1545-2069_09-10-1914_10-13-1914VIII =. 11111=8 VIII -S CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office at. Paul 1545 ""191 on - General form. Received of City Clerk __ .,f. ..: ... d ✓t �� _._ .. _._._.__ _ ............. m,mQma�6mmmsQmmm-O L°mmm QQ98i6 m0 1914. p" f r to Presented .._...._. _._•.•.,•_• By Iolve, that the contract"hearing date August 27th, 1914,, by and"betxeerr the City- of_ St,.-Paul and..,Pau.] L. Bonopatzki, for this. sale of garbage froin September 10th, 1914, to September 10th, 1915, be and the same is hereby"approved, and the proper,oitq officers are authorized and directed, to execute the same on behalf of the City.;wf'— C '� No 1546—SY M N aP,e- ReedlveH That'.;the contract bearin6[ • - da"te'A`lfguera7th 1934bY nudtbetwgen: "Paul PauhTi`- i' _ tho;Ctty of Elf and Datalcl;'jfol°rthe Aalp oY+�Barbggget ttom' $eitt4anber }8ih 181j to .„S6Ptemborx • SAth �'};9�b b Yand ahs ewer, a hereby , Atp O Hd and Mite Proper,6lty 6LHtlers - - " ' are'authorized"arid dlr etedyto es¢cut@ - tbe�9umeaon bptralt at the City 9 Y .: AdoPteH by the Cpuncll $oPk 10 1$14 : - , ' �, Approved Sept SSO 1914 t,"._ v (8ept 12 }911 .............. -.•»! Adopted by the Council'-_-. _._.__._..1914. _( ! Yeas, { ) Counc amen ( ) Naga F ;".•- Parn worth I close Mcco l Yoer J. 0'Le rqApr d``Z419f1�4. _ _. _ -Mayor. Aeil-,r Mr. Preei(ent, _ i ,. ., -... �.•.'• w., . N city of 9t.Pau1 1545 Council Resolution General form. Departmentof .._.___--------------------------------- ... _ _ _ ----._ ._---._._ ---- __. o.--------- ------- -:-- Bureauof --------------------- ...._...___._................. ceamaamaacscmaaasaovvc�dacaasaacacavvavvavaacavacaaaavvamcmmcaammamvm• Council Vile No. .................... Date Presented By------- __._._.__ ..... .... __._...._.-__._._._._. »_._._._...._.__._.___._._. Resolved, that the contract bearing date August 27th, 1914, by and between the City of 8t. Paul and Paul L. Konopatzki, for the, sale of garbage frob September 10th, 1914, to September 10th, 1915, be and the same is hereby 'approved, and the.proper city officers areauthorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C F ,No n1d46 "By M N /35ae7 4Resolvgd Tfiat iha contract bearing; data?Au�aet 27th 1@14by and. beEweeq, - - - Ebe:Q[ty ot. 9t Paul and Fg'Mti to 8bnp : - pa£ahl for the saie'ror 6'aibage lrotq�. 8eptedlber SOth�;� 3.914 toy 88ptomber - ➢prOv�6''�and th ,properMc tYa ot[19era' ' - are BUthoriR da and dlrecte4ato ^pzaout Y ,, • - - the eam0 on bphnl�. of the CIkY 4Adopted"bY ttyE Caugcp Sept. 10 1914'+ .. . Ayproyad 89pt. �0 1p14 - � e Adopted by the Counei Yeas ( ) Couna imen ( ) Nays Farn worth does McCo. 1 Yoer O'Lei ry AprLZ76e 1914. Kehl r - Magor Mr. President, :: t cj City of St''. Council Resolution general form. Bureau. of w• :_._._:_._ _..__. _ ....w.__.»._..... ¢¢03mm OtC'mS�i¢m¢m¢�S-�S�CSS--Smm SmmCS�¢¢mSmS¢m¢03S0Si6Ssma0mmS000a060! Council File No. Date Presented ......._._..._._.-,.._._..1914. By L -- --------------------------- ----- ------------------- - �_-... .... -_._. ... Resolved, that the contract bearing date September 8th, 1914, by and between 'the John F. ![oDonald Lumber Corporation and the City of 8t, Paul, for the purchase 63, 1,110 square yards. of No, l vitri- fiedbriek paving blooks,_be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of said City h f, L F No 1846 BY M N;;Goee— . -- dt�e89008m'hak �8ih018i4trbY gKdLbe `. ttigeen;tho+Iohp F McRon$1d LumtlOr; borpgestloni�nd the CSty_„ of pG; Paitb; , [or the'xpurcltaee ur eilpav°in�cbiocke:'. - oi' Jho tri ytt�ined t n ro .e"a;, _ be and tttfl damep It ha6laer@SapWit ' H:IId theprop�r ditY ' '- hggomm�'Saed &t6-' eaecuiesthe - - H:'IdoptedtUY•'�the Qouinc 118ept.10 1914; 'AP roVpd..,9ePt e10 lA1A � r Y C t ,.. i Yew r R v ..(9ept el 185) _ ,�Ad'bpted by the Council _ ...... _1_._._...__...»...._M.»..1914. Yeas ( ) Co lmen ( ) Nays. Far sworth - Gos / YoS 01 ary Approv $el er ____ Mayor 1[r. Presiden s; r• CITY. OF ,SAINT PAUL 154"7 City Clerk's -Office �. St.paul on - General form. Received"of City Clerk u ,_,_,_,_„„ _._._._. t._._._... ._._._._ w_ _ �._ r� Wit/ a Presented; Resolved, that the contract bearing date September 98th, .1914s by and,between B: B. Malone and the City of St. 'Paul, for the grading and improving of Blair street from Syndicate aysnu® p to Lexington avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the ^ proper city officers are authorized and directed to exe ute•the same on behalf of thek C ']f No 1047—�13YSAiP+'x 8g1 R'eeo4p d That the rnntl'aot blarltrg date September 8th 914 a by aR�k be=- �. ktween 8 ED Malone and,thefiCtty3oF B,C� pPgill tot the grading add�(mnbkving ss of Blair street;from SYhdl4ate aXenitei_ .. - to 1%4atngton avenue lt@. ands the sa:ue7�- i16 EtefebY4 alipCo}!ed• and t2te Propei'tI - j. city„bKlcere at'e auttlor�aed and4 d cot ed io $Xeoute�,.th same on beha�f o! . y .,6,dopted7by the Council Sept. 1Q 191! � � Adopted,.W,. the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth Gos Mo C 1 Yoe 0'Le ry Approv d O 1914. Selar.'_ _. _....._..__ Mayor Mr. Preside rs - �; -.1547 _ Git a .Paul '- ti Council RssolutdoTZ-.General.form, epartment of .......................................,•_-••- . _ ._........._._._ _._. _. D Bureau. of ` __._._...._._.- ...._.._...._._._._--_. vaa-- vaays =s a vmv=vaoasysvvavvva=vmc'mmaavmavaavmaaaama� Council File No. _ ------------------- '4 Date Presented .......... 19 4. By................... .... _....................... _ ........................... Resolved, that the contract earing date September 8th, _ 1914, by and between B. D. Malone and the City of St. Paul for the grading and improving of Blair street from Syndicate avenue to'Leaington avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same .on behalf of the City � C"F ,2•!o I64�=SyyM. N-Cines--> __ ;, aieeolved Tlint the contiraotbearing, _ �da;e tember 9tN sS814zby7 and bet Y tw@enB ,D MaTo>fe�andthorClty'tof`St.•II Raul for the"•grafltng and tmprbyt+Ig1` Df il3lalr etre tgfrom SYpdhd.,31 avoni[oII - to Leaington avenue BnA tho Game: _ (e hereby nppkaned and- 4he proper; i _ ettg offlcaea ar'e author(aed and fl efl ;to exocute-theaname on behaf bt. tho:,clfv ;� - Adoptedpby tLe Co�ino�l @epL�,14 1814 ,� pproVefl Sept Yb 1814 -� t s f � (Sept 191914 ��+ Adopted by the Council ........... ..... :_...---- ----- ,_.I��.___-_...._._._..1914. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth J Gcs MCC1 Yoe 0'Le ry Approv ti Bel r r Mayor Mr...Preside re 9r Y " v ­777-- kNO� a ��tt�a tas� 10th aay of t S p�emte s1 4 m kf g �'e' 1 n x Qindf �menP, ., C}FRnttiAny+Bira� t5'f faA4�'JYgeA110 � - J,4" hsving,'`bggYp�hre�(M a �txeFraf,�+xd t Councilman of the CSty oL 31:?P�W 5 �F�p Fa( be 1L °nesoi(� xip A �pAfn th ''C,bm�tdbtoned'oT Pgh1f6 Wopke be;�"ap� h8�lieKeby o9�+ red.,AHd dir�tb&aftN i eutv'Y .. , . S t 4�d4� J ■:l Nirl �a 1202=8 I 952— ..... . . COUNCIL FILE NO.._._..._._ ............. . INTERMEDIARY ORDER. "econstruoti3ag, relaying and repairing with cement blocks feet, - xc+P_p_t._.w4eze In the Matter of to _a7_W j-dth-_6f- _•ten f the -P-r-s-G6n_t---qidP_wal4P- e, good and o sufficient cement sidewalks now exist n Fifth street, south aidsf ...... . .... ............ fft­.S thence..... .. ............ .. . ...... .... . . .. ... ...... be inn ng mitlf aruntfey east 12fl 1914 tinder Prel mi ary Or 28.1 .. . ........ . ......... ......... ......... i it Order..._._...281. . .................. . . . . ... ............ ...... approved ........... - - The Council of the City of Rt. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance Upon the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I.. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved,and adopted, and thd said improvement is hereby ordered to.be p ceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Counefl recominends ii.1Q. QAAe o the preseq laying and repairing with cement I except' where good -an sufficient ceme -'extut"" - i�.? width often feet, ........... . .. ... . ..... . .... . . ........ a3'ae alk A , . Fifth' .. . .149 ...t; .......smith..avenue..thence east 120 fee .................. .......... . .... . .... .. . . ..... .................. . ... ............................. . .. ......... ... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost there 9$ !.91.1.. lie heuing be litid on said iinpr'oveule on the ......... ..... (lay of ve, �Furt er, That,a pub] lit Ch Mb . ............... t the hour .......... ..... ............ I . a in the Council"., a room,of the Cmt House,'and City Hall Building in the,City of St, Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance he timeand givip'notice of, said meeting to the persons a the manner provided by the Charte, stating t 14, persons a ,e place of,hoaring, the nature 'of the '110 loy 11 tj and the to a cost thereof as estimatfd, .......... Adopted by t Council .......................... ....... .. ........ City rk IQ! A Appro, By...._._..... - ......... __ ....... _... -............................................................ FINAL ORDER. In the D3atter of..___..r..QnR_t.�UG_x ng.._a. six..foot cement sidewalk on both sides of_..Thomas..._streat.x.._from.Snel1 ng, avenue. to Pascal avenue r June 24th 1914 tinder Preliminary Order.... .. . _ ........_.......................approved .._....... _..._.._._...._ .... 9 _... ..........._..._.;.._...::. s Intermediary Order' ... .... ;I 1........_,. approved / ... /.1/ ..._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, oUjections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of. St. Paul that the• precise nature, extent and kiud of im piovement to be made by the said City i X7.2 efE%�ir�(-6' eytiO�oTi�d/ ....-.-._... .. ... ✓W"=�,......... _`-"""Q,-, and the Council hereby orders,said improvement to be made. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worka.be and he is hereby instructed and i directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approv l tliat upon,said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed X11 y with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._..`..1._.4_�...._19� _._... _. .......... -- -- City Cle CEP 10, 1514 Approved. _.......... _..................... _....... 19........... � z r 1lfayor.A n 'S Councilmen Farnsworth G ,7' Gosslu•=the Matter 46f coasi`rnctfag ja�els.. • ( fabO Cemeat'"sldeWalir.-q` both. eld$s, - of Thomas street, from Snalltag `eve Keller >nveatp Fabcel a�enua Hader Prelim` teary Order,:279 aDProved lupe piib _J _ " •• ,1014 YatermedlarY OrdBry 964 ap iJ ' proved Arg.+X 191ft L r �.l _ h1CC011 A F'publlC hearing h b g4been had' Pon,,. O'Leary 1mprovemenG upon c]ue• ` - notieer and they} CouaSll having heel � O'Leary air-Deraond , of leatienb and racomme}i dations setativa 4hereta ,.%•aaa h'evtng, folly bonslda@ed the same therefore,= - - ., YOer bean x:,;t'` f• g iesalved �y file Caunc)1 of the Cfk} -'Jftb C, Paul that than preateeraab - -- e5ctent.apd kind of imDrpveaienR. tbStie. - e's1�dxC1tY.}d aonstrpating,� - k six toot Nemahti walk unUboth sides, - oi':Thomae etreetlirom �neiling�a'3eape' • to Faecal a9enue and.theCaunclli hbr by,�-ordye a eald��iSnprovement"��Yd ba '. _ $$eso7ved"+ rirther Thafn^iha CommlG-' • - e[dher of >�btic Works be; sed h.;;19y ' _ Ti4peD1 lastrutlSed,and. diteoted to grq=:r - - pope plane,and speclflcaYiolfs for self:; ' lmprovem8nf�and enbmlY�pame �•to.ibe8 _ appro approll for aifprofai that upon ea[dy 'val tjlef+D+ober oity�otflcerr�ya5ey £ �- - hepBby aothor[zed andsdtrected, d,�p�0�' cp d with the; malynll'L'pald love,. - e� egrdance,'therewlthi _ -.�Ad� d:A35'the Co�nef�i4r9eDG !0 191,, lu �.i;� i�r`iC. i 21_ M J i } By...._._..... - ......... __ ....... _... -............................................................ FINAL ORDER. In the D3atter of..___..r..QnR_t.�UG_x ng.._a. six..foot cement sidewalk on both sides of_..Thomas..._streat.x.._from.Snel1 ng, avenue. to Pascal avenue r June 24th 1914 tinder Preliminary Order.... .. . _ ........_.......................approved .._....... _..._.._._...._ .... 9 _... ..........._..._.;.._...::. s Intermediary Order' ... .... ;I 1........_,. approved / ... /.1/ ..._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, oUjections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of. St. Paul that the• precise nature, extent and kiud of im piovement to be made by the said City i X7.2 efE%�ir�(-6' eytiO�oTi�d/ ....-.-._... .. ... ✓W"=�,......... _`-"""Q,-, and the Council hereby orders,said improvement to be made. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worka.be and he is hereby instructed and i directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approv l tliat upon,said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed X11 y with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._..`..1._.4_�...._19� _._... _. .......... -- -- City Cle CEP 10, 1514 Approved. _.......... _..................... _....... 19........... � z r 1lfayor.A n 'S Councilmen Farnsworth G ,7' Gosslu•=the Matter 46f coasi`rnctfag ja�els.. • ( fabO Cemeat'"sldeWalir.-q` both. eld$s, - of Thomas street, from Snalltag `eve Keller >nveatp Fabcel a�enua Hader Prelim` teary Order,:279 aDProved lupe piib _J _ " •• ,1014 YatermedlarY OrdBry 964 ap iJ ' proved Arg.+X 191ft L r �.l _ h1CC011 A F'publlC hearing h b g4been had' Pon,,. O'Leary 1mprovemenG upon c]ue• ` - notieer and they} CouaSll having heel � O'Leary air-Deraond , of leatienb and racomme}i dations setativa 4hereta ,.%•aaa h'evtng, folly bonslda@ed the same therefore,= - - ., YOer bean x:,;t'` f• g iesalved �y file Caunc)1 of the Cfk} -'Jftb C, Paul that than preateeraab - -- e5ctent.apd kind of imDrpveaienR. tbStie. - e's1�dxC1tY.}d aonstrpating,� - k six toot Nemahti walk unUboth sides, - oi':Thomae etreetlirom �neiling�a'3eape' • to Faecal a9enue and.theCaunclli hbr by,�-ordye a eald��iSnprovement"��Yd ba '. _ $$eso7ved"+ rirther Thafn^iha CommlG-' • - e[dher of >�btic Works be; sed h.;;19y ' _ Ti4peD1 lastrutlSed,and. diteoted to grq=:r - - pope plane,and speclflcaYiolfs for self:; ' lmprovem8nf�and enbmlY�pame �•to.ibe8 _ appro approll for aifprofai that upon ea[dy 'val tjlef+D+ober oity�otflcerr�ya5ey £ �- - hepBby aothor[zed andsdtrected, d,�p�0�' cp d with the; malynll'L'pald love,. - e� egrdance,'therewlthi _ -.�Ad� d:A35'the Co�nef�i4r9eDG !0 191,, lu �.i;� i�r`iC. i 21_ M is COUNCIL FILE NO..' . .......... ..... ... FINAL. ORDER. In the 'Matter of...::._aonatru.CtUng_...a....sidewa-1k. of.....a.ement-.hlonks......t.o....a Width::.:nf b9th....aide.s_._Qf....S.e.minary._..ay.enu.e.,..._from_ .r.:ot.to.._a..tre.e.L_._tla. vnn St under Preliminary Order _2.06 .._._...._..... .. ............. ...._approved .._JU110_...2.0..th.�....�.:9.1 .......... _.__.._ Lltermedlar Order ..._.._ _ _?� _ .. _... _..approved ........ 1 t�/ ..... .._. y �... <...., A public hearing having Leen had upon the above improvement, upon due notice, and the Council having -heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the samep therefore, ,be it c RESOYrVEI), By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent/ and kvgd of im _ provement to„be made by the said City ,i& -�...,s u.. 7. du t e ouncil.. ereb or ers s id m rovemen to a made. ^ RESOLVED FURTHER, -That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and =; directed to prepare plans and'speeilications-for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for 11pproval %that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed Lo proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___.. Q.._.19 f Ci Clerk. Appro 144 O_....19./.. j� Iayor. . Councilmen Farnsworth tl s+No 15d—ry r ' c z -w - I "t�fQ A�ffaatt oE�'toonatrpctlrfg, Q�elde :� � Q039 �a}k ;o>'„cera}�nt :bloraca to a, wldtfp of ` - ett`ke't"- (�ala`�(eet an bulb bided of�sQminary{� -� _y, S¢ - x om`�Grotto atrelb F . e '�tl�etl�Pj'@[narx lJmtldgr �B¢ Keller approved s�1},'waoth ,la}aIntdte� _ �, d1aK¢�,'OrdbhY149B6 api)ruvdd At11��-i1�.- ` ppllhb d fi�an` haYlnB .b�eetin had 1. McColl u od the dpo a mpSoveplenhupo dve . P noLYcel# le 116Y1pB lieardt - jill yerabne ob�ecftope Hud r@tommen •- O'Leary - {tppdatfoNe relativ�e"< he}'eto and bavinB - //Y {1k1}v�'cpnelderQd �he nmQ ,fthek@Eo�re, �� . tlSolved 73q CfiayCaundlof. th@ City . Yoerg R ofg:Pbnr At 9. pracfae ilHture ea �t dt gnd kynd o1= improv@mbnt Yo be mado ;bq the tlatd'C1ty fa conatra ting - ,- �.MA41a aid@maYlc of cemadE block's: terawldU} ' � '• ' j�o1 `si::t t n'�both.H7d0a'oi�¢e�laarp diva?tue Srom.yGriitt•<o atr et;bio Avpn f: ptr eti� arid' t8C@ G+�un ❑ hereby orderer cold, lmgroveme 'l; 4o be,made F4� ' �.R aCYved}Su [neY yThaL the Comm 8 - ` �r6by?.�of tfdcte YCri be ;and h@rob}' fnetructed,'„and directed t •pre - s (pare Mane and apeelnoatlon8 for Hatd(... imm pYoveentat`anaubmIL same to the kCouncil YnC faDprDYa1 F truDon Bald £ tappr6 tai the proper Ziff¢ plltcere� ay - Iflereby authorised and directed to pro y .; - d aeed'with th@ 4naklaB of eatd ImDjove i men' Ih accprdanca, ShereWith % � �ldopfad by i4e Counetl Sept.tle” Approved BhDkIO 1914 if: z z - --= OWN COUNCILFILE NO .... _.._.............................. VINAL ORDER. LI the Matter of.. *_constructin.g.._a, six..foot.:.derrtent._._s.idewalk on both sides' of Edrmind..street.,_.'..from_Haml.ineayenue to Pascal avenue -` under. Preliminary Order._..$$a._ __.- _._ __ _ approved...._June_..34th.....191....._..... q IntermediaryOrder __! ✓� / ...apProved ^� (/ y .1.. /.G.. ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement. upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recounnendations'relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of fin .n 3 /. provetnent to be made by the said City t ounciL here y ordera'sai( lm en en o e made:. RESOLVED FURTHER, Th4t the Qou missioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed an4 tdirected to prepare plans and specifioationa for -said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby' authorized' and directed to proceed iii , with the making, of said impro, a;ment in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...._ Approved.Al ' i 1 1 I: ay or. Councilmen F rnsworth c FIQo f6G� s 9 in tl4e,rjNatter of conaructlns^ a els. ,foofxcement efdemalk on :botbjet de - oi''ffidmut�a 9#reet 1rgm$amtlne G as • aviaue 4o .J?aecal.,avenuof under 1�,e'� ' - " t Atiin¢rytOfder,7¢89v apProted Jona,," h°' 24tjf{-19i�} intotptedl T�' Osder 8861 flet' 9�Pro4edsAltkytt>'1914 •, +. X ea - A ublYc hring havinbee g -n to ///pep aeons: thg abbge impror Ynenf upon due r ounc P Coll no4lne yattd'tba Cn k4egtntdrh�arQ a11�p�reona obltcttona and recompten atiobao-rei'atlgef thereto ai#dxhavtn� 0 easy bbs,'Ponataefea t ea�t>fetare• v Ret,0golved45jyHy'•th Connell Of tofls1 tbat th"`preclse.l5ature ex e �r 1t _ teltt ;addi I 'd, �Imgrovetiidnt to5sbey , 8 msaeabp ih AMC. Cttydie Ennatr�lettns. t at.idol"enlebt stdsasatk'on both R, 1 e1deH of `Edm�ind"streeb-Lrom )9,; l@rye bnue�to PaqeAtmaveAybl � Mavatiil the Coun • fi2d4 older 4satd lmprovemenik�o I'T' riie.de ay t- ' 1 Reaoived Furftie�That th§ Cyommte - falono'r rof Public*�rka be_arlg he Is - perebY inatrneteil and directed #o pra3� - ' pare �41ana add. apaemdatioae tory satd ,. 1mproyemen and aultmit seine tb tha. � ' Connell tfoT�aDruvat that; upontsat3' approval, -the proper city''dftfceTa ars he;elkp,Cautlyorlaed anddireefefl to,Pr.-, . ' ceed;:lvlth�tlta.making bi�esfd improve' .. men�.;aa accoedanee"theraivlth � A p.e .br,t e„Cou 8 pt yio ,l9 41 I Ap➢roved septi'" Ipp 1914 : �' x �s P. T COUNCIL FILE 0._- ......... . ................ By......... _._._...:....... _................................ _..... FINAL , ORDER: In the Batter of..ppnstructing__a. _sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet,-on Goodrich avenue, north side from Hairline Av. to Syndicate A- VtMie-...... _,................ .......... ._........ _........ ........_....... ...... __...... ......... ..... _....... ................. _...... _...... ..._...................._<._........ _.._...... under Preliminary Orderp .... _..... _..... _.............. _..... _........ _.-approved-...June 24th,....1914 ........... -::.__.......... .... _.. Intermediary Order.—.._.........../.�._..........._..._. .......:approved __. ,L�..... �yl�/1� . m A public hearing having ad upon the above improvement pon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, obje ns and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �RESOLVED,'By the Council of the 6ity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent -and kind of inl F 3 prgvemeuf,to` be made by the said City • -� _.. _ _: � ... .. .. ... J.�+�-XLH.. Yo the ounml ereby or ers sai In o .`made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That. the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and <ilreCted_to:prApare plalie and specifications Nr sab improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said' approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with` the making of said`, improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._ Cit Cler Approve d _\ (3^L� ./fJ........ 19...�. m c rr Nom issue aL ll..:_._ iayor. '1 hIn th0 Et`etta' &OCa,0'*',j' gide Councilmen Farnsworth Falx oCgedtfitopktl tD`a wlith of x {fatx f0et;46* ti08d�io avenu0 ttoFth [s atd07�ttom 73amlilf0Av t0 >3Yadi¢ata ,i,� �: � AvOr Ander Fxgiitn[aa�cY BrdaY 8QL �. Gose _ ape tigdr find a 19 cute kne r A 1{ubf[a hearl`ahbvib>t''b h } Keller It;peg tpa a�ovg-yi�+ ov meltt upon d� �. . netleeatA t jhef: ael�haviuB peaFd i nYTA; 11 9viN0 t{ec a tt$d YaO�ffimen " McColl dttottaAtatJydd20o alis Aavina +illi roai sideked f 2hm0 7 theiefpka •'"Or'�;`X�r O Lear - vt'It '61 Y d ,� 'ho„ g noll bf ,th0 city y .t+a a Nut th`avtigSQiae natture- nt nnalld 102 Dr4vent to he i atie,pY ,thy � GiStyda gonnd6deting Yoerg tliaotgAityo b§irz§bleoxa; fv width o]'�lxr2 et nOGdodrt0p 8veaua ' , s �lOrth�std..e'fj3trojl'ra{nit a av@nUe to ! ynenue a�fl the l:ouhcil yereb�,�otyd/Sra d,}at��lmpjo�em4entato-�`be � �."{ 12etl0 q-k UrthdrY ""chat t�ha"Co j 1m96�'"' stogeF of. ubltc .�` Fadrke be d ereby ltiat4pcta�,.gnd�iteot0a,w-tD pre i 1 r@s plana nd� tlpecl Fattona X20 'thif I DFQvgmen and.'.-ubin[t cams 5'�tlio' 'I ouncil for: ayprdval That upon bald, _ el¢pprovals'thea 00PM cltY olLlceSa are y hereby autharlaed slid iredted xtv pro r. IrnDad with t10 '1aDit/hB o2 said;lmD7Cove ,- - ent to secor¢4ncertherbwith -�?t r n �, . } AdoDted bye thg�Cauncn e9epf, 10 • 1914 r �'tt3i 1 ADDroved Sepb XO'�'�814 ,�: rL Yeas Mr Pieei City of St.Paul Council Resolution General storm. Depar, ment of ---:. _._ . - - -• • - • . Bureauof ......_. ----._-----_....__--. -- . _. ._._�-. --.._.-------- ---------- _.---- I aesaaaasosa�oraamsamao.e =eza osaCSCaa lean=eOaaaa�Si9aspCaeaaapa�C6liaaaet0 Council File No m 1560 Date' Presented ... »1914. By.-•_•----- ......... .__.....__........ _ -•- Resolved, that whenever any owner of property shall desire to obtain a permit from the City of 8t. Paul to ocu truct a sidewalk in front or alongside such property, he shall pay into the'oity treasury the sum of Two Dollars- Q2.00) for such permit and for the ' expense of supervising the construction and location'of said sidewalk, whioh fee is hereby fixed by the Council under and pursuant to Section' 383 of the Charter of the City of 8t: Pau -1 -j. -and said fee shall be paid into the city treasury at the time of'the iesuanoe.of such permit. 'RO, such permits shall be issued until a receipt for the said fee from the City Treasurer is presented to the Commissioner of Public`Works. Ado ted by the Council.......$P 1� 191 rr .r *React, .ed 1Thai'whenevQr g4Y or�neY; Yeas ( ) Coun ,ilmen °L prrtY that„1 duptle to:�nstafnUL �'I 7 permtt� romt t City"tot 8f �jPQvl.,q'tor - - 1. xonetrNQtlab1H��¢alitf715froitoto alori(t scion 'ngDiobbrfy pe ahtallfiyQYrtlnto _ �a SWOT't ithe of ch Lreadu�Ystpe samioL,`.1Fvyo Tjcl - fi '2121i nttermlf and �Fo= h4 e77cc 1i TAU euDVt Hle �� (eie�de - - iLcuetlopz�a$d� io s Go 8 atttysq hlrih zee f h reuY sxuHl, tps, �oSnglyycund�i5 ¢ri1���`pj7��fiatrt' otto BecttoR - - p$$2 ot"thet,yLhhrtQrt oL�fhe�C1tY of'18t.. M oll three ta�roQgaur�acn� am�ait nte' ' �augnn,?,'e-f such DermlG 'b;c §ueh leer - 4 (Snit $h811 beN+learieH upj l ayf�estp�(: �Qr �g �"t1�o`�bafd fee fr�pl y�he �;tyrTrpa3urec Pu�Tc�Worke��th� C mmigalonal,,�q� ^.. s� +i.,u-aaaptea'ro� ytlie� c�ounnti�,se���ai� C✓3'l roefde s o- i �' . 9 Q $ ser2: -Mr. Pr x� t r fi . � _ 1562 • ij�r� COUNQIL FILE NO.. Whereas, Immediately prior and up to the time the existing -Charter of the City of St.. Paul, took effect there was ,pending in the office of the Board of Public Works of said City a certain eon- demnation proceeding for: the Opening, widening and ewtending of Griggs street from a point.105.12Nfeet Northerly from the north line of Osceola avenue to Goodrich avenue, to a width of 60 feet by condemning', and taking the "East 30 feet of the East 1g5. feet of the M61-th 610.7 feet of.S.W4 of S.E. � of Seo. 3, T. 28, Range 23, except Fairmount avp.nue, in said City, instituted and carried on under preliminazy, order No. 40052, approved August 14th; 1913 and, final order No. 40739 approved November 15th, 1913,.and _ Whereas, the. Board of Public. Works, prior to the f first dayof June 1914,. had directed the Clerk of said 'Board tb give the assessment notice, and the,proceeding for said condemnation is still , Pending and it is desirable to proceed with the same, and therefore be it, 2 Resolved,4Tliat in the opinion of `the Eounol, it is impraatie to continue'or-oomplete the, assessment of damages and benefits for,and arising out-of the making of said improvement under the Charter of the City of St. Paul as it at present exists, and for the purpose of.con tinueing thesaidproceeding and completing the said assessment of damagee.;and benefits under the terms of the Charter as.it existed prior to the first day of June, 1914, John J. O'Leary,.Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and. Public Buildings. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of-Public. Works, and Sumner a Farnsworth,:Commissioner of-Finance are hereby designated and appointed to continue.and complete the assessment of -damages and benefits arising out of the.making of said improvement. in place and "stead of the Board of Public Works., and.to that end, the said r 0h icere are, hereby authorized,and empowered to give, or cause to be given, any and all notices required by law, or necessary or proper to begiven, to complete the assessment ,of ,benefits -and damages for the making L. of said improvement, iholuding the notice Of oonfirmation•of' said' assessment, and with power and authority to-revise, modify or correct :. said assessment-if deemed advisable, to issue•and sign a warrut'to the proper officer for the collection thereof, and in gereral to do any and �.. all.other-acts and things in connection with the completion of, said assessm�sst 9E fully as the said Board of Public Works might, or could have, done-had it continued exist; and Leonard C. Beamer, Clerk, and 3n chargeof assessments, in the office. of the Commissioner of .Finance,,, iso hereby appointed and designated clerk to the aforesaid''oommiesionere;' an is hereby designated and appointed to perform the duties pertaining �to;the'office of Clerk of the Board of Public Works, in oonneotioa with thq making`of said assessment, and is hereby invested with; the powers `' and authority of such aleck.for the purpose of'oomp1.eting the` said �. assessment in connection with the Commissioners aforesaid ^'. y - . ' G FY No ;7b62--8y 9� A Farge'tPbttlk t`7 i ,t'here'Imdedhtt�}y prYbr end vp W, the Ei�e tLa eYSstintri AhaT7el�ni�th Adopted'by "the Coiinoil, city bt st rets tdai[ e�ebtSEheea*Was ❑ 0 A D0poing �- fr{ the ottl ge b tha.,i3b"ard ai �,� ��i uhllb Wor�ta� of tletd lfy a cetffi!a copdemtistlon Drdceeding lor�t{te,o�en fns t�vldepW�and eatehd�ng u(G 3Rge� Nays taking :;na�F]as4 a1r feet a[ xne r,.,. 3863 Leet o�Fthe North �Al�'f :Ze$r... " a W 3L1pf $.��7 �:tk o�eea 3P T� (e 33' eacept';Faitmount avehu; �`ity lntltituied:`.and c rrled<q �: -1564 COUNCIL FILE NO,. BY Whereas, Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of tl'e City of St. Paul, took" effect there -was pending in the .office. of the Board of Public Works of said City a certain condemnation procedding for the opening to a width of 16 feet., an. alley in Blook 2, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, from Rose street to Maryland street, condemning and taking 8 feet _ 'off the rear of lots '3 to_T4, Block .2 Auerbach and Hand's Addition in said City, instituted and -carried on under preliminary order No. 4O675, Approved November 18th, 1913, and final order No. 41325, approved February 10th, 1914, and Whereas, • the Board of Public Works, prior to : the first day of `ads'• r June" 1914, had directed the Cleric of said. Board to give the assessment ;;,• notice, and the proceeding for said .condemnation is still pending and ' it is desirable to proceed with the same, and, therefore be it, - 1'No:�'S564-LL-BY'8- A- �arnsc`vorth - Jherea`is �yImmediatel5i pprtor and up ;l - • ��e; ti7m� the eaietfns�ch'krte� of tha.„ ot sE.�,Paui ;foolcf'effeCC thare�; w.a�;; _ (ilfg 'ta The tiRsce of ,thg sgoai^df• m ' - is Worlce p�; satfl 4YLtysak �eitC - - Rex'k?tattitoa Drogeedtai;°: or tilb o tflEh S ♦Y.:�: -h, fi'1F2�4.'tz N-*43, igi-'s.7��'ys.K r am ul 156 1 COUNCIL FILE"NO. BYa.�� Whereas, Immediately Prior and up to the time the existing 9 Charterofthe City of St. Paul took effect there was pending in the office of the Board of Public Works of said city a certain condemnation ,proceeding for theapening, widening and extending• of Jefferson avenue ,rom. Frei�,eet/.cid avenue to Fairview avenue by'condemning and taking, the southerly 30; feet of the West };:of the N. W. } of: the N. E j of See. 9, n TR . 48,;A. 33, in said .City, instituted and carried on under preliminary .,...:corder Aio.:,�A���2, °;.�ppraoed �9pt2a7rt%J��3, 1913, and `final order No. 41445, ;approve ebruar rd, . `1914, and Whereas, the Board of Public. Works, prior to the first day of June 1914,. bad directed the Clerk of said Board -to give the assessment notice,. and the proceeding for. said oondgmnation _is still pending and i -t is desirable to proceed with the.same, now therefore Whoroae Ymmediately dory and uF. - _ ( 1 be At tCe Cme ttiaestattng Carter otcdt tyzo�;8t. Yaui tools et[ecx theruE,w;` _ - ndCo§�1Rntly dttice of kha 8oardl �i°ae°mn�"i u1't°�b�o� e�lasY`"x s ail . 1,1114 �e� n�' and axtgnd(r eYeort'#aVgnuiSro}u;E �dQ Do pp Y 'S ilil�`x M.M M BE m4m DMIM 0 IuH lfluulml� fill Imusam I Mom wImAj tug us usial ' i 1 G ti f i 4. �{ f t� , I , 11 i' f 1i } 1 M .S is { I i I {, I lJ� ! 1111,111,111, a ` k ,I I-1 s; , ,`� I hs a t '" . r-4�x t ��, E a r r r 5 I ''4 I i I� t {rt I : a �rr''r�"sasf�ck iT i * l nv .$t"I Iby iht� a 119"1' k i ,F. lI x - � t �{ + a r , y `e jPls ^� ,t a a d'F lr,r - F s t rr d„� , ".. t �, YIT� fi g4 t � .,n 'ua' y ' z"' �11i s �r{'^r % 6, t^ ,*' rh 2 r' •+s�, a'.�r � ,fi _S r � rt z g r� �. pg , � V ��, .� t� `r t:¢ ,,r �w. 14 a :p ekN ,� r'r, { FS 9 ; ig�vt�rF`s `� y SL 1 t x3' z� y t vri3 r s F M r 4�`M as ! c `v, Ir x t r ,° a "'ys, "+ry"' A�%t� a 3„ sac is .r t� Vic.. '"i�4` r4 Pi-.—,, ro s- t .t- *, ", iCt `s ° 1a 4:r § 0 i",' ,,�^"'". "4y I 'rn t Cr 11 r �, !. t L } A ' Pu,.t 3r1''d,' 9r, _. ... ti ,P,' Z 1i v arh �N 4\ ?.7,},, t } 4�4 E $r d k a �: Y x r s r Ya p vs rr ti F'�'a �"x. 7" 4 i �ti t 1 't ,� .,.� +ts' k. t r 1,q''F d 3 h ,f IV' t u 2 �,, i, �!' si Kr +4 k 4 e s t k ��.' r + 4 i s I p is 5, L e l ti, F}w� i �. '. 4L �'i. r� r y 1"- �F rr1 L� a ," r z f L��A UJ �,zf;1 ptgr r. s Sof`✓`-., �' tri sr yt ..� Sr s'' 1 2r ye to v`� ri ir, rlYl['�.F1i7 ' { sr�3'y. {.'str rti r � a i�r x f �� w� R -" r ; 3, r 31v., y 4'wk r rry C .s . 4 M1 rr t ts" r n i �lh Y "�nSii i�',? a'V" '' GT 5 1 ° l } r * 9J , ; t d h . / "� t 5 �� - rd,,, yt�r .w2 �. c �, t a , $ J 3 �u ,t ,r I ,sY .F t: , 'i "A't Pr } '' 111:'W 4 tct: € .,S>< s s , u E, c ,1 ry C µ st a t . Y r r "�m^'sf.- r s 4! �h p 4 '� J hL eT a j.,/�{ ejr 1aD $*r y� /� C}� �ppp F '1 ..r hY .Y �:.'2nHGl`Sl�nallaeE�t089�1TV� Yh� ��0.rY� ii• F BL1IYXn6y1 ;� f�' fi{tyle A.yY1. �. - r5` 3fdi4v x E ui"` .r �i. 7 �11 Lr .t rtyi.,.r .fir x e i-. x + ' �T&E Cbi1NCIL AF CIT7C QF BT PAIIL p0>;S OADATN %,l ��`° 2 ak; z $cation 1. '�hei� the prep 3ti�tn of Bt F. Sweeney toy oor-; I 7+7s C , s : r3 "� „ as` 'a x r 2 y, r .rrJ ,t) x "' r gromSee 8nd eattla hex olaim againe the C73ty pP St, Paul, a� ei�ig � s — tou. oY damages e,pp a nad by; her icy re eon of the �laodia� o: the ° -.I'll- °nS v`i-SY` r: t ;a _ ^ s,,,, ,r 4" z T,,y''r`b>w r` ba8ement ofhe premieea at 41998u -G -rand avenue; �s�ia mote particular, L ya xk vFZ? f 'S ' �+ F TAH r x -t+' `t 1 r s� r T C1.vx. xt t r.. ""•v, t . T r3 �., x ly aet,out"in lier'oammunioation'to the Counoil udder date 6f egtember aY i r f :� 4 L r ,<3J s t r,'! , a y :1 r '.r r v sem; - s w t 4 ,n1 rF ase 4- r s. i �' r{ r t 3 rs 1 ry tit r �54r � 9th„ %914, ug -o payment to aer aP the gum of Seventy five,„Aallare ` ' " ' '11, ffl,- 44 i �r r �., ': x ' r s.,r „ 55 "r} s t .+.mac ' `�:00)`be did the,e�meip hereby vaooepted,3and i�he proper oiiy� �k�� 11 M,s � � a,1�' r' 4 �t $ k �.� i ''_ 3 a b - � � } ar r a tf � ' � 'lir a � � o iaera are lierQlay authorized end direoted to drew a, warrant upas `t -- f ri ay, c Y S a+ ,r ay- +. e t �"a r '"i r �� -th Qity. +1'reaau�er lei f%rXdx` e� 8. �'. �9eeneY: P�►Y�1a rout aX the Dom` xL, p w'''i t 1Sxyrx ♦ ,;;: *. J; f 3 G a �' t r a- r i a.' K,} -i, -�" 9,aK`''1.#`Mf`-g , �c - .r '�:. .,r ,s cr`'r I s Y `*F: y p omi�e A000ua# of the Genex--1 Fund, n the sup► o Bevan -t Siva")"N' .� I_.� ,. "` stz 'isi'r' t ir`a# NN�iiS'b, nu,r 11'n 'rir, . } s s: -t �, Q s � �' sr rt'�s >1r�s�iO� H±'�y �9��f3U�113frhOWaV ra s O _ �, _ 4 .yr�Upon t 4.1'6 b� A$ s � l r. � x°'" 2.. `x'" ' y s M t't ', Y t: t c L, r + L . '' k -s t *t't t c i rS yA r"u`T4at 3 . �` �t#has r gii h� he Gity id ckaimaat flie=s ,�- z 7= q> 'i�-S' t..r'�fi�n r 'r *c ,Y i -k Ai.. ;rgnuenP 4olapgQo v t - ..1 � ' _ %k�, y x. n a ik s... 11: - Y n r a b'� XuafiraF6' a v .2 w{ l,.r r v +S � , 8ther �ci h a ia5'3R,�F ada ]�5 etluaP,e 'Hatt ' s ' ,- s fit, r ` t s , arnen�p� yindc§ a crena.notes° x{ in a1Yorm o lib $r ar',�. .x'-ka -"s s 3 rs ! yico'�$ PYg %aeweo 8.uilana7 r a t �..... 'sP rr she k. h:;:. a aeL eaPimmo�gYllouTMWJ u.47.':Aa}4ei'.� a: r ' u. t rt s..� 'I'Vit c$ � Co �°Pra muii�a fi�a�;ota°�s n aaa� Fend dieohatg3- the -% k-, c �'r-`-i"ipr�"I'll �' 3 Yr �.raa "''.4 ��,4"e a43s1 uiedoaduih �t� 'B �b>0 , P' '�jl�``� 5es'Ya k� _ - Pw �iy '2`x111 anp Mrld" I �a °oen ija dad ams u._ di ' d d $at11F"T °' � t - `' zt , � 'I m xaa3 @nd sddtoca+ Q u oaf° ; $I1 , wto c s'twa'c .ss us-; -=a 5, �. +v >� '3 yr .,acr a . Y .3 4 Wl aa"`P 4 Yr. '_."�'4di * r t s l ,,C x �� d� O—A'ilart ala Cly o ° ¢ �� u go iag out pf the damaged 1�sry '`. , r k...'1' ,� 44 C'a'rs ar'`"`zy�:. N l ## d ;:> .�r r� !.� S.,fe, °" °aptai�ae bir tid"'ol$Y° r the oiroumatanoee y "A-'--!Wt7vt�`fxy.,,T r� r y z`y r l ;x k a:.� y s 7: , 'k. --�.Ai-aabov ,, noted r+ > ° ,. @j Y v` h dg"r'�c r>`•tii� 41iJ4 $"c F1 .,,r {'Ca7 f''v nx asf ro, < s } +�' Y fi F s i 4 r r',t 9eotiau S v g u° 8,, .S , $A=d be iIl mr-oB -S 1y r, v .r :. d -a, Y `+,.�'�` 7 2 r. t r 4 ,�,�, r _, i ixty dayp ait8f` � -t8.- .a .. 's -.� I s y tr i -&C.,--- ,*-,." v� )'<t t .x e t • 3 7 w F pmt x "rf''N; re msq ,� r r ,?' d s py d P r 1 ,ate", f Ja ?s'i, 's" �r r J ... r{+� - d Sl F�, ' :,;2- -Y yfi4r j. : � x x ; i. Su � Y,, n PF 't�pa�o$ ` Yw f l rl _��. �.la§'# 1 I is S. - >z, r - , -iii tr" "rtt°� bra f A ��O��t�� ) t t 19 k,+ U .�„ `"Iy r x y fra s a t �S 4 v la , e N eft I'll�{ ` Ir- a $ r r x s rs' t w '� S I' L„�i _ t - ,,- y - - �; +_ i o- .sem„ �+ {v s a rs'4 r NAY$ 4 y- r a x' ''% i� L f fi YEI�S J , a 1 I r"', ti -y a2' � ., m r s41111 r '�-Al,a 1 '� SEk �l-1� "' ' 147R°FART�WORfif ,orf% -'Z- .ccc" ti'ir5a a^ yy5<' r�"�y'Cr �".. 'l-1,111-1111- fi%v+ ;y rysq Arr t i VOu�,�{�� .t c s n s,r r tt'�`t- t / kms. { Mg. ,,' = 2-- s i -rya 1 :. `` a r'i a Y l r t 5t K4f + ,y� + i �d1�1 a r j., ,` / t p �p a� I. �,' 1 t .� r r , 1I , tp :al c c + P I.�Ay` w�'t tF , 4s�' a'Y'` S� # t r' �`Z•S r sr rMr ¢c z t- } � : f ` v y r ih t a 1 v i '. xi��{V�.� gxfi.+s� g�. urk2 , �H s �� 4TH' . '� y1 ; _ xN, a 1 �' # a + $ ,� 4 r �.rc .. �i �%x j%w - �e�} i ,. i £!s.daP ..} , Fu, `�s5 i � y � 0 ��"' �;r';:`- .. �' i r 1� . ,, � s 11,11. r � t ,,. c ,, � a, y :. 'v r i r. x M L_t i "� .rl.. ..�" "V },.;'� 4T t t,.: 'r�tt a t a 5 r a 1 e+'. t;. �x''{�X„'r�h.u� +.�� �AiPk n•n ��9,tn vy41+sed 5 " Ii' - y !o-11 - s. LL } P # i J7 g t i IL,} ty 1 "i { S sY V t Y , �.11 t EARN-1 ISMISWIM � S } .� Ll +h: '� s .v> - y �� he N In-thQ317dgtte�of tha gaseo6enignE�4 tip,Weare bo"gt�e�gn espen�ge fon th ' '54gsYr{totidtt,�ot, is agxgY on }Alitik� . " t� Wy y y etSeett,Ifrdrh nk Antliunv ava`Hue' Ko -.�5 6 1 101.24i IMA finddc Fld�l Arde}•� m f _C4unci mie No.-Ks s >sprcvga apfxn zaraai �l sa g pu lay h@rlrth� J�a'Vihc� ed ubgi fhQ Qeae�smentf ton tl�Qagbovgi it4 FFruyemgRt w"atid anld'T{seaeabme'nL,.whavµ,3 Ing been turther cofralder04 Av' ti{0. ' nbi1;'L' d fan atd +�e}ad.B 1 ?lYesolyyed a-�ThaE fate rtwee.ta<� ertesa�ignV' •- 11�rand7the„samekte4her@bytin Allure ' - ;app to ratiaed andt the aeame Ig her@by` Qrderea sLol•,he ailbmttted wto the J?fa ' - - ,tktet 4aourt„„dC SYhe County qt ,Rema@�� d fo'r SonRrma.fioa j2 � ' s'He 7t ,b`ucthQr I�@eoIpped � R'bat NEheg aid, aeeeaemdnt be and tY fe hereby d4 , tQ;mined to Re pavable,�ln }tv@;eQiael 3n Resolution atallmenta}ga,#gleagh!artd @Wary parcel; t. oEABonpted by 42e Coun 11i8epkj 1l 1814.' 'A'ppraved �HeRt' 14 1914 In the matter of the assessment of 21 nef i t6 CbBt6 olid Axile 0 Ike for \nthon avenue. to the a+_...«+.... , o coca, on Aldine Btreet, from St: University avenue unde , n e --Final Order 389$a approved—Anri 1 23rd 191 �. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and thesame'is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER.RESOLVED, That the said •assessment be and it is hereby determined two be payable in equal installments as "to .each and every parcel of land described therein. adopted by. the Council r 45 4 191—. City clerk. Approved 191 • Mayor `l 111 l y n ' •i - in thek.MaYtor oL the; ease§p.�cloq b � - _ banetite� costs �$nd eapedees xgre;h - ' -- 1571 � ctinstruiottutY oL aarsayP¢r ot{t �nliiSna. atree from 5tr Anfnonr Fav�nne' to• —�IIiiivca�ity'; ave�ne Nnden Fth$1 prder� Council File No. aaz� pproved 1 pru;9a a rale ,; :_ s„ a, �uhtic tih7B,s.rthg,hay(,G bee'th;�T �sisa; an By `Si„ . q 43b ., Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment o berief I to coats for the aoi n4 A newer on Aldine street, from 8t. Anthony avenue to University avenue. unde JLn -Final Order-- approved— rder approved An"i I 2Ard 191-3 A public hearing. having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been fuitber,considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That -the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE rr FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined two be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council,��t� �� '9 ,' d` 191—. City Cleft. Approved L 191 • - _ - Mayor �. r, 'CIFt NoV¢'G72 .f tie a a ' - i they tnattez ofl the42 aeaee@Mei1[ otl, �� ehBflta coat g-" nd @Siistlaea ,afot bhp nrdhl t, areewerry onerAYdlne. - - a9 oM 1Ifi14er61tr\AVspve ta. hnEgA@ a�shu@ $fid art Sherharned- II_�.�Hy _ aveHUB Yro7n Xldtrta� aYa`aot rto. Fry; . ._�cJ Q w Protsl MatahCaniAlQrder 88881�.�ap 1 Council File No. ,poi ;hbh hearYns fiay�n� ;b0gp,'b�a I\ 1 @. ajidmen�tBt Char above Im ? "DrnVemenfy �alral ehld t$eagsamsh[ahay €� .s 'ln6 beep farth9rrz¢BnB�dered} tiy"'., the Co41Y. aq,dtP7taVl�fgg'rbe°ni gpnaldated=. By dP§lly eatlafacYo at'bet tt thptetdie 7„ ReabtV,Ad�t That,�t�r� ;p ld aseeeamehk-. bei and th@r seine lei 1ltirebyl In `alr+ Ys °'. 'epecteiratlae8 and the daM�ala hbr@by=. - ,. ,brdetetj to!;ba �tlbmm'ltte$"to tfi,a3Dlatrtot' _ - :fou Y pf 2h@ Go�rhtY "of 4tamse�? err . .BA hit Further Reaolyed `'ThriE .}the' If: -tg M jda [m t\hp afi&Idt Ss fierpby;d@ TT � if @ D&Yabls 1n, dVL s�val• nBaltme kg ae `ia.eagFi�apsr eyerrtpar r. Resolution R °f lead �d9asPlbad'ttfieretp Y - _ }, ,Ado� ted ltyythe 6ojincll Sept, 33 193 ., �Drbypd.,aept 34 }834 { 4t. ��it•.':%as�YS 39,-1914) an'. �.:,,:�,•.-.f.'.. In the matter of the,assessment of benefits, costs and expensee Ear - the Genotpaetion of a sewer or Aldine G rapt, from university avenue. t ewhilrne av,auer snd du 8herblitne avenue from Aldine street' to Fr S0+ urtdtr Ptetimitiar3 E).d- 1 Inter wary G1rd- Final Order 38881 approved Lwreh SRth 191? public hearing having been had upon the assessment for,the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the Same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the. District Court of the County. of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT 'F.URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be yable in equal installments-as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted.by the Council City Clerk. Approved 191 Mayor. 7 ,tm -- _. -Id th0 matter o'r the'{adgegeMent of �onagta.:eogts and gxpen ee L8n1 tha nggtraotion otia eetvejgj oq .g7dige etieeL �; hm IIfiivezdity2gvEpiiel, to _ - -. �+� Yonne atld onTShertfUr Q r{h- x:�� ���(� Atdldx atFeet a p nat,�:Or m aE9 r� i Council File No. By P is resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of banefito costs and expense® for - the -etneeti srt-ef- .� atrt+.+0 gyggarr from Uniaergity ayenua e-sherburpe avan"o, 'sad on 8hesbutna avRmta from Aldine street to Fry 8t. ;) trader Pretin.h.m r 1 ------ W, Wq Arden Final Order 3$891 approved Ytarnh 9Rth ( 191! A public hearing having-been. had upon the assessment for the above improvemeni, and, said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is, hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equalinstallmentsas to each and every parcel of land described therein. 4r Adopted by the Council �', 191 "ity Clerk. Mayor. 1 -1573 �r Council File No. A 57z r In tb "matty[r�y,o , ea a aro b£ - �bAO a� ir0r4hinta nofaaYt86 ePdSr,A.ad. By $the north llTa a#Beneh�atrei t,to sitd,' firceei,ts t�>;tnlpue oiy th+ekhewOr .`� "8eeehr �tl�et, aT,d �Mlnndhahµ: ati t ��dlatgnoe ofaDD�oxi�Tetely 3SC31't@t`ufipe} Flnal OrdQr{y¢89'�y"ap ra g8 'A ayy p8 - 818 nV ' �+ S ate h&vintXjxYt�a hgd . vpo ,l7�"apHeryhtePt for ttba�above by • $rbvgnt and eKld, eaeeagment aavin¢¢ 1']t, Resolutlo eaR�{ugtaet coneldered by tfie CouN01f' - An`d avtnK be�lY CDTaI aged flually aat,- ' Ieia�tDFY be lti�taer9toret�,+ Rgaotgo{t p•gdt . he satasgesament be and.,tae ramex hereb q y lP+atl rd - • aDe A. t1 6, Ar{dSt�je ydma4lg h rebvi I DRdgFed'1:6 bg+eubmipgd5to Et�thp;"aYyDletrlot AeeB for the oonet}�otioa Court 3f i e au tglyet jnexiar In the matter of the assessment' of abntig*nptiGn+ h - 8e. It. FurJ,h¢t- epolved t°fiat tha =� sato aea'deat�p�pent+b�R.,� d`�1t la he eb3+ de _ flnatliigiientda�"wQ &t;aeareeiy�tar'' orth of the north line of , a' saner on AYcade 8tT et cat otglhnd y7eab ttifl@d't�teti�ain ry �u-�i }'AadA6vedbB Pte.. C¢tlh38i��4 epr.ys 414:. of Beech street to the prey ac@eDti �414> �f r between Beech street and Minnehaha street, a distance of approximately 135 feet. n�a n'termediary Order Final Order 14997 approvedMa— ay lath —191—t. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further -considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby .in all respects ratified, and the some is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation B� IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to -be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 111 1914 Adopted by the Council 191 City Clerk. Approved y 191 Mayor. t7 - 1 - � . i y 4•�- � n�Fti� Q'I 3 S � C t CounclLFile h By77 E ResOlut><o nt, In the matter of the assessment of b 11A 101 Coats and e;Tens88 for the 00a8tgj10ti0n of a sewer on Arcade street,--�iom a voint 30 feet north of the north line of Beech street to the present termi,nus,of the sewer between Beech street and Yinnehaha street, a distance of approximately 135 feet. �ptiry n a Intermedia Order --Final Order 1499? , agproved MAY 'nth 191 3 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having beenj.mther eonsid.cred by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said 'assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified,'and the some is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described'therein., SEP 1 191.4 Adopted by the Council 191' City Clerk. o , Approved 1 / ill Mayor. ,15'4 ".WN, .; }?p �khe Matt@M orytHp,+c ea4egggA�rrFAlen},1o� jl 'Es,-Aobtedatl� GSD4h(4d4 "u)M V has trµeNoa,, bir a ,sewer' oa e • .. , ' � etre x Om X,a`waoa street Ltu�hCaO - etre��nde}•r Final Orde)+ �6991� ay R4�'4A�'fD nl!t s,2Srd -a A5ry �y r P pi1Av par}fi `fiabin6 peen. Kpa d `� fADRt�4thg Jaasebsnian ,tbritps,µbone^1o3. :. Council File No. Dro�ement..a�a bei ls¢e`eeamonGal apin been�(urthgn ggnaidar 9,fiY-th,4tCoitnei "and riaving peen o9naqTd_0e$$n411y eat y ,��lefsorory -»e ftt tbprorbra ,. w e';1 8aea�veei "J!ha't^ tf,teal ha,ea9sstiren' , ei - 'pe agattrie tasmg,�la hsre Y�tnYali'+Yl'ff , By epootaAAr,,Iytlfled snct4he slims to harsh� . , Ca�rt`{3ti�9thee�s�Obh 1tY nN R� apla�idr . ° iSolUfrmstiap�'s rp�� iy .. s� 8e �Cr;Furthen rlteb¢Ivgd''"'�hst=+"tho`. - �pdid ae�obemen{'"be';gnd IE�1a• hq;eb' t _ detbrnitged3 5 ynyabl0 !n ftv9ieQ ' �lpgtaltmpn a-'ab to eaop and pYerY DAY ` oe r}anflGdeeAglbed tea therein .dia�byby t e Connbll eye jl 191,6 +. Resolution. R � +iDprovea se� 16 lsld� ; , ' • _ � J�($epL 18'18X1) � � - In the matter of the assessment of b6fi 3neto- nosts and eaoenses for P the construction of a sewer on Arcade street, from LaReoa etr""eat to }f> Cook street _£ e.Final Otder 15091 approved 83rd g. Y A publichearing having been had upon'the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it tbereforq RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is bereby in all respects ratified, and the same is� hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the L%unty of Ramsey for confirmation,; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable �in —e4ual installments as to each, and every parcel of land described therein.-/Ob// SEP 11 1914 Adopted by the Council 19 — Cry Clerk, Approved Mayprc 4575 a xy,ii. ai athei JnattaY�:.dS �'t e''asbiia n5ent aoS: I�. �"�''CQqglif�jygp���n�.a�F"�t�ieXb9neea� ro'r`ttpe,- s aV�Rli � pNbA7/�Ohrl,� � . iotn�y# nc dl I3wan ani ti's Council File No. _ uXdau nnsl, lttkt�grdat {yrnX�d? 9'1DtN 3841!p iso} }ng t abbJ } hb ,ytnn dasgeafkeat iorthe it>aya`.thm`l' yyrooeqAgn anftl4aid aCs4ane11 Ajayin6 heetf�4rprthe caneidarrbth� CnUnall� By 4nlYithaVtb PE l baa ¢nna tlatnd nat11 _ - _ gntletd'etbr 1t i therero,.�6M}� a" - 2tnaa3geap't'�rhat the ae.fd;saeaenfent' >31a�xgn� tha`�eantie !s haFeb31,1tt $11 re bpdc'xltfded,�nand 4heis&me /srhnbbY. ' ordg{],io/bb ad !tied to t11��q•L)Ibtrial Cq�pty yL �Rhmse y ,L�{ andrmarinq he .wx1i q {. �j [ t Bar jk p.'¢ur�ty�ter Regoiked"' khat tho Resolution Ratlf t zk n W6 bombe D vabl��%��hvebnayst enatall(uienta aeto Qaeb=apd(eiter}^,ynr a 4ei <<dra land c�ebarlbgdlthbretn � t €-- _ AdDDte{t ble tha C"outtnll�>ie�� 11 18i9. ' - � APprnYedr9ey� 14 3839 u; r , }^ In the matter of the assessment of, hene4lte nnatg ann for the netruation of a sewer on Astoria avenue from Milwaukee avenue to a point 300 feet north of Milwaukee -avenue n arms Final Order 39650 approved-- J31 7 n+t, 19i-3. had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having A public hearing having been been further considered by the Council, and having been'considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore s RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby orderedtobe submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT ]FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to bepayable in2oi��equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein Adopted by the Council B �51 d 191 City Clerk. Approved'— 191' I. rentedo exeoute the eame,on be2alf oftY Sk4Ye c �nF?sac n ;sn r .� vp'e sE1CJ P 1Aa f ��4�Re Mall the Counoi - yee ( j ;Know , Cour ilmen C Nays xruoE 83abe IMCounai �••�_•••-1 Far, swortla sideat. e P s fSity'of $t.Paul �:Cbunoil' Repolution "= general For'nn. Department, o=� .-�,..r�+F•r-- ^�•�^-••--- 0' ary f 3isyor , Mr.Preei�en In Influl Relay and repair with cement or stone to a width of ten fe ent walk on Wabasha street,west side -,beginning at fth et: Routh•1eet75 feet;looated Yn;:front .of property d'es" lbed as.f 50 fof Lots1 and 3,north 75 feet of sod Z00 of feet soutckh 25 feet„' of iota 1 and 3, north',85 f H "of Lote 11 an blo' 8t Paul Proper ":aru, vqa ra i.gy,4,�,vyvay carov ,uvs u."w rov,� , -xx^ Proper; delay and rapairwithnce ent.or atone to e.rid of ten Yeet,th, anti xalk on"Wi th.street outh side beginning Wabasha street,the west 100 feet;,located a" ,-front pr"opexty-.de ribed as follows, psi North :5b feet of Lots `.and 3:B1ock"$1 rt P" Proper ,. - Y Relay and -repair with cement or stone to'a width often feet 14#, present walk on Third street,north side,beginning 70 feet east of"' Cedar street, thence east 78 feet. Name of Appliaan�. c" Location. Harxv 4 �TaYlor 73�,9Pr. Third 8t,. 'Ilk P d � Piro t neje I6'a �. A- P Yeas' (✓) cilmengays Adopted by the Coun 1 9 L orth er Y In vorfa' Apnro� $ :' Against' Mr dent a Mnrd Jim HI �� \ \.� \ » 77 C117 Co•701 u R {P[ ,ane Resolved that wsriynts be drawn upon the C#y'1'raasurq, payable out of the hereh Corporate Purposes rBund 30`84 16rneet d ;;Armbruster - 30"; 4 American,inen Supply Cd ,' 6.00j; 13.13 30; 0 � Broxn, Tr,esoy de S,perry,, Co., . 1 63 - Cd , 30. �` °Board of;water Comtors. 1 55.6 3is 3 Carnegie Fubl Compazur„ , 30" 4 Cataract Refining if ling Co".;,. 4.72 , 5. 50$ 36 ,PLt� D Chapel, °` 18.54- 30r, Crane dF Ordnay Go., 1 10 30; Diebold Site hock Co' , . . 306 Daily Frheer Hdxe Co,- 4 , 1� $ 306 Louie F. 3� r► co ; 135.96 i 30fi Field, 8c3s1 ink dC Co.;, 99,23 30.7 Hadkine Bros & ,Co.#, ; ` 1.�5 307 Haman de company,• 1.50 3p73 "Holm de Olson, 4.00 " 50*j4 Frank 0 Hnebsner, 29.23 307 J. W. Hulme Co.,, 26.98 nhm 7 liaendI-er FBroe., 2585 _ °50: I[elsdy Paper Co, 4.00 30: N3mie & Nimief 30 0' it th'Stax Varnish CO_ 3r23 .00 ' N 30 IW Telep. Ex ' Co ,. 50 30.2 Oti�e Elevator Co., 30 5 Robinson, -Cary do Sands Co., 5.58 " 2.68 3 Rocheeter'Qermioide Co, 1.88 30: �St :s Paul ties Light Co541.67 state Ce, ;. 4 Sd b Tri Telep,'d Teleg. . Sb 7 'Thc Yillaume Box 8c Lbr. 2 j0 qa ager &%, 30 S1,44 00"Wk; r 4 Tota] C. Ht & C `H I[snt..FuAa, 1;0983' #2 159 Corporate Purposes Printing & Stationery Bund 30. Miss H. S. Bryant, 11.20 309 The Pioneer Company, 16,5o. Total Printing & Stationery Fund, 274b General Fund -Legal, Depaatment Expes. Account 30 2 W. B. Bazills, 15.20 30 Lawyers'6-operative 3 4 Drs Teisbef' &bJones: 10.OQ' e Total Legal Department Expse. Account 52, 415 General Fund -Armory Maintenance Account 3o 5 St. Paul Armory Board 1,000.00 General Fund -Miscellaneous Account C 309 S. A. Farnsworth, 31.76 309 Wm. B. Joyce & Co., 95.00 30 : Walter T. Lemon Co., 62.50 30 9 Russell Mitton, 11167 - eous Account Total Miscellan A ._ 200.93 ._-.:.., .. - General Fund -Miscellaneous Account (Bd. F. 41996) 1 ' 3100 R. C. Jefferson, 34.43 , ( Fire Department Fund 3101 F. J. Brings & Co., 411.29' Workhouse Fund 31Q2 H. W. Qoetzinger, 18.70 Commissioner Public Works Fund 3103 R. G. Jefferson, 21+34 ( Street & Sewer Fund 314 31 Daily -Fraser Hdwe. Co., 2.60 R. C. Jefferson, 420.23 - 31 Joseph hotter, 36.00 317 Minn. Crushed Stone Co., 190.00 117.88 31 8 31,9 R. W. Fuel Co.,'. Thos. W. Patterson, 11.55 31 O St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., 80.00 Total Street & Sewer Fund 8.26. 858.26 ! Bridge Building & Repair Fund 31 1 2 Ford )Eg. Co., 48.00 R. C. Jefferson, 3.]36.27 f Total°Bridge Building & Rep. Fund, 3,184,27 General Fund -Crosswalks Account 13 R. C. Jefferson, 1,051.15, ti #3 _159 5 Corporate'Purposes-Coni . School Fund 31 4 B'. S. Bates, 12.00 75:00 5 6 Sznest Boerner, Daily -Fraser Hdwe. Co:, 16:10' 169:83 3 13 1� Allain Decker Hdwe. CO., Jos'. -Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., 21:40 3 19 F:`G. Leslie•Co., 26.78 -S. .3 20 N McGuire#• 14.00 3 21 3 22 Grafton Mason, 12:00 Lillian R-. Niedoff, 3 4 C.' A,' Peiereon, 48.50 5.80 RaYiuer Hdwe. Co.,' 1 .32 3 6 S6huiieman & $vans, John T. Sibley, 12.00 3 27 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 290.14 5.75 3 2 Wm. J. Works, Total School Fund 756.72• Library Fund 329 Z. W. Clute, 17.60 1.10 33G Frank C. Friedmann, 98.14 3131 3132 Minnesota News Co., Waldorf Bindery Co., 292.90 Total Library Fund I 409.74 G Park Fund" 313 J. H. Allen & Co., 82.16• 8.32' 313 F. C. Kohnke, 30.00 313 313 Madeline -Be Lux, F Nussliaumer, Supt•, 130.1'9 1.42 " 3l3 313 Purity -Bread CO.; Steel Basket Co., 41.00 65.12 a. a 313 Water. Department, Total Park Fund, 358.21 General Fund -Playgrounds -Account 20.00 314 A. G. Spaulding & Bros., R Water Department Fund 314` Builders Iron Works Co., 700.00 340:00 .314 Nimie & Nimis, 7.00 314 314 The Peoples Ice Co., St. Paul Gas Light Co.; 2.79 314 St. Paul Machine Works; 3.00 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 85.00 314 314 Western Supply Co.., 11.04 1.75 374 A. W. Allen, Total Water Department Fund, 1,150.58 Interest Fund 1449. S. A. Farnsworth, Coupons cashed 4,417.50 'N 350. 3 51 S. A. Farnsworth, Merchants Nat*l Bank, Coupons cashed in N. Y. Aug. 15th to 31, 114 X97.90 and exchange, , Total Interest Fund 4,835.40el k s A589 Corporate Purposea-Coni ,• General Fund-Supplementary Account-Purchasing Dept. 52 Harry W. Potters, Sprinkling Account 53 oil Company, 293.28 .Pure Auditorium Account 1 4k W'F. Buth &`Co., 6.31 155 A. F: Morton, 14.80 Total Auditorium Account, 21.11, ca Total Corporate Purposes] 9 15,805.80 Special Funds _ Red. Tax Levy Certs, of Ind. 1913 Account s 31 6 S. A. Farnsworth, 30.000.00 Total Special Funds 30:000.00 Speoial`Assess. Const. Acct-Paving Dale, Grand to Front St. 'A. E. Ferries, 55.33 315 315 Water Department, 261.00 Total Paving Dale, Grand to Front-St.', 316.33 Prior Av., Marshall to University Av., 315 A.E. Ferries, 26.00 316 R. C. Jefferson, 26.40 316 L. Water Department, 159.00 Total Paving Prior Av., Marshall to University Ac.. 211.40 Snelling, Grand to-University Av., 31 2 Peoples-Express & Storage Co., 200 Holly Av., Western to Dale 3 3. Minnesot$ Crushed Stone Co., 120.00 Summit Av., Lexington to River 3 64 Daily-Fraser Adwe. Co., 2,20 3 65 _ A. E. Ferries, 17.34 Total Paving Summit Av., Lexington'to River, 19.54 University Av., Dale to Syndicate 3 66 Robert W.Hunt & Co., 45.00 �'( s Conepete Steele. Co jlao 4,r Adopted by `the Council Sept 14 t Approved Sept 14 1914-� � 1 j j� (3ept 391834) � 141 I 5 t ' Const. Acct-Paving-Con$t � -t9 s ' Spec. Assess. Syndicate to City Limits 1 University Av., 3 ' A E. Ferriss, $b.b5 _ 3 ligbert W. Ittnt & Co., 30.00 Frank Soott, "]dvlin-Carpenter , Lumber CO., 3` 9. $1.22 Y D 5.30 3 1 W: J:YThone,, 195.7? Trussed Coacxete 8tee1 Co., 3 2 d Dateaa2 27 - Total Pavin r83tn r sees,-Const•,.-,Ac.ct�P&XtaB_._._. : Total See a X15. $o5ao v Tota. Corporate poses, f•," s 30,000.00 " Total Speci Funds �'' 6nst. Aeet4avingN 1 `156:54_ Total 8 c. Assess. `" $ 46,962.34 Gxas►d, otal;- I '1- ;No •.. - : f`��." . C. 1689—s Resolved that Warrants be •drawn ' 1 _ upon tfie G'Ity Tr asury psYe.ble ,out oL the-herelnatter-speclfled fuada'and' in favor bt the persona flrms!or'cor-� far the. amounts sat -opposite - - k• _ ,Porntlons ed to lted f - thea fell lig de statement Corporate-,P&Po9ee—l7 Mai t . Fund Ernest A. Armbruate .. S6 00: -American LI en 3upPIY , ,y 13 Brown, Tre cY & 9per y Co.. T L. Blood& Co 56.11 laoard - f - - oY . Waker Commre:, ib6 68 Carta le Fuel Company, .$4:72 Cataract Rofln-.-^ Ing: &'--Mfg. Co.. 56:60 P¢vt''L: Chapel - $18,64: -`Grana &"OrdwaN,Co E3:10;'. Diebold Hate & Lock Co, $12.00 Daily- .' y i. - - - - Fraeer'Hdwe Co..'$7 34 Lovfa F Dow: Frasierild6 Co;;I 4; Lok' Haskins Br6e & ! y, - man &'.Company x $160 �iolm & Olson, $4.00: O 'Huebener, •429 23; J. - W. Hulme Co...'<;26 98 Mannheimer p Adopted. Mel dY'Py C --1900 Ntmis &Nim 7 ba 23 North Star Va I h Co ;600:M; Co 56 60 Otf Ele S�Tr - N W: for C E6 66 RobiPs �Ca Y &-. President 7 .„A $ ¢aa. c s2sa R h t r.o rmf las. Li MCi�4O�.la , r. Yang.—Coem.z9. "Farnewor C $168 3L 'Pnn3 Ga light C E54; 87: Trl Stat +.y, lap &'Tel g C- S L $4400=Th Vill -me B &'Lb NEVe: E18 46 'W bing &-S $2.38; wstern EI et lc C -16.86:' S - ' - Printi g & bYatlo ry F nd. las 3L-S''B Y t 511.20 Th Pions Com-. _ - panY:518 -Pa G eral Fund -legal Dep tme t - ExP ee A count W 8 - Baaili..' - E16 20:LawYera' Co P art -P b Co:, E2726;;.D OBrten Telab g1& Jon e;. ',�•, - ` -11,Gen Armory; MafnlB a General Fund'.Paulrd, Aconnt .St Paul ArnO•ory Beard; - General Fund = Miecellaneove � Ac, 'Wm. sj: count: 4. Ar Farnsworth 431:76 8; -JOSce & Cd ; "- 496 00, Walter' 'T. , �y LemoR� Co $82:60 Russell E1lttfn, Lemp. a " - Fund-Mfecellaneoue ,$IlGeneral count, (Bd F 41996) R , C. _Jefferson, .. ;34.43:, _. .. 'Ftre.D parfinent Fund: F.IJ. Brings 'Workhouse Fund H W ; `GOet Ing- ' er, $18:70 .;.- :. Commisaloner-Publtc Rorke Fuad: - + R, Street a d Sewer Fund Da11Y Fra- - ser .Hdwe Co.. SE 60 R. sC.RJefferson„ '$420.-1-1 Joseph -Lotter $38:00 Minn. Y, " ' - Cruefied Stone,Co; 419000. N: W Fuel Co.;"•511788 Thos:'W Pattersdn 1166: 1 g • 9t Paul Lyne & Cement Cq.-;', 0 00 ; -•::: y - •Bridge ullding & Repair Funa: Ford Difg Co $4800 R. C FJetterson,,, sa,las:27 General Fund-;CroaswalkaSAccov'nt: - ' R C +Jefferson -1106116 - 8oho.l Fund B S Bates -132 00; - Ernest Boerner, :-476 00, Daily Fra ec. Hdwe. Co 41810; Adam Decker HC 813 Joe •H Roofing & C • Co..$169 ag nice Co $2190,•F G. Lealle :Co ` - Mason. Jos McGuire; $4660;•'Grafton Mason.- ' - - - $14.00; Lt111an R Medoff, E12 00 C. Ab' Peter,, n 448.60; RaYmer'Hdwe Co:, & EV e'S132 John 1 $6.80'"Schuneman fi"9111ey E1200,St Pavl'HooK &Stn_- -J . - tlonet3 Co ;29074 Wm. Works. tione`. Llbrari Fund•'. E W Clute $37.60:: FranK C Friedmann 5110; :Minnesota '' News -Co $9814;: Waldorf-BinderyCo.;:' i - 4292.90 -: Park Fund S.iH. Allen•&=Co ;8236; - IT, C. KohnkeF•E8 82 Madeline B Lux. - 30.00 F Nuaebaulner $13019•, urlty Bread Co E3 42',IA teei Basket: ' o.,?;4100 Water Deparfntent $6612.: Account:. 3 Gseeral•Fund=PlaYgrovnda ter-` Rroe.:u;20;00- . taster Department Fund Builders' _- lron_WorkeyCoj•: E7000p Nimla & Nlm - Conepete Steele. Co jlao 4,r Adopted by `the Council Sept 14 t Approved Sept 14 1914-� � 1 j j� (3ept 391834) � ay3 ul S Tota .4 i:nop ay _ ie •#IOY Tot 7uawann. V oi[Qnd ;1. 7o 7soa pdj tela.-se}la., of aa7- s�spuew plea:-enoapug . sol; ,Tqa»aq y alar , ®� gwmm m �':� t,OoVjd Pao:. aad Wd- Aauijw: dl , PV laealme la e; :toad Xa 30 ili'allp Ppa =� p _ ToW d atwulp a4i a` - oadbi0i odn' ER � i5no'J G e47 Pus Tali. LLnop [ a43 -7ala as Bps C. Asaea 43 p n iiia a" ba eqy yoi9ni:i O •O Universi oa 6''id '4 } lug; O.O0 4 of Paa 3 Adopted. •; aq-. }aoo pa e�3stpao E,.'Ferr °: aA am` $aay47yaodaq Me 7uawe�d AobeTt'w t5 r: T3 d aeugl >47 _-Bu 3 ank ..Boot d- ; 6galagt Paldopu . 3 0 Shevlin-Ca teas. iapi a41 dine _ 3 1 J ,:TYlOnai. p�ae paaaPie9 a oqa 2 Trussed OO uoo. .. 3 joaaay] 7eoa 7 puag4w3. p p ' VO5•00 tnad 7 ay3 ul S Tota .4 i:nop ay _ ie •#IOY Tot 7uawann. V oi[Qnd ;1. 7o 7soa pdj tela.-se}la., of aa7- s�spuew plea:-enoapug . sol; ,Tqa»aq y alar , ®� gwmm m �':� t,OoVjd Pao:. 8Tb aek Total - laealme la e; :toad Xa 30 ili'allp Ppa =� dad4: 4laomi ToW aug: i t� - oadbi0i odn' "LT G9'E#T of el'�loa .'. G e47 Pus 'a°ye43 Rue ^'se L.& t49InaI83- o; %i 7s a43 -7ala as - :Tot _ $ •. v°' ba eqy yoi9ni:i O •O le lo. atwuM ay3 ul S Tota .4 i:nop ay _ ie •#IOY Tot 7uawann. V oi[Qnd ;1. 7o 7soa pdj tela.-se}la., of aa7- s�spuew plea:-enoapug . sol; ,Tqa»aq y alar , ®� gwmm m �':� t,OoVjd _. mti o 43 uoan aous4T3 70 3eugl p 4; 30 7aodai ag7zPaniaaal 9p '1g Jo',.hip a43•:Jo paunop a �.:^ #tEY TR TA0Jd le.leH a47 oi•8u eaua6ig to ii . - i y • :toad Xa 30 ili'allp Ppa =� . } z�gooa aa4wa - KQata o PT uo��aP •_t _- � AWRAS -. AW t� alG aV3+Rn,Ry,,•Pel4e ,Limits ' G9'E#T of el'�loa .'. • cfi 'a°ye43 Rue ^'se L.& t49InaI83- o; %i - a 'p -aaa4I r a47 ieoa: Fa7o3 ayy ppa luawan0 , - do aaniau yl 'Sdtlaaay - •. v°' ba eqy yoi9ni:i O •O awll 9u to aasitl 6''id '4 } lug; O.O0 4 of Paa 3 Adopted. [dat s Ia8 T pile' a'3 81.22 Xgaae s a isa a 4 5.30 Coenrs. FaerTorth, Goea,Kier.,Yoerg,O,Leary;YcCo31,Lr.President�------7 Yeaerrn $aay47yaodaq Me 7uawe�d - t5 r: T3 d aeugl >47 _-Bu 3 7o�nqunop ; -1,s--- 442 2 &}!a��pP Da�1pSd a�'i6•--'�'+O—E;. �uBPB aOD'11t �8.-7o aells34 1,'i 56.54 :. s. �8: L99I off.;• t_?Patvin6 _... - p'aq} 64 Paldo .. _ joaaay] 7eoa 7 puag4w3. p p ' VO5•00 a.1 4PaPFnoad as ' 947 oy Py y aaueul3 a a 30,000OC, .19 -d as i •- . H�C71D 0 a'aagwayp=TFC J0 anoy r 1 76 • ... ,WIng io.. paygaOT 2u anise i .. E'L9Y If • ei to ----, $�4619b .34. . ;egi ,Pus.,'aa !A8 .upl SeQ- 03 ails alnog;5ul . e�;a43 9o14a+.1 3Eu, ay}• 4H4y.. uid'•g9 a7 Pea _ dull PFaa,.ra41::, - as._.igaaey'eF�' - - i g43.3HVS: 4eae4 yaodea . .P.ve ,'3uawaga' �• - 3 r .. I; a¢g` no - Sul :Toed mti o 43 uoan aous4T3 70 3eugl p 4; 30 7aodai ag7zPaniaaal 9p '1g Jo',.hip a43•:Jo paunop a �.:^ #tEY ; -.; - - - oad . adn ':9ZPT � •laaa3s 43L }en8n� PanoSQ 1aPa0`.Fagulwl[aad aepui3 0 �F' ana uo;6gQ oy'+artva is uoetatl,: iLL 'elnoZ . E e 8ulpaa8;go 'aaiiaJlL e4 . -43aoensWad .�F •g.�H_999I +'ot•L' ' - _ ' • q - uI 'vtoi #TOT ,LT"idaS Penoad LT '3Q,aS iWunop a43 �Cq peldo. .. - t s 4 'p -aaa4I r a47 ieoa: Fa7o3 ayy ppa luawan0 , - do aaniau yl 'Sdtlaaay - •. v°' _ awll 9u to aasitl Adopted. ty: Coenrs. FaerTorth, Goea,Kier.,Yoerg,O,Leary;YcCo31,Lr.President�------7 Yeaerrn NQf e: ------0 x v4 AUG. HOHENSTEIN r - HARRY W. POWERS PURCHASING A p= DE— PDRCIIA — AGun -1-590. CITY OF SAINT PAUL .PURCHASING DEPARTMENT _ r, REJECTION OF BID For the Grading of Hatch Street The Purghasing Committee, consisting of Mayor Powers, Chairman; X-N.Goss, Commissioner of Public Works; W. C. Handy, Comptroller; and August Hohensteln, Purchasing Agent, hereby reject all of the following bids received for the grading of Hatch Street, as they were all above the eeiimAbe of cost made by the City Engineer: Engineer's Estimate 2,413.89 jpk.phrist Johnson 572'3.00 " Force.Account 5725.00 S.J.Groves & Sons 3245.00 WF Approved: T CHASIL MMI 1699=83 'if N Gose-' Resol ed,Thnt the actign In the Chairman purchasing CommitteeAn rejactTng tho . following bids; be and fs, hereby 9P- proved. radtng Hatch Peet fslom Grotto tr to.dameson and Grotto Yrom $etch• to� _ / / , (4retiard Curbt g Gibbs Ave frmh Como Aver-� west to xAtdpn�treet. • '`I Aplden Piace4`from Aidett street to Gibbs avenue aI Ald@n at eek.;Yrom Rnymond avenue,.) to� Glbba avenue P.rlsclUa efreet Y@om Rmymond ave- nue'rao the,N:•P. Right of Way pSorton street nom Oh10 street to.t �`�,. C1i1pPeWa��avenue . E: I�Slnnehnha street �Yrom Earl. I ef'tset to Franl stgeet ,AdopCed byithe Counefl Sept 14�; .,Approved Sept. 14 1914. - ,(BePt•. 191914) ---- - P.0 R C H AS„I N,G wfl EP A R;T M E`NiT pUDTATIDIiYO( VAI LBBB BIDNBD BY. PROPERSAUTHORITY VIII „_./:s/��G..�' - r M � t x: SEALED�BIDS FOR FURNIBHINO THE ARPICLEB BPECIREO (OR THEIR EOUA6 WILL BE RECEIVED BY THIS _DEPARTMENT UNTIL . 1 i •.. .�- IBI PLE)tk QUOTE IN THE SPACE DEWQNATED, ,, s IBI& BELOW �(OUIi LOWEST NET PRICES F 9 ei POINT OF DELIVERY ,BIDS YO BE OPENED :AA,e tt :” et xahx�>tein PLiAei MAKK QUOTAYIONBrAB P6R IFJBTRUOTIONB AIiTICLBB'TO BE.DELIVEREO bwr.; iBI}` `. PURCHA8ING AGENT _ ,.�,.Y '. .:; POINT OF. ' pANTTYINIT ION �•-'TXEBE T OOLUMNB TOBEUBEG EY , RB BIDDEN -' . HEMARI(fl k 'LYtB grading d! i#2tah• utrset �-i'aari ,dY' a1e te, Kent, St�reyet�, ' arzd the Haat `and Wes - T ` i � .AccA�ding to _plans aad ap�ail'i ion..' t ©ni10 in ce d i'ua�cha>irag uL. - . 5 y (e� �7enishing atl �a6pr andy maker �� a �,;:3+IUlD�- LiT�ti+. w. R � !� �► alr we ii " . ;' 3 41. VO pUDTATIDIiYO( VAI LBBB BIDNBD BY. PROPERSAUTHORITY VIII „_./:s/��G..�' BIDDERS. BOND. ICU= au Awn by Avot frtants, _. _. 2 ........... azomeo­j -and Sons . .... . ..................... Ronne of the C�tyVjgtgUolffl in 1he County ofj0VXKgkand State of Minnesota (as principal) and----.---- . ... . ...................... . ......... . k .... ........... .............. .. . ...... ­ .. . ................................. ............ .............. .............. ...... .... . ...................... .. ... ........ ........... ...... . .. . ........... ............ . ......... . . ....... ..... . .................. ..... ............ ........... . . .. (as sureties),- arc held and firmly bounded unto THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, in the sum of_......._ _...__....._.:_-:..._._< .. .............OF...... .... ............ . . ..... I .................... I................. ............ .........._.DOLLARS good and lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said City of St. Paul, as liquidated damages, for 4" which payment in full, without offset or deduction, well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our heirs, ex- ecutors and administrators, lGintly and severally, firmly by these presents. .......... D. 19-1C Seated with our seats and dated this --. - ...-31&t .... . .................. day of;..At ... ....... lklt�� Whereas,'The above bounden 1619OX9790 and ft", ........ . ......... - -­-­--- __.. .... . ....... . . ........... ............ is about to make a bid for doing the following work for the City of St. Paul, namely: A f-rom Dale.. to Kent streets, and-las-t-ancl-10-fit &1-1J0,LL-­N%;Kg ikrk4 HoPReq A44t1n�p ............ . ...... . ...... ................. . ....... .... ............ . . . ............ . ..... ........... . . ........... A ............ ­­ . . ............ . .... ............................ .......... . . .. . . ........ ...... ­­­­... . ..... according to the plans, profiles and specifications on file in the office of the Board of Public Works in the City of St. Paul. Now, 'Therefore, The condition of the above obligations is such that, in case the said bid of the above boundenS.J--.Gt0V6S Snd 130M . .... . .. ....... . ......... .......... . .... . . .... . ............. ....... ...... . ... . . ...................... for the said work shall be accepted and the contract shall be awarded to ---- — -----_1;___........_... _...._..._..._.by the Boars of Public Works•of said City of St. Paul, and the said above bounden . .................................................. .................... . ... .2,. .. . ........ ----- _......__.._...._shall .. enter into a contract with the - ----- City of St.Paul to perform said work, and shall execute the said work for the price. mentioned in the...__.... A . . ...... bid, and in accordance with the plans and specifications henein 2! son before referred to, then the above obligat' shall be void; otherwiie remaity its full force, virtue and effect. -D SONS—- . ........ . ..... S' sed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of eal] B M C-7— [Sea'] [Seal]. L liz STATH OF MINNESOTA, ' as. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN An this -318 t _dap of. Au p�ue t -..._.... 4 E. d .We B tlak e ------------ ---•A. D. 191.........., before me appeared.UP-Hr- 3aumm, to me personally known; who being by me duly, sworn, did say that he is the attorney-in-fact .of the National Surety Company, the corporation described in. and who executed the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument v�asdai dk�ealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors. and said:;;:acknowledged said instrument to be the .. free act and deed of said corItation. _ . ..... . m ota Public, Hen pia County, Minnesota - Oct 17, 1920 .., MY Commission Expires_ ................................................ c� 1 A. D. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. d 19 .. .. ....... came before me --- -------- ---- 7 ........... ........ ..... . .... . ........... ........ .......... .... ....... . ............ . .. . .. ......... ....................... _Sons.........___......._...__......- .. .................. ...... ................. . ........ ne well known to be the same persons who executed I egoing bond; and each severally acknowledged same to be his own free act and deed. No ry Publicen gunty, Minn. 'E 1920. expires Oct 17 ,,y commission exp ATE -OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. ...... - - - - ------------ -- ------------- - Bond, and r,, each for a lerally, being duly sworn ;,d says: he i,, one of the sureties to the above Bo 'I e, a and n th, he is seized in fee of real estate situate in said State and he is a.resident of the State of it f exempt by law front sale on execution, of Xe value and worth, over and above all incumbrances . thereon, I the - p specified in the foregoing Bond. Subscribed and sworn to, before me, this . . ... ...... . .............. .... ........... . . ...... . ..... ------------- .. ....... . . ........ . ..... ..... ..... . ....... . . ........ .... day of......_..._ ......... .... .. .. .. . ..... . ................... . ... --- ... . ............... . . A. D. . .. . ............. . .... ............... . . .. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn- -------- - . ...... .... —" STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of jamy. Hen @pin That, on this...._._............_...._.._ . 318 . August . .............. . .................. . . ..... day of ..... . ...... . ...... ... - ------rm -- . .... . G.H.Groves' amember-of the firm Of ... . ........ -.- ............ . ... .......... ....................... . . . . 19 .. .. ....... came before me --- -------- ---- 7 ........... ........ ..... . .... . ........... ........ .......... .... ....... . ............ . .. . .. ......... ....................... _Sons.........___......._...__......- .. .................. ...... ................. . ........ ne well known to be the same persons who executed I egoing bond; and each severally acknowledged same to be his own free act and deed. No ry Publicen gunty, Minn. 'E 1920. expires Oct 17 ,,y commission exp ATE -OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. ...... - - - - ------------ -- ------------- - Bond, and r,, each for a lerally, being duly sworn ;,d says: he i,, one of the sureties to the above Bo 'I e, a and n th, he is seized in fee of real estate situate in said State and he is a.resident of the State of it f exempt by law front sale on execution, of Xe value and worth, over and above all incumbrances . thereon, I the - p specified in the foregoing Bond. Subscribed and sworn to, before me, this . . ... ...... . .............. .... ........... . . ...... . ..... ------------- .. ....... . . ........ . ..... ..... ..... . ....... . . ........ .... day of......_..._ ......... .... .. .. .. . ..... . ................... . ... --- ... . ............... . . A. D. . .. . ............. . .... ............... . . .. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn- -------- - . ...... .... —" Is Q„ -CITY OF ST. PAUL. - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM ^,C��'. Subject: Pexrtiisaicn. to gxafl's . oee..&t.....trou _.jairAia!x .AAe.......to Fredericka Ave. ..COUNCIL _ FlLE NO.:....... _ _. _.�i.: AVO 1691 9Y lYl' N goes— �dD3vad :That Dsrinlas[bn an�:L.b - fry be `and the same aye hereby - it tea s E mew scabs °No ia1 1914 � .IrVlew Ave ,tO..BTade Jamea>sr:,. Date Presented .......5'ept........-14 •••• •--- fi-, Fairview Ave and *Rrade2=. �1`' _ e�ording to;;the @atahtiNhed' Cbdt; subleaCtO t%'.e Yoll�wing.ex-- •ad(dose Yls =: � I a,mald A Fi. R.ogere sifd:>7 ti:I _ _ . ee Bfiall gradeh-sald atreeY be= _ , - .b Dolnis afore.ald eatlrely atI - ,coat and eXDe?,ge to theeat ,� ` ti0 unper thQ euDervla�on - . � I n oY ii,-Puhlib y Reaol'vedthat. permission and autho7dty be -and the same are hereby given to A.. H logers, #1776 Iglehart Ave.and E.A.W. Hesse, #434 So. Fairview Ave. I' grade'James St. between Fairview -Ave. and Fredericka Ave. according to theL established 'grade, but subject to the following express conditions, vis; 1.< The said A. H. Rogers and.E.A.W.Hesse shall grade said street between the points aforesaid, entirely at their own cost and espense,•to he, satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public ,,orb , and in accordance with the plane and profiles prepared by him. 2 The said A. H. Rogers and E.A.W.Heese shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. ? 3. Before entering upon'or doing any of said work, the said 5' 9.H Rogers=ani E.A.W.Hesee shell procure from the,abutt ng owners such •easement,dn and t,o'the abutting;prdpenty'as`is necessary for the oons ruct- ion of slope's for outs and fillg, and' "a, written relese_e-,_ releas_ing_and discharging:the- City of St."Paul £"rpm all damages for the taking of such easement for slopes, and releasing it from all consequential damages by reason of"the grading of the street. 4. 4.: Saii�A.H.Rogere and E.A.W.Hosse "shall gives bond to the City 26111 inthe penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars. conditioned to, comp y.with 9,11 the terms of this resolution, and .to indemn T and save the;G3ty.of St. Paul harmless from any and -all loss, damage, claims or liability, both -as to persons and property, occasioned by the making of he'mprogement, or arising out of the same, f $: 5: The said A.H.Rogers and S.AMAesse shall, within 20 days from cad after the passage,;of this resolution file with the City Clerk his &Oeptence in writing thereof; if such acceptance` is not -filed within said time., the authority hereby given shall be void. s xi Yeas . (/v) Co.a men ( V) Nays .i Adopted by the Coun F onh ` d J' ry B A amst Mr. President wen ✓ r �' (;. Mr. Harrold. CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:....Y1att,..Yar . Yi71&._,............._ _.. _...... _ ..... _..... .... ............ COUNCIL ni.e IVO.... .......... ....... .................... _._... .......................... _......._...__...._ _ Date Presented. ......Sept..:.14.......... 191...4.... Resolved, that the plat of Parkway Villa as recommended by the Plat Qommission and approved by the Commissioner of Pablic'Workss be and , the same is hereby aooepted. C. P. Nn 1692—By M. h7. daGo— Resolved. That the plat of Prkwny - VIll. as recommended by the Plat .Commfsefon d approved by the Com- ' mI stoner of Public Works, be and the :same is hereby accepted. , Adopted by the - Council Sept. 14, 1914. Approved Sept. 14, 1914.= (Septal 194914), C Yeas Court ilmen ( 17) Nays Adopted by the Coon'IR121_ 1818 Fam Orth - Goss In favor l Kell Approved ` MeC 11 Against aLe ry Yoer Mr. President, Po is Wo YOR Sixth Ward y CITY OF ST..PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r , . sw . 7. ............................._.... ........_ ........._�.................... ����. Subject :............._... Q....Q.e......._Q A...._........................ COUNCIL FILEMO ............ .................. .._... .... r Date Presented .......Sept ...18 ........... N'191 Resolved, That a crosswalk Of briok be construbted on Oakdale avenue, west side, aoioss Belvidere street. ' f C. F. No..1593—By M. N. Oo. — Resolved, That a crosswalk of brick be constructed on ,Oakdale avenue, west side, across Belvidere street. Adopted. by the Council Sept. 16,: Approved Sept 14;. 1814. (Sept 19-1914) Yeas (V) Con camen ( ✓) Nays . Adopted by the Council Fa sworth Go s In favor Approved $e er ly M oil Atainst . O, eary - .. Y4o rg MAYORMr. President, P were Tezthr Fard -CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM a Subject:...._.....crn.sawalk..._....._...._._.:___...__._._...:............ _........ - ...................................................:................. COUNCIL FILEr Date Presented Sept la................191,4.......: . Resolved, That a.cement orosVwalk be cosstruoted on Breda stree't,north side, across Snelling avenue., p .E.:F. No. 1694—BY M. N. Goae—, -Resolved; That a cement crosswalk �. Abe 'constructed on Breda street,.n6rth 'side; across Snelling —.no.. Adopted by the Council Sept. 14, 1914. Approved Sept 14, 1914. (Sept 19.1914) 13 Yeas ( Y) Cou oilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council 181 Fam orth Goss In favor 191 Kell Approved MCC 11 Against. OZ ry Ycer nln on Mr. President, Po ere Council File No.------ ... . ...... . ... PROPOSAL FOR-nWgOVi;MENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. , The undersigned hereby proposes the staking of the fo]10 g public improvement by the Ci of St. Paul, viz.: ....._ Construot a sidewalk of .Hent blooka.to_e. wide f six .._..........._......_...... . feet... on.._tha...._eouth side..._o........._s1e.Y.._Avenue..._Yrom...Fr ..........tree... ...o_........_.._........... _ ......................... rview Avenue,*. ...in. _a ._ okdanae.._with__P.t tit. _. _.._ hareto, attaohed.,_.._.__, ............................................. _..... Dated this ...... ........ 14th...d of.............. ............... _....... ....19 .'. C. F. No. 15";- Whereas, A written proposal for„the makln8 of the following improvement .�............_....................................._.........._........._......... vfa: Construct 'a sidewalk of cement- y ' 'block. to a width of .1. feet on -the -- south side of WeRey-venue from Fry . Ciouncilman. street to Fairview avenue having been presented to the Council of .the City, of St. Paul, [herefore, Corn _ 7 Re . Paul,' Thaf the Commissioner 1 '„ 1 Public Wer •v he and he 1s hers` - _.: )dWARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A w ltten proposal for•the making, of the following ialprovement, viz.:...._C.Oriflb.r110.t..... a sidewalk f cemen ot block. to._a width:of_..six feet._on_the.__south._ ._.. side of Wesley' Avenue from .... ....... ... _............ ................ _._... _.... _.... _........................ _...-._.............. ........................... ...,_.... _ ...... ..... ......_...._......_.......... f St: Pau_.. . Paul by Councilman..........._....._....._............_. .. ....__ having been presented to the Council of the City o_.._..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby .ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2, To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement. .. , ..... _.......... ............................................--.__ 5. To state whether or not said imprpvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........iJ�Xy�/%..�-.191..G� Yeas: Nays: Councilman F •nsworth �j Os Approved........_................................ 191 ... 'ler Coll Leary erg ..... 'Mayor were 'layor. �1 —rir�.iaaa:u Ninth Ward ComlciI File No ....... ...................... -1596 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ' and 4r T PRELEMARY ORDER. / 6 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followi p}ibhe improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.. ionstmuct.....cement ..._sidewalk.._t.0. aidth....of: -ten-feet....o ae street, eget...bi.de.,.bedinning..:B_...f.eet . os.th....Df.....Central.....Tax arth6nce....nor-th-• { yg 191......4 hated this._.......13.,......... ay of._....Sept._........................ _ C•whereaf the Sollowirpib 1PmPrOveI�tent I .A. ...- ....................._..........................................._............... ... making o viz:_ Construct amen[ tdawalk to a Idth of ten feet on Rfce street. st Councilman. side, beglnning a feet north' of Central) ' Terrace, thence north 74 feet, having h en presented to the Counefl-of tb :ItY.otsoSt Paul therefore, be it Relved, That the Commissioner aunt�vorxe pe and he le hereb,.it,"y ORDER. d nd dira ted: .. • Investigate the access - mak ln, - WHEREAS, A writtenproposal dor"thee [risking of the following improvement, viz.:.......C.Onstr_Uot.....- aement..:..sidawa] ]c . ta-.a._width- oi--tsn-teat-._o>aJ.0-W .stxeAat,.sast_..$ide,begin,.. : ning_.B_ 1.est_..north.-.:a.....Centrsl._.0 rri3ce,-....thence--nor-th....2.4....fest. r_,.........__.._._ _.. ........... .............. ........._._........... ............... .._...._............. ........... _.._....... _._..... _............ ........ _ ....................... ........ . • having been presented to the Council of the City of 8t. Paul by Councilman ..... _........ _....... _............................_. _ _._ ... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directedi 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:....___.............._ .........._....__.._.._..._..............._ ................__...._.._..... —.... __..__...._................... ..... S, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on, the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to,the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Colmeil_/�L%..1................191.� Yeas: Nays: Councilman F nsworth Go s Approved ............... ........ (......, ............191.. Ke ler Mc oll 0, ary Yo g .............. Mayor Po rs Mayor.. - CouneilFile No.......... ....... .. . .... . - PROPOSAL FOR MPROVEMENT. AM t IV and PRELnUNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo g public iinprovement by the City of St. 6_i&0.a of SIinS.QXI._BIX.e-0_t Paul, viz.: ._............._.... . ..... _..I... --. ....... ............... .............. ........... ............ ............... ............. .............. .................. ............. ......... 91--A.. Dated this day­/­.-.-.� se.9t.e-mb. r..,, I f IP? '7�rltto. prop so or the C""%.,"A - ovement, . ..... . .............. .......... ......... - Where oc V -1 g of - f the following r YI u�i Construct a $ ew c. both 'Id ,dz;. of Stinson street from for SI to Lexington vena he i, been pr, Councilman. 'tc'I to of he City of :r •�-,Xul threlore e t1ht That sh ,.rcen, X,,.r.k."eb, end he 1, h.re�"�' ,vestj Lie 'be PAPI A&ARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Const-ruct- a sidewalk on both sides -of Stinson Street from Oxford Street to ...................... . . ......................... . .......... . . . ... . ............................. ...... . ..... ............. - ..... ................ ... .. . ........ . . ..... Lexingtpn...Ay@n��.t......_...-.._.._........_...._._........ .. . .... . ..... ........... .......... .............. .............. ............... .......... ........... ..... ................ ............... ................. ... ..................... ............ . ........ . ...................... ............................. .. . . ....... . .......... .................. ­­­­ .................. ...... .......... . . - ........................ . ........ ........ ... .... ................. .. . ... ................. ........................................................... .............................. ...................................... . .......... --- - ------- ­------------...... . . ..... -- -- -- - 11W having been presented to the Council of the City of S 'Paul by Councilman ............................. . ............................ . . . ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L.. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish R'PlaU, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and hiforaiatiort relative to said improvement:.... ........... 5, To state-whe(Ijer or not said improvementmore is asked for on the petition of three or i ore o wn ers. 6. To report upon'all of, the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Pinaneq. Adopted by the Council ........... Yeas Nays: Councilmanriswoffli, aQ s Approved.. . ............... .............. Ke er 7 Me 3,011 O'l eary Yo rg ..... . ........ .... ... .................... ........ ......... .. .....................•--.. Mayor Po, ererove" Mayor. ;t Ei ghth 'Ward Council File No.__.: .................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and (►tr PRELIMINARY ORDER. The' nudersigned hereby proposes the` making of the following p' He improvement by the City f Pani, viZ.:._r.flay_....end..,r,epair._o, nent.._Q dewalk .,._._.,._Riae...etr...... Bt._.__ de.,_to...a ..................... ...._ _ ... ................................... ._.........._ _ _....._. _................... ..... .... of this IS day4 1698— - - R'heroas,-A ritten prop.._ . ....... ..... ..... ....... ... ........ .......... .. ....... .. ...... ...._ ,me f. the follows g 1 D ovehtnt. els: nelay and t•aDnir cement ' wwent idth of six feet, bOglnningi 182 tfePg' Councilman. ' ' outh f. Olive street, thence south feet, having beenpresented to ;ouncll of the City of St. Psvl i •✓. 'f h0 t i.^ rhrt the Co.. M j$jARY ORDER. . \jTIEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz.:...... re18y._.Blld... o.ement._.aida8a3lr--oa_Rioe_.s.trD-et.,aeat.-aide.,to...&. width_. ot-...ais. fset,beg-inning-188--feet-..0outh of Olive street thet-0e South -.80 -feet, ........... :...... ._._..._..._.... ................................ _...... _................................. .............. _.... ............... .._.._.......... _........... _....:...:.................._.......... ........... ...... _....... ..... ,................................. ........_ having been presented to;the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........... ........ _._........................ _....... _..... __.___._..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. i 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other [lata and information relative to said improvement :....................._ ,. .........._... - ....... _........... ..... _........ ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on petition etition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._�–�`% lL�_......_..191/_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman F L� •nsworth44 l_.J............191-/_— 0 as Approved........ _..... 7n.......... K Her 7 M Coll 0 Bary Yerg ........... .... ......... .... .......... Mayor Po era 5 row a warm: reporcea •oy t sidewalk repair"oseman Council File No ......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIIVIIPiARY�O_R The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of th of llowing public improvement b e City of St. Paid, viz.: relay....an4:r.eP_ r_._oetge>►t. de's►�lk._sz>7:....Riaa.._sts:e. .4.aa at....side... o..:_a width ....Of. ...tea....feat.,be ng.-..12.4 f.eet..._aouth.:..o ..-it....avenua-,:thence 8...outs..._b...... ee. .......................................................................... _..__.................. ............................. _.._.._... _............. .._... _.._.._.......... ........ -' ................. ................ ............ _._....... _......... _.__........._..................... _..... ........... ................._.._.... ...... ....... .......... ......... ................... .... ........... ...... _......... .,........... _......................_ ` t lsl_4Dated, this......... ay of BAP-1i 't C. F. N 1599—.�- Wher A writt8ir pro��ppeai.for the making of the following tittFrovemout, - -- - _.._... '... ... ... ............... ._..__. .. vli: Relay and repair cement side- 1 ! wak on Rice street. east aide, to a - - - iwidth of ten feet, beginning 111 feet'. Councilman. south of Summit avenue, thence south 62 feet, having been presented to the. Council of the CityoE St. Paul there- - - ,fore, "It - - - Reeelved, That the Crmm'- __.aarlARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal. for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.... relay::.. and .... , " _....---__.repair ..Dement-..s. dswalk•-on...�iica--atx$et,-east- side y4o a..•.width -o€--ten.. .................. fB.81,1eginning.:..184_..f eet._..south..:.of_...Summi.t....avenue ,thencis..south ....52.-feet, .......... _......... ........... ............_...._.........._.........._-.._._......._............._......................................................_...................._..._..._.....-....._......,.._................_...-........_..._ having been presented to the :Coundil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...... _...... _....... _.......... _.... ................... _.___._._...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement: 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the follot6ing other data and information relative to said improvement:...................................__s` 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the.petition of three or more owners: 6. .To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner. of Finance. .4 Adopted by the Council.. ...... !_......... 191. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fifle.r worth ��/ �� GoApproved......... ... _........ ......... ....191._... . ge_ Ml O,yYo _..__....... ........ .. ......... .......... ' . Mayor P6v ars Mayor, .w, „ o,. �-u . ti, < c. •....._. ., . e. _ ...,,-. ...,. ." . . _..... ,,...tom. . ,. , �1 8 COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of...grading larrington. Avenue, f r.om Wast.144 olon-Atreet._ to West Geranium street ........ ... ............ .. under Preliminary Order .............. ... .............. .. ... . . ...._.approved ..___..Jun.e_2.4th,_1914 ... ........ . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of 'Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said.Aeport, hereby resolves: I., That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is GT4 i..n&.­F_a.r.r..ing.ton atree.t ... to West.. Geranilm.-streat . . . ...... ......................... ........................ .. ......... . ... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .... . ......... Resojw hearing be had oil said improvement oil the ._day of ,�ff Further, That a public e .191.1!41,_1 at the hour ....o'clock... ............................ th,.qquAcil Chamber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and 0 place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ere a imated. cost Adopted by the Council ............ ark. AUG, 2(), I314 Approved 19. .. ............. ....... . ... ...... . ............... ....... .... -- Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth ii._N�58__ByS. -A. F.rcs—rlb— of , In tha'Miter a grading Farrington.. - I , we grading � Lawson t -i�nonr'Vr-'Itl? Gos .­nva. from,. West Ger n I'm da 2501tprp'roved June 24M inaTY,. Or. 4. K ler Council of the CRY Of St- Paul 1- 'Th. Conte ed- the report of �the I 'having �,­cet , ot�' Finance upon ;they 17 cominissidnel, 'tovement, and having, Cnu- M Coll ab.vaVlmp aid',rapp'rt. hereby resolves idd.jeVs �a aa(d'repory be and 6e In W ' ' F t v -a a K h b` is The M C _i'.v id �That- tl u. on :,a4;;e - is;:herob/appi6ved and adopted, 0 psi bnd the -said ordered I I -bf t",jrnproxe­ rdered' to.�b� proeecdedmltp,'��, 2. Th the nature That erg Co. nelie Is grading Farringtouy�avenue, �-; to P WestLawsonstreet to West'Geranium an t tre Mayor vera with no alternatives., noted cost thereof,' a., the estud Further That That: ` ', - Resolve I I I it be.i1ng0be'-b-d on , a. dimprovement, on tba.lnjtday of; September 1814, at the Council rlh;a room 81 of the Covht: d f i- � r r f ,,ryry � � � fit! k r � f f , t. € '', • ks - a 1431 inarice No. 1914, of this city, approved I en was granted to Foley Bros. &Kelly ild a platform along the south side of i at a point 38 f et easterly from Sibley ky along the sidewalk; and whereas, the course of alterations has,, unlawfully -and without permission of the Council, further continued said platform on said sidewalk easterly to the main entrance to the. present Union Depot; and whereas, the building located adjacent to said "platform has been discontinued as a wholesale grocery house and is now. occupied by retail stores, and the said Pnion Depot, and that therefore there is no further eed for the maintenance or operation of said platform or.addition4 NOW, T9PPFFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be, and he is hereby authorized,.instructed and direct- ed to remove said platform, including the said addition, and restore said.sidewalk as nearly as possible to its original condition forth- with. .Adopted by the COeeCII-..-....................................... Yens. NAYS. i MR. FARNSWORTH j GOSS KELLER McGOLL O'LEARY . YOERG NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) �a WHEREAS, By Ordinance No. 1914, of this city, approved March 20, 1897, permission was granted to Foley Bros. & Kelly. Mercantile Company to build a platform along the south side of Third Street, commencing at a point 38 feet easterly from Sibley Street-, and thence easterly along the sidewalk; and whereas, the Union Depot Company, in course of ,alterations has, unlawfully and without permission of the Council, further continued said platform on�said sidewalk easterly to the main entrance to the a Present Union Depot; and whereas, the building located adjacent to said platform has been discontinued as -a wholesale grocery house and is now occupied by retail stores, and the said Union Depot, and that thdrefore there is no further liesd or the maintenance or .operation of said platform or addition- NOW, dditionNOW, THFRFFORE,.BE IT .RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of r Public Works be, and he is hereby authorized, instructed and direct- ed to remove said platform, including the said addition, and restore said sidewalk as nearly as possible to its original condition forth- with. Adopted by the Cooeoil ----- ------ .... --- _...__:191 Yens. ° NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McGOLL O'LEARY , XOERG NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POW.EKS) -f% lea,%t-L 7, ' ix fin: Q t J. �a WHEREAS, By Ordinance No. 1914, of this city, approved March 20, 1897, permission was granted to Foley Bros. & Kelly. Mercantile Company to build a platform along the south side of Third Street, commencing at a point 38 feet easterly from Sibley Street-, and thence easterly along the sidewalk; and whereas, the Union Depot Company, in course of ,alterations has, unlawfully and without permission of the Council, further continued said platform on�said sidewalk easterly to the main entrance to the a Present Union Depot; and whereas, the building located adjacent to said platform has been discontinued as -a wholesale grocery house and is now occupied by retail stores, and the said Union Depot, and that thdrefore there is no further liesd or the maintenance or .operation of said platform or addition- NOW, dditionNOW, THFRFFORE,.BE IT .RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of r Public Works be, and he is hereby authorized, instructed and direct- ed to remove said platform, including the said addition, and restore said sidewalk as nearly as possible to its original condition forth- with. Adopted by the Cooeoil ----- ------ .... --- _...__:191 Yens. ° NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McGOLL O'LEARY , XOERG NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POW.EKS) -f% lea,%t-L 7, ' ix fin: 1431 WFTFRFAS, By Ordinance No. 1914, of this city, approved March 20, 1897, permission was granted to Foley Bros. & Kelly Mercantile Company to build a platform along the south side of Third Street, commencing at a point 38 feet easterly from Sibley Street-, and thence easterly along the sidewalk; and whereas, the Union D6pot Company, in course of alterations has, unlawfully and without -permission of the Council, further continued said platform on said sidewalk easterly to the main entrance to the present Union Depot; and whereas, the building- located adjacent to said platform has been discontinued as a wholesale grocery'house and,is now occupied by retail stores, and the said Union Depot, and that therefore there is no further need for the maintenance or operation of said aid platform or additAionAW' NOW, TT7FRFFORV, BE TIT RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of fi Publi c Works be, and he is hereby authorized, instructed and direct- ed to remova", on, and restore I said sidew ondition forth- with. iI 5�, Council File No: By Resolution Ratio 111 "' (Sept l'„091=' In the matter of the assessment of—beAefU expensea for thennatruotion of a aewer on Augusta street, from Goff avenue to South Robert street. Final Order 37978 approved Novamber 87th 191--- A 91—A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in G%G equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council v 191— City Clerk. Approved / 191X ayor. -1.600 f REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE --•..... .... :........... _......................................... 1'l1 _... In the matter of the assessment of..-1.2.8nePlae.,nd-.pp9e9_.for the conetruoton..:of-..-a...sewer.-on Augusta street, from Goff avenge to .................................. _......_...._............._ .. ......... South Robert street. under Preliminary Order.._._ ........... ...._.....__............._..._._._.................... lntermedim•y *Orden .......... :............... _.... _............ ..... ............ .......... __.... , Final Order .................. 319..78.__ ............ _.._..............:..... approved ......_Noyember_._a7th.................. I81..a. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for. and in connection with the making of the above improve - meat, viz..: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $......_1300.1-00 - lose the sum of $636.50 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $....... _....... 11_.50_. appropriated. and set aside Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - $....._........ ..............._.............._._out of the Hamlin» 90 S00 _Jefferson sewer Inspection fees '- - - - - - - - - - - -$._._..................._.__.._ -account Of the general fuhd. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$--- .----- --- --- ..........._._..-__..-._ btal ea enditures - - - - - - - - $....__a. ess t�102 0 e sum ofppgg ate.. Said Commissioner further reports than he has8ssessed and levied Abe total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the stun of $_1:,_Z%.9.._0.0........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with, the benefits coinferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the aaid Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and c: x xo. isuo which is hmel�; the matted ot'the`.aeaeaement:`of 7th action thereon as may he considered proper. - bOneHte mete an& �spenaes 1ok Rhe goo from .q a eve on A gveta L street; tre t from Goff venue t 9oath �L%y' "Robert street under Flna1 SO der - /�// iGliv' '�37978 approved Noywnbo; 27th" 1918 ..i :.-_.:�.v'...._.... ....._._._..._......_.._.___. .._..__...,.__.._. +A p*bAcdbearing hagYng baeH�`liaa`i - Commissioner. of Finance. f 3 �7 - -1_60f REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .__._........... _........ -............. _raa._............... 191 _... In the matter of the assessment of...benefi.ta.,...... Costs _...A.nd 941P.VWI.1.8.._f OT.__th9._C_On— . struction of a sewer on Blair street, from Fry street to Snelling _ ........... ...... ..... _...... _........ _... ............. -........................................... ........... .......... _............ _...................... .... ...................... . avenue. ................ .._.._................. ................. _._................ ............... ........_.._._.,............................... _............................ ........... _... ....._._........... ............... ........... under Preliminary Orderr................_...._......................_.......................__..., Intermediary Order ..... .................. ... ...-.._:........... __.............. _......... ... Final Order ........._40135...._..._........__.. .... ......... ... ... ..... , approved_.._.__..._Augil9-t_.?7th............. To the Council of the City of S Paul: The Conunissioner of Finan a hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to a incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - • - - - - - ----1sQ34-•..44._......._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $. 15'5' 00 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - r.......,.. Inspection. fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._..... _...... 75-.0.0-..--.-- Amount 0—-Amount of court costs for confirmation._...__._._ ................._...__..... - Total expenditures .......... t Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the tota'1 amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sura of 11124.04 Upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereof; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the 'said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and lvbich is herewith In .the matter' of the asaeeisment al. ;tion thereon as may be emisidered proper. benedts.coatsea.nd. eapenaea ,tor con atrucungta sewer an Blalr street' - 'from Fry street Yo spenfng avenue _. ,under' FinatOrder 40126, approved Aug:;: 27 1812 - A; pvblfc hearing having been�,held ......��...,.... .%..... .. _. .. .................._.. upon the asaeaemehY for'tbe above im. Commissioner of Finance. in¢�)ment; furtheeafdonieidecea by tithe. - C. F. No. 1601— . rn .the matter of the aseessmentoP:� benefits costs and expend afor Con-I strutting a server on c- d'ne ' �f from F y street tp Snelling avettue Council File No. under Final ,Order 40T26, dpprbved Aug. 27 1813. up n the iassessment for the'above tin pravern—t, and said assessment hav- u Ing been further considered by the• Bf finally ll' atlsfa,ltory. be Rath ere odered Resolved, That the said aeseesment be and. the; --me le hereby orderedto be, eubmlUed to the District Court.of the County of $nmaeY for ,confirms- tion. Be 11 Further Reablved That.th s td assessment be and it is hereby deter- Resolution Ra mined to be payable 1n av equal In etallmente a to ch and every parcel of land described therein. ldopted;by the Council Sept. 14, 1914.1 Approved Sept. 14, 1914. ' _ ,• (Sept. 19.1914) I In the matter of the assessmentofffibenefitBP COBtB and 84penBeB for ponstructing a sewer on Blair streetx from Fry street to Snelling avenue under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 40135 approved Auzust a7th 1913— A A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Approved Council File By- he natter of the assesetnent .of . cost. ,find expenses for 'con - ng a s fuer on Blair street 'arrington nvenue to "rglnl�„ under Flaal Order 40630'np- November.l2th, 1913. Ife?�henrfng' having been- had 1 ¢saeeatneat for the. above Ira - i Count of the County or Ramsey foal Copal—tion. Be It Further Rosotved, That -the-1 , aid assessment be and it is hereby de- ' p terminsd to be psynhle In nue -equal l Inatallmerita as. to and every par - Resolution R cel of land deberlbed tbsreip. ' Adopted by ihr louncil Sept, 14, 1914. Approved Sept. 14, 1914. 1 .(Sept. 19-1914) In the matter of the assessment of benefits Coete and expeneee - for oonetrueting - nawAr nn I; air atree .from Farrington avenue to Sra rg ji ; A avenue un,aa. Ft mmary yit►twt*edie,gn*a.r Final Order 40630 approved November 12th 191. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is, hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in9ual installments as to each and every parcel of.land described therein. Adopted by the Council SEP 1 0''d 191. ' J m G` City Clerk. Approved .,: ayor. --1602 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of.._beI18Y1_LB_=_.._COete Arid gpgee8 POTthe................................. ...... _cans.treat.ion...of.:_a....ae.'v.as.....an.._...aiz..:_a.t. eet..._from..._Farrington avenue _to-.__......... ....................... ................ .............. :....._...................................................................... _....... ............... .............. ......... ' ... _...... ... under Preliminary Order-_._ Intermediary Order................................ _.... -................. ... _....... _............. Final Order ........... 40630...._ ......................... .........__...._.... approved ......_N.pv...ember._13th ...............1sEA To the -Council of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures -necessarily' incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - 5 Ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - . - - -$----- x35_.80........... Cost of publishing notice �._......-....._8.07 Cost of postal cards - - - -- - - - - -$..._............. ......_...._........-:_.._ Inspection fees -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ¢.....-......_30..00 _...._._... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -*............. -. .................... _._.._:.... Notal expenditures - - - - - - - - - - :y.......-a73_�_a-.._.____ Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of.s.2..73..._37_.....:.............Upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in- accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the gignature of the said._Cu.xw----�— — ;. 'S ~,hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and C. FNo 1002 I;_ifie-matter •of'. -'the assessment "of which is herewit elruc ngc, , , I et eoa nBiair.,str et jetion thereon as may be considered proper. from Farrington' avenue to':Qirginia avenue under Final Order'401130'.ap= proved -November -12th 1913.:. � A pnbuo8'hearing havth been had v/,J upon_the assessment for, the above im .G ...... .... ............................... ...........__..._ . provement, and ,said ass69sme D htha Commissioner of Finance. .-norm further. considered: under Pielin+iea.r 9*aet •nlelnlaair.rlxl.aa.n� .���t-, Final Order 39063 approved May 2 et 1913— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in4ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by, the Council-- —=� i 10 t� lot Approvftww • . - ;1"6013 n 1600;1_ In�the latter oP the assessment of beneflta,->.coata..and expense. for -� con- structing n .ewer ..'.Burges. street. ..from .Date: etreet.toComo - " . avenue. under Final Order 39063, approved - public hearing having been had - OVA_ the aseesa'deal for the above Improvement" Council File No. and said asaeasment having been forth r conaldered by [he, Connell. and having been consldered flna11Y .atlsfactory, be It therefore ' " - beRend thso d e That Is eheredh "se"'ent';� ms -11 .,dote attfled, and the By ., dosame 1. hereby to be submitted to the here v Coor4 of the County confirmation. of Ramsey for It .aide ese.ement a the bher andl tt as hereby .termined to be payable in five equal Installment. se to each and every - and Of lby Ad, AdoPtedreO the Counoai Sept 114, 1914. { APProved' Sept, 14,' 1.11 Resolutio Lu.,_;seDt.19_3914> nt. bene�ltB COBtB and exFenBBB for In the matter of the assessment of Burgess street, from Dale street to Como avenue constructing a sewer on under Pielin+iea.r 9*aet •nlelnlaair.rlxl.aa.n� .���t-, Final Order 39063 approved May 2 et 1913— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in4ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by, the Council-- —=� i 10 t� lot Approvftww • -1.6®-3 1 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF"ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of..._keneYi_to.,...._co_ete..._and....epses_for .the _..__conetruc_tion of..._aeewa.r on.__Burge.aa atrest from Dale street to ........ r - — - _........ C..ono.....aysnua............................................._............................................................................................................................_..............................._......_..._._._........ underPreliminary Order- ................. . .... ..... ................ Intermediary Order ....................................... _.......................... _............ _........ y. FinalOrder.._ ..... __......... 39.0 .......... ._._._....._........ ... _.... approved._..._M&Y....._alet..................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incul•red for and in connection with the making of the, above improve- . meuj, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - :$..._1y781_._80............. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - -$.... _.......... .�.1...�......:..._ . Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - -$.... .... _......... _....... _------_...__._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - b ---------- _._.%_ra.._�_Q�..._–__' Amount of court costs for confirmation $__..._._ ..... .... ........................... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - 5... -1z8 --t-.. ..... _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount asabove ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 6..1,868-3.4............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is here«^c jun the matter ot'ttie aeeesariett of th action thereon as may'pc considered proper. }j beneflta; coafa and .ezpepsea for`con�_ � �_ atrncting a aeWer.nn BUr6eae atre,eY. from Hale street to Como avenue-: vrider Flnal Order. 99083 ayproved ///7 G i May .21st 1913 - ...../�f..... ......�5%lllti��l_�.�_.. ....... ._.. __._...._ A plip hearing having been had. Commissioner of Finance. _ _ .1nr. }he::abOVe. A 6®4 , REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT y OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 6 —.._.....................................................................191...... In the matter of the assessment of_benefite„...._p!!ts _and q.UgpPeS for the construction .sewer on Capitol Boulevard, from Winter street ....... ....._......-..........._._... ­­ o Arch._ street.. ................... .. _.. under Preliminary Orderr..................-................._....._..._....................._..... Intermediary Order .................................. .... _......... ..... ........ ---- ---.--, Final Order_ ... ............ .360.C>.1 .............. ... ....................._._.. approved .............. Ifty---31_et.............. .................. 191...._3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - 767..00 Cost of publishing notice. - - - - - - - - -..........__7.75............__ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - -$._._............ ........ ....... ....... ..... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$........... 50....00 ........... --- Amount of court costs for confirmation $. ..... _._...................... __._......_. Total -expenditures - - - - - - - - - . ;x._._834.75 .......... _... _._ to Said. Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of........82.4....7.5..............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the caid_Commissioner and made mart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and C. F. No. 1804 Ia the r of #h¢ m assessent ol. which is herewit sensatet., co coatsand ecalAafo con=•,action thereon as may be considered proper. atructla ng sewer. onn Capitol- 'Houle-- .yard,• from Wfnter street to Arch•. street ander Final Order a9nsx ap 1 proved MY 31st, 1918 A,'public hearings having lb4n had;. upon the assessent Lor the Above im - - --- _..... .. _ ... .......... _ _.�...._ _. _ provement, maria sa�d;aseesamenY�havinC•+ - Commissioner of Finance. 1, • C. F. No. 1604— In the matter of the assessment. of benefits, costs and elepenses, fof-con- strutting asewer on Capitol'. Bowls- vard; from Wigter. street to Arch ' Council File No. street under 'Final Order Mill, ap. proved May 21st. 1913; ` A public hearing having been had - upon .the assessment for the above Im- provemenI, and said assessment having a. been further considered. by the Council, By ad having been cousldared finally set- . Istactory, be It therefore Resolved. -That the said assessment be and the same 1—hereby inallre spects ratifled, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to theDlstrfet Confit of . the County of Ramsey for confirmation. I' Be It Further Resolved, That the Rn eSC♦lutlI'lld' naseessment be and it Is' hereby } determined to be payable In flue. equal �P+n • Inatallmertta ae to each and every par cel of land descrlbed therein.. Adopted by they Council Sept. 14, 1914. ADDroved9eDt 14,,3$14. (Sept. 19-1919) In, the matter of the assessment of bBl .Q, C"N`aIIa expenses for constructing a Beller on Capitol Boulevard, from Winter Street to Arch street under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order 38061 , approved_ May 21st 1913 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _'equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein, o Adopted by the Council `EP -_ d 114 Z}- —z " City Clerk. 'Approved ✓ / 191 ayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE __......... ... _..................._.......... .................. In the matter of the assessment of..beIle.Y.i.ti@.,....._Q.Q.9:.t$_._az1d,....empcitap B fOT th8 _ -e...... - ...... _............... sftxex...Dz.Cx_xPad _s.refit,...............................................e._._street-to ...... __.4ayuga_s..txa.e..t:,...._.:......_......_................... _.......... ............. ....................... ._.._...-................__.............._.__....__........._........-...._...................................__.., under Preliminary Order..:. .................................... . . Intermediary Order ....... _........... ....... .... _................................... _... -.__._..-- Final Order ._........._..._.3928. ,.................... ..._..._...._........, approved ........_"A9_ 91h.._.........._.._..._.-_'.._191.3.... ' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to he incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz.: - Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - -$............ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $. 10.30 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - -$.... _._........ _............ _...... _...... _. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $_......._50_._00 ........... ... _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$..... _............ .......... ......._.__...... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - -- $...._632_.30.._.,._.._ Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tabled, to -wit: the soul of$....6.33...3Q...................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in thg case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred there) -_., ,:ed completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the C F Mnat .' �In the, matter of, , the as. isL'ment ot. beneata, coats and is the i.t hereof, is the said assessment as completed b him, and signature Of t•11 n6astructlon, of'a selrer on,Cortland p y street, from Granite street to'Cayuge.:. attest-:underuFlnal Order 39a87 apF: which is herewi pfovea=sane Stn,> is l action thereon as may be considered proper. q Public hearing.' havtng been had upon tbe'asse§ament.for the above had �trovetee ' and �atd assessment hav- op[ibeen=ld,, lJmv'lhg bene e • si the• Councll,-and ha%ng been conBldered' anally satlafactory„:ne it•thsrefdee, Resolved) That, the sand'"asaesemerit:.. COI117111SSim1eT Of Finance. be ana ��the same 1s:5hereby ,In-;elL re-,, epecte ratlfled,. and'•the same ie-nsrebv •ordered to ,be eubmltted to. the•Distrlet " Court -ot.•.the ”on aty ot..Rem`aey 361- ' conui tion Ba Yt� Further Resolved That' the: said nese.. aura be.a d It la:herebg - - aetermined to be'paynable In tiv e• ,q a van \�\ luamllmenta as - to ASA ^_^ Approved Sept. 14:1914. � (sept 19-1914) v Council File No. By l - t the ving been' r the above Im- aseeemertt �he,- mered by the peen considered It therefore ' ,aid assessment rebyin all re a ame le herebv tto the District' of Ramsey for vad, That the d It le hereby its In Ove equal ch' and every ]fit, .rale. unc n Seel. 14. A --1-60 II Approved Sept. 14. 1914. (Sept. 19-1914) In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coate and §xpeneee for the 0oni%Pru0 of a newer nn nnrtland straw—from Grani to street to Cayuga street under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 39387 , approved jiine Qth 191--k. A public hearing, having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having ' been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assmsettteht• e. and it is hereby dat r,%jged to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 'Ft " T4 19 — P City Clerk. Approved / — 191 ayor. Council File No. By................................ n City. of St.Paul Council Resolution eneral,form. _....-.___._._._.w---- V _ _._._........__.. .voc�cx ••.c- av�cCa coCIDC6»SIDIDm60 Date/presented ----------------- -------------------------------------------- ......... — ---------- WREREAS, Under and by virtue . 2553 of the approvediMarch 31st,nal order o1914, the City Board of Park Commissioners, app of St. Paul has taken, appropriated and condemned pertain lands in said final order described, for the purpose of a public parkway,. said improvement being generally known as the Mounds Boulevard; and wMM AS, Certain owners of property have refused to take the buildings thereon at the appraisal made by the Board of Public Works, and have abandoned same to the City of St. Paul; now there- fore, be it of Parks,Playgrounds RESOLVED, That John J. O'Leary, Commissioner and Public Buildings, be and he is hereby designated and appointed to sell said buildings at public auction in place and stead of the Board of Park Commissioners, under and by virtue of the provisions of bSetion 516 of e�paid into thehcityatreasurydtohtheat tcredithe pofathefParkhFund. shall Adopted by the Council --- G�"T. C. F. No. 1606— Wherena. Co..UnderVirtue oY. Yeas COurip1p.�kNo 2663 oY e8o�T mmiFelonare [pitrved. pnulhMn. `YayB .lir. President ffi -1,607 � city of St-Paul � .. Council Resolution - General for tl t Department of ,._...---,_....-,_,_._. -- :_.._,_,,....._...._.......,_._ _._,_,_.......... •..._._._._...._............ ti Bureauof ..........._ ...._._._...-_._._._._..._. ._._._._...._._._.. Council File No.: at/,P=r e=s e n t ........................... 1914. By-------------------- _.,._,_._._.---..-,_..,_-------_-_-,--_,_ _. ---- �_-_,_-_--:,_ :.._,_.._._._...._._._._...._.__._._._._._...._. Resolved, that beginning Monday, the 21st day of September, 1914, being the date that this resolution takes effect, and from- day Ao rom•day.to day thereafter until completed, the public hearings upon the budget estimates for the year 1915, be held-at ten o'clock,A. M. instead of eleven o'olook A. M., as spec-ified in Council File 1213, approved August 18th, 1914, and that so-much of said Council File as fixes the hour of said hearings at eleven o'clock A. M. be and the same is hPrebx.._rescinded. C F No:]997� Resolved, That begfnbing 'SddndaY.,. t%e 21st day of 9eptemher 193} being. the date-,Ahat thls 'esolutlon 't$k4e of , fect and from day. to day 16""'WOrtter upon the Pbudgettheatlmstes tnFlths - year 1916 be te held at n o clock A dL ' instead of leve o clock A. 14T. ao eDeo, / •^•� Adopted by the CIH d In Counoli , and goat 18th, 1914, and that the much of aid Coaneil at l flsee,cldol,banr obi / said hear nau at, eleven o'cldck A: M. .'? Yeas )be and the same fe'hereby reaclnded , Nays Adopted by the Council Se¢t. '16, 1914. ApDreved Sept. i6, 1914. Gos ------777 MCC11 / Yoe g / O'Leary Ap ove _ 9 Sel Ler Mayor Mr. President, Pow rs CITY OF SAINT • PAUL®�3 city Clerk's Office fat ....... _-.19W an — General form. R4ved Gity C erk%.._.� �_/��•-tea• 9b OCIIfaCOaC'03a06sW . �f Dah"8';,Pre�ented .._...._.-- _ _-.1914. _._._._._._._.-._._._._..__--.. ------�----- ---- -•-•-•-.-•_•_•_ _.._...._._--._._._..._._._-. By.._......._._...._..... Resolved, that the contract bearing date September 4th, 1914, by and between O'Neil & Preston aril the City of St. paul for the construction of a sewer on Cleveland avenue from Scudder street to a point 140 feet south of the south iiia of Commonwealth avenue, be and the 'same is hereby, approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the Berme on behalf of the City. ', C. , R No. i608--:- Resolved, That the. contract, bearlag' date September 4th:- 1914, by- ands ---be---: tween.-OW-11 & Preston, and;' --the City' of ,st. Peel for the oonst_—tion or a r ?sewer, on Cleveland avenue " -ir_ osa: codderetreet to a_pojni 140 `re t south' Iqf the bath llne�, of Comtrionviceslth avennerbe and the same 1s-h"ereby: ad> :Proved, ;and the, proper oYt-V ofric a e aUth.rlied and dlrected to la-11te- 'same on behalf, of the C1t7- - Adopted by. the Council'- Sept- 25. Y914. Approved Sept. 16.' 1914. 0 �(r •1914. 71 Adopted by the Count tsept 19 -1914) j —..• ...... Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen C ) Nays Far sworth •R Gos 7 MCC 11 / Yoe g 0' ear; Se ler Mr. President, Po ers "Approv - Mayor iTY OF. SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office n — G�erasral form. 0; ................ Received of city Clerk ,jj(///-•-•_............ . +. �rV��--�=a�a v�xnavna mxamam Resolved, that the contract bear fag date September let, 1914, by and between P. J. Ryan and the City c> -E' St . Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Sixth street'from a point 3-9-!L-0 feet east of the east line of Duluth avenue to Atlantic streer, - a3rxc3 orz Atlantic street from Sixth street to Margaret street, be and the s---L3crLe :Le hereby approved, and the proper city off ioers are authorized aric3 c3:2-aected to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 1609— - Resol-d, That th.0 cuatrRct date SeD tetnber192.4.. 1>y —Eat at + BLr 0L. vv • . v oar.-+-. �.---. pro ed. and'th Droper city_ oSicers:'2wra-, care o on b half oY OtheaCityea�cute- L8e •, Ad_pte,- by PPr .1914. Adopted by the Counci j AaV$d _ Yeas (� ) Coun ilmen ^' - C 3 ways Par sworth (los MCC 11 7 Yoe g 0' ary Approv He ler Mayor Mr. President, Po ers Dated / Councilman. PREL#1VIINARY ORDER,. ...._ 1YIiEREAS, A written proposal for the making, of the following improvement, viz.: ...... .... _....................... .......... Q� g -e ....Q.....gra e_...ix-8' Sar-Glnak.12.S1unIDi ..P6Tk._._......._.._.-'--- ................ ... F. No. 1610— .. _ _ _...... ...... .._.......... ..... ........ miser. s`hen 3. we tnvestlgate to nec e-ty rlr having been presented to the C or dealrability of. the making oL said: ellman...... ...... _....._._._._................. _...... _—.__.._.., improvement Z. r. lnveetigate the neei4ure. ..tent therefore, be it .and estimated coat of amid improve went,`and.the•total coWthereof. RESOLVED, That the Com s., To furnish'_ a Dtaa: pro113e or a is hereby ordered and directed: ehetoh of said improvement. 4. TO furnish the following other of said improvement. ' 1. To investigate the necei data and information, relative to said g P improvement. 2. To investigate the natu 5.. To state her or not said 1m-` improvement, and the total cost thereof. g provement is; asked for on the petttioa of three or more owners, _ - 3. To furnish a plan, pros go1ngTmatters reportupon t a all, of or Finance. a to said improvement :... _.. 4. To furnish the followliI Adopted by the Councll Sept. 36, 1814 Approved Sept 16, 1914..:.._._._........._ ...... (Sept 39-1914) ...._.... ...__......_..._ __.._._. • '; 5. ' To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. , To report upon all of the foregoing matters .to the Commissioner of Finpnee. u 13. _ Adopted by the Council._ ........ ..... t•-�-, 191_ Yeas - Nays Councilman Fa sworth f (10 Approve .._ J .. gel er aMe oil V. .