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I so of b u� A - 6,y w i G e t _ -- - -.i ted) 4 ' t � D S .•u".L-er Dr :rd^:e 3tirs,, docL:'.-;'.0 of ,•t:l�r cont<-.-,, _ ae�� \ • r r� _ • n , / 4/6, A LO Sk ter >/�� ' r �ar �� r . . [ a" '40' a s`' c Z�O/ k CAN 17 t 5 a ♦' « P f CITY O!F 'ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOL LJTION=GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE N Ci. Date Presented Aug. A— 191 6. - Rbsolvo,, . That the grade of Brown ave. from Gates at. to Bunker St., as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended oy the Comaissioner of Public Works,, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. r e , 4 IC. F. fQo.. 1EE80—IIv 1L N. nou— _ I�e.olvod, That the grade or IIroriR Av& from lretoa 8t, toBdnkgr Bt., as an4trp py the rqA geode -line on .the aeaompanyfng-proale, anA u regorii- m4nAepJbysha CotDmfeplagea• Lr..Pntilio. , { �ytlegp, tla noA the pam. Ip 4eeoby y®' aabptaa.a. tba a. pnansA graa.. ' Jfidopied by-iilp �o,Ungll Aug. EE,'19191 ApDrbveA Aug, 88, i918, `. YAugnat 38=18181 Yeas (✓) Counci en (✓) Nays _ t Farns rth" Boss In favor / xellerl �Ce PAcCoq (, Against Wud ' ich" Mr. President, in i Adopted by the Council I91 Approved AUG 2'9Is� 191 MAYOR COUNCJL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM u feet: • L t COUNCIL ,. FILE .No.. �O Date Presented ' Aug. 21, „1916. Resolved, That grade of Greenwood Ave. from -Delos St. to the north line of alley in Block 20 West St. Paul Proper,•as-ehowr by the red gr de line on the acu,ompanyingg profile, and as tecotmnended by the Commissioner of Public. Works, be and the same is hereby adop as the established.grade.. C. 8 Yo 3a8811—gy yt,N Qoga•- Rgeolv¢d; Thdt the grape o; (}rsen- - I wabd AVe' rtola Delae St.,to.lhe notch t 1 (l1#C60ulay In H 6ok. E6'tVepD Bt. peat gaperaq iqh. h Ay the a¢d glade hne on t1tq. acgbmppanYing ptoale an J. gp �• r¢eymniended by thY:bmmlgelaner er _ _ Public Workn, ba.aae the gam9 Jq here- by adopted Xq the eetatill.hed grade: Adopted tipahe Coa?ttli Aug, :r, 1938. ADPtoved AUg. BE, 3918. 4V i# Yeas (✓)j ilmen (J) Nays A worth.a(opted by the Council ' > •f 191 In favordApproved AUG �.�6 191 IIL Against (�y,�t�•IchMr. Preslrvin MAYOR FORM C.6 - ,;tea `� , rs�.�-•_*%�$",-�" � g ' `' t G•Q[�1`IC1 L; LE N�Q�,-••.-- --- �� � �`?`3t�.�`'""`,• By NTERM]RDIARY OR ER • nc_a width.?f aia feet 1 - ons_,-1�•��.R.t._Sc1.1�..aS.{3.Ps�.�.?�.•�, [tithe Matter of be en Saratoga. ave____n__ue and ': on the eoUth si3t offli&mount :ay.e_nt�e __ — .- -- •`�Sne�l'�&•avenue,_;_--____---- ._..approved-, 3u�th.e._1916a�..—•___.._.____. 11 36a ___ __ __ -- tm4erpreliminary order. ' —"--------- _________approved '— oner of Finance upon rt of the COmmissi 'The C cil of the City of St. Paid having received theherepo .reby elves: °� gement, and having considered said feport, the above implo ted, and the said.imProvement R 5 . 1 rt be and the same is hereby approved aad adop ; the said repo is hereby ordered to be Ptoceeded with. t Cone trot t a cement a 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ ----- +t w south Q:�.irg`�unt a_vB t �>�._s_arat�.-a'�.en"s--anti`.snelung-'s�cennfx,.•-•–�-� `—�"`�� ___ ---'" ---- q.58' er. lineal foot. with no aUernativcs, and that the estitaated cost thereof is .$ ___----L— -- i Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said i-Provement en the_ l h -- - —day of in the Council Chamber, 19l_fi__ , at the hoar of .10 o clack °.4. M �� of Finance House end City Hall Building in the City of St. Patiil. That the Commissi _ g tbf the Court dad by the Charter, stating the time give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided and Place ofgheari0 g.. �tnre. df thg i}nProvdmenr,.:ansf tie total cost thereof as estimated. Jq i 22I3lE 191 AdopiA.* die C'OU-41 =City Clef a.' h AUG 22 19 �APProved____--. _ a''' _ °" ___._.....__._._' Mayor• . f Councilman F' wortf K r • Mc oil ' � •• Nas Yoe Mayor Po Fxm 8. S. A a-6 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter afSr_431@_t'114. ...K-.s.eX4S.I,lt.k.1..�.�.�.1�9851�...SSL� feet on bnth..gidEg_,pf_.$ilder aoanve fAhm Unrahall aVenne to Re1bv avenue.. _--------- -- — —^__ under Preliminary order. �ll`�2a__�.__ __,approved__JAL1_7C 11th, 1916___— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby "ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature ohe improvement which the Council recommends is—Cone true t 8_,.g8m8A t tile sidewalk to wid of__p x etbQ-h a des :deravenae__ 'from 1larshall avan a to f3el�r avenus,,�—___—_---___--�� with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis $ 0_5S_kar lineal foot. e Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- 19 th _— ._...day of j. $eptemb¢r —_-- 191.-6—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Ha lltuildinf; in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter; stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total eos� thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_____. �''�_i?l� 191 Approved __AUQ_?_2Ls _ __. .191.. Mayor. ® -.aZZo Councilman nswofth rvala adaP n,. - K er eta to emtcq:.aaaYtyp , " MC OII fi'ptiatrU$ cetlie)p� -fat omm ;'roe o its class, - .. W Aec' Menu in yaYay�, Ne Ca�aaIDr ave�q °qJ ostlltarnefly Mayor Po ' ?s Form & S. A, 8-8 oaa ot110 rt tus T±aa TM COUNCIL FILE-- -- 8 Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER- . � ' gal e_.n tyle sidettalk tto a width of In the Matter ofd--� avenue deet on botlL.Hi�t2e__Qi�ttTiri n-a4en�e b_ptwesn-$ellevuean8 _ Fairview avenue—..-...._-_— - ____•_.._�--. ____.._._..- ly let, 11, 293 approved _Ju—_.---- ------- JiV under Preliminary 6rder. �----- --- --- 'of the Commissioner of Finanetupon K The Council of the- City of St. Paul having received the apart said report' hereby resolves:. the above improvement, and having considered t. That the said report be`and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement with. is he ordered to be dfd C oe trua t a cement 2. That the natof rife improvement which the Council recommends is_..._ _-n- -- n even e 1g .o a aidth�f sig-�aatt.�t�ta►�5'�•-sf-�-- between Bellevue avenue anFair d view avenue $ 0.58 nor lineal foot. with. no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is w- -- -- - Resolved Further, That a Public hearing be had on said improvement on the - 9th - —day of VoNmr- at the hour of 10 o'clock M., in the Council Chamber, ' h�■ the of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City n St. Pavided yt the Chartteer, stating theutime give notice of said meeting to the Persons and is the manner .Pro as • ated. ' and Place of hearing, the nature of the improvement„ and the total • Adopted by the £e�incil—_-- " 1910 ,191 Appk- .yea_ _ AUG 22 1916 ._ • -� --- —Mayor. - of R[P�Obh�Rhe •• - meat.' ep he ln� �PPPe.� s ep°rt,,,harq R r h aU Councilman Farn , rorth d Thio ixesa a�„. I•�haSeb £e !Ri'���a he Goss •ea�`lodhr Thetehaf.ert Keller h1P4th• os `ene°omm•t� MCC' l rucr?a eeIl lryel un lane dr ,ry S',?Ytr'Af fl 11•rue4 _ .. dPn.'f-ida'Fd�Yb9ntif�lfik'R7�P Nas i''�1}�hio fbeSiea A� 4 � ! ideal. , Y049 epl+ealr vs �1se • or May POP e4e 38m�`aas� o �¢ ss • dlina�� ik �'ihe`7n aR .: Fm & S. A �or�atfmP P Gf1UNCIL [LE - y [NTERMEDiARY ORDER. ' In the Matter o� C4B.�ttldSei'�A$_.�_-$e��T•�=-�{ At1A av—end-_-118_t1r.�.e�FiffiFkBSL' � et7'B9fe_$Ild__Se]31B.tSEL.B.L7EE+e—±s------�-- -- I —JR 11 795 --approve ?uly- a9th191s. under Preliminary order._.. r._._...._ _— •—_.--appro The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the,Commissioner of Finance upon " the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and'the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with CoR.0- t;tt t.a eewea 2. That the nature of the improvemeu-which the Council recommends is - on Indiana avenue betxeen $tarke•,X street and r Custeetrelet� 856..00 _.._ ` with no alternatives, and that the egtimated oust therea�ra._li----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 19th _.__.day of 191.6--. at the hour of �O o'clock A. M., in thi Council Chamber; i of the Court House.and City Hall Building in th{s City of St. Paul. That -the Commi over of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manne%0r vnded by tiu Cr stating the time sod dace of hearing, the nature of the improvement, erd the total th ted. Adopted by 4he Council—....._ - � � `�';3 .}?i�-= . 19t — Clerk Approved_____Ift .$•`�••i�---- l91___,_ ' Cmutcilmaworth �:ta JAa nbo .' Ilei 1 M I aD i P a aaoi �ps. ba p�aEaa !t mpri scull ueaaced ��be�atA2ror �- - _A - "P ash nAA E_4 x.411C•an nada . , oerg f a+ i ads:bk ab6sc �a ttbpe'*+'Tb a�'Rp��-•- Mayou F owers "ans°fa a'e,.an�W Jm�ip�ror . ouSEgP � Nom„ �' Form & S. AorfPctba �� �t.... St.� v Lt��{bRe b COUN IL FIj,E.i110._.._—_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMetterof_5432@#eS»t1IIF,.•.3fl➢3£t--n13•-H�tYEt�$E•x-s1Y9Du=-fknJil�hitS,— Bear avenue under Preliminary order.—._approved_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:- , 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.. 9nffl_tLUQ t. 4_:.tailff-01. �,qA, Harvggtsg wva,m.p'_..fSWIC-8h.1.�B-$@8,1~81ISAtii@--t0.�8D._jljclG6--SY$AtiBr-----. i 4 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 1333 400 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 19 th __ _-day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, rVIONEW 40of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time. and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total estimated. i Adopted by the Council._._.__..:.a-.2..`W;4191 � Y / a -- Clerk. AUG 22 1316 V' Approved_____._..---, 191_— Mayor. - 20Ae! Or tilFtn�Ml °a tRDdlYe #ora- ,--^ odxeal iaot heeyrD vea Councilmen F sworth t Dat �4Da wd reDe anq�the eam is}hor rn ro ed y adbDtad 5$ ( d)the;'a proveate4Lt a her Lr' Gard%rad 04WDV 4 aa4ded ts.�TDat nnstate4ttfFe#morDRa Her uienC irW_ �wis Co aoiiw�e plmbad�!" laIIe aptgast Sarre cColl (Pi rn t'.G 1 ,.�1 p _ •• ash �trks avea' e, w1tD �ao'F en tFe'U4 . - ;aoditDaW't�3tn asumated,eoR e�oI{`U- {"* •• oerQ `}au�tabltteal' hpitaaladrtkho aAr,fi;'ffa rip - Mayor or owes sae.TeDlaht.` A'1 ihg,ifDpij _ hamber�o! tbaal'A iD'F7� p�A. 8-G :ban a '�dlSas�n�• t1S� .. a pD � �°�,� _ tlPnat �.g,. e Col ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lnrheMetterof� -n&_A d-�stPlling- 7ena►uentol 1i�*�ting system___ " evard from westessrly City Limits ko aline _ - j�.' 7n�n, +Qci 445 feet noT+�h 'af north line of_S11ImII11�7L@�s -----'-'-" under Preliminary order. X475 .-.___ __ , _ _._ _approved Uarch 13thy-1916` _ _ having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon The Council of the City of St. Paul Z the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves sy 1. That the said retort be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be Protea ded with. -,1lirnish and install 2. That the nature of the' improvement which the Council recommends is_ - _-- ._.... - ozneunen# 1t3iz-!f3!�- �' River Bq�}levard from westerly f+1ty vitees—lQ ung• tatad 44.pjg_et narth�gf north line of Svrn—Xit_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 3 L850. 00 -.• ---- i k Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --9th --daY of „ at the hour of 10 o'clock A M., in the Council Chamber, Poo Building in the of the Court House end City Hall City of St. PnuL That the Commissioner -of Finance - glue notice of acid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time g, the nature of the improvement, and place of hearin end the total the sled. Adopted by the Council ...-:=- a- -U-i k - 191 � — C ty CPQ z 22 '�16 Approved __ - _AUG _ _ _._,191 — (\ (` 4 r at lLnaneaf a oau. Yy(o�aplanY and" Dasiaa' com'ay ald ratwl•t .DerD7aree 1}H - Councilman Feworth t rent tD. aalasr}Aert na#aad !ui'• aama V 1 atabrnWYrarfa�S"gadot+tad• ., G r act yrdsriDd4 foDbi,;pkproeaeaM Atld�lu�s"D7. - - ItDefa►tuca yir,4teaoxe- a Kc � Gihs+-s� 3rJnaw�ra�9�� 7t(' ■ a ,)a oa YWIia9 y1sRlvar a r M oll {rpayar,��tv'rw `��.wEatirayd�t��f tarto �' x _ - .1t'aattocNdardr4;st4lt nortK'4an NaatlgEaJa tqa 2hXa�thgnorngr " cost than` [alix W Ko M ' .. Ya rg 9Ba aTee ►at" `l�,pi auDl9e pLaarlq �Da�Daa Oa� a*almar.tisaat� Mayor Po era o? r aar� otsrne 9xa ae, • Men • t;-.aaadpl'_ tntDa, ?; para, B. & A 9-6 all�eamba ataaax'ytea�t,Cltr �• llalns s� �.. tDa'kClt1�,{sC at: � tis Oomaaa tlo oL�ateangkal kR` eR"aa9d - $ - pi4nt2•. � ,�-�"dls;r�a �atN �- a .. coUNCi LE?LL By_.-.�. s�1. C INTERMEDIARY ORDER: a .on_.idi,safasi.�i_t3txeat:_..€.rem..-Rt3at�jsyia In the Matter of.iHnBi� •the- &- _-_.�YBnt1A-... o.-.1o.et to n nfrtrm - , • - a r4n th a f.i-1EL-- and made a vert hereof. the aresent grade beim---.. here+ att�rh_ad.._ renreeente3 by the_blue`— ay under Preluninary order. _ 1,f).r.635•-•---- —•---- having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon The Council of the City of St. Paul hereby resolves the above improvement, and having considered said report. _ is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement 1. That the said repoit be and the same is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommtpd es is.._ e__ P" -&e.. th 8 ,.$�3d _on Miseiss�Dp s4i168.�—f]CO� PnsvlQil1 �Y@d11d6—idltie�li—lei-- aonfpr¢i t4�heBs���l@h�.11BSLfix:JiR�9hssi-f3%is�-1i1-.8-- -y°, � ---__ art hereof_ she Prii.4�t3..t�3�!-i��@.iLlli.-.S97�f1�I}•.�C@�._�.��-X111&-.�..�,Pf3._._.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $A — _.— Resolved Further, That a public hearingbe an said improvement on the_ 19th _— —_day of the Council Chamber, �6.3 lieu ember _. —_. l91 6__.. , at the hoar of 10 o clock A M., ' m of in ce he Commissioner F a" of the Court House and City Hell Building is the City of St. Paul. vid That ed by the Charter, stating the time give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the meaner pro and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof /m4t� 77 Adopted by the Council.._._._..--.:�-""' — Cita . r AUG 22 1.916 Approvedtet: _ _ _..._.—_.—__—. .. rua�"t aafauR��ynuv" 9FTiD 1a[(s�L Councilman Far wortha•1d>bdrdb xe�tmp `°aha °fid°- All sterorard-+ Go at�rmat4•'dy*�gma`°°atF Ke r u� a snn o _ tori md.'t%Y thd'�t'ed-.l�aal otw` `.:. qdy yq- mluw- Mc oll k/aece +fa�ib'kai t - Pe t oyNAmai d bte ., Na bibs+a d - geiol "�� a° A�1mDtoTMGat •• Y rB �pestl6i�b� Ma or Po ere hhQp ,o°c�agat�.u�r a �ifl Y r. Form & S. A 8-6 fvRy�9.t�oiuj..aaa;,t, COON A r BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 10 the Matterof the_eouth line of Lots 1.3,3.4,5 and 6. Block 28. West St. Paul Proper from a point_ 10 feet west of the_�gg� line of Lot 1 Block i��, West St. AuLPPrKMer to Binslow-- under Preliminary order. 11,e183--.._„_�_,_approve.d____June. $6t11, 1916. � The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the natum of the improvement which the Council recommends is_._Construct _a ns -r f3Y� eE x: DOSth_n� �iL� B_Btu1S2i 1A�4 .�kR _1 4 s`t : >?s ?fl4k 28,E *Fest Stt. Raul Proper from a_point 10 feet_4reat of the east line of Lot 1, Blook 88 West St. Paul Proper with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-20-5:20q.— BesulvedcFurther, That a public h 80th eariag be had on improvement on the____` —'day of `September 191.6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. of the Court House and City Hall Building is the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner. of Finance f give, notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by, Charter, statin time and place of hearing, 'the nature of the improvement, and the total st thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council— JG 22 I'a io^ , 191 AUG 22 1916 APProved____`_ .191_,.,_, vaa'i4"aortYdxot_.Mayor. at e•'*atari'ay,�, 4Ye<nlank:ti d CM"gl, are.. Councilman Farn orth �p,re ort,-�pe�bb fre.mSr:y�e.�t�a f'aatSt;110t.¢ r,pectbe yuan DOSS 4a+eSL6 ai ea.S"au4ad 4➢icya, cement g Kell ' '03- :. _ ,. alta! p1ohF mak �e4ort34K . me U qA. kiaefMwe" svPe ie6eito raa°aea's,,.. H oaf' to pit}o J'+,Ie.�i';�Fa / IRS " Nas i N4„;aui m , a(pditt 9,sraeL�weetaa�kpo itfi�'eC i"T.eriY,: toric l "Al Psi r ' Yoe kn 9�t#n qw y"ye uek t - t e i - Mayor P rseD naso op 1 i#•Ikaa,b,."�1M1ttthe ny)tp, oan a S. A 8� �hgri Ae.rhad do eatpaaysavm"ent" • T11Gf,. ,�nt 5nt.,yuai It�O$tQ � er . Itvttai,�eataqy�aa�� J' �knd,¢9i1 �+iiuuiart t4aia g�;?' -- '. _ ratsg:. COUNCti RIL'E'NQ:- - -___ - ev . �• � INTERNI In rhe Matter of00Ad&R="VxLJ across,_under an through the Block 28, West St_ Pa > pro e and made apart hereof, the 122,90 RY ORDER. F1A._.eAeftIDenl'. YftaZ..B_Bewn•--- r.- ins—p,Qg� 1 _ t&n feet of Jn a 7�213y.¢s.5_8c f� under Preliminary order.11:• �4_ __ —__ `- approved _Jane aB_th,_L99X..�__ The -Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: } iby � 1. That the said report be atq-the; is here approved and adopted, and the sad improvement is hereby ordered to be; proeeeded� kiL _ 2. That the nature of the improvementwhich te Council recommends is- _.Condeg anti ., tai[ _38_.�aBA�_.Ox._.a.�sasrs-ins--ower.�..-a.a.xae8r-.�ude=:and_.thT h-.th.e.._scw,.th Len feet o3 Lo.ts 1,E2�3,4.5 & 6, Bek 28• WgStpaulggsr• accsd_ '1m 0 at�$t`itilPt A A jamir.twhzzenf� +ha hatabadl.v Y. Forton ami the outg and yh Iehadg� orti en r 7-7 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost tt eteof is S_B.QQ..DQ__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had cin said improvement on the__9_0!_b__ _day of �8�ep tembex — — 191 6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber b" of the Court House and City Hell Building in the City of St. PauL That the Commissioner of Finanee� give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Put. etge int, and the total cost t - f ated Adopted by the Council--_la22, M4191 lx !Prjfrk AUG 22 1916 n C'�~ r Approved. ------- . 191 J 'K a leaipAaiy ued� ails �e 4 4 andha Mayor. )t hT reeoJ Councilman Fa orth �• u natii°scRa�,a aoyte sa*tia m'y seaoGos or.matplBabeUIRLISHEDG .. mtehae t Twhlilfait...,tth�ag* nenta,, ta�uFn�a'f.aolf.etxe,�ebtobiQoefm'.adXmm3 t41a�vrn '—'—'�•'+/ ,"dUKell r 4F� bc he " i; . • a:. - Mc ll a ;, kndfa73Co »ass Weebsb _Out t'k'e �aeaor jq4 tov,thµq-q,h a .. N8S dk d aq$4 �a.iia eieaartb." ,. hatE, t eolie ging• Chef oatu,.ad; thds jjYYaa 4 l lo, fha all Fno •• YOe g t'hkM. l � aq�ih MILT, d �,. thete4 a�i100�[D;,.B Mayor Pow ra + d ey xhtt �a�ib a F F. Form B. S. A bo�r;oL 1}F�o°d �flintb Cqn Rtk� ayes,_ - . a - nil , CUUNCI By-wv.�e s. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. exteneting�to awidth of 66 feat In theMatterof�2R +: � -� to Forest street weeording to __gxu�Aroade street - the_ D_._1a�here�o_ at+•�ohed and mads �.1;:�rt hereo%„_ __--------- _ $_ 7089 -.—approved— ^_ Lt. 14th under Preliminary Order- _._ ------ _ having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance up The Council of the City of St. Paul tm i the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. T 2. That the nature of the improvement which the iCouncil recommend�is_ QBR]A. d• • -- x en a range etreat fx,�,a Aroa�ie.�treet _,_ to Forest stree accordin�ta the plali hereto attachedl, and maids 5 —a part h6re0fy with no alternatives, and that the estimated t thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on —day °f the_ -8 Q 191._6 , at the hour of 10 o clock A M:, is the Ctruncil-Chambe�� o. of the Court Fuse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pati1. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chamr, stating the time and place of hearing ythe nature of the improvement, and the total cost f as estimated. e Adopted by the Council _ _-- ity Clerk. _ AUG 22 196 ,19t Approved- Councilman pproved_ Councilman Far sworth " G Ke r M oll N h / Y rg Mayor Hj vers B. S. A. " -wa r eYaaacs Wn i� -.c.1Y ' ��¢¢ vemant'1 anfl haviaa,{,lwuidetraC, �j ]d Leir2Ft•SheF-j're>Fzwra A' r l •uBusmD. L TI{¢t tae ea/d+report Ub' aa4+tbe�-; ime iia herbby hDnro49d�aadx ..n¢ 44.311144 ba ae1ld •'naiD,ea9emetits:Abroby�, t¢'Q to b$ btut;aeQed wiia:4r as cregc rt4otad'ifcdge'9f.; - ' to aare�, ets•eet, $eraerdlag"t"a,;�ta plan. - �irrt��e:.,RitnnNed nri_itYmpde..45rar��et8`-, wv,�r a a•att¢br Tha4 �a�,gynbno.. hearlag Le a$d 'Oa -iulld latp`roremeat. n Ci1p• 01' day or a ti`,r�l at. . e¢a hdyr a '.0 p•cI $^ Copgj, 'm$eF"�44."'7iC�pT: riou3e Baa clity Htb;'treto !arias; Qlty Qt; .att.lPs{11-;4l'tt,* to -e, - atgbpeur;8i"tk7Gadaca-sLvq� o d¢ malin�e�' tGrjde4� � r�qp# 3 ea ,gip 1i4'4"n �� etaE-.. PW Cou ...... ._............... _....__. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. e' In the Matter of �r9731�..I��Df .&tS��x...ir.e�i�mm� ayen>� _o._C1iver- s-irsaT---- under Preliminary order.._—_...,975 _ ....... approved .?3'Se)1_3Qth_.3..°•1•6.a...... ..-_..--- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_�.ra ie..,gent .. e_tree _frou, Como -aver�yQ.a.Q.?�i3ces�Sra�t,.__-.____.... __................ .... _.......... .... __.__ .._...._. ------ ......... �.-- — With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 91685.33._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the a0th_,!__ __.day of - 8evtember,.••..__. 191,6 at the hour of 101 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambedpm* ' 141 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the otaI t mated. Adopted by the Council....._.__.,.._..�.t4, ---. 19l Approved I2z92Furna worth— In the �Iut b.r or urad inn ICset nlreet ------ ------Mayor. from comp aveeue in uu4er street. under Prellrn Bmr)' "I'd- 975. up. Proved Un nh 30th, 1916. Davin Counvll f tile Clty tai. Paul Councilman Far worth ml..lu er"ofv Flnaneap port thea eme Go *np—ement. end having neldered sa Id port, hereby reeolveaco tin• That the Bald report the and the Kell r a e la bereby approved d atloDtod. I thr 'old hnpn,veme� qt la hereby Me 11 o`�aer.:a i.e re—sded til thi 2. - That the tura r' the Implrove- e [ "ht thoaCouncil r da 1. Nas rraer U. e;re.t o-em ° nm�n.t.• npe to I tiver tr,,t. with . niternntive.. r .Ind tint the r tln.ae••d ,net thereof la " Yoe g (4.686.32. _ Resolved rurther,. That UUDIIC Mayor Po rs hearing be had oe Bald Improvement _ n the :0th d., of tispt., t916. ut the hour of 10 o'cloek A. ]1., In the Coun- Form B. S. A. 8-6 111 Chamber of the Court Houee and City Aall Budding In Che Clty of SL n ;71 F, I hot the Commis.loner of FI- e give notice of .ala meeting to the persona and in the manner prot•Ided DY the Charter, elating the time and place of ltearing, the nature of the Im- provanient. and the total Coat thereof as eathAnted AlRulAgd by the Council slug2, 1916. — ..,a•. .. 'tPPrO}'6d Aµg,,II3 1918. ...... ' it _ _ t -7 COUNCIL FILE NO...._.__....._ • ,1, . �, 7t'.' F , INTERMEDIARY ORDER. C,rbin Lafond street from Snelling avenue to Aid�ne In the Mattecof__—rs._._.—_.. __._.__........_....,......_... --........ .... _.. - - . ................. _— _ under Preliminary order. — 11-A 373 _ approved .. Ju y 6thl_ 1916._.._........_._...__.-._.._ _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of tlk Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and haying considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_. Cy;} b-, zt fond ..... ......... street frog Snelling avenue to Aldine ettreet,--_....------..--_.--___-m,--_,__--_ _ ....._--'-...... -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 944.67„___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... _.. 2Q h —__..day ..day of SeF tetTli----,--_ 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber• Of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the to ost ey as estimated. � ~ �, I9 Adopte&by the Council._.---.-:--~ -- - � City Clerk. Approved.-_..........._...�1)� Councilman Far worth Gos Kell Mc 11 Nas Yo g Mayor Po rs Form B. S. k 8-6 j-9 re ner otceiv FinanI. report o[ th on Itaprovemen t. and having cont& said report. hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and i same is hereby approved and adopt. and the sa[d Improvement Is herer ordered to be proceeded with, 3. That they nature 0 -the Improve ment whish this Council recommends h curb Tatond at rile[ from Snelling ovrr- 'to Aldine street. with no alte,rna- tIvee. I'd thpt the eetlmated cost thereof is fsiJ,ei. Resolved. Further. That .a DUDIIc hcarhg he hadolt said Improvement on the manner provided by rating the time sad •plac the nature of the Inipr, d the total cost thareor as it Auk! le�Copnclt Aug. �a1918 COUNCILi�G�,;/�,%� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. c In the Matter of._LUr1)AZ&-_8,rill_2anlevaldiAg...EBzI.StTM.@1i...f.T9Ri_..Kie.Qt. n$ .--- aaenu.e.. to .Tharp _s.tree t,.__�_.._ -- ...._....-- – ...... --..................... -- ...... underPreliminaryorder.__. 9th _ ..... i 1913..,.....-- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ' is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Curb and Boulevard 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........_.........._ ........ _. a.._._._..- --........._...-- _...—_._...._. Earl ,etree_t fr�m,Haeinge av_en}te _to_..ThQra street _.. .. ........._...... __.--_--.._.. __.....__...____.__ ....__......... ........ ___ _ _...... with rur alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis S 1L557 29 Q�11 �_ .day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... _.._a ._-- _.. 38ptember.-._-- 191 6..-.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 06 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner offitianee give 'notice of said meetintto the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, sjtatibg the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the til cost t as estimated. Adopted by the Council_._..-_;;—=-- i — --' 1 2�1� m t Approved._.___.........___�Uu 2.2 i`116 191 Councilman Farm worth " GOSS Kelle MCC ll Nash goer Mayor Pow. s Form B. S. A. 9-6 ._.__�--r ity Clerk. -----� --- -- Mayor. v1* the- 9t, -e ed port Finnanap s r oC ce gqpop "' Tr mens, and having a ,ort, hereby recolvu; , at the Bald report ba .. h:T,bytapproved� tdeh went roman to . •• et"b and "'""".rdrU F,arl aMae,'7ro + Hnlnas a a to Thdrn street. wit 4 altrrnatives. end that the eetimnted �nt thereof 1. f1.65729. w,..,.t.,ed Further. That a public P___ Im totalrocoat thereof as teamtl hated. tC - .- Adopted by the Counhll — 22, 1916 _ .tpproved Atte. 22. g -i na6¢tiet 8 916) x _ . - a a / COUNC FXO• ..-_.__----- INTERMEDIARY ORDER. I.,•�t1 • Iathe Matter oE_.Q)axl]ink...AttL9.T•S...HY.�X1u@....k2R..t.VY.@.511-..."+�.9_t.La.._84r.2et..._and_A�on..—__ d.. under Preliminary order_-1Q,.ra6.1--.___._------------aPProve.._._--.._ _�---.t.... - ..._._.--•---- The Council of the City of St- Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon --- the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: p roved end adopted, and the said improvement 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby app is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends•ts._..___.........._ - _ and Avon street..... ....... _._.-.._...-..._.------ ..-..__....._ avenue betw�en_r9�to-_strep — -• _....... --_. _ ..... _..... _............._.__ _. __.... r_ ... _....... .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5�------- _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_....._._. tLh •• - 191 . ....6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. ` of St. P *of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, 'stdting the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total pot t t'tof� es mated. 191 ' Adopted by the Council_______. Clerk. - Approved_.. -_ -------- .-- - - Y Tfi. a •f the L - bavint received the repro p(JBLISIIED�� mlulooer of Finance upu Councilman F asworth Improvement, and bavint" mid repport. hereby resotvea: 9 1. TDat the saldreport t. aa6 etbe bald IinDravementn li K ler orttb 2er Thar thebe pnatureeofvthe It .. M oil went which the CounclI rte` etenm urn-nororu n -treat d Aron -tree[. c"t o and that the estlmateu •1 Na thereof le $420.82. " Yo g Resolved rudther, That a 9� bearini be be -C-,, 'on sa/d /mprovem thr 20th day [ 3e PLe.mheM1 1916. _ Mayor Po rs inn boor of to onloea A ta, In the. Councll Cbnmber In the Cour InHothe Form B. S. A. 8-6 and Glty Hall Solidist _ dlonev of t I.Finance sve noticeCo[m aLtd as to the V ne and In the manner Provided DY the Charter, staf- tot the time and place of ht °and• the aatur4 of the ImprovemOA . Lotal at tbereot w eatlroated.Y2 1916. Adopted by the it Aug ADProved Aytuat d1s .,,, > 1 - ..... .COUNCIL F[ 1 i�Bt� • INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter _wv..@.nue..... F.oru.P�ci4r....a�!en e..._to_. Fj,�veland _ _.._ ....._... - ---...._...... _..... _........ ... _.....- --- _.......... . under Preliminary order.__- 9793..-.-- _•approved ...__ Aril let. 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the -same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement. is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Cu,Tb - land _ __aq.gnu..rare..'xax_.avnue_ta�lralamd_auranu�,..... ....... _._....... :........ ---_---.._.._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said' improvement on the...._._....__.- _day of Seg. gyf�@.7C_ ......... ...._..._. 191 ...6_ , at the'hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total 'cos ereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___._.-__.._, i.__) Z- ; - 19 ty Clerk. A'�G Approved 191x._ ....._.._.........._.-... _---------- -_._..__.......Mayor. ":reby reeolv,,. e Councilman Far sworth said OVea e a aan pthe PUBLISHED �- C —��o !' oreby aper • ��� ,• GOS - n�a l! said tmDrovement In hereby _ ordered to be proceeded ale Kell r' !I Y. That the nature of the improve - meat which the Couaoll rocomr ave- Ia curb ehh�nd avenue from Rrlor avo- Me 11 , ternatIX*velan` atvthe�sati—tedoeoet Nas thereof Is 4901.0r. Resolved. Further, That a publlo - -� hearing be -had on sold ImprovetnenI at Yoe Met hovrto6 10 of of Sep emA.ber�. 1916:the Mayor Pow rs C"nell C" C"it o1 the Court Y House and CttY Hall Building.I In the City et-aL Pani. Th-st the Com - Form B. S. A 8-!i maid meeC6 Of ting to ithe persons and in the manner Drovlded by the Charter, stat- _ .....the t1IDe and 9tsee_of head A. tFe tont coat thereof as satimatoo. Adopted by the Council AUK -YY, 1¢18- i APDraved Alig, YY 1418.. -_t «.,. CAtigtiit 86191�)r. CO E NO.... 10-307 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Inthe,Matterof�lLiliti�Altbsi.T_&t tC��L.,-.• •-th-� e_•]zat�vsR�.A._�aw)i�cis%g at set -n9 .^,.e.ne-va._.atreat.a. _ _.----_—.—_..__—._.__.....---------=-------...-------..._..--- _..r_......_.— under Preliminary order. 101243 —____•____ approved ...A-ETit A9th 1916•.,,_,•,__•_ -___•____— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._Curb _Awheret..st'reet both ei3es,,.betweer_- Camhj�id eL sireet._3nli Ggneva street,—_-..._.._..___._........___.__ .... ... ._....... _..._---......._.......—_..__.........__._.....____..__.--.._....--_._.................._ ._ _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8340.13 - _ Resolved Further; That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ ..... 20th ___day of Sp_telhbel.........,._.,.._, 191 ......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Patel. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total c e sated. Adopted by the V i Approved _ .�, 191 or the City' �— _...Mayor.. * :d the'--, of, .Har of Fin.... pun the a. Councilman Far sworth L~� °`'°" '.t. and having *onside. noldr report, and resolves: I. That the said report be and t Gofi to In herebyapproved and adoptees and the e..ld Improvement 1s hereby ardered to be proceeded Kell r with I 2. That the nature f the Improve. Mc oil Nas Yoe Mayor Pow rs Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 Hent which the Counc•1: recommends Is I rurb Arch—I street beth aid,- be- tween t'ambridge xtreet and Goneva1 street. with no alternatives, and that, the estimated cost thereof is 3940.12. lfeaolvedFurther. That a public hearing he had on said improvement n the Roth lay f Sept.. 1016, t the hour of 1t0 .'clock A. M.. In the Council Chamber In the Court house and City 13811 Building In the City of at Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give nolle* of Bald meeting to the personsand In the manner provided by the CAart-. mating the time and place of hearing. the nature of the improvement, apd the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted -by the Council Aug. 99, 7616. ADDfo ed Aug: Ep, -1916. --_- (August 96�Y ,1616).. ___ 1 COUNCI By.. __._._____...__......—_...___._.._— _ r INTERMEDIARY ORDER. •. In the Matter ofBeC911HL7 _LiLg.,. Le1Ay.i.'lg_,And Lej2d1Z1A8....4[.11b__9_ 7kf'rTl?�Xle— to a width of six feet the r.resent cement tile siddwalk on the north elle of Carroll avenue beginni� at Virginia avenue thence east 100 f e e t l under Preliminary order. 111074____._._ ...... -__..,__approved _._..June 19thy The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends.is.._R..eS,.AA6. triLQ t.o-.. rft 1-4Y and repair with cement tile to a width of six feet, the Freee,nt'cement ... _._........._._ .......... -- ._..__._ . til.e..-aidesalk_on_. the...narsh_..airia nf_.Carx-ol.1.avenua...l)e .inning-.atAlr4i UA _-__.._................ ............ .1 ..... ... _...... __._......_ ....._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0.58er lineal foot.�_._.E___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing,be had on said improvement on the._ 80th ___ __.day of 191 _d...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, soaring the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 2)2 Adopted by the Council_._....._.— _ _ Y1_ 191 City ark. •>•� 'yip i Approved __... ......... , v v' Mayor. ..• .. soldd rat . ` t be Councilman Fa 'sworth ^ _ e •ov vproyedana — go ardanMe to be proceeded with. ' (j s 2. That the'nature of the Imps menu which the Counei:l recommends rain- qnd r nal- with Ke er Teenxtrurt. ant the to a width f six feat, th, present •anent the eldewalk on the I M oil rth xhlo of Cn rroll avenue begin - nlna a1 Vlrginla Wrenuu, thence eastI 1100 feet. with no aiternntill-. and that Nah the stlmgted cost thdreof is 68 CenSa • . par lineal foot - „ Y rg Resolved Further. That a public ' Mayor P ars M1earing be had on said improvement ' the 80th day of aepiember. 1919, at y the hour of 10 o'clock 1 1if., In the Goosed Chamber of the Court Form B. S. A. 8-6 House and City Hall Bulldtn4 In the City of at.. Paul. That the COmmle- stoner of Finance gtge, notice or said meeting to the ypersons and In the manner provided by the Charter, otat- - Ing the time and place of. hearSng. the - nature of the, improvement and the esurrustea eutai coat there as - Adopted Uy rho Ccu.64 Aug. 33, Q818.. _ _ ADproved Apg. 23 191,9;__• _ r - -VP 1 to COE INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of •ons .rte-tlug...a._C-ernent_..ti.le.....e-UPWRlk....tr. --.._yti.d.Lh_Gf_ i_ ____ meet.. an, the....east._.Aide.-of-Chelmetord.- At uPndnn ...._- --. t1jerc.sj North 200 faetr _....._._.�__.�----.._._.... _....... _ under Preliminary order. __ ., l li 510 — .._.__ approved _ Ju x_14 th y-1916: ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That tile said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' Construct a cement 2. That the nature of the Improvement whicjl the Council recommends ts_....._............._ _........... __..............._ , t.ile._ei3swalk to_ -a width Q 4feet_-Qn_the_ea. t.._side_of..-Chelmsford._ —__B�.�B.t3�.b..�$.�•I►A.�.118_.:8.tt�iED.d.Qn a1LenLlfL_tkid.AG.C._.rY9st11.�.QS1...f�St�----._........__._ a with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost -thereof is $0.43_per_lineal foo t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__10th _ __day of _ __SEptEmllex _ _.___., 191 ...6._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, #4 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heating, the nature of the improvement, and the tote cost "t erf as estimated. v i Adopted by the Council--_..-.... 2 _-�. 19 ^ Approved . 191____ t at the Cur oast, ---.___._....Mayor. e,t • of it the upon theeit Councilman Fa sworth .'eIDRnt, and• having coneldl;' ,. - itt hereby report a: � ,I That tYo Bald re Dort be and the SHW •' (j S I la hereby aDProved and adopted. '1 lho a Id Improvement Is hereby -1nat ed to be proceeded with. Ke er That the nature of the lerrt which the Coundll recommends is M oil truct it cement cue sidewalk to a h at 0c feet on the east side of merard, at rest beg Inning at Hen ' •' Na ,venue: thence north 200 feet with ternallves,nd that the estimated i " YO rg . hereof Is 4lI Cents per lineal- +Ived Further, That a public Mayor Po ars K 2ou,ha an n r saidni"1916. sat of -]0 oclock A. M.. In the Form B. S. A 8-6 r Chamber of the Court _ an,], ) Halt 6uI +'Ity of 6tt . Paul. That the It Com- , •n• at Financegive notice of etino� to the Dereone and In the (tied by the Charter, at" - and place of hearing, the mthe improvement.nd IDs �, [hereof na it red. -, r COUNCIL FILEN By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. { C netruoting a cement the sidewalk to a width of six ...... Irithe Matter.nf—...4�_.__._....... _____� __y.----_-:_._.._ _..._...�. _._.._......---....._..... fast on�tihe east ei�ta of .Dunlap street from -Rondo street to West —..__........ _—_— _—...._._,...... ...... _. under Preliminary order. 11�.601.-....-_._...._._._.—approved_.�T111y[_ci`at�hs_a 19•x-----_��_._.____ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herebWered to be proceeded with. Eons rust a cement 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends us... .. �._ •--. -- -- ..- -- - _Li1e._aidR�ai>< t�, a_seidthaf_eib UAL—CM—Ghfi_gA8_Ai, e_of Dunhap_etreet -- __ _.... .... ._ ....... -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S C ! %— — lineal foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_. ?2th.—_----•-day of 191 6....... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, end the tot ost t sof Ilt' ed. Adopted by the Council—191 —' City �'� 116 Approved _._� _.._.�.. _ � _. _ — 191� Mayor. y� e4u. Do. 1amD' �.,uent. ..nd chavtn6 .. Councilman Far sworth aid report. Deroby relolvea 1. That the aaldroved and f6. " GOs same Is hereby aDP� and' -the 1114 1mProvemept 1' ordered to be Proceeded with. Kell [ meat which the the aCodncll re Omm• ature Of the It. Me oil construct a cement the sidewalk •idta of six feet on the east sad' " Nes Duman street. from Hono street . . t tr ensl ..... with ao sII,rn" tiv%}�.•and that the aLimnted cost. . Yo g R in,, tpf-1. 68 Cent. per Itneal toot. . esolved Further. That a Pu t hearla— be had on sold Improvement Mayor Po r5 the 20th da➢' of S.ptember, 1918, he the hour of 10, o'clock A. M.. In the Form a S. A 8-6 Council Chamber or the Court - House and C1t7 Hall Butlding In the CItY ar stu. Pau4 That the Commas= _ _ __ ,.. t.,.,,.. rtive notice or said , f ®ro Co�w INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_._atSHt11X1$..�C�.11zA _6.trll.x._.LOm Qx4hA1d_..A.ttc.�_e....x_L.S?_.lQ�t1?e line i under Preliminary order. _1016.7_.4____-..._ - -- approved ..._' 3 6 thi- 1916. _._... -- a�.9 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ` the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement. is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__GradeKilburn street from Orchard street to southerly line of Northern Pacific_-___-- .._._ ...... _._ ...... _.._ .----- _ ... —_ __._.. Rai lwaY._R 19ht of WaY.......... .... _---._. _.._—__ ___ - 4 .... _.........__.. _—.---- ......... ... - .._._.-...... .,- �v . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...__alst —.—_ __daypf R Ser tember_ __.___•_ 191 __6.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of-Finince give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total costtthere4eas estimated. 71 Adopted by the Council—........_..__._...___-_ —, 191 . Clerk. Approved-�__. Gllii_.:_'�.1Li_ 191._.—. C �j Mayor. Councilman Far sworth er _ • . p . „ tj0,g nv ,en[. and bevies'. 1 poet, hereby' reaalve, =1. " Tha[ thesafd. report bt'.s� PUBLISIiED '• Kell r name Is hereby approved and -_ y and [he sold Improvement la - „ Mc oil ordered to be proceeded f0I 2. That the attire r the. ImDro�� 0 [Hent which the Council rceommeada -- • grade Kilburn street Ifo Nas to eou[h.rly It..of Nord r.� „ Yoe Ralla'ay Right of Way. with , ternatIves, and that the eatlmate thereof Is $695.73. Reeolved Further, That a _ - Mayor Pow s hearing be had on said lmprovf, , - - Form B. S. A. 8-6 n tha 21st daof Sept, 18, hour of 10 o'y 19 clock A. X. In the Cc Chamber of the Court 8ouae and , Rulb. n Hnil g In the City of ,o Comtnl��ner •. of Fin .-a - -- COUNCIL FILE NO.._.._._._ ....... __ By.. %r INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ��sdiAg Ctex�anla._8.trae.L..frnm_1+E8 t_.eg@sexath._.d.t.Te tt4__ �_ Kei11.-s.tx_ee-t.,_ and. RQzw.in---Ette�zQn�Has:e_d_e_ft4_Gerinania_etreet, .... ..... ............... -- under Preliminary order.._ 9864 approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That tke said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement . is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is etre-rut..-irszrri..East.�everth..at=eatta�Ce in _at�Pt_.and..Keauxin:..tetfeet_. aCs? with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 3,_529 .39 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._318 t _.w .....-day of _Sep_tem__q __ ____............. 191.6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, Of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of, hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tot ost ryof gS estimated. Adopted by the Council____._—, :�;_2. i T ", 191 uy Clerk. AUG 22,�, , ,�J\L�, �; Mayor. the repot.. - I- '• of Finance up, Councilman Fa sworth -remrnt. d matins x1 - port. heFreby really .. - .• 1. That the said rmpprt be Go rma Is herehy approved and PUIiI.� .�,n •,d the said tmprovonIent le Kel r larrd tohe proceeded with. , That the nature of tha 1, Me OII hich the Council reel m nermnn1. treat fr.m Fa. street to KrrwI" air etanc Nes .treat from Husekwoud aver ` tants street, with nu alt. -I hat the eetimnted runt Cher „ Yoe g -•.39. a-olved Further. That m I - Mayor Pow fit'S! be had on amid impe—tae day of -pl.-bar. 1919. , Form B. S. A b-6 10 .•.look A. X. In the C- or the court Hall lludlldi' COUNCIL FILE NO. ..._.__.......____ By - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_.Gradin.e..,.t1 �� er eQ.O•._�.y..C:Ti:13.R....��,pp1,_ iiBm 1iz>ue_.ay.�i;.e..._L;Q....&i�gsi�pe Road.,- ...... ..........--_.—.------_. under Preliminary order. ___ 9459 i_ _ _ _ e tdaroh 13 t4 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the CommGssioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........,..........._ Grade Jefferson avenue from Ham line avenue . __._... __.............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is. E 4, 7!}, (�! Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._ .1.FJ fi _ z__ __day of ..... Sex tem ber 191 6... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, B A 16 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost hereof as estimated.I Adopted by the Council___--_—_,�ti Approved2 v Clerk. 1316 1 1 ' •" •i' �— Mayor. Councilman Fal ,. L)o isworth tiraaDPgo drnnd ad of Wald lmpmvelrient le herr+` �T IST -TFT) _ Ke to he proceodeo the '* f nature r rhe Improv. the' Co recommends Mc oll le .o avrnuoa.room xnmune i ,. Nas ,r �mne. Rood. ..-Iln a.. .r a •nat Ino .,ellm,a,•d " yo g thoer, That a puhllc a n -, Id Imve proment Mayor Po 10 ao'clock A t, l In6'that e ohrr.spurt rs tuber or t Form a S. A 8..6 tr HnII Bu11dInR to t� a++I That a Co., or - CdUN-CIL FILE NOS_._.__........._ BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of f or cat a.. and- f 111 a in a radjn&KU_t_ f.Lt Xeetfrom _Como__avenue ac aqr_LI nj t q.hed arid., 'La .1a' a part hereof. the hatched portion shovinz the cuts and the shaded portion the .. ... ...... ..... ... .. ...... ... ... . ... ........... .. . . . ................ . ...... .......... ... . . ............... .. . under Preliminary order. -§kT6 .......... approved 19R -t 21�Lts.19�li., The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That. the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._Condemn and take ...... ....... ...... an easement. in thq_IA_q4 _slopes, for cuts and fills in . ...... . . ....... ....... iMggsikary fg. 1� a : 99L11xAL.ALre--e..t,i A cq.0-KLi U -t2 the plan hereto attached &rd loads a Fart hereof. the hatched portion showing the cute-.a.nd, the _!Aq4,2d__rR;ti on the . ...... -with no alternatives, and that the esti. ted cost thereof is S-2-02.- 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..21At-.— of Se -r teLLb er 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambedpwq. of "the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give nbitice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time. a � p' ce of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the e Adopted by the Council----- 191 Approved---- 191 — C' - Clerk. J beCRY - -d he report of the CO Mayor. 11 Fi..n,e ep— the 4 zand he 'I ng .... ldt% . I. , eport. hereby resolves: Councilman Farnsworth 'bat the seld e art be the d is r p ai��sby he by approv ed and a a Goss said -Improvement ant is o he proceeded wItb !t rho nature of the lot a" Keller ^-hh the Can.. I McColl td take an int.nt in the ary for slopes. for rute and dingKent .rllfrom Como Nash 011'e, street. to c reto.attached and made a Yoerg i �lh:nhatched portion show- dthe shaded portion -h no ttit-fiati—.. and that Mayor Powers 'i cut thereof 1. $200.00. Further, That a publi Form Ek S. A. 8-6 ba r, 1 916. m CouC f1,r�rNv .... __...... __ I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of,_i...,.tie.._1and._neceasams! for__siop.es, for _cute and fills in grading Kilburn street frow Orchard - -- - streg l7orthArn Pacific Railway Ri;ht of Way, according to the plan haret-a Attached_.and.._madl:._a_=..t hQr_QO_f..the_hatched_Qortion ahoxin& the c � Asf_..tha_Qtl>�aflS>_Portion the_f1110._.-- under Preliminary order.. 1OL951 ____ -__ _._._-approved ..._June 13th, 1916. - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby I resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._Condemn and take al? .Is1f�Ctzlat_�Zxh.E._l-�n3-..nCAI sear�for_slo�ea for cuts and fills in grading Kilburn street from Orchard street to Northern Pacific Railway here,_attachei and made a part QT�h,33�.��tjQehowi.._the-cut13_an3 the shaded For ti on the with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._411L. — _.-__day of Sed tember 1916...... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A_ M., in the Council Chamber, Of the Court House and Ciiy Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total coot gf-astimated. Adopted by the Council.-- .._ - � w � 191 AUG Approved ____........... _....... _. __.� _191 191 CouncilmanF nsworth G ss Killer Coll 0. sh erg Mayor P wars Form a S. b 8-6 u�a.w the hereby appt .ho Bald ImD[O erect to bap o w A. That the nature tha'lmpruve- e t which the Council recommends is .ndemn and take an easement in the • nd necessary for eJop.s. for cuts and le is grading Kilburn street from hnr. etre¢[ [o N'drthern pacific '-"=y night of Way, uc rdtng lb ,hv plan hereto nitnrhed and made a art hereof, the hatched portion sit ` !the Iba.thecuts ith no [n the altternatives. a portion aded hat the n � ated coat thereof le is0.0 . lesoived Further, That 00. DUDIIa ,.ring tw had on aald Improvement the ,1 et day of September, 1916, at "our f 10 o'clock A hi.. In the ":11 Chamber of the Cour r '[and City all Building - ts.•of St. Paul. That the Com- .. of FinanceP glue s notice of, to the arsonand the Chn•• of PUBI.ISH:?D -M COUNCIL FILE NO...____._.._ — Br--rte�..._.:.,�.— M INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Or In the Matter of_�4>19x�8•�-n�••AAA--- n$-an•--easemon�t._in„•_this..._lana..necasIsa�� 'for slopes, for :::ts and fills in grading Jefferson avenue from Edgaculn _..-......Load- to gaalineavers o te-Lhe p�az? �st�aexo--aLtatihad._.and-made a part hereof, the hatchai rortien showing the cuts and the shaded por- - ._iiof tie- rina ._. 0 377 May 8th, 1816 _ under Preliminary order. __��k-...a_.__.______.__-_.—approved......__......._.___.__ __._'.__--..--....-.•-------- The Council .of the City of St. Paul having received the report of -the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same -is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement a is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Condemn and, take an 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ts_......_............_._...... _ . easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grad- -- i-ng-Jaf€®rees-anise-€nemigeettatale Rsad-Se-Fiare•1#•ns-avessua,- acaoxding to the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portion _._`?iowirTg ire i<ue'-and tFi� e'a �dYtit5>s ri6 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 50.00 Resolved Further, That a public -hearing be had on said improvement on the_. day of f916...... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, +� of the Court House and City Hall •Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the'L tot costes as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.____..y. - ` ' + •- t9i( • Approved ._-_-------- ._.......-_-.--- -- 191 Councilman F sworth G ss K Iter Coll sh oerg Mayor wers Form a s. h 8-6 .proved on lmprot-ement Is '. ” to he procoedcd x•I[h. Met t thenCounclt f the which menl n end I"' nn eneem. nt in Y for stones, tar pn even., c• Ist+ grKd,,, 1,fTcrn .c." robe Itnnd to 'Hnmllne nt-en. ,ding to the plan herete attaeh 2rt hereof. the hatch• nik.. nR the earn nd the shn. �re nd the ails. with no lternw- cos untl that the tlmnted t ,r Is tbd.W. . gyb Pttd on saki BImprovpublic nt int day of September. 1416, nt t 10 o'clock A. X-. in t' ,dhn CRY Aa1l Bune'he C t st. Paul. That the nee glue noll. th- r PT-T.T(Zt1rD V I J • 10 COUNCIL FILE NO..__._- ....... __ IN MEDIARY ORDER. �- In the Matter of—LoJad.@%TLind...arad_Saking_ata.._�aa�menii_.i�....the....land ct as�7c dor slnnes,__for .cuts.and_fille_in..Qra irv..^.ern Ansa_.atxe�t_from_Eaat...S��rsnth . street to Kerwil_jstreet,and Kerwin street frsu_Hazelwoc�d avenue to Gar _ mania street, acccrdinto the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the h.&., a._&�.L the cutn..and the shaded_tTortjQn_the.filie --.____......__..__—....-____—........ ........ ... ..... ........ .... ............ .. -- under Pfeliminaryorder. _9Q....___T._..._...._.—approved... April The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to. be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Condeai;l., and taker an easement in the land necessary for slopes,_ for cute and fills in ^,radln� / Germania._etreet frorA,..j&a from Hazelwood avenue_to.._Germania attest, according to the�lan hereto_.attaoh- ed a>ad._mad a ._a par.t_hE r o f ...ths_hatchad_..pnz tine .shox i ng._t h A cuta.. and_Ahe shadedr,Qiop...thf�ll�.a....�_ a� with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-_.3.lat__ _.....day of September 191 f._._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and Cif y Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fu give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating -the and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the 4e total s er estimated. Adopted by the Council____._._ _ _' 4 Approved AUG 22 ;]1q Councilman Far swarth Gos Kel r Mc oil N Yo g Mayor Po ers Form a S. A t3-6 u, X11 .for an el. fo r .rsearq for slopes. foot cuts treet I rvrl h etrvet to f Ke oris iw . eto Li suns- from HnEelwoo to ueret. atreat. evurdlne .tan hereto rvtarlted and made.0 ecf, the haty- tched portion aho t encsand the shaded portion . with no at and that mu ted cost theerof Is $6000. ved Further, That a Dublfc be had .on said Improvement 31st daq of - em he r, 1916, at tr of SD Welnea A_ M .. -Y i Mayor. PUBLISIMI) C COU NF _ L INTERMEDIARY ORDER.'''� In the Matter of Condemning and s Ag•- an-..e.Aaem@at .1 ..th.C.1AAd_.11zau@ aazy_ for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hatch street from Dale —$LraeL to a... po#tri 3 c-fec -esst o� firer --east i-i-ne-off Dale bi a 1, according to the plan hereto attached and aiade a Fart hereof, the i s e p6_rt_%5- 6hoty ng the6i^t3on t' under Preliminary order. 10y888 __approved ..June-••7th191os_ _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon , the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, find the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the n to of hhe i vement which tile- Council recommends is... jondeux and take an easemen! imnhe�and necessary for slopes for cuts and fiTYs in _�irasiiug_aatn2i__air-est. fromT1111.e a-txae.t_xaagosnx 34ti ioet-._tsaa.t-.cf_ __ the east line of Dale street, according to the plan hereto attached -'end-arid.--a part-itereof;--the•-'satet ad--pvrtt-orr-•ah'axfag-_tha--enta-and thr shaded portion the with no alternatives, and that the, estimated cost thereof is S 50 _00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._ __l � _-_� _..._day of fie tembgr••_.-_ 191.-L, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, t At of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the: Commissioner oT Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the r f as estimated. - Adopted by the Council—_- ,'u 2���191�j C. Approved_._..._...__.- G.UG '22 1916 ,. 191_..-_._ Mayor. Councilman Fa swarth ,e nears or the her ,• GO S •.ndehicI ziiia take ell roeern�, ons°' s far ei'ooed", I . PUBLJSFILD��. -• 111+ in 'predl nit Hatt -it treat . Ke of suer[ to n point 314 fee[ eae ..t unn or D.ue- - M oil a ld.n heresy tta,•hed led R :t hereof, the botched par •• N h R [he eut» and the .hnded t„ he nil». with no .Iter'.live.. u fill,r.tlmQted 11thereof ' Y rg lived Further, That a pub. Mayor Po vers s be had on earn Impravetne r ?la d. )' of Septembn•. tetfa: Form a S. A 8-6. tr Chamharctoc f',bN' ICot, .nd City Han Building In t 9t- Paul. That the Comm• F1nagce glue moils. of ae to the Deraona and In rovisaod 6y the Charter a ehe lttddFF,ft 41.. thateo! as CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ti REPORT OF COMMISW)NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lA) Ae In'the Matter oj i ...... `l._.�"'l i f, er r✓'` ; ,, eL under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of SII Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ThE total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ •Tile lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: e DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOC K A D DITION ASSESSED VALUATION %�� •fir h,2.e — �v ,9 ronre s• e•• -. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL \ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE w REPORT OF COMMISSPNER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER,, - (C) X D E S C �R I PT I O N LOT BLOCn ADDITION _ - ASSESSED VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated < 191 C. c�j.' l,•_/;Gf 'e, Commissioner of Finance /-77^Lt.a + , , S ✓ } A=! a S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated < 191 C. c�j.' l,•_/;Gf 'e, Commissioner of Finance 4 . -Office of %� .Qgnrr� ssioher of Public Works _ .Bepop. to Commissioner of Finance; JLne 26th, 191 6 Y of Finance o _ lb the Commissioner f the City of S Paul: The Couunisxioner of Public Works, having had under eonnsideration the prelimimu•y artler of the ('attn- cil, known as Council File No. _ 10859 .spproved ...June 7th, � Igl 6 relative to _ � z Condetsnin¢ _�n3 tak ng an �aeemant _in.. t.h.e._ Iaod_ne .e.e.fia>�X for slopes,_ for outs and fill,, in. grading Hatch Street, from Dale to to a -point 346 feet east of the east line of Dale Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. gaid improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2The atslinmted cost thereof is $..AxXXX and the total east thereof is F XXXXX acid the 1111tre and ext,g1t of said improvement is as follows: S. A plau, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attselhed lull made it part hereof. F "i. Enid improvement is.... not .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, sabjret , to assessment for said improvement. \I l;onuuissioner f Publ' orkc. 1 t i' + Reouest o -f• Dayton's Bluff" Commercial 1% Club. Council Iyih• No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY OR -DER..;' The undersigned hert•hy proposes the making of be kilio- jnl bli, imprwFment l the City of/I St. Pduh viz.: Tuve East ;iyt.h St. fro_: e/ east rd of,he Sh 3t. bei se `to the west -line of Arcade S ., sad ads St. :"ro:� the oath ins\ of East Sixth ;t..to the s th line- f ::as,,k(aeventiv *., irwi in sewer, ter BnCl .�; t?.l? m,r, r -inr,g 1r :! 3 p'✓'., _ ?Dina t•0 ;)TOi�eT y lin o }ete, r;%iere ahead adsa a� o inc,11Ed•-1- gev al -ley u..1 iri vee✓ay u} prod: h art co::st .t rbin v✓here nec eary Doted this ,3riday of i yugust j 1U1 b. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.' Wave East Sixth St. fro- the GS.St end of the tip St. bridge to the west line of lreade St., Er_d arcade 3t. :ro t} c € ati' line of East .:ii-rth St. to _taro -cu'- .litw o'' last aeventh -t., in,,lt:ling. sewer, water and :ras oon: ec:ions fro:.: street ir.' `o ,rot,erty lines ooM—lete3 i't}tere net v'l N d; "u 3e. also ir.^l.tiir- fa tom. aIle d _'urhinc, eheT nCC@ Farb T having been presented to the Council of the Cily of Sl. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it wag as w,r, .. a. r and gas RESOLVED.That the Commissioner of Public Work- tion. from 44reet mains to pro. d directed Ilnee comolets, where not air e, ateo Including Davtng aIle ' pd t. '1'o investigate• the necessity for or desirability of to, aeprgachee and eopargglvi tog o lnted to hhom e Council of thepCibtlo[ ! total cost thereof. To investigate the mitun•, extent and estimated C�Pnul therefore,e Commissioner of be It :S. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of ,aid ilnpro',th eimlved. That ,to Works be and he Is hereby or - ed and directed: 1. To furnish the following other data and informat. To Investigate the necessity for , dearablilty of the maklog of said revertant To Ingestlgate the nature, ..to. estimated cost of said imaroe, .5. To state whether or not said improvement is itsked -74 the rnr .•get .r - or more owners. ti. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council j- LCc. Cj � f l'JI (� Yens: �/J Nays: Councilman Farnorth Go :Approved �".iU �,'3 136 lot IID 11 Kel Me II i Wu erlich Mayor Iry \ln%yofr: Petition o uunril File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ar and, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fm ulg pu c inglrotyth�ut the (ity of st. Paul, viz.: Curb ng bot sides o_' Cu r`j: at fro:: " `^t is .. o` Rapt and Ave., txd or. bot;': 3i of he oadt7 Corn t 3wloes Ave. afest a yd apWmond lva. extsnci. f 1;1 a,10y, St. .rt','ony Park to 3vi;11 s Ave. We t;1 I?t ap =ark, i t a e—n <#s r ee •r -i 3 .,,eb.ai tere o at cit r Dated this 2�Atac;ust ' Councilullin PRF.IAMINARY ORDER. WIEREAS. A written proposal for the unki f the folloning improvement, viz.: Curbi;tots ,ide;3 .of. Cudao_ h at. fro:a Lu --tis at. to 3&L,,Lzond iLve., aiid or. boil: —,ides of ',he road.iay connecting 3a,;lees I,ve. -,lost and 3r.y-:nnd Ave-. ar.d oxt©rd.ing.. ft•cu:= alley in 310ek 99 St. Anzr;otty Park to 3%less _:v::. West i:ro.. n Hal,lpdcr 'ark.' from having been presented to the Council oUille C'ily of St. P= Aextending ark to 8. .t through Hampden . therefore, be it sen Presented to the Co. its of st. Paul therefore, RES(ILVED. That the Contrnissioner of Public d. That the Commlaalonby, ordered and directed Vorka be and he to beret, .d directed: 1. •I•o inve5ll�Rlt' the [ICCCSSItV for mr desirabilit, I.4,1go gale the-necesatt.lmprotlP[Il Cill. ability of the making of 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimatYnnvoetlgata the nature, ement, and the total cost thereof_ rated at of said trap 3. To furnish n plan. profile or sketch of snid imp.?u ntlhtotal et thereof paid ImOrooemenL m rovetnent: 11 i. 'To inruisil the foilmvin{; olhrr darn and inform furnish rte tallowIng f information eta 6. 'ro state whether or uut slid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner,. (�. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Comnyissioucr of Finance. Adopted by the -ounril,i /,. _ 3' 191 Yeas: Nnys: , Councilman Fa tvortT1 y (:. :lpproved ._ .3 i J 191 .... Ay ad Ke) r I t' Me oll Wderlic6 t c :. _. __.....__---._- . ....... or I _ .. _ bra or, soareea'' jrT7P(!SRTT1'y� petition ' ('mmcil File ve, PROPONAL'FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. } The undersigned hervby proposes the nlakiPg of thyfollntyfng public• iruprovemept by the City of St. Paul, viz.. Grade elle:*' iii, Block 3 gobl;dn _ark, ir. acc-01fa a_ae :rite f retiAor. hereto at.taoc_cd. l ' f Dated this , ar1 day of ljA'.1St - tfllF•. Conm•ibnnn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, .1i, written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz. Grade clic; ii. 310 ,k 3 i3o' 1�n i'ark F. No. al "A;;" a king WOO rlttan proposal for the Ik;bg the fcllowlnit ek .3 a -In I n Grath alley In stook S tob the �., having been f St. tad tt the ,ell of th•• Clty of 9t. Paul there ft Dived. That the CammlYfoeer of Works be and be 1■ hereby or- man having been presented t0 the Council of and directed: 'o tn.•retlgata the naoeaally for therilfore, be it Irablllty of the making of gale anent 'b Iultad cost the nature. extent hereby unlcred dad dinrU•d RESOLVED, "I'hnl Ihr ('ummis5inOr,tnd the coal m said ireVVrove- and the total met thereof. 1. To investigate the necessity for cotfauin 1mv:o.ame, Pre"i or said impruvcmrut. 2. "ro investigate the nature, extent ' tfm olsh the ratio i to Lth" prove'anent. and the total cost thereof. sea eat ,i. To furnish a plan. profile or sketchntat- whoaske!or or tl yigte e oseera. �.:v to said iroprorvmt•at: l. "l'0 furnish the following other iiatr. a..°.'r 000n sit •' - 5. To stale whether or o0l said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownor,. (i. `To report 111)011 all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fimtuec. Adopted by the council A! 21 Vin.•, I!II \'aye: Yeas: Councilman Far worth GI llyd Ke / Kc r \1 oil W derlich Mayor Ir I ra.. c e' Approved r._.. •)�; 'J''j !!lI i � f Mayor. Cwtm9lFilcNo. L/ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ,.. g. PRELIMINARY ORDER. t. ` The undemigned hereby proposes the malting of the follolring Illiblii• "llprovemeat by the City of + St. Pnul, vis.. C,,Ldemnin, and. tai yr al; e."..3.3!�O:]:. ,71i "hc 1L;ad _-;Uce @Za Mr J a0hi3Vn Dated this z3rd day of"- 'L i9 t. J/ 191 �. � . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the ranking of the following improvement, viz.: Coad.:,L:r r^:.a eaaement ir_ , :e 1z;:n1 recessarY or lotto , for c -; M , i i' u ,.. Gradin _.i plc SL dock 3 Rab1;,_n mark land n —dt buying been presented to the Counoil of the ('ily o[ ^l. Paul lack 3' Rob1Yn n d rale In ParKrak ha. .tied to the council of therefore, he it 11ae1 therefore, be It olved, That the COmmisslon e Works be and he L herobland directed RESOLVED. That the commissioner of 1'uhlic \'orks by and directed: ToIniatlBate the neeenity 1. '1'0 int'ealigate the necessity for or desirability of thee iraLtlitr of the me rig of 2. To investigate the nature. extent and estimated cost To, investigate ote isld re. —lie total cost thereof. estimand the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said unproven n of sold ish aveplan,t. prom d. To furnish the following other data and information TOd information iiiiiiiFto,' tee. f+ a•hr•hnr or not �• __ o 5. 'Ib slate whether or not said improvement is :rvkrd for on tl, fu•al,... at J re or more owucr+. li. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coin missioner of Finance 3 Adopted by the council �C G f•'1 fell \aye: Yeas:, Councilann F worth j'ih I!11 t.o lipproved : ; Ily nd i / N1 r �k .ell W dcrlich Mayor Ir it Mayor. 101.. ° ° ° PUBLISHED c_ / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM Subject: y COUNCIL Fac N O . Date Presented Huge ,:3, '191 6e Resolved, ThLt ... +ime spediCicd :-or 'he L:^ri'orliance of certair or.'-ract dated Scptetr.ter 30th, 1915, 1.etvreer. P. J. ;]ea=ten arri .;i:e City of St. Paul for the gradin,, o" .._e+:in Avr. .ro,: 31rl:lit .>vc. to 3 - Clair 3t., _ , and the same is horrbY extended to the 45th de; o: AuCust, 1'316, and the proper cit;; officers are hereby authorized to execute an 4^c::d^c.^.t to said contract in accordance rcro,ith, provided, however, ^e` `I is re.-olution .,i:a11 not have c_rl force and e ,`'ect u:ac. cc `iet� o,, cot:r;ractorc trond ::sera '"c: to and fJle such o:,ael:, i) m, ins'.i:at tits Jit, Cm .'iter. C. r. No. 11238—B1' 91. N. hoes -- tract Reeolved. That the time a ectaed for the DertO anae of a cert 15, L tween dated goitember loth. 1918. P. J. Gleason and the CItY of, I. I'aul for the grading of Cre 1, Ae. tram Summit Ave. to gt. Clalr *e* be and the .Amu le hereby eat«nded to the $ethiday f ty ere are thereby sof artsed to execute an amendus ment to Bald con- tlded i howcveraathat to le Rresolution .hall t have any force and A set un - leen the sureties on the contractors bond consent there It the Clfl Comb - consent In tarlting,w troller. Adopted ApprovedbIt y 82Council818. Aug. 12. 1918. (August 28.1918) Yeas (J) Co ilmen (:) Nays Far worth 7 Go In favor I Hynd K'I r Me II Against Wu erlich Mr. President. rvin ,a.M C. a-] Adopted by the Council `. e t !f ' 19 1(0 Approved I'j! � � J � l�i 191 MAYO. l , � _ To the ':or. _,_;_;le gi.✓. oir,.,'l, i re-r:ec?: ly a, at o: o ti7L :,oA,. se the 'Ime o" •o,,.;! ...t; c _o::tract :'r,r of C t in �,ve. . o... ;1 .. �' . : i` , _ ez c"itcd o C 01 inn, to ..'::u or; im: o:' -%:c soil alo:. - tr:iy utrcet, as rsno t:-:rv. rh s-ja. p,, -round, i' aac gtL�'.;ic l r 1' pos :Ile ;'or .._ 'o do an. ,.or'k d. rir. Iwo. weuther �. .:;, .. .. c I de. _. to asst u lrie :'or .:o. i. ..,_ .`ore i. n -�- i Coy:tractor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject COUNCIL rub No. 4' C� �` s : 1 Date Presented nw, ~ 191 5 . o Thci' �..� "i iCi<`iCna -or thc- -•bi-- of narrl'son 1 avenue from Dou;;las~St. toWesternLve. rrl;re taudi'fied by Council File 'To. 11058, arp-cIved June 19, 1915, after -.t;e contractor had RA"iig, cornmer.ced work, thereby chant_>ing the width of the road'. -ray from 40 f::et to 30'feet, and X15, The modi "icationa of the pl&nz and sre i i'ic4'.--or.s increased the post of said curbing to the contractor hy•reason of the, fact that he had already excavated 2'0 feet of trench on the curb lire a:- sho^m ori the plane and had set up forms in same, ..hie'^ e::tra work is iter,ized as follows: Extra work di ging di'ch, 2D0 ft. rock bot`om, `15.0). Set';in forms, ZJ0 ft. $5.00. Filiin;; in ditch N5.00. 3:akin.^ a total anount of $25.00. i 3 CLViM, That the Council hereby orders that the :;ost of said additional work, amo intinn to ;;25.00, be z.11owed as an extra under contract known as Corlptrollerrs Contract _io. L 551 for the nakin- of the aforesaid inproverner.t. The Dc - 2 b.lic ',Vor,l a --h .,tractor vYa .va u •. Jy. �.a .. a- � ra.. -- :nn of yPc,)O is the rea:o:;ablr�::ost o_' doin,; tho ultra- ,. -cork in tho _ora;oing re3olution. C. F 12316—Th M• 'angio and Peclnea-- Whereae. Vy ve- tion! for the curhfut of Harrteon r ntle'trom Douglas St. to Western Ave. 7, _ T _ _ — a — — were approved lby Coun1818.after o'`'on.I sioar: t'1, O1 _3/i1TJ1�C nJr Ka oontraetorhbad anging the tuwidth of work. thereby — _ P_ _ ( C roadway from 40 feet t- of of the • — — �iOntT ,CtOr — — — — — — Whereas. The plans end spec trot o the contractor Yeas ( )Count: en (+) 1 Farna rth Goss Hyla Kelle Me Wun lith /Mr. President. vin FORM C. a-1 iroevded theAug CO23- ncll Aug. 22. 1916. (August 26-1916) / In Favor CAgainst ----66mptr077.or- - - - - -- 0 Adopted by the Counc{I L -LC %' 191 Approve 191 t`. MAYOR it CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: LAYING WATER ::.AIMS • ., FILE nai NO Date Presented Resolved, t1,nt water main be laid on i•.tv:ater Street Letween "eat r:, h ;d oero Avenues. l ,t Yeas (v)Cou 1 en (,') lays Far rth Go 1 In favor Hyl Kel (, �c - Against Wu lith Mr. President,` in FORM c 9.2 • e - 1 I, *F nNo. 1Tiu�t a 1•,ter mnln be tatd onRAt—iter "'treat bstwoen Western aandCotno Avee.nell 28.18]8. AdoPte ed t e 88 1916AUR. ,. tAuBust 98-1914) 191 Adopted by the Council L K� -2- , 191 1 Approved -ICU •3 i 6 191 MAYOR 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM 1 l Subject " l n... ' e ; n / u• 1. s ., ioEr+Eit rNOlr 3,? . F+� 9 Date Presented . 191 1 Resolved, Th. -,t the Com:.issi.,n:�r of ru;:ic-1fety --a and he is here*oy authorized to eur,loy one (1) -o' ice Alar::. Operator for sever: .aye at threw (,$j.CO) do i- :ro er _l.:y for special xcrk- atl ,-e wi .-.eaot. state ra`_. Th':� iten. to _. ;:ail out of tho— &.'_< ry ;Nina of .,_ Durea %f 7o' '_ :e and Fire Alarm elegra;ph of th' .r'.e. art' ent of au�•_ i C. Da.f'ty. l• lr, �0 12319—n)• Henry MoColl— Tbnl e Commineloner of ItPnol�.od, nnb. {`uh�• vufoly ho 'I ones h1, Pollee 1ltbreo char:=ed to amDlo)' xven dnyp of I,u,,,r tgmrntor for a doY foF npeclnl dollar. Dor ytnto Fn1r. 1=9.001 e 3tlnne.ofu orl<. nt th Tbl. Item ao bo Dnld oul t lhu Sn1nrY 13 Fund oTeleRrBDh of the pI¢Dor[rnenClot Alnrm 23.1016- ndonlod hY lho Cou"1116A ug. 11. SnfetY• 23, 19. Runt ADDrovedtAnu 26_1916) _— i Yeas (:) Cou Imes (:) Nays i Far orth Adopted by the Council r 101= 191 � Cos In favor Hyl d 1 A roved r C PP ^ G 3 3 6 191 /Ke Mc 11 Wu rlich Against ( Mr. Preaident rvin rORM C e•2 U�1, MAYOR CITY OF 9T. PAUL — "' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 0.31 q _ AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION- FORM O FIILENCIL No. AU BY_ -F �-a AUDITED - PER 226 Ilesolved that w;trrants be drawn upon the City Treasurw payable out of the hereinafter >pecific(I fund, and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of 'Finaw•e as sj,eeified in the' following detpiled statement: AUC Seas I . Councilmen ; v) '.days Adopted by the. Cauneil - Farnsworth I J I Goss % - Approved•�% 191 -" 1 Hyland / In Killer C favor _6 /v" MAYOR / ileColl Against 1Conderlieh dlr. President. Irvin { C. F. No. 12319-.. Resolved that wurnnta be drawn CIt Y Treasury 1n favor o[ $ upon the venae rD Yabls�out ot�the nfundi and ' - 613 Emma Flannagan, Im the , ... apeolded to the tot- uawtag netsttad alateinent: 138:00 _ M West Side Boulevard Eroma FaQnnatrnn st9a.00. Mason ForQ $188:00. Lonna Lan6evin, $188.00. Mary E+ Ti)chnud, 818&00. _ 36 Mason Ford Efenmore Qneenei. 81:18&00. Oeor ;183.00. 168.00 - West Side Boulevard to g•8tapleb I AdsDtedhY the CottaCli Aug. Et, 1836. Approved AyffitSi 1918. (August E8-1916) - 37 Louis Langevin, 168.00 West"Side Boulevard 38 Mary E. Michaud, 168.00 West Side Boulevard 39 Eleanore 4uesnel, 1,182.00 West Side Boulevard 40 George H. Staples, 193:00 — ;Nest bide Boulevard e . t } i f z a Q a CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL F'= AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO. AUDITED AUS` i� 191 225 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Ciiy Treasury, payable out of the _ hereinafter ,pea'ified fund, and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, commissioner of Finance as specified in the following detailed statement Teas i ('out -ilmen ) Nays Adopted bA the Council AUG V `- -191 Far sworth Approve / 191 GoGo: nd In favor ^ Ke r (/ 111!!! MAYOR NIc OR v Against \\' erlivh Nlr. I restdud, Rvin 6116 D. I.. Colberg, 35.32 Health -Pub. Baths -M. 6c R. 17 Craftsman Press, 99.47' Pub. Bldgs.-Insp. aGlk Pub.. Library-Genl.'Su lie6 6.' ! 18 S. A. Farnsworth, Co.01 Finance, 4,105.22 Gen -Mist. & Unforseen Exp. 19 S. A..Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 8,750.00 Water -Bond & Int. Red. 20 Gopher Lime & Cement Co.,, 278.13 Randolph Hts. balgoo.l-, L70. 3 Water -M. be R, �� �-07� 0 } 27 .1'11 21 Dicaire Hanson, 2.52 Police -M. a R. 22 W. J. Hoy Construction, CO., 9119.63 Water -M. & R. 23 J. T_ Kenny & Co., 40.15 Gen -Municipal Garage -M. a b. 24 N. W. l;lectric Equipment Cd., 42.02 Police -M. a R. Gen -Municipal Garage -M. x 5. ;•r •6 1 6 Pub. Library-Genl. b'u l e .5 42. 25 N. W. Shot & Lead Co., 498.86 Water -M. cc R. 26 Patterson Street Lighting Co., 4,586.71 Put;. Light ing-Mairit. 27 5t. Paul Bottling Works, 593.00 PLLb. Par ks-Parks-Ma:int. 6128 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., 1,111.50 Pave Canada -14th to 9th ` 29 St. Paul alectric Co., 35.88 Water -M. & Re 30 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 4,411.61, Pub. Lighting-Maint. s 31 St. Paul Real Estate Board, 50.00 Gen -Mise. & Unforseen Exp. ' 32 J. L. Shiely Co., 88.30 Water -M. &R. ,) 0 t Pave 14th-Broadpayi'toL /E/tptSert 7 // 33 Sauk Rapids Granite Co., 249.23 Pave Grove -Jackson to Broadway 34_ Tierney & Co., 706.07 Fire -M. & Re Total Res. #225 $26,663.62 4 1 - r C. 7p- No. 123t2b of p{..olved the Wary. payable i `E pan the c1tY out the hereinafter .,coined lnnAs and or in favor of the persona. arms yoBttona for the amounts ee't opposite olliod In _ A their r;.speettvet'nat.�A statemsn :n9b L /701D.ri. N6.{R . a..' r99A7. p'nrnnworth, Som. of Flaance� _ 84.106.13. - - R A. Farnsworth. Com. of P'1148nce, $8760.00. Gopher L1 me. h CententC.., {378:13. 82b8st - - Dlcatre Hanson. . W.7J'RHennYCon-trUe 1879.83. - 84016.Co•. Eleotrtc E.yulpment Co.. 842.03. N, SV. N. W. Shot k Lean Po.. 1498.88: Street bighting Co.. ti: - .Patterson 688.71. at Paul Bottling Works, 8693.00. Croahq'd Stone Co., -81.111.60. 9t. P St. Pnut Eleotdo C.•. 836:88. St. Paul leas b18ht Co.. 84.411.8E - St. 8h 1 e01Cp. s 780i30.osedI 860.00: - Sauk Rapid&. t)raplte Co., {349.83. _ — Ttern-Y & CO- 8700:07. _ Adopted by the CouncilAug• $3. 1919- . Approved(Augusta'26- " _ 19 is) _ CITY OF ST. PAUL -. COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL 'ORM { Subject: " t,c , •N 0. ---—_------- - ----------- — Date Presented 19 Resolved. j. That the arj, i,at_�n of �reileiti: s '_icer -e to conduct a wct.vn :'acture and Ti-adevi' e Thcatre, (T' n (1W) cents e3=.as§i,n) at'3(;2 ;;riversitY 'venue b-, tir., the same hereby i. +- iso ins`r•:cte aue s_.cY. licer.. e fcr n`c the City t:,_ customary cn fe l•. F1 No. 133:1— ItenolvnA, That LGo nJ�::<a�lon or II'm elu for a lleenle to too - et n atotlon !•I¢tu ra• and Vaudeville Thenlre. tT¢n ilOc) dmlrel n) at sue Un Iv _Iy Avenu¢a he d t amI hereby in Rrnht¢d and thv C!" CII Is erB for ton¢ruct¢d ponrt he PLYment Into ¢the Clty Trearory or thn custom- xry fee. 376.00. Adopted by the ug. 28. 1916. i APDroved Aug�ts 3':a Pllg 6) Yeas (s'') Co ci!mm (•) \ays Fa u'urth 7 Go / In favor Hy d Ke / A,1 11 Against VVu erikhn Nfr. Prewleruin IONM C. B-3 ^' = Adopted by the Council Q11r 2i.i 1�'� 191 Approved itIj 9 3 i'J1,3 " 191 COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENET I CITY OF ST. PAUL � RAL FORM �.l•��)�) Subject: t `Ou-L E No • _ Date Presented 191 Resolved, Th Lt t`c -tT 3r _ ilfcr a l icen: _ tc nluct a __ tion _ _ctu:e :h:a:re t 62 U:,i. _— _ _ Avenu_, _c e h •Lrted :n- t'-,. City Cl ,. is i r.. _ t _ . _.;sue c`: !,Jr, ay— ..ent in o ... Tr .:•ury t:.., cu,3t-in. r•y f C. 0, (� F. 72 ev ed. That the ApplicationH. I J.Ition is for a license...too—deet AfatTheatre at $26 - gra avenue. the and the same hereby t¢ - ,d to Issue, much u n C1ileense upon th Par- � Pay- meet Into the Clty Tre¢euty o[ the customary r S60.o0. Adopted narhn Cm. ncil .:cR. 23, 1916. Approved AUR. 23. 1078. ' IAuRual 26.1816) , l I I � 1 11 ■ �1 . Yeas (�) Councilmen (:) Nays Farn,. orth Goss Hyland Keller / McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin 10¢M C B ] I Adopted by the Council Ell, 2.i I 1 191 In favor Approved _ y;4��yr I 16 191 _ Against MAvow t_ Owl .C;TY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: T3 COUNCIL N_ FILE • Date Presented 191 Resolved, Txx- the 101ty MrA be -A-J" ha 1t+ reap mirinorlADU Ulu d1reaV-.J tc 1 -me 4 1102110e tc. v Mt sailia' w i ab io 1,&y into thea Citi, TromourY C6 JiOsnAd fOe t lie an nt for aall L1'.')n8,1 for 'BAIA for a',azloa �,om-- pont fvK, 'he 1`wkD(w of, LZLIl ).jaen,ka. -pl,t C T h0 10011 Or 0"10 ra off'oeit"Ve )C,(Xic t 1 2-4 roattrn, Prem !he Coix it, 8 1 IkL-' Of ry -9 1,, 0 10 u the liotqte t�'?.t tho e4li,� hk,!1.111.� m! Ci rA,t tiu, t Ile In *tvnr otl'n 110 n a Tv he r,; I Inr 0(,.X the oil- of Fltz rIII qml has t21a3 V0 cert-fi"tc -Itl IF 11 14 Yeas (I') Councilmen (I') Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller Approved 191 McColl Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers MAYOR FORM C41-2 Otatp of illllpsatll,),� CQI*NTY OF RAMSEN. 0 CITY ,1P ST. PAUL, A a 0 b""V "`/y that he i8 q the State of .11inn,sobl, lud is over brenty on, jKte�jrf ,fe th rt h, has hm city Lwens, ,-hi,,JL authori-es hin, to carry on the 1, to the r ry of art 7111e2�� ',d th,,t hr .. ..... . le.irpx liree..r for ,,i,l business, (It Bald /)/"Cc, for the year enelin It -�;"'Ora to and helarr me tj . ......... .... L ir'eI a n8peetor—,h, y ie, ]tn 111 Se inneeota. W HIENRY-MCCOLL JOHN T. MqCOLL COMMISSIONER DvpIRT COMMISSIONER CITY OF SAINT PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF PUSUC SAFIETT WM., J. TROY BUREAU OF POLICE August- 23,1916- To The Honorable The Council Of The City of St. :--aul, Gentleman, — Attached Of FUmalep for a !1c--ns2 to conduct a Motion Pi.ture Th atre at 654 Grand Avenue is. for a ne-w location. ,;;urs very truly, sic e A�e �.;r �L' C t RFMCNSTRAIXF. In the matter of the petition for a license to con.iva-t a Moving Picture Theatre at No. 2164 GRAND AVEIAM: between Dale street and St. Albans street. in the City of ST. PAUL, t.'.inn.. to oor- refore the Council on SEPTEMBER 1st. 1918. To the icon. City Council ST. Paul. Minn. GQntleven;- ""� We. the undersigned would respectfully remonstrate against the granting of sa_d petition as there is no nQoessity for said theatre. which would oreate a nuisance, tend to ieroralize the neighborhood, and will be a menace to the improvement and welfare of tries part o1• our pity. P • y Jt� 17 CITY OF- ST. PAUL 7771 COUNCIL RESQLUTION—GENERAL FORM �G�yI Subject: COUNCIL saE No. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That uron the reccommendat ion of t>e ro.,rJr.isvioner rf !",durr tiorl, t"e I's' -a- "ethod of Tlu:ilnesa writing, and rit �.a Legsor.e for Primary Ire hereby Fdopted As regular texts in t1,e Pu}:lir Schoole of tie City of St.Psul, in all grades from the first to the eighth, in- clusive, such adoption to' remain in force for a period of 11� � ;e:.. .roe rsi;•n.. cr ,t-iF. I f -r tte •:urnio p of installing said ?elmer Yethod in t`c Schools, ns :,rore4Rie, the Commissioner of Fflucrtion is authori-.ed, )r. rPhalf of the City of St.Pe,ul, t, enter into the agree- . No. 12324—By A. Wunderlich_ ment rith the A.`1. Pa' -,Fr > ttached, eolved. That upon the recommsn_ ,ion of the Commissioner of Educe. n. the Palmer Method of Business. iting and writing r.essops for Pro "Y tirades are hereby adopted as gular tests In the PublicSchoolsof .e Clty or at. Peul. to ali grades from e 11 at to the eighth, Inclusive, such 'loptlon to remain in forre for a' ,rind or three years from September IT. iaed That for the pu f Palmer er, i R�r•�i �� -'1 rgrerg in I Yeas (d)C Imen(C)Nays AUr 2r, .�. Adopted by the Council `f - 191 F orth C / In favor Kell Approved `i,Gr'�'; i916 191 M I L Against / N UY r. President towers T PLtTIS�L' �: ���yt� AN ORDINANCE PR:T SCF IBtNC ANr FiE'_!ULATI:,G T:: TIYE LIMIT THAT A14Y AUT1QDILE OR OTHER V:.'F.ICLE MAY BE ALLOWis-2 ' TO RF.IAI" STATTO'ZAFY 0:' A17Y OF Tii ST11=TS OF T—.- CONGE'TLL LISTRICT O'_ -_H: 'CITY OF ST. PAUL. TRIS d1,3 ACKI 'IS Ai::�RGE CY 031, FOR m PRE:=RVATI OF T117 PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH A1r SAFTY. Jf G The Council of the City of St. Paul Does Ordain:- �r SECTION I. � 1Io owner, or driver of any vehicle, shall betwe-n the hours of eight A.M. and Six P.-:., permit the 82..me to remain standinL on any street within the congested district of the City of St. P ul, bounded by the west side of- St. Peter Street to the east side of Jackson. Street, inclusive and fr m the s:n:th side of Fourth Streat to the north aide of Seventh Street, inc-r.sive, except Cedar Street, Minnesota, Street, and Sixth Street, e.cai.t at publi„ hack stands, as provided by Ordin_.nce., for a period exceedinCtwenty (20) minutes, providedthat in case of breakdown fro-. accident or otherwise or engine tr—b18, a reasonable time may be allowed fcr the ren.cva] o: the machine so disabled, but in no o=_se shall thi:; exceed a ;eriod of one (1) hour after the acci- dent or after the enin: tr utle develops. SEC_'IJN II. Any person violating -e Ordina:nee shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and or, conviction thereof, shalt be punished by fine of not Mcpsw more than Fifty (SFC.00) dol'_rs, or by imprisonment for not more than'sixtq (60) days; FECT.IO;, III. This Ordinance is deci:red an Emer-ency Ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the Puclic Peace, Health and_Safety, snd shat- take effeat an:- be in force im:edi_tely after its pas --aged. N- .and,publioation. COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... ___....._� �1R By- as INTERMEDIARY ORDER. and reconstructing In the Matterof_Corstr� tia3.__relief se.xTre__or enlarging - existing sewers on the following streets_ Edmund St:, from male St. to Tint fit. Caarles St. from 3rotto St. to St AlbSt Albans . Sherburna Ave. from -eat aide :f Lexin.gtcr. Ave. to C !atevorth St. Saeruurne Ave. ictoria ::t to 1:o°. o 7t• • Sner'_.:rne Ave. free. -ale St. to <ar.tjSt Scuts side cf Univorsity Ave. from `'yniicata Ave. :o Lexir:,,ton A.va. =ulier St. frorJ 'Neat side of Lexington Avc• to Oxford St - Central avanie fr.,, Ox=jri '�t. to "'ton S•. i Central Ave. frau Dale St, to hent St• Pondo St. from ...aekutin Ct. to Arundel St. a =_•(� rburne Ave chs. Iglehart Ave. i'roi "ioto_i:a St, to Fisk St. naBue Ave. tas<._ avvorth at trora Cbaries Iglehart -Ave. from St. Albans St. to Dale St. .,r sc.;ateib°we.'raz°iicon L Selby Ave. from Syl:dioate 'street to �,.ilton St. Ave'AitRo4YYAv. to wqr°' Hague Ave., from .rro tto St. to St. Altans `'tr�et. victorla,Sk from Portland Ave Laurel Ave. from 3rotto St. to Lexin. ton Ave. 8 coat to r, a Ava Being;;` „iltori "t. to Fisk Str at. t vlatasldtyoXa1{yAve; Laurel Ave. f rot.. Contsat'rill' ; Vtetoris Ashland Ave. from Chatsworth 0%. to Hilton S t r e e'ie Ich"",dl" A' vi erorai�iYsivacram St. to Lexington Ave. mart st to iacond st- slat[ st Portland Ave. fror,, Dunlap g o B for Ave a tetela a Eve Portland Ave. from iltor. to "ictoria St. rrouo st r m c tt Av to st Da ton Ave. m Y A o tt sr. t c Triggs St. from Selby Ave. to y i A t Feu t tet: from Laurel A e. M Aago A Griggs str et from Ashland Ave, ti Laurel Ave. Atbana Bt cram nnxon A.'-' Selby Ave. hart Aqe.: xtnt st. tram' Lexington Ave. from Portland Ave. to e „ Av°• m se nee.: Lexington)Ave: frct:. Fuller It. to Or -n -wren St. Aer°r° wve °° r " �� .vbtn st trom ca Oxford etre t from Carroll Ave. to Sherb: me Ava• soc¢yt „�t . St Chatsworth St. frot4 `jague Ave. to Selby Ave. tunnels on Chatsworth St. frost. Charles St. to Thomas St. �silton St. frog. rortland Avc. to Selby Ave. Asilton St. from St. Anthony Ave. to Aurora Ave. "ictoria 4t. from Portlan.i Ave. doing east to :'ortland Ave. going west. } '.'ict;,ria St. from l:arshall Ave. to Central Ave. to Sherburne Ave.t Victoria "t. ::'ota so'tt'i siis of ' niversity 1 t. Victoria St. from Charles St. to Lafond 7 :i3k St. froth Salty Ave. to Igle%tart Ave.St. , Srotto St. from Carroll avenue tvtillerAstre L Ave. € Grotto Ft. from' A1. entral Ave. tc Rt. Albans t. Zl Laurel Ave. to i:agae Ave. '.it. mums St.' .Dayton Ave:: to Iglehart Ave. ar.t St. from S_t1 Anthctny Avs. to 11 a. Ave. I Md. e( • (((�(ttll- Ce trot 1<e�n(rt.. Sandrmak runnels or. the following streets: on st.: Ctntral AVe Kent Bn: Rend, St.. •- 'o Arundel at.: IkW: ;sotto St. f fou, Thomas 3t. to Selby Ave. m st. to s❑k St - St. t • Albnna St. to Central Ave. from fail ton St. to 3rotto n, syaattat• v Aruniel St, vr.. r -gym Central Ave. rcm -Kent st, to ,•l.+enrtl :s t t c Arundel St.. Prund�l Pt. from Charles St. to Selby Ave. 3t. Al.:-r:s :t. fro,,. ...arshall Pve to La r 1 Ave. Sal. Ave. from. ..il'on to "ir;L:ia A�,,. :5e int rsecticr. '.f �1:. i `'irg r,ia �.-fe3. "_c .'-e intersection orleasa. er-EE ,..:•a., on al.mecar nt to c•.,t?.-ned. Sher,.an A:�e. f roe: `'1 -3aant Ave. to the.. issisJ40 ,ivar• All c f Lae above tp ba kt:own ad _:.e_. t �.. c.. ,r.y :ill liui Se:�ar. under Preliminary order ...._.. 8909 .....__...__a The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted_and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. I 'r � t 2 Thn, the ne - ,.t tl„- unt,rovement w ii, .. .A_ .... 9,_•f..x.F� _..... .........._................... Edmund St., from Dale St. to Rent St. Charles St. from Grotto St. to St. Albans St. 8harburne Ave. from west side of Lexington Ave. to Chatsworth St. Sherburne Ave. from Victoria St. to Grotto St. Slierburne Ave. from Dale St. to Kent St. South silo of University Ave. from Syndicate -Ave. to Lexington Ave. Fuller St. from west Bide of Lexington Ave. to Oxford St. Central avenue from Oxford St. to Milton St. Central Ave. from Dale St. to Kent St. Rondo St. from Mackubin St. to Arundel St. Iglehart Ave. from Victoria St. to Fisk St. Iglehart Ave. from St. Albans St. to Dale St. Selby Ave. from Syndicate street to Milton St. Hague Ave., from Grotto St. to St. Albans Street. Laurel Ave. from Milton St. t Fisk Street. Ashla d�Ave. from Chatsworth _� to Milton Street. Portland Ave. froom i711zon bc. w .acavr+o .. ...-_ ___.____ .s.-„�,,,,,,a,w,,,,• •,,,,,,� Grigge .=t. from Selby Ave. to nl-Y ton Ave. Triggs str at from Ashland Ave, ti &aural Ave. Lexington Ave. from Portland Ave. to Selby Ave. a Lexington Ave. from Fuller St. to Van Puren St. Oxford street from Carroll Ave. to Sherburne Ave. Chatsworth St. from Hague Ave. to Selby Ave. Chatsworth St. from Charles St. to Thomas St. Milton St. from Portland Ave. to Selby Ave. Milton St. from St. Anthony Ave. to Aurora Ave. Victoria St. from Portland Ave. Going east to Portland Ave. g+et• Victoria St. from Marshall Ave. to Central Ava. University Ave. to Sherburne Ove. Victoria St. from south side of Victoria St. from Charles St. to Lafond St. Fisk St. from Selby Ave. to Iglehart Ave. Grotto St. from Carroll avenue to St. Anthony Ave. Grotto St. from Central Ave. to Fuller street,. # St. Albans St. from Laurel Ave. to Hague Ave. E. St. Albans St. from D�ay.�ton Ave. to Iglehart Aire. Kent it. from St. At5OUTy Ave. to Fuller Ave. Kent St. from Aurora Ave. to Edmund Pat. Maokubin St. from Carroll Ave. to Rondo St. Arundel St. from Selby Ave. to Dayton Ave. Sandrmok tunnels on the following streets: Grotto St. from Thomas St. to Selby Ave. Central Ave. from Milton St. to Grotto St. Central Ave. from gent St. to Arundel St. Charles St. from gent St. to Arundel St.. Arundel St. from Charles St. to Selby Ave. St-. Albano St. from Marshall Ave. to Laurel Ave. Selby Ave. from Milton St. to Virginia Ave. From the intersection of Selby and Virginia Aves. to the intersection of Pleasant and Sherman Aves., on an easswent to be obtained. Sherman Ave. from Pleasant Ave. to the Mississippi River. :1l of the above _ta be kanun_He the St. Atli _ __Wj Relief Sewer. with no alternatives,' and that the estimated cost thereof is S 797057.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ ._ zy th_ .._ --day of w Sem temb er .......... 1 191 ..6... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, t= of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the; improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____... —� '3 191-�� Approved rw u 23 '9t6 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PUBLISHED Goss - - Keller ;i McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers ,F Form B. S. A. 8-6 -- i , z k E 'outwil File No. 4k, 1 ti. -7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making oft the follojyit1`g blit inwroverpent the City of St. Paul. viz.: H8_0-2—, 1--, �-n- of prec d 07. ie 71 t ":I,, Of be� , A-ining at P tfj c3 t y J.. ror-til'C' if? of 2 :;t. linn 80 -u t t f ... Alb CT-a71C 1,41M -Co 770u- to elle- - '14 t Dated this 2.1 t :.4 'day of X,.L. Ust 13 d PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz. -.0 .Q L 'd Of Si 0.. C V:e-t of al..c ;,rle at FrOit", 64. ;G rn,� on 1,h -e 79 feet --,-;Out Of ..01. 61 -Le Of --- 0!: to a21c�", 4-"� fect. .Iny and • 1, at d. having been presented to the Council of the City Of St- 1i 'A.' wid01c th Wofw. , 4e of Albemarle St., be therefore, he it gnt St., thence north to I an the north -106 of Of 1,11blie V Sinning wee Most of v ordered and directed- S01,VED, That the Commissioner at to A ey. 44 IIE� thence we been presented to t 1. 1 investigate the necessity for or desirabilit,lo, city f St. Pool th.,�! aproveinent. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e.qtiM,. Thaie theand hoe mIhereby cs missioner or - of ent re and the total cost thereof. rks b directed: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said nvestigate the necessity for jllity at the making; of aid 4. To furnish the following other data and in ant-nt Igate the natures extent �nve ..led cost of said Improv,- I the total coal thereof, f—aleh a Plan. proale .5. To state whether or not said improvement ,,— Id I -mprov�, I-- ition of three or more owners. I, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by tile. council AM, 24 191 Yeas: t Nays: LIncil nnut-K'r sworth a""'ar '"Or, Approved er r \y�va' v � lick May Mayor. PUBLISHED s.-3ri-9 !i` Council rile No. I .1"3.28 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT tihd / s PRELIMINARY ORDW.. The under,ignet hereby proposes the tmaking of the follotrirtg•puhlic improvetrMnt by the City of St. Paul, viz..:3:co.:s',_ , t, rAr- k. 0L;:« 3 xo tw 1:._. Of c ,. :•t gra c L� acn .c �Gc O:l� �c :.L"c of _L! f Dated this ? day of . i, l L/lifillvv/ 11"/ ('ouucilnum. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �"of fo =r �__C .___ .. _,iE Of JCj :Renee eaE'. Z2) feet. having been prescoted to the Council of t -he City of St. Paul by of at. Pau, therefore, be tl That tbe ahe Commission nd he le hereby RESOLVED, That the Conitnis,ioner directed of Public «'or vestlgate the ne"lutltr for billty of the making of said red and dlrccted' t. '1'o investigate the necessity enc for or desintbility of the nature, erevs. ntcut. a L. To intestigaty the nature, oared et of said Improve-� notertl cost extent and ealimated ti the total cost theroG til tit,- total cost thereof. 3. To furnish n lao. profile I' I or sketch of said improve nleh s plan, profile or I I ImproVemenL .1. To furnish the following other 'ah the following, other data and information -matlon relative to Bald hent. -char or not Bald Im- for on the petition 5. To .state whether or ool said are irorcovemeats asor oil the is fii of the tore - 1 +missloner at 7e or more owner, G. To report Upon all of the furCbw}1_i ,t ttters to the Commissioner t., Adopted by the cmmci 19I Yens: Nays: Comloilmat sworth ss Approved �) 1!11 ler � /li 1e lerlil•!l May n Mayor. }, r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM /J�\ f Subject: FOENCL N.O. Date Presented J'.Ln e pa4, 191 6. Resolved, Teat the plat or Chelsea Hui,-:.-ts, us r oo:aenic.I 1): the .Mat Corarnicsion end approved b; he Cor:::aie.ior:er or ._Iblic '.Tor: , be a:.. F- L—me is hereby a:-ceptod. Peas (v) Co ilcilmen (,') days F n3uorth G s In favor H land K ler O Against W nderlich Mr. Preside , Irvin I.R. C. B-1 C F. too. '2329—Ry, Ga— Rasolved, That the plat of Chelsea Heights. as recommended by the Plat Commlealan d pproved br the Com- mimxole�uacceptedlts' be and the ea Adopted bYtthe ug. 21-eil, Aug 24, 1916. ,16 Appror (August 26-1916) Adopted by the Council �!'� 24 191",191 Approved(( r i._ {) 4 J 17 191 MAVOn ...:s CITY OF ST. PAUL V� - COUNCIL RESOLUT16N GENERAL FORM / \ Subject: • ride NO. - -..ui on AL/� / Date Presented Aug. 3, 1916. Resolved, That the plat of WoodtE `:>ddiLdo.n, as re:or.ruended b7 ,ti:e Yiwt Commission ur," approved by the of ;;, ti 70r.1w, be and the sa:;e is herei;,• a,:cented. Yeas ( ) Coll ilmen (:) Nays Far worth / Goa C In Favor Hyl d � Kell r C Against wu 1. Against Mr. President Irvin r0"M C. e•] I V. F vo, 12230—BY X N. 0oee— Reeolved. That khe plat of w'ood's Addition, se recommended by the Flat Commleelar. end approved by the Com- mleeloner of Public Work., be and the same Is hereby acceptedi Adopted by the Councl Aug. 94. 1916. Approved Aug• 24, 1916. I Auguot 21 Is - ' I Adopted by the Council V `^ 24 'c 1991 Approved _ Ijl,7 191 MerUe -- CITY OF ST. PAUL - - COUNCIL--RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM -. Subject: COUNCIL Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Matthew O'Rourke, out of the Workmens Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sun of $50.46, in partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him, while employed by the Department of Public Works on the 20th day of August 1915, C. F. No. 18487 ��—'�- cle .sore he eb t the Proper eiq• ottl- 1Vattltew O'Rourkeu out toed to PaY to mens Compeneatlon Acc; yp{ o ork- Gennrel Fund, the sum of i50.60, t e .partial3 ari vent of hta claim al;alnet the it • Bbl, reaso tteiae1D d by him, hile on of to n]urlee the 80th day of Au Pubtte Works on Adopted by the It n t. Ala. ADProted Aug. 26, tell. .24. 3816. (August 46.1910) I hereby reccommend th above resolgtion for papsage, Lmmiss�oner of public Works, i Yeas (✓)lFwAorth almen (a') Nays AUG 24'' Adopted by the Council 191 1 In favor Approved Aur t ri :916 191 ! C Agaimt Mr. Presiower, MAYOA Subject: OKI - C. y,-'ztil 1. That p t enter Oats -to he ebY tso herli Q ioY enter L!'^!— ronrip ser Aadoet' 1t h?ip� f b"* jNERAL FORM - o# tha WorRmene Comperisstton Act Vroyiding for the'v a *at n he Way 8,76'per v7eoh, during t'Dyrreaaon of "1 I on has been dfaaUled Y cou a iniulrles rkdae d by ]dm while emD1oY- tv0d g Wagon Driver by nt8 _N O. ed 4e a NP� da of I.p'rll, Isis, _ the City. on the 14th yy Rd fort said lwltllamon,t Ssohaon Ctbe ' Pay 191„ skin, of W Der was ahl n by r -aa-°, Date Presented ..t he is part .n la Wald.- ' AdoDoed dbYhe AuB. You 1416Aug•Y4. 1918. --- ADpr Ye (August 28-19181 Resolved, That the proper clzy o-ffieiais are hereby authoried �o �t�t�T- into an agreement with William Jackson, in accordance with the provisions of the Worxmens Cus.F snoation Act; providing for the pay- ment to him of $8.25 per week, during the time he may be, or has been disabled by reason of injuries received by him while employed a� a Sprinkling Wagon Driver by the City, on the 14th day,of April, Pay to the said William 1916, and further conditioned that the City p y Jackson, the sum of $1.00 per week during the time that he is partially disabled by reason of the injuries aforesaid), and i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thbt the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to William Jackson, out Iof the Workmens Compensation Account of the General Bund, the su.n,of $87.97, in partial settlement of his claim arising out �)f the injuries aforesaid. I hereby reepommend the above resobution for passage, Commissioner of Yeas (I') Co cilrnen (1 ) Nays Adopted by the Council AUG 24 j C 15 191 F worth ALIu 24 1916 191 C C In favor K I Approved N C Against Y MAYOR Mr. Preside Powers FORM Ca -2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM _ •.?? COUNCIL NO. Subject: rn.E Date Presented 191 ivVint the proper city officials are hereby autroriaed to PaY to 7lorlmens Compenadtion Accoant' of the GFund, the sum of $13.00 in P artial settlement of his claim eneral arising by reason of injurlies recei9ed by him while against the City da of 1€areh, employed by the�City ort the Ames school on the 14th Y 1916. las83�B9,�V err Cityy, to i hereby reccommend the above resolution for p ss ge, Commissioner of F'ar�s, ylaygrounI end blic Buildings - Yeas (t') C na rnm (, ) Nays 11 F nsworth In favor G kgN G Against �O Mr. Presiowers FORM C-8.2 Adopted by the Council AUG 241n;; 191 RUG �/. 196 19' Approved V Y1 ' MAYOR C(>. i2sa,t-nx J. D. Hytand— - - - ved, That the proper aitY oRl- O U N C 14- R E 'e hereby nuthortaed to enter m- L F O R M agreement In nccordanee with re of tho Workmen. Compensa- with Joseph Go... lts, 9rovld SUbICC1' - ppayment,'tp h{1Q of Sts D^' • -L -- FIItA Cent. per week. COU,y It n1 he shall o disabled me NW. I Injarles reeeiveki by . /� 'pluYod by th' t?i71 Y -pr - ool on or about the lEtl—w -, Furthe916 r) Re.olvxd, that 1917 y oRlclals are hereby a, Date Presented witl,aWe gRreement m of Elghty Flght ,� ,Ing rapo... or ,, as partial '•a• �lon 'iue for - Resolv ?i a t t' e r 1 cfricisl.s are hereby aut`:nr,sed to enter into er agree-ent im Pccordance with the terms of the worianens Com- pen -£tion Act, with Joseph Goswitz, providing for tl-,e ,Ryrnent to him, �i^t- Cents per week, fcr Pu'_h t:*"e ce shell be _ of Six Pollar� rid =r+v^ler, .received 1;y him d':ile emF•loyed ty the City on the Ames School on or grout '.hF 1.3th dP: 6f�'a ]91E, nod 'E I'- r�,a;Y. "i ttF.SpL?riD, the t`e _ ^:pr•: C:tyoff,, ...n Fr h, re) euthori7ed '^ lose 7 ,.r.r of Ei ilt'y Eight Holl=. sei' eu-r. of his i cot,trp'.tinr, due for f 01'ei�", .''' the Sum of len Dollars t r E ref'.,o9 of mosey: ex_,r'i'c'.e 1, him for Tedi cel ;'.tendance. All said suis shell I -e out cr tl.e Wovk-nF 'r 1%'- io'-r of the ,enpra' turd. T here}r., .hF, -. 1-r sol Pt_" X02' fir. h�t•:E, Yeas (C) Coul 6Imen1 (I •) Nays / Adopt�d by the Council V- 9-4 '015 191 Farm Worth GoIn favor Approved +LIi '24 11916 191 f Kell me I G Against Nag �f Yoer - MAYOR Mr. President, Powers FORM cle-a P[Ji3LISFiI:I� -� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILE CIL No. Date Presented . 191 Resolved, That the proper city o,:icifis are hereby authorized to pay to E. B. Carson, out of the Worionerls Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $14.00, in partial settlement of his claim again�t the City arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City on the 10th c�ay of November, 1915, while employed or, the Gaultier School- C. F. No. 18836—By J. D. Hyland— Resolvr.ed, That the propeentedr city aRl- Ea1E.aCarson,herebynt oto the Workmen.' Cotopeneatloh Acconnt of the (lensral Fund, the sum of $14 00 in partial eat- tlemeat f his claim ,ralnnt the City I. him whlt.L 1.theernPloylof the rltY 'oh the 10th day of November, Itt, y while em Ployed the fault lsr drool. Adopted by the Councli AttR. 24.1916 Approved A.9. 24, 1016. A Iugu.t 26-19161 I hereby reccommend the ab a resolution for p sa-e, b Commissioner of Payk Playground and blit Buildings. 9 Yeas (c) Cou 'Imen (t) Naya / Adopted by the Council AuG 24 1 V 15191 Far worth / Go In favor AUG 21, '916 Agi Kel r Approved L Against y g VCJ MAYOa, Mr. Presid . Powers FORM C.e•a - PUBLISHED _ CITY OF ST / PAUL \ f, COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENE•:4At FORM �,( Subject:cou ca NO. FILE Date Presented 191' cr v�r.a�ltz^r is ts'• *y tis Council cf the •m.,re,a by reaclut. c. t?,e aame r r cf ..- u GII Lr L6 Tai lroi- "•7 •..1 lih'1 p^, .... ;� .. -7�,- _ � ter. _. nr^.L 1�t.. r. rt, ferr,9 c A1. u � ^ r �I! r Icl ;icr c' cf tis_ :'iLy } .i :.Y 1 • 'lea the iA!" '' ). I +�"t., :a'...ic.. .vcr'.o L`. ..- `.•. .. .f cr .1:: sere r. �"' sr t "sn1 :c '.b - r: " Lc L ,t 9c 4.i raad ] ;c oc ,o e a - i.-5 sc a r. ty c carr^tL c`' ^t, ,u; u g4. it v'c. ;r ' Noreolutlon fa an, e1216/. the props ascribed was Inadvep•tent., ,I i as being a part of Plato In the City of st.. Paul. County nsey And State bf Minnesota. matter of fact. the prom - .cribed In said resolution and In tion Metefor le 0. Dnrt of Rlor- mneYhCity of a, a d State of Minnesota 1d have beuuon and petitiongo andeo ` 1 Ne plat annexed to said Pe- w. -. w• therefore. It Is hereby d by tha. Council of said City std .taipintidn of vacation Council File No. 12164 be.l same words h therein ara ding aes nds part of Plato tract.•' be •ad and also being a art of corrend corct said aactlon shereonar to slime apply to that part of e l In Ity of St Par' e In rrunnl In e' efi town ae C• Yeas ( ✓) Co llen (�) Nays 191 rth Adopted by the Council ' In favor Approved 191 Againstllch MAYOR vI r. Presivin ` ATTORNEY AT LAW • • .tedE nnvre e.,. K'a�Lo..a � ,.. a:, ; a,:- .. _oc: ,. ...i . i - ' i} 0t r -e' .c.. s;.ee: _::r .._ i rs,..:L-. :c .,j .c .-,.i: .,_.aS tc t}.c fes:. thpro: ert, _1. - a man Cnncz� zit a� atre . r"-.cr., ro:.,'.c,, rrc, _Si* idortifleS }r pr: t _c:_.a :re. _ 6Lt-eet .. aaa tte -'r ter. :'.ec �. .�. :i•c ie., ... -; - ._. =rc,,. tt., otrao. ,._ ...�.�fj ..._ :tg.. ro.;,,'.rzor.• I CITY OF ST. PAUL t' COUNCIL RESOLUTION . w w • • • s : Iw . « ♦ r • « ♦ a w Date Presented - yl�-` i`'� - -191 �.• ' `ile In the matter of �.�.;_,� y'._.� I 3Iw 13 .moi`.. 2a L1 t. 9r2 JyR. r St et-att_'1.y 93 : -CITY OF ST. PAUL FORM ,UNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL Subject: ' lt�•� - COUNCIL FILE No. ILE Date Presented 191 6' U E 111' 1 1 at t r Pt rc'r _ _ _ n t 1 _ _ . r i L . Resolved, V _.._ - 3 co6e— Purchp.ln8 ' neaoivod. Thet the end d lnt a°man- to,edvartleehereby ,I,.ct.be her Provided ih the ,CC1ltY Charter, for nt,�eemry in ° - all of to material cementrile curb end luy t aldewelk Idth otHlock feet to a Ia. dt. (rent t cote 6 end ' side of , Paul Proper, mi the emitherly lilxth 8t. from Jack.onrell lit. eneterly 83 more or Ice., uruved l•88ptreltnbeyr I feet Order NO. 6610, PP No. 11107, aP- •� proved July 6th, 191d6er At the pltt •� { C { ile.o)ved Further, tlm d epectncatlons on,,, ee by the Commle.ner f Publle Work: be and the , for the shave mnterll,lo snmpp are hereby npPr y, 1016. Ad Opted bl the Council Aug.)x i APDroved Aub(August 7J. 1416. 78.1818) Yeas (✓) Co ilmen (✓) Nays I lr �'4 F .worth C Adopted by the Council 191 G In favor _ H Ind I _� ) 191 Approved � � K er � I Against • deSidi OR Mr. Preside , Irvin rORM L. B•� MAy I , tI _ t•, }, 1 1, Th4dt11Y oval of CC With the aDDt the ��"����%�^� Neeolved� 6hdt nd the comptroller the. 1lrt por thcn�.•, Y t o h ndr 1a Subject: goaded una sckool 4 Ill/L00 dollars ({7000.90) ce• School ' a000hnt oL Ehe j'Pb14c bnlldlnp ,otlo,wlnK respective ae- la the, couNea d - ntr IVO. s. " rund oovnti of the edtee l ,ate stnteo: 600' .. G'Itleg M ltrulldlnK• f p newdlulltllnK• Ames t� RandolVh 'tl^'Kh " neN' - Presented mal be .Date a1a.100. tt oar bull Qin B" _ In order that dunce Ith the ee ' completed fn a f the tfmptceo^tuip�aldable doflclencle ny without ' Inst named r0nds may be met bv hnmVerito , the work Provl,whlchreald fn the Item it- m the money _+ 1ala transfer hmtha Council Aug. AdoptedLt, 1918. Aug .approved faugttst as -19161 Resolved, f I - _.... 10200, , .. •.: .. ..ill. .. - .. Yeas (r') ncilmen ( t') Nays t? : 241 °1 191 F sworth Adopted by the Council I / G a K ler k In favor Against Approved Ilr' 4 1.716 191. / �• Nh U � Y rg ���� Mr. Preside . Powers FORM C.a-e MAYOR , ' Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM C.—C, N L7. e T+• i � 1 r/' 0 Date Presented t 191 Resolved, 1 Tb- .-:e :; ; ::.. -t :on of :. L:zzuruc fa. a . icer.6_ to Gc_^_:iuct L" i}vl?titlo; _t 171 :} t,,eet :.2 _L-: t::_ �_....� e'oy is ^i:. ed _--- tl,,,..,, C - __,. _ _ ,6tr :cte to issue such ..ce:, ro:. . i] :r.,, the nd .,..-. contract the -a. —nt into the of the custoin--ry f_ ;,10l'.00. C. F. No. 12260— Resolived. That the application of 1. nsarus for a lice rum Lto conduct a pawnshop at 171 E. 7th tit. bn and t —me hereby le granted and the City Clerk la Inetrurted to leave aueh il- • eenee upon the filing of the bond and -tract -ad the payment Into the Clty Treneu r)• of the cuetomx )'•feet 00.00. -uupted by the Council Aug.* -SC 1916. .tpprovr•d Aug. 2{• 1916. tAuguet 26.1916) I Yeas (J) C ncilmen (:) Nays F nsworth ss In favor land Iter Against • nderlich Mr. Preside , Irvin FORM C.9 -t I Adopted by the Council V!' 24 1 � '; C 191 ) Approved ,2 r, J 6 191 U MAyOa 1 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT V COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. AUDITI}PI:..- PER 227 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafterspecified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specifies in the following detailed statement: - Teas 1 . 1 Councilmen 1, i) Nays Adopted by the Council Farnsworth/ pproved a 1/(/(/y�4/ 0 191 - Goss x/ / Hphnd In favor I/b Keller MAYOR Against Wunderlich hlr. President. Irvin G F. Pio. 12111— RMnlved that warrants be Arawq upon Rhe dty that payableoutoq tpe horelsaltar aDeclded loud° and in favor or th persona, Arm" or corpppora+ tions for the amount° f°t ecl6, l to thaUe resp. elver Asmes u sp. Id t' rollowtng detalled atatemontt a ,L Farnsworth, Com'c. P'lnancej 616,9611:96. ADDroved y theug._ u nel5l Aug. 66. 1918: (August 16-1918) ., A 61A1 S. A. Farn-wort}., Com'r. Finance, - $1 i,, 95 9.98 2 .G1 StrF•et Const. &Rep. -Sal. '�2�[ .95 - Sewer Const. & Rep. -Sal. _� 1. 2 •95 S. & S. Cing.-str°et Clllg 1ti:58 -S. t S. " -City Dumps .015 406.1 Bridge Bldg.& Rep.- 122. Sprinkling 122 G paving Depreciation 139 %5 Water Supply 1 63 Theelock parkway .63 pav, lltli St., Jack on to Ced pav, Grove, Jackso to 13170" y 367.5 pay. 14t., St., Ro ext to Br pay ". Prescott le to Wo bury 79- n Oakdale, St1 a etc., 005 G Le959.9 Form A. i-16 ;- _ COUNCIL FILE NO._., ..... ....._... Me6rsil Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 By_...._ _ ..__..... _ I N CITY OF ST. PAUL �r of to oseo.ement of•` . rale and expense. for con- Reso�ution of Council Approving°` a °ewe` °° veeue from Cleveland nve- ._ ,Irvtew Ave. Enlarging or new Bawer n Fry'"low .. ' In -the matter of the assessment gra'Fntrmount a onus io of Benefits, roosts and exland on in ra o for �e[ree4 rvlew Ave. to BneR[n6 pVol Fre a nvenue [rom 84 p '. i .. •' 3 v2': " vA -.m tram' rel�•�rr tdet.o j. -oat to leave nurser. 1• RarkeleY avenue from Fred- �. �.I¢,,,1 1 ¢ r �'•�,�,... a nue to ifnderweod avenue. cootord avenue [rom Frad- vue to siacatester avenue. alselY avenue [rom Fred- •re to $Selling avenue. gBat1Y- RA TI y 'eon ayeilus from Falr- _ a It to saratoBa avenue. street from Fairview - 'nderwooA avenue. oe street from Fairview o / •derwood avenue. d •• -ot from Fairview nvenue. .nue- from ,.d nvenue. ender Preliminary Order 3429 • Intcrmedi::ry Order 4295 Final Order 4637 approved April 24th 191.5, 1 The assessment of Benefits, Coats and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RFSOLVFD. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the Pi.QtiZl.. ...._.....day of September 191 6. ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Ilouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Cumuiissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the arnount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. , / Adopted by the Council Cr24 11W% �1 It L l f City Cj Approved_..... ...... ._...... k� lr'..2.i 191 ti Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goes Hyland Keller Me6rsil Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. L P OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE j REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSI✓SSMENT 191 I In the matter of the assessment ofgenefits, COBts aid expenseB for the s : e. a r c r. H,.I...... r,,:s under Preliminary Order 3429 , Intermediary Order 4295 Final Order 4637 , approved April 21 th 191 5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost of construction - - - - - $'-95, boo.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ 85.96 Cost of postal cards $ 36.84 Inspection -fees - (Ler tified to Compt.) $ 10900600 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - 5 184.20 Total expenditures $ 97,207.00 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asce, tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 97,207.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement. and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 11 I: 17 - Commissioner of Finance. I 1CIALPRO INNS 'CQItNCW �/� �j ==C. B. No. 14313—Ordlnaneo /� /, ,�// I�•// �ji�/ - ,BY henry. 3lcColl— ., � An-.ordlR6..e p[eecribing an �T '- ` Ing the 41me limit that n�}�.gj,� flTbTlTa ��- bile or other vehtclo may AA..�Ii�s,(�s���,p�{•�Kir,K u'A _o343 ' to remain atattonar>• on u �iila�i�+i t';pyp 3+Na+aa M•� streets, 1 t conKx ted ��'tyt 090BIM; 01 `may �•q aattF,` the Clty of S^t. Paul and tl �" (�q tWR; SOF Uih of vehleles w•Ithin a [r Yl131: AtA gtfY a, of fire hydrants,. This1 1?J - OT OF TUE WP 4 v5}fM.f gooey :' pre er r t iler. DlVb11+R•� yy� f1 NE DV1t► for .the preeervatlo o. I ti/P.DAC�LAIr AA✓ efA1^j tltYw peace, health and sat 11. 10 A$ iI or THE TA +�} OE, AC+2t•L i7� L 'he Cauncll of the CIO W iV does ordain: <y, SECTION I 9, in�� dscept on Sa Sundays I-w.ul Does + rft a no owner or drtYer' Oounail of 11he f 01ty, o"' $t. +1 between the hour. +is P. at.. permit ��' ^ 8�0TIf�T I • �� or r driver of any vehicle, shell bettseeni the hours On any any of Bight A.M- and Six P•M'•, permit the awilb to re>rsin statndini; sated d,N.Btriot of tate Oity Of St. '?"U"bounded stx8et within. the song eter. Street to the oast side of Jackson Street, by tate asst side of- St. ivaluaive and tr.m the south -side of Fourth street to the North Side a to of Tenth street, anal,:sive, - b iol hack �,tandrs, as provided by Ordiri�riae• owe"e sept �,t- 3.-0 . ;=;P24 ���py ,__� mlistutee, provitNedthat in ossa of t. 9; period exceeding w btl islydown from accident or otherwise or angina truubo dlSOW,'abut y be &nosed for the removal of the raaahin� so 1 hour after. the o�.sa shall this, eicoeed a period of one� d OT site the an e tr•., to v ps W,k 0,c(ell 9�iIaN iI. (/ n violating t'.:,ia Ordinance small u_e guilty 0 a mis— Any gareo demeanor, and,on conv;hction thereof, shall be Ptiutished by z fine of not more than fifty ($50.00) dol' :re, or more than t;ixtY ( % by iWri` for not days; LFOTIOR IIIe This Ordinance is deolltired `an Emergency Ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public peace, Health �sn;1 Sts:etYs be in faros :im, edia tely after its pas"age and abs -11 take effepl; and '"Al ^�?t// " " t Yeas (J) C�uneilmen ( ) Nays / Adopted by the Council M G Y 111 aznsworth - (/nJ In favor 191 Cioa6 % .. Approvcd JLT j�J�U G eller D G Against !., , �CCOII /undulich / �t resident. Irvin R C'y Ptmf.l�trE[�I C�L /lam .�.,. , , L"y Cru:•,. j .' c. P. aro. tssi"oramaneo No. saeo— B' Henri' �1eCo11— dn ordinance amending OrdOngnee NO. 5198, entitled "An ordln.ance pro - Whiting the use of blinding or d E headlights n Fblcles opeeat- d on Public H�96awere. This tit, Em$t'BeneY Ordinance ent7ered nes- 1 X3,44 weary for the preseryltgon of the , Public peace, health and esfetY. Pell of the CRY o'' r o. _rdinanae Amending Ordinaaoe No- 3492, Entitled Ordine.noe Prohibiting the Be of B1i d rig or 13a;zzling Headlights on Vehicles Operated On 09 gendered Highways. This is an Emergency ordinan necoseexy for the Presexve.tion of the Public Peace, gealth and Safety - The Council of the City of St. Paul Does Ordain:- SECTION, I. That section Three (3) of Ordinance 3492 is hereby amended to reed as follows:- +Uoept when.used as a signal, no colored light sh I! be looated on a motor vehicle so that the same shall be visible from the front of such vehicle. SECTION- Z . This is an smergenoy ordinance rendered neoeasary for the j:lreservation of the Publio Peace, Health and Safety, and shall be in force im:,tediatelT atter Its usage and Publication. Yeas (v) Councilmen (v) Nays. ZgFth, 0Syland,. �. t -Aller, `moColl, (�fundexl.iah. , L Br. President, Irvin. 7 / 4 idp�jN+' f'1 rt PUBLISHED 14 PRIMISHRARY ORDERS: C. F No. 12345—<'otlnollt• NO. �_•d .S '.: Whereas. A written proposal for the i making of the following proposal r viz:Repave Minnesota- et.. from .fAPRO�EMENT ., • north line of Third St to thq south f Eighth St. excepting the Into tlo of Fourth %. FUIh Bt. elzt:ld .nd 9evenlh a" inclodng sewer .. connections fro— h ,ARYORDER. I The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the [olfowingiublir imprgvtment by the City; of St. Pauli viz : 7'_ 4 8 a w _ _ .. J - - - 5 O f o,_;;h 1, _..9'- _V_ ' - V ~ = ,� fr s< sial L.1: ..o: 1fJ�c �..ingV ^}}n ?1 PE.. S.j _DO�n Ci`703 l% ...._ ..t, Dated This F rvu. toy o j' / Counrihnun. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERF.AS. A written proposal for the ranking of the following improvement, viz.: `h o`.., s1 a -s_..., �... L.:?:�. __.._....i � • , .....: e -.. ,.. �;ii b'd , :✓g v ., _ ts''-i £;r. ..{1 , t,F.yi.07:6 �laon�l + e a✓i o- `4c having been presented to the Council of the City of St. I':ud by ('ouneilmnn therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ht' i, hereby ordered and dircoted 1. To investigate the riccessity for or desirability of the making of said inlprovcnlent. Y To ineestiguh' the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvemcot, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish 11 plan. profile or sketch of.said improvement. 1. To furnish the following olher.dnta and information relative to said inwroccmcnt: 5. To.stote whether or loll .aid improvement is asked for oil the pciiiioli of ihct°te or more o:vncrs. li. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the ('olnlnissioner of Finance. l' 1()IL Adopted bytll('t'ellocil _ L c Yeas: Nays; Councilman Fa swort ll/ G s approved i(ll / 11 and C K er 11' derlich Mayor Ir i rq.. c .. M Icor. Pt'Rf.ISFfGD 9- a -% PETITI ONT °• vi ere• a ads enprovealent, , ►•� <, tVhereae, 1 written Proo'eai for the- PETITION he- makingg of the followtnggnd extending vis: pPeningr_q�{deNng'.taeE Counf•ll-rile' No. _ -.._.. rfeKenty street to a Wldt o" by "taking of o m ece laneous tract h erly 30 at -Tr corn " ttOVEMENT • . • lond• in the northwq 9F.%of th. 14,,,viG S♦Fctlod 2, and PRELIMINARY ORDER, f/ The undersigned hereby proposes the making f ,tile folio ng public improvement,iy the City of r St. Paul, viz.: Qpe�q.ing,/1,j-.ndd tending {c Kenty .ttr.eet . 0 -a wilt' of 30 feet,b.y_ takU_�.g..en.th.e..nnr.. ariy feet. n a,Ai aael eoue tract. pf ir}nd. in at._ ao.xn _ of SEy_ of..=Yi. a.2C :i.on_2S, .ownja29 r,.dop_ 2.3,..xom Ge&t tn.. yftr.e.tt. to th��deet line/of 'WaTenoepee addition.Dated this..__25ti' _,dAi Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. , WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: opening,&idenin& duly_e.xt.ezidi.fa _ dcki.enty .a.txeet to . ..xvid1a..Of 3.0-Ievt,oy. talon; ana QQnLimmn- ing...t.ae`1orLne.zly_.3.(i lee'Q-f.a_aia.a_e.11aneaue t.x.aut. cf _. .ti.n.xnex _o.f_..th.e__SE41 of n1p. !,W.i Section._ 26.,_Tonn..PS,1.ang.e 23,ext.eading w -r wLa atre.t-..4£i-..:. ja &e8.t.. 11re of i:axe g :;oapaa A_4-4 �l^r having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, he it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvenieni. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council t <c.0 iW Yeas: / days: r." s Approved .ti. :.-,�., 161 lan_... t I d Her �. �1 underlieh Mayor in Mayor. P"n' I4FiED •o W.$0. 123,47-! • - Whereas'. 'A w?ftten proposal for the _t'tion Meg of the following, indirovement, : Changing the grade of Labe • )•' '!''"r (�omwil File No. mo a Phalen. Ave. from Gaultier St. Woodbridge St. and of 3farion St. Laft�^ca�aa axa rtratall xvs rn " r [ 220 feet north of the nort` +ke Como and Phalen Ave. t . the '. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public iniproycment Ly the City of St. Paul, viz.: r � / Changin,; the :-rade of Laicc C no 'halon -,A. fron..C4� lt'_er 3t. to Aoodbridge :,t. and of series 3t. f'r Ltike Gbno �y?hclen l'V to a pint 220 fc-'t north o. north 11ne o�j Lakc Gbno 'ht len ave u or. b to th.� red line o:: e i.rofiles her c ettp,ffhed e. fl -Ia(ke a r eco lie' present ?r¢de brie: rc lrescr.ted �J flue 1Inc tyert:oi , .lyn irtg o: s,v Como r Finc].en eve. ul(I i on i b rc n 7 of t, Maid ir. a oor a u he red 2#ne rh .r. e 'ayX red o le 4 nC of 3 1.e,. ;o o n.1 _. :_ve. Y�v� "'"T'ottncihnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 14 WHEREAS. .% written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of Lake Como & Phalen Ave. from Gaultier St. to Woodbridge S . and of Marion St. from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to a point EEO feet north of the north line of Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to conform to the red line on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line thereon, also the grading of said Lake Como & Phalen Ave. and Marion St. between the pointe aforesaid In a000rdanoe with the said red line when established, also the grading of said Lake Como & Phalan Ave. from Western. Ave. to Gaultier St. and from Mesion St. to Rice St. to the present established grade.. -- t -,V. R 40LVE7), That the Coinnii-loner of hililic Works he turd he i. herchy onion ,l and dim -ted 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirahility of the making of said ituprovement. 2. To inyc,ligalc the nature, extent and estimated east of said iniproreuteot. and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish it pian, profile or sketch of snid improvement. 1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: :i. To stale whether or not said improvement ixjasked for on the petition of three or more owner.. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 25 Yells: Councilman Fit nsworlh / G s Il_ anti K ler IR'i derli' It ro,... .. \fay or Iry l Nays: Approved ,., 2 J i 7 i im \luyor. PUBLISHED �� l P. Yo......i tion Where... A written proposal for the ,king of the following improvement, : Chn nthor the grade of -Lnk'e Council file No. •mo & Photon Ave. from Gaultier St. - Woodbridge St. and of Marien St. Pm Lake Como and Phalen Ave. to ENT - t "_20•lent awrth of the norV- -ke Como and Phalen A°•4 t -' the red H•Stw .1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public itnprovt•ment Ly the City of St. Paul, viz. i ^anoint tnu grade of �e 0 mo k Mane de. :frol,�,•vr,�ilt:or dt. to WOvdbrfdae $t: a,A r(P en.,, 4— 04 0, r_t�_ nt � ..�4Kf rid +n n -i mnt Dated this day of urk,ilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz. Changing the grade of Lake 00mo & Phalen Ave. from Gaultier St. to Woodbridge St. and of Marion St. from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to a point 280 feet north of the north line of Lake Oomo & Phalen Ave. to oonform to 4 1 7E1f 3LUO on the pro31lee hereto attoohea and mads a part herao�t # , - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cowtcilmall lhen•fore, be it IIESOLVED, That the Cummi.s,ioner of Public 1\•urks heand he is hercbtorder(d ami din•oted 1. '1'0 investigntt' the mressity for or desirability of IIIc making of said improvement. 2. '1'o in%-tigale the nature, extent and estimated cosi of said improvement. and the tgtal cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan• profile or sketch of said iniproycnienl. I. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: i fi. To ,lade tebethor or not said improvement is aAod for on the petition of three or niorc nwners. lis To roport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 25 : - IN Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworlh G -s Approved 25 , j.6 191 II nml \✓""""\ Kt ler �f pleflich Nfayor Iry 1 Mayor.,e. ., PUBLISHED � � — / Subject: l CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM COUNCIL I�� FILE IVO. Dale Presented 1916 RR90LOT10Ns. C. F. No. N. Goes— Resolved. That the c nonlesloner of Publle Works be and he le hereby au- thorixed and instructed to sprinkle th• streets In the vicinity of the Stat - Fair Grounds during fair week. the cost of same not to exceed 690000 and Vyayeble from the 111sas11anaous and Tinfor�een Expense Account of the Ooneral Fend. Adopted by the Council Aug. til, 1916. Approved Aug. 66. 1918. (September Y-1916) Yeas (✓ C cilmen (:)Nays / h F sworth Adopted by the Counci` L `{ tJ f 191 In favor / (� land I Approved I� 5 191 C Against �ndvlich Mr. Presid rvin 1 MAYOR ,.am C.a -a _ If,i'.I,Iill, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject FILE NO ............. A A Date Presented �I I That, with the approval of the Mayor and the Comptroller, the sum of • Tri 191 Two Hundred and k'ifty Dollsrs (�?53.00) be, and the same hereby is, .v transferred from the Public Parke Fund, ROM196 Parke Maintenance Account, to the Parks Maintenance Music-Acc,ounIt of--ta same fund, as by so doing an unavoidable deficiency in the last mentioned account will be met without hampering the work provided for in the first mentioned,account JC, F. No, 11119—Br J. U. Hrlo.nd-� -Hesulved, That, with the -OPro •al of the 61ayor and the C9mPtroll<�, the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dol- lar. (1260.00) be, and the same hereby Is. transferred from the PubCllic ParkFooe II -arks Mamie tan eParka �nalusIcA-acmmtto t0 ilia me fund, as by .o dMaS an �• avol�nblc do" ""'y In tbe.'iost man.• tinned account wlil be met wlTkout Ithe flret mentloneor ccounLded [or in Adopted by the Council as. 26. 1918. ADproved Aa6. Y6, 1918. (SeMember Teas([ I C nciltnen (i) Nays usw'nrth / In (al•ur Against Fos- C---- 0 .h,tlnptetl by the ('uunoil - i 3�5 Illi Approved - U-,' IiAAVOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL` FORM COUNCIL tnE No - Date O.Date Presented Aug . 24, 191 6 . Resolved. T'-.1, .'.c :i :r,^.:1"_ed for ;:o ) t . for! arc o- a certain contract dat-d _., c: 1.. , 1915, 1„_ -::Ocn C .: it Jo":,.,on and , h :t of fO:• .'':c gradin.- of .at1witis St. fro!! 2a6cal A', -u. to Snelling <,vc., be and ';iiu 'zame is hore )v o.:tended to the 2-th daj of ,august, 1916, turd the )aper cit;; Oi' 'iuers r r-.: ccreby aW:J c1rJzed to execute all a'nerdrner.t to said contract i , ac. ordance hcre'::i',i , provided, however, that .,nis resolution ,;hall not ).avo an,, force a^d e"fact uxac:3s ;P:c ,retios on the :;ontractorts bond or,sera t er,to ani "ile such co.ucnt in v:ritirg ;?:e Citi Co :•I troller. Yeas (✓) Co a cilmen (:)Nays Fa sworth C H nd K r W Erlich Mr. Presiden rvin FORAM C. a•; C R NO. 123Lo -- Resolved. That the ^. me the parformanee of a ceri nna the Clty of At. Paul for tho grading of Atlanttsve.St. from Pa.Lml Ave. to. Snelling A, bo and the same In hereby extended to the 24thday of August, 1916, and the ised to exeeCUteProper city an mendment totJ sal c tract in accordance herewith, pro- vided, however. that this resolution EMR t have any force and effect On. en the sureties on the contractor'. bond consent thereto and file such con- sent In writing with the City Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council lug. 2�. 1916. ApprdVed Aug. 29, itis. (September 2-1916) Adopted by the Council '41" "' 191 61 In favor C Against Approved �) �i �(6 (� 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 1.)r•.•t. f COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM _ object: COUNCIL) , rus N O . Date Presented A'a. 26, 1916. Resolved. i;nt I` ._'.'l .� _•1 lJJ au-}, o7 -f zcd ,J oot procc—,is derived f i0 '�e cr..ci:t:. *.c . _ •_;i`. :�.p�c_.ation �''md. C. F. No. 12361—[ty M. N. Ooes— ne.olved,That thn PurchsRing Agent bu ..d le hereby uthoriaed to .ell Is I ft. 9 in. of 18 It radlu. grnnits curbing to Fred C. N --Moder ut 96 Cents Per i lines, foot. the Proceeds to be derived , from eu hnle to 6e c dltod to the' `—Ing 9141clatlon Fund. AdoDtod b3' the Coun 36. 1916. .\Pprevod1816. tgePtember 2.19161 (_ 16 hM Yeas ( r) Co cilmen (+) Nays u F hae•o,:n Adopted by the Council 191 �• C ' In favor ,and Approved 2 5 315 191 er L I Against / Ial. derlieh Mr. Pre si Irvin MAYOR ,ORM C..•� CITY OF ST. PAUL It.. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL /nl O. t AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM -- U� By AUDITEIAU❑ 2 181ak ����•-'1 u2,1 3. GG PER /%� 12 „ 226 out of the hereinafter speciSed {ands and Resolved Ihat warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable as specified in the fo owing-! in favor of the persons. firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names detailed statement: / �t��-f i) Nuys :Adopted by the CouriAr _._1914 Yeas c Councilmen 1 43 Farnsw Annro ed y I 191 / Goss 11} luild Hyland C, F. l:o. 12362- Iii favor ResolYed that warrants be drawn Z, !n d Keller jf///I tho herelnnfter, epocl9edptunAf and _ drme or corpora- MAYOR Nff�oll favor of the persons, Against fIons for the amounts set opposite 'or ",& ae epecided in Wuuderlirh their names the following detalus, statement: - Jlr. President, Irvin al. Cha lebols, fz.le3.o0. a. o. Device 330.0..• FlnnnFe• ` S. a. Farnsworth. Com'r. _ 34.30. - J. r. Flanngnu. Chief Accoan tont.) 380.99. Olen Terrace 3L E. Church. 330.00. 3'7.00. - HosklnaS171b.� 301.88. J. C. Flanagan, Chie" A' ount• rit *1� P'L�IaorePrE3 .Chapman. A. F. �lnrton, BupL. 303.E6. C.r.. f64.1E 90-y/ , ti. W.. Electric F.eulument A. O. Perkins. 33.96. SSt le 6 7.E5. H.I•. eh fi _ L'nitd C'harltlee. 336.00. \Y. le whitehead Oinas Co.. 313{ _0. Woyd W3' the on AUK• Eb. 1018. to I Apprto ylemis E?MS81 U� 0142 ?d. Charlebois u2,1 3. GG Fancy -1 c . 26.05 43 A. D. Davies, Street Const, c. Rep. -Id. 44 S. A. Farn-Yo,,V,, Comir, Finance, 4.%G Comtr. Fin ince-Transp. 45 J. C. Flanagan, Chie" A' ount• rit 90-y/ , Vlat e -r -,1S . & R. 46 Glen Terrace `. E. Ckxurch 30•I'rj 47 Gonii=r Lime ; Ceme-1, Co., 27'QO Police-Con3,t. & Rett. 48 Haskins Bros. Co., 1.•17 C. T. V:.1Aork1:ou3e-.Faint. 61.36 4; -errill, Greer & Ch:gn—An, Park -Park-Yin l nt . ;0 A. P. t'oore C. P. `iJ.-Adin.=...-tint, 12.91. ve- Const. . Rep. -H. G �,l A. F. .orton, Supt., b;j.2� Auditoriuc.-331 j2 N. W. Flectric Equi.pme t 'Co., 112 54.11 Fire-Ccn_t. ^e?.=7d. �-.3u 2^.64 'ibrriri- enl. Suprl7 26.42 water-" 3. :4.4+2 U� #2 6153 A. G. Perkins, School M. & R• 54 J. Z. ShiCo.* police-Const. po Poli ce-Canet. pay. 14th, B. ta 55 g• C. Streich iiFhtinK Maint. 56 United ChHrities ealth-Qua'ant'ne-". S R• 57 W.G. Whitehead Glass Co.. School-!,. w R• Total$ 3.383.15 $3.95 637.25 #-A 4.50 35.00 134.26 -----..-_-.— CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ... Subject:.. FILE No. `. Resolved, Date Presented j 191 That the al, 7 icat i n o: 7hil :.:or -tn for a i .en,,e con__ a Pawna..or, at 1"71 jth -tre-t e :n.e h -_.y ._ _n _netr•,:cted tc iLi.-ue uch ---n. c:. :11- o: n contra-. :n the .,:'; T:_ -...ry of ouj-onar_ f.: On-- :?•:n r_.. ;;,1 11•, F. -% 19303— lh^ npoilca tion of n ew;,I—1, Thnt 1., Ileenee lP andne.i' pnw nehoV l191IF Krnntedth l o d thr h.• wn le h1.A,i" CIt t'lerh IrtbewHl�nFF or �t bond and Iloenw.• uVonCUT ntreet and the Pnrnlent Into the on' Trea9nry r the °liml tee, on' HPndr.•d (3100.00) donra.r TdnVted by the CounCll .\OR 3fi, 1910. \PProred 5. Aug.AUK. 2 1- B'Wht Yeas (Jj en (_') Nays rth In favor tirvin Against Lich Mr. Presi FOAM C. e-2 Adopted by the Council L` G 191 e 916 191 Approved MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILRESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: Fn -E N O . ' iiLE 3 Date Presented 191 d 1 . Resolved. That th_� ^_i$' are: e _i � ._. .:c. j -/w e::; ire A .int Of i"--... ""].er, 627 C—c,da Stre_t tr_u.af' . Far Cklm., 627 0-ri' a Streit. - c. F. nn. lxael- 11-0ved, Thnt the C1i5n.nttc Lleenue Nn. 267 which "-P"" \uQ 27th. loll, low in the name of Son nm �Tlller. 627 Cfimldn 'n"" , he nd the snore hxrebs In Irnn.t--1 le :7nm llkum. 627 tSlnudn W -t 26. 191 6. \dnpled Icy the Cnunell :\u8;. �Pa% 26.1916 Apprn'll her 2-1A18) Yeas (0) Co cilmen (i) Nays ji�P worth / 1 L In favor / � _ and C er / l Against derlich Mr. Presid . Irvin lop. C 9.1 Adopted by the Council Approved ✓/ '�i5 191 !c tyo tzars ; Petition it Nherdap Axidgitten Pre gyp': Tor 11 .Maki (Rirndf[o be. Je'Rdre�nn A�6. betwe -7 t ) • r•' `r(� -- viz-: r and <Cle5nlanA A.v.e., have I'ouneal File. No pri- n b.en Vreaartod� W- th$� Council qT City of St. paui Kheref+a�e, be it Resolved, tent the Cgmmi.elone PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Publto }Yorks tie gad be In hereby derail. and dlreoted:and - L Tv lnveetiBate'fbe neoeeal' n• deafrtt6111ty of the Hinf;�n' ..vement e•�uettti • PRELIMINARY ORDE�i. r The undersigned f .�reby proposes the narking of lVe follow* g public iryfimvr�rut by the y of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Jeffermor, Ave. k : 'or Av. :aM evelaod c.., in accordance .'ith Ppti,;io11 C,-- -'.o aa4?1R14 /J Dated this 25th day` of b, .EA9jj`,000' 19l 6.. Councilmnn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follotcing improvement, viz.: Grade J;r.-Aer„o�i yvo. bet;: .: 'ri.or —vu. and C1ovc14L;1 -ve. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. I'aul by Cminviloin therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered mrd direoted 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile 4 sketch of said improvement - t. To furnish the following other data and information relative it) said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is as( Vd for on the petition of three or more owners. ti. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner df Finance. q� Adopted by the council �, �� '� '�yIt)[ - Yens: Nays: Councilman Fi sworth G Approved I'lt I ud �� r 11 \dcrlie6 - Mayor Ir Nla)ur. C. F. No. 14966----thn ,t Wherone, A written Vropoanl [or muof the e follotcing ImVnwet Ide�a Council File No. - [ozn xldtht o[Cefx ti.t1ont thctae„ ah eft e. Dettveon .. he I r Iglehart avenuhPROPOSAL FOR.IMPROVEMENT, 8nelPnlr Me.. raving p epfed to the t,anoen of the CI'— St Pn �l th roYr I It Readlved. TI ..be Comml.,. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foligwIng Public improvement by ill• City of St. Paul, viz.. LC:.,;?�,�,'lty . „.. „C t;ta»... L :;e�... �:i. �v G_ .E�-_ bet _.fi: the iLLC C�c..., C. it ac .cc Dated this 1 ` day a a ;' LIZ ('uuncilmlut. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improventcut, viz.: Co c c .:cr,'Y 1 L1k '.o 4 .._i __ .._ Li:. having been presenttpd to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Connoiltnan\T�--� therefore. he it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works he and ho is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the ranking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile, or sketch of said improvement. 1. To famish the following other data and information relative to said improvement M 5. To slate uhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner, li. To report upon till of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council (.'`�r.. '"^ l!tl Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fnr worth / Go s .kpproved __ l i• jib, I!l l li• uxi K er f C R ndcrliclt "1 Mayor Ir it Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERALFOP-M- F4§1 No N 1VhoF.ne. The Plane and 114,111-1 FILE the 1-1yug.ot Hag- A%%' 1, St. to "!,I Lve. were I,, y Council File No 11333. app v G. 1910. thereby c-iianglag th, 191 6* •.r tbopavement at thelnt,' Presented AU6 Virt11 art. St. ad .9- Date 4,alt W 4. Ind v 1 1. of HV�6ue File Thu PlLLI�'S a""" d b 4 PAO" to LuXil'.;7t()n ty,, :,arface of from Dt-le 3'-' -1916, HL. E7 u- ljo. 11388, arP,CvO11 i 6 ) Of Vic Coria s)'t. and Ave. from 0.vbrient. a e t,,tcraectiOl '�C the - . 0 d -..-rood bloc., - "Id asphalt concrete to 3-1.." croo,107 crith -.;,c iboreased -'Ost of fac said intersection to ;S1.20 per Squarc ;-ard and the CrAnsoted creosoted v1OO d ,rte X1.20 paved t of iii SE. intersection -,Otal extra COS namber of square �'ards ,;.crt fore th- .;ood block yjas 313.83 S 4-0 37C .60 Baia paving slag's,—I h, hat �he cost Of Sa'(1 RE -1 'IT -V --D That the C011nCil ereby orders - extra under col: �U $37r,.60 be ajjo,,-jecj as an .1 ,nt arn 0,, 111, t i'l 7 to for *-�e nialLing of the 3 C , : I i,nprovOl ollers co 'Ira, t -o. L 1 542 k,O-:1n aS, CO!nl)'�r aforesaid t-PTOve"unt- d , 1 0 cj.,urector of Publ is Works has 4,,,,reo - it'r. The Department cost o -f doing the o:-:1,ra w376.0,) reasonable C 'u, -Olng that the Is of Mat�-rial specified in the -xrk and Eaj,,-I�Ing r e,: 0 1 liti or. rks; re JF 1�7r Co,t,.jt, rs,_-nod. . Tei Yeas CO ilmen Nays "n F worth In favor i 1I d Ke r Against r 0 W erlich V a Mr. Pmiaet I,vi- FORM c 8-2 Adopted by the Council 191 191 Approved I,( BUSHED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Subject: 123W- and pectfle —V9-- th- Plan' I A,-. COUNCIL I.nure Ave. ..r.- FILE NO. to 11 pit. No. 11389, an at the it n,J 1 .1- Date Presented 191 6 The'of ,ublic 'JC -;:L; a, e -,oi r4ctor that %he sura of .J�)4.40 13 *,,1t.0 feauonable of Joirg he extra work, T,J, jc�Z- I �'i!l 7 the extra mat-,rial 01?e(�IfJ�ed ij: Jng re""Ol-,tion. Cj :.,—rLA -11C(I Co: -:1i ro, ler Yeas V) C4 icilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 FJ, :3worth In favor 12t, and Approved 191 er i) Against 14ifriderlich ..Yo. Mri Presidfi. Irvin FORM c—li .cr —no pug' -n, Of T, :12'01 41 fro:,. to LL,- '.0 1f,"od L le AV,,. !lo. 11389, aporoved July 6, 191"', of the pavemellt at the intersection of i, -`-Orib r.. L.' ;ve. from uroie to 3-1" c:-, c),, o b 10 k, :0:1t of S'.1 I A, 4A C,ZL; 0 �a:'- 0J Jk r, r : L J., 7 o - o, o-1 it nu:u L or- of 0 'o -Ij C —Ld &L, a e-.'-tra unaer 'J. -o ra,:t J I L 5-;0 i'or ',ile !-�u �ir-E of L, __ � L, 4 The'of ,ublic 'JC -;:L; a, e -,oi r4ctor that %he sura of .J�)4.40 13 *,,1t.0 feauonable of Joirg he extra work, T,J, jc�Z- I �'i!l 7 the extra mat-,rial 01?e(�IfJ�ed ij: Jng re""Ol-,tion. Cj :.,—rLA -11C(I Co: -:1i ro, ler Yeas V) C4 icilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 FJ, :3worth In favor 12t, and Approved 191 er i) Against 14ifriderlich ..Yo. Mri Presidfi. Irvin FORM c—li CITY OF ST PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM F. "40. Subject: \V Y".. 14 C..NCIL No; —'�h ,I N n.rribed W.4 Seventh St.. to PfeuRunt ro. Fe ustruet!on ^f n�a" )in. 191.5 Date Presented L: i:::)rovcz.qer.t iu-ider Order Crdr :70- 3, ie- 'Jed as tl-L I'a"t"19 of X,.1.3av1 2t. from ;'lestseventhnth •3'— to :':ave arisen in ro.rection with .he q'notr --io! 0- X3.4 li: It. add i oral stral!lt cemer*. curb at &4 1.. .e-9 .94 b .9 lif, t- 4 t radius r additional c�i b a*� I n '_] b gilding of one aldittonal r,��t Ai"LLill t-' �'U,) - '') &Ic 1 a� ino of 3.',.29 Sq. yds. Of pav-.ng r— :1-70 per d. a: o ,E,1.49, now therefore be dip -,urebj orluro ''(Ie .:0!1,',*,I-�;(—,-'on o:' said 0 said I pavin f d I perv-:-ion a -,,d *,o be .,o, ur 'I. e direction 0:' "!-.o 0, 3or;cs ar,! :ci-cof no, to exceed the sure of tLr.(i to be c,;:,ra urider ',!',c ract he as Ccr,.,.ract -'o. L Of a '2rusaij C a C 0:3t of doing 0 f Co I . t',L_C; t or ied in the "r, e U 'extra -�-ork nC, :ore -o r, rc. ol on. s; T,11E 0 S OX C pt7071 Yeas (0 Clot 11 Adopted by the Council r 191 Go Far Orth ' days vs In favor h Hfyld Approved 191 Kel Against I W I Wu erlich I MAYOR Mr. President Irvin CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER , �.lvp.l�aA I COUNfIL NO. ' 1 solved, Thnl the rq1 in(t desig- P1i'� ----- 1 IlsenMex to sell�iiYaile4ttag x i trsns(errea.h nS- aTdatopd •. to applications a6y mo tere- •': Nofan. 10;V'P ft. P Date presented _ RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No._—____i.. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) ��+.Tris..- 1�.- n] 1i1, lad Piflne "7�_—_ .ioj3erhy :;u13.r, 114 _ 7th Ct. r Yeas (✓) Jdand en (.i) Nays th In favor Against Tun derlinh Mr. President.Trvin Adopted by the Council alL 2G, ',L,1391— Approved ,,1391—Apprroveed— � I' 'J l h ..___191._. kuBL1S" [ED� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject:. ----- COUNCIL TINom. — LE Date Presented_ 191 r 1 RESOLVED., That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liq-uprs at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. ILocation. Sam. Sc:aeia, loo E. 4th St. � 1 P. No. 12361— Resolved That the application of the roliowln6 persons for a neense to sell ---- --- fi toalsating liquors at, the locations re. apeetively Indleated. be an&rths same ------ ---- --- 6erebv aro• granted, anthe•cttr,clerk b authorlsed and dlre'ottd.RZ.480" ouch-- Ileenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law: gem, n. Soheln. 106 10. 4th St. Adopted by the Counoll Aug. 26. 1916. -- _ ApprovedAug. 28. 1916. �.� IBap)amber 8.1916) Yeas t .i) 0)-t )- ilmen Nays F , vorth lend — In favor [.–l� .� Against 1 Wunder Iigh Mr.Presidenc"A Irv1n Adopted by the Council--r1jr-, 2C jqlk 1411— Approov/ed1�J1— V MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE - Subject: •-- — P1LC _ , Date Presented_._ _ ' 191— RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. , Location. et r w. Sc iLmac:ier, 343 nobert . t. C. F No. 12362— toD.owing�pereon l tar apMae, en to of a It Intozleating liquorsnt the locations -_— respectively Indicated be and the same hereby are granted. and the CRY Clerk to nuthorlsod and directed to Issue each l lee to nlanta upon the 01{ngceneof the bond d andnd thth-payment of the tee required by I.— Peter M. Schumacher. 343 Robert at. ----- Adopted by the Council Aug. E6. 1916 t Apprared Aug. 26. 1916.. ISeptembcr 2-19161 V Yeas (./) Cou ilmen l ./) Days Adopted by the Council �`9 191— Fa orth V `� land In favor �i£el / Approved i 1 191_ 1 Against / n 0 / �Y x Wunieilioh Mr.Presiden. Irvin •. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL \ COUNCIL RESOLUT70N:�'-LI000k LICFn!SE TRANSFER Subject: .. OGYMCIC NO. rae Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses.to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. I No. _ --- From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) _ 102,Has kYl Fink,_ .Q; i, _-7i�, _--.-- _ Gdwar1 Lovdahl , 202 :. 'th St.S 216Char_7- -1;,nk r,5PI Viii"rriha-St_,-- -- Ch.=- E._ Ba.nker,172 E. 3rj_ St. 346 Fran J..._"clmitzT ;;�.,1 l_..�7t.� _ :gnr, -ten ric);son1--3-Dale St.-- -_ _-..�4��Il.�.^..3 A.. _ ?iL t [`!1 . 7 3 ---•-+.i_ s g a e 311 y. 7> W. S r: St. i Yeas (.i ) Councilmen (./) Nays J Adopted by the Council vomit / —Go In favor C land x P'um!erltch Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR - � 1 t � i CITY - OF ST. PAUL s -. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject:__ -_ 1the�-- tieatton� well eouNeiL- rteaolt'ed, That the aDaPliea catlooe ra- IILC ---- -_ tolipwlnR Persona tort the -: - ---- - -- fnhnPeceoreceanthltacvYen eaa;l1Yre intdrajon.1� e tamglPiedtahnnod pt1R2LtVtet ehCe "eean1•ant. uo acauthoo emflht- - anld —d_ -the P.ym—t or the 1 Pg ar the f,nnd 11 : Date Presented ulred by a tl Pas SibleY 8t• • Andrew ,,. ,.derssutf, a• ne A•' RESOLVED ,`+'crew. „ -•le /A8 DtlealsalP-I ,,nation of the following perso for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and -directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Andrew 3._Edstr_ 39ic1ey St. -- --_-_.rew G. An3eraor. ----- ------- Williarr. 0: Mattocks,1_ _11th St. -_- Benjamin Fink, - _-- 117-F. 3rd St. — _-- ----- hn H. dnor.3, 77Z 3obert St._-- Ch:ia. Sorenso_, - 230 th St. Daniela 1 Ohre:., 42C :_inna..o:. 8t. Wolf & Koch_, $.IIaa_.6`.a St. Andrew Ledi" - `4.— ires avaen, trl ao' ert `t' -- -------- Clemen:; Cec ld, __-4,44 Robert St. Peter ?. e._ .. '• , 51. John B. Kohler, 619 Fdrrund St. Patrick Finley, (;05 7. 7th St. Albert .._r.. `_-':, 62: Univers A.v r. _.to :. 1�, 7j1 Aral; _ • A. l::c 85 " :yn_ Ave. Charl A. ::ut 1, t. ..els. C. :.elsun, '871 Fayre Az:,. t. N'rT.ar. Ebe=t, - 37 7th St. Fred H. Snyder, 372 Cedar St. Daniel Vo6elgesan,g 919 :anlcl h St. tiich%el Brown, 553 3roadway St. George mart, 3 -?o St. Peter St. Alfonso Barbato, 177 E. 3rd St. Yeas (Lh Cou ilmen (✓) Nays CC i•r n 4,'IJ Far worth Adopted by the Council G� 191 G In favor Hy d Ke r / Approved ALIG ' - � 1� � 5 191 G Against /� 'X, erlich U Mr. Preside Irvin • M OR IOM. c, a-. /�t " Subject: Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RE -SOLUTION --GENERAL FORM courval FILE NO. Date Presented 191 6 Lit o r u:' 1-16'_''r. Moet to Al dun aL ;3 o -.-m, b.ie -.-adc 1 Inc o:. Nilo, and iml J F. ,:. 12365—B);t 11.1 N. One— Repolved. That the grad, of Raleigh I-— %%-e. NAestdtol,Alden 84. IL panring On ar"'T ". ..Colne I, an -A '..&-d by the t-antralei at at Ptiblb, the . NV,Yka. Ile, and awe 1e hereby adapted Its thetxtabli.hed grade. AdOP-1 by the Conne I A"g. 28. 1916. App ... ed A.9 28' 12916. 'Sera—b— -1916) Yea (V) CoL icilmen (,') Nays Far sworth %dopted by the Council 28 191 Go 111 In favor Hy Ind Kel -rApproOd \49 mh Against 191 0 Wu derlich Mr. President Irvin FORM MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION, GENERAL FORM ,. Subject: COUNCL ' ntE No. �L Date Presented « 191 Resolved, JC .. .t - =''.i O:. �`. to 3ic". 11 -;t. t,- L - J '.c.'.zud to ez,�<r.;te s;:r. .__ .. .... .� •.t'iC 1C Ct er. . o µ :d C. F. No."12386-13y nl. N. soba— I - 1 ,Resolved. That the time specified tar the performance of a -certain contract dated Nevemher IBth. .1818 hetivaen f oh th .@ Son and the City of gt. Pnul, for the eonstrsetlon of a war on IV I St. front Charlton St. to South ` tvabxeha Rt, 'and on south �Vabnah¢ et. from Sidney St. to Bidwell g4, tie extended to the 801h day of Au , be 1816. and the Proper city o(f Au " at. hergby authorised to-.�.;ekeaute an • - aptendtnent ro said a"M4r Ctn accord- auce horewlth, srovid6d, ha*.ver. that s this resolution shall qbt have. anyforce and effect unless the suretteq on the contrapt0e. bond consent ,therate and die, euoh Comptroller. consent in writing.. with the City ' Adopted by the Couneil Aug. 28. 1016. Approm•ed Aug. 28, 1918. U Jeptembrr 2-1918) Yeas (v) Couthen ( l) Nays Goworth A, In Favor Adapted by thrCounril �8 191 Hyl fid •ti 'i Kell rl Approved / i� 191 Against 1� 1 •�1 Wun erlich Mr. President. rvin rORM C. a•. avOa • I A- , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM -Subject: CO- . act �� YIL. No , 13 —'Ad ze, 19Ia. Date Presented. � � I Resolved. , e r _ :. - { �r _ t b _t, er. �o Simon or. .: ..... .:��r. by .;qro d':,:. _.,��•.. .-�. Y 1. C cr• cr.ic', '.0 1. oz 116, ::d _ ,:.: r (;i, c::ict -. 4. _ _ L iZed :e ccuie rL:C:. 1t- (i,. .. .._..,...CB 1:., I'0.. -., ,'roc: i1 eQ, is v)v,,vcrr, t, 1, o1. ien ._..,.:7 o r:a�'e OrCC i,J.'.t!Ct In .. ... !US J:. C F. No. t2867-1BY 11- N. aoee— Reaolrad, That the time goelfled. for the performance of a cartnla contract dated Dacemher 28th, 19tH, hot" - -- FeYen Construction Co. and the City of a sewer St. Paul for the conat-eth n of on Irate Sl. from ,\vo. to Simon Co.—ve. Are. and mt Simon from Data St. [o tic Kenty St.. hr and the anme is hereby xtendad to rho 28th day of Ap- = Raat.:19% anti thppe Proper city oRicars 1 icon[ act in Ac orrutA d amendment toos n neo herewith. provid'd,• however, that • this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the apretlea on tho contractor. bond eonaont thereto nd in writhur with the ale ..oh consent City Comptrolrhler. Adopted by o Council Aug. 28. 1918. \pproved1916, 28'r 9eptombc2-1916) Yeas (d) Coun Imen (:) NlYs Farn orthAdopted by the Council 1- 191 / Coy, In favor J ' y ti i Hyl d Kel Approved 191 � l , Against Wu erlich Mr. Presiden Irvin ro RM c. e•Y off ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM subject: >. COUNCIL Date Presented 1, `, 1916 . Resolved, a' e _ i s o. r. L c n c: t datt:d Ju:.c w'St 1j16, i. :'t ;. 'r. i�tur �'_ c.:: i .t;e ;it o;' ....Paul for .... -,ru,1j:. of n! lc;, i 110-,k 1 .. on's ,,., ._ ion bc. and th.c c>'t-rjed to t o :n '.1 t� 1:116, and is ;ropgr c_ o? : iuerf3 ,—r':Ly zed e:cec:.'.e t_. F,it-ut m e n t ':o a41d ::ol:traut i:. aacordan.e hcre:ctl:, provided, horrever treat _ io _e olntion sh,i]1 r.ot, eve 'ores �?,i c.'1'e:ct tul]t3;:s C. R No. 12368—fly M. N. Goes— R--le.d. That the time ...cifled for the performance of a certain contract dated Jun, 26th. 3916, between Peter 111ekaou and the City of :it. Paul for the grad Ing of the alley In mock 1. Nelson's Addition he and the same is hereby extended t. the 28th day of . August. 1916, and the proper city oRl- ss ere hereby outhorised to ...cut. ame Iment to said contract in ac- ,ordaner herewith, provided. however that this resolution shall not have any force and effe.