaining to the office of Cl sTcss 8 -u,a. i ci MAk �.tCBU to a 'Passass,• -u6,-z) nection with the making of sai olpa nbN1II we aaPvmPi uu.laoceby invested with of completing the powers and authority of su xoildcaosaa the said assessment in connect ;re aforesaid. c ''P l ab=le iuue 'Jo .­jj aasuld ` 1111 J. ;1 -ilsa a 1puno,) a41 �.; v :puoaa' 1vJ. 1 n s!y] s s a1:1 Adopted by the C�iaeieears.............4 ......191 Y FAS N A}"S. ,/MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS V" (� KELLER M.COLL V O'LEARY ✓ YOERG NAYS 0 R. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) 1914.. Approved , 1 J r)u ��N J — ---------- WMEAS, Immediately prior, and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the office of the Board of Public Works of said City a certain condemnation proceeding instituted and carried on under a resolution of the Board of Park Commissioners of the City, No. 2553, approved March 316t, 1914', for the acquisition of certain lands for an improvement known as Mounds Boulevard, and also an assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, said improvement having been initiated and carried on under the authority of the Charter as it existed prior to the first day of June, 1914; and — WHEREAS, The said Board of Public Works, prior to the first day of..J.une, 1914, had made, but 'had not confirmed, the assessment of damages and benefits arising out of the making of said improvement, and the proceeding for the making of said improvement is still pending, and it is desirable to complete the same; now therefore; be it RESOLVED, That in the opinion of the Council, it is impracti- cable to continue or complete the assessment of damages and benefits for and arising out of the making of said improvement under the Charter of the City as it at present exists, and for the purpose of continuing the said proceeding and completing the said assessment of damages and benefits under the terms of the Charter as it existed prior to the first day of June, 1914, John J. O'Leary, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, and Sumner A. Farnsworth, CoMmissioner of Finance, are hereby designated and appointed to continue and complete the assessment of damages and benefits arising out of the making of said improvement, in place and stead of the Board of Public Works, and to that end,�-the said officers are hereby authorized and empowered to give, or cause to be given, any and all notices required by law, or necessary or proper to be given, to complete the assessment of benefits and damages for the making Of saki improvement, including the notice of confirmation of said assessment, and with power and authority to revise, modify or correct sail BaBe6Bment if deemed advisable, to issue and sign a warrant to the proper officer for the collection thereof, and in gener to do any and all other acts and things in connection with the o letion of said assessment, as fully as the said Board of Public Works might or could have done had it continued to exist; and Leonard C. Beamer, Clerk and in charge of assessments in the office of the Commissioner of Finance, is hereby appointed and designated clerk to the aforesaid Com- missioners, and is hereby designated and appointed to perform the duties pertaining to -the office of Clerk of the Board of Public Works, in con- nection with the Mi t.`vF. Sn. 229—Ry Councilman Furna-� and is hereby invested with nrth— Whereas. Immediately art— and up he time the existing Charter o[ the the powers and autl City of St. Poul took effect. there se� the purpose of completing v pending In the trice of the Board of Public Narks o[ said City a ert¢In c.the said assessmen an dcarrieoil"" proceeding a r msionlea' Commissioners aforesaid. and carried n under a resolution of, the City. of Park Commissioner. one It o(, the . for No. 2acq approved Macer 31, _ load. [fa the acquisition of certain lands [or ul Improvement known ]rounds Boulevard, and also a assesses _ ant g f said is to property from the modem of said Ig beremen t, said Im- provement having Ween in rit ted and hared o ruder the authority of the Charter as existed Vit•or to the fire[ day of June, e s and arks. prior The sola Board of Public Works. prior to the first day of June, 1914, had made. but had not confirmed, the n ant of damages and beoe- fits arising out of the making of a'Id Imp rovement. nd the proceeding for/ the making of s Id improvement is still pending. end It,}Is desirable [o t Adopt mplete the same; n w therefore. I" I U o t t. 191`" Resolved. That in the opinion of the "'"" L , Council. It Is Impr"cticable [o tlnue or complete the assessment"of' damages and benefits for and arising out t of the making of said Improve- t under the Charter of the City NAYS, It at present exists. nd for the par- pose of ,untinuing the said proceed - Ing and cp m pleting the said nsss..- the"I orf damages and benefit. order term. of the cox'ter ns It a Iated t�rior to the dist dxv of .lune. 1914. .,hn J. Co mml..loner f Parks. Pla•genu na. and Public Bulld- �'Go. Co men Is.lon'r of Public l\'o rks. and gumner :\. Fu rns- ,rth. Commissliuner t FI'tranrr re her«hv designated and xppoln Icd "lo s nn, nue and complete the ssessttent p •f do mages nod hcn efl to lalnz.out or jI she ondl of said improvement in �Ixr« x I stand of the Board of Pub - .and to that end. the said C(f ic•ers n « hereby authorized and e rd to glue. o e to bs gl van and all notices c required by I" t" proper to be given.' toa complete }I het .seed e t of benefits tsad damage. for the making of sold improvement. Including, the notice f firmation o' arHlul as.' meat, and ,Ith power ua' d il, It, to revise. NA`noalry nr ' set sold ,ta. s.me t II�WERS) deemed[stathe yilprope Issue offunit for the �oilec[ion thereof, and In general to do 1 - nd all other xt•ts and things in e{etion with the romoIc tion of s i i e n en [. na Ioil., v the said Bearrl tf�Puhlic Worksight or could have lonn.t had it an tinned to exist: a Ind I,ru rd (`. Sex mcr. Clerk n d rho age of : s�samen to in the ofPlce of the Commissioner of Finx pre, is " by apnnin tad ^na designated clerk the nfo «said ,'o sstooers. and l hrrri+� deniem:ted"t m1 tp�in,.,l dries of Clerk of 1 - _ s \larks. In a rico with f said n en t. nd is oshereby ted with sthe Dow and : uthor�lty of s„h rIerk for the pu rpo.e�of co platin,the v Id asses en[ In on- e tion w-1 th the Commicaloners afore- :� aid. - A;1-1,0 b}the t-'aneu June rzo. d P 2 1914. via is and t Mayor. h proper officer for and in gener to do any and all other acts tIn with the a lotion of said assessment, as 'd of Public Works might or could have done had and Leonard C. Beamer, Clerk u1eepnll >II❑ In I 'padsaee� aju,i 1u�.l,n:,A.:sy4-11 tt1 -yi L: a,, and in charge ot„as oII I.Wrnh p of the Commissioner of i � 1,11 i \� T.i. -..11 8inanoe, is her ed;olerk to the aforesaid Com- _ stall 'I ,,,, apun U.N •`IPI aPin ,.qu tt F '. missionere and; "" � t:�„I�a �- L1. I,^, �, yointed to perform the duties I 2['NIEI l07 Pass \ �a11 pertaining to av; aW°Nae v„ I -U 17x rd of Public Works, in con- nection with th� n��ilirl „11i WO I.Ld I it DS51 Q , and is hereby invested with _I�n.,,.iy,I,L16 the powers and °° I 1°'I �a ,,the purpose of completing v h•�,t h uv� ax 11\. tl -UII 1 y. the said assessor � Commissionere aforesaid. LL 'NOISdI2iOS30 �� Adopted by the Comng e9exm... • • • . • .. • • L• sJ, ........ 19r, YF;AS / NAYS, UR' R FA SWOORTH GO / % KE ER MSC LL O'L ARY C// YO RG P NAYS 0 (/MR. C IRMAN (POWERS) a nh - S t u( nan..e, i her. nd dI esgnated clrt rk tIeo 1 1'nntml snlunei.. nd ' 1 etted and apl 1 I 1 ( ks Ih t ,l the maks / t t t`i atl i[h ttmen[ andlehereby 1 B _ t xuchtirIr I. roil rtd- 4uth it ' tl n pnx f-, jAY+ / nt not g the tiit)[hr f` I 11. �d�.v 2 2 ayor. 1 '?3(l " AUDITED City of St.Paul JI 'N `10 1914 Ccuncil Resolution - General form �� �x..-- Pepg rtmer.t of ............._._.....----•-•-`-.. Bureauof........ ....... ..... ......................... .......... ...-.._......._._.. _._-----....--..... Council File No....... ......... ...... Date Presented -._..- ................. ... :--.1914: ._.........._. ..... ............. .............. ...... .................... ........... ...-....-.._._..-._._._....- -._.. Resolved, that a City order be drawn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the Flection Expense Account of the General Fund, in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, .for the sum of $9,212.50, to pay judges and clerks of State Primary Election, June 1914. • " � Izesulced. ImLL n t��p �'d.•�he d�n..n u,e urnurtme„LFtna nce, pnx- :�i�i�e nnl er Lnr r;lrrci „f\h. Ia.i,f ine ..f the r.rnr 1 n i'nnwnrt h. 1'cnf, $!1 212-50. to vtate r�n:aner. r„� u,e n.ic J,�dkex and clerks n[ Irl- , Blrr tJnn. .lour. 191'111 Anne 32. nn\�lu 1, ted 1,)' the 911. \PVr..rr(1 �ll�ne i14 2 11 7011) Aliopt=d by the Cour-cil ............. Yeas ( j ) Councilmen Farnsworth G o s!s i MOC011 Yoetg 0'L ary Ke1 er Mr. President, Powers r. ( ) Nays ....1914. :A7pproved ._`.-._- .._...- ... 14. Mayor '- .1 mimm Original C -TY OW ST. PAUL, to City Clerl,. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM Council File No, .......... 4- 1914Audited . By........................ .... ..... . - . ............. ............... ........... ........ .. ...... City Comptroller. Per..... .............. ........ ............. ..... ........... ......... Deputy.- ReFolved, that ch-,�,:ks be drawn uL:�n '.hp Denartment of Finance, pclyF,.ble out of th, ... ... ... ..... .... 0211M.. =. . ..... ............ .......... -.1 ..................... . ............. in fav Dr cf the folliwinr named persons, firms or corporations, for the amount =Et oPJ,,SJte j-,eir respective names: Vim. M. ?.Iurphy& Son, St. . Paul Crushed Stone Co., Est. #1, repairing and painting bridges Nos. I and 2 at Phalen Park, Bet. #1, crushed rock for Wheelock Parkway, 1,96o.00 4,424.00 6,-.384.00 ti Adopt -1 by the C C.i-i ..... ........... ... .. .. .................. ............. . . . ........._................_..1914. 6 '�-' It, � Yeas Nays Far sworth Gor MCC 1 Yoe A-pprRjed O'Le y Sell Mayor. Mr. President, Powe s r ' r3) �. CITY Oi ST. PAUL, art. ACCOUNTTAiG DEPARS11!-Ni - - City C'_er; �014 !'c r - D P!# "� N ,"- f i :•na r:._... American Linen Sunoly Co., 1"25 .SU Auto Tire Sales Co., Bartles Oil Co., 41.64 H. C. Bo•yeson Co., 5'SU Boa^d of Water Commrs., 2'.20 I. 11. Bootie 4.45 Margaret Brady, 19'18 Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., e R'•45 Central Lunch Room, F.26 Craig Oil Co., 24.93 Daily -Fraser Hdwe. Co., 10.2 5 A. 7. Deppe, .60 Dispatch Printing Cn., 1.56 W. J. Dyer & Bros., 4.80 Electric TfQ. Co., 9.40 Elk Laundry Co., 16.01 Foley Bros. & Kelly, 4.65 M. ,^,ebhardt, 4.5 Acting Chief of Police, a Haas & Anderson, 2.45 Hardwood Door Co., 50 The Journal Printing Co., 1.04 Harry Keep, .'i0 J. T. Kenny & Co., 4.00 Kis9el Kar Co., 9.55 r�r +� r ........ .. __ ' Q^ YcC, 11 .._.....1914. 1 e3 ...._......-- aycr. ,.. Kcl e„ _.... .. _. _ .... PIr. President, Po. rs & Cray Co., 7.50 ,McClain Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 8.40 tfidway Harness Co., 1.25 Michaud Bros., .50 Mitsch & Heck Wa'on Co., 7.95 National Laundry Co., .82 North American Tel. Co.., 3.72 N. i7. 71ectric Fquipiaent Co., 55.13 N. W. Motor Supply Co., 14.50 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, `•4, M. T. Osborn, Inc., 269.03 Pittsburgh Plate =lass Co., 1.75 C. T. Pohling, 1.50 Pure. Oil Co., .98 T. Radant, 10.87 Reed Motor Supply Co., r .85 Remington Typewriter Co., •65 Alex Rice, 7.14 - St. Paul Daily News., •�0 St. Paul ^as Light Co., (,9.85 St. Paul G3ass Co., l� •75 St. Paul St %10 W -,-Ks, �5 St. Pa•:1 Rubbe-^ Co., 73 ScAune nan °u F'vnns, 13.48 ...... _...... . pte- _ Yeas Coje a t Far sP.ortf ce�g '?, ary `HJ $ i , Tri -,State Telep. & Teleg. Co., Twin City Hdwe. & Heating r!o., C. E. Van Duzee, western ElPc. Co., Western Union Tel. Co., ,'. F. No. 23'L- nRthelP nu ttmtenteLfa Finance. nPa)-I able oat of the "Pollee Depart.q nt Fund" In favor oof the ull.l n.gfornthe �+mnunt net op Poa it. their es pective -Amc.,Linen Supply Co.. SIL25; \ato The Sales Co.. 80 Cent CoB E6t509 till Co.. $41.64: H. C. Ao veeon Board of Water Comners.. $25.20: I. N. Booth. $4.45: Margaret Brady. '19.18: Brown, Trency &__ Sperrr Co.. 56.45; Central Lunch Room. $6.26; Craig Oil Co.. $24.93: Dally -Frasier Hdwe. Co.. $10.25: A. F. Dsppe. 60 Cents; Dispatch Printing Co., 31.66: 1V J. P>'er & Hros.. E4.60: Electric � Mfg. Co.. E9.40; Elk Laundry Co.. $16.01; Foley Bros. & fe1Po11re.6aE 4.63;CieHansd t. Ch of &1clA Anderson. 52.45; Hardwood Door Co.. $9.60: The e Keep, a 90 Cents: J. l Printing CT. K,ony &aCo, $4.00; Kissel Kar Co.. E9.55: Mcclaln & Cray Co.. $7.50; Manhattan Oil& LIn- 1 Co.. $8.40: Mldway Harness Co.. $1.25: Michaud Bros., 50 Cents: olitnch Heck 11'a8on Co.. $7.9b; National I& miry Co.. E3.82: North American Tel Co.. $9.72: N. W. Electric Equlp- Pnt Co.. $56.13: N. W. MotorSoupiy Co.. $14.50: No>cs Bros. & Cutler. $3.45: M. .1. Osborn. Inc.. 5269.03: Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.. E3.76; C. T. Pohling. $1.60; Pure Teed Co.. 98 Cents: T. Ra - dant. $10.67: Reed Motor Supply Co.. 85 Cents: Remington Typewriter Co.. 66 Cents: Alex Rice. E7.11; St. Paul Dally News. 90 Cents: St. Paul Gas Light Co., $69.66; St. Paul Glass Co.. i6 Cents; St. Paul Stamp R'orks. 52.25; S[. Paul Rubber Co.. $7.75; Schur-- & Evans. $13.48: Tri-State Telep. & Teleg. Co.. 316.60: Twin City Hdwe. & Healing Co.. E9.60: C. E. Van DuaelVe 4.00; Western Electric Co.. $27.00; Union Tel. Co.. $26.71. .adopted by the Council June 22. l 14. J9 tnnn„yea June 24. 19. June Y,4) 37 1. 4) 16.6o 1.80 4.00,, 27.00 26.71 _ 7g5.96 Adgpted by. tb&�, 4 WAM O Mays Far sworth i x',Ij ��.,✓able -i;- r t rales' 1 i 1 r Tri-State Telep. & Teleg. Co., i f ��.,✓able -i;- .rens rales' or cornnrat; 1 , :. Tri-State Telep. & Teleg. Co., 16.60 Twin City Hdwe. & Heating Mo., 1.80 4.00 C. E. Van Duzee, Western Elec. Co., 27.00 Western Union Tel. Co., 26.71 795.96 C. F. No. "3E'— Resolved. That checks be drawn up'on I - the Deuartment t Finance. pay-' able oul of the 'Police Department Fund ^ftrmsrorf tprpoToltlone.gfor lthe aersons mount set opposite db.Ir reape.tile names: Amer" an Linen Supply Co.. $11.20; Auto Tire Sales Co., s0 Cents; Bartle. oil"$41.64; H. C. Boyeeon Co.. $6.00: Board of Water'Commrs._ 126.20; E Co.. $1.04; 7. T. Kenny �1. J. Osborn, Inc.. 5269.01; rllrsoursn Note Glass Co., 53.76; C T. Pohling, F3.00; Pure OII Co., 98.Cents; T. Ra - lout. $10.87; Reed Mata11 Supply Co., 66 gents: Alex Rice, $7.14 ESt1 Paul Dally :7"' $6 10 C9ttPaul t.Glga. Co.,ul a76 Centel it Puul Stamp Work.. 42.26; St. Paul Rubber Cp.. 57.76; Schuneman & Evan., $13.48: Trl-State T;lep. & Teleg. Co.. $16.80; Twin City Hdwe- & Heating Co., $3.80: C. E. Ven Duzee. 74.00: Western Electric Co.. $27.00; Western Union Tel. Co.. $26.71. Adopted by the Council June 22. 1914. Approved June 2T. 1914. June 2, 1914) L 711 Y17- 01-gina, CITY OF S-- to C! C,:llnc F i Al ' P 1 1: 7, a14 Y4 ran c E Hscliool, FUD" . . ... .. . .. ....... ...... lirms Amer I i-can Engineers' Supply CO., 2.50 3-11 Will Bass & CO., 12.00 B. S. Bates, 2.47 Bazille & Partridge. 1.10 C. F. Blodgett, 164-07 T. L. Blood & Co., 23.50 H. C. Boyeson Co., 4.00 A. B. Brand, 13.01 Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., 5.00 A. Campbell, 7.25 Teresa G. Cannon, 97.66 Capital City Lumber Co., 8.50 Citizens lee & Fuel Co., 6.48 Consumers Power Co., Cornplanter Lubricating & Oil,CO-, 39.52 31-50 Couchois & Parent, 52.52 Crane & Ordway Co., 2.12 Crescent Creamery Co., f44-13 Daily-Fraser Hdwe. Co., Adiitm Decker Tdwe. Co., 3.75 19.82 A. Defiel, 102.18 A. F. Deppe, 72.00 The De Pree Chemical Co., 7.00 The East Side Dairy, Uy ne k, —.0u: Thorgrinson. $5.00; Hurt J'� , n la.$3.06; The VIIII.— K, Bax Lumber Co. $140.00; Vo kszel- tang Printing Co., $61.75; Wm. L. Weber. r sxortli SrFarty, " $49.96; Western Supply Com- $150.99; IN-light, Blvr.tt, & Still- Gos C 11 Co.. $29.83; Wo—k Bros. Coal C,. $265.43: AN' A` Ti�t. 7k Yoe g . ....... OIL ry or. Kel er 7* ur. -President, Pow rs City Comptr01,,4.ar-r'• .. ..N 3 .. 11 ,i f•irms 30.00 George S. F.ddy, 3.65 L. Eisenmenger Meat Co., 15.51 Electric,Blue Print Co., 186.50 East -Side Lime & Cement Co., 8.65 The Elite Laundry Co., 8.63 Elk Laundry Co., 5 212.04 4 Emporium Merc. Co,,, 126.43 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk F. Co., ,45 Fisher Paper Box Co „ 7.15 Foot, Schulze & Co., 59.99 Field, Schlick & Co., 99.00 H. B. Fuller, 16.38 Gas Traction Foundry Co,, 80.33 J. F. Gerlach, .6o The Golden Rule, 27.70 Gribben Lumber Co., 244.75 Wm. P. Haag, Joseph Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., 284.75 15.00 T. S. F. Hayes, 256.25 Holm & Olson, 13'67 R. W. Hruby, 24.72 J. W. Hulme Co., 14.40 Iroquis Eneineering'Co•, 104.33 n R. C. SeffPrao, ...... ♦�,.00; Sylvia Thorb rin ao n. $5.00: _._-..----..—...... __... _:, I V111 K_Li�- �-"�l Uj' -.fIC ��;?1"-C1 ................. ... Y Cvv. tidu Hunt Fru ncl s. F8.00; The t'lll$5.M - _- ml,er Co., $140.00: Volkezel- onR Prin[In b' Co., $51.75: tom. L. Fir Sw"r th Weber. $49.95; Western Supply Com- puny. $150.99; Wrlght, 13--tt & Still- . Goy 11 C $29.83: Womack Br... Coal - 't wxt o , r. (' E 65.43: \\'m J \Pn k PI t. 0'L ry OIL e , 9or. Mr. President, P. rs u: .J 5.00 lera.ldine Rilty, 24.80 F. G. Leslie Co., 1.25, Maendler Bros., 5,00 Magie Bros., 15.40 Mannheimer Bros., � 1.25 John Martin Lumber Co., 1.55.70 John Martin Lumber Co., 1.75 Gus. D. Messing, 9.9a Michaud Bros., Inc., 23.67 Minnesota Roofing & Cornice Works, 12.39 Minnesota Stone Co., .- 33.03 Nelson Bros., 5.5b Louis F. Nienaber, 6.78 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 72.75 Nimis & Nimis,- 7,38 N. W. Conner & Brass \Norks, 10-71 N. W. Electric Equip tent Co., 48.50 N. W. Telephone Ex. Co., 136,80 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 5,00 , Nellie O'Brien, 17.67 M. J. O'Neil, 315 Osgood & Blodgett Mfg. Co., 19.93 Parker Proce-s Co., 6 14.33 Otto Pearson, 8 5.4 :- ......... ...... Hunt $3.00; V111.­ ..._........ i L,i a, eat}s B­ & Lumber Co., 8140.00; Vu1kn1- Lung Printing Co., $51.76; Wm. L. ' sur S'For til \S'eber. 849.95; Western Supply Com- piny 8150.99; Wright, Barrett & St111- - G:JS well Co.. 829.83: Womack B_- Coal CO.. 826543 -1\'m .I Wnrk flint )1gr . x� M 0C 11 3 .. 81 1 Yoe g 0 L ry�; Yor. Y.e1 e nY ,fr.- President, ,Poi: rs I i S 4 i z • 1 ' Pennsylvania Rubber Co., 42.06 The Peoples Ice Co., 5.50 Perfect Ink Co., 1.75 P. N. Peterson Granite Co., 5.00 Abbie J. Peters, 5.00 The Pioneer Company, 33.00 Pittsburgh Coal Co., 1,911.38 Prendergast Bros., 10.40 D. A. W. Pfaff, 4.62 Phoenix Chair Co., 90.00 Raymer Hdwe. Co., 54.84 Review Publishing Co., 18.00 Roe-James Glass Co., 14.85 Royal Dairy Products Co., 5.50 Schleck Bros., 7.90 Schulenberg Bros., 7.32' Schunema.n & Evans, 5.50 Standard Oil Co., 30.06 James V. Stevens, 16.53 J. C. Stuhlman, 79.73 St. Paul Book & Stat. Co., 518.37 St. Paul Cement Works, 3.56 St. Paul ^,oaa Light Co., 1b5.12 St. Poul Tile Yorks, 31.02 s.I+ia rh'hr{:rinsun. R5.U0. Ll .,_Q. .............. .... ............. i•+n+i.• $300. Thc- \-Illaume ".`.'.= R A I.amher Co. %140.00, Volkszel tont; I'd'ling Co., 551.75; 11m. L C' " sr 7S'A%rt Web— $49.95; Western Supply Com- puny, $150.99; Wright, Barrett & Still- G. Js t !'� Mf--C 11i'.�„ —11 Co.. $29.83; Womack Bros. Coal Co.. %26.5,43: \\'m, J. \{'ork. Ttfst. Mg- F16,5U Ili.. +'„......11 .1,i ii.. .... --1914: Yoe1 _. _. - 0 L rY f UWt% Yor. --- ---_._ I.e 1 e r ��.� - .... .. Mr.-President, Pow 1rs I} Na:+.uu: 4 1[tshu rgh Cofll CO.. $1.411.38: Pre nd "'goat - j rni.lixnlna Co.. £18.00: Roe -James CCI P'0 Glsss Cu.. F14.Pfi: Itoral - $ $7.40: Srlul- St. Paul Tire Co., 29.80 I •.1111 Ltouk K '� 351 M.:;7: Si•:lul ! \l"111'l, 1331:: 21.00 Tri-State Telep. & Teleg. Co., 1'... !",T 1- 1 I 1 1 H tl 1 J. C. F. No. 234- Resolved. That be drawn 5.00 Na:+.uu: 4 1[tshu rgh Cofll CO.. $1.411.38: Pre nd "'goat - "t, R. 54.02: Phoenix Chnir Co.. £40.00: Co.. 354ew .84: Itet'l rni.lixnlna Co.. £18.00: Roe -James CCI P'0 Glsss Cu.. F14.Pfi: Itoral - $ $7.40: Srlul- St. Paul Tire Co., 29.80 I •.1111 Ltouk K '� 351 M.:;7: Si•:lul ! \l"111'l, 1331:: 21.00 Tri-State Telep. & Teleg. Co., 1'... !",T 1- 1 I 1 1 H tl 1 J. C. F. No. 234- Resolved. That be drawn 5.00 3/ gr , S lvia. Thor inson O eheeks up -I! on the Department of Finance: pay- PI'inting Co., 161.75; \V ro. L. \t'eher. %49.95; Western Supply Com- - , able out of the "School Fund" In favor NOc well Co.. $29.83: Womack Bros. Cool - ofthe ""*'Ing amed person e. firma or c.rp.ratlu.. for Z QO Vida Hunt raneis S the amount set' { opposite their respective J :.: amen: Arn.rles.n Englneere' Supply Cu., The Villaume Box & Lumber Co.j $3.5o; win„ Bass & Co., $3.n: B. S 512,00; 140.00 u - .... (Bates. Baz1JIe,:-( 7- Partridge,> $2.47; CN Blodgett, 31:10: T: L.. Blood & Co., 3164.07; IL C. Boyeaon Co.. 51 Volkozeitung Printing Co., 323.50. A. B, Brand, 34.00; Brown. .75 / I Treacy & Sperry Co., $13.01; A. Camp- bell. $6.00; Teresa G. Cannon, $7.26; Wm. L. Weber, Capital City Lumber Co., 397:86; Clt1- 9 lee & Fuel 4'o.. $8.60; Consumerh 49.95 7 7!j Power Co., $6.48; Cornplanter Lubri- cating & OII Co., $99.52; Cuuchob` & western Supply rOInp7T1}/, p, y Parent. $31.60; Crane & Ordway Co.. Crescent 1 50.99 Dally -Fraser Hdwe, Co., $4413; Adam Decker Hdwe, Co., $3.76; F. A. Defiel. Wright Barrett & Stilwell Co .,$19.82; A. F. Deppe, $102.18; The De 'Pree 29.83 Chemical Co., $72.00; The East Side Dalry, $7.00; George S. Eddy, 3�3�0.00; L. Eisenmenger Meat Co., $3.66; , 265.43 Womack Bros. Coal CO., tiimeBl& $15.57; Sldee Limeem t Co. Cement Co, iss 60; The Elite Elk Laundry 19.70 Wm. J. Work. Diet. Mgr., g . Co., 38.63; Emporium Merc. Co., $212.04: Farwell. Ozmun, Kirk 8• Co- $126.A3: Fisher Paper Boa Co., 45 Cents; Fout. Schulze & Co:, $7.15; Field, SchT, k & 16.5o T. J. Yerk Co., Co.. 359.09; H. R. Fuller, $99.00; Gas Traction Foundry Co., E76.38; J. F. Ger- lath. 380.33; The Golden Rule. 60 Cents: Gribben Lumber Co.. $27.70: Wm. P. Haag, $244.75' Joseph Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., 284.75; T. S. F. Hayes, $15.00; Holm & Olson. $256.25; R. \V. Hruby, $13.67; J. \V. Hulme Cu.. 1 - $24.72: Iroquois Eagl neering. Co.. $14.40: R. C. J01! ­nn. nn. 5104.33; Ger- aldine Kllty. $6.00; F. G. Leslie Co.. $24.80; endler Bros., $1.26; Magic Bros.. 36.00: ' annheimnr Rrnc.. S1 e_an Na:+.uu: 4 1[tshu rgh Cofll CO.. $1.411.38: Pre nd "'goat - "t, R. 54.02: Phoenix Chnir Co.. £40.00: Co.. 354ew .84: Itet'l rni.lixnlna Co.. £18.00: Roe -James Glsss Cu.. F14.Pfi: Itoral - $ $7.40: Srlul- IeIlLrrc I't- 37.32: . hon m,,n & .eta n1h, r11 tM£:S4 I $16-3: .1t 1uh1- I •.1111 Ltouk K '� 351 M.:;7: Si•:lul ! \l"111'l, 1331:: ^ I'II 111 I.IL 111 311:::.1_: 1. 11,,'. 1'... !",T 1- 1 I 1 1 H tl 1 J. ... 3-I. 11111-r11 £i.1 t1 : ...... ... .. .. .._-. _ _ . , ,i :,n1�' S:S.UO; Th. \III ume ttong ti !in,n Ler , $140.00: \'olkazei- / t:i PI'inting Co., 161.75; \V ro. L. \t'eher. %49.95; Western Supply Com- . pant, $150.99; Wright, Barrett & Stlll- NOc well Co.. $29.83: Womack Bros. Cool - e n C 11 ;i Co.. $26-5.43: \\-m, .1. \York. hist. Sign. $14.70: T. ,1. \-1, Co.. $16.50. . ._._. _. --_.. 1914. Yoe g :.: oA.lery UW�Yor. �� �_ » j u - .... '.r. President, Pow rs y I Ntena.pe Gregg, $6:78 N CobTler:' N •W El'ectrl S N 'K': eleph0 33me. uild-- f600• \f.NL,. '�fg oseaaaV , u1JJpeB '>Ilf1'10'l t.,.,111 n, xuil� � �' ...,III..... __4. ear ls",cnrth - _ GDS M --C 11 u °. Yoe g 4 .... J914. e�-3'{ fil?P� v d ' - OIL ry I:el er _._. _.. yor. Mr. -President, Pow rs i St. Paul Tire Co., Ntena.pe Gregg, $6:78 N CobTler:' N •W El'ectrl S N 'K': eleph0 33me. uild-- f600• \f.NL,. '�fg oseaaaV , u1JJpeB '>Ilf1'10'l t.,.,111 n, xuil� � �' ...,III..... __4. ear ls",cnrth - _ GDS M --C 11 u °. Yoe g 4 .... J914. e�-3'{ fil?P� v d ' - OIL ry I:el er _._. _.. yor. Mr. -President, Pow rs St. Paul Tire Co., 29.80 21.00 Tri-State Telep. 8t Teg. Co.$ gT , Sylvia Thor 11 On . C.' woolly 234— Resolved, That checks i drawn up- on the Depnrtm�nt of Finance; pay- C 00 5. able out Il the "School Fund" In favor of the following named persona. Orme z QQ Vida Hunt Francis, or corporatlona. or the amount set' oppoalte their respective names: 3 - Co., The Villaume Box & Lumber American Engineer.' Supply Cu., $2.50; Will Bass & Co., $3.11: B. s -Bates. $12.00:. Bazgle:. &-t: Partridge.- -E. T.L. 140.00 Volkszeitung Printing Co., $2.47: C. Blodgett; $110; Blood I & Co.. $164.07; H. C. Boyeaon Co,. $23.50; A. B. Brand, $4.00; Brown. Treacy& Sperry Co., $13.01; A. Camp - 51 �%5 l /l bel]. $6.00; Teresa G. Cannon, $7.26; Capital City Lumber Co., $97.66; Citt- 49.95 Wm, L. Weber, ens It. & Fuel Co.. $8.60; Conamns- Power Co.. $6.48; Cornplanter Lahr-, Sip COmparlY, Western S eating & Otl Co., $39.52; Cuuchols 8, Parent, $3�0; Crane & Ordway Co.. $52.52: Crescent Creamery Co., $2.12; 15Q •99 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell CO.;P Daily -Fraser Hdwe. Co., $44.13; Adam Decker Hdwe, Co., $3.75; F. A. Deflel. eel; A. P. D-Pvc, $102:18; Th De set 29.83 Womack Bros. Coal Co., Side Dalry, $7.00; George S. Eddy, $30.00: L. Elsenmenger .]feat Co., $3.65; Electric Blue Print Co., $16.57; East 91de Ltme & Cement Co., $186.60; The C `265.43 Wm. J. Work, Dist. Idgr . , Elite Laundry Co., $8.65; Elk LaundryIt Farwo', Ozmtm. KiEmoriumrk e& Co.. $126 .43: 19-70 Fisher Paper Box Co., 46 Cents: Fout. Schulze & Co.. $7.15; Field, Sch;lck & $59.09; H. B. Fuller. " 16.'7C 0 T. J. Yerk Co.,t n.. $99.00; Gass Traction Foundry Co., $16.38; J. F. Ger_ tach. $80.38; The Golden Rule,. 60 C nta; Gribbe. Lumber Co., $?.7.70: \S•m. P H.v - t.dd ifi• 1...""h eo.. '� Q5Q,Q9 Ntena.pe Gregg, $6:78 N CobTler:' N •W El'ectrl S N 'K': eleph0 33me. uild-- f600• \f.NL,. '�fg oseaaaV , u1JJpeB '>Ilf1'10'l t.,.,111 n, xuil� � �' ...,III..... __4. ear ls",cnrth - _ GDS M --C 11 u °. Yoe g 4 .... J914. e�-3'{ fil?P� v d ' - OIL ry I:el er _._. _.. yor. Mr. -President, Pow rs Original CITY OF Sl. PAUL, to ACCOTi 1TI DE'ARVlF11T — J City Clerk. ,,.. IITTD CT,.,IGS - RESOLUTION FORM ------- Council File iNo. ,.„.j.. ............ ........... ............. 91 1. Audited .....�i.::..........:_..._�' 4. By............. V ............. I, Ci y rCCCUtroL lei Per ................. ......_........ ....... _.....__:.....___.- .......... Deputy. ' rtm« or Finance, `h "PRIMING _.A2M. STA.TIO=RY..-FLW ..... .............. r .med. r.et ”, s, firms .... ( h - 't _ .%i' _ r r'_sFectir'. r:nrnes: The Dispatch Printing Co., 41:.36 Review Publishing Co.,6.93 T C. P. N,4. 235— - Resolved. That checks be drawn up - an ablethet of the -Printing Department Ind Siato n mtin 'r e - for erq Fund" Pavof th(oliowing h Dereonta, Hrma o rpo e.tlolns spedih a nm a._: e , aet-.;pp�batte�„their The Dispatch Prhitrng Co :::545.36 Review Publish ng Co $693 Adopted b the. Ceune.il 914. June 24, Approved June 24-, 1914. I.lune .7-1914) � yy }l ^ .' 191 Y e s( ! U.' if --t r: ( i id t y s i Far- ;-;ortn Gos McC 11 -- y; Yoe; .; A-�Z. �-*/ _._..1014 O'Le .ry Kell r aycr. President, Powe s 2 on e �e be drawn on- '�e _eo Firatooe. e Out of the .B,,d V." - I "!;ridge Bulldlgjau� R�jotlr Fund" 1. f.,.,. of the f In d h o' tI9 n-fTe firm, 0 r rm-pora- 111, or e their _epr�.I na Ja NI'. - o rl --'Pp"Ite S $4000 St' Pnul Foundry Co.. $42.02. ,,Af]Opted by the C-orlil June 22, 14. APPI'Oved June 24.1914. (June 27-1914) . . .... .. ... 13 4 Y� Goss Mcco 1 Y,.-,,•, , - -1914. 9_ .. .... .... .... G' L Mr. President, Pc::, r s OriginalT S7. PAUL, E ICC l FORT! Ccuncil File No. Ai-,. dited. .-JUN .. ......... ..... .. ... .......... �- -_ By......... .... .. . . .. Per Deni 3'. t T, t of - i nance, "BRIDGE. BUILDING. & IW -UR. 2UND! .. . ........ . .. ............... L firms c e.­,:ective names: 40.00 Jas. W. Morrison, St. Paul Foundry Cc., 42.02 82.02 2 on e �e be drawn on- '�e _eo Firatooe. e Out of the .B,,d V." - I "!;ridge Bulldlgjau� R�jotlr Fund" 1. f.,.,. of the f In d h o' tI9 n-fTe firm, 0 r rm-pora- 111, or e their _epr�.I na Ja NI'. - o rl --'Pp"Ite S $4000 St' Pnul Foundry Co.. $42.02. ,,Af]Opted by the C-orlil June 22, 14. APPI'Oved June 24.1914. (June 27-1914) . . .... .. ... 13 4 Y� Goss Mcco 1 Y,.-,,•, , - -1914. 9_ .. .... .... .... G' L Mr. President, Pc::, r s I 0,-•;:^.alz r '" `- ' CITY OP ET. PAUL, � ACCO v Al'x Drr:R11}N'P 1 �c� '.IP � LA _o n 1 Irv:?a it. _- -'n ' L C.nzn it F le �Nc ....... ti TJ t r ... i.. .. . ry, A'...._........ (,i+y- _ C,-, i.1 P Y - of inane, "COMNI SSI O NDi3G.F PUBLIC.WGi3KS..U23I?"_..... .................... ^_i 14n.s, firms Brown, Treacy 8 Sperry Co., 28.00 Jas, W. Morrison, 120.00 N. W. stamp Works, •�5 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 5.60 H. E. Wedelstaedt,Co., 4.05 207.90 d --Warr P.rr Goss UcCo 1 Your O'Leary Ke 11 e. Mr. President, Pow.rc ;C Reeolved. That cheeks he drawn pp - on the Department o[ Finance. pa)' - able out of the 'Comissioner Pub- I(c It'orks Fund" 1nmfavor of or c tol- lluwing named persona, firmse th or i—at Ions. tar the amount ae[ opposite their respect(ce names: Brown. Treacy & Sperry Cb.. $28.00: Jos. W. Morrison. $120.00: N. %C. Slemp Work,' 26 Cents: Ni—Is. Mean & Gregg. $6.60: R. E. n-edelstaedt Co.. E-54.06. the Cou m•II June 22. Adovted by st+. Approved June 4. (7u ne 2^11014) App o ed .. 'ayor. M Gos ;,ICC 11 Yc- g 1914. OIL'R 1, Y Ke 1 1 r ayor. mr. President, Po e's ek 2 3 -17 Or -j C4. nal CITY OF ST. -,A'-TL, to -C,'Y_'NT1V,G "I Ci,.; Clerk. A',IDITEL) C7AIY.3 FOMI C-)Ilncil File 110.- ..... ...... ................ ...... . ........ . . .... . ... ... 1914. A,Jdited 1614 ..... ... ... / .... .. By .......... .......... ... ........................_....!..C`-...._......... Al City Ccmplroller. Per........... ............................. Deputy. he D�­partmen- of Finance, :-,,v of ),i': ci' "STRUM AND—U ..... .... .. .. . ... . ....................... 11,1med per ­n3, firms ;,dive names: Austin -Western Road Machinery Co., 135.00 John Arend, .50 Barber Asphalt Co., 4$48.39 Board of Water Commissioners, 6.06 Daily Frader Hardware Co., 25.25 2.25 ,W. J. Dyer & -Bros., Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 8.10 John F. Fitzpatrick, 150.00 Glide Road Machinery Co., 2.84 162.80 Kenny Boiler Mfg. Co., 40.00 Jas. IV. Morrison, 5.85 N. W. Fuel Co., 5.63 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 2_37_—_ 14.06 St Gas Light Co., C. F. No. Resolved, That .Paul ch -he be drawn up- on the Department of Fina-- pay - .b is t t t and S st. Paul Foundry Co., FundIIn f0a the "S a. person voro�f the f,..Ilowl.g namedI tions. for the 'Mouni. , ".11,0217 their respective 4.70 Austin -Western Read Machinery Co.. $135.00: John Arend, 50 Cents: Barber 4,931.43 Asphalt Co.,, $4.348.39; Board of Water c ..er.. $6.06;. Daily F,a.,, Hard%vhre Co.. 326.26* W. J. Dyer & Bros., Far—rh 11. Ozun. Kirk & Co.. .10: John F. Pit.patri.k. $16o.0o; Glide Road Machinery Co.; $2.84; Ken - Jos. W. N' Milli; Robinson, Cary & Sands, `l$2*�.; st. Paul Gas Light Co" $14.06; st. paw Foundry Co.. $4.70. Adopted by the Council June 22, 1914. Approved June 24. 1914. (June 27-1914) M Gos ;,ICC 11 Yc- g 1914. OIL'R 1, Y Ke 1 1 r ayor. mr. President, Po e's ek ResThe[ checks be drawn up - thee Department If Finance p-t, able ot of the -Sprinkling re"" � in tarot of the foll—%fotcd per g g the l' or 111" .. t on.. ., .-oun t set opposite their respective napes: Fraser FraserH. ard—re ,f. Kenny Boller Co.. $105.2Nicoll. $41.11: Dean & b u ;�"O'ji Co.. $439.10: R. %tra-r- $18.75; P -'Ia Cary & Sands. $9,13; W. J. Westphal. $11'60' ,,Adopted by the Council in- 22, 1" Approved June 24�_l 14. (June_2 19141_ JL G 0 s MCC )11 .. .......-.....1914. Q, L u-1 1".ayor. Mr. Presj,,Jvnt, Pc -F ;'s 9.214 Or CinF-1 CITY (DY ST. PAIL, to Ci -P L', 1 YZ ",nincil F le Fh. .......... . .............. Tc� 14' A, 1 ...... .. . dit �y Ci ty C -mi; -.rn Per..... ...... ............ ..... I 1'j i- -�I:' T-dlal-tmr�r-- C' F j nen ".SMU NUING. AC -C C.U.N.T." ............. --n— j _e r- fvA rms Lctive names: 2.55 Daily Fraser Hardware Co., Kenny Boiler Mfg. Co., 105.20 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 41.11 N. W. Fuel Co., 18.75 Pure Oil Co., 439-10 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 9.13 W. J. Westphal, 11.60 627.44 ResThe[ checks be drawn up - thee Department If Finance p-t, able ot of the -Sprinkling re"" � in tarot of the foll—%fotcd per g g the l' or 111" .. t on.. ., .-oun t set opposite their respective napes: Fraser FraserH. ard—re ,f. Kenny Boller Co.. $105.2Nicoll. $41.11: Dean & b u ;�"O'ji Co.. $439.10: R. %tra-r- $18.75; P -'Ia Cary & Sands. $9,13; W. J. Westphal. $11'60' ,,Adopted by the Council in- 22, 1" Approved June 24�_l 14. (June_2 19141_ JL G 0 s MCC )11 .. .......-.....1914. Q, L u-1 1".ayor. Mr. Presj,,Jvnt, Pc -F ;'s li i4 a ■ t, ti I f. I j I C. F. No. 239— Resolved, That checks be drawn on the De up. Department "late l t .. Finance. is- vor t e the 'wi teres[ Fund" r I s, r; o[ the following named persons. firms or corporations,'for the amount se[ opposite their speattve names: S. A. Farnsworth CGM -of Finance. Coupons cashed. $375.60 Merchants National Banki Interest:' heck. and, upon. cashed in N. Y. June let to! 15, 1014. nd a hflnge, $13.614.20. �\dopteda by the Councli June 22,1 1914. Approved June 24, 1914. !June 27-1911) I a Alopte,J by th,-� C,,.- :c ,._.._ _......_._.....__...._....._......__.._................. .......... _...... _............... 1914. a Yeas ( ) Co i. r.oiLct°r ( ) Nays Fa ns- or tri Go, s Y'- o l l Yo- r Ap ed (O....... ...... 1914. 0'P?ry Ke l er _ ... [iayor.,.:. 11r. President, Pollers ` Original39 CTTY Or ST. PAUL, to ACCOUN'PIN' DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLA1'JS - RESOLUTION FOR1M Council File Audited '.. 191 .._ By ..................... ........... ........... _........ ...................._._.........._...........- ......1914. l City Comptroller. Per ........................... ..._._. .._ .................................. Deputy. � R'-: ulcea, ('!! ,k_ '-°- �ra•)ar: a ,cn the P.epar�mr,nt of Finance, pay^ -b: e o'Ci' th _ "1NTEREST FUND!........... _ .................................. named perscnsy firma or ^o,Y _:.lor.:, fol _ c,_ i i,eir reg?1.2ctive names: S. A. Farnsworth, Coupons cashed, 375.50 Com. of Finance, Merchants National Interest checks and Bank, coupons cashed in N. Y. June let to 15, f14, and exchange, 1,614.20 13,989.70 I C. F. No. 239— Resolved, That checks be drawn on the De up. Department "late l t .. Finance. is- vor t e the 'wi teres[ Fund" r I s, r; o[ the following named persons. firms or corporations,'for the amount se[ opposite their speattve names: S. A. Farnsworth CGM -of Finance. Coupons cashed. $375.60 Merchants National Banki Interest:' heck. and, upon. cashed in N. Y. June let to! 15, 1014. nd a hflnge, $13.614.20. �\dopteda by the Councli June 22,1 1914. Approved June 24, 1914. !June 27-1911) I a Alopte,J by th,-� C,,.- :c ,._.._ _......_._.....__...._....._......__.._................. .......... _...... _............... 1914. a Yeas ( ) Co i. r.oiLct°r ( ) Nays Fa ns- or tri Go, s Y'- o l l Yo- r Ap ed (O....... ...... 1914. 0'P?ry Ke l er _ ... [iayor.,.:. 11r. President, Pollers ` Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, L to ACCCJNTING DEPARTMENT Cii,y Cier-k, AUDITHD CLA1?,1S - RLSO1;i1TIO ! KRIM ---------- Ccuncil rileNo.i .. Audited...�.�iX.:.._�.._t�.._..._......-. .�. 1914. C._......._ a. 1. By ...... ....... .................. ....................... :.........,._ ._......:.._.... f J� i City C^m)trolle/� 111 Per........................ .................... .......... ........ ........... Depu y. D^ :rtment ct Finance, p ie i elc of h^ t "W9TER.DEPAFiT7�E`IT ACCOUI .". ....(. _....................... ......... c.• r, i , i.:, n ... ci pe) e,r.e, firm or cc, 1. "?or.s, fc, m .1cr t: '.i:eif re c.. rcmes: Lynchburg Foundry Co., Lynchburg Foundry Co., Robert W. Hunt & Co., Northwestern Stamp Works, Nimis & Nimis, Northwestern Telephone Ex. Co.,. Medernach & Zoch, John Peterson, 'C. F. No. 24--- Reaolred. That checks bo drn wn jieb the Department of Finance. pey- able out of the "Water Department .Account" In favor of the following roamed persons, firma or corporations, for the amount set opposite their re- spective names. Lynchburg Foundry Co., 133.96; Robert Rq Foundry Co., E3,669.96; western StampnWorks CD., 163.62; North- & Nlmis. 60 Cents; rtA este n Te e phone Ex. Co., 16.66; Me dernach & Zoch, $1.66; John Peterson, dere Adopted by the Couna June 22,I 1914. i Approved June 24. 1914. (June 21-1914) 0 33.95 3,559.96 83.62 .35 .50 5.65 t .65 1.60 3,687.28 A:lopt a l : a _1914. 1'c.ri sr:orti: Ccs 1C.0 11 Yee f A rr ed ........ _....._..._.....1914. 0'L-ary h;el er _ ......_ . ayor. Pl-esident, Pont rs L Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCCIjN7"1I!G DIFPlM`71!,71 NT _"�L-J'7TCX F-M�f City Clerk. A',J:,'IZD CLAIII'S E ­ Council FA �'TQ ............ .. - n*1912V.:,:.--i.- '­ "*** - ** A,�id I tQd ....... .... d. By----- ------- _ - .... ....... City Per............ .. . .. .... ......... . ...... ...... .......... R 2 1 v e I , t 1,-, t c . .,c 1-^. T' tn: ;` f Finance b! pciyt= i,: c. f .:._".PAVING. IqUIP.MITT.. ACCT .Q$XERAL _FUND ............ I ............... 11, 7 MC 1 1: C V s �, 11 firms ............. ... ............... .. P 1 :active names Minnesota Tent & Awning Co., 51.50 Raymer hardware Co., 13.00 South Park Foundry & Machine Co., 12.00 B. Whitacre, 1,875-00 $ 1,951-50 IC. F. No. 241— Reeolved. That check. be drawn P- on the Department of Finance. pay- able at of the "Paving Equipment Amt -General Fu d. ,la favorof-.the [oil wing na ed petpone�ffit[t¢o for tfie I iqpqlit-;4appo.jic their res5ective ndrftig'-' '. . Minnesota Tent '& Awning Co.. ,61.60; Raymer Hardware Co., $13.00; South Park Foundry & Machine Co.: ,12.00; R. B. Whitacre, $1.875.00. Adopted by the Council June 22. 1 91 4. App,.,.d June 24. 1914. (June 27-1914) `4 '-J by . .... ..... .. ...... . ...... ...... ......... .... .. ... ........ 'YS t1i CO O'L� ary or Mr. President, Poore 5 A -I C. F. No. � a 242— Resolved, d, T t �-h -te.okf. b-a drawn: aapy : at ae.Health,Dept,'qment Fund..in f vor 0 the '011OWln"'s"'d persona, r . or corporatl0n. for Ih amountaat 0pIt. their.�apartjvs names: , F. Ruth & Co., $7.50: The Andrew SrhotkGro. Co.. $3-55; St. Paul Drug b, the Council June 22, ,tdpptedApp,ovea une 24,_= "one Original CITY C -F ST. PATIL, to ACCOUNTING City Clerk. Ri�r],JTION-FOEM' Cotiricii File No. u, Alla, i t -d By .......................... ..... .. . ... . ..... ... ........ ...... ........ T, - cl ty 1 41 .......... ............ ..... . ........ r YPer to o;' "',I '"HEALTH. REPARTMM 7111M . ........... .. ... . ....... . . ...... ........ I,ecs,)ris, firms re-� names: W. F. Buth & Co., 7.50 The Andrew Sdhock Gro. Co., 3.55 St. Paul Drug Co., 14.00 25.15 A -I C. F. No. � a 242— Resolved, d, T t �-h -te.okf. b-a drawn: aapy : at ae.Health,Dept,'qment Fund..in f vor 0 the '011OWln"'s"'d persona, r . or corporatl0n. for Ih amountaat 0pIt. their.�apartjvs names: , F. Ruth & Co., $7.50: The Andrew SrhotkGro. Co.. $3-55; St. Paul Drug b, the Council June 22, ,tdpptedApp,ovea une 24,_= "one 241") Or 4 giral CITY 07 ST. PA,M, to ACCT,3NTIII;I'I r17-'AIR-;.Ir,'N'T City Clerk. CTAT��-y A-IjD!T-7D ,z� Council Fi ')T�- 1914 A- I ........bN . .......... By............................... ... Ci ty Comptroll r. Per ................................ Deru,y o C Finance; o:' —h "PLAYGROUM ACCT...-.GENERAL..YU1�.. 4 Board of Wates Commissioners, 38.50 St. Paul Lime & . Cement Co., 22.,25 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 2.80 Western Supply Co., 1.96 65.51 C. F. No. Re—l—d. That .�-ka be drawn up - B, t on the epartmen of Finance, PaY: able out of the -PlaY9IR.thd8f&.ct-_ General Fund" in faro , of he 11 lo a it l,g an -,d per n lrm.'Pr, ton , '... the mount at pp.. to their reap-tive na.— Board of water Cortmol-I—ara. $33.60; St. Paul Lim, & Cement Co.. $22.25: Vill.ume B.. & Lumber Co., $2.30: W cateru SupplY Co.. 0; g Adopted the Connell June 22. 1914. 9 1 4. Approved June 24. 1914. ,Jurd 27-1914) pte�d I-,." Di 1. Gos Kcc 11 Y 19.4 Keen.'ary ------ 0' President, Powers F. No. 244— Resolved, That checks be drawn Up - the Department of Finance, pay able o t f the • Public Baths Account- aneral Fund" In favor of the follow- , 8 named persona, firm. or orpora- I [Inns, for the amount net opposite lhel, respective names: J. H. Allen & Co.. $13',20; Field. ck & h $ M.Conv Ile, $289.21; A h P. nHer ch - ler, $74.10; Geo. C. Knlspel, $37.80; Chas. O. Krieger, $62.60; Walter N. Lowney Co.. $4.00: C. A. Rossbo, $16.00: - J. C. Vander Bie. $46.76; The Villaume Box & Lumber Co., $83.46. Adopted by the Councll June 22, 1914. Approved June 24, 1914. (June'27-1914) a ...._...._� Alopti i �.. il, r„ ;: C 1r ............... _....._.1914. Yeas �� :L I lf.." v '' i;'S Farr orth Gos^ IucCo11 0 Let r ~...__.._... 914 Yo<_ A e ........... 1 Rellie q aybt President, Pev:f, EAS b Li AA OriCir.al CITY Ge' ST. PAUL, to ACCGUMTING Dill PATM," NIT Cit;,•- Clerk. AUCIT'D CLAIS - 3i:5O_T,GTICII FOft1'.{ Cour:cil File ido ..........._.... _.............. i l �I ............._......... ;.... 1.`,.................... ............ C City Gc!c.;troll r. Per ----- ..._._....... ........ De-outy. �:��'iT?1 n14 E')>< Et C.-,•�::T/��.-��r,�.11lm,p':1��!.r D�,. Uf r]t9liriCe, D-�T IIPfJBL.4V ..JJM1A.H� �K4Y.UF[.F..17.F:lFY!'kFMM.ILlr.i!.N.......... ............._.. o", Ci .1•-: .: to°+ f. 1 :.• r _i �.,1•"on , firms Cl. Corp-. J. H. Allen & Co., 13.20 Field Schlick & Co., 25.63 Finch, Van Slyck & McConville; 289.21 A. P. Herschler, 74.10 37.80 Geo. C. Knispel, 62`50 Chas. 0. Krieger, Walter M. Lowney Co., 4.00 C. A. Rossbo, 15.00 46.75 J. C. Vander Bie, The Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 83.45 $ 651.64 F. No. 244— Resolved, That checks be drawn Up - the Department of Finance, pay able o t f the • Public Baths Account- aneral Fund" In favor of the follow- , 8 named persona, firm. or orpora- I [Inns, for the amount net opposite lhel, respective names: J. H. Allen & Co.. $13',20; Field. ck & h $ M.Conv Ile, $289.21; A h P. nHer ch - ler, $74.10; Geo. C. Knlspel, $37.80; Chas. O. Krieger, $62.60; Walter N. Lowney Co.. $4.00: C. A. Rossbo, $16.00: - J. C. Vander Bie. $46.76; The Villaume Box & Lumber Co., $83.46. Adopted by the Councll June 22, 1914. Approved June 24, 1914. (June'27-1914) a ...._...._� Alopti i �.. il, r„ ;: C 1r ............... _....._.1914. Yeas �� :L I lf.." v '' i;'S Farr orth Gos^ IucCo11 0 Let r ~...__.._... 914 Yo<_ A e ........... 1 Rellie q aybt President, Pev:f, 94Or 5 CITY G' ST. PAUL, 1)7 ACCGU: I j 1"o A Cnur,cil e 0 . ... . ... .. .. ........ ... ..... .. .... .... ... FY. ..... . ....... .. ... _e r o f F iJ Iifincc 1 v J QUARA�NT IN X. . AC.C.O.TLIT 02NMLU . ........ ... . ...... ',L,, ole irms 01-1z r,,,cctive names* Chicago, Milwaukee R St. Paul Ry. CO;, 10.01 A,Iopteft by t Yeas Fat s -worth Gos MCC,11 yo e J OIL -i"Y President,rPresident, Pollr> ............................ .. .................... .... . ..... . ..........._..1914 . ) Nay.", Ap�,I-q layor. -5.26 Oriental Laundry Co., St. Paul Drug Co.. _jj.11 48-78 C. F. X.. 245— • Resolved, That check, be drawn upr on the Department of Finance, pay- able out of the "Quarantine Account-, General Fund" In favor of the follow.,,, firma Ing us. ed persons, or corpora it.. .. mr the a -t opposite their respective .=. : Chicago. Milwauka".- St. Paul Ry. Co.. $10.01: Oriental Laundry Co., $5.26: St. Sir Paul Dr., C $33.51. by Council June 22. 1914. .1 PPrPved June 24. 1914. (J.— 27-19111 A,Iopteft by t Yeas Fat s -worth Gos MCC,11 yo e J OIL -i"Y President,rPresident, Pollr> ............................ .. .................... .... . ..... . ..........._..1914 . ) Nay.", Ap�,I-q layor. Or��` E, CITY OF ST. PAJL, iQi1;:�1 � � o ACCO U\TtEC, DEPARTM NT City Clerk. AODITFD CLAIVS - H`;5 'UTIO?I FOR} Council. File 140................................._............................_....... Audited?;..].�.i...... ..5�. 1914. / City Ccmptr'oll Deputy. Re solved, Lh,It Cl;e' :' c. ^ra n 111 ^r, th0 Det- rtmen', o'&Finanee, pay :bl e Cut. c f th- .._."MARKET ... MAINTFNANCF,_.A1C.CT...:1. 91RAL...EUIM."..................._.. .................._....... .....-......... r- fi Cr or the foi' vin:,; 1 sgr:ed persons, firms __ or Coro : aticnG, nr.. t .; tr.etr : e. pecti4e narces: for St. Paul Gas Light Co..- 1.00 Iup- nRthel`De T'me teofsFlnance.npaY- par able ut of the "Slorrkll \felntenunce .Arlt. -General Fund" In favor of he following aaked'persons. firma or c r- poratlons. for the amount set oPPoeite their respective names: SL Paul Gas Light... $ 1.00. - Adopted by the Counrll June 22. 1914. Approved 1914. une 24-1914) A -opf d bat -'n-. 2 --'"Cc I ........._........... ........................1914. l Y�ae ( e � Co- ICllnr.�rz I'ar, .swbr �h ' Goe1 MCC 11 Yoe -....._._ ...._._..1914. 0'L ,try Mr. President, P s S or�o4nal oIrr o7, ur' -PAoT-1 �o x�ocomrzyo DEPAnrrszr C I�r oze/�. cIAzcs - aueuLuTzox~Fnam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~� oouv^u File. No.-''----------_' � / Auuit.0 JUN18k� ---.e1«' _� By ��^ --- V/ ------------ Per..... ............. ....... -_______ De putr' D,,�,Rrtmcnt of Ficxo:e Nelson aPeterson, zo �� N. W. Fuel Co., nmzrx & Leunaup. | \ ' 186.22 � | -- ------ | of porat one, for their !r-pectiVe Adopted by the Council June 22, (June 27 1914) zoz«___ . x~ua / rtu , / /Go s Mc oil � . � v� urr rr �°- r. Mr. Pre =i.,I'.�'. i ^ 244 Original CITY OF ST. FA:1L, to ACCOUNTII:.J DEPARTILYNT City Clerk. AUDITED CLATVS - RESOLUTION FORM CouncilFile No...................................................................... Audited JUN.`?..0..19.14..........y .--- . X91?.�`ti;� By.................. ........ ........_......._....-.1��1�R-.G G .C. ._........ 0�) Per _.._..City CornptDeply. / Resolved, that cheek, be ';,.a'rn upon. the Derartm•jnt of Finance palrvble oa_it of th-"..SPFCIAI..ASSMSZ=T..CONST:W.QTI97... ACCOUPT-PA..INd -DALE; GRAND...T.O_.b'RoXT._.STa_r T •'r=' e i'�11 :ir n=.n;edi per-ons, firths or corperaticns, f h.' nmc:tu.t c_; ;a: _, Lett re„p_c.i 2 names: A. E. Ferries, k 5.00 C. F . No. 248— Resolved, That checks be drawn up- on the Department of Finance, pay - 31e out of the "Speclet assessment Construction Account Paving Date. Grand to Front St.” in favor of the following named persons, firms or cor- porations, for the amount Bet apposite their respective names: A. E. Ferris.. $5.00. Adopted by the Council June 22, 1914. Approved .Tune 24. 1914. (June 21-1914) C 3 by t Yeas ( `%) C tzr.,^ iL•i,�;z - /! F rns•ucrth" G ss Y Coll Y„ .rG 01 eary Ke ler Mr. President, Po.S N 1914. p.pn e:i. ._ .._....... ..._ ............ 1914. v... ^ ..r.C.ilsayor. r 241) Lex. to River, 1 or: ginal C1TY OF CT. ACCOUNTI'­'S to City ATT- FTED CLAIMS Fj-"SOLUTIGN FORY, Council File No. ... .. . .... .......... ...... .............. ............ Audit'.'f AUR.'.1119JA / I 1 914. t By..... ....... ...... . .. . - .. . ...................... C t r 0 Per.. . ..... .... .................... ... UT' 0 r" of Finance, ,9, b1eout of th�"-$PFCL ,jr.6- r.affa.,j r pel,sors, firms the.�r rc;irective or cnrp'raticr,s, fir 'Ie :�- - naines. c 1.95 Daily -Fraser Hdwe. Co., 2.20 Adam Decker Hdwe. CO-, 57.98 rlass�Bros. Lumber Co., 7.97 Murphy Transfer Co., Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co., 15.75 1.00 Perkins Mfg. CO-, 9.60 Raymer Hdwe. Co., 27-90 St. Paul Rubber Co., Standard Oil Co., 128.55 C. F. No. 2491- Resolved, That check. be dr. drawn p.p of rin.a u -Y- on the Det. Mi, , 1 .. r -e, --,be 0, ,me or o.,_ toowing named persona, r t, one, he r tamount set opposite uia � ­ I'se.: I i a Y- r, ser Hdwe. Co., $1.95; Adam Decker " Co., ;2.20; Glass Brea. Lumber $5 .9 ; by r. f.r Co..$7,97; hil elReading Coal Fr Ir 5. 7PerkinsMfg. 0 Y s Co. $. s d we 0 $ U St I I, p-1.1 ubbe 27. 0;; n G,Gd 0: Co... $4.20. Adopted by the C.um,11 June 22. 914 Approved June 24. 1914. (June 27.1914)_ A�opt­l by the CO`r;c . ... ... ..... .. . ..... ............... 1914. Nay.; Yea., CO Fa nswortA Gols Lc(oll 1914. A-) ed ------ 0' L� Iry Keler ... .. . .... .... Aayor. Mr. President, PDI, ih Origirtll 1)- CITY OF ST'. PAUL, to ACCOUNTIhG DEPARTIMENTi City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESCLUTION FOR`.{ CouncilFile, N q ...... ................. .........................•-............. _....... Audited ��.,:......_1.91T..._ ... ... 1914. `.----- By }A City Ccmptrrol er. Per..... . ........... ........ ........... ....... ........... ..... ....._........ De uty. . Reeolved, that '�r�'VArn npcn the Department of Finance, ont of th- ".SP-SCZAL_ASSESSMENT--CONSTRUCT-I-ON•-•ACCOUNV!--RAVI.1;9-' psyable r..._:•.�' -r of the r'ollowinn- i:,"med rel -sons, firms IITT-, ..IY...„...DALE...T9...SYNDICA'P� or corporations, for -i -t - o;_,f si :: to".r reynecti=�e names: Corrugated Bar Co., - 79.95 Daily -Fraser Hdwe. Co., 12.35 Adam Decker Hdwe. Co., 10.43 A. E. Ferri9s, 26.40 Raymer Hdwe. Co., 4.40 Standard Oil Co., 4.73 139.26 C.250- - Resolved, That checks be drawn up - the Department of Finance. pay- able out of the "Special Assessment Construction Account" -Paving Dniv. Dale to Syndicate, in favor of the fol- . Lowing named persons, it,.. or cor- porations, for the amount set opposlit their respective name.: Corrugated Bar Co.. 179.95:j.m Dolly- . Fraser e. Co. CO.,43 A. A eE. Ferri mise $26.40: Raymer Hdwe. Co.. $4.40: Stan- dard Oil Co.. 54.73. Adopted by the Council June 22 1914. Approved June 27 1914. .(June 27-1914) A • 1 A9cj:,°d tre r..,.„ :.:.......__........_....._..._._........................... -..1914. Yeas h Ccul c i I. ,I-II ; v.? _',E -B Far s -north Gos HoC 11 Yoe A�Lrr ed �... - ••-. ....... 0' L. ary y� Ke1 er _... ..,- . . '.Ir. President, Pot,V r,s C. F. No. 261— Raan1ved. That check, be drawn Ur - out of the •'Special Aeeeeament ......tion Account"—Paving Snell - Grand to University, in favor of following named persons, firma o poratlon., for the amount set oppor e their rZgpective names: \dam DeoTTct r Hdwe. Co.. $32.01: A. E. 98esl $6.60; Raymer Hdwe. Co.. , ; Snelling Hdws. Co.. 46 Cents; lshington Foundry Co.. $30.00. ldopted by the Council Tune 22. 4.' \pproved June 24, 1914., (June 2i-1914) AJopted tty the _Cn. hc; 1 .........._..................... 1914. Yeas ( ) Cour..ilmon Aays Farworth Goss McColl /�� AT._:,1 v 3 SX 1914. y 0'T�e r - Lor. Original CITY 0y ST. PAUL, ASC toOliP:TING P:1PART11,ENdT City Clerk. AUDITF^J TAIL'S - tFSOLOTIO.d FCR_( Ca--lncil File No _ ._..... : ).914. A,;d: ted _ .Q'OT4 l By(/li'jP ,,,, Ccc:ctrolle Per Pepllty. _ter �--...._ !"ne FlArce A.rr.COLTNT"-PAvINA. cit-- o- +h SPEC 1AL..AS SESSF-MRT GQ"TS UO'1'x4"� s, firms Sne 8, ... Grand-t.o...UniVi?: _;:: cf h: alt.,:;r.::; n,.r.e� .ce:so -llin their re5n*ective names: 32.01 Adam Decker Hdwe. Co., 6.6o A. E. Ferris,, 8.98 Raymer Rdwe. Co., .45 Snelling Hdwe. Co., 30_._00 Washington Foundry Co., 78.04 C. F. No. 261— Raan1ved. That check, be drawn Ur - out of the •'Special Aeeeeament ......tion Account"—Paving Snell - Grand to University, in favor of following named persons, firma o poratlon., for the amount set oppor e their rZgpective names: \dam DeoTTct r Hdwe. Co.. $32.01: A. E. 98esl $6.60; Raymer Hdwe. Co.. , ; Snelling Hdws. Co.. 46 Cents; lshington Foundry Co.. $30.00. ldopted by the Council Tune 22. 4.' \pproved June 24, 1914., (June 2i-1914) AJopted tty the _Cn. hc; 1 .........._..................... 1914. Yeas ( ) Cour..ilmon Aays Farworth Goss McColl /�� AT._:,1 v 3 SX 1914. y 0'T�e r - Lor. Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNT[Na DEPARTMENT City Clerk. A-jDlTED CLAIIIS - RESOLUTION FORM Ccunci-I .... .. ............... ......... .................. �t 1914. .... ............. F._1.P...1j.._A01$.....__6... Aiidited r 11 I city Comtr. Per .. .. ..... ........... ......................... ....... .... ...p.. Dol .. .... t3 Resolved, u, -:gin the Department of FinInce, VENT ptTNT"7;p.AV NG payable o, -it of the"S 144 -the' fo 11 owj!j._ n,,L�iej ...... . ...... persons, firms 1_0­M,�* .ZRQT.T.O.,2A1R-M0-UNT ...- -1 c)r corporations, fcr -_c, re.- ctive names: xr R. B. Whitacre* R. ---1- C. F. 252— Resolved. t checks be dr.— up- onathe Department .fFinance, OMY- 1. t of the Special AssessmentConst rneti.. cco, V—paving Grot- to.unt, to-' 'Is nod place. in air favor of the roI wirnad,per.00. forthe ftrms orcorporations. amoU i pp at It r sct,ve names: 're,p Adapted y the Council' June 21, 1914. Approved June 24. 1914. (June 27-1914) i b:,, th•. Cc, — C . .. .......191 .... ..... . . gs Goa. yogi.`Ick 11 Ap. -0 ed 1914. L y or. I e., i u n Pow, c Al C. F. No. Resolved, [ checks be the Department ofna Finance„ leout .'the .Lljlingme o vorof the following to 'h firms or corporatio, set opposite thelP..ti" II. f. n ame— t. PRDI L 1gh co."1112 Adopted by the oun-xQ ., 22, 1914. Approved juns 24, 1914 (June 27.191 ) '2 4 Aiopted by th' C)'7rci ...... . ....... 1914. Yeas Cou c 3 1 lnn lays Far sTorth Gos MCC 11 1914. sed .... .. ....... Yc- OIL Or i nal CTTY OT S7. FAA,, ACCGU,,:TTN,-, c L t'y C I e Y'17. AU!=F:) R ------------ Cnincil F Audit BY.............. .. ... ... .... ........ city C.m' ............. ropLi,ty. ................ ..... ....... ......... ....................... ... CC th, of tj-�,� peysor, firms !-e.:z,,)ecti-,,c names: 286.24 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Al C. F. No. Resolved, [ checks be the Department ofna Finance„ leout .'the .Lljlingme o vorof the following to 'h firms or corporatio, set opposite thelP..ti" II. f. n ame— t. PRDI L 1gh co."1112 Adopted by the oun-xQ ., 22, 1914. Approved juns 24, 1914 (June 27.191 ) '2 4 Aiopted by th' C)'7rci ...... . ....... 1914. Yeas Cou c 3 1 lnn lays Far sTorth Gos MCC 11 1914. sed .... .. ....... Yc- OIL originalCITY OF ST.`PAtJL, to `,:�- ACCOUNT_N: DEPAR'I yi.NT City Clerk. v P: DI':tiP CLAIMS - R.:30LUTION F03!.r. File No _..._........ r !� Council F�1_ �, .___....._ Audited f�l.i 1.......: ._........ 1;1 By City Cc>rptroll � Per .._....... . .... ..................... _........ ........... ..._..._......... Depu,y. A s^lce3, tizat ch:': -.k b- rabn i.i.,on the Department: oC Finance, pay .ble o,.it of th'.......".HU3MQ1M..HI.GH:.B.CHQQL..LIBRARY...AC_C.Qt=*-........... ............ -n favor of t' ^e roltcwin; n=.Wed rersons, firms or corporations, for ' iie a �.)_.r.t .- _..- opo_ -:its '-_Heir re.ipective names: Emporium Merc. Co., •�5 St. Paul Book k Stat. Co., 41.79 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Co., 10,24 _ 72.28 C. F. No. 254— Resolved, That checks be drawn up - the Department of Finance, pay- able out of the "Humboldt High School Library Account" In favor f the following nam dpersons, firms or corporation,, Tnr the mount set op- poafte their respective- names: LI Emporium B1erc:,.Co., 25 Cents: St. Paul Book 8:5tati_'Co., *41:79; Wright Barrett & Stilwell 'Co., $30.24. Adopted b5' the Council June 22, 1914. Approved June 24.1"ice (June 27.1914) O Aaont d r.; Yeats ( ) Cuu;ci!:.tn 1'a: r io9 'dcC 11 Yoc'C r'1 tr;• Origin31 �� } CTTY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOJ`ITIErs DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDI ^.D CLA1.1::5 - RESCLUTIC?_I FO:tIf Council File Nc.................. ........... ................ ........ ....... ...... ...... ' Audited . ).«!�_ .�)...�)4_........• ..:_ .. .................._ . 1914, By ........ ....... .......... ..._.....................fil/...-L%LL. �i� �► C_ty Comptroller Per..-...._ ....... .... ...................... .._........... ...__.._._.. De- Respite', h1 ^}; b- 9_c;r^ v n he nerartmen-, of F��i�rr��jnce, P 3v bio rn) of, tY "TFACH> RS_ TRAINI...... HOOL. iIBCC RARY A.... a r fray cr o; `c 1 r. named persons, firms 1 OICol•Pe:•FLt_o::s, ,r h.: .,,.-.1.),.. _ � ..,,.:.-:, - ,....,.r �. )active names: Thos. J. Case Co., 35.54 Daily -eraser Hdwe. Co., 5.40 41.04 Q. F. N.. 266— Resolved, That checks be drawn up - the Department of Finance, pay- able on, f the "Teachers Training School Library Account" In favor of _ Ch'following na d Pere..., eRrms .r p.ration., for the amount 'set peep- - site their respective names: Thos. J. Case Co., 336.64; Dally- Fraser Hdae. Co.. ,6.49. Adopted by the Council June 22, 1914. Approved June 24,1914. (June 27-1914) I AT':,','.' d )Y , �..�. -. 1 ....... .. ....._..1914. tl: ti Gos� ?.`cCnll ..... .... ...... _.....1914. 01 Lary I e e> ,/I�y:�21. �%7�Y%�:'•.ttiyor. Mr. President, Pe;a : s Y ......._..1914. it-as..ayc / _.;r, xortti .os MCC 11 / Y -, c.., .c 0'L ary Kel er Ir. President, Pow l's 0:-4 ginal CTTY 0+' ST. PAil"I ACCOUNTING DEPAATYEXT to r i City C1:31 -k. A'jr`rF.7 CLAPS - R S'TIC_I FORM CouncilF' 1� Nof ................_................ _............. _........... 914 1 914 . Aodi ted .l......_ ................. ............. By....... ................ _...... .......... ....._......_. —_..... City Comptroll r. J Per --..._...._ ................_ Density. � �,� n 1, p,e, t c g, -I ,` artment of Finance, lust, h`�r, h. L „i i.•:on...`he1;' .............................................. ....... payables. 7n`„ of tai ........_..."F.44..,Ii!.IND_. ... ........... ' r or of t11e fo7loavi_.?.ramed "erson , firms ........ _. _.... _... ........... or corporations, fe tl:elr rF„2ective games. 9.00 American Cone Co., 439.37 Crescent Creamery Co., 278.93 _ R. C. Jefferson, 30.60 Kuhl es & Stock Co., 58.85 N. W. Copper & Brass Co., Nicols, Dean & Gregg,42.23 t 1.81 F. Nusebaumer, Supt., 71.40 Rochester Germicide Co., 19.80 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., 3.16 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 49.19 St. Paul Electrb Plating Worics, 1,004.34 I C. F. Na. 266— Reedived, That check. be drawn up - an the Deparce 1 tment of Finan, pay- able out of the 'Park Fund” infavor a 'of the following named persons, firms or corporations. forthe amount at op- poAmericanr Co eeCoe S9UeeCreacen[j Creamery Co., $439.37; R. C. Jefferson, $278.93; Rubles & Stock . Co.. $30.60; N. N. Copper & Brasa Co., $68.86; NI—I.,Dean & Gregg, $42.236; 8F.I Nussbaumer, Supt.. $1.81; Rochester Germicide Co., $71.40; 9t. Pnul Lime & Cement Co., $39.80; St. Paul Gas Light Co., $3.16; St. Paul Electro Plating Works, $49.19. Adopted by the Council June 22.1 11914. -' Approved June 24. 1914. (June 27.1914) -__I o Y ......._..1914. it-as..ayc / _.;r, xortti .os MCC 11 / Y -, c.., .c 0'L ary Kel er Ir. President, Pow l's r Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPART?.MNT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM Council P• N Audited .....___..._:.........._....... By �. .. City Comptroll Per..----._._......._._ ................_._. ........__._._. P Y. Resolved, tha: checks be 9rn"M upon the Department of Finance, payable cut of tho ........! CENTR,AL..HIZR..SCHA.OL..LIBRARY...AC.CQTTRT."._...................... ........ ................................................. , in favor of the following named persons, firms or -'corporations, for the aamunt ret opposite their respective names: Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., >f�•�9 Daily -Fraser Hdwe. Co., �•�� The Elite Laundry Co., 4.52 G. A. Fairfield, 29.50 P. R. L. Hardenbergh & Co., 8.65 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 71.74 N. W. Copper & Brass Works, 2.00 Sischo & Beard,. 1.80 137.5 C. F. No, 267— I Resolved, That checks be drawn up - the Department of Finance, pay- _ able out of the "Central High School Library Account" In favor of the fol- lowing named persons, firm. or car poration.. for the amount set opposite their respective name.. Brown, Treaty & Sperry Co.. $16.86; Daily -Fraser Hdwe. Co., $2.19; The Bills Laundry Co., $4.62; G. A. Fair- , I"aid. E29.60; I' R. L.' Hardenbergh & Co.. $8.66; Noyes Bras. & Cutler, $71.74; -NW. Capper & Brass Works, $2.00; . Sischo & Heard, $I.80. Adopted by the Council June 22, 1914. Approved June 24,1914. (June 27-1914) Adopted by the Coi•nci .._.......... Yeas ( Cou cilmen 6 Par sworth Gos Mc ll Yoerg 011 ary Kel er Mr. President, Po krs ........ ............. --.......... ........ ..... _._.............. .............. ......... 1914. ( �; ) Nays App�d.~._......... ..... 1914. J I �y� Board F. Noembly F.__ ! Ir Assip. � � _ By _ Resolved, Thatthe,Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St.Poul be, and it hereby is directed to lay a water main on each of the following Streets and Avenues: "On Roy Street from St. Anthony to Shields"az-/ in accordance with the request of the Bomrd of Water Commissioners at its meeting held on June 22nd,1914. A Adopted by ]he o ......': ........191 5 iF.A$ NAYS, MR. FA ' SWORTH (/ Adopted by the Board o1 GO S tpd by the Assembly KE LER YE- M OLL NAYS ALU. BAIL: —it O' EARY Y RG HYC MON N.9 C, o No. 267%.—B,Y U. L Keller— _ WEBS) Resolved. Thnt the Board of Water Y' MVR ''" Cornmiseloners of the City of St Paul, Mt7R be, and it hereby Is directed to lay u water loulit on each of the following r fi oup streets and 'e i! Cn Roy trent 08 from St. Anthony :% RYA' Ave. to Shields Ave., In .,dance with the request of the Board of iYn-.� :.,. ter Cptnmissioners at Its meeting held on June 22nd, 1914. sr(E Adopted by the Council. Juno 23, '+a 191{ Il \pproved 24, �- .Iune 1614 NAYS O MR. PsL lltr T (MC COLLI- - z�-- `—/JG= ----mayor. " � y Board F. No.— Assembly F Resolved, Thatthe Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St.Psul be, and it hereby is directed to ley a water main on each of the following Streets and Avenues: GCS eY "On Roy Street from St. Anthony to Shielde"�/zsp/ in accordance With the request of the Board of Water Commissioners at its meeting held on June 22nd,1914. �l Adopted by the �oaFd o R TEAS ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING EDWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. L MURNANE, F. oBF.RG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCo LL) NMI, tedrUy,khe Assembly =-- 191--- NAYS MR. HAAS KANE MAHLE MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERO NAYS O AIR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) A ppro red _ ....__19� 7�— —_—Mayor. a +fi Q;hr Vatrr �Urpaxtmrnt of (3hr &b# of !�iaxiaVm X. OFFICES:2S EAST FIFTH STREET t VAS BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OFFICERS LOUI5 F. DOW. VI+cs�ac+- / GAR ETT O.HOUSE.G[rv[rv.l Suv[virr[xo[rr CARL P. DAHLBY.V—P.— � JOIICAULFIELD,G[rv[v.[Aov— ISAAC LED ERE. _ JOH C. FLANAGAN,S[cx[ — .ANS MADSO C. .0 ROWLEY.—Isrv.v HENRV H. HILLER Tune 22, 1 0 1 4. To the Honorable Counci 'PEE CITT 0^ SAINT r-ATIL, k' St. Paul, 1'innesota. Gentlemen; - The 3oard of Plater Co::missioners, at a meeting held this day, passed the followi.jg;resolution• '#Resolved, that the Councilr authorize the laying of a nater main on Roy street from St. Anthony to Shields." yours very truly, u/ Secretary. Original 215i3 CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Cit/ Clerk. -- AUDI TED-CLAIMS===RESOLUTIO'1 FORD====_______ -===em Council Fi e Naf _ Audited 'l'� J1�- --.-.-'__-•----.._._.1914. U City Comptroller. _.............--- Deputy. Per.._...._................... ll bdrawn upon the Dpnartmen- of F . in at3ce, pr;yf,ble nut of th".EAEL..ST..-..BRIDG&_AEEEDACH..I?�BOtIE)NT...ACCOL1DiT--"•.._.. ............................. - _„- in favcr of the following named persons, fit•ms o,• corporations, f^ . r he arnDinnt .et opposite their respective names: Geo. J, Grant Const. Co., Est. #3 and final, 3,977.00 T ss- Resolved. Dnt checks. be drawn u1t- the Department O[� Finance,,-,DSY- nbie Ot of the "fieri S4 Br1dg0^-`AD- proxce1h. lu'egtent''A<co¢nt'5 s�' a� o[. tee folYowmg arced' R dans or corporations. [or [tie amount ant oPDOsi[e (nett teapeetFge Paces: t:eo- J. Grant ConEt' and flna1. z3.4i7.00- Adopted D� the Council ;ttpe i. 14A' .approred ,June June Y:-1414/ _ Alplrrl hY t:}r, ro•.irr.; ...._....._.-_ .;'- '. - Ys•falt ( �) Cot cil1nen i ) 1Jtlylt Far smorth Gos - flSCG 11 . Yos J 01T .nry '1% 25�8 original C- CITY OF ST. PAUL, ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT to City Clerk. AUDITEDCLAIMSTH -_ RESOLUTION FOR-- - - --_--_-_a _ Council Fie NQ�,l- \ 1914. Audited iiLti..... _......._ By_. City Comptroller. Per.._._._._._........... ._......... .... .............. .------- Deputy. Resolved, 'hat, ctrac'•..; be 5rawn upon the De;'�artment of Fina .. pay:;ble out of the_"..EAR ..ST_..BRIDGE._AEPROACIL..IMP.RONMIMITT...ACCOLIDIT••"•..-rms _n favor of the following named persons, fi ...._._......_. o; corporations, f^r '.he amounteet opposite their respective names! Geo. J. Grant Const. Co., Est. #3 and final, 3,977•00: 0 C. e, No. 268— R solved. Th t eheeka be drawn 11) u the Departmentaneg':PaY- able out of the "Earl St. BrIMe;>:i1p-. P .0 o f the rfOlt in named pereo e, ,orOrme or orporfliton a. for the amount ae[ oppoelte their reapece .;names: f:eo. J. Grant Const. Co:p.:'17atr'No; 3 find final, ;8.977.00. Adopted by the Council 4.' 1914. d June 24. 1914. .{Ppro re ,June 27-1914) _ Aiopted by the Co7.)r,c;. .. ......_...._...._._._._............_.........._........1914. Yeas ( �) Co oilmen ( Nays Far is'ftorth �< Goa x A: ov 9 �0 '? ary� �- prim - 1117 1 1a Board F. No.-- Assembly F. No. —__ "By--------- Resolved, BY ---- Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 22nd, 1914, by and between Fielding & Shepley, Inc. and the City of St. Paul for furnish– ing curbing for paving Dale street from Aurora avenue to F�i'nt street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by the Ca imissimm.........,.:....:7.......191 P YEAS v Adopted by dte 13th, YEAS ALD.' TH NAYS, NAYS --I. P. va, zsaig RS R uh'ed. Thal lh t •t hen rinK \ t Tune '22nd. 1114 by d between l I Fielding A. Fhepley, I d Che. Clty f at Paul for fPrnlshing eurUl n); [or pnvl ri Dnle street from .kur.,a ave - c [o MranI street, be Rod the H au a hereby nPm•oved, n d. the Proper eil)' lY rrC a e au�od d directed to ale the samebehalf f the Ci - AdoPted by the Cuu Heil' .lune 22, 1 n 14. PPI - Y -d .lune 24. 1114. TROY ITune 27-1914) --.ApproYPl1—J:L NAY$O AI R. PRESIDENT (MC CDI,L)_Atayor. a 1 041opted by tpe�`�ssem6 191_r-_ . NAYS f I NAYS --I. P. va, zsaig RS R uh'ed. Thal lh t •t hen rinK \ t Tune '22nd. 1114 by d between l I Fielding A. Fhepley, I d Che. Clty f at Paul for fPrnlshing eurUl n); [or pnvl ri Dnle street from .kur.,a ave - c [o MranI street, be Rod the H au a hereby nPm•oved, n d. the Proper eil)' lY rrC a e au�od d directed to ale the samebehalf f the Ci - AdoPted by the Cuu Heil' .lune 22, 1 n 14. PPI - Y -d .lune 24. 1114. TROY ITune 27-1914) --.ApproYPl1—J:L NAY$O AI R. PRESIDENT (MC CDI,L)_Atayor. a F7 Board F. No. --- Assembly F. No.---- Resolved, o._— Resolved, That the contract, bearing date June 22nd, 1914, by and betv^een Fielding & Shepley, Inc. and the City of St. Paul for furnish– ing curbing for paving Dale street from Aurora avenue to Front street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by the ftm Y EAS Adopted by the Commoners.........,':.::..... I YEAS NAYS, V MR. FAP44SWORTH 191 w 1J �r ' � r ldopted My t)te f�ssenb fl,. tf. �.R J i '= I MONTGOMERY:'" P(IWERe SIURNANE, E. J. SANBORN AI URNANE, E. WARE OBENG _ YUERC RYAN NAPS 11 FIR. PRESIDENT (RUI.ER) s'r1EGER TROY A [JP(OVP — _ _ I9!/`..— NAYS U FIR. —.—ENT (WC -1)_ `— / ,-1/�..±tz�jja —6 yor. C `/ Original v 'G" CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM City Clerk. ====tee Council Fii>i�) Nc�.;f4._._........_...._....__...._--------------- .---- Audited..4�!'M-------------------- . ....... ..---------•- ......._..1914. 1 / City Comptrolle . _...._.........._...._._._.. Deput Per ....._._._._...._ ............._.. _ Resolved, that checks be drawn upon the Department of Fi ante, payable out of the ..!.JOHN... A._..JOHNSON_.HIOIL, BDHDD1. LIBRARY_.ACCO ............. in in favor of the following na`�ed persons, firms or corporations, for Lhe amount set opposite their respective names: Anderson Bros. Fuel Co., 24.88 Capital City Ice Co., 1.13 Crescent Creamery Co., 1.00 H. J. Ca.ulkins & Co., 11'/0 Emporium Mere. Co., 28.35 J. A. Mogrew, Sr., 70.45 Railroader Printing House, 22.75 A. I. Root Co., .75 The Andrew Schoch Groc. Co., 10.41 171.42 269— Ites a De That checks be .— up- i [h -e De partmenl of Finance, pay- 'oble out of the 'John nt Johnson HIgh.I School Library Account" In favor oP the following amed persona. firma orporations, for the amount aet ops- posits [M1e1, eape, ve names: AndeTeon Bros. Fuel Co., 324.88; Cap In41 Clty Ito Co., E1.13: Crescent' Creamery Co.. $l.00: H. J. Cxulklm, Fc �o..A$11.70: re v1,por Sri -2 370.45: Railroader F'.rinting Hones. $.75: A. 1. Root Co.. 75 Cents: The Andre w• Schoch. Groe. Co.. $1o.41: Adopted by the Council June 22. 1914. Approved June 24.1914. (June 27-1914) {f U3V Z2 iµ14 Adoptedby the Covnci l ........ ...... I ............. ......_...................... ..--............_...._............_......-..._.__..1914. Yeas ( ) Couicilmen ( G ) Nays Farsworth Gos ?jCC4 11 Yost (; Ap ved 0'L.ary - Ke l - e r 1k.?.. .. ..Mayor. Mr. President, Pow rs Board F. No__, 20) Assembly By- Resolved, y Resolved, That the plane and specifications for the St. Anthony Park pumping station, prepared at the request of the Board of Water Commissioners by the City Architect, under the direction of the Com- missioner of Parks, Playgrounde and.Public Buildings, herewith sub- mitted, be and the same hereby are approved and adopted, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed,to advertise for proposals for the erection and construction of said pumping station, as provided by the City Charter. Jt1P1 2.3 1914 Adopted by the �ailmifinu. . ., .........................191 I d Y x ns NAYS, i Adopted by the Board of A by the Assembly GO S � >. -- - MR. EA NSWORTH TEAS NAPS At... RAOM KE LER CORN f rHw, Mc LL HYLA MONa OL ARY MU0.T YO .G MORN onERi NAYS 0 MR. CH IRMAN (POWERS) RYJ i. 5'rIE6 TROY. 19T�c NAYS O MR. a ESIOEN-I' _ �I&y0i - - 1 9yV Board F. No.__ _ _ __ Assembly By Resolved, That the plane and specifications for the St: Anthony Park pumping station, prepared at the request of the Board of Plater Commissioners by the City Architect, under the direction of the Com- missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, herewith sub- mitted, be pied, and the Purchasing advertise for prop eels f )umpi, tatlon, as prl0ed� , a T Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the ASSembly —19]--- YEAS NAYS PEAS NAPS AI.D. BAUMESTER (•. F. No.260—Ry (). 1:, Kelirr— .MK HAAS "ext IT, ; a' the Diana and sPerlfl- Ctti.r. far •. .. CORNING EUWARDS t 11 Nt. :\nth.ny ttief'Rrk 'p—ping" at.tlon. DIPoo.ed at .- t of the HOH r•i of \Pater co_mis- Monera h>" the ('i ry- .A rc hl tett. unser BANE MAHLE HYLAND the dlreetlnrl of the ('ammiselOn Pr Of Pn s, Plxcgrounds and Pu bll. llulla- MICHAUH MONTGOMEftY . inr;a. here N'ith aubmif [eil. b. u d the POWERS MURNAN E, E. 1 ,su a hereby n ppro,rd ana adopted. -and hy n lth-11—Pll l' h.,, I i eetedent to iadv nfor' sANpoRN - tho, Ifor propOHala the erection and on- MURNANE, E. atrneti.. P Baia p—Orpin, Station. la a proYlded by the City Charter. WARE Op ERG Adopted by the Council Sun. 23. 1914. YOERG RYAN i :1pp,•aved June 24. 1914., S'r1EG ER (June 27-1914) ..: E. PRESIDENT ••� (KELLER) TROY A pprc,,,Cd -- ___191,4z_- NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) � ///�� :VIByOi. Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAVAS - RESOLUTION=j==========__= Council File No ................ ........._...._._...-- ........... Audited ..1LII�....v..._�......- 1... 1914. By ..................... ...... ....-._......d!�/:•t�%ld'• y..._.._. _ City Comptrolle �\ Per.._...._._._..........- - ......._.......- - - Deputy. Resolved, that checks be drawn upon the Department of FJnaneo, payable out of the _........ in favor of the following named persons, firms or corporations, for the amount set opposite their lrespettive names: H. Caldwell, 10.00 = Geo. N. Hillman, 34.20 g ' J. J. Kenna, 25.,00 John I. Levin, 281.70 Mae Pettigrew, 20.55 J. N. Hyker, 3.00 Western Union Telegraph Co., 1.08 375.53 C F. 260— Resplved, Thut checks be drawn up - n the Die artment of Finance. pAe- nble ou[ [ the "Legal Expense ?.c- at -General Fund" In favor o[ the following named persona, firms or Cur-. I,... ons, far the amount set oppo- site their respective names: I Caldwell. $10.00: Geo. N. Hillman, 534.20: 1, J. Kenna, 526.00: Sohn I. Levin. 8281.70; Slae' Pettigrew. $20.66: J. IN. Ryker, $3.00; Western Union' Telegraph Co.. $1.08. Adopted by the Council June 22. � 1014. Approved June4. 24. 2 7 -110 1141 �u�� M2 !sta Aloptedb:, the Cove ; 1...................._._...v....._...._............._.._._...........__._......................__._.....1914.. Yeas ( ) C unciimen ( /: ) Nays F; rnsworth G ss tz11 / _..1914. ApIqayyed u - 0' eary i:ci ter - -- 261 Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS-- RESOLUTION FORM _----------- Council F' N -- - o Audited ....._._,. 1914 -.._......._... -- _...._..1.,14. By City Comptrolle . Per ----------------- ............. ...................... •-•... Depu I Resolved, that cihects be drawn upon the Departm::nt cf Finance, \ — . payable out. of the "GROSS�ALKS_.ACCT...-LiZ3S�R.AL..-k1iNA."..... ............. ................ ........ ..... in favor of the following named persons, firms or corporations, f^r• rhe Get cpposite their respective names: St. Paul Cement Works, 419.50 CR. N,- 111That cheek. be dr.— up - n the nepartment of Finance. pay-' able t f the "Crpeawnike Aect.-Gen- eIn rHl Fund" in favor of the follot'on�. erred pr—ra, flae, or orpora for the mount [ ppo.ite their re c..pec[ive tne8: A pled by the C uncil1 aon'e 2,' Adopted by 1914' ( Approved June24, 227-1914) - F? JtIN142 !914 ---..._....1914. Adopttaby the Council................_._(........._._...._..Y..............._..._..._._._._._........._. Yeas ( � j ) Co ricilmen 0 ) Na s / Fa nssvorth Go s tic oil Yc rg Appr ve l0. ... :_. _ ......1914. 0' ary Kel er _ _ . _. ._..-1.1Alayor. Mr. President, ?o, -s 262 Original CITY Ob' ST. FA�'L, to T)F!)., ' RVZ!,'HT -warcil r : ':O- py. ....... Por .... .. r. 1BW'y FUND". fi'9 -9mes. 3.89 ,lock publishing Co.., G. Broes Van Dort Co., 11.70 9.83 Boston Book Co., Mrs. A. J. Burmingham, 7.96 3-50 Ennest Chandler, 6.00 W. T.Dyer Bros., 6.5o Leon Filipczak, 13.88 A. J. Franke, 2.40 Gaylord Bros., 2.25 Hairenik Press, Hi*ds, Noble & EldrIedge, 2.40 68.28 Lemoke & Buechneo 292-77 Library of Congress, 32-73 A. C. McClurg Co., Frank E, Morrison, 1 13.85 J. W. Nelson, 3.00 Perine Book Co., 53.50 Randall Co., Republican Publishing Co., 5.00 St. Paul Book . & Stationery Co., 756.115 6.4.0 Charles C. Smith, volkszeitung Printing Co., 124.00 31111 22 !914 Adopt_l by thn Cc,---ci ................. .............. --........._.......-.........1914. Coin c i n Far sworth Gos MCC 11 I Yoe g A p�qlved O'L a-ry ,el 7 er %yor. ILr. President,, P'vl rs I . ..... .................... ....... ... ........................... ........ ............ ffilg B Per..... ........................ . ..... ...... DePU ty. R, a 1 ved, r,, 7a. c f Fj nance, ible n_it of th. 41 ...................... ............ ..... . ................. ... ................................. ... f-, r :i lona, firms or coi,�craticn-, fr , �eir CC Ve r aMe,,3: Henry S. Wedelstaedt, -15.10 Waldorf Bindery co., 125.25 Goo. Wabr, 2.50 1,575.59 (!. F. No. 262— ,,Resolved. That checks be drawn pay- ablet he Denartment of Finar— pay- out of the "Library Fund" I "or of rt he 'Now ad pe (Ir.. or c.rp.r.,Io ".11. arced the se[ opposite their respect] amount 11 -'k Publishing CHooton' $ Is ;"'G7Bi*.c. .8., ,.In Dort Co', $11.70; Boston Book Co., $9.83; M11, A. J. Bu,,.l Ernest t Chandler. F6'0$13.88 ASM�%-k.V$1.11; ranks. $13.88; Gaylord B.. Eldredge, $2.40: Lemck. M" Hal renik Press, Hinds. f4. d $2.25; 1 Noble 28 & Bu-h.er. ; LbrIrY01 Congress. A, .Ciurp $M.11; ' rls.., ,dor $6.75. T. WIIjqI: Frank E. P.rizie Book Co„ $3.60; s Iflor. S13.85:,; $53.50; Republic— Pubitls'i'".,Z!, Co.,'7. 56.00; - MT: St. Paul Book & Stationery Co.. _"; Chnrles C. Smith. S k hung 'o' s- Wedel.tuedt. Henry E. Co.. $ 25 $,15.10; Waldorf Bindery ; 12" ; Gen. Wal igAdopted 1, ,. g. $2.60. 14. Y a ouncli June 22,� Approved June 24. 1914. 27-1914) JUM 2:2 1914 Adopt�'L by the C,D,--.o: . .. . .. . ................._..1914. Yeas COLI, Cil,.iien Far sworth GO S MCC 11 If c r� i, .............1914. pc i I Board F. No.- - ,d Assembly F. No,----- o._----BResolved, By---L- Resolved,That the compensation to be paid the judges and aVke of Election serving at the General Fall Election to be held November 3rd,1914,be fixed at Six Dollars and Twenty-five cents ($6.25, for each d*r actually served. .o- • • •' r...�j.'.:....19L Adopted by tom' • • . • • l 1 NAYS, 1' FAB MR. FARNSWORTH GOS Adopted by the Board of KEL ER ii by ha Assembly a - M.0 LL ,•EAS O'L RY NA,s ALI). BAUM, C.RNI YO G E D W,C NAYS 0 MR. CH IRMAN (POWERS) , NYS y MURK) J� v 'y •:; .BERG RYAN sTIEc� TROY .4pproved - __ NAYS . MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) 263 Board F.-Nm- o Assembly F. 70— By Br Resolved Tl ks of Election eervin1 i 1914,be fixed at F Six Do Uri x ly served. ,--".' 11 L tf} 00 d" x55<� C. F. No. 263-131 N. A. F.rn.Worth— Re.alved. Thnt the OMpenention to be pu ld the Judge..-I clerk. of elec- tion .er Ing t the Genet.] Fall Elec- tlon to be held November 3rd, 1914, be It tx TEC 26) oouneu ddayN eaatunily Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: ch .e Yed. Adopted by the Assembly. ' Adopted by lite Council dune 22, __._ ] 914. Appro led .Tune 24, 1914. TEAS ALD. BAUM EISTER CORNING (June 27-1914) NAYS PEAS N. NAIS HAAS.... _. _.... .. .. .. - BANE EDWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. A.LC MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN ' MURNANE. F. OBERG WARE _ YOERG RYAN STIEGER NAYS O MR. PRESIDEN"r (KELLER) TROY A ppro veli —191 NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (NI-1.1.) _ __. _„-Wayor. 42%3 City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. e Department of Law _...--.. _._._._._._-_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.__..._._._...-_...._._._._.__-_.---._.__-_-_-_._..__._- Accountin De art t - Bureau of Health Bureau of Corporation Cpounc� June 24, 1914 Council F le No. Date Presented June 24- 1914. ByB_......----._._......._-_.._.___._......_._._-_-_._._._-._.__.......__...._.---....-.._._._._._.__._._._•..---_-.-._� _._._._._-_._. Resolved, that '"'HEF-EAS, The following officers of the City have requisitioned the Purchasing Department for postage supplies, as follows: For the Accounting Department, Bureau of Health, 1,000 1¢ postal Cards; for the Department of Law, Corporation Council, 500 two -cent stamps, AND WHEREAS, The Comptroller has certified that there is sufficient money in the treasury of each of said departments to pay for the purchase price thereof; and whereas, said purchases cannot be made from the United States except for cash, and if made through a printer or dealer, will cost the City ten per cent more than tbey would if purchased from the Government; therefore, it is hereby RESOLVES, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized upon the consent to this.resolution by the Mayor and by himself, to draw his warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for the aggregate amount of said supplies, and to charge to each department its distrihutiva nortion thereof, and the Purchasing, A,Tnt is hereby ,authorized to purchase said supplies for cash obtained from said warrant; the said supplies to be insnected by the Comp- troller, and distributed to the various departments requisition- ing the same and their respective eceipte obtained therefor, ^'e hereby consent to the foregoing resolution. 6 Rau DI.L Yoe rg 011aary Mr. President, '" .^� •'�.�++.- �r-eectr"'nT9ala de art- ` theparch ° ,•ns. Asld'-garehaeee th'e %Vnitea stated) d IL .thaae-thraughj / APPro 1. 914. Mayor 0�' —��f Pusi,isxi;D_� - _ tQ 264 'U r Board F. No. - Assembly F. No.------- By o. -- --_— BY ---- Resolved, That thepneper city officers be and they are hereby authorized d directed to draw a warrant in favor of John I.Faricy,City Clerk in the sum of $25.00 payable out of the Miscellaneous Account of the Genl.Fund to.be used as a contingent account for express charges,postage on exchange ofmailing lists of city records etc. Adopted by the CommWmers...... �... .....191', YEAS NAYS, MR. FAR SWORTH COS KEL R Adopted by the Boars )% A/ MCC LL Spred by he ASsembly —191--- — i/( O'LE kRY YEAS ALD. BA YOE ZG N— CC ED t1Y W NAYS 0 MR. CH 1RblAAN (POWERS) T q 09 RY.... NAYS O Mlt. PRESIDENT (KELLER) STIEC.EK TROY Appro /�//- 2 Le — , NAYS MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) _ __ favor, ozrr OF -S?. PAUL, oEPenruoor OF RuC0000-czrr CLERK, exr ROLL rEsoLnrzoN' Original. |-'- ~~~-~~=~~=~~==~-~~~.-~~~~=~~~~~=~=~~===~~~~~~~=~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~-~~~~-- non^oo File No. -`-- ` _^----'_ Audited ___�r�y__,+_ ,yz4. 01�v '---'---_-�'_--------_'�^ ~ / City Comptroller. Resolved, that a warrant be dr�izn upon the Departm.ent of Finance, y~^~~^^ out - -the �'------��-,��m�on� �,r �c ��uuucn for ��e sum in favorz u A. `rc"vr, ' " . -- S. ' of ollarn (0}588.o6 > to »or the persons named in the p" ^.^^ of said ........ ............ ......... .............. ......... ...................... .............. '.... .... ^..... ..................................... -.... ........ .... --............ -------------_-_------_ in pnrm"u� or suzurr and xnmnanaatiuu '� said persons r"r their re°neotue aarmua rendered uoriuu_the�____ 4uu9_15 ,. zyzu. Adopted by the l� 2� 5\� zoz« c� --_=_�__________________. , Yeas ( / ) ~o ( ` / Nays Far uz __ ` ""^ . loor cry ur. r,°"iu°"t. p"°°�" Board F. No._ ------ Assemb 3r F. By-- Resolved, ThatIN °1°i f }r F_ . F ro, 265—BY Vit. .ontrnca used°In ggq���666((( 13 Resolved, That the a d P Balt filler to s be phalt York street. Case tree[ ab n' Ipavin5 rded to Jo Jr or hle t4eretorhalC Weetmina[er treat be IdW 1t: Asp t aker.11o W1hR Prtces 19.60 Per ton. the roE,. O. a St. R 1' bait F. O. 8.. St. filler, Refined ASD I Paul. at f19.60 Per [Council Sone 22. .Adopted by the Board of AI( Adopted by the j ,y the Assembly 1914- owed June t7-1914) ADD[' 22 1914 YEAS Adopted by the tBB1k6icWs..... • • • • • • • • • • ' • • ' • • • . • ..191 NAPS ALD. BAUMEISi - CORNING EASNAys, Y EDWARDS NYLANDIE MR. FAR 4SWORTH Q MONTOOM MURNAN� GOS MURNANE, OBERG / KEL ER RYAN � MoC LL STIECER TROY aLl ARY 191/ NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (A1C( YOrl G yi9 POT. NAYS 0 MR. C IRMAN (POWERS) ,`65 Board F. No._ r Assemb By--- -- — Resolved, That loll r Adel v bly } O MR. PRESIDENT (RELLER) NAYS Approved���NAY _ - �J L(J✓�'/`__Ala vor. RTIEC ER NAPS 81 MR "I bENT(MC COLL) J '•'^• rt""S ALD. BAO Me CORNING EDWARDR MAHLE k HYLAND MICI AO. MONTGOMERY -% POWERS i'OW ERS .—ANE, E. J. J SAN B00.N ' - MURNANE, F. OBF.0.G J WARE �YOERG RYAN } O MR. PRESIDENT (RELLER) NAYS Approved���NAY _ - �J L(J✓�'/`__Ala vor. RTIEC ER NATROY MR "I bENT(MC COLL) CITY OF ST. PAUL,_ 26+ DEPART11ENT OF, RECORDS -CITY CLERX, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. CouncilFile No. ................ ............ ................. .... .... ...... .. Audited ........... ..: :.... f.. 1914. J1F(i"' .... %jr..... � � � f c By....._..........................._.................._....-y.._...._.�-...- .7 ... City Comptroller./ Resolved, that a warrant be dramm p] n the .De '1. rtment of Finance, out of the _.., i��........_.-.._.......-._...._............... payable ................. y in favor of S. A. F-=rnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of.-.............................................................. _..................._............................. Dollars ($ 14,4137.66 ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ........................................... •-- ..... ---............... _. ........... _. _.........----- in payment of salary and compensation of said persons for their respective services rendered during the pkrintL...J.vne...la .. 9...�T1A1A�... 5a-....._--.... 1914. Adopted by the Cour.ci.. ............ Yeas ( ) Cou ilmen Par worth Goss McCo 1 Yoer O' Le ry Mr. President, Powe s ........................ (- ) Nays, l.11 1 .............. _........ 1914. Ao ed ...... _...._.._........x..1914. .... ..,. • ........... .'�Ejzol ayor. b 266 ' Board F. No.—^___ Assembly F. 'No._—_ / By Resolved, That the bond of John I . Fariey, ee Secratory of the Bator Board, City of St. Paul, in the sum of Ten Thousand Do:. ars, be and the same is hereby approved. ..,'4 I . Adopted by the Losam6sionws.....t...: YEAS NAYS, MR. FASWORTH GO KE ER Me LL +; O'L ARY it Adopted by the Roard oti YO RG thy the Assembly NAYS 0 MR. C IRMAN (POWERS) --19]-- NAYS V EAS S q' C. F. Nc. 266— y S. A. Farnsworth ALD. HAVld Resolved. That the bond of John 1j Farley, as Secretary t the Wate CORN {-, Board. City Of St. Paul. In the sum of .. Ten Thousand Dollars, be and the some ED;YA le hereby approved. Adopted bx the. Council June 22, y`a' HYLA MON7 _1914• Approved June 24,1914. (June 24-1914) MURNANE, E. J. SANBORN MURNANE, F. WARE OBERC - _ YOERC RYAN STI ECER NAYS O MR. i•RESIDENT (KELLER) TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MECOLL) `/�/f �//1/1 CITY OF ST. PAUL, A6' DEPARTMENT OF REC6ORDS-CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File No. ... .............. ....... _.........._...._...._ -. Audited ....i.l',..:........----.. '.:`......... ... 1914. C � By........_._._._......._.-..._...-_--------.-._..-.... .. _........_._._..f. .. City Comptroller./ Resolved, that a warrant be dra,,%,n upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the ".SPEC...-ASSES.SMENT-.-.0014BT....ACCT..-PAY.....SUUAJtIT,.I.F1C.--TO RIVER in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Corrmiss'rOof Finance, for the sum of exLt4Y't C..e.h na.�Qa...eightY.,-Pour.- ................... Dollars ($2384.63 ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ... . ............. ................................... .......................... _....... ---...................... _....... ............--._.........._._._.. - .._...._...._..... .._._._...._...._............................................ _.............. in payment of salary and compensation of said persons for their resFective services rendered during the period-- June _,let , to June_.151.......... 1914. Adopted by the//Coujos ............. Yeas ( G ) lmen oeth y Mr. President, !JPI ",s ':3. 4 _. _._... ...... _.... _ ..............1914. ( ) Nays A proved... ...1914. v .lYl +............ .. ,fayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY BOLL RESOLUTION. Original. 26 Council File No. --..•.... . -------------------------- Audited 1914. By ---------------- ............. City - - - Co - mp - tro-1-- - 1 - I - e -- rV.... Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the Deptitrtment cf Finan`6e, payable out of the in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commij7joner of Finance, for the sum of F1r-Jtx!tt.WQ..-h=drQ.d 0 ......... Dollars 5286.01 to pay the persons named in the pay roll. of said .............. . .... ..... I ...... ....... .. ........... ................. ............. :* .......................... * * * ......... . .................. .......................... in -cayment of salary and compensation of said persons fcr -.heir respective services rendered during the ... June 1.5 ......... ...... 2914. -41 Adopted by the Council ........... . .. Yeas Cuno I I en FL-ns..Tth G ss M M Coll Y erg LOI,gary r Mr. President, Powers ........ .... 1914. Nays oved _._._._..1914. a y o r CITY OF ST. PAUL, 268 DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File r... iPra 2 , is 3 ...�_...._... --..__._...._..- ---- Audited .........---•---.•---...._._........._.. ._._.... _ .19I4. By--..._._._...._....-..._....-......................................._..----........ City Commptroller Resolved, that a warrant be dravin upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the ".8._..A.....C....:ACCT.-P9V.ING.IIIdIY.....AV..,$YNIlZCAT&.TA....C.._.L. in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of .S.i,xieen.1mrdret1...nine.t4Y....and... 3711.Si(i....-.-_-.-.--Dollars (8 1690.37 ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said .......... .... ................. ....... ....... ...."................. ................. ......................... ...................... ..... .._................ ........._...._.___...._._._........... ... .................... .............................................. _.... _..... in payment of salary and compensation of said persons fir .heir res,,ective services rendered during the period._JUne-.-let.._to June lZ� __._ ..... 1914. C Adopted by theovr:cil ............... Yeas ( 6) Cou oilmen Far sworth Gos MCC 11 Yoe g 0'L ary r Mr. President, Pow rs nin . 1914. ( ✓ ) Nays _.. .... _..1914. 0 _... _...._........... ....01%ayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CUI�Z, PAY RFSOLUTION. Original. CouncilFile No. .............. . IT,— ............................ ............. Audited ........... . ...... ......... ..... 1914. By........ ..................... . ........... ........... City Comptroll r. that a warrant be drawn upon the De_partment of Finance ,.Resolved, IPUN payable out Of the for the sum in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, of 174.15 to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said .... ............. ............ .. . .. . ................ . ................... ................................_...._..........-• ... a and compensation mp e n sation . ... . ..... I .......... ..... .......................... ....................... ... in payment of salary the of said persons for their respective services rendered during S..-...---------- 1914. Adopted by the Council ............................ . .. ................. 1...._..........................._._.-.. .. . .... Yeas C ncilmen Nays FErnsworth G(ss McColl Ycerg ed .. .... ........ ... . ..... 1914. OLeary ' Irm yor. Mr. President, P,wers I 27.0 CITY OF ST. PAUL, DERA*FNT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERX, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File No . •........... I ................ .................. Audited . .. ..... ........... 1914. �T W-6 ---------- . ........ By ------- city Comptroller Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the Department of F-Inanc A=QM:�!,GF--NHRAL "'FUND" for the . .......... um payable out of the in favor of S. A. Farnsworth Commi-sioner of Finance, f ' ' �d Of ....-Two-hundmeli ............... . :n.= -Dollars 225.30 to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ..... . .......... ...... .......... ....... ......... o fsalary and c o m r, e nsa t i o n in J�aym�nt .. . ...................... ..................................... of said persons for their res-,,ective services rendered during the _Ju.n.e. 1 ....... 1914. 9 Adopted by the COVI--c I . ......... .. . * ....... ..... ­ ......... . .... . .............. ... Yeas Co ncilmen Nays Fainsworth 0, o S Me oll Yo g 14. of ar ! Lsgly P. or. Mr. President, P ow r s 4� t JL CITY ,OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTMENT CP RECORDS-CiTY CLEM", PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File No. ................... ..... .. .............. Audited ......... iliLl'i ...,yr3....... .... I....t �! C � �- 1914. By.. ............ . ............. City Comptr6llef. Resolved,,,that a warrant be drawn upon the I)epartment of Finance payable out of the ..!!.STMMT ... ........ Al. A in favor of S. A. Farn9wortb, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of Far-ty.:?-ftight ... -' -.-Dollars (0 48.00-' to pay the persons named in the. pay roll of said ........... . ........... .. ........................ ................. ...... ....................... .. .......... ... I., ..... . .......... ....... ... i n payment of salary and compensation . c .. f ­. s .. aj .. d ­ persons . .. . .. .. . ...- f . c .. ­ .. . r their .. . r pective services rendered during the period -June -..let,. inkq.d.­ jg U -!!j to1914. Adoptel by the Council ............... Yeas C." cilmen Farlsworth Gos� HcC)1l Yoerg 011.ary Mr. President, Posers .. ................. ...... 1914. Nays 1 14. App • , yor. ° CITY OF ST. PAUL, rtbllufl., DEPARTUENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. original. Council File No,U�...�•-•r'#fi.S...._...._............._,_.......-- 1914. Audited - ----......_--•--......... ................... .... Zollr_.. By --.................... ..................... ._._.. City Comptroller?. Resolved, that a warrant be dras¢n upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the........_......._........... --•"-.C�0$SV➢NaT�$_.,?a.G.C.9.L1N.�.-GF,NERAL .------_._"......._....... in favor of S. A. F3rnE�worth, Commissioner of Finance, for �the sum of .Six-.hundr-ed...Ynr_tg....nine..and...�9�1.�Q...