� Mayor. Mayor Po erg 9 • #2 Corporate Purposes-Conttd. Police Fund 3.89 American Lin##.. Supply Co., 3.90 Auto Tire Pales Co., 3.91 H. C..Boyeeon Co., 3..92 Broxam, Treacy & Sperry Co., 3.93 Clymer & Huelster, 3 94 Daily -Fraser Hardware gompany, 395 Adam. Debker Hardware uo., 3,9 Kissel Car Co., 99 Elis Laundry Co., 5.9 Manhattan O,il Co., 3 99 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 3!00 N. W. Eleotrim Equipment Co., 01 N. W. Telephone Co., 3 02 N. W. Tire Co., 05 Raymer Hardware Company, 3 04, Schuneman & Evans, 05 St. Paul Electrical Co.. -3 06 Twin City Hardwood lumber Co., 3 0T Western Union Teleg. Co., 13 09 Wolff h LeYmian, o ce d, Fire Fund 3209 Auto Tire Bales Co., 3210 Brings & Co., 3211 Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., 3h2 W. F. Duth Printing Co., 3213 S. S. Arooks Mfg. Co., 3214 Daily -Fraser. Hardware fjo., 3;215 Adam, Decker %rdware Co., 3216 L. F. Dow, - 3217 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk do Co., 3'218 Jesse Foot, 3219" Foid Motor Co., 220 J: N. Johnson Co., 3221 Manhattan Oil Co., 3222 W. H. Mattocks, 3223 McClain & Gray, 5224 Mitech & heck, 5225 Raymer'Hardware Co., 5226 Reed Motor Supply Co., 229 Stanton DeLong Lumber Co., 22 Wm.. Lindeke Roller Mills, 229 Virtue printing Co., 230 Western. Machine Mfg. Co., 231 Western Supply Co., To•taf-Fire Fund, Health Fund e 3232 A. Nedobyty, 3233. Western Union Teleg. Co., Tom-Hea�.tb.._Fnnd� Garbage Fund 3234 McClain & Gray, 3235 N. W: Stamp Works, __•To.tal_.Gsabage--Fund, -� 6:t1 1.25 1.80 2.44 3..50 `� 3x4.75 3;.60 24.63 1.56 1.05 11.50 21.45 26.97 10.65 _ 1..85 2...15 1.92 _13.33 26.36 2.70 99.26 40.00 1.92 14.60 25.00 23.67 2.40 4.65 15.95 2.00 5.6o 40.80 .13.72 85.00 4 2.50 27.86 2.50 116.00 450.00 3.75. 9.10 11. , X98..70 `/'g•.��+A 3.00 3.00 42.50 38.00 #3 Corporate Purposes-Contd. General Fund -Quarantine Acct. x W. F. Buth 1e Co., 12.50 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 11.60 Miss Vorgman Rice, -84 St. Paul Free Dispensary, 35.00 Mrs. A. F. Stewart, 39.20 C. S. Stewart, 7.00 Workhouse Fund T. H. Allen & Co., 83.33 Eisenmenger Co. 58- Lin deke Roller -kills, 106.00 Raymer Hardware Co., 3.80 ds Commissioner of Public Works Fund H. C. Boyeson, 7.25 Clymer & Huslater,59.60 Daily -Fraser Hardware 'Co., L. F. Dow CO., 14.2 Farwell,-C=un, Kirk & Co., 8.45 F. Husbener, 1.00 Keuffel & Esser Co., 1.87 McClain & Gray, 5 50 H. W. Electric Equipment Co., N. W. Stamp Works, 2.50 Ramaley Printing.Co., 1.00 - Remington Typewriter Co., 5110"0- H. 1100H. Wedelstaedt Co., 7.00 --a-Fund. Street & Sewer Fund Bureau of Fire Protectionp 125.00 Builders Materiel Co., 17.80 Daytpnls Bluff printing Co., 7.85 Adam Decker Hardware Co., Glide Machine Co., 12.15. Mahle Wagon Co., 114.00 Manhattan oil Co., 28.8' Nicole, Dean & Gregg,' 7.46 H. Orme's Sons, Inc., 16.65. Ramaley Printing Co., 16.50, Raymer Hardware Co., 3.80 Reed Motor Supply Co., .70 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 22.81 St. Paul Cement Works, 161.00 St. Paul Rubber Uompany, 10.50 Schroeder Livery Co-', 3.50 Silicia Products Co.,' 166.19 Standard Oil Co., 3.12 A. F. Stewart, 4,00 Studebaker Bros., 30.00 Frank Tereau, 5.00 Western Machine Mfg. Co-, 4.93 #4 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Bridge Building & Repair Fund i2,1 St. Paul,Foundry Company 7vu `J General Fund -Bower Maintenance Acct. i 2 St. Paul Foundry company 70.00 83 Wm. H. Ulmer Co., 125.00 General Fund -Crosswalks Acct.. i 4 St. Paul Cement Works, 190.00 General Fund -Paving Equipment Acct.;, 5 J. W. Wall, 25.70. School Fund X86 American Engineers Supply Co.. 2.00 1267q Adam Decker Hardware Co., ]8.34 i;288 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., •50 i2$9 J. F. Gerlach, 32.75 62910 Maindler Bros., 5.28 i29,1 Manhattan oil Co., 60.0 F292 John Martin Lumber Co., ag3 Penn. Rubber Co., 48.01 pO Western Supply Co., 186.93• R95 Western Union Teleg. Co., 2.18 Library Fund =6 George F. Authier, 4.0 72 H. C. Boyeeon & Co., 50 i tl Adam Decker Hardware Co.. 6.00 i 99 N• W. Stamp Works, 2.75 i 00 8t. Paul Book &• Stationery Co., 94.95. i 01 St. Paul Gas Light Co.. 150.94 j.02 System Company,24.00 Park Fund 9 03 American Cone Co., 36.00 S 04 Auto Tire Sales Co.. 7.76 $ 05 Brooks Bros., 26.00 S3iO6 J. R. Copeland, 82.50 S3b7 •Adam Decker Hardware Co., 2.14 53088 Doyle Bros., 7.25 f309 Mr. Garrotts.• 4.99 1310 Mr. F. J..King, 63.22 5 1 F. G. Leslie Co., 12.80 5 2' Maendler Bros., 6.30 R53 3 Manhattan oil Co., 450 -79 . 53.4 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, .84 53.5 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., .40 53.6 N. 'W. Stamp Works, 13.20 53 7 Raymer Hardware Co., 220.25 53 St. Paul, ft tl-ing Wprks 5 19 St. Paul Tent & Awning 60., 21.40 5 20 Joe. P. Whitwell, 75.72 5 21 Wright, Barrett ��& Stilwell Co., 17.00 ' TA.Tn.T.-,ten ��•Lrti g Corporate Purposes-Contt. . General Fund-public Baths Acct. 3 2 W. S. Conrad,Co., 40.95 1.75 1 3 3 3 Griggsp Cooper & Co., N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 2.34 3 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1.90 3 6 Joe. P. Whitwell, Tota nt,� General Fund-Playgrounde Acct, 7 Brooke; Bros. Lumber Co., 6.50 3 8 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., .50 3 Raymer Hardware Co., 26.50 30. 31 A. D. Spaulding, St. Paul Book & Statioriewy CO., General Fund-Art Institute Acct. i3 St. Paul Gas Light -Company, 15.00 Water Fund i i333 Msendl or Bros., .bo i33'# X335 Crane & Ordway, Daily-7raser Hardware CO., .30 i33 McClain & Gray, 3.00 4.60 - i33� Ford. Motor Co., Robinson, Cary & Sands, Mr. Winter, 9.o 1 W1 Fairbanks, Mores & Co., 3,10 12.25 5349 St. Paul Tile Works, 534 N. W. Stamp Works, 2.�5 534 534 M. N. Moffat, Wm. Burkbard Co., 70.00 74.65 53 Quayle & Kelley, 4. 80 $34 53 Toney Hensler, Anderson Bros. Fuel Co., 5.50 6.50 53- r. F.. %.;'Mooney, 3.52 53 53 9 w. H. Kindy, Manhattan Oil Co., 8.33 105.00 53 o 53 1 Fitch & Hill, Farwell', ozmun, Kirk & Co., • 13.93 40 53 2;_ St. Paul Rubber Co., 17. 00 3 So. Park Foundry Co.., �7:00 .25 IMF 4 Western Supply Co.,' .1� 3 F. Huebner , 56 535 5 L. F. DOW, .Builders Material Co., 129.42 74.83 $ Paul Gas Light Co.., St. 3459 St. Paul Electric Co., 3.26 3 60 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 1.40 3 61 C. J. Smith & CO-, 1.80 3,62:' Adam Decker Hardware CO-, i :.Tot1--rawer a T,ota3--b�orpb'Fa a urpos , Special Funds #6 New Library Bldg. Acot. Adam Decker Hardware Co., Gray 4.25 •35 McClain & Co., Corporate Purposes-Cont'd. . Total Spsa jal 'Pun asp General Fund -Supplementary Acct. Portland, Dale to Western Raymer Hardware Co., Robinson, Cary & Sands, Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., (Pur. Dept.) Total- Bgeo r Assess,-GQnst r-Aect=�tesurF 333 3 33 L. F. Dow, McClain & Gray Co., " " " " 2.70 5.00 33 6 N. W. Stamp Works, " " •15 233.28 Remington Typewriter Co., 33 33 9 H. Wedelstaedt,", Western Union Neleg. Co.,." n 3.18 33 0 Dayton's Bluff•Prtg. Co.,; (Public Works) 33 1 R. L. Polk & Co., , Sypri nm�ntary Acct.._• 14.00 --�68;68— �o Sprinkling Fund 337 T. L. Blood & Co., 14.25 6.75 337 Bureau of Fire Protection, 33.66 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 7.60- 337 R. L. Polk Co., 50.00 337 337 Purchasing Dept., Robinson, Cary & Sande Co., 4• Auditcrium,Acct. 337 Consumers Power Co., 81.66 33 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk-& Co., •34 3.6o 33 o Hos. Haag Rooting co.,_ 3 1 Hardwood Door Co., lid 2 Swift & Company. 9.93 T,ota3--b�orpb'Fa a urpos , Special Funds New Library Bldg. Acot. Adam Decker Hardware Co., Gray 4.25 •35 McClain & Co., . Total Spsa jal 'Pun asp Special Assess..Const. Acct.-Resurf. Portland, Dale to Western Raymer Hardware Co., Robinson, Cary & Sands, 4.75 3.15 Total- Bgeo r Assess,-GQnst r-Aect=�tesurF : - #7 Western Machine Mfg. Co., 1.60 Special Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving o 340 Hastings, Bates to Earl St. 13.20 46.64 s 7 Builders Material Co., Co., 30.15 10. 0 33 $ Mitsch & Heck Wagon 9.87. 34 B ve. 1, 3:.. 6 34 Case, Payne to Westminister, 6.00. , 33 9 Austin -Western Road Machine Co., 1.80 2.75 33 0 Adam Decker Hardaare Co., 2.94 33P.anhattan.oil Co., 5600 339 339 N. w. Stamp Works, Robinson, Cary & Sands, .40 13.00 3,46 339 Western Machine Co., "o—VaTmumterr .12 Gus.D. Messing, •75 University Ave., Bale to Syndicate, Prior Ave., Marshall to University 339 Manhattan oil Co., 3 2'94 ( ' Builders Laterini too., H611y-Ave., Western to Dale 3 339 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 55 339 Maeiidler Bros., 4.. 75 3398 Raymer Hardware Co., Co., 1077 _n•.+, - sap_ MarehalI tQ Univ.. 3399 Robinson, Cary & Sands 1..95 3¢0 St Paul White Lead & oil Co., 340 Western Machine Mfg. Co., 1.60 Dale, Grand to Front St. o 340 Austin -Western CO., 13.20 46.64 s 340 Builders Material Co., ® 69.75 34 Clapp. Norstrom & Riley, 9.87. 34 Manhattan oil Co., 10.50. 3:.. 6 34 Mitsch & Beak wag on Co., Nicole; Dean & Gregg, 6.00. Raymer Hardvare Co., 4.50 1.62. 340 Shevlin.-Carpenter Lbr. Co.. g$.36 34 at."'Paul Foundry Co., 5600 34 1 Washington Foundry Co., Market; 3rd. to 6th St. .12 Gus.D. Messing, •75 Prior Ave., Marshall to University 3 13 Builders Laterini too., 14.74 3380 3 14 Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 3 15 Western Machine Mfg. Co., 1 _n•.+, - sap_ MarehalI tQ Univ.. �' a >tal Corporat Purposes, 5.95.0��¢ )tal Special Fnn4is, 4.60 >tal Spec. ABs bs. Const. Acct.- 64,64 $tal all and 6, 520:20 n Fund: & Nr 'ion Tel,.r, r ✓ - 1• Fuad:'. tT Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-Paving,Contt. University Ave., Syndicate to City Limits 3416 Adam Decker Hardware Uo., 1.73 84.7 Barwell, Ozmun, Birk & Co., 629 54.68 34 8 Soehring Machine Co,,. .21 3 0 Yaendler Bros., 5.88 34 1 Manhattan oil Co., Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 7•0 34 2 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, .40 9.15 34 3 3444 Raymer -Hardware Co., St. Paul Foundry Co., 42.00 St. Paul White Lead & oil Co., _ 1:95 10.05 6 45 7 viscosity oil Co., - Western Machine Mfg. Co., lfi. 0 ,! Total University. ,Syndic a to L.! 163�f.69� 56.74 Total Spec. Assess. C nst. ct-Peeing, • F. No. 1811— iekolved .that lvarrants: upon the City Treasury, -ii he drawh, TO tel Spec.86868 CCriBt ACCt.' payable out of+I i 564.64, the hereinafter specifled Favor of the persona Orme tions for the .amounts their` respective names asspealfled .he following -detailed statement: Corporate Purposes-Munlclpal Fund; Clymer & 8aelster, ;lain & Gray, $1.90;: Furman funds and in! or corpora set opposlte. in; j Court; $93.00; Mc- :Tuttle, J Total 1- funds e 6 520.20 1 >tal Corporat Purposes, 5.95.0��¢ )tal Special Fnn4is, 4.60 >tal Spec. ABs bs. Const. Acct.- 64,64 $tal all and 6, 520:20 n Fund: & Nr 'ion Tel,.r, r ✓ - 1• Fuad:'. tT Fn:: ntiS�n� ' >tal Corporat Purposes, 5.95.0��¢ )tal Special Fnn4is, 4.60 >tal Spec. ABs bs. Const. Acct.- 64,64 $tal all and 6, 520:20 . c 4 - CITY OF, ST. PAUL L 1 ACCOUNTING',DEPARTMENL . - FORM COUNCIL - AUDITED CLAIMS RESOL:UTION PILENo ; . BY -- euoirsp P .1.z5 �� CITTCOYPTROLL[P {'PER' - Tlrt[ 12 - - - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds si#d their respective names as specified in the following detaded yin favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite statement: Yeas ( d) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Counci 13 'Farnsworth Goss In favor 91 Keller [ McColl Against- O'J eaiy Yoerg -- _— i Mr. President, Powers C. F. No. lsiz—, Resolved that warrants be drawn.. up" the Illy Treasury, payable out! of the'. hereinafter aPat,Hed funds. and! - in favor of the persons, firms or For- porations for the amounts set opposite ' their reapectly, names as spewflel in thefollnwing detailed statement' _ - Corporate Purposes—General Fund— Paving Equipment Account: Good - ' Roads Machinery Co., Est. No. i and Mal 2 road ,,;oilers 53,800.00' _ • Spec. Assess: Const. Acct: Paving Yoelt -& Westminster St.: St. Paul , - Lime &. 'Cement, Eat. No. '1, cement Dale..SL, Grand to Front: Builders. Material Co.; Eat. No. 1, cement, $3,884;00. Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.—Maryland; Brainard ;8ewer System: O'Neil & Preston,' Est. No. 4 and Hnal, 54,094.00. - - Spec. Assess. Const. Acet.—Mounds Park Blvd.:.F. E: Meacham, 8800.00; " F. E:Nalaon, $800.00; WET. Lemon, $250.00. - ! Special Funds—New Library Bldg.. Acct : Electus D. Latch old, $1.000.00. - ' Corporate. Pui1914 }� Adopted by the Council Sept. General b'ui Approved Sept- 18; .1914. (Supt. 19-1914) 28 Good RoadsMachinery Cc., n , filet. �l. and final 2 road rollers. v ' 3�ti00.00 "Const. Spec. Assets. Acot.-Paving t.`'• York•& Westminister St. 3,429 St". Paul •lime & Cement, Est #1, cement, $46,40r . Dale 8t. Grand to 'Front 3430 Builders N terial-Co., Est. 7, cement, X00! F r;. Spec. Assess, Oonet. Awct. :Maryland, Brainerd Sewer Bystem ' y oil ii & Preston, Set. #4 and final 4,094s00 3431 $peo. Assess. Const: Acct-- Mounds Park. Blvd. 432 F. E. Meacham,. 433 F. Z. Nelson, .500.00 250,00 34 :Walter T. Lemon, �> vd; 1'. ,2 `r. t 2 ;1612 .Special Funds New Library Bldg. Acct. 3435 Eleotus D. Letchfield, 1;000.00 Total Corporate Purpo ea.... ../C..... 3,800.00' " spec. Assess. onst. Aot-Paving........ 4,510.40 C �y n o e • sewers........ 4,094.00 Mounds Pk. Blvd. 1,250.00 Special Fun s ..... ........-............. 10000.00 Gdrand Total., 14,654.40 • Council File No.- By o. By v L1r- tter , of the ,--Olt or ! coats and expenses for a sewer on Cretin venue, r m Arbor etreet`t 9t ✓anus and on :Ann Arbor' rom Cretin. a ue to, Finn` 1 and on Temple :Court. an ,t set to: Cretin .ave nue un - al Order 99,461,- approved o-�' nervine havlr' • been had beRand th same I Hereby In all�re- apeata ratiaed,'and the sem 1 hereby'!, I Resolrde ed to b submitted to theDistrlet Court of they County or Rama y for>sment. —f tmatlon . }. Be It Further Resolved, That, - the' q 1, saidaaaesement be and -it Is . hereby de terminad to be payable 1q five equal !Installments as to each'ond'.every par-�, cel -of land described there[..' Adopted by the Counon Sept 16.B��eneee for In the matter of the assessment i 1914, I Approved Sept. 16, 1914. - (Sept, 19-1914) constructing a sang nn gratin avenue, from Ann Arbor street to St. Anthony avenue and on Ann Arbor street from Cretin avenue to Finn Avenue, and on Temple Court, from Rondo street to Cretin avenue. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Order 39461 approved June 81st 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequalinstallments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council SEP 15 19A 191—. City Clerk. Appro. a 191. or. c REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In theniatter of the assessment of.._ben_ef ire.,.__ Coet-s and p4pgAsea for the ctnlas.trusx.t.ion_.of.....a...-samer.....on._.Cretin..an-enue.,.,.._fro m.._ Ann.___ Arbor street to St. Anthony avenue, on Ann Arbor street from Cretin avenue--to-Tinb avenue, and on Temple Court, from Rondo street to Cretin avenue. - wider Preliminary Ordei•_..._...._.:..._........................-................................. Intermediary Order ...._.._............... _........... .................... _................. _____, Final Order --.....$.9.46.1 ............................ .............-_........... approved ._....__t7ttI19..._21et_._...... _.............. .191._3.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: } The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the.expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and is connection with the making of the. above improve- . anent, viz.: , Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - 4 .......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $..._...._.._14_._85._._..__ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - ....__ .............._....---..._..-_°---- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - 4._.....__195.00 Amount of court costs fnr confirmation - - - - 4...._..............._..._�......_...._.._ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - 4....M, 5$8.8.5__..._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- . tained, to -wit: the sun of 4....5.,.53B....8B........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said immnvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits IC.•F No lana- — ,, — . ,rn •, the matteL: of tne'Aase9amenr ot�.is beery completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the Callfelled �.�beneflta ooats,and expendo for oonf�' •struonng aaawer Oa Cretln dveoon„ - 'from Alan Arbor atrea :oto fit �An=.' siglmtme a sir ei Y om c�eFtn an n:Ann o,Fin a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and avenue Ana on Temple Court, from, 8onao.Btreef to Crean svenae u,r-;.c such action thereon as may be em)sidered proper. which is h(1 der 19na1 Order 39491: aDDro4ed inn¢ 21st, 1938 , - - on thbllo hearing baying been had upon .. t'aesatnant for the abo 6 )inrm f Council stlefactorin be 1der meat . the J-9.'Inobeen find- sand eseesB J-9.' 'beeag fnrthe coaeldered by ,the -------•- g bt h con iaered. reforpCommissioner of Finance. Resolved .�Thailtbe said: aeeesameni' 1.2914. ' �.¢ancil -SeIt. 16. Approved Sept. 16, 1914. (Sept. 19-1914) Council File No. By for 0 Ii Ratifying Assessment `s =- p `. p naopFea r -- , 1914 � �Spproyed 9ep't 16, 1814 } -. (9epC 19 3914) under Prmmary Ur3er -, termediary Order Final Order 38696 e t approved March 38th 191 3. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Ail Appi "C" St. Anthony Park North ` under Preliminary Order ,Intermediary Order-, Final Order 38696, approved March 28th 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County.of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Appro _ Council File No. for g ock2. By .'F?. oxo �In; thq ID4LYer o[ the asaepsmpnt',e E' � h �bege8ts andte7tppnaea fpps' Coq ` ,coats i ('�etruct[ng°+4t aeW drr-0rnnthh 8t. a,.,,,, .from Donwe tfe ttl Bltlak}�;.0 - � "Mill Ratifying Assessment. � In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and, expense - "C" St. Anthony Park North ` under Preliminary Order ,Intermediary Order-, Final Order 38696, approved March 28th 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County.of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Appro _ 00— . T1614 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 91.._. Ili the matter of the assessment ofbenefias.,...... conte.__and ...._egEpe}@ea.__for____the _ cone.t.ruc_tion......of._..a....ssw..az...nn_.Gran.them..._a_tr.e.e_t,...... from .._Ao.ll..._avenue__to ....... Block . "C" St._Anthony. Park _.North ................................- ..... .... ...,........-............................_.:.............................................__.:.. under Preliminary Ortler..:....... ................................................................... . intermediary Order ..................................................................... _.... _.__...... Final Order.__.. 3869 ...................................................... approved._........_Marc21.._38th........................191_.3. To the Contcil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures; necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: u - Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - -.._...57....OQ_................. _the Bum of $350- ,7..60 was appropriated Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - �__....._. _.._. gnd 8 t a81dde _...._.._....._out o the Hamlii Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - -!_._......... _.............. _........ _......... Jefferson sewer account of the Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - j;.._..._6Q_..40........... --- General fund Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - j.._.. -_-_ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $I _054.._60 lees the sum of 355.00 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sun of$...__699._6Q................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the No. att&r - Iti the mattes of the.saeeaement�bP 'bene8te,%coats and expenses for con S1gnHinle nl %etrueting-a'sewer on a a therm seg: Part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and .ave Us to Block ..(Y' -'"V Writhony Park North under :Fl which is he] " nen 0rdee38696 approved March E8th; such action thereon as may be considered proper. asla •A pniiII hearing hating been, --:h - upon the assessment for the above Im DDrovemerit -and said assessment hav- ing been 'further considered by theC/f ✓iC/�!?�.(�f�(�f Council and=shaving' beett cohsidered �_ . _. _. .... .... .._._._....._...� flnaliy"Satisfactory,-bb':_it therefore - (ioI11111iSS7oner of.Finance. ":Resolved, That, tIV&'aald .assessment be?anH the came isltereby in alle- ".Spects ratlfled,: and.the same is hetr ht hN n d 3r to Be:.s binitted%fn the DlnttS- .s Installments as to each and every par- cel of land described therein. Ado pled by the Council Sept. 16, 1914. Approved Sept. 10. 1914. . (Sept. 19-1914) Co' By 4 I\G,Ul ULllj termtned to be_*%-13le in five epusl..pvai a.. I In,Rtallmpnts ae"to nch and every pa +I cel of :land d aerlbed herein., Adopted by the'Councll"Sept. 11 1814. ADproved Sept 19.'1914. (Sept. 88 1914) In the matter of the assessment of__bDjtieji ±es Coate and exFBneee for cone ructino a aaasar on nf4 evenue from Page istreet to /A•rtin etwnet under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 38065 approved neinAmhar Inth 19"• A public hearing having been bad upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment_be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable T . in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Counl SE� f �5 �a L City Clerk. Approve 'd 191 Mayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .............................................. In the matter of the assessment ofbene-fi.ts . ..... n.os-ta and lgr !he-. Q-..QAM . . .. ...... . ....... ............................ .. qq T _n Page street to Curtice .............. . ............ .............. ............... . . . . . . .......... .street .................... ................................ ............................ . . . ......... . ... . ............ ........... . ............. ................ ................................................. underPreliminary Order..._............_.........._.......I ...................................... . Intermediary Order ....................... . .............................. . ....... ....... .... ... Final Orden ............. 3.8-0.65 ............... ........................... .. approved ........... D.G.O.O.MbO.r.1.2th ............. 191 To the Council of the City of St.,Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as at statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $.._959_._00 .................... . Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $ ........ 1.00 .._0 ... . ...... .. . .................. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - $ . ..... ....................... . . . . ........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ............. . .. . .................... ........... Total expenditures - - - - -- - - - - - -$1.,.034., Q0_........_..... Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the suni of $.;A34.9!q ............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. . .... . ....... . .......... . Commissioner of Finance. Connell File PROPOSAL FOR iWROV � and - PRELUUN ORDER. ' The Undersigned Hereby proposes the makin the following public improvem by the City of St. Pan], viz.:o.Qndelnning....and...taking_ :...esaement_An..:.the... _ e.eaaary.._for ......... slopes-,— 114--9f3n S#® row Smith Aza. ....- . ......... ........to.....tilzNevis...ll9.d....... ....... _...... _................ :.......... _......... _..... -._...... _........ _...... -..... ........... .... ............................ .--------._..__------ _------.:. r Dated this............. _15th.. y nfu ,Sentemh9 _....191.4.. PRHIiI1nIN,AR1',.ORD18R8.'�:,. K .._ Wbereae".'A wrttt ncproDt!eal $4��thsg,,y� -" .vskl Cohd ipnln6 ,gpdntgak nX�osiflaaP'x ';went 1tpg land tjecessa;y oYe'.:.n.Yppat`� Councilman. ;tor outs; and. 811@ Bra tug `�lnoboti , '8t: from $with Ave.;ln tb ChtppaWa. AVa b vlfig bean pr@s@nted 20 Lp@�Cpunoll bL tpo C1tyt of $t Pavl the;elt1r�Rp r u a � �' Resolved That the Commi@aipna;rDL �� , Z �'u511p Works bo sad h@ ie he�gby t '��� �� �. � �dbred and-dlr@cted t'y is t : WHEREAS, A wrioraeeranrpiohese@sits ,b�4r, gimprovement, viz.: ............................... _--" " " �,'. - a To,inY@etiBata ,t$e nature ,'.ext@fit ': S ; .»,� _..sf�].Xa<dQ.zgning....axld.. 'apdr o@Umated coat :ot eatd,.JSnprovehe._2=d._31e0.ee.SaTjr._. Qr....f3.lOpe9 is meat and: the foist coat thereof.., ��� - � 8 Ta LUIDtsh a '.Dlart pro8ls QT....4.Rti...R7A(1. ' sxetah oiseatli lmyrosement t.......f.TfJA]_.ismith._.AV.0-i..._jdo.__....._. .. 4o Surnlsh tho-aollowtng - `diher - ' data andantormatiop' relative to tlatd alppeWa}_de. �imorovamenL , h ......................._... ...._..._..... ..._..._ ....... . _. _ ................._..... 1 b iTrt„ata;p vihether or aoi aylQ tm. ....... . ............................ iavement;ja ask@81oY op the petition oCothree of mote owners s ..___.._.__.._......... ......... _................... ............ _. �.'o„'ieport vPOII all of th@-to;@ ..... .... ._.. .....__. .._..... .. aofp6 matters Yo the Commtbslone� b[ having been presented to the C Aa4Ft@ 43 ne Cot bcli $�ey�l i7 Stip: Heilman ....... _........... ...._._.. _...___._._....--- therefore, be it lnprov83 Seyt is "'i8i4 ;; - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:-..,_ ........... ...._:._... .......... ...... ............ .............. ................. .......... ........... _....... _................ -... ........... ....... _............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Conimissioner of Finance. SEF 17 1814 Adopted by the Council ......................._ ........................ 191_...._. Yeas: Nays Councilman Fa sworth / Ito$ p rov .....:.,/..........._ Kel r, 1 Me r r, ,= O' ary Yog ....... ..... ......... ...... _................ _.... _...........: _......:_ ._.. Mayor Po ers Mayor. Council bile No PROP68AL FOR 1WROV T.' and PRELUUN ORDER. �y " The imderaigned hereby proposes the makin f the following public iinprovem by the City of°St. Pan], vtz aP�A ml ng ..sad:.. skixlg easeml�nt 0 aaxX• ,', lxigT►1.th.:AVs. ..... $p$m,o eta-11�s .;1u ad P a tc; �miPPv. __ _-------- s 5 h i4cy.T ,fit ,L ..... ffla t ........ .................. � 19]4a o 041 Dated this�a%1 Y srmxi,lAMa eqa Ita`ka s ae'r N �hY-2.PuVr< 84s�P P(oaat;�: JA' t(Aitg essA ai. Sq aan�.RQ :r n ................. ,�+ A 4a>HbYitE'Ak$'t�a.{ywlT 47d:@3PS@ a.am14gt r,ayV �Mwl�t3u Councilman. - r� �" y Baa 'tauAmo'p�iawiza�Al.'}Au1R�Pini 'N �."rr _. �r � � %�att�3ag3uoigBraa4a avi m 7 i4 ti 7�'Y 4PTo 7 � -6v VkAstq�a47rxla fP a ?L�ilN�4.itb4i ani§t@JN fe�iY .;� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making'ofthe;folio'<ving improvemeut, viz.:.........._ ............... _.._ . ox�dQmnin ..._axad_takin za_ eawe ant�n. xhe._.lasld...nsa.eaaesY nr.....lnpes, from...3I0.11ih....AY9.....tQ_....._ .................. .....Chi.PpQV1%_.ATQ-*.... ..... _... ... .......... _. ... _............_. _. .:.. _.:........._......_.... having been presented to the Council of;the City.; of St. Paul by Councilman..._._........_.._.___...._._ ; therefore, be it . RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and .estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. :3: To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ::........... ....._.. .._........ .......... _....... ... _........... .......... ........ _...._........._.........._._..._._. .._._ .. .... ......_....---........... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cmninissioner of Finance. SES 171 1914 Adopted by the Council.. ......... ............ ........ ... ......... _._ Yeas: , Nays: Councilman Far swor•th (3os p\ _.......... L% $el r Me 11 01 Yo ary Mayor Po ere Mayor. . ,r City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof_.....__...._._._......._...._._._._._...._.........._.:.._._._._...._._._._._._........------- ..-_._._.------- 8urau of.._.........._._:..._._._._._...._...._._._._...._...._............_...._._...._....._--------- ._._._.4a. ---------------- ------------ . =sa= oma= 1617' ouncil File No. ...... --.........I ............... ... Date Presented ------------- y�:.� ��._._._----- _._._._..._.. _. ...-----..._._._._._:___._. Resolved, that the City of St. Paul accept from the St. Paul Seminary, a corporation, a eonveyanoe of the easterly 33 feet of Government Lot 3, except Summit avenue, and of the southerly 33 feet of Government Lot 3, except that part heretofore taken for park pur- poses, and for United States flowage rights, all in Section 5, Township ,28, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota; said conveyance being made for street purposes, and that the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to place the deed to .same upon record, upon approval thereof by the Corporation Counsel. Adopted by the Council .__......._...._._._._....$%_.� �_.. 4...._._ ..................... .......... ...... 1914. Yeas ( ) i Mr. President 1618 City of St.Paul Council Resolut on - General form. Department of ..fill �lr."_----..._-_.-_-_---_-_-_._-_-__.._._._._._._._.__._._... Bureauof_..._..:.........._._._......_......._...._._._._...._._...._._._._._._._.......... _- Council Fil?-No. .----- ............... ......._. Date Presented _................. ....... 1914. By.._...._._._ ..................._._._._._-_._...._... __._._._._...._------------------------------------------------------------------------- _. Resolved, that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby authorized to employ in his .Office, in addition to the other employee now therein, one senior clerk at an initial salary of $62.50 per month; the appointment 41 said clerk to be made subject to the Charter of the City and the ordinances passed in pursuance thereof. 1 c :F. 3o Sg1s—Bv s a sernswgrfh 'sj +,R,egolVed ThaL'c.ihb Commfeefon�9r�, o�� SEP 17 1914 Adopted by the Council ......... __..........__....__.__._-,..:..._._...._._._._._.w .......... ......... :-..__._.1914. Yeas ( ) Coun lmen ( ) Nays Par sworth Gos �a MCC 11 • Yo e g O� / O L L ry Approv L -f ._-........ 914. Kell r -.. Mayor Mr. President, Powe s LY, ving:,a percentage of C`oet price fox=.per dverVisement for' IAds,, the Purchasing Is band to the amount. of -'at, least :twenty ; ioned for. the. 'execution of a= con traot,with of said work in acCordance,crith the plane_ he bid is accepted, or in aieu thereof a Cent. of the amount.of the entshallin said advertiseiaent reserve �11 'tiids, Should all bids be:rQ�ected, � 1G VCilV 111 Q. �Gi. \iGll YGY� ': v Y � r ^.- �ai:d advert�s'erdent for bids; .the ;Purchasizig ;,., bLLidder�s boa to the amount,of at least twenty conditsoned for the execution of.;a contiact..wzth �rinance" of" said' woik' in-accorda7ice with"the plans " Gaffe :the bid is accepted; or_ isi lieu trhereof a . CITY OF SAINT PAUL. City Clerk's Office $ W 16`0 ......19 St.Paul �, 7Y Ile/F,e ed of Gity`Glerk Lon -General form. ._._._............. _...._.«_...------------- .r_r � �r _.---------- ._ __- __ -_ _.._..-------- _._._._ A". ��f� .mvevom eom-�me......�nmmaeeem� 4, . Date Presented .1914. unc vile N0. _._.«_._._._.w...«_. By"�----------------------------- __._..._._._._._...._..._._...._._._._._.«_._._ WHEREAS, ou the 30th day of June, 1914; Eugene L. Trask and Anna C. TrSsk,"hi's wife, and Geo. F. Long, unmarried, did make and F execute a certain warranty deed to the City of St. Paul of the foll-ow ing' described property, to -wit: A tract of land in the southwest quarter,of the northwest quarter of Section 32,' Township 29, Range 23, described as follower A strip of land sixty Peet wide contained within the lines of Medford avenue, as laid out in Desnoyer Park, produced southwesterly and to a e so therland line of Maplewood avenue produced northwesterly, northwe terlycto theoduced 60 feet wide eeasterlq linelines lewo of Medford avenue produeeod avenue drsouth- westerly. That the purpose of deeding said"property to the City -is to make a connection between the two streets indicated in. the description, the property conveyed not having been previously'dedieated for street pur- po'see; therefore, be. ,it _ — Resolved, That the City of St. Paul accept said property described f in said deed, and that the Comptroller be andhe is hereby bauthorized to place said deed upon record, ..upon app Corporation Counsel. SEP 17 1914, 1914. Adopted by the Council ---- _..... _.__.«_.«___«_..... w.......... `27e F':oE x1929-r3d"tiiob `� x 3 Yeas { ) Coun ilmen�� erg ons ke squ. a o i' i9� �u ne Sut rtak 2d C 0.7 Trac ��oWte tib § a' pe$' F� h rg.1 Par ewort 3mg{rlp rd�d pdakoratifl eae¢dtb Imes rain 7p , eefli io iheaOlLy^ t•�Sty _ Nta A.o " IxA 1 aM , MOOT: . efCL �� ��' ri },Efla¢ bPland aJA �h9 eoHl4�et Goo ? hHiWV0 Eh@}nb�av¢st4+i!laFteslot� Febt on �bwtie_'�filt.,pBXuRi4i"NASM 3 MeC 11 jgg dl"' id¢'"4 A ate} dr Ianaj 4giedwlthim the nn¢e dK..' atot ape�lue ga•tott dut In De9noyi�r 4' :b F. p duded s¢htfiaeUt - . trrigr�Lq� the eonh'er Y ilhh°q't,.May1y"' Yoe,g Wood eveipe Drodiibednort iveeE¢Pl umfl a te'tiJp of lati t§0 'fat, fI tat edtthi tfietr h£ I�rva¢d; / ave d�4 a tE�tyeetef tztth } _. 0' ary d9,¢has. 914.7tu IHdae� $e l e r , d ml mh r o�yp etXtra at - x,_ .. ry I et�6 3txLG1"a- pS¢pdrty mayor � -e¢ vg� d taO X! 6P rgylodely ' y do to'Le ;or eEreet purltb @b there Mr. President,.Po rs ttl.e<netm Reetlived iThat the CftY of;`St Pavt iac¢epb;fiatd' RRropertl° d@acrlhea 1>f eatd ' - deed+ aljd tBat the p tli ty"he'�and, lxe to �ltereby,?allttFod��tep..a�e'ge4,�d :; _ deefl uRon recdrd ,'Lp@n appi°ov��YheYe ,�;:. " ` tlf'bY thb Corporat(oH Covneel �, a'` Adopted by Ehe Ctluntlii dept 17 183{ � - ADpreved CITY '& SAINT PAUL City Glerk's Office .. A. ................. `!J Re ed of Gity'Gterk , zk 19L4-/ p st.Paul lon - General form. �� //y� (�=cmccmccmmm mammma —1914. Date Presented ...... -_.-._.-._...-.-. :.: ne Eile •••-•-•• No. of June 1914,' Eugene L.. Trask and WMEAS, On the 30th day married, did make and' Anna C.'Treek _his wife, and Geo. F. Long, of St. Paul of the follow - deed to the City execute a certain warranty ing desoribed property, to -wit: quartof A tract of land in the soutehw23t e aribedfashfollows; A strip lines ftoetherSoutherly as 32,'Townahip 29, Rang , IM of.seotion land sixty feet wide eontainToduoed eouthwesterlyd within the Paxk, of land laid out in Desnoyer p and a strip line of Maplewood avenue produced northwesterly, Mkply, produced of Ma lewood aT©duped 60;feet wide oontaibed within the lines south - line of Medford avenue p northwesterly to the easterly •weoterly, ro erty to the City is to make That the purpoee of deeding said indicated the the two streets indicated in eddforrgtreet�pur- n between tio a c di a oon eviously dedicated . ne riot. having been pr property conveyed P ro y posee,•_ -e be it said propertydescribed Resolved, That the City of St. Paul accept Comptroller 'beandhereby rovalihorized in said deed, and that the thereof by the said deed upon:A,reoQ to place Corporation Counsel fi,#f .. 1914. ....._._._._._... Adopted by the Council .._._ 'fi e1i sq mou) ,SUIIEmop 1'snly (711+100 ' pl 's1u9II931o� a `puagsny aay SPMa,,,, Yeas ( ). Coun ilm@A, laaor Pun Sa613 vuaq Aq palnoas. ye a1II `� to SUP "Ill'— "14" - Sg llldd 8tl{1II2Q a98971.. u{u — 9 10 n011{'._ . RNG-uoo x,41 ul Pallnoao 8u{nII4 11—pa Tar iswortbi Goa a alIIyola 4a Ime9oJ''11 •g ilsal7 (lanoj. 61IIgo1d to lux 'a1IIgold go,69pnr MCO 11 ��zs Iti (IIP _ 11 alflV 11 slyl 1 n IDT.P,1 Q o 19130 yIU y111wo .PPII 7 Yoe,g a P vm a 1,', / / 0?1 ary Appro-e ....... - 914. Bel er __._. _ ....». Mayor + Mr. President, Pow ra M. N. GOSS COEp[IBSIONB¢ PUBLIC woA .I r OSCAR CLAUSSEN cBISP•srccress CITY OF SAINT PAUL DkPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St, Paul, Minn., Sept. 16, 1914. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I enclose deed and blueprint covering land required for construction of a sewer in connection with the Glenham-Maplewood System, final order for which was passed in Deoembeus 1913. At that time proceedings were started to secure an easement for the sewer to connect Medford and'Maplewood Avenues. The parties owning the tract of land offered to deed the necessary ground to complete the street intersection as it was their intention to plat this ground in the near future. I would recommend that the deed be accepted. Yours truly, Commissioner Public Works. Dict.-G.H.H. �8ept. 15, 1914. -16 21 City of St,Paul Courier i Z Resolution - General form. Departmentof fi.;.es..__._...._._..._._._....__._._._._._.__._...._._._._._._...._._._._._._.. . Bureau of.,-.__BoAZE4.-Qg--WAL,*Jr- IV-=_-QQMIaRiORO.a..._._._._.....__._._._._._._._....._._._._._._._.-._..... .. RCaaRRCRRaCRR6Ra--�=�C ����������xavvv9xavCclxCaRaa6RaCR�mavvffiv GmRCOVO Council File No. ..--..____—_--------__-:_-- Date Presented __.. ._.... f_...:..._...1914. By.----------------- - ._._.-...._._._._._._._.-._. _ _ -- - - ...._ _ __ __ _ Resolved. that T3as Board of Water Conmi.esionere be authorize and d%reot,dg to l water msciTas on the followln named et'reete: Prior gve2rom Charles St.. 150 ft.. north of the " north 113me oY Charles St. Thomas Sb- Yrom Oxford to Lexington Ave. Gotaiaa St :from E. 4th to Siegel St. Prinoetoa jLve. , from Cleveland to Prior Ave. Stinsoxa S -b from Oxford to Lexington. - Hemline we_ . from Osoeola to St.Olair St. up 17� 1914 Adopted by the Coune i 1 a mayur Yeas ( ) Court :LMme1 Ear- swo r Gro s Moo 1 Q'?. r� Y Set er �1 President, Pov* r s a mayur OSCAR M. CELLER. PrIAene -.- M. d. OOSS S. A. FARNSWORTH CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTBEMNT OP PUBLIO UTIIdTIES _ BUREAU OE WATER O"ICES: 15 EAST FlPT" STREET Sept. 15, 1914. To The Honorable Council Of The City of St.Paul. Gentlemen: The Board of water Commissioners, at a meeting held this date, unanimously adopted the following resolution: "Resolved that the City Council be requested to authorize the laying of water mains on the follmwing streetb: Prior Ave., from Charles St, 150 ft. north of the north line of Charles St. Thomas St., from Oxford to Lexington. Gotzian St., from E. 4th to Siegel St. Princeton Ave., from Cleveland to Prior Ave. Stinson St., from Oxford to Lexington Ave. Hamline Ave., from Osceola to St.Clair gt. " Very my Y J CF/THD Secretary. CITY OF SAINT PAUL St.Pau1 � City Clerk's Office on -'General form. 191721-629 A .......................�.............................. _.. /GZ Received of City Clerk � -�......... ..... _.......... ..._._._._:_.:._...._.ww........ ..... to Presented .._._.__......._.....__._..1914. ----------------- Resolved, ti'"the contract bearing date September 14th, 1914, by and between Thornton Brothers and the City of St. Paul for paving with two course concrete, the alley in'Blook 13, Wood- land Park Addition, be and -the same is hereby apprdved,'and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf , of the City. M c��P'eoly i 9},4 qq ear a h h � g�b r�0 RY h��r#f2Pribtty '�. i UIP [C17'$•8 psythorla dt itys ''--�' . cep `aMe O}t 8 k h onteM1� rhe�C 19a� AYSS 1} Adopted by the Council S P :17 (914 1914. Yeas { ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth (los MCC 1 Yoezg 0 ILE arYAppro %__l 14. Iiel er Mayor -. _.. Mr. President, Powirs CITY OF SAINT' U City Clerk's Of q°'Bt .Paul - General form. ...._.._._._...__.__.__._:_._-_.w------------- Re ved of City- Clerk XV C2 Presented .._._._._._._._......__..191"4. xx. --$p.._._...._._...._._._...._......_...._._.__._._._...................................... ._._._._...._--------------- _._.__._.__._._._.. Resolved, that the contract bearing date September 16th, 1914, by and between the Beeoher Improvement Company and the City of St. Paul, for grading and curbing Como avenue west, from Carter avenue to Eustis street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City.g a fie bn� Bra pF �1Ytho� I x8 do l W tto�e , the; 'ga'm3 dri.tihalY oi�i}{e ' �Adontei7 By" thg L+4nmtl�eent. �1�'�81,�.i SEP 17 1914 Adopted by the Council------- ------------------------------------- ...................... ........ .___._.1914. Yeas ( ) Counc lmen ( ) Nays Farn worth Goss Mccol 1 Yoer / O'Leary py Ap.. 1914. Kell r ._ » . ._Mayor. _._. Mr. President, Powe s 1: ClWy OF SAINT ' PAUL City Clerk's Office e St,Paul Lon / 19 - General form. _1.624 $sewed of�PCity Clerk Cp ............... _._.__. _._, __._._------- ------ ----------- _------ --------- ----------------- e Presented_...._._.1914. -- By _._._._.----_----._._..---._._._._._._._._._._----------- .-.----- ._.-• •-- - - __._._._. Resolved, that the contract bearing date September 15,'1914, by and between the Standard Asphalt & Rubber Company and the City of St. Paul for 13,500 pounds, of asphalt filer, for paving the. approaches to the Minnesota Transfer Bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf -of the City. - G$e'§�lded yThat 3h@ cgntrapt Seartn$! , ' �giLq epte �7 391(" 6y and •be , tyP�e� � t el ASC.halt &$nhber ,C-o anY. Y. oL BCa+Pav1 `SOrf 5 B@> abPli83t N110r .xo�; a�d,�het'@a}}tA id h9rA y thot,pproper efts . gRlaettvi d'dlL,'t . b5 @Seoutg j� Hait of Lha C14Y ,. rt. AdoIFtBQ'oFf cI188DS.,i17 383; - ADDTov@'d �e39 191X ,y . Adopted by the Council _��y14-•-•-•-•--`-^••-••-............ 1914. Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ): Nays Par worth Goo MCC 1 „ Yoe g 0'L ary ZrjovL�"4... _�- $e er Mayer Mr. President, Po ers GITYt OF SAINT- PAUL Cjty.Glerk's 01H-1625 y , ��.,.....191 $.Paul v y -General form. Received of Gity Gle�rk ,.l.. _ ........... ................. . //��� /Ly �� avoca acsaaa�amaaooamaaaaraa Iafe Presented ...................... .1914. By--_._..__...._------------------------------------------------------- __.-....__._....-._._...._._---------------------------- -•- Resolved, that the contract bearing date $erptember 15th, 1914, by and between Doherty & Son and the City of St. Paul for the-con- struction of a sewer on Geranium.street from Forest street to Cypress street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. :'..... �.._.. ._.-. ,.. _ .:... .. `.... ��t1�Ec O�Cdsn'Deo�'ps eti'•.e� �d ���� ... kgy��hez!�3L+sUAr49ed r 4f�W. - tlk b+ty� p,Rlaera+l0.tm" 6nthoxikd�it ait dT3 };eotedtttl,�eYacSte�tha edtne on�behat[. t �, aoptea eq we Y)ouncu egvypti�:�,:ss�, `. �,2. �ppro�ed BetiL'�.B x1,914 �+'�- qj4 14 A . Adopted by the Counci............................ ................... ......... _....... 1914. Yeas (` ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth „ Gos Mc 11 7 Yoe g .00 L Sel er Mayor Mr. President, Pow rs CITY .OF SAINT PAUL 4 City Clerk's Offic , t.Paul �j' General form: r, 1 Received of City Cl ,. Ct.. ,.,,.,,............. .. .................... ,...................... • ,, _.-._- -------------- ---._..._._._._._._..._. /y�� /Y/ ��nl CcvCCGcv�ccvvvvcvCvvSOOOv®, IC7 Presented ------ —_------- .. By--------------------------------- Resolved, -._._Resolved, that the contract bearing date September 15, 1914, by and between O'Neil & Preston and the City. of St. Paul for the Y construction of a sewer. on Roebe street from a point opposite Lot 4, Block B, Ridgewood park, to Ridgewood avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. "i�14u liwe ;�4 A t 'e§b1Vefl 'Mat theYcartFeAet shneaa*��$. Yd e' eutem¢� nc. r W h FttY . .lett oN'mr ' Pre t s ��C ,qh P9UL fok the ndEt�UC int Pt12Ci.a I gesvgr; ovr Ro�¢e etreAtY ftbtn e• Po-, Pap14' Q g 4g9W.b�4'k�0nue b.'A d LNA� ei+p fe heroPY a D�4Yed anis the DrOD . osa ioaez BiYa tithe �amN�eot�8behslt, 'fe pypc op efl 80 th}� 181.41'.60Dt. 17 r'�8}4i A 9n BePt• 2-........� }ei�) ..:sr.;S - -•-•-••---....__.._._._..1914. Adopted by the Council �•� Yeas ( ) Co ilmen ( )Naps Ear sworth r Goa MCC 11 Yoel g OIL ary Ap d-- Kel er _ -_ _ Mayor...._.-- Mr. President, Po era a -. CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Offic . St.Paul ^(30'7 a°1914/ on = General form. iw7tc -------- ----------- ----- ......_.__._._..__._._._._._._._._.._.__ __.. xeaxaaaeCaaaaaela aaaaaa90am „M1 e Presented ....._._._._._.__.._._..1914. By ------------------------------------------------- __. .............. _._ ...._ ._...._._._._._.__._._._._...._._._._._._._._._._.. Resolved, that the contract bearing date September 15th, 1914, by and between O'Neil & Preston and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Margaret•street.from Duluth avenue to Gotzian street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on be— tl k"yI�o Y$S�r ogtta�`t 6e'��rin �I half of the Cit �L$boLYod$ bs b e�ia b6� y • +tape - sflncemr �ir1»�e�d? sbe§ 4 Lw�enta "7 d &}, Lon, a#. nt bb Me t- , n s wBrF�nf2SAr6 F �Gfe lrolaLing aia�er�cY°mc aiuitor riga>a dl d4recrdrto�eXQciiameydbM}.bebeaC Pf�Lh i'91fY a Clf�9�eRL r%T 739,T4 , ,�gq��fea 4Y tbp�co , a i ove go Sttr, (8e4 SEP 17.1914 Adopted by the Council ....._._._..._._._. ............ Yeas ( ) Cou ilmen (. ) Nays Par sworth Goa MCC 1 Yoe g 0' ary APPro- - ...19 4. Ke or Mayor Mr. President, Po rs 'ii rV �� "� �j 'T 5 �t, ,. ,.1• .. ._ ,. ._ J i i' ! V t _ d aE`,1 ' .� �♦ ,,. .' .., '� ,,,'i .. r. .., ,. +' r { �9 S 1:�.. 4'i Jh Pi: k l An Mto gettlg"Q "Wtl +Taalt U T SEP 161914 CITY 00M PTPOLLER claim of Mrs. Chaskel AldeO" A ordinVoe to settle the THE, COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAT�T: , 't-Sbotion 1. That the proposition Of lire. Chaskel,Aldso to aompr.omieiand setti6 her claim against the City .Of St.Paul, arising out of injuries su I stajne4'"1oy reason of a fall on a 4efe, otive sidewalk on the 'east -side of John street, in front of No. 638 on said street, as is more pdrt car 1y_s6t Out in her communication to'the Council -,: payment to her of the sum Of under date Of jiuly'20tho 19,14, upon Seventyrif iVe Dollars, (t.75..00) be and the same is hereby accepted, and the e; o t'y 6ffjoerg.are authorized and directed to draw a 71 warrant upon�the City Treasurer in favor of William W. Fry, as attor- ney, for said claimant., payable out of the Compromise Account of the General, Fund, in the sum of Seventy-five Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City.Comptroller a'receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly exeout�ed by. her in a form to.be.approved by';,t1hp Corporation Attorney, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and de-. mandi of bvery kind and,nature, and more particularly on account of g - those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances herei,nabqve noted. Sebtion 2., This ordinance shall':take'effeot and be in force thirty days after its'passage and publication. It An Mto gettlg"Q "Wtl +Taalt U T SEP 161914 CITY 00M PTPOLLER claim of Mrs. Chaskel AldeO" A ordinVoe to settle the THE, COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAT�T: , 't-Sbotion 1. That the proposition Of lire. Chaskel,Aldso to aompr.omieiand setti6 her claim against the City .Of St.Paul, arising out of injuries su I stajne4'"1oy reason of a fall on a 4efe, otive sidewalk on the 'east -side of John street, in front of No. 638 on said street, as is more pdrt car 1y_s6t Out in her communication to'the Council -,: payment to her of the sum Of under date Of jiuly'20tho 19,14, upon Seventyrif iVe Dollars, (t.75..00) be and the same is hereby accepted, and the e; o t'y 6ffjoerg.are authorized and directed to draw a 71 warrant upon�the City Treasurer in favor of William W. Fry, as attor- ney, for said claimant., payable out of the Compromise Account of the General, Fund, in the sum of Seventy-five Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City.Comptroller a'receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly exeout�ed by. her in a form to.be.approved by';,t1hp Corporation Attorney, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and de-. mandi of bvery kind and,nature, and more particularly on account of g - those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances herei,nabqve noted. Sebtion 2., This ordinance shall':take'effeot and be in force thirty days after its'passage and publication. 'ITED _1629 SEP 16 1914, A. CITY COMP POLLER �5 �C ; -An-ordinance to settle the claim of Mrs.. Chaskel Aldelb`. THE-06UNCIL OF TIM CITY OF ST. PAUL' DOES ORDAI'.: " Z6 6-Bqotion I.. That the proposition of Mrs. Chaskel'Aldes to oompromii4i, and sbttji_hor claim against the City of St._Paul, arising out of -i pjurits plistal A I ad 12` by reason of a fall on a�defective sidewalk on the east 'diA6 of John street, in front of No. 638 on said street, as is more partienlaily-set out in her communication to the Council under data of July 20th, 1914, upon payment to her of the sum of Seventy-7fitel".Dox;'azs.-($75.00)., be and the same is,hereby accepted, and theqpeii city S yrs are authorized and directed -to draw a warrant upon the Ci of William W. Fry, as attor= ney for said olaiman hof the General Fund, in t or, -to be delivered o •troller a receipt ofsaid executed by her ` Corney, releasing and d. aria de mandi of every -count of those aribin t on the day and und P be n -force thirty �, /1Y7 PJ e�NP'F8978 drt lordYlnali:U> h $Yhoriz ll6 the Mlnne - _ 9.630 rrta�:`-. {I{I sots Tr9befe� it;SlwaY ComDanr toi �.�. � 1 ,; construct and ru'st>1ta1M d railwany' k4 spur track on ]dyrtle avenue yiMMY.' „ front of, Y,ofa fit atld sa, H9Ydltte Ylutlota 'F(rat Dlyl6ton WWWppq �.`3, �, Council oL the Gity OL 9t !En � > J v� ordain e + r / f .., u r•.. - ,:.y ?'ran, f.r , f An ordinano,e`author.izng the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company to construct and maintain a railway spur track on Myrtle avenue, in front of Lots 92 and 93, Hewitt.'s OutlOts, First Division. ,s THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: gestion 1. Authority and permission ar'e hereby given to the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company,'a'corporation, to construct and maintain a railway spur track on Myrtle avenue, beginning at the terminus of: the present track at a point where the westerly line of ' Lot 94, How ittle outiots, First -Division, intersects said Myrtle _ avenue, thence alOng Myrtle avenue in front of Lots 92 and 93, Hewitt's Outlots, First Division, to the point where the westerly line of Lot 92 intersects said Myrtle avenue, all as shown and indi- dated upon the'blue=print map, .hereto attached, and to operate freight oars thereon -for the,purpoae of receiving and discharging merchandise. This permission; however, is granted upon and expressly subject .to the following conditions: ` That the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company shall save the said Oity'harmless and -indemnify it against all damages,_ claims, judgments and costs whatsoever in any way arising out of the construction, maintenance, use, operation or removal of said track. 2. That said track shall be placed even with the surface of the roadway, and when necessary or ordered by the Commissioner of Public Worke or the,Couneil, the said Minnesota Transfer Railway .Com - pany shall plank and re -plank the same so as to render travel safe -and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow care to stand or. 'Y remain upon the roadway so as to interfere with public travel 3. That said track shall be taken up and removed from said roadway and street and the same restored to their original condition at the cost and expense of said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company ,Whenever the Council shall so order. g. That the said Minnesota Transfer Railway. Company shall signify in writing its acceptance of this ordinance and all the terms thereof within thirty,.days,aYter.the publication thereof. rkr� uz rj t Beotion 1630, 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication and:acceptanoe. Adopted by the Couocfl.._..,...i2�.._....191 y Yens. NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS s KELLER Q'o 'McGOLL 7i 0, O'LEARY YOERG NAYS 0 MR. PR IDENT (POWERS) f J '._' _ '., Honorable City Council, City of St. Paul. Your petitioners represent that they are the owners of lots.numbers ninety-two (92), ninety-three (93), ninety-four (94) and.n#bitty-five (95) of Hewitt rs out Tote, pivision ?To. 1 of the City of St. Paul, and that said lots are the only lets on the north side of Myrtle Avenue between Vandalia and Montgomery Streets; that heretofore and on January 31, 1912, the (,ity Council of St. Paul duly passed an ordinance, No. 3031, granting permission to the Minnesota Transfer. Railway Company to build a spur -track or side-track inifront of lots numbers,. ninety-four (94) and ninety-five (95} above mentioned. And your petitioners hereby respectfully request that per- mission be.given to the said Minnesota Transfer Railsay Company to build the,said side-track in front of lots numbers ninety-two (92) and ninety-three (93), {" Dated August, 1914. �g4 .•.d+ :caa..,,,,.. . uh a. ,� - .,,:;.a:; g.r, i ,z.;I:.,:..;. ..� :n'=�'°vi:?': Xi$i%f✓-� t � +' : t r}" h=.. „v.,_ ::.:. s :.. ,. $-. �.-: s 2,. atm'-; µ s' ': Ii k r. [;�,,.4 �",2`. ky;.A'^`s �i yy,- ^''"`+�.`� , i I:" -;2i( � � �.'N+%^ � '.. (. ^ c h `3�,f,,1 ... i , �,R_ h . %'G -W i u 5 �.,!-t5 - •�4t` .- - _ .. '�..� d...,v�, �, , .. �Y lF.(. �... '' w :. .z• ��.,::� ,.<+3S , i X �. ��">4J".. 1�1 4-M 4 .s1",pi '..a�"fis�Se :tv't. ��.. : - _ ... ,.- .... .... 5 .' aw.. S. ..�r�y. ,- ., ,- .w .. ,. ,: ... 7L .. :G7✓ y :, ., f:�. -., � .., � C L �;. vs n'ak'. 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S.;S:. +.�.., .., ,t.1. ,.5, , �;. ..ar � [f?.r:,�Fsi= � . vn s:..r ,.=r +e/ y�>.�, '�, S '�',:: 4 :$ .. . , r 4 <5 � - . h,. ., .'� -. •�#::. ,., ,,�'.+-. yy ,�. ,,...`t�- ..rix+, CM " wf: --:s' �. v . '?r .� -, s e s `;;r ,' t .' ._�-+. , S ,...t `�. ,:r:. .t,..ra.. ,�;,„,... -"., r .. eP :�..•.�.�a '�e, i`:.• ,;.,a,"�" . •w,:io a�irx. �, a��. '-.+�' r t +...; '�'. .:�^ his o.: - 4 :.._ '*�'`.,.. � .: �.� , ;.q��, �'.s � r ;-,�., �_.•.. <�`1'.: � ,,., _�.; ,.. -�¢� ' .. .?' .' .Nf�=� x: a�; �" +�'°.x ^ th �,. A/ +, fiY �t� t s � . e >.� r^%. ,»a. �' - w. r �" r ....;rx � �r�-�-: rr t .i.`a"t'..s'7�"`• 'a �+'u r. ., ����1" � •. �,�"F�" �C � s:t-n's ,} � .*T.r',wu_ .-, } r *� f r t. 3' �' i -y i ,� -t SCS{; : i . r ,'�•�," w2 -F_ > .`Yd:- Sm ''�,i`� ;:�{�� o-�;r. �"kiJ fli'•.�t:� `{; ss€'� f,,., •.�,a� �' �:`s'�.: ;� yrs- ,-� f.,. b�t:5 -� o -s ` 1 -c',� �'• `�; �'�i 1,, w 1-:'�2'.. `P " '�,_ �n ,u `� + �,. � � g s'd`�,�aNSw':.� il'�e�'n �r'k��R✓ �t. SN' � �" s u_ � _ .�__ +:� _ _ �u.y... _�� ..>.t. -.,. �:..- ,. ._ .4' __ : i ®IMS _163 t,: • INTERMEDIARY ORDER. h the Matter of.._..,eurbing .the„West„_side, of, Dunlap. street frorn.__Summit __ snd.Avenue...__.......... ........... ................... .................. ...... ..... .... ................................ _ ........ ._m............._.._ _.. ovaurL.*� under -Preliminary Order.,.__6i.9.9.............. ____...... _._............_.._approved ....July„,,15th�,,,_1914_,._.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: -1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to,be proceeded with. i 'That, the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is CUTbiRg_,_the WeSt sisipi Dunlap stress.. from_Biunmit.._a¢.enue..to.....Oxand._ayenua._ ......... .--- _ _--- __ .. _.................. _............. _.__...... ..... -- .. __.............. . r - 0 46 er front foot. with nb;alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $;.._....t_..___1? ._..._._ ,.Resolved,Further, That a,publie hearing be had on said improvement on the...._13th _ _dap, of _..__.. 191:4_, at *the hour of...._..10_......... o'clock_.._....�..bi, in the_._QO.t3eil Chamber'' room ofithe;Court,House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notiof said meeting: to the persons and in. the manner provided by, the Charter, stating the time and ee a place of hearing, the:Siatuie of the in and the total cost thereof as estimated. L Adopted by- the _Council.i 7 If // Cl Appro Conncilmea Fa eworthRN CalYEDleaY ol�nyts3Ys C $ No 388Y BYi� A�nrnad orth ({ _Iq the Matter of aurbin3rzha W ti°�1dee m11aD,t§trees sro}nr�ninm t” Y {Ln'4ra�(d�'AYepuer.undet` .pFelfm r �,„�lnarri;, Qyddr 11$ n�DDYed-�vY9'��•� he, YBYS t �.c Theaundt} �ofssths• Citi+ oxist.;Paut ” '2tnY}ng�recelv�d'tlte .rBDdTt ¢f Lhe: Com 11 t�leat� m"a0A6tiavlvB� con }dared _ �'sdrsePorihpsAb`reaolvee '1 �1 That the a de.HDoXt be and the ; 117 rY �aa4telq )iesebY+&pDrnYed and adoPtbd an¢t thg s�ytd imptov.�inent to hereby or � r - - ,der ropeedea�with t -{ e g2 Thafe aatyraof the improve ment WA1'ch"tha Coan'ah re0ommeneet cu�;bingthe wr'iet;ef�e of `Dunlap; s, - ` Mayor ,etOraad-tahv4 inoand eavo �ma�edhEodt ihereot Ss d8j cease Der } �eeolved•$atrtha}'',That a Dubltej _ . pbarfng xbe had oh ?teafd Smprapement.� ` on the'>38th deyhot October sue dodnatll ` hour o�40 o a16ak A A� Chambeti.; reom 81 'ot Lhe Courts 8ona6; _ and'�t:1tY Sall sBulYdln$ j'r �,- St. Slid That; th`d mee CommleelopeoG ' - - - Fln nce glWe ndticBi of said ttn F e.rmanner DlrO � � ry to the p�e�raoad and�iv, ttk the tuna ,� y � r t ��'" an a DladB ofs'tea�r7n$4�he na[ufe of tho sal aoet th e 5 4 , � y. }m�avautent{ and Che � � � , s s=�•'1 ,� A o L,edTb¢'the bd�i c1t $apt 7 •� t il' i`. e #. '�"ppxpFove�istt X7 9 Y�r � ��'` �6`�}. _ +�'�•� 16, COUNCIL FILE NO. ........- By.. ............. -... -..... - ...... ...... _.................... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER: In the Matter of.._.a.ona_trun'-ting....a..._e.ement...b.ioa.k.-Sidesralk....to.....a_..w.id.th....of.-Rix f e.et.._.on....the_.weat.._aide.-._of....Duniiap._..s.t.ree.t....f.rom....Grand.,.avenue ...._to....Summit....Aus.t,, under Preliminary Orde............. .........approved _Jt11y _ 15tkt, . 1 ,14,,, , .._. _............ .._ ._ The Council of the -City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: y approved aild. adopted, and the said improvement 1. T)�iat the said report be and the same is hereb is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._G.O.X1.atxwQ_ting $..._Cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the west Bide of Dunlap street ....... ......_. ..—--..._....._ .... from Grand avenue to. Summit Ave., ... ..... ---_................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 7.jhea1 foot.' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had'on said improvement on the..,......13th........... day of October__ 191-4., at the hour of....1Q_......... _.... o'clock .:..A ........... M., in theCounc.il_...Chamber. - 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissiouer of Finance. give,notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by -the Charter, stating the time and place. of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. sEp 17 W4 Adopted by the Couneil—__ _.........._. .:. _.19...:.._._ ....... . _ .._.._ .......__ City._._ r..._..... APProved..... ../_!_...........__........_..19�. Councilmen Farnhvorth COUNCIL FIL NO....................... ..... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. h the Matter of.._:au bing....Fly!...a.t .q_@.t.._from._Universi_ty., $.venue tothony ._St..__An.. aaanua.. ... _............. ..... ...._........................_ _ ..:.... _........ ... ........ ........... .................... .............._...................._........ under Preliminary Order ...4 %.........:_...._. .. ._.__............ ...... _approved .....Ji3Il8 30th$ 1914 ......................................... ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finanee upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That. the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._�rbi7lg',_ Frit street .om:_ITsliveraity....avenue.._to.....8.t........Anthony..._av_elaue.�._....... _...... _.......:............_:_.............__...._.....__... _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is h....._,3.e_Q...._:...._.. :; Resolved Further, That-apublic hearing be had on said improvement on the..... -13th ,....day of ...__..._._...... _.......... ........ 191-4., at the,hour of..._: Q.._.._:,..o'clock._.........._A..,i1s., in the_Counei.. _Chamber` 61 , room of the Court House -and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of.Finance" give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by, the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .^.._....._5�.._. 1914 ._19..._..._ i ............ Approved �%. .....19/ r, _._.._.._......._.______ .._..._.___._ .._.._. _ _. Adk Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth COUNCIL FILE NO ................... .............. _ ... __ INTERMEDIARY ORDER-. u In the Matter of_.._cone.tructing._a__eidewalk._.of cement blocks to a---w---i--d----t- h of r"six feet on the west side of Oxford street beginning at Fairmount.avenue ..... _.... _....................... thence -to-S£: 016ir street: under Preliminary Order_..... ...._la.$....................... _.......... .._approved ..... ............... Alig11•Bt........... ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:' 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement' is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3 n..ructin a - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_._CO__8t,,,___. sidewalk .of cement blocks to a width of six feet on -the west side of Oxford-stMeet..beginningat-Fa1rmount avenue thence -to --St-. "C38ir-8 ;-- ( _........ _. .___., . _----- ....._._........ ....:_:....... _._......_.........._............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._..49¢ p.e.r..._lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _...._13th...... ............day of On.toh9r.. .........191 _..., at the hour of.......10.._........ o elock...::A.:.....M., in the _Couneil_ Chamber r room hof. the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice. of. said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimat d. Adopted by the Council.__..._S�......�� i 12t4 . __19.__._._ • R' ._......... .__ .._.. ...... _... ...... .... -- ........... qq - rk. Approved ......1..._..../ ......... ,. ..19�.. Mayor Councilmen FarJk worth n Gos Ke M o11 /0easy Y g Mayor 'P ers T ._._634 COUNCIL FILE• N ............. By...:...:..ll(%?...c.._.............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of....acne.truating._.a....eidew.alk ._o .._cc» eat.. blRcka_..to a. width_.,_.,. of six feet on the North side of Pacific St. from Hester St. to Hastings kve., ander Preliminary Order_. 8$4 ._................._.... _....__approved .._ugust__3rd, ,.1914.... _. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upoir the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to, be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._Conetructing_ a_ side—w),., t, walk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the North side of.Pacific St from Hester`St:—to�ffae3nge Ave.- ...... _........... . -- - ._ ...... _:..._.._.._.._..._ with no. alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..Q.4$¢...p@rlineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the y ..da of October ' 1914 , at the'hour of...._...._l�_......o'clock._:...... .M., in the__Council Chamber.,-' .._... .._ .. room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notiee of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and, place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as est*!ed. E.% ! (P14 Adopted by the Ccnncil........... ... . .... _._...19..__._._ Approved.......<.--.:__._ ... .......... ._...19ji Councilmen Fa sworth Go $e er Me oll 0' eary Yo rg Mayor P ers i COUNCIL *LEND. / ... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER". In the Matter of- ._conetructing e. sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of s -ix -feet on'the south side of Randolph street from Snelling avenue to Fiedericka� e�reei " under Preliminary Order..._.....120.4 .. _...... -_.__............... ........ approved . A.119118t 15th, .1914 y . ................ _,,,,. , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2: That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._COAetruOtlrip a Bide- waa .:_ceanB t_.b:1Q..ka.....t.4_...a...wid.t1?....of....eix...feet.._g1 the eouth ei'de of Randolph 2..z S_t,.__Prom _Snelling AYe..r...._t9.. Fredericka. St. ......................_.. I with Bio alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0...49¢...peT.__lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........13th......,,,, ...... day of Oct,Okex.....191._4, at the houi of...._10._... ......... o'clock _..... _... Ai AL, in the.�Q.un,G11..._Cl�..4mber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and 5n the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and h place of hearing, the nature of the im rovement, and the total cost the f as t' d. SE�17N4 . f" Adopted by the Council __........ ............... ........... ...... City Approved.._ ...... . `../ �.....1 _ ..._....�_..—_.._._....__._ ........ ... _..:..... Councilmen Fa Laworth (Io a Kc ler M oil 0' eary" Y erg Mayor P vers mRKV $ g - 4 COUNCIL FI 0................................... By;Z; <<� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ar reconstructing., relaying and repairing with cement Li the BI ttel of _bine.k;3... to a....width.....of. six ....feat ....the_..pr.A-aOnt...a1.dewal.�Ce..._. on the fo�or1ng.streets, University avenue North side commencing lid8-..Yeett--W*.iit-of...Snsl.L4ng.-avenue thence west 2D-£set.,..--heginn3ng •24fset farther west thence west 104 Ft. beginning at Fry St. thenCa west 108 ft. under Preliminary Order_._..._98:5..._...___--- _.. __ _...._approved ...-Augus.L....3rd, ..1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having receivedthe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: l.": That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded With. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....ree.Qnfi±ruo_t.iAg., re— laying and pepairing with cement blocks to a width of six feet the present sidegalke:: on.:._the-..%Tlowing--streets,:-Un-iver.s.i-ty._ase.,._-Nor4h•--aide..aommenoing `,178;feet west of Snelling Ave. thence west 20 ft., beginning 24 feet _r iar#her-west-thenos gest 104- F't', beginning at-Frp etreet'-thsrrc8'west 108 f#.; with no alternatives„and that the estimated cost thereof is $_Q..y .pQ.r_._lirieal foot , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..._...13th.................... day of 191_A,"at the hour of.......... 1Q........_o'clock .......... _A�....M., in the..CounC11._-Chamber , room%the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof estimated. Adopted by the Council........_�� . 47( t” _._..19.......... ; ....... ....... _ _._...: ......_. ... ... _._-City Clerk. Approved_. �_.........../ 19 A4 p- Mayor. ' 1888=.=1-3i A, Farnsworth '' Councilmen Far worth hn`the aYatterotrecoratntrltttlg relay=„ !ng sad repalr]ng twn, cement; - bineke fo 7a�7rldth of aelx ieet,ttheJ . utreo!&, nky ialks on ttie foilOwlnR, tries 'streets nlvCrblGVTavaAtiij north alder; ' commencing�I7&feet eat o[ 9ne]iz.. ' fftlg aveNue theIICe we��20 teeG bei, Kell p ginning 24 feet father Weak thenP� Tweet 10}, f4-beglnntagFart Fry 9t: ;tiience westP308 f,G °tthder}lRell vp . Mc 311 ata Brae ,5 PP3e August s d' ,191f t'of 9t Pati} ,'.the LrOn�ci!};.6f the Gtr}^` 0' ary hggfng rgegiYed the reQotf:;ofeh - missto er7 of Fl>Aa7tc0 upon / >nlproyt�lOaG andy having 1 cohefderdd ; / e 1 Thathef Bald YepE Yo g bn and t3hk0 aa7de Is hQe,rbbY' aPPraved.'and ddopted an,`,d the chid 1Yriprovementls hereby QFr. l Mayor Pot ere aered to pe vrbeeeaea with 2: That the°:nature bt the Improve• j Moil eiecon4t Acting relaY1,1- an mr �A & 1 Yp�lz Seey the`preee}it 9Sdewalka bnhthe; 'follpwing• ;ltre�ta Ublverelty Avenue.. : f -6rin 'side, cbmmenclnt si7$ test "hest- 004;netitng Avec ,th,u&,; bleat ;9feet farther. West thence': 'Svg@@efipk 104 P@ef:;beglnning`at FrY 91Teei� ' • �i1g09�e atld 7.hai fethe�leetlmate dcost - the;sof is 49'centa Per lltteai foot a ,iteaolved Our. then That a pubilq hehrlPg be Diad on eaid'1t4tProvemen4 Itlttori th$ 13th daY oY Getoiter 1914 st the '. fho"ur 00� Or�omc61 of th8Court $4?!oE; - - aoA,.�ltY``H9a1] guilding`:in the C]tY, Be. stir '�fint the Go a dlm80itng�.to. Flnanee gtve:-nofic bf e_ U64 bvetr.he' Charter notatt is the time alnd '1 of fYearnnA'• t"'t en l oe [he'ifi-: nr vn0 a the. Inial oat thereof umntea. 1914. Ado -by the Council Sept 17. APProvea Sept 171�yei _ _.. COUNCILFILE�n..: _ .. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the clatter of_._..PatIng.:tha....allp—y. .in. tio.A . under Preliminary Order ......_._ 524.........., :_::._ approved...._Ju1y- Nth, ,1914......... _ ,............ _.... The Council of the City of St. Pa III having received the report of the Commissioner of-Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1_ That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. s 2.. That the nature of the improvement .,which the Council recommends is.......... );AXk4g.-_-the-_ alley in Block 1. Kern'S Addit n _..... ......... _..... _...._ ___. .._._.......... .......... _......... _ ....... ................ ............... .. ... . ..... .. ......................_.......-"_ __ ... .. .. ...-.. .. _....... _ -- 1 ------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is y; .. ,849 95 Resolved Further, That public hearing_ be had on said iniprovement-on the....... 1.4th..._...._....._day of .....191.4..., at the hoar of.._--...10 ......... o'clock.............A.—M., in the,.Gon.n—all x'j;. Ocoher,_:,-,_ .._. ._......_.. . w root 6 the. Court House and City Hall. Building in the City of St. Paul. Thfit the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place'of hearing, the nature of the improvement _and the total cost thereof as estimated. SO rf Adopted by the Council.._............:. ......................... 19 l ..- ._ _--._..................... __.. .... _. 1 Clerk. Approved._ _ --.��� r�..._19 _....' _ 7. ,Ch..... . Mayor. C r'lIo at9r h s6A, Parns}vorlh Councilmen Far 'worth 7n tneF]platter of suing Ih n13e$ Sqj ..- - . BZbdu,] %erne Addttfotihhder Pre ' .�3lminarY 9rder 9$4.3 Qp¢rgvod rJttly: ' 16th Y9d tiOs ?'rhetCquti'on'ot the CitY:pL t?xtpPafli, '. ' hav7h� rdcei qd tae "report pL'fhe CoSn klgtseloner+oi int-N ino tops ere $el r I�p�lSyem f<t�snd +'ehavtagf conafdered fsaitiprA,%t hgreby ree-.b ThB4 She hafd repgrG;be MC oll �9t'bereby.approred and adopted hand"kbit Haid i_Jirovero -k her�7Y or, iderGd tb be ""IM de-fieIR "k. " ,. 2i? T-ha 'thg gature o� thq latpro'so 0' eary men Whtch the C¢unclt it opmmenda Is pBVln'$'ihe a`Itey Tn Hloctc Y,$ertl a Ad clition Sth no,alternattvga 8n8 that Cthe,09t�mat9d oostztheren Sk ;1 849 96 YO rg I 8¢solged Further That.,. publtc 1.:' ihearfue be had' qfi eafd 7mprbveaienty - -' on;thq lith daydf October, }$14 aC the:' - Mayor' P erg hour nL 14 o ciogk A 11L ctn-the Conncu. _ {IChamber room 61 of the Cour¢-'Housei and�:i;ItY �-lall $ulldinip-ttt 2,hC'nCitY - St. "m - � fhe �p0F8obee nal in gihe�,�mann r p _ rotded by tTa Cp'nrter dt4tlPg Lh0 tl land'Place oLtnnhearing the nature oL rhe. imp[bVemenc and the thiel-Coet,there,' of as,eatfmated` � - + A,dopted by the Councit $ejSG 1q ;L93-{ _. fff ,r.?' iBeP,t. 1$ 1934); � '' •..� COUNCIL FILE NO....... . ... . .............. . ... . . ..... By W_�XOe �___ . ................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter..the following streets, Edmund ........................ . ...... ............n.. ­­­ . . _Tf6i­ ........... street from Snelling avenue to Fry, street and on Fry street Edmmd_._s1reet'__ta Charles atz-ae-t to Aldine street. pp oved Jul 31st 1914 under Preliminary Order_19Q.: ................. ............. .. ....... a r ............. .... A .............. .... ............ . .... - The Council of the City of St. Paul'haviug received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon thi above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._.ConetTLlCting a . ........ . sewer on"ihe foltlowing streets, Edmund street from Snelling avenue to yr-y-s-t. t—an"n-F-ry s-t re-at. 1-rom-Edinund. -a-tzee-.t_--t-0 Zhar1as_._s_trae.t.._and:. on Chailes'.street from Fry street to Aldine street. .. ..... ....... . .. . ...... . ............................... ... ... . . . ......... . ................................... . . . ... . ......... ... ...... . .............. . . ............. . .. ...... . ..... with no alternatives, and that the eatimated.cost thereof is $ 4; 710._3Q ..... ......, Resolved Further, That.a public hearing be had on said improvement on tbe-.11th .......... . .... . .. dayof _October,_„___am e .......... .... .... ..... . .. .............. 191.4 at the hour of ....... . .. 1.0 . . ...... o'clock ............. A.....M., in b 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as esti ated. SEP 1—f i914 Adopted by the Council._."...._ 19 ........ . . _L:... Ci Clerk. Approved .................... _7 ...........19. Z Councilmen Mayor Mayor. = E COUNCIL FILES NO... ............. ... _ By <la-31..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.._grading....Hyacinth.....e..tr.ee.t.-f.r.om Ear...l..etxe.e..t .t..Q...oxax?g ....a-txeet F _.......... ....... .................... ... _ . .Y. .... a d __.Ju,lY.....�:9.th.,-...1.91.4 .:. .__. under Preliminary Order.......�.1� .. .... rove .. ..... pp' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon {" the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That'the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the; pature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......grading....Hyacinth street fxs�.m.._ arl.....e-tr.aai.....ta.._.O.range.._a"tr.eat ....._.._..-.---.___..... _.._.____....:....__.._._---._-_. - ..................._.._ _... _.. . ...... _.: with no alternatives, 43_........ -._ and that the estimated cost thereof is $......._.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the...14th_.".," ._......day of , 9..Gta�@r............_:.._......_.._....191.4-, at the hourof.._...1D"--....o'clock........A.._...M.; in thP._..C.aune.i.l_.Chamber 61 That the Commissioner of Finance room of the:Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of'hearing, the nature of the SEproy ; re,t 4and the total cost th&osmated. Adopted by the Council....._........_..___.._........__11..........__......19.....___ am............_.............. / ity Clerk. Approved.-._...._�..� ...�...�.......... Councilmen Fa aworth qo s ge er Mc oil OJ cry' Yo g Mayor Pol ers -1-641 G COUNCIL FILE_110.................... .............. INTERMEDIARY. ORDER. In the Matter of_p.avisYg._..P1um...s.treet....fsam the. west. i_ine._ of .Maria .Ane.. ... the I' east line of Bates avenue•including intersections of Bates avenue, Plum r e -tree ---and--Hastings--av-enue under Preliminary Order . ................ ....approved _._NlY.. 15th, 1914 . ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. .That the said.report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.. ming:PZUtnetTeet from the west littie of Maria Ave. to the east line of Bates avenue including<` istersectiona of Bates -avenue; Pium. Ertr-ee-t anti—F:astiings- Avenue: ............... ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 14th.. .... _........... —day of 61 . .......191.4-, at the hour of ........... _AM., in the__CQuncil.__Chember'>' room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That. the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t re s imated. Adopted by the Connell SEP ! 19.......... ..._..... _ . ...... _..... _...... . .... ....-.. .... / C Approved_ �.../ ........ 19 l — Miyor, - rD F� ,BX'. AFFarhs'workh. , sn txFMatton of rp'¢vin� Philp atregt -` Councilmen F ' nsworth rro;tr§ west ltnp o;+M Ove to rte t a b 'it ofllatee-f�v t- a"Xnemd' , } a�I inklahi?st te§�cUtlyot Ban 3 sues (I s and rklirlgar Ord r{Q�O ap -i➢Ce99 a7 7bth - S39k�t 4�t T!QDUSL iofl eh �1ioLHt.'i.Paul, K ler ha celvea the repeat of illk Qm *1 10 d&I�Yahz� kporc It a above ,tnipFoVdfiOhhtr,'. and..having i a§�deredi COII aped abore erg.i resplyea 7 That {h'b eatfl�.^repbrt tje and thtl samW na.b4rabr•i4p roved and; adopted " 8➢df t ey saldx3mprovehiank'' id -Thereby'; ' 0 eaiy ordereII to be ptoeeedefl 5Ht1t vv _ ah',ak tihd�ne�tu`re QC xbp-improve . fient keb thho Couhe$Yiegmmenda ta` pavinerBlnm atreettrom, the Beat • Y erg of Elaxra'Sive to the' eoat line of site. avenge,* Ineludlne int@reatltto a oty Ba4pa F! en9Plf3 Pldhi gt et a' Mayor vera Ines KVQnue wt�h ny alternattves �:hrc;the _ eattm t��r•�g�ti„[perg,ey INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 1 In the Matter o£..__all.rbin .Ashland....avenue..... from:.>?.ewe:y.._akenua Ave under Preliminary ..Order -AB _........ _....... ....-.--_--.. ._.-approved ....June...._B..th.r.....:1914_............. .................... ._........... The Council of the. City St,..La laving received the report of,the-Commissioner of Pinanee upon the'`above,improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolyee" i That the said report be and th% same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to bo;proceeded with. 2. That- the gature of the improvement l¢Fiich the,Comfcil reconttnend'�ks a avenua .from__tlaa�e x =' .. .. e g � 394x82 with non lternatives and.that the estimated cost thereof is $ _ Resolved`Furthery That a ublic hearin tie ad on said iinpro ement on tfie.......15th;:.•,._�___.day- of OatOber .--:_:__ 191: .,`at the hour of.::.:__. Q_-o'clock._..._.A.,..._M., in th.'LCOUxLRi7.__Chainber room of the Conri House and City Hall Building in .the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of.said meeting to the persons and in,the manner provided -by. the Charter, stating the time and e' i place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated -' dd rj" Adopted by the'Council __.: S F (_-.- x.,.19_--•.-- '. _... City).,erk Approved:_:, 9.......191 Mayor. Councilmen Fa msivorth Gc e�361{tis "BY•8�d, 1+'eraewogth'" - qre �R`.�veit'$lan�emtvt�o C0 1 �Ave.T"ttn'er k'"J`flifminary Oe;y? 6='BDATobaii#J a 6tH' 1 14 e - -Kc Ier apncik- o t p,�9y4i patii� . i a a'g eadlved, e e o tvt ial9Ata(et$yg IfoA,ytb' a Com . ftii"bkoY§tuep'�s db A il e. above 11I OII N1g $o tivinoneidore{ ,: �be%89a4Y 2eaplvee , ww`t s _ An 1 ereb $t'eyor <he ani ihe.' n.7,�! �} i4vod„ hp.4e.doDted I- �' ealy or6eiega P1AVemea£ a19y hereby - .. %'§ Tfik be pceadetwkb.'sY, ' �nenE at. the hataras�ja Whleh }hA`Cou al alDrbve TI nor Inh i, �ecomtnende le Z' erg _e1tg_U gW eE3d.�awakl avenvaw�itlino,�. 0o�c tni� e`t "Arid that/ tbe. -the. Mayor P wer9 8o3rla 884 8E oto BTved'4hep -That; a }� oboe;-, - - �hays �th wed+oh Said ImGrov>DxAent . ' - �4ar„o 0 r�ofo �g gO,otober'�183; at tHo. .Chamite Xytlyd 81'� '� in `2h9 Couacnu - _ t�d.,C[t�'1•ia t..ti., ali�he;.QoUiN Havee'� - gf; �N glmm r, COUNCIL FILB ljiyi2..................... ............. ....... / By... 1% �l/2 . INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the hatter of__CQ.h.61 t 01-I1d$.....a.....cemen.t....e.idew.alk t...o.....a X....;fe.ati.... on the._.>7o.r_ :a.ireat.....f.rom...Paacal....av_ense__ n.....Alb.erii_:avenua_....._.._ under.Preliminary Order......_1359 ............ _ ... __... ......... approved_.. ........ .....A.U. U..e_t_. a8.th't .IRA .......... . .... ... The Council of the City' of St. Paul having received the report of the Colmnissioner of Finance upon ' the: above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and.adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. „ 2,. That the nature of the improvelnent which the Council recommends is...Q9I1.Qt1]Gt�11$....__ cement sidewalk... -Q-&--width- of ...a.i.x f.e.e.i_. on. the.._north._.aide.__of... Blair..attreet. f ram. Passel-ao-enue-- to--Alber-t- avenue . ... .........._ .__._......... . with no, alternatives, and that -the estimated cost thereof isq _Q_,_49¢ PBT._ lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._15.th....... _ ...........:._day of _......................... n.191.4._, at the hour of._...__1Q...._._o'clock ............A... M., in the_ri.Q.lin # 1....f`rklanlbeT room 3 the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and placle of hearing, the nature of the improvement; and the total cost thereof as esti ated. Adopted by the. Council __... SEP .9..4._ ..19 _.._._ -:a _ .. ........ ..._. . ........ _ ............. ............ /City Jerk. Approved_. 9...../ .....19. _.._.. .... _... .. ................ Mayor. Councilmen Fa nsworth u F No 1s¢a—v s n kenawortk €Ip the ,Matter .af coaatru At, a ce ff �ment eales�aikto ay �yl�th at R,1>=. . feet`on Yee nbrta side}ot alalr strA�t - Q ' a � fibra $aecal� ap sue tof Albert av � nue:Stndsrzrre�raltiaryrrorcie; lase {{ apppl':ov9d�^Angnsf Eath K814:Z ate. KIS, . ller TgetCmtaait blithe Clll of, 3q P6ut bav Cng°vecei�ted•'the report ot.th@ Com - - aii9albner of Tj'fnanbe a on the above tfralYrovement; end having COp¢[dared; .'M Coll said refiortz herebytreaolyea;a s z i �;Tliat the aeifl 'repot[ }he and the'- eame ls. Nerals apprp4a� a>Ed adopted . 0. eary and Lhe Date tmproyemSat CA hereby P let,d Yabe proaeaded wltti5 2 'that ills nature of fhe; fmpmye Aman vhlch the�9C6i3 1 redommeades. Y erg 4s,;conatraatlags' dateat sidewalk toj i a widtl! mf aLe, tee on,�the north efde; - of. 814ir atrget',from Pascal avenue ta; x' Mayor P wens IAA-UA—nue with no alternatives and `dist the .iUmp.E8d coat Qhereof ta.. � 49 cents par 1lneaf Resolved EurtfjeX r�'ha; a 3npllo' - hearing' fh ha :on said tp�proy ant; �on tiG'e. itth day bCOctober; }9T4 at the,_ haut•'of 10 o clobk A. M lnahe Couxit; - �cll Chamber rabm 6i o[ ;the Court; _ - - �8oue$<and Ctty;Ha1l $vildln,g is they , COUNCIL FILE NO....._ .................................... . By ... _........... _.................... .......... ............. ..._._._........ .............. . INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.__c_Qn$t.r..lxC..tii'lg ..a... s.id�walk_,.pf cement., blocks.., tqa .width .of (a )._..fnur._f ee t_ bn--b-o.th.....s.i.de.a_..of ..-L.Igh.tn.e.r._. Place .....fmom ._ Rycamore..._a.tree.t.....to_.. Acker street upder Preliminai Order..._... 1.0.57.._......:.. .., .t..._......a Ioved...:....Au uB_t...&th. 1974 ....:.......--- _........... Y \ pproved... g r.._. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:; 1. That the said reportbe and the -same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement r is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._COl1BtrUCtiilg 8_. _ sidewa.]k._nf-cement_-.hlocks. t.o....a-wid-th.._.of _(4..)_..f -cur.....feEt....an....ho-th__aidaa._,of Sycamore ....street...-to--.Aok.er--street :........... .... __........ .................. ___..._ _ with;no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.Q. ' ....¢_..p.er._..7<°3nea1 foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had- on said improvement on the 7 5.tf1.......................... day of _n ,i1 Chamber _'.0Ctab8r...... _.._. .... 1914_.:, at the hour of .......... 1Q......._o'clock. -... in the CoR__9._.....___-. € 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice 'of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP 1:r 1914 Adopted by the Council ._.._................ _. .. ...._.19__...._ _ .... ... _..... ............ ........................... _ Ci lerk. Approved .............. ..........I. .:......19 �. IVlayor. Councilmen Far sworth C fro F., rim the llattYzol $ �1-:Farnawortti . conetrJJ��etln� & �tde too wetlelol E cee '10Leaf on both dldea oCLig}j}Y' cke�leEree vhdeTc retJminsr tpto ge] p dao -1064 aDProved Anguat 8th 193# �the CohpFlt O! the, Clty et 3t, peal• havJngFrecelxe the r@port of the Com ; misafoner al mance cation the above.. C 011 Imhrovemen�t,;.and ,heying conafderedi � said rehort„I�ereby reaoige� -. 0' ar Y 6naeYbe s77a1d Yag araept'and as ptefl: ' lnrdered toFhe;proRDRr v��`tvithle heD)3Q� ; - YO 4 . ma.,s fiai ,Lha, natli�f<Yhe Smnt�a,::. Mayor COUNCIL /F/ILE/ BY ; INTERMEDIARY ORDER. . In the Matter of---- c.nne.irne.ting....a...s.erfer.._nn._ Ray ..a.tre_e.t....fro:>x...sl� tilde Av..gnt�� ' to_.St-.._Anthony-- avenue ... ...:. ....... .. :_............. _........................................... .................................. under Preliminary Order_._._ _`�61.............. ... _..._..... ........ approved .. June. $Oth, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner, of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.._GaI1Ht. ttC.ting_ a_,_ sewer on Ro.y_• street.._from_.Shielde.._Avenue:.. to:_St _._Anthony.._ayenue. ....... ...... _.............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..__.�..�r�..., a ...._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._ 15th............ _... _... day. of .0Gt0ber ....... 191-A, at the hour of......1Q........... _o'clock .......... A.,....AL, in tb4-Q- ;a.G1.1......C.baIfiber 61 room of the Court House and City 11811 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__._. _._SEP �� �y14 19._....... __..._......._...__._....._4-�Ij . ...._.............. f rk. Approved.......... f(...'.........�..�..... 19f -' �� ,/1 Councilmen Falsworth -1646 COUNCIL FILE ISO ' ........... .. .. By a fG INTERMEDIARY ORDER.. In the Matter OL_0.011struc.t ...... ......... Sherburne .................... avenue !T.o.w ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. . Sherburne Snelling amenueto -ay joize-st ................... ............ ........ ........ ............ ......... .......... ............... --- .................. ....... .... ......... . - ........ ......................... July 6th, 1914 ......... . ..... ............. ..... under Preliminary Order ... ............ . ... . ................ ...... ......... approved .................. .......................... .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, -and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is aono tnqtkP9-..-a..- Snelling avenue to Fry street At..AYgnqe' frPM Snllinaven ........ . ................ . ....................... ... . ......... .................... . ..... . ................ . . . ......... . ........ ....... ............. - - - ----------- - . ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 414 on the .......... ....... . ......... day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement :.................._....__..._191...4.., at the hour of ...... ...... . . 9 o'clock .......... m., in the..Qo.unc.jj ham ber 61 room of the, Court House and City Hall Bivilding in the City of St. Paul. 'That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by.,the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP 17 1814 '.Adopted by the CouneiL ................ . .... ....... . : . ... ..... .19-7 Approved, IM M ErIMIM 1MMMAr=W= , MMMMMOR llwl�v W�Mm MOMAMNA NOWE 4-647 COUNCIL FILE ....... . ...... ....... ........... . .. . ... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the -Matter cf_aono truc.tlng & cezent...AWWMA _91.. feet wide, o...l-b.9.1h .. .. .. ... sides -of Winona street between Smith avenue and Chippewa avenue. .......... _­.­_� ._..._...__...._._......._.....__I . .... ... ..... ..... . ............. ...... .... . ... .. .. ........ . . . . .. .. .... . ................. ....... .. . ... .......... ...................................... under Preliminary Order._ 9.9....... ... .... .... .._....approved .... ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of.the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby, resolves: 1. -That the said report.be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_­gknAt;!!qtA_P_g P_ sides.-o.f linjone- B.treat-l-e-twe-e.n. avenue and. -Cil. &AA a nu ............ .......... .......... . ......... .... ....... . . .... . . ................ ... ....... ........ . ......................... .... . - ------ ........ ............ d that the with n6.9&,rnatives,e estimated cost thereof is $0....49 ;Le.rU.-neal foot `.&6 .... :Resolved 1' d Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......_...._,..day of gi. 4 the .1 he bet Odt6be't I __ at the hour of ................ . o'clock ............ . ...................... . .. ...... . ............. room o the Court House and City Hall Ruilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..............SEP 17 1814.. .............. ........ ......... . _19 -Af- ......... . ... .... . ....... .. ..... ---- Clerk. Approved .. . ........ -7 . .....%........ 7-19 - - ----------- ------------- . . . . .. .......... . Mayor. Councilmen Fa: sw0 rth t sld-walk' otho['Winoga streetfietweah.pmitb ave ;,l Go a naE and Prenmindry Order 899 approYed Re ler XEI oll 01 eftry 1s+-cyTaat the said report be-and,Yhe. Yo rg Mayor P eraEstreat between:dmlth avenue, and Chip- - [that" thel.�eatltni I COUNCIL FILE ........ ..._............ /�J v/���p�_ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the blotter of_....c.on8..txu.ating._a....aaw-ex-..on--Wakes ieZd- suei�ue from- apse ^' !c. undec;Preliminary drder__617 ..... -......_... _.............._ -..._approved .._'7Uly _10th., ,1914...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the natureeof the improvement which the Council recommends is ....COT1BtTllC.tiTl.g fl.„_ y;,fl . eeveez_. an �akef.ieltl.. au.enae-from .....Maple-atreat ta--Gra.e_t -Stree-t_...-...._.._._....... ..._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.._$96+..$Z_........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.._.,.. 15th... _.... _........ day of Q1Lf.4beT- ..:_------ :_... .__..._1�J1__4., at the hour of _o'clock ...._A.�M., in the_C.O.l .I.Q. _-;Cf�1fl1IIbBT »_ s 61 w.%om', of the Court House and. City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Firmnee )onotice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ` S E P111.1gra Adopted by the Council ........ _ .. ......19..._.___ �(/f 2 ;g► Clerk. � 9 % Approved._ L... /...- ....19 ;x L ... _e7z . _..... Mayor.. Councilmen Fa sworth FG F Nd 1048—�Yq B FA Farn9workh �- �,;,,, Ta'tq_n+.'M'atter of 0oaetrupttna:.a eevgex - 4 s f ofit{�,� akedeld gvehua from Mapte ettke,,to"Tloreftt-&treat under Prelim - - rtf laary Order QiT-Approved'jJu1 10th , u � ler t�'T40yl oft�}j Cltiyh oi; nt�s Pati%.. . - th�'aging;%t`$�e1v0� tJ{afrepartrof the Com Coll err di iF[nance neon the above ilmpt8tent and; hagltlg'�cons[dered ' pokt`7iareby'resolves R 1 �T,lfatz the ealdsreport sbe and thrt ” •• eary aa[tle'_fe herby` approved Lind adopted atl� ithe sold 1mpr0vemhnt Iq herby or dere to �e psddeeded wti�h g R Tttatttherna�nre oi�the:jmprove ' erg >nen��wldch_the Caaacn recommend& fa , cdnetructing a ;e0wer on Wakedeld,:- Mayor Powers ag , from Mdple R[reet to Forest y tatrqeC.t.'withteno alterna[lvea, and that COU NCILILE NO .............._........ ................... .... 33, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of. .._9larbing.:Aurara....aYsnue._.fxcra.Dals_._atraet_-tA.....S.t.......Albans .....street. ... -........ -.............. ..... _.................... ........................___..........__........ ...... ...... __........ ...... ............._.......... .... ................ ............ ......... ._...._....._._..... ............ ......_.._....._.. under Preliminary Order ........._616._.__.................. :__._._............_._approved......1U1.y ...1.0_th,......1914............................... ..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:,. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._.._...Sld�t2�.1?$ .1Ur0..r avenu_e._.XQm._D..al,.e titrea.t.....ta:.,S.t._....Albans .... .tr.est..,.... __........... _..... _,_............. ..................... _............... ............. ...... .._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is•,$_.: 456.25__,._..,,.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._.16thay of 10A. Council.._Ghamber ` 61 at the hour of........ _.......... o'clock._ ....... _. _....M, m the room of the Court House and City Hall.Buiiding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _._......_SEP 1 i<.._ 1'�..._.19......._._ rt Clerk. Approved -..........J..._( :p Mayor. Councilmen. F•nsworth. G as g ler M Coll 7 O' easy Yc rg Mayor Pc vers COUNCIL FILE N0. _ ....:.... ............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of._._ourb.ing.._Bae.e.h:_.8_tr...e..t....fr.al>a_:..C.yp.xes_s..street.._to_..Earl.__street Tinder Preliminary Order ...... _... _1024:......... ._ ._............... ........ approved ....._AugUsa .7.tht 1914. . . _........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said -report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. i• 2. .That the nature of the, improvement which the Council recommends is....__C11lIlg,_;BeBCh. street from Qg�ress,_ste.et., to _Earl, _street:_..__..... _._'................ with no alternatives, and that,the estimated cost thereof is :fi......49..1.90__------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said itnprovement on the ......._Y6th. ................. _day of .QCtQb,@ . ........... ...... .... _............191.._'x, at the hour of....:._ .1.0.._...o'clock __.--A..M, in the...C..q.11Il,C�.�_.._r�l:amber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by.'the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereo as timated. Adopted by the. Council._._.....SEP A.P.I.4 ........ _ ...... .._ _; ............... _...... _...... --....... _..-.......... Clerk. ... ..__ ..... . Approved.. .19..F Mayor. Councilmen Fa nsworth -- — - - 4 C F No 1660—RY A. Farlt'aryorth - Tn the Matter oY;gcurbtnge Beech: street! Go s i,,fr*m}F7Ypre9s et;eek {0. EaA'�>f@reef: � tlnd'er Pr@llmiriary �6xde>{re;4198� apGK ' � proved4AvEv9t,4tb 1813 Ke ler Ttte oouyeu er;th ett3 D �sr Paul havlti§ re efved;the reDorCof the 4om=• `mteafonet+. L Ftnhnee uyon„ihe •aboyT �lmyroVem ut, and .havini,+.coaeidee�d Moll sold fepet, hereby re9aleve9 1 ,That !be said W. t eyanik the;+ - Lame; te3hexeby;s<ppraea and:. adoptedis ' 0' Lary }t eiltialdmprovemenf•.ia harsh»; ro dared ta'he nr,#seeded With 1r kj 2 , ,Tho the nature oL °th$-improve J, m"eaG�whl� the.4'onne-,"Noolnmedd 1*s� ' Y rg ourbing Beech `-`ah`eet fi:om CYDree&. et eaE to Ea Io-etNeetw`wftli 3(d lterna�il tlYeB: and {hat. the eatime.ted cosi: IIZayOrP weTS- Reaolved,,Faxt6eri That,ra pyblt - heartngbes.hadF,bn said tlnbrovement_ - ' Con Rh-e 18th day. af.Qctober, 1914 at they A .COUNCL FILE G By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 3 • In the Matter of_....ourbJzg...Eaat__Faur_th.._.a:tree.t....from....34ap.l.e.._ axe.e.t.....to Ho.pe........ street. under Preliminary Order ._._ ._113.1.... .. _.............. ......_approved_..___August.................. _. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be 'proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._Ctlrbinp EE.8t_.:. _ F_ Ilrth....at—r- t...Ixom..Ma .le_...atraet..._to..-.Hope--..a.tsee_t.._.. _....... .. _..._.._. .._.._...._-_...__... _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is . '�Q.7...7 ..___.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .._ 1_6th..... ...... _ day±bf,` '. 1s Ootober___. 191__4, at the hour of.1Q_ _. _o'cloek_.__,_ RL.... M., in the_ 0.11I1� Silaarber 61 room of the Court, House and City Hall Building in the -City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance ' give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time gnd place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total, cost thereof as est ated. Adopted by the Council .... .... ,SE.Q. 1-..._4...._19_ ........ _ ......... _ .._ .._ C ... f .- = .. _ .................. __................ Cit Clerk. %.. _19.._._.. Approved,:- ........... ............ %/ Mayor. Councilmen Fa sworth 'm'tha erfatt& o vsrbinlf asef Fo ctn' , rr atreet�?irom ltiaDla; street k3ovHdR fr 3atreet:under �Prellminary"g Qrder11: - <i S �apprbvpd August kith igY4 (^,Tha• Counofl ot<the�City n', 9t: Paut ' �hq.Vihk reetved the Of,thei�CgmJ 'H ler 3Na�[onar%oPtaghc uPol< the •hb6v6, I -• - lmprpvggieat pnd having conelderQ� - tha d iepgtk. herehy'resolvad },k:. _,,.. - - pp .�' a mhn the pfitd,;epgrt�.be and g , M all 4same fa Iiereb3 eApprpved apd ad'�pte�' ' Fand�the`eaid improvemont is liiereby� - - ,brdered £6'be}trdce�dad avkh, 0' Bary S r what the nathr of the 4mProdve )nent^whlch the Cdnnbil recommends,16. gourb[ng?Eaet FonrthptreetYrom -Mable' aheef L,p:Hope atreetywlth no-§.Itertm- YO rg-�tivee and"y that tha' estimated-��coet-: - trereof ler:S40773 + sr �. Resaived .Fhtrther � Thaf a �pubit. Mayor PO erS hearingf•ba, had on aald ilr' rovemih _ on the,lBth dap o1..,OCtober,,1914,the - rd• • the hour,', of 30 peibek A. IIL,•1h the KY; Gouaoll Chamber 'room 81' o[ 'the }tno fht Cit, of 8Ld C11 Halt,BV11d1ng, ' 4 Y j?aiil, at;thoCom-. _ misalonec%'ol Finance give notiee-0 ' said1. meeting to the persona and ;1n, the' a jing thdit me 3 d pl 6F of hear ngafat-a nature of;th0 impCove)n4nt. and the ;otat coatihereof ds;;eatlmated. `T Adopted,'by the Coune)1 Bept 17;-1914y - App1 bvbd Sept Y7. Y9I4 - � COUNOI FILE�IQ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of...Curb_ing Thomas._etreet frorc Pascal Avenue to .Albert Ave,, ._.._..___..__:.................................._..._..........__._......._....._........_._._................_._... _..... ......-........_...__....._..._ ....... ._.._..........................-............ under Preliminary Order 5.78 .......................... ....._...._..._approved ........J111.X..._Ztha._ WiA ..................... The Council of the City of. St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upoi the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....rrL1Tb.Ag...ThOIIl&B._St. from � as._al....Av.e.'Iu.e .to.....Albe0_..Av.e., ,_... _ . . ................... _.......... _._ ._.... ._. ....... .......... ....... ..... ,.............. _...----_..._ ._...._ - _.... .....__.. --... _ ..... witkno alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ _47.0-7.0_... _..... • Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. ........... ...:_..__.day of .................. _.....191.4__., at the hour of...,.1.4........... o'clock ......... ... A.a....11Z., in the Q4.Unpi,1_._Gh$mber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said, meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by, the Charter, stating the time and place of heiring, the nature of the improvement, and the totXcosthereof Is estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... SES 17, ....:........... _.... ... _......... ..._ it Clerk. SEP 17 1914 Approved......_............... ........... ............._...........19....__.._ Councilmen rn sw orth as K ler M,oll Oe'arY Yo g .. Mayor Po ers COUNCIL FILE NO ....... ......... ....... . ... . By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of__._.ZXAd.i.ng W.Y.0a 01ro.e.t. betwee.n Man om i: n "E , n* **d .Ohio ­_­ streets....,_ ----- -- - ------------ - ......... .. ...... 434 proved J.Une 310't4o� 191A..... under Preliminary Order_.................. : .......... ............... . ..... .. ...... ap ................... . .. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby. resolves: 1. That'the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to bb proceeded with. 2. That the mature. of the improvement which the Council recommends is gracUng--ly.o.ming e tie omin Ma n _.an&_.0hia 8.tX.Q..e._tA.! ......... . ..... ............ .... . ....... ... . .............. . ... ....... .... . ..... . .......... .... . . .......... ........... . ....... .. . ............. . ....................... .......... . ........ ... . .... . ............. . ...... ...... . ..... . ........ ........... with. no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.2,.._118..80 j1esolved Further, That' a.public h,eaiing be had on said improvement on the __._day of ' . ............. 4., at the hour of 1_0 . ........ o'clock-.... A. the _Council Chamber " roomo£ oi, the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as est' nated. Adopted by the Council .__... ._SE .P 17.1914 ... ... ..... ............ 6pz SEP 17 1914 Approved_ -----• . .. . ........ ... .. ............. 19 Mayor. Uouncilmen Falpsworth ■I q COUNCIL FIL 0._......_ ............ ........... E%. BY ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of........grading.3..1 ret.t...s.tr..e.e.t._.X.r.Q.zl F.Qnt..._s.tree,t,,to_._xgKnM street.,_:_ under Preiiminary Order_. -...1040 _ _. _ _._.._...approved ...Aggtzet Eth�....1914..._.. . The Council of the Citylof St. Paul having received the report of. the Commissioner of Finance opal @ the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. ,That ,the said report be and the Aaa1e, is hereby approved and,adopted, and the said improvement . is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. ' That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..:..._gr4S1..iDg__Barrett street from_ -Front..._ etre et, t.Q__hic$snty.. s.tract........_.............._. ..._.....__...._......... ..._._.. _ " 5 3 74 wRlCno alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_... '�. �.....______.__ 19th t resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._._.._.. _....-__._day of _ .....191.!_, at the hour of .._._10 ._.o'clock_.,._...1�,...Di, in ....__. the.._4'DUnCil ..Qhamber room eof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissionq of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as eQ)imated. S'rl' 17.1914 .._._.1s..._._ • Adopted by the Council ............ .�.................. .. _ ... _.. ... _ ...._..................... ..... .......... ._ C k. SEP 17 19.14 41 Approved..................... ........._. .. _..._....19 ......._ --......... _ ._. _ ._ --._ ... ....7 ... Mayor. — Councilmen Fa nsworth �u' : No lacgy S AFataswodh. fSnthe:Mattet`of treet grading^Barrett btreoj+� „ ;�YibmFrgnt:§iq.IdeEentlfBtredt.��,.! Go suaaet rrel{mtnar�� ozdero�o ayx ' � �pproved �PaSife4.�th 19Ff , . c�Thp CoyEici1� ot" thei Clty"r of at�Yaal� I „� Ke ler havingtr etvedstltie eDoti of the Com ; c `iulsbloneioL'inahce uD,on�tho above-. 1tnDtoVemenG;�'and having coaetdered. � �sald�reDoit hergbq megolvee .� "�. y s M oil 3 That thh eats xeDorc beraHa iise:' - - -dame, larhereliy apgroved�aad �doDted- !!lanel,agld},1mDrovemt?ac 0' efl]'y(orddred Yo'le procgeded :wltH N ,y 4',1,2 ItiThat the nature of,the� 1mDrov_e ,mebG"w lt+h06 Covncil recommende rgradingBarretYti-street, 7Lrom� Front,t, -;. - Y rg tract to 2ScKhnty atreef, with no al � I - t`@raatives Viand, ihdt the leenmated epeti the5eof is 3628 9� s r Mayors "tAeoiv�d Ftpther Tthc a Dul iu 1 `eating be ha8 on eatdmiaprovement -,! 'on the 38tH jday o>; D'otoliei 1931 at tH'e Hour of.;10 oc3oak:�. 1& In •th' }�CbunCClt Chamber =roam- 81 of the Court. [no ue&.snd!;Clty Halir Building lm�mttia -. ::P -A COUNCIL FILE .......... . . ........ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. ... ... .... ..... ................ ..... . .... ............... . . ........... ...................... .......................... In the Matter of Aypnue from Vandalia street to Pillsbury_. avenue .......... . - ................... .............. .......... ......... ............. ....... . ......... .................. .......... avenue . under Preliminary Order ........ . . 115 ............ ..... .. .......... ... ...._._approved ....._Jne 30th, 1914 ....... ........... . ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon OL th6 above improvement, and having considered said report, herV& resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approvAdland adopted, and the said improvement is he"reby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of We improvement which the Council recommends is.._._ ..grading..Cleora ... . .. .............. lixenus-1 mom.-Yand alla a-tre-el-to Plilghqxy ;xy.eAPA ............ . ....................... . . ....... . . ............ . ........ --- - ------- -------- . ................. .. . -- ........... . ..... ............ . ...... ................... ................. ............. . ... . ..... ..... ..... ... ...... . ....... .... ... . ...... . . . ...... . . . ....... . ....... . .. .......... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on. said improvement on the ........... . . :..day of _Octo..................._..:..._._.........__...191..._4, at the hour of ........... 19 .......... o'clock A.. ......At., in theGQUr C I Chamber 11- 6 room Ythe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of -bearing, the nature of the i rov W(jqnd the total cost thereof t* in ted. Adopted by the Council--- - .......... .............19_........_ 'SEP 17 1914 Approved._.........._......_.__.............._...................19........_.. Councilmen Far i sworth Gos gel r Me oll 0' ary Yo g Mayor Po 'ers Mayor. .A 1-656 COUNCIL FILENO.. .. .... ................. ............ . . By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ...9rading...1oui.a a.tr.ej0..t f Q Fp.j.g_qn avenue to D"�qn ........ .......... .. . . ......... .......... ......... . ............. avenue. .......... ............................. ... ........... .......... ............ .... . ...... . ... . ............ I . ... . . ....... ........... -under Preliminary Order-_.......-... .......... roved.... . . . . . ..... ...... app ........... ....... . .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon,,'_ the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is gx4op-g-1.911Ag�.. toDaY.to AKenue_A__ ........ . ... ... . . ............ . ............... . ................. .... ... . .................. .... . . .. . . ..... . ........... ..... . ..... . .............. .................. ...................... ....... .............. .. . ............ . ...... ......................... . .... . . ......... ...................... . . . ...... . .......... . ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s 1151.Z7 j . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... . .......lath .. . . ............ day of Qat-obar.—.., ---------------------------- - ---- 191-1-, at the hour of in the.00...uncil--Chamber . ........ . . ..... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City,9f St. Paul.., That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and thetotal cost thereof as estimated. SEP 19 Adopted by un ...... .......... the Council__ 17 W4:_ SEP 17 1914 Approved...._..-._........ ...... . .............. Councilmen Far: sworth Gos Ke l r Me( )II 0 ary Yoe g Mayor Po," !rs 1.656 COUNCIL FILE NO ... _ By / INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Iu the Matter of- ..... ...... grad.ing._.L:ouis......a.ire.Q.t...:.f..r.ptn..._Nelson..._anenue._. to Dayton avenue_..........._ ....................._......:............ under Preliminary Order ..._......... :............. .1.._.02.5... ........................... approved ....._._A49U_at..._7t4, ...._1914. ....... ._._.................. ;_.._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon'S,:,.:' the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be pioeeeded with:. 2. ;That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......9XAdtgg.. Louie.___ atrev_t_....tom_eaaoz3.....aQ.anue._.a.v._Dayton Avenue.A._........ _........ ......... ....... .............. ._..._.................. ....................._.__._:..: ........... _..... ........... .............._....._..._......_...-......:..:.......... _._.................. ......._.............. .... ..__........ ............. ......... _... ..._............ ............ .......... _...................... _........... --._._..... with no alternatives, and that the estimates• cost thereof is -s._..1<15.1._'�.7............ Resolved Further, That a public, hearing be had on said improvement on the _......... ].9_th... ...... ...... day of �0.t.OLl.@T_..._:.._...........__... _.......... _............ 191:.4_, at the hour of..._10._:............. o'clock._._A. .....M.; in theCOuriGi$.... beP, roomof the -.Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul.., That the Commissioner, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP 17 1914 .......19........._ Adopted by the Council_.._ ........................_...... .......... G(/1- f 3 SEP 17'1914 Approved.._ ................................. ........... __........... 19._......... __..____.._._...._.. G----zvY .. _. Mayor. . rr fiq Matf� oi'Yg* d ng luta oeireL Councilmen Fa sworth rroa, ivatsay avenue to paytnn ava 'under- rreuminary. Order i125° :8pproved quga'et gth X919 �. s tiO3 gel r Me 11 O'L ty Yoe i Mayor Po rs UEJ --1.657 COUNCIL/F/ILE---- ------ . -- - _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.....4rading._Pa.lace._a.tr.e.e.t...Xxcm...Prior .....av_e.nue. to. Fai..xv_ .ew .......... . avenue. _ ...... _................. _................ ...... -_...,..__....._......._......_:._........_ ........ ... .... _.a._.........._._..._.._.._...._........ ..... .... .. under Preliminary Order...` ..._418__ ................................... ---..._....,approved .._._..._JUne 30th 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the' above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement f is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._.. g.X'a.St ng,_ P418C6__ e tree_t_irom._Pri or..amenue...._t©._..Fairs..iew....au.enu_e._...__......._._..._................ ..... _......... _.................... ..... _:....................... _. r with no alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is . ...... ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on'the ............ ......... day of 191__4., at the hour of......_..10............ o'clock ......_....A.M., in the ._ C.ouneil.._.Chamber . 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice' of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by, the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ther of estimated. Adopted by the Council_._..__... .............19..._._._ i i a94,, C• erk. Approved_ ...... 19._..._. �...- _....... _..... - ------ ........ ........ Mayor. )H O 186Q i-j,A .A._Farrtaa+otth - nn the Efatler of grd�{itr{g paiges gtra�t�- fr�pV:P-rior avenu"e to Fatrvte;v ave; Councilmen Far worth nue ninue Erelimlaary or3er eXs t approved' June sath X19}4 �= c. rThe Qovndlr_oP the ClA oG.$G Paul: GOB having tep0kved tl e:r0pprt aP the Com miealonec ot" Finan�a v�of ttin abgva � - tmpravemenk sand �Lnvfng aon0ldered; kid -k thor'e ¢zi'*repolve¢ �', cf gel r 1 Taat the saaz>evart ba add'ttje` - � �d�e to Leieby appj�nv¢&a#d'adopted �. and the?, ga1,d lmprsvement fe-;hereby' MC 011 ordered',to beprge0gded with z2 g'Thht-Yha rnatpre 6 the_ Iinyrave= 'mont whiaMthd Cop'iclt ,recompYenda�s 0'L arY p'tdi!aweuernanithprior ave ; cb au✓3r- iereoa W'l that _the ,yef mat d coat' f ChereoP 7a =E I(3�tl7';41 Yoe RgeolYBd mFurther, That ;public• Leann$<be�had on reatd-ztrvlprtivement: on the 14th day oC'OcEaber 1814;..pt the'; Mayor Po rs ]1°Ur of30 aoloak Ma A M In the' Coun--', Y � dl Chgmber ronm4tl1 oC..the Court, House••. and Ctty Ha1Y 8ullding}n .the' _ � Clty^�Of�Bt Pav] �:'Thaf the Coigmie.-i 11'I IM19110 w J6 COUNCIL Fl INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of o..ana.tr.u6.ting._. aidewa2kz on. both -sides of.-Fi-hn Emenue . .. .... 1z0_t.".en_.Ro_b1_yn_.av_eaue. and U. -An-thony. avenue; -.------ under Preliminary Order -.2M ................ . .... ................. i..___.__._approved July Z7-th, 49 -14 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. improvement 2. That the nature of the which the Council recommends is.. wal , of F.1 -nn- --av-anue- between Rablym-"avenue-e -and-_8t-;----Aa-Vrony Ave. ...-.-__- . .............. . . ........... . ............ . .......... ................... .............. ............... - .................. ............ . .. . . . ... . . . .... . . ......... ...................................... . ................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ex -lineal foot ResolVed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. -day of 414 1 1 . I ­ 0.0-tober .... ...... --.-: .. . ..... . ............ 1914-.-, at the hour of 10 ----o'clock. ............ AR Al., in the.- 65 room ol the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hear��g, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP 17 14 Adopted by the Council......._.._... ....... .... ........... 19__..__ 9------- .......... ---- --- -- .... ...... . . ..................... .......... Cit Clerk. SEP 17 1914 Approved_ ................. . ......... . . . .......... ........ . . . ..... ............ - Mayor. Councilmen F rnsworth E4 u,,hTattvrrnt-�oePa4uatR_ C )as Aetween Ae <6Dqn,.T&y ".,Ppr I Aler r.�&4 :. &, ,, rt,of the Com PO ly aColl j, fte rCrba ands they •O'Leary if - Y )erg e Mayor wers v". urt -a L 1659 f� COUNCIL IILE� ' BY T INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the.Matter OF__COuatTUO ting ,,a„._sewer._. on„_Marion.., street from LAV780T1___...._.__. atres.t........... _....... .... .... ........._,....._................. .......... _........... _......... _.. ........ .......................... a under Preliminary Order 3.96- ...... .._......................... _... _...... ......... approved ..........June... 24th,...... 191.4.......... ...... ....... The Council of the City of St. Paxil having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. That the said report be and the game is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is: hereby ordered to be proceeded with. i' 2. That the nature-of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......G_Qna. T.U.Q..in..g<.a.._ s.e.WABT....on-.Mar_i.on.--etr-aeti,.._f-wom..._Law-so n-e-treet- to--Ger-an#um- at-reet_--------- _.-.------- ._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is. ........ 21-.6.9.2....7-2_ ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... Nth _.._....... __day of October . - -.---...........191.4--, ab the hour of.._.._� Q_..._....o'clock .........� is 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to-the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,: the nature of the im rovement ,'xA4 the total cost t eof as estimated: SEP 14'4 Adopted by the Council___ :.._............. _19.......... "i -- — . _ ......... _....... _... .................. �t lerk. SEP -17 1914 Approved........... ...... :.._...... ................ 19...... Councilmen Far sworth Go %e1 r Me 11 O'L 7-y Yoe g Mayor Po era -1660 COUNCIL FILE: N11 ............................. -INTERMEDIARY -ORDER. In the Matter of._.g.rading_...Poxex atzeet. ...from .-Wi-ldsr ztx"t .-tG-Olove-land avenue......._..---....... .......... . . .......... . .... .......... ....... ........ ....... .................. ....... . .. . .... . ...................... ......... ... .......... . .............. under Preliminary -Order -.-..133-7 . . ............ - . ....._approved....... .......... ... The Council of the City of St. Pdul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and 'having, considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That -the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......... 9114ADZ BQWe.r tX-eet----fTOM--W11d ar atre-et- to- -,Clev'e land wenua*.­­ ........ . ....... ..... .......... ...... . ......... ................ ....... . ........ . . . ........... ...... 1� . . .... . ........... . .. ........... ............... ........... . ................ . ...... ........... .......... ............ .... . ........... .. . ...... .. withno alternatives, and that the estimated cost, thereof is ................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the­AQ1.11 . .... . ..............day of - ..._...._...__..___._......191....4, at the hour of........._ o'clock ........... in the..:GD.Uncil...-Mamber room801T. the Court House, and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give n'otice:of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and vement, and the total cost the eof s imated. place of heqring, the nature of the impro SEP 17 1914 Adopted by the Council......__......_ ... .......... ....... ... . 19 ...... ....... .. ­­ .­­ . . .... ........................ it Clerk. SEP 17!914 Approved_. . .......... . .. ... .................._.....19......... ... . ....... .... . .. _­ ..... . ........................... . ... . ......... Mayor. Councilmen Fa 6swofth I Xftie. .rte Atne.PaWer att'aet;� - Go s Ke ler M( "011 O'eary Yo rg Mayor Po 7ers i JIM efltme�+tccoeatsiaa'E,ftT e4ixtcea$Dr.� R s •'w �ramt[➢IoG _ DdbtrP hAtitt tng,�baenhad, Council File No. a tttetA9, ae�eht.�or ills gbovpP ]m DrR vemefiyPgd; aaic( aeaeam�nt lta4tnk '�' 'been. gy'rtnerc�n�irreir"br tui cq�t en ana;a4in�pe n cone erenri�.11s'ar.�, , i9E8etoCYy"b�� it the a Orp'G` A"; , L By eao[vRd xhafi .h�rsaS{,na�amapt � nfl�-� ne �5ne�1ta'� itef�7ts tn- d�ra �. specie atrfled a'¢'$ t e ea ei Say Pra'hy rde etd�bexiibmtt etP tl•P� aLrict Du� atsa cbnt�ri Pt R���Y�,,EEa�*i . - gena atlod •�w Y. .�' ,C .-�. I ll tar P'4etheE•. tvs�j 1'hi��,��3h aemenYbg and Et�� bre dal ad+�'kar`bffi.L'Dasdpth Q14, se }na euiat#�*6*.sabtd eetcrYfEt ReS�F"* A[r1ttTd*-,Ae abed t(ra�eln'S^ ' $ tK F' esament. Ad¢pted bj! Lt�'7.7ourtetLEapL�7'i'�3't? �-PDro};¢d7�0 �T`}8t914. '�T-+,,. �S'y�•.. e i In the matter of the assessment of benefifiLQ_, CoetB anCl e7[UBABBB _ for constructing a newer on Hall avenue, from Augusta street to Wyoming Street under. Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Order—a93f39 approved June 9th 191. Apublic hearing having.been had upon the assessment for the above in1grovement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council,nd having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore t RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is herebgLrdered to be submitted to the District of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. ''r -BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby d " ermined to be payable in --s r�� equalinsta0ments a9;to each and every pal cel of.land described therein. Adopted. by_ the, Council SEP 17.1914 191 x <: City: Clerk. Approved ayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _.__........ ..................... :........................ 181.._. In the matter of the assessment of_b8A8Y1_t8.�._._C08.t8.-._BAd.._Et yp 88 _lor . the . conte �a�ruG.tion:.n3._s.�ssAex...ten-Hal.l...�v_enue_...... om A &usta_etree_t._to Nyomin-g._ under Preliminary Order ...... _..... _...._............. .... __..._..-.........---., lutermediary Order....------.......-----_—...._-------.-----, Final Order ----AW approved- _.June _._9th ___..---_--..181_..23. _ - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Comnissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement'of the expen- ditures necessarily. ineuired and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve= went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - — 5,637...00 The S= Of $3800 was Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $—------ 11.69._,. appropriated and set aside Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $--------- a----- out of the eeweT'.. Inspection fees - -, - - - - - - - - - $.-..._ 19b: 00..._ bond account Of ++ the general fund,` Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total e$ enditures - - - - - - - - $. a less fhe sum of Balance __ Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied �he total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-.3,_.043 ..69 —_.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited_ by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon "as may be considered proper. ���v Commissioner of Finance. -1662 e REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT " C6ng��F: aW IONER OF FINANCE ,.,'.ga3oh doef"irrd OFFICE �%om,aro�n . e 4 .L�iteegtvai!°�x4ataaeat 4b.� e.Ba @ qRa i" -..l s 4naa �xae:aam� 988 fOr "the OOII- In the matter of t �78d ro ba`y UbWtts "m t A t ... -----.-_--.------ abanirmii'o.�. a?�>3 th e5 � go}ve tt�-d a�ka�r a nafrom St Anthony avenue to �E °§oi"Rap — -- - under Preliminary order__.-_....-._-_.__.:._. _..._.._.__..__.., Intermediary Au 9t 87th ' 'Final Order­—A,0.129_--, approved -._._.--.--1�_-_..._.-._._.___..__....19I_3 f To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the makingof the above improve- ment, viz. • Cost of censtimetion 4 - - - ,- - - - - - - $_!F98.80._...__._._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-... 10' 08 ---- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $_-_-.----------- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - $ -- 45.00_ Amount of court'costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - _ _ _ _ $_553.88 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- . tained, to -wit: the sum of $-. §-3—A9__-,-.-,upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits eonferred thereon.; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, -identified by'the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such. action thereon as may be considered proper., Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. By Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of henefits conte and expenses for the construction a from 6t. Anthony avenue to Rondo street of a sewer on Herschel avenue, Final Order 40129 under Preliminary Order ,Intermediary Order ' approved • + A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having.been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is ,hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 17 W4 Z'Xla'��Citv Adopted by the Council Clerk. A C.4-pv.�Jo"1,fi6&t—`�"Y"'"y'°s 6��i�'.'�'� thr ' ,fie a9B �p �`i be� s Ufa'%Gd saps- �E4ei'in•S Tt.� �- .,.;8gwer dn+eaaa)ine ��. _ t -11�attgok to ¢6rtland e Flh({i qre�"�Qa6B'' Council File No.edat�tne�rt�l h as}a UL 5[ C Tl 'ieitr".i..- 4 kf 11¢' lad havtbB•, "en',' upon ..t,�Fi thaab§e)}t�fdri'the.abbveimp - nrov�a),pntr and patd;asaeeaglbnt.hav(h6g _ been further sb'nelaered by tifia Q¢pnalll. By 1 �ttnd;havin a€a.rcopo7deredylballyi Y ' lefacf¢ry be fCit({ererorer y„'':5 ?. " „Reoalve4 Thfit the eaid�;aaeeeep)�erik;. ' ;panlse §aitded nr8he-:naDsu_e' lh�ee6' Resolution �eaeatqq AC ba hndt}> is¢rabyfde �t. t lnod. b bb.,y aYR.btQ in-.RJe e9ua7, , lnatellMent� ea'�.ko sash spdveve�y�paf �uei ofs;land; dR45rtbe,l, t�ereln �. �A,{}o1ii:,ea by t e e¢unal} sept, lsl! •P,,ppJ_'dVdd NBD>a 8, 3'87{ p 9�. In the matter of the assessment of bimi i g COBta expenses for einniatriintITIF4 _ ____ On 188BA.n4ne Street from Abell street to Cortland under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order 40309 - approved - Septermber11th 1913 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for,the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the some is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. J!E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is 'hereby' determined to be payable in equal installments as to each,and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 17 151 G,; Adopted by the Council 191—.. "fy erk. Annrove 191 / /� REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment ofteAefi:te,_._oOste...and WGA@j!s^ for the con— __._0_t=Qtianstreet to :__ ................. _ ........._........... .... ... ---........................ ----- — — ...._ under Preliminary Final Order....___..ii$08._--... To the Council of, the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the'expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- jueult, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - . . . . $--$a6t144 __..._ Cost 'of .publishing notice Cost of postal •eards - - - - - - - - - $........... Inspection fees" - - - - - - - - - - - - $60.00 —_ Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures - - - - - ` - - - _ $-_898.60_.._.___..._.. Said Connnissioner further reports that he'has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -spit: the sum of $..__8.98...6._......—_upon each:and every lot, part.or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified bx the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be eonsidered proper. �.. ............... .... —.