-t unless the sureties on thecontractor's bond consent thereto d flle such —.sent 1% writing with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Aug. 28. 1916. Approved Aug. 38. 1916. rgeptember 2-19181 Yeas (✓) jKelr hnen (:) Nays / I orth Adopted by the Council 191 In favor J 3S ,il Approved 191 Against rlichMr. Presidvin MAYOR MAN[ c. a•a CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM v �) COUNCIL FILE NO. 2. a By- - - - ........ b�p r� 2 1 l�16 191 "� $866.00 AUDITEI�UG �/�} � PER Bred G. Albrecht, 229n out of the hereinafter specified Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, p y able as specified in the for the amounts set opposite their respective names in favor of the persons, firms or corporations 59State detailed statement:AIIG 28 •_ Adopted by the Couneil — - yeas i 1 Councilmen l r) Nays Gen. Fund -Mi -.3c. Unforseen Farnsworth / approved j Goss Hyland In favor 175.00 M Keller N. L. Huff, 9-r� against - \Vunderlieh Mr. President, Irvin Cz I"NO1s780— sesolved. that ..rant. be dre.n McCiur Contrading Co., Of ha heree City "16andout in _ lnafteT4enecufledpfund. favor of .the persons, Orme or ca.pora- tions for the amounts met opposite as apec,jos ed In their respective name- the following roled,,.tatement:. .bchi A. C. Gooding. `State Trea... 1780.16. 62 N- L Hurt, t176.o0. hectare Contractlag Co., 4110 -00 - 670.00.\Y. NN 'C. 1farl—, 4400.00. — A. L Snyder, 584700. Adopted Dy the Couneli Aug. 34, 1816. ADOroved(�Au�gmber 63 811818) 2. a $866.00 6158 Bred G. Albrecht, park -Park -Music 780.15 59State Treas. A. C. Gooding, 4 Gen. Fund -Mi -.3c. Unforseen 175.00 60 N. L. Huff, Water M. & R. 61 McCiur Contrading Co., 530.00 Water M. & R. 400.00 62 W. C. Marlow Health Pub. Bathe -Music 643.00 63 A. L. Snyder. Par k—Par k—Mu si c 2. a �,, l -r off, .�,,, - "- gg A. Farnawarth,-- - �n tt"a't 8`+!o tha 8�at�nt,.lesto% t¢� •t;_PotinR a enmeti4 h t Obe ei uY 0.ae COUNCIL FILE NO.—�----- egint zns t oho a et oq [h tlz . — _ Cet t11 the present walk aPD ,q � l'?'` Y _—:� �' _ ,� Lte] ].9.799.ruPVr.—d Jun 6th;11918 - BY. --+v ^�pn7YT`�^T� itc heartnR DavinR Deer ,h' - 1mOr9Vement upon r hr nhaveW FINAL UkVXctl° II '1,the Matter of_��netruo.ting a o rent the sidewalk to a width of six feeon the south side of Osceola avenue beginning at Oxford e`rdet _ thtlnae._wgs.t___:w,e_1��.3Y�` Wx�lk &Sproximately 300 feedT-_.._._----.------_-- _...— ........ ----_....................... under Preliminary order ._10,,795approved.—June 5th, -,...1916. approved................... _ ..... intermediary Order .._.__ ..... ..... ..............-----_ .._._._. __.-- -- _. _. _.._._._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- Construct a_cetnent i;i.le sidewalk to— provement to be made by the said City is _— _-- - - a width of six feet on the_south ai�a cf J oeola avenue beginning at — Ox�_s?Li_4zu:t h�reser : walk_ap�roximatel� 300 feet, _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and gubmit same to the gouncil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_...._____..:----- 191�' GC�._- Ci Clerk. Approved...____.._: __..-._-5 i.113. 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller me@llfF -Yne Mayor Form B. S. A. & 7 PUBT_TSRED. i-- 9- 6 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTp' OF FINANCE & I REPORT -OF COMM! STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. lA) In the Matter of f! k.!F.. -_ :i. LIt :tn!!Gc 2Q� f _..._g2iC.a...— r – \ under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 11 ne a 1 foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of, each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCrt ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 � i f W • 'r -� � ~�o a a o a ;2 _5 0 &2j .y J? o 0 o J cv v✓ 4jop a� .S�o TOTAL. - '16 a f% ... - - CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r 40 REPORT OF COMMIAaIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .. (C) - ASSESSED p E Sr. R I PT ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of Lid.nc.. IoRM s.s.w. sa C ® — To the Coin missioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hnd under consideration the prelimiunry order of the Coun- cil, known as Council Pile No. _ _ _. approved _ ' _. .. 191 . 6 ..-, relative to _t11e sidewalk to a width of six feet or the south side of Osceola Avenue, beginning, at Oxford St. thence west to the present cen.ent walk, approximately 3C0 feet. nud raving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: J 1. Said improvement is _ _ ..__.necessary and (or) desirable. 5e¢ per -lineal fopt 2. The catinmted cost thereof is �.._.... _., and the total cost thereof is R xxXX_ ., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto att+iehed and made at part hereof. .•l. I 5. Suitt improvement is. POt. . __....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of properly, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. jC COUNCIL FILE NO.----- G% ' J-21722 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter on_arvlanri street, from Cortland sjX_@e_t_.__t.Q_a...f. pij_t 2_$3 ... jj�pj east of the center of Park avenue, n 'nuno1W1111 he CItY Of QG •^-^.agwhoreporl of,}ha.. . v- w„poo thy... , 10 7G3 ka. 27th 1916 Thr.• under Preliminary order..�__.a._.._.__.—_._—__._approved_.—._Y..__...._...s�.._._..:._.. _. The -Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon> a the above improvement, nod having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. • That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ Conetr_uOt ti_,n8We2 on Maryland street from Cortland street to a oint 263 feet east of tha 3 --- y -- --- —_— ----d street j(—. t W_.__ _ — ---- cer-ter o,f rk avenue,__._,____— with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3, 118.00 Resolved Further, Thar a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__a8 th _day of 3eEtember 191.6_._, at the hour of 10 oelock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th as estimated. Adopted by the Council—.— Al?G ?$L!a. 191 -- /—� %191— Clerk. Approved- :iJ�i� _ _ _ —, Mawr. Form B 5. swo Councilman –F rtht7131.1StII;D �' LK r Mayor✓ rse A ti-fi thb- fretua Ont 134 0. aatt��easfa�g6f�f np€�v mNZsCOUNCIL FILE NO. l n Byeer pc,G • Z ` y� iad�n' • ebtaP P�$YadP G� Q/Ldjl!—_ fun snub a • FINAL ORDER. In the Metterof.Conetru ting a cement the Sidew&J` to a w13th-of six___ fee _.Q2_t<'1�__e._ou.th....id8-Qf gue avenue _be • een 3yad oats street Griaas.etretg�anc gC tie east aide ��s��d�ate.attee8t between &elby._._,. asenue _and.. Aeh_lara avenue�_�_ _ •----------------- under Preliminary order_...11�278,___._.��__._approved_ — Jam® 39thL 1916.--_—_- Intermediary Order_ _...... _ ...--_--._._.. __.._ _ approved........_._....._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to. be made by the snidCity is-.9-0—ns trg-O—t a Ceu�ent„tile sidewalk to a width of six feet q4 -P aide of ue avenue between—Syndicate -2treet and, tigg�..�e<x au�43L_J.h�_t___4_$Y3k�19te13_et_b@t�w:een �- Se and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plam> and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed withthe making of said :improvement in accordance therewith. a Adopted by the Council_-----.A�I� 28-- ----�CityClerk. — Approved -------'1'» __`�`�1.. 11b ---• 191— U Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth /Keller ' { Cedl Nash A / YniM fie, f Mayor Powers Form 6. S. A 8-7 v'� --ITY OF,ST. PAUL 1� is DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON P*LIMINARY, ORDER In the Matter of A_2. 7B .;"( -C-i r44 a -- -1'-...... --------- -- --- ._. _ - ........ __ ._ -- nnder Preliminary Order approved------__--�.t.l...___-- ..l7l�i..... _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ �,_5c_ 8T The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION FO.. 114— ... . LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LVALUATION / f4_)w � to 4(' /1� // Gly �'•J�O TOTAL, O it . (C) CITY OF ST: PAUL •• - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREELIMINARY ORDER D ESLR I PT ION LbT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA J L L L.' it tur fy / U a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 7 Dated //_ 1467 r.�f _ / I Commissioner of Finance. room es.w. — c .. C C F' �i • ��8�. -- --_ --��- _. _ . — `_ W a.3i-� 1 � ,.. ,3 i c ,' I � �- � � ° s ,� No -.: .. .- �.�' . ,a� � -, tr .�. 14;� L e (`(i� l l � i � � � 1 J � ... _,. _ __ - I 91 t ' j i I I � o, � ! I ., r � ,� I � � ,� ;�, .... �..0 - .. ; _ - ------ - - i St. Paul, Minn. June 1916. . THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,- We, the undersigned owners of the property abutting on the south side of Hague Ave. between Syndioate St. and Griggs. and on the west side of Syndicate fit. between Selby Ave. and c.c4.amu fie. -hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause a six foot cement tile sidewalk to be laid on the said south side of Hague Ave... and side of Syndicate St. between the points above mentioned. N A M E LOT BLS I I CL 1U N301 BUREAU OF ENGINEF.R3. �I t :. Ofiici6 of- the Comrnissionex of Public Works-•• Report to Commissioner of Finance, — July 3rd, 191 6 To the Counnissioidr of Finance of the (lily of St. Paul: r Thr Commissioner of Public Works, having had and •r em sideration the preliminary o' -der of the Coun- eil, known as Council Filo No. 11278 _. _spProved June 29thi 191 6., relative to constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on ._....... . _._ . _...._ _. I the south side of Hague Ave. between Syndicate St. and Griggs St. and on the east side of Syndicate St. between Selby Ave. and Ashland Ave. alit] having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and lot-) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot $. The elitimnted cost thereof is $... and the total east thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attarhrd and made at part hereof. d. .i. Said improwntent is. _asked for upon petition of threF or more owners of property, subjeet to assesvnent for said improveneut. . Coal In of Puhlie Works. COUNCIL E Q _..- ! ,aaell-'eftgt8 ain y ower 11244.' __�� � FINAL ORDER.. In the Matter of_Core�rweti_a_ae>ten__tile sidewalk to .>i...±ri3th of .six _. 1_._.—_ feet On 1u,_6o:3a3_ V._ . 3arkelyl, atranua from Josephine stre_t to Prior •.._._ ...._......... -.--.......... _......... .......... _..._ — -- -- -__ - - 11 277 .....approved......_June 29th t 1916`.....---.- -- Intermediary Preliminary order ........_. i.___� .-_ . _ ...-. Intermediary Order ...... -..... ..- - —--.........,... _..... approved_._ .......... -- -- ......_.._......_._�. _..__... A public hearing having been had upon the above imprvvemenr upon due notice, and the Council - having heard all persons, objections -and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, B,y the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature. extent and ui im- provement to be made by thesnidCityis Conatruot a dement tile, 3idewal3c to a w <_dth_af _.aix.._f_eZ t._on....ho th a i -j a a Joe in e--stz.dat to--Prior_ap_9.T>:1at4- ------ -...... -----------------------_ _...... -- -...- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare: plans and specifications for said improvement, and -_submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AU t ? 28 .r , Adopted by the. Council........_ --_= �—. 191 C' i Clerk. - Approved _..__..__..._.__� 4�z� � �-: 191 _........ - ......---- ---- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller Naft Mayor P__t'C' . Form B. S. A 8-7 • -, CITY OF ST, .•wOL , t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM1,1ARY ORDER In the Matter of z,477 - - ----- f lo"r-urr'-1 717 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $P.99 per lineal The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ :3:t. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each let or parcel as last sepurted by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .VALUATION pL� � _ l ��f it �-��2/�, � � 1 � / G! [i r/'/��o(�(Ji►�i jrL 4 all '1•l� l a %� f- TOTAL, V.. ;_u I ST. PAUL DEPARTMKNT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIVRY ORDER ASSESSED . ,DESdpIPiION 1, LOT elocn .,� , ADDITION V*LUATION a�G % D .. �> > ------- 1,r6 �f pfd y 3- �� a O CG. G TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIM4RY ORDER (C) w o a r w • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDIT16N ASSESSED - VALUATION 1 � I i I I _ 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing'as his report thereon to the Council, tugether with the report made to him in reference to said mauler by the Commissioner of Public W.a`rks. Dated �` 191 L Commissioner of Finance. - rona w.a.a. a -a c EIS j 'j ry '1 i� s �i[an. E w[oe _srnEur eu srsr,uacas ,� IT 6r PIu. W.wn St Paul,Minn.......... I To the Honorable, The City Council, City of St.Paul. 3' � I . .tGentlemen_- - Ile, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on Berkeley 6' avenue, from Josephine street to Prior avenue, do nerebY petition your honorable body to cause a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width 6jof six feet to be laid on both sides of said street between the—pain>«s �I mentioned. QI _ Names Lot Blk Addition r JUN 3 01916 j BUMU OF ENGINEERS, .6 ISi 301j Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance - 1 July_ 3ru, 191 5 1b tle Cmnutissimter of Finance, of tits Cita• of St. Paul: the lbaunissioner of Public Works, having lint] under eonsiderutiml the prelimiunry order• of the t'oun- eil, known as Council bile No. 11377 approved June . 29th_ _ 191 , relative to _. constr..oting a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on b.ot: sine.a of B.erkele.y_ Ave.. .from Joaepline.St. to _Prior Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 2. The ti;tiinated cost thereof and the total cost thereof is atad tilt- nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaohed and made it part hereof. d. 3. Said improvement is. asked for upon petition of three or uwrc oacners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. l'mnmissiouer of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. ---.--.--.;a%.. 4Paeo0 sn"� ni An u an. NIC Im11YQv�tvvMn6' liat•M a.. covncll omo' r FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of 4net titlg_ a„_�e5?Pr !_ Aw"Ww 116D%.:XiAt” feet o_r._..tc.th Rides .o.f..._a. oh_averue be+vreen 3vndi _... _— ........... ....... ....... ........-.... _.... ............ _--- -- -- — ._. _ _ 1C 6S5 epproved__Jde...8thl_.1916_-..........___.....__....__ under Preliminary order _. -......_.__..........._.....:_ ...._.._ _. _. . pproved._._.............. _... Intermediary Order ._.._... ............... ......... .:..._ a..._ _........_....._.._....__..__._.... __. . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered + the same; therefore: be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ts Constru�aL ezcen—t-_tile ai3ewalk,_t� a ajdth_ 01 Six.ffwsi c .. c*.h_sidea-0%�c�od�•i.ch auenue..fie-t>vvest.•-Syndicate-�trseL— __.____..... ..... __........ _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that .upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the snaking of said improvement in accordance the reyvith. Adopted by the Council..—__ _��—. 191 �/ 7 i l -- City 7e- Approved ---_. . _- =� — __. , 191---- Councilman Farnsworth " Goss Keller Mayor Rower,➢efi Form B. S. A 8-7 --------- --- Mayor. YL'BLISHED � � /� I RIM7 at. Paul, Ann., duly 6, 1916. Idr, Goss, Com. of Public Works. bear Sir: y We t}e undersigned owning property having frontage on Goodrich Ave., between Griggs and Syndicate, in Stinson' Blvd Addition,..Block 5; desire to have you bring the hatter, of laying a stone sidewalk on the'North side of said Avenue, before the Council for their approval.i ---------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 21 Lot 20 Lot 22 The sidewalk is to be for the entire -block on North side of Goodrich Ave., between the two above stated streets. A cross walk on the North side of Goodriohk Ave. of the corner of Syndicate is very badly needed. i — . q_ ■ - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the -City of St. Paul: follows: Th total estimated amount of the assessment for • .F.S T�'T lineal he Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as the above improvement is $ — - --- - -- foCt. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ —-- - -- - �-------- --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 4 ADDITION VALUATION . 1 1 4o J, -11';K— tyX1P1 a 71a44 i i2c' 1� ,• 41 3 n 1 J- 4'� •f 6 O f •C i 3 0 0 roew e.a w am A TOTAL, CITY Or 4T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIINANOE `"' REPORT OF 4::ot4MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) . - - DESCRIPTION LOT,*LOFK. ^ .ADDITION. ASSESSKD VALUATION „ .2 2;o 0' loo � O m �� b> m foo .Z j o y �� �s'o l� �o / D ,' D Y�' � � �^"� • o` � a 3 �` � �� � 2 � � `x'11. tel. (� ! 11 � at- TOTAL. / D C CITY OF ST. PAUL _ y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ - REPOR,T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) r. .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 i f The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ... 191' Commissioner of finance. FORM O.liA. !-f C 1 c Tient• for Side -------------------- - - --- - ---- - --------- - - -- ------- - - - --- .. St..:rl, ir±n. e ti,m unlro;crty ho -,10,r.- on ';oo-iric ve. oetv.e,•r. .-ynric:z to if! ripFs :_trerts, 1 etitior. your ho,,or:.rle bo,, t04'19*or. roti s""" of rn -„>” lric_ -,v P. rPty e,h ?IIdi., to ; // (..1so CrOP}-17",r:= Fa ;00 iricl- P n I P�:iY? yol r Irola; t tet' elItIon- /1ST G„v. Zl- MORE JUN !i 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, t- -office of the Cominussioner of Nbfic. Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June NCth; _.191 'Po the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commission%r of Public Works, hnving halt] tinder consideration the preliminary order of the Como- cil, known as Council File No. 10F F-5 approved Lne °th, 191 relative to constri etirg L cea.:.r.t4tile sj',ewLjk to s width of six feet on both .idea of .Goodrict, A.vsnLe, betweer. Svndieata Ave. and Origce Street, and having ilmstigated the "'utters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 580 per lire,;] foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..-- and the total cost thereof is k xxSx anal the uIt,,r, and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, protile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehet] red uutth! a part hereof. d. 3. Said improvement is.... ..asked for upon petition of three or more ou:uers of property, subject to assessn'ent for said improvement. al Cotnmissionci• of Public Works. ' J i41 >s Yq odrt:ieeFc$"b% me't COUNCIL FILE NO._..- f etaewalir qa tae seatti< ocks t, ��—� street betrtnntnB at„atb d- a /- / ” rr•e4 whoops south fo3rloto; et B - H P1ar OrdOr�Y0;876 FINAL ORDER. Inthe Matter ofR_¢fin®tructing,._rellirying andrepairinwith cement -ile t_Q-A-w-i.d.th .cf _six fl,.tKt tyle cement tile sidewalk on the east side of State street begirning at St'_ Lawrence street thence south to Florida _ — - ----- street under Preliminary order ...._101670_ .......... .... .. -_ approved. 9gY_a6th1 1910. IntermediaryOrder .-__................ ......... _... _.... ...... ... .... _... _ ....... approved....... _......_. _ _ ..... ... ....... ...... -_...... ..--_-.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ReCo a tTUC t, relad arid Tel a ' .with cement tile to a width of -_six feet the 3tx cement tile sidewalk on the east side thence_ Mouth _ to Florida -street --------- -........ _-_.......... _ ----____-- -_ ......._ ._... - -. _............ ._.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-- _.� _��. �� , 191 nCi rk. Approved ......... .......... ..._.. _ _-- - , 191 _........ V ` Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller meftll N+ttdt Mayor P- -Form B. S. b 8-7 m pf PUELP3ffF'D_L-,Z -& CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE* >, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON, VELIMINARY ORDER (A) • ti � Y , ..... '��i �i In She hatter of�--i—.. � � .. _. ..._. -`Z ._..t:..__ -C. ................... �c.._c�2°_uc _.sue 4- ---......_.. -- -- - ---- ..... under Preliminary Order approved 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is1L.9,&1 foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ ----—--------- - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. T QJ 2 ^ J O r TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL ----- L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON *F—LIMINAIRY ORDER tCI �1 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCa ADDITION VALUATIONS I 1 R-1 lo 5 I i s 1 )0' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. w and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - � Dated �: i � 1916 �%.�.,✓� GL.4�t.-�2,G{/---� CA71/ Commissioner of Finance. roeN �. s.w eec r i Office of the Commissioner of -Public Works Rei ort to. Commissioner of Finance I June 5th, 191.6 To till, Commissioner of Finance of the l'ity of tit. Paul: The l"onunissioner of Public Works, having had under eoasideration the preliminary order of the conn- cil, known its Council Pile No. 10676 approved May 26th, 191 6, relative, to reconstructing, relaying with cement tile to a width of six fee.t,. the. cement tile_sifte:xalk on theeast sire of State St. beginning at St. Lawrence St. -thence south to Florida St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot L. The estinmted cost thereof is $, . . and the total cost thereof is xxxx and the miture and ctteut of said improvement is as follows: 1 :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvenu•nt is hereto 1111111064,41 11w ; kle a part hereof. 4. .i. Said improvement is.. not ._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop01'ty, subject to assessment for said improvement. t'ouuuissiou tf Public. WorKw" S3S71.—fin a A. Fara 1"g,llne ]tStteeDatHn6 �1, gg6tae =lt ant wldlh -:ok eUc See4LtR4 P COUNCIL FILE NO.------. rmwooan`rtase W„tr4�33b��g Tntats to ,roto d ekrEa4 thxaOrAer 14.8,3.ir rel[m12th Y1918. 1'1NAL ORDER. In the Matter of Fi�tu; s*�r,tS-t;ng.,._.T HX @4IK1 lflali� ng_v_ri h ee_=ent tit e to a width of six fedt.the present cement tile sidewalk on the east side of__Wopdrdgg strYbegjnnin¢ at Milford street thence north ,to_ fee_t,, under Prelii9inary oder ...10t_933 . ... . ........... .... ..__. _._. approved. JLine 13th, 1916. Intermediary Order --- ....... ........_---....---......._......... _..... approved ..... -.........__.. A public hearin having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pe ons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.Heeons�2^arAlayeu3 _ repBiT..w1 th cement - tile to a -nidth of six feet,_the present cement tile sidewalk on -the r0rth_�2_t�G�—_.__..__ __— _.._....... ........._....._...._......._ .._......and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and diregted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-......... _.� r L'' 's 5 ,i 15 i Clerk. Approved _.._.__..___._....... . _ —._.. , 191 _........ ( ;1 Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller T I- Neaft /_ � _' Yves*`v_, ��fr Mayor Provers Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. PUBLISHED 01 ' - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE list REPORT OF COMMISSIJ►(NER OF FINANOE all ; ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fA) In the Matter of . ..� ^ 1 under Preliminary Order approvedTo the Council of the City of St. P�ulf The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ r) - 58-_.1.e2 . The estimated cost per foot aor the above improvement is - - - - $_1_—in-,-.. --. _-.al fo--o.--..t._...--...-_ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTIONLOT BLocn ADDITION ASSESSED LL VALUATION TOTAL. 47 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE {, ON PRELIMINAPf' OADEri (C) .. .. . . DESCRIPTION LAT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �O ..191 roKN ss.A. em c Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissibner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jt.ne_,ZCth,,, 191 b '1'o the !'mumiaeioner of Finance of the City of St. Palo rhe commissioner of Public Works, having had «oder conai(leration the preliminary order of the Coua- __. cil, known its Council File \010933 approved rie13th _ .. r _191 6, relative to .ct.i.ng,....r:.l.ayi.ng. ani xe&.air.i.zzg wits ceL-Pt._. tiletiz_ a. Nidth of six feet, tY._ rresent ec ^.t tile si'lenal}. or. t'.e east aide of Tcodbrire St. beginrirsr at :ilfcrd St. t ence north 4C feet. and hav'iug investigated the inatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Suitt improvement is I necessmy and (or) desirable. 5E¢ rer lineal f;:ot ., The estimated cost thereof is $___ ,and the trttnl coal thereof is :XX anal the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ;i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. ..-i. Said improvementnot is... asked for upmt petition of three m• owes ovvuet•s of property, subject I to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. o� COUNCIL FILE NO_.._______ ,,/ By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _.3-09_QS:.e.il1CL118�_. Ld�9y1L18 -Srid JC9pAfAB �T.1_th__4F._J�1H wUth of six feet, the present cement tile__tidexalk on the__ko-B_t R i rig _0-f - -Pazk- ¥' I e - f -r= yjolamace-.n02Sh�.ttLCemn..svPn_r, rte_ __ under Preliminary order . ...11-, $75 ,.__..,__ ... .__-^_ approved _.._._Jux10 39 th1_ 1916. IntermediaryOrder _...__.__...._............. ........ __......... .......... ...... approved_.._ _......... _ .. --..._._._...._ ....__. _...._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and -kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ncConetrua » relaL and rair with—cement tile tc a Rift._ of aix feet the rresent cement tile sidlewalk on the eaB,t_ B'jo...A i RgAk__¥ur_ from Vi018_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-_...._ 6 191 _ ` J � Gty�letrk. Approved.... _...... _..... ........ ... --.._.._ __.191__...... �? . l . __.... __......._....___— _..._ ......._.._ .._....—........ ........ _...._..... --h Mnyur. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller ICd�atl Mayor Power Form B. S. X 8-7 PUBLISHED / e CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON +61MINARY ORDER In thcMatter of ..... ..... under Preliminary Order approved. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is r lineal fcnt The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as fast reported by the Asscss.or,are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT NLOCK ADDITION SI AS ESSED VALUATION Y.5 A '2 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. -- =- Office -d -die=eorkmissioner of Public Works ,. u Report to Commissioner of Finance July 3rd, Igo _ 6 To the Commissioner of finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having lint] onder cousidrration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 1.1475 approved .. JUftte J9.t.A., _. '. _J9l_._.S relative to raoonstau- O.ting,_ ralaying....and .repairi= wi.t.li aeue.nt- t.11a_to- a widtt. of six feet, the present omen: the sidewalk on the e.asl A),14a Qf Park _Ave,.- _xpu:.011a..St._ inen�e nort^. to .Como Ave. rind having investigated the matters and things referred .a therein, hereby reports: ]. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 1. The e4stimated cost thereof is $...._ and the total Bost thereof is R xxxa and � I the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto ntUnehod ain't wade a part hereof. 4. I Said improvement is.- . not .asked for upon petition of three or wore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. l'ouuuissim r oP Yublic Wm• 011 WM COUNCIL FILE NO.._ � __._.. _ � nl a °a -f 0Xtte zp r`b a�,.Wyl .:�.hl[an strath deet Ne t ; 5 By_,��c� - - street. oeaer 1o.76b. •?•T•��D 7777 _gininax 1918. iBth, h.vin[ h��l - FINAL 012DE1t. '' In the Matter of_R0Qgrnetr.1c_tUPg..__relay_Ln.&_and reaairin Frith cement tile_ to a width of six feet the present cement tile sidewalk on the south side _.__.o_fdichi.gan strait beginning at West Seventh street thence wee'.. under Preliminary order ._...10.t7_�`�.._._.... _....... ._ ....__ approved._May 39thtt_ 1918. IntermediaryOrder....._.... ................_._........................._... _..... approved.................. - -............. _... __........ .. �.._� � _...._.. A public hearing having been had upon -the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consideued the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Reconetructr with cement file .-tn_a nidth...ref..-SiX—L a L-tbM--wOSeri_t.ao.n..L._.t.i.l g.a: w lk n, the _ lnning_at_West Seventh street thence west 250_ fe; tZ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the _ C- Clerk. Approved-_------. tlt._ ; a _ ._._.. , 191 _....... -....._..................... ...............----...... -- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth J� �D Goss Y[;(3L1SI Keller Mecautt-- - Mayor Pci+rers �� Form B. S. A 13-7 `t_ CI'GN OF f3T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRfI.IMINARY ORDER (a) 1175 In the Matter o[ ,... � i1 �1 1(!1 l4[ :... ... ------- ....................... l 7 %�.,% - --- _ undo Preliminary Order approved ., %(� .0 f f �' - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - b C."C The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ';.aal foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: r ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7�7 / VALUATION 1 r `/ / LC [ T ✓ f(r0 4Y �A• C it TOTAL. 0 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his resort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated x''.....191 � . _,,��.4..�.l.d - Commissioner of Finance. roar e. e. • e•e o - 7 m y� Office of the CoOnissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June .5th,. 191 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pail: 'Phe Commissioner of Publie Works, having Im l wider votsideration the preliminary order of the Conn. o1 19745 aa oil, known as CouncilCouncil, :!e �o. apprmcel cse" BSth 1.17 6 relative to 1 Re.conat.ruct.ing.,_ xe.lay.ing._and_ xepairing._wit h. cement.. tile. to _.a .. width of six feet, the present ceu,ent the sidewalk on theeouth side 9f, Michigan St,. beginning At W. Seventh_St. thence went 250- ft. and laving investigated the mailers and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. . 580 per lineal foot 2. The estinated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is I xxxx „ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached null inside a part hereof. I 4. .i. Said improvement is._. not _.asked for upon petiliot of three ur more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i Conouissionqr pf Public Work471- i I . ' ,x etrnitrT 'O>1�,tiYa bye d6�1 �r:3hea Stdt eitre�ta?a d{`4RYnRoentt9 COUNCIL FILE /N�O.�__ ___ /f et; mvo aiNn`,sa�FaeR - —�`:<--- .., hBo h Ingr11ag1ns. be'etr uad . By-y� r 1- �uUJ YCccL_� ,. PtnY +4n4su➢oa m•a - nwell�'haYtn�r � � " s„ut" rte+^,-+'. nn. �. • )': J:'> FINAL In the Matter of �_] @5 *r i.z>$ _ a.s sll4szl�i>;�_�_.•�,-�_ �.1___ fee,_o?;__t,�._zs2si_ a�d___9Y Liano¢in atxg,betwtjen '$tdr�e✓ s ea and_ Winona street', under Preliminary order ...1 la136 Jun® 22nd 1916 _approved...-.____.__.--__._._...._.! _...._..:._._______ Intermediary Otder....__............ .......___...__....__.... __..... _..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and havittg fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.__�4Si y _q_plp�T]�a_ wa.. k to a >Pidth of six fee Qn--+hg-ga@tag �..-_of Liano¢ia stneet bet+Aeen Sidnev _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby° authorized and directed to proceed with the making; of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..-__— �S�1�i �:_ �191 •�—_.....__ _ -- ��•. � �� City Clerk. - 191 _........ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth / - Goss PTTHT.TSFfiD, Keller Neeh " Yoerw- :/, L r l Mayor rte` Form B. S. A 8-7�- CITY O�!-ST. PAUL OEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMAOSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lAr In the Matter of �/�i�i�wt%1 • Q lG( ------------ ....................... under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ i iI:eal foot. ------_. ....... ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION y � .�oJ`— 6 � � ��C/.G+�H•u,� 4"'e ����¢ d of'cs7 ,r' 7 ,y = rill Q , -41 r - •aew s.s o -a w TOTAL, I 'CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM4SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IC ,DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCn ADDITION I I 4 a ASSESSED VALUATION m-� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated // G 191 v_� 'c c z z -c. 4- e-12 l Commissioner of Finance. rOew a S.A 4-5C ----Office of the Comrn6ioner of Public Works 1- 4. Report to, Commissioner of Fin6ince I June 29th, , 1916 .0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eonmideration the pri-liluinary order of the coun- cil, known as Council File No. 11136 approved June 32 191 6., relative to Construotion of a ceG,ent the sidewalk to a widti- of six feet on .......... ..... -- I.I.- I - 1-1---l- - -I sidewalk I I - .1 1. - ... I 1.1.- .11 1 .- - i - ** the east si-e of Manomin St. between Sidney St. and Winona St. and having in vest igat ml the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 580 per lineal foot 2. The d3timated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is xxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:! :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part lit-I-eof. 4. 5. Said improvement is..._ usked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. In the Matter ofth..-.Q;f_ tt . feet on the east ail; _cfJessie street from Brainerd avenue to Laryland under Preliminary order .. 74C_.._ .................._........._ approved _.._June lets 181G. - IntermediaryOrder .... ... _........ ... ....... _............ ......_..........._ ...... approved___........ _-._ _.....___...._.._......—_..� _.-__. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. ,onstruct a cement --tile sidewalk to a width --of ?L_.Sh�__.lZ�� 87�d....4 .ei s_ie.._str_� :1L 9.m Brainerd__ --- ------------ - ----- .._..--- -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. / Adopted by the Council.__..._--AL4...2& :: . .__-, 191 Approved , ed ._.-__._._ ri t. �' �. la _ ._..:._ , 191 _....__.. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss ;i Keller Malt[ Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A 8-7 11) PUBLISHrD �C Ia the platter of c4herragttn6`� oemtmt t11e utaexalk Co ;a wtQtp aatue� bc COUNCIL FILE NO...----.. ___ _ anttie east gtde oz �aa�Ib eat tro•- BratKerd axepdp-`to ylta_._11 nd etre Pre)Imlgarrr;70;7�0, / ' L' •sc ovem�e�t_uDah; - FINAL 0RDU? ` •�•- ' In the Matter ofth..-.Q;f_ tt . feet on the east ail; _cfJessie street from Brainerd avenue to Laryland under Preliminary order .. 74C_.._ .................._........._ approved _.._June lets 181G. - IntermediaryOrder .... ... _........ ... ....... _............ ......_..........._ ...... approved___........ _-._ _.....___...._.._......—_..� _.-__. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. ,onstruct a cement --tile sidewalk to a width --of ?L_.Sh�__.lZ�� 87�d....4 .ei s_ie.._str_� :1L 9.m Brainerd__ --- ------------ - ----- .._..--- -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. / Adopted by the Council.__..._--AL4...2& :: . .__-, 191 Approved , ed ._.-__._._ ri t. �' �. la _ ._..:._ , 191 _....__.. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss ;i Keller Malt[ Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A 8-7 11) PUBLISHrD _._.. ... CITY OPST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A� I ON PR8.IMINARY ORDER (A) 747 In the Matter of -.e- � _..---___. ... _-.___. ____.__. _...._.._. _. .......... _........ ... .._._. _..A.---.. _... under Preliminary Order approved -,'--.'��.�.-..[i. ff To the Council of the City, of St. Payt: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - V--- 58 rer lineal . .. _..____._.._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is _ - - - - - $---- `Oct. _._.._.._.___.._._... ...... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as Gallows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK a ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' peso ro........ TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE; REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER to6 (C) DESCRIPTION LOT nLOCM ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 1 ;.mss .,( i y -..•� ai Do v o- j s� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Rated / � (i .191 L' rosM e.a.w. s•e C / Commissioner of Finance. -7,/ ,� • !Y ci ,ll {. (l r t . !< .1 1 ,, e l2 f c ! c/!z'v .r JC 2 .�J, tz`� ./ �/jt �r-lraJ I < Fir c� �Q<c 2.51 • � Y .1%, //,�,a'.00 �n _ �; � .�� , ems` %, �� 2 n LJ J t � + 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 7th, 191 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publie Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the roar- I cil, known all Council File No. 10.740 approved June 1., 191 6., gelative to oonat=uo.ting.:.a_.oament ..tile..61deWalk-t.o.....a Wldt.tt Qf sla&_. feet on the east side of Jessie St. frog r`irsinerd Ave. top Maryland.. St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2.The estimated cosStth roof a meal fOOtnd the total cost thereof is F XxXX amp the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: a. A plan, protile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a port hereof. 4. d. Said improvement is. _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject i to assessment for said improvement. d� I l.' OTnln lasiol of PIIl117G+—WOl' J ,em '"d nlnarYeo,der�10.1%F COUNCIL FILE NO--------.— FINAL O.—..._—. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_�Qne ?fie-�irg_.a eenent__tile sideRalk_to._a__3:=3.`.f.six _ feet_gn.__te west side_of_Saratrsa avenue from Grand aveuts® to St, ._Clair ............. ----- ........... ............ - ... ..... – — — - ___- 10 12FapprovedA r11 25th 1°16 .. _ ........._...�....._..._......._.._..z....._.._._._�.........__. under Preliminary order. __...z...._x.._................__.... Intermediary Order ._. __ __._....._....._..... ...... ............ .......... ...... approved....... _......_... _ ...... �_ —_. _....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recnrnmendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise aature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is CO' tTUo t a Cement_tile• _Li dewrj to a to St_ Clair ......_._�._—._.._........ __.. A the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. an RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and SGbmit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in AUftxlance therewtt 28 Adopted by the Council_..._.. 191 Approved_ �:���`1.1:i13.. --- _..__. 191_....... ...... � Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss / Keller � b{eEalY Mayor Pe*^�STi Fenn B. s. A. 6-7 C ptraT tCYiFiy % -- �- CITY OF ST. PAUL ORPARTMENT-Of kINANCE - I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i In the atter of .. - � n K under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ . t 55 lin-eal The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is FO L. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCM ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION v 44%4, Ah ronw a s A e -e A - TOTAL, t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF F4NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fCJ ----- -DE-SC R I PT ION_ --- -__ LOT eL6Cla ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of t(te aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .. Dated f416 K%-�/✓ l�iI2G,LG �. 10" e.e.A a -e C Commissioner of�. To the Commissioner of JFbiance of the City of St. Pail] ' The Vommissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the lire] hijbin ry order of the Cann. cil, known as Council File No. 10125 approved April 25# 191 relative to ojq;RqM_A.!!A. .444"ak to.. a., width of. Pix feet on t1he_ wea:t side. Of., SIAXatoga, Ave... f.rom-Grand Ave. to St.. Clair ;'fill having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 7 580 per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is xxxx still the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and onitle a )art hereof. 4. I 5. Said improvement i8.... ..asked for upon petition of three oi- more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of 1, IJ,Works. Works. St. Paul, Minn., Apr. 14th, 1916., To The Mayor and Council of the City of St. Paul., Gentlemen:- We the undersigned property owners abutting on Saratoga Avenue between Grand Avenue ander -Avenue in said city, hereby petition you, Honorable Body, to order a Gement sidewalk built on the west side oof�SQa�rraatoga Avetrae 1be- tween Grand Avenue and 4kteae*& Avenue. Yours respectfully, Loot No. Block No. .IA. 1�/l. a -'-<-PC �, — •�o� / - G� o elf 4 _ °.:;�c,�,r,.���� A� MONME MAY 9 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, 9 _AM f,, diiQi19 M t�n�; y� .e p�y .p �%t#t Vi��. .�l4itQ�_�. IRS�4a4,Y� Q'i. �V.",•i>�" dL,i r :u y �r,i------------- 5Q9 �ap�rDyed _� -_ z _ � � of -;the Gtty�of St Pan�tavltt�#�cetyed tt�csnpaC`�� ttue C��ptlon�r,.�of Fntmtxtttpst► `t t nt, laadshsvutB conei�dued haul report; herebgx+Feolvea �1 deportaQdtheLLsem�s herebY,aPproved andxadu pnd)te=,asid.imgrovamanf �fWFe Df+thctm-provemetlt�y}licl a he Coitac�lrecpth�gdmiRsIF -QIQt a cetq®hfi II.13»S13d1.C�.f-i Ail.•t��8 .$R Q��BYelplrtrt ayanti N'$ aad that the eaf�mal�edscast.thucof+pFyS '�� �1�[ne§ too'k. Pµbicb hdQa 'Otfi � 4 , , itDt`F+G �4"�k° - � rut�rtLttttiCiOf""INII EO4IEatt a g��'t,O,r, ' ���•; �. • � ?�� t ^ tty Clctk. r a �A P [a'.yisol—ay s Ma a sa�,tawQrch •_ �� or to Che bfatter of conatruct}46 a ceaie`nt .�._ y',: ,3u the etdewntk to a width of six to CDUO$1ltnk F rth j on the 'Ot .We of Cleveland avenin - '.a ro a� be innI at RobI avenue. thenoe - nor b0 feet ugder Prellminory - b Bihor 11609 aDD[eved JuIY 14tPUBUSTIM h, (, {{4 ; f I Tfie Connell of the Olty of St Paul - ..r •-•x. ' navhjg reoetved the report of the Comr u i� OII miseJ.onor of Flpe�oa'vpon the shove; Y hT! tmpra4emeak and, h@vine eoasiderod N86 �aeld'y'epork Hereby resotges: _ 1 ;That thi}<W�aid reyont be and the �. - Y 9aJaekla+'harebg aD3�royed, and "up Y�. ape, Xhe eatd lmprovemant is hereby' Y oYered to be proGeedgd_wlf�h, g. r. t 2• Tgqat the r attire of ache Improve '— r .PO • f5 went Wh {ha 49unotl reeom�nenda'L w bjR' Gpnetj'ilot a pemetit the efde`gta'lk toa, c ' p $ wJflthLa t� Leet on iha �vGet aldd ro4 v t` ' rlevq'n tk�' Yinttegba$tnnlq�J' at Robi it ' f en northyf0 9wllh,l1tla, H - y,- -`7` ,� � f b9"-t;oafe Dy�ealSoa � donFaP�,6, ,tingrovemg � f �� RtSOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CO EMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. iRE80LRTI0lf SAT7P'YQfO ANU CON- RIRHIND CORDEHNAT[ON AND AWAA88RD$ OR ^DAMAOEa AAD: 8tl5]I0FT._` THEE&80R. '. ,� t'Z c. F. No. 12388— � 1 _ (In1^Baan e�tarm.nt In overnacr09^ tak- - In the matter of Condemning and taking -an easement in, over, across, under sad through the land necessary for a drainage ditch on Edgeaumbe Road beginning at a point on the west line of Edgeeumbe Roadt,_25 feet south of the north line of Section 81, Town $S, Range 23, thence west 719.1_ fest parallel to said Section l=ine, thence at an angle of 870 501 ,to the right 366.4 feet, thence on the produced center line of Sdgeoumbe Road between Sta. 34 plus 44.6 and Ste. 37.13-4-5, a distance of 4831 plus, to the west line of Edgecumbe Road, the land to be -taken tieing more particularly described as an easement 10 feet in width, in, over, - across, under and through the land necessary for a drainage ditch on Edgecumbe Road, the center line of which is described, as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of Edgeoumbe Road 35 feet south of the north line of Section 81, Town 38, Range 393, thence west 719.1' feet parallel to said Section line, thence at an angle of 87 degrees 500, to the right 366.41, thence on the produced center line of Edgecumbe- Road between Sta. 34, plus 44,6 and Sta. 37.13-4-5, a distance of 483 feet plus, to the west line of Edgeoumbe Road, Kesolved, "Ilial the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the t signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- s?ectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same ie hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, he and the same is hereby in an respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to he submitted to the District Court for confirmation. _ 1181=111 Adopted by the Council!/'' % 6 L ,191 ,j L./� 1 E" Approved Il1J!� , j ;� ! ; 191 City erk. C Councilman Farpsworth !Mayor. Councilman �[� i Councilmen Keller Keller ll e Councilman hilleNash 1h Councilman Nash PUBLI3IiED Councilman Y erg Mayor Power. . W I\ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CO EM-NATIO14 AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. under Preliminary Order 6370 , approved Dec. s 9th -r 1915 , Intermediary Order 1C, 395 approved LP -Y 2t}lr 1916. - A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having - duly considered the same. no,v therefore ben Resol4ed, ghat the taking and condemnation of the land described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- s?ectively for said tatting and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further• that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same u hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. � t rsra` Ae ibis hop Resut sat h h i— " qum Adopted by the Council ' " , 191 1. < 11 City erk Approved IpUU '?;•l t'••i 191 w Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth / PUBLISTiED_� � Councilman Goss Councilman Keller �- CouncilmanMe6elf• (fes/ Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg r Mayne Powers FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 1►1wA6 06D18B ¢ _1:—ATI018`� - P600B1DIIf/if. Q 8. No. 18081— D1 tne'mattee of condemnlar and tak Ing as 6atilplent In, over aacdas, n t -•r a�t tt...••+Y land 00ceaR� In the matter of 0ondemning and taking an easement in, over, across, under and through the "laud necessary for a drainage ditch on Edgecumbe Road beginning at a -point on the west -line of Edgecumbe Road, 35 feet south of the north line of Section 31, Town 36, Range 33, thence most 718.1 feet parallel to said Section line, thence at an angle of 870 501 to the -right 366.4 feet, thence on the produced center line of Edgecumbe Road between Ste. 34 plus 44.6 and Eta. 37.13-4-5, a distance of 4831 plus, to the most line of Edgecumbe Road, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement 30 feet in width, in, over, across, under and through the land necessary for a drainage ditch on Edgecumbe Road, the center line of which to described, as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of Edgecumbe Road 25 feet south of the north line of Section 21, Town 28, Range 23, thence west 719.11 feet parallel to said Section line, thence at an angle of 87 degrees 501 to the right 366.41, thence on the produced center line of Edgecumbe Road between Sta. 34, plus 44.6 and Sta. 37.13-4-5„ a distance of 483 feet ptlus, to the west 'line of Edgecumbe Road, (1) ThatAWT51110W an easec:ei.t in, over acroes, dra'_:.age ditch on Edgecumbe Road beg inning":.at -a-p:bint on the west Edgecumbe Road 25 feet south c`_'41 north line of Sec. 41 Town 29, Range 23, thence west 719.1ft., pa to said See. line, thence at an angle of 870501 to the right 366.4ft., thence on the produced center lire 6f Edgecumbe Road, between Ste. 34 r1us 44.6 and Sta. 37.13=4v5, a dietance of 483-1 Flus to the west line of Edgecumbe Road. (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the name )a f ,r Pyt taken, . a�pytgated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz:' _lin ._easelpent,t in, over, across, under and through, the land necessary for a drainage ditch on Edgecumbe °cad begin- ning at a paint an the went line of ydgecumbe..Rcad 25 feet south of tr.e north line of Sec. 21, Town 28, Range 23, thence west 719.lft., parallel to said ppSec. line, thence at an angqg-le of 870 501 Le the -right 345ta. 34 pp6.4ft. thence on the 37.13-4-5Ceatdislar," ofine of 7499, plug, to,thetwent line of E.dge�:u.a,be 119441ug and ta. Adopted by the Council Approved 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goo Councilman Keller Councilman biWW 1 'Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers ,191. Ci Clcrk. r Mayor. pp 8370 approved ut e itmeary Older approved kay 6th, 1913. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: COndeZr, and take an easet.er.t in, over across, under and through, the land receseary for a Of dra'_reoe aitch on Edgecumbe Road beginning_. a.-.goin.t on. the west line Range Edgecumbe Road 25 feet south cf the north line of Sec. yh:enseTown 28,an angleeof 23, thence west 719.1ft., parallel to said See line, ceder line of Edgecumbe 87050' to the right 366.4ft., thence on the produced Ig l Road, between Sta. 34 r.Irs 44.6 and Sta. 34`.13=4-5, a distance of 483 plus to the west line of Edgecumbe Road. - (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same 1 {tee 1pc` byt takea�n, ytgated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An. e_ ._ssment4l iin, over, across, -under and through, the land necessary for a drainage ditch on Edgecumbe ?oia9 begin- ning at a point on the west line of Edgecumbe `_'load 25 feet southf to It'-saidOrth line of Sec. 21, Town 28, Range 33, thence west 719.1ft., parallel ppSec.-line, thence at an angle of 870 501 to the right 3156 4ft34 ius . thence on the 37.13C4--5Ceatdislan.;eoofr48..7plus, to�thetwest ween line of dFctiQu3..be gpa4- Adopted by the Council i, Ci Clerk. Approved AUG !�y i'3ib 191 t A Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Gone Councilman Kell�er�, 0]'1±1 ISf U T) Councilman?#k*W �. -- �`.✓/ - y Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers rfflow" rnvao�Pw jal�ms"+ra � � - •�t 18tta lift hry t od e.. Council File No. #{ ana- 8ns 7[F pnas[: t o a tk an botU et4ub ot�o"ge s£tout.. ^kaon street to ',t'emperanco.8t.j , t+q ,rreseutua w the CoUneu PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ to The undersigned heieby proposes the makin the foll ing public im ement y, the City of St. Paul, viz.:...Q.0nd>a enA.ng and .tpk' o an ease .r,.t i.n a land n eaeAi' or ..aidewalk...o hoz.-ai s_..af kaon. atr.eet_t .._Te er"ce 49trA- ..... _. _.... __ Dated this __.29.11+ _day of kugu r 1916 7 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Condemn a;. e.asement__In Alie..l.and n-eceasar.y. for alopea for' for cute....ard.._ 1.11..e._..n.._.C.Gr.,.et.r.uat.in��a...s.idetiY.al.k on...hn.th .sid.ea...nf aroy.e., street, from_ T-4ckQQ.r.,..etr.ee.t_..t.o T.ember.aac.e_..a.tre.e: __. _. ... _......_ having, been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2., To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council t,,^ e7 q ,n-5 r•5 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G Approved �% , sl j 191 __... C H nd Ke r M W derI Mayor Iry It(nyor. ` PUBLISIiED� 1 No. 12997— — 'har�eas. A written propopell for t, 14 of .the following tnproveme+ 'CmIntrpet a cement Ulu old.*, 'wldtb of ell feet on the, cast t `aldwin 9L. between St_ Clair ' • `Princeton Ave.; -having been r to the a Council of the City a ,4- 1- I+ It � ...upeelf PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Petition Council File No. 7t ! f The undersigned hereby proposes the making :of the lotting pt lic improvement by illi flitof Const u ..;,, Or t ile d %vralk a '.ii dtli o S, --et or St. Paul. viz.: Z'...4t �' ...,........ _ _ ... .. .ti5e , east side of 3 ldclin St . b0t';70Cx_S.K Clair a1 d i::vh, n Ave., An accorganCa tLLt-Belted i� Dated this 29th, Ill, ui , ug?7"'12t f ('oancilntall. 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. �---J WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz..: C0!.St. .:Ct a Col.lej,;t '�il�; ., ,de•;;al:t. t.o a :.idth of six feetan the eas: side of B�;ldrvin 5t.._b.etllnori at. Lt., zll:d irii;cetor.;,ue. having been presented to the Council of the City of tit. Paul by Councilman therefore, he it RESOLVED. 'rhat the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furni9h a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. i. To furnish the following other data and information relative to .said improvement: 5. To stale whether or not said improvement is asked for nn the petition of three or more otcncrs. ti. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council f 9 191 - Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworlh (: Approved yt) .JIB 191 K r K r V r l �✓�^� l 1 Wt erlirh Mayor Iry � Mayor. .oa. c 1 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: ► r ' '11E Nb NIV � I % f Date= Presented --a—; 191 u Resolved. V.L- oL 2*ttlo o a5 L :'Ci -rtidC l::C or. _hC a:: u:a1, :. '- "o Iles and aj rcc o:..:Cr... _ b do:..n--' z; ; ion, -r o „ab: i as=":c .c hereb; al�ia_� a.' c�tthli�i-c grr-ie. 1 c. F. No. s3--_.HY '.Y[. conn- - Resolve ;,.. the Rrnde t land huUln St. LfAn� L°Wnon SL• t° MnrYon St.• ne 1- by the rotldee and nls rec- the nccomPaby t P mmtssloner °t the Co emm°nded s the name fn de. PUUIIc taAkns the establfehed Y9ni9id I by ndPP U the Council Aub• AdoPoved Aub. 89, To. APPr tSeyt n% r 2 -Is_ 1 Yeas ( J) Couf cilmen ( , ) lays • AJopted by the C'Puncll r^,29y !I 191 Approved ql)[ ) 1} J 191 MAYOR e � aworth G \ Go In Favor H and Ke er Against Wdtrlich Mr. Presiden Irvin ,on. e. B•2 • AJopted by the C'Puncll r^,29y !I 191 Approved ql)[ ) 1} J 191 MAYOR e � Subject: I "CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM FILE No 4 , 19 1 6. ,�U, 1 t d ,,�J Dat, Presented -41 .1yed, )Thlat th,.-rade o,' ;-e-' 3t.!'ro, o Rut must City LLaits, as b.; she re -ra1c 1--:ic or 0 -o flee t-nd as recom:Ie!,.-!ed b,- 0', is. ad,,r!,-(;d all -rads. C. F. Na- 12399 --BY M. N. Gets— Rcumlyed, That the grade of Reaney St- team Roth Ave. to the East City Limit$, as shown by the red grade line .. the R...rnp.nyI.ff P-111" and as recommended by the Commissioner of Pub, 110 {York!be and the —,Ie 1e here- by adopted as the e.tstbuh I so grad Adopted by the Coptetl Aug. 29. 19016. Approved AdT 29 1916. (9.pt mb;r 2-1911) Yeas (V)Cou Cou I Jnaen(,')Nays 4" 29 Far Goa orth ( In favor kd.pted by tlic Council 191 Hy d Kel Approved 'J 191 1 Wit - Against erlich Mr. Presid i 1. I r Irvin MAYOR FORM c 8, CITY OF ST. PAUL I COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENI ERAL FORM ` SUbjtct: "COENC'L IVO.. a L (/— Date Presented 191 `lam Resolved, That the annexed I contract between, the City of St. Paul and Anton Weinholzer, for the sale of garbage by the City of St. Paul to the said Anton Weinholzer, for the year beginning I September let, 1916, in those certain districts numbered 817, a16, 819, 230, 831, 2T2, 823, 330 and 331, is hereby ratified and approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into said contract on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays Fnaworth In favor land ler rAgainst nderlich Mr. Presid Irvin FORM C. a -- co,, I ,.,,:I uuave Resor tion. Adopted by the Council ` f 191 191 Approved R U G,2:) �'t��`-^".'�, U � MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAWL - ... COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - 7 COUNCIL .. , FILE NO. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the annexed obntract between the City of St. Paul and the Northern Stook Company, for the sale of garbage by the City of St. Paul to the said Northern Stook Company, for the year beginning Septem- ber let, 1916,E"ip those certain garbage districts numbered 301, 303, 203, 204, 805, 306, 807, 308, 309, 310, 311, 212, 213, 314, 315, 316 and 239; is hereby ratified and approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to, enter into said contract on be- half of the City. Yea$ (✓) i F 14 D Mr. F4esid FORM C.q;a r In 3 Resoi In favor Against Adopted by the Council AUG 29 1916 191 Approved AUG 29 1916 119�1�_ _ MAYOR Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM COUNC,LFILNO Date Presented w 191 'Resolved, That the annexed contract between the City of St. Paul and Mike Rushnot, for the sale of garbage by the City of St. Paul 0 to the said Bike Rushnot, for the year beginning September let, 1916, in those certain garbage districts numbered 334-5r6-7; is hereby ratified and approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into said contract on behalf of the City. cos oatraoc 006 6'm4a t a. by tho C. ga�otve h� tY�la ° ae ag? gpp stns r F¢dPrna�4 pAU � Y1dK��l'1td'T�6�„ tio90 l Gt ter �;F, ki owe 9�a�6�9, i)1 lFe'se 'Bran ,� jst.` 19toliinp6sV rove yy aut �anttidt� meq d an6 .aro Fero ywla S9te. a, lie. to o6; 29. eA. to � p1tY• ouncU. A �teeca� of tr tFe G ]91l. Z61 hyo `oQOyyAn�o�`9a�ar 4a4 c _ . _ - . A9p t`3n9 - jt:-'. . Yeas (✓) Coun�men (:) Nays Farn Orth Co in favor HyI Kell Against w�� lich Mr. President, in IORM C. 8_2 i Adopted by the Councilp , �,,, 191 r„_ a C9 1„ )t Approved r11' �� •n I1R 191 MAYOR ?? CITY OF ST. PAUL / s� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjsst: _ _ �rR.c NO. Date Presented 191 Resolved, yeas (V) Mr. 'reel FORM QWX that, ulon the recommendati(n of the Commissioner of Education, the proper City Officers are hereby author- ized to contract without advertising for bids with H. L. Doepke for tloving three (3) school buildings known as cotta;=e buildings from their present location at the corner of James and Syndicate Streets to three (3) separate locations, as directed by the Superintendent of School Buildings, at a cost of not exceeding four hundred fifty dollars 0450) for each building, to be paid out of the "Sites and Buildings" item of tate Public School Fundk; it being impracticable, by reason of the nature of said work, to advertise for bide therefore ! Pficsnl eV l ttis ubon tfie recobenda• hnen (✓) Nays j )rth In favor A..iMt Adopted by the Council AUG 29 191 _. Approved RUG '!) 1916 191 .. . r MAYOR CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Fie"`'L NO. pnr 2 9 1916 BY AUDITED_ _ __ __ 191 1P!A l� Li' v�Y 1� Li0-7„�� 230 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds W. in favor of the persons, firms or corporst:ons for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the i0RO rn detailed statement: I' 29 tisk! Peas (s) Councilmen (J) Nhys Adopted by the Council -_-_--191.- Farnsworth " ^ Goss Approved-_ '�'� --191— Hyland In favor – Keller C• 1P, 01v 78394— i1LeGDH Against F' No' tthat warraa�a be arevrn upon the Clly, at -e -WY 1t¢be d out Wunderlich or the herelnarter-,erce4r,able an t. In ravor or the Doi, -ons U; '*,able' r ,r.UE-' _ Mr. President, Irvin Dorattono tqr the amduntd osC upyydt to th th, rolrleo-wDleotlva nlaplt8yn,aibdoaottsstlp0e.d'•c'lled�in Fle'4111s Aghepi`mentir, .� Ftltd Alocer Co ta6p qs Od ber Litno s: Qdtiteht 1p,. 166:00. •';) E. �. Nebeter 76SYBR6; o Ad'opt9d by thg Cod`nen AUg, a9, 1916. Approved Aug 29;. 1936. - 1 _ (ReDtetnher=a-19116 _ .� 6164 Fielding & Shepley, $5,000.00 paving laurel, Dale -to Lexington, - 65 Ford Motor Co., 366.45 Lighting M. 66 Gopher Lime & Cement Co., 56.00 Fine -C. & Be t' ' Park-Park-Maint,' x' 67 Be T. Webster. 6,218.45 Serer Capitol. Ave., St. Albans to Pt. Total --------d.. I City of St. Paul. ' 11!X`395 t Counall V0,8014VOR €fONOT111 'Form. 'j V Department of Bureau of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --- - - Council Bile No. Date Presented 1916. By - Resolved, that permission be and it is here1W granted the forth astern Telephone Ixchapge BompaxW to set poles and string wires with the necessary anchorer-thereon in the following named streets. 6 Polee West side of Winthrop St. from Minnehaha St. to Fauquier St. r -e -Poles Salt side of Ruth St. from 11ini heha St. to Bauquier 9t. • lb Poles in alley between Fauquier St. and Reaney St. from Ruth St. to Howard at. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. . Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Comp y. /adopted by the Council �s6 �t 1516 1916. Yeas Fa, Orth GHWY ` ' erlioh d. ' Approved AUG 29 I 1916. j Ke :er President Ir 'n t r mayor I C. F No ISM— jt• N. be TOY' Resolved• thY42l"! at 'hweaer. TNe- named Waste; SL e Poles went alde of VV.,)9tArop from Stlnnnfinha St. t0 Fav Ula, SL �ti na lo. astfoaide of 1'.'"'84, 9L from 15 Poles to olloY between Fau oleo SL and Rooney St. from Ruth g�. to iloward-SL - - 1 roles Arid wires o be removed Co mon 1 r4queot d. to do ao by caur 11i „�a e4at' to be P. by the j Te)app ones ompaanY• Adoyted bX the Cou..it Aug. 29. 1916-1 ADDroV-tc Ug•. $tion 4:1979) 1 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r Sub)ec1t. ryt.�6 COUNCIL I' V \ Date Presented Resolved. � � y 3C� 3l•O > $ IS " W t�tba 'TWAVwme + 04 Now > to 10 poles in alley between Stanford & Wellslay from Cleveland to Prior. I c. S xo Isssr—sy at: x. aa_.. n6by granted o Tri4t4ti tie and la ' a.ddT grouted the VJ&ny to ere t P 116o and Tclegrapb Cotnpary to eredt polae WA[h the tleeeeeary , neherp and .;o ptrrng axle and' cath on tAe rollow1 ng. named afroetai 10 Pot`ee In fne'p Letween Stamford and: �Yelteley [t01tt 'ClsVoland Cb:�YdOC; ML qp ��!an itV �.yo ' any/ni� y �r �, v Qlti Q� 1W 'abs V ii, I �Y � "" ��s � 00are Year (d) Con ben (✓) Nays / Far r6 Goal In favor Kell / �,,. 1�.... Against y Mr. President, . FORM C.a•a Adopted by the Ceumil Aur 29 191.{:. 191, Approved Q Zt ��lb 191... MAYOR CITY Of-• ST. P_.L1-Ul. --- ----- - ---- " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n i Sublvc�. j„ (' Doff"”. NO.. 2,39 Datd Presented x:191... P Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri Stam Telephone and Telegraph Company to make the necessary excavation, lay conduits and build the necessary manholes for undezground service on the following named streets: Karl - from Jenks to Lawson. Work to .be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commission^r of Public works, the Telephone Company to pay the at of inspection, engineering and publication. Yeas (.') Cou 'In Far or Coat Kell Mr. President FORM c.a.z (V) Nays. In favor Against 0 Adopted by the Council AUG 29 .191.6 191" Approved AUG 29 1916 191...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General =, Fonn F. -No. 188x8-�liY M N. Qo.tr \\��partrndnt o •htdt..i. hereby grderedadp'd noted to.ortepd tta eliIina_ : ereating poles and arinfting whew +reon for the trµn.mI .Ion of else• ---- ----- - - -- -- _ 'alty on and In-tho following alleys 1 at at ot. aald efty: Bureau 6� - .pole on $a avenue between view and Wliebler avenub. ?bole on $lits $t. and %nor. St. van Po1.8-,,!ho alloy betw-:, - •.all even+'. , -� t�t•ctc� , Council File No._.____.:_ -- Date Presented~ ---.-191 By R$SOLVED. Thal the St. Paul Ou Licht Comra.r le hereby ordered and dheeted to extend to I cWaal It.. by c—ina rola and etribelna wa" thereo. I. the namminton of eleeMny on and In the followina aIle" and erste o1 mid city t 211y Arco. Arne. One pole on Selby Avenue between Fairview and Wheeler Avenues. One pole on State Street and Concord Street. Bleven poles in the alley between Marshall Avenue and Iglehart Avenue from Pascal Avenue to Snelling Avenue. t One pole on Selby Avenue between Saratoga Avenue and Pascal "Avenue. Five poles on Tallula Avenue from the alley east of Prior Avenue to Tatum Avenue. Thee poles in the alley between I,atond Street and Blair Street, from Wheeler Avenue to Fairview Avenue. With neooesary guys. i CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Fora Department Bureau of Council File No.—______-_ Date Presented By--- — - RESOLVED, T h t tM St. P¢ul Gu Licht ComW.y la hercb� ordered a.d directed to eeteod It. electrical II¢e, by erectiv¢ polo -d etri¢eio¢ wire. the... for the trawmiulo¢ o/ elt<.let, o¢ cod le the f¢Ilowi¢¢ .11,. a.d mau W wid dq : pour poles on Geranium Street tram Bradley Street to Jessie Street. Seven poles on prank Street from Case Street to Lawson Street. Six poles in the alley between Case Street and Jenks Street from TrankStreet to Earl Street. Seven poles on Palace Stseai from Warsaw Street to Daly Street. Four poles in the alley between Wareaw Street and Daly Street from Palace Street to James Street. c Your poles on Hail Avemte rrea t Avenue to George Street. With necessary guys. i CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of-------- Bureau f ______—Bureau of Council File No. —__ Date Presented--__ 191 By --- RESOLVED. That the St. Daal tsar Light Commay L- hneby ordved and dirt.ted I..am.d 1..1. iW lion by arch.. Dole. and .trio.l..1 . thneov for th. tnmmWl.. of .itt,tricty o. and is the W10wit t a0m and .trams of j1diij T Arose 3• Two poles on Harvester Avenue from Herbert Street to Kennard Street. Three poles in the alleys between Snelling Avenue and Arora Street from Almond Street to Albany Street. Your poles in the alley between Cleveland Avenue and Finn Avenue from Fairmount Avenue to Lincoln Avenue. Twenty-six poles on Larpentsur Avenue from Hazel Avenue to Bast Avenue. Nineteen poles on Bast Avenue from Center Street to Larpentsur Avenue. • CITY OF ST. PAUL • Cound- Resolu ien--•-Gene-Eal---dorm -- --- Department of ------- — Bureau of --- — --- Council 'File No. ---- -.-- Date Presented i 191 B - RESOLVED, That the tit. 1'..1(iu Light C.=ya ie b—hy ordered'.d diteeled to.. e d IU elaviol He. by -I.. W. avd •tri.¢ive wira therco' for tha tra.smimi.v of eleetricty o' and 1. the lollowi'e a11ey'.d street• of •'d city : atv Arps. 4. e TWtsen poles on We Street from Iglehart Avenues to Selby I Avenue. Two poles in the alley between Brie Strest and Oneida $larger from Superior Street and Pleasant Avenue. Two poles on SdSerten Street from Eine Street to Larpentsur Awnu*. light poles on LarpeateW Avenue from W607t0n Street to Burr i Street. Three poles on Curtioe street from Ut.Hope Street to ©alcdsls Avenue. with neossssry Me* r L.t Ajj°� R v,,ft"j , W esu No� i(zaaava o/'i1 eahui:Mu1 v�ydiue�e: v' d raotvilooa of th.11d W 9t. P di ommistener v/ Wh7iv UQutie..nd WAIN... t w the pro oold ho set iv such loeadov in add dley.'d streets u tM1e Commi.'lover of Po61k Utdlidn'h'll dniev'te. end aNll b. 01 such 6e t 'oil ehannee a• I.t '••11 dal•nsl"oil'nVm•a, avd s.y avd all'och pole shill Le %k.. down std removed. avd sveh wi— plead o.deruoovd, wM1<vaver the l'ouvcil 'hall deem th't We I �t I.c Imetrat ao te.u4a. avd when it sh'll •o ceder. Adopted by the Council------ Pit, �T Yeas ( ) (NDERLICH en ( ) Nays ORTH i j r�1'l 191 DApproved iLER Mr. President, Mayor PI,ISLISHL '... -b s8Y` F N. 12199 n1 S. A FarnswortIii, � ttteryMa,.'##er of curplh$ both alder hera(ss street Poin. Soventh etr Smith A.venulunde{. P nttiimQ COUNCIL FILE NO...___... _ _ / s d8r 1192 autt[t�ad F� 4t} '916T7 , Y.. JttY2t 918 .Tee TRd. B)•_-�;_ ....___...__ L ,•.iwa havmentup?!rd'd �J FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._Lur:Gitg...!4L_tl. aide.a_ off....Sharman-ztxae.t._fz_am...SeY.en.th.._fa..tr_Y. t to Smith avenue, ........... . ...... .... ...... ..... ..... _ under Preliminary order.._....._Q102_.................._ .......... approved........._Februt3rY..._1_ . =.x.. ..x.10.1_...... > >/ Intermediary Order .._...... s_........ _............ ....... approved ....._._. ..: c _ G t-1 _.._._..__....__ Imo_.,........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- *. n etre `r m provement to be made by the smd City ts_..�1?�.�._.�.S��.Ades.,.p,�_.S:�;z_x{�_$_.�.__.....:...tr...,�—r SewE:.tr.;....1.:Y:t:...tL.-Slii..t,`...BY�11118.�............. _................ .......................... __.................. .... ... _._.---._........ _......... _ ........... . 1.._ ...._..... '........._ .... _._........ .._.._- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........... _..__-Z1.;.[1...-^;C-••_ (( City Cle V Approved .......... _............ . 191 _.......... PP Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss " Keller n1.iSiIISD McGA Yoerg Mayor Power �y Form B. S. A. 8 7 r Ir Clti/ OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PROLIMINARY ORDER (a) In the il^�./4 Matter o ...-.... ' l o` under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hrreby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ,- b2= n� 7: _3 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ - 0.41 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and -the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AD^D IT I ON ASSESSED VALUATION 7 / �o�t Q �%o/� J i luyj<.1 rei'X11, �?G fly )7- > 1 ( TOTAL. ` O The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doted 1914- 3 .[ 1.. afrG'���... ....___ Commissioner of Finance. wr.r �. s. • a e v CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTM NT OF PUOLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER " u ROBERT T. GOURLEv. D-1 Co•.nuo+ev " OSCARCLAUSSEN. C.141 E -61W J: E. CARROLL 5— C—TRo - k Rr•+-• ALFRED JACKSON Sun 5•xrt.rio+ , GNE H RROLD Ovr.cr E-41-1- w W C:DET7.N GER 5••-•. Wn+..... Warch 12th, 1910 - non. M. N. 3oss, Comr,issioner of Pti.c-:c morks u i l d i n �• near -ir: I traT•.mit herev¢ith preliminary estimst- of cost for the curbing of Sherman Street, frorc SevertF Street to S¢ith Avenui, in accordance wit'. C Heil File ##910, approved Feoruary 12th, 1916. ppproxin.L-te estimate 2287.03 Cost per front foot •41¢ Excess inspection 5.63 � Fronti:ge 703 ft. ktespectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of -Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March 13th,. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hail under consideration the prelimi ury order of the Coun- — a � 9102 February 13th6 the cil, known as Council File No. .. .. _.. . _approved .. _. e .,. 191 _..., relative to _ curbing of Sherman Street, from Seventh Street to Smith Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to Iberein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ p__.necessary and (or) desirable. 41¢. per front foot 1. The estimated cost thereof is $..__ and the total cost thereof is 387.03 and Frontage 703 feet EXOe89 inspection $5.63 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: I :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .1. Said improvement is..._ __ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / l onmaission of Public Works. NENM E. WEOELSf.EOT CO ST.2pnEP5 _ St.Paul,Minn...............1915 ,�To the Honorable City Council, 3' i City of St.Paul. <J Gentlemen: - Si We,the undersigne,d,owneref o property abutting on both sides 61 of Sherman street, from Seventh street to Smith avenue,do herebype ftiton your honorable body to cause said street to be curbed with ce- eIment curb between the Points mentioned. Names���`+,5a1 o�Lot'(tIk cid Ad ditionO�`-r4 ioI G O Ile 24 ni s ,6{, .6� Lij14I �ppF(RE�B pI 8p X1,93■1�6[�Qp� 13 - BHRUV O ROGII EEK - 241 - ... 361 271 :e 301 { of f l Nt 6 M -`W COUNCIL FILE, NO..—.--..-. - — .. #_ 4, OM O'S In the Matter of feetthe weg.t e.i.de 0f ..fthe betMeen RjjnQeton avenue and St. Clair street,_ .. . ........ . .......... ........... ..... ... _._________________ ............. . .... . . ........ under Preliminary order.. approved _1MA-2 6.1h 19 1_6 ...... Intermediary Order ....--Z, .. . . .. ........... ....... approved_.___,.__t_,. v.,..._. . . ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above impirovemettf upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ Construct a cement tale sidewalk to a 0 idg--Qf IMIX"l 0-tr-0.0-t _.hg_tM ELF r.. tQA__._ IDge av e.nP,0__Ud_ 8-t J!a ix ALt re a t . . ... ....... . ...... ......... ....... ... . ...... ...... ............ . .. . ......... and the Council herebyorders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council -for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council........_ . 1.91 City Approved- -- -- ------- 191 . ........ �Ark. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller oerg Mayor Pawcre- Form B. S. A- 8-7 PUBLISHED 16 - O - - - .CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ' ON PRELUINARY ORDER I LL 1 - �7 a f�? In the Matter of ✓7 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of st. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 0.58 FeT The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ - Lineal foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be asses1 sed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION / > J 12 va o S /? ronw es. �. ee w TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - l 'J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER .OF FINANCE ON PRELIM14ARY ORDER fC) " DI SCR i PT ION LOT eLOC. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1> v r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council. together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated � 191 roew as.�. sac Commissioner �of Finance. r v • Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Ju"_e....20th.e _..1J1.6.1 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 10836cil, known as Council File No......_ _...approved ... ....... June 6th, 191 .6 relative to n 0.nna.t.xualii: t.i?_t a111rlsp„1.k_ t.o_. a wide}_ of.._six .feel. on t the...wae_t s.i._'e._of. ALh.e.r_at._.S.t.__.'o..etw.e..t:r .Pr;-.cetgn_Av� .rr�a...,2,lair St. and having investigated the inattw's and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _._ _necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot d. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is Xxx and the mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: �Y 3. A plau, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attnehed and made it part hereof. d II `S .i. Said improvement is........ _ __ _ _.Asked for upon petitioYi of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. x Commissioner of Public Works To ''.??.Goss, Commissioner. The undersigted respectfully netition you for s cement ! sidewalk on the Fest side of Amhurst between Princeton and :3t. Clair Streets. .,CT and 'BLOCK. A.HDRESS. 0� MMUMP JUN 6 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, i i ( Z 7 n 46 ent 'OUNCIL FILE NO..... �'i bcit fe.t rt! t et '-tree[ %st r 1 16. By uly FINAL ORDER. In the Matter f -o" " th's L'Outh aid's Of -V-914"lia Q-tTO,'t be-tween Frank- street. and Earl stret, ......... . .... .. ...... under Preliminary order .. ....... ... . approved ............ .......... Intermediary Order ............approved'......Y. ...... . .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -C- Orts true t a cem width of six fee n street and Earl _street . ...... .. .... . ........ . . .. ............ . . .......... .............. ......... . . ... ... ....... ... ...... ............. . . .. . .......... ...... . . .......... . ......... . . .......... . . ...... ...... ... ..... ............. ..... ................. ............ .... . . .. . ...... .......... ......... . ......... ... ..... ........... ...... . ........ . ....... . .... ....... ... ...... . . ......... ... ...... .. .. . . ... ............. . ..... ....... ..... ..... . .... ....... . .. . ........ . .... ... . ........ I ..... . ... . ....... . ..... . ....... .... -.._.1...._.__..-._.___- .. .... .......... --------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........... 191 City Gre r_1k_. Approved 191 . ......... k- -- ------ ........ ...... . . .... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller Nash Mayor Pajw=& F.— B. S. A. 87 r �cra.ran441 v r" Y ..._, . Kas`E �' INA�fCFfDER In the Matter of jr ......._..... --------- ........... -- - -------- - _ -- . ..--...... .... ., ....... under Pzelimiaavy Order approvedlfZ�41�II.U_- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: nJ° . The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-= '--" _ e_T _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ limneAl--f4 Ole. --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of i each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION / VALUATIONP 1 l� li if 04 �4'4 i O '� ')p ri al /6f d 0 eel J7s lei TOTAL. CITY ST. PAUL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1/ - _ ._3910 -�" s ' ' LL ISSiOIIe r_ce. DEF RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCK ADDITION ASSESSCD VALUAJlA� r� i /a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1/ - _ ._3910 -�" s ' ' LL ISSiOIIe r_ce. MW Office of the Commissioner of Pudic Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 2-0-th. A91.6.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of $t. Paul: Tile Counnipsioner of Pablic Works, baying had under considern-tion the preliminary order of the Conn - oil, known as Council File No. A0-83-8. approved ... ..JUP6-.6th,. .1916 relative to .. . . ...... .... Constructing a oemnt the sidewalk to a width of six feet .............. . .. ..... ...... ...... .... ....... . ..... —. - ...- I ...... .... . ... ... —I.. ...... . .... .. on the south side of Magnolia St. between Frank St. end Earl St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - necessary and (or) desirable. 580 per lineal foot' L. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is AXXX,, and the unture and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached alit] jinitle a part hereof. 4. . . .......... ... 5. Said ijt�provenient is.... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. t i i x 7. NEYP, E WEDEES DI CO -h St.igxEPS PETITION FOR SIDZWALB. St Paul,Minn...............1916 t�To the Honorable, the City Council, 3;.. City of St.Paul. AI Gentlemen: i we, the undersigned,_ owners of property abutting thawouth 61side of Magnolia street, between Frank and Zarl streets,do hereby t;petition your honorable body to cause a sidewalk of cement blocks x�sia feet in width to be constructed onasaid street between the points qi mentioned. DI Names Lot Blk Addition 13I F i9� T - ISI /�/��/,//'�}(//p,6 ,y/� /-• / )�f � or� ,e v %�y 211 231 f - 16 27 26 D JUN 8 1916 19 HUR 0p ENGINEERS. 30 ' 31 r f "NO; •to atderralt5 to va . rna4�'4he t�e—f"rOneht wtdor;a1zleet COUNCIL Fid NO.._._..__.__. doth �_tdaa, or pa7ace-�etreet -bo- _ _ een.HHaanline avenue angtsxndtaate` nines" %%der Pa•el(n} hai'x' 'order --�Z`tJ,"T�'f' �^�.�ic`7 t37.>a>tArovgd Tgne rttt BY f,!_lL.':.�r:.13.✓— �ubllc iteaPlhB haPfnt can hod the above Impipy ttmbp "Ann )sue and the t:0urM1l havlpi`ableatd '+•N" lr�rngyer•... FINAL* ' --- In the Mauer of_Conetrueting a_cement the sidewalk to a width of ei c — fee -. -an ..hoth.. zidaa .of, Pa lace strge,t r,etween Hamlin- avez>y.e _Syn&ioate under Preliminary order ._..,10, 837 approved.... June -6th, 1EI16 Intermediary Order ___._........._........ _--_—.... __.__ _.._. approved....-... ......... _ __ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same: therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be; made by the said City is__Construet a cement sidewalkto a width of six feet an -.hg Adea of Palace street between Hamlina avenue and — ByntiicattB._ay&nue,...._..__—_ _------ ----- —------------.._.... _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Comaiissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval: that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. r Adopted by the Council.-___ 191 City C— . Approved._—!iL.fiatli916—_.__., Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller MOGO t •" Nesh�� Mayor Powers -�2 a Form B. S. a 821 if CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMOF FINANCE 1SAONER OF FINANCE / ON PREOWNARY ORDER 7 f_ V - (A) .' OWA�?rtLLu L..Z`Irv1K.1� In She Matter of ..... _....._ ---- ----- _ ...... ------- . — = . -----... __................ _ .. .. _ _ .. under Preliminary Order approved-`-�-� -- ��/� - - ----' -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The,Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - !P s5$.- p-�r--hinB.Es�- frjot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $-----1------ .... .... ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: F DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i6 z ZZ/ ASSESSED VALUATION 1�� Z Q �/ 0 - _ TOTAL. *D CITY Or ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - I 7, A� REPORT OF COMMISC$ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION I LOT BI-OrK ADDITION ASSESSED VALU?TIO0✓IL If LILO "yTJ(/ ✓Lf� / K 7 /1. JL .� `P, /U7 - J J A� ell j /G o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of ;the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. i Office of the Commissioner of Public. Works s Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 — June 2Cth, 101J6.. To tate Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pant: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 10837 June 6th, 6 cil, known as Council File No......__ _ _. _,approved _. _. .._ ..__. ........_. ..... 101_....., relative to ......__.._ I ConstrLeting a cement tile sidewtlk to a width of six feet - _ ................ - ...__ ... _ _.... __. .. _..... _ _. _..._.. ..._ _..._ _ . ._ ..... _.. ... ". on both sides of Palaee__Streeta,_between Hap -line end. ,:ynaioat_a Aves. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: a 1. Said improvement is... _ _...necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 'l. The estimated coat thereof is $.......... .. .. . ..., and the total cost thereof is $ xxxx. _ ., and !E the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto ottaehed and made a part hereof. 4. e I 3. Said improvement is.._ _.. _. _..... asked for upon pelitionI of three or more owners of property, subject ) to assessment for said improvement. w Commissioner of Public Works. .dent a to have th'e atty- We, the undersigined property -owner -a; _ - lay cement walks on both sides of Palaoe Street between. Hamline and Syndicate: 1 COUNCIL FILE NO_-_.. -FINAL 3 vAtivf.T• In the Mann of_CcnriBS.* xG .ung _6 _yep,@SLt �ik�. 1s15aBlk_ia..a !1.51 21S1i_�i x____ feet _on_ tile._e�,ti;tu a_. ._^_A �andoirh street between Griggs street and QXndiaaie..atraot, under Preliminary order_. 10 834 " _" _—approved June Sth.,1916. p' 9 , Intermediary Order.._.__.....��_......__.._...._........ �_-approved._... __u� �Z..1?/�L___...._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -921111Z= Ae[per __t_� �i w�lk•__to A- -width of six feet onthe •. eopth eidq •g f. Randolg street between Griggs_ street and Syndi_cate street,_—_�____`_______�___.___. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._..__ Approved— - ;Lli -_1 )j._� __.__, 191____ Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller Me" Yoerg��, Mayor Powers Form B. S. A 9-7 " ok Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL 11 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCl REPORT OF COMM46IONER OF FINANCE I N� • - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 6 In the Matter of ..� %lel�7llC/1 5..'-L�r .e / .�1L1__Q�4 Ott /"t -441 .ter ...e�� __ _ ------ -- - - ------------- ..--- - - -..._.... . _ . --- ... --- ..... - under Preliminary Order approved - -- --� ---/�- - -- - --- ---- - - ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: per lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ — - -. - 0.58 -. F'- .......___.-.._ foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for s=_+ch improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot orparcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - D E 5C R.I PT ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Z Z v L Yo Z. G J! TOTAL. F a oP ST. PAULDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM1:/1IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1 VALUATION OIL C-L-tv r � �r 2 �� ,2 •L f � /U �klr The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1911 Commissioner of Finance. ronr+ �s.A. s• e c • C F' �i 0�3g • I i 47, o Office of the Commissioner of Public Works] Report to Commissioner of, Finance- June ..Nth. _ .... ... _.... 1'91.6.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 10834 n roved June, 6th, 1!11..6..., relative to .. .. ........... eil, known as Council b'ile.No. _.. _. _ _. _. pp - aonstrucx_in$ a ec,ant.._Li.e.......e..�l..._t.v......7vidSh....szY.....six_...f_a.e.t_.._an __...._. the south side of Randolph St between Griggs St nd Syndicate Ave. .......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ....._..necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is �-- - _.._, and the total cost thereof is )XXX _.__.., ntul ,, the nature and eaten[ of said improvement is as follows: _. _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. f i. .. a. Said improvement is._... _ ___..-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeot 7 f to assessment for said improvement. r Commissioner of Public Worker { Y Cwcn i...,...... . .... ...._ :....«.«. . ,.. ...«...soma...»new+a.n.:.»........�........ .,... HDIII1 E WEDELVAEDI CO SIALT-M IrITITION FOR SIDZWALK St Paul,kinn.,May 31 1916 21To the Honorable City Council, 3[ City of St.paul. Gentlemen: - We, the undersigned, owners of property abutting Randolph between GrAiggs street and Syndicate avenue, do hereby petition your ,[honorable body to cause a sidewalk of cement blooks to a width of six 1 :�A,4 57,.4e .;p -/,4- 6ifeet to be laid on theAabove street between the points mentioned 9� pyo Names Lot Blk —Addition e, 0, 2- soi 21 JUN 11916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. pp= 7 �u COUNCIL,�Ij.E 1---•- --._E� I e. tr xo. I9sr a sarna.zortn- -r Afatter oI conetcugRCna' p+�^oere ' - ---,-� o. nritatt Lay.. , trA. a DOWt tb BY-- -•--..--. __.._.....___...� t gOuth fir ehnch A "n o[�benete0n _ N9 fo a. Datnt is .ef orth 05 �� of nandolPh . 6% FINe&aC A ohsJu." avenue jt R: _L, In the Matter of {tD 8 LY1iG_t1T.$ .9liRe xB_-IIn _Hr imh&11 84@nu 9 . �rALt;._E _.pIIi n t� M- e.et...sou.ih..af-snutk -line-af deEisrsan-�1� -a �>aistt--RS £eet— n #t�l__4 ...A.o_r�h__lille_of Rnndolnh e1~raet� do* n: --S Ilp.11in�p asc.enue from a point 75 feet south of south line of Jefferson avenue to a point 75 feet north of north line of Randolph street_, and on-Pal"aoe.—street...._- and Palacestreet-F;cduo®d .from Brimha3l aveop nd stiroo4(..evenYe -_ under Preliminary order __.- 10, 577.._ approved -__ yay_ 23rdp_ 11316. - Intermediary Order ____. _.:....._. /_.l?.._ .... _._ approved- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and haying fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ' Construct sewers on Brimhal1 avenue from provement to be made by the snid City is_._...._..-..�....,,._. — a point 75 feet south of south line of Jefferson_ avenue to a voint 75 A1Lfl21ate.._from..a_PC" nL S -feet -south-o4-sGu4ts-1 no of Ia.£feraoA aaceatta a2-9nt75 f...._eQ#t_�25� .Qt IICLtb line of Handniph streetand...au_Pallw& street and Palace street prr�Lduoed fronB m"gB13 av_e ego Unde.;prQpd Ave., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to prpceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-- l l� C' Clerk. Approved.!lU_G :1 IS�Ib � t ._._.-.___...---._.-__._----, 191_....... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller MCeC-eil= Nash -,Ya . r Mayor Pewersei�,yi Form B. 5. A. 8 7 PUBLL'A!LLD / -5 CITY OF 9T. PAUL 1 I DEPARTMENT OF FINANdE REPORT OF COMM10aIONER OF FINANCE (A)17 In t e Matter of_.._... _./....... --_....... ...... ...... .............. �-�-""�.`w�`r.'i ... `"L,.. _✓ _ __._.. _\ ._..�.'.r"s4. ._� .- 1 _ .__..-------- ------ - .. _ .. ----------------------- ..... ------ — -- ----- .. ........__.- -._ under Preliminary Order approved —. a"�.. f "l / Lam. _ ....--- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of theassessmentfor the above improvement is- - $ 111 533. 0 _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $._______ 1'.$8 ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION v� 2 p o 6SIC) TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEI T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER B1 ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION M „ n A ASSESSCp VALUATION I� iyX70 W?� ; J y �Cb -2 ;L s i'7' .23 V., az iz n� /sem I a o OD , A; 1/ s o .2 /mss Vo 1,3 e� TOTAL. cilry OF ST. PAUL OEPARTIVIEN-l' OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIASIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSFSSKO ---VA6UX"GW--. c, 100 0 c, pd a 13 0) .7 o o Lt dz .3 G 13 40) 13 10) od Go 3 15 7 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMIWIONER OF FINANCE -ON-PRELIMINARY-ORDER -- i (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Ab PIT ON VALUATION /3 moo. 41 e3 7J`0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -.- Commissioner of Finance. I BOARD OF— PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST. :PAUL ST. PAUL] Jgl%ESOTA FIRITION FOR SEWER ON SOUTH SHELLING AVENUE FROM RAHDOEPH TO PALACE STREET =000— WE, THE UNDERSIGNED RESI 11TH SNELLING AVENUE FROM RANDOLPH 3 CE STREET. SOUTH EARNESTLY REQUEST THAT A SEWER iffi CE STREET. SHEL,]'sING AVENUE FROM RANDOLPH ST A YOUR EARLY ATTENTION TO THIS HEEDED IMPROVEMENT WILL BE APPRECIATED. AS OUR CELLARS ARE VWODED WITH_ SEWAGE BACKED UP FROM CESSPOOLS, WE HESITATE T'0 THINS OF THE STENCH THAT IS BOUND TO ARISE FROM OUR CELLARS WHO HOT WEATHER SETS IN, AND TRUST 'YOU WILL GIVE THIS IMPROVEMENT YOUR IMI[RDIA9.'E ATTENTION- Si GNaII MAY 1 191 BUREAU Of' EAG1NEERS. Office..of the ConurAsioner. of„Public Works v i Report to Commissioner of Finance _ June Nth, .. .191 6. F To the Coitvssioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coua- eil; knownknownas Cooncil Filo No... .1..__08......approved _. ....77 May 23rd, _191_.6., telative.,to construction of sewers on Brimhall Ave. from a pt. 751 south of 4e south '- line of Jefferson Ave. to .a pt. 75f north of the north line of Randolph __..__..._..._..___-_.__..._._........_...._.._.. _. c St.; on both sides of Snelling from a pt. 75! south of south line of Jefferson Ave. to a pt. 751 north of north line of Randolph St. and on Palace St. and Palace St. produced from Brimhall Ave, to Underwood Ave. and having investigated, the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ..necessary and (or) desirable. X1.28 per front foot ' -1The estimated cost thereof is $ .__._ and the total cost thereof is11,522.00 and s: 9,580 feet Excess inspection 4?100.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ j :i. A plan, profile or sketeh of said improveatent is hereto Rttachad Rud wade It poh herrof. e 4. _ 3. Said improvement is_._ __ __.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject #: ¢ s to assessment for said improvement. 7diasi ter of lie Works. CITY SAINT PAUL OtPAAM^^E''NT OF PU.UC WORK. M. N. 6038. COMMSSIONER , •, ' ROBERT T. GGURIEV, D.—; Cpxx .. OSCAR CLMISSEK. CWAO iWYL - l. E.CARROLL Sun. Cowan-4 R.— -LFREO JACKSON, 5— S—noA. St. Pala, Minn. June 9, 1916• G H. HERROLO. 0--E.4xm H. W. OOETZINGER. Sun. W—.— ft. It. B. does, Commissioner of, Public Works, Bear air ,- I transmit herewith approximate estimate of cost for the construction of sewers on Brimhall Ave. from a point 76 feet south of the south line of Jefferson Ave. to a point 76 feet north of the north line of Randolph Ste, on both aides felling A7#. from a point 7b f0* south of south line Jefferson Ave. to a point 78 ft. north of north line of Randolph at. and on Palace $t. and Yalao,e Bt. prodnoed from Brimball Ave. to Underwood A7e., in accordance 'with 0ounoil File #10877, approved May ha, 1916. Approximate estimate $11,6>58000 total frontage 9,680 ft. 3temptioas 800 !t. /assessable frontage 8,980 ft.. Dost per front foot h.86 Meese inspection necessary #110.00 The main sewer In on Palace ato and the order includes all laterals tributary to it. Yours very truly, ►✓ - cc Diet. J.S.O.%M. Ohief ffigineer vii am�xaruy�Rsnurr"mm'', vrs 4, PROPOSAL FOR IMP O MEPIIT ^6m the 'sggt^.�l�r!aa1Q ninef�' R, `ttrlt itrasC ha ngeYl" ra a' ha Cou atl of tha CIEs gist ' and 4tEtc -alta Ca��iilnpar, nf�. lug he>u h PRELIMIN�ORDEThe undersigned hereby proposes the making St. Paul, viz.:... PPAA.,..._A R P.. a._.extan alley, oc.k, nank@IDent Of Ri..c7 a A— 0 ab Council File No. j ti`-& ?tl r 3 1 .the i_ER y;&t�.9- fT the._Me.a.t. lin .... aaid__ lock...29.. n.. r1fiitl .e.treat. this.... .Q.t ......day of Aub tit Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via..: Oge n., w i..lien.._Md_.e.x.tend-.an....a11e.y.,.c.1Q.ck_.29.-GO-tzisn_.s_..F.e.-Ax rangy ealen.t._ _._Siegel_:.a.....Aci.ti.i..ti.Q.ra.,.anrl..oxo.e.fl---a...misc.E.11an,e.aue. _.tr.slat....in.._t.h.e._e.tzu4.hlee$..tern _..P.A'_t._.45.....the....SE .. Of_..th-e. 1124.,.Sea.tian t.-.P$uI., f,r.am .the .w.es.t.. line ...Of...said °1Q.ak 29 --to Gxi.ffi.th_.atreet.._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and'eatimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. . .......... _ To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _�j[ '_y C Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth C'pproved r 1Ir .3o 311 ,J16 101 ....... H ad K er W derlich Mayor KIBLLSI uba) Yo A omD 4 4 '' gre4tft y4tes snd' Htrfti6 � — ...:"•. ). ' - a)re{gnd�,tth ne4eaenry ¢`�iahbre these .t}eE twwo pol,�q qnf diens 8t between g � South RtG6erE,�nd T#on 1 G , _ baFd fidlae and �i�e t6 by plsgq{( and ' t�Cc 9i'p cegr& to�bs don i under the direa- � � ).'� f A S ; t14g and f4.lthe eAEY faotton or ;the 3ominle�lgnbr of PUbl�g =UtlUtlaq ypp�¢ w Qom Y t%t SAY thq cope of engfapbt B ¢ Ehe IhtpeaJatl; and thgr'pq]dp and afros tobe'rarob). when reQneeW. August 1S e ed b¢asthq, Cbrnmon Cohhgll of thCi r Phut:. Git3d'UiEfkM to -'- r -i- AAt!pr an¢: puretrdtttil to th'd termsn�. pea w'Hne qY Ordingn4e No. 8616, ap• i prifVed Ueaetnba 88th, 1906. .. Adopted ty`-the Couaail Aug. 80, 1838. !I 1 '.tpprovaAug. 80, 1818. v, tSeptnmtier 8-1838) The permission be and is hereby granted to the Noi States Power Company to erect porthern necessary anchors thereon: �ea and string wires and the Set two poles on Indiana Street between South Robert and Eaton. Said paea and wires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction, and to the satisfaction of the ofdengineering and issioner Of blic the inepeoLioti,Bald and the to pay the coat be removed when requested by: the Common 4ouncilsofhnd �i�`$rto Of 8t. Paul, thAs Wrmiseion is granted under and pursuant _v t to the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 2845, approved Decembgr 26th, 1906. I I Yeas (✓) COU Imes U) Nays Fa worth � � C nd c �> er nderlich Mr. Presid , emit, rggM C. e•3 In favor Adopted by the Council Against ApprovedUj .10 J16 141 MAYOR W yu^ , r. W CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM V Subject: FILE N61 ie I Date Presented 191 Re"Ned; WFERF..AR, In the matter of opening, widening and extending tc a width of sixty feet, Burne avenue from the easterly line of Wessel's Addition to the easterly city limits, a final order was adopted by the Council on September 25th, 1915; and approved September 27th, 1915, and published olp October 2nd, 1915, known and designated as Council File No. 7242, in which an error was made in describing the land to be t1a.k?n for said opening, in that the "south line" of Section 35 was referred to as the "center line" of Sectior. 35; therefore, be it RESOLVED, For the purpose of ccrrecting said misdescription that the words "center line of Sectior. 35" wherever they occur in said Council File No. 7242 be and the eamP are hereby stricken out, and the words "south line of Section 35" inserted in lieu and instead thereof. Yeas ( ✓) Cou ilmen ( ✓) Nays Far, worth H In tavor H d K C Against W Erlich Mr. Presiders t+riu FORM C. B -a ty the Council s/" z" i 191 Approved ' ^ LlrJ ti ) ' 31 � 191 UUUI �j' /( MAYOR CITY OF Sr AUL . ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED .191 v COUNCIL ILIO FILE � � 23(2 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set .opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - Teas I s ) Councilmen ( v )- Nays Adopted by the Council LI: 191 - Farnsworth j Goss Approved 1 ti 191—. Hyland J In favor ' Keller MAYOR MWOW Agai c.Ir�os— Wunderlich Reaolvad that w.run. I, Drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of Mr. President, IvAn the hereinafter apealApe [ones one n 6.10 P`ReBlgelOwt1900000100:-- & A. Rarn6worlh, Coner. Eln_ ance. . 11,900.00. S. A. Farnsworth, Cotn'r., 165600. S. A. Farnsworth. Com'n. $4.176.89. A. (.'. JeRerson. 51.661.12. nr. uuwaen John.mn. I.u.rnrtnn. 6168 $14,04, M. C. Barnes - heal. Iilver Co.. f722.70. J i I suer Bros. 52.910.94. #500.00 Gen. Fund -1111 eQ. & Lyle C—ugnled Culvgrt Co.. •i t.77p 00 ntorennnta Aiutloml Isnnk, $tt 053 48, 1.0., 5113.5[1. - 69 3tidv:ay I.Ilne l l'etnenl Harriet Berri sford, A. T',stve. ar5,9 tt. St. Psl Us'15 5 '900.21. 5000 Park-Park-Ifusie Albert Sulot"' G.00 J. L shiely Vo.. $690.84. , Sorlely for tar Prevenllun otl—sIty. 70 $100.00. F. R. Bigelow \\' ,\. \. ands. $1.970. g5. \ug. 30. 1910 200.00 V Adopted br thc'('uuncll . Library -Gen. Suppl• \pyroved AUK. sU, I018. 71 P S. A. Farna or.tn, Comte. F1A:: 1,900.00 Tax. Levy carte, oi.. 72 S. A. Farnsworth. Comer. 58.-00 Tntereet 73 S. A. Farnsworth, Comore 4.775.33 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. 74 A. C. Jefferson, 1 554.12 Bridge Bldg. & Repair 75 Dr. Dawson Johnston, Librarian 14.04 Library-Genl. Suppl.' 76 Kettle River Co., 722.70 Street Const. & Rep. -Saint 77 Lauer Bros., 2,810.95 Water -M. & Re 78 Lyle Corrugated Culvert Co., 1,770.00 Street Const. & Rep.-Maint. 79 jjerchants National Bank, 11,683.48 Interest 80 midway Lime & Cement Co., 133.86 Street Const. & Rep. -Street Inter. 6.10 #2 ` 6181 A. P. Moore $49.11 E. :p. works -Gen. 3 70 Sewer Const. 4 a' + Street l 4 82 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 7.990.21 Lighting-Maint. 85 Albert Salaba 65.40 Art Museum -Sal. 84 J. L. Shie]y Co., 590084 Water -td. Ec R. Pay. Grove, 85 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty 100.00 Gen. -Charities Acct. 86 W. A. Wanda 1,870.68 I! T; Park -Park Maint. II e 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL - t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r'1T(��� Subject: co UNC FILE N O . Date Presented 191 s �I Resolved, that t`ea c> ion of Finkelstein & Ruben for a license to rB i c_nduct a motion picturz theatre at 37 R. 7th St. be and t.z same hereby is _.ranted, and t.`,s C 2 y Clerk i:; initr cted to issue auch licenee uron the t:zyment into the city treasury of the customary Yee, Wj0.00. c 1•. No. }zoo „ F'tn ee elte n� I. hat tho aPa ile loh tof o 37 E. 7t s Ruben for n heatre et 84 E 7th niotltin ploturo theatre nC granted en' be and tho Same heretiy IS I Struetelf od lasts S1 ch clerk 1. In the poyment Into the sit ] to upon i the ouetornery tee, (99.99. eneury or Adopted h" the COunell Aug, 80. 1818. I AAprovell Autt" 80, 1916. September p.}gtgl Yeas (✓J Co ilmen (r) Nays F Worth C In favof H and 5 K er G Against nderlich Mr. Preside , Mvin FORM O. e -t Adopted by the Council !I I,Jo " `_'ibi Approved ! !ALIG3�6 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Sub*c,): `OU CVi • lB. No. Date Presented 191 I Resolved, that the ciEzrette license ::0. 294, expiring Sept. 6, 1917, now in the n_n,e of Edward Thompson, 9c,1 E. 7th St., be and the same : hereby is transferred to Edward Thompson, :149 E. Minnehaha. St. --- —= G F. No. 12410— ReBolved: That the c 6 1017 1917, R)W a=Pirrnit Sept- 6, now in , the npmB`o0 Edward ThoH,yson,ii, 391 Is 7th St be a,nd E: e bore trana[erred to Edward e sThompson, 649 t« tlanahaha et. App o ed y+1. Be a0 1918. Aug.it 29, 1916. (8e9tember 2•1919)' I I Yeas U) C cilmen (✓) Nays F worth / ' J In favor H nd Ke r Against Wu erlieh Mr. President Iwitr rORM C. B•a Adopted by the Council 30 ',15 191 Approved AUG aO 1916 .191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FUFiM Aul•horizing annul tp Lafayette �'chool 5ub)txt._ _ e s No 1�I :4 l NO. Its r4 �ai14Y -,n sb . reaotNau"mnatla'lloa bbd he le Mbrgptr thbrlked t8 edtdDitae. at4d m (a \ 'do aMnex tp iUe,raYeti661 b 8Cho01 (a .Dabne grade rohobl ori thvauy ot.8t. Date Presented._.191 n,l) (or` tho Da`Flod ertending from •mUer lUt. 1418 to.Au(tuet 9 at,.t917 . v.pttiC`ky etr •.th..-R* t b . Resolved, That ti;e Oorinissioner of Lducation, at i:ic r,:duest Mrd u;:on his recomrendati.n, be, oral he i, i)ereby, o'thcrized to establish and naintain an an) ex to t;.e Ufayette Ichool ( a Public grade school of the cit.; of St. Paul ) for the period ex.er.din,. from September 1st., 1916 to Au(,ust 'Ust, 1917 at 295 Kentucky street in the Oity of St. Paul and for such purr,,^se may by lease provide four (4) rooms at said number, at b monthly rental chvrge of riot exceeding One _u:dred dollars ('100.00) per r.:cntY., and for such purpose, the annexed form of lease between the St. Paul Hebrew Institute and the City of St. Paul is hereby approved, and the proper city officers authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City. Received all papers {—= conne tion with a ve Res Y Yeas (✓)Cou 'Imen(✓)Nays al,r rA Adopted by the Council 19I ....... Far Orth Go In favorqUL .i 1916 Against Kel Approved. U 191........ �1 G `�v t Mr. Presiden Powe MUST" � MAYOR FORM C.5•4�� CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' Subject: N :°eNe'` No. Date Presented ' 191 Resolved, - __--- That, whereas it is necessary to immediately change the seating arrangement in the Humboldt High School and to provide additional seats and desks in the assembly hall of said school in order to accommodate the increased enrollment of ,students at this school before the fall sessions begin, and Whereas, an emergency exis a where ailure to act prompt- ly will work an injury to the City, the Purchasing Agent, with the aonsent of the Ltayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized: to purchase without competitive bide such desks and regrs, not exceed- ing 450, requisitioned by the Commissioner of Education as may be necessary to properly equip said assembly room for school, pur:oses at once IF F. No. 154118 -ay A. W -d-11011— Resolved, That whereas It In aecea. Bary to Immediately chants the seat. Ing . %q1-aJr.V1ent In the Humboldt High Scheel and to provide additional 1 sea's and desks in the assombly hall of said ehoel In orderto necomtnodate the Inc eased enrollment o 1ndTj,. at thls school before the tall sessions be• 1, at" and oartr �- wile a,. an'emergsney...Sats where fBllure' act prpmptly will work"an Injury tom o"Citi. Yeas (d) ncilmen (t") Nays F _worth (] In favor K r G Against Mr. Predde Pewerr ••ORM•C:.eMa Adopted by the Council Approved; ^I ;f(. "l'S 191..._. MAYOR COUNCI1 ,. ILE�Pi@ FINAL 0 4 In the Matter of_S%one.sr���.z.irg_a. sewer__Qn..�elvldere_ataeache: _......_..� SouthRobert street -and_ 0akda1e.._.av,en7_ _ under Preliminary order ... 12U.29A_.__.. ........ . pproved_....._Junti-_16th] 1916. a _ IntermediaryOrder -------- .............._._--------- .---- ---- _........ ..... approved..._.. _........ _ __ __ _..__..._....__.__..—._—_. _-:_._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City �onetrue tom. a_ eewer on Belvidere etre et between South Robert-. street and Oakdale._ avenue„ _..,,_.____._______-_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That-tliie Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. i r SBM _w. Adopted by the Council_.,__ ___�..�...._. 191/= ity–Clerk. Approved .____.1UG_..i.l.l_11311E . _ ..._.. , May r. Councilman Farnsworth CWfl.�a�►s,►� 36 �� Goss .' Keifer " Me"- blitth Mayor Pommrs Fam a S. A 8-7 CITY or sT. PAUL DEPARTMEtWrgF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE +� ONPRELIMINARYORDER H -7-7 G .+ `. � ..._ ._._... _.. d/W,f.'�.. in tf�e Matter of�-7--- . __..-----.._..........----_._.--------------- -........ _. .._._....__.....__..._. __---...._..._..__.. ...__._.A...__._...._.----- ----_.._—...___......... __.., ._F-_ .......... .. -- ...._ __. ...... under Preliminary Order approve d... - To the Council of the City of St. pal. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement Is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ----_1.03- - --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION tc> or CJ r S l o l a..O 7 0 D ✓ .20 TOTAL, Vol W— __..-CftY Or ST. PAUL___ REPORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMh' SIONER OF._FINAPICE— 4t G. uQ c�eeQQ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT, BLOCK ADDiT10N --VASLIggIUATIED •Prue �o / �1 i r ��Lrlf�(�ccCGlx e 91 l Q2 l 2 CIL,) 4— Nnpl_•. n TOTAL. D 4t G. uQ c�eeQQ l 40, s' •Prue �o e l Q2 l 2 CIL,) 4— Nnpl_•. n TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL --DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIAIONER OF FINANCE ON PREWMINARY,ORDER DESCRIPTION' - LOT BLOCK ADDITION 106 lo` � � �df 3• li4 wu% � ASSG,59GO ' VALUATION- - /%6f1 deo The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 7/,J 4 1914 (/(. ✓ GF21 i Commissioner of rinancg: 3 I NEHn+ F wE>F.�ST�fCt .0 ' __- ST6i+OnEPS F>11, ,..............11 2j To tie=onorael� , `:e -,i t 0,ID) E2 c 'i amity of JUN 15 191; .:lczer M. N. GOSS. sCOMMISSIONER OF P081 IC WO:J.a the __--_.�i :±. ov.r...__ n` oroert} Wb :t`_ir0 or. ?el. 6 ' *: sr.reer ret,[C, .orrr and - eet r_ akiale _. io : er: - t- :C «'or. tc ilt at� a et. ce... z Ir._r.tiono' . Lo, ' 0`. =.IL Al Xle 191 I 20 i 3J i� YI 1 _ 25; II 2t l ]7 7B _ _ \'IUJunIV� lJ � I,i JON I 15116 , BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. '3 TIT ww ' A _ _ v T t r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June ..26.th .. 191 6 To the Commissioner of h'inence of the City of St. Yaal: The Coavoissiooer of Ynblie Works, having hod wider consideration the preliisinnry order of the ('01111- cil, knowv, na Council File No. .11004. approved I June 16th,... 1)1 6, relative to the oonstruotion of a sewer on Belvidere St. from So. Robert at... to_Oa�Atxl, e A vem4e, _ and laving investigated the matter's and things referre,� to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _.neeessury crud (or) desirable. 31.05 per front foot r t The Astintated cost thereof is $_._. and the toted cost thereof is f 1,44x.^vv ,,. nud Assessable frontage 1,407 feet Excess inspection x90.00 the 11mure and extent of said improvement is as follows: I d. A phw, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and mnde n part hereor. 4. 5. Said improvemeot is... asked for upon petition of three or 111ure owners of property, subject to ussessment for said improvement. % / ConlinissiorYet of 1'nblic A Yr. M. No (Woes, Commissioner of Public. Work Des;- Air, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Belvidere St. from So. Robert St. to Oakiale Ave., in accordance with Council File #11004, approve& June 16, 1916.., Approximate estimate #1,444.00 Assessable frontage 1,407 ft. Total frontage 1,567 ft. Mcemptione 160 ft. Cost per front foot #1.05 Esosse inspection necessary #90.00 Yours very truly, pDn �• LC -62.x.. -a- a • - Dict. J,E.C./S. Chief Engineer CITY OF SAINT PAUL O[PARTNENT OF PUBLIC WORN[ M. N. <ig86. eo+rwumN[w ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 01—Cooum.iHA - CLAUSSEN. CW9P 9—aft ,OEW J. E. CARROLL Su". CRxlMuon.A w Rrr..r ALFRED JACKSON. $Un. S-01 G. H. HERROLD, Onwr E—ft& H W. GOETZINGER, Su—Wow—. ��[[����p St. Paul, virim. June 23, 1916. Yr. M. No (Woes, Commissioner of Public. Work Des;- Air, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Belvidere St. from So. Robert St. to Oakiale Ave., in accordance with Council File #11004, approve& June 16, 1916.., Approximate estimate #1,444.00 Assessable frontage 1,407 ft. Total frontage 1,567 ft. Mcemptione 160 ft. Cost per front foot #1.05 Esosse inspection necessary #90.00 Yours very truly, pDn �• LC -62.x.. -a- a • - Dict. J,E.C./S. Chief Engineer FaRDlth ' ,In tha ffiatter of eolietru4_ gnne:h' nea4 1 1 COUNCIL FILE tAr� pewer On aYa attest bda�relY aveaus �(,d baatay iveaud' nnngr PreltmU,aFy;+'.OPder `e6f8, aD• BY--•--(aj'-t•'7�r"�"`�'-""z "'-"-'"-"- h b1,tvD beat/n`;84svtttg been bad pbn threbove Imprgyement apondu+- !Id• the �Conn^rl haVMng hes' FINA GK" D�Re' • �%����� D swell in the Matter of_C�r ruct.ing. se�?er--.on.-Iiy_the stre-eet._o ._.__.- ay __.._........ -- - ................... -" "---"- -- ----......... ---------- under Preliminary order .. __98 :.....-._._ ... ..... -.1 approved.. A :Ell 7th, 1916. IntermediaryOrder ... ...._.........._........ -. _----- _..---------- -------- - approved........___....._ --- --..---------------- --------- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by thesnidCity is Construot_a13 . sew..on Hythe-street between Doswell avenue and Dudley atm+L:.__...._...__........... .........._....... __._...._......__._.__�—___.._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to'the, Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making- of said improvement in accordance therewith. / 30 •.. Adopted by the Council_.._._ __ _ � ::_---_----_, 191 � lerk. Approved_.._.....-.____.......-_-- 191- ........ _...... ... _--=--.___...__ .---....._... _�_ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss ��JBidSlit?Tt�'� / Keller { (� N�r - Yocrg Mayor Power Form B. S. A. 8 7 ,ifs/ . - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMNkISSIONER OF FINANCE „ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 1177 c . 1 P V ' In the Matter of 1 R ` / " 'I�% / .�. --_..AL2ad'� __`i-. ---moi►: .._.._. .._._ ._..-_... ._._. _...._. ._ .. �. .------- ._. _---- -----_._... 7' under Preliminary Order approved -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _....-.... The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - g3-, 645.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - _ S _._ __ 1.38 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of, each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor; are as follows: T DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION %I✓l a%y;�„� / if b y O I � ,a , ' � 'a' 2 n3 q1• roar a�.w. s.a w TOTAL. . CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 40 REPORT OF COMNNSSIONER OF FINANCE ON iPRELIFAINARY ORDER DE SC R I PT I ON LOT BLOCK y /S iv 3 � y ,y Y �l A D D'I T ION " m> IS a �gJ Lvo) Lu ka> 'ar � 4�J X3 L6 TOTAL. VALUATION iso �-o CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •f t REPORT OF COMMIOSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DE§CRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 J, 360 .a, � I ��r9So The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..._....... _... / _ 4P191� ronN �s.w. n•e e I --.—. _..._._. _... CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUSWC WORKS COMMISSIONER ROSERT T. GOURLEY; Dour COYYRq—A ' OSCAR CLAU$SER, C,ro 9—RO J. E. CARROIi Sun. Cox•.Mla+,ow ! RVu.. ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SAwrt.no, G N. NERROLD. 0,r E- H W. GOET.ZINGER, Sun. W,-. ,j Minn. Arril 17 1916. M. . Goss, t COmnlssioncr of Yu',lic works. Dep-, T trar,•,it hnre-iit,h n.j_p_Oyij,6 tr n_ti,,ato n_' coat!'nr _.ho const n0tion of - sewer or Hite St, between Doswell Ave, and Dullef Ave,, in accordance aith Coni,cil Pile #9648, auproved April 7, 191r. Approximate e,:ti!iate 3 61E,.01 Total r -.o .tu:-e 2,746 ft. Examptiors ion ft. Assessable fro,:ta;-e 2,646 ft. Cost udr front 'oot X1.38 Fecess inspoction r.ecoss&—y 1pp.'ip The proposod sewer or: Hythe St., if built, !-rill- cr;pty into the sever on Doorell rr'.!oh serer in Dosrell Ave., is inaden,iate, in other words, it is too small to serve as ar o.`let, 0 for trc dra,-na.-e of tiro prorosed Hyt'he St. sevrer. He ;ce, would recommerd that e Sewer o" nap uale v r^ he llnilt: ;n Doswell Ave, fro!,- ?i,i he St, to Chelmcford S+', it all trob.ability the me in cower in Chldmsf ord St. r.ul ir; h froi.r Dos•;ell Ave. vii i.i hav: to enii,r •ed ac t;:c tcrr'.tor,: i:' r; aldil<<- ul; vcr-' rapidly. Yc .:rc v r, tra p,,, Q Dict. J.::,C,�;.:, I Chic" En7ireer Qffice_.oLdie Commissioner of Public Works, Report to Commissioner of Finance i To the Commissioner of Finaaee' of the City of St. 138,11: The C?nuaissioner of Publie Works, having had under eon sidere tion the prelimifill ry order of the Cour. eil, known ;is Council bile No. 584E approved Ft'ril 7th, 191 6. relative to ti:a eor.a.rLe.l ,: ,f a sewer on vtne `t, Do-wei. .,_ and Dl.dl.ey Pve_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 1.:t pe: frcr.- Ycot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ , and the total,eost thereof is 3 , 6•*b . au,l i .. :. _ ,'14o ft. 7x:�e,... _ryi. _... j_n 1 the natm'e and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said inierovement is hereto attaehed And made it part hereat'. 4. 5. Said improvement is., :.Ot asked for upon petition of three or more owners of properly, subj,., to assessment for said improvement. l' / Couuaissioner of Public Works. t M S„o EH O YoW 1, `4 cr„1S I r, St. Dsul, ilarch ?1, 1916, r. ✓09g, 'or ..ib- is ;-orks. ix:ar ”' ir: - For tt,e interest ni a 11 rron:-rty owners ,.:r3 ti:e public at a+r.;e, we, ti, �nd,rsiimt—, resident r,roncrt owners do netltion yn: to gave seaar laycd on :,yti,•- StrQet from .,orvail Avenue to %udl-y Street. "Tustin,- t.iiis rill r-celw4 jour arl; attention, wr a re, Y -urs resrrctfully, iso6/¢ .t—le, 7 i 2 7 yT%SIL � qf 0, APR t. 1916 BUREAU OF LiGINEERS, I 77 b'grnaworth— COUNCIL FJaFF_Nq,-.- .--- ---_ In the Matter or conattufttng a sewer - on 9tand!eh et eet betty en Raymond • -, '„I rig llw tray f the (; , • ...l LI is i . .�f •! & under Fre- - ! By_, ....._.._............ .....__..._.._. _._._ —Y. A T.- • FINAL ORDER. In the Metter of.�r9A9.I I11C..t�:a....d.._6. .9.x._..4rI '9.taridtlaL .B.k r.l:.t....uti_Lo e.Q..._RQY->z.Qnd. avenue and right. of way.Qf-210___u4Lth.asA-.Pan.i+`.�E— ........... -..... - ---....... ........... _..__..._........ — 11 ^02 aPProved_J�._16th, 1§16. under Preliminary order _........ _. ..._.._..----..._ Intermediary Order _..---......_........_..-_--........._...........__. . _.... approved --- -.-_ ---------- _-- ---- _................. -... ._ ... —... - ..... _. ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having 'heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- - Ccrstru•t a ae�ae.r.�r_-_Standish s_treet_�� provement to be made by the said City !s._.. '_.... _.�.t btwee_n._R§,L4&q ..._ o.an�e. ark..it>eriBki.t..�f.._,?�x....�f..._the_�ia.x��e�r� P3�._........_ Rei1.gay.,-....... .... ...... ....... .-........ ........--........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and ' directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... _-:-t I .r�... ---=-- --- 191 _...... ' �j c l __.�_.......___.......... tty Clerk. Approved....__... ....... .._...- /` ..................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss / Keller MaGalt Naafi Mayor Pv wfflT,, >,•,: , Form B. S. A. 8 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - .., REPORT OF C-$MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON 'PRELIMINARY ORDER � e In the-4¢attei-o4 1 TOTAL. -RM III S 0-5A under Preliminary Order approved---- /_ '/✓� V 1 �' i --- - -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - g 781.00 The estimated cost per fool for the above improvement is - - - - _ $ _. _1.24 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION '4 TOTAL. -RM III S 0-5A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CorMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ' ON P ELIMINARY ORDER ,{C) DE'SGRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AssEsscD VALUATION r I I i' 7 t J .c Gl 0 III The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesQLid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I Dated �/ 1914 Commissioner of Finance. x t/ - dice o . "the, Commissioner of Pudic Works. Report to Commissioner of Finance Jt ne 36th, 1!11 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the I'ity of "it. Paulo The Couemissionr•r of.Publie Works, having lull] under cousiderrui0n the preliminary w.h.r of the 1'01111• cil, kumvn itsl'owacil bile v0. 110x2 aaltprov�,d June 16th, 1!)16 relative lu . r the conetru'otion of a.sewer ,.on Standish Street, from,_Fayron3 Avenue to Y. P. R. R. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (01.) desirable. 81.24 per front foot 2. 'rhe itivaah•d cost thereof is b_ and the tohil Bost thereof is � 781.CC awd Aasessable frontage 633 feet E*ceea inspection °'15.00 ,the nature mid extent of said improvement is as follows; :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed auad made it 1,1111 hereof•. 4. 3. Said improvement is asked for upon pelitiou df three or more owners of property, sobjeet to assessment for said improvenaew. . / I'onuufsnixmrr of Put c 1Vm•kc, CITY +JF SAINT PAUL .P . • • DEPARTMENT: OF FU.LIC WONR. . . m!tc rose. CON[lLs1ONER & ' 'w ROEERT T. GOURLEY* O/ti¢' COY.N•ONM OSCARCL.USSEN, C.191 E—ta J. E. ZRROLL S— CRxtn-- . R...nt •LERED_/ACR5ON. S... S--- U H. HERROLD. 0"- Exolxtt. St. Pa� j i.A•...• June 23, 1916• H—GOETV.GER 5— 'Nox••1-- HY Mr. H. N. Goes 00mm1e0oner of Public Works Dear Sir,- 1 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Standish St. from Raymond Ave. to H. Po R, R., in accordance with Council File #11002, approved June 16, 1916. 1 Approximate estimate $781.00 Total frontage 767 ft. Exemptions 186 ft. Assessable frontage 632 ft. Ooet per front foot $1.24 Excess inspection necessary $15.00 Yours very trulyy Diot. J.E.O./ffi. Ohief Engineer i r:-. ra ree t 0-ar 3 1? PIN IT, 1916 BURPM oF LoGk%.2'L�S. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION iSENERAL FORM �^^ Subject: .. FIie�-. NO. --L Dat- Presented ti' t 3 191 / Do' lur '( d4= •t ' ) o y _ . _ c i _ o C -,;d 1:a ...u.dred C e ... i u. e Lv'_r• ..'ied ir.d 0 1 t 4 tiC ..i e. s is I r - �:� 0, 8 aSi e rL'__ of z C at;\ Ol•`„ Of tie 3tr:et f 0 0 X13 a.!_ �.L'rra8( ac�i J;. cia; ,md, sr'_ or rcoi as o _ �:.C t .. cr C .^ 1. ], ns `se b E� ZQid 2 , ''iflan • - si'sNN Fjaaa �a', atb non iv ,.aria— tai nring4V 1 be - ��PS 31S14p 06Tb h6 O aced O�bl� er rillanDblvine q�Rb4 Tnk u �j _• / lk lofi�re Ren<Y ,rlinnnce r� J_ Ix a fn they drorea Pre»»'vn I. q n«„re. hr txxn r [h» public IIIh e ha Petr, ��nlnln:r�i thr• ,•it ,.,f nt. ['null V y/y� 1 o �, Tnrrr !x i,r�-i,: triPt -kh- na nn. •� t . l ��a ; Ihr street lul»r»er- R«Vntr Fund �htb• t»utnMet tOf.& a 1 T li'."' 'nn nA ... • Hund rra I,ollnrxTwn Thou - much thrn•ol r SLi1e(O tl!, »nn;»tn rover the. nctunin ro, Jnk Ihr x[rrel Intrrnrrtlon at r Pn Y- i nrl ,4,kriu l« of S[nt0 Yt. .i ,\r ,v"h r�lx `,t rI11eJ nn Y1nR nl^rin '• ,'llhr thr Rnnl � ,fin, I!11 n. POrov"d .\nRunt 11th. reds r')COunC11TCn \aV1 (� � lb kr eh«rt and Lr• In rortellmmeA ' Farndworth / hhtriv . -011-1111 Ona pu hilratlop. It» i 11e.�anof 1 h, 111'cnm;rit sent la. laic. Y"n»—\h•aarx. Fnrnxw•brt r Goys C p, lioee. b)' HYln n•1. Keller. 1Cu nA»rl ich, ylc In fa aent the �outtc!I t. •/ 191 � Hyland rlrvin)—c, Prenl- Keller •\nProvea sept. ta, S. • - Wunderlich V.tai R. IRVIN, Agai' �Ryor. 1rovcd \tl-t: J• I. FARIcy, ? ,` 191 et. Mr. za-tarot -1916 IORM President, Irvin C. B -R __s`•nt. U 1 MAYOR D CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: Date Presented „� t 3; 191 6. a Co'.. it 'Ile r. :a e L: u cLL,nd? e Li.dr��d Do:lar e c. is'ied is 0 1 .,'C _ .. t-. .. _. '� .o I t _._ :f ... 1.:ri of :@ - ult"� T i.�. _._... o of t:e Strr.Jt ._ ..) 2 i.0.d ;. -„1J:: _.0 tt„ ''.I."'i, !:e 3aT;1 r: of .1'10 _. 1 ?: _ .�.�'. .. or o .0 `e :y is ri c` .. i''pp ',t paa ud by iOrt. utar.uvm aRvao+oa+ The Co doeao 1 $Qui The In hr s STT \' 1^ - Vn.prl.trd �.r truh x.t elde . nP- //�//�� G / R Ilan Item of � the S'[reel Inlerner- ! un"' th"t reel t'onxt racoon A nd t x Hundredloll- xTwn Thou- nr tx 'rturh Iherrort. 41'.1Io0.001. '' t'n ` the rtunrl c?o leo( 9 /// /� tj/ � Ila u' Ihtkel.l ieett, floc 1, htl`Itrlllad tale t:it. / h'Irk ,tall In . r rdnn Pn Ylnit ' / / / // I ler f, r, irinIm t`�'Ithr thr anal l�{ ✓ r th.. i rllrn d 1"ovemrnt Vnxxrd. ly 191r.. u I VVrov.•d Aultuxt 71[h. Thi. nrvilnnnhr -hell take eR�rt and Yeas (.') Councdtnen (.) Nays h.•eln r��rre Immedlxtelr otter nx Pnne- . uc aPnrntnl uPd Punurn uon. A �IUVb•d hr Farnsworth Hpin nnrvine)—xr5ax.. he Coo'&-p ptUth. Is. r191 Coss K.aler. lC- . hy 191 Hyland -tnnrovA pprova ed 9ePt.ls, 1916. Keller V• It. IRVIN• }roved 191 AgaiAtteat: J. 1. FARICY. Mayor. Wunderlich - t pClty Clerk. . za-1915) U •/ Mr. President, Irvin i' 'o.. C B 3 MAYOR 1 � s j p t � — • i � � 4 - COUNCIL FILE BY,�rz amu: An ordinance establishing a drainage district for the gain Be constructed under Final ^r:ier 7552, Approved October 19th, 1915. The Council. of the City cf Vit. Paul does ordain: That there is hereby established a drainage district to be served by the main sewer constructed under Final Crder 7552, ALFroved Octcher 19th, 1915, which district is bounded and described as follows' Commencing at the southeast corner c f Lot 1, :hock 14, Butterfield Syndicate Addition 1:0. v t'lence north to tale northeast. Burner cf Lot 1, Block 11, said addition, t".ence west to the northw at corner . said Lot thence north along the east lines of Lots 2E, ani c, acid block, to the south lire of the Treat ::ortherm Railway Pight of way, thence westerly along the south lire of said right cf way, to Hund ire avenue, thence south to the north line cf Li;t s, :lock 16, College Place Fast Division, a.ence west to a point 50 feet west of the west line of Famlire avenue, thence south parallel to Hemline avenue to a• point 65.55 fe,t north of t:.e north line of Iiinnehaaa street, thence east parallel to minnehaha street to east line of Lot 16 Hlocc 11, ;_ersey Woolsey Addition, thence north to the northeast corner of said Lot, thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 30 Block, 13, said addition, thence sout8 to 6iinnehaha street, thence east to the rest line of Lot 14, Flock 2, Ruth Luvingst.on's Second Addition, thence south to the center line of the alley on said Flock, thence east l:o the s.outhwe•st corner of Lot 4, "lock 1, said alditior., thence east '1ong the south line of said lot to the east line cf Lexington avenue, i thence east along the center lire of the alley ir. Flock 1, University Vie* Addition I_roduced, to the east line of Oxford street, thence n rth to ":e southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 15, winter's Addition, thence last to the southeast corner of Lot 30, Block -15, -said addition, thence t'ilorth to Capitol avenue, thence east to the east line of Lot 15; Block 13 said additon, thence north to the northeast comer of sAid Lot, thence — asterly to St. Albans street, thence north approximately 10 feet tc beginning; Alec ecmn.eneing at a roint on the north line of the Right of Play of the Crest Northern Railway Co., 150 feet east of the,east line of Chatsworth street, thence north parallel with Chatsworth street to initer- section with center line of alley in Block 1, Como Park Addition Frciuced, thence west to the l7crthwest corner of Lot 30 KalLan's Division No. 1, thence south to Stinson. street, thence east to the west lire of Lot 30, Ramsey County Ican Pnd -trust Ccu.pany'a Subdivision No. 3,_thence south to alley, thence west to the west lire of Lot 50, said additon, �herce south to the northeast corner of Lot 10, said addition, thence west ys 'Lexington avenue:, thence so;,th to the north line of the Rit;ht of way of the ^,rest Northern Railway Co.., thence easterly along said Right of Flay to beginning. Section 2. It is the intention to ccnneet all of the lands within .3aid district with said Wain sewer ty :,.ears of lateral sevrers or aub•-a.ain sewera, and all the l7: n'. +:ithin said district shall have the right to drair: into said u.ain sewer through such laterals or sub -gains as may hereafter be conetructed, upon payment of the assessments lawfully levied theref:;r, and for said wain sewer. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect anri --e it. Cr_,rce tairty 'lays 3f`^r °W- its paesage ani Tutlicatior..— Adopted by the Council C: //£ i Z. 191 C Approved ..... 191 _ Co uncilma i,farnsw o rt h Cosa L1-lyland Keller �/ � McBeFT l� Wunderlich Mayor Latirr Form B. B. IG FIs, rt, .v nn i ,.utiun ro � N•1 nA+ ,11'.Ihln vn1,i dlxt r[,IINI«rnl .,o�.m�,�r, x na nn In,• wlr hlN :•:, I.1 ,I.rl rl rlr Nhnll hn,•n Ihn , •Irian Inn, nu 1.1 mNln ,. .,. ,;h N rrh I.a..rNlx � nnh nlnN n h•rnN r, «r 1,.. ,rt ru.'1„A, ul•r`p ,a•'rt„rrr„r. „��i�Nnrr xNIA rnN,n x iir'Y 1„S a 'I,Ir •,r�l:n„n.-« h:r.li ,nk•' ..rtwrc ,. n,i f, 1`,Irl,- ,i:,fix aft«r Iln {rNx ,n,Ar',•n hl'rnllun. j1��•nt«. •,, h.. , m II .�••pl. U. • , .:. ,. • rnrr,N,. nrrn. City Clerk. .._ Mayor. 'r ` � 1 a w , I r r 1 f E 'r / _ �� - �• COL -A -CIL FILE�� An ordinance establishing a drainage district for the y.ain sewer constructed under Final Order 4637, Approved April 24th, 1915. The Council of the City f St. Paul does ordain: That there is hereby established a drainage district to be served by .he wain eew-r constr:Cte.1 under Final Order 4637, Approved April 24th 1915, which iistrict is tounded and described as follows: Coc.wenoing at the iv rt:iwest corner of Lot 14,. =lock 1, John. J. Kenna's.I'; Roarrangawent, thence easterly to the northeast corner of Lot 23, "vhock 1, Underwood's First Addition, thence erly parallelwith Fairview aven4e to Princeton avenue, thence est 4 intersection with the center line.of the north and south alley in Macalester Place produced, thence southerly aloe, said line to St. Clair St., thence east to Fairview Ave. thence south to a point 133.93 feet south of south line of St. Clair St. thence easterly in a straight line to in ters_c:tlon of center lines of alleys in -zlock 2, Macalester VAllas, thence north to intersection with the south line of Lot 1, said block 3, produced, thence east to intersection of south line of lot 1, block 1, said adiition with the center line of alley, thence south to intersection ,ri',h 2r canter line of east and west alley in said block 1, then,€ east to Snelling avenue, thence north to intersection with the south line of lot 1, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition produced, thence east to alley in said block, thence south to east and west alley in Block 1, VernonJa Rearrangemen, -thence east to the east line of Brimhall avenue, thence east alongthe south lines of Lots 1,2,3,24,23 and 22, Block 3, Sylvan Park Addition, to Saratoga avenue, thence north to intersection with north lane cf lot 4, 'clock 2, eaAd-� addition, thence east to alley, thence southerly to southeast corner of lot 12, Block 15, said Addition, thence west to Saratoga avenue, thence north to;° inter6ection with south line of Lot 15, Block 14, said aidition p roiueed, thence west along south linea of Lots 16 and 9, said Mock to Pri,nhall avenin, thenoe south to intersection with the south line of Lot 14, Block 13, said addition prodiacei, thence westerly alon; the scuth line of Lots 14 and 11, ji said Block to Snelling avenue, thence north to a roint 133.88 fe�t north , of north line of Randolph street, thence west parallel with Randolph street,', to Fredericka.avanua, t .oa south to intersection with center line of alley; in Plock 2, tiacalestarA_ollage Adiition, thence west to Fairview avenue, thence north to intersection with the center line of alley in 51cct 1;, iaacaleeter Park A.i itio::, ;ha as west to intersection with the west lane of Lot 5, Block 1, said aiditior. thence north along said line and the west lines of Lots 24 and 11, Block 1, 3arfield's Park Aiiition, to Palace street,; thence west to interee-ctior, "it� the west line of Lot 18, urderwocd!s Acre Lots, produced, to the northwest corner of said Lot 18, thence west to south west corner of- Lot 5, said Addition, thence north to a point 135.52 feet south cf south line of Stanford avenue, thence weat to the intersection with the -nest line of Lot 3;;, Block 2, Aud3ter's Subdivision No. 56, r.roduced, thence north to alley, thence west to center line of Kenneth avenue, thence north to intersectich with center line of alley in Pobert L. l'ane's Adiition prvducea, `hun.ce mast 2_30 thence north to the north lire of St. Clair street, thence north along west line of Lot 17, Block 8, Underwood's Third Addition to the ncrthwast corner of said lot, thence east to ^rior avenue, thence L, rth t_ alloy ir. _lock 5, said Adiition, thence west to kanneth ava.,ue, `hence north to alley in Block 2, John J. Kenna's Rearrangement thence west to the west line of Lot 14, said block 2, thence north to begin ring:, Also cou..ancin,; at the northeast corner of Lot 24, ulocic �, Summit View Addition, thence west to Snelling avenue, thence north to the center line -f eairviaw avenue, thence west to a point 160 f:et west of the west line f neTii:.; av,=;:a-:, 'I -,:ince south rarallel with Snelling avenue to a point 5 J.e-t north ,f the north lira of St. Clair street, thar,oe seat parallel w'_ti. St. Clair Street to a point 50 fe:t east of the east line of Snelling avem:e, *hence north to the ir.teraect:icn with the center line of alley in Flock 2, Walt on'Ilsi Furnyslope Aldition rrro3.:c°1. t ce caster�y to the east lire r,f 1,ct 6;�lcck 2, "-rce r, r.rl:h along said easy line, an a^d the east lines cf IctB 25 a d 30, °1;,•k 1, said A3ii'.:or. a,3 'he east line of Lot 2,5 Flock 4, J. ". Roger's Allition, to alley in said Plock 4, thence east to Pascal avenue, thence north to teginning. It is the intention tc connect all of the lands within said d trict with said wain sew -f buy reans of lateral sewers or sub-n.ain sew-rs, and all *. 1_.nd +ithir, said iiatrict shall have the right to drair. intc said usain sewer throujh such laterals cr.sub-i..aine as may hereafter be constructed upon Layu :.t:.e u28.IISLtntB lawfully levied therefcr, and for said main sewer. 1 is crlinar.ce sha11 take effect ani be in force t':irty jays after its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council � ' C - - - - - ' vea8 • 4r:. s•a . r t BE y) n tiyiand r:cl ler f Approved_._- _1516 /7 r.sYny A YC R 3wea l'. 1. west to I view no• Ih to Inters 11on a :na a ter Ilne f lley tnork 1. Alncnld5•t••r PnrkUAN dltlor thrnrr weal to Intcrnec[1on ta•d .ihe ret line of I.ot 9. 1,, 1 1. n. Id adnd tioI thence north I g said Ilne and he t hose of I.ote 2t and 11. Rlock 11 G.rffcld'a Park Addtlton. to Palace rt thence went to in ternectfon w-ith rhe we Ilne o[ Lot t8. Vnder Ac—ati.ot n, aredDead to the orthwee[ c er or nod Lot olt thence r t to Utha-eat rno f I.ot nid Addition, In..-rn rlh to IDulnl 136d fart ^orthence. th If ewe t to th.- to -- Stan- ford nv D .rllon 11th the w et line of l.ot 33. pin••k a Arrdltor'a SUhdivinllt Vo. rt. pwice rolnred.etherelin ofhKeaiinelth nVenne. lhenro north to intcraectlon ❑h We cen- Addltion pr duced ithn,-.host 230 feet. thence north to the north line of Sl. Clair street. thence north along wont line o6 Lot 17, Black 3. Underweod•a staid l.oit'othence east to Prior goer of sue: thence north to alley In Block 6. �•IA .\drill li•n, Ihenrc wt•et to Kenneth (heorr t rrl lr t•. nllrf' In Riock i �ltr.1 I Koh• \U: 1` - Itlllrrn rfRI-t v, ,n{ , r r ' 4 _, Ihrn rnl rrc4n l:h tiro- h orf rl a•r '_ 1. 11 I. ,k V \II1'.. t• Ih•r.•e t ' PV:113't i:-1': M ZZ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the soaking of the follotting improventegt, viz. having been presented to till' Couneil of ILe ('it}' of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the ('om missioner of Public Work ,be mid hr is hereb. ordered and din•rtrd l. •1"0 investigate the nevessitp for or desirahility of the making of said improvement. 2. •ro investigate the nature, extent and estimated rest of Enid improvenlrut. and the total roa thereof. :I. To furnish it plan. profile or sketch of .said improvement. 1. To funais6 Ihr folloN'lit g other data and information relative 1 --id imprncowent: n. "1"o .talc whether or uol said improvement is a.kl'd for on the petition of three or mol., rat'ncr, �•31 E'! e. 1a119— A ritten'proPoeal for that 1'emn�it File NO. s of ails tolloaving Improvement. '•enatract o cament Ill" afdewait. I -. till, of I. feet on the north aide beginning nt one.- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .. _ .ea street ant 130 rear, having into the Gounatl. ot_thx City of orth Counrilnlan Ftl .•••?ore. be -It 'ommfseea^.'- and Approved PRELIMINARY ORDER. U Il/ ►►tiiAA�"'»ll�"'�•" ww__AAII rlichNInyor The undersigned hereby proposes the oueking of the• follonivir, P11LI" improvellirnt I r ('it.y of St. Paul. vta. "or. �/� jJll Dated this (lay of, ' � 4'oa arilnl;m. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the soaking of the follotting improventegt, viz. having been presented to till' Couneil of ILe ('it}' of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the ('om missioner of Public Work ,be mid hr is hereb. ordered and din•rtrd l. •1"0 investigate the nevessitp for or desirahility of the making of said improvement. 2. •ro investigate the nature, extent and estimated rest of Enid improvenlrut. and the total roa thereof. :I. To furnish it plan. profile or sketch of .said improvement. 1. To funais6 Ihr folloN'lit g other data and information relative 1 --id imprncowent: n. "1"o .talc whether or uol said improvement is a.kl'd for on the petition of three or mol., rat'ncr, fi. To report upon nit of the foregoing matters to the Contlnissiourr of Fimim e. Adopted by the connril Yeas: Nab •: orth Counrilnlan Ftl Approved U Il/ ►►tiiAA�"'»ll�"'�•" ww__AAII rlichNInyor "or. �/� . o1[. 1t40h tnlcowtn6n tl a� -; a 1 t, ,d 's `r as2�written DromDrmnt. walk moot the i Iden r y. 1 t l t l cs tact an b 'Itis aur o[ six � t Yvn.m«raa s 1'ouueil Fih• \o. S�•�t„c Both rte 13elvta counciu[`.t et..So jut. me •l 1 PRpp�L FOR IA1PROFEMEKT '4t.-1'sJLL Ut rory - . and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby, pmmtose, the making of the ug public imp"'venu•nl by the f•ilY of St. Paul, viz.. Q .:` .... 0. -.i1'.1: L`: .� u • _ �: ..1 _. ? • } _, 4 _ t qtr �. uf0 Jt• iln, 1)nled this ,._.. day of � _.,.- —J= / if �/ / I PRFAAMINARY ORDER. WIIEREA�. A written pmpo,nl for the ns;tkiog of the follo3Ying improvemrnl, viz. luiving, been prt•senled to till' t•ouoril of the City of St. 1'aol by 0mm-ilnuus therefore, he it RES01A GD, Thstt the f'onnni—imier of Public W,A-, he and he i, hereby umit•re.1 and dirtrted 1. TO investigate the ueee,,ily fur ur desirability of the nmking of said impm—meld 'd. To in Ye.tigate Ill" natule. extent and extintaled rt:,l !tf .aid imprucrurrul.:uul tlse total .o,t thereof. :1. To, furui,h W plan. profile ttr sIietr•h of +aid iumrcovemelit. 1. Too furni,h tilt' following other data Wool information relative lu .aid improveun•nl: 5. '1'o ante wl,mit- ur not vud ingrrovement i, a,ked for un Ill,, poitinn of three nr more oa-ot r, G. To report upon all of lho foregoing matters to till' ((muni—iunor of Finuure. Adopted by flw eouoeil I1tl t� Yeas: Cuunrilnuui 1''ar 3Yor16 1 io Approved till / IIvC r Inc r 11'1 lerlieh r \Inyor Irt. 1 i Bri - C. lau._s n n CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM 'Subject: FILE NO Date Presented 191 C. F. \o. 1'.121—Ii)' t)nter, be1nK Itexol)'e.l. Thu, Flnnt �uv. 9196. uh°rnv'•a re =vru 1015. f.,r :hr r nxtrua•(InI, n( e�iC tll.• .I�Irwnik°x1� frel In wlath on . xhbx of t'Mdm cart 9t. from both rnitlt :\�'" to ,•nrter Avc. bo •" x Ix hr reh)' nemh•a non w}O�kajn4'trnd of xlaewnlh. \dnVt ra h)• the l'nu it :\VVr°r°a ,\utF•mbe� ^L 610161 Yeas Cou ilmcn r/ L i 191 I'ar worth Adopted by the Council i C,o In favor —.1 I llyI d 191 Kell Aoproccd Against U ( I Nun itch l Mr. President, vin Msrou rosy. a•z ...��..r�s . I CIT` OF ST. PAUL: I COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Subject: f coFtteE e t No Date Presented lac. -c 191 L it Resolved, .:,c ,:r,. •L�; s'.1::. .. ,��., ... 'i.•' t lc�N.; .:.0 ''.n•� I "L�. ... . .. .. .. .... . C. F. Fe. 12422— Ttraolvea, Thnt the X 01 Ilreet@.1 w heresy authorized (troller 18 ,{1000 from the I•n ne fer �hA titrPhn nx Penelon it.. of sed 1pn ral Fund to the \1laceilaneoax tl unto__o Item of hthe benural Fund, as IrY .0 de1nK n voldablr defl'�d ( r with at hams un may..rleaorlc Providrd for by Ih. n ' ey In the Item from which thle Iran xfer Ix m de. Adapted by thr yCoe ncll Att6. 11, 1916. ,\VV roved AaK' b1.r1 Y�1916) t:le Vlr� Yeas (J) Co cilmen (.') Nays Fa sworth I Adopted by the Council u 191 Approved 191 . t. __. /-l�I /�w•���� .� MAYOR it favor fl nd F1 Kel r C Against 'Wu erlich Mr. Presiden room C x Irvin _ Adopted by the Council u 191 Approved 191 . t. __. /-l�I /�w•���� .� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM t� 1 Subject. CJUYC L .NO. - .�•., i T.�+� I Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby az thorized ani directed to transfer Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars from the Public Utilities Varkets •Salaries Fund tc the Maintenance Fund cf the Public Utilities ).tarkets Fund;i said transfer being necessary in order to avoid an other- wise unaWoidable deficiency in the Fund to which the transfer is made, and leaving sufficient funds in the item from which the money is trans- ferred -o carry out the purposes for vrhich the mcney Was appropriated. I C. F. No. 12123— Re.ol—d, That the proper city offi- cials are hereby authorized and direct- ed to tranefcr Three Hundred (11300.00) Do lar. from the Public Utllitlra-]far ketn Salaries Fund to tar Maintenance Fund or lhr Public Utilltiee Market. Fund: nald transfer bel ng n .ry in order to avoid n otherwise`.....td- ahis deficiency In the Fund to which the tr...fer Ie made, and leaving .uf- nclrnr fund. In the Item from which the money 1s the to carry out the purpose. for which the money was n nroprlated. Adopted by the Council Aug.. 31, 1916 Approved Aug. 31. 1916. (September 2-1916) Ycas (.) Cou nl(n(•(i t I \dP3 Fa scc crib C II II nil Itis r I II Wu derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin rONM C q ] 1! In favor Adupted by the Council . + f 191 J J Approved C /191 V Against f t —YOR CTI' OF ST. PAUL vGEN' '�, --- Ivl' i�Oti tJ-.L PESOLTiON G` Subject: No," i EUC L ------- ---- Date presented 191 i Resolved. That the St -Paul Gas Light Company bd and it is hereby ordered and required to extend its gas mains on 141dway Parkway; from Holton Avenue to Pascal Avenue (south side), as iro- vided for In ordinance No, 2424 of the City of St.Paul, aprroved January Blot, 1904, and within the time therein required, and to furnish \and sup:ly gas and service to the residents along the line of such extensions. �• Keller— F. T'aul (lox Resolved. the 11 I.Ight company be nd It Ix hereby or. der rt-41anN—T'nlrkwn>Pn� mx Ho18 1 and y one Ixoulh ton avenueto i'nxrnl "e.' No. xlde ).` a provided for In ord lilancn 'the City or Fl. T•aul. approved 2324 or January 2 �nn1. and within the tlme therein reaulred, and to furnlxh and m pply gam and service lox he resi enlm i ."T the one anon Adopted by the Pannell Aug. 21. 1916. A VPruve6. ' Se,te�erabe rl 2- 1916) neilmen (•) days Ad Ly the (ounal ' 191 sworth prod laer In favor e AppredI)1 ov rnd fsll ` Against A derlich rAvow NIr I reside . Irvin CITY OF ST. PAUL —" -------__T_ CO!-aNCtt_ RF,SOLUi ;ON GENERAL- FORM Subjecti N O f e T Dat, Presented 191 Resolved. That the St .Paul Gas Light Company be and it is hereby ordered and required to extend its gas mains on Carter Avenue, from Gordon Street to Eustis Street, as provided for in Ordinance No. 2424 of the Gity of St.Pa-ul, approved January 21st, 1904, and within the time therein required, and to furnish and 'su.tly ,gas and ser %ice tc 1 residents along the line of such extensions. !,,, t. H . Heller orx 40. tit, 1 - B 12326— oui Th°bet d it hereby haexolved• tnn,. lend li°rao� l.1Khl lie dP�naalreN e c from for de red o� tytrter xl reel. to I�rO'It Yeof St. tnnlnx o h,t1Rl In of the 1204. and xlre.•( In '1421 21x1. °ne I o ttrd+nnnre �o.lnn tnrt'n rr nul'rd. Paul. t PProti et u^,. r.• n Rhin xrr�' µth° `Im x � 1.1 )' ut1 xurh eS' to furnnlxhty� IonK the Ilne to r Iden m•il ,\uK. 21. 1016. tv \doPted b7' the M1� n12,1 APProvedccol�'mhvr 2-10161 1 I Cas 1 j —, • Na\'i orth _ 1 In favor Ind L Against rlich Mr. Presidvin sl Adopted Ly the Counnl �' r '� 191 Approved 1 19� —YOR CITY OF ST. PA.-UL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM e3u!•Irct. i ` Lund { . A Z ,'!• No f - Date Presented ` 191 Resolved, That the St.Paul Gas LIf ht Company be and it is hereby ordered and required to extend its gas mains on Snelling avenue from Como =venue crest to Nebraska avdnue, as provided for in Ordinance No. 2424 of the City of St.Paul, approved January 21st, 1904, and within the time there- in required, and to furnish and.supply gas and service to the.residents along the line of such extensions. ('. P, No. 12426—Ity ,e. P,. Keller— Resolvod. That the 4(. Paul (inn l.lght Comppny be nod It Ix hereby ordered nod re•4ulred to extend Its xn mnlns . n 4nelling n e from "co, ext to N.•braxka n provided for In Ordtnnnee No. e N"i of y the ,•ItY of 4t. Paul. approved Janu- the21x1, 1904, and x�lthtn the time rein' required. and to f, rnixh and xu'ply T.nx and a rvien to the r tldonta ninng the line of xuch estenxlons. ,to by by thn Council Aug. 31. 1916. ,\pproved Aug. 31, 1916. (4nptember 2-1916) Y(.)Cou men Par orth Goss In favor I lyl Kell C I Against Wun lith Mr. President, vin roam c 9-1 t � Lf .-Adopted by the Council, / 191 Approved (�) t'. / 191 MAYOR 1: \ f Council Resolution - General Form. ('.. F. Na. 1.3927-133- \1. N. (:oas— Hr.nleed. that perm lxalon hr and It ix herrhr !; runtril the Northre.xtern Department of Trl•.nh rnr I•: rhnn r r mpnn) et nolrx and xt nl r� xlrrx x'Ith thr r irhnrx thrrnn in ih.. (rrllox lnxl; ed �xtrrr[x nnll "-1':\r'r•. (rum Bureau of ,1 prn[rnr arr. r7•olrn and wirer to irr r -r.l whrn I rryunxtod to do x Lr th��Commnn t:nonrll. Wrirl roxt luhe Vald h)' tho Tr1,""'tnr I .l dnolyd h)' Ihr (•oonrl] :\ut;. 31. 191f ---------..---------------.. .\pDror ed ,\oF. 31. 1!rIG. ............ .. .. F ftiC.I '.Mber F -191C) ----------------------- ------- arm=-------------------- --- -------- Council File No. Date=Presented e Resolved, that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northudetern Telephone Exchange Compavy to Bet poles and tring hires with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named reets: 14 Poles East side of Ruth Ave. from Center St. to Larpentuer Ave. fi0t'1'YrDF . BT. PAUL. fl ,y. Polesand wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. -Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. I Adopted by the Council_ 1916. i Yeas ( ) dou ilmen ( ) Far worth Gos Wun rlich $y 1 d %el r President Iry Approved 1916. or. V. El. No. 12429—B3, Af, N. G --- It ... Wed. Th.t the St. Pout C, Llscht rornint"y In hereby *IdIrId Nj ed to extend it. electrical stringing Council Rm6fionts-Generad F&r m Department of Bureau Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the ". Paul J(;,.—hereby— Lifht (�,y i� hereby orld ---— d dim—d t� J 411111k.l Ii... �. —�, r• -la —mc�, i,,. ffi. iraamifsiuv of d—k,, .. sod 6. Au, .11um. aji a." atreen V "Id I; - Three on , Ih!-- -t:c 1, Delos �titre: t and isabel .-ne pole on Forest yauqtiier Street and Railroad 7*.ree poles on Qa-.Itinr tipa-t between ;..ilford 6triset and Way. Si -.-e p,le,s '.n the >Iip.y betunen Stinson street ejA Duzgesu treot f: c:. -i. Atier 6treet to 2 o ---7-s; fn ,yd .a; from ar.1th Avenue to Laron: in stred. ane pole on the: r;a:t`k.,i,,f---. -ui-y.er cf : ;",cTrIr trevt jr.d Lorton Street. '-71 tl-. n: - n r cit. rowtr In thl— b hoes d :1,:Il other 1-1.1 ordi-- ..d of lh. City cf 91. Paul. Ali W y, a,d.tmW as the C—hai,— of Public Uttlith"shall -d .1.11 be - f such hai.hl sod character a. hell de*lj—.and .pm... sod ..Y ..d .11 such ;ulm —1—sod 11 hall . ord- hall be tsk.o du.. sod --a. ..d ouch I— PI—d u.dwu., . -h ...... the C ... cil hall dram ft, the AtIopted by Council the - 191 Yeas Coun Imen Nays FAR SWORTH GOS WU DERLICH HY ND Approved 191 Mr. President, Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution---General Form ' Department of - — - - - — Bureau-- Council File No. Date Presented BY- -- - - -- --- - -- ,,",.RESOLVED, Tbat Ih. It. Paul t l.ieht t'omtro.Y i. herr by � dt. 1 and dire.ted t,,..tend lu .I.tuic.l line. bt ....tine Ix le. and .trio. ns roger there.. l.r the irao.nii..ion of .Iect6i o. and in the l.11uroina alley..ad street. of raid it, ?'iv nrl,-r cn iiil+s .av:,ruz _roir .he nllPS east of Prior s►venue to lat=, St-A-t. Boartee 1 ' aile,) between ;,1 .:v._ci Place a.ld Sta 3t:t.,.t, frmc Le:Unetun Avenue ',C iriltun Street. Six p..lej in the e'-_may t�txcEn ;..ec?