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Number or new of fist docunent of regular contents Resplved, In the hatter of opening, 'widen.ir,E arw ext::r_ding Lydia Street, fro:.. the east line of Syndict.t:: Avenue to the w.eet line of fled Fine Addition, under Prelirdnary Order #8923, approved January 27th, 1516, and Inter- meui'ary Order #1051b, approved May 15tn, 1510, The Con.missioner of Public Works Laving submitted, hie"report and sketch in the above matter, be it FESOLVEDj (1) That ,the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and•deterE iites the amount of land to be _take;; for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land sixty (6C) feet in width across Lots .7 and 8, Block 1, Friendsville Addition to -the City of St. Paul, the center 11ne of said strip to be the center line of Lydia St, as now laid out in Red Vin- addition produced weeterly to Syndicate Avenue, (2) That an ee.semjr.t be taken in --.said larto the extent nect�6-sary to serve all the purposes of a public street. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller s McColl Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. 9.2 " C. F. 90. 11357— , In the matter oPpening. widening and xtending Lydbt Street, from the east Ie, of Symbeat. Avenue to in,, west Ilse of Red Wlrt�. Addition, under Pre- Ilminary Ord- NO. I=. annroved Jno- rY 37th. 1919, and intermediary Order a. ]0518. approved May 15th: ,1916. The Cpmml.sloner of Public Work. having submitted his and sketch ,report In the above matter, be it. - Resolved. (1) That the City of St. Paul '- hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the, above. named . n Impro{rpment t be a._foilow.: - ' A sfrlp of land sixty (60) feet in width coxa Lot. 7 and 8. Block 1, Friendsville -- - ' Addition to the Cit}• of Rt. Paul.. the cen. ter llne of said strip to be the center line of Lydia St. as now laid out In Red Wind Addition produced westerly to Syn- dicate 'Avenue. " at l be taloeo In said nd tolt lait the extent neces.-y-t a,%.11 the -P 9s - purp . public stt. Adopted by the ree Counctl July 1, 1910 e Approved July 3. 1916. - ' (July 8-1918) _j the Council<.,. 191 v In favor 1L — �I Appro4 191 - Against _ MAYOR _W J,V A13JV.7)4V M( CITY'OF. -SAINT110AUL DEPART MR NT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. G0015. comk8sIoNER ROBERT T..GOURLEY. b—, c. _o... OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C,- EmB.... J. E. CARROLIL S—, Co—w— A, R ALFRER JACKSON, S.— $.nlY G H. HIRROLDNO-1 E-11;__! w W. GOO.TZI 41E R Vull -REPORT TO THE COUML- In the matter of. pejaing, widening and extending Lydia street,from the east line of Syndicate avenue, to the west line of Red Wing Addition,under Preliminary Order #8023,' approved January -37th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10518, approved May 15th, 1916. tr To the-Oouncil of the City of St.Paul: The Commission . or of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the -.land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,which land is more par- tioularjy described as follows: A strip 'of lend sixty (60) feet in width across Lots ? and 8, Block 1, Friend' ylii 1,1 -'Addition to the City of St.Paul, the center line of said strip to be the center. line of Lydia street as now. laid out in Red Wing Addition produced westerly to SytdiSate avenue. Commission er of Pub;io Works D a t a A - PITY OP 3T. PAUL -, }- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE N \ . ;REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF .FINANCE ON PRELINAMARY ORDER (A) \. l IntMatter of / -- - ..-.. --- --------------- - .......... _ __ _._... - - - _.--- -------- ---------------- ----- " ----..... '--......... .-._..._..._ e - -... -- ------- ' ..t _ { - ------ - ---------------------- -- . __...... .._.. - _ .- ..-. / 79_x. _ a ........-._:.------. under Preliminary Order approved �L-�/fG��rS• ..-. -- -,.�_ .- .- . ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner' of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of jhe assessment for the above improvement is - - $ __250. 00 The estintated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - • - -$-.-----..-............._.......--__-...-._. The lots•or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as la$t reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED -- - - VALUATION iso roam e.a,�. a=a a c TOTAL. ... - CITY OF ST. PAUL "- 7 DEPARTMENT OF FtOANCE - �� REPORT F C'QMMISSION'ER OF FINANCE - ON 'PRELIM VARY ORDER , (C) - _- - ASSESSED . ' DE•SCRIPilO - - "-LOT BLOCK � ADDITION �� VALUATION' _ ��• .� � iso The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of ,the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his deport thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the CoilImissioner of Public Works. -- Dated --......_191 G_ ..�f.-!_�,.'` L�.✓.r.e�G��G>t'--......�1".Z..Z.,'... - �`^ :.Commissioner of Finance. FORM 0.5— e-3 C HENRY � WSTAlEUELV1 EDT CO St.Paul,' Minn:.. .:..._...1915 _. aTo the Honorable City Council, 3 City 'of St. Paul. - 4 Gentlemen:- ° 6; '+, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on Lydia 6 street do hereby petition your honorable body,to cause said Lydia rest to be penod to a width of sixty feet from the east line of avenue to the west-line of Red Wing Addition. . 9, Names Lot Blk Addition /aye /or l t� %� to y 44" ,Z- 1 si �� � ?z-z3-zy , ��e�x�2i� ; • 16 tb 17� I - 19, ao. at. as NEW& — _ 2 4 JAN 271916 25. BUUAQ OF EIJGINEERS, Office of the omaiss ones of Pubfic ,Works; :a 4 'Report to Commissioner of Finance ~ Fe.bruary..._a5.t_h. .:............191.: 6.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public -Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order oethe Coun- cil, known as Council File No........._8923 approved .`r UBTy 37.. ...... ........ relative to .............. '_-._op_ening,,.._w3denng.__end-_ext_ending._ L.ydi_a,._6treet.,..__to,__a.._width of a_iXty _feet from the east _Line. of-_Syndioate Avenue to the west line of and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said_julprovement is, .......... .... .._.necessary and (or) desirable. k �. XXRR XXXXX 'l. The estimated coat thereof is $._.._._._.._........_.._., and the total cost thereof is$.......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ._...... ..__............ ......__ . 5. Sail improvement is.........._........:.......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject o to assessment for said improvement. ..... _.. /Commissioner of Public Works. w• CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FLU"CI` No. "� z AUDITED U L .4 1916_x. _ 191 _ .n•oun , 173 „tit Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury; -payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and,'.; in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names -as specified in the following r : detailed statement: JUL-55191.5 Yeas ( i) Councilmen ( J) Nays �' Adopted by the Councit-- 191 a y , Fa6sworth I Goss Approve Ryland In favor lKeller MAYOR McColl`'.Against s , ''Mr. President, Irviin r upon thqq Ohha aauryntpg ebdrawa , In etjaah rtthet Dercti°elseC. upCe out he24 t rollV Intlya°pamean ea°m°°ttao Ica a g' A,-Fsrnewo drtA Cod °tate acid. In ter—g°q—Dl an AAdoptetl hyb2 m'r. Finance. Wa- l'.. w �� DPro�ved Jnly 5, 1316.N1 JWy 6, 1911 (July 8-1919) , 4836 S. A. Farnenorth, Comtr. }?finance, $19.634. 52 Water -581. Total ,634.52 a ' term A. 646 - - . y .." a CITY �OF�ST: PAUL COU NODI Utz RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject_..'.. ...Transfar..of.:Fuids ............ ... COUNCIL .....:��.....t ' C , nl.c N O .......................... _._... ........ .._......... Date.Prezented.....::.:.:::...............................191' 71...... t Resolved, U That with the apl,roval of the niayor and the countersignature of the Comptroller,there is hereby,transferred the sum of one thousand dollars ($X000) from the Sites and School Buildings account of the Public SchooL Fund, to the Galtier School Addition account of the 9 same fund, as b;; so dein3 an unavoidable deficiency in the last named fund may be met without hampering the work provided for•by the money in the first named items of said fund. - - %/-. - ao1vM,17 Z.!' -"i D. HYland— the Com4r and the coon to aDDrovi 1$1,000) rrotsum'ofone In b. ndYda t° the 81tea an r !1 °tte account d Bchool t; �Vethe axiUcr 9 hhe P°bllc 808001 g same rund,e O0i Additl0n oldabie d.,,* -r lY 8O doing ans wok nd u.' b met jolt, 'hh last . hAd named Item by tho mnomnpPering ADProvedhY th a COunCY)d July, Y In Jul(JU 18-r�' IY. 6. 1916. IB16) Yeas (r') Coun •l n (✓) Naye � erAdopted by the Council... __ ,Ji,}I,...'rJ... r ..191. '..._.. V�na o ' ....__. tisa In favor��lfff���J� 9� 6��� X11 APProve>i.. 1►Vv`i `^, ... 191 .... (pp% 11 p 0... Against UU 1 TJ Mr. Presidcnt. +ren [ 7 s, MwroR FORM C'.6-2 v / Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract CoTmmittee•in awarding contract for the reconstruction of,the two north spans of the Mississippi street bridge over the Great Northerm.Railway to the St.Paul Foundry for the sum of $18625.00, Engineer's estimate being $17413.OQ. F.B.818 C. F,. No. llE60--RY fit. N. Goes— p Rev .I d th� That tato[ the the Contrnc t Com mate. In .awarding contract for the re- onstruc&a of the two orth .pane the the Mi{ .leelppi. etre.[ bridge (,fent Northern Ra11wa.Yt tBthe.-$4ngi1 Foundry tor,the-eutn Lq ' neer'. e.timate tieing tt7,fl 4-. F. R; It Adopted by the Council julY 5. 1918. ' -ADprtved Jut, 5, 198-19161 I y ;4as W) Councilmen (✓) Nays worth _ /In Goss - favor `-*Keller r1GIcCc11 _ �. Against Adopted by the Council__ ....... JUL... rJ_19.1991..._... Approved..J.._.._ .`` .........:....191..-.... U 1 �vvtJ UNUM _........._._.:... ....... MAYOR •' � ; Council File No..... ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTq 8 hl i and w _. PREI.IMIRTARY ORDER. a — The undersigned hereby proposes the urtakin of -the -following public imprpve eat b :the "City, of , St. PauL viz:...... Eave..La;UrQl..lva.....fr--the...rlght:...nf....way...o .._the_.Qhi y ...............: wsy....QO..: t.o_inalnd ng .sewers, water and•gas connect from street me to property lines. ............:.8W*late,_where...not•. ready...madsso oluding4nw—bang--�d....the- acco�rdanew th- fri6 on--hereto--abt h ,where necessary*,is . _ ....... .. alley of away approa Dated this ....... 6.1th......... d of .... _..... ..r1171Y................ .... 19144.. ....... ........ ...... _ ...................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A.written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _._ -- -- ----------- Pave laurel .Ave..,. Prom.. th_e ...right ._.9f....way,-..9f...the....ChInago-p-11ilwauke,e....80 St. Paul .?}$t.9x�..lxl�.s..i....laolnding...aeae�e:�...�aater.- and } gas connections from street mains to property lines" -complete, where n.A.t...already.. made, -..also...lnal.uding.. curbing... and --the- -paving. of s23ey : and driveway approaches where neop.af ............ .... .... ... ...................... .................. .... ................. Whereas. A written proposal for ... .... mglCnPyave Lnurelollow Ave�n frompthea r16ht " having been presented to the Council of the City of of lil i tl l streettions f a no, 01lw4uk, ' therefore, be it rpissioner of Public 8a a h cur l a no as n dy ag , so I e eluding RESOLVED, That the Com I and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabil Bar e l tea city or �t Pahl, therefore, I to the �ent. re be It2. To investigate the nature, extent and esy mat Resolved. That the Commiseloner•ortotal cost thereof. Publlc Works bo and he le hereby or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said ,area naa aireatea: . 1, To 1nxestlgate the neceasity for or deetrabillty of the making of Bald 4. To furnish the following ofher data and Infortlmprovsmont. t:.... 2. To Investigate the nature; 'extent ,and estimated ooet Of sald'^Improv -, ment, and the total coat thereof. - ... --.. - - ......... .. .. ...... ....... _......... : ...P . 2. To fortllsh a plan. • - �ketch of old im Drool br 8. To state whether or not said improvement proyement. ;e or more owners. 1. To furnish the rol(owing other , data and In formation rela[lve Co Bald• P P going mailer ItnJ [n�;teM "ate �whethe�" 6. To report upon all of the fore � OT ^ i Adopted by the Council...... -.._. 19111,....,. Yeas: Nays: Councril an Farnsworth Goss , Approved ........... JUt_ -5- IT8.... . _........ 191........ Keller , McColl (J f 02xw Hyland V .............................. ..................._............ Mayor Iry Mayor a� Council File ;vo��.s..�.. ' — t PROPOSAis`,POR IMPROVEMENT. t .. and —PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. The undersigned 'hereby propos the' making of the following, public imp vement. by the City of- Sr. Paul, viz.:....Q9A>9.#X Qt„a..... luent'..t.ile ai&ewal.k.:tot a.. oY_.ai .:.�eet...aa-..the l eouth_..a1dQ. cP_._...rmQunC...4.,t....kaGaveaxt../arat. Ava..--.aad..Hnalling_Ave., BA4A.t3. ith...P.+ititloa...hexeto....at.tea fl,.-_....__..........:....:...:... _ ,........ .... .._ ,. Dated this ........6t .....day of .:..... _... ..._._illju................... __x..............191..6.... . ...... .............. ........... _ ............. ,........._.._. Councilman. ----------- PRELMNARY ORDER. WHF,REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..... QonQtMot nt...til.e...2idsaelk..-ta....a-widlth. o3....eix...feet ...on -the......... ¢oath._ side.. o_Fnt, lrmou..X94.b ....QtAxt WQ...S.sat.oge..Ave,.....aud..8nelling..6ve., _s000rdal}oe...W. t.h. P.e.�.�x� Axl.harato...atteohed. ................................ _............. _._ _ ...... ...... ....................._....._........ ....................... ......... ...........to. F. .......- ...... Whereas,res..:........... uA t' Whereas, A written propo9al for they aking of the following Improvement, having been presented to the Council of the l m0—Construct a cement the sidewalk to i. a width of six feet on the south side of therefore, be it Rnirmount Ave. between samtoga Ave. nil, Snelling -Ave.. In nccordunce with pe- "tlon hereto attached, having been pre- L RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of sensed to-the Council of the eny of St. ( ordered and directed: Paul, therfeore, be It 1. To investigate the necessity for, or c xe oMed. Thal the edmmlssioner of improvement. Publtc }varus be and he la hereby o - 2. To investigate the nature, extent andide"-'ed To '11, the nee enity for t, and the total cost thereof. ' or deelrsblll`ty of the making of said - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch Improvement. S:. To Investigate the nature, extent 4. To furnish the following other data at o nand the total of stthereImprove- t,. rovement:._._...... .... __................. S. To furnish” a plan, profile or sketch pf said Improvement. .._` . - 4,' To-[uinleh the 'fonowing other .............. ........_........ ....-..........._........ ................................._...- ..........- __. ... ....._.......... ..._ .., d¢th and'.intormation relative to Bald 5. To state whether or not said imprd improvee enstawhether fie not said Im• n of three or more owners. %r th �t la asked for on the petition _�. To report upon all of the f going inane tore owners Finance. . pon n.}i of !' Adopted by the Council ...... ...... . ........ 191't... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth'R -,� 1916 ........ 191 _..... Goss Approved .............`--..... _ . ............. . Keller McColl , R Egnd — laI� . `dt�es'i'S+DlS Mayor P Irvin pTT,j,TCTTM 7— �—�6�layor. CITY OF`. _. 1 "v X ST. Ui: .60UNCIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - -47- Subject: `VI a COUNCIL FILE NO.. IV' _ — Date Presented July by: 191_.6_ m In 'the matter of grading biftngston Ave. between, George St. and , Annapolis St. under Preliminary Order No. 1368, approed August 28, 1914. Resolved, That all orders 1n the above matter be and the same are hereby oanoelled, annulled•and resoinded, and all proweedings.in such matter disoontinued. t a .C. F. No 11388-BY M. N. Oo`ep— - - 1n the matter;ot. Ot"ing ytytngeton Ave: •undere pr¢jlml�narYt Order No �1388.lin�M1D' . yroved August 23, 1811. rteaolved, 'Phat nll ecdera to t1R QDovD matter. De and the same ate hereby cea- celled, annulled nhd rescindedatter ."and' ell p,fid pon eed Yntbe e'Cuuneu SUZY 6, 1316' APD[aved Jul (Ju1Y988�18) Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓.) Nays kati'morth ✓C XIn d favor GI�CeI�r �' swPNcColl Against Mr. Presid rvin FORM C. e-2 Adopted by the Council JUL _5 I v 191 Approved JUL —r ,P16 -191 MAYOR t. . Council49ile No_— ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. w. and r PRELIMINARY ORDER. . The undersign/"��,,Ud d hereby proposes the making of the following public imps ment by the City of Si. Paul, viz.::.. Od....t ng. -an.- easement - is -'t Zand.-neaeaeaxg--�oz- slfzpe.a.,.for....:In,.,grading.J,iviW ATe.t:....;from.Annap.olia..... g1t_.t.a._4e.or8........_... _...................... _.......__ .......Dated this _. _,._._.... a1L1eQ1 . ouncilman. - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF,REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz::........ _. . Condemning...and_taking. an: ..easement....ln_.the ...land ...aboeasax ..YOr slopes, for orate...pnd_: .�1.1.Q...?4...gradixlg...1lTingat.on..A".t...from.. Annapdis...8t....ta..._... __ ....... Georg9 ..fit.: F. No nae+ -•••^• wherene, A written Dropoenl r the raking of the fotlowtng Imp �e ts: Condemning nad meanB ...... .......... .. _.: ..... - ' ' ment is the Innd necessary f0 -slope for curb, and fill. ln-grnding LI ngeton Ave. from Annapolis SL 4he,Cqune 11 O[ Illnah ........ -.............- having been presented to the Couq h ving nee yr jj the City o[ 8t Paul therefore, pbee it therefore, be ]t Resolved That time Comml•sfoner of P tblio Works be and he jo..hereby or- RESOLVED, and dir ct d: RESOLVED, That the Comm{ v`1 deelrsbultytiof �thehmakingsof sin' is hereby ordered and directs 1. To investigate the necessi 'vn rogonlnve■usate the mture, eztent� of said improvement. an•1 estimated cost of .said improve - 2. To investigate the nature, a meut,andoVhe total coP;gnhereeof. nrprovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. Top furnish a plan, profile ■ketea of Bald lmPro�ement 4. To furnish the following other data and Information relative to said said improvement; ...... _.... .._... _.. .'......._:: 4. To furnish the following ofI mG rnTo etwte whether or not said Im- 1 sc^ � t Je asked for on the petition _.....__........__...._.........._...._more owoor& t...._ ................................................. ........... ................ .._........... ............... _ . ort' uPon_.ali of the fore-, e to the eommieeioaer ofihe petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improv. , .•n aulymi s, nee 6. To report -upon all of the foregoing matters Z0't... stoner of Finance: Adopted by the Council...............JUL ...��?,� _... 19] ......Nayy s: Yeas: Council ma arnsworth JUL5 1916 L-Eross Approved ..................... .............. ......... 191........ �Yc511er , --' -ki-c Coll Yl Mayor Mayor. t-ZI'Y1L ' e -e PITI>(_tCiTT1r,D k-/6 Cotindil File No.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. - f P ELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes e'making of the-�fgllowing public ' provemept by the City of Sr • Paul,'viz.:..:.(gyalpglxlg--the... de�..: Qf : njmtbs fth..Rt....be. eon... Prman..A44�.. and .. South Roberti St. and dton Ave. between.. to 3�. and Lpulea St* to.-conform t0'-the- iuea-.on.- the. -Pro iLae-•he to..Sttaahed-- auk made--a part , hereof, the present a'&' grades being presented 'thereon by blue 13nee,-seo the "gra of eaid'isvingeboa A + from Aaaepoile'St'. 'ta George 3t. to the ade shown by the said r dine when established between. ? Augusta= and Louisa Stu.:and to jtge "prellent gtablish�d gri�3+j to -the. re der*' 5 Dated ,this ............t day of ...................daly.._...;................................... 191.6.... ......... Councilman. I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF,RE.4S, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,: v,z.: MAY' glrig---the grade of Elisabeth-St, between Gorman Ave. and South Robert St. and Living- aton Ave.... batween-•3ngv8.to 3t....and:. LouSea •St.....to... o4nf.om...to. the.--red .1-Ines on the profilee hereto attsohed and made a part hereof, the present established grades- being- repreeented_'thereon'-by'''blue 31aes--'also - th-0 grading of said Livingeton'Ave. from Annapolis St. to George 84. to the grade shown by the astd retirline when egtebli'alred betglee�l IugtXtlPCS atYd Zt1UTUi Ste: and t0 the prese..... grade the ..... ....... ....... .......... .... .......... ........ .. .._.................�.. . he•L ...................... . 'having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by rnu v i g.reprea need'"" "' lines. also the grnding therefore, be it Ave, from' Annapolla to the gradeshown by RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public WAS staI"a a hiA lenm8tsehaddto b'dered and directed: 14'�` e ent.:eatabllahedgradeCor the ro1. To investigate the necessity for or desd having been presented to the OVCntent. cil of the City of at. Pnn6.therefor& dthetotal cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esaolved.Tnat the eemmlealonerio work. be and he fa hereby or3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch ofd and dtreet,d: - To rnve.ugatethe neoeealtY formentiotherdaraandeairabflity of the,maklna-of a.}d;To furnish the following ovement.To fnveaugate,t r :nature, eztent..eatlmated coat, otaald tmDCOVA ...............- - ' ..t,and thetotal cbe0 thereof. " ToCrni.h - plan, Droale oc three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improveoSoftefarimp�Oevtollowmg other nd intorm.Alon relative+ said ICC 6. To report upon all of the foregoing nlatfe3 _ -Z wheth r or not eltplm• - 1111'�t•vked. a '6h'-the Ddtltton r Adopted by the Council.................- ..,,_,.____ .- ...... 191 ............ -- er.. diol of the tore- Yeas: Nays: n mtnleatoner-ot 11 July 6. 1916. r� Councilman -a nswotth 19,6, -....... ...._..... 191........ J 605sAPProved .....:,... a �1J�er (it4 nrfl gland Mayor t�rviII / ayor. " YUul.IS1iED .. t COUNCIL`L --.' By FINAL 0 DE . - IntheMatter of -11N.9.08c_t rg,•_rela�i� and reQairin�with tenant the l cement t _ 10a wi3th .pf..._six_ feet: _the present cement tike sidewalk on both sides of Dayton avenue between Cleveland avenue and `Finn avenue, 77 t_. --- _-------__—�_......_...__..._ z under Preliminary order.._._°844......_ approved_.. Agri 1 7th 1916. __. Intermediary Order - _!._!1�L.-__• , _ approved_.`%G% k public hearing having been had upon the above iglprovemeat,.tipon due notice, and, the Council' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fuIly considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nlatgre, exteni and kind of im-, provement to be made by the said City is_3kQ-Q a.�r—uC -•:relay and repair with Cement gt_the r tesent.oemefft_tile sidewalk:on both 1.AAq q Dayton_avenue between_Clevelanii a _Tij� and Finn aveYlne�� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for ` approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in actordafce therewifh. JUL -5 1915 Adopted by the Council___— _ l91 i Approved_ JUL _5 1916 _ `In the Mat er fid° and •epattlnB .�.•`4'' �.�...��.Ss_.__... widthrof ;91n f m' .tlie eldeWapcaen: avenue•between - Finn evedue and worth - 9844, approved IaYing - Councilman a worth dl.pe order 1Wn a o s tA6iuhlic hearing h8p upon the ab6ve lmptobement e: 4nouce„ and- the Connoil having, d e r inti person..: obfectioay:a, d reMmmene;. 1 jNunn. reiattve. thereto ant?d'. GCOII fully considered the same tllarefer4;- „ eco jmResofved.-By the Cotikell of t6e::0,i /'jor 8t. Raiwthat the precise nat re,. bz f�a a '!tent and 'kind of 1mPtovement•to;bei •• made by "thd, sald CRY to reconatract: re-_ g to and repair' with- cemerG •tilo_to a, ter end of elY feet thD present cemea4Stllb - Mayo slddwatk on both §idea -qf T!axtbn &Velma„ - Detween Gtevocd avenue and FfonSade-. Form & S. A 8-7 and. tae C unen lierebylptaere''Ra1d: 1 ry ment tq be made. Ree9tved Further.•That th -nd hel10 trbe and -Da ej,ereby:lnetrunted `and eatiotsd to pts-: �'11 are•'•pidns and Dec(destlone for Bald! Imp v m nt and UDtult same to the " JaPC Proval, anc11 for aDDroval Ehat uDop•eald. , /�. the prb,,r ofry idnluere;-are - }�t� bQrebyauttorla6d anddtreated to Dro-: l; yr iceed w'�tacc malting o[ Bald ImDroye- menCin aceordC ther with. Adopted by the Ggonell July 5. 1916 ApprovPd'J IY 6,(JulY.B-1918) 1B1fi _ -- §� 5"T -r ST. PAUL -.. DEPARTMEWT OF. FINANCE v fI REPORT OF•QOMTDER ISSIONOR.OF FINANCE (A>, 1 QN.QRELIMINARY In,the Matter of - -- - • -- - � ----- �" "-'�------ - --_ ----._......_..-- --- - - - -- ........------------- -- _ ------------- ...... .... __...__. _ . __ ._ ....... ............ ---------- ---------------- ----- --------------- --------- -------- ----- ------------------ -------------- --- .. ----------------------- --- -----...-- z ------------- under Preliminary Order approved %-/...-......--------/---f-1-�----...--------.--....;...__..._----._.....----.:....------------:---------- f ..+i To'the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - a- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED, _ VALUATION J-1 5i < ffz, 7 S' 0 4e) cony as.w. e•e w TOTAL,I CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " FINANCE ' REPORT OFICOMMISSIONER OF ON.PRI LIjdINARY ORDER _ p DESCRIPTION- -LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • F 1,7 Jll Y.? foo ` �fs`bo �C"vv I s� l� 3s�ov �31 r,, 104 foo . 4 sz IQq Zil-O O17 .. r3 46, 6'0O /7 �,i <,, 44o9`0 I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together With the report made -to IT him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works - Dated -�... __....1916.. ...// �✓ -lGliliLdG!/�y ' '� _ _� m / Commissioner - of Finance. - O.S.A.FORM a -e c B over .of `Public Works ice of `the Comalissi Report to Commissioner of Finance ............... RF.T..:# 1.... 1t.h.,........ ............... 191._.6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Citpr,of St. Pante: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- • eil, kno n as Council File No...._�$44........_.approved Aril 7th, p' :........1916 ., relative to....._.. reconstruetink, relaying ani repairing with cem�tS1" file to ... w_ dth_...o.#......e.i......f._e..,......t.1ae....E�.r.a.a.-nt_.._a_ement...._t.il.e. s.ii.e ralk.._on...ta_o.th... ... ei_ s.,_of.__Daytbii:Pvenue.,..._f.rom,__Q_l.eY lat}3_._A.y... nue...._to.,_F nn_.._Aven e.,.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. .... _...necessary and (or) desirable. 54¢ per lineal foot xxxx- and, 1. The estimated cost thereof is.--------- and the total cost thereof is_....._.....................-.. .._.....................__................. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................-- ........... ................. __...... ......_......._..__............_........_................._.... .............. ................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement Ss hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............. ...... h. Said improvement is—not ..................-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ...... .. ............._............. ...... ........... Commissioner Public Works. a, f COUNCIL NO._._'�,+wo<— �U By /•yam,,/+/�.�'/ `� / r� FINAL 0 ER. Inthe 'Matter of—Cr.4A.B-=UA idenalk_•to.,••awidth ifNsix� feet on the west side of Moore avenue between Laurel avenue and Ashland avenue and_on the East side of Wilder avenue between Laurel avenue. and Ahhland avenue,__,_—___.__ _. __.....--.—__.—................... ............. __..._.—/.._� under Preliminary order. _ b. 3_`' :_..___ _...._._ __..._... approved._._._ Intermediary Order approved _...... _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of'the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Construct a cement tile sidewalk 'to a_vridth of eixaygnue._tetweenwLaurel avenue and AehlVenus�� ar.dQ_tleie a_ld er avenue betwe=n Laurel, avenue and .Ashland and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and js hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications fors said improvement, and submit .same to the Council for ' approval, that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.___---JUL• -5 19!5 „ 191 Ity Clerk. Approved �UL �5�__—_.___, 191 f Mayor. ` Councilman at sworth ., os II p sea tioG oh emen4 Tr U��,jj1rN t'1 "notice ,` A the Council 1101r, ,, P i all person ob]ectiona and Yedorcul. - v'`Kell r V MC oil i; Na Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 i 1t _ 1 �• ton. elntive thereto, .4 Laving Dfully considered the se.mr theYetore. be It Re pl. ed. Ry the Council of tho 6tY of 19t. Paul thnt the precise nature' ez- •tent and kind of Improvement 'to -La made by the"said City Is construe;44g-� men, tae ldewnlk to. a'wldth of 611rxteeb on the w FF,, ide.'of Moor avenue be- twee" L—rkl avenue and. bland ava- nno,;gnd on the Ens, aide of Ider. `age- line between Laurel avenue and Aphlana nue; - and the Council hetebp orders, snld be VcAleat .to be made:'. . Resolved Furthdr, That the commie- .stoner of Public.Woks p0 and;Le is hereby lnstriieted and dlreetatT tb'pre- Dare plane and �speelfleationB for said t improvement, and submftsame-.to'"id Council for approval that upon eat d �pgODroval. the prober e'tr att(cere are heraDy authorised and Nkerted to prp- eed wttD the makl C of said- im— provement In accordance the etvlth. Adopted by the Council Tuly 5, 1818. Approved July e, I8le. _ (July 8-1816) under Preliminary Order approved- . . ... . .......... ... .. .... . . . .... .... .... ... — To the. Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ,The total estimated amount of the assessment- for the above improvement is 5 �i,nqal The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION !LOT ®LOCK ADD)TION ASSESSED V A LU -AT I ON 119-P TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hcrCLT submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated: .,- ........... . . ....... ......... .... ..... Commissioner of Finance. U :� 0 �- � l �I y � ___-i i ,�; :� 0 191.A. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of-,St. Paul: The (,oininissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 5 ell, known as Council File No..........................03 . ... .. . pproved..AR?�'.'. ................... 191.�kto....................._...... ., relative conatruoting a dement tile sidewalk to a - width - - * - of f a * J - z **'* feet eet "' on n the -, ' ..•................. ............. ..... . .......... ........... . ..... . ... . ... .. .. . ....... .. ..... . .... ..... ........ .. .... Aide 91 X gqrq . .... Av ... ....... Md.. LaUX -kve . . ....... Md A.D.hIlMd. AVe. 9A.-Aho .Aae.t -0-140 Q;r WAIde-r MI.- b—OtWOO-n slid having investigated the matters -and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement necessary and (or) desirable. 58# per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ . ............... ........... and the total cost thereof is ............ Z;M;XPx. . ..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... ......... ........ ... ... .................. .................... ........ .. ... ...... ...... - ........ . .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is . .... .................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... ..... ................................ . .. .. - ... ................ .. .............. Co ussi tier of Public Works. COUNCIL KE-WO...- By PILE-WO .._. FINAL ORDER.�� In the Matterbf_SOI16.7CkC.SGB—A—G@_r,..�t,,,.,,i_le_�id�w�lk—to width,o siz . feet on both sides of Orchard street between Chatsworth street ind Lexingtonayenug1....._..___. a under Preliminary order._.._ 9900__—____,—approved A ril llth� 1916. —y --`— Intermediary Order approved^ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it i RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. a provement to be made by the snid City is Con at il�S��e.�f:B'r_ ._�.u�.� �Cile sidewalk to._._--_......._.—____ width of six feet on both sides of Orchard street 'between Chatey*,crth s trete�i_.L�.1Ci and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. l RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvemovi cin accordance therewith. L�I__5 �Q15 Adopted by the Council ._.._._:_..... Clerk. Approved ____JUL _.L+i 1916 _ _ 191 _._ _ VJ►/�M _ Mayor Councilma �ainsworth .. b �( s. Iler " oll 69w - May Form B. S. A 8-7 " Gm OF ST' PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r M `.lr 1V REPORT OF COMPA113SI.QNER OF -FINANCE - ON PREum (NARY "W0Ekt -"—T_ -- - In the lylatter bf --- -- � �------._ ........ - ------------------- -- - �? .... ---- - -- --- = ---- ' ander Preliminary Order approved _------..-.--------.-:------------_----------G1---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: " The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 0. 58_per-_l.ireal foot. .The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each_lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT -BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION q'? goo 7 � � Z�J o 0 rs 2 Z;o0 TOTAL, - FORM -.A. a -e A i �\ I - ... .. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL - v DEPARTMENT OF+INANCE"1 REPORT OF COMMI.SSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELANIARY ORDER` - 1 T T.. •• ASSESSED . . DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK- ADDITION VALU TION r _ - 2 ' O o -2 S Ax; � a r ro 7,2 4' }v3e - ago t. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the,. Commissioner of Public Works, Dated.... _.-_191 _ Gly..✓.r. >1 ._... Commissioner of Finance. FoRm e.s.w. a -a c - - /ills /Y 0 26 � ElatjER✓7.vn/�s s�.6. �: � 6 . G . S �: 3 .z / 7 , �/ c c a sae saw yen/ r &C-Al 4rE ,, O J L tl i I IRACMILLS. MINNESOTA CNA RLESY Ea MOVIST - a.P.eJAScesoN RAILROAD'&WAREHOUSE COMMI SS16N. A.C`'L? -AODItE SS wLl CORRESPONOENCE TO THOS.VA ♦. S�:.na=A.. "— SAINT PAUL - RAI L'ROAD 6 WAREHOUSE COMMISSION .. PLEASE REFER TO TILE N° N nliSSi CQS� UNcB OF PUUIII,` Wpf71: j o „> ;7 F,g f � � ne r` wW Cice of the Commissioner of Public WAs ' - Report to Commissioner of, Finance d ............ _14th. .................... 191. 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - ail, known as Council File No ...... 0 900........... approved ....... _......... xi_1...._ .11.1 .............191...x?.., relative to.......___...... ..... _ _ oonstruatirg._a..._ce ent_tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on ...__..... _..___.___._.._....._..__ s and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I. Said i provement is....._ ................. necessary and (or) desirable. 54¢_per lineal foot I The estimated cost thereof is $__ ................_..___....... and the -total coat thereof is $._._........... ^xX'=............_......., and the nature and' extent of said improvelpent'is as follows: .._.._.._.._._ ............... ................. _................ .................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is. .......... _.......... ...__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject. . to assessment for said improvement. ............................ _.._.... ...... . P_. ... .:..._. ............ ' Cc is oner o u orks. To the City Council, Of the City of,St. Paul, Gentlemen:- We hereby petition and request that you do direct and order a cement sidewalk laid on both sides of Orchard,Street, from Chatsworth Street to Lexington Avenue, except where cement walks are now laid. Respectfully, 6 6',W4elaid Lr-L ;2 At 3 Lo 11 Mons APR 12 1916 BUREAUOF EHGINEEIRS, 0 COy_UNCIL ENO___ J 369 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. Conetruoting a cen.ent tile sidewalk to a' -width of- six feE.t_an__t_._aryland street from Serest street th Earl— street, --- ---' --- _—_�. under Preliminary order..__$.))A.......... _..._— approved._--__A.g i j_4thr 1916. _— — Intermediary Order ___ _..1�'j r�__ ___ _. approved.��:.... i e A public hearing having been had upon the above improvementtip/on due notice, anti the Council' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proves t to be made by the said City is-Construot a-e-ement the sidewalk to a width o six feet on the north side of Maryland street from Forest street � Earl atreet1__•_____��_..-.�---•--_._._..._..—.—.—____—_..___-� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That,the Commissioner of 'Public Works be and is hereby instructed' and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making off said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...-.....—_._._..._�UL_5 1915 191—_ _ d lerk. 916 �z. /111C _. Approve.---.._...j�,ll....-_,?. � — ---- , 191 �.,. t the _..._.Mayor. I j _ R'oresrcw_ liminery Ome Councllma sworth L916, ' mtcrmealary .. , ry O33 Proved stay 16th 1916. A Dubrfc heat•Ing A.' ' wau• -... j upon the above improvement upon dna ! M:.jS' D j nonce; an-Cotmcil heard ,,Keller obrecilono gahaving all panone, d racommon. datloaa relative thereto and having �or. 4cColl bei coa9id the same therefore Reeotved, Hy the Covnefl of-ths'Clty. 1�.ettlae� - ' of prec's nature, ex- tent ped kind of tmprovement to inat theIt made aY the :card Co n la Jdtb ouaL,a e.t meat tl, ewalk to a width bG^alz feet -� Mayo - nor nthe.-north side of Naryisnd*-,street from Forest street to Earl etreet,'pad thel Co...11 hereby' - Form a S. A. 8-7 orders Bald improvement to -be made. Reaolved -Further. Tb at the Comma - • eloner of Public Works he snd he lei herebylinstruoted and directed to pr"e.� pare, plane and eDeolncatioos ::for rtafd � ImDroVement, and submit canis tq the' Council for at proval; that upon- card+ �%,•/1�°/ e aPPrOvalt the prober cit y eQtee l't-aro sed and dAeoted+to-Dre- /(/// G careby,a,,the coed with the making of said lmyrovh • _ nest I bi,rdanoe the rewith 6dopted by the Council July Approded July ru [916 - - ,t''s �..._ [July:&19i6f i. CITYST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE o ON PREL�IMINARY ORDER (A)_ In the Matter of ! `V 6-- -- -.. Z .=� --- -- - ---- — - - -- -- ---------------------------------- - - ------------ - ... - ._.._..... - - // -- ---- - ----- - under Preliminary Order approved -- .-1�.._.. f_..�Z— --Y--------------- _-------- -.-........__--------.......... ------- ------- -------------- To the Council of.the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as f flows: 58 Fer_ lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the'above improvement is - - $ -- C -=------ - - foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2 6—O 23 i0y •onw. e.e.w. e -e • TOTAL, :7 .., ------- .. W_. y b. ` t CI7Y OP, ST. PAUL . ...... `� ..;_ • - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE- REPORT OF OOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. , - 'ON PRELiMIN;RY ORDER. T DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION n:. S.SSES$ED. VA,-UATION /l If -4 4, - so [sn. .eJp 1 GoL �O 0 I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated . _ J 3_ 191 Commissioner of Finance. F0— B.B.A. B -s c To the Ron. '?. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, and to the Common Council;of the City of St. Paul. Tlje undersigned, owners of property along line. of Improve- ment hereinafter proposed, respectfully petition Vor the .construction of a.six foot sidewalk on the North side of Maryland Street from Forest Street to Farl Street, at an early date. NVE - TOT RTOCK ADDITION A�G ' AQ C � /) 9 2 , 1Lr: c CL�hG a 0 To the Hon I. N Goss Commissioner of Public Torks, and to the Common Council of the City of St. Paul "'e, the undersigned, resident, property owners of Phalen Heights ParkAd itio, adjacent to the line of improvement petitioned for ae e�� , respectfully request the early consideration of this petition by your Honorable body. This street is the only means of access to the terminal of two street car lines, the Payne Ave and Pale -Forest lines, as well as being the natural route from our district toward town, and is used every day by probably one or two hundred people from our ar.d other additions. In the spring of the year, the street is practically impassible on account of the nature of the soil, and is made more so on account of considerable driving over and al(bng the edge of the street, compelling us at this time of the year to go a long roundabout way to reach the streetcar terminal. NAME RESIDFNCF / IIA r X69. �i MERTZ Ile _SPR G 1916 $UREAU OF ENGINEARS,, 1 G• 4 / > \ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. PauL•,. The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 9814 .,...approved_...._.peri_1...._`..z..,�............_..........191..._6, relative to_......_....._.._....._. cil, known as Council File No. ....................y . .constroting.......,ceweat...a_.e......�.d�.41k. tQ.....€4.._h..?.dt1.:. o.f......9..X.....9.0..._.oxl.....:.._. _..__ncrt'...._ei3e..._of.....M ry..lan3....Gt..,...... f_r..o>x._F'o_re.e.+..._c+..,....._ o.....�..aFl_....St.,............_.....__....._.....__....,... and having i0estigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. 'aid improvement is ...............__....necessary and (or) desirable. 54¢ per lineal foot xxxxx 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............. ..................... ., and the total cost thereof to :�............._...... _..._...._.........., and the nature and extent of -said improvement is as follows: --... _...... .............. .' 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....... . 5. Said improvement is._ ................ .................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ ... ........ .._...... ............. _.._... .._......... .... ................_....:...__ Cot issioner of Public, orks.. COUNCIL -NO._. By �® In the Matter ofS�IlS�ruCS.IAS_1�_oQLpQS!.t....Le__41k t�_.width of six feet onthe.._north.._side of Maryland street, from Earl street to Dulut*- avenue, under Preliminary order` _9811 � approved._ -AF r i l 4 thz- 19-16•...••.M_ Intermediary Order __-/_✓r 0�—.— - .— _._ approved- ? 1-�— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relativk thereto, and having fully considered the ��'same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City isCont3truct a cement tale sidewalk to a width ofsia_fe t�g�,, y e<- norms side�f M,A,rylanast_r_'ee t Vrom Earl street to Duluth &y7nuA,► ------ i and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. 1 RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby *tructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ,to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and, directed to proceed . with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � Adopted by the Council__._.._._ JUL _rJ 191b 191_ _ Approved_— AL -5 1916 tsf_..... �rl'ecre: - Preumldarr arm - Councilman Far sworth pro .leis, y 15thedfary --��• n S Droved. tic a 15th. g - A public hearing havin4 upon the above Improves -, notlOe, and .the Council baHer all -person. objection. an Cec m - datlone relative thereta; ali•hn lag +, cColl tally consldere� the same; therefore, be it Resolved, nyithe ca—114k,thi City ' of at. Paul that thepreclee nature. extent and kind at Improvement to De l made by the said City is C..a -ct a. cemenh-tae 'sidewalk to a width of -.ix feet on the north side of,Maryland. street Ma ri ✓ from Earl street to pututh .avenuay;siid th.'Gint cil hereby orders anid.,fmpmve-: Form B. S.'A. 8-7to.,be mode. Resolved Further Thot the�Gommis alonepp 'o[ 8ub110 Werke De andhe is' . 1 "° ' 2 • hekeby anetr.cted and directed to pfye- - _ P prq�vementandpe. tf eafneotbet Ia Councll for aDPrOval thattiDon Bald approval, the Proper city oftic a 0 hereby authorised d directed to ceed with the mektng of anld 1 r_ - 11 in a cordance therewith. M :' . fed. by the C&I a Taly7y T9Se. �. To the Hon. v, N. Coss, Commissioner of Public ' orks t and to the Common Council of the city of S.t Paul i ?he undersigned, owners of property along. line of improve- mer.t hereinafter proposed, respectfully petition for the construction of a six foot sidewalk on ne l''orth si e of an Maryland Street from Earl :street to early date. 1iA^4E :OT BfJCK ADDITION 41 r i ��1916 APR BURFAC .. I nCITY OF - PAULI DERARI'M�NOF FINANCE' , V -QEPOR OF 00,�ZISSIONER OF FINANCE" �. . _ ON P ELIMINARY ORDER -� In the Mater of _ --- ...------- ----------- - ------'----------- �-.( _ --------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved —- V+, -----+'' .-._-_------�--`1--�-.T--.--- _--...._....----.......------ --------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ �,_5Q _Fe_T-_11Yeal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4-p 2 D 107 �o 13 b (� s c a 1� P i (2Y TOTAL, ' - s .CITY-OF.ST. PAUL d' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIVPJCE� _ ON PAPLIMINARY ORDER (C) ,DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION, ASSESSED UATI� ,moi a� All, 13 Aa,, r0 cs - Z7 Lry W i.mO �g lip o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated .. �,._a.- _ .. ....191 .4!/, /.. ✓ -..-. y —'Commissioner of Finance. FORM O.9 A. 0.5 C '+ April 7tb,..,. . ...... . .............. ... ............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coull.. eil, known as Council File No...... approved..... . ..... Ap.xll 4.4 ........... . ........... 193 relative to ....................... ..constructing. -a_.: .- ti e eld..e.w.a 1.0 0.'..xid.."'a Q.f glix Le& t Q.n the . ............. ... nu.rth side of Liaxyland St. from Earl St. to Duluth Avenue. ........ ........ ............... ................. . .......... . .......... .................. ................... ... --- ............. .. .............. ............ ................. ................. ............... ........... ..................... ..... ......... ....... .1 ....................... ........... .................. ....... ............... . ....... - ..................................... ... .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 54,' per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......_..........._................ and the total cost thereof is ............xXXN?C .. ........ slid the nature and extent of said improvement is as follow".... . . . .. ...... ... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said 4. attached and, made a part hereof. 5. Said, improvement is . . ........... -- ................. Isked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............. .............................. . ............. ... . . . . .................. . . li .. orks.' 06 miss�ioner of Pub ;z r Petition r/. Council File-.No......:................_:... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEr4T. and I -�` ELIMIN�AR,Y ORDER. o The undersigned h/b,.h,os the makingofthe following blt�'impiovement by the City of Sc Patti, viz.:.... _CAlslB.alAeaitile....sidewalk... n...a...vtidth...nf.; .e1a...Pea>t...onTh4maet',bet�te.en, xix�t.9711 A.T.s.•.-ani-munlep._ato, ...petition...hexeta. taahed..Dated this . ......fi.. .__......v7U,Y ._ ... ........... 191,b ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF,REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemetot, viz.:.._. _..__._ ......._.M ___... Conetriot._ ...oem@nt..tilp..s.ic�.aAPa] ...t.0....a.... Width...nf...e.is...Ye.et....nn... ............ nor h..e.iQ,e....of....TklQmea...8t.....,betx¢esn.leaington-Axa....and_Dunlap..at........._ .................. _..._ _....._..........._ _.......... ......_ ....._ ........_ ...__ .......... YRRLIlIIPARY ORDERS. ...�C. F. No. 11871— .... .. ........... ........... ... ....... _......._. ................. Whereha. A.wdtten Pro oeal loathe:... ....._ ....__.... ........ 1""0 king of ,following me sid. ent, a width celnett an ethean0rth having been presented to the Council of the City of S------- . e of Thomas at. between Lestngton 1 ............... . therefore, be it e.`and Dunlap St-, having been pre- It ul [her fore, he Council Of the CItl' at RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of PublicvX xnat the eommiealoner of and directed: '1,rka be and he 1e hereby at 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the at'*eatea: ntirovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est mated cost of said it provement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvgw-er-`t_.._...._... __............... ,,.prove•, ..................... ....... .... ........._...._......... e__..................... .... ............................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.. JUL 76. 195.._. 191 ........... Yeas: - Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G ss Approved..........- ..... ..........191........ -_ Her , Hylanci Wund................ .'...._................... `................... . Mayor Irvin PIA;i 1SHEI3 '%---- °f(C Sl Q. --Briggs ile No " ............. ...... Council F PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT" I and Also, PRELIMINARY ORDER.' The undersigned h/erpbposes the ma g of the following public impr ement by the City of St. Paul, "viz.:.-X.%QQnr.alev. d_.r.-egBir._�ith..a.amant. ils_.to...s.._�rit.�t....�f _ . :.... oth_ sides. _oP .... .... ..... ..:... een oement...t-ile sidewalk._.. b I� V.el Bi tiynming..Bfii-..a90ka03, it's 6n0B.-:.t0._..Qanada...St. a.. _ .---- _... _.._ ...._ _...._ . .._ .........._......,._............j 191._..&.Dated"this..........btf .................._.. �y-... _ ��r � .Y . �,.>o... - ... Councilman. — -- .t PRELMUNARY ORDER. _.-- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .._ :- ._... ----- _. ._..Seo.anetruat.,-s.elay.,anal... repair ..-.With....nemant.... tile....tO. a.. eidth_.Of UX.... _.........._ . t.ile..sidewalk...nn. both..Bidee.._ni'._ .....__._... . _...-...}iveratY_AYA.:....b.eg1Alx7.�.7Gg....at.....jaialwaX1...►gtn....tk1eA0.e....EO..:i�RUada..,gt..._ ._..... ............ _.........._...._....... ............... ........ ....................... ................... In_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by t7pq loran . ,ta Canada :dad to th - of the ^City of SC. Paul there therefore, be it - :°re.:ie It k. Resolved That the Commlesloner o!- and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubh dared°t d°directe'd an he,ls Hereby or- 1. To Investigate the necessity for ent. 1. To investigate the necessity fey or desira or deelrabullY of the making of Bata improvement, �le total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est m z. e o Investigate the nature„: at and ettmated cost of Bald lMilroy6- ment, and the total cost thereof.' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sal s. To furnish a plan, profllo •h of Bald improvement ..... .. .. . 4. To furnish the following other data and informs 't>h—e...leh the four -'I :............ - 0 .•.11��._t. .............................. _...........-_....._......................................_. .......__.___ ..........................................._...............__.................................................. ., 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ul_ Adopted by the Council ...................... ....191 .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far sworth r 191 _Go s Approved ._..._..JUL. ! G._1916....... Ke er Hyland h..... ............ Mayor Irvin Mayor. ?UI LISHED Petition ✓!' Council File, No ....................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and t PRELIMINARY, ORDER. The undersigned hereby" propo the making of the following public imp ement by the City of, St. Paul, viz.:.:..QO? .trL1Ct._ b. Ing....on...b:oth_ aides _of -T� 3t.... betaaeax><.........:._........._ Snelling Ave. d Aldine St.,, in_aoo,ordan _ ....with...Pa.t.iis>�t...areto_ attache.. ., .._. .............._..........-_. ........... ...... ....... _ ......_ ...... . _ ..... _ ...._ ..........:__....._........ ....... ...... ......_....._............. _ ........ ...... ..... ,....... ... Dated this ....._6th....-..day of ....... .. ..... .....Zu7 Y _.... .... 1 : _ 19l• a' Councilman. ! PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz::......_.__ ...._...._ _C.ons.truat..alirbing.:..an. bath..sid.ae...ai'_.Zafand..St.._between. Snelling..lse. aud...Aldine...St..........._._........ ... ._ .. _.. _....:............. _......_ .._, ` C. F. No. 11573— jl Whereas, A written Dropoeal for the .............. . ....._ ..... ........ ..........--........ .... ...... meking.of the following on both Bides ... ................ ....... via. Con truot curbing _.-.._ _ .... .... .. .... .................. .... .......... .......... and ldl eat., having been�Dre•ent d to the Council of the City of fit Pau .. th rotors be It having been presented to the Council of the City of S 3teebleed, That the he 1. eereby o publlo Work. be and he Se,hereby or- dered- and directedr of card therefore, be it �, 1. To lnveatigat me trees ofi for or dealrabitttx of the making and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioher of Public tm3DroTp inve.,fiat the nature, eztent 'and eetimated coat of said 1mDrove- 1. To investigate the necessity for Or df.5lrabtll ma tTodturnlehf scDlartheDT die or ent. the touowine oth°Ti royal cost thereof. 2. To investigafe the nature, extent and est mate ek4 tohof t%aid Drovement. data and IOrematlon relative to Bald' 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said i 1,,,?,, ant whether or not •aid I= other data and infor won relat' °°.kaavnere.or n the Petit On 4. To furnish the following — .:p8 alt of the re of ....... ...... ..._............. ....... ............ ...._. - ..... ........... ..... ....._...._ _............... ......:._.......__........ ....... ....... ....... ............ ........... . _......... ........... ._ ....._......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Counc'.:._.....:..........�Ul...-.ii 191......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G sApproved.......... JUL..:-.G1.9w.L6._........... - 191...._.. Ke er Hyland Wmadefti-oh ................._..................................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Petition- �' _ Council File No... PROPOSAL.- FOR IMPROVEJAENT. t and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prop es the making of the following public i provement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:....Oonetsuc.t.....o.ement....tile....at"Watlk.-:to-a.. dthtof.-Rix. .feet...on.... .._bnth... oilaee.._nf . 1990....at.....from ...University.. ....t.a...i�ianehaba._�t.:.....iia aof! crdaaQ.a... .h .petition .hexeta _ sltaoha ..._....... _ :°:..._........._...___......_..... __ ...... Dated this_....A%t. ._.....`day of ........ ....... .... tT1x1Y._..._......_... "......... 19 .._...... ......:....... ..... ........ ...................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement„viz.: .._ _._. Canatxn4t:.. e. -.a ment__t-ile...BI&P..,Aal,k.._to...:e.-vidth. _Of...Rix ...feet ....on. both ........ 81dea-01....0ri99e:.:.3t.... from_-Vaisere.ity....Ave.....t.n...Minnebaha. $t.. ............... ....... No, liS7� ",tor the : ...... ........ ...__... ....._ ........ Q F. wrtiAo nl Dro ojlal' p Whereas d. n 1116 Ds Ba of mgkin6 of th Lot W B ....... vis: Construct a Aeraent 311es ...:. ......_ _ ......... ......_ .... .. ..:.... ......... ... ..._. Ave. to; .. .. ifles of ” Q IBti idth tf etz f 9niverelty resen Lrom�vinffybeeD'D ledz. having been presented to the Council of the City of .atf�i ttie on iti Pt me cur of `s: raW, .............. .... ttherefore, be iton therefore; be it ? gesOly d, ThDt and hemis h `8pY °�; RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publl aabaa a atatre°tea: A and directed: y To . ul-totiog� tthehm$kin6 sof aatA or de6lrabl114y '1. To investigate the necessityfor or desirabi 1m8rove fn,netiBate too,. nature' eztent pent. Bald 1mDrove- ',tlo, tet t thereof. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est mat 'nn Wit, and the total "et¢lan• ➢rtflle or ekotch of teald l+RProvement. other . 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of swirl 4 To fnrnieh tie tonowtn6 4. To furnish the following other data and infor data and information refattve to Bala im6prtT0 L¢,Le ahethor or not saetltin' ..... .. provement 1e asked Sor on the D ire- .......... .. .. ..... ..... .. .... .. .. _... ...... .._. ... ...... of three. nr mTt enDon'sll of the O 5. To state whether or not said improvement A. for'oS° the eo _,tv a lata: or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of in`a e. JUL -6 1915 Adopted by the Council..........._.__...._ ..._ ...__... _ _.... 191 ......._. Yeas: Nays: a Councilman Far sworth Go s Approved .............� 191........ K ler syiaaa + t ............ _......... Mayor Irvin Mayor. _ Pet it ions. Council File No. j �.'- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes th aking of the following public i ovement by the City of St. Paul; viz.:...RQA�.tZI�Cfe_.a....as nt....tile..a.iflettalk-tn...a... th.-.oi_..eig.:.feat....an....... :_,-...�he..._eonth.._eide....Q . Thou .0 A'�.*.._heve.en._�r. St:._ Ana..Hamlixie...1v5...P is eoo.ordsnoe......._th...pettioa.✓9..4sxs.t.fL.:.at. cbed......................................... .......:....._............_ ....... ...... ........ ...... ._......................... ...... ..... ........... " r ! Dated this_._......t.....day of _..._ _..... ..>ZU�Y......_._......:...... ..................... I , ......... ..................................................... ..... ........ ..I ............... . Councilman. PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._.. GO.trtao.t..a_.n.sment_.til..e:...sidewalk-to. a.. width._o:£._Rix --tG-et...on the - south .side...of....Thomas.._$t......b.Qtw.e..en...�r.�ggp....St..... and... Hamline..Ave........ ....... Ii U F. No. 11876— 1 .......... .... ... .. ......._.......... - �- - - - whereas, A written Prof for the making of the ;onowing Fm➢rovement: viz: Construct a.oement file aidevtBlk" .............. ....... .. . ..................... .................... ., to a width of elz feet, oh -the south............. .Ide..of Thomas Ht between (#Plugs_ gt. And 8aml/ne- ,Ave., having bash: having been presented to the Council of the City of Si' pre.entea' to the Councu of the "city .......""' '-' .,Of OIRe olvedt That lthe Commissloner, of therefore, be it Public work. be and he le beraDy bP- dared and directed: and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public ilerla sTO ir. 1utytof tthehmaie..ing ai e a I Imo a ..... ro nt enf. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabill; S.ro . Investigate the nature, e:tei<i and eetlroated Dost of Bald Iroproye 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est'mate trent, and the tot_at coat tbereot. � total cost thereof. �}. To furnish the following other data and info v.1.h a pls:n, tirodte or j 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said t Bald improvement Pu furnish the tollowlor oth'or Its +`•-w end Information relative to said vement. To state whether or not said !pr? ......_. ....... .. ._.... ... ... .. ...... .............. .. .....Z le asked for. on the petitn }... ..... ...... more owner..iG 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked tea uponia I of the tore a or more owners. t � ,;Ymleeloner;_ 6. To'-eeport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commfssiofter'or, mumu: Adopted by the Council ....._..._..._...,1 =S.j4 t--.. 191 .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Go sworth Approved...... �.�r.l�� ....191........ —Kel r % 0�1 i(�� V Hyland Mayor Irvin Mayor. _ r r .. t — ,t rt•7.-.y "-. �' , . '` 1 Win• � "s"� ag11 - -e tlllf;eas 'An' 'Oro is tsrr'ihe V +� � � ma]t na of the ollo_;yvine ImDrevemen-ti Conddmn[nB @nd ta'king Council File No.ta;lhe ileus ecessary ror, a4aD#e ✓ �,(�%R •�i'° for_ uand allgn B`tadin-g-tpd" kllaY _ in Oolc Oakfah`l IN r% dltI u hav bean pteaetited tc h, Cour s /' (. of City' of SC Yahl theperoie -4�1/- +Igea mh -s trite 4omgalsei^ �+ 1 LIINA$Y ORDE1. z The undersigned hereby proitoses the mak of the foltotving publi improvement by the' City of St Pant, V12.: :_aondemniaQ....and tiairl as easameat.._i -th:e..._land-neaee$ar3�.-fear__.._ e.lnpe.....for cute .and .fi a i�Qx:adin� alley in Block...3 Aakiand...-. r .._....-_..._ ...._:._ . ....... ...... .O ....... _ . .._ . .- -Datedtlii6.. 5th_. _ _. ny of _...__ . ;::. July* .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. i 'WHEREAti A nv+itteu proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _0.0ndeIDni..9 .... .......... md..._t.alcinQ_an _e"aMent...in....thn_1and... necessary .-for .._alopes._.for_..amts_.. and f.i.11e__.in_ gr.adirg__the..._alley_ in.._B.lock_3,..._Qakland_.Park...Addition _._._..._....._ .. L..I....... `_ ...... .... ring theA iL having been presented to the Council of the City of 8, reaenlad.torthe counau' _...._.._....-- ........ Paul thereto re.be It therefore, be it That she commtsaloner of orki be and he 1s hereby or - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner °� ' alteoted: , ordered sad directed: 1 To n'veetlgate .the naoeesity Yid or desirabAllty- of the making pI said itn rovement. ]. To investigate the necessity for Improvement. - P E. To 1—c-1111-te. the nature, eztertt 2. To investigate the nature, extent sed estimdte,, a st .of sold. improve- lent, and the total cost thereof. g mt thereof. fin[. To turnfoh�ao plan, pr0(Re or 3. To furnish u plan, profile or•sketc sketch of gatd Imvrovem nt 4. Totarnleh the tonowing.oueAd n data and Into nation.reWW. ;to improvement :.... ....._.... d. "ro fmnlsh the following other do imrovemant. p 6. To state whether or not cajdd�� Im- Drovemeni>ta. asked for on the pan 10- --- ^.a more owners. .............._ ..... ......... _...... ........................ ............... . • F 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of finance. Adopted by the Council....... Yeas: - Nays: -- Councilman F nstiiarth JUL —s. 19'16 G ss Approved....... ..................._.... 191....._. ;l Her d Hyland t ....... ..... _.............. ... Mayor 9i`9�J�� Irvin y Mayor: k P&TI`TI6r p Council File No i PROPOSALyOR IMPROVEMENT. ` and PRELIMINARY ORDER. R The undersigned hereb}6propo +s glia making of the following public uprovedent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: oQW.�11DRi><lg.. tiaiC11=1tT,._.BII....aaebmamt._..in. land...naGSSSar.}C:_.10r-.....:.... slope.e_.for_ .nutn. Si.11e....in-...asading,....8y Cate -.avanue,froW...Thomaa..._._. atzae..t..t0_...LaY d.._.at.re.et....._.. ..... 4 .. Dated this ..._ 5th.._.__ day of. 19��: . Councilman. -- r PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS,'A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...._Qondemning ._. 3d._..taking....en....eaaement-A-a- the....land-...necessary..... for ....a10Pea..._for-...Outs ._ .. 11lla_._in_grading _..Syndicate _.avenue.,.ixom...Thomas _street ...to_. Laiond _. etxeet, __...._ . ....... ............ t for F. No It Ar— ro oea C prltloV D rop o n ave. Whe eo{ the fotloR'1nL6 k1B an eaae- ..._- _. . _... ... .. ... . _ �mah1nB demnlnB and for elopes .. _ .. vlant 1. t4 fn Brad n8 SoY{olid ` the p ... ....... _ ..... rI having been presented to the Council a°veno. r v As been Pr Bentea to n street C1tY of gt•.paul lh°T°er - therefore, be it Counotl of the - les[oner er fore It, That Comm RESOLVED, That the Commission Resolved, be nd he 7° h°T°by eby ordered and directed: 1?nhlto ""dirroted: ngoesstt9.=0T" 1. To investigate the necessity fo d°yaTo tnveattotLtbehma]LIn6 or' °!ta�ei improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, exte Imo pYOrtn�esdaate the ; dtrImprove-"tent'emeut, and the total coat thereof. son eetimdted total abet theY.� sie. or :3. To furnish a plan, profile or eke t - an tuernish a p her the ion p •_To aid imPTo'em. utnB of 4.�_.T° fttt•uish the following other 't{4tC1,o turnIshaNbn,ratative to. said miprovrincut: .... _ _.... nate ane inrorm . • td tm t �tf�",°A to ti6eLher, on the Patitlop ..................................... _. ...... ..................... ... -n oarnares • _P _ 5. To state whether m' not said improvement is as7teu for do ie etition of three or more owners. 6. To sport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Co cil.....__. _ _.....�.._�._�f�.�.19L....... Yeas: Nays: Couneilmali rnswmth JUL s 1916 G as Approved......._...... ......_...�. �:._..�.....�.lfll........ ler Hyl knd Mayor l�t� Y5/ Iry n �r.r /;it/ay°"' r 1 ', S PETITION. Council File No . ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.. IL3 Q. 0 and ELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes a lurking of the following public ilrovemeuf by the City' of St. Paul, via:: 4.bndemning..- akiag:...an...-easement-_in....- e_.1and-necsasaryt •laic...:.:: filla._in... V street 4d- ....... __...e.loge.e:....for....cnt.e... grading ,.....fzom....�.effese _ > AVIVuva._.Ro Gsac. ..� .asest, ........ t ....: Dated thin .. _5 .h.........dtfv of _._......__._.duly 191$ ............. Councilman. I PRELIMINARY ORDER. P WjIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: _condemning.... and ..._taking. ....an _easement_..in.: the__.land...nee.easary -.for _..Slopes ...:fox....cuts.....and fill,in grading. _Vano.e_street, Xrom__deffer.eon-- avenue --to-..Grace -.street . __ _ ............. ._._.. _ ........ .__.._....................... ._...... ........................... by �n redeni by Counel man......_._ .............. ........... having been presented to the Council of the Cit • of , 'v,.'.4 -.. therefore, but , q the cur of et paw e R) SO VF.D, That the Commfsa`tbre'µoi la Tb°t the c°me fiOTeb-d , is hereby ordered and directed: Worke be and h° publld d0red and directed• necb"nY tor. r 1. �P O1 nvestigate the necessity . , L To InvestlgotO the king of said aFlld 1111pTOVCnlent. t. n16 or deelrnbilltY of To mveetigate the nature, a tmv*°Z�rtiB veeugale the mturo, extent, rovrment, and the total coat thereof. 2. To rove 3. To furnish a plan, profile or .an t eRaigdtoiei osteiheierti nlsh. a -91nn. DroEle or - s..: To fu} 4. o fit,nlah the following nth lk'tok Of eO}tt'•d 1mDrovemilp Ing otbOr said improvement:... ............ ... furhfeh the to entd' {, To re Otive dnta'.and Inffffurm, 00 1 ImOTovOmont, whether or not Said ...........................6t To stat ° etfL On .. .......... ..... .. _. ....... ............_.. .. ...... _...... _...._.. fore': J. To state whether or not said `Dfitl 1.Onor18 ora -0 ltn t r P�' � mol signer b4 etrtlon of three or more owners. rAp}e,tto fh 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mai: _: = - s; Yste. of Finance. Adopted by the Council..... . Yeats: Nays: Councilman Far swath - Go Approved _..:..J.UL.._-.�.. 1.916 -_ ._. �.._..�.1�91�._`._ �%/ Nv and . —sMayor _ c o CITY OF ST. PAUL _ 113 t 9 eJ .7. - - COUNCIL RF7SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM »- '` .. Subject:............ ...._. .. 9 ....... a ...:. ...... 113'79 CQUNCIL FILL No ..... .....:........ ....... ';. Date Presented __ ........ 191 ._.'.. y Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorize& to pa to n Matthew O'Rourke, out of, the Workmens Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($13.50) Fin partial settlement of his claim against the City axUsing by reason of injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Public Works on the 20th day of August, 1915. I hdreby reccommend the above resolution for passage Commissioner of Publib Works. f� - - _ + C, F: No 11878- .That the proper &a ot- Asa are flGia a are hereby antbori:ed to ppay to Mathew O'Rourke out the Wor'I a< Compen■ati0n Account br tae oenetal 11?0d, the sum of -Thirteen Donafthin Fltty Ce�1ta (CIA- pe tial . .it a oL, la CIAG alralnst the CItY> arsaltng by reaegti`ot 1pinrlea'reeelvad-� y W'afm white emplojeMrby-tha ne;l odthe 20th � 'Very of AusuaS�4015" Ad6pta4 by the'pounell July 8 1930' ApprgJed Jnlq,p, 1918. Yea$ ( ✓) Cou oilmen ( ✓) Nays JUL '61916 —= Adopted by�the Council_ _..._.................._................. Mt....... ✓ F worth v._,. In favor JULs _�.9�6 Approved._....._..... ............:.................. __191........ Against ✓ : 1 /.�� ,/Mr. Pre id iowar$)S 1./................__......_..__..................Mwron.......... FORM C.a-a. CITY F` ST.'PAUL �_ •`?g0.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1 Subje�t� ?fid Date Presented 191. _ .. t Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to'p&y to Albert Selks, out of the Wor one Compensation Account of the General Hund, the sum of Thirti , n full and final settlement of all claims of whatsoever kind or nature held or asserted by him against the City ti of St.Paul by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City, on the 26th day of Jay, 1916. i 1 C ir- No' 11990-• - Resp)ved, That the .Prover "city ot? _ hereby authotbt to pay Albert 0.gelke: ut of the WoGrootta ---a- ,,ad thNt1BoinAof oThlrt en Dollare��an (1111 and anal - ettlemeni` of or .of whe teover kind aln.t ttiie CI[Y' of a..erted by.n[m ag gf. Poul by reason of urtes reoetto ho 111m - . In the .emntoY or to Cit i Pted . the Coungrlll Ju19 8381939. ApProvod Jnly B 1918. (JaIY - t n I hereby reccommend the above resolution for passage, Commissioner of Public Works. Yeas (✓) Counci en (✓) 14ays Adopted by the Council.._.. .1........ P -JUL�4}L... �6. �.y.n. Farnsw (,�,... In favor Keller Approved. _..a�l) ..-.6_I91s........ .....191......_ G Qtiwt� _.. Against / h U MAYOn- Mr. President. L . aoin.L io CITY OF 5T. PAUL a - - 1TY CL[.[ `ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU NO,_ � j BY AUDITEJ� "__ _ _ 191.__ PER 174.: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified -funds and' in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in. the following r detailed statement: JUI —6 I�.4 Yeas ( d) Council n ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 h'arnsw rth Goss Approved — Ilylan In favor U r' Kelle _—Against MAYOR Mr. President, vin Ari = I 4$3 O. W. Akerson, $i.2oo.00 i�atdi = -IT. & R. i 3 Mrs. Margaret Brady. 5 4 _.. Pli'Ce Y. & R. 3 Citizen's 'Ice & Fuel Co., 266.80 Police -M. & R. 4 B. F. Dreher 48.31 School -M. & R. 4 S. A. Farnswortb, Com+r. Finance, 173.99" New irbr ary Bldg. -Sal. Fielding & Shepley r� 6.Oo0.00 Paving Victoria, Summit to Dayton t 3 M. W. Fitzgerald, Reg. of Deeds 11.25" Gen. Fund-Itisc. & Unforseen Bap. John C. Flanagan, Chief Accountant' Water -M. & R. 5 Foft Motor Co.. 411..45 Pub. Bldg. -Arch. & D. Maint. 6 Hoffman Electric Co.. 179 -00 - School -M. & R. *5.: 7 G. 0. House 145.38 Water M. & R. Andrew Hovelohd, 1353.06 - open. 6oTinson'parkway = $ 50. In t er a et-Tiufi d 6 .o6 , t Reis #174 1 #2 9 W. C. marlow, Sr* Health -Public Bathe -0910A. R. H. 1jetriam Go., Mmicipal Garage -Coast. A. F. Morton, Supt.. Auditorium -Sal. 5! Attie N N6180no Gen. Fund-Misc. & unforseen 33[p. Nimis & Nimis New Library Bldg. ow.Nvij :&,proatow. =teL_ Hamline-Jefferson sever System Mary K. Olson, Gen. Fund-Misc. & Unf0r896n Exp - 5 Mrs. J. H. Pieper Com. Pub. Works Workhouse -saint. Z. Homer Pierce, Trustee, Gen. Fund 96. & unforseen Exp. 53 Pierce Oil Corporations ,Pub. Patk_park-xaint, 5? Princeton University Press, Pub. Library-1wew Books 6) Andrew J. Robertson, Gen. Fund-Miso. & unforseen ftp. 41 St. Paul Blue Print Co., Water -M. & R. Q St. Paul Hebrew Institute School M. & R. I ca St. Paul sanitation Co., F-r-ols Health- quarantine -M. & R. ;146.36.Parkway S . W. C. M .4 A. L. Snyder. Ruth Us. Pub. Park -Park -Music I P_ EL Mf Sal., 11-4.0o. Society for the Prevention of &Attle,` U.. Gen. Fund -Public Charities , Unfdrsee _�I.Tlai & T QUarantl 1liu 00"'Y to, tGen '�- 66.. A�.p`ted b: Approved AIV 40 153.50 14,00 33-00' 5,100400 5,781,25 100.00 130.00 50.00 V �0 007. 56 2.00 6o. 00 V pm�� 39.12 50.00. not. Co., Pub.� Bl_dj;,Ar, 11.45. 40.20 & :oveland, Open. Johnson crest Fupd, $353.06. 'to'. Sr.. Health—Public 568.00 ; 1460.00. lam Co., Municipal Gar. ;163.60. ,ton, Suitt.. Auditorium", 7.1jon— (len. Fund—MII . se, Esp., $400. 100000 1.1s, New Library Bldg,., L reston, Hamitn641ifferBon ;an, GiA,'FUnd—Mls.. & p., $100.00, Pieper, tam. Pub. Works —MainL,4130.00. 'terce, Trustee, Gen. Fund forseen Exp., $50,00.. Corporation, Pub. J-111110-IN11ty Press, Public' ,J3.oks,-42.0kkss Robertson, "ton. `'Fix'UdL ke. Exp., 460.00. Print Co., __,_�M. r last tute. School— &ultattod Co., health—, S_ SE & R-$40.20. ,der, Pub. Park Park the Provention of Cruel- Fund—Publlt Charities, the'Coilnell duly 6, 1916.1 AIV CITY OF ST. PAUL - `"r ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1LI.382 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECOUNCIL NO. _JllL-6�_ @@ 7p C AUDITEj1�+1 ._ 191_ - I R 176 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter sp ed funds-an"d`; ` in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified ifollowing detailed statemen Yeas ( v ) Counci men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council— III =6–�9jly1-- Farns orth —Goss Approved Hyla In favor elle , I n. MAYOR ..!-_ Against Mr. President; vin ! C. F. No. 11382— Resolved 1382 Resolved that warrants, be drawn, ' upI n Lite Clty 'j'reaeniy to favor of Aj Farnsworth, Commfeeloaer of Ft9-.j, I payable out of the � fund. eadl In Lite amount ep.ulded la the follow -1, ' Ing detailed atptemeut: 9 A., Farnsworth, Com -r. Flnance: - IPub Farke—�aLv 532.60. Adopted by the Council July8, 1916:$ Approved July 6, 1916. S$ (July 15-1916) 4870 S. A. Farnsworth;--6omtr. Finance, Pub. Parke -Sal. y a.j H } r .CITY OF ST'.. PAUL .,L_.Jt2. COUNCIL: RESOLUTION'—GENE�L rv;�+r-'� _Subject:i _. - CgORCIt ��383 _ FILE No... i. Date'Presented _ _ 191, _ j - [- Resolved, That the Commissioner of Financde ., Ilon the recommendation of t the trustees of the Hale bequest, is hereby directed to invest tempos all the moneys,no'w in his hands to the credit of ,said o-rJ ,bequest, amounting to w•'21,� in tax levy cert ificatea ofn- debtedo"a. ` C.F No 11888—Ry, Vt .,, $solved That they Commissioged ,o[ Finance upon the Yecdmendat(oa [hp prgatAea "of the Hale begneat. zae _ hareby directed, to Invest Yempo IIY ail' the moneys now la h1e hands%to' there it of aald bequest, amount., Ing to 821;800.00. In tax Ie,YY cartt8- catee of Iadetitedneea. Adopted by tha Counen July Approved July 8, 1916. (July 36-1818)_ Yeas (✓) Council (✓) Nays KJ In favor Against d. Adopted by the Council iuL -G 19'.S191 Approved // 66 ..191.. I -...... MAYOR ..:.. Farnsw th / Ci066 4Hylaneh- Mr. Presin FORM C. 6.2 KJ In favor Against d. Adopted by the Council iuL -G 19'.S191 Approved // 66 ..191.. I -...... MAYOR ..:.. CITY 0p' ST.--PALtL i 'COUNCIL RESOITUTION—GENERAL FORM- Subject:._ ....................... NOIL N .. Date Presented..duly.... 5.th.16.......... 191........ Resolved, Thats athd Council„hereby concurs in the .recommendation Aof the Contract Qommittee and hereby rejects all bids re- oeived for the Grading and xelSying of Sidewalk ,on Westerly side of Comte Ave., as bids received were in excess of the Engineer's Setimate, =251.00, and the Purchasing Agent is hareby authorised to readvertiee for new bids on same. B.B. #922. C' F. No,;11884 Resolved Vhot- the Counbfl ,hereby 0 tro In the teooR�endnthojibf Contract''i�ommlttde and hgreby i•e- jecteall bide rccalved for the eha$!ng and relayln6 of sidewalk n weareriy etde, of Como A�'a, ae bide received 1 a+erc 1n exceea of the EnglneeNs Es:I Agent teaj,e,:eoyaaathorl.ed uto h reaititd .- ” p vert We ror naw bldg on same. F. B. _ AdoRfa.�t Ug th4 Council Jal�' B 1918: Appravad JuU 6. 1918. i July 16-191&) Yeas V) co tilmen (✓) N bye JUL —6. }g.1....191..._,: Adopted by the Council..._......._ .............. F worth ....... .....In -favor JU�,.....:. S. _1919 ............191 K........ ler APProved..I_.../ (� A 011 Against .............. ...`..-.. oR..._...... Mr. Presi t, .e , FORM C.9-1 Yew (V') Col F KI Mr. Presid ni ialmen (V) Nays worth 711 In In favor r A -Against Rewffs f Adopted by the Council. &IL-6 191 Approved A.L. — .6..19 6 ............ 191 .. . . . ...... CITY 01F ST, PAUL, FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Subject: ............. ..... .. ........... ..................... . ........ ............................ . ............ .............. COUMNCIL "INo . ..................... .... .......... .... ............... ...... ............................... . . ...................... ........................ ...... Date Presentea—T.uly atb_u .......... 191 Resolved, That th6 Council hereby concurs in the ie0onmienostion of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids re. ceived for the Grading of Grantham St. Bast an -laid' along east side of Block *C* St. Anthony Park North, and Buford St. from Bast Grantham St. to Cleveladd Ave., an bids received were in excess.of the EngineerI s Boti- matt, $3765.00. and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized.to readvertise for now bids on same. F.B. #924. Yew (V') Col F KI Mr. Presid ni ialmen (V) Nays worth 711 In In favor r A -Against Rewffs f Adopted by the Council. &IL-6 191 Approved A.L. — .6..19 6 ............ 191 .. . . . ...... Resolved, That the Council hereby ooneure in the recommendation of " the Contract Committee and,^hereby rejects all bide re. ceived for the Grading of Nebraska Ave. from Payne Ave. to Walsh Ave., an bids received ware in excess of the $ngineerfg Estimate; $1704.00, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorised to readvertiss for new bids on came. Y. B. #923e Yeas (✓) Cou ]men ('✓) Nays F orth Go _...:_.err favor Kell r M all , • G -...Against Mr. Preside , Ro"nes��` FORM C.8-2 C.: $ele Nb 11236 j1y At.'<Zt Cio.— `- aoJvedy "That` tfie. 'COYnollee-herr eby obnM In.hy� lCnbntracf 'Committeerecommendation of. the and herebgR, re= J --t. etc all bide rec-Wed forthe gradlhg of hlebtaaka Ave. from PayrAve: to Walsh Ave:,. ae bid. received were in exceae of the Buglnee .1d..-. H timate, $1704 00 pnd the Purehae/ng Agent fe hereby •apthorized .to_ readvertiee :fore new bide o`'nn...eame. •F. 8• No. 923. ! Adopted by. the Council July 6.`.1916.1 7 i1PDroved July 6, 1916. t (July'1¢-1916)' ' Adopted by the Council...191........ Approved.... J. L L' 6._19.16 ................191........ ................. _ ............. Y MAYOR CITYF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM :.................................................. S17 snb ecC.... . 1 COUNOIL ".ra4 FILE N'0.....i....................... . .... . .............................................................. .................................................... t_ I Date Presented. ...July ...&tb-ltt......191.......... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the-Ceoommendation of the Contract Committee and her awards the contract for the Curbing of Ashland Ave. ijrom Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., to Carlson & 8andquidkt at lump sum price bid of ;467.00. Engineer's Bstimdte.being.$548.00. F.B. #921. d F. No, 11981—By M Nc C{oee—, .Resolved, „ThaC,,tb0–.0000CIl hereby concur. In tbg'recgmmoiidatton of, the . dtintr$et Comm(tte and h'eieby awards .. Ihii':oontrac@"-fur `the curbing' dr -Ash- land Ave. froin'r.irview Ave to Prior - Ave.. 1. Carlon $, nandgylet at V4Mb um price bid or $46 '7.00. A EgineerWe B.timate baibg 6649.00. F. B Nd: 921. Adopted by the Council July 6,1916.1 Approved July 6, 1916. (July 16-1916) . geoe'ive'X 9'tpabove � CCeC !Oft w gesol ion• 1 'Yeas V) Cou ''men (✓) Nays P Orth _ :..... In favor Kell r M oil 1/.....Againat Mr. Preside. ° FORM C.a-2 e �JUL -6 1916 Adopted by the Council._.... _._ ..._....._ ....................191........ Approved.......... L)L 6... 9 ...............191........ `^ J CITY OF ST. PAUL' - COUNCIL R.E50LUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COU - CIL' � ) ' FILE . , A Date Presented 191 Resolved, That with the consent of -the contractorand the surety' on his bond,';the plans and specifications for the paving of Hague avenue from Dale street to Lexington avenue may be and hereby are changed .and modified so as to provide for paying the intersection of said street with Victoria street, with oreosoted wood blocks instead of asphalt concrete, as called for by the specifications heretofore adopted for said work; the coet.of such change nat to exceed the sum of #376.60. w��7 G'F: Nu. 11888—By N.`�oee— Resolv.e�d That w1t the .1. of, [he onfra to and th surety on file X bd d 4he ylane and. a eclfloatlona fort the yfiving of Hague avenue from tl Dale_Atr�et^oto 'I.exingtonaa venae may i Yeas (✓) Coun linen (✓) Nays Farn orth Goss In Favor Hyl d Kell G \ Mc 11 Against Mr. President Irvin FORM C.e•2 15 Adopted by the Council �` 1- —� 19 191 Approved IIi`/6A�9��6A 191_ MAYOR n CITY i5F' ST.- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR-M. -' Subject: COUNCIL No... ". ILE Date Presented A, 191,:. fl ,a Resolved, That with the consent of the contractor and the surety on hs bond,'the plane and specifid•ations for the paving of Lhurel avenue from Dale street to Lexington avenue, may be and hereby are changed and modified so as to provide for paving the interseotion of said street with Victoria street, with dreow4med wood blooks instead of asphalt concrete as called for by the specifications heretofore adopted for said work; the coat of such change not to exceed the sum of 1393.40. Y � , �r Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen (✓) NSys� I Farn orth Adopted bylthe Council JI-''- —�- I 'S 191 Coss In favor Hyla dJ G� 1916' Kelle Approved (/ 191 Mc 1 V Against 1/ Mr. President. 1 vin MAYOR FORM c, a•a Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby instructed to purchase, 'With the approval of the Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller, one Ford Rmabbut. This being a patented article, no advantage can be obtained by advertising -fpr bids. The cast of the above to be charged to the Bureau of Police & Fire Alarm Telegraph, Maintenance and Repair A000=t V) Cou Yeas ( ;I I'men (V) Nays Far, orth In favor f e C, I ecc 11 1 Against U..k Mr. President, FORM C.... Adopted by the Council - JUL-61916 191. Approved JUL —6...916 .............. 191 ............. ........... - I • CITY OF -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM,'f Subject: ww FILE Date Presented' m 191 Resoly r, that the curette license Ho. 454, expiring Oct. 14, 194 now in the name of E. A.Cooper, 414 Smith Ave., be and the same hereby is transferred to Joe Clarkin & Son, 414 Smith Ave. l t ,moo Yap1yeSlryDicCdu livsda`�[htr 4 clsaret.,te'�)tceaee ° N i expirjx�gCot. 1419�IB�tloW Iq ' �� e erF%� GopFer ,41{�.9mltd: . /tye. tt and htlarklae}nnMe'Lereb9lRFtrahe- • _ lerkp3,to Jog C & E3oa,'41/ 8ailth .Jq�popted -by the Covnclt JutY 8, I9 36: �(pprove d Jnly s, 1918. (July 18-1918) Yeas (✓) Counci en ( ✓) Nays Q JUf_ -6 1 16 Farns rth Adopted by the Council 191 Goso In favor Hyfan Keller Approved Ui I9I6 191 cC l Against w Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR FORM C. 9-2 9 ST PAUL COU NCLL R'E5O R"ESO LOTUT ION—GEN E,RAL FORM Subj&t: couRca S *?C1� t .. FILE N o.._. Date; Presented 191 _. S Resolved, That the oigarette lloense ,IJo. 14.7, whioh expires 111Cy 15th, 1917, Now in the name of J. Ossery, 56�V basha St- be tebe and the same hereby is transferred to J. Ossery, 270 Rice St. grMt�dl;cenea Wei sole Whtah •sD1T a 31aY 16fi881W�'� Nso V o. 47 the names the eame�hice $ now In De an Ri g11916i bRai, 64. J, OesarY• 270 tr Ado4teddbY ,the 16. 916) July A➢Proved JUIY 616_1916) Yeas (✓) Counc men (:)Nays Farns orth Goss In favor Hyl d Kell Mc 11 Against Mr. President Irvin FORM d Adopted by the Council JUL_6 t91�91 Approved / I `j�� .191 r. .. MAYOR COUNCI O._ By �_ a.._ 0� FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of net_r,c,�k.�g_a ceent_tile_sidewalk_,to_a width of six feet on the east side cf Argyle street between H ch street and Orchard under Preliminary Preliminary order.—__1_CQ4$__—______.._ approved April 19t1916�___� Intermediary approved----.--.--- A pproved—___._......___A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise mature, extent and'kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Cot�etruet a cement tile aalk to a width of six feet on the east side of_Argyle �street between Hatch streat.rand and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. n RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed . with the making of said improvement tance therewith. R_ r Adopted by the Council_ --Jul-716 191' 191 Approved JUL —6 1916__ 191_..._ y _-- FIX F-" ORDE lass-Rr s. A Far„aw gCe Mayor. Councilman Farn worth " GOs Ke er M i-'011 Mayor 4�'Zvzs Form B. S. A- e-7 - bit C.1, No. 1 iter' of conetructing In ills; matH street; meat. tile: a'd said et,o,f ArgYh of !'t between he• tch etrget and orchard oder PrgllminarY Order street peed Alyrtl 19th, 1916' 10.049. aDDIEh havtntS been had A„ yublto , ealg "U E gyon:ahe abit7ve Councilmha n6oheard notloe, and WWqq all`Deraone, ab)$dtlone and recommefi- S W10 -a "Ids eW the aesme nthAF'efbr�o, folly, cone[dere- . 'be it n the Council of the Clty R0solved, Y { to, be oi:ec.,Pau1 that the Dreclea. nature, ez tent`:anA to Bald Oi[Yote; Sunatrua mad�g-"^.bY a width oL atl celOeilt .tile sidewalk A'gyle ett'ae tee't`"pry 8atcht street ; a oretiar' between ud, the Council rlereby order semteto b@ mata de .rthr That hCommie I A nr of Pabltc �rxe t dLep Iacation dl tea eBd JQ same toi _tt pl u em t band aubmtt 9 aDDrovat i�oa cora is' // Couh Il fo 44D111y�•ai the D ___ dirept -itp� hereby aathorlaea a d th et.,aald i seed" with ._akl.B u4 to aeoordanoe ther4q 8D 1 , ._YAaoufeH bYs'tbo Couet pi JylYc CITY OF 8T. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e ! REPORT` OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELpAINARY ORDER ' 4 ` L _C. -G ZLGi_ ...L" In the Matter of ... _ail._?�L.�G ... _� .............._.._ .......... ......_ _.................... r... _. �.... ,...... -�._...-... -- r . -- ----r =l'' - ... �...`....1..__._................__._ l4LSI t t 1` i- ? .. _........... ...._t.....__-_.._ ........... _. ....... ...... .._ ....._ . ._........... .. ... _ ....._ _...._ ..... _ - ........._......................_......--.............._........_...................._.......----....._...-'-'--- _..._._.:_... ............ ....... ... --..... _................ .................... ......... ....... ............ ....... ............. .......... ....... .... o ...... __..... _-,---........._._... _......_.....:...... .........._... ........_:................... :_. - ....._....... __................_.... ..... .......... _.._.._......... ....... .... .......... ........... ... ........ ..... ......_.._ ........_............. ....... ..... ............ _--...... ................ ._...... ....... ..• ............. ........... .............___............._....... .... _____............ _........... ...................... .......... __.._._.......... _...... _........ - ......... _._...... i_.. ------------ ------ _..... _.___ .........._.__... . ......- ._ _... _..... ... .................... ....... Preliminary Order approved /......._.._..... ........... ....... _.-..... ... --- _- under ..� 4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $0.58_ot,_l.irEeil foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ -- •• -- --- ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improdement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as fast reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA710N /Y lQo 4 S /S 424 7-5 j s tia„ 27 J �g v. - TOTAL. T'y� /and The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the, Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ' V, . P I /Voj 100"'4e I r 9 0.4C H 484.12 ST V, o /O 411 -Ce ' S T V, �$y��t�t��c�norab�e �5. lq f3el�p, G�mmie,�ioner: •. 1 We, the undersigned, property owners, do 4,41 de walk be laid on the East side of Argyle St -et&, and Orchard Streets, 'St. Penl;Minnesota. Lot Blo ROOM" it ion e -t between m:'...:....._...ay_ let,............................._......191.8_. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._10048 ._approved........_A ?T11 19+ ..............191.6...., relative to .............................. constructinga cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the east eider. off.._Arg.Y1e....St.e.....batween.._Hatah...._St,...._ead..._Orc_hard. @......_....................._ _... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... ..__........ necessary and (or) desirable. - 58¢ per lineal foot X 2. The gstimated cost thereof 'is $_._........__..... ...... ..._, and the total cost thereof is$..........._........Xxx...____..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... .__.... _.....__.__........ ..... _._.................... ............................. ...._._ .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............................................................................................................................................................ .:.............................................................. ........................ ) 5. Said improvement is__ ........... _................ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C m' inner of Public Wor s. 77 CO F34 iG FINAL ORDER. In the Matter feetg� n._trka_r_th.._olde_ of Sherburne avenue from Snelling ave'_—nu 2— under Preliminary, order. _-.-97@,3__....___.__.____._-_approved --- RTa.._,��._de I�rinediary— A public hearing having been had, upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Cpuncil having heard all persons, objections and, -recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is COnBtrUCt a gement__tile Sidewalk to a — �iSi h.__af__e1x_feet_nn...the-nasth-atde••of•Sharbux 8- aneriue to Aldine and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made." RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to,prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for that upon said approval, the proper city officer a hereby authorized and directed to proceed approval; with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.--j�}{. 19 - - -""• - Ctty Clerk. ', Approved ,� a a No. 'usa4— - In the Matter - went the gide - --i•--- feet,o4 thea amo"----^"-----------__Mayor• avenue fro ' dlne etree ' c Councilman Farns orth d rpubticg HPO°a" ppoa; theab " Goss m >a°a�Q notice and th an Moot •� dntlone, aelet Kell fuuv eonslae � �:> be It " Mc ll Rssolvea of al: Paul teat and k1 of mprovement 167, Dep y - ntade by theaidCity ls,'oo"Cract .g, b „ cemeat tfle sfaewe to a tdtdth.ot;eir feetmn the 'north Ode oty aherbur o avedue hom anelling avenne to Atdfpef • - Mayor street, and the Counclt hereby orders' ^'� said improvement to be made o� '. _ Form B. S. A &7 Resolved Further That ;the Commie- stoder oYf'Mbllo'V7orke be ��end.he >A� hereby Instructed and direcTed to'pre- - Dara plane and s'eclacatluns for•said . Improvement; and eubmit.'eama�to thei :coon clt for &V a,that':u on aald ,approval, the -prober oIt'y °'bE�eers'aM„ hereby authorised and dlreeted tb Dro,� ' aged'with the makfng'ot eald�imtirove=� ;. y pientda eCcordan ee tberewlth:. - Adopted BY Councntiuly, 6 1918 the; AppraVed Tulp'B 1818 mac-• � � , T PAUL. .. r - CEPAR�TMENT F FINANCE- /��REPORT OF COMM14-SIONEW F FINANCE _ ON,PRELIMINARY ORDER - In the , tter of ------.-- e L - — -- -------------------' --- ------ - ------------ -------- - - e under Preliminary Order approved ------- - ._\--.L �2--� -- ------- ------------------------ ---- ..--- ----- ---- -------- ------------ ------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 0 58 per lineal The total estimated amountof the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------ fo ot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $-----------------' The lots or parcels of land -that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION��7 VALUATION 7 s 14 ko a, .. TOTAL. FOR. ..S.A. 0-J A , ._ �TY OF ST. PAUL a {i i DEMARTMEN'f OF F`fNANCE - ® -' REPOR'ir OF 60MMISMONER OF FINANCE y 'ok- -' `r - ON`PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) ASSESSED D E$C'RIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION f l tii• -moi.-- L F s o. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, • and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matt8r by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated191•/.. : G'a!�Z r l Q l�f/-dYGL / Commissioner of Finance. FORM .-A. s -L O 040 Ltl/1 i �0 1 .4 � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, • and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matt8r by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated191•/.. : G'a!�Z r l Q l�f/-dYGL / Commissioner of Finance. FORM .-A. s -L O A -� A i r ry} 6 O f the Commissioner of Public Works a Report: to Commissioner of Finance _ r, r ......... ,.:..... AR r..;. 5.tI.x_.......... .._...:....1316... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. pal": The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the onu- C 9 83 approved ......._AFT11.... .... ......... .........._..191_._6., relative to... ... ................._. ell, known as Council File No. - .................. pp _constructir�..._a._o.ement.._tile_._eidewalk_._to...._a.-_ dth_._of_._eix..._feet_ on_.__t.he....... __....._ \ .__.........L_... .... .... _....._ _. ~ north aide of gherburne Avenue from Snellin Avenue to Aldine Street. .............. _...._.....- .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_. ........ _......... necessary and (or) desirable. s� 54¢ .per lineal foot xxxx and? 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_.......... ...... .... .... .._. and the total cost thereof is $.................. _..... the nature and extent of said }lnprovement is as follows:, ..._._......... ... ...... ......... ......... ........... _..... ........_......... ......... .... _ ... ............:............................_...................._.................._......_......................_...._......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. R:.........................._.............._...._.........._......_....................._._...._._........._........._ 5. Said improvement is_ ....... nRt.......... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject i to assei3sment for said improvement. .............. .._ �' Commis oner of Public Works. COUNCI O._ ' By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Cone rue t ng__a_ne>rent_ tile_ sidewalk -_to_ a width of six , feSt_-=-bo-tb .-aidee.-rf Ha.7.7ard uissvioxatreat between Daak street and the. north line of_Holoombets Subdivision, under Preliminary order. _.__Q45-___-__- Intermediary Order approved--_--- --_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council t having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of provement to be made by the said Cityis_...iQ?stt�C _cebent -tile sidewalk to a width -_:9f sixQu_ bgtil sidee--px-Hazzard street between Cook street and—the north 2An8 of and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificationsfor said improvement, and submit same to the Council for . approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers %re hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Co3ncil____—ill_..-� --, 191 — CA Clerk. -6 1916/ t Approved--_j�t —191— J� ;. Mayor. UPon Councilman Farn Orth nue notice, "an a pc a� PUBT ygvwD heard all ppersona, ubJeotlone •� Mos ommendations re7ative;'-'thgreto - Laving fully considered the e -1*, therefore, be It a Kai T RPsolvcd, Hy the Council of the City of SL.. Pavl - that -the. pteolee n! tWre,: „ M Ol� extent and kind of tity" to menUidt, I. + made by the said Cttq, fa constcao, bt cement the sidewalk toga -*lath 6f,six. lest on bothaides o! 'Hansard street �botyveen Cook street and the nogth,line; Of Holcombe's subdivielon. aud.-•the: Council hereby. orders . said Improvp- meat to be made. Mayor Resolved Further, That the Com..-, misetoner of Public -M*ke'be-and,.ho Form B, S. A 8-7 le..hereby lnetrueted and directed 'to; yteare Diane and speclacatlona for: _ antd'Imbrovemeat, aaa Submit same: - the Council for approval:; 'that, upon' - said approval, thtt•proper'lty offig,7, ate; hereby authorized ani d riCrs¢tgd tp>i proceed with the m$kinir-Awsaid� ni ptoq@meat Inacrnrdanoe,thet;9wtth Adopted by,'fhe Council duly f8rF183A Approved ,,ytuly,g ,916'y. �1 CITY OF ST. PAua.' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' - - - �j REPORT OF COM "IOP OF FINANCE ^- `/ ON PRELTAINARY OWdER 46—L ._ In the *atte>' of P r under Preliminary Order approved — ----------------<y--------------------------------_---------------------------..:--------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ` The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $------� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (I% . / 441 TOTAL, ronin s.a.�. e•a w - s.r CITY OF ST. PAUL. - .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE K art REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE QN PRELIAINARY' ORDER i . - ASSESSED -yY ADDITION VALUATION ' DESCFiIPT10N LOT BLOCK , ? 1D %S Gvvovr ( 4 3�a �t(4 ��t / o, 7 .7 vo- ' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .__ � '111 3 .-_--.....191 6� __UGI......1.�... ✓ Gad /%¢ / Commissioner of Finance. FORM C.S.A. Y! C __ lx / NENW E. WEDELSTAEDT CO. , .STATIONERS ST. P.VL M'- - - . v THE $OMllala s ITY ._yatIIL'IL St, Paul, MI=. - - -- f Gentlemen,- - 4' We, the undersigned., property. owners .on-the -v—t-moi.-da-- - 3of Hazzard St. between Cook St. and the north Tins o3_Hnlonmbe.t$-- 1 6. Sub., hereby petition _,;our Honorable._ Body to_cauae a-BJX foot - ,, dement tile sidewalk to be laid on the xaat side of said Hazzard. 3t. between the points above mentioned. N A M y 1714 1. _ 7 16 20 71� _. --- -- 1 _ J air--_. 14 25IR ME 1) - 26 27 Y ' , 28 Ij AN -pp�E77}S pp(L OF ERG AMLS-- b T 16 — a 30 97-... ,.., - x . �.. _ F , d. t%e ;ommis o P16W, 6rks i _e of toner Report to Commissioner of Fiance' April..:.11th:................. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: . The Commissioner. of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No...... ...... 9$45.__.approved ..AP.Til 7th.2........... ............ 1916_..., relative to....................... _... _ constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on ti both sides of Hazzard St. between Cook St, and the north line N _af.....Holrntnb..e.!.._......... _._........... _._... ...... ............. _..._.....•....-_..................... _._.... .... ................................ ....... ........... _.......__ •H � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: a 1. Said improvement is......._____,_...necessary and (or) desirable. ' 54¢_per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ __._.._...___.._, and the total, cost thereof is$ .................... and the nature and extent o'l said improvement is as follows: .............. _ ....................................... ........ _..................... ...... M ..... ................. .._.._-....:.............................. .......-............... .... ....... ............ _..... _.......... __....... ...._.._............. ....._........._...................... _......................... ......._............ ........ _.--.......__. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. dt -- ............. ....... _........................... ... _............................ --....... _ ... 5. Said improvement is_............. ....... ....... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject µ to assessment for said improvement. i er Commissio of Public Works. - ^:? t ., - . ,s. _ y,. -e,-B �£�,q.K a"e2`°'' S9v3Y"F zr.F".• x *!iY ;� � . _–COUNCIL O. _ _, J .FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Reoonetruotin&, relaying and repairingcement t -4 -ie o a nidth� wiz feet tha sidewalks on the following streets; Arundelftt., ti at Rondo street thence =9=9to Alley;-Mackubin St., rant aids.. 2oZJnni .n $- o –e --- aide Gggroll avenue thence north to Alley; Carroll a#antae-_north–side baginning at Mackubin street thence east 94 feet, under Prefiminary order. __._._approved.—Apr 1'1 _ll the 2*16..� Intermediary Order___------...r._.approved_._.._.—.___—�_—_— _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore„ be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise natuie, extent and kind of proven}e t to be made by the said City is Reeoristruet•,.rely and repair with semen# ji et the sidewalks on the following streets, Arundel etreet,_eTist aids beginnini at RondoMstrest thanes to Al ita[lkubin street east sides inning at, Carrollnenue �othrt9�y_ ,�arxoll avenue na'th aide beginning at Yaokubin �etxpet .thenCa and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby' irlstructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to' the Council for approval; that upon said approval the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to �rocced with the making of said improvement in aceo{��1ru����(]�(�(e therewith. a ` JUL �V ".o Adopted by the �aq11w N Approved.—o.. _nQ 1916 _191 ,19t x iiih itiro "� Pe ` Mayor. CCuncih � u Ma Form a S. A 8_7 - .. e, -1. 1 n6 gav�ag=bean LR - v0 6uve"lmFFroVe -ant upon,d an verso ob)erltons and:recoutmen,'•,> dations rr ative thereto I fully.- cons'Oered fhe eaMe ;therb[o be lY S f Rbaolvet! the Conacn iot the C(ty` of at Pauls thahI t the,"DreclbeDature, kz ° i tentand ltind;bt imDrovenient t6 be` "� "made -by the Bald ettyy,le reconatruet,: releg and $ova(r with cement xlle .to'a - wldt roll. fi,fola.teet the sldeiralke as 4lie • eEreete: Arundeyetetreek ing;at btackublta'9t.. I - eet,•and ebe. Coanotl , d imDr0brotiat` to be i ur er, This- Ig- or 9- Worksabq;and be id anfl,dtrecl'ed to Dre.. peel ao it Q_'B , submit bnt�o,W the �valftthat.: Aa aatd - - per clfy bit cera ars; andrAtr,4aofs4rtASie ". ltn�,tls,l"drtmDlPl'e- - .. cethgraCv Rht�Yr eswu>r CITY OF -- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PROMMINARY ORDER (D) l ' ��:............. ...................... . LL......' .............. : ........: ..............�,. ................ .. . �:. . ............... ...,.. �'� �n� ` , �..... f .............. t. _`... ...... _........... ....._... v y......................... uada Preliminary Order approved -' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: , The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 82 lineal �.! 58 .......... ...... The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is fooi� �......................... ............ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvemint is f The d the a=556 valuation of cath lot lots or parcels of land that maybe a106en tfits for sttch ftnpXovement, aa . or parcel a last reported by iha Assessor, are as 10110wsl ASSESSED 'oCK ,ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIP110N LOT I� _ ©. TOTAL. favestipiated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Financefurthur reports that he has rt thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference hereby submits the foregoing as his repo to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. . �✓ .............141_.. �...:._....._. Dated......_ . ......... .. Commissioner of Finaaee roew a. e. �. e•e o � _..,� a k.. Office of the Coni®Heir' of Pt�filic works - p Report to Comrnissionero Finance :.:.. - � ..._. ..._.........tl.�.r11....�'S.liLiy...._......... ....19._6- . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of "the Conn- cil, known as Council File ICLo...9889.......... _... approved ............ _AT11 11th: ___1916...:, relative to._._................ .__... reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement tile to a width _...the.....side,¢slka-._.on_tbe-...f.allo.><wing...st.zee.te:._.____..._....___.___. Arundel St. , E. side, beginning at Rondo St. thence south to alley, .......... ....... aide..,:....beginnIng._at.....Carxo.11....A..m........la_. g.q_no.�th _to-_al•ley �t Carroll Ave., N. side, beginning at kackcbin St. thence east 94 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ' r 1. Said improvement-is............ ...... ..necessary and (or) desirable. 54¢ per lineal foot. xxxxx 'L. The estnnated coat thereof is$_..... .................._... ..., and the total Cost thereof is$.._-.--.-_..---._..--...._.-........__.._,i and , the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.................. _ ......:.........._........_-..:.....---.......-_-..-.._.......-....._..----........_..--..-..- _._....._............ ................ _......_......._....................._...-..._.......-_.......................... ..........._...........__.... .............. _... ._............ -._.......-_..._...-_......... ..._._-.... x - 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. E+ ...................................................................._... _..._.. .._....... _._......_.--..__.-..._.... ....-._ 5. Said improvement is..... not_ ..____asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co mise oner of Publ,.j ,,, Works: y Aa= ordi adze r t Qaler and Ak�ata p I 9�'Ba.t�haa^`✓rY.w"r�3 a .1J; ._m 1 yAY"�q�rk^� -31 IV r , IV TIM COUNCIL OF T9E -6., rtd4eeietanV Ca�hi'er <i BR o-thei� heresy riagire b' pexfor arae ' U, a n f a�ld' sd with �bom tro�lr, . a , ry Lhersb bin Cr v .. �erAs A,©e` t��a� Geary. ftr t� Qi gg t :�^ � 3 p rr r "'w. 1; �� �° ¢ �`•'M, r4 � 72Sr A �`�¢ �'f' Id�� A�� 0, {,ip�� 7..h a�r{NrPG:Wlyk�'1rirAa x4i' +f�m :at'ei,y' a��ite �y�,��ia�t�d�"Y�x� r 9 �{ 'n ,acted by the " w -f. Iay ► Thr. r.eeiden, x(y�rviit) Appror�ed`t 1 d NX s r+iuk r {x ,� r r �• ie SOfi 22 a An ordinance appropriatia the sum ofeedSsventy- _�` W eix and 601100 Dollars (4376.60) to aid is tbehe�vingtreet inter-� t di arenne. sections on Hague avenue from Dale street to t8 , 1'1'j,e_.'_�RAI ? THE CODHCIL OF THE CITY OFpop�it101H" � Section 1. that the sum gThree 8ued�eVerity-six and f 60/100 Dollare ($376.60) is herQ�*ppropriated out, of the Street' Intersection item of the Street Construction and Repair read, for e the purpose -of aiding in paying the cost of paving street interseo- tiens on Hague avenue between Dale street and Lai ion avenue. 8e0ton. 3. This ordinance shall take. ei'fa-� ewd be in oroe {� th#rty.�:day0 atter its passage and publication. 4 Pawed by the Counoil Zeas s ft Farnsworth /ylana aerlioh 9 6 1816. " says, 0 lir"resident (Irvin) Approved _s�.._- t Attest City Clerk. x n M1 i `. - I -CIT OF ST. PAUL...` ' COUNCIL R TION—GENERAL FORM 1 -s-1/W-� Subject: rt COUNCIL t r Fn.E?¢ N O... Date Presented 191 f (/v�/l- C1li� � '� E�A/���'"�fiRGn;�C-,6�,-'u-x:.q'' �.•�4.-�.= dY�i 27,�j� 'f .. 2✓a�.�..a-,moo /.ter, c, Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nayq Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth Cori In favor Keller Approved 191 McColl Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers MAYOR FORM C.11-2 �-C �6rT�nttfRIF . rM Aalraea ri A a va,. 5 Ord)Aanao:N 69 ' aa. 1 Rst r :7th YB34 ,+13m1n eliatt 'O df llk AaACe relatiPgsohe?�DeprAent1t8-ot It 4s94tet� ate ot8✓�IaxlYCon " - oft rp and�8,lm}oyen th } yoali; e b-and aapatrttment comp Wan ls"-tioL7+yowers. a�d' dutie4 Ttilg�la: IDmg�geaay OidCmiAne. renderFd T-� e§ ary,. [or the areeeiyn - - Public P.a Healtb An Ordinance 9mmending Administrative Ordinance No. 3529, approved August 7th, 1915, "Andministratig4 ogidina.nos relating to the Department of Publiic Safety, Its organization, its officers, and employes, their ...qualification and°appointment, compensation, powers and duties." This is an Emergency Ordinance rendererd necessary for the preservation of the Public'Peace, Health, and Safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does Ordain:— Section 1. That Administrative Ordinance No. 3529, approvedAugust 7th, 1915, be and the same is hereby amended, by striking out from Section Seven thereof, Bureau of Fire Proteotion, Division "O", Miscellaneous Service, "One. (1) Laborer, (Helper) $65.00 per month," and inserting in place thereof, "One (1) Haohinistls Helper at a `salary of $65.00 per month for the first year and $70.00 to $7j.00 Pei month for services,agadered thereafte r. S action 2. This is an Emergency Ordinance, rendered necessary f�� the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety, and shall take effect and be in force immediately after its approval and publi cation. Yeas ( v. Councilmen (✓) Nays a Farnsworth / Adopted by the Council ' j "✓-L � / 191- .C,re- f� In favor $ JUL 22 '16 Hyland `. Keller 1 Approved 191,_ McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin iY C , FAn\� C\0: MAYOR ' FORM a..-2 A'\ jri•�� n Resolved. W3nmL the Courncil hereby approves specifications attached YorsiraisYiirig Pendant Beries Fixtures for Street_. Lighting 1, vrit2z 4t-jm=—F111ed Incandescent Lamps, and authorizes the PurcYsas ing ,Agent to advertise for same, in accordance vritlz tame provie'lons of the Charter. 1C. F. No. 11402—By O. E. Kei{er— -.�e:solved, That the Cooncil hereby aD➢rOvee ePpctflcstlons 'attached for ffa _tshing Pendantfilledgas-filries led rine.es .- s treet LAghtln6 µand -thor{zee the y descent- l&no {n aUbOrdance with the Prn' r 'visions of the Charter. 1916. 4, ted —,!ad by 6-1191§ll July 7, ' (July 16-1916) Received ull pbyi�f�.� connection h 1kb©Vt - Rhe:f-oluti I� Yeas (✓) Qimczi .l ) Nays F wortl-a ' In Favor }} -..Against _ Preaid -- � :. Adopted by the Co— Approved. ounuApproved _ '....- ��4fi ..........191.:: ..................... _.......... .... ... MAYOR >9 ° CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEF2AL FORM z 1 _CFILE ou mcliwn.. Date Presented. a19J.-- Y� Resolved, r4 �".te e celaneousThat thereis hereby approprou and Unforseen account of the General Fund the sum of Three Hundred (300 .00) Dollars to be use: in defraying the'expensee incident to the enforce&ent of Ordinance No. 3476, known ag the.Dog License Ordinance. C. F. No. 11403teouto—�3)• Henry McColl— Re" end. TMaI �hihe ,Mise 11a.eoua pr pr a and Unforseen Account f tha General Fund �`hT of Tb ree Hundred 1 nn n11a w to be need In defray- �, 1 Yeas ( r') Council en (✓) Nays / Farns rth l/� - Gass In favor Kell M oll Against y 1 Mr. Presid nt. P~ FORM r� i. Adopted by the Councili���� Approved -_. ; _191........ ................... .CITY OF -!5T-. U.L. COUNCIL•.RESOLUT ISO-N—'GENERAL FORM - +� � 101-1 Subject: couRca FILE N 0. Date Presented July Rs 191 fie on , Resolved, That .the time specified for the performance of la certain contract dated April 'Sbth, 1916 between Keough Bros. and the City of St -Paul for the grading of Pascal Ave. from Edmund St. to World St. be and the same is hereby extended to the,lst day of July, 1916, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that t this resolution shall'icot have any force and effect unlese`the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the �ity Comptroller. I C. I No. 11404— ' Aeeolved. The, the time speeifled' for +1 [he perrorxmneP Of a rerbtin Contract dated Aprtl 26th. 1916, between Keo"gh I3ros. end the City o[ St. Paul for the grading of Fnacxl Avr. from 1 1 am, 1d •hereby a tended to the let Idaveof JuI)'. ]916, and the -proper city officers are hereby authorized to e cut, a amendment to i[l contract J n nordance herew'Ith. DYovided. - 1 no.Yr[�etr, that thla .to shall n , - - hhav[v any force s de effect unless the orctlthe etothe dufllrracto�e bondnt in I' w rlting •Ilh the City sCgmptrolle r. iAdopted by the Council July 7, 1916. Approved IJuy,616 11916) Yeas (✓) Cou Inten (✓) Nays I Far worth Adopted by the Council !fir` 191 LGo -� In favor / I Hy nd er . Against ApprovedtYy— S 1916 191 1'lVI Coll 1� Mr. Presld t, Irvin MAYOR f ........ ..... ... - .c............»� a..:. Y t 7 1916. St. Paul, Minn. July. � To time Honorable City C cil, ITY. GentlemenWe would reap etfully ask that your' Honorable Body cause the t1mb o:r completing the contract for the grading of Pascal Ave. u ,,,,,,, and St. be extended to July let, 1916* from d d 3t. to 7,a 'July onditions of the weather it was not possible mor ns to finish a contract .within the time specified, hence we desire to as that the time for completing same be made as hereinpe- :Eore stated. Yours very truly, o � rn /r,14or 0 a THERE Is No OBJECTION T.0 HAVING THE TIME EXTENDED AS REQUESTED, gS FAR AS THE NEC). REQ :F" 12 11� per !endene�P_ p Mero uoiion I $epaii APPROVED <�J — - — — — — — __o�.,r_ � — -hi —Engineer Lromm�saioner oar Fu'613o�orT�s: t`. F. No. 11400-01dinance No.3745— By M. N. Goa$— .tn ordinance appropriating the - of Three Hundred Ninety-two and 40 ]00. Dollar$ 1$392.40) to aid In Intersection$ e pavinit the street I'arel R n om Dale street to - I.ex �,�e Al V ws; An ordinance appropriating the sum of Three Hundred Ninety- two and 40/100 Dollars ($392.40) to aid in paving the street inter- sections on Laurel avenue from Dale street to Lexington avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORbAIN: Section 1. That the sum of. Three Hundred Ninety=two and 40/100 Dollars ($392.40) is hereby appropriated out of the Street Intersection item of the Street Construction and Repair Fund, for the purpose of aiding in paying the cost of paving"street inter- sections on Laurel avenue from Dale street to Lexington avenue. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council;, " 1916. Yeas N Yr4mfarneworth Hyland G Keller McColl Wunderlioh Nays, 0 Mr. President (Irvin) Approved/r 1916. Mayor. Attest - S, Y /_ City Cle . CITY OF'ST. PAUL-- ^ •GQUNCIL REfN .SOLUTIOGENE-RAL WF'ORM.. - - ^-`� A - FILE L- . - FILE pate Pre ted July 7 191 6. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance Vf a certain contract dated August 3rd, 1916 between Christ Johnson and the City of St-Paul for the grading of Pascal Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair 3t.,, .s4 be and the same is hereby extended to the 8th day of .July, 1916 and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendmient°to said contract in abcordanoe herewith, provided, however, 8 that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such e consent in,writing with'the City Comptroller. 11406— .,gyp ftehe pc,. That thof time ain con- for the performance r a certain con- :hri dated August 3rd, 1916 be. ween Christ Johnson and the City at St. Paul ^� for the grading of Pascal Ave. from Jeffethe to flame laon Avh -rebs ex teSt.ln dedst.to the 9th day of July, 1916, and the proper cit)' oli ars are hereby authorized to e u.e an amendment to said contract Ina ordu ace herewith. Drovlded. how- - - I c that this eolutl on ahal7 not have any force and leRett unless the t a ret lea on the contractor. bond c - eat thereto and file such consent In writing, with [he City Comptroller. .Ido pled. by the Council July 7. 1916. Approved July 9, 1916. (July 16-1916) Yeas (J) Coun Innen (✓) Nays Fara men Adopted by the Council �� 1916 orth Goss �In favor Hyl d Approved g 9 6 191 KeI r Mc 11 u Against���� Mr. Preside t. Irvin Mwo t t. FORM C. 8-2 St,. paui, Minn. July 7, 1916: To the Honorable City Council, hhh C �I i Y. _ a Gentlemen,- I would respectfully ask that your'Honorable Body osuse,the time of completing the contract for the grading of Pascal'Ave.ofrom Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St. be extended to July 8th, 1916. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this. contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask,that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, , Contra There.is no objection to having the time extended as'irequested, as tar as the require�ntB s office is concerned: n�clf' onsruc ion APPROVr'"D _ �--� — — — ——Cfiief-)F3g . eer — — -d07mmissi7oner o? Pub7io-WorTM7 9 Y E COUNCIL FILE NO...........: BY.._._._____.._.... . ........ FINAL OBER. _�•." 'In the Matter 'of_.....QcaX1 _t.x:u.R1l11g....a_BB.9 ex fox ....as.altri.=y.....f.law.....O,n.ly.,..... 01f1___..._.....__._ Aa.thol. e._-a..tr.e.et_"f.ro.a_..Du.1u±b._amen)iatrl.aloint_MQ_fe..e_t __aa.at__Qi_Sh0. ......:............_._.___..... _...... _......----_....._. under Preliminary order ... ..... ._Q996:.._ .......... .... ...... .......... approved.... Al). X. _14_th, X916,.•,..,.. ___/ ,__� 1 / Intermediary Order.._—.../. pp ... ...P....__[a............ ...... ... ....... approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement u n due notice, and the Council having heard alF persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im• " proverpent to be made by the said City is COne,trnct a sewer. f oT_. eanitgry_ flow onl j_ SULl`Iaxt.Cho.rne�.irea.t._Pram...nu1.uth__v.enua..._to a....poin _a7.a f?e . Aae.t_...af_..the e.�t_ �Sz1b of.Ilnluth aYanua,____�_....M..._._.____.___..__...:. ....... ... .........._..__........ _..._.W__—__..:_._...__ �_....._._�._._ ____;....... _____.___.___._.... ................... _`__.._........__.._.................... acid the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. a RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said.improvement in accordance therywith. Adopted by the Council......_._. _ �_, 191 _. Ci Clerk. JUL —S 1916 / A Approved_— _..._..__.....__.__.._.., 191_..___ ' Je �auo ae a aq egao.41(i ^�eq "-"__... _.......... Mayor. — I (Wnlo1 ay, 1t4.a 'Pan Ma Or. �'�'! do yll.l ay, ]o Ilamnu •a.,nd...-0;11 In,e.ld Councilman'Fa sworth yr „nom a y ,• ad S. I-v,.,n„ ...,,,,,,, 'Pl. ,uad, 11 un ;".,h� uo,nni4e�46 I Il+Y Form B. S. A. 1 mane y���_ ^•" on H9W- sewer r sanitary flow n1Y, thornsfotrees from Duluth avenue to a Point 278 Leet east of the east line o[ D41uth avenue, and the CounciY'herd- by orders said improvement to be made. solved Further, That the Co..,.- Fiestoner of Pnbilc Works be ato nd to d an pare plans and speclacatlonsdfor said para, plans improvement, and submit tame to the Council [or approval; that upon said approval• the proper city ted t s are heedb wlthh Chas ra. rf.B r of eeald Dlm- provement in accordance therewitt, Adopted by the Connell July 71 Approved July 81 tJY _11-1111) ' v7,,G, ` Office- 'of the `Commissimpr of Public Works 'Report to Commissioner of Finance May. lst. 191_ .6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the laity of St. Paul: —.- a The Coamissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun• rn cil, known as Council File No. .._._9996 _approved . April 14th, _191..6.., relative to the oonstruotion ok-a sewer for sanitary flow _only on. Hawthorne __ ..... ..... _. . _. St from DuluthAve to _a pt_.._370__feet east, of the_ eget_ line, 'of. Duluth Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...necessary and (or) desirable. 73¢ per front foot �^e and the total cost thereof is $__ __ 342.00 and 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $..............'_ ._ `- Frontage 560 feet Excess inspection $35.00 the nature aad extent of said improvement is as follows: i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached on i made a part hereof. d. ;i. Said improvement is...__ _....._ _.._......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. a b- �1 Conuui ioner of Public CTY ST. PAUL 9 DEPAI3-kMENT OF FIN' NCE i 1 REPORT QF COM(MISSIO.NE OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , In a Matter of --- - - -- -- --- -- ---iL- - ------ ----- �i/41 -- _GtP7 ----- .......... ....._-......-.... --------------- - -- - ....................... ----------- --------------- -------- - 1�b. .............. . . ........... ...................... _..-. ..........--.-..-...- _......- .-----'"--------------------------------------------------------------....... ..... - ...... --------------------------------------------- .._.........................-....--- -_ -.-.-.-..:.-.......'; ------_---- - --_---_--.--_--------------------------.—__-----_--_----.._ - —------------- .-.---- .--- ...._ _ .----.. ..-..---------- - ander Preliminary Order approved --------- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: a The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 342.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION -LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION G s lw 17 0 J, . �o APO e2mo B` t ♦ n TOTAL, / a� CITY OF ST. FAl L, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPOR B - - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ ASSESSED. - LOT 04oCK. ADDITION VALUATION /So lb Ile" /s o 1,4 �d err The Goxamissioner of Finance further reporfs that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, aa3 1-ieres-his -report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to l�y ubmits the foregoing as him is refereaca to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _.191.=.'�iiL_. D -aced- -- �--�--�� _ �" �" Commissioner of Finance. HENRY WEOELS*+E17 CO S—ICNE-S ' THE HOii0RA=77 CITY COtiI+CII,, i a 2!, St. Paul, Idir.n. 3 Gentlemen,- We, the undersi�;red, ovmers of property abutting on Hawthorne St. between Duluth Ave, and the Water Works Right of tion your Honorable Body to cause a serer to 61 Way do hereby peti F be built or. srid Havithorne St, betvlee)I the points aboI I7entionod,. I 4e(,j I � 'b f Jl(A'ItVI, 16! 201 A g a HENRY WEOELS*+E17 CO S—ICNE-S ' THE HOii0RA=77 CITY COtiI+CII,, i a 2!, St. Paul, Idir.n. 3 Gentlemen,- We, the undersi�;red, ovmers of property abutting on Hawthorne St. between Duluth Ave, and the Water Works Right of tion your Honorable Body to cause a serer to 61 Way do hereby peti F be built or. srid Havithorne St, betvlee)I the points aboI I7entionod,. I 4e(,j I � 'b f Jl(A'ItVI, 16! 201 A �ITY OF SAINT PAWL D6PARTM[NT OF 16UNLIC WORK* - ° - M. M.�GOs91 COMM1ulONKR -ROSE R7i T. GOURLGT4 0�►Ift7 Gerrlrueee -. - OSCAR CLALiSSF9#i CRVP 9--"I. - 2, . J. 6. CARROLI S—'Covera -- 4 INluM - • e ALFRED JACKSON. Sun. S -'R—.. G. H. HERROLD. O'c— E10— , H. W. AOETZINOr R. S.— W-- may May lot,`1916. Q 1 Hon. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, t3 u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewithpreliminary estimate of cost for the oor}struotion of a sewer for sanitary flow only on Hawthorihe St., from Duluth Ave. to a point 370 feet east of the east line of Duluth Ave., under } Council File #9996, approved April 14, 1916. Approximate estimate $343.0o- Cost per front foot .73 Frontage 560 ft. Assessable frontage s 1460 ft. Excess inspection 35.00 Respectfully sulntitted, Chief Engineer. r r C�CLE By-- --_.......... .... .._.... .................... ...... _....... _ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..-.-_Eay.iIlg.a•,.••Q3,1.iit2lag--aad....laying—of ..CEIden.t.-.A1.1.fl....8.1s1.azalk—to_. l c` widt.b....._af......t_en......fe ,t__in _irant._ni_LaBlockOn the _Gplata..e.x..lal..._.8i-io _of._Ei:ath. -traw fron Znnkann_a_tr.e.e.t–aas-terly R3 f_ee.t' iLor2or ..........legis _ —_....._.....------- ........ . under Preliminary order ....._R8.10 ......... ....... .,.......... ... e.— approved ._SepterrbeT 2ndZ„_19;15. Intermediary Order- -- ./....6,�s _ ..... _.......... approved....^� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvettlent upon due notice, and the Council having heard- all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it a . RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent'and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_EA3e_a-_L111b _lay ix_-_s•j.v�allc t0 aw i- fran.t....af._I,o.ts....fi...&....7.,_..fl]..oc-k_-1..,_..St_..�.aulPr�nPr_,.._.an - thQ.._A.=thesly.-aide....af._Si x that_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for i - approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement it accordance therewith. ` Adopted by the Council .......... 19, /0--,, n e C. F. No. 11407—BY S. A. Farnsworth— a • —In the Matter pf paving, curbing and laying of cement file sidewalk to a Ci Clerk. ✓ _ width of ten feet in, front of Lots '— 6 and 7, Block Ia, St Paul Proper. p ����` — on the eouthery aide of Sixth street Approved -__...� 7d lI V----------•--.. 191_• from Jackson .tree[ easterly 83 tali. more or lees, under Praumtnary ' order 6910, apprhved September Hnd, _-•- 1916, Intermedldry Order 1Os86, ap- _-„ ,,,, proved May 89, 1816. Ma Or. t�/,��/ - A public hearing having been had May 9r. 9WOr[h uDoa the above improvement upon due notice, sad the Council having heard l all nervone, objecttOns and reoom- Mayo ;Form B. S. A. 8-7 menaaupm - d - there - Ing fully camelderethe same; , fore,,”" I, - - Resolved, by the Council of the City of 8t Paul that the precise natare, - iextent axed kind of 1.Dto rggqvelaent to tie made b) the said Clty i� pave, curb and nividthaof ten efeet tln Ir3nntWoft Lots 8 and 7. Riock 1,. St. Paul Proper, on the southerly aide t Sixth street from. Jackson street easterly 83 feet more ` r lens. and the Council hereby or- d,rs said Improvement to he made. Resolved Farther. That the t-ommin- - i,ner or I'uhlic Rorke be and In hDa re by instructed and directed [o pre pinna• e,^d aped Hcfltlone for nald Im- • o.,n aahmit same to the 0 sYJ CSE N. 0:;._ _._....._ 01 sy...._!.___..._...................... ..................... ........ _...... .._ 1 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of...:_PAy ng.,.,,.,Q.0;C. „Ug_9Lnd....1a1i.r4_01 _Q.amezlt..._ti1.B__B1sifl Widt.h......Qf......tar .....featin=S.QIl_t._of 7.nta.._.6.8, .2 Block Ja,._at _P.auL_Ernpax.Ya the .,south.B.r. x..._.Bide....o.f._Bixt .gtzBe-t fron aa�kson.._Btra.a.t��B.ser.l�t�3_ieat-, moreor lee_s.,....._..............-__....._-------._..�--...:_.__.-. _----..-.. ._._.._._..........— .. _....._ under Preliminary order ...._6a 10 ........ ......... ......_......... _ approved._._Septlattbe,T Intermediary Order � ................ .......... ..... approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon, due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it A RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature,oextent and kind of im provement to be made by the said City is_T_ave_, Cur 8 w i t17.. Df_. t?,X1 ia.E....in...fron.t....o-L-Lols....fa .