-- ---- -..._...__.__.— Commissioner of Finance. r—lnril File No. 170 feet West of the west line of Gorman avenue, under Preliminary Order ,Intermediary Order—, Final Order 492 , approved May 12th —191-3— A A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the -District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable. in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 17 1814 Council i By Ga Resolution Ratifying Assessment. bensf i ttg nostia ga^tj ex, enses for In the matter of the assessment of i 00 17o feet west of the west line of Gorman avenue, 14995 under Preliminary Order—,Intermediary Order Final Order ' approved Mai 18th 191—A A public hearing having been had.upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is herebx in all .respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Districi Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessmentbe and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 17 1814 Adnnred by the Council -1664 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �_...------- ------- __.._....__..391:._ In the matter of the assessment ofb@$efitex,._C08t8,_,_ pA.._eXpe@g@AB_._fOT. the OOn-____ 170_: � _�18at _c ._.tha_._�e.at:...line.-_of.-�Ormanravenue_.__....._ ..... _.._.....__._...__._._._____ —._._ under Preliminary Order ._..._.-_...__._.._...._... -- Intermediary Order .-.-____.__._._.___ Final To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- dit-dres necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- went, viz.: The sum of $53.00 Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $••313_50—.__•_.._..___ ---_._,was appropriated-' 8 00 out of. the Hamlin Cost of publishing' notice - - - - $-•---- ----- Jefferson sewer Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $---_._..._..._—aCC011I1t of the general fund. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - • - • - - $•_._arL:tQQ_� Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $------------------- Total. expenditures - - - - - - - ----- less the sum of Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied a $o a amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $3.U.'...50 each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Cgmmissioner of Finance. Co By -1665 conatz"ating a sewer on Montrose arem—P from Marwhall Avenue to Dayton avenue under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order 15458 approved October 35th Igl 3 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the'Council; and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. _ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 14,A 'lerk. layor. -1665 „,T**aetr °fi,} k4en aeeeas'mertt s � nvflt$ °Qataranll. eYpenev�f0�°art �; Council File No. t"'ct1° s a°war °n nt°nt`° a� e La11a11ra4Qn, b ons . lbn r By r' Resolution ati ying ssessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits posts and e7ipenses for pone rttpting a sewer nn Monnttrpge Avenues from Itarshall avenue to Dayton avenue, under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order l 51458 approved Optober 85th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, end said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council SER 14 Ib I�} City'Clerk. Approve / -191 Mayor. ' REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of beneYite,--__Costs and g�{pg�ees for the onnsxlactLRI1._.A..f_a_aeeler—onMontrose avenue, from Marshall avenue to aaytdn__av_e_rain......... .... —............. _........... _... ......... ............. ----.......................... ....._...._......_..._._......_.__.._...-— _...^_._._ under Preliminary Order. .... _..... ......... -.._.............. _.......... _.... -....... Intermediary Order...._...-. ...... .... —.__....------._ Final Order ..__._-154 8.--...__._.__...____.........____., approved _OOtober_85th To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement ofthe expen- ditures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.:' Cost of construction - . - - - - - - - - - - Cost -of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - 12.52 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $___.._-75.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_..__— .......... ........ Total expenditures - - - - - - _ $-1,437.53__ Said Commissioner; further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sun, of $.-1., 437.53_ -_..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of .land in' accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. CG By t1ja conat3nicti on of a 'sower nn, mnrtnn street, from Winslow avenue to a point 185 feet east of the east line of Winslow avenue and on ]Lorton street, from a point 185 feet east of the east line of Goff avenue to South Robert street under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order 14810 approved Tsnusry 29th 191. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and *the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. y BE IT�THEESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to .be payable in equal. installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the -Council SEP 17 1914 19 — y Clerk. Mayor. 1666 r uranc�e s�e� t douncil File 14j By Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter ofitheassessment of benefits costs and expenses for +hw rnna#rnrtMnn Of g 6ewAr nn Mnmtnn Street, from Winslow avenue to a point 185 feetf east of the east line of Winslow avenue and on Porton etre t"t from a oint 185 feet east of the east line of Goff avenue to 4th Robert street � under)Preliminary Order -------------- Intermediary Order—, Final Order 14810 a approved eI ^l'g �► `aAth 1913. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having'been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for. confirmation. BE IT F THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in' equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described thereiti. Adopted by the Council SEP 1' 19 14 19 — y Clerk. Approved 191 lblayor. w .V 77j -1666 REPORT "OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _... _..__._._ .._...... _.... .... _i rL..... In.the matter of the assessment ofbenefits2_ ¢ee for the Con— etrgoti�on of, a seaer.,on_Morton _street, from Winslow avenue to_a_point 125 feet east "of the east line of Winslow avenue 8nd on Morton street from a pointy ISS i`ee eaeF of the eae Tin`s "off-"Gbif—etv a'to--Bou-th-Robert street. under Preliminary Order .... _............... ._.... _._..... __.... Intermediary b ual Order._ _14H.14___.____�—._.._.:...�, approved _..... Jua±Y.29th, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner- of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures.necessarily. incurred and to, be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: , Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - ai Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - a Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.__125:.00__ , Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the .total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit; the sum of $_Aa0.Q..34..___._upon each and every lot, part or.parcel of land -deemed benefited w' by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that heretoattached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and -made a part hereof, is the said Assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. U. Commissioner of Finance. z r; • r +f j, _IL667' —�--.'2' cat fiF,j$ sem." �rF o'4tu� Yb tter, rnner t4PitA!( eae�e7�t tlZt tte a tr goptaS-0>9tgg€S9r t?,,nR U. aii`ba7ree�.omg9ng atYeek �;rro 'PagnaA-- avenue t f}reen1lrlec ` ' fiv. �e,�urider- Inal p2darr16}69,y aP�r Council File leo. grvavAtouii�sira9lss xt>, T` a3lPublte 'e�pyp Lav InB�1Leei�f�..6Pa 6upda fha sasses k>SAt the Yibo lim E ppTdyem¢ht ar�d; da! aeeeeameh�."h$vina,. i. bgdm >!urtb4n�Fo aldera8 by�tHe Counoll,. ' By 19ndNha�ltt econaideked 9natly{tr. 'ANfBcCdrY�b6; tky taekEt6}'e C- A . . t. -xa�t�§o1v a Tbat'Mthb aa(d_ aeeaeamen�k � rha"`e,Ct,ai �e i{erelty 1n atlt!sA- . alta g_.ratl dean Ythe anme Is herelS:l. I �'arS red Y Na auiamitted to�),ie Tllattl�+t„ CAurt of�thh?GOF,ntil ora n;ogay RQr onflrmat ayr'v Fi erSt�Ph lher Itgaolve l -h— tlle'I Resol i�Srdati ea t�o'16,k, ra�bl 11b ' gaushssment. I,netaltchente+u`a to an¢1li�,,'an �VN,ry y L` cel' or land d4�ecthgd',khele�t� c'�'� .A.doFCed by t CAh ¢Sl.$9aPt ?�jF914 In the matter of the assessment of b On Elf itey ee9 a and expenee9 for QonstrLetina a sewer on orallgR a+,•Ap+ prom Payne avenue to Greenbrier RV amts under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order -154-59 approved October 35th 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, andsaid assessment having been further considered by the'Couneil, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the some is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District -Court of the County of Ramsey for Fonfir�ation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable'. in 1=//'�� Z.�+-�A--equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council SEP 17 1914 191 -1-667- REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . . . . .......... . . . ........ . ...... .. - ------------ 191_ nt the In the matter of the assessment 3L ayne_avenue to Greenbrier _Ar-enua . ....... . ..... - --------- - ---------- under Preliminary Intermediary Order...:_-._..___.._._:_...._—__--_--, Final To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $ 9.60 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation $.___..___._._—...__. Total ------- Total expenditures - - - --- - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $__.9..48._6D___...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited . by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with thebenefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the,said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. CX Commissioner of Finance. s / >3l tpemnQt, i�NtHeas4ealimeb - r bej,5..+}e nq t�.aq, gezDejieah fo; con S - �laY . v .;{iaiOti� �¢ 8`l3nc>� tltrlfl8a iilm 'id` er��tStthei^nereseary--. . council File No, �tgep 3 anhote n dot a apyur�endttebe°: aD ,ortea tca te�trotn� the DTedant, outH6rIY �t ttllnUe�,Shetween, t1 - &Ergs{ and ptr-�tptr4at thenpa- PoBthejty 0 regtBy�,nnder =Final Ura�� - gD®�a�C�d„�O�ct�fe{�6j'h B. �a..is44?j f np�a Htartn, �$faav S been4�dS' napeat}neTSoYLe�',abav0 vpoRtHe'l vvToyemenc aad'eaid aeeeesmaPt, Pdq eKad byth�'->'oahct _ in '*"' r o'naideTe anatW-•aat bg ttadtory 1t, r6 X'AW, f3}ei'o1ve;1M,101a the�aatQtaeaeae �. '.be ah¢¢the atd�`1at hereliy..tn alts r11- eaeFta rntl}Irr. d thacealn'e,is Re orde5ed to beii �aittat�'"iba;ha'Alatriot;ssment. mutt ntlthd �aUtynty?ta5napl lrar - 1 Be" Tri Fur�YBr' e$ivea 8`hat� Yhe:, kaiae60baMalYbez$ d 3t16 hereby de -I b hYa63a �,tn Hve detlUdl. . .ter"atined�ttl inateilMenta aHe'eaah nd aver,D�r�r ceAdo iedaby t d b4 n 38 ! { for In the matter of the assessme 'inc .r8etnl'17 a D' aped be tx8a�2ht wer, together with the constructing a 9 necessary manholes and other appurtenances on Orleans street from the present southerly 'terminus between Ring street and Baker street, thence southerl 80 feet under Preliminary Order ,Intermediary Order , Final Order 15n 2 approved 191-3— A public hearing having been had upon the, assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in l equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council SEP 17 1914 1 Cit Clerk. 191r ' Approved C._ Co By 4 Inthe matter oftheassessmentof bensfi{ey_Costs and e*peneee — for constructing a 9 inch vitrified clay pipe sewer, together with the. necessary manholes and other appurtenances on Orleans street from the present southerly terminus between ging street and Baker street, thence southerly 80 feet - under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 154'7 approved 'nntnhar 25th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, That the said 'assessment be and itis hereby, determined to be payable in -'`equal installments as to each and every Parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council SEF 17 19M Approved ;1668 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessmentof.. b8I19f1t8�_ 00816—Aild. p 888gYOT the con- atopy Qi} ...Q_. a_..9._:_1.#ah._�tr:�f�__ul✓Y._Qi1�e-_eewer�_ together with the - necessary manholes and other appurtenances, on Orleans street from the present terminus between Ring street and Baker street, thence eoutherTy—�O i'eet, under Preliminary Urder_._-----------------•--.----> Zntermedimy Final Order_ _1545? To the Council of the City. of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $---1�-•+-- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $---- 6' 40-.-- i Cost of postal .wads - - - - - - - - - - ---- Inspection fees, - - - - - - -� Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $--------•-----=- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_...185.40.__.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such act7on thereon as may be considered proper, Commissioner of Finance. the west lime of Ottawa avenue. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Order eLOR1 O approved September 11th -1913 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects rat , and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_14�equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Approved -I 1 Co By 1669 u ..5 In the matter of the assessment of bSnAfitai c6sts and expenses for aonstructlag a Power on Page street, frnm Ottawa avenue to a point 160 feet west of the west lime of Ottawa avenue. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order 40310 , approved September 11th 191 3 , A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. . } BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby detefmined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council �FR 1 I 191.4 1 — City Cleric. Approved / 191 Mayor. AIL _1-669 a REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessipent __pj61nt.:"_16.0.... fekat..ueat._o4_tha--ae under Preliminary Order --_:_--___-- Intermediary Final Order—_._.__._._._.._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as. a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to. be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - _ $ 379.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - 6'97 Cost�of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - Inspeetion fees - - - - - - - - - - - _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - $._..._..�,�_•_3 ..._.__ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 3157. .9_._ _ .—upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the sai8 improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of. land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon;'that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto 'attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Cenunisaioner of Finance. Co By construotino a sewer on•Reaney street, from Atlantio to Olarenoe st under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ; Final Order 4ll-C , approved Tanttary 36th 191 4. A public hearing havipg been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the, said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE H�ITT� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Approved-= 1 4 Y 7® Col By w In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Reaney street, from Atlantic to Clarence at under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order b1 7 AE] _ _ approved "nary 26th 1914. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable R in_ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council P d �� 1 Q 1— City lerk. Approved-� '--J 191 Mayor. GG' •. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .. �---.....-........_..-----._.._.._._._..---191.._.. In the matter of the assessment ok-onefite...... oeta___and a-.elw for the o�netrcton...gf a eewer__oa _Reane� street, from Atlantic street- to ..__._.........__._.._......._...... ................ -............... __... under Preliminary Order_ _ .......... ........... ....... __._._. __.__, Intermediary Order ....... _.... ......... __.__._...__...�_—_.._, Final Order__._4.119.8 __..._..-..----__.._.._.approved_.J&Iluary_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred, and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $.-a-� �Q-------- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $--9. 40_......__ ' Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - I Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $.__ 1$5.00 Anount'of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - , - - - $._x353:40 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as,above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._as.3+53_t.4 _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited py the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Co By In the matter of_the assessment of beriefit@a Costs and 6RD6n98e for t oonstructinrt a aeWrar on Rnee atr�pty—from Portland atrAet to AIrlyan strOetr under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order :19455 s approved ' 711118 2i Rt A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted'to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to'be payable f in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council SEP 17 1814 19 Cit Clerk. Approved �� �� 191 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ___._...__....__....... ........... ___-..__191._.. In the matter of the assessment 8QYOT the ¢0]1s.ssa�th_uxl_.o_._ewer..�n._Rose__street�._from Cortland street to -- ^ Sylvan.. stree:jc...... _......... _...... _ . __ ......--.-...:._....._.__...-_..--..-....._...._......._-.-._....._- .___._..._..._ .._.. _._._.�.---....:_ 3"- under Preliminary .Order...._- ........... __.._._.._....---..._.._..__.:._._...., Intermediary Order _...... _-_... ...... __.__..__.__._•--..____.__..._, ''' Final Order_._._..__s5..____._.__.._..__, approved._...__,.Tune_.21et_—•_..___._..191'3_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction" - - - - - - - - - - - $_a�470..00_...... 15.25 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $---------------- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $--•------ ---••-- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-__...___—..._._— Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $...___120..00__,_ Total expenditures - . - - - --_._,_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the ,total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_...y�Q.�2.a_ _.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said -Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner Finance." Cc By ice�nlAndfTsbPv16teb� seappi�aisseaisi!nayoF- kd C�irCudLrOST YpaSr!a.`f i SmenrReS01k; In the matter of the assessment of bengfi s COete anti expen66e for c6ustructing a sewer on Rondo street beginning at Finn avenues thence to a point 450 feet east o3 the east line of Finn avenue under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 38983 approved ril 33rd 1915— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE- IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein SEP 17 iy14 1 Adopted by the Council—, REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment ofd?e11ea8�008t8,._SIId_88ne fOT the con- stEtiRg�l.._r...;.�R@_Qn-?3ondQ, etreet,, beginning at_Finn avenue_thenoe to a point 450 feet east of the east line of Finn avenue under Preliminary Order.._..__._....____.___._._.._...._____...:..__, Intermediary Order. ...... ..... _.._..__.._ Fihal Order.__... -_389. .____.--.._.__....__ approved...April.„23Td___—�_.---.191_M To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- di£uAs necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $_._ 730.00 ^. psi Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $---------- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - . - - - . $.---:-+5-Q QC Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..,60 .__.:._ .._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited ' by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed,, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. u.. ,167 constructing a sewer on Rehie street,_ from wasega street to Bellows e4eet under Preliminary Order- —, Intermediary Order , Final Order 37014 approved Tnly 23rd 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, he it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hertby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to.be subniitted,to the District Cour.t of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment, be and it is hereby 'determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 4 Adopted by the Council SEP 17 1314 Approve / AL REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ---._...... ---.......................—.191.._. In the matter of the assessment ofbellBYite�_oOBte__and _ 87C�T)��B fOT he _^ cnnaxneinll.of.a.asxaz__on�3obi.B_metree,....rom_Wt�ea__etreet to Bellows ,_------- _._........... ................. .................. _...... ........ ____._...__._,..._._._ under Preliminary Ord'er_._.:.._.._..m.----._...___......_._-- ....... Intermediary Final Order_._.37014.----..__.____._...__ approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - _ $1010.00._:•___._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - _ _ _ $_. 1140 Cost of postal cards - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ $_,. 55.00 Amount df court costs for confirmation $--------- ----•- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $1076.40_._____ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- tained, to -wit: the sum of $1076...40...__._...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. tK P$ELIMTN,AB,Y O$ to Audl_eY Avenue.; b1n k,.;3scim Iiia cd ie hereby ordered.and dkeeted: g of said improvement. improvement, and the total coat the Conneilmart Fai worth �,J1 Cho Approved 8e er;- iA f ILESOLVED That the Commissioner of Pnbhe-W.orka be -and he is he ordeied and directedt 0- �nveatigate ;the neFeseity for ordesirability of thema`Iang ti said improvement. 2 To investagate ;the natnre� extent"and estimated cost bf said improvement; and the total coat theree 3 To furmslt a plan pro&lg or sketch of said improvement = 4 To fiumsh the follow�n other data and mfoimatioq,relative to said improvement Conneilman Far worth �- Glo ADDrovee --;: t r . O ary __ .. , .8:.... x J theq are hereby authoridd - 51 56 payable out oY,the Y t ,having been paid bq .Mr ., sly paid :an assessmentYor , xegpeotixut.ty tsuomzrtiea.� r 4IM-LAS, Under Final.Order. known as'Board File No. 88804, approved November 84th, 1908, VandYala street., from Univereity� avenue to St. Anthony avenue and Cretin avenue from 8t. Anthony avenue to. Marshall avenue, has been graded and an asseeament: was made to the amount of the total cost tYiereot, which assessment;. 'n t e;'objeotion of -"certain property owners, was set aside by the. Dist"rict Court as being exceeslve; and WFIEREAB, The `Comm ieeioner of Finance has made a re -assessment and has raported•t et't, ,re is a deficiency on said re -assessment to the amount of, now therefore, -be it RE80LVM, That there is hereby appropriated and set stipart out of the eneral Ftnad or 'euoh A, i fund ,as.. may- ba available�thgi sum; of._^s 5 to make up euoh deficiency, and the proper 01-t - fiedre' are hereby authoritied and directed to transfer. eai'd amouat to the credit of said improvement accordingly. Adopted by the Counci'�payareFarn Wh@r@ A+F8e3•' �ri�rpk d@,v q `fe�LeErdlldY 1R28�8,. tiary(o�'' -Yeas ( ) Coun �i�'��x';Xysr$ti�$ et�r �g�sg�: Nays Vgphea�nd"Cr t �e S+ r fitly"+ ptl�dvehua �a�4g�e �"h�nn7- . Far n grea8a `h4�aA @ •• �d�to�fK�_ii✓ 3'Ynk oY [l�#84Kc'ta#gea �h ' 3' _ G}Oe t r �a MO • tl ted=tha'Hteted hoCd d3� _, Yo ;"ro i a; apd e@ troxif Q' i'S }YCtc d`di,,tr§ez�G��GG�B'a1iU . � XrtflcE:'d f no � ' $e seg' 0 bt„9'b'Y9Y4i@ Mr. President, Powe s , t ._:: ......- JI re- In the- matter of thelassessment of...benefits ....... costs ....and ....encpana a:._.f_4s_._t grading.:_of_Vandalia__stree_t_.fKom._Univereity avenue to St. Anthony Ave. and,. Cretin avenue from St._.:Anthony_._avenue _to__Marshall "avenue .;. Ur.,li,ninurx Ilydvr....__... ........... ......_.__._._.._._.__... ati , Final. 6 z_19�approved_...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - . - .._._:_........_._.25___ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $---- •__ _�l.__-- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - 2,-326.13 approppriated an�e��tt�i��mo� of6§r�P�a�f� Said Commissioner t�7rther-teports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 11.i.B.48.....67.._...."Upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits re— conferred thereon; that, the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the re - signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the saidlassessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted .to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of mance. " COUNCIL FILE NO�....----��._�.:_- _..:.—_.......:... By Resolution of Re - In the matter of the,%assessment Vandalia _"rei t...from-Unlue sment. avgaujA fxDx_8t_.._AathQaY av-SM. A'� 1 ...... _ .... _.............. _............... a�N 1 N!"li,1 '8 n m. a3 -- Final . Theassessment of...benef.1_t8.r.....Do.etB_..Sndamp.8IL8.eH.._.................._For and in connection with the abode improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said &essment satisfactory, therefore, be it k Re - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.. 7� RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on sa��8 esessment on the_...VU'6/,r�...day of the hour of. _ f� ......_o'clock. w�� .M., in the_CounCil. Chamber 61 room of, the Court Housel and City Hall Building, in the City of`t. Paul; that the Commissioner of.Finance give notice of said meeting, as,,required by the Charter, stating in staid notice the time and place of hear&, the nature of the improvement, the,!�tal cost thereof, and the amount as eased against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council....... .................. _....._..........--....._._.._....—_.... City lerk. 10 _........ ..... _ .. _..__.... _._ _._. __ Aoung Mayor. Councilmen Fa sworth Goa Kell Il O' 0'L ry Yeo Ma r Powers COUNCIL FILE NO..... .....- ......... ....... rµ11 YlJllJll M)11M11 4 yl;lndll1111�lJl_.� V�!�J(1 INNU X1111 � 1! d moll" 'nl,lNl ` 'tv 1,,r'1 I`li I °ali gu syr kl tlaunuij Jr� Nrtl Jil lata ya , iusuJo a JJ B 1 4l�ln n�1117uuYo I l - .N41 ouu Pll yJ 1i jl U o.11l nl{JI1: d 113 oyll f 1noJ oyt ]ilJ.y C 14 lino u°o Yl';Julnnu rz H r� .1 Resolution of Cod o� lv •p a°I zY a �,'-q5-1 °rr 7HdwReaeeelPlve jO '1°P Pu7.a:SSeSSment• • ° Puy o9 .Nva In the matter. of theRaesesementofbeABfiei_,COSte BTld BXpez��6S._f.QT...gr}din$____._ Vandali.a-,atreat..._f-r-©m-=Un�a.erai g_..Ausnuei_ __3t.-.: Anthony:... avanue.,.....and... Cre.Si-n av�z�lzs An_thnny_...avenui .:.__to__.Marahal ....ay.enue..,<.__.... _................ _... ....................... _.._................_....,... tmder-v ,: :_ r - .__._ ��}er .._................._._...._...-..._.............__.._., Not Final Order_.-..— .._. PIT_$a9� __. ,approved—(�U✓e/7�{��:' _19fJ.�. Wit/ Thenaaseasment of....benefitB.,_..C6-at1L-A11:_.exp.BnB88_.....__.........._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Couficil having considered same and found the said- esessment sahs6ctory, therefore, be it , Re- RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. k / RXSOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on salr3r esesesament on, the_ 1 .day of, 1._., at the hour of._...y(�------- ----- 'clockt�..M., in the CoL1nCi1_.... T 61 room of the Court HouseLand City Hall Building, in the City of`t. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, asr`equired by the Charter, stating in laid notice the time and place of hear&, the nature of the improvement, the,�tal cost thereof, and the amount as essed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted' by the CouneiL .._.........._ I'l / Approved___._._._ Councilmen Fa sworth (§oa Kell r . j Ol ll O' r9 Yeo Ma r Powers - ....__... —- ...... ....... -- - - --- City lerk. . . ........ _... . - , ® A¢ting Mayor. -.1682 Jt COUNCIL FILE NO.. ._... By s' iatr t� aro Resolutionr .ung Assessment. �i as ssxr` r �za 1�Rd expees for the grading In the matter of the assessn e _.._... ...................... ___..,..._-- q e� utas Addition and Kenwood and.. paY_ing...D_f_.J1 e....a L e r A ...._........._... _............_...... _.... _..... __..... pare apt a b aefe Parkway Addition.e.� under Preliminary Order._.... _........... ._..__ ___, nterme Order ................ _........_.............._..._.___._...._...... Final Order__.1.5165.._._.................. .......... ....... _........ approved ....:0otober,_35th.... ._..... .... 191....4 The assessment of_.bane.fate._...Go88.__and.._s.ene.@.8... .. .............for and in connection with J the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said. assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED,'That the said assessment he and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVE FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.-X11104-day of /5!............ o'elock....UC.....M., in the..._Counoil"Chamber the hour of ._...._ ......... room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required -by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the, nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by. the Council.. _........... _ SFP._..;+�8_�g.�.4191_._._.. _...... ... ...... ..._...-... _._.._.....__.._..........._ -- _. Cit erk. Approved____. C Acting Mayor. Councilmen Far worth Gose Kell, MCC 11 17 O'Lo try Yeo May r Powers COUNCIL FILE NO._......_._...... By I ....... . . . ....... -1682 -wo7 a4 Resollutl Assessment. sand sk a as for the grading In the matter of--- asse .......... . ...... . ..... . .............- ------ and_paxing—o.;L-tha 3,_J_.. . . .......C Stout's- ------------ . Addition and Kenwood . ...... .................. . ............................. . .. . .......... . . Parkway....... Addition. . ......... ..... . ...... . ......... . ....... .................. . . ............ . ......... . ........................... ......... . ......... .... under Preliminary Order._._........._....__....._.. _. Intermediary Order_._._..... . . ..... ........... ...... . ............... . ... "Final Order ---I, - 54M . . . ...................... ... .......... approved-..-Q0L:LQiLeK-..MA . .. . ............ 191 The assessment of-2]8nfff1-tS-,-.00jS-ts. M..ensag .............._......_......for and in connection with the above improvement halting' been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOVE -XIAZ6 . Aday of RESOLVE That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. o noil Ch...- _ 1�__ r of ............ . /10 ..........._o'clock... M., in the U ... . ........... . ........... — ---------- 191./;-., 'at the hour room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by. the Council ............... Approved—_ -.-1-7-191 -1683 4 1P'dcda�bu g 'b6ap ®t%�d`� a eK° lst d COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... .................... - t e e Resolution of >,a $ ' "�°` °° As �f�'`°qx� sessment. w ,: b °k e• �: $ x e es Por avin In the matter of the assessment t b ° _ . ths_a7le ..3n. Bluck..3a—T.er a `0 0 a '..... _...... _............... _..... ........ _....... ............. _..... ...-.... y � , 4 BD a under Preliminary Order ---------- ------------------ .._...._._.._..._._..._.._...._._._, Intermediary Order_....... _............ ._..._:...._ ._......._..._._...__._.., Final Order_____1_54 _4..__...... .......................... _....., G' The assessment of_b.Bi)@ �_ .Q�..._ASl_4 8 and„9Xp6I18Be._.. . ,-........, -•..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the -said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and -the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED/,FURTHER /_"a 'public hearing be had on said assessment on ihe....o4.l day of 191the hour of._.__. .. o'clock_..:M., in the.....OQUA011-_Qh - bar j room Uthe Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul;:that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost, thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by. the Council .... _........ SEP.....0 19A...... 9 4 -91 - Cit Clerk. Approved__—.� / X191 Acting Mayor. Councilmen Far' worth ' Gosh Kell r . • r ' r O i L ay Yeo g Ma r Powers �Xi � x .. 6 art,: 4 COUNCIL FILE NO..: ..gpyu i 1iNdl 1 ii Silk jfi. - V w N•rwut• uu 1 f By „r ,IarJ wuwuwUY 1 i 'r 111 . ' J iuulu Yw.rw+u + 11 3 ll r4j , ' J ... Il+u,l�+uJu,U 'Y H tl UUl I\ 1' ' ui lbb�GLU GS I'd�H Vo.lar.�oH� ou o ) woy 1_�aumo I lll�+ Resolution of Assessment.. Paving,all e ea for Iri the matter of the assesement``d tha. ailed-in.�lack.-2,- _......... _........ _...... ................ .__.........._..__..._.... under Preliminary Order__ ........... .... __...................... ....... ....... Intermediary Order _....... _..... ................. ... ..... ............ _.......... ___._, Final Order___._..2_5_`.6!i____......_._...__._._.__------_..., approved --- OCtObeT_ 35th___......_._191._ 3. The assessment of..}aenJO i_ti.8.y......CQ_4 g__ana._QXReA888..,_,....... _ .............-for and in connection w>Ith the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. �lRESOLVEDFURTHER, That public hearingbe had on said assessment on the.,... .......day of �� /.D._.......o'cloek_::bf., in the....ie'Q?dB.Q ._..�t1►Qplb� i the hour of_._._ __. -61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 18 1.9;4 .lsl_...._.. > Adopted by the Council: _.-......._.......... ... . (// v (� Cit Clerk. Approved_ /— 191 n8 mayor. Councilmen Farorth GosE Kell r 1 me Il ' 0'L ary Yeo g Ma r Powers J ' ' REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of...-bariBfi.. al....-c.o..e.t.8.....3IId_:@�p pavi.ng__.of_.-the_..a11ey...:.in....B1aek_..3., Ter.Bac..Q....Parl.._Additi.Qn_..._.._.......-------.--.-.-.------: under Preliminary Order ..........._,......... ................... _...... _....... _... —, Intermediary. Final To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be� incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $_aa 387..00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - _ _ $___,_._$..00 _ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $--._.._.__...__.._...--- Inspection' fees - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ $_.._125.00 Ajnount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - ---.�aq_.�2f�Q:_Q� ...___ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of g.B.,..:tq.:_QO......_...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 4 Commissioner of Finance. tl+�aE X48 �b nt m bte X684 • 38$3Qr it3tx 1S�t1�ye}y' "QRh�'ry9 $�R' r.5ahsa 6r�tid# to o4b. •. nngdpr a [0 3d pp, afd5d'H° ate�t �it✓t� b �aad h6 1fbY� all iissaaH ll ' 5g,$ttag'1C� hong. ` t.8-fig COUNCIL FILE NO.. ..... .... ... ...... hear]utsihH ]+�d' d Roseeap e .5�r.4: ;k'.fini3he Oo a ✓ ,Gbam a*oo a �odrf,►IVa/ B9<0<e, s _1%'klterit:ItY"o{�, _ — ksG��l�§�liR•tlxs� - mmta°J.4tCer'"j aFts , g Assessment. Resolution of °° `° �' t°ta�.ae��o � �.�t �,��.� yeti~ e�z ° for,he tDavin__-- In the matter of the assessmen saE s<°gps' xal r—"' `'-' ' ' "' "` of_the a11eX_..in-Block ..-Summ_......it ar_....__......._...._ ....._.-.._......................__.............................. _._........... _.._ ; Intermediary Order_. . ._ _"_. . ...... .......... under 'Preliminary Order_ -.......::......."._.._:..._.__._._....._......._......___... , Y . Februar 10th 3 •.•: Final Order_+�t.$. ..CLQ.__.__._........_..._._..._._....._..__.,/aapproved.......__..................... Al. The assessment of__._ __._.. f._.L.ekd-.._....._ ........ _......_..for and in connection with the above'improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council hiving considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.__ // `' say of ! C/.......o'elock....1vf, in the��unoil_Chamber _..... 191 �, at the hour of.......... _. 61 -room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the C6mmieaioner of Finance uired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, give notice of said meeting, as req the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, hod the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by. the Council.:._----- SEP.- _944:..-...191 ._..... t Cit Clerk. • APProved�_�._ �._- /��_191� -............ ._........... ...... .......... _...... Acting Mayor. Councilmen F sworth, Go s ]ie er .. Me oll .0' ary Yeo g " r ewers .r M-�"r ., , ._ � ., ' �• ,,:. � i-"ret.. x.,� ���'��`+� ��+'�r k' ��,` +�;,�`S• qg­ 31 1 x � S1 } ' 1! 11 1 i f i d III 1 1 c • -J M ; I all�l 11 r. Jdlal •UE 'Ll nlJl 'e,a, •Bt ]a..x il�°% at ;'.�i'� ern s., .. .. u, wl ,uollou u41 wu4•aa o] uuuwau i. I i .. COUNCIL FILE NO....... -u41 Pui J o4l l By �- Resolution of Counc� `"'Polyrwing Assessment. In the matter of the assessment A046111 k �---C.Q8t8 ..and B8�8TI Q8__f OT the paving of__the, elle in_ Block 8 ._ Summit Park Addition ..........................__...........__...-. ............._.._..._..__........_.. . - Intermediary Order—.. _...._.._..............:.._... _............ _..._._ under Preliminary Order roved_ iq: TKR8Ty_ 10th ----- ----- 19T..._$ Final. Order -3.8-3 ,5-0.-..__........ _...._.... a PP - L ....... ... .........:....for and in connection with The assessment of.. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered' same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..._//`''. -tiaY of, 191..!I�/at the hour of ......... (cl .--- ----- :o'ock(�9 ....M_ in the�� 11•_ Chamber . _.___......, 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ._...._...,, SEp...y�._Yg.�Q-- ..191......._. w 9 _ Cit Clerk. Approved- - --- /�-•- •-191 Acting Mayor. Councilmen F gsworth Oos. Ke r Mc. oil 0' ary Yeo g �` COUNCILFILE NO .......................................... Byolr Resolution of In the matter of the assessmer _1685 Assessment. arl�fs8 for _paving•__........_.._.. under Preliminary Order ..... _..... ..... _.__............. —_..._.__�._.__._ approved/th__:._191.2._ The assessment of...-%r�........ . . Q,L .......... for and in connection with. the's, Verimprovement having been submitted to the Council, and the Couueil having considered same and found the said sesessmsnt satisfactory, therefore, be it Y RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects Approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be.had on said assessment on the ay of _...__.191_.._., at the hour of !o O'clock "M., in the..C.QUZQ..1A 481llb8T ' 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. !Q._4.191.__._. Adopted by. the Council........... SEP c 8 3 City Clerk. Approved __...____/9_. ActingMayor. Councilmen Fa sworth Go Ke er Mc oil O' ary c yfiyy W t Hy t�l'tr d1D 11111 11 'N 1 .Md,NDl1\MMVIMMY tlNi\ �t,I lk Yl141D 6t )�)� 1�1- j1�1'a - COUNCIL FILE N0. _....... out ` dW}�LL jW 1 - 4)7 olto )llu .. 1 9tit o � Hl dLL 4j �u4) '1 s .Assessment• Resolution of=:, ti� i9�:_ t ofIIefi_te COete and expe a In the matter of the assessmenfor paving ....:............................ tha..a11ey_ 3.n_Blook....1T,..._Summit_.P.ark_Addi..3Qn.._....._._........_......_........................ under Preliminary. Order . ... ............. .._.... .............. _...... -- ------- _--, Intermediary Order_..................._....._......._......-_.._........._-_._..........._.... Final approved _--------- N0 F.0mber._.13th....---191_x_ The assessment of_-�`eyU ��... _...For and in connection with r...._ .._ ....... g been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and the -show improvement havin found the said assessment'satisfaetory, therefore,�be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment, be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__../day of / o'clock._....�.%_'...Nl., in the. GQU .Q. 1.. Chamber 191.t the.hour of_.........1. D �i 61 room of the Court House and City Ha1T:.Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total'cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot'or lots of the particular owner to .whom the notice is directed. SEP �` 191.4. Adopted by. the Council.._......_........._._.._..._......__ .191. _ C'=.1........Y.....__ .._.__.... ...... Clerk. Approved-_-_.--?—.--- AotingMayor. Councilmen Fasworth (lot Keer Me oll 0' ary , $ 1� a Yel g _1666 '- - Gk N lf$Q•— 'a*sF "x 'S°�'v �,. 'F."9 ; . 1 srtWi 9F�'t�iatar1dt . }i T'�s ;s71 h n10{aD7n .� COUNCIL FILE NO .... _ .. _ ........... pl ap�'�.a�reXS, ate �" Resolution of nfiAssessment. y,��� "d�ksw ' aConndl ge f r av3n with In the matter of the assessment o n lk fw a p¢q me n _ n$w s£rom Victoria .treat brick .the alley_._in.__Block 16 �* � aes�n�;..._...._..._..... _............_._.._. __......... toAvon street " " ............ ...... _.... ........... _..... ... _._........... _. �zq fid,, funder Preliminary .Order._.... ---- — $ _ , P .F . � i � er_.......... ................... _._...-....._._.......---. . —._.., Final Order___.:._37.]3.7_......... ........... :__.._-_.._.._n, approved �..._._.AU9Us.t._22n&,-....... _..... 191.....3. The assessment of._L......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to,the Council, and the Council having considered same and t found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED; Thpt the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..__" day of _.., in the ..._ Q.ounvi.i.._�%b,mber . at the hour of._... _�.e._.... o'clock..DI fit room of the Court House aiid City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance, give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 18 1914 Adopted by the Council....... 191......_.. n ^, ty Clerk. Approved .—._•.�. ......... Aati ng Mayor. Councilmen Far sw rth Oos Bell r �f MCC 11 / 0 Le ry eor ■ II Ibw ,1 Oul Ta iij lHI 111 161A-1 V - . s t lelnlb > � 1 t 1 l,4 11 p I .b I; Itl 1 - p �UTA1111 111 I IbNupbV pl�lx 111111 j 1 Il AV lug ,n It 41 a0J 1 ulxxpxx 1 11 - ttly i 11U1nt(i HUI1n011 11 Iirt y.. . COUNCIL FILE NO.._..._ . .. sr ¢IDt 'l P Jing p A( U. x G¢tDY. YopJp lV',ld J lull 7gvJlx opuvii t; o; 'af{UOAV .S40Y(;Uy 18 W0 ODUOAD t+t B * togg113a,4 U ao sea v 7o 4oganJ;xu a 'IV y -....__..._-----.__.._,_.. .. 1 aq;:Yat'aedodza puv s;aDY p7eaq u to ;uoweaebflu":1 _ lv Jo73ow (4TGTGT¢ Sl�.aidaS P a I Resolution of a =� Pa;Cady Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_kt.SYle£.it ,.;: oo. t.e._and _ xpe}1f e8.,foT_pav jAg•_y th brick .the all in Blook 16 Summit Pa�'k Addition, from Victoria street _to Avon street. hinder Preliminary Order... ................ _<.._ Intermediary Order_ _........... ............. _...... _........ _...... _._-._._._.___..- }Final Order____:.1..7.13:7 __-........... _........ —_.__, approved ._...._Augua-t-23S1d...__........... 191..sa The assessment of_y2%q_..�A° �u..4=� .......... for and in connection with. the above improvement having been submitted to„,the. Council, and the Council having considered same and q• r found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED; Thpt the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. u, RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.__'G..__..__day of -..191%T_, at the hour, of...... ..i._ ._...o'clock.. l P...l M., in the._. QUnJ0-i.1.._f'r..h bar 61 room of the Court House acid City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, - the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SCP 18 !91A Adopted by the Council .......... ........... _....... ...... -__.............. 191........ Approved.._._,._y_--191 yG� a Councilmen aeu r �% MCC ll _.. / O'Le ry ` , NO v � t } Jig, e i aceta a d�'"�a amens a[ ^1687 advina+ a�al4n 4do!'the7 a nn�t d Flom deR`ltt nrdr S Ski a �"'��anerwn %hai'�38 `18244�Drove ;�� PdsrAtt ` .Me•aa MIbeu�At§. C to a exyettaedc of a}nd'*7n `dogi{ecpan,lp'x tbet altgxe".'1t�r6r4xam 0.11 �. 11101 COUNCIL FILE NO. _.._. _.: o eilttte 4f twe coniiU amleilRhe � oadd Z{e gta'ffaa $@tdej•2N1est 9 C Re&ot1V ,.5 7'r.:},t"F B r.ba",attd=-{1`e��gBmat; b MbY 1 ,ry ieyei�talaPPreV'ed (:,k@§Qlved r�J'ts +.Degrtn ct'6oGeald eases ens C1atoD�rr lai4agthe ng"-'Assessment• Resolution o baar araa V111 aCbamDof vad[d' ;,lL{�the Gil@�llj®�e oeIn thematter of the assessor analYaealdt mentins*an--_...__._.... _.. _ _altni ttd tDlace�,ot NeAr .._R' Rhglnf�o R'fmDraxement t j2AV�11$_4�_�iSS?ti�Q._�te @ ftatatc aKCse trdh�thc o n a !te 6 t0 Linwood._.Pl...... ___...... _.. r t arta ti _.._..... aat[eir% D Attj tH f� ner'tot�Wvh6m'� o'trae>ie. tdltegad:$uit, q�:u� ..._. kPDoved}SePfif"18°'Fa14 p�P X18 S34t1 under Preliminary Order _..... _.... .... ___.__._....__._.._.___..._____, Intermediary Order ............ _ _................_. __..._._.__._...._._...____.... Final approved?luBuet The assessment of--- __.......... and in connection with the aTove improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and 2 fon�nd,"tLa said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED,-That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.�,�/� E F R, That a public hearing be had ou said assessment on the_._!t_ _" -qay of 1.Z_., at the hour of.._.../0....... _...... o'elock-6 -.M, in the CoUAeil/ Ch&IDber room o the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof; and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 18 W4 Adopted by. the Council .... _........... _....... _--- _..__._....... 191_...._. .__.:.... _...... -- - -_ -_- Ci Qleri. APProved__�_�__..� / :/ 191-19 ._ ........ .... .... Acting Mayor. Councilmen Fa eworth Goss Bell MeC 11 , s' O'L Yeor p N May Powers 1 'u�14 •j u, uu°�' au°'{��,u j„n���y�, uau {li A 87 COUNCIL FILE NO .... _ {� ^n9 B:�FlIJu41�°o41 ]�179ssW1 li ly�l B i r u{ iC',' >f I OL lu loot Iv 'f S{'iS vagotop u°"94 a43yu{ v T .>IIQ°QW n'"�9,yy pj9i 41 p GQ Soal Resolution ng Assessment. a _Q_'19T _ . _ In the of the assessment ofb9a'_ ea Qoete, and ex e s f OT;the _ RfLving_._.oi.:.Gx. 1_to_�t.7�� ir�?J�t R.a tlnun ..avenue_to_Linwo_od...Place_�...._...._..._. ..... under Preliminary Order __... _......_._.______.____, Intermediary Order._._.___. _...._......_... ._.._..._..._ Final approved—Aug! et__13th_.._..._._.191.`.� The assessment oE_r?`y�f� _..._. _/..... for and in connection with ttheabove improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered sameand .. fonnd-the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it - RESOLYED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. R, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. - he ay. of //pp�'� CouAc il_ Chamber at the hour of__.._l.....V.... ._. o'clockq �M., in the..._.__._. __ room o the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that.the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. - SEP 1.8 1914 Adopted by. the CounciL_,_........ _.... ..... _._ ..__... LN ._ 191_...._. Approved //-- _191 Councilmen Fa sworth Goss Kell MCC11 Ol / O'T�e ry Yeor May Powers r Pv Cr�' �To Qfi�B=`BnsvCtl h a S,O +x}[c ,ins erphCL.'We'laRSee9meP-nt k sexeAxe - ��{, t�a;i3tSfiidmt.gg�$UiO�,t.r�i�io��8s3hNgav;§bc8nTtag`lptb4ta'iao�ntitvTep,ohe, mnmudN �$9fRrti�=5I��.41tv.e� An6sS�nabx$lDait�-�o..ihr'a9d�ennheri' � feiT :- ' .. 6S8 i 4'4uho�tn lyn fefcto7y ^, t •t fo T-00sid_ aaece•menti COUNCIL FILE_NO .. e 1'0 x C l a. MN$, yadSN'Fi5 tll. >r �•• enk ant M1 ear��1liaat Awt - $ Y $barn e`1"c ,L ie �L • u Al fh, �h+a Clri , aGFf. 'a a�o #ebfoner'ot AFI. n f �¢t1eatin6 Resolution ea§nfFFti nrg,a�°oth Ging AssessmeQt. %eat45 ''bt bXo4Qm 't. the sff ahhh° °ri°°i ipb$apense for grading Hewitt In the matter of the assesat�a, .b @ P Ht e Tlot tea{ hY ... . _.... ... or _................._...._..............._ _.___._ .. �c71 tbd.yK€'y � 6u �e tn18 �tax1,T.3 Ave from Griggs Str k�°° t }9 x' .......... __....._.._ _..._... . �, au �a�t�t,.r ...................... under Preliminary Order.__ ......... ............. Intermediar Order..- ..._ ............... .._ ...........__.._.._._......, 39906 August 14 3 Final. Order ....._.._........ _...__------ _ .....:. _.__ .._. ....., d_._.._......__ ......: .... ..approve .:.....191...._._ 8e e8 eneee .........for and in connection with . The assessment of......_._.b._enef;itB_cpste....,.._... � ..._.._ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. a�f VE FU THER, Tha a public hearing be had on said assessment on the., .�_...__ .__.day of ........o'clock. Couaoil Comber 91....., at the hour of....... .. _M., in the..._ ..............:.......__.....__. room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of,said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by, the Council ......... ..... $.Q-- Gt� y Clerk. Approved._. __.. Acting Mayor. Councilmen F nsworth 0 Ke er Mc oll 0' ary Yeo g Ma r Powers - ryJ •iu�^W G �J f it J ,. IV I t 4JJ p x'I ra �Ja°° IJlirx 4D 141 Il IJ�yl u] - k,>u�4&� °OlxxlwuJaj naliuu Jnnjrr Inl Ilaun°jt 94 o°4A j1°r1[8 iwlouN.��JJfJ �,' 1n COUNCIL vrvwae�ril gyve°�o •Cup JUIZ aq COUNCIL FILE NO......_ t 4y +°ytsni +,bq ru 1 11 beD (q V n � aanl xlpt /1 a By . LL Resolut-ion of Council Approving AssesstneV. benefits costs & expene@ofor grading Hewitt In the matter of the assessment ef.___._..---- Ave from Griggs Street to Lexington Ave _...._. __....._:._, Intermediary Order ..... _...._ - ........ _. ................. __......... under Preliminary Order.....- ............. August 14 3 39906, aPProved. 191......._ FinalOrder ..._:........... __.... ..... .. ... _..... _ .. .....for and in connection with The assessment of... n submitted to the Council, and. the Council having considered same and the abotte.Improvement having wee found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby,. in all respects apprrrJoved. *41JHER, Th a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..oS.-.day of (/._�. -....o'clock... ...._M., in the._COunoil C�letBbBT 91at the hour of__.....room fthe Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissionerof Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. • Adopted by the Council ........ _$u �. ....191-.._._. y Clerk. Approved........ . ..-------- T Anti Mayor. Councilmen F nsworth Q � ` Se 'er 7 Me on / O ary Yeo g u x'. h Ma i Powers a -1689, J P, m0', m wll_ nd�411vzm,,fi *- t, - - 11, , . n 0,� -6 tzn A. satietac COUNCIL FILE NO.__.............. ...Roto ea hT42"-M ME NO NO By . � ! 44., 1 Bart of o 1, 9; h A Resolution w R ng Assessment. Resol ,rdfaenn the C$ytbenses for grading Hubbikrd cata T - In the matter of the assessin % ..... ......... ..... .. for ........ . ........... . . . ................ . . ............ Street from ... . ..... .......... ........ . .. . ......... . . ....... . . ...... ........ . .. .. . . ................. .................... . .................... ............. .. ..... ........ . . . ........... .......... .. .............. .......... ......... . ..... . ......... ... . ........... ........ ....... . . .... . ...... under Preliminary OrdeCA±..--..--. ... ....... ...... . .... ........... Intermediary Order_.._.. _ ...... . . .............................. ............ . . ....... 40108-----....._........__......_ - 3 Final Order ------- ---- . ..... ... ............... . approved .. .......August . ..... ...................27 ........ benefits Costs & expenses The assessment of._.._._...._..__... an ........................... .............__for d in connection with ...... -- -------- the ob6se improvement having been submitted. to the Council, and the Council having considered same -and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it OLVED, That the said assessment bb and the same is hereby in all resp TO respects T"HR, public hearing be had on. said assessment on day of '0 1,unci Chamber I the 'hour of .......... ............ 0 clock M., in the....._......_ .................... ..... . ......... . . Cit 2mflVthe Court �Ho.....d Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance a - give notice of said.meeting, as required by the Charter, st9ting in said -notice the time and.place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed 'against the lot or 101 of the particular, owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by. the Council -11S.- Iq .1.4 ..161---.._. ...... . ......... . ... . ...... Cit erk. Approved__._...... .. .. . ......... Acting Mayor.. 11 Councilmen FaInsworth ,7 m0 -168.9. 1 ' pU 77 No �t7 0 7 `� 1i .cri i,nt• 11 IuY'ia W WUJo `wnoRA J 271D 1 IW � IT..71np1 ono'7 047 llo 19 ""11 .n � .`` 'q] 1. '6IOlp ioj o V ](aota,'o OIJJ��� - COUNCIL FILE NO...................._...:........._:;:1 pus Weuaggn q Pl7�0o P cnP 7xt2 ] Itgntl v ] a j 97Jnvq.aQ �uiJv //� IfH ul ,{q a Pnpoatltiv ] t ByLIJ.L. S� P78 ql 7a4S 'Panloe V Resolution of CouncilApproving Assessment. benefits costs & _ .expenses ... for ......................._.... ........ ....... .... .... .�_ Street from Griggs Street to Syndicate Ave. IntermediaryOrder...._.................._....._.._.............._......_._............_._......, under Preliminary Ordety.:.............._._.............._......._...............-- Y . 40108 Au at 27 .................1913.... FinalOrder _..._.___..._......_.__.................._................. , approved:.._.....__._. ............ . benefits coots & 9xpeneee 'The assessment of_._._....._. ..................._.._.._._.....:..._ .............. ... ..... ... ..._...... .............for.and in connection with . the abuse improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same -and- the found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it OLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. \ , RHS ELT THER, That public hearing be bad on said assessment on the._..........._.day of - L ' Counci Chamber . 9I... _., at the hour of ....-........o'clock ..�r M., in the ............: ... ...... ....:...... __....... room o the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance } give notice of said,meetini, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and.place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ......._SEP....L3.__I91A.. ..191......... !� µ G � ... Cit erk. - 4.AV Acting Mayor. 1 Councilmen Fa nsworth ' Go me ou 0' ary Ye g . ~1 e et# ena.� �'ee4v gpl�Y �. � • reL�. $ibril4?.iliyyair�F�y�� +,�r� 3 .r° , 4 - � •+�IYe �@¢eean;e9.�4PRflta tepste"C.hd, _ • - e�¢"er}k#fl?.X Y�gn t>E Conheetlon ytlt � •� • c DtCoYRmanix navlpg�' Calk t` '� th4',54oyhyit.S�, �c[l!e .,•. ., COUNCIL FILE NO 4c q d ass sac g..,� �T`R�ttlY�rC C.•4t'} "� ..-�1d�aa9egatan�t YC/l.!boattzl th$'aeSske e6�zxr alias v B aDeC}a gDDrilde 0, eaQtv�a zcnre r xna?y1lnit ._� ..... In ne°� Aa. 9 @al roae�2elq�atl o _ ��2Sa$""�o� Q9tonNaS 0.i3aY �o mo4��ru rt � o[�f rne��;oe'tCaP`np Resolution of ,talt$Slli�tn6 ta�xa� ttlKn�i Assessment c�'a„l.thathgnt'commfeatop�el�tEt • . IV, o1up- 99t� Fsnia'meattn�" as Aal Cq.M'lyWneh G,n¢rt a t g+��p e v,otr fja;'piac$ Ts'�Iae1V res dor constructing . In the matter of the assessment injia use t3 a nnDrav�atent tl1r -.-.. fo _._......_ _...--- .. sewer on James Street f ar cn•r trim Yno ttDtce Street ._.............. _._............. ... ........... _.... _.. _......... Uoy e'a�bst R'��nc1I seDY 1.$;�Iaa14 l�.e,. u:.....__............__...._.__........._.___...__._..._..,...__.....__.._... _...... ..................................... _....... _.................... _....._.................... ......... ....... _.... _......... underPreliminary Order......_......... ......... ..... _............. .................... _.___. Intermediary Order _................... ................. ......... ......... _............ .:.__......, March 38th 3 FinalOrder _........ .._38... -3-7 .. _.__..... . _......ti approved .................... ... ...... .............. .... ........ 191....._ The.assessment of. _-....benefits, 068ts &.".expenses ............ ............ .-.for and in connection with the aboue improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found.the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. SO D FURTHER That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.�� day of - -- 191.[?::, at the hour of... �/.........o'clock.....`CtFM., in the�'Oun011.. Chamber' , 6 room f the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give'notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature-of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot, or lots of the partibular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council........SEP....�g_..t9.}� _......._191_........ / City Cler . Approved--- _��. 1.._- _! ..._...191. _ .......... _... _ .. ........ _ v Act1 Mayor. Councilmen Fa sworth -(los a Bell r O'L ry Yeor May Powers ' - ;i ce . n a. /ppp , ��rnS y _ llgnv Wly �wyl'l 11,4,0 IIll4 COUNCIL 4J /n'JU FILE NO Y iae I � /un y tl' o' BY i/Lf �'L PJB °J" p „oP�n'o aiyu, Resolution ofsessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbeneflts 009te &-e7FFf8I198sfoOT Constructing a sewer on James Street from Arbor Street to Ray Street ........ ........... ............... ....................... _.... _..... ........._..................__...._.._.......... _...... ...._...._..._....................._.._._...._.._......__....._._................_.. under Preliminary Order._... ............. ..... .—_, Intermediary Order... ............................. ... Zalarch 28th 3 Final Order_ ......._38693 ,approved..__:.. _ ......... _ .........___.._ . 191......:. The assessment of. ....._:.b8ngf.l.tS..-Costs .-A'....expenses........... ............. ..........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects apprrooveed. 4roomf- so D RTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on th,.-;1S.......... -.day of 191. 7..at the hour of.-.....V........_o'cleek_...���M,, in the.'Oun011 ...... eT e Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the. Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by. the Council.__..�.�p. yc�...:�.g.}�.. .....191...._.... W/ / City C ng ler . ActiMayor. 7 Councilmen Fa sworth _Oos Kell r Me .11 0'L ry Yeor p May Powers .. � C�F��o•'mk'���"BY��'af•{�a`Xortir' - .�.r gadl�nd't$ufi�eAppb�aea 'lad , ,� 9 z d�rd d' t dim er iRt�l .�'._ �'Y `gaYn¢baLl aijegte� S+,a@dt8:. ' tl�e2Cigdna " iib ttte #'0'ilryuad' Rio ait�toovnd the a to 4�s4 setae t kol 0rY uth@ Loro"1 It 4k ^3g§o1 'Nd.�That bt'ratil bbd@admelie < COUNCIL FILE NO Aa prid t#a eakne ttatt salt re BY .hut 4e3 er hb 4abEpablrc� s.4-: p�tB , s ,)i oaf ,asedN at,dn• _ Na 9adidaY 1Y�"pt3afabztr ;A19.1f at�ttte- 5hoyr byie b.a`i' @k A 4 v 3'1't�h the..fib ppll' CtinhibojYxrT]a 81taR'thbuCoprt'Hoaep PAW 110,1 �1�iU} dlagy in? Iie �C,�ttYt".a � �. • a' @ 1 ueS ,>t v1` e Cf dklda ISM oi'r1i • • Vesolutim tr b}y ring Assessment ti ekC,b�rter�atingt�ipy i}id{ tf t a- ndfi 1 + - b 9SouoL e _ r ;,Y • � a g7mpipd en f ,¢ t° Mgr $aa trt�a bnpa - xpene for grading In thejuntter of the asseaeu�a,. k9f U-tthatjottad is of c _ ._..._.. r ............... _..................... ... _............__ �lcet o @ho6[iheyottebtfa Sargent Ave betwee s 's�asisgzi�5' St.�._.._..... r .... .........._ ..........- . _..._._�. ..._...._.._._. . •-�x:"+•{,`I' f�eDtzia6 1814 �' �e$ ..... under Preliminary Order ............_................... ._....._.._ _........_.__. Intermediary Order ............ ..... ............. ........... ..:_..........._........_.... f 40632 November 12th 3 Final Order_:__._.._.___..._........ :..... , approved ....... .... ..... ....__ _...__.......... _.191__..,. The assessment of..-benefi.te...:Gosta...&...;eXp.e.rie.e.B................ ._............... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. I$ER That public hearing be had on said assessment on th_:day of 91..._ , at the hour of .. n C unC i l Chamber V.... ...o'cloek_........_tM., in the._...._ .............--._........._ . ioom6o the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as. required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement; the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or -lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP -,6 1914 Adopted, by the Council... ........ ..... ............ 191 .......... ...... _:._.............._ ............_ .`^' ............ — ..... __................. /City Cl k. Approved.._.._...('._'_ Aoting �— ` Mayor. Councilmen Fa sworth r Qos Bel r I. Me 11 OIL ry Yeo g Ma r Powers ' t• . i COUNCIL FILE NO By ResolutiAssessment. for grading a``y In th ter of th �-...................... ..... _............ -.... - SarSdA t A ` ' y y 'h FP .� y�l'. N3 _.................._. ._..._._..-_ �. .....:...._..-.-.. ......... i underPreliminary Order_........... :........... ........... ...... ....... _........ _....... ___, Intermediary Order .......... _..... _..................... _........... ...... ......... _._... _....... 40632 November 13th 3 FinalOrder_.;_.._.............. _... _........ ................ ............ .............. , approved...._. _ .. ........... _...._._.__...........191.. The assessment of....benefi.te..._Gns_to...A.-eapena.............. ..._.............. ..._.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same, and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. E R That public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..a� ................day of �/ Council Chamber _ 91,.._ , at the hour of.. D. ......O'clock.....��f M., in the ...._. _._........., room o the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom, the notice is directed. SEN 16 1914 Adopted. by the Council...... . . . ............ ...... ..191.......... (� � Ci y Approved.... __....._:._._191. ......... Acting Mayor. Councilmen Fa sworth u - Gos gel r o Mc 11 O'L ry Yeo g No r Powers constructing a sewei on Roy street from University avenue.to Shields under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order 401$6 approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable irfequalinstallments as to each and every Parcel of land described therein. SL -P 18 1914 Isl _�Mopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved Magor. ttigQtnatter of gfieS .. - .�,paridfliE�c6pts fiRft eajt 4 Council File No. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coate and expenses for constructing a sewer on Roy street from University avenue to Shields avenue under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order_, Final Order 4M6 , approved—Augutit 27th 191 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court -of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE TF FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments.as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 4 ;�8 1914 ,,adopted by the Council S�P 191 City Clerk. Approved - 191 -1 Mayor. j -1692 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . .. . .............-•--.-...._......._.........._...._.191...... te for the _ In the matter of the assessment of. and. es oonstruct_ion_of_a sewer on Roy street,. from University avenue to - ---- -------- Shields av . ............................................. .......................................... . ............ . . . ........................ I . ........ tinder Preliminary Order___.._.__.__._..._.....__.__-._....-...___. Intermediary Order..____.__......__...___._.__._.._.._._._..._..____.._, Final Order-... approved--Auguict �MLh - -------- - ------ To the,Council Z City of St: Paul. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and:to be incurred for and in connection with the -making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - ?5.00 Amount of con . A costs for confirmation - - - - $_1256.42 Total expenditures - - -- - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of R.5kA.0 .. ........ upon each and -every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the p signature-pf,the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the -Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. N Co By eonatrueting a sewer en Sy1oixtrees frnm Teasemine street to Geranium street. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order 40124 approved August 27th 191. assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having A public hearing having been had upon the been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to -be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inl e'ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. • P }t3 '';514 1 Adopted by the Council -E City Clerk. Approved r 191 Mayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -__ ............................... .__............. IJl.._. In the matter of the assessment of_ _-tt—D _0-01—ti.Q_... f 0A0. , con$tc_ox�._aaet?raz._.al�_.y_]paa xBQ.t..------- _............................. ........ ........... ......_.._...._...__......... under Preliminary Order ...... _... ...... ___..................... _.... ._......__-..., Intermediary Order._...__ ............... ----_._............ .__._._......, Final Order._...__.._ ..4012.4-_----...__....._..._.., approved .,..._Auguet....37th_—................ 191 3_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- mient, viz.: Cost of eonstruetion - - - - - - - _ _ - - $__324_.00 — Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - $_. _ 8.96 Cost of :postal cards - - - - - - - - - - $---- - ...----- ..._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $30.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - 96 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $._.. 362__...__'..._....__.______ - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-..5G e0.6................ _updn each and every Iot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the'said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by bim,'and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of X694 OF ASSESSMENT TONER OF FINANCE. --- - ........................ _. _.. _.............. g_.and ...��Xieses for .the saan�i�,� rs from Clayland .avenue to • c netruction Of 13Yd to+be Ds�ys?t1Mi ge;ehdandu0v Des ypooa'vaJ dgs lb?ptbe2eT#''...` .. 'DY t�e ECuv�cU c . Fair_v_iew_avenue: �48s�ni`1$ee1F�� ` under: Preliminary Order .................... Intermediary Final,Order__._.9_'k6.__._.___.___..__._._—, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance'hereby reports tothe Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in.comection with the making of the above improve- went, viz.: ' Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - _ $_._307.20_..._._ ... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $—___-9.98 _-.-•-- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - $--•---_._..�—_—_. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - . - - - - - $._._ 30,.00 _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - _ $._ 347.18 — Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount .as above aseer tained, to -wit: the sum of $._,42a lsz_....____upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in -the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. , ConunisQioner of Finance. -1694 PMESSMENT ' OFFICE u1�1ER OF FINA -,aoa llauno. ... _._............ _.......... 9Ap c! !sfor the In the matter ofhe a e........,----._ :oQnetruction•_of,,,a sewer on Tallula,Plaae, from Clayland avenue to ' Farv.eur•,avenue:__._.�.��__�__..�........__. - . v under Preliminary Order_._.__...__....__.._..__...-._......._. _...___.. , Intermediary Order__.___.. _.___--• ._.__..__..�.--•-, Final Order.__.—��.�i3____ ._—.._.._._._—, approved _.._DL1tO.Yt@L...L3h...._.....__...._19L.3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to •the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- nnent, viz.: 307 20 Cost of construction - - - $—•-_—''--_-._ _:_ Cost of publishing notice - - - $— ........ x_98__—_ Cost of postal cards - - - - $.—_...__... _..-_._.--.-. • Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $=--•-------'---- - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - _ ,$____347.18 _ Said Comnissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited, by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto at identified by the r, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed .by him, and signature of the said Commissione which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. commissioner of Finance., Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of hannfita, °teats And expenAee for Constructing a sewer on Taliula Place, from ClUland avenue to Fairview avenue. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 15463 Or approved' October RFth 191 3. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council; and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable iequal installments as to, each and every parcelofland describedtherein. m Adopted by the Council SEP IS Ic' 14 19 `^ City Clerk. Approved-- / X91 L I L- Co By constructing a newer on the north aide of University avenue from pascal avenue to Hamline avenue under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order 40836 approved November 26th—191-3—. A public bearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the some is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in— equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP iii ;9141 Adopted by the Council 19 City Clerk. Approved— t Nlayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 1695 OFFICE OF .THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .... ........ ....... ..... ----------- - 191...._ 4�i es for the In the matter'of the assessment of_b�I18f t8�_..COBtB_._gIId _. p A....__. _. _. _,_____._.___..._ ...... __on�titipn_ Qf a _sewer_ on:_trhe_north side of University avenue from _ P.aan_al...avenus_._t2._H ne..._avenue.. .................. _.................... ............... _._-- .......... .......... ....... _...-----_ i under Preliminary Order .......... _...... _..__.__...:......_......... __, Intermediary Order__..__..._. ........ ...... _ Final Order...._.! ..ESL..___._._-- —. .—__, approved___KOV ember^36th 191 3_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Conymissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- Ineut, viz.: Cost'of construction - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - --- - $..___. _ 9.93 Cost of postal cards' - - - - - - - - - $---- -- Inspection fees fees - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for. confirmation Total expenditures - - - ' - - - - - - - $2159.93 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.__x,159._9 _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of lend deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said. Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. f�- Co By In the matter of the assessment of beriAf i tfi, nnatB 8rid 8%A8ri888 for -ram t Btreet. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order' Final Order 39651 t approved .11110 10th - 191-x. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That. the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District. Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ST FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in--_-,ual installments as to each and every Parcel of land described therein. SEP S !914 Adopted by the Council a +`� City Clerk. Approved of ayor. r 1.690 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of__b8Il8Y_f to,.__cOete._andcpeee for the ^— : ;. gq t_r p..Qn_of_.a_sewer._on_.Vance._streetj_ from. James .street .to Pal 00 lstreet. -- — -- ...... . __....... - ------- — ---------- ----- tinder. Preliminary Order ...------- _...__. _ --.___.__..--_-- Intermediary Order ---- ----------- ------ ...--_..---• Final approved._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - _ _ _ $10.00- �- Cost of, postal cards - - - - - - - - - - ----- --- _.-.__------._. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - $..------- _7.e�Q Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $__1933.00 Said Commissioner further reports that, he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_1 932.0. -_..upon esFh and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said' improvement, and in the case of each -lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said'Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. '1'c 0111,11 ON - ftl' PIR ! 1' ra. Y Co By In the matter of the assessment of benefits costs and eXpensea for constructing'a sewer on Wa1nn1e street., from Baldwin street to Fai ryi Aw AOAnIle under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order ND65 approved'_ May 1 fit A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby orders{ to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it js hereby determined to be payable r d in `7 equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 194A 191 City Clerk. Approved 191X ayor. -.1697 . REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT -OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of_t.0 f its,,_ooe te_._and _ p��1888 f oT_the oonetruction_ of_.a _sewer •_onWalpole str88t, ffom Baldwin street to - Farv_iew.._avenue.--........ _...... ..... _...... _....... _....... ,...... _..................... _........... �._..._._...—.._....... -- ----- i under Preliminary Order.. --- _-------- _---.__.. __._...-._..-_.--._, intermediary. Final Order39065�•„__.__.—_._...._�_, aPProved._M8}�._218t__ _.—_. ..----191:._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 'Phe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- . diturea necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with thg making of the above improve- v.. anent, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $.___.1,170.00___ Coat of publishing notice • - - - - - - - - - $_... _... __Qsi�_ Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - $—•--___...__.— Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $___..._ 65.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - $- =--- ----•- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - S8id.Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 45 each each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each. lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and 'made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Co By o- \ In the matter of the assessment of benefi a. costa Blld BSD Mese for constructing a newer an western avamia from Front street Cook.— under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order 3eaai approved Tarn'r�ry 1Rth 191. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Councils—'c IOTq 1 City Clerk. Approved 1g .. Ilayor. ,1698 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ------. -­------­----­­- --- _------- --._..191.._.. In the matter of the assessment o1b.AAC itex_. COete__and., a e> es_for the Constructing of a sewer- on-We_sternavenue,�.from_Front._etreet_ to Cook street__ ._: under Preliminary Order _............... _... ... ._..___..... intermediary Order_..__..—_ ........ __.___._____.._—__._—____, , Final approved..._. Aj4jgLS,j(._16th ..... 191 3 To the Councif of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the eapen ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - --- - - - - - $-2,38-7 -Qui_ ...... _ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $-----+� ---- Cost of postalleards - - - - - - - - - - - - $ -----...._._...._.— Inspeetion fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster tained, to -wit: the sum of $__jA66.35__._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land ' in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon- that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for suck.aetior thereon as may be considered proper. � � �;;•i Conmiseioner of �'nance. J Couneill1lan iaid;improvement, and tY Counekllgan Far' Orth _ �1 �g►4; Bell h Aoting;May , .biayoT ,�; ncilman E sworth' (iu Approved M on Y .B Msvo _ ordered and direotgd to extend ito OX'Otric linea by e�ce6tin8 gales and stringing Wires': thereon. for the transmission of eleat7ci alta .qA the following alley9 and streets of said city and in 8'ive poTms in and .through the alleys through tyle it1'oak` bat�r! en Jes.eamineStreet and Mm'gnnlum Street from ArkwrigYit Street to De. 1= Sota Street with all neoessary guy e and anohora. one pole on and in Cortland Street bk*sen York:3traet and Poplar Street with neoeseary guys and anchors- Street poles in and through the alley � ough the bloakirbe d yoDysr 6traat Prom Cortland streetr to Agate - tween Ycrk Street an��r� arrear, witn ail neCe$ y nand throogii the alley through the blank between gnelllAg,.Avenue and'Srim2>ti Avenue from Grace Street to 5t Clair Sure..®t,:with;all necessary guYs and anchors. Ten poleg in aiid. through the alley through the blocks _t,,e B7,air Street arid.S►an Buren Street i-rom, Griggs Street to Hemline Are�tul with all neoesBarY guya:and anchors. ~ q]l of such extensional poles and, wires shall, a erected au< r aonatructed •under: 'the direotibn and supervision o ;the '�"oW ls' onex o public Werke. and in all thirigA aubjeot to the provia�ans;of 4xdinatio. No .2!F24. and of all outer la�►f11 Ordinances and reaolut'ohs of '"tkie City, of St. Paul ya A31 po14 shall be set in such location in said a11e rand atr.eets as the oommif 81-6 els *P= f'ub�UioxiYorke shall designate, and, s tie of such ?ieighfir 4 shall .designate and app3�oVe, $ 9 3 y's .z 'k tai 'fie,. 3Ai t£�3.t a g��'-`.. a k, at V g g ry c'r y �$ Ad- 'and remoued, ,and sun and d all such t r r< s3 pl sed unde�Cgroaver Cammaa Council shall deem thatrt s a .���"i pubAl lic interest �% ��iree� atsd whe�i'it shah so order.' n - .:;°p- ,•,!.'.a,e.;:la'21,1.:.4 F:___:191/ ... ...7FARWORM..' a r a MR aFzGG; a t� LTG Gauxur' axa zs3 0l xrrpTTq 69o�r �F:rTJ a,:,,, err; horse sFTT Pr, ae; ru anr,pr7• ,rn r;, i rc?a iq Iio' StStl smiq oZ UT 0VJYGL TGM'VIT ozq?:.J<fuG e L�.,nT S?o=i ) 4 VIPTTO +o:.Ka° enq T,! &TT-F:rTuEu 9rn7'cF o rxre� 0�Tb1 oa attua�LrrG� q Nggq, Cus q�'�•`a£rou 'uk3 arra za7o o;u o. } nr C` 7''� Ni�i e ..�Sra' x*'�` z ^ut "S- i � ►xj �r'i' i .-T L. 3 �) ; :� , f �a. t377C1�t tug7nUa 4aT,. ailF gTT , usaGar3�xz1..rraG Guq ,ruc roz.a• zec; xu oc �m��s•�w 10 TUG �nE N. BTsT;F q"Aeu D nz©u u�z zo PAW feu bofra .qtz euq Cpa.onR_}r ;uG trT; L'3 M?F} �'TT ueaGaaWLX eff",-a euq ecrc;r;z.a• t :a o i?• CT�Tk * r #z 833GTTTIA VAGUNo- auq -L3LTIIIPOTT YnsunG s orJ �z ercG `Cx scr win. BoTcg.�u rrzq FFzorrEtu ;FG.a'Tjf,A }.i.cny GFG PT06F n C�} " gxLGHj-•, hl�'1'X7 3TT i7G0 GaQvLx RNA.* suq zu'; �' TO aaEM @n a Frr.rq e'uc}rr-ta• pubic° i�tee��� std men 't..eis�3s3 ea order. Nr.10 SEP 21, 191Q _.Approved 181/y��� BMayor. �— =4wVM'AmLMmmm A FARN aid, SO NAYS 0 SEP W4 'Approved 1914. 3;p� 'ALRating Mayor. - -- ;ANT HOTEL ,OR RESTAURANT.. LOOATI( F`= Approvh 22L5o �f 32.63 � 4D•00 �•�' 3:357•'to ` X0:00 4 0 30.90 tepair" - lOOfi•- ; A rlle A@Ot. ' 156o - a8so , 1�blt 30 z 2.27 - 14.30 2340 115.20 .06 .00 2200 62:5fl ' 397•. 114'37 276.50 3S•.90 2700 _ 22L5o 32.63 X0:00 30.90 i42 i CUSHING DUNN;, & *DRISCOLL GENERAL AGENTS ` dili:�, i J t. 4. �� i •�.F, MFAO OIfI<GX[vfYORK::CMRS:N:NOWNO:euua - ENDICOTT BUILDING w=t� ST. PAUL. MINN. September 16, `1914. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner Publid works, city.. Dear Sir:- ; Under Ordinance No. 3265 permission is granted the Hamm Realty Company to construct and maintain two trap doors ' one in front of 255 E. Seventh, and the other in front of 13-15 w. Ninth Street. ' The applicant named in this Ordinance should be the Theo. Hamm "Brewing Companyinstead of the Hamm Realty Company " 'YJa.,proeiuue that the Ordinance will have to be amended. Thankingyou for your attention in this matter, we, are, _-'Yours very. truly, ' - RNID :I� /l.1/tiCiLv+i( ,K l!/.�L�fio �tl•-Li( ^. p� MMAWS III 111mummial REVOKED.;.-` Location ' go T et Dr.?, 1 77 E 7th ......................... AlSk 1111miumnimi SEP 22 ISK Tg o-.'3®' �'St!'i��tv:�;�sit' ����� UmMilmol m Infill CITY OF SAINT; PAUL DEPARTMlit T'OF PUBLIC WORKS t x November 4. 1914. TO H$ ,:OOUAOIL, city of St. Paul. Gentlemen: In<re Final Order 1788. That part oP,the, order reeding, "and from :Ottawa Avenis to a point a05 feet =west" should be etrioken out for the reason' tj3it this sewer has been; put`, -in under private oontraot by the property owners affeoted. Reepeotfully submitted, aommB8I0 R OF PUBU6' WORKS. �xal r iiia to reference to said ma£tet,;by the Commissioner of Nblie,Nf Dated n', r� OSCAR CLAIISSSN .,,M` N. 6059. ®ree xe+ca+eea Col(M2551027aa F—C WOa85 CITY OF SAINT PAUL . - pEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS _ St. Paul, Minn. Oct. b, 1914. r H. Gass, Commissioner of Public Orks: Dear Sir,- I herewith attach sketch showing proposed sowers on Morton St. The full penoil line in street show proposed location of sewers as called for by Council File #748. The red dotted line show temporary sewer proposed at request of Mr. Michaud. The figures in green give elevations of established grades at intereeoting streets. Yours very rulysa upt. of Construction & Repair. i P. S. It Se"-feasible to drain the proposed private sewer in Morton Street from a point opposite Lots 5 and 7, as indioated on enclosed sketoh,into Cherokee Avenue instead of Ottawa Avenue, as provided for in Council File x¢1738. ( U M. N. GOSS �psp[I95tON6R POB(JC w— _. - • OSCAR CLAU65EN - CHIRe SNGQiRRR CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ;ggv:� ,`<•i � 'e.,: �+-;,x: 'ct .at`t Iq ..v;_ �,[7i4,z" cr 'x- ^crSY, r,.. „ k�',�:i, t �.E^t ttit�F t , :�76 ,;ra'r, F ,. s..,n.-..<s `44a>:C"-1 'irr•<t ,� r. "'e ,a..,r r.s 3'�.f,a:', , �, :� '?r.; „ .v r i a r':±, •+,i i.,. + ,13. i - .� f t✓+3A1c,,, t 1 i :.'} L } t.� S 4� 1}+ Cr $L.' 3+f1i f �5, ; x 3 �'.^S �k1Ae`yila".: f 4'"` 3 ? r <:tF , ii `�` » r ,,, Gts^2'S 2s s 3s%'rr k ..!ey, ➢ +.,. 3�,F, rL..F ar v; a zsi4a '<.-; ,1 ,ra x t xyi Yu, .ee ira' ..a5"' f "rs x'Sr�-'a as $."z 'f k r: , .. :. .... `•e..;:w ,.:,si.?`.'�^)j��iv .v�r }` }w.. . Yy?5*4 T �. �v � t��'_�� 13 ., N:Yti� .:�a, tit}':. ,-! A t. �'.. ._.. ... ,;*;•ptf Y ft � J':' ,S�,F.1. >x e;,t..� i ,z, z°a•'. v ,.x, v.ss;.,EK' �, tilar.a.... -i.: . e.a'9. i.'ra: '� F .{.',rt�f. Sys ��li.t _. a?'� E Sn. 3.r„ ,x 7 J;, s.. „,• 4 � a ✓ , < x +.,'� ,„.a� `. .., . =o.,... viz �'{P :.hr '� `�,, :.: - . 1a, :.... y "s +:<> NMI t t r� : 4 . u Y -Y-. x dY'Xg rs - MOV I r ,"X' v 1 ,:< p $ a b:_:y.,Lf.✓ .-v-s x$ r r'... .F', t ..,;t ,a3 z"d,�'dr-; .3 { :' 2'.. ` „- f f. :.r W s1 -r,f �v,r ori is �^ � S- 'v,.">r,'Ci �� i.r:: `� .r ;'. _ a, y� '�' �. r`�, ,ra 5t`"c aF ,. .nl .t: ' � �i ':t�. a r"' F A, `°y rt ti;' �'- ''2'� _ t x.E r✓. n t. k1':. :> b ,..,..:: � -'�i .la, `�` .,s.-.< �.7:.r .z -c,. F :s.,.c .,✓ �,ti<-':.., /, :w..,. :. c�i•.� c:� : ;:. I �r ;., ,. ,, :r <'e .,: -- aj rt � ;� .t. �tv-:�': u-✓ �,:� vr,x . � -'r ., Yc a�.:.,->.. s y:.. ,t.'.. °"< 4�i. �+. � ... .`t' �-�eti C s s fi r< .�.i'7�, `r � ; �Q,,..' iss Y _ 5 .ut'' ,..'`. i. 'sry S�r k ""�' :.:^i'a:t;•G�` J.,a�d.� . ^� zf. .`� �'� �. f a z. nr 11 t tii c, rn r+ v F a w �,«�x`Ap >s':;r �r'. r { gg e ,C �a,r t ^>yh •,. n' 9 ri 1� .� �%i. 5'� to -.I s t, r;. ,. ✓', �F Fa f a s:. I �`•� kij : 'ir?' ,t v. '� Y .�,x f� :?i�i�i h'r e s,l.', 1RvE. w+, &mal 'va i �r: �'',„sr �.. r ro t r J y �', a, �€ �'r � h 4' A7: 1 ,d' . -.f -fir, s � �.h� x tks�,.; } +� t r - ,r INS +.d .x�+ • �ynx .., ,w 4,` 1' 4 R k, �v} � .,. i y M1., i � �,L� r .n£ri 'S �” .�Y.,j x �\'I 'n,'.7i:• �tY 1 h 1 . , 5 ? i�*R Fu � k t .ice w.ce. . ... r.. .a. b '-^a'�.s,3.p�-1"'r'I1,`1.,Po?„:,��,},.�,s�#'z�„�”.',., #��,:Y#r'� �;o::�:,Fs'�m:�-F -".-�..a`n,"tr':�.at.F#_�-i4, w'. , ,-3E,z�,,q�x-��;:....�";7'��..1tr,Vk♦�. . �':A,,:a.#.'�ar,.uy. .��.., .0,�v:.�, �r.._r.rc'.�..,.'..�',..r.,r is� �.„�r,: .3.....'' .�m'v”s4a',1i...,..�aa�+.,t�h. �<;.,���.Y.ar.,£,>'..aS£,.,x"sr��:�'.,�„�awtl.�c£i..,,'�',v. , ..Q'. -. .�,�v�i�F iu.tt� ,a�<�"ralw'�G, .,.i,..,.�.,.,.i,x.�',.,��.;,� ,.a"t�>nt'.a;o-�f'-.'au �f�s,�,`5.'M'rti,r.'u'». s .z,a.�.b=its:°.l,�.,;1�,t".{Y..,':k,.'1 .�e_v.}+na?�:,�,,.'r.{.@3,` i ' a�n ser�. +- :J,. ,i�,w,r s,, ;.:;r,n,_;,,.,.s.:ti<,�..;,. yF s-4 r t , _ .: „ C -, :fi 4 u "S' 1F fM ' "'x'aX:F tL e , a I ✓ E R:'<s�c ,i`i yi r , r aw '.. - -. .. . r bT'u t. ,;,r:+t5 `K _ d4y . • ' ,.s ,y A., . :'..; L"k ry x q .. m ... £i Zo s >...: ' � <. a-.. v^,. p '< - z`L,:: �^'tz*+ N1; N _,,. <tai. :r. ':i, -f:: `r F M C.w71 �H 7 _..": r ira r ,1.Vu: Y M1 y `, _art b sav :. tY a .z , .'Y� to r ? s: v tt b & 5... ' x'•'` >t - aa �a � -�' ".•S� r ,�#v. ::, ts'� fqy, r,z3c. �-::, s+;s..,r^a ..i_ aSY,. e! r„ Y>ki, a. -: f` -s. •r. y ... aE j , ..:. r. r{,...- r ..•n, ,,t r,, aS7r ..: �:� .. ,... %�i'.+: s.s -ya„ .a:. .. �' _ ,..7 �"" :.w tm +. r : £`r �, ��. rS �;�, , ., rsF. ..,., .2 .,.... .e.k,' �:q� v. ;,,..�, t f.,Y. k,Y. .s �S�..; a�3 rS ,,y�"t ♦1 ,:! v �. ��.st ,s r ''rs:A. 2- 1.r � 9 x r 7:��r' `� .,#, . - x ,..:.YF - � Y ...._ „.3, . .. "� ti�,. �r � _ � S.trs•, � n - Frb�.,� �;: ', ,, +,.3 '�£' , . ; 'C : ,: #� .:-s �Py.,,�ar X a s . u.:xi. �,,.„e, ,. .a"_:...,. , ss�sa ,.' _. .. afi: :.:- 'Z., r. . �✓;. 4..3. ,� ,.: ,. -st ,"4 s .:-.,-. t �ayi >'c �u ..., _ � �'.v:l+� I> ._ ° "�:-�. �c'''��'�,,y,f�y7 s, .rk:-e�"`,..VVr'�n •-sas,,�- �' �J ��"i'`��Zt�'�� � r� 5 i .. 1 a.. 1 3> t xs ,a r +� ��: 1. r t r"}� �.r, i i :. _: a.�„i��?���:ai1,s }r,a.'t",,:,.,..rs: :sw.��`�.,�'�i' �. xt.'hc., .,,ti:...G.,es.Y,: >u, ,. r.;±!•...� n _`a'.r�.._. .�k,a.. + ,rv1..,r...,,....i...s„d.tvit{:U_.. m.,, re..._..,1�.,, .. ,.,.. .-, ..�z',a`...., Y. izri., ..tttc�+3: F^,,.r.h -. .._... ..-�<�T-- wr,� _. 1 11:11" minim 3 - r q L.. • ry fir..' v y. l � � L .. a; J ' � "' � ': w:� �� C ` ``'�'r ,.•' T kms' W;ItAM€K;+Mtl" M FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._...gTad n$_H8I1d _ traet,., from Front Street to West Geranium .txeet .......... ...... .................................... . June 24th, 1914.._ under Piehmmary Order --351 ._..._..__.._...._ ..._...... approved ............._ 12 59 Intermediary Order ......._.._............ ..-approved �0._Lf� A public hearing,havg been had upon the above miproteme9 upon due uottce,, and the Councrl nt having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of !M7. provementto be made by the said City is ............... _....... _.......................................... _..._i -- .... __............. -_.. .:_........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - - RESOLVED FURTHER, .That the Commissioner of Pnblic Works be and he is hereby iustrueted and directed to prepare plans and specifications forsaid improvement, and - submit same to the Council for approval.; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are herebyauthorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........ ..._... ..... ......... ....... ........ ... . -....... .._...__........ . City Clerk. Approved,. ......... .... _._.................. .............19......... .................. ......... ... .... .........Mayor. Lonncilmen.Farnsworth y Qoss er f� rllc o 3 oerg � Mayor Powers � `ar ,tip ' • ��, � r F,. ,3K S'.-L.��ifi^4 ..-��> _ , r., ��• ,s!'�'.. r .�4t� ...,. Y �' — 4+44 f valuation dfi each lot or parcel as last reported ,b the AeHessor, aie' ns ;follows m. ! r 4 Lot Slgek ADDITION r 'Assessed V`elnet�on� ��� i -n.7 K4I5ESCRIPTION - a�{ h i i '1A 4 { IE}i`� t t r D 4 �'± �' L - r _ '�,/! y 7 34i� i �,��:¢! t e ✓} t t > � ���7 ^'I£��.n,. ... -.. # .•'rgr_.. .. ,. ., .._....3 4. z„ o .... .. � _. _ ., i. .. t�� .., e.r, .. ) .� .. .. .•_ ! ,z h; ::, .4th �'�%`^ i h Y+ �r1.5 •�`�,. �xh:�"' F 5 t I/ E °4 y $ G + � 1 e r i A 7 X ➢ N" �, `. rix ,� Y � \ Vi $ } � � �* tt �v',i�V w :.. � �� ; '. t •: } 3 l t y 4 rte. t ✓' l�ni t 4 - � F� I �, _`•ham B t ,. '`r{ // t \ 6 i � r'�+ �A I''�� 1�.� 3 � � i� ] e{i JI } '.t �.� { j y 1ZAti i>J � 2.. `✓ .. ,:. _ ,- ,. ,::. _ -- �:. �, r. ,. ��.. �. ..; . ., .: ' �`;, .. ,. .: �, , ��.. � �, ., � �. _ �{ �w 3�` �-" _ l .. � .`, y � k w � k i� t ` � � _ � 6 ?� k ; _ s � 7 ,r ,. y % n ,f ny iN � r ,s r s v ;. - .. i ... - ,.. t;'. 'e :.� -ems - t 4 } 1 ���� *4' Sk ,.� :.. ., -- s. ., .. ,� , C �. i _ .. _ .4 x.� ,.,.. ,`aw '' 1. `iEN xsS \ � a y .6 { 4 � �hNly 4R t sl � �"�,Y pe�i�ion , � 5. Cowicil File No ._ - _ h PBOP08AL FOR IMF ROV.EMENT:: and PREMMABY ORDER. s The under gned `hereby Proposes the making of the fol ng public improvement b e City of St. ne 3_S�rnfiioate _itian ,No_ 2.i. Paul, viz — F in...aQaorcta aa.._�ti h"..pat tion heron $F f?ha 9�-"MMA2 M, ,V .... Jwhareas,lwYiitggr Rr DPRa15to}tuthe .......... __. jnniClns Qt -tti§c1PJl0win8^,1mDFQge dPq L ......_.. vti A>�adb ISP an Y in BIC41c $s _.._.. .......-_....._ _, ...._ . g .. -- 1n6•,iYp�(pte>£pd�iklort 1pTP -N 2: } iieQn pFeaen£a3 rtti pe CoanQli�oi* ._._ -----__..._ ....._ iifix4pt SC nLLheFgf6Ye Db�j. � - •- — �,ReaoyyV$fls$t'' the'�Qommlb Id '�+ . pf$lid w4r"''K,and ]fe ty�6bLdh <M �day ►SpQlhe` "-p"— Dated thita: �.nea�eeliYgt r�fle�lratrllity Pt thaatdnkta atf( - apd �eiif�ry�§V;�h�G�'�Mdts`�L fedl4�Ympro66k - . �pmttl aiyd thQ'ttetaLkQoetpgrgo?"a*.-, uncilman. aledrQh oc'anfa ltd Fovemon�. ' } 8'o tgnalap,Pthe ��ptiowinB a4 er Sa�riQr!>l�rmaf '5d�.�reldlliga�l�Y. d 1 GPI•�atAY♦; mil " "%i a ysatcT7� PREyMIINAR prou�meN F tf ,syeit IPu P %thpee onn rd own Y Y7 "£ - c"".keDltirt�f�pa7('aeu�1't�hq�to WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of th nat3}ret io �Q m if nitQ� ° 4 •40 WO PPtP ed-8eD4 $2 �1b'tS��81t19Y4 . f .. ._ ........ ....... _......__........_._...._._..._... __._............. ......._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._._.__ •• .._-- therefore; be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. mated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature; extent and esti 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. formation relative to said improvement:...._ .............._.._._ _-- 4. To furnish the following other data and in , _ _ .-. _ 5. ners. ,,, To: state whether or not said improvement is asked for on.the petition of three or more :ow 6.. To report upoil all of ,the foregoing mattera`to the Commissioner of Finance. ' �,� 1S14 ._..191 :_. • •, Adopted by .the, Council _........... _SJ.O Yea's: ' Nays `Councilman F swortli 191.. KI r r ,: M it.00.1 r Yo ram � 8 __._ ... ._..... AetinO Mayor --r Mayo �;4 .arc s,f i CouncllFile,No ...... - h Petitioa PBOPOBA?; FOIM Ii PROVEMENT. r �,` r and PBEMUNARY' ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol ng public improvement b e City of St. Paul vIz __ �Ta3d -the $i e , n $1O'Ok ine Syadioate itioh No.' 2! In sobaordenae Mi-Th r r�� ...................... ........... ..._—*p. Dated this ......?9Y1S ..:day o ._........... _ .r 9P Al s y� PRZIJUrrxARY ORDER .c; WHERE, AS, A tivritteu proposal for the making of the fbllowing nirprdvem0nt, viz _ .__. _ $iAS fl Fh.@_al H,j1.... �I1.:.li� LIDaC.:$.:..B91G7Ins aS.j�DS11�&�iA �dj iij OS1-.�Q.k—%i _...:... .._..... =r ,ar Dated this ............2221d:.._.day 6P:D.83AD.9T_:..:_._: ....:..._.._.._...._.._iai_x.� I') • - .— - Councilman PRELIHMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......................................... grade._alleg in Blaak 9 �laxrendele Bddltion._..... _......._.._.__....._..__._-_..---....._..... _. t xtas s. z RLhi�reae A wr.Yt�en prot�oeaL foY�,4he:.._.......... .. _... . .._... ._. .... P)gtc�}p oL _ falloping 7igpradgtpeati .......__ ..__.... vliirbde ailey:tn look $;•Q4a#t �.;.. dale �Aeditl�a"^UbvingKbee ..._...... .... ..... to Yhe-,.CQattctl a4gt>eBUjp _RL.By .............._.._ ............... ... ... ,. ._ ......_..........._ therefA�'e be2lta,�;-if� ,v� a a� PaoTik""vNaoTFL"',aQ4h ffiotOR bF4. z.:_.. _... _ .. .__...._ ._._.._ dered_9 d1ti A FH t w �. S .. ......_....... __..._....... 4_4 .....- _ LL . '+S "'>Tp^1hW$; a'at Q�ita{�r16Aeeelts for aori.�aegkab Ny •oL-tliottda'Wti6""oK.,Patd.: > hhving been presented to the Co imP}oW .0, i s i� a lhnan..__._.._.._.._._...._.___.......__...__ _ L „py,gasu4 �a4 Rj�e.,�`iatvre, ,:tea nnd'�""a'dttm6fed 4F�` eaid,'s�iFtPrpvR - therefore, be it afentt s8d }hePtbSa} rodt the opl., 4L.Prnlµce�, l}l nr 3, AQ'fa,n'tlk' RESOLVED, That the Com ax4tATa Z pclsytbhr�A socio lns nt en a hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necesloil ra1ft4.Vldatn{oxtdQttot4 r atxva f��catrti of said improvement. mP oYelnen"tt ,,tt siC`, ' AWt r1v$§t7�b"r or'(�iot featd lrq 2. To investigate the nature Prov mebt ljited eKor pa tris peuggn provement, and the total cost thereof. 04 thA'ree or hnore.o hererF 3 s• gra reporis,Zipo�n sn,fijh4h�-Sore i . 8.' To furnish a plan, profile gotri,tmattera to -she co�,�m,teetonen of 4. To furnish the following 4Btlt�a by t7ie ottna� seli4�$r 9i4 to avid improvement....... . 1 gee ved aepb,9$ 1$1611'; i 'ro ._ .. _.. ._ ..._...._._ p 5. Tu^ ... .. 'state whether or not said improvement is asked for on -the pet of three or more owners. 6. To!report upon all o£ the foregoi matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council:..:...._............ .... _...... ................ .__ 19 Yeas: Nays: ti Councilman F rnsworth O a Approved . _.._ Ke lei - 1011 !!! hic, oll O ary Yo _ ...: ....._W g Aottrig Mayor. Qouucil F31e No IT 7 PROF084I. - ?QR IIM$> OOEMEW F t and i 1 � .:P)3ELIIVlINABY ORDE>!Z. , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improve by the City of St. Grade Hand Strget Prom_Front Street_to Paul, viz.... -- _. 22nd 4 Dated this ..._. ...day of sed _...... 191_..r J Councilman. PRELUWWARY,ORDEH. ' WHEREAS, A�written proposal fo'r the making of thelfollowing improvement, viz.:.._.. Cx� QST@::......._ ._ _._Nand Street__from Fzont ,Street to _Street,.__.._._._ ___._._.__ _...__....._... . yI C,'y\ib'1787 c^'{or, the y WheYmaei A ivrltte id e�henI . ._.... ......_.............._........ ........... .._ ...... - . sktnit�oL, Lha dbno nB YnD _ ...._ _.... v;s ,Grade�Hand-6t18e from Ftont .. atreetan a Yland.�strde4^haVinK'heen .... ..... pr0e8n�'ddg o t7{e Counall`*$'i{e CILY, .. ..... .._......... .... ....................... .... ......... of eL!lebuLn retote battk1s 66 Rbaglvan,rphat tha 06mnalaelati,er.o1 hab11C, �Fgrks -1 an �h .e" h'te�Y T ` ......__.. dd _ _..._..... .._.- ._. '.: _...... .. :. 7 arb, sridtdlrecteY" ` 1! i-0� Inveatlot 4heh a7rinBsor e�ld - � of ddslSLthl LY ��awxniyty; a �t u ... iCllman....._._ _._..___ laying been: presented to the Cou ima rod to kC�6ale�tbb Batu?e datten4 therefore, be it . ana Fepated odetrpt�s@t }am.kDro e h'ntY��o 41ucn1shtabDtanK�rpraflleor.. RESOLVED, That the Com t��tohotiMn�tahhev �onom n %her is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invest: ate the• necese aatL dna Into +n?<tlo el lie ByL°�a; g of said improvement. . g' 4�gtDkgo siaia tigthaF3o +n 4,eatd m ar tlTa t°he Dett top im rovement, and'the total cost thereof. �It iq.,agk�t�.� P 2. To investigate the 'nature �ave#>»eola��ate'owtera g repo;�. !'Fan b,ICfbt Lh8 tore 3. To furnish a plan, profile bl s ra atheCam ldalone at 4. To furnish the followings ay�igfw"D�§zt �4, to said improvement ..._._. . 5. To state, whether or not said improve' ent is asked for on the petition of three or'more bwnere. 6. ,To report upon all of the foregoing maters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Couneii;:..._............ ... �o Yeas: Nays: Councilman Faswort Co h Approved...... ...((( L 91 Ke er 011 01 ary Yo g . atlzlCr Mayor. Rated WHEREAS, A -vr Councilman. ORDER. Grade . following • improvement, viz.:.._...______ _.:::...._ 4h ��andulnfnlmTaa.zUfRien sn x atibn{ i{HSrQ �fb said p _ '. 7nEfD�4veLteRtrua�..4�, ..1 ' tT x CC t�1v -• :p uvemehi leeRekpd lois o the pod tt h.............- .- ......_._..... � _.. . ....... ..._'-" ofFttitr±o df-�o2Q owrAT`k ..., FCo ng,'mtiera ikouC Colmm�l6el0 eeyol- ._._ N'Snance.).'� 3' 'r `tAdbbted�bY tifa�(76h'nolt �e�rk. ��2 X3814 d prov6d Sept. 88 1914, -_ ... ____ ...._._.... ..........._ ,r • ' having been presented to the Conneil of the. it of St. Paul by Councilman_-_.___--._.__.._,...___� therefore, be it. RESOUVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worlm be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. T9 furnish the following other data. and information relative to said improvement:....... ...... ...,_ 5. ' To state whether or - not said improveulent is asked for on the petition of three 'or more., owners. 6. 'To report upon all. of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.' ty Adopt,- d by the 'Council... Yeae :. Nays: Councilman F sworth 9/ G", Approved..._. <. < 91 r g er aTy_.. Y 9 agor Aettng mayor: .:x Dated this .....:..22,pd Councilman WI�EREA �"` �nanp Im��uvement, Grade _._.FRS.T_7ngt.R.n--A�YRx11dRQlm�aRQe�2..b?arvlanc..Street, ...... .. ......._..................__ _. ..: _ : ...._. _....... _...__._..._.. _.................. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: COUFILZNO�� NO. 1 "'/,` 9 . Date Presented- RESOLVED, resentee RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. Yeas ( ✓)Gom 9 rnen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farn worth Goss In favor Kell Approve 1 i91�L Mc 11 Against ✓ O'Lc try Yoe Mr. I§esl nq MAYOR �. �iYb'8N I. FARIOY. Orsi Occcc e � ^ CITY OF SAINT �dUL �GJ OZTY CJZa�Bg'6 _08`F'ZOE , � � d - ��/��.I6 f°�!��t a^�-�s��: '� �T at il�,�'�..�. i��b.�r/v. V �� � f �. �� -� ��� �, c� � ' _ CITY CF STI PAUL - i COUNCIL.ROLUTION—GENERAL ESFORM .._ a .....;. ._ .. .:. ..MLIE 0 ....� .. _ x 3 H6NRY`MCCOLL JOHN T. MCCOLL t - DEPUW COMM16lIONEn ? �£ COMMI6E�ONER •- 1-7740 Cit Y OF Sok INT';P'AU.L n EQARTMENT. OF PL)#3L7G SAFETY ` Sept. 14, 1914. To The Honorarlc = a=Le gC un oil of the ^�t� of. $ Paul, Gentlemen ° AcpZ>1 c 3 on has been filed by H.J. Hoy for a license -t-C> c arXc3.uct a motion picture theatre at #204 Pates Ave _�_z s is .p. new location, beim a vacant lot. Appllaa-xnt c is fres that license be granted before building and Txsr theatre. Application and resolu- tion attached. Respectfully � - L ' enae Inepe r. MMG Oa� tli9,t, permisal tusseli ahall':pay the oaeb of engineering sad .9nspeot a.�sa, r� �,ny � rw5 's" �' �x.:vma�.x� � X� �'y�,-,�'"`b �`d, r _ s .� �� �iS. F "' V � .._ der ra... _ � _ .. -i .. e - �. MA I'm ism oll"i FMA all la l i�� �'� iii a iti ,. ,.. .,_ . -�-- III MY&MEMEM Em mmommlliww _1750 c. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.__aonz_truain9.:..& Sidewalk of cement blacks to dt . ..... o... Six feet on the north.side of La,iond Street, from Hamline avenue to . ........ .......... . . . ..... ..... ........ ... .......... ................... I ... . ... . ..... ........ . ......... ............ . . .... . ........... . .......... . . . ......... under Preliminary Order ...... . ... 4.5.3 ........_..."._._.........__......._approved ...................... . . . .. . ....... ..... Intermediary Order . . ............ . .............. -Approved zez1A V/ - — ----------- --------- F.. - A public, hearing having been had upon the above illiproventent upon due notice, and the Council having heard a 1 11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the Sallie; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature., extent and kind. of im- proveme ut to be made by the said City is. -........the .j!&;�..fe . . ........... d et wide Nor-th..-side of.-Lafend-45tras _'t. -from .11amlina-avenue to Albort street ............ ...... .. ........... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit Sallie to the Council for approval; that -upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and qirected to proceed, with the. making of said improvement in a em dance therewith. Adopted by the Council-..--.-- ...... .... . ..... .......... . . ........ ­.­­ ..... ........... . ......... ......... ...... ... . . . ........ City Clerk. Approved ... ........ 1�7 Councilmen Farnsworth LA k' en 'j 0 Wjaci Goss ;79i I W' un0-soft,igi 1 Keller 12 RA 'gov H McColl COUNCIL FILE NO ............................................ By-_........ ........................... ......._........... ... .......... _....._..... _... ........ .. FINAL ORDER.. In the Matter of. ....._.onnstruating..:..&_Sidewalk.....of..:.aement._.b.l.4o.ka.. to._.a._mid.txs...... of six feet on both sides of Superior street, from Duke street to ........... ................ ............... ......... ..... ........ _ ............: ........._..... _.. Oneida street { under Preliminary Order .._....4.3a ............... approved.....Zuagn ........... .......... 1ar3 _� roved ................ l_Y..."..... l Intermediary Order ...... .......................:..................... .... pp A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upou'due notice, and the Council 'having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the. same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provement to be made by the said City is._._a....Gement....block ....eidam1k--Le--a-widths *f--eix--feet en"' both.. 04.961 ei...Tvper.Lr_. traet,...f.r.4M Duke streetr tt Oneida street _...._................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner "of Public Works be and Ile is hereby nistructed.and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed j with the making of said improvement in ac r I e therewith. Adopted by the Council....._.._._...._��. Z _:_.19.� Ity Clerk. Approved -_...... ..Y"" �.4..... `... 19_ ..... .... ....... ........_-.._ ._ Aettntl or. C 7rnr x„t Y i1, Councilmen Farnsworth In. 4,�tre�ot,{aom ?walk. ot• bmerit ;b ��2n at dib"bl�� +ffat�t°4�ta a rn bm to o er a } ti069 d rP reg u�8b'�*p� ¢71 ary%Q ¢ 4 . ' a �}q&ed iie'9 8d'�J 4yx-nteraie Keller iaa y �yWIN "M Dake v &' ubl tt L Lc fia �& 1 eColl riotlo� anth�rtri# doiin ti6�tgi�te& dS ' { all lfergb y,=6j€atlQiiipfff'll $xaeomatg Cd 'MV, lattt�e 'tltpr td r s>Ui¢y hig Yuny'ucp'eldei£' th$$ cam xh$re�bre,� O'LealyBt7G� i m ;t Ali 3T ; a lieeoly d .,Sy�ttba�Couttel}.o�ggrrGl�ty� pt st.RbYi1�1tFtt6ti6It9$4fdT[,t7prle tp Yoerg k h mti6 mn t CttitieRa aeynen.. ibipetY-idd ItntalWldlh �f tx`3@et f nn'bo.Ityy ¢idep of ,,3upekldrtre¢k o#n Maj'91�eWCPH ,Duke street,to Onelde> etre '%W, W" ' - - Counett hereligabrd re sa da,lmpe .menk to be mad - Worfer bf P biicbeNo k'atb h8rtd heti —b In tnted nndd(ieot d to. I pT,e p1 nQ eDec111ce f til m�rovGm¢nt`;:and ubmt m t,.tbe.! ' :C6unelt 4or apptovat :;;thy; upon.;eeid-:3 - {�'.:' .:• X + '1 sL lu C t9 np Ln@reWtta • - - if�;i�. ;:-.� tr '�s�a � ,s Adoptediliythe CouncLVaept. 2� 1814. f:. _ , ,{��pproved �Sepf 2� ,1919 ,,t ,o 26.1814) 1 � " �= .,;� t ._ . Mc Pce6dei �xQVFimm u so a'+to aonheo�. _ �s�'tNe�te �cd�te s o - �c arn�,� - - ts��st�ai I9T4 � ( Nays A prov . y 1914 Mayor" r . � w board of WW R E. KE ioEa M. N. E. KBILEP, Pramem - - M. N. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - S A FARNSWORtH DIDPARTMMWW OF PUBLIC U7riLITIID9 BVREAU OF WATER OFFICES: 0 EAST FIFTH STREET Sept. 21, 1914. To The Honorable Council 4f The City of St.Paul. r Gentlemen: The Board of water 0ommissioners, at a meeting held this date,,unanimously adopted the following resolution: "Resolved that the Common Council be requested to authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets4 Chatsworth, from Orchard to connect with the present water mains North of N.P. Ry. tracks. OTohard, from Oxford to Churchill." Qer truly yo , JCF/THD / Secretary. Y z C�, P�''^rYo�e34&a �y,,$$x�at'�x"�'��'' Yi ... <. _ .., _..,, � �t1Re�6etha Tk�.L Ydlf �kDllfg�h'f�4C,5� .. .. .. .,. �g1�Y�r�g.�SgeLkez tU �+p.�$�uG! Oft II yam• . 9 DA`Q�r 'yY t fi , 1AYS 0 N SII il�ll��l I�]in u,i ilhl, al jql 1'IJ • 111 Ily al'1 III duel �1 I Io,Innu,f ❑ llld J4 dun n _Aamurrp t Inw 7n y V„ul uy IIIA, ulvw a 1 1 pa H,rH lduul pllu, )v nluN �iI ul.xn,.l niij lMPu;huHl.ivul pine awnry u,na ae aaA�.ovY��gna,ti� r u "qJ )o un'. )oau 41 1dv,i l,f vii ,�alntia0ua4' ulaoq VU l.ony ae1Aaglp naoowtl P— a pu, .-Imp loo)'ul;P—Pa�punq aAla I "-I aa5v8)dow)pl.. )u p q sow 46�ym uo �foewn� apu; .taa,. puu ui oPoaq )u da, I))oe47 uI P.oaa j•o p.. aRa4l )vItl eyl of Hn ,. (POWERS) 9 51 in a All WIN ,1760 COUNCIL FILE NO .... .......... ¢e { . t FINAL ORDER. In-the Matter of.....4_omatrttc.ting....a..a.idewalk_..of_-.cement_.blo.Cka.._to- a_width:::`oY six feet on 'the north side of Bourne avenue, from Keston etreet•weatx arta wreW "Tine .of 1 t.. is BIock 3D' St: Antfionp hark XortfiPP. under Preliminary Order 410 .._................ ...:.._.approved ...._.Ltllle._31J_Lhy.__1914 .:..... i c�� . f, IntermediaryOrder ................... -.._.... ..approved __.-.------..........._ ...�.... .._. __._........_._....._ ... A public 'hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due �ptice, and .the Counml and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the having heard�ll persons, objections r„ same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul. that the precise nature, extent and kind of im prove tent to be made by the said City is--------- te.:._censtryzt.-.a...sidevelk;....ef....cement•-blocks-six feet rid1-4 e en,the North side of Bourne >sl avenue from Keen street west to the vest .............3iae s! Lst 39 -B3:oclr�0 -8t-9athony Park-North...__..... _ ...__ .._...._....._ ........... .......... -_... 4 and the Council. 'hereby ,.orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER., That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prcliar`e plans and 'specifications for said nprovenient, and submit same to the !Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are LILereby authorized and directed to pro sed with 'the making of said improvement in a oclance therewith. Adopted by the'Comrcil_.._.. ,..}r1911' �r City Clerk., Approved ... _.... _ ... FINAL ORDER. S In the Matter of_._. _s.laying.,..._raaone_truo_ting_.&__repairing...Rith_.aement._b.looks >. to a: width of six feet the present sidewalks on the,following street, _exa p.t._.where--.good and-_sufi'io ent-;Gement sidewalks now exist,-Gh#sago Ave south side, beginning at Custer attest, tb}�enae under Preliminary order.-: ..1.63.......: .. ......................... ._approved ........dun@....19 tha-.:.�91.&.._............. _..._ ....- Intermediary Order : _....� ��....................._approved �� .. �I/...... .... ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City.of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement. in be made by the said City is to releyf.,reconstritet'-and"'repair vitK' cement_'Wie ke six .' feet vials the present sidewalke'except where good and sufficient sidewalks aoa_;4xiat __....ett.. (bice'go-evemte--aeath side tre et Cdetar utree tfienoe to Aobeat 'etrest and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council / ...... y Clerk. Approved_... _ _.._ �/' 19:/;r .... . .... AGun .iayor. Councilmen Fa nsworth Sra �[n the �r$et� ei ag, rebop�Y��h��� nerrek711r� met. � blp.�c ta.d"r�V1Hth� �yf e�bg'khe �_ wCyreae'§fa4}vgika a6 HIoakE G s, ?eaP,• �ad&o tettr�ai�tth A ller rtfn �Eeh ��riih en; gp , �,aetr ku�i 7 k-prnbedSEJ,twy�=�h+e�iH�`13 ie 4 . �j -Coll1` a%exb a r �idA aft%eyuaa�i4 F hheshea a m"atal'ia5+yeelvhs'd. - upose ahb�stvg-r7ad5oYameat py,t�si'.: no n� ttie O eery �it�par pke•''"nple�tl6�lci1 havingajlea;a� estiot� 'i% anc�'feaummea aFirB' h,¢ratot,§anaLv�ag¢ IunriS>eredtr[aFsa ti a that Pre' Y erg ba•�1.�'.��,,��� '�tea07veault49 dQYmcil �e thH C(ty _ t 8th,-Ng`hT thaY.'3)ie pTecie�;',psthi'e e7r ' _ Mayo re ten£�ne�7,y,�a�r�t�mpi<ove'mene�tarbs�• . a7ane� ��Zi;;aai Gifx,rie td!€6elair ,ra.-: FINAL ORDER. _x762 west of .:State.. _etreel,.__thenoe._:west 60.._fee.t.................................... ......-.................. ._.............. ....... _...... ........... under Preliminary Order. -..—.A.0.8 ._..........._approved ....._ ggg_..3Ot �. 1914__ ..................._. ,pp .a roved __..���.._._.... Intermediary Order ._....._ ._.a.� .. pp _.- A public hearing having been hadiiilii upon the above improvement upon due. notice, and the Council. having heard all persons, objections and recoinmendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ia._.te._reaanstrpot.,r_elm...vad_ rapdr—Ihe.._pre®ent_ sidewalk 911 the South side of Fairfield avem a beg. 98 feet Deet of State etreet,thenoa west ....---- --- W f-eet........... _.... _...................... ..... ............. ........ ............ ................................. ...... _................ .... _.......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and . directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in ac r I e therewith. Adopted by the Council — —< �_19*el City Clerk. _ Approved- L/ .l/ --19L._ ....._..- ...... ... _ .. Un ayor. a Councilmen F nsworth balder at COUNCIL FILE NO.............. By---._..__ .......-................ .... ._ ...... ,.2 FINAL ' ORDER. In the Matter of....._ ra.e.one.tacU tin 8,..delaying..._and..repairing._w th. csment.._blooks to a width of six feet, the present sidewalks on the following s'treetWOX- and--sufficient cement.. sidewalks nope., exist ..._.Fr.ont....Street North 'side, beginning'36 feet west of Albemarlestreet thence west 54 Ft. under Preliminary Order ..:._.., 464.9 _._----- _....._....._._approved.......J.uneeQ..Zoth,.....19-/11+4........ .... .... _...... _ _ ...... Intermediary Order .... _........ ._.......i i7 ...._.__....._...._._approved _........ _._a..._ 1 ..t 7.. .... . ................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council haying heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provemeut to be made by the said City is_.te_Sac.enstsuCt.,Telsyt_.and..TDpEil.-with..-aement.blecks 837t , feet wide"the present sidewalks is the following streets,except where, good and sufficient` i comsnts.- walks ..:now-axist...an--FTont..street,North--aisle--f Tam.: -ft west of Albamda-str•eat,west ., 5t f set` . and the Council hereby, orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED' FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for. approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--. _19. p f 9 a Clerk. Approved: t ,. JA-- 77777-- M A iaA Z iv COUNCIL FILE NO.'._.. -- ---- --- --- - ---- By FINAL ORDER. width of ......... . -- -- .. In the Matter of.... .0-00DUU-0-ti 9 ---Ador� ave-nue, from WrLeejer aVenuO six feet on the south side.'qf University . ..... ..... ................. ... . ... t.G.-Ly-nnhuTS-t &VenuO .. .... . .. . . .............. ..... ... ............... ........... roved under, Preliminary Order... 4.0.6 ............. . ...... . ...... .. . ..... ......... app Intermediary Order ... ........... .. . . ..... ........ t.157-� -- ---- ------ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard *all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Co uncil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- City is to raatvw�t A.-AL&Ot provement to be made by the said ... ................... aide qi-:�VnilrereAy w7enuo- friam•Wh4oier-avemw t* J,,y mhur and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. on RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coulmissii er of Public Works be and be is he eby instructed and improvement, and submit same to the council for are. plans and specifications for said directed -to prep approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord.once therewith. Adopted by the Council--19..%:C .......................... ...... .......... ... . ....... ity Clerk. ............ Ilatin9 Ala or. pp�, . R-q y,6 xl WIS'S"N"E ipc ON -c ,,u Coit' Councilmen Fa i iswortl0gili .0 xv--5 � I - gta, lel ltYs avenue tot A. '00it % Gol I Uae 0th Ke 0-0 MIN er Vbj %)-r- I uc h,� 6*--4 �V t d �av aft M 4, -d-n 1% oi�p � da - , T Ale 1011 0 M W"AhM Ull 0 1 eary" Vt Ell Mraifignp-1w, Yo rg 20 em, -s- Rn uth- or ur lroph ucR4 SCouhaitr rfor ,an14"twow V All t 4 .. R S& i COUNCIL FILE NO r ;� reoonetrn bM&Pftd repairing to a width of r ten feet with _cement blocks, the present sidewalks on the west aide of Snelling avenue from Minnehaha street ._ excep,tw�here, good. and' stt€icient l0 .foot___:.._ Sidewa�lke, 1}6 exist under Preliminary Order 444 _.. ._.............. approved ...........J-ulIe; 3Qt ►...X��f) Intermediary•,Order ..... _ .. p ....._.a roved ......_..... � � � .. �... �� ......_ 5,.... pp__......._ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it 4t?% RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul_ that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn- �shd.r.� it to...a..:width....ot....tett provetuent to.be made by the said 'City to -Z-0 otaetxuat_.,.rebu pe' -- fit6t,"mi.th cement blb &s, the preseitt:sidewalka on the meet side of. Shelling Avenue f'rcm idirmehshs--St.r-t--Gspitol Av-e:, ex-:wh$re gdod.. errd saf-fieietrt '.10 fvo-t aidervslica n'mr-exist..:' and the Council hereby orders said improvement" to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Co u tissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for stud-improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approyal, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in -accordance therewith. ° Adopted by the Council_. ^ o.:.•. _ ........ - Cit Cle • . Approved_ _ - ' /19 Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth TXr.TctjUlf, Mt 2b i to Go y x paha4 r s4trept �to):.,:aVphr[;d'�,ieYdebt; dS,$pliQrot;B,foot . Ke er �'x'etd"' 1 � E�4n8ayptr��rollmin . � gatg� d x�r1D nog una ,kBt - y`�'�$Y Di oll b��ypFisbeenhai - �nd�, iA���,t"�,��mpr86enC8itt=�iD4rl�d3d ot14e e"Qop clLa ing hea�'t1�pS� .. - 0' eary o r•g t;nttjeM,D, ddttdn fitC e ey having+: � sa` 'Ydre[ore$. Yxu&eBo'1 d $ ou et o , tiie�Clky , ooi•'$ ul�a$`ti,t1>,•dcie'na�y*'1��K # d oLYmprd eniMkrow obs 47oL��Ttq C[t1''ifa'�econattl, x� ` 'bvtttpna _fa t dtnentr brook t� aebt�Slgaf sth e � b�i'S.Ca�l t 1'' � g�ett.,t mx�tun4hnha, 8t.. v �x4eshe�g.z,R41~d' and 6�rtts 1pp TAM note; d � bzfa �Y9�ds tri¢ Co'unen •hbkli�r otderd_ 4,' sald.IthDrodmefit,;'td 'bead,;t:'" z% - - E itpagrlYed Fi7kther "J<'tiahafCommla - - bidndr;ptk bild.`wprka � pu her. s.; . eh`§r@kY`lna�eted ea9'U �il�do�dd �4"i�� '� xSR� . bpdesylaha�a4d apeFtl�dA dna".;�or said,, �S�Y; � C 1C U, ept„+iptia.gdbht! aii�rte 't'a the "�,. „� hr'. b>idir.�tof'�„�apRtbg��tat�`uDap i<Pprotgr� the p ops �$ify!ro4tce '��� M h'gteby�a�tthotrad`-ah:dlred 4k mid :lri d'_ jti: a. "3 1' 'Yi`��- _ ribe hKPgtj. 1 SN'1WnK `ltlhhes �dng baae Your6�>'htiYA1'1µ$i$ t' �5sl•:. p r tl�,Etlyttpb$AtetYfiap. �dv1dS�lpby t :�w e �S �' i *� � doplc$t by ttle.tiCounci}t�bt. it ri }t rh is . . a tiP Qs�eB'tOc 1 li iPhtp,�.sw r i � � t Yeas eq (lhfr) Naysr v x Adopted �S' thr�Couaal r Q�T "`.�. �g � 4161 r : �i. .�.., .. _�� r . _ �n�-�babs,kse4^..ea::b£rG..�`P. 53�#.Rks; Y�3.^+_$ds5t3�`.,zN°�+r+'}�;�''isti4'Z�-K�ns`•`�,.xdcm� a.. m'zr/Y� 9 Resolved*- That the Standard Oil.Company a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Indiana and . authorized.to do business:;in the State.of Minnesota, be and hereby ii1permltted to build, erect, construct, and maintain an automobile filling station on South Seventy give (75) feet of 'Lots Twenty Nine (28) and Thirty (3O) Stinson's Subdivision of Block Thirty Six (H), Arlington B +uos Addition,to St Paul, Minn.. for the purpose of 90ting and dispensing Gasoline and other Petroleum �i Products. Tanks for containing Gasoline shall be put under ground in such a manner as to be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Safety, as provided by the ordi".. nance of St Paul. 0. g'f#Q 1788—ABY Aenry„M�Laol��,�. Y`ite8'o,}Yed That ,fthtl tl dh aLCtlND�!$tfOiL *datlth8.,lKtveai0f �oc�gnd��� /. _ '- H� /(Q' ctie�aee tlndfi �,}�thtltf8$d to��d0."S hit�n�ea�.7h'+'z'thbg{ � �✓ .. �LaielYevA��fnD0fi1-t�f 4bR�Kd��"'ahjbMiE�i _/ / �A "3 1' 'Yi`��- _ ribe hKPgtj. 1 SN'1WnK `ltlhhes �dng baae Your6�>'htiYA1'1µ$i$ t' �5sl•:. p r tl�,Etlyttpb$AtetYfiap. �dv1dS�lpby t :�w e �S �' i *� � doplc$t by ttle.tiCounci}t�bt. it ri }t rh is . . a tiP Qs�eB'tOc 1 li iPhtp,�.sw r i � � t Yeas eq (lhfr) Naysr v x Adopted �S' thr�Couaal r Q�T "`.�. �g � 4161 r : �i. .�.., .. _�� r . _ �n�-�babs,kse4^..ea::b£rG..�`P. 53�#.Rks; Y�3.^+_$ds5t3�`.,zN°�+r+'}�;�''isti4'Z�-K�ns`•`�,.xdcm� a.. m'zr/Y� CITY OF SAINT PAUL orTr-oriflass oamso� Sept. 24th,1914. dHon. Henry McColl, G Comner. of Public Safety St.Paul, Minnesota., pp.&r. Sir:. The Council, at their meeting held today, referred thetattached C. F. 1768, granting the Standard Oil Co. permission to erect and maintain an eutonobile statim an Payne Ave., near Whitall St, to you for investigation. Yours truly„ City Clerk L.. ti. AL L tlu M6PIwi wec PTANCE IAN INDIANA CORPORATION 3ALE$ DEPARTMENT 'A� �Pr Sept. 23, 1914. IN. YOUR REPLY REFER TO FILE NO. To the Honorable City Council. / of the City of St Paul, Minn. St Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: The undersigned, Standard Oil Company, a Corporation organized under the laws: of the State of Indiana, and licensed to do business=:in the State of Minnesota, hereby petition your Honorable body to be allowed to build, erect and construct and maintain'an Automobile filling station on the South Beventy Five (76) feet of Lots Twenty Nine ('29) and Thirty ('30), Stinsonte, Subdivision of''B1ook Thirty Siax(38), Arlington Heighte. Addition to S.t_P.au1,,Minn., according to the plat thereof, on file, and of'iecord in the office of Register of Deeds* of Ramsey County, Minnesota. The Baal automobile filling station which your., petitioner.- - ontemplates and intends to construct upon the• ;? aforesaid property is to consist of a one-story, fire proof "Pruden system""metal shelter building; -Gilbert -& Barkerr underground tanks; and Gilbert do Barker self meaour3ng'pumps, etc. These Gilbert 6MarkerrGaealine storage'•systeme have been examined and tested by the Underwritsrs_Lab'oratoiiiii and listed by the consulting 8ngineera of the National Beard of fire, Underwriters, and oompiy with the ordinance of the iT City of St Paul goveringin gasoline storage systems. " The said Gasoline Filling Station is to be used by your petitioner for the storing and dispensing of Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oils and Greases. Wherefore your petitioner prays that they bit, alloweduto construct and operate the aforesaid filling . station as hereinbefore stated in.this petition. STANDARD OIL COMPAW By G M. N. �6SS OSCAR: CLAUSSBN co�t`ssoNa¢�rvecsivoass - ®®_sxc¢iese' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _1_770 DEPAW17MENT OF PUBLIC WHRKS St, Paul, Minn. Sept.. *3101,9149 Mr. M. N. Goss, Co�miseioner of Public Works, 91 TY. Dear Sir,- I enclose herewith resolution extending the time of. completion on the following grading contracts, and would recommend, owing to the fact that the elopes on these streets have not been condemned, that the time extensions asked for be granted$ Hewitt Ave. from Griggs -St. to Lexington Ave. Topping St. from Syndicate St. to Griggs St. East alley running N. & S. in Block 2 Hemline Syndicate Add.fti Saratoga St. from St. Clair St. to Lincoln Ave. Yours very truly, Chief Fongineer. q • � ' � it V � First ward u Council File No..:. _...... ....... ..... ._._ A773 PROPOSAL FORMIPROVEMENT. and \ PRELIMINARY ORDER, fix^' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public intproveme C`Yhe City of St. 1 Paul, viz....a_oaataruat_.a....aew.er-._.on. the_.-f.olloWing._streeta' Payne avenue, from Cottage street to Lar nteur avenue: Edgerton street, from Cottage street t California aven California avenue, from Edgerton str t to Payne avenue: Idaho avenue,'from Edgerton street o Payne avenue: I wa avenue, from Edg stree o Payne avenue: t avenue, and aven pyo uced westerly, om Payne avenue to'the intersection of the s 'd M avenue prod ed westerly and Bradley street Produced nor erly: Montana avenue, from Edge on street to White Be Road: Nebraska avenue, from P e avenue to a point t ee feet west of the 'west line of,White Be Road: Nevada avenue, from. E gertbn street to Payne venue: Lake Como & Phalen anus, from Edgerton s set to Payne avenue,and a temporary sewer ou at on Bradley street d Bradley street produced. northerly from Br inerd avenue to tie n a section of th-e said Brad- ley street?Ji�od ed northerly and �� avenue produced westerly,all of which is to' a known as the Payne atfld Edgerbon System of Sewers,and sugerasding C nail File No.1314, -- Djited this �:z23_.day of.:.::._Bept:........._, 191.4 –•cu ,7748— i..,�'mr y Nm qtr .... ... ..... ___ ...... ................ ........ __.... _............ ... bFeaf+. "'Q�va•�t�n9ry oeaY far they g�sfolY ailAm XoySmon4`� ' .. .. nnatrAat{nc�vt+repnow Councilman. � i3izW� �'�avq�s n4 irbm� ��pp qat :tldto'; ye-- Z�dlitoe siSR g�5d -a g* gout °�f. 4 + Lor arta �tt.Pyv{e AIRY, ORDER. 8 gena WN 8fl ,:.• _ :. elk ,�aeafueb�t z e i� t eee4+'of the following improvement, viz.:.tipn9truQt .$- WI3EREA5 . ; F tree ._.___.__8@.9P$i=.• , � 6$ $.'��� '. d4§ARS''. ,.... _............................... _ .__....... ...... _._.................. .._._ .. :. ...._...... ...... '. A [r$et�l�i BeaP,i 7 OAF IN LZ tj e' Q" cpoi, t •e �. set+fwebak oL •N _... .. t#L gv' 1 e by"Ay6tE�da�YR�_,6osd �277e j _. �— Raane__e J v?efEv: a tom pnate5i set to Larpenteur avenue: n v�meprxla saxes roC:a cnf pe k � Of wt3, P,5 trirga�tAer9 RwA�r < Payne and EdgerBon System of. Sewersy�d 1 a 7�'42t4enorC"yuon al' ; ' t4 Lo3e super„ etaratn zne comm�aela�ep u 1. i dpdbY't6CoAAdT SxenG.�'�yg - - •• r,,34? odedf5�pG' 1 181E ;+;,�`' r ;:,St Paul by Councilman_.._. ...................................._. ._-; ` having been p�re� � .,,. .. cse a 4s, iau , , .� � � � st therefore bents RES0LYKD 6 be and he is he ordered and directed: Ma §'. ilit of the making of said improvement. 1 To invo 3?. 2. To'iii6e a en sn es mated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, pfofile;or sketch:/of Wd''intprovement. 44. To`furnrush the following other darn; and information relative to said imp . _..... 7. _......__.....__.._.....__....._..........__......_................ ......... _............. ........ _.... _......... _._ _.................. ......... 5 :To state whether or not said improvement'is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all: of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .-------- 2.. ... _ .....191 Pease Nays: Councilman F nsworth AL Q' s Approved ............... __.../f...•.. 191. ler M Coll 0 'eary MAefSn4 i<Sayor 3 i1 i� � i i � � k }} it '_ �� 1• l� � c i'."tai {, � l� 1 '� 4� � !i :� �� Fd 1� li' E •, 1'. - �� First Ward i s Council File No ......... ........ ..... ....' PROP08AL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY.ORDER. k The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improVeme Y -the City of St. Paul, vlZ ocnatxunt... a_aa�eer_on__the_fallowing_ etr _e . ............. _....._........ Payne avenue, from Cottage street to Lar nteur avenue: _ Edgerton street, from Cottage street t California avenuE California avenue, from Edgerton etr t to Payne avenue: Idaho avenue, from Edgerton street o Payne avenue: I wa avenu from Ed r atree to Payne avenue: t p 1 twgne og Ql pass" pZ�o�d�uced westerly, om Payne avenue ,� n Baa4 s etyga x47 Aµa°pagj;aj a;ob, 1E1'8&E avenue rOd ed westerly and to the 11 s'+�,=tla ui tgalay s{ aareaa,Ii3 Pua• p I !ES ,dadaega PI9a x43 3n4T;-,•Pa Toeai('l : Bradley a4oyajaq} }[ a xAi;os; y y;. IEangspajapiado�.aaaq. n{na4 PItr eet to White Be Road: 14ontaTla na o eq; .Cq?palep edoa aayi.utnua Nebrask q�" a uaweaagea p;na pua,yuowen nue to a point t ee feet west of ,_;the wl.14, g[Agi a)-;uaweaasaa ay} q� west li P huan4l$utsq��u[jaat[,ett4nd U __ Nevada ad` 69i9T apjqieopunanpue' rest t0 PXersection venue: Lake Co a 4ojj4q aajp a; anaaAu aniaa 7uoa Edgertonet to Payne avenue,and a u;a8u>iro uo aamae a;,8uj;anj3 tempor a; uoa,aal a�auaat"" a sag a paua ey streetBradley street produced ea to asaa,agi ld 3aa;;aui x47-. to to of the. said Brad- . norther s �.f � _ cssT,al. •3 ley etr ° �t''' (�T T se 7aea) d 1� avenue produced westerly,all �° slsr sT,adea panq,i' ayne �ld Edgerton System of Sewers,and Of Whi C d� iiaTjY }ujeaegt P 4WaeePRP Id,oF r •, .. superBE , {aa?xje pda�:gaea o as aiu ttai � .... .._.