-+.r.. --Dollars ($ 649./0' ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said 6yq,�u ........... ir. payment of ealary and compensation of said pe.recns for their r-s[.ect`_ve services rendered during the period -_June let to June l�a _ 1914. Adoptedby the COur.cil... ....... ........... ..... ...... .---................_....--........ --.............. ...... .................. x.914. Yeas ( ) Cou ilmen ( } Nays Far sworth Goy 'JCC 11 Yoe g �r 1914. 0'L ary A o ed .._...._ ....._........ ----_. Ile - Mr. President, Powe s _.. ayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL, MPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERFj PAY BOLL RESOLUTIA Original.. Council File No . ............ ....... ......... ... .......... .. ........ ......... ........... .... 1914. Audited ............... _3441 _25 ........... By.... ............... ........ .. ............................ City*_ Comptroller-/-" Resolved, that alwarrant be drawn upon the Department of Fin:,., l payableOUT, Of the ........ ........... ....... F=.* .... .. .................... ......................... in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of ..DzLe hundr.ed twenty.n.three -Dollars ($ 123-00 to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said . ....... .. .. ...... .. ............................... . . . ..... ...... .......................... ­­ ...... .... .. ........ .......... _-•------•---......--- . ..................... fn payment of Falary and compensation of said persons for their respective services rendered during the ...... 1914. Adoptedby the Council ........... ...... .. ......... ........ ...... .a..............................._.1914. Yeas z ) Councilmen Nays L Farnsworth Goss McColl YoerE O'LeAry App, 6 1914. ayor. Mr. President, Powe s CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION: Original. CouncilFile No. ........ .............. ....................... _.................. Audited ._..,._..... 1 a,', ... .p_ ._ 1914: City Comptroller Resolved, artment of Finance, that a warrant be drawn upon the Dep payable out rf the _"STAELT... _ .19k.8._k A�.-Akffi.S•F--SE P, REPAIRS. in favor of S. A. Fsrnsmerth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of .....Two-,hundred...fift3!'eaxaXl...and_.2f110.O.-.---Dollars ($257.26 ) to pay the persons named in ,he pay roll o)' -laid ..................................... .................................. ...... in ;_aym!-nt of sala,y and compensation or said persons for t}-.eir resF%cct1914sej,vicas rendered during the period...dune_.lzt...ta_.dune...15........ ...... ,a 14 .1914. Adopted by the Gotr.;ci l ..... .... ..... ....._........ .........._._......... .... _.................. _.............. _................. . Yeae ( ) Cou cilmen ( ) Nays Far sNorth Gos MCC 1 Yoar �_.yor. 914. O,Le ry A d ........_ r Mr. President, Powe s CITY OF ST. PAUL, 275 DEPARTMENT OF RECCaDS-CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. U -..'y Original. ------------- Council File No. ........ . ........................... Audited I By........................... ........................ City Comptroller Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the Department of Finance,, payable out of the ....................... ... 1-1 ............ in favor of S. A. FRrnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum ofF.ciur-...hundr.ed...e.i4eaty..!!zix..arLd..-62/-1.00 ... ($ 486.62 to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said .. ................................. .. ........... 1� ..................... ............ ....... .......................... . ......................... ..... .. . ............. . .... . ............. . .. ........ .............. . ........ ................................................. . ........ in -payment of salary and compensation of said persons for their rei3pective services rendered during the ............... 1914. Adopted by the Council ............... Yeas O Cou oilmen Far sworth Gos, McC 11 Yoe 0 , Le ry IL Mr. President, Powe s Powe S 6 1 41- j"in 1.214 ImT..l......_......- ...........................1914. Nays - A.. ........... t ]ep�r. Alop`ed by the Council .....-. .. ..............................1914. , i ....................._......_......._._... "L. Yeas ( ) C uneilmen ( ) Nays Fa nsworth ✓ Go s Mc 11 Yoe g 0'L ary ed ....... ..... ..... _ ._........ 1914.. e Mr. President, Pow rs _._.._ .... _ yor. i alb CITY OF ZT\. PAUL, ewn„t,p. DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS-CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL`RESOLUTION. „ Original. .._....-.---_.--_--------._..__------ _------. CouncilFile No ........... .---------------------------------------------------- Audited..” ...... .............. Audited. By City Comptroller Resolved, that a warrent be drawn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the ......... .................. ............. .".3PRINI2IN0...AOOS2TRIT.".-•--....-..._...._._...._........._-- in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of...T.hr-ee-..hundre.d..flf.tysfi.va...and_.90f..1.00.-.-.-rpollars ($ 355.90 ) to pay the persons named in the hay roll of said ...... .............. _................ ............. I.... ........... .... .............................. ................ _................. ........ .................................................. in .payment of salary and compensation of sail ersons for their respective ser-ic-as rendered during the per iod---une..ls.t. to. June lZx _..... 1914. Alop`ed by the Council .....-. .. ..............................1914. , i ....................._......_......._._... "L. Yeas ( ) C uneilmen ( ) Nays Fa nsworth ✓ Go s Mc 11 Yoe g 0'L ary ed ....... ..... ..... _ ._........ 1914.. e Mr. President, Pow rs _._.._ .... _ yor. � I I 1 ' 277 CITY 09 ST.'PAUL, i DIEPARTMENT C)j,(1\RECORDS-CITY CLERK-, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File No. ... ...... I .............. ........... ........ ....... .... - 19 , 14. Audited ...... By ... .. ..... . ....................................City ............... .............. ................... - City Comptroller. Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the D6partment of Finan, payable out of the .....!.CITY-.DUMP..AC.COUNT!nGEMERAL..Y.MM!---•----------_._..-----•-------------- in favor of S. A. F..:trns,,,jorth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum o f ..Two -Dollars ($234.00 -,o pay the persons named in the pay roll of said . .............................. ...... .............................................. . ............. ..... in payment of salary and compensation o .. f s .. a . i .. d e .. r . s .. c . ns for . .. t .. h . e .. 1 - i, pective Services rendered during the 1914. Adopted by the C 0 PC'. L 1 Yeas )1)6ounlilmen Far Worth a.sT "r C! 11 Y,9 O'L ry r Mr. President, Powe s J. 1J 1914. ... .. ....... ................. . . Nays 1914. Apj2q.v4d y 0 r CITY OF ST, PAUL, tid DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original., Council File No. %, .......... .. .................... ... ....... Audited . ......... By. ........ ..... .. ....... ... ..... ..... .... (k_.-. ­ City Comp Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the Ax_. -P AVI ITO j M!44M. ........... in fav - or of S. A. Farnsworth Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of T!M..)1W'9x!jeA..ten "d 2_5 0d--.*...._ . . .......... ........... ?� ............. -- --------- Dollars ($ 210.25 - to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ... ........ .... i ............. .. ........... I—— ................. ....................... ­­ .................. I .. ................... ........_..I........................ . ...... : --------- ------ ­.... .............. ........... . ...... .......... . .......................... in paym-nt of qalary and compensation of said pereccns f. -,r -heir respective services rendered during the PRX1.0-4-1.ung 10t..A.9j�m ... 1914. Adopt -d by the Co,jncil ..................... .. .... ................. Yeas Coun ilmen Nays Far worth jGos Mc C 11 Yde O'L ary Mr. President, Pow 5 I rl ............. . .......... ..................-_..1914 . Appriro ...... ....... 1914. . ........ yor. CITY OF S1. PAUL, _ DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CIT I Y CLERH, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council�ile �To.- ..... ................ ............................... ......... Audited .......... 1914. ........... By ..... ........................ ............ ......... C .. ity Comptroller . , - Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the Department of Finance payable out of the ST-_..GRAKD-.AV.—T.O 1M '. ..3T. in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of VjX1,e,=..1iundrejd thir:ty.-fjour..,and...83/.l.QQ?--Dollars ($ 1534.83 .o pay the persons named in the pay roll of said .............. . I .................. I ............................... ...................... ...... ...... ............................. ................ -.­­­-'-­'-'­­*** ------------ .............. . .. ...................................... I ....... . ........... in payment of salary and compensation of said persons for their respective services rendered during the 5a......_..... 1914. Adopted by the Council ......... .... Yeas Counilmen Farn worth Goss McColl YON. O'L,�ry K-e+itT— Mr. President, Polne �-q .................................. . .................. . .. 1914. 67 Nays A ed or. 279 i \ , 280 CITY OF ST. PAUL,. P�bll.ti- DEPARTMENT, OF' RECORDS -CI -TY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION, uo�Ko„ Original. CouncilFile Nd . .............................._.'...._......._...._._._..... Audited 1914. - •--••--�•- -- ' City Comptroller Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the Department o Finance, �' payable out of the .$.r....As... .+...Ax.'P.AVING...C�E�Q.T..' .._$ .. .A I3A�QU)3� _xQ._LITJ.!�[ii.OD� in favor of S. A. F+rns;;orth Commissioner of Finance, fo the sum of Six hundred... th;rty...and._.49%-tAA---.-- Dsaidrs (s 630 40 ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of ................................ ...... .............. ............ ......... ....._._.....n T.,. _..... . alar ani com ensation in,raym=nt of y p of said persons for their re::cective services ren9ered during the period...June...lat.-..t o.....Tune...l5.. .......... 1914. Adoptedby the Co—ci 1 ......... ...... ............................................... ..... ........ ..........1914. Yeas ( / ) Counc amen ( ) Nays Farnsworth Goss McCol Yoerg 1914, O'Lea y A d .... ...... �e31er or, Mr. President, Powers ..... _... _ v . _ ..-•-•%� CITY OF ST. PAUL, Publlnbne DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. - ........................................... Council File .No . ............ �31914 . Audited ........... _ .... ,1.U�1...25........---../�.. ...��f�. By .._._._........:._ .......... ...... .......... ..... ._....... C.._...._._............ City Comptr 11er. 9 Resolved, that a warrant be dra^in upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the .............. ........ SNGINERLIIG�_.hNSGTz.QN..AC4.S)TIS_......................... in favor of S. A. F.arns.sorth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of ..Nine-.hundre4...fif.ty-Rjr�ksSb+.-.—Dollars 0959.00 ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ..................._............_._......._............................ ...................... _...... __......... -................:..........................................._.............. in rayment of salary and compensation of said persons for their respective services rendered during the p.esiad..t.o_.May...'j0,..._._........... 1914. Adopted by the Co,;rci .._-....._-- Yeas (C ) Cou cilmen Far sworth Gos McCo 1 Yoe O'Le ry K Mr. President, Powe s ........ ....I ...................... . --........._........................_................_..1914 . ( �, ) Nays Ap� ed ..... .. - x._.1914. 98 1 Board F. No.— Assembly o. Assembly F. No._ By Resolved, That H14 el License No. 2 issued to Mrs.A.E.Werd et. No.753 Mississippi street be and is hereby transferred to G.T.Palmer .at the awns location. ) f.' Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: -- —191 -- YEAS NAYS ALH. RAUMEISTER CORNING EDWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MURNANE, F. OBERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) Adopted by the Assembly -- — - - ---191--- YEAS NAYS MR. HAAS KANE MAHLE MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN WARE Y'OERG NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) Approved — ----191— ___ Al ayor. 9 CITY LICENSE City Cary Troo.. R� FOR HOTEL, RESTAURANT, CAFE, LUNCH ROOM No OR ROOMING HOUSE State of Minnesota, l C;ty d St. Paal. ) WEE f .............._ .............................. G.0 o h,e City Treasurer, as has paid the sum of FI ''F, O L S. � n med the required by Orctinanc of th, itl of S u7, a d as p erf T re- quirements necessary or ob ining t is Li 'e se iu the same. given.having been said b ItCo m s .e n il, p r i sio is //140•-•�Y�t (�.�. _.._to +Y. o du t a, .. �'rt,.�....._...... .... at Na.. ...... St. sem. in said .i q, from the date of this i License until��ICT//'.�Zy_. Lsslr.ed at the City o St. Paul, this'l.._ r7ay of.... .... _...... ._+..... ✓7: D. 191 . .......... .. ... . Gry Cls:4. W_i� C. C. L. No. 6. Void without City eal. Board F. No.—___--___.-- Aasembly F. No .7. _ By I2eselved;- WHEREAS, Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 2, McLain's Reservation, Drake's Re -arrangement, being an addition to the City of St. Paul, originally acquired for school purposes, are not used therefor and are not required for use therefor, either now or in the future, as far as can at present be seen; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Epduoation be and he is hereby authorized to solicit and receive proposals for the purchase of said property, and when in his judgment a fair price -has been offered for same, to report such offer to the Council for its action thereon'. Adopted by the Bo� Q i YEAS ALD. NAYS O MN. Adoptedd by t ions ..........................191 YEAS MR. FARiNSWORTH Neve., a GO S MA OLL O•I ARY Y RG NAYS 0 MR. ' IRMAN (POWERS) ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING E.DWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MURNANE, F. oBERG RVAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) MR. HAAS RANE ti+�v MaHLE Board. F. No. ------------ MICHADU Assembly P. No. By_ 021 POWERS tureuse asfaras eant at presenbe seen; wil, WARE Drake's Re originally yoeftc are not re as can at PRESIDENT (KELLER� RESOD authorizefi —191 property, t i a-. , to r,� Mayor,.. t> , Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: ' TEAS NAYS PEAS ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING E.DWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MURNANE, F. oBERG RVAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) i a Reservation, r of St. Paul, therefor and the future, as far e and he is hereby purchase of said i been offered for ) ion thereon. �J Adopted by the Assembly C. R No. 283 -By Anthony Yoerg— MR. HAAS RANE J MaHLE i a Reservation, r of St. Paul, therefor and the future, as far e and he is hereby purchase of said i been offered for ) ion thereon. �J Adopted by the Assembly C. R No. 283 -By Anthony Yoerg— MR. HAAS RANE Whereas,., Lots 27. 23, 29 and30, l MaHLE Re-arra,ngim ent,s beings an l addt nk"to the City Of SC- YDOI,-' Originally aC- MICHADU qulred for school. purpose.. are not used therefor and 'e: nOf reQOhed for'., therefor. either the tu- POWERS tureuse asfaras eant at presenbe seen; SANBORN therefore, be It Resolved, That the ,Commissioner 0[ WARE is hereby author- 13"U" soh be '"Ind 's lzed to eollelt and receive prop""," Iwh a yoeftc nh inpIIIB'judgmenf 1P." `b hue been offered' for Same, to report such offer to the COO nell for Its notion 4 PRESIDENT (KELLER� there— June Adopted by the Council 1914. —191 ;24 Approved June M, 1914. ` (June 27-1914) - (1 Mayor,.. Board F. membly F. No. t � By Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he 'is hereby authorized and directed to construct crosswalks of brick at the fol- lowing locations, to -wit: Earl street on the east side, across Margaret street; Earl street on the east side, across Beech street; Earl street on the east side, across Reaney street; Earl street on the east side, across Fifth street; Forest street on the west side, across Margaret street; Margaret street on the north side, across Forest street; and to charge the expense of constructing the same to the Crosswalks Fund, 01 24 '2A .191 ers Adopted by the_Cornmissiotf ......................... i YEASNAYS, Adopted by the Board of Alderm, ej Assembly MR. FA NSWORTH GO S YEAS NAVS Ym 1 ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING i ED WA0.D9 j-`.0 NYLAND O'LE RY 'l MONTGOMERr Ali M•UNNANE, E.% YOE LG MURNANE, F.i. ORERGNAYS 0 MR. CH IRMAN (POWERS) RYAN STIEGER + - TROY 191 u NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (M.. Mayor. H Board F No. ,_,— Ass etnblr� syr Resolved, That Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: YEAS ALD. 5 BAUMEISTER CORNING EDWARD$ NYLAND MONTGOMERY /} MURNANE, E. J. -1/ MURNANE, F. OBERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) t is hereby s{j he fol— Wit; set; Crosswalks i l a i :i Adopted by the Assembly Goes— ' Public, Wo That the .he Is a rebs of thoriz Works dl and he le hereby nu- _191 -- thorised d ibricted to construct. rosswalk t a[ brisk at the following IOCACrl te-w n: NAYS Ear] etreet On the east elle, across Margaret etreet.' Earl etreet oncr . the aide, a s. IAs Beech etreat. Earl street on the east side, serosa VE Reaney streef, Earl street on the east aide, across RULE Fifth etreet. , Forest street on the west ,aide, D,DAun ....... rose Margnret etreet. - 1 cMetreet on the north side, ncroae Forost .etreat, and to chargo )wERs .. the oxpenr of con ling the same, to the eswniks Fund. - -INBORN 1 - Adopted by. the Council June 24. 1934. 'ARE Approved June 24. 1914. (June 27-1914) _DERG NAYS O AIR. PRESIDENT (REELER) ) Ap ro 191Cl-u 7f _ cMayor. - Board F. No.—._'__ ' -- Assembly F. ]No.--- By o. By Resolved, That the plane for a bridge or viaduct over Marshall avenue, filed with the Commissioner of Public Works by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, for the purpose of carrying the tracks of said Railway Company over said avenue, are hereby approved, and said Railway Company is hereby authorized and empower- ed to construct and maintain the said bridge or viaduct according to said plane, over said avenue, upon the following terms and con- ditions, to -wit; o 1.-. Said Railway C s all begin the construction of said bridge or viaduct wit B� days after the passage, approv and publication of this olut on. 2. The said Railway Company shall at night during the main- tenance of said bridge or viaduct, instal and maintain at its ow cost and expense, litghts on the piers of said bridge, in the roa - way, of a kind and character and sufficiency satisfactory to and to be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works. 3. The said Railway Company shall, within ten days after the passage, approval and publication of this resolution, file its acceptance hereof in ^,citing, and of all the terms and conditions hereof, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Attorney. t JU"d QA9'Q'A Adopted by the Bo YEAS ALO. SSf NAYS 0 MR. PRE Adopted by the Commissioners...... 6..... YEAS NAYS, 4- MR. FARNSWORTH NAYS 0 191 Adopted by the Assembly NwY3 GOSS IFS` McCOLL (/ O'LEARY v YOERG v MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) Board F. No. -- - - Assembly F. No: By Resolved, That the plane for a bridge or viaduct over Marshall avenue, filed with the Commissioner of Public Works by the Chicajo, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, for the purpose of carrying .the tracks of said U11AW4 Company over said avenue, are hereby approved;, ani aa4<A .Ra•t 4vv Coimariy ie hereby authorized and empower- ed to , s '`" 'br'idge or viaduct according to s -'ng terms and con- diti, t F iiuction of said bri eag.e, approval and�, :LA � 1 u Cj}713 die main— o r"its own tenah O cost .. he road- t r, way, o a> a to and to beihafter the TT le its accepts conditions hereof, qtr �orney. rj t Adopted by the Bq - A'dopted by the Assembly _-- C. F. No. 266—By M. N. Goes— Feeolved. That the plan. for a YEAS bridge OY Viaduct over Marshall av- NAYS nue, filed. with the -Commissioner of ALD. BAUMEISTER ;Pbblic Works by the Chicago, Mllwau- MR. HAAS I kes & SL Paul Railway Company, for CORNING .the purpose of carrying the tracks of j Bald Railway Company over said ave- BANE EDWARp3 � nue, are hereby pproved, and aid Railway Company la hereby aytb-Iced MAHLE HYLAND and empowered to construct and mal.- ' taln the said bridge or ybulm,t accord- MICHAUD Ing to an Id plana, -over Said avenue, MONTGOMERY pon the f.11 'Ing terms 'and' COn- I POWERS & Id It,ons, to-wit: _. ` i, M.RNANE, E. J. 1. Said Rall way Company, sha)l I be. i SANHORN gin the Construction Of said bridge or t MURNANE, F. viaduct within Slaty (60)) daysatter 2 WARE [he passage, approval and publfcatImt ODER. of this resolution. . 2. The. said Railway „Company Shall YoERG RYAN at. W,ht during the maintepnnce lot ls¢lIf bridge or viaduct, laetall maintain d- maintain at its own', c.at and exp¢nsei MR. PRESIDENT REELER STIEGER ;lights the piers^of saidbridga In ( ) the roadway, of a kind and character: i TROY nd sufficiency Satisfactory to'an(1 oto'. G be pproved y the Commissioner of IP.Id. orka t NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MC C.LL) 2• The se id. RBliway, "Company hail, within teu_days after .the pass- Mayor. 'i age,,.approDal and md,llcatlan bf this y .�f resolytlon, file Its acceptattpe Thereof h�In writing, and of all the LBrm8and x; conditions hereat, ..In a form to. be ny- Proved by the Corporation Attorney. �`P'T,r�lirD �( / Adopted by the Connell Jun 24, 1414. ,f Approved June 24. 1914. �'` (June 27,1914) rp.. .[(l8N [. F.�BIOY,Arse Ocva• CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY OLERK'6 OFFICE June 23rd, 1914. Hon. 0. Y.. 01I4eili, C9rponation Attorney, City. Dear Sir;— The Council at its meeting held this date laid over one day, the matter of acting on the etteched communication from the C.P. W. relative to approving or rejecting the plans for theMershall Ave. bridge, which are hereto attachgd, and requested that you draw ug proper form of resolution. Sours truly, John I. Faricy, City Clerk. L. � _ 6 ° CITY OF SAINT PAUL - O. —.11—TJOHN RKYLEYB JOHN—URNS June 23rd, 19'14 WILLIAM J.GIBERSON Y Wl i j HOS.—HCMEEK IN To the Council. Gentlemen:- Pursuant to instructions, I have drafted a resolution accepting and approving the plans submitted by the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company fora bridge over Marshall ave- nue, and herewith transmit the same. Yours t F Ca po ion Attorney I ; r 'IV L M. N. GOSS CO,NOSSIONER PUELIC N'ORRE - CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OSCAR CI.AUSSI:n I,.— ENGINEER � June 22, 1914. TO THE COUNCIL, City of' St. Paul. Gentlemen: The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. some time ago was called upon by the former Council to construct a bridge -over and across Marshall Ave. so that when the time comes for paving this street, there would be no d91ay. The Railway-Comrany agreed to build this bridge and submitted tentative plans, through the City Engineer's office, to the Common Council. These -plans were first submitted to the Assembly and were approved by that body, but when they came to the Board of Aldermen;they were rejected, I now recommend that the present Council take such action as they may deem advisable. Yours very truly, Commiseianer of Public Works. "REAS�KASTE HOL2 ,HAS. C��\H PSTENHOL]. NORTHWESTERN OISTI FOR ALL GOODS INCEPEND%NT MANO nff2Qe��➢n®➢us�q�uue�'July 1st, 1914. M. N. Goss, Commissioner or Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs- As a property owner on Yarshall Ave. I am heartily in favor of the plans that were approved by the Cmuncil at a recent meeting for the construction of the new Marshall Ave. R. R. Bridge. I have taken an interest in this matter and think that the Bridge that was approved is very appropriate and think that it will be a mistake to construct any other kind of Bridge other than that approved. The plans as approved are very appropriate and in my judgment is for the good of all concerned. Yo rs truly, I.ICOLLET 192]. i.0 ENTER 3363. '.CH OFFICE NO AVENUE N. IS., N... The enclosed clipping from to -day's zn=ti hicfi WOO, Pioneer Press is rather misleading. I. for one, of the interested "otw°? it-; com7 property owners wish to take exception to the lastparagraph. s eua P y P our �s_r t The property owners in my vicinity are unaminous in demanding that a - the Railroad Company be compelled to bridge the entire width of the (the R. R. 00.) street. Naturally they^ desire to have as small an opening as possible as that means money saved for them. Your Honorable Body would do well to "make haste slowly" on this proposition. As soon as Marshall Avenue is paved through to the River bridge it will be—oome the main artery between the residence dis- tricts of St. Paul & Minneapolis . Look into the future, and plan to care for the increased traffic the years will surely bring. A bridge similiar to the new Earl Street bridge ( Steel Girders covered frith stucco cement) ,;would make a neat appearance -nd be durable My proposition is that the I)ridge be laid out so as to have NO PIERS ,in the street, or driveway, placing them between the sidewalk and the-?,..,, driveway. Leave the driveway the present width., 52 feet, place the piers facing on the curb line and this leaves a small span of 24 feet on each side between the piers and abutments. Trusting that you may be able to make arrangements for a bridge which will be acceptable to all parties inte-rested and which will not be an eye sore to our growing city I am, Yours truly,,- /� ,� HENRY'A. LYON CIVIL ENGINEER 1665 MARSHALL AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. Jul;- 2r,:. , : , 1 D 1 � - To the (,it,- 'J0U3-,3i1, -paul Gent r. The 8-,jcjO.--3e3 cli. to -d,_;; 'S Pioneer 7cress is _..t:_er Disler -dingy. -01- one, of ' C, interested nroP rt e r s i!4, to t -`e exce,,tioi-. to ` ie 'last The oviners in m- Vi3-njt.­ rre uria!lir,011s ill be to 1t�_V entire Of t21e Street. o hE-'e "s Fs ,-c,-:tiib1e aullinutti.. 11111 be I o, cin •ritten e.a.il.atl.n D]. be S�JVed '(-r at I J,11;;`ARGUE CASE WITH MICOLL ,-s t"I.-t IneEns, '?our Hon)rsolo B,),ly wo",­! lo ;eT3_ to 'ma'I-e is ste on thio Paul Road Attorneys Try to l t­ld Change His Stand concerning All rositior— 2 '3-011 L!3 Marshall Avenue Bridge• t `,et�,.,een lis- 'AND Tir t,' --e it ;ill be-3o.me PT -ter t1,- res"-,I'Len-,e road, e -felled vILh T1 lest tri(;ts 4 L)o7l- i7. to ",It tOslant] -a YCl II y-terch— 4.1 W till, bridg, h ."I" ar,hall :1--o l—d—ly. mx"Ii --t, the bridge to span. r e in-, epsed tri710 t` the "I'.1e stye rt. It ­., ­J;,,d upon Mr. McColl that 1,k)"If ­­- bridged it e e ili .1 , d hard'hup upon the NJ r. M, C,fll ­,., told that thy uppo- - t ti,,siti-11, to til-I r1lith. 0 St �3 t e I L, i d e tt t' d- RECRIP c: bet S_.:0. it t"'. " '_rive, Laz��ve- rs cing or, �.,Iqrb line �),j e, -v c p, o e on e c p 1) e t e e n ",ie 1, i f s a itmen'. ras b", a Tran_:•'of i•., to .._I t 1. CI t j o n e 3 re to D t T t 237 City of Bt.Paul •Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof --------- _..._...._...._.-._._..._.............................. __.�__._.-._._. Bureauof......P.WMArg------------------------------------------------------------ r-._._.-._._._..._.-._._._ ------- ..-- ��-� CccaaaO cocaC vv IDIDaccva IDvav Saava¢caca c0 vavcm as Ccv acacacc3Cv¢vaIDa9®96iO Council File No. ....._._ .._._....-...•_.•.•-•. Date Presented .._._.dnna_.25_._..1914. By.._....... _...........�..._._... p._._._._._._...._._._._.-•-•--_._._._._._._...._._._...._...._._._._._._._._•_-_.-._...._._._._._.-._._._._.. Resolved, that the grade of Eva St. from. Florida St. to Indiana Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Yorks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council ..-._.-._...._--._._..___._..._._._...._._.fes ._._a. ___ ..._...._...._:_._..1914. Yeas ( ) Counc lmen C. F. No. 847—By 11. N. G,"e f liesolved, That the grade o[ Nvn St'. Earn worth from Florida 6t. Co Indian¢ Ave., n accordance with, the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as re-: �os com ended- by the Commlesloner of Publi Works, be and the eamo le he, 'by rtopted the eetabl'lehed grade.' / Ad pled by the Coun it June 26.. ML•C �� 1914. Approved un y 1893- ', (July4-1814) Yoe / C [ L Kell Mayor Mr. President, Powe s City of Bt.Paul 288 Council Resolution - General form. Pubiic Works .,_,_•_•_._._._._.__.__. ............. _... _._..•. Department of -Construction & Repairs xxBureau Of--- ._._._.__.__._._._._._._.__._...._..._.___._._._--------------- nsvaaaoaoaamavaaac=vmomma=aasm=vaaaaaa=vaav�v'avavoaaaa=amamavavmommam ----+-A June 25, 1914 914. Resolved, that Commissioner of Public works be and is hereby ordered to oause the following improvements to be made: Brick alley crossing on Gaultier St., west side, beginning; 119.75 ft. south of Sherburne Ave., thence south 16 ft. Brick alley crossing on the north Bide of Geranium St., beginning t 123 ft. west of Edgerton St., thence vest 16 ft. Brick alley crossing on_the west side of Cypress St., beginning 126 ft. north of Margaret St., thence north 16 ft. Cement block alley crossing on the north side of Breda St., beginning 120 ft. east of Snelling Ave., thence east 20 ft. Crosswalk of cec.ent blocks on the west side of Warwick Ave., across St. Clair St. Crosswalk of cement blocks on the west side of Pascal Ave., across Grand Ave. Crosswalk of cei-ent blocks on the east side of Lexington Ave. across Fairmount Ave. Crosswalk of cement blocks on the east Bide of Albemarle St., across Wayzata St. Cement block crosswalk on the north side of Reaney St. across Cypress S Crosswalks of brick on Earl St., both sides, across Wells St. Crosswalk of brick on the north side of Burns Ave., across Hester St. Crosswalk of brick on the west side of Walter St., across Indiana Ave. Crosswalk of brick on the west side of i:iendota St., across Case St. Crosswalk of brick on the north side of Geranium St.:Across Mendota St._ Crosswalk of brick on the north side of Robert St., across Capitol Heights; also on the east side of Capitol Heights across Arch St. Crosswalks of cement blocks on Roblyn Ave., north side, across Temple Court; also Roblyn Ave., both sides, across Finn Ave. Crosswalks of cement blocks on Geranium St., both aides, `across Gaultier St..; also Gaultier St., both sides, across Geranium St. Crosswalks of brick on Greenwood Ave., weal side, across Robie St.; also on Clinton Ave., east side, across Robie St. Crosswalks of brick on Page St., north side, across Ottawa Ave.; also on Ottawa Ave., west side, across Page St. Crosswalks of brick on Weide Ave., east side, across Geranium St.; also Arcade St., east side, across Maryland St. Crosswalks of brick on Earl St., both sides, across Rose St.; Flandreau St., east side, across Harveste4 Ave.; Ross St., both sides, across Earl St. Crosswalks of brick at the following locations: Pleasant Ave., south side, across Western Ave. Garfield Ave., west side, across Ramsey St. Victoria St., east side, across Jefferson Ave. St. Clair St., north side, across Pleasant Ave. Pleasant Ave., south side, across St. Clair St. Osceola Ave., west side, across Pleasant Ave. Pleasant Ave., south side, across St. Albans St. St. Clair St., north side, across Toronto Ave. �,ebscer St., east side, across iUohigan St. Banfil St., south side, across Richmond St. RichLond St., both Bides, across Banfil St. St. Clair St., south side, across Nugent St. Nugent 'St., east side, across St. Clair St. Western Ave., east side, across Emma St. Crosswalk of brick on the north.side of tater St., across Starkey St. tadw•1x:rass>ew.s.a.�.�o-:,...........:�..,,...,,rs .....�a�w.,ru;. ,::;H.u...,..an.� �:+-^_ C ! F. No. "-38-13v M. N. C �1U- , erd. Thal Comn lnslmua of Public \\'orks he and Is he Aeby ri',,d to calls, lhr W11.W1ua imp"." nta to i�P'maae: 11ttl;rick alley c .sing r n Gau itier St.. west aide. begin Hing I19.75 ft. south oC Sherburne AV,.. thence11snuth 16 ft. Itrick alley o -in • , the t orth Ide oI Geraniun, St.. beginning 123 It. est nP Edgerton St., thence west 16 ft. Ibbl, Alley c .sing on the west side of Cool— St., rbeginning 126 ft. north Sarre to be charg or �i:u'garet Sc. then,,, Dorm let[. Cr�nenl bloci< aIle)' a .sing o the `i north side of Breda St, beglnniug a i' Adopted by .the Council t. east of SuetIto_ A, .. tnencn east �.jz=:_.: _...._._ ..._..1914. 20 rt side o oof c ent blocks on the esstt aide f \l'arw•Ick .\ve., across S[. r�OUn i1m Chir St, r$ Yeas � � �/ Cru •alk or cement blocks the Mr. President, rst side of Pascal Ace_ V. -.se Grand ave. SWO e Crosswalk of cement blocke allthe Fa nst side of Lexington Ave.. across Falr,nou nt :1ve. Crosswalk of t ent blocks an the Go es, side of Albemarle St., ac, oss \\'x)'- z:tta Sl. Cement block 'alk the de ea Orth tilof Rj y Mo 11 / YOV9 of ft ary lers ler Mr. President, A _ _ 14. Mayor Palun3;li0 l puu''1I71?l .r.l L t'u, I] luawu)xdY 3 r121u1H,•I 1131 11 'Y 1 Il, 1\ 11 V1 YR Y vuuV d ala, l :1 all t-ldv11 x aI II.t .Lti .LY\lfllJ\-Los "INN } a. 7 94-04) I ! 3olltl 'sLI1.NV {I •�.. �..I U]1I1Wa1tIuY h1 tulae' du iDuan 21 •--� a U.- ILa ' tOJ H Sal 41 .7 ala F1 17noJ a4o In 1 isDano 13no0 Plne 70 a41 ,pj au,vd . y0 1 u yl 161 o)aq '14 V NaolO,o lC lu '4161 •(lgf F J )o uUP la1, °41 '6u PeanZ u0 ole o1Plp y . Pius • - )o Iluw'uu oa 'oo) 1'no0 ka„.. t ]uaso7d aq i �1ggl Pal alias. eno4H b. - .lin+ ,A a41 ]D41 anl2 a4land I 13oh e 3 _ Dlaa #.-plaa4S aa'a :'�p.�R"�§'.� •,(luno,' Saewv3l )o Puv Ja2I T1aN�OVN,1NaOPa 41 69 pal.47 5 olluw'Uuoa u d 7nloegn °1 k Dios u 1 sS •.(7 n 0 ,(aawv]1 Plea . paaQ 7o alel2all ayl Jo .171 P-1 Y S a41 u{ P'ooa' I. Pun ,IU go lw'a41 P lnld °41 01 2n1 o7oU-1 'vlo.auuoeu lned '1S 7a •(al0 a4i 1 uo{Ull a 1x ]lagil3s ul (t[) uaaleno ' l8t) uS (ry S puv. (yi) anal' -I lomat .IIN-gl 1 • '-s�' rio'Dinail'vd .(luno) -101 s Pa41—.1 3j '1ur^3 Ra.wel; PI.H U{ 19-118 -191- 1 r•„43j.�..P u u1'aa ]Dui 'Dln2u1. Puv 118 h 0i 7H '/16T .•(Inf ' -• ,„ )o .cDP 414t 41 uo•1'.Clunaa Plea 1 _ 'laa'le u0 �� lned 7S J• y, u{ 'vpa0 d, 0 11110 I'll.,i'no0 � 6 . p ue aenofl agituo'a [ C luo'1 a47 iu 4e a . lI. y1 0] auv'7ua ' o aoPP14 l.ay2o4 41 0l Ilas Pau al 707 ° Ilia+ .od�,d 041 7u1 lua 1 aa7aJa7 Pa lu lode• - .(q puu -dn .(InP '.(]u n0� Plus to Ii13a,ln' 1) U- I '.luvPuoJaP id°7,i,.-- _'spunda43 .I 1 " aq1 gi lya',lullu, u,.. iG 1.18 LWOa . , f '° yul., ) aql ull'una 7x '..,l i,•v lira L'uu aux a,fui N:•1 A7 �. uv,u N..l u>.D3 '4+r'42i f .H box u-- l ulu"^1•t 'u vwN.l ': - ulu+vl ti1)au.2 ay akl "r r�i afl u FI vuoduS �: P•l 94x-4 u Pun •''` -uo I°I. Iiul.l Pun xia;l :PIIV :°11.9 'N vn•.i Puv N3uw,iv,1\ ” y:^� i a14 'N7 vwlivh\ y 7oPoa4.L 'o7vwl ua A>u a•xv ytluew PUD wl'ulnld >I,l tl11: a I:•3 'll nau PlS'npwl n, 14 ' Puv N3 °luulle Pun "'f N3 N Iua, 1•kj :pungxU4 4 41�wS 'tl ]Ial7apa73 put _ 41I•uS 'V aua'C o13au 4a°I4nt uu 4TG7`. o uo PDw {a' 41 •c9{4 Jo .iDP y19Z �I 17no7 P{us 7o lap Dol 7uun.'nd p .� 1161 'ga'e1Q Jo S.p µ38Z "I uo 'v7o a -u11¢ to .1.113 p»uH-a H to .Ctun `! '3a I77BIQ I.I.lpnr Pu ... 8 a41 03 1'now:,;y SQ 301a3sQ III - u ua7alua SInP uolill ...,. ; v vd ) UO11a9 1 luaw2Pn( o] I— s7nd 1943 11n12 xq... q 11 aa(loN ci dq 'NOIZISlIVd NI �'IVS ' �3 W8 e�P (4—Dl0 a,.qo, 1° IeaSt a •-al.go'd 1. 2pnf :. •3'I'IIZVH o o ' :'an a44 rig 1 • 116T )o 6Dp µ10T III41 InHd '75 le po1HQ 'dluno0 Pl.. ul p.9 palul'd '.d.d.mau 1.2.1 --a In.d 7S a,,, ui .11ae.a anis...on I aa7g1 7o) $aaa yo.a u{ aauo 7 to sin,`g 2u{4.1Iq gl1bg37od 64 'am -a Pi ul polsa'alui .uo.'ad 1— ollp.l'4. (1H 03 uan12 aq 2ua'uay 4ons )o o` -a. l.qZ 'pa7aP7o ' 417-3 .I jr Puv _ Same to be charged to Crosswalk fund. ._-� �`---•.•• —»—_..1914. Adopted by the Council __._._..._ -r_._._.....-_:_-_._._._ �.___-' Yeas ( ) Coin limen ( .' )Nays 1, "worth y Mo 11 / YOV9 of ft ary lers ler Mr. President, A _ _ 14. Mayor -1 Office of Commissioner of Public Works June. _24.,................ 191.....4• TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. Y'✓1 UL : The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved....____....June.....19.,...19.14., relative to the construction of a brick alley crossing on Gaultier nest side, beginning 119.75 feet south of Sherburne Ave., thence south 16 feet. e~ and, having investigated the proposed improvement__, respectfully reports that said improvement is........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. ....... .... ........ ... ............ _........ Co iss ner of Public Works. Coulll'11 File NO.. .... .p PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construoti1. ng a.._brick.._alley.._orosang....on....('aa]t1er......5.4.et.,.-........... west side, baginn_ing.__119,75.._fee1.,._§940.,_0,f.....Sborx urz>t.0 Avon=.--thence south16 feet....................... ........_.._.._..............._........_......._.... _..... ...... ...._.._..:.. .. __.................. .. Dated this .._.____ .;PtAay of.._.. .T11718,_ .......-7..f�G,... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vir..:_...;F'Onstr1mUng r a brick alleq crossing on Gaultier_ Street",.__creat._aide.,.,,_ba@nF.lAg.:..__. 119.75 feet south_ of.._Sherburn®_ggen4e,.._tibence..aouth..16_..feet.._ _...__ ... ...._... _ ... ..__... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._...._......................... _-............................... _............... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. ..To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. R.' To furnish a plan, profile.or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the folIONving Other data and information relative to said improvement:__.____ ;..___......_.__. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of tllftre^oing,,n}atters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........_....._.._.........._........................ _....191._...._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Cy' Goss Approved....._.._...:...'..._._......_y.�.................191_..._.. Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg................................_........ ................ ........... ... -Mayor Powers r Office • of Commissioner of Public Works June. 99 ................1911. TO THE �COUN*L OF THE CITY OF ST. P✓1 UL : The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the�City of St. Paul, approved..._.............June..,19.,.._1914., relative to the construction of a brick alley crossing on the north side of Geranium St., beginning 123 feet west of Edgerton St., thence west 16 feet. 6 1 3 and, having investigated the proposed improvement.._, respectfully reports i that said improvement is.... ..... ........ ....... necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. Co i inner of Pblic Works. I I Council File PROPO$AL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ Con.a.truR ..z1 .._a....br.±ok.._a.11e..icr.nnming.._-on _the ....r.orth Bicta..._af.... ...... _... .. Gex iniv�,; Streets__ b. �.g� z i.ng ...1N fffet_..4apn.t_ _Of.....Ed.gerton _Ztreet.,. thonoe ..eat 15.._faQt,.... Dated this Pt?1'_._day of Juno-... __, .... ...191..._4. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A writton proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_.P,.a ......._._...._EL.._ef.._ince.x211.1tIl1..... 'It'.::.;u:i,..,._......._....__.... y1.3e.rton Stmee t.,_...t1la�jle ._:aaat _.1:;._.la t... ........................................_......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......._........_.._........._.._....._.....__.................... ..... ......: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other (lata and iuforauition relative to said imp rovement:._- 5. -To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' Q Adopted by the Council..._...._.. _`..y.__' �...._...._.................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved......... J�Ft__614_ .._._ _...... 19I_....... Keller - McColl O'Leary Yoerg�/ C .................... 11layor Powers Office of Commissioner of Public Works ...............June. _2.4.x ................ 191..._4. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved . .... .... .June.._19,._._1°14.,,. relative to the construction of a brick alley crossing on the West side of cypress St., beginning 126 feet north of Margaret St., thence north 16 feet. and, having investigated the proposed improvement.__, respectfully reports that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. ....................................................... . Co Toner of Public Works. n cou,jcil File No.._.:._M PROPOSAL FORT IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz. Cypre>�e_ Straet�._beginning_..126_Yeet north of��g.......... Stree%,, _. _.._.._._.........__:.....__............._....... ....__................. ....... ... _...._ Dated tilis._.___14tg..._day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following; improvement, viz-:...QOnstr=ting . ............a bXj_Vk....a11ey.._GroaGing__on._the...west...side__of..._Oypsesa._ Street., ................... _... baglx �sg _.136 _ 0et_. north _ saf_ ......_...................................... ..._..._....__.... _.. .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.... ............................_..........._........._...._. .............. . e therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or' desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. 'i,o ruruish the folloviug other data and informal ion.relative to said improvement:.._._.__..._._._.._..........___. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner i! Finance. Adopted by the Council ............._:':...._:.._._.... V......_..........._..191......... Yeas: days: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.. ...... .._`.....�......}'._ ....�y.1.4.._....._..._._...191..._._ Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers �. 1 _ t ,�.. Office . of Commissioner of Public Works ................June. _24.1 ................ 1914, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: - The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the . Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved ................... 19, 1914, relative to the construction of a cement block alley crossing on the north side of Breda St., beginning 120 feet east of Snelling Ave., thence east 20 feet. o n and, having investiffated the proposed improvement.. , respectfully reports that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against the crosswalk fund. 0 _................... _...... Com issioner o9f Public Works. Council File No-�...Y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pan], viz.: _..__...._Constructing a cement block alley crossing on_the ngrth aide of _Breda .Street.,_ beginning 120,.. feet _east _of..ppej ling Avenne.,.. thence east 20... feet ....._.. ......,............................... ... Dated this .._18th day of _....... .171I..... __ ... ._..._....191 ¢.� \' _......._. _........._.. . _............ . _......._.... _..... _............ _..\.._-__.. I , Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. . WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the,following improvement, viz.:_._C.onatructilag a cementblockalley0e—iIla on .._. ..........._.......... _.... ..._ ._ ._ beginn3.ng_ 120_.feet seat of._.Snellp� 4 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......... .................... ._._.............. ............ ........_....... ..._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie' is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent ad estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketchf said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other dabr and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......... �. '-l!.....i.,...19.i.n. 42. 191......... _Yeas: _ - Nays: , W 614Councilman Farnsworth I�I� GossApproved ......:.............._.....__.............._ _..._._............191......... Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg......................................................... Mayor Powers Office of Commissioner of Public Works June 24�_...........................X9X_4. ................ TO THE CO UNCIL OF THE CITY OF' ST. PAUL: - The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the June 20, 1914, Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved.........._..._..................... ................. .-..._..... relative to the Construction of a crosswalk of cement blocks on the west side of Warwick Ave., across St. Clair St. and, havinf investigated the proposed improvement....., respectfully reports that said improvement is......................_.necessary and proper, and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. Co mi s over of Public Works. t Eleventh ward qq ((�� ordered by orosswalk .foreman Council File No.................219 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:of'....cement .....bloeke -on. tine rest aide of �Jarw.ok.....aF.eua.,..acr.ct �.e...St ...Clair.-street,........__.....__........__._._......................... __............... ........................ ..... Dated this.....__._.1.9.__........day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.._._..._ ........................ _.. o.Onatruat....a...axosawalk....ot....aemexs.g....bloceka_ on the.- wast...side of__?a St .....Clair street>y laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.................... ._......:............... ........... ................ ............; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following Other data and information relative to said improvement:._..._._..___._.._,.._.._�..__. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ............. Yeas: Nays: Councilman.Farzfsx�- G}oss Approved.... _._..._ ................_......._.............._.._191........ McColl O'Leary &A, ^ Yoerg..................... ... ....... ............�t1.WSJ//............................... Mayor- Rears- :GTa3�W �y Office of Commissioner of Public Works June_. 2.4........................._191...4 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P✓1 UL r The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the' Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved ...............June20, 1914, relative to the construction of a crosswalk of cement blocks on the west side of Pascal Ave., across Grand Ate. , 0 and, havin_s investigated the proposed improvement...., respectfully reports that said improV67nent is..... .....................necessary and proper. and is a" proper charge against crosswalk fund. 1' ....... . Commissioner blit Works. ' r c Eleventh ward Council Nile No_._.._......:......2 `.8 new walk in PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the nmkingiof the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .......construct--crowvalk--of ....aemen.i...-blocks ._.or}....the. ...West- ....side,,6f. . ...._Faecal_ _ay.enue,.aor.ose. Grand--avenues, __ .......... ._ ........ ..... ......... _.... . Dated this...... 19.__ .....day of...... aun.e--191d -----_ ....._......... _.. 91.._..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_.._....._..._...._..._....._........... -Construct. :. crosswalk.- og....cement....bloaks._.oa.__the....wes.t..-side---Of.....Pascal....: .... _ _ aysnus ..across .Grand .....ave true, _ .._...... _ .. __.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._..............._.....:................ therefore, be it RESOLVED,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. -------:�:—To--investigate-tl�e-nature;- extent-ttnd-esti+Hated-cost-o£saicLirupxavemeut,-and�.he_totaL.enat.Sherrof 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To i'm•nisi, the following other data and information relative to said ......................................................................................... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Vinance. Adopted by the Council......_._...._ .: }..._.2..e]_:.0 :.4.._.......191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F h _ GossApproved.__... _........._....__..__. _._.._.......__..'_._....._.791._...... / Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg ............ lis3e� n Office of Commissioner of Public Works J.wze....4.41................... 191..4 • TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the June 30, 1914, Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved........_....... ........ ...................... ..................... relative to the construction of a crosswalk of cement blocks on the east side of Lexington Ave., across Fairmount Ave. and, having investifated the proposed improvement......, respectfully reports that said improvement is......._.............._necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. ................. _. �j..../...._ ._._......_.._....._.. Pu Co ssioner of blic Works.. '-- Seventh ward Council File No�. new walk laid,new.aroeewalk no*eeks . ..._.. _._._`�J�r+J. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. _Theundersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ... .A=S.t&u ct....a....cacossiralk.....ef ©eman% bl:ooka ©ir the-- east. a4clg of ___..L.exingt.un _ avenue,.aczoea_.Fai=m. =t.....avenue,........... _....._.....____...... __.._....._................................_......._..... Dated this..._._ ..19..__..._.._day of.._..._.Tltne-..191.x....._....:.._._ .............._..__19 ....._ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - __ _ _- _ .... ................ const 2net....a....CX.088W81k.....©f._.EeWM-t-blGQkB....4n the east,--elide--of..Frex- -#ngt m avenue; --across Fa4rmount avenue, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_......_..._ ................... ...... ..........___........................ ....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. e T. the nature. extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information reintive to said improvement 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....._ _ .._ . �.__�._I"9_'.4._......... 191...,.._ Yeas: Nays: t_/ Councilman D4#;,e—x4l - q' Gosa Approved._.._.............._��al�....,_.(5....1.,,............_...191.._..... Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg.................... ......... ... Mayor PvivM,*-- 0 Office of Commissioner of Public Works ..............l ne..._2.4.t......................_._191.4.. TO THF, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved .................June 20, 1914, relative to the construction of a crosswalk of cement blocks on the east Bide of Albemarle St., across 7layzata St. and, having investigated the proposed improvement....., respectfully reports that said improvement is........._.. ............ necessary and proper. anti is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. Commissioner of Public Works. 1 4 El ghth $f j%$ ward neoessar ,on aeot old orosoing rotten council Nile No ....... __....... ._r -r <, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ned herebyproposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. The nudo•s�g Paul, viz.:..._..that..._thQ..._%"tare.....of....gos1raoUng....a... crosswalk ....of-aemont....blocks .... on theeaet aide .o..f. Q.f 4lbsea�l.e..._a.tr.ee.L.,aoroea__I<ayzata...aLree&.,.......... 1�19 June 1914 191..... . ......... Dated tday of..his....__ _._...... _...._.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._.....__._.._........_......_. oonstruaaing...a-crosswalk.._.oaf-cement-blooke-onthe_e-a$fi eride og _...__.._Albems�cle__.atxe.et.�.aornas._.�ayzata...atreet: _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman - ......................................_................................._.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. }. To furnish the following other data slid information relative to said improvemen :___.. ......... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is .asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the fm•egoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_............._W.,.i..._..;.)....4i.Q -..-191......... Nays: Yeas: e Councilman F—&1H*Nm"1+h Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayof'P- Office of Commissioner of Public Works 40 ... ......... .............191__4. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of � St. Paul, approved.............._June..,_19....._1°14,. relative to the construction of a, cement block crosswalk on the north side of Reaney St. across Cypress St. and, having investigated the proposed improvement.... , respectfully reports that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against the crosswalk fund. A.. .�Missio-cr Public Works. [O Council File No;_'..._../...._......._.__ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nudersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improveprcnt^hy the City of St. Paul, viz.: _.__._Conetruoting.._a__oement. block__Oross,•:a k._.Q.n_...t ...._no .tk _..f-'ide..... ........ ............ of Rea.noy Street , ._soros®:.._Cypress_ 5Lre0t... _ ......... ....... ............. Dated this- ...._.day OF __ June, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEIlF.AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvouent, vir.:_Q.Qifl'tTL C11n� a ea.,ailt bloC}: Oros 1-k on the Tor_ tll:._s1[2e.....of....Isis".t71 __ _. _....._.._.....................__........_.........._....__..._.......... :mac<oa>j Cyp.rear, Street. ....._.................................. . ....................................... ............_... ......._......._..._ ...._.. ...................... ................._....... ..._.....___.............._.......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman....___........_..._......_.....__...._......._...__.._.........._.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -t. To furnish the f011owing other dila and iuformatiou relative to said inrprovrmeut:_._. __...___.._.__.__._....... _.........._....._...................... ......._............. ....:.................... ................. .. _...................... .__........._......_........ 5. To state whether or Lot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fnregning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council191 Yeas: ... _.... Nays: Councilman Farnsworth: Goss ft Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers Office of Commissioner of. Public Works ........... 191 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has had, under consideration the June Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved J 19.,__1914, .......... _....._..................._ relative to the construction of crosswalks of brick at the following locations: Earl St., both `sides, across Wells St- and, havinff investtifsated the proposed improvement....., respectfully_ reports that said improvement is..\....................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against the crosswalk fund. u ............ ............................................... ........._........._.. Comm' ner of Public Works. Council Bile No.....__..__.-...�F/..,/ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and e PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Yard, viz.:.....sof._.:,asiak...at.....the.._ olIwring ....1oa3--tians: ........................ ar.� _Stxoat .. boil sides.,.._ auxoss Valls...Ztxeet. ........ ............ Dated this __ 46day of...____ x7t?-16r.._.. y _. 191...4.. Councilman. y......................_— _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A ivritton proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__:; .p..G .i:e W313g ...ra... atr-apt., 174-2.10 __.... ............. ......._.. ..................... .............:.. ..........._...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couucnhn _... ...._ . ---+ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby o • ered d directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said im meut. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUJI ire € 4 Adopted by the Council.....__.,._ ._....._.._........._ ........................191......_ Peas: Nays: Councilmri ,=••L ^,.•'r I'i i v 1y 4 GossApproved.._......_.....'"........_._.._.,1..__........ ......_._._.191..._.... . Keller McColl O'Leary Maye&4Z6V*e 6' . 1 Office of Commissioner of Public Works June... 2,4 _ ...........................191...._4. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P-4UL: The Commissioner sof Public Works has had under consideratipn the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved.._p.._...___Jtuie_.._19.,,._1914,' relative to the construction of a crosswalk of brick on the north Bide of Burne Ave., across Hester St. . w+ and, having investifated the proposed improvement......, respectfully reports that said improvement is... necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. M, sinner of ublic Works. Council File No...............(i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ Burne A.74nue.,.. _uaroae_ Heater._ $treat........................................... ...... _. Dated this.._.. ___16te11_.day of.__._______.._.jun@♦ __.__. .. ..._...._.. ...191.....4. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. FVIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.__ConatX=t.ing A....trxnsalualk.._O%... hriak...an....the....north side of ...Burna....avenue.,....acras s ....................... ......._.........._........................... . _.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. ...... .......... ........ ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improverment. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.;_._._._. 0 ....._....._ ................. _.._._..... .................. ....................................... ......................... _..................... ._........_.................__...._........_._ . o. To state whether or not, said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. :rte' .4 Adopted by the Council......._.._. ._.__............... .._...._...... ...... 191...._.... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth JUN j.0 1914 GossApproved_.._.........._...._._._......._._.._.__._ -............_........791_....._ Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg............ ......... ....................................... ............... _.................. ... ............... Mayor Powers �� Office of Commissioner of Public Works .............................June. _�`....x.................191....4. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P✓1 UL : The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved .....................June 19, 1.914, relative to the construction of a crosswalk of brick on the west side of Walter St., across Indiana Ave. 1 and, having investigated the proposed improvement.... , respectfully reports that said improvement is ......................... necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. .............................................................. ............. .......... ..... ........... Co is -er-af Public Works. C oun cilrilc No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the ronowing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Q.QA0.1ZVQtA-4DZ 0 O.T.O.B.071alk Of.briak an the vast side of.. ................... TX -1t r St. &0rOS8....jAUAM_AVe .................. ........... ............. .. ....... . .. ................................ .... ............. '11-1-.11.11 .......... . 11 - 11 Dated this... . lay of - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz 0,,. F,,oting of-brial on....the West Zide 1111 ........ .............. ..... ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ................. ...... .................. -- ................. .......... -- .................... . ............................... . 1111.. .................. ..................... .. ............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. -tH Adopted by the Council.. ........... 14 ...........................191.._..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved... U1.1.1 . 19 14 ................ Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg..... ......... ...... ....... . ........................ ............ .... .... . . Mayor Powers e d Office of .Commissioner of Public Works ............... ........June. .24., ..................... ,191..4 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has, had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved....................._....June 20.,.._.1914, relative to the construction of a crosswalk of brick on the west side of Mendota St., across Case St. and, having investigated the proposed improvement....., respectfully reports that said improvement is..........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. ........... ..................... .............d ........... Commissioner of Public Works. Firet Ward Council File No ...................... 16 ordered crosswalk foreman PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Datil, viz.: ..:........................_...._._.............._._.._.:....._._............................._.........._...................__.........................._�......._... that the matter of oonstruating a aroeawalk of brink on the west ...........-- ... ...... .. ................. side of Mendota street, aoross Case street, f...._..........................___......................._.._........._.............._.._..._..............__.........................._........_.....__.................._.............._.........._............................_......... ............ .. .. _ June 1914 Dated this _ . day of ..__. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, vir..:............................... ... aonitruoting._a..orosswalk of briok an_the west side o.f Mendota _.._...street ...aaross.._.Caae....etree.t.,._. _.._.. having been presented to the Council of the ty of St. Paul by Councilman ..................._.............. ............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pu Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1.. To investigate the necessity for or desir -Works of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furuish the following other rhrta and information relative to said improvement: _.................... ..__....._._.....I ............... ___._... , 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or tuo•e owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...._.......... ...j4al.....;.:)....19:.9_.._..191......._ Yeas: Nays:, Councilman FA,• i&U-4u •i -- Gossq Approved..........._ ............ .... .._...:........_._._..._..__._.....191......_ Beller McColl O'Leary Yoerg................................................................ . 13ayo�Pm>i� a Office of Commissioner of Public Works .June... 2 4, . ................... ...191..4. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved... June 20, 1914, ......................................................_........... relative to the construction of a crosswalk of brick on the north Bide of Geranium St., across Mendota St. and, having investigated the proposed improvement....., respectfully reports that said improvement is..........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. C issioner of Public Works. 1 _ _ First pard �U ordered by crosswalk Yoremea Council File No.. _............_ ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:........aoaatr>cat....&....crosswalk.. of br#fsk on- the..north siOr of 13ereuium ..................... _._................ ........ ........_... _._........_..._.......................... __...._.................._..................................._...__......_..._...__................................ ....._....................................._....... _......._.......__...... ..... ............ ............._.........._..........._.__..._............-- Dated this.._. _..19__..._. _.day of..........june....197 ._.. _.......___...._.__..........._.1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.__.....-.-. ...... ............... c©ustrust._a._.ar•.oaar�aik.. of....t)VA-ek....on- ...tha....north-..aide- .af....Geranium..........._._... street.,aaroas.._dfendota_..atrec _ ....... _...... _.. _..................... _........... _ _. _....... _............... _............. ........ ..... . ..... _.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman....____ ................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. '? To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3: To furnish a plan, profile oiy sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:__ __.__..._.._........._. ........................_..................... ............ ..................................-............................................................. 5. To state whether or not said -improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. a i ,j F'a 1914 Adopted by the Council.........: .......... ... Yeas: Nays: C> Councilman Fes— . , , Approved...... 101 Goss........ Keller McColl O'Leary Mayo Office . of Commissioner of Public Works June.... 2 4. ...._..._ ................191..._4 . TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. Pd1 UL : The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the June 20, 1914, Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved.................................................................. relative to the construction of a crosswalk ai brick on the north side of Robert St., across Capitol Heights; also on the east side of Capitol Heights across Arch St. and, having' investigated the proposed improvement......, respectfully reports 1 that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. t'tnd is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. Co. ' sinner of Public Works. t Ninth ward' i�2alneil Pile No..... _217 ordered by crosswalk foreman PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ......_CO}18trruat.....ix..._orosaga:11C....4f.....briak....On.:_.the...north Bide of... Robert street,a.cross Capitol Heightei aleo on tble east side of Capitol _..._ . He.ighta._acroas-- Arch --street, _.......__................ ............................................................................................................................. ...... ..-.--_.. . _........ ... .._.... _...... Dated this_...___19._.....___day ot.......JUa4.e._.1.914....-_......... _ ....... _..._..191..._... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVIIEREAS writt n L I sa at the ema ing of the Iingfollowing improvement, viz-:._.._.COUStirUCting CrOBB>IP3 B O D $"ide....of....Rohert....sireet.,acroes..... Capitol .... Heights.,.._also.:..os_.-the. east Bide of Capitol Heights, across Arch street _._ _...._........... - . ...._.... ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........_ ................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1.To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. . 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ........................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman lim _ Goss Approved...,.....- . ..... /— Keller v McColl O'Leary Yoerg _ _ ....`..t'�� Mayon -9 or June.... TO THE CO UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P.d UL: The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved .......... ........Ju11e.....19.,..,._�_91.4, relative to the construction of crosswalks of cement blocks at the following locations; Roblyn Ave., north side, across Temple Court; Roblyn Ave., both sides, across Finn Ave. and, having investigated the proposed improvement.... , respectfully reports that said improvement is..........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against the crosswalk fund. CO. issioner f Public Works. Council File No........_::..........L._.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following._pnblic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .._.._Constructing oroe.t9alke of oement block. at the _follovling....._...... location.: Roblyn _ggenue, ._north side,_ ggrosa.. Tomple..._Couxt.;...._. RCb1.y7A, gvepu®, ._both s.ide. , across._, .F..inn . Agenue,, Dated this 13th -day of/�`i.. 191._4.. . n ....%// 1%.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. W1TERRAS, ; written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._...%4n8tT? roc enalks.. _of.._aement _ blpoks_. at....tha.....i':Q.119?Wing.... o.9&EAAP......._..:. _... RoblynAvemze,. north side,. as acroTem�Ie Qourt; . Roblyn Avenue, _both sides, across Finn Avenue.__._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............. ............_.......___............._.... ..___......._...__..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To fin-nish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_._ -_.__.1_..__.__...____. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......._.....:__"._............._.......................191...___ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth �� j :r 914 GossApproved. ............. .... ...... . .................. . _.__......191........ Keller McColl ' O'Leary Yoerg .... ......... Mayor Powers 1 Office of Commissioner of Public Works June_ 24x ........................191...4. A ................................ TO THE CO UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P✓1 UL : The Commissioner of Public Works has had under con deration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved .................June_.._19, 1914, relative to the construction of crosswalks of cement blocks at the following locations: Geranium St., both sides, across Gaultier St. Gaultier St., both sides, across Geranium St. and, having investigated the proposed improvement....., respectfully reports that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. ...................... .... .... ...... ............._.......... _ .......... Com goner of Public Works. Conncil File N......... J�.-..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paid, viz.: _._....:_Conatruotin7_....orosS alks..._Of.. n8ment..._blocke.._at...._the::..2).1.1mi,.ng......._. 1O0atione: .....__.... . __ Ger anllpm._Street.,...,both......pi.�e...,.._.Vkazo0..a....ru1Liex.....St~ffie ;.......... _........ both _.aixlea.,...across.-Ca Mni..Um Stm.et.. ... Dated thisth_43' of ...._. _ . j»e..i. 191... _4. • Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:__._a.Qllat' 11O -tin g crosa�mlke_of.._a went..._blocko..._At....the.._Y.Q.�,.�,.owj.nz...JO-C...G.forw.:_..... ................__::.. ............_ ..._. -.. Go_xani.uu_Streat..,.. bfitl.._6.ide.a.,_..laraeD.....Gaulti.er._S.fxei t.s.__._... both_ 6.1010a.., 0=00,a Geilnium. S X: e L..... __... _.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........_..........._..._......._......._......._......_._............_.....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public `Yorks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. p 2 To investigate the natn,� , extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:___ _._._._.__......_._..___. 1 5. To state whether or not said improvmngnt is asked for on the petition of three or more owners., G. To report upon all of the fgr�o nnv - matters to the Conissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._..__..__.......................C.�...:............. ....... 191...__.. Yeas: Nays v Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller Nlecoll O'Leary �- Yoerg Mayor, Powers !UN 1j) 1914 _._.._......_...._..........___-191......... �c� Office of Commissioner of Public Works __.....June... a4_±..._1914. 191...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P✓i UL : The Commissioner of Public Works, -has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved .............._....,June_„..1.9,..,._1514, relative to the construction of crosswalks of brick at the following locations: Greenwood Ave., west side, across Robie St.; Clinton Ave., east Q%fie, across Robie St. and, having investigated the proposed improvement.__, respectfully reports that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. and is a. proper charge against the crosswalk fund. ........... ...................... ......._......... ..... .............. .......................... ...... ........... .......... Commissioner oC Public Works. / a Council File No....._'/...T PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City, of St. Paul, viz.: Greezl�w4.od... we. ,..._ IQs. __.$.9de., ao.�a.✓�g. Roble ..... .......... ........................ . eve.,...,..._Q.ast.._0. de.,....40-roao:...Rob.1o...S.1...._......................._.........._.._.....:.._..._...._...._...... ......_ _ ............ ............. ._. Dated this.... .-IM-day of.... / .: ........ _.191... + /......._...... _.._._ ...... ............, .f ....................__ ...__...._._.__ ...._..._....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. v WDEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__ Qn#,j ua'Ung _ groesbro.7s..._at..._the_._o.on8_.1.4..oat.Q:......._.......__......_._.......... ........ . _ _.... Greenwood -Ave.,_ _71130.t _ .0.1de_,....MOX.0as....HObia ._ut .o&.Qt__ta.ide,.._.Ooar.O.se__Rable .54.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......_.:................_..__...._......._....._...............................; therefore, be it RESOLVED,'z�rhat the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement.' Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following Other data and infm•Ourtion relative to said improvemeiik_. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finitnce. d is Adopted by the Council ...... _...... u. i�.:`N4 .... z.�....... x_:_:A ....... Yeas: Nays Councilman Farnsworth , / Goss Approved . ...... 191..._.... Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg...... ................................._.................................... Mayor Powers �� Office of Commissioner of Public Works June.. 24, ..................... ..191....4. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has °had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved ...............June___19, 1914 relative to the construction of crosswalks of brick at the following locations: Page St., north side, across Ottawa Ave.; Ottawa Ave., west side, across Page St. \ and, having investigated the proposed improvement....., respectfully reports that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against the crosswalk fund. , .......................................................................................................... mission of Public Works. Council File No....../....:..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The unders}gned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ...........Construatinz_._PT§.Pnlaka.....o.�'....bx.ivk.....at..... the ..._following .._loc=-tlans: Page Stre.et..,.__no.Pth.._�a2.de.,...acxass....otta=._Ave-nlae.s Ott Wr Auemve7. _wes.t.. s4-de.j ...eo-ross.....fage Street:...... Dated day of. June.., 191-4- ...... ........ - 91_.4................... 1 • Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WDEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vir..:__..t{ii}p.�;1iE}tp{,r C".OE14W'.. ....._...... xllss.._..4f..._b.Si_P..h.....4't.....t..e.._.f.o.l o.ir,....lncut.inns:............:....._._.........._..._..... pt.t�'�u:: a_. uenu , rans...Ptsa...SLzn.e.t. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 1% investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent. and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. 'Po furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: _�- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �c'r .,cc.", Adopted by the Council. ._....,_....... .............. .... ......... ...... 191......._ Yeas.-. Nays: CouncilmanFat•nsworth 1 IS 1.4 .............. Goss Approved...._..._......._ .:..........._...... 191........: Feller McColl ' O'Leary All Yoerg Mayor Powers Office of Commissioner of Public Works ............. ....J..une.....u., _............... ........... 191..4. TO THE CO UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved.. ................_June 19, 1914, relative to the construction of crosswalks of brick at the following locations: Weide Ave., east side, across Geranium St. Arcade St., east side, across Maryland St. and, having investigated the proposed improvement..., respectfully reports that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. _........._........._......._.... .............. ............ ............... C m' sioner of Public Works. ,: Couneil Pile No._.............� .. /r. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and , , PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public innprovenneut by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................... "d de 4gr�ue,._..�..... _s.ida.,...ataxc.rwa....firaniwa_ S.tze.et;............... .._..:... ... .Faacla................................... .... _ _- _.... _ Dated thisday of_...___. _ __ .Zle.:.0 a 191 _4, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IIEREAS, A wriropor osal,fthe making of the following imprmnt, oveeviz':_ .Q.nti.t_G 1. G Wttou pt.'ing c rU ? n' e , h s of b t- ^ t ......................._.. ' .._,'_l .. 4 "<i rt.:.I1.4::........................_._......_._... _ .. thfo.:4_loc-.:.1�:..._I axoas._.Gaseniwa - s_i_raat ; ... __ .. ...... _. _ fl,'LriCI... S`'L.TQ.o having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..._..._.._....................._........_.._......_............. __.._.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Conrmi,!Ooner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investiga\e the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nnturc, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and iuforumtior relative to said improvement: 6. To state whether or not said improvmnort is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all•of the forgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......._.._._........._.........-..................191.- Yeas: ....Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth �i�� 'j, 1y 14 Goss Approved., .............. Keller McColl O'Leary ............................ Mayor Powers �� •r Office" of Commissioner of Public Works ............. :.........June...2.4..... ......... ...... ..:..191.....4. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P. 4 UL : The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the June 19, 1914, Order -of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved r...._.......... -- ....................._......_.........._..... ,y relative to the constructing of crosswalks of brick at' the following locations: Earl St., both sides, across Rose St. Flandreau St., east Bide, across Harvester Ave. RossmSt., both sides, across Earl St. and, having investif'ated the proposed improvement—, respectfully reports that said improvement is.........................necessary and proper. and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. Commissioner of .Public Works. CotPncil File No ....../.�1..(/ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes tile staking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pahl, viz.: ._..._.._C nsGruct ng.._crQs. 1.1sB..._o3<:....lZ.�iok....�t_...the.._.fn.11 wing....1,aaat.ions: Sari Street,,_both s.'.cjeO.a _F u.0.8@...R06.e._..Stree1;._..._. ___.._...._Straet.,..set..sicle.,....racroea-RarveaLar.. Ave, ............. a.crA.8R_..Eer1._S.Lrae.L_......__.._.__..._..___............__.._ _. Dated this._.__.._.. Y..thday of..__........ ..... r14tx10 ._.... _..191.._..._4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposnl for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_...._01az XU-0ting • - .<.,�...:.:........0.17:A2`.1•'""._.A.::----F'.j,.Cid.;....._.................._........._........_..... hot^,._fa..3.dP..tL,....etlrosa3._ilaae....utreet e2u....SIr.0.0.t.,.....u.0 I tL U.irle.,_ across._ Id x.ves t.4 x. -Avenue.; _..._... ___ .... i o41.a...Staot.,....both_..aidoa.,....aoros.a....iax1.._Streu.t..__._ _.._.. _.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couucilman.._......_......_..............._.......__._......._..... .................. : therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. •? To investigate the nature, extent alM estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. L__Tn-flwiish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ..:.................. ..... .._..........._...... .... ......................... ._......._......... ....... ........_......._..................... _......__....._....._................ . 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the 1i�,reynapg�n¢tters to the Commissioner of bin8nce. Adopted by the Council......_ ............................ 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth it l ,; ; , Goss Approved_....__..._._.......: -.-J.. S 5..1.4.._......_191....._.. ... ....._..... Beller McColl O'Leary Yoerg............................ Mayor Powers Office of Commissioner of Public Works J:! s..2.4., .................191..4. TO TSE CO U.NCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City -of St. Paul, approved...............J.une....20..,.....1914.,. rel olive t the construction of crosswalks ` of brick at the following gocat ons: leasant Ave., south side, across Western Ave. Barfield Ave., west side, across Ramsey St. ictoria St., east side, across Jefferson Ave. St. Clair St., north side, across Pleasant Ave. I leaeant Ave., south side, across St, Clair St. Osceola Ave., west side, across Pleasant Ave. �leasant Ave., south side, across St. Albans St. t. Clair St., north side, across Toronto Ave. 9bster St., east side, across Michigan St. anfil St., south side, across Richmond St. V Richmond St., both sides, across Banfil St-- t///St. t,'✓ St. Clair St., south side, across Nugent St. Nugent St., east side, across St. Clair St. �/ Aueetern Ave., east side, across Emma St. and, having investif'ated the proposed improvement......, respectfully reports that said improvement is.............._.........necessary and proper. and is a .proper . charge against the crosswalk fund. ......_................._......................................_.,_..............`.j.._.............._........ Comm' Toner of P, blic Works. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. • and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposes. the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ._.0.On8#S_iL ting,.._ cr.osewalk8..--of ._brio a-tr the. follow ns locations; -- Pleasant avenue,south side,across Western avenue. Barfield avenue,weet side,aoross Ramsey street. Victoria street,east sideiacrose Jefferson avenue. St Clair'street,north side, across Pleasant avenue. Pleasant avenue,south side,aoross St -Clair street. Osceola avenue,weet eide,aeross Pleasant avenue. Pleasant avenue,south side,acrose St Albans street. St Clair street,north side,across Toronto avenue. Webster street,east side,aoross Uichigan street. Banfil street,south side,across Richmond street. Richmond street,both sides,aerose Banfil street. St Clair street,eouth side,aerose Nugent street. Nugent street,east side,across St Clair street. Western avenue,east side,across Emma street. Dated this..... _ 1 ____.day Of- ,.J.un.fl .1914 91........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the matting of the following improvement, viz___ _...._aoaatrueting-orosswalka.. of brick_ at the fol-lowAft-Accati"ons, Pleasant avenue,south side,across Western avenue. Garfield avenue,West side,across Ramsey street. Victoria street,east side,aerose Jefferson avenue. St Clair street,north side,acr oBe Pleasant avenue. Pleasant avenue,south side,across St Clair street. Osceola avenue,weat side,aerosa Pleasant avenue. Pleasant avenue,south side.acroas St Albans street. St Clair etreet,north side,aeross Tornthbo avenue. Webster street,east side,across Michigan street. Banfil street,south eide,across Richmond street. Richmond street,both sides,across Banfil street. St Clair street,south side,aeross Nugent street. Nugent street,east side,across St Clair street. Western avenue,east side,across Fmma street. having been presented to the Council of the City. 4r. Paul by Couueilman___..______.'`- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and *directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furuish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improveihent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. P y gip.... c a Adopted b � the Council........._....._. ` 11 'v ....... ..........__191......... Yeas: Nays: LY Councilman Far4p•,.,..•oi, 2-11 e GossA roved.._.... __...191 PP Keller Afecoll O'Leary Yoerg i J Office of Commissioner of Public Works June..._24.,.................... 1914. TO THE C'THE CITYOF ST. P.4 UL : The Commissioner of Public Works has had under consideration the Order of the Council of the City of St. Paul, approved . June 19, 1914, relative to the construction of a crossing of brick on the north side of 71ater St., across Starkey St. and, having i.nvestisated the proposed improvement_ , respectfully reports that said improvement is..._... ___...._necessary and proper. I and is a proper charge against crosswalk fund. P Com ss' ner of ublic Works. v Coll 1161 Fit" NO., 1 V PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. b and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby- proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Ret vi.: Constructing. acrossing _ of.._brc.k_._op Street,_ across_ Starkey Street. -- .......................................... .. _......... _...... _. _.. _....... _......... . .............._...... .............. ..........._. . .................. . ...._ ........_.... _.._...._...... June 191.- Doted this.18th __ day of _ Councilman., PRELIMINARY ORDER. V�IIP;RI;AS, .t written proposal for the making of the following ioprovenn'ut• vir.:-.Cona.truoting a crossing., of_brick._cn tk>e_no.rth.,side._oi__Ylater-Street_,-Ecxpna Starkey_ Street. .............. . ................... ..............._ _............. haciog been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couuct man_ therefore, be it R�h:SOLV'ED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. '1'o investigate the nature, ectent-atxd estimated cost of said imprevement, and the total cost thereof. 'fn furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. }, To Varnish the following other data mid information relntive to said improvement: ....... _..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the flo"'LoinR matters to the Commissioner of viumnce. Adopted by the Council ,1 1^ N Yeas: . 1 �: �„ y�4 el Coupcihua❑ Farnsw'nrt 11 Coss Approved__ _.. __.... ... Keller Afecol l ---� O'Leary �G� ... Yoerg ....._. ........ lo Alayor Powers IIN9 Board F. No._- Assembly F --- — By Resolved, That a revocable license is hereby granted to the north - Western Telephone Exchange Company to place one telephone pole on Lot 3 in Block 3 of lierriam Park Addition_, occupied and used by the City for a fire station, at such point thereon as may be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Safety. This license is given upon the express condition that said Telephone Company will do the work in a systematic way and repair all damage caused by the, placing of said pole or, said property, and will make any change in the arrangement of the same that nay be required by said Conmiissioner of Public Safety, and will at all times save the City of St. Paul harmless against any claim for damages on account of said pole and wires that may be strung thereon, and will, rithin thirty days from receipt of a notice to that effect, remove the said pole and vires from the said lot and repair all damage whatsoever, and save said City of St. Paul front all cost and expense that may arise or be caused by the erection_, maintenance or removal of said pole and wires. Adopted by the.G... ...... 191 Adopted by the Board of 1' EAS N AYs, A by the Assembly ((( ---- — MR. FAR SWORTH NAYS Y1:As GOS AIA. spun co", KELI ER EI,w McC LL O'LE RY 1'oR YOE G ()PEI RYA NAYS 0 MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) TRO / _19`a NAYS (1 AIR. I`NESI�EH _MBvor. i I Board F. No._ Assembly F By Resolved, Th Western Telephol 3 in Block 3 of for a fire stat: the Commission,-, express conditi systematic way``' pole on said prl the same that M" and will at all claim for damag thereon, and wi effect, remove all damage That expense that ma removal of said Adopted by the Board ofMennen: bo the North - pole on Lot by the City gfactory to upon the work in a lg of said crangemert of )lic Safety, against any may be strung notice to that and repair Da. all cost and atenance or Adopted by the Assembly C. P, No. 289-13y R•Inn I,owera—.-- _. 11!`e b8olved, That a I.ted 1. c blQ license IH 7 To Northwestern eI Exchaagc NAYS YEAS -hon Com onoe telephone Pan)' to PI¢ce Dlerr(nm PVIe o Lot 3 In Biock R —AS a t ark Ad [ionre ALP. anu NEIaTE0. ad u9eR"�-the CI[)' [oil at eta ¢may IORNINO Lion 9 1 point thereon n R be, nn t- ANE 19factory to the C_Cala- rar b EPWAR.S Put -.l Iic Safety. Thls llcenee In given Upon I IIAHLE the eXeree9 C 'SCC ondlnon IVLA— othnt e n hon omPanY Will d the -WorkTnl a I allc uAUP )•9 sematic 'a)' ad repair - Il damage n ed by the pnncing P said Polls an I POWERS ' n Id prep Ql't)', XION'-oNr.RY nd W111an cn ange In the Y aluRNnN e, E. l rangemenMake Com mi ..lone- n) eguired by Of a id I snN nuRN fbe 'ill O ¢ d' S-Ity aharmtelH N ORMAN E, 17. anve]IC the CITY C SL WARE Pan. O against .a" . damage. �e a� Id Claim for Il¢CCPany be e of pole and yUE0.G t ICC it— VhIlt Fill, Rhin thl t,Y daye6 f ler-n. ad RYAN of notice to that ertect, v e [lhe fled 9nldt pole and IrC9 the said jp(" t'RESIp ENT (KCI.LER) rl repair damage s'rl.n 11 WhatsoeV er, n d Hnve Haid C1f,Y of St. Paul Prom nil 'TROY oH9 d CXPCnQ hal may ¢rise or be - eau ------Z9 Pdn bb' the CC r [Ion, main tenanee r r Pole re,dop�edP // bald a and •fres. ` Y the Council June NAYS 11 MR. i'R ESI PF.\T IRI: (:111.L� 1914. 20,/AYO!'. APPI'oved June 30. 1014. -- - — - _-- __, (JUIy 4-1014) i i I , Board Assembly F BY—Ec� Resolved, Th Western Telephol 3 in Block 3 of for a fire stat; the Commissions; express Condit i systematic viay'.''; pole on said pp the same that 6 and will at all claim for demag thereon, and W'i effect, remove'' all damage what expense that ma removal of said Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: YEAS A I. D. NAO At EISTER CORKING EpWARDS II -AN MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J MURNANE, F. Ufl I.E. RYAN STI E—It I'ROY NAYS U It.. PREMpEK"I(11—OI1.) s, fo the North - pole on Lot by the City 3:factory to i upon the work in a lg of said ,rangement of Dlic Safety, against any may be strung notice to that and repair D1n all cost and ntenance or Adopted by the Assem bly No. ���— ReBolvedl That3 )a Winn Powers—. re 'oc hereby granted to e e Is `Ars onlephone Cxchn age Comallorthweatern e telephone pole o Lot 13� In Block 3 [ Afer'Iam Park Addlotit I R IInAS '--Pled and DBed br the Cltr (or n are --Pl d t Ork' labii–hereon as may bt eat• , isfnctn rY to the Comm 1881 one' Ilc RAKE of Pab•.� Sa (el J'. 1'hla Ilce ase Ia gluon e the R I rondl[lon that Poen I St Al11.E Phon rns do the Bald system tl way idil WOrk 1lna.l MICMAUD caused by the la P IT damage.- Id j1iO�QrtY ;P d SOI Bald p4110 Ont1 chaaBQ n ' Wlfh make any POWERS t sam0 that Bement OI th0;y Cotmmlaelo4arYM $Plieduy'nridt SANBORN SI WARE !u 11, -:Tia -dZZ 43i iY YOERG "'fTAtT§'C"'�kTR.PRESIDENT(KELLERR)) ZA7�o�v`_ V-- __ --19` '._-Alai-or. Form No. 13-2M-7-28-19 THE NORTHWESTERN TELEPHONE EXCHANGE COMPANY ...................................................................................................hereby grants a revocable license to THE NORTHWESTERN TELEPHONE EXCHANGE CO. to place an............_......_....__....._.........._..._.........._....._..__._...._............. onLot. ................ .... ............ Block _....... ..................... Addition to the City of........... ................................. _................. ......__...........__........................ inthe County of ...................................................... ............................... ................ and State of.... said license being given in consideration of the promises hereby made by said Telephone Company that it will do the work in a systematic way and repair all damage caused by placing of said............................................................................. on said property and will make any change in the arrangements of same which may he required by said his heirs or assigns, and will at all times save the said ............................