•s_nic Street and Ames .e,_ Aven,e to White zenr Avenue. on ,Ile �,'r_ t between ^op;,i,:g 3'•r e• t ...d i.rgesL Street. vne pole on the nortLwA . rn.,r of ,ilmot:d 0e reet and Arona t.e:t. ritrh necessary gu."O. Ail of .nch eaemI.... poles and vire. h.11-J. erected and .... t.,I,d .oder tfie direction >ad .oPent.lon of the C.mm6ale.er of Pob11c L•tilitiea and in all thiw .et to the mo.ielon, of Ordinaan No. 2424. and al all eth.r Ia W l wdlna...I aad ro.l.tlo...I the Ciq of &. P.W. All wile.hoeld be aet in h 11—in mid alley. and .treeu u the C66 of P.blic Iltilitia .hall deafanait, and 4ha11 be .I roch blight led Chat— a. 'all daelaaate aad approve. and any and all.uch W- -bell be take doom and removed. and such wire. vl.ced n.dereronod. wh.....r the l....11 .hall deem that the ..� � i . loterot to reaulro. and rohm it .halt .o order. .Adopted by the Council-_ y� Yeas( ) Coun Imen ( ) Nays FAR SWORTH fEE RLICH D Approved ,-_191 �tMr. President, - Mayor !?S7it'� ,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL ie Council resolution ---General Form ' Department of - -- - - -- -- — — - ` Bureau Council File No. \ Date Presented___ i BY- - -- ----- -- -- RRSUL\'F.D, Thn the tit. I1oI t:.a LI¢ht ('omwv> in herrby nrdard and directed tv e. ievd iu eIn iu1 liv.. bf re,t:o¢ Coln anJ etrioe:n¢ cairn tbereuv for iha Iray.mu.ton of eleetrin>Dv and iv the followin¢ .iln. -d t, of nid city 'it, Arcs. vne pole on th= southeast corner of 114&no:r.i:. Stre -.t +_nd page Street. One pule on the northeast corner of Belwon.t StrF�t f,:d wanoain Street. Tiav poles in the al,loZ� between Arena Avenue and Ast.Ary .Avenue, fror L=Ike Corro and Phalan ,Ave, to Fair Street. yi•-e pulps in the S111e5' between Grand Avenuf, ant-':.,•oln Avp.oue, fror: Fairvi-w Acf-::r_,F to Sue Srrpot. Three poles in the alley betwpei. Sloan Stro�+t €n Jefferson Avenue from Cleveland Avenue '..0 Kenneth Street. With nrc, astiry guy a. Ali of .,,b %un.i=.. Dole and wird ¢hall b. a I d ..d cov.tructed under the dirntloo avd .upeni.io¢ of the ('nmmiuivver of Nblic Utilities and in all thine. c to the tooyblova of (1,11=01. No. 7.I.. =d of all other lawful ordl=0en avd rnolutlom of the (:It> of St P.ul. All poln .ho. d be a.t iv avch Ieutlov Iv nld ellen avd rtn.b u the Commb.l=n of Public 116111ln .hall de.i¢nate. .vJ .hail be of .uth hei¢ht sod ch.ncter a. ' .Il dnlivaty wad aDproy.. and .vy evd 0...h poln.h.11 bt shoo dew. and removed, .nd .uch wlrn placed uvdenron.d. eh...... the C....1, shall deem th., 0e .. IvNmt w revulrea..od wh.. it .h.11 to order. / Adopted by the Council---__ -- Lsf�: ' el —1910 Yeas( ) Coun Imes ( ) Nays FAR SWORTH fYN RLICH Approved 191 Mr. President, '� / Mayor CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM n COUNCIL No. 1" FILE N 6193 Aldine Book: Co., 3.75 Pub. Library -New Books 94 American Library Association, 13.08 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 95 C. 0. Anderson, 40.13- Parks-Parks- 0.13Parks-Parks- Meint. 96 John D. Anderson, 26.97 Park:. -Fara. s-Maint. 97 Austin -Western Machinery Co., 29.94 Street Const. & Repair-Maint. p _ 98 H. W. Austin, Pur. Agent, 38.1.7 Comptrollers Off -Exp. 7q 11.10 Mayors Office-rxp. j 2.66 Corp. Counsels Of'r-Le 1610 City Clerks Off. -Ex r� 3 4 Police -M. Police oc FLr(e Al, 3 .a/c f .86,•' Health-HErdlth-M .& R. ! 210 Pub. rools- •`& R. Pa rl�sf arks- int.. 1 Water 3 .1 99 Auto Tire gales Co., 8.98 Pub. Playgrounds-Maint. 200 G. A. Baker & Co., 23.26 Pub. Library -New Books 1 Bankers PublishinE Co., .75 Pub. Library -New Books 2 Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 0.58 Pub.Util-Mun. Test. Lab.-Maint. 3 Belvidere Cast :..tone Co., 14.00 Water -M. & R. l F—A. 1.46 AUDITED !B161 T K onv 191 . ���<��� b Z �"¢"Z-t R t�--i--z-• 233 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified 'irrthe following detailed statement:1•-. " 19429— ' Hesolved that warunts be draw x- Yeas t I Councilmen ( 4 Nays upon Iha• t'Itl- Trea.tlrl•,-payabb- out of ioptcd by the Council, `...._...__191 the he relnatter eDed'lned [and.. and In faa'or of the persons. drtng or corpora- _ Parnswortb tions for the anon.. DDo.lte Goss Hyland naec their spnc•tive p.claed In h'.rowing detailed t.temenc Lit -4 $13.08 IAlne nook c'a'$ 013. Approved 1 1 191- / 1--•i .\no•rlaan .\eeocintlon, • u. Anderson. sin 13. Keller John u. Anaers to 130.07. •.tln•t\'estern co.. $20.84. --- — IIATOR - t l Iurhlncry .'�$, \\'. .\ustin• 1•ur. Aao it. 838.17. �r, Wit" Tire ,h C0_48 9 8. •p. ass. nu.Cirents. ft. \r. President, Irvin _. rnr„ s 1ptloo. 48 1'.. 6193 Aldine Book: Co., 3.75 Pub. Library -New Books 94 American Library Association, 13.08 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 95 C. 0. Anderson, 40.13- Parks-Parks- 0.13Parks-Parks- Meint. 96 John D. Anderson, 26.97 Park:. -Fara. s-Maint. 97 Austin -Western Machinery Co., 29.94 Street Const. & Repair-Maint. p _ 98 H. W. Austin, Pur. Agent, 38.1.7 Comptrollers Off -Exp. 7q 11.10 Mayors Office-rxp. j 2.66 Corp. Counsels Of'r-Le 1610 City Clerks Off. -Ex r� 3 4 Police -M. Police oc FLr(e Al, 3 .a/c f .86,•' Health-HErdlth-M .& R. ! 210 Pub. rools- •`& R. Pa rl�sf arks- int.. 1 Water 3 .1 99 Auto Tire gales Co., 8.98 Pub. Playgrounds-Maint. 200 G. A. Baker & Co., 23.26 Pub. Library -New Books 1 Bankers PublishinE Co., .75 Pub. Library -New Books 2 Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 0.58 Pub.Util-Mun. Test. Lab.-Maint. 3 Belvidere Cast :..tone Co., 14.00 Water -M. & R. l F—A. 1.46 #2 6204 Bergstedt Bros. Co., 5.35 Health -Pub. Baths -M. & R. 5 Geo. C. Bielenberg, 11.38 Water -M. & R. 6 Geo. C. Binder Co., 28.25 Police -M. & R. .60 Health -Health- $, 5. Gen-Municip Co -Ma b. .6 Pub. Libr -G Su ies %i''�19. 0 Water -M & R 0 2 7 T. L. Blood & Co., 54.76 Police -Const. & Bett. V4.61 Fire -M. & R. A8 - Health -Comfort 6 tati yr:&R T Gen -Municipal Garage /' 1� S Water -M. �o �. `%% !! S2 54.76 8 Bojad of Water Commissioners, 1,406.28 Fire -M. & R. /34 Health-duarantine-M. & R. Health -Pub. Baths -M. & Rr Health -Comfort Station //,yPub.Works-Workhouse-Maint. /,Pub.Util-Markets- int. Gen -Municipal age-M.&S % Water Supply�Z7 .6 Pub. Playg unds-Maint. v/j Pub. Lib ry=Gen1. Supp ies _ 7� 6 1., 0 .28 9 Boston -Book Co., 10.00 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 10 H. C. Boyeson Co., 34.00 City Clerks Off. -Ek . Od Pub.Works-Adminis ation ) :0 Water -M. 6. / 34 0 11 Brandtjen Motor Co., 22.64 -Fire-M. & R. 12Brooks Bros., 172.36 Street Const.rl pr.a3 wrT 336 Water -M. & R. /_ 2b/.O(� _ -1177 3 13 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 47.21 Pub.Works-hdministratA 4'. 9 Pub. Playgrounds -Main ., 1 20 Gen -Printed forme'&" kanks . Misc. Staty. up es 14 Burns Lumber Co., 204.50 Health -quarantine -M.: R. i 3•.7 Pub. Playgrounds -Ma t. .8. Gen -Municipal (€ars -M.B�. 16 0✓ Gaultier School 6 .p r Water -M. & R. r l f 6,. 0 Sprinkling0 0 11 4� 20 t 50 15 The Cadmus Book Shop, 4.00 Pub. Library -New Books I% . #3 6216 Capital City Lime & Cement Co., 1,50.03 Fire -Const. & Bett. 17 Capital City Lumber Co., 5.98 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Pub. Schools -M. &,.R'. 18 Carol Cox Book Co„, 12.06 Pub. Library -New Books 19 Casey Milk Co., 269.44 Parks-Parks-Maint. 20 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., 16.00 Fire -M. & R. 21 Clark Book Co., 12.00 Gen -Purchasing Dept. T 22 W. S. Conrad, 47.25 Health -Pub. Baths -M. tkiR. _ Parks-Parks-Ma.int., / ' 23 Cornplante-r Lubricating 011 Co., 79.52 Pub. schools -M. & R. - 24 Craftsman Press, 26.05 Gen -Civil serviceR ✓"1 Pub..Schools-M. $ ! pr4. ' 25 Crane & Ordway Co., 147.68 Police -Const. & Be 0 Fire -M. & R. 1 S. 0 Health -Pub. Baths & v' Pub. Playg nd ain e% 3 Pub. Bld Zn & rks Gaulti Sch 6 0 Wate & R. 67 69 14 .68 26 Crescent Creamery Co., 291.70 Health -Pub. Baths -M. & R. 27 Crist Book Store, 3.00 Pub. Libra -Naw Books 28 Crosby Steam G uge & Valve Co., 17 17.50 Water -M. & R. 29 Daily News Publishing Co., 0.96 Gen -Civil 4ervice-Maint. 30 John B. Darling, M. D. 90.00 Corp. Counsels Off. -Exp. 31 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 54.91 Police -Const. & Bett ✓'.70 Fire -Const. & Bet L.4 Gaultier School d. 0 Parks -Parks 54 1 32 Dispatch Printing Co., 4.80 Gen -Purchasing Dept.- .72 Gen -Civil service -Ma ��l! .8 33 Dore -Redpath Co., -28;44 Parks-Parks-Maint. 20.00 6234 W. K. Douglas, Agent, Paving Depreciation 41.35 35 Louis F. Dow Co., Gen -Purchasing Dept J 2.0 Water -M. & R. , `' 3 t 1.12 36 Elite Laundry Co., Pub. t;chools-M. & R. 38.44 37 Elk Laundry Co., Police -M. & R. Health-Yub. Baths, 1. & Rj► 1 0 Water -M. & R. 3 .44 4.42 38 The Emporium, 087 RealPub. L-Reary-Ger & R. Pub. Library-Genl. Suppllde 4. 2 L 4.00 39 p, H. Erickson, Water -M. & R. 21.08 40 S. AGenunicipal Court-Maint. 151.86 -- 41 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 20.37 Police -M. & R. 3g. Fire -Const. & Bett.. _ Pub.Works-Workhouse,Mti 3I)A3 Gen -Municipal Garage -b1 Pub. bchools-M. R• :30 Pub. Librsry- nl. S ppli'a Parks -Parks aint. �f" /J36: Water -M. R. _ Forest Revolving.-' - 40.00 42 A. E. FerrisE, Water -M. & R. 0.50 43 M. W. Fitzgerald, Gen -Mie. & Unforseen Exp. - 15.35 44 ThO . Flaherty, Water -M. & R. - 25.52 45 Foley Bros. _ 16.57 ' 46 Ford Mnfg. Co., Fire -Const. & Bett. 20.71 - 47 Ford Motor Co., 16.6 Health-iAuarantine-M . R • 9 Police & Fire Al. Jx•a�c �7 t 1.33 48 FrankPub.s Bookstore, NewBooks 1.20 49 Gaylord Bros., lies Pub. Library-Genl. Su,,p _5.00 50 J. F. Gerlach, ilealth-quarantine-M. & R. 18.00 51 Gopher Lime & Cement Co., Police -Const. & Bett. 7i,t: • 20.00 6234 W. K. Douglas, Agent, Paving Depreciation 41.35 35 Louis F. Dow Co., Gen -Purchasing Dept J 2.0 Water -M. & R. , `' 3 t 1.12 36 Elite Laundry Co., Pub. t;chools-M. & R. 38.44 37 Elk Laundry Co., Police -M. & R. Health-Yub. Baths, 1. & Rj► 1 0 Water -M. & R. 3 .44 4.42 38 The Emporium, 087 RealPub. L-Reary-Ger & R. Pub. Library-Genl. Suppllde 4. 2 L 4.00 39 p, H. Erickson, Water -M. & R. 21.08 40 S. AGenunicipal Court-Maint. 151.86 -- 41 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 20.37 Police -M. & R. 3g. Fire -Const. & Bett.. _ Pub.Works-Workhouse,Mti 3I)A3 Gen -Municipal Garage -b1 Pub. bchools-M. R• :30 Pub. Librsry- nl. S ppli'a Parks -Parks aint. �f" /J36: Water -M. R. _ Forest Revolving.-' - 40.00 42 A. E. FerrisE, Water -M. & R. 0.50 43 M. W. Fitzgerald, Gen -Mie. & Unforseen Exp. - 15.35 44 ThO . Flaherty, Water -M. & R. - 25.52 45 Foley Bros. _ 16.57 ' 46 Ford Mnfg. Co., Fire -Const. & Bett. 20.71 - 47 Ford Motor Co., 16.6 Health-iAuarantine-M . R • 9 Police & Fire Al. Jx•a�c �7 t 1.33 48 FrankPub.s Bookstore, NewBooks 1.20 49 Gaylord Bros., lies Pub. Library-Genl. Su,,p _5.00 50 J. F. Gerlach, ilealth-quarantine-M. & R. 18.00 51 Gopher Lime & Cement Co., Police -Const. & Bett. #5 - 6252 M. N. Goss, Commissioner, - 137.41 ' Sewer Const. & Repr.- Pay._N. Rdwy. Summib Ave./ Snelling to Brlmfiall 7 137.4 53 M. N. Goss, Commissioner,,1 Pay. 7th St. -Cedar to F�6a, " 81th St.-Wabas)Ze V17 378.30 / s�ss���j� 54 R. L. Gould & Co., 22.6a Parks-Parks-Maint. 55 Gregory's Book Store, 12.15 Pub. Library -New Books 56 Griggs, Cooper & Co., 6.42 Health -Comfort Station- .99 Pub. Works-Workhouse-Maint. 5.43 6.42 . a s 57 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, 7.00 Geri -Municipal Garage -M. & S. 58 C. G. Hartin Coal Co., 74.50 Pub. Schools. -M. & R. 59 Haskins Bros., - 2.75 Gen -Municipal Garage 60 Herbst & Lindley, 33.85 - Pub. Works-Workhouse-Maint. 61 B. Herder, 11.00 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 62 A. P. Herschler, 15.91 Parks-Parks-Maint. i 63 Walter M. Hill, i 23.19 f Pub. Library -New Books 64 Geo. N. hil.Lman, 17.28 Corp. Counsels Off.-Rxp. 65 Himebaugh tc Browne, 14.94 Pub. Library -New Books 66 J. W. Hulme Co., 3.36 = Pub. Library-Genl. 'Supplies 67 Robert Hunt & Col, 44.19 Water -M. & R. 68 H.R. Huntting Co.,- rub. Library -New Boo) _ 56 58.70 Pub. Library-Genlupp 58. 0 69 Independent 011 Co., 13.50 Water -M. & R. 70 Independent Packing & Provision Co., 86.24 Parks-Parks-Maint. 71 A. C. Jefferson., 66.0c Fire -Const. & Bett. 72 - Joe -sting & Lclrilling, 2.70 Health -Health -M. & R.- 73 -C. I. Johnson, 0.90 - _ Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies - t ii' Iry - 6274 Kenny Boiler Works, 367.50 Water -M. & R. 75 King & Webb, 18.90 Park s-Parke-Maint. ' 76 A. J. Krank, - 1.50 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 77 F. L. Lampel, 54.37 Pub. : chools-M. & R. 78 Dr. M. L. Larson, 10.00 Corp. Counsels Off -Exp. 79 Chas. h. Lauriat Co., 20.01 Pub. Library -New Books 80 Lemcke & Buechner, 9.39 Pub. Library -New Books v- 81 F. G. Leslie Co., 19.20 Fire-Cnnst. & Bett. 82 Library of Congress, 65.21 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 83 Linde Air Products Co., 2.75 Mun. Test. Lab.-Maint. 84 Al. J. Louis, 5.80 Water -M. & R.- 85 E. J. Lynch, 24.00 Parks-Parks-Maint. 86 McClain & Hedman, 27.75 Pub. Safety -Genf. Adm., i 6. 0 Comr. Finance-Maintr 2 0 Gen -Civil bervice-Mfa t,. ;` 3 77 Gen -Purchasing Dpft.. p Gen -Municipal rag 1 Pub. Library- nl, pplie .0 Water -M. & R .5 27.7 87 A. C. McClurg Co., 73.00 Pub. Library -New Books 88 Maas -Keefe Co., 2.73 Parks-Parks-Maint. 89 Maendler Bros., �..., 21.76 Health -Pub. Baths- R. 1 ' Pub. Util-Market -Ma t .i Gen -Municipal rag 7. 21 7 90 N. Makiesky, 5.00 -Police-M. & R.- 91 W. H. Malone, 45.Ou Fire -M. & R. Fire -Const. & Bat t/�Q Water -M. & R! � 27 � 5.0 92 Dr. T. J. Maloney, 30.00 Corp- Counsels Off. -Exp. 93 Manhattan Oil Co., f ry 1,034.90 Police -M. & R. Health-Warantntine gr�3Y Ma eft n 031/ 0. nt'd. It b.. Beth.- & R. �• 6 Pu Works -Administration 83 5 Street Const. & Repair-M�� 15 .66 S.&S.Cing-Street Cing. 37 5 S. & S. Cing-Sewer Pub. Playgrounds -M Pub. Bldgs.-Insp. Cle sr f'. Pub. Bldgs. -Mai (19 �) 30. 0 Parks -Parks -M n, i 69 20 Water -M. & R i Paving Dep c ation 1 Pay. stat -Concord Oakdal 6 " 144-Brodway Robert 5 • 1, 4 90 6294 Mich. Maurus, Water -M. & R. 95 Melady Paper Co., Comr. Finance-Maint. +88 Pub. Works -Workhouse -h", Pub. Playgrounds -Ma 11. ,2 96 Isaac Mendoza Book Co., Pub. Library -New Books 97 Merrill, Greer & Chapman, Health -Comfort Station) 2.00 Gen -Municipal Garage ../ v 98 Meyer Engraving Co., Water -M. & R. 99 -Michaud Bros., Parks-Parks-Maint. 300 Minnesota Crushed Stone Co., Fay. Danada-14th to 9th 11 .4 " Prescott-OakdalS t ,Yfoo 9 .A 14th -Broadway: to ber " Wacouta-9t to ruce 6• 37410? 1 Mitsch a Heck Co., _ Water -M. & R. 2 M. N. Moffat, Water -M. & R. 3 E. A. Moeller Co., Health -M. & R. 4 W. B. Morrison & Co., Fire -M. & R. J 6 Park s-Parks-Mainy'' / 426f.O% 5 H. Mueller Mnfg. Co., Water -M. & R. 6 Na su Paper Co., Pub. Library-Genl. Suppli`•9l . '0 Parks-Parks-Maint. 21 �.' /, LO1 2 TO 7 National Candy Co., Parks-Parks-Maint. 8 National Cash Register Co., Parks-parks-Maint. 6.90 3.60 6.00 Ali 3.50 'J. II. 374.00 51.00 24.35 ' 6.00 216.50 n 111.12 27.00 21.10 4.80 #g 63091 9,.3 police -Const. & National Lead Co., Batt. Water -IA. & R. 1 62 10 National Municipal League, Pub.Util-Genf• Administration 11 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 7.60 pub .Works-Adminiatratior�& S. 17.40 Gen -Municipal Garage�m ,65 Mun. Test. Lab. -Ma" Water -M• & R•• Sprinklin/ 12 Northland Pine Co., 13.. Pub. Wo 286 int• 41053 86 Street Const. & Rept•-v, 30 - 13 Northern States Power Co., !00 Health -Comfort Station /4204 pub, achools-M+ & R. Pub. Library-Genl. Sup 13"8s water -M. & R. !// 14 Northwestern Electric Equipment Co., 2.8 Police -Const• & Bett. 4. Health -Pub• Baths-M� Ry 5• 1 68 Gen -Municipal Garag a �4 Gaultier School — 2. 6 15 N. W. Fuel CO e -M. & R. Gen -Municipal Garag 16 N. W. Stamp. Works, pub.Works-Administretio S. } Gen -Municipal Garplies(// 7• — pub. Library-GeX` 8. - I 17 N. W. Telephone Exchange, 4..EiI Health -health -M• & R• arantine-M • & .ft sm • fJr Health-W.tu fi 7 pub. Bldgs.-Archt. & Parks-Administrat10r parks -Parks -gr. 2 r lg N. W. Tire CO.,iB.H Pub. Lighting-Nalt. Water -M. & 19 Noyes Bros. & Cuutler# 36.67 Police -M. & R• 7. i Health -quarantine -M• & - 13,4 Health -Pub. Baths -M. & 4 33i Pub. Works -Workhouse- fit• i': .� t° 415 Gen -Civil Service -Ma lies Pub. Library-Genl. pp Parks -Parks -Ms int 0 -water-M. & R • 143 68 20 Oriental Laundry CO-, 6.84 Health=%quarantine -M • dc R. 21 PapeG�n-Municipalon CGar'age-M. & S. 62.84 5.00 48.68 300.19 ?68.04 12.46 2.75 8.25 — 28.60 74.99 143.68 6.84 .2 .550 6322 H. Peitz & Sons,. Comr. Finance-Maint 2 Police -M'. & R,, 23 Peoples Coal & Ice Co., Health -Pub. Bathe -M. a R. 24 Peoples Transfer Co., Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 25 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Police -Const. & Pub. P35 1� Be �1•,S,,D. 4.15. 26 R. L. Polk & Co., - Mayors Office -Exp. 7• Comr. Finance-Maint.,. �� 21 0 Police -M. & R. 6 .00, - Health -Health -M. 0, R. f .,00 Pub. Safety-Genl�`,Adm. / 7'.0 Pub . Work s-Admiq stVtlad �j.4. Street Convt. iie7 Gen-Purohasi Depnt, Pub, shoo M • & •0 Parks-Park-Maint. 7• 1,47 0 27 J. F. Ptacek, Comr. Finance-Maint. •75 Gen -Purchasing Dept. .25 1.00 28 Purity Baking Co., Health -Pub. Baths -M. & R. 29 G. P. Putnams Sons, Pub. Library -New Books 30 tluayle & Kelly, Water -M. & R. 31 Raymer Hardware Co., 1, Police -M. & R. 2• Fire -M. & R.- 1 0 Fire -Const. & Bett. ��f Health - Flub. "Baths -M. R. + Health -Comfort Stat io / 2�8 Pub. Lighting Maint. Gen-Municippal GaraF- MV & S. 67 �Y _ Gaultier. School d 6 Parks- kms -Main/. 3 2 Water -X. do R. r' •6 ' Comto/rt Statio oust. 1. 0 Grading Robert bt. 68. 8 .37.341 32 Review Publishing Co., Gen -Official Publications 33 N. C. Robinson, Gen -Mist, & Unforseen Exp. 34 Robinson, Cary & bends, Gen -Municipal :rare M.. &c S. $�50 Pub. Library-Genl.ppliec 75 Parks -ParkW.tint. '.-o Water -M,. & R. .5( npri ing I/ ' 6.6 11 xo . 6.25 4A 52.53 22.90 4.15 147.00 1.00 59.72 8.95 19.85 237.39 276.90 145.80 103.92 I #10 6335 Royal Typewriter Co., Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 36 Russell Grader Mnfg. Go., Street Const. & Repair-MiAnt. s; 37 Russell :,age Foundation, Pub. Library -New Books 38 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., Pub. Library -New Books 39 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 2. 2 police -Const. & ,Bett. ) 2 Mun. Test. ab"Aai gt. f 1 ➢Pater -M% & R.(/• l� 24.4 40 5t• StreetCement Const. 8c Repair 41 St. Paul slectric Co., .680 Police -Const. & Bett• 25.2 Health -Health -M. & R. .15. Gen -Municipal Courter nt 2 dry Gen -Purchasing Dept 6 Gen -Municipal a Pub. Library- en uppli 5. 6 Parks-Psrk .ai 11 .70 42 St. Paul youndry Co., Police -Const. & Bett.,- 8. 0 Pub. Playgrounds-Marffit 95 Sprinkling / 3 .0 Municipal Garages Co 8• Paving Deerec atio 89. :> 43 St.- Paul Gas Light Co., 54 0 Police -M. & R. 73 7. Police & Fire Al. Jt.a/e., 6 Health-Warantine-M. 8c"R• 5 :5 Health -Pub• Baths -M,.'& R - .0 Street Const. & Rehr. -M Tit' 1 S.&;,.Cing-Sewer,• C1ng. 4• 8 Health -Comfort btatio x#5..7 Pub. Li -i ti-rig-M`aint 18 Gen-Munipipal Gara -M • & 5.95' i0 Gen-Aryuuseum-Ma t• , Pub. /Jibrsry-Genl. Supplids 113 63 Fa�r�lfs-parks-Maint. 684 02 44 St. Paul Pattern & Model Works, Fire -M. a h- 45 St. Pau'_ Rubber Co., watei-M. & R. 46 St. Real th-quarantine-M. a R 47 St. Paul Stamp Works, Mayors Uf,ice-rx'p. A25 rolice a lire &I . 48 St_ Pen1Municipal Garage -M. 4 2.25 15.00 6 691.83 24.147 - 65.70 112.70 189.35 684.02 20.00 3.50 42.00 - 10.25 i 25.35 rA #11 6349 St. Paul Welding & Mnfg. Co., Pub. Work..-Administratio 2. Gen-Municipal Garage-a4 Ec 3. 7. f 9. 0 50_ 5t. Paul White Lead 6c 011 Co., Gaultier Schoo-Y Add. 3,90 Water-M. & R. 1 0 j 51 Sanitary Food Co., Healith-Pub. Baths-W. & R; 3.9, Parks-narks-Maint12 is 52 bcheffer & Rossum, Pub.Works-Workhouse-M41nt. 53 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co., Police-M. & R.20 Health-Health-M. & R. J4:0 Health-4uarantine-M. B. Health-Pub. Bathe-M. R. 43 0 Pub . Work s-Workhouseyr�int .9 Pub. Playground�Ifit. Parks-Park's-Mai 171. 54 Selby Motor Car Co., Gen-Purchasing Dept. 55 J. L. bhiely Co., Fire-Const. & Rett. 56 C. J. Smith & Co., Fire-•M. & R. 57 L. 0. Smith & Bra., Water-M. & R. 58 G. Sommers & Co., Police-M. & R. / Pub.Works-Workhgn,ins int. B Parks-Parks= t 3.3 5 18 OB 59 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., Water-M. & R. 60 Speedway Garage, Police & Fire Al. 3ta/e _9 Pub. schools-M. �C R./ ' 2 5 11 53 61 Standard Book Co., Pub. Library -New Books _ 62 - Supt. State School of Feeble-Minded, Pub. Schools Ai. & R. 63 Training School, Pub. Library -New Books 64 Transit supply Co., Police-M. & K. 3POr 0 Police & Fire Alf Jt/.a/c 11 9�Q 0 / - 310 00 65 Tri-State Tel-ephone Co., Pub.Works-Administration;/ 2.00 Health-Health-M . & R. / 1.00 Street Cbnst.l t& Repr&.A A.0 r - Pa rks-Pa rks-Maint . , 177.49 9.�l0 137.60 34.198 ; 33.95 171..10 .j. 18.00 15.00 12.00 1.20 18.08 49.50 11.53 17.59 15.00 1.87 310.00' 29.94 i #12 6366 F., C. Trnka, 15.84 Water-M. & R. 67 Furman Tuttle Co., 12.90 Gen-Civil oervice4aint. 6,-W Parka-Parks-Maim. .�' T2-.97 � 8 68 Twin City Motor Car Co., 1.75 -v G Parka-Parks-Maint. 69 Wm. H. Ulmer, 100.00 Sewer Const. & Repair-Maint. 70 Valley Iron Works, 132.00 Fire-Const. & Bett. 71 Van Paper Supply, 7,25 Gen-Municipal Garage-M. x S. 72 Vaughan's Seed Store, 35.12 Pub. Schools-M. & R. 73 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 2.50 Water-M. & R. 74 0. G. Waffle, 32.50 Pub. Library -New Books 75 Waldorf Bindery Co., 192.25 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 76 Washington Foundry Co., 28.00 Water-M. & R. 77 Waterbury Button Co., 84.00 Police-M. & R. 78 Henry F., Wedelstaedt, 15.95 Corp. Counsels Off-Exphh 7.20 Pub. Work s-Administ as n Y5WF 79 Western Supply Co., 38.37 Pub. Bldgs.-Insp.& C erks 2;.76 Parks-Parks-Maint. r ,5 8Q Water-M. & R. Sprinkling r% Comfort Station-C t. :VAV i 3 80 Western Union Telegraph Co., 7.81 Gen-Purchasing Dept aint Pub.. Schools-M. & R. �.7 .� / 7• 81 White Auto Co., 48.00 Police-M. & R. 82 J. P. Whitwell Co., 22.05 Parks-Parks-Maint. 83 H. W. Wilson Co., 36.Ou Pub. Library -New Books 84 C. H. Young Co., 9,80 Mun. Tsst. Lab.-Maint. 85 Joy. lock, 1.70 Water-M. & R. T�' CITY OF 5T PAUL ` ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS- -RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE , , i FILE O. Y AUDITED q 191 234 EP / �l1 a.y6--sem 24- `R- r -J- _ Relolved that u'arralil, ht- dra,n upon the Cite Treasury. payable out of the hereiuuft,r ape, ified fund,.:uid in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, ('ommissioner of Finan— :u spet-ifit4l, in the following detailed ,tatenienl : .i Peas , + Councilmen / ) Nays Adopted by the Council Fhrnslvorth ' / cosy �' .�hpruce,l/ ! i� 6� 191 11}•laud III favor U Beller -.-_ ---.. MAYOR .4045, A Against Wunderlioll ,\Ir. Pr"idenl, Irvin I, F. No. 13430 We — Re.lheeCltYhTrexeurye➢Dyable'out ILS 1; upon and int the hereinafter epeelaed (and. (or uv r of the Dereone, arms or For oslte hone forlh:the nmo�pte ns enneelflell In Iv lh^1 following don0led 8,14fi,{bent: polices IleDt, tial., $3 Ft— IIe Pt. Sul. ,30.890.511.. 4, 09 Ij Sit, 11 0 otic R( I.1 atilt IIu'm.fetl --Sul.. . 918 99. "c, of Pub. Ctio tlex, tial.. $2 70.29. . 13,ct of t:du public Set.orlt Sal. 0.39. peot. or puDllc Norke. Sat., 1315: 2E9.8G. 1'+gni. of T'xrke. playgrounds & Pu . Illd,e, $3.756.13. ......the CovnnIN"l A"Ic. 1, 1916. \dontrd be ADDrot•ed31. 111161 . ISeD[rmbcr :-19161 6386 Police Dept. -Sal. _ 87 Fire " 88 Police & Fire Alarm -Sal. 89 Dept. of Public Safety -Sal. pub. Saf ety-Ger,. Adm. 5rtl.66 Health -Health f 845.QG " -Dairy < 4,20.,60 " -Pub. Bathe 1,530i " Comfort Station 14j 19 " rantin0 /2,80 jo; Municipal Garai0 J , g0 Dept . of Pub. TTti lits ee-Sal. Coal. Pub.U. -Gen. « Actin 1- 436.06 « « «-Nun. Te .Lab. -67444: «b « -Market.ff 2?04. ri « « --Lighting cle-4 AA 2.3 4 9a Dept. of Education -Sal. SchooMl-Sa3. )7,37 98.17 Library / f5.4 4 Audito�Xum 4 11, 70. 9 tri $28.146.48 4t 36.899.54 1,577• 6.918.99 - 2.375.64 11,470.29 #2 X92 Dept. of Public Works-Sal./$25,229.86 C. P. Works Gen. Adm.- /i, D9 08 Engineers — 4,0 ,48 Street Const.& Rep. / 1,2 3.83 SPaer S. & S. Cing.-Street / 1350 00 S. & S. -Sewer `11 .50 Bridge Bldg. &-Rep 47 ..9 Garbage 3, 3 ,5.0 Spri_`r►k1 g 12, 4. 5 Wor se 2 ,22 6 Dept. of Park, Fiaygsounds & Pub. Bldg. 2,756.12 sf Pub. Park -Park -Adm. 1111.66 Park -Park Act. r 50.00 Playgrounds _ I 250.00 Pub. Bldg. Insp. & 91k. 800;00 • " -Arch. A Wraft. 63 :33. Forestry Rev. a .lash Water -M. 5.0 Library Bldg. 5. Q School -Bite ,idg. etc. ,°95 0 2.7 94 Miscellaneous Funds 13,218.19 City Officers Salary 3 G 2" 3 MNa�yyor's Office " 3 1.66 C$rp. Counsel " i 1, 58.32. City Clerk " ! 47.4 Election Exp. Comer. Finance ," i ,Ol"612. C. H. & C. H. • 974 7 Comptroller �" /��1,4 65 P Civil Servi 6 " ( 33 ' Purchasin ept. 1,58 .26� Hunicipa Court 1, 4'9 Rise. &/ of oz seen p. � , 5 1 421 9 ag2.590..1 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ... ACCOUNTING DEPAIt t men 1 ur c O. No.- 6395 ENCIL II FILE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED Bd. w w ■ -Alm shouse & poor F.' Sanit- / o _ AUDITED AUaz- w w w City & Co. w 11 w-Salar�ee PER �3Resolved out of the hereinafter specified hinds and that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable specified in the following in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as detailed .statement:- :\dopted Fty the Council Yeas t i Councilmen t N) Nay -s Farnsworth ;approve I JD/ 191 Goss Hyland 111 In favor �' . / _— ------ .-- MAYOR Feller (` �{.•EAff I - Wunderlich t•. F `..n. 1. that,. nmo,vea tnat sora he prawn wart — upon he City Treasury. Payable t r xPucifled tundra and in Mr. 1'reslde„ t. Irvin the hereinafter - fuvor of the per.on.. Orme or orpore- the amounts set opposlt. w • N -Nes' Bu dings tlons for [heir rrepective un._ae .pa Iflyd to the followinK detnUedmtement: noard of (Control. ,2.621.07. noard of t'onlrol. $7.666.01. n�tlus Fch cost. SA 30. ton Bb.ros., $10.000.00. on AUK 71. 1916. 1Aulre - AAdoptedpproved 81U 1916Co Iseptember 2-1916) - $2,524.07 - 6395 Board of Bontrol ofcontrol-Sal. Hospital $1,790.3 Bd. w w ■ -Alm shouse & poor F.' Sanit- / o _ w w w City & Co. w 11 w-Salar�ee 4.5h . _ 2. 24.07 7,665.04 96 Board of Control Bd. of Control -City & CA. Hate.. 3.852,03 , 6i - w w w—A]mghotoe & Poor F w w w ..City &, o. Sanity. -70 3• 2. 7•ff - w • N -Nes' Bu dings 9 Outside Aid 7. r04 B-30 97 Julius echroer Water -;d. & R. 10,000.00 98 Thornton Bros-, paving Snelling G. N. Bridge _ — to Como Total— V- A. o --It. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: i L6nC No Date Presented 191 Resolved, tit::t�m:_.r. .,. :'inkelsten °cr .. _..,......e to I v.: ieville the.- ?CO, a mi. pion; w- 1,-21 t`._ ,,_ty the _ - c: 'on r; t, -- 6'. N. 12111— , Flntkelx!rltn NTIitu Lrnr- 11 11-ro, 10 ondurl n nnlinrr trlr[nre and vpude- vlllr St ro Il6r thm ealonl at 19-31 E. nth Ca, t l (' thr e r h—by In dt-granted and thr ('It)' Clerk Ix Instruct: .,or to lanae a 11-n- upon the pne�- nt , r the •lir trenxur)' of rh-- 111'r e tomery fnc. 3nfi.n9. ° :\don[rd by the f nunrll Aug, 31. 1916. Approved ,\ug. 31, 1916, (Seplrmbrr 3-19161 `e Yeas (v) ('otinulmen FJnsworth 1 s j In favor FI land K Iter / L Against nderlich Mr. Preside . Irvin rORM c tl T I Adopted by thr Cnue'd 191, L Approved OCA 191 1 y8' No .f81:8-73Y �,,9tt(e ,Yatfer; of conetriiafttnai a fJ COUrtt .--arc Z ,--. r tl?AwilS%,f at�eeG#qpendhaernute„lhoan rteg - SKtlnng, avonug fMVah,'BuTep BY ...... — ._.... _........ ............... .... _........._. ..... . to Cdoi avenue, upE 95 mvn er filch tr """ Order 96E7, sUCin.d !1'areh FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ..QD.r,.@.t.rvQ t 7.._:1 .a...re.h.e.� _.asx9.r._. $....Fry.-...... street to–Stleldor avenue; avenue, Cn kinnehaha street frau Fr;- etreet to e avenue, avat c, 4 .0 clr an&IIi-_g-ai-"ue- -f-rom-van Bttren -street -to fiie Cap#1 av, ............................ ....... _ _...... - -_.......... -..... ..------ .............. ............ ........ _—_._......_.._.............._.......... under Preliminary order .- ................... ... _............. approved IntermediaryOrder........ _ __...........__.................................. approved....................... _ _............. _....... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the. Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- rovetnent to be made by the snid City is.._..�-Pn9tr t—C 1 a rpl iei..._eewertie On Mirnel3iha street from Fry street .tc._Sh.e-ld•on-a*snuis...a;1d---eta•--•Se l li.g...a-*=eFe-.. t war- �/%y1(, iirer....a; rapt ---to - Cali t c 1 avenue, ....... _.._....._... ................ ....... .......... .... -- - ..................... .......... ... .... _ .......... ------ and the Council jiereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and _ directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. / Adopted by the Council.......... �-�_ 191 _ �r����7 C, erk: Approved........._................ .......... ...... . _ ...... , 191 ........... ......... ...... ........ __ ...... ...__ ._....__........ ............ Mayor. Councilman Fa sworth K er N Mayor er� Form B. S. A. 8-7 �'-� CITY OP ST. PAUL NT OF ' REPORT, OF COMMIGSIONERc( OF FINANCE tom...-.. ON PRELIMINARYORDER '^ �f�✓!/711 tiC �! `�G v 1 _ "- — — In th Matter of under Preliminary Order approved Tb the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ A< I The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 YO '� po b� - TOTAL. ASSESSED' VALUPtTION T 6 J sus 4,4 C) e / CITY Of ST: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMJfSIONER OF FINANCE ' t ON PRELIMNARY ORDER ' DESC111PTION LOT MOCK ADDITION ASSESSE4. .- VA mo ( mo lD • l s l b, a �. s. y � g 7,P l( k fs"4o y 2 e?a -is Li J d r, tm* Or ST: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A REPORTOF COMMIPSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION DLTION VALUA'REON 0 / Z4 9�e.•1 � �1 (Oo l .'� J p C / 6 o s 71 no r, 3 4' EW Of` Do 4� o 430 �f�s TOTAL. 1 - CITY- 01'—Sr.—PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, 'r t REPORT OF COMM SIONER OF FINANCE ON I t IBI PRELIMtRA Y ORDER - • DlSCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION A99IRS ED VALUATION -� low o /,L 4, silS 14 Bo T / Ia 6 0 o - .,�n-�... ... rc. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE ,I REPORT OF COMMPSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI ' DESCRIPTION LOT .@POCK ADDITION V VA 3U VALUATION - bob C r Lo' 'b D ® (. 40 J70 e> coo 78a ,Y i3 rot 1`660 10,1 13 v) (97 ( o Y- ( �o jeS .� 16 0 0 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE +� t REPORT OF COMMIPSIONER OF FINANCE I I ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER A11E11ED D [1CRIPT,JON; - LOT BLOCHy ,. AD DfT;IONVALUATION I (tea ( o G too 3 0 0 X -o S'21 bas , . TOTAL. CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMOSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI D I S C RI Pi1OIA 7 LOt'9LOCR AbDIYr10N ,/l - !s9 LU9A TION!D 7 U �� 6a .2� . Lo 7 r2, ��ro (0 6 c i7L 4z 1.3 J- v 1 b, J� I ro9n s. s et TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ORDER + fB)i ON PRELIMINARY - r LOTBL4Cii_- __._ A DDlS 1.0 N- --- ASSFSSED Qm 7 c! l Ap lin W0 s7, J G�l ( 00 /o �s 41 • p11rw �. �� TOTAL •• CITY Or ]ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE --It REPORT OF COMMIPSIONER OF FINANCE ! e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER OE SCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSE/6L�0 VALU TION Lv S 1S6' Fad Fa,t C 1 f Lab tAP q ��s VIP L� � s TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTM04T OF FINANCE •-• I It �. REPORT OF COMMIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IEI a DESCRIPTION •'LOT eLOW ADDITION, .. F AS SESSEDF- VALUATION - to 8� x- 7.3 � Gni . �•D.SD aAJ' , V I CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 l 4 ; REPORT OF cOMMIa4SJONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ,ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .. y o. t b 141 act J`D / J ►j,�b'lJ 1 oil, is' % s� �- Y�bcE �cl�I Z l0 IQn 0 1 S av 2a7- Ll j 17 (-D TOTAL ___ CITY ArST. PAUL -DEPA TTMEg1T OF FINANCE-- �• S ; REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I -f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI OlSCRIPTION- LOT BLOCKADDITION ASl6 VALUATIONSSCD - I zt� too �� U 6cs o? au `3•� ` e ew 40 Lb ��Ir{ 6' .z �• too �l op /o igip T.1 TOTAL. CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI r O C 9 R I P T 10 N' _ LOT, BLOOK ADDITION IL Wf< AS46SS' 0 VALUATISN Li aQo �D2J IO C7d Iktrf y, � ►�/ rd T ` d Co [{ IAF [Zc) TOTAL. - .-. CITY OF -ST. PAUL \ DEPARTMENT OF'FINANCIE , S. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 ..IBI I' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AtsassaD VALUATION ,. � ..._.. ....art 13 a�yo 440 n J�/ wt�200 Slo 10.9 S O J r, •. ,. ..... TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL i DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE S REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER nF DlSC�IPT10N - - LOT B*oCK ADDITIOK;' VALUATION �l-4e4lt �4+fi ,l , ! I J gala Y [ ® !p o .i Ar 1 4110 9 s lip � 1�G,(4 .� �c� of ..,•rZim p Apo 0 4 /0 7 Wz90 lU `i 0 40 44 ! D P,2 L+ l l Y �6a TOTAL „ .. I - ... � .CITY-OF3T. PAU4...�..-- --- - DEPARTMENT of FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I I REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r .. .. _.. _.... <.. .- r' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION rr MEMO ASSESS�Y VAL 7 a' ILZo .3 O a L> foo o i3 tf 10 4-(¢, ti Lf 41�?'' 7 Of ID a Lr 4 3 Lop b� j'1 DO TOTAL. CITY 9F ST. PAUL. _.. -.- - DEPARTMENNT�FYFINAN6E _. f 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 lBl ! a ADDITION a ,ALU Mo. .q - D -C-9 C R I P -T 1 O N- i LOT BLOCK. b� 1 _ rn .2 L% , �vp LIP its, .god TOTAL lent �. �. tt • : - �i CITY OF ST. PAUW DEPARTMENT OF FIN"CE REPORT OF COM"SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - D E S,C-R I PT I O N LOT- BLOCKA p DA T 1 Q -N _ VALUA710N - 13 I w, j r `f l oo` 40, Gin 1 4 6' Lls /L� 7 0) yc .� 40 3 7 yo 2 i Sy l9�0 10 0 a# - Q4.t rW �.:, 1 � o I►► 1 TOTAL � � o� a - -- • - CITY -0FST. .PAUL IMPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COM"SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOOK ADDITION - ASSESSCD IA ION 1� ,p 404 a6S .3 rb 30C� 10 ap 0 fiJ �D 10 �nq �t ! `f 0 700 i Gs r! lei` L,736- 73aLO, LOP 4t .TOTAL. i CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM"ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) offeCRrPTION LOT aLodk A,•0131700N, 1p ASSESSED IFAUA-nQH eut .2.3.2 6 S _ .. _.. I v (o u�u����'lill 1 e� � J1c. 16 lo /7 ID 10.) 41 1 as TOTAL CIT_V Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 C REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - _ -DESCRIPTION . IOT, BLOCR, A001"ON VALUATION - ?34 c . loo -sr-c, ,fir aue s � W vu �2.�w✓ �� �- lam) � Z .} � LLfiLGI�•6 �'�I.v �i e� 1� J r� 'Yo z �i 00 7.1- 2 l o 0 23 .Z �v 6vo Zit �+ dL p Li a 17 491 3 ZO 9 ] D ^� L h Ia C7 d _.. TOTAL. ,•., _. - CITYOF-ST PAUL DEPARTMEMT;dF FINANCE -• -F ° t REPORT OF,COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIkiINARY ORDER C DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK--" ADDITION - - • . IN LUwwT30N &Pa4,1. y y ki�m y w -44 % b �- ( 4 .s l0 I �� )1• S to I ,ar 4��5 �! ! `o7' ►�b9��— is � � G 11 W 6-o 0) - - TOTAL q: -_ I - CITYOrST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. I. I \ ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT -BLOCK.--A.DGITION - O TFALUATfON vi a iUA You G W&*A ,�(. 44I,-LgLd 1 .3 v �. IAS ,`% •' T � �� 16 4Q.( a s 1 I-��p�jIfv� t�pp�IlJ 10 �N�C/g,�/ Utz � aa,a %o 7,5' 44 b 141 2f.2 3 v 1 l r2r Uv J -x-1,. G� o, y 4 4'/ o 10 Ll ,w J,2 7 0 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. MAUL: DEPARTMENTOF FINANCE y REPORT OF COM AISSIONER OF FINANCE . IBI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D l S C_P I P T I O N LOT. BLOCK. A O O t T !ON - AggSSl99CD AMMON `i 7�� `t a,z�o 4w.,, • I e` r,¢, l 7 a l3 3 n6 Srp od w. TOTAL 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL + S DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI j ANCE . f I ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCk - ADOITION _ I ASS[SS[D -'VALUATION .. Y 7 xp-' rL,2 P'k a ar1o." . Pw ,, t wssv�+'rt �/f 't•"`�C / ice• APO )C4 G % Oa ;LD �,A 2 �`s J la, 1 2 ? ( Ys TOTAL TOTAL. CITY ar'ST. PAUL REPORT OF COMMISSIONEP OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORbER O.E.; C R.I.P T 10 N. LOT BLOCK.. _ AIPOITION.. ASSEVALUSSED. . / Y ✓7 i�S' le L..� (140-742 11 / I"l40 • 121 , 1 (l1a �!O r j 4A•! � � ab'0 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,FINANCE REPORT OF COMM1,91SIO14ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION AS5E33E13 VALUATION i Ism .3 so The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1914 'C61a I i fn...1 in. 6.5 C Office of 'the Commissioner of Pubhc Works t i 4 ° Report to Commissioner of Finance Aril 14th, 191 6 'ro the (,onuuissioner of Finance of the vitt' of Jt. Paul: ,file Commissioner of Public Works, having had ruder eonsidb•ration the pi-el ilia iron;v ord.•r of the Coma. ' I 9537 ar h ' P 1:11 6. , rehttive to ril, known las Council File �o. approved ! oor.atr stir a relic se-^ar or enol frof:, I ry `e'3on Ave.; or. _innetaha 5'.. froc. .,ry .. a :on live. an'! or, Pr.e__ina _. fro... ..n ,..en to itol �v:. laud having investigated the matters said things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemeait is necessary said (or) desirable. ,r_er fro^.: i.;ot 3 The estiaurtcd c st thereof is _ laud the total cost thereof is F 31,61U.AA,,j `f the aiaturc said esleut of slid impro ement is as follows: a :1. A phial, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atLn•hed aml mode it part hereof. d. 5. Said improvement is. -.0" .asked for upon petition of three m• amore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / ` colit lgssioner of Public Works. p { t� _� w yi'TY'VF jA�hIYT AVL peparhmvnh vF Fublic Wvrks . .. M.N.GOSS. St. Paul, Minn. June lb, 1916. Mr. S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Manoe, Building. Dear Sir, -1 Ih response to your letter of 11%y, 13th I beg to transmit herewith a district map of the drainage area of sewers proposed in bounoil File #9537, approved March 18, 1916. In order to malm an estimate in accordance with your request I have dWded the district into five areae denoted on the accompany- ing map by the letters A, B, C, D & E. 1. Sewer on Snelling Ave. from Van Buren St. to Capitol Ave. Estimated cost $7,953.00 Estimated coat of sewer large enough to serve abutting property tls376000 Balance This sewer drains all of areas marked A, B, C & E. �E. Sewer on Capitol Ave. from Fry St. to Snelling Ave. Estimated cost $1,965.00 This sewer drains area C 3. Bower on Capitol Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Sheldon Ave. Estimated cost $13,644.00 Estimated cost of sewer large enough to serve abutting property Ifi 799.00 Balance , This sewer drains area B 4. Sewer on Minnehaha St. front Fry St. to Snelling Ave. Estimated cost $1,747.00 This sewer drains area D b. Sewer on Ainnehaha St. from Snelling Ave. to Sheldon Ave. Estimated cost 06,455.00 This sewer drains area 8. NOTE In the case of ift 181 #4 & #6 no relief sewer would be deeded for the drainage of abutting property only. Respectfully submitted, Dict. O.C./14. of Public Works ROBERT T. GOURL 9i, O.N C......... OSCAR 6LAUSSFN, Clltip &W J. 9 CARAOLL a—, Co.—.. & R...... -LFOeO JACKSON, S— S ......... EWROLO, 0,— E...... N. GOETZINGER S ... CITY OF 'SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WO*XS M. N. GOSS. commiSSIONffp jr e:,,._ Z-. .�j en,,. or t "i n re ir I f r,,n z, r .7 rcntE 1,36 ft. n e v at ;., -in .y or acco-Int ea. -etter dr: in , Ze for tl:e6L streets alao Lu -n for f--t-oa e:�t2n.i--ns ;;--'t ir. L. Z, a 6 -4 - r � z —. a� i - t &c�rd�--'e ' c 1 4 ef ,V,_ 3: .:iot n:, 1 -) �- - of - '. e , e o f '- ., dotted r,; d , i . sa. 1 An Ordinance granting to the Minneapolis„ St.Parl 2 -_ r& g&u t Ste M::rie railway Company, its successors and assigns, s thgVight to constrvot and maintain a spur track and to operate c therjover from a point on the Northerly side of Waverly e one hundred ten and twenty -!five hundredths (110.25) feet 6 s£erly from the West line of Westminster Street extending thence 7 over and aorose said Waverly Place to a point on the South aide of s `,sgerly Place one hundred twenty-five (125) feet Westerly from the - s Westerly line of R"estminst,er Street so as to arose over said Io Waverly Place from Lot Ten (10) to Lot Thirteen (13),Jarvis' sub- 11 division of Lot Three (3), Bass' Addition of Out Lots to St -Paul, - and from a point on the Northerly side of Woodward Avenue one hundred ' 1107 (150) feet 7;e6terly from the Westerly line of Lafayette Avenue 14: : ezteridin$ over and &Cross said Woodward Avenue to a point on the Southerly line of Woodward Avenue one hundred fifty (150) feet 16 "41,ester2y from the Westerly line of Lafayette Avenue so as to Dross 3w 39 r. Over said Woodward Avenue from the dividing, line between Lots FiftPOJU ' g- (� 5 rind Oizteft (Y�')a, to the _ divi,dind *net,",tw on date Three ( )- M`' and Faur'(4), Sahurmeer'e Subdivision of Lot One,(1), Bass -''.-Addition of Ott Lots, to 9t.Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof of o .,Q ,u' r-eoordn t offioe of the Register` of, DeQds °► and for Ramsey 23 OoU}rEj►iitiAab Ota. 24 THE COUNCIL TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIR:- 2s Section 1. The Minneapolis, St.Peal &Ste Maris Railway Z6 Company, its successors and assigns, are hereby -authorized,.x `�2 permitted to construct a spur railroad track over that portion of 28 -" the City o;saiat Paul, described ad t011Cs,"t�5'�it: zs ffommsnoing at a point on the Northerly side of Wagerly} dYlaoe"one hundred ten and twenty -figs hundredths.(110t ..25) fee Mem ' 1Paserly from the West tae of -Westminster Street "extending thence { ove $. across said W*j.erly Place fro a point on the 8out s' side of Waverly Place one hundred twenty --f=ive M-51 188t Wseterly � '^ ,_ k-tJ- 'A4 1 from tle Westerly 'line of Westminster Street so as to cross 2 over said Waverly Place from Lot Ten (10), to Lot Thirteen (13), 3 J&.ry sr Subdivision of Lot Three (3), Bass' Addition of Out Lots 4 to St.Paul, and from a point on the Northerly side of Woodward 5 Aranue one hundred fifty (150) feet Westerly from the Westerly 6 :ine of Lafayette Avenue extending over and across said Woodward 7 Avenue to a point on the Southerly line of Wood7ard Avenue one 8 hundred fifty (150) feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Lafdyette 9 Avenue so as to cross over said Woodward Avenue from the dividing 10 line between Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) to the dividing 11 line between Lots Three (3) and Four (4), Schurmeier's Subdivision 12 of Lot One (1), Bass' Addition of Out Lots to St,Paul, according to 13 the recorded plat thereof of record in the office of the Register 14 of Deeds in and for Ramsey County,Minnesota, 1s Section 2, Said Minneapolis, St.Paul & Sault Ste Marie 1s Railway Company, its successors and assigns, are hereby authorized 17 to operate over said spur track, an engine and cars for the use of 18 19 the proper owner or owners served by the same, provided, however, 20 that no cars shall be left standing on said Waverly Place or 21 Woodward Avenue. 22 Section 3. Said Minneapolis, St.Paul, & Sault Ste Marie 23 Railway Company, shall in consideration of this grant, protect and 24 save harmless the City of Saint Paul from lose or damage of every 25 kind and description arising from any action or actions, which 20 may be brought against said City of Saint Paul on account of the 27 transactions of said railway company, its successors and assigns,. 28 in and about the construction or operation of said track ; 29 provided that if any such action be brought due notice thereof in 30 writing shall be given to the grantee hereunder, and opportunity 31 shall be offered them"to appear and defend said cause. 32 Section 4. Said track or tracks so constructed shall 33 — 34 35 I not be used for the storage of empty oars nor shall empty cars or 21 loaded cars be left standin3 thereon. 3 Section j. Said track shall be constructed in such a ° manner as is approved by the Commissioner of Public Forks of 5 the City of Saint,Psul, and said Minneapolis, St.Paul & Sault Ste 6 Mzjie Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall remove 7 said track whenever public convenience requires and it is so s ordered to do by the Council of the City of Saint Paul. 9 Section 6. Said Minneapolis, St.Paul & Sault Ste Marie 10 Railway Company shall file xith the City'Clerk of the City of 11 Saint Paul its written acceptance of this Ordinance within thirty 12 • (30) days from and after the passage and publication of the same, 13 the said acceptance to be in such form as is approved by the Cor— ia poration Counsel. 15 Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect within 16 17 thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, and 18 acceptance of the same, as herein provided. 19 20 21 i.,:r Fltr an :Ibl .,,nd PI. 22 the dl r'Idtn¢ line I.!hnrm• nod Pnor rel. 'il . fln Civet Ilnv'n day ro,. r••„ d,.a n:nirh,.:r•nf nt r ,n., r�nl.•. nm,n•- !�I.r• we / ILII and r•,r m. »er r "' ;�:1 h\ thr (nun :i Jlt,arn.a •rlh L crrTl' -Pont At / lu :.n, =n+•1 aonnrxp^lie' mwt„c. ux - 41ti� ct•• yinrtr Ft.11 ») a h^r nb)• aut: mi x»»iar:». nr»bld spar ^ra ..t.•,1 C' / ! s I'.11 Kl`Ilrr / 1� vnr:a,. n,„'inr tar n t /\y!.nn :n •-n n.np:r nr'„on served ^>' nr. ✓I , r .I'r 1'p•,r ^nrlded. saws, -'1n bthat o r U :nnntiprl..rc »tans,„a n bast \�-:,\,•rty / r o-oo,ttr;,rd n -,�� !( I'In�e \It Pi,'.y cI•:1'T`: ,\ 1 xid \11nnr Pnlie. _ 1. foul k n til he u . B con - IV \I:trl�' Itnilw nY 4'om Pxn y, shall in »i ppny .hall lit. , wt It the Pity Clerk f the City of Saint Paul Its w then ...Ptance of this -7 . / �/ Ordinnnl^ t lthln 111111)' 110) day» from tnd 'r,r the passage and Pit cut ion. of the same. the said ucceptanre to be { /3//'cform nb Ib npvrot•rd by the IponllIo ounselI 1nc cTroti 7.This ordinnace shill take erten wllh- h n thirty' 130) days from and after 1teage and P.1,11utlon. and me pt - oars a the enm.•, us h.•retn ploylded. Qf til A111101-11 by the /'ou aril Nov. 77, I416. i'91 33onndnrurh, H>mlunna, ih. .rreaose.- I:ewr, at r. :care --b. 34 ,\pl't ot'•d Nn 17. 1Y16- V. R. IRVIN' Sm. Mayor. 35 Attest. JOHN I. FARICT• Clty Clerk. 4N.,25.191C1 0 TO TH's HON. THrq COMMON COUNCIL OF TH3 CITY OF ST. PAUL : The undersigned property owners hereby object most earnestly to the vacation of that portion of West Kinister Street in the City of St. Paul, commencing at Waverly place, and running to tha Soo right-of-way. We own respectively a number of feet of frontage on the streets opposite our respective names. WE, RI&S rJ :NCI& NU10TR OF PETT ��� ` �r�,(,G-�.� , c_Q � `�� %! � � ���� �lI%� �/ fir'' �!'�'il� -�•�,1 121 I } = .icn PAELlMr1rAKY OhDSR& 1 t) 'l �) •�� C. F. No. 1241!6--- t�otl❑t•II FIIC NO. 9 tt heroad written proptonnl ror the mehlhF fS followlnb provemanL )qy C�nRirnel cement 01eelde3vp lx PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT to a wldtlt .Rr tour. and ne-halY; fpeC - -- _ - e 9 on'tfie enal'ntd'e of Ryle Ott. ^haLA 94 io Northam Fnctfle Rnllwno a - -rNrM=-uTavn'yTa-4nrF'beeir4renrrtted-.to_._. th [.'ouncn [ the Ctty o[ 9t .Paul t e[ore.�beThat the commleatoner - PRELIMINARY ORDER. .., b.-, .• h.. I. hetet 1, r • rsigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of II� -- St. Paul, viz.:..Consy; ac'�__H. cc .ei;'. '�i c i..etral:: t.0 &L •aid',h/,6 ,.c� }. .•,t v:.e-ia1� Peet... Co __ere f r .. — Dated this 13t .dayof $y pte...uer 191 r Counc man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __...__ _...uatl;a.tr.uc. w.. a_..ae:.:e ..,.__....le _ s1.�e•,zn.lk.....n �. —U..:. �;.. � _.u1,e.-u;1� feet o.. :r.e.._e 5G.a ..s.�-ale .oa_.. cie_k11a� Co.--...� ,a.G_... ..t7a1..... .. i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, he it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I ' " r - , . Adopted by the council 191 Yeas: Nays` Councilman Far worth G Approved 191 _-.. H nd B� r /C. 1V, derlich Mayor Ir �/, ,Illnyor. CI,1? OF ST. PAUL FORM COUNCIL- RESOLUTION GENERAL Subject: cn excnNo- ye.3 (V) c" ilmen (,') Nays Co0 F worth G 'if ( In favor and er I Against nderlich Mr. Preside . Irvin FORM c.— 0 r` Adopted by the Council 191 Approved j 1 13 191 Dat, Presented 191 6. A, L R066 ed. 2 L -'r, 3':0L3- E] dated ,.ovc:-LUI' 1st, 1 jIb _CCU ,V,,. to ijLzdolph St. 0e_,_0r2o,' f Sarato 'EL Avo LT 01, L;e�,,�e!:Iuer, ij!6, aTd. be Ll; -,d the S,;L::.e 10 0:."tondod to execute 111. F to the prover c-' ar" erut", provided, !,oweve�" is resolution said cor,!�ract ac�:or_r_nce ui.let;s tIX ��o'.`rr"Ctors .re,�ies 0 "Ofoo sh�,!l ..ave a, allic� 0- bo:.da ler"'J u I r,— It, PJned for tIP; -let. 5o belaeen dnled oib -'i It, A K.gh �,i' tt, - the 9 to jj.ud.1Ph,3 to to, IT mr J. tw1 front _Tvr;. 'jllih' b.- fith d�'I' thr �nm^'d to 1'r 'h ty Ir"lle' t,.,, the t'ounril "P '-W ye.3 (V) c" ilmen (,') Nays Co0 F worth G 'if ( In favor and er I Against nderlich Mr. Preside . Irvin FORM c.— 0 r` Adopted by the Council 191 Approved j 1 13 191 o ce :ins,-niu.e Ci. Jo •,.cil, C I : cz:asc tix, a title of cu::.iU in- -:"U co:.',rn.c'. ;or :_e -r i;, o: Go..,,i: 6arr_to •a ,,ve. fro::, Je.'ie': _:o.. ..ve. to -v n IoIpi: Ot, i,c e;:tca:ua to the 15th o1 iepte:aoer, 1 j15. Ori:. - :o fact „i:at ; roposcu c:.t:;;-e o;' -rade is pending^ on this s':rect .,.:c:•cu,; '.}:c o,i::c,% o: ,_c or',y at rr:'_o ,v,,. tInd J :' r.: ) „ve. desir, to have he ra•.i: o_' �nrato-n ,Lve. lo-vored, -n:i ai til .:his ad;".i:r. nt is aie the ] -i:.o: r::. ycE,ar'::e..., 77i: 1 ,:c .n;; Y le "o rive llS 'I•aii: Jtsi ,CC:i �0 ',hat we :1ty ',O L. i1Cnd-C Ui•K, it w-.-.,, aotl I E.oaSi LAU .or i,; t0 11..1.3.'1 i.' L•OI,', r'iCt '1'Jhl!. i.. i:,e :;I.cci_ied .'.et.Ce we desire to aor 7ra:, c i:.:e or o:.: le'. .. ae.:e -c :-n- e: stated. I _ v. f.1 , J�!.trUC tU CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I Subject: -•w/ •• FILE CiL No. 1.24,? I i Date Presented Au;;ust 31 1916., Retolved, That the time ope2ified 1'or the t::,rformarce of a certain contract dated March 9th, 1916, between Ke:)ach Bros. and t e Cit,/ of 9t. Paul - for the gradin, or Juno 3t. 'rorn Fairview Ave. to Fredericka Ave. be ar:d `.he sw,ie is tcreby extended to the 31st day of August, 1916, and the Proper cit, officers are l:eroby aphorized to execute an arno,,d:ient to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, -.hat this resolutior shall not have an, force and ef_ect unlless the s.re>ita an the contractors bond consent thereto and file 3uci. consent is rvritir:- -•!1 t): the Cit„ 1_'0:1ptroller. I Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Fa sworth C In favor H nd K r L Against W derlieh Mr. Presiden Irvin FORM c._ Adopted by the Council G- r -i i • ', 191 Approved / 16 191 MAYOR v I St. Paul, 1Ii:'r,. Au,-. 31, 1915. To the .io,iorahle , Co . —, s C I Y. iVc ,b 1 i rc: pect:';llly ask 'ha'; your Ho, Oreble Lody caaec ',he t;i!.lc o' r.o: rle'inc the contract for the raiir.- of e Juno St. from F ir: ieti Ivc. to _`redcricka St. be extended to 1 1.... ck'ir.r ,o :or.3itione of the rroat,^.,.r ,.:i. spr:n,-, and labor or, i,.ions, it '3a:: not poesible for ;1:, to 'inish this .ot:tract ,.itLi'. the time .: eci. ied, },enc Wu des ire to ask Tat t'rc '.ine -'or co•si:lecing same b, :,a Cie L.-, 1,c:•rir.l,e:'ore stated. Yo ,re ve,•, 1 , Cc.r' ractors i CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NFILE No - Date O.Date Presented Sept. 1, 191 6. Resolved, 'ihat the ;rade of the alley ir. 3loek 4 Butteffield Syndicate No. 1, as shown by the red grade li::7.7,ork)., accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Publicbe and .he same is hereby adopted as the established grade. I ' I 1813:—g— Qoe Iteee��Q�lvoa That the BrBde of tt�a ¢L�t, 1ey. 19,1* - 4 notterdeld Wodlosb on. I, a shown SInB ei io��l�aanduii_ reabmmended bY`the CaMt1s pare Pob'I,Id;w' &Xm' o eMlta�hii adYeada bYq p dab9,Lhe CSJJNon Soot. 1, 1916::. Approved L 1.1811.• P1'.. 9-1918 I Yeas (✓) Cou "' (✓) Nays Far worth Co In favor Hy nd Kel r Against Wu _I Mr. President Irvin Fon. C. a -s; 0 Adopted by the Council 6191 t Approved /SEP �' I6 191 M..rOR ), CITY OF ST- PAUL l COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM i FILE NO. i e Date Presented Sept. 1, 1916. Resolved, That`the grade of Sargent Ave. from Finn Ave. to the east line of Block 3 Oak ,:noll Addition, as sholm b the re.. grade line on the aoco:apany- ing profile and as recotauended b;; the Commissioner of Public r'lorks, be and the same is hereb; adopted as the established grade. 10,11,00 C, P! No. i3( s9 ar M N,,apsa— A.solved, `,rhav the oa a or - Bar - gent Ave, rrom Flbn Ave. t'b the daet IIn9 Of OIOe' 3, Oak $npIi Aaditib."as llfown by the 'red grspa line gaahe aernm ashylnq profile abd he reeohr- mended by the Commissioner or VOW. Works. ba and the shore b hereby add td as the estabII.hed grade, Adopted by the Connall I9eDt. 1, 1918. Approved 91?1. 1, 1818. 1? 1. 9II918) 11 Yeas (✓) Coun Imen ( ✓) Nays Fern In Goss In favor Hyl d Kell G, 1 Against Wu lith Mr. President, rvin FOAM C. e•i Adopted by the Council �.' -1 191 �-1 1916 Approved V � 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub)eat: q FILE No.' Date Presented sept. let -16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Comndttee and hereby rejects bids received for the Grading of L'adison St. from Seventh St. to Young -an Ave., Alton St. from: Seventh ;t, to Youngman Ave. ;tnd Youngman Ave. from West line of lot 21, block 5, Youngman and Lamm's Addition to Rankin St., ;ts the bids received were in excess of the kngineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to re -advertise for new bids on scone. F.B. No. 998. Yeas (✓) Co ilmen (✓) Nays F worth G In favor rued were Eettmate. le hereby for new .t. 1. 1916 Adopted by the Council _ n —i 1 :' ;; 191 Approved, I H d C1 Ke ; ' Against Wu erlich Mr. Presiden FORM C.8-2 rvin rued were Eettmate. le hereby for new .t. 1. 1916 Adopted by the Council _ n —i 1 :' ;; 191 Approved, I : ` �— I J I6 191 /CJ V MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t? I Subjecq .w C'uN" , a. :. ... •. FILE N C Date Presented Sept . l s t_ 16 f 9I v� Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs ir. the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids re- ceived for the gradin and improvement of Alley in Block 26, Auerbach and Hand s Addition, as all bide received were in excess of'the Engineer's sstimate, andthe bids on Agent is herebyauthorized to jeadvertise for new ids on same. F.B. #1005. ' 1 C, F. No. ounelI h 14441—Dr ld. N. Goes—, Resolved. ThPPt the Cerebg I concurs in the tecommendatton of the Contract Committee and hereby retests oil bide received for the grading and A. - improvement of Ali.)' in Diane 11 id. erbach and Hand's Addition. ae nil bids received tre\�e''in a:cess or the Engi- neer's estimate. and the Purchneing Agent Is hereby. nuthor{sed to r drer- {tge for new olds on snore. F. R. No. it 1009. A r by the -Council Sept. 1, 1919. pp A PPToveved016- (Seeppt. 911919) i it 1 r Yeas (J) C ncilmen (J) Nays F nc"r Adopted by the Council - 'i 191 s In favor ;' land 191 K ler Approved , Against 0 � nderlich Mr. Preside , Irvin stwvon Fonts c. 9.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IUI11GCt:AAW FI EHCiL N.O. *N.2'44a2 Date Presented Sept. let 191 6 AV Re Wed, the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bide received for the Grading and Improvement of Bellevue Ave. from W. 7th St. to Stewart, Munster St. from W. 7th,St. to Daverna Graham St., from W. 7th St, to Davern, Pavern Ave, from W. 7th St. to Stewart, as bids received were in excess of the. Engineer's .6stimate, and the rurc2�asing Agent is hereby authorized to eadvertise for new bids on same- F.B. #1003. Yeas (0 Cou ilmen (i) Nays Far worth Adopted by the Council —i 191 Go � In favor Hyl d 191 Kel Approved ` I Against Wu erlich W MAYOR Mr. President rvin ro"M C. a•2 1 152 Vw A. .46 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE""L NO.- =-- SET^ 7 1816 BY AUDITED - 191 PER 237. r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds amd in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ♦191-- Yeas ( J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council_C .. ^--_---1-- 1 Farnsworth Approved -V _ n 191— Goss / / Hyland In favor I �, lI , Keller MAYOR t A sins -� Na fIj3,&V B Bt'lolddd `that tagta+,j�e dralpl Wunderlich uSs4 t>caGit 7M, ay' 1 ctitaat ig14Tn4h girtfaAs� a tir. rP4t4sa tso Y Mr. President, Irvin ._, iitq,� ths.eA$etlt ekp .,.6e"aaM ID ..,.¢d'in€ 6400 Badger (deter Co., Water4l. & R. 1 Barber Aephalt Co., Street Const. & Rep. -X. 2 Craftsman Press. Gen F. -Printed Forms dt anlwi 4• Gen. F. -Civil Servi Com. Pub. Works-lI nt. 1 �6 park-Park.M&int 2 9 3 Flour -City Ornamental Iron Works. Ames School 4 Goocbrear Rubber Co., Park-Park.Maint. 5 A. H. Heimbach Water -M. & R. 6 Kettle River Co., Street Const. & Rg�:}]dye 297 ' Bridge Bldg. & ji Pp�.-'lr� 7 Chas. 8. Lehmann & CCo.$ Fi re M. & R. 8 Richard Price Rea] th-D4iry -M. 9 Republic Creosoting Co., Pay. Alley Bik. 2, Wrights etgl. 10 0. j. Reynolds -. Comptroller -Off. Face. #2.182.80 100.40 , 27.39 2,450.00 217.50 20.50 495.00 334.52 88.00 1,881.27 E #2 X436.81 f 64}1 Sun Company• Pay. 11th St., J o " State, C. 0. 12 Tierney & CO-* 51.90 C. P. B. -workyall,s• ai 00 Water -t. & 0 4 45, 13 U. S. CAater-Mi R. Co.,. 124.98 & Total��� y.s h. p C L fJ ~ { I XT �a enr cu.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 'x1 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM die""L No._� AUDITED—_. _ 191 238 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable odt of the hereinafter speci_ged funds.vds in favor of the lwrsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names: as specified in the fcllowingx detailed stateme,i�a -. Yeas CouDeilmea ( J) Nays Adopted by the C�uncil..�l �'�- 191— Farnsworth _ 3 Goss Approved— Hyland pproved Hyland In favor Keller Against MAT Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin 6414 Clara Aamold, Widow of Hans Aamold, $0.00 Widows & Orphands Pension Fund 15 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael Su 111 van 40.00 Wigs, & Pensions Fund .Reibir44s i ward rants Qa r Tm' RRen,�tfis�"e+eavuu� ..pp��y b�tYt, 40th nrkbaa Mesj f aalQ��Ildl�,.ipq',. R fn v.fdf Ufa Rrtlhlo�rai"r,�o; o94.$Fgtf'bh! aTAAg 94F&;D tH'eTe'" Rla4tgl,,uAmei ;a fyGyLdz' jthe3. deta7lad etk�smen o- Mfn f t'�ilpPld �P�dt}� "*iof '� �Hs7�mBdtao �}do�r yf ¢i asr�. . '$4A Dtgqw,,d�����¢¢thebt�autl9ri $eRL'"I�f�1'. ADRtdYe�lfeD�.11�5 5 � - - ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. ` t ' COUNCIL FILE NO. y Date Presented 191 I Resolved, That the ap_limtion of F. C. Priest fora license to conduct a Theatre at 4114 Watasha Street be and the same hereby is branted and the City,Cl-rk is instructed to is.;ue such license u,.on the Ipayment into the City Treasur; of the fee, "$10.00. Yeas (J) C olinmen (J) Nays orth l In favor Against lith Mr. Presidin T. FORM C. 9.2 - - C. F. •No. 12118— Resolved. That the application of F. C. Priest for a license to conduct a theatre at 191 Nebasha street he and the same hereby In granted and the 'City Clerk to Instructed to Issue such license upon the payment Into the City Treasury of the fee, $100.00. Appeo%d � Z. 1. lo Sept. 1. 1918. pt. Adopted by the Council CI n —1 1,, , Iql S " -1 1916 Approved � /� p 191 MAYOR 1 N49--- In 9-:— In the Matter 4f affers97l_aYfe1111Q-Zren 1•a1W'FtX ares. a +... r a �•• - �,�_ --- _ Fredericka avetae f12MA , lailz �0 o Rastdolnh street, under Preliminary order. __9411 .. appm I(ayotr St1916_ — intermediaryOrder_—__.___._____ __ �,;, ap tiv4d---• ----- ---- A public hearing having been had upon thi 6boveffutipnsvemehC#upod aRle nonce, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered -4 the same; therefore, be it t' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proyement to be made by the said City is GradtPalaee street frau Fairview_avenus 3IPgT!CQDSS�t?031Vd14,--sTl�i_@4R3i FI,LiY�]! vO4__tia ___ Underwood avenue, 4efferson avenue from Fairview_ avenue to Gtnciestt¢ood avenue and Fredericka nvoaue from :it. Clair street and the Council hereby orders said impement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cbi nmiasioner of Public Works, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for ' approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby &u► prized and. directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in'accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council---2T---L1 y � � 191 —C' Cleric. Approved....__ S E � '" / I J I6 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth " Goss •' KeUct Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers Form a S. A b-7 CIS1f OF S7, .AU0 _ O�P'INANCE REPORT OF Cy I IONER.OF_FINANCE -- -- — MINARY ORDER I the Matter of _4 -- �= - - --L!1' ...,-:�G-,•-'�.....�` inn - ................ ... __... --- --- _.__ .. -- - - -- under Preliminary Order. approved —..._ ......... _ .-�,/._.... •T !� - - .- .._ _... ._. ... ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ -------....--------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is I The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ x DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I - VALUATION 3 ( �Qo 1 470 L o TOTAL, OITYCp-ST.-PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMI,416IONER OF FINANCE 1 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) _ m._. :. DESCRIPTION •LOT i�OCK - ADDITION • ASSESSED VALUATION S ( ova �• / op J� yy b 2 y lap 0 a3 �o c LI)> o Lz. 6 v. TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIJEWONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 0 ESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSI!D VALUATION 7-4 4r LJ 44 Lf If 3 Q�7 "A REPORT �._ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OP COMMIS6IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CLP_T-LON — - --------{-0T—att1CK-- - D C !R. ' • ADDITION 'ASSESSED VALUATION %� -��` 6 q/`;`� QO I 3 i ma l ( ti 44): l l 0 Jk 1 �,c l7 TOTAL, CITY OF sr. REPORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMIgAIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - OE3CRI'PTION LOT OLOCK ADDITION " ASSESSED n VALUATION /7 A 3 z- 2 r 4 !Ro � � 0 Va d` ✓-f �/ 2 Sao •� o i0, J s �3 b) saw, �s J L's.) ) r „—- CITY OF Sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS41IONER OF FIANCE 0 ON PRELIMINARY - ORDER (81 , - OEBCRIPTION LOT 9LOCp ADDITION ASSl55lD VALUATION .1 7 �s 1 7 S �0 I v r 40. / 0'/�� 4a) 7J i� r mJ 7J y r TOTAL. _„ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF COMMISi6IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER !B) ,DE SCR I PT ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED y VALUATION P SCG / / 7 l ?2tih ? ✓ f ? J t �, 7 1,2 X30 Z o. a7 3 0 1.7 j%, TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTOFFINANCE ' .' _ j \} REPORT OF FINANCE OF COMMIS�IONER� , ON PRELIMINARY ORD MY DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASS933EO - VALUATION 'C Wf�/ 61/1-/%1G � v/✓nu- v/� l y0 � 14 ♦ G � `QG ;S 4 � G 1 L0j .. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE A., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DE5F RIRT ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_-. /_G ..fe..__ 191.4 cony M.B.A. na e Commissioner of Finance. Qffice of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance \ 'ro the commissioner of Finance of the t'ity of St. Pall: I'h.• t'ouunissioaer of Public Works, having had wider eonsiileratinn the prrlimiaary order of the Voun- eil, known as Council bile No. X4'1 approved IN relative to —aIrv" N u._ s�ad ay.e_; .Ll.._,. 2t - frJ:,... �.Ei,j.:;asW _..... _... ...----�.,__:,3 ._._.; .,..._.__���:: int._. __:............::✓Barr and having ]nvestigated'ihe matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: - ]. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 60- ;_s rh. f °" 437 2. The estimated cost thereof is �._ and the total cost thereof is R ' _.'_g.., aad .,,47�. ` -x�a.�a 1 _sem. i the nature aad extent of said improvement is us follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said imin•ovemeut is h.•reto attiu•hed and made it part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is. r,0 i asked for upon petition of three ur wore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /Colli misslonet• of PuPl a Works. J f CITY OF SAINT PAUL ORPARIMIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. Commissiomg. ROBERT T. GOURLIN, No— OSCAR CLAUSSIN, C.,A, Eok. J. L CARROLL SM. C AVREb JACKSON, SM. S.11TIT 3. HERROLD. 0— E—. - W GOETZINGER S-. W.. .0 A".,il Goss, Commission�,r o!' Public 'forks Dear Sir, - es 0, St. fro!: Ave. to 'jrd(�--riood Juliet St. fro,: Fairview Ave. :u Und-mooc jve*; Jel.';:orccor Ave. i'rojp. Fairview Ave. to -nd,rwood Ave. upl F-cd-r-l'oka Ave. "ror� St. Cj-,zjlr S',- to R � ,'k o? ph St., 1 •6, 1915. 7."7 ':Gt ll-zlectionocesur-i-y 11.26.03 Fr c d L r i c ka St. -.r, d o 11 ln 3 t d J, St, is to be —rtl;�d I),- pr!,,rate ')Ertios undo"oilrcjj rile 11994, Lr,proved Oct. 9, 1914. Yo'—c V("ll Ch i 0, c(,,r 3- Diet.oi* c`'Renoir CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. commissloNE11 ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DA C...N .R OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.ar E- J, E. CARROLL So; C.— T... 6 R.I.... ALFRED JACKSON S.'T: S.. -.T'.. H. HERROLD. Orrice Ewe H J.. GOET71N GER S.» Won.,.n,a... August 31st, 1916. tion. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, ti u i l d i n g, Dear Sir: In the matter of grading Fredericka Street, from St. Clair Street to Randolph Street, which is coming up for a hearing on the final order to—morrow. -I would respectful --.y suggest that the last blook on said Fredericka Street between Randolph and James Street be out out of the final order for the following reason that a permit was given to Mr. F. J. Scanlan by Council File No. 1994, approved October 9th, 1914, to grade that portion of the street between .tames and Randolph Streets. The work has been done and accepted. A report was made to you under date of June 10th, 1916. The lne contract on file is No. 3358. Respectfully submitted, Supt. of Construction & Repairs. J EC/MH Subject: CITY OFA ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM i 'ILE No.. Date Presented Sept. let, 1916 RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Resolved, TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for puts and fills in grading Fredericka Avenue, from St. Clair Street toz,�r� Street, under Preliminary Order 19463, approved i[aroh 10th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #11778, approved July 39th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted tie report and sketch in the above matter, be 1t RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixer and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement'le an easement for elopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Fredericka Avenue, uetween the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sietch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Rorke in the mater, dated September let, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. 2) That an,easemenL n is tcuts aken in efills land to the extent necessary for slopes, for and in the grading of said street to the established grade.' C. F. \o. 1244]— In the matter of rondemning and tak- ing a easement In thr land n my for elope.. for cuts and fills In grading Fredericka avenue. from St. Clair street to James slreAt. under Prelimlmiryorder 10. 9462. approved .larch loth. 1916.a" lot ermedlary Order No. 11718, approved July 27th. 1916. The Commissioner of Publlc Work. having a bmltted his report and sketch In the above matter. be It Resolved, (1) That the City of St Poul fixe. and doterttnnfnea the amount or land to he talteln for the above , amed Improvement ns pR re -int fit for open, for cuts and fill. In d upon t the land abutting upon Fredericka ave- ue.between the afora.aid. to uolao the extent shown poo the sketch at. [ached to the report of the Commis - loner of Public Work. In the matter dated September let. 1916.' which Yeas ( v) Councilmen (.) lays sketch and report are hereby referred Farnsworth / to and made s port hereof. (2I That an easement le taken In GOSa a id land to the fo tent necessary r r t /C// _ elopes, for cut. and fills in the g rading by the Council 1 191 . In o[ satd street to the establl.hed grade. Adopted by Hyland the Council Sept. 1. 1916. Approved Sept. 1, 1916. b^ KellerAgainst kE"* av(Sept. 9-1916) t'pred 1 � . 191 Wunderlich 1/ ��� ` t Mr. President. Irvin 10.. C — MAYOR CITY' OF SAINT PAUL "•"r DEPARTMENT OF PUSI.IC WORKS M N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R„BER' T .:OURIE'., U-, I .r.... r.. OSCAR CFAUSSEN, C-1 E--.: E CARROLL, Sur' Cnre+u.�c....., h R...... At FRED JACKSON_ S— S.n,.. -. . NE RROFG. O•. ._c Fn;..n�.. .. .. 7,T .Nr.En '. N ... rr -r.e natter of Condajrr.ir: and t-Jr_i:g ar. erraemer_t -i-u .t:e land reces- fcr (lopes.for cute and fills in �ra_iiL'Pre.irrick a aver.uc, m fro lair streeto street, under Preliminary 'Drier i4�j463, art - proved _lei, 10 151E; an'i Tr-te,-m.. .ii .nry .,. .... X'1177:1 a. v.cd .T•.i' O7t lblc. o t::e _...,:i1 C .}' of Paul: Ti -e COmmiH^ior.er of Putlic 't;^rks heretvsutmits and makes a part Of t:,ie iH rercrt, a plan of t'r.-Yove iarrovercer.t,sr. o'hi::r by t,'. e sr. aded portion of sai,i rla:; ;:.e f.'is '.o `e ❑ade ,r. rrivate r.rOrrrt}•,ar,J by t;.e Latched rortion, .f,(' c',tS tc be made on private property,an, _-. extent of ti.r !'F•PCO.er: '. t0 to tai;er,t.,' tr.e fi%'.:res cp csi,e s%ct. s:.aded ar!i Latci,ed parts of vt,. l: i lar. =ox.mi',-iore ; of i'u'r.li;: 7crre CITY OF ST. PAUL UL?PART69NTOF"FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . l In the tter of/_ ���/iz yre ....c( _._. _. _. _ -------------- 1 ` __...... ........ _. _... A under Preliminary Order approved ����..1..`.....1 I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ .34•-OQ-- - - _._ __._—__ Th� estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $------ .----- ..___----- ___.._......_... The_ lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: E. (i DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Iw VALUATION -z 7S `� ��Iyr / (O'C' 15' t l "1y14�GJ71 ;' JC TOTAL, rOpM l.l.A. l-lA CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMIr�T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM"iSSIONER�OF FINANCE \ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) P DESCRIPTION LOT,SLOCn ADDITION .� dAF ry �: yyy�j 2 hlo J -0Y A, /S (� iS L4 A" 3 �' J 3 rVA 2,3 %tN ASSESSED VALUATION 60 / �L y �o 2s - S, S's gas �, / o", 74% The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid I matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said nVtter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191.6 .oww ■.■... ■•a C Commissioner of Finance. T, J. Office of the tom n %ioner of Pubf c Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May 5th, 8 191..._ n p �t 10 the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the, Coun- Al 9463 March 13, oil, known as Council File No...._.._....... .. _approved. _._..._.. _..: 1916...., relative to ......_ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in grading Fredericka Avenue, from 3 ......... . ` and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__.. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is :$-.....%z.. and the total cost thereof is R.-..--. .--- and FJ; the na'turc and extent of said improvement is las follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ' t r. I .1 5. Said improvement rs_.SQt_ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject s »s to assessment for said improvement. l oma saiouer of Public Works i 5ubjecte Resolved. CITY OF $T. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILE No. Date Presented Sept. let, 191 6 I RESOLUTION FIXING TETE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT i'0 BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in grading Jefferson Avenue, from Fairview Avenue to Underwood Avenue, under Preliminary Order #9460, approved March 10th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #11777, approved July 27th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his repomt and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Jefferson Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September let, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. 1Np G S. NO 12449-- 1 7449— and tlik j/ 1 tba'11tatter of. t'tn the W 1VT. f ini :a't auemli'. In the NrY.'±.°�lbpat;'for auto gr ¢In 2er.pn AY�ntCti'A":�, 1'LYr —r� Yeas l J) Councilmen + + wa,ypop . aasgpae0 �) Nays Cp t q. e{ior4 of Fh° C mmiaelongr of Pupil a"Ror$$a to the to �p.'upyted°9apt —1 191 Farnsworth 10t 1936 w�tl0h sketeh aa¢ Alport RFe I by the Council (jp„ In II here4yof. referred to apd ma¢e a part (7) Thnt an eael•ment to taken In r Hyland aald ran¢ to t e ,'gkleat Pegeegpry for191 Keller eloUea.. for pttt gpd..nite Iri pie. t}ra¢1ns proved, oP said street to tlp gstabU9hed Kr9,ite.. / / '/,- McBdF- A6+ AinGpao aeP°8 SC 1919lt sept 3, 1919. U a Wunderlich�• Mr. President, Ir,in MAYOR ro++M C. 0•2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF-PUSLIC WORKS _ e I e M. N. GOSS. COMAISsIONER ROBERT T GOURLEY, D111, C�uuieenr�e ' OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.- Eu ,. ' E. CARROLL, SIP, COP11-1— 4 RI..— ALFRED JACKSON, Su•1. SA—All.. G. H. HERROLD. 0-. E.C.. n .V GOFTJ.NGEit S... -PFPOPT TO THI C.0'^'CI1,- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necaa- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in Zradin& Jefferson avenue, from Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue, under Preliminary ^rder ;9460, ap- proved March 10, 1916, and Intermediary Order #11771, approved July 27 1516. Em To the Council of the, ity of ..^;t .Paul: The Commissioner of Public 'forks hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,ehowin6 by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property,ar,d the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. �ommiAaiorer of Pv lic i4ork'e � { DEPAR jU-NANCEREPORT OF COMI�,�q.r,ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMiNAY ORDER I. -I r (A) C In the Matter of - -w— -----� -f'�-;---� - �_ 1 ...---_.... ._.. ........._.._._ ............. --- ------------ under Preliminary Order approved---�-/-- --/�- - --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isThe estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $-- - ---- --- --- ----'--- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /S Y Al � 3. 5' r ,.�� ,NCS. � ^ : %�rl�L1o•?G� i J 7 � T TOTAL, C CITY or sr. PACJL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE_ F REPORT OF COMMI%SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 0 E 5 C R1 PT10N LOT BLOCK ADDITION n 1 n 3 ~ 407 V qwdA 7.v Qd I J lop Q/ D ASS[SSID VALUATION TOTAL. \ em of sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMIS031ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4211,X30 J elv e231 o 027 L2 Lf Q 11' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his ,report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated < 191 .� Com/` v�✓Glifiti�y. Commissiogcr of finance. roew e.aw. a•e c V Office of tike Commissioner of Public -Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May 5t4, .191 6 l'o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Comutissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No. 9460. approved Ma oh 13th,.., _., .1916..._, relative to 0011damning....aad...t.eking. as e.ae.eme.nt.. in .the ...land...nea:e.aaarY.._f.os.. elopes, for outs and fills in grading Jefferson Avenue, from Fairview_ATmue. to_Underwood. and having investigated the matters tuW things referred to thereiu,.hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ ._ _.necessary and (or) desirable. x=� ..., unit the total cost thereof ie :f _ xxxxx 3. The estimated cost thereof.is $t_..._ __.._..._.... and the nature unit extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and "lade a part hereof. 4. ;i. Said improvement is __.Mt_. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Coin as of Public NINrks. COUN CI LE `.._' ':e$TetleA8 ; v=' ..Intheb1h.'a-amills.....tho grlad.e of 2 Al—ILLAALP. .A -.-tts..A-laxkl n of St. knnbhony avenue to the southerly approache to tib,bri.dge over the Chi-sW --U4-I auk-ee- �ti-8� +�7 fora to tha red line cr, the profile hexeo attaotx�d anti tnt}de^a part ^� EQ so 'U a graaina�z_�tais�_v�++un+ = in accordance with the said red line when estat id.ehed, under Preliminary order `„approved Janu$rY- 3?'th, 12 16�`_� Intermediary Order approved ------------ A pproved ..---______._._--.-_A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice; and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature. extent and kind of im- rovement to be made b the said City is Qhanxe the grade, o Vandal tt a treet from tea north line of Ubt. Anthony avenue to t -he scutherly approach to the hiidge.•sues-•tile-•Gt' =�a�ar ::ilaraultwa -eEt-S4--F-au1--R"1WQ44-.te Fst.-Amlot*-. avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and maria a gait Ttelabf; ^CIIt3 prBaBriZ'�rSrzE"tsg=nB rePTr?Y tL*e btzt -ifire there„Qn,,. also grade saidV alIR.Itc3'.ALkI.VVen tie �oit}�I, aforesaid _, in accor'da'nce with he said red line when established; and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council____—cs;R{ 4—Irl- —. 191 + .__..__. ity Clerk. Approved 191___._. V ✓t __�__--------- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller .. Me@aH.- Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers - Form B. S. A 8-7 CITY-Elk-ofT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I / ON PRELIMI' ARY ORDER (/ cap � In the Matter of .-'.�.. -S _.. K .... .� .._. ......... ..... ..... .. ... _ ....... under Preliminary Order approved .:r ... _ . To the Council of the City of St—Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 5Y5. 56 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $- $ 1C7 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION ° VALUATION .S 7� .-�•�l� I " � D�tir� r �i � . i i��'i' l"Zu-v �L ✓L �'9�� �" r^ b J I ' - yy��. TOTAL. LEN The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference .. ...A matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. 6........ 191 L:1••<..... t.._.Gad:<_��:`..:G..11r%r.......... Commissioner of Finance. Ip�p.Fa M •gUL Vvpar moeatvf �✓vblm(c�f�h-iil hies • "FurtralF v' f �j f aker BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONER'• 0 SCARE. RELLER.--- 9 A E4... WORT- M'N GCSB February 4, 1918• oARRlTT O nOu9E. G. �: �.,p Mr. E. S—Spencer, Ase't'Supt. of Constr. & Repair, Department of Public Works, St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: This will inform you that the proposed change of grade on Vandalia Street between St.Anthony Avenue and the bridge approach, will not necessitate any change In water meters, services or accessories, and therefore, no additional expense will be incurred on this account. Very truly yours, General Superintendent. GOH-H Enolo Office :of the Cornrniss3ifier-of Public. Works Report to Commissioner of Finance, _A ar o h _. 3 0 t 4., ....... ... .......... 1916.. _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. oil, known as Council File No. _8841 _ .__,-._..approved .._._..J.anu.ar.y18_....._191._6., relative to. ..... .... ..... ......._.... t rg g.._y_ndalia,.,St eetf.rom, the south approach of the bride over n _ _ ....._.._....... _. ___ ....._.___..._____.._g ............... the Chicago, Milwsukee and St. Paul Ry. ......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ._........ ...._.necessary and (or) desirable. $1.07 per front foot 545.56 •L. The estimated cost thereof is $-.___.................__ and the total cost they of is ......._.__..___.____ ........, and Frontage 510.7 feet Excess 'Inspection 10.70 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __ _. _. ......... _ _ ..... _._ .... 3. A plan, profile qr sk.teh of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. ..... _......... -.__................_... ............. _..... .... ....._........__...... ................. _..._...._...._.._..... ... . ..... .....__.._................ ._ not o. Said improvement is_ ......... _.................. -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. f� _ 01m mss' ner of Public Works. tl CITY OF SAINT PAUL. DEPARTMENT Of PUOUC WORKS M. N._fj0$$;IGOMMISfIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 0— C......+u. \ OSCAR CLAUSS¢N. C.- E..... n.. F. CARROLL Sun. Cawn.wno. S ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SA.rt+ — G. H. Ww� HE On0,—E..w[o r W. GOETZINGE RS StPaul, Minn. March 30, 1916. OETIi. vn. «�.+ . ,. Mr. M. id. Goas, Commissioner of -Public Works Dear Sir. - 1 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the r grading of Vandalia St. from the south approach of the bridge over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. to St. Anthony Ave., in accordance with Council File 718841, approved Jan. 18, 1916. Approximate estimate $545.56 Assessable frontage 510.7 ft. Cost per front foot $1.07 Excess inspection necessary $10.70 No expense for changing grade. Reapectfull� submitt =, Chiesneer' Dict. Supt. of Construction & Repair CITY OF ST. PAUL CO',�NCIL.RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: - --- ckFILE No. Date Presented Sept. let, 1916 Resolved, RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTE"T OF EASEMENT TO BETAKEN I'N CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS Inithe matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neoeseary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Vandalia Street, from the north line of St. Anthony Avenue to the southerly and of the approach of the Milwaukee Railway Bridge, 397 feet more or lees, to the center of St. Anthony Avenue, under Preliminary Order 8841, approved January 18th, 1916, and Intermediary Order 11779, approved July 37th; 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted hie report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an•eaeement for slopes, for outs and fills -in and upon the land abutting upon Vandalia Street, oetween the pointe aforevaid, to the,extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the'Commieeioner of Public Works 1n the matter, dated September let, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (3) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent neoesaary for elopes, for outs and fillet in the grading of said street to the established grade. t•. F. \o. 123L9— nlnt; and Wk- In the mn[t••r of can'I nr ,nea•ment In the lund il ce - I .er ra fur elopoe, fur i,- and fill. I. grading \'n ndniln at res 1. from III or[h 11 f t:l. .anthony + c to �herll' the eon end of the npp roach of Ih•• \Iliwn uk••e Itnlltvny Iirldge. 297 feel nr Iese. to [he enter of vt. .an[h.�navenue,oder Prellinary nl••r \u98{1. rm a pproved Jnnuttry 18th. 1916, and Intermediary Order \o. 11771.6, appro—I July 27th. 1916. Yeas (✓� Court limen (.) lays Tho Ce-I.I..loner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch lu the above matter. be It Fern worth Resolved (1) That the City of SL Paul hereby Ill— and determines tha r ! by the Council -- L 191 Cio61 1n amount of land to be taken to, thv Hyl above named Improvement Is E, aee- men, for .lopes, for cute and fill nd Kellrr r +n d upon the and abutting upon Van- It street. between the points afore- proved — �� 191 +rrr.yon �' sold. to the extent shown upon the Ae .itattached to the report of [he Wuflderlieh Comminaioner of Public Work. In the matter. dated September let. 1916. 1 Mr. President Irvin l u'hlech ketch and report are hereby rrf rreA to and made a part hereof. MAYOR . r7tlM C 6-2 •�a That aa--aaaemsfit 'ts tak,T In .. .... -. ,e••a •.. — .� e... .......tee..... r... CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M T pass. COMM195 my , R09ERT T. �iOl11iL(. Jr •.. :_ er .. ...rw USCAR CI�U]7Lx, L� � � � E C�RROtf 9uotCone•nuc�.r.y qrr. •, ' .. NF RROlO. Or. ..e Ewnn•'��+ r ' FPOFT Tn THF . t'' . T L - Tr. _:,e antter of ccr,duarir.E and takirE ar, easement in t. r 16r.9 neces- sary for alopes for auto ar.:i fiAs in tradinj -'andmlia atreet,from Me Me of Pt d. -any +.verge to the scat:ArO end of *:.e approach of the ilwaukee .ilsay : ri.iae,297 Net awe or :eac"y the ;enter of ft. Ar.tLony avenue, „nJer Frelimirnry nropr M41, , ayrroved an .IE'•,1916, and A te.rmeuiary Order p11776, approved 'uly 27, ;bio. To Me ounoil of t,e At! of 031r_': Me :TpaisRior_er of Pubic: Works `.e:ety annis and makes a part of tLie As report, a Ilan' of the atove imnroveaent, Rnoxing Ty t .e a:.aded rortion Of MIA Plar., the fi:,a to he made private r.roperty, an.i ly too ..atchpd rcrt.ion the cuts tc `e nade on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, 1.1 the figures orposite now. snaded and ..atc"U Farts of cIOL pian.. /,,'I r'( E , �onisaione� CITYOFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT �OF CO -M ISSION ER OF FINANCE ON PRE&IMINARY ORDER cal7 In the Matta of_vl_T� . .. .......... .. .. .... . ........ .ad,, Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City Of St- Pauh The Commission- of Finance hereby reports as follows* The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follow ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION _3 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ... ....... _.191 • Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Co..wloner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ro the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 'Phe Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the Preli=.aiusry order of the Cooun- 9863 r^^, ril °th.,_ .___.._ _]91..6, relative to ._ .._. ..__.. cil, known as Council File Na._..__..__ _____approved .. F.... condemning and taking ane a inent in the land neceeaary for elopes, . for a tsand ...f.il.le, in. VA ng_Var3ali_a St_rest from the._north. lineof. g ..Anthony_.A�!a,.....to .t e. gQlathg.rly. A 9f thg. aF rogch -of_ the_ .Cr U.agQ, to 1, Milwaukee &p t. Paul ??y. Bridge, 397' Lore or legs v e --enter of an(rriaviug ive0sQa&d Me matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .... ........._.necessary and (or) desirable. XXXXX:-.., XX slid L. The estimated coat thereof is ffi------------ and the total cost thereof is ffi . the Mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. u. Said improvement is_.. not _ ..__,.askel for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject I to assessment for said improvement. ........... _ ... _ ....... Co nisei erof Public WV o a. a i'0V/ (' ri y sw , 44 .,A ,An ordinance prohibiting the moving of railroad dare, within k rhes City of St. Paul, on the track@ of the Chicago,, 1111waukee & St. r.; Baal Railway Com, batvtaen _Oestaut strest •sad the westerly ai ty pany y- limits, by steam l000motives, after OctoberWHEREle,. 1918. +; 8, The tracks of the Chicago, M1lWaukee & int ,. Paul..- ' ;Railway Coppany, between St,, Paul and- Xlnneapolie; oroesliag ,tb�e aity:> in a ?gothiresterly direction from at. or about <t7hestnut et2iebet in - the of St. Paul to the westerly lim#s of said City, and kn9V as �- the "Short Linst," pass through a thickly settled residence dieriot; ad wherbis many train's, both freight and passenger, drawn by ataem, -tlvea, using coal as. fn 1, are constantly passing by day and by ' might over said tracks, and, omit large quanti.Ae of steam,"sm�ske:,. £`ander@ ,.flail ,noxious Bassa, said make great noi4eis, and the pesos, heath sial giir'st of tis@ Community are thereby damaged, and the net and' joymgsit_,thereof greatly impaired, now therefore TV '0.0unYL' OF•T13E CITY OF .ST, PAUL DOES OBVAIN: s „�- Sect"fon- 1. '^'Dhat thi Operating, rune#ng and propelling. of - E trains FPr wars over the .es:ic# Short Lina:, by *sane of steam logama� tiuvesY, is hereby deClarsd to be a public auisanae. f SbatlAn;. That from- andafter October let, 1$18, it ahsll be;and^Sesebdade unlawful: for any person, firm or corporation to mave,..,make+ upor operateanq railroad car Or tradn of aaxa ar a71 railr3�ad lapoiao ive or engin for the transportQ�tion of [ro or f posaen$esa-, °for ay�at#i r rp-oss;-'by' ate-ansTof`e ty t+D otlomd30 e cr y other pow*r or maane- causing, or em ttizj" emote or at_eam irr� r.; . Section, 3. Any person, firm 'or 'corporatism violating, the pr�#arisione of this ordinance: shall upon eonmiati-on thereof be ppnYsh�� >. Y�ba fine for dash :offense, not ex�{nyeciing Opted Da11aro�cry 11 Wr. imprisosimep$ in the Workho�ise fora period IIC eatdereding, ninety 40,011 Se tan 4T dixlanoe aha11 takes a fP (e of and be 0A forc - ^k.' r ' I thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas ---• '— — Kaye Mr. Farnaworth Goes Hyland - Reller MQColl Kays, o Wde Mr. Presidenth(Irvin) Approved Attest mayor. City Clerk. } Its of *ainf P�Ul OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY. CITY CLERK t Sept .18th, 1916 . Comr. of Public Works. Dear Sir:- I tramsinit herewith, Council File #12451, in ordinance requirinF the elect rificA ion of trains running over the "Short Une". This ordinance was laid over to December 16th,191d, and referred to your department,9urcau of Eni-ineers, ror information as to the feasibility and cost o. compliance with the ordin-ince. Very respectfully, City C1erkY7 i 1g s�Jart11t ut ]of � aw CITY OF SA LNT PAUL .. ... O. H. OWN CILL _ • WI LLIAM n LENS ' Blp[R40N J09 H MASCM • ' , August 31st, 1916. To the Council, Gentlemew - Pursuant to your instructions, I have drafted and herewith submit for your consideration an ordinance prohibiting the moving I of trains an the Milwaukee Short Lino by means of Bteam locomotive.. The ordinance does not speoify the kind of power that shall be used instead of steam, but authorizes the use of any other power that does not cause the emission of smoke or steam. While there is no doubt about the general power of the Council to pass ordinances of this character where necessary to preserve and protect the peace, health and quiet of the community, in each case, however, we are obliged to consider whet er or not the particular ordinance is reason- able. In this case, if it is feasible for the Railroad Company to operate its trains by means of some other power than steam, and at a reasonable cost, why then I am of the opinion that the ordinance would be sustained by the courts. It would seem, therefore, advisable on the part of the Council to make an investigation on the two points suggested, that is, the feasibility and cost, before passing the ordinance. The Bureau of Engineers may be in a position to furnish you with this information, or at any rate to advise you of the sources from which it may be obtained. I also suggest that the Railway Company affected be given pus, t an opportunity to present any objections that it may have to the ordinance in its present form; Yours ve uly, Cor/oration`Counsel. It'd A' 111vJZ1- I4�'I './ �p•a a4vb 0 v —( RA l� iliw. t' umb*r An ordinance to amend Adiainlstratvs (plydinnm } 5620. approved December 11th, 1416, an ordinanmll authorisin6 appointment and employment of Officers and employes i -n the vari14 the Department of Public Utilities, Bureaus and activities in a>ttd'j fixing their salaries. TUB CGUMIL 07 THE CITY 0H ST. PAUI. Di�SS p1ItD/L3N: Election 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance Number $62O, ' approved December lith,13116, an ordinance autharisin(; the appoint- a.eat of otfioexe and empioyss in the various bur- ment and empigym t seas and activities in the Department of Ftxbtic Utilities,, and bee and the same in hereby aafanded,. by fixing their salaries. striking out from Section 1 thereof the words "i Director, at • $j26pp;00 per year." and inperting in place: thereof, the words, " 1 Director at $3O00.0,61l per year ". Section 2. Thordinance shall take effect from and TWO after its passage. approval, and publication. 33 Nays V/) ; 19l Adopted by—the Council �,naworth In favor I316 ylnnd Approved 191 Keller Against k'u' Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. P//idint. \ Irvin ro11M C. 8-2 rC HICY The Councilof the City of St. Paul does ordain: umtaea, aua nxsng. mets salaries, ae... and, the.samb.la `llerabysmepdad, tiyg etriktng out fe4ai Sectloa-d lhetebf Yhp: q - w4rd. ' 1 Dire'ottir, at ;5600.00: 00e' tyhse word., "laDirectorplit tiE00000 per _ yew SECTION 8. - This ordinance .ball take effect from r '- and after its paesage, approval and: ; publlaction. Adopted by the Council Sept. 16, 1916. 1 - Y-as-3leaera. Farnsworth. (tote. _ tt, i:, �, a. r.,•nar. �co��a,.n,,r,. K�. rresi- Approved Sept. 16. 1916. - - V. It. IRVIN Attest J I rAxr�P ..-;.k ., w..,. .. >. �hg >.otcv�ddex #lq P?45 k to amend Adainlatratce Ordinance33unaDer An ordinance 3680. apprcvad December "the 1916. an ordinance authorising the of officers and employee to the vaslou appointment and employment Bureaus and astivities in the Department of Yubiio Ut-ilities. and c Yining !heir salaries. TltN Cti(ING1L OF THS CITY 08 ST. FAOL DGzs ORDAIN: "#tion Section i aY Ordhnanoe Fum�7! 3fi3l0. gan approoed pbperr�bev lith,16. orclinanas authorizing the j%ppoint- � of officers and smgloyte in the varioLte r z p4etlt and e�sp1oyment of ftblic Utilitie8. and ' -tment eaus and aotivities in the DopOr v fixing their ealarissi be. and the same is herein emended, by from Beotion 1 thereof the "rorde "� Director, at striking out and inserting in place thereof, the words. g $2600.00 par year. "• • 1 Direotor at $3000.001 per Year Saotion 2. This ordinance *hall take effect from and after its passage, approval. and publication. 3: s I Request of Mr. Frank Shanley � Council File No. -2 5LJ16rr ptro�, ,.,a....__�a Of the south non of the City of 8t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Commtsaloner of • . , h0 it,'herot y or :i d- 'w thn neeiaelty tot e tnaxlns of -aid PRELIMINARY -6R R. thenature. ezten 't aid improve - V and egttrhatod ooac pati`tpereot. - ' taent, .ard the totet eo. _ .oats o poses the mal5t[(g of the allowing p is t rovement c City o'f��j}}. b. To iurnla fmpiove-nent f al: tett 'of pal t To fatatah.tps folloalns owe t a B_e,�6r On F dart. and lid.81t tion ;awive to NI St Te9 ,t=,9' G. tQ � Q� �' tmvrpvfrmeht, hether or not, aald tin. ' 6. To hate, w pcovemegt te„aaked *hare ,the petltlo s._ppnt..186..f t.... h...O3xII.l ...Df -..of three or :morq 0, t the torI/e•,To ,repdet upon all 0.ln6 mattes to th6Comeloaer • _ anon Sept...AdoNeathe6, ApprovedSept. 911916)/dDated this . a .. ay of Sept r • . J' L;a,tm�Fitlin. PRELIMINARY ORDER. - I WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Qan.Qtxu4t._.a...iae>A.e.r .-OZ-Fry-Street., from the __C.enter ot. ___.Capitol_.Alrenue_ to...a...point...IN test. south of .the -.south line._ of. ......... Capitol Avenue. ........... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman f therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownerz. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. % �'"191 4 Yeas: Nays: Counci an Farnsworth GOYS Approved Hyland Keller , �1 i1(e�6eFF M!— Wunderlich 2 Mayor (Irvin Mayor. P. 144, N f203--ltteQ prP oaal f6i the Request of Mr. Frank Shanley �• _ tVerene A �' }evement,_ Is: Conatriict n. newer ea Fry - ✓ t..'ouncli bile No. 1,:r�}r�iy ,fol tI a rfeotea u[h o[tthe south ilne Capitol avenue. hevlt CIYuser pr the- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - - .•�ed to rha Cnun.11 of e y ut 0t. - thcre[ore. • ad. xobbteadhis ••tt .yam,,borf tree finAnd 4 I p` -, the naceaaity 6 - V ----- mat Ins Of PRELIMINARY'OR R. 1 , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the ollowing p lie i rovement c City o St. Paul, viz.:_ Qonetruot_ a a. ; on F Stree fro the Q to of r. _.Capitol .AYenue....tn _s .. nt...196_ f t . so h of T - ._.................. _... _ _ _ _ _ _...... Dated this . 371d "day of .Sept r, 1fJi 6• iConit man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gonetruu ._..a._.eax[er .oa_Fry....e .>s.eet, fr.QM tho...4enter of. _ .._--Capitol_A¢enue..to. ..a- point -.186_ feet. south_ of .the ---south line. _.of . ......... _. Capi-tol_.Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. 1 o investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: i 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mare owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the/Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 4�f Yeas: Nays: Counci an Farnsworth �, D Goes Approved - 3 � � 191 .... Hyland Keller \[e6elk Wunderlich L Mayor Irvin Mayor. CITY Or ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL f"ORM Subject: - - - _-•L` COUNC L vILE NO. Date Presented Sept. 2, 191 6- % Y In a matter of -radin:; �redericlm St. fro- St. Clair St. to /James In �!rcliminary Oraer ,8078, approved 11ov. L3, 1915, and �' coxtdemning and takin:, an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in ,ra(ling Fredericka St. from St. Clair 31:. to James St. under 2reliminary Order #8L30, approved Dec. 1, 19°15• REESOLVEM, That all orders in the above mater be a.Ld the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. f 1 I Yeas (✓) Cou en (!) Nays Far orth C Co In favor H11 d K.1 /, C Against W Mich Mr. Presiden rvin room C.9•a oee-- �Qeer;eRa j NTio. 3 9t. o: Itbon. kh§nt In I ps®, for 'detle St. mes Mt. ta No. 3230. In to. lame are and re - In sUeh,l I. 2, 1213. } Adopted by the C/// oun&—}� rte!( 191 - Approve 1 5 jII' 191 MAYON C, Subject: WL L 'f/Vl'K4/�.- ENERAL FORM a 'mentcand equlpmapt or lung¢, _ •" - 'COUNCIL provide adeggatak[nail[tlea.b ati nu No. where¢. an em6rgOppcY aXletH •whore failure to sot promptlY wli work on \ iwury to the. cttY. the purchasing , agent,, with the aonHent O( the cOtnp- v� \ troller and +savor. le herahY author- Date Presented I91 I:ed to purchase without advertise• ment and competitive bids. suh ap- plies and equipment roquieltioned by the Commlegloner at. tlducatlon us mill be necessary for the enlargement and equipment of lunch room$ mtisting or the establishment of new lunch room. whore needed. - Adepted by the CoUncll Soot 2, 1916' Approved S016 iept. 911918) Resolved, y That, whereas it has been found necessary to establish an "pia ht- period" High School day, in order to care for the increased en- rollment in the varioud high sohools and this involves immed66te re -arrangement and equipment of lunch rooms to provide adequate facilities, and Whereas an emergency exists where failure to act promptly- will romptlywill work an injury to the eityr, the Iurchasing agent, with the consent of the comptroller and mayor, is hereby authorized to purchase without advertisement t:.nd competitive bids, suoh supplies and equipment requisitioned by the Commissioner of Education as may be necessary for the enlargement and equipment of lunch rooms existing or the establishment of new lunch rooms where needed IJ9f �V tl. 10, Al �4 J r� Yeas Con 'Imes ( d) Naya ,. I� 6 Adopted by the Coun ' Faro Goes In favor Kelle —'� APProve3l� .191..._ _. Against Nae Yoerg u Aga President MAYOR FORM C.O•$ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL `� FILE N O. A � rZ - Date Presented Pdigt . a , 1916. Resolved, That the' grade of Chatsworth St. from Seventh St, to Otto Ave*, as shots, by the red grade line on the accompanying profiAl and as reco.mended by the Commissioner of Public 'dorks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established rade. C. F. Xo. 18466—Bv e�Rrade�of . Ota- Th" yeventh. 9t. to Otto Reaol g4' trom the red Brnde uian re n avortb ehown'by '0011. and AYa.•nCCOmPPRYtn6 p COmmI96IOne[ Of the the and la ottlbt1-1,d 1rk,L be the th atnb �eried pnblte ndo.red na hereby. t 2. 1818• trrAd .ted by lb,. 601916. asp Approved �Ba. Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen (J) Nays % F ,worth C In Favor and ler Against nderlich --Mr.-Presi t, Irvin EoRM C.9 - Adopted by the Councl_l_ 191 Approved J I / 191 MAYOR on / CITY OF BT. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ;i.. COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE IVO•._-" . yw BY fi1-rc y _ AUDITED. �' 1914 c......aa.. Pill 242 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the -hereinafter specified funds and jin favJr of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the -folloTvtDg detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen (r )Nays Adopted by the Council-=---y---+7�Z vt Farnsworth ApprovedI' foss w 41yland In faol o fi a. ss.s7 — 'nmod t0Itt Rarrattte dan - . MAYOR•- Keller actin the Cltp•ST1' a.0 a v!aat IM opt or�ther'4erolnaSta .o.daad.H(, nda fel(d '�Bato'�ravor or'[ti De to o„ga �p [eor=. d • tmt'atlYor'tde amonn�l `1 ¢t ap 7Nif4 _ Wunderlich [daft `res reevmttve aemm as>.Ac41SpW� Iri Mr. President, Irvin tdR,3o11otr1"M deputed atafeat.bt C. O Apile eU"n 88iYHr ; The Architeetu al Rev14e, W— C. Baumelata fSOD' 1BYe.on Co 81o,00. Eurlte "Bumte`r Co ispo: -. /♦ Craftsman Prase plijs. Lg7Bi.1Si7#� /l/ A.J) navfQD. $12 e➢ v Elk Eta Co $7905. C :t. ewenth. C. r r e'tt.tD � - i i l r $31.26 6569 Ce 0. AndPerso�. r ark- ark3�elnt. 70 The Architectural Bldg. ReVieW . _ 5.00 71 W:. C. Baumeister 5.001 Park-Park-Ma.int. 72 He C. Boyeson Co.a 10.00 Park -Adm. M. .73 Burns Lumber Co. 60.10 Fire -C. I Be - e 74 Craftsman Press - 15.75 Gen. F. -Official Pub. 75 A. De Davies, _ 12.60 Pay. Selby 76 Electric Mnfg, Co., P. Bldg..-Ardh. 77 Elk Laundry Co., 75'05 Park-Park-Maint. 78 S. A. Parnsworth.C. P. Re F. 21.00 r Comptroller-Prtg. 79 Be BeFerry 32.10 _ MayorOff 2 Print orms 32.0 A. &1a I I- #2 6580 Robert Gahan Parl-Park�Waint. 81 Gopher Lime & Cement Co. Playground -Mai .25 Ames School AmesgSchoo . Herachler 35. 82 A. P. Co., Park -Park Haint. 83 A. C. Jefferson Police -C. & B: 84 Itr9%49. 0. Jones Library -Genl. S. 85 A. C. Meglurg Co., Library Hew Books 86 Henry Malkan Library -Now Books 87 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., - - on 8 Xlectiar Park- 88 3. C. Marlow, Sr. Health -Pub. Bathe-Musie 89 Midway Lime & Cement Co., Rando]p Heights School 0 Minneeata Linseed Co., School -m. & R. '91 8. A. Moeller Library -Gena. S. 92 Niodle, Dean & Gregg Gaultier S ool Randolp eights ch 7• 93 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Police -0. & B. Fire -C. & PF s 41179. '94 Reed Motor Supply Park -Park faint. 95 S. G. Ringwald Forestry Ret. 96 0. V.. Ritter U brary'New Books 97 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., Ames School 49 Library 8 1 75.00 35.24 465.93 10.75 39.00 99.96 43.20 85.02 400.00 92.00 a5.45 216.00 7.29 3.20 80.00 97.05 249.05 #3 • 6598 St. Paul Electric Co., 20.28 1 Yire:M. & R. 99 Chas. Scribnerls Sons. 119.56 Library New Books 6600 J. L. Shiely Co. Rand;Ip Heights School 34.80 1 Tire Repair Co., 2.80 Pub. Bldg. Arch. & D. IL 2 vestern Electric Co., 120.55 Pub. Bldg. Arch - . 09 - Amen School 1 Park -Park- int. 3 •orhtington Pump & Mach. Co., 140.00 Randolp Heights School 4 C. R. Young & Co., 45.00 Randolph HeiAhte School 5 John-C. Zhnder Randolp Heights School' 32.00 CITY OF ST. PAULVIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - ""` ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No.— a rQ 19l.� BY AUDITED - 141 2416 ER �✓'•-�-9 �__— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury. payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following. detailed statement: c. n _11 ', -. Peas (:) Councilmen (v) Nays Adopted by the Council – 191 c Farnsworth Approve - 1916 191 Goss Hyland In favor Keller 6 MATOR Mn2ew- Again 1 F. No. 12468 4y, dr.�rn 11P - jtasotv.d that Overran Nunderlich o1{ the City TreasnrT Davewte<bn! bt Mr. President, Irvin hp h.retnatter .D•Ia•d to tYbl',.Olhe 9erlW.'nrIDit 5.-. tpOKt, c1 n• t4+S the embumete h4.pe0lIIL..= p� t e fQ116`ADlM dbWled f - y ohpR-Slyd 13prn�sm �= Alsn4`=;,WOods.l $ & to fit, d.'F8ras9Yo�,th. rtsbn 21" �Ad6,yte4 h3 ills Goun APpraYvp,$ BODL� 16 /+i y J _ tt 6566 John Bird Burnham & Annar®oods Bird, $2,530.00 Open. Chero. Interest 67 S. A. Farnsworth, Comer. 899.80 School-Sal. 68 Hans Peterson, 1,619.20 Open. Cher oke elgli s 0 re In tes �G " Total $ 5,049.00 orm A. &10 r� I CITY OF ST. PAUL - "te" ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1�� {] COUNCIL 1\O. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMFILC i- L n` 9Y / 4 1 1y �] AUDITEDSI-1 "_ 191 P�" ER . 240 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds an in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following defiled statement: - . Yeas 1 ) Councilmen (v) Nays - Adopted by the Council c1 ?-`—��i�� "191 -- ' Farnsworth -ip. 22459--- 1 . Lved that as arra lie, . draw>s doss ! '%pryTrean+rx DaYab1.89ntof/Ved-�• _ 191— alnntterreD9elaed. FnndaT, and -"1n H land In favor or to aer■ as d orpbryor - y t '/(/V- for the aPlgvPiWr 4t .kopDoe _ Keller /' reeDaettre names aas,�i1DR}ttAet _ MAYOR dlewthR detallsd etittemeat: 1 l/ A alnst \ . 8 illgn.C,o44'a1 .an ' 6tMeRfld, Q 0/ Wunderlich p��.;cl�p Jw Mr. President, Irvin uun, Par Aso, 101 it ve WVMhe 3f 23. 6417 American Central Ins. Co., $52.65 Police -M. & R.- 18 American Engineers Supply Co., 1.00 Gen. F. -Municipal Garage -M. & S. 19- R. W. Austin,.pur. Agt., 31.05 C. P. Works -Gen. ',% 17. - C. P. W.-W.rkhn a-1. Pub. Bldg. -Ar & :-M. Comtr. Fin as- 5• Randolph eight shoo 20 Auto Engine Works, 2.25 Fire -M. & R. 21 Auto Tire Sales Co., 63.60 Fire-'-(. & R. .02 Pol. & Fire A1�- . Comtr. Finan•-Tr�apf .0 pay. 14th Bre ay t 11. 22 John A. Bayne / 2.40 Water -M. & R. 23 Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 108.00 Street Const. & Rep. -M. 24 Fred Benjamin, .A9t., 50.32 Gen. Fund-Misc. & Unforseen Sxp. 25 Geo. C. Binder, 9.75 Fire M. & R. i F.rp A. 6.1e r 2 6426 T, L. Blood Co., 12 Fire -C . & B. C. P. i. -WO; i t. 27 Board of Water -Commissioners, 597.92 :. S. & S. Clg.-Street Cln 2.04 N r • F n 33Q. S. & S. Cing.-Sew F n 1'• O playgrounds -us 1 ^ School M. & . Auditori ain 9. Pay. b e J. t B. 3. t 597• 28 H. C. BOye9On CO., 24.50 Police M. •5 Sprinkl 24.5 29 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 2.10 4 C. P W rks-Maint Gen. F -Civil ry c 2 30 Burns Lumber Co., 6.50 ' Water -i. & R. 31 W. F. Buth & Co., 20.10 ry Health Health ✓ 0 Corp. Coun Gen. ivi er, c[. Libr -Genl 32 Capital City Ice Co., 129.00 T park -park Act. U. 33 Capital City Lumber Co., 19.80 Gen. Fund Municipal Garage M. S. 34 Carol Cox Book Co., 92.85 IA-brary New Books 35 Casey Milk Co., 123.41 Health -Pub. B s - N N 12 36 C. St. Paul, Mple. & 0. Ry.0 30.40 Health pub. R. .00 Fire H. & 3G 37 Crane & Ordway Co., .77 Randolph Hei Audi tori ai 38 Dahl Pancture3as Sales Co., 40.80 Lighting Haint. 39 A. Decker Hardware CO.. 21.49 Fire -C. & B. �' r'f 5 Randolph Bei ao 'l •53�I McClellan 8 0o res • - Vat er-M. 2 ii .. T.,m #3 ='p 6440 Oliver Di� New Books ibrary 41 L. F. Dow CO., 85 )Isyor♦ a Office P. Works- ". Comer. Fin e City Cler -I[. pat el - & 42 Eimer & Amend aratus Run. Test.19 5i Neew APP 43 Electric Slue Print Co., Com. Pub. Works -taint. 44 Electric Mnfg. Co., Police -M & R. Pol. & Fir e & S. C ] n . -g tV,347. 45 Elk Laundry Co., Park-Park•Maint. 46 C. C. Emffison C. P. Works Workhouse !taint. z 47 Easanell Electric Co., Police -M. & R. 1 Oen. Fund Muni a age t � 1. 48 Fairbanks, Morse & Cc., Oen. Fund -Civil Service -H. 49 S. A. Farnsworth, C. Health,�ealth�[. C. P. W.-workhpfie City Clerk- Oen. Fund fic Pu 2 3l 50 Farwell, 0gmun, Kirk Co., 1. Health -pub. Baths Y Health Comfort St M. playgrounds- i 7 O. F. MnniciP. O N. S5 School -t. • McClellan ohoo •6 Park :Par stain O Water- & R. 1017 51 E. S. Ferry C. P. Worke-taint. 52 Field, Sehlick Co., Ames School 53 Ford Motor Co., 1.54 Pol. & Fire Al Street Const. R -M. 35.88 Pub. Bld$. Lighting , nt. 0. hunici (lata M ;` A Water- & R. 2" ' $15.00 45.92 71.49 3.00 17.70 51.59 27.50 .1.85 .96 315. o8 101.40 4.75 1 00 56.29 4:42 •:.• � -6454 -General gclipee CO-, Com+r. pinance-Transp. 55 Goodyear Rubber Co., 22.29 �A municipal Garage M. 3: s- 794.94 t 56 M. N. Goes. gom!r. .06 - Health pub. Bath Water -M & R.7Z"' fr 4 pay. Waoouts 5 Pay. Cana. Pay. 14t t. 4 7: 57t john Grant 1.90 } ,Library -New Books 58 Great Northman Ry. Ci0-, 2.00 2-59 Street Const. & Rep -•M- 59 Griggs Cooper & CO -s 105.46 _ Health -,pub. Bath .65 , :Dib. Worksalor o ark -Park Ma t.' 0 d 6o Grossman Instrument orks, 32.50 C. p. Works -Gen. Adm. -M. — ' 61 Hackett. Gates & Hurty 5.53 Ames School 62 Hackney Investment CO-, 35.00 Water M. & R. € - 63 . M. F. Hallowell 1.49 School -K. & R. � ! 64 Hemline Ice & Fuel CO., 136.10 Park-Park-faint. 100.33 U 65 Herbst & Lindley , (, C. p. WorksWorkhouse-Maint. . 124.04 66- A. P. Herechler H eelth;s Pub. Baths M. & R. -67 Highland spring Co., 4.50 Ygrore Ofics 8 .2 i Police -M. & 4. 68, Howard *er�,rell Co., 7.00 a playgrounds-Maint: 69 J. W. Hubs 30.40 Wates -M. & R. 70 Independent 011 CO-, 29.23 8. & B. Cing.-St 1 23 Ovate M. & R. 1 71 Independent Packing & Provision Co., 49. 0 a Parkll-Park-Maint. 72 Jameson Hehbener &Griggs 132.0 C. p. Works -Workhouse -M. 73 A. C. 11etf argon 145.30 Police -M. & R. Bridge Bldg. & ep. 11- . a`N, �xc-=. ,may `x":"�4F4kc� ,.-... •.,,. ,,,�� � :. �'�,���zs r w.� �^ • ,�b.,3'x��s'"a;?: F' a � .r-", . .5x.3 +tsautis�. � i #5 - Pay. 24th, B. t3 " All ey Blk. igh " Grove. J. o 1 - " 12 th,, to 14 j 6474 Wm. B. JoyceCo.. - Park -Park "nt. $30.00 75 Joe. hoskis 6.50 Library -Gen -1. Suppl. 76 A. T., Srank 1.00- Water -M.'& R. 77 P. G. Leslie Co.. 8.00 a McClellan School 78 A. C. McClurg .66� Library -Now Books 79 Haas Keefe Co. _ 6.49 Psrk-�ar k-Maint. 80 Maendler Bros., a Randolp Hei '880 o-( l.$4 1 .- 1 Library -Gen . _ 81 Malone Estate 533.03 Pay. N. Rdwy. S7Ws Pay. Alley Blk. t t 5, 3. 82 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., y 193.19 Pol. & Fire Alarm; 45 p Pub. Bldg. Insp. � ,5 45. '7 - Municipal Garag, - a.✓' - Pub. Bldg. Ma ) 50 School -M. & .:R Aandoip ght. col Ames Se of « _3 Wat e & R 19 83 ManulacSelling Co. 4.50 arY-Park - taint. x 84 Mich Mauris 2.25 Randolph Heights School_. 85 '%w.rLr—MaV dG.: CQ4,. 7.50 Park-Park'taint. 86 R. J. Maybell 0.00 Water-*. & R. 87 MalCo.. 52.75ady-Paper Health-quaranti d[ & 0 Gen. Pund-MUn ip age a[ 88 Meyer Engraving Co.. 9.58 Corp. CounselExp. 89 William Harvey Miner Co., .86 Library -New Books. 45( N #6 - 9.00. 6490 Mpls St. Pawl & S. Ste. Maris By. Sprinkling ' 91 Mitsch & Beak Co., Fire -M. & R. 138.70 b; 440 Pub. Bldg. Arch i .:; _ 92 Nassau Paper Co., Realth-Comfort Srtation M. 13.00 106.37 93 National Lead Co., Fire -C. & B. ti 13.00 ' 94 New York Tea Co., psric'Park-Maint. 95 Nicks machine Shop 11.20 S. & S. Cing.-Street C.ing.-M. 96 N10018, Dean & Gregg 78.31 "s Police.*. & R. 6.3 r Fire -M. & R. 6 0 Pol- & Fire Alarm - Street Const. & P•- •• Mdnicigal Gera Y. .41 •7 Water -t. & R at. 3 �G Park -Park- . 3• 94 f= 97 Fre C. Norlander Pat. Canada 14th,, to 9th gg Northern States Power Co., 0 598• 04 .+ Fi;re .M. & R. Art Museum -m t gl f ' Library -G. 73• Auditori -Ma1 99 16orthAnd 32.00 0# p. Works -Gen: Ada►. •m. 6500 N. W. Blaugae Co., 21.00 Health quarantine -gym. & R. 1 N. W. Electric $quipment Co., 3 0 _ 84.96 police M: & R. M. & R. 3 _ Fire Fire -C. & B. .22 Pol. & Fide Alar a. Lighting faint K playgrounds„ nt, 1 AV P. Q. Marlib sa[aint. 4 .96A 2. N. W. motor Supply Co-* r_ Lig�tt#ng�aint, .. 3 N. W. Stamp Works, 33.95 , may or'a Off . Nkp Municipal 0 ag - & 7 0 1• Library- enl. .- 9 4 N. W..s� $,e th 8alth- & R. 6505 No W. Tire Co.-, 45.6oPub. Bldg.-Insp. lk -M. .5' Park-Park-)[ai nt 6 Noyes Bros. & CuBer 315.716 Policeid. & R. Health-quaranti -]I[ & R 2. mmi of Pal Gar e 3 2 Playgrounds int park ar 1nt. 27 '72 Water- & R. l 3L 7 Louis I. Peilen 12.50 Gen. Fund-Misc. & Uniorseen 8 Peoples Coal & Ice Co., 29.•,10 PolicsoK Fire[, & R 0 Municipal ra g 2 9 Perkins Tracy Printing Co. 4.25 Gen. Fund-Civil &ervice 10 A. Y. Peterson, 36.00 Lighting-Raint. 11 Pittsburgh p7tt Glass Co., - 20.90 ?ire-g. & R. 2. Playgrounds n Water-M. A 12 R. L.*Pblk & Co. 28.00 City Clerk M, 00 Gen. Fund-c- 1 er ce Library-B 2 0o 13 Powners Book Store 8.; Library New Books 14 Prussian Remedy Co., 38.70 Police- R. H. ea7. 15 Geo) Rathgeb & Co. 45.98 Park K;i-Maint. 16 Raymer Hardware Co., 39.713 Gen. Fund• 1p rage .63 _ Ames S of 17 Relianoe iron & Wire darks, 133•:$0 Lighting-1ds�I �,. 1. 00 1�at er M ,o 33 1: 18 Review Publishing Co., 66.96 Gen.-Fund-Official Pub. 19 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 42.06 Fireci & R 33. 2 l[unioipal ar . ;9 Pay. De 4_.;: . V 6520 7, J. Romer COn9t- CO., AM*$ School 31 St. Paul Blue Print Co., Water -M. &-Ro 22 St. Paul book & Stationery Co., Randolph Heights School 9. Amen School 49 Library Bow Book Mun. Test. Lab 9 2 . 3 st Paul Bottling works, Reath -Pub. Bathe l[• & R- 24 St. Paul Builders Material Co., Ames School 25 St. Paul Daily News 00.0 Gen. Fund -ft vil Service M. 26 St. Paul Electric Co-* -39zp. 8. Corp. counsel Po 31 ce-C. - & B. Pol. & Fire A -M 90 Houlth-Realth . & f at R"dblph K &to 001 '12 SP "Is & _e A & �.t. 0. 27 St. Paul Foundry Co., street con:�- & Sewer Bridge Bldg. Sprinkling li 28 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Fire -M. & R. 91 Street C. &R. t. .42 plalgtoundsAai U. :61 C. _. IOU. toisen t�' C. P.V.-Muni, as 6.2 •V _ . 2E afti 11,12* U Lighting ai?t. 9 —4 6 PApk-, -k-Xai And oriui-44dUt. & 55; 29 at. Paul machin Works, C. P.' Worcon Works -06 A .0 � - n & R street . & R 30 St. Paul Rubber Co., & PlaA=ouuds & Sprinkl 2 31 St. Paul Stamp Works, L Vat or -M. & R. 52 St, Pawl White Lead & Oil Co., Fire -C. & B. 75-00 8.84 895.75 27-00 5.45 .27 53.31 163.25 11 525.08. .75 141.6o #9 6533 Porter E. Sargent Librazy'New Books 34 Schaff or & Roseum -C. P. Works Workhouse -(taint. 35 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co., Health Pub. Baths Water-*. & R. 36 c C. Schroder Park-Park-Maint. 37 Schulte's Book Store Library -New Books 38 Schunsman & Evans Police'M. & R. 59 J. L. Shiely Co.* 33esath-quarantine-M. & R. 40 A. P. Smith Mnfg. Co., Water -M. & R. 434 G. Somers & Co., C. P. Works-workhouse4faint. 42 So. Park Foundry Co., Uter-u. & R. 43 stricklan&.Doollttle park -Park 7taint. 44 A. G. Spaulding & Bro a., 45 superior Printing Co., Gen. Fund -printed Forms & Blanks 46 Swift & Co., Health -Comfort Station 47 fohn N. Theissen Park-Park-Maint. 48 Tierney &0o., C. P. Works Workhouse -M. 49 Tri-State Telephone Vo., worts office 3 6,ea P61i as.*. & R. 7 ,1 21.-12- 50 fray Laundry Co., Water -M. & R. 51 Twin City Varnish Co., Piro -C. & B. 52 University Book Store Pub. Bldg. Arch. & D. -M. 4.00 280.51- 24.80. 19.50 .84 10.00 71-00 8.75 110.75 90.50 18000 4.50 8.47 3.00 400 46.72 .72 71-35 2.50 ■ -A= j a t ..,.: - . t. ... .... ,, #10 6553 G. Broee n Dort.CO., =10.00' Va .' Library—New Books o aV, 66.50 54 D. vamostrand Co., C. P. U.Mun. Test. Lab. -M. �. 62.00 55 0. (i. Wattle Library -New Books 56 Waldre€ Motor Co., $25 Fire R. & R. 57 Be Be Wedelstaedt - 33.00 C. P. Works -Gen. Adm.M. 58 , Western Blectric Co., 119•-98 Street Coaat. Lighting -1915) up l9 59 western Machine Co., 60.95 Street Const. & Rep,"** 60 western Supply Co., 94'83 police -11. &-R. .00,� Pire-M. & R. 3• Fire -C. &RB. ,f Randolph e 1 s o 1 94 /f N 61 W. J. Westphal 6 14.75 & Sprinkli 1 62 .T. P. Whitwell 12.25 C. P. Works -workhouse -Xe -. 63 H. w. Wilson Co., 1.00 LibraryeNe�r Books �. 64 Winecke & Doerr 17.15 Park-Park-Laint. x 65 Zimmerman Bros. Wat; '45 er M. & R• : t. ti fir` _ • CITY ---OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Slab ItCt: C. F. Yo. 12466— Reaotved, That the application et the l r • fOptip'InK person. tar a licen.e to Con- I d6pt Hotel. or Il-tanranta at the I.- edtlona reapOctfvnly Indleated he, a COUWCIL rILE NO. are Krn. d and t the axme . authorized City Cler le authorized and dlrectIssu- pon the pnymvnt of the fee re uponeach licensee t0 he a re ns law: Date Presented Sept. 1916. , • A. 14inKl .[ Ca.. E. 6th Kt. 11-1.... Lut- E. A. f)uhl. Iiratnurxnt mand Ave. 6/ stoy'Heo. Reeuu• IL L. Cochran, $t. Peter Kt. N.I' - Rosa .rt St Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereW are granted and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicant upon the payment of the fee required by law, NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR PTgTAURANT. LOCATION. A. Biagi & Co. Business Lunch, 300 E. 6th E. A. Dahl, Restaurant, 943 Raymond Moy Hee, Restaurant, 413 Robert H. L. Cochran, Boarding House, 635 St. Peter Rose N. Boggs,- Restaurant, 347 Robert Mrs. Anna C. Williams, Edison Hotel, 418 Sibley George Williams, 8t. George Hotel, 335 E. 7th W. H. Gilbert, Restaurant, 383-85 Robert Catherine Haessig, Restaurant, 676 University Christy & Pappas, Lunch Room, 413 Robert Rommel Bros. Lunch Room, 492 St. Peter August Wolter, Lunch Wagon, 211 W. 9th Carl Nelson, Restaurant, 564 St. Anthony John W. Clark, Restaurant, 388 Rent Bennett & Feetham, Restaurant, 314 Lowry Annex F. H. Tnurston, Restaurant, 54 E. 6th, Tne Emporium, Restaurant, Robert & 7th Anna Smith, Hotel, 350 Cedar J. Hutchinson, Lunch Room, 891 F. 7th Pavich & Polanovich, Lunch Room, 512 E. 7th N. D. Green, Fey Hotel, 423-25 Wabasha Yeas (J) Coup linen (i) Nays Fara orth _n _n Adopted by the Council f91 Goss In favor Hyla Kell l c: Approved (� 191 hAgainst Wun i. U Mr. President, in M.ron roast c e z .•, a�� L _ _, / ((is _"- ---------"-- -"— CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: _ _— _-- i ' ?.a. !' � __._—_—.� ►ILC Date Presented— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated p-ursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. _ From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 1 25,Edmund Leicht,71.5 lac,.IDale St. Julius Leschinski,715 ,;,,.Dale St. I V. r•. No. 12461—-- 1t—ived. That the :p:ioWing desig- ----------.. _. -. _ __ nated licensee to sell intoxicating -- --- Hm be tranererrad ee Indicated--. p.nant to application. duly made tberelore: ----------- -- ------ No. 96, from Edmund Lglcht, 719 No, Dale 3Lr to lotto. Leschlnskl. 719 No. — ----- – - - - Adopted by the council Sept. 2. 1916. ---_----- -- -- "-- Approved Sept. b. 1916. —(Sept. 9.1916) Ycas IV ) Coun en (✓) Nays Fam orth Go 1aP.d--In favor Kcl � _ Against 17underlich NIr.PresidentMwx Irvin Adopted by the Cotmcil�L_.-191-5/� ApprovI---1J1.- 6� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject,: - - — COUNCIL No. — rlt"C _J Date Presented— RESOLVED, resented RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a lice* -3 to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively'Indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. I7111iarr:.-Kle:ceri h 7i Charles Stre:t. ---- — Wm. Bosche, _ >C 7th St. ------ -- -- - --' --- --- C. F. No. 12462— -- - Reeolved, That the apPlicatlon of the following Persons for a license to ..It — - "--"— -- toxlcating Ifyuore at the locatlone - " - eepectivaly Indicated, be. and tha same hereby are granted, code. City Clerk --- le authorised and directed to leave each --.__ filing o to said apPllcants apo. the thing of the bond and the Payment of the fee m Klep er Iaw: William K-, 50 W. 669 Cbarlee 8t. -- Wm. Dwche,,60 W. 7 9t. ._ Adopted by the Council Sept. --- — ADDroveO Sept.t. S. 1916. rrL/ yeas (✓) Coullciliner, l .i) Nays Adopted by the Coulle.• 191 { Pa orth j Y_ In favor Kel yland Approved 19L Against a z4iunderlich -_-----=--- --- - Mr.President, Trvin MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL_ • COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM '?'! 6' ., Subject: cc NCIL F"E No Date Presented 191 I't— V -D, That the li tior. of the follow n- persons for a lic nsecell nto::icatin liluors a.t the locati_n� re— spectivcly LJ!idic tted, and the a .:,,e '.-.e.eby are _r,.nte . , .;nd the City Clcrk is authorized :r.d directed to i.,,ueV_1uc: Licen::s tc ,,.id a licantsub^on 'h� filin a th:� bon: an:: payment 6040 of tv fe_ 'rc . irady law. NA= C np^r ICAITT. LOCATID". L;ax Reilinv ivT Rlc� C. F. \o, 12163— Resoived. That the apnlicatlon of the f.11—Ing persons for n Iicenae to ..It Intaxleatlog linuorel the location. eanoceh rjy ItOut. d, be, and e Jurebr a e granted. and the Cil)' t'ler Is not h. Azad and directad to I-- uvh Ilertleea to said appil me anon thr IIHOK Of the bond and the paynienl Of the far ropulrod by 11 w: MaxReI11nR. 1616 It ire 1 Adolitxd b)' thr Approved Sept 5, Councli gent .. I916. 191x. (soot. 9.1916) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (:) lays / s ParnsworthL Adopted by the Council «Y . 191 ✓Coss In favor L-Kyland L'Keller Approved / I 6. 191 1doL Against 1 --Wunderlich Mr. President. Irvin t - MAYOR FORM C. a•i y. I . n )f 'e.. Ir.,1 Sic t:eet Y tha r'. .:_.1 3e, i.3::.ts of that .ncI irho , .:u I.rcteat .i:. t _ r..ai e y -r ;c..:y. is ui ur .._ - i ., ver V. ltiun r.:,ortsy_ e r.., `. .. ntin� {a licar—e .._r.. :ot:_ r: r, _. t .:li:,_.. t :cu13 :tio-.11: f t'._ viaitors :;eaort.. th of r i1 r,c.. _. ...'r fcr_ be nut a CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FQRM ` Subject: • 1 � 60UMCn FILE No. I Date Presented 191 That the ., of .fllorin- f -n� ;ora soectivel•. . _ ntoxicatin 11,1-ors 1 niio_.�e9, be .n.: the at the locat_ons � hl�r�o r to City C1 rk is a•,thoriae3 nu _tr.c .ire iirect- a �r-inte3, ,n.i such, dlstil��c� to -aid a -li_ iii:n rl o` t`. Lei j ,1.LenteJ iub � Peter J. Gattis 5th St. i f �l t Yeas (✓) Councilmen U) hays !y Farnsworth4- Cow In favor Adaplrd by the Council 191 / Hyland A- �' Keller 7 A� Approved ° Against 191 Wunderlichi Mr. President. Irvin t FOgM c MAYOR i .. S ` S . � � '-- eta ,..'".'$"n"'. xt L-' fc^'` �Bk3*.'..Y:.'litF:v✓ttm?+., - _ ....r I wil d _ ^_0 30:C i S H'. ;I:. I_y 0- T_::. iAU:. i ff We are in°ormed that az: arnlio.itio.^. 'or a snloo^'or a Herr sr]oon to be 19cated at i:u-i:er .^_73 ':est ?i_'.th street in the City uC Stint =nut _ eso'e., h. p - e.n mud *. r J. 3e',tis , and we enrne.s l„ rnt Inst tlhn -rrr.in- o it li •....,_ 'or the re- s'on :nt no _. >ons s , i] -c? he 1. •r --P . d. "e, Xy CLQ -��.( .y�y -7 (•✓- C < -/- �O r y/2 d/ i 4 _ - , r , � r a s., i a CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—=GENERAL FORM Subject: . e . a COU Rug FILE N o. • Date Presented 191 RZS,'LVT'_', That the apiIi.-1` �n b:' t:.. ',llowinpa for a lioenae to se : 1. intoxieat to - :-cors at t:: ^e to , :t ions re- speotively ir:,iic: tei,_ ^ .._ 6 irne h-.rebyti .are -,ranted, an the Cit-: Clip is aiithorizei iniiirectei to is ue 5_:ch It,-ensea to . aid .r - li,�ants upon t':e = it '.r of the bon.i ani the payment of the f ire b; l:w. NA17 07 AP -LI 'Ai+T. LOCA "I j-:'. ::ic Herges ;.8 J- iver- ity Ave. Yeas (J) Councilmen (:) Nays Farnsworth v Coss I. (_ In favor Hyland L -- Keller L— A3e8e11 Against WunderlichL- Mr. President. Irvin c— FORM A-d�by the Council 191 Approved 191 • rAYOP sre d0 re a e « a mac.. -kL x-16:. Elf se 'J lwnt y - 1-7z, yo ,r. 0 b 14 -Ira, rU � 11 '17 MOM"" St. PaU, Minn. To the hbnerabl- loun^il, �of ':h- city of St. Paul, 'ir —e the und-rein-d regi .--r-ts resi.lir, ir th, vi,-inity of Univ-rsily Avenu- and Ch is ort? -tr =t, petition your hon�r--ble bo -'y -o 7,5r.-nt Mr. ri-hol s a r -t -dl li.-uor lioer.-e Univ=rei`y av-tu-,. /C 'y 7 7,// f -I V(I-QA--u C- 16 c - .__ cll, t:n -1tne r r.t a r -.. is ii:. _ ir.it_ c_ .c r`v... .r. _ :-cr[ c .c _. i. r r rz r:tai1 .,., ne= 6r3 i .:iv rsi t v �� •P ../✓' � // / `` / � t � � �r / �� l.- �� L.L � C�t�- L i ��c..^�-• � Q � � ����1�"L�2-0`�f�t- l J h�� �� �� ' _ �., � - � 0 � ✓ ' C.-GCi'Y�'L Cyt ,+` V ' �; dll„e,.0(, I � J ,l .: u� �,�. _.. -- - F _ �:- _ -- JosP�rlj ?�. �Pi�iP itrtwt. L:MT wT n, I...wpn very Ivn. �.nv..r Office.ci-Sr— 3208 Re.ideme.TTri-Ste.e SURy I �A lit. Maul, Mina. August 70th 1F)16. '^o the honorable Council , of the City of St Paul. Gentlemen; As owner of the adjoining properti, of Mr Nie uergp4, University Avenue d Chatsworth st am in favor of granting him a license to sell liquor's for this location, University Avenue is a business street and the expenses of 'paving and etc have been heavy and I think that the owners of University Avenue property should be the ones to decide the question of granting him the license. Ver- truiy yours Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1916. } TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sura: We, the undersigned �roperty owners, �taxpayes Vt. res at n�tJje district bon ded by Grotto west to Lexington, and from West Central north to'n�rreat-fVeell ```d"o' hereby petition your honor- . able body to pass such an ordinance as will restrict the above mentioned and boundeA.0strict from saloons, and from issuing any license for the sale of, or transferring any license for the sale of, any intoxicating liquor, for reasons which are very apparent to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district NAME ADDRESS , i� j / t — / J"" 4 t r CCS ,J 1 IP - I,Li, uy Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1916. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sin: We, the undersigned property owners, taxpayers and repident in the ct boundedby Grotto west to Lexington, and from West Central north to d adoereby petition your .honor- able body to pass such an ordinance as will restrict the above mentioned and bounded district from saloons, and from issuing any license for the sale of, or transferring any license for the sale of, any intoxicating liquor, for reasons which are very apparent to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district. DRESS �O 7 7' fl YY ` x `^� r35 L. A , , J v' 1 1 F Z 5 Stint Paul, Minnesota June 28th, 19; 6. 'TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sita: We. the undersigned propeitY owners, and de yep 4 district bount�by Grotto we!! to IT � Aga "I do hereby �etifion your honor - to Lcxi� and from West Central north to bounded district 110- aaloo able body to pan such . 0,&.. as,- will.restrictthe bo,mentioned and b for the sale of, anY intoxicating from issuing ,y license for the sale of, or Umfeffkg any 4m, and owners. residents and taxpayers of this residence &ftid- mans which ate very apparent to the p-PedY NAME ADDRESS q � ly J o il L ly J 71 -17 'v-/17 f � V ZL iJ C � .. Y L •� i � � ` Y'i. r 7r.i J ,- I • Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1916. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sirs rs and rdent W the ct boundL-d gy Grotto west We, the undersigned property owners. taxpay do ereb:Y your honor -- .0-741 s f�tihon ableLexington, and from West Central north to - able body to pass such an otdmance as will restrict the above mentioned and bounded district from saloons, intoxicating liquor, for and from issuing any license for the sale of, or transferring any license for the We of, any to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district. reasons which are very apparent NAME IVA- ADDRESS . ;�9 1,30 i 7 a u 0 Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1916. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sirs: We, the undersignedproperty owners, taxpayers and residents in the district bounded by Grotto west nc ' n otxae �e to Lexington, and from West Central north to" d - 1� oteree�4 petition your honor- able body to pass such an ordinance as will restrict the above mentioned and bounded district from saloons, and from issuing any license for the sale of, or transferring any license for the sale of, any intoxicating liquor, for reasons which are very apparent to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district. NAME ADDRESS /LCL ar1(' � f �(�l�-:... �% �/�typ /�♦ � Jam/ 1JI, r�..� t t t,.F i'-�..- `q /C7 c./'ft:3-'f.! '4, Ni 4 (.•c.'fi rq-^' - ✓-fig '� V i I 1{ a J _p (ff ✓ yn / f 62 S a J _p 'p � i i .. .. .. r. r 7��✓✓�� C' �. �� v , ✓ �'` _, � _l � �� .l -� I V Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1916. TO ITIE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: SRI I We, the undersigned property owners, taxpayers and residents in the district bounded by Grotto west to Lexington. and from West Central north to 1�h� Cr uee�y'petition your Issnor- . able body to pass such an ordinance as will restrict the above mentioned and bounded district from saloons, and from issuing any license for the sale of, or transferring any license for dlre sale of, any intoxicating liquoir, for reardbs Which are very apparent to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district. NAME APDREM r 37'J/ t. u � '� / ( � I I••�---rte �. i� � Jfy�Lv v r Y'Y�r�"'l�- i' �� i .4 .4 E3 Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1916. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sirs' owners, taxpayers and residents the district bounded by Grotto west We, the wtdersigrted property PeY i n n to Lexington, and from West Central north to 5o Ve,,19 r petition your honor- able body to pass such an ofdinance as will restrict the above mentioned and bounded district from saloons, and from issuing any license for the sale of, or transferring any license for the sale of, any intoxicating-.liqu" for reasons which are very apparent to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district. NAME tw ADDRESS 7 9, 9, I TLA. Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1916. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sirs: We, the undersigned property owners, taxpayers, and3 residents in the district bounded by Grotto west to Lexington, and from West Central north to n u in oma o ere y petition your honor- able body to pass such an ordinance as will restrict the above mentioned and bounded district from saloons, and from issuing any license for the sale of, or transferring any license for the sale of, any intoxicating liquor, for reasons which are very apparent to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district. NAME ADDRESS 1 r �A ell ,J 44 ' If rh Saint Paul, Minnesota. June 28th, 1916. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sirs: We, the undersigned property owners, lax a ers and residents in the e�dtistricebounded by Grotto west aft,_ e1u3�� - Ma- 16 -do �iet petition your honor - to Lexington, and from West Central north to "- az able body to pass such an ordinance as will restrict the above mentioned and bounded district from saldons, and from issuing any license for. the sale of, or, transferring any license for the sale of, any intoxicating liquor, for reasons which are very apparent to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district. NAME ADDRESS i Oice. r t -ilA k- 74 -S 7 Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1916. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Sirs: _ We, the undersigned property owner„tazpaye72, reside w h distric� bounded by Grotto west to Lexington, and from West Central north to .-i melts, do hereby petition your honor- able body to- pass such an ordinance as will restrict the above mentioned and bounded district from saloons, and from issuing any license for the sale of, or transferring any license for the sale of, any intoxicating liquor, for reasons which are very apparent to the property owners, residents and taxpayers of this residence district. NAME ADDRESS t . �. 14 i 0 . r , <� o 0 V, CITY OF ST PAUL CO;JNC L RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Sub)ect:I , ;rte NO \\ --- =--r — Datl• Presented 191 C ye s r 7t_f :n-1c.t 1c.-_nts u. bc... , Ls n. C, ..... i I I. I nl aI Idi� ��.���i a i.. .i Iii �r• �� �L.,al�i, �I Yeas (�) I., ien (•) \ay, �n / rth �� Adopted by the Council - =� 191 In favor [ — 191 Against..Mr.Presiin t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Suhlect. ,E No Dat, i�r<srntet� Iv ;:illi ... _. _ / 2 I�artrs�. urth Cuss Lr fasor .A,loptrJ Ly tLc C��,u�ul I�ri Ilyland - l.eller !.!c{'SII Aupu,vr,l Against i91 A'underGch Mr. President. Im, r'JNM n t M-01 p1?ilc No. — — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ......... G"r' Ih1 :, I.Ir• .�1 r h.. „!i•I Ire,. r i. ii l'r �.. •'r - and r��,i' r.. t. 'I.Irl it � rl~ � r rl'•e i r 1.��,1 i�„�r, �inrr�a•il,i� .•1.1 :'l l;,�lrrr�•1 : PRELIMINARY ORDER. l ,11,.,x• ., ,.r cn.• rrrrlm,leaovr or mlilir im oermenl by the �'ity of The nue:: he 11 no�.nr proposes the making of file follu\vtuR��l P ;. A-11.1 _.La Oi ty 1nC, ` St. Paul, viz.: OFie:., �: i de: � Dated this 1. day of er t'onnrilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NIIF.RFASr A written proposal for the ranking of the following improvement, viz.. having been prosentfd to the Council of the City of `;t. Paid by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the l'omniissioner of Public Works be and hr k hereby ordered aa:! :!inricd 1. "1'0 investigate the necessity for or desirability of till- making of said improernienl. 2.1 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, tool the Vital cost thereof. g. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of snid improvement. i. "ro furnish the following other (luta and information relative le said improvement: 5. To stale whether or not it 'nilmIj*ment is asked for on tilt. petition of Ihrev or more owner,. li. To report upon all of 11 Io goyfgaralters to Ih 'ounm,,ioner of Finance. I11! Adopted by the council � � \nys: Yeas: Councilman Far ismorlii 1ppraretl I!ll (;o s / fly and I Ke el- � IV NVu derlich :,, or. . ... /Y TMayor Irvi � . -Nf/ Council File No. ,.rk4r,� „f ,1,., f„1lr,x r•.,-: ern"'rae n., �t 'R I t.l I „11r„”„ ,,r,I, rel, �• ''�'rr"'i1 "r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follgwing pub iniproventvrtt by I. Citg of i St. Paul, viz.: U..Z• Kt% r y J 1)nted this Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. Wil EREAS, A \mitten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul 1'ly Councilmana therefore, be it , RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby Ordered and directed 1. '1'o investignte the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improNetnent. 2. '1'n investigate the nature, extent and estimated cust'of .aid inlprocemcnt. and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. "1'o furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. To stale whether or nol said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. li. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Conlnti-ioner of Fiunnue,. Adopted by the rounril .. _J 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fro G ; Approved _ 191 / II I�r l! r I derlich Mayor I i f C. F. No. 1847e— .. heti tion n -( wherGrye, A written propsal for the ♦♦ C — 4, .,is: Poof the le lgleharlt Ave t omroltl enRi: Council File No. S.• -v 4 to Dale st.. including sewer: water and - pge.ro I. lines c n•om street malne to PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - properly Ilnea compl etc, where no[ 1-' ready-made, leo including the paving, _ of alley- nd drlvewnY approaches and and construction of cement Our hing, der +wary, holing ern er-- �nnnrl, of the _ . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fe(lowin public improvement/by ~th�City of St. Paul, viz.: _9479...Jaleh.art...i).vo. .'PG... _f e :it. to i ._e :;t... i -e1. i tae er, viater and as eorur.ec ; ions groin trcet air: to l:i ert;; 1 "es oor plete, wh.S3xe....I1Q ..a1r.Ea.U. � d.a,_ ajsa. nnliu sib- t]ia... .0 T. of al�4y rid... driver;ay approao'rre o1:d eo- .ac iL) oS cel -;e:. c.u•Lin.3 ;r ere .ecesc.ary i— ... _ _......... _._....... Dated this 5 ill . _.d of ni c:.ib r l91 C uncilman. PRELIMINARY M)ER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: d as conr..ec ions 1ro.. euro a :.f:i.. ao rorort;; li :es co:.,leto, _�tlare...nnL 1r. u....l a3 o,-a1sa....ia,ol�t�ii _ die >arr_n� o, c:l-le-y 4nd: rlri:vetiray �l...zoeci.os a; ao:.� _uotior of ae:.ent cu Li -, ..:.ere nocescary. i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of .said improvement• unci the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. •1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5. Tb state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fi. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 0 T5 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman 4 sworth G Approved i 191 and 1 � •'1�� E er V � 1 W derlich Mayor Ir Mayor. 12 H. p yeller. School. -M. & R. 13 Gppher 11me & Cement Co.. School Y. & R. 14 J. T. Kenny & Co-. School M. & Re 15 Johnson Service Co.. School -M. & Re 16 F. L. Lampe( School -M. 8: R. 17 A. Me Levitane School Y. & R. 9.28 80.00' 425.26 9.00 19$669.28 20.31 75.00 42.25 78.11 3.00 14.40 5.25 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT i , �'� 7 COUNCIL NO. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM _ O.good & Blodgett Co..$690.00. Perk* P. Tr9ey Printt g Co.. 79.96. p r P 5 '91F AUDITED BY 6606 American Sngineere Supply Co.. St. Paul Buildern Matwrlal:0... $14.18. swift & CO., 11a 50. 243 Ani. Warms. me 0 Co.. $9.60. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and 7 S. Berglund Lumber CO.* for the amounts set opposite their respective navies as specified in the following in favor of the persons, firms or corporations detailed statement: park ark -}saint. Adopted by the Council Yeas I 1 i Councilmen t %) days r Farnsworth / Goss j , C 191• �lpprocjd /Hyland �L/` In favor kKeller _ MAYOR ., Agai..t ('. F. leo. 124 i3— Wundedich School. -Y Resolved that warrant. be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable opt at Mr. President, Irvin the hereipatter .":claed fund. and I. - favor of R. A; Farn.ttorth. Comat.- eloner of Finance, as epeclaed in the fallowln}5; am I.d statement: Anterlcan Engineer. SnpDl�• Co., 79.2$. 12 H. p yeller. School. -M. & R. 13 Gppher 11me & Cement Co.. School Y. & R. 14 J. T. Kenny & Co-. School M. & Re 15 Johnson Service Co.. School -M. & Re 16 F. L. Lampe( School -M. 8: R. 17 A. Me Levitane School Y. & R. 9.28 80.00' 425.26 9.00 19$669.28 20.31 75.00 42.25 78.11 3.00 14.40 5.25 Gopher Lime & Cement Ca. $42.26. i. T. ;mmy & Co.. $78.11. John... Servlce Co.. 78.00. F. L. l.dtnpel. $14.40. A. It. Levltnn. $6.26. mnnahelmer Broa. $28.94. And—l' Lbue & Cement Co.. $27.75. SB.eo: O.good & Blodgett Co..$690.00. Perk* P. Tr9ey Printt g Co.. 79.96. Raudenbnsclt & Son Munn Co.: $6.00. St. Paul Boller work.. $48.00. 6606 American Sngineere Supply Co.. St. Paul Buildern Matwrlal:0... $14.18. swift & CO., 11a 50. School -i. & R. Ani. Warms. me 0 Co.. $9.60. AdODted 6y_Ihe Counoll R..L 6, 1916. Approved Sept. 6. 1916. 7 S. Berglund Lumber CO.* I (Sept. 9-1916) Fire -C. & Be 8 Easey Pure Milk Co.g, park ark -}saint. 9 Capital City Ldhool-al.$& Re 10, S. A. Farnsworth. Com$r. Water -Sal. _- 11 Farwell, Oelmun, Kirk:Co.. Fire -C. & Be School. -Y We 12 H. p yeller. School. -M. & R. 13 Gppher 11me & Cement Co.. School Y. & R. 14 J. T. Kenny & Co-. School M. & Re 15 Johnson Service Co.. School -M. & Re 16 F. L. Lampe( School -M. 8: R. 17 A. Me Levitane School Y. & R. 9.28 80.00' 425.26 9.00 19$669.28 20.31 75.00 42.25 78.11 3.00 14.40 5.25 . $2 6618 Rannheimer Bros., School' -I. & R. 19 Midway Lime & Cement Co., 00hool-ii. & R. 20 H. G. Heal, Playgrounds- i 240 Randoip H to S i 21 Osgood & Blodgett Co., Ames School 22 Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., School -M. & R. 23 Raudenbusch & Sons Piano CO-* ltlaygrounds Xiiint_ 24 8*i Paul Boiler, Works, School -4. & R. 25 8t. Paul Builders Material Co., School -R. & R. 26 &rift & CO., Park-Park-Laint. - 27 Union Brass & Metal. Co., park-Park-Maint. 28 A. J. Wempler, School -M. & R« lea. 97 27.75 8.8o 63o.00 3.75 6. oo 48.00 14.18 3.50 9.60 11.50 CITY OF ST. PAUL �ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE"`INo. $FP b 1916 6629 S. A. Farnsworth. Comer. Park -Park -Sal. Park -Park -Act: -Sal. Playgrounds -Sal. For entry Rev. Fund Run. Forest Dev. Grass Cutting Rev. Park1fai nt. Slectinn.Bxp. Fire -C. & Be - Police -C. & Randolph H he School Ames Bch f mcclel eCn School Comfo t Station -H. ipal Garage -M 9.91 2.68 2.00 4.06 $16.577.54 ki By A AUDITED - 191 " �[�,'��7 PER ✓ L/ •�G!/YL:�r� _ t_�. 244 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: �y u r' Yeas ( i ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council -.a__ ioll_ Farnsworth —' .316 Goss / Approved - Hyland 1 In favor Keller —MAYOR 9rF L Against Wunderlich Air. President, Irvin C F. No. 12412— aeeolved tae warraptg 61e out of u' on the Cl[Y Treasury. payable tyos the herelnp[t.r apeeldod crpora- favor r the person., arms, 6ypoelte _ not Hon■ for the amounts their respective nasties es Oar ed In dstalls -tAl"ne nt: the fonowI R. A. Fars -worts. Com r i16;6T1.64. Cpunetl 3epk 6, 1816. Adoptrd hr the Sept. 6•.3916. i ADprovad faoPt.9-1616) 6629 S. A. Farnsworth. Comer. Park -Park -Sal. Park -Park -Act: -Sal. Playgrounds -Sal. For entry Rev. Fund Run. Forest Dev. Grass Cutting Rev. Park1fai nt. Slectinn.Bxp. Fire -C. & Be - Police -C. & Randolph H he School Ames Bch f mcclel eCn School Comfo t Station -H. ipal Garage -M 9.91 2.68 2.00 4.06 $16.577.54 ki CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: NO. ... (= Date Presented s c ,- , , 191 6. Resolved, T"at tilt ;i:ae specifiad for -..e ner-'or!.:arce o_' L certain con'>raet dated '..'arch L_ti , 1916 b.etv,,Cel. .. 'Webster and ,i:e Cit, of St. Maul for the co::s '�ruc-�ion of a server o:- Pri,:ceton ..ve. ue tween Clevoland Ave and Sue St. be a:d ;he. _uf,l,!e is hereb': extended to the 5th dal of September, 1916 al:d 'he nrouer cit;; of icer: are hereby au;..,orized to execute el:i amendment to said contract in aceoruance herewith, provided, however, �_.at '-:.Js resolution shall not have any force and effect urleou the :sureties on ;,,le co::,ractors bond consent thereto and file such co:.sent i:: ,:m'ti):: -::ith the Citi L'o:::ptroller. Yeas (✓) Cou Imen (J) Nays Far worth Co In favor Hyl nd Kel r (t Against Wu derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin roRM c. 8•a t•. P. Nu. I2/75—ny At. N. (30 — lteeoly«d, That the time svoclded for the performance of n taln contract dated March 11th, 1916 between E. T. Webster and the City of St. Paul for the c .'uetlon of a wer on Prince- Tn Cleveland A— and Se ue St. be and the name -Is hereby ex- tended to the 6th day of September.) 1916, rtnd the proper city officers are h«reby authorized to execute an ndment to said contract In accord- s harewilh. provided, ho..... r. thvt this r olntlon shall of have any force nd effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and n.e each consent In writing with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Sect 5, 1916. Approved Sept. 6, 1916. (9ept. 9.1916) 1 Adopted by the C6uncil ern 191 Approved �; I I l l t 191,.. MAYOR t, lum To the Honorable Cit;; Council, — — - C I ' Y. i would respectfully ask that ;;our `ionor.,ble Body cause ,hm tir:e o. con,leling the contract :or Lhe ..onviruction of a sever on 2rineetun Ave. be -ween Cleveltj:d Ave. a:.d Sue W. be entcnded 1 to September 5th, 1915. As there dere no houses buil:, on 2rincetor. Ave. alo.- the line of Ohio sewer, I deenod it advisable to complete ;he sewers on 2rior Ave. and Jenks 57:., which conaracts were awaraed to ':e after the ri..ceto:. ,.ve. co-Iruct, :u: nc runson that people living an these two s.ruets vio: ea to coi_:.ML „i.eir houses wILK the seder ana were i:. reed of i:-celiate relief, there Wore I desire to ask that ;he tine for ;;o.: leiine enh be rade os herOnbe:ore Mated. Yours vc_,; 1rul,; , Contractor., t4ebid$t 7 oB3,*, *& h 84 WW 'eine figm Doewell kveAka."toPhtt- 1 cmribe avenue, under Pre7tlpilafYdr�;- COUNCIL FILE, NO. 2 der 10.129, approved April A ubllc hearing having been br 4 pon thb, above Improvement upon -11 uoe, and the Connell having he By-'—""�.