__ _.._...... ......_.. ....... q ..... _ .._.._. ;antiA a p _..... .. .. „1 -ap`dq jaV e3371:Pq e�aq ivaw a P q a4i 7e4S Panlo aIT, a47aP3 7I . ........... ............. gated this uapawjy - - do .io,„.SaewIIl# to .Siuno� x47 30 1jn ` ;aft3efQ a43a7 Palliwgn ah i Paje tgagay el awa§ x41 Pu "paP1iBD;eia _.._._ .._....... —- ...... .... _ ....._.__......- -0-11. 1 Aq... ..- {umda�eea �I oaolaaa4i 1(�aq �cao oe lea Riieup paaep{suoall- uaaq;�u{n ty Councilman. 4lau!�oAa4;dq'ipajapteu daay;jn7 Qia gyuauYaaeaea ptpa3�iau..iugwan ,Aaga aqi sol } awseaesa eg; �daaq au{aeq Ha{ �a4' 9t(4nd •'s+; v d ee ulcz 6jartuarPanoig0a ols,:�BY ORDER. UI, .41no3 olaanu0i[%yofl'daae IL }sax aq WIIEREA5, i a° 7 a ;gal •AZT Ou10d a worl.9aaj of the following improvement, viz.:...0Anst-ruct....a. . sw.er an—the.ollspir�t frnai Cottave street to Larpenteur avenue - of which is to be-- known,” the Payne and Edgerbon:System Of Sewersyand supexsed�zsCouncil having been P resented to the Council ( the Clty -of St. Paul by Councilman ..... _......... _ : ........• • therefore, be it RESOLVED That, the Commissioner of.Pubilt Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity £or or;;desir-ability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invoatigate the nature; extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile,or sketch of saidimprovement. 4. To futmsh thAcfollowmg :other data and iriformatiou relative to said improvement:. ................ .......... _ ..................... 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To reportupon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._. .. ..........191. Nays; Yeas: .. „ Councilman F nsworth 9 C! G' s Approved ...............F- / 191. ler / M cell 0 eary. petln4 Mayor `r� tWFlty1'a4 BL 1'AqI {hegefbre ba IC AM',, 4�gITha4 xtto Commieptoner, of ................_ I?'dplto y✓orkR beFand he, Is. h3reUYrhsj __.. _. .....__ - dared, andt dlydated �, < sy't � .. d 1`r o InVe tlg§te the ane eaeltY 6p - having been presented to the drz'd�irm nItf os, ho �akl°�a ps data r Councilman ........_....... __..._......... ..',1*GWRapi"$aYe�Ye na nraY therefore, be it a; eetlaied past vf: eafa imprbvo bbt, a the�tibtai dost thf'rebt � RESOLVED, That the C �` tarnlsL s ytan prgBte on d he is, hereby ordered and direaied: eetep lreald Iq�ptovemen♦:. t - 1. To investigate then �t�tisbrSleb fitha rollowingPther aking of said improvement. g dig RO-4,4 lan¢'atiAnlretstiee fo said mpravement, r d t ?�?s - 2. To investigate the n�`+Xa plate, Wpether actt aafdd lm': said improvement, and the total coat thereof. proIe. f I to0b aWq'q dX ah 'the �eUtlony - , - of L ree,I mote oWnliret 3. To furnish a plan p 9?r To re ortFsGPPoh sit or the sore golqg.xm{<tYe,�to�. tha Cote§eieetone ot. 4. 'To furnish the folio sinpriee u. x Rr ' atrve to said improvement : ............... ........................ _ ._. . ]ic�oDtO�, by t12e�PgNnoiL B'eP� a4 YQl�' -: f �APProVefl Bept. 81 1914 t:.,, `� I :_...................... __-._......__........._._.._.......0. .. 5. To state whether or not ssid ilaprovement is asked for on the petition of three or, moTe:'owners. 6. To report npon'all of the foregoin matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4 Adopted by the Council ............. _ L:-..:.191 Yeast , Nays: Councilman Fa rsworth " .191 GotApproved...:............! ... r/ ._...... ;r. _ Kel er Mc oil r 0"1 eary ... .... ... _. . .. ........ Ae"9 Mayor. - � 1775 Whereas, The Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company desires permission to uee'the Lilley owned by the City of St. Paul located between the Waterworks building of said City of St. Paul and the building of The Northwestern Tele- phone Exchange Company at the corner of Cedar and 5th streets in said city for the purpose of having proper egress through said alley for fire escape purposes; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the right, privi- lege and authority is hereby given to said Company to use said alley for said purpose. Be It Further Resolved, that said City of St. Paul has the right to cancel and annul this license at any time with- - out notice—,� — C F `No �i •BY O..E: ICellgr � -• j W,�iereaB Thee Northsadstera Tele;;; i•' phwiu Exohange,ComDany,'•Heair¢e Der;; "� tnlee{v?i to vee,tlye4 alley oVva@d by�the; ' Cttyy,;ot Sk Paul lOCafOd hetWeen ttie' tPaterWorR$ baitding atf eaidy Clty. of, 9k 'E;an"t and th¢ hti 1dillg Of JPhO` � ... _. --- ortl]Weetern'Tel Dhoae HsChadge ompanY 8t thy' ooraeN-of=Cedar and' ' A n,..eatd olty,torthe Dvr=: / / LOSS KELLER , McCOLL $ O'LEARY YOERG a l .N YS O x 4 f CI F ST. PAUL COUNCIL OLUTION GENER FORM Subject GOe 6-. _...... _...._.. �...... _ . ..... .__. .... COUNCIL � 76 nye NO... ,q DateTresented=:......9/24:.... _. ...... ....._ Resolved, That WHEREAS the Commissioner of Public Utilities has notified the Purchasing Agent that the Water Department has on hand two #352 St. Paul Steam Boilers which are comparatively new and are not available for use,. and which may be sold as provided in the Charter. And WHEREAS this has been approved by the Comprtoller, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to sell the above men'loned boilers at the beet price obtainable. 8e11eS' - - Reao'ived That Whereaa. th@, Com+ mfasl4gqer of Ydbllc4Ut117tletr+ffiae +nor. tieed::the PµrotiaelnK :A ent%atha'c ,tho. _ watect Department beef an:hD,ndt two /I No 36a $t Patrl' 8fgam BotIe a ' which` I aro cumparativefy new aanridd are not,- avallnble Sor pas rang whtdh tmaY be. eold,ae provided tn the Charter s Ano WhereBe. th1 has boon roved. iy ttie ComDtro�ler now 4fiaiefoefore be; i' ` Redolved ifhaa the Pprebsaing. , j Agent w;here ahthortaed to sell the' . I above mentioned pollera at the bgat. prlce;,,dbtalnable.; � h . a Adopted by the Counetl�epk �,8 191 + Approved SeDC a4 193i Y yeas �• �° ,Na Adopted by the Council—/ 191 sworth (/ In favor K a• Approved191" _. M 11 Against O ty, Y 4uti AVON tt d Mr' Presient era ' AUIt T EG S E P 241914 -1777 T COMPTROLLER e -An ordinanoe to settle the claim Of the Stan4ard Painting Company. THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of the Standard Painting Company to compromise-, and -settleto claim against the City Of St- , il Paul, arising out of dakages._to the property of said Standard Painting Companylby reason of the defective condition of the sewer on Oxford street between Iglehart avenue and Rondo street, as is more, particular- ly set Out in the communication1 of said Company to the Council under j� date of August 22nd, 1914,,upon payment to said Company of the sum of Thii y Dollars ($30.06),'be and the -same is hereby accepted, and the 'proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant.upon the City Treasurer in favor of the Standard Painting Com- pany, payable. out of-., the Compromise Account of the. General Fund, in - the sum of -Thirty 'Dolieiks;, BAkoium, however, to. be delivered only Aipbn there being filed with -the City.,Comptroller axeceipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed.by said Com -4 pany in :a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and disobargii the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature,„) and more particularly on account of those arising.out,of the ,dpma9 es -sustained by said claimant on the day and under the cir- oumstances hereinabov.e noted. Sectionand be In Z. This ordinance shall take effect force thirty days after its passage a d `0 -AMI M Y, A js M-d F cop u m; -=PT --=4'W, Ase -)v "INaK7aAr5 ppift p a q s. �oryrpbaro»aa MUM. 4” by the 0 ot_ga,8vtido',� Lrua PvA VA r 0`7 ,Ai Zr A eatdtof "S 1).OUZ 031h. YEAS, sato;; QV913 - I Rm T 3 t �-Mgbv M j AUDiTED SEP 24 IS14 TY CONUPTROLLER An ordinanoe-to settlethe claim of the Stan4ard Painting Company. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 10 That the proposition of the Standard Painting - Company to compromise and settle,its claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of damages ,to the -property of said,Standard Painting Company -by reason of the defective condition of the sewer on Oxford street -between Iglehart avenue and Rondo street, as is more particular- ly set out in the communication of said Company to the Council under date of August 22nd; 1914, upon.payment to said Company of the sum of Thirty -Dollars ($30.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and.the. proper City officers are hereby ,authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the City Treasurer in favor of the Standard Painting Cot- pazy, payable. cut of, the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in Thirty 'Dollirs; said sum the sum of' however, to be deliyered only ' upon there being filed with the City,Comptr f said claimaht.therefor, together with,aaid Com- pany in a lorm to be approved by leasing and N discharging the City from any and very kind WOO;. e "'Pu a Pu out of 40" ;abs P. and nature,,j and more particularly the dani.agesoustained by said aui he cir- P1. oumstances hersinabove noted91W14,. r;7885 eaPlpg 34 8v Section 2. This ordin us di'nk a In i$y force thirty days after its passag ItW kti 3yt. PI -99 d10. 04 Wd 0 G/ niilt 91 4ie by The Council 191 . ......... YEAS, NAYS, MR. PARNSWOR77i GOSS KELLER �. 8 Q •tar/Jr7/ .r.61TY�;OFSAINT;,PAUL ;- W' XN - _ 9 JONN'P. KYLE JON" A.9URNS . WILLIAM J.GIBERBON - TIIOB.W.MeMEEKIN aptembaz.2$�d, 1914. To the Coua411. Gentlemen,:- Herewith-I transmit,for your ooaeideration'an ordlvinoa settling the Ojai*, of the.Standard Paintiag"Co*aity against the City of St. Paul parrthe swn of Thirty Dollar$. '` Atter a ;thorough investigation of, this .olaim, :'we ark, of the oon that the settlement proposed ie reasonable and :for { 3 the best tntereats of the City. t Tours very truly, sk_ got Corporatioa,Couasel. `I h J l , FINAL ORDER. in the Alatter of....aCe.OVASt.aucting.,._..xe.l y...ilg..and rep. iring.:with.. dement blocks to a width of sig feet, the present sidewalk on: -Seventh street north ....aide,--frem..:.S.t....0la.i.r... street. _.ta._Michi.gan.:..atrea.t.:.,:........._.__.._......_.. .... :............:._._,_..:..._ under Preliminary Order..... 411._..__. q ._........._... ...._.approved _._June, 34th, ..1914.. ............. Intermediary Order �.A.�%.� .......:-approved .... ......_ _ ..... �G� /. y ... / A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it i� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proveirient to be made by the said City is.:..._tA.rec9!lg:k @t,relay and. repair.: with..cament_blocks to a width of 6 f eet,the preeent sidewalk, on Seveatnh street north aide from St 03sir-street _to. Michigan street.._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed'to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon saidtapproval, the proper city officers are Lereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said! improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted b the Council..................1X. ...._19 ...If/ y /Cit Clerk. Approved......... �(/-_Y/9 .� Afav r. Coum COUNCIL FILE NO—.: ............ By........... ............. . - ... ...... . .. . FINAL ORDER. ]if the Matter of c.ons.tructigg g sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of feet on t six -he west side of Matilda 1 . - street, .. - from R666 iitfedt t'O .1ary.laad. street... ........... under Preliminary Order... ............ . . ....._....approved ._. June, 30th, .._1914__._..._..: Intermediary Order ........... .............. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of -the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- proveineut to be made by the said City is to construct a six foat. cement sidevali on. the Most -si4s-of Mati1da street from Roes street to Ma*land street and the Council hereby orders said hnpr�oveuient to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed in(] directed to prepare plans and specifications for said iniproveni�eut, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement /inace., I ce therewith. Adopted by the Council. 19,1 . .. .... City Clerk. - Approved nQ Mayor. In Councilmen Farnsworth -9) k--Wat 64 6 iL 0rtefiejb wc 'th of, Goss `,zfigprove-a,�.Tuo'e� , 4j�,Afibiroi& Keller e,pnhhd on,; di McColl alheardajdat A I - l -t or6b u the drp 6 e, O'Leary f I it .of file .; I I Yoerg made:;by LhasaldFCity 19 to . A aide do, iareet1 e6(d, {mpravafiiont to ;bei made, -,+ Resolved Further Thet oner. .ofJPublleIs' harel,,.rd,-,,,,.1n,,ro rano- and ,e 0 _rj_i if COUNCIL FILE NO....._........_....... 13Y....._.............._..._............._............._......__ FINAL ORDER. relaying, reconstructing and repairing, with cement blocks, to a width of six feet, the present sidewalks ­ on good and 6 f icient cement sidewalks n.aw... exist ........... Rice street etl eA.s t- 'side -, be,ginnJ rig_ at 0o..ok_..S . ....... thence south 78 ft-. ... .. ... ... . ... .. .. ... i I inder Preliminary Order.... -445.. __approved June. 3Qth 19.14 ................. Intermediary Order ............. ........ ...........approved Apublic hearing having been had upon,the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consideved the saine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preciie nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be niade by the said City is to,.r.elayprecorLstact and..repair vith....cement blorke six i ,Fide,the present sidevalke,except where good and sufficient cement siaevalks now k- atrest. south.. Six % 78. feet-- .............. exist. on Rice �+street, east side from, Goo and the Council . hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is bereby,instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council 'for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._.... .. y Clerk. Approved. Z.9 X/19 .. ........ A Is % Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller Mcco" -0 'Leary Yoerg COUNCIL FILE NO i7st By............. . ........... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of -cono-truating a.-sideMalk of cement b7 aaka to . a width of feet onthe south side of Thomas street, from Lexington avenu� t 0. Up atree-t rt under Preliminary Order........—A approve(] June ............. ..... .... . ... Intermediary Order approved .......... A public hearing haViiig been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconiniendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be inade by'.the. said City is.. .. to. G=struolta, ..14 t . ...... d h of six feet on the South side efrThomas street from Lexinggon avenue to Dunlap street .............. - ........... ................ . . ..... and the Council hereby or&rs said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ii istructe f , directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and -'submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said. approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of sa' 'improvement in accordance therewit Adopted. bythe 'Couneil 19 City Clerk. Approve ........ .:.../y..././19_. .. ........ ... Conn tP J -4 COUNCIL FILE NO...: By__ .... . ..... ...... . .... . FINAL ORDER. fn the Matter of...,.,reOOnstrUQting.,...r.e.b.ui.lding...aiad...-r.e.pairing with cement. blooks to a width of 6 feet the present sidewalk on the following St. Sow Robert street "at. side -beginning at Wood eta, thence- -South- 50- Ft under Prelinih . iary Order. .690__.. ...approved _JUIT-15-th'. 19.1 Inferniediary Order...... I I cro . ..... roved ........... A public herring having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and re.coinniendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saniv: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of in)- proveinent to be made by the said City is reconstructing, rebuilding...and. repairing..:with cement -blocke -to a. width of -&is. fee+, the. pro ownt, sidewalk. on the following street:-____. Go -Robert street west side beginning at Wood St. thence South 50 foetl, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement injjj accordance therewith. Adopted, by the Council ........ .. I .4y Clerk. . Approved ALeting Mayor. A Department of .................. Bureau of ....._......._.._._._..... Council File No.------_- �, City of St -Paul 11*.-�"�� - Council Resolution - Generasl✓�� ted.._...._._..__._.....:._._..1914. Resolved, that the contract bearing. date September 23rd, 1914, by and between J. J. Connolly and the City of St. Paul, for the con- struction of a sewer on James street from Hemline avenue to Edgecumbe Road, and on Edgecumbe Road from James street to Randolph street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed -to execute the same on behalf of the City. olv Nib - the ao it%a t beaFlnB �0A, ttert.�3td 1814 by and".+be [hh)wyC {idtriinflon, oK Qa' on �Jam4a ?etraetrKrb�c gamlinej 7&v�nue tto Fi7d8•Ftdmbo-N, fttt� ad on s d�X 5am4st street M ggecbmbe ,Rb '+Kb@sud the dame id! y, Ro�'RandolD7i \,,lcer6 arer�Yhotlzed to e�.eeante bthe}II beha)K O the Ctty i `r1tCAdi veay8eeiun�cnicei4geut Adopted by the Couno _ Yeae (' ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays- Par aysPar sworth GOB McC 11 tee g Approv d __. s ..... 1914; 101 -Ir ery-gel er - _ _- _' cinoHayor--•_•-.. Mr.. Prem City of St.Pau 1 ` 178 Council Resolution - General rm. . Department of _..__:........ _...._._....__ _._._._.....,._.. Bureau of _._._... Council File �jo. Date Pr anted »-_...._._:_..._..._..1914. By.._._...._._ ._. _------ _._...._...._...._.__._._._._._.............. ................ ----------------- - -------- ._.. Resolved, that the contract bearing data September 33td, 1914, by and between C. A. Neleon and the City of St. Paul, for constructing a sewer on Bay street from Stewart avenue to Forster street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. . �C F •,�No+ 1786--' `. .. Reaolded ThntSrZ iB1 yy mndxbe date t90dkembe5, B �tween&G Nand elson a±,CItY of St. Paul'"S cb;Pao9«west avenisa iatx'or4teY� strdft'� Fa he as eui4 Wte�eDY 9D 4 xe0f. qe&and a ro eco .otticexa a e eUthontaprn 4 3 e1`egecutet te'. . and dlreMed}tpx {same otf beh¢lt bf kha Clt i. . • _ y as iEia.i r.App eoVed SeRC 50 Adopted by the Council _._. �5 _'d ................. 1914. Yeas ( )• Counci men ( ) Nays VarnEworth Goes McCo 1 Yoer 9 � Ap roe I Sel er AC Mayor Mr. Pres , City of St.Paul Council Resolution - G era,l form, Departmentof _......._._._....._._._._._.w .......................................... _._.w_....__..... Bureau of -.._.._..._._._:_._._...._..__._._._._ ....... _.__._._._.__.:.w. Council File No. .._...._:..._......_._...._. Date P esented ..__..._---- _._------ :.......1914. By ........................... _._...._._._...._._..... _ - .._._._._._...__.__._..._._._._. Resolved, that the contfaot bearing date September 23rd, 1141 by and between the St. Paul Cement Works and the City of St. Paul for curbing Gibbs avenue from Como avenue west to Alden street, Alden Place from Alden street to Gibbs avenue, Alden street from Ray- mond avenue to Gibbs avenue, and Priscilla street from Raymond avenue to the Northern Pacific right of way, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed.to execute the same on behalf of the City. dopted by the Council I$t gg Xed JLhaE=.th oAR.�raet,`bea- A: Nays Yeas CO 1]Q tq�"ge G 28rd •1914 JSY AhM etW�en he; t 'Pauat orlts anfl the! �fC`tt;+oats E3p �Aul!r Ybn°� curlilag �61nba-.: aYea�U LSotnxComo avenue .west tbv At - ri g d rtree�t A1tieen PIaCe i>!qm. JrtQen, t.GSbbs7`ave5luef^ A1Aea street' {e,x',Tia)mond avenud td FGlbbs ave ,� ue,-�An11 Yrtecl]la $atreeL,",:irour R, ({p ptond § $nufl t;tl thds NgrthgFm Faor rt§ht�,.4"t�gaY pe $pd^F�itaeams 5s qer by p�bpto�ved iaad;thq grQDer- pt4 oR[t, - Qers�3rs7 putnorlaed a, d 3�re �d td: MoC o�enuce the e�me ott rrefirFtt stxt�turc(tx ' �pdoyted 6ythe Caunefi §etit R26r 1AiS' a AQ ,{uvod asap .25 1g 9 �x�Y� r�.r z �' I Yoe .914 Kel r _, _ c . a.. ayor.. . Mr., si , 1 ; (¢u _.j. L-=-- - .`S Corparata Purposas,.Con* t. rritA -6e yunAwCon''t. . 'y7 .12 152.00 3619, St. Paul Daily noas, ✓ 3620 St. P" W3 Pr%ting Company. Ei.Z30 3621 Virtue Printing Company."- . 34?e73 • IN o4neral Fte4-Ulsoeilaneous Acet. ®95.0 362 Cushing, 3 &3ri soo11. 3623 t cc 8,I CWWM 12.60 , 1i a Sending & %re y y. Tota] Gen Fund Mieq. Acct.`. (Hd F. 41996) Misc. Acet, y.! 625 T. Polioo F'iuid 1.25 6. ( supply American ismer, Coap�y. cxx �gxx8°u1�16 4.99 ,Auto Tire -341e6 ComPasu►, 25'0.00 ago. Boras .8 Bons. • 25.16 -mrs._ Margaret Brady. 13.50 3 8ro4a. Troacy & .spesry, 9.00 3 31 ; a. 3urkbara & Co.. 12.t3t3 32 3 Central Lunch Boom. Adam Decker 8azdvSV-e Compwwo 6.46 .42 3 Z L. .7. Bos company$ 8aawall.• amu, $.irk & company, 3.00 3 (i Jotas A. Higgins, 22.82 5669 ,Kra. Rollo,Jones CY. 3.31 82 itiseal I a Cam An C •?7 _ 3d,,. itsnta►ttas .t31_ 2050 Ealc"kjr, Co.. 2.5© 36 2 ttiaanesaig a0o.t�3 1Fi�'i�a►ad, ."'1.08 oua3 'team 5+snnY. 134.54 5 maie Uzi sau. y, B!"tric Equipment Co.. 6.5 f. 1.10 , N. w. 0p'Works, 2.§fl N. 4. Motos SulCeny. 155.52 3 N. 1. Tire'Cozep&ny. 2.31 36 C 110 res- 31*01 titi:Or, 10.64 36 1 pAmasylvania Rnbber Company, i2� 0 3652 Mr. AI -N' i#ias, 2.28 t 3 3 4 Sohnnemcan 4 Rvans. H. . Otho Printing Com.1Any# 6.50 ? 6 St:;;favi s3Aer iBut Cole pany. :86 . St. ',-ftel 1,ssnndry►, 21.28 a Arms gpari�lhults 'S i24" City k:apid �t`ranait Company. 3.:00 •75 40"2 company. 16 26 3 0 '►terseant;' 60.00 1 Waterbury;�ntton Company, 175.00 36 2 Western laoctrie Company, 6.65 ;) vast+ssrs Eoii+at►fa•Drks. .90 9.74 3665 65 zimmermmn Total Police Fund, Vire Fund L/ - Auto Auto Rngino Works. Auto 'dire Sales Company. 157.92 Brings & Company. 425.85 i69 Brown,, Treaey, & Sperry. 18.26 670 Coaaumers Power. company. 9.18 673 Adam Dooker ftrdvare Company. 5.50 72 ' Louis y. crow Company. 4.58 73 Vatrvoll, ©smun.: Kirk & Company* 2.94 14 Foley Bros.4 Kelly. 43.70 3 75 Cbas. ftl end, 2..25 3 '76 -Xanbattau Oil Compaayr, -14.04 = 3 7 voclein & Gray. 2.01, 7 Ul tsch & Hook Vagon Co.. 39.54 2110018. Dean ilftg, 63.30 3 V. Xlsotrlc kQuipment Compaiw,4 3 S. W. motor, Ouvi4 Company. 80:25 3 2 I. --W. Stamp lgorW, 3.15 3 3 X. W. 2elophonw,Company. 4.2$ woyecs *09. & Cutler. 3 5 Pittsburgh Mate Glass Co.. 4.80 3 d Reed gotor Supply Co.. .25 3.8 Robinson, Cary �° Sands. 8.12 Schurnsier Wagon CompwW, 2.64 at Paul Book A Stationery Company. 3.45 696 at: Paul ryas -lubt Co.. 92.55 3691 ::t,. Paul MahIne Wor&a. 23.73 369Z St. Paul Rubber. Company►. 52.50 3693 stewsrt' .Broom Cpaponll. 12.00 Alexander mpson. 2,,40 3 95 Tierney Bay & araia Company. 720.04 96 Twin City Rapid Transit ComparW. 5.00 Virlewms lox & ?umber Co.. 1.54 3699 sldref f.ode11 Company. 7.04 3699 wa►ter Board, 23.64 Health ftnd A. Moeller &. Co.., 6.00 37`2. 01 national Rrinting CO., 9.75 702 s. `�'. 'Telephone Co.. 1.50 703 Boyes Oros. & Cutler. 29.82 04 atamalo_: Printing Company. 2.10 05 An4rew Deboek droeery Co.. -75 Tri -Cute Tolephone a Telerg. Co.. 3.00 3 virtue Zrinting company. .70 . 33.62 Garbage fund 3708 Cly&er & Huol st sr. 6.00 3709 Sable 11agod CompwV. 114.00 3710 7cC24iA & Gray, 3.50 ; 3711 a,.- T. Stamp Works.15 ;! ' 3712 3t. Yaul'Tent & Arming Company. 23.40 Total 4exbage Smd, 137.05 04 ' :` General Funaoquara»tine Arnot. ; A3 3714 solo F.Baily. Thos. Davis &tion. 3715. Nation4j vaccine & Antitoxin* Inetftute 3!%16 B. V. 'Telephone Compm . 37.1? Noyes Bros. ,a; cutler. 3718 Pitteburgh plate Mass Company. 3719 Andrew 8ohook Grocery Co.. $720 Tied -State Telephone Co., 3.722 Vater $oexd, x Vorkhousse Fund 3722 J. H. Allen a Co.. 3723 Crescent Creamerry Cif.. 3,724 H. V. Goetsing+r„ Oupt.. 372; R. B. ,Griffith. 3726 yeCiala a•0ray. 3?2National Cas Governor. 3729 Tierney icy & 0ra4n,Co.. 3729 Vater Board. w -Com. of pub11c works Bund 3730 ,.Aoto Ttare 1*0109 Com2$RY. 3?31 Itleoel Nar Co.. 373U NaClaia t Graar. 3?33 -.31+coia. j)aaaa n Gregg, 3734 R••=`ectrto equipment Co.. 3735•: Stamp Works. 3?36 N• Tol"bone h. Co.. 3?3�J Read Motor Bnpply Co., 3%38 St. Paul Rubber Company. 3739 H. B. wedelstasdt, Street a Sower Farad Joba Arend, Austin-loat+ern Road ftehine Go.. "to- Firs Sal ee - ompany. C. 73i $,gberg, T 7. '°2I1 sod & Co.. Brooks.Rroe.. Srorpn.. 3'rsacy ?�r $P may, Chicago. Burlington 4 quin4w By. Co-. vatnarta�.Ki,rk -Ee: �o;•r 'eld3ng: � S�pietr. Offloo. V. R. h q. Ry. Co., tl+trstfte ro"Ju}antraoting Co.. 4#e0♦ Mf ii ,,' ,iridiain Rorf�iag Co.. ioern*~ Thi ' gotor Co., Man atom 011 GOMPaxay". lgiiso*"DOW 4 OrOM, if. oitric kquij*ent Co.. N. e. Rotor SVpl'Y Co., �. �. 5teaop„�orke, Boorth!em- kat:leasbl e Iron. Co.. i 5.0 32.50 io5.2a 8.26 .90 21.00 2.00 48.32 16.48 12f6o 13b•20 .75 14.40 4.75 37 93 1%`68 8 •55 93.606 4.20 4.4 2.65 17.55 96.42 105.00 3.90 2.25 20.50 35 13 368.55 7.00 50,00 X8.40 8.84 114.50 122.93 1:9 27.4€3 2.00 .7? f �I: Staceet & aeetli� �an+i-�Gon+tZ 376X Zal.V Pearce � son 3.50 _ � 3762 3?63 Robinson, Cary ®a nal, do smss as�ae urs. 35.35 caw► 28.00 3764 at. i0au1 cesaent. forks-, 43.00 3765. at * Iain i'oundry CO., 29..95 37660t. i'ar31 tills Light canpww. 55.14 3767 st. !Vaal ++atchYe;oxA, 4690 3768 376q 8t'. Paui Rubber Conapatai. Villaumo Bo: a Lumber Co., 13.00 34.50 3770 Virtu�,frioting Co.. 14.50 3?71 Va sbiYtgtcen 51oundry. 12.60 3772 H. Wedalstaodt, 6.0tg . 3713 western xsobine urg. Compwy. 2.39 3774 Vestern Supply - company, 2.70 3775 W. J. vestghalyu; Bridge Building & Aopair Fund 3776 T. L. I%lood a Co., 170.00 3977 St. Paul Foundry Company, 4690 General y'und-Grossoulks Acot. 3778' 18 . Paul _Lime & Cement Company. 1,452;5G 0 oral Vtw&-Teating a inspection Aeot. 3 H. Boakstrueis, 2.0 0. stamp Wotks, 7.65 a& G*uf4al Yund-Paring Bgtripment Aoot. 3781 yoerns Thiem rotor Company, i12.50 General run&,Uootion axpenss Acct. 37132 H. !i6 04Wtho Printing Compw# 99.00 School fund 3783 Mr. 3wrneS,Cm6h1er, Tarin City }lapid Transit Co., 30,00 3784 ?crooks, Aro*. Umbor Company, 12.00 3785 Brown, Trolley & fterry, 749.84 3786 _Capitol City Lmaber Co., 36.62 3787 Cerhplatatea oil Compaw, 3q:52 37811 Cxsne & �rdawa,Y, 6.38 3789 i1jt� s icer 2ardv aro Company 2.42 3790 Adsm Oeoker Aw4vare Company, 23.50 3791 xou#:s V. Pon Ccs.., .70 3792 3793 Parwtll. Osm= ` ,Ki ne do Comp.. YVIVy Jlroxe & kol.1j, 16.38 3794 Jos: , ltoo{4` ng & Cornie.e Co.. 42.49 �� 3795 Ker+►Ats Peper Company. 3W.v0 3796 John Lind, 70.00' falshattan 012 Company, 32.83 3797 798 McClain & dray; 2.65 3799 N. AVegratb,' 56.50 3800 Nioois. .�7eas.•+ 4 0regg. t A6 Library Fund, 3815 school Hund -Cont, w 3.60 sO�Heil. 1411 6.550 X8.01 1q Robinson, Cary Sande. , 3 3 C. J. Smith.& Company, .60 3 04 Z. C. smith Typewriter Co., 4.50 05 The T. L. Smith CO .# 67.38 O6 St. Paul one Light[,Compwv. 10.90 23 St. Pa.l Printing Coaapany. 150.00 3 St .Paul Rubber Cosspany. 148.65 09, Villaume Box k Lumber Co., 7.2.10 0 Virtue Printing rompaAY. 1 Vales Adding UaOhine CO.. 302.10 12 Water Board, 1.50 13 Wolterstorf Range Company. .98 103.98 ,3 14 Workhouse. 38 1 ftbal Sol 2.320,70 Library Fund, 3815 Ira. Abbott. 3.60 lb A. L. A. Publishing CompanY, •60 •85 1q Brom, Treacy & Sperry, 3.50 18 L. F. Zoe► Company, 3.90 819 Soley Bros. & Kelly. 3.45 820' H. R. Huntington CO., 9.30 821 822 HoC2,san & Gray. Vi.nneapa3-b111rectory Co.. 14.04 23 N. w.-.B'lectric-Rquipment Co.. 3.09 3 1Q. W. Stamp Works, 8.00 382 N. W. Telephone Co.. 38 Keymer Hardware Co.. 382 Remington Typewriter Co.. 62.4© 382 C. V. Ritter, 1.50 38 Rochester Germicide Co.. .90 38 0 Schuaeman & ZVdne, 11.39 38 1 Stsiahert & Co.. . 3$ 2 St. Paul Book & Stationary Company. _ .34o 6 St. Paul Gas Light'Company. 835 Tri-State Telephone & Teleg: Co., 4 04.54 Waldorf Bindery, Park Fund 3836 Auto Tire Seiles oo.. 37.73 1.094 Crescent Creamery Co • $ .313 dart & Murphy* 60.47. 33 8ersohler Candy CO.. 9.85 P. C. Bohnke', 15.75 841 prank Xing, 31.56 2 Manhattan affil Co., 17.13 843 Nicole, Dean & Gregg. 16.00 3844 Ramie# Printing Co.. 841 Robinson, Cary & Sands. 1 16.45 Sanitary Mfg. Co., 158.75 3 St. Paul Bottling Co., St. Paul Gas Light Co., 3 9 St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., 2�•4 3 50 J. C. Vander Bie, 2.00 472.87 51 pater Dept.. 1.,41 3 2 Joseph Vhitwell, t � i yy r �r r r r `� Ceaeral �d-itnblo r Hnt&z�; Acct. 38553 Gamble Robinson Co., 2•�5 36 4. 8 5 A.. l+. Iterschler, Liisde►kearaer. 2oas, 1l.90 F N. w. X*atria,Equipment Co.. 37.27 2..00 p P., a. Tels;tt+ume C64, 29.6a 3 $ Pnrity Zroad Co.. 23.60 `. 9 3P.rio4 Sleetrio' Co.. I67'50 St. Paul cies Adght company. -jjvjft 67'§0 3 62 & Company. T --hate Telephone & fel. Co.. 12.00 Goneral Stand-playgrounds Acct. fN ; 3 "71sy�r#aseat of public UU21ti'es. 42. 64 fty" Oros.. "A Cutler. Robinson, Carer•& 34nds. 2.20 A. G. sp"Atbgia Biros., 14.54 8t. Paul Gas fight Company, `Crl .-State 2ejepbone a Tolog. Co., 20.00 Te Nis ter dept. PWO 386 N. W. etre Co., EitsClalA &Gni f►.2,� { 148:54, .: Auto '21T# riles W" obir on.'Cary & Sands. r . 3 gitatai�stten1i l Co.. 35r Sbat"l2 Bsrr3s CO.. x•50 d 'Have cleaning-works, 771'ngs 3.79; #lion Itosble. { 32 2i.t35 t30 . Tri.State T#Jop'bono &(eleg. do.. 1 p. Telephone Co., 72.05 5'76 qW. Tilburg 0#2 Co., 2.00 a 4 Prom, T may' L,& +P*ri9. 26.00 Hannatord & WAI-06 c, 22.50 Boyevon. �•� go. ;rark 7aundry Co.. .dolAusirg 570.99 Farwell, €3ssiun. Kirk & Co., 86.50 'a 'Dueller Urg. co.. Tat r er e7P- 79_ IOcioral VUn4_ft*0t ffiaiatonance Acat. 9C UClain &Orad'.. .65 92 Stamp works. St. Paul ass tight Co., .1.00 0" v qs don4ral Fund-Stpplemontary Aact., Public Utilities Tiept. 389 Bro,nr,Treacy A Sperry CO.-, 2.25 0. A{ fti rfj*:kd. 1p62 .94 3 aelain & Gray, Co., 6 R. W. Tsleotfio 4.16 7 jaoeq ngioi% Typewriter Co... " 81.00 3898 i`. C. to Sro e., Co ., x L #8 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Supplementary acct. -Cont. Dept. 3099 Brown, i reac<y &(Sperry. Purahasing bept. 3900 Louis B. Dow CO.. 3902 ReClain to Gray. 3902 Royer Engraving Co.. 3903 N. W. aelepbone Co.. uoL�c ccount, Sprinkling bund 3904 Brennan►s Livery. 3905 Noyes Bros. a Cutler. 3906 Robinson. Cary & sands. 3907 Studebaker Corporation of America. 5.69 25.00 57.00 20.g - 2a.4.csb _ 80.00 .75 __"4 25.00 Special. runds Auditorium Account 3908 C. F. Adams, 18.00 3909 T. L. flood & Co.., 1.35 3910 Crane & ordasy. 1,45 3911 Adam Decker hardware uo., 21.60 3912 adept. public Utilities. 8.00 3913 Farwell. Haman, Kirk & Co.. 2.52 3914 McClain & Cray, 1.05 3915 X. -a. Telephone Co., 6.00 3916 St. rain,uas Ligbt Go.. 20.84 3917 Ct. Paul Rubber Lo., 1.80 3910 St. Paul -,white Lead & tai1 Co.. "41 27.50 3919 Tri-State *phone j Teles;. CO..' 6.00 3920 Twin City Sconic Co.. 10.25 3921• 'dorkbouse. 1.8 T Special. runds .Engineering in _pgction account 3922 Nioola. bean & Gregg, 18.60 Total 804al Spacial A99039. Oen;-t. Aact.-Faving, Cage St..l?ayne Eo "v-s•twinister 3923 American Express Co.. .41 3924 Adam Decker iiardvare uo., •75 3925 Farwell, damun. Kirk & Co.. W.3926 9i., W. Electric equip. Co.. X55 3927 Pusymer Hardware Go... 30.00 3920 Robinson, Cary & Sands. 9.61 3929 St. Paul Foundry Co., 14.o0 3930 St. Paul dubber Co.. 5.50 3931 Washington Foundry Co.. 0.00 3932 Western Machine Mfg. Co.. 2760 . -Payne to ices -.fir. _.. Spteo. Assess. CoEast, Acct AB Bala St., *rand to Front z 5133 33rooko 13roa. Lumir Co.. 3•20, ,34 Rico2rs. Dean At Gregg, 6. 3935 8aywer Hardware uonpwW. 3936 fit. Paul Faun -dry Co..' Li4,GiO 3937 St. Paul-$utbbor ., 11..26 39 =Afaship ioa 'sundry too., 16.00 T Haztlr4sl, tea to; Narl 3939 well, Qsmtits, Kirk ac Co., . 1.8O 3940–UsihWattam Oil Co., 2.94 3941 3 *. ° OtaEep Works, .54 3942 Ri"er *arava" Co.. t .00 3843 - St. Pain Rubber Co., 13.16 ...4')x... +a ,a"%;woe Rnt •Q �i7��, -_ _� "31.4G1 Prior AT*., Uareboll to Usire�ll�1�. k 3944 :east bids. Lime ik Cement Co., i3 .00 2 394$ 'FON sfg. Co., 3 .flt3 3946 Villavao Sao! .ac lumber Co.. Prior Ave., Hariet►all tiniversity .Ave.. CyndiQate to �-- F No 1T87 d - C -.- R olved that warrant be M 394 3eesxtry-ft"Or� Mfg. Co., �r Pon the C1tY T eaeu Y Dayapie oot� oL ;the hereinafter apeot8bd Sunda sad, 1# In±-3avor oft thD PO;eons, {firma or qor- 'I Porattone fqr the ounts,eet oDDoatte f al�IQ'�i,.. ,q�, _ �'.t#� `their r08pectiva pea ae epeCifledln :! e + r the following+sletagad statement .Corporal. cP rPoaes—L1ghHng - 1 Brb n Treaca?� j490 Cly- 48.8�tusi" bilk., fis- Go. mer & aneleter s1836 st Yaal Ga 1.130 z e 3,9 lbw e _ Ylght ComDapY 57600 i P7>• GomDanP:bBFCente Holly AVO.. W013t*rn to 1X1 e. Irrottpg & 6tagohery Fund iI ,q eQon ComD4nY j2if9't B ow`ty',. TreacF &'$Darryl j7408 ,VA R. Burk- 3 6wn4rsel L*,sntarsatis Co., h d sz000 B r ngh Addtns 6t . ' 12fi.00 skip Cn j160 Capital Env laps Co.� $3.00;,ClymerBcll;ueleter ;38 T6 Da " York ealtYaini 9ter ma sBlurf Pflnting Co 6146 Lnnle, Dow 530 00 -'Falrpanke Moraq Com-. sTohnson Fou pryxC mgpanyy $;120 F G.=� . 3954Company't.� Paul Rubber • 8: _Gray '>,g5r'60VI 6gf,CC.— 1 ' ,Pen8 13600 Hemingfon# T>pewrr•S - a,' Company $750, 6t>L'aul ;7lally N _ '�. n'1 �'itN$Q , +•n'r Eif 18 8t P.aul-Prlpting 6.51 �E$:00 Virtue �]?,rlptlaB;ComPanY f s; Cti +.General Fund Mi.cellaneoua r ' fehing Dunn & �Drla"oil - R' i 1,E'aCknev Investment ComQsnY r '.r2 LSon Bondingt +� 8urefy C �o €a 7v t+a I9irpo . 1412 .60 ' , 373.5p Crn Fund itLlec A ct 1 Co S7 6{ Amerlcan.,bf i 8pi81 l ............ ..... • '. • E nY `53 26 s Auto- �.w ,r t j4�899 xGeo.r'Ben> ' Total "6parO. Aeee®s. Const.—s1OOi••1ir) y�&Ca rr E9A� ...��•G:. 1 mPsnY88E8 40 � ' i Grand_ Tot 61, �,.0 nt Fa ,?� ON.61 ; F,. f�lnY iiotltn i JW - h t . t y - ` - CITY OF ST. PAUL + COUNCIL•"RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p Subject:...................._...._._..._..._..:....._.:_....__...... .:.. __. ._................... �_ 88 """""""""" COUNCIL FILENO ............................................ Date Presented .............. _... ...:..........._Y:_191............ t Resolve, That the application of Harry PTimOck for a 1=cenee. to conduct a pawnshop at 180 Fast 7th St. be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license to Harry Primock agreement. for one year upon the filing of the bond/and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required 1x law. Yeas ( Y ) V Mr. Preside, No. 1788—EY Henry 111aEo11 Resolved. That the applt'41 oY Ham P i—elc tar a Ilcenee'to'-con- duct a pawnshop t 180 East'7th 3t. ��be`; Resolved, That, WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works-Corrections,'has requisitioned the Purchasing Agent for fifty 2je postage stamps ® . 41.00, and fifty 1je postage stamps ® 50je, total 961.50, And, WHEREAS, the Comptroller has certified that there is sufficient money in the Treasury of said Department to pay the purchase price thereof; and Whereas said purchase,cannot be made from the United States except for cash, and if made through a print- er or dealer will coat the city ten per cent more than they would if purchased from the Government, therefore it ishereby RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be, and is hereby authorized upon the consent to this resolution by the Mayor and by him- self, to draw his warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Fihaftee Works, for the aggregate amount of said supplies, and to charge the Department of Public Works, with this amount; and -the Pur- chasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase said supplies fmr cash obtained from said warrant; and said supplies to be 178 -- C, F No. 1,_, 1, TWherea.s he I7e- inepected by the Cc� R eotved, .That, orks Corrections., tained therefor. y¢rtment of'ptlbllc t.n ..reaulsfUoned the Purch�ein6. f I Yeas(V) Council en (V) Nays I Far. rth A . OLe Yoe Mr. PresP ers by the Council 191 1pproved � � 191( CITY OF ST. PAUL •COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub'eet• .._.. ._... _............................................................._....__.-,'...._......................OUNCIL -- ..' - sae NO........_.. ... ,:..... _................ C.,Rye No. 1790—Sy�ea"' Mc the - .191. nate Postage Public Saey = 0 ao taaa Date Presented...: -4-25-M . --- •- --- -- -Resolved; Thnt. ,WhereaeL, the I)e- 10 stam • partment of Ptlohed he Purchasing ' Age , hos , hereas,'.the C—pt-11.r ha§:certl-, - ded°that there . imil'clent money -In: he Treasury of aid Department' tol " pay the purchase price thereof, and' - /;'wharsea said''purchase cannot be made V from the United Stateeexeapt 2 cash, and It; meds' through'`. n.. printer dealer-will,cost the city 'ten per bent more ' -than they would If purchased, <from they Government,rthere[ore it 1. Health has esolved, That. w1iEREAS. hereby is Safety- , Resolved,.Th t the Comptroller be. Nand he is'he,eby authorized Upon:.the ' 4oneent tn_this resotutlon by the May requisitioned }or and by "himself, to draw bta War- Y' 1000 Postage 8�8mpH, (1¢� .:rant: fn favor. ot, the ^Commissioner of. p'inance for the aggregate amounf'..oL: said supplies, and to charge the'ne=' has eedtifled that there $10.00, Arid, partment of safety, with this amount; and the Pprchasing Agent is hereby, authorized to purchase said supplies 4. 'for cash obtained from said warrant ,Ir said Department to pay is $ufficienu .anti said uppllea to be tnepedted'by the Comptroller and receipt obtained therefor. theurchase Adopted by the Council Sept. fi, 1914.1ae said purchase cannot P P Approved Sept. 26. 1914. (Oct. 3-1914) be made from the United Statee except for cash, and if made through a printer or dealer will cost the city ten per cdnt more than they would if purchased ffom the Government, there- fore it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be, and he is hereby authorized, upon the consent to this resolution by the Mayor;: and by him- self, to draw his warrant in favor of the Commissioner of 9`iiiat�ge for the aggregate amount of said supplise, and to charge the Department of Safety, with this amount; and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase said Supplies for cash, obtained from said warrant; and said supplies to be inspected by the Comptroller and receipt obtained .therefor. Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (y) Nays Adopted by the Council_ ; 191 Fam worth Goss In Favor S/ 191 Approved Kelle! .'61 McC p __Against' gLe try YOe MAYOR - •.L. Mr. i—ir-ri , CITY OF ST. PAUL ® COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM .... ... ' CouNCIL 4C 90 fia No......... ... �} .:. a O'F"�S%X 179A—,8y Hen ¢C 71 �eaolWea jTnatirwnere °tn¢ ti Date Presented ..:.g.2b—y¢.. 191 aYetnent ,,ota3' p1l6 �ae'k ri�ait�.* nu ,re lti¢n' aa'4� j w iib ��`ld 4 `1iY .......... esolved That, WiEREAB, the spar meniio Safety -Health, has requisitioned the Purohasing.Agent for 1000 Postage Stampe,(1je) $10.00, And, WHFaF,AS, the Comptroller has ce>3tified that there is sufficient money in the Treasury of said Department to pay the purchase price thereof; and Whereas said purchase cannot be made from the United States except for cash, and if made through a printer or dealer will cost the city ten per cdnt more than they would if purchased ffom the government, there- fore it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be, and he is hereby authorized, ,upon the consent to this resolution by the Mayor:,+sand by him- self, to draw his warrant in favor of the Commissioner of 3`ikat?¢e for the, aggregate amount of said supplies, and to charge the Department of Safety, with this amount; and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase said supplies for cash obtained from said warrant; and said supplies to be inspected - by the Comptroller and receipt obtained therefor. Yeas (V) COU -men ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council— � -'s 191 Fara worth Goss In favorS/ 191 Heil Approved M II --Against UU iry Yce MAYOR> Mr. Presf e CITY OF. ST. PAUL u' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ........COND _--:NOZZLX--4-••CONNWT-i•NG PIPE: ........ COUNCIL No. .. FlLC Fir «_ Q4MMISSIO�ER. OB PUBLM. SAFET.Y.`......_......_..__..:__.._........._..............:..... Date Prescnte&..:.25.-14.............:._`..191........_ Resolved, That V�IiBREAS the Commissioner of Public Safety has notified the Purchasing Agent that the Bureau of Fire Protection ha8• on hand one Nozzle and Connecting Pipe, condemned; also about four hundred feet of hose, condemned, which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of�the Charter,: And THEREAB thho have been approved by the Comptroller, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to sell the above mentioned Nozzle, Connecting Pipe and hose at the best price obtainable. ). Nays Ado __In favor Against A COUNCIL FILE Nt).____ 13y FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..._reconst.ruc.ting,._relaying andrepairing._. w.i..th__.c.emen.t_..blocks to a width of 10 feet, the present sidewalk ori Third street North side, be.g.inn.ing.._66...f.ee.t-eas-t__of_Xxchang-e street) thence east 50 feet. under Preliminary order..' 207__ / ___approved _ June. 2...0tth,. Intermediary Older ___.. _._P, -......approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due motiee, and the Council having heard fall persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, all,] having fully considered the some; therefore, be it " RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extell ud kind of im- prevenient to be made by the said City is. ,__the. veconAmation,relaying,- and -repairs with --cement blocks to a width of 10 feet,the present sidewalk on Third street, North side beg 66 feet _...et-Exchang�._street ..thenoe...east 60_Seett ___ and the Council hereby orders said inlpiroveulent to be Made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and - directed to prepare,plans and specifications for said inlprovemeut, and submit saine to file Council for approval; that upon saidkxppreval, the proper city officers are hereby :ndhol•ired and directed to pn•oeeed with the nicking of said improvement iu a ° I'dance therewith. Adopted by the Council....._.__...........___r._:_..19....�..� / 4hn I.Faricy > City Clerk. Approved.. FIN,•, ^p7ADERS. •/ Actin 1ayOr. Councilmen Farl swo•th m the matt r ofl i streeting relay - Ing and rep g:� wl th cement blocks t a-?; d. h o1 30 feet. the present a.%ie on hird streat. Go north side b'egf ng 66 feet east of - Exchange etre t, thence east 50 feet, under- Prellminary� Order 207 $p- ICeI el• Proved Tone 20th, 1914. In termedlary Order 1369, approved Avg. 14, 1914.. A publie, Be. in g having 13eea bad . upon the above tmproce hav upon due MC' all notic and -the Ci— ha 1 o heard all'pe sons,.objectlons and r common- , datlo s relallve thereto, and having 'O' ary fully considered the same; therefore, be, It Resolved, By the Council of the City ,of St, Paul that the precise nature, ex - YO g tent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City Is the recon- struction relaying and repairing with N ay 1 cement blocks to a width of 10 feet, the present 'sidewalk on Third street, ' north Bide, beginning 66 feet of Ex-. , change street, thence east 50 feet. and - the Council hereby- orders said im- pro-meht to be made. ResolvedFurther. That the Commis stoner of Public Works be and he. Is' hereby Instructed and directed to pre- . pare .plane and specifications for said Improvement. and submit same to the council, 'for ,approval; that upon said approval. tine'propercat acted to pro - 't' officer. .are Hereby;authorized and eeed �vith,thb making of said Improve- ment in accordance therewith. Adopted by, the'CouncSept. 25, f914.. Approved' Sept. 26, 191 iil'. (Oct. 3-1914) r 1. f L �f 4 :} 1�,' e ft F .. ! ;R �'.. is .• � r r 1. f L COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. III th,i Matter of. QQnStMOting a, sidewalk..of. cement. blooks to -a.. width of six feet on the east side of Simpson avenue , beginning at 135 feet momth .of Minnehahastreet, thence North 99 feet.. under Preliminary Order. 210 1 June. 20th, 1914 . . . ..... _ . ..... Iliterniediary Order ...approved __ 17., A/ .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improv,ment. upoll due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the.City of St, pool that the pi,eise nature, extent and kind of fin- provement to be inade by the said City is, . the c.onstruction. of a sidewLIk of..cement. blocks to a width of six feet an the east side of Simpson avenue beg 135 ft. North of Minnehaha street then"North 99 ft. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be nide. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby histrueted and directed to prepare, plans and specifications for said improveni"ut, and submit smi, to the Council for approval; that npolisaid approval, the proper city officers are hereby autbol-in-d and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement 1*11 ;ICCA-daliee therewith. Adopted by the Council.... 19-.Z.. Clerk. Approved... C. F. No. 17 9 3— Mayol• In theAlattek, of constructing a side- Acting mlk of cement blocks to . width of Councilmen rnw Fasora tl . x fee on the east side of Simpson .avenue, beginning at 135 feet north oP ..ahaba street, thence North 99 feet, It nder -Preliminary Order 210. Goss approved June201h, 1914, int rnpa- diary Order 1168, approve Aug. 14, 1914. A public hearing h been had upon the above lm,-= re upon d n*tl,:,,,.,.nd the Council having heard .11 p .. bjectlo.. ad recommen- (1 Mccoll dations relative thereto. and having fully he it the same; therefore. 0 Leal' t1h1l'tthhel Council of the City y f S. �1sou aprecise nature, ex- tentand Icind of Improvement to be b� made 5r the said City ls�the construe- Yoerg tion of cement bIbrk. to . width of .1. feet on the east aid. of Simpson — no. beg. 136 ft, north of Minnehaha Ali,lj-0-r-T;uwe1S street. thence north 99 feet. and the Coubel,Improve- ment orders said to be made. Resolved' Further. That the Commis - a Public Works be and he 1, hereby Instructed and directed to p ­ pace plans and specifications for sold improvement, and submit a.me to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed topro- ceed wIn ith thadTakIng of said .improve- on.nAd,pt t accor once therewith. Adopted by... b, the Council Sept. 25, 1914. Approved Sept. 25. 1914, (Oct. 3.A914) k COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. III th,i Matter of. QQnStMOting a, sidewalk..of. cement. blooks to -a.. width of six feet on the east side of Simpson avenue , beginning at 135 feet momth .of Minnehahastreet, thence North 99 feet.. under Preliminary Order. 210 1 June. 20th, 1914 . . . ..... _ . ..... Iliterniediary Order ...approved __ 17., A/ .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improv,ment. upoll due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the.City of St, pool that the pi,eise nature, extent and kind of fin- provement to be inade by the said City is, . the c.onstruction. of a sidewLIk of..cement. blocks to a width of six feet an the east side of Simpson avenue beg 135 ft. North of Minnehaha street then"North 99 ft. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be nide. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby histrueted and directed to prepare, plans and specifications for said improveni"ut, and submit smi, to the Council for approval; that npolisaid approval, the proper city officers are hereby autbol-in-d and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement 1*11 ;ICCA-daliee therewith. Adopted by the Council.... 19-.Z.. Clerk. Approved... C. F. No. 17 9 3— Mayol• In theAlattek, of constructing a side- Acting mlk of cement blocks to . width of Councilmen rnw Fasora tl . x fee on the east side of Simpson .avenue, beginning at 135 feet north oP ..ahaba street, thence North 99 feet, It nder -Preliminary Order 210. Goss approved June201h, 1914, int rnpa- diary Order 1168, approve Aug. 14, 1914. A public hearing h been had upon the above lm,-= re upon d n*tl,:,,,.,.nd the Council having heard .11 p .. bjectlo.. ad recommen- (1 Mccoll dations relative thereto. and having fully he it the same; therefore. 0 Leal' t1h1l'tthhel Council of the City y f S. �1sou aprecise nature, ex- tentand Icind of Improvement to be b� made 5r the said City ls�the construe- Yoerg tion of cement bIbrk. to . width of .1. feet on the east aid. of Simpson — no. beg. 136 ft, north of Minnehaha Ali,lj-0-r-T;uwe1S street. thence north 99 feet. and the Coubel,Improve- ment orders said to be made. Resolved' Further. That the Commis - a Public Works be and he 1, hereby Instructed and directed to p ­ pace plans and specifications for sold improvement, and submit a.me to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed topro- ceed wIn ith thadTakIng of said .improve- on.nAd,pt t accor once therewith. Adopted by... b, the Council Sept. 25, 1914. Approved Sept. 25. 1914, (Oct. 3.A914) 0 COUNCIL "FILE NO.__ 13y .... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Constru_ctIng. .a side.walk. of cement..bl.ocks ...to_ a._.w.idth....of six feet on the south side of St. Anthony avenue,, beginning at Asbury avenue.,._..theno.e-_wast ._.lad__feet. .__ uuder Prelinlialu•y Order 208'..(;7 08 i' __.:approved June .30th, .1914.___.... ._ ... (C /L lutermediary Order ..__ _.._approved G.._._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improveuleut upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kiud of im- proveuleut to be made by the said City is- .-the. --eonstsu-ction-.ofa- cement -Klock—e dewalk--to-a-width eg six feet on the South Side of St Anthony avenue, beginnibg atAsbury avenue thence West ; __..._120 feet.... and the Council hereby orders said inlprovenleut to be Made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imprnvemeut, and submit sante to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city ()dicers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed - with the slaking of said improveme/ineo•dauce therewith. Adopted by the Council....._._'_ . _....19... -,its Clerk. Approved.1�� __ *Actinq .Mayo . C. F. No. 1794— - Coureilulell FarIISv,0,tll In the hatter of Constructing.. ide- Walk of cement. block. to n width of a,. feet on the. south side of St. An„, thony avenue, beginning 'at Asbury Goss avenue. thence est 120 feet. boder - Preliminary' order 208, approved June 30th, 1914, 'Intermedlary:: Order }teller 1167, apuroved';Aug. 14; 1914, A public hearing having. been had upon. the above -Improvement upon due. notice. and lifeobjetCouncil' ti n it having heard- lIcl'oll all persons, relative Iona ai d.nd haven- fullons: relative thereto, and -having fully considered the same; therefore. .U°Leal be It- �' Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, ex-. tent and'kind of improvement to be: Yoerg made by the said City is the construe_ tion of a cement block sidewalk to width of six feet on the south side of werH st. Anthony venue, beginnthg at As., avenue, thence west 120 feet, and:, jflTj' the Council hereby order. said Im - prnvement to 15o made. - Resolved Further, That the: Commfs_. alone f of Public Work. be -Ube Ise hereby Instructed .and 'directed to pre- pare plans and specifications for .said - improvement,and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers 8[e harsh y autherized sand directed to ro o - ceed with the making of said -Improve - !I mentln aceordance therewith. AtloD[ed by the Connell sept. 21, 1814. _Approved sent. 2S 1814._ • _ VY' (Oct. 3-1914) / A i L 01 1 cOUNc7I, FILE No. 13y FINAL ORDER. 'In the Matter of -constructing.. a sidewalk of cemen.t... bloc.k.a t.o.._ aw..id.th....of... six feet, on the north side of Sherburne avenue, from Griggs street _ to _Syndicate_ avenue under Preliminary Order.......209. _ __ _ ._....: __.approved 4 une_. a.Q.tih,. Llterniediary Order _ __ � _ _._-approved A public hem'iug having been had upon the above iulprovement upon due notice, Rud the Council having heard all persmis, objections end recommendations relative thereto, mud having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couucit of the City of St. Paul that the precise natln•e, extent aml kind of int- provemeut to be. made by the said City is__. the construction- of e. -sidewalk of--cement--blooks -to a ta. opidth of six feet on the North side of Sherburne aveue from Griggs street to Syndicate gvenue.o a.nd the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pnblie Works be mud he is hereby instructed aml direeted to prepare plans end specifications for said improvement, and submit saioe to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otBeers are hereby authorized ,md direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in ac•o'd;ulee therewith. Adopted by the Council........_ S_......_Lr)__ / Cit rk. Approved ___./...�. 19 Acting Mayor. Comledmeli Fanisworth C. F. No. 1796— ,In the Matter of constructing a side- walk of cementblocks to a width of tb Goss I six t side of Sr burns gave aon venue, from r Griggs streetheto _ - ..Syndicate avenue under Preliminary Order, 209, approved' June 20th. 1914. Keller Intermsdiary�Qrder 1166, approved Aug. L4, 1914. A public hearing having been had `Ie(,elll upon. the above improvement upon. due .. notice, and the 'Council having heard all pereohs; objections and recpmmen dations. 'relativethereto, and having O'Leary _ fully 'considered' the same; therefore. be It Resolved, Ry the Council of the City 1'OCI' OfSt. Paul that -.the precise nature, ex- tent And kindof improvement to be made by 'old City to the conetructlbn of a sidewalk. of cement blocka to - width of six feet on the North side' t Sherburne avenue from Grigg. - t eet'to Syndicate avenue and the Cconefl th ,O't.rder saafd improve ment to be -made. Resolved=Fur[her. That the Commta_ j stoner of Pohllc works be Alid he, is y here,,. 1, trusted and directed [o pr.- pare plape` and peciflcatlons for. saed I oroveme"a"d_ submit I upo , the or"e" for pproval; that Upon• said. _ pproval; the proper city officers -are hereby. avtfiorizedand d[rected to pro- ceedwith, the making of said Improve- mentin accordance therewith. Ad.,,. j•'the Counclt Sept 26, 1914. Approved Sept. 26, 1914. (Oct, 3-1914) AIR -_. 1 1r1 Ila. 11°� �4 iii '� ' ; � - � ; '• � � i. 0 t. ( i } i jjt pp t 01 1 cOUNc7I, FILE No. 13y FINAL ORDER. 'In the Matter of -constructing.. a sidewalk of cemen.t... bloc.k.a t.o.._ aw..id.th....of... six feet, on the north side of Sherburne avenue, from Griggs street _ to _Syndicate_ avenue under Preliminary Order.......209. _ __ _ ._....: __.approved 4 une_. a.Q.tih,. Llterniediary Order _ __ � _ _._-approved A public hem'iug having been had upon the above iulprovement upon due notice, Rud the Council having heard all persmis, objections end recommendations relative thereto, mud having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couucit of the City of St. Paul that the precise natln•e, extent aml kind of int- provemeut to be. made by the said City is__. the construction- of e. -sidewalk of--cement--blooks -to a ta. opidth of six feet on the North side of Sherburne aveue from Griggs street to Syndicate gvenue.o a.nd the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pnblie Works be mud he is hereby instructed aml direeted to prepare plans end specifications for said improvement, and submit saioe to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otBeers are hereby authorized ,md direeted to proceed with the making of said improvement in ac•o'd;ulee therewith. Adopted by the Council........_ S_......_Lr)__ / Cit rk. Approved ___./...�. 19 Acting Mayor. Comledmeli Fanisworth C. F. No. 1796— ,In the Matter of constructing a side- walk of cementblocks to a width of tb Goss I six t side of Sr burns gave aon venue, from r Griggs streetheto _ - ..Syndicate avenue under Preliminary Order, 209, approved' June 20th. 1914. Keller Intermsdiary�Qrder 1166, approved Aug. L4, 1914. A public hearing having been had `Ie(,elll upon. the above improvement upon. due .. notice, and the 'Council having heard all pereohs; objections and recpmmen dations. 'relativethereto, and having O'Leary _ fully 'considered' the same; therefore. be It Resolved, Ry the Council of the City 1'OCI' OfSt. Paul that -.the precise nature, ex- tent And kindof improvement to be made by 'old City to the conetructlbn of a sidewalk. of cement blocka to - width of six feet on the North side' t Sherburne avenue from Grigg. - t eet'to Syndicate avenue and the Cconefl th ,O't.rder saafd improve ment to be -made. Resolved=Fur[her. That the Commta_ j stoner of Pohllc works be Alid he, is y here,,. 1, trusted and directed [o pr.- pare plape` and peciflcatlons for. saed I oroveme"a"d_ submit I upo , the or"e" for pproval; that Upon• said. _ pproval; the proper city officers -are hereby. avtfiorizedand d[rected to pro- ceedwith, the making of said Improve- mentin accordance therewith. Ad.,,. j•'the Counclt Sept 26, 1914. Approved Sept. 26, 1914. (Oct, 3-1914) AIR -_. 1 1r1 Ila. 11°� �4 iii '� ' ; � - � ; '• � � i. 0 t. COUNCIL FILE &0.___ FINAL ORDER. 1. Me Matter nf.constructing ._.a_..eidewalk_.of...cement._.blocks _to....a.._width -of six feet on the south side'o£ Fairmount avenue, from a point 83 feet ea.et...of_...Paacal_avenue-to._Saratoga avenue,- under Preliminary Order.... 435.. _._.� _.__.ap)nnv"l _ June ...3.4.th,..1914 Intermediary Order, ___.. __ __._approved __ ... .. .._ _. . A' public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, luld the Council having heard all persblls, objections and reconunendatiols relative thereto, and having felly considered the name; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preeise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._..._ the -construction -of-a--sidewalk-o'f-- cement --blocks-to a width of six feet on the South side of Fairmount avenue from a'point 83 feet east of _Pascal.-avenue..to- Saratoga -avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvmnent to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby instructed mud directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby antlno'izYd and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement iu ae -dance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......... _ ' ...... 19Y ............._.._. City Cl •k. Approved..__.._....��/ A ettng lids m•. - Councillimen Farnsworth • C. th ,*,atter 1796— Councilmen F. No. atter of constructing a side- walk of "cement blocks to a width of -Blount t lift: the fromth side point 83,tfeet ulr- txnSS - east ofaPascal'ave— to Saratoga avenue, under Prenminary Order 426 i{ellet' approved June 30th;, 1914, Interne diary Order 1166 approved Aug. 14. . in14:' A ptibno h acing having been had �IcCnl1 upon the nbo a Improvement upon due' notice, and the Co n having heard, n persons, oblectl , nd b y ng O'Leat. fully considered thereto, and ,having: Y fully considered' the erne: therefore. be it Resolved,_: By the Council of the City Yoerg of St. Paul that the precise nature, ex- - tent and kind oP improvement to�'be - made by thesaldfCity is the onstruc- Tia tion f a,. 1dewalRc f cement blocks, to a idth off, six feet on the South. dea f Fairmoiint..avenue from a point, 83 feet-east;of 'Bascal avenue to Saratoga '.avenue and the Council hereby orders Bald '-pro '-ont to be made. Resolved Further. "hit the Commis- 1sldner f".PubtU, Works be d he is .a - 'b b fn 'trusted and directed to pre - 6 pare plane^:and Dccldca[tone for sand l mprg e,ent,.nnd xubmit same to a the Council! tor: ipproval; that aper said pproval, the proper city officers are hereby avt)iorl2ed anddirected- to pro- ' Geed -wits. the mak(pg of epid impro've- mentfn accordance's therewith. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1914. Approved Sept. 26, 1914' (Oct 3-1914) {, COU\CIL FILE N0.-_-_...._____. - 13y..._.. ._._.._ _....... '...._. . 4 i i t r � If'i �1 r � F 111 the Mattel• of _ constructing the south side of Chioago avenue, beginning at- � 1 { _.._�P.ab.aaha.__a_tre.e.t, thence west 150_feet. _ - ___ __ � I i' »»del• Preli»»uary Ordet•. ...164.... ___.. _.Ap}»•oved June _19th, 1914.. _ __ `� I yy .. .. ��-._.� _..._.. __. .__... �.�-t.. �. �.." ? A public heAring hAviu� ber» had Ipon the Above iulprove»umt upml due notice, And the Co»ncil htiviug heard all persona, obfectimts And res»uuuendatimis r.>lative thereto, And having fully considered the � � sAme � therefore, be it RE90Ll'ED, iiy the Council of the City of St. Yanl that the precise nature, rstent And kind of int- �:;�t .y t t ti 7 � 1 f� � ' .� � t: '. � I r f , f.. u 1 f 11 � .. ; to a �cidth of eight feet oa the south eideof Chicago avenue beginning at wabaeha u; �, , � K � � � �� E j . '-i 1 . G -moi � '� i `.,. ��....• t . + —.� ,. �� .'. _.�. --•-.. n- _ �. •�. -. 1... .. - dit•ected to prepare plans and specifications fm• said improvruu>ut, uud' submit cruor to the Council fm•. ' l - approval; thAt upml said approcAl, the }n•oprr city'nffSerrs ,trr hrneby Authnrizrd And directt'd to prceeed ' � � l�� � = ti {, COU\CIL FILE N0.-_-_...._____. - 13y..._.. ._._.._ _....... '...._. . FINAL ORDER. a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width ' `: 111 the Mattel• of _ constructing the south side of Chioago avenue, beginning at- of eight feet, on ' _.._�P.ab.aaha.__a_tre.e.t, thence west 150_feet. _ - ___ __ »»del• Preli»»uary Ordet•. ...164.... ___.. _.Ap}»•oved June _19th, 1914.. _ __ `� ` � yy .. .. ��-._.� _..._.. __. .__... �.�-t.. �. �.." Illtl'1'llledlal•y U1'dBl' .___. _. _.1 _.Aj1})t•OYP.d A public heAring hAviu� ber» had Ipon the Above iulprove»umt upml due notice, And the Co»ncil htiviug heard all persona, obfectimts And res»uuuendatimis r.>lative thereto, And having fully considered the sAme � therefore, be it RE90Ll'ED, iiy the Council of the City of St. Yanl that the precise nature, rstent And kind of int- provement to be made by the said City is_... __the c.ori.etffi3tian_oS._a__aide®alk_49f....a�lent._,blocke_. .. to a �cidth of eight feet oa the south eideof Chicago avenue beginning at wabaeha street thence sect i50teet:____ _ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to br mule. RESOLVEll FURTHER, That tpe Cmnmissimurr of Yublic, Works be And hr• is hereby instt•ueted and - - dit•ected to prepare plans and specifications fm• said improvruu>ut, uud' submit cruor to the Council fm•. approval; thAt upml said approcAl, the }n•oprr city'nffSerrs ,trr hrneby Authnrizrd And directt'd to prceeed Leith the making of said ingn•nvrun•nt in aeeodauce there4vith. Comlcil.....__......_�.. ' , ,�j Adopted by the ...J.....19_�G� / /�.� _ � Ll-.. _ ,. :: Approved'... ..... ... �..5. , ]9 _�.J-, , �� � ✓" ' ___.. _ Actino \Iaym•. , - � � Councihuhn FArusworth . - _ ' c r. 170. ivsv— In the .Matter of constructing a side- (anS1 walk ;ot cement blocks to a width oC eight �tee4 on. the. south side of Chicago' avenn`,beginntng at 34p.- basM1¢ street. thence west 160 fee"t, hellel' undar'Prellminary- Order 104 aP' _ nroved;June. 19th„ 1914, Intermediary Order 1164, apttroved Aug. 14.1914. \IeCnll pponpareteboyerEmpr6yement upon due - Council having peard n five, and the and recommen-� _ 4)'Lf'Al')' ll'pera0ne;`Objecttpne. - �dntlone relative thereto, and having fully.. edneldered the same; theretoi•e. be it YOCI'� Resolved, BY the Council of the .City. • of St..Pnulthat the Drecise,nature;es- ' ten[;:and ]<ind- of improvement to be blA OtYel'e m de by�the said City le the construe- t:pn o[- sidewalk of cement blocks e to a width of eight feet on the south 'ids oF�Chicago venue beginning-, nt Whbaehn street" thence west 160 feet. and the Councithereby orders said'im- provement`to be made. Resolved Further., Thnt the -Commie_ - ' Toner of Public Norke be d he'fa hereby fnstrucfed and directed to Pro- , .pare 'pl¢n8 nd�apeelocatlons far a ld ' improvement, and submit s me to. the l:ounc». for'¢pProvnl; thstauponsaid ppro�•nl: the proper ity pRicers .am • ' hereby'nuthorived ndcdirected [o pro- Geed a�lth�:the making pf sold impiove- men[ in'ncc ordance therewith. Adopted by Lite Council Sept. 26, 1914. APProved SOct 351914) - � �_ - r . {{yy �. I $}[ J � � � '� � � �- �� � G � C� f i 5 { 4 ,� � �, � � {. ,' �. I � tk t � VV 3 r � � t�, �•, # i� s , « ay FINAL ORDER. In the Niatter ot...re.c.onotruct_ing, relaying and _repairing with cement blocks to a width of 10 feet, the present sidewalk on Concord St., __s.outh-,. side, --_beginning -180 feet west. of. George_atree.t, ..thence- wast_.... _. 42 feet. under Preliulinary Order_ _.20fi _ _ __.._approved June _?0th., 1914 Intermediary Order _....__ p:. �. _:___.....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due. notice, and the Conntl having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inr provenieut to be made by the said City is._the -reeonetruction relayingandrepsirf41g with"Cemex blocks to a width of 10 feet,the present sidew& on Concord street South side beginning-'; .__..._180...feet YPest of George _e tee et titeace-westt:42 feet. and the Council hereby orders -,aid improvement to be made. RESOLVE]) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said inlprovenleut, and submit saau• to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otfieors are hereby authm•izwl and directed to proceed With the making of said improvement ihi i :: •corda n C e therewith. Adopted by the Council...._...._.. _.__!/.._! ._ '.. / 465............ .. ,lty Clerk. Approved.. //19/ ctin4 Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth 11035 C. F. No. 1798— , Itf the Matter of ree6nstructing .laying and repairing,with..;ce ' Keller blocks to a width. of 10 feet present.sidewalk-;on doncord -'s earth aide, beginning 380 3eet� McColl 'of George street, thence west. 42 u der Preliminary: Order .208, • - / a O'Leary a _ been n A public. Hears g rove upon the abo. Igprotiement upon � E• 1 ` 1• E � r 4, t 1 1 i f• I f3 I A [; �� 'T. AA . �. \" t d W`u G .i , V(f COUNCIL NILE NO. ____ ay FINAL ORDER. In the Niatter ot...re.c.onotruct_ing, relaying and _repairing with cement blocks to a width of 10 feet, the present sidewalk on Concord St., __s.outh-,. side, --_beginning -180 feet west. of. George_atree.t, ..thence- wast_.... _. 42 feet. under Preliulinary Order_ _.20fi _ _ __.._approved June _?0th., 1914 Intermediary Order _....__ p:. �. _:___.....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due. notice, and the Conntl having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inr provenieut to be made by the said City is._the -reeonetruction relayingandrepsirf41g with"Cemex blocks to a width of 10 feet,the present sidew& on Concord street South side beginning-'; .__..._180...feet YPest of George _e tee et titeace-westt:42 feet. and the Council hereby orders -,aid improvement to be made. RESOLVE]) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said inlprovenleut, and submit saau• to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otfieors are hereby authm•izwl and directed to proceed With the making of said improvement ihi i :: •corda n C e therewith. Adopted by the Council...._...._.. _.__!/.._! ._ '.. / 465............ .. ,lty Clerk. Approved.. //19/ ctin4 Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth 11035 C. F. No. 1798— , Itf the Matter of ree6nstructing .laying and repairing,with..;ce ' Keller blocks to a width. of 10 feet present.sidewalk-;on doncord -'s earth aide, beginning 380 3eet� McColl 'of George street, thence west. 42 u der Preliminary: Order .208, • - / p roved 263, 20th 1914 Interne] Order 1108, approved vlug 14, 19 O'Leary a _ been n A public. Hears g rove upon the abo. Igprotiement upon non e, ands t'fil ncil'+bnvin�'� h all p rsonar oblections.-and `,lrecom. Yoel' dations relative thereto, and":ha g fulls cdn'sfd"eyed the, same; there be it lr. Resolved, By. the Council of the w OWCl'3 of SLPaul that tae preetse nature, Cement the I or .opted: by tfit; CCouncil Sept: 25, 1914. proved' Sept. 26, 1914. (OCL..3-1914) 9 t � I 1. �p E � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '.SubjCCt:........................ ......................... ...... .......... ..._ .._. COUNCIL. __... , 4 P No. 1788 191. 'Res nt TT.t. rce-spas, the ne-! Date Presented..8+.3b.*t14..................... partment of FI ace -Special Assess=� ment, has equlsitioned. the Purche:sing Agent for 10000 posCcards at $100,00. " And, Wherets the .Comptroller hax certified that there le uRiclent money -In-the Treasury at salil Dapartmaeont tol pay the pore use price th rf; and whe as said pu cha ebannot be made ,fro the FittstTtotes excopt for cash, 1. ,¢nd 1f made hrough s pFie i to or. deal- an will cant th efty ten per eat more , than tpey would if D.urcit ed from the, there tore It•le hereby ,.II Resolved, That WHEREAS Resolved; that the Co ptroller aa• e -Special Assessment, has WHEREAS, -and b is Hereby au tho i ed upon the co sent to this esolutio by,t May- a or a d by hlmeelf. to d w his war - Q000 poet Cards ®1Q0.00, requisitioned a Fact in tavor f the Com leatoner of Finance for fhe aggreg t amount o[. said supplies nu -to charge the DI Acid, WHEREAS, p rtment, f Finance, with this Pied that there is suffi- amount;' and the Purclfaeing Agent Is �� hereby author[..l t¢ purcfro said supplies for cash' obtained from safd eient money in i warrant; @ad id upper to be In- to pay the purchase —,rap by the Comptroller and receipt artment obtained therefor.. 1� Adopted by the Cbuncll Bept. 25. 1814. price thereof; ApprovedssOctz3-1814) Be cannot be made from the United States except for cash, and if made through a printer or dealer will cost. the city ten per cant more than they would if t purchased from the Government, therefore it is hereby }RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be, and he is hereby authorized, } upon the consent to this resolution by the Mayor and by himself, to draw his warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for the aggregate amount of said supplies, and to charge the depart- ment .of Finance, with this amount; and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase said supplies for cash obtained:. from said warrant; and,said supplies to be inspected by the Comptroller and receipt obtained therefor.. 3 Yeas ( V) C ncilmen ( V) Nays �� Adopted by the Council 191 nsworth _in favor q Approved 16 Her oil _ Against eery ' rg otinq MAYOR - Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. .....�.._ ........��,9�1 ........_.... .._�.. _..... .................. COl1NCIL Sub ect..................................._..... NO � J Mme aPNo i79Y ,,, 91 ....... Date Pni;ente�..9-�26�14+-�•'_""""'1 . ..- `p�rtmonpt Coi Finance ape tat AsgeSe merit h4sieggleltioned th Rurchasln t� 1,0000 poet oar5�a ht 1100 00 _ ,Agent And g �QmPtrolier 6atl here, Lhe 4urtlCtentlmP oY R n QTX -.. J' - . . taeurYera ih paY' the, Dn greor, a`n�} a. I ..- gher_ a. eaj, rC 6e ,Lrom-S Resolved, That, W1R>PJ16, they 374 toY Flnariesa�speaal Assessment, has Y� *Isquieit`otied the Purchasing Agent` Yor]A,,a��pbet# q�sc�tt;<00, And, W_ -FAS, the Comptroller #as certified that there is auffi- cient money in the Treasury of said Department to pay the purchase price thereof; and Whereas said purchase cannot be made from the a United States except, for cash, and if made through a printer or dealer will cost the city ten per odnt,more than they would -if. purchased from the Government, therefore it is hereby i RBSOLVED, that the Comptroller be, and he is hereby authorizedl. to this resolution by the Mayor and by himself, upon the consent to draw his warrant in favor of, the. Commissioner of Finance for the aggregate amount of said supplies, and to charge the depart- ment of Finance, with this amount; and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase said supplies for cash obtained: from said warrant; and said supplies to be inspeoted by the Comptroller and receipt obtained therefor. ' (V) Nays t% � Yeas ( V) ncilmen Adopted by the Council 191 asworth n !n Favor - b Iter Approved /11 oil Against Cary rg ,. otinQ MAr Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL _1 00 COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM „. PURCHASE OF I oouMoiL So.oSubject:.ADDIhd.MACiE&.No sae ...... GOMPTHOLLER ..........--........_..._.... _....._..- ..._ _ Date Presented...9-26-14.---- ...181........:._ Resolved, That, WHEREAS, The Comptroller has made requisition on.the Pur, Chasing Agent for one thirteen Bank Electric Adding Machines. "Burroughs;" with 18" Carriage, medium h$ight back, duplex` adding wheels; unlimited split degice; semi-automatic Cross Tabulating Carriage; and, VEMEAS, by reason of a.patent on this"machine, it is sold ata uniform price only and no ad- vantage can be secured by advertisement or by asking for com- petitive bide; And, VEMIFASI this machine is sold ata price of $725.00 by the;Burroughs Adding Machine Company, now, therefore, be it 77, RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent ielhereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to buy the above mentioned Burroughs Adding Machine for $725.00, without advertisement or competitive bide. YeasLFarsworth l( V) Nays Adopted by the Council='AG�Z191 In favorApproved Against ��.61TY OF ST. PAUL . O COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CONPFJGNSD ; , N_ . L801 COUNCIL �HZi .._... CU ._._._... _ ._._ .:.._..._..........._ Date Presented........9 26.,.14........ .181..., Resolved, That, WHEREAS, The Comptroller, has notified the Purchasing Agent that the office of the Comptroller has on hand one` #117868 Burroughs Adding Machine, which on account. of she purchase of anew machine, is no more available for use, and which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of the,Charter: _ And, WHEREAS, this have been,approve.d by the Comptroller, Now, Therefore, be it 6OLVED, that'the Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized sell the above mentioned Addli►geMathine at the.beet pride obtainable,. 3 F i+ �i.�': n IC`Fryl�pl$01 '>3r . A Farnsworth—,I • > .oxo �teeolvod ThaC lyhereas The. Comp trPller .-has notified the Purchasing L Agebt that `the ottic or the Comp troller Chas on',hand ona No-.. ll7658;I Eu,i dgha Adding 'Maehine WhI h on' adeoott Is,, the porch a of anew ns china is:, no more a nllIn for s� and hleh m.1y Gold 1n accordgn e, ylth he' provlhioneof the Charier And AVherepe, s has ben i) pr oved:,-b the C•thiomOtr Iter; .Now,' �perto;G I2ae0I ed That;' the 'Purchasing,. AgetttIS hereby authoriae­It o sell the, ggheye+mentioned Aijding Machine at . �b6at=Price=obtataable dapL�d by the Connell 9eDL ;3Sr 19141 - Approved BepL.20;1914 tOgL 8=1934 Ye! 1 u, men (V) Nays v z Adopted by the Couneilcs�r�'_ y orth In favor f� r Approved— _ L 191 77� ll --Against . ry MAYOR �'..- Mr. R �.. ( V ) Councilmen• ( V ) Nays Farn orth. Goss In favor Seller McCo Against -ehes Y_ Yoerg Adopted by the CounciL�191 Approved V —191 :yy- CITY OF ST. PAUC - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. <.. Subject: ...._�...____. _ ... ... - ..._._....__.•....... COUNCIL .. m ...... ...:.... .. ......_ .... V Date Presented RESOLVED. 'That the application of the following persons for a license respectively indicated to conduct Hotel or Restaurants at the locations be, and the saute hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and upon the payment of the directed. to issue suoh licenses to said applicants fee required by law. Hotel Or Restaurant. Location.. Name of Applioatn. St George Hotel 412 Jackson t Geo. Wiriams, . 347-53 Robert St. h. G. Ca.sling,.Inc. Cate_ 54 E. 6tb St. P.G, Chamberlin, Lunch Room. 201 F, 4th. St, Boucher, Business Lunch' C P. Buffett Lunch 159 F,. 3rd St. H. F. Viereg ' 299 Robert St. Bueinsee Lunch VUQend & Goldman, 242 1r. 3rd St Franklin 'Cafe Frank H. lQordman, 40 E. 3rd St. ' 'Yeiser &Taylor, Restaurant ' .p F:, N4. 1882 -By HeiirY McCall- -,the 7 : - - - ' n Resolvefl,-That the adpllration of "following,persona.for'a;license to -con. .duct Hotel.:,or Rostauraat" at the' to-•. 'entlone raepeetively-tndimtad be, ;and the same .hereby are granted, and the City Clerk:'.18uthorized and directed to, Issue .,.such. lidenees to'said app11= int -upon: the payment'of fee r.- gnI,ed Y• InW Geo, WllHama. St. George Hotal, X412: Taekson SL, ert SE '_W G•Ctiamberlln.. Lunch Room, 54 - , ( V ) Councilmen• ( V ) Nays Farn orth. Goss In favor Seller McCo Against -ehes Y_ Yoerg Adopted by the CounciL�191 Approved V —191 :yy- C. -V.- WIERSCHRE CONTRACTOR,AND -BUILDER 1966 BLAIR STREET. ,f w F'>z. St.Paul,Minn. Sept. 5th,1914 3 Hon. John J. O'Leary, Commissioner of Parke,Playgrounde and Public Bldg. City Dear Sir:: On March 24th,1914 bids were received for the construction of the addition to the P.a.msey School building. The Contract on this day was awarded to C.M .Steenberg, the lowest Bidder. Owing to the fact that C.M.Steenbergs bid was cancelle4 by the School board, I as second lowest man was awarded the contract on May 2oth,1914. When I submitted ffiy bid and agreed to take the contract for this work I was under the impression that the award would be made immediately but this was not done until nearly two months _ after bids were received. I was again delayed about twelve days on account of the r brick which was selected by the Board were not on the market and had to be made up especially for this work. For the above unexpected delay in my securing this contract I=wish to ask for an extension of time to complete my contract for the above mentioned building. Yours truly, -Contractor J. P. GRI BEEN, P -1-T P. D. GRIBBEN, S--, S. L. GOOD, Surf. OF Y- St.Paul, Minn,, $Qnb. 8". Mr. C. E. Wierschke St.paul,Minn. Dear Sir: RE RAMSEY SCHOOL. In answer to yours conversation of yesterday n regarding bookcases for the above named building will say that I have since taken up this matter with the factory and find that, the cases are practically finished. so that there can not be any changes made on the book oases, but the material cases have not been started and can be left out or changed if necessary. However, we *ill do nothing to the material cases before we hear from you. Yours very truly, GRIBBEN LUMBER COMPANY. per .:City of 8'taaul CouncilResolution - General form. Department of Bureau of . voriavammovaaaameaaovsaavaaaaaaeoeaaaeaaaaaaavaxa®smsaeasmammeaeeoaeaeat - Council Fine No. Date ,Presented" By Res lved 'That the dime wlthln`' - _ which C p. Wfers hke�l$ reynfred tp: complete tthe;,�{tddltion,�to-. She .ReimeeY; , eohooi •buUdtng be' and ;thq.eame le, , he 9tw exteniied to Nov tuber ls4'.191_4 prdvlded',thnt..surety'.on hle' bon dtiell consent In writing'. to such ex tncton /gdobted Tiy"the C0 pnc11.8ept. ZS 1914. Resolvedthat i �pProved sept zs isla:, ,, r tQoL a isxa> , Adopted by the Counci 1914. Yeas ( ) Co ilmen ( ) Nays sworth 1 x,- An ordinance regulating the appointment of teachers, super- yisors, physicians and nurses in the public schools of the City of St. Paul, .and prescribing their duties. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Eligibility. - No one shall hereafter be eligible=to appointment as teacher in the elementary schools of St.' Paul who is aot.a'graduato of the St. Paul Normal School or a graduate 0 -some other recognized normal school having'a two years course, or. a &duate:of a college or university. A full course in one,of the xabgee mentioned institutions is required. Full course graduates from recognized normal schools, or,persons holding diplomas from.first e.lass eollegas or universities, may become eligib.le..to appointment as 'teachers in the -elementary sohools of St. Paul -after a successful te.aahiag exper snca-c at least two years in some other district hav- ingaregular agstem of graded schools; provided, however, that gra4uatas'of the St. Paul Normal School may be appointed without "pre ulcus experienoe for a-probationery period oY two years. Section 2. Promotions. Grade teachers making application for, ,promotion to. high school positions must meet the requirements governing -:appointment to such positions. Grade teachers promoted to positione_as•eritie teachers in the St. Paul Normal School shall meet the requirements governing.the"appointment of teachers in the St. Paul elementary schools at the time such appointment is 'made. 8eotion 3. Manual training, domestio.soence, art,and domestio,art teachers and grade supervisors.-.Teachers,of art," manual . traiaing domestic"sconce and"domestic art appointed to positions in .t.; the, grades, and grade supervisors, shall be required to present satin- fan'tosy evidence ofhaving pursued adegd'a courses in recognized J technical schools. Such persons yshall have had two years 'successYul • teaching experience, apart of it 1n the department to which they',a?e appointed, e'd'it is further desired that.they-shall have had com- ` tk: meroial exper-ienoe in their 'crafts. t Y;;Seoton 4. Grade prinoipalfr grade ; rV rp'rinoipalship, a candidate must have a Minnesota Professional Ceitifi- cae (or must havei addition to a Normal School diploma, one year of university or co lege credits, preferably from the college of edu- cation in a university), and at least five years' successful teaching ..,experience, a part of it in the elementary schools. Section 5. High school prineipalships and teachers. - No one shall be eligible to appointment as principal or teacher in a high school who is not a graduate of a standard university or college, with successful teaching experience of at, least two years in a first olass high sohool, or who does not hold a First Grade Professional G 4 State Certificate, with similar experience. The above regulation applies to all teachers whatsoever, both academia and special,' inolud y ing teachers of manual -training;` domestic science or arty commercial subjects, _athleties,,arts and crafts, music and physiciew culture, ex- sept that teachers of manual training may offer successful commercial _1:-,- ­ experience in their crafts.in lieu of teaching experience. Section 6.. Employment on probation. - All teachers.employed V. under the above rules shall be under probation for one year, at the end of which, unless there is in the opinion of the principal of the school -and the Superintendent of Schools a reasonable prospect of success, -their services shall be dispensed with. If,_however, there As a reasonable prospect of.-sueeess they may be continued in the schools for a second year, at the end of which time they may receive reappointment or be dropped from the roll. Section 7. School physicians. - The school physician must be -a graduate .of a recognized".medical college, and must hold.a license from the Board, of Medical Examiners of the State.of Minnesota. Section S. Duties"of school physician. - It shall be the duty of the school physician to keep such regular"hours at the offices. of the Department of Education as the Superintendent of SchCols'may direct. He is also required.to examine all applicants for positions.as teacher, nurse, normal student, and high school athletes, withoyt extra compensation. He is required --to supervise the school nurses and examine eE'• yam, t..f-,: � '. -. 4411 pupils.sent to himby the principals, teachers and nurses. Spotion 9. School nurses. - No one shall be deemed eligible to appointment as a school nurse unless she be a graduate from the training school of a first grade hospital, and a registered nurse of the State of Minnesota.. Section 10. Duties of nurses. - It shall be the duty of tis nurses to do such work as may be required of them by the school physician under the, direction of the. Superintendent of Schools. Section il. Duties of supervisors. - The supervisors shall., under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools; have general oharge of the work in their specific departments. It shall be the dutg�of the supervisors to advise and instruct teachers in regard to the work of their grades, both in•pnivate and in,meetinge of teachers of _the. various grades, held as authorized by,the Superintendpnt.of Schools. ,They shall at the close of eacYi'eohool year and at any other time if desired, present to the Superintendent of Schools a full report of the work of their departments, with suggestions and recommendations as to changes in the course of udy and methods of teachi stng; but no°+ change shall be made without.hls-sanction, Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in . foroe thirty days after is-hlication. ' _ o }806=D,t3fnance�l•1 t�L _ , rdinnnbe '4�gulatlnY,- / `• bt Pt teanhexpp saF a .�by _ tans •A�tid,�ngxeee�lnit the µotic! $:: FIs tlf `e C[t r5of EEd.Pd and; sin /� `�fneft , • ti ha C�.. � St� Pan] ooydn d t`r it �!a`P i.1a6 i. Yens. NAYS, MR FARNSWORTH GOSS. / a KELLER _ McCOLL o 3 O'LEARY r� � i !� YOERG NAY , in kf fall pupile.sent to him:by the principals, teachers and nurses. Section 9. School nurses. - No one shall be deemed eligible to appointment as a school nurse unless she be a graduate from the training school of a first.grade hospital, and a registered nurse of the 'State of Minnesota. section 10. Duties of nurses. _ It shall be the duty of nurses to.do sugh work ay; be required o.the the school physwV ician ander the,d ahp0 G- F. Seetioa 11visors shall, vbheral e under the direction ��� g charge of the work be the duty Wthe supero v regard to the work of thea. )f teachers of the various gr d eAt.. of Schools. They s gt-any other time if desired,' a full report of the work, of ommendations as changes i' ,ng; but no` change shall be Seoti Rd be in foroe thirty da Ag / YEAS, NAYS, MR. F� ORTH . G 3, K R LL ARY �^ Y G N/j�fS^ 0 MR. � ENT (POWERS) A-�' •• Fs I 4411 pupils sent to him by the principals, teachers and nurses. Section 9. School nurses. - No one shall.be deemed eligible to appointment as a school nurse unless she be a graduate from the training school of a first grade hospital, and a registered nurse'of the State of Minnesota. Section 10. Duties of nurses. It shall be the duty of nurses to do such work as may be required of them by the school, physician under the h 4' Seoti6' iiofs shall, under the dir'-61% 6-4'en'eral charge of the' -J'' s 'be the duty W the sup j regard to the work of then )f teachers of theof various i3 Schools. They at any other time if desired a Pull report of the work of pmm6ndations as to changes i ing; but no change shall be Secti pd be in force thirty da llkh* V1,04 WINN POWERS,'MAVOR L.GHODGSON,SecnLiLnr ro TRe M.YQR ELIZASETHNELSOH.ASSISTANT5EC T4 - Novimber 3,1914 To The 6ity Oounoii St.psul'minn., Gentlemen:+- I return to the 00un011 herewith without my approval,the or'dinsnos passed on October 30,regulating the appointment of teachers,sto.,in the public schools of this city. I hesitate to put my judgment in opposition to that of a majority of the member# of this body,but in this matter I am persuaded, after careful consideration,that a mistaken policy is being adoptede . I oppose this ordinance for several reasons: Firet,I-am opposed to it because of its .effect upon the young women of our own city who may seek'to become teachers„ Following their training in s normal school or univeriity,they cannot obtain employment in their home oltysposk but.must cook employment away from home. I think this is a bad arrangement,and an injustios to our own citizens. Ssoondly,I think the ordinance Zistaken in providing for a two year experience before a teaoher can secure employment in this oity,beosuse this is an assumption that°our normal schools and state university are not doing efficient work. If these institutions are doing the work they are supposed to do,the teachers turned out from these institutions have had requisite teaching experience. I am not ready to question'ths efficiency of these sohools,dhich the people of the state support !%o gladly. If a graduate of the St.psul Normal Sohool'is competent to teaoh,then a graduate 09 WINN POWERS, MAYOR - L.C.HOOSSON,SeORI-110IHF M-1 E LIZ AS ETM N ELSON, As—Tsr TScO 11— our state normal schools or state university should be equally competent. Third,I am opposed to the ordinance on the general principle that it establishes a basis,other than merit for the appointment of a teaching force in this city. I believe that the Oommissioner of Education and the Superintendent of Sobbols can be relied upon to employ only competent tescherepand they should not be unduly limited in the matter of oho10e,but should be free to base all appointments on merit alone.. Anything tending to create an artificial standard for teachers is,in my judgment,& bad tendency. Teachers with a two years experience in the St.Paul schools will be worth more to our schools than teachers with a two years experience in other schools. Furthermore the matter of experience is not in itself a test of fitness in teaching, anymore than in any other line. For these reasons I am not able to spprC#G this a • Ci1-z��/f/� Mayor -A ?_06 An ordinance regulating the office of the Superintendent of Schools of the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THF: CITY OF ST. PAUL,DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Superntendent-shall be the executive officer -of'the City an all matters pertaining to the conduct and management of the schools, and he shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office, and he is not to engage in any other business or calling what soever, ;and shall have the general supervision of all the.schoole, teachers, apparatus and course of study. He shall keep regular office hours, other. than school hours, at such place as the City shall provide, which shall also be the general,depositary of the records, Mere, eta. be}opging to the school department. Section 2. He shall exercise an Active supervision ovei`UO Y. alaeeficstion and general arrangements of the different sahcols.° S q'�$On 3. ft shall oall-and conduct, or oaues to be oon- ducted, meetings of all the teachers of the City, or -any numberof them, At ouch times and such plaose as he may select, either upon school days-Wr upon Saturdays. He shall make all necessary regulations for conducting the examinations of all the schools of the City. Section 4: He shall see -that teachers are provided with blanks for school registers and for all reports required by tha.0lty regulations and ordinaaoes, and a W 1 give such instructions in regard to the'mods of using them.ae.will secure uniformity; and he shall tarnish each school room with a o0py,9f the school ordinances and office regulations' Section 5. He shat# submit to the Commissioner of Hduo.ation monthly, a written report of the condition of the schools, which report .shall include a statement of'the attendance of -pupils during the preced- ing month, and biennially W ghhll.present for publication a detailed report efj,.the work of the preceding two years, together with such suggestions and recommendations as the needs. of the schools, ir, his judgment, require. Section 6.' He.shall attend sessions of the Advisory Board of Teachers and,of the ,Advisory School.Hoard. _ Section 7. The Superintendent of Schools shall provide, for the holding of.a Supervisorst Institute at such times as he may - rte' deem advisable. Section 8. When a vacancy occurs in the teaching force, - the Superintendent of Schools shall recommend to the Commissioner a' person for such vacancy, and he shall fill such vacancy temporarily- from.the City Normal School, or.from other souroe'of supply until the regular appointment is made. He shall see that suitable substitutes are provided for absent teachers. Seatlon 8. All sohool"registers, class, books, monthly re- ports of pupils and blanks for monthly returns shall be of uniform pattern, to be determined by the Superintendent of Schools. He shall see that the books used and the studies pursued in the schools shall be such only as are properly authorized. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force' thirty days after i >�ase rid flublfatttton, An No 1806.,raga 4 t r Suixece`. regulating. Yh offica .of - ,:the Superintendent ot; Schaola of r.,-5r.:•� ,the C1tY oC 9t, Paul s ;. � The Covnnll_ of thFa Ctty-. of St Paul g�� �/ :does ordain.. SECTION _6c Che SuDerintendanf eah1L ba theles eers a tatnlrSof the City -on all and / - Lets ,pertafnSn6 [o the -Conduct And management bt the schoota he -',d e / afiAll devote cis �enties time to tfie ay=_ �� Lich of his oRice and heJa'not to'era- / hours' other til1e aDbool h urs, alt siuch What�oever tend ahA11 .have the gen- ,,/� ertil aupefvlalbn of aU-,the Schools �6 /y ,teachers ADparafud and'. cov se of -- --191 - / AdOpied lacy Se ahalT,;a p rs alar auks y place ae ing- 41�y ahail provide �whlch ah'aU also the the 6ehernl deDosltory bo, /J �� tpe tecarda �yapera c belonging to, thq schobl depal'tid tet SECTION 3 He shall ;�serclso ens ActfVa evpet= yiafon over tpe ctaesiacstlon ane gen- erAl '.crangee[a§ars of :'the-: dlRerent ' schools } ', �s- �' ;, • y-. _ SECTION 9 '' - He etlall caU and copduct or cavae i to^,.ba conducted mepifngtl of all the tsaghgrs of the Ctty or_any:numbL•r'of Ute them at timesa ana',subfi piacee 'he may,,egi elther..:npschool ,dapn oNt,wt,uPu l 9atutdays ontHe Shell _ make all nec'eaenrl^ re6ulatfona for, a cotiducting„tlie-examinationa Qf all tRe �Q acfibola of the' Y '. r .. - z Cth 8e halt eeelthaaQJteacfiar use` Drb- e teal vlded It I.. fo*.Chool registers and, for alt rrnurl� requlrea% by Lha ,ii.na ant n d c nd - .. cure uniform{ .Tieingt"ifiem a9 wltl sea! $1' Band he 'Bhallf furnish j each aeh0aI rb.'am W1 {h ..:copy of the abh'pol ordinanCee and ortice regale='� Upna' - S9F1CTIbN 6 R.S) shall submit to the. C6mmitlefoner ,He N of: EducaUna 4nohthl'v, a)wrltten re- _ Doet of the aondlttoa oC. the schools; �'Q U '�Y which repot{ ahall,inclnde.. statement-' oG;fhe attendaN'ce of In,103 during thod Prededfng month and blenniatly hd; ghee'r Dreamt Sot yubllCation a de= Palled report of�M work of the pre-; ceding tWo 'year, together'- and,: ;th0entiona recommeadntione ae "i tha;needailbf Yh,�, echoola to hla ludg-., t� ' man', reglre-•^-•-- • - `�^ i sSECTION ---:eha11 attend aesafona}Af the,Ati- ,' wlaoi •Board bf;: Teaed harayppd of ,th,e. AdYi¢ork School=B anL - SECTION'T Tk6 Superlatendnnt of Seliools�shall; "provide for the;holdlag of ;a Supecs 61ao a Institute'; at such times as$e, may=`deem adSE T1ION 8 � � VYt#en a vacahcy gccura_; In fl the' t6aohing to ae:..iha Superlhtendentsof; SeLbole shall recolnmend tb�ttha Com; and h6 shall H118duchovacan y iAmyo�;^ arllyirom the, Q1ty,NormA1 School '6r. from. -tither sca'l'es o; auppIy_3 untWthe- 'regular appointment ie -made. sball','see..thateeultable =eubeututea are; prAllaechool ... f i .f 1` srL,eg ¢¢ j 4 4monthly etersa9 else d ti books; + k i , cnthty reports ofle f puDan lap p, q- ret In. shall be of ani pattern to be determined 1 by Oho Superintendent , of SCho ols Ha shall t 7 t j{ i sea Lha[ the hooka used and the stud-' 1n the p • 1 cep,pursued schools --shall ba. $ uch only as, nEre,-, erlyguthorized: •! I �, ,fThlp ordinance shall take ertecC and be In itoroe _ E ' l thirty.' -;days after .its pass- ege,`oad rt Ye pled b.ss the ,,Var nll Oct:.,1a 1914 Yeas-Meaers Farnewortfi, i t C _ Keller;,: 4oea MpColl O'Leary, Yoerg Mr, P 1. t P { f ent� taYs(Powers) 7 ApprovedOct i _ {. F' 31, 1914.' .. WINN. POWERS rt..It .- ., `Mayor .: ; Attes t:-' JOIiN I. FARICY l4sugip.lan0 'ay] 3 77 34 - tis ' dSI.7.10 dO00+V'0 ]e3 Sf1SOS'3NNISQ 30 3SV Q7QliJ 79Z •a,ago,d"}o. ,aQ^V '[Laga7ilQ 'H + - s 1 4re7sgo,a doge5p tol'a4nad.}ol[Bi 1 'lea' -gP6IIZVB 'A1 '3 - 'Q 'V - a9 a - 6161 '�agma7dag ,o sap q . aa, iqi '740'0 Pisa }o a9pnf ayl ota 1seQda .11noa. elga7. J. salP p phaesaappa y - 1 eaoisu gaagm 3aa... ,o est -a ., S 7o goaa I...1 a� aro; edup ,jor Section' 7. 1. 11 lq, 9T x Aq ]e. o17u3[' 141 l W 1 043 a H¢iliPm ,tq pus 'ma[ 03 9ulPao: a[77 ma,gy ,na is a 1 ¢i ,aaiagl Schools Shall proVide ¢ %6-aallyud aq, Paniae aq uo,ls7[a s I -P Pua pa,u8,9 eq lou pinoga uol .Y for the holding Of na -Pas eloge[pua seas P�EBgtlbus }! ;asr at such times as he may , I .1730 ey} vl snoH. 140'0 ayin ud 1uS� 00 1Sno 'P+aa ' deem advisable • pales ea .laid-a.1a41 coos en ,.°o -u 'IP ori q7 ul ]Isola,' 01 la '3161 ' °" '00 dap Section 8 do 436T eqa .jspnojq u° I_ J- spy] e -;.q .I -adds a1 Paa,nbaa P 1Ra.la s keno.. Pun q aa,law P,sa .in the. teaching force, 7u1 Os1aU p- 1-41 Pua Pn a n aq uo77Uad p,E ] 41 'Paaap_ sJ 1 .. - the Sutperintendent I Pl_ q 1 P 1 9 q 1r J.°013 1 1 I Pu J 31 1 ] to the Commissioner a air 8ul.leatl P� t1s1 < 4 1tla. J - c 4311 41 1 1 1 P P 1 person for sitptl 1 ;a Plsal y 1I J t Il b vacancy temporarily .q . ' from the (tit F w°4„ .IV 1 ,; 7 • :of supply until -.the regular app'#a t suitable substitutes - d0 n.t..: are provided t . $eptx'j ie books, monthly re— ports of pupils 'hall be of uniform z pattern; tp be --of Schools. He shall ' , t t n'uo _ 840 -that the b °q tti•ll' J4q' ' ' , �.iy lU. uv'nuge o -, an the schools Shall be ;Ply • ° Plod 'Is J„ a1„ ,, 1 J -4l ul Bwoo21 'a1°ass q �,�I such only ale 41 I� , i ]�nO;a 1a .iivw p,Vs a 'lu161'­q.­., w°'B :;vP �, o�°taJq OI as . aq pu ,3 pa -W n 3una, Iga'aao,aµ -arida s'" Pua pa3W 4 ailam p,as " be in force Seo �] aq U011iiad-¢IU.. I 1Ia i-43 Pua P, a� effect and Plue oa4S 'Pay.lupup sa ] Iq �j Pa, 140, a iaua yla uosJatl �PIea.1 aeslay7 �oI' thirty days a ql Pun Paull 14 mo -4 pus 9u Jun. uau'u °Xa v'sg 3" « aaald pus an; "no ""n" p,ae ,o O gi 1-43 nIl-1 uae"aaUw 4S laa.ed uo[3[lad ayl Ju,Ip pua 5u,pua, u °uoJ rie3T 3 _ wU4:11 IItl o] al osauul7N ?lala 7 P aaQ Ii 1\ 41^ l naJ 1 Q d n[ a. the Council......----.-..---- may' Adopted b1 NAYS. . YEAS. MR- FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER m cOLL rpy&p H O'LEARY Olt �Cy YOERG MR (POWERS) N S p PRESIDENT V -P G Section 7. Ths 80b for the U014ing of a supervA, doom advisable the Superintendent of person for such vaoano W-M� P from the Olty regular appointment ` are provided for ports..Of pupils ;and jai pattezu, to be see that the such only a thirty daxfi oj f t807 No[lSa7�)n��gddkfRsi An ordino ntlDl lidirigar' / e° // // fy OL the lgup $>�gi tiiY,}iolse F '' �e�d2ti��/�/e/ }u• Tha Coltpc[I o� the7 City' of�8i, Paul, - /►/T" dt�- does gr9atn� BION Y )� - a,— It adis>Skbolthekduty u� the Superin- t tendant,; OC, Bull�lfnBe undn;f�the 1h- atructlonc�[rYhe ;ColomtseCoaer $ h' - unatton So Cg!'e�ully:7napop el buldinge,'_ and Yheiry surroundings as to their.. -safety" cleanliness ¢nd. sant- iary Condition ,.and -;he aha11 aeq that ail bulldigga,are kept 1n ar.pjoper Cribin the duties of the Superintendent- state qt repair,,, 8o shall �_r-1, JU g m nthlv'4YI the Commissioner aL du- - , oaimC Sq, writing .uPoh al] inattera; . of prdpeYlY runder his. eupervielon and• wpiakt; �qCh xendmmendationa .as hs thinks Y!#~sp r:t erciiox a CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - � TZ;Ie o;dinance shall take eRect and - I he tri ��oce thirty dnYe atter }tb pa9e a�p�bp ed bYt theyCLuncll Oct.• 13 1914 Qco�� QrrY agp rg ap�aT 1811 ba the duty of the 9Uperintendent 0;l' >'resident CO'11 re> 7 Bairpapa=o 1 a° Approved Ont 1a 1a1+ -,lotion of the Commissioner of Education, 1F WIPIN ROZ4ERyor s to QAAtfeat aoBxl Irnalcxocy Clerk 'Ihool buildings and their surroundings .�. as to e r seta y, cleanliness and sanitary Condition, and he shall see that all buildings are kept in a proper state of -repair. He shall report monthly to the. Commissioner Of Education in,writing upon all; matters properly under his supervision, and make such re090mendatione as he thinks proper. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be.in fore¢ thirty days after ite.passage and publication. 1; iS 4 191 i Adopted by the Connell ��31i1�Y a YEAS. NAYS. 4 MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER A McCOLL TTES I J�yN 1 F O'LEARY �t YOERG N ; 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) w, - r :y ooh' a7E4a'PIIZdS aP O¢ yTS(� 013 -aEE s14] .tnEd es ul.PaitsVl' - -> R 07 9P Tp >CBP F ad aedEa$ 9�l tq BA 65� 4S a7u1 . u1 as _ '• F ild. pnE nud,.ys a4 �a ul aouo aus1P. R4 ^ax t col �laaro 4 ao3 d1u saotl Q Y 91 suT Pa saie] j]9uiieA4a4 4s g1T PS o]11aA1+9 a4y ..1047}RSI V5RL1?E ' 3e2 t/,�f/I e' ' o t ftp ..]EUS 'p pee s�ul{Ete]%0.oid BV a4 s{ X-11 Exau,ailuail� a"Et aVgg ay V]Fuu Eie 4, rv- 9�1,R aV plea A �n , Qio4oe'I 1 ]ansa I° Tuipy�,�idVau .EP. S6T a]Eq°fid P1 •^ ne . 15R3:$ti-, A pn nd;he SLast; - ..,k: :� .grrtce prescribing the duties of the guperiatendent of Buildings. THEJCOUNCIL'Or THE CITY Or ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. it shall be the duty Of the Superintendent of Buildings, under the Instruction of the Commissioner of Education, to carefully insperot.all school buildings and their surroundings as to their safety, cleanliness and sanitary condition, and he shall sea that all buildings are kept in a proper state of repiir. He shall report monthly to the Commissioner of Education in writing upon ali matters properly under his supervision, and maks such retb0 endat ons as he thinks proper. Section 2, This ordinance shall -take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. �y 4. L�L� �`; ,9i4• �� _..._ _..... 191 Adopted Who Coeeoil _..... . NAYS. YEAS. MR. FARNSWORTri GOSS l KELLER A )-r McGOLL ✓ hN F O'LEARY YOERG N 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) 41 eY ..:.. "'w.,.^:. ela .aqq Zt'gji opo 6i8 g'v pele u _ i 4 tRl..laad ee ut paRatl t E9Y }0 6ap. p1E9 a67'un/s bau 1e9ai ssa `l. aiepl0 -. �_5 y ild 'Pqe pad i0.§§ Al ulxaau euetP ,gY n111, 4" o e jqn ay�eSaf.qileuoel q PRons laot 8 R 4{Ba u{ uanl9. a0. ieRian3 sn44//` our t ou• is0.S 4a ueyem4alo Y{a ad-. a1aR et gpuau U1 m }ynoa o eqj, O ua eu}mm Pu'ot{ua nyaaaRl auras All aR pa) 4odda s1 n4 is d IS')' - 3 :y4 E1 {{ - a Et a 3 { C - 9}0, esno8 iyn$g iuiuiaS l ad -i V6H laQo�d Yl ... js_P3.�1" nnd;.hax baht: rib ng the duties of the Superintendent - of Buildings .,: THE COUNCI Bention 1. Ant of Buildaga,,under th31 ion, to oarefully inspeonge �e shall as to their safety, see that all build He shall report moat I ting upon all matters Iah realbo"ndatione a �8eetio a in for" thirty day k F � y G /-G An ordinanoe regulating the schools of the City *f St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Classification of Schools. - The public schools of St. Paul shall be classified as (a) Elementary, (b) Secondary, and, (ts) Speclal. (a) The Elementary schools shall include: nadOrgartens Primary schools Intermediate schools Grammar schools. (b) The Secondary schools shall include: High schools. (a) The Special schools shall include: The St:, Pain, Normal School, and such Other epeoial,sahools as shall from time to ;time,te. established. Section. a.. Kindergartens, eligibility. to. - Children who will be fioe.yeare of age during the first half of the semester,"and under six years of'age, 'and such others as in the judgment of the pr1zo$pal of the school are not suffiaieatiy developed to do with �Ati p�e►it the work of the first grade, shall be eligible to admission in Ahe kindergartens . " schools. - Primary schools shall con- Seotioa 3. Primary y ;? sst-of grades 1, 3 and 3. section 4. Intermediate schools. - Intermediate schools shall coneiet;of grades 4 and 5. 4A Section 5. grammar Schools.- grammar schools shall consist °} of grades" B., 9 and 8. Section 6, High Schools. -'High schools shall consist of grades 8;;10, 11 and aa. 8e0.tion T. at. Paul Normal School; course. - The course av iha St. -Pal Normal school phallicover a period of two years normal training, during which time also various academic subjects for high sohool graduates shall be taught.,. Section S. What children. residents. Any child who lives. with a parent or guardian in St. Paul $e a resident of St. Pahl fC3 3 o the pltb13& schools, ,' I (2) Section 9. Non-residents. - The fee for admission of non- residents to the primary and intermediate grades of the public schools of the City of St. Paul shall be the sum 6f'Pifteen Dollars (915.00) per year, and for admission to the grammar grades the sum of Twenty j Dollars (020.00) per year. one- half of said adinission fee shall be payable In advance at the beginning of each semester, and receipts. for said fees from the Commissioner of Education shall be presented.' to the prindipal of the school before any non-resident pupil is admitted. Section 10. School year.. - The school year shall consist of thirty-eight weeks, and shall be divided in two semesters; the, first semestershallbegin the first Tuesday after the first McdWY., iz September,, SeotIon,11. This ordinaiice shall lake -effect and be In force thirty days after itspassageand publication. I C:• ' 1888-Ordinance he No: 3285—­� Vin -Vo -t1WC3ty of-StJPaul -, / 6The'bounull oC .the City f 6t PavL; dpea ordafn6ECTIDN 'Ci9saffitition of Scligolw—' hejni�:7.' ]ic schools of SL Paul hall 1W claisl 40 23 •-cl d .Intermediate schools /�/ •• Adopted by Gramam schools , :• 191 ' clods lb NO Y, the Kin er artdns.r' ell I t¢. Ao�qhll-z dren wh 111UbVfi.ve 6 he f� .iLvet I .. tive ter; and or inir it rl under six. Years of : age an 4suWothers as in ff at I the1PPge'n'n.t at el. ,pe 1, ja h r' a flr.tj,�,..rd0, a1z' .11PV1, k sionin the kindergartens'.' SMI .YS, 13CHOule:—High schools shall ot,grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. qRCTION -:,siE:c -TroN is �force.-thirty ordinance - Th. shall take effect ha oth irty days aftetrlta P'. age and p`ubll Council Oct Ai�;1914. Ad.pt.d.by'thl.toC arnaworLh Goes, 21 Ilell,rColl: Leary; Yoerg, Mr. McColl, President 4pproved Oct IMr9I1N4. POWEfi S' Mayor..,. k Attest: JOHN I. FARICY. (Oct. City. clerk'_ 17-1914) Beotion 8. residents to the pri of the City of St. Y per year, and for ad j Dollars (080.00) per payable in advanoe �a for said tees from to the principal ofz admitted. Section 10 of thirty-eight wee first semester shah 'In September, Section force thirty days*af I •uIl ea,aD4J do alDla apaaaaQ�u aw4��va 3 41 )o � llvlti '31n0� alDgoa,; nT ea '.Sasw •aa.9v97u0AT ..2-J, T .lall .V '30NH0V NOS.'IV:11 'J UNCINC12 J SJ Maas 'uullQ 's,IOtlsauu 'r(cT I I)C 3� Palo '.SnPP!us )a 7l' V IaoEo,o lv 'uTo6T '(I V 'u aqw .. ,j ),r a� ql '07ulaS pun S1 ... O [)In. .1 'Ir 7S do .071.7 47 u! 'a. noFl luno, 1)u1 nd oql u1 ......,ne puu a0!U0 ul { s,UIua4Sa aql 3..Ciuno, .S —11 Prue s jaa4S 41 Sq '.a.1 '4 Pan+olF., lu H6. q�IP a 11 411A, u?4evy ea a ev lu pin (00 Sr gpalsJlIIltols ) posq l.wsapo ue.lnsa 1,� sApn uayP a! all - rigaua Ola 39aP 41 Pun 'a 8"91.1 pp. uo Canp aq uagl Ill., 1.41 luno n Ir 43 S)s17vs of 011 n luno" 7 1., a ao llf.a saauvu 1 da P 1 vd a4 41 41!++ 1 F 1 7 P nl aql I ,-.1,! pr S! 1 1i4 DH a'veS as l Zia J l P ) f I I n p'ra(I Jo l {Y 1( 43 ) IU u[ P J I ,� 'Ill ::: )o.r x•'41 1 Fl a4u21 1Z1 - .1 l01) J 1- W, r'Pr { 3 2.1p ..wLL. .l o!tau :,jyuuu :li,l, Iu i 8 .2. ul ogl nv ev Gansu -i 1 .S,sl puv u (Ou'9 YS 1uaalx,S ')oaaa 4l lse�alui uoan s..tvllulao.CaT ly90l PaaayPluCnsl')Hluouaa.,u+ey ]>.l•.lIs InAla a d, (40-06'39u9at e1wasijo iudlauaa.." • s ,np aµ,3 u ..p .1 I as a47 J.. Il .. of paw ,uou I rayl b �a4o uos.au .iq alq�dvd Puv anP u a9n8auow : )d ds lndlaulad au 13u1 a47 sny aa9?l9j say A p pun pauvlaaP ,,y pans uoFs7Ao.ld p1ne do anlulA Sq plin lvgl 'atga d .Pus anp . I.M w1 p{vdun 9ulutvwau wns a ,lua u{ iDiaap uol]aala ell lu: 6vw a9v9: .11 u{aiayl 11 nu)ap_ nuv 10 a9wi'. vy .7Dg7 p, ,old 4 ...ld" sa]I s l ).1 pine {iq pun. u, 1vVl (00` aJ 3l,u ns of p-• luamy pa �punT-T )o Iq 11 P{ns Jo Ivdla ulol6r a4l r aLLn '7S Puu oy u 'lo(I 9uoa9 .. a8ud 's giT,. us1uawn. -=� v.11s,8a2I Ot \ yootl ul (06) slua.,l pvuv llaol.>o [tl a t ro] '6161 .R 'tl �`F gas, l:p 4161 a '+ 11.808 r admission of non - of the public schools an Dollars (915.00) the sum of Twenty Igj$on fee shall be [Ont r, and receipts. ill be presentee pupil is Adopted by the Council---------------------------------------------------............ -• � 191 (� I YEAS. NAYS• MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER P4 (• MrCOLL &LEARY YOERG AYS, MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) shall consist esters; .the. first mdaciay` and be in 3 ) —1808 a m.�3�`11Jp �Q Iaw4aaaA.. _) 1 uI Iea}aayO da a1a1s3 a47 3 liu7¢ x431 - ¢ i,SS 7inoO e3agoad uI se fiaem 3O_dSNIIOO 'vSO53xxI7¢ dO �Sv • •uuiy¢ 'elioduauuTl¢ '' . • - '— Ya.aa76 41b ylnoS tTi ' 'aa9aSlaol� a ao7/� '—SWz 'f aa11E . ' 'ro •aa9a93aopi 'Soxa0v xOS'IVA1 -0 aCINa yasT 3f _ n Section . NPS) 8 -,daS uull¢ Biiodeauuiy 7a pa3s -tl for admission of non- •.taP Plue Ia�-I¢ gao}a•o 7a •6i6i 'Q 'v "aa4u3anox Jo fiup residents to the primar ag y, uo a,o3S pus filunoO p}ea III } se of the public echaols as Ja silo ayl u} aeno}d,u - City •.' nd� of. the Cit of St. paNiC }A nes .. oyj ul 3aoo flalea pua n aol711 do u) e,7,laa4S eq; 1s ;[131noO fiaewa3; Plae paao}la .g u Baingei a�ll.?lilat aegle9oj a5a91a teen Dollars ($15.00) - y.3 Pa'r nd}}fl e9 -„bad fl,Seu s•BBF..CB ari},16jnax0$, , ;° Por year, and.for admi ,� sae}° "e�,,;ea the sum of ?went Y } y Dollars ($20.00) per ye �a'% ip�n fee shall be, payable in advance at aW- q x r gmaa B ^11'K9 6'2.dd dee �-nfa P4 e +B� }u ala no aaSAl} a pt79 -. •P y¢ for fees from th E.q xo:P 3oaea•aq}_ of �yl8aboa9+ - - +Y � . , _ '- a1ea�,_B,Bs%ASSTS con IIsi 1a enm said to the principal of admitted. Section 1( �t of thirty-eight we e . first semester shod allay` r din September; = y ` force thirty day � / r s 1809 i An ordinance to provide for the payment of a pension to Helen Sullivan, widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known'as Michael P. Sullivan), deceased. WHEREAS, One Helen Sullivan, widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as Michael P. Sullivan), deceased, has filed with the Council a verified application for a pension, setting forth that said Michael Sullivan was, on the 26th day�of June, 1914,,and for several years prior thereto had been, a mounted patrolman in the . Bureau of Police, of the Department of Public Safety.of the City of 'St. Paul, and that while in the performance of his duties as such patrolman, the said Michael Sullivan was killed by electricity by reason of becoming entangled in certain electric wires; that the said Michael Sullivan left surviving him as heirs, the following: Helen Sullivan, a widow, residing at #63 South Lexington avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Joseph M. Sullivan, a son, aged twenty-one years, born . May 81st, 1893; James T. Sullivan, a son, aged nineteen years, born April-10th, 1895; Ethel Sullivan, a minor daughter, aged twelve years, born Nov. 13th, 1901. That the said Helen Sullivan, widow, and Ethel Sullivan, minor, were wholly dependent for their support upon the said Michael Sullivan; and WHEREAS, Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety'of saiity has recommended that a pension in a sum not exceeding Forty :Doll re ($40.00) per month be paid to the said Helen Sullivan in aCr cordanoe.with the provisions of Section 355 of the Charter of the'" City of St. Paul for the year 1912; now therefore, for the purpose,•of providing such'pension, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section.l. That. a pension in the sum of Forty Dollars 040.00) per month be and the Lsame hereby is authorized and allowed to be paid -'to the said Helen Su}livan while she remains unmarried and a resident of the State of Minnesota, and until the said Ethel Sulli- van attains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pen- sion in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per month so long as she remains unmarried and a resident of the said State, unless sooner modified, altered or revoked. Section 3. That said payments be made in monthly instal- ments on the first secular day of each month, so that the amount to `be paid for each month shall be paid on the first secular day of the next succeeding month thereafter. Section 3. That the provisions of this ordinance shall operate to provide a pension in accordance with the terms thereof so that the payments shall be made for the months of July, August and September, 1914, and monthly thereafter. That before any pay- ments under this ordinance are made to the said Helen Sullivan, she shall execute and deliver to the City of St. Paul a good and suffici- ent release discharging the said City from any and all liability on account of the death of said Michael Sullivan, in a form to be approv- ed by the Corporation Counsel. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 4 Whereas one "Helen-$u711van w7dow of Mlchael Sullivan (sametlmea kn(iWna Mlchael P Sufllvaa) deceased =he wfor, the Counsfl " a verlfted fo4¢ni qn11loa. ae( ,. i 7 4 F� Adopted b1 the Boenoil ................................ 191 YEAS. NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS i KELLER J�. ✓pyN : ' McGOLL Cid 0 O'LEARY tSL4Sti}iD Q YOERG NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) tt if �= -I S09 ® i ($40.00) per month be and the Leame hereby is authorized and allowed to be paid to the said Helen Sullivan while she remains unmarried and a resident of the State of Minnesota, and until the said Ethel Sulli- van attains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pen - sl on.in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30..00) per month so long as she remains unmarried and a resident of the said State, unless sooner modified, altered or revoked. Section 3. ,That said payments be made in monthly instal- ments on the first secular day of each month, so that the amount to be paid for each month.shall be paid on the first secular day of the next succeeding month thereafter Section S. Thatrt FA nsof this ordinance shall operate to provide a pensior C h the terms thereof so that the payments shalli +* a August and September, 1914,and , •'. a u eu menta under this ordinan ' shall execute and deli v ci- ent release discharging s cn account of the death ; pprov- ed by the Corporation Section 4 in force thirty days after" .I L C ; E 9 -I S09 ® i ($40.00) per month be and the Leame hereby is authorized and allowed to be paid to the said Helen Sullivan while she remains unmarried and a resident of the State of Minnesota, and until the said Ethel Sulli- van attains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pen - sl on.in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30..00) per month so long as she remains unmarried and a resident of the said State, unless sooner modified, altered or revoked. Section 3. ,That said payments be made in monthly instal- ments on the first secular day of each month, so that the amount to be paid for each month.shall be paid on the first secular day of the next succeeding month thereafter Section S. Thatrt FA nsof this ordinance shall operate to provide a pensior C h the terms thereof so that the payments shalli +* a August and September, 1914,and , •'. a u eu menta under this ordinan ' shall execute and deli v ci- ent release discharging s cn account of the death ; pprov- ed by the Corporation Section 4 in force thirty days after" .I E 9 t -I S09 ® i ($40.00) per month be and the Leame hereby is authorized and allowed to be paid to the said Helen Sullivan while she remains unmarried and a resident of the State of Minnesota, and until the said Ethel Sulli- van attains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pen - sl on.in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30..00) per month so long as she remains unmarried and a resident of the said State, unless sooner modified, altered or revoked. Section 3. ,That said payments be made in monthly instal- ments on the first secular day of each month, so that the amount to be paid for each month.shall be paid on the first secular day of the next succeeding month thereafter Section S. Thatrt FA nsof this ordinance shall operate to provide a pensior C h the terms thereof so that the payments shalli +* a August and September, 1914,and , •'. a u eu menta under this ordinan ' shall execute and deli v ci- ent release discharging s cn account of the death ; pprov- ed by the Corporation Section 4 in force thirty days after" .I • ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA, County OT Ramsey, City of St. Paul. In the matter of the application for pension of Helen Sullivan, widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as Michael P. Sullivan). To the Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, and to the Council of,the City of St. Paul. The applicant herein, Helen Sullivan, respectfully sets forth the following facts as an application for pension under the provisions of Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St Paul for the year 1912. That one Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as Michael P. Sullivan), was appointed a patrolman in the Police Department in the' City of St. paul on or about the 16th day of June, 1906, and there- after and up to the time of his death was a member of the Police Department of said City. - That on or about the 26th day of June, 1914, the said Michael Sullivan, then a mounted patrolman in the Bureau of Police, in the Department of Public Safety of the City of St. Paul, while in the performance of his duties as such patrolman, was killed by electricity-, by reason of becoming entangled in certain electric wires. That at the time of the death of said Michael Sullivan, he left surviving him, the following named persons, who are his sole and only heirs at law and next'of kin, to -wit: This -applicant, Helen' Sullivan, his widow; Joseph M. Sullivan, a son, aged twenty-one years, b I orn Sullivan,aeon, aged nine- teen — 18 93, James S. teen years, born Apri.j_9_0th,___ 189_L_, and one Ethel Sulli- van, a minor daughter, aged twelve years, born _Ugyember_ 1901, That at the time of the death of the said Michael Sullivan, this applicant, Helen Sullivan, his widow, and the said Ethel Sullivan, 9 j 9 e zz i_ r --a,_ .fit � }_,.E ., l �. •7. l- _. _1• �- 4 � _._._'.-i —. (�._.. .- �.-,. .J. — __ - f his minor daughter, were wholly dependent upon the said Michael Sullivan for their support. That the said Helen Sullivan, widow, has not married since the death of the said Michael Sullivan, and that she is still a resident of the State of Minnesota. Wherefore, The said.Helen Sullivan, applicant herein, prays that a pension be authorized and allowed by the Council of the Citi of St. Paul, to be paid to her in accordance with the provisions of said Seotion 355*of the Charter of the City of St. Paul for the year 1912. Dated this � b *day of September, 1914. Applicant, (' j Residing at No. 63 So. Lexington Ave., St. Paul, Minn. STATE OF MINNESOTA, RS. County of Ramsey. Helen Sullivan, being first duly sworn, says that she is the applicant named in the foregoing application, and widow of Michael Sullivan, deceased, therein referred to. That she has rend and knows the contents of the foregoing application, and that the same is true of her own knowledge. Subscribed nd sworn to before me this Z� �day of September, 1914. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires I 3 SOBN I. Py.RiOY. OOv Ocsec CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLER%'6 OFFICE - Sept. 18th ,1914. Hon. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, City Dear Sir:— The Council, at their meeting held this date. referred the attached communication from Henry McColl recommending a pension of $40.00 per month to the *idow of the late Michael Sullivan, a Mounted Patrolman killedwhilein the discharge of his duty on June 26th,1914, to you for a form of ordinance and a release discharging the City from all liability. Yours tmly, City Clerk. L. 4 5 HIYNRY MCCbLL - - 1 JOHN T. MCCOLL COMMI1.I0NER DEPUTY COMMIEEIONER CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY a Sept. 18, 1914. To The Honorable The Council Of The City Of St. Paul- Gentlemen: - on June 26, 1914, Michael Sullivan, a Mounted Patrolman in the Bureau of Police of the Department of Public Safety was killed by electricity while in the performance of hie duty as Patrolman. The deceased left surviving a widow e(nd three children the younSest of whom is twelve years old. As Commissioner of Public Safety, I hereby recommend that a pension not exceeding $;40.00 per month b paid to M / Helen Sullivan, widow of the deceased, . July let, and that the Corporation Couneel be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance for pavment of the pension, also the necessary form of release to be signed by Mrs. Sullivan, as provided in Section 355 of the Charter. Respectfully submitted, A Com: "6fis Sate y. HENRY MCGOLL I I I JOHN T. MCCOLL DEPUTY CO-SIONER COMMIJUIONER - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL c DEPARTMENT OF,PUBLIC SAFETY f Sept. 1810 1914. 'To. The Honorable The Council Of The City Of St. Paul- Gentlemen: - on June 26, 1914, Michael Sullivan, a Mounted Patrolman in the Bureau of Police of the Department of Public Safety was killed by electricity while in the performance of his duty as Patrolman. The deceased left surviving a widow and three children the youngest of whom is twelve years old. As Commissioner of Public Safety, I hereby recommend that a pension not exceeding §$40.00 per, month b paidto M / Helen Sullivan, widow of the deceased, July let, and that the Corporation Counsel be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance for pavment of the pension, also the necessary form of release to.be signed by Mrs. Sullivan, as provided in Section 355 of.the Charter. Respeotfully submitted, Comrieaioner of is Safe�Y. i4iPdG _�-- Council File No ................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRE ABY ORDER. .The undersigned hereby proposes th Ieking of the following publi Paul, viz.: _._..__...:.°_Rave. .:_Sm.. ...A..._entre..._f_;Mr,....3'.Je..e.4.....Sa�4.'G•�....I ..._., ...._ .. ......,.1 .. ...:.. _................ Dated this.--z9th _.Clay c. F. No. 1810 - - "I Whereas. A'w�ltten proposal for the...... ... 191...... i I making of the tollowin lle m[rom West. O viz: Pave-amitlt. ,even Sixth street to RameeY street... hhv uA ....._................................................................ been street , to the Connell of the"""""' City of St. Paul therefore, , lt' j Resolved. That the Commisereby of, Councilman. Pubue Works be an d he -la Hereby or deted add.dAre1tM- 1.' To investigate the .ne.—Ity for or deairabillty of the making of said ft-mndmll ent. „'invecostetl .the nature, extent o • ,�.. :,tr ted cost of said; or ` ing of th he make following improvement, viz.:... _ P3 WHEREAS, A written prol;Deal fV4._.....__._.. SitAth Avenue frogs. Tleett Sixth Street to..._Rar,18eY...Stre_et......._..._................_...._...._....... ..................... ........................... _.._......_..._..............__...................... _.......... _......... ............... ........... ................... .... .... ...... ........_................... ........... ...._._............_...... .... ........__.._................ ._......_............. _... _..._.. _.............._.._........_........... ..... .......... ........ having been presented to the Council of the City,of St. Paul by Councilman ........................ _.......... .............. ........ ._:............ _......... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. •l. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said' improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:__...._.....__..._......_:........__: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foSj oin.ftjn4StKs to the Commissioner ofsFinance. �, Adopted by the Council ... ..._...........4, 4._;..y; .'.._ i . ,.19 .......... Yens: Nays Couiciltnin n�V G ss Approve .............. V ................ .........- K Her eCoIl 'Leary oerg............ ........ ...... , ............................................................................. Mayor "era Mayor. i Council File No . ...... ............ s PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDhR. The undersigned hereby. propos . es the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade So. SaratojEa A p !:,.I�Q t_Q ...... . . ........... . ................ ............. ................. ......... ................. ............ .. V� Randolph Street JZI e -t. i t �1.01 . .. ........ ewe Dated this of h �'C- FWhereee, ................ ...... .......... .......... . ..... r.tt,n ropOeRl for the p at. et -1 ;easking of the following�t1 Improvement og. r M 'V :Viz., Grade 50. Sur- andstreet. Re . , Councilman. avenue , a poll jefferson '_�nt to the b , it h1Vlnl�Cb11r0,pSt. puld o'efors, it i'll I therefore', , 1. t,!n C' Paul sale 0 0 Resolved, That the 0 1 .0. Public Works be d h . heretiy et, �.n sccszjt�' To investigate bER' deredand dire.e the 'buity e.k0. WHEREA'S, A written pro osalfor ilie making'ot"tric following improvement, viz.: ........... .... .... . .......... t .................. ....... . .. . ........ ........... _ .............................................. .......... - ... .. .. ....... ............ . .............. ............ .................... .... ................... ............. ......... ............ ............. ........ . ... . .......... . ............ ................. .. ........... ....................................... ............. . ... . ........ .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... ............ . ...... ............................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improveracut. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, I and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said, iniprovenlent! ........................................................... . . I . .. ...... ............ ....................... ...................................... ... : ..................................................... ....................... ................................... 5. ` To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. � 'j 14 Adopted by the Council....._:.._.._`�,� 1;...... . ............. Yeas Nays: Councilman Approve..... ... . .............. ............ ... e er ef Coll• oeeary .... . ............. ......... ...... .. ..... .... ............ .... . .. ............... . ............. May wrs-__ Alayor. Coirucil File No.i...._............................ • PROPOSAL FOR INPROVEMENT. and 4 y ,PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following`pli lie improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz•:._....,._..Construct.,.,;centant:___e_idevralY a..._cr dth_,_of.,.s.jx:._f_e t ofi,.- Ot_Yi,,...,.- Dated C. n ootn sz of Aln. / / Councilman. hsrt. n— ...g from 6n th l to Paws ' C avenue. h -Jing been preacn ted 'to" t*_ Co4nc11 Of tha City It of St. Paul the•___ , be Pore Public lwbrkshbe at tad hoa 1. heron dared and directed: atiL ORDER. - Tn, rn•eAt�e�r. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz...._.__.._Conet_rL t_'.. can..cut_._e .d,4ti <<lks.....t.4..._a._..� . h.....o.�......s...i.r>,.._fe...+._..or......&ct:n.....a.ide.a...._of..,.I le.h�.xi . Avenue , f..rom Sid@1._ljng.._tQ �'ae.G A.u.,.nu ......_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......... .......... ............ ::................................. _._...... ..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:..... ........................._... .........................................................................................................................................................._....................................................._.................................................................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .............._.__ `L.I.......^. <)..._..914........L11......... Yeas : Nays: Cmmcilmat •uswm•th_ �i v oss Approved ............. ...... ,........ ....... ..._-v... ........._ . Kellet• Mccol 0'Le y Y.g ............... ... ,....... ....... ..._.......... ._ ._ Mayor P vers Mayor. C{ - CITY OF ST. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. • AUDITED C �2r INFs g=2ESOLUTION FORM �oaNe1L No FILE SE 914 .eY''� I' 7AUDITEo XI t.� 4i_ - - 89 l PE TITLE be drawn the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinaft.ipecifiedl s aad o- Resolved tha"t warrants upon in tb� `folloveinglfd in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified �- " - statement: 'v' Nays yeas ( J)(wers Adopted by the Coun " 191 K, / In favor r D Against Y.TOP 4 Mr. Preside t F Corporate Purposes Commissioner of Public Works Bund IV, l 3 51 A.'`P. Hoare, 20.%l street & Sewer bund 11.90 3 52 A P. Moore, General Bund -Crosswalks Account '6,46 953 A. P. Moore, I-nterest Bund 954 Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Award of interest on damages awarded Late 11 to 14 Inc., Blk. 18, taken Lyman Daytonts Add.' for Open. Mounds Park Blvd., 27.22 3 55 Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Interest on award of damages for lots 15 to 18 incl., Blk. , 18, Lyman Daytonts Add..taken for Open. Mounds Park Blvd.,,_ 6o.67 V 3 56 Chas. H. Glneak, Interest on award of damages for lote 9-10 and'1110 ManahIs- Sub. Lyman Dayton's Add..taken 25.66 for Mounds Park Blvd., Corporate Purposes -Coni Interest Fune-Con't- 1 057 Ella E. Jameson, Interest on award of damages for lot 16, blk. 17,,Suburban Hills taken for Open. Mounds Park Blvd., 53.29 395 •Geo. B. Nienaber, Interest on award of damages for lots 1,2 ,3,4 and 5, Geo. r b. Nienaber's Sub., xslk. 14, Lyman.' Dayton's Add. taken for Open. Mounds Park Blvd., 80.71 359 Isabella Salsbury, Interest on award of damages for lots 1 and 2, blk. 5. Suburban Hills taken for Open. 44..88 Mounds Park ttivd., 360 Gustav Willius, Interest on award of damages jjj for lots 3.and 4, WillYus Add. #2, taken for Open. Mounds Park 25.05 i Blvd., 3 61 S. A. Farnsworth, Coupons cashed, 328.50 v. - Com. of Finance, 3 62 Merchants Nat'l Bank, Interest checks andSepc oncashed lst in to 15, 1914, and exchange, 41.630.5r r� --A2,9047 Auditorium Acccunt � 144.02 V 3903 A. F. Morton, " Total corporate Purposes, $ 42,459.80 G assessment Accounts paving St. Peter St., 3rd to 10th St. J�. 3944 Y. N. Goes, 236.21. Com. of Public Works, i Paving Rosabel St., 6th to 8th St.,, 39P5 M. N. Goes, 64.79 �. Com. of Pub. Works, Paving 7th St., Cedar to 7,Cors. 366 M. N. Goes, 431.67 ✓ com. of Public Works, Paving 7th St., Pine to Cedar St., 31967 M• N. Goss, 393•tlo �✓ Com. of Public Works, Paving 8th St., Broadway to Locust St., 3068 M. N. Goes, 275-.05 com. of Public Works, Paving Sates Av., 7th to Plum St., . 3969 M. N. Goes, 79.39 P Com. of Public Works, Assessment Accounts-COn't Paving College St., 3rd to Cedar St., 39/0 M. Goes, 55.97 Com.of Pub. Works, Paving Main Ave. 3rd to 10th St., 39 1 A. We Goes'� 16.56 Come of Pub. Works, Paving We 3rd St., Wabasha to 7 Coro., 39 2 Me N. Goes �ub. 1.374-90 Com. of Works,' Paving Summit Ave. Wabasha to Robert St., 3173 M. N. Goss, 46.67 f Pub. Works, Com, 00 Paving Oakland Ave, Ramsey to Grand Ave, 39 4 Me 9. Goss 187.01 Come of Pub. Work-, Paving 9th St., Jackson to Broadway, 3 75 me h Goes �' 652-71 . COL off_u_. Work.. Paving \Oth St., Jackson to Broadway, '976 Me N. Goes, 161.92 Come of Pub* Workstr Paving 9th St,, Smith Av. to Jackson St., 59�7 M. N. Goss, 68.03 ✓ Come of Pub. Works, / Paving 6th St., Washington to Sibley St,* A 978 me N. GO Pub. Cam. Tt 9 22-05 — —5.646 V Special Funds I Engineering Inspection Account 10.20 ✓ 3 79 A. P. Moore, Red. Sprinkling Tax Levy Certs. of Ind., 1913 Acct., 3 80 S. A. Farnsworth, Certificates cashed, 7,506.00 V/ Come of Finance. Red. Tax Levy Corte. of Ind., 1913 Account, 981 Be A. Farnsworth, Certificates cashed, 3,660-e-00 Come of Finance, Jj':'j—j0.2O---rA' dwlY.1j, 1-1 111` 'th to Plum st-t Public Works, ., 3rd to Cedar -.ftrul: Works, 800 M, eo Special ks8ess. const. Acct -Openings dKmages for Mounds Park boulevard property jakeorqor-Mounds Park -Blvd ., zb.e.-,S6bi7.t-Tllk- Nt.lnb'n. � S: " wly.%'60- 3982 Chas. H. Glueck, Award of daruages for 1-141 Add A s9of i, lots 9, 10 and 11, munch's b3k. '$5,770.00; �QUSL-vZ�'� Mojjndi.,:Park'Blvd—, ',i Sub. Lyman Dayton's Add. I t, 3 an11 d -4; Wllllua:`Add;�,Nliva Award of o -,X Sub ;,of'Rlk. taken for open—moimds' Park V 1C taken for -blvd., 3,300.00 ;eri. M6,iiidill?aile;Blvd. -;,,$3;220.0 j 398� Ella E. Jameson, Awardof damages for lot 16, by hat Council Sept ;� 29, 1014 Adopted by-the te,,'-�191 4 S.P36 blk. Suburban Hills Add., . 17, :P;p taken for open. Mounds Park Blvd., 6,850.00, 39� Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Award of damages for lots inc. blk. 18, LymanCo., 11 to 14 Dayton's Add. taken for Open. Mounds Park Blvd., 3,500-00 5985 Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Award of damages for lots 15, 16, 17 - 18, blk. 18, Lyman' Co., Dayton', Add. taken for Open. 131vd., 7,800.00 Mounds Park 396 Geo. B. Nienaber,' � Award of damages for property taken for mounds Park Blvd. all in Geo. B. Nienaber's Sub. of Blk. 14, Lyman Dayton's Add. s. wly. 501 of Lot 1, 2, 30 4, to, 3,78.-00 5. 1967 Isabella Salsbury, Award of damages for lots 1 and 2 blk. j, suburban Hills taken for mounds Park -olvd., 5,770.00e' 39 A8 Gustav Williuss' Award of damages for lots.3 and 4. Willius Add. #2, Sub. of 131k. 14, Lyman Daytonts Add., taken for Open. Mounds Park Blvd., 3,220.00 ol, that. warrants be drawn :uponthe pit?�q;r a V Is put , tha,,�a:1ut� 1a'vor,of'the r a or O L, " persons; tiorie [or theasoun ro e I Ur $ E. theirnamesB thei followingdetailed sis e Corpora".Pur ,as er . ,ofPublj.;jrkMoore, - SrebtlahAjgewp e —dFos 9 orpo to Purposes, $42,459.80 , _ fe It awarded 11'to 14 Ina °Blk 18, $sessmen Accounts, ,040 lofe Y- Yor o enln;�: Mounds Park,.Boulevard, 527 22; Conn.. erest-opecial Funds 11,110.20t waxy of damsSea totIOYe I6 to taken ton opening` Mounda;Patk ' 40,81800 e.intert va1.r award pec. Assess. Co t. Acct -Opening •on 11 I ni as R Granoa, .73 , dwlY.1j, 1-1 111` 'th to Plum st-t Public Works, ., 3rd to Cedar -.ftrul: Works, 800 M, eo dKmages for property jakeorqor-Mounds Park -Blvd ., zb.e.-,S6bi7.t-Tllk- Nt.lnb'n. � S: " wly.%'60- 1-141 Add A s9of i, 1pE e lots;l Salsbury � Award oY ,6;damages Suburban - a 01 b3k. '$5,770.00; �QUSL-vZ�'� Mojjndi.,:Park'Blvd—, ',i I t, 3 an11 d -4; Wllllua:`Add;�,Nliva Award of o -,X Sub ;,of'Rlk. V 1C taken for ;eri. M6,iiidill?aile;Blvd. -;,,$3;220.0 j by hat Council Sept ;� 29, 1014 Adopted by-the te,,'-�191 4 S.P36 :P;p #4 Special Assess. const. Acct -Openings Mounds Park i3oulevard 39 62 Chas. H. Glueck,' Award of damages for ; lots 9, 10 and 11. munchs Sub.,Lyman Dayton's Add. taken for Open. moimde Park 131vd., 3, 300.00 398 Ella E. Jameson, Award of damages for lot 16, bik. 17, Suburban Hills Add*, taken for Open. Mounds Park Blvd., 39 Conn.'Mutual Life Ins. Award of damages for lots Co., 11 to 14 inc. blk. 18, Lyman Dayton's Add. taken for Open. Mounds Park Blvd., 3,500.00 J985 Conn. Mutual Life ins. Award of damages for lots 15# Co., 16, 17, l6l blko 18, Lyman' Dayton's Add. taken for Open. Mounds Park Blvd., 7,800.00 39$'6 Geo. B. Nienaber, Award of damages for property taken for mounds Park Blvd. all in Geo. B. Nienaberle Sub. of Blk. 14 Lyman Dayton's Add. !t 1, 2, 3, 4, S. Wly. 50► of Lot 1.0,378-00 1987 Isabella Salsbury, Award of damages f9r lots 1 and 2,blk Suburban Hills taken v for Mounds Park -olvd., 5,770-00r, 39P8 Gudtav Willius, Award of damages for lots 3 and ti 4Willius Add. #2, Sub. of Blk. 14, Lyman Dayton's Add., taken 220.00 cfstz..�.J­j -;warrant for Open. Mounds ark Blvd., lhe'Sh T-o o..Tar �vd., Corpq to Purposes, $42,459.80 Assessmen Accountt s, 5,040.73 F Special Funds Spec 11,110.20 's. �818.00 Spec. Assess. Cc t Acct—Opening 40, Grand otal, 9,428.73 CITY OF ST. PAUL P t:katiod - R ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. U ".canary AUDITED'CLAIMS -/,RESOLUTION' FORM "" "'" 0ILE No. s FILE BY 7 NPTaoLLE. AUDITED 4EP 9G. f 1t PER /,J/ tIiLF Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:- Yeas ( J) Cogricilmen ( J) ,Nays Adopted by the Council Goss t In favor A r 1 . gainst -- N.YNR Mr. Preside Corporate Purposes t General Fund -Paving Equipment Acctl F„ 989 Wm. M. Murphy & Son, Est, #2 &final, 1,882.02 Q� " School Accommodation Acct. of the Sch6ol Fund. 39 0 Weate�n Roti? 91u>gtiingsCo Assignee, John Est. " 1, . 116.00 39 1 M. J. O'Neil, Est. Be 1, 3, 8 2 50.75 39 2 U. Wi'erschke, Total School Accommodation Acct., 3.919.7K1 Total Corporate Purposes, 5,801.77 Speolal Funds Public Library Building Acct. ,3 93 Nimis & Nimis, Est. #1, electric construction, - 765.00 j ,. Stormwater Sewer Hastings Ave., 39 4 J. J. Connolly, Est. and su lt. t#5 pP a 4100__." r Total Special Funds, Special Assess: Const. Acct. -Sewers Ocean St. Sewer System, = r 13995 EN T. VTebster, Est. #2, 7,86240` 4.: NEII t 1 t: #2 Special Assess. Const. Acct -Paving Dale St., Grand Av. to Front St., 996 w. H. Malone, Estate Est. #l, gravel and , sand, University Av., Dale to Syndicate, 3 97 Barrett Mfg. Co., Est. #2 and final, paving pitch,. University Av., Syndicate to City Limits, 6,o63.00 a? 1,449.39 39 8 Barrett Mfg. Co., Est. #1 and final, 4052.71 o- paving pitch, Market St., 7rAird to Sixth St., 999 General Contracting Co.; Est. #1 and final, sand, 273.98 Portland St., western to Dale, 400 Minnesota Crushed Stone Est. #1 and final, 78.20 Co., asphalt sand, i Total Spec. Assess. Const. Acct -Paving' 11,917.28 i. Special Assess. Ccnst.'Acct-Grading Hubbard, Syndicate to Griggs, ,y I 4001 Christ. Johnson, Est. #1 and final, 359.56' 1:1 Chatsworth, Burgess to Front, 02 Christ. Johnson, Est. #1 and final_, 865.28 - Hewitt Av:, Griggs to Lexington Av., 4 03 Keough Bros., Est. #2 and final, 1,005.00 ^` Saratoga, Lincoln.to St. Clair, � 4 04 . 1 and final, Keough Bros., Est # i 800.00 %, i Topping, Syndicate to Griggs, f 40 5 Keough Bros., Esta #1 and final, _ 600.00 East Alley Blk. 2, Hamlin Syn. Add. #2, 4 6 Keough Br'-, Est` and. final, 198.00 -� - Total Spec. Assess. Const. Acct -Grading, 3,827.84 Total -Corporate uposes Sp1,1 .00 ends, " Spec.'Assess.`Ceet Acct. - Sewers 7,862.50 " Spec. Asse,$s.Const. ct- Pav1n , 11,917.28 " Spjc. Assess. Const. Acct- 3 82.84 Grading; Grand Total, 30,593.39. COUNCIL FILE NO lay FINAL ORDER. 111 the Matter of _ _ constructing a_cement sidewalk _on.Oxford....s.treet__ between Stinson & Burgess Sts,_ under Preliminary Order 344 _.. .. approved ...dun@ _2.4th,_ 1914 1 � /.q , loved Intermeda Intermediary Order _ _ ___ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improveutent upCo/n due notice, and the Council baviug heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the swine; therefore, be it OLVEI), By the Council of the Cit St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of hil- t Proeat to Ue 1 de Uy thed City is v m .. ...... �j,Lhv?�5'1-✓��M�w!7. ..... ..... q1. ` and the Council ereby orders said improvement to he Made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instroeted and " directed to prepare plans 111,1 specifications for said inlproveounrt, and subulit s>nne to the Council for. approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement ill aceordanee therewith. Adopted by the Council.._._.._ . -b/.--. 19. ` ity Clerk. Approved _ __..16,171 _L)_ • Mayor. ('n»u61111eu Far swm•th C. F. p. 1816— men[ Ins the ewalmatter [of co`s[rldeing fa Oxford (4o. • street between aStlnaon ana. Burgess streets ednder Tune r!4th, 1914. rder Interims approved Aug. 14, ' 1{e yr diary Order 1145, 1014. A public hearing having been had n the hove Improvement Poo dad 'olI notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections andsea. ohaving dation. heletfve thereto. therefore, O' vary fully consldered the same .be It Resolved, By the Council of the Clty 04 St. Paul that the precise nature, ex - Yo 1•g tent and the sof-Ptvvls eon [rube made by inen[ sidewalk on sat atda of Ing a cement Mayor Po els Oxeord street, between sttnson and orderser .. a res,;[ .avd'ainentom cbeReshmaae sienerolof dFortPublicb Works lbeh and he'11 hereby Instructed end directed to pr's spare Plans and pec. .cations for s �impr Cvement. and submit same to Rto aid �aappr Il for prd. al; [hate Non ppraval, the pro pen c'ly /f icer. a hereby' ulhorized rl fired [Improve- een with ether milking .I ,tin in dance there•wi[h. 1014 m Tdopted b)• the Council Uc[. 0. Approved Oct. ,'1914. (Oct. -10-1014) /. it l a a COUNCIL FILE NO...... 13Y FINAL ORDER. sidewalk of cement block. to a width of o eons,fic,jag a sik ?We?IVh nor a of Edmund Btreet, from Simpson avenue to Snelling avenue. ikilder Preliminary Order 463. June 30th, 1914. Intermediary Order -approved ... A public bearing having been had upon the above ilu provelilent Zo. due notice, and the Council having heardoll persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and lilivingCtully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proKenient to be made by the said City is. the co=tructionm of a.. cement sidewalk six ..feet, wide ...an the north side of -Edmund -street from Simpson avenue -to -Snelling afemus vuid the Council hereby orders said improvement to be inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he isthereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said�llllu.ov,111,11t, laid subunit s;inw to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity officers are lit,.1-by authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said uliprovenie �/itiil dance thervivith. Adopted by the Council 19 Approved C. R o 1. tb � N3i 181 Mayor. atter of constructing a side- IvalIc of .....t blocks to a width of Coulle,haell Fal.11swort .1, feet on the north side of Edmund .street. from Simpson avenue to Snelling, avenue under Preliminary 0 'r4" approved .Tune ul7`1 30th, 1914. Intermediary 0rd.rapproved xOss Aug. 14,.,1914.� ', 1 1 'A public hearing having = had -Pon the be,,e lmpi­�.`ment da. Keller notice, and 'the Council having heard all persons. objections and recommen- i dations relative thimet., and having t1 tollfully considered the same; therefore. be It i.Resolved, -� the Council of the City y of 8 Poll that the pmel4b nature, ex - n, d kind, *qfCImpr to be Lear "' n ovement .ad. by the sId I I the construe - tion of a . .,e f on the nbrth-,si,16,{of , .set wide erg from Sim niki-vind .e! Snelling. .. ungste 6 and the Council 'V""" �v C .... II her.bY order. old Improvement*to be'mate. y Y wen's , Resolved Further. That the Commis- loner 10nr of. Public Works be and, he Is hereby Ins tructed and directed to pre - Pare plans. and specification, for said improvement. and submit same to the . Cc 11 .nc approval, approval: that upon said hereby .th-l-I. a the groper 1 rit e— -1 end directed Ricers 1, pro: ceed with the making of said improve- m-nt In accordance therewith. Ad - pted by the Council Sept. 29, 1914. Approved Sept. 30, 1914. (Oct. 3-1914) r t COUNCIL FILE NO...... 13Y FINAL ORDER. sidewalk of cement block. to a width of o eons,fic,jag a sik ?We?IVh nor a of Edmund Btreet, from Simpson avenue to Snelling avenue. ikilder Preliminary Order 463. June 30th, 1914. Intermediary Order -approved ... A public bearing having been had upon the above ilu provelilent Zo. due notice, and the Council having heardoll persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and lilivingCtully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proKenient to be made by the said City is. the co=tructionm of a.. cement sidewalk six ..feet, wide ...an the north side of -Edmund -street from Simpson avenue -to -Snelling afemus vuid the Council hereby orders said improvement to be inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he isthereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said�llllu.ov,111,11t, laid subunit s;inw to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity officers are lit,.1-by authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said uliprovenie �/itiil dance thervivith. Adopted by the Council 19 Approved C. R o 1. tb � N3i 181 Mayor. atter of constructing a side- IvalIc of .....t blocks to a width of Coulle,haell Fal.11swort .1, feet on the north side of Edmund .street. from Simpson avenue to Snelling, avenue under Preliminary 0 'r4" approved .Tune ul7`1 30th, 1914. Intermediary 0rd.rapproved xOss Aug. 14,.,1914.� ', 1 1 'A public hearing having = had -Pon the be,,e lmpi­�.`ment da. Keller notice, and 'the Council having heard all persons. objections and recommen- i dations relative thimet., and having t1 tollfully considered the same; therefore. be It i.Resolved, -� the Council of the City y of 8 Poll that the pmel4b nature, ex - n, d kind, *qfCImpr to be Lear "' n ovement .ad. by the sId I I the construe - tion of a . .,e f on the nbrth-,si,16,{of , .set wide erg from Sim niki-vind .e! Snelling. .. ungste 6 and the Council 'V""" �v C .... II her.bY order. old Improvement*to be'mate. y Y wen's , Resolved Further. That the Commis- loner 10nr of. Public Works be and, he Is hereby Ins tructed and directed to pre - Pare plans. and specification, for said improvement. and submit same to the . Cc 11 .nc approval, approval: that upon said hereby .th-l-I. a the groper 1 rit e— -1 end directed Ricers 1, pro: ceed with the making of said improve- m-nt In accordance therewith. Ad - pted by the Council Sept. 29, 1914. Approved Sept. 30, 1914. (Oct. 3-1914) COUNCIL FILE NOt 13Y. . ... ..... FINAL ORDER. In the matter of_ conatructing.a.six foot c.emen.twalkon the. nort.h. side of Walpole street from Fairview avenue to Baldwin street. mider Preliminary Oi-der, 422_ __ __. _..appl-oved June, -30th, 1914. loternwdiary Order allin-oved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement utlon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objeetions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sanie; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise jultoye, extent and kind of iln- provenlent to be made by the said City is. +he constructionl-of. a'six foot QQM011t WalX on.tlip.north bide of Valpole street from Fairview avenne to Baldwin street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the (;o1jullissioner of Publie Works be and lie is hereby. instructed and directed,to prepare phills and specifieAtioms for said i In 1)rovcjjje, it, and subunit 9:juiv to the Council for approval; that.upon said approval, the lu.0per city officel.s ;11-j- Ile,.el)v authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in a cordunce therewith. Adopted by the Council City eo- Approv;c.. _ Mayor. 7-ns�tr, g a ix In the xiatt.,.r oCul'tutino �ollleiImen�Ia-n"e-lt h oeet ementWet the.'north aide T w.ipdi. street„ from trA. avenue to Baldwin atron at Pre nuahlarY order '492 roved zl� Eass 30th. 1914. Inter c Order 117 approved Aug. 11, 4, , 1914. A putille hearinghaving ad Ke r upon the above I P t a upon, beeus notice; and the On iheard ail persons, o Jbj ec o race so- lativ- - r 0' via dittlOnS , relative a M ('oil Tbld e� t erefor fully, cons era b1.1t Co* *1 theCity ... iv.d. 'Leary of St,-P.ul that the, =ePN.'i a ts.t�.atld�, . ',,Of ,v,-e.n.l..t,* be- d it pr. the ="h ho,", 6 � C: U.... of a, �slx, foot art .1 un the 'tiefa.11 .1 f. . aid. 'oerg nor a of Is street,fyo jQ Baldwin street and Walpole .1 `v cijnhl'i'r v order. said I r Il prov�e ent to; 'made. bet do. Resolved further. atthe h`- Won'— hit Nock. . an is hereby instructed d and directed to pr.., sera Lana and ape cation. for said J? COUNCIL FILE NOt 13Y. . ... ..... FINAL ORDER. In the matter of_ conatructing.a.six foot c.emen.twalkon the. nort.h. side of Walpole street from Fairview avenue to Baldwin street. mider Preliminary Oi-der, 422_ __ __. _..appl-oved June, -30th, 1914. loternwdiary Order allin-oved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement utlon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objeetions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sanie; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise jultoye, extent and kind of iln- provenlent to be made by the said City is. +he constructionl-of. a'six foot QQM011t WalX on.tlip.north bide of Valpole street from Fairview avenne to Baldwin street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the (;o1jullissioner of Publie Works be and lie is hereby. instructed and directed,to prepare phills and specifieAtioms for said i In 1)rovcjjje, it, and subunit 9:juiv to the Council for approval; that.upon said approval, the lu.0per city officel.s ;11-j- Ile,.el)v authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in a cordunce therewith. Adopted by the Council City eo- Approv;c.. _ Mayor. 7-ns�tr, g a ix In the xiatt.,.r oCul'tutino �ollleiImen�Ia-n"e-lt h oeet ementWet the.'north aide T w.ipdi. street„ from trA. avenue to Baldwin atron at Pre nuahlarY order '492 roved zl� Eass 30th. 1914. Inter c Order 117 approved Aug. 11, 4, , 1914. A putille hearinghaving ad Ke r upon the above I P t a upon, beeus notice; and the On iheard ail persons, o Jbj ec o race so- lativ- - r 0' via dittlOnS , relative a M ('oil Tbld e� t erefor fully, cons era b1.1t Co* *1 theCity ... iv.d. 'Leary of St,-P.ul that the, =ePN.'i a ts.t�.atld�, . ',,Of ,v,-e.n.l..t,* be- d it pr. the ="h ho,", 6 � C: U.... of a, �slx, foot art .1 un the 'tiefa.11 .1 f. . aid. 'oerg nor a of Is street,fyo jQ Baldwin street and Walpole .1 `v cijnhl'i'r v order. said I r Il prov�e ent to; 'made. bet do. Resolved further. atthe h`- Won'— hit Nock. . an is hereby instructed d and directed to pr.., sera Lana and ape cation. for said COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y FINAL ORDER. constructing a eidewalkof cement blocks to..,.a width_ of III the ➢latterof..._ six feet on the south aide of Blair street, from Hamlins avenue to ll.bart...avnnue__ under Preliminary Order. 430 _ _..approved JUne,.30th, _1914.___. �r_ '/ �. f C I_ 1 Iutenuediary Order ___ _ .lpproved ..... ....,....__ __.._ . A public hearing halving been had upon Um above improvement upml due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconlnlendations relative thereto, and having frilly eousidcred the same; therefore, be it RESOLVE]), By the Coulleil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent aid kind of im- prnVellieut to be made by the said City is. __the. eonet u4.tien of a,,_eidewalk_of cement ,,blocks to a wid --width -of--six-feet--on-the--south side of Blair street .from Hamline._avenue .to_ nlbert- avenue aod the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Conuuissimier of Publie Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval; the proper city ofiieers are hereby anthm•ized :uld :lireeted to proceed with the maddog of said nnproveou•nt in aced (1wee therewith. Adopted by the Approved...Q, \,3 / t Mayor. Coilllcill❑ (7, F.:No. 1818— - tter a utola widthdefl. 1nwn.lkofgcerneut�- blocks feet on the -the south. side of Blau 1_r )as six street,,'. from 5iamllhe, avenue to Al- under PellminarY Order , K Itch bartavenh 430.' approved Ju a 30th, 191�t^Fnje;^' Orde 1170 sPProvod-Altd 14'1914 14, 1914.aring been eCol1 pon thel aiai e5repr vem nt upo d e '.the ha ing hear d notice, andCoyncil ]3 Peraops objections nnda d°hn Ing ,kcal, Y dations-i'elative thereto,• I fully consldePed the; same; tri ,reYore. • t be It ` .' : o hell of the dlty 'berg Reaalved, BY me C u rt' of St =Pau4 Uat thefPr-l"emnent be d ` Y,. tent $kind .truction adsbyaid'Clt," Ehe. �1 of slpewnllc o0 cement :blocks to ort the south Blue - wI dth of tllx'feet: - Blnlr street from-Hamlite _.n suns to _ Alrt eders said improvem0nt to be1made. GommIs- ➢rResolved Furtfier. That the �odltdlrected [oh Pres . hist ¢bS instruclted pare Dlans and Dacl dcatlons tot s Id s bmlt s me to Improvement, and y[h,'I - Council for aDPt'ot•al; ItI Pnn officc.:u at sppruval, the Drove' ciry r.'h>aucnurizeaJi d �ir�ri«d to mb- 'n n`a`.a Irith thr n of +: i 1 Pt"`'••" _. 30_1.11 JJ1 "� a d r; ii •{ t `'1 U '1 't t• I•.._. F; I' I_� L COUNCIL FILE NO.__.__ sy FINAL ORDER. III the 'Matter of.. constructing a Sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the north side of Lincoln avenue from Albert avenue to Pascal.._avenue._. ruder Preliminary Order 436. approved June 30th, 1914 intermediary Order _ ..._ � �-._. __. _._approved _._aLLL./ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upoll due notice, and the Council having heard all pgrsons, ob,jeetious and reconuuendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the scone; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is the conatruation..of...a sidevelk of .cement.to_..a..width of six.f.eet...gn_.the_North-..eide._.of. Lincoln avenue fre.m._AlberVavenue to Pascal_avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, .That the Counnissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvenieut, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflieers are hereby authorized rind directed to proceed with the making of said inlprovemmnt in a(co donee therewith. Adopted by the Council......... C'iiy Cli Approved -___ A3 _ . _ 191 1 .Mayo . ' C. F. No. 1 ter Md. - Councilmen en Fnt'nninvort Iil the Dfatter o[ constrl-t.l. a th of walk of cement block. ;toga Nl nc P s six feet on the north Bide; of Lincoln avenuefrom Albert venue to'Pnscal lions avenue under Preliminan` Order 436 approved June 30th 1914;Intermc- d lary order 1174 approved . ug. 14, K �Ilen 1914. A public hearing having" been had upon-.the above lmprovemenf upon due notice, the Councll d recd m,sn 11.persons obtections d' recommen- datfone:relative" Cher [ and having Cully considered the m therefore. O' eary teResoived,'=ABY .the Councll-of the City of SL Paul t.fhe precise nature, ex- oPTgtent and kind L":Improvement to be . YBaeoalstde3valk 'o[ cement to a wId[hloon f sls feet on the north side oP Lincoln _ avenue Srom,.',avenue tb lbert Pa.enY avenue and .the Councll herebyarders .-id's-provement to be made. Rolved Further, That [he Commis - sonar f Public lvorks be d he is _ hereby Instructed and diecteti to Pre' pare plana and peclHeI Ions for a d Improvement, and sub game to the (;ouncll Pur approval; thalofu enson -ld �PPrornl. the proper city I I hereby nuI riled nd ���;e Cid `Im ee',`vlth the making, - t -p Int eerdnnce l Ihere�ci[h. ' i, 1{ AdopInc the Councll .`Pnrn`.ed sent. au. lal4. _ �oee 3-143x1 - t ; i COUNCIL FILE NO .............................................. l;y._:.,....__._..............._..._.__..._._...__...._........_..._._...........__......._ FINAL ORDER. in the Matter of._.C.ons..true.t:ing...a.... six _.-3.o.o.t.....ce.ment..._walk. on.._.theo.A t_._Aldo _,.. of Kilburn :street, between Union street and MoKenty street _...._........_.....__._.._.._:.._......_..._.__.............._.............._.....-........................_..........._......__......-..........._..................__..................................._....._............_...... under Preliminary Order ............ _ ` ....approved ......_ �TUAe _3Qth, 197.4.-„ ...._........ ._ Intermediary Order . _........ ._...... .... ....._. ... .._... ........ _ ..approved ...._ - ...__.(_....�_..... _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise, nature, extent and kind of im provement to be made by the said City is_ ...... thfl._.c.AlnBti lGt.1.QT1..R.x.._a....0.1a toott ...;ggoAeast o-Kilbiam..street--betasen-Union...street...and_.MeKenty_. streat.,......... . ... ................ . ...._. and the council hereby orders said improvement to be made., RESOLVED, FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed andz directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and, Submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed -with the making of said improvement in a ordone- therewith. 'Adopted by the Council_ ........19 / .. . _._19.. lerk. il Approved. � _............ _.... .196 . ..... ...................._ _..... Mayor. 1 40130 cpu4tl;xjiaft s a I . Councilmen l�aruswort .a£a k n the a tao off` � CoR4' .��IPoisi�kt t.� R €�&elta0r'z'Feflmtfk� Goss arY Ot8 i�a•� atYD'iro dt�hne � y*'4'>g1�i;�In��f#n df1rY4>�deb3d$�aD-.� - ^•prtivs8t'.1: Keller�vml'entankha5lnk,,�tiee;E Iaa= 1J pe tH�e�k{ (���ipieR�5n.�7fnt�h�a d` /..., ! '. a ,�� ?tde heleotfofi'ga ce,Foxi�inet3 11LCCao111 �s., A7a�iva�+tHetafs nndytSuvin Va' waif 13y .-- ---- ------ _...:............-:....._---- ..---- _............ _...... ........... ,............ .. FINAL ORDER. In tete Matter of:.._...aane.txua_ting:..a_eia.._faat.....aemen.t.._s..ido alk._on. tha -North . e de._gf Jamee..._street.._from__Gri$ge.._atree.t to_.Aamline_avenue under P"relininary Order.:__`F31.._ approved ._.._Jtine. 30th /1914 Intermediary Order .._..: ..._.... .......... -. J,...72 _............. approvedy........ .............. ....... _ A P g public hearing having been had upon the above improvement on, due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,. objections and recons;uendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - �, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ins- provement to be made by the said City is ................ the..c.enstruction...of..s..six._feat.:. Bement-_sidaealk-en the`. __Xorth-.:aide..-of ...Jainew street ._tm-Grigga...street-to -..Hawline-.a.venue ........................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be•made.' RESOLVED 'FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed• and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said impioyenient, and submit same to the Council for approval that upon said approval, the proper city officer,.; are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the. making of said improvement in ordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__._...,. /......._._19/.� /� ll Cit ler APProved... � .�f. ... ....... ./_�!L1 !G.. E7 . > Mayor. Councilmen F rusworth ' 3hYR tRer 9 ; c r,� m r 4¢0 �nreata aid 5 o x�th g �ii�F04Y ff Ynl{ Mn}ie¢ 8 Cross ki}m1u Ordee 481 aph o GSpn.q - . �30Y1nn 193 D�4rme at�-FhderajTr•Z- P>sxzsoed us3sa3�r 14w Keller -'M Dreni� P Lav bt4Dodee s.�hadi I {ChaPddU'aF 1, Veto4e - 421"'p�.eona" OCla 9ua6i�1sHd3c4�NTfiF McColl aDO .l r*a;{va ;tx kecb a paving - kezi� ` y'Sr cnp�ea Yha sa,ng {-th`6 cmc . ' eary ""R4 �xth97ug�it `•otsY.lt'"eC,i - - F la y to 50*ak +e$, todtetaxt eSda�L.1mP 4PehY i0 II - tro, r g, a7'aL'ft'lly.1 Oti '3tru ' Yo rg , tab`�xo�hsi@.�Aa2ama�t`,cyse'fam'-. GR &v' 1prso�otiA.,avnia"d' a eUys rd'ereyal''i=t . m�ee�t 'e0ed -LvYr}Th4Lasf.'ompl�. Dlbiic u'rglg t .� 019it befa, - Ilydrelm'imggja* a flicere it $pYo reriy - Dare =plgi�„6,tand 6D' 1$caXlonfi=�o5ailly - i a,pruvem¢n�II4�d��h tc�aani6`16�}hey. - :. ��DDr4Wa2C� AUMM } B PSADar S�:Y OfiCBlre ee g - - herkYty%rtz¢db ud ;dlreCtedito nro�` Adopted by the Cocccii ._s.._._< :....,i{ i.. `S.L4........... ....191 YEAS. NAYS. MR. F NSWORTH G SS K ER M LL O' ARY Y RG NAYS, 0 MR. P ENT (POWERS) C. E: N 1822—Bv,,tVlnn Pd1 Whereas t ddy is tho elghtleth. an - II ^ Adopted by the Coancll Sept. H9 1914 Ir ADProv d.00-1 1914. z Met. 8-1914) .132 Pi ' ak r+y'�'{�-��rA t S �t'� _0_ M 1 ,F__#lift s �.�� ,rY * t �r#�,�1y}}���tyr�ry�w�rNy4�'y�{a'/ is �.��ctlla���a1►�` � �- ��' NO mt ,t �r ra rTv... m i4O4� Y� E,z IFS: r No 1822—By_Winn Pdwe rsary , today is the, eightieth an the birth Dr. Cyrus r r.. to eranry-.o[ of N rthrup . President EMerltus of the. Iv¢relty. of Minn sots,.. and, is being ,. • .: throughout the Strtte .widely,z,ens and did-- ..and frfenda -'-- nguiizene a otl ngulnh ed educator and pntri tic, clti- . and - - Whereas, his honorable,and arduous labors to bcl alf df education and of 11' humanitarlsn movements, and hte long life f eervlc and eacrJdc have - wetly entitled him to the reepect - :T - teem .:and aRectl¢n of the�'peopl Ali great state�lh.which his''•.a pdt .- -' portent work had been done; - Ndw. Therefore;he it resolved by th ,M1 City .Council'of St. Paul that In be halt ^ot. this body;�and '.the eltizend of St. Paul' generally, earnest congratu lotions and hearty good wished be x pressed t Northrup on this toandetid atw extend to him the assurance that St. Paul:,tolne with ` ° iai'�t' '�'�� enthuelrtm 1n the state-wide recog �n Itl.n of. hid .high character, his no ' -.table achiov..cut.,'.ad hie-Ilte ot.un- 'deldsh; public service. ? Adopted by the. Council Sept 30 1914. Approved. OCG 1, 1914.. t .(Ook 3-1914) , SEP 3�► 1914 Yeas '( !�) CoWlmen ( ✓) Nay HENRY MCCOLL COMMIM.NER _ JOHN T. MCCOLL DEPUTY COMMI8810t1ER CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Sept. 29,1914 . To The Honorable The Council Of The City Of St. Paul. Gentlemen:- Attached apFllication of O'Brien & 34cDonald for license is for a new location beinm a vacant lot, but they desire that license be granted before building and equipin? theatre. Applicants nov, conductin? motion picture theatre at x'-999 Payne Avenue. Fespectfully, Be nsp or.-- ---- ?,CITY, OF ST.'PAUL COUNCIL FiE,SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �? .•.� _ 24 Subject: ......... _..............___....—__._..._._._....................................... ».. COUNCIL s: PILENO.......... ............................... Date Presented Pt......... 30:....191,4.... Resolved, that the "Time" Clause" in the specifications for the curbing of several miles of streets in St. Anthony Park North and Proper, approved' by this Council September 9, 1914, Council File #1496, be modified to read "Nine months from the'date of countersigning of the contract by the City Comptroller" 1n place of "Sixty days" as stated. 1324—a— Cosa Reao4ved Thhatsthe the- grpio fnlj "tbe'{ap claeatlona' ror the curbing °ol.j aeveral.lnllea o[, streets 1 -Bt AnthonY, Park:narth and yP oper •1DProved,'by, thla Council Rept9mber 9: 1914 afte,C, urq Flle •;No..1496, be mo.l'4.t to read N ne'months from he,e datof coup Leraignint{ bP the contractDX the CICX Coi,?ptroller in.pinoe of Si% days -Adopted by tha,Counclt Sept. 30 X914,. • ADProved Ock �1 1914 _ (Oc„t 8�1914p. �' Yeas '(V) Coo 'men (V) Nays SF N ' Ig14 ip Adopted by the Council— 191,— Fa sworth G ss In favor Her Approved 1 cColl Against Leary l oerg Mr. Preetdeat, Powers MAYOR City. of St.Paul 1 f5 Council Resolution - General orm. fN7 Setter-� ..-._.-..... Department Df .:_...._._...._._._. I c lr -xo xgze 74Y'. „•• h re eDY oondu�trt the adtlon�lof dthel aoard of Water COMM, l�efotj pr. of they Bureau of ...... .... _................... _ CItYi;ot 6k Paul;gnd kpd aR rgeiape ----- ..._._._......_. ».._._._._.—_._.. eate:xhaalsnm�nt,.n ' eaztaln lease or,, sereemenYr: betgeen ®amo —�_�—� _=a.eneom=es I thB_CltYfot Bk'Pedl anaoiifee°Oi s, n's; ___=====as=da�-�a _ wae host Company co -- — — - toev& ,e'uel Com, glv het,Board� - py s reaolutlon ,jd AdopteddpY t of S aPaAlCat a.meeting held ton Aprli -._._ ,18 1814 and under the xpreae termai 1914. Council File 0 • •• and .914, ian contained in said Yeeo tg __._._....._...... _.. �tutlon A"d.._._._._._. opted bY'Che Counoll BepY 30 1814.; ppproyed OcEl 4814 _ A-•„•„•.,._.; (Oct 8 1814) Resolved, that the Council does' hereby concur in the action of the Board of water Commissioners of the City of St- paul•in con- senting to the sale, assignment and transfer of that certain lease _ or agreement between the City of St. paul and the Womack-Foaehe Coal Company, to the Citizens Ioe & Fuel Company, as given in and by a resolution adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St.'Paul at a meeting held. on April 13, 1914, and under the express terms and conditions contained in said resolution. _514 ..._.-._._......_.. _...._._._..1914. Adopted by the Cour. il.._._...._...._...._.._......_._�....._._Cr'••-- Yeas ( ),Co ncilmen ( ) Nays 'Fa nsworth . Goa MCC 11 Yo rg 0' Leary Approved _�' • - 914. B ller.......... - Mayor Mr. President, Owers g -�� r To the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul; As a part of the consideration of the assignment or transfer of that certain agreement..dated December 23rd, 1913, entered into by the City of St. Paul and the Board of Water 'Commissioners of, the City of St. Paul and the !7omaek-Fooshe Goal Company, the Citizens Ice &Fuel Company does hereby as- sume and .agree to carry out all the obligations and agreements to be by said Womack-Fooshe Coal Company performed under said agreement. IN WIrr7ESS WHEREOF, the said Citizens Ice & Fuel Com: pany..has caused this instrument to be executed by its prober officers and its. corporate seal attached the 11th day of April, 1914 17 In ptesenee Of; ICE . State of winnesota, 4 sa County of Ramsey. ) On this 22nd day of June, 1914, before me ap- peared F. W. Fooshe, to me personally known, who, by_me.duly sworn, did say that he is the president of the Citizens Ice & Fuel Company and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by author- ity of its Board of Directors, and F. W.Pooshe acknowledged said instrumenttobe the free act and�deed of saicorporation. Notary publi a, ramsey .,M1, @sofa. G rk Liy commission expir s,/� une'�x5�� To the Board of water Commissioners of the City of St• Paul: As a part of the consideration of the assignment or transfer of that certain agreement dated December 23rd, 1913, entered into by the City of at. Paul and the Board of water City of St. Paul and the womaek'Fooshe Commissioners of the Coal Company, the Citizens Ice & Fuel Company does hereby as- sume and agree to carry out all the obligations and agreements to be by said Womack-Fooshe Coal Company performed under said agreements a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Citizens Ice & Fuel Com- pany has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal attached the lith day of April, 1914 .- In"`� State of vinnesota. ss County of Ramsey. on this 22nd day of June, 1914, before me ap- peared B• W. Fooshe, to me personally known, who, by me duly sworn, did say -that he is the President of the Citizens Ice & Fuel Company and that the,seal affixed to said instrument is, the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument wets signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by author- ity of its Board of Directors, and F. W. Fooshe acknowledged said instrument to be the free act arid' deed o �a.id corporation. 7 Notary publie.Ttams iCo..IIinnesota commi ssipn exp/s June.:13y 1920,.- Li YY11111//// r state of Minnesota, ss County of Ramsey. on this 22nd day' of June, 1914; before me appeared F. W. Fooshe,.to me personally known, who, by me duly sworn, did say that he is the President of the Womack-Fooshe Coal Company and that the seal affixed to said instrument is.the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board ,of Directors", and F. W. Fooshe acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. n 7 Notary Publi�, Rameey C.o.,b"inneaota. my commissi expires June 13, 1920. iJl- I I i. I State of vinnefoota, ss County of Ramsey. on this 22nd day of June, 1914, before MO appeared I?. W. pooshe. to me personally known. who, by me duly sworn, did say that he.is the president of the Womack-Fooshe Coal Company and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate . seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and F. W. pooshe acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. NY public, 'Mmey o.,yinnesota. My commissionires June 13, 1920. . I f_ THIS INDENTURE,, Stade and entered into .in duplicate this.23 K ;day of Deceber, 1913, by and between the City of St. Paul and.the Board of ra-tet'Commissionarrs of the:City of'St. Paul, both municipal 'torpor-: a tions du.- y. and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State: af-L?imnesota, parties of he first part, and VJorra.ck-.00she coal Com- pang; a corporation duly, Organized and existing under. and by virtue of- .ths 'IA* e of -,the State of".Minneso-ta, lessee, ..party'of the second, part,,;: VI TNESarT'I;;; . . ,,T-,Tthe .said .parties" -of .,the firs,t'part, in consideration, of ther•'ents and covenants he-r`einafter•set forth;, do hereby demise, lease and let unto the said piriy of the'second.par t, .that tract of land and preuiis a .es situated:2n the County of Ramsey',and State of jUnnesota,•viz: khat -Portion of Lot three .{3)' of, the northwest quarter.{pF•1V.')• ::of the° squ,th@asi .quarter _(S-B:J) o,f .Section thirty-two (3 2) Township:,. thi"rty:(.3.0);.Range","tv^enty+two (22); which qra"s conveyed by .Sa'mes?Fal:oney' to the:'City..of.St. Paul, described as. follows. Beginning where..the west right,of way Sine of the Northern pacific Ra l-vay intersects,the;north ' ine of the southwest quarter (:g.yV.) of the. above Section thirty-two ence_; (32); fhsotiithwesterly along -said west right of line, 533.2 feet : pore o.r.1e`se;; to the south line.of`the property, as:conveyed •by.xsmes, !: " Maloney, thence :rest 300 feet along said `south line; thence north 367 feet; `more or lesa,'•to the no4th;.line, of. the southwest quarter (g.�q.;).. r -0 f the above, .named Section thirtv-two,(32), thence east along the afor..esaid north line to the point of beginning; except that portion subject to'an 'i easement grkrited to;,August Y. Barnum, as described in an agreement dated.-,, October 1J,. 1885: is To HAVE, A1117, TO HOLD The above, rented preruises .unto the said art of the second party. part .for and -during the term of= twen ty`(20)•;years from and after the first day of December, A.b. 191$, up" to'and'including the 30th day of ;,*ovember, •A.D. 1933.. Said sAcond party hereby agrees to hire and take from. said first parties said premise:a, 'and to pay the said first p narties as rent therefor for and during the term of this lease, the sum of x . I f_ ,_in "ja ix first day of s ($0,50.0.0) per annum, payabl. e on the wo 11undred, Fifty Dollar December . in sq. ch a n�d eve*y year while this lease shall be in' fo rc6 This ea se.A a made and de livered pursuant to a resolution. of thi app Common Council of the City Of -St. paul, known as Board File Bo. 40686, proved on the 26th day of ljovember, 1913, and a resolution authorizing the sameduly adopted by the -Board of Water commissioners on December rt? , in t' 3, accepted subj.,ect to: the terms, agre4M.L. i9l and. is made, delivered a I' nd, covenants an d. reservations following, to -wit;' . The land and preraiseq herein leased shall be usedexclusive? F ly City arvestin distributing ice to the -di: kurRose of harvesting,: storing for the 4 ,tion pa�ul.and the i nhabi tants thereof, under'such rules and-regur Ja_'hethe Board of � such as may be hereafter enacted by -reAnaftir contained or su W,tqrl oommissione-rs or i is succe.jssors.- 2 e Before said lessee.shall enter upon the erection or -con struction ofanybuildings, side-tracks, drivbways or other`structures or_ improveme nt's: whatever upon sa i d land, it shall file with the°Board of Water - c OmMi salons rs a,plan of such building or other improvement, and after plan she ll have, been approved by said Board. f Water. Commi ssioners, the ,lessee may. then -enter u said ' on the work covered by �such plans and not ..be,,,, , .P idings: or.appurten&6bes No de to any of the bui o changes shall be ma constructed on said land without. the approval 6f the 'Board of Water Com . missionere.,or its 'successors. 3. At the time sa JA, B oa r d df=WaterQommisal,onerq shall approve, any plan ,or plan -s for'the. erection, cQnwtruotioh, alteration, improvement orrepair a.Vany ,buildings Atructure�B upon, said land, it shall'. d�eter�l . the p rbbabI e cost thereof, and with such probattle cost as a, shall ba si s, fix the amount of bond that said IsSBee,Bhall furnish to indemnify .- -the said Bo msaft .. city of- St� paul and s Board of Water'.Comm osjonL-Ts froze 6�1I clai ddmands growing out of claims for labor, shill ;or material furnished in connection with the erection, construction, alteration or, remair of such buildings or other improvement, and the said lessee, before entering- upon the construction of said bijilding or other improvement, sh&ll furnish a bond in such amount, conditioned as aforesaid, -with surety or sureties r 2- satisfactory to said -Board of ya t e rCommissioners. 4,. It i s further understood that all, buildings, 61de!�-tradke, � roads,. fences and the land surrounding the same shall always be.kept.in first class -condition and repair during 'the term of this lease; and at' aw-e w and a ppurten all. the buildings a the end 'of t- 1 46 term of.this lease ill . either -be 'removed from the land or,'b4come the property operty of the Board 'of= t said lessee shall-not,rem-pye Water Commiesioner8, as, hey may . elect. The -ion, any,.l�uildi.ngo.or.stdirect, said,land unless at the structure's erected upon 7 6 with, the q. p ermi scion of said Board of Wa�ter Comm jesioners. X. d a t9r," - 5�.­� At any time after Dec li9 23,, the -Boar NWA ember let, f shell have the right and. orivi, ege 'Commi ssi,.on6ra on one y ea,r., a notice, of. carrael�3ng of- the buildingB and a� eing all and o't',purcha PPU thi's lease _n : R M. tena�nc e a then: ��erected;. Payi r . i,g- t�j6,ra the appraised value of the s4 bltration-by� a_board of arbitrat�jon' b� uch value: shall.' be",Ide termined y ar t to be-. selected as foll6ws:- TheBoardof, Wa erComPibsioners shall aelQet �.x one one ,.and, Ar t bitra� OT, the 70mack-YOQOe coal *4 Company shall, also select 6161&cted shall select:bl -a third arbitter. , It is understood and- agreed that only the most approved and Ivindiing ice, on-T-ake Vadnais and methods ll be used in cutting.- �11 have the Board of Water -Commissioners W stor ce-,hcup6ss and that ing"t in_� i' -ng, -"the harvesting I sti h the, Wag61B and;•ex during ng an.d*,t at anperis -iiisp�ector on the i ce e ofsuch inspector will be-.pqid ' by the, lessee .lon m o n th-1 J Madeby the of Water .-Corrmissioners. �� It is Pur ther,uriatood thhtt the lessee shallnot Permit d'e'ri be done Which will in any manner c ontami i , iat the �iythitg to exist.Or to, * ter of . or -in the opinion of said of Water C oT�miss o exts,. a t3 e Health.IBpartneftt 6f"the City of St Paul, or the -State ate B6ard­o, Health, tend in any way -to ren der 'the water frovrsaid lake unfit f 0 r human; consumPtiWf- It-is understood and agreed that ali ice transported from the ice -houses to the City for distribution and sale rill be carried in 'M clean and sanitary cars. 416e. the winter of 192:3-14 and ',be -The '.l e a duei k9 , , ice o t prepo supplythe City of st. p..1 and the inhabitants the re m W,lm �j � , ;:-, I i I t J- 't- JUA-A L m Mai 1�=m ? heir ehilf to:':IZe,, executed in ,their b and their corporate seals af-fixed, the 'day and yearfirst abovewritten. TN.PRESENCZ OF CITY OF ST. PAUL --tsignecl-) 4 er By H A.Pil - kayof Y C7 anCly W.dr Handy tX", Comptr 0 r kOARD OF PLATER CO?, .Iq,8thTOIWSr (Signed) ., ul fi 61 d. a s t 0 djty,'of..St. Paul heodore �i-ngOr "i- By�S3"edY `EarlP Dahl Ba a Up rd t t e wt J C nanagn --Secretary ol d T7OLrfi, cK j0OSHE.' COAL ANY Syt�Srgned.) J? W., Fooshe SiLgee.d�) "A Hut chi 13 orn • '-Press" v Rundqui�s Attest c r e ta r Y. (Dopy}. -Form and executionptxoved,a* December 30, 191 De 0IT. 'nlyeillr :.torp. Aitorney. t` S T. RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY TIS BOARD ,OF. WATER SSIOPI,'RS pF TI 'CITY OF ST. PA7 'AT A 77,ETTN ]MI) ON s L, APRIL 13th, 1914.- WHEREAS, ,on..the.._23rd, day, of;Denember, 1913, the City 4f Sts „ aul„-and.,the 3oard''of Water, Coiimiesi'oneis :of said -City .did enter into ,g _. '. a certain :aontra,c,t. or lease with the. womack-FooShe Coal `Company, a yinnesota .coraoration, ,whi ch sad contract, dealt vlith the ha i� esting, storj;ng.and distributing:• of ice to. the' City.of,St. - Paul and the;: in ?' habi}ants therer� and; :. ::. REAS, the said Awom6C6k-Foo,she, Coal Company desires .to se21 : andrtransfser said lease `.or agreement and ail o£ .i„ts, ri:ghats there under to the Citi=sans ?ce & Fuel C,oMpany; a South Dakota corporation_- AIQW T REEORE; .BE IT AM—SOLVED, that the -Board of Water -Com miss overs .of the, City.of ,t ga,nl`do-hereby consent to .such sale, ' assi'gnment'or transfer, proT, e,i `that the Common Council of the City; of St,..;Paul likewise consents. thereto, and provided further that' -:the form of _said Ase3gnment or transger shall be subject to the approvals -of the Corporation Attorney of the'City of 'St-.. Paul, and -that lmla• Cl ti'zeps Ice &. Fuel 'Company shall furnish -.'bond` ` as'recuiredl.by 'paragraph. fourteen (1 4) of''sa,id lease _ }t: Al]D BE Ill l'URTIMR RESOLVED that:when the. above conditions have been compIied:with,'the-passage of this Reysoluti�on'shall"be. deemed the,consend o£ the Board of Yater Commissioners of the flity of,5ts• Paul: to.sueh•sa1e; ass gnMent or 'transfer of sa �i., contr, ct• or the rights of .the Tomack Fo.oshe Coal _Company tie'rein in accord ance witha?�e.terms,of said agreement,. I,'John;Caulfield, Clerk to the Board bf"Water Commissioners, hereby certify that the above resolution vras passed by'the Board of s: Commissioners at a meeting held on April 13, 1914. .Wa'ter r (Signed) Tno.. Ca i;lfield r F _rya Al j_8o ' _ -CITY OF ST_PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ii.moval--!.r:inking....fountain:.. inters.ention..:Sixth..St.....& St.Peter St COUNCIL PILENo. ...... ._..:.._..... ..... :............... Date Presented......._. Sept......2b.t.....191 A ,:.... .. Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized, and instructed to remove the ornamental stone Horse drinking fountain located at the intersection of St. Peter, S zth and Washington Sts�.,,/ a�.tl,t�e lr��� � )-r� 4s••oiG_tiJee� rovided the cost of said removal e ev Pao""� C. F. No. 1820—By ➢1. N. Goya— Resolved, Thattfie:°,Commiaeloner of Public Wo; he fs hereby au- thorized and instructed to remove thei ornamental atone holes drinking f-,' taln located at the Interaegtfon of St. Peter, 51xthand Washington etreeta. providedthe c t of said removal and, the repnvi ng [ street and the instal- . Intion of said fountain at the fnteraec-I tion do Third and Bugle streets be Col- lected from Mannhslmer Bros. at a - cost of not to exceed $300.0p. Adopted by. the Council Oct. i, 1014. Approved Oct. 7, 19 4. /7 (Gct. 10-1014), of/. ,'✓� w - Yeas (✓) Co cilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council yz-191 F worth G In favor Kir Approved �Q 191, M oil Against ary Y Mr. President, P ers _ NnroB t , PROPOSAL FOR°IMPROVEMENT* and PRELIMIN i ORDER.. The undersigned hereby proposes the maki of the following public improvement by City of St. Paul, viz.: . .................Crade._..Andr.ew_. .. .eet....fsnm....04n o.xd...G+ree_t_... c `F No Tsai= whereas hew O tdw ................_ _..._ .._....... .... ...:... ....._ Pl:9Poenl for th@ r makln�e of the rConowinglmp�' vemeni- �. c co Q ade ,Andy t6atk •eet trim .. .._.., co datreet,to;8obte.atre0t having]�. ,'i :__........................_...... .._.. __. .._..... Prmaented heic H�he Counall ni the G( St;Pnul therefore pa _itt Roaolved,:_T,t the• Puhlle�w`ork92be and he'te her,;.'— ....._...._._...._....._....... ........................... .. ............ ..... ....................... ......_...........................-r ......._. d and dlnected Dated this . ............30.t&y of... _..__' ,tit a rt,j_ x.191_.._. . Councilman. PRELII,M, ARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the Following improvement, viz.:... .... ' Andrew Street from Concord Stree{ to _Pobie_Stre_et_..._._.__...... ....... ...................................... ..................................................... _._... ............ _............ _........ .... .._............. _......... _.... _....:....... _._............................................................ _..................... ...._..._ having been presented to the Council of the,City of St. Paul by Councilman --- -_....._._.__:........... _......... _................_.__..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: a 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability'of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. 'To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement :.........................__....... ........... _.......................... _.._.._... _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or snore owners. 6, To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ! Y , Adopted by the Council ...............5 .__�5.A.I._ y 14.._._._._191 ..._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ... v . . ........... Keller . McColl 'O'Leary Yoerg.... _........ .... ............ ...... .._...... 1: ........... _ Mayor Powers Mayor. � 3 ................................ .... . ............ .... ........................ ..... .. .. ........... .. ............................ ............................ ............... .................... ... .................. ............ . ...... ...... .......... . .... .. ... . . ... Dated t . ....... 3.0thda y of ............................ Not............ ............... II .................. ......... 1z.. Gra,makink,4q tnige streeavenve,:to Greenbrier tcouncilman. e ba SC C16. or.SSat Thai tfie JIRes.l,v al"""h,,rik de dId allect-4, , ORDER. ... -joj.�,tfic Ina lug o the following improvement, viz.: Gza_d.e ....... wu tenth sur WHEREASA (Prover Pa Greenbrier,..... . . . ... . ..... ......... .. .... .. enue 1� ........ ..... ............ ...... . ......... ......... ...... ........ . .............. . .................. ...... .. . ........... ................... .......... . ................................ ......... .. ...... ....................... . ..... .......... ............... .................. ........ ................ . ... . . .... . ........... . ........... . ...... ....... . ....... ............ ........... ... ............ ............... .... .................................... ................. -- ... . .... . .................. . ..... ..................... ........... .... .... ....... ............. ..... ... ... . ........................ . ............................... . ............ . --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilma therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orders ted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirab ility of the making of said improvement.' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estil nated cost of said,, improvement, and the total cost thereof. furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish tile followill g other data and inforamtioII relative to said i6iprovemelit: ............ .... ....... . ... . a . .... ------- - --- -- ---------- ..... . ............ . ... . . ................. . .......... ........ ............ : ...... ..... . . ...... . ...... . ..... .... .. ............. . .... : ............................. ... . ...... .... . ......... . ................ 5. To state whether-or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. d by the Council_._. 191 Ado ted ...... .... .... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Approved ................... ... . . ........ Goss Keller Alecoll O'Leary Yoerg . . .... . . ............. .. . .... .......... ... .... ........ Mayor. /Mayor Powers Request of Mr. H. H. Blinn, 604 White Deal Road. Council File No......... ........... _. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENt. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. - - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by City of St. r Paul,. viz.: _:._C9netru.4..t.....a:._$ W . _...on...:hka.I It a.rom....Pa Avenue................. ... .... te..._a po__nt....op'-os_it_e:..._lot...._16.:.........._ock..._5.,...._Hair_ ss�.n::.._nd.._randy..:_e............ _ ................ Adl.ition.,....__t_o._be _n-ae.._ .... F... _...t 4f..._tre..._Payne-.._...€Berton__S_ewer..._S.Ys1ATi.,_............ C t ........................................ ._. _. �/ Dated this........... 3.0..ubday S zSB. i3.e eT.,.................. 191.4.. ;. ............. 1 skink of tf{g e4np .ement: z Conatrpet„a 9 e Hear `- Qad, from PaY�pe vBh hPoln; Councilman. Poslte rot 16,+�lopk r son a ;- ridve Addition tG ba��nia¢e a pn•. of,„.,tne Payne EdR�ertop 6ewe� 6 st V06U Cptirifiled 6 hath$: been p eaented to rn, Ge the errs of 6t :Paul in i ORDER. .: ,Reeol ed That the Commfaelott ' PjfiJtotVorka b8hd 'he fq+here, ,nprovement,.vlr.:C. W11ER)-AS, Awritten prap'� pt r�_,te tYa.ft ifx the following u... QDO_tS_1lQt_ .... __.__..a sewer,.on_.ti7hite Bear, Road._frorn Payne_h revue..,to:_e..po.nt...opos._te.._. Lot __1:6,._i310 k 5,_.Hai,rieon and._T3anciy s.A¢d ion;„.to,.be n;a..e.._a, ..... __. „.,__..� axt.. of the ..P.. yna Edger_won....SAVIe.x..:S.yatem,..._c ._ice < ... __ having been presented to the Couneil of .the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..... ........ ....... _..._._.................... ........ ___._._..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. ` To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To.investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furniBh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:........_...T................._...:...._._. .._. .................. ._................ ............................. _... _._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ;► r9 Adopted bythe Council_......_..14 ��Y.... � ]91......... Yeas: ” Nays: Councilman Farnsworth (loss Approved.......................C.......... ................ . 191...... Keller McColl O'Leary ' Yoerg .. ...... .. Mayor Powers ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. ` ^sary,-. Publlctyay 2 Tr e9. AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM 611e,Ijpq : COUNCIL. GRnGCCJSa . j PILE NO. j AUDITED CIT! COYPT LL $EP J 0 3914 1B1_I 92 PEP -.. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City'Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds as specified in the following detailed; in favor of the pers s, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names statement Adopted by the Council �(P {i'rg i419L Yeas ( J:) . Cou oilmen ( J ") Nays Far sworth r G s In favor Approved d 91i - x Her. -. M Coll Against a Ooerg Mr. President, Powers e� 'Corporate Purposes-Salarie's City Officers,Salary Fund 010 S. A. Farnsworth, 3,166.b5 Municipal Court Fund 011' S. A. Farnsworth, 1,674.99 �..; Court -.House & City Hall Maint. Fund 012 S. A. Farnsworth, 866.67 �Y Mayorts Office Baldry Fund F 4013 S. A. Farnsworth, 341.66 City Clerkts Office Salary Fund °4014 X- 615 OO` 'S. A. Farnsworth, Comptrollerts.Fund / ;. 4015. S. A. Farnswort2i, 1,547.57 Finance Commissioner's Fund 4p1,6, 8. A. ,Farnsworth, 1,266.23 Cornoration Counselts Office Salary Fund 4017 F n or"th S ., A . Fain sw , 1,:183.34 General Fund -Purchasing Agentts`Fund 4018 'S. A. Farnsworth, 1,038.49,-. #2 - Corporate Purposes -Salaries -Coni General Fund -New Accounting System Account 262.50 ✓/ 4 19� S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund-I[i.acellaneous Account, 4 20 S. A. Farnsworth, 405.00 commissioner of Public Safety Fund / 4 21 S. A. Farnsworth, . 341.66 ✓ �t Police Fund 4 2 S. A. Farnsworth; 24,663:99 5 " Cl:_ 4 3. lice S. A. Farnsworth, (Police Alarm, - } _ Total Police Fund $ 25,175 66. Fire -Department Fund 29,21 19. 4 24 4 25 S. A. Farnsworth, S. A. Farnsworth, (Fire Alarm) 103 3 Total Fire Dept. Fund _ 30.531 52 ' Health Fund V 026 S.'A. Farnsworth," 906.67 ,. Garbage Fund 3,185.00 027 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund: -Dairy Expense Account" 4 28 S. A. Farnsworth, 405.00 ✓ General Fund -quarantine Account .2,669.00 029 S. A. Farnsworth, Board of Control Fund x; 2,185.88 030 S. A. Farnsworth, Workhouse Fund 41348.33 031 S. A. Farnsworth, General Fund-Cha,riti6s Account f 100.00 032. S'. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Pub-. Works office Fund ' 699.99 :033 .S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of.Public Works Fund f 634. S. A. Farnsworth, Street & Sewer Fund 3,406.20 ✓ 4035 S. A. Farnsworth, Bridge Building & Repair Fund 571.66 4036 S. A: Farnsworth, Commissioner of Education's.Fund 4040 S. A. Farnsworth, 266.66 `✓ Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldg. Fund / 4041 S. A. Farnsworth, 835.00 Accommodation Account of the School Fund 4042 S. 'A. Farnsworth, 150.00 School. Fund 4043 Farnsworth S. A. , 89,884.25 General Fund -Public Baths Account 4044 S. A. Farnsworth , 793.1.7 General Fund -Public Baths Music Account 4045 S. A. Farnsworth, 210000 Commissioner of Public Utilities Fund 4046 S. A. Farnsworth, 266.66 ✓ _ a General Fund -Market Ma.int. Account 4047 S. A.•Farnsworth, 210:00. Auditorium Account 4048 S. -A. Farnsworth, 652.63 _Sprinkling Account, 4049 S. A. Farnsworth, 12.596 64 Total Corporate Purposes -Salaries 194,,54b.:59 Special Funds -Salaries -New Library Building Account / ✓ 4050 S. A. Farnswor,t , 175.00'. Spec. Assess. Const..Acct.-Resurf Market St. Resurfacing, 3rd.to kith St. -.30 00 4051 S. A. Farnsworth, Total, Spec. Assedw SCofiDt;iA ?euxi3Sat3ar es' - �•Od of - - _`���f.Y E,3e • `. .y An ordinance granting to A. Cathcart Maxfield, permission to con ruc't and maintain an areaway in the -sidewalk at the northeast r� orner of Fourth and Minnesota streets, adjacent to Lot 11, Block 18, St. Paul Proper. r: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to A. Cathcart Maxfield to o�43.ruct and maintain an areaway in the " sidewalk at -the northeast corner of Fourth and Minnesota streets, ad- jaoent,to Lot 11, Block 18, St.-.. Paul Proper. 4' Section 3. The Commissioner of Public Woo is hqppby i- author ized'o'issue a permit"to the said A. Cathcart Maxfield for r the construction ofaaaid areaxray, upon said A. Cathcart Maxfield's s - .. comp 'anee with the following conditions: _ G (1) The said licensee sh811 file with the Commissioner of Publ-io Works a plan and specification of the; -proposed areaway, which r " gl"an sha11'=be• subject to the ,ipkovalof the said Commissioner. W.' The said areaway shall be installed under the super vision and direction of eaid.Commissioner, and the said,lipensee .shall,' y. pay 'the, cost of inspection ,and- of ..ane<talling,same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of 'St.•paul'In the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City, of St 1 Paul:harailess from any and: all liability, judg- h_ merits, suits, -costs. chargee, damages and expenses that may accrue to person's or property on account of or arising by reason of the con- :,etruction maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said areaway, and the' said bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said areaway remains or exists.. The said bond shall be in such form as, may be,approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such 'sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said areaway shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. t (5) Said-.liicenaee shal-1 pay any ,license fee or tax tha , 832 may be required-by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of chis ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its assage., .and publication.' 888888—Qrt3dI;°,, , . di ie3I8—,sY i aiteat a . --- Ad ardlMRye, "gmn - A"'F hcOrG (eeto`on�tru h FagintaitLt aAare�pay�a fh yH .'tzbll�e.1"�tLO.�#pffHeant�.uorne�+^aeL. our dna Beoffi ee 8d ° I sa . er �-.i'�5g i�locic��f$.anl� f x�$.ElOWrLi1 Qer,Bi�No ryand auLboflEy`�are1 fWl"... grante8 t A`cCdthcart Mazfl�llY� - tg2.onatral'pp��gg'nH m7tlntaln nfar amaY: .. �. .� rci tfig'eldglv�} °at ihe)'AOr eae coY.: by the Conn '°'°X,,'4 synrthsna 3Htaneppta,�at«ts! xap'1o2Y3"]3toczYB 84vPaanY: 'TjiesYCo3ggta8,tneF off a'EYork ia'i et e Y antHo lzed'�rto %59u¢ a' pbrmlt tb�5the�'eatd A:grQathcart' eq=. ei K r YEAS,fh@ cotletruq_W of �aidarea�aeiFdgpan �aal_d f�f. OaEHcatk Mas9ela § G° riauce / / gw i2he„�O�lowia ggn�itlon0ta� M ��'� D The,e�ld` Itcede eaetiall fl{e wltlij '�2 -CommteafonSr SrgasL:ii,m -3 §q11'j vu •uvOp :7tiePaoaQ '. I punt 304ll i*xo -6or -Zv 'T.6ci, u' '.p 'pm o"i 1. .1. ;0 A. q;q�ql -.uo et41 qui paoo a' 'o' pale am yuaut •I' 1.mS�JQ lUOwlayda, In do al :-paag J. n' a"VU20ZX'14 -Jq d� q, Aj.pd--j jo 8 11—a ul pa p aum - — q) 3.0 pu. ;Of St. Paul.. may be required by' any or, I lu ml aw '.'Lll 'u" (6) Said ii6e-' I uMli ql J8ss 1 A;pvl — .1 after the passage 11'.'Sae3-2.w do *11L of -,this ordinance, fileul -uvr with the City a ow qC1 A..—U no Clerk in such form as may CL cra op ion Cou el. X0qV'4Ti11 023 iv8 eaa "a JD tll�Vjodjoimt,110,� Section 3. This - w� . t., u{ paq}aos0p t and be in pajno6x%.o,,A,�puv- U f orce, thirty days after'iier gev a q 0 ';,pa a o d a v , A{[88oaaad a¢ 6, 0 ao. AHp u4' "vi6s T 011, -P'/'� . ZVI, &dq pU.kj i a10 ��Ajttukbq'? 0424..?s by the COURCII .......... ............... YEAS, NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS ay KELLER McGOLL lop O'LEARY cep YOERG �Ays' 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) asCL 61nP ea may be required by any ordi, Said lice oft;thi6 ordinance, Clerk in such-, I OrM, Secti force-_ thirty d j 4 . x F h, P P,' f$33—DtdtAanceaSlR�'388%�;' ((?�c�. 4�' iytf�Y`i cCW %zn '.r `... �Qt7 orftaan4-3a-imet%{ng• sa adtn(nfe� - y`,gtYa"�Lve;ord3naappe SnUUed1,?A'S1`_p'NY,� '.'aa ri,%ldtlnt;'to UieyDepartmeriLtpf•° �i 'Rdblfa^5atet�vt'%it§,�4SSanlaltCitl63^it�• iq� :..4ff eta an7,„effiplpyeb y as (b ipd ap-fidIn , eaft/ cbiQlje�[e4i; . 1 x . tlpn bxr7S -fid, a4+Di'a i+�41R"Sth"t'291<F. ai ;'§nn6rfi xardlna 44*"# d nPP000hiT t d Esarat6n",..s.o 121}4, "ifuplla,r, is t 7erYtl�•_.' ordinanoe amending an admiaistrative ordinance emt#tled F>,£ shy grdiAange relating to the Department of Public Safety, its orgaAT i$stit4n,ss oee#s cad employes, their gaalifioatione and appoint-. Ateb ,` W,� pn, powers and duties, approved July 6th. $ f. 1814 '1tit is an emergenoy ordinance rendered necessary far`. the jarpserpBtoA of :the public peace, health and safety. ' QQiTNCi�+ Or THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: a l F I4lftign 1.. That an administrative ordinance entitled *AA, oicdiJn n xe st#ag to the ftartment of Public Safety, its orgsani tti offtaerJgra ; e�Ioyee, their qualifications and appointment, }4ic.Llllr psaiaion,}leasers and duties," approved' July 6th.1;, no a. and t� i4 i►ereby amended as follows: v k atrtlGing t1u1t'tb# worda';and fi'gurss '"fen (10) ahauffeu0-t each a'gnt salaryf geventy,Doiiars t$70:oo)*:ib the,.lasn p zt mi 4#ebdia+sigh�y!��► bf I3eatlnn_ of said ordiaeaoe; and <inesrting seiiF,nga ,')... hanifsure othe following 4 hodule' �r�i: dear service; oo�pRd Rear egrvice, 75:n0 ' i'td' year eerxiue,,, yi $t t$in$ out of 90divisiou "e* a3' SeatioA 3 of said ordinance the f flaw words end*f,guree� *Two,(a) chauffeurs, j \ pcl ae am +Mance iegrvioo.eaph at 'a mgnthly 6 _y cf, Sevanty' Doli p gg ($'A,00)`!► sAcl by ineearting in lieu thereof the following. J ghauff sfor ambulance service at thq`,amts salaries <grde'd for'ahaufeurs in' Soh- sihing Out the eohedale of ;00Aeg toz' the i!at:r line- men in 13 -01 5 said ordihanoea: and inea, ng, in lieu and inetaac of r t thereofhe fol}ng -a alasrr *1i�040;:$..#90 QO and $70.00, respectively.."' 13ecti0a i`bts ordasnoe ie hereby dealard an eri[rg+d&►�r > ordiAanab reaite�sesc� nes9seary.or +kbe preservation of t2e put#c iieaq health and %safety,, 8eatiAi� g prdi,QB �ha�11 tak8 effect 'and be is fo ' � i - 0, iq 11�41 COUNCIL FILE NO ............ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of frpip,_�Fhalen avenue' to Tracy avenue ........... ............ ........... .............................. ................... ..... ........... under Preliminary Order -Approved july 6thp 1914 .............. .. ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. street ............ from Phalen avenue to Tracy avenue .... .... ... X*kxW)V*X=bjjUXXmW that the estimated cost thereof is X. PIVAN2.#"The Council also -hr—Vn-dWr considerat-ion an alterpa-:4,r0 rw + -1i n r I from-Ph,aen,a emus to Tracy avenue A h Fie Jee, K Resolved Further, That a'public hearing be had on said improvement on the__.._ .........day of 0 o.tober ............ 1!)l at the hour of o'clock ............ in the Qbamber roinn6the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Com missioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tinte and place of hearing, the nature of thq,.ijnprqypkqjt,4 '.'ad the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........__..._........__...._ __._ __._ _.__.-19- COUNCIL FlLt NO........................................... By�C INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the ]RtYof grading Branston Ave. from the So. line of Lot 7, Block 11. and the sou n e of Lot 19; Block 12 ' ., - St" 'Affthony Park No. to the -North City limits including P;l�h sides of Blocks A. & B. ­ ........... _ .................... 1914 under Preliminary Order_..... 7.`57. ....... ........approved .....July ?qt.h., The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Conimissiorifer of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Ela� �j natmr n d* Branston Ve .6Va,,nl,__ 0 ant ivicant4e �W '.61 'e, n ids is.... ...Lot from t ne o� 01 tir �Ipml e sou St. Anthonv Park North to the ..N.,o..rt..h ..C.A. ty, Lim ­i t.8 including both sides ofBlocIct A`andB. .......... ­___ .. . ....... .... . .. ... ................. .......... . . ........ ................. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_Z1.713-55 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.23.rd (lay of 99t­qher _191A., at the hour of..... o'clock. .............. A.!..Al., in the ..C.Qunqj..j Chamber room 60f the Court House and City Hall Building in Ithe City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance. give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time. and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......... . ... ...... 'a 11E= R111,11,11IM!"S 16 1 W"?6 COUNCIL FILE NQ .... _...... ....._.... 13yUrCfr.!<LLrz.-r_G..:l.......__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ll the Matter ef..__conetruating .a .cPrrte.nt 6_i.d...ewalk_eix .f.ee.tn ^ui_dth the East side of Curfew avenue..,. from.Bayard .street to Myrtle Avenue. under, Preliminary Order 5.74 _. _.. .__..___ _._...._...approved..._,JU1.y__7tj,7,,_._1J14._....__. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, andthe said improvement - is hereby ordered to be proceeded \with. 2. -That the nature of the improvement which the Council reeouunends is........._CO.^_Bt.... _inga__ cement sidewalk six feet it width,on_the._East_.side of Curfew avenue from ... .. . - _ ......._... ... Bay.aid.street ....to._Uyr.t1E..._avenu.e.__. __ _ _.__... ........ ._. .. ....... _ ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *.4.9¢..F_ex_.__l.lreal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the.. 23Td............._..._._.day of October .___..__......__...._.....______.191..._4, at the hour of...._....1.0.._.......o'clock..._.__A...........M., in the__._CoLn_c..l.__Chamber ..._.,_.......... room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improyenteand the total cost thereof as estimated. .;i1 1� 4 Adopted by the Council .....__... ... ...... ._..___...___,_..._...19......_.._ ............. .............. . ...... ... . Approved.. (/ w� 'i. �.....—.19./ Councilmen Mayor Improvement. and the total coe1 iucr of s estimated. - > Adopted by the Counctt SepL30, 1914. Apprgved Oct. 1. 1914. (Oct. 3-1914)_) ' - N '.:42A� 9 COUNCIL FILES x C, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Lt the Matter of......re_co.n.e.t.z1 G..ti..n.g., relaying ani, refairing with cement blocks to_..a.._width._..o.f......Ten-.feet. tha..pr.e.s.e.nt_..Bidewalk..,.an th.e.west._.eide_. of_...Sibley ._ street beginning at .ht3.4.T y@nth street thence South 80 feet under Preliminary Order....__..__ approved....kaguet...±24th,...._1914 ...._....... __... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That. the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recounuends is re C_on strllCt in& - relaying -and. r.ep.air.ing.....� i.th._.cem.e.nt- b_loc.lc _..t_o_._a..._w _d_th... g.f..._ en..._fe_et...._t..... Present sidewalk ._on.__the wi es side_ of Sibley.._stre.e_t_,.b_eginning _at Seventh street thence south 80 feet. .._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :�;..8'%¢_...P _....er..j-veal foot for new walks Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the:..__.33r.d.._.........._...._day of 6etobes 191.4.._, at•the hour of._...1.0._..__.._..o'clock......._A_,_...._ 1., in, the. _C_ouncil___Chamber - _.-.5.1....._..... _...... .._... room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted b'y the Council ......... __ f. VI:'�.la.._____19............ Approved ..& Councilmen .Mayor COUNCIL/FILEN _ __... A% 13y .._�1../�Gr�vT2........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.....r.e.OGL1.8.tr=t.ing-, relaying _ani, rerairing with cen ent blocks to. ...a....mid.th.....o.f...... Ten. _f.e.e.t._tha_present _aidewalk__an the.weste de of Sibley_., street be ronin at �Sev nth street thence South 80 feet under Preliminary Order......... 28. - approved ...AU�ue..t.:...2ath,_._191 The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above irnprovenregt, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _. recon s true t ing, ............................ re 1.ay.ing....and.....r_epai.ring.._.w i t.h_._c emen.t__.b.lo.c.k_e.._. t o_._a..._w... id th.,,_O f__ ten__._f e_e t_.: tne.p re s en t sidew.Alk._or.,.the west side_ of_..S.i.bley. etre.et_.beginning _at Seventh street thence south 80 feet. er..._lineal foot for new 'balks with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-824 ..P......._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_..__23T.Si..._........_....._dxy of October 1s1A_., at the horn• of..._1.0.._........... o'clock ......._A.a........Al., in the.Counc_il.._Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place. of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.......... A noved.../�)�v Councilmen Mayor } E r 1. - COUNCIL/FILEN _ __... A% 13y .._�1../�Gr�vT2........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.....r.e.OGL1.8.tr=t.ing-, relaying _ani, rerairing with cen ent blocks to. ...a....mid.th.....o.f...... Ten. _f.e.e.t._tha_present _aidewalk__an the.weste de of Sibley_., street be ronin at �Sev nth street thence South 80 feet under Preliminary Order......... 28. - approved ...AU�ue..t.:...2ath,_._191 The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above irnprovenregt, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _. recon s true t ing, ............................ re 1.ay.ing....and.....r_epai.ring.._.w i t.h_._c emen.t__.b.lo.c.k_e.._. t o_._a..._w... id th.,,_O f__ ten__._f e_e t_.: tne.p re s en t sidew.Alk._or.,.the west side_ of_..S.i.bley. etre.et_.beginning _at Seventh street thence south 80 feet. er..._lineal foot for new 'balks with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-824 ..P......._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_..__23T.Si..._........_....._dxy of October 1s1A_., at the horn• of..._1.0.._........... o'clock ......._A.a........Al., in the.Counc_il.._Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place. of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.......... A noved.../�)�v Councilmen Mayor ■ COUNCCIIL/FILE NO...._.._. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lu the flatter of. _ ....__... _ _. _ .......... _...._. Nuuons-trifeting� relaying and repairing with cement blocks ao a width of ten feet the present side alk on Seventh street south side, beginning 150 feet west of Sibley stet thence west 54 feet, beginning 72 feet west of Waeouta street thence west 28 feet beginning 25 feet east of Wacouta, street thence East 52 feet, beginning' 50 feet farther east - thence East 174 feet. under Preliminary Orde1285 _ _.-.approved _August. 24 tY_,_. 1514 r. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....__ . ........... ...___................. ....... _........ --oaf - Reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement bloeis to Fs of ten feet the present sidewalk on Seventh street south .side beginning 150 feet west of Sibley street thence west 54 feet, beginning 72 feet west of Wacouta street thence west 28 feet beginning 25 feet east of Wacouta street thence East 52 feet, beginning 50 feet farther east' thence East'174 feet— - - n with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 9+-.$.-pgr _lineal foot for new walks. ' 23rd....... clay of Resolved Further, That a public heath ug be had on said improvement oil the........_......_ ................. Q_t Ob.B.�'..._......._...__.....__..__........._...191.4,.,, at the hour of.._._..._10..__....o'clock ......_....._A em., in the. _C-Qy. cil..__Chalnber room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of.hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -914 .__.19............ i street thane vest 64': teat;'begin-• Mayor. n[ng ?2 feet y:sat of l: begInn street. - the ce wek 28 (est,- 1feglnning, 26 'feet aetrRY Waeou[a.atrket, =thence' - Councilmen Fa sv `ems b2 lee begtnntng 6p fast tar :- moi. Shy eaet'.�p oae east 17++F1 .feR[ and r � Prelintlnar .r Ord r 128$ apijro ed' F :August ,Q4t. 3834. "= l GQ3 'F; iThe Covno 1 of 4the CttY oL 9tcPaul; having reoelved the repo`Etkoe the Cont _ piisaioner of'i"Inanae .vDon. the at,Rve., - B dle lmyyrDveme Nana h.0 a con4itier_ed. edid teRRrt'ereb) resolves -4Y '{Ihatthe paid ,repott+;bhnd the teams iss herebl apprgvad afi adopted - McCol,.g„d the seta im¢Fdvem.9 t to hereby:. . ord,ored-toijbeiproRSedBd with �..•: - '2 khat ttie natu{a of=the improve n I eaj went whteh4tha,Council recto mends;ls . recon trnettti'g een ing;and yreBairt, 'yvlth cementblocif"s Oto a width'of ten - YOer feet the present ,'etd0walk nn Seventh:' g street, south?slde;-.beg{nntng 160 •`YRet, set'.;;Sib ley street' nee west.:64�. feet beginning 7z,feet •west of We ,•Nlayor. Power coal,etre'efl6.theh a Wiest 28 t st be gtnning 25 feet east of. couta street,: thence east 62 ,fee .. befit In 60 feet fr thei• east, the ce east -.174 fceQ',:;g•tth� _ no ItdtIv.a-arid that; the esthI ft of - cost thereof•i '82acents;:Djd Iineal foot for new walks.- RGsolved F rth Th t & public heating bet had on said Improvement o¢ { e 237d;day of O tober 1914, atxtha; M10 r o! 10 o'clock A-ALIn-tt1D CDupcll C s be om Bi Of the cddit J3anaei .. . t .. t - fh C itv of, do - len,�ro lnep gnc�'t'he'total t77 Y .. i - v •: act as�dl mnRa 1'1 ,, �- •'e COUNCIL FILE NO--.- INTERNE-DIARY INTERNE -DIARY ORDER. In thhe Matter of...._oanB_t .u.c_t'ng...: ._ i.d Wpal.k of .cemt. nt baoegs to.a._ width to six feet on the wen sle o am ine avenue from Randolph street to S_t....Clai.r street and _.._on .the east_ side._ of_Hamline avenue from St Clair street to Jefferson avenue. under Preliminary Order -1360 __. .....approved .__. Augua..t...a.S.t }... 1914..._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and ]laving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.' That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. constructing a 2. .That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomuneuds is... .............................._......._.. _.._....._ sidewalk of cement blocks. to a width of six feet on the hest side of iiam_1.xxa, .av_enpe....f.ram._Rando.1.ph...s..t.re.e..t...._t.o....S.t........ C.la_x..._Q_t.xee..G...._a..nd..._©:n.__t.he...... east side of Hamline avenue from -St. Clair street to Jefferson Avenue. ......... - .............. --- _.............. 49 er lineal foot with no alternatives, land that the estimated cost thereof is a_..t..........¢...1"+..............._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... -..U.., d......_...__.,....._day of October..........._'.._.._.............19L4..., at the hour of......_10............... o'clock ............_A.t_.M, in the....Couno l_.._Chamber .�.._..._.._..._................_ 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Colwnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the inTrovenlent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..._.___. ..._. __.___..19......._... ............ _......._....._.. .......... Ci v Clerk. Approved....L . `.. / .�-..19...�%.iL ';C. F ho 3838 BY 9.`A Farnsworth ..... -. ................ n 3n t1i4 Matter of *opetructlag a�.�'side " Mayor, Councilmen Farn Gloss MCC oI O'Le I; Yoerg Mayor Powers unew toot. Resolved Further, That a public fiearinR behad an said Ineprovemeat n the 23rd day of October. 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Connell Chamber, room 11 of the Court House - Iand City Hall Building In the City of I at. Paul. That the Commissioner of - j Finance gtce notice of said meeting to the persons do In the cnn r pro vidod by the Charter. tating the time Ind Place of hearing: the Lure f the mp ovemcnt d the.tot 1 sttherm-, oI as estimated - Adopted'by th .Q i c11 Sept 30 1914. - Approved' Oct 1, 1914. !O t_^19147 I i R i r In thhe Matter of...._oanB_t .u.c_t'ng...: ._ i.d Wpal.k of .cemt. nt baoegs to.a._ width to six feet on the wen sle o am ine avenue from Randolph street to S_t....Clai.r street and _.._on .the east_ side._ of_Hamline avenue from St Clair street to Jefferson avenue. under Preliminary Order -1360 __. .....approved .__. Augua..t...a.S.t }... 1914..._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and ]laving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.' That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. constructing a 2. .That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomuneuds is... .............................._......._.. _.._....._ sidewalk of cement blocks. to a width of six feet on the hest side of iiam_1.xxa, .av_enpe....f.ram._Rando.1.ph...s..t.re.e..t...._t.o....S.t........ C.la_x..._Q_t.xee..G...._a..nd..._©:n.__t.he...... east side of Hamline avenue from -St. Clair street to Jefferson Avenue. ......... - .............. --- _.............. 49 er lineal foot with no alternatives, land that the estimated cost thereof is a_..t..........¢...1"+..............._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... -..U.., d......_...__.,....._day of October..........._'.._.._.............19L4..., at the hour of......_10............... o'clock ............_A.t_.M, in the....Couno l_.._Chamber .�.._..._.._..._................_ 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Colwnissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the inTrovenlent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..._.___. ..._. __.___..19......._... ............ _......._....._.. .......... Ci v Clerk. Approved....L . `.. / .�-..19...�%.iL ';C. F ho 3838 BY 9.`A Farnsworth ..... -. ................ n 3n t1i4 Matter of *opetructlag a�.�'side " Mayor, Councilmen Farn Gloss MCC oI O'Le I; Yoerg Mayor Powers unew toot. Resolved Further, That a public fiearinR behad an said Ineprovemeat n the 23rd day of October. 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Connell Chamber, room 11 of the Court House - Iand City Hall Building In the City of I at. Paul. That the Commissioner of - j Finance gtce notice of said meeting to the persons do In the cnn r pro vidod by the Charter. tating the time Ind Place of hearing: the Lure f the mp ovemcnt d the.tot 1 sttherm-, oI as estimated - Adopted'by th .Q i c11 Sept 30 1914. - Approved' Oct 1, 1914. !O t_^19147 COUNCIL FILE -NO..... ... ............ ....... . 13y K% INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _..cons`ruct .rrg._a., aideyalk,.of. cement blocks to a width _of six feet on the east side of Hemline avenue from Marshall avenue to Selby Avenue. 1050 Au st Sth 1914 under Preliminary Order...... _ _- _ ....... .. . _.......__ _ .. _... _approved ..__ x......_ . ?_ .._..._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement. is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....c.dnetr.uct.ing.....a....sidewa .•.of._..aement_..b.loaks....t.o ...a_width....of- _aix_.f.e.et....on.__ the .....east._..e.ide...._of.._.Hamline.._ avenue from Marshall avenue t_o... Selby avenue. _._ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *__.,.49¢.....per_..lineal foot Resolved. Further, That a public, hearing be had on said improvement on the... __23rd ...............-.day of - October........__..........._....... ..... :...:.-.191 ._1, at the hour of........_10.... ....... o'clock ......__...._p'._3L, in the .:.C.QunC.1l...._Chamber roomofthe Court House and City' Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That, the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. cL�� 36 ;514 Adopted by the.Council."...__...... ..._._......___..__. __.__._19.....-...._ Approved......(/r,...'...' Councilmen M O y Mayor Mayor. Atha CourF- lding-7n'theY the Qummfs=- piles o[ afd and '1n. the �. hartee;, stat- hearfng, the - 2x nt, and. the = y T .ted.. Sept. 30-,-1910 - T COUNCIL FILE NO.— B, ;UM I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.....changing the.qrade..QnK.erwin stre.et from Phalen avenue ............. - . .......... ... ... - toT.r.acy ave.n.u.e..... ........ ... . . .. under Preliminary Order...... ...... ........... ............. .......... approved ..__July 0 .. t - h .1 - 1914 . . ....... The Council of the City of St' Paul having received the report of the Connuissioner, of Finance l%. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ghA�qg.in the grade. on Kerwin strep&:j.rojA Phalen avenue to Tracy avenue. .. .. ....... . ............ .. . .... ... ............... ........... . ...... .... ..... ............. ..... .... ... . ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. day of 0-C t-0-b.o.r ..................... .191.4 at the hour of ......... . o,clock... in the Q 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the . Commissioner of Finance give notice of I said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time )hd place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 19. ........... . . ................. ......... . .... Approved..'.!,!� Councilmen Far sworth Go a Ke ler a Me. 011, r 0 a ry Yoe g Mayor Po ers COUNCIq FILE�(1._. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of six foot cement, walk ...o.n. . the west aide of Baldwin s . treet from Goodrich avenue to Princeton avenue where walk is. not alriddy Maid: under Preliminary Order . ..... ... ............. ..approved July 7th, 19.14 .......... ............. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is h7 by approved and adopted, and the said improvement •is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of I theimprovement which the Council recommends isp qpBt ruc t ing a, siX ................. foot cement walk or the west side of Baldwin street from Goodrich avenue to, Princeton avenue where ^ralk is not tClteady laid *­ ... ........ . ....... . .... ..................... ... ... ..... ­­­­ . . ....... ............... ............ ................. .................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..49.0 p.e.r j_jneal foot Resolved Further, That a -public hearing be had on said i'mprovement on tht . ........ day of October . ...... at the hour of 1.0 o'clock...A _M., in tbe...p au.n.-c il C..hAMAr' .......... room ofthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place o I f hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as -estimated. QC,�; 914 Adopted by the CounciL 19 .................... .. ............ ............... .......... ... - ....... . ... Approved_..'..... ./.=-19 . .. . ............ ... .... . .... . ...................... . .............. ........ . . .......... Mayor. Attei*��o �4pons MalP the .U.0''. .1 r 1. Councilmen F nsworth ives j pitri, G.. -wAId not already igid;; ' 1W as•-ari rovea -JUiy, eller a r. e i't e. -rep -g -v r1l, _�nN­i ecoll reby OWCA, nib or ort be and [h6. same is hereby apProy6fl attfl adopted, I nd the said improvement Is hereby or- I - 'Leary 2. 'i iia i -t nature: of [he Improve- . 'Zilt 16 the on - oerg �kd _�sex _ r ,.h . th%;West.,fi� 0 ifr0fi-t, oodxic �iave walk isnot aIreadY latd.:�teae Mayor Powers wino z COUNCIq FILE�(1._. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of six foot cement, walk ...o.n. . the west aide of Baldwin s . treet from Goodrich avenue to Princeton avenue where walk is. not alriddy Maid: under Preliminary Order . ..... ... ............. ..approved July 7th, 19.14 .......... ............. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is h7 by approved and adopted, and the said improvement •is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of I theimprovement which the Council recommends isp qpBt ruc t ing a, siX ................. foot cement walk or the west side of Baldwin street from Goodrich avenue to, Princeton avenue where ^ralk is not tClteady laid *­ ... ........ . ....... . .... ..................... ... ... ..... ­­­­ . . ....... ............... ............ ................. .................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..49.0 p.e.r j_jneal foot Resolved Further, That a -public hearing be had on said i'mprovement on tht . ........ day of October . ...... at the hour of 1.0 o'clock...A _M., in tbe...p au.n.-c il C..hAMAr' .......... room ofthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place o I f hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as -estimated. QC,�; 914 Adopted by the CounciL 19 .................... .. ............ ............... .......... ... - ....... . ... Approved_..'..... ./.=-19 . .. . ............ ... .... . .... . ...................... . .............. ........ . . .......... Mayor. Attei*��o �4pons MalP the .U.0''. .1 r 1. Councilmen F nsworth ives j pitri, G.. -wAId not already igid;; ' 1W as•-ari rovea -JUiy, eller a r. e i't e. -rep -g -v r1l, _�nN­i ecoll reby OWCA, nib or ort be and [h6. same is hereby apProy6fl attfl adopted, I nd the said improvement Is hereby or- I - 'Leary 2. 'i iia i -t nature: of [he Improve- . 'Zilt 16 the on - oerg �kd _�sex _ r ,.h . th%;West.,fi� 0 ifr0fi-t, oodxic �iave walk isnot aIreadY latd.:�teae Mayor Powers wino COUNCIL FFIL _.....:.. /' By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..c_onstruc_ting_.a_ cement walk to a width of six feet on the south side of Portland A,,e. beginning 143.44)100 ft. W-66teily of t'le W66 lin..e.....o.f.__Aldire._..a.tr.°P..t.._tQ_We.e.terl.a_.lin.e_of _L.ot.. 1, Block 3.,...I`alru_t._Grove_.Add. under Preliminary Order...... 577....... .. ..___.__.... ..._..._approved..___._.Jul.y...7th.x._...1914. ... s The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon theaboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement' is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._Q_Qns_tSU.o..t..11g.._a.._ ;I cement sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Portland Ave., beginning _-345.,.44/.1{10... feet weste.rly.....o.f_...the Was -t- -.1 ne_of......A.ld—ine...s.t.rs.e.t...:-to _ the westerly line of _Lot 1, Block 3, Walnut Grove Addition. _. ... ....._ . .............. ......... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is r, foot Resolved` Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement of tile .......... 27_th.._,_...-._...._day of v ............. ....._...___...191...x., at the hour of_... .......... _1.Q__o'clock_......._A_r......U., in the_.._Coune_il Chazfiber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improv Vii entf gnd the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............. L'..._iili.._.'SI.Q-_.._.19......._... Approved..) I n s Ao::1843—HY $ �A Farnewati Councilmen Far isworth ao gel er Mc oll O' ary YOE rg Mayor Powers Mayor. improVem � -:�� as optedt0d AdgPtod by the Cquncil Sept 80 1914 APDroved Oct 1; .1914 'U':.",vt"�.^'�� f COUNCIL FFIL _.....:.. /' By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..c_onstruc_ting_.a_ cement walk to a width of six feet on the south side of Portland A,,e. beginning 143.44)100 ft. W-66teily of t'le W66 lin..e.....o.f.__Aldire._..a.tr.°P..t.._tQ_We.e.terl.a_.lin.e_of _L.ot.. 1, Block 3.,...I`alru_t._Grove_.Add. under Preliminary Order...... 577....... .. ..___.__.... ..._..._approved..___._.Jul.y...7th.x._...1914. ... s The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon theaboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement' is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._Q_Qns_tSU.o..t..11g.._a.._ ;I cement sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Portland Ave., beginning _-345.,.44/.1{10... feet weste.rly.....o.f_...the Was -t- -.1 ne_of......A.ld—ine...s.t.rs.e.t...:-to _ the westerly line of _Lot 1, Block 3, Walnut Grove Addition. _. ... ....._ . .............. ......... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is r, foot Resolved` Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement of tile .......... 27_th.._,_...-._...._day of v ............. ....._...___...191...x., at the hour of_... .......... _1.Q__o'clock_......._A_r......U., in the_.._Coune_il Chazfiber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improv Vii entf gnd the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............. L'..._iili.._.'SI.Q-_.._.19......._... Approved..) I n s Ao::1843—HY $ �A Farnewati Councilmen Far isworth ao gel er Mc oll O' ary YOE rg Mayor Powers Mayor. improVem � -:�� as optedt0d AdgPtod by the Cquncil Sept 80 1914 APDroved Oct 1; .1914 'U':.",vt"�.^'�� COUNC"LIL "lLE... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Q.0..nstrV.Q ...side.walA -of ce.m.e.n.t. blocks to -.-a width of six feet on the East side of Oxford street from Stinson St. to Burgess St. .......... ............. under Preliminary Ordei ---approved -July.. 10th, 1914 -7 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cominiasioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered &d report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approve(] and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-cqns.tKqPIiPz a.._side- walk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the East side of Oxford ................ ............... .................................. ... .............. ......... .... P. t.x g e t f r qm S ri.g; Q n .ti a e ts ............ . -A Q� Burg-qA P q with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearingbe had on said iinprovementLp tlie-- 27th day. of ............._.....__._......_.......191.4_, at the hour of ............ 10 .......... o'clock in the goup-c-i-1 Ch -amber ... .. .. .. ... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in theLCity of St. Paul. That the Commissioner,of Finance give notice of saidLmceting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, thep-ature of the improvement, and,thetotal cost thereof as estimated. I Adopted by the Council 30M _..12........._ ......... .. ............................... ...................................... k. Approved Councilmen Mayor r COUNC"LIL "lLE... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Q.0..nstrV.Q ...side.walA -of ce.m.e.n.t. blocks to -.-a width of six feet on the East side of Oxford street from Stinson St. to Burgess St. .......... ............. under Preliminary Ordei ---approved -July.. 10th, 1914 -7 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cominiasioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered &d report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approve(] and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-cqns.tKqPIiPz a.._side- walk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the East side of Oxford ................ ............... .................................. ... .............. ......... .... P. t.x g e t f r qm S ri.g; Q n .ti a e ts ............ . -A Q� Burg-qA P q with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearingbe had on said iinprovementLp tlie-- 27th day. of ............._.....__._......_.......191.4_, at the hour of ............ 10 .......... o'clock in the goup-c-i-1 Ch -amber ... .. .. .. ... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in theLCity of St. Paul. That the Commissioner,of Finance give notice of saidLmceting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, thep-ature of the improvement, and,thetotal cost thereof as estimated. I Adopted by the Council 30M _..12........._ ......... .. ............................... ...................................... k. Approved Councilmen Mayor COUNCIL FILE NO.__..........._...__._. . INTERMEDIARY ORD I In the Matter of... c.anstructimg. a.. sidewalk -an—the....W..Q.F street frogRandS;�jpja 0 &,re.o.t -t.o.,, jarws.-O.txeet under Preliminary Order approved July... 10th, 1914 Ti'l The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Connuissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. S. That the nature of the improvement 'which the Council reconiniends eid.exalk on...Ahz. we s t sj.ds—of Iri-ggs. ..street f.rom Rando-1ph—street. to JzmeB street........... . ..... . . .... . ........ ... .. . . ............ . . . . . ... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is p.ftg 1 ineal foot-for-6 ft. walk. Resolved Further, That a public hearing .be, had on said improvement on the .......... ..day of 00. tob-ei ----.191-4-, at the hour of 10 ............. o'clock. -A.,M., in tb,,Q Chamber room hlthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance .give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated., Adopted by the Coilneil ........... 30, '514 ............. .... ........... ..... ...... .......... Approved (��----...- .... ... . . . . ....... ........ . ......... ... ... .................. ..... .. ........ Mayor. F. 1845 -A, Farnsworth Councilmen Far sworth (Inthe5t4'a,Matter ,-o cone I' aside trV.." tr..t; 1�7.lk on.t1h:.;;—W8Jd. of G lg�. jrom Randoph-,etrea.otodjamee etre t ties vroler Prellnitnary r �032 ' -P 'proved Jal5k,10th, 1914 ThbiCounetl of the Ckty of 9t.'-Paull hivins� ie0tvaa.tbp teport of,the. Corn, Kell r I'missioner- of, FInahce'jpo,, tI. above a Far ar a 0 Kell I If. bia ' ti�l j d— having M 1 uffrepen,, ire" ro - O.id Me 11 -j; T, It e�!.- if b and the approved . andad. to tl..V,44-i rova ent id, ere y. a 0, ' " "i 0' eary ordered, Y y !eoTptrA'That the; naiuge of the limp oy�,=: menti 'otIn .1 o at I I erg ;at eriof_ s;-streo treat tq'firam -no lve..,-,ap that I t.,., Mayor owers there f,tIa.'49 oepts 'p'er lineal foot fqr:� COUNCIL FJL�E"O... ........... ....... ..... I;y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.9,9PPAructing a six foot cement sidewalk on King street ............. both sides from Charlton street to Bidwell street ............. . .. ........ ... .......... under Preliminary Order.. .................. approved..... July 15.th, -191.4-- - .. . ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and'adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. p0n.s.t.,ru-cting a ............... ..... . .six foot cement sidewalk on King street both Bides from street ... .................. . .. . ........ . ........... . street ........... I ... ........................ .............. Charlton.. ............... ............... - to Bidwell street .......... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement onthe. ................ day of in the-C-QUnO.J.1 Q- - b -T 191A.-, at the hour of o'clock...A ,� I., h4ni er 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance, give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .........__._.....___........................_19........._ .... ....... ................. ..... ..... Approv�tl tth r'nMayor. .1; a tfie-.,A�*ratterof constructing aa�St loot cament�'sldewalk on Kih street, Councilmen F/rnsw,,- /Mlayor z I �q-,J!7 COUNCIL FILE NO. - Olt INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of of -cernent blocks to a width of . ........ ... --.- I......, - - -- - ................ ............ ..... — - ........... width - ........ . ... ... 421 feet on the west Bide of Chelmsford Bt I rest from Doswell avenue to Dudley dur*6-et. 1914 under Preliminary Order _approved._..__ August..2.4th,. - ......... .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the, same is hereby approved and adopted, all,] the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --constructing a ... ..... .. ............. - aidemalk 4-21 fe-0 t Q.n- the X e.At a i.d.e of ...................... ... ....... ............. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $7¢__pe;: lineal foot the improvement said improvement - day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be lizd on sai Qatohax 1934, at the hour of ........... o'clock. ........... A.�-.M., in theJQou)Rc.i..l Chamber 61 ronin of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and placeof hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. .14 Adopted by the Council......._...._................_.._.._..._...___.1D....._..._ ..............._ ...... ........ -19- ................ ........ . .............. .................. ...................... ................. Clerk. Approved... Councilmen Mayor A r I �q-,J!7 COUNCIL FILE NO. - Olt INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of of -cernent blocks to a width of . ........ ... --.- I......, - - -- - ................ ............ ..... — - ........... width - ........ . ... ... 421 feet on the west Bide of Chelmsford Bt I rest from Doswell avenue to Dudley dur*6-et. 1914 under Preliminary Order _approved._..__ August..2.4th,. - ......... .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the, same is hereby approved and adopted, all,] the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --constructing a ... ..... .. ............. - aidemalk 4-21 fe-0 t Q.n- the X e.At a i.d.e of ...................... ... ....... ............. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $7¢__pe;: lineal foot the improvement said improvement - day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be lizd on sai Qatohax 1934, at the hour of ........... o'clock. ........... A.�-.M., in theJQou)Rc.i..l Chamber 61 ronin of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and placeof hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. .14 Adopted by the Council......._...._................_.._.._..._...___.1D....._..._ ..............._ ...... ........ -19- ................ ........ . .............. .................. ...................... ................. Clerk. Approved... Councilmen Mayor COUNCIL FILE NO- ............ 13Y lel-111.. . ......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ting ralaying and repairing with.cement blocks to a width of six feet the.present sideralk o . n -E. ag .11. e ..— sheet east side- beginning at Yxohange street.. thence north 230- fee.t.- .......... under Preliminary Order. ..... . ....... .......... ............ .... ... ....-approved August 8th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and h aving considered said report, hereby resolves: > 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and'adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is rel yipg and_.T pp miring with cement blocks to a width of six feet the present, ............. . ................ I ................... ........... ........ .... ... - sidewalk on Eagle street East side beginning at Exchange street thence beginning . .................... ............. ................. North 230 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $� .......... per lineal foot Resol ved 'Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 27t4d ay of October ..O'clock A , %I., ill tb,.-Go Chambet .... .. ... at the 'hour Of 61 room of the Court House -and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted bytheCouncil 1*40 -o{.1.1..4..__.___...19._...___ k. App roved Councilmen I /".yor L -11,14-1319 COUNCIL By 5 . ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of to a width of .......... six feet on tie north side of newitt avenue from Syndicate avenue to under Preliminary Order 1-0.51 ............ ...... .... ... .. ....approved.... A gu.4t 5 V, 1914_.._.. .. .. .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is sidemalk...4af cement blo.Gka to a width of. ..six feet on -the nor-th side -of Hewitt...avenue_.... -from .....S.... ndicate avere t s..t..r.e....e.....t... ....... . ....... ................. .......... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *--42� pex Ii.neal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... .......... day of 0c.tobe.r.... -:. . .. .. .. .............. ....... 191.4 at the hour of ............ o,clock .............. A.! -M., in th . ..... QQuncil Chamber ................. . ..... . .... 61 room of the Court House,and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance �give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' )o 314 ' Adopted by the Council...._...... . . ..... ... -19 .............. ..... . ...... ................ .......... ....... . ...... . ............ ..... - rk. Approved......_....,. .. .......... .. ...... ---- . ........... Mayor. 7, Tn the Matter Y, arnsworth— Councilmen Farn worth et,,M A ', dth of Ix f¢0t on jhe'north'bide of Goss t clty.of�4t' P.,il a 1 \Order 10@2 approved August ha Ing r 0 n as] Ke ll r d'rePqrt,of.1he::-d above nee MAO-' 0- i= 311C oll be end thk approved;�ILfid adopt d; O' 0 , 4- to, to -4 y --f-the , 1-m ni hi h theC , M, 11 --IAL OeOttrtoetti!6 1. t1h d- kjk Zr r@ Y erg 'bid. 0 0 ow w c 1418yor _Jrs coat Lh sof fe 49 ce to Der 7,4, t L -11,14-1319 COUNCIL By 5 . ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of to a width of .......... six feet on tie north side of newitt avenue from Syndicate avenue to under Preliminary Order 1-0.51 ............ ...... .... ... .. ....approved.... A gu.4t 5 V, 1914_.._.. .. .. .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is sidemalk...4af cement blo.Gka to a width of. ..six feet on -the nor-th side -of Hewitt...avenue_.... -from .....S.... ndicate avere t s..t..r.e....e.....t... ....... . ....... ................. .......... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *--42� pex Ii.neal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... .......... day of 0c.tobe.r.... -:. . .. .. .. .............. ....... 191.4 at the hour of ............ o,clock .............. A.! -M., in th . ..... QQuncil Chamber ................. . ..... . .... 61 room of the Court House,and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance �give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' )o 314 ' Adopted by the Council...._...... . . ..... ... -19 .............. ..... . ...... ................ .......... ....... . ...... . ............ ..... - rk. Approved......_....,. .. .......... .. ...... ---- . ........... Mayor. 7, Tn the Matter Y, arnsworth— Councilmen Farn worth et,,M A ', dth of Ix f¢0t on jhe'north'bide of Goss t clty.of�4t' P.,il a 1 \Order 10@2 approved August ha Ing r 0 n as] Ke ll r d'rePqrt,of.1he::-d above nee MAO-' 0- i= 311C oll be end thk approved;�ILfid adopt d; O' 0 , 4- to, to -4 y --f-the , 1-m ni hi h theC , M, 11 --IAL OeOttrtoetti!6 1. t1h d- kjk Zr r@ Y erg 'bid. 0 0 ow w c 1418yor _Jrs coat Lh sof fe 49 ce to Der 7,4, COUNCIL FILE XQ_­­­ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.....o_one.t.ru.at.irg-g a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the east side of Robertson ­ street from Ffilmdria avenue to Fairfield avenue under Preliminary Order.. ..1056. ............... . .................. _approve,, Ai7�gtlls.-t.l...8�.t..h.,....Il�.9�l..4�'...�l.I The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....p.pAqtpqc.ting a sidew . alk of o ement blocks to a width of six feet on the east side of ...... . ............ . ....... . .... . ................. .............. .......... .................... .. Ro.b.eztzon _Str.e.e.t f.r.om avenue to. Fairf i eld avenue .......... .. .. .......... ............... . ............... .............. with no alternatives, and that.the estimated cost thereof is $ o424 lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be,had on said improvement on the ............... day of October _-1911., at the hour of-.. 1.0 ......... .o'clock. ke .. At., in the...Gqu.n.c.i 1 Ch amb ei 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the, City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financt) give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time an([ place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 914 Adopted by the Council........._._`.:"_..._ - __.___.12.._....... .......... ............... .............. City Clerk. Approve19./... ...... . ......... ... ,� Y 711 Mayor. �In th �iAtir-.f�6onstrbctthg't Eadl�, width of'. Coiincilinen Farm worth to: '11F�LIMIe4V�:iv,enxie ,,,under .Preurntniry, ,T Goss Or The -,Qduno11,.fit 4vcl UWCorbtp Kell, r the, above . vrGvemeiyand havini, ...Idered IY Id repot[ '.hereby;�raeolvee ." MCC 11u same,ApbWlie,the" 'Iii �hereby .,'dii'OeoVed,'afid,gdop,tdd;,, thO`;sitW, 1tfipr6vejn6it'; Is:.. h6reby�. n a ry •ov- on ruqtlng A aldewafk of -cement Ira5r- rg side ;;,bV;Rob dneon street from'. Mayor P wers ........... ¢aptv¢d Further; o 'Pa 't 2 COUNCIL FILE By _1851 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. reconstructing,.relaying and repairing with cement blocks In the -Matter of to_,.a_width.of-ten--foat _t"_pro ow i n streets Fifth street south side beginning 65 feet east of Robert street %aat CA ..... .. aiXtb.- 61reet _sovth 01de. be inning 100feet east of Cedar ........ ... . _ ............. street thence- East 75 feet. under Preliminary Order__.. approved ... jjuly 28_th,. .1.9.14. __ ............... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay- ing and tepairihg with cement blocks to a width of tenLL2et the present si,4ew&lk_s-.. -on... -the - szu.th is.ida....b.egimning_65 'ft. eaof Robert street -thenee east 41 feet, Sixth street south side beginning 100--fe-et east- of- oi -Cedar -street -th.ence Ea -at_ ­75 feet.- . . . .......... . . ... . . With no alternatives, and thafthe estimated cost thereof is s au pqX.. -meal foot for new walk Resolved Furth6r, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...._ 2ath ..................___day of Oct o'clock. A.! _m., in theC.oi,..n+.cJ+l Chamber 191-A., at the.bour of 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner -provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 3 ) 0 -5 14 Adopted by the Council .......... . 5 _1851 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. reconstructing,.relaying and repairing with cement blocks In the -Matter of to_,.a_width.of-ten--foat _t"_pro ow i n streets Fifth street south side beginning 65 feet east of Robert street %aat CA ..... .. aiXtb.- 61reet _sovth 01de. be inning 100feet east of Cedar ........ ... . _ ............. street thence- East 75 feet. under Preliminary Order__.. approved ... jjuly 28_th,. .1.9.14. __ ............... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay- ing and tepairihg with cement blocks to a width of tenLL2et the present si,4ew&lk_s-.. -on... -the - szu.th is.ida....b.egimning_65 'ft. eaof Robert street -thenee east 41 feet, Sixth street south side beginning 100--fe-et east- of- oi -Cedar -street -th.ence Ea -at_ ­75 feet.- . . . .......... . . ... . . With no alternatives, and thafthe estimated cost thereof is s au pqX.. -meal foot for new walk Resolved Furth6r, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...._ 2ath ..................___day of Oct o'clock. A.! _m., in theC.oi,..n+.cJ+l Chamber 191-A., at the.bour of 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner -provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 3 ) 0 -5 14 Adopted by the Council .......... . CObNCIL ... ........ By INTERMEMARY ORDER. li the Matter of r-e.G.O.natruc ting.,.....melaying and.. x.epairing-w ith cament....b1ocks �o a width of ten n feet the present sidewalk on the North side of ev.enth s-treet—be.ginnin.g 67 feet TPaSt of Jackson stre-et. thence, west 90 feet. 'under Preliminary Order ..... . ........ I.283 .......... --- approved..... A%izus.1-24-th, _. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance, upcni the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. L. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ia' re ' construc - t - ixlg-j re— laying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of ten feet the ..on. Nor. th--si-de- of-..Sev-enth.....at.ree-t ..beg irming.- 67. - f4a P -t west of Jackson street thence west 90 feet. - ............ -- ............... .................... ............ - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof lineal foot for new walk. Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on -day of October- 191 at the hour of in the ..C.ounc.i.1--Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givenoticeof said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iinproWpent;.,jand the total cost thereof as estimated. SEF %.30 1914 Adopted by the Council 19 .......... . ................. ............... . ..... erk. Approved /an19-1/ . .......... .... ......... . ............... . ... ...... . .......... ............ Mayor. -1853 1 COUNCIL �FILE N0 a E INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_...c.on.s.ttructi.ng...e a . sidgwalk,.,of__ceunt blocks to a width of six feet on the east side of-State.street beginning at Alabama street thenc.e...._sout>Y...150 feet ..._.__ _._. _ __.... ......... under Preliminary Order ......_--1.281 approved _._._Auguet 24th: 1914 ,........................ _.._..._.._...._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .._CO PIruCting a Side— .._..._ walk of cement blocks. to a ......................... _.......... ......................... ....._............ ............ ..................... _... ................. ........ _s-tat..a.._e_trez_t._b_e..g_irr.ng..._atAlabama street thence .south 150 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is {..,_49.¢_..er_._1_ineal 'foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._...._2$_th........... ...._..._(lay of _Oc_tober.............:....:.__._.....191.__4., at the hour of........._10..._.......o'clock_..__..._A..'....TK, in the... C.olln.c_�..1._:.Q.h.amber room of the Court House and -City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the "improvement, and the total e t thereof as estimated. S;.; :Vs 1914 • Adopted by the Council,....._...._." _ _._..__..._ .__....... _._19..__.__. .................. ................. .............. _.... .... ...........................:... erk. (� f...'-.19.1 Approved... _........._.._ ._,. _.... .. Coon f i i 4 a -1853 1 COUNCIL �FILE N0 a E INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_...c.on.s.ttructi.ng...e a . sidgwalk,.,of__ceunt blocks to a width of six feet on the east side of-State.street beginning at Alabama street thenc.e...._sout>Y...150 feet ..._.__ _._. _ __.... ......... under Preliminary Order ......_--1.281 approved _._._Auguet 24th: 1914 ,........................ _.._..._.._...._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .._CO PIruCting a Side— .._..._ walk of cement blocks. to a ......................... _.......... ......................... ....._............ ............ ..................... _... ................. ........ _s-tat..a.._e_trez_t._b_e..g_irr.ng..._atAlabama street thence .south 150 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is {..,_49.¢_..er_._1_ineal 'foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._...._2$_th........... ...._..._(lay of _Oc_tober.............:....:.__._.....191.__4., at the hour of........._10..._.......o'clock_..__..._A..'....TK, in the... C.olln.c_�..1._:.Q.h.amber room of the Court House and -City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the "improvement, and the total e t thereof as estimated. S;.; :Vs 1914 • Adopted by the Council,....._...._." _ _._..__..._ .__....... _._19..__.__. .................. ................. .............. _.... .... ...........................:... erk. (� f...'-.19.1 Approved... _........._.._ ._,. _.... .. Coon f COUNCIL FIL INTERMEMARY ORDER. in the Matter of Cons 42 feet onthe south side of Midway Parkway from Pascal avenue to Iipm.1.ine.....avanue... .................... _ _ . .... - under Preliminary Orden)_.. 128.0._......._ __........._............ ... ..... approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of -Finance upon the above improvement, slid having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is. hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._cons'truCting a sidewalk.pf..._cezrent..._bl_q.oks__._t,o_a.._wdth.__f..._4.-9-,.,._fee_t..._on:._the_s_outh._._e_ide..._of J idaray_._Parksay—_f. rom_.P...as..c.. a_l..__ay.enu.e._..to:3a,,:1_ n_e....._Avenue .,.........__........ .............. .._........._....._:_._, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is a;.....•3..7_¢_...p_e_x'.....lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 2r_th...... ............. .._day of _.Octo_ber......_.._......._..._...__......._161.4.., at the hour of......_..._1.Q_...._.o'clock........._A..�._._ItL, inthe...._.4UnC1.1..._ChambeT 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. $'r_r 'ill idl4 Adopted by the Council..........._:.... __.__..... .......__....____.19........._ ........................................................_..._.__..._............ Clerk. Approved..'...., /.._..19.l... . i, COUNCIL FIL INTERMEMARY ORDER. in the Matter of Cons 42 feet onthe south side of Midway Parkway from Pascal avenue to Iipm.1.ine.....avanue... .................... _ _ . .... - under Preliminary Orden)_.. 128.0._......._ __........._............ ... ..... approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of -Finance upon the above improvement, slid having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is. hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._cons'truCting a sidewalk.pf..._cezrent..._bl_q.oks__._t,o_a.._wdth.__f..._4.-9-,.,._fee_t..._on:._the_s_outh._._e_ide..._of J idaray_._Parksay—_f. rom_.P...as..c.. a_l..__ay.enu.e._..to:3a,,:1_ n_e....._Avenue .,.........__........ .............. .._........._....._:_._, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is a;.....•3..7_¢_...p_e_x'.....lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 2r_th...... ............. .._day of _.Octo_ber......_.._......._..._...__......._161.4.., at the hour of......_..._1.Q_...._.o'clock........._A..�._._ItL, inthe...._.4UnC1.1..._ChambeT 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. $'r_r 'ill idl4 Adopted by the Council..........._:.... __.__..... .......__....____.19........._ ........................................................_..._.__..._............ Clerk. Approved..'...., /.._..19.l... COUNCIL FILE. j By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and rerairing to -a -Xidth Of tan f eje_t -th-e .preaenl. a.idewalk.....on..,th.e...we.a.t s.i.de....of..W.ac.outa. st.re.e.t. beginning 100 norot ,�cof Sixth street thence nQrth 5 under PTelipin'tinary r... 7.752 . ............ ....... . .... _ ............. . . ......... approved 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance, upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Thai the "said rep -ort be and the same is hereby approve(] and adopted, and the said improvemenj, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _tn__a_-Wi1th of tsL_ f e.et the 1pr.e.ssn.t. the s.j�de.w west side of Whcouta street beginning 100 feet north of Sixth street thence ................................. .. ........ ..... . ..... . .. ­ . .......... ................ .................... ........................ north 50 feet with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, sper..lineal foot for new walk . .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on, said improvement on the...._Z8 h..._...._._...._....day of uncil Chamber ..QC.t.Qb.er_ 19j.A., at the hour of.. .... . ..... o'clock in th4Q ................... ................ . 61 room of tb� Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..._.... 