_......_.......... ...................... harmless against any claim for damage on account of said .................. ...--------------- _._.._............................................................. and will within thirty [30] days from receipt of notice remove the said..__...._...._ ........... ...... .. .... .............. ......... from the property and repair all damage and make no claim to any further rights. Datedthis_..__.........__._........ day of _..._ .__ _.._........_....................... ............... 19.._._ . ................. ............... ............... ............................ ........... ..................... -............... _....... ---.... .................... _. _................. The Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company A. A. LOWMAN, Division Plant Supt. , , M \� • QST a I M y cs� , Z uj y s_ oNY B L. K 3 MERR/AM PARK 2i )() Board F. No.— ssembl — Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby instructed to "enforce the laws and ordinances prohibiting the placing or main- tenance of obstructions on the streets and sidewalks within the con- gested district bounded by the Seven Corners, Broadway, Fourth street and Tenth street, and to prohibit all buying, selling, storing or keeping of goods, r,,ares and, merchandise and other articles on the streets and sidewalks within said district.' Adopted by tht Board of A YEAS -11. HAUME CORNit r—AH I—AN MON'rc MORN! MURNA ONERC RYAN STI EGE TROY NAYS U MR. PRESIDENT t Adopted by the191 ~-\ / YEAS NAYR, VVV J 7, I by the Assembly ---191_ -- NAYS MR. FARISWORTH C-1 .19It _ 1fRyor. T:� N —•�.y pusl.zsl.L., 7 - GOSS KELL R MeCC L O'LEj RY YOEI G NAYS 0 MR. CH , RMAN (P C-1 .19It _ 1fRyor. T:� N —•�.y pusl.zsl.L., 7 - jard F. No.__embl Resolved, That ' to enforce the L tenance of obstr gested district and Tenth streei keeping of good( streets and si�d r, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: TEAS ALD. RAUMEISTER CORNING EDWARDS n T1.ANp MONTGOMERY MUKNANE, E. J. MURNANE, E. ORERG RTAN .1"WER TROY NAYS O MR. rRES)UENT (AIC CUI.1.) 2i Jo y instructed or main - in the cor.- ourth street Pring or is on the tit V'! { Adopted by the Assembly C. F. No. 290—RyNinn Powers — Resolved. That the Commissioner of -4 NA - Public Safety Is hereby Instructed to ' '�AS nforce the III q and ordinances pro- hibiting the pla0ing or maintenance of ANC obstructions on the streets and. side- walks within the congested dlstrl ct IAIIi.E bounded by the Seven Corners: Broad- way. Fourth'street and Tenth street, 11CNAup and to prohibit all buying, 'selling. - storing Iteeping Ot goods,'Nares and ERS merchandise and other articles on the f PW streets and sldewallie Nlthln e:lld dia_ I[""'N trier.. 4tl�%', Ada pted by the Council Jane 25, 19 tARe Approved June 30, 1914. 4 (July -4-1914) IOERG , NAYS U AIR. lit—DENT (KELLER) Approved v __ --191L -.Ala 3 or. - p>,1BLISIILD / L.. STEPHENS - J. L. STEPHENS 200 SHUBERT U4LOINc + 200 SHUBERT BUILDING Bbfix -" ST. PAUL. MIN4. ST. PAUL. MINN. June 27, 1914 — - Dear Mr. (elieve s,- is not a new condition but has been going on for many month _ I:• you"welcome suggeQin=rs> tizens and or years perhaps. I believe something could be done to better .� r! the conditions there now. �� par3on `me `'if I e . I merely make this suggestion so if there is a way ._..^y - It is inconvenient for passengers who get off the streetABEI gg cars at 7th & Wabasha at Michaudls to get to the sidewalk after to better the conditions there it may be given some thought. getting off the cars. This morni*Z as I got off there there Very truly yours, - :--- eleven were *h4vtte of the Michaud wagons and trucks lined up on J. L. 4n. both sides of the street so that it was difficult for passengers to get to the walk and it was„inconvenient for other vehicles .,--- „. -: MMM y to find their way past these vehicles and between the care. Th&6 ' itia C m5ur fs (Of fire June 24th, 1914. T.. '"hereas: ;Jany citizens have arreared before this body in behalf of the saving of thr)ee Flu trees on the ^'est side of Dale street between Portland avenue and 'Trolly avenue. (�' c�✓ Whereas: There does not seem to Pe any particular, necez3gity for the widening of said Dale street at thF.droint. Resolved, , _17at the City Engineer is hereby instr,lcted to leave the curbing -on the Wept Side of Dale street ir. its present Iosition, thus avoiding the necesoity cf rea;oving theee trees. ec tfull} subi,.i t ted, COL":.;:'C;I)NFR OF FT7A`'CF. JUPJ �v 1914 Atieptt!Q'by th s .......................... .191 i I YEAS NAYS, L�PIR. FAR SWORTH .. i Cos 1 KEL ER MCC LL O'L ARY ryi YO RG NAYS 0 MR. C AIRMAN (POS SKS) June 24th, 1914, 29j. T Thereas: Kang citizens have arpeared hefore this bodyinbehalf of the saving of three Flw trees an the West side of Dale street betwaenfoxtland avenue and Ally avenue. NNW Awe! mw to bei any particular,, neceosity Ar 'thbOpoint. Resolved, Nasslew, txtlkSO leave the curbing 81 po'! Gras @h`t position, thus submitted, AM OF FT70CF. V Council file No .......... ..................:.:... s} PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT• r and T PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nndersigii�d hereby proposes the making of the folloyving pn i'c improvement b lie City of St. avin of alley , from Paul, viz.: p..._ ._.. Y g . .. Chat .....orth ...............Ox rd_ ste... .... ..... hereto attached. Dated this,...'..25th_.. _day of.—.— June 91.. ... ___. 4. _ ..1....... Councilman. PRXLI1VIINARY- ORDER. NVITEREAS. A writtru proposal for the making of the following improvemfent, viz.:__..Paying ...._._ ... of .alley rurning from Chat_eworth.__to Oxford. Sts., ia.._B.10X..3.3.,......... _. Summit Park Addition C. F. No. so3-•- Whereas. A written proposal for the I ....... ......... _.._........_.....__ making of the following Improvement. viz: P {Ing sof alley running' from Chataw M to Oxford Ste. In nlocl 33 .... ..... ....... - summit Park Additto hof g p bented t theI— ll of the C111 P SF "nul th P e ba It r _.... ..... „ fl. h t C f storm .._ ... ..._. .__.. .._.... .... ate .• ..h:. k f having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......... ............. ....................................... ....... ................ ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To hirnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: . _.......... _.._.._....__.............. ............ ....._........... _..._................. ................. _............ ........ ---............ _............................ ............ ......._....._.....___.......... .................................. .._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...._..._.........__ .........]Ul. - Yeas: Councilman Fa •nsworth 4 a. Go. Approved....._..__ . .............. ___.. ...._...._.. . „ .him Be erg' Me oll O' Bary • i' � Yrg ........... ...........................__.............._... Mayor P vers Mayor, u City of St.Paul 6 Council Resolution - General form.n Departmentof _...._._._. _.__.._.... ----1' .................... Bureauof....._...._...._._:_...._._...----.._.........._._...._._._...._. Council File No. .---.-283.... •-•---•-••••• By.._...-..._._...._...._...._._._._...._...._._----------•-- --=...._._._._..._._._._._._--._.-._..... esented .._...._._...._._......._.....1914. Resolved, that Fill streets heretofore ordered paved by the City, will be paved, Find the Street Reilway Company will be required to do their part. 4 r C. F. No. 293— Ve,Med, That alltheie City.ew111tobel ordered paved by paved, d the street Rdlwny Cora - paved. �111 by ethee Council to do tlJune pa25. 1914. Approved June 30, 1914. (July 4-1914) Adopted by the Counci_..._._._...._......._......-•---...._._...._...._._t?u!!9_?�?,.......__...._...._:_. .1914. Yeas ( 7 ) CounIi1enm( 0 ) Nays Go 11 Yo rg 0' Bary Approv _1.-=_ _._. 14. /l.� ....._..._._.J 8e ler '"'_'� � � Mayor �_._._._ .. Mr. President, Po ers CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY ClIERic's 01PIUCE i(a E Carroll ` Council bile No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' ; omd _ j PBELIIYiIMARY BE. The uaderslgned hereby proposes the making of a follocving puUlie improvement byCity of St. Paul, viz:: Dated ...................................................... Councilman. PRELnYUNARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz— ....: ....... . . ...... -1 ....... ... _.._..._..._A change..._ of.....gr_ade.._on.._Pl_?n. fr.ed..._e tr.e.et.,......xs�m.._. i�Qv�rxl...._av_enul;._'. D---tha...._ _ ......Ri ght.....nf.....Wau..._ef _..the....Chi.cago'.Cr.eat.....yges tern,....Rai-lway.,.__...._..._.........._..._.._...._......_............. -- PRELIMINARY ORDERS. .......__–_.... ....... ...... .. —,--� Wh e s A written proposal for the of the 40110 tug Improvement. ..... ......... . e F . ,•r.. f S ,.n "' nifred .. .... ._._ ...... .. ... _ . .._ ...........:....._........._... ... leaving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couneihnan ..... -•-- -- ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. •L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To furbish the following other data and information relative to said improveepent:.................._.._........._..,....._._ .............. ....._......._..........................._. 5. To state whether or not said; ienprovelneut is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters tFathe Commissioner of Finance. JIII S. Adopted by the Council..... .... ..... f�191_..._. s Nays: ays: q rc. F Councilinan Fa nsworth- ` qo Approved .. .....—.0 �/ .......... _.I9 ... / Ke gr, 6 O' eary ✓ Y rg ....................._. ...... ..........._.................._...._._.....,....._..... _....... ...._ Mayor Peters Mayor. y Council Fill, No..._`:.,(a. PROPOSAL FOR I and PREIMMINA The undersigned hereby proposes the nicking th Paul, viz.:......a.....Chailge.....Of.....gr.ade.._o dre>h' Right...._of_. Way. _of ...the. ..... Dated this.....23.... __ _ldav of J E CarrolV following public intproveruc'ut by the City of' St. _ _,- Councilman. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, vir..:-____......_.._....... __._.___..... A...9han f mo e.....o.f....gr.a..de......Q..n .Andr.ew...._alre.e g.. t.,.....m...Rob �.sa ..._.t.r.e.e.t.....t.0......th.e... �?.ight of. lyay__of tka.e..._MiAo.aga.,_...Gr.e.at .W.e.e.t.e.rn....Railw.ay.,._.. .. _ ............. �,. 348— �. A ♦vrltten proposal for the .... .. ._..... ......._....._. .. ........_ _.. ------ - ""'-'""" the following Improvement. -- g of ,gra ,Qn Andrew Roble gt A99t,I Wo ttie Right ........... _.._.. .... .. . h ChlcagO " 'ieat Wet _. _.... .._ ... _ .. ...... 'Ing be- prep me to -the' C.t t Fe having been presented to the Council of the v•e,t vt uv. .i Ituic,ilman.....: ......... ................ . .: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or d+irability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ...................____. .................... ......................... .......................... _.................. ................... _........ _......................... _.................... ..... _...................... ......................................... ............................ ............. .................- k"' To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the C%nmissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .............._ ....:. ... _........ ._x...... ...... 191......... Yeas: Nays: ct Councilman F rnsworthn / 9a Approved............_ ...`....o"��y-f........::.:a. ]ler r Learyoerg oerg Mayor were r�,_U13LISI3EYJI• k% — --° Council File No...; �_IV4 / PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY 0 EEIC. e The undersigned hereby proposes the nmkin he following public improvement iiie City of St. Pan], viz.: graAJng_.West .._.C.a.O.k...3.....f.r..ozu....We.at_exn_..AV..e .._t_o.... .. l a...,Ava.....,......n..:...`_... �Oo.Q7Cdanoe_.vlth_...pe .. t.i.exp....her.ev�tk�....at.t.eO�le................._........... .....- ..... Dated this.".. __2 .rd.._day of.._.....__..._ _Me ...... _.. / / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHE,RFAS, A'writted proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__.g.rading.--- -- Ptes_t.._G.O.O.1�.._Sexn.._Ave......_t o._Mat ilda.._Ave_a.,...._3n__eo C. r No. 399— th...p6tit�on here�+ithtta�Ched. i Whereas. A written Proposal far the ._. _.. king of the folloWing Improv m t vl Grading West Cook street, f om We tern Ave. to Matilda Ave., Itt e .. ...._.... .. ..... _..... .._. _. dunce with petition herewith at- td hod having been presented to the j f'D non of the City of at Paul there - it. :.......... ...... ................... _.............................. _........................... _. _... . _...:......_._..........._._......._.............................._......_..........., ,d. That the Cpmmiseloller of I' �'cs be and, Is hereby or - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmatia­ .I, zai therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby d•dered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3.' To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. #. To furnish the following oth"I- data and information relative to said improvement:_ ................_._..._...__._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fmr_ooing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 11 Adopted by the Council._�14I4_c..U. .„ I .t.l _�11U^nI S A ]tJ lNays:OYens: %i;' <!'yiy _ Councilman Farnsworth -� oss Approved __......_........ ......__... ............. .:._ }. . teller /Afayor Mayor. a Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. .� ._ . and PRELIMINARY ORDER. i OP. The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof til lowing public improvement b City of St. Patti, viz.: ...... gr4d ng..._o.�.._ftrz'.i gton........e....--from.._was.t..._Lar�son... to.._ .......................................... West Geranium._St , in. o.rdallo.e._.>gith.... ...it har.avrith....attached. ....... . Dated this,,.,_ 23x3 ay of Jona..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREaS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vir..:.__.gra3ing._...._ ... /._.......:_.., Farrington ....Ave.._..fr.om_.Wast....LayPeon...S.t........t_a_._W.alu...._Geran F. No. 350— ao.e.ordanae_ with. laet.iti.on._llaxew _th.. att.gched. _... Pum'.. A wrnten prop ... I for the ...... 'k.. ln{; of the following Improvement. S Grading Farrington Ave. from ,Grading 3L to west Geranium n... done, with petition here- ._.._.. .... ...._ ...... -. .. C h d having bee p mited CPaul oon I1 1 -the �'t1St. Paul .. .. .. ..... h „ A. T t t the Cohe 1. atone o1 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........... therdpre, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and inforuultion relative to said improvement:__ .................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.........._....._.......................r_1.......... ...... 1J1......._ Yeas: Nays:O Councilma+Keer th 11 Approved.._._..._.......__....__.._....P.. .._....1 91.._ . � -......_.._._.............._.............. ..........._............_Mayo�Ia Vor/ -UliLISIiED 7� '7 J Council File No.._...:..._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. - L and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following puU 'liilprovc Paul, viz.:..gTWUng....Harid__SL......�r.4ffi. ._..._..__a4o.ordanoe..with....pet.ition. Dated this....__.23rd....._day of by tjWl" ity of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIPRPAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, v1z.:-...-,gra. _:_......._......_.Hansi__St......ir..4ffi_.Fx.ontS.�.=... to._�e.Q.t......Q.exaxx.1.ulm. S.t..,.....izl, e vrith, i C. F. No. .'A' oral for the --. �%e.ti.t.ion...her.es�i.th._.attaah.ad. whereon. A follow prepp _ making of the following Improvement, vl Grading Hand at. [`nm F tat. It. west Ger—Jore St., ae dance _...... .....� with petition herewith attached hnv- _..._.__. _._.. .. ._. -- 1 g berm preeentedtthe it o �- C' )P of Paull t therefore,re, be 1t .t the Commissioner�r ......................... _ _................ ­1�. •, IsIs her" _....._.__... n' having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Conneiltllaft_'..._...... _........ .................... ................_....................._.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. _i -l._ To fltrnish the following other_data and information relative to said improvement: _._._ ..._._.._ . 5. To state whether gr not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J'al Adopted by the Council._.__._.::.........:•r t....T.�..._................191......... Hi' Nays: Yeas: y Q! oCoun+os cilman l /App' roved_.../ ......._ yo 'g // . ._ _ ............_.19...1.. ............_..._........._ ....... Mayor Powers- - Mayor. JUS' .32 Council File .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes 111L making of th • o ]owing public improve' by the City of St. Paul, viz.: GZAAtTIZ B.I.Af.0-rd Btree.t m Grantbam Ektre Raymond Amp ... .. .... 3u),accor ncewi et,ition-tereto ...... ..... ached. ....... ...... . . ........... ................ .................... ..... .......... .. ............. ........... ................... - ..... .. . ... ........ . ........... .......... - Dated this 23 day of....... ... ............. .. - . ... ..._191...4_• Councilman. ..1914- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. be WHEREAS, A written proposal fo ' I lie making of the following improvement, viz.:....... G;PP4449.. Buf rd._$treet f ............ ........... . ... x4ritbAg! StTAPt 1Q.-R4YPQTA Ave.—.e. osaifor th( gimprovement, Lking of'the foll— to M. Grading Buford street from Grantham street to R-Y.--nd -.'U�.n.ujc t the Council *having been presented t 0 f the City of t. u therefore, be i I R_l_d,I'Thb,.t and Craral.ajorcr of - I 'buc w. . d he to hereby 0r ......... . ......... - P.r.d ad directed: I To lnveatigfattbahaacs� ... Ul.for Lavin been presented to tile Council Of tile City Of St- Paul by C 'I 'or 1. deal ra 11 Y 0 bag '., d ounci nut r r r or lrnp�raTvl tv. V ant 2 2 ve.tig.te the nature �',e 'r. and .ti said therefore, be it and estil, coat . Inent' .1 total cost thereof. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is ber.e er an; pr.�: a 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said impro e en 2. To investigate the nature,- extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the flflloltlillg Otber data and inforillatioll relative to said' -improvement :.......... ...................... . ....... ... . ................. -.1 .......... .................. ---- ...... . ............ . --- ............ . ............ - --- ....... ......... ....... ......................... . ..... ..... . 15. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foreg"ing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .. ........ Yeas: L;Jia Nays:'O' Councilman 01irnsworth G'JDSS Approved __. IV.'-- C51) 141ler O'cary Yrg...... .......... ........................... - ......................... ... Mayor Po rs Alayor. pUBLjS1-1LD-2-- -Zr-L "Y Council File No....6!,.. 53 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo lowi public improvement by the of MoSt Paul, viz.: . ..... . ......... 441b Avenu d . . .......................... .......................... .............. ._Chippewa__ Avenue........ .. --- ............. . ..e,t,At,i..on atta.alle-d .......... ................................. ...... ...... - ............. - .......... ............................ . . ........ Dated this __ __ 23rd day of .. .... .... ...... . . ........ 191 -4. . . ........... ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WDEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: GmUng- o.f.-Wi.no-na ..B.t.r.e.el, between Bmitb Avenue and Cbivoewa Avenue. ............... ................................. P. No. 353— ,Vhereaa, A written proposal for the ,"ng of the following, improvement, : Grading of Winonastreet, be, ...... can Smith Avenue and Chippewa 'e. having been Presented to the unu I I of the city of St. Paul there Is. be I, .......... – ....................... ................. .. . ........ ......... Jc.olved, That the commissioner of Me Work. be and he 1e hereby d and directed: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.-_...........:_.__ . -a9tljii;ate the neceBs---; the making: 11mi-cre, be it �I RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of Said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish I ho following other dada and information relative to said improvement: . ..... - ............. ---- .......... . .. ............. .............. ........................... .......... . ....... .......... ........ . ............ ........... ... . ........................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregninga matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........ gti i 91 Yeas: '%Tays: Councilman F' -jisworth 'vo' Go a Approved 191 Kc er 0' cary Yo rg -g f.::.__....:...._.. ........ ... ............................. Mayor Po ers Al a 3- 0/ PUBLISHM Z— q— Council File No.. v.4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. �C and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the folio ' g public improvement by t City of St. - Paul, viz.: _ ._Grad_#g_ Glendale_ Avenue . fr ._._Beverly._Avenue to Anthony Avenue, in aacordance._with. tit on hereto at e-1 Dated this... _ 2$r(l ___ifas/of Councilman. U PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIF.REAS, :1 written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:_...GTELd1ng_._., Glendale Avenue from Beverly Avenue to S Anthony Avenue. C P. Whe o s6 A w itten proposal for the ..... ... .. eking of the Loilowtng imp vement v,Vz: Grading' Glendale av uo .from Beverly^, Avenue to SL Anthony Ave- nue having been presented'to the Coun it of the City of St. ......_ ....._.._.. of 1 hilviug been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .. ................ ......__................ ................._..... _............. ..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketeli of said improvement. 4. To furnkli the following other data and iuformatimi relative to said improvement:.. ......._._................. _. ___............_........................................._.......------...---..._..._......._..._........._....................._.....__..............._......_........._......................__............._.._..._....._._.... _ _... 5. `'To state idfiether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore.Gning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by tlie Council .._U.DI.._3 .19..g.. ........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nswortli Go Approved......._`f.._`._ gMayor. Be er O' eery Yo rg �.:...._,,.���llY..............._................... _11Iavor Pot rs Council File ` 4 The undersigned hereby proposes Paul, viz.:Grading Wentwl Avenue; in aecor..._ol PROPOSAL FOR �tkh!g'.71he EARY ORDER. following public inlProvell by the City of St. h Street from Doane Stre to St. Anthony Dated this_...._ 23rd day of. June ,f. 4. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDFA • Gradin .:..�...'�\I-IEP.EicStitt1 Written proposal for the making of the following improvement, N'lr. _...._...... .....�_.. ~' wentlr{orth Street from Doane _Street to St. Anthony Avenue. d _.._ ...7 C. F. 1o. 366— _ _....... ... ..... ...... .... i whereas, A written proposal for the • "" ' -�'- -- aking of the following improvement, viz: Grading Wentworth street from i ! Doane street to St. Anthony avenue "'- !J,q !J,ging been presented Ao the Council ^ tv of St. Paul therefore, be it "'• of th Com fssloner of .._.._.. --- .. {trii he hereby or- having rh wing been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by GM eilluall........ ............... ......... ..; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be. -and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. I. To furnkli the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.__.__..____.._._:...._.._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 'F 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...___...J.Yi.�._...._tr.......t 4_...........191......... yeas; Nays: O Councilman P irnswoith 2 C: ss Approved_.._.. ..._._.__.._v,.,... ._._...._...191 ._ Iler _ Leary erg/ % 1 :......................_............_......_p...' ........."... ................ Mayor P ve111 r Z'LJ1;I,i3IiET5^ 7- y� _�- 7 o Nis Council File No..—'-,3: .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY 0 ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the staking of t following public: improver nt by the City of St. Paul, viz.: __.Grading._Mendota__$treat....._._arc.._York.._St_r.e...et._.tQ....... ... g.>z4.1,.i,�....5'.�.ree.'.�.......... in compliance with the p ition hereto attac ed ............ _........._....... _..___......_.........__...._.._ ................. Dated this..._._. 23rd day of...._ ..... ..........._ ._. __. __..... _.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NIIEREAS, A written proposal for the ranking of the following improvement, viz.: ;.. Mendota Street from York....Street...to.._ag?o7.i....S.txt e.t.,.....in.....ao>rp.liance with the petition hereto attra.ohPrl. -- _.._.. ........ .._{ C. F. No. 356— , whereof, h w Ill Hing Improvement -•-. (osal for the mnlcing of the Poll '- ___ .viz: t:rneal �Pendno,, street [nom i 'neat to Mngnoile. street. In , ice with aha Detitlon here[ - .._... ......_.. ...... having been j, entad to the - -"" -—"""" - " �Pt ggul there .... . . ....... .:he tl having been presented to the Council of the ki'yl 081'— t#Wicgr.,aP. ilman......... . ... .. _ ........ ... .. i,. ehebv*or- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To iuvestigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. a. TO luniislr the following other data and information relative to said improvement: __-.-- .. ..........._..._.._..._.._...._._......._........................ ............ ............................. ..... _............................. ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregniog matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council . JUN 2v�....t...__4..................191......... _.................. Yeas: Nays: ,!�11 Councilma+Keer ortln 191._... Approved.._..."' .._.......... _ .. rg rg Mayor Powers - �/ - 11117. &4,p"/ cw��� An ordinance providing for the payment by the City of the premium on all surety bonds of officers or employee, running to the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. "The City shall pay the premium on aal surety bonds of city officers or employee, running to the City of St. Paul. Section 8. Whenever a surety bond is required, the head of the department to which the bonded officer or employe belongs, shall make requisition therefor on the Purchasing Agent, except as hereinafter provided, and said Purchasing Agent shall proceed to procure the same as provided by Chapter 15 of the City Charter. Section 3. Whenever the Councilmen shall have been assigned. or re -assigned as commissioners, as p-rovided by Sections 57 and 58 of the City Chazter, it shall be the duty of the Purchasing Agent, without requisition or instructions therefor, to purchase and procure for said commissioners and each of them, in the manner provided by Chapter 15 of the City Charter, the bonds required of such officers by the City Charter. Section 4. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid out of the funds assigned by the Charter and budget ordinances to the depart- ment making requisition for any such bonds, unless there shall be in- cluded in the budget an item of the General Fund for the payment of such premiums, and in such case the coot of such surety bonds shall be paid from said item. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force r thirty days after its passage, approval and publication.. Ordinance No. 3233-13y S. A. F rdinarlh— ov An Once pridfor the Pay- nt nt byby the Cit, off t the Premium o all surety bonds of officers n e +. / Ployes, running to the City of St. Th•• Cou nil of the Cit' of SL Paul � �- apes orealn: N SECTIO1. ' '.191 Ugdhtht The City ,bull ps. the prem n Y all svn I boor a of e+[y Ricerssou PlIJ es runnln� to Che Cit, of Sf P ul, SECTION 2.A _ YF1$1 R'henever a uret> bond is requited, the head of the del`•rt moot to u'h 1,•h Ihv I b,d offlaer Or . .1 _=. shall rnalce requisition therefor i p­,busibir Ag t. pt as 1 ft pi-ovided. Ind,,sll 1 &4,p"/ cw��� An ordinance providing for the payment by the City of the premium on all surety bonds of officers or employee, running to the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. "The City shall pay the premium on aal surety bonds of city officers or employee, running to the City of St. Paul. Section 8. Whenever a surety bond is required, the head of the department to which the bonded officer or employe belongs, shall make requisition therefor on the Purchasing Agent, except as hereinafter provided, and said Purchasing Agent shall proceed to procure the same as provided by Chapter 15 of the City Charter. Section 3. Whenever the Councilmen shall have been assigned. or re -assigned as commissioners, as p-rovided by Sections 57 and 58 of the City Chazter, it shall be the duty of the Purchasing Agent, without requisition or instructions therefor, to purchase and procure for said commissioners and each of them, in the manner provided by Chapter 15 of the City Charter, the bonds required of such officers by the City Charter. Section 4. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid out of the funds assigned by the Charter and budget ordinances to the depart- ment making requisition for any such bonds, unless there shall be in- cluded in the budget an item of the General Fund for the payment of such premiums, and in such case the coot of such surety bonds shall be paid from said item. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force r thirty days after its passage, approval and publication.. Ordinance No. 3233-13y S. A. F rdinarlh— ov An Once pridfor the Pay- nt nt byby the Cit, off t the Premium o all surety bonds of officers n e +. / Ployes, running to the City of St. Th•• Cou nil of the Cit' of SL Paul � �- apes orealn: N SECTIO1. ' '.191 Ugdhtht The City ,bull ps. the prem n Y all svn I boor a of e+[y Ricerssou PlIJ es runnln� to Che Cit, of Sf P ul, SECTION 2.A _ YF1$1 R'henever a uret> bond is requited, the head of the del`•rt moot to u'h 1,•h Ihv I b,d offlaer Or . .1 _=. shall rnalce requisition therefor i 1 p­,busibir Ag t. pt as 1 ft pi-ovided. Ind,,sll ]j§ '1+:+ IECTICIN 3 \\'h•n .� .r ih... riv shall have': IFne ,+ .sl Fned of r�rr�a.. n co •e Prov i clods Uy Sections 57+ inn(rs. .+ � it he '- Ch ort e r. shah rids 58 rf the City ,\Fent,' lhP duty of the Purchasing A „ithonl r"I ill,� r Instru etions (ori QST therefor. to Pu rchsse ml Procure m ,1Ptn� I�,ienern nun ��aeI of them /Qt. `7 N4 Iia the t rn ' Prr drd by Chn Pter ll i of the CI[)' Chn iter, ihr• bonds required such officers by the City Cherter. F�oP /�. ,M 517CTiON 4. - The premiums n such bads bat` b_ S� '- - NAYS 0 paid out If the fonds gned the Charter and budget oi- nonces to "the. - the department ma Icing requisition for J such bonds. unless there shall be included in the budget an Item f the / General Fund for the payment e lIch ast '. pP mlume, and in such case the cost - such surety bonds shall be paid from +, €said item SECTION 5. This ordlnan ce shall lace effect and Q� 1 f b 1 force thirty dn,s after It Pass- age, approval and publication. Passed b� the Couil July 8. 1414 P nc a, € S —Messrs. Farnsworth G yg eller. N110-11, O Leary y.;r.. Mr n President (Powers) -7. . Nays -0. Approved .Tu1J' 914 J SINN' POWERS. Mayor. Attest: JOHN I. FARICYGIty Cleric. (July 11-1914) 1 ]j§ An ordinance providing for the payment by the City of the premium on all surety bonds of officers or employee, running to the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The City shall pay the premium on all surety bonds of city officers or employee, running to the City of St, Paul. Section 2. Whenever a surety bond is required, the head of the department to which the bonded officer or employe belongs, shall make requisition therefor on the Purchasing -Agent, except as hereinafter provided, and said Purchasing Agent shall proceed to procure the same as provided by Chapter 15 of the City Charter. Section 3. Whenever the Councilmen shall have been assigned or re -assigned as commissioners, as provided by Sections 57 and 58 of s,yl uJ l­li;R 5. a.P"[- uas'e sa4'� . ° '„v ba a.,PP11fipurchasing Agent, without the City Charter, it sho'ul ,caadu P°° ` ,aP l:rv+ ?° 9 saw4u ��¢a�ol 'Au,.,na,l Jo aes147 & L a4o 1O s.00P k[ ;suet lv °hull yu ' re usition or instruct •�= edo; a 8u,u,:w .4 �"""I ' 'P',�se and procure for said �y q ,1 ,I^a11 1°u<l ;']S '4 43 .. '.11 • v' I14ud a41 4 Pa•`ae a<, �u oi, ull° d n•4, nu4 Y°'°Y;; a".;;4i ��aUn a Irovided by Chapter 15 commissioners and each 5 -°d , °s ^4s . 4 I 1un°°.l Vlvs u{ 'I° u�� moos P°u H 1avuJ a4� i of the City Charter, the:°n�;' a officers by the City rL -luw PIPs u, >lau{aJo 401 ,u '4I6L •1k f'4 � "p�'11��Uj,l1 P`�natl I.v `op°Pai{nbata { .. Charter.a4iuuipiongi Section 4. Th u" a" ”°" i a°�1.1a C's a°' Pa'°'b y shall be paid out of 1S a,vlsa ..a4 a° °ria„e{:,{wP� i°ao 1041 yu{uC u.:d Puu YIOIu,osauu 34l 439a1u1Fa'°;l Pio; a,a a° 1`!3nances to the depart - the funds assigned by t ; a,us aa4 °u°ii 11z{3=1 , 4, "'M off „tlat °'lano,'sll,�1 ul 1' Il uaa4 .u{ merit making requisitions there shall be in- ­Lm liv of u1os ,14C to a1u3� S l ' eluded in the budget an „y,P' aQ.ateviclau;'for the payment of '� azlL: ,° :,,>',e� ' 'i =.eurety bonds shall such premiums, and in s au .J'Zjo. ``�” '' C6Cs'O '` M°y 7 (u as^p' be paid from said item. ";; PLu "?,a1;a14°u feet and be in force Section 5. T ` 4.{• , , , „ a1v4 13 yl 'r L}' ° p �,'ation. thirty days after its p " `. ' ' S - ...191 4jqkdby the CaxMi%ivMs............... N AYS, YEAS GOSS ? R �ELLER M°COLL ArST. 'LEARY R� ' YOERG NAYS 0 2r. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) i V j a V f ti V i i I s An ordinance providing for the payment by the City of the premium on all surety bonds of officers or employee, running to the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The City shall pay the premium on all surety bonds of city officers or employee, running to the City of St, Paul. Section 2. Whenever a surety bond is required, the head of the department to which the bonded officer or employe belongs, shall make requisition therefor on the Purchasing -Agent, except as hereinafter provided, and said Purchasing Agent shall proceed to procure the same as provided by Chapter 15 of the City Charter. Section 3. Whenever the Councilmen shall have been assigned or re -assigned as commissioners, as provided by Sections 57 and 58 of s,yl uJ l­li;R 5. a.P"[- uas'e sa4'� . ° '„v ba a.,PP11fipurchasing Agent, without the City Charter, it sho'ul ,caadu P°° ` ,aP l:rv+ ?° 9 saw4u ��¢a�ol 'Au,.,na,l Jo aes147 & L a4o 1O s.00P k[ ;suet lv °hull yu ' re usition or instruct •�= edo; a 8u,u,:w .4 �"""I ' 'P',�se and procure for said �y q ,1 ,I^a11 1°u<l ;']S '4 43 .. '.11 • v' I14ud a41 4 Pa•`ae a<, �u oi, ull° d n•4, nu4 Y°'°Y;; a".;;4i ��aUn a Irovided by Chapter 15 commissioners and each 5 -°d , °s ^4s . 4 I 1un°°.l Vlvs u{ 'I° u�� moos P°u H 1avuJ a4� i of the City Charter, the:°n�;' a officers by the City rL -luw PIPs u, >lau{aJo 401 ,u '4I6L •1k f'4 � "p�'11��Uj,l1 P`�natl I.v `op°Pai{nbata { .. Charter.a4iuuipiongi Section 4. Th u" a" ”°" i a°�1.1a C's a°' Pa'°'b y shall be paid out of 1S a,vlsa ..a4 a° °ria„e{:,{wP� i°ao 1041 yu{uC u.:d Puu YIOIu,osauu 34l 439a1u1Fa'°;l Pio; a,a a° 1`!3nances to the depart - the funds assigned by t ; a,us aa4 °u°ii 11z{3=1 , 4, "'M off „tlat °'lano,'sll,�1 ul 1' Il uaa4 .u{ merit making requisitions there shall be in- ­Lm liv of u1os ,14C to a1u3� S l ' eluded in the budget an „y,P' aQ.ateviclau;'for the payment of '� azlL: ,° :,,>',e� ' 'i =.eurety bonds shall such premiums, and in s au .J'Zjo. ``�” '' C6Cs'O '` M°y 7 (u as^p' be paid from said item. ";; PLu "?,a1;a14°u feet and be in force Section 5. T ` 4.{• , , , „ a1v4 13 yl 'r L}' ° p �,'ation. thirty days after its p " `. ' ' S - ...191 4jqkdby the CaxMi%ivMs............... N AYS, YEAS GOSS ? R �ELLER M°COLL ArST. 'LEARY R� ' YOERG NAYS 0 2r. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) i V j a V f ti , • t [ � I i E r f a AOL An ordinance providing for the payment by the City of the premium on all surety bonds of officers or empi,Re8, running to the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The City shall pay the premium On all surety bonds of city officers or employee, running to the City of St. Paul. Section 2. Whenever a surety bond is re wired, the head of the department to which the bonded officer or emplO elongkjt�e, shall make requisition therefor on the Purchasing Agent, excep hereinafter provided, and said Purchasing Agent shall proceed to procure the same as provided by Chapter 15 of the City Charter. Section 3. Whenever the Councilmen shall have been assigned s --" Sections 57 and 58 of Or re -assigned as commia¢ F�.y}lfnu�,liino, au)a a9 sal`!a;npe I Pl°s without V tom[ ti�adu aEo ..,o as a ? the City Charter, it eha;l u ,s"p rchasing Agent, 14 ' Y.L� a. 3 1 s.CeP §[ 1 I �u•.)cl o) ;�uIP e.�•.mseet. .idn-•:n'us...'1, ?4)s �w:.�t olluila requisition or ins and rocure for said r { "hapter 15 commissioners and of the City Char y the City Charter. '^ Sectlpaid out of c> the funds assign all be in - the depart - went making reh" al} payment of cluded in the, i odds shall such premium; be paid from 4=be in force thirty days I' J � 7/% i= 1 onnvil Nile No. - - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and a PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following puhlie impl'ovemeut by the City \ I'mil, vie.: _...... _..._ _ __... ......_. .. Paving Prior _.avenue from_liarshall avenue to- Su=it -avenue_.... nale,t alis 24Th day ot, June, 1'li4 - Cainncibuau. ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAti• A veIilteu I.roposal for the junking nl' the following improv:•nn-nl. eir.: _ .. Paving._Prior_avenue from Alarg.ball. avenue_to__Summit_ avenue __ 3621— u ,.:of,i.:\ �vritt en I,ropoenl [or th,. the following Imnrovem a nt. r1'Ing I'rlor i e from \lur- nu e Io Summit having - - --- - - rented to the of the 'ul Ihorefor., re, b. be It - f: f`mnmlxaloner _...._. ...... _.., . .. ,ren. (laving bcwa prvsentcd to the Council of the City of St. l'autbY Councilman._.'_ .__.__..-.___..... therefore, he it I l",0l,VFD, That the ('011, it issioner of Public Works be and he is herehy Order-] and directed: 1. 'I'll investigate the ueeessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement - 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated Bost o1• said improvement, null the total cost thereof. TI l fnrnisli a plan, profile or sketch of slid inyarovemamt. ,. 'I'n flnniai the follovcin, other data amd inforimation relative to said inyn•nyr:nent: _ - 5. Tn Stale'wil(ither or notalit] improvement is asked for oil the petition of. three or more owners. ti. To report upon alt of the 1'ol--ill" matters I the Con) uission yr of Vivauce. Adopted by the Council - �r.. yeas: �� Says: Goss Approve,l 191. - / Ki—Her-McColl Yoerg Mavor Powers Ahym•. I l'mlucil File Vo.._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ter` PRELIMINARY ORDER._ h the makiii of the I'ollowillg loll iwpinun by till- City of Vit. The undersigned reby proposes Dated this -� dI\ tf —,.,. Couucib»as. PRELIMINARY ORDER. i VVIIEP.A:Ati, :A wviite» propnsal for thr olakim; of the following improvenuvul, viz. C r- :.. ,.. tc m r v ...7 .:_C.a 1.;:1_.. ... _?....:...� P. No. 367 \vheren s, .\ n•rillen Pro Posnl for the ek lnl; of the following improvement. _ .... - Cott,I`xscxl ¢Venue, It— Ven e 1 In 'o ¢ e nv h spree. the the rated to the Council of the _ ..of St. Pnul therefore.be I[ ue :sld. That the Commlssla nor o[ e marks be and he is hereby or to theCollllell of till', City of Vit. Palle by coullelllllilll-- ..._.- .... _. _.__........ � having ht ell presented therefore, be it RhlnOl,A'ED, 'That the l''o»l»lissionor of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 'Po investigate the necessity for or desirability of the staking of said improvement. S. To iuvestigale the nahur, extent mid estiulated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveuu•ut. a. To f»r»lsh fill• r011UAcks,r ollL•1• data and ilirol•olatloll relative to said ilnprovelllent :i. To state whether ur not .............-_ _ said inlproveuleut is asked ror ml the petition of three or 11 ore oven ere. 6. ;1'0 report upon all of filo matters to the Coun»issioncr of Finiulee. Adopted by the Cosneil Yells: Couneilnuul Fa vsvorth (,os Approved.-_(�-. ler lI Coll M (1' ma ry �. �- erg _._._... __. T.. _............_ ......_...._._. Akyor P L _ � r Council Pit,, No. _ _ 68- PROPO AL FOR IMPROVEMENT. '! and PRELIMINXRYpORDER. ` I The ulidrrsigned ll uby plopomts fliv ulakigg r of the follo%awg 1111Lht implmrmcnt by w City of SO. Dated this o ay of � Couucibnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. VC711:RF.:AR, .1 lwrilten proposal t'm' the making of fit(' following improvenlrut, viz.: ...�� _ C. P. No. Ill— wnnra.. A —Taroprnpgal for the _... _. mn1<Ing of the fol local ng Improve re t. viz: Curb Minnehaha street from Hnmllne a e to Grigg. etreet hav- veno it', been presented h the Council of Lhr ^Ity ed tit. Paul therefore, be IC ,. olved, T' it the Co molssioner of r v7d he la hereby or ..... having hero preseutr,l to the Connell of the City of St. Poul by Couuaduuul._ tlua'efore, be it . l?F-, l,A'FD, 'I'hut file Conuuissioner of Public Works be and be is lterrby o•dmrd and directed: I. To inwcstigute the necessity for or desirability of the Making of suid iuyo'ovenlellt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said "irnprowenlent, and the, total cost therrof. :t. •1'o flu•uish it plan, profile or sketch of said ial pro"I"'1t. .1. To I'mm'11 thr following other data and inforalation rrlativr to said improveun•nt: ...................... . . _._............... ....... ,},... To state wvhrther or not suid iluprowement is asked for on tllepetition of tilree or more owners. (i. To I•rport upon all of the forrgoing mutters to thr Conlnlissionpr of Finalim Alia r N �SA Adoptrd Ity thr Council V 1'etls: - _ Nays: �1 ("Jivillnll Fit I I swoIt11 Cos 1pptoyed l!11 Kel f.l. \Ic oil i U'f nary \layor Po,ers \[ayor. t PRELIMINARY ORDER written proposill for fln, niaking, of the foll'm ing i ol pl-m-cinvil I, viz.: i t v having lo-vil pleselited to the Coillwil of the City of St. Paul by Collio-ilinall therefore, be it I?I:SOINEI), That ill(- Comiuissioiwr of Public Works he and be is hvr(-b.A ordered and directed: 1. 'fo investigate the nveessit.y for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To iim-sligate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said i ill provelliont, and the total cost thereof. :I. 'I'(I furnish It plan, protilt, or sketch of said -1. 1,(. hino'll the following other data and information r"hitive to said illiprovollwilt: 5. To stall whether or not said improvenwot is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forrenin,r illittlers 10 the Commissioner of Adoph"I I)Y the Council JUN 121-1 1,314 191 Who,��'­"A'_­mau rooposai for 'th no , , a the following lailpmell'It'. no I(, ililiall1''a I I I S,1 '[,�l aC'I b Al a'alveter avenue. �': �urjadtr,aveiue to Princeton avenue ) S _aP I cl.n avenue. from Ala.. teeter 4­ �jj av­ue to Baldwin avenue having been 14- prr.'ntrd to the Council of the CitY 11 Col of St. Paul therefore, be 't -..a a.' Resolved. That the, oP by or- 3'1�lgll Public Worka g. and H'i dered and etre. 6ted: y �, 1. To I tlg,t, the .... Ily r a,. Berl ra b I ... of I', c to ,.ng of -kld v .1fil.1 ol 1111yor P4,wer, the a 2. and llthla,�"j ""It, - f _t all, 3. To Council Ilii, No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELININA"-ORDER. lonlri-sigiled hereby proposes, the making of the following public illlproveinent_-by the City of St. - Pool, viz.: C"ir rl av e r, J, I)i1fed Illk (IX of 191 Coulleilinall. PRELIMINARY ORDER written proposill for fln, niaking, of the foll'm ing i ol pl-m-cinvil I, viz.: i t v having lo-vil pleselited to the Coillwil of the City of St. Paul by Collio-ilinall therefore, be it I?I:SOINEI), That ill(- Comiuissioiwr of Public Works he and be is hvr(-b.A ordered and directed: 1. 'fo investigate the nveessit.y for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To iim-sligate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said i ill provelliont, and the total cost thereof. :I. 'I'(I furnish It plan, protilt, or sketch of said -1. 1,(. hino'll the following other data and information r"hitive to said illiprovollwilt: 5. To stall whether or not said improvenwot is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forrenin,r illittlers 10 the Commissioner of Adoph"I I)Y the Council JUN 121-1 1,314 191 Who,��'­"A'_­mau rooposai for 'th no , , a the following lailpmell'It'. no I(, ililiall1''a I I I S,1 '[,�l aC'I b Al a'alveter avenue. �': �urjadtr,aveiue to Princeton avenue ) S _aP I cl.n avenue. from Ala.. teeter 4­ �jj av­ue to Baldwin avenue having been 14- prr.'ntrd to the Council of the CitY 11 Col of St. Paul therefore, be 't -..a a.' Resolved. That the, oP by or- 3'1�lgll Public Worka g. and H'i dered and etre. 6ted: y �, 1. To I tlg,t, the .... Ily r a,. Berl ra b I ... of I', c to ,.ng of -kld v .1fil.1 ol 1111yor P4,wer, the a 2. and llthla,�"j ""It, - f _t all, 3. To 170 Couneil Nile No.._._. •�.,,. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. rl_ and "". . PRELIMRY ORDER. f the undersigned hereby proposes the Iml/g of tlu• foIIowiug puhlie improveuywt by tliv City of St. Paill, viz.: hated this dad' of i I Couneihuau. PRELIMINARY ORDER. R"IIl:1.T;:Ati, :A vvriHoo propo-I I'or the making of Ibe fsllovvilig improvrslbnt, vi%.: It I \ 3 0 \1 h \ t 1 C i� U Hollnnl lL 1 nu ` from \fin e � fl litl ILiI [ t ,� yntn[ ]is f L th ue having U 1 l th (nuncn of tU l Ly I 5l I r l o f e, U i I t ' 1C I a 1 h t� a Comml 1 having been Ill algid to ill(, Council of t.lte City of St. Paul by Couucihuatt therefore, bc it Rh;tiOI,A'F;1), 'Chat the l'onuoissioner of Public Works be and lie is 1Leroby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the slaking of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said iulprovenleut, and the total cost thereof. a'ursish a plan, profile or sketch of said iovproveuurul. -I. To lnruish IIll, colloN,iuk ether data and information rotative to said improvement:. 5. To state Whether or not said iolprovement is asked for on the petition of three or mmr owners. fi. To report upon !ill of the foregni!Ig matters to the Commissioner of Vinanee. Adopted by the Council_._ JUN 22 151_4.._......191_ _. Xays:. CooI4.au ParnsvvorlII ,o.' Approved .. .Z_/ 19L licl rr : llc all n uuq• . Y41g __ _.... Council File No. ,.. j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. L r fhe tnnlersignetl bereby propose, the making./the following publie unproven t, by the City of St. Paul, viz i . ......... _._... .............................. J Iblted this .� . dr of Cottneilinall. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WllffiiF.:A�,. ,A written proposal for the making of the following iuyn-oveumul, N,iz.: i erre;; u, ,1 written propoxal for the 4 of thr following Improvi•ment, i trh Avhuryfrom \fin- et strr t t (apt I e h v p o th C Hell oP of 1t S —111 e t t , lP 1 on of Illiving been pr',seuted to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couucihulul lherel•ore, be it Ii1:SOLV'SD, That the Commissioner of Public Work,, be and he is brreb} ordered and directed: 1. To iuvestigatc the ltecessity for or desirability of the making of said inlproveo WIIt. 3. To investigate the uatnre, extent and estimated cost of said iulprovenn'ot, and the total cost thereof. :S. 'I'o I'uruish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. a. To hirni,h t1w following other dat;i and information relative to said iolprovenmtt: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owliers. ti. To report upon all of iho foregoing uultthrs to the ()innnlissioner of b'ivance. Adopted by the Council JUINI-22 1514.____I91__... Yeas: - Nays: Cotuicilman LAS rusworth ht's Approved Ke ler M loll O' vary 1 rg Mayor Po vers c7 _ N _ L'j,"or. 7-) . J.�.� Council Nile No..>— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. � d and PRELIMINARY DER./1-cItt •rlw vudersigned herebv proposes the making of le dollowing publio imCity of St. pawl, vizUt'r 1_• JI-+r-_...:..5'S c ae I)aler{ this y,/ •/ .day of 191 i Couucilutau. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FIIF,IiI::AS, A written proposal for the making or the following improweun•ot, viz.: �. i .._.... .._ _.. U. r 372— lVh1—a, A W1111cn."11110.19 pt'oposnl for the _ ukin nk of lhr foll—troz Imps—,—nt. lz: urb :\inline street, from nlhir at r�t•Irltn Ca pi[ol hnvinR lrecn ' pmsented to the lou nrll�af [he City of - - .. tiL }'nut there fore,. by It P—olcrd, Thnt the.t ntiaslon er of om orlcs hr and he In herehY or. ted:- _ hawing peen presented to the Council of the City of a.. _.,.. ,, Cotulcilnmli therefore, he it Rh;til)LA ha), That the Conunissioner of Public Woks be and hr is hereby ordered anti directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said iolprovenunt. 3. 'I'll investigate the nato", extent and estimated cost of said iwprovemellt, and the total cost thereof. 'I'll I'll ruish.a plan, profile or sketch of said improvcuteut_ -1. To I'nrnish the rollowillk, other data and information relative to said improvement: .................. .. ............................._..... 5. To slate whether nr not said iotprovement is askeii for oil the petitimi of three or more owners. 6. To report upolt all of the fol4-going matters to the Com mission or of Finance. Adopted by )hr ('0111161��II ,rS`.�_'7 Q 1'ras: �rr Nays: CmtJlcilmau Flu tsworlh / �. z k1... _.. Gos App» ov t (,F d. 1111, KIfi l[c oil 01 •ary Mayor Pot{e` rs tvnr. 1, Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ♦ ' and y I PRELIMINARY ORDER. r The vudersigned hereby proposes the leaking of thyplollowing pu61i'r. improvel It by the City of St. 1'tnll, viz: Com_.-._. Ai -• - a ".:.. . :'.:3: ,... .]. ]:.;:.::'.1�,;.1 a. ... .,.., .. _ _.. d _._. _.._. _ __. _._ _._._.. ._._.... .._...__.... ¢Ir Dated this ' day 0'. 191-w— Councilman. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 written 1 ropoial for Hie making of the following inlprovenmut• viz C. F. No. 873— or R'hrrenx. ,\ . rit Cep Vro poen! fthe I n to 11 f the tfollowl n[; Improvement i "_h \71 C Cl rel, from \II hal, [t t Buren stre t h- 1"9 v _ 19 1 a 1 t d to the Cot it or �h I.IC C 8( 7 l therefore b It ]3 Iv 1 That the. Commlast of bllc �� k h. and he he her .b} r- _.... .re. rt tad direr.[ed; r I ..... havieg here preseeled to the Council of the Cd)' or 2!;t. Yxul by 1 herefore, he it Rlal)l.A'EI), That fhe Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for m• (lesiral)ility of the making of said improvement. 3. '1'o investigate the nahnr, extent and estimated cost of said improveelent, and the total cost thereof. :1. 'I'o furnish 11 ]Clan, profile or sketch of said improvenwill. d, To furnish the following other data and information relative to said innprovemenl: u. To slate whether or not said improvenleut is asked for on tho petition of throe or ulmr owners. (i. To 1• -port upon all of fhe foregoing matters to the Coulmissitmer of Finance. Adopted by lite Council Yeas: Nays: Co]tucilnnau F: •usworfh Go s - Approvr .I K ler �rcnu (l ,Cary \L•q•or Y vers \Gt or. Comleil File No., PROPOSAL:FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. -f - improvenleot by the City of St. The lindel"i"lle'l her,I)v I)l-0ptj,,;,s the making of the following publi, f r --11. t s t et avzl.: -treet tr e t -U"-7t t. t t 't, Str-" C t r + rank s i7 e t t t ds 1 e at t 3 it r 7- arl r t !_I t st-,- 1" t t t t, enu e t Ct asked fol. on the I),jitiolI of three 01, more owners.said joll),ove,11,11t is slate wIletile,ol. lot said G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coll"llissionvi-of Finance. ,Y,'I N2 X914 Ille CouncilAdopted 11 . N Peas: cou2ilinall Fal •11swolth Go s Approved K, er DI 'oil (o)" ell I -y 70. S' y rg vor po Gn oa File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, The uudel-sigil I"] lo'].Vby propos -4 10 IIW1119 ki of ill,, f.1101vilig plifilie iolprovellielit by the City 'If 'It. 1 from C710" 2 or on t, pt a _Uz-7&n street; 7unth w,a�ln fccn I arm. 8. - fl:, ary- Strait, lf- cloth =nyls -or! stpe Crurge fro, Arl jtf?Rt t1 - q "-sOnth Qr land atf t t , I t,- nuc T,ri Btiont 1 '0 t f 2" at:7,t; 0% a; Ttrt jy0yus, 1r: StArt to !I I nlyc,t w_ atn -arwi3rd _Q, t; warv,:, - -11 X "Url tr,;6t 1. TV! I � - et, f C in sty. ew ..Are Atrest, :.re fro.. 1' rank- t, f, , :,uLh otr—t ­ v®r-Zi :_2W otl fro, Drunk w e t D71-1 L -, 1� VOL -e; Q -t Dr 1 w ALtw.i=CH%1 t from n y �11 t� Can! strapt; 1 ry- ivy 3t; 7yUw1q*h otr.-Z, if rn, -ar tr 27 r t tn 7ulrth d . > th a7 0 e t 1 'ry 071 5 rrl strict to DW -t" ov-, - -01 K ivenue, 0 no at: V 27int" nvq�e; Ann, T-d Wl a tion, Zat:4t tar,inn, 1 To slate -whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three 01. lool'o OwIlel's. (ij To report upon all of the foregoing, 1110ters to the CoolillissiollQ1. of FiTillilee. M 22 Adopted by the Council Nays:L, Yms: (,o/Iciloilin Fa •nswol-ill Co S Ke ler 3h Doll 0, ell ry y( wg 3hyor T's Approved 21-1 H Wylie. Council File 'Vo ::.._ ,_....... � ��� - a •'l�'t / PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. �� _ Ihrtrd this _. day of� council ian. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \y'III:RAL\ti, A endues„ ......:........ r.._.,. ._..,_, .._. _.- Tr it tM-Si �a��e ate t t ut _ ,..._�-._.._...,. o� =t�'haTin'`NFrh'ti•Ysriifi•d fo tlii• i nme�T'o��' ' _...... __ : • o�rinna - iherrforr, hr it RF.tiO1.A"l: U, That the l'onnuissioncr of Public Works be and lir is hereby marred and directed: 1. To investigate the neeessity for or desirability of the making of said improvrnu•nt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost tl errof. :t. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said ina provennvtt: ........ ........... _........ __..5. '10 state whether or notsaid iutprovenient is aske:l for on the petition of three or more owners. fi. 'ro report upon all or the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Yl 22 1914 Adopted by the Council l'o aeilnuut Fa 'nswart ll / Go s Approval 191 y Ke ler M ;oll GCary Y< rg Mayor. haver Yo its �- Council File No ...... ......._ d PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. bated this __day of c; _._.... ..._.._....._..191_x.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIII:I?FAS• A writte„ ,,, -"°`hh�'in'�h'irn`�Y'"r3'itliliiYio'l1ii Coiinc!1-o �•`'Tfir'7�i m ,rrtana 7rnnser t c ui_ • - n Iherefore, be it R1a01,%'Fl), That the Couuuissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate lite neeessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estia!ated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. 'I'o furnish a phi!, profile oil sketch of said improvement. 3. Tf, furnish the follolvink other dah, and information relative to said iniprovenn•nt: -.. u. To slate Whether or not said iugn•ovenieut is asked for on the petition of three m• more Owners. ti. TO report upon all of the foregoing nmtters to the Commissioner of Finance. TI+ 22 1914 Adopted by Council _ . __... -.___.191._._ � Peas: Nays:_ Co wihnan F: •nswortIt CO s Approved. Ke lei - All ' ceAI 'ell _. O' Bary - Mayor Po vers �— �/ — I K Mayor. (*o1nivil File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. rojIoNvill,, pol)liv improvement by the City Of The midi.r."i"'lled hereby proposes III,, making of the Paul, viz.: Dated this 0zly Or Councilimill.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. VCIIF.GP:AS, .A xvljjt,.n prnpnsal rol• tithemaking Of the fO1101vill", iniprovi'looill, vi,.: 0 _;� L3 No. 375— written "' P 'n 'Oposai for the ""T" m, of i, following Improvement, construct a s,w,, on Raymond tie, from Hendon street to Dudley ,t lml", ,on for—orted [there- tell of the Cl t, of �t. Paul the,, - In it 'o ped, Th't the, mitutioner of �'nme hereby or - having livell presented to the Council of the City of St. Parol by C�ollllvillllall her. -fore, be it -ks be and he is hereby ordcretl mut direeted: ]JESOLVED, Villit the Cool ill issioll er of public WiR 1. ro investigate the necessity fol- or desirability Of the making of Milli iulIleOve"lv"t- -vof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent ;Ill(] ('stillidt"(1 cost of Said improvement, and tile, total cost thel :I. To furnish it plan, profile Or sketch Of sili(I il" P"Ove"1`11t - I. To I'lli"ish the fnil-611V other data aild information relative to said I iloprov('11will 5. T I o stilt AviletIlve Olnot 'n"d improvement is asick-cl for on the petition of till-,(, Or 11101-v olvilers. 6. To report upon 1111 or the foreg-int" Illatters to the Conlilli-iolm. of finance. JUN :Adopted by the CouncilNaN s: Was: /; .11swol t h Conlicillilail Pit I G Os Approved Kel L,r Ile( oil 01 'my ym rg -.\Ia % Or. PON ers D. 7:� Z7' Comwil Nile No...... - ''•� r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigurlt hereby proposes the making of the }Aflovving public inlproveulell!'%y the City of 81. P. r.3t 1. t i 2I' ...J S "' mak• f.r 4!Y u4.. ;.� ....�... 1 nul, viz. ... - f f t r Dated this duly of _.... _._ 191 �- Councilnuu3. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIH,RZEAti, A written proposal fur ill(" making of file following iuiprovemcut, viz.: _�. :i.:, 0_2;_;;',l C_�. d i tr. —.t.. fPoI:.. �.',.. _IF—nd `.r.5et having helm pu•scuted to the Council of the Pity of St_ Paul by l'ouucilaa❑ _. _.......... .._._._..; lhcrcrorc, be it RE-;OLV ED, That Tile Commissioner of Public Wrirks be and he is hrreby ol•dered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of ill(, making of said improvement. _. To investigate the unture, extent and estimated cost of said iaprovemcmt, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plain, Profile or sketch of said improvhacmt. 4. T,, thrin sh Ill, I'ollovviuq other Mata null iliformation relative to said improvenlout _- 5. To state whether or mot said improvement is asked for ml the petition of throe or more owners. ti. To report upon all of the 1•m•rgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by filo Council_ tial.:_.?,...1�1.}Q.............I91_..__. yvil' : 376 a, A written proposal [ the ('nl ell111 it 11 'iii 11 S\\Il1 f :.,he fu I la wink 1 p-- t _ 'n/ tl't a sews t ( Y'....... 1!lt. i ()SS I from w 11 1 t .ct I `-''- I> eatcrl) to A I ibht t cet a r RLI - n pl cscnt: d I til C I ncli re( oil or St.Pam th r be it 1. •that thr L I I)mer or , ()7 tat} _ dire nl.:ina 1 . i n i�p alreltra 1 Oel•� I: the. —s sola _..... fed ,.✓ .r In-1111"or_. Mayor:Powers \r .%or. PUrUtS'dED / y (',)illicit File No)..__ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes tilt, making of the 1611 mviug puhlH• uuprovC"I"ll by the. City no tit. t �.;•zr uc* .'- _,et.._fx w�uoti Paul, viz. �_.r.st 1^ _. .... M � .:.�; (r--cer.`_i; v:acu.�?_.;_o Ar•<r._,._h-. tr3f-t- _ __, __.. i J n.ltell this day of{+. ..._.141 .' ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. R'IILPT::\ti, A \vrilt,•H proposal for Cllr ntnking of the following impro\'eln •lit, vir.: _, t having been presented to Cllr Council of the laity of St. Patti by C.Illieilmau i ivi-cforv, be it HB,NIILV'b;U, That the Commissioner; o l'kblic Works be and be is herrby 01.11,,1-..11 anll directed: 1. To iav'estigate the neeessity for or desirability of till, Hulking of solid iulproveuuut. 3. To investigate the MINN., extent and estinulted cost of said improvl,nu•nt, and the total cost thereot'. :i. 'fn fu•nish It plan, profile, or sketchlof said improve"u•nt. 4. To furnish the fnllmcial cthrl: data and i"I'oruultian relative to said improveun•nt: .. .. ........... .......... . 5. 'fn state vvhetber or not swill ioylrovrnlent is asked for ml the petition of time n1- "lore ovv'ners. ti. T,) report upon all of till- foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Aduptcd by the Council... \il�I\'�...w -15.}4.........._....141__.__ meas:37G— : e. A written proposal fo the Col CII IIIA II 'FLl'lla\\',)I ,:f the fo"owinb Im elft t, i% xtrn, t 1, xew pe t < l �— . . 141 ,oss �tl ea•[ from W II 1 [ Ir 1einterl) to A I ibht t t IICI hr, } f Sl ] to. tlh—fotr 1 it Ic,l oil - ,1 1 n t til . Cemmlxxlo, ,r k 1 1 hn Ia herehY O .l t_fll \ ]'oer ,•.xtl,.at�. int, oe,exxtt r r .._.._ _._._ g .. of x,an .... _. \Iayu'iPowers Maya•. Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and r1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,rile un lusigmd h lthv lnoposes the making of x rollowiliv puhlic inilor cmeut by ill,, llh of St. n idol, viz.. :._ _31.y 1 a a.. ...._. �>,_, ... a' .•. i?.j L, t1.4ii<"t,._. `, �:.d .•_(.,C. +h _..1. i.n B... ,.._ ...._.... _... 1 Dated this :f; 7�, of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. R-IIP.RI,AS, .1 written propo,al for the making of the following inrproveun•nt. vi'r..: C_,=, - -— ' _ ......_r.na'r A., it_.r. the cert.. Le,: ru.r ...1.. .4t,-. having hero plrsculyd to tilt, Council of the City of St. ]'nut by Councilman therefore, he it HEST IXED, 'That the Commissioner of Public -Works be and he is herehy ordered and directed: i. "fo inv,stigate the necessity for or desirability of the nmkiog of swirl improveuleut. _. To investigate the natol•e, cztent and estimated costof said improvement, and f.lre, total cost thereof. '1'o foruish a plan, profile or sketch or said inwi-oveuuod. 1. To Inrnisli the filllawiog other Atha eml informofiou relative to said iulprovenreut: 5. To state whether or not swirl iulprocement is flsiccc>r for on the petitiol of three or more owners. fi. To report upon all of tilt. 1•nr.,gnin" matters to the Conluliasiouer of Winanee. I r n Adopted by the. Couueil _.�_!�..__sc.:C.._.4 C F. No. 377— Yells: 477 Yells; �lV herex s, n wrlilen p oposal for the t_l king of the folk—ld F Improvement. ' S open. ,men and extend Griggs (' 11 Pll lilil it 1-ai1 t eet, to a width of 60 feet, from lhe. / til Ilnr .1 Lien no's Addition to G _. .Lill. (lf15S the north Ilne oP I.ex lnrton Park Ad- --- 777 bell r lltl n said opening to be n _olnua- ti of Griggs street ro no"w laid out 'It, oil r Ins noeth prexentea ro cne enuneu ) I ` [ the City n[ Sl, 7'unl therefore, be It / t) 1l,lITV .solved, That chn r'ommlexloner of he worltx bo and he Ix hcrenY �OCrg e a and directed' To in—loigtte the n xxllr f Mayor Powers exnanr :. nr tw• me .. \Glyn•. RIWA&ILD l'omo--il Fill' No._._....... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. r + and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'I'hc„�mfhrsit;urll lw3ollY prnpoxrs the making of the following puhlir impn�vmnt by tile City of tit. Paul; viz.: _ _... f` ..„.... ...__,.... eret it , i n ct N t + a 1 .r 47 C., .. ..r ,i tr i.,-,_ ,.01 01,U U17 2 . ` t i i f t. IVIITIiT;_%s..k {trigfi'n ro,osap I l fm• the making of the following improvern,•ut, Iiz.:_._ ReOonstruct, relay an l rer air with esti nt Flocks to a kith of ten feet, tha [reeer:t side-:Ilks on tle icliotivin'. streets, except whey, Food a 1 suf fieia t Cel—Int si lewalks now exist; Relay cement or stone walk on Tabosha street, weSeginnsiden 25 ginning at Fifth street, t''ence youth 176 feet; g II feet south of Fourth street, thence guuth 174 feet. Relay c l.: t or (tone walk on Fifth street, south side, tl be ;inning at "'abash-. straet, "enc? tv?st 100 fest. Delay cement or stone walk on Third street, n(;rth side, beginning at Celar etrset, ',hence Fast 150 feet. S. 'rn'mmiSh i pian, pr(m r. ,o. 373—f ._—. whey A written prolmsal for the nitlnR othe tollowinl: imOroveme.nt. vellwiil 'I'n I'urni.h thy• fullo{t'il a reralrltiwr to s11id imprrl viv: Aec tetra ct, relay , o, n l wllh tem eat present to s width of ten ' Peet. the rn,sent sidew:tlits nn good a.d ......... ... �InwinR streets. except when Rona ... ... .. ....... tto,o, slice now •x1n[, 5, To state {vhether of nr.lay eeo,t.' �, to,o, w,ur on wab�-O7l the letitiml of three or more owners. hn street. ,ext nice, 'te 171,g t I li. To report upon all of :heRlir,nlxngn�s the"(. ooit enoihtt�or17Fourthlissinner of Winauce. -st'eeL u,once s,uth 174 feet •toy ce- tent o ntonet w'nll, , , Fiflht troel„ _Wopted by the Council._ out, aide. hegi„nlnst of Wrlb h. 'street, thenen t loo feet: re mem v wane on Third xt t or tine Yeas: norm xtae, beginning at ceanr st t (: - lhenee to rn feel any ll' been t ('1) I1elllll iii 1't 1'114 p I t to lhv C:o a ell of [t (IlY of 4t rllul therefore, be ll _ Go s Ae.ol_j, •rant tin c I mn re - 1pl Pu bile R'nrhs he and t f 1. •rc by o _. ICs le. dtred nos street i _ 1 si In tip t the necess,ly f , 1[e �0 or dexlrnlrtllty a tt n mak,nR ho,2 ems t nuturo, -tent t= ()' e! :, Tn in lig t the of IJ ' nna e9itmnt 7 st of tlnid Ion inn • oont. nna the tote] Dost thornof. \Iaynl' P {{Ll To furnlsh Prop m. pr oale or sketch of sold nn �Iilynl'. 4. To furnlsh tho Poll owl ng other aobt nna Information relative to sora J lmnrovement. "ro'vementt inn , ei ea for on .t old . ^,'hre ownorn. r i Coutlil File No... e PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ��.. _.. _�.. •._ ..F �1.., F,.11 n.r.inn nnl,l in imnrrtr.mnnt t... .I.., a .�__ 'it. . Ilaterl this '!2, Flay of i� F+ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WTIER.RAS A written nt nnncal for thr mnlrinR of the fnllmvi— improvement. viz.: bsciug hhcu presented to III, Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.. therefurc, be it. I?ES'01jA7ED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby- ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the Inteessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the natlur, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereon'. :1. To furnish It plan, prox. r. �n x7a .� Whereas, d wrltten propos rl r ,In, of the fullowing impr 1 1. 'I'n fnrinsh the I'ullnwil �Iz: aeconatnme velar o I 1 dtt{te;to said impmvenlrut: - �wllh ment blocks to width f 1 e a Pt' i Yeet the prcaont xidewstthc on tl f __.31nwmg at t •nt n e g.." au Rlclen[ [ Id 11 ow`t 1 :i. 'f.. stair Whrthm' m• nrnayatrP•i, t est did,,. oeslwk n'an1 tile,petition of three or more owners. Flf tl ut t tl th 1:v6 a ti. To report upon all of 1 gI inr. t e f t th ZyS 4 4aissioner or Yinanee. t .t {I th 174 f e Telin.n1 Itt C. t 11 n ttih /,4' _Adopted by IIIc Cnnneil south all xl 1 g CA h t et th . rst 700 x ortj��i7}ec i yeas : th sil 1 r,l In1S 82;'�)ed }'S: ' _ th t 1 n feet 9.ittnBo-; r Co urihn.m b'f ul$ Put tGo� IN f At e r ted t the A 4 R. Iv d That ttF4nIT 1}o s � T'nlslle worxa ue Ke Ie Berea ..n 1 nrectedl r 1 To I veetlSe AIC Q . d Ir ty I cn,t (1 C� To Invest frr t; Yo i - d I c atlmate .SL io and t llnyor Pow' xttch u£ T8, M�rttr 4 \Iaym•. 4 I I PiovU 6 TO FIrRj �j$�f Ment l>' 191t� IIS Council rill, Vo.: _. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. - PRELIMINARY'ORDER. It 'Phe undersigned herehy proposes the making of the following public iulprovimient by life City of St. Paul, vu.. ��.. _.:._.�........ ..._.-�_..�.�_s _.__......,... f t a3q fill -ue l Dated this . _. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER • ,,, �t.r,tc` a W11ti12F:.Ati, .A Avrittrn jo-oposal for the making of the following improvenn-lit, vies: - - having hero presented to the Council of the City CL tit. 1'>nll by Councilman_ therefore, hr it LIES LCb:1), 'Pkat the C'ouunissioner of Pnblie Works he and hr is hcrrhy ordcred and dit•ecl ed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said ill, proveturut. _t. Tn invrstigntc till' uatmr, extent :Ind estiulatrd cost of Said inlprovenu'nt, and the tottil Cost thereof. :S. '1'o hu'nish it plan, profile or sketch of said int proveuu•ut. a. To Ilu ni;h the I'nllowiov other daLi luul iulbrnialioll relative to will improvement: " .. ._...................... ... c, F. No. 379 W .. _. Ie hereas � a � itten proposal tar the ill the petition of t Irrof n Illore owers. .7. To tiLttP NN-111111--l'NN-111111--l'lonl ling or the f.il-1.9 hnprovement 1 Co lstraetell, toot convent slde, . To report upon all oft alk a both .il.a of Thoma..freet Isvonrl of Finance. ti fromSnelling avenne to faecal avenue hiving been Presented to the Council l'ouneil of the City of St. real theraf4ro, be IL 1 Adopted by the 1 P . To i licatha he n ec necessity oat and he Is hereby dared ./ 1 1. To investigate the y for al, de elrabinly of the ) ' / 1111•III11i1111'1'1141mprovement, ti�iss 2. Toost Investigate the and eetlmnted coat o[ said Improve- ` Meller ma et. and the total cost thereof. 'jr 9. Ta Curnl.h x plan, profile or / Yt Ct'ol.ketch of acid Improvement. 4. To furnish the following other 1'Lea data and inf—ro ation retail ve to .aid lmpravement.G y 9 6. To state whether or provem ant is a asked for on the locution \f,lI or. \ter\'111' Wt'rof three or moo owners. 6. To report upon 11 of the fore- gbing matter. to the Cornea of 1^ i J -mom. / Finance:' / Adapted by the Council Jan. 22, Approved provod Juno 24, 1014. � (July 4-1934) Council File No._._.__ PROPOSAL AR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY c PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mldrlsigued hereby proposes the snaking of the following public inlproveuu•ut by tin• City of 't. --,.,,..,-A E, a ^"x } • Cah..t rl".., aba.._st e*.,... Paul, viz.: _......,. vs:...�.�.1.... v l ,�?...:... .... _. .. _... .. __... FUSt *' rarl stryert Dill,l this "- d y of,'_ f ._ 191.__. - l ounciluuul. PRELIMINARY ORDER. _1 lcritten proposal for the making of the follolcing" improvement, viz.: . cur'c both eiie. u ;;,�t r.'' tha acre t, _r a t Reventl strr t to ......................._...... . Far 1 .;tre%t. having bel a presruted to the Council of the City of St. find by Couueilalall 111"reforc, he it IWSOLV'RD. That the Commissioner of PublicaWorks be and he is hel'l'by ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of skid improvement. 'l. To iuvrstigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. is To fernish 'a plan, profile or sketch of said improvenumt. 1, To furuisll the following other data and i iformalion Tolative to said improvement:. .. - ......... .......... 5. To state whether or not said iulprovenlmlt is asked for oil the petition of three o' more owners. - . 6. To report upon all of the foreg-ninL matters to the Couuuissiouer of tiinanee. :Adopted by the Coaileil 2...1514.._-191 _.. Yens: - c,uo .n t. Na.'s:. vly t Cot icillllall Farslvorlh t. , tigute the ted coat of said ---- (iosSi the total cost thereof. 'ol'e�l .... .. I'll , FCeII T �1CCbll l, inn m n plan, proal, as i prol'em p11to Yinform [io following 1 Information relutive to / , i ()•lfl 1. Hent. a elute whether or not said 1 omg . ant le asked for on the petltlo a or mare owners.--- 11ay0T Pnl\'PL'9 upon all of the fe.- Mayor. natterartto the Commissioners of Id by the Council Juno 22, ,ad June 24, 1914. PUBLISITED�=�.r.r% (July 4-1914) } Council Fill- No. PROPOSAL FOWIMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ifildvi-sign.'(1 hereby proposes the making of the I'0Il0N%-ill9 public jallfrOVI-oleat by tile (1tv of ',I. Paul, viz.: t r t s -1, z� S - Dated this (lay 0 191 1 ........ .. PRELIMINARY ORDER W I I E NN I iit, 11 I1ropossl rot- the lliakin,-r of the foll(- i I'!,, i III I) 1-0v ("a" I I - N'ix t ruc t , F tall n C. p t Wh e re good and .2-u f t ft -h S -1, d g w. having het'll pros"llied to tile (',oalleil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RFSOM-ED, That the C011i'llissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the lililkilig Of slli(l i"'Provel"i'llt- 2. '1,o investigate the nattire, extent and estimated cost of Said improN ('111 ('nt, and the total cost thereof. :I. I,j) 1,111,list, it plan, profile or sk(,teli of said i In lo-o"011o'lit - 4 To rw lkil the I'lHoNt it", 111114-r thitil and hirovillotioll retentive to said improvement: 5. To state Whether or not sai(I 'it ipl-ovelileat is asked for on the petitioll of three or more owners. 6. To report i1poll all of the fovvgni,lg, matters to the Commissioner of Finallev. 2 22 ;X,N __pil Adopted by, the C0lllluiI-j.L1�111 eillilan Farlsivol-111 'I! the c, ,ld ,t. /-till (,'as �,,n,,-tlgate the e.nitc, " e. tort .11 " "o"' ofthereof.'improve- _ Kel Cr d the total —.1 foretell a p.ln or i_a,.vr.c Me oil ; i it T' 1�—"I"h the .1l.wlro, other illy and Information reinti— to said ree. Yo g To i.i-e whether or net ludd Irn- for o. the petition yor. Mayor Powers or morn owners. Co reportall of the for,- Tottere to the he Cconrnl-i—r of ted by tho Council June 22, June 2* 1914. (July 4-1914) Comwil Fill- No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. k - The u lidt.r.si gill,d llervb.\ proplises the making of fill, f'olloNving public. improvement by 1111. City of St Paul, viz.: . .. ... t f 7 — 1)atc 1 this day of 19L7 'oulleil illa n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. will"'UE-VS, wl ittl 11 proposal for the oulkill" of the folbnvinR improv m ut xiz.: nl3t r,-, c t q 4 is i t th d t, L�V U 2 V C having been presvilti'd to the Council of the City of St. hull by Councilman licrerorr, be it That the Colililligsioller of Public Works be and he is lwreIm ord,rrd and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for Or desirability of the aqakiiig or said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thel,of. :3. 'ro riii-iiisli a plan, profile or silirtell or said inwroveal I 'I] t. 4. To furnish 11w ollo,villg otlo.r dain and information 1-1.liltivi. to said improvement: 5. To state NOwther or not said ill,prov(.11jent is asked for on the petition of three or olorl' olvilors. 6. To 1-vilort upon all or the fol,"'ning, matters to the Com ol issiolo.l. of Finance. Adopted ll.i the Coulwil JUN '22 !SA Teas: ys: Co2i 11114111 Fa -1181110l'th —,00- the G 0, ""'t or xnid "o, unproved Kel er tuuve Me Off 0' Bary to x "Z,— Yo -g d 1- 1111vol. Yot ers 112 the Cuu null ,luno 2 24 .1191914 11Y 4) �nf Council Nile No._.._.t.r�-.I _--. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and t PRELIMINARY ORDER. (4b. The undersigned hereby proposes the narking of the rollowing pubdie improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .-.,}-. ._......�... .,..,.......�..., .;a_..� .....,...._.__:..+�.�_.t,. ,:_,....�...-.. 1.:..L_._..i,__--a.1.\..... _......;_:. Dated Iltisky of 191.:.. r _ C'oulie illi an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERE..v, :A wrilten looposal I'or tit,, nuking of the following improvomeal, vie.: a + n., r, T having he,,n preseulvd to the Collucil of the City of St. Pawl by Couneitulan___ ..._.____ .._.__ ......._._; lherel'ore, he it I?ESOLVFU, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity for or desirability ofFhe making of said improveuuvrt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and thO total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. i a. 'I'1, I'maish the following other d;tt;l and information relative to sail improventcnt: :i. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on lite petition of three m' 11101'0 owners. 6. To rep0rt 111)011 1111 Of till' foregoing tlmtters to tile. Commissioner of 1'imince. HIMHIMtS !a `� Adopted by the council- .�� ._.191.___ ]ens: mnkln Na.Ns 1 oun.1(' llllil11 t'1t ns\ owl, -tie, t. the notal, .[edt � �._. G09 the total run[ thereof llpl'OVed _.. d!I)s torn I'll n plan, arol" h1'I I' I a0.1d Improvement. mr—n the "],,live 1 mmr,nnuon rehw 4'e to \ i t. d)'L arp anen- .y [nlC lv he ther pt• not sale / v It Is oskod for on the �r OC g pct .... ......_ _.. .. . / ._... .. w'neru. ___ :)ayor PON, r9 I tUulthe �)a\'01'. notte��s Commlethe l� .Cd by the Council .lune, eed dune 24. 1914. 0.11 4-1914) I. Countil Nile No- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and k) n PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makiug.nf the t'ollowing publie improvement by the Pity of St. 1'11111, viz: ICTa3 e1;Ct.. id ._ G_` •.. �1�. 1 __..._a l.j `..... ....'.'..^ _... 4 1.. .. Dafvd this._. _.dn; of e "' _191._2.... ,,/ l'onnciluuul. ll PRELIMINARY ORDER. [vritteu proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: d ri ��C'1'r ] ;1•� �. ,�,- �:t cit ',L. having been prescuted to the Couueil of the City of St. Paull by ('muleifuuul_- therefore, be it I?ESOLYED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hr is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the natw•c, extent and estimated cost of said iulprocenlrnt, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvennmt. a. To furnish file following other data and iut•olative to said improv''Ilwnt: " n propo.,a for tine of � ee rot .... _.._ _... _... ._._._ _._ mew,nl: st :i. To state whether or not said iulpro,,r .ls fee, , on ttheor oil the petition of three or More owners. It,fi. 'Co report upon all of the foregoing hsi,eeiuiup�rsenied tomnlissinner of Finance. Ellyof St. Paul Adopted by the Consu� l tut .•+. .--... cor wt4n,hesrloehr r oor-r Yeas - we nree.. rorllh,. .hr mon Ing of said Cm on lhuall tN i'JllSov),.fit got. be'n't e. —tenprovet , e luta) cost nature. KL ler l I u Plan. Droflle or Bald Improvement 1t 011 furnish the eollowang other Information relative to Id 11 eary '=- .tate whether or not earn Ion. Yo m rg at 1. ..ea far on the petition \layor Powers or a owners. report upon 11 of the fore- \Ia\'or. .alters to the Commissioner of 'gel by the. Council June 22. ,ed Junr 24, 1914. (July 4-1914) 1 Council file No _ .. f •r. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 The uudrrsigned hereby proposes ihr making of ihr follon'iug public, improvement by the City of Si. ............... ................... Daied Ihis '' daa.v of _ 191..` Couucilntan., PRELIMINARY ORDER. " A wrilt�-n proposal for the making of the following iIII proveomnl• viz.: •.': T'. _. a .......................... ...... _.......................... _.. . having brru prescr�tcd to the Council of the Pity of St. Paul by Cowtrihuan __. therefore, be it '•33�� RRSRiNRU, That the Conunissiolter of Public Works he and hr is hrr,,by ordrre,l and direcicd: 1. TO investigate the ueeessity for ot• desirahilit•v of the making of said int provenwilt. 2. To investigate the natut•e, extent and estimated cost of said intproveuu•nt, and the total Bost t1wroof. :i. 'I'o t•nruish a plan, profile or sketch of said improcemrut. I. To furnish Iho follo,riog other data and iufnrowlinu rrintivr to said iiitprovrnomt: - .._............................ .._.................. .... ....... . _....._... To stat,, whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more olvners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Comntissioucr of Finance. 514 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ 791___ ' Yeas: y a Nas: Coutfc�.il..n Par isworth ,tat oeet . ,n n 1 A provod _.� u 1!Il (,os .,...d onwo°eml•„t II ... _.... Kel er rnlsl, the fmto,. - t mrn�matlen retnu.r tle oil nt o,tr ,rneu,er or nut .1,. U u_t ie ,n.ked n r on the r YOC 'g resort upon n11 of tn.-"""'-- �'•'���-" -- muerx to tile commr9:,1u \Gtyor. \L1rnr Powers r. /'� . ted by tile Cuunotl an ,,,d .wnr 194. 1914. (auly 4-11914) i �• '� 4 An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of St. Paul to the amount of Four Hundred Tb sand Dollars (4,400,000.00) par value, for the purpose of creating a Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers; namely, the Mayor, Comptroller and City Clerk, be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute in the manner provided by the City Charter, and to issue and deliver to the Sinking Fund Committee provided for in the Charter, from time to time as may be demanded by the Commissioner of Finance, the bonds of the City to the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) par value, for the purpose of creating a Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, as authorized in and by Sections 217 and 278 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, as amended in the year 1912, and such other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto. Section 2. Said bonds shall be in such form as may be deter- mined by the said Sinking Fund Committee, with the advice of the Cor- poration Counsel, and shall bear date the first day of the month in which said bonds are sold, and if not sold in one parcel, each parcel shall bear date as of the first day of the month in which such parcel i is sold. The.principal of all of said bonds shall be due and payable yeare after the date which the said bonds may bear, and said bonds shall -bear interest at the rate of four per cert. per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall not be sold for less than par and accrued interest. Said bonds may be in the form of coupon bonds, and the coupons may be authenticated by the engraved signature of the Mayor and the countersignature of the Comptroller, and may be in denominations of One Hundred Dollars or any multiple thereof, not exceeding One Thous- and Dollars, as the said Sinking Fund Committee may determine, and shall be payable at the Financial Agency of the City -of St. Paul in the City of New York.' The full faith and credit of the City is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal and interest of said bonds in accordance with the terms -thereof. Section 3. The said Sinking Fund Committee is hereby a0hor- ized, empoxered and directed to negotiate and sell the aforesaid bonds from time to time in such amounts as may be demanded by the Commissioner of Finance, and the proceeds of said bonds and of all premiums realized therefrom shall be credited to and placed in a separate fund to be knorn as the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, which fund and the moneys therein shall be used only for the purpoae of financing, or paying the cost of, the public improvements initiated or carried on or performed under the Charter of the City, for which an assessment against property benefited by such improvement is to be made. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage and publication. .------- C F. No. 385-0rdinance No. 3238—ES Commissioner Goss— :1n ordln¢nce n thorizing a d pravid- �f"%'y'.J ) Ing for the issunnce a d ale oC 11 hinds i�f City of 9t. Paul to lhd Hundred Thous 0.00) par val "s:tor l/ �74' 4 I Adapted by the $s issietees. . / Yeas N A}"`, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS ,q KELLER " McCOLL C S: yfY� O'LEARY L Y& f vt-vhi NAYS 0 MR. (POWERS) �TVTVBd leI3iJ. 1 — -� 5 - / Y w. Sect s hereby a4hor- ized, empowere aforesaid bonds from time to t the Commisekoner of Finance, at remiums realized therefrom ehaj fund to be known as the Permani and the moneys therein shall, ;, or paying the cost of, the j )n or performed under the Cha against property r benefited bye Sec and be in force Z thirty days f h f -'d .d r V V6 Council Fit,, No.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Nato, via. -. ,,.t i1'. ..._1.,. _L Y e..�....n , ,...._, 191_. _.. I)atrd this. .. :' _tlt� ,dFl.<:. r:..: J a; ' llouueilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIISRP;.AS, A wri11w1 proposal for the making of flit, following iInprevontent• vie..: - having been presented to the Couneil of the City of St. Paul by Cotlucilulan- therefore, he it RI:SOLV•EU, '['list the Commissioner Of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 'ro investigate the necessity for or desirability of the ulaking of said iutprovenleut. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said iulprovcmeut, and the total cost thereof. :. To fnruish it phut, profile or sketeh or said improvement. -1. To furnish 1110 following Other Mata and inf•Orutotioll rrlatice to said intproventout: 5. To state Whether or not said inyu•ovenlent is asked for oil the petition of throe Or more Owners. G. To report upon 1111 of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by.1'lte COuucil .....J''N- `y,.'`�.�Q Yeas: `,..�.�. Nays: k ( 1'OuuCilnitw Fa ustvmth ..die..t of the at th Appl•ovril 1!I1 Go s -,��. total no at a plan. �. rid - f1t ler \I COI[ Improvement. n rn hthe r furnish the relwwir ative, inrarmnelon rmnuve l) e11I'V a tohether or not and ' YO I'g 1 for on the P -Mayor Powers retoked t upon all of the s to the Commission- Mayor. .�. the Council June f° 1I•f, MID 1 1 Council Bile X12...._.-i�-t..J_r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'I'lle nudenignrd.hrrCby proposes the uunkiug of the follotciug public improvement by the City of St. t<. . �la ,z a� t•.:a Pilo], viz.. i haled this._. ....day cif_... Conncilntau. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VIII;RP:A1,'.:1 lcrith•u proposal for tlu• waking Of the following iwprovruu•❑ ,viz.:. ......_...__...... _...... h;n.iug hero presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Como, ibu;t❑__..- therefore, be it IWs oLV EI), That lite Connuissionet• of Public Works be and he is hereby ol•derrd and dir cted: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigiltr the n;rturr, esteat laid estimated cost of stlid improvement, and the total Cost thereof. :S. 'I'o furnish it plan, profile m• sketch of said ionProvro "it. d. To I'uruish the i'nllOn'ing Other data and iuforntation relative to said improventrnt: ................................ ..........................._........... .................... _. .. b. To state Whether m• not said iuiproveulent is asked for on the petition Of three or nnm•e owners. G. '1'o report neon all of the fbrrening nudtrrs t.o the. Commissioner of Final (e. PH '72 IC;Q Adopted by the Council-- Yvils: Nays: nem Coitfl// eihuau Fa•uswol-Ill ' A tthellranking'., Go s osnte then tare. 3pprov,ld ,d cost ^of said imi K let- me toles coat thereof. 1 \ ro t n plan e ofl. // J bt .(011 .old h the of t -- ( ntlsh the Poll Ing () 111( V Information rel tl a to nt 1 erg state whether or of said '-- -- .t is naked for on the petit � Mayor. �fay(11' P Vrl'a. or m re owners. report upon all of the f,'),; ',;Zi tiers to the Commissioner: '""t"'J7 _` / 1 by the council .Tune ,d June 24. 1914. (July 4-1914) - y/j r TT. Council File No ....... . VQQ((��.(.l PROPOSAL rOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. A The audcrsigned her'by proposes th,. making of the following public• improvement 11 the City of St. Paul, vtz. �....� ,...._•...A...1, .x:.._.,.. ,:._.... �._..._..._.._ _ ✓:__�._ .0 J'r hated this day oV ... / I / �� , ( tel. is '. • ' Counvilmmn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHE,li :A'�. A wtitteu proposal for tho making of the following imtn•ovean•ut, viz.: :._.. ..•u u.� 1. "::....._. having been presented to the Council of the City of tit. Paul by (.'onuciluual_., therefore, be it la'Sm'N, 7 ), That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 'Ill) investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said iotprovement. 3. To invest!gate the uathar, 0Xteld and estinulted cost of said iulprovement, and the total cost thereon'. :S. 'I'o fornislt it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To I'mid,h the following other dato and information relative to said improvem,.1t1: ......._ . ......_........................ . . _:i. 'I'll state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. ' fi. 'l'1i report upoll. all of the fmrgoin� 111attel•s to the Cononissioncr of Finance. Adotted by the Couneil___._.__ AIN 212. :11.4_____1JL__.. Yeas: Nays: Coll yilntan h';u• lsworth n� toy'. the nntur. �j H i? Gos, n t oo aand ❑n..lrovrd 1!tlfi a � at u,erent 1— xnWs Impro' .nt. 1L, nll rnrnlah the reiti c to . mrormattpn relau.•e ' O' ,ement ,ro state whether or not sate Y( ,.amen[ le naked for on the pct ........jz... .... ..._...... ............ .. oree oR'nora. \Gtyor Po owl thr more - — .11q•or. I. To report upon all of the"tore-/ Al solus matters to the Commissloner oe( P(�jj]�AJjjLi�,��„� rinune Ae. t dopted by the Council Juno 22, 1614. A.pproVed 7 24, 1914. i (SUIS' 4-1914) Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hel.,j)3, l)l-ol)o,,, the making of , tilt' following public illiproveloent by the City of St. t 1-.1L. , t J.'n, Y"21 Z LL d- 4 nce. L4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. Nti-itt,Al 111`111"sul for the mulling of the following inynoceutent, vi, fl, .,_Aisir. ta la having heell presented to the Council of the City of St. Paill by Collilvilinall therefore, he it IlEsOLN'ED, 'Phut the Commissioner of Public 'Works he and he is lit"'(1)Y Ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making Of silill il"Pro"`111"llt- l cost thereof. 2. To investigate the extent hill' "stilollt` I cost of said improvement, and tile, total :1. 1,4) i,lll-llisll 11 pIno, profile or sketch of said illil)"Ovell'"It- 4. To furnish the following other (1;11;1 and inforiluttioll relative to said improvellivilt" .............. 5. T . o state whether Or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report ITOO all Of the f0,,gPj,lg ollIttel, to the (,Oil, joisioll,r of Finance. r eit by th� Colincij 3UM 1 2,2 lo; -A Adopt ed: Nays: Yells: -ate`, illo ne". of the a hin, Couueilman Farnsworth St gate ill. —tm roitt of aid )Proved GOS the to tot otuot theret, Kel r urnt,h a plan, Prot, , fuld himprovement. \[c oil r .1. the foil1.9 J information rel—titt— t. O'L ary menu whether or not sal . ...... Yoe �g It 1. 11 � � � .—/ at hl Cubed far an Ill, P, Milvor. or ..re \111vor Powers report up n all of the �atters to tile c.noul-1.1. Pj :d by the Connell Inn' —1 June 11, 1919. . (Jul)' 4-1914) touucil Dile Vo..._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. % and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The audel:signed hereby proposes ibe Making of the following public improvement by the City of 5t. _ e� t i PINI, viz. . _: ..*. :i -_ "Kb _t. _* _,.... _.::,..�,....._. ..._ _ _....._. ..._t._... i flitted this _ day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIII,11HAN, A written proposal for Ili(, Nakinn of the following imyrov,uleul, vie.: _ - - -_� �. t z. .. - . P having been presented to the Council of the City of til. Pahl by Colmailut:ur therefore, be it 10PSOL'tFI), That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby ordered and directed: �. ]. To iltvestigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvemvat. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ,stinwlt,.d east of' said iIII provenxot, and the total cost thereof. a. To furnish a plan, profile at- sketch of said improv,uu•ut. a. To Iin'nisII Ibe Io) IawiIIg otII"v data and it for n to t iuu vola Iiv, to said iill provenl e IIt: :i. To stat, whether or not said ilnproveuleut is asked fm• ml the petition of three or nrme ovvn,rs. G. To report upon all of the for.egoiug in; tters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... Yeas: 1 \rn•s: ' C oulwilltl:itl of hi mita. �a I'll a\\'al't Il ,eauco a Cor. i ass at. .�pprov,d .area said Cllet' .1 it h".total coat thet tell . a Improvement CCollla f "" the follow lr, t] LCNly, 1 P mnlion retatl e , Y erg t t whetnor or not an: _. orf].morex oa for on Ina p¢ \Itn'or P \erreuori \ vor. upon01ii of u,o e,� era to the Commissions, FMLMMD d by the Council .lune "d June 24; 1914. • (JUIs 4--1914) - r 3J Council File No....._..--� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uudersigne(I hereby proposes the waking of tile following pnbtic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.. w '. _..d Ihlh•d this � dl�ol• 191 ._�.� Comleililia n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WllFRF.A,, :1 wrilfiw proposal for the making of the following iIII provemlcnl, viz.:__ 'i::; S' 1. .. ............................ having been presented to the Coolicil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._ ._. ........... __..__ ..._..___...; therefore, be it �. Rd+1S0TXF 1, That the Coll, Ili issioil er of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered .old directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvemleut. Y. To investigate the uatiu•e, extent and estimated cost of said imlprovenmmt, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. T,, fuit, i,II the following other ,Intl ,mil iIIfor ulaIiom relative to said iIII prove mrut: - ............................. __._.. ....__..._.._ .. _....................... ..... . .........__ ....._._.._ ._..__. ...__.._. ___..... _._._..._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. (i. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fiuwlee. � SUNucil '� Adopted by the l_'on � ......._191......... Yeas Ile to e" Nays: r them ahj."9 - I:n 111.'TIIIIIll Fat' Swnl't It tig to 'he 1!116 Go; d st of -Id Imllved _. _. ✓... .. _... y...