&_..7_,...B1.ocY _ ] ,....3t._P.au1 _P_rop x,__an th�,.o1lthErly. Bida_.ni Sizth_axreel_irom ,zackaon.atxeex aaatesl3c.._83_Eeat and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, end submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement'" accordance ther with. Adopted by the Council...........r.. _ n — _ 191 �2 r ! Ci Clerk. Approved ..... ) 191 _..... U r Form & S Mayor.: Councilman 8r sworth upon the shove Imprmil, ^i upon due notice, and the Council .having h iftn- - _ .....nom. nhteatlone and zecem- of -at. rant a . . . extent and kind of In made made by the said Ct and lay cement the width of ten Leeand lack 13,t In the eoutherly side of dackaon street eaStel ArHess, and the Co r sald improvemel R'.."T'ed Further, 7 ye I�ner of Public W-1, _--,. Hansa andCte Peclfi u ii inoll of the city prect.s nature, - prevenient to .tie '.y is pave, .cart^. sidewalk to. a: front of Lot9 8 o Paul s roper, on a 31xth street from ly 83 feet more t tl hereby or- t to be de. hn, the Commle- sbe and is here- eceeed to prepare for sold the .i. . e to the ,, S REPOItT OF CO IS P CITY OF _ ,DEPAjTMENT- FINANCE , SIONER-OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. t In 7Matter of -_..- - — - - - --- ..................... ....-.. *.. A ... � - - -- -- ' - ---=------- - _--------- ----- � ------------ - ------------------ --- g -- - ------------------ ----------- ---- --- --- - ----- - --------- I - --- - ------ -- ------------------------ ---------------------------- - underPreliminary Order approved-`---��-<-'I --..-f --------... .G/--- -------------- -._........ .................. _... ._............._._ ....----------- ------ -------- --- ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ _63 •- - ..-. _....---.__ ---_ w 'The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------------------------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of .each lot or parcel as last reporteAssessor, are as follows: - D E SC RI PJIj 10 N. LOT BLocn ' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION •7. /•� ( ., iZ z ?/�. / �a a TOTAL, i 'CITY OF ST. -PAUL T ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ••_)' - 014 PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION v a 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he•has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his, report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to 0 him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.. ' Ix ' Dated 191 -.__.__ . _ Commissioner of Finance. IOPMa.3.A. SSC � r ` Offia�- F of the ( commissioner, of Public' -Works Report to Commissioner of Finance � m \ October 26, til 5 TO the Commissioner of Funance of the City of St. Panel: Thr Commission C of Public Works, having had under emrsidta•n t jou tilt• preliminary order of the•Couu- cil, known as Council File No- .. 6810... _approved _ September 1,._ .11115._, relative to _.. _.. paving, curbing; ar_a laying of a er:.ert tiie sidewalk to a width of ten feet in front of Lots 6 and 7, Plock 13, St. Paul P•royer on the sot,therly Bide_ of -Sixth St. frorL Jackson St. easterly E3 feet more or lees. and hewing investigated the natters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said imin•overneut is ..necessary and (or) desirable. 1 Exc e s e i r. spec ti or. necessary 112.44 o and the total eost thereof• is :j: .634.26._.._, and _. The estimated cost thereof is �...._ _.. _..... Rett.oving water hydrant S. E. corner Jackson & 6th Sts. 4107.35 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - - 3. A plan, profile or. sketch of said inrproveuaent is hereto :dlaehrd and made it part hereof. -1. S. said improvement is not .._.asked for upon petition of •ee or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. l ommissionea of Publie Works. 1, j' - CITY 'OF SAI1 T • PAUL e •1 r� [ OE—R�MENT ppOF PUBLLl IC WORKS .� M. N. GOSS. COMMASSIONER v R EV Bn.co.x�[no.[. ROBEP T. GOU ULEY , OSCA CLAUSSEN. Cxi[[ Enoix[F+ _ J. ..ROLL Su.T Cox.Txu l— h Pee.+• ALFREO JACKSON, Sun. S+xrt-- - G. K. HERROLO. O—'c Exe1x[[. H w GOET71.11F 5,., wo....,, St. Paul, Minn. Oct.2266, 1915. II. Goss, Commissioner 'of Public. Building. Dear Sir,- I-.transriit herewith preliminare' estiriate oi, cost for paving, curbing and laying of -,a cement tile sidevialk to a vridth of ten feet in front of Lots 6 and 7 Block 13 St. 'caul roper on the 4�m soatherly side of Sixth St.'fr0::1 Jackson St. easterly 83 feet more or lese, in accordance with Council rile '6810, approved Sept. let, 1915: Approx-late estimate $634.28 Excess inspection necessary X12.44 Removing hydrant from S.E. corner Jackson & Sixth as per advice of Water Department under date of Oct. 22, hereto attached $107.35 NOTE ,,To retaining wall figures on property line. A Respectfully submitted / Diot. J.E.C./L. Chief Engineer. G d 0. COUN II E'�....... ........ :L FINAL ORDER. G In the Matter of pe- r.._on,..Braine_r :.avenue from Jessie __ @treat to L Fdgerton str,et and on Edgerton street frca. Brainerd avenue ........ .. _... _ .............. ...... -_._._._.......... _._..... ........................ .. ...... .... :..... _...... ._......... ------......._.._. F .:...._..._....__................... ..--- .---.._.._.__............ r .........._ ........... ........ ..... ..........__............ ................... ..... _..___.._.__...__......................... ........... _.... ........... ......... .................................. ............ ............. _..... under Preliminary order.. _..._9C._1...... ... _...... ....... ............ approved.......February 7t.h!...-1916. Intermediary Order. ......./_ %f .................. _..... approved.......:.. q�c�z�.... 1— � b..........., A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement u due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im• ,� ml n� n �d alr�on f�o� 6r�ine�d "J e 8 .......................i eg ti :.. o„ d.� �.re n,,.e t re e t� ,,, a ,,,,,,,eo,, ,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,e..,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,.,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,ne:a,e,,,,. ,,,,, avenue to..Wheelook....Parttwa,.____.__......._......_.....___...______........__._....______..... ... _................... __...___ ..... ............... ......._._............._ .... ._........ ... .... .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ° , RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hefgby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement i accordance trwith. / Adopted by the Council ........... 191 �� ....t ...-_....._._.._ Ci Clerk. �- Apwoved........... ...JUt....... ._,S_1916 19 __ V C Form B. S Mayor. ayyroveq ve ilmpro vement upon the Council having hea o hiectiona and recotnme.. nald Cred the thereto.e8,d havire I , ed. BY the COuacll of the City _ Ju kind tha[ the ltnprotse vemo ut nature, ebe thr said City Is c nat...t a )ora "old a';r Brom Je..te Edgerton eet, and on Ed - kget from sramera ay n. to ,1'arka-ay. ana the Council order. Bald improvement to be r ,Ived Further, That -the Con"als- of Public works be and Is here- nstructed and directed to prepare and specifications for said im- - ,vement. and submit same to the' uncil for approval; that Upon said pprovni, the. proper city officers are IIhire b>' authorized and directed to, - proceed with the making of said im- provement to acord bee therewith. Adopted by the Council Juty 7, 1918. Approved Jul1” 8, 1911. - (July 15-1916) - _ CIT+ OF 3T. PAUL - �, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REF aRT OF COMMISSIONERPF FINANC J 'ON'PRELIMINARYeOFtgJE�dd Int �Matter'of ----- -.. - ' f w r11--/ Kms:... . --- - -------------------- ------------------ . - w r under Preliminary Order approved----/---�-+�-.------ --- - d-$ --- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: , _ s The Commissioner of Fina4ce hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ _-4547 ' 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - ---- - '.20 _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported ;by the Assessor, are as follows: D E S C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - l ��dr-�1�i��-w•r�'� �C � f ��1 ',� 7f� � O 1-7 TOTAL, ' m O ' s p CITY OFIS . -Au [SEPJ$RTMENT OF FINANCE _ R5 -PORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF .FINANCE. , - '- 'ON PRELIMINARY ORDER.' .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AD DiT I ON ...ASSESSED`._......, VALUATION / o ' l 1l, / 7 e Apv !79 la7 7 S 6 by 97 s y 14 ,c, s 14 1�e4 ! D 3 /1 tA4.- - /.5-67 /-,c FF / ,-'lp m I_ TOTAL, ♦Onn a.9.A B-! B TOTAL,�- ronM es.w. e�s e - •� - � � ,, �, b1TY Of ST: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT SOF COMMISSIOMEKOF'FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) J ASSESSEO DESCRIPTION 'LOT 5LOCN %- ADDFTIO-N S 1 xo VALUATION y . ( i 7 � tiar rr 2 clay 6+zi �svm j s e la7 ^ „Qy a TOTAL,�- ronM es.w. e�s e - •� - � � ,, �, • '� - CITY OF ST. PAUL r ME:OARTMENT OF FINANCE 4' ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �. .,I ASSESSED ` ° \7 LOT BLOCK ADDITION V A�JV " 'AN4 r D E S GSR I P T I O N V F/" I v v .q j .? a o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the CommissionerofTublic Works. id .. Dated 191 � Commissioner of Finance. n r, .y, u OfFice �f the. Comrniss' Tier 4 Public Warks Repbrt to Commissioner of Finance �.: Februs.ry-_."18th To the Commissioner of of the laity of St. Paul: The CJonimissioner o£ Yzzblic Works, having had wader emisideratioa the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council 1~=iile ,•�+ci_ -..-_ 9011 -_-..approved February �, .___.._...197.6.., to .. the coas'G ruction of a sewer on Brainerd Avenue, from e .......... ---.... ---- ..... ... - - .. ... ...... .. _. _..... .. _..__ _ ... reef-.--t-q__---- +43 er.tOtx_.St.'e.et.__and._41]- d9e..rt.4.n....St.,, ..from". -Brainerd, Avenue t o 'W2zeelodk Parkway. __..__..._ and -leaving investigatea3 t Vxe swatters and things referreal to` therein, hereby reports: 1_ 5ai'1 ... ......necessary anti (or) ""rable. _ Z O per front foot 2. The_ esti�uatre3 Dost thereof is �..... __._..__...,� d "total cost thereof is j 4547.00 and P x -o -n a � :--:1064 feet Exce inspection 9160.00 the nature and extent o£ improvementlis as follows: 3. A plait, profile or of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. Saul ..... . __.. _.._...asked for upon petitiou of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for saki iizrzYrovemeut. l ouua�ssi ier of Public Works. 1" C'-----• \\` w CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMEa) PUlLIC WORKS' - _ N. Gp{}a,OMM19S10NEft �, F. ,; i ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D. COIL-- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CH[IF, ENOIwe1R ., J: E. CARROLL Suer. CCNnwu — & Rew.•ww - ALFRED JACKSON. S—: S----- G.-H. NERROLD. Oerw, E -191n _ w'. W. GOETLINGER. Seo*. February 18th, 1916.. Hon. M. N. Goss, COmmi68icner. Of Puelic 'Works, z� q 13 u i 1 d i n g. Dear. Sir: I transn.it herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the conatructiOn of a sewer on Brainerd Avenue from Jessie Street to Edgertop Street, and on Edgerton Street from Brainerd Avenue to Wheelock �6g Parkway in. accordance with Council File '9011, n - approved Feoruary 7, 1916. Approximate estimate 4454?.OB0 Cost per front foot r rontage cfeet et ' Excess inspection 160.004 Respectfully /y(e�JuomIttTed, Chief Engineer. 0 FA N . E TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ST. P_'L .STD TO THE COWISSICIITERS OF SAID CITY. dT � L � i 4 E We, the undersigned, resident property owners, residing on Edgerton Street.: in the City of St. Paul, hereby petition your Honorable body for a sewer running south r along Edgerton Street from Nebraska Street to Brainerd Avenue; that is to say, beginn- ung at a point where Nebraska Street and Edgerton Street intersect each other - thence Routh along Edgerton Street to a point where the said Edgerton Street and Brainerd Avenue intersect each other, or if need be south to,a'point on Brainerd Avenue, where said Brainerd Avenue and Jessie street intersect each other; thus conveying the sewage. along Edgerton Street from the point of beginning and emptying it into the Brainerd Avenue sewer at either of the places hereinbefore designated. Your petitimers further represent and state that said sewer is entirely feasible, will be a permanent 9 improvement and can be constructed at a rea onable cost which your petitioners are willing to bear. That the aforesaid petition is dressed to your Honorable Body at this time for the reason that it is propos by interested persons to cdmnel the residents of Edgerton Street to join by tap sewer the so-64led Payne Avenue, Bradley Street Sewer System, at a cost that *11 confiscate the property of your petitioners and "I r oppel them to defray a large part of the expense of a sewer system which is -but tem- porary, has no permanent out -let and constructed 'et this time to benefit and enhance the value of property other than that of your petitioners. Z O a Aa A P - A-, �s ROD� . FEBS 1916 s,r BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, og Deoember, A. D. 1915. Dated at St. Paul,, Minnesota, This 30th day sa i 71 f s a N . E TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ST. P_'L .STD TO THE COWISSICIITERS OF SAID CITY. dT � L � i 4 E We, the undersigned, resident property owners, residing on Edgerton Street.: in the City of St. Paul, hereby petition your Honorable body for a sewer running south r along Edgerton Street from Nebraska Street to Brainerd Avenue; that is to say, beginn- ung at a point where Nebraska Street and Edgerton Street intersect each other - thence Routh along Edgerton Street to a point where the said Edgerton Street and Brainerd Avenue intersect each other, or if need be south to,a'point on Brainerd Avenue, where said Brainerd Avenue and Jessie street intersect each other; thus conveying the sewage. along Edgerton Street from the point of beginning and emptying it into the Brainerd Avenue sewer at either of the places hereinbefore designated. Your petitimers further represent and state that said sewer is entirely feasible, will be a permanent 9 improvement and can be constructed at a rea onable cost which your petitioners are willing to bear. That the aforesaid petition is dressed to your Honorable Body at this time for the reason that it is propos by interested persons to cdmnel the residents of Edgerton Street to join by tap sewer the so-64led Payne Avenue, Bradley Street Sewer System, at a cost that *11 confiscate the property of your petitioners and "I r oppel them to defray a large part of the expense of a sewer system which is -but tem- porary, has no permanent out -let and constructed 'et this time to benefit and enhance the value of property other than that of your petitioners. Z O a Aa A P - A-, �s ROD� . FEBS 1916 s,r BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, og Deoember, A. D. 1915. Dated at St. Paul,, Minnesota, This 30th day sa i f "li COUNCIL F LE N ........._.........__ j ,. B , v FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ........... 4Gcs..=.."'.^t_i n 1.a..._s: we_?:....G_r._-Jzues: s rPet..._�etween_..Fie�_�uFbe Read 8Lnl Pleasa�!t av�nL:e, _. under Preliminary order ..._9 ........ _—...... ......... _........ approved......_Aptiijl 6 the 1916. Intermediary Orde................. _........... ....... approved ..... (/ = ..... ._.... ��-----• A public hearing having been Thad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the 'Council' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered} the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.._.COnettaC� 3_.se'.7e:r....gn,Jwues- etTee,t ir D -L— ....__.._........._...._... L3.11ne_ of %r _.._....._.----- ................. _............. _._.....____._.........—........_...._......_...__......__......... _...._.1._._...,. _......__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and " directed fo prepare plans specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the' Council for d approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement.in accordance therewith. / Adopted by the Council..........._if W:.___, l91 `C __.._. _......__..._............ ty. .. Jerk. ,...... r s N a Approved_..__JllL._-.._gib.......__ -..,., 191 ........... Coun 0 Form n. S. A. 8 6�/1/f I Mar.. ' ig mha- Iproveent ouncll ..ha,vl� anr.„imtitone s Resolved. By the Council of the City of St Paul that the p'a'le. nature, ex - lent and Rind of Improvement to be wde by the said City -is construct n con James street from Pleasant I, a point 160 feet east of the resin �1-, of Ed�e-mbe Road, and the ('ouncll hereby orders said Improve n ant to be made. - Resolved Further. That the Commis - loner o[ Public Works be and he to hereby) Instructed and directed to prey Dm Use°e.neainand eubmlt e e to e athe.. Council .for approval; that upona9atd a CITY OF ST. PAUL . -.. - - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' r. �. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINNCE O R Y O R E ' bTP PRENAR LIM , s � � v �.4.--- I 1 atter of -�G G �ili�/� x -" - "'-" N 7 c 4110 - -------------- -------------- ----------------- - ._...,. G'a under Preliminary Order approved - ` "- - / /-- �' --- _- ---- " ----- ^ - " To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - 2� 3 63_. p0 =- The total estimated amount of the assessment forthe above improvement is - -- ----- - - $-�- � - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ---- ---A.:,0 -6 -- lot The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: s ASESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION .� All t 2oC t s-� TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL FINANCE - REPORT OF COiVIM SSI N5R OF FfNANCE a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADD IT I ON, VALUATION D E SCR I PTI ON s ol 160 41 i yo cS / /a I9 -D 3a. 14v o >u v s lei 2 �c PJ L Aa, L{ / 1 TOTAL. CITY OF 57. PAUL. _ • .$ .- I DEPARTMENT;OF i"NANCE- -s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER -FINANCE i - . - ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER QASSESSED ... C H I PT ION L'OT BLOCK ^ ADDITION 7 VALUATION 2 U Al - H , (i I� /,a) T r S 7 r� All) Geo `f I� t %Za i iig:7 ec, TOTAL, CITY Oar ST. PAUL p,E.PARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT.OF COMMISSIONER OF OIN,4NCE " _ - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - l - - ITION ASSESSED -T DESCRIPTION LOBLOCK ADDVALUATIy- - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters; --- and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -. --0119 -. ..191 t. !/l-„/ Commissioner Finance, of Finance. YAl lie, CITY. OF 4A !VT PAUL Y - A ONPAATME,IT OF PUBLIC WORKS y M. N. GbSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T,. GO,URLEY, DArvri Co`IRGi`B Wnm __ OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CA=Er Exa..0 7 J. C., ARROLL Sufi. 'Cox.r.x 4 Rerun a ALFREO JACK{{ON. SU.r. S=— x -' G. H. HER RO LDi Orae[ Ex.i — H. W. GOETZINGER, S—. W.—U.. St . ,Pau 1 , Minn. Apr. 17 , 1916 . jar Y. N. Goes, IiP_ Cortmissi,oncr of Public }'Forks, pear Sir,_ I trans!:iit hercTith preliminary estiriate of cost for the coiistruction of a sewer on James St. between Ed. -Combe Road and" -Pleasant Ave., in accordance %'kith Coiulcil File 9849, approved April 7, 1916. Approximate estimate $2,363.00 Total frontage 2,500 ft. Exemptions 280 ft. Assessable frontage 2,220 ft. Cost r•er front foot u1.06 EFcess insnectior necessary ;,'80.00 ;i0TE: would rccomnen3 that FinL:l Order read sewer on James St. f�r9ei 21casant Ave. to a point 150 feet east of the east line of Edgewnbe Road. Yorrs very trnly, Dict. Chief Er,,7ineer t R e5' 5 1 "t . P: .1, I—.r! L3 of a. APR 4 1916 4 3� C0.-i�c�"—c.' r, r -, r. on Ja .es Sti ce+, and Pleasant AvenuF, d rr _ il* i said i3-r� + Uetw,en e o t1 „�-�� _n.., •�•�. 7()1'121, j M ISI /A (�' �1yr/-(�.L^^ j / �� _ . . i • /�/��j _+/. IJ 16 ALo✓> 17 Is z,. 22 . ry Y 23 we 26 26 It a',!� , (Yrs V J 0 / �yb�•� / 3a APR 8 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS.31 / Ir 321 f Public Works, Office of the Commi�lonc'r o . ,v Report to Commissioner. of Finance April; t r;.._ P::..__:..............19L 6.. To the QftiniAsigner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uuder'consideratian the preliminary order of the Coun- o , 9849 A Pr' i 7, 191..6..., relative to _.._.............. eil, known as Coune;l Nile No. .... approved ., __.. tha coo @trvctlon ._A... a sewoad n on s Etre t Uetween Ed ect..rcba &..- i and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _._.__ _ _..necessary and (or) desirable. 6 cn rer rrc.:.0 fcot 363.00 '� The estimated cost thereof is $......... and the total cost thereof is .__ _....._..., and r ;. �_ 2,5C't ft. LXoebs :r.speccion ?` C w the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ _......._ __. ..........._....................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. is hereto attaehed and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._.___ ............asked for upon petition of tbree or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 7 jv Co iissimjer of Public Works. C. F. No. 11410—Ordloance No. 3747— \n ` / - ordinn noe Dra tld g for the n u ring [ all Insu r:tnce for tit Dro- Y Pur- i."a through the I'u rchnsing Agent. role Is an {,_... I// + emert;ruc>' rdl nonce ren- " J ot[rthe11Pt•eeenr, fpr the Dr.- ath,h Dublic D�•a.e, health and -(et'. ,4 The l'pu ncli p[,the Clty of d `e prihtln: _ l e tiL:t'Tli �' . :1no' and all .nd :. r.. An ordinance providing for the procuring of all inaurance for city purpcaes thrc'.tL-h the Purchasing Agent. This is an en,er-encs 4, for the preservation of t;:e public p�ace,c ordinance rendered necessary health and :rafety. h 7-7 CITY OF 2". PAUL DOFF OFDAI-, rtments Section 1. Any and all dept , bureaus and officers of the City of St. Paul desiring insurance a-ainst fire, wind, liabil- ity., accident, or fcr any other purtoae, on or aLainat ars city property, machinery or supplies, shall make re.7uisition therefor . upon the Purchasing, Aacnt who shall place or pur hale thesame in the Sime manner, in so far as practicable, as the purchase of supplies is made under the charter and ordinances'Of the City. , Section 2. This ordin�.nce is herebydeclare.i to;'oe an fcr the preservation of the emergency cr:inanoe renderej neceasary public peace, health and safety. Section 3. ;his orlinnnce shall take effect and be in force imu.eliately upon its passa;e and publication. July 1916. Passed by the Council Yeas gays Yr.r arns north C.,eaaL / L--HyIand ( ge11er -is:cCcll -Wunderlich Z 1016. 'rtr.-Preaident (Irvin) AT-.roved Attest City Clem. - -_ f 6 ., V C. F. No. 11411—Ordinance_48— ` A Margaret Schutte. the fhe claim of The Council of the City of St. Paul - does ordain: SECTION L _ t That the proposition of Marc _ E Schultz to compromise and r•'' claim against the City claim p t out nt r An ordinance to settle the claim of Margaret Schultz. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Margaret Schultz to com- promise and settle hoF claim against the City of St -Paull arising o,.:t of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy side- walk, as is more particularly set cut in her communication to the Council under date of April 14th, 1918, upon payment to her of the su.n of One Hundred Dolle re (x$100.00), be and the same is hereby officers are hereby authorized and accepted, and the proper city directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Margaret Schultz, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), said sum, however, to be delivered upon upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together vrith a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corpor- ation Aounsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all., claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out cf the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinbefore noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fore 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. �t 0 i � 9 Councilmen (�) \aye - u ��'% '� 191.F� � Adopted 6y the Council ✓/ - i Farnsworth in favor .Gees• 1 – 191 v Hyland Approved Keller �' Against 1�✓ _ McColl 111 V ryrroa wunderlich Mr. President. Irvin t � . ren �.. ..-- .. ..' ... 'AW, c�wro..• on cavnstL � t f tip CITY OF SAI NT PAUL ( _ • s STAN .++,wne� \ A 9JOHN .K A..... 5 r JOHN BURN. S ° WTHOS.:W.M.M E KIN. THOS.,W.MCMEEHIN St.Paul, Minn., To the ,Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit �or your approval, ordinance settling the claim of Margaret Schultz in the sum of One Hundred Dollars (=100.00). After a careful investigation of the above claim, it is the opinion of this Department that the proposed settlement is reasonable and to the best interests of the a City. Yours. -t-3�uly, 'NSST. CORPORATION COUNSL'L. ?:. „ : , cL nir.r, ., iaani:.g ar. i axta:.iir_g -.n alley 1 - t i:. rrilth i t =_oc.. ;, •:mi�h's Aat i'icn to P. _i iX .. -.--if :... 1 :t �G �iXt.. .tla(„t, JO:..dwn i..,. taco rig t:.e c s _:. , _ _ ly 1- : _ . of Lc' s i , 2, ), +, 7 and 5 in id loci. 9, au'cjact, hotievar, to ri c: cr rars of Lot 6 to n.air.tain tha brick buil .L:.- a.. archway of _ . i _ 01 osa.. alley it JLr:.i_ _ rB11.:.1L3: y Or7117, a•. roved 5a1•t. 20, 1;15; ?r..._.. iEry 3—a, 77:0, -_:. cvaa ..ov. 1, lylj. A -LE,' __ Pla .Ba k :_o'.ice that Lc,,;iae C=-ne aT.i Arthur L.:.ead/ a :ruataes, 05 jact tc l u1 csad cacti is of your rn :orscia ,oay i:_ .,cn_;_-mnin L.... _„r alloy above aoscribed, in..f -to the trc;osed a.,_.rd of i:a sees ar ler, to pr opo3ad asaas:,nant fc_ ,. exits o:. -. f 1roc rty o:•rr.- ed by thern,tc it: Lot 2,.in s it 7lock 9, Thitney & I'mith's Ad- :iti'n to "_. P_;L1. Th-- arounia of i ii objections are: o 1. i.ey object to .:lis :_rcc2 din, uto:. "he,orcund that tail Council ha:, no juriaiicti:n to 1.rocaadf'sit-. t taking of land `cc 6. . .. __Lt orI:. i3y of De- cember, 1513, an_ f'cr_: a:.y ac i-,.: :,—I o:an taken on a final W.AT . theLa Council a patit ion c: _ :,.or_strzxtce, u l var if iau a:..: si -na i 'cy u or _� than ti 60 pec cant of r..sident owners of Froper.y fronting upon the lire of suc': prnvauant _.n.i by ti:e,.,cwr.ers of mora than. 50 per cent .iant of ti. 1-aresla o a ... o cf 3 _A � :_ti_n or,a°_ra;.cam .rc:._ J ;a of barn ..ai ^i.. ct. .aronca t0 = -. ....onstrance. 2. hey object to t e proposed a.vaxd of damagas 'or. account of the taking of a portion of their property upon the grounds: 0 4& (a) ,r.t Z,e propoaad a, II is wuch lade v.aL zn2 -air value of A-& l.3rt Klan Q __r OpCaa i .O 0 taken. (b) . dt in making t a _ .Op Oaad asaaso-::-'i, z.e ooxmiaafonkl� of ^finance nae failed to aetowmina 4nial_rraisa to theia objactore as canard of 3M proparty,the value of the prop„r:y to be appro— auch i...prova;,.j: t and appropriation. j. .hey object to t,o prcpcaaa aaaeaammt for benefits a~ainat tM porri7n c: tnair proparty not taker, for sria improve— d ILent Upon the rounds: Via) That s is ,roposaa isirovasint is of Lo benefit to a ,231f property, ' (b) That 02 taking of tna Ifopoea alleyAay Will rMuit in actual d triment to ths ._..._.'-nder of c .ir alii-;roNAD Louise h. One and Arthur L. needJzustaea. Tnair Ater.. 'a. 23 3armunia Lifa luilaing,,. Paul, 'inneaota. ` e. taw I:. attar of op-,nir. i ia..irp and axten-._:ig an alley 1+'feat in--%isth across-Ioc',: 9, .,::itney a .: iz'r.'s A.diit on to St. _ aul, frc:. F'ift'.: 1 c_ -_,t to . ixth ra t, _ondamnir_s __.Zlt.:kir, t'r,e aou'.hva terly 1-+ feet of Lots 1, 2, -r, j and o in .3 -id "-lock"9, pub ject, ho,tiavar, _ _ i _-,tners of Lot o :c ,;,aintain the 'crick buillir_6 d =_.:e arch. ay of c_.i proposed alley in the sal,:e manner as t..,, s:.,._ ..crr exists. Under Preliminary order 7117, ap;.xcved S;,pt. 20, 1915; Intermediary Order 7750, ap;:rc`ved Iov. 1, 1915. i0 _..E r:': 7•�F.A-LE, ;L:," IL I: ' ?i� EI. PA:'L: ?lease tc take notice that Louise T. Gane and Arthur L. Reed, � Trustees, ., _ by object to the proposel acticr. of your lcr.orable ody in conda::.nizg lar.i or t! _ alley abcva !ascribed, —lad to t::e A .1 propose:: award of i, :a: .s t:: r.`cr, .:..: c�cses seaesswent for benefits on account thaxzof against their property, to wit: r Lot 1 iri s:.ii Clock 9, of Vhitney u Cu;ith'a Addition to St.- Paul. r The grounds of sail objections are: 1. -hey o' jec` to '_'^i° .rocs dir.Z upon _roLnd that -I" ,, : `i` it _ Y _nd for sF i_ proposed alley for th- raison that on -_he 7th -ay ofa Le- cember, 1915, and before any action :, _ an taken on a final order relatin '_o t3aid iiqrcvemar.t, the=a was file! ..ith t:,is Council a petition of remonstrance, duly v�x ified and sural by mora than 60 per c,;a of tl.a resid;:rt owners of property fronting upon the line s :;Hent of such in.prcva::;e::t, and by t..ar,cr.r.ers of mora ,i ar 5 pa cent of resident na y3rcal8 ia: e 'assasse t:.er___ , and by� er, .:.era of mora than 5. Fsr c3.,t a lineal frontage upon t':a li..e of eaid i.t; ;his Council ,.holly disrcaarded sa i petition of remorC trance; and."""- rrco`3,dincs of t.`:is Council hitharto -have be-. h -.d without rcf3r3nca to s .id rsc:.cr,stran.ce. 2. , objact ', p Fcsac a:v�rd of d sGea on account P (a) .Tat ai ,roi-csed art opcsa i a _oan; E ` \ n assassliar.t, ..._ onm.isoioner - Finance .. fa 1 _ deta.rrirs aid ppraise to these objectors as c'r..ars cf a.:i r,ro?.�rty-the value of sae lr ertyL: 4a O_ia japinvewuLt, and failed to anoxi inn n,wn,es f., ich ivy—vuwani YL4 ailropxiation. TToy objeco .c we Irckcaed aasesa,W :or bawfits, a[,7ainst pAinn. 1: heir Prop Lot Wan f Dr inid MyrovemaLt upon the :ounds: (a) that ST "Iyead liprovasont is of no bone - SQ, too 2 1 Pexty. Jobise A. Done -.nd Azthur L. Reed, Trustees, Ey Their Attorneys— ko-420 Germania Life Building, S I t . Pa,, I, Yinnesot a. Ir, t11, matter of openin;, niaening and axtending an Talley 1+ f3:t ii; vvJdth across Took 9, Whitney a Smith's Aa ition to St, Paul, froil, Pif th utuet to Filth Utroet, condemning and taking the eouthweeterly 14 fQit of Lots 1, 2, �, 4J and 6, in iiia Block 9, subject, however, t0 t11 ri. ht of t cv;nerd of hot 6 to maintain t:,c brick buil :.Z ac:.: arch,vay f � .i . ;rod :.sad 111eY in ti1e : i n —3 . Under 'rellmiraxy_:r.I., r_7.1. 7.Z... add ..ov.^ , liil. TO T' E• HON-)RABIE , T..E COU:'CIL 01 Tr-' CITY OF ST. PAUL: Pleas.- to take notice tnat Ed^:in :_. Foot, Ezra P. Foot, Bessie A. Foot, Robert _:.. Foot, and ?rederick W. Foot, hereby object to th-, proposed action of your "r.onorable Body in condemn- ing lard for the alley above described, and to the proposed award � of d_ -mages th-r�for, ..nl to t..e propoeai aesessnO�,t for efits it: 7, c ;t. of said objections are:. 1. ..:ey object to this yroea ding upon tna ground that � 4 this Councili:_s nc juriadicticr. to rrocead Nit. the taking of land for s -_i : picyoaed alley for a reason that on iha 7th day of=, �acamb r, 1915, and --efore any action, had aa:. taken on a final order r,lating to s=.id in.prcveier.t, .ha:e ,:as filad xitn this Council a petition of ran.onstrance, duly verified and signed by more than 60 per cert of ,he re.;ident ow-nars 'of property fronting r:aident . upon the line of snot iwpr?ven,ant, w*:d by tIha,'ownars of mora than ..r, by n .lis ouncil lly _i�r_ rled said etitl r. f _ _...-r. ._ ince; n- that ,.;rood dins of t..''s Ccu :oil hithzrtc n^ve i .._ out refare,:ca to s.id re,:.onatrance. 2. i:_ -,y obj„ct to for against t . it eai.i t:r p r -�y 'or i..,P r.;ve :.ar.t ti;:o:. .ne grounds: (a) .at s 1 c_cl _, i.::N: vs,.. .:t is of no oenefit `'1.r.in Foot, Ezra P. Fcct, Bessie A. Font, F.ohart 's. Foct, an.l irc i.;ri k Fo t. y — ' 1--- i..,,lr Lifa 3uil,iing, P<.ul, �-:innaoota. A ' � .. \. -.. ..._ __�.. �._•___.__._.-_yam I n v 1 3 8 , 8 a•d 0 0 40— Ir.' _ e..air.� ar: llay attr cf olanin�, aiaani:: w:• 1+ fe:t inr,isth ecrccc _looi 5 Y;.iitn y a U i 's Aa kti r. to t. Straat to Sixt: tr 't cnaau.r}i .d ani t: ki'i Paul, froze Fifth � � ..a ;ia .c�:th.raeteEly 14 fait of Lots i j, -F, o, in rl 2, f LGt G tG C: ct LO; 2v;r, .- -. ace; „ .. , 1. 17, :I=y :)r .. PAUL: o 1./ 1•, Plaaaa ;,o take that Louiee F_ a_na ani Arthur L.I?ee1, as :ruataae, objact to tr oae i acti : , Of year H anorable �oiy, in conaamnir.6 lan.i :0_ tr.� alley acovs ?ejcribed, :r to the �G331 .3.iJa. ,t l,r�l.ceai .. .d ci as ..-or, -r—et-nS-t 2n.j 1"?.(^- ;h o:-..Lif (: ) of Lot thaw, ,o .it; :Ori > • ,d t. p:i:l. rounae Kock 9, of T-itney n:it.. e A !i tier. of .3.;d objactione are: 1. a,✓ objao '.ct.ia r rcc 1i. upon _ound that .,is Counc-ilh_., no juriai ct= to .rccz'a - yin of land al ay for _ raa3on that o:, 7t:, .ay of e- fCr �::i.. �rr,1;1 cambar, l;lj, sr.i '.Mora a*.y act"'n had b z�n taken on a final order 1;11ti:_ t0 0 _. 1ti2.r;V�...;t.t, . 3 _ .3 ilea "'to- -as Counc' a r. cf _.wcratrance,r__ 1 by mora than 60 rc. rty iro tir uzor. t: e lire pa_ c --,-t of ra 4 a -.id ly _._.3 - of . arsad.i.. , _ _.c*.etrance; �cur.:ii :.it:.arto rave _ c _. ..::trance. Ile d3 or such improv--a—ant ar_i appropriation. i I:. iLatt_�i Cf openin. , ;iidanin5 a:.d axta..aing an alley 1� feet it: .,iath across Bloch 9 '•`:hitnay a Srcith'e A;,ition to St. Paul, f ren. Fifth street to Sixth Etre ;t, Acondamning ani 'taking the southwesterly 14 feat of Lots 1, Z; j, j and o in,s._d =lock 9, subject, ho:ievor, ri n, c orrnar of Lot o to msir.tain ri k _ .L.i __ sroh,vsy _a ?Yi:. :a sana manner as .. .. _... .t Ji 'f0 Ti... HONQRA3LT ; C� :,CiL Oi .:ic. 2IlY OF Si. PAUL: � Pleasa to take notice that John L; Sullwold and Charles A. Bettingen herby, object,to-_';la propoaad actin of your Honorable Body, in condemning land for t.. alley above described, and to the NroLcead a.v __ d of_ to ro ossa aaseesuant f. 1,.a�es tc.,_ . cr, .., _ �.._ rp aLrI e •iy t %t 1.. �, 1:. to St. Paul. ney iGi r:'s daiticr. grcurda ofd obj Aactitne� ala: 1. They object to t -: is ,roc�3ding upon .::a round that this Council has no jurisdioti,n to',procedl lt.- t. '.akin.- of land for said propose.i alley for ':he rea:3on that o*� t,.e 7t!: day of De - camber, 1517, ar-.; :.afcr= any actiln 11-1 takan on a final order r l:=ting to s i ir:.i'.rovar.:ai,t, ars =i s f i e i wit:: phis 'Council a petition of relcons'rancs, auly v.;rifiei s:,a sib., 'cy for tcan 60." p r t of resilant c,+ ers cf pr c, rty fror.ti::g uron the line -..a _:t _... t U_ O: li, �. .1d IG Or :. : 3n 7V C�i. ,, ..:.e .._ moi::. c.l . .._ _ _. . il:: rcvax.ar,t; .cat _ ._a Cou:,cil w•hoIly a3x ;used i.: is ti tion of = — ra,ronstrance; ana teat :a tree., : dims of sti:is' Council hitherto have to baa: had r.it::cu, reference eai�_.emonat$nCFe,+ •. ... . c o s t 2. hey objac o a �;- r.oaai a ar rgee on accouAt` of i:. 3�i�:� f ,, p �':i ;i :i3ir �:ci.ar y o„ tae.4.cunde; (a; prat t:�e-r�poeea award 18 muon 1680 t':an the air - f Y n T a a I ,art, u; �oi�a;i0- 4 v'r,v �oxose. 3ss�8s.a11 oi,ner cf Finance :.a3 falle! Lc d�tscmi do blra @ to th38a i Vy' 1;,r,&6ae 1 Or 3ucl-, j. They object to the proposal aa3esmiant for benefits aGainst the ; orticn of ti_eir property not taken for eaidimprovellent' upon Grounds: .(a) That said proposed imprcvement is of no benefit ' to t::eir property. (b) That t:i4 taking of t:. .17opos3d alleyway :ill re— suit in-_ctual detrin.a :t '.c r].. indar of t :a i_ 3si3 pro— party. Jon:.o�. °ullwAa ani Charles A.Settingen. - - - —. Ce i,,an Life "uil:ling, S,. P:;.ul, Yir.nesota. r n ' 1 Y N SR s in -.L2a-,.d dxt-'ndi-alL alley -In width acroac ,Ic-j. 9, j A i -id t i o r. -0 St. Paul, fro... FMhto Pi..h -1- tc i t, c�-niamning lz,-.--ikin6 'the southwesterly 14 fe�t of Lots 1, 2, ai.a '6, j, 13 ij i .lock 9, subject, however, to tl-.-- richt of ':Id of Lot 6 to maintain the brick builiing ani th3 archway of 3aii proposed alley in the samit,anner a-. t"e 8-r3 lar 7117, r; j 1 ir ]r 'r 77 A 0 i L N 'ITY OF ST. PAUL: TO -1 �E H0711'0iABLE COU. Please to talo. notica that J,:� � Orme hei:-,Uy objects to the proposed action 0t your Honora'c!e --oiy, in conj,3Y,.ajng lar.', for above leocribed, -ani to the proposed award of damages t .0rt C Se 3 Y dcu'—'erly 3� 13 i:__, Whitney & Smith's Ailition to Ct. Paul.- alc3o deacribed as t;.e Southerly 35 feet of tha northerly 45 feat Of said Lot 5.' The grounds of s -lid objections are: 1. He objects to t_jis proc--ding upon t,'.a ground that this Council has no jur ia.liction to procead Ni-- the taki-..--- of land for said r-coposa,; allay ';-,z reason that on 7th day of December, 1915, ani before any action taken on.,a final order rslatlng to s,dd i!i-prcvam'1', thd11-3 . ;aa fiJed -Nit'h tris Cc I x;ncil ar petiticn of reh;on8tranoe, u1v va-cified ar.j. signed by mor than 60 per c., -t of ;0 Of- 1-nd -.o par cart of "'.3 ,n3p, fro.. e 11,9_ lir._ _d i,q C C V 3 ;Len t, that t "As Council 'A""'O11Y aizz3.-axied yetition -,f ramlon-itrance, and tJJ&t "--XLGCeed1M-9W,-'1Ck1mwAwftVft - ,e 2. objacts tc pro' oea.i ai _d cf ia..agaa o_: accotnt of t`,e taking cf a porion cf 1:i�� prcparty uj on ne grounaa: (a) That the yropoae,i aiard ie much lees Shan the fair value of the pert which Is p:opo©al 'o be taken, (b) T`.nt in �xi, i0pri-a �.i for :1-,1i 1 13v., ._nt, �Lma.,es fcr �uc's: i,:.iscvau,a:.t_ni arpropriation. 3. He objects to t ,e pr,-,posed asaasswjr.t for benefits e against the portion cf his property not take'h for said improvamant° upon the grounds: (a) That a.id proposed iwproveWan ie bf no benefit to uia property. (b) That the taking of the proposed allejNay will re- s sult in actual d3triment to t .e resiniar cf his sail propertey. �J Janes Orme. Y / \^ 15-+20 uer;:,a:.ia Life Builiing St. Paul, L:inneaota. N c e r f 6 C In the matter of opening, widening,and exte"din bbl- alley -fourteen feet in width,across "loc% 9,Whitney & vita's Additi.on,St.Paul,11nnesota, from r'if,tn Street to Sixth :.street, t:e' land to be take" for t"e above Rained improvement, being :nor; particularly described as the southwestery fourteen feet of Lots 1,2,3,4,5,and Q look 9Y,Whitney « Smith's Additioq 80anWhinnesota,subject to the right of the owners of Lot 61and the' south f iV6 f 86t of Lot �, to inintain the brf ck buildin6 end archway west@rly wall over said opening as the score now exists viz; Toe ,300feet of sail building being on, said fourteen foot strip, in length fr),i the nortaerl,7 line of Fifth Street megnurei along the sRuthwesterly line of Lot 6 and Lot 5, dn! tae aouL,.erly colinn of tae east-erly grcA- feet projecting on to said fourteea feet strip i widtnooi�1.71 and .°way /a length of 2.45 feet, and the nortnerly columiof the westerly archway, projecting on to said fourteen foot strip a width of 1111 feet and a length of 2.15 feet, and the wall b@tween the column or portals of said archway projecting onto said fourteen foot strip for a width of 1.37 fpet;the springing line of the archways beingat a point 6.9 feet above the sidewalks on Fifth and the crown of the archways being at a height of 14.3 feet above the sidewalk on Fifty Street, under Preliminary•order 7117, approved Spt.20th,1915, Intermeidary Order 7750, approved Novem- ber 1st, 1916. '-� -- -- --- -- -- --- - -- -- -- - - -- ----- - -- To the Honorable, The Council, of the City of A. Paul:, The undersigned, Edgar W. bass, Adele S. 3%ss, Lydia H. Byes, and Northwestern Truat Comk •�y, 2. W. Lass and E. W. Cris, as Trustees of .Gary B. Thompson, by Otis & Otis, their agents and attorneys, the owners of that certain real estate, lying and being in Ramsey County, Minnesota and more particularly described as follows, to-wil The Southerly one-half (S) of Lot Four (4);and-the Northerly ten -(10) feet of Lot Five (5),all in Block Nine (9),,of Whitney & Smith's Addition, St, Paul, Ainnesota, ac- /t cording.to the recorded plat tnereoT on file and of record t in the office of the Register o,f Deeds in and for said Aawsey County, f, object to the taking of the southwesterly fourteen feet of sail premis- es or easement t. erein for the opening, Widening and extendin6 ,oaf an alley fourteen feet in wAth acrosp said B1oCK 9 ind,fur`tner object to the award of damages therefor, upon the report of the Consissioner of Finance t3 thil Couicil. Said objection to the psai d award of dwaages is made on the grounds and for the reasons following, to -wit: That saii award is unfair to objectors and that the valuation of the land, so taken, for said improvement and belonging to.your said a objectors, as, fixed by said award, is too low and is nota air valual o ' s ° t � s a � • tion. That the award is not impartial and is wholly without justifica- 4 tion and is.improper-. 'That the land of objectors so taken is of.rauch greater value t:lag fixed in said resort and the award of dam,;.ges to ob- jectors should in fact be much larger, D ' J Said objection to the taking of said land or easementlaerein,' '_s Slade on the groun.d,t,iat said improvement is wholly unhe'cessary avid of na oeaafit to volr o,:,,Iector:;. The undersigned fart,ier ouject to the assess:aent -f ,Lenefits for said improvement on the ground that they are, 'not, nnr $re any of them benefited thereby: that said assessment is unfair 'arid partial and is made upon a demontrable mistake of fact. WHEREFORE, your objectors pray that said report be modified, L altered and revised and that said taxing and sail awEtrd, as therein set B forth, be not confirmed. : nG.kR W. BASS ADELr' S. ,-ASS LY -)1A H. -AS3 a,i d 6 iORTH1 9T=; '"RUST CO:.:PANY, A:ZD ..�',:,' ;SS, as Trustees of idary Inompson, All by Their p. attorneys and agents. a b 0 e a v- a e F A - Atilt., u� r. L:a,tt r i of ri';, Niisning a"i an alley ' i4 fat ii- aiith acro33 'lo— th 5 i•..a :,�i'a:'t A,.,i p to Vit. F 1. Pail f.r— kifth ,.-rtet to Ci)�+- reit, i:> aainc �..d southwesterly 1+ f eat of Lots 1, 2, 3,, +, v5 :inch 6 in a.,�1 Bloc__ 9, subject, however, to ri::;ht t.:c osr.ars of Lot 6 to "yaiaain e ...3 uri::k builair.6 _..♦.i ..e :Z--'. ..y _ . . , :-i.:,U :.1 .y �y.. i;. _.. Lama mannar a3 the s>,aaa no, -ti axists.. Undar Prziin.inary Order 7117, app. -oval Sai-"t. 20, 1 15; intzru:aiiary Order 7750, arproved ?dov. 1, TO THE HONORABLE,. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Pleasa to take notice that John L. 5u11'r,old and Charlea A. 3attingan h3_eby object to the pr.,posad actin .of your honorable a � Body, in Gond--inning land for the alley above described, ani to the proposed award of dan.izes therefor, .-',o t::e prcpgsed aseeserwent zo sit Lot 6 i.^. e:i"1 Eloek 9, P'nitney _< 7¢:_th',s Aiiitian tc 'St m Paulo rounds of e_a 'objection e' are: _ 1. T`aey object i.c this irocaadinZ upon the gxeurd that this Council has no jIgiadiction to proca.d : _t.. ,-e taking of, 1arad for`aaid proposes alley for,t;:eraazon 7iYof De- p - n camber; 1915, an -i before any %ction hal b.:cn taken on a final,order relating to a i imprcveaant, -.11--4,aa filed .vit i.: ti,is Council a petition. of remonstrance, verified and sionc.i bey morn-:han 60 e. per cart cf t::e resident o;vners of property fronting upon, the line of .such improvzn.ant, 3x..a-by th. residcnt o:vnez of mcr: than 50 9 per c•>. --21a _cased _- fpr, �v _ the li:., = id 1::; 1 i3 our., it .•aoily Ni dr _ _ as r cu :c l hit..�rtc nava_n01-t id raq.or.atrance. a 4� a orf 2. -.-ey abj of t iroL.osej `a:, j cf __,�:a_es cn accv:nt C I t 1, i 1._ C r ..... , °..a r 1 ct.;rty Lt c:_ � ounja: ( ) ;rorosed a., -:a is *UC-,. dd fair v ._L : is l.. rcaJ 1 _ake (b)_ at ir: [.aici;.:. t:.e rrckoyaa ass sument, tr.a Ccrn is- cioner -.f : ir.2.r:ce hv,+ fsil:_I ia'dri,.ira an a-*.^is,e t^ UU ja(:tUl'8 nci U[r [.dlu vi day.., j.�: G[j el..�i,.y._-,... .,1(c:l'u:C. Ulj+. 0 11 -Col" 6Y be wl•iropriatad foi awij iuf.rcve; er_t,--d faile e to a•ti'>axd the dar[:aces f cr euc : iui.zcva:,. -. a:.-: - a; l rcl.riation. j. -hey ci,ja aaues31.e:.t f: er.efite a.ainot t _o1:ti,,r. r , cI::r:y..c t%k--T; iCr aia i:,.i°. GC't,eent 4 Va L•j:cn gxoLr:js: (a) csej i.,_.v�.ant is cl benefit - tc t..eir lroi.arty. s (b) :;at cf ...e Yrci-osea aliayv+ay Vrill re- sult ir. actual latriTL-3nt tc —d r2: --inner of%t.. 34.E rro- f rty. John L. Cu11wola ni'Paxles A. _ats'tinon. �4 ..�� „sw.xewi ayrm r llli� ,A 1�0;t:Yr;+Aa�s..,n,"''i u�fII.aI,l� L B . 8 , i r i 5 s � 9 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND rCONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND " AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. Oyaning, uiianirg :ni sxtenling an aA 'Afmrteen fleet in eridth acro a Block �, i t^,oy A, F4.ith's A f"3ition,^t.: Tau 1, iair,hesot8� froom Fifth etrset to S%t1htr�at`tie lana tobe-takon for thff above i;at.ed iwprnvF;n.Ac.t,'t.eia �artSnulariz described ;s the akrtHnsaterlp;. feet cf Lots 4,5 o, �lxck f, 't'itr;sy 3 9r,.ithis Ad3i�tion -�- 7t. t'=': _, ,..1 o54 ta, sl't -C`" `-� -. -� "'^e- ^- mere of Lots- 6, and ct - '.t c �, n is brQ tvilling and a1'G1hway Sl over said cr i a { iha c^+,+,'��fltorly yeah of a, a 13 t' i it r, �1 i'at in 1a'n th from ':lforg 3 e:i i 7.. r' I. '_'ie 4C-11 t hwe's t. C If Iin-e �. of et v, ._. _ Lct e _t'�gr'y cc_ ...,n f tha easterly arc"xray I ro ectirg —.'d—r. f-C), t 3'ri; r -ri ith of 1.71 fejt and a � length of ...45 t e :.rt r:rt colvrr.s cf the *eaterly arch-vay yrojectin,g -n.c s., fomrteev f tr x • '- 1 ,.,f 1.71 fe^t And a '1r.^. length c?' .r.i b at, i r V r rcrtale of said 4'' ar42:tsa crc t; 1 ... t 0cf 1. 7 a t £ ..tt n ova - —�-- ".r . r✓,; a� "-therefore be it at e P ,signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part ere spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- lied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. " Be it further Rfsolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in-�-3z.��- equal installments as to each parcel of land described th b: Adopted by the Council �/ , 191 , Cr erk - ApprovedA ��' `•`i ,t'i!b _ 191 u o a ..... _... ....... . Mayo[. Councilman arnstvorth 0 ouncilman on . e KellerL� /• � oacilma "Cou ilm McColl _ ouncilm n Nwh ° C �1 � ayor'�+',ti�� 41 7 -74 77.77-74 ae G ti �f�O.N�IR�4i� G�CONDEMN�1TI�iN~ � n �' , "W tDS OFD MA- GE5f Ab ASSESSMENT THEREFOR c , A A -J2 d ° `:&HI� .day '" "..rrva• . - .. q a lfltgi i t F..Y m t[ of o0on under Preliminary Order 7117 a�pos cd Sept. 20th, 1915 , Intermediary Oider �r f50 approved hroveu,ber 1st, 1515. - °" A public he,ring having been had upon die takinf and—ndemnadon u{ the lands ae.exrene+m '`.w+�+z4�*. for the aboves - - improvement. and the awards o{ �a and also upon the assessmentiof bene therefor,°and the Council having ame now therclorebe' _ m duty considered the same. t ved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assefsment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the 'owners of such lands re. , o spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby inall respects rati- e lied and confirmed. ° Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits. be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to°the District Court for. cmtfikmation. Be it further Resolved, Shat the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to belpayable inequal installments as to each parcel of land described th 1 Adopted by the Council 191 IN � a Cr erlC. U Approved JUI_ 8 !916 .191 n $. Mayor. > . C unci1man arnsworth ouncilman oss Nilme .Keller �ilmMcCollilm n NV A C• ayor boo 'I 77/774 a 0 wlll }. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ,FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION .OF LANDS f°the °'°"<r°f Opening widening and extending an alley `ou'rtcen feat in g ;vidth acrose Block 4-, T!hitney & Smithts Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota, from Fifth street to SixtA street, the land to be taker, for the -above named improvement, being [::ore Particularly Gies rite a& Srithtstpdjeterly fourteen feet of Ltts 1,213,,,.- & o, Pl .k -- e St Paul, .:i..escta, subject to tle right of t: a owners ^f Lcte c, ac:d to _ ai ', tie Brick 1: ai.d arch^3y a '�:,,th+ _a Arl y wa! 1 cf c foc,t a�rik,�"I fact it, 3v id. �' �.flr '• ` a: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports it�lite has ed^ens t - * iv s vaiwt gf t�eflend lands of easb9neo�}heretn taken and appropriated for the d �. & d �a r °sdd� iii �so hea}Yin�dame8atlteY ., n�e o "Mt koutfsuch a girds are. payable; [that he has also famed and determined the'amoupt of benefits to properly;', > the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is as assessment roll4epd&d,.�, qot ei0eed!n8 �., with the signature of the undersigneN, containing the`Underatgneda o Commissioner of Finance • F �F 0. O I under Preliminary Order 7117 approved SeF t , , 2C th, 191 , intermediary Order. 7750 approved yiGV u.UdP 1ti �, .':15 e TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF So. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports' - a That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements tlrCrein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards #re payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amoint of b; oeffts to property, from the making of ;{ said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment rrofl entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the and&signed's findings on said matt ` Commissioner gf Finance. � 6 r ir 1 DANIEL �W gLID-DON S• DOTY "jL YE ,B f 214-21 5 New YORK LIFE �uieoiMc ST. PAUL, MINN., 1 � ��Gvt ��c iscc si �-- ar, to Wil, .c� T .a DATE' June.. Q.. 1916.. _ -_- r& Mayor and Council, City of St. Paul. .3 rs Z1 amen: - I wish to protest against the widening and assessment of the"•' �y in ihitnpy h•'Smith's iddition to The" City of St. Paul, lreliminafytryA p cMsm r lQo 7117. You'gentlemen, propose in,.'this, order, to-not:only <wcprive me of a pprtion of my property, but, you are-alao about " depri" `me. =11r_ aL portibn-of my' income, as I receive One Hundred Dollars per year eti—LL for the use of this, private alley. -1 deny that I am being r3aesfited in any way by the putting through of this alley. Neither the 2 2 frig value nor the rental value -of my property would be increased and lm --eft percentage of my taxes to the gross income will be increased.' M* ® =tea now amount to 14% of the groes income and there is no immediate of the taxes being reduced for solhe time to come. Therefore I sssser zA- 1 1 jbb paying taxes of from 19% to 20% on my gross income, iT my am-3L4=1012iie reduced One Hundred Dollars per year, now with the railroads, r je_�reas companies and public service corporations ptLying taxes of from `� t -o 8% on their gross income, I think that I am paying generous taxes to. _IL e City of St Paul. To deprive me of my property and One Hundred Dollars a s- pear rent and then -assess me the sum of $903. is more like placing a �aalty upon me for owning property, than receiving any benefits. I fail Z a mese how it is worth $903. to loose One hundred Dollars per year rent Sri d I'protest against the opening, widening and extending of this alley. �a only parties that I can see who will be benefitted by the opening -a===. =r' tint alley are those who own the property on the. other side and those ♦- ,( - - - 1 ME- -_ ts-06JME� w D[ L A. B hME ViCE Gm[ JAMES E ORMp 8•[C..MoT E — Q; ME �HEi�IRY-`OR 'S. SON$ ter: " ,,,,,•� .LwEESE 1 iw onnow.j,[o .GRAY IRON SER - �O�L� _ IttON AND BRASS FOUNDER$ SEMI -STEEL s"Ronk ' N ' CAS��NGS ' AA - — W _� JOURNAL BEARINGS COR. ARMSTRONG AND DRAKE STS. . WHITE METAL • - _ ST; VAUI.. MINA. ` .a DATE' June.. Q.. 1916.. _ -_- r& Mayor and Council, City of St. Paul. .3 rs Z1 amen: - I wish to protest against the widening and assessment of the"•' �y in ihitnpy h•'Smith's iddition to The" City of St. Paul, lreliminafytryA p cMsm r lQo 7117. You'gentlemen, propose in,.'this, order, to-not:only <wcprive me of a pprtion of my property, but, you are-alao about " depri" `me. =11r_ aL portibn-of my' income, as I receive One Hundred Dollars per year eti—LL for the use of this, private alley. -1 deny that I am being r3aesfited in any way by the putting through of this alley. Neither the 2 2 frig value nor the rental value -of my property would be increased and lm --eft percentage of my taxes to the gross income will be increased.' M* ® =tea now amount to 14% of the groes income and there is no immediate of the taxes being reduced for solhe time to come. Therefore I sssser zA- 1 1 jbb paying taxes of from 19% to 20% on my gross income, iT my am-3L4=1012iie reduced One Hundred Dollars per year, now with the railroads, r je_�reas companies and public service corporations ptLying taxes of from `� t -o 8% on their gross income, I think that I am paying generous taxes to. _IL e City of St Paul. To deprive me of my property and One Hundred Dollars a s- pear rent and then -assess me the sum of $903. is more like placing a �aalty upon me for owning property, than receiving any benefits. I fail Z a mese how it is worth $903. to loose One hundred Dollars per year rent Sri d I'protest against the opening, widening and extending of this alley. �a only parties that I can see who will be benefitted by the opening -a===. =r' tint alley are those who own the property on the. other side and those b. ;:,,.,. • },. , N61 "a, ...JAMEfi .HENRY H. ORME, PA" T'_ /: 'I'• JA.oB. ORME V.— P-1- EkORME 8 ® 6oTn6 6 ;�*;,GPNESE HENRY ORME'S , SONS, ' NICKEL 1 BRONZE GRAY IRON - ieaonPo6,�E f'. SEMI -STEEL PHITE IRON, AND -BRASS FOUNbERS' arRYAb°i CAST NG -. WHITE - WHITE-ETAL M. C. B. JQURNAL BEARINGS . COR. ARMSTRONG AND DRAKE STS. ST. PAU1, MINN. ' DATE June, 8, 1918. 2 e who are now paying rent for the uee of the private ally and if these ° parties want the alley put-thro.u4jb it does eem to me that they are the - ones who should pay, k r. s Very truly yours 11 s r' . - <D,flR�ItN `-DH1ifXa11TION '�' .. 1mOcslxDriYce - s M, FINALmatter - 11413— of opening. w,dening NDEMNATION fourteen feet tend,ng an a11eY ;dth across B1ocR 9, Whit- ' Smlth's Additien, ti Fifth ^C int street. the r [hland be taken IG\• • mprovement. VVV ne flbdva named improvement- -' moredeaorfeet tnsrly It a -a 'f 't�[hwete teenBo[ 6 and 6. look 9. '� 47 3 - & Smith's Addition. St. ubleot to the right of Lots 6, andthe ,t 6, to maintaYIn _ In the matter of �)Fatring, wi"lenir.g zinc e*tenting an alley �Cri:rteen f et in - eiith acroa:� Bloi:k �', n tr.ey 8 Smith's AI•iition, t...aul, Mir.nsaota, frotu Fifth street to Sixth street, t.ha lard to to taken for the above ramal iii.prcven.etit, being core particularly ,jescribad as the a-•ulhxesterly fourta?n fest of Lots 1,2,3, 4,5 k 6, °look o, m`•itney 3 Sr..i.+„h'e AlAltion at. ra tai:. s ta; Bt 'L'; 'ct to t`e rl.7t`cf e o,rrera. 0f 1.0 is u, and c . S' et . I.cts t`:e sf ' 5, to ail :tnlI '.' e rr:cti;i,.g a!',J'acrciiway ae t`: L• v3 ..c'. ....i.; :e viz: Tile Cc t�i.3. tt3r j 'i:.:it of over zai3 c,:a:::; " swii l;ildirr ; : eu is Ic :rte:. foo; tstr,p, 51 feat ir. rom ft . tti .nof'harl.y -'i:i3 `•^� ?lh atr`;'t,;�.d 291':r3 aloi.� �� 3CU th+YC'�t';ily line ! of Lot S, a: Lot_ 51 'sr.'! the 3c,:t`,er1y ccluL,ri of the iaeterly arc•*xay Projecting cr. -,c sati foot r. `oct arra, cr a i ith of 1.71 1st ari a ! length of ?.�5 `. _:�'t, ,r i the ncrt`,etly collum of the 1eeterly archway f gro actin untc said fourteen. Pcc t lt-ri, a iilt'i of °71 fe t ar..1 a projecting F r :.i the ,q,,,l er ' s oltu;.n rr Fortals -if tlai3 <F length ,^,f 1� f:.t, rr,: archaiys i`rcjt ^l il,f, 0;'to sail ,ou_ r. _pct strif for r. -O it!. of 4.G7 t fest; too err ir." line cf t'.e a-c'n.vr-ys bei g at '1 i:ir.t 3.� fs;t t`',-;�,r,at i ;,;� CroR•n'.c-t -*ae ;:rchxay6 i,aing :1 3t. ... extend.an alley fourteen feet widtl: across Block S, Whitney & Smith's A3dition,_ St.. Paul, I4inresota, from Fifth street to Sixth street. 8 ... ....... ........... (2) , Thatthe following land, lands, ea-esestetenb-{tarsi- be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: - - the a ^u thweeterlq fourteen feet of Lots 1,2,3',4,5 & 6, Block 9, V`litney & Smith's Addition St. Paul, Minnesota, subject to the right of the owners o,f Lots 6, and the south five feet cf Lots 5, to maintain the brick builiing and archway over said opaf.irg as t -'a sane now exists viz: The Southwesterly wall of said building brit., on said fol_rteen root e'trip;:'51 feet in length from _\tti:q_nort".arty lints cf Fifth strest ,.eaa„rel alorg t`e ac,:t`lwe4ter2y t3ne of Lot o, a:.l Lot 5, 't".' the sc:thlerly cclua.n ci the zaetArly aro'—way Frojectir.g or tc•,eaii fo^rte^n foci s,rir`cr x iith.uf 1.71 'set and a length of 2.45 i tt, i the r rt`erly colm:n of ham i;erly arch -.ay rrojecting ontc a i.i fcurteer'fc t ,+r, a wi'.e^ _f 1.7-1 fo t a::i a '? length of 3.15 fs'et, i ':`e -11 es CV1 r mals nail archways l c tf 7 feat; al iat a f st .� Mayor. ✓ onswoeth 4P r tx +/• Co' an Gas ; :�' - Coune' an Kellet = Coun Iman McColl �� B �- ✓ Yor RsnerS 7.7 S S Aia- under'Preliminary Order 7117 approved Ger, t. 20tH, 1916, Intermediary Order 7150 approved November lst, 115. D C Resolved: (I) That the following improvement be and the same is herebIy ordered to be made, viz: Oren, widen, and extend an alley fourteen feet in r,dth adross B1ook,S, Whitney & Sm t ' MUNP -0-0 ,n, 0�-' . _. ... .. _.._.. ..... _.. .. e Jr , Adopted by the Council 19I'c- ( � City CityC —.���� C Approved 19I 4 Mayor. --Council n Farnsworth ✓ Council an Goss Counc• an Keller ✓ ' Coun Iman;Z. ✓ yor Rewerr., g _ t A 3 i • �TTNP%9it� r � ' � � ('otulcllhfle r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The dersigned-lu•reby-pp)eyes Ill calking of the followiu� puhlit• italu•ov" eat by the City of Rl. flail, viz.: open,widen-and end Jefferson avenue to, -,width-of--73 feet from Clegeland even to Cretin avenue.,by tak and.condemni.nR..the _ north 33 feet of t e_$Ey of the NES of Sec_ on _8, Town 28.,Range.._23_ - p West City St_. _aul, Minnesota. _ (Dated thiy 81h tiny of _. July. lfl1.$.. . l ! - .. Cnoucihnan. 4 IPRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEIZEA�, A wilit n proposal for the Illaking of the following improveuu•ul, viz.: Open,.widen - S .........e.xtend Jefferson, avenue..to_a width o,f 73..faet.from,-C1.eve.land..axenue_.to Cretin avenue,by taking aondemning'the north 33 feet of the SE4.of the NEk of Section 8,Towa_28, Range 23 WestjCity of St.Paul,Minnesota._ having hero preseull•tl t Cooaeil of the City of o aetTM ing e,� u themfore, be it —sof the 11 nr 38 Range13 west. cit: Ri;ti1)1"A'I'"U, That the l'Annuissiouer of Publ3 tiencoufieuaof been P, of and dirrcled: 1 [here[°;'. be n 1. To investigate the necessity for or des''aoh•ea• That the Cammleslon, id improveulrnl. _lace Works be eedad he Is hereb• _1 Po iltitestigale the natul'e, eStellt alld L To Investigate the ecaeel.wentcuf, 81L1 the fatal Cost thereof. denlrab1111Y of the making a.. :i. To furnish It phut, profile or sketell ^poprovern—t. nature, e 1. To Investigate the a. "I'n flnmi.h the fel ktscival-�tLhcr_.J;th a 'sumated ioi°tl of iaudereoff lid imprncenlrnt : an.t._and�lte___ roe _ .3 To f i h . PT D2'dfll k 'eh of said ImD V m t 4 To furnish the . ... Jet and Information reIet1Ve t 5. To state whether nr not said ioyn+ _ °To tat AN or not s 10 .tion of three or more owners. ^,ement, Is asked f ^' 6. To report apoll all or the ftn'�'��"It:2 alllaalteTB to Inv? .ro1n1111fisioner of Finailei'. Adopted by tileu Con+il �U� tQ1..... __.. ��ea4: Nays: -. Co ncilnlal nswnrih - �UI ';9�6 yG/ t ler H yl—and - Jiaynr y �[a eJ�.. Irtin ._.lor. y / 177 I ' CITY O'F� ST PAUL t. tOUNCIL RESOLUTICJN—v'E.NERAL 1=0fi:M 6 1, i,� I(�t - �,t /� Subject.:.. _. .._,.. -:_.' '_. _.. . ..... , . . ,` cotuNCIL NO ADO-" 115 • Date Presented. i91.... Resolved, that,psbmlipdoA be and is hesteby granted the Tri-State Telephone a" Magraph Comps to er"t_ poles with the necessary andbore and to string-v4ra and cable on the following named streets' 21 +--ole— cn 3ellev'ae .eAi�ve: :'.1'011 Ste•.•rert to :.or^a , to poles cn Sheridan Attreet fro:= =rior 0 °�'O1n• E B j-27alley batr;et;;: S. :ridsn :,ield tre.l: i a rvietivto aa, orn. e�- '7ord3v'0Tth Sherida i l tc aver r.. S tl jn a, i o r bet .o. air l -1 6 �, o a: 'r.. �i able. 'cot ae: s °� er. 'c s t.-12 Fair 'fork to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction Of the Ci®miseloner' of Pu'blio Waarkso the Telephone Company to pey the cost of inepeotions ebgineering and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Councils said Cost to be p)"d by 'the Telaphone Company. Yeas (r') Cou oilmen (✓)Nays Farn worth In favor Kel r Mc oil Against N 4y Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.e-2 0 F. No. 11416—BY 11. N. Goes— Be.olved, that Permieslon be -fl d Is hereby, granted the Tri -Slat. Tele- + phone and Telegraph Company toerect Poles with the r neo a y anchors and I to string wire and cable oa the fo 0l- a'Ing named streets: 31 Poles Brlievne Ave. from . • stcw.rt tq Morgan. - B Pplea Sn�aidnn St. from Prior 1 ! to fl.vern. R Poles in alley between Sheridan I' and Field from F.livlew to Dart - 8 Poles in Wiley between Words- orth 1,Sherioan from F.Irvlew to Davern. 6 Polee In alley belwern 3lunster d' Worsworth from Fnirl-lew to Davern. l� f�.Ie- I aRiley b.lwecn Fairview and Sue from Sheridan to Stewart. Work to be done under the direct ton R l to the sn tis faction of th..l.om- missioner of Public Work,. the Tele- , phone Company toPRYthe ('031t, blir(I fiO - apr-tion engineering an Poles and wires to be rem...d when requested to do so by Co. - !he C.uncll. Id cost to be Paid by the Telephone Compflny. Idoptrd. by- the tbunell SuFy B. 1916.', Approved July 10, 1916. r t.l my 1n-1916) Adopted by the Council JUt. ....... _.........191....... Approved (t/1/UJL,.101 1916 191---..... MAYO mkiLmi Resolved, that p4rmUmdlL on be aad is hamoby gramted theTri-Otaie Tellphos* and TAM amr to ereat soles with the necessary anchors 'am to str#.rrg -a*" and of ble on the Mloying n med streets: 3 °ole: on Cl- anb..ier from F.yao.inth to IVY Colo %'Ialeii Jive. to Hoyta '� sc� E. i side.of Iat'�s�il to connoct`alleys bet-rtee- Sd,r4erton ;.-raaley -- a n on S -v-- z iro:,, d erton to °ftyne- mark 1--c3 done trader the direction and to the saiists,otion of the cisai In of Public Woaks, the �'elephone Caar m:W to Peps the cost of i tion, abgineering u I)LIestion. wires requested costo c i ico estop be paid by e elaappbome comp��taie Op Goss— Rrsol,'ed. and Is tho Tslon.be hereby gruntedod the Tri-State Telt•- 1 phone ml T'rlegr¢ph Com Ynn)' to - r [ poles ,rlth the n nchors and [o string wine nide cnble on the ' :following n ned streets: I'••I es n l: re enbrler Crom 11yo- cinth to "Y' a 11 P lea n- Greenhrler Prom Como , ` 7. 1n 1Pea5out south lside of Lowson go I ' nils between Edgerton nod _ 13rad1e1'. 1 I'n l.s ons I,'y Prom Edgerton to - — Work1.be done ,ind;r :he rlh-11on nd to lhr• s tinfactlon of the Com-' mise loner oP Public tt'orks, the Tele - Iphone Company to poy'[he conucHuon' spPotes itu bend {'u•e.d ,rhe, tnd141iitr e s ommo, quested [or do by [hr, C-1— Counot1, sold coat ato be pnld by the ,not Telephonet,o"P—y. Adopted `h y' the Council July S. 1916. Approved July ]o• 1916. tJul)• 15-1916) - Yeas (,') Cou ilmen Adopted by the Council �UL Farhs orth ° Goss "In fvor Approved JUL 10 1916 191-..._.. K1e McC Il ��-.R'g'ainst f Nae ` V MAYOR _ Mr. President, Powers FORM 0.82 ' a Date Presented July 6th, 1916. Raso3vedz H Tlsat p a x -mission be and is hereby granted the Northern States �. IEa.vmw-Ba- aracy poles and string wires and the necessary anchors t 3•�e r �o ra � - Pozaztsylvzania Ave. -from Capitol Heights to Wastminieter,- Bo>tatli oa Restminister St. to south side of Soo iiy. Right _ of may_ Skid Va3®3 and wires to be placed and the work to be done trzsA-New r- tk%4& c3irBctiori and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public LTt ML 3 IRL t zea y saiLd Company to pay the coot of engineering and the inspection, am --a d_ is s s Fo1es and sires to be removed when requested by the Cobaton Council o S t 3� C; tv o f' St-Pagc1, this permission to gr"ted under and pursuant i. z-cwi s i one of Ordinance No. 2645, approved Dec. 26th, 1906. o. F. \o. Hili—Sty 31. \. Goesbn and Resolved.' That permfsslun titetea. '- - - t, hereby grunted thr \urther� 1'otver W'om Pan} to et'o l' san+v and - I.lri nY IreA and the n ue r, - 'n e n - h 1 � n ve A, rrom CaPltol { Helhts' I to \\'est mfnst er: south onn I \y a st Inst er St t. south skit• of tio. (I R>. R1Rht o[ vi 1. be Placed dmf dh `V olearl`tnd he it `ie under the dlreetlon µtea Iu tie S,v hlisani �kfl titles the t-om mis.lnit1t +' Ih.. —.11 o[ e - la Com Vans Pa{ {+e . .tn l the E glneerinf una Ih� Ina muno'��::dt when S Veolee and wires n+ om em' t t t,.11 of , y ueatrao b` thy j Yeas (�"� Course T� e:-:"� �.ays the c'Ity r .'t. tool: tht:, Perndeetot granted under and Vuraunnt to the 1 C/ F ar rz s fig- o r t L -s n,rma ane Pro. ialond e ordinanre 2645. nPyroved nee. 25t os. tst5. 19}� Goss In favor I ApProvea'dutl to.0 st-t�. wy s, Council zC j (duly 15.1915) _ (7�' K�lIer Approved ✓ Mc t oIi I Against J MAYOR Mr_ Pre:sidera yr - �'i +P C ITVO FSST. PN.AUL.. �, •.. 1 .. CO 11J N C 1 L RESOt lITION-6ENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE Date Presented 191 ._ ... FQ-1 �d� - -jha.t n -1--i sn'I -n e r i ,, ,, }„ [,' .:' ed the ri .yJ a P7 Qphc:1Q & �� �€� Qor-_pany to elect p o1 E wit'i +,',, ! _,e,,•.; x: ^c:lo e rin(. `to string „ -^nb] e on the 01 2 0-,-T! nnr.e , str ts:� ` rive (5) Poles a- a11ey betweei1-incoin and Goodrich :ffr oz -a : zsa ri t o c r etin . a � C. Resolved. that "pre rmleslono be and Is hereby granted the Tri Stale Tel - phone R< Telegraph Company to erect _ poles with.t}te `'ngcesenry orhors and [ring its n0 cable on the Lot- . l_'lng named street*: '----�- - Five (6) poles in alley' between Lin- - rnln and Goodrich, from Finn to " • i C'rctl n. - Rork to be done under the direction • and to the satlsfaellon of the Co.. missioner of Pubnc Works. the Tele- phone Company to pay the cost of in- epe,ti,n, engineering and publication. - Polea nd wires t,, be removed ' when e9uented to do so, by, the Co. - n C""""— u nett; said coat to be paid by the Telephone Company. Adopted by the Council July 8, 1816. 'I Approved July 10, 1916. (July 15.1916) ':.`•:,Y• c I)e e'o_.e ll - -I irecti :�i� t'le _. ti.11fr..�.io: cf t;he n --r c r -? u -b 7 - "e -r-'. _ s -Pi ep , c e Co to . J.,I]„ P �.. - so. .c f 3: 7rDl _ _ cn, ^n✓i r - - . ? ru)-:' c "' 1 -n. .1n , 3 r o o 'c .=o t, le e-_ on -1i,, ort.c - a Cou -linen(✓) Nays Far worth t• lei. In favor Kel r r } M o11 vl Against N _ -=Beat Powers " l FORM t 8—Z G=f _ _ q16 Adopted by the Council Jut- 8 1 191 Approved JUL 10 1,916 191........ MAYOR 0 YCouncil en (.) Nays -arns rth :adopted by the Council Cross In favor C Hyla Approved 191 Kelle _ U.� NI 11 - Against I MAYOR C Mr. Presiden Irvin v FORM G.6-2 ' i a - . , - Np.: 1f418—BY.M: N does-- .. =-rseplv¢r rthat permission bR and lw bereh',v grant d the Norther_ t1:��`$8(tan' ! Pbwer ¢il pant' to pt I1EN�Ohd l and the ireceesaryen - string wire. chore thereon: - a - - - - - ' and Saratoga. Between Snelling � - - Dayton and Marshall In alley No guy tubs or Pole on Snelling _ - / Ave ` ` Said poles and wired .to under placed xnA the work to e done under the dl- t b I otion and to the O.factlon of the Commissioner of Pnuue otluue0 said St; Paul, 1linn. 'July. 6th, 1916• ) a company to pay the coat [ a a'neer- -.Ing and :the Inspecllon, a d the poles _ ` and Tree to be removed when [he QItY of SthPaul L thle permission mmon Council le - erameeand provisionder ns ofrsuant to the Ordina Ordinance No. - o 2646. approved Dec. 26th, 1906, Adopted by the Council July 8, 1916. - •� ApprovedJuly• 30, 1916. ,(July U-1916) Resolved: be and ie hereby granted the Northern States That permission and string 4rires and the necessary anthocs Power Company to erect pole's thefeon: Between Snell ng ,and Saratoga, ,Dayton and Marshals °� in Alley* d wires-to be placed and the ork to be done Ssid poles to the satisfacticn of the Commissioner of Public under the direction and to the cost of engineering and the inspection, Utilities-, said Company pay to be removed when requested by the Comgwn.CCouncil and the Poles and wires usant th is is granted under and pr Of the City of St. Paul, permission of ordinance No. 2645, approved Ded. 26th, 1906 to the terms and provisions 0 YCouncil en (.) Nays -arns rth :adopted by the Council Cross In favor C Hyla Approved 191 Kelle _ U.� NI 11 - Against I MAYOR C Mr. Presiden Irvin v FORM G.6-2 ' i a CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ACCOUNTIRG DEPARTMENT / COUNCIL AUDITEDCLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No— IL sZ ::77 By AUDITED 191 n J P 177 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds an. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in Te folloWia detailed statement: ,l!Il_ —31yt5 Tori (t I i �') Vays Adopted by t,be Council Councilmen - - — 191- 1 � I I 'i4 1 •�1 �ll�r�h�1l��ll�� 1.1 X916 X11 J� (loss1 lIvIand In favor Kellcr MAYOR Mccoll :Against 41 ` i<Ir, l'resi�enl, Irvin n, C. F. No. 11420— li,solvefl, that warrants be drawn upon the Clq' Treasury, payable out of the herelnafter'spain d funds and "7 In favor of the persons. firma or cur- pnrallons for the nmonnl art 011no91te !heir rrsp,rf Iv, n,l W9 n9 epecnled In thr follon-inq dein ned'9tate—nt: _ 4. A. Farheworl h. Com'r. Finance,- a $29,159.19. _ �ldopled Iy the (`ounril July S. 1916. Approved July le. i'le fJUIY 15-1916, { y _ 4871 S. A. Farnsworth, Comlr.eFinance, o $?9:159.19'. Pair. Depr. -Bal. $299. G x G/Dk und-Water S 1y ;33 75 LDock & Wh vee 25 20 Gg Ivy St_, arl to Prange 102 95 Piumrni't, Br mhall to Snel, 11 .27 couta ,9 to Spruce 2? .80nada 1 th to 9th 9 .04 ove, ackeon to Broad. 1,48 .13 th, .obert to Broad. 6 .00 re Cott, Oakdal-� to Wood. 5.00 a dale etc., 0.00 y bet. Summit 7 port. Igtc.2 5. a4 SConet.3 Rep. -Sal 15,5 0.20 " "17 662 S18 Cing. 9 t Cing. 6, 8.50 (pity Dump 90.00 ridge bldg. & Rep. 05.51 Sprinkling 34.50 Impr. Snelling Ave., 105.00 cl 29,159.19 l ' ;Ak Total $299159.19 M I' CITY ,OF ST. PAUL - y - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:._ - COUNCIL t'•� .PILE No............. ........ .. Date Presented..JtulX -btu-.l.6...... °191.._.... a R Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and'hereby rejects all bide re- ceived for Grading Alley in Block 3 Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Hemline Ave. to' Syndicate Ave., as bide received were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorised to read. vertise for now bids on same. F.B. #929. C. F. No. 11422 By AL N. Goss— 1i Resolved. Thnl the 'Cou ncll itereb}• • ('ont1racll Conmitteen 1hteml -1Ibn P1 the ell bids received !nr ) y to Block 3Stln-on'- H grhding Alley In Irem Hemline Ave. to )Syndic to OAve_ bide rrc h'va w e In a of the Eagl neer'- eF.etimate. ondx the Pur- v chasing Agent Is h_,, uthorized to advert l -e ter n w+• bide -ams. - .F. B. No. 929. a on Adol,led by the Council Sul). 8, 1916. AL "roved Jmy 10 1916. - • (July 15-191G) r Yeas (v') Counu en (v') Nays Adopted by the Council AU 8 1y,g91.. .. d' Farnsw rth Goss G�;{ (I� In favor ' �U�. lO 196 T Keller ��77 Approved 191........ McCo V Against !eRg _.. _. .._ _. Mr. President, t— MAYOR FORM C.9.2 1aIT OF ST 'PAUL ,k I � -1 9 ' COU'NCIL RESOLUTION 'GENER L FORM - -- ' - Sub•ect:. 1 J - COUNCIL Ir FILE Date Presented. July kh:16,-r- 191._._.,. i Resolved ha�he Council hereby concurs in the ,-reoommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bide received for the Grading of Brown Ave. from Midway St. . to a point 150 ft. north easterly from the north line of Winifr. St., as bide received were ,l excess of the AngiVieer s Estimate, and the purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to�readvertise for new bide on same. B.B. #930., C- F No. 11423—By \I. \. Go..— ReHolvedThat the Council hereby - conaura In the mmendatlon "the Contract Committee and hereby Jett. all bid. r rrived for the grading of Brown• Ave. tram Midway SL to r polo[ I:.o Tl. northeu.isrly from the Orth line of Wibifred St., a. bid. r ce evedwere In e . of the Engl- Estlmate. ends Ih,• I'u rrha.ing Ag—tlla he-oby nuthpri-d to readver- tlae tui nary bid. on sato F. B. Igo. 30. Adopt rd by.the Couneil July 8, 1916. ' Approved Jay 10• 1916. (J°uly I5-1916) , Yeas ( I') Coun ilmen ( I') Nays Adopted by the Council —$ 1916 191. Farns orth Goss In favor Keller Approved JUL 1.1.,4 :916 191.. _. MCC 11 N U Against Mr. President, Owers MAvoR FORM C.9-2 1 I CITY OF ST: PAUL COUNCIL RESO LUT' CSN—GENRAL FORM Subject: r a B m FI" NO. Date Presented__ July -6th -i6 191 _ ,... Resolved;'. That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bide received for the construction of a sewer on Stanford St. between Griggs St. and Syndicate St., as bide re- ceived were in excess of the Engineerte. Betimate, and the'Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertiee for new bids on same. Y.B. #9634. C. F. No. 11+21—I;y al. N. Gos.— R-11'ed, That the Council hereby concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby leets ll bid. r ceived for the c an - 'ruction f a e r on Stanford St. k bet''. "'.. St Band Syndicate St.. •"$' bid rer et, ed w e In a qqr� of the Ir Bines r'e c." '[mater and the "Purches- In6 Agent Is hrreby n th��ri z,•d to r 'advert[., for new bid. o re - R. Nn. 934. n some.F. Adopted by the (76-11 July S. 7919, Approved July 10. 1916. 'July I6 -191G) Yeas (t') Cou cilmen (r") Nays Farn orth oss In favor �jKelle 7 MCC I l/ Against -Piech 1 Mr. President, FORM C -a-2 1 JU� Adopted by the Council 191 Approved Dull 10 915 191_._ MAYOR - CITY. -OF ST--\P,AUL - P COUNCIL .RESOLUTION-GENERAL.FORM Subjept: .COU RCIL - , ~ FILE NO. t...-.. .. ... .. Date Presented_Jul Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the 'recommendation of the Contract Committ.ee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Russell St. from CaksL St. to south line of Lot 16 Block 2 Auditor's Sub. #7, to Christ Johnson, at 1um sum price bid of $1.213.76. Engineer's Estimate beigg 1200.00. F.B. #936. 4 $eceived all vapors �I conn �tton wi tYt above Reso cation• '� /i C. r. No. 11426—Ry \f. N. Go.—the C un,11h,r ftbe n the t'ebY o contract Committee and Itnrehy swards theontr8rt for the grading of Rue- ' sell St, from lase St to south Iine o[ I,ot 16 131.01 2. Auditor's So h. No. 7. I to Christ Johnson. t lump sum price hid o[ E7.213.78. l;nglncer's esti.- to bein- $1200.00. F. A. xo. 936.. 8• 1916. Adopted by the Council J.Iy ' Approved Jul -v ]0, 191 s. 'July 16-1916) J Yeas ( I') Cou ilmen (I') Nays Far orth �j Goss - Y In favor Kelle McC I Against Mr. President, s\ ; t FORM C.8 2 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved' 1 191._..... MAYOR _A 4 t y — - CITY OF ST" PAUL, -Co 4--IL'RES,OLUT101'FI--GENERAL FORjrI'.\ Subject_ , f - - — —� ' u COUNCIL s, FILE Date Presented.July- fith-Sb-----'d1....... Resolved. Thmt the CvXA: 3L - 1 hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Corstra --Nt7— Committee and hereby awards the contract for theF c"orzs t tation of a sewer on Milford 3t. from the center of Si o� St. to a point 79 ft. E. of E. line of Sim.oe St _ o O'Neil & Preston. At lump sum price bid of 5141 — 4mw0=====M- Engineer's Estimate being $170.00. ""`' C. F. No. 11727—P1y \7. \. -- — Resolved. Tha[ .the Cou nett' hereby ' f. " co tcurd iil�iNe rerom men dation e Contract oY th of hr e ' Commlttee -1111 hereby the contr-ct for the I - a netrveli.. of a sewer on "Ill n t, from the ce ter f Slmcoe St, to .pain[ 79 ft, oP E. H— oP 41mtoe _ et. to tl'\ell & Preston�^ -t lump sum P'., 'ebid of $141.50. En, - Ineb:stimale 11111wK $110.00. F. Ii. i. :Vo, O. 935. . — A rooted by the C`ounci'l July 8, 1916. "I'lo red July .10. 1916. - .. (July 15-1916) R6CClve$ 1111 - pa.ners irl 00nnect on with aoov Reso1U ion, j t l a€ F J ' -� Yeas ( .') Coounci en (�") Nays II 191._ Adopted by the Council Farns rth Goss / Tnfavor - JUL l0 .31J 191.. !I Approved Keller f Mccol Against Mr" President.I cVWcrsC-,1>,��" - 0.... .. .. FILE NO— L r _ _ ... Date Presented. July bthzlyt - 19) Resolved, That the' G a c it hereby concurs in the recommendation of the C oat ram —Ir-- Committee and hereby awards the contract 1. for the cora -- =notion of a sewer on Kilburn 8t. from Hat cla St _ -*-- -0=20M. s point 10 ft. south of the north line of Lot 9 , B1 o V � 54. Denslow a Sub. of Lake Como villas, to 09 :L 2- � Creston at lum sum price bid of $285.00. Engine:er� s timate being 0329.00. F.B. #933. C. F. No. 11428—t;y \f. \. Goe R...1,,ed, That the Council hereby neursContract' and he�epT%a-fataa Comrr.itlee the contract - for the construction o[ a newer on Kilburn St. from Hatch St. to point IO I[. —1h of the no th line f Lot 9, Bloet< 04, Dennlow's Sub. of Lake a` ' lump s mins. to O'Neil & Preston at Dr(ce bid of $285:00. Engl- eatl mate No�933.being $329.00. F. � ' B. .""p-1 r hthe Conned Sul,. 8, 1916. .tpprored July ln. 1916. I July 15-1916) r' S� o •QC J S 'men Yeas Ct")COU n C > Nays 'Jul Adopted by the Council Fazns ort}s Goss In favorApprovet U t 191*. Approved L,l 1{� .__ Kell - McCol —F��/Ias�ls� O r Against U T��� t5 Mr. President, MAYOR ro RM c.a z "-°% Subject: Resolved, That the Oousi¢ 3L hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract C cs --1 ttee and hereby awards the contract for the cons -t. tion of a sewer on Ryde St. from Front St. to a poiu-f-- Q ft. south of the south line of Hatch St. , to Fay@rn G o ristruction Co. , at .lump sum price bid of $556.00. MF -_-A 3zneerte Boatimate being $732.00 F.B. #932 l'. F. Vu11429 Fr ,, Reaolyed. Thnt the C'I tl. -1 the a In the ll—und ndstlon o[ the ntrnrt l t for and etrucilon oft, tthe con" rxct 4or [he con In tt>'de st. from Front 11 to -potn[ 40 f[. so [h of the south lineC f Hatch :it.0 ", Fe)'en ('onatrucllon tt lumps m price bid of 5656.00. En- t_ineer's ealimntc bin Ei32.00. F. 8. To' 922. hr the C-11cil July 8. 1916. ,tdnnt,•d ° A1916. nprovea Jul,10 y 16-1916) iq L) C) Yeas (r") Coun men ( t") Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farn orth Coss _ �: ira.,or JUL 1 I�� . .191........ Kell r%a' O Approved �� �1�'✓" v - - .IVIc oll �ga5nst MAYOR ' Mr. Presiden Powers z- o FOR . pRM -8 -2 y d CITY OF ST. PAU . COJ Ir-3 �— '� _ RESOLUTION'G.EN RAL FORM' . c COUNCIL NO. �{ F jDate Presented_. guly..6.th-.16- 191... _. Resolved, That the Oousi¢ 3L hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract C cs --1 ttee and hereby awards the contract for the cons -t. tion of a sewer on Ryde St. from Front St. to a poiu-f-- Q ft. south of the south line of Hatch St. , to Fay@rn G o ristruction Co. , at .lump sum price bid of $556.00. MF -_-A 3zneerte Boatimate being $732.00 F.B. #932 l'. F. Vu11429 Fr ,, Reaolyed. Thnt the C'I tl. -1 the a In the ll—und ndstlon o[ the ntrnrt l t for and etrucilon oft, tthe con" rxct 4or [he con In tt>'de st. from Front 11 to -potn[ 40 f[. so [h of the south lineC f Hatch :it.0 ", Fe)'en ('onatrucllon tt lumps m price bid of 5656.00. En- t_ineer's ealimntc bin Ei32.00. F. 8. To' 922. hr the C-11cil July 8. 1916. ,tdnnt,•d ° A1916. nprovea Jul,10 y 16-1916) iq L) C) Yeas (r") Coun men ( t") Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farn orth Coss _ �: ira.,or JUL 1 I�� . .191........ Kell r%a' O Approved �� �1�'✓" v - - .IVIc oll �ga5nst MAYOR ' Mr. Presiden Powers z- o FOR . pRM -8 -2 y d 1777 C a UTIOBLEOL conovll,N1 'Resolved, That the Council here ,d bll�' the Contract Committeegtr fpl�, the Grading of Palace 1)smlinl Ave., Juliet St. froO in,,l�! Jefferson Ave. from Drily, lieough Broe. at lump e,80 149,V� eer's Betimate being I ,rM Isr p.wx of IrlMil . . i� J Yeas (1') Councilmen (I') Nays v F ,, ,t,h �/ Goss In favor Kell + Mc oll Against Mr. Presi�ieet . Pewe , t— " FORM C.8 R II Resolved, That the Couneia hereby concurs in the reoo=endation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of St. between Hemline Ave. and Sdgoumbe Road ,Eleanor to Christ Johnson, at lump Bum price bid of $2 984156. Engineers Estimate being $3,262.00 - F.B. 928. C. F. No. 11481-13Y yf. N..Gosn— d. That t==ell hereby Reaolve<' R...) ro In the lon of the cl lee and de di.g A• the contend for [he grading [ Elea- Chet .,, far - St. between Hemline ..1ve. and _ Gdgcumbe Rond to Chrlet Joh neon. at En - In sum price bid of 52.984.68 En- glneer'a etimate being 58,282;00. F. R: No, 928. 8, 1916. j Adopted by the Council July `. Ap Prov rd JuhYuly le. 1918. (J 15-1918) ,R iced aii. v1pars :. Conn t:c.n wl h AbO9® I.eso tion. —$ } " ,. Yeas (l') Counc men (1') Nays Adopted by the Council 191 tv Faros orth ' I" Goss .d�'�t.>,</ Kell In favor Approve J 10 1916 .191._..... ® Against Mc II Mr. Presiden FORM C.8-2 t. MAYOR 1, ,• CITY OF ST. PAUL - \. COUNCIL- REtSOL UTION—GENE;RAL FORM - -` Subject-._ 'n �YV), FSeca COUN O .. Date Presented_. - J Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and herdby awardd the contract for the Curbing of Fuller Ave. between Victoria St. and Milton St., to Gust Nelson at lump sum price bid of $365.00. $ngineer's, Estimate being $422.00. F.B. #927. a c- F. No. 11132—By Vit. N. Gass— hereby Y , Reanlved, That the Council c.Cobthe trnctl Commlttren the m d hereby a tarda the c tract for theacurbing Of Fuller r, St.e[obGueteNeleonVicto at lumpria St. s snd Milton um price Ibld of $365.00. Engineer'. es[Imale being. $422.00. F. B. No. yui Adopted by the Cauncll uly 8, 7916. d Approved July(JuIY'10 1916. 16-1Ai6) ' M! Receiccd ^�i. F�r,'rs ,1 conn-• .. � .. �'i . _ _ ::3 Yeas (r') Coun Imen ( r') Nays Adopted by the Council .191.... •/Far orth JUL 143 1915 In favor ICcII r Approved 191..._... -- 1VIc oil (/ .Against 1 `. v - Mr. Preside Fonts c.n z 114, CITY OF ST. 1=iiUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of oonajraati}g_a_aWrjr_oU Sydnnay–Siti...from the oenter of Han.omin'St. to a poijnt 103 feet wge$ Qf–the w&e1 dine–ot "—nomi"n-3f'.- - - - - - - under Preliminary Order _'8922_ _, Final Order _ 11133 _ _APP OVt.7i- dune PL2 L 3.916 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 191 _. RE3OLVKD, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved �C. F No. 11,33— te thematter or eo aorpoun ca newer Sydney street it m the enter r 'r I\tanomin St. to a point 103 feet w `j or the weal Ilse r P{a nomin S[� n under Prell minary Order 8922, Finfli Ft- 0 11133, approved June 22, 1936. heeolvrd. That the plana, specldpnsubmitted - �Commine over of Publle Worke cY the abova named Improvement be and the r �I .ame are hereby nppr ed. :\dnar"I b.' the Counell July 10, 1916. Approved Jullao. 1916. July 15-1916) Adopted by the Council'– Yeas: ouncil–Yeas: ( 1 ( ) Plays Councilman Kel r Hyland Ap pro�bs{d J L �-() 131b'L91— Wunderlich ((c/* Mr.President Irvin _ - ---------pdayor. `E ° l CITY OF ST. PAUL COU34CIL RESOLUTION. In the matter' of _ grsdiag Ju71et_3 ._Y�oLn gISIMIlAft Ave. todioate Ave. under Preliminary Order 4187. _, Final order _109$b_ _ _ A PROVE Jane 1211916 191 t RMOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approvede.u,as— In the Matl- of grading Juliet 6t...= - frem "Mlne Ave, to Ayndlrate Ave. order P-liminary Order 4187. Plnal Order 10925 nppr.v,d June 12, 1916.: Reeolve. d, That the plane, epecldca- Lilone nd sellm.'ee ubmltted by the Commissioner of Public Works' for the }. a - above named Improvement.be and the i ..\ a hereby approved. nnAdu pled by the Council July 10, 1916. Approved J.13' 10, 1916. 1 (July 15-1916) Adopted by the Council'111! _ _ , _ _ _1�_ 1Q _ _ — 191. Yeas: ( ) l 1 P1ays Councilman / 1—Kell r — $Yland . Apprved JUL 1� 131&1_ PdIrvin r.President— Wu Irvin oh_ �( � (/ ~ CITY OF,ST.. PP:�U L; - - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE'NERA'L FORM'S /� -yy Subject: . '. 6 i cov no,1 4 n FILE No - Date O -Date Presented July IUB 191 6. Resolved, Tbat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to onuse Ninnehaha St. from Hazel Ave,. to the east cit limits to be oiled during the season o3 1916. Yeas (14) Co eilrrlen (.') Nays / F In favor _ H and K her l.- Against nderlich Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. B-2 Al c^- C.- F. No.Goea— Reaolved, That the Commiasl one, of Public Works be and Is hereby author- 1l.dfand rom Hazele ter. tou these hlln ehnhy - limlta to be oiled during the season of 1916.1916.' A llo Vted by the Council July 30, A pI', 0—dJuIY 10.611916) (July Adopted by the Council 1LI,� 10 '1- 191 1,916 Approved�f I 191 V MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL _ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject_ \ 11427' COUNCIL FILE N O jo - / Date Presented July 10, 191 6., ' f n Resolved_ '�` * s+t tiie grade of Sheridan St. from Bellevue Ave. to Davern Ave., 1 as slzowxx 10-y the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Words, be and the same is 3:i6relby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 11437-13y ht. N. Gosa— Resolved, That the grade o[ sherl- dan St- Prom Hallows Ave. to Davern Ave., as shown by the red grade Has on the accompanying profile, and as Publimended by the comn,leeloner or, c ll•orks. be and the s 1e ! hereby adopted as the established gratia• -adopted by IT- July 10, 1916. APProved ]ul> 10, 1916. (July 15-1916) �I- Yeas < v'� Cour><eil en J Hyla>n Keller Q% erll Cil Mr_ Pr-�d�rs Irvin CORM S S-2 AF -- /I n favor C.' Against Adopted by the Council X111 iQ I 191 Approved MIS � 191 -MAYOR f CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS —RESOLUTION FORM FOENCIL NO, �.'. er_, _ AUDITED V,t L 1 � 191 lig PER . - G — G� Ci. Y �•.i_4.w S Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respec•tige names° as specified in the following detailed statement: Teas f ) 1 Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council 91._ FtrrtrA11ert4r � ' � � � 5 191 ; 1 Approved Hyland / In favor Keller L MAYOR 9"""44 Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin C. F. NO. 11436— ftesollell that warrantsa draoutwn upon the City Treasury', V t the hereinafter epecifled funds and In 1j1 favor of the peroon3, liana or corpora, tte inns for the, respective t names a t as spe6fled fin r the following aelah-d st.lemet" Fred t:. Albrecht. Park—Park— Must, $8".00. - A. I.. �n)'de r. Perk—Park—�Susic. $6Ad.p ted b: for Council Sul)' 10. 1916. ' Atlopi Appru,cd J J1.IY 0161916-1916) _ I j,.L.Orecht $806.00 Park -Music A. L. Snyder. 643.00 park -Park -Music s m .00 form A. 1f.1�. v xA ' y form A. 1f.1�. v xA -- - - - - - - CITE' OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. COUNCIL` it LE NO....,.. ...... .... _..........__.. .. .. a Date Presented-july.._.6t*lr, _ 191..._,-. Resolved, T21at the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding contract for furnishing the heating _ t e and vexxtilating for the Tilden School to .The Hankee Heating Com :yr the lum of $8676.00. ERgiaeer's.Estimate $6550,00. W .:B AP905 . C. F. No 11439—RV-A- Wunderllch— yrA R'eno11'eA. Thn[ [he Council here L� tiP Committ�[he nrtion of the Conlr'�rt in att'nrdl" cont"t.•t for ru,fin-t't - t�Tti den lti 'hnol to The ntk^e Heating m[he.a or $9616.00. _ F.n Klneer'e rstimntr. $6550.00. F. ti. No. 925. .\duPted I, the c'��u nril Julr 30. ].P76 Approved .Ju11 l o. 1916. 'July 15-19161 it e1 l er FORM C_8—Z > mays 4JL. 10 1916 Adopted by the Crhluncil 191. - In favor Approve 1.9 1 6. _ _ _ 191........ -Against I( .MAYOR 1:44 OI`P ICE. OF* JOHN .I.FAFL ICY. °CI TV CLE RK - a _ t July'24th,1916 , How, IA. N. Goes, coramiesicnar of Public' Worke. bear Sir:— The aattachod Final Order, C. F.7#11441-, for the grading of Suburban Ave. bet. Earl St- and Heoter Street wag referred to your denar-tment fox- a preliminary Order, P='oviding for a change of grade on Suburban Ave, that will be satiefeLctory e to the abutting property owners. Very ree/noc-tfully, ag ' City Cler'• ^ ' ' ....^...,.^~..-.-.'.~..~..,~,~^.._.,.^...,.,......,.^,,~,..^.,,,^^..,~~_.....,....,.....,^..,.,^.,...~- � -.� COUNCIL ru�.PM. -��~-'__� � o,__--'-_~_ ..... .... _,_—.___.���� ���J�� ORDER. vxm�m'u^m* . ` uuthe Matter oczo -_���*s�, - -�____------------------'—�---------- __ -^_-------__---_-_-_--__'-----___'__'--__'--_--..._--'---'___'-- xxaerPreliminary order -9�Og .... .......... ........... .......... ........... approved . Intermediaryo,de,---_-_____'__.'-__'"pvm~o ...................... _-.......... ............ __' Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all nomv",. "bixu/"no and mmmomnax,ioo, relative ,herem, and having fully considered . ° the same; therefore, uva . RESOLVED, ovthe Council mthe City mSt. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind mim- provement m be made u'the said City m.-jX�k1R_gubuzba�'mo��u@��t�mu�'�g�-otr:� ����-������-§��s��^---__-_'_-_-'__----_-------'-------�----- ________________________+ ............ ........... ....... '....... ..... _..... ..... ................... ................. _____�........ ......... _................ . .............. .... ........ ......... .... ...... ..... ....... ... ......... _________.............. ... ....... .... ��... .............. ��.... ... ........ ���....... ................ ...... . . ��........ �... ....... �� and the Council hereby orders said improvement mbemade. , RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner aPublic Works bmand is hereby inmmcto and directed to prepare plans and specifications for ��x ��vmv°moo� ooa submit ��o mun Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed *proceed ° with the m"u"u of said improvement inaccordance therewith. � Adopted bythe Council ............ ... -_---�---_--.|y|-_- � --'------....... --... ....................... --__City dle-rk-_ ^ Apn,wma--_'____....._-__.m/.-_' , - _....... ..... ..... '........ -�....... .......... Mayor. - Councilman Farnsworth ^ Goss / . ' ^ u"�, � ' McColl . Nash � . Yoeru Mayor Powers J Form ^aA.o-7 ` .CITY"OF ST. Pi L _ - \ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMIS,1IONER OF FMANCE SON PRELIMINARY ORDER - 3r-f tie Matter of -- - - y- - - - - ----- --------- - --------- . - -- -----_ ----- ------------------ --_-� -- - ... r.+_aaer Preliminary Order approved -o L�=e Couacil of the City pf St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment foi• the above improvement is - _ $ 1+-144. 8Q _ 0.96 - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------------ ------------ Tlie lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of eac AE lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are follows: .. ASSESSED ED E SC R 1 PT 10 N LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 _ ♦_ Lq 7 t7 X12 1 19-0 .i o c �3 ZQV 30 0 '7 lop ... TOTAL, ^G� / � � �� i� �G fC-flit �c- , � Ge:v7^ � % e� � � • '22:2 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated alt of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the.foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report -made to him in reference to saiidd//matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �� y - Dated 191 6`l ✓ - llyuo�L'�>yj'� / ronM s.e... o Commissioner of -Finance. - _ CITY OP 5T. PAUL - -" DEPARTMENT O•F FINANCE yFINANCE _ REPORT OF CO.MMI$SIONER OF 1 - ON PREL-I NAVIY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK .r,;R ADDITION ASSESSED VAVA4 N - r 7 / � � �� i� �G fC-flit �c- , � Ge:v7^ � % e� � � • '22:2 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated alt of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the.foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report -made to him in reference to saiidd//matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �� y - Dated 191 6`l ✓ - llyuo�L'�>yj'� / ronM s.e... o Commissioner of -Finance. ,ro,the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public -Works, having had under eonsidri•ation the preliorivary order of the Coun- 9888 April 10, 1,) f _ _ relative to eil, known as Council Nile No..._..._. __- ..approved __ _. _, _. the...gradi.ng.Suburb an Avenue,,._ between Earl and fleeter Street. ....... .......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:' 1. Said improvement is...-.... - -__...necessary and (or) desirli%le. , 91¢ per i rant foot 1087.68 ' nd 2. The estimated cost thereof is :6....___._ ___ _, and the total cost thereof' is Frontage 1300 Yt. Eaoe88 knapeotion X31.33 the nature and extent of said improvement is all follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch o£ said improvement is -hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_-.-.- - _-.--_ ._..__._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improveiraent. ) : Commissioner of Ytt IfelNIrRrks. If `. T e I-T2jj 1=th, 1-,16. I T'on. 38, ^v.nua, -etw3en T-arl --- — ---- aoo-ordancco E- 8, ap-l-a.-ovea a:il 10, 1916. i;',-cromjwate 3sti---tc 1087.6= e front f ' -- 0: 1 si nt f t t t d CITY- OF, SA-JNT'-PAUL DSPARTMK!JT OF PUBLIC WORKS R086RT T. dOURLIX. Mftir OSCAR CLAt)SttN; CAP JM)kM J. M. CARROLL a A—. -ALFRED JACKSON. SuPl. S.-- G. H. HERROLD. OFF1.1 t-- H W. (BOETZtNGER, S—. Wl—lol I-T2jj 1=th, 1-,16. I T'on. 38, ^v.nua, -etw3en T-arl --- — ---- aoo-ordancco E- 8, ap-l-a.-ovea a:il 10, 1916. i;',-cromjwate 3sti---tc 1087.6= e front f ' -- 0: 1 si nt f t t t d • I !. HENRY E WOLSYAE01 CO 51VIONERS /A Si�Pu,. Mwx , THE HONORABLE CITY COUNIL, z St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen,- We, entlemen,-We, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on ,Suburban Aveq between Earl Sto and Hooter St, do hereby petition a o bo �t aha ou �o�or�blo god �o n�u�a 9�� x �� � Odd 61your Y ,lestabliehod grade between the pointo abovo pantionad, N A M E,LOTS BLK� AnDiTioN t „�� C , -. c , �, _ . ;' �� ' 1.�'k. • is CY �, .rq�..-�w�� : r.•--.•- � 4( V TT1YK�1. 1bLpE"Lo �r�f1) ��� 2 �rs�n�40 i1 LL l.� • ,di tbd , a :3 as i � ao �LJ�I' Lul I \LJ JJJ y APR 111916 k KREAQ OF EAGIoE. .: l BuTU Uk CiYUIim LKs' 32� i k d ofPN i IS y ' CITY' OF ST.'PAUL COUNQILI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 99 Subject: COUNCIL FILE N 0. Date Presented July 10 1916 RESOLUTION fixing the amount of.land or extent of easement Resolved, to be taken in condemnation proceedings. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Suburban avenue, from Earl street to Hester street,under Pre- liminary Order #9887; approved April 8, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10616, approved May 23, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) -----That the City of St.Paul fixes and de- termines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for elopes, for cuts_ and fills in and upon the land abutting Suburban avenue between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter,dated July 10, 1916, 'which skebbh and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. � l J Yeas (.✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth - Adopted by the Council -lAl Goss In favor Hyland Keller Approved 19t McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR lORM C. a•2 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL f \ DEPANTM(NT OR PUBLIC WORKS. • M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ' ---=-- ROBE IIT T. 96URLET, D00ur;Ce..i.i . OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E111111.' - J. E. CARROLL Sun. Co. .T... L R-.. r ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. S—TAII.. m G. H. HERROLD. Or—, E.u..[R H. W. GOETZINGER. $101. W1. 01N -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL.,- In OUNCILrIn the matter of A3ondemning-and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopee for cute and fills in the grading of Suburb ank�,avenue,from Earl street to Hester street, under Preliminary Order #9887, approved. April 8, 1916, and Intermediary Order. #10616, approved May 33, 1916. . To the Council of the City'of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent. of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works .. r a �I Dated" �� —CITYAP ST., PAUL. - a DF,PARTMEN7 OF FINANCE - - r REPORT OF'COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ; ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER (A) R� In th atter of ..� ....'�. -..---------- - y _ -31 ...__ �.... __-..........._.._--------------- --,.. --- - --- ..............................--------------- -`----- ---------- ---- --------- ------ ------- ---------------------------------- - — --- - ---- --- ---------- . ---- ----- — -- Preliminary Order -- - -.__.. _ ..... _....... -- -- ---------- ... ---under . _.._.- .. -- --- ------ underapproved - --- .5_ --------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: To The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-- - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel, as 1ast,reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION O 3a,r TOTAL, �� O _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL .--.. - OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ ESC R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATZ� �N _ z� �¢ L fig' 7 G' �a 4Y s Icvc�� � v .�o �•► 6 Z s 14 3�Lz / 404 �- a i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid atter s and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. `/�_ Dated �.O_ __...._._191-41 _- - - - — - - --- _. Commissioner of Fina ce_ J1. Office Office of the. Commissioner of, Public Works , Report to Commissioner of Finance May 5th,... 1916._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuidasioner of Public Works, having had under eonsideration the preliminary Order of the Coun- F 9887 oil, known as Council File No. ............approved .. Apri,.l.,, IM! ,..... .....191.._...., relative tn_.._-..__...__...... aondemniag, and taking. an easegient._,in the__land_nages_s_ary for_......_..... elopes.., __f for ..,outs... and... f.. ills. ....in-. grading Suburban ..Av.enue.,._from Earl Street to Hester Street. _..__.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .__._.._necessary and (or) desirable. \ y . _._ ZXXXX __�. The- estimated cost thereof is $_ax � and the total cost thereof is - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ -- -- -- - 3. A plan, profif le�or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. 5. Said improvement is....._...__._ .' __...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. -- Co missioner o ublic Works. I COUNCILaFlVO..__rAWFI, 143 ** FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.._G.&-.diXJ.&...J-'l-U,QJ....,1.xY'.. t&...D..Q.m?Arl.._SXIid.?.@ .fr ...stre t•_and a.g3 >i�ib. _ora, _ ... .............. .......x..•..• x..... .........xx......xx...,,xr...x, .,xrr.x x.x.xr....x...xNxrxMxx...Wwrx.xxmr,xmrx rrrxxx.,x.rx.xN.xxx.rxx.r......rxxx...x..x..x..xxx.rrx........ ........ .r,.,. x.xxm..x.•.............•x......t..,.......u.....x„..,....,...x..........r....,....,.......x..xxxx.x.mrx.rrx.rrx..xxxumx.xx x,mr...... ...rxxr.......rrrW Nm n,.mr 1 n,.xx..x............ .............,. .... r_......,»x.......x»x....x, ....xxx....,x..,..x ...xr..• ...... ,,,r,..,xx„x„ ........x.....u.. x, xxxxr..x........ . ................... .r.. r..,rr.. rr.xx.rxrrxNN, under Preliminary order. ......... ........... ..9'�._6`� .......... approved ......... .�arC 3rd,.1513s...x......,,................ Intermediary Order ... ... _......... l..�i.»�/> ..... ................ approved ._.....f......,r?�.,1��L2x.._......_....: v improvement"due notice A public hearing having been had upon the abo e upon, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by thesaidCityis_ _ri de_Ju?iet street ,betsvee:. syn3ieate-- streg_ ar_.siBMMtur? —_—_......... _---..-..._—__-_.=-----._.__ ---......._.._......... _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed - directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the CouncilLW approval; that upon said approval; the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance $rewith- UL 10 1_ Adopted by the Council ........... _._.... .:.......... I .___ _—. 191 _ 6_ Clerk. Approved x„y, orad air.. _•^-.edlarY Order 106:...__.-. ............ __ O 33, 1916. May f. �+ public hearing havlag t Councilman Farnsworth upon the above Improvement up notice, and the Couacll having a _ all persona, obleotiona and r comm dations relative thereto, and hav fully considered the same; thereto Keller be le Resolved, By the Council o[ the city- of at. Paul that the precise nature, ez_ " McColl tent d kind of Improvement to be './ ;* made I he s°Id City Is grade Juliet .. / Y °[reef between Syndicate treat and ! Edgecumbe Rued, and the Council �. 2JJ A - herdeeby orders said Improvement to be Y9fl$. mResolved Further. That the Commie- Mayor Pewar� oner of Public Works be and he le i nereby instructed and dlrentea to pre - Form B. S. A. 8-7 Dare plana and specification fore la Improvem ant, and submit sameto the Council for approval; that a pon aald - - Dprov I the DeoDer city officer. are - hereby aUthgrl..d and directed tp Dro coed with the makinguf said I. rove men[ Inaccordance the"" N. Adopted by th, 1816 e Council July 0 Approved July lo, 3816- (JWy 16-391 3 � ty CITY OF ST. PAUL Al -; a^ DEPARTMENT OF'FINANdE i REPORT OF COMMIr?SIONER OF FINANCE PN ,PRELIM4�$RY ORDER - (A) 111.t Matter of =(- - -- -- _-; --------------------.._......------------------------------C�----------------------- - - ------------ - ----- v -----..._ ------------ ---------------- --- ----- -----..._..- - ---------- ---- --- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- — - -- -------- -------------- --- --.----- - --------------------- -- --------------- -_ ------------- under Preliminary Order approved ---`--1--:_ ...................____.._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 1 � The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 2i'1•:? -1 • 53 s1 _ The estimated cos4,Su4(3614or the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK , ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION p a LAI t ;2 aP 1 I-) 2 !�7 j _x s' TOTAL, L _ - CITY OP ST. PAUL DEP RTMENT OFrFINANCE REPRT OF COMMISSIONEpt "OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINIRY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION b !o -7/ i xs v 4�7 ias 1 TOTAL, CITY OF ST • PAUL � '- -- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. - a REPORT.OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELINAgy ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIffTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 6 3 3 /01) �� o l The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all -of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _..... ..i..1.._ _ _--__._I91b.. _ .r .. c.�r'i. _ v Commissioner of finance. St. Paul, Minn. February 28th,1916. To The Honorable Council of the City of St.Paul. %ve the undersigned and only residents, owners of property abutting on Juliet Street from Griggs Street to Syndicate Street, do hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to cause said Juliet Street to be graded between Syndicate lI Street and Edgecumbe Road. L4 1h Yt 1 l? 6r, L<i tit- �C�C�C����D MAR 6 1916 BUREAU OF EdGINEERS, Mu CITY -OF SAINT PAUL , -EPARTMENT OF PALIC WORKS e M. N. GO$$. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D.— CI .OSCAR CLAUSSEN. CEMIweeR J. E: CARROLL S- CO— Sc R—— ALFRED ALFRED JACKSON,•Su—.. SAM.TwT�OR _ t].+.+� Minn. may 6, 1916 G. H. HERROLD, OFV_ E- St .1`'LL H. W. GOETZINGE R. s— W-.. - 11r . ?.. is • Goss.'-, Commissioner o:C'uolic corks h Dear Sir, - I trarisrrzt herewith prelinirary estimate of cost for gradl..g Juliet st- from syndicate 3t. to Edgcumbe Road, in -accordance with Council 'File #9365, approved Mar. 3, 1916. Appr og3rrst e estimateu,491.53 Assessable frontage 1,788.4 ft�. Cost per front foot $1.40 loess ins-pection necessary $48.85 I a.1go tra.r_srrit herewith plans condemning and taldng an easement in the lazed necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading said Ju1ie-t St. in accordance erith Council File #9366, approved mar. 3, 1916 . Yo -ars very truly, Diet . J . E. C . /Tse. Chief Engineer 1 e ..". r 1.1..11.May .....8.th► ...................7 91..6... O To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pant• The Commissioner Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Corn- cil, known as Couuc' File No._...approved. _ March 3rd ... ._ ...1$16...., relative*to 1. the radin� of Juliet 8t., from Syndicate $t. to Edgeotwtbe .. ._ Road. ..._....._...._............................._................_..__..._............._................_. .. _........ cad having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _.__,._.........necessary and (or) desirable. $1.40'per front foot 2,491.53 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........... and the total cost thereof is $ _ -1111.. ..._..... _ 1111.., and Frontage 1,788.4 ft. Excess inspection $48.85 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._..._..................... ...._............ .._............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is Hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..._..._................................... u. Said improvement is_.._....._...__... ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ ................................ ....... __.. Com issioner of blit Works. f' I CITY' OFST. iSAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ' -GENERAL FO F2M � 11,, 11. Subject:--- — -- o"Ok)NCIL No. FILE 0 Date Presented July 10 RESOLUTION fixing the amount of lfnd or extent of easement" to be taken in condemnation proceedings. Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in tilt land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Juliet street, from Syndicate avenue to Edgecumbe Road, i-- under Preliminary Order $9366,,,afproved March 3,1916, and Intermediary Order #10614, approved May 23, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESQLrVED, (1) That'the City of St.Paul fixes and de- termines the amount of land to be taken for the above named i improvement is an easement for slopes, for,cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Juliet street,between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch at- tached to the report of fhe Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 1Q, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to'and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken is said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. " mincer, iS91 s [nrrh 3. 1916 ,- ami r Order No. 10614.. ap• Illy v n blay 23. 1916. of Publio e'ork. ;: Commissioner report and ketch ' maths aboveimatier9 be (1) That the City of Tit' Rhen ul fl ea and determines the amount bs taken for the above of land to named Improvement is an ea ement fills i n and for t Juliet Rh ea land abu III I, uponnd upon street: 'between the Pointe aforesaid, tent shown upon the sketch to the a tached to the r port of the Commis- In the dntedrJu1.p10111910NN,orkhich sketcha and report ere hereby referred to and , made a Part hereof. easement Is taken in Yeas (✓)Jeen (✓) Nays II 12) That nn , -raid land to the extent nethesary_ for etopoe, foT cute and fills In the RrndlnR of sold et reef tO the established grade. 'I 1 Q t� 10, 191G.10i1 •JUL 10 - ` 191 th J� in favor Adopted br the CO-01,Jp1,• Approved JuIY 10, 1910. (July 1b-1918) t ; 0 i M 191 APProv C Against ich MAYOR Mr. Prein FORM ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DZI— C -1-6W" OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cw.. E ..I J'. E. CARROLL Su— COMMM"OH 4 A21— AL/RED JACKSON. SO S--- G. H. HERROLD, 0... E—... H. W. GOETZINGER. SOrt. WOnaHOUM CITY OF SAINT, PAUL ca DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the 'land neces- sary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Juliet street,from Syndicate avenue to Edgeoumbe Road, under Preliminary Order #9366,approved March 3, 1916, and Intermediary. Order #10614, approved May 33, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes apart of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan,the fills to• be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on private property,and the extent of the easement to be taken by the"figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commi ssi oner,'d f Public Wol`�! n Dated B a - CI OF Sr. PAUL Be - DEPARPEN- `OF FINANCE \ REPQRT OF CgjAMISSIONFR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the tter of p - - ......._ _ _ -_--- -_- -- _______ -_ -------------------_---------------------____--_-_____ --___-_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _-._._. _ __..........._ ___. _.._ under Preliminary Order approved \ /!O To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' The total estimated amount of` the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ - --------------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 0 E SC --R I F T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 I �� 1 O o 6 „- 42p ins 14 / A TOTAL, CITY OP 5T. PAUL 'i - - . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE n„ i 1 a (B) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OP FINANCE A ON PRII'_IMINARY ORDER D E 5C R I P T IO.N LOT BLOCK AD D I T IO.N ASSESSED VALUATION . ;z 2 1 c 4 l �x '; 2- a 40, P9 G s 6 O �Ff � � d• / 3� o v _ Y Z1v 3 TOTAL, ` CITY OF ST. PAUL ' _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RfiPOR-t OF COMMISSIONER'OF FINANCE e` =� ON PRtJLIMWARY ORDER \ (C r' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSEQSED, VALUATION I `Eo /3 /o6yo The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. _. _.1_�7.-4._ . _._. __191.6 tG/•�L - G:L zJi- %� _._._ _ Commissioner of Finance. Office of the C9"ssioner of Public Works r oa Report to Commissioner of Finance _....._..__.791.6... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pauls The Commissioner of Public `Yorks, having had nuclei- consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council Filer No.. 366 _.........approved )Bare. _3-o. ........_.1916_..., relative to_..__... oc.>3a6mning..._and_..t_ k ng....an..._e,a ement...._ n....the_.._land.._nece.... ............. To; elopes,..._for_ cute..and Y.ille_.in. grad in. _Juliet_St between Syndioate St. and Edgeoumbe.Roa.d and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated coat thereof is $..._zx ...._...., and the total cost thereof is ...... xa=-___......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is.._..__....._ __. .__...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of properr y, subjeet 'to assessment for said improvement. n 1, Cocnmissioncr of nblic gj'ca. � I z COUNCIUFI A'O FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of tReen__Gri,gg,e stmt tand— _._....----...._s..y.n.d.i..c.�..tts�nge�_ d -................... -----__.._.................... __.................. ........... _ under Preliminary order.____ 8793.... _...... _......_._ _._...._ approved..__.J?Q11AT_y.-_13_thA11jq./_�/_ Intermediary Order approved ._.....C... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upe notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto„ and having fully considered the same•, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City bf St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and krmd of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ rs_ie Stanford street .between Griffis �— ... ..... ............... Q_�eat„and' Syndicate_aoenue.,._.................. -_..._...._.... ........... .......... .__........__._—--_........_ — __.... _ _._ _ _ _ _ 0 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 10 1915 Adopted by the Council_._. ... __.......... a City Approved _Mayor. er 879 3. appr.,, 1916, Iatermedlary (it Councilman Farns orth I proved May 23'1916. A publlc hearing having b upon the above improvement m. notice. and the Counuti havin. all persons. objections and rev;, KeIIe ! / ��batle nc relative thereto, and - duu�- considered the same, the McC ll be it solved, By the Councll of the Of St. Paul that the precise nature, tent and kind of Improvement to made by the said City is grade St' ” Mord strees between Griggs street _ Syndicate avenue. and the t to Mayor _ 1�2/'qtr. hereby orders said Improvement to � y ji mResolved Further, That the Commle- Form B. S. A. 8-7I slonrr of Public works be and Is here- by instructed d Ireeted to prepare ',. plana and spec cat for said lm- p—ement, and submit same to the Councll for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pro- _ Geed with the making of Bald Im. provement in accordance therewith Adopted bythe Council July 30, 1916. Approved July 10, 1916. - (July 16'-1916) �• eFTY OF ST. PAUL' - - DEPARTM%NT OF FINANCE a REPORT OF COMMiSS1(?NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IA)- "v (Y In the Matter of p under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--- _.------ 1-.15 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed- benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION d ronK e.a.w. a -a � TOTAL, - CITY' OF ST. PgUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - _ - REPORT OF COMMAS{ONER OF^FINANCE : ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ---�--< DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION -_ - ASSESSED 'VALUATI� 3 a3 lRy I l f- a 4-1 co n Imo i S ( Lai s� l R� S1- 421 421 y. 7 I LCA ,,, 42;1 s 1 �— 5- Lao -- I O P The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ' Dated ..7 /.,.0 ...,_.1916... ..L.Q/.iiL�Ld��4.. Commissioner of Fi�'nahhce. April. .28th,. 'ro the Cmumissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 8793._ approved _. Ja? ary 13,.._ .191 ..5, relative to cil, known as Council Pile Nn..... _. - __grading_ 9t,snford_Stre�t__between_ Gri.gge St,__.and Syndicate Street. ..._.._........................... ............_ ............ ...... _ _... ... _ ............ aml having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement -is ______necessary and (or) desirable. $1.15 per front foot 401.09 Tile c tinmted cost thereof is._.__. __ _.., and the total cost thereof is 1,-- and r Frontage 1,213.5 feet Excess inspection $27.47 the mmol, and �estent of said improvement is as follows: 3. _ A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ishereto attached and made ai part hereof. 4. 3. Said improvement is....______. _ __ _...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subieet to assessment for said improvement.' / Commissioner of �Ilblic Works. ry CITY OF SAINT,PAUL DEPARTMENT OF . PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 0-- C ... I ...... OSCAR CLAUSSE", CH -91 E -11i J. E. CARROLL Sort. Cow—.,,.. & ALFRED JACKSON, SUI. S---. • G H. HERROLD. 011- E-— A,,)ril H W. GOETZINGER SUIT, W....—E Vilr. --7 1013S C; 0, —.lisuioncr 0- Dcar Sir, - horo'-d61, at.- c- cost for ,=auing sta;Ifora St. betvieen Gri--1 's St, Eu.d _c, ;Lerc 'o �„ —,chca. ft . A ol:i c' L; Llt c .LE;L;ccrz-,blc fa--C-t�--e - - - -0'1� Q"t -: coo'� -;c Exc 0 3 s. L"- cctio,: neccsuary ;27.47 LA- C lief 26 f MEMO r 26i SAN 151916 BDREAU OF ENGINEERS, 30' i 31 32[ jj1 I: ! 99 M I - ti S,nir�n ESS it Laul, linn., n /�� ....1916 Y. To ti:q .onoralle City C ity of .. :1. 3entl6mun:- ';,e,tf.e unaersigne,,,owners of property abutting on Stanford. �'.6trcetlibetween ri.86 ana Nynaiaate etrccts,aO :.dr—Y petition your 1.onor,Tle .:oay to 6-USU as „trcl t to e moi. ie car. ... mints n,entigr.e i. - ea Lot lc Adiition 17 3 C3ZzA YY�r,q i�%l� ]3 26 f MEMO r 26i SAN 151916 BDREAU OF ENGINEERS, 30' i 31 32[ 4. i el 'CITY OF- ST. RA C.OUiVCIL RESOLUTION —GEfVERAL FORM Subject: - couRCa FILE Irl o . Date Presented July 10 1916 RESOLUTION fixing tjte amount of 1 -and or extent of easement to be taken in condemnation proceedings. Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Stanford avenue,from Griggs street to Syndicate avenue,under Pre- liminary Order #8789, approved J an.13, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10615, approved May 23, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St -Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for elopes, -for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Stanford avenue, between the pointe aforesaid,to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commiss- ioner of Public Works in the matter,dated July 10,1916,which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part ,hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in raid lald to the extent neceasary for slope,-,, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen (✓) Nays f Far worth ', i// In favor Hy nd Ke er M 011 Against W nderlich Mr, Preside t, Irvin FORM C.e-a - ]3. 1918e and inter- .;1er sn. 10616. approved fi. =vinnr of Pnhllr 14 hm�tterl hi, repot[ and sk.0-hketch mntinr. he h or 'It e 'In i) That the "Itthe SL d da en nes the amount .r to be token for- the above 'mprovement un an e for to u nus In ad .• in a,, anemic, poo Stanford between the poln[s aforesa ld. extent shown upon [he sketch •d to the. r,Dort<n Int the -on-I" of Puhllc lune ti teb�B. rmfcr�ed ketoh and nd are t hereen&. ent le takena In Thnt,an sem r }nd td the extent n for for tts and fills Inathe skr.dI.9 aId street to the established ,-opted by the Cuuncll July 10, 1916. 111,- 1.0 t, t 191 ,proved July 10. 1916' (July 16-1916) �10, t) 1916 .191. APPr v ,/ " , ROBERT T. GOURLET. 1erv1 Ca......... OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHS E-11 J. E. CARROLL Sv C..—..Tl.. i Rerr.in ALFRED JACKSON. Sv Sr 1ATo p: H. HERROLD, 0m.. Ewan H. W. GOETZINGER, 5— W-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEIARTMSNT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Stanford avenue, from Griggs street to Syndicate avenue, under Preliminary Order #8789, approved Jan.13,1916, and Intermediary Order #10615, approved May 23, 1916. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works aereby submits and makes a part of thie,his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing by the shaded portion of said plan,the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on private prmperty,and the extent of the eaoement to be taken,by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of suc� plan. Commissioner of Public Works i ii «1 Dated,' (A) CITYY OF -SS PAUL . DEP.� aMF;_' F FINANCE REPORT OF COIWMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - .......... ..... ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- ---------- ---- ------------ ...... ---- ----- .-------- _. underPreliminary Order approved.._...L�/L.'_....1_---- ................ .... ---......................... ------...------.. ....... _.....------------ -------- --- i To the Council of the City of St. ) auf: The -Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows The total estimated amount of the assessment for the 2500 above improvement is - -$---'--------------------------------- x� The estimated costperfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------------__.__.-.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION as .ag .3 i2L51 zo 401 �fi 1 � has AQJ 2 e, o roan e.e.�. a -s w TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL ` - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOI*T OF CON. MISSION EA OF -FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER e - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATI 7�. 3 !� 7 s' f ros 7 3' S lei 7 5� 7J ira 70 - vThe The Commissioner of Finance further reports thit he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ... -.. .....191.6 ..GL -.✓-CL 1-2=12"~-'' +.�... -... 7` Commissioner of Finance. MRM e. e.A, 5-5 e ` To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St.- Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary. order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No... . ........ approved ... January. 13 t.h. s. .....191 relative to.. oondemning and taking an easement in the land neoeBeary for slopes, . ............. ............ . .......... ............................. ........ ..... .......... ............. .. .............. ................. .. ........................ .... ..................... for outs an.d.. .....f.ills in RradinF, Stanford_St .....betwe.en . GriggsL $t4 AP4. Syndicate -St .. ........... .......... And having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .......... 7--=X ....... .... and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. ........................ - not 'three or more owners of property, subject 5. Said improvement asked for upon petition of to assessment for said improvement. .......... ... ......... Comniiiioner o Public Works. COUNCIL FIL1__� .,1 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of--._Ghangf ng ; .thB_:.G.Lad.a-....oS:_�the 91� 9 SunntPark __..--- ------- ___..._Ari:di..tl..Qn.;_._.tsl__.a.oz�.f_orm to the_ red the Profile hereto — __.._...._......_..-;Ede a art herof e ° - Ir ., th-.p�sent.....gra�e. beim represented _by the blue lire thereon, also the grading and Paving of said .._.._.... Alley_inBlock 15. Survait Park Addition, in accordar,ce with the - said red lire rhen established _ _.----------- '--- _ .._............ ...... _.............. under Preliminary order, ...-9-$4.--.,-_ ....... .................... approved MaToh 318 t, 1916. Intermediary Order -._-...... 14e,�,/__.... ........... ........ .. approved.--.-� .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvem. ear upon due notice,and the Council _ having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered r the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Chaff the Grade of the Alleyin Block 15. Summit Park Addition to conform to the red line or the profile hereto attached and made apart hereof, the present grade being __ _ rereser.te-the glue line thereon, also the grading and Paving in••accordanoe and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, °and submit same to -the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted,by the Council.-..._._._.- J� �Qi_ 191 ' Ctry C ApprovedJUL 1(l 1916 191_.--_ Mayor. thereto. nctle a rlaclve thereto. Form B. S. ,lty considered the ea ! be It ed, By the Council of the Cl" 1 that the precise nature, ad kind o[ 1mDrovemenI to be the said City le change .the the Alley In Block 15, Sum - ark Addition. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and .ado a part hereof, the present grade being presented by the blue line Ing with thereon concreteheof radia gAlleypa n Block 16, Summit Parka Addition, 1n Ern In Ow'Matter of CITY OF ST.* PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER %--------- -- — ----- -- -------------- --- - ----------- ------------ 12 1z I - - - - - ---- --- ------------ -- ------------------------- ----------- - -------- ---- ---- - -------- -- - ---- - ----- ------ -- - - - --- - ------- under Preliminary Order approved ------- ---- -- ----- ------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (A) In Ow'Matter of CITY OF ST.* PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER %--------- -- — ----- -- -------------- --- - ----------- ------------ 12 1z I - - - - - ---- --- ------------ -- ------------------------- ----------- - -------- ---- ---- - -------- -- - ---- - ----- ------ -- - - - --- - ------- under Preliminary Order approved ------- ---- -- ----- ------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A Ll Y,('� 7�'-kZ' 4� 14 1�4 r-> C;' TOTAL. rORM O.S.A. 5-3 A ' 4 CITY OF ST .,PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, 9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON FIf9"1MINAFV, ORDER ��11 --_ (C) _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED+ VALUATION l r s oz 3 s��. h, 1j, U J /s. V1 �'i h In/ 7� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .. .,� Z ,? __ _._ __191 /1 .:: 1........ .-. %l. .. Commissioner of Finance. IOH,n 9.9..a. 9 5 c CITY OF SAINT PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF P.13pc WORKS ., ``yy M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T.%OURLEY, DIPOTY CO' OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CIIEF E—E.. - J, E. CARROLL Suis. CnM.rnuOTOM hREruEE-... p - ALFRED JACKSON.� St. ePaul, � Minn. March 18, 7.916• G. H. HERROLD. OrrroE ExOi.EE. H. W. GOETZINGER. Su Wore " Mr. M. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir, - Regarding Council File -48908, approved Jan. 25, 1916, a preliminary order to pave alley in Block 15 Summit Park Addition, it appears that the property owners have made their improvements without regard to the grade established for the alley, and it will be necessary to change the gr$de to fit the improvements before the paving; car. be done. I therefore submit herewith a profile of the alley and an order covering the matter. Respectfully submitted, (S 17, Chief g By E.S.S./M. pt. of Construction & Repair Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance •lb thf Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The l'oannissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminnvy order• of the Cuutt- { _. _..191. 6., relative to 55F.9 .'arch �1,. __.. cit, kmovvu as Co cit File No.... _ _.. _ _approved _.. .. .ulin:? of a:ley irl Block 15, Surccrit ?ark P3� =on and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 0 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) &�pirable. xx::xYxx , '3. The estimated cost thereof is �-.._- . -_ .-_., and the total cost. thereof is �F and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaclLed and made a part hereof. plan, i 3. u + 3. Said improvement is ask�d for upmu petr[mu of tlu•ec or wore owners of property, subject i - to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner f Public Works. CITY OF SPLINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -1 M. N. GOBS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEV,-Da— Co—ee—n OSCAR CLAMEN, CH -IF EwaMA - "'^^' J. E. CARROLL Surf. C..--.. & R-1. ALFRED JACKSON, Surr. S.IIAT... G. H. HER ROLD, ol-E E..i.— H. W. GOETZINGER. $iff. W.—.— St. i3au7., "_inn. April 7, 1916. Air. '..1. U. Goss, -� Comissioner of 2ublic 71orks Dear 31r, - I transmit herev'ith prelimirar,; es+imate of cost for t,e and ra.ling paving/of alley in Block 15 Survnit Par): Addition in accordance ::ith Co ir.cil File #9589, approved Earch 21', 1916. Assessable frontago 1,203 £t. KI:'? 0'r PLVI!TG JAI' =Ii�'AT' ESTI!: �TFjCCST PE '01.-_ 00T 31" CrAosoted blocks $4,091.22 A3.40 Brick 3,837.19 .3.19 Asphalt 3,316,76-- 2.76 Asphalt concrete 2,821.07 2.35 Asphalt macadam 2P326.36 1.93 Macadam 2,045.61 1.70 Concrete 2,419.97 2.01 No expense on account of propos, d che.nr-e c" grade. Y O':rs ury trnd;,r, Chic',` Engineer Dict-. J.E.C.? . Shpt. of Constru.etior. &.Repair CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—'GENERAL FORM Subject: y L FILE rub No. Date Presented July 10 191 6 RESOLUTION Resolved, fixing the amount of land or extent of easement to be taken in condemnation proceedings. In the matter of condemni in an`,eaeement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in a grading of alley in Block 15, Summit Park Addition, from Avon street to Victoria street, under Preliminary Order #10055, approved April 19, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10617, approved May 23, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St.Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an ease- ment for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 15, Summit Park Addition,from Avon street to Victoria street, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 10, 1916,1which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said alley to the establishe3 grade. jll '9T61 'Yl 'Qe3 a ildx uoleslutwoJW W 7 I 'uun¢. 6luno� .Cas Yru 1� �{14nd Fav M(IuaS lol�mot. xsaanu 'a v w. PaSi itn thslope Resolved, ll) Ti; Ci_RL a of 9t: or 1. ads to he be eta ken i for Rhea above o named Improvement Is an easement for -slope is sad fills In sold upon the In ad abutting upon the al- ley In Block 16, Summl[ T`a rk Addition. from Avon street to V ict or. . treet, to the extent hown upon the sketch t- tached to the reportoP the Commie - loner of Public Works Ia the atter dated Julp 10, 1716, ,h lch sketch and maaetaare madeherebyrt h r«[erred to aad (E) That an easement Is taken In eal(1 land to the extent necessary for el apea, for cute and fills to the grading Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays / Oir[aee.la street to the eetabuenea (`/ Adopted by the Council July 10, 1916- FarnJuly 30, 1916. ,011nCll 1�I1` 1011y Farnworth Approved 191 Come In Favor July 16-1916) KellerMcColl ApproveL 1916 191 tMcColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR FORM C. 9-2 ROSE RT T. GOURLEY. Dvr COYYImONLx OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 Ex.ixeu J. E. CARRELL Suer. Coxm - 4 RArA�M ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. S—T—.. G. H. HERROLD, 0r 01 E.1-1. N. W. GOETZINSER. Surr. Wo.rx -- � 0, 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER I REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 15, Summit Park Addition, from Avon street to 8ictoria street,under Prelimi- nary Order #10055, approved April 19, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10617, approved May 33, 1916. t To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of thio, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of Said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the on, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of hatched port the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatded parts of such plan. J f Commissioner 6f Public/ Works j / s L Dated / �/ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Int Matter of Lr --------------- .... ... - - -- - -------- .......... ........... ................ .... ........ . .... . ...... - ----------- - ---------- ............ ------------------------------------------------ -- - -- - ----- - --- - ------------------ - - ----- - - -- - --------------------- -- -- - - - - -- - ------------- - ------------------------------- . ..... . - -------- - -- - -------- ----------------_------------------- — - -------------------- ---- ------ - - - ----- - --- ---- ---- --- - ------------- ---------- '2 , �< - - - - - - - ----- - ------ ------ --- -- ------ under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION 700 3 J, 49Y 'K e;' 0 ;Z/ OL9 Ala) 46 0 FORM 8-A. 8-b A TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidd matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated ... J`..JfO. ...191 _../,- l/L.�/. Ll�t�.�t� 1.�.__ _.. Commissioner of Finance.' -RM B.B.A. Bp C CITY OF T T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE `# `REPORT OF COMMI$SIONER OF FINANCE _-_-- -�- ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER - (C) ASSESSED .. 4 LOT BLOCM ADDITION DESCRIPTION - VALUATION - Y1, ,r au 1 !sem 14 S - ! y !s /J— �J /J— 1 �S 4Z z 3 44 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidd matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated ... J`..JfO. ...191 _../,- l/L.�/. Ll�t�.�t� 1.�.__ _.. Commissioner of Finance.' -RM B.B.A. Bp C To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uuder consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ...........10055.....approvednpril 19th., .... .... ....... 191._6..., relative to....._.............__... .............. condemning and taking an _easement in the land neoeseary..._for ..........................._.................. _......................._ .................... for cute and f 111 in grading the Alley in Block 15, Summit Park Addition, from Avon Street to Victoria Street. . ._.-_ . ___....._ __.__.... ....... . .. ...__ ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...................necessary and '(or) desirable. ZXRXE__._........, and 'l. The estimated coatshereof is 5i.__ Xxx_._.._.... and the total cost thereof is :�_.__..... the nature and extent of said improveinent is as follows: -- 1 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is. _....._Mt...... ........ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Coi �issioner of Public Works. \ d Petitioa 4 `; • r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and a u PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes t e making of the following public improvement by the City of St �. Paul, vii.:...._li3i `B$e_...611eylOCk..E3.._ ummit....4BT$.-AAditaOn=.. A"Grara 08 ,;. F.. .... .. _ . _...........: ..... Dated this. _. l0.. ...day 'of.. __..._July _. 19 ....fir / .. Councilman. a: PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. \VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. .._...._........ _ _..... .. ..Q.......... .......... .......__. X ba Itt °t theSCt{y�p D! .. •..._. ..... ....... i having been presented to thy. Council of the City of. 84 w , That th- a onmPtldato� +^ - ^ rSCte hetr'lietB' therefore, be it �trQrte RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Woat re 'thee—'41n •aof.` ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilityp��°d eh�B nat°r�e, ex. FProvement. g y . ''It" ! t eh 6t °oei theF o'"�.,-t - 1. To investigate the nature, extent and eatimaja�Of—'°��`ye�e 6IIrpr et'iient, and the total cost thereof. to S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said. }tq'ne4 rt"aHen tejaTlv�e 1�"r►ement Is eatHOe pr, no said improvement: __.. -4. 'fn I'nrnnh thr following other data a11 me °r mQ Rn. ° •°n ! ' W yDQ" 5 Pd state iNether or not said improvement is asked'for on the petition' of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fmrgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..1-91.09L_..... __ .-JUL.ut__}�: Yeas: � Nays : CouncilmatYN•arn worth Approved _...._..._i�Ut ell r Hyland Wunderlichor.... ilfayo Irvin /s—rG Council Pile NO._....__._..._ .._.:.._:... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. wid 11450 d PRELIMINARY ORDER. 8g 'file undersigned hereby prop pses the making of the following public 'ingn•oveule t by tile City of St. .�.. - Paul, viz.: O.Qniamming.._ d.__taklng....8n._aaaamen#/....in. ...the...laLd.. e0888ar7....iOr......._. _.e1P8ee, for., 0. .0 an fills., An grading_...the.slleY..in...8lnok..89 ..__..._,_... S .1 19 ..(s1 Dated this._. 1 �1 day of ___dn�y �^ / u PRELnaNARY ORDER. \\'IIEI?F. AS.:1 written proposal for the waking of the following improvrmcat, viz.:._.__ _ ... Qlondsmning. and. taking...an_..eesement..-.in.._the ...land ..naeeaearg -for ulopoa,_ for outs and_..ills.. in grading ._..the -.alley -in_glook 88 'C. F. No. 11168— ...... _ . ..._.. .Whereof, h written proposal for the - _... _-------- --"--" !making of the following Improv menfs - vis; Condemning an, taking an ease .ment ,In fila Iamd nece9.arY for eloPea Illiving been presented to the Clnlncil �Y fife t. for ..is and fill. In graaing the op.a, In Block 28 eumm(t Park Addlllon, having been presented to.the Council therefore, he it o,.the Citq of 9t Paul therefore, be ll owed, That the Collect 1, of dered and dit'eCtCd: • 'RESOLVED, That the Cmnmissioner'of P � r a�a Works be and he le hereby or- mvement. ]. To investigate the necessity for or dlorf ase ramutIllyt of tthehman sotysfor --IIIm rovement. , and the total cost thereof. tf,. To investigate the nature, extent and! a� To inveatlgate ,the nature .tent aM estimated coat of a4id Improve - 3. '1•o furnish a lxn, profile or sketch ofinent, and -the total cost thereof. p 1 .ketch offeald imarovei.n. proflte or rnvPnlrplt: --- -t. T,, flll'llhh pile following Other data + 4. To furnleh the following other data and information relative to Bald ... ImProvemeht _ ....... _._..__. ... _. 6. To -teff Whether or not said lm, '-- provement is asked or on the petition' et three or mote owners. of three or more owners. v To state whether or not said imp" 6. To repo?P:upon,all._gf the fora 'going mnce.atter ,ko"Itie'Commi.-loner of ace. G. To 1'eport. Upon all of the fop rRmng IFlAdopted by fhe.Councli July 11, 1916 Ap'pro ed Jul'°Y , 1818. Adopted by the Council..___ .. 1 (Ja y i6 I" . Yeas: Nays: }, T Councilman F r sworth �y{6 Approved __... JUL. Kel r ✓ bIc oil Hyland Wunderlich ...... ...... ___....._..__............... __................_._..... ... Mayor. i\Iayor IYVin i e $-quest of' '0. w. So"ider #5$9 S. besingtoa ave._, Council File No...... ..........._...... ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. fa 11451 J and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �. The undersigned hereby propose the making of the following public a provement by the City of St. I �s___.-.it1__..J. -4Ae n0 PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propostll for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..__...._.-_ Oonstruot g_g.ement...t 1_e..__e.1$.ev�al_.t.f�.....a._eidth...of__eia...fee.t...am_..the . . west. side ef..Lexington Ave. from -Charles -St. --to Sherburne Ave. ...... _.... ._. _. _. rooms �Whero' Sl plgrltipn proposal sot the TollowinB Imo IllHn ......_............ x.._...... ._....: having been presented to tilt, Comic vlikl Con-trumell feeteon ide.w et ° ae Lo s width at ° therefore, be it "" t LexinBldfl Ay8' from peenrDt'°8 nt d ereb •ordered and directed: RFSOLVF.P, That the 4t to Commisa e. roB mt rel paot ) Sherborne. Ave" of the City st 1. To investigate the necessity J,,p.1tbu. ine ofoceouoe a comml--lunar of said improvement. g l�,1 Tpe erd be 1- herebyovement, and the total cost thereof. •I To investi ate the nature, diieoted: nece-°Ityar:1. TO fllrlllsll H plan, protllP, Od°1 d e, anveetiog� tthehmakI mf said • or deal abtlltY -stent 4. '1'0 1•urnish Ib,- following othe htt�pr TaF'in�BtlBate the B,Id 1,nprovot id uupreliement - .. . and e-tlma[edCOOtotaltco-t there% lan, Profile ment. and t�rnt-h 6 R I To vement.. other .. .... .... . _ ..... h of °old 'In the toll .._ .. - .... v. To state whether or not sold a �, ana lns6r1 Ioto -ala �tltlon of three or more owners. Ott To furntehatlon relative improvement: whether or not-atdiLlonl 6. 'To report upon all of the fore s. To -Lata the D° of Finance. provemeno�°mutk'e ownall• of til- fmre- of three ort uD i... ' 8, To here to the Commis -toner ° Adopted by the Council_.... __.._..-J golnB ,na 11, ls1s. Finance. the Connell July Yells: ADDroveted d 1,ti116 1918) (Ju11` Councilman P'uruew rth � Approved JUL i l 1916 . , _ _._....._.191....__ Heller 14IcC sIId derliah ................... Mayor. Mayor Ir n �B, G. Br Request Request Of. Jop.darsont 2)025 -cyton A\ve# Council, File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Ak The undersigned hereby prep-, he making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: GonstrUat 4. t...tjl_e...sJAeWalk to. a V J01. six -feet I= Y Prop in 14 b4th -.81des 01 -Wil AVa.-:ErOM.IkLrR'nm"--,Lvs----- .-Zany ATe* .............. t .......... . .. .. .. . ..... .......... ...... ..... Dated this Y of 191 15,p.. . ..... ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORD f improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of Ih Ie fol /im, 0anstxnot..s, cement tile - Oldewalk t -G. &_Wiclth of six -fast on botb"._.- aiiias. 0i VildexLT0. From .1arshall Av Selby Ave. . ... ....... C. "�.N' W ree.' ' "A"�rltten proposal for the .......... me of th:, f.111-1119 I-Pra—Irt. making cement tile sidewalk to width of six feet on both sides of having been presented to the Council of the Wilder Ave. from Marshall Ave. to s,Iby Ave.. having been presInted to th , corn0l of the City of t. Paul be it Ih R.'.f0'1',!edb`Th.t the commissioner of RESOLVED, TRat the. Commissioner < Publi c'Works be and he is hereby or-lby ordered and directed: dered ad directed: To for 1. To investigate the necessity for Or rl-desirabilityInvestiogfate thethe making necessity of said] improvement. , Improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent an 2. To investigate the nature, extentrilt, and the total cost thereof. and estimated cost 0,so Improve - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc ment, and the total cost thereof, li. Tokat, pian.profile or ch, of aid provemen t. - To furniabsthe following other 4. To furnish the (olloprovement; .. . ........ "'ing other data l data. and Information relative to set Improvement. To state whether or not, said I t, pr ement fe asked for on thb Petition o or three or more owners p report upon all of the far.. ion of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said 1 1 6. To tters to in Flit nt me the Commissioner of 1s,n n 6. To report upon all of the forego" Adopted by the Council July 11, 1916. f Finance. Approved July 11 1926. Adopted by the Council .. ... ..... _jJu .1." .. Iii -1916) Yeas: Nays: Co man Farris orth JUL Approved .191 Kell r Mc oil &erlioh . .................. Mayor Ir Mayor. E4 G. Briggs Council Pile No... .. . . . .... .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PREIJAHNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes t is making of the following public improvement by the Cif of St. Patil, viz.: ...Raloanstrual.,...r. aY---and repair vdth o-ament -tile- to it th of )v proposes '"'g "s t po'n' p Dy Z ove, I "" th aeme'lt -tile- t o a r"2o t " r fe t1le Vnek ent a ement-t1le- sldemlk (Mthie...-WeZ ....elde-of.. be Ing -at 2.1assant kvas- thenao no to T&Ainmod Mao0*0 A y of Dated this- 11t day of.- .. . ... .... - luly . ... .. .... 191.. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following illiprovellient'- viz.: . ... .... th aament. tile to J&-W:Uth or Six seet re.W eall.-repair.. id VA .1 the present cement. tile._ aldewalk.on- the weat ai&e of 0sae*2.a-AV-4*- beginniqg At., neasan inov north. to.. Linwood 21"a,,....&ppr0X1=te1'7 325 feet. C r No 11453— having beell presented to the Council of the 'wbere- A written proposal I for 1h' Improvement, .. . ........ ........... ...... ..king of the tcli.-iAg therefore, he it viz. Reconstruct, relay andrep air with cement the to a width of six feat the present cement tile sidewalk on .,.,,,In- dered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of the -tt,,`dd.`aa`t` Ao�%'."th.nAve., tve rt. to c,n,, a . ass 1. To investigate the necessity for or Linwood Plac, OPresentee toPP the Irovenjent. feet, having peen Council of the City Of $L 2. Paul there - 1n investigate the nature, extent an 10Resolved, and he total cost thereof. That the Com"b"doner of :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o Public Work. be ad he is hereby or - dared and dlr11,t1.& t 3. To invest.necessity for be 4. To fin-iii.ii, lile ronowi,ig other data a or desirability of the making of Bald toV,niplit rove nt. nvestisate the nature. extent 2. 0 1 1 and sell ated cost of maid mprOVG- 'f .............. .. --- ............. . ...... and the tot cost thereof. or . .... ..... ............... L. To', furnish a plan, profile or 5. To state whether or not said iniprov .kat o said t proVem*nt. Of three or more owners. 4. . furnt' the following other at. and lnt.r ation relative to said 6. To report upon all of the fegnivig Ul ..Vrov8.- W orW. 5. To,. ,t:it. whether s or un the petitloa Adopted by the Council pr.v.mdnt 1. asked I cf three,or more ow,bers. a11of the far.- M. To report uP5, Crandiodonar of Yeas: going matter. to the 0 Finance. Adopted by th.'Cman-ll July 11- 1916- Councilman Farnsworth ADD r?ved july 11 1916 (3uly, R -191F) K ler d W=n erlich Mayor Ir n YL or. B. G. Briggs Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. .1-11154 and pRELBUNARY ORDER, ',file undersigned hereby propose`4 th Making of the -following ]')Ill)lie illlprovelllel by the c0flof 'S't. truot eideijl� t.a.-a W-id-th :E -ten latet., ............. real, viz.: ons A. A.- a.. t t1le .on t n9t pourth st . . ..... tokencel .the Wet_..131d.0. f W&Shi on A31*- Iram WOB. .. .... . .... ... ........ .... ........ ............ Dated this". 10.11 -day of .. July - PRELIMINARY ORDEW- Wlirl?'PAS, A written PrOPOsIll for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -&.WV&h. of len feeti on. the- Weet .6140 of Wsehington In* from,.Weet F..ourth St. thenoa, north 120 feetc*- C- F�N-- 11454— w.r...' A written proposal —I'lat of for the the t ItInerovernent, to � width a cement 1111 aid, f t feet on the a to I- from I. fJ-1--. f?,m West Poorth having beep presented to the (201111cil 0 t.- thence north 12 set. having been presented Paul the 0 ell Of the City of therefore, it e therefore, be it e0-ourria-I ... r of hreby ordered and directed li'Coalmissi() I and he In hereby RESOINFI), That thliCoalmissi() 1. It. is ; Inv ell improvement. .I III or Is the eee..Ity, -for SRI I . 1. To investigate the necessity f i Improvement. making Of said; 11 ell , and the total cost thereof. - - Inv 2. To investigate the nature, ex a- let, -it -t- the nature extent Pve 1 t t . te cont OfI;,p,.. i Ment, * 'n I To ru 61 thotal cost thereof :3. To furnish a r)lan, profile,or ka',�h of .,r'd",.' Plan, pr.�I. or 4 To f Improvement. I - � . 1. . 4. To flll.11i4 I Irnl,h the f011ou-Ins, other said improvement: 11 the following otil datf and information ..P - 'elutive to cher I a, ,�Ioent.Id Et -t- 11 helh.,. ror net aid I. ............ P'011lnlnt Is asked for .. the p.ation . .......... own 5. To state whether or not sai threeo report upon all Of the for.. petition f tree or more owners. Tin.'nen"'t'- to the rer. of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the f �',,d'%Ild b, - the C.en Pr v.d Ul,� 11. 1916, July IL iota. y16- 8161 - Adopted by the Council. j U Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Approved AM. Keller / t n `� McColl QWW Hylanci Wun&erlioh......... ..... - - ........... ............. ......................... ... ......... Mayor. Mayor *tnnm IrVIA CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of gradjxLg _aUey -In- R, _MQ_ CarrioMa- Sub_division of Blook_88 hygisn under Preliminary Order _ 4851 Final Order 10987 _ _ A°PROVM 191 _. 'RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Vlorks for the above 3lamed improvement be and the same are hereby approved In the hatter of grading alley In R.j McCarrlck's Subdivision of Block 68, Lyman Dayton's Addition under _ Preliminary Order 4961, Final Order' in 70941 approved June 12, 1916. T � Q9 "�tioneeolnd eetimateehat the aublmlttedpecia he . Commies oner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the I eaAmde Is d by hereby epCouncil July 11, 1918 Approved Juy 11• 1916. Re phi r (July i5-1916) Adopted by the Council — — — _ — _ _ �iL.�] 191 Yeas: (' ) ( 1 Nays Councilman Farris brth G098 - Kell JUL 11 1916 me C 11 Hyland kpprofea, _ _ _ _ 191 Wunclerlic Mr'.President Irvin I� _ • C VUIl1J11•L'�' q+r'�••w�' w CITY OF ST. PAUL P COUNCIL RESOLUTION " rpt;,& �I9flt �LlEL4 -in- Blonk. 3 In the matter of -STAUW-WIL — -Svens_Addit ion �,,nd Blook � .�o��@T�h92I _ APPROV'' under Preliminary Order _ 74 Final order _ Vd50 191 _• _e7Ane §,..2�-——-- — — — —— SOLS, That the plans, Speoifications and estimates ic 1Vorks for the above named submitted by the Commissioner Of Publ hereb approved improvement be and the same are y , C D'. No. 1146 ding E Iln the mater of Ern aet ne And ddl- Weet A111eYHlock lo3k FlolternhoR- tion an Meafl'e Addition under 'Yreliminary Order 4748. Fln 1936rder 10860, aP- proved June 6, 1 gesolved, That the D7nne, epeclflthe ttona and a ttmalee ubmltted b7 the Commleefoner of Yuvemen be snQ the re above named tmPro oved- 1918. t! same are harebly Council July - �dil APDroVed �JUIY 1b 11918) -.. _- 191 Adopted by the Council 4: Nays Yeas: ( 1 n ! ) Councilman Far sworth / K ler— — _ — 6 co11 JUL 11 1916 lg1 � gyland Approve proved nderlich r J PBr.President ix Irvin _ _ v—-19yor_ a �.n5-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION: In the matter of _grading_Aldine Sty _fum x_ox11L d.3.dB _ of Laurel Ave. to Summit Ave. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _ under Preliminary Order _ 5758 _, Final Order 10959 _ _ APPROVED MOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submittedl,by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved Ian F. No�11467— n the atter of grading Atdl Ine 9t. from north side of Laurel Ave. to Summit Ave. under Preliminary Or, der 6768, F1na1 Order 10969, ap- proved June 14, 1916. m,. Raeolved, That the plana. pealdca- nd estlmatea submitted by the Comm. eimprovement lnamedssioner of Public o bea nd .bove -Lhl came are hereby approved. Adppoved ted by the Council Appr7uly 11, 1916. F' (July y 16.1916) r,C Adopted by the Council_ _ _ _ _ _ Jl'. al _ _ 191 Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Council Foran ar worth model er vac oil � 11916191 6- Hyl Approved whit erlioh — — I �" Pdr.President rd-ayor: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In .the matter of oonstrnoting_e_q_9nr on 1EvB St., -from- - Fairfield Ave. to a point_E6 feet eoutherly_cf the-@ogthexly -line o 3! Fijlmore Ave. — under Preliminary Order _9538 _ _, Final Order 11134 _ _ APPROVED dune Elt 1916_ — — — — — — — — _ 191 _ RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 114680 In the matter f constructing a sewer to polntv21 feet reoutherom 11, olf the ee...ha erly line f l lmore Ave. under Pre- 1 ]lminary Orde 9638, Final'Order :,� 31}34, approved June 21,.1916. . C� 7 7 1'". !" �' Resolved, That the plana peclticn- t. r, i tlofle -ad estimat a eubmitied by the C mmleslon dr f Public Work. for the +, above named Improvement be and the i• — - same are horeby approval dopted by the Cou c••IL my 11, 1916. Approved July ill 1914. _.j...�... lay _._.. _.. (July a6-1s1,U) Adopted by the Council ,Jul- 1 191 . 1 ' Yeas. ( ) ( ) Nays * Councilman Ta-�n worth -fel er '�"ffic oll Hylandpproved 191_ Aunderli h !� _ P1Ir.President Irvin n R. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _eonetruotin-g �@�er -oil-.Tsaea-3w41— Yron► .State St._to Ptenton St. _ under Preliminary Order _ 889 - _, Pinal Order _yZ66_ _ _ _ APPROVED June 20L`1916. ___----191 _ 'RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby app11469— .theTee rtreatp fer rormc 9fae Stwto Fenton 9t..sundsr Preliminary Order 899. Fln.1 Order 7366, approved June 20, 1916. It k". d. That the plane, specidoa- 8� 1 pg h?Y'4i tions and estimates submitted by the rA C j.p ed _Commts4loner of Publlc Works for the above named Improvement be and the a'e hereby approved. ;. saAdopted by the Council July 11. 1916. . r C -; p . ,.(. Apprb—d JJu1y1l.3611911 - Adopted by the Council_ _ _ , _ _ 1llL ]1 �4�c'191 Yeas: ( 1 ( } Nays 1 f ort jarsw4 nd Approerlioh ent j11 Pfr.Presidin t1119161sitl _ y --4184-- W. C. Marlow, Sr. $400.00 Health -Public Bathe Music its g a CITY OF ST. PAUL' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTt AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU NO.__._ ilot ! BY Z I i��. - o. ou AUDITED _ _ _ 191 119 PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter flied funds and T , in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specs ed the following f detailed statement: Yeas (s* ) Councilmen ( il) Nays Adopted by the Council_JLi_ Farnsworth G�/ Approved � 19(6____,191 Mand /N-1 In favor �z ,-Keller MAYOR --McColl V Against y Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin ' C. F. No, 11460— Resolved that ante be dr¢wn YY upon the City Tr asury, payable out ' # of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firms or cor- - i pera tions for the amount.set opposite their respective n specified in the foowotts dem lsa as W.- C Marlow, Sr.. "Health—Public Baths—Uusic, 5400.00. Adopted by the Council July 11, 1836. Approved July 11, 1016. - (July 16-1916) ' ty --4184-- W. C. Marlow, Sr. $400.00 Health -Public Bathe Music its g a N.'CITY, OF ST.: PAUL _ COUNCIL-RESOLIUTION—GENERAL FORM1' nE`.4 iubject: coFILE No unca n � L Date Presented July 11, 191 6 Resolved, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a City Warrant in favor of Jesse Foot, Comptroller, for the = 1 sum of thirty-five dollars and payable out of the. Contingent Item of the General rund for the purpose of defraying the expenses of one representative from the Comptroller's Depatn�ment and one from the Commissioner of Public Works Qepartmezit �n visiting Duluth, Minnes(ta to study certain methods.,1ia:vogue in the Comptroller's and Commissioner of Public Works Departments`of that City. Such representatives are hereby directed to file with th -comptroller an itemized statement of their expenses and to refund the surplus if any, remaining in their hands from the amount hereby appropriated. C. F. No. 11491 --EY 9., A. Fnr CltY rOfft- ,. are ed. a That the r ad direct= Citc re are hereby Warrant In favor o ed to draw 'comptroller troller. for the an Jesse Foot. Codolllar. end paYa of thirty- ve It, of tefrnYl ng of the e - the Contingent nayl- ernl sand for lho� Pureoe repress the xpenea. qq from the COmpneQlle test or and ne from t In vlelti Public .Warks DnVar to a atud3 ee talo Duluth. Minnesota. Public Works methods fn voKno In the Comptrollers td Comml.eloner of Departments of thhere �YY direei.a v9 rose ntative.e eComptroller an. itemlLKd ftIs, the e,tsee and to ie- tntement of thelrit ahy, remaining 1^ fund the UrPIna. the Dmount herpbY tahelr hepta from or �d I!y the CoNncll Jul} Il, 19tt• Approved Joly 11, 1919. (JuIY 16.1918) Yeas (J) Counci en (✓) Nays q 1 S l� Jul �1 915 Yarns orth� Adopted by the Council 191 .Qeo In favor rlyla 1 1916 191 ,.lCelle Approved IIGIc II G Against I erlich Mr. Pre4 en Irvin I - MAYOR FORM C. a -e 1 , CITY OF ST. PAUL —COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjec;L ,. Advance_ Paym6Ut,-RefuAd: V f FILENCIL NO ... ..... .. ... ...... ...................... ... _—....... -...... —............. .... -....- .............. .. .—........ _ ..._.. - Date Presented -.-July ll.th' __.._I9L_g...... IL r 1RcvxW1xk whereas, Caroline Schelen, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Fifty & 00/100 ($50.00) Dollars, as an Ad- vance Payment for a sewer on Magnolia street, on Lot 8, Block 1, Douglas Addition, and whereas, the assessment for a sewer con- necting with said property is -in the sum of Thirty two & 69/100 ($33.69) Dollars, therefore be it If, Resolved, That the sum of Seventeen & 31/100 (117.31) Dollars be refunded to the said Caroline Schelen, and that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Caroline Schelen, for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. C. G". 11462—By 3..1. Farnaworlh— tofore paid Corolla. e Cl off 8t. Paul otha sum of Fifty -4 00/100 (St. P) Dthe I ]are, as an Advanall.ce Payment for - Block 1. Douglas Addlttoo, and where ' ae. the assessment for a sewer aha- . necunp with said property is In the 1 sum of Thirty two. & 69/100 (582.69) ! Dollars therefore be It teen -,Cl 811pph ($17.81) Dollars bevre- funded -'to the said Caroline Schelen. and that)1 the prober City OKlcers be and the...re hereby authorized to draw a warrant In favor of the said of of ethech eAdvi 6e Asseeemetpit payable count. Adopted by theCounell July 11, 1919. Approved. July 11, 191¢. Yeas (l/Eunderl en (V) Nays th u land In favor " V%� id0/ Against Mr. Presidqnt, Irvin roar ce-z Adopted by the Council jUl_ 11. Jg1S__ 19l ApprovadL 119 16 191 n MAYOR �to._��_�_ti_-- _- �re�surer's (t�ffitr• MY' Cit Saint Paul, Minn.,_____________191 Iny-----------------o•�`a - ''--�-�--.�----------------F-- OL S, as -a deposit, under Ordmartc No. O1,S . 8, m-,iWidn to thrGehetalSupervisionMV04fSe s,toapply in payment for ssment to be mpde bythe BOARD OF PUBLICWSe r on tree ------------------ --------- - --- - - - - -- er - p on the folio win described real a a e, viz.: E� On Lot------ — -------Block-----T------ --------- ------------------ ---- - -- - - - ddition. a --- --- -------1-- -------- ; --- -- ----------- - --------------------- - -- -------- aC 3 6 5 CITY TRLJI6 VRER. .: 7 g / m p L3 "-".. C U -t ROSOLUTION—GENER_ AL FARM _ COUNCIL NO I1FIL Date Presented �t Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Yorke is hereby authorized and direoted to repair and replace the ring used for tying boats on the levee, at a Cost not to exceed Ten Dollars, 'such cost to be paid out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Expense Account of the General Fluid. I` C. F..No;_ 11163—By 0. 1 . Keller— I2eFolVed, That the Conur"I .loner of Pdblle {Vorha Is hereby authorized -sad dire¢ted, to repair and replace the ring used 'for tying boate on the levee, at "'a oat np[ to sed Ten Dollar., such oat to be paldcout or the Mlecellano- _ ous and Unforseen Expense Aecount of < theGeneral Fund. Adopted by the Cou nrll July Il, 1818. Approved July 11. 1916. (July 16-1916) 1 Yeas (✓) Coun Imen (✓) Nays vForn I In Favor Hyla d Kell. MCC II Against Wun erlich Mr. President, ruin FORM C. a-2 191 .. Adopted by the Council Jul 11 191c 191 Approved /r J L 11 1916 191 V &"'IAIO. � - r COUNCIL, E -NO..._.. By_.—•_._.__-4.-._.._.c.-.-�,•t'- mL.^�"'r.:'^�...�+.'_..c5.r.¢r s` ae'�i'�6..'' "� � �i:'$ FINAL ORDER. I In the Matter of_...Coretruc_tiR9__a.-cement tile sidewalk._.to._a _width of six feet on._._ the _..._ east_...si3_z._.__oP._Wilder avenue from Ashland avenue to Summit avenge, andon the west side of Wilder avenue from Laurel avenue to Summit avenue, ...... _..........—...- - - ..._............... - ---- --- ....... ----- ----............. d 10 1Q0 _ g Aril 24th 1916 under Preliminaryorder.....__...._...._i.._.___._.__........-...._ ._. PProved.___..P..._._.__.._._.....a.___..._......•__.._-�_-_._._. IntermediaryOrder ___._..................... __._..._............__..._.__.....approved........_............__-_........__.._-_____� _.._.. A public hearing -having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council haling heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is S-Cngtruot Cement tale sidewalk to 8 width..of__six-fdatonthe _ east_ gide ,.Q 16ialrs_ avenue from Ashland avenue to summ.i±_azanue*... and _.Lin the-west-stilej Rilral....aYPUJL . t0 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. a Adopted by the Council _....... __.-_..s�U.4r �1 �-�..+—, 191_ I 1 1916 l—� 0 L Approved _-M 19 C. F No. 11484—ny 9 'Earnaworth— • .A. Intl eee sidewalk Ito a Width oot .... elx feet — on the east side of Wilder avenue- from Ashland avenue to Summit I�tldei Bide Councilmantnsworth avenue from f.Riuo r- of to -Summit av Preilmine „ under dry Order lo,ldl1 approved April 29th, 1918. •r A public hearing having been had �ejove Improvementupondub flea dtheCuncilhaving heard' blectlone and r Omman- ations lative thereto. and having [u17Y considered cAe eflme: therefore. ba IC L% of Sa nit PauvedY[hat thencll f the CIZ u extent nd kind f Improvement by Mayor lose made be the ala CItY o c et race a eement the sidewalk to un. y of Ix rent on the ... t ads o[ R"i lder A-hlen Form B. S. A ✓?`7 prom a to Summitvenue aad the sweat to, I - .avenue I Wilder nue [arum Laurel en ua to Suommlt all I d the Cooped hereby de i -ala improvement to be de. - lonerot f Pu pl ca Work-LDea'Cdommfa- ;, P- Dylt iron tads d direct d t hpre� D d ....//// Iptpt D id tion f id m Coon t' sad ubmlt. amu, to pp ,the, PPTb¢a -pro heereay thor zdlp nd d1 eetedEt- e^ with thea mak n,r orgeld t rove lL lela. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter qj....c et ... . .... ...... .... .. . ........... . . ..... ... ...... ......e`. .. .. .. ........ ...... ....... . ..... ......................... ....... . . ...... ...... ..... .. - .... ....... .......... ................ ...... . . . ....... ........ .. ............. . .... - ... .. ...... . .. ... ...... ..... ........... . ...... ........ ....... .... I . ....... .... . . ................ . . .. .. . ..... ............ ........ .. ..... ... ... .......... ...... -- ............ . ...... .......... ...... ...... ..... . . .......... . . . ... .... .. .... . ....... . I ............. ... ..... .... ......... .... under Preliminary Order approved.. .. ...... .... ........... I .. . ...... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of'the assessment for the above improvement is s .0.58 per lineal ... . ...... ...... foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ . -. ...... --- The lots of parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION IL 7` 1 tit e-, I C. 4.3 -Vq 13 C' 3 sy -C' Ll 0 C' TOTAL. F- v The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid Matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... ... .......... 191 .. .. ...... . . .......... . Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Ha let 191.._6 qt .................__.._.... .. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. _..._10100..approved..__ A.F.r...il..a4ths.................191...g., relative to.:...__..__..._._.... conetruot_ing..._a.._cement- tile. sidewalk to a width of six feet o.n the east side of Wilder _Ave. f rom Ashland Ave to Summit Ave., and .... on the west side of Wilder Ave. from Laurel. Ave. to Summit Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__.. _..__-necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............ ..._.._.......___, and the total cost thereof is $_. _7G?;x7[ __..._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4..... _. _........ _ .._.......... 5. Said improvement is.......n�t_........_...asked for upon petitiou of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commi aer of Pu lie Works. ae4U68t at a4M 1.4 . 0 O. P Council File No .... ...; PROPOSALIFORIMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making`of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:._Comtruat. & oemfaat. 1.18-91doea33e. Ao..0-wi 'i1h Of eft feet an A�ax...AVe:.. trete -Ae3 ANA*ft-* $0 .tl1med-t AT&a .eat pp ...Ch6 W�1 Side 0;�-W11d83" YOB PC6� i.8t1SOi: 'ft to-- S=mdt A40� _.._ ..._ ....... ............. ... _................_ ._ .... ....._..__....___........_._.............................. ....... ...... _...... ....... .... ............ ........... _.... ..... ... ........ Dated this.... QQ. ......... day of...... ........ .Alyil.._...... ...... ........ ....................._ 191...$a ............................................................................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:....... _................. ......... _d0WtX1=t..Z --1MQ =t.._'tUB...$1$4bw"k -te $-*14th3 4DC Six -.:E"t on the ANW6 gift ..DP..__(ilder... Aye �...SftM..A"Iimd..A'111U..L0and ...am...the tont aids. of...Wilder...Ave•-..fr0M.1S=0l.-Ave, to...SVXXdt- AVe. -_............._ _..._......... _...................... ....... .__...._.............. ........... ...._..._- .. ._...._..._..... . ...... ___.................__.... ... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........... .......... _.... .......... ..... ............... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. ToinvesILgate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To ire the nature, extent and est mated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement, __. _. _.___............... ....... ........ ....... _........._........_.........._........ ............_.................... .................. ......... _........ ....... ....... ....... ............ .......... ... ._...........-......-............... S. To state whether or not said improvement is asked -for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i Adopted by the Council....:............._ :.:.:.. _.. 191 .._._. _ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnswoi%?- Goss Approved.. ........ ..... .........._ _........ 191.-...... Keller McColl Neah Yoerg Mayor Powers Mayor. DEN . E.LPRNE -REAL ESTATE'---_`:` MERCHANTS BANK BLDG SAINT PALL it 19th, M6. , A Goss - Mr. W. N. Goss, �,n1�SSI0 EN 0, PUBLIC"�W" Commissioner of Public Work , Saint Paul. Dear dr. Goss: It will be greatly appreciated by the 9 undersigned as well as other property owners on Portland Avenue, if you will be good enough to put -in an order for curbing and crossings on both sides of Portland Avenue from Vairview to Cleveland; also sidewalk both sides of Wilder from Summit to Laurel. The latter improvement is requested by St. 'ark's church so that the people south of Grand Avenue can get to their church without having to walk through the mad on Wilder. It will be appreciated by everybody in that section if you will be good enough to install such an a order. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, Dictated D.E..Lane. ONE#b�D BUR EAU OF E110 ryRERS COUNCIL FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of___CAl]B.t1Ll.w Ki.tg..a GPJtt.BIIt...t.�.1..._�ld�Klk,,,.tq.__a.-width oP six — feet on thewest aide of Pascal avenue between Edmund street and ............. --- ....... .._..._....._.._..---......-- --- under Preliminary order ........ _10 241— ___—.approved_.Apr11 29th, 1916. Intermediary Order_.—_........__..._ __._..—___.—__....approved._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Conetr.t�',tt g9,ement._,tile_sidewalk _,to a width _Qa_.�v_erug.._betWeen Edmund etreat..and .Univereity_a_v_enue�_—___^—__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....____ —_tM—, 191 . 1 Ci lark. Approved ___.__JUL 11 1916 _ _ 191 C. F. No. 11196—Hy S. A, Farnewor� j /� ' In the Dtatter of cbnstructing a cement "`- \ - file alldewalk to a width of six feet on the west side of Pascat avenue -'--"""""..... "— between Edmund street and univer- �`- Mayor +5- Ity venue. under Preliminary Or- der 10,291 approved April 29th, 191$. Councilman Farnsworth A public hearing having been had n upon the ove ouncil havingo n due uce, andthe iCheard persons, oblectlone and recommen- ,, dationa relative thereto, and having Keller fu ly considered the same; therefore, b.it McColl Resolved, By the Counclrof the city_ f at. Paul tent the oracle. patwe,jez- tent and kind of Improvement t0 -be - made by the said City-fe condtrrdc ',a I[ge� cement bile sidewalk to -e: v(/4t o1•;Iipe feet on the eat aide of-PaaoatrAyenli.: Ma Or-Roymn between Edm nd street aApd flliinivar y slty avenue, nd the' Copgetl hereby} orders said Improvemept to -be-maQe.^ Form B. S. A. r,-7 - Resolved Further, That the Commis pare�D38na Saar epecldCstiotra�for asfd ! t conncii f- and eubmftt- n to the Y fprov.1 'the tepro ar cit p6-oo ted ba matfltr of+s d Smp�''roPve I - /! e t i ecorda therewith. ._ \d nt ,, b h If 1 - - bIT( OF ST. PAUL _ h. ',DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORTI OF COMMISSIONER OF- FINANCE pN%tjf;tEu MINARY ORDER (A) .............................................._.............................-..._...__._..._ .... ------- ----- --------------------------------------- - ------------ ._.... ...................... ... ...... ....... .... -- -__ _..._ _.__._ _.. - -- - --- -- ---- - -— ---------- --------------- -- --- -- ----------------- - - - ----------------- ---------------- - - --------- - - ------ under Preliminary Order approved ------ /--_..._..__--_ �---. ------ -- --.-..-_-. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 0-' 58 per lineal • ..--- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $- - ._..._------------ f 00t. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: '-' • DESCRIPTIOLOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION } TOTAL, ;�' L O - _ - - CITY OF. ST. PAUL h DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FINANGE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. 1 I > , . � ON,PIPELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ` s.7 j lIsy r 9 I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, �I and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said/matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. V Dated `S/�G ___.U(... .... __. -. ../ ___-._. 191 .. _ Commissioner of Finance. ronM e.e.w: a -e c - Z - C, F. /Vo. /024/ e 4 e Z - C, F. /Vo. /024/ i G r h r� � W J � r i V / V } U _ � 1�i r 16 A Office. of the Cmmiskoner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May... 6th..t....._,._.... _ ....._...191 g� To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:. The, Commissioner of Public Works, having had under considerntioQ the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, kuown as Council File NJPR0 k1 __. _.approved ... ApTil..39th,_ ....191..._8, relative to . _.........._._... constructing a cement tile sidewalk to._a_._width___.f.,.,._e_ix,.._f_eet..,ori._the............... .... west side of Paeoal_._Ape between.__EdWu.Ad..._S.t..._..anQ-..IJnl.lrexaAty._.Ave.....__.._ _.. nud having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._.._........._..necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is M14 the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and trade a part hereof. ...._............._ 5. Said improvement is_........not ..._..--asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....�_ Commiss+ +e of Public Works. a *f S f� FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.__ aLs� l�a.Zi:g_..a. �er>ien.t.....t.i_�.e...p 3el��J.15__.t.o_a..-A dill Qf _s1x feet on the east side of Lexington avenue between Cross- street and_ 1 .... _... ......... .._._......_...---........ .............. _ .......___. under Preliminary order._...__approved....... AAr_il 38th, Intermediary Order --- -_._......._.---------- .--------- .---- .--- --------- ------ approved_._..___....._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the snid City is --- 29T a *1:-U =t —a 994 en t„_ti 18_ si iewalk to a wed '1.Q��ix ast.Qn s_eaat a_nf_L� jng .i Venus between.Croee .._e.tr-eet_arci�c%en#3r_— _.__......__�__._.._._......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for ! approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........ _. __ ,J1ii �.� �_ -_—. 191 �ityk. - Approved _..__ __YUL._i 1 1916 — — 191 __..._. Councilman F nsworth r McColl „ Y� Mayor P.wiomts 1 Form B. S. A. 8-7 .. _.C. F. No. 11106—BY S. 'A. Farnsworth— { In the Matter of constructing a cement�Mof six feeta Or. onefhe eastlk to a eide of Lexington avenue y between Cross under BPrellminar t and yo Order street, approved April 28th, 1910. 10.240, bad A o De labove ImDrovhearing emont nD n due upon otice, and the Council having hear 311 per.une, oDlectione and recmametl- dationa relative thereto, and having Tully considered the same; therefore, be ip Re. Paul, that the Council of the City ,ft Paul that the preclae nature, ex- tent tent and kind [ improvement to be rade by the sid City le c natruct a ,em dnt til. sidewalk to a witl[h Of siz feet on the east aide o[ Lexington e ue the Cross street end Mc- Kenty street, and the Council hereDY orders said Improvement to be made• Resolved Further. Thabe t the. d he Issioner of hereby Ines u lI d andkdiected to pre pare. pl�lp and speciacatlons for said Imyroveaisnt, and submit enure to the Council for aDDroval; that uyoa asld ,approval, the pt.Der .1tY OfflcOr. are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the, making of said improve,. ment in acAord*n�e. 11 7div 11, 1910. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ....__ _yam i. /✓L�iL?i. % ... _. liL �...... ax r L...:%C. .._— J _ . 77 ........... _.... _ _.. .............. _ ..._ ........ .. ..... _......... ..__ ............... .. ...... ......._....... __ ........... ..... ... . ..... _..... undo Preliminary Order approved ............. .�. ...... _ _.._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repots as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_.c'.5a__k r lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ --- - -- - -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D E$C RI PTI ON -� LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.....o................ /j Commissioner of Finance. G•�oss i J^`' s �3 .�z v ' V x. Fl )p.■ 1 ��the Honorabl-e__Siiy..�nunoilr------------�-----------------------------------; .City of St. Paul. r __--We, _the undersigned _awnera-cf_ -poperty--an- 441&-aaa-t--a#de--; 4 of.-Laxing-t.on_.Ave-_-betwean__Aroaa--3t_-.and--UcKenty.St..- hereby__.peti-tiou-1 s your_hcndrab] a body to caus-etbelaid a 6 foot cement si.dewalk_____..�_ - U,betwQsn-the_Point$ mentioned: N _._--.—__--- _�...amen Lot ,blk Addition. . 12 Ils I�3 I I. 18 1 20 _. . I i ` � I '2' 2324 r fI 28 29' I f 31 I -�- -- - i Mt3Y.__.3i1,... _.................. . 9 To the Conn 's oner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The mnmissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. __10440......._..approved._._ __....ApTil..,_a8th.._...„_.,.,..1916...., relative to ........................... constoting.._a.._cement.._t_ile..._eidewalk.,_t_o.._.a._width_. ............... .betaasn.._Qxo.ae.....3t........and ...Mc%ant.y.....flt,_.__.................. . .........__...-_.._... .......-............... .........._....._.............. .......__... slid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportea 1. Said improvement is.........._......_....necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot . 'l, _The estimated coat thereof is $--- ... - - --, and the total cost thereof is $.._ ._._..._... . and � the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _ _. _. . 5. Said improvement is .... .......___.......... .......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................ . Commissioner of P blic Works. COUNCIL FI!L�OONO._� B 171 In the Matter of. Re�4na...t C.G.i g.-..S.S..a.S�.m�...3z1d_rega.iring._ml-tb-c.emezLS.-1J-1-e --•-to...._a_._width_...�..t_._ei7l.._�_.oat, he_.> ree�t cPtrenc talo sir3Pwalk nn.. the i_ East side �_f...V.iotoria street from t!1 wo�t11._wid of A11e in_Elnnk .. 5, Butterfield Syndics e :lo. 1, to Aurora avenue, ........ _... _..._...____.,.- _... _- ........... ........... —�— under Preliminary order....._10, 099._..__.- _ approved Intermediary Order -----_....._------ __.._._...___.. .... approved ....... ------=---._.-. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same-, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the snidCity is_:ReCOD131reCt�,.,�ela}t••_$ tile to a width of _six•_fee _.t.#k ] xeee t_cQr l L. G ly 9idom,k s2A— a+rPr+_.f.spyy._•thg_.8pu.'t]l-a•i.d,e-•6�.-A•1.1•e•Y-i-n-- _. S.gndicate._.SI.o__ 1, _to -Aurora avenue, _._. _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Jul 11 15'. Adopted by the191 A roved ---, 191-.__._. PP _ .._......._-. -n3T Councilman arnsworth [/Gel- "cColl Mayor Pawera Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. �fov`ea•wprtt-zsih, tale. ,,baring, having been Lad ,o above Improvement upon due n"'onc'e, and the Council hsvinB heard. all persons. obtectlons and recommen- dations relative the re¢etooiean[herefore fully cone be It Resolved, By the Council of the City o[ St. Paul that the precise nature, ex- tent and kind of Improvement to bf made an the saldCltY is recone[ruct, relay d repair with cement the to a width of six feet, the present cement the sidewalk -on the east side us"I" street from the south side of Alley In Block 5. Buttto Aurora erfield Syndicate No cil hereby orders said elmprovement to be T!dt^QA w they. That the Commle- stoner of Public worse un o •- hereby Instructed and directed to pre- pare plane and peciflcatlons for Bald Improvement,,-¢nd submlt same to the _ __ het unon setd s accorpance .av •• ted by the. Council July 11: 1918. oved July, 11, 1918. l7viv;16-1916) _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER the Matter of ... -c w n _ . ................... .... ...... ............._........._ .._..... ............. _..... ...... .......... _ ..... ...... .... - ... -' ............ . ......................._......... under Preliminary Order approved... /?� -� ` 7 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: �C.,.56.. F.er lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foG t for ne7w The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7do TOTAL. 7,01 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and' hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / X�/� �C -- �........_.191....L/ .G !.._. /1�/G. daLaZ(---............_ Dated..... ._.._ " , Commissions of Finance. FORM a A. 0-5 O Fi'L'RORF� frvE SYNC/CHT"r" F �LE/q 5� °.........._._._...._May _lst,.._.......................... 191..._6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had ruder consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 10099 _d__.......April 34th... ...... ..... 191.6..., relative ta_..._........_._._...... cil, known as Council File No . ..... ................_ .approve readnetruoting, relaying and _repairing .. with o_ement._a le_.to_a.._width.. of ..:....... ........._............. .. . M. six feet, the present cement the.., sidewalk..__on..__tha__,_east...._Bid e....o .................. Victoria St. from the south side of Alley in B1k,. 5, Butterfield .........................._................................I............................................................... .................... _... Syndioate No. to Aurora Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...._....._ ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per liYeal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----- ... - - -, and the total cost thereof is ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.._.......... .................. .. _............. _. .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................_.............. ..... 3. Said improvement ie......._nt....._........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C misaio er of Public Works. C 0 P y D. Ow PS Council File No . .... ..... PROPOSM. FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Sr. Paul, viz.: H000mtrid"ji Imlay -and- -repoft-WI-th eement-.-Vi-le. to -a *ath ..of ........._.GIN 1004v.. 640--i3roomt semmt. .......... . . vietwu. at* from the 4wouth. S1410.- of. &I -ley In 1114wk S. Buttmuela. ...... . .... Gjnauate- ft, I -to- A=OM ATev ........... ..... ....... .......... .... ...... I ................ ........... ............ ...... Dated this ..... PM " day of _41ma ...... ....... .............. _......:...........191.6.._ ..... . ...... I ............ ....... .......... ....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... . ........ .. ropel.r 4K+A-- asUMU. #11V t*.411 Tddth Of. 81X�TSGt the -present vement811e oldewak On .She -ewt-al". *Z. V1ator".3t, t10 sorl.th Dias. QC_ "1*. -in_ B3.00k..8autt;erfl". 83midleate _NG.. I ........ ....... ... ................ ...... .... ....... . . ..... .... ...... . ...... . .. ..... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman . ......... .... ...... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is,hrreby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ...... ... ...... ....... ........... I .... . ............ ..... ........... ....... ...... ....... . ... ............ .. ........ .. _ .. ....... .. ... ....... ........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked -for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_....._........_......,._ 191._. .. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss • Approved .......... ....... 191 Keller McColl Nash Yoerg........... .. ....... ........... ........... .... ............ ............ Mayor Powers Mayor. COUNCIL %E By_ --yrs 1_4 ° �dl=..s�-s�✓�'(J A 7 �.� FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.._-1Rec� rot•ra_c_tirgZ relay=rg and repairing with cement- — tile to a width of six feet the resent cemert tile sidewalk on the ----._......._...__._......._.._..._...._ ........................_..._.. ._.__ ._ -- ------9 East side of Starkey at. between Fairfield ave and Indiana avenue, .......... ----..... .-'—......... _... ....... -------_....__..................._.__................ _.... .......... __ under Preliminary order .......... ..__.._........ _ . 10049 approved_.._..._. AFTil 19th, -1916.__ Intermediary Order ____.......... _....... - .................. ... .... _.- approved ..... _........... .------._.....-•-•-_------__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-_—ReQD!Arru C.t.•r.,._relay and repair with_ on the East side._c�-�j�gy�ltwe��r_, Fgirfielave�and Indiana — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...... .... ___}b_�A City der .._ Approved___.A� 1.1 1915 — _ _ U _ —_-, t 91 _......, 6 1 . , " A Councilman Farnsworth �j[GlcColl MaygiP "�^�u� Form B. S. A. 8-7 ....._—._.—__....Mayor. uto er 10049. 0appro9e` •.-18th.'l 1 AP`bRearfag having been had upon the above improvementupon dna notice, and the Council having -heard all Persons. objections and recommen- datione r lativethereto. and having fully considered the eama: therefore, be It Resolved, By the Council of the City of at. Paul that the Dreciee nature, ex. tent and kind of Improvement to be fide by the said City le reconstruct, relay and repair with cement tile to a- - Idth of sixfeet the present cement the Idewalk an the East aide of atakey 9t. between Fairfield avenue andl�dlanaa a madad the Council hereby orde[e sold Imyrovement to be e. Resolved Further, That the Controls of Public Warks be and, he le hereby Instructed sad directed to Dre- I plane sd neclacatona for Bald improvement, andsubmit ams to the Co forapproval; that upon aaldi ➢proval, the proper city oRlcere are' heroby authorised and directed to pro- ceed with the Making of sold Improve- ment in accordance.. therewith. ° Adopted by the Councll July 11, 1916. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMNARY ORDER / L In the Matter of .ti f �� t ^` .... ...... %l-livl ..�"Lriti;✓_�L!'�... L�f_. x -C EY«�.=:�...<zZ -L...?_�.'_��.�. C-(- �c.r._ru({ ...__._.. .... ....................._ .. .. v _...... ........ _.... .... ... .. ..._ ... ............ _ _.. ...._ _.... ... ..._........_. ........... _._.................. . ..... ... ... _.......... _... ... ._ __ ._...... _... .............._. _....._... .. ._ _...... ...... ..... ._. .... _. _............. ............._ ............ .._...... ..._..... .. .__ .. .._ _.. ._._ ... _. ............ _..._ ...... _.. ... ......... ... ..... .... .. ... ........._....... ...... . ..... ....._ ___...._ ...................... ................... .. ....._ _............._._... ..__-_...... ....... ........ ..._.......... ...... ..._........._........... ........... .......... ........ .......... ...... ...... ........ ...._............ _..__.. under Preliminary Order approved y .. .Y/.... !..1� ...... . _.. __ .... _... _ . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment'for the above improvement isThe estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is --- - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel{�as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17-3 -; d�z 8 c G f��� 4,Z Hca o i 73b '/gyp s TOTAL. 7 -)-00 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commis*er of Public Works r Report to Commissioner of Finance Max....1.�.t..,....__ .............. ........... 191...6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The l;mnuiissioner of Public Works4aving had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 10 .4._ April...._I9.,..__ _....._._..........191..._6, relative to _. _ __.._........ cil, known as Council File No.__...._....0,._9._._.Coon- approved -.. rela.in and re airin wlth oament tale to a width .......reoonet runt nB..r....................Y......._g.............._...__....?._.._......._.....8....._........__...._.......... ....._._......_..._. .. .............. ...............wi . .......... _ ...__.. _. of six feet, the present cement tilesidewalk on the seat side of _...atarkey._.St......between-FairB-ield-- Ave ....... and _..Indiaxia__Ara...__. __....._..._..._...._....__..._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _............._..necessary and (or) desirable. 580 per lineal foot axxx and '� The estimated post thereof is $....... .. _..___..., i and the total cost thereof s $- the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. _... _.. _ .._................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .1. -_..._..._._............_......_ ..............__.... _.. _..........._ __ .................... _. _ _............ o. Said improvement is-.. not -,asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .......J._.................................._......_..................._...._..._ . Cornmissi er o Public Works. I� G I � ' i. >. /7B - 1. � IL Ur � C 0 P Y . D• Co,GRYtOZI — — — — 1 Council File No. _...... ... . °....... n PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, 'viz.:..804E.?n8 r.W. 1i,.__relfty .emd..TapaiiT. Vdth_-anment....tile t0..8...T11M...Of eis Reet.' th>Q....prevent_..0.0mmit... tile-miffemalk....oa.:.the..-owt._oi9.a..Of. ..._..__.. Starkey Ste....bp.een..P!air�iglfl..,Atte... gad _Indiana AVe.......... _ ... .. _ _...._.. .._ _........... ... _.... _ _ .. _ .............. .... _ _._..... _ . .......__.... _._ .... Dated this _ i.4t 7..._. day of.. _. _. _Aped l ___ ...... _ ........ _ ......_._ _._ 191 .6... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mak;ng of the following improvemeni, viz.: _ Pec.00at.r .to_7C . l d,..re.pejr..Vitl ACneat....ti2a t.O_a vddth._Of Dix -test, 'Ch4.. P.rpG.en.y. _G.t�tr i31%t._tiie..81doW alk..en. the ...eant..side._a St"ItW .sto...._. betty n_.. xY .G�.d...�Vo.....=d_IMd, SM... Ave, .... .._.. ..... _ ......... . .......... ..._...... __ _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .. _ _......_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement-, ......... . S. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved_..._. ._.._.... _ 191........ Keller McColl F Hach Yoerg..................... .. ..... I ... .......... _........ Mayor Powers Mayor. a n COUNCIL.,=ft FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_H&QQ. 0&.r.0_.Q-0MOLl. 1-1?�_ preQgnent the 9idexalk on the_eouth t�em side of Hag ue_ay.enue� beginning at Dale street thence to St. Albans street under Preliminary order. _..__ ....lO t 121 _ _ approved.__AP ri l 24 th , 1916. Intermediary A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im± provement to be made by the said City is Reconstruct, „rela__and repair with cement tile to a width of six_ feet the present_ cement tale sidewalk on the south side of Hague avenue, bag_inninjg_at Dale street thenoe to St. 6 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement„and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby, authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _......... ___ 119 (L -e _ &"• - City C`% Approved_..._..__JUL 11 I916 191_ ..... _ Mayor. Y Aisv Public mg h�ln$-been IIad Counedm arnsworth ,„., the an , C provement upon due vetice, and t e ouncll having hear ld all persons. obtecttons and recommen- commen- dations dations relative thereto, and having tour considered the game; therefore, be It Resolved. By the Cronin of the City Iii4fCCOlI o[ St. Paul that the precise nature, ex- tent d kind f Improvement to be m dfby the said City le reconstruct, vela} and repairixe with present tele nto width o[ eis feet the present cement „ v^� -r-oe.K file afdewalk on the south aide of HaRueavenue, beginning t Dale. t Me o�P thence to St Albans street, and the y Council hereby orders said improve - �. m- to be made Form B. S. A 8-7 Resolved Further, That the Commle- Idner f Public Work. be dnd he la hereby Instructed and directed to pre- pare plane and apeclaeattone for sedd t Improvement. and aubmlt cams to the 6 - Councllfor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are• 'j! 1✓, - hereby authorised and directed to pre - V1/ l G Beed with the making er said Improve- m-1accordance therewith Ad. Adoptt ed by the Councll July il, 1916. 4t[Proved July ll, 16 -1 191 . (July 16-1916) 0 0 P y Request of L. A. ' nunoltpFr er ,, Ob PROPOSAL FO7C IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.. $svmsatrunt re14W stid. repair ivit}i bemeri>r. tii.ls to a 4,31tih of SIX-Pesti _ th'e proffent -womyA Dile ei8eesa7k on the south si9e oi' Rag= A"41 'begi ring St Dahl Ste 'tu 'd _to at -Al at* ....... ...... _ ....... ..._ ..... __ .... ..... ..... ....... .............. ........ Dated this .. day of ..._.._ _..... 19 ..__. 4;dth..._ . APV12 ..... �. ....... .... ...._...... ...... .......... .... __._ _.......... _.......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of •rhe following improvement, viz.: ._ Rea-metruot-i ralay and re!lair, with odiffatt_tile to e,td&th oP eii feet, the present cement ti2.o...ST&Mril.k_on tW6 south. lido of Hague Ave. begimdng• at Omer Ste thence to-ste A2tiBYitl ..Ste ..'.................... __ ...._._.... ............. _......................................._ .. _ ....._ ....._ ._.... __ ............ . __.............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................ ... _ _........ ........ ..... ..... .. , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est mated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; _ _ ....._ ............ __... _................ _...._..__.....__.._._....._._......_........................ _._..................._ .... __........_.............._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .Adopted by the Council ............. _ .. _ .._ _ 19l __ _. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved. _ _._._..... ......._ 191........ Keller McColl t er R89$ o..__.._.._ ..................__........... Mayor Powers Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT ENNT OF FINANCE- ' REPORT OF CIQVIVIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .e� c e�,� - - - - ---- - In the Matter of ._------- -- --� - Gy. �.. ...- - ---- - i X3..7. ��2...............:......... -- - �.��i�� "-- ------------- under Preliminary Order approved ------ I ---------- " ----------G ---------- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 0 58 per lineal ---- - --- per -----------1--- foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $---------""---"""--"""" The lots. or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 8 0 -3 �2-7-:7s Iko 73 S j C:1 TOTAL, ronM s.e.�. a -a w or 9 CITY OF S't. PAUL I - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ,�/ REPORT OF COWMISSIONER OF FINANCES ON'P LIMINARY ORDER , ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AD D, IT I O N VALUATION _ I i a s Lt I a `F -1)` The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �o --------191..6- � Dated -�— e . Commissioner of Finance. � h -Y- m fi y Office of the commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ......................�aY..._6t h +._......__.__......._.7 916.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- ?.1............approved_ ....... Ap.x.......8.4.t ..............191f?. .._., relative to cil, known as Council File No._1Q....._.._...__.._...... . ..................._........_........ reconstruoting, relaying and.repairing with oement tile to a width ......_...._......_.._.........._...._......................_.. ....de,_.... _.. of six feet, the present Dement the sidewalk on the south aide of __........_............._...._......._.._............._.........._.. Clague.,. Ave. Beginning at _Dale .. St,.. _thence to.,_St Albans_. At and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....._ ...__..necessary and (or) desirable. 580 per lineal foot Xx>&xz �. The estimated coat thereof is $__ ..................._...._ .., and the total coat thereof is $,.-.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -- .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _. _.. o. Said improvement is...........__n t.........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............ Commissions q Public Work /. i a �/ FINAL ORDER. In the MatterRam@XLL_Ld-lg to __.a_width _.._of_s_ix„_fee.... ._t a urea cgment tileidewalk_on the sB th side Tof Goodrich, avenue beginning at Dmke street thence east 172 feet, ._ ........... _-^____ ..............____ _—_.__.—_._—__---_... .... _.____.__..-----_..._................ _... _.... a.............. _..... ._._.. ' under Preliminary order... 34 101 _ _approved _-._AP Intermediary Order __—_...-.-._...__.___.___..�..._..._...._..._._...approved_..-_-._-.______--- ______ A public hearing having been had 'upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the snid City is Reoon_str et, re jgy___And•_KgR4ir with Cement• _ tile_ to a width -_of_six feet,Wthe--•present_I} Anent tile sidewalk on the _BoSt_#�h_��d��£__CzSZDdrich �vPOne heg3nnln&-s-t�• nuk8_streeL_Lhe11c.(_�Ad X72 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for . approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed , with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. iUL 11 �c,c Adopted by the Council ........ 191 City Cler . JUL 11 1916 Approved_-_.__...-._..__._._ 91 _ __._...._, I91 h Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 ment In accordance therewtM Adopted by the Council July 11, 1916. Approved July it, 1916 (Tuly 16-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON AELIMINARY ORDER (D) C rte. .17 . .. .... ............. In the Matter Z/- ...... .......... ..... ....... ...... .... 1. -- . ......... .... .. .... . . ...... .... .. ..... ..... . ............ . .................... ........ .... ... ....... . .... . ... ........ .. . ............ . ... ... . ....... . .... ..... ...... .. . ...... .......... .... . . ........ — ---) —)I . ... ...... ..... ..... under Preliminary Order approved.. ... . ..... ... . ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby rcpotts as follows: linea -1 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is fc.ct for new The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION /3 It t,21 .2 r 17 /C-7 TOTAL, S - L The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated an of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner Public Works. Dated..— . 05 Commissioner of Finance. c- h, L /3 /z t 0 II Mi b Office of the ComMissioner ..of. Public Works F), Report to Commissioner of Finance May.._et,.__. _.. ...._.......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of. Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._10101..._._,.approved. ..._ AP.r_il.,,_34th.,.._................191......x, relative to_.......... ....... ......... reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement tile to a width ..........................................._................................... of six feet , the present cement the sidewalk on the south side of _._........................... ...... . I..... ... ... ...... . g....at.....D.uie.....St...... the.nae.._sant....173....f e.et...._ .._........ __....._..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie_.__...........necessary and (or) desirable. 3. The estimated cost thereof is jAr1tlAj7to&DQ&t thereof is q__._.....xxxx..._....__.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __. __... _. ..._...._ .......__... �..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... _ . . _.._ ...... .__ .__.... 5. Said improvement i&.. not .................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject A to assessment for said improvement. --- .... Commissioner Pu ie Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ �/'I�! Subject: w/ 1 COUNCIL 0 \ FILE I\I O..... �.. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That 0. A. O'Neill is hereby elected Corporation Counsel of the City of St. Paul for the next ensuing term. B I C. F, No. 11411—By V. R. IrYin— byReB nited Corporation Couneel e t the City of St Paul for the next eneuing term. Adopted by the Cen 7u1y 11,1$18. Approved duly ou n 11, 1918- Yeas (✓) Coouun Imen (✓) Nays Karns orth Adopted by the Council 19I In favorP14—/ 11 d Nell r Approved / 9 6 191 cmc oil O Against U WV �j erlich Mr. ! rest . Irvin MAYOR FORM C.e-3 1 I � t CITY* OF�IST, PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM,w�� Subject: _ , I '147,11i1 COUNCIL FILE NO...... Date Presented 191 i� Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby author- ized and directed to construct briok alley crosswalks at the follow - ins locations: Southside Von Minden street between Ann & Dousman streets West side Milton street,between St Anthony avenue and Rondo St.. West side Chatsworth street, across Stinson street. Yeas ( ✓) qouncilmen ( ✓) Nays arnsworth In favor yland eller McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. Presi ent, Irvin FORM C. a-2 �4 n Resolved That ihe *commissioner or Public Works be and to hereby author- ised and directed to construct ther- a4ey rrosewl ke at [he following ]o - brick aatlons:" South Slde Von 'linden street be - A"" and rlousgman streets West ide 111ton tr t. between St. thonalA senue and Rondo WestyeideChatsworth street, t ' across Ad. I SSL < Adoptedthe A DDrored 'July 11 11 Ut"i Juiy 11. 1916.1'918. (July+ 16-1916) zm Adopted by the Council Jut. it I 191 Approved / 191 6� 191 J ��ivvv�l MAYOR CITY OF•.ST. PAUL !y � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE NO. - n Date Presented / b 191 n II VV, Resolved,/ That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct brick crosswalks at the following locations: Armstrong avenue,north side, across View street. Juno street, north side, across View street. Syndloate avenue,east side,acrose Grand avenue. Goodrich avenue,north side, across Hamline avenue. Thomas street,north side,aoross Western avenue. Barrett street,west side,acrose Hatch street. Aurora avenue,south Bide, across Chatsworth street. Stryker avenue,east side, across Page street. Curtice street,sauth side, across Harvard street. So Wabasha street,weet side,across Bidwell street. Winona street,south side, across Cherokee avenue. Curtice street,north side, across Harvard street. Page street,north side,acrose Stryker avenue. I Jano streeq street. 1I .SXndlc.te Ave., east aide. Grand "e.. Goodrich Ave.. north, aide. across Hnm!lne Ave. Thomas St., north olds, across West- ern avenue. Barrett[ street, west aide, across' Hatch SL Aurom Ave., south tilde, across Chatsworth St. Yeas (✓) Coun'ilinen ( ✓) Nays / Stryker AYe., seat alae, across rage Jul.- 11 (/,` sa 191 Far worth I euruee at., south alae, serosa xar- le Council vard street. In fay so. Wabash. street, west aide. across Bidwell St. Hy find Winona St., south aide, across Chero- 11 ii c Ices Ave. 11 I9I6 191 Ile er C ! Cnrtice; 9L, north. tilde, serosa xar- d }t 1 v rd St. / - M Coll AHaidl .rage street, north else, serosa Stryker Ave. W nderlich I Adopted by the Council July 11, 1918. Mr. Preside t, Irvin Approve. July 11, 1918. MAYOR •— (July 18-1916) FORM .. a-. ill CITY OF ST. PAUL �,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Y 4 w COUNCIL ISI O. 11474 3 11/ _ Date Presented 191 That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct cement block crosswalks at the following locations. Herschel avenue,west eide,across Ashland -avenue. St Clair street,north side,acrose Saratoga avenue. St Clair street,south side, across Saratoga avenue. Albert street,east side, across Grand avenue. Albert street, west side, across Grand avenue. St Clair street,south side, across Warwick street. Lincoln avenue,south side, &=oss Hemline avenue. Lincoln avenue,north side, across Hemline avenue. Grand avenue,south side,across Syndicate avenue. Lincoln avenue,north side,across Syndiccate avenue. Hemline avenue,west side,acrose Sherburne avenue. Hemline avenue,west side,aeroes Osceola avenue. Hemline avenue,west side,acrose Goodrich avenue. Hamline avenue,west side,across Sargent street. Herschel avenue,weet side,across Ashland avenue. St Anthony avenue,north side,aoross Roy street. Pascal avenue,west side,across Hague avenue. Ashland avenue,south side,across Albert street. east aide, Albert St., west aide. across Grand l Ave SG Clair 6t., south aide, serosa War- wick St. Lincoln Ave., south aide, across Hemline Ave. Lincoln Ave., north aide, acr." Hemline. Ave. Grand Ave.. south old., across Syn- dicate Ave. Lincoln Ave., north aide acro.. Syn- dicate Ave. Hemline Ave., west aide. serosa Sherburne Ave. Hemline Ave., west side, ac.... r e In Ave. c lHam' e.. eat aide, ) r . r Adopted by the Council JUL it 191 Approved (k,�l1911 191 f /) MAYON Yeas (✓) en (J) Nays th yKellr In favor CAgainst ' iCh Mr.•Presideni �,trryn �,�i•� FONM C. a-2 Adopted by the Council JUL it 191 Approved (k,�l1911 191 f /) MAYON CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_ / -1 u/ COUNCIL 1 No - Date _ P] 4 '1 5 Date Presented 191 \VI v o Resolved, That the Commiesioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct.Cement block crosswalks at the following locations: Randolph so side, across Griggs street Juno, so aide, across Griggs street, Juno, N side across Griggs street, N•.Goes— Grigg a ees street, east side , cross Juno strt, -1 the Commlesloner'o a be and to hereby 'aa - and directed to construct c ,dock' croeewalke at the follow. Griggs street,west side, across Juno street, ition.. .ollph St., south aide, acroee !. south aide, a Niles, so aide, across Griggs street, Griggs north aid., scroa Griggs Niles, N side, across Griggs street, .t. eaat'.lde. across Juno Griggs stre.t,east side, across Niles, eei`weet aidetcroes Jsmo south aide. acros.'GrJgg/II Griggs street west aide, across Niles, north aide, across Grit' & /-� , �5 .trees, east side, across Nil x�^ Griggs street,west side, across Watson street. St u west side across N.agt4 t t, weal aide, acro a Wat,K ..at aide, acroee Watsotvl Griggs street,east side, across Watson street. SL, north aide, acrdee) Watson street, N side, ,across Griggs street. St., south side, eeta>si, SL, west aide, aer.6o Hartq Watson street, so side, across Griggs street. SL, east aide, across Hart- . .rd St.. north ad a. across Nat-,; Griggs street, west aide, across Hartford street,d St.. south side , across. �a., west aide, across Bayard.�� Griggs street, east side, across Hartford street.'.. seat aid., act... a no - Hartford street,no side, across Watson street. Hartford street, so side, across Watson street. Griggs street, west side, across Bayard avenue - Griggs street, east side, across Bayard avenue. Bayard avenue,north side, across Griggs stre::t. Bayard avenue, south side, across Griggs street. Randolph street, south side, across Hamline avenue. Yeas (v) Council ( ✓) Nays Farnsw th Adopted by the Council JUL it .i 191 / In favor > Hylar / q- 1916 191 V Keller ((�'� Approved (��' MCC 1 Against 1 Wu^i'lerlich residenti Irvin MI"VOR 1-2 , "kk 444%-%: :. - �fiIl��11�IIlill��o►1fIC �Il CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_ / -1 u/ COUNCIL 1 No - Date _ P] 4 '1 5 Date Presented 191 \VI v o Resolved, That the Commiesioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct.Cement block crosswalks at the following locations: Randolph so side, across Griggs street Juno, so aide, across Griggs street, Juno, N side across Griggs street, N•.Goes— Grigg a ees street, east side , cross Juno strt, -1 the Commlesloner'o a be and to hereby 'aa - and directed to construct c ,dock' croeewalke at the follow. Griggs street,west side, across Juno street, ition.. .ollph St., south aide, acroee !. south aide, a Niles, so aide, across Griggs street, Griggs north aid., scroa Griggs Niles, N side, across Griggs street, .t. eaat'.lde. across Juno Griggs stre.t,east side, across Niles, eei`weet aidetcroes Jsmo south aide. acros.'GrJgg/II Griggs street west aide, across Niles, north aide, across Grit' & /-� , �5 .trees, east side, across Nil x�^ Griggs street,west side, across Watson street. St u west side across N.agt4 t t, weal aide, acro a Wat,K ..at aide, acroee Watsotvl Griggs street,east side, across Watson street. SL, north aide, acrdee) Watson street, N side, ,across Griggs street. St., south side, eeta>si, SL, west aide, aer.6o Hartq Watson street, so side, across Griggs street. SL, east aide, across Hart- . .rd St.. north ad a. across Nat-,; Griggs street, west aide, across Hartford street,d St.. south side , across. �a., west aide, across Bayard.�� Griggs street, east side, across Hartford street.'.. seat aid., act... a no - Hartford street,no side, across Watson street. Hartford street, so side, across Watson street. Griggs street, west side, across Bayard avenue - Griggs street, east side, across Bayard avenue. Bayard avenue,north side, across Griggs stre::t. Bayard avenue, south side, across Griggs street. Randolph street, south side, across Hamline avenue. Yeas (v) Council ( ✓) Nays Farnsw th Adopted by the Council JUL it .i 191 / In favor > Hylar / q- 1916 191 V Keller ((�'� Approved (��' MCC 1 Against 1 Wu^i'lerlich residenti Irvin MI"VOR 1-2 , "kk 444%-%: :. - I i CITY OF ST. PAUL .i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1-1ns L7 { f Subject: l p COU RCL 0 FILE N Date Presented / 191 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct cement block crosswalks at the following locations: Van Buren street, south side,across Asbury avenue. Asbury avenue,east side, across Van BUren street. Wesley avenue,south aide, across Wheelr avenue. .Carter avenue,eaet Bide, acroea Keeton street. Keeton street, north side, across Carter avenue. Carter avenue,west side, across Keeton street. aide, across Pau Como,avenue,north side,acrose Hendon street. "south aide, across' -eget side. across Keaton:, Hendon street, south side, across Comb avenue west,orth side, across Carter) _ ..at aide, acroea KeetOa, Como avenme, north side, across Doswell street. r.rth alas. aerose.8ea-. . „south aide. across Como Pierce street,east side, across Como avenue. 1'..• north aide, across nes-, east aide, across Como Como avenue,south side, across Broppton street' Ave., south side ,d across ) St. aide. n oe Como 1 Buford street east side across Como avenue, gt.: east r at., south aide, across Kea• across Bracts-;th aide Doswell street, south side, across Keston street.? nor . 'Hand— eat alae. a , sat aide, cacross She,- street, north aide, across Eranetoa street'• w cress Hata- ., Orth aide, a Hythe street, east Bide, across Hendon street. .• wast side, across "- ...at alae, across r,aroad Albert street, west side, across Sherburne avenuEAre.. west aide, across L.- Are.. • east side. aeras . Thomas street,north side, across Hemline avenue..,,., east side, aero..Thomas i ave., west side: a0ross Hamline avenue,west side across Lafond street. AVe , , .�•e., west aide, across Van' "t aide, across Blair fit. s Albert street, east side, across Lafond street. ast side, . across lorth side. across Y" Simpson avenue,west side, across Lafond street. yr�r,•i" Simpson avenue,wast side, across Thomas street. Pascal avenue,east side, across Thomas street. Hamline avenue,weet side, across Sherburne avenue. Pascal avenue,west side,aorose Van Buren street. Aldine street,east side, across Blair street. Hemline avenue,east side,across Charles street. Charles street,north side,across Hemline avenlue. & Charles street,south side, across Hemline avenue. Hamline avenue,west side,acroes Edmund street. Pennsylvania avenue,south side, across Columbia street. Lawson street, south side, across Sylvan street. r• South side Magnolia, across Earl street. Yeas (✓) Colt,lmen (✓) Nays / Adopted by the Council JUL 11 �g16191 orth d ,`/j In favor / Approved 191 _ ilAeainat erlicht _ - M YOR j Mr. President. Irvin FORM C. 9-2 it ;j ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNT FILE �0 ��� -�� AUDITED 191_ PER---- _ 181 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds ati. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the folio detailed statement: Adopted by the Council_ Ig 1 1_'. Yeas ( V Councilmen ( J) Nays Farnsworth Lees• ApproveA a 2 1� 16 1--- - --- Hyland _._ —In favor J Keller K. MAYOR IVI"" _Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin E 4880 Chapman Valve Rnfg. Co., 41, 83.61 Water -M. & R. 8 Citixen's Ice & Fuel Co. 273.89 C. P. W.-Workhoue-Matnt. 8 John B. Darling, M. D. 65.00 Corp. Counsel Office -Exp. 8 S. A. Farnsworth, Com+r. Finance, 108.00 Gen. Fund -Election Exp. S. A. Farnsworth, Comrr. Finance, 551• 64 Gen. Fund -Mise. & Unforseen Exp. S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. Finance 10.00 Library -Sal. 4 S. A. Farnsworth, ComIr. Finance 100.00 Auditorium-Maint. John Ferguson 42.00 t Health -quarantine -M. & R. �} 8a Felix Freyhold 124.0 I Interest Fund 0 Open. Cherokee Heights Blvd. 1 Ij Chas. R. Funk 20.75 189'1'; Gen. Gund-Mise. & unforseen I90 Chas. Heines,Assignee Carl. E. Lundblad; i C. H. &: C. F. -Alt. & Rep. 17.66 ' 91 W. S. Hay 25.00 Pub. Bldg. -Arch. & Draft. -}fir. L Res. #181 ;3 489 August W. Hoff, 96 .40 Interest Fund •1 Open. Cherokee Heights Blvd. g",.4 .40, / prof. N. L. Huff, 175.00 1 Water M. & R. - Mrs. JJ,O. Jones, Treas., 19.50 Library -Gen. Suppl. Charlotte Knowles 657.80 Interest Fund 740 Open. Charokee Heights Blvd. F. G. Kratzer 2,490.00 Water M. & R. John M. Lynch 25.00 Gen. Fund-Misc. & Unforseen Exp. 81 N. C. Robinson, elk. District Ct.., 206.10 Gen. Fund -Mico. & Unforseen Exp. 9 St. Paul Boiler Works, 59.00 - Gaultier School Add.(1915) 49 St: Paul Gas Light Co., 7,662.11 „Lbghting -Maint. John Schiller 12.80 Health -pub. Bathe -M. & R. J. L. Shiely & Co., 160.27 ' Water -M. & R. Ottelia Spengeman 37-9.50 Interest Fund .5 - Open. Cherokee Reights Blvd. 3 0 { 4 Twin City Brick Co., 1,453.96 Randolph Heights School(1915) � 5 �Fi U. S. Last Iron PIRP Co. $' oo.:r.4, 024..38 I Water -M. & R. Jntoreee tn: i "e nsworth. Com'r. Fir. �. 3 .. ;LSal., $10.00. C. -'r. F)n. A.Farnsworth, ¢ iditorium—Maint, $300.00. Healtb—Quat { -. - • rinehn &er uS42.00, Falls Freyhold, Interest Fund, O' Helghta Blvd,. $126.50. Cherokee 'F n.l..,.$E48•-'•." Funk' Oen. Fund—)MI. �. ." [Into seen, $20 75 Chas. Helnes. Assignee Carl �•°"• Lunblad. C. H, & C. H.—Alt. & L- -•. _ ° $1Pub, Bldg: Arch , Hay, W. 3. �.., - malt.—M.,0, August W. Hoff, Interest Fun: Heigi�g Open. Cherokee B'vd$9&61.4K0; Prof. N. L. Huff, $176,00. Mrs J. O. Jones, Treae., Library— - _) Oen. SaPP;' $19.60. Interest Fund, Charlotte Knowles, Height.Blr d...$ X7.80. - Op,'n. Cherokee F. G. Kratzer, $2;490.00: John 6L Lynch. Geo. Fund—Mise. &' Unforseen Ezp.: $26.00. N. C. Robinson, Cil, Diet CL. Oen. & Unforseen E -P.. $906.10. Fund—Mls. s St. Paul Boiler Works, Gaultier -School Add. (1916). $6900. SL Paul Gas Light -Co.. MalnL, $7,882.11. i $ealth—Pub. - John Schiller, M. & R.: . . T. L. Shlelyely & Co., Water=M. k R, $180.27. tta Spengeman, Interest Fund' Oelt Open Cherokee Heigh 5379.60. niry Srlrk Co.. •lies o D Hslehtlf 60hool (1915), $1,468:96. --_ ta.L iron Pipe CO., - _ $4.024.8$.12',1916.".. .uneil July Adopted by the Co , . ., APP,roved (Julys 1611958) ; CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT -1178 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. 11916 BY .n u ..... AUDITED J U L 191.___ , PER. 182 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council._ . j 1 1 2 j y j 491— Farnsworth 1 6 Geer- APPro _____191 'Ryland - -- -In favor Keller X; _— Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin ;y C. F. No. 11479— �. Re.olved that warrants be drawn' yon tha City Treasury. Payable out of, w the harelnafter epeclHe'd funds and In favor of the per.one, Hrme or Corpora- - - tion. for the amounta set Opposite ,.) their respectiHama- s- epecl.led'In the followveln. detailed statement: -' Fenton Conatructfon Co., New LI- ' 1 brary mag., (7.621.00. -` Adopted by the Council July 12, 1919. Approved July 12, 1916. (July 15-1919) 3. <6Fenton Construction Co., $7,621.00 New Library Bldg. --Ir-otal Rea. 1 2 $ 7,621.00 t Form A. 6.16 71Y d _ - --- _-CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE`hAL FOR Subject -Approving ...plans -.and., specifications-a.nd..advertising for bids - fire escapes at Irving and Hancock COUNCILlNo.,..( ................. Date Presented..... _.duly..12th, _.-191.,...6 Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications for the placing of fire escapes at the Irving School, Grand and Grotto; and the Hancock School. Snelling & Wesley; prepared by the City Architect and reoo=ended by the Commissioner of Education; are hereby approved and adopted,and the purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon in accordance with the plans and spec,ifioations. C, F. No. 1147&—B�underlieb—�i Resolved. That the annexed plane d speclacatlona for the piaelnB of Bre eeeape6 at the Irvla6 School. -� brand and Grotto, and the Iiancockj / ^ / ' 6ne111nB � �°BIOY, prepared �,�•-_ school, by the City Architect ands recommen /-'-----••-- 1 eA by the Cgm ulved and adopt t- d! )/ ere hereby pPr Agent )e hereCY au' the PuregaeI t ori thereon 1n°acco danceVBWith the B6Qq.g. 1. —�--- 7 n I s Qj s.teatt�[ re - plane and Pa -I °co mil Joly 12, IBls. Adopted by - Approved Jul, 18 �-1916) 18th. ,(July 1 , Yeas (✓) Counulm n (✓) Nays Farnswo In favor 'Go - Keller McColl G -- Against l �> 'Mr. President, t t zt FORM C.a-2 Jlrl Q f' Adopted by the Council - `�i " t.- – 191._ _.. Approved___ JUL 12 1916 191_....-. V PL , ...... .....MAYOR .. Subject: Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No- IO Date Presented That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Nonpareil 011 C%mpany, a Corporation,to erect a building at 394 Main Avenue, same being at the S. E. corner of Sixth St. and Main Avenue., for a gasoline filling station, and for the storage thereon of not to exceed two thousand (2000) gallons in tanks buried under ground. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and to the erection and oon- struetion of a fireproof building and of said storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building regulations of the City, which plans and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. RESOLUTIONS. l C. F. No. 11480— Y Resolved. That pe rmiselon be and the e Is hereby granted to the Non- pareil Oil Company n Corporation, to ect a b 11 ding at 394 Mnin a e being tun the S. E. c of�Slxth Sim and Main Avenue, torn ar gasoline filling station, and Por the storage thereon of not toe eed two thousand (2000) gallons In tanks buried under ground. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Sn [e ly, and to the erection and net ruct ion or n fireproof building and of Bald storage tanks In accord - once at the ordinar— and building regulations of the City, which plans and nstruction shall be approved by the Rullding Department before this re solution becomes operative. dopted by the Council July 16. 1916. Approved July 17.1916. (July 22-1916) 1 Yeas (d) Counci�en (r') Nays Farns4orth Cab' In favor Ke lll�tn a Mf Against Win lith Mr. President, vin IORM C'l� 191 Adopted by the Council JUL 15 1915 191 Approved I P 191 MAYOR July 11,1916. To The Honorable The Council Of The City of St. Paul. '_��entlemen:- We desire a permit for storage of gasoline in quantity not exceeding two thousand (2000) gallons at 394 Main Avenue, same being at the south east corner of 6th St. and Main Avenue. This storage is to be in tanks underground. We intend to maintain at this location, a gaso- line filling station. All storage, pumps, equipment for the filling station to be inside of the property line. We hope that a permit will be granted to us. Yours very truly, Q HENRY C. DEVLIN MYLES McNALLY FIR! CHICF _ - A3.1.YA.Y CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY M.COLL. C.MMI..'.... BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION— — St.Paul, Minn., July 14, 1916. Hon. Henry McColl Commissioner of Public Safety, City of St.Paul. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Nonpariel Oil Co., aeking permission for a gasoline filling station at 394 Main Ave., same being the SE oorner of 6th and Main Avenues. Will say that I have inspected same and recommend per- mit be granted. And that all equipments for same be df the beet as used for gasoline stations. I would also recommend that this office be notified tefore tanks are covered for final inspection. Yours truly, Fire Marshal. JOHN I. FARICY Offirr o btu C1 tvr i JAS.J. MINER carr CLERK ns sr cirr c�eaK i. (!�P Ju' y lion. 11vairl VcColl, Coo r. o: ;lublic Safoty. Dear Sir:- httached ap!Ilication of the Acriparuil Oil Co. for pemjBa- n to nroct and maintain a ;,aaoline fillin;; :talion at 394 '.ain `.vo. ^.as laid over :.n Saturday, July 15th, and roferrod to you for a report from the Fire Very eu;.-:.tfittly, City Clcrk. Offiry of c Itil c terk JOHN I. FARICV JAS.J. MINER CTv CLERK -1 11*1"'n55T CiTv CHER• . July 12th,1915. Hon. Henry McColl, Cos:..r. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: - Attached application of the Nonpareil Oil Co. for permission to erect and maintain a gasoline filling station at 394 Lein Ave. was laid over to Saturday, July 15th, and referred to you for a report from the Fire Marshal. Very especctfully, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL LL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL t'ORS"rl Subject: couRci *' S .FILE N o. Datc Presented 191• Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to subscribe for that certain set of law books known as Corpus Suris, to consist of sixty-seven volumes when complete, at the price of $7.50 per volume, and also to rent that certain set of law'booksknown as the Cyclopedia of Law & Procedure, consisting of forty-three volumes, at a rental of Five Dollars per year for eight years; both of said publications being copyrighted and sold only by subscription at a uniform price, and for the purpose of carrying out said purchase and subscription, the proper city officers arg hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City the form of contract ^hereto attached. The cost thereof to be paid out of the Maintenance Account of the Corporation Counsel's Office Fund. C. RseN.1118 — the Corporation Counsel IF hereb`; nu [horleed ased t slaw scribe for than' ertsin on - books known s Corpus ]urls. to om- sist or sixty -¢even ' lun, s u'hen volu rrte. °tete, at ln¢ vr.ci Of$7l r a.l l p3rArs in and also to r ¢upeata o[' 14f -'d - I lu ks knox�n s sin[inb o forty- Rec C0Ve - oPrucedurn. cu f FWe + 1 C: 1 11 three v lumens for el l;h[`)oars, both CO1l Dollars vn�ucutien¢ be prrlFntea Re 3o of said d only by subscription (..1 uniform pr lv, t a for pu pd s¢ube t nut Baia purchase carrvinR the proper city officer¢ re ur-111- nulhor(zea to ¢rude tint poi he pts form of cn half of the lily ` with the AmericaTh, l.aw[ ldl�¢t ruft'to hereto .tache' . the Mnintennnce Ac - be ImIdo� on Corporation Cur ,on he llffice Fund. nrll July 1.. 1V16. Yeas (✓) Council Approved J ter nists. Ju13-6)— Parnswt Adopted by the Council In I `• 191 GMW In Favor Hyland 191 Keller .Approved / I! Mcco Against U /. v" v`..? Wun rlich Mr. President, rvin MAYOR FORM C-2 � �� , COUNCIL Fd EE _ _ By FINAL ORDER ` Division �*mMmma -�-����4 i alonu-e°-S.ud________�__' __ under Preliminary order ........ ..... ----approved ���......... ..... '----- Intermediary Order ....... ............ ........... ............ ........... ... —....... approved ----- —... .................. ......... -----'--' ' , An"uic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having h"",a all noro"",. "b)°p/"=" and re"^mm""a",io", relative ,h"mm' and having fully *,o"/a"=x the same; therefore, b"/, RESOLVED, uvthe Council of the City ofSt. Paul that the precise Vur extent and kind of im- provernent made b,the said City /"_(a rads ����u���a-��z������x_��-B��k 4/-- ........... ... __....... ... .............................................................. ____................ _......... ........... ........... ... ........ ..... __...... ............ __�_____�-............... ................ ___..... .......... ........ _.... ........... ....... ______________ ............. ......... ......... .... _....... ...... ......... ........ _______------- --- _........... ......... ..... -.......... _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement wb=made. nssoLvso FURTHER, That the Commissioner °/Public Works be�and ." hereby instructed and directed wprepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same mthe Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed mproceed with the ="u"« of said improvement /naccordance therewith. Adopted bvthe Council__---_^u-rl 4'L' ._/y1 ` -. Approved JUL /:2 |3|6 ' ------'--1y1 —u - .. &t4 ------'__....... ...... ..... ... ...... ............... -..... .... Mayor. _ Councilman Far worth 11� No 11482—B ^ u 1 919 0-057 M Coll of St. Paul that the Precise nature, ex. .. tent,and kind of improvement to be p1aa'(1ea wj'�hthco said Cit, is grade and l" Stock k� ^ hereby order ld rnpr m"p"p � -- ,ed Further. That the C,mmls- ~. ^s �"z \ ' hereby InBt:ublfic ",led led dir.ct:dfto pre Council approval, the proper ci ty officers er. hereby authori,ed and directed to pro- ceed 'Ith the -,king of "Id IMDrOv._r Mont in accords,... the— 1h Adopted by the Cou. July 12, 1916. � --``~��'/��91� ' -------- CITY OF ST. PAUL >4( DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COnMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRZ�JMINARY ORDER (A) In the atter of dz ..... — - - -------- ------ --- --------- — - --------------- ------------ 6z' 2 --_- --- -- _ --- - - - -- ....... - - -- - 4���� - - -------- - ---- ---------------- ---------- . . ......... . - ------ - ------------- ----------- ............. - -- -------- ---- ---- ---------- ------- - --- -- ------- --- - ---- - ------- - ------------ ------------ ------------- - ------------------ ---- - -- - ------ -------------- - ---------------- - - -- - - ------- - ----------- ------------ -- -------------- - ------ - --- ------- — - --------------------- . ....... - ----------- - -- --- - --- ----------- --------- --- - - --------------------- ----------- - --- ------------- - under Preliminary Order approved - ---------- - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 1-^ 0 S 0 71, 7,1 'i 1'.73 ,sph,all. C"ncr(""92 1.86 1.,;3 L,cadam 1, H).09 1.34 Thp estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION t9 ;2 L9 TOTAL, ..CITYIOF ST. PAUL' t b DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER 'OF FINANCE ON PRE11.IMINARY ORDER i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED . VALUATION 4 `f 1 � � q-2 40 LI Wv Lf lea �E s o 13 Hyl s -E o TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / .aRM e.sDated e c � � .1910/ 1w (- /' ./-Z' Commissioner of Finance. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE�� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREII.IMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 7 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /7 `F c Lfi Lt l7 IT 7 "6 o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / .aRM e.sDated e c � � .1910/ 1w (- /' ./-Z' Commissioner of Finance. ,I,. .'.ITAC .% y 1, c r . • _ i r'.. r.. Per.+. in :i., f , 1915, r Auz— ' 1915 .) U L 1 UREAU OF ENGINEoga � (� tA y r & Office of the CommIssioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May 9th, 191 6 a 'I`o the Commissioner of Finance of the Pity of tit. Paul , 'Phe Com wissioner of Public Works, liming Imd under rousideratioA the pr'.limioary order of the Couu- cil, kuoon as Council File No. 10057. approv,.,l April 19th, ]!I1 6 relative to grading and paving _Alley in Block 4, Forepaugh's Division "A" .and Block 4, Smith & Taylor's Addition. ;111.1 having iuvestigaled the matters wtd things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvenicutis necessary Anil (or) desirable. 'S. 'I'll, estimated cost thereof is $. xxxx . am1 the total cost ihercot is w xxxx ;uid ilo, uatore ;uol extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. :1 plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto altaehed Anil made it part hereof. 4. i. Said improcemeut is .asked for upon petition ol'three or more owners of property, subject to assessunmt for said improvement. { . d tbmmissivtv•r of 1'11blio/Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER � 1 ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D— Co—wo... OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CH¢r ELR..S. e U J. E. CARROLL S.- C.Hrr —.. 4 RR.i.. ALFRED JACKSON, Sl-S.nrt.no. A G. H. HERROLD, Orr.. Enu.... St. J:'aul, &.il:n. May. 6, H. W. GOETZINGER, Sin. W.--1 1916 Goss, Commissioner 01, 2nllic dor'cs Dear Sir,- -:nit hereJrith nrelir::i.:af,, estimate of cost for grading and paving alley ir. Jlocck 4 ^crepau�7h's Divicion A and Block 4 Smith & Taylor's Addition, i;. accor(larce with Council File h0057, arproved April 19, 1916. Assessable fro:�ta e 1192 ft.- KF-D OF 2AVI;;G jAi:P-0.Z.I1.LLTE ;SIILATEXCCSI 1,L,-, _COT V" Creosoted Blocks x3,229.95 'X2 .71 Brick 3,028.74 2.54 Asphalt 2,615.73 2.19 Asphalt cor:crete 2,213.31 1.86 Asphalt macadam 1,821.48 1.53 1.34 Macadam 1,599.09 Ccrcrete 1,895.61 1.59 I also tra..s.:it he-c-iith Ulans co::'.u:::ir..: an-' tL:ki.:g an e easene::t i- ti:e lard neccssaf., for slopes, for cuts and fills it grading said allel- i., ac-o- crith Co .:.cil file X7153, arrfoved 1910. ,.—:rc VCP„' Dict. J.E.C./:', C;:ie1 Ln�4i,.eer To The Honorable Board of *mmissioners, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: - The undersigned property ovrners respectfully petition to have the alley in the block bounded by Milton, Chatsworth, Hague and Laurel graded and paved. This al1ey has been tpened but under the present conditions it is impos- sible to use it at all. The grading and pavirrg will make a complete job of°the improvement. Respectfully submitted, 6 W •'1 0111 1 ppg 01916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, - -CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ,FORM - 11 Subject: cou Rcl"-N FILE O Date Presented July 12 191 6 RESOLUTION fixing the amount of land or extent of easement to be taken in condemnation'pr'oa.eedings. Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes,for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 4, Forepaugh's Division A, and Block `4, Smith & Taylor's Addi- tion, under Preliminary Order #7153, approved Sept.21, 1915, and In- termediary Order #10600, approved M y 2 916, The Commissioner of Public WaIrks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St.Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting on said alley between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 12, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent.neeessary for slopes,for cuts and fills in the garding of said alley to the established grade. C. F. No. 11483— to the matter of co demnlnX and taek- Ing n a _me nt In the land v forslope.. for cute der fi In the grading of lleg in ock 1 Bl4.. h' Forepauga Divlslod A. and Block 4. Smith & Taylor's Addition, under 11'rellmihary Order No. 7153, approved Sept. 21, 1915. and lot—Olodlary Or- der No. 10600, approved May 23. 1916. The Commissioner of Pubilc Works having Submitted his report and I sketch In the bove matter, be It Resolved, (1) That the City of St,Rul �I amountof elands to be taken ifor the above named Improvement Is an ease- ment for slopes, for cute and Alla In and upon the land abutting on sold flI- ley between the point. aforesaid . to ' tpe extent shown upon the sketch at= -d rhed to the report of the Commis- sioner'' -of Public Work. In the matter, dated July 12, 1916, which .ketch and .mr.ndtt ate hereby referred to, and Darthereeoaf- •That Yeas (✓) Council en ( ✓) Nays (2) n ement ie taken In Sell d land to th'e ��� '"h.fns r[h extent necessary for S 191 of Pa 1, for cuts and Alis In the gradInK COUnCII It 11 41 1Ci1 s It.y t0 the established grade. In FaVt1r `td Opt ed by the Council July 12, 1916: Approved July 12 1916. I �+hyla JulyIS-1916) �6 191. �,2 I ll// vKelle rr. ._tltl SMC II Against x W derlich Mr. Presi e . Irvin FORM C. s-2 MAYOR 1 I CITY OF, SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WO -KG M. W GOSS. COMMISSION" ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D-1 Cox.Rwox[R OSCAR CLAu SSE", w Cn Enux[[x j. E. CARROLL Surt. Cox[*Ruo - R uu, ALFRED JACKSON. Surt. SA Tm G. H. HERROLD, 0111 ErRIx[n H. W. GOETZINGER. Sun. Woxxno�u e 9 -REPORT TO THE COUVCIL-)Ke Y In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- eery for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of alley in Block 4, Forepaugh's Division A,and Block 4 Smith & Taylor's Addition,under Prelim i -nary Order 0 153,approved Sppt.31, 1915, and Intermediary Order #10600, approved May 83, 1916. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this; his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan,the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion,the cuts to be made on private property,and the extent of the easement to be taken,by the figures oRppsite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Dated f �� Commissioner of blit Works In the Mattern of -i v CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREIVMINARY ORDER- -- - - -- - - ...... _... v - �. -- -:------- '- under Preliminary Order approved---,--'------/--��'- _J`...._------.--....___......_ .-..-.------- -----------.-.-..-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -$ 2-5—.--00 ------------------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ---------------------'------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 761 Ji Y ley �o�s -f AQo P0 . ,, '- 1 Z-1/'Fo TOTAL, •ORM B.S.A. 6-5 A CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OFA FINANCE - , o", REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1• . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION . � o AV7V / �F i � �°`� 7L 3 4�p 407 s� �I` 7 o IY tat 4)m pt FSC o lQo 4fSO. • � ,,c�, S3 s a TOTAL. ,ORN,P.OJ�. 0•D w • CITY OF. ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE n ' ON PREI-I MINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 y Aaes iz'f '2' L A* V-/ 3 S vyi La 406 7 tri 7� e The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated%fb_---..__......191G!/f':✓...�1�1. _ _. _ _.. •onm e. s.w. 6-3C Commissioner of Finance. -... _MAY..._9V41. __..._..._....191.6. - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pant The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as 7153 approved ... ......_S®PtemDer al,_.191:...., relative to_..._...._..........-. ' Council File No. pp' oondemning and taking an easement in the land neaeseary for .........__....._.._........._._..........._......................._..................._.... _......__.........._....... _........_..._............. elopes, for outs and fills in grading the alley in Blook 4, . .. _....... .........- _....... Forepaugh's Division "A" and Blook 4 ....................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___....__.. ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $........7CR]G._............ and the total cost thereof is MAX and R' the nature and extent of said improvement is as -A. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said inrprow e ttucled and made a part hereof. ... L ... _. a. Said improvement is.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... A A In the Matter of. ..Gana.truating.a....cement._ti-Le....ai3effial.k....tn.._91._W.1t�.t�a_Qf ____IQs.t__.ozl_._th.�_..nar..tb......s.id.zifon etr et betvreen Aldine stree*aAnd ---Whealez__.ay.enue.,........ ---- --------- ---- — —---...__ -- ------ under Preliminary order ril 95rd, 1916. Intermediary Order ... _............ ..... __....... _........... _. approved ._........_....... _i__—_•-----------__ __.._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._..._Construct a _cement- tile sidewalk to a width of gLt1 fegt_.pn....the---ngrth_ ei3e QL Lafondstreet between Aldine street and Wheeler._anen�de.____ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Councilofor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the rzaking of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......191 ...... City C k. Approved 191_....._ Mayor. /Councilman Farnsworth „ Keller McColl Mayor RjA Form B. S. A. 8-7 mom CITY OF. St. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE- - �� i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •lilr , ON PRELIMINARY ORDERl'� (A) _-'7� may/ In th Matter of!Z/ ...-...__._..__�^.�`, - ` - - under Preliminary Order approved .- ....... ......-----._y 16.........._._..--- — - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: -0 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 58 per lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $- 0'—---------- -__----------- foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $--------------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �J /O � Z41 r0 //�"J,," "b BOO / 0 Gap rho O .ORM R.S.A. 8.5 w TOTAL. _ _ - CITY OF ST.,PAUL1 -1 11 -, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - o ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION y o0 / 2, n �O It 'f IiJ X90 ityCc, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.. — d� Dated _--U---/.j------..._---191 6_✓_ ��`-�LI�YI�%(i __ -..__ / Commissioner of Finance. roaw, e. s.w. ss c G F .ha, 7/D /p3 - -1 1: F O R E S— c H wn/ S c n o m e Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ..... ............. 1915. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No,.....10193. approved...., April 23, 6., I ........... 191...... relative to........ ...... .... . .osment the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the ponstucting a ..... ..... I ... ......... ... ........... .............. ... .1.1.1 ............. .. ........... - -- ............ . ............... .............. ........ .. ...... I .......... ...... northand Wheeler A . . Ne. .......... � I - 1 1. - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _......._.........necessary and (or) desirable. 580 per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.........._.__ and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... .. .. ...... .... ....... . ............... .... . ...... - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehM and made a part hereof. 4. --- ...... ..... ................ . .... ....... ............ . ...... ... .... ... ........ . ........ . ..... 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��L ... . ....... mnmissioner of Public Works. M tib tj a�.-P e� v� d�z/ a ��, gra P /P• COUNCI 0.-44 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_C-Qnatructi_ng-a•eetoer-on Tyler street from Center of __.. .._....._. Str�ker.___av_e_nueto,._apoint 115 feet west of West line of Stryker avenue, _...._.....-----._...._.__—___... ............__...----_._—.....__._......_.___�___.___....._. under Preliminary order ........ 9z._.....__.._...._..._.._ . approved._.._.areh�23rd,- 1916. - Intermediary Order ... __.......... .......... .................. _........ .... - approved _.................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Conetruc t a sewer onTylerstreet from Center of Str�rker ayanue to a point 115 feet rest of -West line of__ -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement tc0be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......... / City, Jerk JUL -12 1916 / 1 Approved_..._.__.— ..__._.._—_ ._._._._.191_..__ U ...._._..._.-.__—�_..__.._. _._._.._.._...Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Keller McCall 's F9 Mayor Pwwam Form B. S. A. 8-7 i'Cav .:.a: upon the above Improvement upon had dations relative thereto, and on due- Cully considered the same; therefore, be It Resolved, By the Council of the City is 8L Paul that the precise net' a:- tent and kind of Improvement to b. made by the said City1. conatruot a .ewer , Tyler atreet from center of Stryker avenue to a point 116 feet west of weal line of Stryker avenue, and the Council herehy orders said lmorovem •! w- _ W pr. for saki . to th. Pon said .M. ars I to Dre- mDrov.. aoptea by the Councll iuiy 12. 1916. Approved July 12, 1916. (J -W 16-1916) J CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ^, 1 c+ i .L .. , vt,^.PfL .ii.0 of :5_ CC.Rips....1.1 .Q..... Ice tht Matter of .....: �� taea a'6-enue t0 a x._rlt 11 £ect est. -- -..4f tet. ^r o.venue............ ......................._.................._. tr' ......__....... ........._................_.......................... ................_....... ...... ...... ..... .......................... ................... ... -.... .................. __....... ............................... ..... _ _.................... I._ ....... ....... .I.. _ _............. .......................... ..............- .._... ....... ............ ...... ........... ...... .. .............. ..... ....._....._.................... ..... ....... r (�._. �. . . J...... :.. �........................ ......... ..... ..... ....... .. ............... ...... ...... ....._ undo Preliminary Order approved.- _ >.. " To the Council of the City of St. Pauls The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - b -- ' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION TOTAL, „ 7 2 0 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 2�i�C... Dated...._ 1�1..... - ........._ Commissions of Finance. IORM B. S. A. •-0 D 0 actl 0r t j l; .. 1,::,' .. 1 9 0 0 r.st of is 1 r o v 1 5 1 io TOTAL, „ 7 2 0 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 2�i�C... Dated...._ 1�1..... - ........._ Commissions of Finance. IORM B. S. A. •-0 D ,41,9, v B AR L 4 1916 U�EAU O'F ENGINEERS, St. Paul„ Minnesota. March 18. 1916. Mr. M. N. Goes. Commissioner of Public Work. City. Dear Sir: - Sometime late in the fall of last year I spoke to you about getting a sewer connection from my house located at 77 West Tyler street (West Side) . You told me at the time, that The only way to get that was, to petition the City Council to put the sewer in on Tyler street to connect up with Stryker Avenue. All I would asIis, for the city to put in about 150 or 175 feet or in other words up to my lot, in order to keep the expense down to a minimum. Will you kindly let me know what steps I have to take to get this improvement? Thanking you in advance for any advise or help you can offer me in this matter, I am, Respectfully yours, MORE � 77-a,-7111 l!dAR ; 11916 — 7BUREAU 6,� C„GINEERS, . V CITY .OF SAINT PAUI- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER 0 L� ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 0— C—l"I'llft C'_ E__ OSCAR CLAUSSEN, J. E. CARROLL S.I. C-1-1- & 111-1. ALFRED JACKSON. S- S -1-1— G H. HERROLD, 0 GOETZINGER Su— --0— 0 L� c o: 7 A s L, i 0:,. 0 c :;c —s 0,--A:--,c o" cost .,02: Z3e-.,,,cr o,� '2yler 3t. Z J..c L!c--tre of S,ry:-cr Lve. to L ci,,.t 115 feet wect of the I,test lire of Slur; -::or -,v0. uccu--a-cc.rich Co.c.cil --'ilc -F9G4-2, ,-roved Yia-,ch 215, 1916. f)roxi,.,,atu cotii-,,ate 1259.00 Total 300 feet 1vx e,. * '), tions 100 foot L;occo-,able fro..tv-e 200 feet C o s C ;h'_ -foot ,,l .30 noco2ovry ;15.00 V, r, 0 0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works' Report to Commissioner of Finance April 38th, _ 791 6.. 'l'o the Commissioner of Finance of the Pity of St. Paul: I rhe Couuuissioner of Public Works, having had under considerntion the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known its Council Nile No. _. .9642. approved _March 23,, _ .. .,19E_6., relative to ._. the construction of a sewer on Tyler St., from the o&i# ®i' of Stryker Ave. to a point 115 feet west of the west line of Stryker Ave._ and having investigated the matters and things Deferred to therein, hereby reports: 1. $aid improvement is ueVssary and (or) desirable. 61.30 per front foot M 2. 'Plc rstima ted cost thereof is :);..._... _._. _, and the total Bost thereof is :� $259..00 and Frontage 300 feet Excess inspection $15.00 III, uathur aad extent of said improvement is as follows: :f. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atlaehed and made a part hereof. d. 3. Said ivaprovement is not, ___asked for upon petition of three or more owners of properly, subjoet to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. c,COUNCIL FILE NO _ ~ 7jl� il c,COUNCIL FILE NO D nr-~____........ ......... ....... ........... .... ..... .................... FINAL 6R'D'E R~ IntheMatterof ����..... �����........ ������_������ .... . ...... ............��� ........... '................ ... ........... .......... ................. ..... _'__'.......... ....................... ......... -................ ...... ............................................................... ... under Preliminary order .... .......... .......... ........... approved -A i_l_.1919 .................. '-- IntermediaryOrder ........ ............ ......... ...... '........... ...... .... ....... approved ...................... _-.......... ................. ... _.... ---........... Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council x",i"x h"",a all n"rs""". obi"ui""o and rex"=m""u"tio", relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, b"/, RESOLVED, evthe Council ofthe City aSt. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind aim- provement ,"b=m"a"b',homacity/,_2��1�-ac�-u�z��:�-����'���u�-��e allay_ _���-����^-----'''--'..................... ....... -...... -....... --_' ....... .... ..... ....... .......... ..... ... ....... ... ...... .......... ... .................... ................. .......... ......... _........ ..... ................ ...... ............ .......... ....... ____....... ........... .................... ......... _... .................. ........................ _........ ............ ... ............ ... -................ .... ... .................... .... ....... ... ....... ..... ----'--'--....... ----.......... .................. -......... .......... ...... ---....... ....... ................... ....... '..... ........... -... ........ ........ ... ........... -................ .... ........ __-_'--'_........ ........... ........ .......... '.......... --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement mb"made. ncSnLvEo romTnEn, That the Commissioner o/ r"u/x *oa.o be and is hereby /"x*""*a and a/re"ma to v,"p"= plans and "p"ciou"/""" for said /mnro."="n,. and o"bm/' o"m" to the Council u, approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed mproceed with the making "/ said improvement /" accordance therewith. ' Adopted bvthe Council ........... .... -........... __------.m/ ........... ... '............. ....... -_....... ............. ............ ... ---�����- Approved........... ......................... ... ....... -_-../e1......... ' -----_.---'���,............ ... ............... ......... or. Councilman m,"o°°,,k ^ Keller ' M"c" / . Nash / ^ Y"er« Mayor Powers ,. _ ~ D nr-~____........ ......... ....... ........... .... ..... .................... FINAL 6R'D'E R~ IntheMatterof ����..... �����........ ������_������ .... . ...... ............��� ........... '................ ... ........... .......... ................. ..... _'__'.......... ....................... ......... -................ ...... ............................................................... ... under Preliminary order .... .......... .......... ........... approved -A i_l_.1919 .................. '-- IntermediaryOrder ........ ............ ......... ...... '........... ...... .... ....... approved ...................... _-.......... ................. ... _.... ---........... Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council x",i"x h"",a all n"rs""". obi"ui""o and rex"=m""u"tio", relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, b"/, RESOLVED, evthe Council ofthe City aSt. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind aim- provement ,"b=m"a"b',homacity/,_2��1�-ac�-u�z��:�-����'���u�-��e allay_ _���-����^-----'''--'..................... ....... -...... -....... --_' ....... .... ..... ....... .......... ..... ... ....... ... ...... .......... ... .................... ................. .......... ......... _........ ..... ................ ...... ............ .......... ....... ____....... ........... .................... ......... _... .................. ........................ _........ ............ ... ............ ... -................ .... ... .................... .... ....... ... ....... ..... ----'--'--....... ----.......... .................. -......... .......... ...... ---....... ....... ................... ....... '..... ........... -... ........ ........ ... ........... -................ .... ........ __-_'--'_........ ........... ........ .......... '.......... --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement mb"made. ncSnLvEo romTnEn, That the Commissioner o/ r"u/x *oa.o be and is hereby /"x*""*a and a/re"ma to v,"p"= plans and "p"ciou"/""" for said /mnro."="n,. and o"bm/' o"m" to the Council u, approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed mproceed with the making "/ said improvement /" accordance therewith. ' Adopted bvthe Council ........... .... -........... __------.m/ ........... ... '............. ....... -_....... ............. ............ ... ---�����- Approved........... ......................... ... ....... -_-../e1......... ' -----_.---'���,............ ... ............... ......... or. Councilman m,"o°°,,k ^ Keller ' M"c" / . Nash / ^ Y"er« Mayor Powers ,. _ fi r CITY Oir ST -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONIMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of _-. - ._._.. ___..�6%s% [. -------------._.-----------. ..------... ----------- - ---------- under Preliminary Order approved -- --✓d / - l�- - ---- - -- - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - _ - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT B LOCK ADDITION ASSESS D VALUATION ,, It 7 L 7` a lop % �o J ce 7/ Lr TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL e .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMII.hISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) " ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A D D I T ION VALUATION ,iv y T 17 All v,-o I J'o y `t 1,z7 71 S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - �/ -191 - / Commissioner of Finance. F 10 son 7� " a5—pile K 01" a ao r � pr4, a� $cfcsolxat � 'ft] s� F 1 P$T�C �i13TI $0 V' 01`(8x1RE $ ;fit,M.ki, _M O"s , Whicr; `i✓' gIN e 'O'k 22 h The,Honorable 1d. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, g City of Saint Paul. A SIR: r: The undersigned, the owners of the property set op- polite their respective names, desire that the alley running north and south in Block 47 of St. Anthony Park North in the City of Saint Paul be graded and to that end request that you take whatever steps may be necessary in the premises. Respectful A OWNER 0'F y ° Lots 11 and 12,Block 47,St.Anthony Park North. r z TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CITY OF ST. PAUL. GentleVen, We, the undersigned, property owners in Block 47 St. Anthony Park North, respectfully petition your -body to reconsider and abandon the project of grading an alley through said block. "\ ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL 1_. COUNCIL RESOLUTION —•O+EN AL FORM - Subject:. COUNCIL FILE No...... Date Presented July 12 V 191 6 . Resolved, RESOLUTION fixing the amount of land or extent of easement to be taken in condemnation proceedings. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of alley in Block 47, St Anthony Park North,under Preliminary Order #9847, approved April 7, 1916, and,Intermediary Order #10599, ap- proved May 23, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St:Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for elopes, for cuts sand fills in and upon the land abutting.upon the said alley beyween the points aforesaid, to the extend shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commiss- ioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 12,1916, which sk sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent decessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said alley to•the established grade. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Goss In favor Hyland 191 Keller Approved McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR FORM C. 8-2 CITY -OF SAINT PAUL • OCPARTMKNT Of PUBLIC WORKS • k 'TN. N. GOSS. 'COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D.— C -1--W OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E -- - J. E. CARROLL Surt. Cnxrt --- 4 R[r[B, ALFRED JACKSON, Su— S.nn G. N. NERROLD, 0111.1 EnRin,n N. W. GOETZINSER. Surt. W --- -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 47 St Anthony Park North, under Preliminary Order #9847, approved April,7 1916, and Intermediary Order #10599, approved May 33, 1916. To the Council of. the City of St -Paull The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a 'plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner f Public Works Date2' Y/ b CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � 414 PRELIMINARY ORDER ..._......_ . ....................................................... ._,..-_....._r.__-------------------.__--___—__— under Preliminary Order approved — - -`- -f - .--•---.......................----...----............ -------------------- -----------...._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports asfollows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is- _ $ 50. 00 -- - ----- -- ------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $.--_—____—_--_.._.--- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 A4v 1 7S o J 1Cz, 7�`O [P Qa 0 �v TOTAL, FOR' B.S.A. B 3 A N 7 SSP The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G/��-_ Dated. _._./ 2--v.-....._391.6... Commissioner of Finance. .oan e.a.w. aa c CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - ,- - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Otj PRELIMINARY ORDER - y A _ . D DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALLUATIUATI ON Y `f7 4a, 7 i S N 7 SSP The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G/��-_ Dated. _._./ 2--v.-....._391.6... Commissioner of Finance. .oan e.a.w. aa c Office of the C4mmissioner of Pubfic Works Report to Commissioner of Finance VIA 19L. s. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preffinihary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No...-... ..-Uril To .. ........ . ...... - 191.6 relative to_ ..... ... ........ .. ........... ............o....o. ..n....d....emn.....i... .n . I .g........a... n....d........taking an.........easement in ..th..e land ..neo a ggr y fqr. .-BI.P.P.e.s ........... for Outs and fl..1-1.# thq- 4110Y. -In 13.1Q.Qk- 1% — --I. . .. .... .. ... .. ... ....... .. .... .. .. ....St. ..Anthony Park North. ...... ...... - ............. .................. - .. ..... ........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable, Z. The estimated cost thereof is $ . ..... ......... and the total cost thereof is ......... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............... ................ - .. .............. ........... ........... .............. . ............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... . .. . .......... ...... -- - .......... - ...................... . .. -- ....... . .... ............. ... ....... - -- - ............. ... ... ..- -- . . . .... ...... .. ..... . ....... . ..... 3. Sail improvement is._...............................asked for Upon petition of three or more owners a of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILA PO..____...... _— if48s Bye!._.... _..... _._.__.__..... _ _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Metter of_Cone#rutting_.. serer._nn_�hippe�a_astenue_.irnm. enna„nlia- stre-t to center line of Baker street, also rebuild that portion of . the -faker -etre et-out3>rt aeer- the oentre_ line of Chip2ewa street to a manhole 40 feet northwesterly_ from ea�<i. manhoYe under Preliminary order. < The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby oared to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the 'm rov went w h the Council recommends i ., Construct a sewer. I on Chippewa avenue i�rgm �nnapolis stree to centrt3 $line of Baker street, _ IB.o_.rebui.ld_.that.._.poxii.on of the Baker- tl.et._.seN=__extending__. from a manhole 83 feet west of the cent 1 of Chippewa street to a atan3:o•3-e•-'4f1-•feet-zrorthvra•sterty-Yrom-eaf.,..•manisvie;__.____.._.__._.___.__�._.__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i$: $2,35ZQ.01 f Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__at11...—_.._ _.._day of 191 ..f3._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, MINSW of the Court House and City Hall Building in th City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and itt ie;manna;r provided by jos;, Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ihelreof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._.__......._ jL4_12.j M&-, 191 Ci Jerk. JUL 12 1916 Approved_.___:.......—_.-._._._.._...._ 191..._ 1 ) C raving coG° -^�_'--ea1U reporte .. and .__._........_ Mayor. 1.by aDProved and adopted:• r ment is hereby - Councilman Farn Orth be proceeded with. C the nature of tae lmprgve- A�� ..ilch the Council recommends fa -avenue * I7ily a newer on Chippewa +•ona..I'. etre., to center line of K er " street. also rebuild that porde¢' r Baker street tlet news ez- :,Bakerset from a ant le 23 ' CCOI ,. / 'V line Chi?p.watetwreet mantl-a 4e teat northweateriy no alterna- /Fsaid cr �EDW tlaolved manhole• with' and that the estimated •cost Ott ser. � That a public Ma Powers A,-- i ;,nK re ,.ad ,II acid �m0`ovomeil+ doy of Anguat. lal8, at the or ae 9th r of 16 o'c;ock A. N.. In the Counell' tCIttYuOf aa1. Form B. S. A 8.6 11 Building in Sttl thelce said meting ommissioner t tlhe y persons •,iVe- t"t of M1 the athertimre and Diane ovided by of -ter, etatingIn ' ng, tae 'nature of the ImProde- - and the total coat" taeregf as. 9y by the Cganc/l July lE 1936q COUNCIL FILE NO ......... By... 7.. ...._ ......_ — L CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolutionof Council Approving Assessment, . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ' costs and expenses for Grading Aldine street from fat. Anthony avenue to Rondo street, under Preliminary Order 4089 Intermediary Order 4361 Final Order ._--.Q86- __ approved__.Majr 218t 1915...... The assessment of. ... benefits., costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_. _7_t•.h...... ........ _..... day of August 191 8 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 11) 191 Adopted by the Council City Clerk. uApproved __.._............... I ta1x.._............ .191_..._.. - �aaae�.,:........_.�.,,:.;........ . .... ............... __._._.---...... Mayor. CouncilmaJFrn h ch May Form B. B. 16 "- oamaerea same dnd essment satisfactory, the said assessment le hereby In all re- ef, .- That a nublle CITY Or ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.,191...... In the matter of the assessment of .benefIts t &-.@.RPeX1.B.0Ar the _._.Grp.ding..... of ....._ Aldine street from St,,.Anthpny...ave.ntle. t.p._Rond.p_Westa, _ ._...._ ........ _ ...... . under Preliminary Order .089 -. _ Intermediary Order _.. F?l._... __........._. _ Final Order. approved ....May 10 t _ 191. 5 ...... .....__.. To the Council of the City.of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of _the expendi- tures nedessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_. 65.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..........._ .34__............... .Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..- _1.5.0......_ _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - Total expenditures - - - - - - - - $ 6$ 50 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._sB_•_5O_.-........ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said' improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Fm B. S. A. a-9 CITY OF. ST. PAUL Resolution[ of Council Approving Assessmeth. In the matter of the assessment. of benefice, costsandexpenses for Grading Atlantis street from Pascal anus to Snelling avenue, under Preliminary Order474.3 _ Intermediary Order 561.3._..-_.........-..-... ........... -.-. Final Order . 6Q5.1._ _ _ __ approved_ J111}r 19th._ 191.._r.— The assessment of ._b.erAf.i..td.,. ooa..tB.....and _.axp.anaea_ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... day of AUgUst 191.__6. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. In Adopted by the Council __..._... _ .. ...... _ 191 - � - � J _'.�`/City Clerk. `1 Approved __...:___1..._.!_3.�... _.................... _...... 191......... ,.. o.r tt en,eCouncil." o ha , Mayor. - w he uncil.l. •....................._......_..........._.._.................._......_-..._....... said assessment entlel Councilman Far -worth e, be It. ,.ed, That the said .ease. .he ..me le hereby in eL ., proved Further, That . Publ.,, H land n any t nuguet, lsls, at me Counoil - eller ,,r 10 o'clock A. 15f., In the ier of the Court House Illy Hall Building, in the City Paul; that the Commissioner, of glue notice of said meettn6 ir- ccoll gyred by the Charter, stating i.n -'ce the time and Place of hear, t nature of the Imvrovement " Wunderlich cost cheroot, and the, amount or e [notice ne r�owner om to whhe th May r Irvin by the Council July 12, 1916 July 12, 1916. Form B. B. 16 'July 16-1916) PPP CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE. OF THE COMMISSIONFR OF FINANCE.'. REPOR, T 0; OF COMPLETION OF, ASSESSMENT JUL 12 1916 �. 1. -.1 � �. � � � -1 191.._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ..cosA.8 & expe.Rs.e9or the ..qrading. of ktlgat to - a trov n.0U xe.@ �t.Q_ Snellin aven e, under Preliminary Order ......... . . -, Intermediary Order Final Order 6051U 9th -, *proved.. July Y. 1 11915 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to.be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,238.24 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $3.50. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $_ 7.50 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1,275.50 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- Mined, to -wit: the sum of $ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the•said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed b I him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be eonsidered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Forfd B. S. A. 8-9 COUNCIL FILE NO :!._ IBy CITY; OF ST: -PAUL 4 011 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ooste & expenses for d df �� f} d ng^Ch ries treat from Aldine street to Snelling avenue, ,j under Preliminary Order 53 3 4_ _ Intermediary Order '/ Final Order _ 7113 approved_ September 18th 19 1..5 The assessment of ..bQn.§f1t0,_ costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__It}1...._._._......_.. day of g 1s t 191...6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court !-louse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. In t Adopted by the Council 191 _ _.... ' ""...1.._t_t .City Clerk. .__................... V JUL 1`.3 1916 Approved__........._..._.................._.....__...__........ ...... ...._.._._191......._ (' ' ._....:_nt at'benentx,..... Mayor. . and In connection; '�� Councilman Farris orth npr,,mmm�t having b o the Councll, and tat, _ `considered same and f . alaaasesament satle[aotory. Y,; be IC Resolved, That the said eaeasen Hyla d and the same is hereby In au r; approved. - Resolved Further, That a imblh, Kell r Ing bey n said assessment r, 7th day of August, 1916, at the t SO o'clock A: M., In the C, Mc oil of, of the court �( d City Hall Building, In 'the, C.., 9t. Paul; that the Comleam"' ' Wu derlich imnance give notice of -aid meettn,, roqulred by the Charter, stating In notice the time ,and Dlace, pf heart..,, Mayor I the nature of the improvement, the t' Y coat the and the amount assessed' against the lot or lotp of the particular, Form B. B. 16 owner to whom the notice Is directed: A'dgAttj r'the Council-oruly 12, -1916.1 ...,.._.,..e „., 11 141x. CITY OF"ST..PAUL `r fr OFFICE-OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ 191 In the matter of the assessment of _benef l,tsL ooete & exPen"96r ilT�g o ....... . Charl es __street_ frgln.,.Ald,in.e street_ to. 8ne.11ing_avenue, ......... __ .... _...... .. _. _............ .:.__...._ ... _.._......._._p under Preliminary Order �3.3.4__ _..._........ .......... _._, Intermediary Order ��70.. _. Final Order...._ a 71- ..._....._ __ _, approved _.. September 18th 191 _5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul.: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection- with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.:' Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.....1,470.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - --- - $...-....-. 3.78 .............. ..... .__ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.__,.....__..._1..•62._... 29.40 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._.__:..........._.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - $........ ........ 8,1.10 -- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1,.512._90..._.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $.._1..,_512_._90.,.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, land in the case of each lot; part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof; is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. a-9 COUNCIL FILE NO By...... / ...... CITY OF Sr PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessmefit. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coe't0 and' expenses Grading Clear street from Forest street to Arcade street, ti under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ___.1.6 ..._....._ ...__..., Final Order - _ 2092__ _ approved QotQber 14.th 191._.`}..... The assessment of .-bengf..1_t.@I.. C.00ts...._.,L:nd OXF).OU-0.4.0__. _........... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ?ttl....__... _.... .._day of August_. _ ,. .._ ___ , 191.6... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council �lvt._�H-}' :�: _. 191 ���-------�"'" ......... __......... _ ..t...' C:.1:. City Clerk. J`_L..._i_'=.191 ..6 ......... 191 _Approved ...o....... _ V..... _..:_._......._t._.._...... Ma _...............— ..... _..... _. or. y Lonu .ement hac' Councilman Far sworth mg consideredl' ear. said aseesement eatlefi be it ;.tid he ams IBeherebYala all -.Vproved. " H land ped Further, That a public • be had on said assessment cn day of AuguE 181 G, at 'the' hour eller oas o'clock A. M., In the Cnuncll hi } f " .Coll 0.the Court House and C t. Hall Bullding, In the CItY of 9t. Paul; that the CommlBslon-' er of F]nonce give notice of Bald meal- - IngIng, ae epuired by the Chnrter, " underlich stat- salt notice the itme and place of hunting hearing, the nature of, the Improve- ment, the total coat thereof, and o the amount Mayor rvin assessed against the lot. or,lots . of the. particular h owns, whom'_tpe 1 notice ie directed. Form B. H. 1C I Adopted by the Counclt,July 12, ls:%.' ADDroved July 12, .1818. (July 16-1918) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION ASSESSMENT 191......... In the matter of the assessment of benef its, costs & expense4orthe._Grading oP Clear .... .... ............. _.._.__. __...... ._....... _...... __ y __..-...._........_—, Intermediary Order .__._163$ under. Preliminary Order .... 418 ..-........_ . _..........__. _....._..._........ ___ . _. 3093 _._..., approved October 14th 191 4 Final Order... .._ __. pp _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - _ - - $_._1,.553.85 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $........... - —3-'-43---- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $__............ .. - Inspection fees. - - - 31.07 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $- 7.35....-._. ._............... Total expenditures - - - $, 1 r 597.17 _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._lam 59.77..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit --5 conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action therepn.as may be considered proper. .._... .... _ Commissioner of Finance. f— B. S. A. 9_9 is � COUNCIL FILE NO By _. CITY OF ST.' PAUL Resolution 'of Council Approving Assessment- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Gra ing of Griggs street from James street to Stanford street, i( under Preliminary Order __ 5Q17_ Intermediary Order 7396.__ .................. Final Order . 7763 approved .. November let _. 191.._x_ The assessment of ... benef its, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _.7th.___..__.___.dayrof /111$118_t__ __._, __."__ • 191.6._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. r1 Adopted by the Council __ JJL_1M. 1_ 191 � i ........._.._ r.l..C.'.f t .. _ ___ City Clerk. JUL...__.:1.�1.8.._...............__....191..__... � �� �;� Approved ._ _......._ 2.1( .................................�.........__.................. __..... ...... _...... Mayor. ,anent o[ henoate, . for and in connect. Councilman Farn worth -OveImprovement hav[ra, ,,eteto the Connell. rll having considered eam •• ;the . Id aeseesment Satlef lbeThot the Said asseesm m Hy and and Ib. sae is hereby in all to -proved' That a public II Resolved Further, 4 K 11CT h6aring be find on Bald a1;,,6. t on the 4th day of Aq gust, 1916, at the j h—r r,[ to c'elock A. M.. In the HC -up. 1 cColl Ch ember Of the Court inathi c7td City Aall Building, City { g 01 It. lnance give -cites of enid meeting. I Wunderlich repulred by the Charter, orating to i acid oUce the time and pLaes of hear - Ma Irvin I. the nature of the Improvement, Y the -total cost thereof. and the amount: r aeseesed against the tot or tote o[ the ; Form B. B. 1C particular .owner to whom the notice le directed.. Adopted by the Council July 12, 1916. 1. Approved (July 1611 918),. �' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ........... .._........._.._1191....._.. In the matter of the assessment of-b..enef1tQs.._.C.Qe.t-Q__Ve.1EPP.n.Befor the -.Gx.tgga e.t.rest....fso.m.Jam" ...ataT.e.e.t.....to 8.ta .f.o.rd ..Qtroet ander Preliminary Order ..._.5017„_..._,,.-..... __........_._ Intermediary Order ..._7396.___....._......... 7763 _.. a roved . November let _ _ _......, 191.5 Final Order ._. pp To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - $.._1,_3 Cost of publishing notice - - _ - - - $ •90. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - -$ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - _ - - - $...__.._....__a7_, 4.50 Amount of court coats for confirmation Total expenditures - - - - - - - - $ _ ... 84.._SQ_.._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...-12.3b .-..§O upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land' in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attaehedt identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 A ------ ----- COUNCIL FILE NCi.......__ .1._..._ By 711 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, COet8 and BXperi9as for Grading• Griggs street from University avenue to Uinnehaha sikket, under Preliminary Order 456 , Intermediary Order 119.7 .... --....... ....... ............ ......... Final Order 1899 1 , approved ootobe! 2110._ 1914..__ The assessment of benefits Coote and eXpenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ___.71b ......_......clay of /111Vet _..._..._..._.._...._..., 191....8., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.. 4 JUI- 12 Adopted by the Council _ 191 E::..2,..t_5......_C:.../a! i._1.. .5City Clerk. Approved ............_._JUL...1_'-'_....1916....__.............._.191 --_.......... ......... h, er 1187, Flnnl ,ved October and, 19i:. Mayor. . aeaeeament otbeneflte, coeR.............._.._.......__..._............-.__.. _nren fov and In connection a'. _. Councilman Far eworth -hove Improvement having 1,0— eubmlttea to the roancn, and the ____11 h_,' g considered same and —4 the ,,, aseeesment eatletaetory, - w " [heo etoro, be 1t - rternlved, That .the said assessment Hyl d be and the aamo I. hereby In all re - sneme ppro—d nceo'.rcd.• Frrther. Thnt a DUDltc �. hearing be had on said assessment on . " Bell r the .7th day of August, 1816, at Life., hour of 10 o'clock A. �, In the Council Chamber of 'the Court House Mc oll and City Hall Building, in the Clty-of I- 9t. Pauli that the Commassloner of Ell- naDcs glue notice of said meetln6, u n—,,.% " W derlich rMulrad by the Charter, stating In hear- said notice the time and place of Ing, the nature of the ImVprovemenq the , Mayor I n total cost..thereot,..and- a..:amount,sq- seemed against the lot. or lots of the ➢articular owner to whom the notice Is Form B. B. 16 " directed. Adopted by the Council July 32, 1818. ADprtiv¢d Iii 13, 1816, - (S�i)Iy 18-3818) - - - --------- --------------------- l: CITY OF ST.. PAUL l I OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .............. _........_._..._........ ....... .... _1 191.._._. Ie the matter of the assessment ofbenef itex__gOete.__& expEA88�r the Giadiri Of Gri.&s street from University avenue to Yinnehaha street, ......... ..... ...-_ ..... _ _ __... _... .. .. __ __ ..... . under Preliminary Order .......... ............... Intermediary Order 1197 Final Order...... 1899.._...._ _..._.__ _ ......, approved _.._Ootober. _2nd_.__.. ___ - _....., 191.4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - _ $2-,983.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $._........_. _2..3.4... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._...._.__.._._..,_96.._..._.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._...._...5�_._6f......._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - 4 .80 $.._.__ _._.4 .....__......._ .. Total expenditures - - - $3,050.66 ..........- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._3,050_.66 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit, conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, end which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereo�q as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. s-9 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution- of Council Approving Assessment. In the matte of the assessment of benefits, costs' and expenses for Crrading Hamline avenue from Midway Parkway to Nebraska Ave. Lake Como and Phalen Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Hemline Ave. McKinley Ave. from Frankson Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. Asbury Ave. from Midway Parkway to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. Arona Ave. from Midway Parkway to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. Simpson Ave. from Midway Parkway to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. Pascal avenue from Frankson Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave., and Frankson Ave. from Midway Parkway to Hamline avenue, ander Preliminary Order 3221 - - Intermediary Order ...4591 Final Order . 5151 approved __. May 27th 191.5._.... The assessment of __benef_its, Oo_ots and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the __7t4_ ____ day of AUguet .,. . _ 191___6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Jl It In ,p1' Adopted by the Council Approved . _.......J.l1.L.. Councilman Mayor Form B. B. 19 •ae j... all- and the adered area teseesment satlefaotory. A the said aseeeemant ie Is hereby In all re- 4her, That a. Public on, eald aseessment an �Avguet,*1919, atthe t A, M., In the Council I " Court House Building In the e noticee or ealdlmaet- by the Charter, etat- the time -ad phyne of owner to whom th 'ouncll July 1s, 1911 L-1919_.. s 1. W � /ANCE. I PEPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _...._..._..-.._._..__ _......_.1191.... -- In the matter of the assessment of -benef its, C,Osts & _ expense4or the..._G.rg#A9..._Of_.Hemline Ave. from Midway Parkway to Nebraska Av. Lake Como i� Phalan Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Hamline Ave. McKinley Ave. from Frankson Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave.; Astiury Ave: from 21dway Parkday to Lake Cbmo & Pii&len Ave Krona Ave from Midway Parkway to Lake Como & Phalen Ave Simpson Ave from kidway Parkway to �.ak Como -and -Phalen -Ave: -Pascal Ave: from Frankson-Ave.- to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. and FranksoA Ave. from Midway Parkway to Hamline Ave., under Preliminary Order __..36x1 ...____._.._ ' ... Intermediary Order _...__4591 Final Order .....5151__ __ __..___ approved .. May_ 27 i:h _ _._ 191 5. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....6,.300.e00 Cost of publishing notice $.._,„-- 20.23_ Cost of postal cards - - - $--- .. 8 6 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ _ ......_.......... 166.00... . . Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-- -- 4311.35. Total expenditures - - - $ 8.538..85.-_,_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_8� 53$.25.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and p` which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon i nay be considered proper. i Commissioner of Finance. t, Form B. S. A. 8-4 -------------------------- --- - s COUNCIL FILE NO ................. By( CITY OF ST. PAUL x Re$olution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for (trading Lansing street from Hemline avenue to Albert avenue, L t) under Preliminary Order 4�J5_.._.__ . intermediary Order .._ 4��% _ _._ _...... a Final Order . 5114 approved . May d6tht 191._J_.. The assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory„ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 7th day of ................. August__ __.._ , 191.6._. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court'--i- House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _. ju;.. In I Y'91. f_ 11 .....0 .__. ` .._`.. .:.1 City Clerk. Approved . ......_. iiJ ...... r?._. ._ .............__....191......... L. U _ _ :, .............._......__._.._..... Mayor. n _. r 5114, _y 26th, 1915. Councilman Farns orth ....eat of benefit., .at. and -.-:e mor and to connection with at.ove Imp;Mt,'cvement having been to t Council " - ebrollied llhavingconsiderudsame and fou lhp said q sessment satisfactory, there- Hy nd K Iler fore„ be 11 1Tand Lhid Thgt the said aIn all nt to- lra and the sumo Is hereby ss all re- 'pe'l. appreyed. Beached, Further, That a public hearing be hadosaid ...e..ment on the 7th day of August, 1919, at the [Coll hon, of 30 o'clock A. Id., In the Council Chamber- of the . Court Hone. and City Hall Building, In the City of underlieh St . P. her th. Commiseloner f Finance glee .ours aF said m et- Ing, ae requlrod by the Charter, etat- Mayor Irvin lug In aid otwo the time a d,place of hraring, the nature f the Im provice ment, the total coat thereof; and the ,atletor owlner Form B. B. 1G 7 lots thespn doular to -. i th, no I- Is dlrocted. Adopted by the. Cou n.It July 12, 1916. i al Approved Juty 12..19;8: . ,. ,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -7. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - ----- - - - - - - --- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY OF ST. PAJUI_� OFFICE OFTHE COMMISSIONE-R-G�F�I REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT . .... ...... ......... .. ... ...... ..... .. 191 In the matter of the assessmentof .benefits, costs & ex ens0lorth, n5 of .. . ...... .. .. . ........ ....... J .. _.q.rsdA. .......... street- from Hamline avenue.- to A.Ibe.rl avenule, .. - ....... .. - tinder Preliminary Order -4.5........_....._ ............ ........... . — Intermediary Order . ..... Final Order ... ......... - - approved gay. 36th I 191.5. El To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - $.._400.00 1- I Cost of publishing notice $......... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._....._...._..72....._......... Inspection -------- Inspection fees $,._..,.._8.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ ._414.-00,.__.._.-__._. Sai 14._091 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $414.00_.___.._._.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the cue of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the beneflu conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon its may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. F- B. S. A. R-9 ... ..-------------- ___ COCJNCf `FILET , � 20 a'0 CITY OF ST. PAUL ResoCution of Council -,Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for Grading Palace street from Griggs street to, Syndicate avenue, b under Preliminary Order _ .. QQQ_ Intermediary Order 48.19 `• Final Order ._ 54i..3.... _.. _.. approved.... June _ 10th_ The assessment of benefits, costsand eRpenaes for and in connection with ..._ ... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _._7th..__ _.......... ._day of .Auaup t______,.__ _, 191.8.._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to wHom the notice is directed... Adopted by the Council_...�L;L._�i... J?._...191 City Clerk. 916 191. ^ "' - ml• vemeu-...._..........__...._._._....._ Mayor. ;tea ��.d the o. dL� Councilman Far aworth olvrea, 'rent 'h- said aeaec. ' I be and the same le hereby In e6 all _;,Dr, T'oe l�vcd. F..rthnr T•... ,a p bit. , • henrtng be and a an:d n went o ._ H and the 7th day of August, 1916, at tho hour of 30 o'clocl< A. M„ In the Counoll rt and City .Hall But ding, Inatha Cltyaof K ller a St Faul; that the Commlaelonei o[ F{- requlredlvbynotho Chties o a tar, ata[ing In M Coll nld tine the ume and place of hear - Ing, the nature of the Improvement, the 1-8116 ocol oat thereof, and tho amount &!- W nderlich aa a agalnet tho lot nr Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice la directed Mayor I n Adopted by the t'onncll July 12, 1916. Approved July 12. 1916. (July 15-In16) Form B. 1B. 16 ------ - - - - - - - ---- -I -- - - - - - -- - - - - I --- - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL X OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 19 � ........ . ... ... ........... ... .. . ......... In the matter of the assessment Of the _21aaaA."'Guest fmom_ G.riggs B treat ..to_Synd1.0_at.G aV-enu.04 .... . ...... ................. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ....... ........ .... . ...... . ...... Final Order ... _5433 .. approved ...jVA-0. 1915 . .......... .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection, Fees- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-- -3-`64 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - 79""40" Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$._91._40 - ----- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ewe of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, anti which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. . Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 COUNCIL FI ; By......._ ....................... ................. ........ ._._........._...............:......:... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessbgpt. l In the'matter of the assessment of benefits, Coats and expenses for Grad,. North Pascal avenue between Lafond street and Edmund street,. S . under Preliminary Order !3280_ _ Intermediary Order _7909 .... ._,............... ., Final Order ...,. W64 approved _Decembbr 8th 1915- The 91 -The assessment of ._benefits, .costs, and expenses` __.._ _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVEb FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the __7th. day of _ _.AL18t_ ..... 191 _15_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _...___.. JUL 12 fcyC. C.: / 'r.:_C_r�/�City Clerk. Approved JUL 1. 191_ 191......... PP .,..,....�u.t �„ ..._....._._.__............ .................. _...._..... _...... Mayor. The .eaeasment of benefits, caste a Councilman Far sworth expenses for and in connection it„ tho nbave improvement having been submitted- to the Council, and the 1 Council havtng considered same a.ad found tho sold' assessment satt.factory, 1 therefore, be It Resolvtd. TSat lLe said ......moat H land br e A there- Uoct. • ppwveQ. 1` Resolved Further, That a public Iler Acaring -0'e Lad on said ...element on the 7th day of August. 1016, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Bf., In the Council K 1. ccoll Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, fn tho City f 9t. Paul; that the Comm 8S of Fi- nance give notice of said meeting: as reeufred by the Charter, stating - in said 1 notice the time and place of hearing. Mayor I In is, cost nat tther.of. aduof the ' amount -as- sensed against the lot or Iota of the Form B. B. 16 particular owner to whom the notice is directed. - Adopted by the Council July 12_ 1016. Approved July 1ffi 183&)r,16.1 -7. PA 4 CITY'OF S IL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF, COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT' ......... ... . ..... 1191 pnefitS 006t.S....& 9*plilAqpf the -.0-f In the matter of the assessment Of - P P.a.g.0.0"I Pon.n .,u W ............ .... . - ....... .. . ... ... 1 11 - _ I ... . .......... under Preliminary Order .... ... . ... ........................ Intermediary Order Final Order -,approved 191, To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement Of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection ' L with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.-. Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - 285.0.01 1 - - $_..........1, Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - $-.. .. .......... 54 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . .......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.70 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $. . - - - I I Total expenditures - -- - - - - - - - - - - - $ ................. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asicer. twined, to -wit: the an- of 20upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .... . ..... Commissioner of Finance. F- B. S. A. R-9 COUNCI�-- By:................:........ CITY OF 8T. PAUL Resolution of 'Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Grading Stanford avenue from Prior avenue -to Cleveland ave %a, Wellesley avenue from Prior avenue to Cleveland avenue, and BArkeley avenue from Kenneth street to Cleveland avenue, 5 3938 Intermediary Order .4256 under Preliminary Order _. - "' ' Final Order _ 4705 ____ approved__ Apr11 30th." _.._ ........ 191_5. -- The assessment of .._..benefits, _ costs... and __eXp.enH.HH_ __ __ _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment s9tisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the __..7th................"_,".".day of Auguet.__ _ 1916.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the ComPlissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ _ .... �Ut.....�N _�.e 1 x.191 _ ....�:1 v... i ..- :�. City Clerk. Approved .._........ _......... _�.L_.1.................191......... ............ .. Mayor. improvement have. Councilman F arrisorth cea` to the Counou, an �ncli having coneldered am: .• ound the Bald assessment saitefar• therefore, be it, Reeolved, That the said aeaeeeni. h and the same is hereby in all "Pact' aDDroved.. That a public Reeolved Further, ,• poring be had on said assessme.Enthe hdoy or August,1916. t the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council l Chamber �Ha11thBufldlnBcourt inHothe the Crtof Finana givehnotice oto n d meeterlich ing, as required. by the charter. stat- tng in said notice the time,andplace drMe Or hearing. the nature o1 the Improve - y amount assessed againstlo total cost ethe let or 1 btesoftheparticular owner to whtheForm B• B. 1C I police 1s dlreFted. pdopte8 recthe Council July 12. 1818. Approved JuIY. 12, 1918. ' (JulY., 16-18$8) FF, CITY OF ST. PUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONFR.OF FINANCE. I �� REPORT` OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT JUL 121916 _......... _.._....... ... 1ISL....._. In the matter of the assessment of .._.bone T1t@.o_._.O.A..4tB_ &_.._e_xp8.n8Q� the �5..Waford....avenue..Iram_Prlo.X....ax.e.nue._t.o.....C.1.ev.61aDd_ax.snue, Wellesley_ avenue from Prior avenue to Cleveland avenue, and Berkeley avenue ................__.._................__............................_....... . .........- . I. from Kenneth street to Cleve.....lan a.venu 8, 3 .3 . _.-........__, Intermediary Order .._4356... .._..... __ ......._ under Preliminary Order .._._9__8....-..-. _ Final Order __4705.... _. approved .. APT-i l_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._3,.600.00._ $._.....__ _ ................. . Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - -..._ 4.41 Cost, of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - $._....._.... _........4............ 72.00 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$....._......_........... _.._......__ 22..05 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - $._._.._ _...........__ ........__- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - $ . 3,e 708.75._...._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $.._3.,_7-0.8 _74-- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit.-' conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may,be considered proper. Commissioner of Finanett. Form B. S. A. s-9 COUNCIL FILE NO. ......... *.:...._.. CITY OF St. PAUL -� Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. 'In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grading West,Sixth street between Summit avenue and Iglehart street, i V � under Preliminary Order 50,48- Intermediary Order_ -- Final Order __ 8193 -- approved November 29th 191 The assessment of ....t?enBY_�.te,_ QQ6_t9.._.aPd exp_e118.9.11 -- _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 1 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the . _7th___ _ ___..__ day of at the hour of,10o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said "meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council h; l: «-� 191 . �. I ................ _.... ........:....._�.!_�.._ C.i._'..r..�. City Clerk_ Approved __......_JUL_.1-.�.._. b_._..._ .....................191......._ f ......, ... ..... Mayor. ,ed November 28th, la:•- ' for rand ot oIn Councilman Fa eWOith ao ntectloe with vland b... top the •• ',ted the Coun I'.cam. the said a una eeesment a.tt facto y therefore, be It yland beRandl the same 1. eheaiibyelnea mcnt l sped. approved. re - h.oringvbe hadonsaldhnesesementboo the Tth day of August, 1916, at the „ ell Chamber or o cloor `Courts McColl thea House d City Hall Building. In the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner required " Wunderlich ce by the ICha ter 1 se atattngnin ald notice the tlme and place of hear- ing. the Ma Or Irvin nature of the Improvement. the tetat coat thereof, and the amount aeseeeed against the lot or let$ of the particular Norm B. B. li owner to whom the notice Is directed. Adopted by the Council July 12, 391,. Approved July 12, 1916. J (July I6-19161 -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - -- --- CITY OF. ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE'COMMISSION ER OF FINANCE. I r_ i' -,-RF P0RT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ..... .... _. 191......... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs & expensegorthe .._Cra.ding of West �. .......... Sixth .e.tree_t.._be.tw.e.en...Silmmi..t_.axanue..... and ..._ Iglehar.L__a.tr.eet........ _... _..._ _. under Preliminary Order _ 504.8 Intermediary Order 7723 Final Order ......__81.9.r't.___...... ..__.... __, approved. _J!QVAJ._kbeP__a9_tih...-_____. ......., 1915• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the klowing as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: _ Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - $._.471.50 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_.......... .._9.1........ Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._....__9...4.3..._____._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $....__..._1..._95..._..._.... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - . $_484.18 _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._48.4_...115__......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit: conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may he considered proper. f ._j _._............. Commissioner of Finance. form B. S. A. a-9 POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE sl. PaabJH.nn. July_ 27th 1916 In th, matmr. nl the ax,ea,mm�lo. Grading t.Gth st. between Summit ave. and `glehart ave - T. _Bleary _ W., `Iey - - You are herehy —.6d that th, City of St. Paul p,opor, In mak, t6 ahav,ox mrnl; that the total m,t thermf a Ih, ,um of S qpi 13 That Ili, f llo,ving lot, m parcel, of xland hove been aa„x„d in Ilio amoum „t oppo,v, mrl,ihere rnpeel;vely, for th, making of ,aid improvement. nam,ly: La Rlock Addnlon Amount of Awaament 5d Crescent $ 28.93 y� do s 84.63 That a public hearing wi be Ido said a„ t ;n the Council Chamber room 61 of th, C—t Hou„ and City Hall Building, in th, Coy nl minSt. Paul, at 10 .',lo,k A. M., on th, 7th day of August _ 1916. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOUR ASSESSMENT, KINDLY GALL AT THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED FOR AN E%PLANATION. S. A. FARNSWORTH, Colnmivinnet of Finance i,. -� _ F / J N. t1 V` op v i ; r�ROS., Inc. 7th u VieW Streets — St. Paul, :: •• Minn. "j W -1 13- v h l 3 3'tf. S 1 V a' 1 1 COUNCI FILE Al04 _..... CITY OF '9T. PAUL Resolution of Council. Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses' EQ Grading Walsh street between Hawthorne street and Maryland street, under Preliminary Order 7169 Intermediary Order 83.16 Final Order __ 8749 _ approved January 13th _ 191...6._ The assessment of ., benefl_ts, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _7.th_..__.__.........day of Augus t _ 191 6. _ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meet ng, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. J�„�� Adopted by the Council _... _. _... ., r lit ✓.l' �.: �� . 191 __...._ _ _.. .. ..'._./....City Clerk. Approved.._........_............_vtit..._1:.__� �.�.6.._......._...191._. _...__.._...__......._................._................ ._....... —' _....... Mayor. Councilman Earns rth i ouncl' d t having considere- d :.d the Said neseeament a . •• Hyl d _..eratore, ben Resolved, That the Bald as.,. be and the Same le hereby In •• K er speete approved. Resolveod Further, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on •' cCo11 the 7th day o[ Augue4 1918, t the hour or 16 o`clock. A. M., In the Coun- ell Chamber.. of the Court House underlich and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner tot Finance glve notice of Bald meeting. i m required bythe Charter, stating la May Irvin lace or hear - Ing, theaid l nature he lof the me and improvement, tae total a thereof, and thea ount Norm B. B. 18 aseaesed aga�nat the lot or lots of the particular owner 'to' whom' the notice, 1n directed. - Adoptod by the!�Iunelle July 12, 1816,1 " 1 . CITY.QF ST. PAUL, �. OFFICE OF JHE�COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _..........__........._....._..... - __ _ ..._......, 191__.... in the matter of the assessment of benefits, __.006t9. & expens6Rorthe ...Gradingof Walsh atreet..be.tween Hawthorne street c?:i..Vietrylandst.reet,_._,_- ...... _. under Preliminary Order ...... _, Intermediary Order ...8316 Final Order...... 8749... approved._JAnUEiiy_ 13.tih.. 1916. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council .the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - $._210.00 Cost of publishing notice . . . . - - - - "° $ ' 78' ._ 1a Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ _....... . Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - $......_.._.4....30.___..__. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $ - —'-60 --"` Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - $ 215............. ................ Said Commissioner further' reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._al_5.._70..._--..._... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _1 ... _.._.... _..... .... ... _.... _.._ . Commissioner of Finance. Porro B. S. A. 8-9 CITY OP-4T..RAUL . ` « - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 REPORT OF COttMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMTARY ORDER (A) 1 - --- �_.. _ In th atter of - - -` - - -- �y^^�D -- -- ------------------- - ---- -... .__....-- .._...---.__..._- ------------------------- --- ------------ ..........-.__----- -------- -------- ----- --------- ----------- --------------- ------ ------ - ----- ------ ""._.._._.. ---------� - ------- '--- - -- - ---- under Preliminary Order approved----------------1-\---1-""-`' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: . o The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement Is ---- - --.-..---- --- _.. - - _ - ------ - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $—�"-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION ,{LOT BLOCK ADDITION DDIIITIION VALUATION J O �3 7 1 /o O y LG iv s TOTAL, 'CITY OF ST. PAUL r / - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMAVISSIONER OF FINANCE - 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION J.ec..20 ►.zy J�a3 I�a9,/lJl � "y� V 57 �'� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.9.A. B! C • MENRx : +.'E^E�SiGEL'�� ' STei�ON! H•. •Si v.__ u .. rr �. c 7 i f s 3 9 I SLY i • t. • MENRx : +.'E^E�SiGEL'�� ' STei�ON! H•. •Si v.__ u .. St Paul, Minn...............1915 ='To the Honorable City Council, City of St Paul. ,Gentlemen; - We; the undersigned,owners of property abutting on Dudley -street,between Grantham and Chelmsford streets,do hereby petition your honorable body,to cause said street to be graded between the points mentioned. Names Lot Blk Addition a F7 i nt V44 3 ✓ '..14 7/ � E.c. e-iII La ,62� Z- ash r 3i t MAR 181916 aai $HRUO OF -ENGINEERS. - - -- ----� ? ' gg c i s 3 9 I SLY / St Paul, Minn...............1915 ='To the Honorable City Council, City of St Paul. ,Gentlemen; - We; the undersigned,owners of property abutting on Dudley -street,between Grantham and Chelmsford streets,do hereby petition your honorable body,to cause said street to be graded between the points mentioned. Names Lot Blk Addition a F7 i nt V44 3 ✓ '..14 7/ � E.c. e-iII La ,62� Z- ash r 3i t MAR 181916 aai $HRUO OF -ENGINEERS. - - -- ----� ? ' gg c s 3 9 I / c I To the Hon. M. N. Goes and Council of the City of St. Paul. We the undersigned property owners abutting upon Dudley street between Chelmsford street and Grantham street, do respectfully petition your Honorable body to tirade said street between said points, to a full width of the street, making a roadway of 37 feet, leaving a 16J foot boulevard on each side. _ NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ADDRESS u JrFI , q r 'J r., 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public, Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil,known as Council File No. _.._9684__.__...approved .. A,pT11 10,.._ ...............1916....., relative to... ...... grading of Dudley Street, between Grantham St. and the east lin.e... o.f._che.lmsfor.d__St.reet __..__ .. ...... .. _. .... ._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___ _.......necessary and (or) desirable. 94¢ per front foot 1127.30 3. The estimated cost thereof is $.._.. __... _ .......... and the total cost thereof is $ _ and Frontage 1203.6 feet Excess inspection $22.10 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .f. ._... 5. Said improvement is._... __ ___... ...asked for upou petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / CmnnussioneT of Public Works/ April 37th, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Publio Works B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of oost for the grading of Dudley Street, between Grantham Street and the east line of Chelmsford Street, under Counoij File #9884, approved April 10, 1916. Approximate estimate $1127.30 Cost per front foot .94 Exoess inspeotion 32.10 Frontage 1303.6 ft. Respectfullfy� submitted, Chief Engineer. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OEPARTYENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M, N. GQ$$. COYYNSb1ONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. OSwn C"— OSCAR CLAUSSEN, E. CRS.M.. J. E. CAR"Surr. GowYuorrox & RernM. MLFRED JACKSON. Sun. S ---- H. NERROLD, O1-1 E--- H. W. OOETZiNOER, 5.— W-1-1 s April 37th, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Publio Works B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of oost for the grading of Dudley Street, between Grantham Street and the east line of Chelmsford Street, under Counoij File #9884, approved April 10, 1916. Approximate estimate $1127.30 Cost per front foot .94 Exoess inspeotion 32.10 Frontage 1303.6 ft. Respectfullfy� submitted, Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL., RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ Subject: COUNCIL �V FILE zi.. 115P� Date Presented July 19 191 6 Resolved, RESOLUTION fixing the amount of land orextent of easement to be taken in condemnation proceedings. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the garding of Dudley street, from Grantham street to east line of Chelmsford ave- nue, under Preliminary Order #9885, approved April 8th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10762, approved June 1, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St -Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting Dudley street,between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter,dated July 19,1916, which skecth and report pare hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to'the extent necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. C. F. No. 11698— In the matter of condemning end tak- Ing an a Bement In the ]gnd c1.as- tor glope Dud, ey street (from In the ntharn s o Grantham beet. 6 under Pr.11min. in' of Ch0—ford ve ned April 88 ry Order N d 9 IntermedfarY Order 8" 1918, an No. 10;62 approved ]one 1, 1916. The Commissions,. his Puhlie portWork. having a re n ,tch in the above That ter,Cbe 1' ^nlved, ,1) -mines Yeas (✓) :a -(c u cilmen (✓) Nays / Fa seorth In favor H and K ler M Coll Against W nderlich Mr. Preside . Irvin FORM C. 6-2 Adopted by the Council'JUL 19 1915191 ApprovedU ) ( � — 191 MAYOR _ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D-1 CRR.�uioxen OSCAR CLAUSSEK, CH -f. E -11- J, E. CARROLL SUPT. C ... TR-- L RuxIM ALFRED JACKSON, SUI, S -1-- G H. HERROLD, Orrice ExnxAa. _H. W. GOETZINSER, SUPT. WUnx HO C�TY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - I.1 1598 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for outs and fills in grading Dudley street,from Grantham street to east line of Chelmsford avenue, under Prelimianry Order #9885, approved April 8th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10762, approved June 1, 1916. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Bhblic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above named improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fila to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of smch plan. \ omm Seionerf Public Works Da t CITY OF ST. PAWL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j 4A - REPORT OF COMMYSSIONER OF FINANCE^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lA) - G s �4.� Circ Pf�a vuwe CGC - /.. In the Matter of 1_(-- - i--- - ---- -" .. r -... — � - --- r e -------- -------------- u - - ----------- -__.------- ._...._..: _...-...._....:......._ ..._------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------- --- - -------.--------------- -- - -- ---------- - - - - -... - - - under Preliminary Order approved J�.c..\.__._C._--�L...�G -To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: .P The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--�---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed Benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK '� ADDITION ASSESSED � ' ^ VALUATION Lf O p 2 tl s'o f, s LD o 1 5 c <12o o p 11 TOTAL, eonK a.a.w: e�a a CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - �� . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - , ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT SLOC•N 11 ADDITION VALUATION L21 7 gr d /e9 ;2 f, 3 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , Dated191_. ..G(,.✓:.1/IiZ�Z�+1C-O`� _ _.- / Commissioner of Finadce. FORM .-A. !-S C Office of, the Commitioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 191-6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File appr ... d Ap4l . ............. 191,0 relative to....................._.._. qondNPAing tA@k-I4!.g.__an.._esegment_,_in.._W"§ 1.0.Z.4 Aqqeq§.e-r.Y..TQT, for outs and ......f.....i..l..l.....s..I in grading Du.l. e-YAvenu be.t...w.....e....en Gr....a....ntham S.t. .. . . ... and the east line of Chelmsford St. ............ I . ..... ........ - . ............. I ........... --.1.1 1 ............ ............. .............. ................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $ . ..... X.X,.X.x and the total cost thereof is $ Xx M— and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: I ..... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....... ..... ....... ... ... 5. Said improvement is no. t. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... .. Colinissiork Of Public Works. A I elf----------`'-----................... 1----------- of - COUNCIL FILE NNQ,J,,,,,... _ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution -of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the $asessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a•se:rer on Prior avenue between Pennock street and Hillis Street, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order _.x.650.__.. ___._.. ......._._..._, Final Order 8171 _ approved_ November $6th__ _ 19L.._5?... i The assessment of benef its, coBtdd and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 7_tn..._____....... day of August_ _ _ __ , 1916_ , at the hour,of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular r to whom the notice is directed. owqe dopled by the Council _ _ _ h l; w 5 7'. 191 ................ _ f 1ti"___Ll....11_.l __.. City Clerk. Approved _ __.................�.�L....a.. �.._l.%�.Q......._...._.191-... / r ( _....._... .._....._ _........... ...................... ........ _...... Mayor. Councilman a sworth pm anenta ee fercand,tn ¢gnneotl�h .with shove ImpTOpf�oment iraving been mltted to thq; Cougoll, .,and the -unell haying oonald, same end found Aho said aaaeeament aatisfactory,' therefore be IE yland Reeolyed �fi1lf .the said aapesament baan'd thb ypams Who' in'gll: se- ,. ape¢te:.abprovep,` , eller heaarlpgqlYbe'hadr n6rq`aldhaeeepsmenkbon the,'rth`'day o4 Rl.,u`guet 116 %et ,file McColl hour Of 1tlTAA alq¢K^A. )SL Iq, 4fte=CoOn. oil chambp Sit aha Poart--: House 'Cicity -fist Pae iindath,� t th6tC mirilYeloaec Wunderlich of Finance glyp notice of laid maettur. as required by the Charter +etating 1p Mayo Irvin Bald notice the time and plac".Ir.= nt hoar- y m& the nature 'of the lin p".Iement, the total cost -thereof, and tze'amount Form B. B. 16 Dark"ed aae�lnet itis lot or tote of the, --=----------------- --- Y PAUL CITY OF T. ' S 0 c OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE.. REPORT ' OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ' JUL 12 1916 _........_ _........., ISL.._.. In the matter costs_ & exp_enseQorthe ._Construction of benefits,__._ of the assessment of ..... .a-tse_at_and. Hillis street,__ 5847 Intermediary Order 7650 under Preliminary Order y 1 191 Final Order 8171 November a8th _5 _. _._ _, approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - $ 1,.936.45_ Cost of publishing notice - - - _ - $_............. .3, as Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - " - $..........:_--1..38......_. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_._..._.....3.8...73--_ . .._ Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - - - - - $-- - 6., .90 - . Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - $-1,.9..86_,.68......_. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....1.,.9.8.6.._$@.... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon asmaybe considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. F- B. S. A. A-9 I ---------------------------- ----- -1 COUNCIL F LE NP,... 'CITY OF ST. PAUL ' v/ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In fhb matter of the assessment of benefits, QOst9 and expenses for Grading Andrew street from Belvidere street to Winifred street, under Preliminary Order 3083. __. _.... Intermediary Order `�1`3 ..-.._-...___ - ...........- .._... a Final Order 4489.. _ _ approved April 13th _ . 191..b..... The assessment of .._-b9neiltB,. QPete._ and. "Pen.eoe for and in connection with the above i9provement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__Bth_...___ ....._.day of August_. 191.6_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ II I' i 191 l/ _.... ... . :. i_ .. ...`_. _ City Clerk. Approved ... ...... .._......UL.._..:..:.^.--._._......-. J 1 _ 19166 191......... A ._._...... Mayor. .pru'"� ...._..._.._..........-.............._........................... — .._ s. ..eaement o � Councilman Fam worth for end t.. .ove ImpTheeb` omfited, to t_consid, . •• 4ounc1l>"paving; found the sald„asaeeeme�. ' tbereSoie b4 1t `• _ H and 3tbsolre"Crh$tz+t4e ;eal.i heti a�d'.;tbe ga'htiP'%lif)}PFe� K Bei }ips'otYed1 8arther heaeloe;•be'ft$d ou,+, Id ae� houeBoF'Sa;,p 41o9K'D¢ r�tu f " cColl Ebar$,bei' ttpe �';".Coufit -3 of d• its( y,"rYugln§'hat �C' underlich e; o4 F[nanP gltl:b of lqb^ F.ef'•4 N1F�bY Ohe CF' Mayor "in Ing 1o<aa`l�riot tpoxtme Y heer(ng` fhb 4Pire of ?t. it 'most th@re Form B. B. 16 a ount:aesessbir'aBalnat It er tbe'i dir QWar�oWner.t�. ' nottap le dlr aced. t I A4 -A d� ytie„Aonncll a IC APPr.'V0t11G12"`:19 1816; 3 aiY)F;ti6s�9i,��, ---------------------- =---------------------- ------ --------- W LITI` OF ST. PAUL M.. OFFICE .OF TIE CONFMISSIONFR OF f INANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT U . JUL 1 21916 191...._.. In the matter of the assessment of .._b9II0f1.te..,..C.Q_@.t.Rl_ cY . QX&�> .�. r the .: *.xfldln$...Q_f Andrew street from Belvidere street, to Winifred street, _ ..._....._...................._............_.........._............. under Preliminary Order __.3083 Intermediary Order 4013 Final Order ..4439........._... .._...... _ _...., approved ...-April 13t.h..._, 191 5 .......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as it statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the maloaig of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $_3, 659. 50 a.ss Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $ - :...............1.11 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - $` 73.19 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $........._._._..... 5.55 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-- -. - --- .94 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - 3,741 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and leviedthe total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_3a74.1....A4....... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit, conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon its may be considered proper. _........_....-.._._...._..._............. _..._... _.. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. a-9 CO 0 +-��zc,ir l.:a By.................... o CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Count it Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for "Grading and graveling Cretin avenue from Summit avenue to St. Clair street, , I under Preliminary Order _. 981 Intermediary Order 2658 . Final Order ' 3195 _ approved: December 23rd 191 .A... The assessment of __......_ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on thn__.8_t......._ ._......... day of 191. 8. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_._.._._....._........JIJL_.�w.I�bEvl .. X-1" __._ v� lL 2 t.'rt.. City Clerk. JUL 12 1916 Approved.... ........ ... ........ ................ __.._...._.......................I 91..._.... 0 ...... _..__...... _............. .................... ................... __..... ....... ..._. Mayor. ' Councilman Fa sworth '.'g .considers, said asaeasmenQ Better: e he.tr fey o. •'.aoly,0d That the said asses• to hereby-tn e •• and the eain"e •acts $prov6d. - Reaolved rukther, That s, " land hearing be hadon eatd aaeeasme dsy•o, August;” --18th the„•tBth C hour o'Ahe' the Co CDaEtiouae ann eller b6r1" .ChemHerF of the Hatl,$dlldlhg,-iniAtHe CStY'rof.' ccoll thabtho Commtaaloner of,Flnance . nottie o[ said. uteatfng ae xaghlre4 1n gg(d Biotics t . the 'Cpat!}r �af8ting time and plac�asf heaLNng��tha batur' ., Wunderlich o[.tA4 ItnDrovemanQ tH.gi total -;eqa� theceot and 't WI..namount aaseaeed against thelor or lots of �thewDarQlcv owner- to tghotn, the ;iiotice is di. Mayor Irvin rooted Adopted hgYhe COunoll'July lE, 1818. APDroti•ed July 1�. 191861 Form B. B. 16 ..........�.,.»�a..Sd„ulY�..g: �„�._- a CITY SOF ST. PAUL— \O� =11TA11117 FFICE AUL_`OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE.. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT N ,UL 1 � 1916 ._......... _1 191......... In the matter of the assessment of benefi_ts,._, 0oete„., & expeABe9for the t}rading_,and grav_eling,,.ofCretin avenue .from Summit avenue to Clair street, In _____ Order ......._ a6 rte......_...._..._.._ under Preliminary Order _���---------- , Final Order ....._ . ._.._. _ __, —approved. Deoeraber 33rd, 1914 *xx. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: _ Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - _ _ $_2,489-50 __1..�_.'rJ..�......__. Cost of publishing notice - - $--..._...._ 6. Cost of postal cards - - - - - 49.7 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....._....___......__ .__ Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - - - - - $3.45 $2,545.04 ............ Total expenditures - - - - - - - ” " Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $_aj_545_._04_... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit= conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Porro B. S. A. a-9 ------ coltrlo By k/ CITY OF ST. PAUL, * , Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Grading Glendale avenue from Beverly avenue to St. Anthony avenue, .g nnc�c, v) e .87 under Preliminary Order 354 ... Intermediary Order _.. _. 6_.____ ..............._._...., Final Order 1377_ approved . September 4th 191 ..4 The assessment of benefits., .costs and expenses _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and Found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _.8th_ ___..........day of August. 191.6_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ __ t i. �n In1C191 } .... `..._�..�/City Clerk. Approved_ _..........._.........j&.4.;?.._I.a1F1............... 191 _....... .._ ..... ........_.... _. Mayor. a..rY orHar .878 Flnai Ora Councilman Fa worth September �tb 1914 land same+' herOj ahiitihame. sea aa� elt r. , .h eabad' be b drgnpat TbaY"s. Ptib1(p adaeaeul4at •• eller daY of oa °s a cloak AM 7 3e+btovoa(Ir oi•1aq.w"..Bu(Iding ccoll tY t''kbthe • 3L Paas tbht tbb Comm(�ysloner Wunderlich Icp §(ve aotlne at'ea7 ,Areetlaq.. ;tie°e • toe ttrlmd�°d 1 ptafiag to e ha ur � eoeoi'bear a oL'!.the ImDrg6ement.• Mar r Irvm Ma' V pcopt ;gerept agd `tne emeaat Form B. B. 16 / 7 -- - ---- --- -----1 - - - CITY OF ST. w'PAUL OFFICE OF—-COMM,ISSIONFR OF FINANCE. - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT >... 1n,6 1s1 _....... In the matter of the assessment of benef i te,_._ooe td_ expenegeor the ,-„grading. of ___ Glendale avenue from Beverly avenue to St. Anthony avenue, .. . under Preliminary Order..__3.54_... .. _.__......_.._...._ Intermediary Order........8$8..._....___...___.......... Final Order....... 137?..._._ ._. _ approved _.September .4_th. 1914. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as n statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - $._r3,, 640.40 $...._ 3.43 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - __.._ - - - - - . 1 Cost of postal cards - - $.-....._.._.... 1 .47 ............... Inspection fees - - - - $..._...... ..._5a..r_8___ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - Total expenditures - - - $_3, 705.45 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._3,x70,,5_,45,.., upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Comnussioner of mnuce. Form B. S. A. A-9 13 J V. S '*A ! a 0, COUNCIL FILE .... By-' CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the mattbr of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses %,for construoting a sewer on Chatsworth street from Otto street to Race etreet,.and an Race street from Chatsworth street to Alaska street, under Preliminary Order ._ 634.8 Intermediary Order 7395 Final Order .... 781.5 _ approved. November 5th. 191._5___ , The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with ... ........... . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. 81''h..__.. .... ... day of August 191 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court louse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of �:. said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191 ........ -L.! "1Q _� �_'.'.....'...'( City Clerk. Approved.._..._..._..-��.4..._1._�r._�.�.�..R.......................191......... Mayor. aet td' Alaska n� .. ......... ... ... ..._.._.._...._ lnaFY Ordar 8846, S Councilman Far sworth Y Older 7666 $lnal 'Order ` ae ved tx�t benefttshI'M ubmlttad t having " Hland the seta -a;.ea it eller same .fid: P'urtl " cColl OL: `Aal ;, oloak underlich ' Hall• that Mayor Irvin !n e Form ---==----------------------------- I CITY OF ST: PAui OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. sa REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ _......... .. .. _........._, 191......... In the matter of the assessment of bone fl,te,.._,008LB_ & BXpPllsgRorthe Conet_ruct_i.ng._,of e -.. power ._Q1.1- Qha.tsworth street. from...0tto ..street to. Rase. street, .and on Race street from Chatsworth street to Alaska atreet, ander Preliminary Order _ BW.......... __, Intermediary Order ..1395 _ _......_._.. _ _ _.. Final Order ._... Z$15._._. ......._ . _ _ ., approved . Nq V ergbe r _.5.th__. 1915. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: - -- Cost of construction - - - _ - _ $_8, 545.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $-......-.- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $- - - Inspection fees - - - $...._. _170.90 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - _ _ $._ 11 • 10 ... _.......... Total expenditures - - $ 8,734._4.0-.__.._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -cit: the sum of $_8-0.73_`1;`-40--- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in sccordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Porro B. S. A. a-9 COUNCIL %� N9 By CITY OF ST. PAUL ' Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, `Costs aria ezpepses for Grading Race street from Alaska street to Chatsworth street, under Preliminary Order __3x10 Intermediary Order 7908 Final Order _ _ B3Q6 _ _ _ approved December 7th _ _ 191.5._.... The assessment of .. ., _ _. _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the e_1.$h th.,....__ day of Avgais_t _ _ 191 _B. _ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council __. _...,,j.r,!. _. 12 !1:-"! � 9_1 _ _. _... L<-_. �.(�rG.z..........."City Clerk. JUL 1916 Approved............._..._......12 _.:.._........... _... _....... ..... ................ 191_....... � U , ...... ........._._.._....____.._.._.......__....__..........._._..__._._._._ Mayor. Councilman Farn orth ' n:'e'onneogPa,}rttb! ,ement AaytnB':be4at me Connott� and+ the oonstdereS flame and geon8eesment. aatte[ao- •• Hyl d ietar0. be,lgt e4 That the, eatd assessment nd �tlte name areby �}n rill -re-. Kell r to"av'Drored taoc, Tbat a putilt. aeolved e'ur, .r1nB 0!11,ao : AvausE a1818 ptp _tb0 Mayor 1 Form B. B. 16 ° CITY OF ST PAVI� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _. _.:........... _. 191.....-.: In the matter of the assessment of ._benef itB_i4osts... & ex .11104efor the .gPkOrtg of Race street from A;aeka street to Chateeorth_ street,.._ ... ..... under Preliminary Order . _ 3_x10._._ _ .......... _, intermediary Order Final Order 830.6........._ approved . . �80ember 7th 191 5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to he incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1 190.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.90 $----- ---- --- - i Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._..__...__ a.e_10...._.. Inspection fees - - - $._._.____83.80 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $.. 10.50 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - $ 1,331_.30.,,__ _. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...1.,_x$1.•30.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in nevordance with the benefit, conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such Fiction thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 I 11 C. F. No. Ordinance No. l l ,.; An ordinance granting permission to Oliver Crmsby to construct e sanitary sg= in the alley running north and south and lying between Lots 1 and 2, and 3 and 7 Block 2 St. John's Wood Addition. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That permission and authority be and thdVeame are hereby gi n to Oliver Crosby to construct a sanitary sewer in the alley running n rth and south and lying between Lots 1 and 2, and 3 and 7 Block 2 St. JohnIs Wood Addition. SECTION 2 The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized`to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said sanitary sewer upon his compliance with the following express conditions, tamely: o (1) The said licensee shall construct said sanitary sewer entirely/ at his own cost and expense, to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by him. (2) The said licensee shall pay the cost.of engineering and inspecting said work. (34 The said licensee shall properly protect all excavations made in the alley both by day and by night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons and property; shall properly fill, yzk and pack said alley to avoid settling, and shall restore said alley to its original condition. (4) The said licensee, after the inception of the work shall prosecute dame continuously with diligence, and fully complete said work within thirty days after the said work -is started, (b) The said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars (#5,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this resolution and to indemnify and save the City of •St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. (6) The said licensee shall, within twenty days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be 'in force thirty days after its passage and publication. / Th ed to resolr the G as (� cosU that Tty e Improl The - ,,y dai A. ori eas ( .Coon ' en (i) Nays theye �lloimii Farm rth i wttb§ Goss In favor gluon.} Hylan This Ord' Kelle in form G3 public Mc Against tdoptMa Tena _Me Wun erlirh d, 1psl ealdgnUE Mr. Presiden Irvin tarty v< DD�?Y FORM C. 8-8 ncenaee or tit. Paul In t1 - meand Donate (• comply with all :Ion and to Ind [Y of 8t. Poul hm I lose liability. 1 ebarilo. damaw map accrue to .a4toned by the - ement o> arising r nceneeae she, ..a iter t - by the Council._ jUL ,7, 191 Approved ,. 9i.6.....l .- _191:....... Council File'... a - PROPOBAL FOR INPROVENENT. 1 509 and i .. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersiga� by proposes the makii the foljowing public improvement by e City of St. Paul, viz.: Qonstruo.t.....a....n.amaa.......ile....-s#e�alk_..tn....a_MUtsh-af- e'at.....an__the west. side__of, Qleyelend ,,._ ..e,. be_ginning._is.�...R,obiyn...A9. 0-0 .....nortll..__.._...._.... ............... ..... .......... ..... .._f...._ 1)fed thi.s...._ lath_day off._ 1916... a _ y Councilman. PREIXMARY ORDER. \\'tI1.RF.:w, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:....._.__..__........ ,. Qona.trwt a cement __tile...aide>avalk_.tQ....a..NidLth.,._of...aim _feat _an.._the.._West -.side oY._Olepelend_.A9.e.... beg..Ind.n8_.at... 8oblyn..,Lya....theno-e .north fiftg._.feet...___. _ '-- where�F'��`iv?tLt Fal Sot•�+'� K x��aklpg o! �e.sIb7X46'mproYpRaht - - - " Yfa. Con a6t:8� mea Elle 1 ewa& --- -- to a wtdth� ot,p(a feat ou ilia wear aldej o! Ciavaianfl A,va h'e Afts, f� - Rob1vM" laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman 0va;. Et-rio tht lcttry therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. ` To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -4. To 11n•uish tho following other data and information relative to said improvement: ........_.... _........._....._.............__.............__..._................_...._.........:_............. __....._... _.. _.. . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the. foregoing natters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_.____._......_..�...1-��191____ r �tay6 Yeas: Co»ncibnan Fa •nsworth JUL 14_ 1.9.16._ . Approved _ _.._ __.1J1........ ............._....... . Ke er Me oil derlioh v \\ e .Jv`•""_` Mayor.Mayor Ir in � � Hagneat of W. 8: AMidoa °f Council Filt�o._ . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and r PRELIMINARY ORDER. J4,�s�a Tile un lersigt�d hereby p poses the making of the following public improven ut by the City of St. Pall], viz.: _4.pastrulv4....a_..o.ement.....tila.:_sidewalk....to -a..width ,f--four--and--one-half feet on....the.tae..__Q.ide..._o�...4heIweford..St.._.b.egin�._. t..HendonJlvs......thanoa north zo0fee . ......... .._ ... ..... Dated this_ Wth_ _day of... __._ +;MU ___ 191.S. Councilman; PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemeut, viz.: _____ ...... ...... __........ Construct ...a _tit.q...a slewa]lk.._t.a...a._Midth._.Of.... four. and ....one..-half...feet. .on the east side of ... Che1=orcj._St.,__ beginning ..at -Hendon ..Ave. _.thenee...north. 200 feet, C. Ir'Oo:-r'yr 0.1 loF,r#hos' wher...A— wsYllo ns'. 1mDroid�>u ____ _..... .. . ......._ ..__..._... ..._._. 1 aklna' of th4• #p . y t tith'tl.. .......... ... .... _._.. ConeG'uct 9 ceM T ot,2ouF, onct one having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...LlieDdo bAvemathen a nortth� �.. haVlp^ •ran bTp80nted tp' 0•y: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: ® 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the -making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof._ 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. a. To furnish the follmwiug tither data and iuforniation relative to said improvement,:......._..._....._ ..................:_,.... ......._._. .....____ - ....... -. .... ..... .......-. ... ......_._._... ..._....._. _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...._ _..__......;��L...�t�._�U797......_. Pens: Nays: Councilman P'ar sworth JUL 14 1916 Approved_.._..._.._..... Kel r 4 Me oil r-. and derlioh _ ....................... ................._....................._............_..........._................ Mayor I will 1lttyor. Petition 4outiicif Pile No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. andIN PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propose to making of the following public, impr 5uent by the City f St. Paul, viz.: _ Ohanging. thQ.., ede...9.._.9hic.e..S.t......as....laid. t_..noxth....o3.... e....Park fr='Oherokee Ave+ to point 818 feet east and Alice St. as aid out weat.....ol-Alice._Park.... ...a....point... oppositethe.so --line--of -Let--B--Blook-4 Dawson's Addition donform to the red lin the yrofile reto attached anti--made e, part- rest j the blue 1'.kne trher representing_ e---present established gr e, also the grading of e' d Alice St. bet en the limits of aai88 to a $$aafd red ti�nn when a 11iehed inolud reiay.i* cite- wato , n11di retain wal� and other rk o�eeary. �a ed tt ._ _ -l3th- a. o .. duh 1�.6.+ . ... Councilman. PRELnV[ NARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the Following improvement, vir.:..Changing. the grade of Alice St. aslaid,out north of Alice Park from Oherok" Ave. to a pairkt_...El. _..Yeet_...saat.,... end. ....of-Al io e_..St.....as _laid.....out-...west -0f A11eet-mark---bc - a point opposite the south line of Lot 84 Block b Dawsons Addition to conform to. ._the ._rat _line on the prof--i-le. hereto attsohed and made a_ part- hord*f,the blue line thereon representing the present established grade, also .the._._. grading -of-said- -Al2fls St between the 11 sforeeai'd o tie said red line when established including relaying.sidewalks,.. gut ere. building. retaining walls sad otgei work neoeseary. '' hareae A wfiltton propop6 A 114 having been In to the.Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman- --. Ing of the lou wing tmrov�eii� Changing. , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commilsioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered -ad directed: 1. To investigate the tssity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. d S. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.' -1. To I'nrnish Ihr following other dtdn and information relative to said improvement: .......................... ..... .._.. .........._._......_......._..._.............................._..........._..._................................. ........................ ......... ... _..._.........._............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon alt of the fm4Foingl matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._.............._......_..1{F{....1...��11......... Yeas: NTTays: . Councilman Far worth JUL 14 1916 t✓ Approved.... er APP roved_- Ii Coll � Hyland Wunderlich ... �`( .. -. Mayor Irvin Mayor. MawCouncil Fih�do PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT: q, and PRELMNARY ORDER. 1 The undersignj rGby proposes the making of the following public improvement by th City of St. Paul, viz.: _.C.0 ide�uaing.....end....t s. sn....eaement....in._the....land_.ne for.._.._... slopea.,._.for__.cnt.a d....fills.... in...gradin&.�.....Alice. .--kKknum-sa ]aid, out north of oe Park from Qherokee Ave. a point 218 feet .east.f...and of -ice.-St. as laid -out most A1-i�oe--Park.to a_polnt r oppositet south line of Lot E4, Blo 8 Dawsons Addition. Dated this_..__l t: . _..day of. __July ..._ . 191$. Councilman. PRELEMNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writtrn/11'01108111 for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _. Oondemnin� and taking an eae_ement_._in.. the.__land._neo_e.QQ ry.._�4r.._viopee, for ours and fills in grading Alioe St. as laid out north of Alio.e._ftrX...fro.1'a..._Ch.erokae.. Ave.....to.....a-...point__.E18.. feet._. east..,...an.d._of Alice St. as laid out west of Alice Park to a point opposite the south _line .cf. _ Lot- 24.,.._.Bloek _b Dawson's Addy -tions _ _ .._...._ _ ____. ..-.._..... .. _.- ............ ... ... .. ........_. .. ......._ CfFfi9N-b. WBred& A,;rlttea Dsonosal Sor tte,.Ij maklagwt tho tpllowlag"'ImDr6v.m2n4 { having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman conRMmni�ly r taktns an sada+{{{ therefore, be it rt. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. a. To furnish the foll0wiug other data and information relative to said improvement:._......_......_.. ..... _........... ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To repoFt upon all of the foregoing mature to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............ _....... . ...�...i!�.�91.._..... ,yeas: V Nays: Councilman Fa nawmth Approved. _.-JUL-1.4 19. 6 .......... K ler Coll t Hyland YPunderl ioh.................. Mayor Irvin Mayor. PUBLISHED C;duuall F;I) '",No ... .. . .. ............. 1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELnVJINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby •opOnes the making of the following p ili T Paul, viz.: _.Grade._._ __exldaA.ATOY ......from...Bellevue. Y.B.. aeoordanoe wit petition hereto attaahsd...... ... _. .._ _...-�r _. .1 1-- _ ... Ar*....._..._._ Petition f` 11.513 . improvement by the City of 5t. ]luted his._ . l3th day a .._ Snlg 191...6., Councilman. }vl�m,� Qrgfttap yroapeani tp�th`� „ mak4 so Qfpllgtgfng'� jm@tpvame PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. v}t 'S}rnda ggerlaan nae. tro rXielt� vt�eA,ca�'tb Davern ave i�dvgvb8@'} ppreaGntad to Ltha �'1tY :bfy WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvemetit Grade Sheridan Ave• t om_.Bad.lavtaa...Ave_.._..to....Dagem..AQe. -------------- - -- .... ... ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..._........... _.............._............. therefore, be it ILESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity fr or desirability of the making of said improvement. S. To investigate the nature, exteht and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvenrent. 4. To furnish the following either data and information relative to said improvement .:...__._.__..__._...... ...__.. _.._......... .................. _............. ..._.............. ............................ ..__.......... ...................... ... ....... ... ..._.._..__..._--- ..............._.....__..._._...._........... —.................. ............... ......... ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....__._..._ ........�..3...��.��11 _...... Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsw rth JUL 1l3 !9 6 (ieele� APProve`1- _...... .......... __. _....._......191...... Beller McCol U Irl d derlioh_.. .. _ ..__...__......._...._.._..................... ................. .__....... Mayor in Mayor. r Coulleil-.File No._.... ..'..____..........._.... , �..^ Y.E PROP68AL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nudersigued hereby proposes the a ing of the following pa lie improvement byethe City of St. Ynul, viz.: _._siand.eu3xaing _an(j.:.. 6I1....e"Ment.. the....land....31Be899aT$....iOr....... slopts, ._4Sheridan ...AYe.....from e s14d._. ;fills gr ing. Bellevue... Av ._�_ to_Dsvern _Axe.... .._._..... Dated this_ _ 3..th_. day of _ __..__July. h Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 0 WHERRAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _......_.........._....._ Condemning ..-and.._.taking....an..sae.ement..In__the .... land_.neo-easery ager... slopes.,__;for outs_.an.d_fille_ n..grading._Shar.idan_Ave.-from Bellevue Ave_i_..t0..,,DQYern. ,Axe �.. ... ..... Q F. No. 11Ah --- �. Wh.@rens, A written proyoeal:for L%j��4 - making of the ,foiio*ing imi)roYemei}is. via: Condemning. and taking"aa eaeg';; _........... ... .._._._... paent lyi the land To&rfOr al., , . __.... _. ..__._._.._ ...... _.._... _ - for. cute aad 131ta„Sn, gcp An 8p0ridpiR. AVe. 'tram Bellevue Ave.to DagerAi Ave, raving Veen_ prp9entea tb r having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... con ,ot the city At st. taut EkerH' be it therefore, be it •� �••'•1. Thar CO RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3.' To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and iufbrmation relative. to said improvement:._..._......___.._..............__._. ..........._......._..._....____............._........_........_............._..._..._...._........_......._._....... _............_.....__......__.......... .... ..._........_...._........ _............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing •matters to the Coavuissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CoundlL......:......... ..... . .�...:±`...... Yeas: Nays: v Councilman.P'ari worth Approved...._ _... Kell / MCC 11 6 Hyland U Wunderlich_.......................... _......._..........__.... Mayor Irvin 11lsyo. • PI1BLiSi1>F� � —I Fj In thgLmattgr of aonejotlYEq - op 8yli'au 8G to thhe csnter sof + , Acker.11AoT the •east°' lde oTSylvan Lot86D F]Ynnan 9oL 'LOte 1{.andj; l _ 13 Oubrlaq OuE Lotti, Oe"all � .41 .Oi aer 9436gY,E'mei Ordar 113 - aDDroved July 2.l $etlolved, ,�fhat ih,'i pl��e, eDe`eEEoa-<, tion'eatid..ggUmatee:=enbmltted;;byn%.the `. Coq - a open ot•Publle W6rkr for the - 1 _ aboTve;e.: ed .ImDrovemeat be and the - enmb uteri, are aDDiova3 ^ Approve hY the 4, 91il•.7uly 13, 1916. Approved Jul Juy 14; 1318. (Jp1Y 33.1316) _ -U51t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.: In the matter of "I'e vtipg-, a. "wt. 51- -f m the center of Acker St. on the east aide oY�syBub�.-saY. Zot�g and ppo�int oPp�poaite the nor13.7As -Di- fit- 6 gin 7.?(uerinf-s Out Lots. ginal Order ,]�_ _ APPRO raider preliminary Order 9486 _i July_ 3j 1916 _ _ 191 1. gOiyED*That the plana, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of public Works for the above named improvement be and the Same are hereby approved �} Received all papers in Connectiah wit bove Re sR ution, ................. r• Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JUL 131915 _ ��.91�< Nays Yeas: f ) ( ) Councilman f sworth i / LKe er 003.1Hyland Approv J 4 1916 197 Runderlioh Mr.President Irvin CITY_ OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL; FORM 1 Subject: . COUNCILINO.- y. 41 V Date Presented191 Resolved, That the plane and specifications for the paving of the inter- section of'Como avenue west and Snelling avenue, herewith submitted, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to pave said intersection in accordance with said plane and specifications; the cost and ex- pense thereof, estimated at the sum of $1400.00, to be paid out of the Street Intersections item of the Street Construction and Repair Fund. _ C: ,.F. No, 11616—By M. N. Gose— 'Resolved, That the plane and spect- - deatlone .for the paving df- the inter- eectlon of Como avenue west = and Snelling avenue, herewith submitted, be and the same are hereby approved, and the ;Commissioner of , Rubllo Npro[eued un-vNNom,,. uy ♦a (July y �.n 28-1938) 001 sem" Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays JUL 1.31916 Adopted by the Council 191 In favor11 � ApproveU96.191 Against/Jtlich rdenn1t, Mr. Previn MAYORFORM C. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1�y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 i! Subjeet- h FILE I ENCIL N O.. 115 �..d.'. Date Presented 19 + Resolved,(--- That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby author- ized and directed to cause Hague avenue, from Syndicate avenue to point 200 feet west of Griggs street, to be sprinkled during bal of season of 1916. F 11817—Hy )d: Resolved. Thatvtha Commlenfoner of Public Works" be and Is �bereby author- - �C. lsed and direetod to aauee' Hague ave_ nue ,froia syndlente a'veuue,.to a "lot feet went' of Qrlggy: street, eDrIR$Idd^durad'g $alanoe. et Beason r.toW be of 1918. ted; 5" Ado D bYlB Couaofl July 18, 1914: v1DDfoved :July 14, 1916. uIY 88-1818) ' Yeas (✓fident, men orth l rlich Mr. Previn FORM e. ( ✓) Nays Z In favor CAgainst Adopted by the Council jUL 131916 191 ApprovedJU�1 1916 s 191 MAYOR Pet#'Pion -.CITY' OF ST. PAUL IL -51L7--' COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL. FORM Subject: FOEBOL No._s'' Date Presented 191 Resov That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby author- ized and directed to cause 04io street, from Winona street to Bel- mont street, to be sprinkled 4uring balance of season of 1916. C F. Nq 11618 k� N Gf0"` ReeolviNb`§.Th`p4-t he Pub.Gom Ise1R n r dC lla].Worke'3be�:$ad ,. thorfaed ana aYreQted to caueq' oWo 8i troni'yV,taopa'1ptFee} to Helmgnt -ofeof to ba-sprinkled.duriag tha "Dalsage -bt eegeo Adoptedted b 6 ,' '- ' by[he oouactl July It..1816.' Approved '18381 616:- (Julg8$-): Yeas (✓) Co ncilmm (✓) Nays / F nsworth (//J In favor land eller �\ ccoll lJ Against underlich Mr. Presi ent, Irvin FORM c.9- I Adopted by the Council JUL 13 1916 191 Irl _ Approve191 d(/J/ MAYOR ' CITY kOF St. PIU,L COUNCIL REs6LUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: FOENCIL NO.5�9 y � Date Presented.. duty 13:, 1.91.6 • In the matter of constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a tdth of four and�pne half feet on the east side of Chelmsford 3t. beginning at Hudson Ave. thence north 200 feet, under Preliminary Order No. 11344, approved July 3, 1916. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby oancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter - discontinued. J 19 Yeas (J) Cou cijnen (✓) Nays r t-�2 rth Adopted by the Council J!JL 131916 191 ZIn favor d L 4 1916 191. Approved/ l Against C///// erlich ........... Mr. Prrvin Mwrow FORM c . CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI Eeca JUL & a+ SY__jc f . _. _.. 1'. " AUDITED_ —._— 191. 183 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fun in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fol detailed statement: {c Yeas ( V Councilme / J) Nays Adopted by the Council---- it It Farn Orth/ 6 Approved ----19 Hyld _ ___ _In favor Ke.. Aroe MCC 11 �_--Against Wun erlich Mr. President, Irvin ' C. F. No. 11620- Resolved that warrant. be drsAu yon the City Trea.urY, PaYable out of Ih•and In or of fithe voreon Ified Arms uorr• oriwra- Lipp'. for the amounts set oyypOsite their spective ma peclfled Sn the following det. '20 tatement: gfe mer No &3,CO.- 6 20Libt Fund—C.rne- mo y1V.orInt $1.06. 3..6 Fund—Al- Site'! Adopted' by the Council July 13, 1910. Approved Jul(Tiny 2211.36) 49 Cameron & Co. True Fund -Carnegie Lib. #3 4 8 Leslie H. Fawkes, Gen. Fund -Armory Site & Int. Total Red. • $4,946.20 8,063.86 1-152fta -- _..... Date Presented That the oomnissioner of Parke, Playgrounds & Publio Buildings be, and hereby is authorised to appoint and employ, at a salary of Two Dollars and Fifty oents ($8.50) per diem, one (1) jitney boatman in the Bureau of Parke; said salary to be paid out of the Publio Parks Fund, Parke Wntenanoe (Aotivities) item. C. F. No,.11681—By J. D. Hy18nd— Resolved, -That the Commissioner of Parke, Ptaygroundq R. Public • Build- tnge tie, and.: hereby te, auttior[sed to, + appoint and employ, at s eelary ot'Two Dollars. ah(Flfty Conte' p8:6p) per diem, one (1) jitney Postman in ti(q l Bureau of Parks; said salary ,•to.;pe; pald out of the P.1,11. "Parks' Fund. ftgt Malntenanm (AcUVitles). Stem.., Adgpted'by the CQnnolt July 19, 1916, Approved July 14 °1918., I . (Ju Y�8tAM), Yeas(✓) Counc' len (✓) Nays JUL, 13 19 Adopted by the Council . 191 Farn orth In favor(f �.� 1916 _. K er Approved / /C//' t ._.191.. Coll C/ Against ash _. OeTB Mr. Pre idem, Powers FORM O r_ ' CITY OF. ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENEIkAt- FORM A 52A Subject:.._. _ _... _ _. _ .._. - -. i 1-1521L1 �521L ' FILE IL ...... ._. ..............._ .... .... ... .__ FILE N ... Date Presented _....... A That the oommissioner of Parts, Playgrounds & Publio Baildinge be, and hereby is authorised to appoint and employ, at a salary of Two Dollars and Fifty oents ($2.50) per diem, one (1) jitney boatman in the Barean of Parke; said salary to be paid out of the Pablio Parts Fund, Parke Wntenanoe (Aotivities) item. C. F. No. 11621—By J. D. I3ylaud-- Resolved.'That the Conies loner of Parka,. Playgrounds & Public- Build- tells be, and hereby Is authorised to .appoint and,elnploy, at a salary of Two I Donate and -.Fifty Can ({2.60)' per Meta, -one 5) jitney boatma in t1jW Bureau of arks; said... sal ri - to ;,150' pale. On of .the. Public -Par- Fund,' Park' Maintenance (Activttlea)Item,,. , Adopts& by -the Council July 12, 1910. i _Approved Julyy 14'191 (Jq r S2- 0: 1916) Yeas(✓) Coune' en (v) Nays ��{L 131916 Adopted by the Council 191 _ _... Fail orth In favor K er Approved Ui� �g�6 f 191 Cop � Against ash Oerg .. MAYOR Mr. Pre ident, Powers FOR' c w ilved� That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to $. E. Carson, out of the Workmens Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Fourteen Dollars, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of injuries received by him on the 10th day of November, 1915, while employed on the Gaultier School. C. F. No. 11622 BY J. D. arland— i Resolved, That the proper 61ty ottl- Ciale are -harehyauthorlgefl tb=pp.y tg, >H H, Cprson, out.. of the' Workmenp, Co npehsation Aecodat of the '(lehoall Fund'^ the-, sum of.1,06urten'1Pollarir: fn partial eettleme (. Of his, claim against sing by reapon of Injuries ved py."hlm on'-,the.,10th ..day of'=olher 1816' while- -em- ployed.on,�6 (Iaultler school. Adoptedby h6xd ndil July M 1818. Approved','4r' 11„1818:° (Iilly8$=1818) Yeas (✓)Coun Imen(✓)Nays Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pub .Bld Adopted by the Council_...............;J}L�3.19.1691....... F orth In favor M11 ►1 -A aunt Approved.. r.JUL ...14..19161.._._ .._191........ Against (� � ” N Y g Mr. Presid Powers t....................._...........................a.............. MAYOR ' FORM C.9•2 ,..... •�( „ ( * CITY, OF ST. PAUL 's I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL•FORM K^/' SI1lljeCt:. COUNCIL 1 V C. A1523 Date Presented 191. Re olved, at the Council endorses the proposed amendment to Section 837 of the City Charter whereby the cost of acquiring playgrounds and paying the cost of improving parks and playgrounds is made payable out of city revenues instead of by special assessment, and the Coun- oil hereby requests the said Charter Commission to submit said amend- ment to the voters of the City for ratification at the next general election to be held the first Tuesday in November, 1916. C. F. No. 11628—By J. A Hyland, - Resolved, That the Council endorses the proposed amendment to 6ection 227 he cp.t of acqulrithe ngCp1. oundsarter eandt psyl B the cost f Improving park and play- gevenuee tine so of of bybl. out of speolal saegea be Bald dCharter".' lee on rto s sub - I said ameant to the voters of ndm the City for ratification t the .next Teneral uesdaY Inection tionto Novemberb 1916. the first Adopted by the Council July 20, 1918. Approved July 28, 1818. • / (July 88-1918) I a f Yeas (✓) Coui kcilmen ( ✓) Nays / Far sworth / Adopted by the Council Jul- 2.0 MCI 191 J/ In favor Hyl nd Approv 1 I6I6 191 Kel r �1 Mc oil Against U a Will derlich Mr. President Irvin M��oa FORM C.e•2 11523 Amendment No. 1. Amend Section 237 so as to read as follows: "Section 237. The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks and public squares shall be met and paid for by .the levy of an assessment or assessments therefor against thepropertydeemed benefited by such park or public square. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or publkq square shall be paid from city revenue, provided that -where any, boulevard, street, or road- way is built or, iinproved in, along, or through any park, the whole or part -of the cost thereof may be assessed against d the property deemed benefited thereby." Lffect of Amendment. Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving such parks and play- grounds must be met in the same manner. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acquiring land for parks will be met as here- tofors, but the cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parka and playgrounds will be paid from auneys raised by general taxation. R i s A1TITPI?FT?T N0. 1 Amend Section 227 so as to read is fol'_o.'s: "Section. 2Z-,— The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks _.nd pa'slic squares shall be ret and paid for by the lev— of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public sgr.a.re. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid from city revenue, provided that :there any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or th ough any park, the ,thole or part of the cost thereof i:ay be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." FFFECT OF A-MENDITENT Under the existing section, the.cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must'be net by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving ssnh parks and playgrounds must be, met in the sate r.a-..ar. Incase this amendment carries, the cost of acq:iring land for parks gill be met as heretofore, but the cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds will be paid from moneys raised by genera.` taxation. A 11523 A''T!'PI'ETTT P70. 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read ss folio s: "Sectio:_ 2Z, — The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks _nd jni'--lic squares shall be —.et and paid for by the lev of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public sgi:.3re. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid fror.: city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, .or through any park, the chole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby., a EFFECT OF LMENDMENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving such parks and playgrounds must be met in the same car:.>r. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acT:iring land for parks will be met as heretofore, but the coat of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds vill be paid from moneys raised by genera,' taxation. 115 AITI'r:-FI?T NO_ 1 Amend Section 2Z7 so as to read as folio 'r: "Sectio:: 227 — The copt of acquiring land or lands for parks _.nd p..:'--lic squares shell be cet .a.nd paid for by the levy of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public square. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounas and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and r..aintaininE any park, playground or public square shall be paid frorn city revenue, provided that ;there any boulevard, street, or road. -Jay is built or improved in, along, or th ouch any park, the chole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A-MENDMENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be r„et by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving such parks and playgrounds must be met in the eaz-,e r,a-:•er. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acq'iring land for parks xill be met as heretofore, but the co -t of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds will be paid from moneys raised by genera' laxation. 1152 ,yityn,TFPTT NO_ 1 Amend Section 227 so as to re d as follo:s: "Sectio:: 2Z7 - The cost of acquiring land or lands for. parks _.nd r:'--lic squares shall be ret and paid for by the lev- of an assessment or assessr..ents therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public sgr.are. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounas and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid fror.-. city revenue, provided that :where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or th ouch any park, the dhole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A?4ENDMFNT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring -lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving such parks and playgrounds must be met in the sa.:e r,ar .er. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acg7:i-ring land for larks xill be met as heretofore, but the coat of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds will be paid from moneys raised by genera.' taxation. c1; d 1152 ,yityn,TFPTT NO_ 1 Amend Section 227 so as to re d as follo:s: "Sectio:: 2Z7 - The cost of acquiring land or lands for. parks _.nd r:'--lic squares shall be ret and paid for by the lev- of an assessment or assessr..ents therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public sgr.are. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounas and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid fror.-. city revenue, provided that :where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or th ouch any park, the dhole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A?4ENDMFNT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring -lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving such parks and playgrounds must be met in the sa.:e r,ar .er. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acg7:i-ring land for larks xill be met as heretofore, but the coat of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds will be paid from moneys raised by genera.' taxation. c1; 11525 V1r1'r,19FYT INO_ 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read a� follo:s: "Sectio:- 2Z? — The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks :.nd p7i'-lic squares shall be ret and paid for by the leve of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited b such park or public sgt.axe. The cost of acquiring Ian for playgrounas and of improving, equipping, ornamenting an maintainins any park, playground or public square shall be paid fror.. city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or through any park, the :+hole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A1.4ENDUENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving 3uah parks and playgrounds must be met in the saze r. a: .>r . In case this amendment carries, the cost of acg7.iring land for parks xill be met as heretofore, but the co -.t of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds +gill be paid from moneys raised by genera,' taxation. A!TMII?FITT NO. 1 Amend Section 2Z7 so as to read as folio Ts: "Sectio--. 2Z7 — The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks _ 7d jra'-1 is squares shall be —net and paid for by the leve of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public sgt.are. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid from city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or though any park, the chole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A_'.4ENDITENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving 3uah parks and playgrounds must be met in the sac.e ma::.ar. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acT iring land for parks :fill be met as heretofore, but the cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds 'fill be paid from moneys raised by genera' taxation. 115 33 e A!TFrI?FP?T NO - 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read as fol'io's: LI "Sectio:. 2Z:, — The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks -.zd r;'-lic squares shall be ret and paid for by the leve of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public square. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playgroubd or public square shall be paid from city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or through any park, the -;hole or part of the cost thereof nay be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A-IIEIJD14FNT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving mch parks and playgrounds must be met in the sa::.e ra:,_.er. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acT:ising lased for parks will be met as heretofore, but the c,)3t of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds will be paid from moneys raised by genera.' taxation. 11525 PTI'MFP?T NO. 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read as fcllo:s: "Sectio:: 2Zt — The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks :.nd r-i'--lic squares shall be -et and paid for by the lev - of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public square. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounas and of improving, hquipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park_, playgrou d or public square shall be paid fror:: city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or through any park, the abole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A-MENDMENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving 3-mnh parks and playgrounds must be met in the a r. a-..ar . In case this amendment carries, the cost of acq;iring land for parks xill be met as heretofore, but the coat of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds 'mill be paid from moneys raised by genera.' .axa.tion. f 115 3 A*4EI'DITITT NO. 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read as fcl'_o:s: "Sectio,-_ 23% - The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks :.nd rY--Iic squares shall be ret and paid for by the lev - of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public sT_.3.re. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid from. city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or th;�ouo'h any park, the -+hole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF MENDMENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving auuh parks and playgrounds must be met in the save r.a-:.er. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acT;iring land for p3xks lvill be met as heretofore, but the co -3t of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds .vill be paid from moneys raised by genera.' ;a.xation. 11523 AMrJTnfFNT N0. 1 Amend Section 237., so as to read as folio s. "Section_ 237, — The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks ;.nd p ' lic squares shall be n -et and paid for by the leve of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public squ-are. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or publid square shall be paid from,: city revenue, provided that nhere any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or though any park, the !hole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A-MENDMENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of ,acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving 3uuh parks and playgrounds must be met in the sa.:.e ca-:.er. In case this amendment caxries, the cost of acqairing land for parks xill be met as heretofore, but the cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds still be paid from moneys raised by genera.' :axatinn. q 11523 AITYr?fFPTT NO. 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read as fol'_o s: °Sectio:. 231 - The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks -nd I^:'-'lic squares shall be ret and paid for by the leve of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public square. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and r,.aintainino any park, playground or public square shall be paid from city 'revenue, provided that inhere any boulevard, street, or road-ray is built or improved in, along, or though any park, the ^chole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF ADMNDMENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of k acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the coat of improving seah parks and playgrounds must be net in the aame ra:.:.>r. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acq:i.ring land for parks will be met as heretofore, but the cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds will be paid from moneys raised by genera' taxation. 11523 A"TFT'P?ENT N0. 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read as fol'_o:s: "Sectio:: 23, - The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks �.nd pa'--lic squares shall be ret and paid for by the leve of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public square. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid from city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or through any park, the chole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF AMENDh4ENT Under the existing section, the coat, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving seuh parks and playgrounds must be met in the same ca--er. In case this amendment carries, the cost w of acq,i.ring land for parks ;+ill be met as heretofore, but the cozat of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds will be paid from moneys raised by genera' taxation. 11525 A!Tl'PIiFYT NO_ 1 Amend Section 227 so as to read as folio s: "Sectio. 22, - The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks ;.nd r�:'-lic squares shall be -et and paid for by the levy of an assessment or assessments there -'or against the property deened benefited by such park or public sgr.are. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of brproving, equipping, ornamenting and rzaintainin any park, playground or public square shall be paid fror.: city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or road;.ay is built or improved in, along, or throuc-h any park, the .chole or part of the cost thereof ::ay be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." FFFECT OF A14END1 ENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of ir'j:rovinC. suah parks and playgrounds must be met in the sa.e ca --.>r. In case this amendment carries, the cost L Of acT:jring land for perks gill be met as heretofore, but the coat of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds vill be paid frog moneys raised by genera' ;axati,n. M 11533 A!4,rrr?1FHT PTO_ 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read as follo:s: "Sectio.- 22% — The cost of acquiring land or lends for parks _nd r:'--lic squares shall be ret and paid for by the leve of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public sq�_.are. The cost of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid from city revenue, provided that Yhere any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or throuch any park, the chole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A?dENDMENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving 3unh parks and playgrounds must be ;:Tet in the sa::.e ca--.er. In case this amendment carries, the cost of accV.jring land for parks will be met as heretofore, but the coat of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds Evill be paid from moneys raised by genera' taxation. r VrTIMFITT NO, 1 Amend Section 2C7 so as to read as fcl'_0:5: „Sectio:. 2Z% !!523 A'TT1r11F1TT NO_ 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read as follo,s: "Sectio: 231 - The cost of acquiring land or lends for parks .-.nd r;':,lic squares shall be -et and raid for by the levy• of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such park or public sgr.are. The cost of acquiring land for rlaygrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintainin any pack, playground or public square shall be paid from city revenue, provided that Yhere any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or throuGh any park, the ,'hole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF AMENDBTENT Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of improving sauh parks and playgrounds must be met in the aa::e r. a::.ar. In case this amendment carries, the cost of acq;i.ring land for parks vill be met as heretofore, but the co ;t of acquiring land for playgrounds and of improving both parks and playgrounds Nill be paid from moneys raised by genera' taxation. D 11523 A'.tFi' TYT N0. 1 Amend Section 237 so as to read ss folios: "Section 2,77 — The cost of acquiring land or lands for parks _.nd pu'--lic squares shall be ret and paid for by the leve of an assessment or assessments therefor against the property deemed benefited by such nark or public sgr.are. The cost of acquiring land for rlaygrounds and of improving, equipping, ornamenting and maintaining any park, playground or public square shall be paid from city revenue, provided that where any boulevard, street, or roadway is built or improved in, along, or through any park, the chole or part of the cost thereof may be assessed against the property deemed benefited thereby." EFFECT OF A_'4ENDMENT. Under the existing section, the cost, not only of acquiring lands for parks and playgrounds must be met by an assessment against benefited property, but the cost of -improving roch parks and playgrounds must be met in the saz,e r. a: .ar. In case, this amendment carries, the cost Of acq.*firing land for parks will be metas heretofore, but the coat of acquiring land for playgrounds and of Improving both parks and playgrounds will be paid from goneys raised by genera'-,axation. •, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: q FILE I ENCIL No..11524_. Date Presented July "ti 12 191 .6 Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated March 30th, 1916 between Bust Belson and the City of St. Paul for the curbing of Harrison Ave. from Douglas St. to Western Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 15th day of July, 1916, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen (✓) Nays Far swarth H and K ler Coll underlich Mr. Presid nt, Irvin FORM C. 8-2 In favor Against Adopted by the Council JUL 13191 u 191 ApproveU /d �% L 4 1916 191_. MAYOR 1 l ,1 A St. Paul, Minn. July 12, 1916. To the Honorable City Council, 01TY. Gentlemen,- I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body oause the time of completing the contract for the curbing of Harrison Ave. from Douglas St. to Western Ave. be extended to July 15th, 1916. owing to conditions of the weather and the further fact that the curb lines were changed at the request of the property owners,'it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, C/ ' Cont There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is oo��rdnsts r e n & APPROVED � -- -----OSiefAg n7e—er--- 'dommissioner oiy 11U.or CITY OF ST. PAUL S F� -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 11-525 Subject:. 1 COUNCILI.No..-11525 Date'Presented i That the Purchasing Agent is hereby instructed to purchase, with the approval of the Mayor and the consent of the Ciity Comptroller, one (1) Ford Runabout. This being a patented article, no advantage can, be obtained by advertising for bids. The cost of the above to be charged to the Bureau of Police, Maintenance and Repair Account. Yeas (✓) Cou)ilmen (✓) Nays C. F. No. 11526—By Henry McColl–, Resolved, That' the Purchasing Agent Whereby Instructed.to plirchaee; with .the Approvar_of the Mayor and m the consent of the City. Coptroller, one (1) -.;Pard Runabout. This being a) patented- article, no d"Iltage-can be' obtained br advertising for bide. t bo toThe posof the ave to be, charged_ the Bureau of Police, Mi. ntenenee and Repair Account. - Adopted by the Council July lCisla. Approved July 14, 1916. (July 22-1916) 191 Adopted by the Council 'JUL 13 1916 191 In favor Approved I�191 C U /`r Against , MAYOR Faris worth / H land Lv Iler cColl underlich Mr. Presid nt. Irvin A FORM C.e-2 C. F. No. 11526—By Henry McColl–, Resolved, That' the Purchasing Agent Whereby Instructed.to plirchaee; with .the Approvar_of the Mayor and m the consent of the City. Coptroller, one (1) -.;Pard Runabout. This being a) patented- article, no d"Iltage-can be' obtained br advertising for bide. t bo toThe posof the ave to be, charged_ the Bureau of Police, Mi. ntenenee and Repair Account. - Adopted by the Council July lCisla. Approved July 14, 1916. (July 22-1916) 191 Adopted by the Council 'JUL 13 1916 191 In favor Approved I�191 C U /`r Against , MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL .COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 15FL2 .. Subject:.. 11l FILEENCIL I No:.... Date Presented 1 191 That the Purchasing Agent is hereby instructed to purchase, with the appr,&W of the Mayor and the consent of the City Comptroller, one ( Form-a-truok. This being a patented article, no advantagAan be obtained by advertising for bids. The cost of the above, ($350.00) to be charged to the of Bureau Police & Fire Alarm Telegraph, Maintenance and Repair Account. r L' Yeas ( ✓�) �Counci en(i)Nays JUL 131916 Farm orth Adopted by the Council - 191 - In favor �I-lyl d i � 19 —Ke er Approved �� _... .. 191....... .-M Cop C% Against nderlich Mr. Pres' nt. Irvin FORM C. B- COUNCIL FILE NO —.. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_AD#1 1JAMABfxraol-frim..114 --- faint...169.teet_seat_aLEast lam' al....Qhi�trset_..to-South- --- � -- In the Matter oI constructing a sewer on Page street from a point a s Leet ' �._..._..__. east of East ono of Ohio street to — --'------"""- South Wabash& street, under t to liminary Order 10016, approved i 1916. ��— . . ................ .... . - ------- - under Preliminary Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Construct a ■wor -on- s}r.et from ,a.- l,.t IAo fs�t_�n4L_.�.i�.ax...].iia.�L...phis_.,t�Caax..ta_Sont�h..t�tta■tts.tr..h,s,..._.._.______.__..._�.---___ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and . directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___.__.—_._....._, 191 Adq JUL 14 1916 / / /� t City r. Approved __ __..._.___._.. �.— _ 191 �C�, ' �k- _.._.._lMayor. Councilman Farnsworth r� Keller i; McColl���G��/� Nst34r Mayor Beware-W41-�—' Form B. S. A. 8-7 '3�''` IPVBLMfED CITY OP s.T. PAUL (I f �_`.DEPA , l�iIENT CA( FINANCE REPORT OF CQ1hISSIONER OF FINANCE /l a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER / In the Mat K__. LGd y ---- -------- ..... under Preliminary Order approved -- -------- --------------------------- ....----------------------__-----------------....----._.------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repots as follows: 1T BIl.. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ --------------- .1 �Q The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - . - - - - $- I 'A6 -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION /.3 O p .ORM B.Z.A. 6.3 A TOTAL, .. .. —.—. ,.—a..u..e \- •- . - CITY OF ST. PAUL .. ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT_ OF Col 1MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION d dQ� (e o 44 11 toy 4 ,7 1 �o i� 17 �ai o 1.4 44 70 �o (C,�/0 -s-0 3n 3n ,S wi a o o TOTAL. PORK U.S.A. 5-50 _ a ,._.... ..-... CITY Or 6T. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COKMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -----=f'— —"-' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK .n A D I T I O N VALU ATIQN Alp a k2p Co � to l �d TOTAL. ... - CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -, f REPORT. OF CO&IMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY` ORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---_. --. __...._._._.._.......... -191...... ___. -—.._.... Commissioner of Finance. .A. — c Office of the Cor&'%'ssioner of Public Works I Report to Commissioner of Finance may let.,. __ 191.6..: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Oman» ssioner of public Works, having had under eoltsideration the preliutimu•y order of the l.'oun- eii, known as Council File No. 100161__..approved, -.. April _.17th.,_.., .,.... .1916.., relative to the oonstruotion of a sewer on Page St. from a point 160 feet east of the _ east_ line . of _ Ohio _ St._ _ to. South.. Wabasha -St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. $1.46 per front foot { 3760.00 1 . estimated .., and the total cost thereof is and Frontage 3641 feet Ezoees inspeotion $100.00 the nahut and extent of said improvement is as follows: :i. A plant, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. _..... _..._. _._... _.. _. .. _.._. d. Said improvement ie.._....._ __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject y to assessment for said improvement. / Commissioner of I b e Works. CITY, OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUSLIC WORKS M. N. GOBS. COMMISSIONER ROS,ERT T. OOURLSY,. blftft CewPnaIA.IA - OVAR CLAUSS6Nn{wH. E—OW J. CXARROLL Supt. C0AWU dK r RIMUH ALFREO JACKSON, Su1T. SA. 0— u. H. H£RROLD, 0-.. E-1. H. W, GOETZINGER. April May let, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the eoistruetion of a sewer on Page St. from a point 160 feet east of the east line of Ohio St. to South Wabasha St., under Council File #10016, approved April 17th, 1916. Approximate estimate $3780.00 Cost per front foot 1.46 Total frontage 3641 ft. Assessable frontage 3591 ft. Excess inspection X100.00 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Note: This order includes the sewer proposed under C. F. 9746, approved March 30, 1916, for sewer on Page St. between Bellows & So. Wabasha, already re- ported to Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn., April 7, 1916. To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Minn. Genemen: We, the undersigned, respectfully request your Honorable Body to cause a.sewer to be constructed on West Page Street from Bellows Street to a point 160 feet east of the east line of Ohio Street. 6 I'll, MEN APR 17 1916 BUREAU OF E,.dj,%C:RS' 4 COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... _— ' By_ ...... _.._._._.._.....__...._..................................... _...... _.......... _ FINAL ORDS J t JL 528 Ingle Matter of ...... Paving_Como avenue from Great Northern Bridge to ........... _... _.................................... ..... _... ........... Rioe �t..,....inc.luding aewgr., water_an4__9as connections from street mains to ----... _ ... -- prop e t'a-_line.s....c_Omplete_r.wh �C _already madetalso curbing and paving of Allay .....and ... dr ivew.ay_._.apPrA.achee whe-re-As oeesary,----_.._..----._..._...,. C. R No. 11638— In the Matter of paving Como nvenu _...... ..__....__._._._.. _....... .. .. ______ _._._. from the creat Northern midge to Rice St.. Including e a water gas - r�nnectiona frnm etrer' .................._.... to airFebr 28th 1916 under Preliminary order _....... ..... 93x8__ ........ ........... ...... _approved._._.._.. A public hearing having been had on the above improvement upon due notice and the.Council having heard all persons objections and rec- ommendations relative thereto and having fully considered the same, Therefore Be it Resolved: by the council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature and extent and kind of improvement be rade by the city is 1 to pave Como avenue to the width of the present roadway, from Rice street to the Great Northern bridge, including sewerater gm connections 9iso a//.l✓//e�_�wn,J_<a-vtt�t� ra-uc�_a � from the street mains to property lines complete, and aleo.eandstone curb- ing, where not already in: m@Lterial to be used 3211 Yellow pine creosoted wood blocks on a concrete foundation, from Rice street to the east line of Western avenue, and from the east line of Western avenue to Great Northern bridge,No.l vitrified paving blocks on a concrete foundation, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTELE : That the Coadaissioner of Public Works be and is hey�' by instructed and directed to prepare pane and specifications for said im- provement and submit same to the Council for approval,that upon said ap- proval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Mayor Form B. S. A. 8_7 1rt COUNCIL FILE NO............_..._.._` ........ ...... .... ........... . ....... .... ...... . ...... - 11528 4 FINAL ORDS In ihe Matter of gL7iAg qpmq.avenue from Great Northern Bridge - - - -.-- t , 0 ... . ......... .... .. ....... ....... . . . ............ ....... ....... . . ........ . ...... . . ............... Rloe _St_,_ inoludine uewer, waterand ons ELB connections from street mains . to --g- — . . ........ . ... __ already mq4t also curbing and paving pr opv_4 lines c.omp.3-et a, _XhffTQ_ not a . ............. .... of Allay.....and ...... . .. .... .. C. R N.. 17529— In the paving Con, I nvenu .. ...Northern. ..... . the Ifatter of .. ... .. . ....... . I_ Great 111.dg. to St.. including sewer. water - J, gas :�nnections .............. . .. ....... . . ........ ........... ...... ........... ...... 11 T ........ .. .... . . .... . . ....................... .... under Preliminary order . . ...... ..... I . ......... -approved ............ Febr ... ...t28....h,1 ....-....... ......... ...... . .9.1_6.. A public hearing having been had on the above improvement upon die n a ,ounoil having heard all persons objections and rec- 90180110 pr ecjse, Ut-jifeand eAelli lik.d; to at Northern bridge,, Approved.......__ . .. . . . .. .......... . 191. Councilman Farn worth Farn worth Kell Mc 11 Mayor P For. B. S. A. B-7 Mayor. • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF I'�AN2k . Otf'RELIMINARY ORDER (A) In he Matter of �--� y --'� -. "" . `� ,�/�/ ".�IiGt . !✓1``��a - -y __------ --'uvl �--7 7 _ L�tr_ .:c+? J _ytu/Trtzc —'x-'-�-��... ----------------------- --- .. - under Preliminary Order approved.-r��---'�'-{J ---y! ------------- - --- ---' —' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--- ---- - ------- ------------ RIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTI?BATE X COST PER FRONT FOOT Granite 62,166.68 $11.38 Srnstone 54,680.64 10.01 3 . Creosoted Block 48,984.74 8.95 Brick 45,567.20 8.34 Asphalt 39,383.08 7.21 Asphalt concrete 33,036.22 6.05 Asphalt macadam 27,014.84 4.95 Ma^adam 23,597.30 4.32 Concrete 28.154.02 5.15 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - -$.---- _-____.---.--_-_-....__._-. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 jj i4a / o A o '3 O E3.3 o C IA TOTAL, 2 FORM e.s.A. 9-5 A (W roan e. s.� eee CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEf T OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i ON WELIMINARY ORDER dE 9CR1 PTION LOT, BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION O / o r ;P, ir d o ,,4p d f S D 2� )pp . / 2S TOTAL, U^ / roan e. s.� eee CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON iIrELIMINARY ORDER D'ESCRIPTION LOT SLOC1 ADDITION -- � ru 1 .T9 yti J � � i N 1 1 i ti /i 7 LLi� 1-7 � 3 � v 3 ,u TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION /66 s i O J J �OC'7 .,7OCJ c' C) aid o s33 - Y' SSS CITY OF 5T- -PAUL-DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COPAMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON :FELIMINARY ORDER lB) , Ut S C R I PTI ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION l fi -3 ;z v v ti o 0 }} V y / r H `j z, a + a o0 < � TOTAL. FORT -A. B S B CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON FftELIMINARY ORDER (B) - ASSESSED DWS C R I PT I O N. LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION hG I v- ..� 9 3 1 ao � , Jo 1',g3C3os rr TOTAL, r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r n ON TELIMINARY ORDER ` l (W' Ella SCRI PTI ON LOT BLOCK ADDJTIO,N ASSESSED VALUATION - y V � �h zi o IT TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT- OF FINANCE a REPORT CSF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE } ON PRELIMINARY ORDER U'E S CR I -PT ION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION D o C y 7r3� c L - �'s �1 ' •� 2 -� l c yr TOTAL, '"� . J / CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE w ON 'VELIMINARY ORDEfl2 , (C) `, ASSESSED - IpE S C R I P T 1 O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (0370 i e 14 / p a3 S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in .reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i� Dated`�� I .191 (- z - Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March 11th,. . __._... _..191 6.. 'Co the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The l'ommissioner of Pablie Woks, having had under consideration the preliwivary order of the Couu- cil, known as Council file No. 9328__ approved Februery._28,.,,_..1s16relative to ._ .__... _... ' __ paving of Como Ave. from Great Northern Bridge to Rice Street. ......................._........_..._. ........ ..... ........... .. ................... . .. _. _........... _........ . ................................ . .............._............ .........._...... ............. _ .......... and having investigated the matter. and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __.___.necessary and (or) desirable. 3. The estimsted eost thereof is $......X,XX.X.___.., and the total cost thereof is 1 _XXXXX - -, anti the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and wade a part hereof. 4. .3. Said improvement is. not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. , Conuuissioner of Public Works. 4 , CITY IF SAINT PAUL OEPA (MONT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEv, 01— CR. AR—A OSCCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E—nn J. O'ARROLL Sun. C... ...n k R-1-1 ALF R EO JACKSON. S.rt. S.nrtrnon G. H. HERROLO, Osr¢1 Eaaneln ' ® H. W. GOETZINGER. Sun. W-1-11 1 St. Paul, Minn. Mar. 8, 1916. Mr. M: N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Camel Ave. from Great Northern Bridge to Rice St., in accordance wiA Council File #9328, approved Feb. 28, 1916. Assessable frontage 5,462 ft. KIND OF PAVING JAPPRO%IPIATE E3TIMATEIC03T PFii FROi+T FOOT Granite $62,166.68 $11.38 Sandstone 54,680.64 10.01 3-" Creosoted Block 48,984.74 8.95 Brick 45,667.20 8.34 Asphalt 39,383.08 7.21 Asphalt concrete 33,036.22 6.05 Asphalt macadam 27,014.84 4.95 Macadam 23,597.30 4.32 Conerefe 28,154.02 5.15 Where house service connections are not in, add to cost of each lot: For sewer, either side of street 00.00 For water, 3/4R N. side of street $30.00 For water, 3/4R S. side of street 45.00 For gas, N. side of street $18.00 For gas, S. side of street 7.00 Yours very truly, D Dict. J.E.C./k'. Chief Engineer NOTE Before this paving can be done a storm water relief sewer should be built on Como Avenue from Gaul -tier St. to Rice St. and or. Rice St. from Sherburne Ave. to Winter St. Subject: � CITY OFST. -PATJL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUENCIL N O.FIL [� Date Presented 191 A Resolve . That the Purchasing Agent, with the written consent of the Mayor and the City Comptroller, is hereby instructed to obtain informal bide for the building of a Patrol Wagon Body as per specifications furnished. This repair being in the nature of an emergency, no advantage can be obtained by advertising for bias. i C. F. No. 11649—By Henry McColl— _ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agen[, with the I[ten consent o[ the Mayor nd the Cllr Comptrotler, Is. hereby Instructed to obtain lntormat., bide for the buliding'.of a Patrol Wag- Consent Given nn Rody ae .peD',:;apeClAcatlohs iur- Ished. �_ Th 11 repair be't g lq tti0: nature of an emergency nosaavagtagd `can be of- talnea by aaver;(fefhg,':;tbt 61aa. ) i Adnptnd by theCoviVcll J111y 14, 1916. U APProvad TPIy 16. 1916. (Tuly E2-1916) City Comptroller. i Yeas ( ✓) Council ( ✓) Nays Farnswo h hese- In favor / Hyland LvKeller McColl Against Wunderli h Mr. President, Irvi FOAM C. 3-2 fib Adopted by the Council JUL 191 Approved JUL 15 1916 191 • MAYOR + CITY OF ST. PAUL .COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM / JL J1 Subject:' i Date Presented 191+_ That the PUTChasin,� Agent, with the written consent of the Mayor and the City Comptroller, is hereby instructed to obtain informal bids for the rebuilding of Steam Fire Engine No. 8, as per specifications furnished by Superintendent of Apparatus, Bureau of Fire Protection. This repair being in the nature of an emergency, no advantage can be obtained by advertising for bids. C. F. No. 11630—Hy Henry McColl— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent, with the .written consent of the Mayor and the City Comptroller, le Consent Given hereby instructed to obtain Informal bids for the rebuilding f Steam Fire Engine No. 8, as per specification. fur - .1u.,re Superintendent ti ADP.T- amus. Bureau r Fire Protection. This repair being In the nature of an 1 7 to, cod bcy, no advantage . be ob- { Pained bye y thes log for bide. _ Adopted by the Council July 14, 1818. City Comptroller. Approved (Julyl22-1916) *j Yeas (✓) Council en (✓) Nays Farnsw rth fru.r� In favor Hylan Keller MCC I Against Wun rlich Mr. President, rvin ■ORM C-2 1 11916 Adopted by the Council JUL 191 Approved ,f UL ) 191 a�l r --CITY OF ST. PAUL �►.�/� C SOLUT N—GENERAL FORM 115 r gi Subject: _ _ COUNCIL FILENO....1 ........ ...... ............ �t Date Presented __%July-14th_16 -191 As Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he -is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bide, two (2) Up stream Venturi meter tube castings of Standard design. Approximately of the dimentions shown on blue print, for a 48" x•24" Venturi meter tube, from the Builders Iron Foundry Co., for the sum of $600.00, in ac.. oordanoe with Requisition #3856 on file in office of the Pur- chasing Agent, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of said material to be charged to the Depart. of Public Utilities, Water Dept. Fund. -- --- C. F. No. 11531—BY O. E. Keller— Reaolved, That the Purchoaing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to pur- chase with the c ent o[ the CWO troller, without asking for competitive tube two (2) )gs p stream andard r'deetg - Consent riven Approximately of the dimentions hown on blue print, for a 48"x84" Venturi meter tube, from the Builders Iron Foundry Co., for the sum of $600.00. in none filItIO- e In uof[iceh f thePura Agent, se Chia is begained atente `ghrue and n.ldvantage can a fined Ips' advertiaement or comps ji C ty Comptroller. to theof said Depart b[LPublleriala UUIItIeegWa- ter Dept Fund. Adopted by the Council July 14, 1918. Approved (July bill 1916) 0 Yeas (d) Cou ilmen (d) Nays Adopted by the Council JUL 14 ���� 191' Farn orth In favor JUL 1J-.1916 191 Kell Approved Mc II Against / / /w'_' f/yA� / [ 1 Naa -1 AR Yoe _.... ............Y..:. MAVO Mu President, were COUNCI*FILE No . ........... ......... ..