1-1 ------ __ .............................. ....... .......... Appro e COUNCIL FILE. j By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and rerairing to -a -Xidth Of tan f eje_t -th-e .preaenl. a.idewalk.....on..,th.e...we.a.t s.i.de....of..W.ac.outa. st.re.e.t. beginning 100 norot ,�cof Sixth street thence nQrth 5 under PTelipin'tinary r... 7.752 . ............ ....... . .... _ ............. . . ......... approved 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance, upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Thai the "said rep -ort be and the same is hereby approve(] and adopted, and the said improvemenj, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _tn__a_-Wi1th of tsL_ f e.et the 1pr.e.ssn.t. the s.j�de.w west side of Whcouta street beginning 100 feet north of Sixth street thence ................................. .. ........ ..... . ..... . .. ­ . .......... ................ .................... ........................ north 50 feet with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, sper..lineal foot for new walk . .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on, said improvement on the...._Z8 h..._...._._...._....day of uncil Chamber ..QC.t.Qb.er_ 19j.A., at the hour of.. .... . ..... o'clock in th4Q ................... ................ . 61 room of tb� Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..._.... 1-1 ------ __ .............................. ....... .......... Appro 18,56 COUNCIL FILE NO..__......_.........__...._........_... 7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Ala�r of reconstructing, rebutsidewalk and repairing wi th cement blocks 1,7,dt, f - tj 'Or th side �.of cayuga street to a width o6ix**f6et the presen idewalk On a 10 feet west of-MississiPT)i street thence west 46 feet under Preliminary Order. 69.5 approved . ... . . ...... ... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, all(] the said improvement is bercby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council i-ecoiiiiiieiids.iatlhZ.-.C.?.n.g.tK!lC ting re- q 16 six f*66t' the building and repairing with cement blocks to a wi prezent.. si-diewalk ion. n or.th.....si.de of,, CayUga gtjget ..... 05 .feet west ..... of Mississippi street them west 46 feet. ........... .............. ............. ... . - . ...... ............. - ................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *.,,A9.O,,-per lineal foot Resolved Further; That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of October 4 1.0- ....o'clock . . ......... A it., ill the Qpuncil Chamber .......... .... 19 at the hour of..... 61 room of the. Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 19 ... .......... .......... ... ......................... . Clerk. C C. ApproveZ�. /---19 Itl J$:" Farm w.rth In !'�7? -,'-TLA;structlng�t It id, ,866 �ely� 6 Mayor, building uud,,k6yairIng,wIi4,-ccm..t bIqcks tw- wr�wldth > ol�, six �ieet the a ,�jpreacnt eldr:*a1W, on., north side of Councilmen F r ca"L�&.,:�troet,�,.'.:begir�ning,I 105 feet. Coll sarrie,is-helle n'apprpy,el1,,and,adoptezr., "and , tha;•sald',inproVernant As herelly, 'Lear ordered-to.-.�,kal prodeeded! -Ith.- -- the improve, --"y .Mentwhleh?the-Colmcil,recommends r6'ednifi�iiatipir,i,,fobulldiii :: , • Ing with rdmaut oerg t eldeevalnc art cis the,p esenlooti a I I leek west ofeMlaeleelppi: atr et thence p Mayor owers 1+ F. 18,56 COUNCIL FILE NO..__......_.........__...._........_... 7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Ala�r of reconstructing, rebutsidewalk and repairing wi th cement blocks 1,7,dt, f - tj 'Or th side �.of cayuga street to a width o6ix**f6et the presen idewalk On a 10 feet west of-MississiPT)i street thence west 46 feet under Preliminary Order. 69.5 approved . ... . . ...... ... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, all(] the said improvement is bercby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council i-ecoiiiiiieiids.iatlhZ.-.C.?.n.g.tK!lC ting re- q 16 six f*66t' the building and repairing with cement blocks to a wi prezent.. si-diewalk ion. n or.th.....si.de of,, CayUga gtjget ..... 05 .feet west ..... of Mississippi street them west 46 feet. ........... .............. ............. ... . - . ...... ............. - ................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *.,,A9.O,,-per lineal foot Resolved Further; That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of October 4 1.0- ....o'clock . . ......... A it., ill the Qpuncil Chamber .......... .... 19 at the hour of..... 61 room of the. Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 19 ... .......... .......... ... ......................... . Clerk. C C. ApproveZ�. /---19 Itl J$:" Farm w.rth In !'�7? -,'-TLA;structlng�t It id, ,866 �ely� 6 Mayor, building uud,,k6yairIng,wIi4,-ccm..t bIqcks tw- wr�wldth > ol�, six �ieet the a ,�jpreacnt eldr:*a1W, on., north side of Councilmen F r ca"L�&.,:�troet,�,.'.:begir�ning,I 105 feet. Coll sarrie,is-helle n'apprpy,el1,,and,adoptezr., "and , tha;•sald',inproVernant As herelly, 'Lear ordered-to.-.�,kal prodeeded! -Ith.- -- the improve, --"y .Mentwhleh?the-Colmcil,recommends r6'ednifi�iiatipir,i,,fobulldiii :: , • Ing with rdmaut oerg t eldeevalnc art cis the,p esenlooti a I I leek west ofeMlaeleelppi: atr et thence p Mayor owers 1+ ,I,ln, to; 11,or,,", and In 11, ..nher pr.,Jed g the Charter. stat- ing. the tires, end plare a nature of the -1 ment, total cost thereof?ns estimated. ,Adopted by the Council Sept. 30. 1914. Approved' 0 .1:6, 1. :1.414, ;(0-t; 3, 1914).- Z 0-0 1 _181517 COUNCIL FILAEQ.__ . _. ............ _ ....... .... / I I 3y4dgaze_��A INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of TP-00ABtructing relaying and repairingwith cement blocks -h* ' to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk lk on the Noit di 6 d- df * Third s1reet_1PzinA1P.& 1.8.2feet west of,Sibley street thenceWest 30 feet. ............... under Preliminary 0,der..._10588.th, 1914. approved A gu The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. .2. ' That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.reconstruCting; re- laying andrepairingwith cement blocks to a width of ten feet,the pi6sent a idewalk on the North -side of -Third street be-gi-nnin-g-- 182. feet west - of- - Sibley street thence west 30 feet. .. ...... ......................... . . ............. . . ........ .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_U.0. pe.r Line�al foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ......................_day of October............._....'....._......_191._`..,..................... at the hour Of 1.0 o'clock in Chamber . ............ . 61 -.. room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. H ;11 614_ ' Adopted by the Council............-.' .. Approved..6!.1/ 19/ IV Councilmen F rnsworth Go a r 0 n a Kel er Me oll 0,1, ary Yo g Mayor Po vers erk. ........... ............ ......... ............... ..... _..........._..........................................• c� Mayor. ft� 4 - COUNCIL FILY—N0.1-1-- INTERMEMARY ORDER. 1 14 In -&d r 8RUr h cement 0 six.... enqu 9 ewi or, Apr Pla.c...e west side beginning at Carroll 8feet .......- ... u .9 .. .. 1: . ...... - under Preliminary Order.....694. . ... ...... . ...... -approved .......,-u .Jly 15th, 1914 . ........ .. ....... ......... Tjie Council of the City of St. Paul having receive the report of the Commissioner of Finance upokii the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with., 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... re.C.O.R.Q.t.r upliqil- re-laying, rebuilding and repairing with cement blocks to a width of.six '. 'th-p''* --,***** * feet irisentsidewalkon Cathedra1 - Place we 6 Y side beginning at-raf-fol'i av anue.....-thenae - south 8 0 -f t .......... -- ............. - .......... ... ........... . . - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is j.9....o .....per lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.30th ............................. day of October 1914 at the"hour of ............ AAL, in the. C..o.u..n.-c.-i..l.,..C-hamber .................. ... .. ... ... .. .. . .. ... 6 room oAhe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Connn'issiouer of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature. of the improvement, and the total cost thereof 68 estimated. eF' all 14 Adopted by the Council .............. ... ..__19.........._ ................. - ............... .......... - ....... . ............. k, Approved i Councilmen Far i sworth Gosi Kell 2r Ale oll O'1 Cary Y rg Mayor P vers r J 4 COUNCIL FILE .. . ............ . .. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Ala ter c.onstructing cement block sidewalk on G004-��_. sM-e Syndicate ei e e avenue -west side from Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avenue. tinder Preliminary Order...... 652 ...... .. ... _Jul.Y 14th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Conimissio . ner of Finance upon ,the above improvement, rovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the. nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Qpnq:t)Mqtin& ... cement .. ... ... block sidewalk on Goodrich avenue Morth side from Hamline a v nue e . ....... Syndicate avenue and on SyndiCA-te aVenuP-_V¢e.at...si.de.....from Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avenue. ... ....... ........... ... ............................. ............. ..................... .. ... ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ -490 l -P-0-r-__ineal foot for six foot sidewalk. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be'had on said improvement on the..................._......_......_.._...._day3of rr October'c.i 1 Chamber 191_A.., at the hour of ............ A.0 o'clock. ... A.Al., in th,'.....C.QU . ............. roonNf the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of FX lie'! give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ther f as e tin ed. r. sLr :,W Adopted by the Council 19. ..... .... .................. .................. App I roved 62A Councilmen Mayor 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y............ .. .... ........... .......... FINAL ORDER. constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of in the Matter of... ..... .... .......... . . . beginning . . .... .... six feet on Bellows street west, beginning 93 feet South of 1Nin4iffed .0 treit Ahende-..South ?2 fas.t.. . ..... under Preliminary Order approve(] _._June.__ 30th,1914 I A, ,71 17 :7 Intermediary Order - ..approved ...... ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon 'due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESQLVEI), By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the sFW city i•s the --qeR!%t blocks: to a Widtb of six feet on Bello W street wsst,beginning 93 feet south of Winnifred street thenoe• south -'22 --feet.---.. ...... .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be iiiatle. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subunit saine to the Council for approval; that upon said �tiPproval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council tz . .... ... ......................... ... - e- .... ......... Mayor. Councilmen Farr worth to G ginaln't,hVT6WA013� - 6der; - eller Order W WPR6P—� 0) 14"-1914.",; "llecollupon tfiCYsboYa improvement upon due: all 0% -.olijeattops and, iecsrldFthe Council 6nnnen- O'Leary datlons're7ative thereto and Laving7 aline fheretorey� Y y oerg tens and` kind of .14uprotemep[ to vbe' Mayor owers .et Zek bejlnZng- 03'feet i6ut)"t fred'iWqdt Ahei�66 aoUth,, ltds,n, the, Coufiiufir,'hereb�-ord�ara t;vjnj..t fo,be�inade. , L t to too onW" ora to pr - rnprove-� 33=1 hki j �_4fT!,' .COUNCIL FILE NO._.... _.............. __. _ ..... By .......... ............ ..._._..........._._.._..._........._...._...__ _.__... FINAL ORDER. In the Alatter of...._e4.ne.t.ruct.ing...#t...6..foot ....cement ...walk ....Q.11,.._t.k19....Q$.8..t.._61d8._._OP..... Lexington avenue from University avenue to Edmund street., ender Preliminary Order.....4.a.9_......Q.... ._..... ..._....approved Iuternedikry Order ..__._...... ._._....... ..L . ... ..__..approved ....... .fJ...._� .�('. .." ........... �_......_._-.. A -public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council . ,having heard all persons, objections and reconunendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise' nature, extent and kind of ini- proveenent to be made by the said City is..... the .... e3natruAtion...af..._a...G-foot.- cement .._ walk an the-Z&43t aide.. of**- avenue from University- avenue to Edmund _etreeC ______....°..._.._..._..........._.... g and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Connuissiouer of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and iirected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit save to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council............._..._1.:�..._o.i.�,�_.. ..14.....19......._... Councilmen F rbsworth SS eller leCol l O'Leary Yoerg Mayor owers �e f hki j �_4fT!,' .COUNCIL FILE NO._.... _.............. __. _ ..... By .......... ............ ..._._..........._._.._..._........._...._...__ _.__... FINAL ORDER. In the Alatter of...._e4.ne.t.ruct.ing...#t...6..foot ....cement ...walk ....Q.11,.._t.k19....Q$.8..t.._61d8._._OP..... Lexington avenue from University avenue to Edmund street., ender Preliminary Order.....4.a.9_......Q.... ._..... ..._....approved Iuternedikry Order ..__._...... ._._....... ..L . ... ..__..approved ....... .fJ...._� .�('. .." ........... �_......_._-.. A -public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council . ,having heard all persons, objections and reconunendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise' nature, extent and kind of ini- proveenent to be made by the said City is..... the .... e3natruAtion...af..._a...G-foot.- cement .._ walk an the-Z&43t aide.. of**- avenue from University- avenue to Edmund _etreeC ______....°..._.._..._..........._.... g and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Connuissiouer of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and iirected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit save to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council............._..._1.:�..._o.i.�,�_.. ..14.....19......._... Councilmen F rbsworth SS eller leCol l O'Leary Yoerg Mayor owers 4wl W COUNCIL FILE NO.. By.... ......... FINAL ORDER. the 'Matter of 0qpst.rqqtipg g sidewalk of qpmept blocks to a width of six Peet on the north side of King street-, from Cheiiokee avenue to S....m.....i..t.h avenue, .... .............. ... .......... ........ .......... under Preliminary Order -.4.07 - .......-approved T un .................. 11 94 ........... ... ......... ... Intermediary Order . .. . .... IN- .-.......approved A public he . aring having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice., and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recounuendalions relative thereto, and having fully considered the, sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counail of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature" extent and kind of iiii- provenient to be made by the said City is ...the construction. Of. A. to a -width of --six feet. on -the -North sideof King street from Cherokee avenue._ to, &dth and the'ti"du n ffeeirliereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Gonimissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit -'Ile to the Council, for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized Hiid directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewit Adopted by the Council. ............ .. .............. rk. Approved .. ........ Mayor. Coui7icihnen 'arnswortb 40ss td Keller Yrdar_407�'KiJprc#ed,, lkiarlhtult.rYOrder,-. oil I e.rY 11 'i " "We Mayor P.— P, ... ... t aPccjflfor - led Sub ollt'o.'.o' ce to the C Id ... 11 far 'prova'. approval, the pro a hereby authorized and -dl ceed u�lththe making ment In 'd accordance th opted by.the Council S.pt.-ao. 1914. Apptoyad Oct 1, 1914. 3.-1914) 1'41")4 COUNCIL FILE NO 13Y............ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of .,grad_ing Aroad.e Street from Fremont -S.tre.et to ..Fourth Street under Preliminary Order 755 approved ........... .... ........ ................. — - Intermediary Order approved �-/ .......... .. A public ]tearing having been had upon the above improvement upon flue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered. the same.; therefore, be it • RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Elul that the precise nature, extent and kind . of ini- pj*ovcinent to be niade by the said City is. . gradAng Arcade Street from Fremont Street -to -Fourth StreetQ 'eet . .. ..... ..... ani -I the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be ifiid lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subalit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are,liereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ,-, . Adopted by the Council.. .. ..........�It.... - ;I) 914 19 ..... ..... - Clerk. Approved.... . .......r4......_./.....-19.. /-19 oe • .a y .. 0 . I ............. Vo'—iha-i .1-mqwort], 9 4, 1'41")4 COUNCIL FILE NO 13Y............ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of .,grad_ing Aroad.e Street from Fremont -S.tre.et to ..Fourth Street under Preliminary Order 755 approved ........... .... ........ ................. — - Intermediary Order approved �-/ .......... .. A public ]tearing having been had upon the above improvement upon flue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered. the same.; therefore, be it • RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Elul that the precise nature, extent and kind . of ini- pj*ovcinent to be niade by the said City is. . gradAng Arcade Street from Fremont Street -to -Fourth StreetQ 'eet . .. ..... ..... ani -I the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be ifiid lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and subalit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are,liereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ,-, . Adopted by the Council.. .. ..........�It.... - ;I) 914 19 ..... ..... - Clerk. Approved.... . .......r4......_./.....-19.. /-19 oe • .a y .. 0 . I ............. Vo'—iha-i .1-mqwort], co 94 COUNCIL FILE NO. - By.......... ..... ..... .... - FINAL ORDER. In theMatterof...-construct.ing. a.. cement didewalk-on the soutia .8 1.4.6- of, King Street from Cherokee Avenue to Smith Avemue. ................ .......... .............. under Preliminary. Order--- 10-12-- ......... ... AU'91181-4th'_1914.... Intermediary Order B-3.4-1914. . ..... ... approved ........ . ... — ------------- A publib hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon title notice, and the . Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the stone: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the CQuncil of the City of St. Paid that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn provenient to be nia& by the said City is, the construction of a oement oidemalk on the south side. of King street from Cherokee avenue to Smith ivenue — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pubhe'Works be and lie is hereby instructed and .directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval: that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . ...19.. "314 I lerk. Approved —19 Mayor. C uncilinei Farnsworth Goss 'Keller McColl Leary L Yo rg Mayor Po' rs COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... _............... ._.....__._.._.._ _.....__ _ FINAL ORDER. In the hatter of.__.construct r,..g._A. six..f.00t cement ,block sidewalk on both_ , si.es_-.. af.....E.ry..s..tr.e..e.t.,__from._.Lniv.ersity_.ay.e.nu.e__.to.. S_t_..... Anthony .avenue- .._...___. under Preliminary Order...... 4$7......__. ....approved ..._..June .30th! .:-19.14 Intermediaiy'Ordei.:(�- __........ ...... ......approved A public heating having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections,nund recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inr provement to be made by the said City is..__the.-constluo.tien of "a six foot eemett bl=k sidewalk _....._en..both."_sides-of-"Pry -street, -from University -avenue to 3t Atrthoriy avenue and the Council. hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed toprepareplans and specifications for said impr6veulent, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. cF;= ail 5t4 Adopted by the Council Approved.�J'_' o.._ C�c \layo. Councilmen 0 Y Dlayor. P CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL• RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..... _ ✓'Subject...AW68I3 . . LORTBACtT....1 VEL-T'HE WIBINL�.. OB ._THE .... jp�ay�1(y� V. .: .. FILLCOUNCIL ` .. �T ..: AgTHO1lY.. PAS...PMMI:itG.-STATIOIQ _ _._._ .__...._. Date Preseated...q_,"s,ilh .. :: 81:`...:. Resolved, That the award of contract by the Purchasing Committee to the Olson-Hoettger Electric Mnfg. Co., for the Wir- ing of the 8t. Anthony Park Pumping Station, for the sum of $198.00, be and is hereby confirmed and ap- proved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instruct- ed to draft and submit the proper form of contract ther*- z for.. w.:,_ .- .. .. �.... ._ .. _...._. _:_ ..:•.. ... ' C' F, No'1869 BYO--- ReaolWed That the-omtit. contract by •the �Purchneln8 Committee to the - for, -tt Oleo -no �oN tN.Glo AnthbnYo kr P `$�&tlon for the. eum„ oA. mgtn8 " "5198:00 be atrd> ( "hafeby cgnflp}ned and.apyroved ;and .jh0 ed toYatlan, :Cdv'neel to herepy,lastrucked to drafS', and'submit the:, proper torm of con - -tYact therefor •(_ Ad'ybted hY kqe Counci1-0 ct. 1 1914{. Approved Oc .'8 1814 Goat 10 191a3 u Yeas (V) Cpoun men `(V) Naye Adopted by the Council ,t191— Earn Orth - •. '-`+a '�' Go„ In favor dy Ke11e Approved 191 McC Il Against ' 01 o*s Y g MAYOR Mr. Presidenq P Were h 0 _ STATE OF MINNESOTA.) 1 s s fly 06UNTY OF RAM39Y ) Emil A. Wenzel, being first duly sworn on oath M1 deposes and says:. That on the'22nd day of June A.D. 1914 he made application to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for a license for the sale of cigarettes, cigarette papers and cigarette wrappers and that on the,22nd day of June A.D. 1914 a license was duly issued to said Emil A. Wenzel in words and figures _ as i'ollows: NO DUPLICATE OF THIS LICENSE WILL BE ISSUED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANOES L I C. E N S E F O R SALE OF CIGARETTES, CIGARETTE PAPERS AND CIGAt�PTTE WRAPPERS STATE OF MINNESOTA) T. No. 10175 )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) 0. No. 406 WHEREAS, Emil A. Wenzel, has paid the sum of, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to the City Treasurer, as required'` and performed the requirementsnecessary for obtaining this, Lleense, permission is-hereby given to said EB9i1 " A. EEUZEL No. 998 Riae Street to SELL CIGARETTES, CIGAR* LTTE PAPERS AND CIGARETTE WRAPPERS, fora peri"od of two. (2) years from the"date hereof, unless sooner revoked for violation of law. Issued at the City of St. Paul,' aforesaid, this 22nd day of June A.D. 1914. (,Signed) John I. Faricy City Clerk. That said Emil A. Wenzel paid to the City of St. Paul for said license, the sum of Twenty-five, ($25.00) Dollars named therein. r That affiant, Emil A. Wenzel, intended to sell cigar- -ettes, cigarette papers and cigarette wrappers under and by virtue of said license at his Bowling.Alleys at number 998 Rice h Street 3n the City of St. Paul. Minnesota. 3 {�. u� � �hatihe has not sold any cigarettes, cigarette papers } 41, %.IC ;fir_. !_'rl (a� - a--•_ - } ... ............ ...... _....... -- sen t est from Arkwr g slsatppl' at et hnVing C�iy of St Pa` .__..._ to Yh Coanon f tlj f ............. _. _ .... _...... — .._......_ ..... thorefore no 1t Resolve3 Th t the Commteelone bjjc having' been presented to the Council of •thFf deed, work he and ho !,,h' robl — _ — — lldered and dlxeoted 1 To. SnvCetlBate th neceestfy therefore, be it r aaslrabmty of the m king: of of link ovemnveettgate th nature RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of . ub lek-;fated o toio cat oat tpereoip o�b9 ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for'"ol dasualtlht Lt h a plan, of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated- eo9t of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To. furnish a plan, profile or aketch of sald improvement 4: To furnish the following other data and information relatrve�to aald• nnprovement:..- ... --- --•- --- _ ..... -.... ..... --..... - ------------ 5. To state whether or not said improvement ls`'seked For on the petition of three of more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing naatters,,to,the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council::. . Fess; Nays:. Councilm/,F.rworthy /r y Approvedll ry ._ ,. _Mays Mayor.. Coufac}I File No. .......... _...... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PREIMUNARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making a following public improvement by the'City. of St. \s Paul, viz.: .:........._rrQ.1�A tlG.t._..�.....d.��G. _..Q .....C.O.ills.X1'�.....aldti.waakC.._451..._�le_...J�.QLI Pigg...._utreat.,...._ir......._Smi_th._Aveilaet9._Ottatiea..Avenue.,:. .__.—_...._.._._.--- _..._; - '- �,`.__ Se0emher, ..... _..191__ 4• Dated this ._.. C; xo. is a— — mak Hereof .the follow�n ro o9al Por the - ......... ..... �hras ...... ...................................._...... -. viz: Construct er six foot coment side - walk on the: south side.of Page etreet, Prom 9mith..avenue to Ottnwa avenue. Councilman. ohnving-been Presented to the: C6uncil P `the City of St. Pavl therefore, be It Resolved. That theComm,.11 over bt Public works be nd he .Is hereby or., - dered nd directed: - i. ,Tslo Investigate the. necessity :for; Y ORDER. - or d rabluty. of the making of eald.. ' Impr v ment. 2, To -fnveeflgate the nature, 11 extent: f the following improvement, viz. c.__..... WHEREAS xna, st$nated ,cost of skid Impro4a WHEREAS, mepq and.the (total coaG Aber eot: - `': + ' 9:�-_To furnish 'a 'sketch`Of said; improverti¢nt, profile or n the E,3011t }S 9j.C`�.0 Of Page _Street, & 8i.....: t' To .furnish the following -other. "-'—"--" --' data and -Information relative to .said ,p................_ .._... ........_....... ... Improvement.: - i1VeYlUe. l i�. 6• To state whether_or not Bald fm- . -.-.--- --........provementls asked for on the of three or mora„ownera.: petltlon ” To, report upon all�of the -fore- .... ..... ................. _ ... ..... ................. ........... .... _.. ....... going mattera'to tho Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by, the Council. Oct. 1, 1914.. ".... . ..... .approved Obt 2 1914. ._.......__... _......._. _ _cost io-z_s>a> having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by.Councilman...__............ _:_..__... __......,.._ _._....______; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnisha plan, profile or sketcl} of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ........ y —_..._..._..,....__...._._..._....____._._..__......._. ......_ ............................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three ormore owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. e Adopted by the 'Council..I�ETc++� ^" L4•- ___191::1..: Yeas: Nays: ' 'Councilmpn Far iswmth GoApproved..._.......L...._ 6 _..191.... o. Be er Coll Leary ' oerg_........-._.._............. ..................... _--.._._._._._................._._.._ Mayor. Mayor owers 'Councilman. Is 1 y a � E] g g thxe,following improvement, viz.: ............. C.P..1161.1�Qt a e x_3oot„ceruent_sde�4alk_on the_soutY_.sida.of._Page. Street, _..................... ... ......................... _.............. .. ...... ..._...... _.... ............ _._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ... _.............. _....... _..... _....__..__:___...._____.; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estipiated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of.said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:..: ...... _........ ..... ( _ ......... _........... ................ _......_._..._._............ _._.._.._ 5. To state whether or not said, improvement is asked for•on the petition of three or more owners, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing: matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._.. QEj�. 'x Y3j,4..___ Yeas : '—... Nays: Councilman Far sworth Cie Approved............L._.._........191.... . Ke er • 7 Coll / Leaiy oerg_._....__...._......._....._...._...._...... _._.._. __...............__.:..._ Mayor ewers Mayor. f COUNCIL FILE NO. ..... ......... ............ 13, _k INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matterrelaying d..r a ..erai_. ri ng_)�jth ce m - ent blocks to a width of ten feet the present , sidewalk on the south side of Sixth streat--_b.e_gi_n.nJn&_at Cedar stre&t, thence weat 66 --feet-_ .. . . ....... under Preliminary Orden.....138 I ............ .. approved... Augu.$ t . ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, acid having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '_——�2_ That the nature of the improvement which the Council reconimends is relAyin-9 and repaim'ing...mith...cement -b-lor-ka.-to a._width of ten X -eat this present sidewalk on the south side of Sixth street beginning at Cedar street thence . . ..... .... ... . . .. ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8ZO per ..l.ineal foot for new sidewalk Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... . ... day of October .. . .......... ............. ..... _191._4.,at the hour .......... _o'clock M., in the 0. Q.1_=ber roomeoi the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and th�total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council &;-ae 'i Approved._ Ile .......... . .. .......... . .......... ...... Mayor. Councilmen 1 Mayor J-877 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- INTERMEK-ARY ORDER. In I the Matter of const cting cernent sidewalks on both sides of Louis ..... ...... ........ .......... . ............. . street from Nelson avenue to Dayton avenue ...... ........ ........... ..... . .................. .......... ander Preliminary Order approved.....July . 30th, . 1914 -,1 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upc4i the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: J. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is c.ament ..a±dawalkn on....b.o.th s i-de.s of Louis-.streB.t--froyi No-lao-n AV 0 p4ytan �slveuUe— with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is rlineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......29 th- ..day of Octoberin the goun.0i.I.—Chamber ..............._...._.._.._._..............__.19I..4.., at the hour of ............. o'clock 1 6 room of the Court House and City Hall Buil4ing in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of,the improvement, and the total t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council'.... C1 6 14 ]J_._.._._ ... ........ ............. ..... . ....... .................... ............City Clerk. dApprove.......... .. .... ..... .......... !��G�/`/`�� Mayor. Councilmen Far i%vorth G $a g1ler McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayo Powers Y P COUNCIL FILE NO..___...._........._.........._....._. ................... INTERMEMARY ORDER. In the Matter of ren.ons. tru.o..t .p&, ...re jaying.iiknd rerai.r.i.n.g.. wi.,th. . cement blooke to a,width of six feet the present sidewalk on the'east side of Eagle street begfYLn'ing 254 feet -northof Washington -street - thence north 23 feet. under Preliminary Order approve(] 3rd, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, an(] the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. L. That the nature of the improvement w�icb the Coi is r ,ec_�ns.tructinj, re— laying T116 p eent laying and repairing with cerr--- blocks to a o six set s idewalk ..on _ the sa e:t s, ide Of Eagle St r -es -t_ beg i nn ing _154 fee.t.north of Washing— ton street thence north 23 feet. ................. .......... ... ......... .......... . ....... .......... .with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 49_0_..j pj 1.ineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tbe....30th day of 0-c tdher _391_1, at the hour of 10 ................. o'cioeic __A.01., in thpCouncil Chamber ................ . ................ room 5 the, Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Conunissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating thetime and place of hearing, the nature, of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council OCT —J-, 1��14. �e_ .... .. .. ... ... . ...... .... ..... .. ......... Ci -Ilerk. Approved......_._1......G..:./._..1 J.. ......... . ................ . .. ............. ........ . ........ . ... .... ............. Mayor, Councilmen Fa sworth Go a 0 K ler a h M Coll 0' eary Yo rg Mayor Po ers COUNCIL FILE NO..... 13Y 1-,,179 -V INTERMEMARY ORDER. In the Matter of constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of ........... . -.- I -- .... ...... --- six'feet on the rorth side of Lafond street from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue.. . .. ..... ...... .... ... ... under Preliminary Order 12279 ...........-approved -AuguPI 2,4th-,- 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report, of the Commissioner of Finance up(xi the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. . That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceMed with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ppnjpjTUgting 4__8idb- walk of cement blocks to a width of six.feet on the north side of. Lafond, .................. . ....... ............. .... . ... .... ... ... .......... . ...... street from Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue. ........... .......... ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4�.o peZ_Iineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- 2Pd.Ahly of November.................._........._..._..............111....4., at the hour of .............. A.tM., in tbe.0o.v . hamb er rooln6l the Court House and City Hall Buildingin the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to.the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time slid place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... OCT =T T4 l'1....._.._ 4 / " I Approved... Councilmen Fllgnsworth Mayor. Goss ]ler ccoll 'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers Mayor. r COUNCIL FILE NO__.._.... ._ _. ._... Z. INTERMEDIIARY ORDER. In the Afatter of ....r_eco..ns.t ruc.t.ng, relay rgand, reTairing with cement blocks . to a width of tea feet the present sidewalk on Concord street soiuth side hegirming....7H.C._.lee.t..-tia.e-at-...af.....G.eosge _s.tre.e.t_ theno.e._.west _?2_.feet­ _.. _ .......... under Preliminary Order._....30.5........._....._-- ........ .June 20th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded wx,` 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._.._r2COT18_t_TLC_t l_ngj ' relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of ten feet the -pxesen.t....:sidewal.k._..en.....Conaord..._dtrea.t....aau.t h--side of George street thence west 42 feet. ._... ..... ....... _ _........ ..... ...... .. _. ...... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _.,_S2.¢....Per1 ineal foot for a new side— walk. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...._.?nd...._.._....__.....day of N_ovember...__......_._.._...._..............._1914..., at the hour of_._1_.._._........o'clock ............_At...M., in th...__Council...Chamber room olthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the. persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated,.. Adopted by the Council..... _ r tT ' 1 (�_;i419_...._.._ ............ (/ . ... . ........._ erg... _. Approved.__..... �� .......... ........... ......._......................... Mayor. Councilmen F rnsworth C. F::'N ;,1880 -By S. A. Farnaworth- - Oss In -:the %fatter of reconstructing. relay- .. Ing': and repairing with c ent blacks to ^a width of ten feet the eller pt'esent sidewalk, cor oncord street ' - south side..beginnin6 180 feet west - of�Oporge street, thence west42 feet, ICColl under Prellmin—y Order 205 ap proved June' 20th. 1914. The - Council ofthe`Cityf St. Paul having r lved,""the report, of the Com— O'Leary missioner,of-F.Inance upon the above improvement.,:and, having considered said''., port hereby resolves: ' YOer g as 1. ITh t t�he•skid report be and the me:'. is hereby'; approved and adopted, r a d nld Improvement I. hereby orderedthe to beiproceeded with. Mayo Powers 2. That the nature of the improve- _ ment whiah.:the Council. recommend a, is reco-truetillg::. relaying and repairing .with cement -blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on,Concord: street. South side, beginning 180 feet Per House and Clty Hall Building in the q City of St ,Paul. That the Commie- - stoner o[ Finance give notice meeting. to the personsa nd 1 th manner,pr Ided b1 the Chat tat, ing the time and place of hearing th o en nature f the Improve'" mp emt, and the total;.cost thereof stimated ! Adopted b, - the C ell ,Oet 1, 1914. Approved b" the 1914. ^; �(Oct. 10-1914) .,S., . C i i r t f S i i P 1 1 In the Afatter of ....r_eco..ns.t ruc.t.ng, relay rgand, reTairing with cement blocks . to a width of tea feet the present sidewalk on Concord street soiuth side hegirming....7H.C._.lee.t..-tia.e-at-...af.....G.eosge _s.tre.e.t_ theno.e._.west _?2_.feet­ _.. _ .......... under Preliminary Order._....30.5........._....._-- ........ .June 20th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded wx,` 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._.._r2COT18_t_TLC_t l_ngj ' relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of ten feet the -pxesen.t....:sidewal.k._..en.....Conaord..._dtrea.t....aau.t h--side of George street thence west 42 feet. ._... ..... ....... _ _........ ..... ...... .. _. ...... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _.,_S2.¢....Per1 ineal foot for a new side— walk. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...._.?nd...._.._....__.....day of N_ovember...__......_._.._...._..............._1914..., at the hour of_._1_.._._........o'clock ............_At...M., in th...__Council...Chamber room olthe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the. persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated,.. Adopted by the Council..... _ r tT ' 1 (�_;i419_...._.._ ............ (/ . ... . ........._ erg... _. Approved.__..... �� .......... ........... ......._......................... Mayor. Councilmen F rnsworth C. F::'N ;,1880 -By S. A. Farnaworth- - Oss In -:the %fatter of reconstructing. relay- .. Ing': and repairing with c ent blacks to ^a width of ten feet the eller pt'esent sidewalk, cor oncord street ' - south side..beginnin6 180 feet west - of�Oporge street, thence west42 feet, ICColl under Prellmin—y Order 205 ap proved June' 20th. 1914. The - Council ofthe`Cityf St. Paul having r lved,""the report, of the Com— O'Leary missioner,of-F.Inance upon the above improvement.,:and, having considered said''., port hereby resolves: ' YOer g as 1. ITh t t�he•skid report be and the me:'. is hereby'; approved and adopted, r a d nld Improvement I. hereby orderedthe to beiproceeded with. Mayo Powers 2. That the nature of the improve- _ ment whiah.:the Council. recommend a, is reco-truetillg::. relaying and repairing .with cement -blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on,Concord: street. South side, beginning 180 feet Per House and Clty Hall Building in the q City of St ,Paul. That the Commie- - stoner o[ Finance give notice meeting. to the personsa nd 1 th manner,pr Ided b1 the Chat tat, ing the time and place of hearing th o en nature f the Improve'" mp emt, and the total;.cost thereof stimated ! Adopted b, - the C ell ,Oet 1, 1914. Approved b" the 1914. ^; �(Oct. 10-1914) .,S., . COUNCIL FILEN0— _... . ............. By COUNCIL INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of cpqetr:qcting a of cement blocks to a width of sidewalk....... t Av IX f. ee.t on� Portland avenue-Rar.th-Bid.e. from -Sara -t-09 Alber........... e. under Preliminary Order_.._282...... .............. .... _......approved _..._July. ?qth,. 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Coll) mission er of Finance upon the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded wW. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i . a ponstructing a ............ -.- ... ................ . .......... sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on Pprtland avenue North ............. ....... . .. .......... - ................ .................... ..... ..... ........................ ... ......... ,.Bide from Saratoga avenue to Albert avenue. ............. ............ . ...................... . ...... ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2t4q.o lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on I said improvement on the. ........... day of ........... ---- .............__.1x1._4.. at the hour of o'clock ............... AI.M., in the Qqq�jqij ..C.hamber room oPhe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance. give notice of said meeting to the persons And in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ereof as estimated. OCT: Adopted by the Council .. ... . ........ Clerk. .... .............. ... ...... _. . ... ... ........................ -- ..... . ..... - Mayor. Councilmeif Fa isworth a otest A. Fa re, -g a )ihnef FarC,. a • Dertxik on th of -Ide. fr�,n%.P t;and Venol. bert: Aaratqa:, , �n?rth 882; appr`� -%alq6r4Pj6Ij eoee, to Z- ecoll V0,1X64Y, Minor,-, h4Tjh--doti..II W _28th, Order eg,6do,ea,t,Ih� city, Of sj' P 'ohlalon6r, of pj' e� report ;)f the. . out 4 O'Leary ro e 6 1 .1 said�rsport; Ing •6`.-ejadpa�� ered roftives; � : !, , Yocrg ..�fi eher'report be and orter 1 1 roe ""ad .'d-Pt.d P yor Powers t -Ith ..r.lof the t t alk of endals blocks "n" o I e I feet on Porntt to nn all t e,, , - rom S-,towo e, with � - i Bost COUNCIL,F]LE NO ---- By N INTERMEDIARY ORDER. I In the Matter of. ......c.enstructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of ............ I . ..... - six feet on the notth ... side of a Hendonvenue from Cleveland avenue to Hythe . .. ....... ........... street. under Preliminary 0,der...5.5.1.. .............. . ........ approved....july 6th, .1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, so(] the said Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded wiv. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is . ..... qqnst ,sidewalk of cem....e....n...t blocks to a . w.idth of six feet o.n ..the .... north..__ sideof ..... -Hendpn ay.enue -fram Clavel&nd- avenue. ..to Hytha s1rjee.t .................... ..... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is p lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. And ......... ..... day of Nov b ............................ .1914, at the hour of in th,.-..Qouncil Chamber 6 room She Court -House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total i54 thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council n CT. 4 '9I 14 1') ....................... ................ Clerk.' Approved 9 . ........... ..... ....... . .... ........ - ........... Mayor. Councilmen Far swarth Go s 'a "o r K Her ecoll 'Leary oerg Mayor, Powers 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. I In the Matter of. ......c.enstructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of ............ I . ..... - six feet on the notth ... side of a Hendonvenue from Cleveland avenue to Hythe . .. ....... ........... street. under Preliminary 0,der...5.5.1.. .............. . ........ approved....july 6th, .1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, so(] the said Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded wiv. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is . ..... qqnst ,sidewalk of cem....e....n...t blocks to a . w.idth of six feet o.n ..the .... north..__ sideof ..... -Hendpn ay.enue -fram Clavel&nd- avenue. ..to Hytha s1rjee.t .................... ..... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is p lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. And ......... ..... day of Nov b ............................ .1914, at the hour of in th,.-..Qouncil Chamber 6 room She Court -House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total i54 thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council n CT. 4 '9I 14 1') ....................... ................ Clerk.' Approved 9 . ........... ..... ....... . .... ........ - ........... Mayor. Councilmen Far swarth Go s 'a "o r K Her ecoll 'Leary oerg Mayor, Powers 1 COUNCIL FFIILE Nom_....._________._...:._... INTERNEMARY ORDER. Inthe Matter of.....c.onetru..ctingacement block aidewa'_k to a width of six, fe.e.t..._on.....the- _no.x.th...s1de._.of -Tvoodrjch..avenue_. from., Saratoga Ave, to Pascal Ave., under Preliminary Order..._561 __._. _ ...... __.._.....approved _.._ julY. 6th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.__C_On_BtTL1C.t_l rig H Cement b l width-of ...six _.f.e.e.t_...on__the_._r_orth...Side .._.__ofGooari..... venue from Saratoga avenue to Pascal avenue. _ _._ _ .__._ .- ........ ........................ ... ............... with no alternatives, and'that.the estimated cost thereof is *-R.49.0 P- _r1_ineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...__.$nd.._._.................. day of Nov.ember.......__.__..........._ 1. A Council Chamber __........____191.4...., at the hoar of..._..._...._Q.._.......n'cloek....._........__�....11L, im the...............:..r_....... room Ythe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Part). That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cos thereof as estimated . -, (/ Adopted by the Council 1-115 14 -l9._..._... i ......... . .... ......... ..... ........ :....._....... / it • Clerk Approved......._L....__./.- ...�19.� ............ ...... ........�..... .... - - Mayor. Councilmen ran swortn Go K ler M Coll 0 Leary Y erg Mayor Powers A j[ k COUNCIL FFIILE Nom_....._________._...:._... INTERNEMARY ORDER. Inthe Matter of.....c.onetru..ctingacement block aidewa'_k to a width of six, fe.e.t..._on.....the- _no.x.th...s1de._.of -Tvoodrjch..avenue_. from., Saratoga Ave, to Pascal Ave., under Preliminary Order..._561 __._. _ ...... __.._.....approved _.._ julY. 6th, 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.__C_On_BtTL1C.t_l rig H Cement b l width-of ...six _.f.e.e.t_...on__the_._r_orth...Side .._.__ofGooari..... venue from Saratoga avenue to Pascal avenue. _ _._ _ .__._ .- ........ ........................ ... ............... with no alternatives, and'that.the estimated cost thereof is *-R.49.0 P- _r1_ineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...__.$nd.._._.................. day of Nov.ember.......__.__..........._ 1. A Council Chamber __........____191.4...., at the hoar of..._..._...._Q.._.......n'cloek....._........__�....11L, im the...............:..r_....... room Ythe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Part). That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cos thereof as estimated . -, (/ Adopted by the Council 1-115 14 -l9._..._... i ......... . .... ......... ..... ........ :....._....... / it • Clerk Approved......._L....__./.- ...�19.� ............ ...... ........�..... .... - - Mayor. Councilmen ran swortn Go K ler M Coll 0 Leary Y erg Mayor Powers A COUNCIL FILE N0_ ____ _'�E� By INTERNEMARY ORDER. IR84 R 84 In the Matter of south s.l.d.e....-of Gopdri.Gh.ay.entre._...xQm._F.acal....aVenue__tp Saratoga avenue... . . .... .. ... under Preliminary Order_ approved,..,. _414.g q.t4th, 1914.l.- 11, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the, improvement which the Council recommends is.... cement sidewalk on the south side of Goodrich avenue from Paso -al a-Ven.ue ......... ......................... ............ .. ......... ........... ........ . ....... ... . ....... ............ ..................... ............ toSaratoga avenue .. ....... .. .. ... ; ... ... .. . .. ... ....... .. ............ .......... . ..... ........ .... ..... ........ . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost tjiereof is ...jir ea 1 foot f or 8 i x f 0 0 t sidewalk. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 211d .............................clay of at the hour of.... Al., in the.. Council. C.hamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time Had place of hearing, the nature of the iniproVement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. T ,kdopted by the Council.. ��-191. 14 .19 . ....... .......................... City Cler Approved... lez ... ........ . . ....... .... . . ..... .. .... .... . Mayor. Councilmen Fa sworth Councilmen Fa A. Farnsworth— 'dI �In tho'Mattej;�j�cf cons oss 'oss meet iddO*.Ik'--' side of 4�7z 0340,%f c avenue-, 6 Feller I Keller .its —to Sagrat . olga avenue under Prelinlln:, 1- Y Order II;' al)proved August 4th, 19i4. McColl McColl Cit f S 1. rlu I t t le art last. er of 'cre of the,Corn- I r. pan the ab ve, -having O'Leary a a v Idelsd : said e art, ` are r..IVss IR84 R 84 In the Matter of south s.l.d.e....-of Gopdri.Gh.ay.entre._...xQm._F.acal....aVenue__tp Saratoga avenue... . . .... .. ... under Preliminary Order_ approved,..,. _414.g q.t4th, 1914.l.- 11, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the, improvement which the Council recommends is.... cement sidewalk on the south side of Goodrich avenue from Paso -al a-Ven.ue ......... ......................... ............ .. ......... ........... ........ . ....... ... . ....... ............ ..................... ............ toSaratoga avenue .. ....... .. .. ... ; ... ... .. . .. ... ....... .. ............ .......... . ..... ........ .... ..... ........ . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost tjiereof is ...jir ea 1 foot f or 8 i x f 0 0 t sidewalk. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 211d .............................clay of at the hour of.... Al., in the.. Council. C.hamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time Had place of hearing, the nature of the iniproVement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. T ,kdopted by the Council.. ��-191. 14 .19 . ....... .......................... City Cler Approved... lez ... ........ . . ....... .... . . ..... .. .... .... . Mayor. Councilmen Fa sworth Councilmen Fa A. Farnsworth— 'dI �In tho'Mattej;�j�cf cons oss 'oss meet iddO*.Ik'--' side of 4�7z 0340,%f c avenue-, 6 Feller I Keller .its —to Sagrat . olga avenue under Prelinlln:, Y Order II;' al)proved August 4th, 19i4. McColl McColl Cit f S 1. rlu I t t le art last. er of 'cre of the,Corn- I r. pan the ab ve, -having O'Leary a a v Idelsd : said e art, ` are r..IVss an , a t _t report be and. the: fe or. to ad and adopted Y Yoerg an theimprovement 1. h.robj: or ere t c,o rded s,ith. t at . the Improve- P Ala or Powers a+ent which Iof ne I constr ctin ..a. u t rec.onraml. is on sidewalk — the , out sf . I . rich f r, P� I I.c Ve a to —U, With no alternatives, and that the c.tl' mated cost thereof Is 49 ... I. per th neal foot for Ifx foot .1dr—k. Further,I's, be had . h&"a 01d Further, That public the 2nd do,' total .at thereof ase estimated. and the Adopted by the Council Oct 1, 1914, Approved Oct. 2; 1914 (Oct. 30-1914) COUNCIL FILE NO.. ......... ............. -5:;o1wl .�- By W - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..-..cQns,tTL'9ting a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of right street from Brainard aven six feet on the East side 0�'Arkw north4Gfeet. under Preliminary Order... -1.3.63- ....approved-.. .-Alag4st 28th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sarhe is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to.be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -cQDBIK14P.ti.ng -a aiclewa.lk. of. cement. bl.oc4,s.....to a.....W.idth-.of six f.e e.t . ..... on qi e of_ Ark rizht street from Brainerd -avenue rorth 440 feet. -w .... . ....... - .......... .......... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 491_�per lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on .._._......._.__play of at the hour of... 10 A'elock.........Ao M., in the....Council Char.,.ber UT . ........... .......................... - 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of SL Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th eof as estimated. Adopted by the Council DCT - --t i;714 .19 .. .. .. .... City Clerk. Approved 19. ...... ...... ... ..... ........... ........... ............... .......... - Mayor. / j Councilmen Fain worth Go s Iler Fain G (ore 1, � cooll 'L �a Leary oerg P Mayor Powers IA A -4 V COUNCIL FILE N( 13Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of P9r!B,tn2c.t.in.g,...q.....pidewalk of cement blocks_ t..Io_._lla..�..w..i..d.,thl,.�.of . .......... ­­­­ s.tr.ee.t.._.f.a.on;....?Latch s.tr.eetto Orchard street. under Preliminary Order . ......... .... .._......approved The Council of the City,of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. .......... �POTI�AIXUC.tiRg_ 4 sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the east s.ide of .......... ............................... .... . ...... ....... ........ . ­­ ............. ­­ ............. .. ­­­....­­ - � - - 11 ­­ ........................ .. .......... . . ..... ....... Chatsworth street from Hatch street to Orchard street ­ ­ .. .......... .......... . .......... .. ........... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is T lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tlie.j4d_ ................._clay of November ..._.._._____.___..791.._!x.,at the hour of 1.0 ................ o'clock..... A__Al., in the- C-aun-c.11- Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of FrualleP -give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improveinei ere.as estimated. A I rl the total cost of Adopted by the Council .......... .... ..... ..........................._.....--....-_.. __................_...../ ..... ........... - Clerk. Approved.:_..... ...... /:! .............. ... ......... ...... .................. ... . . ..... ... ..... . . ... Mayor. Councilmen Farnsi orth F/an r a' cm-ltiel—I.- :�-o �7B�r s. A�i,.rrawmrthL--- Matter of constructing, .,aide - walk , b cement locks, Goss oss Wit f..f to a.wldth�of the Is east aide f Chat. - worth t Prom rona Hatch street Orchar site et.,,under Kell r Dell :Order Pr in J.tA 1914: approved Aug at, 15th, The the City of s,.uj h-vli7gCuUcat',2ede'1h. Me oll M to rels-loner, of, pir.,in Port of the Com - Improvement, -and .having the above considered said 'reimrt,'hereby resolves. -olvs'b:,i 'That.the 0' rear 1. said , wod-th. same, is hereby approved and adopted;, one, the Bald improvement la`�he­by ordered to be proceeded with. ' oerg , - i That the nature of the. Improve -t men which th a Council Mayor �.-ers recommends is. constructing c eting 'I block. it, . lz�' sidewalk' ' of cc ent w th of six feet on the east aide of Chaunvorth air Hatch est from. street to Orchard streetwith no .,ter, t, _­�LILVeS..and that the estim,­ m­ce6'as -1to --ce give notice -of said the Persons and ith mann- Provided by the Charter stat- e Ing g the time and Place of hearing, the sale t.talrcoo.'t'thteh,'e'fMser O�c set =t;,. Bud the Adoptedby he Council Oct. 1, 1914. Approved Oct. 2'llil, (Oct. IQ -1914) N f i Z� ILI, 00 !OUNCl FILA//,' O...-. 13Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the. Matter of KPC0nPtT!4ctir. g relaying and repairing, with cement blocks ... .. ..... to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the south side of Sixth . ........... .......... ... ..... . ............ __._ . .. ...... .. street beginning at Jackson street thence East 96 feet. undei, Preliminary Order approve(] Auzupt 1rd The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and, the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement. is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the natyre of the,itgrovement whIll t,�e Comil recoil d ...._reconstructing, re— laying and reps. ring w cement b oc s o a wja'�g s)? t6if f'6et- the Fre sent sidewalk on—the -zouth side of Sixth -street Ileginning &t,.,.Jacks_c.n atneet thence East 96feet. ... ............ ­_ .... ......... _­_ . ........ I .... . ..... ........ . .. ........ with noalternatives, an I d that the estimated cost thereof lireal foot for new side— wa.LK. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement, oil the 2nd___ .......... day of November at the lioul. of .......... o'clock.......A.o .......... M., in the Council Chamber ............ . . . ........... 61 room of the Court Muse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the . Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total c t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Coubeii.. 7 .......... .......... Cler Approved. .. 1 9 41le ....... ....... . . .. . . ... . .... .. ........ .............. ........... Mayor. Councilmen arnsworth A Fare— .i rt 11g and repairing . with c—nt weeks to . width of ten feet the oss pr sent Idew,lk on the spath_ side Sixth of Sixth street, beginning t-,J..k... street,.' 'thence east 96 feet—under eller r.., ii1e,'ap -.it Ird, 1111. , approver;Ali The Council of the City ofit.'Paul ecoll having. received the report oftheCom rals.lon6r of tPlnan,, up.og-, th- above " I.Procv.n . and h.,l considered .aid report hereby resolves: . . O'Leary '.rnhat-the said report be.and the ,sae is hereby approved end' adopted; .ad the said improvement Is hereby �oerg ordered, to.be.p .. esded With. " 2. That the nature of the improve - Ment Which the, Council recommends is reconstmetin lKrepairing, Mayor Powers with cerne block. tog width of.te-! "t g' Y' - feet the present sidemvalk on the s..t side _a, sixth !ar-t, bginning at Jack- J� J 00 !OUNCl FILA//,' O...-. 13Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the. Matter of KPC0nPtT!4ctir. g relaying and repairing, with cement blocks ... .. ..... to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the south side of Sixth . ........... .......... ... ..... . ............ __._ . .. ...... .. street beginning at Jackson street thence East 96 feet. undei, Preliminary Order approve(] Auzupt 1rd The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and, the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement. is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the natyre of the,itgrovement whIll t,�e Comil recoil d ...._reconstructing, re— laying and reps. ring w cement b oc s o a wja'�g s)? t6if f'6et- the Fre sent sidewalk on—the -zouth side of Sixth -street Ileginning &t,.,.Jacks_c.n atneet thence East 96feet. ... ............ ­_ .... ......... _­_ . ........ I .... . ..... ........ . .. ........ with noalternatives, an I d that the estimated cost thereof lireal foot for new side— wa.LK. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement, oil the 2nd___ .......... day of November at the lioul. of .......... o'clock.......A.o .......... M., in the Council Chamber ............ . . . ........... 61 room of the Court Muse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the . Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total c t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Coubeii.. 7 .......... .......... Cler Approved. .. 1 9 41le ....... ....... . . .. . . ... . .... .. ........ .............. ........... Mayor. Councilmen arnsworth A Fare— .i rt 11g and repairing . with c—nt weeks to . width of ten feet the oss pr sent Idew,lk on the spath_ side Sixth of Sixth street, beginning t-,J..k... street,.' 'thence east 96 feet—under eller r.., ii1e,'ap -.it Ird, 1111. , approver;Ali The Council of the City ofit.'Paul ecoll having. received the report oftheCom rals.lon6r of tPlnan,, up.og-, th- above " I.Procv.n . and h.,l considered .aid report hereby resolves: . . O'Leary '.rnhat-the said report be.and the ,sae is hereby approved end' adopted; .ad the said improvement Is hereby �oerg ordered, to.be.p .. esded With. " 2. That the nature of the improve - Ment Which the, Council recommends is reconstmetin lKrepairing, Mayor Powers with cerne block. tog width of.te-! "t g' Y' - feet the present sidemvalk on the s..t side _a, sixth !ar-t, bginning at Jack- COUNCIL FILE NO_- By INTERNEMARY ORDER. In the. Matter of C'r,- 13t 7.1 ot.j�ng a i.$j-jewalk of cement blocks- toa width of . ............ ........... ... ........... six feet on t',e south side of Commonwealth avenue. from Raymond avenue to Cfii*hi'1ifoi4 street. under Preliminary Order . .... ... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the. said report be and the Same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is qqTkptri.jcting__ a sideNalk of cement bl ._dtj�,.ofs.ix feet on th _so th Bide of ­­­­ ........ . ... .............. __ ............ Wi .1 � ­ ... ...... ................... 34 ......... .......... ............ ........ Comonweal-th avenue froir, Rayg,cnd 4yenue... to, Chelw..B f.c.r.4 ............................. ..... ......... . ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is gp..r 1.1neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....?, rn.d .......... day of No verahex .............._............_........._......._1914--.-, at the hour of.......... 10o'clock.A AL - .1-m .. , in the.Gocil..-Chamber room 0 Ytbe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. SET -1, 1914 - Adopted by the Council_... ............ . .... ..... ........ ... . ...... . ..... ........ . ..... ... Cit Clerk. Approved .......... .... ......... X� 7.1 ..... . ........... .......... Mayor. Councilmen F -nsworth g. I the atter of cimstructlarA aide walk M of ceme FE 61 %IZ111.1 _11 ! !�Idt th� ', .11 '112(� suer 4%UgUOt-8th ., IP14; �� I - I �` V -11—W -6f the. dIty of St Paul tavi - , 006 a Is )rt..f,the,Com- McColl i Or of Flnanee- .? above - -considered ., v ng , , It hereby resolves::' O'Leary I Thal the eatd It be o` adopted, it and i;he - -1., Yoerg COUNCIL FILE NO_- By INTERNEMARY ORDER. In the. Matter of C'r,- 13t 7.1 ot.j�ng a i.$j-jewalk of cement blocks- toa width of . ............ ........... ... ........... six feet on t',e south side of Commonwealth avenue. from Raymond avenue to Cfii*hi'1ifoi4 street. under Preliminary Order . .... ... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the. said report be and the Same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is qqTkptri.jcting__ a sideNalk of cement bl ._dtj�,.ofs.ix feet on th _so th Bide of ­­­­ ........ . ... .............. __ ............ Wi .1 � ­ ... ...... ................... 34 ......... .......... ............ ........ Comonweal-th avenue froir, Rayg,cnd 4yenue... to, Chelw..B f.c.r.4 ............................. ..... ......... . ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is gp..r 1.1neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....?, rn.d .......... day of No verahex .............._............_........._......._1914--.-, at the hour of.......... 10o'clock.A AL - .1-m .. , in the.Gocil..-Chamber room 0 Ytbe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. SET -1, 1914 - Adopted by the Council_... ............ . .... ..... ........ ... . ...... . ..... ........ . ..... ... Cit Clerk. Approved .......... .... ......... X� 7.1 ..... . ........... .......... Mayor. Councilmen F -nsworth g. I the atter of cimstructlarA aide walk M of ceme FE 61 %IZ111.1 _11 ! !�Idt th� ', .11 '112(� suer 4%UgUOt-8th ., IP14; �� I - I �` V -11—W -6f the. dIty of St Paul tavi - , 006 a Is )rt..f,the,Com- McColl i Or of Flnanee- .? above - -considered ., v ng , , It hereby resolves::' O'Leary I Thal the eatd It be o` adopted, and i;he - -1., Yoerg proceeded with) co , n 'r. e is , 1.' , s , • May r Powers c ctl .1 r cement= I t In Y avenue to hal ford street, With z Iternatives., and that the estimated coat thereof -fa 49 cents 'Per lineal foot: Resolved Fuilther, That a public hearingibde said Improvement dhaa:on on the I 4Y Of November, 1914. at the hour`01I 7b.r. 10 o'clock C . M, In the Council -Chamber. room 61 of the Court He... and City Hall ulldlng In the City of St. Paul. That the 6-1- sioner-of Finance give notice of said Incelprovidedng4, the persona and le�iha,- no Char , :the' t .stating the time and Place'Of Morin, the.un lure the Improvement, of and the t fal cost thore.f,ks,�s It, Adopted ,lby'Ahei_ once I Oct; 11, -1914; 00 1 Approvfd'Oct:, 2;'19,14. .(Oct. '10-14141 *4 1-81199 COUNCIL FILE NO BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of... C.UX.b.Ing bath.sides of Yiir.nehaha streetfromEast Seventh .......... . . street to Ya.r.1 street. under Preliminary Order .............approved June 24th, 1914. ... ....... The Council of'the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improyement which the Council reconiniends is......_curbing both sides ­­ .... . .................... of Ylinnehaha street fron; East Seventh street to Earl street. .... . ...... . ... . . . .... ............. .......... .......... ............. .................... . ... ...... . .... .......... . ............ .......................... ............. .............. with no alteinatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :x;_1_,_9.55_.37_.__. ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tj,, 4th of ..... .... ........ ... at the hour of. ...o'clock.. ........... A! M., in the-qPuAgil- ..Ch nb .......... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ereo ereas estiniated. Adopted by the Council .......... ................ .... .. . ... ....... .... ...... it clerk. Approved .. ..... ................... . .. ... .. ...... ..... . Mayor. 0 ilme Far sworth onne n Go a Ke er Me 011 0 a "' Se er c _ oll 0, Bary Yo rg Mayor P vers 0 5 :j V *4 1-81199 COUNCIL FILE NO BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of... C.UX.b.Ing bath.sides of Yiir.nehaha streetfromEast Seventh .......... . . street to Ya.r.1 street. under Preliminary Order .............approved June 24th, 1914. ... ....... The Council of'the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improyement which the Council reconiniends is......_curbing both sides ­­ .... . .................... of Ylinnehaha street fron; East Seventh street to Earl street. .... . ...... . ... . . . .... ............. .......... .......... ............. .................... . ... ...... . .... .......... . ............ .......................... ............. .............. with no alteinatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :x;_1_,_9.55_.37_.__. ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tj,, 4th of ..... .... ........ ... at the hour of. ...o'clock.. ........... A! M., in the-qPuAgil- ..Ch nb .......... 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ereo ereas estiniated. Adopted by the Council .......... ................ .... .. . ... ....... .... ...... it clerk. Approved .. ..... ................... . .. ... .. ...... ..... . Mayor. 0 ilme Far sworth onne n Go a Ke er Me 011 0 a "' Se er c _ oll 0, Bary Yo rg Mayor P vers 0 5 cIOONCILL FILEN11....:....:...................... .... 13y ��//L ✓C . ... Jai..:....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.__oonstx . ting a sewer on Harvard street from Bunker street to Page street. ......... _ ..... __. _ ...._..__........ under Preliminary Ord'er.....397.... ......... .............. . • pproved ....._ june.. 34th,... 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_....B.ons.tx..u.Q.t.ing.._.r1....sewer onHarvard .. ................... ... ..... ........._ . .. _.__...... ._.. ........... .. ...._ _...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is;__443..,...i?,_$.'.....__..__..__ ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 4th. day of November L'll_4..., at the hour of......_..1...............o'clock..___.f5..._._I<f, in the._Gouna.il_._Chamber ._ ......._.._._........ _._..... !61 room of the Court House and City Miall Building in the City of :St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance _ give notice of said meeting to'the persons and in the mranner provided by the Charter, gtating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t ereof as estimated. —1 Adopted by the Council. ... :1-.i !-314 . .19_.__..._ ........... CA- .............. ...... �+ lerk. Approved....... ....... ...19r"" .._..__....... ..... _._................._...... . Mayor. Councilmen(Keller worth l ry Mayors 4 cIOONCILL FILEN11....:....:...................... .... 13y ��//L ✓C . ... Jai..:....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.__oonstx . ting a sewer on Harvard street from Bunker street to Page street. ......... _ ..... __. _ ...._..__........ under Preliminary Ord'er.....397.... ......... .............. . • pproved ....._ june.. 34th,... 1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_....B.ons.tx..u.Q.t.ing.._.r1....sewer onHarvard .. ................... ... ..... ........._ . .. _.__...... ._.. ........... .. ...._ _...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is;__443..,...i?,_$.'.....__..__..__ ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 4th. day of November L'll_4..., at the hour of......_..1...............o'clock..___.f5..._._I<f, in the._Gouna.il_._Chamber ._ ......._.._._........ _._..... !61 room of the Court House and City Miall Building in the City of :St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance _ give notice of said meeting to'the persons and in the mranner provided by the Charter, gtating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t ereof as estimated. —1 Adopted by the Council. ... :1-.i !-314 . .19_.__..._ ........... CA- .............. ...... �+ lerk. Approved....... ....... ...19r"" .._..__....... ..... _._................._...... . Mayor. Councilmen(Keller worth l ry Mayors COUNCILFILE ..._. ........ . . . ................ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Q_Qqj@-.t avenue _ru cj.i..n.g.._A P:q".T .on street from Jefferson ........... . .... . .. .......... ................. .... .... .......................... - ......................... to Grace street. .. ...... . .... ............ ....... ........... ........... ........... ............... ..................... . .... ........ .. ... ........................ . under Preliminary Order --..M. .. .......... . ........................... .. ........ approved -...._Jung....24th, .......... . . ................ ... ... ... ... .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to'be proceeded with. 9. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ffqTpqA_ ayenue to Grace street. .......ra ....... ... . . .......... . .......... . . . .... ............ -- ................... . . . . .... ........... . ......... ............ . ... . ... . .... . . . ........ . ...... . ..... . ........... .......... .............. .- .................... ... ......... . ........... ... . . .......... . ........ ........... ............... . ....... . .......... . ... . .... ... with no alternatives, and that the 'estimated cost thereof is .$:.._2.e559_.8.4._.__.. ........... . .. cost peer `front foot $2.60:1 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement1o.the...Ath ....... . ..............day of November .. . ..... . ...... . .... .. ........................... . ........ . . . .. ................. I 194-_ at the hour of . . ........... o'clock ............ M., in the..qqjjnci1' Chamber 61 room of the Court HouselandCity Hall Building in the City U St. Paul'. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persone and in the manner provided' by. the Charter, stating the time and'- . plaee'of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. %T1 71,h 1.4 Adopted, by the Council...., .. . . .......... ...... . ..... �A�- - I lerlf. Approved......... Councilmen F. G K M 0 Y Mayor P Imi COUNCIL FILE%NO•......... ............ _............. _...... INTERMEDIpARY ORDER. Iu the 14Iatter of__.aona.truc.t.ing.....a.._.eiewalkof cerr_,ent...blocks to, a width of six feet on the south 6ide,of Robie street beginning at Bellow§ etree$ thena'e—vre'st tai ieetr..........._._........._._.......__.....:.................._....__........_...-................__......_....... ................. ____ ................ ......... _..... ........ _........... under Prelimirtary Order --..... 13..6...._............... _..................... _......... approved .....__August 28_thl 1914....._ . The Counciltof the City of'St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......0 onB tTUC tin�_S__ sidewalk. of._cement=.._blgcks:tp..a.._width._ of sixth feet on the south side of Rabis;.-.atze.et._..beginning.._at....Bellows.....s.ti.e-e t__..th.e.n.Q&.:...?..P9t _61...fee_t.,..._.._._.._ .._....._...-...: with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 49.E peT.__lneal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 4th.... .... _............. _._day of N4]L47flhE7^_. .._._...__.:.....1914._, at the hour of .......... o'clock. ....... _...... A.M., in the_QQ !:._Chamber 61 ' room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of Sx. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the CouncilOCT I. �IM.........19a A ... imlm COUNCIL FIL W. ................ . .. ... w. By �......_l�I�GG!rti INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matterof_...oo.>a.a.t.rlx.c_ting.aa...t}i:defga..jlf.a.._.c. WgRj__bl.gcks. to._a.._vridth_.o.f, <` six feet on the north side of Osceola avenue from Oxford street to Chatawnr_th_:s.tx4e.t._..................... ...................... ..... _...__.........._......_.................. ........._......__._......_........................... ._._...._........... _....... ...._......._.. under Preliminary Order__.._l'�✓7?4 __approved .._...... A17gt4.st„ 28th J914. ............. .. D:"'• The,Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement-, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement r is hereby ordered to'be proceeded with. TU 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is4--- V sidewalk__gf Q.PRt_bla.G.l�.$__to-tt._width_of e. x.. _feet_on_.th�..north_eide__of_. Osceolaavenue from Oxford street to Chatsworth street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.p@;_lineal I"OOt. "ResolvedFurther, That a public, hearing be had on said improvement on the.._. 4th ........ ......._.day of November....,_.... -:._ .................:.:.._...._191_4._, at the hour of._..._ZQ.........o'clock ......_A.e...._EL, in the_.Council Chamber" - November 61 room of the Court House and City -Hall Building in they of St. Paul. That -the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total co t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... OCT 1 IS 14_.._ ..... _1x.__._ ^T./ . ....... .. / erk. Councilmen Farn Goss Kell( Mcc, O'L Yo Mayor Po i Y • • COUNCIL FILE N0. __ By G2i721% INTERMEMARY ORDER. In the Matter of_cpnetxuc,ting_.a, _s_ideavalk of cement blocks' to a width of six feet on the south side oflac. froid Hester - streat t,7 ............... _...... Grrffzth-`stre2t...._.._.........._................................ .......... ....._............ ...... ........ ._..._..._................................. _....................... __....._.._......... _............ ._...._.............. under Preliminary Order__1055...................... ........ .... ... ......... approved ..._Augu 8 t._ 8th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the -said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......49.XletTllCtln_._8 side.walk.... of..._c.ement....b.lo.cke. _ta...a_width..._of six.. feet..on 'the south side of Pac_if.c_._stree.t...from.Hester street to .Griffith street. with no alts}•natives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _..... 49t_per _lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ _5th . ..___..day- of r ROYP,mb.er-... _........ ..............: __I91 4_-, at the hour of........._10_...__o'clock_.....A.'....M., in the....Couar—i I .....Charmbsi I 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. :That the Commistoner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimate Adopted by the Council _. _. ___:SQPj :.- 1 �y X4._ A9 , / ) it Clerk. Approved.._.. l...G �r�y ..-19. / .. ._.......... _ .... ; 1•— , Mayor. - � � F.No*'189¢=Hy5 aL k'arnawontk , Councilmen Farn orth �in 4K'g ?tat}erew anstra q;*; l alae ¢yaik qY neprenr4l,looks to., width oty <als f of on�th0. f(df# eide.nf PaelSa . Fatr0et�lrAmtiHeeteG street :to drunth Goss' . etreet.unaOr,� !,War Urder 5086 ; .�-approyet>•,.Aaguc8[h 874 ��rtThe Congoil bftiKe{Clay 0t $t ,Peat _ - gel er havttig received tflei'tRpmUof tha,Com. lmiaefbger of�Finaac8'�vpon.Fthe above' XmpraJetnent° andichagfng conatderraj 1lppsaid Report, 6e[e, y regolVOe; x p ' M OII ' 1 That th0 sad -reporf ba and ihd• eame-:ls �e ebys0;pproved an3.radopted ' a d the bald. impravemenC-fa h0rebye, Q? eal•y Sord9Fedzto be prvefeeded with , - 2 ',Chat the natuX6 of the improve-, ` m�liY'K�yhich the .Qpunpll recoMMenda W - cvnatructings "91d'0walk o[ neMents �i erg b Joke to a lh'sht of aix'teex oa the; e�Outl etas tflpacfflal etYeet Ssom Hea - .street to GrTiKithl atreeE with hd+ Mayor P were plternaaveal and that the, eatlma[ea co§t ahereot (x748, cents par lineal toot! - Y e'eotped Further +that e1. public beaking be,,had'zon said lmyrovement'� ' ppn Ytle56 h daY ai Npvemger 1,W he :the^$Hour oYE 10 ";o cloak pS;;;M. I ' CCovcil Chalnbei� room�CI ,ot?the Court 3iovse ayd City ,Hall �.8uilding In the' Clfy';pf<SC Paul. Thist vth€ Commie, • foa8r of Finance glue not ce4ot saidr. meettn toPtha.-oerefoGB :'��d., 1n.,the', IMMEMEM I a 1895 Cb'i_INCIL FFILE...... .... _ ... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_reconetructing..... elaying and repairing with cement blocks the present sidewalk to a width of 14 feet on the west side of South ftbasha•--etrEst_bagimring at_indiana Ave. th-ence_'north...50..f.es_t..,_.-:.....,_.................. under Preliminary Order..,_.3'......... _......... approved ..... July-- 28_th,1914.... ,,, ........ The.Council of the City, of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1- That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the, improvement which the Council recommends is...._Teggn.8 _truc t inga _ re— laycement ...b.1.A.eke_..t.he....p.xeaent _eidewalk.._tg. idth of 14 feet on the west side of -South Wabasha street beginning at Indiana avenue: ...tl;-ends---�o .h.....5-�fae.t..__......_......__............_....:.:............... .... ................. --...... _....... _....................... _..._.......... ....... -..... ........... ........... -: .with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofP.e..r-=lineal foot for new sidewall Resolved Further, That a public heating be had on said improvement on the...._nth.._.................. ..- ... day of NA.uemb x.___.._....._.__._.._......._....._.__:.1914._, at the hour of ....... _..10.._.....o'clock............... _A.M., in the .C'ouneil-,_Chamber g' 61' room of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by. the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _..... . t, 14._1 __.._. :_,...__.._..._..__ . ._.._..__.._._.__.._ . /Q / C• Clerk. Approved ._....-4-..".. x........19, Mayor. Councilmen Far worthF xo l V -ri zsbt �arneWortH' Sn4'the Hefter of Ydconetrueting -re1aY ; Ing1 ands TepalTiligl• we�7ith. ¢et enN �iO3 ?tab¢k tTfe}510hent eidalk, td}7g ,;w1dtH �d14.,f@et an they west oti ' South W�habha street begYnning nth Ke er IhdfunsfA aq thene0 north 68 Yeet; � ;under PrellrpSperY ;Older 884 8y •pr¢ved, �ufY28tN 1914.1: rFp{ � �� 4 i• t'• � ; � 1 � r d 14 'm FINAL ORDER. In the Us of-_.......grading..._Goodrich....Ave... frgm Dunlap St.. to the Chicago,,... Milwaukee &._St_.Pau1 .:Railway: and. Dunlap__St... from.. Lincoln_Ave. ..... Goodrich Avenue 440` roved _.____June 30, .1914 mider Preliminary Order-_....--. 4444._. _ app - 9� approved �.... .._.:.. ... % Intermediary Order .......... .. _. . 4444._ 4444 pp • .. ..._._. __4444. __. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it' �6- /r0lam/ ` ti ti py% " ✓ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by.'the said City is_.._-the.:.:gradingriai_._Gnodri�kl_..aY@10.10...fro :.Ht-..... ..Rg;9M. a rest to the -: -CRrtcaga >�iwatrkee, &`6t Pave:Ae?1say, and._Dunlap-street-.Y:rom..iincoln..avenue....ta._Cn.odrich e w k t ]ie d na next pit 0 Q y and-the-i:gui cul It!reby oreteis stud nnproveldent to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Comniis'sioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and r directed topr pare plans and specifications fou said improvement, and submit same to the �.ouficil for :.• approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement to accordance therewith. Adopted;by the Council.-____D� 1 ......... 4444 .... ... ........ . Approved .........:_ ........... ........ ....... _ . ....... ...... _...... Mayor. Councilmen(oowei worth — gat' Yixln olkiyuks,� 1i C F Nai891iu'" .;c u . d,�g5'tfla A4et Cagrand 4ar � �yj,4,O?erl11 t�•Av8 19t 19}e PrOlvng -9eabove lh vem hE,up )IdveYry not[ce,'t:sad }thegcoundil havtrig"Srfga4d'diL peYgo dobi tatjCaJ f St.M! tthyr cies nature eMayor'8 tggt. and Hffid ttlnLP ov MenG to bis - m$de tit the 9afda•City- ie the`.%radln`��` .trot GCodrlch qv nue: romDunrap.atreet_ + tpp the/ Chfeagtl tMllwaukeg i& t36tP$Ub - ,+'.. Railvfay� and Durils.p atreetffrolfi 1ft coln av ave ttl G odri h venL•e, (worlr• ..1 to b done nekt ye -r) 6 d.,thes.Councn, ' imandeby�ord�r eaidylmproveglotit to �bpJ it COUNCIL FILE NO _............ ........ .._........ By ... _......... __..... _::._....... _..... ._.._._....... _......... ._........... ._.......... .._ FINAL ORDER. In the rllatter ef....._coaetru.ctla8:.:_a....6...soo.t.....cament...sidwwalk.....O>a._bo1h_ Aides. _01 .......... _.0 ti.ce:...B.treat-..-fr..om...:Conaord....stres.t..... to.. -Andrew-. .tr.eet.._................: . _ . under Preliminary Order ......... ... 'k51 .......... .............. _._......... ... .... approved ............. J. e.._.3...0th 1.9.14 ........................ Intermediary Order .................:.... 1-208........ ..,......... _approved .......... .._.l y,.:__ L._....... ..... ...... A public hearing having been had n$on the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By'the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement`to be made by the said City is_._....the ...cons. uction-of a -silt -post cG2eUt'-vid6w1k--*A both ' ....... eidae_ai_...Ctis3ice.street Srom...-Concord. street -tc Andrerstrsat ...... .._:_ and the Council ber4y orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and ?' directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the..making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1914 Adopted by the CouncilY,:_� .. :. .. .. .. .... ...'.....1f '✓........... erk. Approved...._.. ...19! .... Mayor. • 4u 3F+. Nd x899 fi•r*�Fi'"1 Councilmen Farnsworth F�ntth¢yatter or capatnbp�tn� a & i a ,z cement efdapealR yyn'y both eldeaN'b,� ti0JI Cortiba efreytu froRn COpeerk sari, A . Ii{ 4-10 .Ardraw atreet`v�ader Erellminarz}f _ 9• Orae ; d6Y adgroa+ea ziune 80th Y9YM V Cie i) de +1208 •Ap4ro¢$j Kel er {i ps ubit Ceezing havl>}s ijean baa:,'. -' Lutfon the: �bgvb �mpro9Fm nt upon due _ 1{ndt(de'ar(a the CovnalL havtng he rd. am�Isgrapna obleatlona afid epommbn - - Me all. dstfona;, raJatrva,_ thereto and hatjn�. ' `!u)� abna�f red the lama therefor•¢ i• . 0'L iy wtesoived � tt a donnas of :ihf, �%taR6 IRhdts the (re'`i18k pure e� . `taitt snktt($anf Improvement to hga Yoe rmc1e p tnaeald cits to the can Yraa t' ton ot�-a `atx 4oatKcemen`treidgwatk oe1� / 'bo;h AApea aYCurttaa ¢treat 2rbm Con { bdrd street toln3Eaw atreatdud. the; ayor Po era Conhdlr hergbp yoEadrs safd 3mpret / q[ent Wte �Ttedabay a Turtilef mhaz 1Ne ;Comore i hers r,fn, rrugte r.an to e, Sad ie ra;;, her@bX'.met acted ;and "$heated £a Ore: 1nipr vena ands dp¢o!d¢attone _Yor dt lmpravement an$SsUbmlt game-tb the Council ton appravgl �that'jebo}i eafd, '. aPPrdvhl. th0 BfdD r v1tY ,UElaeFa am hereby^Sautho faed;and aireate,'d to o7' - - - cee4iwtth¢Etee mak}ng'�of eai$fmp;over - renrdance.th¢rewtth. .. u.. �... wi.71M mi"I'M RPM. in IWO IF a MA'NI —Xv"MI a COUNCIL FILE NO 13Y. ............ ....... . . ... ... ........ .. . ... . ...... . ...... ...... ......... . ... FINAL ORDER. Block'3 W-ann2s Addition, between In the Matter of.. ... . ............................................. ................ ­ .. ........... .... .. ... . ......... and Lincoln Ave. and Goodrich Ave. Al.bart.-Ave . ....... Ax.d._.HA.x.!1A!R Avv-i ..... .................... ..... - ..... ...... - ........... ............................ ........ .... . ...... . ............ ........ ......... ........... .... tinder Preliminary Order........ ..... .._...._......._...approved ...............July .... . .... . ....... Intermediary Order ......... ... I�. ... ...................... approved ... . ........... .. t.�. .................. . ;,('/ ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Connoil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having,fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of hn- provement to be, made by the said City grading -.of alley In Black 1.10..W.A �Addi A_,Iketveeu . .............. . - -weft R- &)I&­ffjmjjns -avenue --and lAnzal-ij -averm and. Goo-& i,3h-. avenue.. - .. 41 and the Council hereby orders said improvementAtt be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificationsJor said improvement, and sahnift stime to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authoriked and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1914 Adopted by the Council.._..__I ................................ . ............ 19.......... . ...... .. . ... ..... ......C ........ Cit Cl, Approv4____L � ............ .. .... .... .. . . ................ . ...... .............. Mayor. Councilmen FarAswortb 898 Gq�s N, m*0e fiirid, r day duly $ 4.1 KpIle)Intermedlari Or er 1} I' ,..po.d Jig, "Co" na.otfce anQ the IFdll er, �11. UR k��,ft_raComtpop otto "K, 'Leary oorg Mayon Powers do s;f, rp A i 10, qdtea pare .............. 61 en o:: Pg a"-pp,b6 K d COUNCIL FILE NO.._ ...... ................................... . By --._..._._------ --------- _------- _.... ... ._.:._.....:...._...._.......__........ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of....__grad"ing.-_Grigga,;6t.....fr.gm_....niygZgity.,.Ava,._..to.._Minnehaha St. under Preliminary Order...._.... 456. •_.............. _ ..... ___.:__.._approved .... _........... Jt1II8 30, _1814-. .............. -_..................... . 97 Intermediary Order _............ _1_�_........ ..._._...._ ......:...approved ^ f .. _..-........�.. a. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard. all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind. of im- piovement to be made by the said City is._:.. 4k grading.:_. of__Gsigge. ets'eet fTem University avenue to a6intaehah8.8 EteeL-............................ _ ............. ......... . .................................... . . . .......... ................................ ................ -,.. .............. .......... and the -Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and m directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed .to proceed with the snaking of said improvement in accordance therewith. ^ Adopted by the Council ...._Df1T- ..—.:1_...hql¢ ..._...19._ ....... _ � � . .-_.........._.. _ ... / Cit Clerk. Approved F U ........_I1 Mayor. Councilmen(11� rnsworth Pip tpe water ofr+gr dsn`g G�e���l% , 4-.trom'� jntvgratty- A�e�•ut 3nnne 'aa', SY rUi1�.er-e7l,rtihary-30rder 466; Goss uopSoiPd Junefl O.F 914 intermesl4_` - Oraec`,-119Y ap➢rd+red?Ahg'S4 'S$Ld x; , 'S -,p pnifitC heaxlbB;lhaVlllB £b0en dptd - lle]' up rl%•fhera lto Improvebtertt- upg,R dpe:, o loec�fnd -4i Council LaXIpK. hCafd 'n¢peJ�dope: pVietrtiva and tRcommgaro Coll §JSo R :`testi. Atl_ereto boz �,�co pyder ,d tUe4Zdam6} herofgr�Ct, rfb.lirVed 7iY tha`Ggphett 4trthe Gi!{: O' ary of $G =6'that, the`tpre, laa ga4vre, Ps } eKtt"4'YYd kind` eta tmyFb4ema Xn 'tih�l . pnUd� byK;�tdo al<fd _CttY ra�,lit .dung. Yoe g finis k �titLtt 7.Y tlkt�np . x n x a 4 i r•p i�i'c 9&IG;1'mbe •�� ming' _ Mayor Po ere a Reep�gg . tojw- . tlf ,GEb"I E.+SVurka hereby Inetructd&sud diteoted to pro ttparea pll'ttne and?epeelflcatlona�! or'keafd• I i..�,nnrodement., afid: U. - `tor ti;x] CITY OF. SAINT :PAUL° City Clerk's Ofike ��'Ropeived`of City Cferk r C;TY OF SAINT- PAUL 40 Cit C y.. lerk'g Otfioe ......./ 191y Re eived of, City rkiGGL�� e by proposes a m&king of the ry PRE ARY ORDER y proposes the akmg of the following public i provement by the Citya .........t __—_ eby oedered and directed; 1o'investigaxe sne unuuin a °rz To'ffixmsh aplan, pi' lli i or skdo !6 �shid �dproveinent iF 3 y 6'� To=f�nmsh<the following other. data agd �uformkil, iatyve to: saad improvement:: _ Ye�9;`i 1 Nays. ' ' Councilman F naworth Approved . . lle'r' } ee 'Lear Apprgved Y OF .SAINT 'PAUL City Clerk's asi«y� JJ �... .' .1, IT F SAINT >PAU' -city clerk's Otfic I' 1�. ived of Gity R , Glerk� Co BY jjp4N ;cel of la d: descrloed"tnere�n Adopted^by the Co1iHCIi OCt 2,:1914*_ ADProvpd. Oct: 31914 '� iy jOct. 16-1914) i In the matter of the assessment of benifits costs & 6nenes for grading Asbury Ave from Van Buren Strest to Charles Street under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order 39457 approved June 31 191=3. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and,the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable x in —equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council %ems---191�C. / City Clerk. . Approved y0I r v. I 1 x.909 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE j �_.._191.., in the matter of the assessment of benifite._eoeta_ &_txPpjgs . _for grading Asb3M Anp.—from Van Buren Street to Charles Street under Preliminary Intermediary Order__._...__.__...._...-...._...-.---...--.---._..., Final Order__._._._39457_._._._..__..__, approved_ _..... ai -_- _---._.....191_3_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement o> the expen. ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz,; Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - r - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - ~Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $—fiDA..S?_ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $_A52--A4--.-- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of .__.....upon each and every lot,`part or parcel of land deemed benefited' by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred theieon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and e ergh aubmrtted to the Council for such action thereon as may be ennsidered proper. f �v10'ea In thef" maf}Cf of the aeae4alnenta'�ot{ benFflta cogta 8nd eapenaee fqr, grading oY ChatewbT{h retreek she' tWeeR Front street aqd-BufgBa lif,. udder Final tQrder 11098 apprbved Council File No. December ESTI 191$ s4 A..;publihedring hmv}ng been had �¢on; the aceaesambnt 4of 'tlia ahoyye Dp Vement, agd,';88td 8eaeaement Lavinin g' - iteeri: further conalae le )is? the Caunr.• ' - hnvtng.kb68R'cbnaldflYed fl�lly>, By. eatletabtotp xbe;,it ttt be',end , ¢eeglved, That the eatd� aeae emeni e;nd tha''same to petabY 1n all re apeta ratifle� 8nd the same e fher'ri o dated to be aubmittefl to-.the�'gletict,[ CBurt ¢f }.fie Cqunty pt Ramsey for lSL ' ednarmation - 1�, ,$eilLFntuntherRe9olyedihat ihetg id' ' aeeeee be and fief§, h$reby deter -! mined to hepayable 1fi�flve equal in ��t Resolution i'stnttmente ae is eadh and err per L el oY land described thefeln ;( ' Alopted by the CaunFn;"Oct 2 1814J� ( Approved Oot: E 191E (OCL In the matter of the assessment of benifits costs & expenses for grading of Chatsworth Street between Frolat Street and -Burgess Street 41069 under Preliminary Or der _Intermediary Order , Final Order , approved Dec ember 23rd 191 3 ' A.public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having t .'. been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is Jtereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. 191. ; City Clerk. II Approved 191 ayor. under Preliminary Order--.._.....-.--------..___..__.-....; Intermediary Order-•------...__....�...-----._._ _ _._, 41069 Deoember 33rd 3 Final Order_.._. -_4 _ approved-.._..__�.._..-..---- _-............191--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expeu- ditures necessarily., incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- cent, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $------ BB5_.88:__...._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - = - - - - $----=---- Inspeetion fees - - - - - - - - - - - - .$.--._• 45.00— Amount of court costs for confirmation. Vbtal expenditures - - - - - _ _ _ ___•_._. 980.46 — Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of _92-0-A.L.-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is. the said assessment as completed by him, and whicl} is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may/be considered .proper. .SG l__.✓_r_..--_.___� __� Commissioner of Finance. Co By A i 'A benefits costs &'expenses In the matter of the assessment of grading Prior Ave. from Grand Ave. to St.Clair Street under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Ordet , Final Order 40448 September 33rd 3 approved 191— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distrix Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable " in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council�-��;7 191 11 /City Clerk. Approved L 4 191- ayor. ._ Ir REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of.._benefi.tQ.._acia.t6_.&__a%pbusss-..fA2_grad ng--PTiOS Ave. from Grand Ave. to St.Cla•ir Street under Preliminary. Order_....__...__._._.-..._._...._ _..._.—., Intermediary Order—.__..._-__.— ..... —..___�-__..._, Final Orden—.____ 40448�----.�approved------ Sepn3r September d1s13 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the eapen- ditures,necessarily. incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $_.191_.46--__.__ 15.44 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - .. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - . - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aindunt of court costs for confirmation - - Total expenditures - - -- - - - --- - - 1481.90 $_—_—_.___— Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- 1481.90 tained, to-wit: the sum of $,...... _............. _.---..upon each and every lot, part.or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case.of Each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attaehed, identified by .the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be eonsidered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. In Mai.. tinottgr of try"e �aeu'§s�j@nt oR', be,coafa ''ahS�s espehaep for SradlriB,Princatonf "Ayu Ror orlY, na ota qve rronf i;lecgta>)"dr.r�.v�c Lry - "B "_nDDroved Au6ue[�2 ft>t�;s'1�i94rt':dQ03'� - A pubT�ca beens had9 uDonikhe,^aeeeeeme �Ro� tjte,a11 lm provement d d^aEaedemeRqChax inB been':�dilr�her S6haldered 1,UY then Cou olY and pavi�BS been 'eo>waSde d'. }lnally"atCtYelncjoiY f?e it kheYeaor yr ¢� ReeolYed TbaE tH0 Bald assessment be and _tae soma. ts`:bereby Sna'all r Resoluti specie ratlflGd and: ktie eatge le 44 d ordered' -aid bo eubmifted to theYlsfr Dfient. County of RgpteaYor,1. ' donflrmatlon i' t J t Ba IL`Further 8asolved That the - - e' did zaeifeaemeht he ;and 1t{ts hereby. ^ • detexlnln'd to be.payable in flue equal inetallmdnta as to.each anfl every Far, e & expenses cel ofaand deectlljed therein s In the matter of the assessment of Kd'opted by the' Council Oct 2 Ysti for.. APProvdd Oct. 2 1914 i e., formerly peoeola Ane., from Cleveland Ane grading Princeton AvFFt to Finn Ave. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Ordcr 40103 August 87th 3 approved 191. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE 1T FURT14ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in' equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council >;� 191.. City Clerk. Approved' /to 191 . Mayor. ene te`costs`& expense for; In the matter of the assessment of grading Princeton Ave., formerly Osceola Ave., from Cleveland Ave 'f 40103 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order 40103 August 37th 3 approved 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in---�equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council��— 191 Appro"ved 191 ' Mayor. REPORT OF, COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i benefits costs & expenses for grading In the matter of the assessment of_.__._ _—_:.___........ _................ _._._for the......____.___.__.____—__.___._._ Exiaceton._Ave,._.Yarmerlg:�ssaaol;�_Av�� _ 4�m Cleveland._Ave to Finn Ave. tinder Preliminary Order_-_._.___-_..._.—__._.._..---._...__, Intermediary Order.--.-•----...--.----...--.--._-._-, s!: Final Order ------ 4.01Q3 ----...._..�_._ approved_ .... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commiasioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- meat, viz.: - - 986,00 Cost ofd construction _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ -_.—_....... ,.___._ 8.20 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation • - - - - Total expenditures - - - - _ _ _ - $. - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- tained, to -wit: the sum of -.1054.80 —upon each and every lot, part or pareel of land deemed benefited. by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the . signature of the said Commissioner, and made a pari hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him,_and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be eonsidered proper. Conmissuoner of Finance. mined to ba pAYable ;in flue equal 1n ; et llmente, s to eachAn11 bvgrY b reel' br land: described the !n s r e8 Adobt8ltby the Council det 2i-19Y4i. - fQ* In the matter of the assessment of � Approve oct a �sYa coot. Y >axgl, grading Paedal Ave. from Edmund Street to University Ave. under Preliminary Ord er Intermediary Order , Final Order 39458 June 21st 3 approved - -- 1 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by. the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory; be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the some is hereby in all'respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. e Adopted by the Council 7r City Clerk. Approved Mayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE benefits costs & expensesr grading Pascal In the matter of the assessment of_:____= ........ ........ _........ ...... _...................... ..... for the _.......... __...__._....._.__._ - Ave. from Edmund Street to University Ave. under. Preliminary Order .......... ._... .................. - ----------------- Intermediary Final Order_.3.-45$._..___....-__— .... __............. ..... approved------.J-14e,_218t__._...._._....191._3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Oouncil the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- • ,ment, viz.:-, 385.36 Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - 10.91 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - -, - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - --__ 45,00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditure's - - - - - - - - -- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sunt of . •_....441.27 $ ..........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the _ signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. ResolCotlrC of the CouhtY oL .F,tameey for,' �. u pons*matlon ,men . �� ;, It Furthei IiOdolved? Thni. tHe; l ,chid:gAegeeem'ent'.; be rynd. St` Se hereby; ' d�teriained to,De p¢Y¢ble,ln flue equal: j Snetatlme4ttl .¢A'to 0¢BhSaall. every pn oel d; 1¢hd dencrlbed th refn osts & expenses . Adopted by told Couactl Oct 8 1814 - ARProved Ogk:•2 1814 ° _ for In the matter of the assessment 4(Oct 19 1914) grading Hythe Street from Hendon Ave to Dudley Ave. , Intermediary Order , Final Order 39738' under Preliminary Order ' July 83rd 3 approved 191— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore d the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is RESOLVED, That the said assessment be an hereby ordered to be'gubmitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 0' in deter--? ��, eq 6ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. 191f. City Clerk. II Approved lfll Mayor. y, � 1, xYhe 4f. • (In 4 ter of ¢eneeement beneflte ooetn and ezp4a0es" fo Council File No. �` gr4din6 $YtHe.atre4t -from Ilendon OFderto897881e aPFrDvedjJ u1Y 29td�� 1 1918 .i i' r e E R Aublfo he¢rrA6 h¢vin¢ been hnd� - - By upon;`the(na0e6e�nen4for, the3`aboye }m i. hav provemenk ¢nd Seald aeee0 finent a lnt;'-ben furtHer B4nelderell by rho;, : -. �Counoli and „Maytng been.%con0ldered,' ResolCotlrC of the CouhtY oL .F,tameey for,' �. u pons*matlon ,men . �� ;, It Furthei IiOdolved? Thni. tHe; l ,chid:gAegeeem'ent'.; be rynd. St` Se hereby; ' d�teriained to,De p¢Y¢ble,ln flue equal: j Snetatlme4ttl .¢A'to 0¢BhSaall. every pn oel d; 1¢hd dencrlbed th refn osts & expenses . Adopted by told Couactl Oct 8 1814 - ARProved Ogk:•2 1814 ° _ for In the matter of the assessment 4(Oct 19 1914) grading Hythe Street from Hendon Ave to Dudley Ave. , Intermediary Order , Final Order 39738' under Preliminary Order ' July 83rd 3 approved 191— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore d the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is RESOLVED, That the said assessment be an hereby ordered to be'gubmitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 0' in deter--? ��, eq 6ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. 191f. City Clerk. II Approved lfll Mayor. y, � benefits costs & expenses. In the matter of the assessment of for grading Hythe.8treet from Hendon Ave to Dudley Ave. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Ordet , Final Order -19 7 38. rder 39738' July 83rd 3 approved 191—. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement; and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessmentbe and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be'gubmitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined -to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. e Adopted by the Council i City Clerk. Approved v 191 Mayor. I a REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of_!ePWAts costs & expgMafor gradlrsg-Hythe Street from Hendon Ave to.Dudley Ave. wider Preliminary Order ...... _........... _...-._.—..._...--_._-._, Intermediary Order ... _.............. - ----- -------- .._.. 39738 July 33rd 3 '< Final Order ._._... ..... ....... ------- __...------.---.-.--, approved .......... ..__..._........ ...... 191..__._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a "statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred And to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - _ - x_937.36 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - $_`• 9, 69.._.._. - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - $_--_--.------.—.-.- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - -- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - _ _ _ 997.05 Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer tained, to-wit: the sum of $-..__S92-05-_.-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of laud in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon, that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. . lop Commissioner of Finance.-'-- Co By 11 - benefits costs & expenses In the matter of the assessment of for grading Hendon Ave from Cleveland Ave to Como Ave west under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Order 15460 approved October 35th 191$---. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the some is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council '� ��-191. City Clerk. r' 1915 - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF- THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment of_benef 1t8....CoatB_..&--SXPAR-ae ia-fzr--.gzadi ig-.Rendon Ave from Cleveland Ave. to Como Ave west under Preliminary Order .. ...... ........ _.__..._......__..., Intermediary Order..........._.._... _._ .._.__-....__..__.._...__.____, 15460..OC tober':35th_.Final Order__. _ pp _..._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Pinance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - $—.._....6495..OD._.. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - Cost `of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $------- 300.00--- Amount of court costs for confirmation $_....____.._.._._.___._..._._ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - . $............. .54- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which.is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. L'.F No 11816:•-= v v x .,.c�""{- - r _ i 17-�° the matter' of the ens s}o[i 4n fit b 7�opAta anA.tyO . �Q`_ra Ing .airmA ,r' et . ,.� -3eindw a Lfo 49387, yap Faved:.Augtla, Council File No.� � � $c ,henring havinB', r�t'�en 1iad�- jro 3a`9e9amenL „for :the abdyo tAYry progemept padd,,��ea/d! nee4eament hdv- '1hg hese 3fnt'tX"U"F t hoAaldered by the Cdu tilt gatd,!hoviag been onej�el� By � ' fltiat�y eat atactorY bg tit�6Elger Loce,,,,� RB olve� That Lh¢Aepltj. a ent . be?and, the mine 7s rep rte—, apBete, ratlfled and the' 0 g�eby' • orAered to bb'.aubmltted fb Lp 9 (ct1, - Court of the:: County of IYhd�o,. tCohflrmat(on ->7 m 'G? - Ee It Farthe Reedlvedd,, That: ;Yhk.. ' `said alae§ ment ba nd;it la hereby�.� ReSOIUt10II Bdetermined"to;b pay ble in flue ec i@I i tnatallfltentene to eanch land , very pareei of Iand�Nr urd therein. 111 - Adopted byi;the 1 ountil beta 3954 ` �� Approved Oct. a 7914..:. I -1919) In the matter of the assessment of for grading Fairmount Ave from Cleveland Ave to Finn Ave under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Order Orn til , approved 191-3--. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and. it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as`to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ic< Z 191 / City Clerk. `Approved / 191 Mayor. .y< �t REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE benifite costs &'exp ne or grading Fairmont In the matter of the assessment of.._..... .._......._...._.__........_......._........_........._.�or et�ie._...:__......-_-_.._- Ave from Cleveland Ave to Finn Ave. under Preliminary Order ...... .... _....... -_---- ---------- _... ........... ...... Intermediary Order ..-----.._.-._._ ...__..___-__-_—__._, 40107 August 27th 3 Final Order _.____ - -.... --....._.. approved _...... ................ ......._- ....... -To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: 886.00 886.00 Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - . - $__-10.62 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - ` Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - $_._ »946_62 _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the son of $_.._._946 sa.___.._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. r,M U ✓ �D y. 'CO1INCIL FILE NO .......... _� 13Y- ........ ...... _..... __.......... ........... ...... FINAL ORDER. In'the hatter nf........ , curbing Pascal Avenue from Van Buren Street to ...... .......__: .. ........... ..._..... ................................ ....... - .... ..... .............. Taylor Avenue ...._._... ....... . _. ._.. ........................................ _. .............._ under Preliminary Order._.. .......... . ................:...approved ........................... june 24.a.....1.9. ......_....... ........ c Intermediary Order _..._.......... ...��®........ ... ... ...approved .... -- ........ _ _ ./_7_i ...... _........ A public -hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upoidG% 1®dlle notice, and the Council �imving heard all persons, objections and recmnnrendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the saune therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise natlire, extent and kind of inn ptovenreut to be made by the said City is ...__ ...... ............................ ......... ............. . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be nude. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for'said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper i y officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said it ro'vement in ace rc anee therewith. Adopted by the ;Caen _ .._._... __..._..........._ :::._.�19_.......... City Clerk, `r Approved._ .. '.._ .' ..... ............. .19_ . _. Mayor. .. Coun In 'n b nswor Go . Beller 1lieColl O'Leary ioerQ Mayor Powers . �— r � 4t ,u... ��:✓ L. I/ � / v � i / 0 � it � . . . .. �.. .. ; \ � \ l / . .... ........ ...... . ..... . ......................... . ... . ... . ........... ... . . ............ ............. . ..................... . .............. ............... .............................. ............. . ............... ..... ...... . ........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... . .... ........ necessary and (or) desirable. 650 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is ............. 1.1-2 ....... and the ) . total cost thereof is $....... 2 j 054.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... . ............... . .......................... . ............. . .. . ............. . ... . . ......................... .......... . ........... . .......... ......... . ...................... ........ . ... ................... . ...... . ...... . ............... ... ..... ......................... .............................. .. ......... .... ... . .. . ........................... . . . ....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of, said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ' CITY OF ST PAUL - � r ' Pu6llutl5n`. unnscut'iiy OCT ACCOUNTING„DEPARTMENT_; AUDITED --RESOLUTION FORM FILE Woeen'14 .CLAIMS .s AUDITED 8 ER PER- 9 t ,I, r 94 Resolved that warrents be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the'hereinafter specified funds and, in favor'of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the` following d-64 OCT e�' I�If�{ statement: Yeas Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted, by thCouncil 191 E; Farnsworth .� .Goss In favor Approved 9 / Keller . 'AQeFaeiN' Against W.K r Yocrg Mr:-Pre"dint.Powers 01 Corporate Purposee- Sal ari"ea A000mmodation AOot. of the•Sohool Bund Sohool 1.77.00 4055 B. A. Barns�rorth� library Bundj. 3.428.26 41D5b S. A. Barns,lrorth, Playgrounds Aoot.-General"Fund " 1,087.00 41p57 S. A. Barneworth. Water Department Bund i9.9 6.8?` 4�i58 . S. A. Barnsxortby Total; Corporate Purpaeea..Sa7ariesa $ 25,E859 .65 4 A wkv AUG[TC.7,D- 2T 3191 An ordinance to settle the claim of John MdNeally. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN.. Section 1. That the proposition of John McNeallY to OOM- .�:promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of =damages sustained by him by reason of the flooding of,his cells, caused by -jhe:­deft6f,:C3*e., conditi4n,.of a sewer, is is `more particularly f August 25th, 1914, upon set out in his communication under ' date 0 e sum of Twen �boliars (020.00), be and th6.,,,saw payment, to him of the ty is 'h6'reby accepted, and.,thq proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed.to draw, a warrant upon the City ITreasurer in favor of 'Account of•the General., John MQXeally, payable out of the Compromise . um of We4 Fund, in.the ty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon therd being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of' said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him ih.a form to be approved - by,. thi.:06rporat ion Counsel, releasing, and. -I- discharging -the City from any and all claims and. demands of e4bry,'.., kind and nature:, and moree-partidularlY on account of those arising, out of the dama9 es sustained by said claimant on the day and under-the oi roumEftances hereinabove noted'. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be. in,_f orqe, fromand after its passage and:publidition. bi ;NM Z-0, m ow Mit MW Nv� M v. v V Al i -dSN'.Qtgmise `sad settle U AlSo l IS 11 f�e 11Y 41A #us -A&pW bythecCYrw to + apt d£ osmoses 7o£ his a atf;vs!c dULon I AAR2ut", Wnu J��t.nun of, "t–biEwen upon YEM -.nd th �/., is here y: accepted aPd the proper city i, - draw .'!s %W-Aio,hte-3 , �CiwL��j6"Ur_jjj�.� - is favor of Torin Mc N y; M ps y s pj j out bf[he fiCom rO-.,! � the tanmi+o£TWenjy:Ibllara said oven flier ibe�ne filed with, the City,BSlomp � 4 as 4 16 A�A �Y, releasing` sad dfecharglnB the i "ap, rrbw, tend s1} sad , ­O, s spatttcularl on t 6f those aria Id Is �g ds Vader r a 8-2 hereinabovsc NAYS er IR. L A••_ I AUDITE-g OCT �3 1914 L An rdinance to settle the claim of John, MoNe'ally. THE OF* THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES, ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition Of John McNeally to oom= promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising -out 9*ges sustained 1 ned by him by reason of -the flooding of.his cellar,l -oaqsed`.by e6ti4e,condit n'6f a sewer,' -do is more particularly set out in his communication under'date of August 25th, 1914, upon, payment to him of the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00), be and the -same is hereby accepted, and'_the pxoperiOity officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the City -Treasurer in favor Of John MoNeally, payable out of the Compromise Account of.the General, said sum, however, to be delivered Fund, in the sum of Twenty,Dollarop only uponth6re.being filed with the City Comptroller a'receipt of;" , together, with :said claimant therefor, a release, duly executed by him ti and in,a fo m �b t1e�-. r to be approved _9 er discharging,the City from any a, kind .and nature,, and more par ising I- A"o ��677 CID do the, out of the damages sustained � ".0 NojLy,�j der circumstances -hereinabove notl V °7ngoud J01,1.&r Section 2. This or a,1271isa 'Ai in. -f oroe '74no3u 41 10 sup "6z !114 'ra P.I from and after its passage _.Zi 'p, d .. a q ­ja jJ g"!(9 . . . . . . . ..-ts k 0 PI1j Adepten �by the YEAS NAYS, FARNSWORTH ---,Goss KELLER McCOLL 9LEARY Y N YS 0 MR. ebfO� (POWERS) R vD�a9 De IY14' An ordinance to settle the claim of John MoN tally. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Proposition Of John MoNeally to oom=. promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of _pages sustained by him -by reason of the flooding of his cellar, oaused",bY ihel"def66,ti'v"e,condiii'bn..,'of a sewer, as is more particularly sei.outin his communication' under date of August 25t]i,.1914, upon payment to him of th e sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00), be and the same is 4reby accepted, and,, the P;6P0�_.,'.,,ity officers arehereby authorizied, and directed to draw a warrant R UPO�#ftY Cit -)T.r qqqur ,erijn favor of - '3" -.o John VoNeally, payable out of the ie General Fund, in the sum of Twenty,,D, e vored Affi only; upon h n i ere being of . said claimant th erifc in a fdr m to be appr discharging the Ci RX kindand nature, out of the aamages W circumstances he Sectl from,and after ...... . . . . . -" - - - - - - - - - - wo COUNCIL Subject ry OF ST. PAUL I—LIGIdOR CENSE T,y-��o RANSFER - li 1 COUNCIL PILNO. ` E Date Presented October 8 • 191 4 RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. Yeas ( ✓ ) ColAcilmen ( ✓ ) Nays In favor �WOFal,'y Against hfr..Preside�t, OCT --3 1914 191— Adopted by the Council Approv d 19 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PA COUNCIL RESOLUTIO- ENERAL•FORM Yeas ( Y) i v Mn P -.;A.. nen (lV) Nays aq r t.cw Approve dY the puwll Oc4 3 1914., ' Approved Oat 3 1914, r k (OW, 10-1014){ t• - •'� MAYOR J ° _ _........... - __._ .........�� c.UNVL NO..... ... ..... _. pate Presented ......................... ....... ....: 191........ RESOLVED.• Tha��eapplication of .the #ollowin9 persona for 8 license indicted to conduct iie�beer Restaurants at the locations respectively City Clerk is authoriz6d lend be, and the same heieby are granted, and the the of the directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon payment fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Hotel or Restaurant. Location. Wm. $ore Biis ines s L'anch 479 t. 6th St. L. N. Becker Business Lunch 378 Jackson St.. M• A. Ely Restaurant 404-08 Jackson Chab. Hodge Restaurant 173 E. 7th St. Ja;gkson & Nelson 'Jackson Cafe 372 Jackson St. 4P. G,., Sing Restaurant 450 Robert St. A. P. Mingo & Son Business Lunch 120 So. Robert J. mcEiver Restaurant 61 T. 7th St. FFedr•ich & Brown Business Lunch 120 So. Wabasha The Emporium 7th,8th & Robert F, D. Ralph Restaurant The rhporium. John Brandle & Co. Business Lunch 65 E. 5th St. Frank S. Dowe Lunch Rooter 621 Selby. Ave. Yeas ( Y) i v Mn P -.;A.. nen (lV) Nays aq r t.cw Approve dY the puwll Oc4 3 1914., ' Approved Oat 3 1914, r k (OW, 10-1014){ t• - •'� MAYOR ,. CITY OF PAUL - .. COUNCIL RESOL ON -GENERAL FO L...._....................._ .. - Sllb]eet.:. .l COUNCIL ., ..... ......_......__..._._....a...._._..........._. PRE NO ........ ........:..: .................. Date Presented_ ....................................... ........ 191 ......... _ Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license 'to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are denied; Name of Applicant. Hotel Cr Restaurant. Location., Ida M. King, Hotel King 26 P. 9th St.' E, C. Jolles Hotel Dakota 225 E. 7th 8t.. pars. E. Thompson Central Hotel 438 Broadway. C,.F. No: 14922—BY:f13onrY Motxoll+ Resolved, That the applleatlo tqr tile' - fojlowlnp, peraona, for W Tlceasvo�topo n : - - duet: Hotels br•R..ftwr' ta'O th@ - atfona ree¢entfvely^r 1n ice l ffby W� the same her¢by, are' deniefl tt��! ,Ida.`M. ICing, •.Hotel 81tlg,re 'VP`s t' j' Yeas (V ) Mr. $rk§idea 0th st. =v, E. C. Jones. Hotel Dakota[ 223 E Zith, st Mrs. E: Thompson, Central Hotel 486; Broadway Adopted by the Council Ock �3 1914. Approved Oct 3, 1914` (Oct.• 10 19T4) f ' ( V) Nays in favor :r oil , Against Nero. Adopted by the CouncilOCI --3 1914 A o U 911/ MAYOR TO THE HONOR.4BLE THE COUNCIL of the Olty of St. Paikk .. . . .. _does ... .. .. ........... I ............ ..................... ...... ................. Paul for a Uc conduct hereby make application to the Council e ity fSt. PaulforaUc set. and ......... .......... .............. .. .. ....... . ....... .. . . . ........ �­ - --- ----- ------------------- to that end does hereby certify as follows: Aat the full name of the a pin rc 00 I' for said License is ............. ........ 07: - 7 cant and place of residence is ...street'twoeauc.) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said plicant to proposes carry on business is...... .......... ...................... ......... . ..... in the City of -St. Paul That the said applicant is I::V_ in the ................... ­ ................ now engaged in said business at ...... .......... . .... ... City of St. Paul. Dated this.. ... ....... day of ... .............. . .- ...... ........... 191...x" . ... ........... Afica t. XT Date of Expiration of License ... ........ ... ....................... . _191....... _191_.. ateo nsp n ............................. . .......... .......... ........... Fire Protection, ................. . ............ .... ................... Ventilation of Building.,.... ...- . ....... ..... Meats'and Provisions ..................... .. . . . ... .... ............ . . ..... ........... Beds and Bedrooms ............... . ....... Toilet Rooms and Plumbing .. . .... . .. .. . .... ... Kitchen and Utensils ................ Refrigerator and Store Room__ -- . . ... ...... . . ..... --------- Basement and Cellar.... ........... ... ........ .......... BackYard ............. . ............... ..... .. . ...... ..... ............ ........................................ .... .... -------------- - General Condition of Premises License Recommended: ����/f�� �% , City' Hotel e s ta u r a n Inspector. 3,11� Approved: .Health 0 f fi= 2 TO THE HONOR.4BLE THE COUNCIL of the Olty of St. Paikk .. . . .. _does ... .. .. ........... I ............ ..................... ...... ................. Paul for a Uc conduct hereby make application to the Council e ity fSt. PaulforaUc set. and ......... .......... .............. .. .. ....... . ....... .. . . . ........ �­ - --- ----- ------------------- to that end does hereby certify as follows: Aat the full name of the a pin rc 00 I' for said License is ............. ........ 07: - 7 cant and place of residence is ...street'twoeauc.) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said plicant to proposes carry on business is...... .......... ...................... ......... . ..... in the City of -St. Paul That the said applicant is I::V_ in the ................... ­ ................ now engaged in said business at ...... .......... . .... ... City of St. Paul. Dated this.. ... ....... day of ... .............. . .- ...... ........... 191...x" . ... ........... Afica t. XT Date of Expiration of License ... ........ ... ....................... . _191....... _191_.. ateo nsp n ............................. . .......... .......... ........... Fire Protection, ................. . ............ .... ................... Ventilation of Building.,.... ...- . ....... ..... Meats'and Provisions ..................... .. . . . ... .... ............ . . ..... ........... Beds and Bedrooms ............... . ....... Toilet Rooms and Plumbing .. . .... . .. .. . .... ... Kitchen and Utensils ................ Refrigerator and Store Room__ -- . . ... ...... . . ..... --------- Basement and Cellar.... ........... ... ........ .......... BackYard ............. . ............... ..... .. . ...... ..... ............ ........................................ .... .... -------------- - General Condition of Premises License Recommended: ����/f�� �% , City' Hotel e s ta u r a n Inspector. 3,11� Approved: .Health 0 f fi= ��: �.,< r� l � •,- . >� ; � . � � :.\: \{ } , . � - .{. t: ;� � / � { \ � { � � � � \) }\ � �� \] , �] (� ��<:a \ f } / . } \)\ :*K ; � :r, (} [} \} }k \t 2[) \� \(\/ .,i(r :| (\ .[� �� (!§:�ƒ . } °[ 2! ���} .j\3 ( j U Sod, �� To -TH.S HONOR.4BLE THE COUNCIL of City ofSt.Paul. . .. .. ...... does .............. ........... ...................... .. ...................... ............................. c6duct a�.� C� *1 of ==he City f Ucense t .. ......................... hereby make ap .......................... 'and CW ........... ............. .......... ........................... .......... .................. .. 'to"ihat end does hereby certify as follows: -That dwM name of the applicant for said LicenseIS and 6&45U4 place of residence is St. Paul; that . . .. .... ... .. — street (avenue) in the City of the exact location ofwWch the said applicant proposes to carry on business is..... .....'_- ......................... City p/ ................ ......... .. . - .... ...... in the Ci Qf St. Paul. That the said applicant is .................. ........... now,engaged in said business at.. in the City of St. Paul. Dated this I-11ed-Y of 191 0*�'�Appl CITY,OF ST L LCOUNCILRE�SOLN—GENERAL FOSubjec _ _ c s ._._.... _...... ... COUNGL NO nye 4 .._ �r Date Presented ............ ... ................................. 