`r �h��+••-tp• :C �i •—�tiperebns: obleotlr and r d ho ,aa h+ thP- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_1_radiu& Ercmrton avenue from Doswell avenue to Chileombe under Preliminary order _ 1 i 128 _ _ _ approved ---=_k—ri1 25th 1910 Intermediary Order _..:._ ......... _........... _.... ... ....... _ ___ approved._..._-.__..... _ ---.........._...._.._......__� _..__.. A public hearing having been had upon the'above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proyement to be made by the said City is 3Tflde nToton avenue fTOm Doswell avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prtpare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__._._ _ ity Clerk. �22 � Mayor. Councilmakfarnsworth vGoss '' Ll4eller Mayor/P__ Form B. S. A. 8-7 CI OF ST. PAUL ; c DEPARTMNT OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMI`SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM .IARY ORDER I I V 6 1. e MO. of_._��.....:.1.�.1 ...._.�oe�:.W! 'f�.✓.`L( .......-.._-_.... - _ .. _. under Preliminary Order approved - ✓-'� , _�. �� G _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ?4. _.._....._ �he estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED -VALUATION 10,2 .Kosr s.s.w. e•e w TOTAL, ICY G 1 s --) �04�► .Kosr s.s.w. e•e w TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL • t _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _,_ON PRF—UM14AR7--ORDER -- - - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION I ASSESSED VALUATION ,foo The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. // Dated ��� 6 ..1911' •'"' iL2lG. roar+ e.a.�. sn c Commissioner of Finance. .Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ji ne 17t'-., 191 6 t To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pmt,: I'lie t'ommissioner of Public Works, having had under eonsiderution tilt, preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 1C1->9, ttpprowed p.Fr1 .35th,. .191 6, relative to _. I ' to`ic0-u ave. iSua ins �rG::.i tOn }t. ITi,te. '`-0:.15 ii iv=. -.�+1 and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Snid improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 60¢ rer front foot 2. "1'he estinwtcel cost thereof is _ and the total cost thereof is r =94. 74 ,and Grcnt�. a 362 feet°xoeas irsfeotion ''7.74 the uaturc and extewt of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto 1111111101 and mode it part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement is_... _asked for upon petition of three or wore owners of property, subject to assessitteat for said improvement. / Conw siouea• of I'll MIVII. 1" Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of'oost for the grading of Brompton 8t. from Doswell Ave. to Chilocabs Ave., in a000rdanoe with Council pile #1.0189, approved April e5, 1916. Approximate estimate Assessable frontage #894.74 668 ft. Cost per front foot .60¢ BYoess inspection necessary $7.74 Yours very truly, ( Diot. O.C.Y. Chief Engineer 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORN! r ♦ •• / It 1- t M. N. GO$g. co—IssioN(Rd ROBERT T. GOURLEY. Dtwn Cc..♦..... OSCAR CLAUSSEM, Cxnr Ewweu ,. - --•— -- -------- J. E. CARROLL Sun, 6— 7— 4 Rntnr _ ALFRED JACKSON, Svn. o. G.H, HERROLO,Orrn E..., y �paulsill1nT6 • J=O C 1916 • W GOET[INGER. Sun. Wox ,x , Goes, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of'oost for the grading of Brompton 8t. from Doswell Ave. to Chilocabs Ave., in a000rdanoe with Council pile #1.0189, approved April e5, 1916. Approximate estimate Assessable frontage #894.74 668 ft. Cost per front foot .60¢ BYoess inspection necessary $7.74 Yours very truly, ( Diot. O.C.Y. Chief Engineer 1 i illl i S t . ?EC-' :di ° T. 9c, -'^e andersi e.i, o` r,el , o:' p opera;lut r.I- on Bromptor, St. from Doswell Ave. to Chiacombe Ave. do ':ercby pecdtion - iion=oble Bods to ca'.'s'-• s•:13 Bror'rton St. to br =aded between the pointe abov( .... ,.--oned. TO J f n /) ' •�y �� 5�6 oZ� 1 t I 'I ,. j P . CITY OF ST. PAUL r:� UNC14. RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM .I i. [ha I2} Subject: am tnnPaeethynt i!7emning and tak- e an the land Y for elopes, tpr� uu, an naoee_ _ RrndlnI Rrto C gp tl fllla� In Coune t - 1 „ w•eli A e. to ChllePufb t' from boe- nye N O. etlminary Ae do 1b, I've' under J Ape dtl 86th,, 1918, and Inter IleOPad --� Urder No. ]1781, aPDroved J TVadinry •IR. P Y 27th,in of Public Works Presented Sept. 2nd, 1916 1 D P and ak,f,- RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Resolved, TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PFOCEEDINGS. l In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in grading Brompton Street, from Doswell Avenue to Chiloombe Avenue, under Preliminary Order #10130, approved April 25th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #11784, approved July 27th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement` as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting on Brompton Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September lst,�1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for alo_nes, for outs and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade.. 1 Yeas (J) I ".1n d nen (,) \ays / Far. worth CIn favor I nd Hy Kel « � � Against W ndlMich NIT. Preside , Irvin roam c " •t %dopted h} the Counul _7 101 Approved •� q �7� 191 — �.I�� ROBERT T uGURIE r, !J. w'• + "" 05CAR CLAU SSEN, Cn'r E -T -1I . E CARROLI.,5— Co•+'o... . aLf REO JACKSON. Sur. S.r ..+-•. 'tH RROLO. 01-'1 r H r,Of,t'NOTR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -FFPOFT Tn ';" Com''"Sr I i - In the matter of condemrirE, and takint, an easement ir, the land neces- sary for elopes for cuts and fills in gradirg irompton street,from Doswell avenue to 'r.ilcomce avenue, ander Freliminary Order $1ClK , approved April 25tta, 1c16, an., Irtermeiiar}^rder #11784,, arproved,'•,:ly 27th 1915. 'G ,a:e .:oLncll oI t,.e .;it} 01 'oa"i&,i1one of :.li.: norws ..ever} u—a,ite arl„ ,N,:res a part of t,.i.s :.is retort, a r.lan of tr.c cove improvement, s"owir.(, cy t-! si,aded portion of said Mar., `tr.e fi .I s to to rcade cn Private r ro; art} ,ar d : y ti.e r,atched i ;ortion, t... _-is ito :-e made or, nrivate Property, and 'he extent of the ea, eryer.t to be taker,, by trae fiE•.:res nrrosite such si.aded and :watched parts of suer. , 44, 1 c Ln.i s:,,ioner I't:l lac .iorke ted __._.-_..—CjrrOF—ST.-PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE cf, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j (A) n (TL Ln the Matter of Y-Okde --------------- -- ..�� Q.E. ---------------- ....:.......... -7- ... _ . �. ..... ----------- ----- -- ------------... -- --/y. --. _ X11 �.� under Preliminary Order approves .....�p� -r...a. — _`.. --------_.__............ . —__ _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner. of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ __.. _ '.=27--.-----_. _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed blenefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ,,2 1 2 /all -ronw .'s A. e 3 A .. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' + REPORT OF COMASSIONER OF FINf4NCE K ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together_with the report made to him in reference to said /matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated l/ o-- 191 •oeM ..a.w. ..a c� Commissioner of Finance. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul• The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cour- 10130 A.pr11 35th, 191 6., relative to ..__........ ` cif, kiwwii as Council File No.... .. approved ,__ ._ - ; th ...land _nec_esear.Y alogea, _for._ cut.a._and...filla._in grading..aroa Ave, to ChiloombeAve. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. _....__..necessary and (or) desirable. CxXXx xxxxx 'l. The estimated cost thereof is V._.. _._._..., and the total cost thereof is F _.._.., anal �4 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ ._ ._ _........ _... ____.. .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. not asked for upon petition of three or more owners ofproperty,subject b. Said improvement is......_ ___ J 4 to assessment for said improvement. Cmnmissi of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO._______..— cpe4y rit'ip � o e� aaexn. �+�hi�tip9v�E°yRiovant�anajPrrJaa>. . a FINAL ORDERe a In the Matter IluI x1l11.Axeau.H.._t.o--thd_.0.411 __ lir,e.__YfP` slew HvAghts Park Addi_tleg, under Preliminary order— Intermediary Order--_-_ _.___. approved__ --___ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to 6e made by thesnidCityis Grade Haethcrne street from Duluth avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed' with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__.._......._.S2-- 1_5 _ ._, 191 S ° — : 3 i patyClerk. t Approve d_._._ ...... _ 191__— Councilman Farnsworth Goss ��Q��//' Keller �1fj�.L1.Y. ,. e6eiF� Mayor_Rowers---Z.. Form B. S. A 8-7 "�z CITY OF PAUL DEPARTMENT OF kINANCE REPORT OF CON.MISSIONER OF FINANCE OtV ORDER, -- - nPRELIMINARY /1 In the,414atter of --- ' ._ IR !'1...✓�- �[_! ! .- •LS/ ,_--✓----------- ----------------------- ----------- .-------- ----- _----------- ..--...... . .. __.__.. -- _ _.-._ _--- - -------------_. ... _.....--_---- - ------------- .._._._...._.___.._..... ._ ...... under Preliminary Order approved _.._ .✓'I� " ��� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - I $155%..75 ...., ...... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - C . 74 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION d ON Q, /G d` J0. �S o 41 c roew e.e.w. e•e TOTAL, v — CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMII#ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ' ADDITION .VALUATION ASSESSED V ✓✓f( /��� 14 W /p �S D cy''q ;O AD i.3j 0 C) The The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated %//::� ` 1910 Z Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 4 Report to Commissioner of Finance June 5th, 191 6 'ro the Commissioner Of Finance of till' City of 5t. I'sul; The VoaIII tssioner of I'ablie Narks, having Intd under vonsiderntioa the preliminary Order if the Colin. , 6 cit, known as Council File No. 9997 npprovrd April 14th 1.11 relative to Grading Hawthorne St. from Duluth Ave. to the east line of Phalen Heights Park. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 74¢ per front foot 2 The_ estinmtl'd cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is 556.76 atul F,r.ontaae 754.3 ft. Excess inspection 010.92 the nature and •xt,,nt of said improvement is as follows: :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atteiehed 11111.1 made a peat hereof. 4. 1 :e. *,aid improvement is. asked for upon petition of three on• more owners of property, subjvet to assessment for said improvement. f Goal n isIfnoner of I'll bl i�AV orks. CITY OFOSAINT PAUL DlFARTMENT OF FUSLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. coMMusIoNER ROBERT T. rOURLEY Den,. Co..nno.e. OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.a Ew.AA. J. E. gkRROLL Sun. Co.u.wr— A R... ALFRED JACKSON. Sun. S...T.T... O N. NERROLO, 0-.. E-1. H — GOETZ-NEER. fun. Wo.+.ouu June lst, 1916. Hon. K. N. t=oss, Commissioner of Public Torke B u 1 1 d i n g. De ax Sir: I traren.it herewith preliminary estie.ate of cost for the grading of Hawthorne Sion, Duluth Ave. to the east line of Phalen Heights Park, under Council File #9997, approved April 14th, 1916. Apprioxiii.ate estimate G556.76 Costper front foot 754.740 Frontage Excess inspection 10.92 Respectfully submitted, Chief L•ngineer. JEC/MF L r Gentles,er, - i/a, he Lmderyi , _ :cr: o Fre4;,.: _ Vii, i::., on Hawt .orne St. bet. -e•_n D.71uth Ave, wr.d ti:e 19atcr t7o: la i:i of Way do hereuy pet.it.ior --o-.r Honor l le 3ody to cause said Havft' orl;e St. to i.e -raded be v;c:•r. poi:-.,,.c =1 ovc .. .. • : oned. T r ' T ' r ej r. xx APR 15191f) BORFAQ OF E,iGINEERS, d � i �o 3f I 6. rh CITY OF ST. PAUL , th gkad h f ,. e- ' u - fkom;xlttuwo- as m dF. CIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Tile GOMmisslaner oc ruo.lc n..,ra, cou.c�t 9 e) �1 —1 8 haYtn6 submited ryls roport and sketch _Fits NO: S S f Th-[K6'tibova-matter:'ha-it--.__ Redolved. U) That the CUY of St. PM aoosos and determines the amount �---- of land to be taken for the above nemad improvement ton eneern-1 ,or elope,. for ruts and nue In arca up- h Date Presented Sept. 2nd, I n thr land abutting on Hnx•thorn• Ave.,a between the pointe forexnid. the stent hown apo. tho sketch [ached to the report f the Co' .loner of Public• work, in the dated Sept. 22nd. 191e, whieh and report are hereby reterre (Sade n past hereof. That n easement Ppau RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND, OR EXTENT OF EASEMFNT TO HE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in'the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Hawthorne Avenue, from Duluth Avenue to Phalen Heights Park, under Prelimi- nary Order #9998, approved April 14th,'1916, and Intermediary Order #11785, approved July 27th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for otus and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Hawt)-orne Avenue, betweer.•the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Rorke in the matter, dated September 2nd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and i:.ade a part hereof. � Y (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and ills in the grading of said street to the estab- lish d grade. Yeas (.') Councilmen (.) Nays Farnsworth Goss / Hyland �(L Keller Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin I.R. c 9-3 I6 / Adopted by the Council_J 191 t In favor Appmvrd — .i •;1 191 Against —co, Ro8ERT. T• GOURLEY,-t)�p, .aa.•.rn OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.•,. Exo,nren E CARPOLL, SCoxe•nvcr on L R—, ALFRED JACKSON,S N NERROLD, 0.• c, Enc.nr ,• -W or,! -ICER 5,.,. ,, .o.... r CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT'OF PUBLIC WORKS . M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER Fors To c^, cri,- Ir. tar. Ratter of condemr.irg and taking.an easemert, in the lard neces- sary for s]opeR for cuts anJ fills in !radinf-awti.orne aven,.e, from uluti. aver,ur to Pi CITY. OF Sr. PAUL -. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ._ ----- - - -- -= - REPORT OF COWASSIONR'OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY O DER ' Y (A) {� � In the Matter of _ .a/!!fC. � ..1. `Z - c y�... '_► - – - �? ..... � ... n -......._ ---;=fir_ ,�/J� �:Gri'a rl' •. Ci — ---0-lI�GLGGi _..... ...... _... ............ ......... ----------- . .. - . - ---- ........ -- under Preliminary Order approved - --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION n o� / J` 10, / Lo .�onN �s.w. os • TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMV SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIPAINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lo t 7� -Z' I!:) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with th) report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated </ _ �.....__ _ ---191.1. •.,,,%%%///,,��!!//. /i�, i G!/.��w'�C/�"vc- � (.� A.A.8-15 c Commissioner of Flaanee. rowK e Office of the: Commissioner ,of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June...5th,_ 191.6.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eousideration the prelivainat•,v order of the Coun- cil, known ns Council File No. .__..9998 .,_approved... April 14th,. 1916..., relative to Condemning and_._ taking_ and -easement,..in the..land._neoes_eary,-for__. alop.ea.,fo-r cuts... and fills -in grading.. Haw.thnzne-st....f.rom..:.Duluth . Ave. to tbe_ eaat. _ling....o.f...Phalen .....Heights __Park.__. I said having investigated tlae matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _.....__necessary and (or) desirable. xxx� xxxxg 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__. _....___.........., and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ 3. A))]an, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. S. Said improvement is._n t._ _ _ ._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject I to assessment for said improvement. '. Conivaissi ncr 0f Yu io {t'orks. COUNCIL FILE NO. jnonce tnd t4b C6UU-11 havina' G it yereor- *'.eflnne and, reg FINAL ORDER. In tbo Matter of_ 3ll�t r;m' 5..._Se7 a ..Bt eA1 _f2iva. FBfrXi�SL xe>zue-�e� _ _ --- ---------- under Preliminary order..__._1_Q.h-4approved _–A -A-7-13. th� 1 16..•_. Intermediary Order__—_..._.._._..___ A public hearing having bewn had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is CraCe 8t. Clair street Exon, Fairview - _--_......... _._ _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized -and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. /J Adopted by the Council---_�._ �5 '191 City Clerk. W `F? — 1916 — Approved ._._..._._.._.----- _ _, 191x..._. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller AieGe* � Mayor Patvers Form B -As. a a.7 riDEPARTMENT CITY 01r ST. PAUL OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t ON PQLIMINARY ORDER \ In the Matter,oi' VX _. -. ---- under Preliminary order approved lj C( TO the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ___._........__- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION jp 10 rolwl �e a sw. ee w TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRtILWINARY ORDER pp r DESCR I PTIOPI LOT -'BLOCK . ADDLTI0N y LSATCGfN too �6`a yd b-0 �� o 3 .2 Z �y 3Ll TOTAL. U CITY Or ST. PAUL •� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ""- �- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t61 ' I r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSlO VALUATION ! LL 1 J dkvlm� w�G� I^� ✓ ✓`v 1 rr `i Lao r r- TOTAL. _ ... n TOTAL. CITY Of 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-'- --- `---.- =- - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON POtO-IMINARY ORDER ,. DESCRIPTION _ WR aLoelt // *DDITION ' VIs 0 ASSE5.9'QN ALUATION „•..,' • _ 3 dr y( G�2 I J` la, � av � po y � � I �y Zv 3 coo /Yo . It/ b a �,z % m° _ ... n TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL ---- - - - .DEPARTMENT- OF --FINANCE r - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE-- - - - -- ON PRE41MINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED �. VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated � 191 Ul roeM @s.w. 5.3c Commissioner of Finance. Of 'P,U-bhc- XVor s Report to Commissioner of Fin ance . .... .. .. J.uno....Sth... . , 1916. - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Pf iblie Works, having lad under consid-y-&ti(}n flip preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. .,approve(] 44Y. kAhi, 19L1.., relative to . .... ...... .... from,.. C..l.eYe..I.-and. Aven.u.e. to Fairview Avenue-. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 520 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.._.._ .. .... -, and the total cost thereof is f 2472,26, and Frontage 4793 feet ExoeBs inspection WAS the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is. -asked for,ipou petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. I Commission of Public Works. J CITY qF "SAINT PAUL 1 CBPARTMRNT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' M. N. boss. COMMIBSION[w I ROSE RT T. GOURLEY. D— C..nNio.[. ' OSCAR CLAU5♦EH. Corer E-110 J. E.CARROLL 5.11, Conr..rnox Y R.ru.. - ALFRED JACKSON. Sart. S•.� T— _ G H. HERROID, 0-19 E-191. H. W. GOi TZ,NGER. S.— Wo—o— s � 1 June 5th, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary eotin,att. of cost for the grading of St. Clair Street, from Clevelanelvenue to Fairview Avenue, under Council File No. 10466, approved May 13th, 1916. Approximate estimate ?2472.2.6 Cost per front foot .52 Frontage 4793 ft. ion 48.48 Excess inspect 1 . Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. JECAM To the Honorable, the Council of the City of St. Paul, The undersigned ovmerb of the lots set opposite their names regj5ec-_ively petition your honorable. body to ause St. Clair .-Street between Fairview Avenuc rid Prior Avenue in the city of St. Paul to be graded, and your petitioners will ever pray. Dated Varch 23, I516. ?,At LOTS. a4"'( gad 7t� Y cl fill A P R 1, 1916— BUREAU 916BUREAU OF LoGINEERS, _'m DEN.E.LANE r REAL ESTATE MERCHANTS HANK BLDG SAINT PAUL `fay 10th, 1916. :dr, J. E. Carroll, Court :louse, St. ?aul, Dear ::r. C:Arroll:- 1 a:.: informed tha- an order is now in your office for the grading of Ct. Clair Ctreet from ?airvievr to Prior. This order,if passed in its present form is an injustice to the property from Prior to Cleveland. This should be one job, reading from Fairview to Cleveland and an order for sewer should follow the grading, as the Street Car Company i will rant to install its tracks within a short time. it will 'ae greatly appreciated `_y the :naa;signed if you will correct the order to meet t?:e req,:iremer.ts of tP.e T:ro, erty owners in this section. Very truly ; our3, 7ictated by Den. E. Lane. MAY 17 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. Resolved, n In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of St. Clair Street, from Fairview Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order $11784, approved Fulyla?th,11916.and Intermediacy The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon St. Clair Street., between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attaohed to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September and, 1916, which sketch and report are°hereby referred to and made a part bersof. (F) That an easement 1e taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. I, CITY OF ST. PAUL Y e05 / d) Counc�ilmen (✓) t rleAlnin +�nd..Ea[F ' � + NCIL RESOLUTION--GEN@PAL FORM4"they*,,i�ngcetl r'p te�IMnn glia clair�,{e�ea'�afa�� G .11 10-Clnvei`gna .avf ineTy fd T'"r `n' • tyy 11th I dltY'. .. COUNCIL FILE No 1 - e, xo 1}7811., h6�` t9Ie' 'ef Public Wotkn , Ireport -and sketch be it Date Presented - Sept. 2nd, 191 6 it the City of 9t. Min'. the amount I, for the above , , t.'sn easement ter I nil. !n and upon `]r. President Irvin FORM C. F-2 uDcn sh -Clalr Rr of the k sto thet^•, �• the ^ " RE80LUTION FIXING THE OUNT O LAND OR EXTENT OF S IV PROCEEDINF GS TO BEMTPKENCONDEMNATION In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of St. Clair Street, from Fairview Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order $11784, approved Fulyla?th,11916.and Intermediacy The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon St. Clair Street., between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attaohed to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September and, 1916, which sketch and report are°hereby referred to and made a part bersof. (F) That an easement 1e taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. I, Adopted by the Council I 191 191 Approved L � • 4�4// � MAYOR Y e05 / d) Counc�ilmen (✓) Nays / Farnjworth / G .11 .11l'�� In favor Hyl nd Kel r C Against V u deriich `]r. President Irvin FORM C. F-2 Adopted by the Council I 191 191 Approved L � • 4�4// � MAYOR in the matter of condemning and taking an, easement in the land neces- Sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading St Clair street, from tairview avenue to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order X110467, approved :;ay 13, 1916,, and Intermediary Order $11786,approved July 27th 1916. To the Council of the City of St.paul: Tile Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts Of such plan. Commissio of Pu lic Works gated CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT*OF PUBLIC WORKS n • ' . _ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOUJILEY, DEPS,, OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.-.. (\ J: E. CARROLL. S°rt: Contrn°cr,o. & R_,xs 4 E p ALFRED JACKSON, Sw S---.7 ISO 1 O G. N. NERROLD. 0mca E-_ ° .N. W,GOETIINGER, 5-w,-,._ —REPORT TO THF COT'YCIL•- in the matter of condemning and taking an, easement in the land neces- Sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading St Clair street, from tairview avenue to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order X110467, approved :;ay 13, 1916,, and Intermediary Order $11786,approved July 27th 1916. To the Council of the City of St.paul: Tile Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts Of such plan. Commissio of Pu lic Works gated CITY OF ST. PAUL .y OEPAffT#!ENT OF FINANCE k COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE -.:_. ._ .-.-.-._ _____ ARY ORDER . , REPORT OFQN PREMINS t a1 ,.. [n. Matter of .._r _.�"�.-'-.:�Z.""�_-..I!--__"fir .....'Sf'P4.... ... .._._..`:."' .`r.: _..... 1. ___.. _........_..... ..... -------------------- -- — - ----................ -_._-- ----._.._.......... ..... .......... _ _ _ _ \--.— . ---- .._... ................--k-- _-- ----. ...--...... _... -.._ ...._ _..... - - .-- - -- under Preliminary Order approved ----- -v` - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: j The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed, benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL, CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTrrENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 60MUISSIONF-R OF FINANCE I I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB! .. P6SCRIPTIOR LOT bLOON A'D DiTfON AS3211 - VALUATI / 13 jJ �r I lAo ,D, j 01 u ,ed � � 1 TOTA4 "v QTY Of ST. PAUL- DEPARTpENT OF FINANCE: TN 1 REPORT OF COMISIGNER O S F FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) :. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION SSESED N VALUATION o Iry 13 r3 :o, k94�( TOTAL u CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTpENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT ILOCn ADDITION 1 3 � L-04 ISQ 14 tQo /3 6a y Qa G Q- QD ~ bo � Y ASSE�46E- VALU,TIODN I Pf d /Y 4 i TOTAL. �; ✓ i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR7M NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _ OESCRIPT19N LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated, all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Y Dated / Commissioner of Finance. low ..S.A. a•s c Office ''of, ,the Commissioner of Public Works . . Report to Commissioner of Finance June 9th, laJlg.. To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: am Tile commissioner of Public Works, having hod undor consideration the prcliwimaa;v order of the Coon• �'May 6 ; Ill, known as Council File Na. _.10467 _...approved. _.. .. 13th ... +._ .. ..1 jl .._, relative to ry �azldelaning..and_..t.aking...an...e.aaement. In. the _.land. ne.desaary.....Pa.r.. _... f.9.r... aut.s._.and fill.$._in...gr.ading.St.._.Clair _.St...._from.Fairsieve, Ave.. .t.o... Clevslaad....AVAe_.._ Q and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _..... _ _..necessary and (or) desirable. ". Tile estimated east thereof is $...XXX.X _..__., and the total cost thereof is k xaxxx and I --_ - _the --nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; t _ 1 ' 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached slid made a part hereof. e 4. o. Said improvement is.... nRt ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject s i to assessment for said improvement. f I;o +missio et• of PuJca. COUNCIL FILE NO. _:_--- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter 412 _,,._�,� __ __ _._approved.._ Aargh 24th 1915y,r_ under.Preliminary order. ____ _ Intermediary Order _.._ ...... _ _ approved._.._. _--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Grade 112y 51oCk 9, _Terry_t a Add' ti -from Frank street to :Earl and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__._.__ _ -.•___ -- -- 19" ._Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl ✓� Nash yoerg Mayor Powers Form a S, A &? DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �•jtir� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY-ORDER - I- eoy -a In the-]t2atter of93 -.`-.Gt�L� ...... ------ ....--- ----- -- j71 .......-. _ ...._, _.. .... - under Preliminary Order approvedTo the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is..- ---------- - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ---y- 3-7------...... ----------. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: O€SCR-IPTION LOT .10Cu ADDIT16N ASSESSED VALUATION a2 3 S .2 .3 XJ � TOTAL, roar. e s A .-I. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and __by e..ti. � :�> the I— :doing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated J�Z L 191 f� G C•�� �J Commissioner of Finance. roan+ ss.�. o•a e 3t _,.. --_--- CITY OF ST.IP,AUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE, -- __ – ,—. 77 REPORT OF COMMISSI NER OF FINANCE eA. I r O•N PRELIMINARY ORDER n. lCK..,.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 'z40 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and __by e..ti. � :�> the I— :doing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated J�Z L 191 f� G C•�� �J Commissioner of Finance. roan+ ss.�. o•a e 3t Office of the- Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance „tine :7th, 1916 IIIc conenissioner of Finance of the Pity of fit. Yaud: t The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under roaasiderat ion tilt, prelimimn•y order of the Coun- cil, known its Council File No. 4182 approved "`aro- 24th 11115 relative to t. e; r,.d'nT o f ..41 e y 1.1 'T31 Te•x''3. A:iifion. frog i Hell having investigated the umtteirs and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvenaeat is necessary and (or) desirable. 27¢ per front foot 2. 'Pile estiniated cost thereof is $6 , and the total cost thereof is R 3�5• and Y t -o is i.ngc ic:v.. fe --t ExcaGz ..•.9 i•...._ _. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attsehed anal ueade a pert hereof. � I 4. 5. Said improvement is ..asked for upon pt,titioma of three or oaore owners of proper, to assessment for said improvement. / �V-/Kl / ) l'ommix1'ublic�ka. G CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUP^RTMSNT OF •USLIC WORKS M. N. GO$$._COMMImON[R_ ROBERT T. GOURLEY. 0,-,, Ce..n . OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C4•11 E—a. J E. CARROLL Sun. C..T... 6 R...., ALFRED JACKSON Sun, S.-T"... G N NERROLO. 0 1- E-11. w W GOETZINGER Sun. June 10th, 1916. Hon. m. Pr, Goss, Commissioner of Pi.blic Torks 3 w i_ d 1 g. Dear Sir: 1 trazsu.it ::erewit . preiii,dnary esti,ate cf coat for the ,zradine of Alley in 31ock 9, Terry '-a Addition; from zrank St. to 'art St., under Council rile #4322, approved Parch 24th, 1215. Approximate eat',i.ate X325.99 Frontage 1200 ft. Cost per front foot ,27 Excess inspection 5.61 ;dote: This alley was graded by the City in 1c-:?. Respectfully submitted, V l c iel rngineer. St,Paul,Minnesota, April 3ra,1814 To the Honorable Common Council and Foard of, Public Torke City of Pt,Paul,?:'innesota Gentlemen: "e, the undersigned owners of i:rcj,erty co hereby reerectfully petition your honorable bo.iies tc have to Alley graded between Frank and "arl atreot,and F.owluier street and Feaney street, in said City owfietre narree seeidenGc 4 ell ,1 .d tti;+F ;,1915 BUREAU OF LoGINFERS, - r t S xF : , St. Pa^l, _. i r.n. , At c .s'. 5Gtr., !yP16. To Tile lior.orable -Coni,is6ioner of Pi-blic Works. St.Pata, Winn., Dear We the t:rcersigneu Proj,ur 7.,, O;vner3 or -9 tax 1 -a. --urs of :htr Cit; of St.Pai-I co i:ereby protest saainet ,, ,ruuir, of alley ir. Block 1:.ine Terrvs Auuitior. frou. Frar.!c Strezt to Earl Street as iroi�oseu c i:e Ci., .Pa;:l. }his Al'le;; nas burn Grauuu. f N, f: 17 1 1 St. Pa^l, _. i r.n. , At c .s'. 5Gtr., !yP16. To Tile lior.orable -Coni,is6ioner of Pi-blic Works. St.Pata, Winn., Dear We the t:rcersigneu Proj,ur 7.,, O;vner3 or -9 tax 1 -a. --urs of :htr Cit; of St.Pai-I co i:ereby protest saainet ,, ,ruuir, of alley ir. Block 1:.ine Terrvs Auuitior. frou. Frar.!c Strezt to Earl Street as iroi�oseu c i:e Ci., .Pa;:l. }his Al'le;; nas burn Grauuu. f N, f: COUNCIL RESO UTION GENERAL FORM Subject: Date Presented Sept. and, 1916 _RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXIFG THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading the alley in Block 9, Terry's Addition, from Frank to Earl Streets, under Pre- liminary Order #10950, approved June 13th, 1916, and Intermediary Order {1178$, approved July 37th, 1916. The Commissioner'of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, oe it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount ofland to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon alley in Block 9, Terry's Addition, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attac ed to the report of the Commissioner of Public r'orks in the matter, dated September 2nd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a mart hereof, (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopeb, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the es- tablished grade. Yoas (:) Councilmen (,) Nays Farnsworth Adopted 6y the Council 191 Coss In favor Hyland Keller Approved 191 McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin —YOR ron. c n : CITY 4P SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ...... _. --._ _. ... _. - MIVB GOBS. COMMtWCONJER �. . P � I) �4•f') nUIRr OSCAR LLAUS�E N. C�I Ex.,,ui•• L CARROLt �_.._. �... AI FREU JACKSON St- 5.++•+.... ..H NERROLD. O+u Exu_x��x n II :DAT7�N ,G R. S.•' N.....u" � -FFroFT T2 ti•e a,.tter ofor..iemrir.,, ar.i .skim on easement in tae land necea- Nary for elopes for :uta ar.-i fills in _radin6 ti,t alley in Llock zj, Terr�Is Ad.iition, from :lank street to Earl street, under rreiiair,ary ^ruer ai.prwed i:e ;;i, 1,, 16, ar.j ,',cra.e,1i 1. prier kii7eo, al,- proved 7uly 47 ti. , iylo. I To ti:e 'ourcil of 1-r. -it of The. Commissioner of pudic orks ..erely auto -its ar..i makes a purt of ti,is hie rt --ort, a Flan of .:.r above :mprovemert,s::owir= , tri sr,adea portion of sai.i-_n_1an, the fills to to sale or. private property,anl ty the i:atcned portion; the cuts to be made n private rzorerty,.and the extent of t::e easemert to be 'ar.er, ty the figures orposite such si:aded aryl patched parts of suer. plan. I i Comaissior,er-o`f uL'lic 4lorie COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ ------- . _— BY . <_1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. �► In the Mattert t[sdiis....erase . i ,. e -. r. .`•e land r.e...... - _ser for slopes, fcr cuts and fills jr. c acing tie alley fr. El-ock 9, Tetry's Aauition, from Frank street tc_rarl btreet, acccrding tc the Flan keret-attac'Ied and :::ale a part -- Fcrt_aL. ah_cwir4 Lha_i,tel a1:�..1.'&-_eh.a 4r...t1.4T: the 11118- ...... ....... ......... .... _f.111a,---..............._.............. under Preliminary order-....ICJ.9SG.-.___.....---.....__ approved......_Jule 13. `_�_,1c16. ................... ____ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the some is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... �r_ju_ eke tom, for cuts and fills a.. ease:rent i•. ,..e lard r.eces�ary rcr slcpes.............._...._.........._...__...._._..._._......- i.n.._ raai 1:1 ex ir;_ cYfrcu__Frank _......_.....a.Lre..t.._La_ Eazl....a.t•.e.a.zi.-a"L_Ldixs.._LG__`w ...&.JAL...: e.Ie..L.Q aIIAQAIAII& .and e_�atsri__&arLinn.�1-t7ae_.G.k_ts.....a� pp O,u�t }/� ♦F 1 _�.._ .....1 y:..D'..._e y`31:.Au`•_..YY.A Sc �..G��.IW..—.......... ....................... _._----- ..._......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50 CC Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on ..__ ...... day of _Pgy ttAlilex........., 191 ii_ . , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,64wt-N., of the Court House and Cily Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner orovideA-1 l'I"harter, staring the time �. `F. Vo tt782 —BY S. A. Farnsworth— 8 estimated. and place of hearing, the nature of the improve mInge Matte, in he land ne as- e t nary for elopes. for cuts and ally ,- grndin. the alley Int, Blockelreetelo Adopted by the Council........_--., � rye Addlumt, from rank Earl street, according to the plan hereto attached and made a Dart: hereof, the hatched portion ehowlnB' the cute and the shaded portion the mle, under Preliminery order 10.960, approved June 18th, 1910. J • The Council of the Ciq o[ at Paul Approved ------' pp 191 having received the report of the Com- ._. .tluloner of Finance uyon the -a ed Improvement and bavPng eonddare—_--- .aid report. hereby resolves: ._....................... 1. That the said -P-d" be d th^ Mayor. same U hereb7-aDDroved tn,, pereby Councilman 4rnsworth e. aea ss Mayor %� ✓� Form B. 5, A. 8-6 j• ;Tea[ a to mhlcht thtekeu nil aeementelnd the Iandc necessary for elopes, for cute and All. in grad,.. the nliey In 51-1, 9, O Te n Addf[len. from -Frank street to rrY' pari str,et. according to the Dlan kere- t•, attached and made a part hereof, the hxlched Donlon how Ing the cute ,. rend the shaded Dortfon the ftlle, wltfi no allernativea. and that the estimated post thereof is 160.00 ,that a public Resolved Further. hearing be had onnt o�alde�mDr 1916,ea1 ,a tfie 6th day he hour o[ 10 o'clock A. N. In the ouncll Chamber of the Court [ouee and It Iia11 Building fn the .1ty o[ et Paul. That the Commis - loner of ance give notice of said Fin . [seting to the persons and In the meaner provided by the Charter. etst- Ing.-the.. Lime and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the tota� coca `hereof as astltunted. . t^n„scil July 26. 1916. COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... __....... .._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. �► :nae In the Metter of.. -. •r' ar� t+s�:z. ar. case..... :: the land necessary For slopes, fcr cuts and fills in bradin� *1�e alley in Eloek 9, Terry's Apu_t-icn, from Frank str =t ',c.Ir. l street, acccrdin � _ ---.. tt the Flan. ':ereto a`tac�ed a.*.3 ::ale a part -_:!=e t pert'nL. a cwirg _thPs at_ ..y..sr�Q.S.ir. the _f.illa,._..____ .................... - under Preliminary order _..._� Q� `� Q..._......... _....... approved. ..._.jure liar 1516. ......................_ _......................... mis_........• - The Council of the City of St. Petal having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....C?.=-jt:;.-n eFse¢ent in the lard r.eceecary for slcpea cute and fills --..... .... _.._.. _......--....._.-.-- -------- ......__.... - ----. _._._.z Age,...ally_r�l_cck-._5,..._..;.C�.�.y-! s.._Add itiun frcm Frank --....... _.......�. _ — _....-_-.._...._.....- _.__..._......p_Lr.:e_t.._Ln_.Easl....a.'"remit. a,ocxti%t:r;..Sc._`...A..l�z..:SLs'tRS1..and- ....__E —._- _...:`�..._e..f?.edSr.�`..' �� lks ---.......... ...... ................_. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S �� r......_.._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ... ?.t�_ _....... —__day of -..__-........ $PPA.1.41'.JQZ......... 191 ... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber`bpiiia 3o, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _....... _ �Jj. �L916 191 Cit�r erk. Approved .... ..... s A - . ...................... ---- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ss no.: t a6 a t IleRuo prin- 1 aa 6;t Mayor J �ti be d 0 the Form B. S. A. 8-6 'auanolt;of t routs a a• I } - U h the Itr ot=' t h;'t h' eamlP '11 o� a ! In sthe CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIt.,, ARY ORDER (A) o In the Matter of -. �: ���-"`��i'J"✓./YJ •.. i s/.',•._:�G• },.l -t ?/i. 3h-�'rrC •-{,GG 1 � I I I under Preliminary Order approved L, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ JC • CC' The estimated cost per, fool for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of Lind that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION' ASSESSED VALUATION �i� �,i to A a a o of l/'t 0 wJ b O O b '� .{• . < ell ,i Li d •onw e 3 ., e e . ` TOTAL. S® The Connriissloner of Finance further reports that Ire has investigated all of tile aforesaid matters. I and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / 191/: ,. , c i, /SGL / Commissioner of Finance. ronr+e.ew a -ac CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI SIONER OF FINANCE '' \ ON PRELIA. ARY ORDER lC) , , DIESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AS VALUATION ) ✓ r/ I t 4� I i S® The Connriissloner of Finance further reports that Ire has investigated all of tile aforesaid matters. I and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / 191/: ,. , c i, /SGL / Commissioner of Finance. ronr+e.ew a -ac Office of the Co ' mmissioner of Public Wor6--- ----- Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 Jt l_r 17.th,.. .._._. 191 6. To the l'onunixsioner of Finance of the Pity of St. Pan]: The Commission- of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order (if the Coun- ' I eil, known ax Council File No. .10950 approved . JLne 13th, 1'91 6 , relative to ",cn3e.anina ani taking >n eaaerr;ent in the land neoeaeary for alnFaa, fox IILt._ =r..::1 f i.11.a in bre.: i.nz. the... lay in exry' a h:3 liar.., f.ro:..: r_nk t.. to Larl . t. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 3 xx.:x xxxx The estiwat,vl coat thereof is �._ and the total coxt thereof is :F ,and 1 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: It 3. .1 plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attoehed and made it part hereof. -l. 5, Said improvement is ADt .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. i l l'ouuuixsim of uhlic Wo J J COUNCIL FIL • y--V� ------_ -•----.....-.._......._......_.._...._..- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.k]ttd.]Dg...c��.a..QY-...1X1_..81.4.Ck...N.,__.9x!1W..?rf.._Z.i._ll ; i 14 under Preliminary order ....10,33,$.-_.__.____........ .:....._..approved.... Intermediary Order..__.. . ........ ........... ....... .. ....... .. .. approved....._..._... -- - ..........----.._.._....._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the, Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Gra3e Alle r_in .Block 23, Arlington Ii -Als ... ___.......... Adze risme...... .... ..... ...... __..___ ..-•-------.........__._ ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....__.. .__— ........ _.--._ __ 191 _.—_._ Approved Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers "t`orm B. S. A. a-7 _.._. _........................ — -- ........._..._.._ City Clerk. . ......... G Mayon C�{ a CITY OF ST. PAUL ----- - - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 1 I REPORT OF COM'!ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 11 0 n In th� MMa�"t��ter M of -- A/ under Preliminary Order approved ! To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finan �cc. hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 1. DG�i •ECJ ._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - 5 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the. Assessor, are as follows: D E SC R I PT I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION l z J 00 ION- 9�i! TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE._I I I ' REPORT OF COMMkSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION iJ O 0 i SZ Q ASSESSED VALUATION J Oil d�.2 x.60 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing is his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commis0io ner of Public Works. s Dated � � 191 'z ronH ..a.w eec Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Juno let, 191 6 To thl• Commissioner of Finance of the Pity of St. Paul: Thr t"onunissioner of Public Works, having Mul under vonsid'•ration the preliminary order of the Conn• cil, known as Council bile No. 10238 approved . April 2.9th,_ 191 6 ,relative to grading of .Alley in Block 22, Arlington Hills Addition. and having iavestigated IIIc matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ]. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 190 per front foot 2. The estimated cost theleof is _ and the total cost thereof is } 152.89 and Frontage 800 feet Excess inspection 4.7.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A phur, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atlaehed lord uuub• it part hereof. 4. 3. -Said improvement is. .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. t'ommimiy;imlof Pjhlie Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL D"ARTNSNT OF PUBLIC WORKS LF M. N. GOSS. COMYtRR10NRR ROBERT T. OOYRLiY,'Onvn CoYrlwio.a • , 09CAR CL4USSEN, CIw1lRtitu_r J. E. CARROLI Sun. Cownuonon Y `N . ' 1LFREO JACKSON, S -rt.. S.m—. N. NERROLD. O.owt E-- N'OOETZINOER S— ft.— May 24th, 1916. Hon, M. N. Gose, 9Coinmissioner of Public Works u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 22, Arlington Hills Audition, under Council File x¢10238, approved Paril 29th, 1916. Approximate estimate $152.89 Cost per front foot .191 # Frontage 800 ft. Excess inspection 7.00 Respectfully submitted, Chief 3nEineer. _ • .CH. E. MMUI EM CO f STITgPEPS r 5, St.Paul,Mian................1916 1 II To the honorable, the. City Council, 3 I '1 TI. City of St.Paul. s gentlemen:- We, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on tae 61 alley in Block 22, Arlington hills Addition, do uereby petition i your honorable body to cause said alley to be graded. I a Namea �y,Lot Slk Addition j ZD 2.L 141 L I , PI 1 I I0 i T .3i 23j ` ial I •Ei I I 35; I 39I MAY 3 1416 To BURP -0 U6 ZiGINEER3, 3] . . _. CITY OF SY. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: y `ILENC:L' NO. � t.J r' 4'S Date Presented Sept. 2nd, 191 6 RESOLUTION Resolved, FIiIFG THE AILOUNT OF LAND OR EXTEf:T OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEL.NATION PROCEEDINGS In the patter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of alley in Block 22, Arlington Hills Addition, under Preliminary Order #10239, approved April 28th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #11783, approved July 27th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for Slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 22, ArlingtOn dills Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September 2nd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for duts and fills in the gradihF of said street to the establisned grade. Yeas Councilmen (.) Nays Farnsworth .adopted by the Council � 191 Goss In Favor Hyland I Keller McColl Against Approved 191 Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. 8-2 MAYOR J CITY OF SAINT, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK. M N. IOOSS. r-omg3.lONER RORER' i l+OURLE .. D—, .. •.. ..r. OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E.—O. J E. CARROLL. Sc C..e.xv .. G q. =.... sLf REO JACKSON, Sul, S.--. KNERROLD. O1iE.cnrr. MW 011- -PFPOP.T TC THE COT'Yci i, Ir. _:.e matter of condemnir,.- and taking ar. easement in tt.e lario neces- sary for slopes for cute and fills in grading tie alley in -lock Ar;ingtor.k.ille raJition, under PreliminHry Oraer #1Op,3a, approved April a , 1916, and Intermediary Order #11783, approved July 27ti. liilo. To ti.e Council of the City of "`.Paul: The Commissioner of N,hlic Works hereby su'cmits anj Rakes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,enowing by the shaded portion of said plan, tT:e fills to be made on private nroperty,and ty the i.atched l•ortion, ti:e cuts to be made on private property,and the extent of tee easement to be taken,by the fitures opposite such at.aded and natched parts of such r,lar. cmi i s,0 on r of Fublic +orkB �—.-Lam.-'-' -�----- - ---� COUNCIL FILE NO.By __...........___ ` 6f �� 7 ��s INTERMEDIARY ORDER. • In the Matter of__-GABBY.AiTriG-,.�u....�k1.T1�_.�1._e.8?TL.Slit...�.'u_... i.r...._':P._r•-G'...r.�g�esary- :or elope e, forin_1_cLca_.32,-- A_rlingt,n ^ille_A,iditiony eo�crding_to the Flan _hereto attached. and s.aae a ,art herecf,, the _hatch gorti.�n a cwira__the_ is sad Vie a.ed r.ort cr _the fllls 1C 239 _.._ approved ........AP..Ta:__z.'th......1°1°-...._......... ..... under Preliminary order..._.._ ._�._._.........._._..._ ......._. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is het. Thatdthe nature of the improvetment which the Council recommendsts........._...............>..... I - � � Con3ecr ard._..take.. ing in ~ad _1 aIle in 91 e " A:?ir_gt_cn._Hills-,..A3 do», accc_-___- rade a art hereof `'-e hatched to the clan hereto attached and p.-..., e -._:.._._.._c............_......_. _........_...._ ._._.._._.._...._.......... rti r. ahow_i_r.=`:e.._cUte_.and•_the.•_ehaded_Fortion _t�e_fill_s.,_._••.-W_ — -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__!Q_ -2C .. ... ....... 1 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .-_ ...... day of 191..x.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,! N of the Court House and Ciiy Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time end place of hearipg, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. I P. 190. 11712—By g, q, Farnsworth— -� t [n the Metter o[ condemning and tak- Adopted by the Council _......_.._..—...._......._�� lnB an easement In the land necee- J Bary for Elope-, fo9• cute and fills In _Q! L—v - grading All, In Block 22. ArllnBton City C1^—•• Hill!, Addltlon, according to the plan . hereo attached and made a part hereof, it hatched Donlon ehowing the cuts and the shaded portion the - .. - __ 191' 011e. under rjj 29th. Order 10.229.. 1 • • , App[OVGCl.--._._.......____�.........___. approved ADrll 28th. 1916. The Council of the Ctty of 8t Paul _ 4aving received tha reDor[ of the Com-' ml --loner of Finance upon the above Mayor. Improvement. and hit"n eonsldond sold report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report Ds and the ume la hereby approved and adopted. Councilman Farnsworth and the .aid lenprovement Is hereby ordered to be Proceeded with 2. That the nature of the Imp+ove- g055 went which the CounclJ-recommende is r ,• leaden .eae take ,ease act In the mn �{ inn. e y for elopes, for to end 011e In KrndlnK Iley In Block 22. Arl- InKton B111. Addltlon. n ording to the glean hereto attached end made QQQQQ art h reo u. the hatched purt ion howls A• •• e{�f�� q,�.. the r to nd the shaded Put•tlon the fill-. wlln n niternntlren. nd tn. the re (mated ,u t thereof la 320.00. TTvvs�: Resolved Further, That R Public r]������� hearing be had n said Improvement Mayor tl1YM1 .1 n he nth day' f Sept.. 1916, t the pour of 10 0' lock A. hL, In the Cause,] Chamner oI w; n� Court House Form B. S. A. 8-6 . and Cfe. July 26, 1916. COUNCIL FILE NQ -.=r_, < By - INTERMEDIARY ORDER.- " • In the Matter of_L_QAtiBl l:1.ii.....uu....1£4ki.T�7..._Ar._ea8iia�S1s`... :,.....G r.._.' -.P. d--._r.�F.GPesery— Cr slopes, for C-111_qA118`f_1A._u�SCK..._w2�— Arlizlgt,n Ville A131t on1. ao crding. to _the F'' -an _�ersto attached_. and ::aie a -_ cart * ere_cf, the _`talc*ad Corti_ n a' c.wi�_-t a to and t` e- aha.ded_p-or�icr. ..... .... ........... .... ___ ........ .............. .......... ._........- --.-- ........ _..................... iC 239Ar i 1 2 th1216. . ......... —approve : a ..... . ................ .......... ...... ___.._ under Preliminary order ____ i..._.............____....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.u. ..._ 9n3et r...d_take.., _ __....s+_..e_a.eA.eAtsary--iur fi?� i_p.._Srad.iag elle.Y_._in•_1Qc_>_..2�,.. �1:'.._rgt,cn.-,I;i11a....A1i _= ��_acccruir.d to tre 'ar. hereto attached and rade a part hereoi,N__ a hatched _...... _...._F.._ ........... _ ._....... — — — __._.... e._cute_-an3-.the.__ehade1.,ortion te_.il _e.,-__._...___ ................ ....._....... ....... ....... .... ..__....._._.. --- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 5th.... ...__ ...... day of 191 .4.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,. 01 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _...... 191 City CI .. _ 19l _ ✓ V . t1 �l/1�1 Approved....... .......... -..... _............. --- -' ____..__..._.... .......... Ma or Councilman Farnsworth " Goss Mre6ll e ... ., �Ahere h-�.. `a..� the:.fig .. n he aIle, MO.he - Mayor Pewees -01"i A— heireleoIc on the., sot ^_ hour ok••en Form B. S. A. 8-6Qbambe 'use Atka -,City '. .ttt Paut..'. • of of ' Flesncei' to the parvo to vided Dy th '[ ttie tlme - and Dlace of earlltt;the nature of the Improvement. and the total cost there- of na eetlmaIs .tdopted bg the Coonan July Y6, 1916. CITY OF 971. PAUL - DEPARTMENT`OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI`j9IONER FINANCE ' r} OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I In the Matter of _iYr..lk....:. �'K.../•�`i..^-.'/_...�fc.:K e _ _ _. �..._.'w'_--1�'L�1. ....�✓. _..�'.''-v ��LC �—fiGQ-GGw 1 iez4' `PG��c 1�Lti7c 1 Preliminary Order _ > '?T under approved -1' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ ^ OC _ �- � • _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 �Z �o •Z � J D [� T Z .2 0 0 O �o�Kssw eaA TOTAL, CITY OF.ST. PAUL ( d DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIE81ONER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIAAARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION °-_,a -':2 � u d); s; A 4 1F~ ASSESSED VALUATION 3r43s i l „ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the afgresaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the l report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ] 91 Commissioner of Fina ce. FORM 6.3 A — c , Office • of the Commilsioner of 'Public, Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _ t To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pool: i The l"ouuaissioner of Ptiblie Works, having Incl wider ronsiderstion the preliminary order of the ('0111)• 9 cil, kno�ru us Council bile No. 1023approved aPTl1 29, I!)1 6, rehrtivd t0 cond.amning and.taking an easement in the land necessary for ekopes, for cuts and fills in gxading alley in. -Block 22, Arlington Hills Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein• hw•eby reports: 1. Said improvement is neeessary and (or) desirable. P. The estiuurted Bost thereof is $_ xxx , and the total cost thereof is F xxxx and III, nature and este11t of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attao•hrd and mad., it part hereol'. 4. 3. Said improvement is., not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prolwrty, sub•joet to assessan•ul for said improvement. Couun' 'om of Publie Works. J' i7�1 St.pwl, Minn., Septenber 8, 1916 To the Honorable Councilmen, City of Saint Paul, Minn. a _... Gentlemen: St.pwl, Minn., Septenber 8, 1916 To the Honorable Councilmen, City of Saint Paul, Minn. a _... Gentlemen: Re, the undersigned property owners concerned, hereby object to the grading of the alley in Block 22 of Arlington Sill dition, as being an unnecessary improve- ment. P 70l t �` jam} c G ,q 1-7 4r' COUNCI-, FILE NO...____ -_ - FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_ar.w paving pf plle;r Jr, °loci 5 P"oc�l3nd _ ........ ............. _._. under Preliminary order !013:* approved ..._..i?ril19th, 1916. Intermediary Order .... .._ _..... _ _......... ... ...... _...... ... _-....... _..... approved. ...... ........... .. _ ... _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of .... .... ........................... _.—..__._........... im- p7ovement to be made by the said Citys i_.._:;zaie and pave alley e�ihisy in Plock ,. Woodland Park— ....... -. ......... .... .._..._..-- .................. __--- -r ....._ —_. _... - _ _—._--------- ._ ....... --.- ---.__......... ___............... ....__..__.___.__ _.__...— ..... .__..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ __�._........___.__.._..__—, 191 _.._..._ _.._..._......_............... -_.... _..... ... ............... _-----....:_._._ Approved ........ _......... , 191 ........... I City Clerk. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers - Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMEN'VaF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lA) ✓ n'.a' �y�,� sY.-n,'i• �-c c--�'� fir � ��'7'��� o� In the Matter of --i .'✓v'r - " " "� - �- - -� under Preliminary Order approved ♦♦♦ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - S - -- PA'•.?: gnnolX?4fA"'e' ��rIs:AS>s _ej- PF^-. ;?2,6'72.14g3, 53 Brick 2, 382.54 2.36 Asphalt , 213.12 - 2.03 Asphalt concrete 1,962.30 1.73 Asphalt aaca3ai 1,611.50 1.42 alacadalnc 1, -J2.32 1.24 %ncrP t_- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7f,J\ s LL) (GJ � �,,(�� � � `-!• � ..fes 2 .), v � a c) roew e.e.♦ ea � TOTAL. 4.i . (C) CITx OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT O L OC I, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION / ,; L i 5- ! - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregging as his report thereon la the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1 „ / Dated 191 %'�� , CtLG L -✓._lam •onw eaw eac Commissioner of Finance. !! - Ofiace of the Commissionev of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 ay 34th, lsl] 6 To till. Commissioner of Fi sauce of the City of St. Paul: The Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had uodrr eonsiderntiou the prelinnimny order of the Coun- cil, known as Couneil File No. 10034 approved April 19th, L'It 6, retentive to the grading and pavir.c of Alley in Block 5, r.codland Park. fund having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is XXxR and till- total cost thereof is xxxxx and the uatm•e and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said innprovenwnt is hereto.attnrhed and made If part hereof. 4. a. Said improvement is. not .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . F / ('ontmissiouer of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK! M. N GQSS. COM.1891ONffR ROBERT T. GOURLEV, 0- , Co-- OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C.I., E—..,. J. E. CAR ROLL S., Co.- & IT...... ALFREO JACKSON S- S..-T M HERROLD. 01,11, E"'.1t, GOETZINrER. S.- W....O,. of "I. r cc 0 --ov, d 'a". 1'J, it. 2)682.84 36 Au halt 2,315.1: o3 1,96~.36 1 . T, 1,611.60 1,412.52 1.24 co'ncrete 1,677.96 1.48 V, CA CITY OF -ST. PAUL -_-- -- - - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: Gies` ` NO Dat, Presented Sept. and, 1916 RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXINtCF THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT 10 BE TAKER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land theeessary for elopes, for cute - --- - -and-ft11-9- Ort t-he-grad-irsg-of alley in Block 5, Woodland Park Addition, under Preliminary Order #11792, approved July 27th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #117E1, approved July 27th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having -submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above nan.ed improvement as a easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting uponthe alley in Block 5, Woodland Park Addition, to the extent shown upon the Sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the mattes, dated September and, 1916, which sketch and,report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes,for cute and fills in the graHing of—said street to the estab-isred grade. �.r ` 01 YC.a ( ") ('ou na lmcn ( • ) Ne, s [:arns%orth _ .\'iopted I,Y the ('ouncil 191 Goss In favor I lyland Keller Approved 191 Nicholl Against Wunderlich Vir. President. Irvin -Of IfpgM C A 1 i CITY OF SAINT PAUL DFF4A MKNT OF PUBLIC WORKS M N. GOSS. COAIMIBSIONER RuHLRr T "U"!I .r ...... .. " " .. ... OSCAR CLAUS5EN, C.�r•LE 1 E. CARROLL, Sv C6--,.. h R, -- ALFRED JACKSON, Sul. S.n. wERROLD. 0-11 Ewe.•,. i Batter of condemnin� art, tskir6, ai, a aser,ent in lat.d neces- uar, fol slopes fo: .-,,a and fill,, in 'radin.- the alley in lock E-, 'hood - land park :.adition, nutr FreliminUry ^i,ier R11792, ar.r.roved :1•; .,?ti_ 1916, and intc1Aedit-1v Order #1f731, al.proved July u7t:. kilo. 7o the .Cur.cil of t:.& ^itv of Fa+ l Coma ,,-•ioner of r Clic ;orks 1,11elCy R';!-MitW er,1 sakes a 1.art. of ti.is nig report, a rlar of t"ne, a?-ove imrroven:�nt.,si.o•r,ii w ry t.Je si•»ded portion of s34,i rler, tLe fills to re made on private property,and ty t:ae i:atci.ed portion,ti:e c•lt,, to be r,acie on private property,ani ti.e extent of the ease - Hent to be taker., t.y ti.e figures ocposite such shaded ani atcted parte of sucii rlar.. i :04.1. iOre�t C o: latlil•. i COUNCIL FIV NO.. —_ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._ J4dc�'.inC and tak! rg an eases est in the land neeeseary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading the Alley�n 3lock 5, Woodland Paxl, e_cc.c.ziin__ttsithe -1_an__heretc attacher acd rade a part hereof, the hatched porrtior, showing the cuts and the shaded portion the fills,_ under Preliminary order. ....... 1.0,,105.-_ .... .... _-_ _.__-. approved..._Apri 1 22nd 1916. ........... ....... -....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.Condemr and take an eas.gu-er-t...;r-the_lani_:_cea`ary_-£or elo�ce, for cute and f1110 --in - ----- --- ---- .Allvy....-a,&...;a.lgc.¢ _5 _T!L0dlan3_Pzrk,...-acceriinE to the rlan ___here_t„ a__`ached.. ard...:..ade a Fart aerecf, the hatched rcrt'_er. slaowizg tYe cols a^i ;`e e>ade3 c_ .cr.�o fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 2C OQ .......... .0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the `> A)l..... ........ __ ...... day of 191 6_ ; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambelt,mb-NE61M. ® of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improven . 1 Na. n761_)t,- A. F„r ,.th__. estimated. 1n tnr !,1,7 ,.r '� n.wo JUL,� tnF rondemnln. and-tnk- 26 eaxement In the land net, -s - Adopted by the Council.._...._.._.__.. "ar>' rnr xlone for cuts and nu. Iu ,. the Alley 1n mock 5, W h etre[. Pnu kh\nA rdsB To [h. plain h.reo f, then' hntchedn ad.t _ the ru to and the shaded16 orfl n1 _- City nils. undrr t'reitminxrr Order 10.105. i »pproved .\ 11 Ind, 1975. t - Tee Council o[ the CIt of 8L Paul Approved ..............._..._... --.._=__ ...._.. _.--...__. 191, na Ing received tea re y mIl aloner of Finance Du rt of tees om- - improvemcxt, on he sore ,ala report. hereby reeoive,.... ldared '--_-- 1. TAat the Bald report be and the Mayor. ,ame le eereby approved anan Id gdoDted. orId dered. to be DroceedeA wltR nt eereby tak Councilman rnsWOrth S. TAa[ tee ore t the Improve. o�apn n lcnnatha Ounele r —ru d. 1, - 05s - lana eexa"'' for x.in opea.hrertfor u to the nils In .g radln8 (hr Alley In Rluind cit 5. „ \{'uod'nn11 Park.' n � v an, In the pins nitnlhed and mnnlr t --Ir her,._ ;. tl„e h'trh Nl p, alio h wt a the , Ix ,a he hntle0 uarl l^n the a that he c.- B, r,xu.«x. t tlmnl ed r sl th,-r of Ix 320.00. Resolved Further. That a Dublle J11/�.l-l•r X1 hearing be had o . Id ImDrovrmenl on t”' 5th tln1- of Sept. 197, . t the hour t 10 o'clock A. bi, In the Mayor _.��...�-� Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Rullahc In Form B. S. A. B.6 the City of at. Paul. That the Commin -- -loner of III nane. glue nolle. of said meeting to the perolm. and In the i manner provided t°y the Chuter, lits[• - Ing the time and plate of hearlmi, the a nature co,of the Improvement l total t thereof ; eatfm .jands. the Adopted b, [he Counoll July 25, 1976. \nproved July 27, 1816. (August 5-1919) -COUNCIL FII NO.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._0cLue�riinS and taking 3n easer..ert in the land necessary -- ... __.. . .. _ .. ....... _...... for elopes, for guts and fills in grading the Alley n 211ock 5, WQcd.landr Pali,{ f_cc..c.rd.ing- to the-lan_heretc. attached a -d t..ade —._ a part hereof, the :patched_ portion showing the cute and the shaded _,portion the fills, .......... .- .... ....... ....... .._._. _........ .. under Preliminary order........_ 1.:0,1.105.,._.._.,_....._._ ...... approved ...._Ap.Ti.l Z2nd, 191.6. _ _.... -...... The Council of the City of S4. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, -and havir g considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be an the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceedec with. _ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.CondpjLn and take an for elo es for cuts ant fills in .....}..._--.._._._P_._., . .... ................... ..... _....... _...... ..._. e.za il.r tl:x Al.hey.. ......._............ _�---- �-._ 1<i�.:..a.1Rc4__.�,...�'codlan3_Pzrk,_.._accgriinttc t'.:e Flan beret, a. ached a .3 ,-ade z art =reef he hatched Fcr* er a::owing F.- —' �—-._._.... -................................................ t17P._ca..xe_ snl rade3 a o: tier'fills _._. _....__._—..... —_ �_..._._.__.....__.. ......_...... ...._._.._.............. _... __........ -- . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 2L- .._.......... -W public Resolved Further, That a p hearing be had on said improvement on the....... `�.teh.._ _.._...___ ._... day of _.• ..........ts"t."1eZ........., 191 6.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council ChambeireblIN&. In of the Court House and Ciiy Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing. .the nature of the -improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............. __.. JUL 26 1916 _ 191 Approved ................ ._ x. _._._. 191 - .... .......... ......... l Mayor. Councilman 11arnsworth l OSS I Etter - Mayor /n Form B. S. A. 8-6 f CITY OF ST. PAUL-- DEPARTMENT OF'FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE IA) ON P %LIMINARY ORDER �� u Iv'Vatter/of ""�''41i .:trfir�,:f -.. i�•�Ll ��C, -��L .�:.�% .. .. // under Preliminary Order approved , i J To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 5 Z, . GC' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - 1 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement. :uld the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 9L08H ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 •ora V y �s. J, V L7 O J� 3 J f TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMS?SIONER'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED r VALUATION i C 0 J i ` o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, acid hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / •2 �i 191 Commissioner of Finance. rovem eaw 4uo Office of the Comuussiop�r of Public Works Report to Commissioner of 'Finance May 44th. 111 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pahl: The connnissioner of Public Works, having had under eonsiderotion the preliminar;v order of the Conn. eil, knolvn as Cquncil File No. 1010$ approved April 2.2,. 1916.. , relative to condemning, .and_tatIng an.e.a"..ment in tt?e land_nec.e..se.ary for.. slopes, for cuts and fills _in grading the Alley in Block, Woodland Park. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is (t.. Yxxx , and flu• total Bost thoreof is $ xxxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: a. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto ottaehrd and nuub• a part hereof. � 4. :r. Said improvement is._. not .naked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /Commissioner of Public Works. / - t ao[m Lao C(Aft Of SEFINCE I8Y8bA L WE T .w UNION CIO M OF SERVICE SYMBOL m.r M Mww __ I ar Loft BM[ NIH NIOM M~ NN[ N L[Ifir N L TE ° Mfil LeNN N.L N aw -Bw[ Yr[[ tiRwr.TEL�� 11 noR[ a BNMBr[[ [pW[YW BHN[eB SaeltivM � rprw dtr lMeheri'munCB/l. wtl[)MbN��B.OnIt�M[BtypI..OtlIB- .pM1 Mbh.AIIry[ym OMr- ■11[lb MBr[elr.l[N8N[MbY EM NEWCOMB CARLTON .w[[Io[ • rlplbehlMlrblM� M OEORGH W.._ ATKINB. _"pR[[Io[NT BELVICER 8104K& ...R[[I.... RECEIVED AT PIONEER BLDG, 332 ROBERT STREET, ST. PAUL MINN. "�P . I 72F BT 10 COLLECT UANOAN ND1103 PV $EFT 11TH 1916 -E J BISHOP AGENT 634 GLOBE BLG ST.PAUL MINN AM OPPOSING PAVING ALLEY BLOCK 5 WOODLAND PARK ADD 1 -3 N GREENGARD 1253PM September 5, 1916. To the Honorable, the City Gamnissioners of the city of St. Paul: We, the undersigned, property owners interested, hereby object to -the proposed improvement, the paving of the alley in block five, Woodland Park Addition. Respectfully submitted. z v LIA ,�- September b, 1916. To the Honorable, the City Commissioners of the city of St. PaIil: We, the undersigned, property owners interested, hereby object to the proposed improvement, the paving of the alley in block five, Woodland Park Addition. _ Respectfully submitted. �7 )L Dpi 11 led /l C� _ �3 '17 C. F. No - 2 Or_!in:_nce No. ZZ By Albert Wunderlich An orGin:�nce to ar,.ena vr:.inunoe No. 3659, entitled4 "An or.tinance to amend Administr-tine Ordiipance '1o. 3354, appro-rei JL�ruary 19th, 11215, ,,.n c:..ic .f:c:: t.c ,'f"icof ,emization of Soci ^,enters, fnd fc,- h'.: _ L -n ,cyt. r.t of Lecturers and Inatruct- ars t.:c: r in, _ ro',, :ir.t, o-, t' Ai7-ir4r of Teachers :aid other em} i oyees fc,. _ .r-ia t ir. :,. loci ? Centers and 1 -fight Schools, it i ff ii:, t r ' is r.. 1i.i: is as em=rgency ordirr.nce r ndfr. r.':crs::_ry for ':}r..;reicr:ati,a cf the 1,ublio peace, he lth "nd a+_fety." THF COT-TCH. 0" '"IM, CIPY' OF S"'. PAUL DOM :RDA.`!: .action 1. ;;tion 3 of Ordinence 17o. 3659, aant ticd "An ordinz.n,ce to amend Or:iinunce No. 3:54, m,Plroved Jr:nuary 19t1,t, 1`.15, .n oruin: nce to provide for th,� organization of Social Centers, cnd fo- the hire and Payment of L.'cu:ers cLt,� Inatr';rtcrs t'.�-rein, providing for the 4•, hiring of teachers and ;,t:ar emplo;, eer, for se: -v' ceSIMP ooi .l Centers and :iiv' t Sohools, and fixirt.; tI-sir cor._ enr, .tion" be, ar•d the same is !!-reby amended to read as follows: Thesaid Corr.issioner of T.,,ducation is hereby f' rther c:. t.} rrized to arro.irt one t*a�nwho shf.11 be in chyrge c:' '_he Social CArt.erft, under tie direction and Control of ttil.e C^ri.i3:i�ner �f ;d- ucation, -who shr.11 res,^ive a sul:.ry not exeeeaing "ive hundred dollars (;500.00) per r:.nrnim, payable in .en onthl;- in�t.,11-n=!^ts, and such Principals, Tec:ahors, FnFilieers, T,r.'tors un.cl Firemen as 'ne may consider n,�cessary for the carryinf on of the wor:c of the Social Centers "r -A nigh`, schhols. He e'_:.0.1 aloo ..p, pint one Director, who shall be in elu.rge of the Pti;rh`. Scltr ol:! for Forr.l.-r:•lra, undar the diref:ticn and control of the Cor—_'oni;-.ner of ?education, :vho shall r r• ive a salary not ermc r-�rdirg T, o .,iundred doll,_i3 ($200.00) per anr.urn, uy:.ble in ten monthly it.n`..11L:c.r, a: -o- _•a: h teacher3, ;ngin- ears, J<_nitors and Firemen as he zmLy coneid^r necessary for the car -y_:.. of t'. -e t•rark of the Night Schn.,-.ls fcr c'or, r .ira. The nuiaber of teachers employed in thesaid Socia -I Centers, and :aF }ft Schools for Form igners shall at no time exceed 55. The ps'' r.w ber of Prinvipals shrill not exoead 10, And t'iere shall !:c :pct to 1: , : neer:i L1. s 12 F reme+:. Jr.ni'.r:j%, lain- eers .An,? : i.r"taen shin' receive %'1.50 per night for such ser: ices. rn^ .lve nr, ;.h..i ;,3.00 nor n_]' ctl.er teachers -nd instructora , . •. `t, l' _ ive ;LLJ,:vies not to exceed ,'�.0� •ger n;�,".�. S: -ti . -•r e`' 'in nee u it cmc,., heklth er ecc3ts .r, 'c; t t,.n-i m4afety. c. .� hz1? ;e ..f. t ;r .'rr^' 1:.. :.,iy u c; `.L ; a3arago up; rovul .. n. M t i i � 1 M1 10 RrMEN .. the q Orb _ CITY OF STsrt ern�^ llTtiu-9' Yd tW 7re¢se> wnthtlrlY. COUNCIL R E 50 L U T I O h '—id or, the0Araln6Btreet ga Cross/h8 the .tracker +tnQlNght way or meld tin, Ori Com, on 18 Is an emergency a Presn"Ce reu- $ub'ect off neceeary for thm Rreeerv4III A u(' Subject: . Y. Dubllc Deuce, health ►.5 N 0 . 1 ' j 1 s �j l.reas. The two most soptherty of the aflesla.ippl $trout Heldtr the track. of the (;teat Nortr Hallway Company where 1Inter.ect Mle.lsslppl [reel 1y of 5c Paa1 have deterlor �s`Zu • 31, 1916. ch an extent that they are condition and Inade j nsufficient for the Purposes fl'O• ♦ _may Council rile ::o. _7 traffic on .aid .tract o L JJ- — ay track.ad It le_ th- �� � a y rant [ne said apnn. - �;j - be renewed and rel.,!''! — er .:ie ten - An C_..ir.ance requiring the treat Northern iT il'::ray Company co r,�construet the two most southerly spans Of the :i_ssissirpi Street 3ridge cress'.ng tilt; tracks anA right of xray of Said railway co'*.pany. TI -is iu=i emergenoy ordini.nc•e rendereu r.eces•sary for the preservation o the public peace, health and _Lfety. -zZZ: i,a, The: two most southerly spans of `ire ':13eis: ' � of Street Bridge across `ire tracks of the Great liorthern Rail -,'.ay Comp- any where said tracks intersect Mississippi Street in the City of St. _'aul have ddteriorated to such an extent that the;; are ii. a dangerous condition-4nd inadequate and insuf:'icient for ;:he purpose of carryin- traffic or s4id street over said railway tracks, and it is therefore necessary that the said spans of said ,rid -e be renewed and rebuild; and The necessity for a bridge at slid point over said trucks is due solely to the existence of said railway tracks, arid it 4-c ti,ere ore t-ne Fluty of said railway company to keep said brid-e in good order and condition and reconstruct said two sout%Crly spans; therefore The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain; 3ECTION 1 That the treat Northern Railway Company is hereby autiorized and directed to re%lace the two sou:,herly scans of the present Aississippi Street 9ridge extendin; over the tracks and right of way of said railwa; conrz y, :iith a new perlanent structure, in accordarce_riith plans an:,, specifications suh..itted to she COunoil by the COma s-•ior,er of 2ublic docks, and ir.:ich pia. and specifica- tions r;uh itted herewith are hereby adopted 4nd approved for such p':rpose. 101 £ Great or. to 3.'_l:ay JOmpany is hereby ordered to cor:.aerce t':c co ;�t:-uetior, of su'_d bridge witi,ir. tau t,onths from ti -,e service of ,, copy of t... Or:irarce cnd to coi-:i.lete the same- :ithin one year fro...�aeh service. SECTICii 3 Tho Cit;; Clerk is hereby ordered and directed, upon the passage and publication of this ordinance to serve a copy thereof, together with a c -op;;! of said plans Lnd specifications, upon said Great .forthern Railway Corspany. 4 T?•is ordinance ..ell take effect and be in force imneliately after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas U) (:) Nays !/ sarnsworth ��o� In favor ✓ ,Hyland ✓Keller G Against Wunderlich Mr. resident.•isrisr rnitYc.en •''w I-ARICY- i y � 4- on fit' TITE n.'TLWAv ST. L 7 T - c t r i 2:- c F t r e c T af fj c j a -: r, _41%cLy line; o%,L.r the ut -orthe. 1wIli of �n t e nt a&e. v, c c, r 1, een Lr;z,r.c r --r' Or. ccncrcte -icrs. ar- C,!' t:; --4 P -z, Ire pol'iol. ofecifi ---- On,,, 1-n,3 C t ire Guilt �rceeni dtri-tux, Ads Greeted it 10E5: o1--IPu--st=c I of irol- anal s:::otrt:ctura 1-ilt of 6 -Ona in reir.- I.e, apar.s in question &r,; rw f Or !'E 11.e c ut n J o r. of t C ' r i 4 L c is to &c ed rich u r e%N j3 t r uc ra similax construction aS adCPted for: L :.ort: spans and as a-ov:r. and described t-.ese n!zf+s &r. sp e,: i fi c Ft 1 6 T L L; v; i --, t '!,. of roadvia:, shal Clear, _AO aj delV al k6, ....'ler tc .enter rf ra-lir.L, r ;zr I n t uaso:�!-. a-.:,-rcrte, a� -- SC—th Ln- TLe rrcce� r,rlace-3 wit`. a -Oncret, -'--r..Lrt a,, 1.crtin.x scuth ends of t 6irdej- n6W&I is Of ai a --�tmen+ to nave 1 cr-gt et r: r, t f n u j. ay ze V 7 A: of Lit 'ac_. ,; t C il:6t,ci or -ntcrL,�-I-Lt- -unt 0-' aii PA ?1"6. At ull ines 1.ring the rc.crrstn- tics a3egvate prov s n^_s s-: .- c.;; -Lc r,11 q/ _.... .... or walls: !,:cc- wlcr_E .-_ btrU: 7 e be do u,:cr IG." tZc:� t.: ., _ a,.D _ 1 A. of _ = Au :'. "_,,,.i,}• -- i:.E Aai;ocla'ir,r_ ;or IL rr'F r .,_.__Or of Blti.:.'_ GrdSGO:�.. rl.,-':::]Lo Oi L i._..eo _.. ._::cr. �: curie,. _. ..-.. _ r.alrs d uist rcc e ajitv" of concrete anaii ve eci fi oat Or troken —One' to Je for A, I to bt '.0'— Ge Of 1. ade C, t r 1 sLr' 0:. fo 2 U. 1. t :o e oi— c_' i fi C i, ti on e, cI ete,-1 r�2. forci:-, rods �uopte . .'one_.at,l12,ty tr.e rican oc ety,for All dc'. all flai,-I arJ r,-.Or, naces8ar% for jroj:t, e7lorm- --ce of t.,,(- work shall to :a,:'rfitt-i le� the cr.ief irerr Cf "-e j- jujlictite for j,.rTOve.l .o work be Etc--rt- for a, rovrl is -cam'CLf lelp Ht*" C4, of free to tLe c'!t-, for :ts Ar,v -tc. w..icr it isT-11, Frill "IT nect-,:cai,. to t of ne�N I e x llowec for a -!PTtUir, le' is of aucr. ��rai-orari,, 11-ni'l-td '01 1 ovc! val oust t �c6- 1—fore -,,or6 is OW 1- e L-".ted '-y mlot arge of e re.' r.>atrucriot ar: s crrascra'I e I r 0 e r.. t e i o o v, o r k ii P T e for. V' TF A' Cn r c r -------------- *--* .. .. . .. ........................ ..... ......... COUNCIL FILE NOS...... BY._�............... / - CITY OF ST. PAUL --Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ...,.refit:z, costs [tri exrenses for Curbitg of Li w::,---,d Place :ro.t. Alton street to Chatsvrort str_et, c • ArPA0VRY6 AD6DIDesIH1YT8. 1:49—$q 8, q, Fscnaworth— n � in 'h; -matter o[ Yha aseeggmant o: _ cub.rfl ng of LinwoodaPlaee from ,,r der 97111 trc aOrb'der Bi1B Int �m� dla rn Order 7590. Ftna1. Orde -ten —d Novom' er "th f s __ ender Preliminary Order 11i A->: ly Intermediary Order 7Je0- Final Order 7967approved :acve - er 17th Iql The assessment of 5, �.L'it8, Goats_ :II3 eXFenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Co,mcil having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. r— RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the Z.5 rl_ day of O.C. to Lax 191 b... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement. the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notjce is directed. Adopted by the Council 19 I -11 7�tl� J17 ..._._.... .:City CI-1) Approved ... .... _ _............. _ _ 191 G Q 1J _ _.... ..— Mayos Councilman Farnsworth . � .. Hyland - 7 Keller !� r Mean* Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 y CITY OF, ST. PAUL. ti Q;FFICE,bf THE COM ISSIONER' Cr FINANCE REPOR I OF' COMPLE ION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter -of` the assessment of =•• :1 t=, G8 C3 " .f h o a for the tvl. e:f:-� under Preliminary Order file' a Intermediary Order 7__�_G Final Order 7boR approved 17 a 191 b To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: , Cost of construction $ 28 • GG Cost of publishing notice $ 2C Cost of postal cards - - - • - - - - $ • �" Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ • 7� Amount of court costs for confirmation $ =� Total expenditures - - - - - - $ Said Commissioner further reports thatihe has assessed and levied the total afnount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 'C—' • 3C upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said irpprovement, and in the case of each lot. part or, parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. turn, 11 11 ,7 • Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO:...____.........____ By ° CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the, matter, of the assessment of f : to, coo to and txr 3n.Bes for Curbing wilder ave:... _ Anthony a,,enue to ,Carroll av3nue, r. N,, 1-W-1) - 1l, `I.� eh. i n�t,•� of th, ea moot fo[ o .. t hu�,.•.nt. costa nn,i -`m -tic ani ue, :. thon)' l�euuo In j n'e dM�r1`rt•Ilminn rr tlyder'i33%. Irtcrmx 4` _ ,1"`T to i der 6G2A. Fl -- n n connectl to n--W—t ha• to the r ender Preliminary Order 4326 Intermediary Order 6628 Final Order 7179 approved Sdpteruber 22nd o . 191_ The assessment of cer,cf4. ts, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the said assessment he and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assstsment on the 3rd day of uQtOUel 191 6, , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed nst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council , 191 _ City Clerk. Approved .1... �:�....... _ 191 _.... Mayor. Councilman Falrnaworth Goes Hyland Keller i I McColl Wunderlich s e i � Mayor Irvin Porta B. B. 16 ' CITY OF.ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of -• ttt • .,jte a .a max' e[ 3e8 for the Curti:,, f "'il.iar ave.-ud I rot,. Ct. '.[.tncr,y tvenlue tc ar rcll av .. e, under Preliminary Order 1328 Intermediary Order 0038 . Final Order 7175 approved SQptc,,_ver _22nd 191. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction i. Cost of publishing notice - - - $ 54 Cost of postal cards $ 00 Inspection. fees - - - - - - - - - $ 12 74 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ ` 30 Total expenditures $64b'24 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asc-- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ cr' b • 24 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement. and in the case of each lot• part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. tl r„ B 11 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO- By O. ................._._.-- ,•�1, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs a>ad expenses- for Brading Alley in Block 8, Wann'e Addition, R. \u. 124!11— It.' S. A. Farnsnvorl n-- In the melte•, of the ssessmenl or Oeneins, �cuets and exp—es for •r (�... grading a.Ileyip mock 2, wann'e Atl- Inttt.a.orderedlar) Ple at y Or Ir00'lJe6r.. 8146, approved .l anary 2 it,, 1616. The aaa esment or bereftertI•osts and .apenses for and In conn_ been e above noprovoment having e n ••ranted to the Councli, and the '1 havin� considered same and - _ _ n n�aBTiBt¢.CroiY• neaeeam�' ender Preliminary Order 6098 Intermediary Order 8319 Final Order 874.8 . approved January 27th . 191. 8 i The assessment of ban efits, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and I ound the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 3rd day of October I- , 191 6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court I louse and city Hall Building, in the City of St Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cast thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed, ",—z� Adopted by the Council 191 C City Clerk. _ - V Approved -_ ...._ 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth134f Gose Hyland 1� Keller I N McColl J Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Foran B. B. 16 4 I CITY OF ST. PAUL: 1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 5 10, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, -costa and ,,8XF8II888 For the Grading of Alley in Block 2, Oann's Addition, under Preliminary Order 6096 , Intermediary Order 8318 8746 January 27th 191 6 Finhl IOrder approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures ment, viz: $ 199.00 Cost of construction - - - - - $ 2.10 Cost of publishing notice - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - $ .90 $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - .Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ 4.50 $ 210.48 Total expenditures Said Commissloner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tamed, to -wit: the sum of $ 210. 48 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case, of each lot, part or parcel of land in 4CCOrdance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as complgted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. p""', u 11 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO.._._.__:.____ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution 'of Council Approving Assessment. 1n'the matter of the assessment of eL==i ts,CO,iis 3c3 x-e:.3@s for "radi:.y Ailey in ::loch , ,' rndicate..Ai\itiu. ';o. �, n Altar: ... •:rt tc miser pf Ibr enr Iltx. ,�uata rnd aaa'n nacxl ler .dblF Iley In rnloeke 5. Syn, 11 U..n 30. i,. from Albert atrv•et mll no a under V-11mina r 11MJ, in tennrdlrlry rlyder 89 Vrdcr 'J14u. ender Preliminary Order Intermediary Order G Final Order `• 3 -AQ approved Ifl;t 2" 191, 6 The assessment of ceI.efits, costs Arr.f eXFer.ses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the r? day of C C to o t� r 191 G at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 6:�/_/ ^/ n Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 i Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 (_ City Clerk. j r r .._. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL.\ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT t In the matter of the assessment of r -t• • 1 t0, ; rte "1 er,ses for the 'radi:•,� cf alley ir. =l,cY Z, Fynlicete Ailiticr. ':z). 5, .roll Albert strut to '-acclir.e avei,ue, under Preliminary Order 6,234 1 , Intermediary Order 56bo Final Order c YG approved 191 Q To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost of construction $ 1J • OO Cost of publishing notice $ i 7 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - $ .92) Inspection fees - - - - - - - $ ` • 78 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ * • 85 Total expenditures $ 1 ,f,' • 53 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asce, tained, to -wit: the sum of $14� • -�3 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement• and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof. is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper.• 1""' u 11 17 Commissioner of Finance COUNCIL FILE NO. By e 7V CITY OF ST PAUL �Reso�ution- c} w 6otci�p�ring___Ass��sefrt.___ In the matter of the assessment of �anefite, „CBts and axrenaee !or of alley 11: :loo it 1, :"z lecn's A?9iticn, t'. F N.. 12493—BY V. k. Psl•nnorth— ' l3 In the matter of thr n�iacea;_ of benenta, roam and ..Deme. for AAdltlon of under I r• ellm1.ery eleo BY, 'Irdp, 9139. aprntertnedi�rovedr Order arY(I Ib(h, of hanents, costs. -and �+ with th ender Preliminary Order 6E 48 . Intermediary Order 8651 - Final Order 51J9 • approved February 166th , 191 13 The assessment of GeI.efit9, C06te._AX4, exre.>'xeeroo for and in cpnnection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .'. P - day of Q C tvg4r , 1916 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of S[. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice o said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement• the total cost thereof, and the aruount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Lj / Adopted by the Council i 19l iii000 Approved _:..-. .i+ 2. __ __ _ 191 Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 �....�.City Clerk. 'S ..---... Mayor. V CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT REP ° 1 tB re to a", exl er see for the In the matter of the assessment of ,-ai::.e Ailey 1:, clock 1, .•eleu::`e A.iiitic:., }b Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order dbbl Final Order 138 approved retuary :3tY. .. 191 0 I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - " $.;r,S.CG Cost of publishing notice $ .c5 Cost of postal cards - - - Inspection fees - - " Amount of court coats for confirmation - Total expenditures - - " - - $.37.2 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ "" r • 2.5 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement. and in the case of each lot. part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part heraof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. t•„r��� a it r COUNCIL FILE NO.. _...... By . (�4'ylLdf'Z t CITY OF ST. PAUL Y • Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. �d the •att f th _°' t= m er o e assessment of •-- •--- .. r 0(cC to a1.9 exr eases a for :rading 7rdni a:_ frcc,ralr.dreau 9 ,r t tc .:ltd . 73r 3':dLL(� C. F. No. 12191- BY N. A. Farnsworth— in arnsworth— 'T -atter tits a ae e 89ments of 1 �ahen� ents, costa and expense" for Irrndlntr.nstreet rand from Flandreau t rect to %'hlte bear avenue, under f•rellinMary Order 1469. lntermodl av Order 5317.. Finalprder BT' pproved .Ianuary Nth. 1916. +...easment ofhoneats. cos• • -d In connectlo; went haver �rncll ender Preliminary Order 7Yo5 Intermediary Order ' 7 Final Order 78a approved januarY 13th 191 The assessment of G. pn $i.Vd t © iirld exF ar4s ea for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the br _ day of C t O.tdT 191 0 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature I of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. e � Adopted by the Council% 191? / r City Clerk. / i ✓ � n f Approved :.._._�.._.}.«.._ 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Kellerr l'UDt tcsT*'n /� .�' _McColl \ �\�AV\ Wunderlich \ Mayor Irvin I'orm B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. uOFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT, SEP 5 t In the, matter of the assessment of ;; ''iext e:.aee for the ts, C:-a to i 'rd9in. ... Erand at-.'t frCAL .lar.9r2 1., e' at tc W!,it� 3r av•:r.ue, under Preliminary Order Final Order F 752 Intermediary Order approved -.•'- a C j ! 3 tG 8:% 17 191 R . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - $ 5v 5 .vM $ �.17 Cost of publishing notice - - - Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - $ ^1 Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed twined, to -wit: the sum of $� c • Sb benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached. iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. n. t; COUNCIL FILE NO ............... .._.. By U 1/mss ae 1_L CITY OF ST. PAUL ------- _ :---fie-selu-tion-- -of Eowc- U A oyhag----Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses foi • Grading Gaultier street from ,karyland street to South street, 1:10x'7 No. .13406—By & A. Farnsworth= to matter of the assessment of refits. costs and expense. for , ding Gaultier stroutheet from Nary- Itreat to under Im•inary Order 0868.sfntermed/ary 8338. Firm) Order 8817, up - J. nuary p- January 16th. 1816. - 'sesement of baaefits. caste and for and 1n tonne" tonravement ander Preliminary Order 6$__ Intermediary Order 8338 Final Order 8817 _ approved January 15th 19 1_6 The assessment of benefits, cos t6 _and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it . RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 3rd .- day of October 191 8. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ,said meeting, as required ,by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the y6ount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Coupcil 191 Cleric. Approve_-..__.._..._.._......._.._.__..._ _ ... 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss " Hyland_ I � ~ Keller �� I McColl •' Wundcrlich I o Mayor Irvin ��va � Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. 1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT rt . In the mattet of the assessment of cer:ef i ts, ct.sts a::1 rxi e;.see for the Jraiir:e L.aryiar,,i stre,:t to South street, i E3� under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order b , Final Order -2817 approvedJi+nuary loth 1916 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: , Cost of construction $ 7,C . 00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ "• 52 Cost of postal cards - - - - - _ $ 1.08 y inspection fees $ 14.30 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ b.40 Totsl expenditures - - - - - - - $ 763,80 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 763 b0 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F."', 11 It IT Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. tte _I L CITY OF ST. PAUL :Resolution ;of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coate. and expenses :,rading of Hilles avenue from Prior avenue,to"Fairvism avenue, Farnas-erih:— ' 1 rot 1 'in the :n .ter 4A �nde��espfrom Prlorl bencatn. nt fillies nol�0nuo. under I etur'j coos to 0rderett Sb. Interme 1`re11n11nnrY p'Inal Order 8301, ol` .1110" 7903, 1th, 1916. o proved. DCeelnheYr bP. �1�• C The nsseeameotp d In etl for A 01 4136 Intermediary Order 7903 ender Preliminary Order _ ' Final Order 8307 approved December 7th 191.5 _ The assessment of benefits., costs axld exp.ensee for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 3rd_ day of 0 ctober , I916 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the mount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular 19 owner to whom the notice is directed. `� Adopted by the Council Approved _:..:..__ ;_. y.:...__.. 191 Councilman Farnsworth Cross Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 r•,_-,_ < City Clerk. Mayor! CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /� - f�� , REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESS _. l p" In the matter of the assessment of benef 1 te, Costs and exl.enses for the Grading of iiilies avenue from Pricr avenue to Fairview avenue, under Preliminary Order 4136 Intermediary Order 7803 Final Order 8307 approved December 7th 191 5 . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the f6llowing as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 1,035600 Cost'of publishing notice - - - - - - $ 2"38 Cost of postal cards $ 1.02 Inspection fees - $ 24.70 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 5.10 Total expenditures $ 1,268.20 I w I Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $13268'do upon each and every lot. part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. r„r.., u n 1 7 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. By CITY OF ST. PAUL • Resolutioe--off--CoanEil-Approving- Assesswt -- ----- In the-matier of the"assepsmenl of ;•_'S1to� COAto and ZXf ansae for stading Pascal avenue .:oh sr'erson ate.„= *c St. C�air str-et, C. F. No. 1,3iPI— ny S. A. Fnrnaworth— In the matter or tire assessment of ` banonts, coats and "I)...os for grading Pascal avenue from Jerfer- on avenue to 8t. Clair arrest, under t-rourninsry Ordrr 3392, lntermsdt-I my Order 3616, Final Qrder 3976, aP- Proved nixtch 9[h, 1916. I The usaesament or bencats. costa ani' ' "for and in con nectlon wit' meat � ender Preliminary Order 3181 Intermediary Order X015 Final Order `%�75 , approved -arch 5th 191 5 The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 3rd_ day of 0 e tober 191 ? , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter; stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the itount assessed ainst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. / Adopted by the Council `J/ 191 J - L . Ctoaty rk. Approved 191 ' 1 _....__._._.__ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goes Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT REP 5 ,loll In the matter of the assessment of LerlufitB, Busts and ex! Z::6za + forte rascal avo_ue Brut 'Bff•'r6a 37'.nut! t0 ',t- :lair vtfr,etr under Pteliminary Order lbl Intermediary Order o15 Final Order S�7D approved _-:ch bth 191 5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: , $ x,236.29 Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $ 2' S„ Cost of postal cards $ _ .'Cb Inspection fees - - - - - - - $ } ' Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - - $ �.4C Total expenditures $ 1 2 -C • 02 i I Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 1 , 3"C> , C2 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with I the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 11 t, IT Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO...___:..___.. By CITY OF ST. PAUL .Resolution -of: Council, Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bene2 itu, costa and expen Bea 1J�.fiW2,f =radi-f0 Syndicate ava:auo from :t St. Clair Street to ardolr s tr- F. \o. 12198-1SY 9. A'. Fnrnnwerlh or 5 , tt,e-mutter sn4 '�exUensec+t r r ' boneflta• n9yn�kkste venue from ,fit. rnalnR Clnlr etreet to n Oddc77PeRtntUn- r- Acr Prellminnry 8308 � mnalnry Oraer 1808, F1na1 raer .,tey<a oeeem Der ith._1815. The aeseeementof beneai.s, eseYu ar.0 ensat. for and In e` nhnvt oRn De•* ftanrov..--o nen. ^- - I inar o 739 ender Prelim7502 l Y Order - intermediary Order Final Order bo GB approved DeeetGber 7th, 1915. The assessment of tenef.�,i�s, coatts .and exren Bes for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the Jr.d day of 0 c toL dS 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court I House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and plIce of hea`ing, the nature of the improvement, Ithe total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. _ Adopted by the Council -19 / 191�� , Clerk. Approved 191._ , t _._.._.._ _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin 6 Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I • REPORT OF COMP-LETION OF ASSESSMt T In the matter of the assessment of - t i t:t r 9 to a:. i exr 9'.090 for the ;raiir, :yr.iicate aver.0 fr.r.. "luir stre�r ro �ar.iol,—.� arrest, under Preliminary Order 3729 Intermediary Order' "RC2 Final Order approved �th, 191 b . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 1, b•:�.GG Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice $ ' Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees - - - - - - $ v� Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ G Total expenditures $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- ' r a • b k upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed twined, to -wit: the sum of $ benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for s9ch action thereon as may be considered proper. n,r u u IT Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. By. r„ °sty CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ Resolution of Council, Approving; , Assessme In the matter of the assessment oI benef 1 to, Coats and expenses for Constructing a sewer in Geranium street from a point 100 feet east of the east line of Sylvan street to Oortland street, C. P. No. 1'2490—ny S. A. ratrneworth-- i 110 1 o In the matter or the naeeaament or j I—el te, coat. and ezpon.es roe conatrueting a ewer In Geranium street from a polar 100 feet east o1 the east line of Sylvan streetCortl[o t ' Order 667$.nd 1 Intermediary 0rderil766E. Gimtl Order 8174, approved November 26th. '4. �t of beneftta. casts ano ' In connection with ender Preliminary Order 6673 meat "-a hac-beer attenagd t.,ry Order 7852 Final Order 8174 approved November 28th 191 be.netite costs and expenses The assessment of , xp for and in connection with � i the above improvement hai ving been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and t found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 1 RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 3rd .. day of 0 atober 191 8 at the hour of I 0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and ttte amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191 C.._4.r City�Ierk. Approved _.:� .�...__. ._..191_. ___.. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth .. Goes 5 s" Hyland ' Keller � y McColl v� y Wunderlich 'Mayor Irvin„fifty ` V Form B. B. 16�// �� CITY OF SPAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /� 1 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT IEP 5 • 121 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for a* Constructing a sewer in Geranium street from a point 100 feet east of the east line of Sylvan street to Cortland street, under Preliminary Order 6673 , Intermediary Order 7652 Final Order 6174 , approved NOT. 361th . 1916 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- I ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 1,792.00 Cost of publishing notice $ 3.36 Cost of postal cards $ 1.44 Inspection fees - - - - - $ 35.94 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 7.20 Total expenditures $ 1,939.94 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 1,839.84 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attliched, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed I by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F'.", 11 1` 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO......___...� B ._ . C CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for aonetftcting a sewer on Colne street from Hatch street to a point 117 feet north of the north line of Front street, 11. 1 i tthe u. 12500—BY mattoF of A Lh.nA. e..e.—fit o f benefits, costa and Expenses !or of etrueting a newer on Colne Creel from }inch street to n Polnt 117 taut north of .the north 11no of Front St under Prellmtnary Orde medlnry order ender Preliminary Order 8704, Intermediary Order 8998 I Final Order 9443 approved 9arch 9th 1918 The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the Sad_ day of October . 1916 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, fig to amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council / I91 Approved ........ 191 ( 1 _._.... _ _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth r Goss Hyland Keller McColl j i"✓Y" Wunderlich a d{ YI1 Mayer Irvin I Porm B. B. 16 `rV`7 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANC _REPORT _ OF COMPLETION OF ASSESS �P 5 benefits costs and expenses for the In the matter of the assessment of � Constructing a sewer cr. Colne street from Hatch street to a point 117 feet north of the north line of Front street, under Preliminary Order 6704 Intermediary Order 8998 Final Order Rajosnu;x30 9443 , approved march 9th 191 6 . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 1.26 Coat of publishing notice $ .54 Coat of postal cards $ 6.22 Inspection fees - - - - - Amount of court costa for confirmation $ 2.70 - - $321.72 Total expenditures - - - " Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- 321.78 upon each and every lot• part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $ benefited by the said improvement. and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and'that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof• is the said asse"ment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may considered proper. may ..- 11 n I7 Commissioner of Finance. n 2 12501 yt �G11'Y OF ST. PAUL R sot on of Council Approving A sessmen } tter of the:assesement of benefits, costa and expenses Eos e stem on both sides g installing of ornamental lighting y and of West Fourth street from Nabasha street to Seven Corners, consisting of ornamental lamps 'and lamp poste together with underground conduits the necessary wires and equipment for conveying connecting therewith and �',F..aNo matter ofr he�aflgees 4t1 electric current there to,�,}�, tso h4peata costs end 6f ak- _ fiirJtfshing and :n$tsulturOstAofkoWlabees40' 13062 sev0h Ant4t948aOrder meller sader Prebmtnaty — uar , «e •• ng ntat �mn _ April T 11 11th _ _ _ ... . 191 d ',Final Older egos ... _... approved " The assessment of IM11 ti19.,_ cQQtr@ ar._ expenetLe_._..__ _......_..for and in connection with the -abpvy imp vewent having been submitted to the Council. and the Council having considered name and', J found the said aaaesismeat satisfactory, therefore, be it �h RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVEDFURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said atiseaament on the.... 4th day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Cots ,sz House and -City- Hall Building. in the City of St. Paul—. that -the Commissioner of Finance give notice 'o$ zS Said meeting. as required by the Charts', stating in said notice the time and place of hearing the nature ot`the impipvemenf4 the total coat thereof. and the amount assessed agajust the lot or lots of the paiticttlai r owner to whom the notice is directed. G Adopted -by the Council -.------ _-19 t ___ _.--�/ O Approved - SIEP -5 1916 __191— Councilman 91_ Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl *Vmdodich Mayor 11,02 WBLlsHED tO CITY OF ST. PAUL. / OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE c �L REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT KP_ 5 for the In the,matter of the assessment of c; L�:' 1L0, Cc.d t6 hL3 eXj-CLBeO I Gr7.8L. dt tC' ii..d.•. C.. tdy res . _1 ..v..t _�C C.I.VC�lIaIS. � i .C1; .r-'1; .. .. .....lt a under Preliminary Order ob4� I Intermediary Order 5 G , approved AF f] 1 1 t: 191 L Final Order To the .Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $ Y Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- twined, to -wit: the sum of $"'— Y , )p upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed areel of land in accordance with benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or p the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. v,,•�.� u u 17 .. COUNCIL FILE NO. _.-. _._._._�— the matt°; of the anaeea++°nt r uml esPena tll "_� costs eats. t lnK of a asnlen " l _. By , �-}` _.__.. �6l �1 • "ir.! __...- nd :nmV v.e. __.. ntulKtl�li '�` of famP°U ,d oral. is for °O�ad 1 v . theroto, oa .herlc C' rrent earY 'aPPlloncae Resolution Reo nn of�Couticit. aNN4"."�g Assessment. In the_muttcr of ]he assessment �r f'_ts" costa a1.d eijerases 1 for of �.._ _-_ -- _._--. li:.g cf a",orr,atLe,ntal ]i :.tir.: 3yetCu occsi�tir.�y iurl.il`;i1.; a:.i � ...:._. ;iree ar-i urder�rcur.3 c,r.9.' its •,eaeseacy aT:T ii arses _.:. vl ct__ .-1 t ., ;etc, a:..i all ether .Cr 6a11 3yetga. cr" west Fourth et:•eet ir:c. the Sever. Cur - werue tunnel, �.`3O(A sere ,... ..- t..- _ .._ ,:pl`. ender Preliminary Order 782b , Intermediary Order, 8E `C - Final Order c'17 i approved Fehruary 18th The assessment of t,er.ef:ts, COdts al'.J ?xl e;.ees for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 4th day of G C ti, 4Br 191 G , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of ,Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the argount ...eased against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. �/ Adopted by the Council _ 19 f, 'l Approved •' � - _...._.__...._.._.. _3rk. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland " Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 PL?BLI5HE11 q— _ � 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL. INAE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSI6NOF "ASSESSMENT REPORT OF COMPLETIONF et - ? exI e::aea for the . i to Cre an In the matter of the assessment of _, g rr.ialIir. , ai.d inn ta:l;:.o t = sr.r.tal lib :t ..6 .,r. ujts fcr cc,r.veyiag ;rete r 7.9-e aHT a r cee }ter- 1'Cr e�i'l ay'ata:. :. Fourt:: atro-t ft t.. ars • �quil.�...� _.. under Preliminary Order iC Intermediary �rder eboG 191 Final Order :. 17 4 approved C:' 0 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $ 1� r �):.b , GG Cost of construction $ ;.15 Cost of publishing notice l.s� Cost of postal cards s - - - $ 70. bo Inspection fees - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 0.^5 Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascel- 3 oCc . 75 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed twined, to -wit: the sum of $ � benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that lthe said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. r.,r.., It It it - matter o[ .15403—uY �. tae noxa sment nt Cto e COUNCIL FILE -NO.........-.. __._ sensate; csts nod Ovenscx for furnt-hlog aad 1n10111ln6 ornninen- tat Tamp Poxtx with"in derBround con - By _._ ... ;,.� f ,.— ......_..__ Holts and wirin6 egjo c... t for the ee o[ elect le •current there- / ` ? e e7 Y n _I„ avenue from Ung ' � �' C1TY OF ST PAUL 6ummu n -- ' --Resolution of..Council Approving Assessment,. In the matter of the assessment of - er.efite, Coate and expenses for ftirnishir:5 and installing crnan.ental lamp paste with undergrc'-n3 nd'�its a:.d Tiring and equiFr"._nt fc r t:,e conveyance of electric current t1lereto, or, L-xir.tton avenue from ''r.ivereity avenue to Sun.liAt avenue, 4 :3059 ender Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order 7260approved Be'tember 27th, 191 5 The assessment of ; Gntf.i te, CG 8 t8 and eXF en8t:8 for and in connection with 1 the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RFS0I.VFr1, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RLSOLVLD FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 4th _ day of OQtober 191 _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, statipg in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and at unt assessed a inst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. `/7] 17 i .Adopted by the Council 19 - Approved -tti...111II _____ 191 Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 ity rk. Mayor, ?tn,7. - 9 q-' /6 CITY OF S7. PAUL. /_�?j OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 6 REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSM6qr' ar, . In the matter of the assessment of t.01 -f it8, COB +e, ar,d exre:i. C8 for the 6r.r.; ..0 rcste 'T'lr r -,- .. r r c:.it i t3 ar.d `.airir.3 ..:.3 equi;t..ent for t! -.e cor,veyar.ee c,f elactric eurrer.t t`.teretc, ca. lrxi_tcr avenue frog 7nivereity avenue tc Suu:u.it I avenue, under Preliminary Order 5489 Intermediary Order Oo4o Final Order 7260 approved e'er tet,,ter 27th 191 5 To the Council of the. City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $:,lOG.GG Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $ p? Cost of postal cards - - - $ Inspection fees - - --- - - - $ IE2.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation - e - - $ 12.15 Total expenditures - - - $`- i0o.2b Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- rained, to -wit: the sum of $ J eri , 2.` . upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed � benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part, or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden. tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 11 17 Commissioner of Finance. a COUNCIL %FILE NO. ..... ._.___ uadanta, costs nna exoendaa r By."1_. ....` ut tEro t tc ta South to. in rt iPa. CITY OI ronetaune or Resolution, of Council Approving Assessment. --inttre�natteT of tfseassrssnTert'of CtLefitB, costs ani enaes * j for „x f*-rnis:ir_, and installing i an crnantental lighting system on Fayre avenue -on. the ncrth lire r f .Annelaha streat to the south lire cf Ycrk streat and frcu. the :'orth side i Lawson street to the south site cf Jessa❑.ine str=,;t, ccr:eistl::6 cf lamb loots, laapa and+ underground conduits,, sires and _,,:ter equips-tnt di.i alFaratua `or conveying eleetrii 31;ht L., 1:301158 ander Preliminary Order ::547 Intermediary Order SoZ Final Order l G, 97 5 j approved April 15th 1 q l o The assessment of t,'rnaf ite, Costs and .expenses, for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOI X'Fh. Ti .it the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 4t day of VC toter , 191 b , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, aannd' the a ount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. G _ Adopted by the Council- l'� l' L City) --,k. Approved .. '191 _. .191 _ .._..... .._.___...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss } Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich i� Mayor Irvin Form B.'B. li CITY OF ST. PAUL. — -- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . v REPORT OF COMPLETION OF - ASSESSM NT lot . In the,matter of the assessment of exi ei,ses for the urr.ial:i:., una iL to!. z.., srcrnaL.entai lis ting eyateu. c,i. Iayr,e ave,.ue c,,.. t..e ,.:.rt, 11-e _f ...innetal'a atre,t tc, tae ea.:th lire cf' :crit utre�t ar.1 frou. .'';e hc,rt- s1X?f--lawacr. streIt tc ecjta ria. - Cf eas::,, _,:e strut, ::cr.F'.etir.3 of iar.,l c oats, la;,.te ;.s crc.icr�crc_;ILd c_.duite, wires a:.i t:er equip.,t,,t a,.Jajraratus -or conveyir.6 21e,tric i lig:.eret., r under Preliminary Order O 0 Intermediary Order 043 e Final Order 10,0751 approved kzi1 1{th 1910 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice $ ".84 Zb Coat of postal tarda - - - - - - $, Inspection fees - - - _ - - $ 21: .62 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ lo.cC Total expenditures $ 1C.,522.6> Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above, ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 1 CC, b' 2 • 02 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement. and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner• and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him. and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F . - . u. It r Commissioner of FinancA COUNCIL FILENO .t.>lid.._12546—Hy S. A. Rarneworth— t . _. _ _ he"" edte doer of the ea-nenaesnt for I By . _ .-. _... _ ., �oetx rtnd /�• '7-�fnrntal lig and 1patalltn8 o h Idea `GLp. ptut lighting system he bolt alien f�[ PaYtlo avntiue from the north olio - r set t.,the south aide o[ `"e •L ConalatlnR of --- _._ R-e-soMon of Cau66,1, n��'`tnn °"' assessment. In the matter of the`asaeasment of benefits, boots and expenses for furnfatini ani installing of crnan•ental lighting systec. or, ooth sides Of P yr.a a-�a:.ua %roc• the r.or*' aide cf Ycrk street to :e s.' t:: Nie _f Lawson etraet, cot.sistf;.b crr,an.c::tsl lamps and lamp poste tcKc':.er .vitt i:.der— rc'and con,lvits ecnnectir:g therewith and the necessary Wires er-d equlFi.t r convayir:,Y electric c,.:. -rent thereto, 1-:30517 ender Preliminary Order 715.0 . Intermediary Order 8252 I---- I91...._ Final Order f January 8th .approved • The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council• and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore. be it RESOLVFD. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the `"4 _._ day of Oc toce;r • 191.6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice o said meeting. as required by the Charter. stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and thea unt assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. �-` Adopted by the Council 191 v 191 C — Approved ...._. _. _. t \ < v ��'..v__......—_._...... Mayor Councilman Farnsworth q q/ Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich M%yor Irvin form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE AF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of for the FLrr.ishint ar.d ir,etallir:d cf orr,arantal li,ht'ir, syetei,. ct• Fayr, a ava:.ua :roa. .':, rt': -3j i.: ._ o^r. atr?at t L,:.`•e a yi, eii_ ci Lav, am e:r_.t, :.©Getir.y •;f crnau.ar.t.il la r.e at.d lar rc,9 :1 - =r "'_th t•ier- ,rcur.d crr,sui'.a a.:.__';:.; ...eraar i.. -.e r.ecee=ary vires a:.d er,,-ic- ,:.e t for cc2veyir.3 aIeet..0 rrent ... :r•-tc, under Preliminary Order ^150 Intermediary Order 6292 Final Order So 67 approved January 6th 1916_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in ,connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Y 71 , 00 Cost of publishing notice $ `' 41 Cost of postal cards $ 1.89 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ �4,30 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ' .4b Total expenditures $ 4' 825. Ob Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 4)825. C5 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him. and which is herewith 2ubmitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 11—n a n. t: .. Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL -FILE NO. ___._...._ _—� rceo°iaatte ofY ng unuunis int hof1 ----------- BY benoats, cost. and Vat7entiee for and Inata111VB ornDmentol „-rlr --------1 ,. I •V 2ij rurntahing 1 IamV Poals tvlth under rounYt ai•n• dolt. connectlnK i aer.%vith and nd o°u t vont for a S acectl9arY etecng current, thurwlo. •onv vt . Resolution Yvinit�vvn�el from tramcY of t°;o�ni�:;.ip ''Y'ing -AssessmeVt. In the matter of the as6esarrfsmt-of--*-: '--�,— g�t� "� — -� 8`e_ for fun is,- a:..i ;nat,IIing ornau.ental 1pu,p Iosts sit: inder.;r.uni cc -1 t.,,*,,., t`'.::rewith and the necessary sirint a:.i c,.•.lif..:nt for suits .-.c acnveyir.b 1la.;t;i a.' .-::t thereto, On SiLith aval.ue fccx6 `aj1•sey Ctrrat tc ccliege avenue, ender Preliminary Order cc07 Intermediary Order p}7 Final Order 7262 approved S eF mer 37th 37th 1915..___ The assessment of t2nefit0, 000 to and e4en"S for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said] assessment on the 4th day of OC to Ler 191 7 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191. ' c; a Approved _ _... _... _..__�.....3 _ ____ .191,__ 1r ��\ ` A� _...._.._.___ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl �l Wunderlich t Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. _ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -1 v RT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 5 INIB In the matter of the asselsment of -'I•e: L9 [ OGH �3 a..1 end dl,tie8 for the :urr,is:.i:.o a. .:. li.:? g r:.a[..er.tal la...l rests with 1;1Adrac-)'Ir-d ecri- tj ".vit ar.' �e6s'[ry •: i:.; :i:i e1 I' -_c y...iJr. r, .. - 1 �;i? Intermediary Order 6641 under Preliminary Order � , Final Order 73dd ? approved f3e, ts::.ben 37th , 191 b To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ .73 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - $ y.88 Inspection fees $ Amount of court costs for confirmation $ i4 . 4G Total expenditures $ l' Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of,$ J, • VF upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with in, .`.enacts conferred thereon • that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for :uch action thereon as may be considered proper. rl 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO _„___,.__._—_ t47stCQlth— bgtre� ° tile " soTtn$ht ort nboneJlt6,' cosy[� at, nntl arEpBEfs$e for ptrnJ$h!n'g and Inetnll146 mahtat llghting system on t P -I at rost Mote _ eon the north llna at Sevr - `. _-!u•`�el'et» i and h tho aouEh ilne of etr.r6t conelsting or lamb Yoattr, ,.CITY U'P-.. •.+amts nnJ the Haase r Resolution of Council Approving,' Assessment. •In the matter of the assessment of beneflte; costa and expenses for to ornamentallighting eyst 1. cn &t. Pater north line of Seventh street ar::i the sea t2: like of atI`d ctoa bl���r. tae lanp ufderground ccnduits ar.d the Tanta stieo goats for r lec"ic Current the=etc, r_ecpaa :ry wirine and equirh.ent oonveyi,ng 130('o ender Preliminary Order 7Y16 Intermediary Order 6294 ---- Final Order 8OW S"(- ( G approved January 8th , 191. 6. The assessment of 1,enef_1tB, costo and exi enses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment sdtisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the `ith _ day of 0 ctulrer 1916 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of. St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. r Adopted by the Council 191 City Clerk. Approved _ _...... 7... ?. _ 191 I _..._...._t. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth .. Goss Hyland - — Keller McColl j I Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. i - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT, In the matter of the assessment of '_ ; r. ?'.^_8, L1C3 -:.i ad3 for the a:.. e.. tal li hting eystst.. cn .'t. reter s':. .et:veen t::e r.c-t: line f C3v-?nth street an -1 ,^e s�;.th line of Ten,,., street, _ ..si.rt.:,t; laa.p lusts, lar,.Fs .r.I- r r rr.:i ecr.duits arra tae r,eeeottary viri.a ani eK-1i;.:Lert fur cur.veyir'g of electric current trereto, under Preliminary Order 7 }l6 Intermediary Order 6253 - Final Order coo u approved J a y 1916 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ° ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - " $ ,lob Z) :. 15 Cost of publishing notice $ - - - - $ Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $ 71 7Q Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - $I ,i. 7o Total expenditures - - - - - - " $ 1,07).' 5 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 1, Q7; ' 95 upon each and every lot. part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commiseioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. � C: F `Vo 17Ci%d8 �r. , yLr.Furnaivorth= � - COUNCIL FILE NO.._to tho mohair of tha nassssment of hl"1111 - Ceaia an(1 '8x0vtois. rUr ereeun and fnelnllfu ornatnehtat $.--- -- R venthR any[ toter street _.. .. -._ By ._._ %1U to the Ravrn' CatmBra and also the r �•mdNte tar the pur- 4=ll,G¢L!-Z3 .Ot•n, i he t etrlc Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and exyensea , for erecting a:,u i:.dtallia,'ornamental light poets or. '-eta sides cf Nest Seventh street, fro::, - let -r atre=!t to the Seven :.ufnara and also tha 'cc::stnuc tior', ccnduite for the purp-se of carry' 7,, tae c1 ctric wires for sail r:. ..:at.tal lights, ender Preliminary Order 6G71 Intermediary Order 8255 Final Order Goon approved J %."Ua r y 5th 191. 6 The assessment of e 1Ld, JOHtH aLd exr enses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 4th day of Oc t0ter • 191 G , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and thea unt assessed against the lot or lots of,the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council City ric. Approved.."............. ..... ._......._....... ._._ 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss T, Hyland Keller V McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form H. H. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO.. — — •omatter of rtI., nxses.manth f By � It., caste anal. es0. Or n' E `7 V - - - -- - •adipo at sowers an Orah r. ,� �) r O fl tram victoria street to s pact _ .� - ' ��l1 G1LG"17. CIT .t cast of the Peat tine of Ftp . _•. _ ____.- -.._.. - -__ .-:.Iiatah_st_reet_fee. a point vset of the west tine or-vtef - - to s - I.•,to f Resolution -of-Cotrnd ..__ppl4v•in __ ss ssment: ------ In the matter of the assessment of ooneflts, cos t8 and expensso + for Constructing of sewers on ^,rehard street from Victoria strut to a Icint 40 feat east of the 3ast line of Ryde street; Hatch atreat from a Foint 40 'feet west of the wast line of Victoria street to a point 40 feet east of the east line of Ryde street, Colne street from Orchard St. to Hatch stret and Louth street from Orchard street to hatch atr_et, ender Preliminary Order 7425 Intermediary Order 8291 Final Order r'6 69 approved January 8th, 1916- 191 The assessment of Y.aneflts, costs Giild expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...4th_ day of October 191 ?... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the, City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter. stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and theamo t _assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191 C / • ��� t _ City Cleric. Approved _. ,... _ 191 U •�., __.....--- __ _Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goes Hyland " Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Furca B. B. 16 1" -4 - _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 4) �Z r _REPORT _OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT afitc costs ar,d exl.easso for the In the matter of the assessment of r CLr.t': Ctir.g of sewers or, '%rChar.i street frcm Victoria street tc a tint -i0, foot east Of the east line of '.y3e street; :iatC street froc, a l:cirit 40 feet west Of the great line cf "ietCria streat to a Fcir.t 4C feet east c,f t`:e east :i:,e d street, Cclne Street :rou.'Drehari Ct. to latch strait and Lout. atr:et fcou. Orchard atret tc -'titch street, i under Preliminary Order 7425 Intermediary Order 29� Final Order c8 5 approved January 8th 191 0. I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- . � men[, viz: Coat of construction - - - $ 4,04J.95 Cost of publishing notice $ 5.88 - - - - - $ 2.52 Cost of postal cards $ 80.92 Inspection fees - - - - • 1.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation $ $ ., 1.17,87 Total expenditures - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 'i, 1-s7 .87 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed; and that hereto attached, iden. tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof. is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 1`- i, a 17 Commissioner of Finance. Introduced in ,.lace of order killed 3%2�1g,•=" .o lass— Council rile. i� .i No. 1, `1Ort;tttcn prapas@l; for tho % ,��! �+ L' �' InRg o[ tfiee-fellawlhg improvomen G,„ • i'A�o' Cbnayrd $t. Lrom aafl st. pROPbSAL FbR •IMPROVEMTiNT nnapoHs $t•i including 6ow•or. wn• aad gfls conneotlons [rom strflet and n to proiiertY lines complota. not. ulrnndy irate, naso fnclUdlnt[ , o[ nl find dtlyewnY nD- _ r • •+ion or cur pRELIhIINARY ORDER. •mon The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tilt” loll—V1111— Ab i�p ovcment' by the l y of St. Paul, viz.: Pay.e....4onaord_St..._ from Ada St.... Au -nap is.. at. - in s.e dater and gas o6nnectious fro -i str mains to proper '1 a oo etiey "there,-no.t...alroaLly made.,-..a1sa_.in •ii. —1 66- -pa -ne, of elm ---e hr#v approaches and the constructi of curbi where essa ... -.. __ .. . ....... ..............._....__.. ...... ._...._ ..... _. ....-..y!�.... ... .... t f Dated this 6th .day of tE)L?t@I0.8r.� yi 1910• / CqunAman. J PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: $.AYp..9.41.1oo.rd_-.S1--fraza Aµe..S.4.._.t_o_Annapolis.-..S.t.e,._including..-sewer.,...ma and gas conneptions from street mains to property lirescomplete, gellye.:dlno.t.already.m9Z-,.alaoina-Lud-Ing�Veway tv a"rQ and t;:c const ucuion of curbirr; ,;here necessary. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman A. therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of public Yorks be and he is hereby orderer) and dirccled I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost tbereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemenL .1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; 5. To state whether or not said improvement in a,korl for on the petition of three or morn owners. fi. To repert upon all of the foregoing matters to thv 0nnolissioner of Finance. Adopted by till, council n G illi Yeas: Nays: Councilman earn orth .� foss Approved }lyla Kell1. \Yon rliell � _... _..... .._ _.......... Mayor Irvin Subject: --r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL ' k FILE 1No. .1Z __- �A l Date Presented September. &, 191 6. In the Matter of paving Laurel Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland Ave. under Preliminary Order m9918, approved Apr. 12, 1916, Laurel Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Pascal Ave. under Preliminary Order #9959, appr- oved April 13, 1916, Hague Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave. under Preliminary Order x9914, approved April 12, 1916, Hague Ave. 'fro:.l Snelling Ave. to Pascal Ave. under Yreliminar;; Order f9957, approved April 13, 1916, Ashland Ave. from Snellinn Ave. to Cleveland Ave. under roliminary Order VJ911, approved April 12, 1916, Ashland Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Snelling Ave. under lreliminary Order 19956, approved'April 13, 1916, Cortland Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland Ave. undc;r Prcl_:.,_nary Order ,f9917, approved April 12, 1916 and Portland Ave. from Snelling, a.ve. �o Pascal Ave. under 2reliminary Crder X9958, approved April 13, 1916. RESOLV7), That all orders in the above matter be and the sat.ie are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded Ea -,d all )roceadings in such matteaa discontinued.m i I F, No. 1 ter of y 'i N. Inhethe matter or I n6 Laurel Ave. from 8ne111n8 Ave, to Cleveland Ave. odor l'relfr.iunry order No. 9919. irF.,PTo,.- Apr. 19, 191 B. r:...... all ordy6er. In the annndl 8d M-0 are r9eeedfr. ![ a Ind re_ each none" Sept. 9. 1916. . 1916. i.i91 a. Yeas ( ✓) c4l.. ( ✓) Nays ^ G Adopted by the Council 191 In Favor I.-Relle4 Approve' —f, 1316 191 Against 4und&wW1 Mr. Preside n MAYOR FOAM C. a•. -- -- ---- --- - - -- , Petitions herons, A written proposal for the Count•il Pile No ,.t. ng' of the 4nllowipg larder ase all of the Ave. ttdin Pnecal- to Clevelapd e1e'onnectidolan tYam PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - -. •water and •g$ c mains to proper4Y PnSs ebm _- - _.. 9I1(�_..-...yt •� -a n* • alrendY mndu�-alV o PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pau}, viz 'ave Portland Ave, from Pascal 've. to Cleve! Ave., includ- ng st3ivtr, water and gas connections fro:; street mins to property lines oomplete,_where. not.__leedy_c0�..a]a.4._.ino.lizd _...._ e15ey and driveway approaches and the construction o�egirLi� of ..11.0.02S.sary-s- in...aceerdenae....mith pe.tiz;ion haroto-$k. a vrhere Dated this .._ 6.t.Y day of ,Se.ptexabsr 1916.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ingtrovement, viz.: Pave.or_t10nd_. yQ .P.>__.ea0.pa1...Av.e...-..to_Cla.se]and Ava., .including__. seeter, mater end gag connections fror.: street mains to property lines corlplate.,... rrhere...nnt. atl ready.._u�--al$o- el�tti i v- ng oft-- &I-ey and driveway approaciies and the construction of curbing Where necessary. - having been presented to the Council of the ('ity of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and dinned I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, anti the loin) t•ost thereof 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to suit] improvement; 5. To stale tvbother or not said improvement i. a+kecl for on the polition of three or more owners. li. To report upon till of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the roundj r r 191 Yens: Nays: Councilnum a s Approved10 and JFL- ler /J lnderlich t� Mayo .1 in ..........._. ._....... .................. ........... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.. PaVe....Ashland _Ave.. -from Hairline Live. to Cleveland- Ave., including sewer, dater and gas connections from street mains to property lines __..... dlomple:tie ru _whe6...ot....already made.,__al$o i#reludi anddriveway approaches and the construction of curbin-, where necessary, -4,n- aeaordenoe rrith petition. hereto attaelreQ. _ _ _...-.._........__..........:............_.__. ....__.... ........ Dated thi, 6.th _ _ day of ..September, 191 6�. . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Peye Agnland...11Ve_.....fra.:l_dsiil.ine...i ye.... tu_..Cleuc�7aud..4ue.,. J=Lu,ding-$ewer, water and gas connections froze street mains to property lines complete, whese...nat... al -ready ..mad.a-, else .isleludlnT -paving-of a2 -ley axed. driveway apprpaches and the construction of curbing, where necessary. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Coancilman _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed' 1. To investigate the necessity for or de,irability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -i. To furnish the following other data and information rdalive to said improvement: 5. To slate whether or not said improvement is a<ked for on the petition of three or more owners. li. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Conunksioner of Finance. Adopted by the council Yens: Nnys: (sworlh Councilman Ins Approved'�_. II and I_ er I r o V -lA-k 1\' dcrlich Mayor Ir n \1it) 'or. roau c a e Petitions No xzaix _ i{CieaB Council Filc Ivo: J !J&i. � 1$ � A' Nrltttn pro peal roe , i fliPu a[ the rot q e an A c from' am �ROFOSAL TW IMP]tOVEMENT to CI 4o�ana'Avp water )j(n'nlaAing . aha 8 COAh00t10nB f 4t. maipe :proRaTty'ItBa And * where ll11lready nave, alr� pavinas of al#ey and art nna ta. oonBtracti PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.. PaVe....Ashland _Ave.. -from Hairline Live. to Cleveland- Ave., including sewer, dater and gas connections from street mains to property lines __..... dlomple:tie ru _whe6...ot....already made.,__al$o i#reludi anddriveway approaches and the construction of curbin-, where necessary, -4,n- aeaordenoe rrith petition. hereto attaelreQ. _ _ _...-.._........__..........:............_.__. ....__.... ........ Dated thi, 6.th _ _ day of ..September, 191 6�. . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Peye Agnland...11Ve_.....fra.:l_dsiil.ine...i ye.... tu_..Cleuc�7aud..4ue.,. J=Lu,ding-$ewer, water and gas connections froze street mains to property lines complete, whese...nat... al -ready ..mad.a-, else .isleludlnT -paving-of a2 -ley axed. driveway apprpaches and the construction of curbing, where necessary. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Coancilman _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed' 1. To investigate the necessity for or de,irability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -i. To furnish the following other data and information rdalive to said improvement: 5. To slate whether or not said improvement is a<ked for on the petition of three or more owners. li. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Conunksioner of Finance. Adopted by the council Yens: Nnys: (sworlh Councilman Ins Approved'�_. II and I_ er I r o V -lA-k 1\' dcrlich Mayor Ir n \1it) 'or. roau c a e - Petitions 0. F f4p•,19615— -e �) f 4 WhgretiRR A arlften D[opoenl Lor ! 9 mahm6 of the tottowtn6 triipeovea Council File No. ...... st=s Pave iauiel Ave. from Pa I, Ave, to;Ctavelnnd Avoeonneocttonr6 r r_ to venter, and Ba* ranee PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT eet titaine propercavin6 or ' .p lactndtnR,F .. ,,. - •nchea and th' , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. A The undersigned hereby pro�oscs the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.... kP6....,'lIAAr011 17e.4_. froTl easoal .ive._.� ,Clevelendincluding sewer, water and gas connections froarr"strq,et ::gins to ,:T erty lines alleyrkrd dai-��Trera ehsa and the constructior" of curbi , where aaaas :a/3r,�in oordanee with _petition hereto.attaehehs... 6tn oSe `elnDated this filly Concilman. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: rave. Lzzure..l._.c�Y.e_r...�'.Q>&.sal...nve.� .tD....Clevnland �1se...,.. inc.l.uding. sever, water and gas con-ections fro:.: street mains to property lines complete, als.o....inclnding-...paaving of...&JI-ey and- d-riveway &�ppr'oaohee arta -tile cor_struotion of curbing, where necessary. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pard by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of dice making of said improvement. r 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, mud the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; b. To slate e'hether or not said improvement is —ked for (in Ila• petition of three or more owners. (i. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coiumi,,ioner of 'Finance. Adopted by the council 191 Yens: I Ir(t Nays: Councilman Far worth Go- Approved .f!_j.��b_. 191 _ Ily nd Inc r 1 1N'i derlidi `� { Mayor Ir a Vlacer. PUBLislll•ai Petitions whcra¢b. A written prop 4¢al [or the mnklnB of the foitowinar Imp'rm•'ement, Council File No. t].::,:t..�.. vls� Pave t�ague Avo. from Pa¢cal {A'vn, fo Tfat-cTdzv �v¢., Inctutting Bearer, I , Yator Q>lb galea, eonnectlone from street, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT of njo to pi4hat; lanes and drtc, also - - InN o0 paving Ar alley and drlvewa A r unit tho ¢onetructim and 1 �. ,^99¢rr hAV1AR , PRELIMINARY ORDER Paul, viz.: RaTP. HAZIla..,Avee_.fr m cel Ave . to Fairvie.vement e City of The undersigned hereby proposes the making of L followin public nmpro St. w 8 ,._ inclnd_ing•") sewer, water and as conn ions fr street liai3at t propert3r lipes ¢stm7Zlete.,...aZsa...includ' pauinu a, d.la, a.nci.. �e sFpeeke and the construction of c bi11 vrher neeessar , in cordance ri pe-ti-tiags...h rets a e$8ci a �.._.. --- f Dated this bth day ofser Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave 11 f .148._Av.e.b._.from Pascal.. -Ave.... to-.utiiryierr. Ave..T..ineludfng_-sewer, water and gas connections fron street mains to property lines coiaplete, also..1neludimg..paving -of- elley-snd dr#Veway approaches and the construction of curbing, where necessary. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. 'ro investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the natures, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost lhcrcof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement •1. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; 'ro skate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council Yeats: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth r viandApprove,]/-..f.r...i. '� 191 ' n Keller �J Wunderlich Mayor Irvin IOAY CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM .Subject: 'r) I lf; I c. cli. — - -------- --- No. Date Presented -5, 191 67 Resolved, -rt—o u -Z iEi:�".w: ..vo. to _it:rvostor �.ve. as roa -rale ii—o' o" ,he -.)ro- ile &s reco u,the Jo 0- --'I'blic; Jor:o- 1'� 'tle 6v -!Ie is veru-,; L— L L__ ,..e o . Yeas (V) Co -L Nays '7 Go, i - Hyl Hyl d 'y' Kel I (�Wu erlich I Mr. Preside vin 10"m C..-3 I ke A, ed, Th., "'th"T N V.o the by th. 1,1. p,."Ie 14de bnar A elhJ the Inn he e.-t-b1J.h ..Me Id 19eyt J-1816) JIG. 11 Adopted by the Council 191 In favor 191 Against Approv/l A —0. .,'-£^^ �S.Jo .erec+•ai. • _ _-.V40AM CITY OF ST. PAUL - o ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Cp UNCIL� FILE NO. _. SEP U t9IF BY. AUDITED 191 ER -245 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: �L_—=191 Yeas (�) Co ncilmen ( v) Nays - .Adopted by the Counod I.: P_— t - G 8 G F pj 18tb — F No. 12.h7t,_Wp Trant.Q able out of the CItY TF4aa>irY..D Y e aaa,ta:, tUOT ApprOy�1 _ li id�4l 191 _ oa H and the beretm iter epeclll.d aoTD4h' thj, person11- set opposite U - tactor ot; / + Ke er Upns for }tle amoupts than rz` - tih4tve pam.. as 1peCldBd /n t MAYOR the follbvdalr o X14`4 0 s 188.16. Wu derlich caiheeoh;d C $ Saf�eX� rfbUaln.BM'l4 B $79666. - Mr. President, I vin reoto9 W" Wo o �eittaTew S Oexaatrt !40.09. 4 Septo 6, 19181 Sept,6, 1918• `3 Approve t — 0 _ V 6630 Cameron & Co., c $4,005.00 Carnegie Library #2 31 S. A. b(arnsworth, Comtr. 4,188.15 School -Sal. 32 Fenton Construction Cc.. 9.302„85 New Library Bldg. 33 Merchants National Bank, 795.66 Interest Fund -- 34 Andrew Soderquist 20.00 p Grading Alley Wlk. 10 Lewis & Mabonve Add, s s Tea 18.311.66 _ x y i tea- 6635 American Auto CO., Gen. pund-11unicip4l Garage -?d. & 8- 36 Bazille & partridge School -M. & Re 37 Geo. Benz & Sonss police M. & Re 38 T. C. Borghol MtMre&CR.• g 39 Burne Lumber Co*. School Y. & Re 40 john B. Darling, M. De Corp. COun9e1 Exp. 41 Electric Mnfg Co -s Garage -M. & Be Gen. Fund-Runicipal 42 Farwell, Gzmun. Kirk Co.. - Sobool-M. & Ft. - 43 E. Be Ferry School -M. & Re 44 Ford Motor Coe; Gen. Fuad Hunicipal Garage -M. & S- 45 Joe. Haag Roofing Co.. School -M. & Re 46 C. Rennecke Co., School -M. & R. 47 ,Tom Hennessy School M. & Re Form A. 6.16 $675 8.50 - 350.00 30.00 126.56 30.00 8.70 1.19 1, 5.00 3.64- 316.85 8:75 55.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT -, COUNCIL NO.. .__. FILESEP AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOttUUTIONFOORM 6 1916 AUDITED ,. 246 , out of the hereinafter specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable set opposite their respective names as specified in the following in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts G detailed statem ut: P ---191 Adopted by the Council- Yeas (:) Con cilmen (V) Nays No. 125111— _ I a worth _ tctved that warrants be drawn- _ the City Treasury ysyabla- oy — D 191-- De app e Go hereinafter speclIIed tundiand favor of the parsons IIrtoa or,,cor ,. ��.'C'Ai - d :ations for the amounq set o,, qa t6 elr,respeotive names as epee lead*In Hyl Kell Q L following detailed stitemant: MAYOR — merIcan. Auto Co., $75 Conte, Mc Il seine &Part ridge 7850. e. Bens &Bone, $360.00. — Wu erlich ^ or ForaM rs Aa., 180.00. . i umber Co $148.50. /7 _ t. •Darling, M. D., $80.00. L Mr. President, I Vin - c itnfg. Co., $11.70. -- i. Osmun, Kirk Co.. $1.18. rCTTT'Tl - pf*RT. � - Co., $8:54. -onng Co., $816.86. - - .Jw, 18.75. . - •'. $66.00. 6635 American Auto CO., Gen. pund-11unicip4l Garage -?d. & 8- 36 Bazille & partridge School -M. & Re 37 Geo. Benz & Sonss police M. & Re 38 T. C. Borghol MtMre&CR.• g 39 Burne Lumber Co*. School Y. & Re 40 john B. Darling, M. De Corp. COun9e1 Exp. 41 Electric Mnfg Co -s Garage -M. & Be Gen. Fund-Runicipal 42 Farwell, Gzmun. Kirk Co.. - Sobool-M. & Ft. - 43 E. Be Ferry School -M. & Re 44 Ford Motor Coe; Gen. Fuad Hunicipal Garage -M. & S- 45 Joe. Haag Roofing Co.. School -M. & Re 46 C. Rennecke Co., School -M. & R. 47 ,Tom Hennessy School M. & Re Form A. 6.16 $675 8.50 - 350.00 30.00 126.56 30.00 8.70 1.19 1, 5.00 3.64- 316.85 8:75 55.00 $2 6648 Johnson Furniture Co., 2.25�'' Gen. Fund-Municipal Garage M. & S. 49 J. T.Benny Co., 46.00 • School M. & R. 50 Midway Lima & Cement Co., 40,30 School-i. & S. - g 51 Milton Auto Co., - 6.5o Pub. Bldg. Arch. & D.-Haint. ' 52 Patterson Street Lighting Co., 61.25 School-M. & R. 53 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 6.50 " - School M. & R. 54 Raymer Hardware Co., 52.77 school m. e: R. "" 50 52 Forestry Be 55 Reliance Iron Works, 44,75 School-M. e: R. 56 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 47.46 School M. & R.- 5T Roe-James Glass Co., 2.25 SchoolK. & R. 58 St. Paul Auto Top Works, 24.00 Police & Fire Alarm 59. St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 13.93 School-K. & R. rt 60 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 23.88 •„ School M, & R. 61 so. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 2.50 School M. & R. 62 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 7.50 School M. 63 Western Supp]y Co., 43.48 School-N. &'R. 64 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 472.60 School--M. & R. I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILr RESOLUT%o V4 GENERAL FORM a, ' 54lect: r ► w 4 r t COUNCILFILE NO. �till ` Date Presented ;, September 6 191 6. 73�1L:AS, Unforseen obstacles not `provided for in the makini� of the i.::provcent under inal Order No. 3873, dese'ribed the paving of Como Ave. fro:_: the East line of Dale St. to the north line of Union St. Resolved, have arisen -in connection with the construction of 449.7 lin. ft. of straight curb m 35V per lin. ft. $157.40, 53.65 lin. ft. of radius curb - 53V per lin. ft. ;28.43, 43.41 sq. yds. creosote bloc4 paving g 02.35 per sq. yd. $102.01, 24.5 lin. ft. pine headers . 10 $2.45, 10.04 cu. yds. concrete t., $6.00 per! cu. yd. $60.24 and 1,628 eq. it: reinforcing d 101 $162.80, now therefore be it i1ESOLVEl), That the Council hereby orders the construction of said cement curbing and additional paving, the said work to be done under the supervision and direction of ,the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with specifications therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of $513.33 andto be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller fs Contract No. L 543 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of 2ublio Works has agreed with the Contractor that the sum of $513.33 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. C F. N. 13619—By M. N. Ooas — — —i 1 ler of Puy — I�0. �Yhereae. Unforseen obstacles nob provided for In the making of the improvement under Final Order No. / 3873. described as the paving, of Co- _ _ mo Ave. from the East line of Dale — — — — nt so e St. [o the north ilne of tpnlon - have arisen In connection Ith the construction of 449.1 IW. ft. straight curb f3 36c per lin. ft W ,8767L4o Der In. lit. ift. of 4radi - curl _ _ roto Mock Dnving 83.36 p ` Couipr�/ier / sq 103.0' °1.F 04 .rft. Yeas (✓) Co cilmrn (+') Nays 4" swarth Adopted by the Council 191 o In favor N4 nd , lKel r % Approved � f; l6� 191 U Against U! u erlich �S Mr. Pre�Cnt,rvin MAYOR rORM C, a•Z � - :tiv..lidJ:: vo 32 5,YlrB t matter or A' ane Council File No. _......_.... ' Jus td! eraAe ottpee yat ♦tea: Idigonn $lock a. Btr .mass rret By� � ,� ..r,....r.i . ,e. _ -- , krP C CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damags9, costs & eXFenses for Charging the grade of the Alley running East and West in Block 3, i Stone and LYortonts Aldition, under Preliminary Order 72.1 - -.-.. Intermediary Order . 2.115 .. . Final Order 3603 approved....._ Iy0v6wber_17th......._.....191.4_..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �12[�___ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council . 191 City Clerk. Approved .. _ .. ��_?_-.�_..i.�.'._w_.______....191__.__ Mayor. Form B. B. It -r _...... _._.. _..___.._.._..__ 10 Council File No, x. nn. iu21—Hs S. A: aurnanenh—' mnttrr nr thx aaeEsement o[ o."' d app., a for . chnhgln8 the - .... "' By ,��, "-- Ir !Ie of thx rnat aio Lveet nllnr In look 10SUmtUIL Ave- nus .lddltlna. Under P oItmin4rr Or- ___ ,_,.,,. ..y - - .dor ii67. Intel odl ry ONdr 8316. ." er1878� approvltd "mars I tltU.l 1416 . • CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution 1 Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ben efi to, damages, cost's and expenses for' Chan4iag �,t; grada f the east and west alley in, Block 10, Suu.uit avei:ue A3ditior., I under Preliminary Order 710 7 Intermediary Order 8315 Final Order. _ _873_4 ,£=•• approved January 12th, 1916 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said ar nt be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be subthe District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVC the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in Cor,-"equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council f 191 'ty Clerk. Approved _ _I9I t t _....