__ 1532 By._.—.._... _—...._ .................. .... ........... ........... ............ ............ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._._...Gx d.1aZ..Gr.1 zs...._Atr. -..t_from. 3tanfor4 avenue to1 ...................... ........ _......... .....--- . I St-. Clair.-..etr.e_at __............ .... -........ ....... _......................... - -- -- ---- . _.._.._..................... __ , under Preliminary order ... ..... ........... ...... .._........._ 6313... ................._ approved _ ......... ..... Aug_...-----._.4th..__..........._.1915._._.............___...__..____._ Intermediary Order.....--.........../._...L��.(�.6._......_......_ approved..............f� ... ._� ��._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upod4ue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be oomaaad�de by the said City is._..—GrpAe _Qrl ge _.6.tI@.@t....;r.r_gp Stanford avem 9 ---- ...................... . ........ _.......... --- ......... .__....�_.......__.�_... .._....... ____..............._._... _.... _.' C. F. No............_..___....— In the Natter of grading Grigg. St.l -�� _ from Stanford avenue to St. Clair veno ........... I ......... _.._.........__ _.__—.___....._.—....: etre.[. under Preliminarr Orde-_._..._—._..___.........._..... _._.._._........_ 6313, approved Aug. 4th. 1915, In' mediar-v Order 10696, approved .__....._....._- ....... .......... . _..__.._.........__....,_..^ern 1916. ._..__.._..... _.�_._._-_____........._.__.__. ^^ ^o having b- .... _._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. L i� Adopted by the Council .........,._._�....--� ATM—, 191 — Approved . —JUL.._i J � 9 � 6 _ ._..._. , 191 _......... Councilman Far sworth ii Ke er M M oil Mayor gc1y- Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. Mayor. e(mLIS>Eu--2 - �p y� CITY Or ST. PAUL -DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRE -IMINARY ORDER In the Matter of .. .- .__.___-_.__.-..___..__.�i'___. _._.__..__. under Preliminary Order approved---f-•�(----"----------Y-''-'...-------- ---I�f.__..._._......----.....____.:.....---._....._.-----.....--------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $----------- - ---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'i ASSESSED VALUATION C" ronM es.w. ea w TOTAL, - CITY Ofe ST. PAUL -- . .. DEPARTMESNT OF'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELr4INARY. ORDER _ (C) l _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A. D D I T I O N ASSESSED VALUATION / .` �J A u The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. rants e.a.�. ea c Office of the Commoioner of Public Wor6 Report to Commissioner of Finance eoeLber 31, 191. 5 To the Gouunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Com- cil, known as Council File No. 4313. _approved IugLst 4,._.__ _791 5.._, relative to tce 7radir,� of :ri_, tre t, `rGt:. `'tarlas2 t Ila r :treat. ..._ ..-....._....... ........_... .. ........... ... and having investigated the Matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (o•) desirable. G. �l )er from IGGt ., The estimated cost thereof is $..._ _ and the total cost thereof is { 516. ES - and icecfeet xeeeo —ai_ „tion 45.35 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .i. Said improvement is....___.'. c.t__.._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, suhiect assessment for said improvement. Conn ssioner of Public Woks. l .� ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D11-1 C..--- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.- E-11. I E. CARROLL S.- C—T—T& ALFRED JACKSON. SU— S -1-1- G. H HERROLD, E• M W. GOEWINGEO S. -T. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENTJOF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER D e o e... -1, e r -- -' t I i , i._,5. --t, f :tra t in z o v d 1 0 -J fUl ly -- -- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: N COUNCIL FILE N o . Date Presented July 14 191 6 RESOLUTION fixing the amount of land or extent of easement Resolved, to be taken in condemnation proceedings. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Griggs street, from Stanford avenue to St Clair street,under Pre- liminary Order #8552, approved Dec.23rd,1915, and Intermeaiary Order #106,97, approved :day 26, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it. RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St.Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Griggs street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commiss- ioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 14, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the oAtablished grade. C. F. No. 11633- 1, the matter of condemning and Ink - Ing an easement In the land c .- eery for elopes, for cuts and fillsin the grading o4 Griggs street, from Stanford avenue to St. Clair street. under Prell minary Order No. 8562, npprpved Des 23, 1A15, and Interme- diary Order No. 10697, approved M y 26, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted tits report and sketch In the above matter. be It Resolved, (1) That the Cita' of St. , Paul flxes and determines the amount of lend to be taken for the above namod Improvement Is a ease mint for slope", or cut. and tills In and upon the land abutting upon Griggs street, between the pointe aforesaid, do the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the Public lvorkslnport f lhethe matter�idatedssioneJuly r of 14. 1916, which sketch and report are h oreby referred to and made ¢ part Nays here.[. Yeas (✓) Cou oilmen ( +) y (2) That an easement Is taken In said land to the extent neees"ary for ) �)J 191 Far sworth anis for to the established gads the Council JUL 14 In fall Adopted by the Council July 14, 1916. avid C July 16. 1916. "s ' Hy nd � Asa -1916) JUL 1� 1916 Kel er npprpved 11911 M&011 Against Wu iderlich ((�� Mr. Presiders , Irvin MAYOR FORM C." 2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMIssIoNER ROBERT T. GOURLEV, D.rvry Co..iNione. .. OSCAR CLAUS EN. CHa Ena iU J. E. CARItOLL SUI. Conrtnuc L R.rAw. ALFRED JACKSON, SUrr. S—T-1 n G. H. HERROLD, Orwc. Exam[. ^ H. W. GOETZINGER, WI -1.11 11533 -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Griggs street,from Standord avenue to St Clair street, under Preliminary Order #8552, ap- proved Dec. 23rd, 1915, and Intermedleary Order #10697, approved May 26 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: . _.. The Commi esioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of ...............this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commissioner�of Public woi-ke Dated In the Matter of CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4„i`, t-• REPORT%F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER it _ _ 9iI..4-7-z �y under Preliminary Order approved ---&-c ---...... --------�-� ..... -------------------_..... ------------------- - ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $---------------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $--------'----'— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I A. /U v (%[ d D IL) v TOTAL. CITY OF 5T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIpN CJ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _.._....._. .-.... _.. 191 _._ _ ........_...... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January....3.,......... _ ....._:....791.. 5. .......... To To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......_85r_.......... approved. ....._Dec embeT 83. 797.._5.., relative to. .......... .........__.... condemning and taking in easement in the land necessary for slopes ............... _. ... -...... ........................... . for cuts and fills ingrading Griogs Street, from Stankfford Avenue t.o .€t..:....Q� ai.x.....5 ke_e.t...... .. ............................. ..... ... .. ... .._.... __ ............ ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.....................necessary and (or) desirable. S. The estimated cost thereof is $............ _ XXX __..._ and the total cost thereof is $_._._._._ .. xXXX aml the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ _ __.... __. _... __. _._ _.... _...... ... ..... .... _._.__ .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. ....... o. Said improvement is......not ........... .....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i i Comm sioner of Public Works. I/lY 1 J FILE NO..._..:___._.. _— FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of__Y1ng_.RiStR.._�Qt..--�•4m__the„&orth„_line.. of..Univereity Ave. to the-gorthexnfic_aAiiw-� Rriri� tr,�ther w�th_the_s►Bsieaearv_ $mower• water, and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete# where not already made, - so our ng an Tey ani -Sr ve y ai�P�nWff - c..F xb iksai'. -- -..�- -- where--neOa"=y; ----_..._._ lry the t� tea tiaa<<_ t+'.P -the FniberM4y. —._ tic xauxar --.— -- .'t$ xthatbe neeeeEary _;. .ewer, water AaaQ �. Bs• mnnecti'one om street mains to property linea_._._...._..........__.__......__...__.._......._........ -- #plate, where atread9e made. _..__._.-.._..._. r-_._._ .—.____.._..... �. •urbing'anr W andrivewry eb lfith 191fs under Preliminary order. ..... s _ + ,pprov ._— — —•—•�--•---s__.__ r Intermediary Order—�____..__....—_ __ ---- approved _ _----.-•---_-- — — A public hearing having been had upo&the above, improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it Therefore Be It Resolved: F. By the Council of the City of St -Paul, that the precise nature and extent of the improvement to be made by said city is to pave Rice street, from the north line of University avenue, to the Northern Pacific Railway bridge, including sewer and water connections from the street mains to the property lines complete, where not already made. also all alley and drive- way approaches- and also sandstone curbing where not already in. The roadway between the north line of University avenue and the Great Northern Railway bridge is to be paved to the present width of forty (40) feet, and from the Great Northern Railway bridge to the Northern Pacific �RRai ay ridges roadway to be paved to a width of orty -five (45)feet: ''�� Iwww'E�f.,, �y� -,i�o. LLQ Ei-r4uf-/►� �t'`....�"y'y material to be us6d 3}�eaf Yellow Pine creosote locks on a can- ; � , trete foundation. R i I From the Great Northern,,bridge to he north line of Syaamore street i material to be used to be No.l vitrified paving block on concrete fou n - dation; ��from the north line of Sycamore street to the north line of South I street, material to be used to be 3P Long Leaf Yellow pine creosoted blocks on concrete foundation- from the north line of South street to the Northern Pacific Railway bridge, material to be used to be No.l vitrified paving block on concrete foundation, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. Resolved Further: N : FINAL ORDER. 4 directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ._..____...._._._.X64,.1 —X644211-1 191-....__ / ( City Cly Approved 191—...._ U , _._.....__._._-___._-•-_—`_-____.____...._T_..... ••Mayor. Councilman F nsworth PUBLISHED -2---2 Her ccoll Mayor o / Form B. S. A. 8-7� CITY OF sr. PAUL ,{ t�'- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y y REPORT OF CgMMISSIONER OFF C ' b( 'dN RELIMINARY ORDER V ----- In� the Matter of --------,r ---- — ---- ----- � � / ----------'-------------------------------------- x'' -'------ under Preliminary Order approved----------�—'-� ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance -hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----------------- "� KIND OF PAVING Y APPROXIMATE ESTIMATEI COST PER FRONT FOOT Granite $92,280.28 $6.03 Sandstone 81,614.72 5.34 3k Creosoted block 73,693.34 4.84 Brick 69,094.28 4.52 Asphalt 60,747.32 3.97 . Asphalt concrete 52,168.50 3.41 Asphalt macadam 43,125.96 2.83 Macadam 38,256.90 2.50 Concrete -45,212.70 2.96 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of I each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ^ ASSESSED VALUATION - 7 _ of S yl t� y Jj2, 8do C4 A717 - -- TOTAL, CITY 'OF ST.-PAUF. ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE QI REPORT OF COMMISSIONER.,OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �lv.7/Y i r � .� �{ .ui � \ Q��IiGULlL�//!o 3 � � •r• q j 492 O D o .�o •, 3 ,� �e� 2 7 �- o 41'IV �7 VleO 3 q70 s `,lv (� ,3 77001 3wo j U4 94 7 Acp Alp DN 2 c .0 / V lop /0—/0 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PALL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANG�E ON F1RELIMINARY, ORDER (B) - ASSESSED s- _ DE9CRIPT1ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION V^LUATION • - liv. 2la � `IPP 24 z .1 A- s` .. gay z i o 0 v Jap Toa a i 700 � dodo o y / 6N _2 /•Sig r �a /firr �6 0O y 0 ronr+e.e.w. ee e TOTAL, . \ • _ - CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE -- \ .',l REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON IRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA('TION. . O lal o J L / v IL 1'7 t (B a.,;/ C I e 1 V TOTAL, '' f U G 'd- `S` "sm e.5- G.D e r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF 60MMISSIOWR OF FINANCE- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i DESCRIPTION LOT, BLOCK f ADDITION/ ASSESSED .VALUATION n - o --- I i �o QAC �i r✓{�/ j�J'J�Levv+�tifO �7 J' al y o 27Ko �7p 407 v �0• ,� � zsoo «z/,1.- 74 7 4�- 2 ltac 2300 3 ,3 tQo J� a o o o LQ- z/dam 9 p 'Low TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMtNT OF FINANCE RP -PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON I -RELIMINARY ORbER , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION b a - k6li v ) 1 top A y o (� �v r7 A O c� 119>o j - 7j - 2,p 2a o � � 1 N' y r•oern e.a.w. aa s TOTAL, - CITY EDF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON �RELIMIN;.RY ORDER - ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (ex, r S3 7 144 ! ro0 �s¢ewe r Y� ,Aso / y3o v3gas Z i m O 7 " 6 � � ti J/ -Z 'o Zo 490 44 o v :z L9v ;z 3 49LO X r' J% p 17 370% ronK s.a.w. se s TOTAL, A CITY OF ST. PAUL ... ' DEPARTMENT OF FIN^NCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONEROF FINANCE • ON PRELW41NARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ! o a o 7LOT fo Ll�p ? 2 \ 64 i a i 0) 3 y `Al 74'1 . 6 0? Y 36 o 4sy � �` v X735 l� X600•. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER,.©F FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - .t - DESCRIPTION-. LOT BLOCK AD DIT 10N ASSESSED VALUATION � // A. s /7 os'�{Oo - / /7 /4)71 �P i 7s 2 0 ia 1 121 0 ,T,oQ � �t G/�� • 1-2 51 O yrj � l�7 0 0 oS TOTAL. . ronM e.e.�. s•e e . - - - (� S �-f 3 o - CITY OF ST..PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' 0p l SID ?6� 7 o 2 �.0 ILQn Vis. TOTAL, M1 I.R. .4.A. a-0 s , , - D - - CITY OF ST. PAUL. >DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, I i "- REPORT OF CQ'11MOIS$IONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDFT I -ON ASSESSED VALUATION 11 ..6`a._ r z3 Lov foo !3 �� 49Y ! 0 0 y / /ow ?�S l2o z '7( � l 16a 1� i 3• 3 4¢l l ( Vol 7 s TOTAL, f 7LICN� O CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION W ,`{✓//(/p ASSESSED VALUATION /''07 O. p Xip 6s X336.. 32 / �v Iso 03 _3 7 s /on roeM e.e.n. ee e TOTAL, , CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, - --- (B) DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED' VALUATION .. 49D �S bo 1 � r(.s�� Ia / z6 m 13 zoo a /J o / �o TOTAL. "CITY OF ST0 PAUL - DEPARTMENT 10F FINANCE, - �r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - =, p. ASSESSED DESCPIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION J VALUATION 6 y4po .4 S% &W 4e— 17"�6S� 3p� Wv -IS' ,43 / 1¢p 6 0 1( r k2� G(oo �O / 260 491 X660 /L4 i - i o (41 '2 '.K'S . TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 REPORT 'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` C ". ONIPRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J'6 7 'r .q5 5 7 S 44 ;o _ �y1�4o �7 S 4 O O l� S Noo \L,��J�O//-iQ— "� 2 lla /060 r I 1 7 0 0 4ap ' L' Yo conn _e.e.�. eee TOTAL, AILY OF ST. P, AI L ,DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON )PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 7 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION v�0c Z. 197 -1 -7oo 3 kelp / kL/ Dov 1424 o� ADV 7 Z-�ioo 4272 c, 42P .Zl 6�o y kop 8 �- koz) I I TOTAL, 1 CITY OF. ST -'..PAUL C-DEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ' RELIMINARY ORDER (BY _ ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION !-f L:�ivrc 3 Cv� ✓%c l o ;L 31 / O � 049 // � •moo / 6 v / 04474 TOTAL, / 7 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. _ - DEPARTMERT OF FINANCE RESORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' - .. ON)PRELIMINARY ORDER x LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION d / 4Qc 6,2, /a lea /n ® 42o V lap o� lap -r fav 3 � I TOTAL. I "I ASSESSED VALUATION Y to /-SGS j;zc, 4-11 -It ,4, s it ?.S - 7o0 Gf� Oo a o 0 -4, r X60 rS ;-c- TOTAL. o CITY OF ST. PAUL � . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON'PRELIMINARY ORDER: ADDITION •� ASSESSED - D E SCR I PT I O N LOT BLOCK VALUATION j 4 �'o ia, 7 yo y 6z' /7 60 ivo za I-1 lap 7 7s 2sta— TOTAL, l a. 3 3 (O 0 CITY OP ST. PAUL -I, - - DEPARTMET OF FINANCE _ _I ' REPORT OF COMMISN IMMMMMMSIONER OF FINANCE ON'PREL���(((jjjjjjARY ORDER ----- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT.BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION - �z 420 a'� a 60 167 ! �F0O uqy .2 e" 7 i2o ! ! 6 v o o 7 7 7 ! ! 7 6 �- /� oZ `S-'6 0 TOTAL, - I •�- (J �i S Ste_ \CIYY OF STS, PAULI DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF coMMISSJONER OF FINANCE - ON.1PRELIMINARY ORDER D E SC R I.PT I ON _q FORM O.O.A. 0.0 0 LOT BLOCK ADDITION / ASSESSED VALUATION n , . 4 2 x 4,4 ;1 7 v � 79v Qo ��yo � c, -2 �y 3 / ✓7 co % o 3 kl o u o a s 3 410 TOTAL. ... / . O• / s.0 a .. CITY Or, ST. PAUL i I. 1 --- DEPARTMENT OF FIN CE REPOR,T'OF COMMISSIONt0 OF FINANCE ' .. ON)PRELIMINARY ORDER y , (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK //ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION % 1 d/S' d �S" 4j-6� /7 /-r +3 L�C2u ,' ��� ;1 6-2P 0 14.3 Qy S o Z 'F3 ' ��t � 0- y � l O Y•� lGy lO o 0 as a, TOTAL, ( CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON'PRELIMINARY ORDER � X _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -:z y f J Lap S l �+z 1/-o / 4Z U-9 13 /a.7o0 QICG�i / o T / b-0 J-0 7 2a / S- o . .n1 �p v CORM B.B.A. a -B B TOTAL, LE ,} O J' 0 o (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.. OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON�PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION pp' as I ce, r a / y r so / 7 W J— a iso So p a }L (o 000 ( 2H tQd �u0 J TOTAL, CITY OP ST. PAUL I o DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �..1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , , ... - - ONIPRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (9p . C, r Lao a 49 v L4 00 o l I� �fiYLCvW Gvvr� 3z i o 4l G L o 0 % 1 � t9 r rV 4e, �3�s _..... FORM 0.8.A. 5.8 6 TOTAL, •. PITY OF ST. PAUL ' - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE' REPORT OFCOMMISSIONER O PRELIMINARY ORDEW 1 (B) ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION V -az�.. F%_ zoo a � So, I D I 2.�7s 20 6a Al IV4 /a�a (4 / d D h4 /so 4 /s D t3 17 iso Ll � TOTAL, FORM. O.D.A, 0-0 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OIj PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o YnnO G p /l L tp 1 `f lav 1,3 /2. i1 6 (Q IsO jr IO LOP O O a3 �4 yo ba, �o as 7 Le I "Q/ � O �z 3 4p ! �_ TOTAL. uIOnM e.e.w. a -e s CITY OF ST PAUL I. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R ' v REPORT OF COMM18SIONER OF FINANCE ON A_RELIMINARY ORDER — (B) 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ILIA I �y lop 13 S z3 1 � /mss -3 ,s • , s TOTAL. _ u conn ss.w. ee e . CITY .OFST.RAUL -L .• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON1 PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED } VALUATION n 4; all r 3 s �7 O Apt O (o o ( 1 _7 L2 ( hpy / s m , r5`g 0/00 ronM e.e.w. ee a TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1. . . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " RE'PO'RT OF COMMISSIONER" OF FINANCE ONiPRELIMINARY ORDER (B) x_ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ' AS ESSED o VA U TI N _ r y i law Aso 0 a o.. J ( ! l d o (8, Z a 3 z s• r k9� 6 Z- l 4�- 3�e rig / �i 9 00 !�F I 230o r 7r. J ( Ll7 3 Cl p 3 vp �s—o TOTAL, a 6 ! / ! S �OPM e.D.A- ee O \ \� " CITY OF ST. PAUL '- DEPAOTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - Ot.iPRELIMINARY ORDER . -- - DESCRIPTION LOT 6LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED " VALU'ATI G � l/ i 3 / 14�0 a :' I �e, ;2 S / -z % L �G�Gfys(�;.C�w lei 7 2—r��fih 7 S I S /C ( 424 ;2- C, /( 3� O 1,3�- rj TOTAL, /ORM l,6.A. BOS _ •.. .- _. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE;. ON1PRELIMINARY ORDER - - -- - ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION . : DESCRIPTION � ', (p_ ✓ 0-3`.�..: 13 /7 i3 !L4272 r0 /3 ! 0 0 IdZ G o �( 13 r( /3 ra /3 /3 /3 3 �a, 6' TOTAL, FORM ..S.A. e-0 e n The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,( Dated-------- - Commissioner of Finance. 1.. CIT\OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OFCOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ - OC REbMINARY ORDER - l` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED NY l I L' : . LQ ! v a Ir IV ,, V 2/ f" , 7 �U �v !r 114 `fo 2.3 1 r 1W ti` v n The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,( Dated-------- - Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Coiinmissioner of Public Works v �. Report to Conuillssioner of Finance March 11th-, 191 ti 'ro the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pail: The Commissioner of Pablic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cotta - 9145 ., relative to cal, known as Council Nile i\o..,.... __..approved February 16th, 01 6_.. _. ..._._- .... u-.• the having of Rice Street, from. the north line of Cnivereity to, the yor,t_b ern- Papifio. Railw4� bridge,_ ........... _. .... . .. .._...._ ................. ...................._.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...._.._......necessary and (a•) desirable. XXXX XXXXNXX _... and ._, and the total cost thereof is '? The estimated cost thereof is � ._.._. -__ _.. -. the mattu•e and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. :i. Said improvement is... X1.Q�._.._. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, suhiect to assessment for said improvement. / Couvuiss inter of Public Works. CIkTY OF SAINT_ PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Q— c..--.[[ / \ - OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.R[ E.N.— - J. B. CARROLL S.I. Ca.I—.. & Rer.ra ALFRED JACKSON, SUI. S-ITAT.- G. H. HERR06D, 0-11 E...[[. H. W. GOETPNGER, S—.. Wov.mo.e St. Paul, Minn. Mar. .82 1916. Mr. M. IT. Goss, .Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir,— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Rice St. from the north line of University Ave., e to the Northern Pacific Railway bridge, in accordance with Council File #9145, approved Feb. 16, 1916. Assessable frontage 157294 ft. KIND OF PAVING IAPPROXr.aTF ES=I?, TEJCOST PP:.=, F;�CIIT FOOT Granite $92,280.28 $6.03 Sandstone 81,614.72 5.34 3;�" Creosoted block 73,963.34 4.84 Brick 69,094.28 4.52 Asphalt 60,747.32 3.97 Asphalt concrete 527168.50 3.41 Asphalt macadam 43,125.96 2.82 Macadam 38,256.90 2.50 Concrete 45,212.70 2.96 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot; (22 $27.90 For sewer, either side of street 1 ($30.60 For water, 3/4" W. side of street $21.00 For water, 3Z4" E. side of street 35.00 .Per gas, W. side of street 11.00 For gas, E. side of street 5.50 Yours very truly, n Diet. O.C./m. Chief Engineer NOTE Before this paving can be done a storm water relief sewer should be built on Como Avenue from Gaultier St. to Rice St. and on Rice St. from Sherburne Ave. to Winter St. ' NORTH CENTRAL COMMERCIAL CLUB x UNIVERSITY AVENUE at St. Peter Street ?...' P47 CLUE HOUSE - /' v Office of fpt/L t r� C- FEB 18 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, 1 1\ CITW OF SAINT PAUL DIEIPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Dawn CONNRuoxvx d n O P Y OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-111C.---h Re x.,x. V J. E. CARROLL S ALF REO JACKSON. S— Sxxrtx+.Ox G. HERROLD, Z—E E...— - ja.nuary pith,. 1916. H. W. GOETPINGER. 5— WO.•-"' Mr. j. E. McCarthy, Secy., NORTH CENTRAL COMMERCIAL CLUB, a St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: On December 29th my Deputy acknowledged ceipt of your letter addressed to the City Council ative to the paving of Rice Street, and informed y that upon my return to the City I would give the atter my attention. For your information I beg to eta erthat last residentson year I received a petition signed by eig Rice Street asking that Rice Street u pa d with Creosote blocks from University Avenue to aryland Street. I replied to,this communication stating th I was heart- ily in favor of paving this street and Sugg ted that it be paved clear through to the Northern Pacif Railway Bridge. I also 15tated in my letter that as the petition presented had only eight names on it and repre ented such a small proportion of the abutting property owners that they should circulate a petition asking that the street be paved to the Northern Pacific Railway Bridge and forward to me at as early a date as possible, upon receipt of which I would immediately introduce a preliminary order in the Council and start the ball arolling. I never received a reply to this letter.and therefore came to the conclusion that the property owners aesired to wvit another year before having this work done. I now write to inquire whether my proposition to pave Rice Street through to the Northern Pacific Railway rsridge meets with the approval of your Club; if so, I will introduce a preliminary order in the Council and let it take its usual course sameas matter of this kind have to be carried through. Awaiting your reply, I am Very truly yours, (Signed) OmissionerSof Public Works. � �lUfu \lyJ� MNG/MH FEB 181916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, Office of CLUB HOUSE NORTH CENTRAL COMMERCIAL CLUB UNIVERSITY AVENUE at St. Peter Street to 1] 12/20/15 The Hon, Council of City of S't. Paul, Court Houee, St, Paul, Minn, Gentlemen: At a meeting of the North Central Commercial Club the matter of paving Rice Str. was brought up by interested property owners, and residents. It was regularly movedand carried tk:at tk:e Secretary be instructed to notify the Council of the omission of this Street on next year's paving program; and requesting the Council to place the same on the paving list for next year, and to start proceedings at the earlieaz possible moment, for completion of said work. I am, Very truly yours, ��}c/ Secretary, D / m FEB 18 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, rs ,V Mr. M. N. Goes, Ca=iisioner of Public Works, We, the undersigned property owners desire to have Rine Street paved with creosote block paving from University Avenue to Maryland Street, also from Como Avenue going north on Rice curb stones should be removed and street widened both east and want side, and from Sycamore to Maxylzind Street street should be made wider by removing c urb�o one 4X4 DDDND FEB 18 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. �4, ;44, TO Ti -iii 110',T. :.:AYOR A D1 COM_!ISSIO: QRS OF Tilt, CITY OF ST. PAUL: A proposition instigated by certain members of the ort" Central Co:-uaercial Club, most of whom do not own a foot of ground on -lice St., is now being agitated for the pur,,,ose of paving :lice :t. with creosoted blocks 9 fro -m University Ave. to the creat +orti:er-n tracks. Therefore we, the undersigned property owners, who must bear the financial burden, estimated at from *6.00 to ""8.00 per front foot, respectfully protest the paving of 'lice 3t. at this ti�ae, believing that the preaent pave:,ent will be good for several yearn ,core, provided it is repaired, which can be done at small. expense. Also, :e are of the opinion that when the time comes to put down a new pavement, the material selected should be sand stone. for the following reasons: a. Because a very heavy traffic :.ioves by way of Rice St., consisting lar;,ely of ice, coal, lumber and stone b. Because experience has shown that sand stone pave- ments wit' -stand this sort of traffic best, as instanced by �Iabasha St., from Rice to Central Ave., which was paved r eleven,years ago, even as Rice St., and is still in very good condition, although it has borne a mucin heavier traffic, including vehicles coming fror:i Rice St. and University Ave. This in vier of t:e fact that the pavement of this section of ':iabasha. St. ',.as never been repaired, whereas the asphalt on Rice t. ::ns continually been pounded full of holes and has been repaired :aany times. 0 Finally, -e believe t::nt the ,resent syste:a of assessirn�L t<:e fill cost of a new pavement on the )roperty abuttin-, on .'-c outlying arterial streets about every decade, in addition to a fu:_1 _-._..re o; the general taxes, iti extremely unjue;t, amounting to confiscation, pure an,: siaple. i zatires, -__ - � .__ � �__��_ ��! ,y �T�,.� � �.. L .'�� •_ r Y.S. � � 01- )d/ 1 v� 660 _J f1jrr-t Jo S Petition Couicil Fir No., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.. 35 The undla•nigned horeby proposes the making of the follo%vill'pnm bli) improvenut by e. Cit of 1^,ill, viz.- AnetrUOt Cement ..curbing _.on. Ito th__aides/.of._Linoolz(Ave.- .om,.... Qrigge at. to Albert_St., qn. Syndicate t. from/drand..A .s._t.b..... Lincoln Ave.. and on Ham.)Ane Ave... _fro .Grand Awe._ to Z/ aoln...A,- e.., in accordance with petition hereto tachgd. anted this 15th (lay of July 11.6.. l'ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \1'11fi1?1s.\1.,', A a'rilton proposal for the making of the following improvi•meut, viz.: Co..netruot cement curbing_on both sides of Lincoln. -Ave. -from___ Griggs St. to Albert St., on Syndicate St. from Grand Ave.. to Lincoln Ave. and on Hamline Ave. from Grand Ave. to Lincoln Ave.. PR6LI MINARY ORDB.R.. ... _ ... C. F No. 11535— _ Whereas. A written proposal for the; having been Inrsentod to the Council of the Pity of SL 1'11111 by ('ouneilnuul_ _. _. maamR of tae [olcem�ni Improvement,- viz: Construct curbing on' both aides f Lincoln Ave. from Gri�.• Ihw•rfor,. be it st. to Apert se., o srnal u; from Grand Ave. to Linc,' Itlatitll,A"EI), That the Commissioner of Yublie Works be and he is he m,' , _- _j" Ave. 1. To investigate the ueeessitp for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. '1'o inces e nature, extent and estimated cost of said inpn•ovenwilt, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketeh of said improvement. l. •I•o 111116,11 Ilio follo,viaR olhor Mala an't information relative to said improvement:. _ b. To state whether or not said improvement is askod for ou the petition of three or more owners. li. To report upon 1111 of he fore;?nillg matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Comleil. j JUL Yeas: 'I Navn: Couneihaau Farr �i ApprovedCCo 1!Il - Kelle Hyland \favor Fp.�L _. \faym•. Petition. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 1536 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The olidersigiledherehy proposes the making of the following pnblie inynoveincnt by the City of St. Pard, viz.: Construct a -cement tile.-aidew to a idth_of_a#-, at on the west side of Hem'] ins Ave rcm Como e. Was o geh ska- P .� i in a000rdano>with & :I ion hereto ttao r' - n,ted this ]6th Tt J,�y I!I16. f t l'ouneilman. 77 PRELIMINARY ORDER. VCIIEIiI:�.�, .A tvrilt'n lo-opow(I fur the making of the following iInprot•enu•ut, viz..: Oonstruot a cement tile sidewalk to a -width of sixfeat onthe west side of Hamlin Ave. from Coma Ave. West to Nebraska -.Ave... C. F. No'd-1 ft- ..1 for the Whereas, A written Dropo making of the following Improvement, viz: Construct a ement the sidewalk e ."..... (o n x'Idth of xis feet on the web[ side I of Hmm�from Coro Ave. \Ver' Inning brru preu'ute,l to the Council of the 4'y- of St. Yanl by l•ouncilnutl .. ._..._...... , iherrJ'nro, br it HESOI A'RU, 'That the commissioner of Public Works be N11 he is h,•rehy ordered and directed: 1. •ro investigate the uece-ity- for or drsirabilit•v of the mllkiog of'snid improvenleut. •_'. To investigate the liature, eslent and estinu(ted Bost of said ioiprovemeut, and the total cost thereof. 'To 1•urnish a plan, protile or ski -tell of said in, Prov enu'ut. {. To forui:l( the following other daln ninl information relative to said improvement: 3. To st",(to tvhrther m• not swirl inlprm•enu•gt is asked for ml the petition of three or store owners. 6. To report upon all of the matters to the, l'oouaissioner of Fioanec. Adopte-1 by the l'ouncil `I(q. 15 _1.5.1.5 1!11 t'ouucilnnln Fa usworth Approved 1!Il Kcll •r � , Hyland v WIEVei'tfah f )L,yol' Iiq!ks Mayor. PTJF3[.TSiiE���. Petition 1•uuucil File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r 11-5:3.7 V 1 hr oudcrSigned hereby lo-op(eivs Ill• niakiog,ot• the following Inihlit, it �provrulrul by llu• City of 11. t rain, viz. -Construct. a cement tile_aidewalk to a_widtlq of_..six ..teat -.on, the north side of Wakefield Ave. between Hast !�r St. and - r in accordance with petition hereto attatl.ed.__..___ r haled this 15th day of July 191 '? L kt L -- o .. Coancihnao. - PRELIMINARY ORDER. VV"IIF.PT•:.1ti..A lt'ritt�•n pl.'pnsal for Ihr making of the following improvemcld, viz.: Construct a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet onthe north side of Wakefield Ave. between Hester St. and Earl St. C. F. No. 11637— Whereas. A written proposal for the making f the following Improvement,. viz Construct a cement tile sidewalk toIdth of six feet on the north' aid [ At kofleld Ave. between Neste'% having hero lo'n nicd to the Council of the City of St. Paul by C'ouncihaall _.. St. d R"'. Fane I Ii.q.efore, he it - s R1:�011VI'l), That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordun,d and direeted: 1. To inlwtiglltc Ute necessity roe or desirabilily of the making or said improvement. _. T,, incenligatc the Satin"., extent and estimated cont ole said hoprovenn•ot, all(] the total coat thereof. :i. To I'uru ish a plan, profile or sketch of Said iniprovean•nt. 4. To1,11:6a1 ill, I'.+Ilowinq Siler 11111;; +nnl iol•orumlion relative to said improvement: - J. To stale whethrr..nr not Sflid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ti. To report upon alt of tln• foregnintr matters to7j the Coaunissiooer of Finance. Adopted by the Council ,��L...191.1!IL... Y. -as: Nays: Cowlcilmml F ruswort11 " Approved 41!!- K Ilcl• � . Hyland \]apol• \Gq•m•. M11 1SHED_ ✓' /i// „ .� a ., ..�.... CITY OF ST. PAUL' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject, ADVAidCE PATTNT AFFIT1 No. . . �....... `l r/ .. F,1-11 No. � ..... Date Presented lftg(»'hAX ,•,areas, "anske, has heretof,.re raid to the City cf 't. Paul, ti:e Burr. of Fifty cne & 25/100 (;51,251 Dollars, as an Adv Payl.erlt for a sewer cn Aldine street, on the licrth 41 feet of South 81 feet of Lots 1, 2 & 3, Dlock 1,hel:ion Orove Addition, aa1 -.ereas, tl.e assecsn:ent for the ccnetr.:eticn cf a ee'.'+er con— necting .v`th said property was in the Burr. of Thirty seven °, C7/100 ( 37.07) Dollars, therefore be it ^-�scived, That the sun. cf Fourteen & 18/100 (,14.1 8) Collars be ref,.nded to t: -.e said :;ar-ske, and that the prc-er City Officers be, and they arP T.erebv a,th rizcd to dray a ,arrant in favor cf the said "anske, for said sutr.,-avabl.e c;t cf `':e Advance Aaaesen:ent Account. _ _ �liF'herene1508 H.nIMa S. Ake has hereto- fore Paid to the ClfYof 3t. Paul, the sum of Plfty one h 26/100 1361.261 1)o liar., n Advance Payment for a 9 Aldine. Cts on the north 41 e,wPre. of os ou th 91 feet o[ Lot, 1, 2 and 2. _,ock 1. Sheldon Grove Addition, ' and whe tea., the o .mento for the r nelructlnn of a .ewer e n acting H�Ith said ProPertY to the . [ luret.t therefore be Olt/100 (327.07)uDol- andel8/100 1314g19)hDol late be um of Fourteen p the said G. H.. ansk e, and that the proper City Officer. be. and they are hereby authorised to draw a warrant she. in .aid s sum, payabler of the out G. H. he nAdvarec Assessment Ace— I, Adopted by the Counc 11 July 16. 1916. Approved July 17. 1916. ( July 22-1916) Yeas WI Cou ilrnen ( Y1 Nays Far t-arth j In favor /f K Mcolc'lTyland � Against QiGxxx' ".un r Ch lfinett¢ ' Mr. Presiuent,RJt*x* I � roams c e -z .adapted by the Council J1111. 15 JOIS191 i i '9i6 191 Approved MAYOR Mire. V a t'S ' t PalWinn ------- /.Zj City 0 &_& ----191__ 1 au --------- Ik/ I ----------- -- -1:- ---------- 4L �I .81 RS, ----- ------------ -Ai—, , 1 s s in rela?io6 �Ot -6 era 0 t o as a deposit, under rdi . r)vnce o. cc. n ) Su 0 rs' to LIC * --------- V_� en, to be made by the BOARD OF for�thc r On apply in payin tor asscs�fnept, - lei----- - --Street, - - _(2 - z;_ L _-d-"�� ---- --------------------------- ------------- on the followin crOad rVi�lpa.Xc, Viz.: 7_1 &'�z' IL ---Addition, On 110 - - - 2-W Z -- --------- --------- - $ ir -- - -------------------- --- -- ----------- 7 37 ZTCITY TRICAGUNCRe .......... J .. �CITY OF' ST. PAUL c, 11539 COUNCIL RESb LUTION--GENERAL FORM Subject: couRca i. TILE IV o . r t Date Presented July lb , 1916. I � Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public works be and is hereby authorized and instructed to cause Myrtle St. from Pelham St. to Cromwell Ave., Selby Ave. from Cretin Ave. to a point 834 feet west of the west line of Cretin Ave. and t Cretin Ave. from Selby Ave. to alley north of Selby Ave. to be sprinkled during the balance of the season of 1916. + C. F. No. 11639—ny Df. Nmo GRexl v_ed. That the Cnmmlaeion.r of I.ed a 11 I etructed aoaeherehjfyrtl. oSt. f rom [Pelham St. to Cromwell Av... Selbt• Ave, from[ Ofe a the wtvt line f —Int 234 feet u Crelln Al,* and Cretin Ave. Prom Selby .lprinkled11 durlm. It the balameby Or S.1ve0 he Of 191 fi. . 9BAdapted br the Council duly lo. "416 ADDroved �7 U1)17 916. 22-1916) i Yeas (✓) Coun men ( ✓) Nays Farns orth Geno-, In favor Hylan Keller Cj` McColl Against Mr. President, IORM 2 JUL 15 1915 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved � �: ' j� 191 �(/ MAYOR I6 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COU AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE a FILE •++'' 4909 Adams Express Co., Pub. U.-Mun. Test. Lab.-Maint. 10 American Linen Supply Co., C. H. & C. H. Maint. I }1 Art Engraving Co., Gen. Fund -Civil. Service -faint. �2 H. W. Austin , Pur.Agt., Fire-jM. &. R. Gen 'Fund-kul�Court-vlr I Par'-Pat1c-i i3 Auto Tire Sales Co., Police -M. &: R. Police & Fire arm -M Park-Park-Mairy� 14 Baker & Taylor Library -New Books 15 Belt Line Brick Co., School -M. & R. 16 Belvidere Cast Stone Co., Water -L. & R. 17 Geo. Bea -z & Sons Police -M. L R. lII C. R. Berry Park -Park -Act. $1.97 16.69 9.00 15.99 11.25 � 1 1� • 9 69.29 �63•R 9. 2.4G 48.00 22.00 350.00 26.77 L BY 7 AUDITED V '� _ 191 PER 184 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the`City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: _ Yeas ( ) Councilmen (v) Nays V. F. No. 11540— d by the Council tfU 549?5— Resolved that warrants be drawn Farnsworth 6�� upon the City Treasury, payable out r the herrinafter speeltled funds nand In favor of the persons. firms s o rpora- their for the to set onnoelIn pproved 4 i91— for Itive Hyland In fa [heir names as eperifled In [h« 1.dlnwing deWled .tatement Keller AdamsP<nre.a Co.. Pub. P.-3fun. Test. i,ah.—maim. $1.97. — MAYOR Ameriean Linen Supply Co.. C. H. & McColl (/f/ g ai= C. H.—hlafnt.. $16.69. Art ngra(h ving Co.. en. Fund—Clvll Se ry leeE—bfalnt.. $9.00. Mr. President, ljA4w-- H. W. Austin. Pur. Agt.. $15.99. �III.l.L Il'I� Auto Tire Sales Co., $69.29. Ha her a Taylor, Library—Naw ` oohs. $2.40. aelt�,in� Brig Co.. SehooL- Nf, P, _ 4909 Adams Express Co., Pub. U.-Mun. Test. Lab.-Maint. 10 American Linen Supply Co., C. H. & C. H. Maint. I }1 Art Engraving Co., Gen. Fund -Civil. Service -faint. �2 H. W. Austin , Pur.Agt., Fire-jM. &. R. Gen 'Fund-kul�Court-vlr I Par'-Pat1c-i i3 Auto Tire Sales Co., Police -M. &: R. Police & Fire arm -M Park-Park-Mairy� 14 Baker & Taylor Library -New Books 15 Belt Line Brick Co., School -M. & R. 16 Belvidere Cast Stone Co., Water -L. & R. 17 Geo. Bea -z & Sons Police -M. L R. lII C. R. Berry Park -Park -Act. $1.97 16.69 9.00 15.99 11.25 � 1 1� • 9 69.29 �63•R 9. 2.4G 48.00 22.00 350.00 26.77 #2 Res. #184 4919 Geo. C. Binder, police -M. & R. 1 5,25! Fire -M. &,R. Health -Dairy -3{ Gen. P.-Yun• ourt-C. 4.5 Gen. F. -Pur. ;pt'. -M. 1. G Geri. F. -Civ 1 Service -M. ,,6chool-M. R: 0 j: Libraay-G�% Suppl. 1 4- Water -M. $ R. �5. 5 20 r T. L. Blood Co., _ C. H. & C. H.int. 8• Police -C. 4- B. 1 / Fire -M, B R. 19• 21 Board of Water Commissioners, Pub. Playgrounds- s t. pub. U.-Genl., 25.Oa P. U. -Mum. eet. L I(: �00.O'i Lightin lint. / 28. C. H. C. H• -Ma• ! 3 Ran ph Height School .5 p -park-Main . 19 . 22 Boston Book Co., Library -Gen. Suppl. 23 H. C. Boyeson Co., Gen. Municipal CPurt- 14• �� Gan. F. - Dept.. 5. Gen. F�� -Printe, Forms •,clanks 36. MYY-Gen- ;$iippl. -' �� 2 24 S. Brand. School -M. & R. 25 Braun Corporation P. U.-Mun. Test. Lab. 26 Edmund D. Brooks Library -New Books 27 Brooks Bros., Water M. & R. !:28 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry .� V. H. & C. H int. Water -M. & R/ 29 Bureau of Municipal Research Gen. Fund -Civil Service -M. 30 Burns Lumber Co., Police -Y. R. 3^§0 Fire -M. & R. 5�r• 0 Health -Pub. Baths- & R. 3• Playgrounds-Maint. % 13. 5 School -M. & P. / ' 111. 0 park-Park-Maint. / 44.50 School -M.& R.( ) Teachers Trng. ool Lib. 4. Municipal Gar -Const. 5 266.6, X45.05 - IL 19.27 191.86 95.00 72.09 25.95 32.5E 7.25 . 51.22 18.25 5.00 266.65 r Res. #184 #3 4931 Capital City Lime & Cement Co., 5.75 park -Park -}Saint. A. 32 Capital City Lumber Co., 5.79 Park -Park -Act. 33 P. P. Caproni 67.75 . School -M. & R. 34 C. C. C. Fire Hose Co., 3,672.00 M Fire -M. & R. 35 Chicago, Milwawkee & St. Paul Ry. Co., 2.99 Health -quarantine -M. & R. .4. 36 Chicago, St. Paul Mple. & Omaha Ry. 11.75 Library -Gen. Suppl. 37 Citizente Ice & Fuel Co., 12.00 School M. & R. 38 Clymer & Huelster 52.00 . Health Healt -M. & R. Gen. Fund'=M sl M. / > Scho"T, I �� 1 0 39 Commonwealth Press 1.00. Library -Haw Books 40 Craftsman Press, 5.00 Gen. Fund -Pur. De .-M.. « -Cjoil Srvj.ce- / rf l8i` 41 Crane & Ordway Co., 31.41 Fire M. & R." 15.90 School -Y. & R Park -Park -M 'nt. 1.24 57 Water -U. & Com_ibrt S Lion r'i ` , 9 6.5 3141 /I 42 Crescent Creamery Co., 10.00 Health -Pub. Bathe -M. & R. 43 Daily Fraser Hardware Co., 7.50 C. H. & C. R. Haint. 44 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 51.81 C. P. W. Workhouse-' int.. 10.08 Playgrounds-Maiht. Gen. Fund -Election xp 4.87 1.8 School -M. &''R. '4.7 Ameh -Maint/ Park- -Act, 15., ", 48Park- % 8 Diebold Safe & Lock Co.,. 362.50 Water -.S. & R. (195) 4,6 Bore & Redpath 5.50 Park -Park -Act. 7 Mrs. E. C. Dougan 4.50 Library -Hew Books 8 L. F. Dow Co., 855.13 Res. #184 _ #4 Gen. F. - !Deft. 4•�5 Gen. F.- ection school & R. / 4. Librqu'y-Gen. Sup�l. 4• Wat4r,_M. & R. 5 3 4949 Drake marble & Tile Co., $11.10 C. P. U.-Mun. Test. Lab.-Maint. 50 L. SisenmenIger 48.69 R C. p. W,-Workhouse-Maint. 51 Electrir Construction eq., 6..05 C. H. & C. H. -Alt. & Rep. 52 Electric Mnfg. Co., .44 Pub. Bldg. -Arch. & Draft. -M. 53 Elk Laundry Co., 32.78 School -M. & R. 2424 Water -1.1 & R.4 I / 228.00 54 Engineering News Water -M. & R. 55 S. A. Farnsworth, Co P. R. F. 387.38 Mayor t s Office -UP. 1,0.78 Police -M. & R. 2.Q0 P. U. -Gen. Adm. -M' 3.00 Com. Finance Mai, I Y5 QQ r Gen. Fund Pub. / 50 School -M & R,; Library-4en. Snppl. ' 3 - 56 Farwell, o=un Kirk Co.. 224.64 Police -C. A B. 11.4 Fire -C. E B. 6: Health -Pub. Baths School -M. & R.f' 3 •56. Randolph Heigh s, d`choolt_.. W449/ ? Park -Park -Ma t.' Park -Park -A014, 2 - 135.50 57 E. s. Ferry Gen. Fund-Printedormn &'Blanks }} x22.7 School -M. & R. Park-Park-Maint.j 4 (. 13 0 58 A. E. Ferries 40.00 Water -M. & R. 1 59 Field, SchliC} & Co., 19.27 School H". R,--- Ameho/ 1 12•Or vvvvvv ( �, k 60 Foley, Bros. & ,quinlan, 29.50 j Park -Park -Act. Res. #184 �5 484.99 4961 Ford Motor Co.. 411.45 Fire -M. & R. police & Fire Alarm -M. 63.52 Lighting -;faint. 9: 34 Water -M. & R. 68 • 484.5§- 62 The T.rozboro Co 59.60 , Water r, & R. (1915) 63 Chas. Friend & Son 4'SG Fire -11. ; R. / 64 H. B. Fuller, a� 1.00 Auci torium-Maint. 4.00 65 Gaylord.Bros., Library -Gen. Suppl- 35.25 66 Frank 0. Huebener C. H. E C. H.-Maint. 2.60 67 Golden Rule School -M. P- R. 68 B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co.. 9.00 Comer. Finance-Transp. a 13.61 69 M. N. Goss, Comer, Gen. Fund-Misc. � Unforseen 8.56 70, Great Northern Ry. Co., Water -M. .. R. 6.80 71 Griggs Cooper & Co., pub. Park -Perk -Act. 72 Guiterman Bros-, d 4.50 Po]iceM. & R. 13.33 73 Hemline Grocer Co., School -',J. & R. 74 Hamline Ice & Fuel Co., 3.00 Park -Park -Act. 12,.19, _ 75 Has. S. Hardin Light; ng.Mai nt. 3.75 76 Baskin Bros.., Health -Rib. Baths Zvi. & R. 77 Toney Hensler, Water -H. & R. 21.00 78 Fred iiesse H aeth-�,uarantine-M. a R. 17.43 79 R. W. Hruby School -Y. L R. 34'96 80 Hubbard Electric Co., School -M. & R. D 190'35 81 Hughson & Whitacre Water -M. •& R. 22.85 82 J. W. Hulme Co., School -M. & R_ 35.58 49.85 20.00 9.35 22.10 65.30 344.23 53.75 45.00 24.25 3.6o 70.51 63.00 22.05 55.55 3.25 38.6o 301.25 Res. 6184 4983 Robert Hunt & Co., pater m. & R. dbk 84 H. R. _Huntting Co., Library-Ncw Books 85 Indepedant 031 Cb., Park-Park-Maint. 86 Independent packing & Provision Co., Park-Park-Activities 87 Johnson Furniture & Carpet Co., LibraryGenf. Suppl. , l Water-& R. 1 ;,5..� 0 88 Johnson High School School-M. R. 24 Library-Genl. Su pl. 1 3 6 89 Joy Bros. Motor Car Co., bighting-Maintt XTj 00 Park-Park-Mai#t. 344. 90 Wm. B. Joyce & Co., Gen. Fund-Mise. & Hnfor 9 e�oa..j $ 7 Park-Park-ActiT,tties ✓� 53.7 91 Kamman Art Printing Co., School-M. & R. 92 W. H. Sane, School M. & R. 93- Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., School If. L& R. � 94 J. T. Kenny & Cot Poli-q--,& R. 8.Ofi C.. H & C;. IT.-Maint. 62. 5`1 95 Kenny Boiler Works, School-M. & R. 96 King & Webb Park-park-Act. 97 F. C. KDhnke Health-Pub. Baths-M. R. 3.AO Park-Park-Act., 52i2. 98 Joe. Koskie Library-Genl. Suppl. 99 A. J. ;crank Health-quarantine• . &)R. 1.00, Playgrounds-Mai Park -Main .60" 36.A'Or -Park Water-M. & R.e _3 0 5000 W. A.Lang, Water-M. & R. 35.58 49.85 20.00 9.35 22.10 65.30 344.23 53.75 45.00 24.25 3.6o 70.51 63.00 22.05 55.55 3.25 38.6o 301.25 Rea #184 #7 50()1 Chas. 8. Lauriat Co., $33.50 Library -N -w Books 2 F. G. Leslie Co.,� Health -Quarantine- 7 & R. -4500 . Health-Pab. Baths- & R,T% 7 50 Playgrounds-Maint 1 0 Park-Park-Maint,% j 1• Water -M. & R. 3 D. Levinwater-M. 2.50 ater-M. R R. 4 Library Bureau 75.86 Library -Gail. Suppl. 5 John W. Lux Grocery Co., - 21,87 h School -M. & R. } 6 J. F. Lynch Co., 186.15 Police -Mc Pub. Bldg. Ar u B: -M X10 Auditorium- nt 5 60 Water-ly. & a .15 7 McClain & Gray Co., 64.84 Mayor's Office-Maint. 5. 5 Police -M. & R. Pub. Safety-Geyl. A Li ghting-Maint. ComIr. Finapte-Main Gen. Fund-p(ir. Agt}� 75 un Gen. Fd, Civil S ice -M. /4.75 Gen. Fu Zlectio Exp. .� School & R. c/uO; Libra yr _GGenl. Suppl• q.41 8 A. C. McClurg Co., 75.33 Library-",ew Books — 9 Mcaill-Warner Co., 187.50 Gen. Fund -Printed Forme & Blanks 10. McGraff-Hill-Book.Qo., 5.00 Water M. & R. 11 Maendler Bros., 3.46 Water -M. & R. 12 Mahle Wagon Co., 159.50 Water -M. & R. 13 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 323.11 Police -M. & R. 9 6 Workhouse-Maint. 50 Puha. Bldg. Arch. ,& D. 7,M. 6f Lighting-Maint.,� 4 , Ames School ;5�•7 Park -Parks Maint. '2o Water. & R. 127 2j/ 3 d Res.#1884 5014 F. R. Marin & Son, Library-Genl. Suppl. 15 manufacturers Selling Co., C. H. & C. H. Maint. 16 Marchal & Marthaler Police & Fire Alarm -M. 17 F. A. Mayer Health Wuarantine-M. & R. ,-N. 18 Melady Paper Co., Water -,i. & R. 19 Meyer Engraving Co., Water -M. & R. 20 Midway Lime & Cement Co., Water -M. & R. 21 Mrs. Julia Miller Park -Park -Act. 22 Milton Auto Co., Playgrounds Mait. Pub. Bldg• 0.4� 31.40 23 Mpls. St. Paul & Ste.Ste. Marie Ry. Fire -M. , R. 24 M. N. Moffat Water M. & R. 25 Murphy Transfer Co., Library-Genl. Suppl. 26 Nassau Paper Co., Gen.Fund-Civil Service-Maint. 27 National Candy Co., Pub. Park -Park -Act. 28 New York Tea Co.. 6.50 C. P. W - Workhouse-Maint, Park -Park -Act: 3-2—. 29 Nicks Machine Shop Pub. Bldg. -Arch. Draft. -M. 30 Hicols Dean & Gregg Water-". & R. 31 North American TEleg. Co. Library-Genl. Suppl$ 32 Northern Pacific Ry. Co., Sprinkling 33 Northern States Power Co., Aud$tsorium-Maint. 34 Northland Pine Co., Park-Park-Maint. 35 N. W. Cadillac Co., Fire M. & R. $2.25 8.38 3.00 16.25 = 3.12 3.50 > 2.00 7.84' 31.40 ,I 1.19 23.30 62.85 9.00 99.10 32.50 1.25 -2.30 1.65 `. 5.00 24.37 471.00 11.00 Res #184 #9 5036 N. W. Copper & Brass Worke, Mun. Test. Lab.-Maint. 37 N. W. Cutting & Welding Co., Police -M. & R. 38 N. W. Electric EM R Equip. Co., ice j Fire -M. & R. Police & Fire Al -}S. Lighting -Maint school _M R, r' 39 N. W. Shot & Lead Works, Water -M. & R. 40 N. W. Stamp Works, Fire M. & R. Police & Fire A]rEr ComIr. Finange=lid n Gen. Fund- .-M. . ' Gen. F. -C il� vice- School- & R Librar - Gen. Suppl, 41 N. W. Telephone Co., Police & Fire Alarm - C. H. & C. H. Paint Pub. U. -Markets !� School -M. & R. Li br ary -G en l .Pl. Park -Pant -Act �/ 42 Noyes Broe. & Cutler, Police -M. & R. Fire -M. & R. Health -Pub. Bat s' & R. Gen. F. -Civil erveM.` park -Pant Ma t'. Park -Pk -A Water LLM,.i& TeaQ�iers T� g• Sc]%oI Lib. 43 T. J. O'Leary C. E. & C. H. -Alt. & Rep. 44 Patterson Street Lighting Co., Lighting-Maint. 45 Peoples Coal & Ice Co.,. Police M. & 3: C. H. & C,/H.-Mai t. School; R. 46 perlt & Staack Fire -Ai. School -4/.' & R, i 47 A. W. Peterson Police -L. & R. 28j45 29.91 18� oil , 24 2.00 2.00 f 1.r„ 2, 0 1 0 1'1.0 75 jv- 39 18.01 24.,00 387 3 34 0."'60 .75 1000 248.15 499.80 12.80 46.39 453.60 15.00 4,599.66 a 39.70 86.66 75 ; Rea. #184 #10 5048 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 16.89 Fire -M. & R. /) .60 Auditorium-Maint.,` .G54- ` Water -M. & R. A" - 16.89 49 plant Rubber Co.. 23.00 Fire -M. & R. 50 Powner+s Book Store, 26.25 1% Library New Books 51 Prendergast Bros., 5.49 C. ft . C. H. -Alt. & Rep. 52 Price, Ro ns & Newton 2.00 Gen. F. -Civil Service -gid. 53 C. A. Prosser 10.00 Johnson H. S. Lib. 54 Prussian Remedy Co., 5.00 Health -Health -M. & R. t 55 Purity Baking Co., 8.80 Water M. & R. 56 Pure Oil Co., 7.57 P Park -park -mai nt. 57 Quayle & Kelly 23.72 . Water -M. p R. 58 Geo. Rathgeb 33.26 Park -Park Act. 59 Raymer`Hardware Co., 4.35 419.99 Healtl4-quaraa#tine-M. & R. Polic -M. &_'R. 16.9 Fir' & Z: 1 9.0 Pplice "dire Alarm �f- 4. Health Health. & O ?� T5 playgrQundaFMaint. pubs =$l dg. -Arch. Draft.-. T-00 Oomij?. -Financed nt . �1. 0 Genf## F.-i;lectio P. ! 2 ,Schlol-y. &I R. J't Am S4 soon ,` 5 7 Library -G1 P1• 1 70 Auditor- It 3 •92 Plirk-P t. P' fk-Park- C .-M. 4 9. 6o M. J. Reardon 27.83 School -M. & R. 61 Reed Motor'Supply Co., 6.55 Fire -M. & R Park -Park 1• 62 Review Publishing Co., 60.90 Gen. Fund -Official Publications 63 Robinson, Cary & Sande, Fire -L`. & } 1,2G$ 5' + 1,238.40 C. H. 0: }l-Iyaint�. Water- . & CL (" 29 5 .---- 1'23b. ¢ 0 �/ Res #184 #11 5064 St. Paul Battery Co.. 33.76 Police -M. & R. 11.40 Fire -M. & R. % x•5138 Pub. Bldg.-Insp. k.,Clk:' 33 65 St. Paul Book & ttationery Co., 854. School -M. & R. 21.82 Library -New BooXs 764-�0 ` Central. H. S. ib,, 64 04 Johnson 66 St. Paul Bottling Co.. 37.50 Health -Pub. Baths -M. & R. 67. .St. Paul Builders Material Co., 45.45 School -M. & R. 12.35 Ames Scho 15. Water M. YRS; d` 50 4 68 St. Paul Electric Co., 6o.17 Fire -M. & R.2.16 Police & Fire A m� 6 Playgrounds-Ma�. 711 .18; Randolph Heig is Selhool lb8,7 Mechanic Arty Lib. 3 y60� i7 69 St. Paul Engraving Co., 3.25 School -M. & R. 70 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 1.628.57 C. H. & C. H. -Hai t. 5- 1.67 Lighting-Maint. C. P. II. -Markets 1. C. P. U. -M '�. T et. Auditoritm -_y. / 2 / 1, 2 . 71 St. Paul Glass Co., 4.50 4 Fire -M. & R. a 72 St. Paul Machine Works, 39.48 Fire -M. & $ 294181 ' Water M. & R. 73 St. Paul Printing Co.. 12.50 Gen. Fund -gun. Court -M. 74 St. Paul Rubber Co., 23.85 Police -M. & 4.23 Park -Park -Ma Park -Park -A t. 23 75 St. Paul Tent & Awning Co., 2.00 Playgrounds-Maint. 76 Sanitary Food Mnf g. Co., 17.98 Health -Pub. Baths -M., & R. 77 Schuneman & Evans, 7.76 Health -Pub. Bath -Td. &1R. 3-10 School -M. & R. / 1 . I ,7.70 Library -G'.]; St4,ppl. ` % 7,r7 i Res #184 #11 5064 St. Paul Battery Co.. 33.76 Police -M. & R. 11.40 Fire -M. & R. % x•5138 Pub. Bldg.-Insp. k.,Clk:' 33 65 St. Paul Book & ttationery Co., 854. School -M. & R. 21.82 Library -New BooXs 764-�0 ` Central. H. S. ib,, 64 04 Johnson 66 St. Paul Bottling Co.. 37.50 Health -Pub. Baths -M. & R. 67. .St. Paul Builders Material Co., 45.45 School -M. & R. 12.35 Ames Scho 15. Water M. YRS; d` 50 4 68 St. Paul Electric Co., 6o.17 Fire -M. & R.2.16 Police & Fire A m� 6 Playgrounds-Ma�. 711 .18; Randolph Heig is Selhool lb8,7 Mechanic Arty Lib. 3 y60� i7 69 St. Paul Engraving Co., 3.25 School -M. & R. 70 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 1.628.57 C. H. & C. H. -Hai t. 5- 1.67 Lighting-Maint. C. P. II. -Markets 1. C. P. U. -M '�. T et. Auditoritm -_y. / 2 / 1, 2 . 71 St. Paul Glass Co., 4.50 4 Fire -M. & R. a 72 St. Paul Machine Works, 39.48 Fire -M. & $ 294181 ' Water M. & R. 73 St. Paul Printing Co.. 12.50 Gen. Fund -gun. Court -M. 74 St. Paul Rubber Co., 23.85 Police -M. & 4.23 Park -Park -Ma Park -Park -A t. 23 75 St. Paul Tent & Awning Co., 2.00 Playgrounds-Maint. 76 Sanitary Food Mnf g. Co., 17.98 Health -Pub. Baths -M., & R. 77 Schuneman & Evans, 7.76 Health -Pub. Bath -Td. &1R. 3-10 School -M. & R. / 1 . I ,7.70 Library -G'.]; St4,ppl. ` % 7,r7 Res. #184 #12 5078 Chas. Scribner & Sons, 24.00 Library -New Books 79 J. L. Shiely Co., 37.75 Fire -M. & R.1 0 Water -M. & R. 86 Shotwell-Hobart Johnson 5. i School -M. & R. 81 C. J. Smith & Co., 7.83 Lighting -Main 3 - Park Park -Park -Main, � f__4.tJ$"5" 7. 8 82 G. Sommers & Co., 115.11 Police -M. & R. 3 00 C. P. W.-Workhou*-M4int. b C. H. & C. H.-B�iint.y 6.7 A 115.11 83 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 51.40 Lighting-Maint. 83 Standard Book Co,, 76.68 Library -New Books - 85 G. E. Stechert & Co., 95.00 Library -New Books 86 A. Swedell 24.00 School -?Q; & R. 87 Mrs. B. Tillipman 2-50 Water -M. & R. 88 F. W. Topel 4.00 Water M. & R. i 89 Transit Supply Co., 310.00 C. P. U.-4un. Teat. La .-X. 10.00 Pub, Bldg. Insp. & CIO. 1 0.0 Water -M. & R. 2 i 310. 0/� 90 Tri-State Tel. Co., 22„89 Police -M. & R. 3.49 Police & Fire Alarm -V 6 G ' m Water -M. & R. / 4 1 P, gr 91 Ferman Tuttle 34.00 Fire M. & R. 4,75, - Health -Quaaantine- &�t Gen. Fund-Junicip 1 Ctd -M. .25 Gen. F. -Printed orm& Bl¢nka 34 Ga , 92 Twin City Brick Co.. 98.92 Randolph Heights School 93 Twin City Iron & Wire Wks., 2,35 Police -M. & R. 94 Twin City Plate Glass Co., 44.69 C. H. & C. H--Maint. 95 University Garage .8G School -M. & R. Res, #184 #13 5096 Vans Candy Shop 5 Park-Park-Act. 9 Y 97 Valley Iron Works, 11.04 Fire-M. & R. 98 Van Paper Supply Co., 8.00 C. H. & 1. H.-]mint. 99 *villaume Box & Lumber Co., 26.37 C. H. & C. H.-Main i 5160 Vittue Printing Co., 4.50 -Mayoras Office- int. 75 Com+r• Finance int./ 3.I 1 Waldorf Bindery Co.. 16.65 Library-Genl. Supp]. 2 Waldref Motor Co., 67.80 _ Fire-M. & R ia 3 Edmund G. Walton Agency, a 2.00 r Wates M. & R. J 4 Washington Foundry Co., 53.00 Police & Fire Alarm-Mai.nt. 5 Western Architect 9.50 Pub. Bdg.-Arch. & D.-H. 6 Western Machine Works, 47.60 School M. & R. 7 Western Supply Co., 88.23 Fire-M. & R. 1 Mun. Test. L'b. X. ? Gen. Mun. G age-3. & R: j . 64) Park -Park- kht. .4 Water-M.. 4. v` 8 8 W. J. Westphal. 100.00 Police-M. & R. 9 White Enamel Refrigerator Co., 50.20 Health-quarantine-M. & R. 10 Willis Circulating Library 13.75 Library -Neve Books 11 Wineceke & Doerr 78.73 Health-Pub. Bafhs M. & R. •8 1,. Park-Park-Maint. 12 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell 22.50 School-M, & R. 13 John C. Zhender 82.75 75 00 School-M. & A Park-Park-MiUnt.? 7 2. 5 14 Zimmerman Bros., 0 19.02 Police-M. & R. Total .- 4rs573:_[IM` CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE""` No.1541 AUOITEd U L 5 191E 191 ZBYR 185 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of tlj parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Teas ( ) Councilmen ( N) .'days Adopted by the Council JUi WWI 91 it7 fylJ Farnsworth ` 190 r_ Approved f� � ; � I5 191 -- / Hyland / In favor U / Keller MAYOR — McColl � Against �1iut[de�jirif+ - Mr. President, lzmifr-- - No. ila4t— rrante Da drawn Heeolved %n, wa / upon the CIty Treasury, Dnysale oudt of Total Re #165 $ 11,808.95 the herefna[teT eDaelded Tun ea "vor of Rhe persona, 11-1 or corpura- 8monnts 90t Oppeelt. ,Iohs for the their re.pectivO names ae epecltied in the following detailed t.te..nt: Com'r Finance. - S. A. Farnsworth. Electlon ExD. 532.50. o " & Preston. E85.00. Thornton Qros.. Snelling Cumo Sewer S 1 -stem, $9,775.00. Sewer, Prior, Pen- E, T. w'ebster. o ork to Hillie. 21,916.45. rlopted by the ""nc it July 15, 1916, .t Approved July' 37, 1916. July 22-191,, 51 5 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, $32,50 Election Exp. 16 O'Neil 8: Preston', 85.00 j Set:er on Baldwin, $10.00 I " Geranium, Woodland to Arkwright, 10.00 " Portland, Saratoga to Warwick 35.00 " Portle( ingto Saratog .G 17 Thornton Bros., 9,775.00 Snelling Como Sewer System ]�8 E. T. Webster1, 916.45 S er Prior, Pennock to Hillis Total Re #165 $ 11,808.95 CITY .O'F ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: ' Je [A 04 COUNCIL NO. 11542 Date Presented July 13, 1916 Resolved, t the time specified for,the performance of a certain contract dated April 25th, 1916 between Peter Dickson and the City of St.Paul for the construction of curbing on Short St. from Hoffman Ave. to Bates Ave. be and the same is hereby extended to the 8th day of July, 1916 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. ,v 1154 e v M, N. Goes— Resolved. That the time specified for the perform¢nFe of a c Iain contract `dated April 2n th. 1916 between Feter Dickson and the City of SL Faul for the cnnatruction of curbinl: oa Short St. from Hoffman Ave. to Rates Ave. be d ththe is hereby extended to ere 8th tinny 9l JulrP 1916. nrlauhe prop - to __ am amendment to sn, oriz"d tract Ino nee'-rda nee herewith, 0 on - however, thnt this esolution shall rwi �saee antone and "Reel unless the tiesthe tractors bond con- sent thereto n d oflle such consent In vrlting with the Clly Comptroller. Adopted by the Council july 16. 1916. Approved July 17. 1916. Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays r J Farnsworth L. G.ee= In favor Hyland Y Keller McColl Against WMIR4" e? Mr. President, It•+it,< FORM C. 8-2 Adopted by the Council JUL 15 1915 191 f �9i5 Approved ` 191 1 St. Paul, Minn. July 13, .1916. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen,- I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the curbing of Short St. d from Hoffman Ave. to Bates Ave. be extended to the 8th day of July, 1916. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractors There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirement of this office is c,ncerned. 1' cerin enden:E o£ Construo on repair APPROVED 101—" of �uFl%�orT�-� i l Petition on file .CITY OF ST. PAUL - , ® 17) COP NCIL RESOLIUTION--GENERAL FORM -:t 1-5 0 Subject: COUNCIL� FiLE \ No. _. 11-54'3 Date Presented o 191 �f Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be'and is hereby author— ized and directed to cause Sherburne avenue, from Albert avenue to Pascal avenue, to be sprinkled during balance of season of 1916. C. F. No. 11543 --BY Df. N. Coss— Resolved. That the Commissioner or Public Rorke be and la hereby ¢ thor- I "b and direeted, to cauee Sherburne Ave. from Albert Ave to Paecalo ee¢ I be sVrin kled durl.9 balance f on of 1916. ¢ AdoplO b3' the iia 1916, 7u1)' 16. 181 APVroved Jul)' 22-]916) tiles Yeas (d) Co ncd,nw (✓) mays Fa xortIt Adopted by the Council JUL 15 1919 In favor Hylod r 191 Ke C 1 Approved M p Against �IR L-1 Mr. Presiden Irvin MAYOR FOAM C. 8-2 �'1 ' �4 CITY OF ST. PAUL • COUNCIL RESOLUTI ON GENERAL FORM Subject: A n Date Presented 191 t�- Resolved That the Cigarette License No. 165, expiring May 20, 1917, now in the name of Ingles & Watt, 459 St. Peter Stre:St, be and the same hereby is transferred to Charles Cohen, 459 St. Peter,Street. 6 lir Henrr \Iccoli— na solved, Thu Thnt the (`IRB tette License 'he 165. exPf nR le., 20. 1917, now In the t me f InRlen & R'att, 459 Sl. trater narerre'dnton Chatleethe —ne,C-hhe eb 1[. Peter St. Adopted by the Cou -11 Jul,' 15, 1916. \PProve(I July 17. 1916. (July 22-1916) Yeas (✓) Coll cilmen.. Nays Fa worth C In Favor Hyl d 1<eu v1cC p Against wuq rliich Mr. President.' lWvin FORM C. B 2 -,opted by the Council JUL 15 1915 191 Approved ( 315 191 I l ACITY OF ST. PAUL, ( r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: Purse of Automobile !�►'�'�! COUNCIL ` FILE N O. .... Date Presented lmy 15 . 191.6 • Resolved, q vjM r� T'.at the Purchasing1be, and he is hereby, authorized with the Oonsent of the Comptroller, to pvrchasd� without asking for competitive bide, One Five passenger Dodge Toluring Car with complete equipment, to cost $820.00 delivered at St. Paul, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertising for competitive bids. In Favor Against ('C. F. No. 11546—R}' A. 1t"underllch— Reaolved. That the Purchasing Agent be, and he le hereby, author- Ized with the a ent of the Comp- troller, to purchase with asking for r mpetitiva bid., o e flue paeaen- ger Dodge louring c with coplete me enulpnt. to cost $820 m .60 delivered at I. Paul, — this i. n patented artlele and n adv..Inge cnn be galned by ad- erticing rut c mpall ee bid.. ` Adop[ed by the Cnunril July 16, 1916. Approved July 17. 1916. (July 22-1916) Adopted by the Council JUL 15.1.91N Approved R L. 1 MAYOR Yeas (t") Co cilmen (1") Nays orth I JNas, Mr. Presiowers FORM 0.9-2 I In Favor Against ('C. F. No. 11546—R}' A. 1t"underllch— Reaolved. That the Purchasing Agent be, and he le hereby, author- Ized with the a ent of the Comp- troller, to purchase with asking for r mpetitiva bid., o e flue paeaen- ger Dodge louring c with coplete me enulpnt. to cost $820 m .60 delivered at I. Paul, — this i. n patented artlele and n adv..Inge cnn be galned by ad- erticing rut c mpall ee bid.. ` Adop[ed by the Cnunril July 16, 1916. Approved July 17. 1916. (July 22-1916) Adopted by the Council JUL 15.1.91N Approved R L. 1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: --- -- COUNCIL��4-6 /���L^ ,y��5 FILE 1 V. m $ ( Date Presented 191— u RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No.- From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) Michael Ettel George L. O'Neill 557 Jackson St., 557 Jackson St. 214. Andrew Hilz, John Zinzer, — 558 Edmund St., 559 Edmund St. 41o. -- — J. P. Geary, James Semple, 32 E. 4th St., 32 E. 4th St. leg. Wolf & Reddy, Edward J. Reddy, 490 Wabasha St., 490 Wabasha St. - - - 146. J. M. Tauer, Albert E. Hardy, 93 So. Wabasha St. �1cCull_ 93 So. Wabasha St. F. No. 11646—Ry Hen Y — Rraolyed. That thrto towing,eating rated Ilornaoa to ..It pauura bo tappuCal� ns adulydlmade pursuant to thr or— No. 66, from hllchael Ettel, 667 Jacenn St., to George _ O'Neill, 667 _-- - ---- - Jark,.n St. 558 Ed - \^.d St., for John �zln—,, Edmund 110, from J. P. Geary. 32 E. 4th •a Semple. 32 ..t ., from Wolf & Reddy. 49906 Wa- .. to Edward J. Red dv, 490 yeas (✓) Councilmen (./) Nays F rnsworth _In favor K lkb'iand % M Coll v-- Against I x runderlich Mr. President, dux Adopted by the Council.—_A_ 15 19 15191_ Appro c ' 17 191 191--- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - .COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL `x'11547 ` 9 FILE N o . Date Presented July 15, 1§11b C/\ Resolved, That the plat of Schultz Rearrangement, as recommended by the Flat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays worth favor C. F. No. 11537-1iy ]r. N' c` or Schultz In Thnt the P mmended by nexolved. ,. rand (i Against nearrnnuement. upprn e d by 1 Plnt commisslon -"ll, \\•nr . be the tile llhe mL aloln4'hereby o ce Pt ed. rJ my 15. 1916. shy unf\do Pled the council A J.11 17. 1916 Proyed (JVIY 22-1918) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays worth favor J / d TKe In ll (i Against h Mr. President, J'-' IOPM C. B -Z i 1 Adopted by the Council JUL 15 1915 191 Approved 191 V , MAYOR i CITY OF ST.` PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: ` cERca ^JAS 1 • FILE, N O. U Date Presented o' July lb) 1926. ,j r� rv• t Resolved That the plat o;g Bose Walsh Addition as reeonnended by the Plat Commission and aiproved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the sane is hereby accepted. C:] C. F. V,. 11648— Y—' R,• Wo d. That ache Plsm of Roae \\'alsh Addition re --'='d by the Plnt Commission nd by the Com misslnner of Public Rtrd s. be ,nd the some is hereby nec P 1916. \dnp [ed by the Co it Sul)' 16, A pprored .lnly 1 2 191 my 2-1916) e Yeas (✓) Councilmen (:) Nays JUL 1 5 1915` Farnsworth / Adopted by the Council Jll 1 I J I U 191 In favor Hyla nclr 16 Kelllr Approved / l9� McColl Against VVV Mr. President. krin —YOR •ORM C. ... Subject: r �ti.ti CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLl1."itON---GENERAL FORM i .�.(� COUNCIL FILE N 0. Date Presented July 15; 191 6. Resolved, That the plat of Joy's East End Addition as recommended by the 81at Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be 'and the same are hereby accepted. r. R N., 11649—BY Y1. \. Resnlvrd, Thnl the Vlat oP So.'s 1•:net H.nd Atldi[fon n mmended b}' the Plnt ('ommleslon9 sndoa pproc od by 1h, (-ommissloner M1ir be ln`hllreptedks, Ind the s AAuVted lhY [he 17�191167u13' 15. 191G. \Pprevr�lf 7uly 22-1916) Yeas (✓) Cour}cilTen (:) nays Farr w rth In favor Hyl Kell,r Mc 1 IT Against �V Mr. President lxyip- '0.. c. a -z Adopted by the Council JUL 15 1915 191 Approved V�Al'9'd 191 ,, mwvoe r COUNCIL FILE NO ............ ......... .._-._-.._ By-.....__............_.._-- ................ .... ........... ........... ........................ 8.1550 FINAL ORDER. In the batter of ........... Qnna.tr.uo.t.ing...a...r.elitf....ae.wer%v.Q......fr.Qm-..Hgr_Qehel -avenue--to Saratoga ay.anua,__ .... _.._.____ _._.. under Preliminary order _ 9133 pproved _...................__. ...Febr. 16th, 1916. a......... ................................... Intermediary Order ...... --........ ..._.._._........................................ approved ...................... - -- - - -----------------------... —..... _........ _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heark-11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is......._CD11atTvnt a„r X1183....aB.➢LeS._4naS.d)b�YQ�_ _f$.4ID...._I�Q.LdQ��:..._&v8....te.Q._.Ssix??.G$aY..�n�i-...................._.....---........... .------. _ - --- - -- T _ FINAL._ORDR8. __......... ._..... ............____-.......:..___-........._-.._.........._ �81 11550-._.__.-.-.-....__-_............... In thr �f atter of t - �un=tructinl; a re ............ .......... __._........ ....._.---.-.-_._.-...-.................-. newer on mei M1�- n,'enoe from Fie- r arhe] a�a-nue [o vn rntoF;n a�-enue.------- -_.._-------- ---------- .---- _................ ander Freilminn rl' der Q132, ap- __----------- ..._---- ---- ----- ............... _.... ...... ............ ......... _... prop'.. Feb 16IM1. 1:,16. A public h—,ing havin6 been had -- ---- ----- ---------------�---.-....... ......_ upon thend the C, Ve h-1.9 h,dun .......... na[fce. a ob7-P'. n •nm•_ ... _._........... ......... ...... ................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be `made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and gubmit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 15 iSit Adopted by the Council .............._.__.............__.___ 191 City erk. Approved _....... .. _..`.......l......i.....i......._i .6_ _ ........... __ ........._, 191 _......_.. ----.... ....... _....... ..... _..... _......... _..................__.........— – Mayor_ Councilman Far sworth Go s Ke er M Coll rg Mayor P wers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL n �\ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 yi�l b eREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t.41 In the Matter of -- -_ -- - 1 _..._.__ _. under Preliminary Order approved -- - _ A To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION `f .��2s "V TOTAL, (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT.OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER " DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION e?r It 7 s�2 16) n �y ,5 —-4 00 16, a 6 J a 5'0 17 ,0 /7 �j chop Oy / l90 7 co ,Io 4 b o TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINAIJCE e REPORT.OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (6) DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 lap s 7iF TOTAL. F... e.e.A. e s e CITY OF ST. PAUL OF FINANCE 1� DEPARTMENT �p REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (6) - I LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION,' ASSESSED VALUATION 0 �3�so fl �_ Di'y ycl�h 6c, 6 Y' p a w,. ;2Y �s �7 b el O 13 LL� �a90 } L 3 �i c TOTAL, (B) -_- CITY OF ST. PAUL -' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .. ASSESSED VALUATION 7 ti0 1tiC Z'z =L 6 0 G �pp / 3' 6 0 /1 t429 -" c / O TOTAL, ` ' _ t� •'' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT \ OF FINANCE e REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I(� DESCRIPTION LOT ' BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION loj��reYNL lYc7 �7"'> 17.2 23 �.r (4y ? y o ' 0 X90 ronM e.s.♦ ee a TOTAL, 4. .CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RRPORT OF COMMiSSIONFR OF FINANCE k. /ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .. - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION �; by C3 73` tY=i e3 / 9 O 77 O 171 4 = ;2S S I � --7 a'}� �GffEa �C:7Li ,5` •�, o� G J< J o 7 �� j ` titi .Z G 7 �� r 7 s 1 ,-e s �� s .onK s s w ee s TOTAL, k CITY OF ST,. PAUL "m DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF`FINAr4CE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - A D D I T I O N a w t'1 5 3 � ASSESSED VALUATION j-, If uS The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - .191 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works . J f Report to Commissioner of Finance Februaxy.S5th., ts1.6 To the Commissioner of Fiiuutce of the Pity of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Pnblic Works, having had under emisideration tilt, preliwiom•y order of the ('nun - Til, known ns Council File No. 9132 _ approved February 16., 1!)lb , rehrtivr to .. the construction of a relief sewer on Selby Avenue, frora Herschel Ave. to Saratoga Ave. _. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - - -necessary and (or) desirable. 0,1.52 per front foot 5530.00 and S The estimated Cost thereof is $__ ,Mill the totai cost thereof is - Frontage 3993 feet Exceaa inspection 8100.00 the uoture and extent of said improvement is as follows: -..: :1. A }dau, prottle or sketch of said improvement is hereto attarhrd .nal mode it part hereof. 4. 5. Naid improvement is .riot _...asked for upon pet ition of three or more owners of property, subject to essessweut for said improvemmrt. Conuuiasmno of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M: N. I56. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. Darn CA..Mian[. Ir OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.2r fixp�.ttl . J. E. CARROLL S. CoxpTpuanox k Aer.iaz ALFRED JACKSON, Sart. S-1-1ox G. H. HERROLD, 0-- E. -- H W. GOETZINGER Sum*. W.111 11 'February 25th, 1916. �jr Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Dublic Forks b u i-1 d i n g. Derr Sir: I transmit herewith preliminE,ry estirrxte of the cost of corstructirg a relief dewer on Selby Ave. from .Herschel Ave. to Saratoga Ave, in ac- cordance with Council File #9132, approved February 16, 1916. Aprroximete estirLate 4^5530.00 Coat rer front foot 1.52 Excess inspection 100.00 Frontage 3992 ft. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION_ —GENERA'L FORM:.° �1 Subject 115,151 C. F: No. 11661—By A. - R1undorllch-� 'COUNCIL ;r Resolved, That on -.unt of the In- 'ILE ft: �. autticiency of the 9atitlon for the in- tlonighthenNl eieelppl LRtver Bnulevatd under Council- File No. 6111 that the �91 a seesment therefor be ¢¢nulled, add ntl further. proceeding¢ under Bald Date Presented - Connrll' Flle he dlnpontinued. App —ed July B 1 Oun July 16, 1916. (July 22-1916) _ Resolved, % CL C --,f i Yeas (i') Coun�men (i') Nays / Farns rth 46202!. 1 In favor Keller McCol i Against Nash Mr. President, � - FORM C.B 2 Adopted by the Council X�i ` 191 !O. Approved f,/ 1, 191 MAYOR Petition — Copacil Nile No. .0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. f The undrrsigurd hert-b,: proposes tilt- making of the following le inlprovenwftt by the City'nf .'i. p,...l, viz. Pave East Maryland St. Prom_ Paye... ve.• t O..P sperit: eve....__ __.. ilipluding sewer, water and gas onneotions rom stfeet main to property lines complete, whe _not_.alraa made.4 s also-.incl. ing,,,-r paving alley and driveway proachea cnr,u , where n estry In_aocordance with pati on hereto at ohe� v - /- r I17Aitrd this ..lav of _ July i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAN, A writt,m proposal for the making or the following improvrinrut, vie.: Pave East Maryland St. from..P.ayne__Ave, to Prosperity--dve.,. including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including paving alley and driveway approaches and ourbing, where necessary. whereas. A w Itt n p oposnl for the 1,I,: g of the f Il lag Improvement. from viz' Pure Cnat 1f }land St. from ^•tyne Ave. to Proaperlt9• Ave., In- been ln•rscuted to tilt- Council of the Pity of SL 1'Inll by l'ouuciluuut __..___.._ water and gas conned- - from street mains to property i omple le, where o already. therefore, be 11 a--lac Inc udlnR 'I.Y ar`n RESOLVED, •Phut the Commissimler of public Works be and lir is hereby orderetfla,, a°"r��•.eil: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilit,v of the making of said improvement. _. To investigate the names, extent and eslinlatt-d east of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :S. '1'o foroish it phut, profile or sketch of said iolproveuu•ut. I. Tn imni;ll Ihr fk'lluwint? 4)1lwrdats ami iufor'aation relotivr to sail improvement: .. ................_.. _._. . 5. To slate IvIII-01r or ant said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or ntore owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing nulttrrs to Tile Cmnmissionrr of Finance. ft- �Q'[ Adopted by the l'ouneil J.UL-1•- '^'' _lel _. Yeas: \ays: v' 1•ouneilmau b rustrnrth Apltl•ovrJUL�� IS!9,151!11 eller - L Hyland \tai. itayo •. �rvin i UBLISHED��" ` Petition Councill"'lle No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and _._►" PREELnVIINARY ORDER. The nadersigm•l hereby proposes the Making of the follonving puhlir improv the Pity of St. r i'lnd, viz.: Grading._ alley_ in the...80division__Of Bl ZS _ of. lington_ Hills Addition, in accordance with',petit hereto a eche.d._....__.._ _.. Dated thi, 17th day of �.. my 91.. .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \Q`11111M,Al, :1 writl,•n prnpnsal for the making of the following improveunyat, viz.: _Grading alley in the Subdivision of Block28of Arlington Hills Addition I C. F No- I""— w•hereaa, A wrnten proposal for the making o[ [he f.itpwing improvement, Grading alley n the SubdHills Addi- tion, Black having of Arl pees n 'rillle Ad he tion• oft been presented to the Council of the City of Bt. Paul there- fore. be it having bee❑ presented to the Council of the Pity of tit. Paul by CouncilBlan_._.........._............__._.........__.._....__.__.._......_....; therefore, be it ftF.S01,CI:U, 'I'hnt the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 'Po investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nxhu•e, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cSst thereof. :i. 'fo furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said intproveuumt. a. Too farni<h the folloncing uthrr dal;a nud illrormatiou relltive to said improvement: .. __.. ................................... _. D. To slate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon 1111 of the Iorevning natters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1" 1911 _ :Adopted by the Colunci JUL 191 ./l V "ons: Nays: lonuueilmtul F11,rin,"'n.,h t Coil Approved , V j �ylend l \favor - Alln•o•. Vin 1'? LISBED (1f11�ilI Fit,' cs - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and , 1554 PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned Ilerehy IINposes the waking of the following pub' nnplovlgeut by tilo City of St. llnul, viz.: Condemni3k-_and taking an eas-ement the land neaessary--for -Slopes, :dor outs and Pills in grading. t� sll.ey in t}Ae_Snbd�i'sipn...of n I JJ it Block 28 of Arlington Hills -Addition. Dated this 17th day of 1Uly 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. :\ written proposal for the waking of the following improveuu•ut, vie.: _. .. _. Condemning_and t.aking_an e.asement__in the._land necessary for.._slopes, for outs and fills in grading the alley in the Subdivision of Block 0 of Arlington Hills Addition I c F. Na. 11"— Where— A written proposal for the I akfnq o[ the f Il wfng imp ovemen[, ia: Condemnlnq nr •*' a ease eat In the le. _ having been presented to the Council of the lily of St. Paul by Councihnan _...... ... ...._......_._..__; Iheret•nrc, be it - Rh1SOLV'ha), That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1.- To investigate the nee,essity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'd. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. 'I'o furnish It plan, profile or sketch of said improveuuad. -I. To I'nrni;h thy• rullowing ofloor h1in mal iufolvnntion rrlalive to said improvement: __..... 5. To state Whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. li. To reportupon all of tile iyr,�7m5ers to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Conned JU� ., or.. 19I. . . Yeas: Nays: 1'ntutcilmtul"[,'at W41 approv,•d JUL 1..' _ ✓tile all ` 11• • ' .� ill.•®/ V Mayor P \farm•. PUCLI�i-I�D� �� i { tri (he f No 11fi5b-.- - mntt b[ B n� g.,$eYlcoleyi term Pel Ave t #eer 70 ' der Preliminary82,pp Order 7672 " 'Ordered,T'approved Jug �1 �Y814' Rdd, That the gla lies Ober. e.c ti......d estimates -t. l RM M, 4) A:thif ab mleelo f PUU110#SgOr eT"`2 e.l above named ImDrot(eMQnt .. _ ! , same are hereby gggYoye ` Adopted by the Cod)gU 4 Y818. Approved July 183'$Yiv"9S." t CITY OF ST. PAUL J 5r5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _grgdin$_3@r%p19y�� �rDm �'ios- 7py to Kenneth St.— — RL -----------------.—_ under Preliminary Order 767_a Final Order _,,LOgg_APPROVED June 19, 1916---_----191_• WoLVM, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same ar eby approved i y1j 1 JUI. try 1C, 191 Adopted by the Council — — — — _ — �- Yeas: l ) ( ) Nays Councilman a sworth ,X63 er at oll 191 Hyland Approve 1 +_ Mr.President L� Iry " —'— — — —'Mayor. , i C. F. No.mntt r of Grading. SYndlcate , In the ._ " pve, from Juno StO aorto+a�l- n-�- . der PrellminarY ved lace 19, 1918. { - ' V Order 11066, aPD o 7toaolved, Thet the Dla°e epec111cs- tione and eetimatae ubmlttad above named improvemant be snd �thf>` Commleeloner bf Pabllo Works toY th.. same aro hereby approved. M rly''�'g; pdoDted by the Co 1BI6. Jnly -- ppproved SuIY 18, _.CJ9?Y•; 23?1936) CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _grading_S�ndioate Aye2 ir-Qm-jm= Bt, to Otto Ave. ------------------ - - - - -. Final Order _ 17S2efi pPPROVr under Preliminary Order 4QO_ _ _, June 19 1916. - - - - 191 _. MoLVM, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved a. 0111-S �n Rf reived allh et e cr;n.: rt r P.e U IUL.i91� 191 Adopted by the Council `t" _ _ _ _ _ - _ _- Yeas: ( 1 ( ) Nays Councilman nsworth e ler Coll �`7 191 Hyland ApproVed •-' _ Yx.President Irvin - - - - ayore CITY OF ST. PAUL _•�•^ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNC�1O, _1 11-557 a .. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE JUL I ; 4. AUDITED. -- - _IBI a PER: 186 14 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: JUL. 17 t�jp - Yeas ( r') C ncilmeu (d) Nays Adopted by the Council — I, rnsworth Approved land In favor Her ( MAYOR 'Coll Against}�j1JJ ✓ �� ��� derfich- Mr. Presiden Irvin }- I Fred G. Albrecht, 716.00 5Y19 Pa -k -Park -Music gp W. C. Marlow, Sr•, 400.00 Health -Public Baths-idu6ic 568.00 2t A. L. Snyder, I Park -Park -Music ,,8g reRta L. - TxaaurY Ifavor .-Coot n inner of n .,ut of the funds . '; specified In the r v tete Park—Park—vM - ar., Health—t' Ps Park—Park—Y• Q Ir .. .. ; _ CITY OFST. PAUL2 COUNCIL RESO-LUTION—GrENERAL FORM Subject:' ireljsf r iDf `cards. ... - _ - COUNCIL NO. FILE No. 11668— ndsrllch— �I Resolved, That with the approval or the Mayor and the countersignature or the Comptroller. there of [we tYrnvn 191 aa�aferrea the Date Presented hundred dollars ($2600) from the Sl tea IL d School Building. Account of the Public School Fund, to the Randolph NelKhta New Building Account o[ the enure [und, ae by o doing an un- voidable dedctency stn the laet e fund may be t Without hampering the work provided fpr by the money In Adopt dtby the Council Jul Ya17, 1916. Approved July 18, 1918. (July 22-1916) Resolved, �— cal L:: VL.i U: _ Cour r;,__r , ..lr tr :. erre: i amu... Jf -rive 5uc, SC1'OJ1 _._;1 _1i _ t_•^.. w�... ). �..., L: _,.:711: J.,.UJl 'y r J ":. V. iC':_=_iC_... - L..j r"'J ': 1 1`. Illi Ji Yeas (I') Couni jn 0') Nays , Fa"th C - In favor / Keller' MCCo Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, were FORM C.9 2 Adopted by the Council JULI11' 1915191 Approve •J � i � �j 191 . . MAYOR 4t:rTY O,F,ST. PAUL 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F RM Subject: ;rL._ ef.�`unds ' FILE N Date Presented Resolved, Sc:.00l -ui LJin�s ACc.ux,:, Jf Fn'Liic oc_.oJl 7uildinL� ACCJI- Lt o e' 8r. -:e a :li, as t eficienc� in ..:-e i1,s'<r_ed fund st —)—ii ,, 1'i, ieled l ...., r:or. it first nzu::cd it :a j .,c.id fun;!. G F. Na,. 1166 By ¢. �, undeHloh—I -,/ 1-2 Tha with the apptovIal of ' the Mayor and117—. o;untersignature of Che Comptroller, there le hereby trana- Approved' tarred the apm of twenty -eve bundrea r dollar (52690) from the silos a school sullFl ud, Account f the Pan.11 Ilc school in t. he Amea school ,1/' / y/ New Build lug Acrount oI the S fund, as by 11 doing an unevoldabla `� d¢flclenc)' fn [hc last n ed fund may V be t without hampers n6 the ork provided for by the money In the first /y named Iteme or dela tone. u Adopted by the Conacu July 17, 1916. City Comptroller. Approved July 18. 1916. (July 22-1916) (1') Nays \1') a sworthn Fa sworth +/ In favor Ke r M oil Against N Y g Mr. Preside , Powers FORM C.9-2 Adopted by the Council JUL 17 1S1S191 Approved JUL t S i915 191__ 0 - /� MAYOR CITY OF`ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—,GENtR.AL FORM - Subject. 3 COU NC L � FILE N o. _. Date Presented July 17 1916 s RESOLUTION fixing the amount of land to be taken for opening,widening and extending. 0 Resolved, In the matter of opening, widening and extending Fulham street to a width of sixty (60) feet,from Hendon street to the north city limits, under Preliminary Order #8943,approved Jan.27 1916,and Intermediary Order #10750) approved June 1 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted hie report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED (1) That the City of St,Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The east thirty (3) feet of the north half of the 8E4�of the NW -1 Sec- tion 20, Town 29, Range 22, extending from Hendon street to the north city limits. (2) That an eastoment be taken in'said land to the extent slza>ca necessary to serve all all the purposes of a public street. C. F. No. 11660— in the matter of opening. widening) and extending Fulham street to width of sixty (60) fact, from Heng don street to the north city limits. under Preliminary Order No. 8943. approved Jan. 27. 1916, and Intorme- diary Order No. 10760, approved June 1, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works .having submitted his report and sketch In the above matter, be It Ret. Paul fisolved (1) That the City of Sxes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named Improvement to be as follows: The east thirty (30) feet of the north half of the SE of the NW Sy; Section. 20, Town 29, Range 22, extending from Hendon tract to the north city limits. (2) That an easement be taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street. Adopted by the Council July 17, 1916. Approved July 18, 1916. (July 22-1916) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (,),Nays 1711 1915 Far worth Adopted by the Council 191 In Favor Hy nd Ke r Approved 191 i�l II i Against U W crlieh w/ Mr. Presiden j vin t m^YoR t FOc. e v j -CITY OF SAINT _PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M, N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -" ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D. CO—N.1.11 ---OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cw.. E. J. E. CARROLL Su C11.T-11. 4 R-1— ALFRED JACKSON, Sin. SA.IT.TIO. G. H. HERROLD, 01,11. E..u... H. W. GOETZINGER, 31". W___ -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL= In the matter of opening, widening and extending Fulham street to a width of sixty (60) feet, Ifrom Hendon street to the North City Limits, under Preliminary Order,#8943, approved January 27th, 1916, and Interme- diary Order #10750, approaed June 1, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes of this, his repoart a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken tne:efor,by thf shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: The eagt thirty (30) feet of the North Half of the SE,i, of the NW4, Section 20, Town 29, Range 22, extending from Henson street to the North City Limits. Commissiqlner of Public Works Dated ///(v__._____ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works' Report to Commissioner of Finance March l,__. ._ ®.....191.6.. 'po the Commissioner of Finanee of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had udder consideration the preliwiwuy order of the Coun- cil, known as Council pile No. 8943_ approved .. January 87,_ 191 6_, relative to opening, widening and extending Fulham Street to a width of sixty feet, from Hendon Street to the north city limits of the City of St. Paul. ............. _............ ...... _........... and having investig+ded the nutters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. S. The estimahsl cost thereof is $..._xxxx__ and the total cost thereof is xxxxx and the nature ilio extent of said improvement is as follmvs: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improveaneut is hereto attached and wade a part hereof. 4. .o S. Said improvement is__._ _.asked for upon petition ot'threc or inm•e owners of property, subject i to assessment for said improvement. l' 1 wissioner of Public Works. J v. - je ) I P E T I T 1 0 N. TO ,HE COISTON COIJ17CIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Ike, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on Fulham Street from city limits to GOMG, Avenue, , '�respect- fully petition your honorable body to have said Fulham Street graded between the avenues above.mentioned. NAME - ---- ADDRESS A&l m 4 d M 7i li� P E T I T 1 0 N. TO ,HE COISTON COIJ17CIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Ike, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on Fulham Street from city limits to GOMG, Avenue, , '�respect- fully petition your honorable body to have said Fulham Street graded between the avenues above.mentioned. NAME - ---- ADDRESS A&l m 4 d M 1 s CITY y DEPARTMENT FFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER' OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (A) In a Matter of --- _ --- --- . --- --- - .........-_..... . ---- ...- ...- ----- under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment forghe above improvement is - - $-------- - -- -- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED D E SC R I PT O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION TOTAL. �'� "+ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - •-A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK I ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4r1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated 191 ' / Commissioner of Finance. 10— 0.9.1 . a-3 c yy POST CARD NOTICE -4-98f Re 1F i-INANCI July 7th rm Opening and extending Fulham at. to i width of 60 ft. from Hendon st. to the North City Limits. fl -111-1-111 8943 January 27th, 1916 J.H. Knapp et' al. ....... ... 564.30 11h, C—, 11 ( 11 11.11"., 17th July M S. A PAIN,' %%N 111. ' CHARL[S F CHAw� E MAN FREEMAN AND AND FREEMAN IAWVERS MENOMONIE,, WISCONSIN T 17 ` op Pot L /� /�--`•� �� r SHO/ � ,yG'` �- O�-s-a� Q �l� J I_ CITY OF ST. .PAUL - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL.FORM Subject:r R COUNCIL FILE N O . Date Presented July 17 191 6 RESOLUTION fixing the amount of landato be taken for opening, widening and extending Eie3olvbd, It In the matter of opening widening and extending to a width of sixty (60) feet ,Albert avenue,from Nebraska avenue to the city limits under Preliminary Order #4848,appToved May 11th 1915,and Intermediary order #10751, approved June 1 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St Paul hereby fixes and de- termines the amount of land to be taken for the above named im- provement to be as follows: A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width across Lots 1 and 2,Hoytls Como Outlote,the center of said strip being the ceneter line of Albert avenue as laid out in Frankson's Como Park Addition,produced northerly, also the west four (4) feet of Lots 1,2,3,4, and 5 Block 7, noyt' Re-Arratement of Hoyt's Como OutlOts, (2) That an easement be taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public stre,t. C. F. No. 11561— , inhuK the exlendinga wo to oidth wf a IxtY (60) feet, Albert Ave. )from Nshraeka Ave to the city limits underPWho- Inary order No. 4848. approved hInY 11th, 1915, and intermediary order No. 10'151, approved .runr 1. 1916. The Commissioner of Pubilc Rorke In vine subBlumittedt his ter. report and AgMh Resolved. (1)Thatthe CItY of St. Pflul heref vlanxest(nn� taken lnes the for the abo enfl not named Improvement to be a follows A strip of land sixty (60) feet In width across Lots 1 and 2. Hoyt'a Como nutlot_v Cthe renter o[ Id strip being the center line f Albert .-mu, ae laid out In Frankson's Como Park Ad- dition, produced northerly, also the west four (4) feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Block 7, Ho)•t's Re -Arrangement of Hovl's Como Collate. opt be taken In (2) That a said eland all the he extent nocese public street o n Adopted by the Council X I7, 1916. Approved JulY 18.-1918) 1918. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (.') Nays (July 22 - JUL 17 1915 Farns'orth Adopted by the Council 191 In favor Hyla d Kelle Approved/ ( (41L," 191 MCC 1 .� Against I I„' Wund rlich V Mr. President, 1 vin MAYOR FORM C. 9-z CITY, OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' M. N. GOSS. C6~SSIONER +! " ROBERT T. GOURLET. 131— CUYYRAIONen 05CAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 Ena 1- J. E. CAR ROLL S.— C—Tll 1— L RANI., ALFRED JACKSON. Suit. S -1110- G. H: HERROLD, O"I" ErR1— R W. GOETZINGER, S.Pt. WwK•RUN -REPOP.T TO THE COUNCIL- Ai15F In the matter of opening, widening and extending to a width of sixty (60) feet, Albert avenut, from Nebraska avenue, to the City Limits,under Preliminary Order #4848, approved May 11th, 1915, and Intermediary Order #10751, approved June 1, 1916. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The. Cobsdssioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes of this, his report, aplan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said pian, which land is accurately desc ibed as follows: A strip of land sixty (6)0 feet in width across Lots 1 and 3, Hoyt's Como Outlots, the center of .said strip being the center line of Albert avenue as laid out in Frankson's Como Park Addition, produced northerly,also the the west four(4)feet of Lots 1, 3, 3, 4, and 5 Block 7, Hoyt's Re-Arrange- mnet of Hoyte Como Outlots. Commissioner of Publ c Works i Dated � �-7! - CITY OF ST. PAUL - o ,�► - -DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI&ONER OF FINANC j ON PRELIM NARY ORDER In the atter of �� -.C."' .. o , 17 under Preliminary Order approved .4-:�._.�� ` (. % ✓ --- -- � n To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--- - - --- -------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--- ---------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT B LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION VALUATION 4/ n , o V TOTAL, CITY, OF ST. PAUL 1 DEP TMEC NT OF FINANE REPORT OF CdIV MISiiSIONFR ,OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMIXRY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT ELOGK ADDITION S � � r 1 WON, e a ASSESSED VALUATION y y-1 a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. .onM e.e.n. ea c C ., St.Paul,Minnesota. f April Elst,1916. TO THE HONORABLE ^OUof NCPaul. @ENTLFMEN:— Fe. the undersigned, owners of property aruttinP on Holton and Albert Avenues, do hereby respectfully petition your Honorab�e Pody to cause said Holton and Albert Avenues to be opened and graded from Nebraska "venne to the city limits. 1 i 4 f�1AY l z 1915 �.a., `.-;"s" �Office `tlle Comrriisiontier of ltblic Works Report to commissioner of Finance eo.e.n:klEr _1.7,.......191. 5. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 4848 aY_.?_l, .........._ __..191,.._x., relative to ....__.....__..... cil, known as Council File No......__. _ _...._. approved o ening.,_v�i3eni g an:1 e:ctenw_ing.._to _awidtin of_.6G .fe,et, Albert ~venue frog. "e'oraeka I-venue to _tv L_i:.its. ....... ......... .. .... _.._ . _ . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...necessary and (or) desirable. °, and the total cost thereof is ..a r.�X..-..-.---, and 2. The estimated coat thereof is �.._..._... _..."....... --- - r the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pat hereof. r o. Said improvement is ............._.._..._..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. y� / ....... . C missioner of Public Works. `lll'^JJJ�j// �--Y SuC1TY.OF ST IIP,AUL• - -- �1_56'J- '. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ^1'G ENERAL, FORM .I 40 15fs bject:._ � 13 Y CouNC \ Flu No.... Date Presented.. �J..... ...�� �1, J 1 i Resolved, that p qr'sni'on be and is hereby gi"nte' the Tri State telephone la end elegraph Co pony to erect pole,;1,tith the necessary „anchors ^nd to n''rirlg wire and vable on the fol- lowing r.ened streets: 21 poles OA Bellevue Ave. from 5teWext to 'JLa0r8an• Sheridan Street from RT between to Davern. 16 e n between Sherideuu and Field Prom Fairview to Davern 8 " in alley " Wordsworth a Sheridan from Fairview to " 6 Hb Munster & Wordsworth from fraiTview to " 12 " n•airview a Sue from 3herid4n to Stewart. 0 Work to be do e unri•r the directi:n and to the satisfaction cf the Commissioner of Publici corks, the='elepho a Company to pay the ,ost of inspection, enginti ori 1 ov d phenio, ,rated to do so oy the Poles ar.d v:iras to Cora -,on Council, :aid cost to b eCoin-loid by the Tel epho-,e Coin -lo any, $j C. F. No. 11663—By N. N. Boa--- Resolved, That Permie9lon be and to _ hereby granted the Tri State T.I.- phone and Telegraph Company to'reot tl h string and ar onable on tithe fold h lowing named street.: from d r�r F� _ 21 Poles on Bellevue Ave.,, y�iy CATE Ste Pole -'wart to Mn Sheridan 8t. from. Prior 1st T6Q116et Bent Oil to DaVern„north aide of -treat. June 10th. 8 Pelee In alloy between Sheridan A and Field froth FairgieW to Davern. 8. Pole. in alley between Word.- worth and Sheridan from Fairview to • JUL Davern. pn .Yeas (t') C ncilmen (t') Nays and woresworth�etromtwFetran Mwetetor 191 the Council Davern. 1E Pole. in alley between Fairview F sworth �) and Sue from 9ehrldan to Stewart (l c .�,/.... .. in faV Work to be done under the d'� JUL 1 IJIU... ..........ISI........ and to the satl-f^etion If *-••' -loner of Pub” Approved ... 1 -r'... - K er ,navy to i M oil (/- -Against »rinr - ...........MAYOR... Mr. Presiden P-0xvrQ� FORM b , Cs �. � l�,iryvyy�...APV L ('� ' ', >� � �' ,1� 1 ,. _ .. � 1 �, � 1 _ __ � — ---- �--- � . _, .__ . _� a ��,..,. � � �, � r G 6 '� O � city of 'St. Paul _ 11564 Council Resolution - General Form Department of Bureau of Council File No; 1.4564 Date Presented % � 7 1916. $Y - Resolved, that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wires with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets: 3 Poles on East side of St. Albans Street from Maryland Street South to Northern Pacific Right -Of -Pay. poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Sod cost to be paid by the Telephone Compagy. Adopted by the Cc oil I 1916. Yeas ( ) ei en Nese rnsworth Coll land Approved _ �1�� 1916. eller -'-I- Mr. President vin Mayor C. F. No. 11694—By AL N. Bose— ' Resolved, that permission be and it! Is, Leretiy granted the Northwestern] TaleDhone Exchange Company to. set Pulse and string wires with the naeae-) nary anchor. thereon in the following! named streets: 3 Poles onEa t: ide of St. -Alban. street from Afneyand street south to Northern PacificI;Ight-ot-way Poiea and wire, to be removed when requested to de so byy the Common Council Said cost to be gold by the - Telephone Company Adopted by the Council duly 18, 1818. � Approved July 18, 1918. - . (July 22-1918) CITY ,OF ST. PAUL ° COUNCIL- RESOLUTION -GENERAL ,FORM Subjec.ri AD,=Y PAYVFMT REM Dt / FO ENC .... ....... _ ......_......... _ N Date Presented..- ........... )ft, 9{ Mj, Whereas, Elizabeth 5ienhoff, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sura of Forty-six & 25/100 (':46.25) Dollare, as an Advance Payment For a sewer on Conway street, cn Lot 12, Slock 1, H. F. Schwabe Is Addition, and whereas, the aeses;3ment for a serer ocr.nectin.- with es.id property is the sum cf Forty-fo_)r & 65/100 (444.65) Dollars, there,,. -re be it Resolved, That the 9-.m of One °- 60/100 al.60) Dollars be refunded to the said Elizabeth Pienhoff, and that the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and Jilted to draw a ,:arrant in favor cf the said Elizabeth 3ienhoff, fcr said sum payable out of the Advance Aeeessment Account, Yeas (I) tFaorth (P) Nays In laver d -G Against 'Mr. PresiIrvin C. F. No. 11666—By & A: Fornswort) Whereas, Elizabeth Blenhoff- 1 heretofore paid to the. City of 8t Pa theuln of Forty-six and 26/1 ($46.26) Dollars, as an Advance Ps man for a sewer on Conway treat lot ,M Block 1, H. F. Schwab... A dltlon, and whereas, the abseaemt fora ewer connecting with said pre arty 1s the sum of Forty-four a 661100 ($44.60 Dollarsat the , m of Due a therefore be 60//1001($1.60)h s Dollars be refunded the said Elizabeth, BlenhoR; and tb the proper City officers. �bs..and_th are hereby authorited and directed draw a warrant 1n favor of the u Eilzabath Btenhoff, for aafd sum pa able out of the Advance Asseaame Account. c+w Adopted by the Council July 16, 19] Approved July 12, 1916: - Adopted by the Council JUL 18 1910 _191 / , Approved>�l )' i �p 191 4/. MAYOR °d CITY. OF,ST. AUL I -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Rp- Subject: Advance Past--fuTt�. ....._._ ....._ S Fl E"NO._ cn !�L Date Presented. ---.-i�91......_... i $zx)1Xgtd; Whereas, Walter P. Conway, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Fifty & 00/100 ("50.00) Doliars, as an Advpnce Paylpent for a serer on Roy street, on Lot 25 Block 1, lUlham Addition, and whereas the assessment for a sewer connecting with said property is `he sure o.f Twenty nine & 42/100,a(`29.42) Dollars, therefcre be it Resolved, That the sum of Twenty & 58/100 ($20.58) Dollars be refunded to the said Walter P. Conway, and that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said Walter P. Conway, for said spur., payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. C. F. No. 11666—By. S. A Farnsworth— Whereas, Walter P. Conway has - heretofore paid to the City of BL Paul, the sum of, Fifty & 00/100 ($60.00) Dol- lars, 'as an Advance Payment for a .ewer on Roy street, on Lot 26, Block 1, 3111ham Addition, and whereas the assessment for a . ewer connecting with Bald property Is . the sum of Twenty nine and 48/100 ({26.48) :Dol - )are, therefore be It Resolved. That the .um of Twenty t 68/100 ($20:68) Dollars be refunded to the said 'Halter P, Conway. and that the proper City Officer. be and.. they are herebyauthorized- and dlrected,:to. draw a warrant In favor 'of.epid;Wal:.{ ter P. Conway, for said sum,'"palmble., out,di the Advance Assedatnant Ao'= count. Adopted by the Council July 18, 161f. Approved July 18, 1816 (July �$-16i6) ti I Yeas W) Coun Imen (P) Nays JUL 18 1913 .adopted by the Council _ 191 Farns orth In favor Ir' elle Ry l and Approved JII`I_ 15 :315 191 Mc 1 Against // r — > IX7un3erlich Mr. President, Irvin - MAYOR z no.�_�-�_d_-- c�re�surrr'� Office• od H Cit y of Saint Panl,:1 /inn,,.1�-__19I ✓ - UI n 1Rece. iveb-- J z 1 -- — ------- ---- v - - - --- - --- ------------ ----- ---------- 4 - O S, as a deposit, nndM Ordinance No 201, Sec. tl in relation to Lhe General Supervision a trol of we s, to 3 apply in pavmcr t ,lor assessment to he made by the BOARD OF PUBLIC W Clue S on w In ---- ----------------- ---- l - / `----------------------------- ~� a ' Street, O on the fa1loR.in described real tate, viz.: a On Lot----- Block -/ ll - '- !i= = t •f F _ �; -- - - -- ----------------- Addition, h O'$__'""- J------------------------------ ----- o i , o S a' t- - / r _ - r � OITV TREASURER. I CITY OF STS PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM' 11507 Subject: . .-' • COUNCIL" �-1�567 FILE NO�% ' Date Presented 191 Resolved, i That the application of Morgan & Couplin for a license to conduct a Pawnshop at 304 Chamber of Commerce r Bldg., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the filing'of the bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the Fee. $100.00 C. F. No. 11687—By Jlenry•McCon— Reeo;ved, That -the application' of Morgan B:.Covp;in for a license to can- dpat a Pawnebop at 304 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., a and the Rome We- st le granted and the City Clerk to file, et .gr granted casae eueh l enle for one year'upon the filing of 0 bond and contract and the paym t Into the City Treasury of the fee, $ 00.00. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1916. Approved July 18. 1916. _... (July 22.102:0) - JUL 18 iZI Adopted by the Council 191 Approved UL 1 191 MAYOR ,t' f Yeas (✓) Cou Imen (✓) ays t"F`ar •orth L -1-1y e-Y.el ` In favor d Ci •-Me 11 Against ,Wu erlich Mr. Presitk-nt, FORM C, a-2 rvin - C. F. No. 11687—By Jlenry•McCon— Reeo;ved, That -the application' of Morgan B:.Covp;in for a license to can- dpat a Pawnebop at 304 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., a and the Rome We- st le granted and the City Clerk to file, et .gr granted casae eueh l enle for one year'upon the filing of 0 bond and contract and the paym t Into the City Treasury of the fee, $ 00.00. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1916. Approved July 18. 1916. _... (July 22.102:0) - JUL 18 iZI Adopted by the Council 191 Approved UL 1 191 MAYOR . CVTY OF .ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: — FI ENGIL No - Date Presented t � 191 jThat the Com::isaioner of ParEs Playro-rds F,'Public Duilz:nga is hereby requecteJ, and instructed to dir--ct the Superintenaent of onstruction to proc__d at once withthe construction of word benches etc in the Municipal Garage. cost of same to be 1ai,: out of the C"a:ntenance & Recairktem of the 11unicipal Garage Account of the General Fund. C. F. No 11668=13y Henry hat the Co. ESeCo11— Parkgaol Plpygrounde n d' Fubl"lliC Rundt l In tngs Is hereby, requested and Instructed eo direct the Superintendent of Con- truetlon to proceed at once with the thecooue"I Alunlcl' ofGarage vork be Coatnches oftcnme to be paid out of the Maintepance & Repair Item or the Alunlci'pal Gnrage Account f the General Fund, Adopted by the Council July 18, 1916. Approved JUty 18, 1916. IJuly 22_1916) Yeas (✓) C cilmen (✓) Nays V P sworth In favor ' and L er v Coll Against G nderlich Mr. Prest t, Irvin IORM C. a- JUL 18 1916 191 Adopted by the Council Approved J l I I b 191 MAYOR _ CITY OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL—RESOLUTION, GENERAL FORM Subject: j FOENLIL IN o. Date Presented 191 ncil4d That the Commissioner of Par' -s, Playgrounds an: Publ;c Buildings is hereby requested and directed to direct the City Architect and Superintendent of Construction to proceed at once with the necessary repairs to the Police Sub -Stations Cost of same to be charged to the Const::uction & Betterment item of the Police Fund. C. F. No.'31669—Hy fie ry lucco11— Resolved That the C-com.loner of Parka, Playgrounds and Publlo' Build - to directhW0 City Arehltee[ and $upd Intendant of COnatraetlpn to proera ceed 't at apnee with he necessary repelre to Coat of same tto ibea charged to the Consiructlon & Betterment Item of the Police Fund. - Adopted by the Council July 16, 1916. Approved July 18, 1916. (July 22-1916). Yeas (✓)//C''o ncilmen ( ✓) Nays "Fa nsworth a- -H3 and i Kc ler I- M Coll ,W nderlith Mr. Presi , Irvin -M C. 9.9 L Adopted by the Council JUL 18 1915 191 LIn favor �j Against Approved � S 1916 191 U MAYOR ® Petition —CITY OF ST- 'PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL -FORM ' Subject: J I 11-570 CoU,� t .g ry FILE, No'. �1L•� L a - Date Presented July 18 1916 r Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be 'and is hereby author- ized and instructed to cause Rose street,from Forest street to Arcade street: Goodrich avenue,from Pascal avenue to Saratoga avenue, and Goodrich avenue,from Fairview avenue to Sue street, to be sprinkled during balance of season of 1916. C. F. No. 11870—BY at. A. Uoes— Resolved^ That the Commissioner of Public Works be and le hereby author- ized and instructed to cause Rose St., from Forest St. to Arcade St.; Good- rich avenue, from Pascal avenue to Saratoga avenue, and Goodrich avenue, from Fairview avenue to Sue street, to be sprinkled during balance of season of 1918. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1918.. Approved JUly118c,1918. Yeas (✓) Cou tilmen (✓) Nays / Far sworth ,(/// In favor Hy nd Kel er , Mc oil Against W derlich Mr. Presiden , Irvin FORM C. 8-2 - JUL 18 191S Adopted by the Council 191 Approved �/ 1 �I6 191 MAYOR i 1 P,equeat of Mr. Keller Subject: yy" C/ CITY OF IT. PAUL ' C COUNCIL RESOLUTICYN--.-GENERAL FORM_ 'COu NCIL FILE N0. Date Presented July 18 1916 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby author- ized and instructed to cause Atlantic street, froml%4 street to Reaney street, to be sprinkled during balance of season of 1916. Yeas (✓) Cou cilmeq (✓) Days Far worth `/ /lam In favor H and K ler M oil Against W nderlich Mr. Presiden , Irvin C. F. No. 11671—By M. N. Goes— Resolved. That the Commie0oner or Public Works be and to hereby autbnr-, iaed and instructed to cuse tlan;lc ireet from MI neba. flet,. Yo y Rean street, to pea ri kledtdiiring bale Fo r eaaattp or i8yt K BAQpt d by,,,th, GDon t{?4f4Ty 18,.1916. ,?1;,DDroved8$1�$}6j.. a 9 Adopted by the Council JUL 18 1916 191 Llf Approved � 191 ` 'N MAYOR COUNCIL /FI/LE P(9_...__._.......__' INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of___O;aes�i. ,... Lid arin�_3nd...axten� Ing r.iggz..ztsaat.._.tn_..a...xJ_ddh of 60 feet °rom liev�itt avenue to the southerly line of the G. N. Ry. Right of a Aeivi tt_&V6nue to_a .v Idt h o eef-TY-off tw6--et-_1-M ZsY-Ttrtt-urI a Ad `d„l tionof L .xi n;zt:cnavenl;�___gl;12 a, _ d..._St , to a__ idth of 6o# from the :.YeSt`line of Winter's Addition to the -east line of Lexington -Ave., Seminar -'--St. , -t-o -a- *2e -gest- !in e-ef-I ter•1-e-4Ad4-tion to the east line of Lexin,�ton avenue and from the center line of Milton etreo t5e o®rater Tirie o� c or meet; -- ----" "---"----""- under Preliminary order. —..7.7g7....___.__ --approve ;Ipue-alliex_Z=d.,_ I RM. ..... _..___.. W The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...OPea,,_..}ciden ._and extend Griggs street td a ,.idth of 60 feet from Her,itt avenue to the eoxt-hari�r-3't'ne'-oF-�-he-{area'!`-?d�ertlse�rsr-R•ai-lv�e�*-�•ik#.-fit•••-ef ay-••atYd---flax3r....,= street to a .Tidth'of 60 feet from the center line of Milton street to the ceri er'Tirie o Tli!fo'r-la a reser; """ "- " ........... --............. _—_.__._...... _ _ EDC�r—' ..___._......_ _.._........ ......___......_... _._..... '. .'.ati�CIDUMED'[ARY. OHDERa........... C. F. No. 11672—By S. A. Farnsworth— _.__...__.. -_ ..................____...___._in the Matter of opening, widening ..__._............. ... _....__._....... ........ _._—_ and extending Griggs street to a width of 60 feet from Hewitt avenue. _,_-._.. _.__._........ ._.._3•........._._..._...»:' the southerly line of the G. N. Ry. . ...... _— ............. __.r '•t ofway. Hewitt avenue to of 60 feet from the west with no alternatives, aQd that the est;intere waait to she .� aoo.QQ_•,___ +sln••t�� ,.a .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._.._......_....12th ..day of Auguat_._.......... ... ___ ........... . 19126..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 4. of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said -:�eeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time pnd place of hearing, the nature of tlyrr„impFp� ent, and the total cost ther f as estimated. Adopted by the^Council___.._.._.....____—' _ 191_ ity Clerk.- Approved ........... 191_.. Mayor. Councilman F rnsworth Keller M Coll er-g Mayor wersW,_ Form B. S. & 8-6 COUNCIL /�FE-Z �— _— By�Ul ._....._��.�...___ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofnnA P`"n i ng..arsn....easRu�ni feet in width across the ri,aht'of way of the ,^Great Northern Railway, -tbeing +trsZe rtex-3t7ra of Oxiar-".� reset, for t .e purpose of conetructir.� a sewer_froro,__zewitt.__avenue._to TMpjxZ e res , -- - under Preliminary order. .``,........ __....... ...... ......... approved ......'.r1L^�1...$15 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends,is...Candemn... and ...-take -- an easeraent _`or a sewer twenty f'�et in -width in, over, across, under _A.-A,...t.h.roug khz-«ignt-..c aFa c ---the-&rest-'ferthern Rat 3y; the a =rrter line of said eaeernent being the center line of Oxford street—___.__•_ - --- _............._....__...----- __.._._..._... _— _ ._._....._........--- C. F. No. 31573—By S. A. Farnewarth— t .In the Matter of condemning and tak...,,,•,•. ......___ Ing an easement for a sewer, wenty feet in width across the right of way of the Great Northern Railway, the _. ,.,�_„___,_--_•_„_,-,_- _.._-_.__ _._......_ ._ ._....._.._—_—.Y. ..............._.._ _.._ center ter of Bald foremen[ being the center line of Oxford street, r= the Purpose of oonetruotinB a..___r...__....__.___._.....___�.�_......�_ •��_�""�""� ���-�--•—"'•---- -'"----�--') from Hewitt avenue toT ander Preliminary r..: _ " with no alternatives, and that the'es MRrrh. ;t -thereof is $eSQO Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on —...day of 191 ..6._., at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, t INIMM ._ Vic.._...... *of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. , That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the personsfand in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place"�of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total s&thof estimated. Adopted by the Cotmcil_—.�UL1Si91f_, 191_—_ Clerk. _ Approved _— uL j_5 i Q—__x._, 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Keller McColl Mayor Form B. S. A 8-6 PUBLISHED 7_0�7 ! /6 COUNCIL FI�NO.......-.__..._.. _—_ By_ -1,574 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.. ea in rT_yidenin;�_ a-.a...s.idth...0.£--66....feet ....... T3yacin+ otreet .....`e.,.t_ Ane.... -o f.....Blacks-4-and 3 - .d..._y te.s.s'—Addt- Torr, to AFc_aae__..__..._..... e _....._.. _..._....... --... - - under Preliminary order._—.._?``a.Y...__._.._.___.—approved..._Q�t_ober_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-..iden_.,ati ezr.tend-t0 a, -',V d-#�a---f-..66....fost-r- line --a _21ooks 2_.and_..3__nf_.u_. A _9 ----_-f__.8teea!_A331tion_..t-a...Ar:ade_..s-tsestr--------------•- C. F. NO 33514—By S. A. Farnsworth------•----_.._._..__.� _.....—___. __—_—._......__..—....... ... —......_.._.—..-.__........_._.._ In the ,i, att— Of Ing to a width o f e66n feet,n Hynninth 'tree[ from the west line of -------�— 2 and 3. T. A. and \4. M. Stage' ' to Arcade etre^' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public h ; c p Baring � had on said improvement on the_._..i..A1ikl—..— __day of August ..____....__ .................__1 1916 if the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in -the Council Chamber, c Er OCof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paull. Thit the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1916 Adopted by the Council JUL 18 Council--.----- JUL 191 , ' / / ity Clerk. •• Approved__.J UL._1 S. iM......__. __191 191 _ U _—.------------ -----Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth '9609- elJBidsm 2 2 i 9/ f 6 / Kellen - McColl .Alsah� loer J� Mayor Form B. S. A a-8 ^ Ce. \\t ; COUNCIL FILEt NO...._._.._...__ __ BY � .........._. ..._.. _........... .... ___........ ....... _. 1�-•.._ 1.575 FINAL ORDER, t In the Metter of......_R�.�szu.atxt�.nting,....rel.ay.�,ng...and._raPa�lra.ng._wit.h..._a.>�m�,�.t....ti�,s _.�o _e_�vidth of._ _ex feet _the >'resent_oement the sidewalk ott the north _ -Aide Axe. beK -------- -_.- nt nrr lc)6 fB�t 3PeB.�.__Q._➢Sebt �]C�1_...R7Q=_ }} .. _.1e$t....-tQ._..J� �. F. No. lair -' xaf21Q� 3'-11nrgl--at;'-g9t-T_� ICn the matter of recdnetructtng, r InY1nB and repof sj-. -.---_._................ _._.. the to a width of six Peet the emen[ �--��---�--���--- ent Prea_ north stdo t fttle sidewalk on [he _...... 0 aherburnP avenue, be- "1nnln6 196 feet ...... _.....".... -.._..._— avenue, thence west of wew- e • st r '••.e '._--•--.-_ ...............t........._ ........... ..... ... .......... ....__ under Preliminary order ...._—.Q!JIQ_� --•-.__._...._ approved.___M§y Intermediary Order.._---............ a PProve d._.._, ___._.. _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is--•—Q4.Qruatt� _,��j�gy -gttd T8 ' -- Pr_.Wh gement -t•11e....to_.a-•�.i,d.t,h..-.p.Y...a1x-,feet._.the_..preaeat.._cony-.tila.....aiaeWnl�r �ina?:ng.188....fee,t_�eet of yysetsrn.�.9.a...._.tbeAsta.. the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. _ — ~ — RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; thattupon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _......... . J�� 1$ 15}� ._......_—___ _ 1 _..—.. ... _��� j' S 1916 City Clerk. Approved ........... 191 _....... t Councilman Farnsworth ,• 6aas Keller McColl �j Mayor Pax A. &7 .. ��,. Mayor. (A) In the Matter of CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF F7 l jjj I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 7 ... ...................... - - ---- - --------------------- - - - -------------- - ------- ---.; -------------- --------------------- - - - - - - - - -- - - ---- ------ --- under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is- -'---4vt� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AODIT�ON ASSESSED VALUATION 2 Ile /4,, 3 X4 kl?p X59 /V Lai ILI TOTAL, LL CLITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lC). 1'• ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ VALUATION ... The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public, Works. Dated ._ _ .191 Commissioner of Finance. FORM e.a.A. a.a c _ Office of tfio Cbmmissioner of Public Works, Report to Commissioner of Finance May 12th.1__.......1916.. ° To the Conunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Coauinissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the prelimiluu•y Order of the Coul;- 10349_....,_._appcoveel _. May 8th 1916...., relative to. .__.._... cil, known as Council File No..._._. _._ _..... reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement the .11 to a width _._.. ... _-...__.. _..... .. ................ _. ..... of six feet, the present cement tine sidewalk on the north side of ....Sharbu.rne_.Av.e..._ kt.e.ginning....196._f.eet _.weet.._Of. West-ern qve..--thence. we.et to Arundel St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.....___....-..necessary and (or) desirable. 58¢ per lineal foot xxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $. .. __- and the total cost thereof is F _ find tine nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ............_....._ . . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. S. Said innprovement is....??Ot ._--_...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... _ / Commissioner f Public Works. A D. C. Garton, - _ Council File- No .:....... _....... - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. Y and 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:aeQone..trnatr,...ro7.a...rsna..r.Qvq a#r _srJth...oent._.t17,..tq e.rridth.. of- six Y... _s x,.feets. the_. sent..o©went..-_ills._,.@i�lerralk.._on..the,north.._S de..aP..._._.... �berbne A79. ,:4091 in�..196. $©at west. oP,weatern_.lsvo.� thenogeteet =r .......... ........ ._____.. Arundel .9t.... -- - Dated this .. Bth....._ day of .. _ 191 g . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF,REAS, ,a written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.._..". .......... Rooenetr... ...xeln and r©Pair...Qrlth cement ti7.e to ;e cndth of aLc foe the resent cement tile..eidevMlk on.the north. aide Of -Sherburne Ave. be nn1 19& feet »est of Western_.1�ve.:._thence weet to ArnnSel 9t. ... ........ ... ..... ............... _ _...._. _........_....... .-..... ................ ....... ......_._ _ .._.. having been presented to the Council of the-City+of St. Paul by Councilman ...... _....... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est mated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the follok•tng other data and information relative to said improvement: __ _ _._. _ ............ d 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._....__..__.._ __ _.191 Yeas: 'nays' Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved 191 ._....... __...... __ _ _ ..._ .... ....... ........ Keller McCollNash Voerg .......... Mayor Powers :Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO. i 4 FINAL ORDER. 11576 In the Matter of -__Reconstructing relaying and repairing wAth Cement _ ti.le.....tot .....a width-.of._aix-f.eet th _w nrsweat._ocement_t.il�.sisiet¢1 north_„ eide_._of_ Jefferson avenue frolm Webster street to Toronto btreetpozd from West Seventh street, to sisal Oneida street, ' _ ___..__...._.________..._,._ _.. _.. ......... _ 1 C. F -No. 11676— __ . ........... ... _._...._.._.—..__._.____..._...... _._........ _ In the Matter of reconstructing. relay- -._.._...__..........____._.—__..___._ _.__...._ Ing and repairing wfth t e pr a It • _ [o a width of elx feet the present cement ills sidewalk on the north_,__.....,,__„-,-_,,,._„_—................................. ....... ........._............ ........................___. avenue from.. . .'da of Je Reraon et to Totq'�' atr A rib 25th 1916_ under Preliminary order._...._19.19.6 ___�._::.�_.._'eVCipro�_....._._..__P_._..._......_-._t_ ............ •..._---------...._ IntermediaryOrder . ............ .......... ---------- approved_._.._.—_.- -- - -..........__.... _.._.- ---...__. _..__.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ReQOIIetrUCt. Te183t and .TB�air With Gement til@ _-t57._a_-w,g_4....nix.._fR.G_.tl3�P@@sAx•-_41�E1- gidewalk An the north side _Q.f.�IeYg$r.BQn�Yetnue�.xszm.._matex_..aS.x�eA..S.��.o�4��e�r�et, aad�Yrom__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be, and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for Ppproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accords. therewith. 1 , Adopted by the Council ......... ..._.__JU ._--- ---_—, 191 ty Clerk. Approved--___:......_JUL 18 1916_ 191_......... — - - _ .... .._..----......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth SI.ISHED f"gr- Keller " McColl Y�-����_� �� Mayor Po TE - Fnrm B. S A. R 7 J .j o i Y D. a. GG 1tQA 1; Council File No ... ..... ... PROPOSALFOR IMPROVEMENT. and %S r I> PRtELIMINARY .ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St.,Paul, viz.:....Beoonatrwty__aelW and repair With eement rile to a width .of 13:m f04". the. pmaant-Gement-- ti-le -eldervslk ort the- north -side-of- ..........leffereon ave.... from - Webster. -sge....to TorsAto stv anA frM. Weet Seventh St .... __... _...... ._.......... .... . ..... Dated this ...25th.dav of :.._.. fp3711_...__....................._......__.._ 191. S. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _._ .. _ _ ......_.. Rea.0matr.izat-,-.xelar-.au.d. repair._..vdth...tatst...tils is a width-Of atz feet, the.. present. cement-t-110sidewalk. on the-Borth eine of Jefferson ATS fro-W.obstt©r_St._..to..Toronto.4t....and.fes West Seventh Ste to. Qaoide St. ........... _ _ ...... _.................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .. _...._ ............................._...._...... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desiFability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est mated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; . __... _.. __............. ........ ........... ....... _...... ...... ..._._....... .... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. \\` Adopted by the Council _..........._.. .. _ _ ...... _ . _ 191 ........ Yeas: / Nays: a Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..... 19.1......_ Keller McColl Hash Yoerg.................................. Mayor Powers Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE — ON PRE&IMINARY ORDER (D) In the Matter of E� ... _.? _. r� ............... ._ .... _..... ............._.__ _.. _ _ ................. _ ........... .... _..._ ...... _......... _........_ ................. _......... ....... .... ....... ............ .......... ............ .......... ............ . under Preliminary order approved .� _.... ... .... _... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION TOTAL. QS- b 41 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid mattear `Sad,; hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �_ 191 . ......... ,._.. Dated ... .........._ . G m;.s�o of Finw cc. 4 ,c i TOTAL. QS- b 41 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid mattear `Sad,; hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �_ 191 . ......... ,._.. Dated ... .........._ . G m;.s�o of Finw cc. X-` iz Cucic he�f z 3�r S � .. ti V. ____ G, /� /o i z � �� e ^ iz Cucic he�f z 3�r S � .. ti V. ____ G, /� /o i z � �� e ^ Office of the Commissioner, of 'Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May._12.th ..191 .6. 'ro the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan]: �y The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Comn- cil, known as Council File No. .._._10126........approved ... .ApTll 35th, ._.._.....191__6., relative to .._...._.............. I Reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement tile to a width ...... ..... . of six feet, the present cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Jefferson Ave., ..... from .,..y�ebe.t_er St.,..__to T.Qrgpto_.St,,..p.n4 from_W.Sev..Anth..-, St. to Oneida St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ----58¢ mpeT aryl and (o200tlosirable. _. _....__.., and the total cost thereof is >b XXXX mul 'L. The estimated cost thereof is 9'y......._ --- the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -. --- - ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof., 4. 5. Said improvement ie......__n t.. _._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..... _....... _................. . Commissioner of Yu lie }Vorka. Vj COUNCIL FILE NO.._......_......... _-1 By. .................... ._....._......... -...... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ........ Construoting a Cement tile sidewalk to a width of __.aix_feat.__on..both..aides ._..of Avon street_1r_ox Thcomas street, to a F. No. 11677— �af.QIld the Matter•of construct,.. a cement — --- ------------- __...__.._.______.....:... the sidewalk to a width of as--t .at on both sides of Avon street from Thomas street, to Lafond street, un- _—,___...__............._._.__.___......... ......_.__.____.._...__............_.__._........ __........_._......__..................._.— der Preliminary Order 10127, aD_ . proved April 26th. 1916. ___._.........._............ _____--------- _..____......._.._—_ A DubliD hearing Navin. bo = upa. the above Imp'—, . notice and the under Preliminary order.__.....iii.13.T..____._ .._ _approved—___Til 35$.1916 Intermediary Order _.-__............. ........ _.......... .___.____.____approved_—.—._....___.__......._------._...___.._ ___.._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same-, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. gon6tructsoement tile sidewalk to-- gD•,•both QJdeegY• Avon street from Thomas etre _ ..... __-_.-_----_........... __...___..._.._...__..._--•-----..___._............_.:_..-- ......