191......... RESOLVED•at the apr, ioation of the following persons for a license . to conduct Hotel s at the locations -respectively indicated be, and the same.hereby are granted, and the city Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the payment of the fee re- quired by law. Resolved, NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL. LOCATION. C. A. Slosch Hazel Park Hotel 1896 Ames Ave. S. Scofield Seattle -Hotel 414 Jackson St. . F No 1823 BY Henry MocoIt ,, Reeotved ..That thex�np prie$Cfom: of g Yeas• (✓) C oilmen (V) Nays W. sworth N a In favor er ' oll Against rg Mr. Presiden were ST. PAUL , 'COUNCIL OLUTION—GEN L FORM Or0881iakB __.... _: �n .... ..:.. ..� _ OOUNCIL Subject:.:......._ _ ..�_..._ ........... D�Lte Presented .... ... ... OotT.......52 ...1914a P publio Worke be and he ie hereby ordered and Resolved, the Commissioner o directed to construct oroseingVOf oement bloolm at the Yollovring plaoee: Saratoga Ave.; -W. aide; across Goodrich-6qe, Goodrich Ave.:, •` aide, across Saratogw Ave. No, Lean, St. " H. side, soroes Bates ' Ave: Zta -Zeari" St , Si, side;- across Forrest' St. palalale' Ave„ E:; side.- across; Belvidere` St. Oalsdsle AVG,* j, aide;; -across Belvidere'St. Ashland Ave., N. aide, aoross Fry St. C E No 19ftBOAY MsN. Goea- or. the .N -Ordered) ltc" Wk.. orksbe and. and dl �ected„to construct rog plc centent;blo l6 at th- following'Vlacee; Saratoga Ave. W:�side 1acroae Good- , rt$ ,Ave ” . � Goodriap Ave Nsldet��orase 9arn-. toga ativeq McLean $t N 'eld aQroeA," Bates , _cLeun of N eld eilcroes;;Forreet $L ' balfdale AVe E. ,side darbap BeFvl- ddte 9ti- W:, elde acroee Belv1-; Qakd'6Se Ave, ' � ,�hland A,va. N.-elle, across Fry $E, Adopted by the Covnoll OCG, ¢ 1914: proved Oot, 8, 1914. .31 ,i Yeas ( V) Co lmea (!r) ^Nays Adopted by the CouncB_a��Z,__ // F rsworth In favor �Q — 191 Approved K r M oll—Against O' tY -- M TOR Y,' B Mc.'Preaideaq ere Resolved that the connissioner of Public works be and the me is hereby authorized and directed to certify -to the comptroller of the City of at. -Paul that fff4m July 1 to July 31, inclusive, 1914 Nels Larson was in the employ of the City of St. Paul In'the capacity of street comriesioner,for, the Tenth and Eleventh wards receiving a salary of $125, per month, and, Resolved further that She comptrollerof the City of at. Paul be; and he is hereby'authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon.the treasury of the city of St. Paul' in favor of said Nels Sarson for.112 1 5 for all services rendered to said city between said dates, and Resolved further that this resolution, is pi, eyed and said payment is ordered made on the condition and with the understanding that on July 31 1914 all connection between said city and said Larson as employer and enployb terminated upon said lest named date and said Larson by his acce.p 4nce of this payment acknowledges that he has no far- ther claim against said city for any services rendered. lijj�e kjp RThe�'�fi1p�I4alob�r ofd mk, 31VN a arty of SL id* , Oit'dtreeted-AO' ............. Ids Z�, NAYS. FAF "1 SWORTH t 4 pap, r, Te[lgeay to hsa; a6 fa$ther r' at GO t . t pied In IV til* 1 KE R M LL O'L RY YO G NAYS 0 MR. PR ENT (POWERS) C Resolved that the commissioner of public works be and the� is hereby authorized and directed to certify to the comptroller of the alty of St._Paul that fg8m July 1 to July 31, inclusive, 1914 Nels Larson -was in the employ of the City of St. Paul in the capacity.of street comrissioner for the Tenth and Eleventh wards receiving a salary of $125 per month, and, Resolved further that She comptrollerof the City of St. haul be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon .the treasury of the -City of St. -Paul in favor of said Nels Eareon for.1325 for all services rendered to said city between said dates, and Resolved further that this resolutionis jaasad and said payment is ordered made on the condition aid with the understanding . that on July 31 1914 all connection between said city and said Larson as employer and employs terminated upon said last named date and said Larson by his accapt,ange o f this payment acknowledges that he has no far- ther claim against said city for any services rendered. � • r I Lc- 191 NAYS. - SWORTH KEI R 7 M LL O'L RY' YO G NAYS 0 MR. PR ENT (POWERS)h{ ; l r �x LiY '; 131TYOF SJkINi1PAUL • _ - ' ":6 H O NCIGL . vt qpp c t ♦HORN v " ' .,JOHN P. KYLE , '.-JOHN AYaURN8 - WILLIAM J.OIBER0ON 'T1108.W.MaME�KIN .. September 22nd, 1914. M. N.6606, Esq., Oomm'r of Publio -Works. Dear Sir^- I ale returning to you the. resolution providing for paying Nels Larson for July. This matter should be -settled by-'putting,Mr. Larson ;on the pay -roll to* July. Yours truly, Ase'tiorp ration 066 el. ` I 'y 1 n I; , 7Q_I'PY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office 4Y......191..... Rea ed of City Clerk -,z21,64 U By Sasol�cadT-3hai: f St -Paul ion - General form. [-cv 3._@ �-G�vG.GG.Cc39v@@vv@vv@@IDID ,Date Presented .._._. _._...._'_._•.1914. tered intoWHEREAS, An agreement s heretofore made and endated August between the City of S't• Paul and Paul L. Konopatzkand the said KOna 27th, 1914, whereby the said City agreed to,sell, patzki agreed to buy, all garbage collected in as rtain districts in. said City, in said contract mentioned; and LEAS, The said Konopatzki has assigned all his right; title arid. -interest in_and.to said contract, to the Northern Stock Company; r the laws Of a corporation organhaBdi writing sooeptedtsaid he tassignment ate of nand tag, which said Company ust the same to parry out all the provisions thereof in said'oontract j as if it were one of the Original, -parties RESOLVED, That the City"'*f'St• Paul hereby.00nsents to'the assign- ment of said contraaaB Ncrthern1StockaCompanyiexecutingto said NtotthenCity Stook'Company-, up 2 000.00), to -of St. Paul a_bond in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (b 'the Mayor as be approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form, and by ll receive to.suretiee, conditioned that said Northern Stock Company sha_y__- and pay for said garbage in accordance with the terms and provisions of said contract, and shall carry out and perform all the term s and aonditiona in said contract to be by it kept and performed. Adopted by.the Counc Yeas ( ) Coll Fe G< Mc 7 0 S Mr. President, T (�c-•-...._...._........_ 1914. ( ) Nays Approve _. 914. Mayor 0 City of St.Paul 26 Council Resolution - General form. Department of .._._._._...._......._._._._.._._._._..._. __...._._...._._._...._--- _.-.__.__..._._._. Bureau of -•••--�-�"" .._. _.... «. _.... _. _.-. _._.«. _a -ac caavcccx caacaaacaaaaaba aaaassaxccxoxcvv=vxxccevv_avvasaaaaaavx._ _ Council File No. -- - - -- Date Presented _....__._..1914. _----------- ---------- By L u Y 91 wne kl' datedtAue-,b' nolb$e``coC> ered into WMEAS, An agreement"'s­heretofore made and endated August between the City of St. Paul and PautoL. nsellZkand the said Bono - 27th, 1914, whereby the said City agreed patzki agreed to buy, all garbage collected in oertain districts is said ,City, in said contract mentioned; and WHEREAS, The said Konopatzki has assigned all his right, title anonrporationiorganizedsaid undercontract laws ofthe theoStatehernoftMinnesock otaan,reed accepted said apsignment and ag which Baid Company has in writing djust the same to osiry out all the provisions thereof in sair'oontract j as;if it were one of the original..parties theret000nsents to the-assign- , RESOLVED, e-assign- RESOLVED, That the City'`"of St,. Paul hereby merit of 'said contract by said Paul L. KonopatankiexecutingNtotthenCity Stook,0ompany, upon said Northern -Stock Comp Y" g 000.00), to, of St. Paul a bond in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($^,the Mayor as be approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form and by shall receive to s_ure#e. _enditioned that said Northern Stock Company_._ with the terms and proviBlons — and pay for said garbage in accordance `i of said contract, and shall carry out and perform all -the terms and conditions in said contract to be by it kept and performed. Adopted "by the Co'u, Yeas I ) C 7 1 ' i - Mr. President, 0': Ke (�c-•_._.• .._...._...._._._..1914 . ( ) Nays Approve _ _. 9914..{ Mayor RLMK---_ 11� l F i TY OF SAINT PAU City Clerk's off 1-st.Paul /� � /✓ fy !on - General form. ................................... ) R eived of City Clerk ✓a<7- C� -_._...:_._._._.........._._.....---- _----- ._..........__........ // // � � � � �•••�t•""� �caa�aacG aG Gac aac RRRcm l/ V VV I ate Presented ............ .................. Resolved, that the contract bearing date October 3rd, 1914) by.and between the Citizens Ice & Fuel Company and the City of St. Paul for eighty tons -of egg coal, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. IC .F. Ro' 1921=.l Resolved That the bytand:betwen�i d to October 3rd, 1814 the CItlEenn ice & Fuel ComPguY R the Clty oY 6t PaU1 for 16hty'tgng ABB Zpgi bq nnd, the same is, her sPreFauEliorlsed ah d d4rectQdito`exec� the eatti0 on. behalf oY the City i ''. Adoiltod, bJ the Council O,P.'6 1914 - - 'APProved_Oct• 6,1� 4 Adopted by the Courci ..-••.••••- Yeas ( ) Coun lmen Far wort Gosa m MCCO 7 Yoer / O'Le Y $elle Mr. President, Power 1✓................... 1914. ( ) Nays Approve ._-t/ ----- - -•. 914. .. .... Mayor to CITY OF ST. PAUL - �( - COUNCIL RESOLUTI p LIQUOR LICEN Subject: NO. cDQ COUNCIL_,-.., PILE , Date Presented -19,1_ RESOLVED; That the appl'icatio.n of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re' spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, anj the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licensWs to.said' applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. a Ilo{alns peraotn:,;or a lleenee.ao A. 0. Olson, tit intolfitatins llapore at the lova-; 1056 East 7th St. ane res0ctively 1polcated be,' and same -hereby ace .g ranted, nd the - ty Clerk. 1. au thorlaed apd'dli�.ectedi.,, Mathias Dietech, feago,'such lid. kis to'eata.appu- 601 No, Dale St. its upon •lhe flling;bt the bond and' 1 payment oL the Lee rer/ul}edy.bY P.lbert Bibeau o. olson loss East 7th sti =` 535 Dale Street lathlae:pl'i. 9Qr No DalB 3t lb rt Blbeau 6a§ Da1ef9t set.' George Robinson, —go 'Ad blllann, Alierdeen note] Abe Tdeeri Rotel.- mnnd' xen'6WFc aar �tiehisan, sltak 6fi0 vane sorsa st Edmund Neumeier Luk ezewekl 992 Adeaae' 437 Michigan Ave'. Benan 492.Rice Street. .lilller abt5 a k.0 Sk r,. Peter Gliah ` t:lverdti;I a BLP t „ann.,eis-.Lat, 560 Van Buren Street: ,kG",Aa6. Jame Y n' i,'. 970' w 1 Albert Lukaszewski 992 Arcade Street., Join J. ,Brennan 492 Rice Street. Albert Miller 365 Jackeon'Streei. George Alverdes 377 St. Peter Street. Otto E Pedmann• 615 Lafond Street Wm Maslosk1 436 Tame -B St Frank Nordstrom 870 Pavne Ave. _. Yeas ( ✓ ) Co ilmen ( ✓) Nays . Farr worth Go In Favor Kell Mc ll Against O'try Yoe Mr. President, Powits Adopted by the Cotten—zw I. Approq MAYOR a d� CITY OF ST. PAUL y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE COUNCIL FILE _ NO. ted R LVED, That h�application the folio 'ng persons for a license o sell into icating liquors the loea ions rej spectively indi ated, be, a the same hereby re grant d, and the City Clerk i authorized d directed to is us such icensas to said applican upon the fil' g of the bond a the pa ment of the fee required y law. Name of Appl cant. - Contin u$d.- Location. Tom Shanen 498 St. Peter St. Peter Pierre 949 F.7th Bt. J M Hayes 112 F 6th St. Pete Peterson 215 E: 7th St. Math Hafner & George F. Hafner 691 Dale St. M. r. '"cCarthy 395 Rice St. Fink Raoaniton 959 Gaultier Street: Steve Schweitz 700 Reaney St. Tm. Sae 749 Mississippi St. Jacob Jared •584 Fine Pt. Chas. Ernst and Son 561 St. Peter St. Thos. F. Flaherty 819 Jackson St. fi, A_ Johnson- i91 F 7th 9t. _ — Jack Flynn, 432 Tala.sha. Adopt —In favor —Against CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subjel .9`19 FILECOUNCIL No. Date Presented 191 — RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly.made therefor. n Yeas, (./ ) CounEi]men ( ✓ ) Nays 7 M c 1 O' Yoe Mr. President, Powe Adopted by the Council' -191# r In favor Approved—,e�� 91 Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - n - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT.00 aq uopeTligcd AUDITED, CLAIMS_ — RESOLUTION FORM eooacl. - fILED - B. • AMTE0 ttQT ... 1.1,—IPER ` 'C ,'"'S Tl - 96 T Resolved be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter peafiSTu�ada an that warrants in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in. the ioowlagetatl -- statement:. Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Counci" n Fa worth Go In favor Approved Ke er M oll Against ,ate O, Bary YOTg I ,�v¢ z T3 Mr. President, owers } Corporate Purposes—Salaries } Park Fund 4 45 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, r Total Corporate Purposes, 8 713.30 Y ry - A - ',a TR�"� 4 #2 h Corporate Purposes -Cont. 81 Police Fund MO s 4 0 Craig Oil Company. 2.00 71 Peoples Ice Company, 14.00 2.:00 -4 72 western Union Telegraph Co., 12.20 o ice . ____---------- 1-•^�""' 83 Bi re Fund .00 21.34 . 21 4 7.3 Bi -Lateral Fire Hose Company, Oil Co., 1,000.00 4 74 75 Cornplanter Lubricating The isk.Rubber Co.,of N. Y., Coal Company, 11.30 85.45 4 76 M. A. Hanna 383.22 79 7 Manhattan 011 Co., 1?5:00 4 Peoples Ice Company, 36.50 4 9 4 0 Torkelson Carriage CO., Max Wittmann,'; 49.57 Health Fund - 81 Craig Oil Company, MO s Workhouse Fund 82 H. W. Goetzinger, Supt., 12.20 Commissioner of Public Works Fund 83 L. F. Dow Co., .00 21.34 . 21 84 R. C. Jefferson, 2.20 4 85 C. J. Smith Co., 't Street & Sewer Fund 6 Austin -Western Company, 4.35 5.00 Brown, Tresay & Sperry, 5 4:70, 4 Board of Water Commissioners. 38.00=' 40 9 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 19.13 40 0 40 1 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., General ConOracting Co., 139:00' 48.00' 40 2 Haag -Roof & Cornice Co., 95.83 40 3 R. C. Jefferson, 548.41 40 4 40 5 N. W. Fuel' Company, J. F. Pearce & Son, 134.25 Bridge Bldg. & Repair bund 4 6 R. C. Jefferson, 85.50 ✓ General Fund -Crosswalks Acct. 4 97 R. C. Jefferson,. 618.98 r School Fund 4 98 Durand Steel Locker Company, 688.50 17.56 4 99 Capitol City Lumber ,Co.. .4 00 Electric Blue Print Co., 3,65 i ,O1" Elite Laundry Co., 21.71 4 02 Elk Laundry Co., 21.50 4.03 Field, Schlick & Company, 78.20 4'04 J. F. Gerlach, X9,94 4' 05 Leo Kisch, 4.75 06 ,Maendier Bros., 85.7.21 `' ' #3 100.66 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Andrew Schock Grocery Co.., 193.18 Library Fund 4900'7j E. W. Clute, 10.21 4108 Eindy Optician Company, 85 4ID09 F. G. Leslie Paper Co., 13.50 4.00 ✓ 24.. 6 General Fund -Art Institute Acct. Park Fund 110 American Linen Supply Co:, 14.70 111 Board of Water Commissioners, 40.00 012 Farm mortgage Bond Uompany, 46.87 ])1$ N. W. Fuel Company, 3.27.70 3)14 Scandanavian singing Societies, 25.00 D15 The Andrew Schock Grocery Co., 60.45 116 Jos. P. Whitwell, 94.43 General Fund -Public Bathe Acct. 43 Peoples Iee Company, 100.66 4 18 Andrew Schock Grocery Co.., 193.18 General Fund -Playgrounds Acot. 4 9 The Pioneer Company, 4.00 ✓ General Fund -Art Institute Acct. 4D 0 Cottsumer's Power Co., 43) 1 John Dillingham, 2��SU 41?' 2 Miss Bessie O'Brien, 32.50 41) 3 Albert Salaba; 120.00 4L 4 St. Paul Gas Light Company, 15.00 Water Dept. Fund 4D 5 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 12,625.00 41 6 Thos. F. O'Neill, 2.21 41 7 Illinois Seel Warehouse Co., 14.66 417 d M. P. Ryan: 7.73 4L 9 Theo. Hamm strewing Co., 2.54 4D 0 Tilde Lovejoy, 5.70 41 Builders Material Co., 6.90 4L 2 Pioneer Co., 7.00 4L $. A.. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 954.02 413 Weiskopf Paper Co., 7.20 41}3 Dept. of Public Works, 80.00 General Fund -Market Maintenance Acct. 41)3 Wilwerecheid & Roith, 3.00 '�` -01 #4 Sprinkling Fund Board of water Commissioners, .138 Pure Oil Company, T t 77 0 3 Tot ra e as to Special Funds Humboldt High School Library Acet. ;K -,7.5 43139 McClain & Gray, 2k To Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving, University, Syndicate•to City Limits Z40 Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 587.34 University,' Dale to Syndicate Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 187.36 Prior Ave., Marshal to University, 42 Fielding & Shepley, 164.43 ✓ Dale St.. Grand to Front low, 43 wells Fargo Express Company, 1.90 Portland Ave., Western,to Dale Minnesota Crushed Stone Company, 159-28 no Aect.-Paving, 20 089.93 Total Cc 0 .................. .... a SP 75 rp 'a rpo�te P:, eci, Fun 8 Spec, As ss. Const. Acct. -Pa ng,.... 1.10 .31 Grand To 21,210 oj -01 #4 Sprinkling Fund Board of water Commissioners, .138 Pure Oil Company, T t 77 0 3 Tot ra e as to Special Funds Humboldt High School Library Acet. ;K -,7.5 43139 McClain & Gray, 2k To Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving, University, Syndicate•to City Limits Z40 Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 587.34 University,' Dale to Syndicate Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 187.36 Prior Ave., Marshal to University, 42 Fielding & Shepley, 164.43 ✓ Dale St.. Grand to Front low, 43 wells Fargo Express Company, 1.90 Portland Ave., Western,to Dale Minnesota Crushed Stone Company, 159-28 no Aect.-Paving, 20 089.93 Total Cc 0 .................. .... a SP 75 rp 'a rpo�te P:, eci, Fun 8 Spec, As ss. Const. Acct. -Pa ng,.... 1.10 .31 Grand To 21,210 #4 * eF I. ilI Rea0lyedt':thatarrante be d a.wh; • •.$p04 the Ctty Treseury DgYable ¢out; - Sprinkling Fund dr the hereil aLEar, apectfled (nada end �Sp favoY of thtl',pereone flgttta or- sot' - Doral;iana. for the. amovnte ��t tlppo p[te 1he1p respective• name8 Rs sl?esl Board of Water Commissioners,;,flAF to the lQiigg?ng rdetaft0d atafs lb•� D3 Pure 011 Company. aent r s 8 52 - Corporate:�,Furpdeee—�LiShtln6 Fvdd � , t•si Raui 0e$ yyight Company 331 22.k < p star t3upply Fund,nysoard pt Wa teCommib8iope;s 99 Gentn 505.37 / _ TQtaL Fltntln6 &3 Stationary F na / 7 ✓, $town TreacY & SPa}'rY 57389 - .ktne Treace' Company ;3f�b34 $6 p Tot 0ra a?_ dehettu�niaw i�al{45 AO JohgAB :. • 3 G 'rig%'Fund—piFeeeuanao- count xanAme Ioan.Sta@p WOrke rE6 60 Special Funds Bureau of Auditaridm; Sa 90 W C, P. dY. Clty Comotr011e $1448 Mc Humboldt High School Libr Clain & eras s1.eo. P lfce Fund Craig Ofl COmpan ' S2 Oq People Ica Company 31.4 AO Western Vnio Telegraph Co.._ o 3200 r _2 % 4139 McClain & Gray, ComDanYun31000tOb tCornp apYer move / TO brlcating,Ol1 Co ;3 7fi: The Flak Rub ,' ` bar Co „of {N Y SL7 30 `M A...HaQna Coal Company 386 46;. Manhattdn Otl _ ,}. spec. Assess. Const. Acct.—P ('o 5381.23 Peoples;' Ice ComDan7.• ' 3176 On Tottic"i:lson Carriage Co i $38,,60 University, Syndicate to C MaX Wltfmann �4067a � $ alth Fund t Crsig,i OIL ComjienY. Worlchbu8e 4Fttnd x fW Goetzingr 58? • 34 ✓- 040 Trussed Concrete Steel Co., sn t•aiaao _ . Co�misatone5� of Public '1Vo Ica - �F�und Y< FF 114W CO Sl6 00 A C. - JefferaoQ 5213€ C J Smlth Co $220. , University, Dale to Syndic WEe era ,aComVanYeT "'Ea3c Bnamn Trpacy}& ;Spgr�y ;3 DO $oard of .Wa-, 1 "Trussed Concrete Steel CO a ter Commissioners S d.7o Adam Deck -;p - p •. -er Sa dwnre-Co µ5a800. FFavell' 05-_S lV%.36 lmun ,Kirk': & Co $18 13 eral :Con= ;t acting Co [` 3130 00 H[a�+Roo�t< & - Prior Ave.,arshall to Uni Cornice Co 754800 A C Jefiere�{ 3 -59683 N mr Fuel CofdDanyt ¢648;41 J F Pearce &Son ¢184 26 - t BrldgeN$ugdfn6 RppgTr Fund .. 164.4 - .42 Fielding & Shepley. R C Sefreraon $afkso;= 3 ✓ " Goneral`trndArCroeswalKe CAcco`tDt._ - - Ra C •78fidreon 3818 98 - Sah041 "F`und Durgnd $East L68ker Date St„ Grand to Front Company 88860 t,Cl;pltol Lumber Co $17 68 BlOctrfe Suez :Print Co %q31 40 Elite Lavndry Co 53:66 "Elk Laundrs T4 3Wells Fargo Express Com��• 171Fied Sckllek &ConDanY, rf 1.90 ;19 94,, iMeevdl✓rr Broa�g} E4 7¢ - LlbrarY:'>b'und E.d C1uLe r$10t21. D KihdY CDttcfgrr GlomD n '36 -00 - Portland Ave., Western to cLeeltePa&rCa Sls%o - - 1'arlc,� Fhpa Amerlc&n-Llnenz�S�uy-. . . � pYY Co 314 70 Boars tlC W$ter bom-: 159.28 Minnesota Crushed Stone Com $;'� °nCompara4Yi0.0 348 7 i7 �w tx a in B"i 9 �3827'�0 3candaT.„n�havtaA • 13cLooflXIIt�u�2ri�0:�` SBU �6"t^dOtr P.- •.: • WhltWell ,,�.L9' 443"�,F"` F ' Gen0ral; �ttttd Publto Baths -Acct Pehodh:Cry"CiD � 5190 BBt Andrew:' - 9choch:;dfocery Co.k;E19318'Acet;r,' ' Geherpl; Fdnd=PlaY�Brovnde �•' , _. The�itloheer Comph`nj[ i¢ 00 �: e Total Corpo ate Purpos B, • GenersluFund Art Inetftute nA3?1 01089.93 Consumer's Power CO 33 80 Johh Dll itn$ham itj27 60 Mtea Jeset O'Brien: , p ESE 6d ,,Albert Saleba, $120A St Ranl' C • 75 Special Fund6... Gae LtBli company,: -s1600 t I Wae Dept Fundf S A Sarna wdLth Com .ofFirtAnte 572;6'26 00 1 tC 1 • Spec. AB BB. Const. Teas FoNe111 E2:a1 Iuinois etas{ p Wafehouse Co ;14.86 M P Ryan {$773 Th"e"o Hamm:-Brewln6 Co.. $26a; X Tlldh 0 Pioneer Co..lld •21C TV fA! Grand To vTT .$s.lr�, t•inzU�"Ptao_: e1 We18KOVT t p s' � Pnbiineiwi IFund80Market Maintenance Accowtt::: "�3lwera het oa d ofth Water " - . - �p mpi8k�,to�era �Sifi.$�B PUte 011 Com- ,puny y$488 6$ 3Decie3' 'sFUnda-.FiUtgboldt '., %Itgk S6hool�.LlbrarY Acc4vnt McClptn' & - GraY'�32 76 Lxk3 do r� Acek {Paving' - �, Spec 'Aeaeee -G. � ° City Ltmite. ' .IInlvars3tYT eypdte�� ai?c°.. 687 34 � . �31682Sg.i L 6 1814. Adoyted by Eire; 91{cil :Oct,' „p�pproved OCL 6,' 10,3914) _--w Co BY T,nnifi+a nna�0��e--HTc7ioi1886 for In -the matter of the assessment ow construction of a sewer on Armstrong Ave. from Chatsworth Street to 5• Pleasant Ave.- 40693 under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Order approves November -12th 191 3 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified,, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District. Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment beandit is herebyLdetermined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ' Adopted by thg Council 191 City Clerk. Approved- r. } 1932 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE'OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE C`\ .._.........__...._.__191 In the matter of the assessment of_bBnifits__C08ts eEp�!� for the COnstruotion a of aseweron Armstrong Ave. from Chatsworth Street to Pleasant Ave under-Prelimivary Order _ ........ __.... ... _ ................. _..... _..... _... .._._, Intermediary Order ._.,....... _...._.-_.___._....____.._._....___, 40633 November 13th 3 Final Order_.___.:._—_.____.-----------......__, approved -_.._.._..___......._.._..__..__..—......191-_.._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and'to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - -_, 13.19 Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - g 75.00 — Amount of court costs for confirmation - - -- Total expenditures - - _ - _ - _ _ - - $.l$79.:19 ......... — Said,Coimnissiouer further.reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 1379 .19_...—upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement; and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel . of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and, that hereto. attached, identified by the _ a signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. ' 0111; . Council File No. By Reso°r ° ssment. i! se a Farther 8e piv�a; That rnb,, eaid;assessment be and It fs herebx� determined to bo payable 1n flVe equ¢1 �Sn�tnllmente ae'vto each and every pac., sol Add ignd deso'rlked the eln opted by the Gounoll 7ict25 t913y ,qpp o ed. Oot: 6 3914 & expenses (OGt. SO 1914)-: In the matter of the assessment grading Stinson St. from Chatsworth St. to Lexington Ave. I tl under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order 151-907- August 9907,August 14th 3 approved 191-- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and haying been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby o�dered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is heieby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the'Council Approved � 3 C F .2101983 mattaC of the 8890 enLY ��I ,. beneftta aoeta nod -Ch -1 Eor $rid In ,Lex1ngt Bt•'t Ort Chatsw0ath � Council File No. to Lexi gton Ave under.' Plnal 21t _ der; -39907 aDPr oved August 14th, , aP3i��0Aa ° abics`"vX� �':,�'• 4 edt t r. By "��ya�t� � �.�mxb�. as aid. Reso�lut>ion a i yin benefits costs & expenses for In the matter of the assessment of grading Stinson St. from Chatsworth St. to Lexington Ave. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final OrderelO7 August 14th 3 approved 191T—. i' A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby oidered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is -hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. (/ Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved 191 ayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 191.. benefits costs & expgnag,for grading In the matter of the assessment of._................_........_...__..._._..........._.......__...__.F t Stinson St. from Chatsworth St. to Lexington Ave. under Preliminary Order ...... ........ . __...._.._..---._, Intermediary Order .... _...................... ___........_._._......__.----..., 39907 August 14th 3 )Seal Order---._..___-.;_ ....•-.--...__._....... _ ......, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in counmPtion with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - 1036.82 3.74 Cost of publishing notice - - _ - _ - 1---- P g $_.... _ — -- - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - -- Inspection fees = - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $__--._..._.....�_.__..._._ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $_114,0,.56 ....... _. r Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$._.._. -1140.56 ..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in -accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been,completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and -made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. . .. Commissioner of Finance. grading Saratoga Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to St -Clair St. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order 40106 approved Au"e t 27th 191 3 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE9IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable yr in_,/j' equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by.the Council Approved _7 Co By 7 In the matter of the assessment of benefice costs & eipense9 for grading Saratoga Ave. from Lincoln Aver to St.0lair St. 40106 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order�, approved Auxuet 27$h 191 3 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it -therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein, Adopted by the Approved REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the ,natter of the assessment of_benefit6 eoste _&_7xpfafmor grading Saratoga, Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to St.Olair St. wider Preliminary Order .... _.......... ,_:..-_........ -..__..,...... __..._..., Intermediary 40106 August 27th 3 Final Order------......._..__.._..._.__.._.... _..—, approved. __.......... _... ............. To the Council of the City of St. Pauls The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: - 800 00 - Costof construction - - - - -. - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - -Inspection 'fees - - - - - 1- - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - $-862.62 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- 862.62 tained, to -wit: the sum of $..... __...... _........ _........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and igade a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by. him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ...._..................... Commissioner of Finance. AL In the matter of the assessment of bensfif a cnafia & expenees - for grading. Roy Street from Shields Ave. to St.Anthony Ave. under" Preliminary Order ,Intermediary Order Final Order 40324 approved September 1 l th 191 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having . been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby. otdered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 13E IT .FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable �l- in —equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i Adopted by the-Counci' i a��City Clerk. "Approved 19 IJ- REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER'°OF FINANCE Y - In the matter of the assessment St from Shields Ave. to St.Anthony Ave.. under Preliminary Order...--.---._._..._...._...:._..-----.._......_._._, Intermediary Final Order .___._.__4Q3.84_.__._.a... _.......... _,Se mber llt 3 approved .__-------------- --_P.te_-------.....h191__ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - 7.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $.__._sig.,. 9inount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - $._430.00_.____ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum. of $.._.._...480.00 ............._.._._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereonasmay be considered proper. .— Commissioner of Finance. CO' By e �t In the matter of the assessment of benefits Costs & 8SpenBeB for constructing a sewer on Fulton Street from James Street to Palace Street 15093 under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order , Final Order , approved May 83rd 1913 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey, for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable I inequal installincnts as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council r 1 City Clerk. Approved- 1936 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment, of. bOW11s„-_00;8&8.._&_ .9X� B YOT__COnBtrUCtinp a ' sewer on Fulton Street from James Street to Palace Street tinder Preliminary Order .... ............... _.............. __---------------------- Intermediary Order___ ............ __-----------..._T_ 15093 Maq 33rd 3 -Final Order_.._..— ---....----- - - - --> approved-.`---- ....._...... ... -._._.._.._...,.......191__..: To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with ;the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $__67t�__._:.. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - Cost of postal' cards - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - • - - - - - - - . - - -_— 65.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - • -$... .............. ......... :........... Total expenditures - --- - - - - - _ $. _1760.74 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $_... !TSO 74___upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits 110-ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed-by him, and which is herewith submitted to the,Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. . Commissioner-of Finance. Council File No.- Resolution''...' o. to conflrmation;l i; 4 r. Reso ution He'.; It �+'urther: RdaolVed t That �Fhi< lt. �ald,cn seeax�fent'b and dt:- is herabpy .determined td Abe yayeble 0ti BVe �qugl� " ' 4natnllm rite seto epph anil�eVety Darc . m cel :ot land d8ecribed t$eretn h r Adopted b ttie Con xll :Qat. 6 1914: ADproyed Oet.9 4914 t . In the matter of the assessment of Loci Yo 1x14>%r E for constructi.mg a sewer on Allies Street from Ohie Street to a point ft. seat under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order ,Final Order 40837 approved November 2R 191-3— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory,be it therefore • . RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all, respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable. in– equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. � Adopted by the Council— 1�i�j/ _ In [heat matteY oY thg aeye9kmgpt. 'oU bbneflte costa apd eXpanae6 [or epn ;- Council File 14o. alruSting a rbwA� pmti�tea rag 1 om Ql7fa.atregfhto a.goltiti191hr�etp �wesG under; 8tna1 d;dgn�368a7^ ap'g 1 PYoved. r, Nov01@vbgS�tat 18 - � ii r, '�teacln.G' h�v(nn _ upon`�the aseasamenEt(1.lot t¢e abovg d'pt _4 '. B�pr Vert19nY hfid Aap9aesatiignt i10.V ` Ing : bbefu{{thei3 poneide ed byy the; Council anHrahavlp� been Fconsfdered{ flriany° anHStagtoy bg. tt tHeretora r, - 'Reappt¢ed. That'::thA sntd a99yBAnleat' - be M'd the afimoSfa hereby In all re ;� 6PR thTattfled,+¢rA� rhes anme+:ld hetebyi _ ordexed to ba =aubmlttgd, fo` the [pis In the matter of the assessment of conatructing sew8r- an Aliee Street from ()hie Street to ec ft. west under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order OHL? approved Nonemhgr 2f, 191.3—. 'A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ,equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ' A Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved ' ( 191 -• a or. 1937 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 'OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the matter of the assessment obenifIta._ao—ate_... ..._B.gpe3&e@hef OT___the construction of a sewer on Alice Street from Ohio Streets to a point 190 ft. weet . under Preliminary Order ..._._...... _.......... _......... ...... — ... _— ---------- , Intermediary -Order—.--.. ._....._-_...___._...__..._--—.---_.-, Final Order_— 40837 ---......... __._._.,, approved_November._....__._26 __.__............... 191___. 3 i To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to.the Council the following as a statement of the expeu- ditures necessarily, incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- meat, viz.: } Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - -6.fl7_,Q.Q_-------- _ Cost of publishing notice - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.30 —_ Cost of .postgl cards - - - - - - - - - - - $__ ------ .... ..._._. _ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 3_0 Qk__ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - . - - - - - - _ $ 534.30 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer< tained, to -wit: thesum of 534.30 _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,1part or parcel of land in accordance withthe benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed=by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Co By In the matter of the assessment of benefits costs xrenses -for -B Flaway or James stree t from a point 50 feet West of the west lin f Toronto Ave to Seventh Street ean73R under Preliminary Order ,Intermediary Order , Final Ord ' approved Nnanmb�Pr 1 R+h 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the some is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council S 191 City Clerk. Approved ayor. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE benefits_Costs & expene for constructing a In the matter of the assessment of-_._...... _.__. _...-_ ............... _............ _.__.._ for ebw$ _pn_Tames_ Street from_a__point,_50___feet-_west of the west line of Toronto Ave. to Seventh Street tinder Preliminary Order__._ --------------- _...._..---- .—._---------- .. .. Intermediary Order__..__.._._.__...__.._......._,______--•_�-_, Final Order _...__.___.4Q736__„_:...._..._._., approved_......._._AOvember 12th Iy13 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement orthe expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred' for and in connection with the making of the above improve- , anent, viz.: .. . Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing amtice - - - - - - .$--- 7: Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $-- ��-'--- Amount of court costs for, confirmation - - - - $----.--•---- -- ” Total expenditures - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and.levied the total amount as above,ascer- 02 54 tained; to-wit: the sum of $......__.__.._..........._._.__upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel 'of Iand in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said aAsessment has been completed; and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 067_'_-- Commissioner of Finance. Co By In the matter of the assessment of benefits coats & expenses for grading Syndicate Ave. from University Ave. to Thomas St. 39652 under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order , Final Order approved July loth 191.3. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further c` onsided by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in P equal installments as to each and every parcel'of land described therein. j • v Adopted by the Council- f� 191 � ity Clerk. Cx Approved 191 c ' a REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT OFFICE OF• THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE --- .._.... .... .... IJl." In the matter of the assessmentgrading Syndic to Ave.-Yrom'University Ave. to Tkiomae 8t. under Preliminary 'Order .................. _._-... ......... _........ .._..._....... Intermediary Order .... ......................... :._........... ._._.-.- —..... , Final order.39653_.._._..._...___....----.--.:----.., approved_ .._._....._.._July 10th_..._ --..191_3 Tg ttie Council of the City of St. I aul : The Coihmissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- Ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - $ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - 13 ........ Cost of postal cards - - - . - - - - - - - $._..__...__.____.._.._.._._._ . Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $---- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - _ _ _ $..523.37- -_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- 522.37 tained, to -wit: the sum of $......_...__._.__......__..___.._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in -the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said 'assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may ,be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Co By In the matter of the assessment of benefits COBtB & expenses for constructing a sewer on Fuller Street from Viotoria Street to Fisk St. under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order Final Order 40835 approved November 26th 1913 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and. saidassessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, 'That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council, 191 City Clerk. Approved ayor. GV -... 1_,Tio iL CITY 6F SAINT PAUL DRPABTM6N'r OF PURWO'OTILrr=S BUREAU OF WATER Oct. b, 1919. To"The Honorable Council, City of St, Pam•, Gentlemen; !9he Board of Water Commissioners at a meeting held this date unanimousily adopted the following resolution; «Resolved that the City Council be requested to author- ize the laying of water mains on the following streets; Como Boulevard, Acorn to Oea,ge,st=s .. Xaryland St-, Como to Langtry, Sargent, Hamline to Syndioe:te, plan, Maria Ave. to Bates Ave., portland Ave., Hamline to Albert. Very truly yours, Secretary $UmW a n • if i; �r �t. mood �... ..h.,.�Z �,.. ��. M�ww esch ]ot or parcel As I st`repoited by `the AssessoiO sre asjfoAo��s yl Yak"� �rbE3CR�F��'�ON � Lot leek 'AbDITT�ON n r Assessed Veluet�oa�, " vvt D 1 r } S t t } S f xi.' f<` , y ' D 9GR1'TIbN y '.r Lot lock t, ADIT,O x tr' Assessed.V-,aQa iow, i c, v , -�.+. Asa stir r�: r._ , ,E•. , i '�'- i a.r k � u x y F `5%.... Y�r .n } t r �.. E"j . f.i Y. {,. ,fT `� .. /k u.2 � � �• �r:>ry r �' �" - HE17PY E WEDELSTAEDT CO. STAT16NMS f'$ •�{. * 9 SY, pa, ml- ti r St . Paul zHinn.. �� � c 1914 ,To the Common coulinll. City of St. Paul . 3 6 Gent b of T=ple Court betveerrCrekin �*+d Finn_SY:Bnue ee eotYull �stition your honorablep body to oauae_ D urbed�--betw"n the he poi points meiDn�A + — Namee a Lot Rik Add To 13 to 1 T ,S FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_.....Qltriz.ing.....aa7d..._b_Qule7ar4ing._C astreet, from Walsh. -au-sloes-to._.PLei-de s.t.ree,t_.............. ................................ ........ ..._ . ........... .. . under Preliminary Order 5.7 .............. ................._..._appWved _., July.. 7th, 1914 Intermediary, Order ._.._... —.e .. ._...approved ........... x .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, .objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it R LVED, By the Council of the C' y t Paul a pre ' e nature, exteota ipd of1-- prov ent to be a by the said Ci 1 .d/ 1�1 {.._ ..._ .: .......... . _. f4�! ...y—% . _. ,._lr[l✓ .. _......... ._.._...............:_.... ........_,..... `/%� .. .. ..._ nd the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. x9L RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and 'directed to. prepare plans and specifications for said.improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improcetnent 1 a//ccoidmtee therewith. Adopted by the Coundil._._._.C��GZ!f . .._.19 .................. .......... ............ ._ ._..... _....... __. // lerk. j Approved ............ 19 ........... LJ .. !� ............ Mayor. Councilmen Fa nsworth 7Tle(ta -lil r or oiirl,ing andlboulo; rding.5 Case etredt Yram WaIeJt h�avenue;to Neide treat undeiV Pre -1 G g ,i,ilmttjet3' 65der t7E e.RProved,,.fuljC _ r Tth�$14 f,Ini✓<rmedfary OrdAl; '1§tsl _ E� n fv heearin8 hsving, b� a hoA 7 K ler }41bon th§bova SmProvemeaY anon lute. doticers alta the Qauycll 3aving;nhnigl dlI� PereaNq obJeoliana• aad r cominen' M Coll µt7opsz zpiattve thereto and havta6k lbs IC 9.eQae IU dk¢t came "1theSery} at, 0 Bary71esblvea St Eha Cpunca or xh�rarti R's „P6,i`I,i thdlathe;Preolge natyre e1C ten'hj and}kind =Yo ot,„}mProyemertRt tz-o* made by�;ihe Bald ;Ctiy le curbftig::and ' erg ifpulevardingl Case; street frofq: Walsh �ve7lile td WeldeYstreet and the 1Coun',, ; efl �Sr'�hbye orders- said ylmQro¢emb[�t. y 1l<'. Mayor were ' g'"„R�golved IMurfherY,:hRcE khe'Cupimle - �tl pnb �r„E�b71p yVorJca be atldd'�ya 7rtj .. d1, eted �atid dlrAPned€,tit •yrs 1 ,e?R D�enq snd afseciflcatleaaKYyk ravei}tent, and submit ahme`.taitlie; , _ -- ..... having"invest3gated the matters :1t4mge referred to, therein, hereby reports' �ommiesioner or t COUNCIL FILE NO._.... _... .............. ........_.._ FINAL. ORDER. In the Mattering rbLincoln.__avenue_,_:._from Fairview avenue to ` _.__Prior...aaenue...... _............. _........................ ...................... ..... _ _................. .................... _.... _..................... _... Hader Preliminary Order 213. June 20th, 1914 ._.......... . _....applpved _.._. Intermediary Order ..._...- _. _.�:...._.__ .......... _approved �... �i�/f. A public hearinghaving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the. Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the suing; then oie, be it F OLVED, By the Council of the Ci St. Paul th . the precise na . e, extent an kind of� im F/ v n itr to be lylide, by the sal City _ ...... .._.. / j /LUT.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RE$OLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed suit directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council---g'/in"'.....k�._._._19Z Clerk. Approved ...._:_. w% ....._1� A... ... ..... ........ ........... _. . Mayor, Councilmen Farnsworth ' �dEbo- Et,�at er oC,�cuFliin�anco]q � - Goss ]Z ave "Brom Feiry ew ;'avenue to;Rlgr4 $svepue �; unclei• i'r@]E9tminaryth5191¢n+{jQte (2 ap¢zoved Tun2Fr Repel 8 ed1a;Y ;Ordert 15261 [aPProvedtryoDF " tb 1914:.ird k' +Alpub]lq he�rivg ;Laving been, hed, - ppga thgt•above }mprovement'�upon dpe•. ' MC(i011 ptoff@e sand the Codn@!I havl,ng hedrd; ntF persona ob]ectiena 4nd YecaMMen ; da[{igns 4•�elattve thereto land fiavld6 O'Leal 1;x113 CeF elaered the came ttyereYore y • � � �M,�Reao]vdfl-By, t'he, Councll�of tlim$C1ty' Yoer f of 9t .�Rll] that, the pree(ae patvi®}exs: g @'tents avd •kind u1 iaipro¢emeafi ao b@' It made byifhe ea[d Clt'y'fs curbing�.T.,,1�1 Ccolgwp enug" fcogt Fajrvidwa a'voq"p to`I Mayor Powers 1TSor '46venue andhe'Councik K Y ocdora Bald Improvement Yo be ma�§. d•YteeoYvedsFur{h�'r` Th@k+th��oMinistZ oneF oStiPubltc �orka be and ]te is[ ' ��erebY3lnekucted and dlebc�edetopcea . 3 �, __:.' �y: IPTION Lot lock ADDITIONf I Assessed Veluet�on �� 1 / , %r / 'sI{.1 �� / .1 �. =;- ;fit----; _, �L' L e i _, �L' � :� u.r. �. .,.�. esament for said improvement Co miasionor 0f Poblio f 1 r IDA! ft v a r 4 y J �fillt•.. 11 1 Uzz: iARAI eBRIP Ea.] I COUNCIL FILE NO ............ ................. By........ ..................... - . ............... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Le..s.....Streetl from Griggs street to Syndicate . . . . .. .. .. . ............ — ............... ... .. .... ...... ....... . .. ay.0MU.0 . . ........................ ............ . .. ........ .... ............ . .......... under Preliminary Order . ....... ...........:.........._...._......_approved 1914 ...... .... .......... ............. % Order...............:...._1.../._.__.............._.. .... - approved ............. z�-ez Intermediary Ord...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improve I nient upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and hatfing fully considered the same; therefore,.be it RAOLVED, By the Co licit of the City of St. Paul that the se uatu extent and ind of ini- prov a t to. be inade, b said City is . . ........ . . . ......... . I ............... ............ . . .... ...... . ..... . ... .. .... . . . ... ...... .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and.. directed io prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized, and directed to proceed with the making of said iniprovenient in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . .... ........ -.19—ze ... . ....................... . ... y Clerk. Approved... ............... . / A9,1 • ..... ...... ........... ........... Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth 4-i c'F No iasa !In'tile Metier of grading i711ea4street. ! G os' s ends Yrellmtnary Odd �iprovedUnqajit` tat 1914 Inierimiqdt" ary Ojidfir`qS24a Keller 1914 1 - p; pub11C hCaring having been hast. McColl ' k 1 :0 t e, re fully it ponsidered the same foel O'Leary es.lthe "d Y" uffit',ind,kind-q Yoerg 119, ilteae etreef from atreet. to Mayor Powers n, 'Prato Worand ' 18A ................ ........................ ...................... ._.._............... ......._............................... _._............ ....,..._................ ............................ _...... under Preliminnry Order approved....._..............: AligUt..._YBta......191.4......_........................_... .......................... ...... _.............. _.............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is x..._533,7. Cost per front foot '.48@ The lots or parcels of lAnd that may be assessed benefits for snid improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot m• parcel as last reported by' the Assessor, are ns follows: no, I //�/�� /err / 9 /J ,._, �•�• \ ; 19- 0 L. ADDITION Aase4sed Valustioin DESCTiIPTION Lot' Block { I i + Ls` { 7 E� 1A-777 { i ` I t �< Jz� , >> �. ,::� .,: ,�. r. .. ,. r ,�. 5' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him,in reference to said matter by,the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........... ....l! __............. _....... .... 191. _ Commissioner of N finance. 'yn rr ,� y ✓b p `'( et ..9 �,.r-*'s k a �Y�Z st 1 3 y � +sy wi �.� °.�,�+ r V Fig *� i'. r ETONx .z, '§ _hr r'i� c1'St.z �` �"`rrw .,U k U� T � ,� 4 x c t'T'. r � � a '.3 �. r 7' 1+,. k Rx -d, �,Yc .� - r• { . { ' f d �a e s ! >•r c^ 2 ¢ "+ r,`+'r�+ 4 ': � a r � � a t � ' S r � � meal s � 'x .Sp '�,- � l�� "`t '� x Awns -! � ; i� t �4. "� d y f �ziSj i�J s[ h. > a y ,,..t t }, �>1F �x a 0 F is � yu' tOR ` tri . "✓� n }�• �? a t' r r Tr k„t,, F `t ry 1 t 4 ,;M' ! ,x r< { t ' `T. a FF � rhe' •; 1 1h` r � t -,.� �t� =r #.t r $ ,� y s �„ �� r .:r �,rY.,• vC � kf�j � r�na xyMr.3����1 .� _tt� �i � .LSP x S W t � >< _ �' �L-�3.'ztt�yr 1. r° >;t .t:v.�f.�.ar+`r: �.'.tw�i�?<✓..Y .4.1�'t:'.:r �,: r�_ r. .., �.0 s�., �,?;�� r�$��'�'�;�sV`tk4 v ���. �:,5._it : z�-e°r,..-�°..Z x .. \.,. t x�Ee�''`r at x y t7{'t'a i f.,� $ ,�yty is. i h tt.. {.,� t' t.y::,'fER-20_'u � 4 t�#, K �-d'S'1 may, . g a a rsr fr k vf` cfi k a k, 'ti ° P art� a e .t . y a fi• y r?-fs �>yr,s. ro �t ° tt �` s4 Fml ; 4 j y'i r .-t Xr yir t �- k FP�r`�s-4 fT. d, c. .•, u i a Y,;, Y'a'LxgA«r.. S }' T r'°y ^i ;('�fi.k �' + °s ! i�, 'Sr ik' w'^ a rTa'i1. Now }y _.. t,� [r• i r p- t , .,'�. f. ',,`.+ry ,.n`-w*.n': r r;.... .;[';?fY ;Ft;.. .�D'�'. nom'. F :t.'�i "z it .}.'�° .}iii �.- , i_ ..�:o a.J.. .,. _....... 0 InINUTIM111 ,unliffmiml -LIJ �Unt-Vt-1 X-1 j_L_j_x1j_JLjmLJT h—A, ki-ITI'l- COUNCIL FILE NO.___._ .... ............... . .............. By— - ------- - -__------ ------- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.-ITOAP9 the alley i -n Block 11.1 Oakville Park. ... ........... .... . ......... . ............ ... ............... _ . ............................ ......... ....... ....... . . ....................... . ... ... . .... . .. ... . ... ................ ..................... ................ .. ... ... .... ... .. .................... . ...... ............. ............... .......... ..... ........................... ...... ....... .. .... under Preliminary Order _555 .. . ............ .................. . ......... _._._.approved July 6t4.,JP14! .. . ........ Intermediary Order ...... ........ . ... ............ . ,_ ..-approved ............ 7 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative"thereto, and having fully considered the same; -therefore, be it RESOTiVE6, By the Council of the City St P ul that the 1) seise nature, extent and 1 0 1111- - - - - - --------- p7e ent I e & said Cy .. ... .... ....... . ........... . ... . . .... . ------ . ........ . ....... :and/the Council hereby orders said improvement to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and -he -is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council /Y .................... ... ... .......... ....... ................. . ............ - Clerk. ....... ........ .. !!!!*_19 Approved- 15e_ ..... ..... ....... . ...... . . .......... Mayor. Councihnen Farnsworth 9P -39 the, allp GossIt lipid 12 11 'pplark;,lit 111 8th 181'+{ Tdterme�iarY"Ordei�`Srr�Sn� Keller approvedep, ash OW, 0, ofim%bd)A Pvf,;improv meu Md '*-jifiaAh jtc McColl O'Leary ia'aft WALIV, Yoerg Mayor Poweis ro Ir dt"i �11. va[e-r rcacuac•. . y r; NX,r. !� the Hrhrl Liaaprr i[exetotrtra=senr�l- to- ..fdBS, � solved s aatduat itotsL si�l2 +8�1t� 4��� bi-wra the .ems it � to s AM her9l ratrd[r3 i.► > r t � � ` Efi`er80toRotea ide�i[.p,� ttoh M'r�g,QLeVPnlfer0`n01 gdt�:7 to co'ndgbt-a'hofel at.+k36 8}'LP 6t x9t Aldlna 8ote1 b*Xaild the eg revoked }vlthFtlte don9g12C , �Sp.�H�retjy Lbe iy1( �!}aopted by ihb Cgilnell3Qet, 6t ) otit, ?j 79 4 .�.+�plirove{i } "` B � 3 'f C. {') Nate '191�C Yeas (✓ )' Co oilmen Adopud by the Colin Fa swort6- favor 'Approved d (d' Ary i� ,' � � CITY OF,. ST PAUL ' : ` ,�,t' C ���� COUNCIL �2ESCLtJTION GENERAL EORM� f ` /// � _ ' SLLb]CCC -: Y � G�-f ........... ._.. _.. � -, •: "^' t � CLUENCIL�'-t .._. ...... �. 'Y r > -. r 0 TO THE-'HONORABLEi THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST- PAUL:- `Ycur petitioner,E:A.Newberp.'respectfully represents°=that he is one of the persons called upon by the resolution of your hon- ors'ble"body to` -appear and sfi61W cause why a hotel license duly is- sued to, and held by him,should not be revoked for cause: Pursuant thereto this petitioner respectfully states and shows to your honorable Body that has not and did not,, on: Aug. 31, 1914, or at any other -time before or since violate any of the terms or conditions of a licensee under such hotel license. That he is the' owner andholder of license No 4, City Treas.Receipt No.96240 which license is hereto annexed as Exhibit A. That petitioner re- oeived the esid license at the time and for the place and -purposes therein`desortbed.'That he hasAiever'at any time or place violated the•terms -thereof and did'not` sell liquor or run a disorderly house at the place named,in -this - license -while he used the same and ran such Hotel. - Further petitioner says that on the Both day of Apri1,1914 he did for valuable con ideration sell, assign,and transfer by bill of sale duly made and executed to one Harry Lenninger all his property rights, title,interest and rights in and to the premises and hotel mentioned in said license, and delivered possession thereof th'the said Lenninger, and this petitioner and his agen*6 and family thereupon vacated and surrendered the said premises and the whole, of said premises and chattels thereat to said Lenninger, and the latter took the same , paid the rent and occupied the same there-' after to the exclusion of everybody else as far as this petitioner is informed,.knowe and believes.That this petitioner did not leave this. said• license with the said Lenninger nor give or attempt to give the latter any rights'or pirvileges thereunder, ad that ever since { said April Both 1914, and at the times when various violations of the laws are alleged to have.ocoured 46 the said psemises, this petitioner had nothing to do with same im any manner. 's s '" 4}J .[:'S 3 'C�:.,. G 7'.r'1.. I - qi:)- ar rSY�3.`+B!, '•3 1`:: fr•f. t T_." ,,%rk3.fi-'r_3. ft.TJ5IT, 7,ac,_. , :.u,T.> ox ;'S .. 0Y. T r _ . rsx. :'TC}7 }r;: C : =ne,1 a ?, _ +U potn ^7J' ,. U%r,, iT� mli 7" Qy 7 �i3r GU `J "T 37 );7802 ti: ;rIICj,ilUj'C1 PX P:ry"?IIv171'(i AC;: NA i:6A:>g•;7 _ _ C?': iB• go Ts ou7et rt _ i:e sc;xe vx77ci ' nsau .p<'> z sac, r <, ; c `XOP' VPv— ;. bGFIt'TCl:JaY;2'K',3dWP'rI- ieGbZs�sn4e -PV, its 10 L '. iflb1� F�NDT'a.� Z +'Ans'.I D 'MvI111CI OL 1.4i; hum9mmmy Nm woos 1 AV -vmQvn, low, -h ti...... loon No Ok i USA S)pt;'! C'. Jf OCT is hum9mmmy Nm woos 1 AV -vmQvn, low, -h ti...... loon No Ok i USA hum9mmmy S)pt;'! C'. Jf OCT If COUNCIL FILE NO-- By O B FINAL ORDER. In the clatter of.....pay..ing..the....alley-running__f.rom .Chatsworth street to ._..__ _0xf.crd..s.tre.e..t_...in._.Bl.o.ck...33.._..Summit __. -Park ..Add i.ti on............._._.___._..____.._..:..._..__.........___.__._.. _._. under Preliminary Order..._..... a9a___:_._........_.._.._.._._,-........approved ._.._`TUIIB 30thj_J.19814......_._._....._..._...._._.._.__..... Intermediary Order ._..._.__.......__.../._._��_.^ .. ........_.....__._.__approved ...._........:.. r2 �s% ....{/......./. .G/......__. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inr- provement to be made by the said City is...._ ............. ........... .::................... ............. .._... ... ....... _....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adoptedby the Council......_...__......_... ...... ....._._...._.........:.19............ ........._.._..............__.............:..........._.................................. City Clerk. Approved.......... ..............:....................19......._... ....._....... jit ftp -- Conncihneatliar7drt�r j ,d e O'Leary r ✓�f Yoerg 1 Mayor Powers r b- • __..... Mayor. under Preliminary Order approves ................ J11T16, 30th,__1914.. To the Council of the Citybf St. Paul: ,The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated tnmoumt of the assessment fm• the above improvement is :................... .... .... ........... ' "- �i{%n3 of Pavemc�tr — 1�rrroxtrnate >`st_-- z63uer front"foot...,-;>-- Brick X3,344'9.9 Concrete 2,1214,.49. The lots lots or parcels of land that may be ansessed benefits for said improvement, and the asseksed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: /k 04 DESCRIPTION Lot Blocl ADDITION Assemed Valuation .1 L3 DESCRIPTION Lot Bloek ADDITION Assessed Valuation j N; � d DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation .ZL J ----.__ ,-- - - i Q s y DESCRIPTION — Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valuation a i j � 7 . I i e FOLEY BROTHERS INCORPOFjXr— G I L F I L L AN BLOCK ' SAINT PAUL June 24,1914- Mr. ,1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, City Hall. " Dear Sir: I enclosd hgrewith.a petition for the paving of alley running from Chatsworth to Oxford Streets in Block 33, Summit Park Addition. Your petitioners will appreciate as early action as consistent in this matter. Yours truly, MHF/T Enc. U�V- JUL 8 1914 r^ NN 880. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that be has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wprks. Dated.............. ........... ...R .........._..... .............. 191;/.... �C' .. ....... _,.........................................._.........................._................................. Commissioner of Finance. ■M 9 Y � t r 1 1 } t f r I Ice - LAI y • �� l v v 8" /-u� � t � � 17 f.�i � � .I j I ,I T, St.Paul,; nneeo a, Octobar�7,1914. ; The abov : pe itionera rep seen t more an o0% of the owners and 50� of th� parQels affected by. ho paving of said alley and object to said pe.,g forY1e reson khat `s tzm� unc�lled,f r. } alley is now in good cond tion and the expense of pn.ving s e ! 4 SubtcrJed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public.in nd for said countytand atate.thi4 seenth day of eptember, A.D.1914. 3 3 is Notary Pu ' f t by Commisjion Evill expire une} ' ,i I K. , F ,,. To the Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen. We, the'undefsigned, resident property owners in Block thirty- thrss-(33) Summit Park Addition of St. Paul, Minn., do hereby respectfully aet„�it4- yoar honorable body tp-jaj& an ordinance ordering the laying of a brick, pavement in the alley running through.the above named block from Chatsworth to Oxford Streets. Property on Portland Avenue. Feet.. . . . . . . Lots 1; H},of•2; 4 and 5. ` 160. Lots Wj of 2 and lot 3. /60 jc uC-..•eco. . . . . . . . . Lot 6 j 40 . . . . . . . . . Lot 7 40 .Lot, 8 40 .�4 •.•�Td Lot 9 40 Lot 10 and E* cull 60 . . . . . . . . W7 of 11 and E 30 ft. of 12 50 ; ; W 10 ft. of 12 and lot 13 50 . . . Lot lg 58.54 Property on Summit Avenue. . :�. ... . Lots 15 and 16 98.54 --_7, 3 Lot, 1:7 and_ 18 • p Lot a 80.00 I:ots 19 and` 20 80.00 pts 21 and=`22 80.00 / 23,' 24 and 25 120.00 c. i k t 26'and.A 14 ft. of lot 6 ' 27 9]4 j.ot 27, iexcept W 14 ft 54.00 and lot $8 8b 00 U JU L 8 1914 t _! "Tt -^1. [ .. (1 1• 7Ilk,C NPCc, Y.Et E�'Cre37 r 1'«4 ^, A Lf ,$CC Cf e^ nT i Oxi Ft No. FV jrSah / �' 5854 . 4�; / na/,y� � 50.'00 ; 50:00 80 00 T arm er 60;00 P 40oa t. � s 400o 80 00 40,00 120 00 ' s so,00 -54.00 6 a 86.00 3, E/sin 9e, C4a Ar W- rfh Total .number resident property owners subearibhg.to petition.) representing frontage' out of a'total1197.08, iset.', ,JUL 8 1914 , ,yIva HEN" E. WEDELSTAEOT CO. =STATIONERS ST. P14. y - a 3 0 a 7 9 10 12 1314 19 i 1 r a a 2 2 2 C d TY. Gentlemen � - We, the undersigned,_owners o4"therp operty abutting_on the allep'�' in Hlock 33, Summit Park Additio�do hereb__petition Your Honorable HodY-�: pguge said allex t0 be ;rayplled and that_ Preliminary Order No. 292 Yor i._P.��i� be r$s�indedd;—----------------- - ---- — ---- ---- /0o8. d T k; ze-- 0 1 2' —__ -- - I 1 ` 4 9 f 1 e e is—"------- p .. ---------------. d k; € 1 f 1 e e k: p .. d P Ti t COUNCIL FILE. NO............_ _..._....... 13y_...._..................................._......_._....__............... FINAL ORDER. In the platter nf......._..Q.ens.tru..c..t..ing..._a__.$ war .__on_,_Por,tland _avenue from Snelling avenue . to. ._Saratoga avenue_'._.._ ..... _ ._..............._................................. ..................... ....... under Preliminary Order........_650.._.. July 1914. approved ..............__................. _.. .... , Intermedi4•y Order_.............._...._.....,/s.77-111.7......_..__......_........_approved .............. ......1...._......../._......_.:.__.._.___ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and/ the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the: ' same; theref bre, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, Axtent and kind of inl- provement to be made by the said City is._._cpnetructin.g, a sewer on Portland avenue from Snelling avenue to Saratoga avenue. ...... ....... .... .. ........... ... ......... _. ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_._ .._:.. J._._19_.l z " ler . Approved ._..<_._...._. l _... ._.._ ............ �_......._ ...._ ..li................ !............... Mayor. Councilmen Fat `vol•th C F Nott 1974 .In tfi¢ Matter Y eetructing a= ewer; G on Po na=+a e aV tx m S t l,Fnt I dYenve.; to Sarato8$ S'relimina) Otidc*�g �+Q +a{ipt ved� ''.iufn 14th ,t974,LIufermed(ar).'Crtler.. ,r � 3687. aPPtated SOpt Y' 1914 _� � ' '. � � .�.A�"Pu`¢llc h�aring':havimgttleen hd'� npoq the�abo4e�3mDFovemeat u�oh duet �� tl ell notice and then Covelt haviq, heard 1 ' all yeraone bbjeotiotie and r Rmmen i dations:retatrv8 tkeretn and fiavinh' aPy Ya11Y coueidered the- same therefore be it Itee Ived,By tpe Council oY 7the City; oY 8t.-stiYthat the precloet,nature ea jI tent and"kind, oflmpxovemenU=.�o .bei:. - made I,y3h0 said -City to eRnstncettng�:, a Lewpr "�"on Port10. d aveuub from; 'Mayor rB 9nellfng r -avenue to tSaratoga $ver/ue' and the�Council hereby orders satd4lm '.' At. ' � prove ertt to be made '. :! - Re4�Qed�'urther-,That the Cbmmis '� winner ot¢Publlcd wo�k�teected ao brega � r DESCRIPTIONS �� Lot: Block ADDITION ' " isissesserlalust�on :. ;5- ; ' — -�-- Wil____ k } -h •i � S i T � w j. The Commissioner of Finanee,fnrther reports that he has investigated all of' the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the'report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated............_... .d............_.._ ......................191 /,�— p Commissioner of Finance. LI 1`111 munuffill] 77 1_2 COUNCIL FILE NO..-.---*-, . ..... 13Y......... . ........ ............. . .... . .. ........ ......... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of . ..... ... .. ... from ... .... . . ....................... ....... ......................... .................... . ........ .......... . ................ ........ I ............................. under Preliminary Order -.:.._5.9 .................... .. .. .._.....:.........._approved ... .. . ............ . ..... ......... .......... Interi'nediary Order ......... . .... ...... . ......... . . = ............... ........... -approved ..... ....... ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard alk persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Ci St. Paul that the precis t nd kind of nm- i =W'xC . .. ....... c4x;s� prove ent to be ma�e by the a City 1 .. .... .. .. ....... y ............ . .... . . ....... . . ..... .... .... ..... ...... .. .. .......... . . ............. ......... . . ......... ...... . ... . ........ "a ei/ improvement to be made. and the Counci eii-eby orders said J, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be- and be is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement 1D,,accordance thereivith. Adopted by the Council -------- ................ .. .... . ........... Approved . . .. ........... ➢Ia ............ ........ ...... yol.. Councilmen Pal sworth In the;��Mgttdr�o Go f 3 Ke l er apoa C n'gth.� Ili Me "oll fully iggPeidpked N TN b J-1 7 ;same Filerelorei 0' ary ok at,rjnnZthat,th6' priplop,' iriO*VLII'Ift�l torts aasl'ckind of rovim- g Yo •g an}Yer on aL to V oanbn A Mayor Po rs th6j,COi7 M "d - hereby tefltrected to pre rare P b -Cdunpu? ornpproyar that uAbn Bald _ 111l = �,�, �.� i ii � i i � __�. �: A!s".;;�„Sµ$"jx'y; w y,••CJ44'dM ?i } F { '+-.z:::ir' �',',k' �.(sr '% ;Y, Ri�s'F y ",a 1 ``r�2 s 7 , a 7 u iit .�e•5� )yl 5 _ p t ✓ 'i.' n7+, t t;, t t d Y '✓•;;. h, c. vt atd ,i".Yt ,iyt3a:.:,°iraJrrrs-.�r h'�.1?3}-til r._'�r .M,{a"`�i _.hl t.,ia..«�rna Ffi5 a:`. "`•-r' r ,.'{� .ry.,�.f Ss ti Y+„ �xz, 1i a a•''• � � s 1 �_ n �t �: � n Wt<� ALT a y ,,� Sr L i� .� } �` F� i a a'C i�F4 xY.r" r v_'r^,'r1..g'n ."�h�rii>, ti..c*. r 'l9#y.nySL ,mss �.� f: `G y y,k }; : 3 v 1 ' r' s R ,��•u tk �r t'g tt vil ..�. : az. a..;. YgY.tti s;`"� Ra'•�r-''+;d"`4 �.�.c '44 �:r'. F >ht��t �'` :t a''tP ��:i�- `' et p9 ^reit .S�T �� ar . c„�yy ��u t i` ,r ,. F �T r �„ � nSL 5" .,+T 'F•tt 3 r.�"-�, r r � a '41+, .. �, Y.x � y � 1 tih^ i r f C -S, t � �,� �,.� 4 � r c Ai � '.5 Y x fA• ? ,.r, : K, x,Y � . a ?,r,�aq � � 6 + r H : M.� � � � o . x" ? 74 n >a b ti � !.. r� 5 .%r '< u� ~•? a f)Eya'�'�-F#". a. � batJ'x S �" t 't'�.�„" t''� '�; x' �'..a , �js"*c''{�t-s t,�.'. r � �; 4€rr .r't� � +`.., �f '" i �, • � +sp � � t �- t •.f•.} tai - :�? + 3 J :' ?SrN13w..>"`.. jYY 1's try.. }•y yw� i�l:'€ (fit 3 4''T'"4 sYh12 j :: w$ 1'" j t w,. .xl �• ; _ i Y+y t+`t $ i ,r .. fix r S ° - h e '# i { .L 4 J.k. trr� '4 C^• C zY 4P - .N 1 {U1S+. i r.�:4`., ..,.k'�-.'.?.aA x� �. re>, '•a�-y,`, Mt.� ;.RN .:i �.X•hTrd s. '€,,y,A ..,:^4•a' f` x�+x --. av > 3•i' � 3 �i�r <� 1tS� J '4`��+'�ii� $i r }t�". +"��'•��i%�, ra^H,#�Kx°.r :_� •v�x y,. Z Y i,,r 4" rv, r ,� ,, e v { .ta h 4 r.: (�' x� F. o- � - s t.-sr�'6 4�i w` � s i.lx h". c� �3�+•i � k ti 1 S � _: -ai t:- V si.''-.� a` k..F�+. � -:. 4 tE r d�� p 1 .�.�j7sa S. f'a :+r' � s ro .a •� -� r; ..r�. ,<,R� 5 a � r 1 [� r , z 5• • �•t }f s• s t t i' Z s'r„�, '% jAy,r v. S ',�'wT+ 4 . 3fa`tri"'s„y i ry,F+ fi43'§.° r ass '-5 `' { S t -r* hoc n+� r�y?� '•iF-c ' 1 Z ;+ N 5... ,,' +S ci( 4 � \' T}fi�� �.'4'f i,� �" i`j�fa i�'F i'd.lY�iFx�7 �1. 5y'..3F � -T'± 4 ,,YY,�Y• 7 \ h :'� C J t .,,;L. � r r' ° i ;. t ft A {� •� { .. 5 t��ra. C U� Fa �.x� � the Jh�'i��"�� � � S � i i r; f o- :- t rj y<r't ,s. v 4 p,^`rP> c. ,`�`y -^z r 'n, :a R xl^ 1� y h•.A• f u ', sr '� rr k , } .. as } t t 'r•�' r�. ,� "rF4 Fa ZK }g� fi zt i' tLte 1 ,..i t _ , .f. t ;;,� ., + - .rr ',1"�^,�,• ,xq"{- L_ :.r x s -r1 ,..+ •,� 'a of C %3A.e .,k4 xi+'' :. � .�,, � ,� . ,��''d - d..i �''"{'S� � r�:sL° ������f y...t, •� �r�o. t�S. y Fxc j'y xp wy>,� k P r ``}s,`i 4�=f'M`i.' NL�'*J �t4 s"i f'�� s ;d d �4tw •4 . k 7y - 1 G " r L r .� � "'� J,r�r � � .. �•-s r^v a'� tix�ti,~t� ,^� cr ��a..� b nt ^A. €7' F � �i:. - r•t r0isr ry .S:la' `ayc uF KA"a s,f-�„'�ea^NY"j.. tti' fe +a.:a•a.;t€�e*Y�L'�, z,t .t - r',•: ,p, w � t-: d'' . '.� v rs, `�` �', !� Yl..rk r 9.-•�" t �':. �r � � �t � �t, , t�xt4"°y ...f--; : 1 .i t".a. 1t F { r' 1-.�t,�¢ ::V .�wUr�; ''S`v c��$� �2af i' P 3nnS`n �a '.�+•,+ ak"it7, °�'tY � ; [���r .Ci `fit/ �rt f<n J, v } ...-) � i ' . sr+ ,� '' 4,r,, a �7' •K '"S r .. F ? y s nsc`."i '�, N'4, is z r w Y #d ; r+i'r v „�" rc"u..t:a` ^v. fi h yM Yqn > ,,.; 7 ,.-s ,..:Y � a , ..'Y. r �!�. a w .�,; s : �T .:� 1`h..t' .;:'..'r t %e� .qty �f»4..fx�K`'C 7' ;,.v'�1 d ry� :n✓siy'W'i�,'�,h. ,>Jt' �'3`t+�r atxyY Fr, Y :t. � Fty r '+ �,.:� 7 . J u t cr? '�- ,f }.r7r �i.m C% r a r. w3+rsf9 e t N s z zy •t s r 5ry-.v��, K� 5 : �..,, is.�y 4 ,r1Br 1 e t x y H t -' t �.:N.;�ti' . y._`+ it �'.•}r'.'fh� +Fia.rh � � t-.i �t y�Ja t�---'.sy �,t ���1+�t 6���mRjy� �l"�'+-t"y14�+} r :.r• � �."..t S,t "t`., tr2 y'x'.t��... *Lay£. 3.t. 41�x'4'� k Y1 t 7 ..:t c 1 � .L ,.; f�;,,'ic}k�.;,i+C x �a`r w y�5.RS� � ��.7 * ,.,,. t, " Sj .�.:� -�a� a '"rnT- � ° z u. '-'" ,,iq .' '>.-� L' 'wt-5,.'•,�:-C e :.rF.r 1 '�; �'�'-! r �,• d 1 t '�.yu�rP.'� Y !it��+°hi .{_ ,=:, '+ �-. w t_ t t "� r` E� ,✓• �tf R '��Arr�i^� 'r r r�i d`w'•Y �' b t4 .. 3 rr. �{ '��" t I,. tt# ^y x r '#'Fs c :� v +. a •,t'�,' j '{ :�s �z.. ted rv� t.. yw, � "' at + F}.. r •` 1. z, h xn 1.. 3� Cot, J` &%. rv.. -..� a;� p^. �, L x,.. + t `d. iy,-a tt✓ �r r, +yt tk xc f,: y, t } t-x. c �t f u��:.t�xv,i Y �� i f>{..-�. .F^ rr .. tt . t;-F 4 < < :. 4r L t4 + _ �.�: •S,d- �' +« r� sv r "�>? s # ' t .. � 1 `"� � 'F i �[ ?,C�'� vMw y �{ �..�x � Yn f� ,� r �`,ti ? ", .a t" a 'x i •�. „ L {r ,.:', s. .. ,.C." ,t fp .. � 1a J S. r¢ t � $ 52 � r5,.r xer'•ti m yfE �a +>* {t 7. t r�r t .., � t � a's. � +t.,.�� Office of the :Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ........ ............. ......._JulX.:..11.i....... _................. 1914._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelliuinary order of the Conn- cil known as Council File No.._45 .................... approved ....................._J..une . 30, ............. relative to ........... _....... _....... .c.. .o..n....s....t....r...u....c....t....io...n o°f curer on Minnehaha.._St.._._Y_rom._Avon...St.... Cq._....._....__......................_ .......... _......._V,iotoria.. S E.................._..................._..._...._....._.:_...__............-_....................._..............:............................................... _...._......__......:.................._.............. anrl`kaving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_........a.__...... nece sS% and (or) desirable. X1.13 pee front foot 1 333 QO 2. The estimated coat thereof is $___...... ..__, and the total cost thereof is $ ............. ................, and r........._. the nature and extent. of said improvement is as follows: ........................._.........._........._....................._...._....:.......__._......._._.................. COUNCIL FILE NO.__ 13Y.......... . ..... . ......... ........... FINAL ORDER. In the 'Matter of Curbing. Beech....atreet. from. ForB.St Stre8t tO CY-Pless St- .... ...... under Preliminary Order.. approved ............ J. IAP 0 a4th, 1914�-. .......... .. Intermediary Order ............. .........approved A public hearing having been had upon pon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the C* St. Paul t a the precise ature, extAt an�%�d of im- St proven t t/b¢ made by the said CjV ......... .. ........ ... . . - . ...... and the Ceolzdhereby orders. said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That A Commissioner of Pnblic Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to,:prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said', mprovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19./ ................ erk. Approved_ 9//A� .... ....... - Mayor. Councilmen Far sworth Goss Kellr I r Mee 11 O'Le- -y Yoerg g Mayor Power 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of...__curbIng.....R.e.e.ab,_... street, __fram ....F.a.re.e.t_...S.tz�ea.t_...to......C.yp.rese ...... treet. under Preliminary Order approved ._......_ Jun_e_..24th.,..._..1914..._....._.....__._....._._.................__.........._..._...._........_....__.....__..._....... To the Council of the'City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated ammmt of the assessment for the above improvement is (_..:4.6...2.35 Cost per front foot 38¢. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed.benefits for said improA*meat, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, me as follows: ' � p DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valustion v ;1 9: ,0 DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed V.hm,tol _ - -- 3.0..//-o - - �� I DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed el anon O — ,S 6 14, c_i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the, aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the, Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ......................._:.............191..j .. .. . ... .... .... . .... Coininissioner of Finance. ��� :4-` "}• L'�'�. h- '.ams-:c.,�'�FSry'g''�'%?'�} - '�+ 2 i f s: 'a ..=,, h� v �"-,KF-• w'• fi»'�V.,.?..rrp. t 1 ,�i•.2 a' p re'`'I :? 1. •..c, •o-g�• 'az ',.lrr ..t +-n. •W' .c4 t':';, "". .7r'. cr. "0.f�„}.� u.sa5-:x.r'•Y'Y"`>',�}.; _'y <Ax•!„ "a'.•.:s b 7 4 Y=r`?K4. '"".y ' N ::e^ -a" ,!4':+.':' - a'J:3"°'fi-�,'`'�_ • ;�: r ,t xi.i?r'4.'"'Fgg ' cr- $��,%c ».'.^�, �,`w.. r43,. .,t-'y''"'�+"r: .':k ,,m: -y` ,,,v< n"'�.,yq.'` w.. "fie ? ;, -,q > r u Y a: r^ sr. ;'y I ' ?"`. , ."•S x'.-Vr'�t'� a•;'�ff,�t''h�;�F •S`,'t�t;` e� ,r?"^* 2 +t�4^.` ,'Px'.Ss3 r °��'. "i`o6r ) r `. ,xkT,-, s n r H•? t' 'l: -:c N1�.. ' ,'. ."� ` 5s. ..•Y` 'S 't`, yfitip ,L�'FRI, ." ".ruby,. z> r t 4 ,aa..Fr .� ,.r rt ..t:.' _ ,,;� - •r 3 -+ ' ' , s -:''L .'`,r ao- L'a� any ta„•vy ,.a @fit e.. fi x. ..a s'•'vr-t4 .. v c�`' F-x"xyY•xx:�r�ta� p.. .:z.•,-, ;'P,. '9a.. ,�'Sg' �.ti�+-�'+`bi��'�u. ���:: ,anY �,•, y.: ''afam; �`, .tt-. ?'tYy„ -,,�;r f :�-R+r} q„`-�,'ali:., �5x 3 r t c: ,,• �':= ,;ns, ..,•�,. �.y;"�±'s•! ,, . ,�'��'}v �,"'�` +,y2'E.. aq; - .'�r '}. � �•;'� a' at -:S i-' a < <.'�j = m % x;.',+�+�ry�y �+S C `` ,� �1 � �;, esti �- ..�a��''F� t. �' � r' � � •� 3 �� `d � .s •s � .� s "�. .} � •( ry F r:, r m ^�.a ,'�- u � s t� .y,,,. - '�,`""tu'"' '.'yam':..: �• itE 3' 5;. �'" _��''� w�'+ rrtz .. x'rc �*^+•.�t �_ y.,r8 '` K..%'.,,i},>;.,� .rx-i �,'�v+,� '`y`" ?,. ! s`'z .'`-k,- Tm"S.-.:;3, •ur7 S - t4-' a ftr', ? » L c,,`� zr `a<...yP..A,4<'Srt rS- )-a g°; :?. .+.. 1 . _ z'q-f•°"'frr �q�.'k. �5;. `a`•z..'�,``.T,^y�`.'3-+;,,s rJ ' v:, 7' :�-z.., ,,z .t 8yw'1`z.,3"" ;:' ?" .`•a �Y r. Tm r if f 4- [w,�• 'fi Y'r.,c.c'-.J k. v14. k -?44 y„ '£ �"'s''r":4.at,, .r yr d' k'ti "Q`.. 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Yt, ",•-.a_, � `K,g �,�<... , �'F'u>i.raSJ'...�•� �,r�rS :r . ;r..�.0 si gw,cc'�i.:�v �' tx .,�r:.!:m....:5•ro.evt �'?�YS� :+.y:3'�e,+ a •,�.�e �� ,.c'�„ y 7. ., ;Rs q�s�r ;Y ,,.v3p � $"fid �4� � s F -.;y' -f' i�:,, ii )s'a'- is 'Jig « dr''.. ,�� A�+?z r,.r -,F++ .�z E.i• ,�.fY-C:t�3rv,, t sz si, .'+•:r: !e$,3yar :ixs^y''}tf=.s... .r - ? f$.'. aN�• - 1. !':, !v mss.'.' ✓4�k <?�,.."e, ten' t ^^cav Y.,r. - �! :. .rte ,ia .✓r+:,- N.=;:4 ��k',1t �z"l+f»'-;�iy :d uy��pp^'+,v`r.:+e.` +.''�ipl.,y"'�'y'y'��raPNV...i C t .„+,fix :eF 4 .. i �,�,,, (&�.. .Rq„ `, SL 0)'•rf,}fK 'y ^�3. ,�"5ts�'+5�;f, {`F iV.,..,,. y� k= y ;h`F �L.. bO.; k•i1 '5 Qr 1 :.6 F ) 1 . ,M.$ X 3 s�'. 7�'<a,;:,yv�� � s •i'�ar : �,-).Sid �'' _ , j'y,: is �'b.-.e' t',y?E. .'Ff .,.i:; .�" „F rrJ to t;t •^?r;: 3C,y ;; rn!"` k .:�.':a' ° rr`rr '.�y�€ ...J?+ } .,t ,vs;'�: p rz' =1,r13 n `?:i'•'Y' -r. t,`'`k If:RLrd:'`'C }"�*+,:so v" i':�X a: i.f,A r.. 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Yr RES OLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed*toprep are plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sameto the Council .for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby .author and directed to proceed with the making of. said-- improvement d ce therewith. 4, aeepr an Adopted bythe Coun ---f--19t , . .... ...... . ..... . ... . . .... . ............. .... . .......... . it Gler1. Appr4ved- 19 Mayor. Councilmen P sworth Ahl-- A tot dildglc„- OE i#jdijC4b%t' Gig - 'Go 01 Ww no U 'Ada, Kel r ,Rum IN I IM -3 I ars ,ora ��U ox, Quio"XiDR40, %.j bA V uPOFk jd 6 1 v EVORPO v to I , -r enaatFdK MA, 0 el'u S'v' c 11 ' . 0 Le ry xly wsa�gg% relatives 'Le ry io M er ph erg _pre Yoer M. ME Rw' wX '�A Ve,51 V W "0., Ida Powe "gotgo, 4 - Mayor �ft- waxi -g 16-,�,InMbbv ` biw,- *4a*bro4A,. Wd, N OIA d, M 3merOMAN , 01�5,6jk �5,M," bg IVINn Mal V &pP bviWAhstIV66 MMIAU 4 41, s�`( �� �;DESCR�LPTION` �s r 4 Lo�2 Block ' ;�� > �ADDZTIQN � � ? Asseasedf Ualuation �7 t r a 1 i 5 T h ; i r sk F,. .,.�m Noi NIP ,P%sv �'� a�r.�,x x crss',<;' �` .�.r,4�bt -.i k "7 �. •'{qw, J�.r ../ 2 �� 6 x ,�, �.», r. �> � i.l�.iR _ a '} 4 )i `k � tl � 1, �3M"'1 6, 7 1 v+ U h. �� �1 � ➢ �' S" R � j F 3r Pt: iLL. FRF:55�C0 Aasr — Le , �ST.FAOL, Ai1NN. 2 To the Honorable Common -Council and. Board of Public Forks City of St.Paul,Minnesota_ _— a 4 Gentlemen: - ---- We, the undersigned owners of property do hereby respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have the ,Alley graded in Block 1 Manson and Simontone addition; e ween Shin im �aven-ie and Grand avenue and Leung on avenue lo //33, '— - — — --�) is ----- ---- 4 is _—. 17 19 �- . 2122 --------- -----1/�// ,� — -- 23 24 -- 25 4 28- 27 -- 28 COUNCIL FILE NO-_ .......... 13y .... ..__..... ..... .._._._..._......_......_.__.._...._.__..............:..........._....__. FINAL ORDER. in the iflatter nWm.onetruoting_ a sewer on ._Abell street,_ from Jessamine at eet..to.Rose street .. approved ..._ .June 30th, 1914 under Preliminary Order. 413 ..; ... 1 ploved Intermediary Order. .. _.................. .. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, acid having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOL\'ED, By the Uounci f the Ci St. ^Paul, that the precise nature, (�ti�t�anCin.d of npro ent to be made by th a id City i ......:....T 1 L- .....-_. _.. lnd the Council hereby orders, said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized slid directed. to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._..._._,....6fir// ........_.....19.....��� �s ............... ....._..__..... Clerk. Approved__..........__._d..........1 Mayor. Councilmen F rnswol'th Ip h�nia of onstructinS a aewe ; >oqAbell-::street.. from ,Tesaamtne ; ,= street tn`-_$ se etaree} ved June 3Qth G. s iParY Clvler 413 pro p914 Interrnedlar��Y.14�cd � roveiln sept 9 haYing`be n ;had, � - Ke er A Publind,hearfn6•. - , upon_thc ;ntiove ImProveme f uPoheard J .nottee srid''ob ectlonai s. da rleeommBn y gull p8raone-, / 1\IC 'oil :dationaonaldErfed tHarsameanth before �fuilY ' be ft the Goupcli of the �CitY 0' any Reaoried;�RY of,S ' PaUr'ttlat the•PTe teA matt tot .tent and-tk� s'Ot CICYr eCOnetrugfin6 made bY'. b bell street from .•Jesa9 Yoe g p's se Wer: oo A etr t'and✓ the tmfne street to Rosa Council rhOrOby orders Bald imP,?ove hl_ayor Po rs ment fobs,made Resolvedpublic eWorks the ,ad COMMi is'. Ielonor of,f' r said•t i liereb nlan'strand ePe d tion9aloo Pre Alit, _.. mit eameN`.to a r d rI F ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of...._cot.0.1;'un.t.ing....a...-newer.....On_.At�. 1.1.._strpet,._.frorn.._J_eesarnine .......... s..tre.e.t.....to....RQB.e...s.tree.t....... .................................. :.............................. :................ ......................... ... ...... ............... ........... .......:......................... ._.......:................................. ...._............. .. under Preliminary Order approved ......_J.U118..._.31Qth....... 1911.o_ ...............................................:.._...._....._.................._ _.._ _... _..................... To the Council of the City of St. Pant• The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as. follows: The total estimated aniount..of the, assessalee�t for the above improvement is ffi..__lj_03........ 82 Cost rer front foot' $1.24. The lots or parcels of land that may be. assessed baefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Asessm', are as follows: it DESCRIPTION Lot Bloek ADDITION Assessed Valuation - 3S i S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing ns his report thereon to the Council, together with the, report. made to hinn in reference to said mmjatter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated................. 0..... ......................... ..._.....191_ Commissioner of Finance. 7777 C X OF SAINT P L AIMCity Clerk's off ic St.Paul 1 n General form. .......... ...................91 o ved of City Clerk _.. -.. - Wyly`¢' yp• �=�®e�Qoe9o�=mam . ��('�V•'V+"eyna.[f99AQtim•^�'' 4..'t:•" 0`° � —T SOOci�—O ate Pres ted -----_--._. ----------- 1914. By Resolved, that the contract bearing date October 2nd, 1914, by and between the Equitable Asphalt Maintenance Company, of Kansas s City, #sours, and the City of St. Paul, for the use of an asphalt machine for two years from June 20th, surf ac I1914, to June 19th, 1916, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorizpa and directed to'exeoute the same on be- half of the City 'G.rTg idor Y04�'BY Sf --.fix abea— . „' y _ $asalva�r That tba contraat bearing � )F _ 'aht��cTiltublena �caph� tY SiTainteragce ..If ,.' . e,Nla oiup`anY:;a";bf lKans@'sClty the Ql$ oust YM;3?1+Tor t¢•uee of, aria asph9lt. sutCacing*maychlnE tae •two yea}s LI•diribe and ttje servo fa hereby '18th �9t8 , aPP �J@d gird the propBr city gtt3cerst 'ars authorbn bA halt P� the>faLyx�c te. the safn� ApPrdved40 Adopted by the Count AdoPtedny Ln9iToun n sat 7 t3s12r' 1914. k 7 1814 , rtact+,I0.1Q141 _ / •_ • _.......�.... Yeas ( ) Co ei;men �(` ) Nays F` sworth , G s oll 1 rg _Cd _ 0 eery Approve 914. •atirC1O .• H 11er - Mayor Mr. President, P ers City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form.. Department of _.. _.._._._. ------ Date -_---__._._._- .......... Burpau.of M SOvv..�JQ . Council Fire No. .--------------- - Date Pres tad _..1914. By.._._...._.. _._._...._._._._._._._._._..._._...._.._._...._._._._._._._._..._._._...._.._._._._._.__ Resolved, that. the contract bearing date October 2nd, 1914, by and between the Equitable Asphalt Maintenance Company, of Kansas City, 0souri, and the City of St. Paul, for the use of an. asphalt �._ surfaoirig machine for two years from June 20th, 1914, to June 19th2 -1916, be,and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on -be- half of the City., NhaasB=v r x` r Ip. g xo 5878—�}Y ate: Haa In aat¢��oe�ob r7ha 1914',roY a�✓itlr�ttVee� i '3ho, �,'lru Itebtp � dsp}ihlt Idhidtepµnoej's'- Qoinpnp'"•:i 6f 8nnneg xClty Mte600rl � ` _ _ , ' � gnd tpo e,6ty oi'8t 7EyGi1 Lor the van of. • 1 �&H �ephhltr au}[acing �mnehlne�tor two yenrq fioi+f Juno "'28Eh 1814 to"'[ann Ieth IeIB bn and CF;s gdmd Ss I+erebY7 apptoVed c,A.nd etho ptopnr ItY oKScere '� are authgslzed and dire0t d to oxeautei 1914 ' Q tha enma3-yob heHnl4 u[ the CISY. � �Aeoptad bI tho Cohnclt [Sot 7s 1814 ' Adopted by the Coun Yeas ( ) Cc oilmen ( ) Nays s Fsworth MIIDoll 17 rg Approve 0 easy pp .--- 8 ller _ .! Mayor Mr: President; P ere r City of St.Paul ' Council Resolution/enerl form: Departmentof _...._.._...._._...._._..-_-_._._._._-_.�...._:.:.. Bureau of......................... .__._._......._........._._._.___._......_._._._..._......._ _ _� aaav Council File No. Datted _._._......__.--- -_-_.-1914. By.._...._.»._._....._.._._._. ---- _ _._._._..»_-»._._.»._._ ------- —.. Resolved, that the -contract bearing date October 5th, 1914, by and between. Cameron & Company and the City of S't. Paul, for the construction of the St, Anthony Park pumping station, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of said City. t it;nj - ` Ct $eenlde�d9 That the bo0tand hates ern-- .. dat¢ OatoHeY 6tH 1916 �. nY� the Clty dL ' � Catnerbn & C.ofgPhnY{. - . � "gt. Asu1 utorI+a�kPOUmR nBtstati h tbe:. . dthR12Y �s,aPPrayed' and, Gad the safe gr-�atlEhorizbd, ' j 8nd directedz to 'szecute tpea.safna,yort; I ipeh� 1L of Bata City Y'f"t M1 I ���DLed. by }hb Coun 1] Oo# 7.1915 6RProYed OaL 7 1916 �v (Oct 10-'19?'�), abx"• Adapted by the Council �,_;._._._..%__.........._....:.._._..1914. Yeas (. ) Counc lmen ( ) Nays Ear sworth Goo SIC ll Yo g f � 0' eery Appro 914. K lerMayor Mr; President, P ere CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS -CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTICE 'a DATE. 191. THE ATTENTION OF THE..... ... _..... ........ IS RESPECTFULLY CALLED TO THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION, YVHICH HAS BEEN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR. Gr •.R, ..B-1 I - QQ CITY OF,ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .... —T w� CFILL OUNCIL' TO '982 Date Presented ......... ........ _.191 ....:. '. Resolved, creae. InitnedlatelYprior ,and ups A. tae 4tma the'' exiafing Cha ter of the Clty;oY Ha Pahl; too7c effect there was yendtng 1n the✓`oCloe of the Board of. . PUblip Wgrka f Haid efts a certain ',cgndcnSnaCion DrOaeedtng. for the n opening ,wldetting a extendlrig of - IJeKeraon:avettve Irons 1+'cederlcka.ave: - ' nue -toeFhirview avenue-}hY condemn- - I ing and taking;the eouther'i 80 feet '[ - of+the Wast t/e: of the N:WI f the oC Sac `;9 T 26 •R: 23 t ala "y CIWi: inatttuted--and carded 14n. under T'y ;b- It inrdec Q 114,13'r pr ea s embng Eioa7 O de N4 .•11•[46 al?D ttafY' 33 d 3D&/ .. and`,. witat4e o #of Publl Wes 3' prlgn to the f(ft ay of June 1919 directed th 1 fk of Id H g1Ve'tIt 6aBepa e t qt/qe j y , proge0dingg 1vor'.satd nd m { at111,pending and 1t u c ad' with rR' Whereas: It is the n on of this Council,}t#a't`alk other aetcl and proceedings to be had or clone relative to the completion of the aforesaid an:iennments are practicable to be done under the terc:.e and provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that the said aseessments be completed; I under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter am to all further acts and proceedings to be clone; an! the Coesliosioner of • y ; mance"and other officers and departments of the City,. are hereby etuthori¢el and directed to continue to complete the said aszessuents under the existing Charter, in accordance there+r.fth: •�'' emir o et toe c q ' eafa-Board 'tq proeeQhe� fbsemani notice rultd tae - V procpedl sfot 'said Cgndemnat7gn"� ie atlli.bohd nB and tt idie0elrabja tp ptb cen'd�Wlth the sama'1ari�t �' - i�' : �V4'lreas "St: is jha opinion a� this; - yGouna)I that e.il other4acta and pro . , ' cQedipg8'to ba ]fpd on doga.cte]atAva to - Yeah �( V) COun m!n (V) Nays ' the�kpmplatfoh of tae alorepafd aseeee mintsjate praaticablg toibe,done under d0 ted the COLLOCIl_ 191 the �torme and prt visions dot the)prea p �' Fa'Forth ° z ergro�e I ` twtr§e hto that the s G �e�ald^;aeseeamanY6�be completed 'p der the..letms and pYpviaign8•ot theeatat -� 1' leg �CharteY as ;tp p11 furCNer seta ands roved App 5` propeedinga+'tq •'be dgne ati8�thet7Gomi ]� l . mfsploher of ,FinattFFaandrOthe; �pR! cete,.and dgpaMlnenYa of the gltys rp Q �' heresy agtho;lxetd and dit8eted to�go 1 i) tinu$ to eptnplet4 {hn said aeee8pfhgntgl „, YO! •under,thp,Yexleting}Chh�tec;.,1q'•.accord,l - _ ..F - ', d pf�Olea Tn ¢ thhe aeeeseaienk notice_ and tha RptoaZeding for +said condem"-tion is attri•pendtn andlt Id deelrab}e to Dro 'I (gibed Whereas: It is the opinion of this ,66d tll, that all other acts and proceedings to be -,had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid assessments are practicable to be done under the teruts and provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it resolved that the said assessments be completed under the terns and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance.and other officers and departments of t4a City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: __5P +` eeledpwlt6.�h6 same and .� }p�oceao ;);tY 1� khe 'oPlnlon of? E + 'acts, �.t;punctl {th,Qt hhiaa pr pe rolativetta , ?cbedtriRk� i Cfo@ tlf the afofog"18 ag9e s 3 rtha compte, A :�Qpta ars �Dracitcal�itl to bo Uorir Vnden, `t PTo�'tgiDng bt,�th� ;P£ea J� �.'. e..�.er7npF-:fid nix Charfec s� J5.3N, ,clued Gth S tb� l� r iThPretbro, b¢ r9,B ;gaid aes�obmegta vlafon6 �at� then ex ] 4orms',"and hro t>?bnlldonetnnilNn slag (i� COU mea ( !� NayB •: k1ho 1gting� Charier a9 Ptld by the Collltll�— ��� i and'�PTptfE.@dtnBa a b sofa " '- Fa ooh? �:. Cominlq>iloner8�p r men„e they C1fv� often rg aT it 4 author}sell adrylde � taB 6eeees' heg'b odor,"qo .tb cnmptetb h v "under thn axistlnRs Ch6Y4�aT� in ,r menta 1 ylaccordanc@ttheT w1k"'c Aaoptea As ta"e coonca Cci 9 19ra AP1itOyed M U APProv�,d�,CaL 71 181A gyp' � tot 3¢vrst4i ..n _ Y MAYOR, j Mr:'Pcesideut+- i -CITY OF. ST PAUL RESOLUTION—GENERAL,FORM• M3 COUNCfL Subject .., ..._-. Fl�NCIL --. Date P;esenfed::....:.im ........ _ ....191 !..._ WheF ae Tm16e0i�dS pe UY f S Ce a7f th0�c8P�1,,r� u y Resolved N r as e1tYn.a umr t+t ? t- ,•r t �� . , a.. ,. . , h . „ ., �. a ,c�. • ..'�.✓ s c. tr.. ' ���;w�i°��,Fr�'' a�FAa�Fe� s� _ . `. �3.�', �'t�+'s�,`���' . v Yeas (✓)"Cou tries_ (✓) Nays' F mtli':. z Y i Y OF SAINT PAUL I City Clerk's Off? •.........................._�,��. 191!7 Rea ed of City Clerk_..✓�� bury%5�/ rCITY OF T."- PAUL �'84 0CU4IO COUNCIL' REM CiENERA�, FORM' 1984 (� QQ 1 ' Subjects . ....19 ..........- Date Pnl:ented.-...._.. .-. 1 C F Nq 3984 t 8' Y: -, A Fa naw thr= �` Ileeglxgd Where@e ,jhinjo, th CX% u 1- or aHd7 apl Yo tb@ Hme £be�r axis,�ok ' a Charter_ pt 4h0 QltY At. St,rEavl Whaceaa Immedffif,01 prior and up effect there was yi0ndtng+-q the office } of t e.8oard of gubilp 'Rl�arks of sold £o the.'timq the ezlatlag Charter?; f that Ctty�a cerfain OnflOnntatlgh;-pro. eed- Reaolved, CI#Y of 9q Paul, 'took eRebt there was ing fgy the b Rnti k to h gvidth o[ 18 pending: in the,oftfce oLthe 80ard oC yeet, an alle th`Blpo$ 2 Auerbach <I Publfb W;orka of Bald btty a�:certatn and Hand a,�.e\dditl nt.kno��ii,, Roee street pondemnatloh proce0dtng for the pp@n= t^ elyi�. ]al^!� afr�a0t.}r pOnAemning 1 ad ing to a ,Width of 18 feef Pan: alley In' tggtnt4 $zieebtatE,t1t0 ra0r 1Q1ot to Block ,e�uerbaoh:' and Hand's -Ad- 14 Biq k E AnbrtOch and hands Ad- d1t1gn from l;ges eTn'eot 4o Maryland dltl0rt';�p ealdsCRy'tnatituted=and cer- street Gond tnningt ad takingc8'feet rt d o unQer Rsetlminary Orde I& "� oR Rpe ;ear of ]ol 4ox 34 Blocic; 2: 4 6 a'under roxed Nov moor 12th 113. p erbacri'°a $Hand's ,Addltionin said a^d1�b11nal Ordar,'lildo 413E¢f„,•app Oved ow City,, lnetitutefl and ;,@drrled„Febru&r1'r19th, 1IM Preliminary order 13 49676 atiproved .e r�!toWh@rose the �Oatax oLY bile Works. . Noxemb0r 12th 1�15� and Ftnal Order ¢rf9yplythgA;ef daY of 4pne 1919• 41926 approved February 19th, h'e ,had'directed the=�Cierk pi tt;aid Board ; ,1919' and; ' - t6 se it” thR a ssinenti riptide a d th vWherese the 'Board ob Yubroppe'edibg Lorw -aid dondem atlon fe -. Works prior to the, Brat d@y of �une` af11I Pehding and -;t# Ia deetrablo ttn pTo 1]814 had directed the Clerk.:@P eafd ceeA Wlthwt a�'samej sand a;t 9oard t@ give the aeeeeameat.. rtotic@; ,tW"�ereask Ispntha opintpn 6t thf@ W40111gte sad the proceeding for eafd cOndemna� G'blGicil tU t'hil+,ot°k^d pro- tton is still ➢ending and It Ia d0elrable ce¢dI 6'Pt9 b@ had gFsFdo70eu:Ta7ative ta. to'pro0eed with tae same and, t+iere, om Te;lo Ort the sforeeald,4,4seee-' me tt . iq ar�ojCepple�to,tba don07u der '•` "" - ��^� _ She t FnpF and pF 'yfy'lona of foe "'Pros- `e tl Ch' . t TkBretore, h@; iE reaglved> that .ilio f,�Oreas: It is the opinion of this Council, aat� aaa@eamet�ta be{@omReted under the r@pma and ^➢rQxlslor(s oL the ezlat- ing._ChOrt r as to all Lurther bo;4 and .and prod to be had or done relative to the mlaeocCi(n4nqandaoY,A(°oe Q party;enta'4f the CttY arerhare j by av hOrla dJ3'�nd dlractod#,oto on- aforesaid assessments are practicable to be done unnaetth Ott of in ac�nid. l ane thargwith'r d ,�r= dept@d by` t`jte bgun Il fSct. y7, .194.. provisions of the present Charter.DvC�e AcQ 7�91r:aP i5 Id x� ' ftr r Therefor, be it resolved that the said assessments be completed !under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all 'further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of =no nd other officers anlf departments•of the City, are hereby d and directed to continue to complete the said assessments a 'under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: d. a t , ,I Yeas V) oilmen ) N77, ays' ; r, Adupted'.bi the Councd— x 191 r .F awonh � t s In favor }av 11 AI{ainBL J 11 , 5t } �nSn ", -CITY OF .7 it COUNCIL",RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM i 195 4 r COUNCIL NO ........ G t �_ FlLC t�4 Date Prellenfed 191; 77 'aka . ap e4. Ptnoye M�owi A43 3x43 ,pva pan. aq..pino4e ePI4.:.1e43an3 ye Qu`:3847 aoitt 'do"; eQ iia4e ,aP3ama1(Rutu. e637iyt + :,. ul a43 .4o14m 3ou47vop u sl 7I df`7oa�}. e43. iS�ama ol. P`aztco43ng aall{m_ ' Whereaei Immedldfe�Y prlorr8 ua to tba'time the ealetlnV.1184 ter,;e Oyl„SeaLOnF'pau18;gD ej PLq a;ga3de ua'li;un ;txeBeaaAu eq Raul sa' ud Resolved, CItY oL St Paul tools eftedt fheXe 1 I pending'F in the bfflae bf the 8o9r do ea:puv v{e9a'' eef3�eppu n};.pazpoy}na 1ue.8P ea}aygoan.I eq} pa�aa{aa eq e Public Wokka oY ea1, Clty a'Aer eondemnatlon proceedln$ for the:op _ p YBa alleYt ifd'. pinoyg ep14 IIu �A '.fua }aa(egS 3q�W ey3 enaeeaa 3uemael3{ynpa:.p ul tlage }va2y_:.91i)aagP3nd ' _ Ing'to a hVldth s`of 3eet an 81Ack 2a pver4aalt=and Hand's A dition t oty`+Ftoce'seiteeYl2a 14larylan pa tee dl ylae eq ced .0. ao3 Kbaya pappaao,al3L,ia4- nett v5 ao ipa;fleooe 61 street Condemning ayd taking_:8 OG 'She rear oY 70}'9 ;3 to 14 i Blocka2 ' ,Hr Bald od pt4 al(},ta uI . a o13aAHjaade pLLu u9ld as N; st[7 eouapao o`n u{ ->[36m p{ s'lo Auerbach;:flnaY Sande Add(tton,';1n -. Inetftuked ons. under ur eauSu, sed eql 10;.R;it1 ayi ;jm ja8a;voa;a y ,' ' C1ty pnd=c✓irrled Frellmin ry Order” NO 40676 approved In m uo{lnoax Pdd yiR7yem} }esod Peuo{;lpuoo 'o 3o -ygea sa[ ,.'� November, 12th ;913- and FIna1' Order No 41886; aDProvedFebruary, 10th', 934 attd > a' h a }T 38 Jq ;no 4Y: 03 Puoq e;xapl3lq a a{ttba t[ auaeP 8u)ea454t1d ayl '�-_.4 yoY )3u Aenpu `� Whgrese tbe" 9aard foY Publlc the;=list dpy oY dune ae":-n _ ' Wbrke, ;yrlor fo 3914 had. dfreated th Cle N 0. eald ,�! Soardto?,Bivp, theseeeaemenghnotloe: thesprocoed`ing toi aafd coddonlna I �yi _ yendl,- it le deelraple tfan ie etll} thp �f Yoyrofkfl wlth the" same ands. NFera t ereas. `It is the"opinion of this Council, that all other act to be had or done relative to the completion of the and proceedings aforesaid asseesmenta are praetieable,to be done ander She terms and, '• ;provisions of the present Charter. Therefor, be it reeolved that the said assessments be oompieted�,, under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of 1 Finance and officers and departments of .the City, are hereby other s ',authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter,_ in accordance therewith: y z' ,FTS,.. .. .,. .- .. • . . i'i ... _ s .6.n. �._ .. .. . .. Axl �4 adopted eH .the e�tablisled grade. 'rrtu: CITY OP ST PAUL - GENERAL FORM � , , ��a`7Q41 � r ,� �,COUNCIL,RESOLUTfON couNci'� NO .. �� kf� Date Presented . dot.......8.� } u! 71 the'the';;alleyin 8look 58 Desnopbr Park, in a000rd- dthat grade;o aoe with the,red grade ine on the a000mpanying proilb,V;and as , by the, Cot& baioner o� Puiilio Wdilw be`.= and' the same is: BoomrgbSaded esreby a Qpteilas, the istabliehed gra $e., e �} 1' tt8ve o! ARD ehoYCi'q�WYO, �egtad bf �' � Bltha +'�&''� W tL aered �llp§A �th?lt d4�em>;Yld�• 1>koHl' Qees;puepdedESti lmtgelu�a 1� "rlTl 'Ivorxw. `b ' xhd+-tttp: f s add'" bgrgbbxadopre�a�aetne.rea}8b,�ls>�ad ' � A�y��v��edbOceg1�'k"UM,Bf�9�4r t w �C j. q � f, y TAWC � Nw T%F ;oe9f--.k a a ¢wvea a'TYtdtN' `tIt N"Q,Wffi4efyaoY Phb �otkq.be hod e;ld 7�eFeby otdergd ¢111''ky]tYCet@11. yto (Gd CCy.5CBaletit xbtOrY r tcpl&$},wtyu�thb Sq l01,agtgig67dteas i'v 'A+, 17, t°;PgecaldSpwool.qnv M¢k d1d� neoee'J�Cwyclea . �CgarYesy9tpfi}`Sde' ect'tpe�8hsegl. Ih Cly weOW eafde'ecrbea'Cl�olfon5St,� 't / r! f � n t � ^ Q TOW 5 A Low h �i 2 owl 3 Y 5t �' �h ��, _. 1..�� � . � s ul li� Gonncilman F� be ;and he �s'her�by ordered and'directed �'- ° ., ,,; t TY OF SAINT PAUL. City Clerk's 'Office r /�ze .19 Received of City Cl •_,� ��/ � i '� �I r U�ry ci k's Office ........ ,.isle Wvu:Gw 6C �Y 3's -; u rfne cue aongcu o�c�,s isia f v 2 sy t s t: Fi a ' 1 F ... .. .. _ limm"M streets,tin said bty, upon payment t sub'tiaed'ky sazi claimant oii the day and: under the 'croumstan ��� hex"'einabocenoted ysr> �t xSeotion 3 This prdinana:e shall take syfect:and be`; 3 f f Y C l. AV { n3 x 63 b ado v ,<T y �. III 4�4 Pi" In the Matter of . __..grading the....alley in Scotty a Addition, Savage's Sub., Smit�?_e__.Sulz..:,_._and..._thomas....Dunnla_..Suba.... ...... from...Px.1.o.x.Av...,....a_o.:.0 _eve and. --Ave.......; under relimmaryOrdei ........... ._approved .. kuglla_t..._.3..r , 191 IntermediaryOrdei......................... /................ approved ............. _.... ............ __. _..___.__. ._._.... ...................... _.. A'public hearing having Been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council F' -having heard all'persons, objections al}T recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Bythe Council of the City of. St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of "im- F +provement to be made by the said City is. .......gradeshe.:.alley__in....Safft$.'..fl_..�Lddit 4ria$eyagea',._A , 3 Subdv Smith`s Sub `snd Thomas Autmte;Sub. from Prior avenue to Cleveland Avenue s.< and the•,C cl f eb�said improvement to be a� e. {; RESOLVED FURT$ER;; That the Coinniissioner:of Public Works be and he is hereby instriieted,and- d[rected to prg�iare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sante to the OounetL for ,apj5roval; that upon said; approval,. the proper city `of vers are. hereby authorized and directed to proceed` i with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.. - Adopted by the Council_ ......fie �Y Ti 19 C /. .-.. . Approved -_.E. _. ........_..... .19_— ' ....... .._......_..... . . ...... .... .... ...._ .._ ..... Mayor. Councilmen rnsivorth 8 a[8 Fpdtl Z Bi'adtat!ie a1,�gY to RS SFY;am F si"ti `"gyp msd-gnanuuri , x ;C *:�unfle uad AVe to Cle�elan [ler �Droyad Aii6»akY9rdS ialdt3kd81 ' o-Dnhlfe 2arla aDoa Sdb be iturn ae aatlee' Coll WL Deoemre of f�atio, $ej� s trear`a z dation'd d }eeom}abag�li z, ytalIY ceiderea "NO- XT a yotatoire'! .ear bnkereoi -.,- �.r + f IDf 8"Ps �YS`ite_-Cddacib at, be ai,'14at YLe dit erg fit %and kind of fmrppcorvemgae"'ion i 'bY Yha. ,sasid" Ctty i§ Ss'ad4 rthe �'i y��Qgg b qt.[ A lti n 1 �11Layor ` were }�LLhx Sdb gaoa cfiomadDvuans rd1gT fa�f'e to '9 Rvalant l �i apende ,la tDroale:ib 3g�eikJQOM heer,'N Bad'rthe+� Y tho L'ttY �na't:J ¢gid I Z=ou'acil 17rerapy�ordpr tnirovsineat ty be mad3.r - ResoivEd b'arth stoner ai tiblla . e"el the C�"7o,,aafY9. - heseby145CaafPdfiSldreotesa.'•*d-h is . 1 Diovam Qas Y6r pr , }a�F� tIN UPi:nwand�' ` .-. jherebY authDhr" a3Y o6`erp "1f28 ' - M^�snfl✓�'d[reatefl yV ter - 4 Y od b1 do Cou , 4 ADDC 8 g � M1 77 :. $ WAWAM =me -�` ` vA I��, P , ' _w moi. 6 pp�� OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. Y. GoSg ®® BNGII RRR CITY OF SAINT PAu.L DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 14, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works; . CITY. Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimates of cost for . the grading of the alley in Soott'.s A44.9 Savage's. Sub., Smith's Sub. and Thomas Dunn's Sub. in accordance with Council File #978, approved Aug. 3, 1914. As a change of grade is.pending for this alley I have prepared two estimates as follows: The estimated cost of grading to present established grade is: Approximate estimate $497.95 Excess inspection necessary 14.25 Assessable frontage 2494 ft. The estimated cost of grading to proposed change of grade is: Approximate estimate $884.55 Excess inspection necessary 12.65 Assessable frontage 2494 ft. Bespeotfully submitted, Chief Engineer. y � \\ auk U Imp, m 101" .�. . + Qyƒq .v \ \ \ � r � � P � 1 F" s� r 5' �,rR, 1 ?, �- `� i � x, ,�." Y _ �� � � � i?jY� .. .. .. ..., y ......�.:tF. St Paul Minn. Oct. 27th.. I9I4• Honorable Mayor and Members of the O ty 00uncilst,Paul. Qentlemen - , The: undersigned individual property owners respectfully petition Your Honorable°Body to change the grade of the proposed alley a alitioddition wages SUd:Division,, Smiths Sub—Divieion,and Thos. munns>b—Div_siO3l„ alley Prior Avenue to Oieveland Avenue 13T• the block betvreen''Ooodr a-IfAvenue,= and Lincoln Avenue to a grade a9 per and aecOrd ng,to,.the red-11-ts of the profile held by Mr. Spencer, a Copy Of which is attaehed hereto. dour petitioners submit that they are a majority of the property owners affecteQ,bY this HroPosed alley and believe it to be to the best interest i t'a31'concern6d_ f the &Ile is put in- according to this grade. � act y r 3 C" X-2 j �- on ' � �I �; a � _ _ �� �� �� ems. �� �� � � � �l �� - � _. ..�r . _ _..� R,..... . _���.. - __ .. _ - - -- .� y , . _� -� -. _.. _ a . _. __ .� 4" .....k...>... m of each"'lot ai parcel as last reported by, the Assessor sre as follows.. c° tomm"Ill Nle c fra « d 7 z & fS IS, z�x,� Office sof the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 31,..-........_..........:.._191- . 4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publie. Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of -the Coun- 611 p Jul 10............. .......... ............. 191.4..., relative to ........... eil, known as Council File No........_.._....................a proved.........._.._.....y.,...... grading of Car'aon 5v, from nice St, to :arion..St....._and on ......_............ aarion....a:t_a...._from i Ky..l nd.._St.!...._tg..._South.._St..r................................. ................................ ....... ........._... ................................................................................... .............................................._......_. _y and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. /0 • 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.........._ `.:^...... and the total cost thereof rs $.. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................... ............ .........�...................................................................................... .................................. _ _....... _ .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. r.; . ........._..... ........_..........._................._...................._...._. _......_.........._........._......_.........:........................._........_. a• Said improvement is.......... ................._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... '"Conrissioner •of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO_ 13Y................................. ... _ ... ......... ..... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of....construc.ting...a.siewer on..Marlboxo avenue.from Dayton .. .... ..... under Preliminary Order.._... __-approve"I'___ Intermediary Order ..-approved /,4;/ V 1-9-1914 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iiii- provenieut to be made by the said City is .the construction of a sewer on Marlboro avenue ................ from..Dayton aWnue., Ao._Fortland ..avenue . .......... and the Council hereby orders said iniprovenicnit to be inade. /RESOLVED FURTHER, That the. Coniolissioner of Public Works lie and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for Said improvement, and, subunit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of Said improvement in accocordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .19 67U ....... .... rk. Councilmen Fill-., . worth tins C. F. N.. 2003— in the matter of constructing a sewer on in Dayton marl oro avenue hell 1' fee- Plrl,,,,,d avenue, Under _tv in r, , d, 6 692 "to ed July" 15th. 1914. Intermediary Order 1 MK 01 l523 public Sept 9th, 1914. upon Pt % lie hearing having been !had pok he above improvement �Upofi dud tim. ce, and the Council ha lng� bear. O'Ll Iry all Persons, objections and Vr,c..men- done..' relative thereto and httyi,� "any cona".'ed he sam her.,., Yoej he 1Resolved, By e Council. t f altsp.., that hhe pre�f lite city I . set and kind of imp, else nature, ex-' Mayor Pow, re jimide by the sidd-City evemhe "" I', be ... ruc_ "on of' 'ewer' 15 - n from Dayton -�nu"c tN0"rP1-r1`land'sv-�c f" nue and the Council hereby orders acid improvement to be made. Resol-Furth Th stoner diPU, a11. Works .rk. atbend a the lis ', hereby -instructed and directed to pre-' .. for sold -m. to the sold d ese-J If O�Jd Improve ,ne, A d° i 'llh­s P-1 there, th A P'_"i 1414.""o Oct: 8, 1914. ,i7 p October 24 - 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Alattur of.,constructing a se:qq; on Marlboro ave.n.u,e,... f.r.o.m., of said Marlboro avenue, if ............... ... I ­­ ............. ...... ...... .......... ..... under Preffininary Order approved. To the Council of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repol-ts its follows: The total estimated sniount of The assessment foi- the above improvement is 349108 Cost per front foot $i.10 ' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for Said i In Pro Will ent, kind 1110 assessed, valuation of each lot or parcel its last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: z a1 DESCRIPTION ,Lot IBloekl ADDITIONIl Assessed Valuation DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed V ]dation The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the afm•esuid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hint in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Woks. Dated..._............ _......... 191.. Commissioner of Finance. I 1 &Td tk.;,, 3y y,Ptsft 'rzl��'''-}i'c�+'+�`,'t'"',tw.. a.3r'✓k'tc� L An AR I f 5• .l b 4 IR ,~�Mu^ I , L„. 3RM.Mke� �f F "f3�' * .0 a �' ✓. �� ME S45'i^'�' Win Igor �R�S+=•r rtv' .a• y` f�hx` �. , 3S`k'.xe }�.�p' �'' • aRRt ^' ;~ s _v �, 1r x �.. I .r 13 �'C �.a: sz°•'i J pfh few EI r.�"•F� y.�xw, ai'4wr:�- vt"`''�'ak� gg F t ', '. `'.. -- r �.. •: �a.: t'���ps c�4 aveP>e.r"ls Ss { M NOWko NT�� �. y ! cn 3 1 r;>r.6s i , ny .u7.f°•,ro ,, a r4 .,,.� ' g rY, ur P*��wa5r - 15' NONE—R, a ,i •¢s � #�� �- t�°�,d t�43.LR Ar+t'hrt° b"r' ,s'i, '� ✓r .t rar nzy ..rgd�t t ti x s t 5 r d-.���,�` � h�� S ° xc7hyr'".W x .w�• �n�j�)as� c � r: {�y �ji�+ � n,�'`rtx�^r zy. 5,• ,� '`” s : rT y°'144`'ii yA'2gg'�;.e r�,s.G`kr.`� :. ".d+} '��-t y d ?r i���M �1TTA, ,� t £' .i- £ v �' rr :.r• �] d� y ; �1� }}u :, yF - P Y � .8, � _ " ,; L FTor'��F4�: �� J r?� 7• � " � ��i- �.r a� b q i S � � � t � ..F fi .. f �.'�_ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance duly 31, _ ...._...191.4... To the Commissioner of Finance of thu' City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..........Y9.43........:.._..approved.......,... Tl i..... -X5.4_ ....... ....... ............191....-4, relative to._.__...............__ ............................ c::ne.:r' . 4_�. .._a..._3.:'.',;�z on....w rlbor_g..._ _ z.�.._..: roi..... ?.......'..ton.....�y.G_ .._to_ ............ ........_..._ .........._............. .v.'..v_;bb�:i'tGi:._..c�Y2_.._...................... ........... ........... ........_..._.... ............... .._..._..................... _.............. ................ ................................. ........_ ........... Find having investigated the matters and .things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ............ necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof h; $............. ..•.............; and the total cost thereof is .3s485.00., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. ..... ................................... ......... ...................... ... _............ _._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........................ .... .................. ............................................................ ...................._............................._............. _.............. .......'........................................... _.... r o. Said improvement is_..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. j� Com �issi ner of Public Works. z, FINAL ORDER. g,am.1A-n.e—..a..venu.e .. ...... ...... In the Matter of.._.:.grading ... ...... . . ...... . . ........ . . ............... . . .. . .............. . . ............................... ............. .... . June 30th, 1914 .................. . ............. -under Preliminary Order . . . .. .......... ....... ... approved..... Intermediary Order .1.52,.. .....approved . ..... - ------ — ..... . ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and Ille Council having heard all persons, objections. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- pyovement to be made by the said City is Juan --street'' fr#nrZd&VUth'bd-Ri-4[ be Haml,:Ln _AyanK? ................. _ ..... . .... .... .. ... . .. . ................. ...... . ......... .. ......... .... ...... .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and . directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said. intprovement,in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . ........ . r . .... . ...... .. . ........................... . .... ...... Approved .......... �'.d ....................... Mayor. Councilmen FarnAvorth C. F 'o04' Goss in the mattek,o of �,rlialng -lituo it'nua , tall. vana. Edg.cp.b. Read, bj under Prelinulnar-Y-Order 480, ap_ no 14 Kelle proved Ju 30th.�AS 4. Intermediary 1914. order 1521 ap royodavle&L ".' had A publichhgn, been upon the a ovc.lrnprove upon due 'notice.and zthe',,Coun up?h r McC( 1 =Ing 6nd,rdmmtnen relative,thereto- vi�and ,Aayjng, O'Le ry ex'; Yoe made by th`said, City--sfe of Juno street cu on Mayor Pow a It a and the council hereby orders said Improvement to he made. r t r I I I � � I, / �f ��i� ®.� �. O pp � 1 " DESCRLPTIONLoe.'$loekt1DDITION Assessed Valast�on+ ; I . I ,Z J �. _.7— < Al t' r �' ,r �� a 2 TO THE HOEORAv3I,E COB`?TOT� COUNCIL AIM THF, BARD Or i IIBI IC i'iORIiS OF ST. PAUL. ' Gentlemen:— We, t e undersigned, owners of property abutting on Juno St., from South Summit Ave. to Hamline Ave., do hereby r; petition your ono rable Bodies to. cause said 34 Juno Street, to be graded between points above mentioned. ; 77'r ' i _- G I 1 .'fes= {R t f„ r nn 1_ a, r _ll r 14Y . ./ y �y 67) � 1 y _ - 4� K Y w r, f 3 Tq the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- ° cil, known as Council File No.....48Q................... approved- _...._JU?le.....4Q.a._.._...................191.x...., relative to ............................ rading..._Juno._St.......from Edgcumbe.._Road. to Hemline ...:........................................_....:............ .................. _.... _......... __........ _.._........ _............................ ............ ...... _.................. _............... .................................................................................................._......................... .............. ._... _........ ..... _._.............._.............................. .......... _.... _....................................... ... ................ ........................... ................................ ..._............... _... ,..._.................................... ........... :;and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ ._...... necessary and (or) desirable. 51¢ per front foot 1 581 77 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_.: ................ ......._.. and the total cost thereof is $..._....t........... _e............... and ' the nature, and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................. ........................................... _................ ......... ................... .._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4...................... .............. ........ _.............. _._.......... ............................... ........ __............................... _............ :.._....... .............. ..._............... ................. _.............. _........ ._ 5. Said improvement is_.... _...... _.......... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to asaQssment for said improvement. II _ ............. ......._f .. ......... ......... C i ssioner of Public Worker g 416 COUNCIL FILE NO.._ 13Y..................... ......... .. . FINAL ORDER. ]it the Matter of.:.grad ing. , under Preliminary Oi'dei 408 ............... .. ....approved _JU.Aq_ 24-tAi, 1914 ............ .. . ... Intermediary Order -__1520I-5-. G 0 approved ....... ... . . ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,, and the. Council having heard all'persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the wine; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- proveinent to be niade by the said City is the...gmding of Griggs-street--from-Randolph street -t• .. ..... ..... ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed ani( (I directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council -for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the inaking of said improvement/yin accordanceirdtherewith. Adopted by the Council ................. ---- Cle Approved...... Z. .......... ... ....... ........ ... Mayor. Councilmen Fai sworth N'd_20fatt. 3 te oil Tloti e, an8 the Coune[1 having heard all geraons eretqad ...ija_I t1tions and recommen- h le same, therefore tI'Ni b,. J' th, COU -61 -f"t,19. W. of t. I that AIR, Yo g -in 1: Mayor P0,jy rs REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE In the iltatter of...grading srigg_s street from Randolph street to ;Soheffer _......... _..._ .... .......... .........- .... ........... ........... ........_..... _......._ _ _..: ander Preliminary Order approved..._ JUI18....a4th.a_..._1914.................... _.........._...__..._.....,................._...._._._.._ .._._...._.................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follmva: The total estimated amount of the assessmont for the above improvement is s.a44.8.e_J.1 cost per front foot 0.SO The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said impromxment, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 1 Lot 1B64 ADDITION Assessed Vel"a6on v _ Q9% 61:,x`; ;Jug it, — DESCRIPTION ILot lock ADDITION--- Assessed Valuation �(_.CCw_•... _G+-1- �`L �% � �. �/i/g/i//L/YIiLL/�� � U L/?iG!'L riL1 �L �-•r � .� C(.J. .._ 7(- 1 !! cc _. DESCRIPTION ILot IBlock;, ADDITION Assessed Valuation � GTAll ...�L�C¢CY{1/ 1��-���fiflL C � � � _ ! � ���/u� �� d� 4( �� .: !J � ��✓�1 _ _ _ -- f - y The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .......................Com.......misss ............oner o............. f FF o ..... .i...naa...nce. ...................... i e 4 - Aasrancs LschL, .. - . Sr. PAUL. MINN. .a. "To the HenerableO'G�IIIIIIpTt� `s •-., city of 4 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of property do hereby , respectfully petition your,honorable bodies to have Griggs s _ street Graded from Randolph street tO Scheffel street In said City Owners names residence _ 14 — ---� 'u.. d .. 17 ----- --- --- ---._...._--�—_ 'is — a „ t 20 21 _ –� Uig _ it . — 27 �� r In fajvor Agwpet .i CITY'OF ST 'PAUL COI,JN1. CIL `RESOLUTION—GF_NERAL FORM" ................ M_:._............... _..... ••�• •••• , F.1 CNCIL AIO Fa' otth ' 10. favor 181 Approved Mll ABainet _ - O' MAYOR s13_. �tco CITE CgMPlR [R `i {PEB Y r. #2 .- r- 20®9 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Johnson Parkway !1�Tt87 Trona Brodie,, Award of damages for ' property condemned.300.00 418th 4189�' William Suck. do do Willard B. Clow, do do 800:00 - 4,150.00 450.00 4199-. .419r Gustav Edman, do do :`.William B. Hunt do do 975.00 4191.' Dmeire' H. Michaud, do do _ 900.00 2.6200 f 419jr-; 419$ Fannie H. Moore, do do Louis Thieling, 800.00 Johnson Parkway, Mounds Park Boulevard 419! William.D. Barbour, James McClean, Award. of Thos..J. Barbour Executors damages for Estate of Thomas Cochran property con- = damned. 1,754.00. 4196 Monroe II. Ghent, do do 7,400.00 419f, Dennis N. Lane do do ,600.00 41 Henry O+Connors do do,2$5,00 419 toe sa�vi no Guardban Frank Savina; do do and W. 3.150.00 42ft Joseph.Saxino,do do 650,00 evard, 29r 39.00 t Total Corporate Purposes*...,.,... '.e • ... ....26 90 -�1 ,-¢--��-nr— " Spec. Assess. Const Aoct.-Opning ✓` 1 Johnson Parkway. ......... .......10, 00.00 " Spec. Assess. Con t. Aoct.- toning Mounds Park Bo evard.. ....... 2 I3 .00 Grana Total ;5.506.90 i'AESOLVED- t t t2iA rurenaetng;Ag@nu is merePy au'vnora�ou Yu ov++ COUNCIL FILE NO_..._.__.........___.__......_....._. By'. ----- --- ---- ----------------- ......... ..... .............................. . ... ._._ FINAL RDER. Iu the Matter of Paning__Lpba"iR_to, Ridgewood mg. Ave_,., also _making._.al_1., sewer,._water ani ,gas_, connections from the street: mains to the pproper yy lines complete, also mak}ng the nece@sary drivewa$ and, under Preliminary Order......�4.9...... approved ......._Jut9..._6th.. 19141 All_ex 8ppr.0 ches.` Intermediary Order .._ .......... /.. �.Q... _ ..........approved _.... '6' ..(._...: _ �. ._.... ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement neon clue notice, and the Conned having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it L ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im; provement to be made by the said City is ....... .. ....... ... ...... ................. ... . ....... _.................. _. ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, j RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public `Yorks be and he is hereby instructed a l S directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..:_.......... ...._.._.._............ ..__._.... ......... 19......_.... City Clerk. Approved.........._..._..: y:...._._,-___..._..........19............ Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth v Coss- o / (/ v Yoe g / L i<Ia.yor Powers V J/ Sand -lime brink - $11,198.00 11,009:42 $6.07 5.96 ; Granite' 9,712.22 5.38 Sandstone 3" Creosoted Blocks 8,243.58 7,677.84 4. 47 4.15 t Brick 6; 860.663472 Asphalt 3 Asphalt concrete 4 629.:13 Asphalt macadam- 2.51 3`843.38,g,pg Macadam. , 4,723.42 2.55 Concrete whe3v curb -is: not in, add 46¢ per front foot to above cost.. conneot,ions are not in, add for each lot: Where house service For sewer, both .sides of street $27.50 For water, S. side -of street 31.50 18.90 For water R. side of street For gas, R. aide of street 10.00 5.00 For gas, S. Side of street _ _._. — — The lots or parcels of ]and that may be assessedbenefitsfor said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported be thr A,,- •ssor. are as follolcs: -- D'''. �'P', w DESCRIPTION' Lots Block ADDITION Elssessed V`loehon'` �. i 1 1 77 G O {i 0 �I DE�CRIFT.lo <"; Lot Block ADDITION Assesse$ Valuation i a t � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to, the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter —by. the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....__ . _ ...�j_�.._O.. ..................... 191-, ..... .-......_ ............................... Commissioner of Finance. �m 1 't. Rrr 4 a Jl . li" uS. 7 7 1fIr' BW OAN Office of the Com over of Public Works . a Report to Commissioner of Finance a ............ ................... sZ."1Y... az.................191...4 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No....._545.._.............approved ................. JL1Y....6..,_....... .............. ....191..4.., relative to_....._....._: ........ _. caving.._L.OMharA B-t...._.f.zQXfA..Lamingtizn....Av.Q_,......t.a.....TI.Id ei.o.o.d....A.ve...._._:............_......:..__.............._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvennent is..._.._ ............... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............. - .^...._..._," and the total cost thereof is $ ................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... .... ............. ........ ..........._..__............................................... _................... .-.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. t. 4. .............................................................................................................. ........ .... ........_......._.._._..............._._.........._..................... ... ---- ..................... ....... , 5. Said improvement is......:...To.t..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. `) t Coni ni sion of Public Works. OSCAR CLAUSSEx w •ss ARRO LLxew GEORGE HONER ROLO.Ew 1 oparfnxioitt -of lublzrl-VxTrl�q St. Paul, Minn. May 21, 1914. The Board of Public Works, CI T Y. Gentlemen, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of bombard St. from Lexington Ave. to Ridgewood Ave., in accordance with Aly. File x#15879, approved Apr. 13, 1914. I$45 q BIND OF PAVEMENT j ARO%IMATE ESTIMATE (COST PER FRONT FOOT Sand -lime brick $11,189.08 $6.07 Granite 11,000.50 5.96 Sandstone 9,743.30 5.28 " Creosoted Blooks 8,234.66 4.47 Brick 7,668.92 4.15 �? Asphalt 6,851.74 3.72 Asphalt concrete 5,311.67 2.88 Asphalt maoadam 4,620.21 2.51 Macadam 3,834.46 2.08 Concrete 4,714.50 2.56 Where curb is not in, add 46� per front foot to above cost. Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: For sewer, both sides of street $27.50 For water, S. side of street$31.50 For water, N. side of street. 18.90 For gas, N. side of street 10.00 For gas, S. side of street 5.00 I beg to advise you that before this,street can be paved it will be necessary to build a sewer in it as provided for under the �II contract let in the s0 -called Hamline - Jefferson Sewer System'. I also present for your consideration petition that was filed `I, in your office this morning in re, width of roadway, -and also curbing -2- and z-and boulevarding.. If your Honorable Body deems it inopportune at this time to pass a final order for the paving of this street, will you kindly advise this Department so that we may introduce a prelimin- ary order for the 'curbing as prayed for in the attached petition. Yours very truly, A fiµ--4-4--p-`_t Commissioner of Public Wor1o3. COUNCIL FILE No. _. ................ . By_..._ __. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Macadamizing, asphalt macadamizing, asphalt concreting or paving with sand -lime brick patent pavement under patent W777,858 granted to Fred J. Nash, also making all necessaryrsewer water and gas connections from the street mains 'to the property fines complete where not already made, also making the necessary driveway and alley.. approaches on.Thompson avenue from Pleasant avenue to Ramsey street and Stith avenue from Ramsev street to Seventh street. under Preliminary Order ..620 _____approve July 10th, 1914/ / Intermediary Order .. /. j �.�__.. ...__approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, find the Council. having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the, scone; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provenient to be node by the said City is.... .................._.._...._..................._.._ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be imide. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be Hud lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council, .. ..19._._'_. Cit Clerk. Approved ] 9.. Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Beller \1eCull O'Leary - rl.�Yoerg - Uayo• Powers K i. 1 � i 3 . - - OSCAR CLAUSSEN'. :M, N.`OOSS, _. ceos sricrt+ss. cotm¢IONsti HQBL[c woad CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF P11BlgC WORKS St., Paul, Minn. Aug. 14, 1914. 7�. M. H. Gose, Commissioner of.Pablle.Works, CITY. Dear Sir,- I tranemit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Thompson Ave. from Pleasant Ave. to itameey 3t. and Smith Ave. from a t. to Seventh St„ in accordance with Council File #6209 6 eduly 10, 1914. d Fro r�.10 g' FA T; I OXIMATE ESTIMATE -$17.761.00 := Send -lime brink X03 Granite 17,430,•75' g 10 Sandstone 15,556.00 3" Creosoted Blook 13,221.76 a `•�J� . 12,599.26 Brink : 11,117 Asphalt .85 8'829.76 = o Asphalt conorete fL Aiphaltmaoadam 7,869:00` damJ ° Pdaca 6j679.50 y $oncrete 7,960.60 Where house servioe conneotions are not in, add for f" t eaoh lot: For.eewer, either aide of street $30.60 For water, &%4"19'. side of street 035.00 1<: ! For water, 3/4" elle of street 21.00 5600 For gas; H. sid of `street 11.00 For gas, W. aid of street 8espeotfully sjubbmitted# Chief Engineer*, f ` r t � OM ki- ;t a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER.OF FINANCE , u -In the Eftter of aaphalt...manadaml zl�,_..e9P halt concretin ._macadamizingy 4 s' Aith sand -lime brick patent pavement under patent'777,858 or;pav$ng grao-Fnea� ; ae , aTSo er Wstsr axsd"- r $se eonntaion8 i�rom-the etTeet mains to#ha p©peaty--lines complete# N V sre not already made, also making the ,necessary driPP veway and alley from, Pleasant avenue to Ramsey street appoaohes on'•Thompson avenue Smith eet;� from:Ramsey to.Seventh etrNP J K avenue ander Prehm�nary or approved—_..111Qt}3,-�.�t.--- - F v K s 'r To the Connciiof the City r - Phe Gominissioner of Finance hereby reports, as follows:' `<•' The.total eatimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.._....._ ._.___.__-__ #1 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE: Sand -lime brick $17;757.33 $9.25 per foot. Granite 17,4$x.48 9.03 ." " Sandstone 15,581 33;_ 8.10 11 3J" Creosoted Block. 13,228 08 6.89 " " Brick 12,405.58 6.43 " " "-Asphalt 11,123.58 5.79 Asphalt Concrete 8,83$.