��.... I\l' rl' 31 ('all the total co t thereof." n / , ish plate. profit, l f said Improvement turalsh the follow•In6 ot: lnformntloo relatlt-e \ J ()_ l'al•y len[ to si Yberg state whether or not Id In:, ... ...... tt Is asked for v /". ........"...... ......_._ _............ ... \Illy fll' IYO\{'el•S on the illi or e p r.ttPo[ r �1a)•m'. 1 [h e alt Ars to theocommiselo nee o[ ' 1 [� tgp•lypjij:jj / / tr d "' the coon"' Jnn ' --+ •r 22.I i'ed June 24. 1914. (July 4-1914) 1 Council Fill, No..... ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. . and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r. The undersigned Iml•oby proposes the making of the following •public innprovelneut by the City of Dt. f Paul, viz.: rl1.i; L. �:. :31 Y_ t rel.- ...c .. ...• : not to ^:_cr. 3t -Le -,t,__': ail:'_ "i.�'•' Dated this _day of 34L... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. R•11E,I?s.AS.:A written proposO for flip making, of flip following iln nmennvnf• viz.: f ft,G Cti .7` .inln `:: Qt'1 al av'R r .�'� IC`l. ,. t•, agree having Leen presented to file Councit of the City of Sl. Paul by Councilman.. -._ .... Illerefore, he it m -mf VRD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ho is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 'po investigate the >lecessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. To iuvestigato the nature, extent and estinlated costof said innprovam•nt, and the total cost thereof. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvenwid. �. TI• 1'11rni,h the I'ollnwin-, other dal;' and information relative to said improvenu•ut: b. TIf sfate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ti. To report upon all of the forcvning matters to the Commissioner of b'inance. :\lilopted by the Council...._ __..._.........._._ _.._ ._.........._ .....191 _._.. Ycas: t. neeNuys:U ColI1 ,111111111 1' a Is\1'lll•tll tilenankin;, uibillill rate ihn natnrt (3os poet of said l,pprovcd _ ... __.. .. Kel er total coat therco �leh a pion, pr, ... _ lIc oil d Improvement. / .t nish the Yoent. 0'L a1y neormnuon re novo u. YoeRte whether or not g le asked for on the -�,/ .... .. .... .._..._ _.. ..._..... ... Mayor Pow rs snort Ponea" of the* Iters to the Commissloi, S • by the Council Jun 1 ! a June 24, 1914. (July 4.-1914) Comwil Fill, 'No., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'I'lle uIldvi-sigiled lierelly proposes till' makilig of the Following plildic improvement by the City Of St. Paid, viz.: t fast, ly t t t lblied tillsd day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVIIEPEA1,1. A Nvritt,o l,"Olonsal for the making of the follovvillf, i In provcm,1d. viz.: j s ci- thet CZ,� t, t X t t"J. a 0 t having, been proselit'-d to the Council of the City of St. Paill by Comwilinall .... ...... .. therefore, be it IZESOLVEI), That the Commissioner of Public Works he and lit, is livrvb3- ordered and directed 1. TO ilivestigatl, the necessity for or desirability of the making of said ilill)"OVelnellt- 2. TO investigate the nature, exiellt and estimated cost or said improvement, and file total cast :f. 1,() Filraisli :1 plan, profile or skAeli of said in, To 1111 i;ll III, following other data and information rolntivo to said itillo-ovellient: 5. TO state NNII(All," Or not Said improvement is asked for on the petition Of three or more owners. (j. 'rot pi:jlilrt 111)011 111] OF 010 fitrel,nint, matte's to the coloalissiolit'r of Willalice. I514 Adopted 1).N file Council10 yeas:estig I Ul (., liall I 0 Cm if ,tY of the m. 1, fit I. —tigate the nato,, U ss O, -d lost, of 11�d In ToVe, the total ., ar r 11-Isha Alen. prof ACCoil ' ,old Improvement. pr. —.. t. Ishathe following - 'Leary lof • tion relative Tent. e state whether oerg or net said it . asked for on the . ...... ilavor vvers three or more Owners. ;.it reteprsort to up.. -11 of the the COMmission, Mayor. e(- -11 by the C,uu,II in,, �vcd June 24, 1914. (July 4-1914) City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of ---- Bureauof............ ........ .......... .......... ....... ........ ........ -•-•--............ _._:.... Council file No. .._ ..................._...._...._.. Date Presented ..�kl.P+..`<....:•°..7.......1914. ------------------------ ----------------------------------- ------------ *"--'*-'-"-*' Resolved, that Hotel License No. 46 issued to Sem Mallns, Garrick Hotel, 248 E 7th St., be and tie same is hereby tr mmferred to H. Stoffer, & M. tVeissler, snmo location . 13 Adopted by the Council ---------------- Yeas ( ) Councilmen Farnsworth Gose McColl Yoerg O'Leary Keller Mr. President, Powers 1 I l ( " r _..............._..........--..........._.........._._....-.....--.................. 1$14. ( ) Nays Approved ......._...._...._._._...._.....1914. _._._......_......._......_._.... ...................... Mayor CITY LICENSE FOR HOTEL, RESTAURANT, CAft, LUNCH ROOM City T... R,.;it o. OR ROOMING HOUSE N11?7 State of Minnesota, City d St. P-1. �v I TV VE E, has paid the sumof FZ E 101 L S ( G.0 required by Ordinaned of1th, it of at No . ...... License 1?,rbtil. F.m C. C. L. No. 6. k!i a ane. in sai 1915. ,t the City of ,St. Paid, lhis,lx Void ....................... o the City Treasurer, as 1 has performed the re- n o the, same having been is 74jehpby given, to said .. . ........ - ....... ... ity, from the date of this ol*a4"-A. D. 1914. 4�0-1 1 eityCI.A. �z al........................... Cooncil File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,111le molersigriell hereby proposes the making of the following polilie iniprovvinerit by the City of St. Paid, viz.: . . .. ... .. . ......... . (bly ef PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEIZE.V" 2\ wittell proposal for tile making of the following i Ill provelli ent. viz.: ru •iz? the y 1 d A N,rItte t4 rkdW rig f the f.11—i.g I-pr'.1— 'l.t Grade Benson a,,t,,, from Ili, westerly line of Kipp, Glen T.,,rru­ Addition to the easterly line of ­­. in s,, ' I­vIng,I)e_-p1jeRP!iLe,(,1 I , �(I, ��,�ty f I 1 0 the having been presented to tile Council of the City of St. Paul by Colvicilinall . ...... therefore, be it RESMA-Fl), 'that the ('0111"I'ssioller of Public Works be and be is hereby ordered nild directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said ill, PrOvOill eilt - 2. To investigate the litItIll", extent and estilliated cost of silid improvement, and the total cost tlo-I )f I'll furnish it phill, profile or sketch of sikill ill, W-Ovell"'Ilt - I. To I'llrili'll 11or rollowill", ollw), data alul itiforilullioll relative to said iloprovolovilt 5. To state Whether or not -S;li,l jilt proveineiii: is asked for on the petition of three or inore owners. 6. To n'loirt UP011 IIII of ill,' matters to the Col , nolissiolivi. of Filiallev. Adopted by the Council Yrils NilYs Cry/Ilecilnuill Filet sworl 11 Approved Gos. I o Kel (-I- 11 'oil 0 val.N - erg Z, owel .Mayor 1/-.s V[ayor. (")111, 11 File No., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. i and ( PRELIMINARY ORDER. 04 The undersigned hereby proposes the walling of the followi11g public improveloe11lby- file Pity of SI. e r.. ' cz;st ]ar.e Qr;:itl'.__�;..e r ty. Untcd this _Y.. da v, of_. i PRELIMINARY ORDER. Wit 1111E.1111. A written pr'll-sol I'or till' malting of the follmvilig iIII provewenl, viz.:"_ -:_3e a'qL ". sl Vii_'.'..:L '._..%_.C:: � a . 7 + ... � + , i.. n.1. I _'..C. .. .��4 JL u:..:�1'.. " . Gia .. ct, l 1:„^ Lul :. t< `L_. ea- ,`. I ii_e ' f I_ I _ l a_. having been Ill s Ilfed to the Colulcil of file City of SI. Pant by' Conncilmun___ therefore, be it RTaOLV'lill, That tile, Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of sant intproventrut. 2. To investigate thenature, extent and estimated Bost of said iutprovcuteut, lain the total cost thereol'. :t. To ful•nisb a plan, profile or sketch of said improveuu•uf. 1. To llnni'll the follovriug other hd;r and iufor!.odion relative to said improvomrut: _ ....... ............ . 5. To slate whether or not said improvement is askcd for on the petitiml of three or more covners. ti. To report llpml 1111 of the foregoing matters to the Contnlissiooer of b•itullue. I,l fC:A � Adoph•d fry the Cmuuil __._,.1, __ ___.1!1L.__.. 1'raso `e the Cut l illlliall 1' 11.11s\orill 1 of the tonic it into\ays:i •4ubnao the _) , 1 )ss ..•ea ost oe Rna vrd.. IIc1, he h I cont o. p,- I h n plan. pr - Id I ovrt. - ' Well i h lhr fotlew•InF ( .I Ca1•y i l[ [ion rolntl��e to - oerg a t h lher or not s t ✓ �!' �" �� Mayor I [ 1.`111111x1. ked for on the pe r p. vnorn. Ha vol. overs �'/ .th MtCr. t'opothettCo._[,, f'fJIIL1SII.EII / callotli it ,d .lune 24. 1914. (July 4-1914) ow ---_now i r , i . x € €� orered y �;Wosewa for 396, City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of _- •-•..•-_.____._._._.__._.__..-. .._._.8 ub].ia_.7,Oarke_._._...._._._...._-_._._.__...._._._--_•_• Bureau of ..---._.C4�keSll�#t�9._._..-••-,._•--•••--_.__-_-_-_._-_•_-_-_-_-_-__-_._-__._._-�._._.- asamsam=axaaavaavesvavavxvxaxv=xassamvveavvmvvmaevavasvamaamvsvavammeoo Date Presented June 2�p _,1914. Counc F�--- the .._._._.__.__.....-_. By.._.__._ .__-_._.._._-_.--__-_._._-_._...-----_.___-_.-.___.__._._._-_._-_._-___.__-_.__._. Commissioner of Public forks be and is hereby Resolved, that ns®�����°xts3cX3�xsffisX� g xg�sgg7tgs�aa�C directed to cause the following improvements to be made: Construct crosswalks df ,&ww1 blocks at the following locations: ri„k crosswalks Viestern avenue,both sides,across iiarrison avenue. .urrison avenue,north si,9e,across V;estern avenue. Albemarle street,both sides, across seraniura street. Geranium stre;tt,So side•',across Albemarle street. Fillmore avenue,north side,acrosa Edwards street. v'ater street,south side,across Edwards street. Edwards street,east side,across Fillmore avenue. Colorado street,north side,across Parnell street. State street,both sides,across Congress street. State street,east side,across Constans street. Congress street,north side,across State street. State street,east side,acro.se Florida street. State street,west side, across Chicago avenue. State street,east side,across Texas street. Indiana avenue,north side,across State street. State stz-eet,eas.t side,across Kentucky street. Kentucky.stre,=t,south side,across State street. State street,east side,across Tennessee street. Eaton avenue,east side,across Fairfield avenue. Eaton aysnue,west s,ide,ac-roes Indiana avenue. Indiana avenue,south side,across Eva street. anomin street,east si:,e,across Robie street. Dobie street,south side,acroen ::onorr.in street. Clio streat,west side,across George street. - ----- �' Ottowa avenue,west siae,across Page street - Ta. -,e stredt,north siae,across Ottovra avenue. ,inona etreet,north side,across Cherokee avenue. Annapolis street,north side,across Cherokee avenue. Colorado street,ncrth side,across Clinton avenue. north aide, f Adopted by the Council east eida'eorosa Fle'._•^1................... 1914. E, ween. Side'. across 'Ch _ _._._..• •^. _ / Yeas ( ) Co ne jim( et, edst stge," across Texas Nays venue, ,portli side, across 8 rnswor'et, east eldej'_-cross Ran - street, south' aide, acro.. G iJ et, cast aide, across Te.. - nue, eastside, across Fair - .nue, west aide, acro.._ In - f .� rvenue, south side,- across Y rg street, east aide, acroae ' L:et, south aide, across Ma - 0' earyvest side, across Geoit-rge. p r _ 914. --rue, west .1de, acro..- Keer north side, across Ot= ._._._.-.•_._. __. ....._. � - =r•Y 'creet, north side, acrosa Mayor nt, Pow as Mr. Presiders treat, .north aide. across L •enue. ' street, north side, across -'ue. the Council June au, ne ao, 1914. - ul3r 4-1914) Request of John Fe. y, D r 395 of abuttin oper , and approved J. Carroll City of St.Paul Council Resolution - Gene 1 form. Department of.._...Yllhlic._Vnska---------- ----------- ----------- _._._._._._.__._.___._._._.____.__ Bureauof .....influ-.....-._._.-._._.-._._.-._._...._..__._.-._._._._._...._-_ Counoi ile No. ..-. --------------- ------ Date Presented By „--._._...._._._.__._._.___._._.__.__._.__._._._.__._.__._._._._._._-.___------- __._. Resolved, that permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to John Farley, owner of Lots 2 &Z Block 8 Brooklyn Add., to construct a 9" vitrified clay pipe sewer in Kentucky St—from Minnetonka St. to a point 110 feet east of the east line of Minnetonka St., but subject to the following express conditions, namely: 1. The said John Farley shall construct said sewer between the points aforesaid, entirely at his own cost and el:pense, to the satisfact- ion and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by.him. 2. The said John Farley shall pay the cost of engineering And inspecting.said work. 3. The said John Farley she 1 give a bond yto the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars, conditioned to comply with all the terms of this resolution, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, damage, claims or liability, both as to persons and property, occasioned by the making of the improvement, or arising out of the same. 4. The said John Farley shall, within 20 days from and after jhe passage of this resolution, file with the City Clerk his acceptance in writing thereof; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall b void. � '_S • M. N. Gas.— 7 Adopted by the Council 3 That permission. and au- -'_"" nd the amg 1 are hereby��-»--'-'�_�_ h 4.. Arley otpner of rota .IWt 8 Brooklyn Add.,to eon. Yeas ( ) Cc ilmen 1, vltrid d claYa,pipe sewer Naye v SL from Minnetonka 'St., I feet east of the oast line a SL, but su���ect to the ' Fa sworth ^... but I" to l e Joh Farley, e]bell.con- `\ :•-Wer bet ee[t �t his n point; \ heoaatlnfaatfon 4nd under GO 9 ion of the Fommissloner V-111.and 1a flecordance Me oll .Ons. and Prodlee.:prepa eti 14R, d John eer Farley shall pay - .d all and Inspe ting nd all other Cha tgea re- Yorg o1 6t Paul; and ordinances id [he City of SL Paul lingthe �� eery or F1Ye Then ... d Douars, prove _ ._._. '1914• t 1 to comP1Y with all the •»• thle resolution, and to In- d save the City of St. Par . Ke ler froom any and nil lora, Aa liablltI both a to '•f�, y property,- ocaslonas to •» _ ' Mayor the IIn"__ provement oI Mr. re ident, Po ars e ams. �' John Farley ahr *7 and i,to, to a. PUBLISFiE'D�"' Council File No.. __ _.:.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. vn.. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, • The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: a:,.str.:.c.t_...a...s_e..,.e.r.....on....:1ar.icn.....Stxz.e Dated this i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WWFREAS, A written proposal for the n»dcilfg or the following improvement, viz.: c::..-arjcrn.s�1 ___._....- .......__.........................._.......... ........_...__.._...................... _....._.._.............._............. . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Council ilia n.._...____._._.,...__..__._..............__...__.._......._._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby- ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said intprovenient, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement d. To furnkh the following ()titer lW;,and infol•niation relative to said improvement:__ 5. To state whether of, not said iniproveuient is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin missimier of ]Finance. Adopted by the Council.._ ....1!)1......:_ YCRA: •�-i o Nays: ,Its an. uucihnmi Fill- iswm•th sets the costof- • a o[ q.; 4pprovrd..�......._ 19 Go. n totalcoat th. �1 1\e el' 3I Oli G� .Ary n lah n Plnn, P, •t ' rni thefoto t. of rii the rotative l n[ormnEfon rotative 'nl. - �� 1 is whether or of an. , la for /, � VVV.. erg g Mayor P veers I nal<od on the pe ..._✓'. more owner.. port upon all of the [., e to the Commhaioner //. , .._./ ... ,gym: M¢tG11-�'Y • the Council June 2i,, . 1914. id24, ly 4 -1914) Council File Vo....... _ � r •5 i : PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 1 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pall, vi..: Con struc_t...a. S.I._r..e..tweeh... u.tali.e.r.....stx.e..e.t..and ..._...... rage street, in acco.r.:arc.e _wi.th_�eti'_.i.c.n._. �/ Dated this � yday of .-11i ._i _° .-"' _ r __.. 13]_........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. • WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_._..vC.r.,atxuct. S.uI;ker_.S.t......Fn.d_._F.age-.v.t.._,.....jr,. ;,,C..G.c:rdarl,ce .i th I etition ht rzw' th. attacfted. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman- .......... .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: J. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. a. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ..:_........_ _. ........_ .._ ........................... ......... .......................... .. . emenq 5. To state whether or not said improvement is a arvvnsrd n the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mattersto eniaa issioner of Finance. u 29 IM - ,. st. Paul Adopted by the 'ouneil......._........ t%............... .s;issloner of ............. . hereby or- irea9: k Ig, --i .o .ne king of tori v' Couu Inlan Far sworth 'f �, o making of saga' Goss urate the nature, xtenttt 1 coat of said improve -I... �..... ...._....111 Kell r the total cost thereof. I furnish a plan, pro ffie BICC ll said improvement, or [urnlsh the following other�— n'L ary, information relative to aaid ' - r tate whether ornot theapeti tion v Ioeig is not askedfor v^`:.._.....____..._..._...... .................._._.........._....._.... Mayor Powers ,r moreowners. Mayon•. report upon all of the fore t-, u aero to the Commtssioner of / I.d by the Council June 22, 2, i ed June24, 1914. -(July 4-1914) - ordered by crosswalk foreman 397 City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof._._._._._....__.._._._...._...__._._._._._.___._._._._._...._._._._._._.__._._._._._..... Bureau of ....Construction- .an i_;Fiepair-..__.,,_-_,___,,._._._._...._._._._._...._._._..._._._._._._._.__._._-. CourL411 File No. .._...._...._......._._._._..... Date)Presented .._sL ._?.�r_._._.-1914. By the Commissioner of public forks. be and is hereby Resolved, that rss�xi�sinsx o�xx�r*xioci�:ex� t�i189.�A$$A�SB.�t$p]GS7��]D�A7jx. directed to cause the following improvements to be made: Construct crosswalks of cement blocks at the followingxca4'w Albemarle street,east side,acroes Oliver street - Rose street,south side,across Woodbridge strut. Woodbridge street,west side,across Rose street. Territorial Road,both sides,acrose Cromwell avenue. Cromwell avenue,east side,across Hunt street. Bayless avenue,both sides,across Cromwell avenue. Cromwell avenue,west side,across Eiiyless avenue. Adopted by the Covnci A_-. ._-.-..-•-.- .................... Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays JBY M. N. Qosa—1 �t jlt8 .worth t the Commissioner of lbs and is helmprove- he following _ -ads: Construct cross - ant bloelte at the f.1 .w GO east side, across _ ..r,It. south aide, across Wood - street, west side, across Yoe Read, both aides, acro.. g nae. lvenue, cast side, across OIL 0'L 8ry ;nue' both aides. acme. pproV 914. west aide, .&,roes i Kel er e. y the yCouncil lune • n 30. 1914. Mayor ,nly 4-1914) Mr. President, Pow rs 1 City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of ......................................................... Bureau of.._._._Engineera.._...._._...._._._.........._...._..._..-•---...._...._._. Council File No . .............................. Date Presented .._..1un&.26.,-....1914. By .............. _--------------------------------------------------------- __._.-_._._._-----._.. Resolved, that the grade of Woodbridge St. from Carbon St. to South Zt., as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and ire same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 398—BY M. Nr Goa.— Resolved, That the grade o[. W4A9-; brlage I. from carbon St. to 9o14tri^.,. e ahown by the red grade it e u acorn pant' In profile, d ended by the Commleelo qY oLPbtic" Work e, be nd the Is-�tan8b'Y .den bCon by the ell�June 26. 1014. Approved June 30. 1114. 1 - (July 4-1814) Adopted by the Council 1914. Yeas ( ) Counci men ( Nays Yarns Orth Goss `- 4Yoerg-- O'Dea y Approv 1.[!_ '._ _ U 14. $elle Mayor Mr. President. Power �u Counei' 1File No.__._._. i. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 41 The nudersigned hereby proposes the waking of the following pliblie improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz. Cons txu9t...._a sec e. r. G_n.I.?_si. 3...Q........rQ_0t. k?.e..) se ._.J...s BX4.Gn. Lverue ...__....... and Grace s. tTeet,_ i.r., said._ City...._ ................. .................... ...... t llxtcd this.day of :�.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WI E'REAS, A written proposal for the making of the follovving improvement, viz.: _�UnBtruc_t_ _ a sewer on Da1v stret _tetreer. Jefferson avenue and Grace s+ est, in . ... . __ .. _ said,. City, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ....... ..___..........._....._.__..._.._.............._................; therefor, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate thin nature, extent and esthnnted cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: u. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing smatters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUM Adopted by the Council........._................. ........ '............. ....................191......... leas:n ee. Nays: Cocilmau I�'fl nswortll [the m.,king of // 0g t the ex Go ,ted ,at of Said i[npre oved__ . v/.. Ke er tWe total coat thereof, �Lurnleh a plan. profile 1 1\1 O11 Said Improvement.. Lernlsh the following other + d Information relative to Said O eal•y meet. � Y state whether or not .aid im. e'g I�. nt Is asked for on the petition ................_K........_._.__._......................_._....._....._............... Mayor P versmore owner.. Mayor. report upon aofthe Lore- 'attere to ll the Comms eeloner of •.d by the Council June 2'L, 7B1.1SI -d June 24. 1914. (July 4.1914) Council File No.........._ ►� v 1S �. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of-tJu• following public improvement by the�ty of St. Paul, V17..: .__�.G:l:s..t.= �c.,.....a.._cY;:.4r � = i.r:._aW.�.r....s-i.x._. `e<:..;,.._v..i.�.:�.....,�: ......... .............. _._.... Dated this - Councilman. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Q�pe trJ_Ct .. cen.ert ai.-�e'.�..ti k_`:__ eat �:;:.i2.e_�.r._b.oth_s_.� ..,.....: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .... ... __.... _....... ......._._..._..._._.__..__._..._._...._...; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and info•nlatioo relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the Petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing 'matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Cour¢II..._......tf�J1j-.-,�.G�....,gJ......_..1JL___ � rI, � Yeas: Nays: ags: � ..._,.`,..(, Falts Call worth 1 sate the netura -d coat of Go. he fetal coat tnreor. , Ke ¢I• ' .'rnleh� eaid a Plan, prom, [ur i 1nTthe folent. _ \I ell tote h the following othn eat m tion relative to O' --- - - sale es", eta[ vh eth other or not of G y (/VJ/ Y erg rtmorg w or on Bald f petltlonl �� _..._... _. .11aynr P vers report uponaaii :utters to the Commlet \Iaym•. onerre- by of ,'d the Counen Tune �u ger I .rod June 24, 1a14. -` (July 4-614) oat 1 City of St.Paul Council Reeplution - General form. Public Works Departmentof....__._.__._................._._._._._...._._._._._._._._._._._._._ Bureauof .._ ?gime �._......._....-._._._._....._..._...._..._......._...._-..._.-._._...._._._._._._._..._._._._._..._--._._.._- By . �... File No.,,....._._......._...._...._-..._. Date Presented _..... jldng 2hk,.•1914. Resolved that the grade of Car St. from Marion St. to Rice St., as shown by the fed gradb line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. r� Adopted by the Council __._.........._...._......._.---_._._.......... _._._s .-: G�--.-......_..._...._._._. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Lar swo�th 1 hnt the 6 nde oY Carbnn i ' binrlon 3t. to Rlce St.,as -uy the red grade line on the' Gos panying prodle and as a om- . ed by the Commiseloner oY Pub- ' 4orks, be and the snme la hereby - ted the established grade. / opteds by the Council June 29, roved June 30. 1914. / • V Yoe C'Le ry (July 4-1914) Approve ._ _._. _.4 _. 914. Sell r al .._._._..._. ._._..__.__.yor Mr. President, Powe s �� `-f f�'f c�������� �33r.iliilli;uneh�mt;t,: +f,ariitt Council File No.__..w ..t jlili PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Z The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Jt. Paul, viz.. C413.3_t?'.1..G.`....._c'1...0,.t,11...a4J.w :i..`«. L'_.'A.G.1 .. t.r..',...'.. t. `•''.J L.. ::.I7.�..`B:'s'�;, r. til .3.t."•.'_:i;.'t._...i:.v /�L. �, 0... i. T::.U£�. .'t.tJ _....._..... � _._... Dated this ._ '..day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERE S', A written proposal, rot• the making of the following improvement, viz.: w&lk_.cn..._the__enu.tl__siie_ street to Co..4 avAm,e, 1 n raii Cit}:, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmau........___..............._.__..........._........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and tide total cost thereof. I. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. f 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_._.._._._ ._....._.. . ___._.___ ..... .................. ._ .......... _...... _...... ........... .... ..._.._........ _.___ ___..._.._ _ _._ _._._._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cou)pissimier of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......... _....._............... ............................181......... Yeas: Y f the - �i t.011 C111ll iln Fal' swO at16 t the not r Gos to Gi tft'- teas ofaid1.. ,NPP Ke 'o ru rnlImprovement. , said Improvo following 141 011 rurnlah the following of Inrormatlon relative [o VM e: O' eary •nt. me Ir e1, ( whether or not said In g R le asked fo.on the Petltio, .......,..._...._...._.._......._......................_............._...................._..............__..._ i\layor P vers ort owere, Portupon]r of the fere- Ala) - re to the Commisslonor f I PUll1?L7,e' y by the Council June 22. 1 ;1 Juno 24. 1914. _-,(July 4-1914) ➢n 400 City of St.Paul 4 Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof __...i'ublio,_Works.a;......................... _..._............. ................... t .... _............ r Bureauof Ehgineere__...._._._._._._._.___...._._._._.-._...-._.......--._._._--_- Council File No. ........_._ ............._._.......- By........._ ._ .._. _._._.1_ -- Date Presented ......._dand...26.,_1914. Resolved, that the grade of St. Clair St. friiblic Cleveland Ave to Prior Ave., as shown by the red grade line on taccompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner ofWorks, be and he same is hereby adopted as the establishe grade. Adopted by the Council .._._...._... Yeas ( ) Council en Farms Orth GOBS 1�f /i 1� . Yoer 0'L ary %el er Mr. President, Po,ers ( ) Nays C. F. No. 400—Ry AT. N. Goas— Resolved, Thatthe grade T St. Clai e.cr St. Prom Cleveland Ave. to Prior Ave... shown by the red grade line on the Prompanying rodle and n recom- ended by the C...'.aloner oT Publir Works, be and lho .1112 le hereby adopted s the atabllehed grade. Adopted by the Council June 26. 1 1914. Approved June 30, 1914.1 (July 4-1014)' ,. Mayor 14. �x ,' 4 01 �A City of St.Paul �6- Couneil Resolution - "eneral form. Department of Fareau of ....._ �xi�exs._...._._._...._._._..__........._. -__:_. ====......... Counnloll'l le No.Date PresentedBy._ D � . Resolved, that the grade of St. Clair St. from Fairview Ave. t Prior Ave., as shown by the'red grade line on the accompanying p mile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. a! e C. F. No. 401—Ry M. N. Gose— i ResnlJed. That the grade of fit. Clair I9t, from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., f ,hewn by the red grade lino oIhr e, panying profile and as renam- .mended by the Commissioner of Pub - He Works, be and. a Is hereby adopted the ,ambushes grade. Adopted by the Council June 26. 1014. Approved June 30. 1914. l+} (July 4-1914) d by the Council ................... ...�_.__._......_.__......._._-.1914 . eas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Yoe g a 0 L ary APpr �.._.. 14. 67 Keller X^. President, Pow rs Mayor (,ountp�File No.......-._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Lruct.._a...c.. �r,_t.._.b.1.cc.k._s.i,3.et:a.7.k......t©.-..._a._.7th,_o.i.....aix....f_e...t.._.un. ____. 1e nor++_e`_de of_ Tl"1oz:.au_._aLrM.et., G.etze n.___S ell.itr alr.erue,_'and _Pas.cal... llated this._day of x Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAI,. A writtrn proposal for the making of the following iulproventeut, vir.:a`.r: Ct_a iath ;v ° wa3.._Pasct:l_ av,,nu.e. z.z....�.c.. tit G., having been presented to the Council of the City of Sl. Paul by Councilman_.....__.._._..._....._ ...... ...................... _......._.....___; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said inyn•oveotent. 4. To ruruish I.he following other data and information relative to said inlprovenlent:............. _____... _. ............. ... . _.........._ ............ -.... ...... .......................... ...... ............_._.... _._.___... .. _.__........ 5. To state whether qr not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon 1111 of the foregoing matters to the Coin inissimier of Finance. J19'1 22 1914 Adopted by,�I e Council- ouncil..Yeas: Yens:Nays: Councilman Fal•, . • - mp ova nna disust t e id improve- Ooss Gossmen. the lotsI t thereof. Kell e 1 furnish pi profile or sketch f sold' IIRpr vem0 t. BICC I 42el.t!vins MCO'L - G / - 7. To datn n d 1 fo nil n elativ t e Id. information Improv t ' YOGI 6. To state whetheror not �� l amen[ le naked for on the poll tlonl"'" - of three or more owners \favor• Pow aMayor. 6. ,To report upon all of the fore- - going matters to the Commissioner oe Mance. Adopted by the Council June 22.j 1914. 1 ApDTOved June 24 1917. 9. (July -1914) , tbnmcil File No......._....�'.�..� r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4 The luldrrsigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemellt6y' the City of St. Palll, viz.: Co.-,s.truti_t.._a._.e de,v.alk_ nf....nar e._;.t__i�`l.ac.ks_. o...a ._Ave tt s_d f �„ rSuta it__.Ave . na ..o.r....the '. a_ rieaf_.Pr�..;.._fl.. , east side Ci Prior _a.7�-num.,.__ or;.....f1 1.1 x;jajaa lvi.t tile.....* a_ ofy a a h i e *.icn Dated this __ (lay Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIJERE_ s, A e-riltem proposal for the making of the follolving iaprovemleut, viz.:.. or_-_!�.t_=.u..1... 11 t Ytal_k sf.._ C.w.iiant_'c1.ocY___+.n_a_'xi_3..th__cf..a.ix...f.e.a.t....or.._ ..!1u-_.,vtsB.t.a.iae._..af. Frier avenue,..frcr.. e1 wauure .t.c_SuloJ.+_.a:rrue....a;:1...cr.__t e_edst-:>iie_ f__.Prior av,nta, fro:.. Aslan av@ `i.e t..c_S, all._._........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........... ......................__.._._.........._....._ ...; therefore, be it RT:SOLI'ha, That the Conunissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvenent. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement- :-. 'Co l'nivish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: _..._.. _.._._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners G. To report upon all of the forgoing matters to the. Conlin issioner of Vinance. 11 . I 2..19.1_4 Adopted by 1, mineil..._.._._J...•��......' ...............1JT_....._ Nays: Colin 111111111 Darn orl'I,' of the Failt t. Goss ve.ugate t,e oaf Approved id u. cost of .notedthereof. Kell ed the total cost thereof. ' , furnteh a plan, profile MC - of said Improvement- - 4. 'ro furnish the following other 0 rata and Information relative to said I: improvemen j Y 5. To state whether or not said Im- provement Is asked for on the petition Mayor POI' of three or more owners. Alayor. 6. To report upon all of the fore- 5555 mn It..to the Commissioner of jgoing _.. Finance- :�' by the Council June 22, ,Adopted 1 Approved Juno 24, 191: - (July4-1914) City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of .._._ u1111a_.iQnrlta_......._._...._...._._._..._.__._._-_._._.-._._...._._..._.._._._._--_._._._._._.. ^ Bureau of ............................. Cou File No. . _.............._.. Date Presented 6....26...._._......_...1914. y .._ .... ._.. ._._._. _....__. .. - -.. _._._._.... _............................ ............................ _ _._._.... Resolved, that the plat of Theo. Hamm Brewing Co. 'Addition, - as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Yublio Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. X. F. No. 402—By M. N. 29 — Reenived, That the plat of Thea Hamm Browing Co. Addition n re om- ended ove dby 1 t`he the t C.o m i s ion andf appr Public Work., be and the same Is hereby u re p;e d, Adopted b. the Council June 26.; 1914. Approved June 2G, 1914. (June 27-1914) f; rf Adopted`�by the Council .._._._._._._._............_._._._._._.... ................. .... .._.... _..._._._.1914. Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays Far Lsworth Gos Yoe 0'LTs Approved ------------------------------ 1914. Kel__._..._._._._._._......._...._...... ._:.__.------ -__--- Mayor Mr. President, Pow Council rile No__._ _..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ; PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _C c^-;.9. v.I:.U.Q u...._._..5...:.......'.'_G.:......_:^..C.ii.a'e.il_t.... �Y.?...a. fi......G.r__:1a:1P........r.'..4'x..t._:.5..1.:.��_t2..._.0..__.................... Pascal avenve.. fry ,..:..Co.ltO._AV.1%'�_st t.o. A.�i,;crd ........... PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVUE EAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iulprovenlent, viz.:__Q .I.-_S.t_r'_Q:t. _. CG,..o air .,:,-: s tc A ,.;rd atra,'t .r._a C1 v having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_....._ .............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - 4. Tn fnrni.,h the following oti-I. data and informal ion relative to said improvement:._.___ __._ .............. .._. ........ .... .... ...... ....... _...... ............. .._._.._._...._ _.,.......... ..___... ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin luissioil er of Finance. JUN 22ICH Adoptedby the Council. ............ ._........... .............................191......... .. Yeas: ,ate a Ity \rfor ays: "'r, r'tq of tho m 1 I g of ald Con cilumn Fai�r�'T'o .Go .vestigat. the t . extent natep cost oY IdImprove- etl,, and the total coat thereoItsfurnish a plan, profile or sketch of said imthev foil— her 4. To fhaid I the following other, / ' data and Information relative to said Improve5. (/ Tomentlet. whether or said Mayor 1 provement Is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ \I'OI'. a 3 G. .To report upon all of the fore- . going matters to the Commissioner of Finance: Adopted by the Council June 22, to 14. Approved June 24, 1914. .:.. (July 4.1914) .._...... __.� An ordinance granting to F. B. Eveleth and Earl F. Fveleth, doing business as the Central Motor Supply Company, permission to in- stal a 500-gallon gasoline storage tank and pump in front of the premises known as No. 16 West Fourth street. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to E. B. Eveleth and Earl F. Eveleth, doing business as the Central Motor Supply Company, to instal a 500-gallon gasoline storage tank in the street underneath the sidewalk, and gasoline pump outfit at the curb, in front of the premises known as '70. 16 West Fourth street in the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of filling automobile gasoline tanks, and for the sale of gasoline for general purposes. _ Section 2. The Cow issioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said licensees for the installation and operation of said gasoline tank and pump upon their compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of Public -Works a plan and specifications of the proposed storage tank and pump, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said tank and pump shall be installed under the supervision and direction of the said Commissioner, and the said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection of installing same. (3) The said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of 'St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars {•1C,OCO.OG), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, dam- ages, coats, claims and expenses of any kind arising or growing out of the installation, maintenance, operation, use or removal of the said D gasoline tank and pump, and the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said tank and pump are maintained and operated. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Coun- sel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the mayor, and 4c.,,shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. - T (4) The said gasoline storage tank and pump shall be removed and the street restored to its original condition by the said licensees whenever the Council shall eo-order. (5) The said licensees shall; within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation. Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force y thirty days from and after its passage and publication.. • e„a,. M. e,.sTe CENTRAL MOTOR SUPPLY CO. • AUTOMOBILE, MOTOR CYCLE AND BICYCLE SUPPLIES 16 NEST FOURTH STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. June 15, 1914 I v To the Mayor and the members of the Council, City of Saint Paul, Gentlemen; - We desire to obtain permission to install a 500 gallon gasoline storage tank beneath the sidevialk and a gasoline pump outfit at the curb at 16 West Fourth Street, In case you cannot issue a full permit within a few days, 'we would like to obtain a temporary permit which will enable us to begin installation at once. Thanking you, we are Respectfully yours, /"+ CENTRAL MOTOR SUPPLY COMPANY. t; . 404 �.`'a An ordinance granting to the Bartles 011 Company, a corpor— ation, permission to instal gasoline tankl,�a:e�#a on St. Albans street, on the side of the store building occupied by J. D. Neff, at No. 678 Selby avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 0 Section. 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Bartles Oil Company, a corporation, to inetal•i+ww gasoline tanks in the street,// _ _, f 4h4p- o f J _i St. Albans street, on the side of the store • building.occupied by J. D. Neff, at 678 Selby avenue, for the purpose of filling automobile gasoline tanks, and for the sale of gasoline for general purposes; the tank.or. St. Albans street to be, --located so that cars standing at the station will not interfere with pedestrians crossing St. Albans street, nor with people waiting for Selby avenue cars. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Bartles Oil Company for the installation and operation, of said gasoline tanks upon the said Bartles 011 Company's compliance vZith the following conditions: (1) The said -.licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Yorks a plan and specifications of the proposed gasoline tanks, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Conaniseioxer. (2). The said tanks shall be installed under the supervision t and direction of the said Comrniseioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection of installing same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ter, Thousand Dollars MO,CCC.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, darf— ages, claims, costs or expenses of any kind arising or growing out of the installation, maintenance, operation, use or removal of the said, gasoline tanks, and the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said tanks are maintained and operated. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have _alwi sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) The said gasoline tanks -shall be removed and the streets restored to their original condition by the said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of •this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation, Counsel Section. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force i `tY fiom and after its passage and publication. (Cortinusd)� Section 2. _ (6) The Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tnx that may be il required by eny ordinance or law of the City of S t.Psul. e�+ s'GerEr... .. .191 Adopted by the Ce►�iMiwres �.... 4; YEAS MR. FP. / 4 G( ✓ U� �I K] e!�'���], M of i NAYS 0 MRA NAYS, tA-N (POWERS) as said tanks are maintained and operated. The said bond shall be in such form as may be arrroved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said (4) The saic streets restored to their orig er the Council whall so order (5) The sal he passage of this ordi..th the City,Clerk in such f Gounseb Section. 3 from an (Contiriued)K Section 2. in force (6) The isty be requ'_ 4: Adopted by the Commissioners. ....`... .. .. 1 YEAS NAYS, F NSWORTH SS K4ELLER CCOLL 'LEARY �OERG NAYS 0 R. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) g Adopted by the Commissioners........... f . 4?.....191,� YEAS NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH V KELLER ZICOLL ;ZLEARY OERG NAYS 0K AIR ER Adopted by the Commissioners...............191 YEAS NAYS, MR" FARNS WORTH .8998' \��COLL /KELLER LEARY �/�YOERG NAYS 0. R. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) "THE BARTLES KIND IS BET R" • • j � C. L. MAGUIRE, Mwxwoan • JOS. BAJTLES, Pnan. wxD Tnus. _ el AY' THE BARTLES OIL cNY ` (INDEPENDENT OF ALL COMEINATIONn ANEI•TIIUNTS) ASSOCIATED WITH The Gmui.e Kuhr Oil. 50e/51e Ge lb The Battles Northern Oil Co., Grand Folk., N. D. The Cdeh�•kd Nlivd Beed Llhnova °nh. Buda Hash Grade CM6.,72e Gn.ity The Bacdes-Sweney OB Co., Waterloo, Iowa. Aaddlgr"dOib,Goa— sad C— The B.rtlw-M=jre OII Co., Milwaukee, Wis. The Bartlee-Sweney OB Co. of In., Peoria, W. ' OFFICE: 431-2 GILFILLAN BLOCK WORKS: ROCK ISLAND TRACKS. WEST SIDE All quotations subject to change without notice. „ ST. PAUL, MINN., June 17th, 1914. t To the Council, City of St. pq,,L1, l;tinn. Gentlemen: - We respectfully request permission to install two gasoline curb outfits, one in front of the store at 1255 Summitt, and. the other on St. Albans Street at the side of J. D. Neff's store at 678 Selby. The Summitt AV. site is just beyond the bridge crossing over the Milwaukee tracks, and is well back from the main thoroughfare, and just in front of the store of C. W. Moore. The site at Selby and St. Albans will be so located,on St. Albans so that cars standing at the station will not in any way interfer with pedestrians crossing St. Albans, nor with people waiting for Selby Av., cars. Trusting for early and favorable action, we beg to remain, Very truly yours, TBE Br RTLIEIS OIL CO. , R 'J ✓' �,, esir . r � /C • d HEADQUARTERS , ST. PAUL FIRE DEPARTMENT R. s. NxLRe. cairn areolNRsn OPFICE OF CHIEF ENGINEER }� Waf. H. LSTFORD, .aT esstRc�NT ... „1 � I BUQHNB,IRVINB, 'IND �B9Is1'�NT —ARR—. R. ST. PAUL, MINN., June lBth. 1914 Chief R. J. Niles, Chief Fire Dept. Dear Sir: Have inspected the building at 1255 Summit Ave, owned by C. W. Moore, and occupied by John Dobie, in regard to installing a 7asoline filline station of the latest pattern, and find location for tank satisfactory, Yours, 9 00 .lOBN I. FARiOY, Om' Ocnnn CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ' OITY CrTERR'9 OFFIOL July 6th,1914. }Son, M. N . Go F, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Si r:— q The Council at its meeting held this date, referred the attached ordinmce No. 404, granting the Sertles Oil Co. permission to install storage tanks in front of building known as 1255Summit Ave.snd the other on St. Albans St. to you. 7 u rally , John I. F.ricy, -- - . City Clerk Council F He No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the. City of'St. Open, widen and extend an alley 20 feet id width frolr, the Fast llitj� bif•:B1ock on.e.....{...1._)_...Pnrest....lawn..._Additton" --and...., o.. iT C1..._.twb......(.2.).....G.i..l.l.'st..tes addition to Noodlawn Park to the East line o.f 4-eeler avenue,. the center .....r................................._ line of which allev etitei'i3a froir; th interse " 7on__o.i..._.the Cenr ,er oz tiie ins of Block Fore_s_t..._La�rn..._Ad......i_on_._and_... alley how laid +with the east. .: �:. Block 2, illett.a Addition,,�as aforesaid to a point on the East line of Wheeler �a'.._1_�.?_..fQ_e.t so . .... o.f..._V.an_..Bus.e.n.....St......................._..............__..._.... Dated this_.._... 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. • Open, widen �, • •' 1 n• ns I fo the n]allii of a following mproveu�ent, viz :._........ th and �'I' tPlan �`i ��l �� feed in wi gth from the Fast line of Block one (T) Forest Lain Ada ti_on.._._an3.._,_of___B1_ock_. tyo..._(2)____.Ji_l_lines.._.ad_ii_t_ion._..t_o.._YVoo3lawn. _....... Park to tie East line of 141heeler avenue, the center line of which alley eXtn�-from__.the..intessec.t-ice ..af.. th.e c.er.te.r .of h.,... -all .....row lai3 wi_th_. the Eaert line of Block 1, Forest Lawn Addition and Block 2, qillettes Addition]..as....aforesaid ) ter a point:on the Fast line of Wv eeler acenkl-e, Distance 117 feet south of Jan Buren street. ... \ laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................... ............. _................................................... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To fai-vish the following other datn and information relative to said improvement:.._.......__.........._.......__... ........ .......... ... .......................... ._.................. -.._....... _...................... .......... ....... __......... ......................... -- .......... .._.........__... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN R Adoptedby the Council ..... _...._........._..............._.....................__i21......_. eNays: Yeas: •y nine:.. .. •e .making ot. 8.¢ Cou/Umfln Fn lisworth the nature, extent Go ,at of Bald lin6rove.;ed_-'r.. i it¢l coat thereof, ,i h a h people or, l Ke er d Improvement.If oll rm tion re!-, ii std e the fe!-, ii lug o! id v B.�ry whether.- not Baa Im ................. prove, a ..'eked for'on the petltlo - ✓��-- ot three urs owners. Mayor. il7aypp l To _ report upon fll1 of :the fore Katng m¢tterB •to the. CpmiryleBloner of Finance Adopted liy the Council lune- 22,: Approved June24 ON Y— .. .. Council File No..... ... t, PROPOSAVIOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. m.....:.a ..^; ..^a i.o,.•,t,., t.l,e makine of the following public improvement by the City of St. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREASS A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._.....__r.�_+_TU_Ct _d el?c_..ios�t �e,t.a t 5.ije calk .nr the. roith._.s_3.., .ai, lseia_� t*.s .._.£.runei.ling r� 400 Itt n propottt for the aveplwp. ta... P.z .na_ a...nue nt. A .•-- Improvement "o[ th f lteo Ing para", n iz foot cement tree•. the porta erde of Breda etre t ;Ins . avenue to All -P Coavenu ------ -'- - -""""" presented to a Coon e ^r.,....... ........ ....._... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............. .........:..__._.............. .............._......_........._...; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. ?. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:__..........______....._._,...__. ......_...................._... .................. ................... _..... _........................... ............. ........ ........... ...... ....._„..._....__.............. __.......... ............ ...._....._......._....._.............._........... 6. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ju`' � lgla Adopted by the Council_........._.._............_..........'. _'........... Yeas: Naya: Co cilman Far worth / Gos Approved. ....._t ......._. j...._ _.......131 Ke er - 0 c alr / } i y ,_ Yerg ............... .4? .............:..................... ..._............_ Mayor P vers Mayor. PUBLISHED / 7 d6, t k C An ordinance granting to Ralph R. Jackson permission to instal a gasoline filling station in University avenue in fronk of the building No. 1915.University avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAI_d: Section 1, That permission and authority are hereby granted to Ralph,R. Jackson, owning and operating the business known as the Twin City Garage, to instal a gasoline filling station, known as the Bowser Red .Sentry Filling Station, for the purpose of filling automo- bile gasoline tanks, and for the sale of gasoline for general purposes, under the boulevard and in front of the building known and numbered as 1915 University avenue in the City of St. Paul; the tank to be install- der the boulevard on the west side of the building and e pump, s ed un the i to be located between the sidewalk and the curb on the same side. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Ralph R. Jackson for the in- stallation and operation of said _gasoline filling station upon the said Ralph R. Jacksonts compliance with the following conditioner (1) He shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed filling station, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said filling station shall be,installed under the supervision and direction.of the said Commissioner, and the said.Ralph R. Jackson shall pay the cost of inspection of installing same. (3) The said.Ralph R.'Jackson shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), eon- ditioned to save the-City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liabil- ity, damages, costs, claims or•:.expenees of any-kind arising or growing out Of the installation, maintenance, operation, use or removal of the said'gasoline filling station, and the said bond to remain in force-and effect as long as said filling station is maintained or operated. The �e4d-bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation <Couh e;1, and shall have such sureties as may 15e approved by the Mayor, "+ h shall be filed With the Comptroller of said City. (4) The said gasoline fling station shall be removed and the street restored to its original condition by the said Ralph R. Jackson whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said Ralph R. Jackson shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. m LSection 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force rs from and after its passage and publication. tinut+d� !-: (6) The said licensee shell pay my license fee or tax that may be regdired by,any ordinsn�ra .or, law of the City of St,Psu:. C. F, No 405—Ordinan a No. 3234— M. 34 BY q r ._ ill. N. cos An o din ce granting to RaIpN R.� . Saakson permission to inmtal, a gas p ollne filling station An-sUniverstt9" venue, in. front -of the Building No. 1915 UniversltY'avenue: d. tie Council of the...CitY of,. $t. Paul.. daln ..;tt 4d L Adopted by 6e .... JUL,,,i$ 191A ... 191 YEAS NAYS, p(JBLISIIED MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLgR NQ.CD G YLEi RY SSE OERG NN �• F G�r1 S' P �o t// NAYS 0 M (POWERS) } li M aid (> ;Theh fiai�asoliae3llings#�'on shall be removed and the stree' -='`-� kJ ' _ ,:: , ., ��+a„` t,,;'the said Ralph R. Jackson wi _ hin ten days after the passa tante thereof with the City,' he Corporation Coel. {ect and be in force thirty d pion. Sectim 2.(Q " r tax that may be required b a "LISMDI_s HEADQUARTERS Sr. PAUL FIRE DEPARTMENT _ R. s. rvll.sa� c.uar sxoaxaus OFFICE OF CHIEF ENGINEER VOM. 8. LSTFORD, asc was�sr�xm .. m . �BU68N8 IRVIN H. 2ND �9s[SC�C{)' R. s. wsRRRN. onn .eaiam.xm ST. PAUL, MINN..---J3,17}7 9 lath, V R. J. Niles, Chief Fire Dept. Dear Sir: Have inspected the property of the Twin City Garage at 1915 University Ave. In rega.d to gasoline filling station with latest kind of apparatus and find the same satisfactory, Yours, ^ I n WE SELL TWIN CITY GARAGE jr- Y915University Axenue ST. PAUL, MINN. N. W. Midway 3454 TROP — ARTIC AUTO OIL AUTOMOBILE 'REPAIRING AND Second Hand Cars Bought and Sold Manhattan Oil Co.'s Motorcycle and Bicycle Repairing OUR MOTTO: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IDEAL GASOLINE June 16,1914. ri.on, enry Yccoll,. Commissioner of Public -Safe-'-,Y, City of St.Fzul,. State of 't;d nzesota, Dear Sir, I vri ah to >ecure permission to install a 3asolilie filling station,knovm as a Eovzser Red Sentry Fillin_; station,for the purpose of filling automobile gasoline taaks,and for the sale of gasoline for general purposes,same to be installed. infront of building Pdo 1915 University Ave.. Tank to be put under boulevarde on wrest side of building and pump between side -alk and curb on same side.. 'doping you will give this your earliest possible attention,. % I remain, Respaetfully yours, Ralph R.Jackson,Ylgr_ Twin City Garage 1915 University Ave., ���' St.Paul lilinn.. ,- (,oum,il File No ..... ..............� � , 1 ref ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makinX±a owing public nprovemelit by the City of St. Phil viz.: Qp.eza, :,;v.i.ie.n and ..ax*ena...tr.e2.t. f.rola...Qs.c.so.la...ay.e.rae.....ta ... Qood.tiala .4v.enus. ... ._ .......... ......... ... _........ ...... .... ... Dated Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:...0Pe2:1.r......'ff1de.n.- _ .n.d._..d.x.t.a.nd.__Cr.rig.ga.._.a.tr.e.a.t.,_.._f.r.oa_.._.Q .cao.1a....aysnus.....tn....C,.o.odr-Lah_..ay.enue.........:....... 1 ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......._..... _............... .............._............................._......; therefore; be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 77 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3.- To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. 'fo furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:...... _._._...._...._......._.....__ .... .................. ....... ........... ................ ........................ _._....... _..... _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fgilegoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council......................................................g�4............ 191......_. �( Yeas: d' ' aa;, =s Nays:` U etignte th , ; Cou cllman Far. worth., tee total of t ie-„T1roved.... ....�` _:... ]91 tiOS f nleh o. "" plan. n, 4'r.-� .,aid, improvement' mprov melt, Ke 7' f,aid, i the m n t' M SmJPit 'N' nt ormatlon relative to e e O, C 6. "..',-how whether,or not slid lm- j provemant le asked for on the Detithm (�...................... _..................... .. _.................... _ ... of throe re more owners. Po r+ nl To tter.t upon nn m the fore-, "l( Mayor. Mayor Pow iFinnnce otters to the Commissioner o[. Adoc'I by the Council_ June 22, 191<.,. Approved June 24, 1914. (July 4-1914) f Complaint of several.prop- c erty owners j •n Council File No......... 4Q6... - v PROPOSAL FOR IXPROVEMENT. and PRELnVUNARY ORDER. ° The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowil blie improvement by the City of St. 000 ruin; iz.::..c:oast.r.ua ...a...a.idewalk....of.....c b.1 cks..._to....a.._w.i. _.o.%...air•-feet.:..... on__.the .__s;oath_,_ei_de.....Q ..._Un.i.Y...e.t.y.....ay.enu.e..,.from ee.lsr.....ay.enue.._.t.CL 1.ynn- hurs.t..._avenues.._........._._._................. ................._......._....................................._.................._................. ............ _-_......._...._. Dated 'this .,...._...2(60 .j .... of. :......June -....191- ..._......... Councilman.' PREIMMNARY ORDER. 'r. WIiEREAS, A written'proposal for -the -making of the following improvement, viz.:... ........... . .... construct a sidewalk of Dement blocks to_-_�._width.___of.._six..._feet _..... .................. :the .._s.Qath..._e_i.d.e...._of.....uz>ti.iv_ ems ..i..ty..._ev.enue.,.from.._Wheel.er- av.enu.e....t..o.....Lynn.-...... ' f written proposal for the _ ..!t.. alT Pr. .1...... the folloppthe improvem t ..._ _ ......... _...._.... . .... .... ........... nl/ a ,,true[ n sla walk of earn, d n width of, ata Cent - -d. of Unty rslty avenue... . ... _ „,....... _..... .. ... . ...... .. _. - """ "" % Bele, ¢.veno to Ly nhurst 1 - In. h Rtt presents d to th^ PA t h haven been resented to the Couu L, 5 t onnclhnan_........._..... _........................._............_..-_ ; B P - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability, of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish Lhe following other data and information relative to said improvement: ............. — ..................... ............................ _.._............................... :............... .... _................ _........ ,.._.._._._..._................ _._............. .-..................... .._.......................................... _._.................................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoinnet//ters to the Commissioner' of Finance. Adopted by the Couueil ...[?........191.... Yens: Nays : Councilmanfle rth U A;4aZ ........................ ...:__......._.._........__.._................ ......... Mayor Mayor. . complaint of F Baier,old a X07 plank walk should be removed Council File No.:....... ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 1' PRELIMINARY ORDER. • The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.........._ ............................._..... .... construct a sidewalk of._c_ement._._blo_cks_...,to_.._a._w_idth_...pf...s_i_X.:._f_eet.._Qn__.._ ........:*e. AQr th.._s i, de of 1:in g .s.tr.e E t ,from Cher.oke e avenue to ...Smith au.enue PRELIMINARY om ens. ~hereae�A �Wwritten proposal fp :. ,na of the following i•n..r ...::........................................................................................... ............... ...... ..... _........_.__..............._...._......................................._..._: ,..:.,�•ni„•o�,,. ... .. ... having been presented to the Council of' -me City of St. Paul by Councilman ......... .......... ........ .......... .................... I .............. _.... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and,estimated cost of aaid improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. k� 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:......:._..._ .................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked,for on the petition of three or more owners. Council File No.:___........_.. .�.).� �. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. �t and. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tho following public i[ r nli '6 ea Paul, vlz.: . _ x.a:Ze......Is.an.... ay....f.r.ar...R.enc5n....aysnu.e......tA._. 79, -,uta ^_l null Terrace a3.:titien..,::::.l.n__.e.aid_..Gi.t.y.,t:.......................... Dated this _�.L 77_clay o'......... f t. G U 7 ement by the City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following in,prevenlent, viz.:%T_a3e !_Van.... R�o * t za... r..1.S'•.._1_?_n..._Qf.. .�S2........_ 1?rn....:Terr_ace.._... e .__a ,_u.11ti.�.......v..Q..._..._h.. ....... o. 407— teae, w written proposal forthe Y•. f the following Improve t Grade Ivan Way from none e to the easterly line Of Mo.% Terrace Addition, in Bald City --- ---"-----"-""""" -,.g been preeen ted to the Can c" Gt. Paul therefore, be r •�mmlaelone .. ._.._...._. lowing been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul L,;,,ionncilman..................._......... ....... _...................................._....._..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:....__.___. ......_.._....__... ......_......... .......................................... ............. ..... _......... ............... _........................ ............... .......... :........... _................ ........... .... ............................ ..................... ........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ado /tedtl} Council..........._ 2 _191.._..... [ I Yeas; Nays: Cody ihnan Fart worth //�, / Goss Approved .._W...... .—....... ....._. ........_ _ltll Kell McC4 11 YoeC. r.:.....:...................................................................._....._............. Mayor Povv� rs Mayor. Council File No.............. i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. Y and PRELIMINART ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public iniL)T67ement by the City of St. Paul, viz. G.radg ,rigga stma t fr.oru Racdc.lph..atxeW- ofc. Sch.ey.fAx...straet............ in said G.i..t. .,. __._ ..... Dated this ........... y;V.day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..._r..r.ad.e.__.................... Hand.olph_...a..tr.ae..t.....t.o.....Schefi.ax.....aise.e.t.,.....in....said.__Gity...__ o, 408— .._..._ ...... .__. .. itten of he fr 11� pro oval 4�improvement he of the Clty,. tt $t Paul there - ad 6t1B69y` itCd'm 'Ra ...... _....... ..�, eet to Be a et; in Bald. -.. - - "-"" -- , Af B been; *ppee¢nt6d to th .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......._....................._......................................_..............; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ....... ...... ..... ............... ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. %1 22 1914 Adopted by the Council J!............................ ........................_.._.....__..191....... Q, Yeas': %iByS: V Conn }man e rswo•th // )) $ Approved..... 1,1� K er Me .oll O' ary Yoe g! ... .. rti Mayor Pow A Mayor.' Council File No ................40.8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publ pald, viz.: X.O.P.A.Ir the sent Dated this_ 2G r report of sidev ' valklk- repair foreman h cA71-1provement by the City 4-8t. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHERFAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .................. ........ ................... &-repa-im the pr.esent sid.ewalk_ ...on -the so-uth ..side Of ,,.,.,F.ai.rf.i.el.d....&v..enu.e-,.b.eginnin.g 98 feet. we -St Of. State .8tre-at-,thenGe­ 409— A written proposal ................. ............... of •the foll.-I.r Imp— int! .......... ............ .......... .......... ............. ..................... ....... .... ................. . ........ .. ................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..........._..._......._....._ .. .............. . ...... . .. . ..... . .............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2.. To investigate the nature, extent aud'estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furifish the following other data and information relative to s�id improvement: ............. ......................... ....................................................................... . . .......... . ......... . ..... . . . . .. . ............. . ....... . ................... . .............................................................. .......... . .............................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more- owners. 6: To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ile, Council �,,i 26 1911.4 19, Adopted by t ............ ........ ... Yeas; Nays: Councilman Farr 3worth Approved... 13, 19 Goss Kell r O'Le iry. yocl; .. .......... ..... .. ..... ...... .... ................................................. . .. ...... ... Mayor Pow i rs Mayor. Petition Council File No......_....409 X, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and N'. PRELIMINARY ORDER ,_,­- J The undersigned hereby proposes the making oft ollowing public improvement by tho `St. Pant, viz.:.._...c.ens.truct.....a_..aidevealk cement-....blocka.....ta.._.._Ili .. ef..._g.i..�c.__g.ee.t_ street Dated this 1.._.... __. _._day of. ...:....J.U.ne...1;�.........._......... ._...._._.._._ivi......... Councilman. PREI'[MINARY ORDER. AVIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...'......._....__.._ ................__. ... construct .a _sidewalk_.of_.. cement blocks block_s..._t.o.__a._.width_of��: s_ix.._feet____on_ the we..et..._eld.e_...of, __ ta.t.ilda....a.tr.e.e.t..,.from.... Rase ....street .....t:o.._1dar.yland....s.treet.-. No. 409— ng of. A a. .t pro oval for t! in accor.dance.....w.nth.....p_eti.ti.on.....att.ached.....__ rt� of the fol,o",trts i� a� Cam- -- - - Construct a sidewal, to a width of six;- feet -de of Efatllda etrert ' .......... n Ifni •land etr � .._._....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.... t.::::_.:__::!a_.... _........ _........ _.___:.:; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following Other dattt and information relative to said improvement :...................................._........ 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ........... J;IH 20 19}4_...191......._ Yells: Nays: Councilman Far Isworth / GOB Approved..4_......_.._._._.................. Kell r --' O.L 1y Yoer.......................... _... ... _..................... _......... w..!!..._._ Mayor Powe s 1/ Mayor. Cotnlcil File No ....._... .. e PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public r � O -Paul, viz.: ra.: z.....'a_1_si1...._Ter...S'3.G..e..._ .K.P.Ii..' .Z.Sl.9.9..rd....a ? ?7?..Y...._+.4.. ........_...... .............. ......_........................___......... Dated this..... ® . improvement by t#e City of 91... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..:u_Y3.12.,__ Terrace frou;.._Eon.n_on..._.avenu'.....`o.._`'ot:r man_.._ avmije.a..._'_n...._sai:3...._City._t............._........:............_ _............................._...... ........ C. F. No. 409— Whereas, A written preposel f the. making of the following Improvement.'---- -� - -- -- via: Grade Glen Terrace from me or avenue to Youngman. avenue 1 cal: _............ ..._. ._..._...._.. City having. been presented to r�. ._...... ........._.. ....._._.._- ......_. Council of the City of ;St. Paul 0' f e be It y R, 01 •od Th,t the. C whiv,......._. - ........_... .. .. ... ...___...... _ _ ._.._.... .....__ Publl .i � n_ di y u,.. de eE ^le having been presented to the I odncail of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...... ..... . ................. ...... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the,making of said itnprovenlent. S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.. d. To furnish the following other data and inforulation relative to said improvement:..___.....__ .............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or le owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coinnlissioner of Finance. i%}jJ�i - Adopted by the Council..�:-15.14.....191......... Yeas: Nays: U Couucih n Fart worth 1 Gos Approved....("..—..._ ...__.._......191 _... M er i`I oil G eary oerg.......I.. ... ....... ......._....................................................�-.. G ._.. Mayor owMayor. Y puesssi�fl / Petition ' kY it R 9 0 Council File No. t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.` and PRE LIIVIINARY ORER. The undersigned hereby proposes the niakin he following public improvement by the City`o£ St. Paid, viz.: ..c.o.n.a.t.r.uQt a. -aid o.f....n.emsnt....bla.cks.....t_o....a....>xi.dth.rDf.six....f.eet....: on the... no)rth.._si_d f.,_Sourne..._ay, nu e,from.__K•eston.._e rr'eet.._wpel to_ wrest ;, aine....o.f_..lo.t _.P1ook ..30_..S.t.....Anthonq._ Park ..s,., ,....... in...aacordann.a Dated tA......__afQ_ .____day of Councilman. PRELi IINARY ORDER. _.I 1VIIERI;AS, A tvrith•u propositi for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.... _.._...._.._ _. .. ................. dew.a.lk_....o.f.__c_em.en..t__b.1.O.aks...._t.o.._.a.._w.i.dt.h.....of_._s.ix...f_e.et......on.._the north .e..41e o. _ Fourna _ay.en..ue.jrnm....Ke.et.on.. e.ts.ee.t._.wes_t__ta....w.ea.t.__line.. of -.Blook....30 St Anthony Park North, in ateordanoe with uo— , A writ tp ono i f the e the foil i R imp ement etruct a sl of cement a •v ltllh off i. nix fee[ on na having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Council'man...... _... • . . ".-I aLeil— any Prrk ' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered an ifireob d'( 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent slid estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -I. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.......___...,Itq1._. 2.G..;.4..114.........._191........ Yeas:.. Nays: Coutecil.man Fin iswm•th Got Approved._ C.._.. '_.... _._....__.A. Kel er c ,o L­'-1D'j eary a !/" ! V Mayor Powers PUBLIFMI�. L1.7��1 4 Council File No......___.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. . and - PRELIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned liereby proposes the making of the following public iloprovenlent by the City of St. Paul, vii..: c+onderux�.ing.....and.....taking.._an.....eas.ement..._in..._ths'.:.land... nenesnery....�.or. .............. slopes, .3ox_ o'O and__fills.__iaa.. grading .HY�:fQ.rd.._.S.t._._fr.om _QQM0.. Ave.'. ....W. to Br_ompt�on_St... ........................................... _............ .--.----Dated this._....� .. ..... 7._f_�L7' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITEREA9, A written prop -sill for the making of the following iniprevement, viz.:__.o.ondEnM.ing- _.._and.__taking,_ an.__e..aeement...._in_._the...._lv.md_..nec.e.agary..._for .._81.o.pes_,..... fo.r......cuts. grading Buford St.irom.._Como Ave. Deet to Brompton..St. ............ _........... ..................................... ........_......... .... _........... _...... .... _ . _......................... . ... _.. _................ _.......... ....... _............. _.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councihnan_................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said inlproven)ent, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish th!' followink,otluv dxl;l and information ImlqTwive to said improvement: ._......_...._......................_.._._ 5. To stateivhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or raofe owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i1..._°5....-�191 Adopted by th�/e/ ouneil.......� .......... Yeas: Ana :• Nays: -a : , •;r the r. • . , Coul lclla -11 1' • 1'il S1V OI't.11 .,' of the mnkl�.b - _ / / / `�._.._.1!)l.f% / Gl asnature,zrl/ • ligate the extent Improve- K lieu s east of t thereof. e total coat thereof. 1• CO11 ,.Inlsh a plan, profile or ltnprevementi . J i i aid rnieh the following other G eary .iformatlon relative to Sal, I Y erg .__............................_.._........._................. t. whether -or not Said Im_✓' J the �peI,tlon Mayor. Mayor P prove;, asked for on o[ three ... more owners. • 6. To report upon all of the fore-� going matters to ,the Commisslgner of Finance. .. ... I Adopted by the Council June 22, Council File No. �. rR PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'l'he undersigned hereby. proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. , : 00 demni... Paul, viz.: ng._and takingan easement inrthe land neces_eary.for.... elopes, for cutBand.._fille in �rad.ng t_tage St fromArcade S...t.�... to Forest St. _.. _ .. ....._... Dated this _ 80th _day of>' June. r . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FIIFRPAS, A written proposal for tile malting of the following iatproventent, ci•..:____Condemning- and taking an easement in the _land _necessary for _slopes, for cute and fills in grading Cottage St. from Arcade St. to Forest St. _...._._. _....._......... - - ......__._.._..._.._._..._._._ having been prcacuted to the Council of the City of St. Paul by l'ouucilumn___._—......_.._......__.... therefore, brit RPSOIXF11), That the Commissioner of Ppblic Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: { 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profi]e or sketch of said improvement. -1. To furni'h the following othrr il�ita and information relative to said improvement: ._._..... ,-._........ .... ............... ............................ ..... _.._ 5. 'po state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the fm•egeing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Jt,tii f • ❑r'1Q Adopted by the Council..._--__.� ..... Yells: Nays: lbnil.I lino PI •nswo•th Ll G ss 1tao r oe ld tiinpl'oved._.1!11�f' !total co t thereof. e 1 97•-a eh n Plnn. Prbale' 1' ¢. \ /� ,,[tsheat. improvement. 1% eU 4. 11. nigh the following other - - t IJ�data an,', :ormntion relative to enld Improven —t. - 6. To etnto whether or not said fin - fm .:....,,,✓..... .... .............%...f...j....... .............._... Oeiprovement is naked for on the, petition lila 'or of 'of three o more owners. :lla� or. y 6. To report upon all of the fore- lPina e. tter. to the Commissioner of � Finnnce. Adopted- by. the Council June 22, Approved June 24, 1914 report of sidewalk repair fQteman Council File No.......__. 411_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, i The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th owing public improvement b e City of St. Yattt, v;,..:x.__W..i.th..._o.em..ent._.blo..c _._.o.....a....width .....o.f..._.... six feet,the .p.r..esent_s ewa.lk_...o.n._.S_e.u.en.th_.a.t...et.,.n.or.th..a.i.de.,.f.rom.......__.. St Clair.... street_ to ._._ghipanstx'.ett, _.._..... ....._...._. .. .._...._ Dated tlti.-___2 _day of.. June Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITEPEkS. A ,vrittra proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.__.____ r..e..Ganseru. s_ep.air...wlth.._c.amen.t....blo.oks.._..to._..a_width .....of._s.ix _ feet,the .preaen.t e.aewalk_Orl Sey_enth strset.,.na.xth_.elde.,fr..om. 411— eas. A written proposal for the --:.ilehi an- etre-et -ie n a uowing Improvement, i St ^�1aa.r_ s.trx.E.t to g atrnthe foet, relay nt having he1eu presented to the Council of the City of St. Taal by Couucilullill:.:._................ :.::....,... _............ .`:........_..........._ .; therefore, be it I - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent ant' estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. , 4. To furnish the following other (lata and ilifororitim, relative to said improvement _._ _. _...... . _..........._ ........ . . .......... ....._ _... _. _.. ........ ...._ ........................ ......._.._.__.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the .Council....__... ....__.....__......._...........1171._...... i Yeas: JUP( iC !9iG Nays: Councilman Fara', Drell .._.� ..._..._..�..3 V Goss Approved % Keller C� O'Lea y 1 oer �. Mayor Powe s - - Mayor. ° pUBLIS12Ct1.��."�" Council Filc!o._....12 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.%f } and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public imprAvement by the City of St. fall, viz.: Condemning and_._ taking.__an..easement_.._ n,the�,__land necessar.y...for_._.._ slopes, f0routs and fills in grad ng_Faugtier._St_._from Kennard St. to Flandrau St.� I)ah•d this ._..... ?0th .da•y of___... JLinQys. _ X91. Q44 (' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1VIIERi::AS. A v:riften proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:___ Gonde'nlning._. and.. taking an_easement_in the land._ necessary. for slopes, _for cuts_ and fills in..grading._Fauauier fit_ from- ennard.St. t.o_Flandrau_S.t. 12— A written proposal for the t the follow ng improvemen' and taking an _... _...-.iemning ego.,..... ,the land necessary for slor. and fills In grading Fain ..... .............. ... .._. Kennard 3t. to Fland _ ....... ...._..._ een pre-. r. d • � �• . having been presented to the Council of tue City"bi-"St. Paul by Councilmul........__..........._.._._.__._...____........___._..................: thew -fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of F aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To forui,b the following other data andinformation relative to said improvement:.._ .....__._.._ ._._._...._... _..____..__ _..._. ......._.. . _. ..._....._._ _._..._ ..__.. ._._._._: 6. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon ;III of the fore!,*aing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.__ .. 'I� c ._+.r.�.....__..191__... Yeas: \,p•s: CouI c luau Farl sworth Goss Approved Bell G'L 'L 1•r y yocr Mayor Pow( rs _Mayor. PUBLIsm.-T) � AA Council File No.__._._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. . and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folld viug 1.101V Paul, viz.: _ol ange_.a.f....gra..de...._on.....Orange.._S.t..,.....:r.Crm .Paye and_ on .reenbrier__Ave__.._fro] Hawthorne~.. St.to_._H.V aac_ordanoe with petition,herew th attached._,_...__.._ Petition improvement by the City of St. St. Dated this,. ._ 26th -day oto___ ___..�.IlnB _._ .._..._. _.._....191.4.. •9` Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \CIIF.REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_change.. of - - g ade.s3on.Oranga_St..,._.ir.oru..._#?Ayn.e.....A.vv.........t.a_IYa.ash._.S.t_...,.._and.__on.....Gxe.enbrler_ Ave. from Hawthorne St. to xr.rafiinth St. ....____. __.._.... ..__... _. . ... ......... .. _... 2_ ... _._. .__..... .._.... chewritten Proposal for the following improvement. .... ............. ... . .... .. ... _.......... oP grade on Orango �`••. to Wn.lsh and .•. T3un ton .... _.. .. Laving lfeen presented to the Council of the City of.8t. Paul by Couucihnlul._.._.........._.._..................._._....._:............................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost th+of. ' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -l. To furnish,t1w following other data and information relative to said improvement:...._._._.._._. ...:..................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. dL Adopted by the Council.....__.._d'.:Pf...2n.0....tS.t.4......... 19L._.... Yens: Nay's: Councilman Farnsworth _`� (� tKeIr Approved ___.�_( 1/ _........._..._.......__._..__........_...._.................._............11nyor _...._ Mayor. p�BLISTIGI) a Couneil Pile \o...._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ddd and PRELIMINARY ORDER, ` 'file undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public inlprov,emeut by the City (if 8t. Paid, viy.. __.Candemn ng and._an, easementin the r_land.._neceseary fqi_.... slopes, for cute and fills in grading Faireount Ave. fro>u i� Cleveland Ave,... to Finn Ave.. Irl¢ d this 20th _ _day of.. June, _ :'r 1 .. ¢, CounciNnall. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEM1,Vfi. !i written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:_.Condemn.ing and. taking an easernent in the land necessary _for _elopes, _for cute ........... _ _. and fills .in_grading Fairmovnt_Ave, from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. _ __ Laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Coaneilman__.._._.._....._----._...:...._____....._.._............_._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said inlprovenlentt and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To I'nrnish the following other Mala uad infor;uation relative to said improvement _. _..._.......... ._._.._. __.._.._ ................. ...... ......._. ... ... .._.___.......... _.. .___.. ...._....._.._._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forviming matters to the Commissioner of Pinance. ��. Adopted by the Council ...... ...... ...._...__....... • .".ni tnerpl:A}; ...... '.-e Commisslon }rC714. f r_and he Is hereby of t, nte the necessity a)nte the neceaatyfor 0/111 i1 Illlall Pa 'nsworth oY the making of said Go, 3 itigate the nature, .tent-1111_�J d c et Y said Impr ve- KC er total cast thereof. ish a. plan, proal. or MC eketeh 'of a Id Improv meat. 4. To furnish the following other G' data and Information ralat1, to said . Improvement. YO G. To elate whether r not enfd im- ....:....... �._.. ......._......_.............._. . provemont Is asked for on the petition Mayor. >\'lay m• PO of three or more owner.. G. To report upon 11 of the fore- . going mutter, 'e the Co. miseloaer of Flnance, Adopted by the eounell June 22, 1914. Approved June 24, 1914. _ 41-3 Council File No... -- .... Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu�li0 improvement by`the bf St. p,,,,l vlz,;con. strutting a .s_ev+er in Abel]G S,.' 3rom_Jesamin,., to &oq.6_ St.,n scoxdanc..e _v�ith....Pstit 5?' ha.r.ev ith..._att.a. ...d.... . Dated this...- 26th, _.day of._.� ......:sT.1�10 _......,_��.-�......__..] _..........._....................._ ..... Councilman. ; PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvenlenl, viz.:..Gons.truct.ing C. r. No. 413— \Vhereas, A written proposal for. the „ g of the Pono�vin Im n 1 in a provemen4 _... ..... ...... .. vlz: Const ruoting sewer In Abell from Jeesamins St. to Rose St., �F leen presented �� the Council .._. - - ...... __.... .._._. . ' II ............._ _. ... .......... .- _... _....._.. .. _. ... •...... ...... ........ .......... _._.. .... _........ .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couueihnan........_..._.._._... .......... ..... ..._._.........._..___...._....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1r To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the follevving other data and information relative to said improvement:.______ 5. To state whether or not.said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cmnmissioner of Finance. piA �...1�.�.,_4. Adoptid by the Council...._.._........':''.._t` 191.._.... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fal Iswm'th Gos Approved Iiel r Or my Yoeg � ._....... ...... ................................._._...... .............. ........_.......... ........ ........ D7aypr Pow i's Mayor. 14 Connell bile No. ._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 1 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mtdersigned hereby proposes the milking of the ,f6l1ovilig public imiirove lent by the City of St. p,,,al .;z.: Condemning_ and._,taking _an easement, i.z?3 he. land _necessary for.._. slopes, for cuts and fills inAgrading Do 'ell Ave om Raymond Ave to Cleveland Ave. Dated this 20th -day ot, _ �TAIM, i :_.. 1.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1FIIR1iT A�, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: .. Condemning. and taking an easement the_,.land_.neces.eary_ for..slopea., for.__cut8„_ ...._..... _. and fills in grading Doswell Ave, from Reymond Ave, to Cleveland Ave. having heeu presented to the Council of the City of St. Pant by Councilman__.......__ ... ...... ...... _.._......_._...._..... ._...... ._...__...; therefore, be it IIESGLFPD, That the COmmis$ioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said,innprovement, and tine totacost thereof. .3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveatent. -1. To hil-niyh the following other darn and inlbrumtion relative to said innprovemeut:_-._._ _....._..... ._ __._.. _.___...... ....._._...._......... ........... ......... ............... ........... ..._.._..._. _. .._._._. __....._...._. .. ..___._.__ _._.... u. To state whether or not said ininrovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forgoing matte •s to the Cmhmissioler of Finance. Jll`1 � 19...............191......... Adopted by the Council __:..._..._..__...._:...........__2 ......... Yeas: l Nays: ry V Cot tcilnlan ra ]sworth Go the ” Agate the at ' ' -red /Y.f C/l_ Re er Ale oil t oa cost of Aa .. ' .he total cost the pof. id 1 — n, ppoflle o r e 11.1.h the nleh the os r __. _.___.191 .... . t G' Bary relati a relative e attve t, to sora -'e whether or _ / ��� YO rg to ?- not cal�......, ., i. s asked for do the ., „....... .�........._...................._............_._._...._..._._............... Mayor Powers ' mor. whets. .. Mayo•. ,. Pon he all to . i petition 414 Council File No..._....._._._._........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 11 and PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. 4 ,•.,. nlblic improvement 1} loCity of St. The -undersigned hereby proposes the making of the /foljoiving 1 rad n the.__Slley..._runn.iz>g t.._and..._weat..._in...Bl 4....of .Forest_dale 1 Inil, viz. • g � '" " Add.dtion.,_.and_the .._.alley...rnnni north-and.._south._ lying -between 18. Bl3 ..eatdale St.even's.Rear.rangement_._o3.. .ot.a._13,14.,15.�.16.,1 ,,_,_��aat4i.,,_ Dated this y of - ..__..._ X38 414— o .... ..... ..............._. A —itten p opos 1 Yor th f the Y 71 [ I g o tl 11Y Fer. tA. R'mr (�011ll Cll plan. — -- PRELIDMgARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the making of the following impl•ovenlcnt, viz.: grading the of-..far.a.a.tdrla._.Ac�.d.i.t_i.an,....nd_ the .alley rnnn,ng- north ..a, dd._I-y1>.>g..bstw.aen-Steven'e Rearrangement ofBlock_4 of..Fore.stdale Addition and Lots_ 12 ..8� 19 in_ 400k__4 of Forestdale Addit on.. _ --- ......._ ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau] by Councilman........._.._ ........... .........__._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and in is hereby ordered roand directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. TO furnish the following Other data and information relative to said improvement:_._ .................... ............. ......_....-- nc 5. TO state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more o�� 6. To report upon all of the foregoing maulers to the Conllnissioner of Finance. tIi Adopted by the Couucil..........._ti .!1 _.._'._........_........:.191....._.. ...... Nuys: Yeas: COnllcihnall F rnswortlr ({ as Al/proved... Iler ecoll Leary oerg Mayor. \layor oivers _jam/ Cnnucil File iVu..-.... _.__ 411 Lj PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersign,d hel•ehy proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Patti viz.: Qondemnng and._taking..._anreasement.._.n _the,._land_necessary, .... for slopes, for cuts_ and_fillis in_grading Grotto.St,...from_- Hatch _St.. to_ Qrchar.d_.St ....... .... _..... .... .__..... _._. Dated this 20th_day of.. . � Coil nciIII all. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \GIIPIiF.AS, A ivrilh'u proposal for the making of the follov:ing improvmneut, Viz.: Conae.m.nTlg.. and taking aneas_ement in the landnecessary for elopes, f or cuts and fills in, _grading. Grotto St. -_from, _Hatch .S.t.- to, _Orchard_St. ............... ............... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cotmcilmall'-..-_............. .._..__.__.....___.......___._._............: therefore, be it Rd8Sol�jrED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby mdcrcd and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. 'fo furnish it plan, profile, or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furlikh the 1'01101ving nlher data and information relative to said imprnvemeut: $. To state whether or not said iniprovemmit is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon till of the foregning matters to the Coin missioner.of Finance. ' Adopted by the Gnmcil...._"....�l,l�....,.Z.._._�`....._........ � Zeas: Nays: gat,. :,_ ,\11 \i t Counci arta F: •nsivm�lli - of t . .Iso - , e tigate `roti.__.... 1 thenature (� 'a .. tlmated cos[ Of B81d I. a1nnd the _`-.1! /..-..._...191// I Her total coat tharer lah a plan, ' CCOIl , 'std tmprovemen L. 1 / /1 ' -- "^nleh the tolloWing other - 'Learyoerg ;� [ormatlon relattve to tatd �, E f __ ewhether or not said Im• �' ..__......_._...................... ......._._........... ... !Mayor overs ore dor the petit"' owners" :tfayOT. ' ^t upon 1 of thefore - [o Cre the ommieafo of / .y the Counci] Tuna 22, - pUDL1JL11:� lJD JI / am/ Is 24, 1914. Petition Council File No..'...:.__. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENS. 40 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. w The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foil -W� dg" public improvement by - e City of St. Plod, vi..: .grac ...... Cie.ora.... Ave.. ..... b.etv¢eeIl .Uhdalia...S.t.,.atd- Pil uxy....A.ve...,...._... `in accordance with.. pe.tial_cn_.kterelY'th.._atlac.he.d __.. Z . ........ . ...__.._...__ ......., .. "" ._...191.._..4. Ihded this._. _ 26th__day of Jtuie Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVIIEREAS, A written proposal for fhe making of the following uuprovetnetlt, vlr.:___....grad.ing. I 54= and Pi118b Cleora Ave. between Vandal --- _.... _. ._..._ o. 416- -real, A written proposal for t'ha .g of the following Improvement, Grading Cleora Ave. between ...... ----- --- St. and Pillsbury Ave, having .._._. of St. nted Paul tthe eforethe ubelli r >Ived, That �'o t f the .._..._ ..-....... Iselon.r of -..... WIs ork= b- �� is hereliY halving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couneilmau_....._..........._........ .............. ... .... ._- therefore, be. it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public `Yorks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvennent. 1. To furnish the ibllowiu;! other data and information relative to said improvemeu : -- -- . - - 5. To state whether or not said iu n•ovement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the, fo•eving matters to the Co lulissioner of Finanee. _ ILIN !S .:..Q .............1:11........ Adopted by the Council _._......._ _.._............._............ 1 cas:Vat's: Couneilotaln Furl sworth Goss ( Kell r 0'L ary V !N Toe......................... ........................... Mayor. Mayor Pott' rs PLIBLISRED /� Council file No.. _ ._A116 ( V ,r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. r and , PRELIMINARY ORDER, 'Phe nndersigned hereby proposes the making of the lollovving pnblit, improvement by the City of St. P:nol, \,;,.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills _iR:'gradin Hatch St. _.from __Ric e St.,.__to We.atern Ave...., J. r __... .Y r .._. _....... _......_.... _.. M,. 20th . day of June, - __....19 4..-. Dated this_._..... '.- { l Y Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1VlIT:]iI'..AS, :1 weitten proposal for the looking of the following improvement. Viz.:__Qenden?ning- and taking._an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts ..... and fills in grading Hatch St. from_Rice_St. to _Western Ave. ..................._....... having leen presented to the Council of the Cit.)' of St. Paul by Councilman _.....___.__....__........ _..... _._____..._............: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner_ of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. ?. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To flwllish the following otiler data :old information relative to said iuoprovemrat:............._ 5. To state nhtthe or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN! w2 121.4... ...............IJl Adopted by the contncil....._....._...............__.._..._. /, Yeas: ed:Nays: oats th • l/L� ,.. / of the t Kong Conine Knoll hear Is, etlgatI the tore e d Goa. d coat o[ said so ve- l.p total cot thareoL Kell r leh plan. Profile orild DIC ]l rn Improvement. ental the Pollowln data t G,L ry ttfon relatl4a%Fo. e¢Id lm- , (J/� YOCI• to wheth r or not said lm- •- asked -for on the petition - .�••---- ------ "' """"' Mayor. more Mayor Po\\'C 8 �• port upon enol Of the tore- ' �•s to the Commlesfoner of •t r/ / -y the. Council June 22, i PUSLISEMD 4.9.6 C!, a ell File No......__.. . _........- V PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nudersigned hereby propos,,, the making of the follol6mg�puhlie iloprovOilt�by the City of St. Pana, viz.. '...._Grang.._of _clear St_...._fro'orrest_._ St._.__t.. Arcade St. ,.. in accordance with petition here attached.► 1)ated this 26th da of dune 191.._...4. Gonucilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1IT11EREAS, A written proposal for tile making of the following innproveuent, ciz.:__.Grading . of Clear St, from Forrest Rt. to Arcade.-St..,is- 4 a Ilt proposal f the f the [ ll i g improvement, -. ..... . - di g Clear St. from For- a rea- . SC having b pre- nco of the City of having been presented to the Couueil of the City of St. Pard by Couucilnaall......___.............._......__......_......_.._._._._.__...._....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said innprovenent. 3. To investigate, the nature, extent and estimated cost of said iagn•oventent, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other dntn and iofornnition relative to said imprnv,ment: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•egciog matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . Adopted by the Council..__.._. �,-,....... ......u_�.._.....i91........ Yells: Nays: Councilman 11 irnsworth G ss Approved._ �,��_. ale• IT. aettl— Leary erg.......:...._......._..__...................._......._..._.... _.............__......... Mayor P were Mayor. PUBLISHED_J: �- Council File No..__._....: PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, f and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The 1111dersignrg1 hereby proposes the milking of the``follolving .public improvement by the City of St. paid viz: Condemning and taking an easement_in.the.land .necessary for...... _ _... slopes, for cuts and fill 'in grading Hatch St. .from ...Dale St to.__.. Kent St. . _...... r r' llahsl this _20th__.._da`' o' ,-J.L1T).e s 191...4.. e Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WllEliEAF, A writh,n proposal for the making of the following inlprovealent, viz.:__Condemning end taking an_e..aaemena in._t2ie land..necessary, fox.._e_lgpes.,._.,for ._Cuts and fills in grading Hatch St, from Dale St, to Kent St..