___ _..__.___... Mayor. Dorm K li. It Council File No. _ V. r. Iso. 126[2-11Y b0"`% Farnsworth— to the matter or the assesament of henenm costs and expenses for ohenging the brads on Buford ave. B 7 �, nue Imtween Eaat, Grantham street By e=6/�1f�y�.` and Chelmsford street and on East Grantham street from a p041t 260 roetsouth of Buford street to ort�erly fntersectlan moth or • • >t want, onJer P. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL rl�' Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 9amages In the matter of the assessment of ber,efiteI/ coats and exFenses for Changing the grade on Buford avenue between East urar.thaa, street and Chelmsford street and on East Grantham street from, a point 250 feet auLth of Buford street to its northerly intersection with under Preliminary Order 3812 Intermediary Order 4972 Final Order 5300 approved u'.:LE 28A 191.5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ._ fJt equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council G 191�`� s% -1-4t "�. [ "` City Clerk. Approved —f' , ii;i 191 W-1 J_ __. ...... ......_.. Mayor. Farm 11. It IS q -TYo.-IE6S8=�34 S. A. Farnsworth— In the. matter of -the naaes8rttent or Council Pile No. _ nenema aoT and exueneea for �+ rhnnging thl Rrado' or Conway street 1«om AOKmnn avenue to Ararla ave- =U.dc, Prallmtnnry Order TIM - in, Order907. Final Order By . _ { l T., . ,_ •d December 7th, h 1916 1 been R av ng a CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bene_ -f te-, daleageg, Costs ar8 exrena89 for CIhang,^.g the gra3e cf Conway street from 'ic_`ca^ avenue. to :.,aria avenue, under Preliminary Order ^1,66 Intermediary Order 79Q? Final Order Q304 approved Dece¢Oer ^th 1 191 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 ),k City j - Approved -... i _....._ _ _ �_..... Mayor. Form B. B. 19 PUBLISHED �� �� Council File No. c. F. No. l7r724 is Fgpngarortn— Tn tlm. mutter -of _.Sha asebSamant of benefits coats and expe'risba for v zf eha.ngear the grade of Nnrehall are- „ nue rom fthe east line of 8 ellln •• ceaue. [ .a potnt 00seteast BY ,f--.... ._.:-;.,....4 .l�..y. a euat line of A91 ury nvenu . ,- r Praltrai—Y Order 2987. inter at),aOrder 0180, Final Order , broeed ,lugugt 80th. 1910. oublle besting haV1.9 b' he assessment for the CITY hr ,and.1ala ..P• ' t ) Resolution Ratifying Assessment., In the matter of. the assessment of ',,r'efito, 3amages, Coate & expenses for Changin4 the "role of u':arshall avenue from the east line of Snelling a.lenue, to a rcint,600 fejt east of the east lire cf Aab,.ry avemje, under Preliminary Order 2987 Intermediary Order fi180 Final Order 6760... _ .......... . I Au� st 30th 5 approved C+�" 19L A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �_,Gr t,.—.1:._. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _ ... 191 • ( R lerk. Approved _ _ __ 191 _ ..... .._ -_ 1...._ Mayor. harm U. H. 11 ♦ � - tjo 1E826—BY � A .FarnaV.0 .�-' Council File No. n matt •r nt 'nnd, �c:ibses eee i for eT stKraJ of Pleasant ave - t t n Etna nvenue. and .t o K nvrnJ under [' eltmin- B _ 1 8384. Int Imadiary Orvler y _. a..t, .rt.. ..9-. n 10.985 appw- _.-CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution, Ratifying Assessment.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damabcs, ccsts & 'xr--se8 for Changing the grade of Pleasant avenue between: Elear.nue and Arn.etrcng averiue, under Preliminary Order 8384 __, Intermediary Order 10, 383 Final Order 10.,_°85___ . I approved ._j.1 +e 15th 191 8_ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be.it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 t Ci[ Clerk. J Approved _ _ _.191-_ ( ,�__Mayor. PUBLISi1w _� 4� In the matter of the assessment of henefi ts, damages Coate a expenses for Changit.3 the Grade cn Randolph street f* Finn averue to MisBlssiPPi River L;;l.lcvard, under Preliminary Order 53C4 Intermediary Order 5479 Final Order 7112 ....._........ approved _ GeF term ber 19 th 191 5 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered`to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in i:.4 equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council c. & s ... 191 Approved 191 ) . 1 Mayor. rem 13. 13. tx !!�� // VMTRJ¢nT^ L, L—/6 ` No. 32626—nY A ,trnew'orth—j the nssesemenl . the matter of or "eats, costs arld expenses Sor RtndolPh at. Council File No. i.g-Mg the grade'oa m P'Inn Ave, tIq AtlbslablPP1 River Ae!atermod /n •y,/ _ ary Order641PYsal 112 approved SePtambor 18th, $ aGvtnS Maw Ltd CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. ' In the matter of the assessment of henefi ts, damages Coate a expenses for Changit.3 the Grade cn Randolph street f* Finn averue to MisBlssiPPi River L;;l.lcvard, under Preliminary Order 53C4 Intermediary Order 5479 Final Order 7112 ....._........ approved _ GeF term ber 19 th 191 5 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered`to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in i:.4 equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council c. & s ... 191 Approved 191 ) . 1 Mayor. rem 13. 13. tx !!�� // VMTRJ¢nT^ L, L—/6 Council -File No.r. pre. 12527-11Y & A. rnrneworth- - In thf matter of the uaeeasment, of beneata, coat and' e:poneoe for rahanuof the grade on RnSmond nvenve from Wheoler etraot to Rrtlake under PrnitminarS Order 1636. t�+: $y _ _i ._.. .„�}{�«-?'%% ermpitiarr Order ]6.136. Flnni Or” i •'n. }¢, oPpr—.d May 24• 1916. .'e hearing having been had aemment for She ehe•.e lm- • . �'ae9ehem --",""" CITY OF ST. PAUL.. � Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefitsA damages, c^_sts F pXrenees for Changing the :;rade cn Raymond avenue frog. Wheeler street to slake street; under Preliminary Order 6035__.._. , Intermediary Order 10, 135 Final Order 10, 669I.__ .. . approved . May 24 th 1916 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted) to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in fy5Zi C -.. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 2 Adopted by the Council 191 '�Z j/ --Cit Clerk. P 19 _I: ���� L Approved ':. - Mayor. Yarm R. 13. 16 y A F�,nsx oTth CouncTFile No. c i; viszs n°Yu aP °"tn el} fib*, in car, ste and exOi:nA T t' lnnadt t1 9-d' on T and Aidn ohnnl.InKr t,lllnK a uc vd 4263-, �.~ v�✓f l�a�'"'.. ., xtt eat ant Jar d' 81f. Trl l t � ,� 'e� By 6194. nDPreved JulThovlr^ atinv h �r h, Urina ,.._ .. ...._... - • —art Mr _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for Changing tte grade on Thomas street between. Snelling Eiverue and Aldine stroet, �2 6� ,Intermediary Order 564 6,_ , Final Order 6194 under Preliminary Order - approved ; 11 2Sth. _ 191 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said asseas- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered fina14 satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment ibe and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in — L� tL< equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council c I91 City Clerk. o:_ f; 1:'7 --._.191 Approved - II '' ....___........... Mayor. F.— H. B. 19 '. P. A'o. 12639—lir a. A. Farnstrorth— Councir File No y + tno matter of she saeeseitrent r beneals, noatn and xDeneee h h uging tho grnde on Tu—j, tort 6 twoen Ple t nv nue 111ton atroet a d on Chats •ort •,' ��� a' ' E, Ray t d ev a and w \ BY ...... ._.. ..... npe nd Pr llml—Y w 4 n dl. Order 7^ CI•SY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits#d :r n3 expenses for Changing tl-t; grade on Tuscarora street between Pleasart avor.;;c and Milton strt-.et and cr, Chatsworth street between,. Znyard avenue and Aatac:. v rare, � I . undler Preliminary Order 6750 Intermediary Order 7591 Final Order approved.._ %versber 18tl}. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 1 t Adopted by the Council _ �� G 191 �• City Clerk. Approved 191 �> 00 Al Mayor. Form R, D. 19 _. _.. uanentsi asstR aoa�e -- -----•- --•------ -------- COUNCIL s i t ,`a , COUNCIL FILE ISO._.-_. rnrtts matter o� A-6-400,smanx or, sp{nsas fo- // retavinyL [fyt�YenlfY e:MRs tie R1ee eSYeS� to r1�le srBy d6ver. aatei'et: tnalud!: and party ti. �) r fam etr'eewirs ,0' to ,.gropo y 1` , aemaiatpy whirs, nirsaAy , - stso—d Fr and drivOrdo 03' —der PreFlminerr Ui4T•r�„ti�e Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In 'the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and ezpenses for Repaving University avenue from Rice street to Dale street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also alley and driveway approaches, 0 ender Preliminary Order _4536 Intermediary Order .5098 Final Order 5554- June Bletapproved . 191..,T..... The assessment of benefits, coets,.and_eZpensee for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council. and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 4thday of October 191.8 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof. and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council r -r 191 /. X Approved _._.._.__.I_ ;� . _ .. __. 191 _ Councilman Farnworth Goes �. Hyland /Keller VW' underlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 .City Clerk. __..—__.... Mayor. ,PUBLISIiED L— ti Council File No. - -- — - n t11 'he molt - or t1ta aa_esld^LIt o[ gra( t o t nd exPenBe��Etix-. - orae. x 11 ndota lreM-frame - - "— xtreet t Maryland at2'eel, under Pi BY ..... ......_.. Ilminur> Order 17 4. Lnt 3324,d r . (lydcr 2781. Final der 3384. r hmv d J nuary� 7th te16. been for ]w.1— aDov. CITY OF ST PAUL Y_ Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of `:enefits, costs and expenses for ^rading .1;endcta street frcn. Welld street to karyland street, under Preliminary Order 1,774 _._.._.., Intermediary Order . 2781 _ Final Order 333 4 approvedJanuar y 7 th 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment by and it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council }._ City Cleric. Approved - f 1. _ 191 ._ / /� .... ........ .............. ._...._. -- .... _._._ Mayor. Form B. B. it , COONCIL�LFFIILEE In the Matter ofQ9.ndG&QID$_..bZL slopes, for cuts and filli I'll aiNMI" atRFr�^ � r {_ !�. ,tnU MIC1.1-11 i�k�ya,,M�r under Preliminary order. approvedl�4n-1r�,_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received therepa ofthe Commtaatoiier. of F,immcoupon the above improvement, and having, considered said report herebyrreso[ves _ -xx 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved 'aad adopted,.altd the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement 'which the Council recommends is_.CMd.=D...nA Oli@.BA1. Ul..in.the_land nw,jlQ;.e;t fn .mita .gnd_fi�_Sn_aradiAQ 9ill#ard avenue from Westminster street to_Arksrr_ight street; aeoordia� to the plan hereto attached and made apart hereof, the hatched portion showing the.:..ppiat;sL—&9�tri.4n the ql► with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ .day of O O tkbRe ,,,,.------ _ _, 191A..., at the hour of IO o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,s01>m>M. AIM of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and i the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of a eat, and theWtheff"iofstimated. Adopted by theCouncil___ C' Clerk. SEP —f. 1916 Approved__ _ 19l_____ /( Form B. S DUMMIED 1`53`3 COUNCIL Fl ~` ` _ B y -tta er of XraAtnB`Sh e _In9cer{, !�A t INTERMEDIARY ORDER. ^'onnal a 'it>•6 City oE.64 In the Matter of_..SrXadlna..-Via.xd_-aY.O.tx�te--f?�Rg'-'wee Larinetes street to Arlcvtxight, street, _t9 .a_.�1dSh�f _fiitR�eet . __ --- under Preliminary order. —10103___ ____approved_. �Pril 34t1916 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fintia64 uPt?i► the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: t � 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the d itnprovemertt . is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ixXAdd_V 111a.#r4. avenue from 4Pgginaeregt ,t® Arkwright street• to a width of 50 feats— _ apd. the t38iim3ta3�oa14_ysr�4L��, 1Q0 ,8 3._ the Council also has under op33siriesalion arLc31•Prna •jxa far the.dQsgi3!7hllgrd avenue between aoddx mikmstmtsmesm, and that the estimated cost thereofis S 2s47_h 112 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___._3r4_,— —day of l91...._. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,>�xiio. >Mxof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the petso i e manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of th a ent, and the t tOlcost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..—._. --- 19 --City Cle Approved_____.._. -L?. =f _I31b_, 191 Councilman Fa sworth XUBLISPED G s _ K ler N h Y rg _ y _ Mayor P era Form B.S.A86 i� CITY OF ST. PAUL - _ .._. ', `•) DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In Mattgr of _..� - -- `2e�it'• - - - - .... - - �.. ---- --------------------- ._.` _._....-.-....__. _ --..__....--......_._..._.._........... ............ ..... _.......................... _..__.__..__..__.--------------- ,v a..•s,•,_... ._.___._...._......._........_....____.__...__.._.................. .._..__.— ------------------------- ..... .._-- .- ..._. ..._ _. -. _ __ _..- .- ----- under Preliminary Order approved . .... A.1)4z� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $—±-100.93 -- �--------.------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - } $---_---- `=------.—_- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION / � �l�iL�/,�9 �•GG� G rY` U v%o w "Q 1 Oo k co, I i TOTAL, -ronw s.e.w. a -e w ASSESSED VALUATION -- CITY OF IST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ?+i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED D ESCgl PT 1 ON LOT BL-06L�.+>._----ADDITIONVALUATION _ ___. ' n u•s ✓�'llG¢ �� y l3 � CJ L7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -� 191 Commissioner of Finance. 1O.M8.5A e•ee �r Office of the Commissioner of�ublic works _ y Report to Commissioner of Finance _. ,luneWllt r .. --- Y Y of 1 inanee of the City of 3t. Paul To the Commissioner The Commissioner of Public Works, having hail under consideration the prelimimn, order of the Conn - A T11 24th, .191 °, relative to a cil, known as Council File No. 10102 approved .. P -- x grading V1.1_IAIF4 Ape,. _,from. eetaineter. ct to.._.Arl weight .-st .... .... ...... ............ and d things referred to therein, hereby reports: having investigated the matters an Mecessary and (or) desirable. r 1. Said improvement is n xXX and The estimated coat thereof is $ ---- ---- and the total cost thereof is -- 2. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ofile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nmde a part hereof. 3. A plan, pr s 4. _ _. asked for upou,petition of three or more owners of property, subject 5. Said improvement is.. s to assessment for said improvement. ll /!l l �nunissiTy& of Public Works. NOME, APR 71916 BUREAU OF EIVGIIVEERS' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DIPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOA$. COMMIBSIOH94 ROBERT T. GOUWAY. Dtryn CO -1-90 OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cwn'E.u.n. J. E. CZAPOLL Son. C— 4 R..�•. Piu1 Yinne June 14 1916• ALFRED JACKSON, $un. S--- St • ,. '1 G. Ar HEAROLD, Onw. E—WO n H W. OOET?INGER. Sun. ouuoun " I&B, l[. H. goes, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Villard Ave. from Westminster St. to Arkwright St., in accordance with Oounoil File #10202, approved April B4, 1918 'Phis street is laid out to a wiidth of sixty fest according to the plat on record* I; submit herewith two estimates, the first of which ie based on grading the street to a width of fifty feet only In accordance with petition hereto attached r'Feaving a portion of the street five feet ;Zde on each side of the street which would not be graded, and the second estimate being based on grading the street to the width of sixty feet. GRADING TO A WIDTH OF BITTY MT Approximate estimate $,100.85 Assessable frontage 1,098 f6. Cost per front foot 01.92 Breese inspection necessary =41.19 08ADI89 TO A WIDTH OF SIXTY FSE'1' Approximate estimate 08,474.91 Assessable frontage 1,098 foe Copt per front foot 08.86 =sows inspection necessary 048.68 Yours very truly, Met. J.D.O./X. Chief Ssgineer �`'����t°._ UNCdL, FILEm d tgiar Jj� R�a10gt u ara6�, :n7Set`r� e P Iv 5"ej +? �'QRor^. Pt. .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Cons truest ill@ -t IL 11 #5 �a *idth Qf six ' —4�fi__Ql__S_aa9tte 9id�af Pasavenue to 01- lklr tAtt"O and on the north sisie of 9R;Z_G_*j avenue frac 'Pascal avenue to Saratoga avenue, under Preliminary order. The Council of ,the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Onst2ti0 t i Oetre>tCt ' �t _.111s1u>rslJc �_.atidth_cLeis.._Lsat �n_?r� sant Af=PllStul . nue �._f stfa. a�u�utt_e►Ysana s� 8 .s�tais_le to s.. a�_ SAS sxS .Ado Of Of _.._.Aa>[PllL fUC9II1i4L tx.om._EaSRa1- a.Aa=g_L1ZSaratoaa with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0.58,_„ger lineal foot. Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 5th _y —day of 191.8_... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost.ther as estimated. Adopted by the Council—,S ity Clerk. Approved_ ___.L . L__'ii.L5 __,,,_,,,_, 191_ _ // � Mayor. Councilman Fai worth ggJgLlSHhli_.1 G s K ler ash cerg Mayor owers F. B. S. A" 12 gstx a "gatk 7t �� t pap �edpNo ktt�q:.tea�.. COUNCIL FILE NO.____----- u.T a,�aen*6 safuly`"�s6 ..�r2 ��y%�% BY.tf�s.4�[-"--<•-��'-""— 9pkt:ot the -G, , � tenon tTe;at,- INTERMEDIARY 08,69 . In the Matter of Cons true ding a cement file sidewalk' Ao a width, of siz ` feet on '6he_jWt2L rifle qP Awdolph street letweea Fredericka avenue aad Yairview aveauet..__. _ _ -�- under Preliminary order.�llr738approved .1L_Zbta t?916.The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.-._Qk48tiuo !L-A _ 0 __ .911 t file sidewalk to a �tidtb of siz feet oa the south aide of Randolp street between_rre�riake� aveane and Faisvitnr sveaus�--__ _ ___.___�—.�.._�—.�,-._.tea....,_-_.-__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 0.56__pg! lineal f oo�. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the– ._?th —day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 1 is of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finrnce give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total he s ' sted. Adopted by the Couneii._. ,' R-_4 L -M , 191 Ciry erk. SEP .- f, 19', 0 y— &4_� Approved_____._.-- —__..._. _ ��, 191 _ _ --- — Mayor. ouncilman F nsworth G Kt ler Ni44 Q4 h y rg Mayor Po ers Form a S. A " PUBLISHED_ _ e'+ Lte4'Ond' emend e e}devtni a'jMifdk oGts" 4 COUNCIL FIL _._____°�aL '}" �r nk�.etre8t,. �_ prgliml arY n 'h �112gz;aq .nt`x3t'hii,i N the `�L1. 1 the CFom}. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lAthe Matter of Cons trUQ_V 49_1 gg :kA11e ai--ta a .idth .01 wiz_. feet on both._Bidea a tX66%, t under Preliminary order. laal ___—._____..approved —AUKU6.1lath 1916e The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvemenr, ind having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ LgJkk!XP..9 _ ®.._00oeIIt Lilo sidewalk to a_.w._,,.__ss�t�_.g _._ from =art street to Frank with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2.58_pq;L lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__...5th ____,_ —day of --ftl Zber < __T_, 191 g..__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, A of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. PauL That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—LR 61 ? " S — t91 _.. ) City Jerk. Approved_.�m�_.__—._� _._.." 191 V j r Councilman Fa sworth G s K ller N sh rg Mayor P wers Form B. S. A. 8� PUBLISHED — / `j 40 d ht{�ttk4t��a la � o0 4" COUNCIL FIL�Y_—� - r lalkY�ve7�a53 6aFc�a, ?avparao{vreed3�41KngyftlaOfnotphl�y, I": ` 71yy S/C-!XG/, CoaaclC�oE+t6e �ttYyat?'9�. r. -, . l�; By oofifvedpthetreyext�Otltne '. " INTERMEDIARY In the Matter of Coaet3NAIi.>�. a oetat>tat Ale sidewalk to a width_ of four feet oa the mouth eLds_.9tQ6 ito1 Place beftixvisw avenue and�itol tween apoaus ------------ under Preliminary order. 11x935__ _--approved July B6tht _1816.W__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. COtietlu0.t..a.._OOm9nt Lila �ldswalk to a width of four feet on the south side of Qapi'tol Plaos, between Fairview avenue and Qapittol aweuus ___...______�__.._—__--_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is SJ39,_„per lineal QOOt. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ __.5llh—.._— —_day of October _ _ _ 191.1...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, " ' of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heating, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereo estimated. SEP `G . _, Adopted by the Council .._.__—....__._--- 191 Approved__.__ - c'. p_F __.._..Mayor. 9,ouncilman F4 -worth 1. G ss K ller sh rg Mayor P wers Form B. S. a 8-6 PIJBLIST" / — ?:;Zr J ' d me a}ter o 4°eP$$a"eiOtt be 01 =[4a 4n a�na4 COUNCIL la n�h aaap mat tYti,tl➢reY,Ca 7dl 1818 , _ Cau£c11e-or ths'�4(" ,ur:aG ._.��- n8 racA ' Lh- 'S 2of per 'ot filnan` op ..- a ngx .cor s INTERMEDIARY lrk` In the Matter of Qonett�ua ti0�44IDDA�e-61a-f:-Q a !!idth 01 its feet on the- north_side of ghoman street between. Leri ton avenue_ gth�-1816 under Preliminary order. ._-111371 — —approved du_ _ g The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement . is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-. 0.ns m—o t a ..00a0IIt __ti.�.@1.si4>�111�._.ttA. a_1iidT�aLfEia..-�Sf4lx�A�-�.0.�.�1!_!�...d4_o! Thomas with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $a�SS-asr 1ia88 toot s Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_. _ 5th `— —day of at the hour of 10 o'clock X M., in the Cdffcd Chamber, WOO 41of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th f as estimated. Adopted by the Council_�S;P-=G.-}l,}}'�-.— 191 - }~—Ci lerL. Approved— P_ ..._ _191— Mayor. 191_...._ U �1- _'Mayor. Councilman F nsworth i+ •, ii s 1'17BLI3Fll;D K er N` h Y rg - i. Mayor Poi ter3 Porch B. S. h 6-6 ;�Y {t a d�4r0��� COUNCIL I=I.L a rthY etae� baeq' �7 �JJAalan�ae nu�w.rs Br * *cGG' LIG' t l3lr ■ n nd 28fa": r �q�ger.xma�al xect6 o� Rani{ G Tht4.�?vaan o� w�rePor4�o�i'tComt:• INTERMIARY IntheMatterof Gonstrnoting s_oeoent ti le sidWMIk to a width of 91s feet on both side,_oi I�arwiok avenue beginning at Randolph street thellaef under Preliminary order. 10 _8.5_0._»—approved The Council of the City of -St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..... C OIIs Li'110 ti i OemOIIt tile sidewalk to a width of six (feet on both sides of Warwick avenue -beginning _tzeat,-thence tO�t- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ p—� mer l ineal too t. _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 5th _ � —day of Oltnber �, 1910..—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner f Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and Vtotmal�thheffstimated. rAdopted by the Council_S^ '� _ y' �' . - 1 _� City CI �� Approved___` n i3!6__—, 191—. Mayor. Councilman Far sworh 14 Go Ke ert •• II 1. Na f .. Y rg - Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A M J e � COUNCIL n win t''a 1 iitl ,asyh <1�i� or• Byv/�✓—s'�L. gln}[n%dent. :tAeelte- e S00 -tee. n "1'r0ttmin" - OSiler ll.il�:apArAMrea"�.1t1Ya.SB:.. •.sir -i �� 5 The r,ounc o tpa C( 4 fit F -. INTERMELtlA reeeivea thdreptiure df Mnence n T. 7, - • the lti the Matter of Reoonetruoting� relaying, and re��irin _.a*lEf oe ent 'dile ei ewe�19�ti1 feet on the south side of East Fo th street tlggitutintt_At 13obert.ffltXG$t, thence last 100 feet, under Preliminary_ order. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cotamissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.._RB.pOII�tl1TOL_r.._r0_1&� and Wil. sagai=_xhe oenen�tlle g��4EliL1��Q a width of 8Y5 fast on the es„nth__��.�e � aagt.,�F.9.lir„�h street beginning_ -_at RQ1?ert._atreet, theaoe taet 100 tests,_ 0 er with no alternatives, and that. the estimated cost thereof is $! 42 __E_....._ 1inealto0t for new walk. i Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_?tb ._--- —day of 191 AL, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. 4d of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof i s estimated. Qr,-611S Adopted by the Council---"— 191 ty Clerk. Approved.=..._.__-_ -_.�____ --------__ _-- Mayor. Councilman Fat 2sworth Go s PUBI_ISF[i Kel er stc 304—, Na h Yc arg Mayor Po vets Form B. S. A. 8-6 - --- .., �fs otr' UP rkiftl` t5 rel&� t¢ ��t Ariw .. COUNCIL FtLE or T tu. >'1�� T Qrt, / or �ug1sA RtilaG 1TM4 p — .i BY-ecs t144n" OutR 10➢}.2 �C ,t1,4�4' miry �eder:'11848, VDS4 �•�, • 141S.n unCil-ote'1tT OI rtvt qq t 6- [NTERMEDI, uR � R• with cement tile Reoonetsuotln$,_rol�i� �!d sepaising -- Ifi theMatter of__ _— -- ds feet, _thy 2�seA.t Cement the sidewalk on the *eete _ ei to a nlata oi. of DuIIlap street from Selby avenue thenoe south 1pgteet, ------ approved Ju1�31et�1816.•____________ under Preliminary order. _11►$�t Q-_._ _ ----- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance uPon the above improvement, and having considered said 'Port, hereby resolves' 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is he ordered to be proceeded with. 101a'� ent which the Council recommends is_._g00o738trt1ot.1 _ ••.••_ _..._ That -the nature of the improvem ism ieet,_._the �reeeat aee�ent wnd renBlLlith II>>-.tL1fg-.x9-a-s— w lY� tha!!eet_ _d'1de Dunlap street trots Selby avenin then" the sio e of is Sri with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof-••-der1IIea1 foot - with Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --.§A--- —day of 191 at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance le Court House and City Hall Building in the City give notice of said meeting to the persons andth t, manner providedof east the e Charter, ter, a taring the time and �aod' Place of hearing, the nature oft Pr —, Adopted by the Council_..._.._—-- --- City lerk. APP I�Io - t'owed__-_.....:__..______-..—___ ---- •Mayor. COanCllm8P BrliSwva au " I OSS eller _EVBLISBED - t sh rg - Mayor P wers Form B. S. A 8_6 �altli ` p s4a 9tzt4"fh l i t.� ♦ .. 1I,.,, tQaY''`vnder' timing ArgI;e. .-aDDro�4"s�13aK"�a.S The Coun or WecCt or8t [NTERMEDIAk I 14#14 f v - In the Matter of AeAa345L SAB ► IQflyEl$ 8 x41rIZ1g_ ][ith�QAIeAS�r1� Q to a width of 01= fe , the_ _ �e Nfih side of $a@•LThirtaenth ■traet free Yiaaiaeippi atraet,thgnp, West 100feet:----_—.--- _..----_—_-- under Preliminary order. 11845 �_._�___ approved Ju1�3L1816. ��—_�_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ReOQII 01XU9t,_,_ !e lay and rep¢ir witQ�>�19a�1tli�@_tt�_a_1Llt� s2Llidt, f�le� D][l19�1Ss_4411aCnt — tile_ sidewalk_ on the south side of Eut. Thirteenth street frca._�_� �Yi�s �FR3 Sre�t,_..LheacaseAt 1cQfew with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0�ARer lineal foot for now w Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 5Ah _.— __day of _ OC bar 191.1— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. 40ofIeCourt House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissionerof Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place -of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councit._._._5fl).:—_—,`191 City Clerk. Approved___ �_.'f�L`iib _ _ . 191_._.=._.�_ Mayor. Councilman F rnsworth K ler „ o H h Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A 8-6 ,5 " Sxst '• ' �+' iso In?:thn bta"kt�rh I rmm-ICSB'ert4 MAX t . COUNCIL FIL I dvanue anter �i raerF fi a 401=4 qd Aro tier in ^. i• Caunajt.:ot t`Cl.gnt1$p !! 2 jA_e? /Ax _�-�` { recatvea Wn ap§rK.ot.}Lhs coai•- 7 `4 P.3 By + _� .!�1��� ��������+ � ., of Ffnnngg V h( thi 11(uvw �- hevia6__ c6'*Mei INTERMEDIARY ORS. In the Matter of arad"K _White Bear Roadirt� Ldor-ton street to Payne avenues _.._------- _....._.._. — --- under Preliminary order. x515 J-__—approved?otlember llth� 191. — — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_APk4 1Rti te._Bear-_- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $- 1,901.79 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had orf said improvement on the- _5th ----day of October — -_� 191 8..._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost they f as estimated. Adopted by the Council_=JG-L4 c — --. 191 -' Cil i Clerk. Approved— Mayor. Councilman F sworth PUBLSHCD_7�Z6 Go s K er Na h „ Yo rg Mayor Po ers - Eorm B. S. A. ti -6 (/� sC'dIBr COUNC,ILFILA /�2grsi sv""I Oo atKa¢t• a IV yaKr h4IreaR�.Raa+k6i 'f H n A4IotnRn�A flltsn, under - " [NTERMEDIAR1t 0"(0 In the Matter of Q2 de n1 no_.1ladtakiMA easlgpAt in the land _neoeesarZ iQl�� pes. �a�Ltit.l!__l l _Mlle in Grading White Bear Road from Sde3erton s regt 1lo_ a e avenue. a000rding to the plan.hareto attached and made a -part here` the.hatohed noon showing the outs and the shaded portion under Preliminary order.1-1- 916_..__. _ _ �appro Jules^85th, 1816. T ��� The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Conaemn, and ta1t0 an _......._...__ ......_ easement_ in_the _land _noose a=ifor slopes, for outs and fills in Grading _ � ._ White Bear Road from Zdgertou street to Payne avenue, a000rding'_to the_. plan, hareto 9MAq }eland made a parthereof, the_hata edion showing the outs .p r s�titdad.P—: L4e..Iillia with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ _ _. 5th _ _ _day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, va of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost th of as estimated. Adopted by the Council____Sir ��� ,, ,,• --C' Clerk. Approved.---°,' .. f _ i 15 _ '191— Councilman 191_ CouncilmanfKr rth Mayor Form & S. A " P1JRi.iSHRll�lp or. tit a matt Mrr N Ogg X{bn@ '� COUNCIL FIL nue ron� tfoer< nax ayyco4e Z th�6<. th . FxkoStatrP.wl �j( � rlySse.IveQ tW�iaAoRF�At�b ab0 / U ner OL 7Vlnabao:�Do�t .a �" n INTERMEDIARY In the Matter of i51th1rig-L111Ct]lri SY931uf1-SsAm PS1QLmY4 SSI1A 8vey under Preliminary order- _.10 931.--._...._ --approved June12 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Curb Lincoln avenue 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__.._.__....._ _.._ __........ ........ ... __ avenue ttom._Frio.s__t3Ysntie...S.a._Csa.Li.a_BYsmiar-•------____—_.__�� _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S_Wffi& — Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.ei _.__— —day of 191 .� .. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, -40 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th f as estimated. Adopted by the Council ___ �'- p W -- l91 _. ?A, • --- Ci erk. Approved___ _-_—?.:•.�7J$.-- Mayor. Councilman F nsworth _ G ss K Her sh erg Mayor P wees Form B. S. A 8-6 YUBLISlir l)_9 _� 6 COUNCIL FILE �Tn. 1#�8� M! • INTERMEDIARY In the Matter ofb1A¢ Qpp_gp4p�y� �e►j=y.j*vtgyie__i:p_t1tU avanns. under Preliminary order. 18..>� _ /oif_j_i _approvedJiil� 11Lh� 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said re$orrhereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._.9gT A95q! i0h aveAl-fxQz Falrvit3K_Hv. w1&_ZQ (1281:1iI_6YOLlla3a with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $a,a_899.65 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -AN ___ _day of 1916...._. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamba, . 40of the Court House and City Hall Building inihe City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the of as estimated. Adopted by the Councils (y. 4 j _ _ 191 ity Approved.—_.5+I P _- 1E l _ 19if— Councilman —Councilman FJnsworth G ss eti pall :abo►a i%� e natdecdd• C///� ��((��// oerg In the Matter ofb1A¢ Qpp_gp4p�y� �e►j=y.j*vtgyie__i:p_t1tU avanns. under Preliminary order. 18..>� _ /oif_j_i _approvedJiil� 11Lh� 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said re$orrhereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._.9gT A95q! i0h aveAl-fxQz Falrvit3K_Hv. w1&_ZQ (1281:1iI_6YOLlla3a with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $a,a_899.65 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -AN ___ _day of 1916...._. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamba, . 40of the Court House and City Hall Building inihe City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the of as estimated. Adopted by the Councils (y. 4 j _ _ 191 ity Approved.—_.5+I P _- 1E l _ 19if— Councilman —Councilman FJnsworth G ss ller P.. ash ��((��// oerg Mayor owers Form B. S. A 8-6 NOW 01 FI1'n.ckaatteioi'�cu?Jo ""ttpaao A(r�e' 1 ettiva „ge.. Data �6.ttg„�¢ wt7atra COUNCIL FIL _ I etreek upd@r� r4�a arta . Lt#. dppro4ed �. 1�1 � > n .____._ __ The G f councn o� of G;p14n�- VavlAg secelra"`d`ihb By4VTpreq¢AIbA aAd; 'Inge.. dM d re ppo hese �FY }aLvae� -317 INTERMEDIA In the Matter of—CULMaLAondo street between Dale street and Victoria etrentr_____.._....-----...___..._^— under Preliminary order. _ . i la a? * — _ —approved __ JuIIe 39 the _1918. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._Tb._ROtldo .etl89t beJawn-Db,IgLsA:lml-AL9d._Vj4xQt11;� with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $, 029.70 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 14 --_day of October _ w 191..8._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, ift of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the -nature of the improvement, and the total cost the estimated. Adopted by the Council---' G 191 (((( Clerk. crp -F ��lo., Approved —w� ____. — — _ —_. 191 x _ _.._...Mayor. CouncilmanFar sworth Go Kel r Na. Y g Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A " KTBLISHED J ; _1—_. / 6 COUNCIL INTERMEDIARY ORDER. `... (}radia¢ _p?tLaBt�..fl1�n-Si°e¢treex__�4..][a.Liit18,..1�:fmu�r 1, the Matter rWu*ld_11�.bemHr.].e__AtreAt 4rnm -^- •��_wew_ �. ha�— p --- —o Fw i — Emm� HIId 41>Hlan. &va , aad zaA'ar street Eton ant*AQe atrAA�.�.+okA under Preliminary order. 1Q4_%I____----approved,if of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Flu ance upon thea rovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is h ordered to be proceeded with. (ir8�0 COt La d g#. et 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ---- fraa_jit4SL.r9at to tiHtildarna'—; "���wa��ibamesle._aLssa�-isum CaLhaB' atgo-11 QIAJlSmo-Md--ft gA,tl#ier atxeat Eros -Oa tags-•- at]C.f#.e�._x�...Iaslcn--Q4mn� with no alternatives, and that the estimated Cost thereof is $7, 3.97+76 Resolved Further, That a public hearing' be had on said improvement on the__8A_--_....day of 191.6-._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chatttbec90"• of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pani. That the Commissioner of Finance t" give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total the estimated. Adopted by the Council_ _it City - lerk. c, 0 191_._. lk" _.Mayor. Councilma+Kell 1. r F - the ea[A`rePotit-fin` n y! ie D anYpoaDDroved fend. aibe�. 1 tP%ooea ed wttnA. 104 the of the lthprOY �rT! ""�'�t nature whlch the Coonplki`OCOMT n1, street spew a carcase 'da atrret pro"'Ido in' 41_ to- cottage 4 m uttlt _- no41 r aand that the ee,matwa-$7 307 t0. ,'ed Farther. Tbaq a' vubti be nod »uz sato PR atA May ' .th day or potobei'&, ;;;30 oalociC p:.Lt" last �;Counotl Form B. S. A &6 in tivtletii$% ,'tatty of ' tgpti0tieg '! t Thf •.o.�a _ �n Ss eart»8.�, COUNCIL FILE &, ____ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_.reALdem>liAg gAd taking .411 enaetat4n ._ the land a for slopes, for outs and fiila in grading Cottage street from Rio�enaLr�eet — Como and Phalen avenue andomea avenue eCottage street to Lake Plan ; e ere o a ao s an�M&—d a part- hereof _ the ha+—+�� TATt•I nn �bn�ine +hw ern �e nrvi w h_ the fills. toshaded .Dot ' ...... .... under Preliminary order, 10 Q`approved.-4pYA1 1Qth. 1916• _ _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the vat an e of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ Condegp�_ anti take easement in the land neoessary for elopes, for once and fi1�i in 8radia6_ ase t from Cottage street to and a* tibemarls street from Cott a •treat to Lake Como and Phaion even eland fiai3,-�i,er"- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 100�OC— Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__ -661_— _day of —O-o-tAbAr __ __ , 191 .8 a. , at the .hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, qW of the Court House and City Hall Building in the. City of St. Pail. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the Persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the iinprovemem, and the total costthereofas estimated. Adopted by the Council�_,4,,,i,@r. „_ , 191 Approved-_ wry v �. , . qa d the: -•V.Yrvved and aaop�d,, I emertt 1e 4 ereby: ____�•e___,__„______•�• rOtOeded ha nntnne l r the hlmprbve- the, Cri" rgrotRmanda 6 _ mayor. Councilman Far worth (J a `na tab0'a' e4"' ont in the 404?7 toy' Aope4, N " nta 4, etraalnk Cottagg�y 4t lroln of fo �tatO Itstrg.et ro x£9,7;. s at�eet team Cdttgergpt �^ _ �7EI: " ?'p •, Ke r omb and Phalep ue�ahj7: trpet tram Cottage}fgtFa}t' to o , n rha0n av¢n 1¢ O �I? hantp MOW. •, � Na atttek''#d,3 0- *X'bekod; the•,betgNe 'be le nll� � � •• Yo rg nil ale�nYty ��t .heeetinutodlmet.tbe't'p"b(;3a _ Mayor Powers Form B. S. A 8-6 4 B'utther That a� w ban on r v V jdoofbt0 A. Itt� tl:C .104>< a t a Court ]robe a -ri- S9tln the,Cftv:bVs ``"mi •till[•] af%Ftngh _ -COUNCIL FILA INTERMEDIARY ORDER. - 6 In the Matter of-CUdemaing_And_LakinB_.an _@.aeRID9St_ llltr the lend neaeesar�t fQr_ql as _.and fills in Grading the Alley in the Subdivision oapording to the Plan 49—rt—t0.- the ereto___.the hatched Portion Mhowing the -cuts and the shaded gortion the fills, under Preliminary order. _�15_—..___._-approved 1!4,}t._18 thy 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ia___.COndaaII _and make aa-Aavmentsa_the–land ..nnoeaa#9._QaItq.._ d fills in gradin_the alley _in_the Subdivision of Block _38,_Arlington Hills Additioi►,�anaordin_g_to, the Plan hereto �attaohed_and made apart hereof, t hatehed_�taxtiaD BLnl1A8_thQ,.Ofd Jl, ata shaded _Mott ion_tha.,fill0 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $50.00 _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- _?th _ —day of October1916., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 4 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by tflf harter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impt+ovetnent, and the total/cost thas estimated. Adopted by the Council..„ LL y LJ , h 191 C / Approved— I' p_ -f19.1.6—-191— Councilm:Kell Fa worth G r -- Nits Y Mayor Poy ers Form B. S. A 8-6 ie b, reaelge, Mayor. PuB: COUNCIL FILE NO._—.—. _— BytG INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of MrAdi na thea im $7uhdiYitlA�t_B1DDY 26., - a*' ; no ten Hill lddl }, under Preliminary order. —11.. .__ --approved -NIX-At r._LSiBa.....___ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 4. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__grade_ the _alley._.._ In 8ubaivis on.X19 .jt,-Arlin&tna_KjJJI__Arlditioa with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 234!80___' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-.--! LI; .— —day of 191.76._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tote cost the of asstimated. Adopted by the Council S7 191 City a _f; Appro_ved____cc_ _ _ __ _, 191 r .;,., �• „p; , ___ __—_ _.Mayor. PrftloG end nn.•tna u01: rt, harobY raeolvee: '. t, Councilman Fa sworth repo .That the igid radon ba�4n a fa hereby'apvroved PLBLISFIED_y— O —r l — hare' —d the .sold Improvem nt to with . Kel r ordered to be DroroedeJ S. That the na:uro et the tmprc '• ...tgradLlle anI - tiu l,ltvlslon of nl� - ., 88, Arlington Ralljba adthen eetima as alternativoe, on coaI thernot la . " Yo g ReeoIrebd a/rthn r•eo dnnmpgovpe' nearI. g a ut October. 1916, Mayor Po rs on the 9th 0 Y y he Nour f t0 o'clock A th •• iC. Council ChamberIt of Form B. S. A. M Cit1'e o[a 1iG CPaulxaThe.t {then Con eloper of tom theCoperteone o and �co t" meeting rler, leather Frov{ded by tae Cha, i»gg the t{me sae piaee of hear8„F n tiLi - pE the improvement. ' total cast thetebr estimated: _ AddFted by the Gco oaa0 sept. . ,tpprovedt88P,t• 8r'1DY COUNCIL FILES BY V INTERMEDIARY ORDER. of sem= In the Matter of 30ajUUgtina ,�-•4°-?�enL Lila sideval%to �!!idth f feet On the �p2th 11�e QL +rtarnint avenue between Paeaal avenne _ '—_-----•-•--_"-11 343 �! ---approved Ju�3sd, "Under Preliminary order- __s—_-- — ----approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. n t a OeIDent 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is m -• -•• •-- ���d�•�to a wi�,ths>�lj�.-�4.et•yn tie north side Faixmount avl _..bOt>leOn.-.P.sA081 avenne end f3a=a.S9�a�90•sues••_..._.__..___.___�—.—_..._—.._.._.__...-. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S �•el lineal fOOt- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 9th —_ -_.._day of 1914_ , at the hour of 10 o clock A.ift M., in the Council Chamber. of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heating. the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—_..::"MF --- �,� •=� — -- 191, e erk Approved ____._��°—_fi_i� --.191 ._ U , a---------� _ __ Mayor. Councilman F sworth ala to belI " �l ss Chnr tl rhlch K ler mt a of alx unt i d So Na ,red Y rg 'lay -• cloy Mayor Po ers r of �Tdh Form B. S. A- � !f ptr is Pt BLISHED the L —L xwmm. n . o,th north ala Pascal a Ah no a fttmacoat eat foot. t a Dvbi on at the hour the Council use and City , of at: Pan'.I >` Pittance g acus the by the lded by the and Plaoa 0f• _ � - ebor.f as sgpt. 6, 1316.1 COUNCIL FILE �� r INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMattero} Oonettntotina-a csment_.1• air �j�tS�a widtL oi�iZ feet en, --the nriAh_aids_o Rakefisld avenue between Rastor street and _ Sari street___ _ under Preliminary order. 11.E ._._ ._ —approved !July 171h, 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is0_AnJ1L1n gt _ S. Cement til sidewlYto width..of stn: feet on—the north side of Wakefield avenue betgesa Hestsr �Lreet �tnd with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 0.56 per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That &-Public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 9LTt --..—day of 191: O , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, WA of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the stimated. ` Adopted by the Council S C P 191 Approved P__ Mn _ 191 U Councilman Fa ort " CMOs Kell Nes Yoe Mayor Pow Form B. S. A 8-6 City C • hereby .Y—. - In. eala port be- ..ereby opprred and -- sold improvement 1. ,.red to .. proceedefl 1 h. - n That the nature o[ the Inc. rt w et the o, oon,re , rerrmmer 1etruet a cement the We— k t 0 north .1 akedeld th of i,i... usoMtwe n.11 -t. d Earl tree[. with . atteena' I [hot the etimnted co.l there, ,ante Der lineal foot. :eeolVed rurtbar. That a pu ring be bed on said lmproven the 9th' day of Oct.. 191 hour of 30 o'clock in .melt Chamber of the C uee and CItY Iiatl Banding t_ n r of Btnnnce it -- e of - mnr�provl8ed tip the Chrtp err (ri tarn otmt ltnprement.a ane - ..tnl"rnst thereof P.Pnmated 'adontea by the Council Sept 6. apnroeea soot. e, tate. (September 19-19181 Co By: INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Metter of4Metruo:>aj, lela� _and rewiring with o8menT t ile toa width 9i�hSZPsent Balk. the oement file sidewalk on the west side of State street beginning at Fairfield avenue, thenoe south to the Great lectern Bridge, under Preliminary order- ._v1Q�410—„—,__approved _A1L_Y_8_Vh_t The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ` is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is— ft QRn4.ti.M- Qtj1.. -k@-4y aSa�aix-.with Cema�t•-tile to-a-sldth •of the- pssaeaZ•-sa31<3 ths-oemsn. Me sidewalk on the west side oi_/tate street beginning _at Fairfield„__ aventte,�_ thenqt wynth to tm ftgat_llertern Bridge,__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated costs thereof is S o.58 per — lineal foot for new wall Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_— 9th -- —daY of otOb 191 .4— ._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, JIR of the Court House and Cily Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance -give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and*tocoWstreof as estimated. rAdopted by the Council_ i i P � y 16 — itty eTk Approved 191_,__ v . .a. Mayor. -shy apW .rad _ - 1 said 1mDroveId ' J d to be proceeded with. / Councilman Far worth That the nature of the Imp. ]p(J$LIS1iEU which. the council recnmmene etruct, relay and re Dalr with " (j0S — tile to a width of the • pre the acment tole sidewalk it . ' Kell skis of State street beginnityi eld avenue• thence southAt Western Bridge. with n0 pl.:., s, and that the etlmated v? of Is 88 cents per lineal toot 1, .. Nast.vnik. plved Further, That a- ,. Y08 ng be Aad oD said ImDrovemenu, ,e 8th day of (ha.. 1818, at it aD O o'oatock�e 2-CouIh Ct. nc. Mayor Pow fS City Halt Bu ldin. - Form B. S. A. 8-6 of Pt I:atil. Tbat ger. of- IMnce p•R COUNCIL FI ,-- -- G%'%�% "; INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofRuauLU=jj"._t*jjWjo8 f>`WLXA lit#rjU_.sjz oemen _ mile to a width of siz feet the Present dement 1116 sidewalk on the weet side of Qf-�eYefit�491r�b�einning at Oolorado street thence south 800 fiat, under Preliminary order. —approved YaY_BthZ--- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _Re00AstrllOLi_ _.101y and repair with Gement Lile to a width of eiz feeti_the"reasat oemsat U16 4,* ali oA t3A_%6t�ljj¢, _qf ft#py street ftinning,_at jq came with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S_2. q r lineal foot for now Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__..._ 9Lh_._. __day of 1918 ._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 'ft of the Court House and City Hall Budding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating, the time. and place of heating, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Countu7�� ��" _ r 191 / ( City C Approved_ SEP —F �9�b_ _ ' ) ((/ 1, vVV/ a .��--•.—__.______ of Finance upon t __.. Mayor. Councilman F h hDort. ereby reeol esc` ' hat the said rotmrt be o e 'Oretiy nDDroved and a �_ / b ae said improvement la PUBI+Isffm (p —___'_4 be Dnatu •' Ke r That the reeof'ite Im _ I which the Council recomme struct relay and repair a tile to a width of alx feet, Na , ent cement the sidewalk on aide- of Starkey street beglnn „ slorado street thence south with no Y alternatives. and that tt' ted coat thereof Is ss Ceuta p, Mayor Po ala toot for new walk. olved Further. That a public °ng Form B. S. A M be he on atd imoro..meet •a! 'I, day of October.,ilia, at the ' p ock A. 11 the Counyl Court irw•seIn • 'he Cl,ty. ' y Jul; .Ao. .,_;.1 COU�NNCIIL�L FILE_IYQ�-•------ By�iS-� INTERMEDIARY lap ORDER. _ sooneLrtia�ill�,.--�laY1n=-�'�a��'�'"�'tA...nemen�tils In the Matter of— to a >•'id _ of d: _ fest._ may__*�wannw . �� 1R,S taaL�. a under Preliminary order. 11,3f33� ----approved. Jae 'nth-L••1816...__�---- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ROOOIIetrlit3L _• ..relay 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Comic recommends t jj .ko-L>ridth. - ai-•+: {e.t Lh$ pxeaent_oemeat- neat ihlxt.Q�%ath tits sids><alk oa Lhs east aide of 9a44 !t?ti4Bt with no siternatiyes, and that the estimAted cost thereof is SO --P- 11IIet1 tOOt• — "Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --9th _— __day of 01tob_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Cotfrtoting the time t House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the peons and in the manner Provided by the Charter, s persons and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and tZto:st t of as estimated.S P �91 — . 1 Adopted by the Council_ _ __- _..._ ..._City fL Approved____ '=_fi "TL 191-:7 V _ Mayor. COflnCflman ., -• arnSWOrth • �' ,ht Prorerded 1".% 1 th. 1181,110 of the 1>t jl m .. nirh th. f•nnn.il rr mmr �i n�l„,,TiEU reaonatruch relay and repair wit' merit file to a width of et: U!6 - „ ANh Dreamt c ..t thep eld,walk on east aide of Canada treat begino - 't Thirlet•-nth treat, thence oatA te• t with n nit -thea, d that , uoeaain�e ,._t thereof le bas Cent. Mayrs Form & S. A 8 6 Ha-soivcdFarther. That a Dubl'hearingbe had o Idon the 9th day t October. 1916; the hour f 10 o•elock A AL, to thkt� Council Chamber of the Courit Houne and Chy Hall Hulldtag, 1 the City of St. ft 1. That the reM 1:-9 .a COUNCIL FIi,F 12557 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Conde) _p,r Uk,i"_AA,--MWfiADAA,,, 1LAh,d.,.lBn&.MQA&Aar�o fOr ror A;ytAjLand fills in grafting V___�oe street ipn® ref arta: $YS1bYe i><t to tfraoe nt, reety anpordi ne to the plan hierAto Attanh9d end made It Dash hereof, the hatoh�_ gartion nht5.in� the outs and___y�Jdd Portion the fills. _ under Preliminary order. lA1,378 _— —approved du1Y-8th, 1916._„_ -_,— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. • That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is qz-4 II;iIL49 tnkiag...am._aaewtent...ia_jh r� Zoz—alopsa,_toD-acts-and-tiI'll s in g18S �A� 0AII4 atra$�SrAtu �Iefteraon wewnne tp j11,eAIL-Atteet, According to th�D ..?3!!il1rS! att>sched and 904&-AL41AZk-hOrtknir- thalfatChad..pQttifln sLowin�he_ outs sad the saded_rLit�ne f�11l- ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is^— Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__J..Qjh--_..day of _ Q0091- __.____., 1911.._. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted -by the Council— S rr P" _ G 1 � i b Pproved ____ __._.�� _ . 191— Councilman Farsworth Gos - Kell r 11 Nas Yoer Mayor Powe Form B. S. A 8-6 Mavnr .,n the count,.. ceudem inq and [aking an -neer the Inn eceaenry for elope., for, and fill In grading Vance street fi ]eRer.o�t avenus to Grace street, P. cording.i to tho pian hereto attach and made x part hreof, the hatch portion (showing the eu to and t no - shaded dortion the fill.. w4+1 native.. and_ that the e.tlmateda ct day ro pUBI.ISiiFD - / - 6 r COUNCIL FILE -PIA__.---•-- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Maher of9n3—Y�Q° etr�eb�twsw�o>d( Jefferaa� a?.nue_ aad -WAR under Preliminary order. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Inane upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ltTeV 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ai4 _��- - -- - ••-•- 507. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is E.—_..--49--- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_. —10th —•— --day of _ 0.Ot2b% .___._..._, 191 ..._ , at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 4WIPof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter,, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost roof as estimated. -n Adopted by the Council..._.__---- — 1�✓—Ci lett $ .° Approved__....___....__—..----- — __.______�_—___.Mayor. Councilman F rnsworth Her ,. Trg Mayor ers For. B. S. A. 8 6 ane -:ed the reyort u. be �t Finan e, uVQ o6 6 S0 went, and ,urq b6rebY 16900t be and aat the Said :'!49,7 and 42 0t hereby DO _..,.,t fe hey Vance ----With .oar and Orace -tree[, 9, and that the entlwated ` t Ie $507-i0. )' ,Iced Further. The' e - a be bad Sot -Ord' .r y 10th daY •ur VDLISITED COUN�CI Ff� � INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of--QQIIS-t>= -Usk& A Q&.gp4__jile sidewali to a width of ten feet oa th4 w��t_!l Q._9_f *$aIIington street from west Fourth street thence north 125 feet, under Preliminary order. 11L454 -- approved_ JtilLllth� 1918.- — - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Q9_1k%j.rgQ. t a_. 00>aeIIt Lim �}de��yq a widt} �{ den foot on_the Wiest aids ofxashington afresh from West Fourth street thence north 125 feet, — -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis 0_94 Q6r linea foot. — Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_. 1o4h_— —day of 191 A.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, §K of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, andftot,,,st t estimated. Adopted by the Council —CiyCI/'1Approved_._.__..___._.�,`J ----._._Mayor. ne a . CouncilmelKeer orth Y resolves. a said report be Y approved and an, d Improvement Ie h. proceeded with. PUBIXWED . nature ofthe Impconned rerementtitIdew.lk 'eet on the west al .treat from Nest F, north ltd feet. wit end that the -estla g 1. el Dente pet tineat of Further. That p a . had on said Ira p Mayor E o ers h day f flctoDer. 181' IL Form B. S. A M �- Ch lmpberioekr A. 0! In ' , 13 COUNCIL FILE NO.__�______, / '? 5(50 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofQonstru9—U- 111 Q4�QS�_ 14 d4w�- •- o a w18L i of s is` fe113_o]L-bDth-BideB_.ot_Capitn grenne bAttreen Aldine street and raiUj9W_ under Preliminary order. --approved JM40 aBSba_18�16.-,—•_. ____ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abpve improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Conetsuot a oeneat 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council -recommend; is_......__...___ _.... _ _......_........ __.._ tila_Hidevalk._LQ..a_IIid.th. )L.aii_SOat.oII bath sides o=...Q11pit4L_V4ALt4� between Aldilt,street and Fairview with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S�4"ex,.lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_._A2.W _---day of _October 191 g._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, #k of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paid. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total t the f estimated. Adopted by the Council__' Clerk. C r — f 1 Molls' Of SY S. A. Farnsworth Approved — ---- lu tho;Mauer of constructing a cement _ ills sidewalk to a width of .11 test n bb[b side CapltOl.aVeh— be- n Aldine street d Fairview —__ ___ Haase rreu QiAaro Councilman F sworth G s K er N h Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 and the L'[JBLISIiED edooted, ---�'� hereby t which the uounc,l recOO.,.,......e .. eruct a cemfee,ent llle sidies of ewalk to - on0. I.Xuebetwe n Aldineastreet Cand tew avenue. with no aiteraat': ea, .at the estimated cost the 'a is par lineal loot. slued Further. Thr - be h on ea L' COUNCIL FILE NO—_ — BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. intheMatterof Q00151Mo11_.._6 a Cement the eidewalk toa widtII o is feet on the =at side of Lexington avenue between Sherburne avenue and unSveret�r avenue . under Preliminary order._ lli6a;9 ._---_....._approved!NlT—aandL 1916.— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is921nu-! tu0t a Oament til"j.4"w-lltjj_j1Q.L wldtp__Q.t_@x feet qa the west aide of Lexington avenue bet>labn....8hasbtttrlae g•_Qnue_atld...l�,nirsiai��. �L4»u�a_.....___..__._.__�� _��------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0_58_Ler lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__. -qth ___ _.._day of October� _ 191.6_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the -time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th of as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191 (, (---- — Ci lark. Approved__ $`_�_:�i.�_�, 191___. Mayor. Councilman Fa sworth ,...14 r1 tart be nr npvrnrea .na acu • enMKl Improvement la he . " (•J _ S ordered to he proceeded W1 2. That She nntarr of the imps 2. •' KI 1.r meet Rhirp the CounrI r^rntcm -.le anetructl a cement the eidewal' x_ tv'h of tz Cee[ on the west, aid "o „ Oil .tcn vonue between Sheebt edoe and �3ciaerelty "'no-- ,..ttb, •• Na �ytt^erntivrs and that tbn 1.1tI11 'iM th^reed la 18 Cents prr )Inea1 fr „ Y g Revolved Farther. That x . Dot :jbi{llrine t.1. 'had an veld Impravem an' the 10th day of October 18111, A. X. In Mayor Po rs the. hoar 11 o'clock ICot�7gttt _Chamber $f the C, S. 8-6�— Form B. A. _. �j 1tr Na11 1lundina In "1 T11t e t:om111 nth otic. of 1 --- s and 11 '. Charter, M htarina.< t and it. .� ated�l3 piTRTtaTTrn COUNCIL FILE , BY - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the_Matter of egastruot6 !!-Sl4lA-pi4�_•Se �4- oa the *set side of Lexingtou-_eyenq betweenha lea street and Sherburne avenue, to a width Of six under Preliminary order. 1.1,451 _ _—__—approved _e!u_17_llthi The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_QOII� tr tpt� a__Oe OIISr tile sidewalk on the west side of Lexington arre!!8 between ohariss street and ftqlay _........ --__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 50.58 per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._ i091_ —._ —day of 0 otobe? 191 ? .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,. of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the totalst t o as estimated. .Adopted by the Council c n .SL: -._—_—, 191 Approved_c�P -f; ;T6V ...___—_�_.�. LJ'1 �---------_—_ Councilman Fa sworth` ,ri, here G . antthe e is heredby the Bal lr ' K of or,,-.4to 6e pr g. That the n m.n't which th6 e1 M construct a 11 „ N h the west aide or tw .. Oharllea arenas wit •• Y rg elternattvea. an ce.t there.t la 5 Reaolvedrut Mayor Po ers bn'the 10th da Form B. S. A a-6 the hour of 1:10 Counetl edam and PUBLISHED 16-40 adoDt6. i hereby a 8. 0. he - COUNCIL FILE NO...___.--_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMatterof Re��tl�totlAltl_sellay,�_���1*int QemenL file to a wi_d, _pf six .rest t e present oeapnt tileiidewalk oa the so>r*1' side_gi OQ age avenuls£Ertin wabas a stress to marStr__e ret. under Preliminaryorder. 11,076 W__—approved. June 19t1i. 1916. ----- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_P- g0netrli0tii sOlay . and -repair with _go taent_tile Loa width .fit siz feet, the_preeent oament. file sidewalk oa-the soft,—t>�g,�de f�gll�� uvenue_fros �abaeha stree�to Cedar etreeti—__—_---------��------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is SO_.I_§�_ner lineal foo t for new walk. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -_10t4 -- —day of — October-. — 191 6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, lWof the Court House end City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost t roof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.— � G _ , 191 Approved.--= i Lid—191— Councilman 191..._._ Councilman Far sworth Go Kriel r Nils Yo g Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A " Mayor. at. 'evore ea byappr5ved and said Improvement fe h tleto ba proceeded Ith. PUBLISHF.n / %/ .VI�, That the natvrs of the Imp . which the Council recommen, .netruct. relax and repair with' Ittile to a wldth e[ sls feet. eat c ant tae elde-11, o - [h af College .-MUS from lae ot'' ha tscel to Cedes. street. 16 .rnattvea, and that the eatimal`. thereof is 68 cents per lineal fu. COUNCIL. FILFvXGL-.---- - ' r)(� I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. C ' In the Matter of..C�•-•� !° --8� - 4=' $seet' betneen Clejelend egenue_Md- q81 hips_ street. — under Preliminary order. 10..466��_ approved -. Ya.Y.__]3tb, 191$ a ------ 1 ___—_ _ --- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is ded with. ' h 2 bThathd he aered tture of o be he improvement which the Council recommends is_RRWTli.C't_a eetiei aLreetLw____ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 11th __� _..._day of at tate hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, .& of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fmence give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tot cost thereof is estimated. _,191 Adopted by the Council__ _----- ^^ erk.~\ Approved Mayor. Councilman Fa sworth " G s Ke er N h Y rg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A SX- ranan. ul. having" _sew ,e saOb y rfeaol vee. — said hereb it pv lar ana aJoDtedand ei .he be I0PrOvement In hereby' i d to De proneededwith. That the nature of the Improve- ' whloh the Council recommends is -net sewer on St. Clair`street en Clevelnne vanue end Jo- streetwlths no alternatlyes. t the estimated coat thereof is 00. -olved Further, That a public O$Il L dry of OctobeOr' Held r, D 1919. tat IIar Chamber too ~ad to, vii o and cite s 1 __ ._ _ V_ COUN INTERMEDIARY ORDER.' In the Matter of QUM lin avenue%,j Pierce S treat, under Preliminary order. approved _Ya y -let -h -L-1916- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of he Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby 11-41-s: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recom nds is_04X1%JZV.Jr.Q4 .... ...... ay=e Ir an _ZmLUA&..&Y_e=c A a Mozo."In a t - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $660.99 Resolved Ful'ther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- lith Ty day of October 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 14 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance - give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided, by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature. of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' - ':� G ' i- ",, Adopted by the Council— __19 %-try erk. Approved Mayor. Vnic received Jmlasloner of Finauceo' ult Councilman rnsworth 1v*g1nipr0vWFnftnt, and havi M, t, re an 4 report. hereby /Z That the said report be e ss hereby Approved and PL7RT.Tq"FD an getneg, i. K ]let Met the Ust1jr6 of th.h im ftleb.the council 'eco. �C,rr0l] avenue from to Pierce street, �Itb N that n' woN.' the eztfnmt,� Y rg d Wriher, That . I 'No bad On said imp 0, 'u day of October. 1918, wor 7 City -a ss K ]ler N h Y rg P Mayor Po ers wo'clock JL W in the -the Court House a, Form -B. S. A. 8-6 sr in the City of at rm�etiioner of Plead' tin. toldthe 1, provided b Limo and pi ,u,. of the i g' NO -.81 thereof a C9X',u"1011 Sept. 6. 8 COUNCIL FILE By -4O -P, L —&O u ai��->ryy7/� t INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Il In the Matter of,$4�netrnetig;,_ relayirfg __anti revairing_, a3rb�esent etOne ilj sidewaitc.�p_ths north side of Fourth street between Market street and Washington street,__! under Preliminary order. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ReoOn�_tsuota relay and reTair_the Present etQse flsgging_sidewalk on the north side of Fourth with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S-A. 85 for new walk. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_. _11th —_,,,_ --day of — AOAM 1914...... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, IN04 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating tl�e time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council — _G J __ 191 I Approved $CP,= fi I9i6 --`.191— ( (. _ Mayor. Councilman Fa sworth �r " G s be -ort sale r.00rt n ane C�taeneearld ylmpproved t Ie hei, -dared to tie Provemcn 9 proceeded tab. ' K of - 3. That the nature the lmpr PUBLISHED .. recon which the Council pair the p l construct, relay and repair the p' gin ort ensue flattglna h street et north tl reet .Fourth attest betdr > N h with a no ralternatives,shandto the r -.. Y estimated coat thereof •le 96 eentSrg- I Mayor P er - ars k. neResoly A: lurcher, That a pc hearing he had on .ata tmprovec, Form B. S. A 8-6 an the 11th day of October, 1916, 'hs home of 1e Wolock A. IL. to CCouncilChamber of the m,.> .nA-- u." Rnlldln¢ %OUNCIL FILL -NQ. ------ lie /C>�/ k4", ✓ �.� a• _ Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 4. In the Matter of Ronetruo tj�_s neee�_ t11e sidelallc SA a_=idth�t_ feet on.. Lhe nort)s eid1L..QL Lal1rel tatrenue T1s een 1 Alb rt _____------ under PreliminaryThe Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, apd the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends COAstIInotl,Ds._; cement tile Gidewalt to_a width at siz avenue _b_gAirs�1!4e�_ffsflnua with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ A M lineal foot' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ -.11th ---.--day of __Oe tObm ------ at the hour of 10o'clock A. M., in the Council Chluobar,90041 * of the Court House and City Hail Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and piece of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the rota ost t ereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council------- 191 • -- City Clerk. _ Approved__...__._.-__._-_—_.,_.._, 191.___ Mayor. .:tty of S4 Yavi - .alv a lbe revert o[ the Councilman Fa nsworth Toner of Finance u. th 1/U 's,d vre port hereby raaoivean- G s t the raid revert ye. and tn, PC7BI,LSFi1".t5 ��'e"'��l! Imreby aDProved and etlovtlld. ' Ke er to be y ace¢aedawlth. llerebY �• 11re ahtch the Ooundl thecommervda „ Na .vatNeitnR a emeat t11a and wadk width o[ alx feet betwewlthPaa�l;a+ta- y rg l� r enol Aa th atiee4 etlm'.aitad tltvea, a d that t{te Mayor Po ers eereq[ la bA cauta.DtsThat t [Bol Y IRerolved Further. t B Tin a YL of OMobeRs^ Foran B. S. A B -a a .: neck .t- Ti.._ 11 - COUNCIL INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter t:f Constrnot!n& s cement, tiie_sidewali to a width of six feet an the north side of Hague avenue between Syndicate street and Has no avenue, _ -- — }g }qy �ttguut 14th, 1916. under Preliminary order. _�.a..__..._—__._...�_—approved____—_._......._�._..�._.�.___._...._....,.___.._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is4t•9MIX90 t_ s Qaiemtr_ tile sidewalk to a width of six fest on—the north side of Hague avenns with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0 • �_ _ �.BT 1 ine81 foots Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ —11th __ —_day of, _ffWj er ___ 1918_._., at the hour of 10 oclock A. M., in the Council Chamber,. Is of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the narare of the improvement, and the tote st as estimated. c-„ Adopted by the Council__.._....__----. 191 —_ Clerk. Approved__.?_. - fii �iII _ _ 191.____ U poa and having consid� Councilman Fa sworth hereby reaolye,: PUBLISHED the said report be and tba 'reby approved and adopted. G a said Improvement is hereby be proceeded with. Ke er the nature of the Improve - n the Council rernmmends la .. t cement tale sidewalk to s i% feet en the north aide of nue between Syndicate SL " e Are., with no alternatives Na y he estimated cost thereof to '.ar lineal foot, " Y rg 1 Further. That a putlte a had on said Im0[otisment _ Mayor Po ers day of October. 1814, at the o'clock A X, In the;. Council. Form a S. A 8-6 of the Court House and' I Building to the City of ,.That the Cotnmiasloner of. -ve notice of said meetlpg:.;to, ' _�s and .In the manner Dca�.a J CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CC ° COUNCIL r Date Presented 191 ed That the Cigarette License To. 9, which exrir6s January 6, 1918, now in the name of Geo. P, Nelson, 603 Pa.b— asha Street, be anA tae sime hereby is transferred to L. k ewtbert, 603 Wabashe St. 13689.— Re.01ved. That No. 0. hIeh eaplrea CBp w 0.1 1,18, now In the natge of (leo, W Nelson, " 603 wnbeehn St., be and the some here-, by In trnnaferred to E L Nelbert, 6031 Wabaaha St. j Adopted V the Counell Sept. T 1916.1 I Approved Sept, i. 191,; (sept. s-1836) - In favor Adopted by the Council c _p 7 ,, .t, 191 OAgainst Approved a 1 !-.--C—i-TY-OF- ST. PAUL COUfvcl-L---R650L-LJ-T-aON--GENERAL--F-ORivt.__----- - --- --- —._ .b6ject: Authority to Purahase patented articles COUNCIL .__FILE Date Presented Rept 7tl ' 1916, Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby, authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase without asking for competitive bids, 88 Perrenial Window Sht:des, with equipment, in orler to equip the bui'ding knr.wn as the "Randolph Heights New School Buil ing", at a cost of $326:00, as these are patented articles and no advantage can be gained by advertising for com- petitive bids. Cost of said window 8hzdes to be charged to Public School Fund - Randolph He'ghts New Building account. I , Cftmidedhah- eaoived.l r6Thatt the 14 Purchasing Agent ho. and he la hereby' outhorizod. II with the consent o[ the Comptroller, to purchase without asking for competi- tive bide. 88 Perreniai Window .1p th . 't` Ati with equipment. In order to eaulp 1ph building hnon'n n the '•nandotph Heights New School Bull ng", at a { t cost, of $266.70. as these me Patonted article- and no advantage rha bI v 6etned br advertising for petitive Uide. Coat com of old window fiad.0 tr hI charged to Public School Fund— !!" ♦ n ,' 1 Randolph Might. New Building Ac- k 1 �Jy count. J IIII 9yk'' + A=pted by the Council ..pl. 7. 1916. Approved Sept.,",. 1918. , (S.P. 9-1918) t, Yeas (1') C ncilmen (/) Nays Adopted by the Council r,. p 7 ),� 9, 191 `F` aworth _ "G In favor rl:e r Approved —G 1316 191. Against ( � pp OC cam-, Mr. President. rOlY� MAYOR FORM C.q-a E' f'.ym .r. d•IB CITY OF ST. PAUL I» ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU NO.__ a AUDITEDSEP i 19* 191 /- .�_ -✓r. cov..r.ouu ` 248 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds anal in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: r P 7 Yeas �) Councilmen ( J) Nays /- Adopted by the Council --- 91 Fi nsworth / _ ///��� Approved ( -- 1914 191— Hy gnd In favo c. F. No. 12671 /j 1 R40N1%fl that warrants be •.drawn � J Ke er / / upoti the City Treaeu5ar RAaahle out— MAYOR oT the hereinafter aDec�pd 4u,' ,arid Agaim in favor of the parapns�'p�se or cot .orations for-tha amk p;P] egt site W derlich icel toliowlnR a ntnam satat6initated' in Mr. President Irvin Burne Lutebgr Co 9�ago Cha4594.49. Gene Oaten 32994. at .0" Co.; }gq,QO. IITCatite Fgnipinent.Co... $8994. Adopted •by the Conii�tt-9ePL 7i 1919. Approved Sept. 7,, I936i'- ra„dL a>e1e> 6666 Burns Lumber Co.. $940.00 Ames School 67 Chaska Brick & Tile Co., 294.40 Bower Const. & Rep. Paint. 68 Gene Gates 26.24 Park-Park-idaint. 69 National Lead Co.. 96.70 6chool M. & R. 70 N. W. Electric Equipment Co.. 28.34 Poli ce-C. & B.- 11 .04 Park-Parkinjl�' ` 71 St. Paul Bottling Works. 644.00_ park -Park -4W nt. - 72 Taylor Instrument Co., 30.38 - Paving Depreciation 73 Thornton Bros.,10,400.00 Pay. Senlling, G. N. Bridge to Como Ave. West 74 Furman .Tuttle 7.30 Park-Park-Maint. 75 A. J. Wafftpler, 147.00 Fire M. & R. Total . I , c.ourreil File No. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment 1f benef 1 te, este and expen68e for Change :f ",rade an -i 3rading .leffereon avenue from Prior avenue tO Fairvievr av enu e, 4023 4304 4767 under Preliminary Order __ . ___......., Intermediary Order Final Order _ _._._............_.._ . I approved . July y 7t: 191 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .`....._.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council `_` / 191 i C v Clerk. Approved . - f i _ .__.........._ 191....__.. / (.�.k ,V,.` unl user 176 i, appr 1 Deis. .___ --.L...__...._..._....._...... Mayor. A public hearing havina""......-.—...__.........__...... .. upon the eaeeaemont for the norm U. U. l8 ., ,....,..,r and .aid ...a..m a PUBI.ISHrT3�/tO Be It Further Resolved, The minedo ttn he be n epayaIt lehere) d` Inas n 11 men to as I. each end .- 'cel of land deacrlbad therein j ,\opted by [he l'nu nrli Re {I A9Dro�•ed`9ep[.4. 791e tSaptamber to -197+ Council File. No. -.. .- . g „ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. -- In the matter of 1. the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Chax.g:ng the grade ani 3radi^.g Yer'.vin street frost Phalen avenue :' .racy a-.-an-id, 3953 3375, Final Order 37BB under Preliminary Order - Intermediary Order . approvFebruary- 17th _.191 _5._. ed ... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE I RTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the CounQil fL.. �. C (,City Clerk. Approved ^ —(i 1 iw;a germ VdF "�. Y e• ..r , w Mayor. Form H. H. 19 I ounet rrile-lo CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 1ecef its, costs and eXDenses for 1radiac Allay- i E'lock 2, 2o•.,o1aa Aadition,tlur ih, �d ....same. . ,, .¢IlY .¢.lata• . i ,at the said . 19 hereby in ., and the sauna 1. .ubmltted to-tha • , County of Ram,her ,rt be Bsolveand 1 IshI b. DPyn, In one to non nd every ' -s.rtb.d tbrr.ln. the Council Sent. 7. ,ember 16.1916) under Preliminary Order 4641 Intermediary Order. 6266 Final Order 5931 approved.._.191. 5.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally 'satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITT FURTHER R LVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ll'� ._ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. —r 7 Adopted by the Council 191 City C4_ i ;),r Approved _ _ 191 _ _.. _.._ ..... Mayor. Dorm B. lie IS Council Files{p_ P--- BY1 r CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of '"=rizfitB, ccsta and exjenseB for ^Trading of Allev in Plock 34, St. Anthony Park North, 1 under Preliminary Order 5088 Intermediary Order 9 510 Final Order 5 23 .........._....... . approved . Al" 1 1.Zth _ 191. 6. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the 'same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in U�.L'L'> equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 7 l Adopted by the Council 191 Approved .. PUbllc hearlog havina ............_.._...__._ _....._.... _.... __. ..._ _...-__ Mayor. Norm ll, n. t9 upon the asse,emnt for the e provement. and said aegeesmon been considered anally eatiefec It therefore Resolved. That the Bald see• be m end the es Is hereby fn / areata ratified, and the same le Peered ,t le submitted to the Court of the County of Rame confirmation. Re It 8urther Resolved, sTh std .,easement be and It le detarmined to ba uayahie In ane In,tnlment es to a h and aver, col of land deecrlbed therein. Adopted by the Collodi SePt. 7. Approved Sept. 7. 1816. "($etit,n18ar IR -1818) �i Council File No. z�, Bmfl!C7 �z>it�+�tzvZ�.- .. fA CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ter.efitx, .Coate and ex-penses for wading Juno. street from Fredericka avenue to Fairview averue, under Preliminary Order 5528 Intermediary Order 7832 Final Order 8298 approved ._._8CCL: Q -r o.%•; ... _.191. .. A public hearing having,been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore i RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in, all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER OLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �! _ . equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council J- �✓ ' 19V12 .c City Clerk. Approved _ _ , � � 'i _._ 191. rr blh. .: term I3, B. 13 ,.—Ing haymB _..._. ........ .... ___..... Mayor. eeesement for the s and eald aeseeemen. coneldered by the been coneldered Its +e It therefore That the Bald ee same le hereby I ,tied. and the same I + be eubmltttd to th the County of Re Ion. Further Roeol-d. •amen[ be end It 1eeJa3�.f ay.1 n tie pnYnble d + to ooh and n deC d thereto.. by the e Countll 9e1 ¢mbeP Y6=1'91d_ Council File No, �} CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ~enef; ts, coo to and expenses for 3radin6.C7-,.taee street °rs: Arcade strset to F-rest3-reet, under Preliminary Order 1430 .. Intermediary Order ?440 Final Order 2G=1 approved I.. be r 5.th_ _._ _191 4. . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess ment having been further considered by the Council, and havingl been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE t RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council s 191 ! CAI Clerk. ' Approved �. —};. J. ............ 191. _ _ _ . _.. _ _.. _ _.._ _.............. Mayor. I-orB. B. IB .. ., .,_:µy nK♦th.. .•avanxnt iow m rnd UI i ae by Its hot n s / ronaldered Uy �tho Councll� en•en.ld—d dnnlly est- r tc 55 Thnt the old nIn a]I ve- ,„I1re la hereby In del re- n nd the acme le hereby eut•ml tted to the Dletrlet r 1`uunty o[ Rnmaey ror r! r ,r , That thc. ont be and lt le heroby d. - be poyublo In five BqunI a to enrh and every pnr- adeaorlbatl thor In... y the Council opt.., 1816. Sept. 7, 1916. o"trber 16-78+6• Council File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs OnJ 7r0–. See for Constructing a sewer or, Princeton avenue tetween Cleveland avenue and Sue street, under Preliminary Order 713y - ., - , Intermediary Order 7654 Final Order $174 approved .. "{': '" " L ,_ _____191. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That -the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE I FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable t egmt of installments as tv� ach–and ever7r p +reel Qf land described -therein. ,n _ -_.. n Adopted by the Council—_ -11 '-, 19 1 Ct City Cleric. Approved nn,•Ina IV' ` ` Mayor. „romem (pr the F-" B. B. t4 nd x Id nSsessme, nsldered, by thr L That t the I rah n tmn le heretty , p1'T�T TOT�j`(j I�nrd. and the same fx ohs binitted to the 1) the County or Ram_ ,ion. ,at llorsnndIt Is her by ` d, ho_ •xblr In Ilse roan' Ix i x 11a each nr�l , rrf' 1 ,I d by oxrrlbM1II,e thrrnln. . 1•nu ncl7 Kept. 1'etl.,tj. gt. 7, 1910, _. I September 10-1710) ,.- -_ ----_Council_File_IV�� _ -.W.._�.� CITY OF ST. PAUL_ Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of te%ef iter Co3ta and expe..se6 for grading the Alley is Fcott's Addl,,icr. tc 7csedale mark; Savages Subdivision; S::.ith's Subdivision and 'ehor-as Lunn's Su iivieion :rca Cleveland avenue to Prior avenue. 1 under Preliminary Order 8315 , Intermediary Order 7830 Final Order. approved ...... 1) e c 21 t e T_ L , „ ........ 191 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council; and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby'in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHE"ESOLVED• That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i� Adopted by the Council..%.. f... Ciry C, Approved . ' f ' i n . 191 ..._ r.rr Ord,r cnd Ilea em hor nenrnl�; imrin . ...... Mayor. Dorm B. U. 19 r a"xii dt for IhV Orth. rpt ntn ,xfde exxm �vinl; neon rt•J Ly 11 only. nn In ` nxldereJ x Ived. thereto; e and ohe ter" t IV the Id / irin r tlnrd. tund Ihherz:h� PUBLI — red m x,r n JI{ID (! ,. ourt n( Ihr xf�otlntye stn wndnnu 0l f t. Be x11 rnrther Itexul crrl, xn�J t ,xxment n, and It .d , termly," : e un . eeel lllntant nu to 1'a hle In t f l In nd dexernud t I lh Adoaled I, the Cbunell MrDroyed No.pt. ;, lRis. Iaepteiv. ' CdtflMil File No. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefit., Cp.t. ° r nae. for 3rajil.b T eeler avenue between Lafora .traet and Hewitt avenue, under Preliminary Order 2356 Intermediary Order 3278_ Final Order 3806 approved. .larch 11th 1915 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE (FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in i l equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described there in. i Adopted by the Council �� •��� � r 191 _ City Clerk. Approved ..-.fi..il;.d.. _..__.191, _... 1 1 Fo . R. U. 14 .'11x, . l/ . roar a ., .,• L., .,_._...._.._..... .... _ __ _ . ...___..... _ Mayor. +ea ahlran u. lau. hanring hnving heep .x. �•nxment for the nbo,•e fu rt harxneunxfdclbn.nrny 11th and hn,'Ing Uetn i ,p .rllYfnctor)', bu It thareforel,l Ml be 1 I That the xnld nsxrxxment he ams la hereby In x17 r da1t. and the .nine Ix hereby 6.nu bmlt lod to 1hn'0b,1rlr1. a co"'y or Rumse>" for rtltgr Itexol,'1d. Thut the ont b1 and It Ix hereby dr- pl4v blc 1„ I,e,1c.egnnl to rnell a6d e'y pjr ^Abed iljnrefn. .e Counan Seat. 7, 1616. r. aats1 if I'SHM _ 16 Council File NQ. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying, Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of nafito, cee.a and expenses" for 3rading Thoi_,as street between Fairview avenue P::d 8nellirg avenue, so that that part o: aai:1 Thomas -street betwee-: Fairview avenue and Aldine street be grade! in a--cordance with She established 'grace and that portio7: cf said Thomas street between Aldine street and Snalliag avenue, iia graia,l in accordance with the change of grade, as prcpcoed in Council File 42B3, under Preliminary Order 4404 , Intermediary Order X178 Final Order 5B�7 approved. July let 19I 5, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in` L. _. equal installments as to each andeverar_ parcel of land described there's. Adopted by the Council / `/ ` / I9I / f..... /City Clerk. 1 Approved — 191. I / el�"v"tom .,slaw ru. - Form B. B. It -47, nPVraved J ,..__.._......_.._....._. _.___._. ._. ____ Mayor. hrurinq huvinq bre „x—m Co, the abo. nd anld nUaeaement h. in-nald by the Co, Lyon oneldered h.%-nally Co, I1' therefogo Thot thn Id neaeesm.. n Innhernmreby is nH r. rmrd thr ela hon!by , ins vintner rhe nt•ou ,ty oofo Rnmaoy for Rtirthcr ReauR•rd. Thnt Lha ant 1.Pn yn,• and It In herrby de - tor Ise 1,lr Ilt fl— euuul Gln i1a to. 4"tlAV(,r ry ear- . i dracrlbnd thoretn. by the ,ouncll 9qpt. 7, 1616. I; d--Htat, 7. 192&:.;:.... M . CITY OF ST. PAUL - I SOLUTION. --GENERAL FORM } 10 Subject: cou Hc'�'I'd O. ''- -"-- FILE Date Presented Sept. 7th -16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing. Committee in awarding the contract to NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC EQ,UIP1dENT CO., for the sum of $7,150.00, for furnishing five hundred and fifty (550) 1000 candlepower Pendant Series Fixtures, G,r,, Form 6, Novalux, for street lighting, in ac_ F cordance with specifications and Formal slid No. 967. Yeas (f�and ilmen (J) Bays worth In favor 61 n `-' — Against underlich Mr. Presid , rvm FORM C. 9•2 uf.rovrR Ihr ncllon of rl her Pu1n•l unto. ".•rh miltcr In nr,rain,; tbr• .nnlrnct to \orthn'retrrn fil«rl rl:• X:.luiptn:•nl 1.0.. 'for Ihr «nm of f; IaO.�O. rnr fn rnlRhina nr« hun Jrr:l and fir,,, r 150. 1000 c J lruo,.'• r fR•r: Jnnl v«rl:.ry F'I rinr«x,A 0,-.�'rtrri N'.. rr ri �i•,•t Ii1:Af- ca nrrnr.�nnrr fs•un .n.+rin..nw,n. ' J Formal HIJ Nn. Oni, A JopP«J I,r IIIt•unn 11 SBpt. A. 191f,1 Pp1'•rt'rd 8+•pt.. 8. Iria. ,S«pt«mnrr In -1010) Adopted by the Council ?S 491 t. Approved 191 MAYO. CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT «... COUNCIL NO. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM R';pr4. BY 191 " a g • 1916 P_s %�" AUDITED.JC-� - 249 sable out of the hereiniLfter specified funds and j Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following g in detailed statement:1&I— Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) C uncilmen NaYs F ,n worth G Approved ss In favor land _ - -- MAYOR - r eller a Against c0 underlich Mr. Preside , Irvin I l' y $15.43 66/6 T. L. 'alood Cc andolph heights school 16.80 77 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Co.. \later -M. & R 1.37 78 Cathcart &Maxfield pater -M. & R. 55.43 79 Crane &Ori 4o R. R. 1.50 8p Louis mnCo icipal Oourt 9. .90 81 W. A. Drake I nate r -M. ?c R. 23.87 82 Feswell, ozmunm Kirk Co., sahool"J(. & R. — 6.50 83 Z. S. Ferry al Court -M. Municip 1.90 84 GneraWater� a Co., 299.85 85 A. C. Jefferson Lumber' Co., Water -M• & R• 18.50 86 McClain & Redman Water -M. & R. 34.25 87 Molt ComSchool-M. & R. F— A_ 6-1• 9.56 6688 Northern paere[.�&..Apo.. - t 84.10. 89 Raymer H -& $chaos-M-dways R. 71.60 90 Jos. RothRater M. & R. 295.26 91 St. Paul Randolph Heights o0 18 Anes School % �9 1.50 92 Virtue Printing '0'1 City Clerk Ezp. Comptroller Prt - 1.400.00 ;93 Western Supply Co-. - Randolph Heights School t � t r.Saf�a1-----�•---2T— - Itp•. \u. 1Y6� he drat9n ', out at. +p netbe Cith Tren-�rY. Ony'aDle lflpfle:rdnM-e rlatIton Gdpde{{ , arrttnFDietneeitcntrnnamprdneec•eo qtote-u nOtnaLlTlpn:pe er e.flhnotbfcho ItftthnihoeaaFnollelrenrAn• thTolnwQ 115.i& ��o• de.m ymDt Sperry': oo�rf<efon Cathrnrt fi ]laxfleId. k (Srdxn� CO 556.�Y tlt•rnne t.oula F Dow Co 5150. a EYS.B7. em 9n I Irk C Furwrll�r� { F.e Se TF v. SG60. 6 1rRclfuec C.o.. 51.n0 Lumber Co.. E299.96• ,t, r. Jeltereon S1rCta In k Hedmnn. 575.60. 351.26. — ?fort omnnnv. pIorthorn Pnclflc It3'Co.. 49.56. Co.. 591.10. Ra>'mer Hurn�ertre Jno. FFoth.enil. E73 M10. $2 ¢t Pnull F.ectrFc Co.. EY06.26'0 Co.. 17.6. q ctru+e Prl otlnR Nesl�rn SUPhtCo��nc114SCPl3. 197G f i AdO ApPT oe r+bv t Se.� b' 1916. nt 764916) t f i (September A: CITY OF ST. PAUL " 4 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION /FORM No.a ryj„ :Y AUDITE 8 4 IM -- 181. 250 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: n ' Yeas (:) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council Farnsworth D " `' GossC Appro� 191— Hyland In favor U Keller MAYOR �' ,. • Against Wunderlich Mr. President. Irvin C . F No. 12564- Rr9nlved thnt --ants be drawn n rhe City Tre.sun. pnYnbfe out of rh'o herrinnfrrr 9Pe (fled funds apd In favor of tM1e per.oujH flan. or cor. r.r6210n9 for the Rn10Unt. 902 00.09Ite their e9pertive nsmee es 9perifled In tM1e following dMnflcd •fn tame*t' -� \ Fnr—orth. Com'rFinence. 320.654.83. . ' Fd rb. worth. C --'b.. 366.49. Adopted by the C.un,11 Sept a. 1916. A or_i•d ,rpt R. 1916. — I,rptember 16-1916) 6694 S. A. Farnsworth, Com3r Finance, $20,654.83 Street Const. & Rep. --Sal. 204.19 Sewer " " " S. & S. Cing. -Sewer -Sal. 1, :64/ - S. & S. " Street " 5 03.29' S. & S. "-City Dump 204• Spr51 Briinkling 794 :r Rep.- 794 40 Pay. Grove, Jackson t roadw 1 .00 " 14th St., Rober o " 1 .00 " Prescott, Oakd a etc., 4.57 • Oakdale, ata "to. , 35.9 " Como, Snel g X5.25 Street C. & R 12.00 Pay. Depr. — 179.50 Water Supp 120.5 Impr. Wh oak Par ay 219• Gen. F so. & U orseen C vl 582) 12 0 M " " �1z0 ) 25 35 95 S. A. Farnsworth, Com3r. 66.40 S. H. & C. H. -Alt. & Rep. Tota: $ 20.721.23 Farm A. 6.16 Council File No. gy CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ber.ef i tC, C .s :P ' • ex, e;.ses for 3radii.i, West 'D",;-u.t.c irc-elac;�.rc a;reet Chippewa street, 472 56201 Final Order 6086-...-.. .... _._.. under Preliminary Order _.., intermediary Order approved. July 22nd 191. b. . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 1 a RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council j 7f 191 / i 4-j/ 1112 I Jr `_: City)srk. Approved _..........19L..._ v t V D�._ ._._ Mayor. . ng be, lnl; be...._... Form H. B. 19 ..xxaxsment for the rtbo W. and xaid naeeeement h th-Ile It theol'od hp the Co. Ing been coneldered dnell7 . v bo It tlifl{'A,fore e Ived, That the ea1J nexoe'I .-n the enure le hereb7 In all - atlned, end 'h dx1 u mlhoeDlst e sa p'be t the County of nnmeey t Fu It Further nmoWed. That t xmenl be and It 1s x hereby d �jIm_tA be tort Yebh ad elegy oat .r bend drxrrlbrd therdipay. dopted b)• the Council sept. 1916- . paroved 9e0i. 6.'1916. I Bep M t 1a-1876) Cgpncal-File No By�_.� CITY OF ST. PAUL. - Resolutio� Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and exg�nses for Grading Farrington avenue from Lawson street to Maryla.tu straet, under Preliminary Order 1738 __, Intermediary Order 277 7 Final Order 33 13 . _... t ' approved January 5th_ __..191 5. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in 1 installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. _ Adopted by the Council City �Glf�A. Approved ...._191___ Ftttnl_ _ ....._...... Mayor. . •-nrY 6th. 1... ... _........ .......... .. .ta hn,•ingg 8 ee Facm H. B. le .sent fdr tltt6 h / :.nd Wald aseosemont C1 0 !!Jn ..r considered by tho 'c boen ednsldered flnnl KMI IF In c It therefore .1. A. the said n I- me le hereby Ing .nfled. and tho etyma Is 'o bn suhml t ted to the 1 •fUte County of Ft._t loFs. urther Resolred. +e In bhee he and It Is her tp ! Payable In tet me as to each and r land deaerlbed thereln.`e rt*av�d, gbyADF. thn Co4nefl-". rdB. 1818. - (BeDtem�er 38-188) In the matter of the assessment of tenefi to, c�-s to er.d expenses for trading Alley running ncrtr and ®out:: ii. --I-ck 1, Merriam Park Third Add iticn, 437 Intermediary Order 5564 Final Orde,.r "3 � under Preliminary Order "�---- approved --arch 3rd, 191..1tyk _ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said saw"- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE T FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ' equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 'City Cle), Approved 191....... ` �t __....___.__...`�_ .. ....__.__.___...__.._._ Mayor. For., B. n. Is .. .. _ tvinx fte,, rnt roe rKd atlYe ,J, -id n nt hx, rin- er onsianrn,i by the PUBI,fSTRif) hxYlnx I,— � nntderaJ Iclury, he It ther tore rhnt the xntJ n ,e1H ,• Ix hereby Inen11 r I. I, Ihn n In b.rnbr nubmlltteA to hn Ulet for • l•nunt )' uI fiamxoy for I her Renalt•eJ. Tbnt Ihn n, I.o nnJ 11 !x ah— quualol l nn yam„ In re e x le ,n.h eler>' _1 Pn r IbrJ !Neral". v th•. Ctlllneil BeVt. S. 11116-: t By _ a CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolutiop Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benef its, oocto ani . xrenses for Trading Osceola avenue from t?ac.lice avanue to ',riggs street, under Preliminary Order 2566 Intermediary Order 3048 Final Order 3498 _ I ' approved _ ._ January Mot _. _ 191 5 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said aisess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore i RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IIT;/T FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in?%liG.�.- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. y Adopted by the Council 191 46 - r (e. _ C �% City Cleric. Approved ..._.19 L....... rJ hwring bran _..._.__.._ ._....__...._..... .. . _.. ._......._ ._..... Mayor. Form I1, B. 18 t for the nb— - -Id nawexw.. he .41dered by the C— on 1.fxred tinnily It ttherefoee PiTpiTCr�F'T} (// /C�'• Thnt the ,eh nes s r xnme Iw hereby I.I[ _ i.•d. and tho wamo le her• hr su bmlt ted to the Dlelt the county or namsek F—lhrr Iteral ved. Thnt —ent he and It le V rebs r I,e pn)'nblc In flye eq x to rxrh and , y p➢t Ixdrxrrlb�rl then•In 10 1.. the '1 •11 $-'Pt. N, 1916. I Sept 8. 1616 io➢tember 11 •1'A 165 t Council File No. By Lv CITY, OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessmlent of `2 refits, goats and air enses for ,rading of Fest 3eor6c street cetweer. Stith avenue and Cherokee avenue, under Preliminary Order 4 71 _ ..__..., Intermediary Order °Q4 Final Order a.3.Q9.._. _........ approved. eceajren...3...><ia._...._....___..1915 _ . I A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby oidered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 11 in w.. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein.. ` Adopted by the Council 191 ".(� • .1 r......1..`y CICU LIGrIC. Approved (. Mayor. Form It. B. 18 hen rl lti hnving h. I axment forthc nl. nd e11d lax b), the ,her conelden•d by the 3',s horn nn1 _ -I PLTi3I.ES[ii;D p• he retderen the'hyr h " bj .1 tthe Tme Ix ehere hr lhi the and the m ne In rd 19 ho _bh 'Itted to Ihr I • I of Ihr t`1 M, of nnm 'lI tlt ll- It Fyrt 1166 Itex Th 1, xoeitmem ho In andd 4 ���ir�:•d ro hr an.ro ht,• L. n rxl.x ox 11 i trh r nd , Innd dexrrllied lhen•11 1�ed Ir 1' [he [•191611 Nel, rov Kept. 8.1D18: Is • I'Jentembar IB -1816 e Council:file No. By —•-�:_ ---CITY-flFSi`.—PAt7t: ----- _ Resolution Ratifying Assessment. r�- In the matter of the assessment of tenefits,n coats and exrenses for Charging the grade and gradini; Dunlar street from St. A nt..,:ny avenue tc University avenue, also grading Central ave:.ue fron. Lexir.etcn avenue to Dunlar Street, 'under Preliminary Order 3593 , Intermediary Order 4303Final Order4768 approved . Liay 11 th, 191 a. q A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been. considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i in _ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described the'rrein. Adopted by the Council 191 J(.. 711 City lerk. v Approved � _.............._ 191.._._.. n. t9l s. Farm R. n. 14 �rinR hnvinR hea, o t for the above n1 and—id u eat hn -Ther ronxldered tby tlhe CoU� InR horn eonxldered IInt111y he It therofore Ivril, Tltnt tho sale nxxoxxp 1 the xn a In heroby In 11 'ntltI- land the Ire �d of sIx-he to x1* 1. 1 tied to the 111,le th(' r� nun[)' of ltn mxey It rrxnt lin. n• II f•'U rther Hoxolvod. That uli rhl h, ttntl It Ix here m lnr:A xlo be 11t)'able M are ietnllmenlx t w to frli nail r , r t�•I ..f Innd dexcrlhetl Iltor,•1 n. \ .\d„pted h)' the cell tiept x \pprov,.r( dept B 16- l optem benr 18-18181_ Mayor. ncil File No. - I By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assesarnent of benefits, costs a.,d expenses for C,)%structin!. if sewer or. £idney strut frog, Charlton street to,South s.:•eet frolL '.i` ; a cct to - Patas -idwell s'.reet, 4 til g t 56 1 Final Order 6 056 under Preliminary Order intermediary Order , approved . July 26th _._ 191.x. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council+ and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 41 in �U- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 4. G f< Ci Clerk. 1 _ _ _...... _.. Approved 191t Mayor. IOrm tit. U. 19 der[6611. July [6th. —elniet»"on"me r tot• the uth r eonelAe ed bym wmiswn �. eiotclnK been r nelAer rj. be 1t therofor .<e"nl�rd. That the and the name Ie In ""e'" ratified• and the . Ordered to be "ubmttted t 'o rt of lh,• t'oattty of nOnllrrno tion. fin It Further lteeolved. dahr "m• t bo and It Ja 1 Ine,l"[o 1 he payable In In»btllnlent" nn to each and r rot 1fY land described°thif+efn. AdoYtnQ by the Coun.l. $Opt ,tpPtored as 9 ts1R, AMR AGfifR.l'Ss�. il{�S4iNl, �,. Council File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution .Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benef i ts, costs and exrenses for Leveling, fil/_no and grading to the established grade, the res' ZC feet -f Robert street.,fror the North line cf Sixth street to the South lite of Central avenue, I 44-C Intermediary Order 5243 Final Order 5699 under Preliminary Order ' approved . June 25t.`., 19t 5 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in <'4r equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council '�h 191 City Clerk. Approved 191 , 1 V . 1��^ ' -- atmnaa, t - sloe P Ja1 J �rQa�.'u aha lied .. n` 'stsl 'wol .•1 .... .. _ . _ ._ .Mayor Form Ii. n. l9 tl 1 Pun "IM".. tale>I,' ul all+o,t1 -bll'1 loP V, P .1a1nWgato l�eda� 41 and w-ing been ontlldered nnnlry ent- beraetnry, be It therefore tteaohsd. That the tlald nsseeement he and. the ellme 1s horeby in.11all o- aperts ratified. and the ....,ale heroby ode red to be submitted to the nletrlet Conrt of the County. of Rnmacy for. I.eunaimLLl Ipn. B" It Further ReaolveA, Thnt the aald nnaoeement be end It Se herebyy�de- termined to be Pny'III In flee , n tnlimrn ttl as in oa.oh and curs• par. Y A,orlad--0ebsortbed therein. ce Aor hie y the C 1 Sept. a, 1918.. I Council File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. t In the matter of the assessment of ber.efitc, _;tate al.d exrenses for __adir,g Warw4ci avenue frcu. Palace street tc defferscr. avur.ue , under Preliminary Order }";� ! _ :. Intermediary, Order *300 Final Order 4.7.1� ... approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, BE IT FURTHER 5ESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in 41 ` equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 196— r �' City Cler Approved —2a I _..._191._ ... Mayor. Form B, R. IS .arlpR hdvinhe g bee. .e •errant Co't ;tapo, ani, and esld asae,YCth, l ^ // [urth•r coneldered ,tiy the C /%,�/ ' hnvinK been conaldered Reel • netory, bo it -old therefora 'T`I ICT'jS ,toad the eume eehurebyain�' .+Deets. TatlReed•submltt I A..i. 1. ' rdered [o (`oart of the County of Ram, ronarmetfon. Ile It Further Resolved, Th -Lid ml eda to be gDny.I. ff, h- to nxtnllmrnts aa,tI eae.h sad n ,•el f land desorlpea the talo, Adopted -by-tbe-CouneR Se•� Ap Iroved Sept. 8, 1976. 1 (September 16-19;,', ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 3ttbjett: „r COUNCiJ . > (' ,. vita N O. J Date Presented Sept. 1st -16.191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Burns Ave. from the N. & S. center line of Sec. 34, T. 29, R. 22, to E. Line of White Bear Ave.7. to Geo. B. Nienaber at lump sum $rice bid of $6,440.00. Engineer's Estimate being 06,487.00. F.B. #997. ra is c0nne t l Ort .ien "wove Aesu tion. II fi1ROa.UT14c ! Ve 01 nr Era •.•d. Th'c th, u<np Q - In 'hc rol e l -ori .I `'unit•uet o 1 the , htrnet for, thhe 4-Y n0 O liear .\va. to lieo. It. \le 9n \be. , yrico of {8.440.00. 1: < Ii mtttn be1nR E8.487.00. F. V�pl\; ' ,\ilopteA bl, tho 8, 191 lI . .\Vnrorerl :'e Vl. 8. IA70. � P\a I Hent,+mbar 16-IA18\ti; n{` yeas (✓) Cou men (✓) Nays S -8 81916 191 Far orth Adopted by the Council C In favor Hy d 191 K Approved Against / � ( r Wu rlich V G e Mr. Presiden rvin —VOR r01IM C. R-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUtILCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: FILEEhcit I No. � ! � 17 15 V Date Presented Sept. 1st -16 191 Resoh6 d, That the Council hereby concurs ir, the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for the Grading of Stanfodd St. from Josephine St. to yrior Ave., to Keough Bros. at lump eum price bid of $1,292.00. Engineers Estimate being $1,710.00 H.B. b99. nil :;4 w, th �'$bevr oa Id IG•xnlVrd, Thnt the ,'uuit¢Ilx h¢relry �orntrncllr� the rv•r,+mm• dnilnn µf the I e l'ommlt te¢ nml Ilvre by 1 ¢Mx to u'+nl rnrt for thr• Nrndl nl; of Vtnn- .111- to ICe�.uRh onrlon'n •u tit lXf. � r prP111-1 bid of 51,242.00, um I:n Ad L•Ineer•x i?a- timate beinl< $1.710.00. F. ti. Yu. 999. ontrd 11 thr f nbnrvll C.,• t al pnrrvr•d }p.pt. A. 1916. p S. 1410 'Jept¢mb.r 16-19101 Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen (J) Nays / Farm vorth Goss In favor ,.•� Hylai d Kelle Against Wun lith Mr. President, in FORM C: 0-z Adopted by the Council SEP • % 1916 1 191 Approved ,- � " —1�: i� �h 191 MAVOa CITY OF ST. PAUL rCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ---subjech. `OEhaL No. E''rtl�D Date Presented 'Sept, 1st_1.6 ISI Resolved, That the Cqunclil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading, relaying sidewalk and improving Como Ave. W. on westerly side from Commonwealth Ave. to Carter Ave., to M. S. ;dergens at lump sum price bid of $385.00. -Engineer's iLstimate being $351.00. F.B. #1001. 13596-11y It N. Ooxx-- Itexolv.d. Tl,nt the t nrll hereby nt•ura In th.n•rp endntion n( the t entreat ,It r i leernnd herehp nwnrdx the Lo .1rt for prxdl nr( wo Ylmr Rlde- on 11r Improv 1. Como Ava. \9. Ave•este rly Rlde from r' mnnw en.ith to Cnrter ; v.hld nr 13366: ner,tlo'x at Iu.1, Rum pri- r'A n.umat<• h.m,: 3361.00. 1.1_ II No. 1001. Adopted by th. r'o, !t Sept R. It" Approved SW. A• 191 R. t 9ew_brr I6-1910) Yeas (✓) Co oilmen (✓) Nays F sworth C Hy Ind Ke er Will derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin FORM C. 8-2 1 I Reap cti on oa, ac,�me 4 �9�6 Adopted by the Council SEP • $ 191 — In favor Approved �-=.? —�`5��,J� 191 ./ Against U MAYOR CITY OF SF. PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM JuOiect: , pOUaNCIL No. r� I /f I Date Presented Sept. let -16 191 I 4 � II P i Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the no Scont. trract for the Grading of Syndicate price bid of Otto Ave., to P J. Gleason at lump sum p $3,100.00. Engineer's Estimate being $3,568.00. F.L. #1002. Ic. e. no. lass;—n> s1. N. oe..-- nexolved. That III,- I ounMl herrhy con�ura In the recommendntlon of the ,nl ont ctfo ttea xnd dinar o nwndl- th• cA—.f l for the t. in K of I, n to rntr TYo. from Juno St. to Otto .\rld to 1'..1. Olenxun nt lump ,to, Prlce hld of I n 0.00 8.00. (.•nl'nNo, 100 emnlr• hvinK s7,.`.r \polo hl t e8o191r11 wept 8. 191e IRrpte,n I— 16-191r1 Yeas (J) Cocilmen (J) Nays Far aworth / G In favor Hyl nd Kell r Against Wun erlich Mr. President, rvin ,oRM,, C. 8.2 1 Recel V, IN 1%Ime°tI6tt t;EM inn , svutyn� � 1 Adopted by the Council . 8 �g1891 SEP , 1 , Approved( ° r' 191.6 - - 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL -, COUNCIL. RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM . Subject 1 coILV'L No. I..il15'1[18 1 Date Presented Sept. let_1t6 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Comndttee and hereby awards the contract for the "rading of Alley in Block 16 Chute Bros. Div., to W. H. Malone Co. at luml sum price bid of $200.15. Engineersa Estimate being $200.0,0. F.B. #1004. \n. 12598—➢r -, I• Thnt Ihr t'onnrll hrrrb> 1 ItexnlYed' ,mmenAntlnn nt the ncu r. In thr r r mrtract Comnitrx and hu nR lnt Ailr)• thr •n tr 11 for t,',' lfiR hb1 f in nloclt rnn. I/lprlc�n {V. H 5l also. fVr, ni Itlm❑ " Umnle being ,200.16. 1•:nCf neefx ISx t2n0;Op. M. lt. Vo4 . 1001:Ir Pt R. 1910 0.11 a by Ihr Cnnn1 r• s. 1 L i�l�rn• vpptet. nr her •116-19161 K@C@i"� Reepectio4 wtthabo9e I Yeas (J) Co nc'In (:)Nays Fa sworth Go In favor H nd (� Ke r r. Against Wu erlieh Mr. Presidentlirvin FORM C. 9.2 Adopted by the Council SEP a 1916 191 I Approved — `•1 i 5 191 1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM �ubject: counWwl IVOM� ' FILE . y Date Presented Sept. let -16 191 v Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in .'the rec�nunendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Sargent St, from Kenneth Ave. to 'Prior Ave, to Keoufh tiros., At lump sum price bid of $762.00. &ngineer s Estimate being $)j,.348.00. F.B. #1006. I� 14600—ItsOo,e— ih; ronco— le. th 1 conllnendololn h[rthx. I•nnlrn rt Com mit los mid ha, rt b>' nwurds the roti root for the WrndlnR nr Sur- ' uenl ,91. rrom Kenoelh Ave, to Irrlor \vo. to ' e . - gIt nroe., t lmn um bole Inld or 176E�00. I.;, eeurb r hR $1.348.00. F.P. Nn. l0oa n Allop lyd by lho Ctn tell Cr VI. e. 1016 .\Uprucrd SeVI. 8, 1716. (S"ot—b,r I6-i91fi) connect,n11 Papers id Re so ti,n• ith above As� Yeas (J) Cou oilmen (:)Nays Far sworth Go In favor Hy Ind Kel r Against u Wu erlich Mr. President Irvin IORM C B•� Adopted by the Couk cilSFP v 1916 191 Approved o —,i 13i6 191 �� Mwvon CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - Subject: .I me NO. Date Presented S ep t. l e t-18 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Case St. from crank St. to a point 135 ft. E. of E. line -of Bari St., to O'Neil & Preston, 2b -lump eum price bid of $514.55. Engineer's Estimate being $815.00. F.B. #1007. c. F. No. Isaoo—R>— • at: N. ca .� Reaol prod. That the C anal! herehy I� R concur. in the recommendation of tha eCI;lVP1I �]1 t'ontrnct Cemmlttee and hereby nwnrdra I CORK Pape re iQ the aontrnrt tnr the aonntructtaa of n eetion with pol", ] s Cana Rt. from Brunk St. to Res above point O'Neilft. - f F. Ilne of F,arl Rt.,( uti On. bl eil g. prex[on, at lump . m price I hid of 15(0.56. Fnrinaer•x F.timx 4• belnK b876.001 F. R. Nn. Io07. Adooted hY th,• Cnu nrll Rept. a, 1918. APprovod Sapt.a 7,,ti 1 t4epte,nhar 16-191 C1 I Yeas (✓) tFarorth n (J) Nays In favor Against h Mr. PresiFORM C..• Adopted by the Council SEP,. 1916 191 Approvedr, 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL, FORM - Subject COUNCIL --_ V FILE N O Date Presented Sept. let_116 191 Resolved, Thai the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for the construction of a sewer on Fatrview Ave. from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., to O'lieil & Preston at lump sum price bid of $2,613.15. Engineer's Estimate being $3,496.00. F.B. #1008. t 1 C. F. No, 12001—B ne Resolved, That W�eredittt? concurs in the .e o ogoel Contract Committee tc asl\ver iftho contrnet or th d Dnnn lver F.1-1 n• d to at. to Jefferson Ave., Ro{rl`• sor. t It, um. prlc a•e to li� 1 nRineer's NF,elimuto s 1sn.or F. n. o. Adopted bl' the Con om mol, Approved Rept. S 101 \eoK1. l9eptember 1 emenf RQ n coneiDFa g1? ctl s 1 "QsGnB tdpq I I t , I t I Yeas U) Cou ilmen (J) Nays p Farn worth / Adopted by the Council SEP ' 8 196191 Coss In favor Hyla d ✓ , Kell Approved _ y 315 191 J Against �1 Wu. lith O l i. �r. President. •n MAYOR rORM C.... Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL (:OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE _ N O . - .. Date presented Sept. let -16 191 at � yam.- a Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby'awards the con- tract for the construction of a Sewer on Hawthorne Ave'. from Duluth Ave. to a point 270 ft. E. of E. Line of Duluth Ave., to Christ Johnsons at, lump sum price bid of $249.20. Engineer's Estimate being $335.00. F,a, #1009. C. F. olv 1. That Y N. (, nr Resolved. That the Counvll hereby 'coeurs In the tt-recorempndatlon of the j Contrnet Committee and hereby nwardn the eontraet for the e0nntruution o[ n ewer on Hua, Ave. from Duluth Ave. oto a point 270 ft E. of fl. line of Duluth Ave.. to Christ Johnson, at lump suprie id of Bsilmate being f226$249.20. 09.2F. 11. DIo.n100B. Adopted by the Connell Beptl S. 1919. 1 Approved Sept 2. 1916. I September 16-1916) Yeas (J) Cou oilmen U) Nays Farr iworth Gow In favor HAI ad Kell - MR ST, Against wtt eelich Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. B•R Rae JV ReaoCon ection withp$bpoe in SEq.'$1916 A.lopted by the Council 191 Approved_ � ,. A 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: :. _ C NCIL , �4 • (2` J mt No - V/ O.V Date Presented Sept, lst-16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- trast for the construction of a sewer on Tyler'Ave. Far worth from the center of Stryker Atte. to a point 115 ft. S 8 7916 191 W. of W. line of Stryker Ave.', to O'Neil & Preston, at lump sum price bid of $205.00. L-ngineer's Esti- Hyl nd mate being $254.00. F.N. #1010. Kell r '7 I" ST,/ Against Wu erlich Approved191 C. F. No. 12603—BY Vit. N. noes— ' Resolved. That the Council harebY of the rontYnetlCondation mmittee ands hereby awards or a the contract for the eonetructlon sewerylter to aePo of Il6hft. center bt Aila N. line or Stryker ,1ve.. to O'Neil & pries bid or Preston, at lump sum being $265.00, FEngNeer-I.Eetimate a Sept. 8, 1916. pppro ed Sobv t 8, 1916.1 (aeptember 16-1916) P,r�; (,@gpPtrf 'tI A,)) Above ..r Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen U) Nays / Far worth Adopted by the Council S 8 7916 191 G In favor Hyl nd Kell r '7 I" ST,/ Against Wu erlich Approved191 Mr. President Irvin FORM C. — Mw roes CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ,Object' .... •.y ' COVNC�L FILE N O . Date Presented Sept. lst_ll 191 ' , Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in_ the recommendation of the'Contract Committee and hereby awardp the con- tract for the construction of a sewer on Wakefield Ave. from 133 ft. E. of E. line of Earl;St. to Hester . St. and on Hester St. from Wakefield Ave. to Hastings Ave., to Christ Johne on 4t lump Bum price bid of $1 266 b6. Engineer,B Estimate being $1,340.00 F.L. fi1011. r C. F. No. 12604—By It. N. ones— Resolved. That'tha Council hereby concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committen amt hereby awards *be eonetructlon of a sewer on�Wakeneld Ave. from 133 fl. of E. line of Earl St. to Heeler St.. " dot Heater St. from W.kedald Ave. to Hastings Ave.. to Christ Johnson t Lump sum Vrlce bid of $1.2fie.66 Engl- e Est met. being $1.340.00. F. R. ro nit, Adopted by the Counell Sept 9, 1910. Approved Sept. S. 1919. fSeptember 19-1919) i Yeas ( ✓)Co cilmen (✓) Nays Far sworth Go In favor Hyl d Kell Against n rt Mr. President. vin FORM C. e•9 Received a] 1 g^ �,,- §� connection x t S 8eso Dave utiorl. SER . 8 1916 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 MAYOR Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORMCOQ 111E j rat NO/ Date Presented Septa let_ 16 191 Resolved, That the Oouncilhereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract 'Committee and hereby .awards the con- tract for the construction of a sewer on Sylvan St. from the center of Acker St. E. to a point opposite the N. Line Lot 5 Flynn'a Sub. Lots 1 to 12 Guerin'e Outlots, to O'Neil & 1reston at lump sum price bid of $288.75. Engineer's Estimate being $321.00:,,. F.B. #1012. _ C. F. No. 12604%—By M. N. Ooea—' Resolved, That the Counrll h ... by . 1•• the recommendation o[ the rontrart Committee and hereby award. the contract for the con. ruction of I .ewer on Byhan 8t. born the renter of +nI- on—It. the N. line Lot 6 Flynn'. Bub. Lots 1 to 12 uerm's Outlot., to O•Neil & Preston nl lun,n em Vri- bbl n1 .2118.75. En- Rlner'v .e[Im ntc belnu $221.00. F. n. .N IOl2. \d,iytei b1' the l'o n•'11 S.•nt. 6 I8I8.' ,Sentelnber i6-11161 deceived a3 -vnnection with a 1m &ea lution. t Yeas (✓) Coi ncilmen (.) Nay$ Fai nsworth Go s In Favor Hy and Ke ler � Against W erlich Mr. Preside ,Irvin FORM c.a•a I SEP - 81916 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 MAYOR IM w CITY OF ST. iPAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL ORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE No. Date Present ed8ept. et -16 191 v • Resolved, That the CouncIil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con tract for the Grading of Alley in R. McCarrickrs Sub. of Block 88 Lyman Dayton'B Add., to peter Dic>,:on, at lump Bum price bid of $1,050.00. ingineertEsti_ mate being $1,169.00. r'.B. #1014. a•nx I.,an.t. on•' t•„nn�n n.f rra�� n . , ,I �nnlnn or tn�• rut rx,t t'nmfitt tee and lam•by ntYard.r III In• !: tori rxt:t for [he Kru�luK of .\I!e- f In . 4rt':,rrl��k'K utttnlu,1n�y:,�sIuVmn'B ., 1. oIPeItS” pr.."'. .HRt-8Itx1o.�n�, nt $1.0.50 BU. P:nKI- r•;.umat« nrin� fl.lRsao. r•. ta.! v��.rinl l_ noont+a n.- n,r r.n, nt;u Kr�In. s, dela. i .\Irn ro Y,�tl Nrut. R I!rl li, �lrntenl ne i' I6-1916., Yeas (✓) Co ncilmen (✓) Nays / i Fa sworth % G In favor H and K er Against W derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin room C. F:ecei .gid e.il r'r,-rs in connection with ajaove Res Adopted by the Council SEP 8 19,16191 Approved —S ;J16 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: cou"c' FILE NO /J? Date Presented Se_r,t. 141fi,19i t. Y Resolved. ` That the Council hereby concire in the-reco=-endation of t'_:e Contract Committee iTd 'hereby swards the contract for .reading and Paving Alley in Plock 4 Forepaugh' e Division "A" ,tnd Block 4 Smith and T,ylor's Addition to THOR17TON BROTHERS a$ lump sum price bid of $1,787.00. EnEineer's "stimate being °2,161.00. Formal Bid No.996, P. NV. 72cOr,-fly-\1. RG.- Th.1 thy 'Sur n In tho re rnrndntinllN hr[r thy I I oat rnrt 1'ammlttco and hr•nb-F nwnrde' rhe rontru•r fur Rrnd lnR and "AA"" V•trl .\Ile\' Iilna•k i. IrnreVn uRlt'x Idv. � r d Itlu.•I< 1 Smith aid Ta Flor .\ddlrinn to Thurn Fon ftri.thery rt tnmt. ' m"'•.• hld of-S1.79i.00. I:nRlneor'n P:xtimnrc bclna 5..1 fi].VV. Formal Itld � \dont ed by the r'oonrll S•nl. 9. IVifi. -\nnrn ved Sen[ 9. 1915. �•Ye Vt•m hur if.-191ri1 , 0 Yeas (J) Coun Imen ( d) Nays Farn worth In Favor Goss Hyl d l Kell l] (/ Against �Sfon lith Mr. President, vin roam c.n-2 I connec t ian'rs in ConOection with above tion, Adopted by the Council �GP O �91� 191 Approved 191 I MAYOR Subject: ty . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM cou Rc,I 9' *i•F7,f•. ras No. Date Presented''el, t • 7+ VT16 • 191, d � l I I Resolved, Th -,t the Council Kereby concure in the recorunend+ttion of the Contract Co=nittee rind hereby aw,rds the contr-lct for (riding And Paving 4'_le ir, 71ock 15 Su:-llit Perk Addition, to THORYITCiN BROS. rtt lump 6 tr, rrice bid of (2,0:'7,00, Engineer's Estimate being A2,700.00. Formil Did `To,Q95, •. F•. w.. lscn7—os sl. u. r11 - � + Itrxnl \'•d, Thnl Ihx (;oonclixlierehy oncurn.ln thr taco dn+lnn nr tho t'ontn�R ('omm., and —d n Ards All • ntro••t for grn•Ilnc ^d P:,vl IF .\II+•\'in Iilovk 1f tiummlr ('nrlt •\dAl tlnn. Tfiorn ton nrox. nc Inrry+ xnrn lo'I• hld of 32017.00. 1':pCln••rr'x I thnxl.• I-eing }:.7011.00. Fnrmnl Itld `711. \dn VlrA 6.- lh•• • tnrll Wept 8, 1910. :lpprov�d ROPt. R. 1!110 ,,x Plxmhrr t0-19101 Yeas (✓) Cou iln (.'') lays Far wworth Go In favor LHy nd Kel r , c o � 'Against Wu derlich resident in roRM c .. 2 Tr -1 \ '(-,`r7_% ila connection with 6LIo* A Reso tion. SITO I , .adopted by the Council SEP r 8 19116 191 ti i�16 Approved 191 • i MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ` NA Date Presented Sept.7, 1916491- 4, ri I y Resolved, That tyle council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contrla.ct for the construction of a sewer on James St. from Pleasant Ave. to a point 150 ft. E. of the, E. line of Ed ecumbe Road to O'Neil & Preston at lump sum price bid of1,980.00. Enpineex's estimate being $2,294.00. Formal bid No. 1019. CIr. No. 12008-11" 11. N. Ooex- 14-1-1, 'rhnl the eouncll herunr In rhr r mntendnuml Of Ins � l untrnrt t'rrmmittxo Holl hrrehy nt trAx lhx r ort for the x nntruxtinnvuf n xr onr1 150x t. from tile F. nl , 0 t �lln nuinl 150 ft. E. of th0 F. llnx of FSdneeumhr FtonO to fl'Nrll & IYexl on nt lumn + Drlirx LI0 of 41.94 11.80 4:nnlnM'�xullxtlmatn In -Inn sa.^!`ton. 4'o :I 1019. .\Ixnl eil Iil Ih.• t ill �'r•I�t A_ 1!10 .N"""'vi ;Cent. a 21'X .�xnt rYn leer 1019101 Recei vr.i n rsr.elrs to connection with &,*ova Reso ution. erf/ J` Yeas (✓) Cou ilmen ( :) Nays Far worth Goa In favor Hyl rid Kel r 1 Against Wu erlich Mr. President Irvin 'oRM C 9•Z Adopted by the Council SEP . 8 191 Approved —1s i m 1191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM Subject: COUNCIL / ( 1-_ NO., - �w1 A �l VDate Presented Sept. 7, 19101 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Cor.tr-:ct Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Page St, from a point 160 ft. E. of E. line of Ohio St. to So. Wabasha St.,to E. T.Wilbeter at lump sum price bid of $3,592.00. Engineer's estim-ite being 13,535.00. Formal bid No. 1018. R••x•:1.•••d Thnt the Lbnn.'ilx hrrrhr roneUrx ` Ithe nv`nm r latinn 4,1.the n rtrnrt •�mmlti •+r xn i h••rr ht n��1'n Kr•r Cat lrfrnrn ri rt nol nil ifiUfft `•:. nrf i•: Iiriry of rrh l•. cr t 11'n r:n xh.: 1:. T. y1 -"ri.xt.r xt Iumn x 1•hi ..f . 59_.00. 4;nu!trr••r'x •r xtlnnr t• I.r•I r:u {R53fi.00 F'n rnml 131.1 \n. IOIR. .\rini,i r,l hy' Ih. .' nrll wept A, 1910. .\nprorrJ 1rnt. x. nl Atli. �r'PI••m her Ifi-191 fit lteeeived all papers ib Connecta^' with Above Yeas (✓) AG nen (✓) Nays Q C rth Adopted by the Council SC�1 . {1 191 In favor ! Approved ` i i 5 191 Against ( 'ichVMr. Presiin•VOR FORD. O.r -_ - - _j+ .1 c • \ An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 3250 approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570, approved September '30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, entitled, "At adminietrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 3250}, approved August 20,1914, as emended by, Ordinance No. 3570 approved September 30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, be and the same is hereby sm4ded by striking out Section 7 of Regulation I of said ordinance and inserting in lieu thereof the follosdng: "7. Names of persons who fail in an examination shall I isnot be disclosed, but a competitor so failing may upon personal application ascertain his own markings and inspect his own papers." SECTION 2. That the said emended Ordinance Vo. 3250 is hereby further amended by striking out of Regulation VI all of Section 10 and Section 11(up to Regulation VII)and inserting in lieu thereof the following: English --Report or Letter. 10. In marking the report or letter, form, style and matter ,shall each be marked on a scale of 100, and the quotient resulting from a division by three of the sum of the marks on form, style and matter, shall mark the report or letter. 11. (a) In marking form, the following points sheal be con— eidered: (1) Subscription. (2) Date line. (3) Address. (4) Salutation. (5) Omissions. (6) Transpositions. (7) Spelling. (a) Punctuation. (9) Capitalization. (10J Paragraphing, and (11 Neatne as. (b) In marking style, examiners shall consider the follow- ing pointe. (1) triode of expression of thoughts or facts.' (2) Clearness and directness of statement. (3) Rhetorical expression. (4) Choice of words and their arrangement. din (a) Ir. determining the mark for matter, examiners shall consider: thereto. - (2) Intelligence and ability shown. Mathematics. From 100 deduct -- 12. (a) For each wrong process or for each omission of a step in a ,solution, according to gravity of error . . . . 10 to 100 (b) For error in or evasion of a decimal or a common fraction tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 (c) For complex method, the correct result being produced . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to 25 (d) For wrong or omitted punctuation., for fraction in answer not reduced to lowest terms, or for approximate re- sult not sufficiently exact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to 10 (e) For wrong or omitted designation, or sign of relation, or for use of superfluous ciphers 5 (f) For omitting work entirely, the correct an- swer being given . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 to 75 (g) For omitting work in part, according to grav- ity of error .. . . (Y.) For giving proof instead of solution, accord- ing to gravity of error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 to 35 (i) For eact. error in computation in the solution of a problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to 25 (j) Errors not specifically covered by the foregoing rules will be ma4ed in the discretion of the examiners. i Copying fro. Plain Copy. 13. From the groes number of words written from the copy, doduct 5 words for each error; divide the remainder by the number of minutes consumed in the copying teat, and then grade as follows: (a) For Claes A, Grade 1 -- For a net speed of 40 words a minute, allow 100%. (b) For Class A, Grade 2 - For a net speed of 50 Words a minute, allow 100`:. (c) For Claes A, Grades 3 and 4 - For a net speed of 60 words a minute, allow 100%. (d) From these maximum ratings, deduct 1% for each word of the first ten lose than the net speeds indicated above, and for each word lase after the first 10, deduct 2!. Copying and Spacing. 14. For every deviation from copy or for erasures or lack of neatness (except that the total charge for erroneous.} spacings shall not exceed 25) deduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 5 Stenography. From 100 deduct - 15. (a) For each word omitted, added, substituted, or mis- spelled, or for the use of the singular instead of the plural, or of the plural instead of the singular, when the grammatical correct- ness is affected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (b) For each transposition . . . . . . . . . . . . � W _.ow W,--Tor-eae}r-gross-error in- - eapitaUsation-or--puao ---__ --_--__.--- tuation; for each error in division of words; improper abbrevi- ations;, -or for the, use .of the plural. for the singular,- or of the singular for the plural, when the grammatical correctness is not affected .. . . . . . . : . . . . . . I _ - �(d)*For•interlineations, erasures, and lack •of neat- . noes 1 to 5 •(6) The rate of dictation.ehall be as•follows: For Grads 1 positi�ns, 90 words a minute; For Grads 2 posits as, 110 words a minute; For Grade 3 positions, 120 words a minute; For Grade 4 positions, 130 words a minute. (f) The diotition shall consist of three articles or letters, 100, 150 and 200 words in length,; respectively.- -The -three papers are to be graded each on the basis of 100%; the average of the three net marks to be the net rati.4for the subject. Copying From Rough Draft. From 100 deduct -- 16. For every deviation iron copy or for erasures or lack of neatness (except that the total charges for the omission of a whole line or for all incorrect spacings shall not exceed 10 pointe in either case) deduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 5- Speed and Accuracy. 17. Men speed is considered a factor in the rating of any question or paper, the relative weights shall be'1 for speed and 2 for accuracy. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Yeas ( J) Councilmen (.) Nays 6— - -Adopted by the Councf91�l �� - %, Go" In favor 191 Keller Hylan Approved Keer L L. n ✓ ,McColl Against Wndulich MAYOR .ML,.Preside t. Irvin } ` v w roRM 0. B-. a I hereby recommend that the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Ordinance be pa. seed by the Council. ivil Service Commissioner. E X P L A N A T O R Y. The accompanying ordinance is an amendment to the second part of the Civil Berries ordinance which comprises the regulations, or, in other words, the office rules that the Bureau must follow in the con- duct of examinations, the keeping of its records, and the rating of examination papers. The amendment herewith is almost wholly a revision of some of the detailed provisions for marking papers, and does not in any way involve any fundamental change to the Civil Service ordinance. Very truly your@, y at Examiner. MI,-6 �A' CITY OF 5T. PAUL .( ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIOFORM FILE"aL N\ ^•c^ E 1918 i ar __ _ � � AUDITEd- ` ' 191- - 451 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the tolldNing=' detailed statement: - Yeas (�) Councilmen (o) Nays Adopted by the Council SCI w wal— F nsworth / G G/' Approved 1 iii[ 191— a H and In favor K er wltro" M oil Against W derlich Mr. President, rvin r 6696 Keough Bros., s $2.217.00 Grad. So. Sartoga, $2$5.00, Grad. Juno, R7 -04j " Fairmount 11143001 " & Impr. Belmont/ 442. zto �! 202 .0 potGi •7 'f,tn n0 C_ F. Ko. 12011— neeI ed that warrants be drawn out of - .0—hte Clh• Trewenry. DaYaD19 _ the U-1—ft—epeelaed runda pnd In their 11.n* for the nmopnt set onnoelte 1n the e pectlre nn ectaed f.unw/nR d.tn $led atw [amen[: K:Pnn Rh flrow., rYP217.00. Adontad hY the f'.+u ncll Sept. 0. 1938. Approved Sept. 11. 1816. (September 16.1916) I.— A. 6-16 CITY OF ST. PAUL j ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 10f, 0 y COUNCIL Na•_ .. ___..._.—_. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE By AUDITED .. 1 it .191 I PER 452 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payabe utna�t�e hereinafter specified e funds And in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respectiveSEP 919%j___ detailed statement: __ Adopted by the Council Yeas (�) Co ncilmen (v) Nays % N71191 — Fa sworth G App Go s In favor Hy and MAYOR Ke ler ,4i oil Against R• nderlich Mr. president, rvin C. F. No. 1281E— Reenlved tt hawarrant- b drnwn I noon the CRY 17enaa, PaYnhle oat of _ thereinafter aD•cifled funds and 1n of the Dernona firma or corpora - car car tions for the amouat, "t onvosite ti 'their rean•rtIre nnmea as eneeifled In th AirsR heSAssociationt-i1.78ent: H. Ru. -e 212. 70. C..R.1 Citi• Lt. e & Cement Co.. 2218 20. 6697 Feren Co_.. Lon .r 16'.' .n Air Brake Association, A. e- TIM Elect,,. Lumber Co.. iAl2.28. Library -Hew Books R', Electric Eapl6. Co.. 11 si.19tt. VC HrHnearl hnt117.9R0.88. 98 H. Busse NeRth¢hMe Eleatrie ro.. t+7s.00. 12.%0 F, A, Zimmerman. 1287.20. Playgrounds-Naint. ponce d Sat It.u1916.fieDt. 0. 1916. - (September 16-19181 218.50 99 capital H. &. C H.-Altt- & op. 6700 Feyen Construction Co., 52.00 Sewer on Baton, Chicago to etca. �18 0 Dale, Como to Simon 2 ;00 1 A. C. Jefferson Lumber Co., 918.38 School -M. & R. 2 H. W. Electric Equipment Co., 4.09 182.19 Fire -C. & B. 10 Lighting -Iain 10.65 3 Geo. plightingajor -MLint. 1.96 4 V. H. Roahrich Nun. Test, Lab.-Naint. 5 Westinghouse Blectrie Co., 472.00 _ Lighting-Maint. 6 F. A. Zimmerman 367.20 Gen. Fund -Pur. Dept. k'arm A. 046 • \ Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemyht by the City of St. Paul. viz.: Cores eruct a. c.eu157; t t:lle ;/�dowe.14 tc $ :•rid.tW of 311: Tegft on the n?rU .Side. ofisfrt. tie. r/.,x�.1Xr._at_kelham-4ty..tiheun.e... (rth to xae.et. the...praaent cn .t�: ic.t.eri._su c_anpxo tol.y_ 1$2- eet._... i Dated this 9.�// clay of aejl.) L A)1 a. Councilman. In PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: I Construct &_.Si.Gtter:..`v.i.le ei.d.e.lval.it:_to.... j-dth of a?s' feat on _.the..north +..n...me.ct the de.._0 ._;;rale-.Rve_t oet;nnirxg at. _ielhaca h�. unenc.e_.. present co:,q.t uc'�,ed_ v{elf.a 4r..1'4.7.:at.el °..134. ieet... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Ctimnlorts. therefore, lie it .ten proposal ,.n„tvm^ lmp. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner n[ Public R'c r .etnonttit] lereby ordered and dirct•tcd 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability vio'mltin.•eu , acid improvement. ,ix, nppro.inn.lwl rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature. extent and estimt,itrterpsier;a.i inert. p rofile or sketch of said �e° Whet tnd 3. To furnish a plan, p v rN_ t.e ehe nervio t mroeted: 4. To furnish the following other Mata and ini, l,n t�7tlgr t. it.the . .ent. to said improvement; p nveetlRnte the - ed e. '1•o state whether or not said improvement • n'theiai iui 10 , the petition of three or more owners. 6. To reIport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted I)v 'tile t ounc•il Ju till L Yeas : Nays' Councilman Far sworlh Ci I (; ot Approved ._....':.�____t..._...__...... l.)I ily ind t Kel er / 1 I �J Nft Io _Mr_� Wtderlivh-......_......... __._......................... Mayor Iry t \Tann•. .ani � p.e 61-- Fe.ition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. w The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publfe improvement by the City of til.Puul, viz.: C4 3 1c' e..Ceae,� pile s,idew li; �O u •.;i.d.:h af-Sl* 3eet Y� bot'.cidos..oz Ch�7.] S 7..v_e..Taetvo.en. Haul jsie Lve.. t:.nli. rltuest,...:u in accordance v,'ith ,eti io._..ii_ere.to_att�gY�.od., Dated lhi, Jth (lay of CO11,1Ci11ln:n tl. PRELIMINARY ORDER. W11FREAS• A written proposal for the ranking of the, following improvement, vi -e de�itLlF w.Q e '.ud� _ .f sig meet_ on 0'h. aides of Charles.. 5t. beG.cfeen Jieza].ine._live....ana ve.. len motional for tho cul lon'Ing Improvrment, o[ alxfeet r e`mn, t tinI.1d... a.1des having been presented to the Coubcil of the City of St. Paul h' g,. h-t—ea Hamlin.Ave. ert .t— hnving been presented therefore, he it o nr1 of the Clty' of 9t. Pout are..a o ad RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works bt"'«„trkAhat the no is hto.n.ro f thrt•eted 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the r" mvesogare the neoreeltr .Ir., llty of the making of en,. .iue total eosl thereof. 2. To investigate the naturi, extent and estimated cos' 'a�, Ineeatlgnto the onto• non eatima:ed cont of n 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of said improve ei ""tinny the tout eost') -4. To furnish the following other data and information rel.. non hoe mment; 5. To slate ohelher or not said improvement i- asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fi. • To report upon all of the foregoing matters it) the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the ooaooil SEP • 1915 ,, , �, Yens: Noy±: Comu•ilnuun Fn'nsworl6 ;> 191 Go s Approved 1._�....;:.: J I and 1<cllcr, W ntlerlieh MRyor Irvin .ow„ c i:I.ISITM st% Council File No, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 0 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City l`of St. Paul. viz.: Cor, c ::.i;;- rL:.l�2 ir. r eq:. ..e,.t iii i;d 1 t:c�opkear *or sloues, _nor- .3.k.M.s iz1 gru-izlt ...L--e OOL� & g1en_t.ye._(rom. roade 3 -� . to 2 oro3 St-__ Dated thi: 93I day of /lot 5.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. W`IlERBAF. A written proposal for the hulking of the following improvement, viz.: Co:.ae:-L `iOr Oti •... Yi..LL--.l.ii. i.: i>X•.E:�.�.1,s �;;... !a!i .. ;i.4-:..^.. .�.. J'}1&iQS: .iiYfl.. from ..ssr CflSLC...at. ..o ?orest hien prop onnl•for the ng of the following Improvene'" - t•gndemning and taking an I.— useIn the ",Vin and e' ' for elope'. having been presented to the Council of the City [.but'. , ••infromwdi,ri I dk, same therefore, be it ` r,l i f the CRY ttr a5t 1e.out ford he It RESOLVED, That the Commissioner u[ Pub•,,, t5;orheh6u and Com nsionerereby o f •dered and direr senna mreet.a: ovcment. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirak rn In ee'ugnle the ne„"ur for '1-emu of the making of ,aid , had the total coa thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esti ti m.•eeugntn the nature, 'amt 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch of said a' a ,hedtotalteo t t'heuenmpreve- n to rnl'h s plan. profile &. To furnish the following other data and in( .r _"j Ite ro-re- rovctncnl; 5. To state whether or not said improvement is avkct� for on the petition of throe or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the roum'il SEP . 9 191fi"1 Yens: Nays: `. Councilman Farnsworth Goes Approved Ryland Keller c of Wunderlich .U.2 '................ AMayor Irvin gan•, � . n �:r.;Ii"�.� • 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL • COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ,1 Subject: • EOURLIL FILE IV Date Presented So pt • 9, 1916. d y' Resolved, That the time specified for the .lorio.:lt :ce of cor'6ain contract dated :'Lpril 11'.11, 1916 bo'.:veen e. J. 3leason and the :;i -,;,j of St. caul, for t::c x+::i:p;- of ti:c alle,; in 31ock L, 'WaLn's ndditior., be tv:d :.he sa :e is hereb, .,ext -ended to the 9th de,. of Se .,.tember , 1916 and the pr or e1. �_ficors arc horeb,,- E.atr:orized to execute amt a::end-z-lent to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this ret.olution shall :10-. have an; force and effect unless the sureties On ,.;:e con'.ractor's bond co::sen': ':hereto and file such consent in writi::- ,it'r. the Cit, ;7o..:ptroller. c r. xe. 1z6f6—ne s/. R. 1-1. That the Ilmea orlRrd for the erf—mall. of n ee tein centred 1 dated April 11th. 1916. beteen P. J. r.1—son and the CRY f st.wP�ltl. (or the gr.d�i.a of OIe eil.y In nlacl' 9 wane•. Add111en• Ire end the .nmo f. temher —t—d-1 and ethhen9^h d.Yity 9ea- Ri- e herebl• nuthorlsed to execute aden.nl to cold ontrect in ner- nnrnme. I+nrr-Ith. provideav d. hnwerer.' thnttryly alutlon heli of have an force and rff—t ole.. the .I rets.. o thetonsent thereto and IIIrl rnrhr•. ,bent. In writing with the "It' Cnmptroilor. w ' Adopted ho the Cue llrll Sept. 9. 1916. ApProen'I Rrnt. Ur 116%I11 ttfept.m Yeas (JCo 'Imen (✓) Nays Far worth Adopted by the Council SEP • 9 191.6 191 Go In favor H jncl K ler APprovgd f I 191 Against U nderlich Mr. reside t. Irvin MAvoR FORM C. B•3 ---- ------- -- St �a'1, inn. Sc. 9, 1926. I To the uororable Cit Co..neil, C I 2 Y. I wo ;I-i re: ;,::c ._': il; as:-. `.i:a : ; o,ir i'ouora.ble `ody cause ti:e ti:ae o.' the co;arac'. or „i:c -r-.in • o.' .he n1le,,in Block 2 Aann's ,addition e oxtor.ded ta, SeptenLer 9t't, 1914. to co.:di ons of , c •,reather L.._., _n t_nd labor condltions, it was possible for me to .i... « t':i;, ,ortract .-Athi,n the ti!.1e :::ocified, he,.ce I desire to ask that i,e 'vitae for Yo.:rs ver,, Contract. r CITY OF ST. PAUL e COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , r 9 • oo h�;L No. - - FILE Date Presented Sept. 8 191 6 That the City Comptroller-be—and_h"a hereby authorized and IF directed to transfer the sum of S3,000 from the Mortgage enr4 Interest Account of the yunicipal Garage item of the General Fund to the N.iscellaneous and Unforseen item of the same fund, thereby relieving and unavoidable deficiency in the latter item c•. . oto. 1°sIe—PY 3..i F+^�Pwa d ler nr.Enlved That the r;ity Comp'roller d nr be Ir-h"bY 1 a6,1Ped of 5.000 acted to I•Pnetar Lands int reef Ac, from the 111nrt49an unt or rhe �t"F,�neatoathoWTtlacPl- Ory or the Cnn.ru she Llnoo P Inforec011evinrt an un• the latter Item,"nral av Idanled db nPtlie eC,ou nMl Sept. 9. 1916. Adopts 4� AoprOv.d gcoL 71. 1910. 10.1918) Inepternbe! {1� 3 CoF , o Yeas (✓) en (J) Nays SEP 9 19 6 191', Adopted by the Council th In favor t Approved 191 Against ich Mwvoa Mr. Presiin POeM C. 9 , RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Condemning and taki: a an easelrent,...i, n -:e land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading the north and south alley in Block 1, aerriam Park Third Addition, the land to be taken being -more particularly described as an ease.,:ont for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon to land abutting upon Alley in Block 1, '.Merriam Park Third Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached tc :`.' report of the Commissioner cf Ilublic "Forks, in the ^:atter dated February 36th, 1916, which sketch and retort are hereby referred to and made a part herdof, under Preliminary Order Salo , approsed 'Tov- 30th, 1915, Intermediary Order 993 approved February 3rd, 13166. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiih, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. dettieffli ay ® I aDd-described-dhv reiir, Adopted by the Council Sep 191 cls Clerk. Approved ..� l 1 ., ..._......._. , 19 1, Councilman Farnsworth ,9 lie and thros... the s•n, Mayor. Councilman Goss .. and ...for. and a190 upon th. - of bin, nt. there -r. and t Councilman Keller / hnvinr dale considered the therefore be it Councilman McColl d, That the taking and con- _ pU$r ., rr_D (: Councilman Nash of the lands desert bed In the roll, identified by Councilman Yoer g .sseasment urea of the Mnyor dna city made a Part hercot, and Iha Mayor Powers Y damn... to the oytlra of reap ctivelY [or said takln. jt ell. be nude the haimea is a n- Vali reape.ca ratified and can - .s further, that the .held aa- further. nrespect. cutin a,' nnn . nn all to be rt .tU District Couberebsoft r- for -oy the Qoancll Sept- 9..1916:. ; �apc,il, 1Pxc. } FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. *11 In the matter of __Cardauto.ing. and_ -taxi: b._a.:.._e-.aeraant in._.th a 1_4n3 ne_9e ssar _ for elopes, fur cute and fills ir. 3rading 1ardnt©tbeataksouth -L beinglMore, Block 1, ;.errialm Park Third Addi tib, _ y cuts and fills particular) described as an easement �cl slopes, for in and uponythe land abutttrg_�grn±-_f..}_�.m in. h}otrie 1, d toiet';eFreport iOf Addition, to the exte:it shown upon the eYtitch attached the Commissioner of ?+utlic Wor;es; in the ratter dated February 28th, �y_eof 151,3, w..ich sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part , 6210 approved . �%r • 30th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 6993 under Preliminary Order — approved February 3rd, •1916. Resolved: (I) 71st the following improvement be and the acme v hereby ordered to be made, vu COLde,r',n an' take an easement ir. ;he land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grad.rb the north and South alley in Block. 1, Lierri.am Park T ixd_Add.tlon. - (2) That the following land. lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- . easement for. Slopes, for cute and demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: _ . _ 1 1 e r r i am Park fills in and upon t`e land abutting upon Alley skench t�t;3c gd to .the report T .jxd_. Ad4U ti On to theextent -Public Works min the tetter dated February 38th of the CoiLl,A86iorer of , _ to and--aad.e a part- hereof. s69 tch and re,por-t arra h&rely - Adopted by the Council SEP - S 191& i? City Jerk Approved. sea That I toll f .n• and the same 1. :u b. made. rtz: C, .. _.._• sp'.. f �n'n'. .. mayor. r h, north sad eu. he J ) CouncilmanFarnsworth1. \ienlam llo Thlr' Councilman Goss � Thnl I th following tog d,' -mento tharefn be anti Councilman Keller -ebi taken. apnrapn PUBLI51�T coned roe the nurop.R • Councilman McGbll �Ir Inlonoee or t•uie an Councilmen Nob the land abutting up k 1, Nlorrtom Park Thi Councilman Yoerg u the extent own ut Mayor Powers th attached }o _ `" d-loper of rubor work - 28th dated February• ketch and report ore hr ^ed to and made . Part he, -pted by, the Councll Sept. - •; 'raged Sept. 11. 1918. St3aptemb®r 16-1918) RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. .r I In the matter of Cc:.=c W:: -::t> eMu takirS an easement in the land necessary..for eluree, for cc Le ar? fills in grading t:e ails!; i:- Took 34, St. Anthor*_ Park North, the lana tc*w taken being core -articularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills ii. and -.pon the land abutting upon Alley in 31ook 74, St. Arthony Park North to t�)e extent shown upon attached t^ the report of the Comfdse'_-:^-r oflT'ublic %rks, in tie matter dated Apr1I llt`:, --ii-h s:-tch and report are hereby referrei to ani ..aid a --.-thereof, under Preliminary Order '-z+C/� . approsed t Oc • 3r th, 19 15 , Intermediary Order ySo6 approved 1 /19_th, 1015. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above Improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it - - Resolved, Fhat the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll -identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- s?ectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits. be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for ronfirmation. -lau—b-wee-each . Adopted by the Council SEP 9 1916 '171 / "5 l /C ity Clerk. Approved _ ! _) 191 ' ` n.•reoI . V 1 • 4209. nVi' tntermedinry t _. Mayor. ,w h lbth. 1Yt• Me .ring bawl n>; been -> Councilman Farnsworth _'ng .nd r..demnatlor CounCllmanJGosa - r eaermontx thoroin, for ovement. and the award Councilman Keller nerofor.for, and nt.o upon Councilman McColl n n°uvi6negnuui'y con,ld.�.d i'R S th.retdFx be u Councilman Nash nhd . .ed. -that t6t talaa a on of the land. d.e.rib.d In Councilman Yoerg 1 ...e.ement rats. IpenUfie- - Mayor Powers nature0 of the alayo-or nod;_ na mad. . part hrrtufs nit - of damage. to the o n nd. re.pectl'vcl> for said t,r n1—at{on xx net forth In - mens rwil, ev tend in, --in r nil m.Pecta' ratltied anJ alved Yurthor. that thegal, env of benefit., be n d the -rb' In all reaDrctx ratified .me 1. hereby ordered to b - ,•d to the D1.trlct Court to, `a,t{alt. 'dppted by the Co ... 11 Sept. Y .•➢P`ol`ed btlD[:. 11.. 1Yt,� , -ICiSPj,embfr. iOr lYlnt FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. � 5 ,. In the matter of Ccnderr_.,.'. a a: w tak'_na et. ea a,vue n' r the land raccsea_ry_ for slopes, for cute and fills in grading the ally ii. Eloct ::4, St. Anthony Park ".c rth, tl e ' :. be taken bei .& c-cre particularly laser d as an easement for elopes, for c:: is an! f Ile in q'.' , cr. t* -:!lard abuttin3 , ^_per, Alley in 7 -lock 34, St. An�thz nye'D=.rp Yorth to the extent shown upf+u- sketch attached to t:e re,,crt she Z:;i-::iesiener �f 7orks, in the matter dated Arril 11.t;, l9le, which aketehand rerort art: hereby referr ed to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 208 approved 27Gv • 30th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 9506 approved bidA.ck /Sth, 19.16. i — Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: .0 on de::.n a:.d n k c an ease,?—t ir. the lard necessary fcr slopes, f -r cuts and fills in grading the all e�- in Elcck ;,4, Fl. Anthony park "ort`, --- to be taker. being more particularly described as an naserwent for slopes-, fcr cute and fills in and upon the land abuttini; upor Alley in Slock_34, St. Arthcny Park North tc the extent shcrn ur.cr.. sketch attached to the report of the Com- missicner Gf public W ®rka, in the matter dated Apr-i-lllth, 1918. (2) That the following land, lands. or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- dde� ned (or the purpose of making the said mpr vement viz: . An easement for slopes, for cuts and f i Ta .n ars upor. the land abutting upor. Alley in Block 34 St. Anthony Par .k ' crtY.., to t` e extent shown a&.cl+ Qket.cP,_..tac' ed. to the.. report of the Comr.ieeioner of rublic 77crks, in the matter dated April 11th, 1910. Adopted by the Council. Approved Councilman Farmov,orth Councilman Goa Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers SEP 9 1916 )city Clerk. .. .. 391. _.. v JI fllle� ��. t\� Ixnd to he e. rulnrlr drarribVedi a — �Ioanj for c tw and _ Al -fila e lana nhu[tin l[ upon AMayor. 13i. F1- .\nthnny Part h.-ztPW 'ho, n o c tn� Co.a +a- the en.— ' Ih• \Yorks, In he tter 1 lih. 1916. .hr tollon•Inc lwnd. Innda.- -y — •t J-- therein land tr sw taken. approprof rA and for let Varpoae r king ' n —1- I.l.p.. mrnt. via: d n e- slopes. for cute and fill, "l., . the Iand nbut3lnp upon Alley Ht. Anthony Park North. ' 'tent shown anon aketrhat- to the report or the Commis - 110• \Yorks. in the mnttcr - it y th. 1016. 11 i — ;J by the Coune/1 8ep[. 9. 1016. — RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION ANP AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. j In the matter of Y e " ,.3 . �ondexnir. an! takir; -- '3se,_ent "• the laaaTssary for alcpas, fir guts a::d .`i_ll1 `.: ":glir5 tt' alley i. Scc`ts ivition Savaias Subdivision' Smith's Subdivision ani Thomas Dunn's Wubdiisior., r-ior arer.e tc l^:Bland averoa, the lard to to tare_. ba rd ._ere particiliarl ies r";ai as ar easement fcr slopes, for (ants and fills it and upon the lard at•_�t'ir.. 's; c:= tae. alley in °c;t`.'s Al-iticr.; ,S,r b:i gegen; Smith's Sub:iivisior. and homes Dunnxs Subdivie'-on, between the Foir.ts a°,resaid, `"t ConiTissioner of Pullic Works, in �'- _, N. 1 lel whip-, site -h Pni report are herel_^ ref.,. -ed to arC. a cart hereof. 10 266 under Preliminary Order 2 IE5 approsed �v • r the 1515 Intermediary Order i approved Way •,nen 1916' A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor. and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, Ihat the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof• and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rats - fled and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benehits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. .11rhe it do is less -69 —trined 68 1% dttsrt'if>�d^etiereia, Cit � Adopted by the Council S•_ 9 1916 19,V Approved Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers V. City Clerk. 191 C i _ ayprove�, ,e.ibtry orderir - Mayor. had ha..d b .uklM1e td Aemnation of _ ,.. to t- th-rein, for tae /- .npror nt.-ad the sward- of n d alsoupon the e theref— ment of brneflia therefor. a d unell having duly considered the now therefore be It That the taking' and con- .ved. i�sodfassessmenthe s oll, is oad d of tho. Mayor and signatures rk, and made a part to the e awards of demagca to tho Of such lands respectively for singnd condemnation ah at assessment roll, be and 1- aid ll ati- _ n+ Is hereby In all respe- 1-ti- ;•.onflrmod. ted further, that the held fu me .t of baneflta. be and the to e .,dared. to. be aubmltt id to ._ V. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement.. in_ the land nsaes..earx.._ for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Scott's addition Savages Subd-ivision; Smith's Subdivision and 'Thomas Dunn's aubdiviaicn, from Prior avenue to Cleveland avenue, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills' - in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Scott's Addition, Savage's Subdivision; Smith*s Sub., and Thaffias Dunn's Subdivision, between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public works, in the matter dated June 16th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a pK95hereof, Nov. 9th 1915 y 10,286 under Preliminary Order 6 , approved s , Intermediar Order approved May 2nd, 1916, Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, vu: Condemn and take _ an easement for slopes, for cuts and fible in grading the alley in Scott's Addition; Savage's Sub., Smith Sub., and Thomas Dunn's Sub., from Prior avenue to Cleveland avenue. (2) That the following land. lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con - dem edj r e pu pose of aking the said improvement, viz::.. An _easement for slopes, for cuts an8 f�hie fn and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Scott's Addition, Savage's Sub., _8mith'.A. 8,ub.._,._..and...2hcmae Dunn's Subdivision between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attachad to the report oftheCommissi=oner--of_-Public Works, in the matter dated June 16th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, Adopted by the Council��j " Approved 1 /, Ci clerk. 191 /// Smllh Rub., no soh.. from t'rlor ave- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ;teli'ee rono�a tg land. lands. y Councilman C]Os7 the nt, therein be and the same talon, xyDr and and ,for or making PUI3I.ISITrD Councilman Keller the purpose vl:: An -o - Councilman McColl nprovemenr, 'J.P... for cute I, Ill- In the land abutting upon the Councilman Nash con's Addition. Ravago's Ruh.. b.. and Thoma. uunn'n Rub - Councilman ioerg _;u M..,� oetween eho Dints aroraeafd. n the sketch Mayor Powers.he y stent shown ttauhed to rhe report Y t e MiJtte- sionor at T'ublir R'orks, In the matter 16ib, 1818. hlch aketah Wed June and' report aro hereby referred to .and bereat. j made a part Adopted by the Council Rept 9. L4Y6� Approved SFpt. 11. 1214. (R,�p[emtfor 16=1816) 0 •RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement,.. in the land --necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 3, Stinson's boulevard Addition, the lard to be taken being more particularly des— cribed as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting on Alley in Block 3, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated April 12th,�vwhich sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 6809 approved Sept. 2nd, 1915 , Intermediary Order 9514 approved b.aroh 15th, 1916. 