_..._._..,_..�....and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to preparepl and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and diredted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ _..-_JUL 18 1915 _— 191 _.. C Clerk. Approved ---- 191 ........... / (� ...--- ..............--- ......... . —ayo_ Mr. Councilman Farnsworth Gem— / Keller 6 McColl Mayor Pswawa'.&'� Form B. S. A. 8-7 M CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of.: _ .. __... -�__ _ ....__. ._ __ � _.._.�.._ . r� .........ti, . —. C ..._`_cti. ( ¢9- !............ ..._. . _.. _ zx _............. .. ......... - __ ......_ .........:.. _ _ ....... _..... .......... ._ .... __ ...... .......... ....... ..... --- i under Preliminary Order approved. _ � _-.... .......... ....... _ _........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repotts as follows: The total atimatcd amoant of the assessment for the above improvement is - ' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is��7� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - 7 J' ,�✓ .ice ., � r r � _ TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference '4th -said mailer by the Commasianer of Public Works. t91'_.- ......: /ll<..:. ... _� ......... commissioner of Finance. E L RFON1I T •J +� SCrr:O_ i e � � t s i R ' 4 R, 17 V` s I r OffiCe of the Commi§pioller Of pUbliC Works Report to Commissioner of Finance. May 12th, 191 - 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of tbe"City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. approved .. April. 25th. _..._...191 q..' relative to tile sidewalk ..to ., -a ... width of .... ....... .. ........ both sides of Avon St. from Thomas St. to Laf.ond St., and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement --necessary and (ori desirable. 580 per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.... ..., and the total cost thereof is $ I XXXX, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .....-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvernent. Cot di 'i �ii s o i ie r of Public Work.. n, ggW�,-- M AY 9 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, l r COUNCIL FILE NO....._..._......... ..— BY....:-- -- --_.................. ... ........... ... .... ---' ._._.... FINAL ORDER. :1-1578 In the Matter of 4pgo;ete„._curbbCth_sides _oY Harrison _ avenue between Western avenue and Goodrich avaue, .... -- - - - - -- -- .,. r...n. In the Matter of eurbing with concrete curb both .Idea of Harrleon avenue ._ ......... .... —... .. _ —. ....... between western avenue and Good- rleh avenue, under Preltminary Or- der 8461, approvod Dea It 3916. _ —_ .. ....._.___.._.._ . .... ....... __ ._ __._.__ __ A publlb heart.. havin. �^ - neon the above tmpro— r� duenotice, .nd the ______....._......._...___._..—__..__...._.._...._._—_..........._ _—_._..___...._....._.....__.......____.... ,Il under Preliminary order .... ..... ... `ie51 .__ ____.____.__—approved....._ Dec. 16thz1915......... .... Intermediary Order---__.....................approved__..._.___.__-..__...-----------__r__—___.__..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard a�Fpersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it_ RESOLVE.b, By the Council of the City of St. Paul• that the precise nature; extent and kind of im- provement to jbe made by the said City is fir_ *+ Pir=r [J}h,_aonarp,Q{b bqth,-.91488 n�..garrib_ a¢anise.._beiaeee�si_16�a n ��@ Q and Goodrich avenuo�--- ..._._.._...............0�__...._.._ —........ ........ ---....__.......... _._ _.._... _ .... --- — — - .......... -----...................._. — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the. Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. c Adopted by the Council............__.__.�JL-1�-Ld.,..—, 191 City Clerk. Approved ........... ..... ...1.!5.1ad-------..._....191_.......... tJ tij Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth .Goss Keller ” McColl Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHED r - - % % /. 11TY AP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER - /f (A) �y l In the Matter of - �_ � i _, .e. "..".. L'�_-115 - ✓-- ----� - � ",_ "- - _.._._ ... '- .._---- --------- -._ .._....._... ---------------- -------- ----------- - ,�% per. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: P The total estimated amount of the assessment -for the above improvement is - - $ --- - Q[[-- --------- ..The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-------- ------------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION o s o 22�S a C) J'o TOTAL, .onK e.s w. e 1A -B CITY.OF ST. PAUL .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, - 4--_A ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN.GE 'ON- PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) s DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCNI - ADDITION - _ ASSESSED VALUATION "Z y .4I2o ;2/ Co z y o 6.2, S- sd 1 y y k� 47_-fS /tea a -o s 14 2 ! Jr, o �y w zai as In (mss 77J' et L� /b• �%D 7�� 2y ,m � zoo 14 to Uv 675 - TOTAL, �onM e.s.w. se e 'CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - y° .�, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK /. i ADDITION 11 ASSESSED VALUATION �S—O c7 7s 7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _._ J� �. _..___ .....191 Commissioner of Finance. ronin e. e.w. ee c Office of the Commissioner of 'Public Work' , Report to Commissioner of Finance March 13th, 1916 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan]: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couo- t , ed, known as Council File No. 8451 _npproved _ December 16th_.....191,5 _....., relative to the curbing of Harrison Avenue, from "'extern Avenue to Goodrich _ Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _.____ necessary and (or) desirable. 39¢ per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is , ___ _, and the total cost thereof is } 709.21and Frontage 1943 feet Excess inspection *13.91 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3- A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. - :i. Said improvement is..__.___._.._ ._.....asked for upon petition of three m• umre owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' Commission'f Public Works. ROBERT T. GOURLEY. O—TT C01-11— .. OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-0 Ell"— J.. E. CARROLL SUPT. CON -19 Ox k Rerun ALFRED JACKSON, SUn. S. TAI— G. H. HERROLD, 0 rr E.—I., H. W. GOETZINGER, S—. W -11.1.E CITY OF. SAINT' -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER r March 12th, 1916. a Hon. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Puolic Works b u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimatO of cost for the curbing of Harrism Avenue, from Western Avenue to Goodrich Avenue, in accordance wits Council File #8451, approved Decemoer 16th, 1915. Acproxin.ate estin.ate ?"709.21 Cost rer front foot .39¢ Frcntage 1848 ft. Excess inspection 13.91 Respectfully submitted, C .ief Engineer. If J�l�' ,�.C��j�•I. /� ac� r- 7�Ge,�?e 'u��%t�vrls C. cry. ,uc � tiri r� 4 Durr �� Cr-r�~ fr G= r�awr' // �►^ V COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... ........ .. By....-.-- ... .... ............... .................._...................... ............ .......... 1 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of....__Curbing_. 9994rioh ave between Lexington avenue and th-the _Chloaukge.._endSt. Peal_Railway►L._.__------------.__.___.._.- -._. C. K No. 11677— ..._....___._ ......--to the Matter of curbing Goodrich___..._....._.._..._..___..___...______......_............... nvenue between Lexington avenue �dthe Ch�engo; Milwaukee airs St. ._._-_ ......._.. Rn' vat. under oved Feb. 6th-I.A* having h . under Preliminary order __.......90.03 ........ ..... _........... ...... .._.approved..__..__—_ Fgbr. 6th, 1916.. Intermediary Order..-. . ....................... ...................... ........ ...... approved ._....... ........... -- --.................... ...... ..._ ..- . ... ........... I A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same•, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said Ciryis_ r�'11s�L Cdr_ _ayenu.B_..between Lexington_ avgnuel,._a>d._.#}g....,Qhi_gago,,,_Mil�saukee._and 3t. Paul Railway, ........... ...... _...................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... .>.11►L.1$191 _..... ......... _... ._....... City Clerk. Approved -----------------i-I_ 1,�_.ALcil._._._.., 191 .......... . Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth �Cee� PUBLiSFiED� ��� Keller (/(J McCoyNh y Mayors Form B. S. A. 8- 7 • - _ . CIT! OF ST. PAUL % - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER'OF FINANC - ON PRELI°/1NARY ORDER '/�y i t In the Matter of ". �..._ , -----=--.-,"_" ---7---,.----,•... ...-------. . _ .�� ---.._-�-.� -W --1-------- -------.. - - + --- --�---------- -»� ......--------- -- - .....__------------------------------------------- --- -- - ... .._...... .__. __.... -.-------- -- ------ -- ------ ---- ----------.._....._........... -- - - ------------ --....__ ----------- ------- ------------------------- -- - - _,.. ---- -------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---- - --- -. .......... under Preliminary Order approved-`�1 6 . •-.. `� �'' __ _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $__ < __...__...............____ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ' ADDITION ASSESSED p ^ �( CIX-/ ;-Al /00 �Jd �a-3 VALUATION 37 s. a S 44 2( jL 9D 1oa AGO s bp J .100 TOTAL, ronin e. en e�� � TOTAL, ♦ ITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE !� OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARYORDER , (B) - ASSESSED LL LOT BLOCK ADDITION " v DESCRIPTION 1 1 VALUATION I' l Ile, 2Lo 9�0 � � L .lap G o /ICY 2[.c L / C A a -o r7 Axa` h � � / gn Ae? 7 r 1.., 7 X- 3 / rev 7 J, 62v Z o 0 2d � TOTAL, 'CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIVARY ORDER. (C) S r DESCRIPTION LOT/BLOCK. ADDITION. ASSESSED VALUATION IV `7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -.� _ _191 Commissioner of Finance. !'7 kap 1421 IJ q tap zz C' `7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -.� _ _191 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Work6' . Report to Commissioner Finance FebrugXy 14, _ ..__.191 6.. To the commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, kuowu as Council File No. __ 9003 _ _ approved _ Februaxy_..6.t._, ... _..]!17.4. , relative to.._ ............_. . the ourb ng,.of Ggodric_h._Avenue_ from Lexi.ngton Avenue to Chicago,_ Milwaukee and. St. Paul Railway, Co r> my. ......................... .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 3. Said improvement is _ _ .._necessary and (or) desirable. 8. The estimated cost thereof is $g..._._XXX,%%____, and the total cost thereof is xxXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. u. Said improvement is_._ _._ _. _. _._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ,y / (.om issioner of PubligMo* ks. ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D—. Co..ieuaxa GISCAR CLAUSSEN; CNIte Exoixeaa J. E. CAR ROLL Sun. f,p_xeTR-111 & R11.111 ALFRED JACKSON, S— Snx�r-- G. N. NERROLD. 0—., Exai xaae N. W. GOETFINGER 5.11. Woeawa.nr CITY OF SAINT PALL OEPARTMEN( OF x-UBLM WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIOIJ Y February 11, 1916, Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, b u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the ourbing of Goodrich Avenue, from Lexington Avenue to Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, in acoordanoe with Council File No. 9003, approved February 6, 1916. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. JEC/:w"H Approximate estimate $1,023.38 Cost per front foot .51 Frontage x,026 ft. Excess inspection 26.07 St.Paul,.WI nnesota. P January 7,1916. City Cot.ncil of the !,jt, of St.raul Pear cirs;— e the undersigned, o-^:ers of i,ro orty fror.ti::e on ^or.drirh Avs., het -e -n Tes{nrtor Ala, nnI the ark I'ai"lway , resnectfui'y _,e` "cr t:�!t you CA e curbing & cep.ent Aa1Ks to to la4d' or loth a'dee of the above r-entiono d Goo,irloh Ave. a Or -nu r .Tot. Flock. 17 --- - ---- a --- F€6 H 1916 ------- ---- — RUREAU OF EiiGINEERS. COUNCIL FILE NO. -- ............... .. By ........ . ........ .. .. O.......................By........_........----.................... .... ........... .......... ........... ............ 11580 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ........... _Curbing Goodrich avenue between, West Seventh street ........................................ ........ __.......... and..... the ....... top...... of the _Bluff,_a±-r_na.ar _the.. Right ._of__fv oY Ahe_-�hl_c%gQ,- Milwaukee and $t, Paul Railw_y�1 Fhee'Siatter of curbing Goodrich-- - - - - Avenue between West Seventh street Bpd th,r top or the Bluff at or near the ^ '1 1 of Way or the �hlcago,.— _...... ............_....._._._ 1111, and St* 'ly. e'hnl—y 0 .. _. 16th. ]n•— __._. ._...._.......__... _ _..._.. ...._.... _..____. ._ ring J under Preliminary order._.....8.45.3....... ......... _............ .................... IntermediaryOrder ......... ............ ........... ....................... ........ _ . approved__..._._..._..----_.- ...... ................ ... _.... _......... ............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. ;Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provernent to be made by the said City is.QAlT.�...�aRlZdTj 4h._F1Qn1�__A�. We,Qt�evBi�th street .._and _. the.._top._of_...the_B1ufP;`at, 'or. near the Right_of Way of the =c-aga, lLilWaubae...aud ..St._-.Paul_Fieilsay,......_:.___.....-------_..__..----._................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to progeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... ....... _...... -- .... - ........... _ �4...s-... _ _...___.._.._._..... City Clerk. Approved ..... _..........._`liar:_. -i.`± ! _._. 19l_........ /1 ....._...... .......... _...._._..._....._ill.._.. ....... .... ............ _........... �� _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Keller " McColl YV Mayor �o+� Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY S PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER,- . y (A) ✓ ,� �,/'-,, \ � i+l � ate. _ , - �A � G/� �7 In thq Matter of _- z� .� - .. --- - - - - - A . ---- ........ ---- under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as.follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-- ----------- The -estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ----- ---------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION / , I' ,'2 --- !' / 3 � TOTAL, 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL I• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - �' REPORT SOF COMMISSIONER OF ,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER __ (B) < DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ., ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 S 0 l Eo ? 3 -2 -3 --2 s _ ISO FF �✓r(} I „p., ,Z a S d �? s.3op ��-t � � � •---�E �� � ."� .L� , `-rte � _ i 2 y �. TOTAL, FORM E.S.A. E -S 6 - � CITY OF ST. CAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIN4CE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI�41NARY ORDER . lC) - - ASSESSED -DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION -A"" J-0, 4{ k 4 0 kA/ 3 D 6 t 6 I IAO b Y `f ^ S l The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ., Dated-- r/3.� -.. -191 _ Commissioner of Finance. ronin e. e.w. ee c Office of the Commissioner i of Public Works,,.. Report to Commissioner of Finance I,pril 13th, 191 .6 To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul , r A The (,opuuissioner of Public Works, having had under coasiderution the prelill"ll y order of the Coau•� cil, known as Uouu it File No. _. _.e45J. _.approv,,d _. Decen.ber_ 16`:;..,1)1_. , relative to ...___.......... curbin.0 Goodrich Ave. between 1. seventh St. and he top __ ___...._.. .. cf t}.e bluff at or neer the r;.rY:t cf vt: y cf the C'': CaM, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvironent is _._...... __necessary and (or) desirable. 40¢ per, front foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $._.__. and the total cost thereof is k 9C6 E7 and frontaEe 3033 feet %xoea.: inepec:icn '415. F2 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ,.. __ .. .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch; of said improvement is hereto attaehed aad aside a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie....._ _...._ _ __ _..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........ ....... ..... / Comdnigoner Public Works. i CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOBS. COMIMSSEONSIE ROBERT T. OOURLE.T,.o- OSCAR CLAUSSEIt, cmdF &x " 1. E. CARROLL Sun. Coynw 01 A REMxp ALFRED JACKSON. -Sun. S.xhATlux a u H. HERROLD, OFFICE E-IEEA o H. W.-OQETZINOER. Suer. W--1,Er April 11th, 1516. Hon. Co_. issioner ofPu:=ic Torks u i l d i n Dear sir: I tr-ns;..it herewith preliminary eati!Late of cos` for the ouroi= of "oodrich Avenue, between "Feet Seventh, Street aft the top of the bluff at or near the rirht of w7,y of the 3hic .;o, :.al,vsukee .n3 St. Pe.ul Iv. Co. in ac,orianoe rit'n "oLncil File i�455; --,proved December 16th, 1915. ppproaia.at� estimate x Coat per front foot .40 Fscess inapaotion 15.32 `rontale 2033 ft. \ Respectfully submitted, Chief En �,:ineer. TECj:'.' S 1 NEN E. WE STA ' CO STAiiONEPS Si P u� Minn R T Em nD DEC 171915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, k i L NEN E. WE STA ' CO STAiiONEPS Si P u� Minn R T Em nD DEC 171915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, gtt. ?Paul, M_ inn. 'MR:_,"S. A. FARNSWORTH, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ST. PAUL, MINN. DEAR SIR: - JULY 14, 1916 . REFERRING TO YOUR POSTAL NOTICE ATTACHED (PRELIMINARY ORDER #8453), BEG TO ADVISE THAT I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF CURBING REFERRED TO BEING DONE AT THE PRESENT TIME. THEREFORE PLEASE USE THIS CARD AS REFERENCE ON JULY 18TH. RESPECT FULLY, 358 ARBOR ST., ST PAUL. POST CARD NOTICE i "I'll. M-11. July 8th i-m—m Curbing au drich ave. between W.71h at. and the top of the bluff .111- hAl- ().1111 8453 ...a Dec. 16th, 1915 William F, Baer C-4 ''N 606.87 ............ ..i ( 1-01- R.....,, "1 i,1,, k' -11' 11 1,11 -j L " 10th MY S, A I A RN S R'l 11. COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... By__ . - - ............. ................ ... ........... ........... .............. _....... _ . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of .:.:.....:C_4?•rbin.g._Goodrich _avenue between Western avenue _ ..._ .................._...r ........ C. F No. 11681— _..- nd.._ .�.e.. 8Wit_.. aYPnue .. In the Mutter of curbing Goodrich ' -�- --'-"'-- avenue. between W .tern avenue _ ------ v andPiex,ant a enue, under Protlm- i nary Order 8454, approved Dec. 16th ......... ...........:....... ... ............. __... ..... _._ 1916. 4 publlc hearing having been ' ._........ ............ _..... ....... .......... _...................... .------ ...._---- ...__._..._....._....._—..____....._.____._........................................................... ....... :8454 116th..1916. under Preliminaryorder..;.._ approved.........._—.-......... ... .............................. ...... _.._...._...... Intermediary Order .......... ............ ......... __.......... ..-__ approved _......... _..... _ __ .. .................. A public -hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative. thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is %LL ILG9QSiTiCh__aV,eAuea between Western ..and,._-_.............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same'to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ _.__:8-}1,14&- -, 191 .._. , _ .._...._.................. _.. _.... .............. —.._ ......... _...... Clerk. Approved...._._............. ......... ... ..... _ ....._..-. 191 _......... ` Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth e Keller McColl 1,-g_ Mayor Pa3sees Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F COMMISSIONER OE FINANCE REPORT O �.• ON PREt11MINARY ORDER (a) - ✓'✓� ' In the Matter, of 4�'�^�-� '� '- - -- - -- ----- - --- -- -- ---- - -------- ---- ----- -------- ------ --------- -- ------------------ .. - ----- --------- - "---- ... - --.-- .__....... --- - ---- - ..--..._- under Preliminary Order approved - "- --- -- -'-" To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement Is - - ---�- _-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ _--- ---- - _--- --- -""" The lots or parcels of I d that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT B L O C K ADDITION VALUATION O 13 207J� eZ p ! p 1 7 J TOTAL, %--, of.), TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 ._.._. .. DEPARTMENT OF�-INANCZE I m • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PREI-TlltJARY ORDER - - - DESCRIPTION ® LOT ' BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED' VALUATION .2 J1 %LLo D l lQ 1r 1� 3 0 6 L;,�`�� %--, of.), TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to,said �matter by the Commissioner of Publics Works. Dated roan e c Commissioner of Finance. e. s:w. e�� - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELitl1NARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 44" 6 I 4 ��+� 'C'1111' ! J �y a a m ( /4 112, .r i J-- c9 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to,said �matter by the Commissioner of Publics Works. Dated roan e c Commissioner of Finance. e. s:w. e�� - 600,01,'4 F-7 Office of the Commissioner, of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _. Fruary 18th,.. _.191.6... To the Couuuissfoner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eonsiderntion the preliminary order of the to Cour- - 8454 December 16,..191.5.., relative cit, kuowu as Council file :V o. _..._ _...._. .approved .. _. ._.....__. ._ the curbing_ of.. Goo.d.rich....Avenu.e,_ from_.4P.e.st.exn__Av.enue.. to Pleasant Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Sail improvenwnt is _..necessary and (o•) desirable 53¢ per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..___ . _ ______., and the total cost tltereof is * 1228..79_ anll Frontage 2304 feet Excess inspection 924.09 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improveuaert is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. 5. Said improvement is..__...__.. .._.asked for upon petition of three or nacre owners of property, subject to assessment for said intprovemeut. 0 / j Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OFff SAINT PAUL „ DEPARTML#T OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSION" T. GOURLEY. D[nm' Cow........ ' ,R CLAUSSEN, Cxren E-.ix.0 " J. E. CARROLL Suri. Cl .IAICT.1n & III—• ALFRED JACKSON. Su S. —T— .G. H. HERROLD. 0-CE Exoxecn H. W. GOET7$NGER F'eoruary 18th, 1910. non. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works b u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transr..it herewith preliminary estimate of cos: for the curbing of Goodricn Avenue, from t6stern Avenue to Pleasant Avenue in accordance with Council File #8454, approved December 16, 1915. Approximate estimate X1228.79 Cost per front foot .53¢ Frontage 2304 ft. Excess inspection 24.(:9 RespectiuiJ_y suomitted, �• "VLOw.�—�L--�-. I Chief Engineer. JEC /',C27 I p -q ij- Cf,�� 71 cf etn err a elozz '30 J2 f Z/ Awl j DEC 1171915 BUREAU 0[ E N - t CITY OF ST.: HAUL - ,/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: �I _ 11582. coynca FILE N O 1 Date Presented July 18 191 6 RESOLUTION fixing 'the amount of land to be taken for opening, widening and extending. REsytb In the matter of opening, widening and extending to a width of sixty (60) feet, Seminole avenue, from Syndey street to Belmont street, under Preliminary Order #7523, approved Oct.18,1915, and Intermediary Order #10759, approved June 1 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St.Paul fixes' and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, of Sweeney's Addition.to St.Paul. (2) That an eastment be taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street. IC.11582 -13Y Sf. N. Goswidening d ninS In the matter of opening, a d extending to width of (60) feet. Seminole avenue, Sydney at rest to Ilei Mont street, un - r Preliminary Order --- 'is 7628, p - proved Oct 18. 1915. and 1 t June t Y Order No. ]0 i59, approve T e p The Commissioner of PuDllc Workshaving ..8" sketch In thciln 1—c tted matter, It and Steel v ed. (1) That the. City of St. Paul of land fixstn abs takena)i[or tthehe amount above n Lotd1!Bl Block elm of[Cweeneto )�e Addition to St Paul. ent be taken.aiIn (2) That a to serve er eland t11 theehpurpose, ofe extent Ce, public street. a Adopted by the Council July 18, 1916. Approved July 18. 1916. (July. 22-1916) Yeas (✓) Councilmen U) Nays �_ G1� Par sworth In Favor Adopted by the Council .)���_ la 191 / - �-Ke nd Approved �f b 191 4 -Mc oll Against fru derlich Mr. Presifteli ,Irvin MAYOR FORM C.8-2 ' 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL' DEFARYMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - - -- - ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Duan CCRtmuuxu OSCAR CLAUS S EN, CH -1, E. -Il. J. E. CARROLL Su CO,M,CTIOX k RtrASC - ALFRED JACKSON, Sart. S-11-101 G. H. HERROLD, OmC E—ttt M W. GOETZiNGER, Suri. W01-1 5F2 -DEPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending to a width of sixty feet (60) feet, Seminole avenue, from Sydney street to Belmont street, under Preliminary Order $7523, approved Oct.18, 1915,and Intermediary Order #10759, approved June 1 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Pauj: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of tuis, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken Therefor, by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, of Sweeney's Addition to St.Paul. Commissioner of io Worke Dated_ ��-------- -11M/NOL E 1l -E �`YONE Y ST B/0/YEL L _: T .J�EM/NGL E � E JYONCY JT- B/lJWE! L. JI--' t5u� c'ou c/ Engin 1/fou/ A/ vn Xv1/r- 196/7 /✓c : 5 1915- X291%11-- 9/S YDNE Y T E 33 7 O 17 g 5 GIizlf_A EY?� YoD 15EZ/140/VT �T CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON JRELIMINARY ORDER "T Inthe Matter of ......... . . . ... ............ ± ..... ....... I . . . ....... ................ . . T� .... .. . ... ....... .............. . .. . .... ...... .. ........ ...... .. . ...... ............ . .. .. .. ........ ........... ..... . .......... ...... ......... . ....... ._.....I.._ ....... ........ - ....... .... ... . ........ ...... ......... ....... .......... ... .......... . .... ......... ....... ....... .......... . . .... .......... ...... . ......... ---- ...... ...... ......... ..... .. ......... ...... ............ ...... .... . .. ...... . ........ ............ . .... ... ......... I ...... .... ........... .. . ...... I .............. ..... ....... . . .. ....... . ... .. ..... . ..... .... .... ....... -- . .. .... ........ ...... .... ...... ..... .............. .. ....... .. .... .... . ...... .... . ....... ... .. .. ......... .. .................. ... ........... ................... . . ..... .. . .... ....... . . .. ...... ........ . ... ... ...... .. ... I ...... ....... .... ....... .. .... ..... .......... ...... ..................... under Preliminary Order approved . ...... .... . .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: # The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above. improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL, 7 5 i The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated an of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ..... .... ..... ........ . ...... ... . ..... .Dated... 191 ........ . .......... C . a . m . missioner of Finance. Office Of the Commissioner 4- Pubk Works Report to Corrimissi,%ner of Finance Decewber 6) 191.51 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City Of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. approved..,D.Q!.01-I0;P- 1-8,- relative to opening,,' wid-ening and extendiniz to a width of. sixty feet, Servin.R,!-e. Ave. ... . ....... ........... ............. frog. Sidney St. to Belmont . ... ... .... .. .... . ... . .. ........ .. .. .... .. ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... . .... .. ...necessary and (or) desirable. S. The estimated cost thereof is $ .......... XXXX ......... . and the total cost thereof is XXXX the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. not -e or more owners of property, subject 5. Said improvement is asked for upoll p(�titioii of thre to assessment for said improvement. Co uissioner of Public Works. 1 i F 1 1 4 A De E.ra CO B ads J n 'froom+ C 1 CIeVa19n AYR W GF j1Y AP OU NCIL. RES The Couit of thecfty-of st. CORM. do _'ordnln 1-15S3 QQA•� . 'rThat parmfaefon ..etl'd AYttir ..... ! a th`e9an� are �terebyglvei counclL EaP.9"`�¢d >'ade Juliet F FILE NO., ...... y C7Yelagd't"ey tjT Cfefln - - o n6o the eeteDllahed', $1 _c 'x mL locvoN 2. eom 1 r/ USd.7uly 18� 19L�..te�,hreYythorl ete Presen2` F c5e eafN tt,.. _. C. F. No. _/_ Ordinance Nei An ordinanoe granting permission to Den E:_Z _ane to7ggr�C,qr Juliet St. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to Deh E. Lane to grade Juliet St. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. according to the established grade. SECTION E The Commissioner of'Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the grading of said street upon his compliance with the following express conditions, namely: (1) The said licensee shall grade said street entirely at his own cost and expense, to the satisfaction and under the super- vision of the Commissioner of Public Worlds, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared bf him. (2) The said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. (3a. Before entering upon or doing any of said work, the said licensee shall procure from the abutting owners such easement in and to the abutting property as is necessary for the construction of slopes, for cuts and fills, and a written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easement for slopes, and releasing it from all consequential damages by reason of the grading of daid > 14) The said licensee, after the inception of the work, shall prosecute same continuously with diligence, and fully complete said work within thirty days after the said work is started. If the said licensee shall fail to complete the work xt ' within said time, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and the licensee expressly agrees that he shall have power -end authority to complete the said work and that the licensee Will pay to the said Commissioner of Public Works the reasonable cost incurred or expended thereby,, and such coat shall be a liabil- ity upon and a condition of the said licensee's bond. (5) The said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($50000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this resolution and to indemnify and save the City of S.t. Paul harmless from any and all lose, liability, Judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement, or arising out of the same. (6 ) The said licensee shall, within twenty days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in f ce thirty days after its passage and publicatioh. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Co n 191 Coss In favor Hylan Kellerd //1If^S Approved v Against �lyN U er ick ! Fq Mr. President, Twin _ _ Cab �Cr -- - .o Yl:utriSiDiD PETITION Council File No..__)' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDEO. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foll i g public improvement by the City of St. Paid, viz.:....QPen., _ w:i.den... aad extend.. t�idy..of.....aixt.3tf e.t...Juno street A 1.._i.te_.Pxe.aan� e.astern...ter nue,.from .. he....eaat,.liae....of. W.S. 1Q.n'o ay..... ...... ...... _....... __�'............... .............. _.... Dated this Z-17.th./ day of _ . J y 91 .......... . ��1� .... z 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .oPen.,Wi-den an _.olGto>ad.. to ...a._W.idth.. of.. aizt.y.. _(60.)_..fe.e.t- June._.atr.e.et., ..f-rom...ita-preaent eaeter .. ermi.z��ta.,....faum_ tk3a.....e.ae.t.... line ...o.f...0.lar.ke.!..a....Addition t.o...Bay...atr.oet. ..... _... -... ... _... ................... ... .. ......... .... . _ �adt teed etr ea _ I C. F No. I3697 Whereas. A wrltte malctn dt tli¢ folrp c i°gi�it�en ,terntermini e; i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........ �"t therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2.• To investigate the nature, extent and est mated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and infornlaiion relative to said improvement; ............ ... ......... ............ ............ .............. ....... ........ ... ....... .._..... k.�_ . To state whetethherer or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three of more owners. 6. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....... .... ...........�.� .15._.. 191 ..._.__ Yeas: Nays: Councilman JF�/ij rth Approved.. t ��.. �.�Ls................... 191........ ,/-Kell (/Jl dlJl✓, / Hyland ............................ Mayor Irvin Mayor. /o rJ Council File. No..._ .._ .__ .• PROPOSAL FOR,IMPROVEMEIJT. and PRELIMNARYIaORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folio ' lg pill)]' . improvem , y he City of i Para, viz.: alk to _.wid. ....af.....si ....f.e.e.t,:hn.._t north side of ,Lawson_ atr.eet., Afraet_and ar.l.Htre.a....__...' twee.n_ Ar. e.. r Dated this... 1.9. __ '. ay of ]/ 191. Councilman. PRELDUNARY ORDER. WHEREAS', A written proposal fot• the making of the following improvement, viz.:_ __Construct a o.awent. tile.si.dewalk___to .....e...width...of . six feet on..-the _.north ...aide .....of.... Lawson. street., between Aroade_stre.et -and Karl street. '------ - -- C. F, No 13686 Wherena A wpttten RroD'oenl for tho � k�n&diiti'i 'followle6 iuer.fdmenp g. ?'Conetroct-e courant the e[bewalk D'idth of -afa feet on . >• .._.. ... .. .._...... .. _._. ..._... .........._..... ......._. _.. ..... _..'..r .rJ-6h..otrc 4. .:re ....._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couneilman..__.._._.._....._..._._............ ___ ....... _............ __.... ; . therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated dost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :1. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_.._......_._.__ ................ ..___.._ _.._ ......__.. .......... .. _...... .... ... ......__..... ....._. .__..____.. _ _....._.__ -.......... ._.......... _........................ __.................. _._._._.. 5. To state whether or nott said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.__._. _.._ __ _. JUL:. _1-al-M-6191 . ...... Yeas: Nays: .1 man F nswot I �9�6 Approved _. JV, 191 .. K V1 oif o/ % 1 l ( �fyy/ Hyland , Wunderlich _._..._ .... ...................... Mayor jig4 Irvin PUBLISI�D ?_ ' _ rYol. Cc Q .. CITY -0 -Fr' ST. FSA,UL- - t1.5£ 6. COUNCIL RE5nLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjeet: _ 11586 COUNCIL FILE N.Oi ' . bate Presented July 19, ' 191 6 Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated November 16th, 1915 between the Union Machine Company and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Arkwright St. from Brainerd St. to,Hyacinth St. be and the same is hereby extended to the 20th day of July, 1916, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. execute an amel In accordance h, er, that thla have any. force auratfea an .the 18� 1818. Yeas (✓) Arm (✓) Nays F sworth Adopted by the Council JUL 19 19"^t) 191 In Favor Hynd Kel r Approved� %� Jv 191._ Mc II � Against /�/s(•/ Wu erlich Mr. President rvin Mwroii FORM C. a-2 a St. Paul, Minn. July 18, 1916. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen,- , � z - WE would -respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the construotion of a sewer on Arkwright St. from Brainerd St. to Hyacinth St. be extelffle"o July 20th,, 1916. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for us to finish this contract within the time specified, hence we desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the req u��nts of this office is concerned. u�upe3�intenTent o� ona�ruc�ion 8c Repair APPROVED -- ----- ief Zngineer ----- ommiseio er o FuTil orks. e C ITY. OF SIT, PAUL A COUNCIL RESOL-UTI.ON—..GENERAL FORM '"`"" . - i1L587 Subject:. COUNCIL LKu/4 FILE N O.. 1j58 Date Presented - July 17 ► 191 6. / In the matter of grading alley in J. R. Weide's Sub. of Block 28. Arlington Hill's Addition under Preliminary Order No. 11192, approved June 26th, 1916 and condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in 'grading lieaeled alley in J. R. weide's Sub. of Block 28 Arlington gills Addition under Preliminary Order No. 11193,'approved June 26, 1916. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matters be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matters discontinued. T_ I�I1� 7V " Yeas (✓)JFaworth lmen (✓) Nays ' Adopted by the Council Jl1L 19,1916 191 In favor d 191 Approve ll Againsterlich Mr. Presrvin, MAYOR FORM c. .-a ' CITY OF ST. PAUL - 11588 i COU IVCIL ;RESOLUTION —GEN T=.RAL FORM • Subject:', — - FILEENCIL I No.. I1588 Date Presented July 17, 191 6. j In the matter of established grade of the alley in Block 28 Arlington Hills Addition under Council File No. 11197, approved June 26, 1916. Resolved, That the above numbered Council File be and the same is hereby oqpoelled, annulled and rescinded. EA Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays F sworth In favor H nd K r M II Against W erlich Mr. Presiden Irvin IOpM e. 6.2 cF IneoNoe. 11688—HY M.N. Coae—, of thaYfn Block_ established gnle. 1Addition ndiIr- 1197. approved June 2811 16e� S�'o: Resolved. That the -above numbered- eancellgd ❑ e nn,is. L uand areeci is debt'. Adopted by the Council July 19:1918. Approved July is... (June EE -1916) JUL 19 1915 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved.191 . ......MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ��J1�lA COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , Subject: V �1 i COUNCIL ��a589 FILE 0. Date Presented July 17 199Ifi... Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Subdivision of Block 28 of the Arlington Hills Addition, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as rec)6ommended by the Commissioner of Pio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established' grade. Yeas (✓) Count men (✓) Nays Farns orth J..aa In favor Hyla Kelle Mc 1 Against W. lith Mr. President, vin FORM C." 'a7 V No. 11689—Ay )Ir: -N: Qoep-- Re6olvpd,'T_bht the grade 4r the�sl� ^le lq'SubdlIII.' of 81, 48799 WW he YAblfagion„�Ille aditlonf.Pa 9hown':Dy ,the red grade tte on the aeT b-* the DroflYh aha ae recommended -'be and p9a, ,11 toner -of y o Works,"be and tAe "aauye fa hereby adopted 'fie the-ee- tabltehed'grade. AaoDtby the Connell July 19, 1916- 'Approved July 19, 1916. (June.23-1916) !JUL �9 1;16 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 s "' ---' MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL- "'" ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT _ COUNCIL a"T� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F1Ljp, fNo.__ 11590 y1916 AUDITED -- 191 / PER--' #188 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: JUL 19191 T Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council--—�1-- z' Farnsworth � Approved Hyland � In favor . --1 Keller MAYOR McColl --- -Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin i _ Clasen's Ice & 1'vel' I—' A. D. Davles, P.av, Portland—PeI. A. 51 )36 Barber Asphalt CO., 1,899.14 Le.inBAtonFarnewort h Com. Fina' Street Const. & Repr.-Maint.mgt o*`com$Finans A. arn.or. ter—Ba¢d ed. etc., •51100b-00 '^,# -John C Flanagan. 6 B. S. Bates, 18.00 &„R.. 87960 nawaon Jobnstoa. PuU StUI Pub. Schools -M. & R. Oen. BupPlles"`.885,80. 184.50 J ' Moore, Romer Con®truotton 7 1 Citizens Ice & Fuel Co., 1,015.70 Scgo St Pani Motor Cat Co P4�'So4 Health -Quarantine -M. & .00 :_XM t:R t8ad.66: - Bt.-Pap1 Sa¢itatton Co., . Pub. Schools -M/��jl,�� 7 & R 840 EO Cuarantino—M., 8ealt¢—Q¢ata/l $411.0L ], l IL & R. T. Thorson: Wa4er?-�L•. `R:S - TlernsY & Co PRre—M. & 8 A. D. Davies, 13.40 U. S. Cast Iron R e & Fo water -9 & R, SZ, 71 wuhpu S611 e Pay. Portland -Dale to Lexington $37.60. • Adopted:by the Col7noil Jnly^; ' 2 - S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 3,375.00 Approved Ju1Y 30, j818 <'nna_ Water -Bond Red. etc. 3 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 41,000.00 Water-BOnd.Red. etc. 3 John C. Flanagan, C. A. 79.60 Water -M. & R. 3 Dawson Johnston, 34.30 Pub. Library -Gen. Supplies 33 A. P. MOO”, Com.Pub.Works-A 6>.80 84.50 Street Const. & RepM 1,3.cs Sewer Const. Rep M P7 84410 34 F. J. Romer Construction Co., 75.00 Ames School 3 St. Paul Motor Car Co., 820.00 Pub. Schools -M. & R. 36 St. Paul Sanitation Co., 40.20 Health -quarantine -M. & R. Form A..6-16 ,• m I 0 V •T 5137 C. S. Stewart, 412.00 Health -Quarantine -M. & R. 38 T. Thorson, 36.27 't Water -M. & R. 39 Tierney & Co., 779.88 Fire -M. & R. 40 U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 2,684.71 Water -M. & R. 41 A. D. Wilhoit, 37.50 Pub. Schools -M. & R. ? h l Y f V •T Form A. 6.16 CITY OF ST. PAUL e#` ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1 U L 1 a 1916 AUDITED---._.-_. 9_.._.__191 PER #189 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds. in favor of the parsons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follo detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( %I Nays Adopted by the Council— Farnsworth Gem Approved Hyland In favor . / t �✓ `-' `'v , Keller MATOR McColl �L----Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin - 53 2 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 4489.04 8.-A. RartlpWO�rd cSJ�•{,waH _ Ta: Levy Certs. of is `s Pub. Schools—Salaries $14.aoo oo Merchants National Ban 4,3 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 18,879.00 $1,574,07. � r: Adopted by the Cou T- Approved mtyto 1s (June 28-191, Interest r 4 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 14,600.00 5z. st Red. Tax Levy Certs of Ind. 1915 a/c 4 . Merchants National Bank, 1,574.07 Interest. ,l �i �t i i �A G 5z. st lop COUNCIL' rc-ESOL T`Q'14 RAL FORM . .. fit... -. . Su6lect:.eO z,:... OF'OLUENOIL No.. ... .......... .�..�59 .. Qi ' Date Presented_ _ 191...._. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Pure 011 Company, a Corporation, to erect a building on Lot 9, Block 6, College Park Addition, St. ,Paul, Minnesota, for a storage warehouse for the storage of gasoline in four tanks, total 2000 gallons, tanks to be buried underground. This permission is granted subject to the aprsoval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and to the erection of and construction of a fireproof buildijlge\and of said storage te.nke�`in s ordance with the ordinance and bui i g re s - tions of the City, which plans and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution C. F. \o. 11592—ny Henri' McCollbeoomes operat vs. Resolved. That perm lsslon be and the s� a is hereby Kranted 10 the Pure Jill l i,mpany, a corporality n, to tact building n Lot 9, A1,01 6. College _IM Park storage on. art. use, Nil no sots, QQQt[t ' for a f gasoline N rn u for ta [he gator' J uge ,o Kn eu line In ober Janke, total 2000 gallons, [anka to be burled under. glen lsslon Is granted eub)eet r This Perm rJ„ to the ap Provo] n [he Com missloner Ot Pnbllr saoei' and to it eoof on of t and c s[ruc•tlon of a fireproof a ild- cost ' 1 g find of said storage to the o00 of same to be not less than $4.000.00 In ordunce with the rdinance and building egulatlons of tl�e Clty, a plana d strubtlon shall be p- provedaby the Build ng Departmon[ be- Yeas ( )COU C I en (i') Nays to Adoptedr, this by ltheoCouncll July 20 8Ms. App Jnr 20. 191 s. a Council 191. 1 Only 29.191(i) Far rth Kelle In favor Approved �LIL 20 '916 191....... MCC II Against ' I Nash U Yoer a�--OR Mr. President, owers , FORM C.6-2 , 16 PUR MPANY W b-ESALE PPHN HANCOCK. L. B. HANQOGK, S-1 T -1— W Affik, LUBRICATING OILS A'ND GREASES KEROSENE, GASOLINE CH—U. —R. 11— AND SPECIALTIES —11A. IAIKA" PURITAN MOTOR OILS ST. PAUL, MINN. July 17, 1 '16. W TH" `11-1'PIfl`F' Y -1 -4 r-- I ) 9A 01- fati--ti.n yoi)r Y r tc erect ani rr,.int,in a r.aso ine qnd oil fil'inf- stati n on lot, bl- cl: 8 1ero l nr,r !A,li' ion, proi-,ertv more ful Iv I lscrlle s- tri,,n,-,:',ir niece it rerty rnr, llel with tf,e :!i1m.ulkee rail vay ti—c's at. Hn,V ir-i- 've. lluii,'in,- .,rrct,ei strictly in tic—r'iqnrp --Wi '01 or -r! ril'etz -)f the 'ilv*IIr'. ender tli- su,,ervisi n of ,7i' Y `tire 'Io,- 311, 1 1 . an I ali pipes and tanks to be within property line. ntation to consist of four tanks, total 2000 gallons. HCNRT C. DEVLIN A IIRL CHID n M,YLES MCNALLY' /!I/TANT .CHILI CITY, OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE-PROTEI=-noN- - July 20, 1916. Hon. Henry ;McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, "'inn. Dear Sir. - In regard to the application of the pure Oil Company for permission to erect and maintain a gasoline and oil filling station for the storage of gasoline in four tanks, total 2000 gallons, tanks to be buried underground, on lot 9, block ©, College nark Addition, property more fully described as a triangular piece of property parallel with the nilwaukee railway tracks at Snelling Avenue. Will say that I have inspected same and re- commend that permit he granted and this office be notified before tanks and pipes he covered 1for further inspection. Hespecti'iilly yours, 1*9 AW- -Milt 1 =ill: Of��a ry OFFICE OF JOHN LFARICY, CITY CLERK Hon. Henry McColl, Cosmr. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: L.I. July 19th,1916. The attached application of the Pure Oil Company for permission to install a filling station on Lot 9 Block 8,College Park Addition, was referred to you for a report as to fire hazzards, by the Council at a meeting held this date. Very respectfully, City Clerk. July 19th,1916. The attached application of the Pure Oil Company for permission to install a filling station on Lot 9 Block 8,College Park Addition, was referred to you for a report as to fire hazzards, by the Council at a meeting held this date. Very respectfully, City Clerk. Subject: Resolved, 0 .> CITY- OFST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM ' 715W3 ^ FOIIRCiL No. Date Presented 191 That the application cE Charles F. Diether, doing business as The Commercial Service Bureau for a license to conduct a Male & Female Employment Agency at _i, 1416 Pioneer Building, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license to expire July 12, 1917, upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee One Hundred and Fifty One Doll'-.rs (0151.00) and filing of the bond required by law. C. F. :No. 11601-13y 11—ty McColl— IYesolved, Thnt the application of Ch urles F. 11lelher, doing basin.... n The Commercial Scry ice Hureuu fur a license to conduct It 1tale and Femnie )imploy'm ent AF enc)' at 1410 Pioneer Haliding, bo and the same hereby 1s granted and the City Clerk Is?I to Issue such license to expire July 12, 1977, upon the payment Into the City Treasury of the fess, One Hun- d—dad Fifty' One Uoll.rR 15151.00) and Hing of the bond reau.ired by law. A dupted by the o ucit July 19, 1010. approved July 10. 1916. (June 22-1910) i Yeas (✓� Cou ilmen (:) days warn 'orth In favor Adopted by the Council 9 , !JL 1� 191S 191 —Hyl nd JCeI r jY1c oil y=- C Against Approved/ I 91 n �y -W derlich I \ Mr. Preside , rvin FORM C. B-2 MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... .._._ -11594 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter ofGrading the Alley in Block 8 Merriam Park Third e..._ _......_._........._.................... ......_...._..........:. .._..._ Addition, ............ ................... ........ _....... _............. ........... ...... ........... _------............................. ..... ..... .......... _..... _..................... ........... .......... ............................... under Preliminary order .....................9617 .......... a March 22, 1916 IntermediaryOrder ........ _...... ...... ........... _.......... ............ ........... ....... approved ...................... ---........... ...... -........ --•------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provernent to be made b the said Ci Grade the Alley 1n Block B, Merriam y City is.._... _...------............_........................—_.._ _..........-- -- Park -Third Addition ......... ........ _.......... -............ ........_......_......._.__.........—_............._.._..------ ..... --- - -- .._..__......._...... --....... .... .......... ,_ and the Council hereby%rders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance tf3erewith. Adopted by the Councd.....:..y'... _....... City erk. Approved i ......--.........,191_........_ ... ORDERS. ........ _.__.._...—........._.._.... ........... Mayor. CouncilmaS Fa worth n, Pa k! Thfrd aaailn t,Uy �' �1 Order 91117, pD rin I91G. ,ng having been e Improve Ment upon do de, ' }�— C uncal hehear, - _ s nn r , e r mmen .earn and hnvfnl a n or therefore athe Clr p_i nater., BZ ` prole --.t to b I.+.sr:,t1, the Alle � , P:, rl: Third Addl Mayo O ere oral h..r,.hr ora«ra B:IL _ mTh" Form B. S. A. 8-7 �', r. Th" the Commis etVorks he and he 1. nd d!rerted to pre c!Hcatlona ror eel, 4„11.11 s n to t' ' \ TY Or 5T. PAUL �,� - D ARTMENT OF FINANCE - .$ REPORT OF OOMMISSIO'NER OP FINANCE OI! .-ELIMINARY ORDER��\_..•. ' (A) q r In the Matter of -----... ..................... -................. '' ----- _ ------ . .. ----- _--- ---------------- ---------------------------- - ----------------- — --------- --- ----- — — .... — ... - ------- ------- ----- — under Preliminary Order approved ................. ... ...... -._.._._ .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---�----��/----------- ,j r The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATITION 4 7 l 2 ,5 r 10 .. . 4 1 2 TOTAL, FORM 0. 9.A, 0 5 A - �. _ CITY OF 5T. PAUL ' -`- DEPARTMENT-OF.FINANCE� - 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONE"F FiNANGE ON. PI. LIMINARY ORDER D ESCaJ PTION _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1J.:'.' 14 C. 1.. e ^1 d c do t: do 1 G do Z q 1. S n 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , CZLIr L' Dated _ Commissioner of Finance. FORM O.S.A. C 3 c - 1 , 1 ASSESSED VALUATION v 2 "1 5 C G 0 ry 1 5 J 2 C r i> 0 ] 0 Z q 1. S n 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , CZLIr L' Dated _ Commissioner of Finance. FORM O.S.A. C 3 c - Office of the CorritItissioner of Public WAS' Report to Commissioner of Finance April 27th, .1916 ,ro the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the ('oun- eil, known as Council File No. 9617 ....approved Maxch 22..+. _. 1!)1 6, relative to _.__. .. grading the alley in Block 8, Merriam Park Third Addition._.. ............ ... ................ ............. _........._ . i 9 and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: .18 7/10 per front foot 1. Said improvement is _ ___._necessary and (or) desirable. ant 2The estimated cost thereof is $__ _. ___ _ -, and the total cost thereof is +'186.91 Frontage 1000 ft. Excess inspection $11.34 the mature and extent of said improvement is .as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is__ ..__.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 l omnnissioier of Public Works. Sc a/e 300' /O � AVL ISHLAIVD - - - OFTLHND- - ----- - -_ I � � ROIERT T, ROURLYT,�Ou CaRr ... OSCAR CLAUSSEM, Char t -pmt, 3: S.-CARROLL Sw . Cd."A en t Rer•a, ALFRED JACKSON, Sun, SA -11— G. N, NERROLO, Orc,ce Exo.— N.`W. OOETZiNOER. Svc•. W--11- CITY 46F SAINT PAUL OZPARTMiNir OI •USLIC WORKS M. N. Doss. dom"ISSIONER April 26to, 1916- Hon. M. N. Goes Commissioner of Pubiio Works b u 1 1 d i n g. Dear 81r: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading the alley in Block 8, Merriam Park Third Addition, under Council File +9617, approved March 22, 1916. Approximate estimate $186.91 Cost per wont foot .18 Yllu Excess inspection 11.34 Frontage 1000 ft. Respectfullysubmitted, Chief Engineer. r A 0 a St.Paul,Minn.,Feb 25,1916. R PETITION FOR GRADING OF I,I.IAY TfiROUGH BLOCK 8 MERRIAM PARK 3RD ADDITION, FROM DEWEY AVE TO HOWELL AVE. TO THE HONORABLE COhmjSa`01I14-R OF PUBLIC WORKS CI -Y OF ST PAUL. WE the undersigned, r espectfully petition the City of St.Paul to have graded the alley through Block 8 Merriari Park Third Additi on, between Dewey Alrenud and Howell Avenue. Owner 1P Description of Lots Owned c 7 -7� t( 0 /o b •' I f x -CITY OF -ST. PAUL 1 � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ \ Sabjecti FILE N O V 115 Date Presented July 19 !- a 1916 RESOLUTION fixing the amount of land or extent of easement to be taken in condemnation proceedings. Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of the alley in Block 8, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, under Preliminary Order #10307, approved May 3rd, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10761, approved June 1 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St.Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be takkn for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 8, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 19,1916, which sketch and re- port are hereby referred to and madd a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said alley to the established grade. ]1595— " In thrmatter of rnndmnln eq and taking eat in the Innd n my for slope" far cats and fins In SheBRrodlnR P the alley In nines 8. Merriam Park 3r1 Addltian, unrh•r >'•rllm lnnry Order \ No. 10367, approved 'lay 3rd, 1916, and Intermedlary, Order No. 1%61, approved Tune 1. 1916. The Commissloner or Public Works havinR snbmltted his report and sketch In the nbave matter, he It Resalved, ;1) That the City or St. Paul fixes and determines then ount of Innd [a he taken far the nha�en med Im- y provement le s ent for lopes, for r is find it 1, in ends u Pan the land shut- tinR Pon the alley In Block R. Merrhtm Park u3rd Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commis-sloner or Public Works in [he Itter, dated July 19. 1916, which sketchnd report are hereby referred to / Ind de a Behe'raor. f2) That n pnt'tt is taken In sold Innd to the extent fie esenry for Ihpee. y far c•u[s and fills in the Rrnd fajr of said u7Lj Yeas (✓) Cou 'Imen (✓) Nays one, to the established grass. Adonted by the Caancit July 26th, 1916. a worth ApproN•ed July27(August s6=leis) by the Council 191 i In favor �/-nd �' Approved ` %`�;b; /f Y 191 Against U l/ erlich Mr. Presi rvin MAYOR FORM C. B-2 A. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORN! N1. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER I ROE{RT T.L f0U 14EY, Dawn Cox+wioxeA OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CH 1 E-11. - J. E. CARROLL Sun. C -ATF o ♦ R...... ALFRED JACKSON. SVR. S. —1- G. H. HERROLD, Onw. EMm.u(�{� H. W. OORTZINEER, S.— W -Rx YM 5 -$EPORT TO THE COUNCIL- m In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neves- nary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 8, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, under Preliminary Order #10307, approved May 3rd, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10761, approved June 1 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, h i a report, a plan of the above named improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner Public Works Dated -5 L OOE PL /3398 V& I&W kaj. IQ Ic? V& I&W kaj. CITY OP ST.. PAUL - ---'� * \ .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, • ON-PREAIMINARY ORDCR Z' -✓Lr�-- fi r ..-1 . -- '�-------- In -- < - In th Matter f _— --. --------- t - - G Q - - -=--------- - ---- - - - ..... . '�-- --------- -- -- - �- -------- --- - - �`� _ ....... .-- ---------------- fi--------------- ---- ------ ----------------- ------ ----- -- --- - --=- ------------------------ ----- ---- ------------------------------------- ------------- . ------------- ----------------- - -------------- --- --- -. _ ------------------------ under Rreliminary ._..._.... -underRreliminary Order approved---:......-----f`-Y----...__.._..--- - .__. __....._. ----- ---- - ------- - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The - Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-----�-�--�---------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----- --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7-2 A` J r;2 7 �' � 4/mss• /O inJ i Z S` TOTAL, row.. -A. I 'CITY OR ST..PAUL , j1 " - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 1; f ,• M r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIt4INARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT_ BLOCK ,ADDITION' ASSESSED VALUATION 7 144 Lr Y' V vs�f�iy �p ta, G� 'lop y �_ ,12 li GQ� f v i t FJ 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated __.._ .S - ,3.� _._.__._191 �_ Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..S.A. !-E C _ .... ..... .....__............. 191.6... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. cil, known as Council File No approved.... .__...approved._.._......_MaX._3.e.._......._......._'.....191.._6., relative to., condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ....................... _..... ....... _... ... ---........ ...... ....... slopes, for outs and fills in grading the alley in Block 8,� .__.. _.. _. 11.......... .... . ..... _........ ....._... _ .... Merriam Park Third Addition. .........._ .. _ ......................... _ __.... aid having 'investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..................necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is $_.._XAXX.............. and the total cost thereof is $__.RXXXX _ _: and the nature and extent of said improvement is as'follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............ _ ....... ...... _...................... ................ ................................._................... 5. Said improvement is. .......... __...... ..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject I to assessment for said improvement. /.................. ................ _ ................ oris ioner of Public Wor MORGAN6.BUL nl '..Pirx-W.' - 4/7' Y ✓� /� ✓M • • _ -!. .r ✓ v W.HoRAcs LOCHRR. A.Homzxszeix.�.;: yam-rox�rie nini.v c. ST. PAZJL MINN., 5 July 24,1916. S.A.Farns or'th;� •ommissioner of Finanoe;• St. Paul,Minn.vv Dear Mr. arnsworth:-✓ Re grading of alley in Block 8,Merrlam Park 3d Additi'n,I believe the Council after inspecting the alley were sati fied that the grade as made and filed in the City en- gineer's ffice was incor reot and that the property owners were i justif ieA in objecting to same. I am going to leave the matter in your care with the equwet that when this improvement comes up for final a. dispositi ,you will see to it that a new grade will be estab- \ lishe d i E quiring a fill in back of my. lot #7 in said block in- stead of out as shown on the old blue -print. Mr. Claueeen stated to me the this would be done and accordingly I filed with his office a elope 3 kease. Yours truly,, V COUNCIL FILE NO.L__........ ..-._— BY-:_••___-_.. ........... ......... ........... .......... ..... _.__ _.... ♦ jj5196 t FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of—Gr Bdi1Lg..$t�......ATk�rb4�1t..Ayo..Aug, _IXAi4. Lexington __eyenue — to.__ft0.1 68 under Preliminary order....._-�. 34..___.._____._approvedJ8n.,19thi1915.--- Intermediary Order__—_..._.._......_ -_.....__._._....._._.._._._approved_....__.__._...__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and`having fully considered the same; th,15refore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im provement to be made by the snid City is_ _.Grade St-AnthocAy avenue... _ from Lexin ±n A.YAnue- w _ Ba the Council no the City'. aul [hat the�Preclaw no e;* d kind bt rtnproveme#f to be, —..._—..._ •— rr too said Clty,,J., rade aCA.0 —....___._._.—_—_.._.....—...._.........._.._._�____._._....... _. _ _.—.wem�e frymmS.e,,'inEton avenue ib uvenae aed;;he Connell hereby. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be m, said 'mato •exnenf to he made. rived -P -they',, That.the Cornmfs- f Public Wofka be and he Is RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of ; °,0 ;Da a aitlee a'Ko ;Pry xeby instructed and 'q' r' n r , directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,bimcilsulbmjt same to the` Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance jJterewith. Adopted by the Council__.{!, 191 Clerk. Approved_..-_._.._..-_--�--___--, 191__..._ Mayor. Councilman F rLswol '• ,... O6 -,, enunle »`• t..,,n rq sn, ..h ut ✓ r,ba, u ne' ...fes ,//�I','{t�/� _ ., MayoGC .,... rtd• c� noc�a�e a h Form AS. A 8-7ant •xs_- .vtcen• o.r+ r • ss, e CITY QF SiAINT AXE CITY OLERH'B opH'iOE J -n 6th,1915. Hon. M.N. Goss, Cosmr. of Puulic Works., 'JAN .6 - 1915 City of St .Psul, Minn. M N` COMMISSIONER Of PUBLIC ARKS Dear Sir:- Attached Final Order :io. 3333 for the gradinL, of St. Anthony Ave. fro:a Asbury Ave. to Pascal Averque was laid" a over one week to Jon 13th, 1915, and referred to your department. The Mayor suggested that this order be amended to read, Orftde St. Anthony Ave. from Snelling Avo. to Loxin,;ton Ave." Yours 'r-ily, C ity C Jerk L. C Bui,EAu ur 0 r lij , Petition for vacating of five foot strip on each side of St. Anthony Ave., from West line of Lexington to Fast line of Snelling Avenue. Whereas, that part of St. Anthony Ave., from Lexington to Snelling Ave., was previous to 1890 66' wide,an�wa6— in that year ordered to be made ten feet wider between pointe herein mentioned or 76 1 taking five feet off on each side of street the cost of which was paid by holders ofaproperty directly effected, and Whereas, there is now no desire to have the street wider between said points than 'Rest of Snelling Ave.,, we the undersigned, do hereby very respectfully petition the Honorable Mayor and Council to recind old order for widening of said St. Anthony Ave., and to restore same to original width of 66' at no expense to owners of property effected. e ■ /I ii' ,ick ■ i'. m CITY OF SAINA AUL CITY ()-&U 'A OH'H'IOE ,.Jan. 14th,1915. - Hon. M1. 111. Goes, I:i RP.; ::R1;1 I'i, _ .?.. MY)"y A Y, SGa i� Cosmr. of Public War :o, Jr,N P,-, 1915 City of st Paul, 'in: M N. CROSS, Pear Sir:- COMMISSIONER Of PUBLIC Vd0fiKS The Cou-neil at their r.eeting of J -n. 13th, 1915, concurred in the rccor. erd•atior oP the Chief EnZineer to annulthe present order for the gradinE of St. Anthony Ave. from Asbury Ave. to v.� Pascal Ave., which is hereto annexed, and that a new preliminary order be introduced to grade St. Anthony Ave. from Lerinrton Lvs. to Snelling Ave,., anct the ::atter was referred to lour department for a new oreliminery order recor_m..ended ,y the .hief -,-neer. y Yo,:r•- truly, City Clerk ✓ L. BUREAU Ut 1 .CITY OF SAINT l 'UL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W KS • M. N. GOSS: COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DIPu C...issio.c, ! OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E.m.es, J. E. CARROLL, SUIT. C..M.0—.P & R,P. I ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SsmTs t January 11, 1915• , G. H. HERROLD. OIFIUE E.ai.EE. H. W. GOETIINGER, Suer. W...... sI Hon. UP N. Goes, Commissioner-of Public works, C I T Y. Dear Sir: In the matter of Final Order #3333 for the grading of St. Anthony Ave, from Asbury Ave, to Pascal Ave. A suggestion was made by his Honor, Mayor Powers, that said St. Anthony Ave. be graded from'Lexinap,ton Ave.- to Snelling Ave. An examination of the records in the office dis- closes that part of St, Anthony Ave. from Lexington Ave. to a point 1320 ft, west-, of Lexington Ave. was graded in 1886. That part of St. Anthony Ave, from a point 1339 ft, west of Lexington Ave, to Snelling Ave, was graded in 1839 and 1890. St. Anthony Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Snelling Ave. was Widened in 1890. The established grade of that part of St. Anthony °> Ave. between Saratoga Ave, and a point 200 ft. east of Hemline Ave. was changed by raising it to a higher eleva- tion above City datum in 1904.• No grading was done in consequence of such widening or change of grade. As a result considerable difficulty has been experienced in trying to get sidewalks laid on the street. "-Hence, I desire to recommend that the present order be annulled and a preliminary order be submitted to the Council for consideration in which preliminary order the grading to be done on St. Anthony Ave. shall be from Lexington Ave, to Snelling Ave. Respectfull submitted, � IIffs� CHIF,F ET?GINEER. ; JECI ` JHi. . 1 IJIJ BUREAU OF c,,GltvEERS, qjy or PAUL 1 ` R NONE OF FINANCE . 4 DEPARTMENT OE'F1NANIC L. REPORT OF COMM � E t OH PRELIMINARY OR 6i In the Matter of _ - —` — — -- Se _ 1V1r. �r1 ss � ,s _ _c<✓�zr... . 1 r1 �--------------- ------ -- ----------------------------------------------- _----------- - --------.--------. - 4r under Preliminary Order approved -------....._-......--...___.:._...... ..... ......_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: O F The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports asp allows: - - 633 3_6 _ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -------__-- - - $-----�---------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ ----- 3_8 --..--------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or Parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION eoIC.✓'� aS Ir Z.? 'A7 �•� _ ��- S7 (7. ✓ -'Y/` �il�! �tv!% t% ��4 �% G/rGo% j Y � � �io; i 1 o�C. a y �-ls• ,�.L, �co....�. �!. { � % s� c J �(/✓U.Iie Z 0 c� J TOTAL.- ronw - CITY OF ST, PAUL ' . DEPARTMENT AF .FINANCE - { REPORT OF COMMIS1IOI4ER OF FINANCE' ' U ON PRELIMWARY'�ORDEFi DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ..ADDITION- ASSESSED VALIATIO .7_ d , Xt 1 3kd . lI!1dU0 The Commissioner of Finance furtherreportsthat he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference � to said matter by the Commissioner of Public ,Works, . Dated --.e �. --_191 C1/ L �� Cyrv✓(y�f lJ Commissioner of Finance. Fonts .-A. 6.3 C ii /v/ A P A L L J le 6',Iy xz 6 c c, 3 RD ND 0 ST C A' i,"- OLL iii i Q, ii /v/ A P A L L M. N. COM - _ OSCAR CLAUSSEN P?'pwS4f- PUBIC WOR[5 - 011 NBRR i CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK/SI) ' St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 28, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C IT Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of St. Anthony Ave. from Asbury Ave. to Pascal Ave., in accordance with Council File #987, approved Aug. 1, 1914. Approximate estimate $630.00 Assessable frontage 1660 ft. This street was graded in 1890, since which time there has been a change of grade over a portion of the street and the street has been widened. Respectfully submitted, k. kaA-'L-d4-4- —, Chief Engineer. ` x Office of the Con dissioner .of .Public ' Works= Report to Commissioner of Finance a Augus.t... 2_B., .... . ...............191..4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul 4 a The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun. cil, known as Council File No.._,..._987...............approved..._ _......August._ 1. ..... .._........... 197.4...., relative to ...the.......... grading of St. Anthony Ave. from Asbury Avenue to Paeoal Avenue. ............... ... ..................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........__x_txX and the total cost thereof is rF._._._._._630.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._.. _.__. _...... .... ..... _.. .......................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. a. Said improvement is_................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. m jA;i om1-14'ioner of Public Works. BUREAU OF EoGINEERS. `� V 914 .. St.paul,Minn.. ... ,'The Common Council) 3i City of St.psul,j-inn* ,'Gentlemen;- ting on St Anthoi-y We,the undersignedownerB of property abut avenue, do hereby respectfully pe - avenue, from Asbury avenue.to Pascal tition your honorable body to cause said street to be graded between - the points mentioned. Lot Blk Additig&-- Names C-� 13 aol 22 231, I 4 26i 29 30 31 32 x V 914 .. St.paul,Minn.. ... ,'The Common Council) 3i City of St.psul,j-inn* ,'Gentlemen;- ting on St Anthoi-y We,the undersignedownerB of property abut avenue, do hereby respectfully pe - avenue, from Asbury avenue.to Pascal tition your honorable body to cause said street to be graded between - the points mentioned. Lot Blk Additig&-- Names C-� 13 aol 22 231, I 4 26i 29 30 31 32 _ CITY OF ST.. PAUL- - a ' DEFiAJF6iMENT OF FINANCE - i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF,FINANCE ON F&UMINARY ORDER - In the Matte 7 v _ of --- --,.` ���'Y ---- ► - - -- . - .......... .......................................................... ............ ............... -- --- -- -- ---- --. _.. -- --- __ -- ...-. rlls � -ter w <v ,-��r« a , . -- -- - -- _ - ... ------------------------------`---- ,n..< - -=- t-" -- — -- -------------- -------- - --- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ -- - /•5,.....- --------------------- - --- — ...... under Preliminary Order approved--,—..`..-/-yj'---- -"1--------------- ----- ...�I--- ..............-.......... ..---------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ----a-------------------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - q � $----- /------------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAWATION l X� '1'�'�,/i'��,�✓fo �_ �`/ / d,l CG� ,�� 2%:'�d�'Q ��l'� �"°� i o I c{ /fi/ �• C v' .iL 1:ZryG> 1.5 C, �� u TOTAL, CITY OF ST- 114 TOTAL. a3 d FORM, 15.11A. 5.3 8 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 41 r. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION JR /o -7 -2 I v a L,4 0 co 17 -Fant /2 ksli 6 7 C, TOTAL. a3 d FORM, 15.11A. 5.3 8 TOTAL. I d b q o ,. FORM O.O.A. !-0 �-,TY,OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF Fit REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ONPRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) I "DESCRIPTION 1.LOT • BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED - VALUATION. L f 4P, 7 /C/ o o G ! f tiQc .i a s yT3 s k LGr7` O P % 19n 10-0 %d l 4912 a / �:i ^ �iv�n 1 a4, 4 wl;-i / a s - 16LO 40 7 & b TOTAL. I d b q o ,. FORM O.O.A. !-0 " ^CITY OF ST. PAUL 1� f DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRIFLIMMARY ORDER A 'ry DESCRIPTION p LOT FLOCK ADDITION �414; P ' ASSESSED VALUATIOIJ _ 6o�s � sm 3 �'o 3� so The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by, the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. FORM e.s.A. a -e C Office of the Corpmissioner of Nbhi Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 30, . _ ..797.5_.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the ('01111- 3468 Je,1uary 19, 19 . cd, known ;is Counml b'i1e.:Vo. .....approved _ � _ . T relative to grading St. Anthony Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Snelling Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herehy reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 940 per front foot 8,255.86 The estimated cost thereof is :�___ _ _ __ _, and the total cost thereof is :F ' 1. a u. Frontage 8,737.1 feet Excess inspection $161.88 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3.�1 plan, profile or sketch of said inlp�venlent is hereto attnelted and made a part hereof. d. •i. Said improvement is _.asked for upon pct ition of three or more owners of property, subjvet to assessment for said improvement. l.ony ns• o Public Works. 1 -bw..... _ :.—.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL , -DEPARTMENT OF PURLIC WORKS + M. N. JOSS. COMMISSIONER _ ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D[x�+r Coxx�ee�onrx OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C." Egoixe[x J. E. CARROLL Su Coneixu l— h Res.�n. ALGRED JACKSON. Sv S-1-11- HERROLD, oI• E✓xeex H w. GOET71NGER Suo*. W1x.. ..... .^' St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 30, 1916. �• M. N. (toss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear 8ir,- I transmit herewith approximate estimate of cost for the grading of St. Anthony Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Snelling Ave., in accordance with Council File #3468, approved Jan. 19, 1916 Approximate estimate $8 6086 Assessable frontage 8,737.1 it. Cost per front foot �94' Excess inspection necessary $161.88 NOTE There is no outlet for the drainage at Albert St. except onto private property. Respectfully submitted, Dict. B.C.M. Chief Engineer. r The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby�approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is............Gr..........ade_........St._.....Ant........... h...on.y... avenue, frcm Lexington avenue to Snelling avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 8>.2 A§ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__l9tt?...__—..__ ._....day of July 191.6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, solos 10 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of theim ent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councit_......... ..—_- .! __�' 191 --,LCity Clerk. Approved .... ...... ........ ..191_._ ayor. — Councilman Fe nsworth G( ;s Kf ler M Coll " Nj h Y erg Mayor P wers Form B. S. A. 8-6 t Flnence ent. and he co ing u_ ort, hereby r solvee: tat the sa ld report be r - s hereby approved and .hesaid Improvement is . red tobe proceeded with. That the nature of the lmprov, t which the Counc 11 r mend. -le A11111.1, cof ro I., tuna u�llln{�rw :J nv nmi 'i't that the•,(slim Att t tn,r01 iv $6.255.86. I: rsulvrrl llurt her. That Dubll "r 1g ne .had o Bald Ito prove nten e ihr 19th day on Jul)'. 1916, r hour of 10:00 o'cloek A. ar, in the null Cherub- of , the Court end City Hall nulldinF .0 the City_ of St. Paul. That the Com- tlesioner of Finance Five notice of Id nt; .linto the Kers and to the r DCC vidA7 by theoCh ar t e r, etat- 'ug t the tit�ie and ❑Ince of heartng. the nature of the Improvement, and the 1 total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counell May 81. 1916. Approved June 1. 1916.4 (June 10-1916) __ CiL FILE NO. .......... ........ .._— By.. —--....... ._........ _..... .... ...................... ........... ........ _�CA7 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..._Gxaaiing...AVSD.X..:>v._.xlt},..._be_tweenGranthem._and Chelmsford atreet 11597 .... .! - - - —]n the Sixtter or grading Dudley xye- nue, bet meso Grantham and Chelme- tord streets, under Preliminary Or- ___... .._.__ . ..... ...... ... der 9884 approved April 30. 1916. _._...__. ____..._._..... A public hearing having been had notice, and the Council having heard .. .... .._............ ._..... ... ......._.._ upon the above Improveme. ...,.., d,tr.' _.—______. __ ...... obis - a _...... .................... __.._ :..... ........ .. _—._... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...'._..__... .. ._.........--. ...... ' . ........_...............-- ........ under Preliminary order .- _... ........M. O. - ........ ._... _. .......... approved _......._.... �Z.........�............. Intermediary Order _...__ ............ .......... _......... ..... _.... -.•.... ..... approved .......... ........... ---............ _...... _........ ... _... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement Dudle avenue between Grantham provernent to be made by the said City ls._._..._.__....._—Iri_._.__........_............._..... J....-..__.._...___.........._...--___ and Chelmaf ord... stn ee t e,. ..... _... ---.... --...---... ..............---......... ......... — ---------- --- — ---- y ......... _....... ..... ..... —.......... ._..... ........ ........ _ ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVEf FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - Adopted by the Council ........... .... __.`�L...}�{g �._._.—,. 191 _......... -.................. .......... ... ....... ....__...... _._._... ..... C' Clerk. Approved.... ...... ............ ............. _.... ........... -- .......... , 191 _......... ........ ................. ......_....._..._................_.................. - t Mayor. Councilman Far orth - , YUBLISi��,_ Kel r M oll " N It Y erg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-7 cat 1150-9 An ordinance granting to Steve C. Beck, permission to erect and maintain ahoF7A4je in front of the St. Paul Arcade. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted # to Steve C. Beck to erect and maintain a show -case, 3 feet four inches by three feet, in front of the St. Paul Arcade, on Lot 4, Block 4, St. Paul Proper, said•show-case to extend six inches beyond the property line. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the erection of said show -case, upon his compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or' -specification of said show -case, which mall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said showcase &hall be oonstructed-under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. a (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the erection, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said showcase; the saif'd bond to remain in force and effect as long as said showcase remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. 9 (4) Said showcase shall be removed by said licensee•when- ever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the pity of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the'City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and•' • in force i thirty days after its passage and publication, Commissoone°� -ty authorized t, .aid licensee for . .how -case, upon, his he following copoltlor. The said licensee eha, mmlea""" of Public r cicaton of said a hall hesubject to the _ d Commissioner. The said show p,,e �✓ li-E� ,gel ru et4d under the supe rvic�--�^'� eetlon of said Commission,,. Passed by the Council —�_ 1916. -1 Ilcensee shall pay the coat of m- eeunn. If any. (Y) The Wald licensee shall furnish bond bothe City f St. Paul In th o te Yeas Nays or Five Thousand Uollare ,'00 00), eondtuo ned to sa a the r` v Paul harmless from any Mr. Farnaworth .. damages and expe,• e to persons or pre Hyland __ _'t fa of or arising from --, y 'f or zea. pre., Goes said show ca a tl - aid force and eK•. Beller McColl Wunderlich Hays, 0 Mr. President (Irvin) Approved _i 1916, Mayor. �c " Attest -- — PUBIdSW City Clerk. l � CITY 0^ ;-.-UL C;;lLICIL F S0LII:IOi1 In the matter of -J�glieg geaer _on -Selby Ave`from Herschel Ave. to Sarat . Ave._ ander i'reliminary Order 9132_ _, Firal +?r 0r 11550 _ _ _ July 17,1916__________191 RESOLVED, That the plans, 2peciiic0ticrs and •?ctimatcs 3ub_,itted ty the Comrliscioner of Ilublic i1orl:s for trc above -.,treed inproveient be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 11600—Ry pl. N. (1089! In the htaller of Relief Sewer on Selby Reeaived a].I p } A4� Ave. from Herschel Ave. to Saratoga & �Ove Ave. der Preliminary Order 9132, With Final Order 11660• approved July 17, connects 1006. Resolved. That the plane, peoidca- R8801,y,,+y n' - tions and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the / ir{ above named Improvement be and the t me are hereby approved. eaAdopted by the Council .July 20, 1916. Approved July 20. 1916. (July 23-1916) Adoi ted by the Council Yeas : ( ) ( ) slays 1 COuncilmanl?linsvl0rth ,_:2^1101 1 �N—ir Hyland Approv d _ _ _ 16 L-2=21;Wunderlich esidcr,t -- Irvin ` _ Petition r Cil rile No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. andFD�1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigur.l hereby proposes the making of the following pnblie improeeuu•nt by Ille Pity of til. Pa d, viz.: Pave Jessie _St. from _Case at, to Maryland. St including sewer, water and gas connections from street 'tains to property linea_aomplete, where not already made, also including curbing and the paving of alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, in aeeordanee,with petition hereto attached. I)aled this 20th clay of July 191 fi.. coullihnall. PRELIMINARY ORDER. V�111?IiI$.A�, :A lcrithw proposal fur the making of the following iniproveloeul, vi..: Pave Jessie St. from Case St. to Maryland St.., in.c_luding sewer, water and gas connections_ from street mainsrto property lines complete, where not ready made, also including carbli.ng and the paving of alley and IrivAro & roaches where. necteasary... Ic. p, i`++ 11101— n ... I mr u,eI ,— ay pp wase„na• wruten PI' �mpro-em @R(�f.rv. fthe(ollow'n6 St Inmn{nbee pu:srulyd to the l•uuneil of the Pity of St. Paul by l'uuucilluvl ♦Iz: rb” It Te RESOLCIaY• That the l'unnnissionm• of Public Works be and ho isLrmbc ordered and directed: 1. 'I'o inrstigate III,neerisity for or desirability of the slaking of said iulprocenn'nt. _. To illwstigate the mbar• extent and estimated Post of said improernu•nt, and tlu: total cost Ulrreol'. :S. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said imprnrruu•ut. - }. •I'n Il urn is6 Inn• I'olLnrin, 111formalioll rrla[icr to said "oil' vrnu ut: .i. To state lrhethrr nr not said improvement is asked for on III,- petition of three m• mole owners. G. To report upon all of till' matters o the l'onnuissionier of Finance. .Wopled by th.• ['nuuri'e'...-� vl'll-- }yeas: �t1 \'�: Council uuw F-rns—ortb ,II ll.191C) 1,11 Approved Bel 3 eColl r1� Hyland � (( Wunderlich. __..... . Ainvnr Irvin Mayor. ., t PLIIILISI� � Petition 4d( Inucil hilt Vin. I - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. n and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uuJ •rsignrd Pio' •bc propos •s tlir ola Ming of thr I'ollmvipg I,ohlie iwprnc •uleWt b th'it of Nt vi,. Construct a pement_tile sidewalk to a width of six feet On the east sire of Dunlap St. from Rondo St. to Wcst Centr&j Ave., in accordance with petition hereto attached.. nat'•d this 20th day .if July tOl_ 6. �L/�/ Y t'll Il I1C11111fl11. PRELIMINARY ORDER. I'l"tw s11 for the "laking of the follmcine improven,t•nt, Construct a cement the sidewalk to a width of. six feet on the east side of Dunlap St. from Rondo St. to West Central. Ave. C. F. No. 11602— Wheren.. A Illen proposal [or the aklnG of th,, t.11.71og ImproYeman( viz' Construct •^t tit..1,11 elk v ldth ofast Ids e hat-ing been pr'•seuled in tl' hr uuueil of tint ,ly of St. Yaul b) 3t."'ill o 11 therefore, br its., RI:�I11,A'I;U. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is licl—cl, ordered and direeted: 1. To investigal.• the ueeessit.\' for or desirability of the Working or said ia,pro-11-lit. _. To investigate till.natore,�ectent and estinlatr i eost`of said inlprovcun•Wt, and the total cost tbwn,ii. :i. '1'.. 1'111'1lish a Alun, profile or sketell of said iill pt•ovewent. 1. To I'urui.b ll". 1'ollotviog other data Hod inforoolliml relative to�said inlprovenu•ot: i. To sb,tr vehether to. not said improvement is asked Fpr on the, petition of three or more oa•nel's lis 'fW report upon all of the foregoing(natters t he ('oiunissiouer of FiWaucc. A,loptetl bV ill" l'nuucil ____ 1:11 1'exs: 1'ooueilloao I'rn't stvort1, '' l l Approv: ti � - �:IIb 1!11 Kell,r lle oil ( Hyland Wunderlich - 31110 Irvin .... 141yor. Petition t'nuncil I ilc No,. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. A Tho. nud; rsig;nd herehy Innpns,s the ;m;kiug ,f thy• puldi'• imlmnv,•ntrnt by lilt- lily of Wit. Pa;d, iii..: Curb',Linwood Place between Oxford St. and Lexington Ave. in front of Lot 6 Block 1 .and Lot 6 Block 2 Bryant i"s Park Addition Pio. 3, in accordance with petition hereto attached. 1411 •d this 20th clap of d1L3-y 1!Il 6. l'onucilnian. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \Clll;ltli.\�. `. mitt�•n propn.nl Pole the u1;d:in_ nl' the fnlloleing iminm�•m�•ut. eiz.: Curb Linwood Place between Oxford St. and Lexington Ave. IQ. front. of Lot 6 Block 1 and Lot 6 Block 2 Bryant le Park Addition At, 3. re II A written .nog of hp[ollowing lmP — following Linwood Piave bet` - - - snot Lexington A— I ' sod Loot 6 131, - hacioR b�•en presenlr;l to Ihw l'ouncil of the l'ouuciGmut - _. . there l'or,•• b.• it IiIatILA'hal, That tilt• commissimlcr of Public Works be and he is ltrrrbp' directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for m• desirability of -the making of said imprncenn•ut. _. To ine�•sligatr tier nature, e�hvt +uxl estimated cost or said iulprmeliwut, ❑ud the total cost th�•renl'. 'I'o furnish It phu;, profile or sketch of said inn proveun•nt. I. To I'urui<h lino I'nllnlcin•, nl her �lat;1 and ioformalion rvlative to said im pt•ove111`1 ....... _............... _.............._...... ... . . . 3. To state lrhetlher nr not solid improvement is asked for on the petition of three m• more olvnrrs. 6. To report upon all of the fo�rel;ninP matters (t,, the l•mnmissinucr of 1 inanee. Aolopted bc- the Council Nays: t•onueilouut1;1ll1,r,,Vo1'th ,, roval"11.:91R U , Hyland Wunderlich ylny or 7dRX M Irvin ayor. / PUBLISVED ' i x Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �' PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1:1604 The• uwlrrsigued Imreiq pripo—, the ouiking of 111v I'oll,miuyt pollie improveun•ui by the I'it�\ of St. Paid, viz.: Construct a cement tile sidewalk to a width of _six feet ,on the south aide of Almond St. from Pascal Ave. to Hamline Ave.,. and on the west side of Hamline Ave. from Midway 2ariz7ay to Como_.Ave.Westj in accordance with petition hereto attached: 1lnled this 20th dor of July 191..6.. CoIIneilIll I]n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. VV'IIRRI?.AN, A loop-al for the malting of the improv-em:•nt, iz.: - Construct a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Almond St. from Pascal Ave. to Hamline Ave. and on the west side of. Hamline Ave. from Midway Parkway to Como Ave. West. nsw�- - acner,„„, ,,rllten wouot roe ani m:ado,,• oe ,no .orouo+vtnti �mwo.em• s�>�. lcilfn:ut h;ning In•eu III rd to III,- Council n 2mon Ah 'Id �< - ,.a "l lid 'n 1+d- mum• I herefore, hr it Fil:�11011 ED. That the Com mi,ssioner of Public Works be and he i5 hrrrbv ord:•red and dirceted: m 1. To investigste the neerssitp for or desirability o(the ranking of said iva proveun•ul. _. To iuvrstigah• the nature, estrnt and estinmted rust of said iuyn•ovrnmut, and the Intal cost therein'. .. To furnish a plan, profile• or sketch of said inaprovenn•ut. ,. To lirii.h Ilo- I'olloniog cher :lila and information rehdivr to said improvenn•ut: .5. To stale whether or uol said improvement is asked it the petition of three or more owners. ti. To report upon all of the fore.,oing nudtrrt the t'ommis inner of finance. Adnpird br Ins l'aunrilt. Yon,: i Vias: - s. . I'nuueihu:m f'iI ixw:nlh 1111 he or �1, 'oil �J Hyland V e Wunderlich -- \I,acar Irvin CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT CKNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F No11605. 1! L 2 7 1916 'z 11 AUDITED 191' PER #190 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as xcified- in the following detailed statement: Yeas I t' ) Councilmen I Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth 78.ApprovApproved191 11-11Iand In favor Keller MAYOR McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin 5188 S. A. FFirnsxorth, Com. -rinsnce, 11 47:1.111 Randolpli _"criool 2,0(,F.-,3 Ames �cl,,ocl 1,3 -.27 %'.' CC I � 11,1!- '.Cnool .,.GC 'i F,6 Pit!,. 967.1' Main.C�l DevA16-;)-:-nt. 79.40 3 ss TI".' 0 1 V . 21 .nL 1— 1— Election 99.04 tur. Pl'Ay-ro Bett. 621.65 Munich 1"n 'a! y7., G Hatt. 272Ij� 4Z:' CC 47 5. A. Firrr,^,orth, Com. Finance, 2 8 r Hal.,, Trust Fund & SllepIay' CC Ave.—Dql�j 1,6 Lexin�*,on IT A Resolved that --art, IT, drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out ,f theheelnaf"' specified funds a"in favor of the person., fir.. , .,p.ra- lines for the amounts set opposite th ei^ gespectle, names a, peelfted In the Ilowing detailed statements S. , &,Farnsw—th. Com. Ftnanre, 531 .,,A. Parns;Wo w0tqa._�insunce. Hale °Petition - 6 �. ,Coun6l File No. PROPOSALFOR tNIPROVEMENT � and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hen;bv prop,.,cs tl)e making of the, tollowint! public improvement by the Cu% of S, Paul, viz.: :radine Hamli.ne 'avenue., from t,ebraeYa avenue to Hoyt avenue. Oawd tht, 20th day of duly 1916 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WFIERE4S, :\ written propos;]] lot ehe making of the following impnl\ente"!, i-i,,ml.5.ne 4v.nue, from ::ebraeka avenue to Finvt avenue_ F, nuoc .rin 1 u aul r In., woe- ninnk iu h having been presented to the Council of the Cin of St. Paul by Councilman . - ihcxefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cont"issioner of Puhlic. Works be and he is hereby order-] amt din rird: I. To investit(ate, the ne.cessilc for of 11-1,abdity of the making of said improcenwo, 2. To invesngate. the nnmre, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, ami Ow Iola) cost ihereol. s 3. Fo furnish a plan, profile. or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish tilt. follnvvinr( other data and information relative to said inwrnvemenr, _. 5. To state whether or not said impro\ernent is asked for on the, petition of three or mote owners. 6. To report upon all of the forcgoinr! or Ite, to tilt- Commissioner of Finance. :Adopted by the Council .� .�G Iof Yeas: Na Councilm,ul Far n: ooh ;Approved ..:'.....'2I! 6: .r A7 0ll / I Hyland U r Wunderlich \favorjl(EV�y Irvin Alavor. l5nrq+�il I•ile \o., _ \ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT; and Petition PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und'•1-sigo'.4. herrhr proposes Iho mokiug of I 1 tollo\c ing Inibliv iollwocronult lea the t'it,c of St. Paill, \;n: the changing of the grade of the alley in Block 2 Wright's Rearrangement of Blocks 22, 23, 24 & 26 of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof', the present grade being represented. by the blue line thereon, in accordance with petition hereto attached. It:!ted this 20th daj nt July Llt 6. I'nunrilwau. PRELIMINARY ORDER VA'III:III•:.A�..A vvrilteu In�nlursal for the marking of Iho following iwproeror,�ut. viz.: The changing o3 the grade of the alley in Block 2 Wright's i Rearranger.^.ent of Blocks 22, 23, 24 & 25 of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line thereon. +,` ,n: ;,covµr I \\herrnf ti ' itlen PLQl meal for the m HI<InR n( the ti.g 'If proeement Th` changlnq of th erne+ e ^e one. I!acing hr�•u present��l to the l'ouuril of the t'iIy ut. r;emrne ��• e'^r•, '1111111h .. _. _... i . therefore, hr it , NI:��II.. t ), 'That tile ('ounnissinnrr of Public Works be and he is lLereby ordered mid directed: 1. To itnv.•stigatc the necessity for or desirability of the making of said inyn•oceun•ul. _. T -I ill ystigatI' the nature, esteot amt estimated cost of said impt•oeenreut, and the Intal Bost th�•reol'. Iln•nish a plan. Profile or skvtell If s,lill improcenu•ut. 1 'I'.. Inen i.h I!i I'��Ilo\einc of her �Ini:� ,unl iul'orm;ilion relati\e to said inyn•ncemrni: 5. To state yyheth,•r or not said iwprov�,•mr.ut is asked fm• on the petition of three or more owners. h. To report hpon all of the Bio_. mattel•s the l'ommissiouet• of Fintluce. .Adopicu d by the t'oucil „�..�.( -Z -• '''I \acs: Peas: ('ollaribalm V rns\\ortlr '.•ell !`j 7 1'�I � .�plu•oe� �l U� Rr 1l�•r �[ '011 1 Hyland Wunderlich iia>,��• Irvin O.K. G H Her ro d CITY. OF ST. PAULA- COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'GENERAL FORM - 1 Subject: FoERuL No., 1608 ' Date Presented July `0 1916 Resolved, That the .OmmiBsioner of Public Works be and is hereby autnorized ana dir_cted to cause Pairview aven'ie, between Lincoln avenue and Goodrich avenue, to be sprinkled during the balance of the season 1913. (. 1, N*n. 11606—lli' 31. IN. C;uee— R-1111-1. Th.' the l:ommlaeio reho r` t -,l in nd n diaeliie and nam e she re F.Irv[r n nal yarn Ll rceoI R find ,,-en,,,. 'venue. to ne eprinkle1916.r • i.. the bulnnce or the e n on Adopted by the 019161 July 20. 1916. Approved ,�u9Y 29-1916) M'a Yeas (✓) Council en (+') Nays Farnsw rth Adopted by the Council �r -Gig f 191 -,-W In favor Fly Kellen Approved I 1191 McC;ll ( Against 1 Wuerlich Mr. Pr,sidenq Irvin MAYOR roRMc ez I. CITY. OF 'ST. PAUL COUNCIL K2ESOLUTIONGENE "L FORM Subject: coanc E No. Date Presented Y9l Resolve That the Commissi,ner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pub=ic Buildings is hereby directed to instruct the Superin- tendent of Construct`_on to proceed at once with the necessa painting of Entine Houses No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, S and 17. Cost of labor and material to,be charged to the Maintenance and Repair Account, Bureau of Fire Protection. C. F. No. 1l, 6O Henry McColl— Resolved, That the Commiseloner or Parks. Playgrounds a d Pchile Bulld- InRs is hereby directed to Instruct the _ Superl-tend cot l[h Che etructlonyto oin`_ eed i t once x ce.. r "K or Engine House. No. 1, 2. 2, 6, 6. Band 170b. Cost { labor pd material to .- charged to thea n,... f FlreaProec- pair Account. o lion. Adopted by the Council July 20, 1916. Approved July 20, 1918. (Daly 29-19161 .. Yeas (✓) C mciln"n (:) lays r rnsworth 6 leder eller cColl 4 Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin ronM c..a .' Adopted by the Council 191(/- 1. favor C Approvedj 91 Against �I ��� /I V AA,� M.Yon N I hereby rcccomsen 1 1, iv zIbove ren lution for loan - A1,�,�\q Comrissi ,rler of iur;s, illy rou •is, and iubiic Buildings. Yeas I, i, Co cilmen ( I' ) Nays Adopted by the Council Ilii 20 1916 191 F .-worth In favor JLI '_J (I 1919 eller C Approved 191 cCo)1 Against n t Nash rciY—g Mr. P dent, Powers wvoN • �" " OF St. PAUL _. ._ _•.:__,;} . _ . .`CITY COUN.GIL J RESOL.UTION".." GENERAL 'FORM n. - 11-610 . 116 10 _. _ _" ..... ......:. COUNCIL - -I FILE N O. i Data Presented d 1910 Res ed, That the proper"city officials are hereby authorized to pay to F. F,. Carson, out o`' Uie orkmens Compensetion Account of the General Fund, the sum of Twenty Fight Dollars, in .partial settlenellt of his claim the City arising by reason of injuries received by him on the 10th day of?dover.t:er, 191-b, while' employed n the ,aultier School. C. F. No. 11610-13y J. D. Hyland -- Resolved, That the proper city oifl- clals arehereby authorl—d to DaY to E. E. Carson, out of the Workmene .. Compensation Account of the General e Fund, the a of Twenty Eight Dol - re, In pnrtlel settlem en[ ofhie elalm ""'in'" again et the Clty -tieing by teas n of ....ries rece Iced by him n then 10th day of Novem her, 1915, whllu employed ' n the Gauttier school. o Adopted by the Council July 20, 1916, Approved July 20, 1916. IJuly 29-1818) N I hereby rcccomsen 1 1, iv zIbove ren lution for loan - A1,�,�\q Comrissi ,rler of iur;s, illy rou •is, and iubiic Buildings. Yeas I, i, Co cilmen ( I' ) Nays Adopted by the Council Ilii 20 1916 191 F .-worth In favor JLI '_J (I 1919 eller C Approved 191 cCo)1 Against n t Nash rciY—g Mr. P dent, Powers wvoN \ a CY OF ST PALL IT COUNCIL REL'U'TION--EVER,'Iu FORM , a F v ,u6jecC COUnC'L . N O. o FILE - Date Presented V"b 191 Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Matthew O'Rourke, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirteen and 50/100 Dollars 013.50) in partial settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of injuries received by him while employed in the Department of Public Works on the 20th day of August, 1915- C' F. No. 11611— Resolvehrreby[alhichPlxDdrtolV to are Mstthe ('Rourke. out or the Work- s Compensation Ar oun[ of the General Fnnd, the of Thlrtern and 50/loo Dollars (313.50) In pnrtlal set- ' 11Islog Ior his el" -f In]u rfesthe D,el by him hlle Is employed In n 20th dray nt or Public Warks on the p( August, 1916- Adopted I.y the t',1uprii July ^_0, 1916 Apprured July 20. ]916. I Jule 29-19101 I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. i ------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. leas (J) Council 011 (:) Nays Tarns Orth I�, favor Hyl d Kel er 11 011 Against W ndcrlich Mr. Presid t. Irvin FORM C a z u ll, 1,.iopted by the Cou20 1"ncil - .. 191 Approve �_ �11,j 191 MAYOR 0 CITY OF ST. ALL' t COUNCIL RESOLUTI N -GENERAL FORM � Subject: FILE Nom. �.. _._._._ ..a-•-�.a�e Presented July 20, 191 6. V WHE EAS, Ordinance No. 2734, approved December 21, 1907, provides that it shall be unlawful for any person or vehicle to make any unnecessary noise on any Hospital street when such streets are' marked by signs, and provides that it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Works to erect and maintain such signs, and ?MrEREAS, the signs heretofore provided for Hospital streets have been made of wood and have rotted away &nd have been destroyed, RE30LVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works shall provide necessary and sufficient signs for Hospital streets, such signs to be made of metal at a cost not'to exceed the sun of One Hundred Sixty Dollars(N16J.)0), said sum to be paid from the Miscellaneous & Unforseen Expense Account of the Genoral Fund. F. Yo. 11612-1i 3' M. N. box»— ' t \\'herr, x. I)rdinx ore N,o 2734. xP- p+Dred Ile�'rmher 2 1907• provide, [In+t It ,hall Le o 'fol for xnl' Ver- rehUyle to m:+ae list n eves- ' +nl' Hpapita4 N+y,r[sw hen su+1h est ree•t,+a xrk.•d hl' n and provides that ,rlt 'shall he the duty ae to the t'ommlaa loner of I`uhl tr \\'orto ret and mnlntcurh a1Rns• and the slava hereto fu re yro- rldvd for Hoapltuf ,(rests hire been Inde of w od and hove rot [ed away' and hxve been deatro>'ed. Firxolved, Thx4 the l'om+nlxaloner of F`ublfc \\'oras shall provide hH,spital u,ry olid suftl •lent sign, Por Hos ....... h ,igu to be• made of molal[ ,yc + Htu lid red hSlzty E1 Uull, n at exe-d t�60.00) ,old [o be Vxld..��ff m [he 'J1Ixcellaneoux + Unforxaen Account of the ""'r"Fund. 191G. ed bl. the Council July 20, Approved July 20. 1916. (June 22-1916) Yeas (v) Council en (:) Nays / Earns orth L :adopted by the Council II I1 `�O � � 1,-191 C.wa In favor Hyl nd X111 _1�,7 191 Ke er / Approved uM oll Against �Whnderlich 1 Mr. P2sidght. Irvin I �� M.roR i Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL, ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a isu fta 1 FILE N o. V I � Date Presented July 17th -16 191 esolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids re- ceived for Grading Burne Ave. from 11, & S. Line Sec. 34, T. 29, R. 22, to E. Lbne of White Bear Ave., as bide received were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same. F.B. #951, F. so. 11613-11y If. N. (;n.s— Itrvulr�d, '1'h�rt the l'ounrll hereby rn is -. In Ihr rrur r� endnitun of lha 'cul rnrt ('nmmilterl all herr 1, re Jertl :tA hl,f rd fur "S— 34, T. 2.. .\ve, fill 1 \Hl v, IWh ties. 34. T. .Y. ]t. 1_'. [u 1•:. Ilne o[ 11'hl[e R¢ar j .\1-e., nr hidn ed y,rre i u[ the h:n�in�lrr�.4rt ld rtha I'u rthnnl nl: .\Kent �lih ereh� J uthor- lard Ill udr'r1il a- i for u� �� hill. u F. rIt 151. n� �,I l��wnlra ho Ihr I n• n dm> ^_o. 1916. �.1 ta.a-unrl im k Yeas ( 14Kell lmen ( I') Nays j Adopted by the Council /r_ ��// 191 orth In favor = Approved191 Against Mr. President; Powers Mnron Eequest "Town' '& ''Country Club - \ 1 �I.T-,' OF ST.. PAUL' COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM, Subject: r FP°"°" is No. Date Presented July 191 6 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works Roe and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Otis avenue, between Marshall avenue ar„i ^omo and River :oulevard, to be oiled during the balance of tae seabon of 1916.nr,Il-Il, 11. lhurizcJ .mJ qi— n I Utls �doVLd Lc ;h- Il .1W, 20, 1916, - .tvU. Yeas (v) Council en (,') Nays Irarris Orth .A.lopted Ly the Council . G.- C 191 Geer ' In favor - hyla d Kell Approved, ' nl 191 Me II Against Wurjdcrlich Mn President, Irvin CITY OFST.PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM c, Subject FILENnc nta No. Date Presented Duly 20 191 6 Y Resolved, That the ^ommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Van Buren street, between Hamline avenue and Gribgs streetto be prinkled curing the balance of season of 1916, 11, ]I N. rioee— u,��,a"�a Ifumn pI n•r t. Lri worn Il:uullii���i me nil riF �;n .cl r, ri, t I.e =nrin l<1 rA riI or. .t iqn-or��d .t ���r zo iii •n c. f Yeas (J) Counci er. (,) Nays Earns orth In Favor Ilyi d Kel r Mc oil Against ' nderlich Mr. President, Irvin C� Adopted by the Council ./ �� 11� l 191 �I! J.J Approved 191 Subject: y� /, Resolved, CITY' OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ GENERAL FORM �A COUNCIL FILE N O. Date Presented 191 That the surf of $200 be transferred from the item "Salaries" in Charter Fund No 2. , tc the item "1[aintenancett in said T1And, such transfer being necessitated by unforseen expenses in the office of the Uayor. .7)y }/ Y i Ir��In— ' Res,:lp ed, x.Ith th•-",ul u( lho Mu n,l nPl r,d l••rIhnl the ofi ' hr• tr,,usf•r e•I frn,rrr the Ilene nen ,'hn rt�.r Fnnd \•, to lh.- Irr ern nr t`In In lens nrP' riJ Fund. erch ,+fr•r h. inl; r •+nttnrI,d I:, Iufur- xnensee Inr the n"" of the \I n),n r, nml Irs s „h t rsf�.r n Per•ted shnrtnue ncl tr sed Nem v:lll h,• rellel'ed wird ix•Il hunt ImPmlr- in(; the n.�t ir'it i,�s Pru �'Ided Pur In swirl h ret r ed II, . f o Adnr—, by III, unril July 20, 1Y16. n nnr��red .rues 20, . (July 29-19-17916) Yeas 0") {/ .�Cou n Nays Farn In favor Keller MCC L Against J Nas Yoerg Mr. President, Powers 3f \ Adopted by the Council Ill, 20 19-16 191 Approved !I1 ';j15 191 MATOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / Subject: n l COUNCIL FILE N o. ° Date Presented July 17th -16 191 } r Resolved,' That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Scheffee St. from Chatsworth St, to Lexing- ton Ave., to Thornton Bros, at lump sum price bid of 12,708.00 - Engineer's Astimate being $2,710.00. F.B. #949. I•. r_ So. 1161'-11, 11. S. Ooer.— ,1-.1—d. That lhn I n��I, herehy 11, lh, r�rintinn oP the thr ronlrnrt fnr the I: ra rlinr: of tirhef- Ier Vit. Pro In t'h:ttety orth .� to Iw•xln1;- tun Ave.. to Th nrnloV It,tn+., n[ lumV nrir. Ain of hvA�nn R=r.I i6Ll..700,08. . 01_ 66..rf.N:neinr 9el'6 Au,=Ar ' IIlul>20. 1616 rni, 20. 16 IJ9.19 r 9 Adopted by the Council ..t' G 191 b, Approved `2 f�13 191_ MAYOR Yeas (I') Coun men (i') Nays / Far worth ( In favor K ler cCol l Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers voRM C,6 -x r 9 Adopted by the Council ..t' G 191 b, Approved `2 f�13 191_ MAYOR > CITY Or ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM Sub)ect: $ • 'ENCLL I N O. Date Presented July 17th_ 16 191 " Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Sue St, from Grand Ave. to Goodrich Ave., to Christ Johnson at lump Bum price bid of $929.00 Engineer's Estimate being $944.00. F.B. #948. N. C R r•aolyed, That the Counella herebv he Contract i Comrllltlee and here,*n aovarda the contract Por the grading or Sue da r (.rnnd Aye, to .00d rleh .1 ve., to Christ .Johnson ( lump sum prise bid r 5929.00. En gi nerr's .:wroale being E9A 011. F. n. 10, 948. .4 do pted by thl- Cuunell Julv 20, 1918. Approved July 20. 1916. (July 24-1916) - Receiaed�; conn�cti6n wit;7 Resarution. \ " Yeas (1') Councilmen (I•) Nays Adopted by the Council :c 1 191 Farnorth In favor Kelle Aper ved (l ' 1� 191 Mc(.o I ( Against \ �� Nash Yeterg Mr. President, owers M.yaR ronin cez CIF -Y OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM- - Subject: COUNCIL FILE NO. I' Date Presented July 17th.16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading Scheffer St. from Canton St. to Stew rt Ave. to peter Dickson, at lump sum price bid of $400. 0 - Eng- ineer's Estimate being $412.00. F.B. #950. C. F. Nn. lists—Ry M. N. Gose— Resolvidnttoln htreby the [�nrtrn ct l'om mli termmj herehy nwnrds the retract for grt `[ewnr theR,•e, 9t.0 tromcoCn n[on St. to Peter Ulckson, at I—P sum Price bid t 1400.00. linglneer's t:stlmute being $412.00. F. )I. Nn. 950..1 ul �20,1916 60.1916 Ado Pt"I Y th'20U191C (Juul X20, Approve 2 ly 9-191 1 iteceived all connection with Resoiut•on. v a Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 11"� .J I 5 t I 191.. AA MAYOR Yeas (I') Council n'(%') Nays Farnsw rth C// In favor Kell Mc' 1 - Against Nash' Yoerg Mr. President, Powers FORM c a 2 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 11"� .J I 5 t I 191.. AA MAYOR r . C,1 J O-FST. PAUL, COUNCIL RES UTION---GENERAL FORM Subject: 1 COUNCIL No. Date Presented July ).,7 2'.-16 191 Resolygd'.' That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading Lydia St. from Hamline Ave. to Albert St., to Peter Dicksons at lump sum price bid of $815.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $991.00. F.B. #956. C. F. No. 11620—BY 51. N. G0"n— v 11-01 0d. That the ('oa"ol't hereby ,oncurs 1n the r 'a hf he Contract t'om mitt's rda Ihr eon tract for grading Lydia tit. [rom Hamllne .\" to .\Iher[ S[.. to 1`eler lliek ao n. nt lnrnp aum price bid f 5815.00. F.n glneer'a estlntate being §991 00. F. R. No. 958. Adont,Co .d by the t111161 .Inl- 20, 1916. AVnroved JItJu120'29-1916) Yeas (1') Co en (t') Nays Far Orth / , / •C In favor '��/✓` K Icr McColl � Against Nash Yoerg Mr. P—id.•nt, Powers Received aii paper in Zorconaeotion witFi above li,ult i on . Adopted by the Council ✓ Gv� "' Approved 191 C1�1Nw _� —YUR t - CITY OF ST. PAUL L COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:' COUNCIL LE N o. ^ Date Presented July 17th -16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concum in the reomrmmendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading Stewart Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Cleveland Ave., torChriot Johnson, at lump sum price bid of $4,415.70 - Engineer"Is Estimate being $5,477.00. F.B. #952. Ycas(�' )2answorth oncilmcn ( I) Nays �K,W_* In favor Kcl!er McColl (_ ' Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Adopted by the Council'] _�G� 191 Approved `I ✓! O 15 191 U _Y.N CITY- O'F 57. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL_FORM '`Q Subject: o < COUNCIL ._.. .. , FILE N O. b _ 1 Date Presented July 17th -16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Curbing Goodrich Ave. between W. Seventh St. and western Ave., to Carlson & Sandquist, at lum sum price bid of $753.40 - Engineer's Estimate being '1754.00. F.B. #953. I F. No. 11022-11, At. N. (;rss— Resol ved. Thnt the r'ouncll nere by s In Ih.• r i endntlrn or Ire. o�ttuuot cnmmnc�;e Are, ne 2,, fl flrd. the 61.1..1 for curbing r;oodrirh A— IZ_'o W. S'vV71h St. flrd WV.tern AV,,,,,. to ('nrlson Sandqulet, at Iump i m 'Price bld or $75,3.40. F.n Stneer's estimate. helm SYS1.00, R 1t. No. 053. .Adopted l.y the ('ounc it ]ulI' 20, 1911 APProved .1,1y 20. 1916. QIt y 29-1916) Received all papers in Connection witri above Resol tion. �v b ' Yeas (I') Co ncilmen (i') Nays Farnsworth ..Cqbs. Z/ In favor K,I!er _ Il1ccoll CJ Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Adopted by the Council K 7 19l( Approved) � 191. MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO. By_...._._. ....... ..... - ..... ........... ..................... _ ........................ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of........Grad ini;. 0.t.l.e....avenue.._f ..Q.m M.Ar a.11ell_._ayenue..-.t.o_. Laurel_.. .... __ avenue,_.Montroee avenue frQm._Dayto.n, -cereus to__L-gurel avenue, Marlboro avenue from Marshall avenue to Dayton avenue, C. F. No 11623— . In the Matter Of grading retia a'en.e f am Marshall avenue to Laurel ave- r e, \Iontrome,,nvenue from Dalton 'enue to Lalrel avenue. 'enue (ram•" b1—hallavenue to I -Y -'enue. under I'reliminxr .................._................ ,..,der 9540, approved �1..._.............._..._.................................... ............................... '-'-ring hev' under Preliminary order..........9b.4Q.......... ........ _. lmpre•;,proved_...... haz_oh.._18th� 1916........................... _...... IntermediaryOrder ......... ...... ..... ...............................__.......... ...... approved..................... _.. .... ............ ........... .........._............... ............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- t provernent to be made by the said City is__....._._(,�g�_g ee...gQenu,e...tx=..-M8r3ha11._&YflDue .to..._Laurel._&Venue.,....Mon.t�cclsfl...aYeS�1a�..Boal..,Daytgn.,-avenue to .Laurel avenue ........... ......... !. Marlboro avenue from Marshall avenue to Dayton avenue, a and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That ti3e Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - Adopted by the Council ........... _..... _...... ...: '.: _c.__ _.............__, 191 .........._ /�...�_Z- ................ %... .C........ .. — ------- -------- Clerk. p 1,1 n Approved....._.....,._..__.:....+'- -.:_ �...................... . 191 _.......... I `f ' t_.._..'._. ._ ... .. ........... i Mayor. Counci M Form B. & A. 8-7 'CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF, FINANCE � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER � p In tjte Matfer of t �II._� rii`C'1ll t `- LTJ --vis, f47 v. I Z!v� c' l - lti'✓� ^>_ p '—� — - ----- -- t, f� � ' under Preliminary Order approved "'"- 1: �- - y �L- - - -- - - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ - - - ----- -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESS E D VALUATION [/I 4F 7 7f roar 0su 0an TOTAL, CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF`FINNCE 1 ~ REPORT OF COMMISSIONED OF FINANCE 1 •� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION - 1 Sl Pao y J 4'L tan r 9 TOTAL, �. ,,CITY OF ST. PAUL _...i 1 1 DEPARTMENT OF F114N 'E ° . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER (B) DE'S C R I PT ION LOT BLOCK ADDITION,__ - e L: z -r=='7. j 5, v" Y ASSESSED VALUATION J� J c S J v o TOTAL, ' conn e. e.w. ee e CITY OP- ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ll / ADDITION 6-7 ,-o /F i Iffy � „� •.f..i 11 i TOTAL. ASSESSED VALJ,;loN��` ��77 NN �112a a .7' CITY OF ST PAUL ,DEPARTMENT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a _ s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lC) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 4j7 �C1 C✓ L _^o `t7 �lavL_ ^rzl I: ASSESSED VALUATION L S. J The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in refergnce to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated —'y " '. - 191`' Commissioner of 1:inance.. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance t \ May 9th, _ 1916.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conniii.smioner of Public Works, having had uudw consideration ills preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council Nile No. _ 9540 approved March 18th 191 , relative to _grad,iDg„Qt.�e Av.e,_frOm_Marehal.l Ave.. to Laurel Ave., Marlboro Ave, from Marshall Ave. to Dayton Ave. and Montrose 3t. from Dayton Ave... to Laurel. Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to there®, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ___. _necessary and (or) desirable. 95¢ per front foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is _- _ _ _ _ -., and the total cost thereof is 3, 836.75 and Frontage 4,046.1 ft. Exoese inspection $75.23 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - - 3, A plan, pronile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached auyl made it part herein'. 4. .i. Said improvement is.... __ __..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of properly, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co IllissioYcr of Public Works. r 'l �� a F CITY OF SAINT PAUL • ® OEPARTMLNT OF .PUBLIC WORK! M: N. dost- COMMISSIONER - ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D-1 Co...Nione. 1 ' OSCAR CLAU6SEN. C-1 Exeae[. J. E. CAR R CO-1—TI.. Sun. CUM.TI.. d P-1— ALFRED JACKSON, Surt. S—n.now St. _aul .Z-'.. !�.aj �J, G. H. HERROLD1 Om.[ Enun[[[ i$ H, W. GOETZINGER. S.n. Woww-oU- eP.. ...r• ..• Flo 5:i, , Cor^ issior.er of rublic 'Dear Sir,- I tsars .i'., he ecith prelic:irar sstir:a' e of cost for .7rLding Otis Avo. fro i :':a;'shall Ave. to La'irel Ave[, 1:arli:oro Ave. _om ,.u2:shall Ave. to Da for Ave. and I.:ontrose St..irom Da.,-6or Ave. to a _ Ave., it acco'.da..cc with Co�n�cil File *9540, aL-?20va3 1916 n�Prnximatc: es ,imate X3,836.75 Assessable f,o::tame 4,046.1 ft. Cost per fro,,': foot •95, DCcess i'n"ectio•- rccL'ssar-y ,75.23 _4 ea8,,,e::t i;' e la:.d neccssa:-, f f l _ cs,lls it ,'rc'.uin,- Otis 'vc., i,:arlboro A'. ..Lu :.c_'.i� cae St. i . �„� �rdc- cu 1,ith CO3'2 iI = l e 9541, approved T.:a'e. 16, 1916. Y-"r,- D7e C'i Cl _ ECr l-/' x "'f , JOHN B MEAGHER, SAINT pA• MINNESOTA. Estate of P. ?4. KELLY. 07 lo X --4 I n�a Vj 0 MAP ,- 1 IQ'16 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, To the aunoot Ot.�i. Gent lemeu:- Xe the undersigned, o=Vrs of property front - US on the following streets, hereby r+l "Ot you to order the gl**Ug Of Ot i -D MWM* &V m *W*S" to Lars" `; ✓ Montrose fkion mytoe to zwel; s r"oft 9"A t[hr-0411 to %ytou • Property 100*ted #n b9Mysr lsrt. LIM A /02-�3 �fc 3-7 g ST /74 v BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, a To the aunoot Ot.�i. Gent lemeu:- Xe the undersigned, o=Vrs of property front - US on the following streets, hereby r+l "Ot you to order the gl**Ug Of Ot i -D MWM* &V m *W*S" to Lars" `; ✓ Montrose fkion mytoe to zwel; s r"oft 9"A t[hr-0411 to %ytou • Property 100*ted #n b9Mysr lsrt. LIM A /02-�3 �fc 3-7 g ST /74 v BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, t 'I1CITY OF ST. PAUL .• COUNCIL .I-dESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM Subject: m (. /„ [A%•/ + COUNCIL FILE N o. Date Presented Julyt 20 1916 RESOLUTION fixing the amount of land or extent of easement to be taken in condemnation proceedings �1 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Otis ave- nue,'from Marshall avenue to Laurel avenue, and Montrose averue,from Dayton avenue to Laurel avenue, under Preliminary Order #9541, ap- proved March 17, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10767,'approved June 1 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having eutmitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1)That the City of St.Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Otis avenue and Montreal avenue,between the points aforesaid,to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Com- missioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 20,1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said streets to the established grade, C. F. No. g 1624— 1, the matter of condemning and tak- ing an g semen[ in the land ec - v far slopes. for cute and flue In the grading: of or u from lllarxhall even a to 7.aurel ,avenue. and Mora'c lro ad Dyto to i aurel ners Pren ling—ry Order No a 9541,u approved March 17. 1916, and In lermedlnry Order No. 10767, approved June 1, 1916. The Commission - his ofpi rtPublic lid Ilteteh having nn s In the hove matter; be It Rexolved. I1) Th. the City of St. Paul nxes and dete rmines the amount o11—,1 to be [,ken for the above as m d improvement Is ent In r slopes, for cuts and 1111, in and up- on the ]and abutting upon Oil, ¢venue and Montreal venue, between th pointe foresaidn to the extent show upon the .ketch ntt—hed to the report of the Commissioner of Publige Works In the atter, dated July 1916, - whlch sketch and report are hereby re - Yeas ✓ Counc' men Nays ferr d to and ra.adeem part hereof. )+� Y (2) That an ear ant ee sawn InS said land to the extent n e - fort Farn Orth elope., for 'cuts and nil. In the grading. ��� 2© Tg iS 191 oP =-�^ ,._.t. to ton es[nbl t,h.d grade. the Council ,) In favp Adoptad by the Council July 20, 1916.. Hy nd` App,oved Julu120'28916. K 916) ler npproved 11 .� (1 15 191 Coll Against I ' underlich U Mr. Presid nit, MAYOR FORM C. B -a 1 CITY OF,SA'NT PAUL Q DEFA.RTMENS OF eJBLIC WORKS y M. N. GOSS. COMMI88IONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D[ Coxxiniox[x' - OSCAR CLAUSSEK, CxSr Exuxean ,J. E. CARROLL Su— Coxnxucngx 4 RarrMa s [♦ ALFRED JACKSON. Suri. Sxxirynox o 6 12 G. H' HERROLD, Orrice Ex♦ixa[[ . H. W. GOETZINGER. Sur.. W.—x - - -REPORT TO THE COUACIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for elopes for cuts and fills in grading Otis avenue,from Marshall avenue to Laurel avenue, and Montrose avenue,from Dayton avenue to Laurel avenue, under Preliminary Order W9541, approved March 17,1916, and Inter- mediary Order #10767, approved June 1 1916. To the Council of the City of 9t.Paul: a The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above named improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched.portion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figues opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ommrs' eioner o Public W s --- 141F/RL KORO %�Y ® C /rr�/�ao7'ea Cvf bay!`oir i9va ¢o �%prJhall ,,,® i` /nd/c o>�J ,�//� f /%pr%G oro f%✓d. .SL Dpi pL f3/V. T p:co/ No%lion � � f T>a Toi! 9va /tai-aha/�9rd. BvlQov of �ngr3: r fyui-ea-Of�oYd I%i76 SiIO�Y CU1F car/�� i - / qJ� prowerrr<y /lira. cif: PUvl //t� 1n/7. f ur¢6 d¢/oW /%rJ6 Jiiow D'/JfonGa YYisiGir l fi'iOr!/ !d./ /9/6 ' i I i V e ZA Z6 Z6 Z7 Z6 29 - .CITY OF Sly. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FwA{iNCE.. . i �.4P REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - (A) / v In the Matter of�-. .. -- I ----' ----A ' �1J ✓7 �4Yt C '�Caul._c_9_ _ �L a 'r'S �' t l'Yielc C_✓WL ._Yr./�?�/..L'G'_ ........._•.. LL under Preliminary Order approvedTo thr Council of the City of St: Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement Is - - $ - - -- - ------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ---- -- - -- -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION I ZL �7 S -r L5 44 s o 7 Y7 kW t�- o 0 47 47 ronM a s n a e n TOTAL,. CITY Or, ST. PAUL .� L ' I DEPARTMENT O� FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r -- F ON PRELIMINARY ORDER `< (A) In the Matter of �L/�%� ' - yam! - .---- - u '�%-�=--1_G�-- .Y"s -------- —s-' Z 1 �C� L� l� e n ,2 z '� ----- -- ---------------------- ---- .--- ---------------- -------------------------------- --------- under Preliminary Order approved-r._ZZ�(ti--.... _.�.............-----...7 �_.... ----...... ......----__..._....... ------------- -----------...--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total' estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---- - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----------------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION C, o '� 47 l /.�) lam• ] C v 7 ti l 47 47 ,A1. u v O TOTAL, IONM �.9.A. ! 9 A - CITY OF ST. PAULA DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE„ REPO, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, 4 - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ - (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION --r p o o o iD ty �aj �o dP o 0 h9s )-Z) J ' 497 J 9 0 s`o 0 17 Y4 w 1 J p TOTAL, roew e.e.w. ee e \ CITY OF ST. PAUL .. DEPARTMENT' OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER'OF FINANCE ► ON r PRELIMINARY ORDER.. (B) DESCR I PTJ OF LOT pLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIOlJ LA, r S ('0 (ffrj rY G p 3 b /� l oZ IpD �40-0 UJ l9 / % 2 2J S � .roZJ T S O SO tal p�" / t; -- "o ld A, 2 � ss o TOTAL, ronM e.e.e. ee e CITY OF. S�. PAUL i ..DEPARTMENT - OF FINANCE\\, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE v . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) DESCRIPTION ,.LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION � J;; v ��v� ii• ,/ter( ✓YGY��r 3' o 0 c' a l y 'r7 Gny r v /, s7 'J+ e S o v S'v o � S s'7 6 o 0 z.�y �o P(, �o /7 /% 46p u4 400 AP4 v e l(/ D TOTAL, ronM ss.w. e -a s J C` The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. w. Dated- . __191 Commissioner of F�ia... IORM oel.A. G0 C CITYOP S'T``; PAUL. -J--tPARTMENT OF•FINANCE - p.• REPO- RT '0 COMMISSIONER OAF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER- -"' - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK! ADD[ TION ASSESSED VALUATION e � v kL"7aG a� y a zy . P .21 4 S O 2 -Y �iR� `f ✓ a` `7 m J C` The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. w. Dated- . __191 Commissioner of F�ia... IORM oel.A. G0 C o , Office of i�e CommissiVI—er of Public Works t Report to Commissioner of Finance May.___9th,.... . .......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council FRA4.1.__........ ._..... .... approved _._ MarOh 18,__.._ ........ .......1916...., relative to......._.... ..... ..... . elopes, for outs and fi11e. in grading Otis Ave from Marehall Ave. to Laurel Ave., Montrose St. from Dayton Ave..to Laurel Ave. and Marlboro Ave. from Marshall.Ave, to Dayton Ave. - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __..._.........necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated coat thereof is $...._..._XXXXR and the total cost thereof is XXXXX...., and a the nature -and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ . _..... . - .. _.. _.._ _ _. _._....... __..... % 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _........_..... ........ _....... ...... __ . . . o. Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. �i COUNCIL FILE NO......_._._...._.__ JIL625' FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.MGrading...E.tSle__8xt7C�E.ti.--.QN_ B4}F_�4 84.e._,_ to_PaoifiC 8tre. t'_ F. No. 11825— In the Matterop=gra In- &', etreet [rom H a venue to gaElaG; atr t, anger' P lim7na s rd¢r i Pero_ Aprlt lrih; 116 public has 1 g ving Deen had.; upon the ab wi yro me t uo du - ----------- .. —dany�e 'coon mmen- -----'- -- _...... _ ............ --------'--._ ................._..----_1' _— ___ ' . h.; ...................................................... under Preliminary order. __..__.......-1001,3_____„___—approved--_--_A�xil_17th 191i{i. ......tet_._—. ---- Intermediary Order.. ... —........... ........... ..... ..... _.____._____.approved_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_._...—._�—_____.......__.__...............__—_—__._._ _—..._ Pacif 1oStree t,,,,_ ........ _......_____..__..______........... .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in ac or jang,I erewith. Adopted by the Council....___ _._.._ -- _ —, 191 �! - City Approved-----_JUL 20 1916__—_....._,191_......... Mayor. Councilman Mayor For. B. S. A. 8-7 0 ftrro', �• & CITY A\ RTn-.,P Sp. PAUL I DEPARTt� 1pF FINANCE -.. ; • - REPORT-OE_,.COI�A" �SIONER-O,F, FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,(A) 'mow In t}fe Mater of -- ------------ `---- -- A ---- -- - ........ ----.b..— ---- _....._....- _.---_....-_-_._.-_.-_ n under Preliminary Order approved — ---- __--._._.........._---__....____..-__-_...--.-...._. _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' L1� The total estimated amount of theassessmentfor thda'bove improvement is - - $------------------------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--- %( � ----------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2:Z { e ley, IIAJd,� 3���4e TOTAL, '4 L J n CITY OP ST. L PAU- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE_ - - REP0E4T OF COfV�111PI SIGNER OF FINANCE ON, Pa MINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION G .2%. I d The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- - _._� -191 b/ IGt.GU1G!/'t/y - ---- ---_..... Commissioner of Finance. FORM M.S.A. ee c We, the undersigned property owners petition your honorable body to grade Etna Street, from Burns ive. to Pacific Street. NAla IX C j ADDRESS. 3 nNIE11102 APR 171916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, Office of the -Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Palll: The Conuuissiouer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- �.ril, known as Council File No. 10013 ._approved .April 17th, _ 1916... relative to grading _E.tna Street, .frcw. Bonne Ave- to Pacific Street. ;vol having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .necessary and (or) desirable. 96¢ per front foot 2Tlie -stiniatld cost thereof is .._. _ _, and the total cost thereof is :h 1587.41. and Frontage 1657 feet Excesa inspection X31.13 �thc nature and cxtcut of said improvement is as follows: J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attachod and made a part hereof. 4. x, 5. Said improvement is _.asked for upon p(-titiou of Ihrce or more oNvuers of property, snbjcct to assessment for said improvement. _. l'mnwissioncr of Pol)lic Works. n,n�s- ROSE RT T. GOURLfY, Ot" CORAM6611. OlCAR CLAUSSfN. CHV 4wunu J. f. CARROLL SUM, Coot..". $ R.— ALFRED JACKSON. SUrt. S, —.. G. H. HERROLO. 0,— E-1. H W. GOETZINGER, S.- W11--1, CITY>` OFA" SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PU\LIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER -- 0 May lath, 1916, Hon. M. N. Goss Commissioner of Public Works d u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Etna Street, from Burns Ave. to Pacific Street, under C. F. 10013, approved April 17th, 1916. Approximate estimate $1587.41 Cost per front foot .96 Frontage 1657 ft. Excess inspection 31.13 R Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. C/MT, b CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION'—GENERAL FORM (/ 1 Subject: counuL ij fjp/v I FILE N 0. r Date Presented Jully 20 1916 O RESOLUTION fixing the amount of land or extent of easement to be taken in condemnation proceedings. Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, fmr cute and fills in the grading of Etna street, from Darns avenue to Pacific street, under Preliminary Order #10014, approved April 17, 1916, and Intermediary Order a #10768, approved June 1 1916. The Commissioner of. Public Works having Submitted his report and Sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St.Paul fixes and deter- mines the amount of land to be taken for the above named im- provement is an easement for Slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Etna street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter,dated July 20, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (1) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. 