____ ...._............... ........ ............................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.... ...... ......... therefore, be it 1tESOLVED, That the Conmlissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the milking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furni.;h the following other (10:1 and information relative to said improvement:__. _..._.___. . _ _..._._.... .._ ......... .._..... .. .._ ..... ._.._._.. 5. To state whither or not, said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•rgning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_._._.-. J.L.P:a �:2 193A 1J1.__._ f a Nays: U Fees: g t th r Coll ll cil oall Fal'�1101t ," of thek g --- � esus to to to xtent nti led oat f 1 Improve- -- met-, id the total cost there of. S. �To furnish a plan, profile or .ketch o[ said Improvement. 1 / 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to Bald improvement `i 6. To state whether or not said im- (-....... provmnentrla asked for on the petition .tlay0l'. �'lfl yon• I. Of three or more owners. 6. To r pori upon all of the fore- ' 'iping matter. to the Commiseloner of nance. Adopted bl' the Cour }I Tune 24 3934 App D ed June 24 .1814. 417 Council File No..... f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. y The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul. viz.: _ Constructing severe on the following named streets, to-r,it: _ Fnlarger:er.t of the :;.Clair _trtct ezrr r rem Freiericka street to F irvie avenue kin Palace treat from �airvie^• avenue t,o "nderwood wuenue On rerkeley ::venue from Fredericka avenue' to 71roerWbOd avenue On Ftaiiftrd av,.nu-, from Frzaericka avenue to :.'aoa,fster avenue On Welleeley avenue from Y'-edericb.a avenue tc�Ara-leetar avenue On Fredericka avenue f,,eln Et.Clair etreet tpeFandolph street cferscr, ;_vInlie from Fairview avenue �t ;n�ierw•oou avenue Ind on �'uliet ctro from-airviay. 'to "r,��r•�:caS sver:u.e, in accc•rc:tanc, ith re`v4`tione here:ith attu*Ch-d, the Gai.i se1°,ere to :oe known �e .I,e .—reuaricka avian ae : a'=:ai syatrem. -- --- �.... _...... _...... ..... ..._.... Dated this .............. ...dY'iy of r Councilman.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makine of the following improvement, viz.: __..__........__...____......_ .._ o. 417— - 1 written proposal for the int tha follow &._improvement, �' - eweih-_'tLe ,follow- . .,b� Constructing sewera cn tr®'ririie-wlr,.- `naLreI etr.•-oto, t0—%%,jt: -FnIaargamert of tLa t..Clwis At;reet ae�per from Frederick;,;, r - t r e e t to FC.11 i &h uvw mie pn Fz- 4tre.et from Fairvier avenue to unda:craod , v�.nue rkeley ,upnue from Fredericka avenu Under -rood .:ver,•+ae On 4l'g ford avenue, from Fredericks arer_uWo ffacaleater rvcuub an ? enlay avanne fram Fre-lericla Eiv?'nue �t`c yacaleat-r :.vbnse On Freie ricka avenue from ct.0..1air 'tr,:et 4 Ra,"di 1ph -traet On Jefferl,on rverme from Fiairvi?,a avenr2a to An, erx-�Oa ;Ivenuts Ana cn JLIlet street from Fairvisr. wenue to MAierwCo„ In scccrdnr;y w1(r; st/*,ionp-ere:ith known Li.? ^r avenue "ower eyateal. 11111,1119 been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_ ...... ..../....�..�. .. -- -' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said inlp,vo,oleut: - i. TI , ,tato wb,ther or not said-iinproveou•nt is asked for on 11- potitinu of tin �•� ni wm• nYY n. ��. (i. To rrfnut upon a114'r 1h,• fn r,._in_ incl Lv, Lr 1h.• 1'nm niisim„�. ,.I' b'inn��.�.. Councilman Farn11011th Goss Approved— rr rsml•r. �.+. Mayor Powers % Mayor. '� ILQ;ELISt'IGII —F � /-� Couneil Pile No..,.:,. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT'. AA/ \. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ;stn The undersigned lio•eby proposes the making of the f9l1owuig public z,piplonunutt by the City of St. viz.: Condemning and,._taking_.,_an_eaeemsnt in �he._land..neceseary.fox__.._. c elopes, for eut_s and file in.g'r4 ing Hatch St,. fror_..Grotto_..._St to Jameson St. _............_.......... .............. ..._._.... �. Dated this 20th _dfly of, � June,,, 9 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVIIPREAS, A wrift•n 1rolmsal futhe ni-m� of tile following improvement,. viz.:__COT1dQIIlni,ng _. and taking an _easement in the land necessary__.for_slopee,._for cuts .._ . and fills in grading_ Hatch St. from Grotto St. to Jameson St... Is ...._ ...._............. ............................. ... _._................................... _.. lulviug been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmati...___.__..._--_.._._....__._.....___._...--_.-._._.._.., therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'Z. 'Po investigate the nature, extent and estininted cost of said imp rove inont, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said in, provcuumt. .) To furnish the following other dot❑ turd information relative to said improvement: __.__.... _- .._-.._...... .. -_. ....... ... __ _.._.___- _......._ _... __....;... .. 5. '1'0 state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fi. To report upon all of the fm•egning matters to the Comniiss!oner of Finance. RIN :z19A Adopted by the Council.._._._...__.... ...... .......................:........191......... /.1 Yeas:y 'td•. Nays: U , •01 illuall� ' of the P Cnlll ll lata 11 Pfl 1S1V M' at:stiga to the nater. ..nted coat of said n, Approved _... "l7 .........._191 �+d end the total coat thereof 1 p - To furnish a plan, proal KC C: y of Bald improvement. lIC • f' o furnlah the following of u kn-d Information relative to 0,.v )revement. . 6. To state whether or not said ha- 'proven fs ¢shed for on the petition of three or more owners. Mayor 6 To report u➢On all of the fore- 4 Mayor. ,got O; matt, a to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted f by the Council June it. X1914 Approved June 24, 1914 - CJuIY 41.E Council File No..___.___..._..b......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'i, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the 1`01101�114 public improvement by toSity of St. Paul, viz.: r r' ... ,y-'. ....... ........ ... ......... .............. Dated thus e�-_.....dav o Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ANTIIEREAS, A written proposal fol- the making of the follnwiag inlproveulent, vir. :...._... zrdfl. ... _.. _.. .. C. P. -e 418—written proposal for the Whereas. A ...... .......... .. _. ........ ........ .. .. eking of the following Im➢rovemen t. Grde Pnl¢co street from Prior �,. ms -rv'my even �e '� ni �• ... ..i, • ..._... ...._ ......_... ..... •._......................_._........... i httvnlg been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau �y Councilman. .........................._._._._..... therefore, be it 1�1 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost. thereof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mutters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_..._._...�s 1.l._..<. -._._...,x........_....191.._.._ Yens: Nays: Councilman FF alswmth .— Go s. Approved_ – .__._. _... _ .._. _. .. Ke ler G ►G�tk O' ary Yog ............................. Mayor. Mayor Po erg 1'unwcil Rile No._ ... ....... .. , PROPOSAL FOR IMPROV 'MNT. and . ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nurlersigued hereby proposes the making of the followi g public, imp 'cmeut by the. City of St. viz.: emng... L.... Condand_takng,,.an eaeem�nt n_.t and necessary Paul, n f' slopes, for cuts and fills in geiding Hew t Ave from Gri gs S .. _.......... to Lexington Ave. }" . 2Oth_day 01' __ /June, 191..`}• Dated this. /jam , Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. Wills EA',, A written proposal for the oinking of till' following inoproveolcut, viz.:__-C...Ond..,erri_1..Ilg_ and taking an_easement in the land nacessar.y_for slopes_for cuts and fills in grading Hewitt Ave. from Griggs St. to Lexington Ave'. ......._._.......... ..... .............._... ......_...... ...._.......... _........_. .......__ .._.._.._................... lmiving be('n presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cmltnlissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. 'ro furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement -t. To furnish the followirg'ilial. data and iuforumtinn relative to stud iniprovenwut: .............._.__... __:.._._.. ....-......:..... __.._._.._.. ,Jko state whether o1 not said improvement is asked for oil floe petition of three or more owners. 5, 6. To report 111)011 ill of the foregoing ntatters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4. Adopted by till' Cmutctl . ___... - . '..,., . 191 InvnetiOf t e Va}'s: YciiS: tlSa he ns I'� ncduoan b rswortl tr t the maklny G s he naturr�pploved__ 1!11 mated coat of Bala o j� 181 d the total coat p, cot t furnish improvement, plan ptoa \i Coll of said ° furnish the "10-in9 o -. 0 8811 nd information relative to pal. ment: ll.: !. .. ,state whether or not said 1m- -- YO 1g '.nt is asked for on the petition \fa}'oto Mayor Po rA or more owners report upon ail of tho for - ter to the_,�a lopeloper, of Council Wile No.......:.. C PROPOSAL FOR IMPRZjVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the slaking .9pthe following Pani, viz. ,rade ii.b;e.str_r.-.t..z ..0 Fi;:sdG_ll��r. ............._...._.....__..._........._...._....................... .............._..... . Dated this____. ____day of.... PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,..improvement by the City M Councilman. WHEREAS. A written In'oposal for the making of the following improvement, vir..:__.'�1-3iE_._.__.__. ... .. u_ ..� ... .._.._..... I—ax.' S _ 8. �.T l< iS.Ga_._111+L3n._.S l.d.d.t...._ C.....,.z.C4 i Er No. 419— Ure¢s. A written proposal for the ... g of the following improvement.._- rade griggs street from Ron - tree( Schelfer street having eset to the Council of the having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_..._........................__........__......._._.._._................__; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. '1'o furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .. _... _ .......... ........ ....................... _ ........ _..... _....... _..... _..............._...................................... _... _....................... 5. To stale whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the folrgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._.___�:'..�. _'.'.E� ._ :.:.....................1!11....... Yeas: Nays: ' I Couaeilntan Fat lsworth I n — (/ Co. Approved_.. a.r _._.. ... Ke er Me oll— Oary Yo g ................. _ _. ........ .............. \4ayor. Mayor Pol rrL s 420 Council Nile No..— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. y and PRELIMINARY ORDER. : ,f The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f{ollllg ng public improvement by the C' of St. Paul, viz.: � Y __ .. .... .........._. ... ... Dated this _ 6 da t .� 4'�'L.QI �......�1. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ill) t, viz.: _..._.... C. F. No. 420— ' Whereas, making of the PollowA written proposal - ing. improvement Grade Syndicate avenue. from street to Otto avenue having nre,6—ted to the Council of the ..... .... .. - .... ........._ . .. _.. ... S[. Poul LherePore, be ved, Tr the nmisetoner .,...�, � her,. b. _.. .......... .. .. ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PAM h; Councilman._......__.........__.......... .._.......__................ ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is h,_ ordered and directed: 1. To investigate they necessity for or desirability of the making of s, 1provement. °. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost theyoP. 3. To furnish it plan,}profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.___.. _..___.._. .._......__......_.........._............_......................................................................................................................................................... .. ................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.. RN !6..!C..'4._....__..1J1...._... ? Yeas: Nat's: ( Councilman Fal lsworth- _. / .. Go. Approved .. 1914( Kel er �{ it c �i�_L��� 0, ary _ Yoe g.....,.".........._....._.................................................................................. Mayor Poi rs (bnuetl File \o.._.. _._... ,.� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ., The nudersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pnhlie inlpr "enteut by the CityofSt. p,,l v;,., Condemning and _._takng..an easement _. .n the __.._ar.y nd negessa_for__ .... slopes, for cute and_fills.in grading Hubb .dSt, from Syndicate__,_ Ave. to Grigge_ St. hated this., 20th d,., ot__.. June.,;` Coll nCilniall. `PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FISTIiP:Ati, _A written proposal for the making of the following iniprovmaeul, viz.: __C.o.ndemn-ing.. and taking.. aneA"mpntin, theland neo.e..ssary_ for slgpes,.-_for cuts_ and fills in grading, Hubbard St. _from _Syndicate ape._ to Griggs St. ..._.....__........................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilm:ut.._...__..........._..___...__.......__......_._......._...._...; - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity to]' m• desirability of the making of said improvement. L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of saiAl inlprovehient, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - a. To furui<h the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. 10 state whether or not said utlproveinent is asked for on the petition of three of more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I� .,Ii �2 ,4 Adopted 1)), the Council......._........_.-__....._..._..._.. _...__.......191......_. 1 ZPlIa: td•:kf lAta)'ti: Councilman Flirnsworth it ata Gu. eget jFt r ,. ve_ 191 �f pin51. nroale o Ke, ler n ov m nt r P 11 w1n6 othe ' -Nf( all I f ti t tie to a• /� O' wary f rt weld i Y rg roe the Pet"'ee, \farce Po 'ere waif of the Poro_! \[avor. t e Commleelon t quncll Juno 22, / •a• ` M d UZoineil File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo'Wing public imPro Ir. 1'nnl, viz.: Condemning and taking an ea>3errient in the plan elopes,_ for _cute and _fills in ,gradingliudw -_Ave... to Hester St. llntod this _ 20th_day ofJune, _191.4. �r le, ent by the City of St. I neceasary for Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVUE11PAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imProvehleut, viz.: -__Condemning.. and taking an easement in the land neceemr.y_for.slope_ for cuts and fills in grading_. Hudson Ave.. from Earl St., to, Hester St._ ....................._..._.........__ hnving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pahl by Counciluuut.. .._ ._.._.__. _..__..._ ..__...._.; therefore, be it RP1,01,V D, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and Le is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making, of said improvement. ` 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. ,. :3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of said improvemelt. 4. To furnish the following other data and inforoultion relative to said improvement: ..._... _.___... _... _....._. ........._..:_.............. ............... --- ................ _........_ 5. '1'n state' whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report npol all of the foregoing matters to the Coil, ulissioil e• of Finance. R1ti1 ;i 2 f9;4 Adopted by the Council....___.__._.___..._. .,.............. Yens: .i.he�...Nflys: V ('mulcill lam 1" •nsworti,- tgate, the n.. are, —ten. ':.,a cost of.sala n9prove- Go s e total cost thereof. ed...�f _. lsh a ylan, profile. or 1{ ler Imt eVeollo bI Coll n the route ai acts relative to snia 1m -'j i (� eery whether or not said iun' Y erg asked for on the petltlont ,re owners. � �..........._..... ...�i..'_. ..... ..... ..__....__..(/...'^.f....'.'....C...L(.._......._.... Mayor P we's ;tto the commissioner oe Mayo•. .y the Council June 83, •,� rune X34. 1014: LT/, �(July 4-1141 ._...-. Council Nile No. A PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tlJp" llowiug public improvement by Paul, viz.: (� : hated tlua __day of _ 191..1. Councilman: PRELIMINARY ORDER. WI1171tF.A`;, A wrrttru proposal for the making-of the following improvement viz.: .' ie.... ......._....... _ ereas, A. written Proposal: for the ...... _..... .._.-.... ....... .......... of the following lniprovement, t BtT et fro- 1C. d [omRosi _. •. �iHe 'Cotiri�'il. of .. tore be it Bloner, erA,bY, or- _.. _.._.... .. ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cowrcibua ... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and Ire is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of the making of. said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile ofsketch of said improvement. a. To furnish the following other (Iiia :unl information relative to said improvement: .__......_...................__................_._..._._..._..:.._...._................................... _......... ._............ _........... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....._ . 1' _ _'_:.`_._......._'................. ...... 191 ...... L Yeas: - '. Nays: Council[lilt t Farnsworth ':3 _.. _. Goss Approved.. _____ ....._.-....191 Keller O'Leary Y oerg... ... ....... ................... ..J...._._._../......._.......................... ..._............. Mayor Powers - Mayor._ PUBLISHED. lity of St. Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. -11,110 undersigned hereby proposes, the making of the folloyving public unt.1Y PaIll, viz.: Condemn ngand taking an,.eageme.pt, in he slopes, for cuts and fills in.gTpdi4g jamOli St. to Su=it Ave., Dated this, 20thday of June, 19j..4. meat by tile City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1V11El,EA9. A written proposal for the making of the following it'll,"OvOluent, viz.: LO.nd8lYning .. ............ - andtakingan pqzeT40:nt_inth.e land necess-a.ry fQX Slopes . . ..... for cuts and fills in grading James, St., from Lexington Ave.. to Summit, Ave. No. 422— South. reas' A written pro,...l fe, the g of the folio% %ing improvement - . Alnnrl"g and tnkI.9 on el ,he land rere...,, for --e ad fill. In ............ . having lo -ell presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .. ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :;.'Co furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said iinio-ovellielit. 4. Tqditrnish the folloAviolr other (hjt:j juld information relative to said improvement: .................. .... -- - -- .......... ... ... - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coininissiolwi- of Finance. JUPd n , 2 l 4 Adopted by the Council Yeas: Nays: co 'i last ruswnrti oss Approved 6 eller fecoll 'Leary 'oerg Mayor overs Alayol. 42td PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following puwie CG_i:5� LC` 3,,,6?J:.._I, t u.1@''1_t..._'.N4i,l.ifXe.. .x_ll'.Fi. Paul, viz r streat f1ot1,_ alts=� a_.%rae a.. a],.�v.: s..:•_t,. Dated this..., 6—day of.. iwprovement by the City, of St 101' -1001 Councilman. PRELIMNARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written Proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz,.: Cv::st a;x_f.00t_.c. r._ -_ttaalk._cn.._th axth...r,112 F...."'alb.ul.g..._at.a;t,_.°.L.�L.._iai v.ien ac :,s o slsv , street• in saidCitv. ........_. .. A wr gas... A itten prUponal YU Iho , of the f.11—i-9 - - ""--'mn o[ut n six foot cement _..._ .__.. ....._ _..._.. .... uy16 -' north -s:dire Wutoole ntv�rl ' '•vl '. a to having been presented to the Council of the Ulty of St. Paul by Councilman.. ..//?�<�.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and_the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following Other data and information relative to said improvement 5. To state whether or,not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner's. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner, of Finance. Adopted by the Council___._._. __..._....._._.... ............_..191......._ Yens: Nays: Councilman F. •nsworth Q O tYprg Approved_. ._._..._ ...................._.............._Mayor ... Mayor. p>JgLISHEll%� Council File No.. __.. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �t PRELIMINARY" ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the a7aking of the following public ialprovOwent by the City of St. -- 9 paid i.iz.. Condemning And. _tak ng.. an_ -easement_ in they and necessary for_.._ _ J slopes,_ for cuts and fills iA grading Orange 11`81.- frorn_Edgerton St- to tto Arcade St.__ Dated this._ 20th.day of... _ Tlei _ __. 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WIlERI:AR, A wrtthal proposal for the making of the following ialproveutent, vlz.:__.�_ and _taking an easement in the land _necessary for -slopes, .for cute.__. and fills in grading _Orange„St. from Edgerton St. to Arcade St. written proposal for the W ... making ofherea., the follun l Lakinaimprovement,.... .... .. .......... viz: condemning e ment in the land neeese y for al op s. f,, cute and all. In grads b O ang $' ,_., .. ........ ...._... .. having Leen preselded to the Counciftt?U-,(N'0ii�'Ol St"I'lefn by Councilman_.........._............_..........._..._........._.......__.........__..; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish it plan, profile op sketch of said improvement. }. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said inlprovemeut:._..._ _........__._ .. Gc 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing 1latters to the Colnmissinuer of Finance. J'S z !914 Adopted by the Council...__.._.._...__.__._._.._........._...._..1 )I___... }'ease Nays: / v Cam eilutau Fartsworlh Oos. Appiovotl Kell r ) O'L ry I ne �.........._.... MayorPONY rs Mayon PUBLISHED_Z— i ,.� Council rale No ..............._..._..... _ _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. rhe undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the folloNY.;tig�public improvement by thet�ty of St. • � , - i'is . ae r,i.ic:..a.ra.�. ..._.i., r- Paul, viz. az.L'3:LLr3 3.t.c.:? &nu46- Dated this, l' day t ._ ..Y._/L� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:_' c }. 9. t,'—'U.q cee .,n+ S�1c.yral.'r.,.....a�xa_w..t._•via .. _k w _a .u.h...sia�....nf._? ._•un3 ..s. r.�ai. f..r.cru 423— ;Y,u„. ..._.. s. A written Proposal fr ...._._.... to ➢ an ap.- - he ro71aw1n l • a 11 e,nen' a”• ................. ...._......_............................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cotuwilman ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he s hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3• To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To furnish tile following other data and information relative to said improvement:__.. _.......-- ........._...... . _ _.....__._......_.........................._.............. .__........ ............................. _.............. .... _.........._.._......._............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or shore owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•cnnin r matters to the Coin missioner of Pinaupe. 1 3 ;°1.4 Adoptedby the Council..................__............................_.........191........ Yeas: Nays: oilman Farnsworth ` (,oun Approved Goss_. _...._ ____........ ... ,. Keller cColl O'Leary Yoerg... ............................. ................. ........... _. Mayor Powers Mayor. PUI3LISIii D !� ! / 2-21 ('ouncil File No ...... ............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and AV' . - PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned hereby proposes the makiug of the following public iulproveutent by the City of St. f Paill, viz.: O.ondemning and..__taking _an _easement .. ri,._ the land, necessary__ for__..._ slopes,for cuts and fills in grading Orange St,sirom Payne Ave. to Greenbrier Ave, x` Dated this _ 20th(bly of ___ �' a<.7_ °a ..-j91..'0 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WFIEREA',. A written proposal rot, lite making of the following improvement, viz.: _Condemning - and _taking an_eaeement in_the_land_neoessary.._for slopesr for cuts and fills in grading Orange St. from Payne Ave., to Greenbrier Ave, p•. xo. aaa— Nherene, A written nropoeal for the _ rlaking of the following improvement, �.... . _ .. --- iz: Condemning and taking an ease- ent in the land necessary for elopes, cute and fills In grading Orange ..... ... - ._<nm Payne Ave. to Greenbrier Ave ..... - - -... .. ..... .. presented to the Co on, having been presented to the Council of the C.ty'ol b't: P..ui f _,Gouncilnuut......_. ...._....._..... ._.......................... ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and Ile is hereby ordered fill([ directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To 1•111-ni;li the following, other data and information relative to said improvement: _. _..._._....._. . _.__.........__._._................_.__... .. ..__.... ......... ............. .. ..._._......_ ... ............ ................ 5. To -state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three, or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the i &MgiN �+ Aers to the Coin missioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...___J_i?1__ ...!Sig ...191._...... . Yeffs: Nays: Coil 1611111111Ffuf sworlh Goss Approved, Kelle - McC 1 O'Le ry Yoei. Mayor Pow •s - Mayor. 'pen3�rs��n � o Council File No... 423 t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the slaking of the following public improvement by the City p&•St. Paul, viz.: ox - -',.'.,W ,.,r-th G-I*drr:_--P FJo1in1 e _A=e-'i'-tI...Ttltvar:tio A-Ibt'rt-averue. t' sr v 6 1)tued this ._ _........__._._day Councilman. PRELDUNARY ORDER. W1IEIIEAS, A wrilteo proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. xu V.v. _.a.. 3l.de a:.a.lY... o.f _....au:e.n t_ h1c.c1•.s _± cj .a.. w.i.d.t]i _'�y .." x th.e... ut�r tr.ol . El,un,a. . w w1iuen urn)no,,l for the __. _._._ __....... _....__ _. _.. ........... ... _... .... .. _......- [he following Imn,nvetnen t .... n . having been presented to the Council of the 0ity of St. Paut by Couneilnna-i—i— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnisth the i'nllowing other data and information relative to said improvement:._._.. _._.__.._...___._._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. :...:."...._.._..__..........._........l;Il..__... Yells: NRys : CouncilmajKler nsworth __ 6) s Approved ....._........____...___.... ._...__.._.....19.... . eary rgmayorers Mayor. I 'onii,il File No.. PROPOMWtbi IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public inip paul, viz.: Conderaning and taking an easement in -the an -easement .... - for slopes, for.. cuts and fills jn grq-4ing_Pa.lae,'6 Syndicate Ave. t..Hamline Ave. .. ... .. ..... Z' Dated this 20t4l., or_ Junyr 19 lit by the City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WllEl?11A1,. A writfi,n proposal for the making of the following improvement, viy.: OQndemnlng taXjng an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for Cuts and fills in grading Palace St. from Syndicate Ave... to -Hamline.-Ave.. ;o. . A 426— written Proposal fQr the or t he rollow I ng Improvement, Condemning and taking an eass- In the land roos—ry for elopes ts and tills In grading Palace Syrdleate Ave. to Hamline A" been presented to m,the Cour ' . ",ofl thea'—, V having been presented to the Council o'- 4 oulleilulall ...... .... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S.'Co furnish :I plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -1. To famish the following otilt, data and information relative to Said ioll)r0youIplit: ............. ... . ...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forerlin )natters to the Coin mission er of rinalice. JUM 2 Adopted by the Council.. I Yetis:Nays: Council I Far sworth Goss Approved /7' 191 Kell I - Me( III O'L ary Yoe g .......... - .......... Mayor Pow rs Mayor. Zoilocil File No..._...._...425 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and_ PRELIMINARY ORDER. ode,, ed hereby proposes the making of the following publ. C „strut a d .walk �! n.t.._.t.�. s.....t. r.a..'o,a.sys.nu ,. Dated this,, day by the City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. V1'IlEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the Following improvrnnout, viz.: _- zna_ xa.a.L__a' lcck + +t, ,f t...aouih a.i-e... -of __. r .,�. .-,t 8Z fpet �as.t._ n o. 425— reds. A written _.. _.. __.... _..._. ._._. _-. proposal eo ._.. �o�et 'he eouowlns imnrn�• n sld alk � ,.- having been presented to the Council of the City or'at. Ynul by Couucllnan.,...fir�� ��������+ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ..... ........................ ......_..._...- . _.......... . ...... ...... ........... ...- ... ......_._..... ..___. ..._.__. ..._.....___.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin ntissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .. .. ..... 191._..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth �n Goss Approved._.._._ Beller .TfeC!�tl O'Leary � p Yong_... ................... .. Mayor Powers Mayor. 12 PtTit1.TSHGD -' II — .Colnleil file No.___ ...... _ ��G - /(/' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public inlprovmueut by tfie%City of St. Prnl vit • Condemning and taking an easement in the__.._land.. necessary for._. _. _...._ .... _........ slopes, .for cuts and _fille. grading. in radio Palace _St frpm. ;poirvi-ow.. Ave. _ to Underwood St. Dated this ___20th_.__day of.... June, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FITEREA9, A written proposal for the making of the following imprm•emeut viz.:__. Qo2} e. Ring"._ and taking an_easentent in the land neceesary_.for_slppes, for cute. .....__ _... and fills ingrading _Palace St. I from Fairview Ave. to Underwood St. o. 428 ream. A written proposal for the ..... .. ... ...-.......,, of the following improvement. .... ........... ..... . condemning and —yinkingf a t. the land n ary for slop( F egra . ,..__..._ to and ails in grndtng Pntace ; ... ..... .. ..... _._.. ... ......_. -----"'-_-"" "-"""'-- -'--- Fairview Ave.tto Underwood r t"•� resented to the Ce' n ^ • having been presented to the Council tiL„�j' n�ic•!, a .,�, - �,J"Gouucdulan__,. _ .. ..._.._ _..._..._.._.._ ._.._..; Iherel'ore, be it .... . RESOLVED, That the Conmissioner of Public Works be and lm is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the ,necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a' -plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ' 4. To I'nrnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .. . _. _.__.._..... .__._.. ....._._.._.... _............._ ... ........-- -........... ..._........ - - _...._........ _._.___. ..._____ ..._ ._.._.. ____._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three 11 or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•rgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council :.. . ..........1!11 /: Yeas: __...Nays: 1'ounc• nolo Fat •nsworth /d^ � Go Approved_ Ke er Me 'oil Y. O' Bary rg Mayor Po •ars - Mayo. . PUBLISIUU) New, 426 Council File No....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and AW PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the, City of-st. paid, viz.: fo,:;_1 c.�ai nt.. Cal -a.p . ..... --J Al' -I -wa ry `rein, 3rar-1 av�:.,ue Linc:,_ 1 . ........... ....... .... el 191 Dated this— �4.4, day_45f.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A wl,itt(.11 proposal for the making of the following improvellielil, viz.: t2iLe w. e z. s.ide..._;,.f._-Alk:ex t avza,Ue. frc4i;.- t Saii C t,' 4?6- H •vri[Mn .Proposal for u, 1-11!9 ............... ..... .. ... having been presented to the C0111161 of the City of St. Paul by Couueilnla...Z.;zA4/1 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish ill" fallowing other data and infol-jolition relative to said iniprovenlont: ................................................... ........... ........................................... .... - ............ ................ ............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon kill of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth Go Approved._._. Kel er 6 O'L ary Yoeg ....................... ...... ...... ........ ... Mayor Pow rs HED Z ),ayor. PUBLIS Couneil File No.__ .. ' .. .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement,by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning_. andfo _taking, an ea8e.ffent_ .n.. the..lerid negeseary_...r.._... _ elopes,_ for cuts and-_fillsn rad n P.q.rtland +re,_..from Fa_ rview._.. Ave, to Ave. Cleveland ....._. _.._. llntcd this 201t1ay of _ Ju 191.._4•p/f�J Councilman. PREL1I4INARY ORDER. I IIF,RE,AS, A writiru In•oposal for the making of the following inlproveuleut, viz.:__COndel'aning_. and taking an _easement in._the land.neces_sary_Rfor sloPes, for cuts and fills in grading. Portland Ave. from Fairview Ave, to Cleveland and taking Y 4.' A s. Itt n proposal for the liVP., .,,. e P r h P lll t P em nt, dem Ind,' and talo g Pass. tY 1 tne P lopes. c* and .. .. .. .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. —w 'tImam._..... ................_.....__...___._ ___._._ ................-_; therefore, he it - RESOLITED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigatethe necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other dila and information relative to said improvement: _. _.._ _.._... _. 5. To state whether or not said improvenent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the, ro-t-going matters to the Coin missioner of Finance. HIM `tit !914 Adopted by the Couneil yeas: \�ays: Com ci1man Pal lswo•th Oos Approved_..__ _191 Kel er Me oil 0'I eary Yo rg CLwLy.�; ._.. ..._�_....... Mayor Po ers Mayor. F'Couneil Pile Flo..._.._.. `$r.. `> .... 0 'j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORD R. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:_.__C_QSLs.tT.ll.C.t-...C.du.B.ZL..`.._..}...Lfl�G6......g.}..$�tA�&�1�),tiU�_.._�.r.�.....�.....�ti-I.�..t.13.....�,.a.....�.i.�..t... .C.n.....tiJ'C tl'1 sides Gf ,_r,r. ` ` ,__ "r • tys *' °-- .... y.... ...,,.. . rr.na .__..__.i.uer.4.�-� �x� . t,e t i.het3 ..... ................. Dated this PRELIMINARY ORDER. CCr_s�t_nic..t_ ea:ent WHEREAS, A writton proposal for the making of the following improvewent, viz-: blgf.? cl...3�.w17.alk.a_i.o..a :.i.?-t �f..s..__�. r.t u_—. N..Anthonv- Ave. o• 427— ryry,, rens. A wrltt no ❑ osnl P 4he P the Loll F ImP meat ........... ..._....__. ..._.. .... 'rr 1 laving been presented to the Council,of the City of St. Paul by Coll ncihn ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To ful-164 the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ... __.._.... _......_. ..- ........ ...... ..._. ..........._ .. ..__........_.. .. ._._..._... .... __. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. nI Adopted by the Council....__.1;.:ii__,�.,.�__,,,..�................1'll........ Yells: Nays: CoucilnuuFeller h /^......._..`7, d Approved. ..............._...................._..........._.....:........._....._..__..........................._,Bayo' //Mayor. Council File Not _...... _t ) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and i PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Palll, p_ Condemning_ and..taking...an"..easement, _.in"."""the ].and nec_eAJOAA; y.__._.... for slopes, for cuteand fills _in. grading, Prior Ave.__ f omGran... Aver to.._St. CleirSt.. �.; . ....... r J A Daied this 20th __(Iay of _. Junes F" A ,1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERI,AR, A wriit,u proposal for the nlnitiog of the fdlloiving iuiprovculeut, viz.:__ Condemning _. and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for __. ... cuts and fills in grading Prior Ave. from Grand Ave. to St. Clair St. 428- 3, A written proposal for the ... ......... ....... .. i the following Improvement........ _ _.. _._.. .... aemning and taking an ease- ... a land necessary for slopes. .... ._........._. ........... ....� nd fills in grading Prior Ave.. _..... ._. ....... ..... _... .1 All. ti C", St., hn having been presented to the Council of the= ...._.................._......___. ......; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To 1'urni;h thr followiu, otlivr data and information relative to said improvrmrnt: ..._........ _...___ ._ ........_.... ...__..._. .... _._ ....... .._ _.......... _._._.._ __.__._.... .___.._... ___..._. h. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To re.port hupon all of the fmrRniag matters to the Coln missioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council j;.'N ) 19i4 _.......1!)I Seas:f Nays: Cm nciluum Parr worth Goss Apptovr•d Kell r 0c oil a 1'Y Yog ............ Mayor Pol ers Mayor. - PUBI ISHED_,�&--1--i, / 428 Council Pile No.. __. __..........: __.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nudcrsigued hereby proposes the malting of the follotviug publ Paul, viz.: �a 1 >' .. ..... .._ Dilt l'd this. .�. day Of PRELIMINARY ORDER. 400 .. ovement by the City gf St. ,ronijir r.iv_r'rrs.i t.5.. Ave... f �t..__.... ...... 3 N',t ....... .. ...� `�91v Councilman. W11FI?P.AR. A written prnpusal for the malting of the following improvement, viz. �sr.e :ot a No. 428— eas, A written ProPoeul for the --- -- ........... .. ... .. .. ... .. _........_.__.Ing o[ the fo11owin6 Improv eat. --""- -CFry tree[ UT lyeralty avenue to St. Anthony _............ haveing been Presented t th--- -' - -- --""'� of the City of St. Paul the,,,- having hen-having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul by Couucilm _. therefore, be it RUSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated 'cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a. plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.' 4. To furnish IIIc f011owiag other ("it" and information relative to said improvement:__ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon aII of the, foregoing matters to the Coin n4issioil er of Vinance. Adopted by the• Council._ ...:.!.1..__«._..'.x.'_G....._....._:191......... Yeas: Nays: t_'ouucibuau F uslemth � ' G s Approved Kler 0 eery Y erg Alayor Po ers (� Mayor. i'ouncil Pile No..._.._____.......... '_'"9... PROPOSAL FOR I>VIPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by theowty of St. Patti, viz.: Conderun ng. and__taking,._an eaeernent .an the,, land,.'necese... ..for___.,_ slopes, for cute and fills in grading.Aaurel Ave/from, Pascal Ave. 7-1 ... ;p to_Hemline Aver y Dated this. 20th day of.____ _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Viz.: __CQonde.r,mijng_. and. taking an_eaeement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading.I,aurP� A— f_^-- seal Ave. to Hemline Ave. _. a2s— A written proposal for the .s id the following, Improve cm�esnl tde land and taryfc ng nn 1111 1111 1111.... 11_11.... the land necessary for Laure. n and aIle to grading Laurel 1111.. .......... ....__... ... .e to Fi 1111 . ........ r.scs ti heCouncine i having been presented to the Council of the City"; f 51,.-Ltaul"by Couucihmul__... ......___._........ 1111___; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. '110 investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish thr following other rlatit and information relative t+l said improvement: .................. _1...... 1........ 1..1.. 11....1.1..... ......_..... _ ....._.._.,_ _..._..__... 11.1__1. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the Petition of three or more owners. (i_ To report upon all of the fm•eg^ing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._2-2..1J.1 4...__..___lill_._._ A Peas: } Comi4ihmat Farnsworth /� Goss Approved _..._CF �.. ' / Keller \ McColl J O'Leary /L Ioerg <: uTv.�p' _1111. Mayor Powers Mayor. k Council File No____._.__..... 4~� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin(�itbl f Paul, viz. Cons_truct...a 6 f..o.o..tc ai.�an+.....:lva1 avenue frog; [?niver.aaty..avo .mond atr.:.e.t.. .._........................................................ Dated this____ -L _ is improvement by tlm City ' ..__........... 191_y Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IFIIEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__,C.C7]S_:MU 1-, r,t..._wallc.....ou..._th.e _:•.a.at_...a.ide.__of- Lexina.tun.....av:-=,ue__frou.._''n'_r.ar.ai.ty N. aze— a.. eLUe _ ta_ _E.da11I13_ 6 t_r e.e .erecta: A v.ruten PrOPosaI for the s of the eouotvinit tmurovement. • _._. ._..__...._ _.__.._. ....__._. netrnet a a foot a ent want •o em ist side oe Lexington avenue �sily nvenue to Edmund"' - 1 n —esanted to the �. ..... r .� er �. T,a •rr there -I _......... ..___.......... ......... . _.. .............................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereon :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improversleut. #. To furnkh the following other data and information relative to said iniproWnmut:_.._ _._.__._._..____..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _ Adopted by the Council._..____..4.1..f.'....'.t....i G _....__........193- 1...7ens: Yens: Far Nays: /_ 3i Councilman isivorth Gas!Approved. -- q �/ ..... _.__.. 91 Kel r O'L ary '�^A Yoe g .................... ...__.......... .-._....... ........._......................................... ...... Mayor Pow rs Mayor. �.iSIiRD Council File No.___....___. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public iulproveuleut by the City of St. Paul, vi..: Condemning and _taking.._an easement in the .__land.necessary for. slopes, for cuts and fills...in grading__Ro_y St._from ShYelds__.Ave. to St. Anthony Ave. ____... Dated this __ 20th.da}' of Junes - Coulleil Tuan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVTII RE3 \S, p' l- Qondemnin A e'rdh•u u] tnsal 1'm• the making of the follnwwg uuprciveuteut, vu•..: .... ..._..._ g. and taking... an. easement_in....the .land nece_ssar_y_.fox_elopes,_for cute andf�l1e iTb_greding._Roy Stt from Shields Ave. to St. Anthony Ave._ F. No. 430— w'hereae, A written proposal for the .1 oP the following Improvement.- ".""""" x: Condemning and taking an enat •'�.�:t In the land n v for slopd fill,e ar having been prescuted to the Council of the City of St. Poul by Councilman ........ ........._..........._....._.._....._.._..._._......._....._...; _. therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and Ile is hereby ordered and directed: ' 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement,, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. b. To furnish thy, folletviug other data and information relative to said intprovenleut: ........... .......... ..... ...... ...... ... __ _... 5. To slats whether or not. said improvement is asked for on the petition of -three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to tine Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council - ...............19L_.... . Yells: n s: Nays: _ Coucil nen Fa nsworill Gos Approved__.. Kel r Ate a O'L ary - '- I oeg Mflvo• Pov4 I's Afayo•. PUBLISHGD�„� iiu Cocil File No.__,_._...____..�... 430 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. w The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following,Pu'die improvement by the City_of St. Paul, viz.: Oil tlj.% 3.Si u.t:l... ti ide.. _02... laiT._.6. ,o°r' r l X1914-1 ... Dated this -�' Council4nau. PRELIMINARY ORDER WIIPREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvenwilt, viz.:___Conetrulct_ �.. 'erg.er_t.._bl.acks.....t.a....a...:.:.i3.t.�....c:...s.iy _.a-.:.:..._ . Alb.er.t_..aven ... .43a— •nx, nwr�tten Proposal Yor the ...... ......_.__... aP the folloa•lnt; Improvement,- -- on [he rof dth o[1 t Yror^ trnr� .. G ... .. having beLli presented to the Council of the City of Se.'1D41Y l Uy' Couuulmin._...:. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, •and the total cost thereof. :I. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._.. 4. ..........._.......... ...... ........................... ........................... ................... ................... ... ............... I ............ _................. 6. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. g• To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...__.__ Nays: Yeas: - Councilman h'rusworth G ss Approved. . K Il / 0 eary Y erg��....._....._...._...... Mayor. Mayor. Po els .�, Council file No.......___. �r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ` t l - and t, . PRELIMINARY ORDER. —rhe undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the follo vk ?I;public improvement by the p,llll viz.: CondeuminXfills a enlent . .the land n set slopes, for cutsding Saratoga,Ave. toSt. Clai ....._]Aird this1.�i PRELIMINARY ORDER. of St. f or Councilman. ,. n proposal for the mnlcing of the following ia,Provement, .iz.:_.C.o.ndomning and taking a easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs _.._. and fills in g_ading_Saratotra Ave, from._Lincoln Ave,_ to St.._ Clair St. No. 431— ' horeas, A written propoaal for .:ng of the following Improvem .. _. ._.. _...... ondemning and taking .... ...... an p n Inthe land necessary for I'; uts and fills in grading Si rrom Lincoln Ave. to St. .. ._.._..._ ... .. _.. .. .... ......._. ... having been Presented to the Council of Lipo-u.ty of St. Paul by Coll Ile ihmail ..._:_........___....._._._..._.._._.........._.__........_._..._....; therefore, be. it RESOLVE]), That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish i1 plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement.. T. To furni;h IIIc follolving other data and iufm•;nation relative to said improvement: ___... _.....__ _.... ....... ........_. _....._.__.... _._.........._. __.._._.... _..___... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report "Poll all of the fo•egning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i Adopted by the Council q �l�'1� _. ........ 191__._.. Yells: 0 Nays: ,i uucilman Farnsworth (mos Approved _ ....... _.._ _1!ll. .. Kell r ) ;\IcC 11 0'L aly Yoe g _..-. ..... ..... ..lJ(/!%......... "Mayor Poi rs J� Mayor. 431 Council File \o.._:_ .. _:......_ ...._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pall, viz.: aix....fo.o..t.....as::_en_t...s_ie=ral.k....on.__1o.r_z'l.._ 1ii......c.f_..Jau.e.2.....8.txaet from.. rigg.s__.atxes_t._ao__`.iartl.ir,e.....a.v.e.nue....,_ .as._.p.ex F.et.9.tiar_.._a.t.tn..che_d ... Dated this... _?.-._..._.day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. jV11EREAti, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... .'-:C•strl- . ._3 _...cr......th.e.....L es. th. _ s.i�.e_._Of�..._S.:_.t: e..s.._e. �...w_a t.....f..T.4t ..._s.r..� g a. street to 11an.1ine avenue, as f.er g..t.itiwn._a.t.t.ack�ecl. _. P «len proposal"' the L _... ._..._.___. ....._ ... ....._. ", " �wing Improvement. _. .. .. ' •,ux coot cemen+ . e, having been presorted to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couucilmal -- ' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, estgt and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. 'Po furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:__ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,,,• ';G .-.4 J. ,. Adopted by the Council.._.__....._._._._.............._..........._........_.791 __.... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa 't 11 O s rNi'ls Mayor Approved......V'....^ .3_....`' ................191. _. ................................................................................. Mayor. PU13LISMD,,�*. �)2 ` Council File low PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. _ 7 and • PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Che undersigned hereby proposes the making of the 1'olloyr;Ing puhlic inlprovcIIICIA„0. the City of St. P I .;,., Condemning andtaking ane _ement in the.,_1 necessary..for , slopes, for cuts and fills 1 "grading Syndic4ore Ave from Hewitt Ave. to Seminary. St.. n;ded this, _ 2Oth__day _ _J..une, r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1VIIPRTA1,, A written proposal for the making of_tile following inlprovemeat, vir,.:_COn4PNAing_-. and taking an easement in the land necessary for_slope,s,...for cuts' .. and fills in grading Qve_ f.rom_.Hettikt_Ave.. .to..S.eminary_S.t. ................ . d32— _ WfiereIIe, a wrl tt n wcq.e.II1 f r t making of the folowing ImProveme._.. . ... ...... .. -'" ---- viz: Condemning and taking n ee ment In the land necessaryYor to for cute nna ails In. grading Syndl o . .. .. _.. _.__... .. from 7 Ave: to Seminar ........ ... ._... ... ._ __....... ... having heen presented to the Council of the City of OL. i a,,, -.y Councilman ........... __.-._......_._...___..._.; therefore, be it RrSOLVEf), That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: I.. To ilivestigate the necessity for or desirabilityofthe making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated dost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said intprovemmnt: .1. To furui�h the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ._.._. _........._.. _...._.._......_ .. ........_............. .. ... ....... _.___..._.. _._....._..... .......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the C unciL �Ct� '_ Yens: Nays \J Councillum F rosworill G s Approved .. K ler " 14I Coll 0 Henry Y erg....,.._...__.....4 ................. Mayor P "vers PUBLISHED=/ 7 Cotulcil File. IN10. 432 .................432 - 1 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. The Ila( hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by'f,e City Of.�t: Paul, viz.: dth- Q g ee_t...... _. :r.LU A: area ^.f._erio.x _at_s.e ,_ z o :.Daae...at.re.et... +o_. n `�..... tea, llated this day __;�".-- _......._._.._.... f>wa Y.41 -r"r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written tn'oposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,a cementtlosks sid. S f...._S L; ^_i_cr ,S`"ej't, frau; odewalkh_to a width �,.._aiY -- -- c r x asz l for __. Qilelia_..Street n3kin of the following I Proven' vtz: construct a eldewntk of cep moots t ^ .. dth s ee seat on -�� - street, tram --- .._.... o' -treet hev'" ... _ having been presented to tileI Council of the City of St. and by,.Comicilmaw � therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: ]. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ......_........ .......................... _......................._................... ......... ................................... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner.. 6. To report upon all of the foogning matters to the Commissioner of Vinance. Adopted by the Council....._. ..A.i Nays: Yeas: CouneilmajKelle _. Approved _...._.. . .......Mayor. Mayor /� �� / PUBLISHED 4 Council File No. e� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follovvingg ji"b"e inrproveuleut by tli,-Ciiy of St. h PnaamAnt in the land,. nee eeary for / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \V"lllatl:_Ar. A «'ritt,'n proposal for the making of the follo't•ing iulprovcmcnt, vlr.: Condemning.. and..takinF_an easement inthe land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading No. Syndicate Ave, from Ashland Ave. to Selby Ave. - .,ereae, A written proposal for 1' -ng of the following ,re -ng _.... Condemning and taking n ee -� --' - - .... .. _._... -- ""'-- --' t In the land necessary [ elr d inis in • fromnAshland Ave.dtog$elb e .......... . ..... -... ... ... .. ..........1 ,g heer presented 10 the , . I. Pnul ..,total+Xu1 by Councilman .._.__._. __._......__; ._....._._... Uaciug been presented to the Uouncil u1 the�4i, -- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. 'lb furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -}. To lUrui;h the following other• darn and iuforuud•ion relative to said inlprnvement: .......... 5. To state vlh0ller of not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report Upon rill of the fm•rRning matter's to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _........1 l_ _... l Conn Intan Farn vol -111 Goss Approved Kell r ) NIc oil �0'L'al•V _ Mayor. Mayor P vers PUBLMAD_Z�� , /= Z /% Council File llt..430 _ _.... ,... _ y l PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, I and PRELIMINARY ORDER. F The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follolvug.pubiic improvement by the City of 5t.,,.r mh Paul, vi..: Crrade the.._.111ay in Addi qn, _be` er., " azer_us_.ani o Subtxr..bu.Ci__at1.�_e_t_.._in_s.aid...LiL..� ..... _......_ .. llalcd this __ � 4F__dav of,, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A writtein proposal for the making of the following in,proveneut, vir.:_. '.Td...-t 78_ alley 1n...._T_r_o_r e _. su...b_-a. y_ s_i_o.n.....a.a...._v. t .Tb.�......Hil.1.a._..� id.i_ti.on._b.e_trte.er,....n.a.tP.s..._ay.er..ue .and_.;:cum _s t :at,-f :1cLea;.,_ave.nue...__n..._s,.lburban...street) in &aid CitY- C. r No. Ass— en pro .. _. .. Whereas. A writ[ posal for the mowing ------ """"""-' making of the follImprovement. V lz: Grade the alley In ThorPee e b-divl hi of 5 6 U Hills Ad 1 --- - --' _...... ... .._...._ .. ... _. _._..- dltlon U [ ven Pr, 1 McLean, n' it �o f to � ' 1 ' � 6�Y.[�.8.'Q'W�TI .C....4 .4� L . . � having been presented to the Gomuelf•.of the G46y hA� L.-i aul by Gomulhua- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner'of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or 'desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. TO furnish Ihr following other data and iufor hill tioil relative to said imprnvemeut:..__... _..__._.. ... _.... _.... _...... _..... _._.........._..._..__..._..._.._..._.._.................._.........................._......._.....--............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of b'inance. Adopted by the Coanetl___...:.....' i2 IJ!Q 1 ......._......__...._..._..__.._......... 191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman arnswol•th ossApproved._........_._..__..._............_.__.____.____..19 [/ eller 0 'Leary oerg..............._..._.............. ._........._._.....__.... 'Mayor were / Mayor. Conocil Pile No..___._._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. l and PRELUJINARY ORDER. The nudersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu ltc mprovement by the of St. i 1'atd, ��: ,Condemning..and.._taking,._an„easemen n the:land ne �sary. arl St sloping, for _cuts and filis__in_gr _, ng. V7akefield e.;... from..E. to Hester St. -- 1914 Dated this 20th_day of June, /niJrt Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1�'IIT:Rl;Ati, ,l4vrithv proposal for the malting of the following improvement, vv.:_.._. Condepnng and taking an easement in the land necessary_ for slop.,.._for cute and fills in_grading.'Makefield Ave. from Earl _St.__to Hester St. _............_.......... ..........._................... ... . ..._...__............_.............._........._..._ .......... _..... _. _....... _. _............. _. . .......__........ ................... to the Coultcil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman Laving been presented. — .------ — . _......_... therefore, be it ner of Public Works Uc and he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissio 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. 'Po investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. 'l,o furuisll a plan, profile or sketch of said improveoumt. � a. "Cu tln•nish the following other ditto auil information rrlative to said improvemcu ._— — ........_. _. .._.._........._. _......._....._ .. _ ... _ ..... _ _.......... _......... _.... _... _.... _... _ ....... _ ... _. _.. _ ... -- 5 1 o state Ithl they or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Connuissiouer of Finance. Adopted by til Colmcil......_...._...._._KWIC.._r .Z.._i9_!Q..IJ1......... -- .ng _ 'Nays: Yeas: / ^ lY C neilnuut F 'nsworth tigate the nature, o. _ 1 e coat o favid 1,fa- t? 9 nfeh al copl nht, profile Ilel' d 1 Provement. 7 1 h the following. oit Coll eformatiur, relative Leary l hether or nota id I 1ked for on the petition ._.....L�y%/2/ .... .............. ... oerg more owne11. of the fora- Mayor. ',Cort upon Jfavor owers rq to the Commisalaner of by the Courell June 22. jd June 24, 1014. a (July 4-1414) -_ -- Council File No. ..._ ...... P)•.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ' and . l PRELIMINARY ORDER. '••••a'^"""""� hn,•,•h.• urouoses the making of the following public improvement by the City, of St. Phe Paul, vi Dat Grade c1C12..,.�'1;� -. Li l I1 g \VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iulprovcnmut, vir..:.... ... J.� .. __._..... _._..... .8 it.s:?t.. 1II:1 _0....H.I;.l.E2 ........_. written propoenl Yor the ..... •5'ht an^ ent. , m .,, ,,, ,,.•„ -yet between _ ,.. ....... - _..._ .. lam/ . _..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Council]"!" -... -..- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered told directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. j 4. To ]lu'uiAh the fntlowiug other rinta and information relative to said improvement:.__.._. ._.--- .............. ........__...._.._........._........_.........__................................ _............. ...... ................ ........... ._.__. . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for.on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregning matters to the Conmussioner of Vinance. IC'.. Adopted by the Council....__......._ . .:.........._........._.:.. __............L)1......... Yeas: Nays: t Uncilman F rnsworth Oh Approved.. _..'........_ Kt er O'L ary Yoe ......_..,... .. ._............... ........................... . :Mayor. Mayor Pow rs Cofincil File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,file undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improv oGt . 'by the City of St. fma paId, viz.: Condemning asd... taking ai>d. easement in .....e �. necessary fo: slopes,.,, for cuts and fills. !A - grading Whi B,ar AN e.frpn ,..Seventh St. to Minnehaha St,__. .......... Dated this, �Otb�day�of - - 4P, 19 Vol PRELIMINARY ORDER. A written proposal for the Inakin i g of the follolving i"'PrOve"le"', "-: Condensing and _taking and papeMent inthe land ...n.eCe.8.sJI,TY f0.r--Pl0PPq, f9'r Cuts and fills in grading- White Bear Ave. from Seventh St. to Minnehaha St. Lacing been presented to the Council of the city of St. Paul by Coulecilloall therefore, be it RPSOLVED, That the Gonlinissioner of Public Works be and lie is lie I reby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for oj: desirability of the making of said improvement. 2.'Po investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said iniprovement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch Of said iniprovenielit. 4. TO I'liVilisil tile 1'OI1Ow',"L' Other (filta alill information relative to said i Inprov pill ent ....... ....... .............. . .. — .............. ................... ......... fo state whether or not said iniprovellielit is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fro-ogning natters to the Coil' inisS i011 er Of Finance - 41 .S;4 Adopted by the Colilicil Yells: A Nays: hl d Conic ran Farts"o, (iO3he lot, t or - 1 p urnloh M 41 ... Dr.a I "o"'Vernent f KA "Tlh the other larol d at. information relative to said a�j H �'� d 0, Imp r ... melet. 6 late �hsths, or net said no trr�vomort is aslied for on the pol.&hm - more owners. of three oi . . . ........ Po . 6. To reporttooron all of the Pore j AT a y o r. 'Mayor o V)Ing matters the commissioner o Musses. -ed try LW -It J.n. 22. -4� Council File No..____ __=fir}5.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follolviu idil Paul viz. Gxadc the alley between Sar',.tc;� t ay.rue and ,ra� Dated _4 improveolent by the !;it!( of St. st�av ::ue .and ..ate _ala; 1..._<-7—z Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS,, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz .:_PLaS1e.. t 1.e _311ey In _1Gck 1... ar._aCn...i:}.i� Grand avenue and _Leh ^.otQFA avw,=e--&nd Burdar.ya _set. No. 435— 'eteas• A written Proposal [ the .... . __... ....... 1 g of .he following IiaPro t-- -' 41eY I IIl Ic 1 M Arlditio between davenue..... /� d .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pr.„3. Cmulminl .... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said inlprovemeat:__..---------..- - .............. ..................... .................._..._........................... -'- .... _.._............... __................ __.......... ...... ....... _......._.__................... ..._.........._.............._.........._.._....._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for m1 the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council --- .. --.. 1."A _.......1i)1........ .... _................... Yeas: Nays: Councilman ruswo” G ss APProved._...l.K. Her It O eary I' erg ........... ...............................................__. ...._................ Mayor P vers„ /, Mayor. QCJBLlSIilD `j" Council File No ........... .. .03 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo!lpvwllg public improvement the City of St. Pan], viz.: -._.c_ond.emning....ansi..._taking.....an.... ..ement.....in....the....Pyin ... ec.e.s.;aary_....for._...... el.c.Pes..,...for..cut.e-and._.fi.l an...gzading_,_th.c....a ...Bl.Q.c..k....3............................. Stone_.&_S�orton'a Addi on ._......... _.. __.. ......_. ... ...._.. _ . _. . _...... _ ......... . Dated this........_ 20th..._._., of...._..-._..J1111e..... .....__ 1914 - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \1HEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, Viz.:__ ..... _.._...___.._........_.._.. sl.ond..emniug._.and._..taking....an_..eas.ement_.in....the.__land....net.e.ae.ary....fnr.._...._........ _ al.o.p.ee..,. for_-._outs....ancl....f.ille.-:An.._gra.ding...the _alley_ in...Bl.o.ak.._3 ............ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._ ..............._...... ..........- ;.;therefore, be it RESOLVED, That`the Commissioner of Public Woks be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. t3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the fallowing other data and information relative to said improvement: _ ............. ....._.... ......_.................... _.... ..... _ ............ ................ ._....._._. ._...... ........ ............ - ----- _........... ....._... __.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the,fnJr gi3laqu tters to the Commissioner of Finance. ee 11 Adopted by the Council..............................."tl_.,;..........._",J9l......... , u �. Yeas: u� le nu i.i nn, .10 Nays: +ciao: W,. � 1-tlggate the necessl l,011ll aloin FIIl ,sN01',. b -i ty of the malting of Ii06 Investigate the nature, exte�d'etl Kel el' mated cost of said Improve+ I 9 the total coat thereof. i 1tIC 011 furnish a plan, Profile ` or �- ! Bald Improvement. - r fu rntah the following other L �� rj �y�[ Al'y information relative to Bald (� (/�. ✓GOi YOg .atnte whether ::.._ .. ......._L....._ ................. Yo or not Bald' im- \favor Poi ere t Is asked for on the ,petition I Mayor. rr more owner report open all mere- t�Bl lylli.� titer to the Commie non of t d 11Y tht+s Coun It J n0 28 � � - � . 6'. Jun6 �4 1934 ,�fqt�)}�_3914?J°..i.- Council Nile No.._._...�3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folloR'ing�lmblic improvement by the,City of St. ltuil viz.: Con.et.iuCt a. aJ �rde—walk ._a�.. 3 pert. Uc.cs *� .a... 1 GXi.__:.18....^__ ty':. 31:•j._....:.W . ..•... �.^cln:�xf` �e._�,.,.. Etlbbr♦.i4V. ,ue `.r al. uvcnue. ............... Dated this IV of.._ �. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. r��s'truct a \VIIER ,AS, A written proposal forthe making of the following improvement, iz.:..._.`:_,c .r_..........___..... a.l..dfl:':.alkw13.th.....cf.....,.i.x.._.f�:.t_._c.:.....th.v Lincolnavenue fr.:..,Albert a --,m2e to, Pascalt: _.at u.p., _.. P. No 436— Vhereas, A written proposal for the .._..... ............ ..... king of the following improvement. ---'- --- --- l;onstruc! 't sidewalk cement t tho ofsixfee t on the Brom A � .... _. _... ... _.... ..... ..............._ ....... __....... 1 gni" I b.tvmg been presented to the'Couneil of the City of Si:�,I'aul by Couucibt therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. / 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other dabt mxl information relative to said improvement:_____ _. __.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To reportupon all of the foregoin natters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.....'_. _. . .......191_....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Par 'sworth Approved Goa / It r 0'L dry y Yoe g ............... _......_................................_...._............................_.. .................. . Mayor Po rs / _Mayor. tg[]j31,1S1i1.1i Council.bile�o......_....... 3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �• PRELIMINARY ORDER. rs''f r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement b �e'C?w of St. -- Paul, via.: _ ao..ndemnng.._and...aakng..._an.....Q. em6n ...in..._th...e....._.&na F� _slopes.,_ for cuts and._fille__n gf�ad.ing._the_no ..... and south alley_-_ c+.,,,o Z he�rtnntr3''Addition. Dated this, 20th --day Connell Ilia a. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writtei proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz..:__.__.____._._____..__._ ... o..ondemning_ and, taking_ an. easementfor.__......_....... _. slopes,_.. fA.r__cuts and._fills __in...gra.ding...the. north _and. _south _e11ay_.. _. in Blo..ak 1 _Stone & -hortonIs_ Addition..__ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pail by Couicilman......... ......_.._._......_.._...._._..._______....._.........._.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish thr following other data ami information relative to said inlprovemenl .-. _... .. .... ...._ ......_.... .. _....._.__ _.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r � Adopted by the Council...................._11....._:.........!.._.........191......_ Yeas: Nays:�'� e thele. Cpur i]man al"'s"o' oI the msklnb / Oos ,eeueale rho nature. �Pplovrd........�(' Bell r 9 ' ted seer of said inti. n 1 the total coat thereof., Me Ili tarnish a Plan. Pronrv. Bald lm Preverollo 0'L ry ankh the following ov��� etnterwhelphert or not said In Yoel i........ or Is asked for on the Petitlo .... ......LYU � ....... Mayo' Pow 8 ., or more owners. 31ay0r. rep it upon all of the, fore- +�nttoo to the Commissioner of by th Connell. June 22. �tl�Ltsx�ri, : 1 ,j'itn0 24_1915 t k C.c,.. (Jpfi 4+19}4) frt^ f Couneil bile No. _...T-5 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and y PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned. hereby proposes the making of the following public improvenicnt by the City of St. Paul, viz. sur .._..th....c.el<•e:at....cu>:k,_,_.._�.at"_.._sides. �.f gra_•s(tr.eet..._fr.._.L'n4 V.er.aity aVer:ue to a _ Anth.on y avenue.._.el -. �°"sx _....... s _ v.. Dated this _G �P . _ _day of... r .--_---- -- y� —,�--- – — -- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. tr \d IIIBBAB, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, .: ent, vir_.�UT.."v_.n i. . t".._s1d1es......ef.....Er.y...s..tr_e.t....�.rc.c.....'ii rs...t,_. C. F. No. aa7— Whereas, A written proposal for the ar'�, melting of the following Improvement. 111A.t.Q7' �.. _a ..__•. 'c. ..... cement curb. both .. ... viz: curb x'1s[h .aides f Fry tree[ from University having _ been es St. to the Council having ... ....... _ .._.___.. ... -"' - --"'-- -"-"- -- -- been presented to the ore be t the City of at. P�•uf therefore be ft r of a - .. r 1 • __.. __. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Council lw.« --- --s therefore,, be it , RESOLIrED, That the Commissioner of -Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or' desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said inlprovcment and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. t. t ro 1'111•1lish tile following other data and information relative to said improvement rovement 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...... '.':'' `C; G........_..........1111......... Yeas Nays: Councilman Fit swo•th Go. Approved _. .... Ke er • 0' ary Mayor Pot ere� 1 / \Sayor. V100SITD fi Council rile No.._.._ i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby yroposes the Making of the following nun$ Paul, viz.: ..a.ondemn.ing....and.,-taking.....an....aas.eme, ....in....t slopes, for _cuts and jilla...._in..,.,g, .... i�1g.....th_e... Rosedale Park. _........... . Z----1 Dated thus. _20th.,__day of... improvement by the City of St. i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIPRF.AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _._.._.__....__ ..._.._.__ _. ....... _............ a.ond.emning....and_..taking....an._.. eas.ement..._in....the..... land.._neaeasary....£ar .......__. slopes..,. for.. Cuts_ endfills'. in_.g,rading_.t.he_alley in_Blook_1 Rosedale Park. ......._......._._................._.._............._. having been preseinted to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councihutm_._............. _....._..._........._.................................._...; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'l. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To hirnish the following other data and information relntive to said improvement:__..........__._._....._.._ ._......._............ ......... ._.....__.......... .._......._.__._........_._........... ............ _....... ................... _............... ..._._...._........ .......... ......___..........._.........._._..._._.....__..., .............._..__..._ _.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked. for on the petition of three or snore owners. G. To report upon all of tine foregoing matters to the Coln it) issioner of Pinanco Adopted by tine Council........_ .......... ...... Z 1914.........16)1.._..... Yeas: ., � 1 � Nays ;> oe .1• onnl•nlman F. `nswn'l,„t• °' 6_ / _... Go s 1 Inveaugate the nature :xecovpd .. _....391 .mated coat o[ and Improvl” Ile en• and the total coat athereof. -a furnish a plan, proal: or D'le I of Bald Improvement to rnleh [he relative other Q' Br,V _meln4ormntlon relative to sold YO o state whether or not said Im- ........._.._. ..... .. ............................................................_...._..._............. _g ' ant la asked for on the Mayor Pon ers,; or more owner:. petition Mayor.o report upon all. of the,tore- natters to the Commissioner of ,pt ed by, the Council Sun. 22; /proved: June 24 1014 f s� S.ruly 4 aax4> ' �j •_ � _ Council File No......;..:c..__ 8 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. M .1. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. � �.ins._..au.er_u.e.._i_d....E.}.nd.i.ca. �6v aenu.e...__. Paul, viz.: .r..ale....It..i.....e..e.....S.t—,..._b.e_t7 e.e.P_..._Ha� .... ... Dated this L 6 _d of.. F Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'NVITEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:rx.Q? s_tr.as.t.,.... No. 438— . 'hereas, A written proposal for the ..._... _... .. :Ing of the following improvement, _... prow ado or—n NuT street, between Ham- avenue end Syndicate avenue hnv .,..,. _. e..,presented tthe Council -'- _..._.. ........._ ..... .. � : .f Sf Paul theraPore, be �• t the ..r laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Counelmar7....:.:-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. v L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said innprovement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._..._....___. ....._......._...... _._........_.. _........._............................ ._.... _.......... .......................... ....._............. _..... .........._........._..... ..... ........... _....... _... _......._... o. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or snore owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to'tle Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....__... l:.l.._,e_f;... i. 4...__........197._...... Yen a: Nays: _ Councilman F rnsworth 0 ss ;AU9K ler O' eary �Yo.g._..............._.........._....._.... Mayor Pon rs / Mayor.]yIJBLISIiEA� L/�. il File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. r, and .4;,... PRELIMINARY ORDER., s The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol ging public inlprovenlent by?c City of St. Paul, viz.:O.L.'n ..e.. .....mont '.s Add .._.._................._............._..__._.. Dated this___. _..$Q.1'ih.._(lay Couneihnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:,_____.__....._. o.cn(iamning. and_.taking....an.__easement._..in__the....land....ae.aessary--..for._..__..._.. _. for . cuts .._and _ fills_ in.gr.a(ling.. the, _.alleg__in 31c.c.k._16 Irvne'e8dd. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilnutll._...... _..... ._......._..._....._......_.._.._...._............ ....._..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigatethe necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .............. 1. '1'o furnish the following other dada and iufm•utatiou relative to said imprnvemrnt:._...__.___._. _.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Connlissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..... ..... ....:.LN- ..22....I9_L4....._..191......... Yeas: Nays: , Council na Fal •nawm'� . •."„ In atilt t the coat T sato �; 1rOVed ....._�.� _....._.... fG] .0 s "• e.Hmnted I - ------ ,t, and the total coot th KC Cr To furnllh a Plan• N •tch oY ea18 Imp 'i.-i' nt !♦'IC 011 To furnish the Pollowl. Q' Cal'y'a and intormatrelative � rovement. wV. (�- YOTo state wh ther or n t al,tl........ .. _ ,__.._.,.. _.r__. , lrr svement 1. naked Tor on th no Mayor Po« ars ?hrTe or n of noner 11 of the tor.. Mayor. matter. tar the Comml..loner ance. �,�•w�^'� mAdop(ed by the Council June 22, 19Approved J,-, 24, 1914. i - (July 4-1914) n e��p Council File No........_...43.9 — - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ♦ PRELIMINARY ORDER. A The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the.City of St. Paul, viz.: sxa.sie.—th.e..._alle.y.....i:.._r:.1.ack.._3;4:°'L.pnan....Da.y.t_cn_l..a....Ad3 n.,.....runn.ing....... T 'rd .stre.et. to 4th ;tr.01< ar3...frcn-:L& le _g t....to rear....o£ 10 to fron.. hi fac,i.r.-g _at.es avemie., ,n., :j Irce„ }s *h.. ar,� _of..�etit_ior -attache3. . .� ............. .... Dated this,,, �' =day of .... 191y Aritton proposal for the tho following improvement. Councilman.^ - Ad"'» d the alley In lnning 4Y on e t tr •-� euet ana eros PRLI;flV[sDARY ORDER. �� 1CIIEREAS, A -written proposal for the ntaking,of the following improvement, viz.: ad alley in block.34...._LytMazz.....SYtoX�!..5.....g:ia.i.t.7..o.n.,...._ru.r.,.l..a..%-.g._.`..L t;:..- l_i..T..%..._s_trzpt_. __....._,................._.__..._........_..... . to 4th stret._a.%3. frcr,._i,�Ile.__stree,t,. to.lZzar of__lote. f_a.c-.ateA._.�-venue in accordance .v . .._ .... ......................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couucilmal - a!+ > therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and dirsed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. `L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketchofsaid improvement. d. To hii'llish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6.To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._ ......_.. __..__"...._ ........................191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman 'arnswortll 1 I .: Approved...._W..........__...._ 1...... J _....._.............. ......:....._....._.._ .4(}_...... Mayor � Mayor. �ttsi�Yi� - 'Council File AIo....._ ..__...._ .. �) "�— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. J 1 and 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. = . The undersigned hereby proposes Lite making of the Polli g public improvement U he City of St. Pant, viz.: a.anderenting....anrl....taa ent.....in-the ._.land .... ea.aary.....for ....__.... t3lope8.a - for..c.u..ts and,_._fills.._ gradin ..the nor .& south alley. te No ._._2 _... _..in _ Hl.00.k .2. _$arl}],�,ne.._SYnd __ _ ......_... Dated this 20th _day. of June ..___ .... _. _ 191.4... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FIII:REAti, A written proposal for the making of the following nuprovm}1eu , vIL.:_._--- a onslemning_ .and.._.taking.._Un....eas.elMQ.nt.land...:1��.Q.e.?_4�x3r..._f 4.#.._ ............... _Slppes, for._o..uts_444 ;fills. in,.grad ng.._the north &_south alley in._Bl.00.k._2._Haml.ine__Slaio.ate N0. 2. ......._........_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couneilnlan__..._._..._............ ......_......__...__....._...__...... .... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the staking of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimate(T cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -f. "1'0 furnish lho following other data kind inforniatiot relative to said improvement:..__. ........._.. __.. _..__..___..........._........_......_..._ ........................ .............. _._...._...._.................. .__..... __............ ........ u. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J01 22 !9{4 191_....... Adopted by the Council .............. ..... ........ ........ _.._.... r^x y*rov Nays: Yeas: .:,.: Councilman Fat s ortlt yat�-ihe nate ,... Ke of h n plan, pre Improvement G� mprov me M oil h the f » f ,-�erjir nation relative O' Bary not .a ..-..._.. '.fhor !' ...................... - YO rg d for on thr Mayor. Mayor Po \ era on n lr` 11 of Il: jos June 22, PtlBLISIII L -44+ • icil File No.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pub viz.: o.onde.=Ing eialo i I inprovenient by the City of� St. & west alleys _i n Block 4 Forpdale Addition. ............ I ­ � mitva this-_ 20th day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WilrREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz-: an Ue land nece.sary Ag _ an. -.1ang . ......... ..... .... 9 .. _ C,UtS._ and...fills.-In gr.&ding lbe,north._Vpquth end east _.& west alley in, Block,, 4,Forestdaje Addition. .......... having been presented to the Council or the City of St. Paul by Councilman_....._...._.._......._........_...._ ............ .... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To foroish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .......... ..... ... ... . ..... ........ ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... JUN E2- 191 Yens: r. Nays: CO le ilman F riisworth .11. —k -l' 67 G as ,��.gatc the nature.' t.i.at A ed___ cost -1 said 1pt.— K Ilei he total cost thereof* Cid, , urn1ah a Plan, Profile or so d ImProvernent. 1� the 0 Lealrid `1',,`fcrm'atlon following other —reen rclatl,e to said To state whether or not said Int-, ­t is asked for P.% 'Mayor. ,%I.Yor , on the Petition t res or re— own .,.. T 0 report UPOn all of the for.. r matters to the Commissioner of Flnaq nc7' by the Council June 22, I gAd.pted 1 14. — ----- approved June 21, 1114_ (July 4-1914) Couneil File No.....__ -W. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER,,, The nudersigued hereby proposes the making of th y Paul, viz.: ,,rad e G_qodr_i_ch...:3y..e_r.,la.e......�c:i,_..L .iilwaukee._ard St._ Paul _Raiy--and-_L)t 1.0, south—to _,:,.o.odrLah..ay.ee,_.. n sa.i.d ..Ci.i owing pnblie improvement by�City of St. G ..... L� Dated thi ._ day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \CIIERF.AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.!T.ade_..a.o.Qd.r.ich ayenu..e.....=...r.Q.r.,,....1;.un 1..al.....sts:i.s..t__zest'e.'Lo._.ih.e.__C.h.i.cag.a.,.._, Railway and.Lunla17st.lraRt from Lir.cv'_r. ayerue south to...' oo3rich. avenue_ --- -- - C. F, No. 440— Whereas• A wrltten Proposal for the on of the following Improvement, ,_ ......... ....._ . _... _._. viz: Grade Goodrich avenue from Dunlapstreet set to the Chicago. ' Mit aul d St Paul Railway and .. .. _..... ............ Dunlap t t Fr Lt having y ue _ —uth cit having been presented to the C _ i:..cil'of the Cyi?, dt. bt.': a Couneilmisi 1. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and iufolvuation relative to said improvement:._.._._________.....__._ _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._.._. `�`'_N........ � '9'G......_......._.191....._.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Flu•, vom•tli �. Gos Approved ....� _....... 91.._.... / Kell r- 0'I ary Yog ................................................. D4ayor Pot ers R1 llnym. Council File No..__.._._.._441 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. . The undersigned hereby proposes the uutkiug of the following..�pTiblie improvement by the City of St. !v .. i .. Paull, viz.:-Q.Qn.a_t-ruct....a.....e.id.es.alk......o.f..._csr Ft].c.c}ccs...._r..v...a..._r�..i.3.tn._..cf....a x .e-a.t_... arx .the. s.cuth side Of feet east .off .the__east kine Heater. st.r.ee m n Dated this, 1J1 _TT r'h_se -A 'rltten proposal for :Ing of the folio Ing Inepre• Councilman. Construed. side—"' . ,s to a h side r _._---- er PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improve nlcut, viz.,CunBtl"uCt__a.._..._...... silzwalk_o.._c.u,el1.t.....blo.cks. tp....a_.;"t ii.th..._pf._.s.i.c_..fse.t gLeun s_treet,. fr!:)Ii, Hes`.e.r s.tree.t.__tp..._a..._p.c.int._51.0-..fast.-east-of thp- e.I.a.t_. line of Ie3.t_e.x_s.tr.set,.-...in.....a.c.coxianze_-with .....te*rn-s_ of_a.ttachad_pet.ition._ .. i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul b Couuclhuan:'... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other (lain and illfm•alntioll relative to said improvement:.__.._ _.._...__..._...._. _.. e '..._..._................................................._.._................................................_....__.... ........... _ _ ......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fomgning maters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _... ... ... _........_...................... Yeas: Nays: Coun cilmanswo•tll / — 2 Approved ......[1�...._-_._'v _ 91' ... er c ary g ens Mayor. ev>34w1:. ll��, Council File No....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and L 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe nudersigned_hereby proposes the uutking of .the fnllowfyg-Public inlproveiuent"the City of St. Paid, viz.:.._ o.ondemning.... and ......taking....an.....eaa�ement._..in..._the....l �n .. e.a.e.as.ary_...i.Rx_...... slapea , ._Qx _c.uta__azzd..� llg.......i gr.>3a�ng._.the_ a� ...Y in.LeY?'man!e. Sub... n,_Da ton! Addition... .. . .......... _. Dated this, _-.2Q.th.._.day Councilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIlERFAS, A o'rithu proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz. ........... f. e.ondemnng._aad_ talo..n..g.....an..._eae.e...mann..ax>.._the.....j✓xY.....Q.r...._............. . in grtlding.. a Q .._B10.Q.k 6..6 Ly.man.Dayt.Qnt a &dd.i_. Qn. ..................._......_..__....._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couucilman_........... ........._..._........._._.._._..._......_.......................; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch If said improvement. 4. 'I'n furnish the Pollowiug other data and iuforuudiot relative to said improvement: .......... _... To whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of tree or more owners. 5. state 6. To.report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Council ....._........__._.�L}r�........i5r.-4 "191......... Adopted by tine ry.2. ti � Nays �J Yeas: Councnll ll Farnsworth Approved.... �- t ._._ _........_ 7J ss _ 1gate the nature a cost of ald .0 Her a total cost "'th reof.l furnish n pt n. profl., ." - eColl std improve ant. fu nish. the f llo tug , Leary i fo mation relative to s•(/ lm- OCrg µ ; late hether or not eats -- is asked for on the petltlon ✓:..................._..... " " ' �layor, Mayor Ma were y spormoowrs t upon all of the fore-�, PUBLISIIEDI __� cera to the Commissioner of by the Council June 22. i _�d June 24,z a J42 v �, ` � Council File No.s__....:elm ............2... s OPOSAL FOR IMPROyEMENT. PR t and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Paul, viz.: yGn,9_t.Tt1C a.._ ..v.G..t... C.eUE 1 +.'Ff"cdii o. Ci ..ySj e _ak P '_...... e.c .Gs= .. - 3.;aelk ......... atr.a.t, betweanL? _riorr._at.r;and Y't.� e..tra...t. i r. -e2.t V � -.rte .._. ......,. .... ...... Dated this - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAfi, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_CDn6uTllCt_ H.-. + 1 „. ?i_lUrxn s.t.r.est,._ oet}ween,T•nion. . o_.foot cer.,.en_t slri..on.__t.le a. :-.....�. st:c_at a a 1r +.. _ .....rJ..0 L. I' T:.... _...�.. r. �. :'...�. 1_.....$.Gti . .. J F. No. 44, wrlttert'ProPosal Yo . whereas. ImPro• rkinlS of the YonoWin ec a c coott ceme __.._. _....._......_. ......_ ......... _. ... theo c.st east =Ire oY Kilburn -"" _ .. ..._.. .........1.. ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cotmctlm .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. `L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. R. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the t•ollowing other data and iuforamtion relative to said improvemeut:...__ .... _... _......_........ __...._ __........_....................................__...._......-..........._..._......._....._.......... _ _............. ........................ .............................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......_S..i. _..:'.".._:.:.._............ ..........191- Yens: 91...Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved_..._...._....._._.. ._._......_......_..___ _ . Keller nR,.r 11 - � O'Leary � 1 Yoerg..Y ...................................................... ` Tlayor Powers -Mayor. 'Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby Proposes theyutaking of the foll'owiug public improvemeut by the City of St. 'P+ull, Viz.: �z.axa.....ar�Sa...._S.t........t_O._.G.ypr.ess._.St....,.._.in....ao.n.ard.!.- . . .. __ 2pth_.da of .._ _ June _ _. �....... llatcd this _ Y __._.191.._ /✓ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written Proposal for the malting of the follonciug improvement, viz.:._.....__........__,..._. ..._....._.... a.urlzing..Beach_..5......Yx.om..'a.x.es.t_.5......_t.a._...CyPxe.es....S..t......,......ixl....ac.o..or..+�axtee . with_.pe.tition_he'rewith attached, --- - - ............ _ .......................... ._....._......_......._.......___. ..........._..... .................... .................................._... .................... . . .._........_.... ....._............. . boviug been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_............._:............_......_._........._.............._....._..........; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, an: the total cost thereof. :i. •fib furnish a Plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. 'Co furnish the following other data and information relative to said imprm•ement:.._.._....__._-.. ......_._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. " Adopted by tl Council ............. ..._" :_ .191......... Ys r yeas:✓ sale the tieanity for CO Cilnl7in Fa swort" llty of themal i g.of eaid t"t"'ate'.the Go 8 In tore, .tent...._..:.:.191 coat snid Improve- tf K ler d the total cost thereof. furnieh a plan, Pr tile or - _ D said e 1 11'I Goll of said Improvement. Diner .o finform the following said eta inform tion reinuve m O eary „meat. un- YU (/ V" ✓ ,7-pZ Z erg o. state whether or not amid Tent is .eked for on the petition f/.�LL�....................... Mayor. Mayor Po vers pr omora owners. Fb report Don alt of the fore- ; matters to the Commissioner o[ �J .,dopted by the Council Juno 22, L s14.' .. gpproyed lune. 24. 1814 .. (July 1-1914) �,�......� Council bile No. .._____..... .0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELMNARY ORDER. The nndersignI hereby proposes the, making of the follontJug'pubtic improveurent by th> ; of St. G_r.Sde _.Lgk.e....L� 1 tut, viz.: ........... ............. 14 Dated this-, ZCouncilman. PRELIMIIIARY ORDER. �ra3e..Lake_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improt�emcnt, vaz.:.__ !i de­ aaa— Wnr.,- rhe e t •a..t. r n om,9,1 _. .. ... _.. mnkina oY the P 11 1 (. Im nro�'ement--- -"'and Phalen —e nt nu. between nrton St. and Paine Ave.. hth been en n,4e^ented to _ --- -' -- -- ----- --"-- -" 'he' Councn o[f the city o St ' ,til having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Coll" cilman ... ......... .... ..... q 1 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement_ 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -I. To furnish the t•titlotving other data and'informatimn relative to said improvement:_ 6. To state Whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing nmtters to the Commissioner of Yinance. "1;i�!'4 Adopted by the Council.....__ ____. _._...._.._ ..................._.....191.._._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman M •nsworth 0 s APprovrtl___._ ._......_-.�.__. / K ler 0' eary Yr.g_....._........_................._........ _..... Mayor.Mayor Po ere Gyuncil File No. 10 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. q" I lie undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foil rieg.'public improvement by the city of 'St. Paul, viz.: - Constructing a cement. id k eas::qZa-f-A.o;__O.. x f.. Q. T d . ....... . ..... Stinson & Burgess StO.- ................ ... ....... .................... ............... Dated tliis� 18th day June, 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER- AV11PREAS, A written l)r()P0s:'l for the making of the follolvilig improvement, viz-: QoAst� I Zuc.ting a cement sidewalk east of Oxford St. betv.veen- S..t. i.n.s.2n.-L ...... ........... .. .......... - .. .. .. ... .. Burgess Sta. ........... having been presented to the Council of the city of St. Paul by Coulicill"all.- ................... I herefore, be it RESOLVED, That the commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said iii,prOVellient. t. To 1,111-11kil the following other dilt;, and inf(II-111atiol, relative to said improvement: ...... ...... ....... ............ - .......... .. ........ -- ................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all Of the foregoing matters to the Conlillisgioller of Finance. Adopted by the Council. - 232 1914. ,yrti1%, to—, Nays: yeas: oo�i. th . ...... inian FA tiswor� of the making —Ugat. the —tyre, —enf Go a -f --i 'I cost imp Ke ler total cost ther-A, I ,,,h a pi— so 'Mo: "oil ah in followl.ng other, 0' Bary no. .I.tiv t? W O whetherDr not aahlfn�-j .. . ...... ..... ... YPg ' aslcedfor'on the pet,t on Mayor P )t . Mayor 0 ers mcor. —e— rt upon all of t�b fore !ars to rho commissions 0i y, q,th. Cc ... 11 Jun ? 22.1 Council. File No._.__ a PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of tht+ following Lubli6 iulprovealent by the Cites -of' St. Paul, viz.: .lxe.c.ars.. 11.c_t,...ra.build._.ard...r.eF,.ai'r" Eo....a.;.i.d.th....ef....tep; ,:..re.asn.t....e.i3= lis.._or_ _the....'" ;.tof.....fin.e.11.i.rg sv..enue fro-,.,innehaha street, to itol avenue an,. ^ the Fast side of Snelling avenuefrcn: .::inneh s i c t ' U ' an._::u. s.:txeK.t.,.....ex Q.e1,t _zr a..U.d.._ard suf`icert 10 fo Nide s'1 +alks c' st. Dated this _ _ _ day of N..art t��r / 191.._U . J C. F re s. . A' ivproposal l Whereas. A ri tten Pro posnl for thr ,/V f/! ! `L1:..Y ....... ..... ..___ ..._...... ..... m¢htn¢ of the following Im➢rovement, via: Reconstruct rebuild d repair -- to width of ten feet with cement I Councilman. blocks, the present sidewalks on the, -� west side of Snelllag avenue, Yro• _Nunnebaho. street to Capitol Ave., °trpm n — — n the East +10, of SnelllnF nnr- _ _ ...eat to v PRELIMINARY ORDER. WTI'FREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, ,i,. i.e cr a tract, reb:L, i.1d..:.and..s.epai.r.....tn....a._mid.th....of_...ten fse.t....--.it"..._c r:.ert.....1,1cM.k ........ .th.e..._}.xesent o e.walks....o.n the_."I.e.s.t_..s.ide_of__.Sne.11ing__Ave. fr:-i._ __ir_t.ehaha. st'c.ev_t__to_. .. CaFitol Ave., an -1 on the fast side cf Snelling Ave., frcrk, to 'Tan Buren street,.. execI4,i_r1W;.e._.i3a- ... r al ':3 now exist. � having been presented to the Couneil�of the City of St. Paul by Cown lcilina therefore, be it l� RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. T. To furnish the following other ,lata and information relative to said improvement:_.__________._____ _. 6. To state whether or not said inlprovClnent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. - Adopted by the Council...._. _:... ................'-'_..._.........._.......191___... J�( Yeas: Nays: Councilman rllsworth O s �F Approved ....... _....... __..._ 19 . ... K ler O eary Yrg .................. .........IG... Mayor Po vers �[ayor. �- PUBI,ISI U 1 ' Council Nile No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,y 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folloelng pobtic improvement by th Ctty of St. 