4 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement. and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, nos, therefore be i1 Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof. and the awards of damages to the owners of such,lands re- spectively for said taking and cond—oation as set forth in said assessment roll. be and the .same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further. that the said assessment of benefits. be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to he submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Bo.i�ttt.+6erfiteraltt I Adopted by the Council SEP • 9 NIS Approved 191 Councilman Farnworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers .n Ilan rinR na and City/C;lerk. �r rl� (� f G, � r 8. Mayor. Lot' r .tnPro�emr�i.�nna.Lnenvaras a therefor. and leo,uli eat t benefits therefor, �r7--'-�•"'— mecllow thercere be it ld ., of the landsThat thetax descr baddIn the assessment roll, Identified by tures of the Mayor and City .d made a part It eot, and tete of dameRea to t�e owners of da reeoectlrely for said taklnR demnntlon s s t forth in sxld eat on. beeand the same le n all respects retitled and eon-_ ed -further, that the said as- ',. of benefits. be and the same In all'reepecta fltided, and to hereby rdered to be sub - •he Dletrlct Court for con - the council arnt. s. 1914 ... E FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Condemning and taking an eaaement_.i.A .the 1044, .AQ-ce.".sz-V. for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Alley in Block 3, Stinsonts Boulevard Addition, the land to be taken being more particularly des— cribed as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting on Alley in Block 3, etineonss Boulevard Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch -attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated Apr -fl 18th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a past hereof, under Preliminary Order 6809 approved 8 e t. 2nd, 1915 , Intermediary Order 8514 approved kareh 15th, 1916. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Q bdOmn and take an -easement in,the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 3, Stinsonts Boulevard Addition, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An easement for slopes, for cute _and fills in and upon the land abutting on Alley in Block 3, Stinson's Boulevard... Addition, tb the extent shown upon the Bch attached to the. report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in t!e matter dated April 12th; 1916; which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, Council. Adopted by the CouncilSEP 191 9 1Ql� -- j Ci%y Clerk. Approved 191 t rot. Improv.' Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth fg - {e .,r et X orderer It; C ndemn and take Councilman Goss [he )and nece..ary :ut. nd fills in grading Councilman Keller Boulevard nd a, tfoll r'sfollowing C, Councilman McColl I the following load. Ianda. rtn thernln be sad the same PUBLI I►TD / (� Councilman Nash taken. appropriated find for the purposeof making Councilman Yoerg -- nprovement. viz: Ad no-- lopes, for cute and fill. in Mayor Powers '. he land abutting on Alloy Stinson's Boulevard A'd- be extent shown upon the ' ched to the report of the ' ar of Public Worka, in the > '-'d.April 12th. 1919, which - report are hof by referred n part ha rent _ 91r ., uF918e1St. 9x1 ' ,�{{da �'Md Z$bp%'i7 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND _ AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THERE. In the matter of "0 - :e:..: '-r:g an i taking an easebca..t w'.� 1 a—' r.ecsoeery f :r alcFee, f_.:rt.. -"Is ir. grading Eleancr street frail Hemline avenue to Ed6ee.::..i.e: cad, `.:.e lard to be taker. being sore partici.�larly descr:Led asa,.c ay lcpes, for •.:t= and fills in ar.d -,;T-on the land atutting uponQElaan.. e*.reet between the ^cin.°e aforesaid to the extent shown upon he sletc`: a—?chea :CrCrt Uf the .caicner Cf Pudic works, in the natter dated Apr' -1 1]th, 1916, which sketch and report are `erety referred to and --ads a cart 'ereof, under Preliminary Order 8286 approved : C t`., 1, iv . Intermediary Order 40504 approved bmru^h i th, 1916. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above Improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the --Council having duly considered the same. novv therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- lied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of beneitits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the .same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. __. e0,l Adopted by the Council lTlblfi'•1%ICI'eissr— CF? 9 iJiV I � City A. Approved I _, .. 191 t, Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss n . ..emeata therein. f, •tion•¢ +:ovement, and the awar, Councilman Keller matt+e therofor andalso upon ansa mens o bep.nis therefor. a Councilman McColl he the Council h.vistr dulv consider he now therefore be It Councilman Nash esotveq. That tilewtng and con- Itsame, "I _ 7 - Councilman ioerganlion-of�•fFie land described In the Mayor Powers y u ncxed asse.am¢nt roll. Identtiled by he signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk and made a p. i, hereof, and th• - uwurds ofAam , to the owner. of 'uch Lunde reeuectiv¢ly .,,said taking " and condemnation as at forth In amid cssessment roil. b¢ and the ..me Is ,,creby In all respects ratined and con- ' armed. tlesolved further. that the .al as- Tamenof. benefit., be and. t be me i hereny In all respects ratified, and oroamte4mit¢ ordered itto heImACourt for c- nrmatlolf • dltopt&d b 4ha Council B¢pL 9. 161.6. �s.;,w, r;�a�v: v. lata FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION - PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of 0ar-Ue:,.'_r-;5 a,d tak'_rg ar, e.aeeA<.0rt :r. *.he land nace.s.ear.y_. for slopes, for cute end :ill,s if, c,ad___6 Fleenor street frog. Hemline avanue to Fdg-ecumbe Road, the land to betaken beirg more particularly described as a:._r,r slopes, I^r cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting urcr.'Fleoncrstreet tetween the points aforeeaid to the -. extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report cf the com=issioner of Public works, in the !Latter dated April lit:, 1916, which sketch and repot are hereby referred to and made a part ktaximl, here of, under Preliminary Order 3206 approved "ev • 3G th, 1$15 • Intermediary Order 950 approved march 15th, 1916. Resolved: _ (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary foT elopes, for Cute and fills in, grading Eleanor street frou, tial„1ir,e avenue to Zd ecunba Road. (2) 11at the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of malting the said improvement, viz: An easement for - Slopes, for cuts and fit in and upon the land abutting upon Eleanor street between the points afore- a-aid._te _tte extent shown upon the sYh etcattached to the .revort__of the CommissioTer of PVLblic works in the matter dated April 11th, 1916, which eketeh and report are here y referred. .._-to--axed-,made a part h.areof. Adopted by the Council Approved Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Gan Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Ywerg Mayor Powers SEP • 9 1916 % 19 / O 11 . 191 .i Gln me Irina n escarp mayor. •uta rind tills eerud +tra•«t from Hnmlln. nv nue runtthe rou0” ' Innd 'tans: PUBLISHED Y� ntn the ruin 't . J the and. e br token. apropriatedami cony - A ror the purpose Of maltih9 t4 mpt�vetnent• via: An oogement a. !or cul~ and till" In and up- land abutting on EleanorSt., the vomta aroreeaid to the - rhown poo tha ketch ftaohed port f the COmmi"I-ner or W:orke in the matter doted 1 t hereh. 19bl rOrewhic— to, r ¢de rcreoic. -- 'tll 6y. the COnnodept 9 143x. a d .Sept- III Lokk— IL . RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Cot.deanirg and taking an easement in the land necessary for sloges, for cute and fills is 3raddng kadison etrnnt frog Yotungt-ax, acat..., tc Tec _ 3 .,,.,.._ t la~ '•b .,.ore particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Madisor stra-t between the goints aforesaid to the -extent shown upon the sketch at*achAi to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter sated Arril 16th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred t^ ars neie a rart hereof, under Preliminary Order 8554 approved "ec. aard, 1915, Intermediary Order 0519 approved ;!arch 15th, 1916. " A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above Improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, What the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- s?ectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll. be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of 6enefiib, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $a it fusdrel• n o Adopted by the Council SI—? 61 1916 Approved 191 t✓ity Clerk. Councilman Farnsworth — aemna, tent; thereln, t nt. and .— Councilman Goss the tar, ane tab anon Councilman Keller f bene; to thero[or, an, hig duly c nadered - Councilman McColl therefore be It "hot taking Councilman Nash bandn or lanae it Councilman Yoerg sseasment colt. Identified of the slayor and Cit. made a part hereof. and the Mayor Powers damages to the owners of l respectively for said taking_ nnatlon as set forth In said oil, be and th�eam. Is . Il reaDeela rnttflg4 and con hnt the ald aa- Nrtber. "b:'.' .Caeflta be ¢na [he canto n centesis rntlfled, and her h ey ,doted to be s b - •he DI rrlct Court for onflry •y the Coanc$111Sevt. tient. i t. 16 . =member is -C UYr,I �. .._.......... for. PMT7gtr171` 1 1W FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter -of %—id.uaiag a:ad taking _an. a&seLeAt ,l.,j. the land .@_Ce_saaLr for slopes, for cuts and fills it lrading Yadison street from Youngman 8venue to West Seventh street, t;a-lani to be taken beirg more particularly, describeddescribed as an easement for elopes, for cute and tills in and upon the land abutting upon Madison street between the points aforesaid to the. extent shorn upon the sketch attached to the rero*t of the Com449sioner of Public Works' 81 in the matter dated April 26th, 16,v&ioh sketch and report - are hereby referred to and pie a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 8,554 approved 'je` . 33rd, 1915 Intermediary Order 5515 approved 211roh 15th, 1916. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: C ondemn and take an easement in the lard c�J9eazy for elores, for cuts and fills it wading avenue tc !ez2t 3evanth street. (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demnedlor the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An easement for slopes, for M'+R and fills in -and upon the land abetting 11por. !iadison street between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sket--hattac:ed. to -the report of _ the Commissioner of Pgblic Works, in the natter sated April 16th, 1916, wh4ch sketch and rnport mre lisrsby referred to and made a part hereof. Adopted by the Council SEP J9 o• r i; – c rk. Approved 191 ,,a the acme u,r nende. Y1-: uo - Councilman Farnsworth ," nt museaIl s Tna• M81 r. -, -[or cut- d e Councilman Goa ;; street rroi" j ennKr Seventh air-ot. Councilman Keller •: eelyl That t e ftherollope 'Councilman McColl r oa-emenN taken. "pproprof councilman Nash rP horsey for the ournp.e [ thedsnlde Improvement, t -is: d Councilman Yoerg meet for, slopes• for cut- and A.t Mayor Powers Iron usptreethbettreenlend bthe ttPoints in s' said to the extent how" up°'• th.. -ketch sits} -bed to the report f sketch e'It,tr of Pjblc W1916, tnhum Commmatter dated cr, are hereby referred sketch and rep urt hereof. to Addy made the Council Sept- "• 1916. Adoper �� 9::.in1 �r 16x19161 qW RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matterol Oondeanin3 ar--d takin3 an easement in the lana necessary for slopes, for cote ani fills ir. ^,raii :6 ':eb,aska avenue frog Paynt T-lsh avenue, the land to be taker- being more particularly evo.- c� - r c-cta and fills in and upon to ieaeribei &e rt.: ads a• t for breaks slopes, r r or.}4e bs�ekatia��ay .b jttoathehreport Jof1 the3aai3 the lar.1 abutting uP `^ 1910, the extent shown upon e lit Vin the r..atter dated April cart Commissioner of Tiablic "loris, yei to ani :bade a whit": sketch and repoereh under Preliminary Order '771 . approved -'w • and, 1'`715 • .Intermediary Order 5505 approved ;,arc' 15t`, 191. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above Improvement, and the awards of damages therefor. and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, no -therefore be it �ihcondemnation of the landsdescribed in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the Resolved,at the taking and to the owners of such lands signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is Resolvedlurthe:r, that the hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council - - �rP 9 1916 J n City Clerk. Approved 191 ue. _ Of. m nt. Councilman Farnsworth rovemeent. an c ,. _,v. there[ r, and aiev ..ee.A.10._�b be- I. therealdc Councilman Goss council b ng duty' c - "-tetora be it Councilman Keller same no goao) f{bpI the taking and c the lands described In ja.ment Councilman McColl de riff rooyy��. ldentlfled pn^j aq of the Dtarr anfl Councilman Nash the 4K ptYfrea t Clerk d- mode a part -hereof. and tb pt Councilman Yoerg o damages to the owners dbeh IenddrRj pectiveiy I.'taktpg Mayor Powers d s°t140rtlhM1it eo and for anma nts ;11y le<all"regpeola tatifled and tun- - IlrRmetblr d„ittFoaer, thatthe said and the .4;1,16 ol` Ae 4l4 sesemen ig he ,y.7a allregpecta ratmed, and ti h6reb,• ordered to be an - tfia a 7altted.4a1 ter fyiatrlat Court for conflr- - o mgt1Q S1 .... n eeun613 Sept. 'd. 1916. _ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Ia the matter of Coniatnnland ini; 8 a from 'Payne an �.a6_(G(9 �x w + .`v..:IB nEQe899=� for slopes, fcr cuts and fills in grading *lebraska avenue - � taker. be.3n: -.re a:er e to Walsh avenue, the la y es for cute and gage e: as an en3-•_ ct in he landYneeessar for slopes, is Points fills in anti upon the land ebuttonatheoeketchaattachedska uto the -etwereport of aforeaa`_d to the extent shown up the COME-etcioaer Of Public eWorks, In th re3ytorand tmads paipart h reof,� 10 lieraby i under Preliminary Older ^^71 approved .;:OV ., 2nd, 1915 ,Intermediary Order 9505 approved lurch 15$h, 191. Resolved: . .—Condemn and take an (I) 7 t (he fo l wl 'mpr vement be and thew a Is he eby ordered o be mad , viz: . easement in � e an` necessary for a7opea, �or cine and fills in gr iffin$ Nebraska avenue from Payne avenue to la -121'- avenue' (2) That the following_Iland. lands, or easements therein beand the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con - An easement in the lard necessary for demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: F'.ebraska slopes, for cuts and fills jr, and .:pon the lanto t,d"abutting uFon ay.onus. be.tweon PayneVoVe eerepor�gofhtheComuiesio�er.10 eofe9ublicwWorksn the sketch attached r tort etro hereby is :.=3a Latter dated Agri -1 ll th, 1`31fi, _Whish ---sketch a :tr referrai to and :nate a part helP49f. Adopted by the Council 1 1 Approved �lh Councilman Farnworth Councilman Gm Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yom Mayor Powers SE C(.,ti (" Cy Cleik.: Mayor. :braxka a from to \Valnh acenu'rollowing land._ - .`�Ruinnea for the pervvlx: _A�- p,. nnid Improvmm�nt• MrntutN nn�IflYla [n pnd �V nos .bntttg upo hn Nebrnnkan- .woen Pnyne e%ende hown yon -tae nno, to tho r of the sketch attached to bl a tVo�ka,-In t5e cummleeloner ADr 17th, 1838, w -cd - mntrer ddhh rataTred akatch and reporntTt hereof by ;916. to and madn•6n GouncU_Segk s! . RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THFXFOR. In the matter of Ccndej r.4 92.d tai..- a; easer..e: - in t__c lay! Le'�essary 'cr alct. �-.i `ills ir. ora3i:.g Stewart ave2.t:e fron. West Seventh etre =:.ell street, the land L' oe taia:, for the above ra.a� L,prcvc,..a.t teing more Farti,:..'_axll dascribed as a: easel:.er.t fcr slopes, for c--ts and fills in and upon t`e larft abutting rcr. StawarI a-aanuc: otwelyt,'".e i:. - s aforesaid t;, the extent 9"icr. n the sketc` attac :e3 _- t:.e rei ;rt the of Pu':.' is Works, in Wa a_ .iat.;z Al,_: 1:>;.-I, rhich sk::tch and are hereby .. d tc ar.1 a.a'.e a part herecf, under Preliminary Order 9 '4 approved i = th, 1916 , Intermediary Order J JZv approved -arch 15 ":, 1916. Y A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages thrrefot-and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, Rat the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. escr Adopted by the Council j�- P 9. ISO. 1 t 131E Approved --.-- fyur Councilman Farnsworth - aooi Councilman Goss 11fw— alae Councilman Keller naot Councilman McColl dem Councilman Nash - Ne+ Councilman Yoerg cf. awn Mayor Powers euct uhil qg►t ti R Is 521u A 9. ISO. 6- - City q:lerk. 191 11fw— hrti- L/• a \/ t- i; a,ltti .. 'hao.d a and ender.. - Drer� Dr ena menta taureln. , rovement, anti tae aW¢r JAS' - thereNen and alit. uD.n/the t bennflts therefor, unit fp1f Il�havtng duly eoneldered the 9. ISO. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION _H ) PROCEEDINGS.- '" land r.ec.ges�r.}r In the matter of .. u0:.ili'u .._ is 3..1 .aleing an ._e.sABera@Ll.. ,,v--`2 for slopes, fer cuts and fills ir. grading stewart avenue from West 3evehth street to Purnell street, the lar=d to oa taken f(._ the a�_nve t .^.aired ",r.ravoiuent oo.n3 more (articularly descrited as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon trr ai abutting UPO-fi Stewart avenue, '�atwr�n the pointe aforesaid :; the e ter. ',IT -")D the sket. V at'a..y.' t":e report tf t'1e Vot::.`•ssio'ncr of aatli Forks, in the matter ia`ed Alr.l 19th 1�1 `� eke hand report are here by referred to and wade a part hereof, under. Preliminary Order 3641 . approved F P _ • t�:, 1@1 b . lotermediary Order 9520 approved march 15th, 1316. Resolved: (1) that the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and take an easement in t.zl land necessary for slopee, for cuts and fills in grad- irg etewart avenue from Wee,, ".::nth street to Purneal street. (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the some are hereby taken, appropriated and con. damned for the purpose of making !the said improvement, viz: An easement for slopes, f �r c• -, is and fills in and apor.' t..e land aoutting urc, Stewart ave between the points. afo.re.said to *ne _extent upon the faks�.,.` 9 .taohed to the report of -the•COm- missioner of Public Works, in the matter Sated April l�tti, 1916, which a"eh a-nd report area here; refe—ed._to....and W=ade a part kt~raof. — Adopted by the CouncilE Approved Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers I I '_3ID .191 V ,` V' — ` 4111141111.e Hume '-1_ ` \ _ to tn• rande. 0, , od, , rn "<iii'd - Mayor. nn ea.rment In the. Innnecee.t}rY slopee. for ru [e and H11. In grading kte.vnrt n onue from West seventh St - to Purnellst. - (2) That the folloo•Ing Innd lands. 1 or a eem••nt. therein he andlot` dennd e hereby taken. appropr aondemned ter the rtnhee nta nfor urpe'= Of making Id improvement. \�e elope ' for a to and it In rind upon the land b0ting fort t Birt avenge between the polnl. ao he r.tld to the extent how noon he xiketch ettaohed to the Dort of tha __— _!...,.. of Public Work., In the 3MLI RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING COND�VIF NATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. Inthe matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Tracy from East Seventh street to Harvester avenue, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and°fills in and upon the land abutting upon Tracy street between the pointa aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated April 3rd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order gall approved Nov.30th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 9398 approved March 6th, 1916. A public heering having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein• for the above - improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having s duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved. -chat the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed asscssm,nt roll• identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said tatting and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll. be and the same is hereby in all respects rati. fied and confirmed. . Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. +ae�atcr.af-lett�•dacrfh�'lR2Rin. C� 1916 Adopted by the Council 19 i City Clerk. '. Approved 19 i � � �lJw`�•�- a Mayor. Councilman Farnsworthnne°nleoeu: Councilman Goes •ouncll Of fin ente theref< f Councilman Keller DBnfe. now therefore be i °! of demnntlont Chet endsdescribe,Councilman McColl - soa-62 eaeaamee n. trine,. Councilman Nash eYkl nature, or it, .ayor an Councilman Yoerg sward. dame ° part hereof. a. +uqh lehda rpnDeetivelY e,ata°; rto Mayor Powers and-co'ifeasnatton as net forth in aaeeiikn16 roll• be and the enmrt-,, I !n nil respecta7adfled and timed Reno,ver 'further, the{ the .ala as j 6ierit of heneflte, ba and th'e same t binto *tn all reaDgeta ratlfled, a d e sem` fa heretiv oreergd i Eo be sub•., iltted:'to the Dlef{ict 'Courttor 1tmr.; It'mAfloru yy Ariar bathe QO�Yndl'$e'pt ve '\pprOVgd $eDt 11; yglg Is_t or.. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION- PROCEEDINGS. ONDEMNATIONPROCEEDINGS. _ a r � e ►n the menet of Condemning and taking. an ..aae_em. ..t. irn the.. 1444. negeesar_.,y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Tracy from East Seventh street to Harvester avenue, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement for elopes, for cuts and dills in and upon the land abutting upon Tracy street between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Comatehisndr of Public Works, in the matter dated April 3rd, 916, which report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, ' under Preliminary, Order 8$11 approved NOV • 30th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 9398 .approved:laroh 6th, 1916• Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and take an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in grading Tracy awn.- from East Seventh street to Harvester avenue. (2) That the following land, lands. or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for theurpose of making the said am rovement, viz: An easement for a lopest for Outs and fills in and upon the land Routting upon Tracy street between the points afer0sai& to, Commissioner of PublictWorks, l inothehe sketch. matter datedahed Aprilt3rd,e 9 6,whichthe sketch and report are hereby, .refatrred to .and made a part hereof, SEP '9 t516 191 Adopted by the Council _ C///��t_ :._ . . t� Approved q 141 Kberc Ia -de. rizt Condemn Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ,�anomedinRoTrucY18 tree[ !, a alis In am to llnrveater Councilman Goss N:aet seventh street nu(1) That the follewtng land. 1 Councilman Keller emPnca tnereln be anat�i a ,hereby taken. aporopro Councilman McC011 condemned for the purpose f mr %' . An Councilman Nash the said Improvement. ment tar slopes. for cute and fll " Councilman Yoerg and upon the land abutting upon between the points e forest Mayor Powers atrvet en ket. tg�bedt_to the repo t of the Cc f Public %Nor a. i the atener . nl 5r ter dated Aar referred t• and port re hereby made a part hereof. Sept. s• - t„ Aytopteit by the COu' 9l8 "A�ppruvad BMpk ull. a.�at8) — I CITY OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: j . cou nuL FILE N o. Date Presented 191• I , I Resolved, that 'he &p;lication of Jame_> Cilosky for a license to con.uct a motion picture the:--.tre at 14-16-E. 7t St. be, and the same hereby Is granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year, upon the payment into the city treasury of the custom— ary fee ".50.00 nnwnlvnM1ge Thnt the npDlleellon of Jemrw (tl`nrky far M1 Ih-tre to r E. 7th 9t. he and the name herohy I- nrnn[^A nn•1 the CITY cenle In- etrueteA to Issue such license se roc one n nnn thr' pa"c-1. - 1- n Ihr11Y ..r urn r rr\ rnn ssn.uo. r•.\Inlrt.•rl I.r- thnrl !I �•-pt .. 197n \I.I•..r •-il ...Ir t. I inrlurtf. i �rlrl •nrirrr In-1!riwl yeas ( Coun I' en ( )Nays Far rth Adopted by the Council SEP . SX -16 191 Go In favor Hyl a Kel Approved 1 j 191 1 Against '`CV" erlich Mr. Presikleh Irvin MAYOR Fonts c. e•t CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIcir;R LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: 'd �; • � s.•.. COUNCIL 40. • '. ►ILC y Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the ,following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. 263 _ From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) Joseph Zoccoli Tiodoro=occoli 127 W 3rd St. -- ---- --- 127_�. ars st. Lio.No. 214 Theodore Eberlein John Zinzer, 558 Edmund St._—__ _-- 558 Edm=d St. Th:rt th,. f,.11ottInK .I�fK-. -d II.a to a�li ntoxirullnK li. � Irf.r -.1 Indlec:nd I.0 to rnnpPll�nrinnfi�dulr muds __ from J-' ph 7,--h. 12" W. 3rd s, . I,. 'rio I,— ..... n, 12. \C. 3rd -- --- No. 311. from Jnhn 'J.Ipxer 65l:d- ••1 Theodore. EI -10n,, 668 Ir.dmnnd til. Adopted by the Counrll tie PL 9, 1916. `lrprov. Acplt..b.r t16 -191G) Yeas (✓) ncilmen (./) Nays j L msworth L-/ (� ✓ ss ��� In favor V! lcr cColl --_ ---Against IWAV-1 4. Mr. President, Adopted by the Council SEP %I— Approved 191. M(.l'OR CITY OF ST. PA -UL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: caur 1 .. FILE • N O . _ Date Presented 191 RESOLVES, That the application of the followin_ person for a licence to sell intoxicatin;; li:Taors at the locut1�ns're— sneetively in°.icatea, '.:e, and the same a.raby are granted, :an.. tha City Cl=rk J. authorized and directed to issue such licen-.es to said applic:.nts upon ,he f ilin o: the bona and the payment of the f�_ repi rad by 1_w. NAS APPLI.-A'iT. Joseph A. Kramer Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Farnsworth ✓/Coss In avor Hyland v C_ -Keller lameow, Against Wunderlich IL— Mr. Mr. President, Irvin i.— ?on. roes+ c. a -a LOCA"TD7 420 Sibley St. Adopted by the &unci) Approved MAYOR � 6 y b � Adopted by the &unci) Approved MAYOR CITY OF' ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Sub'1ect' . • ." 'N— 'ILE'ILE FILE N O 1 Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for IL license to sell Intoxicating liquors at the locations re- speotirely indicated be, and the ria" hereby aregranted, and the City Clark ie authoriae4 and directed to issue auoh licenses to said applioants upon the tiling of the bond and Ai1nd, the payment of the fee req%4red by law. 0 RAN Or- APPLIOANT. Louis Lucchesi Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays FarnsworthL D GossL In favor Hyland �- Kellet— M&GedN-'— Against Wunderlich — Mr. President. Irvine FORM C. e•] LOCATION. 64 So. aobert St. 4 Adopted by the Council Approved I I E 191 191 COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GE-N-F-RA.t--FoR-M--- ----- --- --- -------- 1 Subject: COUNCIL ..t. No. Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a licnnao to sell intoxicating liquors at the looatione re— speotively indicated be, and the same hereby are ggranted, and the City Clerk is authori;ed and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and >�d. the payment of the fee required by law<. NAR Of APPLICANT. LOCATION. Chas. -eyer 996 Rice :t. L` r Yeas (✓) Councilmen (J) Nays - Farnawortffj Adopted by the Council 191 Goss L In favor Hyland 1, Kellere— Approved 191 -Ma"IL Against Wunderlich L Mr. President. Irvin L MAYOR FOAM C. s . � 1 i ivy (� riot, 1 r tex t( U tR r i i i . n t 3 COUNCIL" RESOLUTION— GE ERAL FORM Subject: - COUNCIL w� E FILE I V o. Date Presented 191 r BWOLVM. That the appal ioation of the faJI9WinS P@raoAe for llaei a t6 osi; 1Fi pTaior ti Iigwru at the 100atiora Se- +;aPaot Vely indioatcd hta, aril the on" Wreby areranted W4 the MY Clerk In anthtarl"d ani 1lrooted to Tc GUQ mach 11"A"s to amid apPlloants capon the filing; of the band wid the ,zwyw*nt of the tee required by 1&er. um W APPLIOAST. George F. Hafner Yeas (✓) Councilmen (v) Nays (: arnsworth L 1--e" t/ In favor Hyland L _ Keller t - INFIR lF Against Wunderlich z - Mr. President, Irvin v FORM C. a-2 LOOATIOH. 607 Como Ave. Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 M TO M NOWORABIA CITY aMCIL OP THE CITY OP ST. PAUL- IMICAS, It bee come to our knowledge that two appli- oatl*iw have been filed with the City Clerk praying foe Liquor Licenses at Mmber 972 Worth bale Street and 0607 Como Avenue, which matter will soon be before your honorable body for consideration, and t MR, as oltIserm residing In this neighborhood have repeatedly expressed our sentiments and wishes, having, at heart oidy the welfare of our Gemunity, the sacred- -none of our home and the protection of our property. VOW THMOURM, we the u"ersIgned, residents, pro- perty owners and tax payers, residing in the Immediate vicinity of ftmber 972 Worth hale street and #607 �omo avenue, do again respectfully petition your honorable body that said applications -be denied. 49 C' q IL J§�� J I id i, I - It M TO M NOWORABIA CITY aMCIL OP THE CITY OP ST. PAUL- IMICAS, It bee come to our knowledge that two appli- oatl*iw have been filed with the City Clerk praying foe Liquor Licenses at Mmber 972 Worth bale Street and 0607 Como Avenue, which matter will soon be before your honorable body for consideration, and t MR, as oltIserm residing In this neighborhood have repeatedly expressed our sentiments and wishes, having, at heart oidy the welfare of our Gemunity, the sacred- -none of our home and the protection of our property. VOW THMOURM, we the u"ersIgned, residents, pro- perty owners and tax payers, residing in the Immediate vicinity of ftmber 972 Worth hale street and #607 �omo avenue, do again respectfully petition your honorable body that said applications -be denied. 49 C' q IL J§�� J I id i, I - voJlo�.ap?c pogn tcc cc�uATCetwT rov' qua ,s'a= j 'r-0�, CAuL :s.,, ewf- +i 1 aaou NS , -LOLs 0- .;,(.L ' ;'L Lj`l<ffSOl Gff jTO Q VGrAG },eau LTTga A44Y 01+' CIGL1( PLt' T,_.: } - &HAbtstfa'* T+ —0 OC-G +(' Oi,L j<L( Mj"CMG. }.8+ j w F&I"TT- i ,i,U .iRk Rujiubtar]i GIa.n G0f3GIT UB M CLU OIs ea;' bVilI'. TI +. r1 . qq te fit �f . /�h ��,,• � O EP i�/ v-�-�.y .:',`~ �� :.�,�.� � . 11 O e ;:3 MI CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: i1 FouNd, NO. t ")St T; i Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following, persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively, indicated be, and the same hereby are Eranted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and Akafdmad• tl he payment of the fee required by law. ,AM Of APPLICANT. LOCAT131;. Ldward J. Lauer 1 F;. 5th St. I '%le Yeas (✓) Councilmen (•') Nays ✓ Farnworth/-- Adopted by the Council 191 qhs In favor Hyland[ 9—Keller / / Approved 191 U060W Against Wunderlichf / Mr. President, Irvin_ Merow ro.. - CITY OF ST. PAUL �''�Q�� T, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM — Subjeci: / � ..._.............. �ht...!✓.....�.iL'rfl..�GLI f!/!e�...... ........ ..._.___..r-................._ -__ comic FILE 1 O. .............. .... ...-.. L N Date Presented SBpt - %th _1916. Resolved, That the bide for Local improvements as reported to the Council by the Commissioner of Finance, under date of September 11th, 1916, be and the same are hereby accepted. The same being considered satisfactory by the said Commissioner of Finance. W'h-- It. -.1-1 'r. •rn.,t tm• bill.- f- ,r W',.1 no- r ,,. nt,.l. TN, x:l:,�l:: nvl.l.. ,•d ,, t!cf.,:'t ort' 1, � 11,. x„iil ,'� n n,Ixni, t,. r n! Fl ni,nr.• \.1,!I!1 •:1 Ir. Ih•,' , ail ."•1•t. 11. 1'lli, 7 Yeas t l l Co ilmen (l t Nay6 Fa orth Go In favor Kel Me Against Yoe Mr. President, romr c 8.2 rs A.1,qued by the Council SEP U 191 Approved } t 191 1 MAYOR 1 a j 11c arhnent of +f' }i lllit.11C!' Septemberllth, 1916. 5 n nnSWaa*n Cn�n Bann * Hacw no. n ..:o. i To The Honorable, The layor and City Council, City of St. Paul, Building. Gentlemen: I have the honor to report that at a sale of certificates for Local Improvements held Saturday September 9th, 1916, I received bids for the cer- tificates offered for gals, as per attached affidavit of Publication, and respectfully reoom- ment the acceptance, by the Council of these bids. Respectfully submitted, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. 0 I ST, PAUI. REVIEW. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. 11 \`3' "F NATE' OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. I i SPATE y. DistrictNESOT ^ '- -- - STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF City of St. Paul. County of liacraey, Ulelrlrt �" "'^a Itam•eY. ne. Ufet ries Court Kecoad west BL Paul Real Estate and ltol Rama¢y, aa. Dlstrlct Cout :. Second I Sln to of Minnesota. xamsey, a . c mp¢nin, ur corporatlons who beve Judicial DiotrleL Judfclat Ufetrict claim any estate. right, title, o[-provemeat Syndicate Addition Eastville A.Ighte Addition. ur I° pori n AAA Rion. S[ i':a Paul No. 2. or I;—' the State t Mingeeota t•' -'Ons, Judielsl Uletrlel. A 't due No. of A The slat,. of Mlnnew[e. to all poreane, 7lfnnesotlx ° carve ra::.. w0o ver °f Certftl- 't due companlPe, tib• m eomDanle•, ar corporallone who have hues or lal. any estate .n' 'fun• The State u[ Mln neeota. to all persons. rata Lot. Blk. thereon_. ate. Lot. Blk. thereon. L, or claim any estate. r1Qhl, [Ill e, or Name °! Owner as upo14 in terr.t in, .1.1. to Yr ileo upon, say ... lalliasl In, clsl7n to Dr Ileo upon. say shown by the tae[ ar Int«raxt In a•lal t ad of tl fallowing parcels of land do- EIBII Total 1 14 ill l.il 11 _ of the toll..tng Dereele o[ lend de assessed valuation "r'> "f U,r ("Ilawl I. 1 1111017 sr Ih d 1 the Ilat here[ attached; -1 .1 /3 .. 1111.,, Il ]] striped In the Ile[ hereto attached: thereof by the Aaem't of desrrlbcA lu the 11 t 1 8904 r Th II i o [ menta on real prop• if e /3 $40.21 069 11 115.89 0 11.96 I bunt) Asse e I t. [ilk BenrlSla The Ilei of ...e e t D Total IYY8.17 /128.1} The tial f assessments on real prop- Anton An Aire° lY 3 3.900 „r 11 fur tar loenl slmV o m r[y f th 1 1 Improve...to or Im• ty for the local ImDrovemen (s or Im- Ucicl, 1 Su the ria nA. .30 3 59.00 la made In Inc ' `nln[ pro a eat• made In the Clty of 8alet NO. of DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY pp o .meat made In the Clty of Saint Ileirn 1. thrrlu nd. 21 7 "9.00 Vruvem 1. t ,wa: Poul known and drocr+Ded as to )Owe: Certlfi- Am't du. \ Paul known and described ae follows: t'hdrlrn .\. Iluthmnn. ." 7 29.00 1`uul known and Aeer rlben ,ate LoL Rik. thereon. I.nNe 1`hnla•n Ia+nA A: - ,nt „( h«r,,.• Date Th. xs enl of be nail[ costs E7 81 8 41 $40.29 Birmingham Park. The assessment of benefits. cost. Imp \'r "3 3 2'J.00 Thr xxxean ixlnH fru, - nnA ext"-tlx.x writ lit from lite con. E9410 _ and «x pens«. tr lnlnK from tae r' I.ul 1 lull 7 +nd & and «xl 4 n e sU u•t nH •f ar' • r + Urnalow street OB9Ul ... 9 17 41.96 No. of : eon" .t„nt1uH f « xrw• or strut llnK of x n••wer an \\'est l'enlral ( ) C 21 1 29.00 fr ��++ III t flat" ItarH«x.. xt r«rt north to a11eY 228.17 l22B. A 't dee e from Fnsl Ilna• of Iwx lnKlon t° Su.t) 1 Itl,,,k 7 UenelOws Addition .1111 y 1] Cert10- AM *t 1 h I n 1 A .fl ! the n t Total le. Int. Rlk. thereon. • •� menu t. roaino t6 16 ,he sewer In llxford S[, has b,•rn filed 1 (, .. 35 3 "900 „ii1 l I.ax I..«„ flied In the oRlce oI A 't doe 2 176{.10 In the of the Clerk u( the two 1111'6° 1 the 1'Ierk of the tI]Iwthic Total 116110 6.10 oRhe I.nk 71.a1,•n I A A of the 1rnt,r Iloa• f I ! to r t er[Ifi-... 3 , No 1064 ' Lr ou and each of Ute [rlcl court of sold county. of which RnD III .4 3 29.00 1 k art .f said c only, h C 111 tont octet° attached I. 6 cop)' There- \Ibert N. Ur 1 IK 11 1 !41U has he. -1, fill A In tl,e oRl,a ,I that hereto Attached le ° • copy "a1° lot. Blk. thereon. fore, You and each f You. are hereby August Nnm 1 l0 4 "9.30 °f the Afxtrllt our of nu hl sq.F.Y171 9 /7 fl15,08 required to Ole In the ori of the said ,\uguat Nnmpu... 9 4 '19.,, 'hich that h«reto ltuc ne,, (`, °¢re The rhrrebY rt0ulred to file In the Rica 08900 9 4 48.03 clerk. on or before the twentieth August Knmpn.. e x 29.28 ThcrrtorRr. you and each °r a Total 1183.92 1197.98 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. day atter be Dubllcatlon of tills It i,h+let Rin,11.4 + 29.29 hereby rPoulred to fila In the .,rte t of the said clerk, on ft before the notl0a and Ilea your answer, In writ Flrnt State Rnnk of a Id clerk, on or before tae t er.�leth. twanlleth lEOtb) daAdd y atter the Dubll- -- ins setting'Adtor[h any objection or do. \Yhlte tient I.nke.. 6 120th) dao eller Du bit N;• rlb�- cpconinf lhltln61sell og }oHhyaaY :4 411r c rt n• Am •t due we.l 9t. Paul Proper. fens* you may have to the, confirmation L 29.29 natice a d lta t. )' un ¢1•e''rr jection or defense You may bath to tqe tate. Lot. Blk. thsre0a j at such aateOment or any Dart there- Flrnt State Bunk of Ing. .."Ing fort❑ Y °°7ert•""..�i .AfrAAtlon of wcN .'-yZ=nt. Or k1917B G 1] 3116.19No of \\'hits Renr Luk••.. 6 4 29.29 fqf+ a You may have t. [h^ o[, uD'on any parcel of land des luguxt \'cracker.. 4 1 .9.29 Ilbn of Such assessment. ! oar( any Dart thereat, upon any parcel W 01903 .... 6 13 11.93 Certld- e ` Am'S dl(s In said l,at, and In default thereof, ssld ;\uKu»t t'oe lcker. 3 1 29.28 thereof. upon ti> vette$ orf +x•: ds- fund deet ethereal. In sold Rat, sad In de• tt8t.11 IIB).9'1 t.. . thereon. auessment will be confirmed and ludg- P.•t.r I,isun ... y 1 "9.49 scribed In Bald Ilst. and �� r,I`laulI fault thereof, IA e.eenment will De To[nl p1991 . Wl 115 162.06 ' h9ru*. went Ill be rendered, but not dock- Rnnx n. Svc ndsrn 1 4 14.48 thereof, IA eaae•emrnt w111 c° u firmed end judgment will De [lard• No. o[ N 781 .. 1 116 136.0E eyed. for assessment on said list ap- armed and Judgme n[ will he r•�3e I ed. rad, but nut docketed, for anaumeal Certify Ain't due peering against IL All the fort Dial' property being lo• .• u n said list appearing against IL Total /198.01 IlIt.01 1 g but of dockel.d, fur Ine[sse n' n c¢tr. lot Itlk. thereon. N. C. ROBI NS N. «aced In the City of SC Paul. County Of said Il.1 up Drnring ago N. C. ROBINSON, 08889 / /1 337.95 Clerk of the Dlelrlet COart Of Remeey f<n In xr). r��ule of Mlnuexot u. r,lerk of Ins Ulelrlct Cour[ of Ramsey $37 97 {11 91 No. of Clerk of H'•nt'n\I,.r :-1956) N. 1'. RURINS'•h Total hrilfl- Cher due - Clerk of the Dt.10II ' .urt of I. -m Y 1'°u n t Y. Nu. of ta. Int. 131k. the repo. •QII.3•-of St. PnuL County of RAmeey. �a�..nty r'ItY of St. Paul. County °[ Ramsey, CerRO-- Arn. due (76992 ... 5 116 11,6.02 _ Rtnte of Mlnnewta. STATE. OF S{INNESI, TA. COUNTY OF �tntx of Minnesota. Cale. IAL Rlk. they it 2T 2 116 SI1799 it{7.91 ILan. eon SA. District Court. Second SI 1'n ul.''n„o,x , 8 11. 1]1.77 Ramsey. t'ItY of x - E7/R• 8 Ii 10.96 tai -- Hyde Park AdAI[lo1 Judicial District. State '.f 1l lnnexu In I" nxluw'„ Addlt tan t° the 1'It> o! St 08886 I'uul. f75 17 176.13 Inial Name of Owner ae shown The State of Minnesota, to all per•one. _ Dy the last sensed companies, or corporations who have Num,• of Owner as No. of DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. valuation thereof by the Asem'1 of or claim any elate, right [file. Or shown br the last Am't due County Asa.eflor. Let. Sea fit, interest claiIn. cinlln W Or igen upon y It""'r„ ,rel, n I!.1- aa•.. Certifl. any sed valuation cp[e. Int. silk. tae39 1 N'm. unity I.Inkc {.and Co. IF.x- the following clang I. Or It o[ land ny thereat � ay the Assas't of ET828 . 9 41 139.71 Kumlle Addition. ce Pt I,exington I•k con)') 16 {564 95 aerI In Ise IieI here [a attached: Name of t wner as + aenly Aneosor, lot. Blk. Bsaafitl 019tl6 9 /1 _ 47.07 r shown DY the host II«rman t'. 1'1lrfkr.. 21 7 $60.00 (13821 ..11 $102.06 -- Lindeman', Subdlvl.lun The list of as ....men[¢ on real prop. a.scesr•d vnlu¢Ins' .1 .tnderxun 26 1 60.06 Total {86.71 186.71 09915 11 6 45.19 arty far tilt locallmpruvelaen[a or Illy- thereof by [he :n'i ut oho !!'etrehkrt 2G 3 18.30 Nu of -_- / Owner nn oravem cola made In Iho l,'Ity t Salol 1•panty ,\xnexaor 1."' 4: • nM1U. 7'n lido I. Nelson 'l.7 3 46.30 Cert10- Am't due Total .... ... 1141.36 114{.16 ehuwn DY the last Pa known and described as follows: ynnn J:rcnL ,1'h rlxte nota 29 3 22.fiY t v le INS,tion Ilam,. 1: Thou, ix I,� ,Ioaan 1' hrrxtrn -a .30 3 24.53 c Ir. L.ul Rlk. that on. thereotr by tae Asem t of To, t [ f brnelltx. toxin x.F, \ f 1 1, lx Joy„ I, ,'hrlxt• 31 3 22.6E x8881 1 t0 $61.96 Otherv. ot Imp rove me Its on '- Counly Aseeeaor. Lot Rik. Renefite. ;, i t -1 tram O„ , an ' l u ul' •a nett S7 O 1 $67.96 {63. ar Ilene held vt I•rtul on. I.IKhI n I'a K« xl rest IInr1,w I 'I I I. 1' •2, 3gdi✓ 1 ' _ �n rn \ H "1 h Ixte li 7 ' fiE 1 4077 f� I \ Ir In Itruwn I+ l trt by IAT CIIM !'a. 9 .+, d 11 11., . 1., \ • , ,i 1! .1 n I 1 ,+ n H -- Ce of fi - 9 Fol. 7 7 undo 1862 SI Paul (.ae I.IKhr \ nax 1 •n filed to the af- fix« R 1.. :n n. '^.67 rtl - Am't dos Rlvd - .10 3 10.7- aro of the [ Irrk of tae Ulntrlct _ c.1... I.ot. Blk thnrao )( 1. 1849 OS IRIth 1.80 q0i r•n _O +..� 1_ 1739 e Y A r St: Paul tae Light ;curt of said count Y• oI which All the fore ening r party b la.- 1_ � t•O. ......11 3 10.77 that hereto attached to A copy. There- rateA In the Cloy o[ St. Paul, County of 0.. n } T Kt. Patti /jne I.IKaI I• 1 107- fore, you and earn of )'au, are hereby •1''It „� -n "` - I• Ilamney. Slate of Minnasata Total $4789 147 89 Tolai $11.11 111.45 C., ' required to file 1n Iho office of the ,S«p r,•mher 2-19141 N°, of Grand Total 1166.67 Ft I`nul Gas I.IKhI Said clerk. or bcforr the twentlelh Nnmr of ,\tenet en Certin. Am't due (b. 11 3 10.77 (40th) day after [he DODllrwllon of this „how. i'y lh.• last '.I. In,l. Iilk. thereon. No. of S[ i'ntl 1.an I.IKhr notice a d Ilei. Your n er In w ll- nh.. e d valuntlo1 1.8882 3 40 14719 Am't due C. .il 3 10.77 Ing. eettin forth any objaction r de- Aex m't of • Certifl- 1'nl+l Oux I.iKhl [epee y'ou may hnva t° Iho confirms- thereof by Ins 11719 1/720 te. Lor. Rlk. the 10son. .06 °�+ h'Ca. I6 3 10.77 tion Of euc•a as essment or any Dart County Asxxsnnr Iur Rlk It AU. fin Tflol 03892 ..15 6 11{119 St. f•ntl nx l.lght thereu( upon un)• parcel of Iand da- I_,n - Am't due 084934 z._. 8 1 4071 scribed In old Ilea and In default 1l.. r, \ ' I' Cert10 111171 ..IS 5 16961 I ° U,-reuf. AIA ......men[ Ill be con• .\.I , x t 1 I I gs tr I.ot Tllk. thereon. SI i`rtul (' s I.IKhI 1Hnex \ J I'l la 416 OB9B1 1 40 $1719 Total .. 1307.73 $393 .73 I i 10.71 firmed and Judgment w•111 be rendered. I; ' .x t, ,oasI - IS \l7T-JeE ON SALE. }it, aI.. I ln. I.IKht wt t do.ketrd for nxncesmenl 0 1'rnnk \I i1TRpt 1 :415 Total $17.9 3/3.Bt Other unPAId Anse•an. nls n 92?vs 1. o. 6 4 10 77 sold list uVV°Aring agelnet It. 1 1 ;6 14 r Ilene held St i`. 1 GAS I.IKhI N C ROBINSON, }' Jon..x :615 IrrltOralK for Local 1lmproveseals. No f Am't due have lot 16, o I C. _ _ _ 6 4 40.77 x Certlfi- b)• the Clly Uusl Itr axon 1 1 /0.73 Clerk of the Rletrlct Court n[ Rnm ) }li o It A It, 1. Not,, , h«rr It given that °public rate IRI. Rik. thereon.Fal. 7 77 . Mounds 7 4 4078 1:O11n lY „+ :6.16 xuh• will 1'. held t the Ofllee o[ the 478880 u 10 (119 Hided 16.63 C•rtr1 .1. Oulck sell.. \t'h11« + :e.i6 (-om ullnxl:,n.r of Fln¢nce f the CII. Fol. 1619. OrlRllhs Nor' hero Realty Cn 2 1 4078 a I,, \ ,)$,,11tH Tolnl {17 t9 W.So „ rill I Rt. i•.ul. unto u[ Rnmsry. It«.nl• 1 of Sr I•nul In Ih« in oxoueo and Terry Sewer.. 1.90 - All the foregoing property belrtg lo- :lints of Minnesota! S«,rl,. 6.16 Ilnll IiullAlnK In en Aid Cl ly. On No. of enied fn the filo ut Fi. Pas:l, COun'ty 0f Fr..,f R A -I, r-,. L' :7.eS th„ 9O, dux of Nept.. 1916. .l Cer«tlfl- Am't due Total nd T a i1L12 ; 11.12 Rnmee)'. state of Minn.—r s- t. Sr I•xm `x•ol }:x1:U.. F,e i It •+.-, - .fi.i- to d fo' n 1i. of the totlowlnS car- •.t Lot Itik the 17 . . rn ... . tln,'¢i,.x of ".at. for local Improvement. (S]gT0 4 /0 117.19 117.19 ne 1.. 314.11 .._ 1Septrmb,r2-1916) «,pr0 m,.ur .\+,dl -:a1,. \ddlliun I:,Im— \t'�,I„"' :1.15 apin whi,�h the time for redemption a tlsao \t .\uen'' {17 19 117 t9 has explr••A. and of the lntereet of in' Total N.mx of owner ax .\H, 1111,, .- .•11) In re„1 ental,• therein Ae. Abed N„ of _. shown b,y the Inst II,r.,1 kite - 2.15 ,1.1111A Iher.frum, vis. Certlfl- Am't due UFiSf R1i•TION OF PROPERTY. xeA v lua tion It I. 1i I" 21 l6 le. 1,,,1. Ink, thereon. thereof hY the Assm'l of \t,r1 �'i111 t,.nr 2';5' 1,7{:c'n1I'TIUN OF PROPERTY. EI806 a 12 131.64 13 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF • F1932y IAngevin's 4th Addition, Ramsay. es. District Court. Second (Vrpn Iy A.aeexn, Iol. Hlk Renefite 1i Judicial District ''., I,Ilol I'it) It«nR) }:,lou 1 \\., 11,,, .krait iMrk 8 1 4 12 7791 3:06 6 it 8 1i IS {':'i 16 180G.0.01 No of Am't duo 'v The State of Nlnneso[a, to all yyerwns ,n�tul 1.1[) Really '1" \ I Na. u( Total ('«rtlfi- companles. or corporntlone wh hwve y3 1:. 12 v3 •rrtltl :\m l due N°� f Am't due to Lu[. Iilk. the$6.2 \ - �-<• or claim any estate. right. title or �I I•n,+I I<rult> .t Ax ! '' e u fi . any 1' 72 93 All fhe fore , xle. 1 , t Ilk th . Grtl - $0 interest In. cletm to or It.. aeon xela 1'0 "' . \ suing Vrup«rIt s. I g Ip 1'quu5 11 .7 S-2 93 sett. I.ol. Iilk. thereon. 48 1 $116 13110 of the following Darnels of Fon. de• St. 1 1 It• I >' k \x- rsta•A In the CII) of SI Paul a'u..nty of 6'82 I1 27 .3.96 441 t 12 117715 .... .... acr�Dad to the I1sp hereto attached: seta Oay, -21 16 12.93 xam•ry. state la[IMI ....to. II yg; II 51 7.12 1 6889] / /8 ] U/t Total 91 d D 11 James 1T. Thomas.. ]0 15 14.99 3'19181 The list Of �a csoptqI nis on real prop• Jlmee N. Thomas. .19 I6 34.93 Total 1/9A1. 389.11 arty [or the 104.11,lmpfaV0menti or.Illl•. �� a \r 1t ........ 1G 16 74.83 111889. 3 42 No. of No. f ., COrtlfi- ws: The amen! bene fif Am•[due Total Caf•tid- Certlfl- Ain't due I'll t, lint. F6ik. thereon. Am't due rinlm a . ,•a tat r. Ight. Mlle. inr•r••xt In. The assessment of benefits. costs 1 h A. Dn I 15 15 II 28.81 r.etin. Am't due Pe ron,rrx-!nK ^( +r aewrr un New Toh xl rest m No. of not i. B,R. tDi{3.{8 Am'[due .re Cita. Lot. 85k. thereon. F.nat Srrenlh ntreel lh the It:x^ tr,, Certlfl- and eKV n arlalnR from he cop . -- n--lr-w-er-Ort-iia'mRne a.e- troetb K of-. A 1,1=,- U i5 +l t -F - tl_. ---Nr- 24:70 . --12:95_ -...1.-. .--_-_ _ ... _ _- _ - - to -1d800tF- _-.d. [,Ot 81k CS thereon. -i37:69 ` OB 91 ... �L 3111.66 37.92 7{1.{8 D2150 M761 ..12 2 . , 12 2 76.16 7.{6 • r r t , e n o f Jd11et 'dfreet to a vola$ 65 5)13 eA h• 131pl '10 !1C 3E.83 ! 65793 812 9] 68.10 er - citta. Let. Blk. thereon. ehowa by the teat as n Therefore. u and each •,! you. Ilther unpnlA x n, .,omenta on ' ° f rl th f the north Ilne o! Pulse S 1 Iter hl; v 9 Ifi 34.91 Th« nxx.nxment „f h_ nrfltx, rnxta nnJ • x 1111"11It front the co natructing are here b)' rryulreA to file the uhovr• onlrv• Bald , I.rk. ' or It— held I.ol I1. Block 9 --or by City. 1 Total No. ....... j{1.16 7!1 1i, Total ... .. $12.60 $12.70 has h ren Bled In. th Rlre 0f lhh Clerk of the District Pur ,ret J a HI I her a IG Ch Ill 7 78 2293 12 93 St.. " $:2.83 Total 393.89 $93.89 of , Certlfl- ,'lark of the Dl.,rlct Court of xui'I county. ofwhich that here- Am't due wnikx 76.13 1 No, or 1206 01 $406.01 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. ,tuatln T. 11c Drrmull. i 2 19.11 i url of .aid county. of which T t (1 T 13 h k. 6 !0 12.92 PROPERTY. No f Cheater Park To- ruu nA )'nu. her- Ly' Cat<, CM890 7 oL Blk. they<on. Rea rrnagement of & Jack Cert!fi. Am't due % _ that hereto attached le cop) Therefore. You and each of you. 11 ) tt I 5 7G I,erin F 11 ..-,1•-n / Ifi 'T 92 1. 92 STATE OF MINNESOTA, GUI'NTy OF Cert ffl- cute. Lnt Itlk. Am't due thereon.. � �oo _ {1 727.92 (re 1., Am' due cafe. 02751 / Lot. Bik. .IS S thereon. 76.71 I1•'TION OF' I`ItOi'F.TtTY a e hereby requlrcA to file In the tt n, J tt Illln.n, 3 IG ]_ 9J ltameey, ea. DSatrict Cour: 8«eund .800. .12 2] 727.68 Total No. $181.86 777.92 357.95 (34782 "- '..QS EA763 G 39 officef the said Jerk, on jr before the tb (201h) day af. \l'rn ,I \t'lliin rax lr. 1)'n, .I tl Illi:, n,x 1 Ifi x292 27 98 Judicial District 11;5;94 13 23 66.30 of C. ill oral j406.if 3206.17 Other Am't due thereof, arld ,texnmetll will be con- Arm It nnA lyAg To I will be rendered, Total -- 712,70 1 611.70 (\ Iwentilth I [<r the pu...w ori of thla notice and !tart th F. \nn- LuI not ,lark, ted, fur n..... MI -M on Tae 9tn[e of Mlnneeota. to ntl •�.r ole - Total DRSCRIPTION OF 291.89 {93.79 ate, lief. Fllk. thereon. - -' Nn. f P.hr i.w Addition Certlfl- Arn't due Ilnl. your nn er In wet lin Battle K. K forth env obJ etlon or defenea you All the fore AllRynR property be,.RYloi In the Cit of St. Paul. Count of r c0rnpaa.1c.. o corporation. Ill, have c any estate, right: ;.Le, or Na. of Am't due V rite. fol. Blk. the rron. NUN 2 42 {37.55 111.56 e• d lop No. f car III. ,l thereon. { 1 Am't due .... IAII the foregoing Property being lo- may have to the conflrmatlon of .Yah R.rosey. State of Mlnneeota. OF I'It OPERTY. role reel in. clfllm to or Ilan uuon Y Cert!ll- Total Ain't due (31898 41 37.92 Tulal tate. Lot. Rlk. thereon. Sint• of 1lln neanln. ee.em ea ent. o any Dart thereof, upon :"•I I„m L.r 2 14181 of the tollowlnR Dercels of IanA de- c to a Lot Rik therhon. Tu Cal Cate 3206.01 {!06.01 D2863 ...15 I::.0 le l'nr,I .t A,'Itl„n 76.16 ^l' t, any and I of land described 1n aafd Ila$, and In default thereof. Id - -MINNE OTA. ^ STATE IIF MINNESOTA. IOINTY OF scribed In the !lel ber.tu attucLgl: F800x 1116795 - .11 23 14 23 537.59 66.30 'u. of 2'9919 ate. Lot. Blk. thereon. - (16815 l8'. 59 G 1406./4 The State of stlnnesota, to all persona D1B71 ....Ifi 2 7.46 5 ti e t 111 be ednflrmed and Judg- be III—.,, a. 1, Itr,ct t'ou r I. Se4ond assessment. The Ila$ of nen menta on res: 1.{op It".-_. \I \- nl I I ,,-�-:i I I fin1 3 31 61;.16 DESCRIPTION OF Certiff •ate, Lot lllk. nm't due ^un[v A,eeaen r. lot Blk. Benefits lt' Ila 'kat: It. CIU' Total - - - $12.70 712.10 uu I'll wlll rendered. but of docket- ed for asacae m eat on said i(eI u Judl• Ilrl Olxt rlc 1. ''` If I'. tan 53 t\' ilr keel IL arty for the I ocal u. Im- t d 1 Total Addition. Nh of S93 89 293.79 F91^0 7 t2 thereon. 1121 66 9 1 3'191 1,1.511 11-tr rn 1'a•gl w 10 1 1, 1. 1: 2G 1 14 8.98 7 31 12.47 Cr rtlfi- Am't due p DD Ing against it. The n[ 3linncautn. to V omen a ma e O the cI[y of Int Paul known and desert bed as fol', IrFSrR1I'TION OF PROI'b:RTy 111889. 3 42 77.92 No. f N. C. ROBINSON. 1 Clerk of the District Court f Ram-, .ylatr nil person,. mPnni«9. orVnratron. who have ws: The amen! bene fif Total $16910 1169.11 Certlfl- Ain't due I'll t, lint. F6ik. thereon. Count)•. rinlm a . ,•a tat r. Ight. Mlle. inr•r••xt In. rax of e, cast$ ItI.", r'x lira "x n,e, en rlelnK from the rrn agement of ltarnlenl er No of 16 9 $6.26 It'la,m [u or Ilea upon. any of the foll,w .s, p,r reel, o! Irtnd dr- Pe ron,rrx-!nK ^( +r aewrr un New Toh xl rest m No. of not 1`u rk. (,rt It Am'[due DI885 .16 ! 7.18 City f St. Paul, COU my of Ramsey. suited In the Ila$ hereto n[tnched: F.nat Srrenlh ntreel lh the It:x^ tr,, Certlfl- Am't dor ate Int. Illk. there Total 1$4.30 3$2.10 8fa to of Mlnneeota. The Il,t of nn,. omenta ca real Drop. xlmprove $flay of the o, Cr. i`nul )t• not Bate. nPoli, & rlmnha Haliw'n)' hue h«., Icd 11:8414 Int. FSIk thereon. I1 9 (130.73 E9121 1 12 .6696 1 4 42 3111.66 37.92 No. f Sunny,ide Pl., N0 . -' - •-rty for the Inrul menle or Im- prnrrmenG made In the City r Il r•v in CII I'M of the her of • le- trim r'aurt of Total 816918 1169.1$ Celt fl- Ain't due Name of Owner, ss f Paul known And deecribed follows: mid counilr, or, �Ich Tot„I It I, hereto 'attached 1.. $330.;3 $130.77 Nn. of citta. Let. Blk. thereon. ehowa by the teat as n Therefore. u and each •,! you. Ilther unpnlA x n, .,omenta on Certlfl- - Am't due 132656 ..It 2 16.26 D/887 I/ 2 T.46 asseeeed valuntlon thereof bythe Aeem't of Th« nxx.nxment „f h_ nrfltx, rnxta nnJ • x 1111"11It front the co natructing are here b)' rryulreA to file the uhovr• onlrv• Bald , I.rk. ' or It— held I.ol I1. Block 9 --or by City. co te. I.lrt. lith. F.1602 5 12 [hereon. !36.51 ... Total , {12.$0 $16.10 County Asseeeor. Int Big. Benefit. . Arthur J Sch wurtz 5 f1R28 fo-111 of :r x«w«r �•n I`:r,�-a1 air, nue (rum "oast ,I a , u« t.. :\xhla n,l nv , e t�111-1 Le (ore the Iwre M lath 120rhI ,i:.y laf• (er Ih.. publirtxllon of tlh• ' I, Ful10 132 0 - ding E942'2 5 12 1118895 a 12 117.68 17.92 .... ... Irthur J. Schwartz 4 38.28 hex Leen In the office of he tire. and list, your un 'rr n of It• tit r'Inir St.. " $:2.83 Joseph 1'anlrky.. ... 3 2 38.28 Austin T. lt,11-routt. 2 2 36.48 ,'lark of the Dl.,rlct Court of xui'I county. ofwhich that here- Ing, setting forth any oblertIon , de- 1529 r'r•nteot fence have t0 6ritna- wnikx 76.13 1 Total 1206 01 $406.01 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. ,tuatln T. 11c Drrmull. i 2 19.11 to uOnchrJ la copy. There- -each tot you ray the can llon o! such asseeemenL o nn)' part Tutol DESCRIPTION OF .. $148.96 $1/8.96 1lnrtin PROPERTY. Cheater Park To- ruu nA )'nu. her- Ly' thereof. uvon ny Dnrcel 0f land de• & I.l neau'. ISiock 32, grown Rea rrnagement of & Jack Rogers -Hand rleks Acre lata. r' Illt„ tllo In the Rice of the :rid clerk, un r 1,efore the twen. scribed In old Ile!, and In d.fault .,rand thereof. Bald a.eee.men, will D« con. Tot., $4.9.69 .! •" A,,, shale .n_ X. or Name o[ Owner V Meth 120th) day xfrer the Pu bllha [ton firmed and J dgment wlil be rendered. �oo Nu. of ' (re 1., Am' due shown by the Inst .. assessed luau of thin nnllre and Ilxt. your newer, In w 'rl II- xrlOng forth but not docketed, for aeeeeem«:.[ o I,F:Sr'It list IL I1•'TION OF' I`ItOi'F.TtTY ('erllfi- rate Lot. RIk., Am't due thereon. 'c are. Lot. Rlk. thereon. on - thereof by the Assert', Jf any objection or d.•f«nor you may here to the rh nfl rtnn- told appearing against N. C. ROBiNSUN. I.inJem�r n'a SU LAly lxl on Iatx 9, 10 F910i G 72 $181.86 6 11 E. 8 406./2 x 1 ' County Assessor. lot- Blk. Benefits It— of ouch I.xessment. or any part Clr•rk of the District Court of Itam,e )' of ilyAe f•xrk EA763 G 39 �� 113.82 Joseph 1f. Raltu R.. 1; 338.42 Ann 11,11, .... 18 2 33.96 lhrrenf. u,,P rte)' yn ctrl of land Jr- rr 11"d I I nald S' I.and In default Count)'. Nn. of Gi6.I 6 32 55.64 oral j406.if 3206.17 Other H um ph re)' F. Ann- .hie IS 2 31.96 thereof, arld ,texnmetll will be con- Arm It nnA lyAg To I will be rendered, City o! St I'rtui. Count)' of It.,,na„)'. 'er(ifl- .Aute of Mln nteuta. .ate Am't dor. Lot Illk thereon Total {351.30 $751.70 unpaid assessment o )• Rens held D Cll)•. r !tart th F. \nn- LuI not ,lark, ted, fur n..... MI -M on F9551 1 _ 65u4.81 DRSCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. No. of ,ell 14 2 18.42 RAW 1111 wpyearing agal,,t Il - -' Nn. f P.hr i.w Addition Certlfl- Arn't due /tun 11 F. Ann- y Cbl Ii 16.98 r' Itt3ISINSON, T,•t.,l .I \t. Itnax Su LJ13'xlun f 1 :. .4 3502.81 $502 84 Certlfl- ' Am't due V rite. fol. Blk. the rron. ... • Clerk of the Irl atr!r[ I',, t u( Itmm�ev ,, ,1 Ih.t Vnrr of 13 d,lo,t - •,.'h �.f e• d lop rate. Iwri. Rik. ,l thereon. { 1 591 F 3 E. L3 6 7 $6.11 .... IAII the foregoing Property being lo- County. O,« ,' .11 I' 1I & O R. It : ,.' t'::i- IIES"ItIPTIIIN OF I'It OPERTY. F1533 11 10 $7 99 Total sated In the rity of St. Pnui. County of Ramsey, Slate of 111nneeota.) I'll) f Sl I`aul. fount)' of itn m,e )'. lin-x ,rut I.01x to Sl Poul. Nue thrrl )' 115 Feet of I.In.e & Z'M"' Tulal -- $:.99 $7.99 11 ii. 14,11 !trend 1SeVtem err Y-1916) Sint• of 1lln neanln. a ilrnrrnn A assn' Kamen$ of J3 No. of 1 Total 1511.27 Name of Owner as and k..w ]t RrowAddit & Jackson's Cate Am due No. f STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF --- Ramsey, a. District Court. Second I::.0 le l'nr,I .t A,'Itl„n shown by the last ......rd v Iu.tlon Addition Intel Int. Rik. F.811U 11 to thereon. {164.61 8�J Certlfl- Am't due Judicial District Name of Owner as thereof by the Asset', of No of It 942 11 10 2'9919 ate. Lot. Blk. thereon. - (16815 l8'. 59 G 1406./4 The State of stlnnesota, to all persona 1h.,vo by the last I.,..a d M..tlon t ty A ewer, Fat Bik Beetet 1111- t • AM' t due Lot 131 it thereon Total 1682.11 $462 1 3 , Total Topanice. orcorporation. who have $Cerro[ by the A..m't of It".-_. \I \- nl I I ,,-�-:i I I fin1 3 31 61;.16 DESCRIPTION OF 8205.12 1406.62 or claim any Betula rlRht Ulla. or In - " Interest In ciOlm to. or Ilan upon, any claim ^un[v A,eeaen r. lot Blk. Benefits lt' Ila 'kat: It. CIU' r I I 11 Iirr & 1tfR. 476 tl t ]^ { x:lx 1 .li 8.78 3 3 34 4.91 ,t. I;nt zl, n'x Ftefl rrnngrmenl PROPF_RTY. of 91Re1'e Other unpaid assessments o !lens held b City,r Y the fon. Dnrcel, of land de- bed ''` If I'. tan 53 t\' ilr keel IL 11 Ioul It ler & 11fK. i :"]• I'u. 74 80, Addition. Nh of Berl In the ithereto attached :.It> I:, 11 G4 or, 9 1 3'191 1,1.511 11-tr rn 1'a•gl w 10 1 1, 1. 1: 2G 1 14 8.98 7 31 12.47 Cr rtlfi- Am't due Nn. of No IofIllAin't due The Ilnt o! neeesamenta on real Prop erly for the local Improve r provemrnte o Im- r'h., •'I«• .1 .loh n.,,n Ir: IS 07 24 \\'rn .I IlnCh IS 12 3051 J.,r uh Flr,•xt to Al i 1'•:•4 1' !7x11' J"I' Flrra[nm ...12 1 i'•'•/ I' !, 1. 3 3/ 9 06 1 34 85.11 rate. l.ol. Rlk. 11'972' - I6 then on. $41.77 ate. Lot. Rl7 thereon. made In the d t Suint Paul know Jelrrlbed follow.. Paul known n Snmm 1 x• 01, Flrr ern F[- F. 2 ] 34 11392 - Totnl F5911 tt'. h 6 T 86./1 w and n, a t ".-, u,. t ld.tlun ru h.• r'll. of t Sr 1`aal rent Nu. 28 ( 13 ( t x 311dl.n 'u.. - x 3 34 ---• Other $1l.?7 1 . ... T olal ..... 11.11 i/.11 The neeesemrnt of benefit.. coal, and ex Or nitre arinlnR from the con- N,,n,.. ,f rx ler rax I rad Sat PI North 28 fi f 13 I :- 7 or ri 311,1 lin nA Su{pl) Co., 18b 9T 3766 9 $ r van Dnld2 a e Lot Ilan, n'n 7t y the Illy menta n held � Grand Total.......... 1216.5 1 xlrurtinn o! x ewer n Jenks eO-net eh„wn I.y the I:— ,\1111) 1'1711 nII I 1 1'••I I,1:,,'Ifi 3ti, t F,:. 9-7. John.on^ het ween Point 115 feet t ! the• line not Furl St. Frank St.. ..x r.,,�1 .-;, I,ratlnn r fierce/ Ly IIIA In nA r p)' 1111'0.. IS I 1�1 p 1 1'TION OF PROPERTY. Lurk wa' 3 16.39 I'.��e No sale will De made unless lhe� Dld- r net and, has heel filed In the ..reof Cho th• A..m't of r. xxexx,•r Ill itlk Rrnrflix 111111. 1f iJ 1:, n,1 Sul, Vly Co I,.,w.,, r. a �1•:xc,•yt No 5 f. IG l' rad Ht rr.ngemenl of �Jnrk,on'a F 1 1623 OrlRllh Terry' Newer. 81.27 der In add!$fon to h4 bid for the Col. t'lerk of the Ilf,trlct Court of said .t 1; IT. -exon 10 i3fi.53 it r, R•.. et, 1 •1 I:ruwn Iirnx P. """;*11 all _ J'• •1 and Addition _ tlflcatee u Don which the time for - JemDtlon has eaDirad .hall alae of u[ w'Itlrh that hereto et- .weave torheA la rt co P3'- Therefore. - y'0u .I, x„n x l0 3051 1:1., r,• L„ i�ing 9 10 30.51 Ii:, r'ra 11 111111111 INu „( nl 830 � 1 I Am't due Total 36776 {/7.76 - pay the amount of the Cert Illeates held by the Cit or., each of you, me hereby - IreJ to file In th•• uRlcr of the I yu nn {] Le::lx �, I:orm,rO, In Ia ;In S! I...,„• Lnr e., r, 1, 11 lu I:r ,.x $$'1111 Lr nr J SIe VV). a _ s. „r„��1- N'illln err J Sle .I 2P 1• �1 I.,^t Illk thrrrton. Oland Total No of .. $129.63 Y. upon vehlch the time for s- demptkm has not rz Plred. ad all other clerk, ono before the twentieth (20th) JnY flet the Dgbllcotlon of Ihte nolle- t \n,lrr xu r, x :: IS 26 :,,xl \ .\ml•rx•,ri 3 3D 62 VVY 1; 4t,,,g .I ultra tt"n rxc hili - 3':,4 F"•'-�' .lux,yh Frnsx. 26 1 I I F!'-, 28 394 01 118 11.61 2,9 56.04 Certlfl- Ie. lot. Rlk. Am't due' thereon' unpaid assessment. or Jud manta far assessment. held DY !fie CItY a[►loaf end Ilei. your newer, In (ting, Bal- :11,x11 .t .\n,l•rann. fi ,. 706'2 John KuroRl.. .26 :, y/ .u1 2 II q0 1602 'I 09128 ] 16 611.77 the aforeaald property. The it nR forth any b)hct Inn or defense You may have to the confirmation f each Ar)'LI t\' 1.InJLn rg. S. 1•• fl 1 111nni,• :all.. 21 „ ri<.•u _j229.81 highest bid. If deemed su R101enl by IAB Commissionerea bid.If f Finance, wilt s semens o any part thereof. upton u( nnA all •,f 5 3 3816 ,r 1'.rul It -It, & ,\x- r/ Total .ole .. 27 2 1 $229.61 Total .... $4177 $11.77 Gl her unpaid be re ported to the Council for ap- ny parcel of land described In vat J, Ph Ph Iinl mex. North Samuel J.. 11'ntklna 22 2 01 No ( ea Ralnst +hove lot ]nor esm rat, (lens DrOveL and I! approved, the I, etiflCate@ De list. and In default thera0f..ald sees.. Towill be onflrk4ed a d lodgment 30 ft. •,!. 4 3 22 40 Joseph Ilnl It rel rr Ile selnvinR I'- Am't due held by the Clt)'.. will aeelgned to the purchaser upon Payment of the pyurchase mon.ey.' will be rendered, but not docketed, for mrx 1 J 3052 Jo.rph IlnLn r•s 2 J 3052 I„Ii[. It It 21 2. 441 1111 Lot RIk. thereon I Rot. 970, Johnson h. The Comminfoaer may nJeat any or assessment on sold list eppoorin. Ra342 t 21 389.16 Clark way .. 78,19 aft ngn]naL it Ali the fo Lg `,ru yerly Going Lo- F:IT54 All lLa ieFegOing property being F;4.75 f 2/ 11.91 Fol. 1627, Griffith. Terry' Sewer. 61.37 Dated Clio. End day of Sept., Item N. r. ROHINSON. Clerk Distrlet Court Ramsey City cared !e the City of ..r Paul, County ( u •u- I ted .n the Clt3• f St. Pau, Couot! u; �1 ' ft 1 28 65.72 1 23 43'71 S. A FARNSWORTH. of the of County. Rum.,y. state of 11•nn••eotn. ,Septrrn Lcr 219161 ma y. Stare of Nine. ot2t fSi•yta•rn her 2-1916) 1 Total 1$7.7/ 67$.70 I Co. of Finance T•tai 1240.26 8230.21 Oland Total ! 7126,81 ISeDlernber 2.1916) - - Ik T 1 DESCRIPTION OI•_PROPERTY. 1 '139ESCRaPTIOx- oP 7eftOPERTY. 1 - West St. Paul Real Estate and Im - r 1 provemsnt 8yadlcate Addition Ea.tville liaghts Addition. _ No. 2. No. of No. of .:e Ahe due Certlfl- Arn't due s. ,este. F„1813 .. Lot. Alk. 42 th4ltem. 140..9 cafe. Lot. 814 thereon. (16812 ....Z/ 31 ;313.88 - 084129 -... 1 43 146.8 02" 1 IS 41.95 .23 62 Total ... .... 11111 11£6 - Total- 3228.13 ]221.13 -, - x. or ' - Aertin- A m't due UF.SCHIPTION OF PROPERTY ' cue.Lot. HU, thereon. !� E94l0 .... 1 43 146 89 Ririnitycham Park. �. •61901 .... 8 IS 41.9E �.... ..._._ - TotalB22B.t1 .. $228.12 llnrtlH- Am•tidLe- N4. of ;l ertifl- Amt due ale. Lot. Blk- thre eon. G6268 ....16 66.!0 4 }1 FE9411 .... Lot. Blk. 9 4S thereon. $346.89 .. Total ..... {166.14 1366.30 - - [aH80o .... 9 2' 48:0] : Total .... ... $193.92 1186.92 DJUCSIPTJON OF PROPARTY. X9. at Cantle- �t1t0. LPL BUL A.Wt due tAerem. West SL Paul Proper. _(38803 ....-b 40 8146.89 41.3 No. of CerHfl-Am't due Total ...... $187.84 1197AA .cat.. LPL Alla thereon. 88991 .... 1 114 $62.28 :Certlfl- Am't due H 1.36.08 Lot' B1k, e thereon. there... ;16Twat 89" 6111.0; , 6/888 .... / 41. .. ..... - Total $37.92 83792 No. of '190. a ....... Certlfl- Atn'tdus to. Lot. Wk. thereat! teal Lot 81k. 41 tAereon. 134.3.7 09992 ... 2 116 361-96 H .60 .... 2 436 186.02 8 41 40.96 Total ........ $187.98 $187.88 Total $75-33 176.33 ,N.. of Certld- A n't due DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. Cate.I.Ot. =828tl Rik. 41 toereon. $39.71 -08835 9 41 41.07 Kumlla Addition. .. Total 1186.76 186.70 681121 .. _11 No. of (19945 ....14 6 42.18 certln- 412due Total .... .. $146 1164.26 - ate. 03984 I.ot. Elk. 1 40 1ir ae 763.86 OtherIon Drovemeatson To 767.96 363.96 Dove Lot 14 or !lens held moo. of by the Clt y. Fol. 777. Mounds - Cortifl- Am't due Hlvd. .. .. $6.62 ' cats. Goes tot. Blk. 40 thereon. $47.29 Fol. 1649, Griffith Terry 8...... 4.96 Total $47.99 447.89 Total ........ 111.43 $13.42 STATE OF In 1 N N E 5 CertM--� Am't due Grand Total ......... 4186.67 I' - ' ' l,oun'ty of KamSt: -to. Geist Lot. BJ k. . 3 40 thorns.. {47.9 No. of Total No. of __ 367.8 Cereln- wm•e aa. heirs -1-- 147.99 'nt. I'll HIM rhereun �•3l22 ILL iln2 on tame he•re:,, Certld- Am' i due 09496 1E 4 42.19 when uf- th. 08334 14 L 169.4! - ♦UT1l'4: OF BALE. rate. asset Lot i11k 4 40 the . 147.69 i.e.rx Vnyer. Total .. 6303.73 1308.73To ('eruilretee for Loral lspro-unsts. No. metal 147.9 34158 Other unpaid aase9 woUts eti erl, •'1 u,1. the M AII't due bove lot 16, or Ilene bell r , h auto. u Notice is hereby Klyen Lost a publln sale will be held at the Office of the C tr. 68880 Lot Elk. b in theroon. {41.$4 by the City. 9bt 777. Mounds .... Commlxaioner of Finance f the City of 81 Paul. In the Court House and Total !47.89 -IR d. ... $6.12 $17.69 Fol. 1846. Griffiths City Hall Bullding In Maid City. on No. of Torry Sewer.... 4:60 a: - Ine 9I.h day of 9eD[.. 1916. at tiertM- 10 .'Pinel! A. 31., of the following ver-' rate. Lot Blk. Am't due tlxreon. Total ........ 111.43 111.42 tfflcnten of wale for local I.ovement. 688:9 R 40 $17.38 $/7.89 Grand Total.......... $116.16 Upon upowth/ch the time for redemption. has expired. and of the Interest of the Total 447.49 147.69 City in real estate therein described No. of derived therefrom, vis: ,Certlfl- Am't due... DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. ..... DENt-RIPTIf1N, OF PROPERTY. cats. E1all ....'6 Lot- Rik. 42 thereon. $36.69 -un, the cul r -. Oakville Park. D0114 .... 6 43 6 12 581.66 17.98 Langevin's •Ith Additlem. ,e 0 No. of Total 6806.01 !406.01 No. of Il�h• I a 9.. . _ (!orllfl- Am't due x41 nr " - " Cerufl- Arn't due rate. Lnt. Hak. thereon ` te. lot Rik. therron. Am'L d1M D2949 ....11 S 16.36 F9005 11 23 1412.91 G6i9Y -:3.98 t�ar�- te. let Hik. Oheropn. D4g;o ...11 3 T.46 `.` Ii SS H 997 11 23 7.12 ,E44S+ .... 08893 ... 8 42 B 42 3]31.8 37:91 nx nm1 xheet Total ........ $22.20 11",go rnlx :.n,1. min T.4.1 $124 31 1124 31- Total 1169.48 $169.48 No. Of So.Car Of No. of lune;nui;^. ill Certlfl- Am't due No. of Am't dila rate. let. Elk. 2her4m. - Certin- Am't due ,nate. Lot. Elk. thtrleon. D2360 ....1Y 1 86.6 t'x toLot. VIk. thereon E8006 .12 23 23:.59 411691 1 - 41 341.46 Vn Ver 841-46 ID4891 ....12 2 7.46 the 06793.... 12 23 66.10 Tsai ... $41.46 $41.46--7$1-1ihllnhing Taal ........ $IS.10 Total ... $93.89 $93.29 No. of Oertlfl- Am't due axon won - 1'c" • •No, at le colli' rlrcu No. of Date. Lot Blk. then on. CertM- A1nY due Certlfl• Am't due (;8890 .. 41 7]7 -IS re ea c ale. LDL HIk- theroon. nn • >" r nae. Lot. Elk. thereon. To ... $37.92 837.11 D"61 ....13 2 16.6 D4t82 S '7A6 d E9007 ...1113 21 317.69 (15794 23 56.30 No, .. .1.6 i - ,nil ..is Total 393.89 $92.88 ,CortM- EIM L=. 842 Am't dueuhilxheA thereon. Total .. .... 134:89 $11.10 _ � d none raid ,• .. No. of 09419 ... 2 42 $36.53 131.68 37.92 No. Orf r e eynll'n leu, Certlfl- �. C4n'cM- Am't due r (36998 .... 2 43 cats. Lot. Hlk. thereon.-en,-h:„lun,n tbere . vete. Lot. Rik. thereon. Total $206.01 $206.61, , 'U 9 � �tb a 77'16 1101 Auring ' E400..14 21 $37.68 06706 it 23 66.10 Nu. of L ](1:% 11:%% ... Total ........ $98.89 $93.89 Qertlfl- cat". E9420 Lot. Blk. 1 422 Am't due !banana. $131.66 Total .. ..... $14.1 ai l • -i- i' DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY O8e97 .... .. 3 42 37.94 No. of Certm- Aid"Ins 1 Dywr'a Rearrangement of ltacaleater Total . No. of - ... 7169.48 Stag 48 Ia. Lot. Hak. thereon. D2864 ....16 $ .B6a6 D4886 2 Park. Certlfl• Am't due ....36 No. of N Y No. f- Am't dor aceta Lot. 111k. thereon. Total ... , . , 412.9 $14.10 -- nate. Lot. Elk. thereon. E9421 .... 08686 4 42 4 C 8161.66 37.92 ISA wI,h the 1 64444 ..Ii 9 3130.79 " .... No. t o •1.h the fn. tx 3168+18, Certld Atd't due T,1ta1 7310.73 4iS60.7S T41tal No..ot .7168.48 Cate. Lot. Rik. tlleredn. to of \luau•. Other menta o Certlfl- este. Lot Wk. Am't due thereon. Dallas499...A 2 17.4 64827 ... LH 2 T.16 - - Lot t. Bl r -r abov'.• Lot It. Block 9 -or 814017 5 eY $58:61 -- nix Total 122.80 112.10 • Ilene held by Ctry. .... E9422 .... 6 42 111.66 ........ Folio 142 Grading Glass ..... 6 42 57.82 St, CUIIr St...., $72.93 Total ... .. ..,. $206.01 $206.01 DESCRIPTION OF PRdPERTT. 15 29 Crment walks 78.11 DESCR77TION OF PROPERTY. I,�� Total ... $148.86 $148.96 at ti& I.InPe _ 11. I �� .\, i,• 1.19 " , :1'n nA Total.. $479.68 IilDek 12. Rn1wn Jaukaun'x Addltion _ No of '/ No. f Certlfl- Am't due tQ,(. P10.5CR1)'TION OF P}tOPERTY. Certld- este. Lot. Blk. t due thereon. - le. LOL Illk. thereon. G6944 E. 16 6 7 $206.82 [Andaman's Subdivision of Lets 9. 10 EB4Dl " 8 341 3181.86 Hyde Park 6'1673 ... 39 8 L• 111.42 56.64 - Total ... ..... 8206.8E $206.82 - R No. f Total $863.30 Other unpaid eewtusment or $567.101 Ilene held by City. Certlfl- Am't due te. Lot Elk. thereon. .. DESCRIPTION , OF PROPERTY. No of , 18th 1914 F.9599 .... 1 2 1602.84 Fair.... Addltion. Chmtln- Ain't due Toted $502.84 $502.84 No. ofata. Certlli- Am't-due Lot. Elk. thereon. F5932 E. % 6 7 $8,411 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. cat.. F3519 TI t. HIk. ...11 10 thereon. $7.99 Total ........ $9.41 49.11 Nort.herhy 136 Peet.of Lt... & Zimmer- Total ... 37.89 $7.89 Grand Total... ...... $914.73 man's Rearrangement of Hlocks 33 No. of Gerald- Am't due No. of and 14. Brown & Jackson's cote. Lot. 810 thereonS382.6. Certlfl- Ahe due Addition. Efl942 ...14 10 284.49 Pete. Lot. Elk. theroon. \o. Of H 942 ..11 10 4!18.48 68646 W. 45 8 7 1806.84 CerHfl- Ain't due Total ...... $682.13 $682.13 Total $206.62 1!06.84 cafe. Lot. Elk. thereon. 812604 3 14 $17.16 DESCRIPTION ........ OF PRO TY C 1910 1 14 8.78 A. (/nt:in n's Rearrangement Othnr unpaid asanumente or o1- 81ge1•e 1{enw held by City. i - • REIN 1 14 47.11 Addition. D 2910 3 34 8.07 114864 3 3+ 8.9s Certin- Am't due CerHfl- Am't due E 36 3 34 12.21 rate. lot. Hlk. thereon. Cate. Lot. 1Rk. theroon. 1 E 4986 3 34 9.06 L•• 9:1.: 3 31 aa.4+ 0912" - 16 $41.77 F69S1 R. Vj 6 T 2.41 ' " F: 2 3 1A 113.at 7'otnl $41.77 $41. T7 Total ........ 76.41 7$.41 _ Ir: ;4r,F a 31 E+.41 Other unnntd aasneam"nln on . nhnve Lpt 2 -or llrnx held - Grantl Total ... 18U.Y7 T," f i16b.9 i 1188 97 h1' the rltY i DEV Citi I'TION OF PROPERTY. FOL 927. .lahnwon Pnr1623 16.9 will be made unless the bid-� - Fol. 1841 Griffith sale his for the Can Aer It addton I.xx'.nr,"x Verund Hnurran Kement of Terry Newer 81.17 .r wh he !Iola •for ry tiflrates upon hll Rruwn Ond Jn.•k xun'n Addltlun a d shall sU0 Day j k - on has expthe No. of Tnlal $s; 76 $2776 the R r the wmount o1- the .rtldcatea heldor by [he Clty. Don wh1Ch the time !ter r•IH- Am't du.• Gr:tud Tutnl 3149.61 dempllon hna not ettplr.d. and ell! otMr nate L•t ltik thereon. rpo of No. unpaid aneea menta or J.so ton 06 E9A93 2s $92.04 097'•-. 2s 41.1-1 r- rate Lut. AIk. nm't du. thereon. w menta held b1• the CI[Y agalNt ..... the "afnreaeM property. E9:-�• 28 48. D1 G9126 a 16 $41.77 The highs.! bid. It deemed auIrI.IUbA G 301 ie 16.02 ' the Commiealoner of'Flnanee, Will 7'otnl 1229.61 $229.81 'folal .•. 3(1.77 14177 b�' reported to the CounoI for 8p•. of <•ate. Leon. Lt. Blit: ther lfl- Mn't due G6286 ...16 2 4166.10 Z'Nu. e. 9 9191 let. Blit. 5 IS thereo 1116.89 n. Total $166.1. $266.10 • - "' " 0 9900 9 49 ' 48.03 I , Tutt] 3143.92 31113.92 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. } ( I No. of Certill- Am•t due i rate. IE942tl Lot Bik. 6 43 tbarem. 8116.86 West St. Paul Propel. (;a 903 6 .a) 41.d3 .! ! Ce Certlfl- Adue Total 3187.91 1187.84 Lot.. RI he No, 1 6. of 62.96 261 (:ertlfl- Am't due H .... I 116 136.08 ! Cate. p88as .. Iat. Elk. 4 41 thereon. $3 i.8Y Total - 6189.49 &WS.08 , Tout] 397.9E $27.92 No. of _ i + No. of Certlfl• Am't,due ate. Lot. Elk. ✓.� •. - a : _ _� r ,. .... :_. CarBA• m Am't due thereon. 08892 2 116 $61.96 .Cate. E79Y7 ... Lot. Elk. t 41 there.. i34.37 .... H 260..,. 2 116 186.02 _ Gone ... A 41, 40.96 Total ...... $187.98 $187.98 Total - $76.33 176-33 !No, of Cer1111- Am't due DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. cat.. "1'72829 let BIk. 9 41 thereon. 139.3] 138880 ..., v Il 17:07 Kumlla Addition. Total $86.78 986.71 08921 ....14 3102.96 No. of 09915 ....14 6 42.19 Certlfl• ease. Lot. Bilk. Am't due thereon. Total - 51{426 IIM.25 (18881 1 40 $63.96 Other Improvements on Total $53.96 169.96 above Lot 14 or Ilene held _ Na f by the City. _ Fell. 777, Mounds Gert, rt, it A[n't due Blvd. 66.84 ' c ate. Toot. Blit. thereon. V.I. 1649, GriQlth G88fl1 ... 2 40 347.39 Terry Sewer.... 4.91 total $47.89 $47.89 Total ..... , $11.13 611.42 STATE OF MInNES Certlfl- Atn't due Grand Total.......... 8266.97 County of KamscGf88r Cate. 11.'Elk. a •e thereon. 647:89 - xT. of ! Certlfl. Am't due ,.1.«InK Aui> -�--- Total No. of $47.99 $47.89eh.•rrnn 133822 14 L 11'1:. r here. ri C.rtifl- Am't due 09496 16 6 4219 sh.tr „f thr cat.. Let. Elk. the two. 138334 14 6 169.48 • 141Tt4 T: 010BALE. Most .. 4 40 111 -' ,11 .,Irl trn„- Total ........ $1(1 8103.73 i.r -pap- ('eMlnrates for 1_1 Ialroseaeet► Tot:nl No. T i4 i.9 $4189 :rrK uli Mr Other unpaid asseaemente on Car2of Am't due _ en•1 1 Ihr above lot 15. or It... held Notice le hereby Riven that a public cat.. tat RIk. thereon. by tqe City'. ..,t:,. Bale .DI bI held at the OQIre of the 08880 .. '6 40 347.99 Fol. 147. idoun0e ... Commissioner of Finance of the City o} St. Paul. In the Court Houae'and Total - 147.89 RIdv4 ....... .. $6.152 $47.98 Fa. $939, GriR1tM City Hall Building In aaJd`CKy, on N.. of 'Sewer.... 1.80 the 9th day of Sept. 1926. nt C rtlfl- Am't due 10 .'dock A. 57.. of the followlag car•cat.. Lot Rik. thereon. Total ........ 81'1.42 "11.12 - Bflates of sale for local Improvements 'whichthe OBii9 6 40 3/7.19 317.89 upontime for redemption has expired, and of the Interest of the Total 847 9P Grand Total.......... 9"16.16 11719 •... ....... City In _nl estate therein dencrtbed No. of derived therefrom, vis: , .Carlin- Am't doe Cate. Lot. Rlk. thereon. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. - - DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. E18oR .... E94Y3 6-- 42 6 41 $36.63 131-66 n 01n'� I 11,4kvllie Park. .... 09894 .. 6 4• 37.92 Ianeevin's 4th Addition. ,e d 1 wny�+Vrj Na. of Total $206.01 5206.01 No. of dxln d n fCC Certlfl. Am't duty NP"Of ... Certlfl- Am't due ale. I.ot. ]ilk. thereon. ��. Ain't r te. LTL. Elk, thareom Film 11 21 342.93 .ate. Lot Elk. theme". Dto.9 ....11 Y $6.36 �h... ,ni•1.1. (35792 11 23 :3.98 ti 997 il. 23 :.12 -'EWN .... 611893 ... 3 42 8 t2 $11138 37.92 D4880 ...,11 2 7.16 nx and xheel Total ........ 31$10 192.90 Tntul $124 ?1 3124 31 TOLuI 3168.48 n1Ix :Intl n,lx 3189.13 No. t No. of Csre. Ah't due No. Of lana; n:1K r. n CeMIA- AmK due 1 C.rt M- A[n't due '.ate, fat 841 thereon. is. Lot.Elk. thereon. w .rn. N,. te. Lot Pik. thereon. 98006 .12 23 73, .68 'G/3BJ 1 {1 Nl.a6 D2850 ....12 2 $6.26 341." D2850 ....19 2 7146 n. u'e VU Va•r n6791 ..12 23 66.30 Total 641-16- $41.461k I1.nInR th. Total $91.89 393.89 No- M ....... 161.1 "" "' 836140 $13.80 V:4, wax ...... Cart It- Arn't due No. of No. of ' Certlfl• Am't due cat.. •(38890 .... Lot Elk. ^ - 4l thereon. 397.92 le CertYA- A•m't due x•r"tar clrcu cath IaL Blk thereon. an .. 118 ` car e cafe. Lot. Elk. thereon. Total $97.92 . f3T.fZ D3861 ....13 2 16.36 '. ""•i .furinK A 98007 .11 23 337.68 Man No, of ... ... D4682 ....13 2 714E ,6794 18 23 CertM- Ase't dueulli.hr,l enol Total ........ {72:3P $12.80 r-- k Total $83.89 $93.88 Cale. E' No ... Lot- Elk. 2 t3. thereon. $56.63 mr wul dtl.l or r No. of E9410 .... P K 1"1.6 a .•.in lralenl Cert �- Am't doeCate., y' Cercifl- Am't due G99B9 .... 47 17.926 Lot Elk. thereon. ru. h r,rlurnn- Cut.. ate. Lot. Blk. thereon. E6008 ....14 23 $17.69 ..... $206.01 DE859 ....16 2 $5.26 $206.61: 14881 2 714E :that IorinK 06796 ..14 23 66.80 NoTotal Certlfl- Am't due ....16 L 111:, I 1:11 Total ... $98.89 383.89 - - Cale. Lot Blk [hereon. "1849 111 80 9b[nl _" "" , , .l ' E1120 .... ] 42 $111.66 No. f UMSCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 08887 .... 3 42 87-82 _ Certl'9- A nd.a ,•.z- 'i Total $189.18 3169.48, to Lot. Blk. thereon. ,n� •.i„• r�- DYrf'e RearrnnRemnnt of Etacaleater No. of ..... D2854 ....16 b i1AG Park. No. of Certlfl- Am't dos DISKS .... is 2 Certlfl-- Ain't der ast. Lot- Wk there... Total ....... 311.80 $12.80 Cate. Lot Silk. In.-... E9421 .... 08696 4 42 4 42 "181.66 37.92 lei wllh thr ;l 66444 .. It 8 $330.71 W. t -th the rnrlx Total ... 2930.75 $930.73 Total 3169.4" $189148. CertlA- A -n date te. Lot. ffik. [hereml- le .,r yi�nrrr y. on Oth r'unpald ,eseeI_k Na •ot Care.M Am't dee D2865 .....1 2 $ 7.4 D4897 ....IB ' 7.16 - 9 e�ovr Lot 11. Block 9 -or Cate. E4 BIk. 6 6 43. thereon. 316-63 Ilene held by ClCtt;•. .... E9492II4 .... 6 42 131.68 total ...... $12.80 $11,$0 Fo11T 112GradlnK 08696 .._. 6 41 37.92 A[. flair SN. .... };P.83 Ib2a Cemrnt 'elk. 76.15 Total ........ 1206.01 1206.01 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. V\� Total$118.96 $148.96 "- ]fart!, & I.Ineeu x sten rru nKwnirnr .,f 1, _, IT. 1 - 1r I tv I 1:'tnd 7'ntal.. 3179.68 " ];lock 12. l91'11wn & J..k..n'.No. a -o x of Certlfl- Addition Am't doe No. 1' Ill r"rtEd• due IVIf. L DEHCR77xT1ON OF 1`RCIPERTY, ate. /.oto Dlk. thereon. the t.. LoL 111k. thereon. 06811 E. 8 7 1206.82 Lindeman', Sllbdlrlelo. .f lata P. 10- E9401 6 32 6191.86 % Hyde Park. .0761 .... 67673 ... 6 77 6 33. 113.92 56.62 Total ........ $206.82 ,$306.88 -r - No. of Certlfl- Am't due Total ..-"'. "361.]0 735.1.301 Other unpaid eseeMtrtenl or. 661, ne x1:1 liens held by City. ate. LTt RIk. thereon. DF.S�C8IP170N OP' PROPERTY. F.9609 1 2 $602.81 Falrrle. Addition. No. of 1 191),.1914 C."Ift- Am't due Total $602.84 3602.84 No. of at.. LJL Blk. thereon. Certlfl- cate. Lot. Blk. Am'tdue th.reon. F698Y E. Sid 7 $6.41 - DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. 'F1533 ...I1 10 $7.99 Total ........ $8.41 49.41 _ Northerly 135 Feet -of Lina- & Zimmer- Total .. $7.99 Man Grand Total.......... 9$14.23 man e Raarra.gement of Blocks 33 Na. of -'A- Am't due - and 34, Brown & Jackson's - Calls.13 LTL BLk. there:.. No. of Certlfl- " Am't due Addition. F.9942 ...14 10 2582.Ba Catty_ JJet. Bilk. thereon. No. of N 942 ....14 10 499.49 139816 I3., to �6 7 $806.82 1 1CerHA-Am't due ;eats Lot. Elk.thereon. Total " " " - $682.15 $612.13 Total ........ 9206:81 4$06.82 , 812604 .... 3 34 517.16 C 4936 .... 3 N 8.14 C 8219 2 34 .7 DESCRIPTJOx OF PROPERTY. A. G.ttlan'e Reat egeme.t of Sig - Other ..paid se -menta or 11%. held by Glty. . .94 8939 . .. 1 34 8.07 No. of Addition. •';IM964 3 31 6.96 -'E 28 3 Sa 12.21 Certlfl- A-11 doe No- of Cerin- Atn't due ID ... •E 1986 .... 3 34 8.06 ate. Lot. Rik. thereon. care. Lot. ffik. thereon. •jE 9747 3 34 86.44 ' - 0912" 2 16 MI 77 F6921 W. K 8 7 $8147 11 9772 .. 5 U 113,92 `G Iso$ 3 74 64141 1 Total Other $41.77 841.77 Total ..... ... $6.41 2$.81: Total 3365.97 $366.97 ....id a-aeaeme.ts on above Lot 2 -or Ilan. held by the city. Grand Total.......... IIESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. F ol. 987. nsns Johon Parkway .. $6.139 No $ale will be made unless 'the bid - Maw—'. Second Rearrangement of Fol. 1021 Griffith der in addition to his bid for the Car - Brown anA Jark..n'e Addition. Terry Hewer.... 91.37 tlflcntre upon which the alms Mar Total (87.78 $87.76 an demptlon has expired shall .190 ply' -No. of Cerntfl- Am't due .... 'rhe amount of the Tertlflcates Hidd bye the City. upon which the time Ifhr Il= nate. ' Wt Bik. thereon. Grand T.tnl. ........ 1128.65 demotion h1tq oat expired. and all",d{Mr' 999143 - 8 398.04 No' of u.pald ueeamenU or 7ndgm4mW Xur 199765 2 28 43.51 E9ilf. 3.8 48.04 C., In- [e' Lot. Rlk. Am'[due they eaeasments held by t}le C11Y aRalflst the aforesaid 9r0perty. G 304 28 26.02 09126 .. 2 16 141.77 The highest bid. K deamed,.MMC}an'[ _ - • - _ Total 4. 441. T7 $41.7- by the Commissioner of lrinanee, will Total 3229.61 $229.61 Other unpaid ... assessments177 be reported to the Connoll for rap- prove], and tf approved, the .ertll1_tes Yo. of ngpin+rl above lot 3. or Ilene .111 be ..signed loo, put0haeer upon 1 ertlfl- Am't due held by the City. payment of the purchase' money. t• L+,t. Bik. thereon. Fol. 930. Johnson The Compal -luno, may releat any or E939] 1 28 189.36 P9764 1 28 41.91 1 P.a rkway -- Vol.- 1627. GrIR1lh, 38.39 all bids. Dated this Ind dU' of Sept. 1916. 98775 7 28 55.78 Torry Fwwer.. 81.97 G 306 1 YB 13.21 Total ....... 387.76 $87.76 S. A. FARNSWORTH, Commit Flnanee. 1 ' Tat,] 523016 $230.26 (Bepi.mbet II -0816) Orand Total. p 313.963 I 3.g{ m d R f the -!A '• d I[ u til• 1 m y tonna _r t red - 1 F a N if al the ol— '1 E • i H n D ,l. t ed A Ill- f u h rt d ndw A a A n Ir Is F.. t 1 T.— f n,e of it n K K I rt redltrrrs andpe rnunr d 1! t 11 I I E:elare, 4v forth w:tn t")n1:s h.InK rain!! V rN. d�r u e In ✓rte!: «✓ I x 1:.. t �I� u h � �,.I nI n, trio .! rLr a slegal wn, La pe:!••4rlr.t✓A and pub-', - ofa III is<. hal br. IleheA ih said Coun[y' "'tlnx ~ Dated el tit 1•aui O,L, :Int do) of r , ar✓,. the Acbr recur August. 1916. r••a:•,i n...rIK.tK� ••n)' {'a't lerre Hy In, ,•nurt N,, Th✓r-f., H r�"0,:.• e . F tt' E+AZILLE. ':.a ✓r. Th.+' ''' ,t • u( ih✓ power Jude. of Prohxtr �nxl, .,n a,r ✓.f ,n x 1 rrtRuSe. A. ISowl I•f Probate Court I I'u'xux n!I t,. tit✓ --n- ,ut✓min such ce Oeorgc W NarkhA m. Ali) I:r 1• ,r•I I.rnv .l✓r•yh✓ sold ",tSa wall h. for', -I ••sell hr le of L Vr✓nI!x•s '1✓x'r l'Led In and ,oily eyed i xn.•I n orlK:y Kr. 'ihlr lv t"i": Th••teuxierlc .101 fent 1v ,Inn In I:1,.•k sz ,al. "f irvinfi flaw :(TATE OF NiK\F:SI rT A. 'tqt ,TY OF j�„�',h,l relt�,r dl.A Vi:, tr tt ii—of I. file li Ramsey. ns Probate Court tit, .11, r of ! reglxter of d,.da u.l for Itum«e? lilt). Mthnrxn In the "'t ler I.f the F.”" .f Auguste �I lnrlud,I.K all 1 turm11ls:1 1 h ami ,In••r liimler, terv•a wed wire. n n.i An•,rn. , n•I all . rot ✓I✓, !t Ir!IlKhll,.g rix freer b✓InnK �r I.e Hers of aAminl.......,n on the Ee- to „I I'rr n,.xrs, In ft,t miry ' 'v y Isle of All fillet,. ':Irnlrr teceneed lat., n•In.�tu t.- of Alln n✓n.lu. with the I— Ir the `111:Mof Ito mxey Dort g(xte of rite ...nr.xx{,Vurten,i n„ex, wily \tlatn nein. Krnnll-d to itudnlph rx 1, w', II 1•✓ x,l✓ b? sth• Sh,•rl If rilml✓rnneeal Ihr front do 11 is e'reir. •I Th.,t wlx rt1"nlhw hr : nd „f Ih. r! 11Co' •. In the I'It) of the In he, et.v x11„va r•I frr,,r. nA • I'. „I 'x!1,1 ,:Iv aA Sialr, t rl oft. �arL. 1 I l�l n - f'., r tilt„ Ixi6. en situo1. \ 51 ,f , t lu) al ;alit q , �, .. , I , t. 1 t 1 Id✓r f.r rne�•I�.� I , (alit• rAs`(' - Itf )1tJ" Cart 'I11. n• III of 1 ,l,I t III r 11 f r y •I.,v Court, .. the tin• a a•• h111.!- It' VulniwA re fnr ]Iran '.,Ill Vlo• 11 It' I ., 1 y -t I'.i6. and when the a 1',luld r'uurr w'RI .II•?'I: .h; I. Til"]S. ltalnl ne nA Adlaal xnlll I'Iw Iron ,I r,', yh:riga — Affidavit of Publication. 11. It. naHlll.•t♦.. .. 1... brlr!K do,> r ArVonrn y , nd x, that he t„ tx. ,o l , r It lit � Itmr sotto n. I h:Is l ✓. I . r, I !" I 7 I I� »iter of Ihr n e. w'spn Ver knows,' 1 i' 1 \l I. I.i-,\It\\' nalll mwas , and ow la. 1 V 1 ri, k f OI• ,.. .. 1 rl axV,I V✓' that the said lewep„t er. tit ST. I'All Irl'\-II:\\II,r rK 'all O,e .aid 11 ma In. And still Is. + eriyly new pa V, Vr""'.4 •ill V.I,�Inh, •1 ., Inn ,•II)' of St. Paul. In the tn ...Y of Ittula”. In it" S,,r of 611uN•xo Gy. • r.ui, d—a'"'Is. And 11 1. Further ,rrll••r,A. Tlaal r m i I' y ,',,. rvr ,n nn x Iol If nut Ire of... .. Snlu,dny of every wr,k. (hilt t1,e a r,l Vr tics of ..eh ELL Art ne IIr Riven In ull )tl„rr,•yl(n,��'\Ir.rtKn Kr• zl'".• a, i 1.1 1111• mantluneli ul!I II:I •, n Inlla, tlnn Ir( - n11nK m nn✓ I cnlun,as ,,,it xhe,•I cr.dllnrw wall tu• anis Interested la ..IA getalr by farlhwlth Vu1,11.1tin. this ., 1 61 , ... 1 "'�”" ”" Order one, It, sorb wrr fnr Ihr.•. war 1r uT \'1'i. ,1' )II\\I., '1 ) , 1'\Tl' t 1 \ \� �, \ \ ...... C...I ve w'r, Its In Ih✓ wi Paul tree lex ' IeRnl wsV„Ire pr1al✓d nrlA nth. a nr r - r '',art 1:.Iro.. v an In i r•, •n r. .. ..... ........ ... ..... .. ... .. In toil r'ou ata eJ at SI V-1Ihln :Illi Axv of -,ted _ I" In.. )I:,r I., ..r 11,.. Iix ., a. „r Dr n .......... ... ......... .... .... .... ..... .. ................ .. .... ..... ".. Augw.t. 1 916. h.•rl• ,. I'r. •,I.nl va V•ype:, was - `,a•r„il>' F. \5HAy.i1,1.E l'!,,. :lore of )Ilnr:✓.nt„ t.. All \Yho- � ..................... ..... Ju,IRr V ha., Ir yla\ ,'n„• . y ux , , nererl• altnrhe,l :n,l muds pal h,•rrnf, a ur lad tal'I r, trna11eshn col auJ +gent f P' b�b I'ouril ' '•x.I.r.K :, rl'1 Ilhufi Ihr V•'ttlnll rh.1- , , of xulA rxtute. yrs rtnux u( uul l u• wnV•, p, -p G�1{ iierold (. Eerr. AI[urn ey 11-1) InK n 1 If 1 tlz x ]loud and V:a i 1111 t , lad allow fnr ,.1: ....k• II , ,I •.. wgx,Al • �) r'1t I � 1 hlr,:.1 i .. 1\ STATE OF MINNES11'f.5, I'(11'\TY OF Ramsey. sw In I. nate r Dart In the flatter of the E.int• of A—ull M Haneneld. I"v.deat The Stale of Minnesota to All Whom It Nay Concern: The petition f Emma Welty h., Yee. led Ia thin coup, repr,sentlu g that August It Hanem•IA then a real, ` dent of the County of Ramsey, State of Mln....1. died Intestate on he 11th day of April. 1916, and proving that letter. of d.IuI.tr.tI.n of Haid -t be granted to Emma Wrlt', It Is Ordered. that »aid III '[.a I'. heard and that an prrsonn Int«re»ten 9r. Id molter be nd and hereby' are elted and required t,, npprnr before this Court on Non dos the 11th day't September, 1416. wt 10 o*,I,,k In the .fore Or s o11 thenen flee a raid mal ter can be heard, at the• rrobete • Court Rnom, in the Court llrnur In the city of St. Paul. in »aid Count)'. sad show can-, If an, the, have. why' -old petition should nnoi be granted and that LIE Is citation be served by the publication Ihereof In the rIt P .,! Rr- Vlew a..rdln. to law, and b)' mol ling a copy of this citation at least 11 days before said de )• of Ell to ••nrh of the heirs of said deeed,nt whose names and addreeane rr, known and appear from the lea f this .art Wltoes. the Judge or said Court. this 18th day or August. A. 1). 1916, F:: W. RAZI I.1 -E. Judge of Probe le (Seal of Probate CourlI Attest F. W Ooerwiech. Clerk pl Probate Varnum & Kirk. Atturngqyp, FI.dson. Wta.f 164-9) \OTWIR IIF \H IRTIf AIf F: E. -it iC''1,IIS- 1'1lE S:\I.E. 1,••fnull hnrrna o, ✓II In rh•• , dltlons of n crinin I nrlsage beRring date Ihr Int day of April. 1015 a•xrcut- ee b' 5cuu leb.n ,ynJ Ido \I Etl-I 11. his x 6ior I..Ror.. t ('.phot Trus a, (now rnpR.1 Tr t d: Silvio '1 n I. rV.re non eulforfKag•'e. and orJ•-d )In the of- nce of the H,gleter of teed, of Ram- sey Cra, REV. 6ilnnesnr n. on the 1x1 day At, Apr 11. 1911 .t 1.00 o'a•lock V 1/. I Hdok 168 f 110rtRn Rea. P.Re 'J. an upon which mortg.il Thele Ian w' du the u n of Two Hundred Ten and '7'100 (8210.7'1. and n -1 on or pro- eedlug, at law' hnvine b,en ""'It, led to recover the dent a red by nal N9aptgafre r y part thereof. ` �I'TOw TIYEREFORE. \otla•e fa hereby given ,that E, v,rtur of the pow-er of sale In Said AnrtRaRe contained and ,pursuant to the statute In such case mad< nd provided, the said inOrt Rage will byp foreclosed by A sate at public anetioh of the premises therein de- acrlbed, to be made by the Sheriff of Ramsey County'. at the Cedar Street ,,JJ�dala entcarre to ihr Court Iiouae In a'the CIE y of Sl. Paul. State of 6Rnneiota o1I the 9th day of Oetnber. 1016, at two x(S, o'clock In the afternoon of that day, to satisfy the ftmount wh,ch will t A e pr. seta omortgage, the roars ati set.tnta f ale and the at LIZ e A fee of Twenty' -nye and no 100 lated In said morl- cene of fore:I,.are IlIbM In said mort- d a 11 that r s dn5rate r.0t Mlnein c •Mown Three t' ',`oak Three Addition of Iv. Park rdingi eaui_ a f —r in Ile and of record , Blw;er of i\ends in i ouniy of AYOgu 1P16 Trusts Comper,`� 4i capital RE 1 'm tt Paul. lflnnrunta (l -f) t, ll,n IK hlx F n,,1 .\•• t aIId fur Ihr nx»I, - ,� 1\ irk , 1 tel I !!f :I,r r• rl•I n- of xn lA rtllnl✓ •h• 1-, nn Ihl r✓I I•u t 111 ed v . ' '1'h. 1 1 t vv 1 Ir Inn• d••r••,I. That wflld 11, R, r! 1, ••'Irl nr,•1 Ih't xll Verx'.nx Inure»I mantluneli ul!I II:I •, n Inlla, tlnn Ir( - n11nK m nn✓ I cnlun,as ,,,it xhe,•I xal•I rnalrer I, rl tell and requl' (.rill, Il,n tuatr,•r .,•nslxl.ng of Kenn ill uml In, ul r„un, rnnane lin a"d n„x ,'`• In tits F:,,g l.nb I;yriK.,:IKe. , .I.,. 1J'. I IIr... 1.•✓k \. \I_ xr on Cher l.a)h••nnf ,lllunenun ItierRra It•mx. Vrl nte•I uml V„I.Ilahr•: nln•'e a,:A known Vlnro„f I•uxloas' In x,y1d cl t', turvelt. \u ,(t.-• .IJ rI„tt.r rr , Ifnonls In tit.. , .0III,- In enuyLllxheA mnterlu�e, neyrepn per til✓ I'I obs l•• ,,,,t In Ih•. I'll, of St. I'uul. In ea I,, rause. If Anr th• I(1 Fane, Fifth .Street. I•.Iu IVVrd wllh Inn Wel nils skilled w.rkmrr, fnr yen l•:,rl rl g, ;,,III t�ubllxhing the rot ,.how III— a11Ila sxol V.nn.n whould oat and that this rRattin pre.sea and ;in.] the yv l,aie there.(. In said tla that Ih•, x,yll•1 same. ., -' rR va V•ype:, was - `,a•r„il>' .1_d n,.1 bs pu l,il• nt..n ah,•reur In t ,h,rinK all Ills sal.l 11m , and still In dut✓A I„ t I':, .. I. xaA ctrl u �l l'.. ill it,rl••w uI rrdi.. to law. al -Ratio m,r In alta nn,l tll.•I e; that n:nJ nr whim l"'!-. f„r , , „ ]ilea . e )err :, Iling a .np)ruf thlx e !�y. mil ,Inv. b• -fore sx1A .I:Iy of hen lilted saki first .,f n.:,id nolle. n)..i during nKYt t. ,a' -h ,•f the heirs. Jea'ine.x x' ext ur✓.r.I:nK the d:It,• n[ the I•'.I.1.,-:,, ..,r, I,IIshI1,K. was p,:ote,l I,I yv h..7 r. .loll '�Val.l,nhrd and 1rfi:Itr•.n Iu-«u Id derndrnt whose nam �n,l xdAmnx••» nVVrnr from fnr airs all the Ilam O[ nota :.a rlt ul:Wd In xnl,l I,mn.v ru„1 x'. It !hat du''l I all Ih✓ !L,Id 'lime said. hln ,rN \5'I •, tlo. Judse of Wald I'"rt it h:Ia r.l, sol xt 111 •urs .let s. ,f a: .x I /he eualvalen Imo(, 2,11, tla>x of .yuguxt. .\. Ir 1916 F.. N'. It:\-l.ILI. F:. ,•wsnx per •.,oils. ,n xVa. r ,•f roar .i x. of Ih:In ua, ,•,lumnn h I'oi{r, rush I,Ialuo Judge of 1'rohatr •. ••n ', r n t11.FlI xrvl r.,.• a:d`I II r,•..-t..utlhs tr..hrs Inns. that ,lu rinK "Al ill 1'roi.�at,• r'.urt A(It t. F 1\'. ,fox,.wls, 1, ,✓I,.g II"! s. .all na'.d t',rnr _jf V•.r.1., rod I".I.:Ish •'r ..f Ihr x:I!.1 S'1' 1'.11'1.-•Irl:\"II:\l' Clerk of Probate •• i. . ., .. .. .T- ru \\" M—khant. Alt) • - - 'i'y'f F: ,.F t I.NTY..- - . I u,a -y. .a. In PrAn,ie lour( •, '."•' .• •. .. In ,hr \Tat t•r of the 1:»talc of I.✓or sill, •,• .. \f 1 ferede nt - The Ante of ltinneaotn to All Who .•,. .. '. - ,. - - - That the 1'u hllxh✓r of sn,d a. wnV:, p✓r, nn Jun'• Iain. IIlU:, vied with Ihr It ?fay Concern: The I III 'Inof J.rob Ii. Ln Fay. ........ AaAIIn, ,r nabs Ibam xeyn,.:a'n.fayll x✓rung forth the faun having )),on It In 11,19 urt. r,•pr• Len ]•516 of they IP•.Ie,••I La w:r of 19uL of Ihr Klen•.f ill nu:•.. nling sat L.ronn 11. Ln Fever then ..'dent .f the Count)• of Ramee rrunlreA Lc �r,y Slain of lllnnenot' died Intentnir ' , ! all the fn,,e 1 f",In In. this- a y1I:Iv r known x Ob, 2nd day of June. 1916, and pravir !hal letters of ndml.i.t-11— of ea t tate be grnnt,d to J.cob H. In Fill, sll That a root p••rsnrl:,Ily r.•1 Inst r.,. n I n• "..f Is e,.le,1 111., " petltlon 1 ) heard n 11 in., .11 Vere, Interest• In .Id mntler he and hereby Ar,• rib .ad rrV Ulrrll to apnea, before th \ ,r[ nn Mon,ln )'. the Eleventh dr.)' • 1 \ 1:,16 at IU ti clOek ,n II in 7'rohs" Iln.,in.1i•IrI rye rn unuae y Sworn to before me this in',.tt. .,f t;t rain. Ito sem ant :'.I •tl,�ya' If n v' Ih✓r have. wt II•f F•nn„n nhnulA a,,t he granted 8t I hat Ih'.= . all.rn I,r .rved by the pal h,at.an Ih,1re,f In the St. Poul R—le ,,•ling to Inw, oral by melling lop)' of this ,Italian al least 3{ dr.) b✓fnr, said day of hearing Io ••.ch . ihr h•!r» at raid decedent wholly nom• And addr••we«s re known and appe, I— the .lex 4 this court. W done. the Judge of said Court. th I/OI da„ of August. A (, 1916 Jud., of rrnba[e d F, W, a Courts Attest F. tt-. le It o. _ d Clerk er Probate. Rrlggs. Thygrs.I A` Fvera ll, .4ttys. IS 2- dirT.\. — Ica mor). xa t'. r, nl'ut•. ,\,art In the 31an,r nr Ihr F:stnte .f RA mond Fl, nn. I'✓rnb•rl t. Thr Stale ,' \III.. eta t„ All Wh 11 M.,.(,.a...a r,.din, and .ling tit• Urtltlon I h✓I Vr•ren txr l,✓ of s 1.1 •state. Dra Ing ihxt file I t 11, x time and pla for r amin,rK ad)uxting alld Allows hill Ftoal :\arnunt, anJ fur the at'it ihr•cr Of Ihe n,du•• n( »ilia estate pen"ns Ih.Yr..ra •nritled. It Is .nd✓rr•I That said Vrtlllo. in x, 1,f arnnt:nl' 1•,A cited Person, aa'r.r,uirna u l'Vrnr tY f••r• fn's . r on ?ton tel,. Iz:h ,lay .f Se Lt✓mL1r 1,16 81 •rk. A )1 Thereafter .:.i rex rte! hra nd It tee P hate ,' art It.;.•me 1r. Ih• urn Hoa n tit f Kt I n Id oAn n,l h 11 so, tit•• 1,. x1,1 { 1- I l finest L✓ <d � til✓ :AN nd tt>r • • r edit »n r, odea hea Arse k srn nd it in d✓- s y an,, a,L, l xpV•x-I, rt. r Tof ll-;' r. t• .,; call 1,.�.. _ rrt . b F A, -;-- I 1). Oj. . /e �. ,., I',al� Ilnm�rs unm U", 111. ne tyro )1. .nn, n,t.,-lull „spleen \inr.h Itch 1919 Total e CITY OF ST PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT - COUNCIL NCIL ".. NO. AUDITED CLAIMS-- RESOLUTION FORM t I t g1 B,l SS 1 � ' AUOITE§EI 453 Ilr,ulw•d lilat w'mrranls be drawn upon the city Trea,urv, pewtble out of the hrrrmaftrt sperdied funds and specified in the following in favor ut the- person,, finnsbr �urpuration, for the amount, -et oppu,ite their re�pl''tivr names a, detailedtatrnlent. h('m Adoptrd . the ou •� it 1 rae l'oauoillneu 1 I Via)', P:Irn,lcurth Appru%ed Go„ " 1411 II, land In favor MATOR K,-H.�.c.�r fe .a�— rte` l'11 A1;a111,t iF %N underlie h \Ir. Pr• id,nl• Irvin - $1,226.00 0707 S. Berglund Lumber Co•i Put. School -M. K. 41.2.50 9 Burns Lumber Co., 3fcCler1lan School 4,195.00 9 Cameron & Co., 4,2u7.yG Carnegie Lib. Nos. 1, 2� 3 � - n „ � � 4,356.10 1 "` 10 Cre^,cent Creamery CO., park -P rk Maint— - 25.00 11 Frank DeNardo Randolph 3eightl School 14, G0 12 R. L. Polk Co., Watex-Y. k R. 14. 1G 15 St. Pau? BIden nt Til School -Sit -"9 & Bldg. 5.00 14 Superior Printing Co.., Lighting-idaint. Total CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM \ Subject:. oo'ILEnc:L No.`) Dade Presented Sept%'Vllth, 1916 RESOLUTION Resolved, FIRING THE AMOUNT OF LAtbD' TO BE TAKEN FOR OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING. , In the matter of opening, widening and extending to full width, except that portion already opened, Grotto Street, from Front Street to Hatch Street, under Preliminary Order $4949, approved May 14th, 1916, and Intermediary Order 11994, approved August 4th, 1916. The Commissioner of'Publio Works having submitted hie report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of lana to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows:i The east thirty (30) fe t of the north 152 feet of the south 185 feet of the of the NEk. Section 26, Town 29, Range 23. - tln th—tt••r of ov—lw. wldening and zldinK [o fail lVlrltll + an[ Ih Pnrtl ortlon nlrvnds opannd. (troll. 8C from F—nt 'tr.ot to Hntrh 'trent i oder rreumma- 0,d— No. 4149. n pprnYed Sine 14th, I116. and lnl,•r- i itedlnry t-1— No 11991, approved o�i.Ft 4tL 1616. Tho Ix'l.... of Publlr R'orka h:t ving �x nthmittod hl' rr port ..d xk-01 In th.• Love matter, h.• II Reaolv'd. tI) Th "t the P1 ty of Ht. - 1•nnl Ilxra '-1 Jets....lnex thr u— -t -f Ionil to ho lakon rer the hour nn..., Improvement to t+.• n. fen .— Th,'—.t wa: The —.t thirty f39) fert of the'. orth 132 rest f the •tilt 185 foal ' the SW -A of the NBSt. Sea•tlon 26, Toyvn 31. Runge .R. ' Ad" 1.•d Lv the V.1-11 Sept. 11. 1916. I Appn.vod 8rpl. 11. 1916. t9a•Ptelnbor 16-11164) Yeas (J) Co ilmen (!) Nays Fa sworth Go H and Ke er 1 W derlich Mr. Presiden Irvin ,ORM C.— In -SEP 111916 r Adopted by the Council 191 (- In favor j Approved P '9 16 191 1 Against MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • M. N, GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T.'GOURLEY, Dcrx+. Cxx.noxrx OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cxttr Exaxexx J. E. CARROLL. Sun. CwnxxcTox k R11-1 ALFRED JACKSON. Sxw. S.xrtAnn" _ F G. N, NERROLD. Ovnox Exvxvex i R W GOFTIINGER. S.- Wox..•ux•.v -�FPORT TO TOE k-07NCIL- In the matter of opening, widening and extending to full width,except that portion already opened, ';rotto street, from Front street to atch street, under Preliminary Order #4949, approved :.fay 14 1916, and Interme- diary Order #11994, approved Au&uet 4 1'916. i To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The CommiRRioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of thin - his report, a plan of the, above improvement,ahowing the land necessary to be taken therefor,by the sLaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: the eoutli 185 feet of The east thi•3•ty (30) feet of the north 152 feet of the SW4 of the KEyi Section 26, Town 29, Fange 23. "o�rla;iKion�r-oP ub11c.W -- • CITY Or 3TJ AUL OEPARTLIENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF CIMMISSIONER OF FFNANCE ON REUMIS-ARY ORDER W% In the Matter of ..._.QPening,_Kidening and _extending Grotto..street frorn.,ront.,_st._..._....... ____ . _..._...... .. _.._ .._ -t52....fal-ctl..b tree te. _.. ___... .._. _..._.._.... _...,........ ..._..... ....... __....... _..__.....__...... .... -._ _ ..._._......._ _...... __.. ........... _..... _.. _ ... under Preliminary Order approved.. _ -May. .14 _1.9.1.5.— To the Council of the City of SL Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT YLocx ADDITION .ASSESSED VALUATION The East 230 feet, of the north152 feet of the south 1,85 feet ? '� of the authwest s of the North east t of Section 26, Town 29 Range23 ------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matte" and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Publics Works. Dated.. . Commissioner of Fh uu= �,"P.,,, .. «erpx c., •!�, rxaw, �`Y* a-w;rn ^r-•r�+s�c-.•-•_-crsx�,�-.. .:-�«..:. Report to Commissioner of Finance July 31, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: x The (,ahunissioner of Public Works, having had nuclei- consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 1 f, eil, known as Council File No. 4948.. .......approved... _ Y_14.x_._._..............191.5...., relative to___. ... ... ........ opening, widening and ea`endinS to a fu 11, idti, e .ept that portion alrelady orened, grotto Street fron, Front Street to Fetch Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .. ..... necessary and (or) desirable. _ ...... .... _..., •l. The estimated coat thereof is $...._._..XXXX.., and the total cost thereof is $____._XXXXX and r the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ _ __...._. ... ,pr 1 3. a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. �+ 3. Said improvement is...._ - _ ...o�ked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comn'ssioncr of Public Works.' Ti VTY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject. , • w _ , , ] P , w councl Date Presented Sept. 11th 191 6' - RESOLUTION FIXING THE AYOUNTIOF LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR Resolved, OPEFvING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING. In the matter of opening, widening and extending Rose Street, to a width of sixty-six (06) feet, from westminater Street to De Soto Street, under Preliminary Order $8718, approved January 11th, 1916, and Intermediary Order x}11998, approved August 4th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketo* in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the yG above named improvement to be as follows: The south thttty-three (33) feet of the N of theINW}, of the NWyi Of the NWyi, Section a9, Topn 2 , Range 33 West, extending from Westminster Street to Arkwrlght Street, an the south Shirty -three (33) feet of the NE} of the NE* of the MYof the NW}', Section 89, Town 89, Range aa, extending from Clark Street to De Soto Street. 1Xn. 12fi/f•-- I In Ih,• null lnr nt nt••. nl nt•. wid:.nfnK nn•I :•vtr-n•Ilnu f'no.• etree} In n .'t rn.r t,• 11.. �,.tn trnot' dor T•rr•Iltnlnnry order X'I. -,I"t .In nunr)' Ilth INI-, . 1,1 In 1,•rmed In rY ' (Ird.•r Xn 11!1;,!, nnnrnrnrl .\nL nBl I(. I ^611; I � .'h•i'nmtn lenfon er ..f 1'U bll:• \Ynrklr hn v:r•µ ro hrnllt•d hln r•.Vort and nkotrh 1 In th." nh„'«• mnlror, lie Il I - Ite>,nl.«d, 111 Thnt rh.• t•It3' of tit. -- of I'r 3etn rrl„I dtnkrrmlrfor ttiien shove nn•rhd Im Ph „I hl.ent In Ae nr1 fnilowe: thrnn IT21 tent of rhe X\1N IN f �t�.• XR'K ..f [h,• XWK of • 22 \{'^.;. et tr•ndl nt; .tr�1'NlYentmnl nP n� .�I rv•nl In ;1 rk u'rllrhr 9[renr pnd the nnlh thlrt>•-three 192) feet of the X F.y :r` {he XI:y of the nR'K of thn ' .\\''K. :':.,•Ilon 2 Towen nnn¢e 22 irf 11 n;t fru rn I,'Inrlt Ire, -t to 11e Vol.. Nays Yeas (✓)cihnen (.')SEP 11 1916 x. Adnortvl by roe t1. n."❑ Ho -pt. Ii" lUi6 191 tderlich rth \r.Lr""e'1 Kett er 16-1 he Council 1=7entem ber I6-1516) n favor Approved Agaitiat Pre,ivin —YOR FORM c. 8. i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ir, tire matter of opening, widening and extending Rose street, to a wiitr, of sixty-six (66) feet, from 4estminster street to De Soto street, under Preliminary Or.,rr J6716, approved Jar..:ll, 191G, an.i Intermeiiary Order fllio32, approved August 4ti, 1916. To the Coattail of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, iris report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,wi ici: lanri is accurately described as follows: The south thirty-three (33) feet of the NJ of the 7W- of the YW,i-,-, of the :'W4 Section 29, Town 29, Eange 22 West, extending from Westminster street to Arkwright street, and the south 33 (thirty-three) feet of the '.EL of the `Ey of the "W4 of the NW; Section 29, Town 29, '.ange 22, extending from Clark street to De Soto street, Iismiorer of Ffu lic Worke Late tet--f—�-- ---- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T GOURLEY, OSCAR CLAU$5EN, C.- Euwn J. E. CARROLL. Sxn. C..nnucr+on 4 R-- lo—ALFRED ALFREDJACKSON, Sun. Surrt.no. G H. HERROLD. 0. L....... H W GOETZINOER. -REPORT TO THF COJACIL- Ir, tire matter of opening, widening and extending Rose street, to a wiitr, of sixty-six (66) feet, from 4estminster street to De Soto street, under Preliminary Or.,rr J6716, approved Jar..:ll, 191G, an.i Intermeiiary Order fllio32, approved August 4ti, 1916. To the Coattail of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, iris report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,wi ici: lanri is accurately described as follows: The south thirty-three (33) feet of the NJ of the 7W- of the YW,i-,-, of the :'W4 Section 29, Town 29, Eange 22 West, extending from Westminster street to Arkwright street, and the south 33 (thirty-three) feet of the '.EL of the `Ey of the "W4 of the NW; Section 29, Town 29, '.ange 22, extending from Clark street to De Soto street, Iismiorer of Ffu lic Worke Late tet--f—�-- ---- —- ,_._ i 1 ', � __ __ .r�° _ r, 1, a ��_ :� ,, �,�v., �: ;, >., �. �., .. �`� �: �: �.� _ _ _ . �.4.�zb�., ifs;, ;f.=.�..�p�, !r CITY 01 s'f. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF Iy1NANCE REPORT OF COMplISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �' // ✓ (A) In the Matter of 1;-24 - ---'=7 . ... __---- _..._._..._ . .._.. _.............. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Pa The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: l - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improv ment is -- - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: n. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Oro "q TOTAL. ,. 61TY Gr 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lG) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION I iJ �G u i S r_j ASSESSED VALUATION f J fJ 0 1 S n I sv S-3 '5_3 _3 S6 .50 0 s0 i< u The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he Ihas investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ..__. _ . .,--_...141.Gl� // Commissioner of iilane{ . Office of, the Comniissioner of Public Works - Report to Commissioner of Finance March.. _3.. .. 191.6. z To the Connaissiouer of Finance of the City of St. Pont: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun-cil, known as Couacil File No. _ _ 8718Januar 17. 6 _npproved .. .... .. ... Y,., ..,. .. _.1!11........, relative to .. ._ .... ' e f, ......Ppaning,....widd_A.f.ng A.r}d_exiiending_to a,.width_0fsixty—six feet Rose Street, from Westminster Street to De Soto Street. t. }` and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: is 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is $._...... _.., and the total cost thereof is )< xxxxX and _..... r. the nature and exteut of said improvement is as follows: a 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._ POt _ _...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. r y mnmissiouer of Public Works. 4 ���.,.-'--e . �r �ti�t� ,� ,z�'� i7/�-G � 0 cJ` A�� �' c� ����� � �.�y � -.-.COUNCI:LREEOLCTTfO7V='GE NER A.L. FORM, I Subject: t, counut FILE No. Date Presented Sept.lA-l1 191 6 RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR Resolved, OPENING, .WIDENI1u AND EXTENDING. In the matter of opening, widening and extending Palace Street to a width of sixty (60) feet, from Underwood Avenue to Snelling Avenue, under Preliminary Order {10578, approved#4y 33rd, 1916, and Intermediary Order $11993, approved -August 4th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his 'report and sketch in the above matter, oe it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of -St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width, from Underwood Avenue to Snelling Avenue, the center ine of which is the east and west centerline of the SE of the NEI, Section 9, Town 38, Range 33. In thrnAl n. I'n hlU ^��l�lrl rrn•klenittt-nml rtipl fr.t. rrUm I'ntlarwond h of rllrnlnnr,rt.ne lllnR nv 0 nn.inr Ive N. 10579. npproYetl ' urr.2ara'o-ar•r r•Anr \u. I91f, nnrl Inlerm•Alar) 11;173. xr ppnr vee .lul;net i. 141 ft. ' Th.• t rl�rlrn.•r ,( Puhllr �t'urka IrnvrTT r ubmltt"I III. report tnf' nk. rrh In the :rhovr. matter, he It r I nerotvol. 11) That thn <Yf7' of tit. frhel rf tln lld [o ttlrk onmlfr r0. tthn o n�n\rt nn m.•d Improvement to N. . r.n.w., ' A6[rip or Iona eI.ty (60) rest hl i \rla.h. rrntn 1•nanrwn^d n e ue to flhj. n1 nve un thr ronler\ Itino of and •n t con ter Ilne which Iw t IA of of tho o! the 'Nl: ry, tiertlon , 11 4. I'I`0 ssa 2R. Rnmre .\rinyte•a hs' the r'ou ncil 1ept. il, 17I6. Appruvetl Supt, 11, 11116. Yeas(t)Co cilrnen(:)\ays (heptember 16-1716) F r sworth Adopted by the Council SFP 111916191 G In favor and will Q Approved 1 1 J 191 Against r Ierlich Mr. Preside Irvin MAYOR NORM C B•3 Qk FFPOFI p TO T-r_,r, COUNCIL- - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Palace e.,tr(-.tt to a width of sixty (60) feet, from -nderwood avenue to Snelling- avenue ,under rreliminary Orden #10578, approved ''ay 23, 1916, and Intermediary Order *11993, approved August 4th 1916. 'o the Council of the ^ity of S`.Paul: Tt,e .ommiNsioner of Pu::li,, Rorke hereby submits and makee a part of this i.is report, a clan of u.r above improvement,sLowint the lan.i necessary to be taken tnerefor by the si,aded part of said plan,whici, Land is accurately describes as foilow6: A strip of ian,i sixty (60) feet in v.ic:trn, from-:n,ierwood avenue to Snelling avenue, the center line of wi1lcli is the east and west center lire of the SE4 of t.,,r- "F.y Section 9, Town 28, - range 23. ^Fmm xisioner Tublic Worms CITY OF SAINT PA --------- —_.__ _ - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T GOW,Ev, Dere T. C�.� 1-1— OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cmli Exa•... J. E. CARROLL. S, I Cox 1-1.. h R-- ALFRED JACKSON. Suri. S..."l r - G H IIERROLD. 0-- Er -- H W GOETTINGER. Sir- W•�.. r FFPOFI p TO T-r_,r, COUNCIL- - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Palace e.,tr(-.tt to a width of sixty (60) feet, from -nderwood avenue to Snelling- avenue ,under rreliminary Orden #10578, approved ''ay 23, 1916, and Intermediary Order *11993, approved August 4th 1916. 'o the Council of the ^ity of S`.Paul: Tt,e .ommiNsioner of Pu::li,, Rorke hereby submits and makee a part of this i.is report, a clan of u.r above improvement,sLowint the lan.i necessary to be taken tnerefor by the si,aded part of said plan,whici, Land is accurately describes as foilow6: A strip of ian,i sixty (60) feet in v.ic:trn, from-:n,ierwood avenue to Snelling avenue, the center line of wi1lcli is the east and west center lire of the SE4 of t.,,r- "F.y Section 9, Town 28, - range 23. ^Fmm xisioner Tublic Worms CITY OF In. PAUL DEPARTMEh!r OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Mattcrof.—.i---. ...... .. .... .... ........ .. -7 .... ...... .. . ........ ........ . . . ......... .... ... ..... .... . ... . .. .......... ........... ..... . ... ........... ------ . .......... ...... ..... .......... . .... I ..... . .. . . . ... ...... . ...... .. ...... - . ........ . ... .... .. . ..... ...... .. . .. ... . ... ....... . ..... .. .. - . . . . .... ...... .... . . .. . ...... .... . . .. ...... ........ .. ..... .. - . .. . ..... ........ ....... .... . .. -.- . ....... k .... ........ ... ...... ..... . ....... . ....... . .... . ..... .......... ... ... .... ...... .. ... ...... ....... ... . ...... . ... ...... . . ...... ..... - .. .. ... . . ....... under Preliminary Order approved .... ...... To the Council of the City of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost Per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed EcIldits for such improvement' and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows TOTAL. ./J"- (-- 0 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as hiLreoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— ....... ...... . .. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT NLOCK ADDITION VALUATION TOTAL. ./J"- (-- 0 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as hiLreoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— ....... ...... . .. -ice -off the Commissioner of Public Works I Report to Commissioner of Finance A June_13th..... 191.6_ c To the Commissioner of Finance of the 'City of St. Paul: t�` I The Commissioner of Puffiie Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- uil,'known as Council File No ..... _.... 191.6_, relative to_........ _....... _._. o enin widenin and extendin Palaoe St. to a width of 60 ft. from the west line of Snelling Ave to the oenter line of Underwood ... _.._._ ......_.__ i... ....... ..__ St., the oenter'-line of said opening to oonneot with tEi oenter �3ria oi:, eai_at reet,.._ae,..now._laid_out east.__of _Snelling _Avenue. _and.._Weet__. of Underwood Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is _....XXXX and the total coat thereof is $.._ XXXX s$aiul the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: \ _...... _._ . ........... _ _ .. ..... _..._ .......... ...- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....... 4. _ .. ...... .... _ ._. _.......... .. _....... .......... ............. _ .. vn' a. Said improvement is_. nOt....- ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject a; to assessment for said improvement. h Y . u / Co missioner Works. j' ��.. . ...,«, ;..:.. _ ::.. ,. .....:.,:, :. :.. -..... �..,._. :.. .. mob.•....,. ,, Subjq& Resolved, 1 4 ' i y� CITY OF .T PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GEW—ERAL FORM _ COUNCIL FILE N o. Date Presented Sept. 11th, 191 6 ! RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF (LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING. In the matter of opening, widening and extending Dudley Street to a width of sixty (60) feet,if rom Chelmsford Street to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order $9354, approved February 33rd, 1916, and Intermediary Order #11991, aproved August 4th, 1916. 1 1 The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted hAs report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The south thirty tiCl feet of the north one- quarter of the SEJ of the Nft, Section 30, Town 39, Rmge 33, excepting that portion lying west of the east line of Chelmsford Street. I C. F. No. 12648— In the matter of opening, widening and I'll" "It Dudley street to width of sixty (60) foot, from Chelmaford cruet to Cleveland venue. untlor Prrllminary Order Ne. 926;, approved Fnbrunry 291J, 1916, and Interme- diary Orde. No. 11991, approved Aug- ust 4th, = 1916. Th- Com,.:. lunar of Pualic Work, having .aubmitted- his report and sketch In the above matter, be It It'salved, tl) Thxt the City of St. Ilial Nlree and determines the amount of land to be taken for clic ebovr, named Improvement to be as fol Iowa: I aneth thirty (20) feet of clic north one-quarter of the SHIA of t 1 ' Nei 9ecl lan 20. 7`own 29, Rat>=a aa. ,e.., excepting tbnt portion tying woat of the east line of Chelmaford atreat. SJopteJ by the Coun n !i«pt: .... Approved Sept ll, 1916. 1 S.ptamber 16-1910) Yeas <0 Col ]men (0 Nays SEP 11 15 ib Far orth Adopted by the Council 191 C , In Favor Hyl Kel Approved 191 Against / ( Wu ri=ch v r l Mr. President, in .Invola rONM c e -a �rt CITY OF SAINT PAUL • OEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - ROBERT T GOURLEY. Derti�.r C. ---l. OSCAR CLAUSSEN,/C-1 Ew ...A J E. CARROLL. S— CONT— k Rt-- - ALFRED JACKSON. S— S—T.I.- G. H. HERROLD. Ot— E—fl ' H W GOETLINGER, S.- WI -r,... a -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of openii,g, widening and extending Dudley street to a of sixty (60) feet, from Chelmsford street to Gleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order #19254, approved F �)y 23,1916, and Intermediary Order #11991, approved August 4 1916. To the Council of the City of 9t.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works t_ereby e-bmits and sakes a part of this itis report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor, by the shaded part of said plan,which land is accurately described as follows: The South thirty (30) feet of the north one fourtkof the SEL of the NE41 lection 20, Town 29, Pange 23, excepting that portion lying west of the east line of Chelmsford street. ���— Commiseioner of Pu c Works - I Dated,,ZX4 `---- _ CITY or ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 9 (: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA ON P�.•IMiNARY ORDER (A) In the Ma er of-- - _.------ -..-----...._.. ----------------- ----------------........ ........................ /......_..._./ ._ _ ............... - under Preliminary Order approved _ ...... �_.F.. .:�. /. -1 --------- tr _ _ __ ..-... _ _ ... _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ -- -- 8"-85.-...--..------ 1 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots orlparcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 d aj %�'�?s job o roew as.w. ss w TOTAL. `� c1Tr OP sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMVISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE AMINARY ORDER' ' I (C) D E -S c R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION O y JJ% % 26 rj6 U �.1 � , � � S v' C// �•, � �, LAS r- ��4-�' /�..� ' � ;�J � D 0 6 > �� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report -made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated191CP_.. - -.�! . -... ...._. ... Commissioner of Finance. .. -.. �` F7. O of the. Comm6ioner of Public .WO16 Report to Commissioner of Finance )darah..._9th, 191.6 To th� Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: p y The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. ail, known as Council File No..9254 ..... ... ..... approved _. _ ..February 24, 6_. _..... 191 ... relative to ;- opening, widening and extending Dudley Street to a width of sixty f feet from Chelmsford Street to Cleveland Avenue, ............. _...... __ .. ._.__...._ .. ........ _....... ti and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvegreut is._.... ... ... __-necessary and (or) desirable. i >t 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $_........ ��X..._:, and the total, coat thereof is $......__._gx� and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: t 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attiiched and made a part hereof. 6 4. ........ ...... ...... _... ...... _ __.... 5. Said unprovenlent ia_. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of P lie Works. � n r 170 PA, OFFICE OF JOHN I -FAR ICY. CITY CLERK for 0u,. MOST t 1 i. 0) I FEB 6191E' BUREAU OF Ei4GINI T^ Tt'r ;r^,•• ^T.ry-',TM^Tk. ^TTY OF PT. rAU'.'l •�• i,nl-r,lanml real9enta ,; nu.11ey Averwe - _ 1, lierel-v prntl!�+ ApalnsL L',e proosed widening and -xtenling or T?u�lley Avenue from GKntham Ave., to ^helms- o.,rl etrAet, r.o•v uttler _—n4i-leratiin by v nir 'nohorahl. Yol. 11 me recommend t.i,e wt+-n l nv and ex t.enl lne r" nu1-16v Avenue from Grantham t., ^levelsni ^v.nue t'^n en Ir- lenvt,'-, of T,Ailev ',venue. *'a*. Pddress L i l FEB 261916 BUREAU OF EnGINEERs, - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERAL.FORM ,{ Subject:ounoit \ 1 00'Wir2 FILL No Date Presented Sept. 11th, 1916 V ,\ RESOLUTION I Resolved, Fl7ilbG THE OPENING,OUNT OF WIDENINGAANDTTAKEN FOR EXTENDING In the matter of opening, widening and extending Hartford Avenue to a width of sixty (60) feet, from the east line of Fairview Avenue to the east line of Kipp's College Park Addition, under Preliminary Order $8797, approved January 14th, 1916, and Intermediary Order $11990, approved August 4th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The north thirty (30) feet of the Sw}, of the SE�, and the north thirty (30) feet of the w� of the SE� of the SE}, Section 9, Town 38, Range 33. C. F. N..'12640-- In the mat—of opening, widening and extending llartford avenue to n ,.I,. Cant feet, from the east line of FalrVlewavenue to the t .gn Park A- itltlen, under Preliminary Order No. 87.97, approved January lsth, 1916, and rntermedlary Order No. 11990. pprdved Anguet +th. 1916. Th. Camminslaner f Public Works y f� Yeas (J) Councilmen (:) Nays ,( j honing submitted his rep ort and' SEP 11 7�J sketch to the above matter, Ue it Resolved, Il) That the City of 'sti �ouncil 191 Farnsworth / Paul fixes and determines the amount I Goss I of land to be taken for the above In I9VOr named improvement to be as follows: I t, I 1 I I C Tho north thlrty 139) feet of the U Hyland j I sw sr, othe 8 , ana the north thirty 1 191 Keller Iso) feet of the W% of she 3E% of the , y( i ae'4. ""'an 9. Town S8, ganga 48. ,, 0.� Ott- Against I .kdooted by tha Council Sept. 11.19111. Approved sept, 11. 191 a. �/�. ti -A Wunderlich 13eplemtier IB -1916> waren Mr. President. Irvin room C.— ROBERT T GOURLEY. 0 �. fi+xx11-1x OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.- Exmxeex J. - CARROLL. S.Pi. C0x1-1— h RI..i.. ALFRED JACKSON. S— B+xm+nox G. H. HERROLO. O—ce Enoix�cx H W GOETIINGER, S— Nn+. -: �•+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC, WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER -PFPOP.T TO "'I!F ""'MIL - Ir. tte matter of openin , widenint and extendint Hartford avenue to a width of sixty (60) feet, from the east line of Fairview avenue to the east line ofColle&e Park Addition, under Frelimianry Order #8797, approved Jan 14 1910, \and Intermediary Order #11990, approved Aug -4th 1916. To the Council of we 'City of St.Paui: Tae :,ommissionei of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of ti:is hieI resort, a plan of the above improvement,showir.g the land r,eceseary to be taken therefor,by the shaded part of said plan,which end is accurately' described as follows: The north thirty (30) feet of the SWI f the OFj-, rind the nor -1. thirty(30) feet of the WL of the SEL -of the SF.j Plection 9, Town 26, Fangs 23. G _ "omLrd ' 6ney of Public too C Late /(O _____ `'� ffi�e of the ConAnissioner. of Public Works Report to Commissioner of 'Finance February 25, 6 To the Coouaissiouet• of Fiumiee of the Cit} of St. Paul: Thr Nouuuissioner of Public Works, having hod uu.h•r ronsidrr:Ition the preliminary order of (hr Conn. cil, kuowu Its Council File No. e797 opprovt•d January 13_, 1916 , rehttive to opening, widening and extending Hartiord St. to a widtc of 6C ft. from the east line of Fairview Ave. tc the east line cf KipF's College Park R3dition. and having invrsligated the matters and things referred to then -in, hereby reports: 1. said iIn prov'.1o'.11t is necessary Innd (or) desirable. '_'. Thr estimated cost thereof is fi xxx • and the total east thereof is xxxx and the u:ttun, and extent of said improveui•nt'is as follows: :1. A phut, profile or sketch of said improveuu•re is hereto att;w)wd :nil utile it part lwreuf. 4. .i. said improvement is not nskcrl for upon po•tiliou of three or inure owners of properly, sibjeel to assrssnu•ut for said imlo-OVe eot. 1'ounaissioilr of Puhlie Works. . _. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE x. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIAINARY ORDER - - (A) �t�ur�/-., 1 In the Matter of- -.. --- -- ___-- ....... . ander Preliminary Order approved - -.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION 19 1 TOTAL. O _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE? MMINARY ORDER DESC�IPT ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 6 11L ! ASSESSED VALUATION I' ,s 7s 7s i 77 5 7� / L1 �s l0 5 GS �s 6S 6S G s� 6S GS �s TOTAL, /QO 9 ,l CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER SORDSOF FINANCE ON (C) ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION V A LUATISN DESCRIPTION _12,7 7 2 IFS �o a i 76 i 6S Gs �S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissio,'ner of Public Works. Dated �-- - - �i..'Once. CITY OF ST. PAUL c - COUNCIL RESOLUTION— -GENERAL 'FORM su6jecl: - FOl6INCll N"Lr A 1.1() - -I .. ; DatePresentedDgj1U - -3r°1+ 171 V Ir RESOLUTION Resolved, FIRING THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING, In the matter of opening, widening and extending Otto Avenue to a width of sixty-six (66) feet, from the east line of Edgeoliff0 Addition No. 2 to Cleveland Ave., under Preliminary Order $10455, approved May 12th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #11995, approved August 4th, 1916. The Commissioner of Publio Works having suomitted his zeport and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixee and determines the amount of land to be taken for the aoove named improveuent to be as follows: A strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width, from the Edgeolirfe Addition No. 2 to Cleveland Avenue, being thelsouth thirty-three (33) feet of Government Lot 4, 8e�iion 8, Town 28 Range 23, the south thirty- three (33) feet or the 84 of the 84, section 8, Town 28, Range 23, the north thirty-three (33) feet of Government Lot No. 1, Section 17, Town 28, Rana 23, and thq North thirty-three (33) feet of the NE9 of the NE*, Section 17, Town 28, Range 23 West. C. F. No. 12660— InnIdo mattetr f opening. widening n xlendlnR a.tto a as to width of nlxt>•-siz (66) feet, from the east line of NdReeliffe Addition No. 2 in level A".. under Prellminary Order 16'66, approved May 18th. 1916: and Intermediary Order No. 11996. approved August 4th. 1916. the Conmllasloner at Public Works having submitted his report and , .ksteh in the nboe. matter. be It It solved. il) Tt the City or at I•uul axe. and dotehnrnelnes the amount of land to be taken tar the above -1, od Improvement to be ns fall.—: A strip of land sixty-six (66)fast In width• from the EdRecllfte Add,tlon Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen (✓) 1a)'s r No. 2 t. Cleveland ,venue, being the 9 191 I ..I•Ih thirty-three (23) feet of Gave,.- SEP 1 t Ment Lot', Section 8 Town 29 ganga h the Council 191 Fern worth l aa, the south thirty-three (33) teat at Y In h ;he SF B of the SET. Section 8, Town Goss 28. Rnn a 28. the north thrlty=thre. /l i" f• t of novrrnmont Lot No. 1. Sea• •t t I �!;� C Hyla d uon 17, Town 28, Ran 22, aad the 191 Kell North tblrt -three (3) feet at the >roved NEli of the NEy. 9ectlon 17. Town 28, pgt It � 7s caret Adopted by the, Co., I Sept. 11. 11116. W un rlich Apprbved Sepi. 11. 1816. (September 16-1616) Mr. President, vin wwvoR voRM C. B•] l CITY OF SAINT PAUL. . OEPART.MENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISBIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Dtw Tv Cour.cuorv� v , ` --OSCAR CLAUSSEN• Cw's Ewa.— J. E. CARR&L. S- C0.11—Z,01 A, R- ALFRED JACKSON. S.m. S-- H. HERROLD• OHmt Ewi H W GOF.TI,NGER. 5u1-. Won.. .... PEPOP,T TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of opening, widening and extending Otto avenue to a width of,sixty-six (66) feet, from the east line of Edgecliff Addition to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order #10455, approved 14ay 12, 1916, and Intermediary Oruer #11995, approved August 4 1y16. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, Showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width, from the east line of Fdge- cliff Addition ':o.2 to Cleveland avenue, being the south thirty-three (33) feet of 3overnment Lot 4,Section 8, Town. 28, Tange 23, the south tnirty- three (33) feet of the SF� of the SES Section 8, Town 28 Fange 23, the north thirty-three (33) feet of 3overnment Lot 17o.1,Section 17, Town 26, flange 33, and the North thirty-three (33) feet of the NEI of the `1FL Section 17, Town 28, Tangs 23 West. � CommiesioneV oT Public Works i CITY 0F.3T. PAUL- - z DEPARTMEft,%OF FINANCE J - ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of _.Ltn-.^...'c::4�.4::vt+.�f a!L.__.t:iGL?d..t_.. ...ViC(....L�t......1t .-- / i1 v -- _ -------- _. --- ... _...... - - _...... ...... ... _ ... under Preliminary Order approved - -s-/�/ - /`!'s�f flu To the Council of the City of St. Paul: t The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: i The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_-..-.-_.._.._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5610 Q !1 J 2 �' J(� -93 5 0 / o Aa 4.0 3 S/ o „eom+e.a.w. a-ew TOTAL. �%�y CITY OF ST. PAUL .. DEPARTMENT OF FINAN E REPORT OF COMMISLIONER)OF FINANOE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION yq UATION 07 i 1r l -:T, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing'as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated . 191 k!L!...�t '✓�?�lfGa� G�7.':,2y( Commissioner of Finance. FOAM G.S.A. i•i t _ % Office of the Commissioner of Public Works , Report to Commissioner of Finance ,n _may. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: � The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- _ eil, known as Council File No., 10455 approved .. __.gay 13th 197..6., relative to,...... _.... ........... _.. openin widening .. g, _ _ _ening and extending Otto Avenue to a width of sixty-Six _........_ ... __ ..............- ........_. _ (66) feet, from the west line of Cleveland Avenue to the east line ......_ ... ..... _. _ ................... ........ ......... . _ .... _ .._._.... . of Ed cliff Addition No. 3. and having investigated the 'matters and things referred to therein„ hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....... .._ ._..necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is $_..._xa......_..., and the total cost thereof is+- anI - the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. q H• 5. Said improvement is_....._Tlt ._.._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. — Commissi¢ner of P. Works. z NOTICE OF BEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS r� In the matter of 8p6R�12&� BtdlDaing and aztendjBg* -Mb .XV611W ttk a "Am— �g...g�..-i°�o�_,Ci�e_ e�gt_..�-#ne _at_-anjget132fiS"7Cdd'3�fTizr �. _2;_� '_...___...-- s+ea -- ----------- - ----- . a roved Intermediary Order . Ander Preliminary Order-,}Q�fb. .,_approved •� ..�;��.. � iY approved TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, at the Council Chamber li:1, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the ._.. _.. _--.......__.........._ day of 196...._, at ten o'clock A. If., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance ae to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be '' above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards are payable and for the con - fl ' uch awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improve. ment. s Objections to the taking of each lands or easements therein or to the awards of damages therefor, must ; be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated Conuniavioner of Finance. EJB PE T'T T'ON. To t' e City Counci) of the City of St. Pa .l, Minn: Gentlemen: A netition has been made to have Otto Street opene' _on, Cleveland A.ve. tc Edger)iffe Street. Th$--ndersigne,! petitioners requapt that Otto street 'te ^penea to the River Boulevard fr.!, ClevPlan,l Ave ar.d nct tc Pdgerliffe St. We, represent a frontage on Otto Street between Cleveland Are. and the River bulevard of approximately 2,500 feet. s_^..; if,we are to -o to the expense of opening; at a11, we ire entitled to have it done in such a way as it would er.L^a::ce the value of qar property corresponding to our rnjmc s. What we are to do now is to arrange matters right at once. Signatures' Frpntage : .d.t, i AV 1 44 t 1 f CITY OF ST.. PAUL • COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM v e - 'Subject. ' rONCL ENom.' i Date Presented Sept. lids, 191 6 RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR OPE1•11NG, WIIDENING AND EXTENDING. In the matter of opening, widening and estending, Griggs Street, from Osceola Avenue to Goodrich Avenue, under Preliminary Order #406, approved June 24th, 1914, and Intermediary Order #12116, approved August 9th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The east thirty feet (301) of a miscellaneous tract of land in the N* ofithe S* of the SEI, Section 3, Town 28, Range 23, excepting part taken for Fairmount Ave. C. F. No. 33661— In the matter or opening, widening and_ nzlanding fr,,m 0. oia a to l.'nwi rich nv,nuo, t - i dnr I'ri�llm lnnry order No. 406, up- pr,rrrd Juno 240h. 1914, and Interme- Jinry ttrdrr Nu. 12116. app,nr 1 t. - e nxl 9i h. I?! 6. Thi 1-ratnxiu n,•r of 1'u1,11c Work. h:tt In. xubmltteJ hie trlrort and xkclrh to the nhote rmttlrr, be Il 32rxo:YrJ. ttl Thal the CIL, of St.I I'—] nX and Ietrnnlle the-nmount ofland to ho tukrn for the above a. Improv.•mrut to he na follows: The scut thirty fe.t (311') of a min - ,.,.I coax hurt of turd In the NEy or fht• F\\'yr of lh,• -ti.. 3. Town 29, I2nnRe P3, r retrllnIt part Ink.. for Fulrmonnt .t ve; ,\dopted I+r the. Councl! Sept. 11. 1916. Appr—d A, -pt. 11. 191& i (Nel—ral r 16-1916) Yeas (✓) Cou lmen (+) Nays JHyld In favor 1 ll Against ich j1�lr. Presidentilrvin (ORM O. e•7 Adopted by the CoI uncil SE.P 11 191619, Approved 1 15 191 c�. MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLJC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER " ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D.i , C......nne• OSCAR CLAUS$EN, C.", E-6. . J. E. CARROLL. S—, Cow21-1— & R -- ALFRED JACKSON, Sart. S.x—_ G�.e. H. HERROLD. 0-- E— H 'n GGFTPNGER. S. -N— .•v -DEPORT TO THF. COIIHCIL- In the matter of openin&j widening and extending Griggs street,from Osceola avenue to Goodrich avenue,under Preliminury Order W406, approved June 24th, 1914, and intermediary Order ;12116, approved 'ug.9 1916. To the Counuil of the City of St,Paul: The Commissioner of Fu'OliC Rorks neroby submits aria makes a part of this nis report, a plan of the above improvemer.t,showin6 the land necessary to be taken therefor ry the shaded part of said plan,which land is accurately described as follows: The east thirty (30) feet of a miscellaneous tract of land in the NEJ, of the SW4 of the SE,y Section 3, Town 2F, Iang.e 23, excepting part taker. for i Fairmount avenue, i Comm�roc "i—. -W. Dated 5 t*0ANtrt'MMNVbir FINAN Cg!.;, REPORT OR-OOO&MISSiONER OF FINANCE12 ON PRE 'UNARY ORDER - the Matter of -- --- - --------- - - -- -- -- – - -. .... _ _-- under Preliminary Order approved -. --__—� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 506.00_ ___ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED • 'VALUATION 011 04I� �J< °�'; /.; y[; �FLG �YYLI �(�•� C fir{.{ I1PJ; � �i, •_ � )c, ��C_� i •��i rl c-< ; i `t.1 �.,t, i<-�/�ik2GLG� L����yl _ r 'Nl �tlLl�luM t�lf2ii y��c l�177.'d,/Lrw %�3 The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__.._191-�_ j ._ Commissioner of Finance. .......:..w ase e CITY OF Sr., PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CORVISSIONER OF FINANCE n ON PR_ LIMINARY ORDER In thet Matter of __L�y�L,G1.L11_:7�L '� "%C�,'� — 1 x.✓i t �'' ,s --------------- --_.---_--..--. -. ...-....... _.......-------- .--- _-.-...._.. .............................-.............-........--..-....-..._........ _-._-.._ ......... -.-........... .... ............................... under Preliminary Order approved T To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: s- ars'. � - i •�', .. � J - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. y.' I and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .-_ 141 - roea as.w. a.a c Commissioner of Finance. DESCRIPTION Lor Block ADDITION Apsemed Vduatioo A.,� ,�" �Gw. J L -Z J /(I'�+w, c{ t � �•-. � t No � � �j �.,i�7-nN o-,.4.;/� �� �L �wl U.G{� �wi Q -,;y � q,/J q''�� �✓U.:� ���- /: Q/tc%-i0^� .r" -w L � 7vjCiv/\ ✓ .�[/ n/ �ic// lW. f� /Vw� �� �/ J'A x � :� I � � I � �.I•..e" 4 � �_ !7 � ,�� .: a� � �� � v�� as JUNE deport to Commissioner of Fina ,.. R4 I � tt 1 \ v _ ... • _Juno_ _? ...._ ... .... .19i: rt, Tu the Commissioner of Finance pf the City of St. Paul: �• ` X 'TIA'Zommissioner of Public Works, having bad under coueideration the preliminary order of thg Coum ' 3 9Q June_,a4 191._4.., relative to _..... l ' ail kttelett ea council File l+io..._... �.___._approved...___ ..._....__ RJ,ojaenipg ffideningancl.. extendin r.Agge.. aJIr ._..f'T.QA? a Goo4xIoh Ave _.... ? , 41 -�..............;. _._ _.._ _._. _._......._... aL'd'havmg investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: s I t 1. Said improvement is._..__.......... _neaesssry and (or) desirable. �n. 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total coat thereof 19 Po xxX Y XX.^CXX r a ' he =nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; _.,....__..____.�.._._._......__ -- -... ......_._.._-.._........ _.... _....... .___........ _.... __ ....... a_ 2 A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...... ...__...... _ .__..._. _..._ r .s ` .... ;1. S b Said im rovement is—..._ _..... ._asked for upon petition of three' or more owners of property, SUN* no to.eaees§inent for said improvement. ___._....._........... _.. l nmiissi ner of Public ks, e'.''I' 1• � �x p'b'uR r...;.§.:. «n.'�xi ' w �.�t-.�. . � «�a ...ts. w.,-�.,R. , is »ik*a�: . J CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM - Subject: COON l _ • FILE � I V'O. • 1 ��6� r"'.j Date Presented Sept. 11th, 191 6. �� gg�� UUTT pp \ FIXING'THF AMOUNTLOFILAND TO BE TAKEN FOR Resolved, OPENING, ,WIDENING AND EXTENDING. Hemline Ave. In the matter of opening, widening and extending to a width of sixty (60), feet, from Randolph Street southerly to the north line of Kensington Park, under Preliminary Order 49363, approved March 3rd, 1916, and Intermediary Order 4!:12115„approved August 9th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and keetoh in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The easterly thirty (30) feet of the N* ofthe SWi and the easterly thirty 40 feat of the N 314 of the SEJ of the SWJ, Section 10, Town 28, Range 23. Ina. 'IdrnlnR and In me matter f onxn •nnttta to .r v.•taot nr lists• ,sol (met. Hnmllna •tve., from Itn ndolph St. . ut ha•rl>' to rhe'derr lh .tltmtn°try t)r- Inwtn 1'nrk, un 1 alnn•h Hrd. rler' \u. V183, npproee+ Y Urdur :Je 1910, nue 7Rticrmrdtxt xth 1x% 12115 , nPnro Ve' The Cntitmlxxloner of 1'n bllc tVrke hnYlnF thmittad h1n lie it and xkeleh . In Ins nhnee +..ternn Roxa,lved, to dl Aat°Yminxn Ih,. -ount of til 1 to I_ taken [or th-• ..,o of !Md I Imoruvetnnnt to he an (ollowa 1°t i,h,. o terl third ,hell f[o�l vin x� r; [ the St\"A n ,1. tip/ foot of the N 3!4 of the SEA 01 tn„ S�t'+A• Sa•ctloo to. Town 2a. Rang° ?,,domed by thnCouncil Sent. ll. Ixlo. A;,pro-d Sopt, 11, 7x16. � (Septotnner IB -1111x) ' Yeas (r) Coun ilmen (+') Nays J Farn orth Co In favor Hyla Ke le (,- c Against y Wun lith Mr. President, vin FORM (:. B•3 Adopted by the Council SEP 111916 191 Approved � �1 i'J � h 191 MAYOR ME—NNM— I .......... ,:. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTM€NT OF PUBLIC WORKS I M. N. LOSS, COMMISgIONERF -- _RpBERS_T.. GpLLRL€v., paw.. Cnxr.er,o.rw OSCAJI CLAUSSEN, Cw, Exm , E. CARROLL. Sun Co.—..rh R- ALFRED JACKSON, Sum. ta.rtar� . G. H. HERROLD, """ Eem K W GOFT, Z., S..• -EEPORT TO ThE COUNCIL- . In the matter of opening, widening and extending to a width ofsixty (601 feet,?:aniline avenue, from Fandolph street southerly to the north line of Kensignton Park, under Preliminary Order }!9363, approved March �3, 1916, and intermediary Order W12115, approved August 9 1916. I To the Council of the City of St,Paul: The oommissionet• of Public works :,ereby submits and makes a part of this his �eport,a plan, of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,which land is ixrately desctibed as follows: The easterly t:.itty (30) feet of the north half of the SW,4 and the easterly thirty (30) feet of the4 of t::e SE4 of tc.e SWy- Sectior, 10,Town r 20, Eange 23. �- Cyi oC y+orks Lated 9,,1 cl;:YOF r— L DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE REPORT OF COMaIISS1014ER OF lFINANCE ie ON PRELIMINARY ORDER � .... . ........... In �w Matter of t . .. ......... 1 1 I< . ...... --- --- ------- — - -------------------- ........... Z: .......... r�under Preliminary Order approved jz/4�.. . . .... ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated 'amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 1,374.00 S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - ----- - — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- ..a.. ... . DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCK ADDITION ASS ESSED VALUATION 2.2 e /xy .7 �v 4- 0 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , 1 REPORT OF COMMIjPSIONER OF FINANCE ORDER ON PRELIMINARY .. DES C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK A D D I T I O N ASSESSED VALUATION f-syz-c. 3 Z 441 4; G J / 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I _ i Dated - - � ..,.- 191 .tom Commissioner of Finance. March 1.6t ,ro the Commissioner of Finance of the pity of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the (,'can- e l— i , known at; Council File No. .. 9.3.63 approved .. Maliolh. 3 A916., relative to 0P.qnAA9.j. I WI qAteAdinR_Ha.M1A,Pq Avenue to a Y1.4�4. of sixty feet., from.. Pandalph...Str.ee.t...aou.therly to. the.. nort.h.. Kaxiaingt_aa Park,. an Additloin t.o_the CAty of.. St., Paul,. And having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.necessaryr and (or) desirable, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxx and the total cost thereof is xxx . x and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaelwd and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is... not ...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. f.- ConinnslVier o Public Works. CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM_ Subject: FILE N o . . Date Presented September llt�gl 6 RESOLUTION Resolved, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING. + I In the matter of opening, widening and extending Niles Avenue to a width of sixty (60) feet, from Griggs Street to Edgecumbe Road, under Preliminary Order 11261, approved June 28th, 1916, and Intermediary Order 12114, approved August 19th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land off of the north portion of a miscellaneous tract of land in the north half of the W, Section 10, Town 28Vorth, Range 23 West, the north line of said tract being the south line of Niles Avenue, as now laid out in J. J. Kenn's Addition, the said tract being 37.36 feet wide at Griggs Street, and 37.74 feet wide at Edgecumbe Road. F. N _1,57 In thr r ,ttrr •nlnK n�IJ,ninK rN�Ire n+l n+11114 In - sV hll l~X'+f hlzl,- III01 frrr+,f^umrr0- .1rv�rt I:IIK,+�umlr•• Iln:nl oust I'r.•I lrn lnnrzIrllrr N+r. 11?fit.nn- 1•rr.V•-II Junr 2W, 1>'IA.. InA lot• rmr- . +1 h,r•s' lr,lrr No 12-111, nllnrn std Th.� +'nmmlr+Innrr 'nf 1'u l,Iir ll'rrrks 1 I ,rin,: nnI•:rn,111 r+! rnl+lx r�nnr[ II! �7<.. •,•h Ih, oboes :Illar, rbr it l c.•nnlcr•i. rIV T`...: ;h,• ,•:• of QI.. nnn:l rlun rto Ih•II If n�n '.r I ".Anntifnrµ hr bOve :u`r -A Imlrn remrnt to Ire+,• f•lIlnsr:r . slrh+.+r mon orc .Ir u..• ndrlh + In Ihrfnurrh hnlfnllf Ih�� %N: l.. �r•rt'nn , In, '1'uwn 9A Nnr1 h. IlanKr 2 ls'•xl. thr • +rlh ,1nr• of xr l+i trn+�t 11a1n4 lho ' !Int of NI'r l.ln nt t 1•+ .1..1 1.. nn+i nl.\+l,lillnn. th+N=nl�1 [rar11 Yeas Councilmen Nays 7, 7fi reef wldr• nt IirIKK. �'rr'el. ,VT {dr� nt IsAs; r, -u ntbn Farnworth *: nrl 3.. �'� rret se 1!„+I a rnfi. SEP Goss In favor A,,1 --d <n ;,, AtEI r is fr aunril 191 Hyland Keller Approved 191 A4ce6ff- -' Wunderlich Against l� f_` Mr. President. Irvin 10.A1 C. MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS W N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER + ROBERT T ZOURLEY, DeeuT. Cox. sa•awx •• r OSCAR CLAUS5EN, Crier Exanesx J E. CARROLL, Sun CO RUCT k Rex .. --'RED JACKSON. Su- Saxrt.+mn C. H HERROLD. Mace E"1111. H W 0FTJIN.ER, Sri N:..., .�.r• " -` EPOET TC THE C00?l?cI L- In the matter of opening, widen-:& and extending "ilea avenue to a width of sixty (00`. fe-t, from !rig.,s street to F;,wecumbe °.oad, under Preliminary Order "11301, approved .Tune 3F,1916, and Tnterme:liary Order #12114, approved Au&ust 19, 1916. To ti:h "oun.:i 1 of the ^i Ty of 9` . Paul: The Comal,,:,ioner of F1.blic 'dorke hereby sucmit4 anJ makes a part of this .:is report, a alar, of the above imnrovement,ahozrin.r the land necessary. to be ta'r.en therefor,by the s;:aded part of said plar.,wi,icr, land is accurately d.esuribed as follows: A strip of land oft of t:.e r,ort:: l,ortion of a B,is.eilaneous tract of lana ir. t.e norti. :.alf of tr:e SE,r, `�ectioz, 10, To•n art.., ::cn&e 46 West,tue north lint of sai,i _rte t being tr,r ar,ut.i line of :;ilea Avenue,as now laid out in J.'.'l.enna's Addition,tae Baia tract being 37.3 feet wide at Drigg§ streot, and 37.72 feet wide at Ed&ecumbe road. �/ _ ^�mmiaaione-r of Pu .lice V.ol— r ad� CITi'OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 01 FINANCE . q_ REPORT OF COMIASSIONER OF FINAN ON PRELIMINARY ORDER VA) In he Matter of ---------- _4- ---- ------------- - - -- - --- --------------- ------------- - - --- - - ------ --- - ------ - --- ----------- ----- ----- ----- --- ......... . . .......... . .. - ------------ - under Preliminary Order approved 4 II To the Council of the City of St. Paul' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ _324.6. The estimated cost -per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last report , ed by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADOITIOI ASSESSED VALUATION 0 0 0 13 0 0 4;2v L) TOTAL, CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE \ f I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIOARY ORDER (C) _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , Dated .. ;l L. _ __ _191b/ a/ ._ roes a.a.w. e e c Commissioner of Finance., �.. "I Office of "thy---- --- Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary of -tier of the Coun- n cil;,ltnown gs'Couneil File No. _._�.� n .-_approved relative to ...... ....... _ s� iZ'lg...,.�9H'ti _lve...._�n_..a...�¢idth .t�E....s .$9e........ _ ........ _ ._._ ._.._ .... tib Ll and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: , I.,, Said improvement is. ... _.._....... _necessary and (or) desirable. M 2. The estimated cost thereof is...__ __. _ __, and the total cost thereof is $ and 'i r" the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ _. _. .. _._........ _..._.... ,w 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. i� _.... ....._ .) ._ f } m.: 5. Said improvement is.... .... . ......_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject $V to assessment for said improvement. a / Comm ssioner lie Works. 