7•'. \o. 11626-- In the mailer of condemning and tak- Ing x en[ In the land n - al•y for lopes, for cuts and fittest- the grading of Etnu street from llurns a e to Pwcltic st res 1. unser r'rel im lnar`u Order Yo. 10011, ap- proved April 17, 1916. and Interme- diary Order So. 10768, approved June 1. 1916. The Commissioner of Publle Works having submitted his report and sketch In the above matter. be IL Resolved. (l) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the n unt of land to be taken for the above tn% Improvement 1e a easement for elope., for c toand fills aIn and "r( upon the land abutting upon Etna street between the points aforesaid, to the extent ebown upon the .ketch at- Id to t report of the Commin- loner of P bile Works In the matter dated July 0, 1918 which ketch and reportd 6r reby referred m and m. de 7 all t gereaga • t1) That ement Is taken In . I '111d nd to the tent uses ..ry for Yeas (✓) Councilor (J) Nays .lope . for nuts and nus In the grading of aaa street to the established grass / / ap Proved July 2Council .,is a July 20. 1916. the Council �' 1- 191 C� rnsw th . In fa _ (July 2B-IBl6) Hyla G Approved (! J 191 ,J4ell Against I c(�oll ' 1 ' derIIcIt v Mr. Presides Irvin MAYOR ro.M CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF ,PUBLIC WORKS • M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - _ ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 011-1 C -- M' -N . OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CH•e• E---"- " J. E.'CAR ROLL Sun. CoxrtRua L RAAA ALPRED JACKSON. Sun. SA.ITA".. G H. HERROLD. 0m.. •E.INMA H. W. GOETZiNGER, Su1*. W XOOM < -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Etna street, from Burns avenue to Pacific street, under Prelimia8ry Order #10014, approved April 17, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10768, approved June 1 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above named improvement,shbving by the si:aded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the r hatched portionq the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by thefigures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. jr Co��ioner f Publi Vorks Dated]�V/k_.______ A C&TY OF 57. PA1jJ- E)E,P*R-rMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE 04 PRELIFMARY ORDER ER (A) 17 In tl�i'u'Matter of ---- ------ 7- - -------- ---------- -------- --- - - ------- - ---------- - ------ - - - - - — ---- ---------- - - - - ------------------ - - --------- --- - ----- ----- --- ---- - - - ---- - -------- --------- - - .... . ........... ---------- - ------------ - - - ---------------- ------------------ - - - -- -- - ------------------ - -------------- ------- ------ - ------ ----- - ---------------- ------------- ----------- - -- ----- --- ------------------- ----------- ........... ----------------- - ---------- under Preliminary Order approved .......... - --- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement -M The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J -'o �52 4 7 TOTAL, (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL' ` DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPb OF COMMIfPIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM,NARY. ORDER ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 3/'Oo SCJ \■ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _I911 Commissioner of Finance. FORM E.S.A. 8-6 C To flte Commissioner of Finance .of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eousideratiotn the preliminary order of the Comt- cil, known as Council File No. _..10014___.ap.proved__. _..._.April --17.th. a_..191 .6— relative to_.,.__.__._.. —_ .... condemning and taking an easement in the land.neceseary for __.... fills in grading Etna St. from Burns Ave. to elopes, for outs and ..............._ ...._._.... . .._ .... __ ... Pacific St. .................. _... . and having investigat@d the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ____.____.necessary and (or) desirable. RXXX.._._., and L. The estimated eost thereof is $.... and the total cost thereof is $ - the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - - - - ... _.... _.... ................. . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......... _................ ............_ ......_.......... ............._.. 5. Said improvement is ............ .......asked for upon petition of three or mote owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Conan ssioner of Public Work . Y1 � \ 11427 ii53— 4, tumaini a! ordt. No dr, Counall CRY 0 , f Pt.,pajil. it .los e. ordaln B$CTiON 1. An ordinance to settle .�vrare to hat t.. biary�_! O'Hara. of Paul,1V - THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 1OF ST .'PAU b N Sectioni. That the proposition of Mary A= O'Hara, to 'compromise and settle her claim against the dirty of St..Paul, arising .out of injuries received by her by reason of 4 -fall on.an icy I --sidewalk near 759 Raymond Avenue, as is more,'particularly set out, in her communication to the Council under date, 6fMa:rch 15th, 1916, % upon payment to her of the sum of One Hundred'Dollars, be, and the same is here I by accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Mary Ann O'Hara, payable out of the Compromise Accoubt of t ' he General Fund, in the sum of On&Hundred Dollars; on1ji said sum, however, to be delivered/upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to beapproved'by the Corpora- tion Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all clai I me and demands of " every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the ciroumstano ' es hereinbefore noted. Section 2. This ordinance 4 shall take effpot and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas (V) Councilmen V) Nays L/yarnsw-orth .1/ Coss 71n favor 4yl I ,,,n r 0 Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin FORM C. irk, Adopted by the Council 1910 Approved 191 OR %/MAY PUBLISHED IJ �.¢,pax�ltt,Mtb �£ �r�tru CITY OF SAINT PAUL " •JOHN PfHYLE•e - - � ,JOHN A BURNS , WILLIAM J. GIBERSON T HOS.W.MCMEEHIN July 15th, 1916. To. the Colancil: Oentbemen: HerewithnI transmit for your approval, ordinance settling the, claim of Mary Ann O'Hara, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars. After a careful investigation of the above claim, it in the opinion of this Department, that the proposed settlement is reasonable and to the best interest of the City. Yurs truly, / A6st. Corporation Counsel r- 116288 f 4f An ordinance to amend Administratl a Ordinance No. 3338, approved December 9ths 1914, entitled "An ordinance organizing the office of the City Clerk, prescribing the officers and employees thereof, and fixing their compensation and duties." This is an emergency ordinance rendered neosseary,for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF.ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Sectio1 of Ordinance No. 3328, approved December 9th, 1914, entitled "An rdinance organizing the office of the City Clerk, prescribing the officers and employees thereof, and fixing their9oompeneation and duties," be amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. That the officers and employees in the office of the City Clerk and the salaries which they shall. receive shall be as follows: One Deputy City Clerk, at a salary of $1800.00 per year; One Record Clerk and Stenographer, at a salary of $1080.00 per year; One File Clerk, at a salary of $1020.00 per year; e n r rk, at a salary of $1020.00 per year; One ata salary of $540.00 par year; �d such other employees as the Council, at the request of the City Clerk may authorize by resolution, and at su2 '; ?1- salaries as it shall fix." Section 2. This ordnance ia-hereby deolare^d to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publio peace, health and safety. Section 3, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. tha,alart, Cl.— """all be a r Onee shall City Cl—; AUr, —4 ; of 6180000 per year' ��b One Record Clerk and steno, ` at a salary of 61020.00 per year, Adopted by the Council 193 $10 000 iter CClerk, at Ceu.isNC:ft..•„ t a salary of 61020.00 per year; Ona Typist t a salary f $640.00- per year Yeas Nays and such other employees as the Court �.�t may at the request re the Ci. Clerk / a anthorlae by OI tion, d t BIr. Farnsworth may salaries ae It nuns RECTION 2 • GOBa This ordinance rd an declared to Hyland ,7� s p Be the ordinance arendered-i. y / j the preseYvatlQ ^ t i Keller /p/ 'tnelth ^'N' McColl ,,,Wundexlioh .-President (Irvin) Approved` 1C At teat - _._ i��c' PC.'IILISiiEti. I=•_.---YOr ��//� City Clerk- . n Petition,attaohed to-Preliminary Order C. F.,, '#11451 C.,mm.11 Vile ;io._. l 1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. t' ' and PRELU IINARY, ORDER. 'I'h�• uw1. rsigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. I'anl, viz.: Qonstrnot.....a....o.eme7at_._t.il.e.._sidewalk....t.o_...a_.wlAth_-of ._.six. ...feet ..on. .-the ween side_ 03_ Zes ngton,,�ge _.betweez>..Sxaerburne Ave.._ anfi_-Univ. ty Ave. Dated this Zl8t _day of ____duly 191 6. ` '�/—'{�/ Councilman. PRELiPMARY ORDER. R"IlEltl::\�. A ritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:,__._ .. Construct a. cement... tile :s1dewa1k .td._.a....width_.-o3theWest side of•Leaington,Ave._ between...Sherburnei.Ave. __and -University--Ave. _ VUSLIU AARP ORDSR7. i C. F. No. 11889— __.. _. _........__..._. - whereas, A written pr.Poeal fo ""'.--" making of the following improv+ vis: construct aIcement the eld, having been presented to the Couu to a width of al: feet on the wesfouncllnuur __.__.._.. or LeXington Ave. between Bher therefore, he it e. and UNvere/iy Ave., having ie.. to the be it 'he of the Cil RI?SOLVED, That the, Coinmissio¢ 6e.olvee. That the commfselor 51e ie hereby ordered and directs ,bllc Work. be and be a hera�• 1., To investigate the necessity fired and directed: the neoe.la king of said improvement. To deelramlity of the making olid improvement, and the total cost thereof. L. To investigate the nature, esf,provement estimated cost te tof he said nature l 3cv . To furnish a plan, profile or ek t• and the total cost tb •e" To furnish a Plan. ,.. . �. 'Po I'nruish III" follorcing other' teToff+raid tmP*ov�mt,t relntive to said improvement: _...... ___.. rAr :i. -.. .:. _.-.. ............... ...... ........ ._.. ......._._.._ 5. To state whether or n wt said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the egoin matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_..f..- Yeas: days: Councilman royw°rth ��'' `'_�•'_l�.lCb .191_. _ Approved / Beller �� r McColl l *'7®e& Hy d Wderlioh_...............,__....._.,...._.._._._......._._.._......_._......_............_....... Mayor amma Tin Mayor. )FUBLISIEED 1 Petition attaohed to Council Nli No..... C. P. fib139- PROPOSAL FOR, IKPR6V=dENT.and IM330 E PRELBUNARY ORDER,. The nudersigned-hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: __Curb.._ both. _aidaa_-o.f...Lafond.-St....._betwaen...Pascal._Ave....:.and...Albert...3t. in. soo.ardenae..'Si.th_pe.titi.on attadhed..-to.' Final._Order.-C....E......1=9.,._ on _file. with.. City.. ¢1ePk.. _.__ ......_.......... Dated this.__219t_ day of _.__Jing _ 191....6. f' G. 1611uan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: I Curb both sides _ofL .;gond.... t..e..._b.etwe.ex1....Paan.a"]...6Ye.,...and..Albart.._3.t..... . .......................... _...... F. No.11830— proposal, for the Vhereae, A writ len acing of the following Improvement,, .,._ Curb beth sides.of Lofond St. be- -- - --- -- - - -- --- etieenses,preaented [o the Coutn�cilao[ having been presented to the Council t car of st. tool therefore, be It ilman_. ._........ ...._____.... . .solved, That the Commissioner of ihCPCPOCC, be It •110 Works be and he is hereby or- '•d and directed: To inveetlpp� a the ceeelty 1 RESOLVED, That the Commissim.• =1-1,1utr C*[he making of et 'is hereby ordered and directed: " nt. 1. To investigate the necessity Fur �tIn iedlgo�i [oi esinrinv ' ng of said improvement. ad she total cost thereof. td improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent t, farnf.h Busman:. pro^' of said impro 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketo'ifinfo mation r�', -,eat. a. To furnish t.1w following other dot .[ate whet' -v ion relative to said improvement: 5. To state whether br not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fp egoing matters t--o//the Commissioner of Finance. iAdopted by the Council_.... r Yeas: Noes: Councilman Flirt worth Approved.._ Ji1L 2._2_191.6_ __._191........ Kell r Mc oil • " ; f Hyl d Wan erliah_..._.__......._...... .... __..........._.._..._........... _........ _... ..._......_ Mayor Ir n Mayor. r t'UBLISiiED� /� CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _C=etr.Rat" a, aezez an—Casa. St.. :Ernm Frank St. to a point 135 ft. east of the east line ofCase;St,. — _ _ — — — 9297_ —•_ under Preliminary Order Final Order _ _ _ _ _, 1i28b�— — API7ROVFD_ June 29 1916." 191_ '$ESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved iC. F, No. 11891— _ Recefved all papers in In the matter, of drank St. t a sewer t]1 &bode on Ceae 8t. rom Frank Bt. to %Dofnt' ronnction 196 feet east of the east line ot. Cess,. Rt.. under Prelfminarco OadJuneS89,Flnal Order 11899; BDp 1919. R.aolv, That tae .bane eption. and estimates. eubmlttedby the Commi..ioner of PubltmoeWork. far the and thel above named 1mDrayG .ams are hereby approved. 1919. - Adopted by the Councll JuIY S7, ( - Approved July. 89' 1919. f' (July 89.1919) Adopted by the Council _ lam_ _ _ _ 2- _19l Yeas: ( 1 ( ) Nays Councilman Farnsworth r0— Seller n Mc Coll H=k Hyland ApprovedAL- i�f i� 191T' Y Wunderlich U _ Mr.President Irvin 1. CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION: In the matter of _D(WrLt 1iQ.tjDp- a_ s.eaer on -Fairview -Ave,. from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — under Preliminary Order _ 9374 _ Final Order _ 1136 _ — APPROVID r' _ lIuly_3.1914a----- ---191_. )RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same ate'•�hereby approved C. In the tte[ Of constructing s on Fal lew Av- from 8L. Cla{r in to JeRe Ave. under Preliminary Q, �i'g Oroer 98 4;� Final Order 11368, apRBCeiOea`a.11 .p P, proved Ju y 3, 1818. - W th bove Resolved, hat the plana, eDby ca_ conrieCtiOri • A4r tions and ee tmatee ubmleted b the Commission of Public Works for the I Resolutio above named Improvement and the same era hereby )➢Droved. Adopted by the Connell o' 21,- ApDroved July YY, 1918. (JuIY Adopted by the Council = (� ^ x� � 191 Tow): ! ? 1 mays QouriC i� riiAh 8rb$ Coll , � l .Hyland Approved L .z;?J�_ 191 Wunderlich DQr.Preeideatkm= Irvin (/ --------- mayor.— I s 11623 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _grajing_Al3-ey—in Sontten's Sub ef--Block 71 Lyman Dayton's Addition _ — — — — --- — — under Preliminary Order _ 7809_ _, Final Order _ 11.Z5$ _ _ APPROVED June 2S 1916. _ — — — 191 _. JIMOLVED, That the plans, specifications amd estimates submitted by the CommissioVr of Public works for the above named improvement be and theO^,aZare hereby approved C. F. No. 11633-0 In the matter f grading alley in �. Scotten's Sub. of Block 41, Lyman - Dayton's Addition under Preliminary Order 7809, Final order 11299, of,- II Received all papers Ln proved June 28, 1916. Resolved, That the plane, p..Ifl--I conn otion @i above tions and eetlmaten ubmitted by the Res u•tio Commteeloner of Pub to Works for the above named improvement be and the i. name ere hereby approved. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1919. " Approved July 22, 1916. (July 29-1916) Adopted by the Council Yeas- ( ) t 1 Nays Councilman Fa sworth / Ke or _ Mo Coll _ 191 Ryland Ap' rove/( 4 '— XL Wunderlich V Mr.President Irvin S ... CITY OF ST. Fr;UL COSICIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _grading_ rgagt_at,irom Kenneth St. to 4 Prior Ave - ——————————— .—————————— — — -- —— . under Preliminary Order _8708 _ �, Pinal Order _ �7E�g _ _ L P-tOv ED —June 283 1916 e — — — — — — — — 191 RESOLVED, That the plans,_specificatio:s and estimates subritted by the Commissioner of Vublic 'ilor}:s for the above nrtmed improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 1105/— In the matter f grading. Sargent St.. I , from Kenneth St. to Prior Ave., un- der Preliminary Order 070,8. FFp61 Order 11258, approved June -.28;° 810. Received all paperg in Resolved. That the-plan..:speotloa- connection With above tlong. and. estimates submitted by the Cog lssloner of Publle Work. for'thb Resol ti aDo _ named Improvement be and the eamb' afe hereby approved. , .l hdopto" by the �u1� 22, 1018. Approved Jull2 2,_191 '`•` ldul,' r; T1111 Adorted by the Council Yeas: ( ) v ( 1 hays Councilman'nrn worth / -Xe er C/J "c oll $Mend Approved Wunderlich — Ix.Presidentp% Irvin _ - - -—Laycr- IN95 CITY OP ST-. rilUI, COTdCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of�19ck2�AUQrhaeb� AdlUti2n— — — — under Preliminary Order _72t6A _ —, Pinal Order _11414 _ _ A:P.ROV-'D ——4un���,�6•— — — — — — — 191 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Mork$$ for the above nrtmed improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 11635— In the matter of grading alley in Bloct! 26, Auerbach & Hand's Addition un- der Preliminary Order 7266, Final Urder 3123", approved June 2S, 1916. Received SIl 8, Resolvhd, That the plane, epeciflca- P j7eTS !ii tion" and estimates bmitted by the onneetion W th above mmleeioner of Public Works for the A above named Improvement beiand the eeol tl C% e are hereby approved. _ ..me ted by the Council Suly 21, 1916. i, Approved July 22. 1916. (July 29-1916) Adopted by the Council Yeas: ( ) ) hays Coancilman�'�'� nsl7orth / ✓r 11er Coll 'k Hyland Appr}v�d I° -•.President Wunderlich Irvin v —I'ayc r . M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1 In the matter of — •grading alley _rL19 1_1 IS -1llute -Brother's 1 Division under Preliminary Order _ 4364 Final Ordex 11g8g _ _ APPROVED June 29,11916.--_-___-191 �. MOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates• submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved II C. P. N<o. 11636-0 ' i In [he otter f R:.Itd alley In { Rlock 16, Chute Broth.,% Dlvlalon. under r'rellminary d Order 11286, approved June 29, 1916 Resolved, That the plana, peelflea- Received al Ilona and eetimatea ubmltted by the l. papers in Commle.lo..I of Publlo Work. for theonnecti Cn. W above named Improvement be and, to th above y same hereby approve July 21, 191 Fe9Dlll iQjl Annroved July 22, 1!n e. (July 29-1916) Adopted by the Council Yeas: ( ) ( 1 Nays Councilman a sworth / er Coll Hyland Approved Jl!: 22 1916 _ 191 Wunderlich Mr.President Irvin -------- Payor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of gradin-9.,Be11gyuQ—Aye.. 4r-Pr1. W. -7th -St- to Stewart Ave., Munster St. from W. 7th St. to Davern Ave., Graham St. from W. 7th St.—to 30avern Ave. end -pELyeAya, -Tr-QM- W. nth t+ -xO. —S$ewart Ave: _ Final Order APPROVED under Preliminary Order _ 84,,07_ F _s _ 1]120 — — June 20Z 1916__ —__—_--191` gESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 11637— In the matter of grading Bellevue Ave. from St. to Stewart Ave., ' Munster St. from W. 7th St, to Dav- n Ave., uranam St. from W. 7th i St. to Davern Ave. and Davern Ave. from W. 7th St. to Stewart Ave.. under Preliminary order 8467, Final Received all papers in Drder 1112% approved June 20, 1916. Connection with above Re.olyed, Iha[ tho plane, pealflca- non� na eeumatee ubmutea by the Res lllig{�. Commiabove eelo.or f Publlor Work. for the' IKI�Q .ame are hereby ed Improvement be and the i- Adopted by the Cou"ll July 21, 1916. Approved July 22. 1916. (July 29-1916) �r Adopted by the Council _ / _ r % _._ 191 Yeas: ( ) ° ( 1 Nays Councilman Pa n orth er / oil 191T li Hyland Approved Wunderlich Mr.President Irvin — Mayor. 1 qq z ....t. CITY OF ST.\PA,UL _ 1-:1638- ., ,1- -COU NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7. Subject:... . COUNCIL . . rite NO....._ _:..... _... IDate Presented...JU1Y__21%26_,.___.. l9l'..1... Resolved, That Resolution Council File No.11621 awarding contract fpr the grading of Stewart Avenue from West Seventh Street to Cleveland Avenue to Christ Johnson for the sum of $4,415.00 be and the same is hereby rescinded and contract for doing said work is awarded to Keough Bros for the sum of $3670.0b# they being the lowest responsible bidder. F.B.952 C: F No I1838—By M. N...Goae— Reeolved, That Resoii%= Council File No. 11821awardlRS-con[rhet for the grading of Stewart A=Ue from Nest seventh -street t0-Clevarand Ave- ue to Christ Johnson for' the sum of 34.416.00 bend the entre is hereby re- scinded andcontract for doing Bald we is Twarded to Keough Bros. or the sum of {36.0.00, they being the lowest r spon..1d. bidd.r. Adopted by the Council Tuly 21; 3916. Approved July 21, 2.11918. f3uly 2918) connec Received all paporg 111 tion with above Resolution, r Yeas (✓) Councilmen (I') Nays Farnsworth �^ 6esit (�__ In favor Keller McColl Against Na3h Yoerg Mr. President, Powers FORM C.a-2 Adopted by the Council Approved_.�.......191:. r ..............MAYOR --a I _ - CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GEN ERAL'.FORM Subject: 'n J✓� COUNCIL NO FILE Date Presented t 191 That, with the apiroval of the Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller, there is hereby transferred from the Maintenance and Repair Item of the Health Account, the sum of Two Thousand ($2000.00) dollars to the Maintenance and Repair Item of the Quarantine Account, Bureau of Health thereby preventing; an unavoidable deficiency in the last named account. Yeas (✓) COL ncilmen ( ✓) Nays Fa "Porth 'qty iind 'Kel er I -MC oil ' Wderlich Mr. Preside Irvin FORM C. a-2 I C. F. No. 11639—By Henry McColl— Resolved. That. with lite approval f the Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller, there is hereby transfer- red/from the Maintenance and Repair) :Item of the Health Account, the sum of Two Thousand ($2000.00) dollar, to i the Me In tenance and Flepair Item of the Quarantine Account. Bureau of. Health thereby preventing a un- avoidable deficiency In the last named; ncAunL dopted by the Council July 21. 1916.' Approved July 22, 1916, (July 29-1916) Adopted by the Council !� i 191 t/ In favor C Approved — ' 7�J 191 Against /v/ _ MAYOR _ Subject: CITY OF ST. 'PAUL - COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL; FORMCOUNCIL /���nn,.' ' FILE No - Date o. Date Presented. July 21, 191 6. Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars from the Maintenance Account of the Street Construction & Repair Fund to the Wage Account of the same Fund, and the sum of Two Thousand Dollars from the Maintenance Account of the Sewer Cleaning Account of the Street & Sewer Cleaning Fund to the Wage Account of the same Fund, as thereby an unavoidable deficiency in the item of wages.in said Funds may be met without hampering the work provided for by the money in the items of Maintenance. C. F. No. 11640—By M. N. Gose— Resolved, That the City Comptroller be led he la hereby au the lied and dl• rested to tr...for the sum of Twenty- . tive Thousand Dollars from the Maln- tenance Account of the Street Con- struction & Repalr Fund to the Wage; Account of the same Fund, and the sum of Two Thousand Dollars from the Main tr ounce .account of the Sewer Cleaning Account of the Street & Sew r Cleaning Fund to the Wage Account of the same Fund. as thereby a un- ... idable deficiency In the item Of we gas In said Funds -may be met with - lout hampering the Work provided for by the money 1, the It... of Main- tenance. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916.' Approved July 22, 1916. (July 29-1916) Yeas (✓) Council en (✓) Nays Farns orth Adopted by the Council Z 191 In favor Hyla K Ile Approved �) IaJ I b 191 Mun e O Against Wun erlich Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR FORM C. 9.3 +l . .a Subject: l CITY OF ST AUL �{L`/11 COUNCIJ_ RESOLUTION—,GENERAL FORMpF�Ayt '.. rOUNCIL ILE NO Date Presented July 21 191 6 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Livingston avenue, between Isabel and Concord streets, to be sprinkled during the balance of the season 1916. ' C. F. No. 11611—BY M. N. 6oee— I Resolved. That the Commisetonvr or eedPubilc Works eand directeor- de to l auaehersLiving. on authnv mue. between Isabel and Concord streets. to be sprinkled during the bal- Ianno or the season 1916.Ji July 21, 1916, Adoted bypproved Jul Ye 2, une A 1916. (July 29-1916) r Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen (J) Days i Farn orth / Adopted by the Council' '" 1 191 v In Favor Hyla d un APProved 1�� 191 MCCO Against W und lith Mr. President. I in MAYOR FORM C. B-2 Subject: • 1 e CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOL°UTIbN—GENERAL FORM . N41 Y COUNCIL 1 FILE N o. Date. Presented July 21 191 6. Resolved; That the time specified for the performance of,a certain contract a. dated September 9th, 1915 between W. H. Malone Co. and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Milton St. from Thomas St. to Blair St. be extended to July 15th, 19161 and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 11643— Reeolyed, That the time specified for the I&S recance of a certain contract dated 6 pto.her 9th, 1916 between W. H. ➢l alone Co. and the City of Stl Paul gradingfor the Thoma. St. tot Blair t r Sbe e.tc.ded to July 6th, 1916,and the proper city officer. a e hereby authorized to ext, cute an amendment to Bald contract in accordance herewith, provided, how- ever, that this resolution shall not, have any force and effect unless the a.reties on the contractor. bead con - 'sent thereto and its such consent in writing with the City Comptrol I"' Adopted by the Council July Et, 1916. Approved Jul16 July23991916) 1 Yeas ( ✓) Co ncilmen ( ✓) Nays Fa nsworth �( In favor C' H land K Her Coll Against nderlich Mr. Preside t. Irvin FORM C. 6 Adopted by the Council 6�,e .2 � 191 •2 L Approved 191 MAYOR = o. St. Paul, Minn. July 19, 1916. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - We would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of Milton St. from Thomas St. to Blair St. be extended to July 15, 1916. Owing to the fact that we graded this street to the • grade as shown on the plans for said grading and afterwards a petition was presented to the City Council requesting that the grade be changed on said Hilton St. which required us to back -fill the excavation made by us, as shown by the elevation given on the profiles accompany} ing Council File #10953, approved June 13, 1916, which profiles call for the grade to be raised from elevation 220 above City Datum to elevation 226 above City Datum at the intersection of Blair and Milton Ste. and KU elevation 200 above City Datum at the north line of Lafond St., hence we desike to askthatthe time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. o Yours very truly, Contractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements -of this office is concerned. �p:e�riniei�dWhT of—Cons r _ n & epa�r n a_. ommissio er oj �YorT��"---'--�h3e? 'Z �E11------- Y,�.r "CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ° Subject: COUNCIL FILE N O. Date Presented 22:�y 21, 1916. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated August 13th, 1915, between W. H. Malone Co. and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Dunlap. St. from St. Anthony Ave. to University Ave. and Central Ave. from Dunlap St. to Lexington Ave., be extended to August 20th, 1916, and .the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and -file such consent -in writing with the City Comptroller. C- r. NO. 11643— Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of n -main contract dated August. 13th, 19;6, between N, H- "dalope Co, and the City of 9t. paul for the grading of Dunlap y. from StAnthO". Central Ave eAvetfrom Dunlapto SL to Lex- ington .Ave., be extended to August 120th, 1916, and the proper 'ItY oKieers „ inre here by uthoried to cute an Imeenthere to "ala contract In accord' - this r[ha.e lu [ I fot�h a all bled. ho ever, that and exec[ unless the suretiesn on the ontsracto v... d onsent th teto and Hle h t In writing Ith the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. Approved July 22, 1916. (July 29-1916) Yeas (✓) Councilm (✓) Nays Farnswor Gees Hyland Keller Mcco Wun rlich Mr. President, rvin FORM C. R-2 �-i / Adopted by the Council' 1.� ^ 191 In favor Approved � '-'16 191 � Against }��,"��A��","" ,��•11 MATOR St. Paul, Minn. July 19, 1916. 1:161. To the Honorable City Council, CITY. Gentlemen,- We would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contractofor the grading of Dunlap St. from St. Anthony Ave. to University Ave. and Central Ave. from Dunlap St. to Lexington Ave. be extended to the 2 oth day. of August }916. -Owing to the fact that our work has been greatly delayed on account of failure to secure necessary slope releases, due to the I slopes not having been legally condemned, as well as. to the fact that a sewer was built on Central Ave. between Dunlap St. and Lexington Ave. and the S?. Paul American Association Base Ball Club constructed a large concrete retaining wall alongside of their property on Central Ave. which wall was not constructed until late this spring, hence we desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours vert J y 7 OO Contractor There is no objection to having, the time extended -.s requested, as far as the require ants this; is concerned. r ri enden ofDpCnqonstruc ion Repaib APPROY,M -------CHief Engineer------ o�Siono u��orks .— CITE OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION''=GENERAL FORM Subject: v //� ' FOUNCIL „1.� t1644 Date Presented July 20, 1916. I Resolved,. That the time specified for the performance of a certain contraot dated March 14, 1916, between Fs. T. Webster and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Princeton Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Sue St. be extended to the 10th day of August, 19169 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an•amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force -and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. u o. 11644- 1 vetl, me eP.c.ned for thepertorma ce ofe [Certain contract deted sfarnh 14, 1816, between E. T. the cone and the Clty of SL Paul for the [ruction of n sewer on Prince- 1O^ Avne. Iron Cleveland Ave. to Sue S[, be xtended to the 10th day of Au- Insuet,hereby 1916, and the pr0^er city Ofrlcers I amendment tho111112ed to execute non dunce her,,,,, Provided hon c - that thn la r s lutlon shall Wont havea,_ three ad effect mess the uhavee on the on tractor's bond cones t thereto dRlsuch conent In waling Within" the City Comptroller, r Adopted by the CoLinoll July 21, 1916. AODroved July 22, 3918. (JaIY 89-1918) Adopted by the Council 'yl b, `? 12 6 Approved % 191 MAYOR Yeas (✓) Coun iKnen (✓) Nays r worth / f� nd C/J In favor Kell r G //Wlc oil Against t�Vynderlich Mr. Pre ent, Irvin FORM C. 9-2 Adopted by the Council 'yl b, `? 12 6 Approved % 191 MAYOR Gentlemen,, I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the construction of a sewer on Princeton Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Sue St. be extended to the 10th day of August, 1916. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. YguZs very truly Contractor There is no obje6tion to having the time extended as requested, as far as thuir is of this office is c n �uperinten3ent—off CCons.ruc —ri & Repair. APPROVED- - Zrommiseioner 07 g o or 1 CITY OF ST.PAUL . r COUNCIL "RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , e Subject:.. LAYING IVA= MAINS IM45 --� COUNCIL FILL: NO ............................... .. Date Presented... -191........... Resolved, water mains be laid in the following streets, Stickney Street, Belvidere to Annapolis, EaBt Cates street, from South Robert to Riverview Ave., Wyoming Street, South Robert to Gorman, a Michigan Street, Webster to St. Albans, Palace Street, from end of present main to Pleasant Ave., Juno Street, Chatsworth to Pleasant, Palace Street, Syndicate to Griggs, Pascal Avenue, St. Clair to Jefferson, Fairview Avenue, Palace to Jefferson, Jefferson Avenue, Fairview to Prior. C.F No. 11646—By O. E. Aeller— Reeolved, That water mains be laid in the following street.: oll tickney street, Belvidere to Annap- East Gates street. from South Bob, o WyoRI—view-Avenre •South Robert to GorTo To St., Webster to SL Alban.. Palace St, from end of present main to Pleasant Ave. Juno street, Chatsworth to Pleasant PalaceSt, Syndicate to Griggs Pascal Ave., SL Clair to Jefferson. Fairview Ave., Palace to Jefferson. Jefferson Ave., Fairview toy Prior. Adopted by the Council July 81, 1816. Approved July 22, 1616. (July 26-1616) ,yr / .adopted by the Cot .19Y� i approved" 191 MAYOR Yeas L I) Cou cillnen (f) Nays �[ Fa nsworth In favor eller —Nr.Coll Against Vo erg Mr. President, Rewe" ,yr / .adopted by the Cot .19Y� i approved" 191 MAYOR IT A����, pupa rhmeah v� j'Jv b I ic� f hi ihies BOAR OF WATER C(:JM MIS`,IO NERS QurBau v'f \ahvr July17, OscGR E R . e 5n 1 9 1 6. v G055 i GIIRETT O 1005E. Ge p ° 4e� To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, City of Saint Paul. a Gentlemen: - The Board of ;Yater Commissioners, at a meeting held this day, unanimously adopted the following resolution: "Resolved that the Council be, and it herby is, requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets: Stickney Street, Belvidere to Annapolis, Eas"*Rtes Street, South Robert to Riverview Ave., Wyoming Street, South Robert to Gorman, Michigan Street, Webster to St. Albans, Palace Street, from end of present main to Pleasant Ave., Juno Street, from Chatswort-h to Pleasant, Palace Street, from Syndicate to Griggs, Pascal Avenue, from St. Clair to Jefferson, Fairview Avenue, Palace to Jefferson, Jefferson Avenue, Fairview to Prior." Veyz s, Encl. Secretary. 1 CITY OF ST. R.AUL 1164r, CO UNCf RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM _ - COUNCIL �- 11-646 FILDate Presented 191 Resolved, That the'Department of Public safety, Bureau of Police, is hereby authorized to temporarily employ Dr. Vereellini for a period of fifteen (15) days during which time Dr. A. J. Dohm will lake his annual vacation. i C. F. No. 11646—Hy Henry McCoil— Re.olved, That the Department of Publlo Bafety,'Bureau of Police, t. tlhereby authorl.ed to temporarily am- oy Dr. Veraelllnt for a period of_ftf- teen (16) day. during which time Dr. A J. Doh. will take hie annual va- r cation. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. '. Approved July 22, 1916. (July 29-1916) Yeas (✓)jKler m (✓) Nays / th Y//J I In favor 0 Against unerlich Mr. President. Irvin FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council �� 2 191 JUL 22 :916 Approved 191 MAYOR RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND T` AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. ---�� RESOLUTIUNS RATIF,I7NG AND OON; e F1 WAR COF"DAM` GES AWARDS OF';rfAHE ES AND ASSESSMENT TEERE60R. F. No. 11647— In the matter or co damning and f InK a easemettt 1. the land n ' n •.u, for C v ani . ,In the matter of Condemning and. taking an eapeme?1t..in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Mendota street from Will$ street to Maryland street, the land to be Laken for the above named-_._ improvement being more particularly described as an casement for slopes for cuts and fills in and upon the landabuttingupon Mendota street, between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated October let, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 3'437 approved Jan, 19th, 1915, Intermediary Order 6733 J approved August 27th, 1915. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation "of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages th,refor, and also upon the assessment -of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- s?ectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_, j� C equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. �j Adopted by the Council Approved u _ f : 1 _ 191 ty Clerk. Mayor. / Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss 9 / PT TPU fnr >r— Councilman Keller Councilman Councilman Me" Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS V/ oav iog ®d tam en 0ZetaMt tas th.0 181 Inthe matter of ...___ ._.._..... ._._..._ _.._... _......_.._ .._.._... . .. ........__.. <..– _ —......_...._- for Blope*� 'tor outs and Mls ID SM41� uiesftta at�t* from _... ............ _. __ ...._ . _........_. .... ..__....._.. ...._. .....___... __...._....... t _ We11,1 street_. to on��lB_Bt�Y'9@tR__..._ .......... .......... .. Under Preliminary Order _. _....., approved 1Q ..,4ntermediary Order approved ._.�.._%..._X............_ TO WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, at the- Councij Chamber, W in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the _ _ jam.. __ ___ day of —111 191........, at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be "WW"Or the above improvement, and the persons to whom such award$ are payable and for the con- firmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of -b nefits to property from the making of said improve- ment. Objections to the taking of such lands or easemeyts therein or to the gwards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated .....__.__. at]i! _ _ __ 1918..._ Commissi2o r. off klimmee.. T natEer�at Qopdemn[ng nna {�_; - ea�ementt 1n the land no r slopes far cuts and fllla Spr."r� `' < from Wella F NAL ORDER IN C�Vi��ffi�VATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of ._00Ade=4ng _.444 _taking...._ail..... O&A.0I1eilt_.i.i1..1Y►4 .14418..._ne¢4esary:._ for slopes, for outs and fills in Grading Mendota street from Wells street to Maryland street, the ..land- ...to... -be ..-taken-. for --the -above .._ named_...-_ improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, -tor_-outs and. fills in and upon -the -land- abut'ting upon Mendota street.,-. between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in-,-the-matter-dated October let, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 3437 approved January 19th.,.19,15Intermediary Order .67.33 approved. .August 37th, 1915• Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: COAdO.An _ and tiake ' an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Gradinip Mendota street from Wells street to Mary laad....stree.t+ ._ s (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and Gon- d ed for the purpo a of maki he said imp ova en, vi : An easement for slopes, for outs and fF��l9 in an upon a laa� a�u ting upon Mendota street between the p4in.tl..._afo.r44aid to the extent' own _upon th4,._s..ketoh-_attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated October lot, 19115, ..which sketch and report are _hereb.y-referred'to.:and made_a part hereof. .. . ......__... . Adopted by the Council Approved P _ft iJ10191 Councilman Farnsworth y Councilm- ✓ Councilman Keller Councilman Ijp" Councilman Mash I Councilman Xpesg ✓J ✓ Mayor .Pewora 191_ I11,(1//�) Ci Clerk. Mayor. KMLIS= � f r RESOLUTION 0# COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Condemning and taking _an..eafemen.t in. the land. neoee_e_arY for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Mendota street from wells street .toMaryland -street, --the -land to -be -taken -for -the above named_... improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Mendota atreet between -the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketoh attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Rork:, in thematterdated October let, 1915, which sketch and report are It referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 3437 approvediAnUary 19th, 191Antermediary Order 6733 approved August 87th,, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits: at the Council Cham- ber, XXXut*Mn the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 8lst= day o1 _JU1y 191 6_.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council JUN 19.1919 A Approved I- .1 ................ ...... 191.......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilmatt7ag*VaX Hyland Councilmanlh[a 11X1I$a118r Councilman Manx McColl Councilman ` 4U= R May d9li ix Irvin city Cl Order Order stag. appre.ed Aag t Mayor: 1915. The Commlael... r or Finance having submitted his report in the above mat- ter as to the - amount of damages arded for the taking of the land r x e. is therein approprlated for the r.a. a Improvement and to whom Pay- able; and also having submitted his ae- easement of benefit Yo property from the —king of sold improvement. therefore be It Rasol.ed, That the Bald a eesament of beoefita-be and theaam..ta hereby approved. Resolved further That a public `hear-� ing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Com - mi aioner of Flnance, and also npontha sold naeesement o[ benents: at the, Council Chamber In the Court House in the City- of St. Pant on the 21st day or July; 1916; at ten o'clock A. M. and the t the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by. the Council June '19, 1919.. Approved Tune 19. 1916. (June REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Condemning and taking an eaeemant in the land neceseary for elopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Mendota street from Nelle street to aryland street, the land to be taken for the above named improveme being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, forcutsa fill@ in and upon the land abutting upon Mendota street - between thpoints aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the rep t`of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated October is 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 34`37 approved January 19th, 191*rtermediary Order 6733 approved August 27th, x.915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value.of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of dam 4$ ages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said matters. ..__......... Commissioner of Finance. J✓v-w-, ,.7 �.-�oC 7<< �.,,� �. � . .. w,�f �,� �--lo /.�...�L Z �u ` v a.C.�� � e-=. � � - , .J�-ArmIrl7,•,oa��_ �v(r�+'[/`Q .voce r�iti-e.iT ; a.-..�JQ--:.>,.�........x.�„nc.�.,.aa.�r- dZ. AIG A_"a RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND _AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. aA _V1 aF. 11649- s_1" to the matter of condemning and tak Ing en easement in the land eek- sary 4or lobes. 'tor cute and fill. In sra Bt Additton,llethe land Block u son to be tktaken for the above named Improvement bescribed as ing mote easement In i the r1and necessary for elopes, for cute and fill.- innd upon the land abutting upon the Al - • In Block 1, Nelerr•� • r/11•i - ,tent e` ..• - .. In the matter of _Condemning and _.traw..#r,.._aa....easefnent-.in.__the.-land...neoeaear.y.-.for elopes, for auto and fills in Grading the Alley in Block .1, Nelson's Addition, the land to be taken for -the -above--namild improvement being moreparticularly described as an easement in the`land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the 18nd abutting upon the Alley in Block 1, Nelson's Addition, to the extent shown upon the. sketch attaohed to the report of the Commieeioner of Public Works, in the matter dated February 15th, 1916, which ekotch_and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order _6845 approved Sept. Sad, 1915— Intermediary Order 8854._ approved January 18th, 1916. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lauds - re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. RrIved further, that the said assessment of 6enefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. i�.M11 -tfftPtem� .. Adopted by the Council j 1 21 �Q1u iii._ '}•? ylh Approved _ 1. . I I_ _.... _... 191__ I91 City _ erk.- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman -Caw Councilman Keller11 / Councilman McColl R'C7BLIS-- ..-/- q� � -+;^ / (� Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers ORbIDti IN 'Co1VDIDMYATI01� )/ s PROCIDEDIN09. � '40. .650— matter of condemning and talt- an easement in the lurid neces- l for slopes, for cuts and fills in FINAL OIA the Alley in Block -.21 Net- a EMNATION Addition; the land to ba, taken the above named Improvement ng more particularly described asec easement In the land necessary slopes, for cuts and Bit It In and 1, j n the land butting upon tae ley In Blocltq 1, Ncl.on's AAdltlon to - extent sah n upon the skate: [ached to t1te port of the Com ssioner oP•-Public Work., In tl utter dated February 16th, 191 -hick sketdh'and aper[ are here i.. ,let radto and made a part herr ',.der Preliminary Order 6846, red Sept. Snd, 1916, Interme, der 8864, approved,,.(Sannl • olTed _ 11, ri fk�' er In the matter of_C..and4.mn.ixlg...and�Saking._.aA_Q@4.ALOl1�__�U_ I the. land__neoessarr tori" slopes, for cute and fills in Grading the Alley in Block 1, Nelson*s AddiLi:on, . the. land_ to be ..takes-f.or-.._tha shave. IIat�sd...iaproxemen;_..be_iag h more particularly described as an easement in the land necestwy for'. 1 slopes, for cuts and fills In and upon- tate. land. abutting. upou....fibo-. Alley in Block 1, Nelsons Adiition to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the CommIssioner of......Pubiiw orks; in --the matter -dated... Pebruary 15th, 1916, which sk*Uh and report are hereby referred to and made A_part`hereof, undo Preliminary Order 684x5 ._....._...., approved_..8.!p_t_o...2ndy..._ ...93!.5....., Intermediary Order. 84154 approved. January., . 18th, .1916 Resolved: (1) '1 tat the following improvement be and the same is her by ordered to be made viz: _Condemn and take .............. an easement in the land neoeslary for a opes, for cute and tille in E4rading the Alley in Block _1, _11e3sonIrt Addition, to the_ extent_ _shown upoA .the !ketch rittached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works. ....... .... ....... ... ------ (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of maki the said improvement, viz:.. An easement 1II the land AHQOHHary for4' - slopes, for cuts VV fills in Grading the Alley in Block 1 ,10106 *5 Addi..t.inn,...._to..._.the extent :shown upon.. the. ._ ketch...et.tacthod.._to......the ....xepost_.oY. the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated February 15th, 1916, Which..ske-tch--and report are hereby--referred--to--and-made--a part hereof,. ........ _.. Adopted by the Council Jul- 9,1191 11 - ,� / Ci lark. Approved Jul—__-.'_.:1ii _._..., 191....___. G� r Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Kees-- (/v^ Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers . If 1 r 's tLOLOTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR.�� C. F. No. 1141— ^ In the matter of condemning and tai,' Ing an easement in the land n - sary for slopes for cuts and al{� grading Bellow- street from s. at rest to Rot�.r¢et. tom- r ` in ken for th , .. ment being. r -it-d n -r Inematter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoeseary for slopes for cute and fills, in grading Bellows street from Sydney street to Robie street, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting u on Bellows street betweer. the pointe aforesaid to the -exte t shown Macho sketch attached to the report of the Comtn'i,ssion of Public works in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and -made a part hereof,. under Preliminary Order 7421 approved Oct .8,1915 Intermediary Order 9201 approved rebr.23,1916 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hery�( and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re - x spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assAment of benefiita, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. BE it fill ther Resolve' tln,' th- __'d -tee m..."t be and it is herehy a ed t he _pag ki y i Adopted by the Cou'lla, P_I(, 21 191 Approved JU.,` 212"'1,1.. . 191 _.. . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Councilman llerf e Councilman McColl Councilman-Nwh 9r,, -,, &-e-G,_4_ Councilman Y== Mayor - `1 _ City Jerk. Mayor. PUBLISf"�,Lj- /lo .1� s f t � f ppp 9 I' i. tLOLOTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR.�� C. F. No. 1141— ^ In the matter of condemning and tai,' Ing an easement in the land n - sary for slopes for cuts and al{� grading Bellow- street from s. at rest to Rot�.r¢et. tom- r ` in ken for th , .. ment being. r -it-d n -r Inematter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoeseary for slopes for cute and fills, in grading Bellows street from Sydney street to Robie street, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting u on Bellows street betweer. the pointe aforesaid to the -exte t shown Macho sketch attached to the report of the Comtn'i,ssion of Public works in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and -made a part hereof,. under Preliminary Order 7421 approved Oct .8,1915 Intermediary Order 9201 approved rebr.23,1916 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hery�( and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re - x spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assAment of benefiita, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. BE it fill ther Resolve' tln,' th- __'d -tee m..."t be and it is herehy a ed t he _pag ki y i Adopted by the Cou'lla, P_I(, 21 191 Approved JU.,` 212"'1,1.. . 191 _.. . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Councilman llerf e Councilman McColl Councilman-Nwh 9r,, -,, &-e-G,_4_ Councilman Y== Mayor - `1 _ City Jerk. Mayor. PUBLISf"�,Lj- /lo f t � f ppp 9 tLOLOTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR.�� C. F. No. 1141— ^ In the matter of condemning and tai,' Ing an easement in the land n - sary for slopes for cuts and al{� grading Bellow- street from s. at rest to Rot�.r¢et. tom- r ` in ken for th , .. ment being. r -it-d n -r Inematter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoeseary for slopes for cute and fills, in grading Bellows street from Sydney street to Robie street, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting u on Bellows street betweer. the pointe aforesaid to the -exte t shown Macho sketch attached to the report of the Comtn'i,ssion of Public works in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and -made a part hereof,. under Preliminary Order 7421 approved Oct .8,1915 Intermediary Order 9201 approved rebr.23,1916 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hery�( and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re - x spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assAment of benefiita, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. BE it fill ther Resolve' tln,' th- __'d -tee m..."t be and it is herehy a ed t he _pag ki y i Adopted by the Cou'lla, P_I(, 21 191 Approved JU.,` 212"'1,1.. . 191 _.. . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Councilman llerf e Councilman McColl Councilman-Nwh 9r,, -,, &-e-G,_4_ Councilman Y== Mayor - `1 _ City Jerk. Mayor. PUBLISf"�,Lj- /lo n for the abov't':named Improve=-; 141Wapl being more partlarly da - ed ae. an easement for, alppea,- uta ana dile, In and on the: FINAL ORDS abutt,ng upon Beil'owe . ATION ur sen -the pointe aforer t shown upon t— `1 1 to -the reporl f Pue1lo 1' PRS ..<h .�iNGS. i :,t; In the matter of _ Condemningand. taking aneasement . in the land ,neeeesary for slopes for cuts and fills, in grading Bellows street from Sydney street to-Robie street, the.land_._t.o....b.e._.t.akan._f.or._ the above... named _................ -improvement being more particularly described as an easement fr elopesfor cuts and Pillai in and upon --the- land abutting _.upo.n -Bellows street�tween'the pointe aforeeaid to the extent shown xxxtkax upon the sketch attached to the,report of -the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7421 apprdved . Oct.8,1915 Intermediary Order. 9201 approved Febr .23,1916 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:.._ condemn and take an easement in the land neces§ary for slopes for cute and fills, in grading Bellows street from Sydney at:eet to Robie street (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con - damned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: easement for slopes, for cute and : _ .fills ..... _in and upon the land abutting upon Bellows street between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report. of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the matter dated March 27th, - 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, Adopted by the Council Approved JI` Councilman Farnsworth , Councilman Councilmaneler Councilman McColl Councilman Nash -tea Ymg Mayor-P.�rs��� JUI 21 10*S 191 City ark. 191 Mayor. pUBLIs�D RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREF& &e F. No. 31663— --� xn [b¢Lase o1 eonaemning nd take Ing an easement in the land ecee- the for elopes, for cora and 1111. 1n the grading a 13rOWn apenue from 8 Point rch 160 feet di.tant from the northeasterly Ilne of,.Wlnlfred street ` to Pre.�o t street the 7ettd to In t- , en for LTjA¢bovo named Irrp In the matter of Condemning and taking -an ea ' sement in the land necessary ... _...... for elopes for cute and fills in the rading of Brownavenue from a point 1501feet distant from the -north ast rly.1ine of Winifred street to Prescott street the land to be taken or the above named improvement bean re ast cularl� deFcr�begut?,, ease.,qnt for eloges fgr cut anA Fiiie i�i an upon he an ang upon rown avenu , be seen he pointe aforesaidto the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated April 11th, 1916 which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 8368 , approved Dec .9,1915 Intermediary Order 9509 approved harsh 15, 1916 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, ThAt the taking: and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- lied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benehib, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. - __a _tea by daiarmi.ed le 6. p.9.61 i.. .egmrr Ill21rtr• Adopted by the Council- 191 pJ 1 JA Cit Jerk. Approved ��- - . , J .191 _ C Mayor, Councilman Farnsworth .� Councilman bass- PIJbF,1.,..,,,._�`_ Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers U FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. C. F. No. 11664-- In 1664—In the matter of condemning and'tak- Ingaeasement in the land- nocee- saryfor elopes for cute and flue, In the grading of Brown. avenue front a point 160 feet distant froth the northeast, -11 It : of Winifred street P". nnd to.p .t H t i, rtDroV, vso n. 1 the ma er of Condemning and taking an eaQemen in. the land necessaryy dor e�opes for cuts and fills in the grading of Brown avenue from a point 150 feet distant from tie northeasterly line of Winifred street to Prescott, street, the land to be taken for the above nam6d"improvement being more particularly .._dosc.r.ibed__a.e an..e.asement_fox slopee, ._for_._._wte and fill in and upog,the land abutting upon Brown avenue between the points a bresa to the extent shown up sketch-attached--to--the report of Ahe Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated April 11th, i which sketch and--report-are-hereby-referred to andmade a part hereof,, under Preliminary Order 8368 approved . Dec.. 9, 1915 _. Intermediary Order 9507 approved March 15, =1916 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered'to be made, viz: Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for elopes for outs and fills, in grading of Brown avenue from a point 150 feet distant from north— easterly _ easterly line of Winifred street to Prescott street, s (2) That the following land, lands• or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz:.._.An. easement f or slopes- for out .s._.and -fills in and upon the land abutting upon Brown avenue, b•-tween the ... . __.........._.._.._.........._...._._.. pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated April 11th, 1916 which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, Adopted by the Council. JUL 211911 .191 ... , c� d 7iv!/ C C, erk. Approved JUL 122 isl� _ 191 Councilman Farnswdrth Mayor. Councilman -GOD ew— Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. C. P. tic. 116550 InIng the mn atter t condemning nd tak-, e ement fn the land necea �E Al� saryntor t. ves, Sor cute grnding Etlaabeth °street from B, well ,eireet to Stryker avenue, S land [o be taken [or the air 'I!vred Improvement being .n ticularty deacrlbed as ' for slopes, for cute r�•1. In the matter of Condemningg and taking_..an...e.aa te.nt ..in... the land necessary for slopes for cute and fills in Grading Elizageth eireet from Bidwell " street to Stryker avenue the land to be. taken for the above named im" provement being more particularly described as an -easement for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abuttingxBitss upon Elizabeth street between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public '!Forks, in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7424 • approvedOetober 8th, 1915 _, Intermediary Order 9206 approved February 23rd,1916. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore 6e it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- s2ectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council ? ' ^ Approved .... Ii!--, 12 1.'� 1 J - ._ � ISI Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Kesler Councilman Keller. Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers e 191 "City aerk. 0 Mayor. 7 TBT.ISHED- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. C. F. No. 11666— 1n the matter of condemning and tak- eng a easement In ethe land ce - ar)-.for IODee; for to d aIle Sn f well street t eetlyto eStrykeretaven— to aid to be taken for the above 1n the matter ofn�...an...��fleme.n1e. ..in . t,141t1 nd....A fafeaify for eloppes for cute an� Yille in lrrS.Qing lzabe h street"��'8ai street to Stryker avenue, the land to be taken for the above named im- provement being more particularly deecribed as an easement "for slopes for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Elizabeth street between the oints aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached A. tge or th Commi1ssioner of Public o ke in the matt r da ed March 2�1 I9� , w�iich eketoh and report ar - ergby referred �o- ---- made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order %.12`1 approved.. October 8th,1915Intermediary Order °206 approved . February 2 3rd,1916. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:. Conde= and take an easement in the land necessary for elopes for outs and fills in Grading Elizabeth street from Bidwell street to Stryker avenue,.'- (2) That the following land, lands, or easements thettein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Elizabeth street between the pointsaforesaidto the extent shown upon the sketch attadhed.t.a.-the__ report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, whish sketch and report arehe,referrel ta__and. made a_ part hereof, Adopted by the Council Approved�,� Councilman Farnsworth Councilman 6esr — Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers Jul! 141 iC': 191 . _ . _..- Clerk. ,191 _ � V/l►�) Mayor. j -06 1 n __9, '' 4V 1rC`1W/ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. F .No. "667— . .the matter of condemning and 'ng en ea ement In the landneeee-- ary [or lopes, for cute and 1111., In ^ceding I.outea etrQet from Bt well; rest to stryker avenue; that land' ,take fpr the above nemed'im- I rt,^eat 1!n"{n R. 'more parri'IIII?, In the matter of Condemning and takingg aneasement, in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills, in grading Lout ea street from Bidwell street to Stryker avenue, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills, in and upon the land abutting upon s;_ street, between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public P.orks in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7419 , approved Oct .8,1915 Intermediary Order 9203 approved February 23rd, 1916 ` A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnationof the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages thr>�for, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified' Iry the signatures of brie Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects red- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. V , Adopted by the Council / Z , 02 191 C Approved 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman -&ea--- / Councilman Keller fvCouncilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers CIA/- City C Mayor. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. C. F. No. 11618c� In the afarttar of,condemning and talc -_I iiiiii tng n easement In the land neces- In grading IAb� n forcuts from Bidand fillwell street to Stryker avenue' the lanA - to be taken for the, above am. Improvement being V.re parttcul ly deecrtbed ae an - elopes, for .is and dkls. the lnnd sbutting upon 7 - bet—iin tha Dointa afor' In the metier of Condemnin eptei. shown'Ponthe Dart'th eaH.eA►e7�t._...iII._.t.he.. -for eloppes for cuts Mlle, ' :re_`""�Tading Louisa street from Bidwell street to Stryker ave&Le,__theland_ to__be.....taken for...the .abo.v.e__named.. improvement being morq.partieularlp described as an easement for slopes, for cute and 4-11e, in and _upon _t.he-_-land..abutt-i.ng .upon..:at"53t Louisa street, between the po nts aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to then •eport- of the -Commissioner -oaf--Pub-lio. Works inthe matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, --- under Preliminary Order 7419 approved. Oct. 8,1915 Intermediary Order . 9203 approved Febrdary 23rd, 1916 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:. Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills, in grading Louisa ptreet from Bidwell street to Stryker avenue, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the, purpose of making the said improvement, viz: _ An easement for elopes, for cute and fille in and upon the land abutting upon Louisa street, between the ..._........._ points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are'hereby referred to, and made a part hereof, Adopted by the Council. L 21 1911S . 19, .._. e— City Cler Approved � v i;:. 21� ;i i J .191..._._. I n Councilman a.,.orthMayor. FUBLrsr _ �_ Councilman 6aue- Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers t RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEkFOR. 0 In the matter of Ccndemning and takingg an easement...._in the landnecea.s.ary. for eloppes for cute and fills in grading Morton street from Ohio street to Waseca street, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly the as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Morton street, between the pointe aforesaid tt—the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commission sof Public Works, in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7¢22 .approved Oct .8,1915 Intermediary Order 9205 approved Febr. , 2 3,1916 , A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, n— therefore be it Resolved, 1 -hat the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identi lied by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re. spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Vift Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e I Adopted by the Councilr ,!U!_ 21 i^ -:,i 191 Approved Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Keller �. Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers ...... 191..... L %/� City Clerk. ' ..... flna hie or aad made rt rellminarY Orde Hart D hpre h p ib. inter , Public Heb' 88,aj916 rY Ori Mayor. n the taklnaring having be vende or aaBe and condamna improve menta therein, -ages thBretoran t. end 'the em: -d9.. aha ega Counc, flolved, me, now tion o That the taking and ed fleas ehment da de roll ng h 4natI of the 111 (dentine. and mad, a Dflrt hereotand Inads daepagt Vel l ad r tfor Bala r. Ad ondemnation as Bet ame la 10, be Confirmed Y 'Init all reepe,te aolved.Lurtharthat the . rebs f bene8te be and thet, eby eDe,ts rat-• FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION w PROCEEDINGS. R i-1 11660— it condemning and Zak - easement in, 4 1-11 neoeaz .r lopes for c1fle and 3rorton etweet from Oii,4' to Waseca street, the land;:to, hgwn nD the pk tvl' at- in the land Aeneas In the matter of _Condemning and y fh? r DMo ke, tin tl 3' i6• _ _ Sr`q for elopes for outs and filly ,fib tir,,.,,, w MC!ton street from Ohio street to Waseca street,..-- the -_.land--ta-b.if_- taken ....:for --the.. above. named...._ improvement being more partiaularlq described as an easement for _slopes, for auta and fills...ia....aad_.upan_ the- _land._ abutt.ing_upon.Mor..ton, street, between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report -'of- the -Commiseioner--of-Pabi#o - - Works, in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which. sketch and report are hereby referred to and made 'a'part hereofi under Preliminary Order 7422 , approved . Oct8,1915.., Intermediary Order 9205 approved Febr.23,1916 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:. Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for elopes for cuts and fills in grating Morton street from Ohio street to Waseca street, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: 9n easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Morton street between - --the--points afaresaid to the extent -shown upon. the sk.etch__attached to the report of the Comrissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereofY Adopted by the Council, jui_ 21 i915 Approved JUL '22 316 , 191._. . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman fisc` Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman. -Nash A Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers 191 __... clerk. tj Mayor. Pl7s��D RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THERhOk ` C. F. No. ""' In the matter ofcondemntng and tak- a ing an easement in the sand necea- earY for elopes, for outs and 811s, _ip grading Page tor from Chariton ' treat t��yy�trYker avenue, the sand to be tnkeh`,�'for the gltVve named Im- emehtegein thoren tfortcularl n. da . ..r ,.r In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slo) es for cuts and fills, in grading Page street from, Charlton street to Stryker avenue, the land to be taken for the above named iu,i_ rove¢.ent beiu; pore particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills, in and upon the land nutting on Page street between the points aforesaii to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Comwissioner of Public Works _ in the matter dated ;~.arch 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referrei to and r,.ade a Fart hereof, - under Preliminary Order ` 7420 , approved 0ct,8, 1915 Intermediary Order 9204 approved Febr. 2.3,1916 A public li—Sing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore �e it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- s?ectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- t ;fled and confirmed. Resolved lurcher, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council 11 II �l 9I' j 191 '.. 41 C77 1(` Approved ,.�.�' y. �.. . a Clerk. _.... 191. / / Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman �-� Councilman Keller i Councilman McColl PUBLK;,.GD Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers "A FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. j C.•F. No li-662 In the m stet of�conderitnlpB ;apd'tak ? ing ,1 eaeemedt r 11 �artd nedei- a,4 for elopes,, dor outb And nl1a. In, grading Page ai;eetrfrom Charlton ., street to Stryker, avenue, the Land tom l be taken for the above named tin - urovemeat}being mor DarttoHlarh 4, sa,` deeortbed 'se an eae�dt for cute and Nie ndm a - a^A ah rt11gR Oa Page 8trr .;¢;, �� Condemn in ani taking an easement in the land necessa In the matter of _ �................._.._._..... - .. _.._....... _.......__ for slo es for cute and fills, in g adiing P e treet from Charlton street pto Stryker avenue, the lando be to n or the move named iaprovement being more art icularlq described as an easement for :,,. elopes, for cuts aril fi ls, in and upon the lana abutting on Page N, street between the ppoihts aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch, attached to the report of theComihiesioner oX Public Works 1 in the natter dated March 87th;"1916'' wHicH sketch and report are " hereby refer -epi to and made a part hereofi under Preliminary Order 7 420 approved . Oct .8,1915 Intermediary Order 9204 approved Febr.23,1916. Resolved: e (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: C and emn and take an easementin the lana necessary for slopesor-cutsand fills, in grading Page street frou. Charlton street to'Stryker avenue, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An eaBement for slopes for cuts and fills, in and upon the land abutting uron Page street between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown u or, the sketch'attac ed to the report Cf the Com,,.issioner of Public Works in the matter Sated March 27th 1916 which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a pari hereof', r !' Adopted by the Council iLl1'— �1 J U'_ 2 915 Approved 191 _. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman-Z'ses>— — / Councilman Keller rv^ Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg, Mayor Powers 191 �f ..._.... � tty Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISHEDr1�( (D RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. C. F. N. 11663— Lo the matter or condOm.l.g andtak- Iag an easement In the land neves- B ding faraSt._.aor aa. treet n ye "' In Charlton street ad 13el7owe street, A. en the land to be taken being more par., go,nrlbed as an enaemen" 'is ar9 it in a n S" In the matterof Condemning and taking an ,easement in the land necessary. for slopes, for cuts ani fills in Grading Stevens street between Charlton street and Bellows street, lthe l.an %__t.obe taken being more particularly described -as an easement for elope for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Stevens street tween the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketchtattac d to the report of the Com;.iseioner . of Public Works, in the a.atter dat February 28th, 1916, which sketch and report -are hereby referred to d made a girt hereof, t' under Preliminary Order 8567 , approved Dec. 29 th, 1915 Intermediary Order 8987 approved February 3ri, 1916. - A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands -or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly_ considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, idem by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- _ spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to 6e'submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council r C, -. o Approved J 22 ' � i.0 _ 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Cres Councilman Keller Councilman McColl n Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers 191 '1 City Cler Mayor. R FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. I C. F. No. 11664— In the matter o[ londemning and tak- ing an eapement In the land eee- ary I— elopes, for c to and flue In Brading Stevens street betweav E 4�l: 9t -- �j - Charlton street and Bellows etree4 thn land t� 3 take being more pear- In the matter of Condetruing_...an3__...talo.ng_..an_._sae.ems�t_...in._the.._.l.and....neas.as.ar.y.. for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Stevens street between Charlton street and Bellows street, the-land---to--be--taken being wore --par-titular-ly described as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the landabuttingupon Stevens street—between-the points aforesaid to the - extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated February 28th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and maAe a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 8567 approved ..Dec. BC-th,... 19..155..., Intermediary Order 8187. approved February 3rd,. 1916. Resolved: ,(I) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:. Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Stevens street between Charlton street and Bellows street. - -. (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upoa-the land abutting upon Stevens street between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the _sketch attached .to the report of the Comll:issioner of Public '?Forks, in the matter dated Feb.ruary2Sth.,.....19.1.6,..._which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. n ' Adopted by the Council Ju'` t ` ` '191 H1 Approved - t Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Ceps Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers Clly ark. 191.. _ � - / �%•``� ' Mayor.. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR,► - a 6(35 Its In the matter of Con ienming and taking an eas.eiLtn..i.n_...the .land ..neoe.a.sary__.for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Waseca street from Sydney street to George street, the land to be taken•• -being chore particlalarly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts' and fills in and upon the land" abut— ting upon Waseca street between the-poirte aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Comr.iesioner of Public Works, in the matter dated March 27th, 1916,. which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7423 approved Oc t. , 8 th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 9202 s approved February 23rd, 1918. `YING ASSESSKBNTill- ter of condemning and taking - ent in the land n essary 'for or cuts and 011e In grading Pr street od Sydneystreet to A public hearing having been had upon the taking,R street, the hind to he taken easements therein, for the above more particularly described as `. teme.t forelopes, for cuts' and And upon the land abutting up - improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and Is rase. street between the pointas therefor, and the Council having :dd to the 'estent shown upon the .. attached to the report of the dulyconsidered the same, now therefore be it aeloaer t 'Pubuc works, to the dated Kutch 271h. Mg. *Mhh,, artd report are hereby referred q de a part hereof, under Pre- assessment roll, identified b the Resolved. What the taking and condemnation of [hc terrZdIa7ty'oadperr 9= approved Y try Yard. _- signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and tirade a part 1 -hearing having been h _. to the owners of such lands re- aking and condemnation n• easements therein, for t •ovemeot a d the award, we same is hereby ill respects rati- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in sa aerefor, ane also upon yn ap of benefits therefor, al. 'ng duly consid.- . lied and confirmed. fore _ 1� Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefiits, be and tlsegA144s hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. - Adopted by the Council JUL 28 1y167 -- - Cit erk. � 1 Approved _.., 1916 Mayor. Council rNash rth Councilm n Councilm n Councilm n ; Councilm nCouncilm nMayor P w k'vBLis� , A y �I I t 1 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Condemning and.t k ng an the Ty_ for _ea0emeA-t....in,._t.he. land—ae-c-ae.Qs1 Slopes, for cute and fills in Grading Waseca street from -Sydney street to George street, the land to be taken -b Ong ,more particularly--deacri-bed as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abut— ting upon Wasaoa etre--t between the points aforesaid to the exten-t-Shawn upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated March 27th, 1916, which Sketch and report are hereby referred to ar:d l:aie a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 74233 , approved OC t. , S th, 1915 , Intermediary Orde6203 approved February 23rd, 1916. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and takean easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in rading Waseca street from Sydney street to Georgestreet, ,R_... #��'hal the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same, are hereby taken, appropriated and con- i e for She pu of making a sa,'d imp ovement viz: An easement for slopes, for cuts and ii�s n v'fof t o lana atutting upon Waseca s;reet between the _. aforesaid to the extent shown upon the aketch attached to the repe points the Comuiseioner of Public t of works, in the natter dated March 27th, 1916, which e.ketch and report .are hera.by...r.ef..e.rred-..to. andmadea._pa.rt hereof. ............. _......................_..... Adopted by the Council JUL 28 1916 Approved City Clerk. Q...-.__ ...... 191x..... ' / n `t Rees' U C\r 'same Is he -"-" and thi .y ordereaa Mayor. Coun I'd n arnsworth made, dz: Condemn and take Cconn Ilm n —ot-In the land n essnr, for - '- �ss for cuts and fills in P ading R'. Coun ilm n eller trees rrom syaney street to G. street. Co..,ilm n Coll tzl That the 1o1lovin8 lend, lana' h'AJBi.LSHEI? ements therein be and the Sam Countd n ash ereby taken, appropriated d e nem or the purpose of maks Cour) I n Oerg 'Id i provement, Iz: An e epee, for cuts and Its in and •, Mayoll Powe s t td abutttn upon Waseca / :yen' the po Sts il�foresald to n upon the. M telt ate,.- ' t't P [he Comtntest. - - Council Flle Y --- 1v�7 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution ' Ratifying Assessment. T In the matter of the assessment of_ _ Benefi ",_Ao te, and expenses_ _ for Constructing of a sewer on Agate street between Cayuga street and a point 40 feet north of northlineeof Granite strew; ___ under Preliminary Order_ 7151 Intermediary Order --I853- Final Order 8173 approved___Nov• 28th 191 `5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it _ therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby, ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ��--e:--'-/equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council-- _ wl _ _ ..___ _ 191 ity Clerk. Approved. _ ., � _ . - sI 3 191. L �•/ \ \ No. 11667— ASS A. Fa15NT9. t U e 11667—lis s. A. rarnsworw— Mayor. m the matter oe me sasses eat or .__ __ Form B. S. A &-10 ,ansa ts, coatu and ex-pensee io a con- tructing [ �gntea tree[ >etween Of street a pant ' 96 t'eit no th f north line of Granite al rest, der Of Order 7151. lntermedlarY Order 7652, Final Order 9172, approved Nov. 26th, 1915. A pu bila hearing having been ha. U § Pon theassessment for the nbove I—' proverr�tlen [,nsand said aeaeeament having been ebnsidsred anally satisfactory, be It therefore Resolved, That the asid aeaeeament be and the same la hereby is ail e- spects ntlaed, and the same le hereby ordered to be submitted to the llietrlet court ofthe County of Ramsey for conarmatlon. Ra It Further Resolved, That the said a se ement be and It is hereby determines to he p"' e yablg d are equal Ina -' to Is ee to ach nd every'par- ca t land descrlbefl therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1918. Approved July 2E, 391 6. (JuIY 29-1916) II \.. ---------- _ _ __-._-__- \ Council File No. By -S. A. FAW,1S11 0R 1 H.—�.- s � 0 Q I CITY OF ST. PAUL t, Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assesst ent of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing a sewer on Annapolis street between South Robert street and Oakdale avenue, under Preliminary Order 3810 Intermediary Order 5635 Final Order 6103 approved__ September 33rd _191 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the, Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. -e—equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 9-1 Adopted by the Council, __ __-_ 1ais 191. '<<� C! Zl City Clerk. a Approved. 191 In tI Nu. I16G8—Ii}'- S. A. � nsworth— hc• mxcosr o[ the a§sessfor of I htructin, coats and on nsea for can- ------------._---.--Mayor. fform B. S. A 8-10 o"'o ng a ewer o Annapolis st Lelwsen South Hobert street and Oakdale n , under Preliminary - Order 3810, Intermediary Order 6626, Pi nol Order 6103. approved Septem- ber 23rd, 1916. A public hearing having been bad upon the assessment for the above Im- provement, and said assessment having been considered anally satisfactory, be .t therefore Resolved. That the said assessment 0e and the same Is hereby In all re- apeets ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for con armatlon. Be It Further Resolved, That the said assessment be and It 1s hereby determined to be payable in ave equal Installments as to each and every par- cel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. Approved July 22, 191G. { (July 29-1916) t --------------- Council File No. gy S. A. FARNSWORTH. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Conatructint _Asewer on_Arkwrixut street from Brainerd street to' - - — - Hvacinth street. under Preliminary Order 5475 , Intermediary Order 6265 , Final Order, 6937 approved Septembe_r.11th 191 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore ' RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE.IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payablein `C -_.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. � t Adopted by the Council_ _ ' 9.1 ,I 3_. - 191 City Clerk. ^Appl[aved dui 22.1916. ta�iy ao-tsta> i � 'I I Approved. ,!I�� _ ) 191 C.F. No. 11669—By S. A. Farnsworth— In the matter of the assessment of benaate, costa and expanses for con- Mayor. y E [arm B. S. A 9-10truc[Ing .e r on Arkwright St. ------------------- - from ltralnncrdwetre. t to Hyacinth tree t, under Preliminary Order 6476, Intermedlary Order 6266, Final Order 6927,approved September Ilth. 1916. A pubitc hearing having been had upon the asso.sment for the above Im- bemenldered saidand assessmentsatisfactory. ng e eenbe It therefore Re.ol4ed, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby In all re- spects ratified, and the same is, hereby ! ordered to be submitted to the R.tatrlot Court o[ the County o[ Ramsey'" -for confirmation. Be It Further Resolved, That the eald ..easement be and It to hereby determined to be payable -in ave equal] installments as to each and every par.I as cel of land therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. ^Appl[aved dui 22.1916. ta�iy ao-tsta> Corpil File No. ' By -S. A. FFP,ktr;\u+±rT_ 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. r In the matter of the assessment of- Apndfits,costs _••-a4d expen8ei., ._- _. _ for Constructing sewer on,Beeoh street from Atlantic street to a Boint 20 feet east of the west line of Lot 27 Block 33, Gotzian's Rearrange- ment of Sigel'e Addition, under Preliminary Order 5137 Intermediary Order_ -, 5624_, Fina] Order— 6106 approved_July 22nd, _ 191 5. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submittedato the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment -be and it is hereby determined to be payable in, __.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. G Adopted by the Council__ - _ I' �1 191 City Clerk. Approved _ 191 I F. . re alter By S. A. Farnsworth f C. the matter o[ the assessment of hone Its, costs and expenses fur con- t -Mayor. e tructing a sewer on Beechett•ee[----------------- Form B. S. A tL10 from antic street to a point 20 feet etn or the west line of Let 27 Black 33, Gotzlan's Rearrangement of Sig, 1's Addition, under Prelimin- a y Order 6137, Intermediary Order 6624, Final Order, 6106, approved July 22nd, 1916. A public hearing haying been had s upon thea sent for the above Im- provementand said asessment having been considered anally satisfactory, be It therefore Resolved. That the ..id asseesment be and the same Is he shy in all to- epecteatlfled, and the ..me is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court or the pounty of Ramsey for confirmation. Be it Further Resolved, That the said assessment be and It to hereby determined to be payable in ave equal installment as to each and every par- - - get of land described therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. Approved July 22, 1916. (July 29-1916) 1 Council File No. _ ---- - - By " A._EARNSWQA Fkl — r gITY OF ST. PAUL is Resolution Ratifying Assessment. Inthematterof the assessment of benofits,_og#te- and a°apenses__ _ for Construoting a sewer on Blair street from Avon street to Victoria etree t,—, ----—— --------- -- under Preliminary Order 4844 Intermediary Order. 5616 _ __.. Final Order 6064 approved_ July .30th.__ A public he having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore ' RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in L --.t— _.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council____ 1111. 191 l c c City Clerk. Approved 'JUL 1_'�_' :FI A. _ L. F. No. I1G71—fiy B. A. Fnrnewor[I�— In the m¢tier of the ussese ant o! / f benefits, t.,and expenses for con- struoung a ads o Blair sheet �. —. —Mayor. Porm B. S. A 8-10 from Avon street to on street,------ F.— treet. ------�;- "- under preliminary Order 4844, Inter- mediary Order 8616, Final Order 6064, approved July 20th, 1916. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above Im- - provement, and said assessment having been considered finally antfafactory, De It therefore Resolved. That#. the %" Id aeeeeament be d the sadle t& gaieby In all e- speais ratified, aaf�d'Yya same Is hereby ordered to be a. £ted to the District Court of the County .of Ramsay for confl rmat Ion. Be. It Further Resolved, That the .aid aeeeeament be; and It Is hereby determined to be p le in ave equal Installments m to a and every par- cel of land deecrlb ,d' therein. Adopted by the Grqqunall,July 21, 1816. Approved July 28;k51p18. (July fl 4918) Counc� File No. S� A. FARNSWORTBy , CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 1 .4 In the matter of the assessment of bone f i to, cos is and ezpenoes for Conde oting a_sewer on Carroll avenue from Asbury avenue east to east 1 ne_Qf.Lot 15,_Blook 2, liacalestsr View AdditionL__—__ under Prelimina Order 5754 , Intermediary Order_6627Final Order 7159 approved_ _ 8_e- mber318 t 191 5... A public he ring having been had upon the assessment for the above. improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ���" _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. v alP� Adopted by the Council_ 191 _ - - —_ I r < < City Clerk. JL' Approved -' 191 Ion* F. a 11972 --By S A. Farneworih— I the matter or the assessment of benefits, coats and expenaee for a Mayor. tructing a sewer on Carroll avenue'on- ---- - -- P'orm B. S A 8-10 from Asbury avenue east to eastle of lot 16, Block 2, 111acaleater Vlew Addition, under Preliminary Order 6764, Intermediary, Order 8927, Final Order 7169, approved September 218 t, 1916. A public hearing having been had u➢on the asaesament [or the above Im- provement, and said he having "" considered lineily eatlefactory, be it therefore Resolved, That the geld aeeeeament be and the same Se hereby In all oepeote - Bed, dnd the aame le hereby ordered to be eubmltted't. the Dlatrlct Court of the County of Ramsey for con armation. He It Farther Resolved, That the aid aeeeeament be and it le hereby determined to be payable .inequaBve p.to dnatailmenis ae to each and everq Daicat of rand descrlbed therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1lua j �pDroved July 22, 1918. (July 29-1816) Council Fllef No e - \ 'gy•FARNS�,ti J CITY OF ST. PAUL - Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benof4 to�_ QQate and_eaPene-Q-8- _. for .00nstructil a sewer on Central avenue between Dunlap street and ----------- under Preliminary Order 7152 __, Intermediary Order_7651 -_Final Order 8175 approved_ November 36th _______1915• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District C t of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE sment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in Z r- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.- _ l' ! �1 1_.. -191. �_ / i�Zt t �< < I / t_ City Clerk. App> oved C. F. No. f 11672—By 9. A. Farnsworth— In the matter. of the I (/ t 1 aseeeamant o[ benefits, coats and a.Pensee for ooaf , Mayor. etruetIng a a wer on Central avenue Form B. S. A 8-10 between Dunlap street and Lezlaue 1 ton avenue, under PrelimiOrdnary Order r 162, Intermediary 661. Final er 7 Order 6176, approved NO,26, 1976. A public heart,, having been had upon the assessment for the above Im- beeneant and nt eonelder dsfinally sellsaid actory,l be It he;. Reolved,That the aid assessment be and the ams Is hereby In all re- epects ratified, and the game is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Be it further,R solved, That the sold assessment be and It -Is hereby deter- termined to be payable In it,. equal ""ta"monte as to each and every Dar - cel of land described therein. - - Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. AP Proved July 22, 1916. (July 29-1916) Council. File No. L (3y,-*.A. F-A14NSWORTH---- A" — CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. . In the matter of the assessment of- benef 1 LB,_ cos to _ and expenses _ .__ for constructin(c a sewer on NestCentral avenue from the hest line of Essington avenue to the sewer in Oxford street, _---- under Preliminary Order 4771 Intermediary Order__ 5618__ Final Order 6065 approved_ July 20th, 1915. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess• merit-having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore - RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable yp, i ,::_ .— _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ _ -..__ _—. -191 % r�7 c e. City Clerk. 74 - 191 �✓ 1 Approved i;. t e uc tter r t A. sessmenthof / / . n ins matter or the eases ane pt ill/// Mayor. benefi e. cost¢ and expenere Por on __— elraetkng a n \\'eat Centra, — -- --- Form a S. A 8-10 from th, .at line of Lexins -- tonna a to the s r In Oxford at reetVe1nder rr,•liminaryOrder 4771, Intermediary order 5619. Final Urder 9066, approved July 20th, 1915: A public hearing having been has upon the as ant for the above Im P rovemen t, and Bald n ....no ant he,: Ingbeen further ooneldered byth4 ll. Coo ncand having been tons Meted - anally e.06 factory, be It. therefore Resolved. That the seta asees—itt, he and the same Is hereby In all re- spects ratified, and the ..me Is here. by ordered to be submitted to the 1)la. trlct Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 'Be Il Further Resolved, That th) said assessment be and It is hereby detsrtlned to be payable in five �-, ual rl installments s to each yd y parcel of land described thaNeln. er \do pted by the CounelI July 21, 1910. Approved July 22, 1916. ' (July 29-1916) Coungil File No.--- BY o.TBr 1' CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 5w5 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, P costs and expenses for —_- .:- -- - ----- __ ne rugtln¢ a sewer on Dale at set from Como avenue to Simon avenue _ Dalzan and on Simon avenue between Dale street and IlcRenty street, under Preliminary Order 5476 Intermediary Order-67477367Final Order approved_ October_ 5th _ igl b A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess. ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ��-i �.. __equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. l Adopted by the Council_I',J' �i 'y _191 City Clerk. 1"iT5 Approved- . 191 'f F. No. 11675--43y S. A. Farnsworth— in the matter of the ssess ent of hqm enents. posts nna expenses for eon- xtructing a sewer o,,. Dgle street I Me Y. Form B. S. q 8-10 from Como avenue to Simon nvence ._`_"___.-'_-. --- _ yOr. and on Simon avenue between Dale street and McI{en ty atreet . under I'reliminar}' Order 5476, Intermedl- y Order G747, Flnnl Order 7367, ep- proved Octo bot 5th. 1916. A public hooting having been held upon the aeseeement for the above int- ' provement, ;and said assessment he,- Ing been further considered by the Council, and having been considered anally satisfactory, be It therefore Resolved. That the Bald asseeament e be and the same Is hereby ordered td be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for conarma- tion. Ra It Further Resolved, That the Bald 'b ... esement be and It le hereby deter- mined to be payable in ave equal in- stallments tts to each d every pirrcel I land described therein. Al, cod' Wap' 291111166) [tI}' 21, 1916.1 Council File 14o. - 8. A. FAft1VS1Nut4 I H. �' CITY OF ST. PAIPL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bene Pi to, ousts and expenses for Construoti_ nye sewer on-Denslow street from Burgess street north _ to alley _in Block 3, Deneaowl a Addition, under Preliminary Order 6595 Intermediary Order - _70.68-----, Final Order 7575 approved ^_.Dotober 19th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered'tnally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE T FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. d nl�_ �11r•.tc Adopted by rhe. Council,---, _ _ = _ 191 J �1 /- k� 1, r Z (t` City Clerk. J Approved _ - - - 191 l '. F. Yo. 11676—n)' 9. A. Farnsworth—I / In the macoar oat thce aasesa entof m 1 truetia, to stra<•Ung nd xpenaes for con - a n Oenslo Mayor. r'--h--r- B. rom Bur a tree[ i --------- Fofm S. A 8-10 Denaloaee -n, landein ------- -- --- Block 3 Adnorditio1h r' -6686, I'relltninn ry Order In[ermedl- a'v Order 7068, F4 nal Order 7676, pproved October 19th. 1916. Publichearing havingfo beethe ahad ela upon ae e—en ebove Improvement, and aald assessment having been further eonaldered by the Council, and having been conet dered - a , beItthe re ll—lved.ef That he aseeee. mont he and the. same le hereby !n all ^ here- by ordered tto be nubmltted to tin ne Die - Court of the Cohnty of Ramsey for for con armatlon. Be It Further lieaolved, That the .aid neeeesmon[ be and It la here- by determined to. be In payable ave epua, "neiarceln,, menta ae [o each and e erAv. dopted by the CouncllbJuly 21[,,1916. Approved July 22, 1916. - (July 29-1916) Council File No. By- — & X FARNSWOF.T-�4— CITY OF ST. PAUL j i,77 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Begef its,-_oQet6- an, ¢xp_�As¢a__ for Constructing of a server on Hamline avenue from 'Juliet street to a point 65-feet north of the north line of Palace street,------ under treet,_--under Preliminary OrderSTAR Intermediary Order_5612 _ Final Order_6054 approved__JuIy p19th __. l9l 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in/ s equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._ 191 Y { L t ���i 2 e° City Clerk. %'r `✓v" Approved 191 J C. r. I,,- 11611—By s. A. rarneworth— In [he matter of the nesse...nt of beneats, costa and expenseafor on- etructing of a on Ramnne_Mayor. sewer ' avenue from Juliet street to a point — "--'----"---"-_--- Form B, S. A 8-10 65 feet north of the north line of Palacestreet. under Preliminary Order 6188, Intermediary Order 6612, Final, Order 6064, approved July 19. 1916. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above Im- provement, and said ssessement he v. been further considered by the Council, and havingbeen considered anally satisfactory, be it therefore Resolved, That- the said aeeeeement be and the same is hereby In all e- .Pecteanfled, 'and the same In hereby ordeerd to be submitted to the Dletfict Court of the County of Ramsey. for conflrmatlon. Be It Further Resolved, That the .old aeeeeement be and It is hereby de ' ermined to be Payable in ave egaui , Installments as to each and every par- cel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. Approved July 22. 1918. (July 29-1916) . ,{h Council ile lay CITY OF'ST. PAUL n 4� Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of. benef ite, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Jenks street between a point 135 feet east of the Qata-t_line -of-_Ea'r_1 mA est and Frank -street._______.__,_ under Preliminary Order_ 7894 Intermediary Order -. 8313, Final Order -9736 approved_ January 13th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in/,e� �- . equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ___ 191 Z"" jl�1lCity Clerk. it . Approved JIJ ''I�3 191 C. 111, 13y S..v Farnsworth— in the matter of the nseesamen[ of I J , beneate, oast and —pensee forMayor. Form B. S. A 8-10structlng n sewer an Jenks streetfeet --- heft lineno[o Ear135t of the t net egad Frank tree[, der Prelnary Order 1894. Intordlenary Urder 8313, Flnpl 16 hder 8736, approved January 12th, ' Do"" hearing aving Deen had upon the eesesardent far the above Im- provement'and said assessment he. - Ing been further considered by tha Council. and having been considered nnafly eatisfactary, be it therefore Resolved, That the said aseeesment be and the same 1s hereby In alle- apecte atlaed, and the same Is hereby ttrctr Couhe rt of the CIm ounty[ m ordeed oft Rkeiey for 'on"""'pn. Be it Further Resolved, That the - .aid seseeement be and It fe- hereby determined to be qua Installments as t peach land vern livey Dery ceA doo ted by the Co on oil July 21, 1916. a Council File No. BY $& A.TASNSWOPTT -L— � >s CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. tit c� In the. matter of the assessment of Benefits,-_CQite, and expenaeq for Con etruoting a sawar on Lafond street from Aldine street to Wheeler wrenue, under Preliminary Order 3937 Intermediary Order__ 4727 Final Order 5,345 approved_Ju73e-31 191 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore j -- RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. s -equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council,_, _ ��_5 191 }�• l+ = t (% III' e, > < <` City Clerk. Approved _ 191 C. F. No. 11879—of A. She aaaeeament ho[ ' to the matter bens"lite, caeca and expenses for con- Mayor. Form B. S. A iL10 etrlibt(ag a sewer on La[ond street--------------------------- Y fron}"', ,}dIne hest to Wheeler ve- ue.'.Vnder Preliminary Order 3937. interma lorry Order 4727. Final Or- der 6346. approved June 2. Isis. A t It. hearing hsWag been Dad' upon the a. ass out for the above Im- t, abeant'furthoraldonefder de by Dax- the ICouncil, a d having been con eldered anally satisfactory, be It therefore Resolved. That the .aid ......ment t be and the same is hereby In all re- .pacta atfded, and the Game Is hereby ordered to be eubmtimd to the Dls- mat Court o[ the County of "Ramsey for cohurmation. Be It Further Resolved, That the Bald assessment be apd it le hereby determInad to be payable In ave equal Installments u to each and every par- cel of land d...ribed therein. Adopted _by thq Council July 21, 1916. , Councit File No. _ By. _ s. A• F FNs\k,'QRT' _ s F0 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of theassessmentof_ benefits, costs and expenses for Constructin-9 a sewer on Newcomb street from East Seventh street to _ the_ Right of_i9ay of the Cnict o, St. Paui, Minneapolis and Omaha Ry -O6958 under Preliminary Order 5136 Intermediary Order_6a73______, Final Order approved=_Member lOth______Igl5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in� z ._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the. Council__ 191 �C/Ct? u t City Clerk. e Approved, J_ 1.'' i j i 5 191 C. F. No. 1168 S. A. Farnsworthof In the matterr of o[ the aeaee9me6t of benefits, coats and expenses for con- .tructing a sewer on Newcomb street, ____ __. _ ______._....__..____ , Mayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 from East Seventh street to the Right of Way of the Chicago, St. ° Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Ry., under Preliminary Order 6136, Inter. medlary Order 6273. Final Order 6068, approved Sep tem her 10th, 1916.. A public hearing having been had ' upon the assessment for the above Im- 9rovemaat, and said assessment havina, been further considered by the Council. d having been considered finally set - [.factory, be 1t therefore Resolved, a the said ......meat be and the same Is hereby In all re- ep.ets ratified, and the same In hereby o dared to be submitted to the District, ' Court of the County of Ramsey for - condrmatlon. M It Further Resolved, Tltat the said assessment be and It ie hereby de- termined to. be. payable In five equal installments as to each and every par. cal of land described therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1918. Approved July 32, 1918. (July 29-1936) 11 tiouncll P11ei No. _ 1 Will CITY OF ST. PAUL ° Resolution Ratifying Assessment. a In the matter of the assessment of_ Benefi is1 Costs ani expenses for Constructing of a sewer on Page street from Andrew street to Brown avenue, under Preliminary Order5936 Intermediary Order__— _ _ 8626_, Final Order 7160 approved----_ Sept. 316t,. ----191. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �w -.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Jill 21 Adopted by the Council`_ _ _ __,___ _,.191 1if City Clerk. Approved JU!_ , 191 r v/l6 I eI No. atter f t AF rnsworthof �' ' , In the matter of the -IIs assampment o. Yl, e/ �/��t/t�/\ bassets, costs and expenses for con- Form B. S. A ti•10 sdvetln of a sewerse --- ---- -- — - -- Mayor. i from Andrew street to Brown -- nue, to under Preliminary Order 6936. Order 6626, Finnl Or- - \ der 9160, approved Sop t. 21, IB36. upon the aapeeement for the above IN- " provement, and sold assessment having i been [urthe%considered by the Council. and'havin been considered anally eat- t' I.tactory, Ee It therefore 11 " Reaolved, That the said aeeeaement be, and -the same ie hereby In n11 re- epectaatlaed, and the same Is hereby ordered to b, submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for conarmatlon, Be It Further Reaolved, That the said -easement be and It fs hereby de- termined to be payable In ave eeual inatallmepte as to each and every par_ eel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. Approved July 22, 1916. (July 29-1916) „s" Council File No. s By — S.1C:_El3RN�W0RTHT CITY OF ST. PAUL h,. Resolution Ratifying Assessinent. In the matter of the assessment of Benefits,coots. and -expenses _ .for Constructing of a.sewer on Pascal avenue froth gummit.avenue to — — ---5555-- -- Ashland avenue, under Preliminary Order 3657 Intermediary Order4031 -Final Order 4488 _ approved__AP311.15th A4ublic hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tthe said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in c --equal nstallments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. / n1, 71 �ic15 Adopted by the Council._.- 191 City Clerk. Approved- JAI_ "12) ',916 191 AL -1 C. F. \o. 11682—f1,v S. A. F.I I smorlh— I to the matter of we aaeessmentoof Mayor. henef to ro to and exn,n,aea for e Form B. S. A 8-10 atrocung of a a • unseal ara- e from Summit avenue to Ashlaaa ev under F-11inlnury order 3657.uIntermudlary order 4621, Flnnl order 4486, appruved .Pint 15511, •. 916. A Dub'1, hearths having been had u Pon the x meat for tile t e above Im- provemensand said assessment havl, seen considered anally satiefautory, be it therefore nesolved, That the said see essment be and the me le hereby In 11 apeete rnnnaa, a d the same Is heroby .dared to be submitted to the DI.trle, Court of the county of Ramsey for nnrmotion. conn It Further Resoli•ed, That thb said assessment be and it Is hereby determined to be payable In five equal Installments as, toeach and every par- oel of land described therein. L Adop[od by the Connell July 21, 1916. Approved July 22, 1916. IJuly 29-1916) �ouncil Fi)e No. ___— S. A. FARNSV'OF TH. \ By - ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL - — Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of BBAeY1 tBt_gOst6 ani. ezp_ens ea _ .., . for --. Constructing a sewer 6n Sargent venue from Snelling avenue to, the present terminus of the sewer approximately two hundred and ten (210) feat west of the center line,of Pascal awenuep under Preliminary Order 4719 Intermediary Order__ 561y1<_, Final Order _6055 approved------- - -Ju1R 1$th----191-._• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore v RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in, �r_ f--- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 21 M'5 Adopted by the Council - -_ - 191 City Clerk. Approved �I� "' '���5 191 C F. No. 11683—Ry S. A. Farnsworth In the matter of the sass. ,enc of Form B. S. A X10 _ Mayor. beneats, coats and eznensess for con- - _ --- --- at,"" ng n w Sargent n - i. nano sn�w�g o .nue to ins ,resent termnn�e of awe sewer th Proximately two hundred"- and an (230) feet west of the center line of raaeal under P'it n.. Order 4716,e Intermediary Order 6614, Final Order 6066, approved July 19th. Fla. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above lm- ant and said assessment having be an considered anally sitlafactory, be It therefore Resolved, That the said aeseeament be and the same to hereby In all re- specieatlaed. and the same 1. hereby ordered to be anbmltted to the District Court of the County of Ramesy for confirmation: Be It Further Resolved, That the Bald assessment be and It Is' herebydlet.rmi..d to be payable in - 1I Ce t Adopted b (They. 2 11016) July v21ye 916` 'Coui cll-'File No, – ® By. -_ S. A. FARNSWORT.#i. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of-benef 1 to costa and a eases 1 .---_— _ �- ----- - _ .._ for conetruetinj a sewer on-Beet Sixth street between Iglehart avenue and a point 10 feet south of the north line of Lot 14, Summit Crescent Addition under Preliminary Order 5151 Intermediary Order_6459 __, Final Order 7035 approved_ September 14th _ Igl 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in 46' —` .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. G r t r Adopted by the Council___. lgl l�z t 2 C City Clerk. Approved _ `= " '3'"� 191 sr F. No. 1168 . A. sseathof r of Se\ II / r /n the matter the nssesa en J benefits. coals and expenses for en- etrueung ,t fie er pn best sixth Mayor. Form a S. A5-10 I street bete'eon ` Iglehart avenue and ------------------- Y point 19 r,•et south or the north Ilne oP L¢t 14, Su ntmil Crescent Ad- dltlon under I'rellm lnnry Order 6161, Intermediary Order 6458, Final Order 7625. approved Sept. 14th, 1816. A public heart ng havi n g, been had upon the ¢ ent.for the above. Ino- ' p rovementsantl a Ida am nt having 1. been further considered by the Coonc(1. and having been considered anally Hallsfactory. be It therefore Resolved, That the said assessment be and the same Is hereby in all r specte ratified, and the same le hereby ordered to be submitted to the DI. tridt Court of the County, of Ramsey for con firmatlon. Be It Further Resolved, That the eatd 1 assessment be and It its hereby deter- mined to be payable In five equal In- stanmenis as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. Approved July 22. 1916. (July 29-1916) i Council Flle No.. _ By -8: A: fARN5W0' RTFfi-- a CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. Inthe.matterof the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for construct llR a sewer on_Suburban avenue from Earl street to Hester street and do Hester street from Suburban avenue to McLean avenue, L under Preliminary Order 3936 __,-Intermediary Order _472IB___Final Order 5248 epproaved_ cltlns 2Ad,1915 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. .yGL c _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. (/ ql t'.'S Adopted by the Council.._ -. _... _ _ _ 191 City Clerk. Approved- .�,,� 191 ,3i5 "h— C. F. No, 11686—ny S. A. Furneworth— ln the matter nr the ns.... ent of for Mayor. hsneats, rest. and c.pen... Farm a S. A Xlto10 aclinn sewer on su barb,, frg om "" at reel to Hester 9t. and on 111=' St. from Suburban ' avenue to \[cLenn avenue, under Preliminary Order 3936, Intermediary Order 4726. Final Order 6248,flp- proved Junc 2nd. 1916. ! pubi lc hearing having been had upon the nese sment for the above im- and said assessment having prove".t been further considered by the Council, d ball," b¢en considered anally eat-� �lefactory, be It therefore Thateaidatn e.11 e benand the same le hereby spools -111,d, and the same is hereby o dered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for - conarq�atlon. Be It Further Resolved, That the said sugpono ment be and It le hereby determlhed to be P. Y. fn flue equal) in I. ae to each and every.Dar• 1 of land described therein. ce td opted by the Council July 21, 1916. 1 Approved July 22, 1916. i (July 29-1916) Council File No Byg. AsFAEiNSWORTH \} - e ?l�rw9 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of- Bene cDAta anis vxpen!!"_ for t Constructing a sewer on Thomas street between Aldine street and Snelling. avenue__ _ under Preliminary Order 4378 Intermediary Order_4725 Final Order_ 5247 approved_._. June- 2,__ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable it1, L _-equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. L Adopted by the Council____ _ 71 10'1: 191 Approved - Form B. S. A 8-10 1 1 191 r �- uy Clerk. l� t J�� C. F. No. 11686—By S. - Farnsworth— ( ��--ff /l In the matter of the assessment of . benefits, costsewer on Densee for eat t between ng s on Tand S street mayor. between Aldine treat and Snelling—�--�"-�---"'------ avenue, under Preliminary Order 4378, is t4 rmedlary Order 4726, Final I = Order 6217. sonroved suns 2 tats xeeolvea, That the said assessment be and thesame 1s hereby In 1.all re- band the sae h to. Ysordered tets rat] o be submittednto the Dfs- trlct Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Be It Further Resolved, That the said determined assessment t be and it le hereby be payable In five equal Installments as to each and every ..parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council July 21, 1916. Approved Juty 22, 1916. (July 29-1916) inanee Ea -4406' 06 olalm O : T:-'MD9. • urncll of tpe LyfY of St. Paul., �,rr •'Eion of Mary f� .. aIld '2tfle � An°ordinance to settle the claim. of Mary T. King 1W THE COUNCIL OF TT -'F CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Mary T. Kingore to compromise and settle her claim against the City of St. Paul, aris- ing out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk in front of No. 154 East Third street, as is more particu- larly set out do her communication to the Council under date of. March 17th, 1916, upon payment to her of the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the qq_mmissioner of Finance in favor of Mary T. Kingore, payable: out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Twenty-five Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claim• "C' ant therefor, together with a^release duly executed by her in, orm"..�. to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereipabove noted. Section $ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by -the Council 1916. Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth Goes Keller l ` McColl U Nash Yoerg �- Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Attest --� - /��v`� _ L -77 12 City Clerk. /y Y�4 j lr 7 r Approved _ ' 1916. Mayor. PUBLISHED. /F 688 CITY. OF ST. PAUL ".. .. COUNCIL RES'OLLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1-1688 Subject:. . ........... CAR. FILIE o Date Presented. J.uby_-21st-16- --191:_:__ t (/ 6,'q) Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be_ and he is hereby authorized to -turchase, with'the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids, One Ford Roadster for the sum of $411.68, from the Ford Motor Co., as this is a patented article and no advantage Cofan be gainesaid Roadsterytodberchargddtor to competitive bide..os the Department of Public Utilities - Lighting Fund. C. P. No. 11888—BY 0 9 Aellm Resolved That - tha Pucchas[ng' Agent bo, and ile% hereby authorised t to purchase, with the consent of ilia Comptroller, without asking-for'com- pfr heltiTemblde. onFord ot $411.66, from -&thee Ford Met- Co. ..,this is a -patented a dole and no advantage. can be gotued by dvertisement or compatittve: bide. Coat of Bald Roadster to•be ehorged to theDepartment of Public Uttlitim— ^ ` I.I Adopts Fund Adopted by the Council July 28. 1918. Approved /.TclvJuly 29a-lelal J C �\ Yeas W) Councilmen (✓) Nays , + � 1 1 ll� e Adopted by the Council ,{}L 2,2, 916._.191. Approved JUL._'� 1 1916._.... --_ 191.._.... / MAYOR Farnsworth r.esr In Favor Keller McCoy Against Nash Yaerg-/��cr, Mr. President, FORM C.a-2 + � 1 1 ll� e Adopted by the Council ,{}L 2,2, 916._.191. Approved JUL._'� 1 1916._.... --_ 191.._.... / MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL" GOUNCiI, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �- Subject:.��9 ' COUNCIL FILE N 6..... Date Presented.. July_ 21st -.15 __ 191._ Y n A Resolved, That the Counbil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bide re- ceived for the Grading of Grantham St. East as laid out along east side of Block "C" St. Anthony Park Forth and Buford St. from Gran ham St. East to Cleveland Ave., as only one bid was,received, and the Purdhasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for new bids on same, F.B. x%959. - -- - I I C. F. No. 11689—By M. N. Goae— neaolVad, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and -hereby ejecta all bide r calved for the grudlhg of Cr. ntham St. East as laid out along I eastIda f Block ••C" St. Anthony Park North .and Buford St. from Gran - them St. East to Cleveland- Ace.. s only on bid we ,eceived. and the I Purchasing Agent Is hereby authorised to a dvertiee for new bide on same. F B,* . No. 969. Adopted by the Council July 22,1916. Approved July 26. 1818. . (July 29.1918) Yeas W) Councilmen (v') Nays Farnsworth _ In favor Keller McColl (,' Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers FORM C.6-2 JUL Adopted by the Council 191.__ . Approved JUL 25 !916 191........ ...... MAYOR -� CITY OF ST. PAUL - - a COUNCIL, RESO LUTI ON.FG E N ERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL 1"5 90 4 FILE N0. .................................. .... .. L Date Pre sented__July 2lat...16..._ 191 _ ... Yy 9 0 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Nebraska Ave. from Payne Ave. -to Walsh Ave., to Geo. B. Nienaber, at lump sum price bid of $1,750.00 Engineer's Estimate being $1,704.00. F.B. #958. C. F. No. 11600—By M. N. Goes— Resolved, That the Cauncii hereby concurs In the recommend Von -of the he trontractl fyrrethe grading of Ne- braska ee lsh Ave., to Gen. f B. NJ ... be,. at lum4 rorn Payne Ave. to Bum price bid of,31,760.00. Engineer BB e - timate being $1,704.00 F. B. No. 068. Adopted by the Council July 82, 1816. Approved (JulyB 8911916) Yeas ( d) Councilmen ( d) Nays Farnsworth Keller it _l McColl t/ Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers FORM C.e-2 e 1 " '` Adopted by the Council. JUL 2121_19.16 -.-191....... : In favor Approved 9i Isis _..._191_...... Against MAYOR z CITY OF ST.. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LittUOR LICENSE TRANSFER' - Subject: couralt iv0. me Date Presented-191— RESOLVED, resented 191—RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated -pursuant to applications duly made therefor. 0 E Vo alo�—a— From (Name and Address) J.W. Zak avic,437 Michigan St., To (Name and Address Wm. J.ysetecka,437 Michigan St. Hermann Schwabe1,3�2�rackson St. J.h. Cormier, 535 Dale St. Hermann Sehw&bel, 389 Jackson. Frank J. Schmitz, 535 Dale St. - -- hat deet a' d. The[ the followln61reN ga Yeas (✓) Councilmen (./) Nays Farnsworth L. In favor Kell $nd McColl G --Against XMLNJV >i ONXx Wunderlich Mr. President, 12M44 Irvin lite— tranefered as InalCalea ppr- suant applications duly made there- - for: No. 362, fromJ. W. Zakavle 431 I ills. St., to t'I'm. J. Vaeteaka, 437 M%lgah St. No. 241. from Hermann Schwabel. 392 Jackson St., to Herman Schwabel, 339 Jackson St. No. 349, from J. L. -Cormier, ole Dale St., to Frank Jit 636 Date 9t., Adopted by the Council July 22,5 35 1916. Approved July 26, 1918. (July 29-1918) I Adopted by the Council— -I It -2? j u �I91— J'L- e25 !916 Approved -4,191— .- -- - -� -�- .OR To- NENRY 'M. -O L COMMISSION! WM. J. TROY LILlN S! INSPECTOR' i - F JOHN T.MeCOLL - - 10lRUTr-COMMIDDIOHCII CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF POLICE July 5 ,1916. To The Honorable The Council of The City of St. Paul- Gentlemen: - Application has been made to transfer liquor license of Herman Schwabe 1, 392 Jackson Street to Herman Schwabel 388 Jackson. This is a new location, but trans- fer is necessary because repairs will be made to present location and applicant intendsto transfer again to present location, as soon as building is ready. This will come before you for hearing July 22nd, 1916. Youry very truly,;1 1 -/ C/ Lic a Inspe r. l WJT/MMG Council FUe No i By 8: A� . FARNSWORTHT-- 9 i 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of theassessmentof. benef i te, _ COete and expense for . Grading glley_in Block_6, Stinson' a_ Boulevard Addition, _ under Preliminary Order__ 6349 _ _ Intermediary Order 8337 _ ., Final Order_8615 approved_.,_._— January 15th191 6 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment or the above improvement, and said assess- ment having bden furtjler considered y the, Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and- the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _e_;;'Z�equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i Adopted by the. Council _ -- --191 v (� /_L�'�L� ity Clerk.. Approved ,;.- 191 �_.J.�"" i C. t e 1 tier of S. A. Farnsworth— la In the mutter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expense" for gad- _ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ __ _____ -Mayor. Ing alley In Block 8, Sitneon'a B u - Form B. S. A 8-10 I lnvnrd Addition. under Prolimin y - Order 6349, Interme,:':,r 'Jrd�r R3 7, ",.I Order 8818, approved January (8th, 1918. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above im- provement, and eafd aeseesment having e n further considered by the Council. and having boon considered anally eat- tafactory, be It therefore Resolved, That tho asld assessment ba and the earn, le hereby In all re- spectsatified, and the same 1e hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Be It Further Resolved, That the ,nedtoay aan' be and it le haraby de- ermi' payable to one ,Equal , Installment a to each and every par- cel of land described therein. Adopted( by the Council July 22, 1916. Approved Jnly 26. 1916. (Jul, 29-1916) Counall FIJO No. _ ey —S.A. FARNSWORTH. --- 6V3 CITY .OF„ST. PAUL ResolutionRatifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ benef its, oosts and eenses - -x� - - - - — --- for -__-_ Grading_Alley running north and south in Block 1, Lovering's Addition to Union ParkL _ under Preliminary Order_ 3939 Intermediary Order ---4360------, Final Order 4887 approved_._ May' 11th 191 5 A publ* hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment havinebeen further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Count), of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in, i"'>�equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Co ncil _ - Ill 22 191 ity Clerk. Approved 191 i t e matter�of3 the A. Farnewortlf— U (!\�J ” to the aseeeamenC .of \\ - benefits, coats and expense. for Farm B. S. A 8-10 grading alley running north andIVlayor. south In Biock 1, Covering's Addt- tion [o Unl'on Parlc, undor Prellmin- my Order., 3999, 'is' diary Order 4360, Final Order 4887. approved May 11th, 1915 A public hearing having been had span the assessment for the above fm- prOvementi and said'asseaement having beanurther considered by the Council., and h vin. been—oldarea anally Bat '.Isfact y, be 1t thetefore Be. Ived, That the safd assessment �ba an the same is hereby In all - epect Used,and the .amet. hereby der d to be submitted to the I1letrfct ji Court of the County of Ramsey for, .onarmatlgn. Be It Further Resolv6d, That the said ......".nt be and It 1s hereby de- termined to be payable In one equal Installment as to each and every par- i cel t lend described thoreln. Adopted by [he Cosncll July 22, 1916. .\pproved July 26, 1916. (J.1y 29-1919)__ Council File No. By S.A. FARNSWORTH. _ — 1 b 11-694 it CITY OF"ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of. benefitee, _costs and_ ezpeneee- for Al].4y._1A look 3, Palaoe Addition_-1xv"t A-etzoo-t. to_ under Preliminary Order 5665 Intermediary Order _.6476____, Final Order 7115 _. approved--- --Sep tembe-r A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and. said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactoy, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ��� -equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ct Adopted by the Council _ - Jl. 22 �.:5— - 191 k'2 -u -et lry Clerk. Approved 19�,__ `_).; :917 1 t F. No. 11694— naseaement of 1�tI1(,(�J n [he mnt costs and expenses [or 1 \ 111 benefits, ` Mayor. Frnding Wiley in Rlocic 3.. Patnce Ad- _-.-- .—.-- ---- 1 -- - — -----� - Form B. S. A 8-10 dluen from Avon street to arono lata c11 a be ttnthe ¢fore ed flnn11Y ea[- Ree Ived, That. the "it' assesb.sment cte rsnd atified. and theBe-e- I eple herebY rd rict Court d fothe Count b Bu Ye oftoRamthe eyt for confirmation. Be 11 IPurlh11 Resolved, That the said assessment be and It fa hereltY de- Installnent as tbe o each) anld o stye pa 1 cel f land described thereln� Adopted by the Council July 22. 1916. Approved (July 29-1916) - , 1y Council File No. \Br FAP.NBWORTH. -- �--� Hca s CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the' matter of the assessment of_ benefi ts, OOet9 dt expenses _ for 9radlnQ_tho Ulm ._;Ln Block _14, 8ohroederla Additi_ony-T_.— under Preliminary Order 4750 _, Intermediary Older_ 5629 Final Order 6105 approved__ Julq_ 22nd -- —_- _ 191 5 A public hearing having been had upon ole assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the'said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in—e 1equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _ At 191 Z�a"? t c r City Clerk. Approved b 19.1 - C. F. No 11695-11, cost Ry 5. A. Farnea'oa full -- --- — — _- ---- In the mutter 111 the ¢s semen[foD` benefits. D. an - Mayor. Form B. S. A it<to grxdlnK the Alley 1p XQnlock 14. schroeder's :\dditlon, Undm' Prellm- Inary Order 4760. Intermediary Or- der 6629, Final Order 6105. approved .July 22nd, 1915. ,. A public heart ng having been had upon the essssment far the above Im- provement, and sflid assessment hav- y. Ing been further considered ,l the Council, and having been considered finally .atisfactary, be It therefore b Read\the came isThat .hereby Inc all est .pacts ratified, d the same le her dared to be submltted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for o ftrmatlon. c Id It Further Resolved, That the said a..... to b be and I Is hereby do termined to be D¢Yable In o eeual Installments to h ad every par- 1f land ee.erlbea tnerem. Adopted by the Cou,uu July 22 ,1916 Approved July 25. 1918. (July E9-1916) Council File >S".-B-8. A. F_ ARNSln'J'RTN y_ - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. �_1696 In the matter of the assessment of, benef l te, coots and expanses-_ _. _. for (trading alley in Block 13, Boulevard Addition from the southeast ne�� _Lam, .9;, and the northeast, corner of Lot 33 _ to Albert street, under Preliminary Order 4377 Intermediary Order ._5167 Final Order 5773 approved_ 'July 7th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Count}, of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in r�yu/_ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council i t 191 �6 6C�t� t/ /12 e e- City Clerk. Approved 7-1.1 . F. 191 1 C. F. No. 11 t— of h A. Farnsworthof U. In the matter of the assessment of Y 'nenefita, costs and e,pensee for Mayor. .gtading alley In Bloch 13, Boulevard y Form B. S. A 11-10 Addition from it,,, southeast of 1,11 1. and the northeast corner of I.ot 22. to Albert 811,111. under Pre- liminarY Order 43.7. Intermediary o Order 5167, Final Order 5773, ap- proved July 7th, 1915. A public hear Ing having been had s upon the assessment for the above Im- provement,sand said assessment having been further considered by the Coun- cil, and having been considered anally satisfactory, be It therefore R..ol -ed, That the said assessment be and th, mama is hereby In all re- specie ratified,and the same is hereby ordered tto be submitted to the DI t' let Court of the County of Ramsey for con firmalion. Be It Further Resolved, Tirat the maid e.ment be and It le hereby deter- , mined to be payable In one canal Installment as to each ¢1111 a a very par- eel of land described therein Adoplyd by the Council July 22, 1916. Approved July 25, 1916. (July 29-1916) a _ ----•------ � � e Council File No._ BK �S. A. FARNSWORTH. - -� ,t' o CITY OF ST. PAUL 1\ Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matterof the assessment of- benefits, costa and expenses for Grading Belmoht—street from Smith avenue to Charlton street. under Preliminary Order_ 4721`__ Intermediary Order_ 6622___, Final Order 7124 approved_ _. September 20th, 1915 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVFIp, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in /� �— _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. Jul! 221 i s - 191 City Clerk. Approved 1 X16 191 In P`Ptheom1697 13 the o seesomenthof -heneflta, coats and expenaea for Form B. S. A 8-10 *smog nelmont ."treat from smith _-- -'- --�— ----------------Mayor. 'enue to Charlton creel. ander Pre- . ominary order 4421, Intermediary Order 6622. Plnal Order 7324, ¢p_ Droved September 26th, 1916. a public hearing having been had Pon the aeeeesment [or the above Im- provement, and laid aeeaeament hav- I C uncll,n andrthavinher g nb been econsldered the ans11Y eatletactory, be It thorefore Resolved, That the Bald a eeeemer! I Do be A. the same la hereby In all re- �.ordere stifled, and the sem., le here/..• .ordered to be submitted to ha Lla tr let Court of the County of I7n meey for ooner It&1Furtlier Resolved. That the ' aid aee.eamont Le and It le hereby determined ta.6e naynble In ave runt inetnninente ae to rtch a, ery pareel of ]and described thereln. e �dppttd by tho Council July 22, 1916 �nPro ved July 26, 1916. .. lJuly Council File No. I "'1, 698 By - S. A: F R.N-- IDRT44— - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. lr • i, In the matter of the assessment of_ benefits, costs and expenses for Grading_ of Belmont street from Ottoxa avenue to Delaware avenue under Preliminary Order 5210 , Intermediary Order _6621 Final Order_7125 — o • approved. ° _ _September p Be tember 20th 5 . --- ---- ----_ l91 _. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment Re and it is herely determined to be payable in c 4--itequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 `7 City Clerk. Approved _.