'dacadamizing,asphalt maoadapTz'i ,°ftaphalt fence t°ir, also 1 nul, viz.: t=. making t -re e>3eaxy sews 1�ter aril gee conrec one from the � street mains to the property ee co piste, where t a]re;d4.y!n de, on Congress street ,from the Iffeet Pide of C0,11, a a o haa street to the west Fide of r•tate streeti Is e1.et_r_ee_t..__fr_o..m.....�r,.e.... e_t..._sId.e...._a.f..._us.eenw.00d avenue to theeaet Fide f ro,P'abasha etreet nd Concord street from the west eine of _ _ _.......... .. ._.._ c.r'.. ...2_rt. _ lreat._.to_..Lhe_._� Lh...s.ide_._o,f..._Icabel.._.e.t.r.ee 1)atcd this _..__15th... -day f.....June 191. ¢ r Councilman. PRELIMNARY ORDER. • p vaca'_omiZe_ \VIIPREAti. A written proposal for tile following e making of the followimprovement, viz.:_..._"_.......`"..... asphalt macadamizing, or a.erhetlt conr ceting., also... ma;..-up..t.. he_......_..... neCaA6Ar'y'eew3r,water and gas connections from the street Paine to the property lines conch e v.hero..not...nlr.e..a.dy Wade on..____ __ ha street to the wast ConSrese street �•rcm the meet Bine of ,o, _wabae side of__-ct4t,R.__e.tx.e.et... ........ _ Isabel street from the west side of Creenwocd avenue to the east side lnha...Rtraat, andGoneord- street -from- the west gide of Fo":P.obert street to the south side �f Ttsa s Iiry having been presented to the Council of t i Ct y o au ouocihnnn_...___._.. __.........._...; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To fprnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. 'lo furnish the following other data and information relative to said ilitprovenneut:..._._.._.__.__.._.._....__._ ........._.....__....._..._......_..._- __ .._. ... .. ....... ..._......._ ..... ...._....._._ ....._._.._..... .......__... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. g. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ``! �9i4 }hl� ................... .._.79e Adopted by the Council.......:..._........ ... '..._Krays: Yens: u, Cont, lmail Farnsworth n`ty o, - ,g o:, investigate the (, — /I Ol..h^ nature, ex otl._,..,...... Go g .... tlmated coat of said impr- -meh., ane torsi coop thereof. _. .. ._..._. _...1 Ke ����tthe 3. To [1saidrnishi n veme proflla or :SIC sketch or Bala Improvement. ) / - 1{ and information relative to said (� ants an Tunforristhe collative said improvement, j IoG. To erste whether or not enla Im- .. ... .L_._G L ...._....__.. ..... ..... ......., provement Is asked for on the petition :Mayo'. Mayor Pot or three or more owners. 8. To report upon all or the Pore - ging matters to the Commissioner or Finance. Adopted by the Council June 22. 1914. A Approved.Juno 24, 1911. M1 (July 4-191{) - 445 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the Followi - ubli improvement by 11104-ty of St,-- + L.lo>..k.a ta � la- rec'v. �+_��.:.l.c..t. .� �...rz: r. rrii� .ce:�e_�.......xa„,.• Paul, viz.: y . at ` _�.i:ilca__ar_ tae-rollo.rin� _etc, exa�yt f v ri .sod. a- ' ,ice _st se t �k he.n: u..t,.?fi.feet. s a Dated iday of this,... i _.. C. F N 446— en ¢l for thei.G'G�:...Gf�':��--'.. ....'... .'... Whereas, A writt propos e - -- kl.g of the fono.ving Improvement, ,f,. rz: n'..o c natio ct and repair — 'h cement blocks towidth f Is •„x. Councilman. the present- sldewalks on the fol." n3 street, except where good -1 _nt Cerneat sidewalks ow a ---- -t,east slae. beglnn n the at t as fae NARY ORDER. ntea to to PRELIMI WIIERPA",, A written proposal for the malting of the follolving improvement viz �. laza recon- a.i.dth-,..._..aT__.si....... .:...0 th 1 r.eeexit 3x..izstalk s__..oz _ the _.f_c:.l.c r.in_._..v.tr.e.at,_.ex,.cept_ ,Vh.e.re._aacd._az d__ uf: i.e.?r t__cameat .................... _3i c_e..air.e.a.t.,.....aas.t...side.,......t.egirnisig a.t.._Coo.i ...s.tra.W t, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pauf by Councilman....:_. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public ` grks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvepient. 4. TO tarnish the Following other data and infm•nudiml relative to said improvement: _-...-... .. .... __. ..._...-.-. 5. to state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. s Adopted by the Council__....:._..._ Yeas: Nays: CouncilmafKlcr orth .....4c..^....... ..." Approved 4C 91 l Ty�ayol Mayor. . CollflNl ki,l No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and u PRELIMINARY ORDER. r* The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the -follo Ig public improvement by the ,City of St. Construct sewers on the follo ng streets: Front StN from Paul, viz.: __....Dal.e..5t_...._t.a.....Vlatoria.._at—;.... cz.oraa....as....-xrom...�xon ..as.......xo....urunara St.; Barrett St. from Front St. to enty St.; Como Place rom Front St. to Mo Kenty--St...__Crowell-'St.--from- _to --M40 Kenty--St..... ameaon....St..---from Front St. to Como Lane; St. Alba St. from Front St. t 4innehaha St.; Grotto St- from Front St to 0 and St-i;;"-OrcPwrd-'-St, ram Grotto St to - Crowell St.; and from Victor St. to Barrett St.; Kenty St. from CroweliJ..St to Barrett Str 11 *to, to matte a part what _Ys_ known as the Front 17tlX9 t*?ntjOth__...q p ...._Syst System. _ _ _..........._ 7 . F— / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. N\ IIERF.AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_-C.onstr11C.t.._S.ewer8 on the following streets: Front St. from Dale St. to Victoria St.; Victoria St.....from--Fr-ont.._ St— _.to.....Orohaxd....S.t..-,..-._Barr'ett•=St-.__fram-._ Front ....St..._-to_._Mo-..-Kenty St.; Como Place from Front St. to Mc Kenty St.; Crowell St. from Front St. to Mo. Kenty St.;.. Jameson St. from Front St -o to- Gomo Lane; Sti Albans St: from Front St. to Minnehaha St.; Grotto St. from Front St. to Orchard St.; Orchard St. from Grotto St to Crowell S o artd from •Victoria St. to 'Barrett Sty; Mo Kenty St. from Crowell St. to Barrett St.a all to Tbe made a Part_what ._..... _o is own ae_ 8o t&e Front Mo _'Kenty_St. Sewer Sy .... .... .. stem _ _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......... ......_.................. .......................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publicorke be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -t. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:......_____..____..___.._.._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition- of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �uy 22 191.......191......_ Adopted by the Council.._....._ ............._......... .. . Yeas: Nays:. Nays:. r Gos —' . iOlillCl non F Ilswe°i�'�,rov men L: �"' /� To,investigate vestlgate the no, (moved....-..!' ...-..... P..-.. .-_.:... .._.._...1� ... .. " estimated coat oP a is ` Ke ler �t, and the total cost thereo. J To furnish pro Df oil fon t said improvement., 1 T [ nfeh th full llowg 4, , O eery and f format) relativeto vmn t ^ ^^ Y rg ,.1 atat Whether or not t .....V.Y r ....................................... ....................... t 1 asked lot an thepet!'j � i\Ia}'OP PO V¢I'8 fe ore o C report up o P el fo \ _ 1� matter,to theC iseloh - Ol' .1-4 -Y the C ncil.. ja c . ,- f•f d s no 2� iAis, i � a � .:, LS�GFiI:' ," �Zn c Council File No..__...... �:.i', ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, w and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the'(git5yof St. Paul, viz.: uullzyAv,_.: ua,...... ............ ...._...................... ._... Dated this :�7. of t t �;�1 —191 u } % U% / r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal fm' the making of the following inlprovenlemt, viz.:_.u_ul ,..._Sf011-, ..DLarrell....averua_ =n rudl __.a..e a.e..... _._..._.._ C. F. No. 4(GLN _ __ .. \V hereas. A written proposal for th .. ...._ .............making oP the following ]mp—ornet...._... _.......... ...._..._........ ......... . viz: Construct a n Granth: ..street. from Doswell av enus to Dud' ing en -1 of the been f St. au to _... ._...... __..... �11 of the CItJ' of St. Paul ti, . n it the Commlesl n.. having beenresent d to the Connell of the Cit 1 G y of St. Panl by Councilman —_.. � � t ^ therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4 To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:....._..._.__.....__.__.__... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_._._.: i. '{c 4.N.. 191........ leas: .. Nays: Co+Frnsworth Approved_Her ........__... ._......._._........._....._.........._................................................%1ayor. -x, PUBLISIJED_.7�— I/ (;ouncil File No... ___.......� � ftW PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and l PRELUViINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following-'�iilblic improvement by tile, City of St. Palll, viz.:Curt.... ith..cec.er.t,..curti_r.o, n�gr..-S..tx._e_t_...fr.czc......G.ci1.0:AaPetue._...ta._.. __ Chatsworth street.,_... '"J ............ - .............__. _.............._ Dated this..__ 4 EmPrAMOVAPPARAMM Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NVIIERZEAS. A written proposal for tlic making of the following iulprovement. viz.: Cur..b... +h ... c_ez.I,e4r,.t.__C..urh.ing.,.._—avenu-e......tc.._-GhatGw-arth..-s-t.r.e.g.t..,....... 'No. 447— , i—css A —Itten proposal for the ng of the E9110 S g improvement.. .......- ._...... _. _......._... ...___.... Cure wit11��,, cement avenue to '•• �a th t 6i't Como avenue ej ............. tl etr08t having been Dre- .. ... ........._.. .. 'he ' ancll of the CItY of � ...... ..... .... ..... ... .... ......... c,.. .,v he'. 1t ' [J�,q ,y ^.ommissloner of _ ... _..._ .._.___.. _._._... .._........ _........._. ...�„� -. ._: �.:.x4.--.�-mac•-�=-...�.—, __... .. .. .. ._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman4 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works.be and he, is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fmrgoinz matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1-1 l 1 Adopted by the Council......._.__`':_.....__.._. _......_..__......191_._... Yeas: Nays Councilman Fal ]sworth Gas Approved..........lY.._..._.._ ....... iL Kel er O' ary Yo'g ........... ............._............ Mayor Poi ers �� Mayor.PUBLISBED_ i Council File No... __..._.....4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. i and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nndersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz., Constac_t_,.a , .,i1e-xgj.x... of �. `t:_er_t...'o.�.c.c.r.s. u. c....a..�cid.:th- af.. aix.-.;,l..ee:t ..or. t -he _svut _. s.tr.eat.,.. f.ron._ Lexi. n .t.wn_.auenu.e__t:o fix •.lig atxvW t. �. Dated this _. day of 191 J tet, i'.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERPAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_,.Coni3t.r'i.o.t_a-.__ a_7.:3axalit.....of...._ae.w.en.t.....h1.GCL3...._`4..._a.... 4i.1..j..til-_.O..f._B .X --.F .-.._G.R..._ll.e-....:3{au-t:.l-....-sid.e.....af.. . t.o_.Dunlay..-:atre.et, a. 448— rens, A written Proposal for the .... .. _....... _ g Of the fol g lowin Im ----'- -- true[ Ode o � a width Of Ixix feet et onn ... '4 .01..2. .:.•r " ... / having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couuelutai.. I��� R'G��`�2 therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and infornmtion relative to said improvement ............... - __.................. ..._......_.._._......._............ -.......... _... _ ............... ._.............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the, petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......._._..._L..._....___....................._...__191....:.... Yens: Nays: Couucihuau F r isworth Q I G s Approved...._...... _... 19)1.. S K ler / O' eary Yog_................._.._ .............. Mayor Po' ors Mayor. I MBLISBED�; Council Nile No...!_._ .-. FAQ I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and a PRELIMINARY ORDER. i The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: COr.._s rupt.._a._a....fOQt-C.@.I 'nt, elel4ald.rt07I the_.lcrt_ sial ... .of ...t]alrole street betweerl.Tairview aye ue ar.d, l wir aven e. . ........... .......... ...... Dated this 2 6 day of :L.L. 191 i 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. A'11EREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...C_o[o--truC t a. fi..... uf._r`al�clz. �treet.batrreen Fairviete P No. 449— avenge and..Bdl:win_..ut ellll,e_.ni<i yeas, A writer proposal forthe9 of � Improvement, Cn the ct a 6 felt cement side- tk setobetweenNorth ralrvlede of WnIPn� ___.... avenue r ... .............. .... ....:.._ ..... ... ......... 'd in avenue having been prase v", ".1 of the City of St having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......i..._...:...'.._..._:................ .................. ..._............... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said.improvement, and the total cost thereof. .3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -I. To furnish the following other data and inforiantion relative to said improvement:___....._._._...__._..._. _. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the, foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 11T 13(i i�14 Adopted by the Council._...._______._. '.........._........191.._.... Yens: Nays: CouncilmanFal sworth jPowe 6 .Mayor 450 Council File No..... ..:........._... 04 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. .y 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. _ Pan], viz. Cor el 2r _j}e..aert....ir the..land.n.acetsar.y for .slf} e3.. for outa .an fills-fcr � g rl^ „ frcn....Pal and the east an,! west all.e} Tare and Hosres addftion Dated this,., -2- L_ __day of �� L G -t C r g 191.._. C F No. aso— / f// Whereas, A writtenproposal f t �U�,.x",!.•..:,..! '.: L.:.0 v.(/J 1`..._._ ...... _...... 'laking of thefollo Ing impro Condemn and take an asen, 1 the land _weary for lopes Councilman.:ts and tills for grading Hatch at ' m Dale street to Kent street _._ anwest alley in wa -arrsnge' ant A" and Iti theBCo: -'] ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follon•ing improvmnent, viz -: Condemn and toka_...ar.....2ae.emen.t_...in_..th.e....land. .nen.es- a.x.y.._i..cr__s.l©pes.....f.cr.._G1.1t-a aai--f.ill.s...f.cr gra;�.n© ?ia.t.ch. e..t.r.e.4..t_..f..ro.>r_..D.al..e..._s_tree..t__o...Vent_titres+.ar.:_the, __.e.as_t-and 77eet411eY.._in lq._ar.e_ Addit.i.an....Hlo.ck...3.__..._ laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the totaf cost thereof. 3. To furnish a. plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other•. (lata and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._._........:_._ ........._ .......__......._...191..._.._ Yeas: Naps: Councilman Fa lswm•th Go KTH ' OYBffayorP ' OYBffayorP Council File No. �_.... ___ -_451 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY 0 R. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of c following public C rs+ f + T..t.....a.i.:i.ewa.1L nrl_ Paul, viz.: 0_,._..r+.�;C_t...s'�,.._57....�..O.C..�....... u.r. CQnr,,Q,r M. 9t.x2.I. t,... U... [it by the city of '.St- ....... .. .... t, .. ....._....... ...• ..........._ Lf Dated this 1. da}' of.... -��� 191. . t r- - v Councilman. PRELUMNARY ORDER. \'IIPREAti, :1. crittcn proposal for the malting of the following improvcmout, vir.:__.. :..-......... r: a t ri c_t... a :..... 4Q_t.....e......_e,t taide.'ral,c._..Q.PA Cur.t.I.C.-e Jatmae.t_.f..Xu1 C.nZLSa 5..txMe..t...._t.o....AX1 .I'cd + No. 451— * for the \i hereas, A writtenproposal --- .Ing of the following Improvement Construct a 6 foot cement s on Curtice street from Cones .. _ .......... to '.ndreW street having b.-- _..._.._.. . .. _. ted the%omen of the Ott _.._.... ......__ _.,. 1 C the City of St. Pani by Councilman ....... _ ...... having been presented to the Council of therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .......___.._._..................... ........ _..... .._-...._..._......................... ................ _...._............................._........._._....._._.___._........__...._...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.__. _._...ut ��....� __. k. n .............191_....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman irnsworth - Approved._. W _.._.. ._.__._ ..._._....__.. t7_,c ._......_.......... _..............._. ................ �...11nyor. Mayo Council File No._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. glad t_ PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of .Stv' Paul, viz.:_C.cnsti o.t...a. si.d.e;^:.alk..,c.f.. c u nt nl.ac:ks_.LC.....a..wldt'u. n llohrs_a "Mott- v�]Thi.t m _wf.hrid S.r et th rte Dated this _ ' _.._dav ✓ .-- 's Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. W11EREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following int.g3•oveuieut, viz.:: _. .. 'k.8 tQ Qf.....:3..]..a..... .�.............. a"._..'' � 1 �- �N; 3 ` T% � t W e to itm'J:l,3 cz °�'.t...F+�a:._u __�.f T%nli..te.:;�__..atra"e..t.._. ' ;'1.:..G:.. au.l.t_`I....SrA_le..,�,.t• ......_....... 452— ereae, .\ �cri item Proyosal (o t ---- ------ ..... c of the itten,pr gosal ._..... ,•.�t a etaewanf t '��o ".th PP efx on .. ..__. - ...._...__. ..�,t...- 1 feet .,_ - ..._. .... ...._ .. .... ._ ..... _._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Conucilman! therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. }. To furnish the 1`01101viug other data and information relative to said improvement: _..._.__._.._._.___. _.. 5. To state whether or not said impgovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...._._) '.1.�...:_�.._�G_ x......_..........191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth u Go s .Approved_. Lv� K er O' eary Yrg.......... ........................................ Mayor P vera Mayor. 453 Couneil.File No.. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undo•sigued hereby proposes the making of the following public Paul, viz.: Cons` t__a the rorin side s+rezt,__f.r� �Pnl.i F by the City Of St. of .s.i.x....laat..... to A1res.t._a.trezt. e� Dated tlns (P-eday of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'WHEREAS. A writton proposal for malting of the following improvement, viz.:-_.C.4i el eo__a._;_i?.`.....o.f...s.ia...._fl.e..t...<..n...._th.._;Lo.z,.r,.y.._..R_i_a.e...-G.f.. L.af on ._street, 'rL).L _ aralineavenue.. t.o.- Albert .....s.tr.eet, \o. 463— • reof h "T—.us. PrUPP9n1 er 1 .. .... _..... .... .. ... ---' of the Yollowing Impraveme - instruct a sof six eP ce r L4 [ Ix feet on, t eto d tree[......_.... ..... ......._ .. .. l22ruv ? !�..... _ .... ; 'having been presented to the Councilof the City of St.Yltinl by Couuenhuan .. ._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of -the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnkli the following Other data and information relative to said improvement: ...___...._ _. _. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the forgoing matters to the Conunissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _.... __._.:1.i1_..11- 11..[4._..........191_1.... Yeas: Nays: Councilman rnswo•th G a Approved_..... K ler C% 0' eary . Y erg ................_._................................... ............................... .................................. Mayor P vers / Mayor. i�m'rsrtrt4 7 4,54 Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz..1 CGr1str,1_C..t...r:1.. aewe.r ..an..._GEL r._ull_. zlte. abux.y St. llrded this..... ..._.day oF......./ ....--.::L:a' ..:....... ..._.... .. ]91.x:,, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ZVIIEREAS, _A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vie.:_.. 0M!16.tT1LC_:..H... d 'tie.x.....Q.........C.ax..r.all_.ar.a: u.a....is.aa,....S e.1.1.in .....Av.er..ue.._ Lc._.ilsl.:..r_,:.._:.t............_........__.._....._.._........_ No. "'— reas, AA wrlproposal Yo the g of the followImnrovem t.-" <..on t moll sewr n e from Snelling avenue tto As - •.tree[ having been Presented to .. ..... .... '"._......._ _...._.. ... _._._...... ....... . ........ .............. _fit of the City of St. Paul .u..... .. _._....... �� having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cotulcilu1:111E.-.J.: -.2� therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement_ 4. To fillni,h it,,. following other (lata and information relative to said improvement:_._..._...___:..._..__._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. j!!y Adopted by the Council-'..........Yt..C.....jf, _ _......_Q......._...191.._..... yeas: - bays: Councilman+Go 'th / / Approved_..._�X....... .._ .............._...._....__.191.(/f ....._..._....._................................._Mayor Mayor.. _ e PUBLISHTD_ w 1 .... Aso Council bile No... t�.c7 PROPOSAL FOR' IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I The undersigned hereby Proposes bile making of the following public inpr6vealeut by the CityO hf St. Paul, viz.: �. 'r{ ._.. ........ .... Dated this 2 L day o 191 _11� r* �'� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ialProvelueld, viz.: s_.T.2dC...1 _lneing atr..e.e..L.._frcl`.:dan.lin.e._Azz.e......._uc....41b.er-i_....Au.enize..�:......_._..._.__...__........_...._......._................___..........._......_. __-. o. 466— %•ees, A Written proposal for th; _.. S Prove _... _..... _... • of the followin im —' --- -'- --- e. oAlb Lansing street from hall' n' ve. tt Albert Avepue of resented to th3 Council o[ _._... ... ..... _.... ..._._.. . .... .... J...: l: .. :� ........ .... having been lilesented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmart:;__.'� therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the folloNviag other data and information relativee to said improvement _.. _..........._..._..._........._......__......._...._............... ........_.._..__......_..... _........... ..... ............. _._... ...._..._....._.._._.....____..._..._........_.................. ___. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forgoing matters to the. Commissioner of Finance. J'.il r 114 Adopted by the Council_.._ _ .... .___._....................._........... Yeas: Nays: CouncilmanAell orth APprovcd__... t°> y .................... .._. ...._............_" ..........._................................................... Mayor f 33ayor. ' PUI3LISIiED�i�� ✓fJ Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and r PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followinypii�l Paul, viz.: _G.rade....Griogs...s_tx.a.e..t,......fxu.i_.T'n.i:ar..i..ty.....a r luted tills._..,`- (:....._.....day - It is improvement by the ....-.......................... ......._........_..........._..._.... _. _ _._...... 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \GIIERAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. __ r..t1 e>3; lgge E atx a. Lt _L'iiv..exildty dus>aue. to _ inn.e _ r f55 A written p p eal for the _.... .. t; of the follo ing Improvement.-- ade Grigg, toMlnnehnhnrotree tn'har venue a een Presented to the Counen .._.... ....... ......._....... _.... of St. Paul therefore. be t' _. _.. y. 'i ad, That the Commissioner 1 y, be an' h,. Is hereby ............... /._.. ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman....... - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and.�le is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. 'ro hu•niih the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ..._ _....... ......._... ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fnregoing mtitt�ers to the Commissioner of Finance. ,...1 '- r- ,.. Adopted by the Council ............... __ ..._._.__........................ Yeas: Nays::. Councilman Fa ,woruth ' n provedOos Ap O'L Pow Yoe Mayor ry ............_...._.�...%. ...._.._._.._.. Mayor. t Council File No.. 457._.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. � The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.. dor:dent_ .a,a....a.k.e.._ar.......e.2aaz:,ent....ir.. `h;Nana_.na.ae.s.sar}...gfror..._s.Ltapaa:.--- for cuts and _f ills_..x pr__ ;z'_a iI � - the .a 11 `....i�n_ Elcck...1.....S.t.o Ad dl t i or: _ . _....... _..... Dated this day of UI Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' 1P1Il',Rl1A',, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, tak.e__arl-....e.....t:.e.ce.o.n.ar.:v:.....f.er...slcgas....£er...c.u.ts__x:3_._f.i.l.ls_for grading th.e__.allel._ n Blp.c..k 1, .Stone._an .Y4:tC.n'_,a Ai .:i*,icl1. _........... ...... .. :..%. d67— 'crena. h written p Impr7 P� . .......... .. ....... .............. ............: 'g of the following ImPro� .........._..... ...... ... _.......... __..... ...... Condemn and t¢ke or 1, land necese¢ry for sly .. .._.. _..... ,.n & Mot having been presented to the CouliPh t&TH6'A—J —9t. Paul by Couueiln a ........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated gq&t of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. 'Po furnish the following other data and information rehitive to said improvement:. _... _..__._._...__.. .. ._.._ ... .. ......... ....... . ......... ... .. .... _.. _. . __ _..___._ _ _...._......._.._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fo•egein� matters to the Commissioner of F mance. JUN ,_ t) I," 4 Adopted by the Council.._._._._.. ...__.__................. ..._........ ...... 191..._... Yells: i\ays. Councilman Fa Iswo•th //__ Go s Approved_...k...—.7"3 C) _. ... K ler n 'Leary oerg ........... Mayor ewers � � � Mayor. row" / Council File No..._._.:�fC7V PROPOSAL FOR IMP ROVEMENT. ee PRE NARY ORDER. ' The undersigned hereby proposes tl making of the following public provenient by the City of St. Paid, viz.. : „ r :. . a,1..... Dated chis _...2 G, day otr Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREA1 , A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:... r:,.:.5-`,,:.:rct 3 y. .st_...._ .. fr:,.. -:rY...3- _o_....t..:1-. ,. z _, No. 468— — hereas. A written proposal for the Ingof the following Improvement............_ ...-.... ...-.... .. con•+trnot a Edmund ave- ,, Fbe. atrere a ted is a - been Ve _...... ._...... .....i .. ..i.. Pof Sited to t� _. .... _.. �:. :he CItY of St. Favl the - __._........._ __ _. ......_... ._.._._.. .............?........ �;.,� ._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..-" , ..........; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furbish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ........ ...... ........_......._..._.....__........................... .- .......................... -....._.................................._._.._......._..._...._..._...........___......................_............_......._........_......._..................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....__..........:...... ...... ........_......._.._x....._.191........ Yeas: �'.'�� :'.!; .._'4 Nays: Councilman Fa sworth Go Approved_. _ tet....... _.__ 19 I er Me of O' ary Yoe g.......... ._......_.............. .............. .............................. ._... Mayor Pow -s Mayor. EUI3LISi-1�L_�- /1— /•� Council File No..___. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the falleving public improvement by the`Crty of St. �_.. . a A Paul, viz.. v.!as rr t.•l. o.LSllm,,1I7C a1d - street "_ctoria _str.e.e.t.,_ x ...__..... _ _ ro Dated this _ 9 .__. ay of G< 6t'r-,� _191L. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERPAS, A ivrittten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Z; ee„fir 73.3t .. l-nehaha, street frorl A� ,n sti et to Jietor 3 street. .............._.. . ..... _....... s'. 46a— ens. A written proImp P the _.._..._ — the followinggsImProVem [ ... ... .......... .....__.._. ......_......... -. ....... '^structing sewer on We..:........_ .. r. Ftreet Prom Avon street �t having been Pr _._ ..._, 7 of the Citr of St. P.__._..: _._. ..._......... ... _... .. -. ro,. r .. _....... ............... .. ... _...,. i._3•i �,,�• .. ..... r.y_ _.. _ ..... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by CouncthnatT- ._1,:.-u'e:.`.°•<<'�'. :1.. . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. a. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._._______ _......_.....__........_........ . ............. ..... ................. ................. ..._.. .._........ __...._._................. __...._ ._ ........... ......__........ __ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for onthe petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregning matters to the Commissioner of Vinance. Adopted by the Council ........ -Yeas: Nays: - Councilman P' •nsworth G s Approved _......... .._._.._ _.._. K ler 0 ea'y Yerg ...... ............. ............................................... ......... _............................. ... 1llayor P vera Mayor. . �LTBLISHED��:,L��I� Council File No...... _. _..4..0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tlia'`fo lowing public iniprovel by the City of St. Paul, viz.. GTI ..... D yn, AVint ... �z, ,l�aa :3t ��� i:.�� ., f. t-. ;, tz nt-lrr_tea ., of 14st;a_,, t.., ........ ... ..: ........ ..... Dated this _.� L/ .'� � ......day of... as --<.^i _ __. �91... , • f F� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improveunent, viz.:.._._C(inst'1rct r1 X411'=_.......-....._%...e_t...........,s�t.._ci 4 a: e _.......r..._f.........v...._.....,,__a.r._,.....Ss_tzh.....z�.a.4._,.....__x_....�.,....._t..:._.: _... C. F. No. 4fi0— -,' Whereas, A w Critten proposal V...... ;� j - making oP [he Following les, ._...... onstruct Avenue, from Asburysewer o .... 4Rfi Poettheatieet. east r,.,, ............ ... .. ...... .............. n having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couuctlma iC—....f............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:___ b. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for -on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forenning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Couneil____.._. .... ........ _... .... ...... 19L...... - Yens: Nays: Councilman F rnswm'th O s Approved.....__ ....._` .. V...._............_........19 _. K ler 1 O ellry Yrg .................... ........................................................................................... Mayor P •ers Mayor. PML1S1MD , / 1- /� Council File -No... -Z p^ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. u The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following, public improvement by the City of St. Aae..-..... .. Dated this _ . _ _.clay of ..., ��'� ... 91.L� 16-01 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1'1'HEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follonvimg improvmnemt, viz. :_vo.riB�uYOt i. r..... 1_.7v.;_...a..trae ._-r :t:.so. 461- •e...tteentze tn.. 6., v ere asn— n s. A wf llow proposal for the gof the.......... ..... ...... ........ ..., onstruct a sewer On ROY stree' ' C Shields avenue to St_to th ' ^ nZ having been presented to [h' ....... ---------"'-"--' "' """'•, of the city of St, Paul ther Tit the CoturnksSIOner lah b ..t .... _..._... ...... ....... ....... having been presented •to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Count nlma5-... .'/4?�' P ..� _ --; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To Tarnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.__.__.._...__..___._......__ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... �" 't " C Ph1___. Yens: Nays: Councilman Fi •nslvorth Go s Approved. Ke ler O' eary Yo rg ......................... .._...........................................................-........................ ....... Mayor Po' ers Mayor. 462 Council File'No.__._ ...._. _......._._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. . Y .. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follwrNiug"publie improvement by tl 4yr.1f, St. Paul, viz.. Q^r._etruQt.....2. .tyro ..la ?: ti:.a1k. �Y?`Eat.s.i.is_Csp s.....S.. X.e.et.... ...... betwe_e.r. �Jws_ stre.e.t .ari3_...C.x�a a 'i et...___. ..........._. .....: .._ ._ .._....._.. . ....... ....__..... r. Dated thus ...Z Ally of.191 c o Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NCIIEREAS, A writteo proposal for the making of the following improvement, E.aat s.i�e.c.f.....C.u>=s er. No. 462— A kWh ingwritten proposal for the ae... 5 L e e..�..__ _................. eof the Following improvement. Constri ct ¢ two plunk atress street, betwee� _....... ... ........... in .H� 'nae etre.[ h vlr '...... _... ......... _... ...._.. .... 'he Council of -More. be it �.., having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilml[tr.�.f� . ....... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement: 4. To furnish the following other data tin(] information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon till of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........ ...._............._...___.......191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth ` d Gw i Approved._..lY Ke er O'1 eary Yorg ................... .... _.. ... ........_... Mayor Po ere Mayor. Council File Flo.__. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ` and - O - PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nudersigncd hereby proposes the making of the follo,ving public"'improvement by the Cit trafSt. 1 lul, viz. G at z t a si�iawalk c.f cene_.t,,,A-�cxs _- a.._. ad h.. six.._feet c l the . oxth. .,.;.1.., if F-i z _,i _tet f.ro_ i._.. ac... - _u ..tu.. Hared this _ 4 day of..-� 463 cos. A wrltten Propo .1 for th° ...l:. f. u�.l �..�.. _ <\...... .. of the following tImprovorn- nstau°t o elodewnilc Of cn the. width [ Ix men beet°°from'' CO1111Clllllan. do of Edmund even, n e to Snell ing o Presented to the CPu. _._.-- -- -- CI 1'anl therefor^ C r• 1RELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following insprovealcnt, viz.: Construct 3 ...t _.. l r LLt having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Y1u1 by Conumhnan� Q f�..::2., fs therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :l. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -l. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement._____._ __......_.__.... 6. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all-of the fnrvgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _.. ` .........,. 191........ Yeas: :Nays: Councilman Fa •nswm•th Go s Approved_.. 19 ..... K ler o O' eary Yrg........... ..........................._.._... " I'![7BUSMD � lZa$�or P vers L� � Mayor. ,[('' AA Couucil'File No.., ..........:...�.LJ`i — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �. The undersigned 1����.Qpropose-, �l�c�ma��i��gof tho foll4 rfilR..th public improvemen the City of St.. 6 3 Yit viz.. r— e. ...c..elfent. ...�.a.k.a t......,y?.t'.l ... Q f 3_� :G y ,:E t., T e Sen t' 'E- a;r g _ on._...the .._ -0.11. i.n. t;.r.e'a t.g.�......e XG2.1. t.:r`L 7� r e good and suff cl nt c vent aril' s t c' e , _... . wont street, north 3e, te,li._•,n, fee* ,re:i a Albe..-rla :,tree , r th e 11 C, e 1 3+ oh feet lltih... rd this-.— .. ay ofje z:L. .._.: ..... 191_-i : proposal f the "the following imp n' nstrod. l¢, and repair -rt blocks to width of six Councilman.sent- sidewalks oa the fol- ets, except where good a, 'dewalke n -1st: F" ,i-- treet "PRELIMINARY ORDER. wIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: ._z CC.. ?.=13-"Act_z r.e.�..a�_...an.3.._x..s.) �i.r.._.mi..th.....c.eiLan.t.....b..1.o.ck.s..._t.o__a..:.w-lith thA....I?_r ._qea It sidewalks cn the following streets, e cert :ere -(,od a -d s fficient .,santt . iewalks now ex_ia,.. _ _.. _-_. _._.. _..._.. .__.. _.... _.. rrcnt street, north aide, beginning 26 feet ;eat of Al ar.le street i� ;iT�YiCa lxrey't 54'iC2'l:". .... ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Coumcilniaii--Z therefore, be it f RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. 'ro investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and infol•olation relative to said improvement:.... _..._._._..._.___.__._.... ..-.._._........_..................................................._.................................................................._.........._._..........._..__.........._._................................._.._....._...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finan&. i r ia, Adopted by the Council.._...._.....:_'__......_4_...._._......191.._..... Yeas: Nays: Council+Fswol-tll Approved_._.._......................_._...._........................Ma/nfayor. vrt3'li T.ISIiE•D py Council File No.- - 6e0.___... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' ' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follol ' l" tttblic improvement b to City of ,St. Paul, viz.; Hs.c, na..t.rust..,....s.e.lay.....an1.....rapato.....a....'.id.tl...srf the_xreazn.t..si.dM:aeli:..s.. ta.e_full.c.uIn..... Good and sufficient c erent- ideivalk3..now ex' ........... . Dated s is t / _ 8 _V.s ,1_Gr` 'Z_.,A� 'l.th_av n:g.e I.1e c.e e3- L.1Q4.._feet. t In v!1 3 . tT�2.t 9QCth beq 4 Of ....._..... ._ ......_...... Pli+' us. A rit ow Improvement, p mprl oY the owing mprove t mentter—i"Iocksr ton Councilman. n nldth otp 1 e present sidewalks on tY' 1S et,,e is. a pt whereSe eot sidewalks .----------- ----- '!h a sruth '1! -' : L'IMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following iniproventelit, viz.:_.._�e...C.I T...e_1a.Y..._3.';:.._r_er.a__?....'R_i_t�.-....G.. t e;a...._t1_gc.its...._t'�.._.4..-.`v_1__t''......'f.._1G_.._f=<'.t.,....._+3.e..._1:,resaat si..ievialks..._on...th.e._.fo.11.oh¢i�vh.er.e__,,c-,od _�L.-3__aiffi.c_el.t._ ... :Lent si.iexa ke nols, e_l.et r_l..t,�.._s z s.t..,. s.a. tJz....sine.,.-.. .egi airg-..a.t. 5..,ith.&V�anuz,Ca:a..t 10 �4 feet. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and itiformatiou relative to said improvement:...__________.__.__ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin III issioner of Finance. Adopted by the ncil....__....___.._..._._..._...__..-..._.........] Yeas: Nays: C inc+F,,',.s..,AAyo, (% Approved_..>.........__.._ _.:_._ _...._._......_ ...1' ......................._.....................................-......._..............._................ MMayor. P'UBLISHEDi 466 Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM Council/ .............................................. Audited .. ..... ............ By....................... ... ...................... ........... ..... City ComptrollV. Per Deputy. Resolved, that checks be drawn upon the Department of Finance, paye,ble out of the !M.C-IAL.AS=z',KZRT lidI+FiTk..5.YU.1.QATX-AV--... in favor of the following named persons, firms or corporations, for the amount set opposite their I respective names: St. Paul Lime & Cement Bet. #1, cement, 2,200.00 Co., Ing 7- 1 31, Goes y AP P -r CO(A -4V 0 I-L4ary Tf a N-4-er �--.,A. y o r Mr. Presjdent, Pot rs 46'7 Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, s,7 to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM Council Fit10 iiN� Audited i � 3...----......._._. - ...-_..__....:...._...._......:. 1914. � By City Comptrolle Per...:.....---..................... ..._._...._.............._.__.. Deputy. Reeolve , t^at ohe,ka be drawn u,:on the De^artm j.t of Finance, ALK3_-1- 1 ...._._._._...._._._.. r.ayaUle cut of th ......__._........._"G` PAFr�T ...4�..._.... 4 3_._._.........._... .._ ................. in favor of the following named persons, firms cr co_..r•p_.. c..ratic..........r...s....-f , e..r• '.h . e amount e:,t oppcsite their respective names. St. Paul Cement Works, Eat. #2, 3,111.52 UN '7 �0 Adopt -:l L the Co -, -Cil ...................................1914. 'i F �.�.s { �� ) Cou i lme-1 (- ) flays Far "worth Gos a App v d :._._._..._._ .._._..1914.] ri zto ..:dayor. Mr. President, Po:bers 468 an Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. _ AUDITED CLAIMS _ RESOLUTION =FORM _+ Council FiMN012:, .q. _._..._._._._._......_._._.. Audited ........- .._._._...._...._.....�2 '. ........ 1914. . -([[ Tx By ........ ............ ._.._. City Comptrolle�lr Per....._...._._._._......._..:._--..._._._._..... Deputy. Resolved, that check- be drawn upon the Department of Finance, AM pavable out of the .......... "12 FUND",................... ....... ..... ..........................._.. _....... in favor of the following named persons, firms or corporations, for the amount yet opposite their respective names: Tanner Bros., Eat. #1 constructing bridge �3 at Phalen Park, $1,440.00 Adopt—! 1.y t,e C., —:ci l ........_._...._....._.._.. Co .c11in�°n Pa nswortn Go s i, rg Mr, President, P avers i? !9,a JHN ............ _ ..1914. Nay", d ..x.........._.....1914. 469 Council File No....___._..___.._.._-- Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and A , PRELIMINARY ORD The nmdersigued hereby proposes the making of the owing puUl e i'uprovetaren the City of St. patll, viz.: a..hange.__of..grade..._on„_Roy.._St_..._... tween._.sne_as..._s....n..a.......................___............._.._.. .St.. Anthony _Ave. in _aanordancs _mith..pe.tit.i.on_...ewith.._at.tached,................ . _. _...._.................................. _. __.....__......_....__....._....._ .._..................... ...... ..... Dated this.. __.day of.__.. ...___June ---.2..._.. __.._....19 ...4. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VIIEREA' , A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..._change ._of. . . grud.e...._0'A_ ROY ...S.t..._..betwe—an.-Shielda.._St.......and._.S.t.....Anthoi�g_.Are..........:..._.. _.............__. ;'. No. 469— .-or dhereas, A Written ProPosa4r the _.._... ...._........... ..... .. . .king of the follotving lmPrbyemenC. Chanee of grade on -dray Stl. ..ween Shield, St. and St. Anthony having been Presented to the .,, �1 of the City of St. Passl t ere- �; th., rotnmieslonar _._.... ............_. _ __...... laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councihmun_...._... .. ... ........ .... ... .: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To 1'mrmish the yellowing other data and information relative to said improvenaeat 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.. _........._. 91 Yeas: Nays: r, Conucilman F9 swortlr GJ ss'' Approved 191 llei• / 5 )< llci; 0 Leary Yerg . ...... Mayor P vers �� Mayor I o. Clausen City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. ......... Department _--.__.. Bureau of ....._rr.Q��t � �0 - .ALe-Mir . ...... __._.__...._.._._.._.......... ..._�......... ............. Council File No. ------------- •-•-•-••••••• /tePr-=-=e`nt"sd ....... 1914. By .._ .........._._._...._......_._. _ __.-._._._._-_._............................ __.. b Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to relaythealley crossing on the ti. west side of Lawton St. between Summit Ave. and Grand Ave., the cost thereof -to be payable from the Crosswalk Fund Adopted by the Council ;�A ----------- - Yeas ( ) Coun 1, lmen ( ) Hays c. e lv azo at rl. o mi s— Far aworth Resolved. Thnt the he Is heroner er thoric ona meat�,nieted Is here, ine thoO a n the went side of Luw- Go ton St1tn""S'a Summit Ave. and v lr able" from the° Cr.ssw°Ik oFund.e puY- Me oil 1IIopted by the Council Juno 27., 191x. d June 30. 1910 Approved (July 4-1914) Yo rg — p � �_• _ . 0' :rr" A pro 914 Mayor ^ Mr. President,P ars r 4'71 EDWII G, PERRY, Cit. �4�CtL. a,�" ` June. 2PtI:,1C14 ';l,at tl,e Council hereby acrrovee of t: s:.roIntn.ent of L:r. Fred 1;u4eb; ..,-r �F Cnrerirten3ent of P rt e, ut ec ary of lCrT.CC a year, \ 1 t Adopted by tb lsswners...' UN . ' 7.1. , 4.......191 Y Fns N AYS, MR. FARN ORTH GOS KEL ER Me LL O' ARY Y ERG NAYS 0 MR. C AIRMAN (POWERS) a C. P. No. 471— Reaolved, Thnt the Council hereby pprovea [ the npPOlntment o[ Mr.. Fred ' a a eau r as f $400 .00 dent or Adoptat da by la the �rCounc0.00Junyear. 27, 1914. Approved dune 20, 1914. ..,; ,(July 1914) ', '-AmO 0 10,01k 4tork� '6tIl EDWIN G PERRY.P.11- June Kt ,1514 To the Council, City of Ftjaul,:a;Anesota. 3entlemen: I beg to advise you Out 1 hhve w1cinted Yr, Fred Yusebbumer U the 1crition of Curerintandert of My PSAB at a Wary Of "4C,rr'.^r per year, tegilning t;e let Ah- of June 1214, ana reebectfilly ask that yo" ellrovs A thip vF;Antment, Aurn very truly, commi-Acner "P,F1vy:rcunA and PAIM Wage L R! ­0NAAD C Cr_j: r11, -.1T,r June 26,h,1514 C--�:T.t'-r, That tt.e Council herr—cy a -i roves of the ant o; '"r. 7aueler, as City Prchitect, at a clary o1 .N (�(��.11. C, year,.. Adopted by the Cunmiis5tmt¢ . 10...4........191 YEAS N AYS, MR. FAR SWORTH GOS KE ER Me OLL Or ARY Y RG _ a NAYS 0 MR. C AIRMAN (POWERS) q C. F. No. 472— Resolved. That the Coun Dll hereby PPr I .f the appointment of Fir. Chne. A. Haueler. as City Archltect, at a salary of $4000.00 a year. Adopted by ,the COun0i1 June 27. 1914. APpraved J(JP1y34-1914. ` #);Vla Minn. 'Tie 20th,1914 Tn the Honorulle Council, City of ct.paul,yinnizata; M Gentlemen: I Log to a4vise you that 1 have u -jointed Or. FWF. A. Hausler to the ucpitlon of City Architect at a salary Of 14COC.Ce a year, bwERAnE the 13th -7 of june,1914, bYQ Y=kju,AuIlY W tiat you alprove of this a;rcintment. 11y, covirsicner cf P PaKrounds and --)hlic Foncerr err Adapted by the Cpptmiosiertits: "'...s1U,P1..% :J9.!.�......191 YF'.AS NAYS, MR. FA NSWORTH GO S KEL ER MCC LL OTE RY YOE G NAYS 0 MR. CHA MAN (POWERS) 473 k 73k Board F. No.____ Assembly F. No. - B 8esolued.-Tbat . WHEREAS, A requisition has been made by the Commissioner of Public Works upon the Purchasing Department of the City of St.. Paul for two care of lime -stone dust, the cost of which is estimated at Two Hundred Seventy Dollars; and whereas, it appears that the General Contract'_ng Company, of Minneapolis, is the only concern that handles the said product, and the only concern that can`fill said order and make a reasonably prompt delivery, and there being an emergency which demands prompt action and speedy delivery if possible of said goods; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent, with the written consent of the Comptroller and Mayor of said City, be and, he is hereby authorized to purchase two oars of lime -stone duet without advertise- ment and competetive bids therefor.. The foregoing purchase is hereby consented to. Adopted by the Board of Ald Y EAS ALO. BAUMEISTER CORNING EDeVARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. MURNANE, E. OBERC S'I'IEGER TROY NAYS O At R. PRESIDENT Mayor Comptrolle No. 473—By M. N. Goes— er eas, A requisition has been by the Commtsel.— of Publtc Adopted h the Assembl upon the Purchasing Depart- P y Y `e r the city oP St. Paul for two �f lute -atone duet, the coat of .n It Mn Hundred NAYS NAYS O MR. PRrSIDENT (KELLER) Approve _Alayor. T MR. HAAS BANE - MAHLE ., l/ MICHAUV POWERS SANBORN YOERG NAYS O MR. PRrSIDENT (KELLER) Approve _Alayor. T r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subject' : ......... ............................................... >................................................. ................ ........................... _ ........ ............................ COUNCIL FILE NO......:../.-.. ........ DatePresented .......... ........................................191............ 11HEREAS'Th e Chicago C ®noting Company has failed to deliver th6 paving blocks re required to be furnished mier its contract, dated March 5th,1914, for the paving of University avenue from the`Weaterly line of Syndicate Avenue to the westerly city limits, and is now in default for at least twenty thousand square yards of cre%ted blocks; therefore, be it �Resolved,That the Purchasing Agentof the City of St. Paul purchase in the open market, twenty thousand (20,000) square yards of 31 -inch creosoted blocks„in accordance with specificat- ions, for the caving of University avenue, said blocks to be delivered to the Commissioner o lie Works •and the purchase price thereBS to be payable out of the special assess- ment fund for a paving of said University avenue between the p-)ints aforesaid; the additional coat thereof, if any, tube deducted from any moneys due or to_become due under said contract, to the said Chicago Creosoting Company, and if there im no money due or to became 'due, to be collected from said'Compsny or the surety on its bond. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent, be and he is hereby authorized, from time to time and as often as he shell be notified by the Commissioner of Public Works that the Chicago Creosoting Company is ihi default in the above contract or in any other contract for the supply of paving material to ,the City, to go into open market, and to purchase said paving material , the cost thereof to be payable out of the appropriate special assessment fund, and deliver said blocks to the Commissioner of Public Works, the additional cost, if any, over the contract price or prices to be chargeable and collectible as afore- said.- --/' r-- J - A Yeas ( V) Con cilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council__ —191 Far worth Gos In favor Kell r APP a 191— O L ary --- _Against Yoe g �- Mr. President, Po era FUBLISf Mnroa CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:........................................_.......................: _...................... v couaea No... PILE...... ........... ................. DatePresented..................................................191............ 11iBF';AS,The Chicago Creosoting Company hes failed to deliver, the paving blocks re required to be furnished under its contract, dated March 5th,1914, for the paving of University avenue from the Wosterlq line of Syndicate Avenue to the westerly city limits. and is now in default for at least twenty thousand equare yards of creosoted blocks; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent of the City of Si. Paul purchase in the open market, twenty thousand (20,000) square yards of 3'kz-inch creosoted blocks in accordance with specificat- ions, for the caving of University avenue, said blocks to be delivered to the Commissioner of Public Works, and the purchase price thereft to be payable out of the special assess- ment fund for the paving of said University avenue between the pointe aforesaid; the additional cost thereof, if any, tobe deducted from any mbnggs dyle or to become due under said contract, tolbhe said Chicago Creosoting Company. and if there is no money due or to became due, to be collected from said Company or the surety on its bond. RESOLVED FURTHEk, That the Purchasing Agent, be and he is hereby authorised, from time to time and as often as he shall be notified by the Commissioner of Public storks that the Chicago Croosoting Company,ia it, default in the above contract or in any other contract for the supply of paving material to the City, to go into open market. and to purchase said paving material , the cost thereof to be payable out of the appropriate- special assessment fund, and deliver said blocks to the Commissioner of Public works, .he additionR cost, if any, over the contract price or pri be chargeable and collectible as afore- said. Yeaa ( V ) Councilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council------. ---- —191— Farnsworth ouncil—______—_191— Farnsworth Goss --_In Favor Approved 191— Keller McColl Against O'Leary YOerg _..- ._._.._--.—__—MAYOR --_ Mr. President, Powers ,,y Board F. No._ - __-_. - Assembly F. No. By --- Reselvedr That- WHEREAS, The Chicago Creosoting Company has failed to deliver the paving blocks required to be furnished under its contract, dated March 5th, 1914, for the paving of University avenue from the wester- ly line of Syndicate avenue to the westerly city limits, and is now in default for at least twenty thousand square yards of creosoted, blocks; therefore, be its, �f ✓�C�,t �oolt+ RESOLVED, Thi he ''oma t kl-ty of St. Paul_pur- chase.in the ope2 mar a ' wen y ousand (20,000) square yards of 3 --inch creosoted blocks,in accordance with specifications, for the paving of University avenue, said blocks to be delivered to the Com- missioner of Public Yorks, and the purchase price thereof to be pay- able out of the special assessment fund for the paving of said Univer- sity avenue between the points aforesaid; the additional cost thereof, if any, to be deducted from any moneys due or to become due under said contract, to the said Chicago Creosoting Company, and if there is no money due or to become due, to be collected from said Company or the surety on its bond. REP FUF3_, That the Eu ty `an is hereby autirQT �i'P`iiBP *Re to time and as often as he shall be notified by the Commissioner of Public Yorks that the Chicago Creosoting Company is in default in the above contract or in any other contract for the supply of paving material to the City, to go into the open market, and to,purchase said paving material, the cost thereof to be payable out of the appropriate special assessment fund, and deliver said blocks to the Commissioner of Public Works, the additional cost, if any, over the contract price or prices to be chargeable and colledtible as afore- said. a -- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: No. ,vs _ I e The Chic so Creosc _ ed by the Assembly s. n ---- - - 9y has failed 10 deliver the ".locks required to be turn •- Its ontract. dated March tthear of ilinesrft mwesterly : enue to the esterly. city NAYS YEAS nw i• dofault for a' ' Yardsl- ALD. BAUM CORN .e 'rtu' EDWA.191 HYLA AdopCommissioners ted by the .......................... X. MONT .URNNAYB, YEA$ MORN• ' RYAN MR. FARNSWORTH _ STIECE111. GOSS TROY V KELLER 191 NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT — 4layor. MDCOLL O'LEARY YOERG NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) ' 474 Board F. No. Assembly F. -Resolved; 44mt- WHEREAS, The Chicago Creosoting Company has failed to deliver the paving blocks required to be furnished under its contract, dated March 5th, 1914, for the paving of University avenue from the wester- ly line of Syndicate avenue to the westerly city limits, and is now in default for at least twenty thousand square yards of creosoted blocks; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Paul purchase in the open market tw ntyz tQ n 0 ,U0) square yards of 31 -inch creosoted bloc b or fie �ia`�13 °"�versity avenue, said blocks to be delivered �to the Comm sio he * of Public Works, and the purchase price thereof to be special assessment fund for the pavi of -said vers�,tyave ruleStween athe pointe-, a�0 e e ai «�d.t. �. C �G-r-w�C ' E�Gt��crS�J CYI^*"S^' OL�', erh&t the�urchasing` `A�g'�n°i'be and he is hereby uthorized from time to time and ae often as he sha11 be notified ay the Commissioner of Public Works that the Chicago Creosoting Com- bother contract pany is in default in the above contract or in aAgy for the supply of paving material to the City, to go into the open markeNand u� chase said paving material �a }-s-he cost there- of to apo .hate special assessment, fund, and deliver pse bloc to the Commissioner of Public Works, CLt, e /_ . G" Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: -'— ---191= YEAR ALO. BAUMEISTER CORNING EO WARDS -LAND MONTGOMERY MORNANE' f:. MURNANE,�. ORERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) A ppro red _ Adopted by the Assembly MR. HAAS RARE MAHLE MICNAUD PO\VERS SANBORN WARE YOERG MR. PRrSIDENT (KELLE.R) NAYS 91 --- -Mayor. / Adopted by the Conmrtssieners—............ ...1911 YEAS y NAYS, MR. FAA RNS WORTH V BR MCCOLL O'LEARY YOERG % NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMArR (POWERS) frA Adopted by the Commissioners .......................191 YEAS N AYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS V KELLER MCCOLL O'LEARY d V YOERG v NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) 4"7.5 Sareas, The Common Council by final order has heretofore ordered the Paving of Testmineter street between Case street and York street _armed „or street between "ertvir=t=r ctr t t and _ieris"Pyi "To", with Erick and rFF; The said ntr et is ccoupled by the liner of Tvilwa; of tLe ` t, P,ul City Pailway : c^" any, and it is the duty of eaid ywany ural=r the terms and yrcvI0Cns of Cruinanee r= to Pave FaitL the same material :a'.'. `hose carts of aa.id street as "lie between the raffle of each tvack and between the lines of double tracks and for a space FFcto Peet outsidethe tracks; therefore, be it CLvFD, ^hat the :'t .Paul City Puilway Company _s her Ly notified and directed by the Council Of the MY Of Ft -Paul to begin tLe "or: of paving the portion of the street aforesaid, whia, it is unaer ebligK ion to pave, upon being notified so to do b., the Co::.r:issiener cf Putlic "-orks; and be it FWV71 ,.'; FP OT FD, :_at, in case said t. it FailwuY 700yany shall refuse or neglect to lay and construct ouch "aving as e _`crenaid, after being notified b; 04 Commissioner of Putlie ':crke, then the save shall to done by tLe said ^ommissiener of public works, and Lie expense of woins said Paving nhall be assessed aEnir,st said Company, and such amount se assessed shall be chargeable to and coilected from said Ct.Paul City Failway Company, M t,T,i•.r F7FTHFP, That the City CAN serve this resolution upon abid Ot,Paul City Failway Company immediately upon its paprage, approval and pub'icaticn, Adopted by the Council _ ,, 476—By S. A FaresW prth— i14 "ae, The Common CoynIt'by ;';aye• Yeas der hes herete,ere ordered [t Councilman Far Rworth � of Westminster street between rest and York street add York- l� UO 6 nAdn Westminster treat and ,.ppl street itb;..brick And "e ler s. The said street Is oupled Ines of Railway of the St. Past. �.,.0 O11 Hiway Company, and ft. Is said. Company under the to ., 1 �"iefone of Ordinance No. 7 eary a with the same materia. its of said street he ails oP e.eh— .ay0r POl r9 "AUSPedouble trs,� �`vaoef�P rtwo Peet, eL•' Mayor ' . Y•.'1 T]TTOT TCTSCTI / - J Adopted by the � I.. YEAS NAYS, MR. F NSWORTH GO SS KE LER MX OLL Ol EARY YERG NAYS 0 MR. C AIRMAN (POWERS) 4Z1,6 Board F. No.---__ Assembly F. No.----- Bye, o._B `- WSEREAS, The Common Council by Final Order has 'heretofore order.- ad rdered the patting Of *treet between R*re.S..9vehate. . s and street, with �: Jaay.!e%Jrel�a�a: pine Creosoted rtroocd 6/ock5, aad� WHEREAS, The said street is occupied by the lines of railway of the St. Paul City Railway Company, and it is the duty of said doipany, under the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 1387 to pave with the same material all those parts Of said street as lie between the rails of each track and between the lines of double tracks and fora space of two feet outside the tracke} therefore be it RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby noti- fied and directed by the 0oun011 Of the City of at. Paul to begin the work -of pa' ng the portion Of the street aforesaid, which it--is-under obligatli�n't,,pave, upon being notified so to do by the 0ammissiorier of Public Wor ' '; and be it PIDRTFng RESCUE A,, That in case said St. Paul City Railway Com- pany shall refuse or neglect to Jay and construct such paving as ai'Oresald., after being notified by the Commissioner of Public, Works, then the same shall be done by the said Commissioner of Public Works, and the expense of doing said paving shall be assessed against said �Qompanjo and such amount so assessed shall be chargeable to and col- leci ®d from said St. Pau.' City Railway Company. RESOLVED POTHER That the City Clerk serve this resolution upon said St.. Paul City Railway ComPanV-ImM6d4&*Sly upon .its paseage, apps° - al and publication. - 1 _ C. F. No. 476—Hy 5. A Fnrnawortn—i Whereas. The Common Council by Ado,ted b the Board of Aldermen: Final rer has heretofore ordered tt Adopted by the Assembly 1 Y 1�3ates aving of Hast Ing" Avenue betty, avenue and th- easterly lir• earl street, with li r lent 1.� ---191--- ... .N, 1'1.. ... NAYS YEAS NAYS YEAS MR. -AS ALD. BAUMEISTER KANE. CORNING EDWARDS MADLE IIYLANO MICHAUD MONTGOMERY POW ERS NIORNANE, E. J SAN BORN MURNANE, F. �. --.- WARE OBERG >G YOERG RYAN ' NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) STIEGER TROY Approved _ _ _-- 191 NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCULL) ayor. ,�/r!—• usX Adopted by t iiscw+urs•a-.—AIR. YEAS - NAYS, - MR. FARN ORTH GOSS KELLE M.COL O'LEA Y YOER NAYS 0 MR. CHAI MAN (POWERS) Board F. No._ - - ---- 0� AS, The Comore Council by Final Assembly F. No. - 0 � o. 47'7 Order has heretofore Q9rder- ect the paving of street between 4Y.E4K►:r��f,t.... street and . cas.te S........ �atreet, With .. b!/ck.. .... . and rdLfi, The said street Is *coupled by She lines of railway Of the at. Paul City Railway Compan� a and it to the duty of said C+�I�►Y, nam+under te►atdrithe the w a hopeip %8 of saidordatrootan lie nance �e.7betwto een there► of each track and between ties ,llnSs of double txaaole and for a apace of two feet outaide the trackaaj therefore be it "WLR, Vhh+. the St. Paul City Ra.idway Company in hereby noti- fied ap4, directed by the Council of the City of 8t. Paul to begin the Womac Of PPV$ y tits portion of the otreot aforeva-ul, which it to under 011.01 -tonic Imle, Wton being notifiad, 00 to 40 by thi 0004""ner of 3b19or1Fs aid be it i3 V90e That in case said tit, ?VUl City Rftllwap (10m' parry shoil refuse or neglect to le,y *jut construot etwh paving as al csrea d, after being netifled by the Col=loaioner of Publio Works, thea the aoene asltt�]l baa �tcnss by t2;e "aid Corm,il�aeioaex of •Public 'corks, and that expertee of dalft, said paving nhall be assessed W109% said CovanYa aarA Duch .emamt cc avolmeed plttll ba chargeable to and cal - looted from maid 9t. Paul City Railway Goffipany, RMOLIM FtlEt9"MI That the City Qlerk sssrvO this resolUti'On uPOn said Ct. Paul Mty Re,IIN&y Company irtzmedlately upon Its paseagea apprar- al and publication. C. by F. No. 477—IIy S, A. Ftirneworth— Whereas• The Common Couneil he Adopted by the Board of Ald. ^ _ Final Order has heretofore ordered the .. - •yopted by the Assembly pay g of Case street between Ark - Wright treet nd Westminster street. with brlex d Whereas, The said street is occupied by the llnee of allwny of the St Paul v Ra Tway Company.nder [i t• 1t•••�h. NAYS YEAS jfI n 'opany, In der ALD. BAUMEI • CORNING EDWARDS .. •.. HYLAND MICHAUD MONTGOMERY POWERS • MURNANE, E. f. SANBORN MURNANE, F. "' WARE OBER. YOERG RYAN 7 /Y /•```�fff® NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) '?r TRorAPProt�ed --- ---- — 19 PAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) ` __ __, %p}'Or. I�LTSLISHED 6 I K. % 478 3 AN ORDIBANCE 32- Authorizing The St. Paul City Railway Company to pave certain streets in the City of St. Paul with granite blockS,-9W&WV@w*ed= THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.11AUL D04ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: see. 1. e The St.? ul City Railwa Company is hereby authoriz and permitted etween 0 Street..Isom- estmini er o V7est- minist reet om York Str e,-T-ia-case-,Sj�reet, and on C se to Arkwright Street, wi�t MIte- �reet from Westminister Street I sea. The St.paul City Railway company is hereby authorized and permitted to pave between its outer rails on Prior Avenue from university Avenue to Marshall Avenue, . on Plum Street from Maria Avenue to Hastings Avenue, and on Hastings Avenue from Plum Street to Earl Street, with granite. See. Wh —8 -aid Streets are SO pBvea is eh pavamamt-0-9,11—b` * satisfaction mated cO­idered full satisfac and per �ailway Company as to the paving of said above described streets. Sec. This ordinance shall be in effect and force from an,i after its passage and publication. C F, No. 479—Ordinange N.. 3235 Paul rdirance Th. St City Railway Carularl to tain streets in the CRY 0 St. Paul ,,,I, granite Illaka, 1_he= council of the CitY of St- Paul does ordain as f011-- SF:CTlON- I. Puu�i',tCrIle'd.." and P""I"'d to p bst—en ith,9utsr rails on avenue fpom, , tof njversft�' sin am J1 �In shall avenue . Plum .,ree .1 end to jings avenv e.t an Adopted by t an Haetinge avenue' from Plum s rest t; ith granite. to Earl stree w '0 ' i This o,,1in.;EC!htJ'Z h`� in eff-t dna —1 YEAj,or,.,,,rm and ,It"r Its Pa"'I'" ,,. tion Apoved July 16 WINN POWERS, Mayor. Attest: JOHN 1. FARJCYCIty Clerk. (lo, 19 1914) NVO, \,/O'LEARYP11SO0 YOERG NAYS 0 R. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) + e ' 478 i AN ORDINANCE 1 V .Authorizing The St. Paul City Railway Company to pave certain I streets in the City of St. Paul with granite blpeks'. THE P COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL D04ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1. The St -j? ul City Railwa Company is hereby o'nork authoriz and permitted etween _ --- — Stre,et-_from- ie estmini er o West- eet, and on Be minist reet om York Str et �o C'asea•S,t -r _ treet from westminister Street to Arkwright Street, ate. Seo. The St.Paul City Railway Company is hereby authorized and permitted to pave between its outer rails on Prior Avenue from University Avenue to 11arshall Avenue, on Plum Street fro ria Avenue to zT pgs Avenue, and on Hastings Avenue from Plum Street to treet, with granite. a a Bre $o. pa -sal sider'ed full satisfaction matum and perfo—`__..� rte.. ailway Company as to the paving of said above described streets. �-li9'YII ��... •Uu11V •1nn,I •3ti; .4 'ryi lil11 '41.� 01:1'Vil Sec. Th; n effect and force from dH '1 \',IC'1;111 Ae anc after its pass' paEB 3� UI a4� •,4t - o Irl� '"l i c7utalQ Pa41.i.ia., Ill a.. I,i .4'i.� .. �+s _ora Puv aPnw U Y Yl '1 i 14 �I: a47 j. po�i>31� slue to --d ell 1 ui -.+I9 Fgaa4 1 Il 4 � _ na ' ' -'4/7v '7 - E .. i • Adopted h9 theme• ........191 Y 6A5 ! MR. RNSWORTH MF "S^ KELLER eot t ��5 , f G%Vl �O•LEARYF �O t/ YOERG f NAYS 0 ; �IR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) i� i�jiy 479 AN ORDINANCE Authorizing The St. Paul City Railway Company to pave certain streets in the City of St. Paul with granite blocks $ -sW0EW@r*wd=cq- TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.11AUL DWORDAIN AS FOLLCITSj: 1. The St.P ul City Railwa Company is hereby authoriz and permitted etween 0 o' Street. from -B& a eStmini er 0 West- minist rest om Yo-rk"St'r et-T-o—aaeo-UXeet, and on C se treet from WeStminister Street to Arkwright Street, w-J4*r-e43fi6=te. Sec. The St.Paul City Railway Company is hereby / authorized atiermitted to pave between its outer rails on Prior Avenue -ftWMEMftiCt�Avenue to Marshall Avenue, on Plum 2n Hastings 4 I satisfaction streets. bed s force from --W THE SAINT PAUL CITY RAILWAY COMPANY SAINT PAUL,MINN. June 23, 1914. Hon. Y'inn Powers, mayor of St. Paul. Dear Mr. Powers: I enclose herewith copy of an ordinance which I should like to see passed, deter- mining the material which we shall use on the balance of our paving which may be reached this year. Under the old government similar ordinances were passed authorizing concrete or. Snelling Ave., and granite on University Ave. and on Dale Street. Please let me know if there is any objection to this, and if you will look out for it. HL -M Yours very truly, .Li '7 Vice President. k r rp�xr�it;int aE a� CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. H. OWN E I LL JJOHN P.rKYLEys I�� OHN P BURNS 49th 1924. WILLIAM J.GIBE KIN June , THOS. W. MCMEEKIN To the CouAoil. Gentlemen: - The ordinance submitted by the St. Paul C1t7Railway Company,, and herewith returned, authorizing said Company to pave between its tracks with granite blocks, and on others with concrete, is in my opin- ion objectionable in form. If the Council is willing to give the per- mission as to the kind of pavement desired to be used by the Street Railway Convany, such permission can be given without the use of Section 3 of the proposed ordinance. This last mentioned section 1s misleading, as the Company has not performed its full duty in reference to the pav- ing when it paves between its outer rails, as it is not only required to do thie, but must pave between its rails and between its double t1'aas, and for two feet outside the outer rails. If the paving material suggested by the Street Railway CoMPany for the streets in question is satisfactory to your Honorable Body, I recommend that the ordinance be redrafted and Section 3 omitted. Yours'tpay�„4 _ 6orposatioa Attorney. _V ,, . CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY cz.r,.RWS OFFICE June 29th,1914. Hon. 0. H..0%eill, Corporation Atty., City Deer Sir:— The CoLncil at their meeting of Juno 27th, referred the attached C F. No. 476, an ordinance authorizing the Street Railway Co. to pave certain street& with concrete to you for advice, se to Sect. 3. Yours truly, John I. Faricy, City Clerk L. Adopted by the Commis' iong� ,: .;a,_._ ;., ;# :''.::x......191 YEAS NAYS, MR. NAYS 0 MR. CHFIRMAN (POWERS) A/3�-�y� N� City of St. Paul r Council Resolution -General Form ��• Department of Accounting & Education Bureau of Public Schools -------------------- -1 --- Council File o. By Date Presnted 41t.- 27-1914 i Resolved, heft WHE +'AS the following officers of the city have requisitioned -the Purchasing Agentfor postage supplies as_ follows: For the Department of Education, Bureau of Public Schools, 8000 two cent stdmped envelopes No. 5, 200 two cent stamps, 100 one cent stamps, total $68.00. For the Accounting Department 2000 Post Cards, total $20.00. AND, WHEREAS, the Comptroller has certified that there is sufficient money in the Treasury of each of said departments to pay f r the purchas a price thereof; and, Whereas, said purchase cannoI be made from the United States except by cash, andif made through a printer or dealer will cost the city ten per cent more than if they would be purchased from iffe Government, therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized upon the consent of this resolution by the Mayor and by himself, to draw his warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for the aggregate amount of said supplies and to charge to each department its distributive portion thereof, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase said supplies for cash obtained from said warrant; the said supplies to be inspected by the City Comptroller and distributed to the various departments requisitioning the same, and their respective receipts obtained therefor. F. No. 479—Ry Anthony Yoerg _ — Resolved. That Rah erene the follow- iq officers of the c1tY have r".I- tlon ed th P h Ing A6 - t for For sup plies follows: Fo the Peva tm t 4 EH i'-all e t f Pu �" / " t t n r �t�yt..,�ry i9ia �% PUBLISHED_,7—�� ___2�z Council Bile No..._K'S'- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ The Undersigned hereby proposes the making of the Paul, viz..:~. grading _...J=. Q.....St......_frOm...Bd90= avaoxdanoe.wi,tb, P.ati.tiox>, heravrit r: Dated this.._ _ day of _ public improvemeu 't Xy tll(Oity of 'R. I r.r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: grading ... ... ................... _ _. _.............. _............ from-_.EdgQ.unb.a Roasi_t.4.__Hamline...Ase.._.. _...____....._. _..__. _.... -1. No. 480— herettyys, A written proposal for the '.king df the following Improvement, ...... ......... .-_.........._ ... . Grading Juno St. from Edge - be Road to Hamllns Ave,, hoeing �� presented to the Counetl of the of St. Paul therefore, be 1t '"' ---- - 'ed, That the Co of I. hereby morn - � Is hereby or- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. l anet Uy Councilman_.......__ ................ ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubf'ie'Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the ne,Oessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nakure, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. I. To furnish the following other data -and information relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._�U .. _. _...._. JUN 2.9 19. 1.4.........1!Il......_. Yells: Nays: - Councilmanjoe orth jA:LZ .._ ._.._._ } y ........_.........._............................._.......... Mayor Mayor. Board F. No.—_ �a _ Assembly F. By-- Resolved, y -Resolved, That the City Clerk- be and is hereby instructed to iaaue a. pa brokeris license to Ben Ruben, 141 E. 7th 'It., u; on payrf.ent into the City Treasury of the usual fee, and bond eta -,roved by the Corr -oration Attorney; the :;ar:.e b-e`_r.:c• z renerf_tl. !,o Adopted by the Commissioners........... • • .191 L� / 'YEAS NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH ' GOSS Adopted by the Board of . by the Assembly KELLER 5 -— 5 --- —-191-- YE- McCOLL t NAYS O'LEARY CORM EDwAYOERG y; t y :fit# t NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) MON'r� MURH. ' C li rsolved, Thal the City Cleric be and t ' its MURNi " is herby Instructed to Issue a p,.wn broker'. ense to Den 141 F. lic OBERO into 7[h St.. upon payment Into the CIt Of the al fee, and bond T e ury usu RVANI approved LY the Corporation Attorne Y' the snm being n new -al. $ �� F STIECE Adopted by the Council July B 1914. Approved Jul, B 7914. l4 + (duly 18-19141 TRoy{ .f -191- NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (WCOLL) aver. Board F. No.__� Assembly F. By e Resolved, That the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to isaue a pawnbroker's license to Ben Ruben, 141 E. 7th Ct„ u1;on kayrf.ent into the City Treasury of the 'usual fee, and bend aj;rroved by the Corroration Attorney; the �3wn.e ba' n_, a renew �l. Adopted by the Commissioners..... ... .........191 YEAS NAYS, MR FARNSWORTH kt, Adopted by the Board of . I by the Assembly TEAS x NAYS AL..9Ai1M: HYLAND "'"- MICHAUU MONTGOMERY • YOW ERS ML'RNANE, E. J. SANRURN M URNANE, E. WARE OUR. YOERG RYAN STIEGER NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (RELLER) TROY App'e --- — — -- - -- NATS U MR. PRESIDENT (AIC CULL) -- -- ----- - — - - - - - Mayor. Mr. Claussen City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of ....._..Piz]a]iA.kllttska._...---------------------------------------------- ............................. .... Bureau of .._C_Q.?3e.xu4.#4?l_a?��.Q�a_...._..._...._._...._.__.u. _._.----------- ,_..._._._._-..?_._._._..... 'Council File No. Date Presented �..�c.f s ...._._._._._._ ---------------- ...._._.._---------------------------- ._._._._.----------- Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered to repair and reconstruct the crosswalk on the west side of Avon St. between Grand Ave. and Zincoln Ave., the cost to a be paid £rora the Crosswalk Fund 1 11 Adopted by the Council b__._.-._._._._.-._....-------- _........ 1914. Yeas ( ) Counilmen ( ) Nays C. F. No. 482—ry hl. N. Goss— Far sworth Resnlyed. That the Commissioner of tubae works be d is hereby or- dered ...os to repair and m ere o strute Ik o - the west .of Avon Gos St., between Grand Ave. d Lincoln Ave., the cost to be paid from. the Cress— k Fund. Adopted by the Council June 30. 1914. e /`///• Approved July I, 1914. (July 4.1914) Yo E rg 0' Bary Ap� oved _ ._._ _. -------- 914. � 1 gel er Mayor Mr. President, Po rs City of 6t.PauP Council Resolution — General form. Departmentof ...Public lVorks.,_._...._....-•---.:.._._._._._._..._._...._._......._._...._._.__._._._._.---._._...._._.. Bureau of .... .._�o?:>��xl�ct_i_Oil...�s.�e.8.�.�5............. ....... .......... ._...........................__.. _.__._._.-.-•-- Council File No. - Date Presented .._..i73aXle_.a'Q-•-•-••1914. 4 - -------------------------------- ..._._._._._._.—_._._._._._._._.------------------- By.._...._......._._.... _-_._....... Resolved, that the cormissioner of Public. Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans and specifications and to advertise for and receive bids on same for 1 the construction, relaying and repairing o� sidewalks for the balance of the season of 1914. Adopted by the Council _......-----._._._........_-_._._.................. ......... _--- __. .1914. Yeas ( ) Counc lmen ( ) Nays Far worth C. F. No, 483—By M. N. Gose— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Worts be and he is hereby au- thor, Zed and directed to prepare plans and epeciflcxtione and to dvertieo for Goss and r celve bids one a for the c - rection, elnthe nen repairing theeuf sldewnihs for the balance e 0 of 1914. son Adopted by the Council June 30, 1914. Approved July 1, 1914. Yo er July 4-1914, 1_.`.._....._._...._ 14. 0 Le rq Approv .. _ gel1 r _.__.. Mayor Mr. President, Powe s -City of St.Paul 484 Council Resolution - General form.' Departmentof............................................................ Bureauof................ ....... _._............... ..... _......... CouncilcFile No. ........-- Date Presented .._._._._...._._...:.._...914, ........... ... _-_. _. _.... _-..... _. _................ _. _.... _. _. _.... _. _. _ . _.... _--.... _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _..... Resolved, that Board of Water Commmiseionerb be directed to lsy watetmr+ins an the following streets: Scudder Ave. from Clevelmd to Reymond, Cleveland from Buford to Dudley, 6th Street from Atlantic to English Jessie from Marylm:d to Brainerd, ,f.mmd Maryland from Dale to Langtry. as per request of the Board of Water Commrs. et their meeting held June 29,1914. ):?0,1-'4 1914. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farz swort c. F. No. 484— 84—Rea. R ...l v ed. That Board of Nater Com- mleeloners be direeted to lay water Gog mains on the following streets: Scudder Ave. from Clevelnnd to Ray- mond. Clevelnnd from Buford to Dudley. 91xth atreet from Atlantic to Eng- Ilah. / Searle from Brainerd. m Dale o Maryland from Dale to Langtry, Yo9 g as per request of the Board f Water Commiaaloners at their meeting held 0 L ary Tune 29, 1914. Adopted by the Couneli' June 20 1914. ' _ _ 914. Approved July 1. 1914. (July 4-1914) r Rel er .... Mayor Mr. President, Powers OFFICFS:26 EAST FIFTH STREET �yy 110^11 01_ER COMMISSIONERS OFFICERS LOUIS AT[ GARRETT O.HOUSE.61­l S-1 ­11.11.T CARL 1011CA ISAAC, LEE.. _. C 11A.A.. .ANS HI A.—N C.M.C"WMT"w­ HENRY H MILLER �-u n (,. .20, 1 4 - Tj the Honorable OGIrcil, cl'!y St. paul, Mnn. Gentleren;- The Eunrd of Ater nt p neet- ing held this tn, jrvrd A! r lnilovinZ r-rolwMin: WOL017A th-t "M N""' "thor" the l-y!nZ a' wqtPr 1-71 nn oc thr '11104-inC StXCe*E -no aVOWCS; 01,veinni from Bufurl to DUWY, . tj,, ct---ct 1roT,,, At1nn+'c to snjlish, jcuoie fror�' to and frojj. --nir t ; L!7nz_try-" Very truly yours, Se vret-ry - Council File No ...... ............ . i. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ! PRELIMINARY ORDE . ml.,...,. a.,..�:...,.,•1 h,.,•..n� ornuoses the Making of the Poll "I public i o, clauseen 4,S7 /..el&Is.t pty of St. e...,.of..._....... ..1 ....... 111..._ 4.1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WDERPAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, "i•..: ___..repaving_ ... Hestings. Ave. Yrorq aria _dye,,. to _thQ.._ea.Pt 1 ne. _Of_.A te.e_..Ave. _._ X8th6\ n'rl otten Proposal for the V,h impr ngfovement. " -"'-- - - e fIt tl �n8 Haslinga Ave. from Ave to the east nue of natee 111 1... ....�.. ~ming Ue ea Presented 1p the the City of St. Paul there- . _......aA ... ... . ^emmisa neer o[ 1111 _........ ...._... .. .. ._ 1111... 1111 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.......:._ ................... .......... _........_........._.._......_.........; therefoij�e, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi-rability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated co� of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish t�iv following other data and information relative to said improvement:__ - ..................... ..__.__......_._....._.._........_........... ..._..._........... ........._..... ...... .... .. .... ..... 1.1.11. _. _. ......1111.. . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the for.110/11191,11;1'ters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....U.:......191 Yens: Na V9: Councilman Fa •nworth Go Approved ! Ke er _. O' .aty \ Yoe•g _....................__.... MayorPo\ rs \Iaym. PUBLISIiLrD7__Z2_��z Council rile ,No....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'File undersigned hereby lwoposes the making of the following > c inilm Paul, viz.: Paving._of, of Fairfi,Ald A.y.e.., (an . ............. e r.14-1 Al rlc . . ....... - .............. Ohio St and river Road) froo uLb ,;:ith petition hereto att 'led. .......... wo I)ated thiS, -Oth do of June, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal fortfie making of the following improvement, viz.: FaY'.ng of Fairfield Ave. _le cling t. -o Ohio., St ............ qT�qrjA;street . I --- . - ...— , . River Road' froi,i Vabasha St. to Bell St. 4 ' 6— ,. A --Itt— P—oo.al f - J tho foll—mi, 11,p,ov o, fF.h-amt A—. 11 n to of St. I f, -,m A1"11—ha St, to Boil ........... o-�­ led to th Pool th- having been presentl to the Council 01 al by Coulicillial therefore, be it -- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said inilwovenient. 4. To furnish Ole following other data and information relative to said imin-ovellient: .... . ............................................... ........... ......... ............. . . .... 10, 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon All of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CouneU.... L"11 1.0 '2A Yeas: Nays: Councilman N unisworth G ss Al)proved el - 01 eary Y rg ........ . . .... - P Alayor Po ers Alayol. Council Filo._...._. _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pub] Paul, viz.: 14oadar4ze Isabel Street from H in a.ccox.cianc_e rri,t.1.peti.t.i.an..kz.e o....a.t.ta.cl Dated this... _3Cth____dfly June, e improvement by the City of St. Avenue to Bello St., ..................... . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_____._.__._._...__..__ ., i.facadan.iz np: Ieauel Street fion, Tall Avenue to ,Bellowe+ St. moo. asr .en Itlen e,er.,nl for ment. he hnti of thr (ollowint lmrro. _ ... _...... .._..... .. ..... .. JrncadnmlzlnR IsnheI street from 7-111 to gel lows S[, h rin,T . ... ..... nrrse,' lyd to the Cnuneil f the .... _.. ...... .. __.._ ............ _ .... - - - f Gt. P—I therefore, he It ;rhnt th Commisvloner of t� na he Is hereby or _. _...._. _.. —sity 4r; . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couutiln ad!;;W ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. F Adopted by the Council........_..._ 44%i.... _l:' ._.......1!11.,..._.. Yeas: Nuys: Councilman F rnsworth Go is Approved_._. .___.._ _.__.....___ ...._.. 6K, ler D' eary Y rg { �. rlaym• Polvets / Mayor. PUBUSHEIT� I, Z 488 CollncilFile No.. 4 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �► PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' g 1)ublic improvement by the City of St. Pani, vi•..: ..._.Grading._ o%.._Lydia .._S:to__b_e.ty ge .........e.n..t.c ...._S..t..._.'. 4..c�....i'.z'i.9.. `". �Y..e......>.....a.n............ accordance with pet tier, he .toattche..d ..�....__. ........................ a......... _. Dated this- 30th dayX. . __.._da Jurie _ .. .. ..... _...191...__` ._._... .. , ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of Phe following imlprovenleut, vir.:___GxaCii_n _cf..._Lydia St,_..hetvreer Cental' .st- and.._pXioa 88 ens. :\ �vrllten pmposh 7 nP the following im Prov m t ('rnainF of Lydia . _, .. _..... ._......... ..... _........ _....._ Ft h t en ----- Sl and Prior Ave., havinR been i ted to ale Council oC the City of __,..,. .. ,,.... ..... .. ... h> It... ..� ...... J' having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Golu)mhuas > therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the snaking of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. #. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: /i 5. To state whether or not said improvelueut is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregniug platters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_....... _.._.._. ;;il._,'.;.[.r__t-4 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth / Go Approved Kel er 0 O' ary Yoe g ...._.....__._...._............ ............ ......._...._...... JAlayor Poi j rs Mayor. pMLISITED it-;" Council File No...,. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELnAIkARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pill)] Pani viz.: orts ruction of se-wer on Lydia Prior Ave., in accordance with etit.ion_, ...._._............ __...........__. Dated this _ 30th _day of__ June, 489, improvement by the City „of St. nveen Center and 4. `- / / / .., / Councilman. PRELINIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__ .. ....._... _Constructionof sewer ,on L.y..dis.. St_. be.tyreen C.enel, St,., end__ P V 489 Prior__live, __.. It net h..•rill n n nlfoq the nkinR of the following: Improvement. ''-- �z: f•nn'wtru et ton of ae nd rI Lydia 1. In I,, ri Center St, nod Prior Ace. ting been pros ro.1 to the C. nr._.,._,. .. ........ __..... _.... ....._. ._... .. ... _...._. the Cad. of at he therefore, hr' =.01 1 That the Cntntn 7 valent I be and he is hereh: .•tom' - ................ .... /. > having been presented to the Council of the City of St. and by Councilman__.__ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and informationrelative to said ......_...__... ............__ . .... ....... . ........_. ........ .. ._....__ .......... _. _._._.._........__... ..__._.._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I\ Adopted by the Council & J• N =...... 191..._.... Yeas: Nays: ]Councilman Fa nsworth �J / Go a Approved._.d.j....� ...._....._.._.__..1911 / e ler M 0' easy YcrB ......................._.... Mayor Po vers SxE� Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL,/ „t...• n DPPART11,,'1JT U1' FYI.CORDS-CITY CLERK, PAY FSOLL RESOLUTION. f Original. CouncilFile No. ...-..._-....... ........... .... ..... ...................... . Audited 1914. .......... ............ .....lc... -...._._.., City Comptrol er. Resolved, that a warrant he drawn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the ..... _............ "B0-kRD-QF.-PIIBI,IO...WORI -.i.w..............._...._._.................... in favor of S. A. F-Lrnsvaorth, Ccmmissioner of Finance, for-fthe sum of....................................................._._._....................... Dollars ($ 8.02 ) -o pay the persons named in the pay roll of said .................... _--- ....... _.... _........................... -. _.......... _.--_........_......._......._...._....... . _. ... in la3�merrt of salary and compensation ........................................ of said persons fcr their respective services rendered during the . manth-.af._june-,......._................_._...-......... _....... 1914. Adopted'b� the Coors 1 Yeas ( ) Co incilmen Fa nsworth Go3s �... M. 1 Yo rg 0'eary Ke ler Mr. President, Powers - 4 •, c ..1914. ( ) Nays Appr .d �..v._._..._....._.....1914. ayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL,; 4911. ;,yuvab^ DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. aY Original. CouncilFile No. ................. ..... ....... ..... ................ .............. Audi tede... .. .._ 1914. City Comptroller. Resolved' that a .%,arrant be dra,r,n upon the Department of Finance, PUNT- .FNERAi FUND" ........_...._.........._.. payable out of the...........S.TIPP�A�.�..............�.:..._......--•--..-„_........ in favor of S. A. F.,.rr.ssrorth, Commissicner of Finance, for the sum ..............._.............................._._._.,................-.-_.. Dollars (� 459.83 ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said _..........._..._.............................................. .....-- - -•- ----. ----•-...... ^.nt ....... «.. iof s=clary and- compensation ....................... n raym .. _ of said persons f:.r'.heir re.sE:ec': ve ser -ices rendered during e =n th..nf.. ,T. line, ....................................................... 1914- 114 Adopted by the Cotrrci.l...._......... ......... ... ................ ......... L......./.. ... ..........................1914. Yeas ( ) Co ncilmen ( ) Nays Fa „worth G' Go Yoeg 0'L ary Apn ved .%..._...._... ... - ..1914. Kel er Mr. President, Pow rs _. _. _ . .. mayor. --_-� ' nzrY OF ac. PAUL '�H� . � � zEeAnrum�� OF aoonRoa-ozrx c7�nX, Px, nocL nEaoLorzVm.- ocioinal.'~~~~~~~~~�~�~--~~-~~~-�~~~�~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~�~~~-�~~~�~ ~~---- - CouncilFile Fo............ _................. .................. �y��. ��u��eu '�^^_-----~-- __ or---'------'-----~--'^^^— --- , City oomo�,vun,, therrant be jrawr upon Department of riueuvn Resolved, '--' - �� in favor of S. A. F:trn­.v-)rth, cormr.issioner of Finance, for the sum in rnfflent Of �-_ajary an of said persons t'c:r ,heir r�,._;_ectiv.a rendered durirg the ' � � «uon:"« by the ov"^o/z Yeas ( / » *n ` Farn worth ..~~ `~ -' Yoer 'Le ry Kell r .Ur. President, POINT ^'n '�: I �: 1 4 . .������..Nays CITY OF ST. PAUL, DE:'ARTI%I IidT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File File No. ..... ._...................._..................._......,.......... /. Audited ... 1914. �� < <� .............._...... - - .. City Comptrol er. Resolved, that a warrant be dc,rwn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the ..,.".EI1rCTLON..MnNSE--.ACCOUNT...GFNE 2AL...121=ff-.. .................. in favor of S. A. F+rnFwort'n, Ccmmissioner of Finance, for the sum ........ ....... ............ ...... ......... ............ ................... ......... Dollars la s ($ 227.50 ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ............. .......................................... _.......... _.... ......_..........--._...._._......._........... _............................... in Payment of salary and compensation of said persons for -,heir respective sesrvices rendered during the ..................._..................._..... 1914. Adopted by the Coivnci ............... Yeas ( ) Cou Leilmen Far sworth Gos Yoe g 0'Lary Kel er Mr. President, Pow rs ,, ................ ......................1Jj .�xA:—,:.:....................... - ...1914 . ) Nays Appr v d .................��---.�� //.,,........1914. c!..lNaay o r . � CITY OF ST. PAUL, I `° DEiA$TMEIiT G R�sCORUS--CITY CLS -HK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. " Original., CouncilFile No. .-..._._.... ..... ............................. I........... Audited �. .. 1914. ................................... ..)).. $y .............. _................ .._..................... City Comptro.11e.r. . Resolved, that a warrant be dra,.rrn upon the Department of Finance, payable out .Vf the ......... .... :................. ....... ........................... _................ _.. in favor of S. A. Farnsworth Commissioner of Finance, for.thesum6188 ) of ... ................... _......._..............................._.......-.......... -- Dollars ($5 to pay the pereo,^.s named in the pay roll of said ................... ......................._................................................................pa_.................... ., ........ ...._.....'in payment of salary and compensation of said persons fDr their resj,ective services rendered during the .month.. o....._.e........._......._................................... 1914. AdoptAd by the CPUI c i ............ Yeas ( ) Coui icilmen Fari isivorth Goa Yoe g 0'L ary Kelter Mr. President, Pow rs ti -o !9',4 1914. ._...........-................................. ............. ( ) Nays Appr d _.. _._..1914. -�dOiayor. CITY OF ST'. PAUL, 495 - DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL -RESOLUTION. Original. CouncilFile No._......_._..............._...._._...._._._._..............-.. Audited ........_._._......._._......_..: - .�.- - ...._. ... 1914. ijlcc By City Comptroller. U A Resolved, that a ,,.,arrant be drawn 'u on the De_partmen` f F6jnce, w pIrCION ACCOUNT-GENEtA� FUND .............. payable out of the..........�S�.IS?.G..ds:..��5.........._......................... . in favor of S. A. Farn`aa,orth, Commissioner of rFinance, for the sum .......................................__............__._...I..._........... Dollars (8b 718.32 ) to pay the persons named in the ply roll of said .........-............... ................. .... ......... ................... _._....--............. in raym•:nt of salary and compensation of said perscr.s fc,r -he'c' resi:ective eer ices rendered during the = gM t k1... A. f....,j Lttle... _.... _.... _........ .. _ .......... ......... 1914. Adoptad by the Co'.;rcil :.............. Yeas( ) o Zcilmen Col Far s;rorth / C Gos Yoe g 0'L ary Kell r Mr.'President, Powe s I 9 1 14. ( ) Nays Ap ved ............. .... __..1914. `........ ... ..... -..... yor. 496 CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTME14T OF RECORDS -CITY CI.A?.?, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. CouncilFile No. ............ ................................... _._......_..._.. Audited................0. -.. 1914. . 1 .............. .. - t* r -City 9emptrol r. - Resolved, that a varrant be dra;on upon the Department of Finance, in favo out of the ............. _........... DT ...Z'U�Al-...._.................................... in favor of S. A. Commie_sioner of Finance, for the sum ...... _....... ..._......----... Dollars (`� 1,006.67 to pay the per=ons )]arr.cd in the pay roll of said .................. ............ .......................:. ........ ........................................ _.......... . ......... i.n ;,:+;'r:'rt of, �alary ani compensation .................. s,.raices rendered dur;r.g the of paid raise^e £_,� their �•<,�[ecti✓e ?!1.QII ekl_.Q_.,T11T18,................................. ............ 