'r CITY OF ST. PAUt_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: r couHUL FfLE No. Date Presented Sept. 11VL, 191 6 RESOLUTION FIXING•THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE TAKEN FOR Resolved, OPENING, WIDENING AND EXTENDING. Juno Street the matter of opening,sixty widening and extending east line of H$tward GreeW s Second OA)dditionf tomtheewest line of Pleasant Avenue, under Preliminary Order #6749, approved August 30th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #113113,' approved August 9th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be ae,follows: A btrip of land sixty (60) feet in width across Lot B, Lexington Park Plat 4, said piece being bounded on the north by the north line of Juno Street, and on the, south by the south line of Juno Street as now laid out in Howard Greene's Second Addition, produced eaterly. • P Hn. 116r.1-. ---- ln ^ho mnnrr r onrnlne wiarnlnq d rx`onrll ntr Juhn xr-ot to n, e.,^.. r;01 f«••,r fn`m •h...n^Ivan„ to thn 6749• 1lfoQ„ t""do, .•f 7... ...�.,. , ... . r acr Proliminq rr Orvier No. npprorra AnCvnt *0th 1^Ifi. and ln- t•r-•n•dln-v r,r•t..r \a. 1.113. npprovrd Thr r no ml^Winner of P0.1to park. trn ,tho nbnt el mgefr, be Itt 1 lcm,h 1 ne,olved, /ll That tho vi" ar 9t. "y In qrl� to nl,n Arnk�rn infer In- nhn��r n. nr,iImprnvmeal to be follows: 'i tele sv Irina xixty triol foot ridth tut H, Lexln¢tan Pnrk Plat 1, agid plet'n bOn, bounded on thr n^rt11 bs' the north Ilno ur ,Ivnn xtrn. t. ^ n� •h.. I^',r. •he xn•th or «rt H - tnl•r , Hnwnrd n•r« t, tlro�,na \ .\ad Rion, Ir,pro a ueod egetaris'. Yeas (s)Councilmen (+') Nays .`do, trrl by !ho qn ,n,.it tie P. It. 1616. pvovrd vrnt. I1 rinlr,, Fatnsworth lFep tem boo 16-1616) GossIn favor AcIoptea oy the Council Cr P 191 Hyland I Keller J`f hftEutf-Against Approved 191 Wunderlich / Mr. President, Irvin 1 =� J, A_t 1 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M.. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER •, ROBERT T GOURLEY. 0i ,, Ccr�anoxTx OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cm" E ...J E. CARROLL. SVP*. Cox.—T.ox L Rr x.in. ALFRED JACKSON, Sur+. S-11TI.. N • 1nna . RFRROLO, 09 E w N GOFTPNGER, Sur• Nua__ J r REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Juno street to a width of sixty (60) feet,from the east line of :ioward Green's Second Additon to the west line of Pleasant avenue, under Preliminary Order #6749, approved August 30,1916, and Tntermeriiary Order W1,2113, approved August 9th 1916. To the Council of the City of StxPaul : The Commissioner of Public Works i,ereby submits and makes a part of this report, a plan of th above improvement, sLowing tris lard necessary to be taken t:,erefor by the shaded part of said plan,which land is acc,iirately described as follows: A strip of Tani eixt; (60) feet in width across Lot Lexington Park Plat 4, Bail lie -e being bounded on the north by the nortt, line of Juno street, and on ti,e south by t:,e eoutl, line of Ju,,o street as now laid out in .toward 3re,,ne'8 Second Addition) produced, easterly, ommissioneir of Publ7b works 4•ated [a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO-MMUSSIONER-FINAN// F1 fj ON PRELIMIM #ART ORDER M. (A) Jn the Matter of 91 ------ -------- ---------- . . ....... .. ...................... ---- -- --- . ............. . ....... ........... ............ ............. ...... - . ------------ ------------------- - ------ ---------------- ........... - ... ... - -- -._ ------ ..... ....... . ............... .. . . ......... . ---------- - - - --- - - --- --- under Preliminary Order approved . IP - - — - - ---------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ -4Z 0,00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcelsI of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /0 e/Z4('4� j-, all, TOTAL, CITY Of ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE L REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN� IC) Y-0RDER1 - \ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADD IT I ON ASSESSED' VALUATION 41 c•� J U �d S� y� b The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference tI o said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated/. 1916 •oKK s.a... a•a e - Commissioner of Finance. k Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance f • 1 Sept. 20,_1915 191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. paid The t'ewuuissioner of Public works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. _6.749 approved .Aug.. 30o 1915 191 , relative to Open and_ w don Juno Street to a width of sigtyfe@t frq..lu__the EL t line of Howard, greens geoond Addition to the West line of Pleasant Ave..nue . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. " The estinurted cost thereof is $__ and the total cost thereof is . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: I J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached rued urne.le n part here(),'. d. a. Said improvement is— I .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope•t•ly; suhieet to assessment for said im¢rovement. ` nunissiouer of Public works. Resolved, RESOLUTION FIXING T=FF AMOUNT OF LAND, TO BE TAKEN FOE OPENI''G, WIDEND 6 AND EXTF`,DIYG. In the matter of opening, widening and extending the alley in Block 26, Rice & Irvin's Addition, St. Paul, Minn., under Preliminar; Order #10b49, approvea June 13th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #12117, approved August 9th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Forks having submitted nis ra;ort and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVN'D, That the City of St. Paul fixes an' determines the Lui-unt of land to be taken for the ablove named improvement to be as follows: The rear twelve (12) feet of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, and t:.e rear taeiv_ (12) felt of the southwesterly forty- five (45) feet of Lot 7 in Block 26, Rice & Irvinete Addition, St. Paul, Minn. Yeas (d) Councilmen (:) Nays mos In favor `Hyland / 4—Keller / t--McCO11 Against -Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin [--g- ,ORM .. .-3 Adopted by the Council SEP 28 1915 191 y $rP ..6 Approved 191 MAYOR CITY OF SST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM • e';;nitac of op k 3R�Rnn, courrcL - c. F. yjo sttaY pain, N O. In the, BtnK the 1b. nY-1n tnt - Add�tH�y' 01916, a a � r,i bjuOb 13th, -. tilt=. i47 Date Presented :sept. 22nd, 191 6 Resolved, RESOLUTION FIXING T=FF AMOUNT OF LAND, TO BE TAKEN FOE OPENI''G, WIDEND 6 AND EXTF`,DIYG. In the matter of opening, widening and extending the alley in Block 26, Rice & Irvin's Addition, St. Paul, Minn., under Preliminar; Order #10b49, approvea June 13th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #12117, approved August 9th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Forks having submitted nis ra;ort and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVN'D, That the City of St. Paul fixes an' determines the Lui-unt of land to be taken for the ablove named improvement to be as follows: The rear twelve (12) feet of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, and t:.e rear taeiv_ (12) felt of the southwesterly forty- five (45) feet of Lot 7 in Block 26, Rice & Irvinete Addition, St. Paul, Minn. Yeas (d) Councilmen (:) Nays mos In favor `Hyland / 4—Keller / t--McCO11 Against -Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin [--g- ,ORM .. .-3 Adopted by the Council SEP 28 1915 191 y $rP ..6 Approved 191 MAYOR I CITY OF SAINT PAUL OERARTI ENT Of PUBLIC WORNG M. N. IGOSS. COAINIEBIONER - REPORT TO TU COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widenine and extending tte alley in Block 26, Rice & Irvine's Addition, under Preliminary Order #10949, approvIed June 13th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #12117, approved August 9th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvenmett showing the land neoessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately descriued as follows: The rear twelve (12) feet of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, and the rear twelve (12) feet of tre southwesterly forty-five (45) feet of Lot 7 in Block 26, Rice & Irvine's Addition, St. Paul, Minn. ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D.— Co��iR�ont. _ OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CR E...... J. E. CARROLL Sart. CowTms d Rbc a ALCREO JACKSON, S— S--- -.0 11 N. NERROLD, Orr t E. H W. GOETZINGER S -T. Wonawe�sr I CITY OF SAINT PAUL OERARTI ENT Of PUBLIC WORNG M. N. IGOSS. COAINIEBIONER - REPORT TO TU COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widenine and extending tte alley in Block 26, Rice & Irvine's Addition, under Preliminary Order #10949, approvIed June 13th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #12117, approved August 9th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvenmett showing the land neoessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately descriued as follows: The rear twelve (12) feet of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, and the rear twelve (12) feet of tre southwesterly forty-five (45) feet of Lot 7 in Block 26, Rice & Irvine's Addition, St. Paul, Minn. Paul OFFICE OF JOHN 1. FARICy. CITY CLERK Sept,. 1 2--ot-1916. Hon. . ::. ',Oss, Corjui:;_i nor of Public Torks. Dear Sir!- L -Aie Council of its :.ietin,- of thic: dote, reconsi6erea it. Rcti�r- of plssi,2656,fixi:,C the sanount Of -,nd to be talkon for the onening :f an aoy il*. ',jock Rico 6: irvine's Ad,d,11111. "lie :wtter -vr,r 11U6 over for one vveck, nn referred to your depnrtLient to preasreT-Wolution and b1uer-'1:,t9 nro.i.inr for the 01,0r -in,' of the 1'ey 3 'y vs far as 'hit norti.ou,,tti, y ',i.c o, I . 7, nd .:.kin(, no provision or a oprcc for a'lo in,; vel,.ici, to turn. i,,sp,ct,'u Y, City CIerk. .4g., 'I- CITY OF St. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL' FORM Subject: COUNCIL . va¢ N O . � --- D to Presented Sept. filth, 141 6 RESOLUTION r 1X1 iGE AMOUNT OF PID TO BE TAKEN FOR Resolved, OP/ENING, WIDENI A EXTENDING. In the matter o openin widen n and extending the alley I Block 26 Rioe & I -no a �ition, under Prelimin Order # 949, appr ed Junel,13th, 1916, and Intermedi y Order 12117, app oved J 13th, 1916. T Is Com eeioner of 1io Wo k havingl ubmitted his repor an sketoh in th a ove tt r, be it S yED, (1) T t th_ C y of St. Paul fixes and dete nee the amou of 1 n to be taken for the N above n ed improveme to be follow 1 V1 Th rear 12 Oet f Lots 7 8, 9, 10 a d 11 B ock 26, ioe & I fine s ddition. kol Yeas (✓) Cou ilmen (:) Nays warn wrorth Adopted by the Council moss In Favor Hyla v(Cell d� / APPr ~ 191 M4 PR Against 1- Wunferlich Mr. Presiden , rvin --5 MAYOR I.RM c e-3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUOLIC WORKS + M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T GOuRLEv. o,,,, OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Baer E-_ J E. CARROLL. S— Cax 11un 8 Rr.. — ' ALFRED JACKSON, S,- S.xrt111- C. H. HERROLO. 0+111E Ewc.,— H. J ;,OE T+INGE R. F.EPOF-T '_'C T_! 10',7YCIL- .n t -:e m&tter of opening, widening ar:d exten ir-. tae alley ir. -lock 26, Nice I Irvine's Adaition, under Frelimil.ary Cruer #1004;j, approver June 13 Palo, ant Intermediary Or,.er #x12117, approved :ure 13, lylo. To the Council of the City of Rt.paul: The ,,,..missloneiof Fu:ii Zorks cerety sunmits and makes a part of this his rr.pert, a plan of ti:e atove imr+rovement,ehowing tht land necessary to be taken therefor ty tk.e er.aded part of sai,i i.lar,wk:icn lar -1 i s ac:=ately described as follows: 6 erg h e rear 12 feet of Lots 7, c, :lq and 11 in - lock 26, T ice i Irvine's Addition. Comn:is:;ion�or Pubiie 1Yorks L Lated ' 6 -- - i In the 1lthtler of opentlg ivlde>)ldg4 and extetidiog an 81� sya bye taklng�. COUNCIL FILE and condemning the r�pr 24 neetof _ //A the ween 25 feet of ia,t & and the �/ �" rear t8 feet or Lots 7, 8� 9 30 pna 1L I 1 ! � '�'/���/►//�Jf� t fn Block 2% Rice and 1Mne'e Add• 8 .+n, aodoto t ,ad rt he F v .a.nd -t + Part h•, a y1 INTERNEQIAttY ORDER. In the Matter of-MPAnn i no 1[ideni ng AM sAte1d nir is. 9�! .127C__#Ifik B -fid _. condmnniag_ rhgrear 24 feat of the AeAt, 85 kaet of Lot 6, an the rear —IT -Teat R --Lome '7, 8, 9, and 11, n To Ioe ancT71—r 0-77 -- 1[3diWdU-, a600rding to thparies%-. ala a an ma e a paft-XW`reof, under Preliminary order. 19.JAR----approved_ __4_W@__4jth, _1916 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of3he Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.QP�II?,__ }g.den-._and-extend an..allay by*_ ak nOsncL�nnriemn!no_xhe�ear�4 SeatL_oi_tila Ass�_�3:t��et �. _ Rioe nd„jr�� e'er dtljtioa, arq ding Qlt3nh-4—re ttooattaohed and made a�a_rt, hereof,____ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1I.93? , Q4. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -_11.11 _--_-_._-day of 1916- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, Fj of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said -meeting to the perten the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of tm nt, and the co t as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ 19. lty Clerk. Approved �) ' 3 J _ —, 191..—._ Councilma Fnarnsworth Q, _ s '' L141Eller ” 4 -McColl s��� j Mnyo Form B. S. A. a-6 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISfIONER OF FIN NC ON PRELIMII,;%RY ORDER (A) In the Matter ofnigE_wideniaL and extepdinF <_} elle -r ink and condemning the rear -.-12 feet of lots i_,_ 8, 9, 1C, 11, and_he rear 24 feet of the west, ---------------- ----- . _.__ .. _-.2i--- eQt cJf._.Lo.t 8.1 all in TSL Bloc -k 26 Rice and Irvines Add_ - -._... .......--------------------- . ..... .... under Preliminary Order approved --- - - ....... ;TUrie 13-t1-__- I �,1(' To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ J, 03 7.04 The estimated cost Per foot for Ithe above improvement is - - - - - - $—\_—_...__.-_.._.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed . aluation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Wtly Z5 feet of 6 26 'lice and Irvines Addition Eadterly 15 feet of 7 26 Westerly 45 feet of 7 2C do 5 6 2 5 8 26 do /.5 G 0 D 9 26 do �3 y06 -10 20 do 0--0 Ex. SWl, 40 ft. of 11W1y 100ft, 11 2C do 02 �LQO 12 26 do a U 3 26 do Easterly 35 feet of 6 26 do j J�lJ Q TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by, the Commissioner of Public Works. l Dated , j _ 1914 Commissioner of Finance. - 5 Office of the Comioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 22nd, til 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of fit,- City of St. Pail: •Phe Commissioner of Public Works, hnving had under eonsideration the 1.1 liluivary order of the tbnn- cil, known as Council File No. 10949 approved June 13th, 1!11_ relative to i opening, widening and extending an alley by taking and con- demning the rear 24 feet of the west 25 feet of Lot 6, and the rear 12 f -et of Lot 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, all in Block 26, Rice a Irvine's Addition. and huviltg investigated file matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said iutprovcuurot is necessary and (or) desirable. 2.Y •Phe .Mtiuorted cost thereof is a:_ XXX and file total rust lhel'1'Of 14 T X..X nu:! the natunr and ext -at of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atfllelled and made it hart hereof. 4. 5. said improvement is. not .asked for upon itioa of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. Coal of Publie Works. m AMHERST H. WILDER V1IARITY tiT. R%VL. Mlvv.. Sept.6,1915. To the Council ofitne 7ity of St.Paui. I Gentlemen: - In re. opening alley in Block 26, Rice & Irvine's Add. Amherst H.Wilder Charity objects to the making of the above, improvement,- which we understand is to be an allev-way opened up along the rear ends of Loss 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, of Plock 26, Rice & Irvine's Addition,- if any of the cost thereof is to be assessed against the property of the Amherst H.Wilder Charity. We are in no need of the improvement whatever, as we have an ample private driveway on our own property over the southerly part of Lot 4, lead- ing from Eagle Street to the rear of trio Wilder Public Bathe. We have no objection to the improve- ment if o.Ir property is not to be assessed for any part of the cost of the same. i Yours respectfully, AMHERST H.WILDER CHARITY, By President. STATF. OF '1I'M:c;0TA, ) 55. COU'M" OF F.A!_'SE'i. ( In the }latter of the openin•, wideninv and extending, the alley in Block 26, Rice ct Irvine's Addition. DANIEL r,. KENMEM bein; first dul,: sworn deposer and-rays that he ie the administrator of the eetrte of Catherine Myler, deceased anu ae such adminis— trator he hae control of the xeet 25 feet of Lot 6 and 'he east 15 feet of Lot 7 in %e aforeez:i,! addition. That he received no notice of the public hearing on Bald alley and had no information of the pendency of the aforesaid matter and the-, the reason why no appearance war made on his behalf in opposition to eaic alley was becauee of lack of notice or information, ae aforesaid. That at sucl: administrator he had prior to the date of the final hearing contracted for the cele of the whole of said property. j Subecrib)d and sworn to before me 61, thief/?%ttay of September, 191E. 1iatary Public, Ha-ney my commission expires AuF,. 24, 1921. j 1; TO THE CIN -XIMIL :)F T!$ CIi! )Y ST.P4JL. In the 'latter of the openin;, wideninr and extend'n. the allay in 91ock 26, :,ica m Irvine's Addition. DAi;IF;L C. P.E NEDY, administrator of the estate of Catherine Tyler,: de- ceased, Petitions your honorable body to r-)comider th-j action taken i.7 :ha r above entitled natter an--' to vacate and set aside the order for said all lav or, to leseen it in so fir ae it extends on the rear of the west 25 feat of _ Lot Six (6) an:' the oast 15 feet of Lot Seven (7) in Block Twenty-six(2F), � Rice & Zrvina's Addition, for tl:a,.;:5as:)n ata tad in :;:a attached affida•iit. s Y' 3" Y _ F " ?c'ci pion Council Pilo No. PROPOSAL FOR 1MPR'ONWMEKT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned herehy proposes the making; of t1� follyiwing public iny,rovenu•nt 1! the City of St. Paul, viz.: GTEL:e ..ac.,:L `,: i '_'roc: _r z : i*. :o �co:c ., in / r Dated thi i day o[� 1(m 5 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making Of the followings improvement, viz.: to Cook .,t• having been presented to the Council of the ��n„���;;�.'i�'^I by ('ouncilman u or rh,r•ur o; •Th therefore, be it :,: the (•omm:n h, RESOLVED. That the Commissions ,�e,��a.!°,"� he and he is hereby ordered and directed •en, or;:, rn rho 1. To investigule Lire necessity for o r rhe moki, he making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, exte,-,uo;lr`Foni `., i° ea!�° est of said inwroccme tit. :L1111 the jolyd ""It ticreor. . 'hn rural von, ,hr 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sk, ° n',mn �.•e°mY^c vcment. vno ouroo en" 'ion relative to .aid improvement I. other dr -To furnish fit,-fit,-following; on fieri.. "k. r r• 5. To slnte whether or not'.said improvement is asked for on the pef ition of throe or more owoor< ti. '1q. report upon all of lite foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. UJM1 Adopted by the euuucil SF'O 1'JI Peas: Nuys: Councilman Fur 5worth .� / CApproved I!11 I/ lytd Kol g R'u r rlich Mayor Iry \layer. !1 g , 7� .. nNl i;. _Z J (1:1 i I I Subjeat: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM I co—c-1 " LE N cAk Date Presented 191 I:, the ma*- or of ocIvio,,!'_i'.hC :;rase of t:ic, elle,,- in _,loc.k 3 Evans ,dditio lam,_ 3 :`ol,,e.-ho,'f -, 'Iead'b Addition under Co"12:,Al til �" ":. Decle!.er 9, ljlb, Lndthe -rE�dinc of ILlrler C. �4748, F':j-1 Qrder said alloys :,ii_::ry u C. 2. 7=10,353, z�, ol-oved Ju!:e 6, 1916 ar_� i.lt.Lion of ;;lopesResolved.for :.c-ri - .j ui-d,r C. . ljlI36, KTq==3Mi Order 112436, !, proved Au.-ust 18, 191, T`:t R__1 Or:LCrS L ',;.e :;hove ma -.ter be and ,he sti:: are 11 It horel,- C,_a� Cull .!.7111ed z-_ rc: ci;.ded, .11 i:rocoe,lir��s in sue "', matterti IF No, 12658-11, Nf. N (;,sa— m"t"r alllilhillg thr grade Ii I -k 3. 14.4-1-fr & Nu.iia 1',mm-jj Fiji, I. ..... ... a. lath. lillr>. .,,�d.; o it. r 01' 0 R No 74 F N., 1".668—'y Nil ltrier 10860 0In , -hin(Kcthe ljF.do th 1- oih-ro its I len r a of 11". Matter of F-tal'I h 3 E.... Ad - Un, J�I th,- In HI*1 lnig r aid under ditto end '""k 3 H-1 '.fh-IT & Ilm— F N.. 9I96 _ps Council File Fit 6. sit __i NI A.d,,.r. odor r 23 1 9391. approved and [he KrndinK of old lle)•R under ti� Th -.1— in the i'rv•1l,nlnnry order C. F. No. 4749. r be 'i I lh� ..,,n,- are -d,-r 10851). approved Jun 8. 1 s ii." I ", rr—Iol- -i'letromi.. of 'lopes I ":;:'h . It Final 01 e JI,16. ,oil the Under "I for th, gradit Idgy. tig of aid rilhay p,liminury )r&r C12 F. No. 91 's -t 1916 Final 11rd.., F. N(, 12238, approved bit Hrp, 12. 1,16 Itr+ullyd, That all rd, -r9 in the �11,111e matter It,- still 'h-'. inirmiti,lu" d m"]Ird '""'"d "d r. it, 'It 0roreedingx in Ruch frall- th. Council Sept. 12, 1916- 30-1916) Yeas " ou Cbrien Nays ou Far worth Go, Hyl nd K ol 01 r %lu erlich j Mr. President ent 1I,rvin FORM C Adopted by the Council SEP 111116 191 111 In favor Against Approved 1 191 MAYOR _TT7Vj) ".ed to. ,.:. %746 Council Pile No. PROPOSAL ,L•OR IMPROVEMENT - 1 and \ PREIA'MINARY ORDER. Thr nndcr,icnr,l herrbY prnpn.e� the umking /of tit,- folh,lYing public lmproeetnent by the Cite of viz.. ;ru•,e 1C, ... e�x . r. e;;t u. 31&'_- on oil 11nl,d1hi. 14Ji. day of Gy weCl r 191.3 i Cwm, iluwu.` PRFLIAI\ARY ORDER. \NI11:ItEA A aril leu propo'aI for tlit- making of Ili(` fol Iottinp imI,roertit ul. Yiz. �. .. ..1Cu eL., 11._. j having brrn Irmsrnlyd to the Council of the - ���•" n".��rr.,l ,o 'amcilmau Thxt'hr"I%— I herl'fnre, be it tY'n rkn he xnd he 1. h and dlro,:t.d: 'Thal the Commi• inner i. 1--reby ordeml and ,tiro, !e,! Int'. 1119x!1 trte aece....Y roc 1. To investigate the urrcc,it)' for or „r u„• ,nxx,n. ur .a,d kd improcrmenl. „ xlfgnl,. 1„w—r., uce 2. To ie,tigale the dco 1tatilm, eslenl . �A ei e,l a of xul , Ycmruo t, wl the lulal ro t III I. ,;1. n}7 "Ihe 1u,W coal cher 3. To hlrni-h a plan, profile or 'ketchr,, rruxl, ,< 1,1x,,.1proal. v,Pr.,vcm.�n . 1. T.. 1`11r116ll Ili' folloct•ilig oth,-r data d.. "••Ixr id improcrmrnf :,. To .lair u o lhcr or t,-,l olid improcenwut i a,k,.1 Ger on lhr pctiti•nl of Ihnr or mon• o” 're". f. *I'„ n•porl spun nll of Ihr furrgoiug matters to Ih,• Commi> imier of Finance. Adopted I,., ILc ronw iI C: 9 1 j ?CIS 1!11 Yea.X:I Y . Cum ilulan 1'ar stcortit Gt s Approcrd _. j" ._.. 191 II and R Ire 1 ' N\ nderli, It iti Cuuneil File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and PRELiMI\ARS ORDER. The nnder,i;med hereby proposes the 11Mkil\t; of tale folln\cit�p pubiic improvement by the ''ity of fail. viz.. l: J..,.0:.... �.,., ��_..�._.. _._ CLH 0. C_4, i.` :,lock ,5 —VL,'s 1:(A. _QQ ,,E. „f till, 1,: ih .;Iy vI e:. er. % In a. ('unnrilntau. PRELIMINARY ORDER. R AERIE.\ • A o'riticn propo,:d for the making of lila folluoin_• improvement, cis. @SL! U_r; 1Lf ti_ regi, O?' _ _ .1S - ... ..,a..�.G. T.i.._..1L C1...0 ..: b.E is _. 111 _l Qc,!: 3 \cl„�, �..,.. \ ..,i;t�n !.nr!,��u.f!ro; 'r n.•'.�-C '� � \�`1,_ , n!�kln!: i�f !!.r f,rl l�. M'inu Im r n •nL havin Leon Ire;cnted to the ('ounril of the t: I therefore. 1n• it !� r- ...�,1 „t „-�a i lo,,..!, a K9'o II•,t t• rh,rrf . orvlrre,l and !ino1,1RSr(Vh1), that the (unmi..ionrr of r Ian. ,•r.. ,�t;, �n 1. To itiveslil;ate the necessity for or do ron`� is��rkel�l`„- �lra n,�ri9�lh� 11 . tProceutenl. To iii—Aigate the nature, rxlrot and 474 i� \n,• n.. eat• and the told .."I ilurcof. d-11,11 H11 cif !h m kh 3. To furm,h a plan, prolilc or eketrh of i'mi —, li,olrnh�,!� In- 1. To forni,ii the followinlz, other dalear;;;;;;,r ".0 m,�u•a �.�� procemont: lu said im :t .r To I:,Ir \, hrlher or tol paid improcrmrnt i.,:rnlo.• l for m the prtiliu;l of Ilinr !,r more o\\uor•. G. To rep—t upon :dl of the foregoing matters to Ilio Commi-iuuer of hivaueo. :Adopted Lc the it 1!11 Yea, Nays- ('uunrilmsu Far sm orth ! (ot Approved I!11 / f IYrod t/ Ke c (� \\ I,Ivrli, It \facer Ir 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION . _ �p_t .. 1:• th ,- - -191 6 Date Presented In or.-George Street the matter gf co-nat matin s� aevo-ex - IJQ-I c Conord Street to a �ointr 390 feet east of= the east line of South j:obert Street. - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13141 _ - - - - -Order - 10,656 - Final Order - - - - under Prelir..inaxY AL�:et b Approved - - RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Qlorks for the above nauled improvement be and the same are Y:ereby approved. rnpera it lin Inecr �rcPrai�'r�,�, „nIlnFr� »ir ,e•i �onnectinn".-DOVE �I� n r^Inl 396 r••eI a«ei of Ine .-nn( ! une nr �, ro enherl nL. Imaer rr�- Rez;,Ol llt i 0n - . Ilminu r}' tleAer 10.656. Flnnl Ilyd.•r 13111. Pproval .\uP not 10111. ]Y76. / � Rexolvlrl, Thnl the Plnnn, aperlflen Genn �/ Yi�r� ��,�..�..�� nna e.umn(nn nmul,vt 61• Ine cnm- mieetarsr a! n•-bilrl be,rk drlhe (name uve — herehY .\dopiea M1)' the ('numll KePI 1'2. 1916.) ' 191 .\PProveA 5.•el. 13. 1916. Iv p(. _3-19161 A-aopted by the Ccancil 1:aya Yeas: Councilman Farr worth Gos- Hyl d ! ' L Kel r % ( 1�1 . Approved- (f 1 lyun rlich- Mr. President, I in tayor. CITY OF ST PAUL - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: LAYING WAW -E -R M�A1 18 IlE~ Dal,- Presented 191 Resolved' that water Ruins b laid on the following streets Laurel Avenue, Pascal to Alpert, Street, Como Avenue 11e8t to Rror.; ton, Pier:+e 'pierce street, Keston to 3rornptcn, Como Avenue 'Nest, Brompton to=•ustis, Street, Sneilin= to Pascal, t Atlantis Street, Cleveland to Prior, Wellesley V Stanford Street, Cleveland to prior, Street, Cleveland to Kenneth, t. Berkeley James Street, Harmine to Pascal, l Palace Street, Ilamline to 'rascal, Juliet `tree, !iamline to Pascal, F Re IY66P—fyU F. Keller— De Inid ' I line to Pascal Nam Rlenlved• that water mains «n th! tnllou'Ing xln•vls xcnl to AlDerte .fit:' Dome �effersc Ti Street, I1_1. Ave. West to V t Street, Cleveland to Cretin. nr«,ml>ton. lree``Q KrN%"ur�lo;lou"�"iinaux. + J ui i 'ttlnnt tx nt.. xnrlllnu to I'nato t1'lliealr 5' Nt.. t'lev«•In nd to Prior. """f', it.. 2'le rein nd to Prior. Itarekeley 91.. t'lev«land to Kenneth. Jxm.•x Yl.. HnnIlne le pa-1. Pnlnre Pt.. Ha line to 1-se'"t. .. on1ln•. lu Paecal. Juliet titH cal. Jefferson St.. Hemline to Fab JulietHi.. t'let'eln nA to Crotl n. AdoPled boy rite t'ou hell `3bpt. 12. 1816. Approve,) ,•'t. (.Sept.'J. 1016. Iept. l's -1416) `Imm leas i') (J i •) \a)'s by the Council191 Farorth `Adopted In favor Approved � .• !91 �Againstrlich / rawvon Mr. Presidentjlirvin raaex a � I l �ITY 7FSRsINITSa ,.VL �eParhra�zRho'f'[J�blicUhiliFies ' V QV reaU o f kj/ahL September 1 9 1 6. To the Honorable, THr: _-UU. CIL, Cit. of Saint raul. GeatIe:aen: - The Board of Water Conmiissioners, at a meet- ing held this date, unanimously adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, ti.at the Council be, and it hereby.is,requested to authorize the laying of water .::airs on the following streets: Laurel Avenue, Pascal to Albert, 'Pierce Street, Como Ave;Tae ':'+est to Bron.nton, ?i(:rce Street, Keston to Brompton, Como Avenue West, Brompton to Eustis, Atlantis Street, Snellinv to Pascal, � Wellesley Street, Cleveland to Prior, Stanford Street, Cleveland to Prior, Berkeley street, Cleveland to Kenneth, James Street, Hamline to 'P=ascal, Palace Street, Haanline to Pascal', J idiot Street, Hemline to Pascal, Jefferson Street, Hamline to Pascal, Juliet Street, Cleveiand to Cretin." Very truly yours, Encl. Secretr,ry . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'Subject: COUNCIL FILE NO. I Date Presented 191 i V Resolved, That, with the approval of the mayor and the Comptroller, the sum of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) be, and the same hereby is, transferred from the maintenance Item of the Public Parke Fund, to the musiO Item of the same fund, as by so doing an unavoidable deficiency in the 1 last mentioned item may be met without hampering the work provided for by the money in the first mentioned item. 71sm9d— ' 1 Fie..rulred. Thot 9'Ith the nVVrr �'�•�nl of the ..\I� ;?venl )d -I1 rheI4.11urrn ooI llhe• , nA th1 her,•hy In. lrnnxferreA fn the llxlnlr nl nee Item of the 1'ub- Ilr tl'urkxl Fund. to the \luxlr Item of Il,e n e f mA ue h{ r, 'I"Ing It', euldnbte dellrbmrY In the II hnm- tioned (tern n9rk .....Ill " for by the nrthe u v n th r A,'el mentlo n.•d Ilam. n, - I the 1',19111 tieVt. 12. i'!If .\VVr,ved ��ep1127 IPIFI Irl y�1r ' 1•eaa(1 ) Co wi4nlen (t Noy Jr' 191 Adopted h}'the ('ounril Far 't:e'ort h Ke r In inn"t (1 1411 / Approved Kel r � f Nas 1•o Q , MAYOR Mr. Pr"iden . Power, F... c • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '--= I Subject: y \, COU" CIL NO. V I]ate Presenled 191 Resolved, I That, with the approval of the,Mayor and the Comptroller, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) be, and hereby is, transferred from the Salaries Item of the Playgrounds Fund, to the Maintenanoe Item of the same fund, as by so doing an unavoidable defioienoy in the last named fund may be met without hampering the work provided for by the money in the item from whioh said transfer is made. (•, (•`. \u. 12001-Ity .I. Ir. 11)Inml-- Rexnlred, Thn1 tcith the npnr"I'I`I "( ` the NIR)- ""I IhTha mVlrull. r, the x of T—. un rnd IlnlinrR Ir2n000.00) I" and hrmlhy Ix. trnnx- farrell (rum the -00000) rlrx Item of the Krun ndx Fund. I', the AUtinlenu nen Item of the xnme fund, nx lrr xo doing ruldu hle deilrlrnrr In the IT n med l(u nd I r met w'ilhout hntn- purinc the x11nrrk prorldeA fur hq the ne)' In IluIt••In frlim whl•Ir nRid fer Ix OI)' Vde. rn\dupted hthe I'uunrll Kept 12.1116. .\VProrr•A `tiep1. 128-IViO) ��PlISl1 1 t UIII'II IIIeiI I { ) Nll>'..( ruvw'orlh / osc LV/ eller In favor G' .\I;ninsl nsh cert; I \tr. Prexi tilt, Pow'erx FOR, 1-3 SEP x,191+a %dopted h% the Cmll 'il 191 Approved 191 'MAYOR OF ST PAUL CITY - COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subjecr: ADVANCE .PATILENT REFUND. ' FoENCIL No. Date Presented Sept. 13th 191 6 _ kff.P veo, Whereas, Emanuel Bjorkquiet, has heretofore Paid to the City of St. Paul, the Sum of Fifty Three A 75/100 ($53.75) Dollars, as an Advance Payment for a sewer on the North 43 feet of Lots 1,3 & 3, /:1h:10 ok 1, Sheldon Grove Addition, and whereas the assessment for he construction of a sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Thirty Seven dr 95/100 ($37.95) Dollars, therefore be it, I Resolved, That, the sum of Fifteen b 80/100 ($15.80) Dollars, be refunded tc the said Emanuel Bjorkquiet, and that the proper city officers be and they alre hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Emanuel B j orkquist, for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. rnxworlh— \1'her.•nx, F:mnnurl I1Jork gnixl hnn 1Ofore paid to Ih•• l'Itr Of Rt. 1'nul. 'the num of Fifl)' 'f hlrr.• R i5'loD ,6R.i5, I,011orx. a.\druh Fny. cul for n n Itbr .Forth 4heldnn of lotx ,ldJltll nA aDnJItH,thkrrxx ,hr xe� •nI nf),r - the eo xtrurtlon uftxn m. w91nKwith n�,lA prop- rty n Ix the Of Th". seven .@ 95.100 141,795, tl mllx rx. rher«fore he 11. Itrxolved. That thr num of Flft«en & 80/100 $16.80, 11. or.. brund«d ,he xaid rant. el Rlorkquiefet. and that the proper city orticere b0 0nd e kereoy R11,1horl sed to Irnw u Illrrrn nt In favor of lhr xxld L`mxnuxl Bj.rkq,llet, for raid xun, pnvn hl« out of th« Advance A——..ent Aeponnt. Adopted by the Count•u sept. 18. 1910. Approved sept. 12. 1915, (sept $8.1910) Veas 11'1 Coul llme.n (I i Nave/ Fmtll Goss In favor -- - igalrni 1'oe Mc I'reeident, hers oaN c e-2 VI-giied by the Council 191 \pproved 191 N IIYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM Subject: iosR _a No , Date resented 191 ' +1 � I Resolved, That the Ci ret'__ 4—Z Str e the j _n,, �9e ,...,._,_> Stre t. I C. F. \o. 12666— It«Bolvgl. Thnt the ,'Iwo r,tte Iles nor• Vq, 132, n • In '. r of Jehn F'. Ron 'h' 193 Thom \t. rhe , nd the Bnme hereby IB trn ferred to M. r Onntnd. 496 Thom,. St .ldopteA Ir}' the t nell Mpt. 1Y. 1916. AVprored vent. 12 rr1916. (Sept. 33-1916) Yeas (✓) Co cihnen (:) Nays F ilswarth G s In favor 1� and K er Against W�I�Iderlich Mr. Preside Irvin IORM C B 2 1 I I p yt,1916 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved ') 191 l MAYOR f 1, j 1 ' 1 1 q CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL NO. FILE Y 1 2'gt6 BY AUDITED 191 PER 6718 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followW detailed .statement: - Yeas Councilmen v) Nays Adopted by the Council C,r E?. Lt -M161 j Farnsworth $ Goss :approved 191 Hyland _ In favor - Keller // 4P@0+ l Against MAYOR W underlieh \ir. President. Irvin - 1,- A. 6.16. C. F, No. 12667— Resolved that warrants be drawn 6718 Brook9_B;o s.. upon the Clty Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter .peclded funds and In favor of the Deno.., arm. or car. 2.52 Scilool —M. R, poratlen. for the amount. set opposite their espective amea as specified In hefollowing detailed statement: Brook. tiro... f33.52. 19 Central Warehouse Lumber Co.. ,,ral Warehouse Lumber Co.. 305.28 School y. & R. s10 Chive. Rook Binding Co.. 169.90. 114tocth•e Publishing C... $53.50. S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r.. $69.75. 20 Chivers Book Binding Co., ibra Y Bureau°$122.91. 69.90 Librar: bent Hooks E. hA. Soellerl$205.00. N. W. Electric Equipment Co., $9.59. 21 Detective PublishingSt. Co.. H. 1. Pettis. $309.99. Paul Hebrew Institute, 550.00. E. H. Sargent & Co., $87.69. 53.50 Police—Mt. & R. Adopted by the Council Sept. 12, 1916. i Approved Sept. 12. 1916. -- 1Sapt. 23-19161 22 S. A. Farn s►orthm Comir. 69.75 Water -Sal. 23 E. S. Perry 14.00 Library -Gen. Supnl. 24 Library Bureau 322.91 Li br ary-Gen 1. Suppl . 25 John Licha 120.00 Mi sc. tit 7lnf or seen Exp. 26 S. A. Moeller 205.00 Library -Genz. Supnl. 27 N. W. Flectric Equianent Co., 9.59 Fired. & R. 4,5 Pol. k Fire Alarm) 0 , C 9. 9 28 H. I. Pettis � 309.33 Library -Gen]. Supnl. 29 St. Paul Hebrew Institute 50.00 School-. . P R. 30 E. H. Sargent & Co., 87.89 Library -New Books To£8T 7 COUNCIL FILE NO. , •r r c,r FINAL ORDER. - In the Matter with.._wood._to ,a__.._ tr d._th..__of. _.a.ix feet, the __1 raaant..acCA&lL_oidBeAlk__.C_n.—tht�_e$et aide of — 8411th..iioherS_B_tsa.et, haginning at a not,nL__.ElVP=71ma.telX south of Plato steet thence south to the Chicago, Great Western ........ __ ........ ._ under Preliminary order ..._lOj_454..... ....... _..... ..... ........... approved __a._13th, 1916. IntermediaryOrder ------............ .... _.----_....._.... _.... _...... _....... approved _....... ......... .._..---..........__.___..._.....—._ _.—..--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and -the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is R8CCA8 tri1C_ty 281fi-,y,,,_BTid r�81r with wood -._..to-.a_Xidde2alk._on_.tha aaat.Bide, _of_Bouth_ ber_t_street beBinuing at a goint approximately 190.3 feet _south-.-_of.._glatq a reet..,thg�e south tChiaago� Great llestern R _ —._...... ...._.._ ....._._.___._._.._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for . approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........:_—___SEP_'S�, 191 Approved--.---�-----------._..._., 191_......... ..... ........ -----.......... M� Mayor. Councilman FL rth , G Pr�r.l;rfr:� K � ei d wer5 " , thIr vldered the te; tn.•r e 1,ld. a)th.• . ,•:11 .rr th r,w tn:.: u,e, P:.., :x., n ntI and kind ut my-,;'-' 3n� �=C/ �, IaI n,l :-•Vnlr pith �, �•dr l, Yberg Ma orwerrl✓� Form 8. S. A. 8-7 }`� ii�I-n uIh I: �.Vl:�id);e : n•I the rd..r+ nnld Iurilie . 11 it I, Itenul: ed .1,11. r, ,k. thv ' vt —t,, \\'orkn `. " nr tne[ructed n ' • x v .I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI!J510NER OF FINANCE (a) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER — l / In the Matter of .r 4'� '� f- r ^ ' /Gc� � c 1 s j % o u �° i � < t ✓Gf . { 161 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED • VALUATION yt TOTAL. / i /a/' Ll - The The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. k, _. 191 ✓ (/._-.%L<.. / .� ,F'_... Commissioner of Finance. I Offices of the 1 Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance -- May 34th, 191 .6 1'o the Coutuissiouer of Finance of IIIc l'ih• of tit. Paul: Thr Com mission •r of I'ublie Works, having had under t•onsid"I"Ition the prel imhill ry order of the Coca. 10454 1111 relntirr to cit, known as Council Mile No. approved May 13th, 6 reconstruoti„ng, relaying and repairing_ with wood to a_width of six feet, the present woode.n.al:-ewa,lk on the salt si'!e of South hooert Street, beginning at a point approxio.ately 190.3 feet south of Plato Street, thence south to the Chicago, Greet Western By. Bridge. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (ar) desirable. $3.50 per lineal foot The estimated cast thereof is I; -and the total rust ihen•of is { XXXRX m„I the unture and a•xteut of said improvement is as follon's: :1. A plat,, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attnrhrl and uuub• it part hereof. d. 3. Said improvement is... .not .asked for upas petition of ilu•ee m• more owners of properly, subject to ;;e essment for said improvement, l,ommissioner of Public Works. 1 COUNCIL.FIL ��..........__....---- t. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ._aZading..Masgare_t-.atsaflt ..he.te em._ahlt.a...S88r_..aYeSu3fl_ Hazel avenue; White Bear avenue between Margaret street and Minnehaha e-treet, and Hazel avenue -between Ma4gazat a t.ee b and-idtnzrehe3te under Preliminary order ._ ...10s 3 75._.. __.__ ._..__ __.__. ap4oved ... May_ 8. __ . Intermediary Order ,..__.._...................... .......... --.. - -- —... approved .......... _ _.._ _......... --- ...... �_�_ ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Grade Margaret street betwen White Bear avenue and Hazel avenue; White Bear avenue between Margaret streand liinnehaha.•-atre�t•;• axiJ�..'„•aaa•l•-a�c�,aaa���--d.a•:,•far••e-t••.•nxr�•L-aad-liiunahaha street, _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the -Council........... _.. _ _..._— __ __. 191 ___.._...... ....... ....... ... _._� City Clerk. Approved.__....._ __..._ _..___..._.._ _ .___, 191 �. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller f McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor, Powers Form a S. A. 6-7 a T— J I 1 � f � 1• � 1 COUNCIL.FIL ��..........__....---- t. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ._aZading..Masgare_t-.atsaflt ..he.te em._ahlt.a...S88r_..aYeSu3fl_ Hazel avenue; White Bear avenue between Margaret street and Minnehaha e-treet, and Hazel avenue -between Ma4gazat a t.ee b and-idtnzrehe3te under Preliminary order ._ ...10s 3 75._.. __.__ ._..__ __.__. ap4oved ... May_ 8. __ . Intermediary Order ,..__.._...................... .......... --.. - -- —... approved .......... _ _.._ _......... --- ...... �_�_ ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Grade Margaret street betwen White Bear avenue and Hazel avenue; White Bear avenue between Margaret streand liinnehaha.•-atre�t•;• axiJ�..'„•aaa•l•-a�c�,aaa���--d.a•:,•far••e-t••.•nxr�•L-aad-liiunahaha street, _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the -Council........... _.. _ _..._— __ __. 191 ___.._...... ....... ....... ... _._� City Clerk. Approved.__....._ __..._ _..___..._.._ _ .___, 191 �. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller f McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor, Powers Form a S. A. 6-7 a D$TYit Paul OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY, CITY CLERK Sept. 113th,1915. jo.mr. of llul)iic iorks. Do,,,r Sir:- 'Ae Council, at i -s eetin,- of tAv da -G, disco,,tinued oroccedin;-s an the at ed ira l r); -dor for tl,.L of bet. ',11!Ate Be-ir Ave u. H,.,zL,l Avc; 1.1hite Bow,r Ave. bet. L, r -L,ret -L-id :,'in-ehaha St an, liaze bLl— !-j-,W`A St- :1-1,1 sti-cct, rL,-.,l :he ovpro ..,ere ardured referred to y,)u to nr,.+',izninury ordt!rs for the )f ::ar7-,Lret Strc t for the e, -,-ire of tae stnjet, Ln, for the of %.:hi -e `leer for ..'re en-, ire lengt;-. of the street. Z -1c City C' -or::. &I T. - ' o CITY SF FINANCE A DEPARTMENN O T OF FINANCE ' �••or� REPORT OF COMIJISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRET_ BINARY ORDER -(A) _ CCCJJT' In th9 fatter of under Preliminary Order approvedTo the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tptal estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ ___ 6, 870.37 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - _ - $ 1.45 The lots or parcelsot land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 (' �!✓�c�� �'' �f ��D p � 07 2iJ z7 61 Qo a 32/00 V'D . l 0 0 0d `l a o �cb �f�o TOTAL• raae+e:an a -f+ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL+INARY ORDER IBI �" D E 5 CR I P -TION LOT BLOCK ADD1 ION ASSESSED '. VALUATION Z 94 •� On � � O �j z O (7J /1 J 2 I yy °p ) It3 oo y 1 a. • 3 y � A, �) s 3` -QJ 3 3 Z ao l e—o v t op /J o .7o 2 O) �cSci ow • TOTAL. CITY OF 5T. PAUL ----__—.. _ DEPARTMENT.. OE..FJNANr—E.._. _._ _ _. _. !A REPORT OF -COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE _ .:. �:•..� _ __-. ON PRELIIVIINARY ORDER !C1 \ ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAATION TION -- - � � I ;YAG` !o r20 ✓ �) S �J K eZ s� ,Z 4-0 -Cd ?: U'9 io 0 40� ZOU /770 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. • Dated 1916 6e z c e: <t r I,' -/- Commissioner of Finance. roar as.w. ea c Office of the Qturnimioner A Public - Work$ � 1 . Report to Commissioner of Finance May 30th, tsl6 To for Coal III iasinner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hod nuder,ronsidrnitiou Ow preliminurY order of thr (',,an- vil, known as Council File No. 10375 approved May 8th, .1916 . rebUive in grading of Margaret St., between WbI to Hear Ave, and, Hazel Ave.; White Hear Ave., between Maxparet St. and Minnet:ara S:. atd Hazel Ave. between Margaret St. and Minnehaha St. 111111 having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvementis necessary and (or) (h -Hirable. $1.45 per front foot 3. Th.• estinukt,d cost thereof is $ . and the total cost thereof is T 6,c7.0.3% and rrcntage 4,375 feet Excess irepecticn 4134.71 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile m• sketch of said improvenn•ut is hereto al larhed and made a purl hareof. a. 3. Said improvement i&_. asked for upon petition of tlu•ce or more owners of property, snbjcet to assessnu•nt for said improvement. i /�► •COIR III issioner ff lie Works. .. 5 QA � i 1 1 • e 4;. ti,/ MAY 9 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, 0 r CITY OF SAINT PAUL OEPARTMEPA OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ROBERT T GOURLEY Otr... C...morR. OSSLR CLAUSSEN, Cl- E.u.e.. J. E.,CARROLL S— C—mw— i R.rr.. ALFRED JACKSON S., S.—TI.. U w. wERROLO, Ow¢. &+u N. w W GOETZINGER. Sun Wl"-- ,. ' GOL;J _:c __ .:.. s _<<�hed �,c'. �ia�: :cr _::di •�_ } . �..c1, :,-. -'Va. •-.$ ...ZCl :.VU. C -n-d CG [ I'';, l;aUr .. -tt r, i. S'". tora na ct:_ _-vc. . ,. 'uzcl ..;e. f ve. lu-'rear. arct St. .."-J "i ' lvu. }'U'viccr al, l St. , .'.ccr MEMO MAY l► 1916 BUREAU OF ERGINEERS, 0 r TO THR HOPIORMP, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA:— We. ;;.c iadereigned property owners effected, rereby mea a re :iticr: ur yonorable ?cd,, to order the i::g of 'A'rite Pear Avenue from kar6ar:t Sts -e o SADDR e Stree.. Snn� ' Cn PTT`^" nF •i p/��,g�yp NAIES- 1.4 It �� •.� aFPaSt ���-_J,.�• err �� ..� f 7 - I �r , r Jj Xi 26 It J3: EAS 'ITS �,, ,,LIY CO., , r � � I f i 1 i �t CITY OF ST PAUL COUNCIL RE,50LUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: No ! • . , —i— -� Date Presented Sept. 12th, 1916 t i } P.ESOLlTION ilXI.: THE AMOQ OF LAND OF. EXTENT OF FASEMENT Resolved,' / TO BE TARFF IN CONDEMNATION PP.00EEDIT,0S. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fide in grading Margaret Street, from TrI to Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, and White Bear Avenue, from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street, and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street,,under Preliminary Order 10376, approved May 8th, 1916, and Intermediary Order $12107, approved August 9th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having e_bmitted his report and sketon in the above matter, oe it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and deter:;.inee the an.ount of land to 'pe taker, for the above named in.; roven.ent as an easement for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon, Margaret Street, White Bear Avenue and Hazel Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketon attac ed to the re�o.t of the Commissioner of Public Rorke in the mattei, dated September 12th, 1916', which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easen.en.t is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts add fills in the gradint of said streets to the estabiiehed grade. ti iC �r Yeas Councilmen 1 .) \ays �L Farnsworth d h�N the C ourycil 191 Coss In, favor Hyland Keller Appro—d 1911 McColl Against Wunderlich Mr, President. Irvin - M.roR IRM w . f o IL fl. R b part f ?i r f a,r 1 ovea•e Y t LSad d . 0 6 bL4 f ri vati: 1 1 ope" t'Y a,'. 10 e �' lroF.elty.a!': xt:. t:. r e B 1,61'tL3 oL CITY. OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS N. GOSS, COMMIUSIOI!ER nORFRIT GOU- 11 OSCAR- 'AUSSEN C-1- E-1- J E CARROLI S.- C -1 - REG JACKSON5 H -RROLD, C, - A av I OvC a -j f o IL fl. R b part f ?i r f a,r 1 ovea•e Y t LSad d . 0 6 bL4 f ri vati: 1 1 ope" t'Y a,'. 10 e �' lroF.elty.a!': xt:. t:. r e B 1,61'tL3 oL s 4_. _ - - CITY OF Sr.' PAUL �N DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMOSSIONER OF FINANCE S ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) - In t -M.".r of uy1�G L�!�l- ��FY a�fi���/. � �ti. �- ��G _✓K - under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ go) 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $-_....... _._.___. _..._.__ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT elOCK ADDITIO ASSESSED VALUATION / U 42, ?Dm � � Qo clDb mo logy f S� �onr+a e.• a -e • , TOTAL, CITY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4N# _ REPORT OF COIVI-4SSIONER.OF FINANCE -- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -.:... .- ----O E S C i 1 P T 1 0 N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .. _ .%J -f v 40i J 7 S I ,; oa �2 3e v to, n, y v loo TOTAL. 04x4 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL \ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '*T ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I_ . ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 41 2 J Y ion Jo 3�► ,i �Qo 2 Do 2 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made yo him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1911.[x/../ / Commissioner of /Finance. roaK ss.A, a -a c ioner--of -Public Works --of-the- ommiss Office Report to Commissioner of Finance May 25th.191 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City Of St- Peal: The t,,onialis8ioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- it, knowh as Council File No. �%9376_ approved - - Kay. 8thl, _ .. _191 ..� relative to � il taking an easement in the land neoessary.for qondemning and t .. . ... ..... . .... ..... ...- . . ....... slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Margaret St., between White Bear Ave. and Hazel Ave.; White Bear Ave., between Margaret St. and Minnebabs: St. and- Haze -I A'V-eF.. cat -ween Margaret- Ste and M-inn&haha St- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. lrxxiRRER Enid 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ . . , and the total cost thereof is the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Sa?d improvement is.- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... .. ..... . . / . ..... I . .... .. . .. Commissioner 0 "blic Works. t0 �lta1' �a48TU& tTC1LdIT8 t•OUNCIL`M-E -NO.---•- cat gee conneeu�- .. n BA. �� ORDER. tj AL R • Minnehaha Street, from the East In the matter of paving line of Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue, including sewer, water and gee connections from street mains to property lines com- plete, where not already mads, also aurbingna d preliminaryY and driveway 50, approved June a3rds where 8819 6• Order No. 11150, approved 1 -.�54_ ___ _�--approved-June_33rd 1.. under Preliminary ordera- Intermediary -._......_._.___._._....._...�.._... approved..._.._.....__ __ A pjMc hearing having been had upon -the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it _ Resolved By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made oy the said City is to pave Minnehaha Street, from the East, line of connectsiew ns fromtstreetrmainsuto propertyglinesrcom-ter and gas connections greytdMaterialdriveway eteRling,whenoalready n. tbusednd to be 3ja southern pine oreosote wood blocks on a five inch concrete foundation, esoept on that part of said Minnehaha Street between the East line of Capitol Avenue and the West line of Tatum Avenue, whioh shall be vitrified brick block paving on a Streetnshalloberyfortfeet twide, and ethe aCouncil herebyway on sd ia orders said improvement mpLd.e• Resolved Further, That the Commissioner of Public Aorks be and he is heteby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications :or said improvement and submit proper to the Council for approval; that upon said app roval thecity officials are of said improvementdinnaccordance therewith• ad directed to proceed .wit�. the making yeas (0 Councilmen (i) Nays t�� _ X119' G - * Adopted by the Council \ _ , FGMMW*In favor U LA' and- Approved 191 L.1UIer ,McColl D Against YAVunderlichs / 7 / MAYOR Mr. President to PUBLISHED 6 (� FORM c. B -Z PAUL DEPARCITTMYEONFS7DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COI ,IONER OF FINANCE ON P RY ORDER (A) X ln the Matter of---'----- ILL ---------------------- ---- ------ ....... ......... . ... .. - -- -------- ------------- ................ .. . under Preliminary Order approve ...... To the Council of the city of st. P.41: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ KIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMAftT PER OSINT FOOT. Granite Includingi,,t:OectiQnB $13,435.44 $5.58 Sandstone Excluding intersections 11,448.48 4.76 1 Inc 1U" -'ng Intersections aso t'o n 5 0-66 4.95ExclUdig intsecti.n: 10,157.73 4.22Creosoted Block-Tncluding 1n1:r1ec1on: 10:71.1 4.48 Excluding i.tse.ti...1?5.62 3.83Brick Includingintersections 10,076.58 4.18 Asphalt Excluding. intersections 8,586.36 3.56 Including intersections 83825.24 3.67 Asphalt concrete Excluding intersections 7520.08 3.12 Including intersections 7,573.90 3.15 Asphalt Macadam Excluding intersections 6,453.80 2.69 Including intersections 6,355.49 2.64 Macadam Excluding intersections 5,415.58 2.25 Including intersectijous 5,863.96 2.36 Concrete Excluding intersections 4,826.32 2.01 Including intersections 6,586.00 2.74 Excluding intersections 5,612.00 2.34 Estimate for Paving street with sandstone between CaFit01 avenue and TatulL street, and the balance of the street with Creosoted Wood Blocks Sandstone Tncluding -,Tntersec t:$2,363.86 3j" Creoedted Block 8632.80 Total 610,996.66 $4.57 Excluding intersect. 9,404.17 -3.91 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such i-pr.vern—t, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED De5c.—ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION L-61 Z"7 � 420 _ CITY Or. ST. PAUL • ' 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIP#NARY ORDER IBI p. --- OISCRIPTION 'BLOCK 'ADDITION Y nLOT 490 1.3 1) da lop 20 O �? Qr / m4 ( �6 /7 �4, S /, 40, TOT.L �1 ASlCS3I:D�'^ VALUATION µJS' /38s^ 42 41 �3I yas- �f / o - - CITY OF Sr. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI^aSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARK ORDER (C) ,....L LOIT , --A-SsessED - .- .. DH-SC-RCPT:I:O:N ... - GT BLOCK-- .-.-AD-OJ-T-IO- -N'- -'-- `VAX1]/�TIO1Wr_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, j j and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- � 0 -191 / Commissioner of Finance. roeN as.w. s•s c CITY OF IPAINT PAUL OEPARTNENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 'I M. N. GOSS. CoNNIssIoNSR' ----- - - -- - - ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 0-1 Co..w — OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C.— E-11 J. E. CARROLL Sort. Connwno.. Rrru.. ALFRED JACKSON. Soni S --p ''s,jj ,,,,,,..,,,, G N. NERROLD. Orrwf Eft--. $t. Paul, B=�+• Jay 11, 1916. . W. GOETZINGER ,art. Wo.+wowr Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public 'Yorke Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of ooet for the paving of Minnehaha St. from the east line of Fairview Ave. to in with Council File #11160, approved 6/23/16. Prior Ave., accordance Width of roadway figured 40 ft. Assessable frontage 2,406 ft. (City's portion 3,293 sq. yda. Paving area) Intersections 487 sq. yde. (City Railway Cole. portion 2,793 sq. yds. KIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE PER i [[COST FRONOT Granite Including intersections 13,436.44 6.68 Excluding intersections 11,448.48 .76 Sandstone Including intersections 11,920.66 .95 Excluding intersections 10,167.72 4.22 S" Creosoted Block Including intersections 10,768.11 .48 Excluding intersection 9,176.623.82 Brick Including intersections 10,076.68 4:36 Excluding intersections 3 8,686.36 .66 Asphalt Including intersections 8,826.26 3.67 Excluding intersections 7,620.08 3.12 Asphalt concrete Including intereeotions 7,673.90 3015 Excluding Intereeotions 6,463.80 2.69 Asphalt macadam Including intersections 6,366.49 2.64 8koluding intersections 6,416.68 2.25 Macadam Ino luding intersections 6,663.96 2.36 Excluding intersections 4,826.32 2.01 Concrete Including intersections 6,686.00 2.74 Excluding intersections 6,612.00 2.34 Where house service connections are not in, add to each lot: For sewer, either side of street $30.60 For water, 3/4" N. aide of street For water, 374" 3* side of street 21.00 36.00 For gas, N. aide of street 11,00 For gas, S. side of street 1 5.60 Estimate based on paving the street with sandstone between Capitol Ave. and Tatum St. and the balance of the street with oreosoted,wood blooks: KIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE (COST PER FRONT FOOT Sandstone Including intersections 2,363.86 3*" Creosoted Block Including intersections 8 632.80 10,996.66 4.67 Excluding intersections 1 9,404.17 3.91 Yours very truly, JEC�M• Chief Engin®er Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to 'Commissioner of Finance linty a 191r6 '1'o the Conuuissioner of Finanee of the Pity of tit. Pent: The l'000uissiouer of Publie Works, having hnd under consideration the prelituinury order of the l'mul- cil, known as Council File No. 11169 approved aun" 0,_ 191 saredative to paving Minnehah'a 3.t. from. the _east line of _Fairview A4e. to Prior Ave. and having investigated the mutters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said iwla•ovement is necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The 04timated cost thereof is III +utd the total rust thereof is and the nature lilt(] extent of said improvement is as follows: :I. h plan, profile or sketch of said ialproveuleat i.% hereto oltaehed and mode it port hereof. d. o. Said improvement is, _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject I to assessment for said inlprovemeut. `L /, � if'ommd8Rmn r of Public Wo�fcs. V ("_ _ StPat:l 1,'inn. September 9th, 1916 His Honor, the Mayor, and the CoA-,• �n "ouncil of St. Paul ''inn. ,7e the undersigned proper* owners in 1.idway Heights Addition to tl%e City of StPaul, subject to assessment for the paving of 1_innehaha street from "airview Ave. tc Prior Ave. , d, hereby protest against the proposed pavire, as it ratik injustice for the followirc good reusc)rs: First. Traffic on this part df ?'innehara St. aces not average twenty vehicles in ti—nty :'our hours the year aro.nd. Second. Aside from openirE. t},e ,-utters in the spring, not a doiia�r is spent by t're city on this part c= tr.e street. t Third. 110 complaint have ever been rade on the conifition Of this part of "innehaha St. Fourth. .The value of abutting property uoes not rnarrant the expense of paving.( Property values West o` Fairview Ave. does not equal one half the value of any property On the East of Fairviev Ave). :'lfth• Abuttirg; prrlyerty on the south side of t'ir.nehaha street is unsettled, nnu must be replotted before settlement. S ixth. Abutting property on the north side of Yinnehaha street is owned by working ren and holds eight vacant lots in the total of three blocks covered by this proposed paving. Seventh. The paving of YinnehnLa street West of Fairview is requested solely as a lever to force the paving of Prior Ave. for the convenience of the Americas Can Company, and the selfish interests of t. a holders of trackage rights on Prior Ave. held in speculation. In justice to all concerned, before any action W is taken, we respectfully request y,,ur Honorable Body to make personal inspection of this part of Yinnehaha street, and also aE the proposed outlet at the corner of Prmor and University avenues, which on account of the viaduct at this point,undoubted- ly renders it the most dangercus in tf:e City. Respectfully submitted, L.-(�..D /'✓GGA r�vr (��_`,. �,.�-Y XAIM ADDRESS .. CITY OF ST. PAUL CO.UN.C.tL_. RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: FOENQL No. .. Resolved, At N , RESOLUTION FIXING .TEE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT '10 BE TAKEN IN CONDEMIIATION PROCEEDINGS d' Date Presented Sept. 12th, 1916 Ih the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in grading Russell Street, from Case Street to south line of Lot 16, Block 2, Auditor Is Sub. No. 7, 'under Preliminary Order #9587, approved March 21st, 1916, and Intermediary Order #17106, approved August 7th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public P.orke having submitted hie report and sketch in the above matter, -be it _ I RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Russell Street, between the pointe aforesaid,to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated Sept. 12th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. N t. 1,16, and ' t _ _ law Order No. 11111, approved Auauet 71h'1916' The Commissioner at Publip Works har Ingsubmitted his report and sketch 'n be above matter, be It Revolved. (1) That the City .of Bt 11 nedetermine. IRa arl dto be far hebr • i Improvement s at. andNle in andnt - Yeas Cour l i) Nays / nd abulllrI9 upon Russell en thepointe afore 'i 1A16 the (v) Ilmen eh0— upon re n^.' •' Far worth /Ll// Adopted by the Council 191 / G038 Hyli In favor id Kell Against Approved �� :J 16 191 , ' WUn ncch '/ /I Mr. President, vin FORM C. 9.2 //MAYOR PL11LlSl-fEf) —_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT ON PUBLIC WORKS ___. .. ... _ M.. N. GOSS:- COMMfestONER.... ... _._.. ROBERT T tip URLEY. SSCAR CLAUSSEN. C-, C- I E. CARROLL. SN C-1—IT'.. & R- - -FRED JACKSON, Sun. Swn.t�o. G. H HE RROL r. 0 —, E....... H W 10E T]GER. 5.:.• .....,,. -FFP01-1 I In t'r,e Ratter of canclemnint and takin8 an easement in the lard neces- sary for !:lopes for 01 -Its and fills in grading iussell stret,t, from :'ase stre..t to Routh, lira of Lot le, -lock 2, Auditor's ^uY."o.', under Prelim- inary ^rler 19587, anrroved 'P..rc:. 21, 1910, and lntermeJiary 1?rder W17106, approved A,jgust 7t1,, 1910. ;o ti.e ;ounci1 of trJa ^ity of ,;t.Faul 'r.I •;oB"'1 H1One' Of i::cii.: ISOrks � erety su'caits an'i mases appart of t.,ie B"'1 t.is rr-t.or:, a Mal. Of ;r.e a:,Ovc is 1Ovemt1,t,e..OWi1,r, ;,y t::r Ws rued I.ortior, Of saiU I�1a ., ' LO zc aaUc cr. ;xivute ;.roperty,and by the hatched portion, the c';ts to .-e made on private prop'erty,an,i tY,e extent of the easement. to be taker, ty the figures OT.posite such shaded and i.atched parts of s i. Flail. I I -Danis=9pr.er of F�:t':ic 'dorka I r iii -� CITY Op . PAUL 114 DEPARTMFII F FINANCE h REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IAi Inth Matter of f tzunder Preliminary Order approved- - -11.1.-/.--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-30.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuatiop of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED, VALUATION 2 � IJ 1 A eonM s.a.�. a� • TOTAL, 2 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated S 191 i C /. JZG GQ LUf/y/� ropes r.r.•. s•s c Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMEN+F FINANCE , - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER F DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION �U z//, /J l Q'/jo' 0f a i� aZ / V The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated S 191 i C /. JZG GQ LUf/y/� ropes r.r.•. s•s c Commissioner of Finance. Office of, the Commissioner of, f'nbk- Works t Report to Commissioner of Finance June _.12th.,.........._. __.191..6._ , To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: v The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun ci1, known as Council File No.__-,9J .� ... -approved _. G' a Qk1Aa.8t.i ...._. _191 _.6, relative to r Condemning .and taking.. an easement .in th _land neoessary_..__ for slopes, for cuts. and fills in gradin: Russell Street, from C.a.ae.-.S.tsa.-t _..t.o.. the_. 11o.r.thern._.Pac.ific Right. of .r.ay__ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ' 1. Said improvement is. _ __ .necessary and (or) desirable. r xXXX-__,_ and the total cost thereof is . _ XX tX,.,..,,_ mxl �. The estimated coat thereof is $...... __. $ XI' the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._ i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 4. a. Said improvement is__._lAS2t.. __....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject c i to assessment for said improvement. I fff / Uom aissioner Y blie Works. fly . -------- ------ C I7y --C17V OF ST. PAUL_ ... .. ... _. _.. COUNCIL RESOLUTfON-_G,ENERAL FORM, Subject i COUNCIL FILE N o,4 Date Presented Sept. 12th, 1916 .E�OLUT ION ' - Resolved, FIXING TF_E AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION, PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading the alley running north and south in Block 9, The West St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate No. 1, under Preliminary Order #8452, approved,Dec. 16th, 1915, and Intermediary Order #12108, a0proved August 9th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works 'having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as ar. easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley running north and south in Block 9, The West St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate, No. 1, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public 7orks in the matter, dated September 12th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to an(i l:.ade a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. No. I F. ...ed AURUxt 9th. 1916. I The Commisslonsr of Public V. It having submitted his report and e In the above matter. Uo It Resolved. (1) That the MY , the -I Paul fixes and determine. , of land to be taken tar the 1 Yeas (t) Cou ci]Mcn (.) Nays named Improvement is an easemen .lope., for ,cuts and fills In and upan the land abutting upon the alley run• ng north and south la Mark 9. Th. 1Cj16 Far worth 1 \lest St. Peal Real Feints & Improve-1Z- the Go In Favol a,mt Syndicate No. 1. to extent xhown upon the sketch attached to the y he Council 191 Hyl nd report f the Commissioner of Publlc {Yorks In the matter dated September ICEI t 19th, 1916, which katch and report are hereby referred to and mads n part d 191 Wu derlleh C A sins B hereon. l8) That an easement is taken 1n . Id land to the extent nocessara or elopes, for cuts and fills In the gradlag Mr. President Irvin or Bald street to the established grade. Adopted by the (oun II Sept. 38. 1916. FORM C. e•z Approved (Sept. 1^_9.1916) , MwYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL OEPJIRTMBNT OF PUBLIC WORKS "- --- M N. GOSS. CoMMISSIRNEN ROBERT T GOURLEY. 010 OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.." E-1-111 J C CARROLL. S- C..-- on & R, ALFRED JACKSON 5.1T 5-1-1.1. ERROLO ,0 .— Y' GOEI? LAOER S- I -F-FPOPT TO TE in ',L.d natter of mant in lar Li 6sly for slopes for cuts ,ria fijja jr, gradinett:,e alley norti, W -L I HoutL, 1: _10CIL J, ',I,e 'heat St I -Tl meal Lbtdte s Improvement Synalcate ic.i, under FrejiMiT,ary or ier dii,roved -1-16 I415, a" lr,tergecki- aly orjer 12108, ajjzoved August j, 1516. ,o tne Council of t",e, 'i'y Of -he :'omadcRioner of Workr, I el,,by ell tg:itp ar,,i makes a part of tiAs 8 his report, a }'lar, of the stove lmprovement,ei.cwil.t `'; tie 1lH de. portion of said clan, the fi 1 is to be made or, private proic, ty , ar-d .-,Y ti:e ,,atched portion, t,',,.,,;tS to to aaie nr j,rivate property, dr., tr,(_ crtent of ti.e easement to be -aker., ',,. tj,e ,i6,_jrt-s orroBite such B:,aded an.1 :.etched parts of such flar.. ,:C)n&j Sri oi�erl' 0, m . . . -ate _ CITY OF 6T. PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e ' REPORT OF COMM$SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER L C/ (a) ci In the Matto - ti _ __......... -_....._..... .... .... .......... ..... _. .......... under Preliminary Order approved...... � rC .� ...... Ix_/j. To the Council of the City of St. Pault The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follow= ount of the assessment for the above improvement is The total estimated am - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows ASSESSED LOT a�oc,t ADDITION VALUATION DESC_R 1'PT ION _ 14 U TOTAL. ports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further re hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. O //(' Dated... 191.G.. �- - "" — "' Commissioner of Finance. - Office of the Comm6ioner of Public Works L Report to Commissioner of Finance F June. lathe To the Commissioner of Finance off the City of St. Paul: A The Commissioner of Public \Yorke, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - a:: 8452 Deomeber 16th 5 cit, known as Council File No _.._.........._._.epprnved.... _......_.........191....., relative to . .. ` t Condemning.... and .....takdng.._an._esaemant.....in_ the. ._ land....necasaar-y..for.._ ._. ___... slopes, for cute and fills in grading the alley running ndrth and south z F in Block 9, The West St Paul Real. Estate and Improvement Syndicate No. 1. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . _ .._...necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is y SXyf x _ ..__ .... and the total cost thereof is $_. and s the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. _ ... _ . __.. ....... ... ... Yv. Said improvement is_ ... ... .nt).t.......__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject f to assessment for said improvement. `. ........._.......... . / Coary aiorer of Public Work . max:_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL REiSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ... Subject: .',. . - - COUnCIL 1_ �4i 7 4 FILE N �1 � ( Date Presented Sept. 12, 1916. Resolved, That Che rime s_,ecified for the perfDrmarce of a certain contract dated Febrtitary 23, 1j16, between J. J. Connolly and the Cit; of St. caul Ar the curbing of :it. Anthony Ave. from :rior Ave. to Astoria St., be extended to the 18th daylAu.rust, 1J16, and the proper Citi od icers are hereby authorized to execute an a-.endnent to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any f rce and effect unless the sureties on the contractors boi:d consci.t thereto and filo such consent in writins :with the City Co!:npt oller. C. F. No. 12674-6y 2/. N. Q Resol4ed• That the time gP the performance of a cortal eted Pebruary 2S. 1916. bet Conndtlpp n d the City t St the curbin of 9t. Anthony Prior A— )to Aetoria 3t.• b.. ZO the 19th day of A gtf uef'," the pproper city oKfcorn aro t thorlsed to execute an amel guretles on the otitrsetors Dotid !tin• Bent. theretoand Nle each cCCt,isent In writing with the C11Y Comlt[roller: Adopted by the Council S6 f. 13. 18111. Approved Sept 13. 1938 ' -. ....� YBepL 53.29185 i Yeas (✓) Cou c"n (J) Days Far sworth G (In favor H nd K r Ap_ainst VV�deriich Mr. Preside Irvin PORI C. B•e Adopted by the Council ✓�� ` 19 Approved l �A.1 •2 1J10 191 MAYOR J! -J. CONNC)LLY OENEJ.AL CONTRACTOR 1007 REANEY ST w 1 ST. PAUL. MINN.�!t-�,Q-< CITY OF ST. PAUL `� COU1V`C 1`L RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ' 1 Subjeci: Employment of temporary helpCOUNCIL w '_._.. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Education be, and he is hereby, autharized and empowered to employ temporarily, not to exceed 10 nurses at salaries not to exceed $4.00 per day; and not to exceed 8 licensed physicians at a dompeneation not to exceed $8.00 per hour ; said amounts to be payable out of the salaries item of the public school fund. Yeas (v) Cd oilmen (r) Nays, F worth G In favor �- K r �. Against N Y Mr. Presiden Powers FORM C.9•a No. 18976— Co't- , mmt-6ldderdu� C. F' le ht, .' geeolo-, ," ::Powe ed to Eduaatd nand snd he or d&Y• thorlxe of to % t0 Rurace 1 mnor. rllY, n �•od M elolans sos'toe nM , ° 9 Ilceha$de= NBd YeAd and net to oxceoo not to a able et n omv n dtnmounte Lo be D ublie out of oche edarlea Item of the `4 Adopted by thC--o 6.Se " 16, 1916. �sohool fund. 1 ADOroved It 9�-1916) 1 t"' R Adopted by the CounsiL 191. . Approved J 10 191- - (, r MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL li @ 50 L'D7T6IV-=-=-GEN-E-R"P:L FORM Subject:. cou FIL FILE 1.10. - Date Presented 191 I Whereas, the specifications for the heating and ventilating equipment of the Tilden School,provide for a single phase motor, and it is found desirable toIinstal a two phase motor instead, and the contractor is willing to instal such two phase motor at a reduction of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) from the contract price; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the specifications for said school be and the same are hereby amended by substituting a two phase motor for a single phase motor, and that the amount rayable under the contract be reduced Thirty Dollars. Yeas (✓) Co ncilmen (✓) Nays / F worth (; In favor H d r Against erlich Mr. Preside% min FORM c. B•] F SEP 11 1916 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved � 3 :1316 191 1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ;r1 0 Date Presented 191 Resolved..__ That the Cigarette License No. 292, exFirinF, August 26,1917, now in the name of Y. Procido & Co., 349 North Smith Avenue, be Qnd th; sc e hereby is trans— ferred tc Vito Procido, 236 West 7th Street. Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays F sworth In favor nd � er Against derlich Mr. Preside . Irvin FORM C. 8., C. R. No. 12677----' No 88Y�e%pirluq Augu.�, 26 �t1917. now In the name or at. Procido & Co:. 349 North Smith ,luso ue.. he and ]he same hereby Ie trnnarerred to Vito Proeldo. 236 Wcat 7th Street. .tdoptve by the Council "Pt. M 1916. ,t DProved (Sep 13, 1916. ISePt. 23-1916) Adopted by the Council-,/, �" 1916 Approved 191 MAYOR . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM Subject: AV, 'ILE No - Date Presented S e pt O4 13, 1916- Resolved, 915.Resolved, That �hc ':i :c s :eci_'ied :'or .?.0 (crfor:.tn.co o_ r c,_•tt;i:: eonzraet dated Se; .embor J)'Ch, 11.'15, betvoei:, Siems-Carey Cw:lp,my, a corporation, anu L_c _t of SI„ 4Lul, for she construction oi' he Fredericka -Fairmount Senor S, atom, be and ;hu sane i:; hereby extended to the 48tre da, of a'euruary, 1917, an: the ;)roper cis, o_':icers are hereby authorized to execute an arae:;dr.ent to ,aid contraot in accordance nere•,rith, pro-iided, `owever, ;;hat ;;hi_- ro,,olution shall not i.ave an,; force w-: e_ Oct Iw:less the , urcties on the cO, :,ractors bond eo:.yeii i:ereto Lmd :ilc ;uch consent in -aritin,3 with the Cit,/ Comptroller. Yeas (1) Co oilmen (:) Nay,•� v.•P ►J 135 F "worth Adopted by the Council 191 Go In favor r KeH d Against Approved (1 �J t ;0 191 W erlich Mr. Presiden FORM G.6 -I Irvin MAYOR SIEMS-CAREY COMPANY RAILROAD CONTRACTORS September lith,1916. Hon. Y. X. Cross Com. of Public *orks, Saint Paul,, Minn. Dear Str: Referring to the contract between the City of Saint Paul and ourselves for the Fredericka -Fairmount Sewer System: We find that we are not going to be able to complete the sewer in the time specified in the contract, and we would respectfulV ask for an extension of the contract to February 28th. Our reason for needing this extension is the fact that we encountered very bad quick sand in thio work, and while we had: provided ample equipment in the first instance to finish on time, we ordered additional equip- ment to handle the quick sand, but owing to the strikes in the manufacturing plants in the east we have been unable to secure deliveries. When we found that deliv- eries were being delayed on the equipment we attempted to work nights, but were stopped by the City Police Dept. We do not anticipate using all of the time requested, but are asking this length of time so that we x111 not have to bother you a second time. Will you kindly present this matter to the Council and advise us their decision. Yours truly,, SHOES-CAR87C COUPMY BY RAS,fq ;(..'1B :s far as ane ere able to deterri^ the above co::ten ;ionsas :.aa, by Sierw-Carey Co. are true fm correct. -id it Clad i r Sunt. f Constris itep j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM Subject: paving Holly Ave. from Dale to Vitztoria,,gJ&gets rlla No. _. Date Presented Sept. 13,1916 191 ✓ Y' Resolved, That the recommendation of the Contract Committee be, and is hereby approved and all.bide received for paving Holly avenue from Victoria to Dale streets be and are hereby rejected and the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to procure the necessary material as provided by the Charter and do the work by City Force Account. F.B,1022 C. F. No. 12079—By, M N. Goes Resoled, That the raeommendaflon of the Contract Committee be. ..dl. hereby approved and all bide received for pavint; Holly avenue from Victoria to Dale street. be and are hereby ro- lected and the Commissioner of 1`41,11c Werke be and In hereby authorized to - preeure the neceeanry• material ee pre- vlded by the Charter and do the work by City Force Account F. B. 1022.' Adopted by the Connell Sept. 13, 1910. Approved Sept 13. 1910. (Sept. 22-1916) Yeas (✓) Co ilmen (✓) Nays r t F worth Adopted by the Council tP �3 - I 1914 �. G In favor ` H d Ig K APProved, / Against U W erlich Mr. Presiden ruin roam c.... em ca•u CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM CUNCIL .__ LIE NOBy AUDITSr. n t . _ 191 kvCi I �. co.n•..a.. - % '+ ,'.. PER 256 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fuo j in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fol o. detailed statement: Yeas ( t) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council_ SEP. Farnsworth Goss Approv Hyland In favor Keller / M Against wAToq Wunderlich — Mr. President, Irvin 0.E v Ss --c . lved t t wararnts be drown upon th "Ory Tress, -Re We ou 'f tho 11 , ' nitter s em* 111 la, fgvoe' qt, sU s for fhb; _ iha nt* tuta=Pr• io, it, aWount! aet 0, postte their o�0.ve 'ln the [ol}0wlatt de -- 9 _FarnillF9,t,[h, tlamea ea a popt tatted". tatemspt- .; -Gon4,c SYasgce, 360, 10;67. Adopted by the Counell Sept. 18. 1916-' Sept, 18 180. ' APDrbved (aePL 3E-1916) - 6731 S• A• Farn9►orth„Comdr, Finance, #60,130e57 Red. Spec. Assess. Bonds C1 1 , w w a • w e 2 e e 0 7 S _ To e e ' n (w s _ r Form A. 6.16 eb.1•a ro CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT as AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Fie"SIL NO._.. 1!2fisvi 7 I i 1916 By G AUOITE � Igl PER / 257 `e.. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds au in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as 'specified in the 'to]loY detailed statement: Yeas ( v) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council SU 12 19 1891=i Farnsworth Goss . APPro Hyland � In favor Keller ve r l Against - MAYOR Wunderlich. Mr. President, Irvin ^� b732 Allis-Chalmers Mnfg. Co.. $24.80 Water M. & R. 33 Beit Line Brick Co., 5.00 School-bf. & R. 34 Brennan Livery Co., 40.00 Sprinkling 35 Brooks Bros., Street Con et. & Rep; -N. / 10j.4 Misc. & Unforseen 224.72 } I " 1 c .7 36 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. 7.12 - Library -Genf. Supnl. 37 A. Christopherson 5.00 Police & Fire Alarm -M. 38 W. B. Clow Co., - 4.20 Water Y. & R. 39 Mrs Flora C. Coaxer 7.00 Llbrary—Oenl.Supoi. 40 Craftsman Press 3.43 — Purchasing Dept. -R, 41 Crane & Ordway Co.., 927.64 F- A. 6-16i Water 'f. & R. .I I' $1.25 -25.70 90.0°! 2.'88 30.00 46.$7 21.93. '25.00 23.55 6.00 32.05 1�329.00 . 1.00 40.79 7.72 43.20; 14.00 2.10'; 17.70 2.66 .90 45.39 2.40 #2 6742 Rudol Crofiau Library-Genl. Suppl. " 43 A. D.Davies, Street Const. 9 Rep. m. 44 Robert Gahan Park -Park -Music 45 Great Northern Express Co., _ Library -Gen].. Sup ,l. : ; eDectfled . - 46 H. S. Harrison I.d Mtement: i Intl,l, oo. $24.so. Water. & R. Cn. go.00. i Broe.. 62E67E. 'o, Mfiwaukee & f4t. Paul RY l• 47 Robert T Hunt Co., ow Co"..°S4.$o:00 pater N. & R. a Connor, $7.00. n Preen. $3.42• 48 Dr. Dawson Johnston, OrdwaY Co.. $927.64. '4; nau, 6156. es $26:70. Library -Gena. Suppl. 'han pr -o Co., $2.61• • 49 - Goo. A. Keys -loon,_ $30:00. Bfint, Co 346.67. J$200. fE1.02. Sewer Const. Rep. -I. .y4e1�'eonB�Co.. $ 3.66 111 Book Co.$800. 32.06. 0 $ ' "gq 31 'Co.. 50 NoDevitt-Wilson Co., rourus1 $1.00. Library -Now Books ie �� EODu+D "Co wqc isai.io. wimen.on �; - 51 McGraw Hill Book Co., Water -t. & R. 52 Nahle Wagon Co., -.t Water R. & R. 53 D. W. Moore Grad. Griggs, Univ o • Alley B1k. et Rv . . 54 Municipal Journal Library -Gen 1l. Suppl. 55 Northern Coal & Dock Co., Library -Gen T. Suppl. 56 N. To $lettric Equipment Co., So & S. oing.Strest C1ng. No 4.12 School -N. & R, 57 John Olson* Sewer Const. & Rep• Y. 58 Paper Ca2menson Co., School 1t. & R. 59 B. A. Peterson Water -H . & R. 60 Louis Peterson Water -M. & R. 61 Russell Sage Foundation Library -Nen Books 62 St. Anthony Hill Carriage Works, ro Schoo3 jv. & R. 63 St. Paul Electric Co., Library -Gehl. Suppl. 64 Wm. Saiko Water -a. & R. $1.25 -25.70 90.0°! 2.'88 30.00 46.$7 21.93. '25.00 23.55 6.00 32.05 1�329.00 . 1.00 40.79 7.72 43.20; 14.00 2.10'; 17.70 2.66 .90 45.39 2.40 g 6765 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., -fie 174.00 i water -M. R. 66 G. B. stechert 25.00 _ Library-Genl. Suppl.= Theosophical Book Concern 3IL98 x ,6? Library New Books * F 68 C. W. Unger 15.00 Library -Gehl. Suppl. 69 U. B. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 2,763.97 • pater M. & R. 70 D. Yarsostrand Co., 4•.95-: Library -New Books g' 71 Waldorf Binder. Co., 215.00 Library-Genl. Suppl. 72 ;ease T. shite & Cc 8.00 Library -New Hoofs 73 Wolterstorff Range Co., 32.06 School -H. & R. - RsSOLUTION 0 COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF REARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. _neo�reiasy ses In the matter of - Ooadrmaing and taking an tsasostst InRXIA"M Lha land 1 aveanr t0 tsar _otuSa and tills fn. _gradial; Otia asenae from-Ianrga e Lau tel avenusaua t Montrose evetaus toVenue from pf3ayton � eau Leheeland � � taken IIa1'lboro described as an l0,at the above Hamad fmprovemeat being more particular Y ants af4=e- "ament.;� *lppse, for auto and f-fiir , and upon VIA, land between thepoints upon Otis avenue, Hontroes avenue and KarllCA ataclid ort of the waid to yhe extent shown Loon the sketoZi attaoluid to thSOth 1918, which Capl�italftJ►Qr of Public Works, is the matter dated July e�`Mb and report aro hereby referred to and made a part hereof. approved intermediary Order 10,767 under Preliminary Order 9541 March l8th, 1918 approved June let, 1918. ' The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom piyable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved. That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of dikmages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham - 9th October bet, Reamtil-in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the - day of 191 s.. , at ten clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he hereby directed to give notice o u of said hear- by the Charter. ing, as prescribed SEP 131916 Adopted by the Council /< L ` Citwllerk. Approved V _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth � Poet. aarah 18t "�raar 50.787. C ooss uncilman G t. C)s. ommtealoner of Councilman Keller The he the 1 . abmitted his report 1n t ter u to the amount of da .tha la COonCllin. pge8plt - awarded for tho taltlp, oaf thoretn OP b Councilman Nash Councilman esaemente above Improvement �uliotted 4 and also havfn6 Councilman Yoerg able: PO eesament f b of a. to plmpro�• makin6 ta ' Mayor Powers tr he tberetore b",That tae satd..aates! 3: - Rceolve.. benantn be and the eameiis�ht. n. ,+roved .Thai - Ree ived f th her i. De had D ru a tka Can m l(cn oC port n d to Lila ea[d map tae awards of d m Be 1a` Commteea or Fturn and oleo up- at aafd oeeea m D o[ b Heats' I d Chamber in the Court 111YYY the Caron" House In the CItY of Stn- V ten - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE PV ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS /� In the matter of 00n4.emsin and taking 04...4eea�.9A _ in the land negsaaa T foe slopes, for cuts and fids is grading Otis avenue from Marshall avenue to Laurel.evenugi; Montrose avenue from Dayton svemts to Laurel avenue and Marlboro avenue from Marshall avenue to Dayton avenue, the land to be taken Mor the above named imphrovement being more particularly described, as -an easement far slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Otis avenue, Montrose avenue and Marlboro,e 6=0, between the points afore— . said to the extent show# upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated July 80th, 1816, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 9541 approved March 18th, 1910ntermediary Order 10,767 approved .Tune let, 1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF ST. PAUL. rhe Commissioncr-d Finance hereby reports - That he has feed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons.to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fired and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above anfiidentified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings in said matters. , Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of 8ondsmloing and taking an aaaemODA. _in- the land neot2111M. _ for 1gligpes, for outs and tills in grading the eller in Block 15, Summit Far;�fa Aditittou 'frm Marl strliet to Vlotoria street- the land to 1» take& bei more psstioularip desoribed as an eaaemeator slopes for acts 1$ ala f lls in grid upon thn land butting upon the Alley in � • Ss it..Park. itiQn, tslittsp %he points aforesaid to the extent pu shownWorks up®ln tht sketah attached to the report of filo Commissioner of public by in 0044"ter dated July 10th, 1816, whioh sket_ah 004 report ase hereby referred to and glade a part hereof, under Preliminary Order lO, Obb approved April 19 th,1918 , Intermediary Order 10,617 approved i(ay 23rd, 1918• The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages warded for the taking of the land or casements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further. That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- 9th day October _of ber, Ria:M in the Court House is the City of St. Paul on the 191 6 at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. SEP 13 i9io Adopted by the Council Cit7'Clerk. i Approved _ " } '__v. __...__._.._. 191...__ I ` • V , de,• t Mayor. v +. approved A, Councilman Farnsworth ta:en., 4_ order 1p:If ,roed May 23rd;3818. Councilman Goss The Commisaloner of Finance Ila / submitted his report in the above Ccmncilman Keller ter an to the amount of ass' awarded for the taking of the, lad'. Councilman Me" vasetnents therein appropriated the above improvement and to a Councilman Nash payabie and also baving subm kiss benefit to asimement of pent Councilman l'oerg - from Z%mnklns of said improves' tbero[ore be It Mayor Powers Resolved That the said ammam r orbenefits he'asd the same la IIsrr approved Resolved further, That a ppub. - be before hearing had theConnell up- on said report and for a copbrmatlon of the guards of damage. made by the Commissioner of Finance, and al.o up- co en the Bald 't of benefits gf� the Counoll Chamber. In the COUt�.t�. �Ilb House In the Clty tlf 8L t nI on'tke — $in day of Oct.. 1930, nt tan o•dock,A. M. and that the CominMotor, of 7F1+� t .sone be and he is hereby dlreotad`tgi glue notice o[ Bald hsarlag, as p{q ecAl ,the• Coarrgr'. ., 'uptby Aavfe�. hY the;Gonne118eDtIE �818i - Approved Rept.'1,8, 1828.""t - - - (84pCeo{tjar 18-1838) •fir ^.�..� .. s _', '?. ... .r r.. ._ j, 1 5 E: mak. t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Condemning_ and _taking. an..easement _in the land nenesaary. for elopes, for outs and fills in grading the Alley in Block 15 Summit Pajrk Additionfromfrom-Avon street, to Vi-ator-la street,, the land to lm taken being more particularly described as an easement for slope$, for outs &ML fills in and upon the land-Atuttingupon the Alley in B104 15, - ftmotlt Park Addition, between the points aforesaid to the extent shown. upcn the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated July 10th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, k under Preliminary Order 101055 , approved Apri 1 19 th,1916. Intermediary Order 10, 617 approved May 33rd, 1918, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The C rr missioncr of Finance hereby reports* That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages thetefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement. not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto�ttached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified wide the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on saiidd/matters'. �r Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION Of COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND -FIXING TIME OF HEARING- INCONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Condemning and taking an easement in the lead necessary for si tir'".k& auto and fill@ in grading Byndivntr-aventte f-rtom -&tv o *Ir street to Randolpa street, the land to be taken being more particularly for described ao -an as, elopsa, for cute and fl -126 in and moat, tits lumd..flii8ltSt�g ._$XJ<1d10l�lt! ,l;949uo between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attaohed ,to the report of the Camiesionis of Public -Worker in the matter dated June 1511h, 1918, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a a$ part hereof, under Preliminary Order 6917 approved Sept. 7th, 1916 10"380 approved May -Bad, 1918• Intermediary Order The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted bis assessment of benefit toro p perry from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved. That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the mid assessment of benefits; at the Council Chem- her. 1j1=XWSn the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the T -to day of 00tober 191.6_ , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing. as prescribed by the Charter. .:, Adopted by the Council SEP 13 !' 19 -Z 'Clerk, Approved ... I r :. h ... ._._... t91_.._... C Councilman Farnsworth Councilman elle u Concihnan Keller Councilman Mae* Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers �rde passu:' al dt, 1916, 1-armadlery Ore _ .ppreved ?ray19}8. elealent or beneat0. eoe. and Car and In eosnecttsn w1Lit .ta d to. 1tement basing been . thehe Connell. and the t haying coanlderod gams nail the. ealdaaeennmaaLsaUafaBtoq. +� dam. That the said-. ameenment Is be and the aame Is hereby _- turther. That a nni�,•.. Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Condemning and taking an._eaaemeni` in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Syndicate avenue from St. -01sir street to Randolph street, the land to be taken being more partloularly described as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting on syndicate avenue—between the points aforesaid, to the._ extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public'Works, in the matter dated June 15th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a ap part hereof, under Preliminary Order 6917 approved 8opt• 7th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 10,380 approved May ind, 1916, - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also feed and determined the amount of benefits to -property. from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said matters. — Commissioner of fthance. IMOL• UTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AM.,- ` TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Ox to the matter of Condemning and taking. �. erta�ta nt., is Lhe land nsoesY4 rileary_ fgh , elapse, for auto and fills in grading the al. ialionBlo ,ktla� �I 19 be .Divi,ate>st "N, and Block 4 eai h and Tab+ or__a..4ddi taken being move ilartioularly described as an easatsent for.e14ps9 fav oats and itns to and upon the land abutting upon said Alley ia. a�iaak Is Division •A• and Block 4, tdlaith and Taylorto Addition, to thi "i[tliht s�►oxn 'Upon the sketch at 4, yovspaughtached So the report of the tfiata— roisthe " of -Public Rorke, in the matter dated July 12th, 1916, -Which Sketch and report are hereby referred to and pude a part hereof' under Preliminary Order 7lb3 , approved $ePt• filet, 1916s)ntermediary Order 10,600 approved jLa_Y YYV&, 1916. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for die tatting of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the malting of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved. That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the ent of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber,*AM[*Kin the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the / day of October 1916 , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by Ate Charter. Adopted by the Council SEP 13 ' 191 � City -Clerk. Approved :. 1 :t _............._., 191-_ - - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth _ 1'rellminnrY Y' rovyd 8'apt. 81st-.tflly. _CnnnCflman ClOar ,In, 1eA09. approved n .. -Councilman Keller RThe Commtasioaer o[ Financ leYbmatP�tti`egoaigoupti of d.-.'d aa •" . Councilman Mie&. warded tar the tat".pproprSaud d`Sot Councilman Nash einap�a the the above igprbpamant and' to o`tt��pp� Councilman'lroerg payable and'at" Aa�lns eubmltYea Iror'tha diakt of of !s dimpro 'I" Mayor Powers cxeratora ltd tk Reaolvvaei'g m`•6pt° ^aid aeaesamarif.. of"=pkpeAta b§_. alid he same ie heyehy. approved. further.. That n pubitc5 _ Reeseolved hearina be_xad: beAoiert ny coaAntuntig - l REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Condo1M., Ing and Uki>49. 4�4. nae gQ is....ths land n.eoeoears_.lor slopes, for outs and fills in grading the alley in Block 4, Porepaughle Division *AN, and Block 4., Smith and Taylor s.Additioa, the land to be taken being more partioulasly described as an easement for elopes fax outs and fille•in and upon the land abutting upon said Alley in Rock 4, Forepaugh's Division 04v and Block 4, Smith and Taylorts Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Cosl.- missioner of Publio Works, in the matter dated July 18th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, - under Preliminary Order 7153 approved Sept• 218t, 1915%termediary Order 10,600- approved 0,600•approved May 93rd, 1916. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. rhe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports* That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable: that he has alsofixed and determined the amount of bmefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as aboveand identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. \ CITY OF ST. PAUL ''6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'GENERAL FORM Subject: \ No. 4 Date Presented Se pt . 14, 191 6 . Resolved, That the plat of Frankson's Subdivision, aclreco:-,•.ierdcd by the rlat Commission and t-.,u:oved by' the Cwanissioner of rublic Woirks, be and the same is hereby accepted. (:on—Rrank- I�.ao'Y.,n. 9`hni thY ,Plat r -..I.di romnmintlxo tefomdmended ,h?t Aetb�'Ironn mb?Inn.• Df Pub�hnNork.. ,ha a 1• herr \ionted by th^ 1•nnn^.1 went. 11. 191G. .\PPrnv,'d h 7966. 14e Ptemher 16.1916/ Yeas (J) Councilmen (a) Nays Farnsworth Goss In favor Hyland / Keller Me911f Against Wunderlich Mr. President. IpAim FORM C. 9 -a Adopted by the Council SEP 14 1916 191 Approved /S/ 191 i MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NCI L "RESOLUTION . GENERAL FORM Subject: � 1 LLE No. S, , a t Date Presented Sept, 14 , 1916- Resolved, 915. Resolved, That the plat of .1da Park, as recomiend,cai b, the Plat Co.,mission ar:d at)Proved b; the Co 2aiss:or.er of :ublic Yorks, be ar.d the sante is hereby accepted. C. R v,. r2n:olvr), Thnt rh,• nlat r .l rtn Park, Winn on nmtnenri�d ba• the P��il rnm mlR- 1 of PnhllenW—ka.libntlin���hemlrolon- heroby' accepted nn Rnme Ix AdnnreA br the t`--" "ept. 11, 1416. �Apprnrrd 4r•nt. IJ. I419 .- -,ambcr 15.1416) Yeas (1) Councilmen (.) Nays Farnsworth O� Goss In favor ` Hyland Keller Meftl} Against Wunderlich Mr. President, lsvie ,ORM C-2 , S_P 14 1916 Adopted by the Council 191 A /lam Approved . max_! 17 191 G 7 &Qt1 MAYOR CITY 40F ST.,PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM alLE No.. _..... 'Date Presented 191._ _. Resolved, that permission be and, is heseby granted the Tri-State "el ephone and Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary anchors and to string wire and cable on the following named streets: 4 Poles on Juliet Street Seat of Cleveland 1C n " Maokubin Street from Front to Lawson. Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the C6nenissioner of Public Works, the Telephone Company to nay the cost of inspection, ebgineering and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested t`o do so by the Common Council, said cost to be pall by the Telep%one Company. GRaNvrA EC88-_p1PrZY—_. h sobs Th f rlosa� Po..,uItl Total nnh miTnln°tn�tr and le o int aPnm horse taeRbl son fhe o^ref Cleveland ^^ J.)I: t tolload ID pr,,,; arrest ,vert FµDY roto f paon.alnchuhln atrerr from C^mur000n fP^b'Icrll tlondof fhr dire m, n a^P nFe �a n and 1h. Too o hone �o4ur',,odnrt W1rae tolibe tran_ Pcetlonl TAdoptud y°^'Panto bo Pultlt yy wt on i mm `t PDrot'rtl So,,.to j tnrll Sept 14. he PI (Sentombe� !DID. 1916 1C.1916) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓)Nays SEP 141916 Adopted by the Council 191. GouFarnsworth -/ In favor !feller / Approved � B� / 191. UNGOW f Against Nash yoerg Mr. President, Power MAYOR r j 1h Council Resolution - General Forme * Department Of C. P Vo. 1268 --Bt' DI N norP— ,Resolved. that pormieslon be and It he.. _ rby tirn;.ti ed the Nnr•h—.t.en ... ... .... trot : poles and string wires wlth�the nsc.s- In I', —llow:ng t 9 Poles north side ofyt Ave. from . �. 4 t SHoi Bureau of 2 Poles e t Ids of Logan St. from; $ .. H6 t \ nnAb 11e oto n Xd.. ....- _ .I Poles emoved when' reeoerted to do eo bvthe C..W.n Connell. Said cost to be paid by the --------------- Adopted by rhe'ron ne{I Sept. lt, 1916. Approved Sept. 11. 1916. (September 16-19161. ---- -- --------- . ---------------------,-I--- ----- ------------ M - --------------------_---- t' Council bile Date Presented 1916. $Y i Resolved, that permission be and it is hereby granted this Northwestern Telephone Exchange Compacpf to set poles and string wires with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets: ' JrPolen North side of Hoyt Ave. from auihcY St. to Grotto SL. Poles West side of Logan St. from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid fo the Telephone Company- " Adopted by the Council , ° 1� 1 1916. , r yeas ( Councilmen ( ) Nays Barbeworth Goss Ma0"&- Wunderlich $y land Keller Ur. President LX**n Approved 1916. .1916. :fatinQ May ox r CITY OF ST. PAUL C.OUNCIL`R..ESOe,,, �JTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL, FILE No. ....... Date Presented 191 — Resolved; That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to -"W to William Jackson, the sum of $3.00, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of injuries received by him while employed by the City on the 14th day of April.3216; said sum to be paid out of the WoTlaume Compensation Account of the General Fund. _ - .4�C. F No. 18660— ( R n'ved That the proper city o• ^i'I a b—bv anth^rlanptd to pay to Wlllla1m Jackacn, the um or i6.00. In ^^tl-let- r^meat nr Me rlalm .c at tho City, artalng by reason of Injuries rel— by him while employed by,tha �'1�•• o fhn .]1Ih day of An,•11. ie18; a a •• to b• I'M o t or the Work- rk mfthslCOmuensat'On Account or the GeneraPun& AOonted h, 'he ree-11 Sept. 14, 1916. Approved Sept. 14, 1916. [September 16-1916) I hereby reeoommend the above resolution for passage, c - Commissioner of Public Works. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Goss In Favor Keller Aleoelk L Agaimt Yaergg Mr. President.Rewsrs FORM'C.a-a Adopted by the Council SEP 14 1916 191 Approved. �S 191 G. — r AOttng MAl i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM ---. Subject COUNCIL FILE NO. Date Presented ~ 141 Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorised to pay to Matthew O'Rourke, out of the Workmens Compensation Account of the General Bund, the sum of $20.25, in partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him employed by the City on laying a cross -walk on the 20th day of August 1916. c�.px VeA2eT �t th.` or000r city offl- !as urs h ... by .utborl.ed to p.y to sletthew olnoorke, out of the �vork- n.n oV. n I. th. e - oor 820.26, t or tin partial .ottlemont of lhl. cl.lm against lh•• pI-v rl.lotc by rra. of Iriertee ro-elv.d h•11 it. whileemm.yed by the Cit o[ leyl[ue4 1915eewalk oo the 20th Approved Sept. 1d.Y/1119116.S.pt. 14. 1916- (September 16-1916) I hereby reeoommend the above resolution for passage, Commissioner of public Works. Yeas (V) Councilmen (r') Nays Farnsworth Goss _1( In Favor Zw Keller 440" G Against Na.h/` ,,, f Y«rg Mr. President. FORM C.a•Y Adop.-d by the Council SSP 14 1916 191 Approved :�} �� 191 AOCI1. MAYOR r L Intoe Arlo aolhorpet( to rate, nto An 89 I , - ftemont, with, Wer Mkro6h, A 106rding. *-the provisions of Chalitay COUNCIL, tis' of the TAWS Of Minnesota mr 1013._ FORM d amendments, thereto,c"OvUlIng for 'the Aaltment to the .414 Peter Alaroon or 17,20 per meek during th—time'IN 14 D SubjLCt: which he may go totally 011.01,'d by, reason Of IqJvrle* re -1-4 by him COUNCIL while employed by the City on obe Fl andoinh school on the and day of All- 'L. �4 0• -i net. 191'll; said Peter, M,roon having i, b ba go'n inj to . Y Urniftg-hl. h.nd-.it but tor. And Be It Purthor Resolved, that the proper elty official. P hereby an.,! resented 191 th."I"ed to PAYJ2 Peter Maroon. out of the W—Umens campereatlon Account' ,f the rk•n ami Wood dg, -- ,,A,net the —6 r --hM1s-f lt,� A ';-s"1d. "g by on of - i faros rent; c . A, I.Orp., unell S-Pl- 14. e"' to Pte -7 1916 1916. her jsltll Resolved, That the �roper city officials are h6-r-mlyI authorized to enter Into an agreement with Peter Maroon, according to the provisions of Chapter 467 of the laws of Minnesota for 1913, mind amendments thereto. Providing for the payment to the said Peter maroon of $7.20 per we" during the time which he may be totally disabled by reason of In- juries received by him while employed by the City on the Randolph School on the End day of August,, 1916; said Peter Maroon having been injured by burning his hand with hot tar. and BE IT FURTHRR RESOLVED, that the proper ol ty officials are hereby authorized to pay to Peter Maroon, out of the Workmane Comp,#Asatlon Account of the General Fund, the sum of $7.20 In partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of the injuries I hereby raccommend the above roso 'o 0 P Commissioner of Parks, PlaygroU:9 and rbl:L qBu*ildings. Yeas (V) Cknlrleihnen (I') Nays Farnsworth Goa J In favor- -Keller M." Against Null Yoerg Mr. President. Vemers FORM C-111-2 Adopted by the council sEP 14 IM 191 Approved 4%�414-1 1916 ol MAYOR • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sbbject ` r - COV"CIL sett No. Date Presented 191 Resolved. That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Joseph Goswitzj out of the Oorkmens Compensation Account of the General Fund, the stmt of $19.00 in partial settlemdntof his claim against the City &rising by reason of injuries received by him while employed by the City on the Ames School on the 13th day of ltay,1916. V. F• No. 12m— Roaolved, The, the proper city ort!• "I.le are horoby au thorl:nd to pay to G.etrout of the Workmen'. Cuo tlol':, �mtSnnnl.a Account of the General Fund. the nim of $19.00 In partial net, f he claim nn mralt the City arleing by r.anon of Intones recalv.d by hlm whlie employed b- the City on the A.5<•hool en the 13thday of Lfny, 191.6. I Adopted by the C.Un.li Sept. 14. 1916. Approved Sept. l4. 1916. (Lptemher 16-1916) ' 1 I e I hereby recco»tmend the above reetlution for pa a133 Commissioner of Parks, Playgro ds Publiuildi�gs d 1 1 Yen✓ ) Coulnabn01)en ) Nays 1 Adopted by the Council- SEP 14 191b 191... Farnsworth Gan In Favor Kelm / ,i Approved 191 � L/ Against Nash Yoerg�� //spy s1 Mr. Presidwa..Eawwr�3 t'wFo�d �aan�e �4RN Cat L CITY OF ST. PAUL A, >(%0I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i Subject COUNQIL No. •�ffD. FILL w ,< Date Presented 191 y 1 Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Jacob Zimmerman. out of the worlmtene Compensation Account of the General Bund, the sum of $20.00 in partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries rsoeiied by him while employed by the City on the Ames School on the 14th day of Yaroh.1916. C, V vo. 12004-- . Resolved, Thnt the prop- city offl- cintn n « h«rnhf• nuihorlx«A to pny to Jncob 7.Immcrmnn. out of the Work- enR--Comp«nsntlon Account of the fle n«rnl Fon,l, the n of 320.00 In pnrtlat seitlemenl of bin 0.1.ugliln.t the "ll y nrlelnu by --on of InJurloe Ilv«A by him while employ" by the City ho the Amen School on the the Aat �.r Ni,^••h 1918. Adopted by the Connell So pt. 11. 1918. Aplr e1 Sept. 14. 1918. I tieptomher 10-1910) I here* reeoommend the above resolution for ae Commissioner of Parke. pleygrognds and bli 'Building, I I , Yee, ( ml ._lrften ( y6. I u1 . . Adopted by the Council 5tP �f}-IS i Famsworth Goss In favorG Keller / Approved A/ 191 -.... 11As6dl L Against Nash i. - Yoerg l-�F-f G ,L .. ............6 ._ . My, President, Paters MwroR .,,nous FORM GO -a CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL REsO °LOTION—GENERAL FORM F '� ) Sttbject:. . FILE ta!�� No. I t � 1915 Date Presented 191 Resolved, That 'the proper city officials are hereby authorised to pay to Z. E. Carson, out of the •orlmens Compensation Account of the General 7unds the sum of $21.00 in partial settlement of his claim against the City = arising by reason of injuries received by him while $ employed by the City on the Gaultier School on the 10th day of November, 1915. 1 C. F. Resolve d, eTka rinlxnre he by eotthorizedr to tY ofrl- li..E;. Cy-on,out or the Workmen, Compenp.ttoAccount of the General Fund, [hc n of $21.00In purllniect- [lement tf th lx ninlm ounln.t the City by him r19 nt tv hlle nmul by r of Int -i -the City on received •ed Y -� the t:nultlor 9eh—I oYon the 10th ity of Not•entl r. 1915. Adopted hY the l'ounell Kept. 11, 1911; Approved Sept. 11• 1914. t A.•ptvm fart 14-1914) I hereby re000mmend the above resolution for s e, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds, an t►bl Buildings. SEP 14 1916 Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Gose In favor �r Keller / Approved �'iAl 191 L lbsf 1r11 Against Nash W. Preadent Maroa FORM C.ba �tt4p CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM •• , •' COU NCIL FILE N O. Date &sented t; 1.. , 191 v ly 44 Resolved. ..,. Co.:,:ei1 ?'_le -14125 Chi o re:: :1..: .l:at .,ioa e. ec; ,_e 1'"C o_ 40 rt:,, 1 _i1 . bo a _. C of rC-rJJlai::- o_ ri-i: L::h�lc z.: ft. •,au::t o ;re ii:.c u: dhi )C•ra 31. to c i meet .. ..Ci, :I::e:;::crl� _.ot^ ,.tu_;lole. I C. V. Nn. .2690y 11. N. C,*,_R—I%dThnt t11_n"ll I•'lle Nn. :IEg for the ronatruetlon of : e. - 1 pn 1 ChippewR A%,,-. from Ann Rpolln S!. ." ntrp one 0r Iln her St., nlxn rr hullo I thnt pnrtlon of the li:ther St. nutlet -re I , ex �e,dfng from nrhole 23 feet •ent r lne r• lro Ilse of ehlppo- ", .li, toe no home #0- fl•xn nnrth- j w nterly fromld a hoer uprua•ed A nl;Uxt 7. 1916 be ��II the n me Ix hprehy Rmend�d by elltljlnntlnR then•- fr�m the rchullAlnq of lhRI portion pf the linhar Nt Uutirt Sewer extendln- from n ma nh 0 t 23 feet went of the •entre It., of Chl,,e OS, to n too hOle 40 feet norlhwex to rly from ..It - fihnle. AIWIA.d by the 0oun-11 Sept. 14, 1916. Approve(l Sept. 11. 1910. 1Ycptem l,er 16-1916) 1 Yeas (v') Councilmen (.') Nays . Farnsworth C - !1 14 1916 Adopted by the Council 191 Goss In favor Hyland / Kell191 ner Against Approved .d^ r 1 �� L Wunderlich v� / Mr. President. lr6dn J. 1 ! i ! e�< 'l 7 l MAYOn "ORM C.R-Z SEL!:. J I CITY OF SAINT PAI. 'DErn RTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - ___.__._.AOBSRF i,-GOUALEK:-OtHm�COwlwOne. ....- 'J - ' • , ; OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C... 9—..n J. E. CARROLL Sun. Co— k R..d.. ALFRED JACKSON. Sun. S.—l'.. -' G. H. HERROLO, 0—, E...... I H W.GGRTZINGER,S—WO. 0— - .7t. i?aul, :._Sn;— sons, Cor2.lissio er of _'.relic ,lor.cs Dear Sir,- Ia. draw -'n - she-'i!.al plans for sewer or. Chippewa i.ve. from ;nnnpolis S;,. to :Sr�ker St. orier.ed by Final urder G. 31. 1;:126, ap-poved :iu_. 9, 1915, it has been sound to be unnecessary to rebuild'a portion of mile o..11ot, Uo -fir-P- ;:posed. I .:o_.ld re/:ae6t, here -ore, attached re.olut:ion to &nerd ti:c inal or:er be presented to tiie Cotu,cil. is:^e s::ro—L.,ent roes not a--fect the service rer_dercci b, ',;',is se•:rer to r n,, ror,er'.,i . io.s:: ver,, JEC j u. Chief lMizineer CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 9 AUDITED CLAIMS'—RESOLUTION FORM F �E""L NO.. AUDITED. _ - -_ 191/ 259 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specifi funds in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in tie folio detailed statement: tp CI Yeas ( c ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council, — -_ upld)]st7 I Farnsworth 4" Goss Approved- Hyland pproved Hyland ' In favor i Keller !MAYOR 114eeoM— �. Against 8otin Wunderlich Mr. President, lean C R No. 18687— _ .. thee3 tat warraah be lly hTCeaeury, g Arawn tDon h Che r of e p D ynbla out of favor of the cepeclaeQ funds iaA Demo In tlb1, fos the umn°,-Arms r oo�Dur._ [belt pectlV.e [tamest° et .DDoelte the following detolleA e a epecla.A In H. CJ Boro9on Co., $$6.90�ment. Cly^t�n�°Hue .Ker, E6E.E0. Louie F. Low Cu:, it EE.6 B. - a. A. Earn.,.•....... 6920 He C. Boyeson Co.. Water -M. & R. - 21 Brentano* Library-r7ew Books 22 Clymer & Huelster Prater -M. & Re 23 Louie F. Dow Co., Mayor t,e Off. EXP' Pub. Works-AOm. Comptroller -Off Exp. / Gen. Fund un pal ourt Water-Mly`& R 24 S. A Farnsworth, Com1r. CInterest Fund 25 Gopher Lime & Cement Co.. School�l. & R. 26 W. J. Hoy Const-. Co.. Water ids & R. 27 J. Kataling Water M. & R. 28 John Nozal Ames School 29 Perkins -Tracy Printing CO., Water -M.-& R. Farm A. 6-16 86.90 96.10 63.30 133.59 4,720.00 14.06 2,800.32 7.50 104.50 19-70 970 #2 6930 Purity Asking Co., 163.96 Park-ParkPaint. 31 Robkneon. Cary & Sande, 64.27 School -i. & R.4 3. Randolph 43• Randolph Heights ParkPark4 4. 32 chis. B. Schroeder 57.50 Sark -Park -Sainm i 33 J. L. Schwab & Co., 155.00 Water Y. & R. 34 A. G. Spaulding, 9.00 Playgrounds -paint. 35 Transit Supply Co. 35.00 Playgrounds Park�si ' 36 Western Supply Co., 66.43 Schkol--K. &,R,.) Wator- [ , - 37 Western Union Teleg. Co., 1.TB Pur. Agt.t°-` u"�?'.Y$%i&'er✓d.YJ:i�'��m axa '¢;"Q1eW!+� M. k%::'x#:-a�,p.- .x.i.�.'a+,Y.miak<%,Si£: .*�"%1�.'.:i,:r.: Farm A. 6-16 CITY, OF ST. PAUL' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CL4IMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCILNo. LE -_ BY SE >� AUDITED. % 4.�i�.� 258 P .i Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the Iollowing detailed statement: Yeas Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 1A4 1916 191— Farnsworth Goss /9 Approved _191— Hyland In favor Keller - Against -- '9.oUnq MAYOR �. Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvim- i a 6774 J. W. Adair. $2.25 Library -New Books , 75 J- Q- Adams, 1.25 C. H. & C. H.Naint, 76 American Engineers Supply Co 13.55 School-4A. & R. ' - 77 American Linen Supply Co., 17.26 C. H. & C. H. Faint. - , r 78 John R. Anderson & Co., 3.75 Library New Books 79 Art Engraving Co., 8. C. P. Works -Gen. Adm.-E. - 80 G. A. Ashton Co., 12.19 School-M. -& R. 81 R. W. Austin; pur. Agt. 613.66 Police-C. & B. 6.40 Fire " a -//49.46 Pub. Bldg.-A. & D.-M. Mayors Off. Exp.— - Com'r. Finance ;Paint. ' Comptroller-Prtg. Staty. Comptroller Off. 41P City Clerk-Exp. ,; Municipal GarajO-P. & S. SchoolM. & 1 :Ames Schoo- Gaultier choo1 itandol geights School w„Comf Btati on Farm A. 6-16 #2_ 6782 Auto Tire Sales Co.. 11.5.14 x Fire -it. & R. 69 Police & Fire Alarm.- 1 2 Piaygromde 7taint �lll 83 Bazille & Partridge 72.24 School M. & R. 84- Belt Line Brick Co., yS.OG School -No & R. 85 C. Bielraaberg, 41.25 C. H. 6- C. H.-Haint. 86 Geo. Co Binder. 2.4G Health-Realth-H. & R. _ 1 Comptroller Prtg, City Clerks Off f/ 0 87 T: -L. Blood Co., 137.63 Pali ce-C. & B." 40 Fire- • . 4 90 C H. & C. H. Kai 1 .6 school No & R. Ames School Park -Park mt. 5. Water -11. R. 14. 88 Board of Water Commissioners 553.9 S. & S. Cing-ltreet B1nahi 3 6 C. P. U. -Gen. Adm. Y. r5 00 C. P. II. dun. Teat. La �.1�6 .00 Lighting -taint. 0. H. & C. H. 1. 9� school K. & R. 0 Haigh Schoo �4- LRandolphMcClellan S of 89 Bon Ton Grocery Co.. 60.46 Pari park-maint. 90 M. Barg & sons. 70.38 C. H. & C. H. if. 91 Boston Book Co., 80.00 Library-Genl. Suppl. 92 H. C. B9yeson & Co.. 2.00 } Library=Gent. Suppl. 93 Albert Britnell 35,00 Library.Genl. Suppl. 94 Brown. Blodgett & Sperry_ 3• 46..23 C H. & C. H.-Ya1 Mayor 19.,offi ca Healthealth 95 Burne lumber Co., 345.15 jg Fire -C, & B. - 0 Municipal Garag M, & 1 school :H. & R 4 ; i 6796 W. F.th & CO'. ity Clerk Exp. q� Chg3,mers Northwest Oo•, .45 C. p. works -Gen. Adm.,*. 98 ChicagoBurlington & Quincy Ry. 444 Library -Gen] . Supply, 99 Chivers Book Binding Co., 3.,90 Library New Books 6800 Citizens Audit©rium maint. 1 Clymer & Huelster, 14.00 Health'Realtha[aint. & R. 71.50 2 Como YPet ark 'sr &int. 3 Craftsman Press --- 9.75 Health -Health -M. & R. 107.77 4 Crane &Qrd�wey Co.. 7 - School M. & R.. a - park Park-tai.�� / '/ 10 7 Crescent! Creamery Co., park-Palk-Raint. — 110,.27 6 Daily Fraser Hardware Co., C H. & C. H. -l[., 7 Adem Decker Rardware Ce., 30.91 Fi, ra-C . & B . 0 S�, a* _X & R��- 2 3 09 8 Louis F� Dow Co., - r 96.30 =' pub. Bldg. Insp. mak_ J 1. Iginicipal Garage ' 6 •2 C. H. & C.A.- 9 Drake 16�rble & Tile Co., 3.}5 C.. P. u. wn. Test. Lab.f. 10 Electric Blue Print Co., 28.60 pub. B1 dg. -A. & .&��Aqd*o 11 Electric Construction Co., 7.36 4 C. H. & C.H. x 12 Electric Yufg. Co., •35 K Lighting -faint. ; 13 Elk Laundry Co.. 1.55 IC. H. & ;.N -Paint. 84 14 Eesanell Electric Co., Fire -K. & R. �. 15 S. A. Farnsworth, C. B,. R. B. _ 127.40 C. P. w.4workhouse Paint,2 0 School -M. & R. 12 '4 / I _ .Y 6816 Fares -11, Ozmun, Birk & Co., _ Pire-C. & B. Municipal Garage -N . A'S (6� School' ]*. & R. , 5,30414,? Gaultier 8ohoo 1 (McClellan S of Park w . Park nt. 2 .72 17 B. -S-. Perry Fire M. & R. - Printed Po e ke '-�� 4 2: . 18 Yield,_Schlick & Co., C. H. & C.H aiaint. 19 Fleischman Yeast Co., C. P. W.-►orkhouse-Laint. 20 Ford Motor Co., Gen. Fund Municipal Garage M. & S. 21 H. B. Puller, School.m. & R. 22 Golden Rule, Health -Public Ba R. '�% , 0 Health-Comtort n , ' 6 02 Pi&ygrounde- in 22. 23 Gopher Lime & Cement Co., School -M. & R. 24 M. A. Gose, Comer. Randolph Heights,00 25 Peeing Depr.2 3` 25 Griggei Cooper & Jpo., Gen. Fund -Municipal Garage M. a: S. 26 R. L. Gould & Co., Workhouse Maint. 27 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, Ames School 28 Herbst & Lindley C. P. W.MorkhouseMaint. 29 A. P. Herschler park-ParkMaint. 3.0- Highland Spring Co. school- chool M. & Library- Library -Ge . S,* V t0 31 Hobby Shop ;dbrary-Gehl.-- " -Newk -�` 3• 1 . 32 Frank 0. Huebener C. H. & C. H. Maint. 33 J. -'-W. Hulme Co., C. H. &' C.9-gaint. 41.479.E i 10.0 22.2 55«0� 1440 5.76 37.50 115.12 8.05 16:50 18.6 Oil 5.41 i #5 e i 6834 Independent pil Co., #46.17 sewer Const. & Rey'. Street Cing. H school-li. & 15• Park -Park] 35 Indpendent Packing & Proveion Co., X3.10 Park -Park Maint:- 36 Illinois Steel Warehouse Co., 9.94 Gen. Fund-Funieipal Garage M. & S. j 37 P. W. Jackson & Co., 1.50 Gen. Fund -mise. Staty. & Suppl. X 38 A. C. Jefferson 423.42 Bridge Bldg . & -' _ 22 ,. 39 Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., 25.68 PlaygroundsMaint 18 Park -Perk -Pain 2 . 40 Kimball & Stprer Co., 117,50 Gen. Fend -Printed Forms & Blanks, 41 Laymen's missionary movement 1.00 Library -New Books 42 3. G. Leslie Co., 1.00 C. P. Works -Gen. Aft.-Maint. 43 Library Bureau 41.50 ' C. H. & C. H.Maint. 44 Library Bureau 126.23 Library-Genl. Suppl. 45 McClain & Redman 11.15 user or+s Office - .2 Pub Bldg .-A.i/"' 46 yeas, Keefe Co., 23,.49 Park-ParkMaint. ,47 mean Bros., 3.75 Water -M. & R. 48 Haendler Bros., 141.11 j Fire -C. & l.0 school . &�R. C� /� 49 Hagis Oil Co., 10.00 School -M. & R. 50 Hake Sure Polish Co., •40 C. R. & C. H.-Haint. 51 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 20.14 C. P. Works -Adm,-*. 19.2i Park Park-Maint. 20.14 i n J6 Ps er Co., ;112.50 6852 Ye1a4y p Health-Quarantine 2 Health- b. Co r tat 1 r 53 56.25 midway Lime & Cement Co., School Y. & R. , 16.00 54 Minneapolis Directory CO-9 `. Poli ce-i-M. & R. 6.00 55 E•. A. Yoeiler, Health-sealth-Y. & R. 19.00 nr _ 56 A. F. Porton, SuPt-. A0 -Sal. C, / _ M Main - �- .30 57 Motorcycle Acc6sGOTY CO-0 municipal Garags-H• & S• 135.38 58 National Lead Co., 8. Police-P. &zi- 1.00 Fire-C. & B Park-Park-59NationalUniversity Extension Aseln. . Library Books 27.17 6o H. G. Neal. .17 Police Y. 15.05 61 Nicole, Dean & Gregg �, $8 Piro-I. & R. Seaver Const. & R Pub. Bldg.-A. anicipal Gar no - S. 1 i 33.75 62 Northern Coal & Dock Co.; r 1 Street Const-'Rs .�•a% y,. sprinkling ,- ��r f ffff//j/ 6Q.29 63 Northleaad Pine Co., C. P. Forks-Gen. A Street Const. O. 7.90 64 N. W • Cadillac Bire -*. &oR. ' ant Co. 4G.�'2 65 B. W. Electric Egaipm • Police-K. & R. 0 € _ biiiU 9�taint. ! 2 Municipal Gar nS• f School-kT. & Auditorium a 40 _ 2.05 66 N. W. Stamp Works, police & Fire �• .2 Central H. 8. 1.75 67 R' N. w. Telephone CO., C. • & C. F. MELint. f. 6868 Noyes Bros. & cutler, 110.09 Health -quarantine Re 9 school -M. & Re 9 Ands School park -Park- nt. 69 oego-od & Blodgett Nafg. Co.* 30.00 School M. & R. 70 Paper Calmen"D CO-* 66.30 School WaterG �/ LZ two 7.1 Peoples Coal & Ice Co.* 14-07 C. H. & C. H.-Maint. .72 A. G. Perkins, 4.10 School -M. & He 73 Perkins -Tracy Printing CO-. 11.25 Health-Healtb--,I. & Re Gen. Fund -Printed 7 J -1K 'ank 3.3 .4 74 PittirbUrgh Plate Glass Co., 21.80 123.68- Police -C. & Be 3* Fire -C. & B. playgrounds - Ruwnicipal G ge- school 3 Ames 5 001 x 75 He 37. Po1Tc C06fof,ce_rxp. 7.00 15.10 .76 J. P. ptacek playgrounds- 7de- 0 0. H. _jYa 77 Goo. Rathgeb Co., 8.35 Park-Park-Maint. 78 Raymer Hardware Co., 97-76 Polica-C. & Be .41 Hire H. & R. -Fire-C. & Be 5110 Pol. & Fire Alarm -M. Health -Comfort 64V on 0 Bower Const. & *.N. 9. 2 n Bridge bldg. - Rsi)*-*. 3 Bawer Con ' & p A e' Bldg ' TROP P g U '_ .• e� IP. "rage In 0. P. U. T est LaboNt .24 I 6o Muni ci Garage S. K schoo & Re 10:3.4 G ier School 5. M R dolp1h Heights Soho a 8 003. s szhoo�l park -Park Maint isint. Paving Depr. 79 Red Wing Union stoneware Co,, 4.24 School M. & R 80 Reed Motor Supply Co., 19.70 Municipal Garage -It. & B. #8 6881 Reliance Iron Works, school -I. & R. 82 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 11.04 Gen. F. -Water S}t C. H. & c.s.;Irai .>'" _ -' 89:33 School -M. &yR. 1 .8 park -P -Na><3 0 Wat & S nklin d 3 83 Roe -James a gaoundela int. 84 F. d. Romer Const. Co. - 15 00 e. H. a t• Ames So 0 �-> " 90. o 85 St. Paul Blue Print Co., C. H. & C.H ]taint. 86 St. Paul Book & Stationery Cc , - Library-Genl. 89 ��' ~1 ! 5 Library Sew 2G0 87 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 77.-60 Fire.C. & B. 87b C. p. worksMorkhouaa— Sewer C. & R. - 1 44 C. P. Q.atun. t. Wit. 1.; Sohool-�ll. . 6 Randolph eights 001 88 St. Paul Electric Co.*74 Fire MR . & . . pub. Bldg. -In . fir, } 97 C. P. II. -Ilan Te b 0 Gen. Fend. is Co Kunio ip Gar & 2 89 St. Paul Electra Plating Works, Fire M. & R. 90 St. Paul Gas Light Co. 5 C. H. & C.H Park -Par 91 St. Paul Glase CO., School -if. & R 92 St. Paul Rubber Co., - Street Const. & Rep. -N. 93 St. Paul Structural &B. ct aSteel Co., Fire 94 St. PaulTennt & Axnningg Co.a C & 95 at. Paul White Lead & Oil Co.,-- 3 58 School+It. & !, Ames Sch Pax'k-P nt. 44 76.29 566.26 90.00 1.85. 200.04 295.64 2.65 562,60 2.75 9.00 282.00 22.47 52.96 _ .a.-,fie,cv+.hYt:y-•as?.;z ^a.'r'a" T'kJ ".w"rr. 9 ' 6896 Theo. 1t. Schulte + , 30 70 Library New Booker, 97 Sahulta Lumber Co., 1$.0.3 C. H. & C. R. Haint. 98 Schuneman 8c Evans, — 2.40,-,27.69 4 Health-Comfort Stati II. P. W. -Workhouse 4. 0 Playgrounds -main �'$•7 Municipal Gar -M dc3. 2•• Library -Gen 2 Library N Hoo .� park -Pax ]Lain 2 99 J. L. Shiely Co., 133• :� police -C.. & B / 5 Fir a,C. & B 2 •75 f playground -Ma t. •9 C H.& C Y n° 13' h: 6900 Shotweil Hobart-Johneon•12.46 Police-][ . R. % ���' •5 Piz % x12. 1 superior Printing Co., 3.50 School -M. & R. 2 Survey Committee of Cleveland Foundation 7.00 Teachers Trng. Lib. 3 Teachers College .30 Library -Gaal. Supp1. ' G 4 Toronto Book Co.. 11.76 Library New Books 5 Tri-State Telephone Co.., 109.50 �j #0_0 Sewer Const.Schoo3M.Water a�..8c R.O 2.40 a 6 Twin City Iron &Wire Works, >. Gaultier School - 7, g 7 Twin City varnish Co., 86.11 — Po]ice-C- &/$� /j 565 f Bohool Amen B of 1 0 8 valley Iran Works, 24.00 a" Fire -M. & R. r . 60 9 villaume Bos & Lumber Co., . C. H. & C.H-]taint. 10 virtue Printing Co., .75 *` school I. & R •` 11 Waldref Motor Co.. •. 2.60 pi re -Y. & R. 12 Mrs. F. S. Wardell 5.15. Library -New Books e: • <' � 'BYO ` 6913 Washington pound;y Coe, 57.40 Bearer donate &•R '',4p park•Park�a� 14 He Be Wedelstaedt 5.55 / Library-Gehl. SuPPl. 8.17 - 15: Western Electric Coe l 43 Polio Polios a° 16 Western SnPPly°Coe, 277e54 Polies-Const.,& e 1 -- Sever C. & R: f r 60 � ' Schools ?' .ZO Gault{ 80. is col 4 Ran £- Sch �7 .62 17 weaatern Union Te1e9. CO-* Light ing mmi at. _ 2.50 18 IYillwaraohied C� He &RCiH-gaint. 36.25 >n 19 Henry N. Librer ary-New Books j. . fe --� - �y Droa. ' aniI & Store, 'uaymen'. Masi ...ry . 00. F.0. Leslie Co., 11.00. Llhrn ry Bureau, Library Bureau. 3148.43. 6 - .: McClain & Hedman, 311.15. Mea.. Keefe Co.. 23.49. Mane Bros., 413. $i Magic Oi R$ 3141:11. Make Sure CO.. n.. Polish C. 1 Make Sure Poll& Co.; 40 Co.. $: Manhn[tan Oil & Linseed Co., is -` 5telady Paper Co„ 4114.60. 3Tidway Lime &Cement Co., $56 $lnneapolle Directory Co., `316.0, - E. A. Moeller. $6.00. '. A. F. Marton, tiuyt. 319.60. - �. ]TetprayCle ad CO., $1 Cen� ,. NgGonal Lead Co., 3116.36. NalOral Cnlversliy Extension Ai 31.00. H. O. N.J. $27.17. N1Cal., Dean IIIGregg. 116.06. Northern Cos& Dock Co., 333.' Northland Plne Co., S60.E8. - N. te. C.diilae Co., 37.90. - - . N. W. Electtk Eoulpn91't Co., 34 N• tt'. Stamp b. Work&, iE.0 N. W. Telephone Co.. 315. Nnyes Bros. & Cutl@r, 4110.09, 1 O.gned &Blodgett Mnfg Co., 33. It Pspor C.1 .n..n Co. $46 30. People. Coal & Ice Co $14.07. A.G.Perkin., i Perkln !r acy Printing Co., 111.2! Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 41323,6 R. L Polk Co.. 37.00. - } Y. F. Ptacek, 416,10, Gm Rathgeb Co., 38.36. 5 Ra]°mapp- Hardware Ca, 397.78. Rod Wtug Union Stoneware Co,. $ ,t, 319.70. Reed Me Ir supply Reliance Tran &'Sa,,d, :18. - ' Robineod. Cary &Sande, It Glass Ca.. SE:60. - 1 F. J. Romer Const, Co., 380.00. -- - SL Paul Bill* Print Co., $1.86. St Paul Book & Stationary C $200.04. - r St. Paul Builders Materle I k .320$.84. BCPaul Electric Co., $64.48. 8t P..1 Electro Pisting 1Ve SLPaul Gas Light Co., 36• 5' - St Paul Glass Co., $2.76. S. $1. Paul Rubber &!1.71,00, Strur .el uaP"a ,.1 T � S tx , 4fT 'IF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT K a COUNCIL 1 i^;�6. L1C�4 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE __N AUDITEDfi s By �.. i ' 1 AUDITF__ - ( PER y 181 � 26o Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter sI, fief funds in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts t opposite their respective names as specified i! }n the followWl detailed statement: SSP 1 �9�6 Yeas ( i ) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council Farnsworth Goss Approved Hyland _In favorG( Keller dtiauds MAY iKe6e1F. _Against _ Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin, 6938 R. C. Baumgardner 142.6,3 ' Grad. Palace, Griggs to Synd. - 39 Beecher Improvement Co.. 25.00 L-427 , 40 J. W. Callahan & Sons, 15'00 L 336 623.00 41 J. J. Connolly, r� L- 534 3'°8` _1.2000 372_ v 2 42 Peter Dickson, 15.00 1-430 43 Doherty & Sons. 20.00 L-.304. � loor, 352 iM&O 2T. -O-0 44 Field-44bb232 Fielding ShOPIVY .50 50,548..54 f12.0 �0 i 462 543- 3 �3z0. 0 ' 40 9500 ®h 0. 54JV. 45 Illinois Steel Bridge Co.-. 2,324.75 L-473 - a #2 _ r a .. 6946 ar i st John son L- 518 X1.2$3.24 ; _ ,- f 81 .24 ' 47 M. S. Morgans L-627 1,27510 a 48 John H. McClure Co., 15,725.00 TM L-554 49 C. A. Nelson, -1,722.00 50 Rasmussen & Simard 25.00 L-519 ; 51 Blame -Carey CoS 15.045.00 1 1 5 0 52 R. T. Webster, L-579 2,652.06 - 2 53 De-Gratt a Wolff ?.375.00 L- 546 54 American National Bank Assignee Rasmussen & Simard 24430.00- L 440 55 Capital National Bank Assignee R. C. Baumgardner 340.00 L-479 56 Capitl Natl. Bank, Assignee DeGraff & Wolff 850.00 L-546 <` 57 Capital Natl. Bank, Assignee Fielding & Shq. ey 48,195.00 L-540 11 0 .00 �.. 542 0 o 4 s19 58 Daytonts Bluff State Bank, Assignee J. W. Callahan ,& Sone L- Grading Farrington, 600.00 59 Dayron'e.Bluff gate Bank, Assignee r4u H. J. Pothen 765.00 L-431 60 Pirst State Bank of New Brighton, Assignee Garrick Bros., 739.00 L4V 41 Merchants National Bank. Assignee - Doherty & Sone, 680 00 L508 62 Merriam Park State Bank Assignee W. H. Malone Co»r 76.o0 L472Y #3 696-3 Peoples State BanY, Assignee Robin I. Berry i 64 Peoples State Bank, Assignee John H. McClure Co., - %L5 $ 841 80 �.4 65 Ram SOY County -State Bank& Assignee H. J. Pothen L- 418 - � %*-- 5 Oo _ 1<'/ o 66 RemseY County State Banks Assignee 2,7 Oo Union Machine Co., Lr 419 40?:0o -� 2,Wq#o 67 St. Paul State Bank, Assignee B. G. Carlson & Ser Co. A 1 68 Scand. American Natl. Bank of Mple.a Assignee Muir Engineering e(�o.0 L 449 At Scand. American Bank Assignee of the following 69 Peter Dickson, L-580 2 .50 50 1 .o 616 3 70 P -J. Gleason 71 P. J. Pothen 72 Chrt6t. Johnson, L605 L-475 / 17-0.0 04,00 6o5 4 ley /5o,a. Gr ,mot ,4 Ad „7 . o 324 1.5 .85 o.00 966 4 9 X5.0 46 1; 63 :9a 289 , 0 20 s $1,882,; i f 7.480.00 �.755•do ' 2.195001 1,:343«0-41 #4 _ 4 473A250.00 392 - 35 �.. 270 j'• 0, § 5 9 / 1442.00 a2a8 .r 347 6973 Keough Bros., 5,208.190 536 .o 572 - 75 0 490 ie5 5.000 45x85 0 7 00 74 Gust Nelson, 2.099.68 5633'%4.00 630 �p 5 w 00 ! .60 �t 7g OiNeil do Preston, 33,694.00 ! `, 450 2, 2.00 70.0 57 4 556 . PiO_ _ 2�r210 . 0 2 ✓' "{ 453 •? 0 4: 571 10: 4 60. o.-., ! �. Q0 ;µ 57b 76 U. J. Pothen 451 974.50; ?7 .Ste Pnui Cement Works, 27�3'►'4.59 334 7,�7 � 33a sf 19'7 t _ 6 2795 9 850.00 s- 78 380 On Const. ca., j � s to Clonal Bank, Ad - t.hertiy & Soo 1680.00. t Merram Park State Bank, Axe , '/. 1f. Malone cog 11.77 ' Peoples State ank6.00. . 6.00- ee R- 1 . BerrY. S1.SSY:76- LaY ' PaoPlee Stara Bank. AsslFnee J – — EL McClure Co.. 117AS9.00. amsey County State Bapk. Aar R nee H T Pothen, 11:766.00. .a ReeY County State Rank. Assls 9' .".h UnionamMachine Co.. S&186.00. St Paul State Bank. AsslFnee &.' - Carlson -& Co.. 81.348.00. _ Senut. American vatl. Bank of Sip A.siFneo 3lulr runglncer�nF Co.. $159. .t $caod. American Bn(dt, Assli;nee the following: .00. 0.Pat., Dicko, 51.964. 0Gl, $19 P. TJ. Pothen. 13,79,60. Cb ., Tohneon. L -09.00.b8. Oust Nelson, $5.099.65. .O'Neil & Preston, $83,894.00. - $,T. Pothen. $974,60. St. Paul CeMent Works $27.344.50, i�'ayen Co sl Co i860A0 ,AdOpEeA by Cpe Cou006 Sept. 14, 19'... ,! E i } A}ipro0ed SOPtr 1{ 1918 -- - CITY O S2 u UL COUNCILRESOLUTIO GENERAL F ORM - FILE No_ .. .. .. (. Date Presented Sept. lith 1916 RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Resolved, TO BE TAKEN IN OONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Arona Avenue, from Lake Como & Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Simpson Avenue, from Lake Como & Phalen Avenue �o Nebraska Avenue and Pascal Avenue, from Lake Como & Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, under Preiiminary Order $10134, approved April 25tt, 1916, and Intermediary Order #12110, approved August 9th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and detetwines the amount of land to be taken dor the i above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Arona, Simpson, and Pascal Avenues, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attact,ed to the report of the Commissioner of. Public Works in the matter, dated September 14th, 1916, which sketot and report are hereoy referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. ,' 1916. ). Publl. :.hovel ove .... Mres report bars matter, be It seed. (l) That the he I t and be taken for the . Improvement be taken for ,tee Improvement le lis In and for cute and flue on and p d abutting Av upon Arona, Simen, the 'ascai Avenues, between, the 1 Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays _ In the matter, dated September 14th. 1916, which sketch and report are here- 1 A 16 by referred to and made -a part hereof. Council SEP 14 1 J I 191 Farnsworth (9) That an easent Is taken in Goss In favor said lalepnd to the extent necessary for elopes. for cute and fills In the xrading of said streets the. established «rade. HylandCouncil AporoYed. th 11 1916: Against Split 14 1916.? Keller G . (8ept..9E-1916) Wunderlich Mr. President. ILUIP Ae Unq MAYOR FORM C. 9.3 , z� ROBERT T GOURLEY. 01-1 Ce.x Hx�anrx OSCARCLAUSSEN, I—, Exan�.x J. E. CARROLL, S_ Coxnxxcirox & Rl— ALFRED JACKSON. S_ Sxxrt. _ G. H. HERROLD' 0-1 Enme.e+ H W GOETPNGE R, Sx•. Wnn... .•.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUOLIC WORKS ....... M. N- GOSS.. COMMISSIONER _ _ _ ...... PFPOFT TO THE C^" -CIL- In ti,e matter of condemning and taking ar. easement ir. ti,e land necea- wary fol slopes for cute ai..i fila ir. -ra.iinr, Arona avonue,from Lake Como Pr.aler. avern.e to "ebraska avenue, and Pimpeon avenue,from lake Como r. FLialen avenue to "ebraska avenge, and FiLacal avenue,from Lake Cono Fi.a- len to :ebraska avenue,under Preliminary Order $10132, apl.roved April 25 iS16, and Intermediary Order#12110, approved August 9th,1916. To the ouncil of t:.e City of Tawe Commiaeioner of Public Works hereby aubmits and makes a I-ait.of this hlis report, a Ilan of the above improvement, showing by tl.e shaded portion Of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be rade on private property,and t..e extent of ti -e easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of s:.ch plan. "ADW-!� iorer of r c ;works' ated_ v ciTY ortr ,. DEPARTM� 7✓IGE REPORT OF COMMI:MIONER OF FINANCE 7 _.__..._ ON-PR€{dMJKfAR qRD€R , 1 ... (A)/� / (/ In the Matter of t' -HC i�ac aft_ �o fte�-mac .......... ---------- - _ .._.. . .........- underPreliminary Papproved ._ . ry Order a pproved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 4 x The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - --- ------ ----' ----`-'-_-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, 'and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION[-} LOT BLOCK ADDITION��/��/ VALUATION '�/ef "' •�"/ I � /"w '"'\�Q.ii*Q �1�20 i�'-„'\ .. 7a5 00_.._.. 2 D 1 �9 a1 s 0 TOTAL, MR-S.• s-s • M ... ---- — --- - -- —- - CITY OAST.T--PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISpIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION EVALUATION , • J 7 1 ;Q; 2 so �o a s -o N 7 ,Oo �' cro .30 3 7 2 d`d -7 Z � N p e2 Sd a`a b, �p .1s-0 by 4 ro y TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL kEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSEISftD ' VALUATION �2ddkcnJ'o AN ,W i ` (b -Z J D o O y ( t9a e3 O o D {Q, —loo 3 00 Zoo. . a L 00 30° cw 3 ° o i sv 3 m l d rL o L TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF ,COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fit' DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK ADDITION ' ASSESSED l J` �tTuv;Q,e1v,� iitWv U��� VALUATION J' a o T 07cc AO y 4G 21 y 4 �S`p The. Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.41- / Dated 191 -x c ✓ lil/!r GGA L�. ! Commissioner of Finance. Office c e Of ffi --e Conutiss' of Public W, a tie roner L Report to Commissionbr of Finance To the Conunisaianer of Finance of the City of St.Paul: The Conunissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. -A, known as Council File No.10133 I April 25th 1916— rL.Intive to. approvet. Condemnin n th4' land neesaY fo g g44 1!4!P-9 PA 6.Ase.ment i .......... aer ....... ... - .... . . . .............. . r ..... . ........... . .. .Qp A,— fqX...9 pn4fA,Ilq 1P_ gg g AronIa Ave,, _from e.. . . C. ..o...m...o.. & Phalen Ave. to Nebraska Ave.; simpson Ave. from Lake Como & ... ....... ... .. . ....... --l''...' I-- . ...... . ...... -- .... ...... - ...... ........... ... ...... - . ....... . -.- -1--I.-I ........... -1- 1. Rgien Ave.o #e rasta Ave. and Pasoal Ave. from Lake Como en ive: o etras Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said finpi(ovouient i8 ..,necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_...___XXE74 xxxx and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. . . . ........ . .. .... ............ 5. Said improvement is- nRt. ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .. ....... . . ... nunissioner of Public rks. r ate'- .;J - or Council File No. ".. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and V W yl PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the lo�v/iu� public improvemeAt by the City; I St. Paul, viz.: Qe r . ... .. �..... ,..i...a�... L. (. ....,w..r.w......4: �. .u.......,. ;,�t3=�....:d ..-L u.u�u:LL:.._ .. ...-..__.�.i •... .. ..... .. .......r....—_. .. .... .......... ... ... . r....... -.... ... ... Muted thi. ice...•: _ ofyr? 191 �3 ' .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the tr::king of the following improvement, viz.: .. .,_s,r._.. �..,.:.�:... 1....:. ,,.,.v:.:z.i..:.....,,.�.. .._.....`..:;._...._� _ecu_..__ -..tee •:;esti .......... ............ _— ......... . . ......... - ---- _ ' t __. _ l f having been presented to the Council of the City of S','T,. X14y Councilman /' { therefore, be it a Commir . —d he le Dr RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of F rgsie the n.,'be',and he is hereby ordered and directed or the m.' 1. To investigate the necessity for or dr. t the making of said improvement. eetl[.ta the, 2. To investigate the nature, extent an " ` ii Wd cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of 1sa9d't. iptt ,moment. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: I _ r 5. To slat• tthclher or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. li. To report upou,all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council Yeas: Nays: a Counc' mmn F1 sworth d s Approved_...,.. 191 I and er R derlich Mayor Ir i 11ny .r. �Wsr� petition Council File No. ....... 'PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELI''MINARY ORI:l1%I2: � • Theitundersigned hereby proposes the making pf'the follow. public improvementjby the City o[ f 1 `: St. Paul, viz.: ,ir&. _tic i__ �1U4 - . iio..co:: Je a 4. ' _.... L �.-.1.h ... y.x�.t, .�. iit�i..k L,N i...Sj �w �... ... . .1.... ... .. ..... ..... _. '.�.......... .. ._,...._.f.. _... Dated lhi.. 15 y" clay of ��F C:..t, i91 C { ,} Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIJEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1vIl ... I .. ........ Ne. .. ereee,IE701— A w ltt $PyDc O! the foilo '- ... Ornde allel la 4 !fi ....... ..... / 'e'e J. h6 to, the Connell toes Councilman having been presented to the Council of the oherefore, ho tt ived. That therefore, be it Worka he theane b. RESOLVED, That tq. 'Ie Commissioner l ro anveatigat; Pn. Q $nd he is hereby ordered and dir, ted erabuuy of makl. ' "ent. 1. To investigate the necessity for or"Fumn vesugate the Taking of said improvement. Met" the total Dost"u°,f said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent an, furhleh n Dlar p 3. To furnish a plan, profile or,sketch 11, aa:dit1�Drt"hge"-'qeq'. d. To furnish the following other data and"I tformavion relative to said improvement; 5. To slate whether or act said improvement is asked fox on the petition of theoe or more owners. G. To repot upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Lam'/ Adopted by the council Yeas: / Nays: Counr•ilnuun Fnr worth Go' Approved .....%IJ.... 191 Ked Kc Wit rlich v /� Mayor Irvit PUBLISHED \lacer. voar+c ee /6 Council File No, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and s PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby It oposes the making of the fo1lo,vi public improvement by the ei of St. Paul, viz.: „�::,.c _.. a._' ._ . Lc r aT ._r3.../.alaa, ua!a .�n:n.�....i.QkA.f.. ..71 ......... ... .... .....—.-. i I Dated this liit4 day of dap.- a-1, 1 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz..: ,pie'. fradinb/!/ --« (�._--1� having been presented to the Council of thf, wi omhe ndditla,;ouacilman tied to the. Counr therefore, be it ,f pool therefore, he 1. ,..Wad. That the Comtnl•• 'la Work% he and he 1• he,, RESOLVED, That the Commissione 7Tanddirected: the n•ce•' he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate' necessity Cor ego iemeilliLi, of the mak`lnr ing of said improvement To Inva•llgate the'nr 2. To investigate the nature, extent .:n tee toaeasi aol,-4 said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or oke! •e of --ld timpr� .xment. To furnlih 4. To furnish the following other dat: 1, Inform, ration relative to said improvement; 5. 'ro state• whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _ `.. 196 Yeas: Nuys: Councilman Far worth ('a Approved :..:. fly Ke d , �e CrI Wu lerlich_.... Y__ ............................... PUBLISHED Mayor ]rvi �llynr. . 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Subjecr. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ION GENERALRAL FORM }"'• - , ' a, . - COUNCIL 'ILE N o . Date Presented ^epi, lb 191 e Resolved,:;.0 ,^.onmieaior,er of r i>li ;tior:a oe ar.� is uereoy autr:crized af,d direotei to :;arse :r.ielle avcr,ur. _cra;;,.el avenue era A13ine atre,-t, to Le sprinkle,: •r,•itr, oil at:rin6 ttie aeasor, of i 16. Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Fa worth 'Co DHy d Kel 'amu lich Mr. President, vin rOI1M C. a -a U. to No. 12796—By St. qN, Gale-- Public Rork. be and 1p hernppbylauthor. laed and directed to enuse shields nve- nue• between Herschel avenue ds AI- dipe street. to- be eprinkled with on during the eeaeon or (816. Adopted by the Counell Sept. 15, 1916. ADprgved Sept. 19, 1916. (Sept. 22-1916) rh In favor Adopted by the Counci• `! ' 191 Against Approved 7 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENEtRAL FORM Subject: —o FILE N O. ll� Date Presented 3ept 191 Resolved, -,:u rE,-"- Of L.110, i., iIoc Wcod, tic S: 'M4 " D, "�;e 1't. - ii .0 0. , .,L; 41(", " �— o-, cr 0 is ;ierc:., -21 uG. C.'.F. NO. 12707—By 161. N. o Ramolved. That the grade of th alley In Maple .Block 5 K1.1r. mag Wald, ae shown by the grade "' an the I 'ad g" recom- mended profile, and A: a. - =041=y .9 by the C...I.W.— of Rubil. War,,., be and the same 1e hereby adopted ae the the Council grade. ,t Aden ad by Council Sept. 16, Isis. Approved Sept. 16. 1916. (Sept, 23-1916). Yeas (V) Court an ( i) Nays Court Farn orth Goss In favor Hyla Kelle Against Won lith W 1i Mr. President, in lent, i FORM C.8-24 -0�41 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION : COUNCIL FILE NO.1 u'^ _ By AUDITESER 1 " �" rV 191 y 262 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury., payable out of the hereinafter specified fun their respective names as specified in the fol in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite detailed statement: Adopted by the Council — 19 Yeas (:) Councilmen ( J) Nays -Fern orth Coss Approvf�-� -� aia I9 -hyla d In favor well C C//%) MATOa --Against ' Wun lick Mr. President, in 6981 American Engineers Supply Co., 17.60 School -II. & R, 1��90 d Libr en ! 82 The Banks Law Publishing Co., 8.00 Library -New Books 83 Edward Baker Book Shop 3.55 Library -New Books 84 Boston Book Co., 197.00 Library &eneral Suppl. 85 Boston Photo News Co., 3.75 Library-Genl., Suppl._ 86 Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 7.40 Library -Gent. Suppl. p 87 John Cadby 8.00 Library -New Bo Oke _ 88 .Chicago, Bock Inland & Pacific Ry• 13.02 Library-Genl. Sup :1. 89 John Clark Co., 2.16 Library -New Books - 90 Oliver Ditson Co., 3.00 Library -New Books 91 Galloway & Porter, 8'85 Library -New Books 92 Haskins Bros., 3.75 Library -Genf , Suppl. 10.6 93 J. T. Kenny & Co., Library-Genl. Suppl. - t #2 , 6994 McClain & Redman, 60.03 - �,» r - C. P. Worke-Gen. Adm. -lam .4 r Comptroller F,zP•/' 2. Gen Fund-Pu�r yf 8t• Library -Ger} Supp] A .0 t23.00 95 Mltsch&Heck Sever Const. & Rep. -M. 96 National Civic Bederation 1.00 � Library New Books 4 22.23 97 gaymer Hardware Co.* pater M. W Be 1.25 98 Schuneman & 8vanat Library-Geml. Supple _ 94.80 99 ,Sherwood Company$ Library New Books 2.00 7000 H. W. Slack. Library -New Books . 1 Be F. Stevens & Brown* 7..10 Library -New Books 2 St. Paul Book & Stationery Coe, 5 820.64 Library-Genl. S_ 1 Library Hew ok 2 /���L' _ 2.91 3 Troch Preset Library Henl..SUppl. 4 Furman Tuttle, 33.00 Librar-Genl. Snppl. 4+eierb l i 4.o4 a yea d 11,1,nae 1 aw Re-mwarrant, be arh the City Treasury. payable u [ of 1h. h --inane, aDecifled fund. and avor t the persona, in ffirm.- or c or - nor for the amount.set-0p--tte in their apective eDecified the roiiDF.- aefrinea statement: .tme"Co. Engineers Supply Co.. it i_60. Ttu Banka Law Fubliehlnq Co.. fa.00. Edward Baker Book Shop. 73.66. Ao-ton Bnok Co.. $197.00. Boston Photo Newa Co.. 63.75. Bayd Tran.ter & Storage Co.. 67.40. John Why. 66.00. Chicago. Rock 'Word & Pacific Ry.. 313.02. Soon- & Evaae, 61."6. t gherwood Company, 694.60. 8. W. Slack. 63.00. B. F. steveha & Brown. 67.10. Rt Paul Book & Stationery Co.. tt14 303.00. the Council Sept. 15. 1916. 6DL 15. 1916, Sept. 33-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL ! " Council Resolution ---General Form > • I Department of--- -- —---------- — - -- Bureau of —---_ - _-- —- ------ Council File No. Date Presented_ _ 191 BY — — — --- -- — - RESOLVED That the St. Paul (;m Light Comoaey 1, hereby ordered and dirmed to ea d iu electrical live. by ercclioa M.I,a nod .trioaine wirca Ihere.. for the f Ir•v.mlmle. of eleebicty an end in the following %)ley. and .v.ets of mid city City Armes. 1 One polo on tht west side of -n.rl Street at the alley 1,etwAen Cook ti`.•eet and iowsvn Street. v Four poles on Teams ^trFrt )-t:feen Peutun „treat -end Stat,olreA+. pJl>s in f._.e� ':etwee:. frcr. .. _.lig. 1v•�.... � Sinn )son 3treat. .light pules un Brnnd ?rr-t�t frur: _uck S'roet t� Dugan S'.reet. Tw., piles in the alley cetweeii Ross ',trPe't a..d Fr,_nui =_ .Street from 2rank ::trpe- to �_rl .�trPet. I :a:; pu1Ns on Ga.:itier JtrP. •_ =r;ur Sycamore ,;trent .0 tte =.Lrj- nurth of iycamor- With necessary All of mea • th odatat potm •ed wim dull W ud .ea trvcted uvder the dlmetlav and'.oper�bkot of 'Comm ever o 1111-iti87SiTI'IL urs. .-. t ,en m Nv pro.Llov. of Otdiuvp No. Kl1. avd of Vl elan lawful tad and moludew of the city of A. 1+•d. All vola ehovld be eet ht coca Ixatiov le mid ellen and .treeb avtM Gmmfmiover of 17ub1k Udlltk. eh•il decimate. •ad .hall be of .och he4he and th•mmec •. i�liviernl wemaulara nd whm ti hall vllatdar�ln .halt be taken down sod rcmmed. avd.ne6 wkm vlaad uvdmnvuvd, wheverer the C'ouod hall deem that the Adopted by the Council ._-._:�__/_r,�� Yeas ( ) Cou en / ( ) Nays FA WORTH GO' WLT1, RUCH HY D Approv d '' —191 KEL • '-�---- — — --� — Mr. President, IRVI / Mayor P1JBI.ISHED 9- / 4 ri•01. ....iris• • i�wij 1 Lid •. Department of --- --- -- ---- - - - Bureau of --- --- -- ----- - --+-- Council File No. _ Date Presented-__- ___-___ -191 i BY— - --- --- — ---- -- --- RESOLVED, That the St, pwl l: LI•ht ComWv> i. here L> ordered aed directed tv eetevd 11• ekctriral lives b>.—I.. W.-datrinent¢ wire thereov for the Invrmlceiov of el "ict> oe avd iv the f.11 1.. alley and etrau el rald c117 : {; City Aros. Six palms in the ali. b-tween S rgnnt Street -i.,d usceclo. Avenue rur. ii> ling ..ventre to Albert Str,, .:. :fight polus in the "ILAy between BonsunAvernae and Plat ent Avenue 'ry sr,cr s.ne to DAAltun Avetria. Six poles in the ellPy batw-pn Rondo JtrPe` n.nd Avenua frwr yas.-U Ave. -.P `.0 _sbaT�- Avenue. Zix gol,s in the zlle,, betwee.. _ru., e 3tre,r`•. :d :Awth_r^. 3'reet Dykr qv arae razal nv ^,'t•'. n� pe_1 3o:,do �tr1•• ttti L s -t:7'- the3r�I Ple.cP. five pu1Ns in v, ,l, Ay bets-e"n Sime I�t.and Yjrk Ctrl- t fry, Fr,nk All of •uch etw•lo••. role• •¢d woes •hall be erected ava coeewcted o•d- the dire<aoo udyupaniskh ¢Nlbe'l:¢mmiu�..—er ��t+t'i17e vlltldn a¢a m .n ,ntve. .: , ,set tache prorkions of Ordivane No. Sr7e. wd of WI ether law/vl erdivmw avd rerol¢tloe of tha All pots •n I. beet i¢ "Ch Ieotiee to eld allq• ••d strep u tlu Commtelo•<r of P¢btk Ut111tie sluts daya•a. avd stall M of each has■bt •vd character as all dal[oate•ed appre•a, ••d •e> and •11 •ve6 role .n•11 be ukeo down wd amered. •vd ec6 whe• N•ad u•dernov w•va the t'o¢ocil •hall dam that the �,';: ietetvt •o ewvire. and whe¢ It •nail w order. 1 / Adopted by the Council — �_ --- 191 Yeas ( ) IIRVI ( ) Nays ORTH UCH 1!'' 191 Approv d t �j— Mr. President, U / Mayor - v rMLISHP;D / - 'a G, Department of- — -- — -- - Bureau of Council File No. _ _—_____ Date Presented BY-- -- ---- ---- RESOLVED, That the tit. P%I Gu Liaht Comp.r le henbr adned and dbected m dnnd Ik el—hal linea by .—I.e pold and •bkeina el— thereon for rhe tnvmlalao of efeepkt, on and 1. Ns tollowioe alts* end — of aid sift: City Arcs - —nn poles on gisher Street fro:.^. the cl'-e souse: COUNCIL FILE ND: s V'FINAL ORDER. 'IrrtheMatterof �radin�tRe11er street from Phalen avenue to Hazelpo� partial_ Grade. _.approved._..APril. lief---- ief under Preliminary order 97—_-- --__ approved__._,.._...._ Intermediary Order ------- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard an persons, obiections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ��n. avenue ��{a.11sr_.e�r�e.S. from provement to be made by the said City ts-- �ursd __.___- is_.�.�.@�-87LHIl3is1►^���i�.§S1 �Zra41..�.r.----..—..__.—._—~--._____.— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be trade. RESOLVED FURTHER, Th*tthe Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improyement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city of&cera are hereby authorized and directed to proceed " with the making of said improvement in acc rdance therewith. Adopted by the_CouncilL� �— 191 �`— __ -2-1-'t_J3L6--- Approved_____- '—"• Councilman Farnsworth / Goss Keller or € tent k/ jShawl- mai wawoo �A siq� Mayor k?sdwe a. Form a S. A 8-.7 yre7reme.0 ,nV-„Couaon La = ono oh7@etloui Mid w reffittve t6eretck ly Cengltlered the same;.' tt - CI1PJFI � DEPRRT� F FINANCE REPORT OF COMM I5y-10NER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) �)1h In e M tter of ---y �'w`"1- 1=Y .el �Y_ !!!/ "` 5�..'