-08 4.60 'Asphalt 13acadam7,875;33 4.09 Macadam 6,685.83 3.48 Concrete 7,966.83 4.15 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: For Sewer, either side of. street $30.60 For water, 3/4" E. side of street 35.00 For water, 3/4" W. side of street 21.00 For gas, E. side of street 5.00 Formas, W. side of street 11.00 The lots or parcels of land' --that maybe aeseased benefits for said improgement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 :08 - S. A. -Farnsworth, erseatiotte Aeet.` � -.. F 1425) Special knnds Playgrounds Bond Account 4222 Alban & oohhart 198.6o Total Speolal B e. 198.00 w °- Tot, h orpo'rate oees�............... ..:83,021.21. ' ......:. Total Spe isl.L'unds........ ....:.._. ;9 61.50 Total Speo sees. Const. .Aoct..Paving..... 8 tt bran Total, 8 x3.389.94 s hl xy 11 0 pa TY OF SAINT, PAUL City Clerk's 0 Re iced`of. City Clerk PAUL 1=GENERAL FORM ang to Yee Pon'permisSion to ereot.;fa, ewalk=ln front':of thy° buildiag ]caoim hall be xetaoved-bp said Yee Pon when®ver ':_ or law of ,the City of �t pain;. 11, wfthia tea days after the pass � � s 4 Yens, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McCOLL r J�yN1 O'LEARY City�cy YOERG NAYS 0 MitPRESIDENT (POWERS) x jI i (Oct 31-191i) l )14u cououll._._ .191 ac - ,y 4 Yens, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McCOLL r J�yN1 O'LEARY City�cy YOERG NAYS 0 MitPRESIDENT (POWERS) x jI i (Oct 31-191i) x 0®19 dl -c y... ng thirty daps ri f f ' Station 3 This odinailo6 shall take effect and be in y1-1,� rt uhlication' s saeand ~r t�orce thirtp days after its �sas g .� P t- 1 '«F�' i F*•`: f+' !-'#E � ',SA P� O m��I9#�m ... L S ,Yyr NAYS ''' J•; YEAS �1, ii 4 GOSS KELLER a McCOI L ' a{Al�ry O'LEARY ' ��749, YOERG OWERS) z fir# MR. PRESIDENT' (P /cI N pr r 5 any of Chez stFee,ts, �J1, idzx t�ui�g fths $moths` of3 City r�iht eoil Y y tva}t; Dass pool, ei M \ eight o'alobk P M. 4"si' of �.s�"ori�inanoe s _ �Iri Ulll I >Ox by i 3 m z 011-1 4 i l Y tivt R r F 3 X• �I I rtIMM IN of 4 Ii Ob'4 TRE CI�YiOF ST PAUL DQES QRDA�TN That,periplesios� aizd awthoz3ty are:}hereby, ; Joe�ting,Company a oorporation, to .;:move aid,' v City of -St: Paul har�3lesa Prom. any arici all` liability, judg- { J� costa,' oharges, Cta#t�gge_e and expenses that may accrue to aroperty on account of'Qr arising by reason of;tha recon I�l}s � �� uaintenance, operatbn, use,,presence br remov :;� said bond to remain in� d e ? ; ins •or�e�iidtia`� �1'he.;'sait ���i,����lis�l� be`:'1ii such corm ae may No Mr:iPresident�Powers , .and his (its) place of.res � m; the; City of Si Pa_v i 3 Ilymmunullm x XA i4 Aual�E 12 914 k z OCT t d6 to settle the claim of John Bender- xHE GOITNCIL' `07 THE GITY 0 ST PAUL DOES ORDAIIT 8ectioril. That the%proposition of Johii Ben3ei to obm promise and settle liis claim ngaiast_the City of $t: Paul, arisiag - out _af iu�uries azetairied by #�`im �p JnZylSth, 1914, `at Dale street and, Sherburne 'avenue, upon payment to him o,tke sum of One Hundred.,: Thixtq�one Dollars and Twenty= id Cents ( 131.351, be 'and the same is hereby accepted, {and the proper city offaeers are hereby author - �iced end dreted,.tp craw a"waxrant upof ontlre Oommiseioner t<nanoe' r r� �n "favor of; John Bender.; phyable out ;of 'the Compromise Accountof,the Genegal Fund, iv.`the,sum of 131 a5, ,•said sum, hotve4er, to be delivered # sorely upgn there being filed with the City Comptroller a:receipt of �f at s ;t said olsimant therefor, together tnith a release duly exeeuted:b inr a- form to be ,approved by the Corporation Cou�3se1, releasing; and n _ discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising �s s out of the injuxi,es sustained;by said claimant on: the daq and under eireumstanoes hereinabove :noted . i 4«r This'ordinance shall take effect and be,;n farce No 2020—.Ordian No 3295 thin passage and publication. { sy w: caaa�nav ,lug Atr oro npnco o settl�'+th N'� . . a�7ohnje der, D 1� �h Coi pefi toi the efty�T aG`ir¢ theADraAo6ti n2bON MONA "04A"—Om�h - - S to comlAfrotntsa ap`d''�tetiYe>,ipa= claim. ' - - ag4inezrtfio-,Cts �tii 9t.K Pani €s%IainB ✓'` - �c ovN of i+tTu e4 eu8taln�d in'4»a. Ju19 lktp tYgi+baa 1?a1a� ht0lit snit, Sherburne avbnue`fi"ivDOn )ta'�m eM"' t ,thim ntD liar OAdYEdt _ J���' + 381 36) o bdLa¢d iNa Asa 10-11 i 8cc Le>andthb P_r¢pe aitYPxi'1' +IIKbI the Council . ......_.. • ,� 7reby avthoeised epd direct, ..._. .._ j tr8,wi a war}ant avb,¢ the Commi r'oFipancWtnjavor b�,Tpohn F C�y � (. J y yaYnbl �.thg Ge¢ex 1 Fundy �¢>r� �F / ( / YEAS / ss std m hC •$LISI�' i h4 .1J�Ipnt[t INR. FARIVS ORTii rT GOSS s 4 . � oy HEELER , l MCCOLL O LEARY Ma n ■� Im Is s a >r 194 ��ns p11MAZ�thgF ditY,�o7 $k ��fa ��/�/jam] ,'y! ,. vas ,,e&-ORaL�'x ,� T F*.t�a yryybDtttoa d1s 7ohn.8 - ��PPty omtea'3a a�tpsa iea � � : ' Ct�� SP'fRpLLER Ra4t i4lYtiee$�eust� 0 t5 bet re tyahyeS`0'n�oreetf�p n dY �yoM y ( �@AYd athp `Proper ti a y a�W tEu " "oxdinanee -to settle the clai00 m of John Burlee., a�+c.a%vess r�eri,"os�ie a a 3i �'x`c. ,,. Aaggvataot the.lQe. s� -++.jam^ COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ,ST "PAUL DOE6 ORDAIN - - �ot xba nenst^,-,�- o hc„deHpe v`t r ,, n t _ - '�trf$eation 1 That the: proposition of John Burke to aompromiee a 5 anct settle hisclaim against the Gitq Of,St- Pau], arising, out of in ` jux°iss��udtai3xed by him on September -16th,- 191, at Has tangs ,aven�ie t < x s and Soreat street, upon payment to'h m of the sum'.o-i:"Ten Dolla"rs s rt 1O OQj, be and 'the same s hereby accepted, and the proper city �ffic�exaar�e fiexeby authorized and di recteL�rdraw a upon 5 ��out of z ; ttte Comrtia loner of FinebW in favor of Jo k kg, Pa 4 ritq, of �e�s Dollare, the Compromise Account of the General , - - � ng�.iled witch r - said eum, however, to be delis er tfie City Comptroller a rete y togeth Sed €by the with a release duly -,e- so' r r y Corporation Counsel, rele� T q and all claims and dem partAvI4, rly on accoun, by said olalmant on tib noted Seo ti force thirtq d /,LJ i�I'?r�r��ii��LL• j 4ts f t+• Si •tj �, ��M,,,� _..Jyrd min )8 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Mae adamiZing—leakel wtroe-t—f rom . . ........ ................ ....... . ........ ............... -........................ .................. ............. ............. . ... . .... .............. . .... ...... ........... . .......... . . under Preliminary Order-...... 487_..........._.._....._......_.._ . . . approve ...... ...... d .... . .......................... ... . .............. Intermediary Order . ...... ..... . ................. ..... . .. ...approved ......... . . J ... ......... 41 . .......... A public hearing having been had upon the -above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heardmall persous, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of. im- provementto be made by the said City is ............................. ... . .... . ......... . .......... . .......................... ......... . .......... . ............ . ...... . ... . . ..................... ............... .......... .. .. . .......... ......... .......... .. ....... . ........ ....... .................... .. .. . ....... . ....... ...... ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for -said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._.... :. ........... . ..... . ..... ..... .. .............. ....... ............... . ...... . ..... ..... . .... . ... City Clerk. Approv. .... ........ ------------- - 9_....... . . .. ...... .......... . .... ......... Mayor. Councilmen �Parn. oss K ellei McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers �F '�. •..:...... .................. ..._............................. ................. .................._............... ....................... _...... ........... .... ....... ... .... . under Preliminary Order approved......,I]l�.$.....a..8..t,..:..19.1.�...._ ........... ...................................... .... ... '. ....... . ............ To the Connell of`tlie City, of, St Paula fc � f ? '�. •..:...... .................. ..._............................. ................. .................._............... ....................... _...... ........... .... ....... ... .... . under Preliminary Order approved......,I]l�.$.....a..8..t,..:..19.1.�...._ ........... ...................................... .... ... '. ....... . ............ To the Connell of`tlie City, of, St Paula fc � f ? The Commissioner of mance: hereby reports' as fellowA- The;total, estimated,amonnt of t}�e aesessm�ut tor:the above improvement is --K 'P,prb� zFinate �At. -Com re Front Food — ' -�n�----=-� aveenent Maca4am x$7,160.45 $2.77 Concrete 9,333.74 3.33 'Where curb in not in, and 48Q to above coat ger front foot for cement curb. vrhere house service -connections are not in add; For ee�ver, eithar side of street $37.E0 For 'Tater, 3/4" R. Sias of straot 21.00 35.00 For aster 3/4" S. Side of street For gas�.';7. Side of street 11.00 b'SU` For aas. 5. side of street m. .. ___.__,_ _e:,., a suo«' xo u.cncand' hnnefira fm• said i�nnrovemeut; and the . assessed,;; 14 - DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessea Valuation ,Alii e 70 sln41 /Y1 /JV le, i. DESCRIPTION Lot BlockADDITION Assessed Valuation i i e Q G a i E all, P 6 3 4 DESCRIPTION Lot Block ADDITION Assessed Valvatgn u E� ak (/- Arai re .rte.--- �---------• --- - --- . --�-- i � , _ _ _ �C�t��-�—°� --- -- �lL . L 11=/�(2!-•,_./fit. L_L Q%�—' - ;—I i't� �y a. s ! s N I , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. 'and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to -the Council, together with the report made to a him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....._ n�...D............. 191k .......... Commissioner Commissioner of Finance: City .of Saint Paul . Department of Public Works. St. Paul, Minn. July 17th, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, City. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving Isabel St. from Hall Ave., to Bellows St., in accordance with Council File #487, approved July lot, 1914. Frontage 3798.4' Rind of Pavement Approximate Est Cost per Front Foot. :. Macadam $7,760.45 $2.77 Concrete 9,333.74 3.33 Where curb is not in, add 46¢ to above cost per front foot for cement curb. Where house service connections are not in add; For •ewer, either side of street $27.90 For Water, 3/4" N. Side of street 21.00 For water 3/4" S. Side of street 35.00 For gas, N. Side of street 11.00 For gas; S. side of street 5.50 l Respectfully submitted, 0. Claussen, Chief Engineer. 19MIZAREAR I 77777. PA"L - cc,1-'NCIL"7" OT" (�T TFE "A"OR A" To TEE ':iC'f!MRAF LE, C of the re 84 denti-�tirF, ,,t -Tie, the underniEned . cc' t Affil Avenue s;t vi t between tVr-'qLb"ft­t'1 nZ -on I.'a abe 1 owners o� ir&rer and; Bellows Street, in th y of pL;r.rsey and 'p4ul.'. Count City' of Q't-_� L �,,ning `po per. cent. of the lineal frPI-Itage ta, and o S �ate Of. Vinnesc rotest against the m F- c 3 z f thereon Zdo hereby e -ter Our 'f Street in said, I -q ��'t e 1 Street 'cet,,jeen call -ll Avenue :ande he Courcil City, arprcved by t Order for the Piz. � tl ' O f July, y) 0f said City Ore ist day - the Paid Etreat WeGj6ct to said imprOveertpirqt, ecc-a, G�aldloan notjequi,re at thist-m e; islin, good -cnditi 6si±ed and is not a rublio i1rprovement, 4 is 'r"Ot d' ',hd the said necessity of proj�ertv Owned _iOn DescriPt ners, Re�sidenoe., N am�e B Resident 0%, 'W _� A4 f M—Kek" AgAl ,any za 11 - - Ff w c��2,�4 9YtvJaa ..1 �� �/°�� ���UJ�u�•l� S� i�0!/9� < y9�s �h�-c ��iw�/J�l�.a�.-C � �soy-" Nau" Auk Uj &a 4Z,., •f /l i�i.L.. ��'i,=��iC.(I1� [, f:L�/���.I�f�w.A.+C"t1r` t a GDIINCITr FILE `IO 1 , € By Resolution` of Council Approving; Assessment. ` In the matter of the assessment of_.b.8S1E.f1t.@,.._.C98te.and ex��es„..._ for_�a_v_fn�_ the _alley iri_Blook_ 13woodland Park ilddition a f - under Preliminary' Order_...,------...:..._._.__.._.....__...._.__, Intermediary Order __....... .... ---_...... _..................... .Final Order -_40.10-4 _.----...—.. approved_._AIWAAt: 37th_ .__...._..._.191.-3 '- The assessment of_ hell.@fitfla.._1.o8fi. __&T1C __8xpei1888 .-..........for and in connection iVith 3' the above improvement Iiaving been submitted to the Council, and thi, Council- having considered sameand f r x fonnt� shy said assessment satisfactgry, therefore, be it x '�; RESOL4ED at the said assessmeh-be and the. salve is Hereby in gall respects approved. LVED F THBR at ublie hearing, be had on said assessment on the.__ y of - �=19�� , at the hour of ....... ZO................ o'elock_Aa._.M., in the._Qo.An .—Qipb8r6_ a room tithe Court House and City Hall Building, in the •City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance t _ give notice of said a}neeting, as required ;by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the' improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount arse d against the lot or lots of the ti ` particular owner: to whom the notice is directed.. ... ' Adopted''by. the Council._.__._ QL.L._12-AaLIJ_...191__._.�/ , Approved. 91 City Clerk. s las S�e — Mayor. ” �ArFnovrxc Iss>.ssu>���'�'' -.., ..-. Councilmen Farnworth ld, Ii' rlo zozs } '' '•� - (' In the matter of the as m nt ofi sea [or' - f b nAflte,' costa dtnd -e p . ti0a9 �' pavi s th it til. 1 Biocit 13 w od alb ` :' land Par k LtionerFi $elle de 40104,.x. aPPro ed3 Avgv t 27th'. �. .•L' 1913 oT b eta ta'eit.7. ,The eqaaaa nt MCCO Pen a for d Itvco leetlo 1ttt� Sithe abo fmprovem t- ¢ f B 6o n Coun. and th O,Le ubmitted,. oto the Coun it having cpn Id d to a d , fovna th aa'fd seaeaetdentnatlaCactori Yeorg be itt .Re¢ptv4fyi :That the safd rytleeeMen t ba'can'd"ftr�0 ,eeE ,ie hereby In all i8f Mayor Towersm 4 tet pdr'F�th R 'that D`blf - ' , H 1 b h d Id ant h l h p f N b 1914 f th - hOY C lap 1 1 L M h C u :on Ch mbet•a �E bom 61% of th Co t ';FI a 8a11'.H fidl 1n;:the t - �.,{.'+ ; -- ' t -Cit g ,^s Ctty of St. P 3 that th-Commieston, - r "��'1.1 t r LS•InahC t,"I Ot1C0 0Y 9 1d meat ing n requi d by ttie Ch t ,;a2 t AK�� '" J '1 �i Id" ptfce thexime nd plc - _ .... . - ,. ., n;., of hearinz. th naturo::oY the.improve - A MARV 77777­77­7�7 COUNCIL FILE NO .................................... By Resolution. of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessmentofbenif fufcr grading the east The Hemline Svndioate Addition .......... . ... Hemline_, . . .... . .... ............ . .... ........ .................. .. . ................. . . . . . .. . ................... ..................... .................... . ...... ....... ........ .......... ..... ........ .. ..................... ............ . . .... . . ....... ............ .............. ..... ........... .... . . underPreliminary Order._......_. . ............................... ... ................. . . . ... Intermediary Order......._............... . ............ .................... . ..... . ....... ti Final Order__.....___ _39.7M..............approired...... JiLly-2.3.rit .............. ... . ....... 191_3 The assessment of --- - ------ b8nifitfi_ C.OAtA -A _--for and in connection with ii the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved/ . RESOLVED FURTHER That.a public hearing, be had on said assessment on the....! . ..... .............. day of Council Chamber A 0 ........... o'clilek-ACM., in the ............. 191/ at the hour of. 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner. of Finance give notice. of said meeting, as required by the Char -ter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, p, the -nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the, articular articu or owner to whom the notice is directed. 12 614 Adopted by, the Council............ . .......... . ..... . ..... . ........... .._._..191......... .. ...... .. ... . ..... ..... . ................ •C it ApprovecL_.._.___-0 vlg f _F� �%1-4 �2031i­ 74��abl of.- i Mayor. atter of the assess. benefits; costs and expenses.', �ka­r; Councilmen arDsworth grading east allay tinning nurth�',z, ad in meek 2, The Hapellne Sy.d=AddItIon'No. 2 ifiider;Finsi' Ord er��, approved :.July .23rd, 1913. OSB The *ass eflenrieni of benefits, pen a Yor and 1n cbnnectlo with A eller a Cit lerk, 0 ath 'sbova improvement having been McColl giurn)ttad'�','to,th Co and cColl &njV91 trierePore be it 0 Oe, 'Leary �tj Ytiorg Ma Powers Maydn ua City of St. P9e d aul: that the CommId"I"_ e, of Pinup— .1— V1.. set - Ing, Ch, I -Z.1.1. 11araq 11.1ti b t.,Itlpi.�I& In dun _�,h _ Rj 0 COUNCIL FILE NO._ By. ..... - - ---------------- ;�r .......... .. .. .. .... .... ........... Resolution of Council A6A_ oving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbenefl-ts coats the Ai10_V_J.n_TLQ.YA1s Subdivision of Lots I & 2 Block 3 of McLean's ......... ... ........... . .................... ........... .............. . ...... . . ....... . ..... . . . . .............. . .............. . .................................. . . ..... ..... .. TTegervatlon from rayl Street' to Cypress' Street ... . . . . . . ... . ............................ .... . ... . .... . ........ ......... . .................... ....... ...... .............................. . ......... ............. . ....... . ............... . ................. ........ . .. . .... ...... . ... -under Preliminary Order ............ . .............. . ...... . .... . . ............ ......... . Intermediary Order . ......... . . ..................... ............. . . . ...... . ..... . ...... . . .. ...... 40109 Final Order .......... ..... August 37th ­ 3 ...... ............ . ............. 191 ........... . . . ............. approved .......... .... . . The assessment ofirene... ........ - - :_.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said id assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved That a public hearing be had, on said -assessment on t ay of _19o'clock. in thAb9AQ!LCtAP1!8r I A the hour of / /at room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total. cost thereof, and the amount assessed' against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. o,.Y 12 1914 Adopted by, the Council........_..._...._......_.............191......__ ........... . ..... CjtYClerk/ Approved'_ ------- . ........... x 2631 -,a s _%j.tj6;7 Tn i�a �d ,""i 01-6x0eu-sa: Sub4!� yw&n of,Sot-5,­d;1, Bloek,:34of a R "on 'rpm Mayor. treat u.dW� Int" roved August, 27th. ,d Councilmen Fa' Fnsworth a 'ease s bana"te%�'ue ��t. nswo Pa sea, or A t agPh-a,j.. beau t p,��q a oulicu., and .,the CovnG itte sid.red a.-- -lid .11 NN.6.t K the ti.f.et.ry, Yherefo e; _a��jjld a.sessulent a �', :t, I `1�i I " as jo 'all M oll be and `the iaght2 fa`herehy eP ,t4pecte 0' eary')."Ruf POn satd aeeeeament� on" the 11th day vf'xdvember A at ' - Ye rg hon ,oLiIQ 9clfl�k-A1L Si "i Couoe i e ell, HAIM NUM11-110 I COUNCIL FILE N0.._...-.. . . .... ..... ........... By------------------- - . . . .............. — . ... ............ . ...... . ... .................. Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment OE_ -b --e n i -f -i- t 8 a o 8 -t ---s- &-....k4PqqA@fbr f y_.Aik Block 86 Leffmanne Sub P.A.Y.I.s..i.o.n- ot-Aloo.ke 8.6 an.d 87.__Lyman.. .. ... ... .. .. ... ... ...... ... DaytonaAddition . . .... ............... . ... . .... - ......................... ...... . ...... ............ .......................... ......... . ............... ..... ......................... under Preliminary Order ............... . ........... .... Intermediary Order_.._.._............'.._....._...... . . . .......... Final Orde,__41246 ---- - - ----- approved The assessment of -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having. considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it B -'z RESOLV D, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approve d' ABSOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be/haad� on a ' aid assessment on the-�1_4Vdy of --191- 4at the hour of .......... . room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting,. as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or :lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. :L2 1514 Adopted by. the Council.__. ..._____..._._._._._..__........ Cit lerk. Approved. G�Q/* Councilmen Yeol Mayc on O.t. 12. ID14- Mayor. sr s�M,M AEL= f " 0�,9,. l COUNCIL FILE NO ................... By---- -----------_----- Resolution ._. _-----__.—._..._ Resolution of Council .Approving Assessment. benifits costs & expenses for grading Buford In the matter of the assessment of _...... ___ _........ ...................... ._........___.........._._..... for .................. ........ ..__.._,__ Ave. from Como Ave. west to Brompton Street under Preliminary, Order ....................................... __..... _......... ..... —_, Intermediary Order............ .. .. ..... .._............ --_-----..-, 40631 November 13th, 3 FinalOrder------_...._ .... _._..... ...._..._............ . approved_...:.... _.............. ............. __........................ 19L The assessment of_._P! n ..its costs & expenses' .-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and' found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, beI,it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be ands the same is hereby in all respects approved. 7 RE LVED FUR R, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... ... day of 191_ _., at the hour of.... ,_././> / COT1nC it Chamber _ / (✓ .._......._o'clock(/. _ M., in the ... _ .............__...--- 61 - room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City' of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and theJ amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. D"T 12 :514 Adopted by, the Council... _.... .. __...... _......... _........ Approved._—.- .. . ..., ..... --ly g�g trc Mayor. . +'omyton. a ' •1�&6�%�Sa raPDrovCC �. '� Councilmen Fa sworth x eee6��t e�+inaea to h fn cona�tc - the aboveh lmprot�gmAnt Havn; suttted`.to the ;, Caunctl tt. QOs � < Caunan having conatde � -yo-" ' Loynd ghesald aeaeegioeAr[ setts a ";�` Ke r therefore ,'be It ,��,� f.5 Resotvedn THat the Bald, adaeeame�re �"� •; .. fbe'hnd the same 1 het n Allf , :zY`` Me oll �!aps9Sa 81rD "mod Cebr 1 '"b .��,$elrolved_Further ��� 0'L ary `the 11th Qa'y OL No ea^ - r dour °��4 e!e Q a th� z Fite" Pa ul1 Powers ^Ft � 1 t t-tTte s m t'W'4'4.' ' Pence gt notice [ (na. i e nlVat ed by hah [ Chnr[e�r. stat - i dmf h I g tM1 nen o [ th t t81 L [h l t ee d ot 9 f th Dn tlC 18 i w tht who n thn Ad P1 'd by. th C I1.D t 12 Sa19.i •tPprovad OcL ]2 20?jf$ COUNCIL FILE NO .............. ... ....... ...._......... By-...__ ....... ._...___.... ..... :........ .......... _...... ........ .............. _........... __ Resolution .of Council Approving Assessment. benifits costs & expenses for the grading Inthe matter of the assessment of......._...--_._.....__....................................._.._._._....._........... for....... .... _.._.._..... .........:......._...__. of'Chatsworth Street from Charles Street to University Ave. under Preliminary Order.._.........................-.__..............__.,....._....__._, Intermediary Order __._............................ ........... ............. _...... _........... , Final Order___"..:..._ 41305.....---.__-._...._..: _..... approved,. ....... __._January".._26th... 191.4.. The assessment ............ _........... Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council -having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it �. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That public hearing be had on said assessment on the...,/.day of _191......, at the hour of .......... ... °. O'clock .(M, in the.CQL3210i1,_ChAlTlber 61 . room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, statmg in said notice th)ei eandplace of hearing, the nature of the improvement; the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed agthe let or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. ..1514 .•.. Adopted by the Council.. C�`..._�'.._ .......... ..... 191 ..ar Cit C Approved.___ / pxs �No 208 ' • � � (Sn tfie matte; o`t the ae$eesment � of- —� -- � - - �� -�--����--�'�� . �: i beneate Coete and eXpensea `tor Mayor. C th ...-grad(ng oP Ch tewarth* street r ifrom CNarlea -:,street$ to -:U iverslty; Ave: under J,`ipal t)rde " "41206, ap-' C011nCllmeIIfo:.- Orth proved January; 26th 1914i� 'Tfie�nase smentot beneate,.costa and- xpense f r and' In conn4etlon W1tfi the above improv ment'h1 _ 'bee- ! aahmtr s . .. ._ 6� TCOlI nesolve i Tl at the said a esmen 1h - be and the sams'ie hereby an re PeCta. aPP oVed. once the time n d of 1 eajai g -:the na[ure o[ ih.• im COUNCIL FILE NO....... ..... ..............._'......,.. By-.....__ .._. _........._ _ .... _........ _.----- .._ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. e In the matter of the assessment of_ h1PitH COHte & apeneHl olior _the : conetr..... _.. _ _bale__3txe.et.._from--- the _.Namthe.rn._.Paci .i.c_-Railzoaci._.tn....... ............ ................. ......... _.................... _............... .._.. ....-.._... ..................... _..... ........... .... _........ _...... ... under Preliminary .Order..... ....... _..................... ._.....:_ ........... __.__, Intermediary Order_.:.... _.......... . . _..... .............. _....... _...... .. Final Order.._......_...__4.79t h.... _.... ....... .............. _.. approved ............February th....._.191---.._ The assessment of.....-...beaiPi.tB....c.Oste....&...expeIlB.H$.......... _........... ........:_for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same daa found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved l RESOLVEII FUI%THEB, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on tht:I/f'� .dsy of ouncil Chamber X64" 19 . z at the hon of...._.f....... _.. o'clock. ....�,M., in the �_..._........ ..__.... _ 'room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the. particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 4 � pG 12 iJ..:...._1s1.._..... Adopted by the Council_.._ _._ _..... 1 �� erk. Approved--__ N X91_ �FF a F xo zqa o i; In the; mfltt r f .tie em C or, 6eneflta sta + d eSpeaee for: t11q coast u tl n.,of a<s we :•On Dala Mayor. _ street iron the Northern Paclflb. �;,f. Rnflroad to bfarylgnd ett•,e!!t under' , ! � lFinai; Order 913E4, approv^ed Councilmen ,Fehrlt- Farnsworth ar> •goth 1s19 e Thee ae9ampnt oY beneeta,.. coats an pence f 0.nd•, 1 Onheetlgn Ith. 1 QO88 the alio e� Imp vem t haul l lSeen" submitted to the Co nell. and the uncll he 1 g.,egn mdered' a and KeI14 f nd 2h s ld aeses ent satlsfact.ry, th oi'efote, be 1t MCC 1 Resoled That. :the Bald seaemeat - I�e d', the same I. hereby In atl re-- Redbly d' F dthet. That public 1)'Le he ring"b had on std ease s heat o the 17 E}I day pf Novetpbe Isl9, at tha 1 eorg ehqua of'30 o Block, A M Sn the Coun ' cfl Chamnera room 61 of fhe Courk�� Lg�.t ,� fP. Mayo! OWexouae ens Ctty Hall 'nuflding; in tho: City qt^_at Paul ;that th8-Co�rn�tlnlselon e Of''Inan give-notice=of aald et - Ing�q&>_ equtred by- the Charts ataN': - "� 1 n" naklce,th timeand pl en -' of h acing the atur of, th I p Y t L coat ZhereoY and th d alrtqunb.a exceed again@t y, the I £ or - t � ] te�of, 4pe. Parti ular�opner�-Yoe.whom. ��tt�.`sl�k, the .Hotlge leadjfregteQ" -y. 55��.. � .1�L9,A' .. .:Adopted bv, fNh+f`.hnnnil ilnf."1A 1�?�•_.: �.-.. MEN, a-1 M-mmilow-'Im j COUNCIL FILE NO By...._.............. _... . ........ -. ............ ,... _._. Resolution of Council Approvii►g}Assessment. benfits costa X expenses for constructing ke In the matter of the assessment of-- ......... . ......._... __._._......_._...._...... _.for .................... ......_.... .._..._-- sewer bu on Tale St.from a point 185 feet Bth of the clsmter Of'6pgirig _ .._......_---......_ ....--._----'---....._....._...--_._... ....._... _.. ......... ......................... At. to a point 100 feet 4outh of the center of Front St.. = under Preliminary Order ...... ............. ..... ._.._..... ............ —., Intermediary Order _................... .... .._......_ . _... _... 41323 FBbrutrq 10th 4 _ Final Order ._............................... :........_................. ... _.._...... ., .approved .............. -_. ..... ................ - ................ ... ......_191......._ The assessment of_banJ9f i..t9_...CA.a_t.19... A...1 X.p.gtl9ee...,__ , _..-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. _RESOLVED THER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.,//.2__.._-day of . _ :._.__ ___ ._ ._1911,7 at the hour of ... ' V.... :o'clock.... ax, in the�'�IIC13 C218IDbeT room Pthe Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissirer of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charier, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular'owner to whom the notice is directed. Dry 12 Adopted by the Council.._.. _... ................ ......... _..191....__. jV..._._. _ ...................... _.:..__ C1 ..................... Approved_ _ .... C:r!'v.- qti cress oaa a Mayor. . W:�' 1i9th 1914'^ ., � �(abQN'llibment o[ beneftte costa - e9. tot and In peonneeUen'�wl/ Councilmen F#rnsworth f we• Improvement having-, bee. tted>' t� the'�COuncll,- and th.: jell hay ng coggl4ered.,enme e d ti 199 nd theieafd aseesement satletactory't afore;' be 'h Resolved That fhe sold aeseeemenA K liar, a and the enure.Is:herovy In nllgre•: nPecte approved M Coll Resolved Further,. `That a ` ,ubno hearingg be had our Bald aeseesment on the 11thde> of Novemb§r, 1914,..a t the 0' eary ��hour o[?SD.00look A:li 'In tha�Coun ell Chambers ,your x,81 of the Court - Ire House Ond,Clty -H 11 In the g „�Cl7y oL 8t:Pan1�` tbat;the Commfeslon - eratrFlnanea�gtve notice of sold tneet I Ma or Po ; fns as 're"y aired by the Cbarfepp-:;stat ry ,; : lag 3n,s01q notice ihe' timer aqd :place' � Inl nVithg;•ihe natu,' iths.the ,imDrpIhel . menY. the 'iptal o:.agiahereof 'and the l amount ntibeetled against th let or.l 'ilotf o f'the, Eltjoula ^ownor to whom _ %1 AdODSedybv tho QourfclltOct. ]2 1914 COUNCIL FILE NO ....... .... _ _ ... .__._...... . By ......._:._.._ ................. c ............... __......_...._....... ........................ .._._ .Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. benifits costa & ex ansa for grading Doswell In the matter.of the assessment of. ......._...._......... ._......__..p...._.._._ dor .... from Raymond....Ave......._._to..__Cleveland Ave. under Preliminary Order _.....:.._............................... _._.........._......._--.__, Intermediary Order ............. .... ._........ .:....... _...... ....... ........_...._......._.__....; r Final Order_: ....... ..._40449.._.........._.....---;.....__...._._:., approved._... September. 83rd ...191....3 - The assessment of .......... b.enifitH....obats..._&.eapense.a..... ................ ............for and in connection -with the above improvement having bee submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. SOLVED FU THER,That a public hearing be/had do said assessment on the......�1 ........._. ay of 191 .. at the hour of .._L.....0 .. .o'clock..... /Z , in theGounei 1 Chamber 61 room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. o' Adopted by the Council......:..... __ .._. ..:191_ ........ ' City erk. Approved.--- Councilmen pproved. Mayor Councilmen Farnsworth Q sa Be ler Me 011 O'L ary Yepr Mayo Powers ®'a ' zP� COUNCIL FILE NO. ...-.._. ......-_.... Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbiene-f-te--e06"ts-"&-e-NPen$88f0fOF GittlBtFll6t'f'II� '$ asses-.an._�.ame>a.- Haml.ine....A.Ve.... to__aitm.It.:._Av".e.._ knonn as ttdgeaomb Aoad ) and an 9Ummit lkve. Sbuth from Jemee Street_ _"""}'o ''Raridolpfi Street " under Preliminary Order.... _... _..._...__._.... __..__....._., Intermediary Order... _.. -.. _.-_...._....... .. ................_.-........ 389x7 April 23rd .__ .... 1913.... approved ..._.. _. Final Order _.............. __ ._.._. _ ........_._._..._. a PP The assessment of ................_. ......... ........... ....... ..................for and in connection with ` the.above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council ha v'ng considered same and a: k found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respe approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on th ._�..- " - day of Y,, �ounoil Chamber. z D ... _.o'clock.... /� M., in th ....... 191 .._, at the hour of.... room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance uired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, give notice of said meeting, as req total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the the nature of the improvement, the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. " 2 ❑ ' "Adopted by the Council..._..... .._ �'L 4...191. . �- _. -_._. . _ ..._.._ ...... �ity rk. .•.. �i 7n the ghtterF of 4h a ageamdnt t. l conetruoting "ao sdwer onJ mea Mayr. Councilmen Fatnewo n:gi, T1 ,. Ci0 j`thb -- Ke or Con Me oll tom y thW O'L ary I.pe, R Yeo heal the. May Ptd ^Hon ec-ro �Pfl' of=t mop mnc ,- 7ois A menreaus.a�w.:r. . B satd assessment hereby to an re- 4a: COUNCIL FILE NO....__..._ _ . _........___ By.................. .._.... ... ..... . Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. benefits costs & expenses for grading Syndicate Inthe matter of the assessment of_..............___...__:.....,_.__..._......__._......._...____....................... for, ....... ..:...,... _........ ................. .......... _.__.._ Ave. from Sshland Ave. to Be wa T c s,xerxoss- .... ....._ _...... .... _.............. .............. _.._.._.. Tnahe tnattey-. ot„tfie ,aeee�megt,.ol. .... . ........ -tiep�flte costa and expenses dor N..._ ..R .avnaicate.Ave;; from Aetix - Danses 2or sand !n neotton ,w1th'j. fie above dmp;ovementhaving beony under Preliminary Order ........... ... muted to the Councll k4 the _ ...... . ......... ._... , nen having c6' stdered #a9 I -naidtasseeNm�, � � 1 Final Order_ .......... ........ ... _412.0.1.. ........... a pprov_''..:'..ifilbBTj! _36, nt !,; .191.4_ The assessment of benefits QOStS & expenses .___........ ... for and in connection with ..._......_............................ ......___ _..._ ....... __................. _ the abou improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Councilhavingconsidered same and aw ` found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be -it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be. and the saine is hereby in all respects approve /f OLVED�FUR, That a ublic hearing be had on said assessment on the.... _. _day ofCouncil Chamber _ _.._..._..., at the hour of o'elock..M, in the . ................ ..._.......... 61 room Af the Court House and" City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total Goat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT12 314 Adopted by, the Council.... ..... .__........... ..........191......... / y C1 Approved ......... ... L..._�.._:../..._191_ / t Mayor. x®40 COUNCIL FILE NO._......_ _. _ . _......._.._ By_..__. _. _...._.:.... ............ .. ........... ......... _......... Resolution of Council Approving Assessment - benefits benefits costs & expenses for grading In the matter of the assessment of _............... .:_._.. _.................................—_. ---- _. for ............_........................... _..... ___ , Topping St. from Syndicate Ave to Griggs St. .__.._.. _. .... .........__ ........... ....-...... ...... """3n: k>we matt+nf hp�rasaepamegt, _ benaata Lo6ts Rvdti e.,ensy a ,, gr$d1ng�Topping �4t. from SYndlc(" ' Ava Ro 'Grams SG pnder. Flnal O .............`l 3b981 aRDrayRd j.Rrt1 16th 7,812 _. _............ ._ ........ ...... ._ ................................... Thq.�seaoasment of bene6ta coats 1 - elpen6ee fol and In eonheetlen - - tha aboveImprovement. hR ln4 under Preliminary Order..... gopautimtnea tR ;tee com :1z.Order _....._.............. � ncll ,bav7nK con + !' �bt!''¢bdlar Y Final Order__._._......_...3599.1.... _. _ --------- approved._._.. _April 10th.. ...191. benefits Coats & expenses for and in connection with The assessment of...__.--....._...:.. ..__.___—._..._. ..........._...... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be dud the same is hereby in all respects approved.. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on'said assessment, on the. _�/�!i._day of Council Chamber ._191.t the hour of ....._......o'clock.... 1ai.M., in the 61 , room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said .meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, x. the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council..... �V '� _---:4.._ ..191.'...._. t t Approved_....... vim/: -...-91 .............. .._ ... ._..... 1 _ .'Mayor. Councilmen rnsworth oss ellerL - r ecoll O'Leary Yeorg Mayor Powers COUNCIL FILE NO---- By O.. _.By ........ ....... . _....................... ..................._: ncil A roving AssessAn#. Resolution of Cou pp In the matter of the assessment of._.__1]Brief.t.te....¢Qflt.e.....&8X1SHIIdSRIrfQ... 8nz,----__' $e4191d_;Abe 6010 FA_$t t0 HeStieT St_ ... .... ..... ... c. - In th "matte oft1,a nsaeaeme t nL� beneflte ,coat _and. ezpenpea cfor 4........ _ .. __....... ....... ......_.. ............_ �rpd/nB 'wake0eld A ; --'--'—" at �toyJi ster 9t; cnde Flnat O de .. . , a3A^.annroYed.'Fe6ruarY tn�t 1'�!T y ... eX . § ✓ -. under Preliminary Order_.._ _...... I ❑ °subve+�;wDrn ? ,,,et'... .. � - ;, Februar 10th.... 4 41348 y__._ Final Order_.__._.. ,;approved..__.. _......_..._ ` - - - .......for and in cennectWn with ` The assessment of ........ .... .._.... jidIIEfEB, 0096 Ar tS}�93i889; the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered 'same- and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it ,.. RESOLVED, That the said assessment.`;be and-tfte'salne is 77ereby m all reapeeta approved z. / 7 FURTHER, Wa nbhc hearing be had on. adld assessment on the.,rl_e�7J_day of RESOLVED FURP s the hour of ........� V ...._o clock.._`�_..',M., in theft.UnO� __.i�i�IAAPl?eT = room of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Padl; that the Commissioner of Finance " give notice of'said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed dgainst the lot or lots' of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............ .OU..:...!91_4.....191... ...... Approved. .......... ...�•.- .......__.193X Councilmen F nsworth O as eller scall 'Leary eorg Powers ayor pM1agtraoUoa Arc a�:geworana at�mn2M sere$ ,trpt� QoYUaa�'/J�rgeE�}o u d,o �c ierefor.. LLi 41,V,: A[1' .. �sYRetlu1¢e rua teed',: to, �efor. y' •Clerk •ie and he ie, hereby,. �iuthor'. 6-SJ^X q�:�Ap JONN T. MCCOLL N[NRY MDCOLL - i.0.l t' KV DmpU WMMI--ION[R COMMI--IONi11 ° h - CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY f. October 13,1914 - To The Honorable The Council Of The City Of St . Paul- Gentlemen— Attached application of W. W. Conley for a Motion Picture Theatre License at 156 -No- rairview Avenue, is for a new location being vacant lots - Applicant desires that license be granted before ereot- ing and equiping theatre- Resp4otfully yours, o nee no or. . L.j X 1111N�4 . CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. 2015 COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM FILE No., AUDITED {'PE TITLI 104 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereintfier specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts Set Opposite their respective names as specified in dhe following detailed statement: Yeas Councilmen V ),Nays Adopted by the Coumci1914�, Farnsworth 191 Goss. In favor Approve Keller McColl Against O'Leary Yoerg MBLISHED Mr. President, Powers anon Resolved ..Ived that wa74antegba d -W. payable the C1tY;Treaaury ' t out, th., nlp af..0 Is tions rF, 0 , %6 V if a Pifl-d t tbegoilow'Ia. detail detatemen[ - `r - 'Ifaryland 8t "UT.,ol , &2� 4eo 30 S l3L h—taij. D to, -Br...; EEL,: X6.t� o aI,3t; $90000- , , .- . siop.ple- � Spec 'A ... as. + jj.D.t licut pavi se:'8t� Payne: ,to Westminster Wab' , 31� or Ave Ma_rahail ''n � fiver lt $708 ty Tfinal, Special Funds Sewer Park Ave., & Maryland St. '4 4 O'Neil &-Preston, Est. #2.& final, 2,403.00 Stormwater S ewer -St. Albans St. 95, Thornton Bros., Est. #4_&.Supplementary, 00,00 �3130�3-00 Spec.,Asse6s. Const. Acct. -Paving Casd, St., Payne to Westminister 596 Walter T. Lemon Co., Bet. #1 & final, Crushed Rock, 732.33 Prior Ave., Marshall to University 597 Barrett mfg. Co., Hot. #1 &ffnal,. Paving Pitch, 708.34 4598 W. H. Malone Estate, Bet. #1 & final, B 8 Sand & Gravel, 3,49� -31 14 + University Ave., Dale to Syndi-cate ely, Est. #2 & final;00 �aitt6s 19.80 ely, Est. #3 & final: 640.91 r r #2 Ate' Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-Paving-Cont. 4 University Ave., Syndicate to City Limits / r 1 James Shiely, Eat. #3 &final Sand, 1,701. V r f" Paving Alley Blk. 1, Selby McClung & Van Meters 4;02 P. J. Ryan, Est. #3 & Supplt., 25.00 Spec. Assess, Const. Acct.-Cement Walks 1913 { .. 4 03 St. Paul Cement Works, Eat. #5 & final, 1,549.69 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-Sewers Hamline-Jefferson Sewer System, 4t04 OtNeil & Preston, Est. #1, 11,050.00 ' Total Spec al Funds,........ •3,303.00 Total Spec. Assess. onst. Acc.-Paving.. 713 5.9.3 Cement Walk 1913,••• 1 549.69 " Sp c. Asses Const. et.-Sewe s:.'. 0 0.00 rand Total, 23,228.62 4P P' i J. •.�� k '•i CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. p;,yllt, O •EE AUDITED CLAIMS— RESOLUTION FORM „wwa cOUNCIL`No. FILE n AUOItEo_ IBI— {PE - ,. • - - - TITLE 102 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds a in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the .following detai ' statement: Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays �j', p 19 Adopted by the Council�LL Farnsworth Goss In favor U.`• 191` App v Keller( McColl Against -- O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Corporate Purposes Court House & City Hall Maint. Fund 4 American Engineers Supply CO., 12.28 13.06 4 American Linen Supply Co., 8..22 4 5 T.' L. zlood & Co., 24.18 4 6 Water Board, 28.83 Brown. Treacy & Sperry, 56 2 Capitol Machine Co., 4 29 T. 3. Carroll, 1.00 14«55 4 30 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., •93 31- Adam Decker Hardware Co., 52 Diebold Safe & Lock Co., \ ,13.50 33 Haman"& Company, Haskins Bros. & Co, 2.95 4 5. Franke 0. Huebener,14.00 6 77 3t. F. Kerwin, Maendler Bros., 19.91 4 58 J. J, Monteith, 10.00 2.33 9. Nimis & Nimis, 28.Ob 4 40 N. W. Blectrio Equipment Co., _ 14.32 4 41 4 a Peoples ice Co., Robinsoni Cary & Sands, 34 2 4 3 Louis Rusch, .38 1.55 42 Raymer Hardware Co., 42 5 42 6 G. H. Schwalen, St. Paul Gas Light Co., 10.00 541.67 42. St. =;Paul Adachine.Works .1, X13 425 Pillaume Boa &Lumber Co., 12.23 L� t 3 � r Total Court House & City Ha11 Maint. t Fund, 1,313.2'3 • v i � #2, Corporate Purposes -Cont. Fid Printing & Stationery Fund 29.5o t 4252 Perkins Tracy Co., General Fund -Legal Dept. Expense Acct. 4253 John B. Darling, M.'D., 50.00 6.50 4254 C. F. Ingalls, a Total Legal yept. Expense Account, 56.50 V. Fire Dept. Fund 4255 F. J. Brings & Co., 41 3.38 3.10 4256 Emporium Mercantile Co., 42 425 Noyes yros. & Cutler, .25 4258 Reed Motor Supply Co., 85.90 4259 Max Whittmann, Total Fire Dept. Fund, 548.63 Commissioner of Public Works bund /. 4260 W. F. Buth & Co., 3.24 General Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. 5'95 V ' 4261 V. R. Roshrich, School Fund 4262 K. F. Dreher, 44.88 10.00 4263 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 93 4264 Elite Laundry Co., 6.75 4265 Teresa G. Cannon, 5.�5 4266 Agnes Campbell, 5.00 4267 Grace Erwin, .20 5 5.60 4268 Geraldine Kilty, 4269 Abbie J. Peters, .20 = 4270 Nellie O'Brien, Total School bund, 89•81 General fund -Public Bathe Account 4271 Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, 164.88 C Interest Fund 4272 S. A. Farnsworth, 110.00 51- 4273 Merchants National Bank, Total Interest Fund, 640.51 '.- ` Total Corporate Purposes, 2,852.25 . v .NY Off 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTIN( . DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. FILE -1T. C—C PTR AUDITED IDI_I PE TITU 103 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specifiedJunds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council 19 Farnsworth �7 Goss In favor -7 AP r Keller McColl Against, NAVOR O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Corporate Purposes Municipal Court Fund 4 4 Broin, Treacy & Sperry, 107-10 4 5 St. Paul Printing Co., 1.40 'Lighting Fund 4t 76 St. Paul Blue Printing Co., 29.26 IU 77 St. Paul Printing Co., 6.20 Printing, & Stationery Fund 4 6 H. C. Boyeson, 55 6' 75.. 4 4, 9 9 L. B. Dow Co., 4 0 0 McClain--& -Gray, 2:05 1 1 N. W. Stamp Works, 5.15, 2 42 2 Perkins Treacy Co., 22.75,, 4 3 Ramaley Printing Co., 4.50 42Review Publishing Co.,: 9400 42 Royal Typewriter -Co., 80.19 4 428 St. Paul -Grinting Co., 24.15 428 8 Virtue Printing Co., 6.50 Qq4eft ar*-- ++ & Btationer #2. 4 9 4' 20 4 4 4 Corporate Purposes Cont. Police Fund Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 5.27 Clymer & Huelster, 25.50 Daily -Fraser Hardware Company, 2.00 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 1.00 14.81 Elk Laundry Co.; Kissel Kar Co., 143..70 Maendler Bros., s Oil Company, 1876 Manhattan 5.70 McClain & Gray,, 15.48 Ni -cols, Dean & Gregg, N. W. Electricpment Co., 6.77 N W. Motor Supply�\Co., p 2.15 9.35 N. : W. Stamp Works, N• W. Telephone Co., 27.92 Noyes Bros. & Cutler,' 54.53 Reed Motor Supply Co., 11.00 Miss A. A. Rost, Smith & Tay100?, 114.40 17.25 St. Paul Printing Co., St. Paul Rubber Co., 2-149 16.95 Tri-State Telephone Co., 8.00 U. S. Bedding Company, 1.58 Workhouse, Zimmerman Bros., 5.73 i 38 Fire Dept. Fund Brings & Company, 399.06 4.41 Brown, Treacy& Sperry, Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 70 7.66 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 36.39 Department.of Public Works, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 19.77 Ford Motor Company, 4.00 431.54 Jameson, Hevener & Griggs, 31.00 Jefferson Lumber Company, 22.60 Lindeke Roller Mills, Manhattan Oil Co., 11.07 -'McClain & Gray Co., 4.35 4'2.25 Mitsch & Heck, 68.24 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 112.40 N. W. Motor Supply Co., 50.00 6•x87 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Perkins Treacy Co., 1 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., •t55 Raymer Hardware Co., 1.60 84.26 Reed Motor Supply Co., 28.D0 St. Paul Rubber Co., 6.00 Superior Printing Co., 6.20 Viscosity Oil Company, 4.50 Waterous Fxigine Works, 7.50 W. J. Westphal, R. B. Whitacre Co., -- 4 / re Fund, Health Fund McClain & Gray,0 7 9.75 National Printing Co., Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 16.63 =- ate Telephone Co., a•�� - Total Health Fund, Corporate Plirposes-Con0t. General Fund -quarantine Acct. Holmes & Hallowell, 11.00 4 6 Noyes -bros. & Cutler. 4.71 4 7 C. S. Stewart, 84.50 Workhouse Fund 8 43 8 3 J. H. Allen & Co.. 69.35 43 9 John D. Anderson. 60.00 18.75 *3 0 0 City Market Produce, 1.50 43 1 Crane & Ordway, 'Bros., 4.35 2 43 2 Doyle 92.12 3 3 43 3 Risenmenger Meat Co., 1.20 3 4 43 4 Golden Rule, 4-5 5 a 5 E. S. Griffith, 179.92 43 6 Wm. B. Joyce Co., 67.45 4 3 '3 Co., Mable Wagon Co. 15.00 118.60 43 Olson-Boettger Mfg. Co.. 43 9 St. Paul Boiler Mfg. Co., 24.7 _45 o a St. Paul Gas Light Co., 11:15 '43 1 3 1 Tierney Hay & Grain Co., 1.35 - -9 665. Commissioner of Public Works Fund 2 H. C. Boyeson Co.0.00 Bluff Co., 5.50 3 Dayton's Printing 64 McClain & Gray Co., 3.50 4 65 N. W. Telephone Co., 3,.20 4 66 4 67 J. F. Ptaeck, St. Paul Printing Co., .25 4.35 d 17 Street & Sewer Fund 68 East Side Lime & Cement Co., 174.50 2:60 69 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 8.55 370 Pitch & Hill, 371 Ford Motor Co., 1.40 5.34 372 Kissel Kar Co., 25.30 .373 Manhattan Oil Co., 2:08 374 375 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, N. w. Electric Equipment Co.. 1.68 376 377 N. W. Tire Co.. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 2.80 9.00 378- Reed Motor Supply Co.. Sands, .50 379Robinson, Cary & -53 360 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 37.01 26.22 381 St. Paul Rubber Co., .82 383. Western Machine Mfg. Co., western Supply Co., 2.40 .76 Bridge Building & Repair Fund 84 Adam Decker liardware Co., 3.50 385 St.. Paul Foundry Co., 4.00 se'!bI 75ridge Bldg- . 3: `10 4386 St. Paul Cement works, 6.2.50 X 25 #4 Corporate Purposes -Cont. .General Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. 87 Brovm, Treacy & Sperry, Hardware Co., 1:1'0 •95 $ Daily -Fraser 85. 5..44 89 E. S..Ferrey. 90 191 McClain & Gray, Raymer Hardware Co., Co., •' 4 i 4. 54 16_ / 92 Remington Typewriter 1 es ,q r, General Fund -Election Expense Acct. 9.75 03 McClain & Gray, School Fund 94Am rican Engineers Supply Co., 14.50 5 ao 5 Bergstrom Blood &3o:y 4.50 i 6 T: L. ., 2-70 i H C;'Boyeeoii, 999:19. Brom, Treacy & Sperry. 7.45 y"f `Capitol City Limber Co., 10:00 FO F0 J: P. L. Corning, Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., 125.78 �o Adam`Decker IHardware Company, 19.94 12:95 �o Louis F._.Dow'Co., 3.69 �o ,0 The Emporium, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk '& Co., 6•`4 43.70 - t0 E. S.'Ferry;. 13:67 �o Field, Schlick CO., 4:00 �o�1019. Golden Rule, 2 24'85 . C. Hennecke & C6i1 3:87 4 0 Kerwin Paper Co.; 387 . 1 Mannheimer Bros., 6:00 4"2 John Martin Lumber Co., 4. 3 4 McClain & Gray, Nieols, Dean & Gregg, 141:7? 5 N. W. Telephone Co., 32.93 3293 16 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 2:02 17 J. F. Pearce & Son, 8.86 1 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 19.40 19 Ranh McNally Co., 61'i3 20 Raymer" Hardware Co,., 4'16 21 "Remington Typewriter Co., 46.34 22 Robinson,Cary & Sands, 52:00 23 Rochester Germicide Co., 4:00 24 21 Schuneman & Evans, Shevlin- Carp enter Lumber Co., Machine Co., 15.38 Singer Sewing .7-38 - 2? St: Paul Blue Print'Co.,' 20 55' 29 St. Paul Boiler Mfg. Co.; 304:48; 29 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 1.0:00 30 St' Paul Cement Works;. 1:45 31 St: Paul Electric Coi; 1:25 So: Park Foundry'Co., 105:00 33 St: Paul Lime & Gement'Co., 800 34 St. Paul' Machine- Works, 1.36 35 Underwood Typewriter Co.;' 224.00 36 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 3 Virtue Printing Co., 1:69 n.S,up �YCo., 94.30 , t j j #5 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Library Fund 0 American Dist. Tel. Co., 2.55 2.55 41 Crane & Ordway, 10'92 442 Elk Linen Supply Co., 1.75 ?3 E. Geist, 4'4 5 Joseph Koskie,' MoClain"& Gray, 3.00 3:00 4 E. A: Moeller Co., 433:00 . 2.71 9 N. w. Electric Equipment Co., 0 a 8 N: W. Stamp Works, 60 9 F. -M. Parker, . 9:10 50 Peoples Ice Co., 15:00 .51 52 J. F. Ptaeck, Rochester �Germici`dwCo., 13.50 53 Shave"Library Bureau, __30:00. 14.00 454 Volkzeitung Printing Co:, 2. 0 / 55 Zimmerman Bros.. Park Fund 4 56 American Linen Supply Co., 94:03 7 M. 'A.' Hanna Coal* Co., 21.56 4 $ Manhattan Oil Co., 480:50_ John Moline, St. Paul Foundry Co., 21:00 0.00 1 Union Auto Livery Co., .General Fund -Public BatIjs Acet. 44 2 Wi111am'R. Burkhard Co., 2:00 35.90 44 3 Department of Publid'Utilities, 4 Ei-senmenger Meat'Co., 1.64 44 5 Manhattan Oil Co:, 10.00 5 ,Purity Bread:Co.,. --13.75 Saritary ybod Fro., -1 tf Wolff & Lehman, .._.......... _6 4/ � o General Fund -Playgrounds Acct. 9 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 79.009 0 Gribben Lumber Co., 8,10 49 71 Raymer Hardware Co., To ------ - water Department Fund 30:38 72 Manhattan 011 Co., 8:25 73 5cheffer & Ross-, 1870' 74. Medernach & Zoah, 9:00 75 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co.. 76 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 24 344 :2 4?7 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 1ber 123 .75 78:46 71 G 9 4480 StPaul s tight CO.Co•, Taylor Portable Steel Derrick Co., 52.90 12:65 44.81 Raymer Hardware Co., 4482 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., 31.20 4483 western Electric Co., . Co. FE #6 Corporate Purposes -Cont. Water Dept. Fund -Cont. 4486 C. A. Lund & Co., 30:00' 6.25 448y Remington Typewriter Co., 5:61 4488 Elk Linen Supply Co., 4489 Tri-State Telephone &-Teleg. Co., 22:20 4490 Jesse Foot Jews17y^00 ,. 3.00 w, 3.70 4491 Griggs Cooper & Co., 4492 Wm. Burkhard & Co., 32.48 4493 Auto'Tire Co., •54 7:10 4494 M. IT. Moffat, 2.40 4495 John A. Bayne, 2.80 4496 St. Paul Madhine Works, 4.49y Ford Motor Co.;' 44:04 1715 4498 Quayle & Kelley, 4499 N. W. Stamp Works, •75 32.35 4500 St. Paul Printing Co., 4501 St. -paul Electric Blue Print Co., 14.22 4502 Malady Paper Co., 22;00 4553 E. 3.- " Ferrey, '' 10:00 6.60 4504 McClain & Gray, 42:50 4505 McGill Warner Co., 4506 Virtue Printing Co., .31.50 4:75 4'507 Dayton Bluff Printing Co., 435.85 450$ 4509 W. T•: Lemon, Strickland & Doolittle, 50.97 4.510 Harry E. George, 47:00 4511 12 St. Ins. Co., J.-Rogers,Jr.13 172!50 11Q2�5� 4513 Surd &Johnston, 45:00 25.00 4514 Hackney Investment Co.,' -,'Co., 3:06 4515 4516 St. Paul Blue Print Goodyear Tire Co., 11.19 451 N. W. Telephone Exchange Co., _ 75'10 4519 A. P. Smith Mfg. Co., 777:00 4519 Jameson,Hevener & Griggs, .48, 2.75 4'520 Reed Motor Supply Co., 11:71. 4521 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 296& 4'522 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co:, 4'523 Villaume Box &"Lumber Co., 24:40 205*05 4524 H. Mueller Mfg: Co., 43:02, 4525 N. W. Tire Co., 112' 4526 Manhattan Oil Co.,' 5.23 4527 Western Supply Co., 12.20 452 N: W. Motor Supply Co., 19.55 4529 Madernoch & Zoch, 1:50 4530 Chas. Friend & Son, 7:60.' 4531 Scheffer & Rossum, 222.28 4532 Cochran Sargent Co., 54:00 4533. So. Park'Foundry & Mach. Co., 150.47 4534 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 36:00 4535 Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., 7986 4536 453 Brooks Bros. Lumber Co.'' Adam Decker Hardware Co., 11.75 453 R. C. Boyeson'& Co., 8:00 2:60 4539 Ford Motor Co., 25.00 4540 4541 Fitch & Hill, Daily Fraser Hardware Co., 4:13 4542 McClain & Gray Co., 14.30 4543 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 34.60 4544 V%. B. Joyce & Co., 4545 E. 0. Peltier, Tlotal-•tester—Dept-r--Fund;:.�....a.___.._.,..:.,. > .:.�. •,...�-�.�.: `x"66?,,,g3:,y.'' -•�4 . v -6 Corporate Putposes-Con't. C Market Maintenance.Aect. 4' 6 4 Bo Br6wh,, Treacy & erry Ratio '27 1'20 4 4 St; Paul Book & S ery Cot, Stl' 4 St Paul Gas Light Co.do. St' 1-71 44 49 9 Tri-State Telephone & eleg. T HL Co., 3-00 I General'Fur`&5tipyIlementary Acci- * Parks, Playgrounds & public BlJdgq.,, 5550 Adam Co., A551 McClain & Gray, 6.05 T­ C' V Bi_ng_pept. Purchasing Dept. Purchasi 7 Re paved ithat be` 1}rawn T�. "L , w6,abl e out bbn Ah" ­'i In. u' In ' 11 11101 krthe �, r vi4..n 11.1atmia n -zerlopp 14. 25 P. r '6.1fli their the!r�,respedl,[Xe'�n es -52 -53 BrQ B Bros J_ t ti on Co., Construction Elei6tkic Colfdtru6tion Co., . "� ­p_eqtV%.' I., statement : th. the following -5-74 u seg� A Fury1 1, icqaw 4 4 MbCldin'& Gray o. , -Vioriks, 40- alL(ghting Fund PrSL Paul ue' In 4 5 Stamp N. W. St"' lVimingto-n- Typew-r-it-er Co.,o Tej:e-phofjo r nR :i 0 $6 2 4 g Tri-State Co.. H. Be Wedelstaedt, UnW �MUfl Ti'Co...,,-1.2 0 L k,,r-g. 4 80- inI, Public utilities Dept.z6 so D uyF seer Hardware Co • Adam Decker Hardw - j."00,Elk Laundry a 'i� '�j ' 455 St.Paul Gas Light Co., Otl Comps 3�6o H. E. WeRelstaedt, jj-"W, le WL 01 jot­jj'4 9t - i snii!&; -c'SL`, `Public Works Dept, Bedding -1.00 4 600 G. A. Fairfield, Brow. *"4 45 Martin & Giesen, V, + T 6prinkling Fund 45 3 M. N, Moffat, 1.50 45 4 W. T. Westphal, �-27,70 Auditorium Account, 45J5 Arcue Ticket Co., 00 566 F. 14i. Cady, 29.5 Rayerm Hardware Co., 2.55 St. Paul Electric Co.,920 Twin City Scenic Co., 0 A To -PAZ _Rl� 1 t's 311, OMM, 1. j =E #8 Special Funds Humboldt High Sch A Library Acctl q 4,570 Brown Treacy & Sperry, 4.00 .98 4-571 Ad&m &cker Hardware'Co., 7.56 4.572 4"573 Louis F: DOW, Farwell, Ozmun' Kirk & Co., 56 1.45 .45 4-574 McClain & Gray, I i 24io 4.575 4-576 Nisrols Dean & Gregg, Noyes bros. & cutler, 26 --IM 4577 RiLymer Hardware Co., 7-974 .11.00 4,576 Vchunjeman & Evaneg 15.20A 457-.9 St. Paul Electric Co., Lumber Co., 5'a. 00 45tso Villaume Box & 4583 Zimmermann Bros., —19-2-0 Total Humboldt High School Library Acct., 1,59.04 Special Assess. Const. Aect.-PaviRg Hastings, Bates to Earl 4582 'Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 4-g7 1.00 4583 St. Paul Machine Co., Earl T—o Case St., Payne to Westminister 1.50 4584 Mansur Drug Co,., 4.07 Western Machine Mfg. Co., Case 7Vayne '77 TatUr Prior Ave., Marshall to University 22.00 4586 Ford Mfg - co - , .20 4;8 Gribben Lumber Co., 227.00 4589 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., Dale St.,. Grand to Front 0 9-7a 4589' Manhattan Oil Co 4.6 4590 - Raymer Hardware Co., Total-V�eSt-, St., Gro �O, University Ave.,.Syndicate to City Limits 5.90 4591 Western machine Co., I Yqrk & Westminister 4.72 4592 ITicois, bean & Gregg,. 223.93 4593 Silica, Products Co., Total Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -P wing, 312.07 11 649-74 11 649* 7 Total corporate P poses ..... .......... .... 159.04 Special Fun 8 .......... .......... ........ sc.—As.se s. Const. A Ac t --Ps,Ving ......... 12 0 12, 20,.85- WaQ#a ............... .... ......... ...... ........... COUNCIL FIL No.. .......... . ............ . Date Presented Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the tilfle the existing Charter of the city`,of St— Paul took effect, there, was pending 'in the office of !the Board of - Public rorkb, 'a certain final order No. 40636, approved Nov. 12, -1913 t0,.G1b� Tatum Ave. east side, from Minnehalla St. north to the east line of Lot 16)� Taturr. Ave., west side, f rotri north to the north line of Lot 8, Blo Block 16, Midway HetE.',bts, ok 13, ,1jdwj . �y Heights-,?-; Mid Chelton. Ave. from Prior Ave. to Tatum Ave. Thereas,. the order for said curbing is pending, and it is desirable to p.$and ceed with the same, tt RESOLVEIY, That the plans,- specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvemeA t.be and the. Commissioner are hereby approved. RESOLVED . . FMTIER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is -hereby -0 To authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City .Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That" the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material foi said work at 'a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a,bercentage of costprice for per- 1 formiTig the same. In said advert iBement 'T,or bids, the Purchasing, Agent shall require a bidder -Is bond . to the amountI of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a Contract with the City for the performance -of said, work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check fox ten per cent. of the amount of the bid., The said Purchasing A Bement reserve gent.shall in said advertisement the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often.'as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a Contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids.should be received and that the work should be done by the commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which. event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. oLf 1.111914 icaia- Adopted by the Goul Yeas cou. Loilmen (Sworth Ler ill .ary Nays Far Gos Kel MCC Mr. President., POT. V Loilmen (Sworth Ler ill .ary Nays QTY OF SAINT PAUL {r' /L- ' �ity Clerk"e 0[lia c� p�ZX? 19 4cj fes_ oeivea of City Cilerk Aek— '�A J 2055. City of St.paul Council Resolution - General form. Department of jLubjic Works ------------------------------------------- ----- - --- ----- --------- - - - ----- - - --- Bureau of - - - — - - - - - - - - = . . . . . . :Where Council Me No. No By-__•_•-•-•- ......... .. 914. 'Fe comPtetgd under Che terms anA: roe - Whereas: I=ediately prior and up he existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there in the office of the Board of, Public Torks, a certain final order 17, . 37845, ar-,rroved 1.3, 1912, to curb Lincoln Avenue, frog! Pftscal -Averue to filbert Street. Whereas, the order for said curbing is pending, and it is desirable t.0 -PrOceed with the same, aond RESOLVED, That the plans,.sPecifications and estimates submitted I ;.by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the sAme are hereby approved'. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said Plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve - went by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids,,the Purchasing Agent's'hall.require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the Performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advartise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award' shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that thework should be done by the Commissioner of, Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council 1914. Yeas Cc cilmen Nays �7 Far i sworth k _ _y •. _ . - .�. I- _ � __ �- a __. _._ _�... r OF SAINT PAUIP 2055 City Clerk's Office st-.paul nGen erai form. ...........�ly ivied n[Citq Clerks .per d � <.}}t!. _ ,t't s r � �r f,. t'� r`",�•" �-._.^_»._. _.___.w__._ -_.____._..__....... //' C/ � /.,.ice' r+�• { y, �'� .;a• ry's;+'" e" dlntel9 P o=:•end pD to;eoam�vmaoovmnes. ✓ {r .p(-....�`... z� H¢g Charter UL •tbg C(ty i 1\IV/1P ect. tbpce �eaa�eadiu8' ']3oaia, of Pubpc Wor$a er No 37816' aDQqroved -,curb Lincoln)J Avenu OCtt 6th � ne ,to d7Leib SHreot k •^ •1._..1914. ' er for mld enrbt 1 ,� ' �s de Irable to 8}'oi, . -_ _ `Vh'e+�ne St is,the oPJdioa;4fY$Is�Eoau:'•"^^^»•'•^^^•^–•^—^•^• `_ th¢t all other ;aL^fa &¢d nr6¢egdlage to;1 .., .• umance nndz' - t�.,t me CltYti Vhereas: ImEediately prior and up to tie t e,d 'the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there mas pet.'.ing in the office of the Board of Public Torks, a certain final order iT._. 37845, aplroved Dov, 13, 1912, to curb Lind Avenue, from Pascal ,^v_enue to _Albert Street. Whereas, the order for said curbing is pending, and it is desirable to-proceed.with the same, and k±d.'fctlnf4Y..'^.9a:. 1 - � ' F2AcnA.'.�P.,.•'4i.. '.r,,.. �£�.^.,.'N`1�'4 RESOLVED, That the plans,•specifications and estimates submitted ;by the. Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. ' RESOLVED FURTFD;R, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is'herebIy authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said Plans -and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for.said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance.,,ith the plans and specifications in case the tiid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten -per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids. be rejected;, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the .committee authorized to award the contract, if it, is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the 'work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event; the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Counoil 11L� 314 1914. Yeas ( ) C04. o oilmen ( ) Nays Ppr osay � J Y OF SAINT PAUL T. PAUL City Clerk's Office )N—GENERAL FORM x,11056 Va ............_! ..F. 191 / 20 6—BY 3t Il , i COUNCIL ....... •......... .. Ialmedl0.telYplot Oa llR LO PILE NA... ..... .......... . he ealsting ChnrtGt otithe Cltv.. eived of Cit- Cler'atteir j f'PG t t the orde2 for nnla StmR- I_ ed. O.e_t...... •� tr it Is dea[rhble tp: proe �n /y/' 60 . A / V el f �•^^�.�4�„0 It �e {4e _opl�%n ot,4his,r,,; (+J�tti.0 Ctie`'� d upl to the time the existing ook effect, there was.pending Puhlie corks, a certain final. order ido. 40117, approve _ At 27, 1913, to curb Grand Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Baldwin. -Street. Whereas, the order for said cur'oin� is xending, and it is desirable to proceed with the sane , -and --` RESOLVED, That the plans,•spocifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above.named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent b and ha '_8herebyauthorized and directed to advertise in the manner ovided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement,'according to said Plans and specifications,"on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall -make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the.same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of 'at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned forthe execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance .pith the plans and specifications in case the bid is acce.pted,'or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. - The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as .may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may acard, shall be of opinion that no further bids ehould be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of - Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make -an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Gouncilq/�j/ �gy .1914. r 17 al Yeas ( ) cour oilmen ( ) N ys Farnsworth Goss 7 Kel r MCGC1l 01 Ldary mr. President„ Pon rs Appr p — 914• • L7-Z� Y. CITY*OF ST. FfAuL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -.0,56 ................ ....41e..1 1 nf__;V!rqAn1 ................ . . ...... ............ . . . ...................... COUNCIL FILE No.......... -4.0466PVtlWr 71h er e a S - Immediately Prior 'p -Ind up to the time the exist,ir. Charter of the City of St. Paul I took effect, there was pending SHARM kr the office of the Board of Public 77drks, a certain final. order No 40117, approved August 27, 1913, to curb Gvenue from Fairviewand A view Avenue to Baldwin,,Stzeet. Thereas, the order for,sp-id cufbin^ is. pending, and it i desirable to 1�roceed with the sallie, and RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement,e b and the same are hereby approved., RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is -hereby authorized'and, directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications; on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- 'tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing, Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for tenper cent. of the amount of the bid'. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement,reserve the right t,o reject any or all bids. Should all bids,be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may ayard, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be. received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for fiirther action or Proceedings- thereon. Adopted by the Gouncil��%1914. r - Yeas Co oilmen Nays Farnsworth Goss 7 moa cll OIL Kel ry L) Mr. President, P017 S Appr 914. rr 'e Y_ 1/7 7/ } XATY OF SAINT PAUL "L, itv Clerk's Office' ,, ✓` Re ivedof Citv Clerk i l C�� t- C . ✓ - e ST. PAUL DN GENERAL FORM o- .......................UM n u x ttZi ? MUM" t4 NO qy mdatntdn,.8ribf and iun.'. No.: sm>.a -surae, urb,: Taylo4dreb" OGt.....6.tk. >...._ 1914•...... to AnbnrF Avenn .$6t:IILfd...... _. [eelrgble tq >r �' , the time the existing ^,=bt, there was pending c Vorks, a certain final order" , to curb Taylor Avenue, from Vheress, the -order -for said curbing is pending, and it is desirable to proceed with the same, and RESOLVED, That the plans,' specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the 'above named improvement"be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is -hereby y; authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum, (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the anount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall,be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. U! l 914 1914. 1 Adopted by the Co oil 1:3 Yeas ( ) Co oilmen ( ) Nays r Far evorth Go's Rel er Mc 11. 0' dry , Mr. President, Po rs Approved /a 3,814. mayor I % 1� CITY -OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL REQ LOTION GENERAL FORM DeAt a..Puol_-i_ e.o.k.,.FONCIL�• ;_... ._ 0F NO IIW By M+NO ....................... . .. ...Ir'/.�... . .�� I1tt the ofilee of th ] oraAf iiyu work.'. I rn Min final otvi }-320. 4p1l jippio + c - m AhM e'lAveaaa to :Aabgqarg,}A Pon ytesented .......).QA....S SAA.,..... 1�1 ....... 0 � hereaa;.}L� carder So aft d eatbl,! ' - - - ,- � _ hR, and IG i des[rnble fp 1��� `saute B '•. '� n 14 tae r+inloit of ro1' Thereae;' Immediate' �'era"Y�,,,nm..! Immediately p rio, the time they existing Charter of the City of St. Paul t6_ t ct, .there -'was pending in the office of the Board of Public Vorks, a certain final order Yoma 40116, approved August 27, 391 ,-.to curb Taylor Avenue; from Aldine Avenue to Asbury Avenue. Whereas, the order for said curbing is pe,nding, and it is desirable to proceed with the same,, and - RESOLVED, That the plans; specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Pubic 'Works for the ,above named improvement be and the egme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is- hereby Y authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided .by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall wake said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price fox per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the.Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted; or in lieu thereof a certified check for tan per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bidsbe rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is -obtained, unless the ,, :committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Vorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall" make an appropriate report,with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council Oi I 1914. Yeas ( ) Cc oilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth Goa Bel ex Mc 11 01 ary Mr. President. Po rs Approved/0--` .1814. S L LL mayor ��%a < Y F SAINT PAUL ' City Clerk's Office/ y / .......... 191.ff R ved'of City Clerk,` G ^ d�Z. •-•-•-•-- -•- Department of` - r Bureau of ..._.... J//G � • t�4, `� _ .._._._.___._.__._..... , ��=soa_000 - �`%"�v'e/� n�mmmnwmmnmaa S Council File: Q.at..._.6th,..1914. By TQ]876707L�]@]d�jX7EXX °"' - . Whereas: Ir:r:ediately prior and up to the tL:,e the existin, Charter of the City of St. PGL -1 took effect, there was pendirin the office of the Board. of Pu',lic ;^orks, a certF.in fin'.1 or?er ".o. 40132, approved August 27, 1913, to curb Val n St., frow P.an.line Ave, to Albert Ave, the order for rsaid, curbirr is pending"., -and it is. fe- sirs. le to prove d it ..e sar..e, and u �^ nn+ntomoe tni= Adopted by the Council ............ Yeas ( ) Councilmen Farnsworth Goss McColl Yoerg O'Leary Keller Mr. President, Powers .. _.... _.... _. _. _..1914. ( ) Nays Approved ....._._._._._.__._� __._._.Mayor.____._._ , rj T City of Sdt.Paul Council Resolution - General.form.' Department of°.._:...Pu �,.ic.l,,crks........ _.w_-_. ..._-._-..__.-._.-._._._--- _a Bureauof ---------------- ------- .._.---.---...:_._............._._._...._._._.:.=._._;___--._._._._.. Council File No. T)a.++_A P­-nted Al. N. fawn— , - - WI even t ellat ly p Ior and op to tl C tlwG CIC YI f1n6 Ch to UL the CI[Y By—....c..--- .-...._.T �•tlt St Ln11 took f t tl a wpx pending -•-_._............................ « ._.. to tl G opi L th It I f Pulillc works. �irbtin final order No. 40L?. nDproYeQ 3. to •.rb van Itpren SL.- Itnwline . [o Albert All. i N"berenn the o� er Lor- I G rbin,- •iing, and it I den tble to 1__ uue.nn`L" �nlMon of 04 t iQ]l1@7�S[R7C�XR C�A7E}:X „' ""`'` `-,erects: Iii i.ediately prior and up to the tis,e the existin: Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there -tcas pandinE in the office of the Board. of Pu'�lic Works, a certr.in finrl oder ''o. 4C132, alyroved AvFus,t 27, 1913, to curb trar.__,_ren St, > from liamline Ave. to Albert Ave. C;`.ere >, the order for said curbir.- is : erdin , ,, e . • it is- ^-e- eircale to ,=ce l i*` t' ^.e same, and V ti oninlon of thla I Adoptedby the Council.._._...._...._.__._.....__.:..__._._...._._._._._._._._.,.._._._........._...._...._._._..1914. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farnsworth �- Goes McColl Yoerg O'Leary Approved .._._._._._._._._...... ._.1914. Keller_._._.... __._._.._..._.. _.___.____._._.. Mayor Mr, President, Powers C I TY OFS AUL COUNCIL .RESOLUTION' In the matter of under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order approved 19 RESOLVER, That the, plans,. specifications and 'estimates submitted by.the. Commissioner of Public -Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURT13ER, That the Purchasing Agent_.be and he is -hereby authorized and directed to advertise in .the manner provided by,the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said '. plans°and specifications, on'the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement fox. -bids, the purchasing Agent shall require a bidderts bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of .the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract With the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specif ications in case the bid is accepted, or. in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said, advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the,'.) committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that- no further bids .should - be received and that the wdrk should be done by the Commissioner of Public Florke by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for t further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by.the Gouncil OCT 1 1814 1914. Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays Farn north Goss Kell r MOCO 1 O'Le ry Mr. President,,. Powe,s Approved (> - 1°14. �Xxll3tX%�l� Thereas: Irtaediately prior and up to the time the existiri Charter of the City of St: Paul took effect, there was pending in the office ^f the Board of Public Torks, a certain final order Yo. 15C92, approved lay 23, 1913, to curb Croryae Avenue, from Tetri.torial Road to Cudworth Street. 7_1er'eas, the order for said curbing is pending, and it is desirable to proceed with the sane, r^d .as"ir it the -.._. - -- •� r RESOLVED, That the plans, -specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named improvement be and the sime are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City k, Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said o plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work,at-a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of'cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a`bidderts bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the perfor-ma:nce of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve• the right .to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall .make an appropriate report with its recommendations to/ the Council for further action'or proceedings thereon. ,- 0� 3•ai4 Adopted by the Coil 1914. Yeas ( ) Coulilmen ( ) Nays VVta Kell Pone Approve 3914. yor / r City of St.Paul0�59 Council Resolution - General form. Gas — ' Public -,orks FVhere¢s Immediately; prior aqd Department of ----._.— ---- --.--. ._._tufo thr tha"erlatlnS ffa3t. Pum took eRect, [hero rr(ta'pr 1 -.tlie otHre of.tltn Boord of Public R Bur's au Of _»_. ._.— En,�ineere__._._nYn;`t l aniR ;i `•errN o 1.ro Isnar� •._—_._.___..._ --» ~ - --- Lrom {Perrltorlal; $and to Cadwort4 sP Whereaai the order .tor sold turbin and 1, 1. desirable to pro .�a.sa¢amaamamammmmm3mmm am.amaaaaamne omaonev�aanema�rPendinr;, ,with t4C snme.; ad he ,. ' " Nhere¢a: Itla .the opinion oY'thla C c11 that nil biker, arta nnd•Pro eeding� be had or.dogerelatire to tbec pir • f- t6 nforsan(il order, are. P.r" ctic b] be done under the terms -and P oyleb't.ed Counail,File No. af me slating Charter. .._.-._».----- ----- • ^ _ Tboret re; be':it reaolredthnt the der 6e completed andor .the terms / f prorlahlon of the .M ting Chante a r By.•r..l:-r�� _. t -._....--J L._._. --»._..i Yu then agta and p, -e& 't -be "'•_.-•-•'^^'•• »"'_ e• vnd the Commlaeioner oYFlnonee tiler ,near.ad.�do'srtmenta of til- , e- hereby adthorb,dd sad-diree a 'n ' -.. ie ,toeomptete the sold am - it toe existing Cbsr' - •=t• • �Xxll3tX%�l� Thereas: Irtaediately prior and up to the time the existiri Charter of the City of St: Paul took effect, there was pending in the office ^f the Board of Public Torks, a certain final order Yo. 15C92, approved lay 23, 1913, to curb Croryae Avenue, from Tetri.torial Road to Cudworth Street. 7_1er'eas, the order for said curbing is pending, and it is desirable to proceed with the sane, r^d .as"ir it the -.._. - -- •� r RESOLVED, That the plans, -specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named improvement be and the sime are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City k, Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said o plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work,at-a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of'cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a`bidderts bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the perfor-ma:nce of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve• the right .to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall .make an appropriate report with its recommendations to/ the Council for further action'or proceedings thereon. ,- 0� 3•ai4 Adopted by the Coil 1914. Yeas ( ) Coulilmen ( ) Nays VVta Kell Pone Approve 3914. yor / r s 1 Y OF SAINT PAUL ,.' City Clerk's Office e"e ived, e[ City rk7�L �..r a t__ � OAn form. tv anprc._.... tiro tb Sr .1 d carbl to pro of thi C rgceedl tin. ie comp' irneticnbl� '� d nrevlal"ed th t the inR—f-Tintto u ,.......... farther 40a an aroceed1. t be —"'•�. "--------- �'�"'—'—• and the Commislone, of . Finance + •" Hier odicers and-'depnrtmente of th P hereby_.anthnrizad. and directee �e toccomnlete the enht �r the' ealating Char �l�xxl�a�xx�cx , tnhereas: imrredi=_tely prior and up to the titre the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the office 11of the Board of Public ?corks, a certain final order 11o. 15092, approved Hay 23, 1913, to curb CrorAzel - Avenue, frons Territorial Road to Cudworth Street. Whereas, the order for said curbing is pending, and it is desirable to proceed with the sarie, and It it 'he RESOLVED, That the plans,.specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be ' and.the s9me are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City R, Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing ' Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the, bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance cf said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless'the oommittee, authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be dor_e by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate, report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council 1914. Yeas ( ) do4 ilmen ( ) Nays 7" Kell 'M it, `,.rpowe` r3ayor /�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL CCity Clerk'A Off/1¢e ...191, eeived Of City Clerk Department of E1Q_1 Bureau of --------------- FrZilt Council File Zip, By City of St.Paul Council Resolution I - General form. RF" Whereas: jwnediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. P,.Iul took effect, there jvss -,-=Iir�_ in the office of the Board of Public Forks, a certain finalorder No. 14857, a-,-f-roved Mar. 12, 1913, to curb Bayes Ave. frort, Cudworth St. to Hampden Ave ts 'rhereas, the order for said curbing is pendia e &­ d it a. de sizable to proceed with the same, and 'N Othl.- .4KZ fio­ RESOLVED, That the plans,.specifi-cations s submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above '0_1`'A mprovement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is -hereby authorized and directed to advertise -in the manner provided by the City CbArter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve - .'Ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing , Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in cage the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent Shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract,'if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no fuxthax bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council 13 S14 1914. Yeas Coun,,ilmen Nays Far worth Goss Kelt x Mayor k City of St.Paul Council Resolution -General form. Department of ners he time ,the—tating Charter of the Bureau of.,._._._...._._._._s.,.._._._._ of 8L Pont took effect, -them ivas peur'­ Ig in thq 111 a' the 1$6 rd of Public AV14 rc,�Jo-fi 4rdera' in 1n6 Noj,40838, APM, Ain V 1913., to con.truct a Seln "ihph Avenu�e. fran .9aratogn 7 to 14 -.1, _N%�h 0,r r Mid an'.' to I)ro:, 12 h., r 6..' same 6 Q., h 1,1,hi,.a0.-nted Council, File K z'e' -at -114the� act. ... r. ,nted b,,.d the --Pl-' bof t r. order hre prubl'; e, done under th tems and provii. elt.r �Z` e.lkl.g Ch. an. to. —an.'o—r apartment. of the "r "e"' "' de lemb, authorized and directed to cotapike the Bahl .,he Whereas: Imri.edlately rrior4ELIM k _:o the time the e. istirg Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the offi-ce of, the Board of Public 1,77orks, a certain final order No. 40838, arr-roved Nov. 26, 1913, to construct a saXer on Portland Avenue, fron, Sarato,:a Avenue to Tarwick Avenue. Whereas, the order for said sewer is pending, and it is desira=ble to proceed with the e&Le) --nd jt ­is the ovinfon of t� -,of all other act. RESOLVED, That the -plans, -specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named improvement be, and the sate are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner providpd by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said Plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of ciost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance -.,ith the'.plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorizdd to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that thb work should be done by the Commissioner of Public V-Joiks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. 1914. Gos K'� ae 117: McC, 0'L, President. Pow, Z�,r� lu,�_ City of St.Paul Council Resolution -General form. Department of ners he time ,the—tating Charter of the Bureau of.,._._._...._._._._s.,.._._._._ of 8L Pont took effect, -them ivas peur'­ Ig in thq 111 a' the 1$6 rd of Public AV14 rc,�Jo-fi 4rdera' in 1n6 Noj,40838, APM, Ain V 1913., to con.truct a Seln "ihph Avenu�e. fran .9aratogn 7 to 14 -.1, _N%�h 0,r r Mid an'.' to I)ro:, 12 h., r 6..' same 6 Q., h 1,1,hi,.a0.-nted Council, File K z'e' -at -114the� act. ... r. ,nted b,,.d the --Pl-' bof t r. order hre prubl'; e, done under th tems and provii. elt.r �Z` e.lkl.g Ch. an. to. —an.'o—r apartment. of the "r "e"' "' de lemb, authorized and directed to cotapike the Bahl .,he Whereas: Imri.edlately rrior4ELIM k _:o the time the e. istirg Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the offi-ce of, the Board of Public 1,77orks, a certain final order No. 40838, arr-roved Nov. 26, 1913, to construct a saXer on Portland Avenue, fron, Sarato,:a Avenue to Tarwick Avenue. Whereas, the order for said sewer is pending, and it is desira=ble to proceed with the e&Le) --nd jt ­is the ovinfon of t� -,of all other act. RESOLVED, That the -plans, -specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named improvement be, and the sate are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner providpd by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said Plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of ciost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance -.,ith the'.plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorizdd to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that thb work should be done by the Commissioner of Public V-Joiks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. 1914. Gos K'� ae 117: McC, 0'L, President. Pow, Z�,r� lu,�_ �.C/ITY OF SAIN,r PAUL City Clerk's Office ipt.paui X119191..# n - General form........... ;� ROived of City Clerk I&C, _;A --------- G /0 4 M 071.re 0 11 P-11 W1. 408A appri nPe �Irn't . se— 1--- e6 , S.rut.pt A., tT19—n _`� /1_1�1 — I -V.Iv�-.sopt.': �061_ to the comple' art P' _�betd -,..,uad.r�t.,gett.erm­ be � done undm,,tue terms and pr 1' ... . ... . the at g� Of fler. Therefore it r0olved that the ,rd r 11 1* dkrCl Ph11'Z.'1'1n �111 trIll"; p[ovlsiVnaaf7, a art. as ,ad red to be d, sets r P" rat Finance of �d I.hl L 'd. �Irr _��rs _ the x. tiara , . t or as a r_,e to b complete" 11 t t And d the .,d 4 g Whereas: Imrf.eOiately prior°urltc a the-til:e the e..-,-.etinCharter of the City of St. Paul took affect, th6lre was pending in the offioe of t '-e.Board of Public Torks, a certain final order No. 40838, approved I'T., 26, 1913, to construct EL salLer on Portland Avenue, frorc, Saratoga Avenue to 7arwiCk Avenue. Whereas, the order for said sewer is pending, and it is desixable to proceed.with the sarde, -_--nd jEW'_�vGI;n-f t' " 1 1. RESOLVED, That the plans, -specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and tl�e agme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTBER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City .Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tr9otor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) that the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance -.,ith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a. certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may ayard, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that th-e work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Vorks by day labor, in which event,,the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for furtheraction or proceedings thereon. r gi! g R" _170 Farn worth �N Gos Kel er MCC 11 0':L cry President, P=7 TS CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ............................... ...... Z�... ... ... ...... Subject:..................P....... 14i�� !a;L--'p - NO.. F. No. 2062—By Nf. IN. V�?sa­ I'l—e— I..ed fate y up to ............ . ..... . . . ....... Qf TD-Crin thestl ralh -11.tt% of 'a; ftft.b lit the offire,of the Board o, Z4. 1_� 4gllc C`y��a ertta sented.. 191 1.... d"'_ order d a Stroet, re ,ay, 4 ,, He to Street. 19d LarpS',_, to r for "Id t grdl.R a Wb rend ,� be did. 1x11d ft.Is, dealra 1- lfk� y t .-a rrr.se f, t or.. ell th t .11 0 be bad or d 11 f o thr a to be done r of the r.1, Jor and UP to the time the ThereELS: I Tik.refq -Q;-LY PT of St. Paul took effect, there existing charter prr'�,lvLhe City lur,�Ibffil,e of the DoFrd Of pulijo Torks, a was pending int 13, 1914, to der No. 15r,182, approved ':e,q aert�.in final or grade 1julds-on Street, from Earl Street to Hester Street. the order I r for said grading is pending, and * it 'rihereas, the same; and Wne;em, It le the oVInlon,,of1thba , is desirable to proceed with Council [rineerr4 '11.g. to, 6r", estimates submitted specifications and improvement.be U 0 named That the plans, I for the above MS01 public Works by thq. Commissioner of and the a I gme are hereby approved. purchasing Agent be and he is*he'le Y That the . provided by the City' in the Manne said, RESOLVED FIMTHER, -to RES01 according -#Or 3. Z I ed and directed to advertise improvement :)r bids for the mahing Of Is (A) That th� bidder Or con- "iter, fox ns on the basis said work at a sPeci- dans and specifications, labor and material for improve -11 furnish tracto3: r _hall make said 7_­ tractor Sha bidder Or 00' cost Price for per tied out; (B) That the percentage of the F13.1chas ing force account, receiving �ment for bids ment by fC In said advertise t'Of at leal3t.twenty is same. the amoun t with :A'Oxming�t' a bidder's bond to - execution of a oontrac n I �,Jth the Plan3 t shall 'require conditioned for the coTdancc a per cent. of the bid, performance of Said work in ac 0 . lieu theicof the City for the PelfO I the bid is accepted, I in id. • and speoifiWtions in case ent. of the WnOunt of the b certified check for-ten per c advertisement leBa"' 3,11 in said e�cted said Purchasing Agent shall Should all' bids be res z The ; to reject any or. all bids. d;vextise again and as often as the right 1s.authorized to a taineci unless - the the purchasing Agent : _act which fntil an acceptable bid is-00 -t is'a cOnt'. should may be necessary 'L the contract, if 1 thal 'bids ,rd ' inion that no ful committee, authorized to 8"�78 be of OP' Commissioner of committee may award, Shall a by the the cOnn said committee shall be received and that the work should be doi- in which event, the Council for ork* by day labor, recommendations to the C s Public V report with its I make an appropriate, I further action or pxocoedinga thereon- 1914. Adopted by the council Nays Yeas Counc lmen Far worth Gos Ke er Mo 11 914. 01 eary ApprO MT. President., PO e18 � :."."Irry 4FSAINT PAUL 3000tity Clerk's Offi e f 191? Received of City Clerk rJL� Zc �4, �- S A IERAL ORM COUNCIL NO.. = ................... rimae .. ..���� i �J for and up to the time the jf St. Paul took effect., there the Board of Public Tors, a oertein _n approved :ay 13, 191", to grade Huds�r. Street, from Earl Street to Hester Street. • There_s, the order for said grading is pending, and it is desirable to proceed with the same, and wnerem, It.1iY, the opinlon Councf] that ooh c, Ae[ ub6it ed RESOLVER, That the plans, specifications and estimateTosvementtbe by the CommiasTenhereb Public approved ks for the above named improv and the sgme a Ago! be and he is theeCity That the Purchasing g provided by RESOLVED FURTHER improvement, according to said ,.. ,autY}orized and directed to advertise imp manner on the basis (A} That the bidde air Cori- bidss for the making_ terial for said wok .rplans and specifications, rove_ ractor shall furnish all labor and ma a of cost price for per- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or a percentage Of T°st Puxoha imp went by force account, receiving P tV.renty forming the same. In said advertisement for bidsif at least , contract with ,Agent shall require a bidde'sbo dorotheeexecuti of eL 0% the P pr cent. of the bid, conditioned the City for the P ted, or in lieu tbeieof a erformance'�of said work in actio and specifications in caserthen ?dofstheoamount of the bid. certified check for ten P Agent shall in said advertisement rejected, The said Purchasing g sin and as often as• the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be raj the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again unless the y be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, �h2r bids should be of opinion that no furthal nor of committee authorized to awarilthe contract, if it is ocontract which the committee may award, she the C labor, in which event, the said committee ir shall be received and that the work should be dor_e by Public `works I day make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. 6,,,y;4 1914. Adopted by the Gouncil Nays Yeas ( ) cc= linen ( ) Far worth Goa % Re ex 1 11 g14. 0' eery Appro Mr. Pxesidento Po ers mayor �gLIS� U'e � COUNCIL FILE NO. - 13Y FINAL ORDER. Ll the clatter of curbing_ the_west side cf Dunlap. a tree t. f.roa ._.Sun_mit aven -Aaa--to Grand avenue. ruder prelialillary Order approved 1914 hiteraiediary 01 ..approved . ... ...... SEP 7 .­' 1. '.. .. ..... ......... A public hearing having (been had upol, the above illiprovenient upon du., notice, and the Council havitag heard all persons, objections and recolanietidations relative thereto, and bavilig folly considered tilt, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paid that the ppeeise nature, exteot and kind of iiii- pro,veinelit to be made by the said City is-aurbing the...weat side af;..Dun3AP. Street from Summit -Avenue-to-Grand-Avenue mid the Council hereby orders said iinproveniciit to be piade. RESOLVED FURTHER, THat the Coinaiissioiier of Public Works be Slid lit, is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans tilt(] specifications fol- said iall,ovelaelit, aliji submit smuie to the Council for approval; that lipoll said approval, the proper city officers are 11,1,by authorized and directed to proceed with the alaking of said improvellielit ill accordallee therewith. 19 141 Adopted by the CounciL ik" Approved. .'V '19.. Mayor. 1. the A niter I .. bing he side Comicilinen Farn., vorthm, to p t'. from Summit ave- -nGrand ,v,,ue under Prelim - h -4 0 rder 6:19 approved J, ly 15th, 1914; 1 nt-medlary Order 1631 alp-. Goss Sept,roved 17. 1914. Apublic hearing having been bEk(K ,upon[he above Improvement upon dAe; notice, and the council having heard. Ill 1111-1,.1111CHIns and rrc,mmm-t d on, at . re 'ive Thereto, ret" and It= fulIv -onsid-ed the same, therefor;'. .11 oil bo 1. ,Relolvell, BY'the Council of the CLty St. P'"' t" Vimprovementp""­r-to"'. ea ry 11rt and hind of of .; to mafl'� by the id City curbing the =".Vede I Dun p , t" S u .e to '�, n a (I ve`m'tt".nd the im ... ou c I hereby orders said pr _V_t. b made. the 'comfnis ........... JI U'e � COUNCIL FILE NO. - 13Y FINAL ORDER. Ll the clatter of curbing_ the_west side cf Dunlap. a tree t. f.roa ._.Sun_mit aven -Aaa--to Grand avenue. ruder prelialillary Order approved 1914 hiteraiediary 01 ..approved . ... ...... SEP 7 .­' 1. '.. .. ..... ......... A public hearing having (been had upol, the above illiprovenient upon du., notice, and the Council havitag heard all persons, objections and recolanietidations relative thereto, and bavilig folly considered tilt, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paid that the ppeeise nature, exteot and kind of iiii- pro,veinelit to be made by the said City is-aurbing the...weat side af;..Dun3AP. Street from Summit -Avenue-to-Grand-Avenue mid the Council hereby orders said iinproveniciit to be piade. RESOLVED FURTHER, THat the Coinaiissioiier of Public Works be Slid lit, is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans tilt(] specifications fol- said iall,ovelaelit, aliji submit smuie to the Council for approval; that lipoll said approval, the proper city officers are 11,1,by authorized and directed to proceed with the alaking of said improvellielit ill accordallee therewith. 19 141 Adopted by the CounciL ik" Approved. .'V '19.. Mayor. 1. the A niter I .. bing he side Comicilinen Farn., vorthm, to p t'. from Summit ave- -nGrand ,v,,ue under Prelim - h -4 0 rder 6:19 approved J, ly 15th, 1914; 1 nt-medlary Order 1631 alp-. Goss Sept,roved 17. 1914. Apublic hearing having been bEk(K ,upon[he above Improvement upon dAe; notice, and the council having heard. Ill 1111-1,.1111CHIns and rrc,mmm-t d on, at . re 'ive Thereto, ret" and It= fulIv -onsid-ed the same, therefor;'. .11 oil bo 1. ,Relolvell, BY'the Council of the CLty St. P'"' t" Vimprovementp""­r-to"'. ea ry 11rt and hind of of .; to mafl'� by the id City curbing the =".Vede I Dun p , t" S u .e to '�, n a (I ve`m'tt".nd the im ... ou c I hereby orders said pr _V_t. b made. the 'comfnis ........... V l!/ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE is the• mattar if _. ourb ng....tb0 west sideof Dunlap street from Summit avenueto Grand avenue. .......... .. ........_... under Prelinnivary Order approei•d......... _ July .._1.5th, 1914 To the Council of the Cite of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance lnerebv t•epurts as follows: The total estimated amount of the aasessnuvd.for the above improt'ement is :F.._15.9...61...... 46¢ per lineal foot. The Intl m• parcels of land that mai• br assessod heaefils fm• said iill prnuemeut, 111141. the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Asst:ssor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION -- Lot Bloc---�—�I ADDITION -- 1 Assessed Velvet on — — i 1 � -- The Connnissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid Mailer, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report wade to him in reference to said natter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_14]_...�� ..._....... . Commissioner of Finance Office of the Cofnmissioner of Pub is Works To the Coinmissioneiy of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No........... _9!a.............JUl...._15.z................191.4.r., relative to_.......,lz........:_... approved._..................._.........._Y o e ourbin. the ....we... .s.t sd®,,.. o3.,_punlap__ Street..,_ from_ Summit.._Avenue ......................... ......... ..:...................................................................................... -......_.........................................._............._.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ....................... necessary and (or) desirable. • � -- 159 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_......... ...._xXX :.. and the total coat thereof is$..........._:..._'..0....0 ................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.......... _........... __....._......_:......_..................._............_................ .._.....__... ....... ........... ......__............ _................. _......_.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............... ........... _.... _...... ................ ..... o. Said improvement is ................... ............... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject, to assessment for said improvement. ...........f.................... .. ..._......... .._...................... .................................... ..._.. Con iissioner of Public S. FINAL ORDER. In the 'Matter of ...... ...constructin.g_...a._gement Mock sidewalk to a_width of six feet on the west side of Dunlap street from Grand avenue to Summit Ave._ . _....._ ...... _...... _... ....-.._.... .._ ......._..__ ......._.. . 698July 15th, 1914 under Preliminary Oider....../ -_ ....approved __. P 1914 Intermediary Order / .._..lJh/.../...approved ........................ SE . _....... ... 17 -._._.... _........ Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the -Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the . same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise, nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City Is...eonstructing -a._ cemeat_. block...sidewalk.....to.,.e:..width._of.. six _s:........feet on the Neat side of. ...Dunlag_street ..from -Grand__eve nue-..to.......Suumi-t!avenue......._........._._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, Tfiat the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and sal unit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the hnaking of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._............ .. ..�` /��6-7 .......... 'I . ,I erk. Approved/i%_._.:,........ ./K.....:_._.._ 191a Mayor. Councilmen Fan sworth Gqs. Kell .r :llc( olI 0' a Yo� Mayor Pow re l � ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of- ....:.c.o.natru.c.ting....a....cement __bl.o.c.k... sidewaak,_.to...l�....v�� dth..._of.. six feet. _on ih_e..West , s.i o lgip ettgget..from,Grand avenue.. to Summit avenue ....................................... ............ .. _.... ............. _. ._...... ...._...._.._ ........... ...... ............. .......... . ............. ............. _.... .. _........ ..... __._... ..._ _ . _.........._ _._ ..... ... .._....... . .......... .. ...:... I .... _. ... .......... ..... _.... .. ..._...._... _...._ __... tinder Preliminary Order approved ..._._JIl1jL._15t.k1,...19.1. ............ ..... ......... . ........ ...... -_.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:- The total estimatedamount of the assessment for the above improvement is per... lineal foot The lots or parcels of land that may= he assessed benefits for said improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as ']list reported by the Assessor, are as follows: . 5 'rhe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report"made) to him in inference to said/matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated............... Cmmnissioner of Finance. mu"M ITAIlInDABLIi oo,lMAsT nQUTTtIII. f _ C I T Y. 3I Gentlemen,- -----------{ -------- -- 4 NeTthe and x- igned, nwn xs of the property abllttln s on the west side of Dunla Stfrom Grand AY8• to 3ur®it Ave l e do hereby peiit-ion your Honorable Body to cause a six foot cement sidewalk to be laid on the west side 03 said Duniap0t_fr4�� I 3 Grand Ave. to Summit Ave. 9 N A. M H LOT L n I � Eli o� 4 Z �� 13 14 15'' I 1df-__- 1 I ao -— '-- '--- - -� 33_ _- — — 1.0 a4 - I 29 30 f ONH'!IIMINUUM I ME111■■BSI COUNCIL, FILE NO............ BY FINAL ORDER. J. _-`y In the Matter of PRr-bAn.g... FrY.- Btr.e.e..t.... from University ave.n.u..e. t.0- St. An .. t , h .. , Ade .. . ............. . ..... . ............ . ..................... ­­ ...................... ................. . .............. under Preliminary Order. . -437. 4-3.7-- .. . . ...... . .. . ..... ..... . .... ......... approved JUX1.0 ... ......... ............ SEP 17 1914 IntermediaryOrder ............... 163.2 - ------ _­­ ....... ......... approved ... .. ....... I .......... . ...... ........... . . .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; tlienifore,'be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent an kind of im- to St Anthony I provement to be made by the said City is --to.-turb Fxy ..street from....ma Aty. Ay!�q .......... . . . ........ A Avenue. .................. Ave ........... ...................................... . ............... .. ......... ... .... ......... .... ............. ........... .. and the,Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Connuissimer of PublicWorksbe and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said haprovement, and submit same to the Council for approval that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed -dance therewith. wide he making of said improvement in accoi -Adopted by the Council_... ........ ... ...................... ........................... . . . ............ - elk. Approvedla__...J_1.1.� ................. 191W . ... ....... .................. . .... Mayor. Councilmen Par sworth Go ]tel P.I. • medfary Oder 3632 approved, Sept:' Y! ts a h. I er Ale oll n10 O'L iry b,,, f Yoet of 9t Paul that the.-preclae'natar'e ex• ' fent a d; -kind ,oP=Improvement;-to'be Frp- e[reetirtim tInivhratty avenue: -to St,. Mayor Pow rs r. ordersby t ei m `.J �.� DESCRIPTION ILot' IBlock� ADDITION Assessed Valuation &AA-k- - z - -- --- - j--2 s I / D� s n t . tc.. �_ . `,t y 'fir .,,,. 65 - -� ' a- _. ,_ :� `� __ . '' ,• t� �'- t` ,9- J - �j_ ( PIONEER PRESS CO- Anaiawcr -- 2 � ti ar rab o- �e�21 err Fowls -i -l-- and.- Aubl4a Tler"— -- ---- — Gentlemen: - --- — �t _- P 6 _� fie, the undersigned owners of property do hereby respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have both sides of Fry street Curbed from University avenue to St,Anthony avenue in said City owners names residence — -- , 12 __ :.t! --. c`A",r(✓ GR•0'�i�-r_ 6!!'� f( �_ _ - V -naw 13r 14 . 6 17 '7 45 20 ----. _. __ ---------------- - 21 74. Y:> 2627 28 29 • a 30. .—_-____----- jc 31 -. m Office of the Commissioner .of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance �_u::Y....23.±....__..._.................7 91._ x To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideratiop the preliminary order of the Couu- cil, known as Council File No... j3? ..............approved. ___....._._J1171e.. 30.E........ ...... ........197.._x., relative to_....._..............:.... ourb.ng..._Fr1...._S_tP.......tsz. S..t......:Ant.k.any.....A.Ye......._....................... ........ .......................... ............... ........................... ._.............. ................................ _....._................. _ ..._....._.__................ ........................................ ....................... .......... ........_.............. ....................... .... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is................._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 45per front foot 97524 2. The estimated cost thereof is'_................................... and the total cost thereof is:F._............_........�.._................, nut .............................._......_.__._..._........_......._........................... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... .................... ..... ...... ..__.................. ................_..._.:.._.................._......._............................................................................ _.._......_............_....._......._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached acid made a part hereof. ...... _...................... _. _.... _...................... 4....... _...... ....................................._.........................................._.........................._............_. 5. Said improvement is_............. _................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... ..... ._...... ..... ......... .... _ .._..............................._............. Com iissioner ofublic Worke. F li3,3 COUNCIL FILE NO__ ....... .. . ..... .......... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter if conatruc.t.ing blacks of six feet on the weSt Bide of Oxford street beginning at Fairmount.avenue thence L--to_...qt.- --Glai.r. atree.t under Prelinlinary Order.., 12$2..._.._.............. ... .... ... approved . ...... .... .. . ........... i 1914 Intermediary Order 6 33� .... ...... . approved ......... . $.. E ­ P 1 .. ........ . ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due uotice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconiniendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of a ini- provetuent to be allude by the said City is... - the oonstruajLo22 of -six f allot Cement "walk on the West SidG­*f 03dord street -from Fair mouk avewe to St clar ifreet and the Council hereby orders said iniproveineut to -be inade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coniiiiissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed ail(] directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit saine to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. A�2 1-3 19 Adopted by the Council .......... 7 Jerk. Approved.. 14r/ 19/Y ........... . .. Councilmen Fi rnsworth C ,� It'6�NileOt' f ... structing a addej G s six feejepoaon that hl.,;ks to'e width d t side of Oxford street , eginning act Flr,,"n t d.1r Ke h -r nu:uth�'Nst-er air treat un ahay r. U -111-10-11 grgaaglt. 2111, 1.11.,1, int-anslliry r- P�r. , S Me oll having b...' he. u�,A..),uhb,".,�ovee"t.gr.vement upon due notice, and the Council having heard 0'1 eary .11 person.. ble Ions and recommen- dations relative thorctw' and b.v9 fully considered the Burns; therefore, Yo 4 rg lol. R I . ; solved, By the Council of the CRY of s" P"' that 'he a)""Ise nature, ex- t d kind of naProv ena..t th be Mayor Poi ers t..nd,,`i`,1' the saaldCRY is the construe- tion,of-a BtX'fOOt ��naarnt a la , wejat'slde,of, , Oxford sun _on :tq- r �aithu'l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. teed pe ted Kly,lRro h eb, the 9 -ent' In ac dance Adopted bi the•Counen REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the Matter of ..__C.o.n.e_true.ting...a...s.idewalk....of... csment b_lgcke ..to.. a, width of..:six.....fe.e.t...on...the.....w.eat... side ....of...._Qxf..or.d._a.tx.eet. bsginn. ng at_.Fairmoun.t avenue.....thence.....t.R..._St.. Cla_r..._$tre_et_,. ....._..:_.........._............................. ............ ........... .......................... ............................ ....._ ..................... .. ...._. .... .............. ... _........ ................. .............. .......... ............................. ..... F ................................................. ...... ....... .... .......... ............................... .... ........... ...._. ...... ...... .._.... ...... ...................... .._ y. ed uni (ir Preliminary Order approv.._At jT,t19t ..?4.th, _1914.,,_.. .. . __..... _......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ..x.Pk9.¢....Per .. lineal foot The lots or pnreels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed' valuation of each lot or pareel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1. a f •y .r.. u .�, ,. .. ._ / � � � � Q �� � � �f ;o/orr/ tiu � o l �o,r �� �d.�,� /E a,iir� ou-cr � a �/u✓-u� �; � , The Commissioner of Fimamee further reports that he has investigated all of the aioresaAl niattuvq, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him i]i referenee to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .......... `%./...__..........__.191.._L� Commissioner of. Finat ee. 0 R 0 ......... .... ............ A-U6:rU-G-t---Z-& . . .... ...... ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commission of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 1.8.82 ..............approved..... .. A.0 66 l01.,..8-4.4.................191.4._, relative to constr . ..................... ... Q.n tbv-meat B t z 0-ol .... .. .... tqat Q]Al;r ............. . ...... . ..................... . ............ ........... .... ......................... .. . ................... . ........... . ....... . ... . ..... . . and having investigated the masters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...............__....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ...................... . . ........... and the total cost thereof is $ ............................. . ...... .... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: FINAL ORDER. In tele Matter of ..._const:rUCUR9,._a aIdemAlk o_f. Ge.i1;e..n..t .b1o.G_ke to._a_wi.dth .... Of six feet on the North side of Pacifici St. from Hester St. to Ha Bt avenue. under Preliminary Order 984 ...... - - .... approved .A,1.4 ..Bt....3SE� X91 Interniediary Order .............. ��i�.$... ... .... approved' _.. .. ................. __........... _.......... ........................ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Comlgil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ...... ... the..const ruction. of--si Box- foot -cenent--videw2k-on the Not#h..BidB`..of..Pacific..114m9t_..from—:Iieshsr etreat taiiast"ings_avenua___.__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER., That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed ai111 directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to' the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed witll the making of said improvemeut In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._._ y /y ... ......... Cie ApproveVd....''.....�..._....___...__...._..19i ....... ..... _................. _.......... _..... _..............._........ .......................... ...... _.... _. Mayor. c P. IdIn`the atter ofCon t Ctin 2067— .g - (:OIlnC111111'll F8 I1SW01'Yll _ walk of cement: block fP,✓; "A l ,sfx feet on the north slde; of Act, ' St. from Hester St. to Haettngs.ave;', Go ".nue: under Peeliminary Corder 98v _Approved August 3rd 1914 'I [ rme- :diary Order-ifi34 approv d3 pt"',li. - Kel .r 1914: r A: the hearing ha, Ing •'ti-pon'due upon 'the abov ipq o emenb�upon dad. nonce, and ojeo uncq having heard Me oil au'pereon obJec lona and(recammen da]Yo rlathe,' thereto ;ltd$aging; fully, considered the same therefore!! Y .Reso1 ed, 1337 the C uncll of-theclty - r - or $t. P ul that the Precise nat R ex tent and kf d'of improvement to be Yoe g (,made ,by th Sd'ctt3 fa the co true-' tion of Ix foot_ cefi iijhede ]loon th n rth side of; P iac; etre t' fr¢m Mayor Pow rs Rester street t0 Hastings venue Y and tae Council.hereby orderseafd';1m- p—veinRe oY nd CFurth_. o be adsThat the' loner of Public Works be end het is hereby Instructed and directed to pre.� Pare plans and tieclacatlona for:said Improvement,ouncil and submit eama to'th9l ` CPP roval, the for approval; city Coff psis said aid herdDY. uthorloed a d d1rett.d to -pro-{ Geed. aIth the.maki e� ..... ..� ' l l FINAL ORDER. In tele Matter of ..._const:rUCUR9,._a aIdemAlk o_f. Ge.i1;e..n..t .b1o.G_ke to._a_wi.dth .... Of six feet on the North side of Pacifici St. from Hester St. to Ha Bt avenue. under Preliminary Order 984 ...... - - .... approved .A,1.4 ..Bt....3SE� X91 Interniediary Order .............. ��i�.$... ... .... approved' _.. .. ................. __........... _.......... ........................ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Comlgil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ...... ... the..const ruction. of--si Box- foot -cenent--videw2k-on the Not#h..BidB`..of..Pacific..114m9t_..from—:Iieshsr etreat taiiast"ings_avenua___.__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER., That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed ai111 directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to' the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed witll the making of said improvemeut In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._._ y /y ... ......... Cie ApproveVd....''.....�..._....___...__...._..19i ....... ..... _................. _.......... _..... _..............._........ .......................... ...... _.... _. Mayor. c P. IdIn`the atter ofCon t Ctin 2067— .g - (:OIlnC111111'll F8 I1SW01'Yll _ walk of cement: block fP,✓; "A l ,sfx feet on the north slde; of Act, ' St. from Hester St. to Haettngs.ave;', Go ".nue: under Peeliminary Corder 98v _Approved August 3rd 1914 'I [ rme- :diary Order-ifi34 approv d3 pt"',li. - Kel .r 1914: r A: the hearing ha, Ing •'ti-pon'due upon 'the abov ipq o emenb�upon dad. nonce, and ojeo uncq having heard Me oil au'pereon obJec lona and(recammen da]Yo rlathe,' thereto ;ltd$aging; fully, considered the same therefore!! Y .Reso1 ed, 1337 the C uncll of-theclty - r - or $t. P ul that the Precise nat R ex tent and kf d'of improvement to be Yoe g (,made ,by th Sd'ctt3 fa the co true-' tion of Ix foot_ cefi iijhede ]loon th n rth side of; P iac; etre t' fr¢m Mayor Pow rs Rester street t0 Hastings venue Y and tae Council.hereby orderseafd';1m- p—veinRe oY nd CFurth_. o be adsThat the' loner of Public Works be end het is hereby Instructed and directed to pre.� Pare plans and tieclacatlona for:said Improvement,ouncil and submit eama to'th9l ` CPP roval, the for approval; city Coff psis said aid herdDY. uthorloed a d d1rett.d to -pro-{ Geed. aIth the.maki e� ..... ..� x REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Iu the \]attar ofcon..s..trugting,.a.._s.i$ewalk,__of .cement blocks to a width eff siic feet on the North side of Pacific street from Hester street to ................._ .... .. . Hastings avenue ..._.._..,.... .. _......... ..... ._............. ....... ... . ....__._.........................._......... ..... _.._.._ .. ...._.._.... .__..:...... .......... _.._._ . .. _..... ........ _.._.. _.- . _...._....... _.. ..__.. _ ._.. under Preliminary Order approved. _..,A1?,>3ust _Zr(;j„ 1914. ,_.._._.._._ ......... ........... _..._ To the Council of the City of 81. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: c The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ . ........................... The lots or parcels 4f land that may be assessed benefits for said. intp rownient, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Assessed Valuation DESCRIPTION r of lack ' .... __ )...4... jJd i u `.on Qcb / (:..r. L �.� ' 'A./� /.7��C%-0%y..+�. 6!.. e• Co/ _ � � I'.4, WC, d11141 / r -.,cc �Ldd�sl.�r,�c�c _Gail. fo�rr% �� �� � re Acv-llt•9Giia%,.'d-..� _� . � .. _ . I _..--. a �y_._wt_�1oQ ^vt m/. cyi_�'.C. Q/ ✓ra irc/� a��. -1/•. .Ca2. c /u I-e'c. c � iOj/l DESCRIPTION Lot Dloch ADDITION Assessed Valuation Q_Q�..�. �/� - � L. � �uCil'C-0/+lls/ ✓aU�tr/ �G4./- � /7 C .PUS/. �Cl��e i '�7 � au � (�i��r/ • — � //�Ci✓u7/a%%off -_ j - %� r eL �, r 1161-0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ............. _.._..................191.x% Commissioner of Finance. Q PETITION. July 22, 1914. AN We, as property owners would like to ask the City Engineer to -have o,mers of three (3) vacant lots put down sidewalks on the north side of Pacific Street be- tween Hester and Hastings Road. Signed: • 1 Mos WRIA EM31 FINAL ORDER. In the clatter ot.....c.o.z�.et.xuc..tc .8..-.a...- deppalk_._of.._cement blocks to a width of ... six. eet_..from..._Snellin ._._avenge..... to Fredericka street under Preliminary Order ............ ......... approved A1194.e1 ................................ rSEP 17 1914 Intermediary Order ......._:.. ..... ........ .V..U.:7.._.........._._.........__...._approved...._................ .................. ........ _.... ............... I................. ..... _........... _...... t A'public hearing hgving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard tall persons, objections and ieoamiuendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the scone � therefAre, be it R.RSOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by, the said City is...._. the. ...conStruation...aY...a._...83x--Y.00.t...cement.sidewalk..-on the South -Side of Riwdalj street from Snelling -avenue to Fredericka street _.................__... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and..,. directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and 'submit same to the Council- for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officer's are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement .ac�cordance therewith. Adopted' by the Council ....... _.... .(, ... ........ ... 19_ Ci Cl •k.< s APProvedv- / 191K — ................ ....... . -......... Tlayor. Councilmen F rnsworth G ss 1{ 11' M Coll c O eary Yerg Mayor P ere 1 DESCRIPTION dot lock ADDITION Assessed Valuatlon U E /':1..I. The Coinmissiouer of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the. Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said natter by. the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._.___.._.....;/... A/1- ___...... _............ 191..._i .............. _ Commissioner of Finance. r-� a FINAL ORDER. reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement, 1n the clatter of...._.b.locks....ta-a....wid.th_"-.of..sia....fes.t._:.thJ:...pr aem.t....aidewa-iis .... on the following streets, University avenue North aide commencing 1-78....fee.t--west -of-Stelling -avenue theneet-weet 'SO. feet ... beg-igni'ng 34 f -t'. farther }vest tdhence wrest 104 ft. be inn�ng at Fry st. thence west 108 ft. under PreliminaryOr er_. al rove .... . `SEP 1 i .1 Intermediary Order _. ................ .......approved ......_........ ..914 ........ ............ ............_...._.._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inl-, provement to'be made by the said City is..._..the ....re.conatx.u..ction,r.Flaying...and._repairing...with--".cement to: a width ofsixfeet,the sidewalke on the North aide of University avenue commencing --................ vest' 20--feet,beg'g4 ft farther vast .thenpe west,. 1�4 fee,bebg at Fry Qtdreet thenceWegt 10� feet and the ouncll ere y orders said improvement to a mat e. RESOLVED FURTHER, Teat the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and ' directed to prepare plans and specifications for -said ilnprovement, and subunit sane to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers an- hereby authorized and directed to proceed " widi the making of said improvement inn accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _..�1..-.. Tf._ ..._19 Ci Approved/ 10.7_ / �. ... ......191G{ .. Mayor. ;Mayor. ' In the 3fatiter oX ecovet u th .g, eelny Councilmen Fa •li8wort� Ing and r0pairing with cements - - .l blacks to a Width, 6' six. feet the; present%..sidewalks' on the Xolloing G 5 t streets, iveraity avenuo ilortfi ides commencing„178 feet west "et.Sne11- ing a date• tbence-w at I!Cfeet„be; 9Inning::24 feet;farth r west'therc. K llel' west.104;ft 'beglnntng lit;Fry; street;: the' h nc0"weat-108; fY.".under Prenm(n i” Order985 dpproved Augest.3rN NI I-11 Isit'Intermediary Order, 1636'ali4 / Y ergfullyconsid ed the ;, ams tberefoi 11 b.$esolved,' Ry the Coll ail he' Of tC3 E ' of 9t Pavi fhat fhe.prec{ae nature k oveant,;to oi`Iprm ]Mayor p were tent and ,kind m • lnade by cthe, said, City la''the @reca' v t ucttori;. elaying , and repalft with cement t a width of dti; feet - sidewalks o 6th orthto f uni b ' sit avenue commenng 178 feet we ci - - of Snelling, aven a thence weot 20 fo& ; ; " beglnning-24 feet farthe£ w st. >thegc�! weat 104. fact; ' beg. at Pry "`etre tb mme eat 7,68 feet and they Co ne saki. Imp of ment:to IP' - - hereby orde s mR solvgd Further,. That the Ctimmib - eloper v �Furt rn9,Tl be and' ". , hereby instructed and dir cted to prg, - pato plah9 hnd apeclpcatlona fot sail+ ,, lmpkovemerit a d.aubmit samO ;tP t approval` that upogha d - Ciiprov "§ l' A - - berebyal,..t o proper oRice are nd directed to pro eke r eaid Improve- ceeA. the the ma " Beed wn accordance therewith. - Ment in ae d n 1,. Adopted b7 the Council Oct,OcL.33; 1914., ' Approved Oat 14,1914' "EOctober 34-1914): ry�h. rte. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In the flatter ofrecpnetru.n, hg,,...re,layingand,._r. pai In, nt with cmeblocks to a width of six feet the present sidewalks on the following streets, ....... ...... _........ ___...... ............................_........................._......_..............................._.........:....................._..._..............._......._...................._....._........._..__-1._...... .... ........ ............. ......... university avenue Narth side commencing 178 feet west,of Snelling avenue" ........ .. ............................._.............................................................................................._............_........................_................._............_....._._.................._.._........._..................._._._ :........._ thence west 20 feet, beginning 24 feet farther west thence west 104 feet fieginiirig at....ry..street...tfierioe weet...T08..._feet ............................. ..._.............__.... _..... ....... ...._._..,........................................... ........................ ..................... ............... ......... ................... .................. ._............... -............. ......................... ................... �..-......., ..._...... raider Preliminary Order approved ....._A4gu_et....3rd ....._1914.....__ ...........:. To the Council of the City- of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is!'..49. peT lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed beuetits.for flaid.imprmeinent, and the assessed valuatiol oftch lot or parcel as last reported by the. Assessor, are as follows: The Commissioner of Mnance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to�--// said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ......... _... o/ ...... ...... ........_..... ......19IA...... Commissioner of ance. - o �j 33° ii 40 o4y� „ £NDf? \\j %"W J A yy 4.1 \►� MICROFILM CERTIFIC.AT£ p\ice���� The,Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: \ t \\ 6,\ \ 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made "in the regular course of m business by �- NTC/TY r,'//,���pTin accordance withq� the standard and approved techniques ith a Recordak micrbfilm machine, \ ModelARe_ of Eastman Kodak Company. , < 2. The roll,of microfilm was made on /%aacf s— 19 b d by the ��°� , undersigned operator(s). ° 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 94 /V 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic r�opies of: \ f \ yh e, n e- i qr _ eo l,9/; y 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: d2. 1 After this,certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), ,a, t it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediatdly ;after the last document. ' Signed: ......_ .............. e lo, cbP P 1. ti OJQ�PJ y 1-0 9 s 1315 VIII z-2 m. IIT VIII 1 1 4 0 �� VIII 1=8 IIIIII 2 5 VIII 1=4 ����� 1--s NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS e MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST C -11T mugY I