1914. (1 Alopt•-d by the Co roil ........................ Yeas ( ) CO cilmFn Far s -north. Gos M Yoe 6 O'L.ary Kel er Mr. President, Pow irs r 1914. ..-........... ) ............................ Nays Appro e...._..... _..1914. . --- • .......-.... yor. CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTLIE17'11 OF RECORDS -CITY CLE?Z PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File By ...................... ..... No. ............... - -.-..- .. ........... ..... ..... ...... ........ ......... Audited . 1914. ....c- ""-- ...... .0ity Cmptr.iK... Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the Department of Finance, payableout of the .......... .. ........ ...... .... *.GM -AGN ... : P.W.. ! . ................... i --- ------------ ----- -- ------------- ­"_" in favor of S. A. F-�rnsworth, Commissioner of Finance'for the sum Of............ .......... .......... ................. ........... . .... ........ ............. I ................ .... Dollars ($3,268.34 to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said .......... ............ .. ........ - ...... .... I .......... .......... ............................. . ...................... . .... . ............ ................. .................. ......................... ..... in payment of salary and compensation of said persons for their resEective services rendered during the June,......_....--- - ............................ ...... 1914. • Adoptedby the C1,01),cil .................. . .... . ................. ............ .................... . .. 1914. Yeas n Cc cilmen Nays 'c Fa sworth r Gos Yoe g OIL ary Approve4 r el er .mayor. Mr. President, Pow rs . CITY OF ST. PAUL, U.— DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. CouncilFile No., .................................. ....._..------.._.....__..... Audited a e 1914. By .... _.................... _. _............`.._Y:`_.C..O.R �.C_�`.:.._._._.... City C�omptrolter. Resolved, that a tirarrant be dr�_•,,in upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the........".CHARITIES_. ACCOUNTaGENERAL ...FLIDID"-----•-_...._....__...._._......._.. in favor- of S. A. Firnsmrorth, C::r_•mis ioner cf Finance, for the sum ................................................... Dollars i-1 100.00 ) to pay the persons reamed in the pay roll of said .. ................. _...................... .1 .............. .............. _... . _..-..------ in r.aym^nt of :a]ary and compensation of said Fere-ons f,r hei rcaE; cti ,.ervices reniered durin.- the month..af...June.r.__............ ..--....._.........._.....---..... 1914. Aflo ted 1,Y the Cour:ciL ....._.:...... ..._.._.-.. Yeas( ) C'-* eu cilmr;n Far sRorth Goss ..._ Yoerg O'LEary Kell er Mr. President, Powers e La •.. . 1914 Nays Appro d .- :_._.__ .. ....... ... 1914. CITY OF ST. PAUL, o. DFPARTM IT 0r' R%GORDS-CITY CLRRY,, PAY POLL RESOLUTION. Original. -------------- councilFile No. ........ _........................................_.................. Audited ..........._ _ ., :;......ti.....�f��• 1914. By ................... ........ _....................... ... [_.......V_Lc c�... ._._.... City Comptroller":--_,) Resolved, that a warrant be dra'vn upon the Department of Finande, .payable out of the ............!ZROSSWALKS.--ACCOIW.mGXIIM JAL-RLiND ---.----------...._.------_----- in favor of S. A. Farncworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum .................................. ........ .................. ...................... ........... Dollars ($ 100.00 ) to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said _.... _.......---..... .................... ............ ............. ......................... _. ...................................... _.......... ........... _............. ................. ......................................._............._........... in paym=.nt of ealary and compensation of said persons fcr their respective services rendered during the month June- ................. .................._._....... - ...... 1914. Adoptedby the C017r:6i 1 .._...._ ................_......._ ..... ....... .............................. ................................1914. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farnsworth Go s 0" g 1914. Bary Ap ed .. Ke ler Mr. President., Po ors _ .. ay or. 50() CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTULNT ()y RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File'No. ................._...-...._...._- Audited ..........Audited ........... ....... ............ ... 1914. By................................ .. ......... .......... . . ....... . ..Ce city Comptroller. Resolved, that a warrant be drawn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the ......... MD." . .............. in favor of S. A. Ftrnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum Of........... . .... . ....... . ....... ............................. ..................... ............................. Dollars-($ 471.67 zo pay the persons named in the pay roll of said .... ................ .. . ......... ...................... .............. . ................... ............................._......._........._._•-- ...... .... . ........... .. ....................... in payment of salary and compensation of said per!;ons far their respective services rendered during the .=0Ut'h_.0f­jUneL' . ....... . .. ­ 1914. Adopted by &e Council .. ............. 'Yeas coi-ncilmen Farn3WOrth Go f s. ffc< Yo(rg 01eary Ke ler Mr. President, Po i ers c ..... ............................................---•-........_.... Nays 1914. 1914. ayor. ~---------� �-��-- . 501 ozcY on sr, PAUL, ` zEemRTucnT OF aEpoaoa-ozc, oLERn, rAxaozz aoaoLoczom. »rioinal.~~~~~~_�~~�~~~~~~_~~~~~~,~��~~._...~~~�~~~~~~~~~~~~~�~~�~~~~ Council File Fizn mn' .................................................... ^�u��ou _---------- By'--'------ city Comptrolle Resolved, that a warrant be,dr�i.wn upon the Department of Finance, in favor of S. A. Firn�-,,,,orthl Col,missioner of Finarce, for the sum - 1827.54 t ned the pay roll of said 1914. � ncz~z ---_--------���-�G'��--------_---'--ze��, xuor�ro �� x�=oo '~— ( ) ounnvilneo ( ) muya � ' tu ov Yoe Kell r / Mr. President, Po**Yn . ^_- ' ---_'_' r�F9%G CITY OF ST. PAUL, „ —DEPARTMENT Cp R;iC0Piy3-011'Y CLEPIC, PAY ROLL P,ESOLUTION. Original. � -- CouncilFile No . ...... ..... ....................... .............. ................. ...� Audited.. /J, -- - 1914. [ cxc%.r .`............. City Comptroll r. Resolved, that a warrant be iriwn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the ....._"..QUARANTINE. ACCO.uKT.rZENERAL..FI !D ..._...._._......._...._......._..... in favor of S. A. F rn ;north, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum _............... Dollars ($2472.50 ) I.o pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ........ ........................................................ _.......... _................ . __............................................_......................_...... -......._.. in rgyment of =al.ary and compensation of said persons fur their retiFective services rendered during the II44 X1 �k ...A.._ sI1dF1�.,......_...... _.... _................ ......... _..... 1914. Adopt Pd by the Co•-inci1---......._.. Yeas ( ) Coui ilmen Farnsworth Gos v Yoerg O'LE gry Keller Mr, President, Powers rz- Ci a 1;14 - •- .....:_._ .................................1914. ( ) Nays Appr v.d ~�. 1914. �7Y1 �i�yo r . CITY OF'ST. PAUL, DEPART1131dT CY RECOFi .-CliY CL'r1RK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. CouncilFile No. ..... .............. .................._........................_..... Audited �... .. 1914. i �c�........_.. J City ComptrolMer. Resolved, that a rarrant be 'drrtwn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the ........... ....._".MIBCELLANLQUS...AC.C.O.UXT.-GFMRAL..F.IINI1"_............ _----. in favor of S. A. F:irn7%,jorth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum .-........ Dollars ($ 405.06 ) ,o pay ,the persons named in the pay roll of said .................................... _.. .......................... ....... _... ......_._..............._,..__.---...._............ in .pnymnnt o:f salary and compensation_ of._-..sai...d pe.r_s.ons _...f.or ..h...e..i_r resrective eeraices rendered during the .man th _ c f._Jung..-- ............................... _..._. _...._.. 1914 Adoptedby the Covrcil............... ..... ...... .... _.... _...............-....__......._,..li.�...�r.lY..�:'.'�........................ 1914. -Yeas ( ) Co ncilmen { ) Nays Fansworth Go3s _. Yo rg __..1914. 0' eary APpr -- K ler Mr. President, Pcxers or. ��� ozrr OF ac,`PxnL. �EpxnzummTor nnonaPa-ozzroLosn. PAY noLL REsozUzzom. »'ioinmz.~~~~�~~_~~~~~~~�~~_~~~~~~���~~�~~~�~�~~~�~~~~~���~~~~�~~~~�~ ~~----- No. ' oonuo�z ��zn o. ___ ---_-----'-------_ ' city Comptrol?er. Resolved, that a %,jrarrant be drtm�m upon the Department of Finance, in favor of S. A. -of Finance, for the sum of said �o pay the persons nv,.med in �he pay roll of ea3d perw,:�,ns f�r je (1c t-ve Eel., ices rendered during the � x3vpt~d by the mr _'--------��_�U-��-----_�--_�zyz�. reuo ( ) ( > maya /^ ..~ [- --` . 011, ry -- CITY OF ST. PAUL, 505 DEPARTMENT 'OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Origi-nal. CouncilFile No. ....._- .................. _...._............._...._............ Audited -------- ByBy .......... -. :S. �. �.. _......... i City Comptroller. Resolved that a warrant be dra.gn upon ',he Department of Finance, payable cat of the ".7..113E..Ta.PA,RT FENT...Ffn!....... -........................................... in favor of S. A. .r::esrortr, ComsiisEvi.oner of Finance, for, the sum . _.... _..... _........... _......!.... Dollars ( 30,13.96 ) to pay the persons r^rc�,d it the pay roll of said ............................... ........... ........._........................ in riym.r.t cf salary and compensation . of eaid persons i`,_i- '__-.,r res ective sarvi.ces ren:ler•ed during the .month...Of....dune.................................... o ......_..... 1.,14 . to Alloptpd by the Cour:c' 1 ..........._.......... Yeas ( ) Co inc4lmen Fa nsworth Go 59 Yo rg 0' eary Ke ler Mr. President, Po ers _;,, ......................Ll:+� ;:...... ............... _._..1914. Nays Approve' ._...._.... ........._..1914. - .. ...21yor. ozzr OF ST. PAUL, oEr«ncMsNT or R,�xx no�� 0000z�rzomnoonou-cz�, ocn�o, - oriainaz.~~~~~���~~_~~~~~~__~~_~~~~~~_~~~~~~~��_~�~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Council File No 1914. By............ ................ . . .. . ............. .................... . .. ("e- 6'� City Comp rl r. Resolved, that f'Fi e, -.,�arrant be drav,,r upon the Department payable cut of th AL Y.W. - in favor of S. A. COL-Irlis3icnt�r �f Finance, for the sum to pay the persons n,-imed in the pay roll of said x«nnt.0 nY the co,nuu ..... ..... ... zeoo ( } Councilmen F�rpsviorth Yo rg . f eary 't Mr. President, Po -rs ................. :__ ....... ............... znz4. ) Nury � ' ��� � ~.' °/.. , . rzzr OF az. �»oz,r«z so�� ��sozo�zm«' DEPARTMENT CF RECO scs-cIzx ,LuRu. original. Council File No. -__-____~_____ Audited '--__-_____ By ---''-----'-- City Cpmp'-----~�----��uzzer� /~ �x �e �r��eot of Finance, Ccm.,nis�icner of Finance, for the sum pay the persons named ---��----------'---'---'---'— compensation '----�---rs -�---- --_-- �n rar�-n� nc �^zurr uu�uiuo the '--- EL ---- r r -/°�, r"°/a���ve s�r,�coa ,"""�., `^.^ N ' 1914. »«»nt*d by the cnr,o�z ... ........... _... ... ... ..... ..................... � Yeas ( )Councilmen( } maro parrsworth an 1� Yoeig red^ ~.'. Mr. President, Pom6ra' ' ~ czrc OF az. PAUL, 1508. = oZeAnTuamr 'CF aoCnaua_uzcz rLxaK' PAY ROLL oEaoLorzom.� original. Council File No :muitex—----'___`--'—''^ zoz«. Br'-----`-- � " ^^", ^"my"^~^�=^' � , \ t be u the Eepartment of Fiuuouo -- -in favor of S. A. F rr-,zworth. Commissirner of Finance, for the sam to pay 'he pe,socs mmnei in the rciy roll of said ------............ ................ ........ —... ........... ................ ----'--'---------'--'-----' --_—_.—......... -_----_-�----� in r,;o,ot or salxry an -.1 compensation / said o r.r '1e11' r�",,,oti,r "e,,iccn rendered unrioz the »a:pt,u by the ouo.`ulz .... -.... xouo < > Go s � ' Yo rg � tearyle Mr. President, —........................ ( ) moro ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL, oErAnrMorz or ozoonno-Czrr CLERK, PAY aoLcgtgoLoTznX. ~ Original. Council No, yz*_ - x/ "~~^``~ -------�� �orj�ty /���� __- By ---------'-------- oonn oVer. Resolved, that a warrant be drqwn upon the o artmmu^ of Fiuuo^o \ nuxauzo out or the --_-'-c�u�^�-u�-�����^� i��nor o� u u ��zoywnrtx, oommiooi000r of Finance, zor ) u S. A. of '-----------._________________`.__o_u_z_l_x_ r_n 21_*_2.90 m pay the nors�������u in the ncr roll oL� -aid ____ __ ------- -----.--'_ --- �o r�r��n� sf ��jarr pz� oomnco,at�uo '-'------------------ r rrxreo ���ve eerr�:en reo��,�� xnr�9 the no*�u �er°un= u� ,ue/r »ior,t^y by the C"rrcIz xeus ( ) FarnsworthGossL� _YoergKellMr. President, PoWl.' '---_--^-8-�e1�4 .... ...... .............. ...... zy1«. > muyo I 510 CITY OF, ST. PAUL, I DEPARTWENT CF REC0.3MS"CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. CouncilF No. . ........................................................ Audited 1h )Q V9 IT, -e7;.�j .......... . A— ............. 1914. ........ .... ti... - _ le By................................ .. . .... ­­­­ ............ . ................ City Comptroller. Resolved, that a warrant be dram upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the in favor of S. A. Firn2worth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of..... . . ..... . ............. . .... . ................................... ............................ ............... Dollars ($ 864.43 to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ................................ .. .................. .................. ...... ................................. ..................................... . . . . ........ . . . ... ... ....................... ................. ........... .. ....................... ... in paym-nt of salary and compensation of said persons fcr -heir- resf.ective services rendered during the .......... ........ 1914. AdoptP-1 by the C­7rc1J ............... Yeas Counc lmen Farnsvorth Goss M Yoerg OILe y Kell Mr. President, Powe ...... .. . ....................1914 . Nays Appro e _Mayor. CITY OF S 518.. '~ oEp:nzmcNz OF nzoosoS-oz' , `"Y ROLL RESOLUTION.~� original. Audited Resolved, that a wari-ant bc upon the Dej-,artment of Finance, in favor of S. A. F-xnswcrth, Corcmissioner c!f Finance, for the sum ,to pay the p�ersOns ji,ime-ft in the pay roll of said of said persons f'�I- ser --.-ices renderc�d during the V »^vnt°o by the c-);-oo --- --- < > Coui cilmen Vic C1 ti Yoe] g Mr. Pr~niuout. Pow irn --_--'����'��'��i-----'----._zoz4. > muya �. ����mrvr. 5112 ozcr on ST. PAo�' um DEexnrco�r u� rsnusna�nrrx o�saa' �xr so��n��oz�rz . origin^l. ' CouncilYtz� m�o' -------...... ................ .................. Audited zez« '���--'------»� -- ' �>/ By --------'---.. ....oitr oomptrnzlv4. Resolved, that a warrant be dr�v,%,n upon the Department uf Fina�,o in favor of S. A. Firnrworih, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum t,o.pay the persons named in the pay roll of said o .. F -..- s . aj - d .— p . e .. r . s - ons for their respeb'tive sery . ices rendered curing the . - r xuont,u by the cn,cvu Yeas < > o 0 n u eu Far worth Yoe g OIL ary Mr. President3 Po a ' ^3�{|'2:'4 ........ ..... ... .............. zm«' ) m^ra czTr OF az PAUL, oEpxncuomz OF au:onoa-urT, 'CLERK, PAY ROLL REnozUrzom, Original. Council �u mn , o�oc �~ ` ` '—� -----------------zpzu �nu��eu '---_-------- — ' ^ �- ur..'� ----------......... ^=—��^�'=^....... o��� unmo�ruuar, 'Resolved, that a warrpnt -be dr!t-,,,,n upon the Department of Finance,in favor of S. A. c-5.miscioner ofto pay the persons muned in the pay roll of saidin pcjynj�nt of, -alary and compensation ° Adopt -u bY the c",nulz .... ... Yeas ( ) Counyilmen Farnrjorth Yoe/ Mr. President, Pow i's �'� '_—'---zoz«, �������������.) Nays CITY OF ST. PAUL, -Y DEPARTMENT GF R't`sCORDS-CITY CLEF,H, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File.No.--- / Audited q._. 1914. By.._. ............. ......................_............._.................... City Ccmptrol r. Resolved, that a warrant be dr twn upon. the D�Lrtrr.ent of Finance, payable out of the .......................... ...S.T+.T...& .... SEWF_..R..FUND._.......................... .............. ....... ... .. in favor of S. A. F:rne,sorth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum .................................................................................. Dollars (4 3342.16 ) 'o pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ........................ ............................ _...... ............. .............. ................ .................. _.... ...................._......................... ..............-h... in rayment of Falary and compensation of said persons f:r heir in services rendered during the ..Mo th..R.f...Juae....................._.........__.... _....... ...... 1914. Adopted by the Council. ..... ......... Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen Farn North Goss �J Yoer 0,Le ry Ke 11 Mr. President, Power? :S(= 104 1914. ............._.........................:l....... ........ ( ) Nays Api d.._...._... ._..., ....... 1914. L...... .... ...._.. ... ............:%Ltdayor. r1j. . CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPART !1! -!-NT CR REC()RDS-CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. Council File No. ;;.........._:1.......... ----.._......._._ ......................1914. ...... ..........—.1914. 0-P Audited .............- - '�e­r' ----------- City Corjaptril Resolved, that a. warrant be dr;i,&,n upon the Department of Finance, payable out, of the._._..!jWDGB BUILDING & WAIR-run" ............... . .... . ..... ........ in favor of S. A. Commissioner of Finance, for the sum (.1, 350.00 of .............. ................ .. .................... . ....... . ................... ..... .. .... .......... Dollars io pay the persons named in the pay roll of said ... ...................... .. ................ .......... ............... ................... . ................ ..... I .............. .............. .... ............................................ in j7a,),ment of salary and compensation of said persons for their respective services rendered during the month of June . ..... 1914. us N -�C I -, 4 ........ . ........ 1914. Adoptl�d by the CO'Jr:C111- ........ ... ... ... ... . .. .......... I ....................................... '�,. ......... Yeas Councilmen Nays Farn 1worth Goss 14aft -1 - ----- YoerAppro I v d .. . .. ...... ... -- ----------- 1914. O'Le y rov ' Kelle Mr. President, Powe r�\ . . . ...... 4mayor. I/ . CITY OF ST. PAUL, Dill P;,8-111 F"T OF RE'CORDS-CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL FESOLUTION. Original. ------------ CouncilFile No. 7 .......... . ................. .. ...................................... Audited ........... ...... .. ....... 1914. By.......... ................................. .......... . ........ City Comptroller Resolved, that a yjarrant be dr,,—rn upon the Department of Finance, payable out of the IC !!.C1.TY-..joFF.--TRS SALARY P.M. a .......... .... ........ ...... in favor of S. A. F+rnaworth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum of. ....... . ................ ....... ......... — . ....... ................................. Dollars 5,014.95 to pay the persons named in the pay roll of said .............. . .... .......... .. ................................... ............ ........ . ........................................... . -- . ........... - .............. I ..... ...... in pRyment of salary and compensation of said persons f,)r 'heir respective services rendered during the June, .. ................................ .. . ....... . ..... 1914. C �L 1-11 Adopted by the Council . ....... . ........ .. .. ....... .............. ... .. ...... ................... -1914. Yeas Coun.,ilmen Nuys Farworth Goss -hfege W� C' Yoer,� O'Le- ' ry APS?ed.... ........... . Keller Mr. President, Poweirs r - 5-171 Administrative. ✓ An ordinance organising the Department of Public works, and prescribing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers \ and employee thereof. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. /THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Department of Public Works shall be under the general supervision, direction and control of the Commissioner of Public Works, as provided in and by the Charter of the City. Section 2. The other officers and employes of said depart - went and the salaries which they respectively shall receive shall be as follows: Bureau of General Administration. In addition to the officers and employes hereinbefore provided for by Administrative Ordinance No. 7_-L7- S' _, there shall be the fol- lowing employes in the Bureau of General Administration, and the sal- aries they shall receive, respectively, shall be as follows: 1 Accountant $1200'per year 2 Clerks, $1140 per year 2 Clerks, $1080 per year 4 Clerks, $ 960 per year 1 Clerk, $ 900 per year 1 Clerk, $ 840'per year 1 Clerk, $ 720 der year 1 Blue Printer, $ 420 per year 1 Telephone Operator, $ 360 per year Bureau of Engineers. In the Bureau of Engineers, the employes and the salaries which they shall receive, respectively, shall be as follows: 1 Chief Engineer, $5,000 per year 1 Office Engineer, $2,400 per year 2 Draughtsmen, $1,380 per year 2 Draughtsmen, $1,200 per year (2) 2 Draughtemen, $ 960.per year 1 Calculator, $1,200 per year 1 Calculator, $1,020 per year 7 Transitmen, $1,260,per year 1 Leveler, $ 900 per year 2 Rodmen, $ 720 per year 1 Rodman, $ 696 per year 2 Rodmen, i 660 per year 2 Chainmen, $ 660 per year. 4 Chainmen, t $ 600 per year 1 Chauffeur, not to exceed $ 85 per month Bureau of Construction and Repairs. In the Bureau of Construction and Repairs, the employes and the salaries which they shall receive, respectively, shall be as follows: 1 Supt. of Const. and Repairs, $3,600.00 per year 1 Asst Supt. of Const. & Repairs,,�$2,100.00 per year 4-A&"t-6gpb-v oS-ftne+s 1 Supt. of Asphalt Paving and Re- pairs, $1,800.00 per year 1 Chief Foreman, $1,800.00 per year 1 Foreman of Crosswalks, $1,200.00 per year 1 Storekeeper, $1,1B00.00 per year 1 Cement Tester, $1,140.00 per year 3 Foremen in Chge. of St. Repairs $1,500.00 per year 2 n 11 n n " " $1,,200.00 per year 1 Street Inspector, $1,200.00 per year 1 House Drain Inspector, $1,200.00 per year 1 Ase,'t Inspector, $1,080.00 per year 12 ward Foremen, $ 3.00 per day 1 Chauffeur (for Truck) not to exceed $85.00 per month Street Inspectors not to exceed $ 3.00 per day Local Improvement Inspectors, " " " $ 3.00 per day Special Engineering " " " " $ 5.00 per day Skilled labor, " " $ .40 per hour c ws (3) Common labor, One horse teams, Two Four n n b not to exceed $ .25 per hour ^ ^ " $2.60 per ,day ^ ^ " $ .60 per hour " ^ ^ $ .90 per hour Bureau of Sanitation. In the Bureau of Sanitation, the employee and the salaries which they shall receive, respectively, shall be as follows: 1 Supt. of Sanitation, $3,000.00 per year 1 Aselt Supt. of Sanitation, $1,800.00 per year In charge of sewers 1 Aselt Supt. of Sanitation, $1,800.00 per year In charge of St. sprinkling and gar- bage collection 1 Mechanic, $1,200.00 per year 1 Watchman, $ 600.00 per year 1 Engineer, Earl street pumping station, $ 600.00 per year 2 Double teams, $2,400.00 per year Hauling dead animals 1 Single team, $1,200.00 per year Hauling dead animals 1 Inspector Street Sweeiping, $1,080.00 per year 1 Asst Inspector St. " $ 900.00 per year 1 Chauffeur, (for truck) not to exceed $85.00 per month Sprinkling Inspectors, " " " $75.00 per month Skilled labor, " " " $ .40 per hour . Garbage Collectors with teams, $1,200.00 per year Bureau of Bridges. In the Bureau of Bridges, the employee and the salaries which they shall receive, respectively, shall be as follows: 1 Bridge Engineer, $2,400.00 per year 1 Supt. of Bridges, $1,800.00 per year 1 Foreman, $1,400.00 per�_year Skilled Bridgemen, not to exceed $ .40 per hour Bridgemen, " " " 0 .25 per hour a (4) One-horse teams, not to exceed $2'.60 per day Two -horse teams, " " " .60 per hour Four -horse teams, " " " .90 per hour Section 3. In each of said bureaus, there shall be such other employee as the Council, at the request of the Commissioner of Public Works may authorize, and at such salaries as it shall fix. section 4. The salaries of all the officers and employee of said department shall be payable.in equal monthly instalments on th$ first day of the month following that in which the service is rendered, or at such time thereafter as may be practicable. Section 5. All of said officers and employes shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Works, under the Charter and ordinances (Of the City and subject to the provisions thereof, and all of said officers and employes shall perform such duties as are pre- scribed by the Charter and ordinance passed, or that may be passed in pursuance thereof,vland such rules -and regulations as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Works, and such duties as the said Com- missioner may require. Section 6. Persons having held for the six montne next pre- ceding May 31st, 1914, the positions, appointment to which is provided for in this ordinance, shall be nominated and appointed to the same or similar positions unless removed or dropped for cause, pursuant to the civil service provisions of the Charter and ordinances passed in accordance therewith. Any person who has held such position lees than six months next previous to May 31st, 1914, may, in the discret An of the Commissioner of Public Works, be regarded ae a probationer, and may be reappointed or not, as said Commissioner may see fit, but always with regard to the public interests and the good of the service. Section 7. This ordinance is hereby declared an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of,.the public peace, health and safety, the emergency existing by reason of the necessity for an immediate re -organization of the Department of Public Works, so that the work of said department may be carried on without interruption,, and the public peace, health and safety thereby preserved. (5) Section 8. All ordinances and parte of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 9. This ordhnance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage, approval and pUtblication. �'" Su. 51 -Adm l njstratj,,e tlydi- No. 3336-13v comm lss to a er - ordlnnnce ori-uoivtnh the Uepart- �:ent f pe hlic W -k., and p—,,rih" ^R the num her..,, ((ties. duties and m pees ,mnoffs cera and e ' s thereof. This Is an emer ordinance rendered necess, f - the preservation of the p, 1 jj/J health and safety. r •11 of the ("r Adopted by the ......................19 YEAS NAYS, i E MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER i���,, ref)ih- PST GNN, F GSyGK tiARY YOERG NAYS 0 MR.��� POWERS) i�� PUBLISHED 7 }x c e1 a a• y. Administrative. An ordinance organizing the Department of Parks Pla rc ygroua'd`e and Public Buildings, and prescribing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes thereof. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORbAIN: a Section 1. The Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall be under the general supervision, direction and con- trol of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, J as provided in and by.the Charter of the City. 7 Section Z. The other officers and'employes of said depart- ment and>the salaries which they respectively shall receive shall be as follows: Bureau of General Administration. In the Bureau of General Administration, there shall be a Secretary to the Commissioner, at a salary of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) per year; an Assistant Secretary to the Commissioner, at a salary of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) per year; one record clerk, at a salary of One Thousand, Twenty Dollars ($1,030.00) per year. Bureau of Playgrounds In the Bureau of Playgrounds, the employes and the salaries which they shall receive, respectively, shall be as follows: 1 Director, `v $1500.00 per year 1 Mechanic, $ 960.00 per year 7 Instructors, 4 $ 60.00 per month 6 . Instructors, $ 5500 s per month 8 Instructors, $ 50.00 per month. Bureau of Parks. In the Bureau of Parks,' the employes and the salaries which they shall -receive, respectively, shall be as follows:. l Superintendent, $4000.00 per ye % �., (Z) 1 Clerk to Superintendent, $1500.00 per year <, 1 Construction foreman, $1500.00 per year 14 Park Policemen, $ 65.00 per month 1 Motor -cycle policeman, $ 90.00 per month Q $ police matrons, $ 50.00 per month 1 matron for picnic grounds, $ 45.00 per month 3 matrons for comfort stations, $ 45.00 per month 5 watchmen, $ 2.00 per day 4 auto drivers, $ 2.50 per day 1 Chief Mechanical engineer, $ 4.75 per day 1 Dredge engineer $ 5.00 per day 1 Roller Engineer, $ 3.50 per day 1 Pump Engineer, $ 2.50 per day 3 Firemen, $ 2.25 per day 1 Blacksmith, $ 2.50 per day 1 Dredge Fireman, $ 2.50 per day 1 Dredge Craneman, $ 3.00 per day 1 Barnman, $ 2.00 per day 5 1 Yardman, $ 2.20 -per day 3 Foremen, $ 3.00 per day 3 Assistant Foremen, $ r/2.50 per day ' 1 Forester, a/�,i% $/yOjjeo per 1 skilled laborer, $ 2.20 per day Z Mechanics, $ 3.00 per day 1 skilled laborer, $ 2.25 per day 2 Gardeners, $ 2.50 per day 1 Night man at Greenhouse, $ 2.20 per day 2 Boat cashiers, $ 2.50 per day Z Canoemen, $ 2.00 per day a 1 Boatman, $ 2.00 per day 1 Refreshment Manager, $1800.00 per year, 2 Local Managers, $ ' 2.50 per day' s 1 Refreshment Station. Manager, $ 2.25 per dai 9 (3) 8 Refreshment employes, 2 Refreshment employes, 2 Refreshment employes, 4 Soda men, 4 kitchen help, 1 Time -keeper, 158 laborers, 12 teams, 1 single rig, $1.75 per days $1.50 per day $1.25 per day $2.00 per da $2.00 per da $2.00 per day,. $2.00 per day $6.00 per day $ .50 per day, together with the right to take away grass cut in the parks or such portion thereof as the Commissioner may determine. Bureau of Buildings. In the Bureau of Buildinge, the employes and the salaries which they shall receive, respectively, shall be as follows: 1 City Architect, o $4000.00 per year 1 Building Inspector, $1800.00 per year, 1 Assistant Building Inspector, $1200.00 per year 1 Elevator Inspector, $1200.00 per year 1 Sign Inspector, $1020.00 per year 1 Plumbing Inspector, $1200.00 per year 1 Assistant Plumbing Inspector, $ 960.00 per year 1 Clerk $ 960.00 per year Section 3. In each of said bureaus, there shall be -such other employes as the Council, at the request of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings may authorize, and at such salaries as it shall fix. Section 4. The salaries of all the officers and employes of said department shall be payable in equal monthly instalments on the first day of the month following that in which the service is rendered, or at such time thereafter as may be practicable. Section 5. All of said officers and employes shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Build- inge, under the Charter and ordinances of the City and subject to the provisions thereof, and all of said officers and employes shall per- form such duties as are preseribed(by the Charter or ordinances pass-, ed,) or that may be passed, in pursuance thereof, and e h rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Commissioner Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, and such duties as the said Commission- er may require. Section 6. Persons having held for the six months next pre- ceding May 31st, 1914, the positions, appointment to which is provided for in this ordinance, shall be nominated and appointed to the same or similar positions unless removed or dropped for cause, pursuant to the civil service provisions of the Charter and ordinances passed in accordance therewith. Any person who has held such position lees than six months next previous to May 31st, 19.14, may, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be re- garded as a probationer, and may be reappointed or not, as said Commis- sioner may see fit, but always with regard to the public.interests and the good of the service. Section 7. This ordinance is hereby declared an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the emergency existing by reason of the necessity for an immediate re-organization of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, so that the work of said department may be carried on without interruption, and the public peace, health and safety there- by preserved. Section 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinancesin conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 9. This ordinance shall take'effect and be in force immediately after its passage, approval and publication. is -- C. F. NO. 18idmin is Vat:r 04-j e No. 3237— A. t - 23.\nn., a, r th 11, oubjl t[ P rka. d pr'g 1 d nd Public 13UIId1 gs, and preac rih a mher tl [lea,r�uties r•1 . f Adopted by the getxmissinen. ............... Yt•:As N AYe, (4), form such duties as are presoribed(by the Charter or ordinances pass— ed,) ass ed,lor that may be passed, in pursuance thereof, and h rules and regulations as may be prpscribed by the Commissioner Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, and such duties as the said Commission- er may require. Section 6. Persons having held for the six months next pre- ceding May 31st, 1914, the positions, appointment to which is provided for in this ordinances shall be nominated and appointed to the same or similar positions unless removed or dropped for cause, pursuant to the civil service provisions of the Charter and ordinances passed in accordance therewith. Any person who has held such position less than six months next previous to May 31st, 1914, may, in the discretion of the Commissioner at Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be re- garded as a probationer, and may be reappointed or not, as said Commis- sioner may see fit, but always with regard to the public interests and the good of the service. Section :7. This ordinance is hereby declared an emergency ordinance 49rendeze"aaemes�°n nrwe o�+a' she public peace, health and saf the necessity for an immediai Lgks, Playgrounds and Public Bui ztF may be, carried on without int �d safety there- by preserved. seat ►races in conflict herewith are Seca Od be in force immediately i a 17, /r4 �.rf'�,/ r",t r,�,•> ,��.� .. ���;%;y-fi%1''� v, Irk '� s+ ~�``r ,� '' y PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL, r DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK, PAY ROLL RESOLUTION. Original. CouncilF119, No.........._..........._..._............._._......._.---...... Audited __ GY....S.s .._.. .._...._._...._.. City Comptr ler. Resolved, that a warrant .be dralcn ]ipon the De artment of Finance, payable out of the " IC ACCOUNT -NERAL FUND.__..._.........._., .....P.U.BLLC..�Ax.I�S..�?s._...._...._.. _...._...---•---_._._..... _.... _. in favor of S. A. FLrneNorth, Commissioner of Finance, for the sum ....._...._........ Dollars (0 757.00 ) o..................................................... _.. roll 11 o f said i d -.o pay the percons named in the pay __._._........ ........................._..---....__............_........._........_.......... ........_..................._...._._......._.............................. irl payment of eala':y and compensation Of said persons f'c_• their services reniered during the ................_....-------- --- 1914. C. F. No. 519 Resolved, That checks be drawn up.;' On,a the Department of Finance, pay.. nbfout of the "Publ lc )Baths Muelc.. Account-Genoral Fund" In favor of S. A. Farnsworth. Commissioner of FI - nonce, for the auof Seven Hundred land Fifty-Seven($757.00) Dollars to pay the persona named In the pay roll in pay'dment of salary and compensation o a of for their respective ervlces rendered during the month of 1 June, 1914. Adopted by the Council July 1, 1914. Approved July 1. 1914. (July 4-1914) Adoptr'd by the Coor.ci / .......'.:...._............................. ... 1914. Yeas ( I—Councilmen ( ) Nays Fat sworth Gos Xaa :g 0'L ary APpr! d ..� ..._'-1s. -.1914. Ke l er % J /.... -�...mayor. Mr. President, Po ars •-•�•--� --�•-...-.- Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM Council File No. -••...- .............. o Audited- ........... -' . _...._ _...__......._..1 14. GL �ttc «d� .- ...._..... By ........_._...._._._........- ....._... _................ ..... ._._...._....- City Comptro er. Per..... ... ...... ....................... ...... ................ ... ......... Deputy. Resolved, that necks 'be drawn uLcn the Department of Finance, Payable out of thy.."..SRFC1Ax+._ASSFSSIiIFNT...C�I ST3uQx.z.0 ..AQ.Cx...-OPMIN.G...... :n favor of the fcllcwing named persons, firms or corporations, for the amount _yet opposite their respective names: Laura C. Read, Awnrd of damages for Lot 3, Blk. 1, Kentucky Terrace, taken for Open- ing Edgecomb Road, 15.00 Laura C. Read, Trustee Award of damages for Lot and Maria R. Dawson, 1, Blk. 13, and Blk. 10, West End taken for Open- ing Edgecomb Road, =75.00 Laura C. Read, Award of damages in con- nection with Lot 10, Blk. 5, Wardford Park, taken for Opening Edgecomb Road, 5.00 So•seph and Mary Fedl- Award of damages for Lot meier, 9, Howard Greene Add.'to St. Paul, taken for Open- ing Edgecomb Road, 325.00 1,020.00 C. F. No. 620— l Resolved, Tht checks De drawn up - the Department of Finance, pay- able out of the '$peela3 . A.eeaement ConeVuctlon Acet-Opening Edgecomb Road;' In favor. of the following nfl d gereona. Orme -errporattonr0 for the. unt aet oppoelte their r pective t names: Laura C. Read, Award tdamages for :Lot 3, Blk. 1, Kentucky Terrace, taken for opening Edgecomb Road. $16.00; Laura C. Rendr:Trbetee, and Marla R. Dawson Aard bf d mages for Lot 1, Blk. 18 w and Blk.10,Weet .End taken for odentnIf Edgacpinb Road, $876:00; Laura C. Read AW&d of damages In 0obne.flon with Lo1`10, Blk. 6, Wardford'Park' tak.n,f.r ap. Doing Edgecomb.Rpad, $6.00: Joseph and - Mary Fedlmeter, Award of dam- age,'' for Let ,9,- yow.r�,�,G ens Add. to St/�Paul,' talten Yor Wtenring Edge - comb Road, 4326.00: -Adopted by the- Connell July 1, 1914. Approved (July 47914. 1914) Adopted by the Counci ----- -- - ------- ---------- Yeas ( j Cou cile:en _5 Far sworth Gos Xaa O'L ary Kel er Mr. President, Pow r•s ..!....._.....1914. Nays ;pprov d 1914. 520 s Original CITY OF ST. PAUL,`_ TO ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM Council File o i its Audited .._..... � _ ....`.... ..'... ....Cc.. __..1914. By ...... _.....Ir �> ._.:._._... City Comptrol er. Per.._...._...._._........._-......_._ .............._...--........... Deputy. Rf^colv:-d, thet. c'r:e:cY,e: b- drawn uron the Department of Finance, 3 i171e Jt;t of th' _ .... _.:... ..._M.1.i lriliEs. .. .0 .N.._..:._ ........................_............._._._.. p• ,,; _.._...................._.;..-----.-... '.n favor of -he ,'olloc;in., named pe)sons, firms o...... r �,I rat--'o.i:s, fc,r the ;tri unt -et CPP"Site their rrs ective names: W. 0. 191111ame, Interest n award of damages astenant of , Alex Ramsey Estate situated partly on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Blk. 25, St. Paul Proper, taken for Widening 7.47 Robert St., Joseph and Mary Interest on award of damages Fedlmeier, for Lot ?, Howard Greene Addition, taken forOpen- ' •5a ing Edgecomb Road, Laura C. Read, True- Interest on award of dama- tee, and Maria R. Daw- gee for Lot 1, Blk. 13, and son, Blk. 10, West End, taken for 3.28 Opening Edgecomb Road, 12.33 C. F. No. 521— Resolved, That -checks be drawn up- on the Department of Finance, pay able of eLthe following the .named dpera ns, 3. firms or corporation., orthe amount set opposite their respective names: W, O. Mi111ams,Interest on award of damages as tenant of Alex Ramsey Estate situated partly on Lots 1, 2 and 3,Ide1n1ng6Robe 9t. $7.47 rJoseph for d i,fary Fedlmeier, In on award and damages for Lot 9, Howard Greene Ad- dltion, taken for Opening Edgecomb -Road. E3.68; m>;aura C. - Rend. Trustee, and Marla R. Dawson, I.!erest' n 3. award of damages for Lot 1. r o n- and Blk. 10, West End. token Por open- and Edgecomb Road, $3.28. 1 Adoted by the ry 1. 1914. July 1, 1914. Appoved Jul (July 4-1914) _ Adopted by the Conr.cil ......_......_....... Yeas ( ) Ccun il:aen J Fern worth Goss mr Co OIL. ry 3e1er Mr. President, Pow I rs V, _...................._......._._._...._% ..........x...1914. ®1914. c - �u`or. Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, 522 to ACCOUNTING DEPARTLfENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM CouncilFile No.. ... ........ _.............. ....._._..........-•----............. Audited .....-----iL_._.i._....;.::� - :.._........._.191 ° _ City Comptrdller. Per.._...._............... .......... ......... .... .... ........--- ..._.._. Deputy. 1�e3, the: i:e:-k:; b^ « e srtmei of Finance, payable c:;` of _.................."P_%p..F...__._......................................_......._..................._.. h . n s^;r cf the fcllo;ing nsmed persons, firms ............ or cn,peratior.s, for rh° ri:r.,url, oFp =:te their re5pectrve names. Phalen Realty Co., Purchase of property ,000.00 for park purposes, 7 Dougan & Walsh, Purchase of Blk- %, Haldeman's Add. for 000.00 park purposes, _% N. 0. Hage, Purchase of following property for park pur- poses, Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Blk. 1 and lots 2, 3, 4 6 �, and 8, Blk. 2, and lot 1, Blk. 2, A. D. Mackay's Lake View_Add., also that portion of lot - 2, Lake Residence Add., 4,000.00 C. F. No. 522— Resolved, That checks be drawn up- on the Department of Finance, pay- able out of the "Park Fund'• In favor of the following named persons, firms or corporations, for ^the amount set opposite their respect -16e amen: Phalen Rea1tY CO., Pu chase of prop- erty Por park ,Durpoede, !7.000.00: Dou- gan & Walsh, Purchna oP Elk, 7. Hal- demen's Alr irk purposes, !3.000.00; N. O. Hage, [urchase of fol- lowing property for,_ Bark purposes, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, � -. and purposes, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Elk'. 21 and lot 1, Elk. :. A. D. Mackay -s LakeFVlew Add.. al - 10 that portion f lot; 2. Lake Rest- enee Add., !4,000.00. Adopted by the Council July 1, 1914. Approved July L 1914. (July 4-1914). Adopted by the Co•lric-il ..........._... Yeas COU CilmPn Far sworth Gos i oe OIL 3, Mr. President,'Poz rs 14,000.00 ...... _._.-- ......................... _........ 1914. ) Nays ........1914. C....._.' _...__. ..................... .ayor. Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, 525 to ACCOUNTING DER ARTL4ENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RASOLUTION FORP3 Council Fit -Ni . _13i .. 3�i v ,-._......... ._...._._...._..._....._---......1914. Audited.._........................._...._.....�..�..._......... By.._...._.........._...._............_.....- .{.�:....�rr.ri? ....._.. City Comptroller...._. .z, Per.—...:...................._............._.._.._.........._...._._. Deputy. Resolved, that checks be dr—nn u,on the Department of Finance, payable out of the,".SPECI.AL...ASSESSMMT....CON,9TRJICTIO.N...ACCT.,.."..-!B.IJ;Q+'t1TZXG ............... _.... _...... .... :n favor of the following named persons, firms, or corporations, for the am_unt yet clp:)site their respective names: W. 0. Williams, Award of damages as tenant of Alex Ramsey Estate, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Blk. 25, St. Paul Proper taken for Widening Robert St., 725.00 C. F.1'o. 62J— ResolVed.. Tha[ checks b` dree sment on the Department edOl saesament able out of the "3Pe Robert Construction Acct." -Widening gt„ In [fluor of the following named st,o. for the "mount. firms o or eoe" th, r nresD ctive names: a Award f dam iota aµ., O, NVllllama. s tenant of Alex Ramsey EsSt _tate, taken far wldeningS�Robertt 8t. 8726 Us. Ado"tved by he1C 1914ii July 1, 1914. A"Dro, (July 4-1914) Adopt -1 by the Co7,r.ci ...._........, Teas ( ) Cou ciI!ren -,4'— Far savorth Gos 0'L ary Eel er Lr. President, Po' rs 4- ........... _................. ..._.........._......._....__._....�....... ...... 1914. ( ) Nays c d _._._...._ ._._. 1914. Original CITY OF ST. PAUL, 5-24 to ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT City Clerk. AUDITED CLAIMS - RESOLUTION FORM Council File No........_.r...--_._...._:__._...._._.... 1914. 0� Audited .............. e V By..... ..... . ............. .. . . ........... . ................ . ...... City ComptrolYer. Per. ........... ....... ..... . ..... .. ...... .. .............. ......... Deputy, Resolved, that checks be drawn u -,on the Department of Finance, �.MISCELLANEQTIS AC.00.U1MmGEXKaa.-F-TJ.V ............. . ....... ppayable ont of thp ' --n favor of the following named persons, firms or co)-pol-ations, for -the arn--i-Irit e et CEPcs ite their respective 'lames: &I M. W. Fitzgerald, 9.25 C. F. No. 624— Resolved, That checkseeup- on the Department of e able'ut',ffh' A.- e.m,j-G..ral Fund"in favor of the followingnamed Persons, firms or cor- porations n far the amount set opposite their 1.1 ell'*' �afi'.-: lt.�_ $1.2fi. Adopted by the July 1, 11)14. July " Approved (July '4TL) ...... .... ..... .. ...... 1914. Adopted by the Coiircil� ........ .... I . .............. . . . .......... .. ........ . .......... Yeas (-zNays Courcilmen Farrsworth GosE MCC I -L— —7 A-) ed O'Leary Kel er Mr. President, Pov, rs City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of aublic.-.:7orke---._------------------- ----------- -------------------- ------- r._._.�._._. Bureau of - �..--------------------------- n ineexinc__-_._.----_---_---_._._._._._..---._._ _.y........ - -. _.... Council File No. _ ...................... Date Presented __., -----� ••-•-•-1914. n ......... Reso17,v d that the Commissioner of PLolic works be and is hereby direote�l to cause the following in.proven:ents: Constructing a brick alley croseir-S on the 'nest side of Pascal Ave., �,/between Van Buren and Blair Sts. ConatructinT oroaainFs of cement blocks at the following locations: r Cleveland Ave., both sides, across Lincoln Ave.; Princeton Ave., south side, across Cleveland kVe.; Pascal Ave., east side,, across`Goodrich Ave.; e` Selby Ave., north side, across Aldine St.; Selby Ave., bobs sides, acroae ?ierachel Ave.; Dayton Ave., o'th sides,.across Finn Ave.; Selby Ave., nort':; side, across Finn Ave. Cone'tructin; crosswalks of oer,.en't blocks at tl":e followinS locations: :arsi:all Ave., north side, across hilder Ave.; Grace St., south side, across 3ririhall Ave,; Caa:"orid_e Ave., eF.st side, across Princeton Ave.; ,,:acalester Ave., r:eat side, across Osceola Ave.; Dayton Ave., bot:; sides across "_•retic. Ave, C�natr-,i.tir.- crozsraalks of cementk blocs at t".e fo'-lown,,ilocations: y Rice St., west side, across Cook St.; Oliver St., so.,th side, across Albe�arle St. Co; struotin- crosswalks of brick at t" -Ie followin- locations: Talsh Ave. , eE,st aide, across S:is. St.; Greenbrier Ave., west side,- across Cook St. Constructir.g crosswalks of brick at the followinE locations; Sidney St., ole Ave.; Ohio St., east aide, across Belu;ont St.; south aide, across Semin Charlton St., both sides, across Ohio St.; Sidney St., south aide, across Charlton St. Constructing crosswalks of brick at the followin<E locations: Forest St•> lest side, across .argaret St.; L:argaret St., north side, across Forest St. Conatruotin; a crosawal of brick on the south side of Pleas"nt Ave., acros:3 St. Albans St. s 3 ConstruotinP briok alley crossir,Sd at the following locations: Pascal Ave., east side, between Lincoln Ave, and Goodrich Ave.; Pascal Ave., east aide, between Goodrich Ave, and Fairmount Ave.; Cretin Ave., east aide, between Lincoln Ave, and Goodrich Ave. 5 i u Y ' � --- C. F, No. M. N. Coee— tC . That)' / �PubIIC lworkenbe and leoherebYodi r_ ed to .use the following improve- c te: ro brlek al1eY c aeinR ¢Const `vest¢ a the t side of Pnscnl Ave., be- Blair Sts' �- twee" Vun Buren and ConetruR nng ch of ement folio blocics t the folio Lln- Dead.¢.: r se Cleveland Ave., both aides, -oath e1de,' N.Ve., Coln Ave.: Princeton loutscal Ave., ClaVCland ess GAvlr ch Ave.; Selby. asinorth Cr ide, n eH :\Nine FS .._ air Ave: • Selny Ave.. Uot lAve..Ca,aboth side-. schel Ave.: DaytonAVC., north Flun Ave.; Selby t across side, Hero.. Finn AVS• Ings of cement 4 Con structing cross block. at the Yollowtn locations: { , iliurshall Ave., n tit side. O. NVIIs• s der Ave.: Grace SL, o [h side, set Ave., e Brimhall Ave.: Cambrldge 8ar.,e to be pe id out of cro-,ae. aeras. Pr,netnn ave.; aacalAver � Ave.. west alae, ¢cross Osceola Ave.; , AVS., bot¢ sides, .erose cretin DnYton Adopted by the Council AVe os -alk o cement •-•- ~ ------1914. -- Constru-etlnR bi.Clta t the following locatlona: - 9t' Rice St., west Ide, cross cook Albe- Yeas Cou oilmen Oliver St., South side. acro-- e St. mConstructingle... ks of bri.AvIt ns - tact eslde,vlaer - Sims street: Green Fa ¢.Worth Cook SL brier Ave., ea -Ide, across crosswalks It brick nt: CnnetrnctlI the following locations: Sidnl ' Qo across side, cr a Seminole �'. Be -' SL, act side, heroes Charlton St., both aides, _ 9t; Sidney St.r St OePe.ulh natructing cPoc� t " howl eg Yo rg 0' eary Approv •-• --._.._ _" .1914. Ke ler ..._.._._. Mayor Mr. President, Po ers l/ Couneil File No....._.___._ . __._.. SEe6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO'f1ENIENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the tpaking of the following publie improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: jr.a3i.ng....the_...alles.._.in._.S.lA.c.Y._.1...'wanann.-and-_ ...................... ................... ... ..._... . _........................ _....... ... _................... _.... _ ....................._.. . .._................ ........._..............._._......... ...........__......_.:__......_......._...._.._.._......_............_......__..._........... ............_..... hat day of..._ July,1S14 ]91.... Darted this, ` Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ialproveulcut, ` iar;t'o a. ._...-i"OTAOr.t_•.additicn � Crw_din�- tra .431zp in _Llcci. 1 '., No. 526— .... ._..._.. .... w'ritt'en proposal for �--- .._....1 'hereai - ... . - " -- -- .InF oP tAhe overn following [oq I rgSeAll iBl oe; nand 9lmontotnr.,hAddltlon n resented e Coun -� - � having been presented to the Council of the ('Fty 'o, 'ulnul: y Councilman.... _ - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. 'Ib investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To ilu•nish tilt, following other (htta and information relative to said improvement:.__.._.._..__.___.__.._..._. .5 . T.a state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing t tters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._....._.._.........1..........._....._..191. Yeas: Nays. Conucilntain Par swo•th AG os ApprovedKel crL�piry 1 oerg .. _......................... _._......................................... -fayo. / Mayor Powers r PUBLISHM i CITY OF S_ I i` PGUL 9 Council Resolution - Gen(,r,_1 Form Department of Education Bureau of Library' Council File Io. Date Presented Resolved that, 1EREAS the Department of Education- 3 Library of the city have requisitioned the Purchasing Depart- went for 5000 Post Cards ilD T.'.EEREAS, the Comptroller hats cer'ified that there is sufficient money in the Treasury of said department to pay for the -)urchase price thereof; and -whereas, said pur- chase cannot be made from the United States except for cash, lY and if made through a printer or dealer will cost the City the ten per cent more than they would if purchased from Gov- ernment; therefore it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorize', upon the consent to this resolution ty the mayor and by himself, to draw his warrant in favor of the Con..ission a er of rljnance for th-c• a re at.e�amouiA of said supplies, and the Pur charge e epartro,, on .f pr►iwith this amount, and cbasin., ._.gent iiinerei,� utr._,ri: ed to purci�� ,: sa-d nh s tc be ne6 fc�f!'t cash out -!,!ed from said arr .. tho s t;-d_plies in by the o_ptrol�-t:r, sari distrit-uteri to tne�nroper de -k rtscnt ant f receipt nbt inoc ti:cre'br. Adopted by the Council l / L Yeas (,y,.} Cou -limen ( ) Nays F. No. 521—By Anthony Yoerg—� - Farn worth `�•esolved, That, Wh cress the Depart- ',q - of Education -Library of the city requisltlo ned the Purchasing De- ent for 6000 Post Cards, GOB 'I Nhereae, the Comptroller has ; �. led that [here is sufficient money • + Tr... ury of sold dep ment to i�. ' mcC+ 1 r the Purchase pricE' there.' '•arch •sa r 7r c Yoe fi , 1914 OIL ary App % , 4 -Mr..President, Pow rs payor. PUBLI6HEDvl� i CITY OF SAINT PnUL Council Resolution - General Form Department Public Torks, Bureau of Correstions Council file No. Date presented w Resolved that, `% :RE QS the Department of Public i7orks - Corrections of the city have requisitioned the Purchasing De- partment for 100 2V Postage Stamps- ;,5D tamps;,5D '+' IE REAS, the Comptroller has -certified that there, is sufficient money in the Treasury of a -id department to pay for the purchase price thereof; and -:whereas, said purchase can- not ',,e made from the ;inited Stater except for cash, and if ::;ade through a printer or dealer ill cost the City ten per cent more "► than they ^,oiild if parchased,from the sovernment; therefore it is hereby RE ­ ',",,D tlkit the Comptroller be a:id he is hereby a-thor=- ized, upon the :;'::sent to this re:�olution by the mayor and by himself, to drar, - his arra;it in "avor of t Jorti:iz sionr of Fi-ranee for the ai-gre.7&te an ount of said supplies, and to ci arg: �C t 1�r Amer. o yzt,l th i .ou;t , a nl tie _urcha inr-- Vent is hereby authorized to tntrc r s d :>uo lies for cash cia:iiied from, said ;,r=ant; the said �ippl;es to h_ znapected by t_e CoInD- troller, and distri'i_ited tc the pro_,er de,a.rt::e;lt and receipt _b- tc.fined tnrcre for. Adopted by the Council __ Yeas ( ) Coun'. lmc:-: ! ) : ays C. F. No-, '2. By bf. N. Gose— Resolved. That, Whereas ithe Dc- -n e- aril-orth partment of Public Works -Corrections' of the city have requisitioned the Pur chasing Department for 100 2c Poet -I C' o s s age Stamp., And Whereas, the Comptroller has; ar) certified that there la sufficient money', In the Treasury of said department to .,_eCo 1 payfor the put'chasa price thereof: and whereas, said purchase cannot Fes' made from the United Stat- e for cash. and if made thro�,xr Yoe g printer or dealer wn1 cost , ten per nt more than the, Purchased from the (; t .reref. it is hereby ;,alt 0 L ary owed, That the C do 'ie la hereby authn f - - - nt to this resolute by hlms elf, to n of the Cor the age or I.:a piles. Ind :� :.:r. PresidPa, Po,.crs and el aUth.ri:- for c or _ bi_ / PUBLISHER_ r�r�9 CI TY CF SkI:,T P; -.UL Cou:!cii ,ieeelution - 5en�,r�;l Form Department of Fina:!.cc co-anci.l File Sto. / Date creserted Resolved that, "3EaE_`-S the Deportment of Fina:lec of till city have renui,itioned the ?urciiasin„ De par tinent for M Nhite 2c Stjmped Envelopes, AND 7!17?E2,S•, the Comptroller has certified that there is sufficient, money in the Trea v. o, said department to pay for the purchase price thereof; and herec..s,said purr;lv.se cannot be made from the United States e_�i:eit for cash, and if ade through a printer or dealer cril]. cost the Uity ten per cert ::v:re than they z:on.Id if purenased from the Governc.eiit; therefore :it is hereby R?:SO1 i3D, that the 'Comptroller o and he is hereby author- ized, upon the coiise.t to this resolution by the ce.yor and by himself, to dray, his ,varrant in favor of the Com:: ssioner cf .�\1 Finance for t;.e a.f;;regate amount of said supplies, and to oilarge with this arrowrit, and the Purchasir_g sent is herehy al:thoris<od to prrchase said slinpl'_es for cash obt-fined 4 = from said want; the said sllnpliei: to be inspected by t}_r, comp- ly troller, and istri buted to t7.e prom:r de-rt:iol t a:d reaei ct ob- tained there fcr. Adopted by the Council Yeas �}- CI il.men ( ) 1a s nmissioner Farne- FaVim i.'th ,Whereas the De - of the city have _'Purchasing Depart- I Go5 White 2c Stamped �7 ' the CamDtroller has / s,C1 ere s depart money v of ,se department to rebase price thereof old purch8se a not United 9tatesou YOIf will debatththe gf C� r e the they Goverc r / 7. `�l�f y oved ;rathe Cumptr, i�p thlrized. solo tion teond�aw hi hr. President, Pos osier :your gregate c Ao char , ith 1. g ge• L :.hose Cron' PLTBLiSBLD '' — 4- T CITY OF SAETT P__UL Coun,,.il 3e;olution - General Form Department of Lacy Bureau of :unic;ipal Court Council rile IIo. D�.te presented ��,�� riecolved that, :':i=i:i:AS the Department of Lain-i.'unici- pal Co,t,,4 eF the Arty have requisitioned the Purchasing- De- partment for 1000 amned envelopes, i,TD '"7_°EAS, the Comptroller has certified that there is sufficient money in the Treasury of said department to pay for the purchase price thereof; and .:he.reas, said pur- Chase cannot be made from the United Stste:. except fcr --ash, and if made through a printer or dealer will cost the City ten per cent more than the,; would if pureed from the Gov- ernment; therefore it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized upon the c•ons.e,-t to this resoiti,on by the mayor and by hieiself, to dray, his v, -arrant in favor of the Cor-1-c'.ission- er of Finance for the ag- regate amour of said ,...,puli.es, and to charge the DPD,artment of Law s>ith this amount. and the Pur- chasing Agent is 'iorel,y etuthori•red to prruhase sai; supplies for cash obt..ined T:-oi. said warrant; tr_r, said - up ii es to be inspected by the Coriptroller, ar.d d;striLated to ti:e proper and rece-1 t .:I,t ined t;:erefor. adopted by the Colin ..1I J✓ Yeas ( 6 ) Cour ilmenr - 14 "Ey s mmfssloner Fares- arna 't , Whereas the De• ; F8T SWorth ;_rlunlclpw court. of; t e4isitloned the Put - ie -nt for loon 2 -cent Gos the Comptroller has , ie auRl en[ money se nrtth f I;iev 11 se slue tnerepr ..ur ase antic%t be 1 d States rt - through aprint- Yo g et the City ten per a icy would if pur- :overnment there - OB ary he comptroller he , ov e — 1914 itdon horized upon ' lid— his we missloner Mr President, Pol ers. rr gal. am, Mayor 't with thl„ Agen ht r— ,--GT TIF- - '� An ordinance providing for and fixing a license fee to be paid by all persons, firms or corporations maintaining gasoline tanks and pumps in streets and other public places. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. All persons hereafter granted permission to maijtain curb pumps or posts, so-called, or other similar devices on public streets, alleys or any other public places or ways, for the purpose of selling or dispensing gasoline or other oils, liquids or substdancee, shall pay into the city treasury, before the Commissioner ,of Public Works shall issue_a permit for the construction thereof, b the .sum of _- as an annual license fee or tax, and a similar sum annually thereafter. Section 2. Any person maintaining any such tank, post or pump under permission heretofore granted shall, as soon as this ordinance becomes effective, pay said license fee pro rata for the remainder of the year, and the said license fee of Dollars / on or before January let of each and every year thereafter, so long as such license is continued in force. Section 3. Should any person, firm or corporation maintain- ing any such tank fail to pay the license fee hereinbefore provided, in the manner and within the time above provided, the license therefor shall stand annulled and revoked, without any action on the part of the Council. Section 4. It shall be and hereby is made the duty of the license Inspector to see that said fee is promptly paid by all such licensees when the same becomes due, and to report any failure on the part of any such y�liensee to make r'elin.Cuent, ayment to the Commissioner of Public Works, in that eventcause any such pump or poet upon which the license fee may be to be removed and the street, sidewalk or other public way, as the case may be, restored at the cost and expense of such licensee. Section 5. This ordir..gp�Sr.R'"?1 take effe,t and be.in force .v, ' 4j _ oe apprpa�,��nd publication. -trty da s No. .53-- 1ordinan- No. 3239—BY u \l'inn Powers— I:\n •dlnancf pro'Iding for and c fee to be balduo hy t-nnk•- �-� o It. Adopted by the' m4/ YEAS NAYS, tt MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER PUBLISHED McCOLL O'LEARY c5y F9 R YG 3 �- , NAYS 0 (POWERS)` y CI�f�IWlAM r, �� �iW6tM6!'SMO�u'iMM Board F. No._ 1"a(YOfRf oL Assembly F. No._- By--. - ------ Resolved, That the contract beari-Ag date June 26th, 1914, by and between E. T. Webster and the City of St. Paul for the construction of the so-called Ocean street sewer system, District No. 1, be and the same is hereby approved, and the pioper city officers are author- ized and directed to execute the same on behal-f of the City. I:eznh-ed, That tho fI:o. r T.Inws e,bs t,esrtnalned the Cilt�� du [e .l96th. 19l{, Ana hetwe of SPao, ion tha _ s called f,nenn RlYect ,-Rten,. oiRtrlm So. 1, be and [he ep '' Is here Ly "Pe 'Proved. :uld thn 1h, I, rip nR t, lu tho 11 h and dr the to c scute the d h:,lf of the CIL}'. Y S IA ppUte, h3the Con ncil App— , -.1 `J .1 f. 197{. Adopted by theS.es...•/•y' •.......... ....:191 j YEAS ' / NAYS, f Adopted by the eo-d or A(d MR. FA!1ll1�NSWORTH y the Asse,nb(y - G SS -- --191- ^` K LLER AI.II. RAUMLIS cuRNINc COLL L n AY"Rol -LEARY 11—AND MUNI-c°i OERG e.1 A.11 NI °""""' NAYS 0 MR. HAIRMAN (POWERS) �/ J ®� om;Rr, RYAN I'ROl' NAYS 1I Af N. I•R l:91 n1'. N'I' (M1,I atOMMMM �►arew+�ra» Board F. No._ - Assembly F. No.--- By- - Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 26th, 1914, by and between E. T.1 1L- ,onstruction of the so-call, 1, be and the same is he: Cs are author- ized and direo city. 7� /J Hyl\ Y Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly _191 _ _ - --- - - ----191 - -- T eAS NAPS IIA5 NA\'S ALU. IfAU MEISTER M1I R. IIAAS AN CORNING All 1, f: eDwnxus II Y LAND NICII A U II MONTGOMERY I- ­­ m u " ., N N'E.RSMURK.\N E, L. f. SA\PORI M JRNANE, 1'. —RE oRERC. YOERG Y RYAN EGFR 1ROY Approved.-__ NATSO MH. J'RI:SIUI'. %'I'l....OLL) Board F. No.—_r ;,. Assenly F. B Resolved, That the contract bearing date July let, 1914, by an* between the Kettle River Company and the City of St. Paul for 2010 square yards of creosoted blocks for paving Grotto street from Fair- mount avenue to Linwood Place, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 533— Resolved. Thnt the contract bearinl; 'date July lat. 1914, by and b`fiewe`e`ny[hY j KeCtle Ricer Company an p St. Paul .for 2010 square yards arott f treet sated blocks for pavins oo Prom Fairmount 6venue to P.inwood, place, d the same to hereby ap- bg city officers are I proved, d the prover authorized and directed to ,execute the same on behalf of the_�Cttvr) ..5 1014. Adopted by the CoUoMl �l Approved 14 (JU'Iyyll-1914) cc GM: - 19L� { Adopted 6y �Ie Cen+af+eeWeret' ... ......... �`,'. e N AYS, YEAS Adopted by the Board ofMR. F'A SWORTH by the Assembly — -- GO SS 191-- YEAR NAYS sAUNIE1 " ,////77 KE ER i CORM. / i N /J// Mac LL EDWARI NYLANC O'L ARY MONrcC MURNAN YOE G MURNAN ODERO NAYS 0 MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) RYAN { MEUER' TROY 1914e-- NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (Mf 4y — �Ja Or. — Board F. No.— Assembly F. No._ -.._—_- By- - -- - --- - - Resolved, That the contract bearing date July 1st, 1914, by an* between the Settle River Company.and the City of St. Paul for 8010 square yards of creosoted blocks for paving Grotto street from Fair- mount avenue to Linwood Place, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the; City � C�,};F. NQ Sa'�—"!_ H ncracf •ibeacln4S I 1� Adopted b, the Board�9f YEAS ALD. 6AUMEIS-1 CORNING E -ARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE' E. f. MURNANE, F. ODERG RYAN STIEC.ER TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) Z c r a x; 3 y"the Assembly -----�_, 191— t'EA6 MR. HAAS SANE MAHLE MICHAUD POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERG NAYS U MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) A ppro t ed x_191 534 uy Board F. No.— Assembly F. No Resolved, That the bid of the Barrett Manufacturing Company for furnishing paving pitch for the paving of Dale street, as contained. 1n its proposal of May 11th, 1914, proposing to furnish the said pitch at 60¢ per Cwt. delivered hot in tank wagons at its factory, 119th Ave. S., Minneapolis, or at 73¢ per Cwt. delivered hot in tank wagons at Dale street, St. Paul, be and the same is hereby aooepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with said Barrett Manufacturing Com pany on the basis of said bid. C. F. No. 534 By M.x. coaR— Resolved. That the hid of the Bar- rett Manufacturing Company for fur - W. � of a g paving pitch for the paving of Da Is street, as contained in Its pro- _.nosal of May 11th. 1914, proposing to ---'- 'furnish the sold pitch at 60c per. Cwt. delivered hot In tank -agora at Its factory, 1 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis, or at 72. per Cwt. delivered hot 1. tank.' wagons at Dale street. St. Paul, be and the same Is hereby accepted,. -and the j proper ity Officers are hereby auth on ized and directed to ezecuta a con- tract with said Barrett Manufacturing Company on the breis of said bid. /�,%f f Adopted by the Council July 3, 1»14. ,� ,/��I/t/.�•t/�V � Approved July 6, 1914. F Adopted by tlt�`r'• •. I.-.--... (July 11-1914). Adopted by the Board of ° ted by the Assembly YEAS NAYS, YEAR MR. FARNSWORTH ALP. 6AUI coR1 GOSS EPw KELLER rYL1 MON'McCOLL MURI Multi O'LEARY 09ER RYAN YOERG STIrd NAYS 0 MR. CHAIRMAN (POWERS) TRP NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT the Assembly Adopted by the'73oRTa NAY YEAS NAYS YEAS MR. AAS ALD. HAUM EI9TER BANE CORNING�� i "MANCE ,� J EDWARDS HYLAND MICHAUD A MONTGOMERY POWERS MURNANE, E. J SANBORN MURNANE, F. WARE /II ORERG YOERG RYAN Nn\'4 u }IR. PRESIDE' LLER) _ 9Tl EC E0. TROY ,4 ppro ved _ NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) �� yo i)t�4 Board F. No._ -- Assembly F. No._— By— Y Resolved, That the bid of the Barrett Manufacturing Company for Resolved, furnishing paving pitch for the paving of Dale street, as contained in its proposal of May 11th, 1914, proposing to furnish the said pitch at 60¢ per Cwt. delivered hot in tank wagons at its factory, 119th Ave. S., Minneapolis, or at 720 per Cwt. delivered hot in tank wagons at Dale strebt. Rt s>a++ _s,a—A jam" "" is hereby horized and acceptgdi ax I'.' '"" Pacturing Com— . directOd to, ak pang X131° sRr=l!, the Assembly Adopted by the'73oRTa NAY YEAS NAYS YEAS MR. AAS ALD. HAUM EI9TER BANE CORNING�� i "MANCE ,� J EDWARDS HYLAND MICHAUD A MONTGOMERY POWERS MURNANE, E. J SANBORN MURNANE, F. WARE /II ORERG YOERG RYAN Nn\'4 u }IR. PRESIDE' LLER) _ 9Tl EC E0. TROY ,4 ppro ved _ NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MC COLL) ,s CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council Resolution - General Form Department of Finance ` Bnreali,of Special Assessments "bocil File No. Date presented'. y` rN Resolved that, F7HEREAS the Department of Finance - 'Special. Assessments of the city have requisitionedT he Pur- r chasing Department for 2600 Postal Cards -. AND WBEREAS, the Comptroller, has:,certified that there is sufficient money in the Treasury of said department to .pay:for the purchase price thereof; and whereas, said pur chas.e`cannot be made from the United States.exyept for cash, and if made through a printer or dealer will cost the City ten per cent more than they would if purchased from the Gov- t (�. ernment; therefore it is hereby x RESOLVED; that the, Comptroller be-ana.he is hereby authorized, 'upon the consent to this resolution;'by the mayor and by himself, to :draw his viarEant in.fador : of the Commissi on er of Finance fpr "the -aggregate amount �of.staid supplies, and to charge the Depttiabf:`Fin>ince with this am.ount, and the Pur- chasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase said supplies for cash obtained fn?ri said warrant; the said supplies to be - inspected by,th'e-.Comptroller, and distributed to the proper department"and receipt obtarned_there_`for -- •� C, F No 636—$Y S A Farnswo th _ - Resolved that Where the Depart - ant. part- -. Adopted by "the Cove 1 ment of FL a ce SVe ial, Ae samenta of the city h9 I requfettfoiled the Pur- hasing Department fore 2000 Postst 'ye _ Cards. _ Yeas COun ilmen And Whereas the Comptroller has certided that there Is aurtlelent money �In the TreaSnrY of said depa tment to� - s (/ 11 pay for the purchase price there f and k, Far worth whereas said `D chase cap of be made' from the United Stat ma rept v Ifor cash, and If made thrpugh a p Int- _ er or: dealer ill coat the City ten peri f*i Go s I cent ._"more than they " ould if pu Chased from: the"Government the e fore '1R Is hereby " '- Rea Ived. That the am otl r bo, 4CC 1 and he fa hereby authorized, pon the. consent to this resoI.tI.n;by the may- or and by himself. ,to draw 'his war- , �rOe ant..'In favor -of the 'Commisaloner of g Finance for the.. aggregate:ameunt of." said �aupDliea, and"to charsa the Deppt _914' v of, Floance with; Ll hopl-Al And 4he, 0 t L ary Purchasing Agetit`Is;,Dersby authorized, to rchaze eatd`supDlies Enr cash, oto-= 'tamed from said warrant: the said - -'J'� auppllea to be lneppe te8 Dy -the Cgmp-'. troller.. and dletrlbuted,to'the Dropor:G department and recel�pt obtained ther/e�:, - for. Adopted hY ttie Councll,July 3 19�(', .. pQT. President, Pow r$ Approved July 8 1914'. (July 11 1914" 535 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council Resolution - General Form i Department of Finance Bureau of Special Assessments t Council File No.Date presented x" Resolved that, WEEREAS the Department of Finance Special Assessments of the city have requisitioned the Pur- chasing Department for 2000 Postal Cards. f"- �► AND AREAS, the Comptroller has certified that "there is sufficient money in the Treasury of said department to pay.`for the purchase price thereof; and whereas, said pur chase'cannot be made from the United States except for cash, and'if made through a printer or dealer will cost the City ten per cent more than they would if purchased from the Gov- ernment; therefore it is hereby RESOLVED", that the Comptroller b.e_,and.he is hereby authorized, 'upon the consent to thisresolution by the mayor " and by himself, to :draw ,his warjant i3j favor . of the Commissi on- er of'Finance for the'a gregate amount bf staid supplies, and to charge the Dep44*01,jrnance with this amount and the Pur chasing Agent is hereby authorized .,to ,p a sand supplies for cash obtained fry aG said wran supplies tube xv t7�e r er inspected by.the Comptt�qq e�', PP department 'and receipt `D Adopted by the Conn Yeas .444 Coun ilmei Farn worth' £w n } : °� - ms cept: Goa Yoe g fi 0'L ary r PJfr. President, Pow rs CO �. N-0 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. _ AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. FILE 1UL -24914 AUDITED PE i[[ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified inJjhe foll wjFit etailed _ statement: LL ` II Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council Fara worth Approve 91 Goss In favor Kellit MC ll �_ Against ,Aroe O'L ary E� Yo Mr. President, P ars' �C. F.,No. 636— f Resolved that warcaatd-Oe drawn pon the City Treasurer, payable out �. �o[ the hereinafter speclaed to and lin- favor of,the:Dereoaer firma or cor- 'pora.tlone for the flmovnteeet opposlto ahelr respective aamea. as.,specul6d. Ie the following detailed statement. i General Corporate Purposes ,�• Board of Control Funds, 1:8. A. Farnsworth:.. $6,134.42:x° ' Interest Fund_;. p- 2, S. A. -Farnsworth.:.: 40,292.60 - mptlon Taa Levy s3Rado3 i -Certs. 1913AOct - 3,_5 A- Farnsworth .;, 192,600.001 1 ?: Total Corporate Pur- frt po6e ;233,026.92 Adopted by the Counatl July 3. 1914.- . Approved July3 1914. (July 4-1914) .--`Y General Corporate Purposes4 ' Board -of Control Fund V/ 1 S. A. Farnsworth, i=5,134.42 Interest Fund V 2 S. A. Farnsworth, 40,292.50 Redemption Tax Levy Certs. 1913 ACCt. , 00 5.00 3. S. A. Farnsworth, 192.��. 238,00,9? Total Corporate Purposes,a , .0 s r w: CITY OF 5T. PAUL P.411,01. • �.::. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. 537 AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM `IE FILE No. n 5• P (I CITY CORPTRO U R AUDITED a 191_ PE R Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in'" the following detailed Z statement. Yeas ( J) Co ncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council JUL —3 1991 . Fa hsworth ) d 9 G ss In favor pr K er M COD Against O eary Y g Mr. President, owers t . m Y4 General Corporate Purposes Garbage Fund -Salaries / 4 S. A. Farnsworth 90.00 School Fund Accommodation 10445.00' .5 Thomas H. Ivey, F General Fund -Paving Equipment �r: 6 Maloney 'Motor Car Co., _.2,165.0.0_ School Accommodation -Salaries 7 S. A.'Farnsworth, 200.00 a Total CorporateNPurposes 3,900.00 :N3f 1 i "l Pt • city OF ST. PARE Unnccc c q' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. ,l AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM FL COUNCIL 5t38 3914 ar J U L— 3`. n r Co .LLE. eumrso PE TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firmsor corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas n, ) Co cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council Far sworth Go In favor P d— 91 Ke er Against NET— eary Y g Mr. President, owers r Corporate Purposes -Special Water Department Fund -Salaries 21,772.80 � 19 S: A. Farnsworth, Corporate Purpibeee-Special Park Fund -Salaries tfN 20 S. A. Farnsworth, 15,763.70 ✓ �' 0. Library Fund -Salaries 21 S. -A. Farnsworth,- 2,597.78V Park Pund-qeneral 22 F. Nuesbaumer, 349.26 Library Fund -General 23 E. W. Clute,. 102.25 y Total Cor urate Purposes -S ecial 1$ 802.99 Corporate Purposes -General' General Fund -Playgrounds Acct. -Salaries 20 24 8. A. Farnsworth, 934. tr r� k Ear. ♦ s ii _.�4 UnnKM+��7 Stormwater Sewer, East- ings Av., 18 J. J. Connolly, Est. #2, Page 2 Special Assessment Const:uctIon Acct. Est. #1 and final, 8 Thornton Bros. Paving Alley Blk. 8, Summit Park Add., 2,237.00 9 Thornton Bros., Est. #1 and final, Paving Alley Blk. 2 Terrace Park Add., 2,387.00 10 OtNeil & Preston, Est. #2 and supplt., Sewer Astoria, Mil- waukee 2001 No., 20.00 11 O'Neil & Preston, Est. #3 and 84�pplt., Sewer Aldine St., St. Ar_tohony to Univ- ersity, 100.00 �- 12 St. Paul Lime & Est. #2, Cement, Pav- Cement Co., ing University Av " Dale to Syndicate, 6,042.00 13 St. Paul Lime & Est. #3 and final, ' Cement Co., Cement, Brick and Sewer Pipe, Paving Snelling Av., Grand to Univ., 4,064.32 14 James Shiely, Est. #1, Sand, Paving University Av., Syn- dicate to City Limits, 1,559.57 15 James Shiely, Est. #2, sand, Paving University Av., Dale 2,971.621- to Syndicate, 16•P. J. Ryan, Est. #1 Ind final, Paving Alley Blk. 1, J. C. Stout's -40 Sum- mit Park Add.,: 3.343.00 22,724.51 Special 17 Funds -Playgrounds' -Bond Acct. Oleon-Boettger Est. #1 and final, Elect. Mfg. Co., installing electric lights at Ramsey Play- grounds Shelter Eldg., 45.00 Stormwater Sewer, East- ings Av., 18 J. J. Connolly, Est. #2, <51 City of st.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof.._._._._._...._._.-._...._-_._._...._._.-._._...._...._._._------------ ._._._._._._._._._....__._._...._.__._._._. Bureauof-------------------------------------------- -------------- _,.._,---------------- __.__._..._._._._--._._._.__.-_ Council File No. ------------------------------ Date Rresented _-....---•••.-•-••••••-----1914. By....._._._.-.-._._._...._._._._.-._._._......._._......._._.-._.__._....---:................. _............................................ Resolved, that the Commissionersoof Pu*J c Works be and he is hereby directed to prepare profile estab7.ish1=g t�wj�folloming named streets. Underwood Avenue from Randolph street .to Hartford street James street from Pascal avenue to Prior avenue in accordance with 1 petitions attached hereto. Adopted by the Coun il.._...._._._._...._........._._.�._..--•--••-••-•--• - -_._._..1914. Yeas ( ) Co oilmen ( ) Nays rnsworth C. F. No. 839— Resolved, That the Commissloner of Fublto Works be and he le hereby di- .rected to prepare a prefile establish - stablish- 1. 9 Ing the grade on the following named .. 8s M Coll ,/j nl Yo rg j 0' eary •streets: Underwood Avenue from Randolph <t – street to Hartford street , James street fromPascal avenue to Prior avenue In accordance with pe - tl [lona attached hereto. ' Adopted by the Council July 3, 1914. Approved July 8. 1914. (July 11-1914) Approved K _.__. _ _. :19 4. Keler ___:._._._Iy._..._......_._._._._._.. ]payor Mr. President, Pow rs &ouncil City of St.Paul esolution - General forma Department of _._.__._._.___._._•_•_.•.•• Bureauof _._._._...._._:_._...._._._._._._._._._. .... �/�,,�j Date Presented �----••1914g Counc 11 a No . G.Y. �._..._.. ._._._.. _. By------------------------ ._._._._._._._----------------- -- .__._._._._._._._._...._..__...._. Resolved, that the.CoWdeeioner rf Publio works be and he is hereby dirooted to prepare profile establishing/ the the following named streets: Underwood Avenue from Randolph street to Hartford street James street from Pasool avenue to Prior avenue in aooerdancs with petitions attached hereto. Adopted by the Coungil` -------------------------------- ._ .-,....-._.__._._........-_.._..... _----- 1914. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farnsworth Goes McColl Yoerg O'Leary Approved ..-_.w ---- _------------- 1914. 1 Keller ------ ._-................ __..._..._..._._.__.__._.. Mayor Mr. President, Powers To the Honorable, the Council of the City of St. PaUl. The undersigned owners of the Lots and Blocks set opposite their names respectively, petition your Honorable body to cause the grade linea to be established on Janes Street, from Pascal Avenue to Prior Avenue in the City of St. Paul. The undersigned own one half of the property fronting on this improvement. Fated July first, 1914. All of Blocks One and Two, in Kipp's Macalester Park, St. Paul, Minn. a° i ' To the Honorable, the Council of the City of St. .Paul. The undersigned owners of the Lots and Blocks set opposite their names respectively petition your Honorable body to cause t'ie grade lines to be established on Underwood Avenue from Randolph Street to Hartford Street in the`"Cit* of St. Paul. The undersign- ed own one half of the property fronting on this improvement. Dated Suly first, 14'14. All of Blocks One, Two Three and Four in Kipp's College Park O�7Y J-7� Addition, St. Paul, Minn. y` being , Jq / one half of the property fronting ,jj�� (� • cr-a� ' K on said avenue. 9 . l r7l-, 540 City of St.Paul Council Resolution=- General xorm. T111' Pi o _WQrku.__._._-__.___._._._ Department Of .,_..._._._._._._._._._ubs _ Bureau of ....._.__.�_. �4T1��]1�iQn._mid•_R3?a------ ------------ —._--._.-_------------- -------- ------- A ---_-__-,...----a July -2---1914. C B Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct cement crosswalks in the following locations: E Avc=. ...S• acroriB Cross .>t. "rotto St. S. across Seminary St. ice St. W. S. across :.arylanu St. neIit St. S.S. across Central Ave. "ackubin St. VJ. S. across Front 't. Hatch St. N.S. across Arur:iel St. ...arion St. both sides across Gerar-ium St. Geranium St. both sides across 'Marion St. Geranium St. 'ooth „_.es across Gaultier St. Gaultier St. both sides across Geranium St. Rose St. S. S. across Ga --tier St. Gaultier St. W. C. a61,0s8 Rose St. Rose St. S. S. across :.'arion St. ;.;anion St. W. S. across Rose St. Woodbridge St. 'r.S. across Pose St. ose t. B.S. Carroll Ave. cot., s:de7 z_c:ross .., .r It r1t; c.i-i .. b,) .. i.. Cro �-. Lc.r C' Adopted by the Council Yeas ( I .) Couna L'srn Goss Mcc� 0' L r' Kell r Mr. Presidento Powe s JUL —3 1 4 _•r, on ( ) Nays south s1de, rth north aide, ecr. both sides. a, 'both - sides, tiotb.. aide., Both etdea; acro.. n Malde,. across Ge WOst side, acroe uth alae, acrbse ApproV :ids. a r �/ ............... . A Mayor � J L .. - �i,;'. �r may✓ H rr i. A. • ��fj �'� i 7C Jl.,. iii City of St.Paul 54.� Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof .................... ------------ _:__-------------------------------- __ Bureau of .._._......._.:uox txla�t.iQs� suid_. 3egai__._...._......................... _............ __.......... admxasav¢x xxaaaada �aax¢d dd adaxaa dxsdddaaoa avda s=xxaa aa4aad mamssoarsaxa File No. Date Presented . ....... 1914. Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct acement crosswalk on both sides -'of Virginia Ave. across Charles St. Adopted by the Council .. ._._... Yeas ( ) Counc men Farn worth GOB MCC 11 Yoe g 0'L ary Bel, er Mr. President, Pow s ...... ............ 1914. ( ) Nays C. F. No. 641-13y :V1, N. Coss— Res 1l ' That the C.- mlaslonor oY P.bllc IV.rks be and Is hereby author- � iced and dlr_ted to c .tr..t a cement prossWalk on both idea of Virginia Ave., ¢cross Charles 8t. Adopted by the C_ 11 July 3, 1914. Approved July 6, 1914. ) (July 11-1914) S Approv,e - ._.------ ---- --_..1 14. _.---._._.. _...__.__._._._._.__.._._ Mayor _. 542 City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. ' Department of ................. __---------------- ---------------- __._- Bureauof ..._._.__._____._._._._._------ --------- ____... Council File No. , Date Presented Resolved) that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cnnetruct brick crosswalks in the following locations: 542-13y Ef. N. Goss— _ That the Lommlesioner. of • u.161"1 t . �i . ... aU Y 0 e y one S t . _ .Forks be and Is hereby'au- and directed to ".construct -I.—Iks In the following In. FOreat St. S. a:Jr0,.6S --any lani Ave. St, west aide. across Rose 9t' Randolph St. ... S. across Lexington Ave. at, ease arae, across Xary-_: LexingtonSt., Ave. E. S. across Randolph St. north aide, a rose x-' p Le GeoI'ge St. S.S. across Ohio St. _ Ave., east' side, c. across` StevensSt. ,.*. S. across Ohio St. •t., south- side, across Ohl. Oiiio St. W. S. across Stevens St. 9t., north side, across Ohio' ;Gorton. St. both sides -across Ottawa Ave. set side, across Stevens{ Ottawa Ave. both sides across '=orton St. both sldea,.'aeross Ottawa Edward St. W. S. across Water St. t, beth stdai gems Water St. S. S. across Fi3ward St. west side, aoro a ware,. Bunker St. both aides across `t. Hope St• south side, across Edlva, Page St. both sides across "t. Hope St. 'both sides, - across Yt. Hope St. both sines across Page St. th sides, across hitI Page St. both sides adross Harvard St, both sides, aereas. Harvard St. both sides across Page St. th sides, acres. Y ::arvald St. S. across Blinker "t.1. "nth 'acro l� ':t• Hope St. .1•S• across bates St. aides, Gates St. both sides across ' t. 'Tope Ct. at Sid ac ,:' eat.' So. Robert St. F.`'. across Flizabeth St. Elizabeth St. S.S.across So. Fobs -It St. Lo-isa St. o i, 3i.-tee...� Lwin -St':.- Av,.. Liv_r:gsten Ave. boti, sides -.urn-s Lo-,lisa St. Adorted by the Council ......... ................. 1'4-3-C44 ---------------- - --- _.._...._....__--- 1914. Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth Go me oll Yo rg 0' eary Appro _.. 914. ---------- kudLI3HEDu�/ Mr, President, Po.ters ys 543, City of Bt.Paul Council Resolution - GepeTal form. Department of .._...,_._...._._._._._. .._._.__._._._.Ru��i,.6...QQxl�a............................. _._................... 1._._._._._ - Bureau of Construct_ion.argil..%.eye.�r_.,_.___................. .._._.__---- _------ _._._.... _.._._.... - Council File No. ._.... ..... Date Presented .._....lv Lyt_.2._----- 1914. L1 Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct an alley crossing of cement block as fol ows: on Geranium tlSt, both sides comimencing 124.6 ft. west Fice St., thence west 20 ft. Adopted by the Council ' _......_...._....__._..1914. Yeas ( ) Cc noilmen i ( ) Nays r F rnsworth ' - $$ / Coll 'C. R No. 643—By Df. N. Goss— R sol�,.d, That the Commlaeloner pf Public \Yorks be and is hereby author- Iced rtnd directed lb, construct nn alley ossing t cement block as Yol. iw. - •On Geranium treat, both sides, com- mencing 124.6 ft. west Rice 8t., thence wet 20 ft. ) Adopted by the Council July 3, 1914. Approved 6, 1914. (July 11-1D14) / oerg i 'Leary Approve _ _..19 4. eller _ — _. ........... Mayor Mr. President, overs - I 114.5 4 An ordinance prohibiting buying and selling upon public sidewalks. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. It is hereby made unlawful for any person to engage in buying or selling goods, wares or merchandise, or to buy or sell the same to any extent whatsoever, upon any public sidewalk or any part of any public sidewalk within the City of St. Paul. Section'2. It shall be and hereby is made the duty of every police officer to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and to summarily arrest any person offending against the same, and any person offending against the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in the St. Paul Workhouse for a period not exceeding ninety days. Section 3. This ordinance 1. shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F. No..646—Ordinance :Na 3240—EY Commissioner. McColl— An-'ordinance prohibiting buying and _ selling uponpublic sidewalks. - The Council of ''the City of St Paul ] does Ordain: "SECTION 1. / It' Is hereby made unlawful for any person to engage In buying or selling f ! goods. wares or merchandise, or to buy ' ! - or sell the same to any extent what - 'o""' up. r 'Any. public sidewalk or any part of any public sidewalk with I. the City of St. Paul;• SECTION 2. • .191 Adopted h'I It shall be and hereby is maae:the , duty of very police is ordinance to enforcer the prf eve na of this .ordinance and: to summarily arrest ': any person df fending against the same and, _any Peragn offending inalnet the'.yro-'8, O J 1 visions of, this OrdinaTce ehalln4 be guffty of a ruledemeanor and shall be, punished -by a ffne'not exceeding, One' l Hundred- Dollars (100.00) or •by rim-- ; prisonment In the St. Paut Workhouse ' for a period•not exceeding ninety.daye, it- --SECTION This ordinance shalltaka effect and s be In force thirty -days after its pass- , age sad pssblication. Adooted7 by I . Councll'July 18; 1914. Ycae=Messrs:Farnsworth, Keller, Mccol1, O'Leary, Yoerg, Mr. Yreaident (Power.) -6. N.Y.—O. Approved Approved July 20. 1914' WINN POWERS. lfnyor/ �. Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, A,7'�-—City Clerk. OH If (July 25 I914) N 1. PARIEy�ERG NAYS 0 CttyIYl�, T �� (POWERS) An ordinance prohibiting buying and selling upon public sidewalks. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. It is hereby made unlawful for any person to engage in buying or selling goods, wares or merchandise, or to buy or sell the same to any extent wh @ r, upon any public sidewalk or any part of any public the City of ,St. Paul. Section3: It sh eby -is made the duty of every police officer two ert.0 'alone of'this ordinance and i to summarily arrest any peresf ainet the same, and any person offending agains "°" ;;""''" ' ,11'; •a 1 1 , Iq 11imui; u.11 ���"'��.e ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars (h ent in the St. Paul 1 gop,,a , I JU11 la.n`1\n L" inn '1' Jo .(1„n�;l '1 ,.It.II I,:,.,, Iin,• I,IIn,." Workhouse for a period..J ,1, —J 1.,— „',1 1,1 J,,,.„,,,, < nn,l.mi .IoJ unJJ.,n 1 , uao ,fie. Section 3. �s gplLl.L,J\'J .J =' effeot and be in force thirty days a, "on. ftg "5' �� a :; �� LIxI l y4l Jo w 1 4 I,:sa,•:1 ti val.iv i, t �V ..191 Adopted by the YEAS NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTII 6995 KELLER McCOLL !� ETES j O•LEARY "�p•YN i. Ma iEr��pVNAYS 0Rby(POWERS) a 545 J An ordinance prohibiting buying and selling upon public sidewalks. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES.ORDAIY: Section 1. It is hereby made unlawful for any person to engage in buying 04 ndos, or to buy or sell the same toye�b�& RIO upoa� Public sidewalk + Paul. or any part of a Sectio Luty of every police ;'fy iinanoe and to summarily ,sand any• person Offen eh'al l be guilty of a 4ot exceeding One Hundred St, Paul SMS Workhouse fo , Se d,be in force thirty, CI'T'Y OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office `.......... l (... 19 k„; U. Received of City Clerk � Council File No.._...._ _ r 548 ` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and e- PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes .the making of the fol ving public improvemen t)--t ity of St. Paul, viz.:_...Co.netruc.t.....a..._a..i.dewalk.....of..._C.e n.t.._b.1ac.ks..._t:o_...th..._tsidth.....bf...SIX ................ feet on ...the.'west-side of._._Lexn.g avenu.e., ..begin..'..g.._>3t....SelY�y._ay.@.�7Q,... th.encs.to....�iax.ahca 1....av enue...._.... ......._........... ............._........._........_............_.. ....... ............. ..... . Dated this.....5 J day o % 191 44, a r-r .... . Councilman. - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._..CA.nn.trucl... EL- to. ..the w1dth --of - a ix fe.e.t an the W-e-61. -aide - L- to...the....w1d.th_...of..-a.ix.._fe.e..t.an:_..the...._W-e.st...side..... of Lexn.g.ton__ay.enu_e.,.._ kegi.n a.ing_.. at.:..S.e.lb�r ay.e.nu.e..,..._thazic_e._.._to _Ida..sha11 __a�fenue. o. 648— 'eae. A written propoee-I f Df the following .._..._ ....... _.._.. _.. .._.... _. ...... _..... _. .-..... ce- - o t e n gid walk of to the width of 1 feet 1e f L ,'ngto enne ,1 - - - having been presented to the Coun, .. n iAit °Ul4 bi at. Paul by Couucilulan 1 Q.1/f -." ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. 'Po furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_.____._.._.__........___ ................. ................. ............. ......._....................................... —.... .......... -...... ............... --•,...................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or !more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _.Z f4if� Adopted by the Council.................::.__`..............................._.........191......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman f Fa swo•th Go Approved ......-......_......- % MoiK o 1 l O' ary Y .g...................._...................... ................................................ ..... _. _ P'tJBLIS Mayor Po rs Mayor. 546 lk An ordinance -prohibiting the storage, sale or distribution o oa of gasdline or other explosive oil or material upon property abutting upon Summit avenue between Rice street and the Mississippi River. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAII: Section.l. It shall be and hereby is made unlawful for any person, fi'.m or corporation to store on any lot or piece of land abutting ori"Summit avenue between Rice street on the east and the Mississippi River on the west, any gasoline or other explosive oil, or to sell, dispose. or distribute the same from or on any oY'sueh lots. Section 3. The Council or the Commissioner of Public Safety shall not hereafter receive applications for, or approve or grant any permits for the storage, sale or distribution -of said oils or substances within said prohibited district. Section 3. All permits heretofore granted for the storage, sale or distribution of any such substances within said prohibited - ,district are hereby cancelled and revoked; and the licensees under said permits are hereby directed and required to discontinue the sale,. storage, or distribution of said substances within said prohibited district on or before January let, 1915. Section 4. Any person offending against the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine no.t exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the St. Paul workhouse for a period not exceeding ninety days. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication.-, — J C. F., No. 546—Ordf ¢nee No, 3241—By Commtesloner McColl— - % An ordlnanee prohibiting the storage. [p aale m distribution of Sas line or other explosive, oil or material upon ..propeborty abutting upon Summit ave- ' nue tweett Rice street and the Alis- sleeippi Rlver. -•v rl before January is'. +++.. ..... The Council of the City of SL Pauli chin: does.Ordain: 'IU l I. at the `1 ` h I' �• shall be 1 l 7 - / % SECTION It shall be and IM -M, i made unlaw- .....191 Adopted by tui for any person fl m r c.". p.I land on any. tot or pieceof In d / 7 to stole butting Summit enue bet - Rice street ono fie castandthe Idle- -- - e f•ry �/L�.