�: t.:.. �-.' :� .......... .- .......... - - - ---------t--- ---- .... ....... ..... _.................. __...-..---------------..................... ... ........ -------- - _............ ........ _ _ under Preliminary Order approved — . . J--. -...-� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: I. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 9546.. 73 - _ --_..-._-__-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - _ _ _ $ �.-14 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC1 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION r�6 .22 ,fi r J l -v y vsm- l v'b ,�' u 40 4t (, o TOTAL- CITY OP STS PAUL...._ e DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _. —' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ^ ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION n n • 17/,7 160 o o. Jp o n �1 ,o _,2; ,- o e)' D 1 ' ^ TOTAL, roar �.�.�. a•s • CITY Oi ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION SI - 3-17 v 3 4& ASSESSED VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - - - Commissioner of Fiaattee. I '.-Office of the Commissioner ,of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 10 191 6. Tu the Commissioner of Pivance of the City of St. I'aul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under considetstioo the prclimimn•y order or the Cotut- n eil, known as Council bile No. 97.71 approved April A,, 191 6, relative to ..partial grading of Keller_S.t....from Phalen Ave... t.o..Hazl.ewoo.d-A.e... mal having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hen•by reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. front foot 8. The Mintnted cost thereof is PDX , and the total cost thereof is *626..73 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said `improvement is hereto attached and umde a pant hereof. d. S. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owuet•s of properly, subject to assessment fqr said improvement. • Couuuisnioue r of Yublie m•ks. CITY OF. SAINT PAUL 2- - DEPARTMENT OF PUSLIC WORKS M- N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER \ 1 ROBERT T GOURLET Dever' Goa+nuo+e+ \ OSCAR CLAUSSEN. Ca -a. E.w+aaa J. E. CARROLL Sun Co+ *"T- 4 Rarrua o ALFRED JACKSON Surma SA.••To+ O N. NERROLD. 0'• Eaaa y ri GOETZ!NGE R. S... ...... - July 3rd, 1916. :or,. N. Goss, Cor,n.iesior.er of Public Vorks 3 u 1 1 d i .. Dear Sir: I trane:..it erewit'_; preliminary estimcte of cost for t: -.e -artial Zrading of Feller :'trast, frog. Phalan Avenue to L,azalwood Avenue, under ,ouncil File 'k9771, approved April let, 1916. A;proxims.te estimz.te r 626,14 73 Cost er front f:;ot . ft 47 Frontage 4347 ft -Xzass inspection29 "ota: Estiu.ata on -oasis of zra:ling 1 ft. gide in c,.t and 20 ft. .tide in fide .cit:: 11 to 1 slopes. 3rade'shown or. acco...;.anyin, irofile,dottad lire on profile re r�!ssntin:- ; ropoeed as aoiis:.ed gry---. icaF��tfully submitted, - :'nginear. r ro the Ron. Mayor and MembPrF of the ^,ofineil, ("ity of St. Paul: The undersigned owners of real property aR d9--c9rtbed below h9r9by petition Yo' r honorable body to take the nece9RarY +:tans to brim to a partial grn(ie Kcllr:r 8tr99t from Phalen nvenne to PTopp—ri`-Y Pioneer Real ?state aannd'3uil:iing tRty Sub. �--Lot 4, (Pnt �t ) ' ote 5 and 6, (' t�K9) - L J K i v r Lot i9 C�G/y Trot 40(tina ��r) L ---- Manton Park. 7 � r-� Lot A (0 -3t -1r) L4ayiield8 Su bdi v ision . -Lots 1,1,3,4,(HR6)Block 3» uLots 3,4,5,6, blo^,k Til (woeat?hci'I 0 MONEMED APR 3 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS - t 1 r ro the Ron. Mayor and MembPrF of the ^,ofineil, ("ity of St. Paul: The undersigned owners of real property aR d9--c9rtbed below h9r9by petition Yo' r honorable body to take the nece9RarY +:tans to brim to a partial grn(ie Kcllr:r 8tr99t from Phalen nvenne to PTopp—ri`-Y Pioneer Real ?state aannd'3uil:iing tRty Sub. �--Lot 4, (Pnt �t ) ' ote 5 and 6, (' t�K9) - L J K i v r Lot i9 C�G/y Trot 40(tina ��r) L ---- Manton Park. 7 � r-� Lot A (0 -3t -1r) L4ayiield8 Su bdi v ision . -Lots 1,1,3,4,(HR6)Block 3» uLots 3,4,5,6, blo^,k Til (woeat?hci'I 0 MONEMED APR 3 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS - COUNCIL; LE 1W7 .............. By_ FINAL ORDER. �! In the Matter of___Curbing. a> a, y� liiag..Iaaann stsae baSsann_.P.ayza.. under Preliminary order __10 .10 - 498 approveduna_ 13Zh.-191b....._—...._..._.....�—_ Intermediary Order --------------._---_.... ......... ----- approved-.._.,_. -- - - -- - - - --- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the snid City is C—b a A_Baut..v r ._JAY..4SLLLS}...$Alt._ 'j�arjpa.-�Swa! and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in7ordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-.._-_ y �✓� 191 /, r Ci Cler Approved__..._.__ Councilman Farnsworth a° Y th, 191. „ Goss+ove +earlag havin't been he Iteprovetaeut Upon due . o" the Councll having heard persogs. ooieotloOs Keller and reeommen- none relative thereto and having Cu11Y considered McGa11 be It the some; therefore, � Nash ./�_ / Resolved. By the Couaeli Of the City �enstendul that, the precis: nature. ez- kind of Improvement �� to be made by the said Clty lacurb and bou- Lawson Yoer " "µ`mc U, street between Payuo Councll hereb d$tlrton street, end, toe Mayor PowerL n'ent to be made.°roBra said Improve- Form B. S. A 8-7 _ lonez°of FUEIlt K'orkatbstoodh nereb I - Pere f and direcd to pre- D Declaoatlons for mDrovemer . sold and submit same to the Courtcvl for aDProval; tdat n aDDro W. the Dr0Der alt ea'1CeTa uId dernbY authorized and _ �.OT directed to Pro. teed wnh the makI or sate mens 't(✓ (/ • 4n prove - In or a iq therewith. 1 Adopted by tee Couttcll BeDt. is. 1818. Approved aeDt. 16, 1818 ,— �?aDL 7tII 181Bj CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM IIISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRI-IMIN ART ORDER In P I` n .I r under Preliminary Order approved -.c% . �_- x_41/G - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ _4.32.46 The estimated cost per -foot for the above improvement is - - - _ $ - .,;^, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED tVALUATION X 4,15 ✓ � r� Jo - Z yZ � f iN�1 00 ' )) r C�LCtiG 7"'n, i ,� ✓ lLdv ss'o :foo . y0o ronH e.a w as w TOTAL, CITY OF•ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 46A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE14MINARY ORDER o DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCn ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , v / 1P0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. J Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. FORM 0-A. Od C t ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T.-GOURLEY, Own C-1. OSCAR CLAUS;EN, C— E- J. E. CARROLL Sun. C...r.wn., A R.ru.. ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. S--, St. Paul, Minn. July 15;1916. G H. HERROLD, Orr K. E.a.M. H W. GOETTiNGER S.K. W01-0— Mr. 01-0 .lMr. M. H. abos, Commissioner of Public Works Building. , Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing and boulevarding Lawson St. from Payne Ave. to Edgerton St., in accordance with Counoil File #1094% approved June 13, 1916. Approximate estimate $432.46 Coat per front foot .87¢ Exoeee inspection necessary $8.48 Street width 55 f14 Roadway width, estimated 30 ft. NOME There boulevard is not'in, add 27� per running foot for frontage. Yours very truly, JEC/M. Chief Engineer 1 t� Te, thl! undssignnd ProPertY own►re at Lawson Street, petition Your honoL 1: body to grant the beulevarding and ourb1bg of Laws n treett-, betwe FaYne Ave., and Edgerton Street. MTO JUN 161916 819R9411 OF ENGINEERS. Office of die Commissioner of Public., Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 17, 191 6. To the CoMi nissioner of Finance of the (lily of St. Paul : The Conuaissioner of Public Works, having had widen rorsideration the prelills ivary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 10948._.. approved June 13, 1916.., relative to Curbing....and.boulevsrding...laws-on .St.._.from Payne Ave.... to. Edgerton-S.U. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. front foot for ourb and E7¢ for blvd. 2. The ditinurted cost thereof is $._.3.i¢_vex atilt] the total cost thereof is 432...4$ and the uatru•e and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaeied and made a Part hereof. d. .i. Said improvement is.... _. _..asked for upon petition of three an nwre owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Contissioner of Public Woks. f" I Council File No. �" C By C_. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Vtlr, ��� r)xforJ St. to Chat. - constructing sewers on the 11 owing streets: ° 1 -InFton Ale. to n (,.,nHamune n ., n.• n Ave nehahn St, from trrlggs rd St. "union St. from He. Avc. t, n rr Ave. both .Idea. Lexln t Ave.. ' \I l n nehahn St. toSit..t Ave. oxforJ Sl. from Stlneon Nt. " Ir `' A a Ave. from capitol A feel south of the t under Preliminary Order 4831____ _ , Intermediary Order l 7084 Final Order 75.52 ' aps(���,O�t�to.tl�{��� _._._._�.._...... I A public hearing havingbeen�ad upon �the sacCsCsRes�sm/eJnt for '1 t�h, e above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore i RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 1 i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby detArmined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 9 f 191 6• City erk. Approved j. e 191 / ) Mayor. \ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE,OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191 for the In the matter of the assessment of censYi is , eoets w.d expenses : mora sc to chats- sue-- ner••r Construction �Y ae+er+ �n 'he follottl.-.g streets:)wor. r ' i 03 under Preliminary Order 4� 1 , Intermediary Order 1064 - Fi !1 Order i5.;2 approve d October 19th 1915 /,....... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred reports to the Council the follovling as a statement of the expendi for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: $ 96,000.00 Cost of construction Coat of publishing notice - - - Cost of postal cards $ 38.22 Inspection fees - - - _ - - Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 191.10 Total expenditures - - - $ 98,238.50 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount its above ascel- twined, to -wit: the sum of $ 98.238 .50 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed• and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be//considered proper. /lt22e z 4�/�/!� Commissioner of Finance. pu An 11 11 ti . t'Cisl•h! lF'I E. s. Bri -'-s Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - - 44- _ and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thi• undersigned hereby proposes the making 1of lh % following public inprovement by the City of f ',l. P:ud, viz.: _.C:: .._-:: ,-'_LC ..r _�_.�_d .: ':_ ::� f�...: _. ..__... ,:.U_»v .1 .. ...�.rw�__�. _.... ,, ...µ ,,. Uf� / r j, J la...t:8....i_..,...11_._.:urxA....:. _.mss.. i l .' Dated this -'...,>t day of 191' •.a Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. t WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Q- E.l -VU. ... .. _.ID :.....L:..._l__, _r_.,.. V:L C1L._s_YG ... .. gin. 12714- — .. reae. A writlon propoae4 - �g of the follow lag 1,pr Reconstruct. relay and having been presented to the Council of r em.an 1 plme t file width o l Councilman therefore, he it ams or more Aye., b, ¢ 3L. thence t¢ Eaton A' r born presented to the ('u RESOLVED, That the Commissi t'ily of at. P.oI to the and he is hereby ordered and directed solved. That the C-1- 1. To investigate the necessity fi �Cea dock.dirbeand he 1. h taking of said improvement. To Investigate the nee, 2. To investigate the nature, ext le.lrablllty of the maker f said improvement, and the total cost thereof. meat. Tate 3. To furnish a plan, profile or at osumntedInvestl.;it o e ea "ent. and the total cost 0• •1. To furnish the following otherdro furnl.h a play relative to said improvement; t of said Improve o furnish the r ..^� Inr^.-p • " .. 5. To stale whether or not said improvement iv asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. to report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council p j 19161, Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworlh G Approved _._ •�_.1......'_.:'. 191 .. 11 nd I K r ii \V derlieh Mayor It Mayor. t, k- t's111 i. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM - Subject: N O.... « Date Presented Sept, 13th^6 191 Resolved) That the Council hereby concurs ir. the r ecorrunendation of r the Contract Coml.dttee and liereby rejects all bide're- ceived for the grading of Alley in Blocr: 1 Summit .View Addition, as all bide received were in excess of the irgineerts -Estimate, and the P—,Irchasine; Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bide on same. F.B. #1021, Yeas (:)Coun men (:) lays Farns Orth Hyl Hyla Kelle Wun lith Mr- President, vin ro"m c. 9-2 C. F. No. 12716— Reaolved. That the C_.ounellherebY concurs on of Contract Committee and herhe eby rejects all bidereceived for the grading or Alley In Block 1 Cummlt View Addl- of tho Englneer a all bids received were In c tircate. d the Purchasing Agent Is hereby authorised to readvertlse for new hl de on same. F. B. No. 1021. Adopted by the Council Sept. I6. 1916- A ppr-ed 916.Approved Sept. 16. 1916. (Sept. 22-1916) Adopted by the Council r -� ZU 191 ti In favor / Approved I Y 1 191 l� Against MAVOn IM CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ., Subject: „ t Date Presented5ept • 13th_ 16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby con --urs 'in the recolmc.endation •of the Contract Com.ittee and hereby awards the contract for the ,lr dinof ;rantham St. 3ast along the east side of block "C and Buford St. frolr,.6. Grantham zit, to Cleveland Ave. to Chris -Johneon, at lump sum price bid of $4,284.05. ndineer s istinate being $4,265.74.` F.B. #1000. 1'eaa (C) Cou Imen (.') lays Far or[h / G C In favor K' d K l Against u' lith Mr. PresideI rvin �pR Mjy C. 9- z C. F. No. 19716— Resolved, That the Council herrby -tura In the recommendation of the Contract Committee. and hereby -wards 'the contract for the grading of (lren- tham St. East -long the east aide of na. numre st: from E. Grantham Stto (71-1-dAve., to Chrlet Joh neo n, -t lump sum price bid o! 31,:6{_9b. Engineer's Eallmate he - :Ir' ` Nn 1660. Adopted by the .Council Sept. 16. 1916. Approved Sept. 16, 1916. (Sept. 26.1916) pt,�o�ved a,ll papers !n .. ..` wit11 abovA Adopted by the Council 1713 Jr 1916 191 Approved t 191 It l —.oa CITY OF ST. PAUL - e` ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT B y COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS @ BY C//7 �... AUf)ITEDSEP t} 171916191 �,�}����� PER 264 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following j detailed statement: 1.131, Yeas Councilmen ( ' Nays Adopted by the Council �91 Farnsworth - Goss Approve 11i 191 Hyland In favor Keller�— MAYOR ale t2adI Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin IF. Na 11TiT--- Rcsorved .rat warrant. ba drawn upon the City Treasury. pnyable out of theGhereinafter specified runde and In favor of the persona, firm. or corpora- tion. for the amounts at oDpoelte tryeir raeDec[Iv¢ names an apeclfied la [hie fol lowing detailed statement. Doheny & Son. 11.030.00. Ss A Fa rn.worth, Com'r., 1198.1T. - Adopted by the u Concil Sept. 16; 1916. AppSept 18, 1918. ( Sept 23-1916) 7006 Doherty & Son. _ $1,030.00 Sewer Sydney-, 7 S. A. Farnsworth Comir. 198.17 Public Bathe -Sal. T --$ r. R"1101111[111[111 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT e COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE IVO. -- L SF" t F t�jf, BY..... AUDITED. 19i "%//Li PER 265 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds a in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followi detailed statement: Teas 1 ) Cou ilmen t �) Nays Adopted by the Council c_P L. 91- . Fa sworth 1 Go s Approv , 191 -- Fly and In favor Ke er a Against 5i" iderlich 211r. President, rvin 7008 John R. Anoerson Co.. 6.ca Library-'evr Books 1 9 Berglund Lumber Co., 140.00 Fire -C. & B. 10 Brooks Bros. -235.20 Bridge Bldg. & Rep. -M. 11 Capital City Lime & Cement Co., 2,587.83 Sewer Cono$. & pep. Ids 3G .84 L-5.6$ / ! 1.3 •i 2" 12 Carol Cox Book Co., 76.70 Library-Ile+v Books 13 Conners Book Store 4.00 I.ibrary-Ne- Books 14 Craftsman Press 22.82 C. P. Works -Gen. Adm._ 5.14 Scholl -'S. Sc R._'y� / 2 15 Drane & Ordway Co., 0 1,245.O0 Police -C. B . - 1S)i� ) Comfort Station" oost. 1 7 0 16 S. A. Farn worth, ComIr. 2.522.43 Gen. Fund -Mi so. & Unf or seen Exp.- 17 xp.-17 S A. Farnsworth, Comor. 11.885.79 Gen. Fund -Local Improvement 6.rm \. rvlii �- #2 - 7018 Farwell, Hzgiun Kirk & Co.," ) $23.55 School-M.. & R. 3_ Library -Gen]..Suprl•4 Water-M. 4k R. i 7 . 0 Forestry' Rev. % 1 2 / 19 Jos. Haag Roofing Co., 24.35 School-M. & R. 20 gankee Heating Co., 2.207.37 Pub. School-Sites & Bldg. 21 v. R. Irvin � Com 136.32 Park- ark aint. 22 Dr. Dawson JSthnston, 21.97 Library-Genl. Suppl. 23 J. T. Kenny & CO - 96.04 - School-M. & R. 24 Lemcke & Buechner 3.85 Library -Nom Books 25 A. C.-McClurg & C6.. 491.33 Library�ew Books 26 Chas. F. McElroy 3.75 Library -New Books 27 Mento Magazine .50 Library-Genl. Suppl. 28 Milton Auto Co., 10.00 Pub. Bldg. A. & D.-M. 29 A. P. Moore 63.26 C. P. Works-Ge . A �} /3t• 0 Street Cone & P. // Sewer CoVO n & eP• 3.2 30 J. W. Morrison 135.00 C. p. Works S,en. Bridge Bldg: &j• 13 .0 31 National Cash Register Co., 11.80 Park -Park -Mai nt. 32 Northern Pacific Ry. Co., 4.00 Sprinkling � - paving�r1 4.0 33 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 106.71 Str -et Const. & Rep.-Bf! & . M4104 School- . / Librar & 34 N. W. g&t?ble & Tile Works, 582.00 Ames School 35 N.Y. Telephone Co., 148.85 playgroued-s-Maint 6.loo $ayorts ffice 0. p. Works-GenA . St4eet Const'. p;M 3 S. & S' ding. reet C •9 Gen. F. -muni ci pal Co t 00 M " -Pur. 3), • 8 9Q School -"J. €s ?�• 547: McClellan S'ohoo f"'� 835 " Park -P �Aai " Sprin�rrTinB 3 7036 Powners Book Store 82.31 Library Rew Books 37 C. V. Ritter 57.50 . Library -New Books 38 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 585.50 School -M. & R. 39 St. Paul Cement Works 535.45 Street const. & ROP. -M. 40 H. W. Slack, 130.00 t School -M. & R. ., 41 Tierney & Co., 324.82 Fire M, & R. 42 C. A. P. Turner Co., 1,200.00 - Fire -C. & B• il'. F. 10. 12718— warrants R e 1 •ed that be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the her, -. an is, specified funds and- in favor of the persons, Orme or corpora- lin9 for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified 1n the fol. Tots, ]owing detailed statement: John R. Anderson Co., $6.01. Berglund Lumber Co., 9140.00. Brooks Bros., $235.20. - Capitol Urne &'Cement Co.. 82,587.63. Carol Co. Book Co.. -$76.70. Conners Book Store, 94.00. -- Craftsman Press, $22.82. Crane & Ordway Co., 81.246.00. S A. Farnsworth. Com'r., f2.62E.42. { r. A. Fnrnxworth YCom4.. i11,�86.7�. Hunkee Heating Co., 82.207.87. V. R. Irvin & Co., $136.32. Dr. flow... Johnston. -221.97. J. T. Kenny & Co.. $96.04' 1,—ke &Buechner. $3.85. A. C. McClurg & Co.. $491.33. Cba.. F. McElroy. $3.75. Ment, Magazine, 60 Cents. Milton Auto Co., $10.00. A. P. Moore, $63.26. J. W. Morrison. $135.00. ,N'allonal Cash Register Co., $11.80. \b rt her. Pacific By. Co.. $4.00. N. W. Electric Equipment Co.. $106.71. N. W 3larble & Tile Works. $588.00. 1. W. Telephone Co.. $148.85. Puwnere Book Store, $82.31. C. V. Ritter, $67.50. St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., $686.50. t W1 $I. Paul Cement Works. $535.45. H. W. Slack, $130.00. Tierney & Co.. $324.82. C. A._P .Turner Co.. $1,200.00. Adopted by the Councll Sept. 16, 1916. Approved Sept. 18, 1916. (Sept. 23.19161 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL t�+, ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. Subject.- COUNCM l FILE Date Presented 191 • R S�IGEL, :hat: the aF- 11 lt! :n o. th fol-.oNvin i;_,rscns for a -17en.e to :;ellintoxic_.tin� 113uorsat th;: locations _t,, _ ^i tae s-ltn' =vFeb are granted, recractively indicsted and the City .lark iU aithorized nl directea to is,ue such to _ _id z_-1_li._.ints U-, on the °ilin_ o. the bond and the i;P C ?.??LI F•.T�1. LDC AT:C:'. Hubert Theisen, 7% wa ashy Ct. i fi ! ✓ Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth v a vtoss In Favor Hyland v ✓Keller AdOGIII& Against Wunderlich v Mr. President, Irvin v FORM C.8.1 Adopted by the Council Approved MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: L COUNCIL FILE No-, II Date Presented 191 DLVEL, That the aprlic--tion of the fo'!Wvin_, rsrsons' for a - kends to X11 _ntoxicstin_, li.,ucrb at the locati.ni re spectively in9'.c-:s be, ;r._: the e.ma haraby are �rante�, and the City C1_rk i- authorized .ind iireclei to is ue such licansas °r to a: i.: _' 1 i:;ants uF on th; f it in,. u. h: -ons .,n:: ' `.= rayi_ent of the fo: reiuira.i 'cy law. NULL' )F A. LI A::�. LOCP.:I")':. Lol:is Rosencli r., 234 cast Fairfield Ave. Yeas (1) Councilmen (J) Nays Farnsworth � --Coss Adopted by the Council 141L L- 45 In favor Hyland t_ �) Keller — / Approved 191 L l/ NW -111- Against Wunderlich' Mr. President, Irvin CJ' FORM MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLuTJON—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE No. Date Presented 191 1,70SOLVEZ, That toe %, lic,it- n of the fol,o-ain. rarjuns for a 7icens3 tG jell irtoxicatinn; -li,i,re �, �� ' � 'oca--n,3 raspectLvely iniiccv-ted, ",e, n-' -hz� h�:--,by .-r:i thz� C � ty ('I. i;, ilei -.-' - it r:�Ctei ',o i ju� .11ch 11c. -, n .3 i_ . t a'_ is -. nt s u, :jr th i i' in of ", 2 .L; nd �r. the -ay-..2nt cf the f2a r:qulred '--y l-aw. NA:.:7 DF A�`-LI7!.:,T. LOC AT I Paul L,-offb:iuer, 21164 ','1. 7th St. Yeas (V) Councilmen (J) Nays Farnsworth L� Coss j-- In favor Hyiand i-- Keller &.-- I 6 MS9,114 Against Wunderlich Mr. President. Irvin A --- "on. C. 8 - Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 _f 10P.. I 1 y// , Ir / I C.ITY Oir ST. PALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: e r - COUNCIL FILE N O . Date Presented 191 It:'S) L u , Tha• the sr. l'i ut:on of the followin;; ;..:rs)ns for a licenze to _ell intoxioatin; ligpiurs at the locations res, ectively indicated, '.;e, ).n1 the same hereby re ,rantezi Lni t':e City Clerk is authorizes ::ni iirectei to iasue s�,,ch licen:,e.i to s:ii ap;aic.nts u7on the film, of t: -.L bon: :,-n.i the rsyrrent of the f _ rt, fired by law. NA:.:7 07 AP -T,I "A::':. Lx A, L0':1. Charles Kath, Syl W. 7th St. Yeaa (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnworth L -- Go" , 0 In favor Hyland Kellet 4__ MeGaw— -- McGaw— Againt Wunderlich" Mr. President, Irvin C_ FOAM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved , 191 MAYOR Pgi-ion Council File No, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the ity of St. Paul, viz.: 0 0 0 ............ .............. Jt.' — -------- . .... ......... . ........... .. . ........ ..... ......... ................. . .. .... Dated this i— day of _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .............. . .. ... — ........ ..... - .... ............ .. .. ......... .............. ....... .... . .... ........... ... .. .......... .. . . ....... . ..... . ..... .. 12724— can. A written Precast for the .......... . Lf of the repro c =1 natruct, . cement tile 1, width of six fast on the north .[do - having been presented to the Council Alair at. between Hateling Aye, anoniman ',dlcate at, having been 0fijsqAte4 to therefore, be it raicrunob"o itf the City of at Pout tesolved. That the Commissioner ' hereby b ordered and directed RESOLVED, That the CommisSbuc Works be and he Is bereby ie is ad and directed - 4.4 To investigate the nsc",j-tpr,.,fig of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity esirability of the mak]. -ar.mont. 2. To investigate the nature, extcTo investigate the mature, aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. •#-mated cost of $aid In 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skett " the total cost thareo f�unfgh. Pier: 4. To furnish the following other dai�, I " t- atibillrelative to said improvement;. ... ..... ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon aV of the foregoing matte;* to the Commissioner of Finance. 412, Adopted by the eou.,41--� f - iql� Yeas: Nuys: Councilman Fa sworth G 9 Approved . ..... ...... . ................ . 14 and I ler I riderlich Mayor I nrInyor. FOR, c ... , - PT, , —W '—�r% I �- :3- - � •D'.lplicu±io- '61 orders - CITY OF ST. PAUL ,• .yg7x• 't COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL -r 'ILE .- . .. _ .NO.. rY Date Presented 1916 I x, 0_. c, .. :iz _.ot. _ _ L, _'..,:rlk or. o .. 6 01 D:, o,rr. 1v,.. o ^a or 1. C.tl )• C. F. ;A1.`717r _,i),-Ovcd<S 11 J10 t� , Resolved, a'- t l l prdeiL ii, t; :. _' o : cr L. am CLr_,111Cd w' -nulled al.n' :: �d , ,r.l '.11 r of I in aCh ma.,_. Yeas (J) Cou4.lmen (.) Nays 4Hyld 999999 rth lith Mr. Presidin FORM C. e• S 1 C. F. No. 12725—BY M. N. Goer lethstterL+emeentnttu# oafdewalit construe Uth aides of Brown Ave. froth Preaooft SL to Winifred SL under Prollmld&Y Or- der C. F. No. 19717. appraVed'MIiY 25, 1916. Resolved, That nil orders In the heroby cnntcalled ennnulled ab In*nd reeclnd- ed, and all proeoedinge In auah mnttor Red discontinued. Adapcad by the Council Sept 18, 1918. ApproYed s e, S2S-1918) Adopted by the Council ' -1/ �I 1914 In favor G Approved , `�'�. s I J1 h 191 Against MAYOR Subject: Resolved, Yeas (✓) CITY OF ST, PAUL rf—CO-UNCIL RESOLUTtb N --GENERAL FORM .. OU.c�t NO - J Date Presented 191. That the cigaret'.e ?icen,ie :'o. 291, wh.ch exrires Au_ust 26th, 1917, now in the name of R. H. Budd, 634 Bedford Street, be in th= ame hereby i transf r: ea t. :ia. 1'. Delemator 1200 Fore3t "treat. Reenlved, T1int the c,g,,,,,* Iiceme Nc? 881, which Expire. Ahgaet 88th, pp2917:pp"no* in the name or R. H. Budd. tH�ttlry 180fIsForeet etreat Rte.tD I)e1Ne. Adopted by the Co,noil Sept. 21, 1010. t approved9apt. 81 1830. fBept. 8f-1018) Mr. Presider VQRM C. 13-a 11 (!) Nays �EPJ, 1916 L—^ --/'-'In In favor Adopted by the Council 1916 / Against / Approved 191(j / A Q MAY RR � CITY OF ST. PAUL `�• �~= ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE""` No-l�?76?7 AUDITESEp _ 191 266 ""` 04 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (r) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Adopted by the Counul:-- _� 191j Farnsworth Goss Approvedf b f- -_ 191— Hyland In favorJ�C Keller— �1 Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin 7043 H. C. Ahrens, Police M. & R. 44 J. R Allen & Co., C. P. Works -Workhouse Raint. 45 Paul Chapel. 46 Chicago, St. Paul., ]Milwaukee & 0. Ry. Co., C. P. Mun, Test. Lab. -V. 47 Craftsman Press Police M. & R. 48 J C. Flanagan, Chief Accountant Water -A!. P. 49 Gamble Robinaon Co., Park -Park Maint. 50 H. W. Goetzinger C. P. Works-Torkhouse-Maint. 51 Leslie-Donahower C ., Randolph Heights School 52 Linde Air Products Coljr C.P. U. Mun. Test. Lab. -;M. 53 Yational Lead Co.. Health-Quarantine-fd. & R. ro.., A. 6-16 9.94 60.22 6.23 1.19 4.90 17.30 83.32 12.40 180.07 2.00 96.70 W77" 4.36 M. & 9. k e & Til CO.. 30.18 We Ames School ectric Eqv, 22.95; Poli Ce B: & 4� olice-& Al Eealth— Bath 22 em Puby shing Co..357.20 .57 G SuAd—Official Pub. Atex, Ric 14.00 lice --V. LRe St.. ply Concrete Works, 443.00 Curbing aadibridge to PPr i U 16, n 36 A Curbing 3[acal ter 0.8 Princet U Clai 60SFatechuts 13.16 -Police-Y. & Re X. 61 Stewart 6o.50 Health -quarantine -M. R, 62 ompson Radiator Co., 13-50 A Fire -Y. & Re 6 iA=y & Co 430.63., Firei4E,. & R. United Cheritles 35.00 Health -quarantine -m. & Be E. T. Webster, 1,2110.65 Sever on Rose & Park Ave. 4N 32,269.38 Resolved" t �ntm be drawn. h.Clty Vmnout or th-hereinew ipe41444•funds and In favor of the parsommij,,firm. or cagpor- It—" ";.d," It. I the[, ree 14'i- "t q�)?f Do' t* pa", as Op" Oe'd In the following. dar Iled tatement- M C. Ahreq4;, 44. J. W 401 , Allen W C6�0122. Paul Chir,64-164v ! Chicago. St. llaul, Milwaukee & O. Ry. Co., Craftsrb*n Fress,�,$44,0, J, CL Plating :qWf Accountant $17.30. Gem obir H. VeiR w9nlo 40. Lealle-MINahow6i'Co.. $1110AT. Wide Air 'Pro'dudtaCo., 12.00. P1.110mal Lead Co '�j'2.$7'70' Edw. NeUM41I ;1$4'3$, • N.W. Marble &,T116 Co., $30.18. N. W. Electric -Eifil, ent Co., $22.95. Review rbbllih�h#o ."$357,20. A "'ce I!P*�al,�Worka, $t48.00. 0 Anna 4arm6hut4' 4111.16. Tlheor"nnAoye" Radiator Co.: $1&60. T & ri—$480AL UnitedChat,o;I$1COO. X T. Webxtee;310,65. Adopted LbOh6"GqIIzWgStptIs. Isis., Approved ',)V,1tj9IV o ORDER. IM4._M qMq&e in the 1anA_RG-0q-S-8&XX- inthe rfAAUWAWA&-AAd--SAk . _pj A ,all cuts and.fille in grading Sheridan avg=a-.from Bellevueivk�� 'ELY , P &tt4qhad and Malta me- '61,u he2,q_ j� ro a hatobed. notion_ _Ibwine _the outs and the shaded -Or— tion ,_ d -July 14 -under,Pxelindnary order. --A!AkI-A-----'PPr0ve -r'jw- Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of F'ance upon the tabove imp4ovement. and having considered said report hereby resolves 1. Thatthe saidreportbe and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a4 2. ,That l of the improvement the Council recommends is --L Jrj the nature wike aVtfills In on'U'&I II�0410 'i�!& �0 ow Sherldi 0 ave -aV B0 a oreof tile oke showing attached alid made A-titt with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost themfis SA5—.qo--- pewilved:Further, That a public. hearing be had on said improvement on the-----131-4—day Of 191 #—, at the hour of to o'clock A. M., in the Council ChaMber-'"'PWI it, tC4-)mmissioner of, Finance of tby he by Court House and City H _y said -meeting to thetie the Charter, stating the time give notice of said i cstr estun and place of heOring, the nature of ' t . . . . . . . . . . . . Adopted'* the Council_.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /2.q Councilman Mayor yonn a the ifel i reeomme t sty ro at, or er tEgg o Davarn even t e—" bler r.t.the h 14191G., COUNCIL FjLENO...-._--- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Co deW�aq j kinx , an _easement _in the land neobfl_ ear�� _ for a opa`a. for Dote and- fills in aradinix sgndioats avenue from Tho�►s street to Lafond streets aaoording to the plan hereto attached and meds a art heree4� +he hatehwd nertiert shn*ino¢ +he outs alt the ehaded_pOrtioa A p _ the fills, `--� _._...�..._.�..--- 11— � —approved_...._ J_u_lY._8�.s 1916•__...._.__...- under Preliminary order. --..a+�"- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the saidimprovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Q-0–PA-4 = 0- a8aBID6nx la-:h=.laLd-3t-•3sr an ne0esaar "'rPwss 4er n„ti stld 4d11e .1II $t�Qed Symdioaxe avenue from comae street to Lafond streets acaardin�_to the plan hereto atts_ed and_e$.he24-the ha_t_ghedportion shpwing the with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $9-5.q–o-- Resolved as•©0__Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__. A!k-- —day of 191..x._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, j of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Figur , 4 give notice of said meeting to the persons and in i ee manner provided by the Charter, stating the in; and place of hearing, the nature of the tmpmvement, sad the tod f as titrated Adopted by the Council --City– lG Approved.._ -A I91 .-191---- ".1 u r,' — Councilman sworth u prove- ,aie roc ea e colic I at the nature o[ the, In . o he .h , �1'�— I alch the t•.oaacll recomme' n cake '-loorneut ' K ller n and pen, y rgtsy� jCe aYenUe ra to Latond eLkeoG _ u street to the plan tieretahal. - hereM, the „ Sh '� ids a Part ahowl>18 theN cut!'snd the as4,' — c?: )erg itlon thstdntlo� eettmatad2e to 5 t t 8 00. at a puV o1veQ Surther tmDhovem Mayor P weld bbe had on et1d. iethtleG 1810a �pn A.y,DtitCourt Form B. S. A. 8-6 t 10`o'alock t HaUeq-.,. s :ih'use�L tteline aG -Pauls.. �..no ca oR'uttd _ . _: - tto'�th to Peeona aha 1tY tftthn , .� COUNCIL FILE-NO. _....._..__...._-- { ^ i/ By_! "1�CG�rt�.u.:x. :..1._:........... ."_..--- INTERMEDIARY ORDER. r In the Matter of._IX&dirag...8har.l.dan...avenuti... .tnm._Hallaxsi "._ay.@.ziue..._ Q....Pat.Y..e=— under Preliminary order __._ 1.}51•?_...._...... _....... _ approved ........ _..... ......... ...... _ ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._a,r8de _ $her Bari _ BVen]1e...?.L411A.-av_flluo..___........ ................... ....... ... ............. _...... ................. .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 4434.'66 ....._...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....""....../ th...__ ....." day of 0otoberM 191 ...�... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, • of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give. notice of said meeting to the persons 10 "e manner pro ided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature oft—pl —eg�tn� the tal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..__ _// 191 City Approved _........ ...... .,._...... 191 UT = ///( Mayor. _In'n:. cot. Councilman Fa nsworth 4 hereby vee: ,� the Id le port be ena , talon,�11 hereby approved end adopted. r •• GO 5 1 the Held Improvement la hereby ordered to he proceeded wltR. Ke er j That the nature o[ the Improve- nt which the Council ecomme nde le •• U grad,• vherida, a — from Relic— lo Uucrrn��n t'ltn (e rnnttr19, and (net �thr111-ionated coal •• — thereof le $464.66. • �� ��' he8rl n,t"be neat no r' That dlmprnvpmbl^` `�4 n the Inn day of �,—Ier 1916. t the hour of 16 o'clork A. �1.. In tho Mayor Q. rs ` J "^ :" f Council ('bomber of the Court Hou a dClty Holl Do In Form B. S. A. 8-6 �s the Cl f St. Poul. That the Commie- clone[ of Finance give notice of Haid eet/ng to the o.". a anIn the —nn-rovlded by 11, `h.rier,etat- lag the timeand place of hearing, the aatu[e of the Improvement, and the to- tal o.t therenf as eatimatea. A dnptrd by the Council Sept. 16. 1916. 't"'r,rved Sept.19. 1916. COUNCIL FILE NO........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.S'-3'.13=8--SXAd1Q"-0--..9.txv.a.Setreet..-and,. Thofaas e treey,. - .... - .............. -...... ............. _.... ............ ..... ....... ---- ._.... ................ _...... _.___ 11 076 roved.._...._Juae 19th[ 1916. under Preliminary order. __.— t......._........-..__.__ .._..._ ._.._.._ aPP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Grade Syndicate 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._....�......,_........ . atr@et...b.�-0-oz-hal0.1ld-_B..x.re2S 4�i�oma�_..Qtreet__... ... ................... __-............:...._.,......._._........ _....... .....__.._...... -- -... -....._........__— with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 948_ 98 -.._..-_ ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._.. —___.....day of - ...... . 191 _6_. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in th manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the v ent, d the to cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .... _._— --. Approved...._._.._:_.._.J_. _....... ..:_.....-----_, --------_-- _....................... Mayor: Councilman Far worth "Ce ana na.i g t hrrehy r .ofve%con •• Go the Bald reDor[.be .nlachylmD"rovement dls her. Kel r be mature o ub. 1/L H t :he tura reco Improve - 1, Ich the Council recommend. is 1,—a. .l rest net ween Lnfe . fh•.me. with no altther—ye.., •• j �.:.t� s s•t' t tnr estlmnteA t•+gat th.•re.tf la •• Y��s .v d Further. That a publlo be has on aid Im Drovemeat Mayor Row rs / _ 1.111, d"r 1,t' October, 191 e. Ol'.' rn, hoar f I. 0• fuck A. u.. 11, Ih. council CityCHallnHullding the InC lineour[CttY f ou— Form 8. S. a 8-6 an ° trr--Pnul. That the Comd ru..ner of Flnanee glue n tlrr of aald meeting to the per.on. A In the ann r pro- vided by the Charter. .tating the time and place of heart",, the nature of the Improvement, and the total coat thereof no estimated. Adopted by the Council Sept, 19, 1616, Approved Sept. 18,_i'J,16;,• ,JA COUNCIL FILE NO.. ...... _........- /- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Metterof_.�9nscti.a_a3wer_©n Bayard avenue_ fr*.._Dic_toria. street .... -- ............ - - under Preliminary order .._ 10,545 .... _... -.__.._..__----- .....approved. .....my...1¢t•!}a.._1916.*......._............... ...... __..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... Const runt 8 sewer on;. jr.r�rd_ayemt._3r..om._Y1a.Lozia_sSzga.t<._to....Chatsa4][ h._.txe�t.,....._..._.... ...... ....... ........... " ..... _....... ...... _ ..___..... _._.__._ ..... ...__-_----...... --........... _...._.. ___....... ...... ---.._......_ .... _............._.._ ...... _...... I. ..... __._ ...._ ...._ .._ _...... .... ---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_L563 . 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._- ? th ... ... _ ...... day of Optober„-_ --- -, 191 6..... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,• *A of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person d i the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of t pr e e Adopted by the Cnd the total cos4,th f air estimated. ouncil.._.__— Cts” Approved............................ _..--.. ---- --- • 191___..._ Mayor. Councilman Far worth sat — the eeld tepert bC ' Gos '.le by approved an•t Kell r -aidImDro .nt'tt ht_ ed of the note -r e• swhI vn[ _wnlen tee tl`.ounctltaa w dtmnende the 0" a on oven e Chan from v I tnrlo xtrern to gth n'�O, in nl[ec,utivea, a that x$556$.00 the—Imntxd .oxt thereof la Reeaivod Form— That a pub11C - - he, -In. he had o Id lmDrovement �" n the 11th Joy nef October. 1916. at r 10:00 'clock A. M.. In the Mayor• y he hour f'.0 Il Chamber f the Covrt c!�'. Hnaee and Cur Ha"l nR to Cem- Form B. S. A 8-6 _ Th the City of St pool. That tee miealoner of to lino Verson- anotice the eaaln m'ept iro�lJed by [he Charter. •t►t- 11 a 1l R. eb• - _ in the time end place of of the Itnpprovement. and th• netnrc total cost thereof e•tlmated. " 1916. - - Aaopte,l by the Councll Sept- ]B, Approved Seept. R. 116- _ COUNCIL FILE NO. _.._..-_.......�_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. " J Citr In the Matter of S�4H�ft�itSit A&--Bgwere... on-,._Hemline avenue-._from.-..3t _. etreet.to Jefferson avenue, on Stanford avenue from Hemline avenue�- __U &yrndioa-te $treat and on def€eraen-$vasuts-fix-ate Hamllne--avenue--to-- Griggs street, -_.... .......... ---- - .---_._........._ ............ .__ ....... - .- ....... _.......... 10 682 May 26th_1916. under Preliminary order .___.t.-..__...-....___.__.._>_......_-.-.approved........_.._.. ___ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner-of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report-be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ii.._COne Construct t- ae*era on Hemline avenue from St. Clair street to Jefferson avenue, on Stan- --fid- &von" ... gom �taaltl i r s aeex a to- 4,ad4c4j•46-4j.#.ssat -.orad- on.- alftr a,an._ avenue from-Hamline avenue to Griggs street, — ... -_...... _... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S_�936.00� Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-... th_ �....__ _.....day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M-, in the Council Chamber, _S of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Piul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and i the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time end place of hearing, the nature of p e/ee5 and the t -1 cost thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the Council--"-- try Clerk L�A . iti Approved..... __...........-_...._...... __....----_.. 191 _._ U /� Mayor. reuonu Councilman Farsworth rtpprovea Iw, It mprove— la her n be proceeded Ith. •� GO5 t the nature f the Improve- hlrh the• Counrll r commue ends Ie Kell r "t Me"' a on Haml lno ever- air t1a,lrf streetto JeRereon . t ve- e titxnfcrd even up from Hamllne to S!-ndi-.te freer and on Jet- ' u onus fromIh Hamllne arena•• to e. tolthrt•es1mated r 11tthrretof eia 1 00Yet . a „ '/ -•InRv be had tonr ea d I.pr vpublic Mayor / h.• lath dry of Ortobc r, 1916. at the y f�+tn y f 10 _•clock A. M.. In the Coun- II y H.I bar f the Court House and Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ City Hall Building In the CRY of St Paul. That the Commlealon.r of FI- nce give notice of said meeting to the persona and In the manner pro. Oiled the Char[er, atat1, the time and Place of hearing. the nature of the Improvement. and the total cost there-' Of as estimated. Adopted by- the Ceuncll Sept. 15, 1916. Approved SBDL. 15..3918. ` _ Sept.",.55y1f1I6),. _ COUNCIL FILE NO........... ._... l/ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_CSQZW% euntln�...a.��rs.r....nn...11.arxon. eLreES...bs.Li[sen..S innle._ stree_t.__a_n¢ 9 ii v ._atre t, --.__....... ...... ............. ..... ........ ...... ...... ...... - under Preliminary order._.._ 111339 _-approved....huget,._3rd The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._Conetruct a sewer on Porton streeSam t-.-bR-AI P1. _tingle sit;e,e.y__an •_.Qt��Q_e_t4ree_t.,-_-.-- ...... ............. ..._ _._ _..... ...... ..:__._.............. .......... __�._.-.. _ ._......_.... ._..... _. ------ ....__........... _... _........... -- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 61"—L4 __.-_------- day of ----t4�. ._....... _.......... ., 191 6_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,- %of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of pr a en and the t cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_._.__ ��— 191 - / City ark. Approved........ _......... _ ...l �_._. _ .__ _ .._._._, 191 Mayor. Councilmen Farris orth Goss o ed vemen+ C y ICelle d t b pr.tu eded h.- That the nature 1 the 1m t which the ro n h rerommc n areminoltesstreet nlord Ohl..11 niternatives. and that the .. �i�L ted coat thereof is 3660.00. .. Yoe solved . Further. That a publlc --solved had o sold lmnrevement Mayor P s .T he 11th day of October. 1916. at the y of bar 0 o'clock the A. M.. In the C.unc House and Form & S. A. n-61t` 'It>•m HallBuildingIn the (`ItY of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give no"" of esfd meeting ro- videde by the Charter, statingthe thener time and piece of hearing. Lha nature of the improvement• and the total coat there- of as estimated ,Adopted by the Council Sept. 16, 1916. Approved Sept. 16, 1916. (sept. 22-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. ..... ___ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. y , In the Matter of�Ifl�cin&�..x�a xe_arid...�s"&. Eighth s.•Yxazr,LandaCentrala�enue part of Robert street, as widened between Eighth street and Central rttbs-�� , , in rant of the following 3escribed Prepertr7-�r to Sub., of Block - 14, Roberts and Randall'e Addition, Lots 1 and 15, LamplkreySu 6; -Robert 12,-�oberte and Randall 's on.�Zsie 1,3,3,i3,1� gam, aad ..fiandall'a �ddifion, Lni_14-_an3 _the�_18.3_ie.e.t.�f _Lot _.li...lyin8_..aoa-t to Lot 14, Block 3, Robert and Randall's Addition, Block 5, Central Park, Lots Reerrangemert" -$ieck 6 1s'3','�►"��i'��a.i$-��J-�--1$_fr--1-1T-$lOc1t--6--and-$3oCk--4��- and 7, Central Park, also including all street intersection corners and re-. taiiifii""eH o5-aie a pari-of��ITie curb as� no* set-in place ad�'�acent"tot�kse a ova d un�er trot �ro��e+ 10� 798 _ ...___ ......._ .......__ aPProved ._ti�lae....5xth,._19a fi._............. ........... .... . _...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Iso® 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._XQ.•V.,e•a... ze ee t. and _rep all granite curbing on that part of Robert St., as widened between Eight 8t. and_..Can-trs2...�v�, ia-frrcant-o£ :tile gallotwii �aaevibed••ProperSq �rLam LamprL ots- ey's ;a,a 11 and 12, Block 14, Robert & Randall's Addition, Lots 1 & 15, Lamprey's Sub. of Blvvk ii, Rvtrert-& r n7ta37• >li�Ciori; "L2s't8"T;3,3� 23;13-& Z4; SirscY 6, Robert's _And Randall' e_• Addi t L_� iqn�-.14 ani —1@S3 -tom �`� -13, __ly..ing nax to -Lot i4, Block 3, Robert & Randall's Addition, Block &5$Ceen;r81g Park Block Lata_1y3, ,�r`�E+r3r�rgsla' 'lc tiding allast 6 and 7, Central Park, also in aludin$ a12 streeb •intereta�Octcited retuTns-•-whictr---are a g r t 'DT itis -oLTMs 8e-fiblf -i38 C" ilCiS�e �+ above da�cribed o er, rd �iat t estimated cost thereof is $ --- lvift no ternanves, n Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-. 13th.- ____� ....-day of OCtobei._._............._....., 191 6._.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, ,&o f the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by t the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of �ro�nt and the tot/al cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__-- �/ / � .1915.E -- —�~ '�---Ci Jerk. rl _1 1` Approved--- _........._....... — ---- 191 .................. _--_ --- -----' Mayor. F insworth' .t , lut la. iti.ck ]. Roherl . Councilman dall'st Addition. Block 6. Central 30 and 11,, 55 Lots I. 2. 3, C 6. 6, 7, 8, 9, End 'k lrel Ynrke also l lfel ller lock n1117' Including al+l street intersection cor-, re a Part of r.y .... room "'tch ,urh oe .•t in place adJacent pr iheeeattmated ' no altrrn .11' ,, andbthat o t thereof is $,35.92. c lteaolved Further. That a public' '.. / henring he had on Id 1mDrovemeDl thn 13th da)• of o.l.b-, 1916, nt: A in the Mayor /the hour t 10 .'clock '- �1 Council Chamber 1 the Coart� d i°i[Y Hall Building In , House n the "" of 8t. Paul. That the Commis- Form B. S. A $-6 eloner of Finance gfvo notice til said In meeting to the per. nd D the Charter, atst- nnner provided Ing the time and Dace of hearinB. the the lure of the Improvement, and '- total cost thereof u estimated. Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1916. AppMved Sept. R 1916. (.apt 28-19161 COUNCIL FILE NO. ......... ... ..._ rAN INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_ir4i1B Y6lG1GetF4.le..__eidewalk..-_tp.._a width of siz ....I....---._.._..---- - -- feet on the south aide of Iglehart avenue between Hersohel avenue and Snelling avenue] under Preliminary order .._ 1ar356 _ _ _ _ approved_._Auuet2(, th, .1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Ct)net ruc t a cement ti��e.idgr_to.�•�}�h aizSQg-_pgg eou}•.eide...of_ Iglehart-. avenue ._. be rRQ�IA_. jgXACSidl qLK.AA.uS...And._-- ........... ........... ....... ..... ___ ..... _..__..._..._........_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S G`58 ox 1 i n eal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ th _..._day of @cS4b8T......I... ......... I .......... . 191 B__ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 4004 �ft of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to"" e pars a the manner pro ided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature and th total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__._._. _... —, 19 Ci lerk. Approved-...._...! ....-= _......... - - —, 191__ Mayor. Councilman Far isworth .aia pot[. hereby osolvee; - 1. That the Bald 1,1ort be an, GOS ea a le hereby approved and ado nod tha ale Improvement Ie hereby 0 with. ppa[ 1 , Kell ! 2.tr That Ae reeot Im prove - en( which the Council r IH _ NW F&Hmn81rust n cement the aid!µ alkn[o .r 1.1 to of eix e[ on the Nasa) outA aid. of I F•I he lw,en H f,• ve- luebel wnl' n al. "tI `'"a d thnt the " Y eetl ma.tedcoet ih, ry of ie n8 [•entb par lineal [Hoot. �,� �.j 'f I<rao teed Further. 7•hat Public fir G� he., l,, he had Mayor P an an ld•Im I H dn) of VCL. 191E rovement on Form B. S. A. 8-8 _ Iu .,,lu,k the tC'o—II hamh, r of the Court Ilnll It Houae and City In the CU) - he 'F of St. Paul. Khat the - �ommieelune, of Flnaaca ,;Iva notice of sMd meeting to the yha In artvr�t i et"'ng'bee[Ime andplaceng. the - nature of the improve- eat. nd the total cost thereof ae ae- f tl mated. - _ ' Adopted h the Council Sept. 18, 1,18. ApVrovad Sout. l8. tate COUNCIL FILE NO.._..-.- ---- gY.-•mac.`-1,.. _.. .'_.. �.�......1...:: ..a:.. L.L.:...,._... _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. _ In the Matter of.__QOL1111 Oneida _ -- feet on the north side of James street be Oneidginni at a stre- et thence wf3_at 130.fee .t - — . _..............._....... 12 319 roved .._Auguet...3lety...191.....�................_.....-- ..apP under Preliminary order. _._._ ..�.....__........_.._._ ......._ .....-- _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' onst'-uct as cement 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _...�..........._..t.. tile..sidewe_Ik. o_a nidth_Qf side. ...--. of_ - James on north _...... .__.. e_t.rmax.._kesinm.inS...a �Q.... et, ...... ... .... _..........._...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-59 P83'....lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... _..13th_ -_,--.___......day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, ioner of the Court House and City Hall. Building in thh Cmannerof tprovided by the Chartelrst tnringfthe time Finance t give notice of said meeting to the perso and place of hearing. the nature of �,�n_ and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._..__ _. �_. •-- —' 19 _.�� ........�.�.-....... _......._ . — 'City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8 6 u1 enc. andr navinit 1 `report, hereby resole. the said report be and .-by approved and adoDteu. 901,1 lm Droveman, la hereby he proceeded with. the nature of the lm�rove- rh the uC nlnl�le sldeK alknd. to feet on the north elde of t'�,•t brFinning at 0,nelda _ rat 120 feet. u'Ith u ai- r' d phot the esti tnn[od rust hSs t r is per ilneol foot.ubilc .rd Further, That a D „g he had on Id Improvement 13th day of eflctober, 1916, at he nrllur Of 10 Chamber loeoof A. to ICourl ''-loos,• and City Hail Building in tCOMM, I .St sa lunar tof Flnance B vet noltice of "'t meeting to the persons nd In th, Manner provided by the Charter. stat inc the time -anti ptace of hearin9, th 1916. COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 44 In the Matter ofsrrQU#-t;CuCS.1ng...R-...Ceman.t....t11e__Ai-dGJM1k:...to.... on both sides of Louth street between Front street and Hatch street, - ----- -- ... ..... ._... ............. under Preliminary order .-...-11.737 - J111 35th 1916 - ' .....--.app roved ..... ........... .._-.%..._ .._.-..._ �--._..............-�........... _......._..-- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Contatruct a Cement ---_tale _sidewalk_-_LC..-±�...�ldth� .ai�fact._4n.�p�_aide.a....af_.I,Qu_tb....,atz.e.�t..-.ksltween - Front-._street-_endue;.ch.-_stxee_F,-_._-----_---_. —...... ---.......... ...... ..........,._.. — ...-_T. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis $ •..per lineal toot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 4t4 --.__ day of ----acllzur- ... ......... .......... . 191 fi- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the perso d in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature oft p e e t, and the to cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......,. Approved .......... ._...__ ---...-.._.191 V 17, C Perk. Mayor. here Councilman Fa sworth That the ea. t and Is hereby approved and adopted _ Ga the Bald mproa-ement Is hereby ed to be piroceeded with Kel . That the nature f the Improve- - r — It which the Council recommends ds 1. .t runt a r ant the aide walk to •• •h of nix feet un both sides of :h elre.-t hetween Front at feet and •• Na `-h .treat. with no nIternativea. a d „ the . tlmnted coat thereof la 68 Ilneol foot. •• Yo ry�� j�� - .,.solved Further. That a public snag be had o Id Imp --ant Mayor - -r / n the 13th day or October. 1916, t Y r e hii rrneam ere e� tAe C ort IHouea Form B. S. A. a-6 end nc City Hall onuflding In the < Cl ty of 8t. Paul. That the Comml.- moner of IV give notice of said meeting to the person. and In the P—= by Che Charter, .taIngnthe tkne and place of hearlmt. !- ,.lure ofthe Improvement, and it. total cost thereof an estimated. "- Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1916. .i proved Sept. 19, 2818. (Sept 93-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. �r Bv. - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter a— r. feet on the north alga oi.4.iarae _atcenua _4td�._BrnmpSnn_.atraet t9 .. -- e _ipgmo a_v-enlo was%, an ..931__ttie_ Qid�-9f SerCa a_v_enue_from__... ge..etion street to Como. ave—nue_. ..a.a .._. .............. 13 367 approved __APAIA0._21e t1,-1916....._._......._..... _...... under Preliminary order..._.....i_........_...._.__........_ ....._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. • COII0trl10t, t3 _00m04t 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 1s....._....:......_... - tilesidewalk-_to...a width of aia...feet•._on the•__ north•._ eide...oY___Pieroe . __........_ .... ..... .. to Coruo ►vu _ the south avenue from Bo>Pton ...... ............ .... _.—....._ .._-.._Bae__v..f_�sr_cs...n�Bua...izs>tt...tQn..�ttQ�.x.__>ta...SQmQ_*alaus_'�a_L,.........._...... .... _._......_...... _.... .... ...... ......... _.—_ _ -- -- — with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis lineal fent. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... day of t — -- - tAmolkima 0010ber _, 1910 _ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Coutt House and City Hall Building intIt City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the perso d /the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of t p vv e and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------- -- -•••—• � ' Approved 191 _ ..........._.......... ---- ----- _ mayor. Glir u report o1 the pe '0" uupon the Councilman Far and having cone. sworth t t,ereby resolves. ,at the said report be and C/0S hereby approved and adovte,.. Bald improvement fs DarebY Kell:r tc be proceeded with. 2t the suture o[ the ImDrove- Ich the Ceuncll reconmenda le t a ment Ilia sfd rthde ofl / '• .nz teat o the nn a IIW/ Nay a oe fron(•Ttrn� Dt^ ghat aonlh! (e nve uo of rµm Kte^t on at. ,• Yo g , r tt'ext. •ilh Itor o ,rd t�hat the ea tima[ada a at Mayor Pole 58 Cents per Ilnenl :ool. rs ,ived6nrther. Thal fiad on vemenit ,i De snld fmDro Form 8, S. A. 8-6 ,r 13th da: e( ttctober, 7916, h. Of to r0 1 the Court IHouee' City Hall Bulldin6 In the Sty o[ 9t. Pnu.. That the Commis- sloner of pypanoe Blve notice of a61. meeting to t11e Dereone and In the manner provided DY the Charter. stat- ing the time and Dince of het d. tha total coat thereof as estlms[ed r Adopted by the Council 9eDt. 16, 1916. ' Approved Sept ifl, 1916. t.4eD YY -1916). COUNCIL FILE NO ............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER- K IatheMetterof...Construct�_a_cem@nt._._�,ile eideRalk to a width of eiz Thotaae �Pwt beL�een_��>i8ge_�treet and _ feet. on the aouth _ai P ref -- _Iiamlinla. asBnum, __..... _...___..._...-...___....__.__.-...-_...............------------- Jtil 6th, 1916 ved. under Preliminary 11375_ _.._....._...appro........__.._Y._............__.--.._._...•. .._.._........_._....-_-•--- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Comtttissioner of Finance upon the above improvement• and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Cons t mO t a celriBrit 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...813..'. of -74PPM ..___.tile _a.isidaalk•-. _............_..__ ........... 74PPM etr_�st...batween .'ax z�8 At ...... - —.......... _..__..... ._...._....___.-----___.--------........-- lineal foot. - .... ....... ...... _._._........._-. 058 Per.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ —• ••••- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... _.._..13th ,___ _,.._day of 1916 , at the hour of 10 o clock A. M_, in the Council Chamber, 0-0-061 WMMFRNP of the Court House: and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time the nature of .yam- v nt, and the total cost thereof as estimated. and place of hearing, G' _._.�, 191; Adopted by the Council____ n ` city Approved ...._..............._....... U /L ...._. _.._ .......................Mayor. ha d r- aid aid raD- CouncilmanFar Sµ'Orth Buld IImDDbvement to hr. GO to be proceeded with• :hat then Lure of the 1mDrove•I a•hlch the Counrlt rerommenda to ' Ke r uct n errant elle aWe`h tk to II u( 'Z xr (rrt n the -1 nye a teat +trretn batweetrith a alter oo-I Hnmllne c•nue. aAa tont the catlmated c et I — •' lal8 en( la -8 Centa Der lineal [oot.ublIc ft:•Bolved Faqrther. an d aI rov mint hi arIn9 ne had an flet, 1916. t Lha L� �•-rte` h, urn .(110n dnY a(the. CounIt" ppp,��..,...��, 'clock A. an CItY Mayor �/y �'hn:n hrr of the Court Hou o� eBL l•aul. Il:.il I�uil aianp In the CI' 1'Flnn rice Fiv^ 'I'hei tri. leuelom•r tri„ peraona Form B. S. A. 8-6, :,ta.'•i rima nern provided bn th :1'1[n r[rr, ratio Bothe tfmr` cud Pl ce . n..arina, tuthe Im Re era the nare 'mi thn total coat [heroof [Imuted. � 16, 1926.1 . lAap" b. thL Is- 19l6.geDL it ,t pprrnved 6eD (Sapt. R3 COUNCIL FILE NO --- —_.. ..__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER'. � In the Matter of. Conetru-9—ting-.-i3...c.�i,.ar,.t.....1.ile....s.1deR.t<1.Js..._tu...g._F.i.d.th..-o.f..-.pixi-et on the _south: side of. nniye;ei.tX_.tg�>uae_b_eg.in.�ing..at.-/a y_41u_t 2�3a feet �west_of_Chatsworth - street tp _Pa8pa1. avgnLl4a__ _ under Preliminary order. _ 11-.. 4.4..-._._._..... __ ....... approved .....duly..._22-th,._..iaiii............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul haves received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sail report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_._COns.trupt a_ cement ................. Onleersit ax_eilu._kf1Ei.�uiz>S...A.t...a-.&a1n.t...222....5e.:.�.xaa.t._n .._.._...._.._.. Chatsworth street tc Pascal avenua. ........ ......_._._..... ___ .......... ..... ..... -- 0 ...... --......... _....... ................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2_t5@ per 1 i nea 1 foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...._13 th ._ __ .-___ .-.._ day of ,OCtOb.. 191 6. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the per a in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of i# at, and the total co thergof as�vstimated. Adopted by the Council.—_. 191 --- -- Approved .._...-__..... _-1 _ _ __ . 191 _.._ /J Mayor. �s Councilman Fa sworth Ih. aa,d r.perg a i a herid ylmo*ooement i. her.hv IA thej o,dec.d to be Proceeded with. I.. That the natureIt of the 1mDrove- k. er ant which the Co[ the sidewalk Ato la .' mnetruoc[ i cam _ width r .Ix rest non beginning slat Of I'nlveralty syeaue Na polar. 222 teat .set of Chatsworth hr. to Pascal a with no niternatly es. " Y rg and that the tr etlmn ted .at thereof Is 68 Cents per lineal foot Mayor Po rs a���en Kr�te had"�`sada lmpro public the lath Aa)' or Cic t.. 1916, at the Form B. S. A. tl-6 tour r to 'clock A. M.. In the Council Ch.mber of the Court House and Clty flail Building In the City of St. Paul Thatthe Commisnl... r of Fla.— glee 11.1k, of said meeting .to the pare... a d In the rasnner provided by the Charter, slating the time end place of hearing, the nature of the Improve - sant. and the total cost thereof as timated. Adopted by the Counali Sept 18, 1916. COUNCIL FILE NO. _— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_ReognetTUCtingi__repei_rina and relaying. with_ce:::ent the -"-...._ .to a width of 9.5 faa_tha pre.aenS_csment tile.._aidaaa.11[...nn_�.�eat aide of Cedar street from Tenth street thence south 28 feet, .............._... ...... ......... .... -- under Preliminary order ...._1.a� lea___ ._.-_ _.._._ .......-_ approved ..._AV ue t_.,15th 1916_._.......... ...... ..... _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Reconstruct, repair Reconst 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is............_......._ s .__ 4=ant--ti.1.a_.ta..a..aid.th_.o�.9..5-..feat,_..tha....praaenL_.cfamenfr tile sidew4lk on the west Bide of Cedar-street from_Tenth etre th _esltxth..3fl....faax,_—..- _ ._.._..___................._.._......_..--....... -... -.... ........ .......... .......... _ ............. ..._... ____........ _--- .._............... _....__ �_.._.....- ....... ...... _._..._.......__—__— 0 91 e with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S—! _....P_._._._ r lineal foor for new walk, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... _..._13 th ,_ day of 0_Q �tQ1�R .............._... 191 .8. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of t ip ement, and the tot cost thereof as estimated. �� — 191 I11 Adopted by the Council_...__. _. �S City Cler�l Approved ............ ........... '..a_.....:_........... —_ - 191__._ G/ C/ /C'�i.(/1 ---.—.._.._........... ........... Mayor. e I• with. ha.e Councilman Pprnsworth to be nature of whe unt the nature of the Improve-. which the Council reromm«ode Ie •, G $ i hurt. repair and rein>' rlth n• � n[Yl lie0 t w•Idth of 9.5 feet, in - '' Ke of i�,.�•.nt 114- �t rile eldew'alk a �et «me orredur xrreet frome1 nhln ,• .`t thenrr outh ".6 feet with n ul- i:tt,-- and that the ntlmelyd Ocoet •• /. Ih•�re•r In 91 t ••ntx Der lineal foul for 'L' - nrw walk. ttaeutved Further, That a public hearing be Aad On aid Im Dro vement •• YO rg, js nry -E#r« 131h ,h, Clc[.. 191 G, nt the ��_ ccc huur of 16 "clock A- Id. in the Council y, t'hamb" of th Court House and City Pain. ` Mayor Sof` ` ' • Hall 1, Id1Ing In the Clp' se St. Pam. L That the Commleeloner of Finance glue Form B. S. A. 8-6 notice of said meeting Sp the persona and In the manner provided by the Charter, toting the time and place of heart ng, the nature of the Improve- ant. x d the total cost thereof-ne set (mated. .t Slupt«d b5' the Cuunrll sept. 16, 1916. .tpproved sept. 16, 1916. (sept- 21-1916) - COUNCIL FILE NO.. ... _..... _.__...__ INTERMEDIARY--- ORDER,.- - 'Z In the Matter of. gsyr!�ct ine-_o._9Er ....Un,. E.v..a.,.�trget.._ etween.__Fl c_ ia...._ -- - - street and Chicago avenue_ard Plato etreet_from_Eva etreet.to State -- s tr ea t, -..... -_......__...__......._.......... ............ ...... ..._-_----_ .....- June 21st 1 _..._ under Preliminary order..__. 5540..._._____._.....___.....__approved._..._.__.._..._...__.�_.__._._.........._.......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above/ improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Con strv� a sewer 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ............. P1 to _............ ...9n...Fva_.a-t.re.�t_2�>3.t_Reer. .._�_ e.e..,_........... _............................ .... _.. _.. _....__._... _........ ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 3,�C_77...00.._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... _............ 14th .day of Oe t ober 191 6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, IgNOWIM of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person /ip a manner provided by the Charter, stating the time pyovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. and place of hearing, the nature of Adopted by the Council___..__ f - City Clerk. Approved........ ............. ..A... - ... .._........... _ _------- Y mayor. �.of the - __ —by y. oaolves; conside. Councilman Far 'worth ;aldrroport be .ad th. 'bY approved and adopted. IJoS g',n :ne a Id ImprovetRcnt Ie hereby ordered tobeproceeded with ECeI r i r. That the nn tura f the improve- ment which "ever C.uncll .commend. fa o n otrwh .on-Ev. street be- 0taecnnFl i'Into�t lreetafrum nd ht:<•no trees i •, nue a d s n�fth n niternatlrea, 5ta[e street, g / All, that the eetlmnttd cost the reef I. L/`ia.or; oo. '/� Resolved Further, That • pupils M18yof Po era-: / C r hearing be had on said Improvemenat t •�-'+- n I,.. 11th d., of th-[ober, 1916, he 1- the hour f 10 o'clock A. a-, In the Form B. S. A. B b council of of the moths House and CI[Y Hall Building .loner fof tFlnanee give That tleeCof said seting to the ponona and In the manner provided by [he Charter, etat- Ing the time and Dt.ce of�h ..ring. the resate of the Improveptdnt, and tb. total cost thereof ae eatlmated. Adopted Uy the CmTela aepl. 19. 1918. COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... .- . __ lt._................ - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ' llsif«. 11.8 3�SxS�_..1i8k.11ag....an for elopes, for cuts_.ard 11118.Ln.__&rAd5 eno._tha-A_11ey__1n_.Block. 1-6,_ ChUS_e Br.o.thea's _D. viaion;_.agcQrdiniz s_o_sh.e....plan hereto at_t.imba.d anal_ made a part.hares., t._Lha hatched p.orti.on.�haaing the outs and the _.._...-- under Preliminary order _...__98 ... ..... ....... ..... _ ...._.__approved ._APri 1 ? thi 1916. ................. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered -said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be .and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...COndemn _and.,, take an_ easemen.t_.1zt_._thv__la d.neaeta.eary t.or...a.lap m'-for.._au.La....ansl....filia _ia.- ............ g -n 4R&_the,__Alle5onj__acc_q_ di n_Z..__tA._._... tha._p lan...he.reSn _astanhed ..and. made...a..pazt_.hsreo.f......she...haLched_.p.ars.inn.........:. Thowing the cute and the shaded rartion._.the fills. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement -on the ... .... ....... J.6.1ch ... __ ...... day of October ........... 1 191 6_. , at the hour of I0,o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 44 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of I p77nt..and the tojal cost thereof as estimated. i Adopted by the Council__.....__— :......— _ v 191 /City Clerk. Approved ........... ........ ._. . -- ...__Vr � .-.........-, 19l / .. Mayor. Councilman Farn worth (30sKell r 6' Y i y, Mayor crs - Form B. S. A. 8-6 1. t y Thattheenldraa ' anie le hereby approved ,nld the altl Ivemeni Is cera. :f ordered to be. proceeded wnb. 2. That Ne n tore f the lmprove- me t which the Councll r de le ndl rrnr. arM1d take c0 nt In and I,,nd eexx r f;r 0P- sae allx In ,,-rndlna h• ey oinr 7ilo k 16. �'hute I:rnthera' nil -1110n, a cord Ing to she """ hereto alt— a antl m de u Dart h—of. the hntrheA portlon .h__ Ina the rut' And the shaded portion the 'lIlx..vlth r. alternatives, and that the •atlmnred o t thereof Ie $5000. Resolved sFurther. That' n Dubllc hearing be had o Bald Improvement n he 16th duy of fir L. 1516, at the hour of 10 o'clork A. 5th, 1. tho he Chnmber f the Court House and ''It)• HT Building In 'the CItY of at. I'nul. Tbat the Commissioner of FI - ,he Dereonn and ce of ethe mld meeting to no ed by the Charter❑ toting the time nlnd ❑Inge of hearing, the nature of the Im- provement, and the total cost thereof est l mated aaAdopted by the Council Sept. I8, 1016. Approved Sept.18�8J. 6, (Sept. X4 . RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. - lk In.the matter of IGondeaAing tail tmking an aaaalnent It, the lend n&eaassry for slopes, for cute :nisi tills in y;radia4 the Alley iu e.cCasrrick'm %o - Division of Block IM, Lyzan 11)uyton09 Addition, the land to oe taken being more &articularly describerti as an eaaeQfent for slopea, -for auto and fillip in '"Id Ulon the land abutting uion Allay in koCarrick's 8ut,9ivision of Filcok 3e, Lyman Dayton's Addition, tc: the extent shown upon the aketeh uttaone.l to the report or the Cosuafieaionar of Public t'urka, in the aaatter lattali June 12th, 1916, which sketch exrid report are hereby referred to and mettle a part hereof, under Prelimivary Order $ , aPprmrd itcarOh 34Lh,191$Intermrdiary Order 1 approved April 38th, 1838. - .- or •cut.a and f abutting as r abu otting " lck'a gubdl- A Public hearing li-ving Bern I•ad u,nu the taken and c•— 'O �>'mnu Daytona u extent (sown upon easements �hrrein. for the above all—lo,d to the report .f e awards of mato— r Public Works. improvement. and th damartr, 6 --for, and al, alter doted .funs 12th. 1911, therefor. and the Council having ,,it and report are here duty considered the same. nos. therelore he n •rriiminar �v�uraer r'c atter. ]iar<•h Salt. 1'916. lnterme - lar 10, SS J, approved April V Resolved, i'haf the inking and ,condemnation of the die hearing having been ted assessment roll, identified by the taking and condemnatlo asemen[s therein, in signatures of the Mayor and City ( lerk. and made a part her nprovement. and the uvna es to the owners of such lands re - $es therefor. and also g _ meat f benefits th s,)actively for said taking and cm+demna6on as set forth in a'ouce^l having duly utherer i d the same is hercbv m all respects rati- lila t lied and confirmed. ` "nd i R--)Ived further, that the said asses:mr•m of benefills. be and the same is hereby to all respects ran6ed, and the same is _ hereby ordered to he submitted to file Will, t Court for confirmation. -8raf.Elw6.q, i shat the .4 b.r�ll...., � • ellhpetel�yiaerr�t�sri6rd,,lse,ts�. Adopted by the Couaul 191 City Cler . Approved .191 Councilma Farnsworth Mayor. Councilm Goss Councilm Keller Councilf Nash ........---.•..ter CouncilYoerg Mayor Pere FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. sk In the matter of Condemning and taking an segment in the land necessary for slopes, for auto and fills is grading this Alley in McCarriokle Sub - Division of Block 88, Lyman Dayton's Addition, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an-easement"for slopes for outs and fills In and upon the land abutting upon Alley in M00"ri0k1s Subdivision of Block 86, Lyman Dayton's Addition, to the extent shown upon the- sketch attached tc the report of the Comsissioner of public Works, in the matter dated June 19th, 191Ei, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order approved Intermediary Order approved SING March 27th,1916 10,33: April 38th, 1916.. Resolved: I l h t e foil wing mpro ement be and the sa e u her by ordered be made viz: Condetan and tale an ease�en in t°te j.an necessary for mopes, �or cuts and fills in grading the Alley in ;ricCarri.ck'e Cul -division cf Block 88, Lymar. Dayton's Addition. (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken. appropriated and con- (Ined for the purpose of making the said Improvement, viz: An eaaemen , f or elopes, f 0 r cuts and fi1T8 in grading the Ailey it hcCarrick's Subdivision of Block 88, Lyman Dayton's Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch -attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated June 12th 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a cart hereof. Adopted by the Council 191,jr ! / 962 City Clerk. Approved I rrllm Siarrh 'its. I••. 1 16, approved .\Prll 261h, Re229, solved: 111 Thal the following ImD• to / `f be and the sa a Is hereby ori. a r be made, 'the ere st ry In the lead sum. 1. ea nrY ding Illls In Kra Mayor. COnnCllm Farnsworth and Alopes, for cuts and f the alley6,1 L)5man rMyt Saubdddille, anon of Block 12) That the following In ad. lands, CioUllCllm Goss or a aemente therein be and the same , COUIICIIm Beller a hereby taken. upproDrlated and making aoadem Councilm McColl ned for the purpose of the Bald improvement. vlx: An ease- Councllm Nash ment for sloin- for uts and fill. In grading the alley to ?teCarrteka Sub• Councilm Yoerg divisioaof Hlock 88, Lymnn 1)ayt I Addition. t the extent shown upoh the Mayor Po ors ketch attached to the report In this I f 1'ubllc \\'0111, - Y Commissioner datedlune IYth, 1916. hlch — mallet jj sketch and report or, hereby referred and mnde n part hereof. AdOptetl by the Cou—il Sept 18, 1916. �on Approved Sept. 18, 1916. + (Sept. 23.1916) RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. - In the matter of Cor,de,:_r.ir,j; ar:i taking-ar- eaeeaent in the la: -d r.eceesP_ry for sloFes, for cl is e:.: 1411s ir, grading Altor. street frog YoLngn.an avenue to West Seventh street, the lar.: to be taker; beir,g more particularly des— cribed as ar easement for elopes, for cuts alld fills ir. and upon '•'•e land ai,utting upon Alton street to the extent shown upor, the sketch attached to thApril'13th,r1916,twhichh sketchrland`reiortlareoherebynthe referredteed he o aa.de a 1,art ,iereof, under Pndioull-V Order ___55 , ul,pn»rd Dec.a3r•1, 1515 . Intermediary order 9516 approved w a r eh 15th; 1'•016. A Puhh, he,.rmg ha.:ny been haJ upon the laking aod,ondernnauon of the lands or eacrinents therein, for the .hove ,mprn,rmrnt. and the ..ands nl dam., ,•s Ih. rrhx. end also upon the a. essment of brn,fi,s th. n•ior, and the Council having — duly considered 16e same. no's th• r[ -(ore br 't f:.,s•+lved. i hat th, t ,kmu -d. ndemnation of do lands dry, r,hed in the a.,7—ed! as:eesmenl roll. identified by the sq,tatures of the Mayor and , tv C Jerk. and_madr :: ,net hrreol, and the awards of damaxrs to the owners of such lands re. «;,vrly for said taking and , „ndr m,au•,n as srl {,.nth m s.uJ __-11 11 roll. br and the same l,, hereby in all respects rati- fied and , onhrmed. N,.•.olved iunhr. th d the r,id .,.,..;mrnt of I••-. , fit,, he anJ It,, same 1> l -reby in all resp": t, reufied, and the s' me is h••reby ordered to be subm:nrd ,o th- U,s:-�,t eon. \dopted by the' Cmu,t:l 191 illy CICrk. 191 � ( �C Approved - Mayor. [.king and condom,... Councllma Farnsworth ,ad. o easement. therein, for the awards co Councllma I Goss „ mprovement. and .,pages therefor. and .)-o upon the the' Councilma Beller ee.ement of benefits therefor, and council having duly conaldered the Councilma I McColl same, now therefore be it t-ki glband con- — Councdm Nash Aemnaollon of tl,a lends deacrhe eit n the , zed eases. epi r II. Identified by uall. C.ouncilm Yoerg the.lgnatl-ii of the blayor and City Clerk. and made a part hereof. and the awards f damage. to the owner. of - Mayor P ers such mads respectively for said taking uad <_ndemnetion ae e t forth In eald llailiceturs.,roll, be and the same is ' hereby in all respect. ratified a d-rF. - flrmal. att e said ae- nesol,`edfurther. that - [urther., nAthe ahureby pin Ia all respect- ratlfiede and , mltted to the Disttrictr Court forucoafir- me.tion. .Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1916. ved Sept. 18, 1816. (SCPL 23-1938) - FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in t a land necessary for slopes, icr cute and iills ir. grading Alton street from Youngu.an avenue to West Seventh street, the lard to be taken being more particularly des— cribed as an easement for elopes, for cuts ani fills in and upon the land abutting upon Alton strer.t. .k the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the romn.issioner of Public Works, in the matter dated April 13th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 8555 , approved Dec. 23r11 1915. , Intermediary Order 9516 approved march 15th, 1916. ` Resolved: (1) l hat the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in grading Alton street from Youngman avenue to Wet Seventh stredt. (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con - demised for the purpose of making the said im rovement, viz: An easement forb@i*�§gA, tIIg T lr .%saa�Oresa fills in and ppon the land a�uttirg upon Alton streetltc he exie.. shown ufor, the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the natter dated April l3thr 1£166, which sketch and report are 'ereby referred to and made a part hereof, Adopted by the Counril Approved Councilman Farnworth Councilman on Councilman eller Councilman cColl Councilman ash Councilman erg Mayor Power l _ .rssss. City Clerk. 1435. RJ1roved ,larch 16th. 1918 arch 16th. I enolretl: 11) That the follnwlnR Im3 rmatle,h mC'on�lemn bent' l _ be vlza e alop.eenl In this I. -d Mayor. Is nd all. 1. .utan street from vnangmrtn a .'to R'eet t�nu. Seven [h etre•et t.] That the following Iand, land. ements therein be and the . arse here"?' taken. appr.prlaled and cond'em nett fur Iho purpose of making Bald Itnproya•m,•nt. vie: A. —rit [or elopes, for jutea and fill. In and Pun [he In fid nbuttlnrt upon Alton St. "el w.rn the Polnla fureanld to the •x - Itenl shown upon al<etc•h attached tis Ih. r,Porl of listthe 1 mlaBtoner f as 1'u hli, 11'ork. In ht• nttter 1olit h, 1411{, whish eketeh fid led d ce- p,a er I,— thereof. TI .Pled h,lhr t'ou nu ll Sept. 16, I,, Anproved 1416. SePI. IN. I"I F, _, [Sept. Mwwwww NATION AND OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Condemnil.o c.r.d taki::;:, an easement in the land r,ts�essary for slopes, fDr is fids in grating burns avenue frog the I:orth and South center line 0*. Section 34, Town 25, Range 22, to the East line Of 77.ite; Bear ars,.,. -r.r ced southerly, the '_and to be taker, being more particularly describe! as ars easement for slopes, fcr cuts and fills in "and _;: :. t o la -.a abutting uron -� -x_ie between the points afore- said to the extent s`.• the sketch attached to the report cf the • Com .i.es: ,r. f .f :'.1 °, c e, :i tae n.at`_er .iated 1:ay 22nd, 1913, which sketch and- rep ,ft -.reby referred to ani dale a Fart hereof, under Preliminary Urder6374 .-ippr-ed D .;: Sth, 1515. , Intermediary Order '17, %81 approved April 1!: th, 1516. A public herring havmt: bre. had upon the lakm: ind , ondemnation of the lands or rasemrnts therein. for the above improcrmrnt. and the award of dame,;. -s th-efor, and also upon the acsrssmrnt of hrnebts th,relnr, and the Council having duly considered the same, now th.-r,f, r he it fZesnls'rd. Thal the laking and condemnation c,II the lands d-scrihed in the -annexed assn=smrnl roll. identified by the vgoatures of the .'Mayor and City Clerk. and mad, a part herrof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- es :ivrly tot said taking and condemnation as set torth in ,aid asse,smenl roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said a»resment of hea&mt,, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. and the same is hrreby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for ouhr•nation. • al Adopted by the Council 191 Approved Councilma i Farnsworth Counralma I Goss Couria4ma I Keller Councilma 9 Ca all Councilma I dash Councilma a Yoerg Mayor Po ers City Clerk. . 191 oder 10.064, nDL .916• Mayor. ,bile hearing having been t he taking and condemnation o1 ds or easement. therein, for the _ improvement, and the awards or res therefor, ad also upon the msnt of benefits therefor. and the .ell having duly cons idered the - e. o therefor. be It Resolved. That the taking and con- aemnatlon of the lands described In the annexed assessment roll. Iden Lifted by G the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerer-f. ad the k, of da part thr.iM iter., of u•h lands respecllvs.Y for held taking and condemnation asart forth In .aid neaeesment roll, be and the ea a is hereby In all respect@ ratified and con- firmed. Resolved further• that the said as- = ent of benefits. be and the same I, aherreb>' in all res Decte rail Bed. and theearn to the Districtis Coude rtforto bconfi sub- mitted- m ttlon. Adopted by the t'ounell Sept. 19. 1916. Approved Sept. 18.-1918._ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION - PROCEEDINGS. I In the matter of dot-ie.,.r. it- .ri *.akin., a_ ea sel_ent. in the la:.: r.e.easary `r r rlcg —, fc r c- IF '12 IIF Ji. gradin; Furns avenue fro', the ..crth and South center lire cf Se-t.ioL 34, Toren 29, Range 22, to east line of White Bear avenue produced southerly, the lana 'e V -ken teing core ,articularly described as ar. easeh.ent ic:r elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land ati.tting upon F.urr.e avenue tetmeen the points aforesaid to the extent shown Supon the sketch attached to the report -of the Comt',issior.er of Public Works in the scatter dated say 22nd, 1916, which sketch and report are ;ereby- referred to and t..ade a part h reef, under Preliminary Order 8394 approved ^ec • th, 1915. • Intermediary Order 10, 084 approved April 19th, 19:9 . Resolved: ( I ) l hat the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: C'endemn and tare an easefhent in the lard necessa-ry for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Burns avenue from the North and South cente-r line of Section 34, Town 216, Range 22, to the east lire of White Fear avenue produced southerly. (2) That the following land. lands. or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken. appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An easemer,t for slopes,.fcr OIlts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon F.urne avenue between the poir-ts aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report cf the Comr..ission,,r cf Pudic Tcrks ir. the natter dated taay 22nd, 1916, whicn Sketch and report are heret,y referred -to and shade a part hereof. Adopted by the Council Approved Councilman arfuworth % Councilman am ' Councilman eller lam- Councilman Councilman ash Councilman oerg Mayor Pow in I n oill") Unler City Clerk. "" 1 h, 79" .Inter- ' ...0114. approved ApHl hal the fo I. hereby ord 'e d ret the x me I. hereby ord, red to -the, rend take an •t In Inslured neresaary for o and fill re in grad tag "c t e from Section North and e l22 ton. a Sect lore 31. Tu t. e YY. to the rebs It., of Whit. (tear teen a pi-II—d eo cher la IYI Thotu'he , fIn t" ng land, Innds, or e otxthorvin be rend the x herby taken, uppi-on, f and e \ demned for tn, par pose r eri-tth, • sold Improvement, red .An easement fur he tend for ruts and alts In and up- on the 1,11 alp,- -',I upon Fiume a o between [h.• polnla .•rlo ,eau ld to the rel nhoupon the sketch attached ,totrh• rewo port of the Commisatoner of I'u hli� \1'or k -to the rmttter dated At¢y ml 191ri, wh lch -ketch and rnPort are be L,' referred to and mad, a part he of. Adopted by the t'..ncll Sept. le, 1916. APP roved Pi. ln. 1916. IS Pt. 25-1916) Mayor. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necassary for slopes, for cUto and fills ir. grading Juliet street from Syndicate avenue to Hamline averu e, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Juliet street between the pointe aforesaid to the extent sh(,uz: u-cr. .' e bketch attached to the report of the Com-_ missioner of Public Works, in the matter dated June 13th, 1916, which sketch and report are herety referred to and made a --art :.ereof, under Prvhmin-, Order 9311 nppn„rd lriarch 36 th, 1916 , Intermediary Ord- 1t,, 330 apprn,.ed April 38th, 1916, A publb li—ring havuig been had upon the taking and, ondemnalion of the land—r eti-in •nts thereto. for the above Improvement. and the --Ids of damages Ih,-reh>r. and also upon the assessment of benefits the -for. and the Council having duly considered if,, sane. n s Ih,•rrfore he i Resolerd, i oat th, I tk,nA and condemnation nl the €ands described in lin• annt zed assecsmeu: roll, identified by the signatures of the May and Coy I. h•rk. and made a part herr„(, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- srec:ively for said taking and onde nnanon set brie u; s.ud a.,,—m ,If. be and the same is hereby in all respects ran - tied and confirmed Resolved lurtber.:h ,: ihr >aid a.,rsrm<-nt of b--neL;ls. he and Ihi. ram,- is li-eby .i all r 1, ranlird. and the same is li—by ordered to be submitted to the District C ourl lot , ,oh,niation, II - d lqwplbv� Adoptcd by the Coun„d 191 (� City Cl Approved 191 v y ;. rder 9i , . 19Ia, Interal— _ - Couucdm Farnsworth Goss Councilm Keller r— Councilin Mem—” - Coancilm lash , Councilm Yoerg Mayor No ers April28th. n cahearing hav ng beahad _ Mayor. or takCouncilm the lands or ease cents nd therein. fortrat be - hove Improvement. and the awards of damages therefor. and the Caunctl hav- Ing duly considered thg same, now there - fere > o It $e Ivied• That the taking an3"con- semnatlon of the lands dencrlbed In the anne 1 d neaeaemen, roll. Iden itby the IKnecunw of he Mayor and Clty Clerk. aria made a Dart hereof. and the arde of demagee to the n f u -h Iwnda reeprrtively roe aid ftak- Ing n d ndemnntlon set forth 1 w Ia ; eeaeam nt sell. be and the an dart eon rmeA In w11 espec to ratl- Reeol,•fedf( ist-fl, bet and thed a 1, h -eeyoin an aspects defined�a e .filed ro l fnni•s Ueirie0t court toy con- nrmaure red by Sept. 18, 1916. _ .\dep apw ear ept, 18. isr16. (Sept 23.1916) FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, • In the matter of ftudsuaing and taking an easement 14 the land necessary for elopes; for GUU and fills in grafting Juliet street from Syndicate avenue to Hemline avenue, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easeisent fax slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Juliet street between the points aforesaid to the "tent shorn upom the sketch attached to the report of the O m— alssloner of Public Torks, in the mutter dated June lath, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby -referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 9311 , approved laarch a8th,191B Intermediary Order 10,230 approved April 28th, 1916. Resolved: (1) l hat the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and take un easement in the lard z.ecessary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Juliet street from Syndicate avenue to Haruline avenue. (2) That the following land. lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- �jemned for the purpose of making 1 in the said Im movement. viz: An easement for slopes, for Cuts and s and upon the lar. abutting upon Juliet street from Syndicate avenud to Hamline avenue, to the extent ahGwn upon the sketch attached to the report of the'Oourl.issioner of Public Works, in the matter dated June 12th, 1916, whiph sketch and report are hereby referred to and made - a part hereof. Adopted by the Council �. "1 s' City Clerk. Approved f it Jer Il 1916r t the following lmprt n e la herebyrd• vi., l;Dndvmn ' and to ' fiat In the land a......ry for _'a and rill. In graJlnR Mayor. Council n Farnsworth strict from Syndlcute avenue to Council an Goss .Ia21 .l' ue. land,. el final int rauowbt- Counciln an Keller dth or casein entn therein be and the . era hertbY Inken• appropriated teJ and Council n Mc6etl ndem n ad for the purpose of mnking An ea Council Nash Lha said I Drovemenl. via: ear aloDex. mor cute and ells in n CoDUCII n Yoerg and upon the land abutting upon Juliet am- Ireetlfr.. Sy ndlcnte avenue to Hart- 't Mayor P wen ,nue, , to the extent shown upon he .ket n attached to we revort of Cho t'mm�rl.nloa.' of 1'ablic W rkc. In , the matter dated June 12th, 1916, 'hlch _ '- rered e h• slhb retor xk• tt h � nJ port are to and mx1.• a parthe reof. - Adopted by the 1'o anSept. Is. 1916. - Approved Sept. 18. 1916. (Sept. 23-1916) - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In for mann of C ;,3 _ J a ;i *.along an zaselnent ir. the lana neczaaary for slopes, for cute an, fil'_a n .; kio_,, Like Cerro and p Dale street to Western avenue, the land to be taker. bei:- cre descri:ai as Ph, en avenue from az easement fcr slopes, for clits and fille,ln ar,d uarticularly i31i,1 abutting "��ea emen to the extent shover. lir.or, thz eketani phalen avenue betreen the' Fon -re of Public P,'nrks, attached t� cf the aforesaid are hereby referred L7a matter dated April 3rd, 91 rzrhicPort cf the Cc:,.1-ssior:er to and 191, rhich aketc a.:d rerort 'art .-reof, under Preliminary Order ob()a u 2nd, 1915 . bltermrdiev ()rd,-, 9399 aphrn,rd 'arch oth, 19:1= . A P. bill hearing h", "'it I--, had upon Ills' la:;tr,g and , nndernnanon of the land. or ra,. mems Ih.•mm. for rhe above Imtxov oleol, and the asvords of dnm ,,;r. th-mor. :,fill als, > upon the a»rssmrnt of hen• fill Ih•rr(nr ouncd havin duh c.>o,idrrrd rhe same. ..... . Ih.•refor< .and the (' Ii- ,r R R's.,,ked. (hal the taking and . ondrrm a7lnq of "" Lords dr d,ed In 16e slgnatun•s of the ,blavor and (1!v C Irrk. sad marl.. annet"d anrssmrnl roll. ,denrifed by he a part her rol. and Ili• for s drr;-ards of damag. to the rnvners of such lands re- !ivrh' said taking and . ondemnan.ro as set forth to „I.i As,rssmrnl -11, he and the <ainr ,, hrn•bv m ail resptrls rati- fied aod,onfirmnd. R<•solvrd lurrhrr, thal Ihr sold a,ws.rnorn „i h...,.•m!.. he and III, s,,m • 1, hrrrhy m all ra!,hrd. hrrrhy nrderrd to fit' submitted to the D.srncr ( ou:t n•spcas and the lama for .on is hnnallon. ,%dopted by the Coum,l approved City v{trk. 141 / / //////'�/��// .trr, <th. v / .March 61 h. A hoot Councilm n Farnsworth / Council n Cross Council n K,teller the [siting and co.. , Aon the to rands or easements m,. trt, and the wards of (above es therefor. damages therefor. and nleo upon the assessment of la ittherefor, and Mayor. I, Council,. o I`(ill�� the Council having duly considered the Counclh n Nash same, ose therefore be It Resolved, That the tolling and con- _ (ouncill n yo Mayor f wrrs demnntlon of the innds deecribed In the annexed assessment roll, identified by tho Ignatures of Iho 1lnyor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof. and tha awards of demagen to the own are of ueh land, respectively for Bald takingg As And condemnation n set forth In aald roll, be s Ad the same le herebyant In alt reapecta ratified and con - fir mel Reaoleed further. that the said as- " seasmrnt of benefit.,. be and the same e hr n•b)' In all reapecta ratlit and :'he thea a la bureby ordered Io be sub- to muted the District Court for connr- malion. Adopted by' the Council Sept. 19, 1510. Approved So" I8, 1916. (Sept. ;5-1910) l 7 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 1 for slotpeehe etterforof ycutshar.3gfills Vini3radirgan e aLakenCoio and Phalenavenue eyfrom Dale street to �deatarn ave--, the land to be taken being more ;:articularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in al.d upor, the land abutting upon Lake Como and Phalen avenue between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Com- missioner of Public Works, in the matter dated April 3rd, 1916, which sketch and raport are hereby referred to and :..aie a Fart hereof, under Preliminary Order 6808 , approved Sept. 2nd, 1915 , Intermediary Order 5399 approved yareh 6th, 1516. - Resolved: (1) 1 hat the following Improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, fpr cuts and fills in grading ]Lake Como and Phale.% avan-,e from rale street to Testern avenue. (2) That the following land. lands, or easemenf> therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of makingthe said Improvensent, viz: An easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts anfills in grading Lake Como and Phalne avenue between t.. the L0ints aforesaid to t_:e extent shown, upon the sketch attached to the" report �f the Comia>ioner of Ppblic Works, in the matter sated April 3rd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and uhade a Fart hereof. Adopted by the Council Approved I Councilm n Farnsworth Councilm Gom Councilm Keller Councilma 14�1to*, Councilma !Nash Councilma Yoerg Mayor Po rs he—c-, un— t t6808ppr—Se City Clerk. . int "armedhe—c-,d 0,, er 9399. vnrch 6th. Di191 is, / solvIv ed tf That the followinit Im Prdered U and the name n hereby ordered to to made, Is: Condemn and take n ea �eaeemen[ In the land necessaryfor Como plakes rend Pharidalen, ave uerarom Mayor. n,fe street ro \v,-- a (a)u That the toilowin Iwna, land.. or a to therein be andthe e and are hereby taken• sopr.priat,d ndem ed for the purpose of making the said improvement. via: An ease- ment In the I.qd n wary for elopes, for cu [p - nd fill. in tfrndfng Ln kc Como and Phalen a, I>e twe.•n the point, r afosold to the extent shown upon 'he 1. ntt—hed m the report of the Commissloner of Pu bile works. In the matter dated April 3rd --"16. which .ketch and report are hereby referred to xad made a part hereof. .\dont vd by the Connell Sept, 19, 1916. � — RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDONATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the macer of Condens.in g an? ta'' ing an eaeen.ent ir. the land neced.eary for slopes, for outs ani fills in .",radin_. Lydia street fro a Hamline avenue to Albert street, the lard to be taken teing pore F•articularly described as aneeaseu.ent fcr slopes, for cute ar.9 fills in and upon the ;and abutting upon. Lydia street between the pcints aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Conr..issioner cf Public Forks, ir. the niatter .sated ;;ay 23rd, 1915, -hick sketch an; report are hereby referfed to and n.ade a Fart hereof, under f rehmmar\ Order 6826 approted jan- 17th, 1916. Jidermediary Order 16,082 apprnt'ed Ap r i 1 1'_ th , 1916. A public hearing 1—mg been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or <•asvmt•nts therein, for the above Improvement, and the award: of darns„es th•-color, and dlsn upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly—„idered the same, no+s thorrfore be 1 Resolxed. Khat :le laking and modern -hon of Ihr lands des shed in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and Coo f le.rk and made a part hereof, and the awards of damagesdo the owners of such lands re- s,—fively for •said taking and t nndemnation as set h,nh rt said assessment roll. be and the same is hereby In all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved lurther. that the said a—ssmenl til brar!ius, be dud the same is herebv In all respects ratified. and the same is herebv ordered to he submitted to [be Distncf l oud lot onhrmanon. 4k -ft :Adopted by the Courltd ..� -� 19(� rApprovcd Councilma Farnsworth Councilm Goss r. Councilma Keller Councilma iO4e6eR” Councilma Nash Councilma Yoerg Mayor Po ors City Clerk. 191 f reier under )'reit o ♦r) yp roved Jan. 11th. 1. tedlary Order 10082, ppro\ .19th. bile hearing hurtng been had c.taking and eondemnation f dx or easement. therein. for the mprovemenl, and the awards f a therefor. and nlao uponl `he enn t of beerile� therefor, u hseing duly considered the nos. therefan• be II llexol red, That the taking andon- tnmasllontlftthe lands llsldenttifl In br it... slaaartres of the sluvor and t'Itt Clerk. nd made a part hereof od [ten _ht lands dutpeR Ivo>•the for aId Inklntn conA t ndem lotion nn set forth Nn x id da scan int' r 11, fir t net [he I+ hereb)tto all :.ela+etetr used i tl ion llrmed.' a' Its xnl r`rd.f �arohntx.tbp �ntd the/das- ame Iv xh�ry h)'nordered la he submitted to the Itlxtrlel Court for nHrmatlon. \dnVted bu' the Cou net6. t JO pt. 18,9 . . ... ........ ....r t.. 1191 Mayor. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Co-nden.nir-g and taking an easement in the land necessary for alopes, for cute and drills in grading Lydia street from tianlline avenue to Albert street, the land to be taken being wore particularly deseribei as ar. easement for elopes, for cute a., -.d fills in and upon the land abutting upon Lydia street between,the pcints aforesaid to the extent shown uron the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Yorks, in the li.atter dated iway 23rd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Omer 8826 approved Jan. 17th, 1916 . Intermediary Order 1C, 082 approved AT r 11 19 th, 1 S to . Resolved: (1) l hat the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to beanade, va: Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary fcr slopes, for cuts ani fills in grading Lydia street frog Han -lire avenue to Albert street. (2) That the following land. lands. or casements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- ' demned for the purpose of making thr said lm rovement, v{2: An easen er.t in the land necessary for slopep, for cuts ani fills �n and up or the land abutting upon Lydia street between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon; the sketch attached to the report o; *.he C( -.t,: isFiicrer cf Public works, in t•.e ::.atter dated li.ay 23rd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, Adopted by the Council t rn a Prellmin.rY " CI Clerk. I Approved r 8876, appr.rted Jan.l 7th. 1916, lotlAp rmedln r,' Urdu 10,067, opproYed tpr❑ 17th. 1916. �� Hesnlr«d: ' 111 Tb,, lh« lel{ox'ini; 11 ve out J be .fid th:• n s h«reby ordered to be ed�, vlxH1T I'on Ar mn and inks as m « •fit In the land nen• art' for ,toyet,d, row ruts and fills In"sgrading Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Lua st:«.•t fr..... tiamune oven.. to Counci an Goss nib.•rt str,•.t. Thal th« f:d Eow log bend, land.. Council Keller nd tedsa °i,• k,• an Council an D7e6oll t"`" t`: ," appropriated I and ",n I«meed for ,n. pxrpos. of mneking rhe .ahi imyru re,m!nt. It., A❑ .... Council an Nash m-ni in the htnd . s for slopes. fid lill.s In _'l ~u1 It the land Council an YoerR hnllln nlr:n 1,>dta stn••et between tin• yntn is nfnn•said to Ibe extent Mayor lowers" .• .rketrh allnch.d to the re n•:r, "f Ih.., ml.slon.rr ofPublic F+, th• n�.t ter dated \lar 28rd. y i plf., whlrn sketch and n•yort a . here- , rreIn h I., refed to —.1.l mad•• a partereof. Ad, pte:l by the Couriell Sept. 18. 1916. App roved Sept. 18. 1916. ISepl. 23-1916) j I RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. tnthe madrr nr Condt:mr.ir.6 a:.i taking an easement in the ward :.ea;e wary fcr sloFes, fcr cute ars ,ills in trading Scheffer street fror. Cai,t:,n street tc Stewar, , ave,nue, the land to be taker. beir.g more ,articularly described as at: easeff.ent fcr sloler, fcr cute and fills in and uFon tl-,e lard abutting uron said Scheffer street between. the Pointe aforesaid u to the extent shown pol, the sketch atteched to tie rejort cf the Son- missioner of Public works, ir- the .:atter sated e:ay 23rd, 1916, Shich sketch and rercrt are t.erety referred to and made a Fart hereof, under Preliminary Order 9447 tied :.,arch 1Cth, 1916. Intermediary Order 10,060 approved April 15 tt,, :\ puhlit hearing having horn had Ike tnkmu anal r ondemnahon of tile lanJ, - r•asr—m, therein. for the above Improarmrnt. and the aa. ards of damar:, Ih-vtor. and abo upon fit, ac,ecsment of benehls Ihrrrfor. and the Council having duly c ,nsiden•d the same, noa. the re=ore b• it Resoled. f hal if,,. laking and —,,d, n: ;anon . I the !and, ch- oiled in the ar.n.ard as e=smeol rollidentified by the signatures of the 1layor ami ('vy ( l - k, and made a parl hereof, And the awards of damages to the owners of such lands rr s,,eclively for said taking and ronde—,d-o as set k,11, m sand a,.essmt•N roll, he and the same i, hereby in all respects rati. fied and confirmed. Resolved (unifier, dl tt the s-0tJ a•srsrnerd of brn••!rb. he and the same is he:cby in all rrsprr1, ratified• and the same is I—ehy ordered to be submnned b� the D,,a rt Cogrr lot •nfiro:allort. 1.11he a I _ I L ittw/rn. ,\dopled c; the Counul \pproved Council n Farnsworth Council n Goss Coundl — Kellcr Council an h4npof Counci an Nash Counci an Yoerg Mayor aver, 19 K- r_ ¢@y Clerk. 191 (l �� a 11 purl he. Moil; 916`rI-I--nether Mayor. 10,080. approved April Itith. A yubl lc heart", havtng been upon the 'eking and uundemnatl. the lxnde u easement` therein. f. above ImP rvement, and the uwar damages therefor, and oleo upon sane.. ment of benefit. therefor, r u �'uu it honing duly co nglderrdthe f aaNeeolved.t but thetakingand con - d mnntlon rthe lands deacrih,d in �n an err the• nn ed nn a roll. Iden tlfleA by rM1rn alnnge kn fn theI'l\Inyor and •111 til•' era ardnd tru Kron ihe Part ureof fdum goring �rndr lean la moot lonl a'ely t(ur snid genxt aet In said aa --o rule, he one the in h,erebfn forth is all rnpectq r ,`fled nil r, nrirmed. a 11--taed, further. than the aald an - nen e t ur benrritq. I- and the 1.ode a aubmluted to the Ialnlrict Court tun r�unflrtnntion. Adopted I, the','Dune`` Sept. 18, 1916. Approved sept, le, 3016. I sepC 28-1916) FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Condemning and taking an easewent ire the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in :,railing Scheffer street from Canton street to Stewart avenue, the land to be taker, being more particularly described as ar. easement for slopes, for cuts and fills ir, and uron the land abutting upon said Scheffer street between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the s" tch attached to the report of the Cor- missicr-cr of ^utlic Forks, ir. the matter dated May 33rd, 1916, which _ sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 9447 approved -arch 10th, 19161ntermediary Order 1C, 08C approved April 19th, 1916. Resolved: (1) 1 hat the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn ar,d take an easement in the lana necessary for slopes, for cut s ar,d fills in grading Scheffer street frou. Car.tci, street to Stewart avenue, the land to be taken being more rarticularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon said Scheffer street between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of .Dutli.: rcrks, in the its tter dated flay 23rd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to andmade a Tart hereof, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken. appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An easement for elopes, for cuts, and fills in and upon the land abutting upon sa#d.Scheffer street petween the points aforesaid to the extent shown -upon the sketch attached to the report of the Con.n.issioner of Public Works, in the matter dated ;Lay Krd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and -made a part hereof, - Adopted by the Council Icer nd nw e i' City Cjlrk. Approved r« �::" d.arrw u.pe.' .. slopes, for nna opo 'hr• Iona huttlnl; sill" street ..'ween 1 or—nid Pin's more•, a the :cent tt -po,t of in I'ommis-h-h-r hirlru1,11, Works. Mayor. Y Councilman arnsworth to 'he mette, dated ]tau 23rd. 1116. Councilman whirh sk,t,-h and report ire hereby on Councilman eller .r.rr,•a to nna uua. , puri hereof f I St Tnnl u,• rntnowlnK Inn". Innaa, Councilman ! scan Pts Ih he 11 the name apprup and • Councilman ash n'hr r'at-1 n"•. ern eo the "orpos,• e m ki pr . nem. Iz. A:. t anis 1'n nt ��oa6. Councilman oerg rnr nm pea. rnr��•nt. , na nu. In nn 11,• h,na nlnitting non sold the Mayor Powe ,.h..r", sin•r' heel ween points uro ,i to the' —1-1 shown neon the nket.n ntturhed a. 'h. n•n9rt or the - ran,minda;ed %1 I'u blip \Parka, In the nater dnteri rd. 1916. which urt sketch i n" r�•por' are herei•)referred to and n nae u part h,reor. Adopted by tun I'll 9eyt. 18, 1916. AVVrw•.d Sept. is. lA, 1916. 916 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. t In the mant•r of i; a:,i taa irab easea.er,t i.,. tie la:... yr ' t:cessar for slores, 'r.: ; a•. r 7raIi ng Scheffer street frcu. Sha tBwcYtth street to Lexir,gton avenue, the !an! :c be taken being more Particularly described as an easement fcr slores, for cvts art fills in al.d 1.r -on the lard abi:tting Iron Sc::er:er as:reet between the pointe aforesaid to the i exte:.t showtr, -; •ie sketch sttached to the report cf the Coua,.issior_er Of Plblic Works, in the matter datei :.iat; 22rd, 1916, which sketch and report are herel y ref erre:? to and made a rart hereof, under Preliminary Order EA 10 appnnrd ndC. 14th, 1915 Imermediary 10, , . Order 079 approved April 19th, 1516, e A public hearing ba)mg b-1 had upon Ihr takm,; and rondem nation of the lands or ca>e nts (therein. for the above Improvement, and the award, of dama, c, flb, r h)r. and a1,, upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having i duh' coneodered the sam,.. n rs the -Inre hr u Resolved, i hat the• taking and r"„ndf mrmnon of the lands dr ribrd in t6r annexed assessment roll• identified by the ' signatures of Ihr Mayor and Clrq (Ire k. and made apart herrol. and the awards nl damages to doe owners of such lands re- s.x %vely for said taking and ronclennation as set lorih III :aid a. mvnt roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ran- hed and confirmed. Res,Ived further. that Ili•- t.,d ss:r•ssm rnl •.,f hcao-la,, be and tho' ;ems Is hereby in all respects ritt,ir-d. and the same is bereby ordered to be suhmdt,d to the Utstri,^ fora �Q�R—�- � IiYhalsle fora onhrmahon. I �� :adopted by the lnum d 191 City Clerk. Approved 191 roved APra C.oullcllm Farnsworth 1 tpublie hearing having been Mayor. / Councilm Cross Councilm Keller Ihr InklnR and condemnation I iandx or easrmrnle therein, tar the ave Improaemeal, a d l+r awards t upon the Councilm N1118911- nmagex (therefor, nd also srss eat of I_ to therefor, and the Councilm Nash �Cuunrll having Auiy onnidered the n w tnererore ber11 That Councilm Yoerg drip ettlun of mo ixk d.�•xcrinoeoin Mayor Po ers thern ed assessment roll. Identified by the eslgnaturen f the stayor and - city +'I-rk nd made a part hereof ml tide ah'a rdx e( d0+n+ca_ to the own- ,rs ofsurf, landx rexpectleel)• for raid tukinu +tad sondem,,, n set forth ion.toll n rY+11.+,heraeb)' fn r 111 to ratified - and confirmed. Iteselrrvi.NVI%r. that the said n en, of bert'III hr and the same - shte+mhy " Is ordrrell to br mbmltted to , the Ilislriet t'ourl for ro firmation. Adopted by the t'ouncil Sept.18, 1916. - Approved Sept. 18. 1919. ( es:pl. 27-1919) i FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Ccndellsing ar.1 taking et easement in the land :_eceBsary , for alopes, for cuts ani fills i1, ;raJing Scheffer street from Chatsworth street to Lexington avenue, the land to be taken being more ,articularly described as ar. ease�cl.t rL, ,acres, for cuts ani fills in ai.d upon the land abutting uron Scheffer etre-!t tet^veen the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated �iay 23rd, lcl6, which sketch and repo -rt are herety referred tc and made a Fart hereof, Dec. 14th 1515 1C,079 under Preliminary Order 641G approved ! z ,Intermediary Order approved April 1� tr , Resolved: (I) lhal the follow -1nµ improvement he and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: CGl,demr. ar.d take an easemei:t for slopes, for c is a. -.i fills in 3rading Szt effer sere' -'t from Chatswcrt: atrcct to Lexington_ avenue. (2) That the following land. lands. or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken. appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said Improvement, viz: An easement for slopes, for cuts and fi11s in and uron the land at.uttir-g upon Sche fer street between the c,cir.ts .t ei.cl\n upon the sketch attached to the re (,rt cf the aforesaid tc the exte: Works sketch aedereport,arechereby, referredmtin the tdateder oandmade aar partheanion, reof. 19I Adopted by the Council City Clerk. 'e16. Approved .d lu�nnd rnxd eon pnri4nc' • .<r rreumtnxry rase s PP r' p^ov.w nee. nth. —ve Int—E,"()l9th, f,rder Ia.u.Y. nVpruced A{hell t9th. �l len 6. . Resolved: Mayor. u That the f,li—Inc Improvement _- ha and the x ix hereby ordered to n,t'ondemn Councilma Farnsworth be mntle, vl'a and take n ent her xlopex. her «utx ,na Hila Councilman Goss in ,mdlne Seh,-rer xtr««t f--, t-hnrn- worth xtr—t to Lexm ron avenue. Keller !!,.Thai the rnRnwinn leod. lands. Councilman e emmix thereto br• and the Hama Councilman nee h9"ch) txk.•n, appn,prixletl and Councilman ash .ndem «d fir the purpnxe of muklnR the xnId tmpr—stent. viz: A. ase- Councilman oerg ntror xlnp«x. roe eat. ami nils 1n mid .moi the Ipo rma abutlto,, un Mayor Pow rs, v,d,.�rtr•r xl r.�.a h.tw««n the pomia. - sro. xnia to the n xhown noon thu .k 1, h Ma«h.•.Ithe r«pnrt ..f the '1'u I'ntn.n lxxinnr•r .,r l.Ilr \\'orkx. In th« mailer ant..., .1u� 23rd. 1916. which' - xk,--h , nd rep..rt • h«re„y her—red xnJ mod.• a p,,,, hereor. • ,\,,opted by the t• a •11 .-,t. Is. 1916. Approved Sept. I8, 1916. (Sept Ya -1916) - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Cc.idemni ng and tak ing an easemen t in the land necessary f r s' -p --s, or -;ts and _ills .. raling Stanford street frog Joseyhine avenue to Prior avent)e, the land to be taken being aore particularly- des- cribed as an easeu,ent for slopes :'or cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting up.or. Stanford strz,•:t tetveen -he ; oints aforesaid to the extent sh,_wn uE,; tt.e dk:-: '1 it's_.ol to the report of the Com.:is -oner of Puclic Wcrks, in t:)e a,at ter dated J!;re 12th, ISI', v;:^ich sketch ani report are herety referred tc ani b.aie a .art hereof, under Prehmman (),do, b!)94 ajil ed DeC. ZOth, 1915., 1nlermediary Order 101-,231 approved April 2cth, ISIS. A pubbr b—mg harms lb—n had upon the takul,! and t ondemnauon of the lands , easements therein, for the above Impro.rment. and the award, nl dam ioe, then•h,r, abd ako upon the assessment of benefits therefor.and the Councif having duh r--id—d the same. n-, Ib 0,)". h« tt F..sohed, Khat the rtking and „.demmaGnn of if,,- lands di,r-thed in the annexed a,—ment roll. identified by the sign pure; of Ih.• Mayor and CaN Clerk, and made a part hereofand the awards nl damages Io the owners of such lands to- rCrcrly for said taking and ( Dude neat,,,., as ser f -wk in s -ad a— smvnt roll. he .ind the same• i, lierehy to all respects raG- her! and ... l rmrd. Resolved further. that the .aid assessm••nl of hepatin,. he and the ,am- is hereby to all reepeet, ratified, and the same is her.•bv ordered to he submitted to the• f):strirt Court fo. on -nation. Be erferther Fi�.�i..� e#a+nd �s Adopted by the Coun(d i .191 Gley Clerk. Approved _ .191 .YL., Ic•< medlary Ut, r28th. { —ed April 1916. Mayor. Council n Farnsworththe public hearing having b- taking and co demnat, Council n Goss t ti's tnndx o ante therein, fo, :;b—,,,improvement, and the awards Council an Keller amex 'neremr, and also upon a+ ant of bon ents therefor, and the �.tT Council an JAeCO �'ounell hiding duly nslderod the x¢ •• ow 'herr fore be It / Council an Nash Repaired. That the taking a d domnntton f the land. deecrlbedn in _ Council an Yoer g ;ed aase.x n[ oil. Ida., tl�nd by• the, a 9..—e. of he Mayor d ` Mayor wets t'ity t'1 erk, andde-a part hereof. nd then ,,dx nr damage. to the own - of such tan do re.peoil vely for said taking and condemnation as net forth in xnld i roll. bx and the b, hereby In ail reapecta ratified x oa •co ntlrmed. _ lte.,drrd. fl—he?. that the Nd ea- ' and .,f bena•tilk be and the e Iv xher.by ordered to be ..emitted 1. the Dletri ct court fpr onnrmation. Adopted by the P.undl Sept. 19, 1916. Approved Sept I8. 1916. (Sept e2-1916) _ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Condeml,ino a, -'I taking ar. easer.eat in the lard necessary for slopes, for c,.:te ani fills in ^,railing Stanford street frorL Josephine avenue to Prior avenue, the land2to be taken being core particularly described as an easaikont for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Stanford street between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached tc the report of the Commissioner of Public Forks, in tha .natter dated June 12th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referrei to and made a Fart hTreof, F. t i under Preliminary Order 8594 awroved Dec. 3Cth, 1915 , Intermediary Order 1C,231 _ I approved AF r -i l 2'E t :, 1S1.^".. Resolved: (1) l hat the following improvement 6e -and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Co'.ietan and take an easeaer.t in the lard -necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills ir. �ra.iino 3tanforl atom.'. i:o,a Josephine street to Prior avenue. (2) That the following land. land.. or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the pur ose of making the said improvement, viz: An easement for elopes, for ;'Jte and `ills in an� uron the lani ab,.:tting upon Stanford street between the points ' aforesaid to the extent eh wn uron the' sketch attachei to the report of the Comn.issioner of Public Works, it *7e :.atter dated Ju e 12th, 1516, which sketzh and report are hereby referred to and u.a!e a .part nereef, i Adopted by the Council % .1916 r' J1 City Clerk. Approved j -kr . ,t ndr .; ri he rerAf, an i.. �� I'rrl.,nn,I r)' Ilyde• NS'A i. Ppan �l math. 1916 tlll er media ry Order; I o.Y71, nVg,r„red :\yrll z9t h, 1918. —\ ' tt exulr'ed: n That the n,11—vjg Imprnv,•ment Mayor. I„• and tn.. x Ix h,.rnhy owerea to Coune man Farnsworth ne mode vt: ��rndemn and take an eI enI tri the'sa na for Counc man Gnu xi NeRp ant nlY: i„nae�poln epex for nix to rood Ir�et room ./„ ephine Ireetl Counci an Keller ,, m O'rlor a ,„ Counci man UaGerr-' IlI Tnal th.• rouowlea and, lands. ` colo th,. r..ln n,• and the name! Counci an Nash are rl k,.a pl,roprinted and f f..r th,• purpeae of .,,king! Counci an Yoerg aid in,nr.,„.,n,•nt, vl: An ease-! mi for xiup,.x. for and till. In. Mayor ower, ,;.,d upon Insansa Stan. xt rret I,et we' -n n,dnta xroreeald to the •stent mhoen ,,pun the .ketch attached t. Ino r..l,ort ..f the 1—mle-} Inner of I'u 1 n \1'orttx; ”. •he atter dated June I2th. 191X. •hleh akateh mod- report n , hcreh)' referred to and ode n pnrtrhereaf. Adopted hp the r ounrli Rept. 18, 1918. ADProvo i 3aPt, 18. 1918. Mr. 38-1918) : RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. r In the matter of Condei.a.':: a tad?r.o at. easeb..ent iL the lard necessary for eloFea, fcr cuts ar.1 fills ir. raiin,; Stews,rt aver., -ie frcn. Se,rer.th street to Cleveland avenue, the land to ce taken being i -ore particularly descrioed as ar. easement for slopea, for c_jte ar.i fills in and upon the ;arid abutting upon Stewart avar:nc '_-'.-•ecr. the pointe aforesaid to tee exte-.t shown upon tze sketch attached to t.e report cf -he ColLaissioner of Public "'crks, in tine matter dated k�ay 23rd, 1916, which sketcn acid report are ::^erecy- referred to ar,d made a z e.rt ... .,- — under Preliminary Order •,PPr(wed...a rCh 32;nd, 1916.. Intermediary Order 10, 065 Al-ri- 15th; 191?. approved 19161'CZ-9i 1daG) 9ulav\22nd _ \Ilti.ltl '.11 'H A Puhlic hearing having been had t nlwwoJ lea, ii,i•.i 241 at •tuasv galaavo �1L lherrin, for the above apnn the takmR illll y and the awards o! dam-sw-, t6tefor, and i attaehed to the repor - ' or, and the Council having mlaxioner or f . bi . Narke. in ttie prove tin ment, mune, dared \Iny 23rd. 1916. which - duly cmuidered in, same. o,s. tl.-eforr eek,—h u d report are hereby r ^r. .. ben Prelim inx�ymad'd erour, h....2. ppra \larch '2nd, 1916, inlermedlary ' the -pu10 ed Aprilving 9th. ,.essment rolh identified by the Resolved. Him the t+king and —irdr-mnatron of b085 nappro the Mayor and C,ty Clerk, 1been h-vI:ad, taking r ea-n,nte therein,tf and ,nada a ,.art L• itbove Imvrovema r, a d the awo to the ownrrA of such lands re- signatures of dmm�t;ee therefor, and also up aUa refit efi o'nhenau'3 these ider same is hereby in all respects rati- fol taking and rundennaiton as sol forth s;,ectively said w. tncrefore bait eaHe ,1— That the taking a - bed and confirmed. J• s �f the a landdeaf ant —11, 1 Resolved further, th,t the said a..e,smrnt of 6—s -hit,, br and the sari .ereby.n all respects -1,fied. and the sa is . hereby ordered to be submitted to the I wrot Court lot confirmation. Y er �; � ,adopted by the Council y9I / City erk. Approved 191 Mayor. Councilmat Councilmai Farnsworth Goss Councilmai Keller P BLIS(TM– - ,2 Councilmal Mufill councilmai Nash Councilma Yoerg Mayor f o rs >_ - _ r FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. t In the mailer of Ccr.da.snir.-z ar.i. taking an eaaeae nt in the :and-eeeaa'.ry for slopes, fcr outs a.. i fills -in raiing Stewart avenue from Seve..th stre-,t to j Cleveland avenue, the lar' to to taker, being more particularly described I as an ease:rent for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upor, the land auutting Upon Stewart avenue between the r.oints aforesaid tc the exte•t shown uron_ the ei!, -,c`_ sttac.ad t;, t'13 ra-ort cf the Com;..issiurer .f "stlic Trrks, ir, the matter :sated ':ay 23ri, 1515, which sketch and rer,rt are hereby referrei tc and :.,ale a Fart hereof, under Preliminary Order 5 12 approved" rc h 22nd, 1 P 15 ,Intermediary Order 1 C , G8 approved April 15th, 19.16. Resolved: a,ce (I) lhat the lollowmq improvement be an tbe and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: i an easet,:ent in the land naceeea^y for -slopes, fcr cuts and fills in 3raiirg Stewart avenue from Sevent' :;:r t to Cleveland avenue. (2) That the following land, lands. or casements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- ned EEos the pl pose of making the said improvement viz: An easement for slopes, f : r cuts and fi`lis in an upon the land abutting uron Stewart avenue betwieel: the Fcir.te aforesaid to the extei.t shown uron the sketch attached to the report cf the Commissioner f n `.ado -ds, in the matter iatei �iay 2STd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred 6o and made a ;:si=t hereof.. t, Adopted by the Council Approved Cou Iman Farnsworth / Coun 'Iman Gou Coun Iman Keller Coun Iman Ada6tilF-- Coun Iman Nash Gounc Iman Yoerg Mayo I Power, p ret n t Inas>mnd,rde ra. t, nP` 22nd. 1916, Inlermedlery Orde. +,VVr:rved April 19th. 1'!162 ' Tn:,t the f•rlluw{n,; Imyroremen: ..d tn.x Ix tn•.r. h. r.,frdn,*el nae. t ,,,,i,�l�im i:••i,,:,�>uai �w t•I1•. �1 1 fo11,. b, nl. In ndx. �. :u p�•„pr,ntea x+� no.d .Id, Ihr n::,1lrnxe of , +tklnC In�pr..,, n,,.n"o, e- r„ xh. h•`. oar I txnrillsill �i trry Ian! nbuttingpd poo Slew- nrl n'e.n lhr polots afor - xhown upon the •1, n, t++•'I�.d to the l,ort orIn,•' nilxalon•r pf Public 11'orkn. In the dnteA \in. 23rd. 1!•10. -which k,1lch, and report ure hcreb, referred lu and nutdr u p+trt hereuf. Adopted by the t'uu hell Sept. 18, 1916. n nnnrred Sent. 18. 1918. Gftty Clerk. Mayor. - 71 -1 - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR, In the matter of Ccndeu.niL' and taki-� a ea3efae7:.t it t^e land necessary for elc,_aa, fc,r -_t,,w i �,21s i:. -radir,g yOI'n3na:; avenue frog Pan -kin street tc resat 1 ine of Your«gu,an and Lama I s Addition, the 1 ani to ',e taxen .eir,9 ,,ere ;articularly iescr'bed as at; ease,:.c:.,-. `;r sicres for cute and fills ir. and nror. the land ai";tting upon Youn;uan avenue�Letaeen the pointe aforeea;i % tte extent shown ufon the sketch attached :o the report of the Comr,,issicr.er of RUtlic Works, in the matter dated April 13th, 1913, which sketch and report are '�areby referred to and ,ade a hart hereof, under Preliminary Order 9186 approved Ft ;s— nt condemntn8 and tak- �n'•n'-",; �; �, I ?r. i, r �' 516 approved Larch 15th, 1516. 1,pe `fog ut, and fills In youngmnn avenuo from I reef to -a" line of young- I.amni a Additlon, the land Ken heing more particularly _ 1 u s easement ent for elopes. andfills In nod upon the :\ public hr,uing h,lc;ng been had upon the takir batting upon yougemnn ave- ! •I—en the not to for, aid to, yr tent shown uP,,n the sketch nt'I n. I'.r Ih M."'. 1 to the eprirl r the (`..mml°- Improvrment. and the awards of darnagrs therefor. an of th hlic tl'orke. In the mat- ' .ted .lprll 13th. 1918. wh1• tl.� duly considered the same, n n i s� i .°arra part hrreoare 'f. u t v therefore he It ' 3rary Order 9188. apprt approved 1916 alnrch r.5t It- It' Resolved, khat the taking and roodemnation ol,�uc hermg having neon - rt'.: •nl r„y im•nuhrd by the - l hr taking and -.co demnntln'�" Aa a •onto therein, f• signatures of the Mayor and Cil, Clerk, and made a pa 'nvrovemen% d the awn .therefor. and .Iso nP,rr- mt of hen ea to Iheretol. I s, rcively for said taking and condemnation as set EPrtb Having duly consider, therefore the he a ,nd Ih ",- 1—i.. ,mr „ h,•;..h. m ,ell rr-spec 1. rah- �,a That the tnkl I. er hed and confirmed. of eta ` r eo " deaer Resolved further, [hal the said a --hent of henefitts, be andthesame I. b-•rcby t.I .ril -, r whr d and the- herrhy ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council II{f�� City Clerk. Approved ! 19I / f ) ,•\\- Council 'an Farnsworth Mayor. Council an Goss Council Is Keller Councilm n 44! 6� -- V Councilm n Nash Councilm Yoerg Mayor Po era FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter o1 Ccndemnir4 ani taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, far ::,.:t6 anal fife in xading Ycnng:Lan. av3nue from Rankin street to west line c.f YounglLan and Lahwl a Addition, the land to be taken being more *•articularly described as an easement for slopes,, for cuts and fills in and upon the land at• -:ting upon Youngman avenue etween the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch a:tadhed to_tne report of the Cotar,.issioner of Public morks, in the Latter dated April 13th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a Fart hereof, under Preliminary Order 5186 approved FeL. 23rd, 19916 , Intermediary Order 951b approved .;,arch 15th, 1919. Resolved: (1) l hat the fallowing improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Coz.deu.n and take an easement in the -land necessary for slopes, for c::ts and fills in grading Youn3u;an avan_ta :'r,— ' -1,in street to went line of Young,Lan and Lamu.rs Addition. (2) that the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- damnedd for the urpose of making the said im rovement• viz: An easement; for elopes, for cuts and fills in an upon the land a�utting upon Youngman avenue between the points aforesaid to the extsr.t a':.r:. upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public mcrks, in the Latter dated pjcril 13th, 1913, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and madd a part hereof. `7 19 I� Adopted by the Council - y City Clerk. Approved 'rnUt tn« r.,u.�..u�4z4 , th.• h`nar tu4 ad tlz uanm,f _•` i" ment t h. lana n ala Vua. I'll cu,x n a fillxu�in agr: moor. t a n Council an Farnsworthane aaulao. Council an Goss -a hat tn. rouoa,n land. 1 te.•r�•�„ ha amt tn« `,[[BT). -- Councilr an Keller .. ,ns ;,n. car .n« or m. , Rt Councilr arM4e8®fF' „.•a von,ose .n« .o,a ni `st„n.-s. Councilt ian Nash r,�,nor gat, amt 1"�re,u�mun ..n het w.•ru ,ha V. Council an Yoerg on, .•••.vi t w,,.'.zo•ht ,no n „vo Mayor ower :. nk•' t,a• t,,1 to ,he r 1,urt u or t•aiai, aork. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR` bl the matter of Taking, appropriatil,g and condemning Lot 11, =lock 1, Bunde's Park AC.diti3l, Y -r City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, minnesota, for uses and purposes of a Public School, the land to be taken being more particularly described as all of Lot 11, Block 1, Bunde's Park Addition to the City cf St..Paul, Ramsey County, 6;innesota, as graphically he report of the Commissioner of Public shown uror. the flat attached to t Works, in the above natter dated June 10th, hereof,16, which ;lat and report are hereby referred to and made a pat under Preliminary Order 5487 1 app'—d 14arch 16th, 1916 • Inte-rmediary Order 16,$35 a_spro,.ed April 38th, 1510. :\ puhhr hearing harmg F,rra Lad upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or ens. -menu th"', in, for the above and the Council having imprts.:meni, and the awards of damn»s th<-rrfor. r--- duly r ,e-sidered the samr, no" ihere-torr, 1,e It - Kesol•ed, i hat th, caking al:d rood,"nnati:m of tF,. Gtnds Jes: ribed in the annexed a—,,mend roll, identified by the x�gnatures ('ny I�Ierk, and made a parr hereof, and the awards nl domain -s to the owners of `lch lands re - of the May- and sd<:c:ively for said taking and : Inde-nnalion .,s sed I.:rd, to .aid a+.essment roll, be :,nd the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. - F'.aselvee}'lerrtlsrr�t�+�+ ....,.� hPreso} s ----r t �mauolP� t a s crmune ,1d„ided by if,,- Conn, -d j'// .. 191` t / {City CIA. Approved 191 ' L/ ermedin[y ti r., April :6th. .t public hearing Councilor Farnsworth 'A th. I.M.9 it C Idemr— therein. Councilor n Goss the lead. or ensementx nbove Improvamen t, and the aw x Ciouncllm_ n Keller d,tmaKex therefor, and oleo upo: ona.•xxme t of benefl I.therefor, at. duly censlde—e r,�� Councilor n 44499 90-- having, game, now thererore be It Councilor n Nash ItexOlced, That the d. de and of the Inodn den'd de mnatlon the nee „d nesess nt roll. Iden Councilor n l'oerg to the ignaturea of the Mayor h.. Mayor f ers Clts' Clerk. and nmde a part 1nmage. to- the and the awards of the a I't'Ix da to tfot and hn peg l�•elY a.ad txk lnK — e [natl'n he the and ¢Ile In �rspecte rattfled sa herel„yn all Id ae. nnRmoe t iiia the tat of btnenln, th shereby to be n Dmltte'dtoo le ordered the District Court for firrael -a. 16, 1916.. - Adopted bl- the Comm, I Sept. Approved (�ppL 2371916) Mayor. G FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Tak iaa appropriating and condemning Lot 11, Block 1, Bunde's Park Addition tothe City of Pt. Paul, Ramsey County, Itinneaotg, for uses and purposes Of a Pub4f-o School, the land to be taken being more particularly described an all of Lot 11, Block 1, Bunde's Para Addition to the City of st..Paul, Ramsay County, Minnesota, as grefhically shorn upon the Flat attached to the repeat of the Commissioner of Nblic Works, in the above matter dated ,June 10th, 1916, which ; lat and report are hereby referred to and Stade a Tart hereof, under Preliminary Order €1487 , approved March 16th, 1916 • Intermediary Order 10,236 approved Aprfl 38th, 1916. Resolved: (1) 1'hat the follosvl improvement ly and the Sam is �`reb orde ed o 6k mad viz: Take a pro riate and condemn Lot 1 , B1Qck 1, Bun de�a Park A�d�tion %o the City f St. Paul, Ramsey County, kinnesota, for uses and purposes of a Public School. (2) That the following land, 6�d. r d be and the' same are hereby k - Y taen, appropriated and con - demned for the purpose of making the said Improvement, viz: All of Lot 11, Block 1, Bunde Is Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, as graphically shown upon the Flat attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated June 10th, 1916, which Flat and report are hereby referred to and made a part hdreof. d EM Adopted by the Council i i ", 191 V� Approved ! , 04 :1 Mar , City Clerk. •. ••.. i --•. April 28t1i. 191t; III f seal red Ali fhxl th,• t,11-1ua it,,P--ant III herJ ��� I ,{ I•r and the x, « Iby ordered to/ ,t'rx nA,•. rtr.: ke. npproprinte and Councilma Farnsworth iS�1n�1¢mn tut 11. I<I n. k 1. Ilu ode's - ,rk :\ddltlon to Iho 'It)' of St Paul. Mayor. Councilma Goss uanx«s r nntr. an„n.•,otn. car saes n.l nnrPos;.x or ,t Pm,ue "I'l"d . X21 Thxt the fulluwl land br and COIIOGIme Keller tlo• xal t¢ i+ marc L•: to III, I. nV VroVrl- I, ut«d —I condemned roc the our pose of Councllm ,u.klnl; the nuld Im VI.—e men t. •Iz: All ..f tut 11. III -It 1, ,Hunch+x Park Addl- Councilma Nash n. n I u,e xt ram. learns«�. Councilm Yoerg A19n n�•xntn. x Krn phlrally phn..n av,r tn«Itn«h¢a to tna Mayor PO ers rcoort or thr I rnixnloner of Public t\'orkx. In the natter dut«d June 10th, Ito. s. u'hleh Plnt caul r«parr u ¢ I,` by '— - r. rcrrcd to and. mode x Vurt ha•reu f. .\dopled h,lh,- I'ounril Sept. 18. 1916. Appruv¢d Sept. 18, 191Gsai. - 1 t 1 1 3 d EM Cotmeil tale No. PROPOS .\I. FOR 1MPROVtMF.NT ,Ind` 7 1 lop,V r� 1.11*1]N.\RY ORDER.I The undersigned hen -by lvoPoses t making of the follottipf publiq improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.' r s Ilatl' I• .,t,' .. .e{.. 1111\' tIf ! j i Coull"ilntan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS" A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: i tio t...., Stodul at the Conn^II t vi having licen presented to the Council of the .•t.r.•. hr It Councilman That the l`onlmleelot therefore, he it •• s C workhed'nd he In hereG r and directe: 1. To inveettgate the neceaalt! itE,401NED, That the COMIr deahmhsuty of the making of nd he is hereby ordered nod dire -t-1 n2 r estimated tinveett !ne nature. I. •Ib invZstigah• the nocesxi a stimated cot at ala improving of said iuymtvrmeut. enc, and the total rot Iherenr 2. To incest igate the nature?:. io turmeh a elan, promo id ingtnn•enu•nt, and the lol:d rust thereof. h o[ cal dl sh'rheem s e In iVeg o 3. "ro furnish a plan. profile or'ne •intormailon - 1. To furni.h the following other data'^ whethomalion relative to said improvement; :i. •1'o ante %dwthcr or not said improvement is a.ked for on the prlition (if three or more owner.. II. To rept.rt upon all of the forgoing matters to the Commissioner of rinauee. Adopted by the .nune'i!_..-_ •••d p Yeas: Nuys: Couneihnan Par worth Ib nd / Ki •r f% r \favor It i eoa., � • . PUBLI51 TI_^ �� , � � — / �. .__--- CiTv CF ST PAUL COJNC'.L RE.SOL—TION GENERAL FORM Subject: No .. e.. w Dat, Presented 191 Resolved. t,: t, v a' e^ 1.n t o !%l d on ee' .:'1.^ r.:ir .eve '.ve•..�r. .\dopb �l I., Ill.. r ir'1 :,.p, 19.1,14 .1 npn�r,•d x,•1rt a°r�i,i4. I am urth j 1,:opteJ Lv thr (,nuns In favor I lyl lyl d tell:�pt,n�lyd IS�/w w\ i41 Against A'o erGch M, Prmiden Ir,m u�roo Veparf menhvf FublivVhllh5' v Wureav vf,ahwr temLer t I ne Ge .t I e� F .-.e cr rfl z r ,.atter ' o. r. i r r. er - t mee', n,: Keld r.i.is da; unanirr, uqly adopted t f 07. 1 c, v. it re so 1 t c, 'I, d t t t ' e I c -e, unc it rle r i & , r e olli, : t e c t c, - u t i, c, i a: c t i. e jr,, i water in cn �Pjii— fr,,r. ; rior Aver.,.;, t, -le,,e., c ry )j ,I I { \ CITY OF 5T. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM q 5ubjer''t:- r ✓ w CCOUENCIL No _ 1Y Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the bommissloner of Finance be and he. is he�eby empowered to employ two additional Jr. Clerks at the salary specified under class "A" Group ,D, pivil Service Rules and Regulations. I Yeas I I .1 CI, wiln,en I I I Na%1 fa S�v nrh Gd s In ta\or Ker I �_ \Annul (]' ai•F Mr. Prr,>ul,•nt Pool roxr. c R -z I3�r-Ih' •. A. P'anlnworth—� IitxolYe•I. Th.he, +nr I'umml uel uner of r•In:,n.e hr nnA�w� Ix nereny rinvo.Y- , 'rA Irrke „1 Inr x„Il,rq' xP••rIIIndur Irll va rYk— nulex, uuA Itru uiununa. \AuPlr.l L>' Ih•• ,'ullnrll �•�{rl. i:r. 191 \I.I,r�.. r•A �e Vt. 19. 1 i �rPl. :S-11, 11:1 ' \ I„tlle,i b\ 0w Cuuncll u iy '141 \ppro\,•,1 1 'J + 191 MAYOR m CITY OF ST„ PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION PENERAL FORM Subjerr. Fou"aL _ FoU .. _...... ... .......y . No. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the bond of the St. Anthony Park State Bank, as a r' Deposit t t7e City, in the sum of $20,000.00, approved by the Banking Committee, be approved by the Counoil. C 11 \n 12771 -11, .1 \ I xrneworl h-- It.nolve.l. Thxt Ibe I d n( the St. .lnlhnny 'nrk �Iut.- Itxn k. n Its Noel t..r� .,f the1t), I', Ih.• x xot 3-0.0x0. 1 x l.nruv.-a hl the ' .!:tnert rommltlee, he x111rnr..1 by the 0-01. .\do 1'� the 1'oum ll 8. p" 19. 1x16.1 .\I�Vrv.re.i �:eN1. 19, 1976. i Cw1,1 R:1-1111 f•) Yeas 1 t'1 Cluu ciltuen 1 I 1 Va1< Pard' cosh Go9s C7 In t:nor Kcl I \R:una O' r% Yoe , A1r. l'n snh•nl, ulcer. \4'pled bt thr' cwIn'-d 15 . .I91 \perm cd 191 S ( ) LI/ l 1 rxnron CITY OF ST PAUL CvUNCtl— RFSCLJTiON GENERAL FORM _ Subject. _ r`r No.. 'I Dat,Presented Septkber,14th 1916 vl, 4� ; Resolved, het there, Is hereby appropriated from the CONVENTION FUND, the sum of $ 400.00 ' 1 or as much thereof an may be neceseary,to defray the expense• of the COMMISIONER OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS A PUBLIC BUILDINGS and the SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS while attending the Eighteenth Apnual Convention of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PARK SUPERINTENDENTS at 1017 -ORLEANS, October, 10th, 11th.6 12th. 1916. r H• Yo. 12771--fly I 1,. 11yland- 1<exoherl, farThx[ thee• Ix her••Ly xV- Ihh,' nt•d m the 1'onvent ion bund • te .x rtf m7410 On o ,eh 1lrereo[ ne �t•x,i.•rrnr 1ne •. Vr'nnex or 1rh�r Commiaxinn er of I•x rk a. i'h.yKrnundx A 1'u hlle IIn IIJI fK» and' Ih�u V••r'In lenrlenl of Ii,rkx hile at. nI1nK Ih•r- Iii Khr•111h "h l'nn- •nll•,n irf !hr• :\merirxn :\xxorin flan of 1""k ra lnihn:;10th. 11th nainx d 1e1 xl12\1 he. w19r1)fir.l eana, by the 1 li neat. 19. Ivlfi. \I,nrrred ce Vl 19'1nr1916. r Ve.V 1. 22-IYlfi) teas (.) Co. In (•! \ars Far orth Gos In favor / 11y1 d Kel Against Wu Mich Mr. President vin ro" C e•3 I yuuptcJ be the Cr•unnl r. 15 '191 :Approved )1 191 rxwroR Y errawnl Call. '1'. }I � ' 6onaem 8mrzrm ' MrmerF¢rca.urrr IKt NUlil..\N U. oURbuS - ItE ./r:nX ASai.AnRX RuLA +. � 1lIA MCbar4a Ar.. �,, 911 \\'. CrrTTRlU wANnllrom.X� l.l. — .ArrI.R. `�f�0 vur.prcnerm. - --' a w. rnwrr,+or, A..,,... w..rtl.,,ro. _ f� vvr.On.lernr. WA-'. r R]I eIRTT I•. Inll r!'1 �. 6. N. l.ir n. la....i. ALRX AXI.RIr —CAIII, .�...... a..... t.. 7' � � RauR.�R a.....r.RRI. �O u...�. Nr. l+...... fr....•.. n.a�.. rn�..... I NEXT `l i'.VKIt IN. NI{�� l/lt t.l:n Nom, 1/('PI IIIFat. 111Ut . _... A be _ i 1 1 ia3 t 1 L ❑ ; :n F. i m� .,ss ib CC IT. OF" ST PAUL _i;Jr..��._R •_���..._ _ GENERAL FoRm Subject: _ i No (All, Pres,-nted lv r 1918. v Resolved, i , t_ _ . .. - . .. .. . .. ..i .. ._ • I<..„Su 12775--I1p %f Thni the t•It1 <mptrnull nil he Iw hrrnh!'tulrinrizrd nd' dlrerrrd to trnnxfrr thew of Tw mfrom Tho nrl Itol hr rx \Iain w."'r the . reis nr•et n Hr, of till Fl rent' u^11nn & nepair fund In the \\';;^w ;\rrou nl of thew ti Fund, and Ih.• wum of Trn Thouwnndnl r..11n re from til^ Nn nlrnnn^e Arrount of the Street t'Irn nlnti• .\r. Dunt or the ,t[rrt & Hew- r'IrnnlnF Fund to th^ w'aFew Ar- F rt'nlAublo a delll rlenry1i lnwl hhlr of n�1r4rAx In ` xnld F'nde in., he r1nH -hr work p—Tidrd rnr r n'nlfhr mn my !n Ihr Item„• M lnten- Adopted hl. till 1' m-11 Sept. 19, 1916. A pproa•ed Sepl. 191tr191fi. l SOpt. 23-19161 Cax I . � (j1U1 �Itilrn 1 1 �a\ i I ar worth � �,:.r7.ced b� thr (�tuuui I'?I / Go In favor , }ly nd ` Ke r App,.nn-i 191 ? Against 11 Xu crlici, i Mr. Presiden Irvin ,J v I "YOH CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUATING DEPARTMENT COUNCFL NO. AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION/ FORM FILE BY AUDITED `� 191 Resolved that warrants be drawn Upon the Cit} '1'reasur,c, purablc out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - 1-eas I Councilmen I Nays :Adopted be the ('oum'il C: U J�j. 191 Fan worth`^�` Gos 191- 11} d In favor — 1\i r �. MAYOR V. Against W11 erlich \ir. President. -in YUBL1Slll.0 – 7067 Brentan+s Library -hew Rooks 66 Central Scientific Co., Humboldt 11. S. Li brr.ry 69 Duffield & Co., Library -hew Books 70 Paul Elder & Co., L{b-ary-11— 1iookE 71 Ford Vot.or Co., 1 Gen. Fund-Lunicipal Garage -r, e, S. 72 C, W. Gaskell School -_14. & R. 7.) Herbst & Lindley C. p. 'Warks Gorkl:ouse-M. 74 A. P. Herscb.ler Co., Park -Pari. -Main t . 75 lrcGraw Fill Book Co., Library=:ev! gooks 76 Mento Association Humboldt 11. S. Lilu'tl.ry 7i Minneapolis Directory Co., Library --.mew :rooks 75 Vinneapolis Drug Co., Humboldt H. 15. Li -Dr: ry – 79 E. A. Moell•r, Library-Genl.• Suppl. 113.80 -- 2.46 20.74 i 9.81 4.63 6.7v 113.66 31.65 55.80 3.c0 16.GG 2.27 _ #2 7080 A. W. Mumford, Libra -?-Ne" Books 81 National. Laundry Co.. Police -M. & R. - 82 N. W. Bedding Co., W& -t er -M . & F. 83 peoples Lil Co.. brary-Gen]Suppl. 84 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 13. Ames School '14.29. Randolph Hei is chool Park-PVk M Vit. �. L $1.00 2.03 20.20 6. 00 444.90 2.GG 85 The Poultry Item Library -Hew Books 35.85 86 Reed ]dotor Supply -Municipal Garage -11. e.. S. Gen. Fund 9.6o 87 C. V. P.itter, ew Books Library -N. 14.50 88 St. Paul Glass CO.. C. P. U, mun. Test. Lab. 119.50 89 J. L. Schwab Humboldt H. S. Lib. •85 90 Superior Printing Co.. C. P. U. -Mun. Tesr . Lab. 43.40 91 ' P. Stammer Library -New Books r., llh:r i „_ . :�„„'„°„,';;;ni3., annile nlrevtory 92 Furman Tuttle Co., 1*n. 1 a1_ Prng' .. $2.21. ua«a«r. $2139, "Mu'mford..n$100. 2.25 Library-Gen..Suppl. 30 ,al Laundry t'u, $3.03, „Ridding I•,,., 120.20. - l5. 6G 93 y • S. Bedding co.. ,u rkh f lnt« '"n $434 90 .too Police—M. & R. !. �i;lc�r ,ppl only. 315.$5 94 University of Minnesota s_jAb. dehaab. $110.50. r 1'rinting t ., 85 Cente. mol«r, 7,50 Humboldt, H. $33.99'` uRTuttl« $2.25. cdding Co.. $15.60. 282.24 9K Van Paper Co-. ally n$ .n «.ota, $7.009. C' 'neer o.. $E6'G.2s. SSchool -11. & R. C N7111p I $6.50. «rn f'nlon T. -I.,,. C,,., $17 15 .4•d "I Ih,• ('ouur❑ Sent. 19, 1976. 10. 1916. 6.5G 96 Western Badge & Novelty Co., 23-1916) •rr gealtil- th �r it He t C or tat�j 6n`_—_. —� - 17.35 97 Western Union Teleg. Co., 3 Mayor's Office -37p. ; Police -y. & R. ep.fM• 9. Street Const. , Street G �!�,� i 1 5 COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ _.,....... ..__ �- r I � B - - _. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..c?.-etrugt.ing-a .cement tile sidewalk to a width of six ...... .- _. _ .._......._ .. _ ._... ...... _ feet on beth sides of wild..ier avenue frou.biarehall avenue to Selby avenue under Preliminary order ll1_452_.......:approved July llt-, Isle. _ __...._ Intermediary Order ...... approved ...... .......... ..._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons. objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Sr. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provementtobemade. bythe said City js.Construct a ceu,e:t ti le aidewalk to a width ....._...--- --... ...... ........... .- ... _ Marshall avenue to ................. — .__ _._... _._._........... Se.�by_avenue.,. __ ..._.--- ----- ---._... ..._...__..._.------ -........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........... _ .191-._.:.. Ci Jerk. Approved ...._._......... ..... ... ..... ......... ....._... , 191 _._.... t __ .......... �_-- Y Councilman Fa worth ��° ., having Mayor. GO i Dereon.. objections and recomman- dations relative thergto. and having -' K r fully con aid ered the same; therefore, be It - .. Revolved, By the Council of nbe City' I of );c. Paul that the precise nature, ex. l,.ntnd kind f improvement to be - •' N made by the said City Is construct a ce- -sr/ ment the sidewalk to a width of p1z- feet on both aide. of, Wilder nv. nue Y rgLj from Marshall a n.. to set y a -� ' and the CounplLhereby orders sold Im- Mayor ars "'� prevenient ca he made. t.`.i Resolved Furthar, That the Commla- Form B. S. 4. 8-7 loner�of Public Work. be d he la here b)ranatructed and directed to Pre- . Darreaa„ Y and aDaclaeatlons ro. sold 111 I- 1. t. and submlt same to the approval: that upon bald the 0Der city officers aro hnrl-d and directed to pro- - hn —king of bald Improve- '` �'' s„ :ordonce thoreWlth. L - y the Council sept• 19, 1918. aePt. 19, 1919. -'Y ..c P9-1919) � + CITY OF 3T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t ,� •'I FINANCE I (A) fathe Matter of, -- v ' :_i'✓+,I/,/ _%i `!c '.:t. !� ; -� ✓ v, G(> f r'�C.<� �S W> - r � � �L�!/`c 2yfiLe t � Q..itir.�• !..,t(�(�,.�i under Preliminary Order approved To the Cquncil o1 the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessmenkfor the above improvement is a off, Thee estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 rr D I b L -Z" c9 o TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - ___-- - OEPARTMkNT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .C) ASSESS�O DESCRIPTION LOT B�oGn....,:._ , _._AA.D.1.7_I.9 N .__..._.. - .VALtV^TION.- - .••._ �'f4 -nom The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has mvestigeled all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council. together with .the report •lade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Puhhc Works. Dated 191 .l� c .� i i • .` ,�`l r ,� Commissioner of Finance. •oew e a � aa c 6 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 21, 1916. To the I'nunuissionrr of Filiall of the file of St. Paul: Th,- 1 onlutissioucr of Public W,irks, having hod under -misid o rtio,1 the pr.•lio.iunrY ordw nlthe C,,tm. .•il, known as Council File No. 11452 9tl,proved July 11, 1;11 6., relatrvr In Construct a cenent tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on both sides of Wilder Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Selby Ave, �i 11,1.1 having iuv.•stigatcd the uurttVrs "I'd things refet•rcd In flurriu, hereby repurts: 1. laid my rovrment is necessary 9111,1 (or) desirable. lineal :Coot. °. Thr .*tinisb•d cost thereof• is $.58y per , and the tolal vest thereof is wnd tln uatul of sai.1 ingn•oveuta•ut is as f•olloays: I :1. A phut, profile or sketelt of said i,1.proveon•nt is hcrclo allnrh.-d and uutd.• a part hw•�•of. 4. .i. laid iulprovVill nt is asked for upon pt•tition 401, ..... o.• !n o.•.• utv 11.•!•11 ut' ! rep••:•! v, xu!>.;=•t•i to 11ssesHowitt foi• sa1.1 iInprovrit] Vitt. 1'onuui siomv' of I'nblie Yorks. Y COUNCIL FILE NO. .. ........... ........ . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of � L t�- L L - 3 Fairview avenue, .......... . . ..... .. ....... ... .. ........... . .. . . ............... .... . . .. .. ............... . .... .... approved JUJY 1916 .' 1 1 .......... ...... ........ under Preliminary order 111.2 3 .•....... .. .. ........ Intermediary Order - . ........ approved ...... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City Of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement tobc in d by the said City width cf�Ct UcAi4 PA.4112 --- ....................... aV and Fairview av a 4 e .........L�.— ..... ................. . . ....... upon due 11 having heard 'itittivn; and -comme . . .... ... ..... .... �b . . . ........ ....... . .................. ..... . . relative thereto. and hatyltur considered the a...; thereto— I, t .... . . .... .. ....... .. .. 1, _•,.._........._ .. ................... . .... ...... ... ..... ..... Rc.c;ued,tSyttthh.C.unc1j of the City I; . .1 h. . precise nature. ex. nt and Mud of Improvement to be ............ .......... .. . .. . ........ ....... ... ........ .... .. . ..... .. ... 0, ad, by the said City to construct a .. went tile sidewalk to a width of four fq e on both Idea of Sheridan avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to b. Bellevue avenue and Fairview n and he Council hereby order. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commission s, is J�,p—crne.t to he made. rebs instructed and Resolved Further, That the �omrnl.- s.i.11,ner of Public Work. be ane be 1e to the Council for directed to prepare plans and specifications for ll•by instranductedp sand direction.ed'for to pro- ecificatat id approval-, that upon said approval, the proper city officers ar _. e and submit same to t6o directed to proceed —Proval; that uron sate It• or. I with the making of said improvement in accordance flierewit Adopted by the Cou 1191 ---- . .......... ...... ...... . Clerk. Approved 191. ........... ...... . . ...... ... Mayor. Councilman Fsr a fi PIMLISTTED Goss Keifer McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers Forma S. A. a 7 ACITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER VALUATION In the Aialteti of . %L " s!� a' f/�p� j lyl�j�v 7 ice zu c� under preliminary Order approved - !'�"' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hcr.•I,y reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isg - �- L , The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - -v L .40 The lots or parcels of land that may be assesKAd benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCnASSESSED A D D I T I O N VALUATION 1 7 0 0 +O o l .2 ^Do a .onw s a • e . I TOTAL, (C) CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, C/ ana hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council. together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doled 191 `L ,' s .ORM.. 9,. e.5O Commissioner of Finance. AUDITION ' VALUATION 1 Sa Y � I r 1 .r 53y Y � ; c5�,� � J The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, C/ ana hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council. together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doled 191 `L ,' s .ORM.. 9,. e.5O Commissioner of Finance. ,� 6 it At 01. q ._-ll-- Office oV the Commissioner of.. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 20, ]s1 6 To the Commissioner of Viunnrr of !lir Citp of S1. Pnnl: Thr t'om in issicm•t- of I'u hl it %Vorky. ha vi 1,,R h11d (I I,, er rnnside rat i" I, Ir w. -I i1, i11nrr order .d t1r Cm III vil, known as Council File No. 11293 approved July 1, 1!11 6. rrinticr to I Construct a oe!-ent tile sidewalk to a width of all rest on both sides of Sheridan Ave. between Bellevue Ave. and Fairview Ave. 11114 having invesligatw.l Ihr matters Iuul things referred to therviu, hereh,y reports: 1. Said inpo•ovran•nt is necessary and (or) .lesirahle. lin. £t. rhe .4jtitttah•d runt thereof is r 58¢ per. ttnd the Iotn1`r`641Gn•renf i�'91"""""` I tlu• nnUu•r a11d ezteut ul' said improvement is as f"Hows: _ I :1. A phut, protile or sketch of said itoprov1111,1 nolle it part hereof. 4. 3. Said improvement is naked for upon petition of thi ur more owners n( proporty, sobje-t to Itsswssio.-nt for said ttttproveltn'ttt. WWw lbuunissouer 'N, oblic Works. -10 Lt, -ached cin -Ii Ord,r for in :0)- C�ok3a AVL b, . L:. e,:,,ze Ave rLr,,! Fairview Ave. l ii over one %,.-Ook -.0 Sent. 2 19 1 oro,,,rty Drncr -,,-ho yr nreoo.,.', a -,joul, ouf;icient. jury rosoectfu C C 6,y( K- .8 d•� d� / N as � o ti ti I Y Y 6-y \\ .-A lk / 1 t /or, �oaao� 00 . a Al 1 , � en 1 1 0