� !L i..Ippl R1v n the west, n y.gnso , el il, . t o Bell. line otbe 1 , I ^ �, / 1 E- from ot ribu dispose or distribute the .e , This ordinance shall toke effect and - be In Yorce thirty. days after Its -pass- on any of such lots. ` g age and Publication. Adopted by the Council July 18. 1914, - "SECTION- 2. c ( k _ Yeas Diessrs. Farnsworth, Keller. i McColl O'Leary. Yoerg, Mr. Presldent The Council: or the Commissioner of ,:d.ppi•ovedJuly 20. 1914. POR TR9 ' Public: Safety shall not bereafter le- 4 ceive applications for, or approve or S ' \tt11\ 1 I I I r. 1. - grant any Permits Yor the storage, sale ` or dfstrlbutlon—of said "Dile an- _� ____ _ 1. stances•within said proh'lblted district. ; SECTION 3. o .111, permits heretofore granted for • the storage, sale. or distribution of any' each substances within, said prohibit-' hereby capcelied and wi ed distrlet are' revoked, and the licensees under s id hereby directed and re y. is •'3 Ts._ permits are qufred to. discontinue the pa]e storage -•v rl before January is'. +++.. ..... it 'IU l I. at the `1 ` h I' �• shall be NAYS :'�> lea nd hall be S) pun fished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imp,'sonment _ In the St. Paul R'orkhouse for(ia period -- - ,.- not.exceeding ninety days. Y- , SECTION 5. , This ordinance shall toke effect and - be In Yorce thirty. days after Its -pass- ` g age and Publication. Adopted by the Council July 18. 1914, , c ( k _ Yeas Diessrs. Farnsworth, Keller. i McColl O'Leary. Yoerg, Mr. Presldent ,:d.ppi•ovedJuly 20. 1914. POR TR9 ' 4 S ' \tt11\ 1 I I I r. 1. .II It 3 �; 2 i •E 4 •,.: $ ll �li3.. _� ____ _ 1. r 546 An ordinance prohibiting the storage, sale or distribution of gasoline or other explosive oil or material upon property abutting upon Summit avenue between Rice street and the Mississippi River. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIJ: Section 1. It shall be and hereby is made unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to store on any lot or piece of land abutting on Summit avenue between Rice street on the east and the Mississippi River on the west, any gasoline or other explosive oil, or to sell, dispose or distribute the same from or on any of such lots. Section S. The Council or the Commissioner of Public Safety lioatia or approve or grant shall not hereafter receive qpp any permits for the storage, e r�Sbution'of said oils or substances within"gi6id prohibited fat; Sectioa�3permits r are granted for the storage, sale or distribution of any eu6h elites within said prohibited aeP+O 147 ,•'' ' t o>.nOJs W3 w0'��p0 w4 RA$.Yfl�aPap i the licensees under district are hereby cano-� oaiStPagaaoar�rl„. di continue the sale, said permits are hereby said prohibited storage, or distribution ,, I1 .: aVl 411 n. ,u,lv,ei,lly P\ ,"an district on or befor a�', ., lolu9 �aF4aaai}.... \ 1^ Q o alolF;i 41 to � R rovisions of section 4 �„ �1�Po, al 4 I est \II\P:i 1 IJ,\ 1 4d�8ha11 be punished this ordinance shall Lllul Id ,, '�: \']I 2(1IGa14 S ll\ I'i'IIA\Py,yn''(ylr b i, , §,f,�, risonment 1n the y H fine not eXC6®d s ha .. � ' at Paul Workhouse fo Asti days . 4 effect "and be in force Section 5 ], ].:IDv'.vv SIiOp thirty days after site' `' 4 Ina,a41 vllv'4giv^�' J,• r vcgv aQ Il om alns pixp _ IWA-K—1 ]i PI'��uv aly� IPP 1 1, P1 4 RI I P UTA - t t 1 , pay, rnsau p I ' cf <t u 7//�� 111 I I , i r, /�/ ���*,✓/ ry 1 P, 1 <vP 418 41 t ii /y Adopted by the j J i f/'� / /j-^ /� / ✓ L.7,a �'f. YEAS NAYe, MR. FARNSWORTH ' KELLER MCCOLL � 77. O'LEARY N _ Y RC NAYS 0 (POWERS) / gz t.. z 546 .� ,k An ordinance prohibiting the storage, sale or distribution of gasoline or other explosive oil or material upon property abutting upon Summit avenue between Rice street and the Mississippi River. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. It shall be and hereby is made unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to store on any lot or piece of land `abutting on Summit avenue between Rice street on the east and the Mississippi River on the west, any gasoline or other explosive oil, or to sell, dispose or distribute the same from or on any of such lots. section 3. The Council or the Commissioner of Public Safety shall not hereafter receive applications for, or approve or grant any permits for the storage, sale or distribution of said oils or substances within p rohi��° i«�.� M4` uit�d for the storage, Section prohibited sale or distrix+�+i"*'`„” `sees under district are h 1nue the sale, said permits ,a: �rt4 prohibited storage, district this ordi by a fine St. Paul isions of e punished ment in the be in force thirty days 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL. .City Clerk's ..Office .............................: /� Re ved of City Clerk J ^ ~" ICUL7,I•:R 7.aw •ritti �� A ..,, '• tiT.l•al'L,MIN�• St. Paul, Minn., July 22, 1914, �+ $tp Hon. Michael N. Gose, Councilman and Com'r of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. fIq t Dear Sir: We transmit herewith for approval by you, according to the terms of the ordinance hereinafter mentioned, a plan and specifications of a proposed stairway and railing, per— mission' to construct which, conditioned upon your approval of said plan and specifications, and the other conditions in said ordinance mentioned, has been granted by Ordinance Num— bered 3242, approved July 20, 1914, entitled, "An Ordinance granting to the Baltimore Investment Company, a Minnesota corporation, permission to construct a stairway and railing 3 in front of the premises known as Piedmont Apartments." We would very much appreciate as early attention to this matter as conveniently posgible. Very truly yours, gELLFR & LOOMIS, By p The attached plan and specifications of the proposed stairway and railing permitted to be constructed by the Baltimore Investment Company, in front of the premises known as Piedmont Apartments, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 3348, are hereby approved. 'Y'4 Dated. at St. Paul, July_ 1914. -- Counc Commissioner o Public Works, An Ordinance granting to The Baltimore Investment Company, a Minnesota Corporation, permission to apnstruct a wa !i ( s,ta y 8 it and railing in front of the premises known as Piedmont Apartments.. L THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That permission and authority are hereby granted to The Baltimore Investment Company, a corporation duly organized, created' -and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, to construct a stair way and railing, extending two feet beyond the easterly line of Smith Avenue,, said stair way beginning one hundred and four feet and eight inches southerly from the southerly line of West Ninth Street, thence extending southerly a distance of five feet and three inches in front of and leading down into the premises known as Piedmont Apartments, located at the southeasterly corner of Smith Avenue and West Ninth Street, in the City of St. Paul, upon Lots Four (4) and Five (5), of Block Fifty-six (56), of Irvine's Enlargement to Rice & Irvine's Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of redord in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, said state. Section II. The Commissi oner of Public Works is here- by authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the con- struction of said stair way and railing upon its compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said -licensee shall. file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed stair way and railing, which p15n shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. - (2) The said stair way and railing shall be constructed under the supervision and direction of the said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection. . 4 ' (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul. in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, damages,costs, claims and expenses of any kind, e2ising or grow- ing out of the construction, maintenance, operation, use or re- moval of the said stair way and railing, and the said bond to re- main in force and effect as long as said stair way and railing are maintained and in operation. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Attorney, and shall havei such sureties as may be approval by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) The said stair way and railing shall be removed and the street restored to its original condition by the said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall, within five -days after s the passage of this ordinance., file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk,in such form as may be approved by the Cor- poration Attorney. Section III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and"," its passage and publication. -j;:: .r- - C. \o. No. toner arnswe th 3242—Hy Co rdina ce Farnsworth— An Ordinance gent Co p The Halt - morn Investment Company, a Mln- rota Corporation, . and melon - constrvf a stairwaynni find ri lilni o, . the Premises kn ' �'�dmont .Apartments. _ ///A V Adopted by .............. YEAS NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH >NtstT.>fiF1EIli KELLER MoCOLL O'LEARY � $HN t. p Y RG AR%OY, city V' NAYS 0 POWERS)y., } 0 9 0 t v Attorney at Law - - 700.702 GLOBE'BUILDING ''"_ ✓ St. Paul, Mina. `,+; } 0 t _ Comieil rile No..... ..... ... ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and t PRELIMINARY ORDER., The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following ie'improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: __.P...ave__.L_ow.b.a:rd....a.se..e.t_..fr.nm._Lexir .. nn....ay..eriva....-tnsiidge.x-o.a ...-venue., allay- aPFxo.acha. ....... ... .. ... ... ..... o�--- Dated this___.. _da Lek. 191 ,7 C. F. No, 64a— l for the �t Nhereos, 'Iten proposa .. ",king f the follod%ll improvement, Councilman. Pave Lomto Ridgewo dom Leri -I'o nnli a -ate, anilego -- to PRELIkNARY ORDER. WIIEREAS,A written proposal foi• the making of the following improvement, viz.:.........PBVe... LolTbaFCl .ngton....av,enu.e......t.o-....Rifig.ew.o.fld.....ay.env..e.,._..aleo._..mak.e.....a11..._s.e.tv.er., hater.... and ....g.as....c.onnec.tlons...f.x.ou,..-the -.stre.et....n,a.i.n.s__to.....th.e...p.ropex-ty_-Lines.. c.e.s.sax:y-_driv.eway_..and. ...all.ey.._appr.oa.ches......._. _.......... ...._.................... ._....................._........_......_.._........_.......:......._........._:....._._..:........._........_..........._..._._.........._.. v2 �dt/ ................... _ having been presented to the Col 1 of file City of St. Paul by Councilman ..............._............... therefore, be it N. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pue Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To farnish�a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. '1'0 furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:...__...._._._____...._.._. .............._.......... ---- ................ _................... ............._..._.......... ............... ........................... .._....._.._..................... ._...._.._........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mater6 to the Commissioner of Finance. JLL -3., . Adopted by the Council....._.....__....._....__..._- ........................ ...... 19L.- Yells: 9L._Yeas: r Nays: Councilman Far sworth Goa Approved....._./:..`...._..._....._Y.__._........_.._... ..... Kell r _--- ' ll O 7L my Yoe g Mayor Pots Mayor. Council rile No ::........ .....:.............. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. m and z n PREMONARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes Mie making of tile- following jntb<c improvement by tile City of St. Pant, viz.:._G.z.a..de..,.k.i.>>.......at.xee_t..._b_etw_e_en.._Rob_1 .... venue anal St. Anthony..._ ............. y avenue, in. accordance with the pe ion herewith at ached. _.. _._._. _ _. ..._... _......_ ... _ _.._.... ............. _.... .:......._. Darted this,,. /h .._.day i . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:...... GT3dtr._............ ... _Finn..._etreet. betvreen Rob_lvn Avenue and St. Anthony avenue, in accordance _--- p No. 550— wIth__the _peti.tion_ he.r.ew th a.t.tached_,. `ul geof the following a n[, .. .... ... Grade Finn street l t . ...... ^.; n�enne. nnfl st. Ant i uo:.. ..dnnce with the" Pe .._.. �__. ..... .. __..._._ ...._._...... ... ............... ched hnvins been Prea.. .. until of the City of 9 be nt /j ............... ._...__......._._.............. ......__............_.._....__.................... .........._......._...>_.....__..._......._........... .........._........................_........../ .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman—n—_.-.a._....._.._ .... ................. .._..._....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. TO furpish the following other data and iufm•uultiinn relative to said improvement .......... _._._....... .............. ............... _...... ........................................ ............................ _._........................ ....................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._...............:.`......_.........................__191......... Yens: u Nays: Councilman rar 'worth Go.. Approved `�..`_ ...._. ._...._.... .._ Iiel er AZc oil O'l eary Yorg......................................................... /-Mayor Poi ers :Mayor. PUBLISHED -Z --&:::j/ Council File No.._. ... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and K PRELIMINARY ORDER. } The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following 'public improvement by the -City of St: PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writt proposal for the inking of the following improvement, viz.:..._.C.O.nB_t-Mo_t_ .. _a.....e.i.devra.]k_._nf.__c meat..._hlo.o.ka_,......t.a....a.._width.._of...si.x_..f..e.et:__on.....t.h ...Nor...th..._s_id.e. of Hendon avenue between Cleveland avenue,._ and_.Hythe_Street ___... _._ 1 651— . as written prop—O' t th 'oP thh e following Improve .-..-... - ...._.............._........_...._.._._......_.__............ _...', struct a nidewnik .ft a width of 1 feet On t' �e of Hendo v ue betwej _ ...... ....... ...................._... ........._ ...... —.. o 1 H) the ntr .... ._ .. ....... ... . W .—t d the tConi having been presented to the Council of tTie'•f ,, '—al by Conucilman ........... _......._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is her ordered and directed:' 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ................. 4. '1'n tarnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:___.._.._ . ............. 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•Pgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,L _3 ! i4 Adopted by the Council._._.........._. ....._................_........ _....1J1..'.....,. Yeas • Nays: Councilman Far sworth Gost Approved.....`....` Kel r Oil O'L ary Yoe g _.... .... ........... f--' .............. . Mayor Pow ra tfayor. i tsFTED �� /l —/ � 552 Council File No.._._._.. _._..._......:..._ Q PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. s. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Ok 'file undersiged hereby proposes the making of the followil g•'jlublie improvement by the City of St. Pa b.lq.c.ka'..-to....a.._n.idth....o.f......aix . .e_t_. Paul, viz.:._._C.ons.trues,_.a....aidev�alk_..o.f......c.em on the East _side .._of. Oxf,ord.,stre.eSti..nspn..etree_t to ..ge_as..street. .. .......... _..... . Dated this .__. �... .._dav Y( . ✓... _G e ........... Couueilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ilnprovemcut, vii.:_.._C.OrietrU Ct_ . a.... sidewalk. .._of_c.eute.n.t-._10100ks......to..:.:a....wildth.....of..._a.ix...._fee.t._on......th-S Za-G-t.....$.i.de-AMIL o.f __Qxf.o.rd. _.street,,. _fx.om....S.tinson..._a.tr.e.e-t.__to....EUX91e.ds. _stxe-et'... _- .�F` No. 552— o osnl Yor the ',Vherens, L wrltten pr P _......... .. ...._.:... ... .... .. _.._.. _.. _.. _.._... ....... _...._. _...._ ..... `tiny; of the to11ow1n9 i-.f , Construct a sl dewulk of cement to n width of els feet on tho _ f Oxford t t tr m Stfn...... ... .. ........ .. .. .. ._.. .. ... - .:...__... _.. .... .... ...... - n 6 s st, et h vir n h r cif Y 1 having been presented to the Council of the'la,�,,, m.•,..- ruy Couneil7na - --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -- b. '1,0 fnraish the following other data and information relative to said improvement_________ ............._................__........_......................-.._.....-......................._._.._...._........._.._..._..._...._........._......_................... _.i,- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report npofi all of the fore ping matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Y i�4i4 Adopted by the Council ...... ..... _...._...._...._............... _...... ............191....._-. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far sworth Gas Approved......-.....Y _.......... $el r r - Me oil 0' ary ..... ............ Mayor Poi re Mayor. PUBLISHED a. 55'3 Cnnucil FileNo....... ............ . 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following t ili Paul, viz.:_..._A.....0114n.@4.....o.f....gT&d.e.......Qr1.....Qzo-we1...l... ._.-OM— .G.....f. b1cKenty_ street __ ...._.: ......... _.... Dated this ._ _ d of improvement by the City of St. it Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz -:A ohange . 0.. ta.....bac.Ken.t.Y.._.a..t.xe.. t......_.........._........__ _. ,'nereas, n written proposal for til......... .. ..............__.. ........... ... -- -----"--"-'-""""' nS of the following lmprogmer A 'h" ge of grade oa Crow, ,e from Orchard street to MCKe-_...__......_.................._..... .... tuving beenpresented to ----..- .... ...._.. of the City of at. PBuI [' ' it aa. lhy l ...-......._ - _. _...... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilma n ................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby, ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .}. '1'n furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement_._....__.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._ ............ .....dUL..._....ti.............. ........ 191........ - Yens: Nays: Councilman Fart worth Goss r Approved- __7... ..... __.._..._...._.._ ._... _..1!11.. .. Kell r Mc Il O'L ary Ia ot• Po era .... Yo g ................ .............. ......... layer. Y PUHLISHI;D_Y—� , A' Couneil File No_..___ .. ._. . 5 4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. , The.nlo�nders4led hereby proposes the making of the fol ' public improvement by. theof St. P „ Paul, viz.: _._..Change.....of.....grade ..._on....Rierc. a.enue-.-b.e.t�w.e.en.....County ... ad...and:..._...._ .... ._..Kee..ton stre.at,......in-acc.o.r. c.e--with ....p.e..t.i.t.ion....he.r.el ....attached........._... Dated this..... day of -- lac `f... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVHEREAS, A written proliosal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_.._C.tlunge...Of, ... grade.....on....F.ierc.e....avenue .....he.tween... Co.un.t.y....B-oa.d....and ...Kes.ton....a.tr..e.et........... __... in accordance with.petition _herewith....attached ...__............ _.. F. No. 664— II Vhereas, A written prop o el for the - ,cing wing ImP a t. .. ........_ _....._..... .. ...... -- of the following Change of grade o e- . - _.... _.. ... ..... .._ . t .:C�.huty Read andKeel.i l ........ ..'� C ndwith P.-11 . 1 � .... - .. _ .. in having been presented to the Council of thA therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvem1 ent. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, proflie.or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the' following other data and information relative to as improvement:_...___.__.___: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .....__........._tlrla_.....—�j._�..4.......191....'.._ Yeas': Nays: Councilman Farnsworth "— �j Goss Approved....... x:,...:.__.::-:...,... _._ ..._.._ Beller —� McColl O'Leary Mayor Powers y, .. _ :Mayor. f'VBLT3flSD f — — �e� Ctiumeil Bile No....:..: __.._ _........_.... 555 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publicfiiprovenlent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade .__the _..allay ._..in B.1.ock...1.1,...Oakv.-i1jA-Park,...:..in....complianc.e.....w. the petition hereto.attached..__, _.... _ ........ Dated this,....day of _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERF.AS, A written. proposal for tlK making of the following improvement, viz.:.G.r3.de.....the__al.ley _n..._ Black ..._l1._..O.akv..il.l_e...P.ark.,......i.zi.....comp.11anc.e....vj..i.th..._the_._P.e.t.it..a.c.n_..kl.e_xe.t_o... . No. 666— ereas, A written proposal for th .at. t.ac .e.'' .., _.. G of the following ImP mei... -- -- -- -""'- i. _ .. .. -- .rade the alley In Block 11 On url<, In compliance with the ' Preto attached having b en T...... - ---.-- ^Dune _ _..... .. .... to thr it of the Clt} � � -- ,il tF,. ... 1. It ........ _.r „.'. .. r ... ... ...... _. t� .._. -. .. ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Countilma ." .... ....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity, for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To fnruisl the following other data and inforulation relative to said improvement: _.___ .....__...... ......... _........... _.. _........................... _. _...... _.......... _...... _.... _...... _. _.................. _.. _........... _..... _ ............... _.. _...... _.. _. _...... _...... _.. _........... _..... _............ ............. _ .................... ......... _..... 6: To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....____.........._ f «,.....-'2...15._h..._191 ........ Yeas: Nays: b Councilman Farnsiq,?rtll Goss 7r Approved _ ._..-_....... �— Keller McColl O'Leary ayor Powers Mayor. PUBLISHED �_ L /— 5 �6 Council File No....__ _..._.___.... d ,PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of Hollowing public inlln•ovement by the City of St. Pahl, vi,..: Grade...Erana.t.on._s.tre.e..i... .fomes...H.endnn....ay.enu.e.....n.o.rth to:::ah.e...._C.i.t.y.._...__.._. Limits, in _said City.....__.__. "' ._......... . _ t V Dated thus..... _day of � 191 ..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. h \VIIERI:AS, :\ written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vv.:_:G.rad.e....Brane.. ori e.tre.e.t.._f.ro.m__1andon....aueQue._n�r..3h._.tn._Lh�_..I tvf.Limi.ta,......in....said...-C.ity.._........_.. No."'T �e retie. A written proposal for the . of the CBra—to.towlug Prove - m H t[.... .. ..._. - - -- --" -- .de nraon street et fLimis. or ror[h to the CI[, v ing been Presented t" ---- -- _.. ... _.. _.. _......... 3 '. City Of St. Pn;._ ... .. .. ^az.. rf al ,..... .. .... .. .. ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ._._ .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate Vie nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . }. To I'uruish the following other data mul information relative to said improvement:._.._ 5. To state whether, or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....__........_...�.._�............ .191._...... . Yens:N Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..._? Lc.... /Mayor Keller McColl O'LearyYoelg ......_.......... Powers .Mayor. PUBLISHED . Council File No__._. ..J7, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followil,pinUlic improvement U}� tUc City of St. Yaul, viz.: G�.trb......t.?l_..._r.Q..T.ti.}�.....e_�5�..2...__of.....Zpam `:.l. oux.e..tll�..... v nu.e_..PLO...... Linn Avenue, . in a.ccorance with,. t.tion h_e_rewith.._atta .......d.... ... .. ............ -----__ . ............. ................ ...._..._............ ............ ...................... ....... .. 3 Dated this.....__ y of.._....j 4�Lr�91... __ �� f ix�Z��il/Ll�f7Y Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: C.u..rb...__th.e.,.'_tl.prth a.i..d�......of.__T_emp.le_...Court....b.e.tween:._C_re.t.in...ay.enue....a_ nsi....Einn.....avenue..,......in.__ac.c.o.rdance No. 151- ni�rens, .\ written Proposal for with., patitio.n ...herewith .at-tache .-.. n� Pe the following tmprolen' ('u rb the North side of Te 1 to Cretin svenu . sod _ .. ... •atrdonce witl.� Dry ....... ........ •.I ..... ......_ .._. having, been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilma ........ .. therefore, be it RFSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. '2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement; arid the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement., 4. To furnish the following other data ruin information relative to said improvemeut:.___. M1 ........................ _..._...........................:............................................ _................-................................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. --..'j.. '....7191......... Adopted by the ContnoL.._....._.._._....._.t1.�1�._..... yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth ...._......._.791 .. Goss Approved__.....:..........._�F......... Beller- 11IcCol1" e _ O'Leary .................. Yoerg Mayor. Mayor Powers PL9Bt,iSHED��'� 558 Council File No..........__....__.,.__.... PROPOSAL FOR3MPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Q. P The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followinggpu Ic improvement by the City of St. Paul, vii.:.__Grade.... the -alley .....in....j lock .:..3.r , n.'.s.....Adrli.i.i.on.,.....he_te.e.en Alb.er.t....._. avenue.. and.., haml_ine....avenpe,_ ln_..ay.e.nu.e.. an.d_..G.oc_d.ri. ...',venue • .... - .... Dated this,, S+ay "t .. .. 191..:1.j 668 ._�/,( / 1/i w.: s. A wo tten ProPos¢1 4a th 55..// C/L 1 ..... ... .. ....._ .. .. _. the followln6 ImProvem fit I the oney In Block 3.,t �itlnn, between AlUert ave; Councilman. line a e and hln`ol o.vpRELIMINARY ORDER. ZVIIF.REAS, A'written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._.._q.xaae—_they a'IIe.y.__in.._B1ock__3.,.,._ ani.! e_ Add ti_on.,_.....b tween...._Alber_t_.tavenue_.._and..._Han 1_i:ne_ .. avenue, an..d_.:j inG.9131 avenue and...GoPdr...i.Ch.avenue. _..... __... ... .-... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Comncilnlan�/.t/i� therefore, be it RF.SdLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. TO furnisli the following other data and information relative to said improvement: __.. u. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forog0i"g, matter�� (q the Commissioner of b finance. Adopted by the Council. _....._............. _..... ..........................19L........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.__.f.._.:_.____._._......___.._.........__.._.. ... Keller McColl — O'Lenry — — Yoerg ........... Mayor Powers Mayor. PLTBLISiiED��� 559 l:ouncil ]Pile No..... ...........'. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and _ t PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The nadersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pnhlic ""preylent by Ahc City of St. Paul viz.: Giadln _.. of _alley be rreen.._Holly _a.n"` ........... rvon and Grotto StB_._,_ in ac --or. _,.e_with..,.pettion,. ........... to .__.. attaohed..- ...._........ _.... 1...4• Dated this 2nd _ day o,f• .___ 15 ' .__q -4t Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERE:• ",, A written proposal for the making of the followutg nnprovrment, viz.:___._+........ g. of alle_y__betweon 1Tolly..and ...Por tland Aves. and _.Avcn._and- ....... ._ - �rOttO tB, h1 a SA n'rlttrn propoanl for the ........ 1 Improvemen.• .. ...... _ P the tot alae g 1 Grnaing A alley between Hand Po rtl n ml Aves. nna Avon 'o atrets h¢vin6 been presented to __................. .. .... ......_.... -"""""t of the City of St. Paul .. ... .'.O wet •f fasionet haviog been presented to the Council. of the City of St. Paul by Councilman _....... ... ....__..._._........_._.._._._........_............_..... ..... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :l. 'Po furnish -a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the followin"r other data and information relative to said intprdvwnent:__..___...___._.__.__..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the fol-egning mattIs to the Commissioner of Finance. ly Adopted by the Council......__._.._____....____...._....._...............7:11....... Yeas: Nays: t'¢nncilman Farnsworth — Goss Approved ..#-7. . _.....__... Keller McColl O'Leary 1 oerg......... ....................... Mayor Powers .l¢ayor. pUBLiSHEb��� 560 cofineil rile Flo....._. __.___._.....__._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and i PRELINWARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' g`public improvement by the City of St.. Paid, vi,, GradinF, Kerwin St, between P en St and Tracy ., ....._... ......-.... accordance with petition he o attached.,.�,_.._,_..- ..............._._..._........... ......... Dated this,, Councilman. PRELHYMgARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: Kerwin_St,,.betHeen_._Phajen._St.....and..�.x.'a,.cy Fve__: ,. sco ash wfollo n proposal for the -- 'of' the following Improvement. �---- ---- --' '-"'---""'- -""- •tdh Kerwin St_ . betty en -. nod ncy Ave, having ben ' ....... i [o theheCouncil of the CItY _ ......... .... .............._. .... ..: ... ...._..... .. .. ......... ......__.._... be It mra as o'er of ., here or- .. +t having been presented to the' CounciL of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_...... ......... ... .....; therefore, Ilk it RESOLUD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and Ire is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. '1'o investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said. improvement. 4. '1'o tln-nish tilt, following other data and inf rnultion relativa to said improvement: ................_.__... .. ......... .. .. ....-............ - ....... ................. ... -. .............. a. To state whether or not said inrprovcnlent.is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon ill of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....-...__......._._.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved__.__ ___.....__ __ ..._..191_....... Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg „_............................................_...... .flavor Powers - , /Mayor. PUB7,iSf�D�% 9� Council File -No.... ........:.__. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby profoses the making of, the followjug public Paul, 'i7.: __.o.one_truc.t.ing....a..._a.ement.....b1.o.c.k.s.ideJmallc,s'c _.the _north._gid.e._of__G.Podr.loin....Ave...__.fr.oai rato� Dated this..._ __ 3TC .. _ _day of_...__ ..... 56� Petition attached pgoveulent by �lle City' of 'St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A Written proposal for the making of the following inlproven,cut,.viz.:.._.o.ana.t.ruating a._._c.e...u].ed,er 111x.._to......a._.w.i.dth..._o.S._.e.ix....feet .....on... the ..nar..th....aide.--of from .3..aratoga. A_ __t Ya.ao.a1...Ave. C F No. 6— Wheren 61A writte¢ proposal f _ ._. m king of the following Improv ...._...... _.. ... ._.. ... _.. ...__... .........._. _ .... i J[ . �� cement tructwlith of elx feet ;. •oadrlch Ave. fry ... .._... .. .._._. ............ . ............. ..._.._ ._..._.. ..i Ave.. h¢ - r' having been presented to the Council of the City of bt. Paul by Cmincilman...._........... ........... a............_._.......__.._................. .....; therefore, be it — RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lle is hereby ordered and directed: " 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ............__ .___ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters totthe Commissioner of Finance. _n !9!4 Adopted by the Council..........._._.__JLL t�..._.._...........191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved._... ..._ __.._.. ... _..__. __...... . Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg..._................ .. ....... ......... ... Mayor Powers Mayor. PLiBbISIiED�L�//� 562: Council File No.-.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby Proposes the making of the fo illg public improvement by he City Of St. t. to in a sewer on Mi ehaha St. from Av .................... viz.: ...00ns.tr.Aqt .............. ........... ................ ......... ... ............. ................. ........................ . . Dated this.... 3rd,a Of_ jilly'. .... .. . ...... 19 .... . ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ifilli"Ove"1011t, viz-: Construct-ing 1, -to Viatoria -S.t . . ............. S.awer� on Uinidehaha. No, 512 us' s vritte, proposal for the' ,hereof the following 1_pruv,,-cj,t. , . I,. _ constructing asse-e Viet rm St. St. from Avon oth one' z 1"en P- �12tel tto e b u r—'e,for" e .... .. .... ................ .......... having been presented to the COuncil,of the City of St. Mul by Councilman. ................... I ......... .... ........... ....j. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement.. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated ' cost of said impr?vement, and the total cost thereof. R. To furnish a plan, profile or Sketch of said improvement. 4. ro 1,11,11i.jil th, following other (latit and information relative to said iniprovelneO: ............................. .......... ................ . ...... . .................... . ................. ........... 1 ......... .... .. .... ....... ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition �of three or more owners. G. To report upon. IIII of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council . . .................._........191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Approvvd. Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg.......... ........... .......................... Mayor Powers Mayor. Council Nile No.... ..................- Jp E 563 e PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. L and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the _e+Iowing public improvement b ie City of St. aoow Paul, viz.:.._..open_.Suburban...,Av.enue,_.._t.o....a........of....six.ty...S..eet,._.betw -- arl....Street...-__........_.._... nd-titter Street,._in_.accord-mce- .. petition herewith. at ehed .. _..._ t Dated this, 18th _ _._day of__... _...__Jun.e 191...4.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. t AVIIEREAS, A wrilten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__.__.___ open..-Suburban... Avenu.e.,..to....a-ixidth_..of..-.sixty__f.eat.,...b.e.tw,.sn....Earl ....St.reet and .__.. Hester Street.., in ioeordenee_.with. net;ts.. *-- lith- stteehedo _. N y sA written proposal for the ' tg of "Suburb— fuP. tnproV e10 t. ......... ..... ...... _...... _... 0 pep :[tVfent, nveLw•een Ea' of Refer street, In nccordnn ...._..... _. _.._...._.. herewith ntt—hed h'r .._...... ..... .._.._.. ...-...._.. __...._...... �t 'rvn having been presented to the Cok`i=i:cboi the�t:: ,�tYJ. T�b,t+-ani by Councilman ....... ....... ._....................... ....,............_._................._.;. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the retaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ..____.......__......... ................. ......._.................._......_..........._._._....................._....._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of'Finance. Adopted by the Council.._..__ _E.....—;�3...� .4..._......._191.__... t Yess: Nays: Councilman h'arnsworth Goss Approved___.^ _._.__`� ...... __ ... Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg ...... _............. _........... ... Mayor Powers Mayor. Council File No._....._ _.............._..._.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and _ .. PRELnUNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following,puhl Paul, viz.: .:grading.....0$foxsl...St_.....fr..om....Igl.eh& E...AQe.... 79 Request of L.A.Johneon' to 0. Clauesen 564 Alt nmrovement by the CitY of St. \VIIPREA` PRELIMMARY ORDER. S, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:___.gTadin ....._ Osford.t .from IgQhlart Ave. to Rondo St, :0 6GA— of h written Proposal for the t; of the Oxford ving improvement. _. _...._ . _. .. __...... ........_.. .. .. , Grading O�Pord St. from1Flchart to nenae St., havin(; been pre [o the CounulI of the City of S[ herefore, be it F -.....- ..... ...._._ _......._._.. _ _._._._ _... ......__ r .............._.. -""""-- lv.+ '1`hn, 'he Commissioner of � •'t^reb�� ........... _....... �y._. ..._ ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......___........_................ .._....._._..._......_........_....._....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. �i:o investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making -of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature„ extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:__.._._ ....._._........._____. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. S.CA Adopted by the Council._....._......._�s::..........__..:..................191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GossAPprovcd.._..._~.................................. ..................191. Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg...................li......m•............... sy. Mayor Powers 1 PUBLISHED-Z—_Z/- 7 - 565 Council Nile No................. .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. i�and PRELIMINARY ORDER. l The nnd'ersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol "u:g public improvenielyV15y, the City of St. Pant, viz.: Construction of..._siderralks ,.._.,_the fol.lowine ..ocatio.... ._ South_ side of Post ar>d Ave e ...rdin ...fxam V,. P t....a4out..;ra dve..y...Qf the spape.._betwe.en Vict_orla ax>., , Ilton Ste...; tae .......e de .o.f Allton .....St, __ . from_._Suru�iit. AyE...s7vi h .r to the B deer on the..Be:at _ewe of Iiilton, St. Between Portland nd Summit Aves. (Petition hereto attached Dated this _lat__.....d of __ __u.uly.,... .. _.... - 91....._9 F No. 666— Yhereae. A written Proposal for the 1 Improvement,' _ ............... .... ...... .. ......... ...._... . ......._..... 1tInK of the . noo sid Qonstructo ti i elaewnnce t thea `.iowlns tpe ti«nal South malaaolnil Councilman. a a of the spaee .between ./. Yuen ste.: east alae hit ,1ve. rth lel, ar°O—T it` toi.,: yfuoP; PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi,.:.._Construction of_..ai.de.,?a.lke at..tlie..... f_ol e.i.de of P_o.xtland...Ave.. . e ......nt ..c19ria..and ISilt Sts., ..Ea st..�idp of. ;lion 5+, _.f.rpl: Sut;aliit A.•.:q�t north rd t.Q the 9idetralk. on...the. Eaet_S.t,...betrreenPoi il_2nd.ancl Summit Aves. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmen- ..__......._.............. .....__...................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1: To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the lnakiug of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. d. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish thr followinll other data and information relative to said improvement: ...._.__._..._.._.._._._........._..........._............... ................ -....... ............... -.... ............................... -_............... _.._._...............................__.............. ........._....__..._...._...............____........._.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the forep ng ny,3tt to the Coin missioner of Finance. LL — � Adopted by the Council.-.__....... _..__......_............___........._.....1:11_........ Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth /I Goss Approved .._.__7.__.�"--......Y..............._.. 1 Keller McColl O'Lenry Yoerg............. .... .... ........ ............... mayor Powers / Mayor. Council File No.._.:_ ins PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and RELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the wing of the PnlUot ng publie improvement le 'City of 5t. ` Construction of server on S........................borne Ave betw,aelling Paul, viz.: _._. _.._. .....p.. . Ave. and Fry..St in ace _.. anceyvith etit ,..,..hereto attactled _,... Dated this,, 1st... ay of......._.. July, _.._.. ..........._.._.. 19 ..__• Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVIIPREAS, A written proposal 1br the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construction of levier on Sherburne Ave between Snellinw Ave. and Pry _.St.,„x.,._ n acco'rdan33 with retition hereto attached. �7--e. A written prop for th ' 1ng of the following Improveineri n ..... ... - ---- _...... .... ...... ... ... .. ..- ...... ...... ... Cost rued.. of new -er on She.i Ave., between Snelling Ave. n •.. ii -dance with petit A ped, having been Pr... ...,. ..__.. ...-.... _........ ............_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Ptlu;_�y 6ouncilntan................._...._.._........................_....._.__.............._.._; therefore, be it - RPSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketchofsaid improvement. .1. To furoish the folltiiving other data plod information relative to said improvement:__ ..__..__...:.:._:.__.....__....._..._..:_.:............................... _....... ............. __:.... _............... _.._...... ......._.............._...........................__._......................._.._._..,......._.................._....._......._._..._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is aslfed for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. .To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Contihissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....._.._..........__..._ ..................... .........:.191...._... Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.. 7`_ Keller McColl O'Leary JJ Yoerg__ _.. ...._ ...................................`r.........._.. Mayor Ppwcrs ......._.. ~Mayor. r�i.ISEFEID�� CITY OF ST. PAUL i - °a:. , ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. ` AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM i COUNCIL No. PILE a4 JaT UL 6 19141BI_— n I.Aen ' AUOITED PE Tutt Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds a for the.amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detai in favor of the persons, firms or corporations 1"4 statement:JUL -6 Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( .1 ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Farnsworth App 97 Goss In favor Keller McColl �— Against — MAYOR O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers ' Corporate Purposes -special Paras Fund 675.00 25, A. L. Snyder, - 26 Fled Albrecht, 97— 7r-- _00- (/ 1652.00 a C. F. No. 587— Resolved that warrants.. be drawn, - Iupoa�the City Treasury, payable -out of .the: Hereinafter specified funds and In TM"' - ` f—I, f'the pereons.'flrme or corpora- :tions for the amount$.'set opposite- .their respective names as specified -:lu the following leWled: statement: Corporate Purposes-Speelal - Park , Fund: ''. 25 A. 1, Snyder...........:.. 5676.00 Y'6 Fred Albrecht 977.00' •' .. � $1662.80 Adopted by the Counetl July 6, 1914• Approved July 6.-1914. (July 11-191,4) f ,s� � ' fi � -� _ 1 � � r' si �• ���Gd�4s.J f � �'^ ��� �� �C.Gt.-�i� ,/ 2- LC 567 L�-- Ay F. No. __a _ Resolved, That ziCTI I Resolved. Thnt C. F. vo. lane a-- -d specid- entlons prneen ted by the Chlcagd. Mil. I—ake—', St, Faul R}'. Co. for n bridge over dlarshall avenu pt,roved by the Council on 29. 1914, and by the - Mayor o June 29, 11119, be and the same Is hereby repented The foregoing resolution. not having been returned by the Alayor uynhin five days after 1v 1.g been pre.€€ ted Iy IA to him the same becomes of�ec[l ve s ) without the Mayor'sapproval, A doptCd by the Council Jul)' 3, 1919. - "--' (July 18-1914) Adopted by the - ...191 y by the Assembly Adopted by the Board of , 11 _ YFAs NAYS, NAVS YCAS ALD. IfAUM MR. FAR SWORTH l/ { � . CORN. GOS CDWA q N, LI. (/ KEL R MDC LL, d M°R i/ O'LE RY 00ER 4� RYAN t/ YOEG sTIRJ v p TROY NAYS 0 MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) >,+ - _ _-_ 1911 t / NAYS O MR. PRESIUC\'i, Y [�_.1 L—.W8y0i. .. 3 Adopted by the R—d of Aldermen: YEAS ALD. HAUMEISTER CORNING EDWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, f:. f. NIURNANE, E. ORERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) 567 ---191--- oard F. No.— - o. ssembly F. No.----- n ;ry Y-- y -Resolved, That Resolved, NAYS t'CAS p � _ ✓` G�� BANE MAHLE ��/ MICHAUD POW ERS Adopted by the R—d of Aldermen: YEAS ALD. HAUMEISTER CORNING EDWARDS HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, f:. f. NIURNANE, E. ORERG RYAN STIEGER TROY NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) Adopted'by the Assembly ---191--- ----- -------._...------191- -- NAYS t'CAS AIR. HAAS ' NAYS BANE MAHLE MICHAUD POW ERS SANBORN WARE YOERG NAYY O MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) Approre _ - __ _____ 1911 - -- - — mayor. V, 1 J Uf! City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of------------------------------------------------------------- __...._...._._._...._-_.__..__......._....--------- .......... ... Bureauof_._._._...:......_...._.__..__._._._._._.:._._._---_.__:......_...._._._._._-_._...._._._.. Council File No.. (.' Date Presented .._..._ ....._._. 1914. By Resolved, that ,the appointments by I?inn Powers, Mayor, of Henry McColl, S. A. Fn m sworth, Anthony Yoerg,Md N . Goss, akythe four City Representatives on the Board of .Equalization, be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved. C. F. No. 668— ` Resolved, That the appointment by f Henry h1c- G 141nn Power., Mayor. Coll. S. A. Farn.a-prtb. Anthony Yoerg. W: N. Gose. the four City. Represen- tat van o the Board of EQu¢llz¢tfon. be and the same is hereby confirmed approved. Adopted by the Council July 6, 1914.1 'lard Approved July 7, 1914. (July 11-1914) Adopted by the Cour.cil................. -_._....__._1u1y._6th..,..._._._._._._._._.-._....------._..__._--- 1914. Yeas ( 7 ) Coun ilmen ( 0 ) Nays Far sworth aos Mao 11 Yoe g =fl'3 ary Approved ..[.-_ ._ 914. gele _ _ ... _.... ...._....--_ .. _.,.. Mayor Mr. President, Pow rs W OHHoOOSEA S. Hwvo. f L. ON.Sec.rrwwv romeHwvan � P July 6, 1914. To the City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:- Inasm�ch as it will be necessary in a very short time, for the City to name its four representatives on the Board -6f Equalization, I desir@ to nominate the following members of the Council to be such City representatives on said Board: Henry McColl, S. A. Farnsworth, Anthony Yoerg, M. R. Goes. eo Mayor. LCH-EN r 569 Board F. No.__ a Assembly F. No. a--- ---- ftsolvw, ,kat, WHEREAS, A requisition has been made by ld. N. Goes, Commistioner of Public Works, upon the Purchasing Department of the City of St. Paul for certain repairs to a street flushing machine, the cost of which repairs is estimated at $150.00; and whereas, it appears that the " Studebaker Corporation of America is the only concern that can i make said repairs within a reasonable time, and there being an emer- gency which demands prompt action; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent, with the written consent of the Mayor and Comptroller of said City, be and he is hereby authorized to have said repairs made without advertisement and competitive bide. __ -- 9 C. F. No. 669—B— Gosa—been R'hereas. A aufsitt°° ih jone, of "•ur, made b. DL N. noes, the mPurebasing ,r. P.1,11rt wo lrf theoCity Of St. Paul for errata repairs to a street fluehtng "mnebine, s Is the coat. Y wtiide wlterleae, it .estimated at 8160.00; a ern t appeara that the Studebniter Cornorn-� tion of America 1s the on1Y co c t lot can make sale rePatrs wlthtn no 191 Adopted by the Board of , reasonable time, and there being Assembly Adopt emergenp`) which aemanda prompt nc- d by the A y tto,; theTh te, th It Purchaain6 liesolvea, fa Clty. 191--- - Agent,'with the itten cos sent of the _ , y� a. Aiayor and Comptroller o be and he to hereby authorized to have Y81 NAVs anld repairs made without advertise- ' ALU. 9AUME �meDt and competitive bids. Adopted by the C1914.1i July 6, 1914. 'Approved Ju11, 7, CORNp Un 11-1914) rt1R p W VR111 F.I A*t i xYLAp GOS I MONTC MORN. KEL ER A,URNA1 Ma LL _ ODERC i RYAN O'Ll ARY r STIEGER TROY ` YO G'r 191/x. NAYS O MR. PRESIDENT (MINAYS 0 MR. CH IRMAN (POWERS) allayor. rY� 0 569 Board F. No.___ Assembly F. No. By----- - -- — -- ftso wd'wlig WHEREAS, A requisition has been made by M. N. Goes, Commistlioner of Public Works, upon the Purchasing Department of the City of St. Paul for certain repairs to a street flushing machine, the cost of which repairs is estimated at $150.00; and whereas, it appears that the Studebaker Corporation of America is the only concern that can make said repairs within a reasonable time, and there being an emer- gency which demands prompt action; now therefore, be it o RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent, with the written consent of the Mayor and Comptroller of said City, be and he, is hereby authorized a to have said repairs made without advertisement and competitive bide. ---- _ &.7'.t •ri�,fl�"eti� s t �r iat uta S"'� t`�3 �grri�a�I'dps�ia" oe�'ui°r .to a`L�"t �' " (� L �6 �ii4jd �X600Y�6 V i IH,t�, •5 -" na? b v oe a eat Adopted by the Board of d 6 • y the Assembly Adopted by the ... yd„• YEAS .z. YEAS ALD. RAUME CORND F -AR HYLAR MONTG MVRNA MURNki ooERG' RYAN i STIEUER 'rROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (M �x7 NAYS 0 NAYS, MR. FAR f SWORTH GOS KEL ER Me LL O'L ARy YO G MR. CH IRMAN (POWERS) d NAYS 1914-1 Mayor. gency the M to he in Adopted by the Roard,of Board F. No.— Assembly F. No. ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING EUWARDs HYLAND WHEREAS, A requisition has been made by M. N. Goss, COMMiBlioner of Public Works, upon the Purchasing Depattmient of the City of St. Paul for cer' the cost of whiohxepgir, appears that the Is; can 4 make ViAiiigin emer- gency the M to he in YEAS HAAS KANE AIAHLE -CHAUP ent of horized bids. NAYS POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERG NAYS 0 AIR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) d Appr:o;'����— 191 Mayor. Adopted by the Roard,of ryyry�� YEAS ALD. BAUMEISTER CORNING EUWARDs HYLAND MONTGOMERY MURNANE, E. J. MURNANE, F. .BERG RYAN srIEGER TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MECOLL) YEAS HAAS KANE AIAHLE -CHAUP ent of horized bids. NAYS POWERS SANBORN WARE YOERG NAYS 0 AIR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) d Appr:o;'����— 191 Mayor. 5"70 City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of ...........__1�L1[YGROUI�DS'-"D--rntaC••-BuI.bBBNOR'_-_.__-_.-_._.__-_.__. PA�fC�; Bureau of ......------------ ------------ ._._._......._...-_..------ ._...._._._._....__..--------------- -.-_-_-_-_-.._._.__._.. mem===a.m= Council File No. Date Presented .... _..................... 7.914. By .-_....CMWCTbVft11--04'BE------._._.__-_::._.---..._.__.._._._.-•---•---•----_._._._._._-_._-_._._._ Whereea,It is impracticable to operate: the Park Aand to Pa without a "Contingent Cash Fund" to be used for 'Chan g®" and to Pay immediate neceeearq expenses as they arise, be it therefore rha DDe art en of Resolved, that wamt ba Oorm dollBUe, �n favor Finance for the sue Of �ne ousan , of the Commissioner of Parke,Playogrboe uaedaforna ptheifollowinggpurposes payable out of the Parke. Fund, only: -(by the day or hour) employees let-- Payment of temporary - 2nd--- Freight and Express 3rd-- Postage Due sies 4th-- Car Yare oT employees on City bun Receipts shall be taken for all disbursements and said receipt Qhall be turned in to the Comptroller with itemized expense voucher whenever re-imbureement Of requireaid Fund t betre-imbursedd Oil oh forms as the Comptroller may . Ttheof ositedhe y Warrant andith kepttheDIntact inepartment ofiFinancertonthe tcreditnof thehParkeeoa I pp Fund, C-11 No. 670-13y Councilman O'Leary F j ti'heras, It is Impr¢et[cable to 11 ?rate the Park Activit) es without pa ` "Contingent Cos h Lund" tc be used for 1 "Change" and to pay immedlet. nec- essary expenses ns they arise, be'it therefore Adopted by the Council nponsthedh hatna Warrnt 11 rine drawn �----------- ---`-« ' -`"'•' -- 1914. • for he. sum oY One Thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, In favor of the Commissioner ounci� f Parke, PI¢ygrounds and Publto ay Yeas C IHu'nd n�o' oe yna els io ens tiuliu.Vil`a pnrnoaes only: Larns Ist. Payment oq.f - temporary em- ployes (by the day'or hour). 2nd. rel ht and express. 3rd. Postage due Gose4th. Car fare of employes on City buslnese. Recelpts shall be taken for all die- ��??�+s'°//)yy i I rsements and said receipt shall be MOOo 'turned 11pe tho. Comptroller with ire- { Cd oxpense voucher whenever re- k intiyreement o[ said Fund le sought. and 6m. such forme ae [he Comptroller Yoer 4Y reg ire The Fund to be r Im- g burled by warrant. and kept -,Intact In ) this manner and ab theead oP'the - sea- i n deposited w(th the`Debartment-of 0ped -••1914. O ' Le Flnanee to- the edit` of the Parke ---""--•---•-•--- Fund. Kell Adopted by the Council July914. .••-•„•,,,«„-„— ••..-.-_-_. _..... Approved July ” 1914. f •""""""-' _ (July 11-1914) Mayor Mr. President, Powers 570 City of St•Paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of ._.-- Bureau of a aCaSCvmvmC mCFvavoFmFavaSCCCvvvCFCFvaaSvaCmvaCF6SvaCCamvmamvaaomamaCO •.-.-.-••••-•••-•--• _._.. Date Presented .--•_._._...._._._....__..1914. Council Bile No. By .-_.._q4 .JN �Ik?dA_.Q'_IAMY.-._._._._._._._--__-------------------------- _._._._._._._._.__._-__._.__.__._-_._. Whereas it is impracticable to operate the Park Activities without a "Contingent Cash Fund" to be used for "Change" and to pay immediate necessary expenses as they arise, be it thereforeeh DD t Finance the lthe "sum of Onea housan(i `;�OOPSO) tdolla e t nnfavor of the Commissioner of Parks,Play-grounds and Public Buildings, payable out of the Parke Fund, to be used for the following purposes only: - 1st -a- Payment of temporary employees ( by the day or hour) 2nd---- Freight and Express 3rd-- Poptage Due 4th-- Car fare o7 employees on City business Receipts shall be taken for all disbursements and said receipt shall be turned in to the Comptroller with itemized expense voucher whenever re -imbursement of said Fund is eought, and on such forms as the Comptroller may require, The Fund to be re-imbureed by Warrant and kept intact in this manner and at the end of the season deposited with the Department of Finanoe to the credit, of the Parke Fund. Adopted by the Council ._._. ----•-••--•- --- --- Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays pari sworth GOBI Yoe g OIL ary Appro* . _ - _ 14. Kel Ler Mayor Mr. President,.Po ers i AUG. HOHEYSTEI\ PUNC�IAS1:1f. AG6�T� CITY OF SAINT PAUL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT -tet July 3,1914. HARRY W. POWERS U!P Y PlVtfl(n�1 �G wG [�T 541 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Safety has notified the Purchasing Agent that the Bureau of Fire Protection has on hand the following articles, which are not available for use, and which may be sold, as provided for in the Charter; Ten Horse Collars an Hames About 100 feet of condemned hose in \!Lh7t pieces AND WHEREAS, this has been approved by the Comptroller; BE IT RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorizad toisell the above mentioned articles at the best prices obtainable in the open market. Adopted �y- 6e LipmlilljjgM .......................... 191 YEAS N AYS, 77 MR. FARNSWORTH GOS KEL ER MSC LLQ s O'LE RY1 YOE G NAYS 0 MR. CH RMAN (POWERS) AUG. HOHENSTE)\ v�su�Asrvc A__ Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT July 3.1914. vHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Safety has notified the Purchasing Agent that the Bureau of Fire Protecti- which are not as provided HARRY W. POWERS ntvuty e��etan+ruc Acr�r Y'+ A Comptroller; 61211 Le hereby auth as at h the best pi' 1 C. F. No. 57i— . Whereas. The Commissioner o[ Puo ltc $8fety`hae_ 9otided tgeF gTprotec 7 tton� has on hand e / '.tides, .which are lie eo1d11saseProvidea %gad, which -may for 1n trie,.Chortor: Ten: Horse Co118re and 8emee, TeaAboY00 ZeeY of condemned, hose. in short pieces.. And vFhereae. this has he- pro ee ` proved by the Comptroller, Be It Resol sd .That the Purchas-' the abovei betfo eduarticles t Ct the best PricesobtainableIn the g open market. 1914. Adopted. b9 the C1914.f1 July 6, ApProVed; (�7ti 9 11_3914) _ JOHN T. MCCOLL HENRY MCCOLL DEPUTY COMMISSION-. COMMISSIONER CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF LIC SAFE, July 3, ` �`� •W11 1? x'10 ` U!, �� U� tC� p 3 L".r. August Hohenetein, Ase``�st i4 n0�bann Purchasing Agent, 0-I T Y. 1111 3 1914 Dear Sir: - We have on hand in the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Protection the following articles which are not available for I use and may be sold as pro- vided for in the Charter. a -'Ten Horse Collars and Hames About 150 feet of condemned hose in short pieces. Respectfully yours, Com�,sl' of Public Safety. BY j Deputy. MLIG C fL k ti ' F- 71 Coupeil bile No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nndersigued hereby proposes the making of the following pH Improvement by the City of t.� Paul, viz.:..__Sia.rb... with ....cement ...._0urb.a.ng.,......and.....b...._evar.d....Ca.Pe_.._B........-...width Of_ _9__feet...fr.om_..sidenvalk,...b.e.tvu.een._Wa air..enue..._ani....W.e.i.d.e._.a......t... ................................. i __ _... _.. . _...._. .. .............. _ _..._._.... ......... f .._..... Dated this ':� ...._day o .. X1917.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS, A written propA§dtl for the malting or the following nnprovement, viz.:_._Nrb....with.... c.e.me.nt.....eurbin.g.,._ and.__baul.ev.ard.... cab.e...._e..tre..e.t..._tog._Width ..._9f.._9._._f e_e t.... from f sidewalk, _1;etweenWalsh __axrenue and Weide street..... ..,.,._.._.____ ....._._....... N. 572— ens, A written proposal g or the following improvem j� Curb with cement cubing cbing d ;. nrd C tr..t t width of nm haven been resented to the Council of the Cit of St e t � � g 1 y Paul by Counetlman__.......t �! !r !i. .: therefore, be it " RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 4 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. Tn'1'm•nish the rollowing other data and information relative to said improvemenh._..___.___..:._..._.._....._.... ........ ........ ........................ ................ ............ _............................ ................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for or the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fnregning a.ters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....._y_ _.....�� _........'...................191... Yeas: / xays: Councilman. Fa isWolth Go Approved ........ /....` �....._._... ............_._ . y Ke er Ide 3011— V1 enry � Yorg ................... _... .... ......... .........._.......,....... ... binyor Po, ers2\Inyor. P[i(iLISiiEDz.,� ll�1lL Council Vile No_. _ ....... ...__....... t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pub ' nuprovenlent by the City of Paul, viz.:Grade ....Belmont .._S_tree.t.._£.rom.._Smi..th.... rue.....to....D-t.tawa....avenue .........._..._..... ..... ............ .. . ...........j. ........... .. Dated this___ JJ ._day of rI r ............. ... ......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:....__Grad.e_—._.__ .... ..._.elmomt.`S.t.r.e.e.t.._.fr.om.._Su,ith....avenue....to::,01tnlza.._ax.enue......_........_......................................_....._.......__. rC. F. No. 573— Whereas, A written proposal for the .. making of the following improVement - --' viz: Grade Belmont street from Smith - - —eni-ee co Otta e- e having be 'ed to t- of the C having been presented to the Coultcil.of the City Of St: Paul by Councilman--�.H�!/F*+�/�!Yp -- 9 therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3: To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvetiteiit. . d. 'ro furnish the following.other data and information relative to said improvement:_._......... _._. _.....__ . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fmrgoing matters to the Coln missioner of Finance. ,'� —6 19;4 Adopted by the Council.._.._...._._'..'... .......... ..._......_ ...............191......... Yeas: I Naps: Councilman Fal Isworth �/ Gos. Approved _....1 _ _... ..........' ._. ,.191. Kell r Me 11 0'L ry Yoe_..._ ............ ..._..._.._............... ...__.... i\layor Powers Mayor. J� Y; PUBLISIiED�/ r r. ° 574 Council File \o....... .'._..........._ PROPOSAL FOR ImpROVFAENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following p c improvement by tile, City of St. Pahl, vi,.: .t...s..ide.T al.k:........ ' feet ..in. ..w.z.d.t.._a><x......t1Le.._F ....:.._' .. side _of Cur.few_.ay.enu.e, .betwe.er".B.ay y..... ...... Dated this.- ot.._.. �r^1fi1 J 8 Councilman. PRELINIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, cement...sidewalk__e_i..x..._feet._i.n width or...,_the Fast eifle of Curfew avenue, �etw.e_e.nB..ayard s_tre_�t and Myrtle avenue _.._ 57 'A-wrlttenrot-al for of the tollowlug Imro Pemth t ...-. ......._. ............ .. _ .._..._...... cement sidewalk elx s c th Il of Cur - i it - l tree[ t •nur�I� having been presented to the Council of the �rtyl of �t. �aul by Councilman!......�....... _ .. therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To flu•uish the following other data and inforutatimt relative to said improvement:_.__._....;__.__:..._._._._..... ...... _.........................._.....__.................._............__...._..............._._....._...._......._._._......._.........................._........._._...._ _.......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. -.. ._t 1_4.... ...... 191_....... Adopted by the Council.....__..._....�...'r �. Yeast Nays: r. Councilman Fa lswm•th Go Approved_.-..777-�..._......._ _.........19 Ke er M oil O' eary p zuri�.......... I rg , Mayor Po •ers , J� Tlayor. PUBLISBED 1 6 { Council Nile„ No. PROPOSAL FOii'IMPROVEMENT•' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the hulking of the following publie improvement by the City of St. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 1 : o g • l \\ IIhRh:1R• A written n•o tonal For the mnlctn� of the following un vovement, streetfrom Cherokee avenue to Delaware avemie ...... _....... . _.... .. ...._ _. _ hereas. A written Proposal for the Ing of the following it C t..:...___...-----'- ...... Grade Page street from Ch a mite, o to llelnware haven - p avenue Presented to the Council a ....__._ _...... . _.. the.^fore. be It 1it �L _. ... _...._ .. .... .... . .... .... having been presented to the Council of the City of. St. Paul by Couuulnm - � therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .1. To furnish the following"Othet• (into and information relative to said improvement: 5. To atitte whether ornot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._...............4 ..._"..0..._ ':........191_....... Yeas: Nays' Councilman F •nsworth 0 s APproved__7.— IC ler M Coll 0' eary Y1 erg ............ ................. Mayor Pc hers_ PUBLISHED 21 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ,ndersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publi Yawl, viz.:___Conatrtic.t_...a_s.ix....f.aat.....cement ...:walkon...... street from Goodrich ....... avenve.to_Princeton nue._ laid... _. Dated this t7 ._dsy of_..._. PRELIMINARY ORDER. e inipi-q)w '✓ ut by the City of St. where walk is - already Councilman. \VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iniprovenlent, viz.:._.C.4I:_@.t.T.1.1.4.' _.a.... six ....f.o_o.t..._c..emen.t__walk __.on_._tha._.Vies.t.._s.i.de......a.f_._i3�t.ldwin......Q_t_r_e.e..t.._.fr_or avenue _..to.._rr.inc.e.t.on._.&vanu.e.._shere _wal.k...i.s..: no..t__.a.�.r.eady .r 576— Ins, A ivrittfn proposal for the oI the following Im provemen t. .._. _._.. .on.[ruct a six foot cement nl lc N at id f R Id 1 street G drl h e to Princeton .. --. -- ---'-- h he 1 .... ..._ . Imvimg been presented to the Go,aii6h S y Ffthe Cit di Yt[ul by Councilman........... .5 t: »'. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a'plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.,, d. To fnrnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_...____.... _...___..__.. _._..:_......_......_..._._..............._.......................................... .._........ .._.......... _...................... ....... ....................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters 'to the Commissioner of Finance. p. �[} gi4 Adopted by the Council.._.._w.L:�........-..ii....LC.........................191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa swo•th Go s Approved._._.L.._.^................._....... _.. . .................. Ke ler M iVl oil O' eary Yerg ........................ .... Mayor Po +era Mayor. �f;JBLISIiGD.� ,�1� Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 577 and R PRELBUNARY ORDER. The undersigned bereby proposes the making of the following public iulpr voffieiit� by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _..C.onat.rua.t....a....aid.ewal.k.._-of ._.0-Witent..._b.looka...o.....a...:R.id.th.....of._...e.ix....-ee. on .the South side of Portland avenue,_ b inning_.14 44.._fCt. te_r1Y of the-West.line... of Aldine stree.t..:..... the,_.YVesterly Dated this. `J .. -.day of 'o. 577— ,as, 77 nl T" sof lh folllowl tten PF I Toff astaruct siode Balk "' t Id[h f ix feet tho side f Portland ave begin- Councilman. 3.44 feet westerly futheYVest Aldine street to the ws�@terly T.o[ --«.- en t�d:'1N the PRELBUNARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following inlprocemeut, wi,.:.._CQnQt.r4 t_. sideWalk of cement blocks___._ to_a._._width of six feet on the South eide .... of, Portland avenue, .be.ginning_ 14.3_..44.. f e..e.t...we_ete.rly_..of.._ the _Feet line. of..Aldine- _atr_e_e.t....to .th.e_IF.e.s.terly__line .of Lot 1,__blo.ck. 3, _va.1nut Grove A.ddi t ion.. _............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couneilnlan....... ....�/�..... .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. TO investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. TO furnish the fnllowiug other data and iafnraultion rela4ve to said improvement:______._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing .matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �..,.:.,__...... ......._..191..._.... Adopted by the Council....__....__ �i....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman rnswortlt (; ss Approvrd ... _ ___. _ _..__......_ ... . /......` K ller 0 Coll O' eary ' Yl.g........................................'. MayorP ers -Mayor. PUBLISHED 7- /L V Council File No. _....._ __._..._... 578 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. P and v PRELIMINARY ORDER. I 'Tile undersigned hereby proposes the making of the to mg public improvement by theif of St. Paul, viz.: ,G .rb.,...__.............Th.omaB.....s.tr.e.et.,_...be.. n....Paacal................ avenue and . A1be,..r.t.. S_t.re�,1.t. . this _ By of .. .. 191 ! l -171 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal fm-the making of the following improvemeut, via.: _.___Gurb,._..__.___.. between .....Paaca.l.._.ave_nue.....and _.................. . w r o. 576— Alber.t__street. ____ _ e A �.- Itten proposal for the _. . or we fl--d k Improvement. ..... .__._._ urt boulevard Ind Imprnve a t t bot�veen g be a w venue . ._....-pert street having been or .......... _. ....._..._... _... . .... the Counefl of the City of ............... _... .... _ ...__ _ . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Count ilmal ..... ... . -- .................. r therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate' the nature, ektent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -t. To furnish the 1•0110wiag other data and information relntive to said improvemeut:_._.._.____.____...__. _... --- ................. - .................. --- ........................... ......... . ..................... . .. ... ......... - .................... ..... ..... ....._._....._.........._......_......_... ' 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. o report upon all of the fmrguoing matters to the Coin njssiouer of Finance. A pted by the Council.._.__...f;!'___._-....'...4........_.7 J1....._. Yeas: Nuys: d Councilman Fn nswo•tll .. ___.. 7.. ._..__.:....._ ,f Oo, Approved .. I K er M oil ' 0' eery Yerg ....... ....... .... ...._..._.... Mayor P vyor. ets 1 ('ewloil File No:._..___.._. __....__. PROPOSAL FOR 01PROVEMENTR �579. and\ PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the lio"dvi, g public improvement byWe City of St. PIu11, viz.: _C.ono.tru.c.t._.a... aew.e.r...._on.._L .. ar.t.....aY.e.nJtB..,_._b.e.t .B... ....... and. the. Milcrauk.e..e._Rai..l..way Sh . line.._ track.e_,. _ ... ............... . _._.. . .. _. .. ............. Dated thus _ . a} of _. _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A Avritteu proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.....C.efle..tr.uct_ a. sewer.__on..Iglehart_.avenu.e., between 7heeler._.avenue nd ,th_e Lhlwaukee C whereas 6A Railway Short bine tracks_ wrltt ° poral f°r the ..... kln a th form 1 e Ion Igl hnt, I C b t n nh ler av Milwaukee Sh t LI a traeka h _.. ...._.. ........ __. / g been to he C _.. ..... .... .. _.. he liv having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman`s therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -l. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement �......_.. ,P"�.... ........................_. ....... .._....... ._................................. ....................... ...... _.... ............... _._................ 5. To state a5bether or not said improvement is asked for alk tetj on of three or more owners. G. To report upon,all of the foregoing matters to the Co is.'oner of Finance. . Adopted by the Council....,_.....:`".�_-._.... , y ,....._.........791......._ Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Apptroved_...._......_..___.._._. ___ 91.. Keller McColl ' O'Leary Yoerg . .......... _...'....... ....... ......._...........e.............`.......'. ............... ... �... Mayor Powers Mayor. ��-- COT'7CTL F. NO. Whereas:' The Board of Public Torks has made but not confirmed the asdassment of benefits, costsand expenses, upon the following final-oro?ers; for the construction of a sewer on Aldine street, from University ave ue to Sherburne avenue, and on Sherburne avenue from Aldine street to Fry street, approved March 28th, 1913: For the construction of a server on Burgess street, from Dale street to Como avenue, approved May 21st, 1913: For the construction of a sewer on Fulton street, from James street to Palace street, approved May 23rd, 1913, For the construction of a sewer on Goff avenue, from Page street to Curtice street, approved Decei;;ber 12th, 1912/ For the Construction of a sewer on James street, from Han:line avenue to Sur,.mit avenue South, (also known as Fdgecomb Road) and on Summit avenue South from James street to Randolph street, approved April 23rd, 1913, For-, the construction of a sewer on James street, from, a point 50 feet :lest of the ?rest line of Toronto avenue to Seventh street, approved november 12th; 1913,' For the construction of a sewer on Jessa!eine street, from Abell street to Cortland street, approved September 11th, 1913. For the construction of a sewer on Louisa street, from Gorman avenue to a point 170 fget west of the Test line of Gorman avenue, approved way 12th -- 1913.%" For the construction of a sesxer on ;Montrose avenue, from, viarshall avenue to Dayton avenue, approved October 25th, 1913 ✓ For the construction of a sewer on idorton street, from Winslow avenue to a point 125 feet east of the Fast line of Winslow avenue, and on Morton street, from a point, 125 feet east of the Fast line of Goff avenue to South Robert Street, approved January 29th, 19131 For,the construction of a sewer on Orange street from Payne avenue to Greenbrieravenue, approved October 25th, 1913.✓ For the construction of a 9 inch 'vitrified Llay pipe sewer, together' with the necessary iilanholes and other appurtenances, on Orleans street, from the present southerly terrminus between zing street and Baker street thence southerly 80 feet, approved October 25th, 1913/ icor the construction of a sewer on Page street, from Ottowa avenue to a point 160 feet west of the west line,of Ottowa avenue, approved September llth, 1913. For the construction of a sewer on Reaney street, from Atlantic street to Clarence (2) r street, approved May 21st, 1913,' For the construction of - sewer on Robie street, from Waseca street to Bellor4s street, approved July 23rd, 1912/ For the construction of a sewer on Rondo street, begi-:ning at Finn avenue, thence to a point 450 feet east of the east line of Finn avenue, approved April 23rd, 1913. For the constructionof a sewer on Rose street, frcm Cortland street to Sylvan street, approved Jure 21st, 1913. For the construction of a sewer on Roy street, fror.'Tniversi,ty avenue to Shields avenue, approved August 27th, 1913; For the construction of a se,7er on Sylvan street, from Jessamine street to Geraniur, street, approved August 27th, 1913, For the construction. of a server on Tallula Place, froi Clayton avenue to Fairview avenue, approved October 25th, 1913 For the construction of a se7•er on t' e 'north side of University avenue, from Pascal avenue to ?iamline avenue, approved 'Novetrlber 26th, 1913. For the construction of a sewer, on Vance street, from; James street to Palace street, approved July 10th, 19134 For the construction of a sever om Walpole street, from raldwir street to Fairview avenue, approved Jtay ,21st 1913. For the construction of a sewer on 'western avenue, ironi Front street to Cook street, approved January 16th, 1913!' under the terms and pro- visions of the old Charter. Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that ali other acts and proceedings to be had or Ione relative to the•cornple-tion of the', J aforesaid assessicents are practicable to be Sone undue tk ter -..s and provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that t':e said assessi❑ents be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be d -one; an -1 the %inmis8ioner of finance and ot`.er officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith;: C. F- No. 590—By .. A. Farnsworth— Whereas, The Board of Public Works Adopted by the Council, has made but not co.ermsd the a.= ant of beneflta, costa and ex- /' pensee, upon the P011owing dnal or- -1914 ders: For the construction of a --r° n-Aldlne street, from University ave. , n.e to Sherburne n and on Sher- rne a e nom°Aldine street to Yeas Nays I i i I I For the construction of a sewer n Burgess street, from Dole street to s (2) r street, approved May 21st, 1913,' For the construction of - sewer on Robie street, from Waseca street to Bellor4s street, approved July 23rd, 1912/ For the construction of a sewer on Rondo street, begi-:ning at Finn avenue, thence to a point 450 feet east of the east line of Finn avenue, approved April 23rd, 1913. For the constructionof a sewer on Rose street, frcm Cortland street to Sylvan street, approved Jure 21st, 1913. For the construction of a sewer on Roy street, fror.'Tniversi,ty avenue to Shields avenue, approved August 27th, 1913; For the construction of a se,7er on Sylvan street, from Jessamine street to Geraniur, street, approved August 27th, 1913, For the construction. of a server on Tallula Place, froi Clayton avenue to Fairview avenue, approved October 25th, 1913 For the construction of a se7•er on t' e 'north side of University avenue, from Pascal avenue to ?iamline avenue, approved 'Novetrlber 26th, 1913. For the construction of a sewer, on Vance street, from; James street to Palace street, approved July 10th, 19134 For the construction of a sever om Walpole street, from raldwir street to Fairview avenue, approved Jtay ,21st 1913. For the construction of a sewer on 'western avenue, ironi Front street to Cook street, approved January 16th, 1913!' under the terms and pro- visions of the old Charter. Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that ali other acts and proceedings to be had or Ione relative to the•cornple-tion of the', J aforesaid assessicents are practicable to be Sone undue tk ter -..s and provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that t':e said assessi❑ents be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be d -one; an -1 the %inmis8ioner of finance and ot`.er officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith;: C. F- No. 590—By .. A. Farnsworth— Whereas, The Board of Public Works Adopted by the Council, has made but not co.ermsd the a.= ant of beneflta, costa and ex- /' pensee, upon the P011owing dnal or- -1914 ders: For the construction of a --r° n-Aldlne street, from University ave. , n.e to Sherburne n and on Sher- rne a e nom°Aldine street to Yeas Nays Fry street, approved March 28th. 1913. i For the construction of a sewer n Burgess street, from Dole street to donTny 21st, 1913. CI-IFor I? Ferns Orth thee co ns lruo tion on /// Goss i / Kell- For coon of a sews Gate - avenue, from ave e, from Pafie_ atreet to Cur- ce atreet, approved llecember 12th, Cn Lea y Yeorg tier. President (Powers) (2) r street, approved May 21st, 1913,' For the construction of - sewer on Robie street, from Waseca street to Bellor4s street, approved July 23rd, 1912/ For the construction of a sewer on Rondo street, begi-:ning at Finn avenue, thence to a point 450 feet east of the east line of Finn avenue, approved April 23rd, 1913. For the constructionof a sewer on Rose street, frcm Cortland street to Sylvan street, approved Jure 21st, 1913. For the construction of a sewer on Roy street, fror.'Tniversi,ty avenue to Shields avenue, approved August 27th, 1913; For the construction of a se,7er on Sylvan street, from Jessamine street to Geraniur, street, approved August 27th, 1913, For the construction. of a server on Tallula Place, froi Clayton avenue to Fairview avenue, approved October 25th, 1913 For the construction of a se7•er on t' e 'north side of University avenue, from Pascal avenue to ?iamline avenue, approved 'Novetrlber 26th, 1913. For the construction of a sewer, on Vance street, from; James street to Palace street, approved July 10th, 19134 For the construction of a sever om Walpole street, from raldwir street to Fairview avenue, approved Jtay ,21st 1913. For the construction of a sewer on 'western avenue, ironi Front street to Cook street, approved January 16th, 1913!' under the terms and pro- visions of the old Charter. Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that ali other acts and proceedings to be had or Ione relative to the•cornple-tion of the', J aforesaid assessicents are practicable to be Sone undue tk ter -..s and provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that t':e said assessi❑ents be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be d -one; an -1 the %inmis8ioner of finance and ot`.er officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith;: C. F- No. 590—By .. A. Farnsworth— Whereas, The Board of Public Works Adopted by the Council, has made but not co.ermsd the a.= ant of beneflta, costa and ex- /' pensee, upon the P011owing dnal or- -1914 ders: For the construction of a --r° n-Aldlne street, from University ave. , n.e to Sherburne n and on Sher- rne a e nom°Aldine street to Yeas Nays Fry street, approved March 28th. 1913. For the construction of a sewer n Burgess street, from Dole street to donTny 21st, 1913. CI-IFor Ferns Orth thee co ns lruo tion on /// Goss Fulton street, from Jams street to. Palace street, approved May 231d,A913. / Kell- For coon of a sews Gate MCCOT avenue, from ave e, from Pafie_ atreet to Cur- ce atreet, approved llecember 12th, Cn Lea y Yeorg tier. President (Powers) 1912. For the co stew c[lon f a ewer on James street, from Ha line toSummit n I v APPro\ s Edgec.mbe gond) an lonBO Summit ¢venue. South from James �J etre^ Randolph street. t A. ...•, L tline Toronto Ofthe 15'est of ave rru�'ttoto Seventh street, approved' No- -vember 12th, 1913. For the construe - lion of a sewer on Jessamine street, 'from Abell street to Cortland atreet, approved September 11th, 1913. For -then truction of ai sewer on Louisa . .street,from Gorman avenue to a point-' -170 feet west of the west line of Gor- man avenue, approved May 12th, 1913..': For the construction of a sewer on, Montrope avenue, from Marshall ave- ` .as to Dayton avenue, approved Oc- tober 25tia,, 1913. For the construc- tion of a sewer on Morton street, from _ - Winslow avenue to a point 125 feet - f est of the Past line of Winslow ave- - i y nue, and on Morton street, Yrom a point i 125 Peet east of the Fast line of Goff p venue to South Roberttreat, ap- proved January 29th. 1913. For the . nstructlon f a sewer on Orange tree[ from Payne avenue to Green- - brier avenue, approved October 25th, t f 1913. For the construction of a 9 J Inch vitrified clay pipe sewer, together y ? } with the necessary manholes and other appurtenance., on Orleans Street, from the pre..nt southerly terminus be- , twee. King street and Baker street southerlythence o a Oc- °Ctheac j tober 25th,1913. For natruction i K t of a sewer on P¢g� atreet, from Otto- .: we avenue to a po nt 150 Peet west of �1 the west line of Ottowa avenue, ap- proved September. 11th, 1913. For the construction of a sewer on -Rea ney .atreet Prom Atlantic street to. Clarence street, approved May 21st, 1913. For the construction of a eewer on Roble ,atreet. from Waseca street to -Bellows x (2) 1 t street, aprroved'May 21st, 19131 For the construction of _a serer on Robie street, from Waseca street to Bellows street, approved July 23rd, ,1912/ For the construction of a sewer on Rondo street,-begi-.ning at Finn avenue;- thence to a point 450 feet—'a'-+ gsa4,]puu lylne of Finn ,o o dull PIC ' as347113%{ s?; uiu2no,` avenue approved April 23rd 1913✓ a • ,n]sn a ,na pf a se'ner on PP F , rnal yutx8 0 •cllllgnoiaa +ads )°ssaoau aql ga3v5{ls s>l+opMy pa• y% Rose street, frcu; Cortland street t p y al ay a,;vaieyyP °sa�3 June 1st, sa psa ,o 30 +aUols 4 a+o ea,2 Ul 1pa3ua ,d u. 1913 For the construction of a se i s i 9u'It,u aia caoa.pou3°3auoo „hniversity I ]aa+3 a a avenue to Shields avenue, approved A� uoaai�l tx°°IQumouo)ta' c%aau he )construction •Buawo^O3 sodo+d ua711+•n Z9Y 0)`t of a se7er on Sylvan street, from Jes(, t o"°+ddui� street, 1 OE t approved August 27th, 1013. For the i Place, from Clayton avenue to Fairvievf For the construction of a sever on tl-e from Pascal avenue to Hamline avenue, a the.construction of a seer on Vance at, street, approved July 10th, 1913: For 1 Walpole street, frou, naldwin street to F 1913. For the construction of a sewer o to Cook street, approved January 18th, visions of the old Charter. Whereas: It is the opinion of this and proceedings to be had or I-cne relati aforesaid assessments are r•racticable to 418 ga,}opl .C4 P auo a sur 5a on Tallula 'OZ uo{ssl'+"13Op uoA; 'ootla; oY ql -a,oi au, a° ?s;auM°a>{sn s{'i ouan er 25 th 1913 ✓" uol]{3ad aql ao -u]I Plot lou ay]u qal Sul Pus u a"nsta+ u,na qa,. y avenu9, pe43° Sul.ivaLLByQo d,ul p uc,3aO I yslu+ oY •]u. 1ano,a�ta a%Huliulneie�{p u.ma�.o,c1913. For •a+Ri '] P{usx 3o 5u{Xuur3t7'tjlvalisa'iueu3a•Lo+d to Palace Fi�s�3Oss ae]uu�gl yalu9{lsa`{P4Pu8ypatwer on o) .nta auti aaa sx,om any °+auo{cs{u uo� ul lain 'p "anS2�� Lay 21st -o o la0u )a,ag7 lnud ']S 3d0 ut]VJ �us^sy as n t luas u pla!gS 4 x .cuoulutl �Snu'a^� snsj°u133°°� {xiror.t street �}ua,ua"o,dW{ 9u1ua11{+a']a T9yno�u aql ,03 lu —c' pro- -05" OE a nC .t sq ,gZ aunf Ilaun°J aql Ia ,auolss{`u131Oa uod 311"d+o aa, 41•$C.te u-mo+Pol si]PeaiolgdB3 g o°,azd"oull•luovP ela)goql,Hayuu'I.Ws4,1]y° s,sa4o{�dueuumse{ m3aP°aonu eolMoll°3b nu0 og,s l .i d. r. provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that t':e sai under the terms and provisions of the exis further acts and proceedin;s to be done; a finance and ot`er officers and departments .1113 1,n0D plus )o a -1 R oys 5 aq) mo+) 1,-..'d_'d� uaddu sp;sus+P ;0 1 asoq.++ 'l'B.p o 6usp 1 ,° goua oi.•.9ut+uuo11u11a 14 IAu{p siu n'q P.1uo{I) ,a43p 'ax Inud , aQ 11u3I_ sly authorized and directed to continue to com sa ^u^ a" " ul msa °� e�snoHa ljn`o� azR nl suiuu�,e11 nr n1 a ` -o+da ee,eg3p;3gF al ..Sn P Pt1"od under the existing Charter, in accordance t ss ') roti] a,o,a4 11u°B "gl Adopted by the Council, 1 Yeas •Farns orth / Goss; Kell I(/ McCoi O'Lea y Yeorg Pbr. 1914. 11' Nays'� President (Powers) r COU;?CIL F. N0.__ BY Thereas: The Board of Public Works has rade but rot confirmed � the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses, upon the following final orders; For grading Hythe street, froit:'Tendon avenue to Dudley avenue, approved July 23rd, 1913. For grading Princeton avenue, formerly Osceola avenue, from, Cleveland avenue Cho Fir_n avenue, approved August 27th, 1913 I For grading Pascal avenue, from Fdn:und street to University avenue, approved June 21st, 19131 For radir_ Hubbard street,. from Griggs street to Syndicate avenue, approved AugustL27th, 1913 For grading Hewitt avenue,frorc Griggs street to Lexington avenue, aper ved August 14th, 1913./ For grading Syndicate avenue, fro,., University avenue to Thomas street, approved July 10th, 1913✓ For grading/Prior avenue, from Grand avenue to St. Clair street, approved September 23rd,✓1913.v For grading Stinson street, from Chatsworth street to Lexington avenue, approved August 14th, 19131 For grading Topping street, fron, Syndicate avenue to Griggs street, approved April 10th, 1912 / For9grading Wakefield avenue, from Earl street to Hester.°pstreet, approved February 10th, 1914.✓ For grading Roy street, fron Shields avenue to St. Anthony avenue, approved September 11th, 1913#/ For grading Saratoga avenue from. Lincoln avlenue to Sd r PIS St. Clair street, approved August 27th, 1913 For grading £aTa ega avenue between Fairview avenue and Sue street, approved November 12th, 1913; under Q the terms and provisions of the old Charter. Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and z proceedings to be had or done relative to the Completion of the aforesaid assessments are practicable to be done under the terns and provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that th� said assessments be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed, to continue to complete the said assessments under the existin Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council, 1914. (over) (2) Yeas Nays Far sworth GOB Kel er UlCC 11 011 ary Yeo 61r. resident (Powers) i Aprroved__�?"__v7-� l --Z--- �r7JJE/ _ 11AYOR . a C. F. No. 531 -By 5. A. Farnsworth— Wherens, The Board of Publle Works has made but not confirmed the as- ent of benefits, tests and e - penses, upon the following Mal or - dere: For grading Hytha street, from Hendon avenue to Dudley nvenue, ap- rading Princ tnuty avenue. rd, lformerly 3. For Osceola a ¢vaenue, fjnmCle land avenue to Flnn approved August 27th. 1913. Forgrading Pascal a enue, from Ed- und street to University avenue,. p - proved Jane 21st, 1913. For grading Hubbard street, from Griggs street to Syndicate avenue approved August 27th, 1913. aForu grading I-1.1vitt - .flue, from For tract LJ Lek:ngton avenue. approved August 14th. 191.^,. For grading S)•ndiesto Venue, from (Uni - rally avenue to Thomas atree t, approved July 10th, 1913. For grading Prior venue, from Grand venue to S[. Clnlr tree[, approved September - 23rd, 1913. For grading Stinson treat. from Chatsworth street to Lex- . tngton avenue, approved August 14th. 1913. For grading Topping 'treat. from Syndicate avenue to Griggs street. approved April 10th. 1912. For grading Wake its ltl a enue, from Earl '.street to Hester street, approved Feb-ruary 10th. 1914. Forgrading Roy street, from Shields avenue 1 St. 11, bony avenue, approved September 11th, 1913. For grading Saratoga ave- nue from Lincoln avenue `[o St. Clair street, approved August 27th, 1913. For grading Sargent enue between Fairview avenue and Sue street, ap- prove ' � r the termsd nd provisionshof the oldember 12t, 19, bar- ter. Whereas. It Is the opinion f this Council that all other els and pro-ceedings to be had or done relnHve to are and p the completion of the aforesaid a - ments a e practleable to fie done u - der the rovisions of the present Chep•Ier. Therefore_ be It resolved that the sold assesscnts be -completed under the terms tin d provisions of the -Ist- Ing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Com- . missloner of Finance and other afficers and departments of the City, are here- by aathortad and directed to continue c, t0 Complete the Qid assessments un- der the esl ski ng Cha rt er, In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council July A, 1914. l Approved July 7, 1914. C (z) Yeas Nays Fatle rth -'Go KeMIC6'YeMrsident (Posers) 6:. —$ 1 ApF roved CEJ- ;1AYOR. C. F. No. 581—P: S. A. Farnsworth— Tho arnsw rth— The Beard of Public Works has made but not confirmed the se- em of benefits, costs and c' pten es. upon the following final .1 ders: For F'radln,^, Hythe street, from Hendon evet;e to Dudley avenue, ap- ,zed Jul v1�23 rd. 1913. For grading Princeton a en formerly Osceola e. from pevciand avenue to Finn ave u apptvved August 27th. 1913. Fern gai'adPascal a e, from Ed- 'ngund street to University arcane. P - proved June 21st 1913. Forgrading HabbarI street, from Griggs street to y ndicateavenu a app ll '\Ugust lith. 1013. Forgrading Nvlv:tt a from Griggs street to Lexington avety approved August 14th, 191."., Forgrading S}'ndica to avenue, from 1'n i versityn to Thomas street a nprnved .lulyeI"b. 1913. For grad log Prior av ;e, h'om Grand avenue to S[. Clair Llstreet approved September 23rd, 1913. For grading Stinson street. from Chatsworth street to Lex- ington .—nue, approved August 14th, 1513. For ntgrnding Topping treet, It. Syndfcl'te to Griggs 'street. approved April nl0th. 1912.' For lrading \{aketield avenue, from Earl street to Hester street napproved Feb - v loth, 1914. For grading Roy street. from Shf elds n e to St. An - proved thonv av ue, apSeptember' 11 th. 1913.enFor grading Snrato gn ve- e from Lincoln a e to St. Clair street approved August 27th. 1913. For grading ge Surat o e betivern Fa lrvic- a and Sol, uatreet, ap- - proved Novemher 12th. 1913, under the terms and provisions of the old Char- ter. lh res I[ Is the opinlon f this Council that all other nets one 2nd' pro- [h¢eseding pltetlaln hof t[her dfaresaida til- aseto comeats are pro c ties b leaW he done on der the rms and provlslone of the present Charter. Th -1111 be 11 resolved that 1h.• Id aa�e nts he completed ender l the I'rms�andprot•Isions of the exist- ing Charter as to all further acts Ind proceedings to be done; aad the Com.- missioner of Finance Ind otb er orticers and depnrtmen is of the City, n e here- byaulhorizd a nd dirnct,ed to continue to c plete the Bald asaeesments un- der the isttng Charter, in nccordnnce therewlth. _ -- ted 1,� the Copnc it July A. 1911. Approved .Tal'' i, 1914.' City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof.._...._._..._._......._.-.._._._.......-.._._.-•--_..._._._._-_...._._._...._._......._..._.._._._.._..:_._.. r Bureauof ......... .................. ............-- ............................... Council File No. .--...-..---•-- Date Presented .._...._._---._-_.-_------- 1914. ..._ ................_-......_....-...-...._._ ---------......_.__.....-_...._.. - a Resolved, that the appointment, by the Commissionerof Public Safety of J. Troy as Licence Inspector for the ensuing two years is herby confirmed. C, F. 682— Resolved, That the appointment by the Commleeloner f Public Safety of vt'm. S. Troy as License Inspector for Ithe, ensuing two years Is hereby con- firmed. Adopted by the Council July 6, 1914. Approved (July 1191914) Ie July 6th, 1914. Adopted by the Council .._._...._-. _.._...-_._......._.__.......... ............... _._. Yeas ( 7 ) Coun ilmen , (0 ) Nays Far sworth Go s Mc 11 Yoe g 04L ary 1914; J gel r •N !c4_......_ 'Mayor Mr. President, Powe s � J 34' �� L `�Z_. Q :G, J? CiC .f f •'(.. r _. A (�� 1 7/�t / _ i v�—.4J ..St. /7.fG C,'� it /�� �� zi � LG : � c. .err• . . i� cz- . .�i7,`J �" � StC.-C„v CCl� l% " • `� .. `r`� �...c° _i!c F„i�� %Z1G�'-rL.v,a,�G a 0 oF4 END 0� gm 11ICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course* of. business by -,T-,- ; ,, — �, , ry - e ou „ M i •. 1; / ho�L in accordance with the standard and apprc"e technique orith a ecordak microfilm machine, i4odel/V&- X of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on �'� rc 19 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: 0aa iz 5. The lastitment photographed on said roll of microfilm is: —After this certificatehas been executed Dy the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Operator Dated,/'%a ro41 a 0 V, 4� "M W 1/100 e VIII 1.0 2, S 2-0 VIII= VIII= VIII1-s 1-25 1-4 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS .,CROCOPY RESOLUTION 'EST C—T ■ I t