- i 7 191 [`. F. No, 11696-11, R A. Farnsworth— In the matter of the n99eeament o1 ,( VIII benefits, costa and expenses for \ Mayor y;rading of Belmont street from Ot- Form B. S. A 8-10 towa,nvenue to Daleware avenue. under Preliminary Order 6210, Inter- {q rnedlury Order C62.1, Final Order 7126, pp ublic September 20th, been Pon public asseshearinsment for theing been had upon the ae [for the above Im- , provoment.sand s Id assessment having Been further eyneldered by the Council, and hnving been considered anally eat- �iefactory, be It therefore " Resolved, That the Bald aeeesement be and the same Is hereby In all re- spdete ratified. and the .sons le hereby dared to be and to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Re It Further Resolved, That the .aid assessment be and 1t le hereby de - terminad to bepayable In ave equal In. tallmenIs as to ash and every p}r- cel of land as therein, . Adopted by the Council July 22, 1916. - ^ 1 Approved July 26, 1910. (July 29-1916) Council FileNo=- 9y- —=- $. A. FARNSWORTH. __- -T ---r CITY OF ST. PAUL J ' Resolution Ratifying Assessment.' In the matter of the assessment of_ benefits,- goete and e.xpeaGes __- for Curbing and boulevardipg Case_efrom Walah avenuft to-Weide.___ etree•t -------- = --- — under Preliminary Order 572 ---, Intermediary Order _1618 Final Order_ approved ---October 7th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been furtF er considered by the, Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore a RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described,therein. Adopted by the Council' )� ll £? _� - 191 f 'l Liv (f i Col-* d< City Clerk. Approved 191 -- _--- + C. F No. 11699—By 9. A. nFnrnawaon[h f In the matter of the eaeeem V II /` `ll l� �''` benefits, ...is and expeneee. for car b- Mayor. Form B. S. A X10 lag and boufevarding Case from Walsh even$@ to Weide street, Inter- mediary Order 1618,deFtnet Order 1966, approved October 7th, 1914. p.. public hearing having a sen had I -- on the aesesemen[ for the bove im- provement, and -said aeeeead b ht - inq been further considered si the Council, a d having been considered it Releolved That mth,r the sabe id saeeeement .pacts, ratifiebe and the d. anamed ethe aamefle hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dfe- trfdt Court of the County of Ramsey . for confirmation. $e It Further Resolved, That th6 ealF ""ant be be and ft /e hereby determined a be DeYahle m ave equal inetalimente as to ash and every Dar - cel of land deeorlbed thereto. Adopted by the Council JuIY 22, 1918. Approved July 26, 1916. (7ulY 29-1918) 1 Coup Fll File No. —4. ----- gy & A. FAPNSWORTH. - tj—I ? CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grading Chatsworth street from Rondo street to Aurora avenue, under Preliminary Order_ 3339 __ 'Intermediary Order_ 4589 Final Order 5149 approved_ -."a 27th _- __1915 . A public hearing having been had upori the assessment -for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_ ti -G ti .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i 1`.' ` Adopted by the CouncilJui 22 .. .191 J)'.- -, .'.iib Approved - / � 191 C. F. No. 11700—By S. A. Farnsworth— '" the matter of the asaesstnent of benefits,. to and expenses for Form B. S. A B-10 ti aal-ng enataworth street from Rondoetroet to 'Aurora ue, un- der Preliminary Order' 1111, Inter- edlary Order 4689, Final Order • 6149, approved May 27th, 1916. A public hearing having been had upon the neseaament for the above Im- Resolved. That the Bald eleesece— be and the same Sa hereby In atl re- Bpects ratified. and the same le hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dla- trict Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Ba It Further Resolved, Thaf the said assessment be and it Is hereby � det�rmined to be payable Iq fl equal Installments ae to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council July 22, 1916. Approved July 26, 1918. �� is v �� /cz27 City Clerk. i Mayor. Council File No.__-__. FARNS'AIORTN. 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses _- for _ Grading Chipppaxa-avenue from-B"ar--atree-L-to-Anaago-1#a-a treat,- --- — under Preliminary Order 5414 --_ Intermediary Order 6483 Final Order _ 7126 _ approved- __.Se-ptam-be r, 20th__,.___ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore s RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. s BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in L -LG ..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_- 191 a i C r e ity CIPrk. Approved .''.. ' � � U 191 C r. 17o1 6, S'. .\ F.0 usworth— ' `M . n. eti,e mnuoA er je me pr --- _- ------ -- -Mayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 6 n ate, to n 'exemime tm• gtaa�n4; i•nh)pe-, � rrtm ltnk .r .erect r 641 et rete. u der rreliminnr3' Order 6414, In terms- dlury Orcler 6482, etern, lTl nal Order 7126, A pubearing hav ng beehad 5n upon tliche a hcement for the above im- and beeneI. ere dsflnallgsessment sat atactory,l be int 'er retherefore Resolved, That the neld assessment �ncc tsdrataed. a lsl dtheesnme is hereby ;§,ordered to be submitted to the Dlstrlet 'ou •t of the county of Ramesy for., 4 On flr matt on. t Be It Further Resolved, That the sn id a met)e� be and it le herg0= termie3.2,{t�0� be pavnble. Jn l Council File No. Eg. &'FARKSWORTH. f .. , CITY OF ST. PAUL' Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ benefits, Coate and expenses for Grading_ Field avenue _from _Davern_ avenue _ to_Edzecumbe _Road (formerly_ Fairview avenue)_ under Preliminary Order_ 3631 Intermediary Order 4017 , Final Order 4463 approvedApril 14th, 191,x_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment halving been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be pad able in yy , -L. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Joh22, 191 �lva. c /City Clerk. Approved _- �., J;:7 191 M I" P. So. 11702-1I.v. In the munrr o[ fhe assessment o[ Lenetlts. rut -id :uul Mayor. fexpeux„s I. F-l B. S. A $-10 F ,• at •nn,� rom Ituvcl'n - Flo F:da;e�mtmifnrmer- ly 1^�,irvi�\v nye ne), under Prelim- Inns. Bider g'IId Intermedin,,rr 1 sr AI i. Final 'I Id, 4463, approved .\nrll 1101, 11116. ' ' A Ira l,ii,hnvint; been had upon then en[ for the above Im- b—In fuent.ea nd old ed by thn, having been further c nettle red ted Council, and having been neyed flna11Y id sntlataetory. be itthereforeh said Resolved, That the said assessment ant be and the e e In hereby Inall re- .P—t. tin ”' . and the. s e hereby ordc rrd to submitted !o the Dlat r ict ou he crt or the county j Ramsey for (4 cvn armntion. k ne It Further Resolved, ti' enld nine me Is h t be and It Is hereby ' do Wl wnt to be i paynbio d ave eaunl Inetali menta ae toe ch and eery par-i rl nr land desrri bed therein` x \rinptrd by Ihr• I un -ll 22, 1916 `+ .Ini>' i .\pproved.t Intfi. '+ - u>I>'F,. Council File No..__-_ $. A. F A W T.Trnr., i 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matteraof the assessment of. benefi top costs and expenses for __ - Grading of Hamline avenue__ from Mid Parkwto Como avenue Beet, under Preliminary Order_ 5185 _ Intermediary Order -6483— Final Order 7127_-__, approved_ _September' 20th Igl 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the, Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the. District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be.1pdl it is hereby determined to be payable in"7-1,-y--r equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council n p 99 , l"'_ __ 191 / 1 i t, ) ,�t c t I r/ ,City Clerk. Approved _" ' ` �� 191 r 1.. tnr nn,nrr er tin „�araam, o F.— B. S. A8-10 beard,+. ,�oala ;god rsrv•n�ca n,r _. .... ---.__. _. _. _----.--._ ^'Iayor. graab,�; r ila,`alno .,.'t r�i�,��, e¢c . \l'ca t, ndrr l,reliminar>' rder 5185. Intrrmedl¢rY „rd,•r fI I Final t)rder 7127. ,pDro\'rd iSc1"enli r 'L lllh. In15 having been hatl uV n[hel lasaeeamngl for ,hr above en[ hIm- pn�vemenl, and s¢Irio ¢s eaem av- been further Idered nb dereC Council, n d having flnnllY antlefnrtory, be It the..... efore , Resolved. That �e eherelvaln ng 11 re - be and the me le hera- pec's r used. and the samp� h- tiered to be submitted ut tRamaleY trlct Court of the County t .rt I_ co armallo n. the and It Fme',t! bReso� ed, leh hereby d.•!ermieeai to br pn y�blc er, rqu:J e,�umen!a .d andd e, nay— o=i r m¢d a�a�r�mra tnereln. JuIY .\Irnrov. ,l Jn1Y 25.. 191 6, ■ d. Council File No.____.____. By R. A. FA.RWV.T r-rP,. CITY OF ST. PAUL • I Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessmen) of benefits, costs and exPenses- for _ -- — 0 rad ink _ Lans_1A _e tie_ t f raaL_Ham11ne__av_enuQto __Gzi"v s ts"t, -- under Preliminary Order 6669 ____, Intermediary Order 7905 _ . , Final Order_ 8310— approved 310_approved_ _ December 7th_ ____-___l91 5 . A public hearing having been had upon the assgssment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Count}, of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be 41 payable in, 'lc- - equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. lu 2' lit. Adopted by the. Council _ _ 191 J 2 ✓(7 ? c P ' City Clerk. Approved -? b`�i\,b 19I . o :\ . IIi0{—Ity v.. Fa rnsI'll th— I� n thy m;tl ter o[ the assossmeut benelt nn� a and ...v fr"mo.s (m- %�i.'/l/_ \ g n,. a�g I.e In ,91, rrn . tbtm- . - - _- -- -- _ -- - -,-- _Mayor. Form B. S. A &-10 nm• a to Urlgga net. ,nae,.- r„"u„�i�n�«y nnler ssc(t�'1nt:.r�teaV- lyder '9u5. l�lnnl tlydcr 8110. :gyp V rob ed I;eoom b:gr Sth. Is15. A pue a hearing having been had upon the teen s id for the above ini- ng bee efur ther considered by the assessment Ceunel, t' dnhaving been nnsidered finally eat- Isfactory. be It therefore Resolved. That the said a e be and the s me la hereby Ines" ratified, atified, a d tho same Is hereby rderedto be eubmltted to the nistrtvt Court of the County of Ramsey for n armaunn. c Be It Further Resolved, That the saidassessment be a d it 1. hereby 4.! mired e pnynble i s nye edam Installments a. to each and a very Dar - cel of land described [herein. Ad l by it Juiy 22. 1918. 1 .\nprocerl July 25, 1!11 R. July 24-19101 Council File No. By 8. A. FARNSWORT_H. _ I' CITY OF ST." PAUL r X05 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. t In the matter of the assessment of benef ito, spats and expenses for Grading _Laurel avenue between Hamline avenue and Pascal avenue and _ Albert street between-Hague avenue and Portland avenue, under Preliminary Order_ 4091 intermediary Order_ 5535 Final Order 5927 approved_ - Zuly 12th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in S Gil-P/ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved „� t,,. „�„,.nm,t,t Poi C A q :, '4c vuete null rsPcnae+ i„„..ala• n,.enne netween krndlnR Laurel and 1'nevul �venur 8-10Form B. S. A 10 ,d .vbert =meet t, ,ue, m,ae Mayor. nil rtlund , Po {G,i1. .. [Irdrr .ro.... Flnxl pruvert JoIY l.lh, ]!f15. been had p public hearient fug Ithe above Im- 'ngyementysenama¢IC assessment and ajderedoneY he been norther endo -eid cre I' Council, n d haend been by lhe. Cou ncll, d havinB Ids red ftnn11Y eutlefacton', be It there- l tor4 Tnmtt the sold neeisame e[' Av and the a le hereabm 1n all be ofied, and th oe a to hereby t, submitted to the Dtetrict ordered to be o[ Ramsey for ,. urt of the County onfl. tion. That the eeld e Be It FuLtber nil it is hereby deter- Itnlned tobep.y1bI M1n flue ect—yp in- stnllmente a to h d every parcel aP Innd leecrlbed therein. 22. 14IG.; .lund ed by a Cuuncil July :t Vnrovod JJ.1 dSZ Pl lalli) * t it Gou"611 File No.. ---- By. . - 8. A. FARr����.t CITY OF ST. PAUL ' Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessm$nt of benefits, coats and expenses for __Cazading_ldiltan_�tzeat from llniy�aity_atcenue__to Edmund_aStQet,_ under Preliminary Order _3338 _ Intermediary Order_ 4037Final Order 4466 approved_ April 14th __ ---- 191_5 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in <"I—, = equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council p p 22) 1 C 1 C, . __ 191 ity Clerk. Approved 1 ' ' 19111 F lltl¢r-1f A. F r 111 In theo h t e beneats a coele and. xpansae cur grading Nlllton sheet from Univer- - - - - - - --------- Form B. S. A 8-10 euy a�'en a to F,d muntree[, un- ---- ser rreuminnry order 31138, Interme- diary Oder 4627. Final Order 4466, approved April 14th, 1915. A onbI lc hearing having been had had upon the a men[ eor the above Im 1 enbyh v�gvebeent further considered the unclI. and having been considered Relsoly, daeThtat iheeIt ealahereeor�ent an -11— 0811 a and the me le hereby e- a epacte ratified, and the same le hereby o rdered to be submitted to he Elletrict Court of the County of Ramsey for I confirmation. Ae rt Further Resolved. That the <( Id -sessment bo and I[ Is hereby ?determined to a k equal In.tallments land as tope each ver rel f Innd desarlb.d therein. y par Adopted by the Council July 22, 1916. . Approved July 25. 1916. (July 29-1916) Council File Nb._____. By S. A. FARNSWORTH. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL p Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grading Osceola venue from Lexington avenue to Dunlap street, under Preliminary Order_ -6784 Intermediary Order _ _ 7593 Final Order 8037 approved_ November 18th 191 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore c RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. JF, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determinecl' to be payable in_ �! ei equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. 191 �YC ) < 7 City Clerk. Approved - • l i 191 c. F. No, plot—Rv s. A. Farnewortn— In the matter of the aseesament o[ benefits, for RradinR oe cola even Un pfrom IVIByOf. Porro B. S. A 8-10 in aton nvenue to Dunlnp street, unfntcr- - - — ---- - - - ---- - der P,elimleary OrFlnal acr 101, 6037. nedlary Order 7692, np)rov ed November 18th. 1916. p public hearing having been had u Don the ..sesam.. L for the aboe egg Droyement, a Ing been further aconeldered eb the Counen,. ad ba In been considered finally atlsfeutor, be li therefore Resolved, That the her III aln.Bll ant re- ba and the me epsete ratified, and the came i9 hereby dered to be submitted to the s yt for Court of the County of Ramsey for onarmation. c Re It Further Resolved. That the .aid sae ement be and It ]a hereby de - a to be 'prtyablo In ave eeunl. _ Inetalimenta ne to e h and every Dar- rel f land described, therein. Tdo P[rd by the Cou nrll July 22. 1918. .. .\ppro� I July 26, ]91fi. _ 1 (July 29- _____________ __— Council File No.'--- - - M A. FARNSWORTH. By CITY- OF ST. PAUL Resol Ratifying Assessment. e In the matter of the asses ent of. be, fit pate and expensee__ for 0 Grading _of_Paac 1 av_enue_from _8ummit avenue to Hague avenue, under Preliminary Order 3659 __.__, Intermediary Order_8339___, Final Order 8819 approved_ January 15th A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in i�P .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. o' Adopted by the Council_ City Clerk. '2 !'? 191 Approved � C. F. No. 11708—Ry S. A68Farnsworth— the arns o th � ,• .C�� In the matter of the of q, Mayor. benelte. eoata end e><penaea for -- Form B. S. A 8-10 grading of Paae" from SSummit avenue to Hague eavenue, Preliminary Order 3668, In- termedlary Order 8330. Final Order 8810, approved .January 16th, 1916. A public hearing having bean had ,upon thea enlifor the above lm- ,pr.-O.—t. m- - ,provementsandmanid u ea nt hav- in Counallea and hnter vin6 considered n,idereth d finally eatief—wry, be It therefore 11e 1ved, That the said --mem' see ntndru ,ffed,m .me i. the sure bmel1. hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dle- - trlet Court of the Wunty of Ramsey for co fi,matt— @That the 131 It Further Resolved, enld a ....me t be led It Is hereby ,ic t•r nin'.d t1 be pny'e b io eachle lu dvo v equal nslalimente as and a ery par- ' cel of land desrrlbed therein. .\doptcd by the (2111ncH July _". 1'J76. ' :\nn ror,.d .Iuly 36. 1:116. (July 'L'J-19163 CLcll' File No. By I p I CITY OF ST. PAUL 11709 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matterof the, -assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for hor[tp[ neon Pierce navenue C me ve avenue \Void, and on Keaton atreet belwelu I'Irrce avenue ..it Buford --'-—'--- - - _ -- '------------_---------:-----xcenue to runlorm-to the red line on the. profile- hereto attached and nadr n pn rl- hereof, the' preae at h rade b,•in;; represented by the blue line thereon. Alxo grade Pierce bel\\'een Brompton avenue In t ordonce with the red :line )rhea ex Urbllshed. under Preliminary Order 5372 Intermediary Order6271 Final Order_6947 — approved __'September 8th_ __191__5 J A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considcred finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be pa} able inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted' by the Council _ )�. 191 (r'l City Clerk. Approved -.-' • 191 11 , i•. e gin. I�;p"_ ��1 �!/`-`�--1 n w.. ,1- Iter or the1 -1nen1 of Mayor. rm FoB. S.A 8-10 hi„u,a ing il„l.v „nd •t Y a crude o 1 mese :. he nc Iren Ito„muton mid \fret. nmlon n'tliealton stree,etwCFu 1'lerre atud L'u fu ard \ n(lk lu ,oufortn tlu the red Il,• etMr prodl,n here[n tnli,d sad otad�• , port , th, prrnent geode 11111191 g rep1',—renrn ted by tlu, blue \ Ilne tlt�reon ,\Ino Grade Pirrcre enveen Brompton Line, e a ordanre with the P-11— Ilne when a-1eb1. In J, under Prelim- Innry Vrder 6372. Intermedlery order 6871. Final Urder 9947, approved Sep- lember 8th. 11115. A Du bllc hearing having been had upon then tu i et t for the above Im- I,provement,sande 111 n rrmmtt hav- ing been further conseid—Al by the t;ouncil, ..it having been 'On” on Idored finally aatlnfactery, be It therefore I I2esolva d, That the raid a s en ent be and the n hereby In 11 - 1 "' eta etllled,ta� dt the s e le hereby o rderedr to be rubml t ted LU lbe District coUl, of the County of Ramsey for co flrmatl on. Be 1t Further nerolved. That the said n e t be and It in hereby Jetrrrninrd tohe pu )'a ble In ave equul Install menu a to such and a e" par- aeI of land doeerlbod therein. Adopted by the t:eunc 11 July 28, 1918. Council File BY _. --- i 17 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL 40 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 1� In the. matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exFer.ses for Sradi Syndicate avenue F.eRx_t_avenue to_Seminary_�treet,- under Preliminary Order- 38 . 755 AG7tF)EiC�IIBdfi�x®XdeJEx_ Final Order 40, 325 approved-_S"tea.ber 11th' -. .-._-1913 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having, been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the i same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council,_._ 191 t t��I C / f City Clerk. Approved " 1911 (� �, �1 �.F. mu. 1 l-1- Mayor. I yn the alt.•r of the asarse.aent of Form B. S. A 8-10 ben nls, ,. nd expenaen for grading Syndicatefrom Hewitt a Io Semiteiu u)' etree 1, under Preliminary Order 38,755, Final Irtler 10,325. appl—d SrIt rn I,r 11th, 1913. A public hearing having been had u Don the anseeement for tho above Im- provement, and said n en[ hav- - Ing been further nsldered by the Council and havinggcobeeu co Idered Anally aatle[nctory, be It therefp re Resolved, That the said n meet 1" be d the a la hereby Inns 11 - specta rnnned, and the me le hereby ordered to be submitted to the 1)18- 1 trlet Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Be It Further Resolved, That the ald assessment be nd It le hereby determined to be .payable In flue equal Ins tanenta a to each and every par - el finland de scribed [heroin. „ .1,1—Ird by the C-, -I July 22. 1910. -1pproved July 25, 1916. (July 29-1918) ^ �a- Council F11e INN.__ _ ey CITY OF ST. PAUL' - — f Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grading Power street between Cleveland avenue and Wilder street and constructing a sewer on Power street from Wilder street to a point 10 feet east- &f mho- Wesl,-line of 4," 9,-&beelr-T3y W&19-h0n-1a v.18$6 -r-- - --- -- under Preliminary Order_ 4343 Intermediary Order- 5539 _ Final Order_ 5938 approved-_sJg_ly 13th __-___-191 5 A public hearing having been had uporrcthe assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _tnj� equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. q�f Adopted by the Council f �Z �'- I" - _ _- 191 C 7 1Il ity Clerk. Approved � JID 191 U 4c/J� ` l'. l••. So. 11;11—tiiVie•\.ne--acntttf . - In the nwtter am es eor ---- Form B. S. A 8-10 henenf1a• ens Cleve- _ _. -- -_. -./ -- - --_--Mayor. - 10 — street he-- N,ildcr street ' sn ',all even— nd tst ruting � se t4 n Int power test t� ,� D" from NVrlder xl rest Ulocic n t of the \\•est lineofLot Pre liI o\Vulsholi s Place. i, ]n termedlerY Order • Order 434'L, - 568U, Final Order 6928• approved Jn Y 13th, 1916. having been had b In sesame gt for the above Im- hnv- uD np Dn�vement,s nd eaid ne es nl curther considered dared peen been d having 1 Conoco anally aatlsfactorl' be it there T ohs aidY ala 11 re- R eet'tp. mt Ie be andratlfled, ams le hereby and the [s ubmilled to the Dis- ordered to �e �De untY of AamseY f o trice sou rt for n flrmatlon. That the. Forth et. esolasdit � Be I[ b is hereby old and In ecus l efive ver determined to be Dec a each and Y Der' '.. Install moats . rl cel of land deecriDe3 thereinY 22. 1916. JuI - ^ Adopt'•d a'J ulYe 26�1916� Approve (July 29-1916) - Council File No._____ _ 3.A. FARNSwo, H. By - - - 1 117 E.`-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bensf iter Costs and expenses for Grading Ryde street from N. P. Rw t -of_ way to -Union street under Preliminary Order- 3433- _ intermediary Order 4019Final Order 4464 approved__ ---April 14th —_1915 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Courtagf the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council q 20 ; � G 2crG City Clerk. Approved 191 ..._,Ji7 1 -, / •(-���1`^�1 F`nrneworth— n aeaeeament --- Mayor. bNn,.nte •oclx n,l o[ Form B. S. A 8-10 _ rrr:,dlnu near ei�eet noe,N1iv. for Itlnht ur \\'p. :U' to IJnlon etre,.[, under Ih:,il In,�nur>' ltrdcr 5i&2. Inlerntedln— . rh'der 4019. rjul,I order 4JG3. up- �e l,roye'1 :lVrll Ii[h, 1915. upon Pub thel assie essment for Ithe beg. hme --one- t, and Bald m ing been further conasideraeeaeedent Dyha[hy- e Connell, d haying bse1� coneldered anally satlslne[ory, be It Therefore - Res.] That the said assessment be .De ( d the aratified. media h,rebthe sameln all le hereby o rdC uatt d fo the eCo nity Of Ramseyt r et for confirmation. Be It Further ReeOlyed, That the aeiermi�ea mo be be and It is hereby 6nstal lmoen to to slag Ih i and a equal I Dareci f lana described therein. e AaMN.ed hY the Council July 22, 1916. .�nvroyea Jelr 2b, 1016. (July 29-1916) Council File No.— CITY OF-ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grading South Saratoga avenue from Jefferson avenue to Randolph street, under „Preliminary Order_ 1811 Intermediary Order. 5617 Final Order-6066 Ppproved_ July 20th -- 191 5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it tfierefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the, District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. r, Adopted by the Council 191 n City Clerk. Approved � - 191 � naworth— tnhet�hpntx at�,o`a f tae a eeeament or - -- -..._ - ----- -Mayor. Form B. S. A Zi-10 le a'creon S°uth aratogn aPenuea from under Preli-In.,y Rando)ph Greet. termedlary Order y6817aeFinal 6tl, tn_ 6088, approved July 20th, 1916, Order A. public hearing having been had Pr.upon the eaeeeement for the above Im- inglebeent fur he-aid c nagldered nbyhahe Council and having been de ad Ma11Y e'I-factory, be It therefore b Raeolvpd, That the ffi same le hereby .......jeet epectad atl0so. and the ame le hereby trletred Court be f the miffed to the Dle- [or conarmatlon. County of Rameey ne tFurther Re Resolved nsaid assessment be and Ii feh t she etal,me^iatgeb�apayable to Vvehaausi d el L lana tleecrlbed tthe�eln, erY par- Adepted by ADDrovetl Jul, Coanc❑ lull 82, 1.9,6. 26, 1916. (Jul, 29-1910)_ Council Fiie No._ By $L A. FARNSWORTH. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' 4 f ,;Resolution Ratifying ' Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grafi Stevens street between Charlton street_ and Bellows street,_ under Preliminary Order_ 8566_ _, Intermediary Order_ $994___. Final Order --9338__. approved_- _larch 2nd, _ - ___191.x_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ;111�LU c _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 1�..,. Adopted by the Council !!II 22_ 1 g 1 ity Clerk. Approved 191 l C. r•. o�lal]14—Hx=S. A. tar orino In [h, Iter or tod naae smant f ben«fits. rusts and expenses Por _ Mayor. grading Stevens street between - ----"- Form B. S. A X10 Chariton -treat and Rell owe street566. . Older under ed lnryPreliminary Ord— r 8994. Final Order 9338. approved March 2nd, 1916. anthel is hearing having been had D rovemen t,a and said sessment for the above Im- e ent he,: been further assessment by the Connell. and having been co aldered anally. salefac[ory, be It therefore be andl he Tme le aherebya1 neall ret erecta atf aed, nod the me Is hereby Ord eredr to be submitted filo the Df strict Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. said He it Further Resolved. That the term, nedeto ehe be and It fe herfiveeby de - Installment as to Payabandle In ever eQ 11 cel C Land deseribed therein, y par- t Adopted by the Council July 2R, 1918. a Approved Ju1Y 26, 1916. tl . (July 29-1916) I�,. F 14. n11 -11 lc ProDoa 1 car -the maul g e the r11 Ning 1 vrovoment, Council File No. vfa Co t ct .-r hn Dtti$Onorth Ilne�or nl eefnmlgeDF:. in GPrahlam' St- ana on eraah m st. er°m De auto St-ROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT to Clark St hr"tl+•p,b� attee$C teFao - the Coa.. v find thnerror e>ub' PRELIMINARY ORDER. !, 1 The,undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.__.. Qongtr..vc.t...a....s.ewer.an Do Soto St. from a point 30 north._ ..... _....... Rf..._the ...nosth...line.._o.£...Jo8.9sinine...S.t.w_to_..Goran.imn_St......and....on._.GoN,-t— ........... St _._...._�r.om...Ila._.SotQ. at- .....to....Cl.ark_-at_._.in-accordanae _vi.i;h....p.et.it.ion_hE_&t.tiaQZle.Il:... . _ ....... ......... Dated this........ 22nd. -day of " J11.1y_ 191 6... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... St_.....frou._a_point _.30 f.t...... north. of the ] neafJ.e.a.semina .S.t_..._to..G.uraniun at ana.-on _Gerd iun.Ht_..._fxo De Soto St..._ to .Clark__$tx_ _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed' 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on tryc petition of three or more owners. 6. To report uponyofforegoing matters to the Commissiioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. �iL1__,-�- y.. 191.__ Yeas: 4, Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes Approved _...;'.__. _ . J _._ 191.__..... Hyland Beller MeGew Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Cf 11yr. C F No. 11716—'-.. Y Rrereae, A. written proposal for thq• - ✓ "' ' mill' nK Coof thef llowing l provemenl. viz: ndemhing and taking anase 9 i ment In the land- neeeo a for lopes. Council File No. for cute' nd fills In gray din slopes, - i Hear Road from Edgerton treat to Payne o venCit.ue, aring neer presented PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 w the couseii t the C• j" Ther,:. r... be it .._ . tha - and. v. PRELI NARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making �f t+he following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:._.._ c.ondemni.ng,....and ._takingan easement- in the land necessary --for road,.from_.E4ex_ton_:. alrenue ----------- - ._ ............ _. --- Dated this ..._24.th_....._ fty of __ .. July - 191 6 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: condemning and tokin$._-an... e.asement.._in.._the.._l.and_.neaeaear.y....for .._aingea.,_.for cuta...and..i'ille in_firadi.la$....R7a.i.te..P.e.ar.._Eo.ad.,....f-rom....EdEext.on_etree.t....t.o...Paine.._5. ellue ................. ---- ............._....._........... .......... .... ......... a having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improve nt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estivated cost of said improvement, and t e total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: 5: To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ___._:<r�a.-.t�L_.._�',7 .1916...... i Yeas: / Nays: Councilman Farn orth Goss Approved i..- ' J �_.. __._..... 191......._. Hyl d Kell r Wunderlich U. ............................................................................................... Mayor Irvin nor. i 'OwMCO PYJ1tLlstfla..��_ 1.A�� / Subject: CITY OF ST. ,PAUL-�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GrENERAL FORM a -9-71-7 'COUNCIL FILE NOS Date Presented July 84 191 6 Resolved, That the'Commissioner of Public Forks be and is hereby authorized and directed to, cause King street, between Cherokee avenue and Smith Benue to be sprinkled four times daily during balance of season 1916. C. F. No. 11717—By X N. Ooee— Resolved, That the Public Works be acentral OF of Pund Se hereby feed and directed to cause Hing t etreet.l bween Cherokee avenue and Smith avenue tobe sprinkled four times daily d4ring balance of season 1916. Adopted by the Council July 24, 1916. Approved July 26, 1916. (July 29-1916) L Yeas (✓) Counc imm (✓) Nays / / Z., orth Adopted by the Council �/„'1: L fj 196. GossJJJJJJ In favor j (// Hyl d _ Kell r Approved ” ��� �(31�5 191 C Against 1�✓ `� — " — \ . Wu erlich Mr. President;, Irvin MAYOR FORM C.8-2 '6 City of St. 1 X718 Council Resolution - General Form Departmep4f Burs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - Council File No: -�-Date Presented 1916 Resolved, that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wires with the necessary anchore thereon in the following named streets: 4 Poles on South line of Levee from East side of Minnetonka Street to Fenton Street. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council,Said coat to be by the Telephone paid Company. Adopted by the Coun it 1916 Yeas ( ) C uncilmen Nay a. F rnaworth as 1 nderlich land J eller Approved"_ '' D 1916 MT. President rvin c. F. xe, >171s—ay M. N. cess— Mayor Resolved, thn[ permleelon th and It Is her granted the Northwestern Telephone Exdhange Company to set Polea and string tylree with the neoes- sary anchortathereon In the following named streeete < P lea n outh line of Levee from of Minnetonka street to Fen- Asstride PSt olse and wire. to be removed -ben repuested tb do so by the Common ' "'JI. .1-d 'oet to b.- calif by the' 1•elephone l'nm' pn ny. AQoPtdd bSIhi l'ou null .lul)' Yi, 1916. t approved July 25, 1916. 1 iJul y 29-1916) 1app9: ° % 7g . CITY OF 5T. PAUL J ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI EMca NO.-- 1-171 OL 2 4 191t, BY 5 � ✓LL /" AUDITED-...__ ._191 ,.n.,u.. ' ar ER .%-/C/✓G�J-rz -a—r-U �..:2. rYt%, X192 Resolved that warrants be drawn Cit the upon P Y Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the folloRing detailed statement: _ Yeas ( s ) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted.by the Council -1, 'Al `irnsa•orth d , Goss ?,, an �I ld Approvedr /� 191 Y In favor U �l( Keller C A'f'e6"R -E.. Against - MAYOR 'Wunderlich Mr. Presid4rrt, Irvin ni 0 S. A. Farnsworth, Com".r. Finance, Street Const. x Repr.-,al. 8 730.59 $20,755,02 Sewer onst, oc Repr. 509.43 Street leaYng 5 108 3 Sewer C eQ.n1,40 .75 City Dun s 0.00 Bridge B1pr. 26.82 Sprinklingv 5'43.33 Water Sup 75.00 Paving D red a*ion �% 273.25 Gen -Doc s, Wha ves x Levees 5.00 Grad. Yvy-Earl o Orange / zR.50 Grad Herschel. b}r to As}15 and 2,p .40 Imp,' Wheelock Yark ay 2.00 j Fqv. Summit -Snell. Brimhall 331.45 II Pay. Canada -14th to 5. 34.20 �1 Pay. Grove -.Jackson to adway 739.13 Pay. 14th -Robert to Broadway 652.72 Pay. Alley B1k. 2 Wri,-hts Re-ar. 560.12 20,755.02 51 1 F. G. Albrecht, (� e { Pub. Parks -Parks -Music 716.0 51 2 W. C. Marlow, Sr., Health -Pub. Baths -Music 400,00 5 3 Gustav J. T. Neuberg, Gen -Misr. & Unforseen Exp. 64,00 1 C. F. leo. 1171 ehl— --rae be draw. Don'heCit�TreaeuryaDaY ble out of the herelnattn. In favor of the pe�6one, ilrme or eor_ porations for the amounts T 1 , #192 21, 935.0,$,.,,, eet ppoelte their epeotive a ae peolded In ..1d :ne following detailed _Res _ r stat 9. A. Fe rnawprth, Com'r. Fina nee, 120.766.02. ' F•. t:. Albrecht, Pub. Parke=-parka— MDalc. 1716.00. «'. C. Marlow, 3r,. Health—Pub. 00 $ ,uatavl J.l T.1 NePberg, Gen—Mier. & t'nfo""" Exp.""".0 164.00. Adopted b)' the CounII July 24, 1916. Approved July 26, 1916. --'$ (July 29-1916) I - F - CITY OF ST. j PAUL - v COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL F Subject: Appointment of'j Superintendent of Schools Resolved, COUNCIL FILE Date Presented That the appointment of E. C. Hartwell as Superintendent of Schools, by the Commissioner of Education, for the next ensuing term commencing August 1st, 1916, be and the same is hereby confi-Tmed and approved. ,•. r•. gin. n n. wnnaeru,a,— neeulvra. Thnt„k. xPPoln[men[ of R. C. Hxrbvcll uperin len Gent oe S'1'001s. ny the Commleslonor oe Edu- •Atfon. for th, r �xt a vuln�; IETm i - n"u. ,7U4'llA t� Ie t. 111970, he t na t�thn vfl.a 1. h... by ,onflrmea una np- ea. .1,1,prb•a Dy the 1'ou nail July 24, 1916. A -p p ro vea July Y6. 1916. . (July 29-1916) I -y Yeas ( v') Councilmen (1') Nays ✓Farnsworth /j� 'Xoss / In favor Keller /McColl C) Against ,Nash v1'oerg Mr. President!Powers J 11. 24 into• Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 2.5 19L. MAYOR '\ v ■ Ttt th matter of s! in curbins US L ; onstraottud ag walks, In furnialitn8 .5.i nd erecting ,ready for -aervlcear or- ; mental lamp etandarde,-and -con noting a: bridge across Third �, F. Ifo. 11721—^ a. in Mounds Bouleva d, from Ia the matter of '➢11169, curbing and, enth street to the (ee line of. conatructing walks, In furnishing ont street, said h ul and to-. and erecting ready for services, or O/ne HoRmesr avenue Ir Eu.lid- namental lamp standards, and on- et to Clermont atraet. together atructing bcidge across Third . Litt a necee6arY newer. star and atraet, In Mounds Boulevard, from co nectlone from etr et mama Seventh street to the west line of pro rfy lutea on a, where not �� Clermont street, sold boulevard or read made'' ale. all ]ley and eluding HoRman avenue from E!— rlvear y app oachee. w re noes- A etreet to Clermont street, tog eery; nder ":P.rellmtnary :Order No. / — with the necesear p 10624;. ➢proved May 18t 1818. — gee connections to properDy linq onstructin walks in furnishi A publi be.eIrg_ ; ng been hying* au+ already, OmadeY g / ng the ab ItnD vement, ,. Don drlvew'q,y tics ana tie a unci] hav nr g bjbdt no ani a for servl ,,vs, ornamental lamp standards, and oonetruot- tionb Fels ve tb etc considered tb_ - Resoly df %M bridge across Third street, in Mounds Boulevard, from Seventh street to the west line of Clermont street, said boulevard including Hoffman ave- nue, from Euclid street to Clermont street, together with the necessary sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property linea com- plete, where not already made, also all alley and driveway approaches where necessafy, under Preliminary Order _ _ 1 0_? _ approved Pr A lic hearing having been had on the above improvement,,pon due notice ani the council having heard all persons' objections and recommendations. relative, thereto and having fully considered the same therefore,be it Reaolved. W the council of the City of St.Paul tn"t the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the saiq City is to pave,00n- etruct walks and furnish and erect, ready for services, ornamental lamp standude, construe a wooden trestle bridge across Third atreet,wbioh bridge is to have ar. eighteen (1£) foot rcadway, and foot walkj, on Lounds Boulevard, from Seventh street tc the west line of Clermont St., said boulevard,including Hoffman avenue, from Euclid street to Clermont St., together with the necessary sewer, water and gas connections, from street' mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also all alley and driveway approaches where necessary, also concrete curbing. The single roadway between Sixth and Seventh streets, to be thirty-six (36) feet in width and the roadway Mound the arkin s between Sixth and Seve th strests �Ye G*Sr�.ltsl.ee A as y; to be 88 (twenty-eight) feet in width except on the curbed portions on said roadway in Mounds Par � o be thilty-six (36) feet in width,and the C uncal hereby orders Said improvement to be made. F solved Further. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed,to prepare plans and;speoitioations for sold Improve - went ,and. submit same to the Council for approval; -that upon said approval, the proper city offioers are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with, the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Yeas C� CoC oilmen (✓) Nays / "t�rnsworth - Adopted by the Cuuncil (/CDs, 7 In favor 7 ri( lyland Jy l� Approved LNicColl d � �' � ."Aealaic K}1�H/� to tch v;t . Praideat Irving aavea. 104bc"-e•a m 4 I tt ....................................................... ;..................................................................... COUNCIL FILE NO...... ... _.......... .._.— 21 ................_.... ........... .......... _........... ............. FINAL ORDER. ` In the Matter of._.Patirtg,..._cu.rbing....and.... calla t-rust.ing._walke....and...furni8h.;Ln&_.._ .and erecting, ready for services, ornamental lamp standards and construct _ ..... a -bridge across Third _street; -Drt-A Imide ievard-Pram- L-vunth-stzest _to_._the westline .__of Cler*ont street, said boulevard._ includingHoffman avenue If. rom Euclid street to Clearmont street, together with_ the necessary__. sewers--waUr-and-gas-cog^�^«=,����^^� Sna-_tG property lines complete, where not already made, also alley and driveway approaches_whe-re e"�Y na, _... ---- ._.....--------- _......... ............ ...... ..... -........ - ........... ............ -... .... - - -- ------....--- .... ... ----.................... under Preliminary order__ ...1.0,.534 ......... _.._........... .......... approved-- Intermediary pproved__Intermediary Order..... ---.......... .......... _.......... ............ ........... _..... approved ...................... --_.._....._......_._._.._ _.._.._...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.. P 1 that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.P.&".t rtt rb and_aozis.truc t walks amd_furm"h and erect, ready for services, ornamental lamp ptandards and construct a-br-idge- ao roe e"-Thid-sb ree4; "-cx Ma+3itti$-B©rig evar�-f roffi ••$eves- s tree$ to the west line of Clermont street, said boulevard including Hoffman ""-ave$ffe•-Yro��'ucTi3-sirrsg't---i--o""C'I8'iCimo'� eireei'; �gei�ierwwiih"'"itT'e`_-- _II99.Pd.ee.T7...0.0110.T..__W.8s....az _gab..eflnnection� fxn..sS�Eet.�et�z>�._.S.a_.Rzap.Qrty lines, complete, where not already made',�` leo alley iv nd drway, '-aperoaohea--�rha-re--feoe�see-xye,.-����z l/ --�------- And the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.........: Vii[ 19i �..... i_..------............._.-.._....__...............__._—_—_..__ - - City Clerk. Approved__.................. ....... __... _ .......... , 191 _.......... _..... ... _ _..._... _. ... _......... ____ // Mayor. h CouncilmanJF nsworth YCio'Is s 1,e Iler C"Mccoll May2cti It / Form B. S. A. 8-7 �� �� t 9 ....................................................... ;..................................................................... COUNCIL FILE NO...... ... _.......... .._.— 21 ................_.... ........... .......... _........... ............. FINAL ORDER. ` In the Matter of._.Patirtg,..._cu.rbing....and.... calla t-rust.ing._walke....and...furni8h.;Ln&_.._ .and erecting, ready for services, ornamental lamp standards and construct _ ..... a -bridge across Third _street; -Drt-A Imide ievard-Pram- L-vunth-stzest _to_._the westline .__of Cler*ont street, said boulevard._ includingHoffman avenue If. rom Euclid street to Clearmont street, together with_ the necessary__. sewers--waUr-and-gas-cog^�^«=,����^^� Sna-_tG property lines complete, where not already made, also alley and driveway approaches_whe-re e"�Y na, _... ---- ._.....--------- _......... ............ ...... ..... -........ - ........... ............ -... .... - - -- ------....--- .... ... ----.................... under Preliminary order__ ...1.0,.534 ......... _.._........... .......... approved-- Intermediary pproved__Intermediary Order..... ---.......... .......... _.......... ............ ........... _..... approved ...................... --_.._....._......_._._.._ _.._.._...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.. P 1 that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.P.&".t rtt rb and_aozis.truc t walks amd_furm"h and erect, ready for services, ornamental lamp ptandards and construct a-br-idge- ao roe e"-Thid-sb ree4; "-cx Ma+3itti$-B©rig evar�-f roffi ••$eves- s tree$ to the west line of Clermont street, said boulevard including Hoffman ""-ave$ffe•-Yro��'ucTi3-sirrsg't---i--o""C'I8'iCimo'� eireei'; �gei�ierwwiih"'"itT'e`_-- _II99.Pd.ee.T7...0.0110.T..__W.8s....az _gab..eflnnection� fxn..sS�Eet.�et�z>�._.S.a_.Rzap.Qrty lines, complete, where not already made',�` leo alley iv nd drway, '-aperoaohea--�rha-re--feoe�see-xye,.-����z l/ --�------- And the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.........: Vii[ 19i �..... i_..------............._.-.._....__...............__._—_—_..__ - - City Clerk. Approved__.................. ....... __... _ .......... , 191 _.......... _..... ... _ _..._... _. ... _......... ____ // Mayor. h CouncilmanJF nsworth YCio'Is s 1,e Iler C"Mccoll May2cti It / Form B. S. A. 8-7 �� �� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works r Report to Commissioner of Finance J^.e .191_ _.... 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliu+inarY order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. __105J4...._approved ay _lett,. _ . .191 b_, relative to kavir.w- of +o"r.rle 5ot.Ieva:d from. Sever.t'l ,t, to West 1. r.e of '!ern. rt ;t, i-.clLdir 5c'_}:s, ;ar,.T etan.arls, bridxe _ . across Tird St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __._..._.necessary and (or) desirable. 3. The estimated cost thereof is $-......''XgX $ ...XXX?:_..._._, and _ .._ -.., amt the total cost thereof is .' the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nnade a part hereof. 4. ........ ...._..__... . _......... ._.__...... .._._.._.._. _.. ......_.. __... _...... ..._�,.._. ,_. o. Said improvknient is...___ti.Q.t_.:_._._...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��l l z p� Co++imi sinner of Public Works.` I� (A) In th Matter of CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ...... ......... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADOITIO�1� ASSESSED VALUATION under Preliminary Order approved,;-- ------ ------- - --- ------- To the Council of the City of St. aujt 7 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ,KIND OF PAYING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE COST PER FRONT F00_T. Granite $99,091.74 $10.76 Sandstone 31" Creosoted 88,365.00 9.59 Block 80,203.35 8.71 Brick Asphalt 75,539.55 66,678.33 8.20 7.24 Asphalt concrete 58,050.30 6.30 Asphalt macadam 49,189.08 5.34 Macadam Concrete 44,292.09 51,054.60 4.81 5.54 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADOITIO�1� ASSESSED VALUATION 0 C, '9 0 C' c, 5' I A TOTAL, TOTAL, PORN B.D.A. G-! 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL # _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ I, ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D E S C R I P T I ON' LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4w, � 7 L.� .I O V v ;r so d�J TOTAL, PORN B.D.A. G-! 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL -- - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Q J 1 4 d ,r ON PRELIMINARY "ORDER . (B) t DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ^ ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ��'7 1 1 / �,���ih coo h G a o �8 mJ W o l ip [ I,- `;/7 '/7�r all Oc�'O 49 r IORM B.- em e TOTAL, I 'CITY OF ST: PAUL - DEPARTMENT,OF FINANCE - L t RrPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y 1 ON PRELIMINARY, ORdkR - (B) DESCRIPTION �,' LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION hr ��so 4Z Vo a l lei �� z 700 T o ✓/ )2 b J O a/7 �s-o 'ORM B.S.A. a-n 0 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' �• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANce lot' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK l,D D I TI ON k C1 J y' c9J iQl^ �D TOTAL. Y ' P ASSESSED VALUATION D � D �2 S fa � • ,� So y� a o Ob J_O o �Dd 700 bo 00 70� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE °� r �. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION /%/,.jDDITION LD �V� ('c' 3 lop yDZJ Y �L2o K o o o v �v y , G� SO ronM e.a.w.em e TOTAL, � , TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE- RLPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION �® LOT BLOCK /% ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ^/ 1 6 / .l1; 7 o 7 p 40 Q'7 6� o � e o mot °S �i• �� '� Lt o ld S �d 7 xo 4 YY ,4Y �v z?� o �3 4,4 SCJ," .3 a o L4 y �D v S- o Y 4 y .SO t> I , TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL ` - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRET IMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o � 5-7 0' nn-- ry� I ZJ pd o A � n5' 1.3 Y L }! 4? 11 ly Elp y 92) 7 z s TOTAL, �onM e.e.w. aa e CITY, OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r. a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Bi ` DES,CRIPFION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED "" VALUATION 'f 6 Cl �7(rJ S73 � V 7�1 s-6 a Inv o 0 6� Ir � bov a ronM e.e.w. ee a TOTAL, .� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 ASSESSED VALUATION �. L �J �c' L7 l /fig � t %� ��✓ � -C, ! S �� 4a. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as hikreport thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -191 - _ - Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. June 16, 1916. Mr. M. it. Goss COmrlissfener of Public Works Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the paving of Mounda Boulevard from Seventh St. to west line of Clermont St. including walks, lamp standards, bridge across Third St., in accordance with Council File 1-10634, approved May 16, 1916. Assegsable frontage o 9,213 ft. NIJD OF PAVING _ �.4P2. J`:IL; ;'_^': 'r;3 _'I iT'+;C08T PF:; r^:i0'i?T FOOT � -- Granite $90,944.10 $9.87 Sandstone 80,217.36 8.71 3P Creosoted Block 72,055.71 7.82 Brick 67,391.91 7.32 Asphalt 58,530.69 6.36 Asphalt concrete 49,902.66 5.42 Asphalt macadam a 41,041.44 4.46 Macadam 36,144.45 3.92 Concrete 42,906.96 4.66 No. sewer on Euclid St. and Hoffnan Ave. to take drainage. 2,858 sq. ft. tile sidewalk '228.64 11820 " " cinder 91.00 $319.64 67 Lamp standards with V. G. C. $5,628.00 1 Temporary bridge'at Third St. $2,200.00 Where house connections are not in, add to cost of each lot: For sewer, either side o3 street $ 55.00 For water, 3/4" W. side of street $ 80.00 For water, 3/4" B. side of street 39.00 For gas, W. side of street $ 11.00 For gas, B. side of street 14.00 -z- If a permanent bridge is desired across i'hird 8t., I estimate the approximate cost of same at $14,800.00 Yours vur$ truly, .4' Diot. J.E.C./M. Chief Rngineer under Preliminary order_..._._ 101119 _,—_..: approved....._Apr.il 34th, 1916' ` IntermediafyOrder _.._._...................... _............_.....---- —....approved ................... ..----................ — ....... ---..__._....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. Grade Al lep in. B1ock.._.1,t . Summit View Addition, .......... --._..... _....... ........ .._.. ..r—_......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvem in accordance there th. Adopted by the Council............ _._... _�, �f ,/ ^ City erk. Approved.... ..... ....— I ..,.-'---- -- ----• 191 Mayor. Councilman Farris orth Jv , thepCOun- '✓ a"L is, e an, ��U-.1�• IiCII \� d `, �s retailtithe er thereto,. " �6 lly considered the at be d .+LEset d. Bytthe Counell of the a f{"bt 9t Panl that the precise nates, fent and kind of improvement prent to /G; made by the said City Is grade Alk In muck 1, Summit View Addition, an., the Copnoil hereby order. said im- provement to be made. Mayor Resolved Further, That the Com- _ issioner f Public Works be and he Form B. S. A. 8-7 le hereby of and directed to pFepare plane and pecldcatlons for said Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; lhryt upon, Bald approival, the proper city bftI ... lj are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making o[ Bald Im- provement to a cr!=— fherealfh Adopted by the Council July 96, 1919. Approved July 26, 1919. (July 29-1916) g Mt, N a CITY OF ST. PAUL - ' - DEPARTMENT OF,FINANCE m REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - In the Matter of ___.. 1-2-----.-..-- .-...... ----------------------- .................... _ -------- ---- -....... ..__,-_ _..._.._ .._.__.......... r under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: , The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $. 118.03 - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $_._.--___-110 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION n G '1 ( Ur 1 A rows, e.s.w. e s w TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL - •* - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 + REPORT OF C011 PfISSIONER OF FINANCE (C) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 7wuf -, iz l 4� ASSESSED. VALUATION zzoo / b.T S� �8s ys' says The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .., _.191 FORM e.3- a -s c Commissioner of Finance. May 22nd, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Forks But l d in g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 1, -Summit View Addition, from Saratoga Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Council File No. 10119, approved April 24th, 1916. Approximate estimate x$118.02 Cost per front foot .10 -..._ Frontage 1200. ft. Excess inspection 7.69 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. JEC/MH 1 CITY 'OF� SAINT` PAUL J OIPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. Goss. COMMI9SIONSR ROSEAT T. GOURLEY r Co1lYluwXM OSCAR CLAUSSEM, w MA - J. E. CARROLL Sun. CoxN ... 4 R—.. ALFRED JACKSON. Sw S.x1-1 G. H. HERROLO, o"'E�Oixttx H. W. GOETTINGER' 5On, WOUMOU.E May 22nd, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Forks But l d in g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 1, -Summit View Addition, from Saratoga Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Council File No. 10119, approved April 24th, 1916. Approximate estimate x$118.02 Cost per front foot .10 -..._ Frontage 1200. ft. Excess inspection 7.69 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. JEC/MH 1 May 22nd, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Forks But l d in g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 1, -Summit View Addition, from Saratoga Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Council File No. 10119, approved April 24th, 1916. Approximate estimate x$118.02 Cost per front foot .10 -..._ Frontage 1200. ft. Excess inspection 7.69 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. JEC/MH A TO THE HOSORABLI3 CO]MON CITY OF ST AND BOARD Oa PUBLIC WORKS,,. (lent 1 emen : - We, the undersigned property owners, respectfully Petition your Honorable bodies to have the alley graded in _ block one (1) Summit View Addition, between Saratoga and Pascal Avenues. Name Lot Block Addition •� rl � j J J r - / _ — _ I 5 _ i s i ,1 - f i I j CITY, OF ST. PAUL a _ OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOJRM�1"7`� Subject: COUNCIL ��� ' FILE NO. yj Date Presented July 25th, 191 6 RESOLUTION FIXI-G TT'F AiJ.OL::T OF. LAND OR EXTEKT OF EASEYEPT. Resolved, T�) BE TAKE:' II`i C07DEMNATION, PROCFEDI::GS In the natter of condep.nim- and ta.kin� an easement in the land necessary for elopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 1, Sunrit View Addition, unrer,Prelir.•Anary Order (10120, approved April 24th,.1916, and Intern.ediaxy Order -10966, appmoved Jure 14th, 1916. The Con.n:issioner of Public Works havinE submitted his report and sketch in the above natter, be it s 7 RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and deterr,ir.es the amount of land to be taken for the above named in:xrovem_nt is an eaaament for elopes, for cute and i:le in and upon the land abuttir_l, upon t'..e.alley in Block 1, :u:,i.it View Addition, to the extent s'.own upon t:.C. sketc_: attached to the rerort of the Commissioner of Pub-_ic "orks in the mater, dated July 25th, 1916, which sketch and raport are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to t"e extent necessary $r slopes, for cuts and fills in the ;-ra.dinr cf said street to the estatlisned grade. C. F. No. 11723— Ingon easement in het ee i In'landad ak_ ` nary for slopes for uta d fill. sln graV leIt wng the alley Addition. In under oo Prel sml nary Order No. 11129, approved April E4th, 1916, and Intermediary Order Na 19968. approved June 14th, 1916. The Commissioner of Pubifc Works having submitted his report and sketch In the have matter, be It !Resolved, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes, and determine. the amount dabove namedImprovem enfor 1. anthe nt for slopes, for, cuts and 011e In and up _ n the land abutting upon the alley in Block 1, Summit View Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached) to the report of the Commfe.loner of I o Public Works In the matter, dated July 1 26th, 1916, which sketch and report aro Yeas (✓) J (.�) Nays hereby referred to and mae a part L� hereof (2) That an ea.e ea"t I. takenIn l91 e id land to the .sent ne.....ry for by the CouncilLtop.., for cut. and fill. In the gradingInf sold street to the established grade. Adopted by the Council July 26, 1916. Approved July 26th, 1916.191 (July sa-1916) prove AgainstM PresiMAroR Mr FORM G. 8-2 I ROBERT T. GOVRLEY, 0-1 C-1-I.— OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cn,E, Exo vn J. -E. CARROLL. Suvr. CoxeTx I... & R11-1 ALFRED JACKSON, Sw Surt.tm. G. H. HERROLD. 01111E —1-11A H. W GOF.T,INGER, S.," -1111-11 CITY OF SA111T PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WGRKS M. N. GOSS,. COMMISSIONER m 1 -REPORT TO THE COUPICIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 1, Sum- mit View Addition, under Preliminary Order #10120, approved April 24th, 1916, and Intermediary Order #10966, approved June 14th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this hie report, a plan of the above improvemert, showing by the shtLded portion, of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works / Dated �/ 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL - .. a 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a •REPORT'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (A)- ._........ --------- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------- -- --- -------------------------------- -- ----------------------------- ' - -- ------------ -�=---------------- -- -------------- _.--------------------------- ---- -- ... ----------------- -� � ------------------------------------------ - - ----- - under Preliminary Order approved -------- �------...---_-------.__---------------------------------------- _.__.__--...-_.._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvempt is L The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' � j �'+f � ,� � GOo l �) J• �� tqy ,� •�,� i � b b IVA I rorH e.a.w. ea TOTAL,. - -. PITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION is U :2 U /o moo CLZn / l@D a 1� 1p, /? 3 J 7 0 tv The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of public Works. ------191.... ....__................. Dated - ... __. -_ __.... - _ _ __ ._.. _.. Commissioner of Finance. ronM s.a.�. en c Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _14ay. 2.4.t.h,... _ __ ..._....161.6... e To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the, preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No....... _._... _....._l�ved .....__.. . April 24thx. 19]._6., relative to oondemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary Yor ............ ._..... ..._......._ slopes, for.„.cute.e _nci fills n__grading.._Alley_ n,.Hlock 1, Summit View Addition. .......__._... _ ..._..... _.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _..___........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..Xxxx.........._., and the total cost thereof is $_'�._._.. xx...x$...____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ _. _ _ .... S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............. - a. Said improvement is._...._nOt._..._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject 4 to assessment for said improvement. 1 � /Coin missioneq of Public Works. RPM - CITY OF ST -PAUL CGU-NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM �iwt�'; Subject:11721 COUNom. NCIL ^ FILE _ Date Presented 191 F Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay Dr. Karl Dedolph, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in settlement of his claim against the City by reason of medical attendance furnished by him to John Carlson, a city employe injured in the course of his employment. I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commioeioner 94 Public Works. C. F. No. 11724—Jsolved, That the proper city oRl. e a hereby authorized to pay Dr. KarlDedolph, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General ° Fund. the sum of Ten Dollars (310.00) in settlement of his claim against the City by reason of medical attendance furnished by him to John Carlson, a city employe injured 1. the course of bigemployment. Adopted by the Council July 26, 1916. Approved',July 36, 1916. -(July 29-1910) Yeas (✓) Counc men (✓) Nays 4--F"arns orth In favor rhlyla d Kell Against -WuErlich Mr. President Irvin FORM C.a-a i Adopted by the Council 19 G Approved %[Nil MAYOR 4C� F. No. 11796— ♦P 1 - ; IR the biatt}r, ot. rev ng alley in, Bloek ,a. Zt'arre'RdaleAdditlon, under Pre - COUNCIL FILE NO.____.__..._ 11minary Order 10,114, approved April 941h, 111 6' .� A publie hearing havlag Aden hao 'gqyyon the above improvement uVon due A7 hottee, and the Counetl having heard' $11 ereona objeetlona and reooR"`� p U tive thereto and h �� meAdationa�„�T .e,y rhe ear{�a' t"' ` tOgrerbs�'�,It,%i�J.-.-(� r 725 Ina4e Matter of,-*' Ley.._3D,, Blo'ak 5r.._I8=Ads.1t_Add1.ti.1QA,-..__...,_... under Preliminary order._.. 10 104 __ __._.__ approved.April_..84Lht_ 1916. �— — Intermediary A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. �P�ay�''(�lhat t e re ' e 'store, ext nt and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_-pav no1 i.._1001[ �I 11arr0IIdal0�� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby( authorized and directed to proceed . with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___._ , 191 Yeas (J) Councilmen (1) Nays Farnsworth /� \ Adopted by the Councilj�. 1914 ✓Coss / // In favor / Hyland ✓ / ; > 3 6 L?. ✓Keller ,// Approved 191 1 �j McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin J MAYOR FORM C. 9-2 1 Form B. S. A. 8-7 LW r I 'C F No. 11726— 0 I the Dfafto t D,ing Alloy in Block COUNCIL FILE NO....___.___� 6 war°and l Addition,der are- _ II inarY Order 10,104 ppro ad Ay "124th. 1016. A yubllo hearing having ,beep had rypon the a2,0 Improvemept upon due ..._._._l._n_..'dotfce, and the Couac7l having•hoarA reco ' all pe sone I�Oji'xenthereto, and hn�w mendatto—, rP� the eat�P' t` 11725 N !n8 fully' , 1 tore, Do7„f,a. �.�✓'tl.... • - Rea Inalte Matter ofPesinB._Al1�Y_11�_81 Q41C_.Sr-aSTt87adB7 !_ Rw.41FQ�la-_—_.� ..---_ under Preliminary order _..._10x_104__-__,__-___._--.,,_ approved ��11 34th 1916. —w — IntermediaryOrder_..---.-...__...------.._..._.....___..._approved_._.—_......-----.__—._— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,- By the Council of the City of St. Ps hat t e re a p'atitre, ext nt and kind of im= se provement to be made by the said City is_..paV 1n1n loCk 5J 11arrendale�� Vie ler A Mc Collt-, ' .,� Mayor �- Form B. S. A. 8-7 RJ'`" '���� Adopted by the C6uncil ................................................._.191 YEAS. NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS HYLAND L-- KELLER MCCOLL WUNDERLICH NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (IRVIN) OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK Aug. 9th, 1916. Hon. M. M. Goes, Commissioner of public Works. Dear Sir: Attached please find Final order in the matter of paving Alley in Block 5, Warrendale Addition, which was referred to your department. Yours truly, �Qr City Clerk. J, CITYOF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ------ ------ X� --- - ----------- - --- — ------------------------- - - ------------------------------ ----------------------- --- A ................................ .............. .............................. ..... ........... --------- -------------- -- -- ....................... ................ --------- ............ — — ---------------- - --- - - - ---------- - --- - - ----------- - - -- - --- - ---------- -- ------- - ------ .. ............ ....... . . . .... -------------------------------- - — - - - - - - - ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- — - - ------------------- ------------- -- under Preliminary Order approved — -_OC.._-.--_.------ ----- ...................................... ------------ ------------ - ------------- ----- -------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is KIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE can—m—MEM, FOQJ. 3j" Creosoted Blocks $5,250.99 $3.57 Brick 4,904.39 3'.34 Asphalt 4,238.62 2.88 Asphalt Concrete 3,587.31 a.'",- Asphalt macadam 2,946.10 2.00 1.16 Macadam 2,582.17 Concrete 3,067.41- 2.09 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $--- —, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION. 44 j. conn ..S-- A TOTAL, 73 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as hi re'port thereon to the. Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the C ommissioner of Public Works. Dated.--- - —. ......._.......191........ Commissioner o[, Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE c . 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - _ (?-N PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I x`740 5 0 G 5` lb1e 3`y p /T 1% s lay 3`jyo �3 .s 44 Apo t 73 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as hi re'port thereon to the. Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the C ommissioner of Public Works. Dated.--- - —. ......._.......191........ Commissioner o[, Finance. r Hon: Mayor•& Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We the undersigned property owners abutting along the line of the Alley in Block 5, Warrandale Addition to. g* Paul, respectfully petition your honorable boly to cause the aforesai3 Alley to be paved. �liE � � � � ARFSq LOT BLOCK � ADP, TTIOft� s /,- Ile - ROOM APR;,, 71916 _ BUREAU OF Eii'GINEERS, Office of the Commissioner of Public :Works 4 Report to Commissioner of Finance May 29th, l91. 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public Works, having Ind under consideration the preliminary order of the coup- y 10104 ._..all roved._. April 34th, 191_....., relative to _...__..._._.... cit, known as Council File No. ........ .. p _ .... 6 paving of alley in Block S. ,Warrendale Addition ............._._...................._........................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ __._..__necessary and (or) desirable. XRAXxxxx and '� The estimated cost thereof is $....._..___.__....__ ..., and the total cost. thereof is $ _. _ _. the nature and extort of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ._.. S. Said improventeut is._..._._.. ___ _._ _.....asked for t pon petition of three ot•-more owners of property, subject to assessulent for said improvement. ...... _ ................. .. / Qonunss h •r of Public Works. (/ J CITY OE'" SAINT PAUL ' a DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS q M. N. GOSACOMAIMSIONER ROSERT T. GOURLEY, Dn Co—-—. - OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.- E...... J. E. CARROLL Son. Co-- k Rap— ALFRED JACKSON. S—S-n—, G. H. gIERROLD, OFF- E—a .L H. W. GOETZINGER, 51-Woarooaa St. 2aul, L.1nn. -•-aa� d7., .1'9'�:V -• Mr. 10. 11. Goss, Cm.,unissioner of 2ublic 'Jor!,s, " Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit here.,,itli anpio._imate es-�imatc of cost for the paving of alley in Bloc,. 5 '3arren dale Addition in accordance '.ith Council file 1'#10104, a-nnroved Apr. 24, 1916 Assessable frontage 1,470'ft. KI -"D C=' 2AVIi;G --S'I:1—.1LjCCS1 :'GOT 3-�" Creosoted Blocks ;15,250.99 $3.57 Brick &,904.39 3.34 Asphalt 4,228.52 2.88 Asphalt concrete' 3,587.31 2.44 Asphalt macadam 2,946.10 2.00 Macadam 2,582.17 1.76 Concrete 3;067.41 2.09 Yours vor; truly, Q� Dict. Chicf L_ri ieer St. Paul, Iizn-iesota, July 18th 1916. 9 ` To the City Council of St. Paul, Geiltlemen'- In tie matter of paving the alley in Block 5 of Warrendale Addition to this city at an estimated cost of #3067*41, and for which you have called a hearing on Zaly 25th at 10 o'clock A. M., We, the undersigned,.00netituting a considerable majority of the oviners,of the property adjoUning this alley take this meads of in- forming you that in our opinion an improvement as extensive and costy as proposed is not warranted by the existing conditions and is •at desired at this time. Further, the payment of the assessment necessary for this purpose will be a positive hardship, without anything like a oorres- ponding benefit, to many of your petitioners. 3• That this alley needs to be improve& we will concede without debate., but we absolutely deny that it needs to be paved. When we signed a petition some time ago asking your honorable body to have this j alley improved we did not know that paving was even contemplated. What this alley needs# and all it needs, in our opinion, is Po be so graded that the water will flow and then covered with a heavy surface of gravel. This will be ample for all purposes and every property owner in the block is willing to pay his or her share of the cost of such grading, and graveling, We earnestly protest against the pavir of this alley, bo- lieving as we do that grading and graveling is all.it really needs. All of which is respectfully submitted for your consider- ation. i' ti L t O` 4t 4t , ,7 -O PIT{ 1_7. RAF C". am _ Addr a o=.,bgr. t �f - D=�� -C ,/�C L r 1 IJY ,L,L ol � 0 t J V. t L r 1 t V. ,L,L I Po '�• '�3 �' .. w•Sworvs xi. ry nr�a. nann6F� GENERAL OFF/CES enANONEs BTPAUL. MINN. •�. CMICA GO NEWOR(EA 901.,t CCM/'A by /— NEW rORH SAN FRANCISCO �var.a � SEA�iLE PO R]LANO Fl)tSE(/RG d � rv„N l — LOS ANG ELE$ SPOKANE _ / J7JI. LIQ �a.. Aug. A Y , 1916. P[ —S,E PERF/R, 1/ /JN/'00 To whom it may concern: - I am in favor of a Cement'pavement for the alley. It is my opinion that it is the most practicable all things considered. I prefer a pavement 14' wide provided the coat is approximately .7 the cost of one 20, m wide. If the saving is not substantial, I would say make it full width of 201. Respe tfully, 1 ' lc -2 4-- e� C ) /V l' P the undersigned, owners of property to by assessed for the proposed improvement, hereby remonstrate, and sign and file a petition of remonstranoe.as provided by Section 243 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, adopted in May, 1912, against opening, widening and extending Berry Avenue to a width of 53 feet more or less, from the northerly line of University Avenue to the souther- ly line of Charles Street, the easterly line of said opening to be the easterly line of Barry Avenue asnow laid out north of Charles Street produced southerly to University Avenue,.and the westerly line of said opening to be the westerly line of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 9, under preliminary order 6951, approved Septem- ber 10th, 1915, and in accordance with intermediary order -therefor adopted June 15, 1916, approved June 15, 1916, and published June 17, 1916, being Council File No.- 10983. That the signers below constitut*ore than 60per cent of the resident# owners or their agents of the property aforesaid being benefitted, and such owners or their agents represent more than 50 per cent of the lineal frontage on the line of such improvement. xrAirc AnnDWOO DDnDVPTV nwraFT rlAnVT A t8e County of Ramsey. ) being first duly sworn, pn oath states that he one of the signers of the foregoing remonstrance; that of his persdrfial knowledge the signatures to the said remonstrance were affixed by the persons whose signatures they purport to be; and according to his best knowledge, information and belief, the persons so signing are the owners of the x e;pective parcels of property set opposite said several•signatures, or the duly authorized agent of such owners. Subscribed and sworn to before me �4L0 r z'r-ti" this 24t]/dayoaf J yp jL91 . Wotary blic, Ramsey Co ty, Minn. My Commission Expires June 30,tV21. 0 s by mor A' ?,rry !;, T_._. e of t 77 t • '. __ _a':1, ;i: �' of _ 1 �-' n The undersigned, owners of property to be assessed for the proposed improvement, hereby remonstrate, and sign and file a petition of remonstrance as provided by Section 243 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, adopted in May, 1912, against opening, m widening and extending Berry Avenue to a width of 53 feet ° more or less, from the Northerly line of University Avenue to the Southerly line of Charles Street, the easterly line of said open- ing to be the easterly line of Berry Avenue, as now laid out north of Charles Street produced southerly to University Avenue, and the westerly line of said opening to be the westerly line of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 9, under preliminary order 6951, approv- ed September 10th, 1915, and in accordance with intermediary order tharefor adopted June 15i 1916, approved June 15, 1916, and pub- liAed June 17, 1916, being Council File No. 10993. That the signers below constitute more than 60 per cent of the resident owners or their agents of the property afor3said being benfitted, and such owners or their agents represent more than 50 per cent of the lineal frontage on the line of such improvement., NAME. ADDRESS. PROPERTY OWNED FRONTAGE. STATE OF MINNZ,SOTA, ) , (ae. County of Ramsey. ) � I - -� —��._ being first du}� sworn, on oath states t he is o E,of the signers of t4a foregoing remonstrance; that if His personal knowledge the signatures to the said remonstrance were affixed by the persons whose signaturise' they purport to be; and according to his best knowledge, information and belief, the persons so signing are the owners of the respective parcels of property set opposite said several signatures, or the duly authorized agent of such owners, / Subscribed and s::orn to-befora me this day of July 916 Not Public"Ramse CoCuntyinn. My Commission Expires June 30, 1921. S 'i a � i The undersigned, owners of property to be assessed for the proposed improvement, hereby remonstrate, and sign and file a petition of remonstrance as provided by Section 243 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, adopted in May, 1912, against opening, m widening and extending Berry Avenue to a width of 53 feet ° more or less, from the Northerly line of University Avenue to the Southerly line of Charles Street, the easterly line of said open- ing to be the easterly line of Berry Avenue, as now laid out north of Charles Street produced southerly to University Avenue, and the westerly line of said opening to be the westerly line of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 9, under preliminary order 6951, approv- ed September 10th, 1915, and in accordance with intermediary order tharefor adopted June 15i 1916, approved June 15, 1916, and pub- liAed June 17, 1916, being Council File No. 10993. That the signers below constitute more than 60 per cent of the resident owners or their agents of the property afor3said being benfitted, and such owners or their agents represent more than 50 per cent of the lineal frontage on the line of such improvement., NAME. ADDRESS. PROPERTY OWNED FRONTAGE. STATE OF MINNZ,SOTA, ) , (ae. County of Ramsey. ) � I - -� —��._ being first du}� sworn, on oath states t he is o E,of the signers of t4a foregoing remonstrance; that if His personal knowledge the signatures to the said remonstrance were affixed by the persons whose signaturise' they purport to be; and according to his best knowledge, information and belief, the persons so signing are the owners of the respective parcels of property set opposite said several signatures, or the duly authorized agent of such owners, / Subscribed and s::orn to-befora me this day of July 916 Not Public"Ramse CoCuntyinn. My Commission Expires June 30, 1921. S i m . t;.. r rcvi.ia. by '&ction 2-3 _': s ^h�jr•tsr of Citi; .. t° r. , -nua L _ iatii j .$ ,r > _.:':•,.-., :!.._ niv•:.. ity rly i::. f rry Av:�rue, nog 1 !� ct:t nc'rth ai-- Iv1_,„d.i eJutly tunivtc ity 4v^.nua, !' / ?I.:, __ _::ir- "la t+:a ,.,.-t rly lin= ; _._:' „c.._,_ ,.. u:.. _ .-...:ir.•,r•; �r.ar 'v.'ji, ,r^p- ith ..:,r lj, 1;1.,, r •v -. Jur:. 1::, llu, lF:lit— 't i,-.t t of I I , .,,t iqC z -------- Y -- - — ^iA c. t � .r _ply`; in _...:.c. r ._.,_, t. E i. i ec�1-3 b�uxe+u Vinic_ Ior E.KrIre e J: I The un]_:rai nc:, e..n.,ra of -rop,,rty to be aseasaad far the proposed improvement, hereby remonstrate, and sign and file a petition of remonstrance as ;rovidad by Section 243 of the Chester of t•,-, City of st. p^.ul, aaortei in hay, 1912, against opening, s Barry Avenue to a width of 53 feet more or lcs!,, ;rc, Lir_ �:ortherly line of UnUvernity Avpuue to the couth.;riy lire cf Cb.rl-? , tr::et, the e •oterly line of 13-iid open - in,, Lo be Lh :r]y li:. cf Barry Avenue, as now laid out north of Ch rl I -treat roaucad ecutharly to University Avenue, and the weft-rly line of r.:l opening to be the westerly lira of Lot 11, AuMcrlz Suraiviai n r:o. 9, under rrcliminary order 6951, aFprov— a ::lt,mbaz lith, 1915, _ni 1n accordance Kithlintermediary order t, for ;.tea Juin; lj, l lri, L -roved June 1fj, 1916, andwi;uib— 17.:1.e1 Duna 17, 1 16,.bsin:.; Douucil File Ro. 10993. That the below con:,"'ftu.te a:or_1 t:can 6, per cent of -tne re.,ident ownars or tnair agents of"�i.c rro,arty afor soi.i being benfitted, c,.i aunt; o..,nere or ti,eir ugenta r ;:raaer.t a,or,, than j lineal 1ror.taGa on il,/a lit.-: cf r•uuil improvement. rtA°s, ADDRZ_:'. PF.OPERTY 0,,;•L"EE. FRONTAGE: :TAT ^F LINNFMTA, ) ,as Viii 1 County of- Ramsey. ) A�— f1—"L" f 22 �being fir L ,iuly : orn, or. oath et es that he is one of 7n signers of the fcr,noing remon.+trsnce; that if i:is teruonal knowladge the oigna.turee t, t.,:: b.id rsnonntrance -era aifixe.i by ti,_' er.ons whoe:a sigratur'es thep purport to be; tiny ac�crlir tc hi=: bent kno••1aI_ , i*:i or, .tion ar„l boll --f, the cei-,one so signing aro the o'. --ars of the ra ;pacti;ve parcel f property :gat o polite said evarsl ni-natures, o e duly L L'.c;r ate. a�ar_t of ;:, o . nera. 7 rib :.r:. tc; :;afcr_ taia l of ,Illy' No any Public, Ramae County, Minn. Vy Comrission Expires June 30, 1921. Li>ru 4 3.1rPaTklllelif of li inirC Auguet.8th, 1916. 5 A FARN5WORTH Gom MssOMc� JOHN T HAGLUND. D=o I.— s 0". To the Council, City of St. Paul, r Gentlemen: In re -:e pe ti t icn 'of remonstrance against the opening of Berry avenue, referred to me for checking, I would state that I have made a careful check of it and find that there are eleven owners, fear of whom are non-residents, and of the awuan residents the petition contains names. r Respectfully submitted, COU,TSSIONFR OF FINANCE. n� ./ 1 � �, ,, �_. � .�,� � c �,�%z��.o,�"� A { JOHN I. FARICY Offirro Chi C,IM' JAS.J.MINER Clry CLERKskit �nsaT. ciry CLERK July 25th,1916. Hon. S. A. Fcrnsworth Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: - Attached petition of remonstrwice against the opening of Berry Ave. from University Ave. to Charles St., was referred to you for a check as to sufficiency of signers. Matter to come up again beforethe Council or; August 8th,1916. Very respectfully, D / Y City Clerk /` .. ..CITY, OF ST. PAUL . -'- y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ./ COUNCIL NO. Date Presented 191 Resolved, ; t a notition o4 rotwn/otroscao orainot tho 1 .. ........ nao boots pruoontoti to Van Counoil, and tlu y oontcidored. Naw attar such oonoidorat tors, . p, 'i'luat tho Counoil doacso au" lioroby doolaroo ouoh imsrovonont to bo a sulal.io n000eoity. Ycas'V) ( ✓ Councilmen Nays Councilm(✓) Nays Y Farnsworth `Goss Hyland v Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President. Irvin IORM C-. a t / g ji J. 3 In Favor m- Against Adopted by the unci) Approved I 191 191 MAYOR 0 (�Efire u C itu C terk JOHN I. FARICY, .- . JAS. J. MINER Clfv CLERK PSST CITY CSE RK July 25th,1916. Aon. S. A. F rnw.vorth Covidosioner of Finance. Dear Sir: - Attached petition ;; remonetrru>ce Vainst the opening of Berry A -,c. from University Avo. to Charlos St., was referred to you for a check as !.o sufficiency of signers. Matter to come up arAz beforothe Council on AgLuot 8th,1910. Very rospectfully, City Clerk Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE"RAL FORM _ _ GOUNc'L ,.. FILE No. Date Presented July 25th, 191 6 RESOLL'TI:IN I)F.1 T`:E AN_Ui"'i OF LA":D TO BE TAKEN FOR Resolved, OPENING? TIDE: -1. G A,?D EXTE'-DI-G. Ir, the matter of openir_o•,- wideninL and extending to a width cr fifty-three feet Z5S13 [Lose or less, Berry 'venue, fro'.. the northerly line of University Avenue, to the southerly line of Charles Street, under PreliL.ir.ary Order ¢6951, approved Septemcer 10th, 1915, and Intermediary Orde: livl(,985, approved June 15th, 1916. The Coe.u.iaaioner of Public morks Navin-- subritted his retort and sketch in the above 'ratter, be it RESCLl,iZ, (1) Ti"at that the City of St. Paul i ixes and deter,�ir.as the au.ount of 1E.r to be tarter: for the a-cve r.ar,.ed iLTreve—r.t to be as follows: All that part of Lot 11, Ai.�-itor's Si.c'i%inion 'To. 9, iyi, west or the east lire of Berry Avenue, produced sout:erly to University Avenue. r I G Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays l" Farnsworth Adopted by the Council ✓ Coss In favor Hyland ✓ Keller ✓ Approved McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Irvin .1/ . FORM C. B•3 ■ CITY OF - SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DR C..IIRn— OSCAR CLAUSSEN,. C -P E.n J. E. ARROLL Su- C--. 4 R.rAIM 1 ALFRED JACKSON, S.I. SA TATs G. H. HERROLO, O,Au, E -1491H. W. GOETZINSER, S.". W...... -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Berry avenue, from the northerly line of University avenue, to the southerly line of Charles street', under Preliminary Order #5951, approved Sept.,10th,1915, and In- termediary Order #10983, approved June 15th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,shwing the land necessary to be taken therefor, by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows: All that part of Lot 11,Atiditor' Subdivision 4:o.9, lying west of the east line of Barry avenue, produced southerly to University avenue. Commissioner of iubli Works / Dated Jr CITY OF ST.. PAUL - .. .COUNCIL .,RESOLUTIC N—G ENE RAL FORM - Subject:, . COUNCIL FILE N 0 Date Presented 191 B n Resolved, WHEREAS, a petition of remonstrate agginst the�i : r .. ........ g�`� :........ has been prented to the Council, and duly considered. Nov after such consideration, RESOLVED, That the Council deems and hereby declares such improvement to be a public necessity. Yeas (v) Councilmen (:) Nays Farnsworth Adopted by the Council 191 Coss In favor Hyland Keller Approved 191 McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President. Irvin MAYOR FORM C, 8-2 COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... _._.___� By—' INTERMEDIARY ORDER. - x,0983 In the Matter of_,9g-ening.,...._vAd.q,Aing•-_SII-d•••••• eatend,ing,Berry avenue to a�width of 53 feet more or lase, from the northerly line of IInivereity avenue so-tine-aautnarry-r�ne-ror�ea--strees--c-ne-sae opening to be the easterly line of Berry avenue. a now laid out north of Charlesstreet producedd sow >�erly �o Univ' av�Fiii�,—aFfd- t2c-- -weat-e-r-lg..._line.....of--said--opening--to__he_the --- we9terly line of LQt. 11_ Au(-_: itor$s Subdivision No. 9, under Preliminary order. __-5.9.51........_.___.__._...._approved1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: f. That the said report be and the same•is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Qpen..__ $Asn and' _eaQtad_BA=1y�4e�}ye_to.,.a width of _53 feet more or less, from the northerly line of IInivaraity avenue to the eou$Feily-lane-of•aiie6- -sbrecpsning...ta_bs.._tha_ Berry avenue, as now laid out north of -Charles street produced southerly-$o'Univmzaity avenue; ani iH �65texTy'IS -Of I a7td--0peesr-••--- -$ogre-be--:the-_.seeansa] .IAne of-J.4'~r_._?.1_Auditorta Subdivision No. 9o� with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 6, Boo -pp Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__2ta51tkL__day of ..._. ....... Y._ _..-_.____-_, 191 8.._.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, WINOW 4Fof the Ftiourt House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost there ated. Adopted by the Council__. __JUh 13 191 191_.___ j /' Approved ---i i. %._.. 191_._.,. YaDD[Oved �--`- .• t the nature of th,. '• _ Mayor. nlch the Council recommence Iden .and extend Berry AI Councilman...,,, , p•„dth of .. feet more or leen, fn r[herly line of Unl%rstty Al ” Goss southen,rly line of Charles Si t.terly Ilan of said opening e b �G aterly. ilea of Berry avenue, ns Keller :.Id out north- of Charles street :d southerly to University Ave.. " McColl westerly line of said opening westerly line of Lot 11, Au., " Nash 4ubdlgielon o. 9, with no al• es, and thatNthe estimated coat le $8,800.00. " Yoerg lved Further, That a Dubllc Mayor Powers g be had oa sald Improvement ,e 25th dof Suly, 1918, at our of 10'5r' oelooh Al M., an tee cll Chambers of the Cof t Form B. S. A. 8-6 Lyse Of 8a Paul-$ That thea Commie- of Finance give notice of said eating to the persons and In the �nF nrov(dad by [he rherte,. stat- , the ttme find place pf hearing. the ve Of the Improment. ane the poeten'r'ol a eeum.t'd. rd hp th' (o ncll Jun, 16. 19m ,pproycd June 11, 1910. (Tune I,-1916) - CITY Or 5T. PAUL, t _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANFE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / ON. PRELIM NARY ORDER (A) _ In he Matter of — ' �C q_✓L.-- 1-T �� ��.- -- — -i- ---= -- �/ ��//��� f -' _- ✓YN��s'� ✓T -`� _! / ,f ---' ------------- ....-- -„- --- - - -ti�.. ,� - 1v`��` ..- --- ----------------- ------ - -- ---------------- under Preliminary Order approved ---------- _..._...__........._---.--__-_--..-----------_--.------_-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: b The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------/ — �--------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel ag last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - 7 1" ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION / VALUATION Q� o P za Q J / A TOTAL, rove e.e.w. ea w -CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE`- INANCE`REPORT REPORTOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIM RY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT 81. CK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION c 174 s, TOTAL. -3 - ic L2 TOTAL. CITY Ok ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORTOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIMI JkRY ORDER lBl DESCRIPTION LOT {BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .. R ~ ( y C ✓✓ �0p 2 Q rvam oww •. •. , a TOTAL. 1Y • All CITY,,OT. PAUL _ ' �. 'DEPARTMENT O"INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �~ ' • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D r S C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J i y iZ� I e �� ,� •� rS/So The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .191 Commissioner of Finance. ronin a. e.A. ee e x t / ick of the COoner of Public Works Q MM Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under considerojion the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. __.._..6951 _-.aproved _.: Sekt.z. 40. 1915... relative to the opening, widening and extending of Berry Avew to a width of 53 ft. mora os le as,..from.the._N'l.y.line of University Ave S to the 'ly line _.._ of Charles St., the Elly line of said opening to be the Elly line of .Barry,_Ave....._as_now_.1.aid..out-mar.t.h....of Char.l.ea_5.�,.P.aoduced 8_'.1.Y to _..____. University Ave., and the W'ly line of said opening to be the W'ly line of -Lot ._ 11,_ Auditor! a. Subdi.v.ial.on.. No.. -9- _. .. .... _.____ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports 1. Said improvement is_.__......necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $.._._XXxXX._ ... and. the total cost thereof is r xxxxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and umde a part hereof. ` -f. _____ _._.__.. .._..._... __-_.- _..__..... __ _.. _... `.._. _...... _.. ..-i. Said improvement is.....___.nt....,......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject, to assessment for said improvement. l Commissioner of orks. ~ Y/ // __ - / /. s Mtow"Y "46, UC Ll "1'tl F�.i4..• Midway. St. haul. Minn.. f November 11th, 1915. ,6. N. Coss, Esq. Commissioner of Public Works, St.iaul, Minn. Dear Sir:- AUC'I IQN S' .. Every Wednesday PMATk SALES Daily E''rum SOU ti> 8011 jin:ul Conxtantly un Hand N W b4 T" S'. b06S Purl 10", c". We are writing you with reference to proposed opening of Berry Street from Charles Street to -University Avenue, in order that you may be advised of our position in the matter. We understand that the proposed street oprning is Ierely for the purpose of giving an outlet to the Brown manufacturing Company in order thrt they may receive the benefits of University Avenue without going a block out of their way, as it is necessary for them to do at present. As we owv considerable University Avenue frontage, our portion of paving, etc. on University has been vary Heavy, but we have gladly contributow our share. The Brown LAnufacturing Co., as we understand it, is a comparatively small company, employing about twenty- five men, and have purchased a two -acre tract at about four thousand dollars. Thee, ask the City of St.Faul to condemn more valuable property in order that they may receive full benefits from'University Avenue, althou[_h they ere unwill- ing to pay the price of University Avenue frontage or be assess-sd for its upkaap. The property which would be con- dercned by this proposed openin- is worth alproxi.mately ilt,000.00. Do you think it fair to condemn property of this value in order thtt a ;4,000.00 property may be given an outlet that is not absolutely necessary. We do not think that you wil_ after due consideration. We have alwa o-jee n for St.raul and for the Kid - way District in particular, and have alwaygbeen glad to land a holpine hand to new industries, but we think this J 1 BARRETT M.,I-N. St P-1. MI -I.. L. !+. G. --2-- street opening beyond reason, Emd shall OPI)OSO it vi6OrOur- ly if' it beoomes necessary. Thanking you i,-, advance f'or your o)nsideration of the abova, we remain, Yours very truly, biii'aETT Per ... M. c w.. r�Nw ..... ,an��1 ST, PAU t.MINiN. November 5, 1915. ,ur. M. N. Goss, Comn,iesioner of Public Works, City Hall, St. Paul, 11inn. Dear Sir: Referring to the proposed :ferry Street cpening from Charles Street to University Avenue, we are writing you this letter in order to make a record of our position in this matter. First, we want to point out that we are willing any time and always to do a good turn for St. Paul, and with this in mind, we want to contribute our proper share towards inducing industries to locate in the ',.idway Dis- trict, As we understand it, the reason for this street opening is to give an outlet. to the Frown :'anufacturing Company, who are now located several blocks away from University Avenue and would have to go a block out of their way in order to receive the benefits of University Avenue if berry Street were not cut through to University Avenue. We have, in the past year, been assessed our portion of the paving of Univerdity covering some two hundred feet frontage, and, in this respect, we have gladly contributed our share towards making University Avenue a first class thoroughfare. The Brown Manufacturing dompany, who employ about twenty-five men, have purchased a tract of land of approximately two acres, as we understand for something like four thousand dollars. They do not want to pay the price of University frontage or assun'e the expense of the up -keep of this street, but are willing to ask the city of St. Paul to open a street, so that they n,ay receive the benefit of University Avenue as directly as possi?-le. • r Goes .......... #f2 . In view of this situation, if the Brown Manu- facturing Company, who at the present time appear to be the only orfs interested, want this street cut t°t rough, it seems - only reasonable that4they should pay for this privilege. You will appreciate that if the street is opened and is assessed to the abutting property, our half share would amount to'more than one and a half times as much kas the total cost of the two acres of ground purchased by the Brpwn Manufacturing Company. This is manifestly unfair and will be most strenously opposed by us. We have no desire or advantage in having the street cut through for our own use, for the reason that we, already have a twenty foot private street on the north side of our proper-ty. Our Flans for the buildings to be erected on the vacant property that we own provide for sky light, so that we will build up to the line exactly, and will require no light shaft. From this it is very clear that it will inflict an unjust burden on us, if we were in any way asked to con- tribute towards the expense of securing this right-of-way. If the property can be purchased in a way so that the cost will be distributed far enough to make our maxin.um outlay not to exceed three or four hundred dollars, this to include gracing and so forth, we do not believe we would make any objection. This was our im-presaion when the project was first talked of, but we have had occasion to believe since then, that our assessment would be very much greater. foshallbecompelled eeason the atoebearthe biggest burden nt cannot gg st reen fafar enough, and we we shall, of course, opl,ose this most Vigorously in the Courts because we see no reason why we should contribute an amount greater than the entire ground value of the Brown Manufacti-ring Co�Pany, siml,ly to provide them with an urneces.3ary cutlet. '+e feel sure that you will agree with us that such would be a great hardship, and one that would not be asked of us after matured deliberation. " Very truly yours, E.G. STA' ^(I: i?FA. rtT C0:`PA?;Y. EGS IhHK By V rresident. ASSESSMENT FOR"' �• � I - Ciic'S,� _ �"1 'It�' v'L� r✓✓� �fyr,L _•�,.�'� r ,Q;ily'cco �'`�l/ �dy'�G(/ �G?���� f /L, e. F. no. 10983— In the Mattel of op,rioK wideningod Esrimutecl cost $ extendltitserry aeenue to a width ` f, oro 63 feet more or lees. trotm nue rt herly 11,c of Uilicersltl / y. to the southern Ilse of Chanes. St. l I •f1 Estu1 atec� cost per }runt I int $ the eaatvrlr une or aam opening to be the ea.t erly Ilne f Rerr) n �r lull out north of Charl,snSt - /� P reIinu nu ry Orcdc'r No. AppioABd 1C�T' ProAuced ou[her91' to University - u fid �tthe terly fine of said opening (o wesbe the w•xterly Ilre of lilt ennedin rN' urger a\r+ y y C I,ot 11, AUJ ltor'x Su bdlvhi on No. 9, pprot'°'t IJT under I-Hinlnar, Order 6951, np- j proved Sept. loth, 1916. H1 - The Council of the City or SL Paul ea rl n}! 141T_ .. M, ltaving-epeleed the.repor[ of the Com- - Isslon@r of Finance upon the above L °0p Improvement, and having con.idered f ills} order � t�ppru\�ct� T<.�T said repgr[, hereby resolve.: L. Th aT the said report an a and the a le Ne by approved d dopted.I Hr 1 That the tura f the Im rove - earing card1 prepart•cl i /�. /� }3 \' LL �' meet which thenCou ici] r endo Is uVen. widen find extend cBerry Ave. to a width uP 53 feet m r leas, from the ror[he ri' Ilne of Irnir'eral[)' Ave. to the xa. herly line of Charles St.. I" enxlerly line of said opening to be the caxti .., Ilse of Berry u IniA uu[ t orth of Churl exn street UroJ ureJ xoutherly to ['nive rxi t3' Ace., fid the t eeterly Ilne of null opening to b,• the �wexterl>' Iine of I.. 11, ,\u- ditur'x Subdlvlalon \o. 9 with n, al- ternatives. xnd thxl the estimated cost lhereuf la $U,800.OU. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had o said Improvement the hour utf 101°y O'clock) "'I'm n the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall 13uliding In the Cl ty of SL Paul. That Lha Comm1.eloner of Finance give notice f said - ho eet lag to the pe..... n d In the I ngnt he lor Ilinelde d and place 'he of hearing�tthe e total nature oet thereof a.r the :ment, and thx A UoU ted by the C-111;lll June 15, 1916. •\pprov eJ June 1 5� 191 U. ' IJune 17-1916) P COSTS AND EXPENSES Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice $ Cost of Posta] cards $ Inspection fees - - - - - _ $ Amount of court cods for conlirmet ion Total Expenditure, "` - T r 1 Assessment for L,1 r� ` .; , e a ��'� . ' %��i_ u r u.� i;<�� - ; �C_ ✓� r = � �� - �> -.%vim r. , „_K q �r�°G� '� ��� �-� zA-Ille �° FRO T%GF. Auu.ed Valuarion SUPPOSED uWNER DESCRIPI ION OR SUBDIVISION AcetalA--H, AA--H,e Loi o, BI.- - - ADDFFION BENEFITS DAMAGES 7..w„ B.I.— Balanc ro to- TOTAL ADDRESS Owner City r. 0 Assessment for FRONT \CE Lo( Bl.d B.6— B.I. Auvuvd Vvluenon SL"PPO5ED OWNER DESCRIPIION OR SLBDA ISION « �, P-" ADDITION BENEFITS DAMAGES — Ao-I Ass —Pl- Svc"ow ner I owe cny �' ._ � s. � i J'/� • . ." l ani � . � ) . � t ,a-�.' r.'E- � ' Vic, i �"i',4 0 , �.-, _ ., '1 t�G��; [7.:.; �.�c, 1 ,- { -4C A /Z!I I / I I TOTAL ADDRESS I'M Assessment for TOTAlk., ADDRESS 1 I RONTAGF. I m BI,,k Balance Belence A --d Valuad— -LUPI O>ED OWER DF-KRIPNOR OR SUBDIVISION r Ih�g• ADDITION BENEFITS DAMAGES +o m Acwal A..e..eLlc Smi '10�n 0—, Cay 1 � \ l t 1 �,..��. �.�� art'! .,�t1Ll .�( , �� .r' �i{•.r ,. ,..,, � � TOTAlk., ADDRESS 1 ------------ Assessment for _ t I RONT.\GE A——d SUPPOSED OWNER Acetal p„<s.eL < - DP.SCRIPTION OR SUBDI\ ISION Lot or S -'t BI., k r It,np T— ----- Balance B Imm IION BENEFITS DAMAGES to to ADDT Owner City ! r _ ;I o^ 2 �7 —7 ” 44 a TOTAL ADDRESS Aee-ned Valoedon SUPPOSED 0\4'NER ,� is � , . • • _.. FRONTAGE La Block BENEFITS DA Si A�:FS DESCRIPTION OR SUBDI',MON or of P"^" ADDITION O"oer City A—el Ane::able TOTAL ADDRESS c� o o .ice E t_ Pe -.1 ion ., C.F: No 7 7— W�h.rt>� A w;ltt n pro 'i.1 fot the .•vc��"'� maklrtg Fth'e, follow) w PmProvament, - � - cuun��il File No. 9 r •, � - vla: Cagetrupt q cement the nftlewglk to .o width of elx feet on both eltl.• f � Louth St., .bRtween Front Ft Hatch St.. having been pree• PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C ... cll of the 1-1e and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follulcing public improvrmrnt by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a cor.gnt the NideW&-lk tb a •.ridth of six feet on both sides. _of_..J�outh St. between Fr.Ant St. and Hatch St. in accordance with.p.etitipn hereto attached._ .........._.. ......._ .... ... Dated this 25th day of July 191 6.. (,ounrifrnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NNIIEREAS. A written proposal for the making of till' follo,ing improvement, viz.: Construct a cement tile aidovfalk to_a .rid':h_of siz feet on both sides of Louth St. bet -,.,eon Fro!'t_.St. and patch St. i having been prrsrntrd to the Council of the City of St. 1'aul�y<'ounrilman — therefore, lir it RESOLVEI).'I'ha1 the ('onunis..ioner of Public Works be and ho is hereby ordered and directed 1. '1'0 investigate the nrcessit,y for or desirability of the making of said inga"uvenu•nt. L. "l,o investigate the nalurr, I Xlcnl and estiIII :ded cost of said impruvrnwIt, :mid the lutaI cost thereof. 3. To 1•ornish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To furnish the following other dat;t and information relative to said improvement: 5. '1•0 stale whether or ,,It said improvement is asked for on the petition of there or more IIIners. ti. To report upon all of tho foregoing matters to the Coll, uissiouer of Finance. i Adopted by the council Teas: Nuns: Councilman Far s %ortl) `. Go IIS iind Ia ler doll 1 undrrli, h Mayor 1 cin oa Approved ..�i`5 U pQTt1 �SSiF.D ilc. xo it as I P'otitibri +f Where e. A w Its n prpDoeal tOr the i mskfng of the' Loll wl g Improvement - - U "�z: Cpna oust t tele laewalk.. - ('ounril File No. A �. f ��.(7 - a wtn Celx feet ori lathe e -*h alae -- .,_ ___RO�,dolphdt reef between Irreaerlotu - ea Fairview Ave., having teen PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a [p [he Cou nett oL [he C1ty O � ' ' •heretore, be !t ' that tte Commisetoner r and n and to L hereby e/ "10Y PRELIMINARY ORDER.¢ The undersigned hereby `"proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct `al eoza.ent tile side'.:alk to a rrdth. ofsixfe.c.t on. the south aide of -Randolph. St. betrfc.Q1�. Fredcricl� AYo. and Fairviec Ave ....... .in_accord.ance.',: jth_ pQ1t4ton heretn_.attachod. f Dated this r°,Fth _day of J 191 fi.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tile following improvement, viz.: Construct a cc: ert tile sideWal]k to....a �;,idth._.of 8j7. feet on the .. south side of 3a._n.d.olph St-..b.etWQen Fredericka _Ave-. and Fz-1.irvi.e7z_.A.ve., having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pail by Councilman therefore, be it -- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered mid directed - I. TO inLestigate the necessity for or desirability of the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - 4. To furnish the following other data.and information relative to said improvement; 5. To state whether or not said improvements asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 255 Yens: Nays: Councilman Far sworth G ss :Approved 191 ^) 1 Mand / eller IcColl 1'underlich i<layo Irvin -- -- �l ayor. PUMrSHED 7 - x P' No. 117x0.__ petition Where, A writte -- - , -! 1 kl9g. of the f'llbwl Rolmpro for the t, Can tract a ('a'�unril File No. noulevard from %vinter r9 t. oto gaPltol - 40. fret north of in, north ane of comm PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' Ave hflvin Polnt nett f the CityPreeghied to the - be It o[ st. Paul there- r - Thnt tha Commiseloner of and \ " aI. nd he la hereby or - .. r_. neee..It, t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folio -wing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: . C.tonatruct a _seYfer on Capitol Boulevard from Minter- St. to e..p9i4t.40_feet_..ng..rth of. the nor th.line...0f_Como Ave..., in accord _.. ance..with-_p.e-t.jt.ion hare.t.o attached -.-- R --- --------------- ...... Dated this _24th _day of July 191 6.. Councilman.G PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .-Oon..9truct_a sever on Capitol Boulevard fro* -...;Sinter St. to a point 40 feet north of, tho _nort.h line of C.omo_ Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. paid by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orderer) and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2., To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of .said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan., profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvculent: 1 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .:;_11 25 1 191 Yeas: - Nays: Councilman Far worth /L J' Go Approved 191 _. and K /1 K ler 11 7 cc -oil /'underlic'h Mayor rvin _ �laior. rnaM e e p[TRLISHED 1 r!.r= I:w' I \ Petition wh ea., Fa Itt W k penal for the kipg 4f the t ll Ink 1 pro4ement, , I P F I fl le. Council File No t line of So. R vert St. to the rweet line '-9t Stute St. and that part at Ealnn 34 ying. hclween the at north n PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' southerly linea of Fnl rfleld luding a water and l:ouu. Irumw.1,— n a linea c mplete, I , Ing o hill Includi• Ing re, alley one PRELIMINARY ORDER. here Ile Cnr Id to the Coy Pa or Ihemto r� ' n P bila wd' he undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improyement 1! the City of de•.d _. St. Paul, viz.: Paye -Fairfield Ave, from east line of So. Robext St. to the west line of State St. and that part of .Eaton St. lying between _._the_..meat..northexl„%_and _c:outherly linea._af__Fairvield._Ave., incluriing' sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines ...cautplete,-where_not ..already .made, also including eurbing and pavi-ng of alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, in ac--'ordance At -h petition heretor attached Dated this- _ 25t.hNay of `0 July 101 6.. b Cotfncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS, A writtel oposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave Fairfield Ave. from east.,line_of.-.So,_Robert St., to the iest line of State St. and that part of Eaton St. lying between the most :a r.therly ani sou:,;aerly linesofFairfield Ava-,_ inslzclin{�: seuer.T._ crater and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, there not already made, also including curbi-n,^c and paving of alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Coanc'ilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orderer) and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. 'Ib furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; 5. To state whether or riot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Financ•i--- ) Adopted by the council ..� I�.. 25 1�, !:: 191 Yeas: days: ` Councilman Fa sworth G as /11 land -Iter 1 c'Coll ?• underlic'h Mayor I vin :Approved �!.-1 161'_. j�'IiLISEII:D-A�'-�.4f G CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL "RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Subject: OUNCIL n - FILE N o. }Date Presented 191 lrecou— nenolved. Thxl 1\I it Cigar,`19 7lcenee .N'o. 127.n e•Qlroe Rl:ew mnn' & HalloYN�le , in the. em nle ,.e', Le t d the 811 ]utknon �\-, E. Hallo- herehY. Is lrxn ferrel Lo [Yell. 811 7xek non SL 1916. .\doP[ed by the 25011 v161. JuIY 26, A ppruv Ml (July 29-1918) Resolved, That the Cigarette Licence No. 1?7, e=lrinZ May 1 th, 1917, now in the n;�,me of Newman & 11 11owe11, 331 J ackson Streot be and the same hereby is trarsfeared to W. E. IL11o::ell, 331 Jackson Stre -,t. D Yeas (J) Cour ilmen (+') days Far sworth In favor Gos Hy nd Ke er .0 Coll �; Against W nderlich mr. reside t Irvin FOR C.B-2� - Adopted by the Council 25 191 Approved v MAYOR Petition ,. CITY OFST_PAUL - >. � 'COUNO+J,L RESOLUTION - GENERAL F"O RM Subject: „ i 0 j, 1y r COU NC L FILE n1o. Date Presented July Lyth 191 6 Resolved, That'the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby auttorizcd and directed to cause Sherburne avenue, from Syndicate avenue to Criggs street, and Pobertsoii street, from Indiana avenue to Fair— field avenue, to be sprinkled during the balance of the season of 1916, v. F. No. 11732—nc M. N. coax— I Rrx9rved. rnxl fhe comn,lxxloner r _ 1'1,1,lic °Ilre,'[edx to Ix here Fhe rbn rnr ,. pwx zcY -,d (,o dirul•+xe �eenur [o u i1y[tsxxlre xnd Itobertxnn treel.l - fr99, InAlu nu ,k$e 1r to Fu lrHeld ave xl+rinkl.�d Buri n{; the nnlunle i,f clue xexnun of 14^0; .\dol+rld J hut �' t 1 :i 1 , 9111 .lull' ?i, 1416.. y . 1916. Yeas (✓) Coot oilmen (✓) Nays Farr sworth Adopted by the Council 'I'll 25 lc" ` 191 Cos In Favor Hyl nd 9 16 Kell rl C Approved Z S/ i9J Mc oll Against W'u derlich v I Mr. President Irvin' MAYOR FORM C. 8.2 ,1 Petition 1 \ - CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: - FILE No - Date o - Date Presented--1J`11y 25th Res ked, That the Comnliseioner of Public Works be and is r:ereby autricoiaed and directed to cause Cretin avenue, from Surnirdt avenue to St.Clair street to be sprinkled with oil during the balance of the season of 1°16. Yeas (J) C uncilmen (.') Nays F rnsworth ss In favor yland eller / ecoll ( Against underlich Mr. resi ent, Irvin FORM C. 8 - C. r. No. 11733—Ry NI. N. Cosa Reaol Y,•d, That the Commisaloner of Publlc \t'orks he agd is hereby author- iaed and dl re rted to c• a Cretin ave- . from Sum ml[ n e to St. Clatr street to he sprinkled nwith oil during thn unions. of the n of 1416 :41op a•d by Inc t•ininrii July 3E• 1416. Appro Yed July 2L; 1916. ,,,my Y9-19161 Adopted by the Council ' 25111- 191 �J i Approve �/; 191 t_ - �� b" MAYOR '20 --,Ll CITZ Cl-!::iCIL CI -2Y Gen-, lemen, We the�.de'r,-i'-122ed, o•.-nors of property abutting on Cretin Ave. from Surimit Ave. to St. Clair St. do hereby petition Your Honorable Body to cause -,aid Cretin Ave. to be sprin-,zled oil bet7,,een the points abovc mentioned. LOT. 73LI— L o --------- - - ---- Petition ----- ---- ---- --------- Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Wyoming at. f=m Charlton St. to Ohio St. -and from M an_QMjn...,kVe . ...... to Chipp.0170_ Ave in.-aaaards r .e WA th. petiti.on hex.et.o. attached. -- .............. Dated this 26thday of July 1 1 6 Councilman, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade _Charlton. to Qh iV 3 t, ar, cl. f r o m jjeZ Q.M JTj a to Chippewa St. PRELIMINARY ORDERS.. C. V NO. 11734— A wrttt- in -Op ... I f viz.: Grnae Vof ' 1rnPrnt 17n' "g BI , A St. In Ohio St.nna from n St. J� the il , b �'c-ted fi, having been presented to the Council of d 'h' "',' "r St. POW, th-1- po bit c hb.' thd he of therefore, be it dered andl directed: e in hereby or- " '"Wthe Ir " Ir-bli Y Ef"t'h RESOLVED, That the Commissions , I I f aid , ordered and directed - 2 To jnv�,tiKnte th 1. To investigate the necessity for o _ ,r .— extent an an,] 'he -1`1 Improve- 11)FOVC111ent. s tout � th.—f. ��t f a '1%, Profile or 2. To investigate the nature, extentJ111j. 1h mpr,,c_ ent, and the total cost thereof. to h th� 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketetNf int-mation fr Or. tali- t eam 4. To furnish the following other data and t%"'t'pr "n Or k -d f.r . It -'-aid improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. B. To report upon all of the foregoing ma7tts to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council (4,_ 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman ia-, nSWhrtY,/ 60 S Approved 11 land IN' nde lick Mayor 1, 101, 1 11 Pt ,bf,131f, Petition �- • r Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR -MV RtiVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a aelsent tile sidewalk to a .ridth- of -four feet ,on the south side, of . -_C pitol ,21pce bgtne__en_Fl� rvie^�__Ave. and.. . _itol Ave., ...... _......... _........... -in _a.ac:.or.dance_,;iu!x petition. h.ereta_attached,. s Dated this .25th day of July 191 6.. CV1_ PRELIMINARY ORDER. , h WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follotcing improvement, viz.: a_calaent tile sideylalk to_a_wilth of four feet on. the seuth lido_.of_ Capi.tol_.l'lace betmeen. Fairviev Ave. and Capitol -Aye.._ wrnien nrn 1 f me 3• � pnun ,��, tnr r�unwlna imnrnromrnt. alah +,an -las nerm .. .Zy, .. , nrtwr,m Fa hrlra All having been presented to the Council of the" � me ve. nnrinF nrrn nmarn[ra _.. . Fie or tee rll or 9t. Poui. therefore, be it \.t at tee rommisatoner of - RESOIATD, That the Commissioner of Publ be an a ne le nerenv ^r ordered and directed e tea: inVPatl(( t the ceeeof id provcment. 1. 'I'o investigate the necessity for or desirnt.amuty or the making of a 'ens. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ell mmatea i lost of Baia rimtent o o� LYt, and the total cost thereof. I the total east thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said . furnl.h a plan• profile or 4. To furnish the following other data and in` •old imp ovement. provemenl: arniah �ha following other nformation relative to said .. .. ts 5. To state whether or not said improvement is e nwhether or not aid Ina- ahea for on the plosion of three or more owners. e—ners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to G 1 Pep calm mfladhoueore� lance. r' / 0 Adopted by the council j tt �. y .._. �.--- _ _..191(.:�I___ Yeas: Nays: Councilman P�ji worLhGApprovedId Ferundlich\fayor ll�tayof loawaa. Petition ' Council File No. PROPOSAL FOMPROVEMENT Ed PRELIMINARY ORDER. .r A The undersigned hereby propos the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a cement tile sidevfalk to a viidth of _six_ feet on the vonth side. o�...Univeruity Ave*._fr.Qm t_h.e ties.t _end. of. the_Transfer c� ere not alreedy laid B� isd t.4.. Eaeral.d _at_ pin.. accordance e ith petit .n^..hes- t.n _attached. Doted this _ .26th day of July 191 6.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: i . Const:uCt_a. renon' t.ile ui.devalk to- a_uid:t.h__n3. sia.fcet on the south side of -hive -s.it;y...,ve. fr.a.in- the 'Neat end of the Transfer-3ri.dge. to &herald St.., where nn: nl rrtn3v laid. - C. F. .Nh—,,,. A wrl tl,a, Prnpusal fur the ,n: kln(; r the fullnu'I°g im Prnremo1h rizli n ,¢I ru, I t„rtSltYr1. rrr. ..I' .\r,. �m��tla•I"x'Ae,��,'nd i� having been presented to the CoumI- 'rran.fer Bri,lr;,, t.. em,•rnm rrf miln ...._, vhrn' a.., al...,,,ly I:.IJ, h:, ring be,•n r.rr- sent,d t.. ti„. ....,„" ,II therefore, be't ❑, it raw. ,.,.„,,,,.,, beit RESOLVED, T e Comrr '0..,�.,e,l' r."tt tl"' Comralselener of ; hereby ordered and directed t blir \Yorke be antl he Is hereby or dared an,l dirr.,e,l: - 1. Tu to �-estfgate ,he necreeily for :.said Illlpfol'elnent. 1. 'I'o investiga the necessi r eeslranwty ar the maklns or said I a,OrOrem en t. 2. To investigate the nature 3. T�� Im. summate the nature, extent aprovemcuL and the total cost thereof. a°� .stin,atcd ,oat s m tm n. t. d he total ro t lhereof.�rove- 3. To furnish t< plan, Profile ske. cti or fn, oleo n plan. Prod" o 1 T. tialdl,hp rhrev,enL or 4.said improvement: - 4. To furnish the following Oda'an nr s c rolmwlns other .r nd nlnformntion relative 1. sald `vh et hrr or oat Bald I.- - ..._ .. 5. To state whether or not said improvemenQwrer.n the ocuuon a petition of three or more owner 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .... /i Vii.. 191. G .. / /' Yens: Nays: Councilman Far sworth G Approved Ifyl nd R'un erlich Mayor Irvin ry 9layor. E. G. Br`Yggs ,. is � 1 "�°'•T� .x Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemeby the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct? relay and repair the cement t.ile_.sidevialk to_a outbe, inning_- width_oi 9t.5.ee.t._pn. the__s9.u.t.h. sda_.Q. East nt _.at.Rohert St. thence -east. 103 feet.. Dated this, 26th_ day of July 101 6,. ��1'V1tC e Couricilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, :1 written proposal for the mrt$f11g of the (olloAing improvement, viz.: JZ.ecoxstruct.,_relay and repair the co lent tile siiawalk to a width of q..5. feet- on. _the _south s be glnnin at .i30.hcr.t . St . wrutt�n nr°m'w,1 - - «n r a,� rdlow{nti imMn,o t. th is st .100 feet _ _. I kl a st nt. nd.q and repair th• --"' '- ,rmrnt •elle sidewalk. to wWth P 9 rr,. no un• � .nu, id r r ra,,t rounh .. St..` n.•shu ink t a. nrn st., u,em•o rv� •c1. nted U{ the .lfu [, havinRlt i,�• pi, uin., having been presented to the Council of thalPilb«^.i" rl a hat•c °"'"i'eO-"" of u od he Is here °y or di, —I and directedu esolty for therefore, be it , eausit u.a ' ec - :.rirail"making or sold RESOLVED, 'Quit the Commissioner i,';a„����,�' _nto th.: ��oture, extent• ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or 1-11 t°��„"i�;�d �aitcn=t �n� �eot. t or Provemerlt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a+oxotcti �r e+ia imnro�em c°iroal° her "It. and the total cost thereof. { 1.0 liirn .sh :ha io 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketeh J'P'"_ "nd 1d•.:m;,.l°n re:.,t:ve to y"la lir, or not ansa Im- 4. To furnish the following other data and in for for on tho petition irovement; ��ir1e iil of the fnre- o —mmisslortor of 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petits f three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council , lr'a,l G 1916 i Yeas: �! Nays: ,Tian ian Fa 0worth Go Approved �. J i J llyllInd 1'on erliell - Mayor Irvin Mayor. loll�a !C1TY .OF ST. PAUL- • .' COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM_ .Subject:_ l? y aorNC L FILE NO. ,,,,✓ Date Presented July 26" 1916 .k Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public. Works be and is nereby authorized and directed to cause hamline avenue between Lincoln and Goodrich avenues, and Goodrich avenue between Pascal and Syndicate avenues, to be sprinlled�four times a day during the balance of the season 1916. xssor.u•rtons. - t'.I1V. Igo. InTaA—TV II1.,, �i•�n n,is.I�n,�.,. ��f l ei�A lie 'µ lir I-, i nil i. li�l-f:lnilln. �t h��r_ I.In ��lo lir' Cr��nl ri��li-:ir•�- �1.i1'r.,inil .nrinkl�.�i f��ur Im�.LL �I,i,."'�lorinb tli.� Arl�t`i�rl 1��- hili ]iil, ^_0i 1,. 01G. Apill,. 27 1914. lA"91; wt '-1910) Yeas (J) Corn orth (r') Nays �.. Farn worth Coss In favor Hyl d Against Wu erlich Mr. Preside Irvin FORM C. 6-2 V v Adopted by the Coun 11 191 t/ Approved I 191 MAYOR 17 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—.GENERAL FORM" ,.Subject. COUNCIL FILE N Date Presented Resolved,that pe-LmJqs1on he a iq —11-1• rn-rt -1 -ri i;tate el.: el eF. Jo, to It 001es with. -,19 to wirq -In� cable on tae- na, s. 6 poles in allqr bet.Cleveland & Kenn*th -$t.Clair & Lydia 8 it II Lydia & Grace Cleveland & Prior 8 Grace & Sloan 11 . 8-" Sloan & Jefferson J or tc, 13a lone tri- iirniti r -n and '.o th - sats afact, C 1 oP t e co -j sbi -n--r of Pur: 1 i 'o r�: e, the - el enlvDm 0 o, -m an, to t'(Ie .o.,it of Jn,ij,e-:ti r, ennJnQ :,7, egad pu::11-;L'iTn: Po I e, I -J -,?S 4,0 , -'r1,:-. -O,red I— sue t 4; o 1 o y e on Jouncia sii d coat tr c pai r by t'ie Tele,Jo:-.e i o: n Lny. A r. Nn. 11739—BY NI N. G-1)"7 gr,n(,-d 11ITri-Bt httt ho I. - wlr,- all Ly,11., and cl-.ImO nnA Prior. , and Orn, • -tk- c" r ,pr 'Pnlrn and Ircv to be 11—tl . _ d when Conn- re 11 111. add 1, dd by thr TO- ph,- C—Pltny. A , C-11 Jul)' 26th. 1916. Approved `J'Wtyh 27. 1916. Aug"t 6-1916) Yeas I') Councilrpen I') Nays Adopted by the Coun il 191 F. Co In ��ii �Lx 17;"h, If. vor ' " M 191, Against Approved y . r �. 0 &;�, Mr. Presidel. -4� MAYOR ,77�k� FOAM C 8 2 a CITY OF ST,. PAUL �yp� G'OUNCIL RESOLUTION 'GENE_RAL. FORM Subject: t 1 (aO COUNCIL FILE No. t Date Presented Jaly 26,,"916191 Resolved, That the time wp,alfied for the peri'ormance of a certain dontract dated July 16, 1915, betr,co7. Christ Johnson and the Cit;; of St.Paul for the construction of a sewer on 2ascal Ave. from Su -m it nve. to Ashland Ave. be and the sa:ao is hereby extended to the 26th day of J1.xly, •1916, 4nd the prcp•er city officers are hereby au;;horized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resol Dion. shall net have any force and effect unleou the warcties on the Itntractors bond ccnsent theroto and file .such consent in ..riling with the City Comptroller. ('.F. No. 11740.-13y \7. N. Gnss— Etesnlvea. Thu.t the time , PM'Ifled for the ne rnrm+mce of :1 rrt:iln In [rnct dated July 1f, 7915. het ween Christ Juhn- -d th, Clly St. pnul for truclfon of a n pusexl Ave. !tort S mnlit Avr, (Pe Axhlu nd Ave. be and dnthe Z�f• I.c hereby erl ended to the 26th )' J.11, 1916, dna thr proper clty 'V d.a hereby authorized ndment to said :otrnctl In cnrd� herewith. pn•via•H. hnwrver,c that ihl+ r• nlullon shall nal hu ve nn)' force M' and rffeet unlras the reties thr ntrar[or'e bondnrut ih—l. n d C'I tf le such consent in wri ting with the! [y Cnm ptroller. Adopted bthr CFuncll July ". ]916. A Dprnved July 27. ID16. IAngust 5-M6) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (J) Nays Far orth Gos In favor 4- H an CAgainst uncle ich Mr. Presid nt. Irvin !ORM G. e-2 Adopted by the Council.' / 191 Approved / ( � 1b 191 U-Ct MAYOR St. Paul, Minn. July 25, lilt to TO •211 10-:O-;jJLi CI'^! Gcr,tle:,on,- I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time for co,:plction of the sewer on Pa3cal Ave. from Summit Ave. to Ashland Ave. be extended to July 26, 1916. Owing to the fact that the proper,ta,v abutting on this street faces Sunnit ..vc., Portland Avc. and Ashland Ave. a number of proporty owners objected vigorously to this sewer and insisted on havin- the order ani contrac'. cancelled, ural the En>ineerin,7 Do par `rr:ent, at t'ncir request, asked *:,o to defor the construction of this sewer to --ivr• the property o,:.mers an opport :nity to have said order and cor:lrac': cancelled if `;hc so do:;ircd. 'As no action was evid :ntl. ev. r tr.:ken towards said canc,:ll.ation and a: l ,-,ichcd to ret `his old matter out of the ,-:ay, I rc,ues':cd t1re En•-.r.ocrdng Department to nut in ..takes and cons'.r•..cted said senor in accordance wit`. pl--rc „i:d r :dc i . `cation:;. Fart hor, .hie se,aciC co -,Id not lave beer cor:pleted last fall on ac .o,-nt of the n, into ,;r.ich this server empties, not havin- been co.-ple'.ed Ord ao c?ted b, the �.�ir.ccriar' D�l7artne : �. H:mce I deeir♦e ;.'o askti,-Lit ',i::ie fol' said sc. er br, rade as he-c.inl, ,'ore rc • � i ..l , ver' :: alb,', .'.cr, i;: no ol,:cction to L:_vinf, the time ea:terd,cd a:; ro-, e:: of"ice iv ;oi.cerr.ed. c i :-ndc. t-oi �r-s c:uc�ion & Repair 0' ilk - - - - - - _�, Cade-- rh eer City of St. Patin t 4 Council Resolution - General 4orm J e Department of bureau of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1916 Council bile NO. Date Presented I� N Resolved, thalt permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and strin,, wire s with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets: 2 Poles on East side of Sylvan Street from Villard Str, l]orth. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council, Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Adopted by the Counci /cc Gy 2 1916. yeas ( ) Cou rn:Gos Wun . Hy l Mr. President 1r7 Vi ich a j iT_1916 � Approved -- lk e C. F. No. 11141—By M. N. Goss— B 1'•1 tl l 1s 1 1 d 1 1, Mayor P". r hereby granted the Northwestern �Tele- phonr Exchange COp1Dllny to set poles and string wires with the n snry n thereon In it" following tutmed streets : L pol- r m std, of Sylvan street from \'illnrd st rrrl north. Poles and wires to be r eml when rr,,--od in do IN 'h'. Common Counei 1. &till rost to be poill by the Tel- ephone Company. Adopted hr the Council July 26th. 1916... Approved July 27,.1916. (August 6-1916) i 1 _ 7412 I CITY QF ST. PAUL J_1742. &UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �jla Subje , , :,t.sPgt D:' ',AnuS COUNCIL FILE N O. .. Date Presented .i ,1.1.;: f.' 1916 Resolved, Yeas (I') Councilmen (I') Nays Far worth Goss in favtl4 �.- Against Yoe Mr. President, w FORM C.6-2 �. Adopted by the Council. <- 191 b i Approved 191 - t; iter, re i rti CCft' .:8 IlTha[i` 1(h `ll,e"l,Ppro�vaf O[ Resolved. a' u d the ('om ptr�dle r, ther„1`- hen0h�� t,:,1, erred the 21,11m ..f Twen si;;'.arl,marP 1, 11 Randolph JESSE FOOT, (pe Public School Fund to the HUI hls N1. Rullding Aceount of `., k1�- n by o dolnK u c Fund, nblee d.•1lohmcP In the lost armed,"runs h:�m the rk u_= mny`be me[ I(hnul perinF w In thn first bf Ild Prnvf aP1ilefine a Fundy nAdoptetl July 7.G, 1LJIf, by lhe'Councll Approved J(August 191919167 Yeas (I') Councilmen (I') Nays Far worth Goss in favtl4 �.- Against Yoe Mr. President, w FORM C.6-2 �. Adopted by the Council. <- 191 b i Approved 191 - �' a. CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ �"�I„Ie� " COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL F `5 , Subject 4ACOUNCIL P FILE No. �'11 Date Presented J :i! z , 191 6. e Resolved, ii -;6, _ ,. B C. F. No. 11743—By A. Woull rllrh— Rrsolved, Thnt wllh the :,ppinvnl of he \inynr five Hund -1 pDolk- (u .9ry2M1 of —.1". - hrrrhv sfer Ac from the 911es a a Stl Fundings Account of [he PN11 blh School Fund to the Ames School New by hung t d doing nnunuv Idable deflclensatre cy In I the at n med Fund m, be met gr,— wlth- o t ha mperinthe wop rk ro yldem ed for by the y to the first named Itof the amid'una. ; Atlnpt ea by fie Council July ^_6. Ism. App 'need Ju -'-. 1976. (August 5-13181 Yeas (r') Co ncilmen ( C) Nays Far sworth Gos In Favor (�( Against Nas Yoer Mr. President, wers FORM C.6-2 Jt -5 F0 0-(, J Adopted by the Council..XL 191 f/•. Approved - .'`�;- f JIG 191._.... 7 ZwroR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` Subject. ACVA:;CE rAr^,dEP� REFUND _ v COUNCIL FILE NO. { .. ... ...... ....... .. ........ 4 Date Presented 191...._. i )Mjj�" Whereas; The sum of °:'•1] was paid t`.e C'_ty C St. Paul, out c; the 3er.cral lun i, Fecal Improver4er.t Account, to cover curbing assessment against Lct 15, Block 1, ';il':a1 !erk, Improve - mer -t No.363, fCr Curbing St. Anthony avenue, Rnd.whereas aneess- ment was found to `tay.a beer.paid by the owner and that said lot anLk ':louis is not exeu,pt prorerty; t' erefc be it Resolved, That the City Comptroller, be and he is :`:ereby auth-_i:'zea and iirected to transfer the sial, of $45.11, from the Permanent Iuprcccn.crt ... solving Fund Ccllectfcn Acecc::t, to the ,c:,eral`Fund Local Improveme^.t Account to correct above err'cr. S. A. rnlir hPundFllrnvnnrlh— :-h,m The n( $4. w ild r` 1. r�91tlrninr'ri�,'m,mt Arrc un[, i" -�urhlnx n •nt nl;:dn=t Lnt 1S. '}{I, ck 1, \Illha miePn k. lmnr::rrmrnt Azit-ny n ...Rr. 4,U w1 -1,.:l. -i.. „vv mens found to v;l l,Yle ln[;n nnld Thr tont r ' d ihxt nd binrkl�' ��ivn,�Pt Ir; Innrnf:,rn hr It iP7� "-""'A. Th::t the /'ll�(`omni rn7lr. r.; nr• and hr Ix hr•n•bq ii uthnrized ii ml dlnvt- cd it irn nxfer il:n .v of ¢t4.1] from th Fund I(`nllrrllnn ,��� untv aantlu thrn rGanei �Ir - F`u' Iwi wl Im Prnvement .4,- nt (n •c[ nhn�:, t : nntn . n. inN c�Lnon ata>• ^su,. mis. T PPnn-ed Jnl> ?^. 147f. is\uRuet i-I9Is) . Yeas I I') Councilmen (f I Nays Far sNN orlh Go In h14or CI Aga1n<r O' e arc Nil. Preside w ce] adopted by the Council _191 7_ Approve(] .: t �'JIU �91 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL REVOLUTION GENERALFORM - w. coueoL No. DILE Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Jacob Zimmerman, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Twenty-five and 50/100 Doll&rs ($25.5C) In partial settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of .the City .on the Ames School, on the 14th day of March, 1916. - ,.ra..9nf",I. •rh:rt rin• nrnor•r ru.� nmrmi- hnrr•h� rt h, Ih In rW>• to j•Irnl, %Imm,rm:�n.„rt of zi he •n nnWnrkmen'a fnm- Ll4 s0 I t`rlinn A -1-.—t of Ins c�.n Fnnd. t hr• n „f T�rr•n t,• -fl v,• nml :A"00 D.J. alr= fF"t. ASI In r�rrtlil F,�1II.•m,�ni of hl.v rinim h nr't f II �', nrlvinF by r ..f .f Ietlrr rlr Ihr r Ir III,',.1 �l..,1 h1 hlm wh ll. • Pm nl, i� .c t`iry thn ,•n 9rhnnl. .n ihn 1{Ihr1n .' ..f \lir rCh. IW10rq, Tdnni rrl be Ihr f'nnnril Sul, ?fiilr. 141f. a PProcrvd (Au f:\uFuet 6-1016) I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. C is3 ner of Parks, Play- 0 and Public Buildings Yeas I l (;)Nays% C � 91 Adopted by the Coun�i,7�/favor Ib 191 Approved � r Against ZA / " _ . h \\\ lX M..on Mr. ) FOPM C. 62 1 CITY OF IST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLU'TION.—GENERAL FORM Subject: S '" 116 2 "counCIL N O. a i .. FILE N ... Date Presented. July- 22nd.16 191 , - 1 , Resolve That the Council hereby approves the action of the Pur- chasing Committee in awarding the contract to Drake Marble & Tile Co. ,for, the sum of $5,296.00, for fur- nishing and installing all Tile, Marble, Terrazzo and Hardware in toilet rooms, includinetoilet door hard- -- ware in the McClellan School, in accordance with plans, specifications and Formal Hid No. 944. " c. r•. Rll,iI,,rr l, Th:" thr ' inrii hr rrh�' nP- th'• :r1i"n ref Ihr S`urrh:'LI LR �nmmltt'n In nwnrdinc (hr r:ntn' 1 .� ilrnk" \1nrt'la R Tn'• Cn.h f"Inxlt::111nR :11 _- �r_,p�;,�, (nr furnichinK ' :1 llar:lwnrr ,in TI1F. \I::rhln, Trrrx zz": nll�l �1'nr h:'r'1" tonrt r" ms. in rl u:l{n P' � In thr )1rC1r11:: nffl;, It l"nx ln�n�7 �Frd mn1• 26, ". 141fi. �iW,, - n Anut ril I," 1 hP i, 191f. Af+Prn�''" i,\ul;nx[ 6-1918) — 1 Yeas (1') Councilmen (1') Nays Far w rth Gos In favor �... Against N. g Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.9-2 Adopted by the Council 1 2G 19 191 Approved !, 191._--. 1-ItlI/��J� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL''"\",S COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • p Subject, A < A COUNCIL ae NO..� Date Presented July 24tt 191 6 A k • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Pu16- chasing Committee in awarding the contract to ST. BAUL BUILDERS !tATERIAL CO., for furnishing Cement and Plaster_ ink; material to the bcClellan School, for the sum of $6,331.44• in accordance with specifications and Formal Bid Pio. 945, Rrc:�l,✓il. Tl:, �t i:;nl��.r it ;�uth•,I Pier'`", Pmvmit't l,e It�1 rrlf,,c �h,. �. ,r, ni�hing 9t.••Nun�li,r �In �,il In lin ' lnL; r•��m t'nf �: nrl I`I:��Ir•rin: ,n iin •' ,. ,In� \I��('Ir•Ilain rGl;•n�.�. f•;Ii1,�h:v1�V.<�ili,�:�- ER.341.9�.n unn= a r-�,rm:a lata ��,. Boas i.•ir,. A ilnpted �l�`1u131••"��141�ii1 Juin' :'o i.\ul:us[ 5-1n161 s Yeas (✓) Coymcilmen ( ✓) Nays Fa nsrth Go In favor Hy n CAgainst r Wuich Mr. President,, rvm FORM C. R 2 m Adopted by the Council 2E 19',6 191 Approved I b 191 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENTL�. AUDITED CLAIMS�RESOLUTION FORM FILENCIL NO. 19 AUDITED 1 ♦.. �;� �i PER #193 r. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City 'Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following m detailed statement: - Yeas (1') Councilmen i Nays Adopted by the Council. Zr/i � 191 Far s rth Go Ann" ved f 1I� 191, i'. 11748— IIy' an In favor noon theeCity Treassu rents he biadraw tha hereinafter eDecld' Pfunds and In ' favor of the Dersone. Grine or COTDOTaMAYOR - G Against done for the amounts •et oDDeelte { their epective names s• soeclded In and rlieh th. fnuowlnir detall.d ,e an JIr. Presider Irvin - 11•L 11.P ld.rn Nater—Nf. AH n Co..'81 a s. C V i71 lsm �.Rineere 9UpD1Y Cr 5154 J. F. Ada, -.son, Wa+..er-M. cc R. J. H. Allen Co., Health -rub. BathsfM. a R. Ya rL s–ra 1•N�--Ma i.n*... 4.75 TT�7-5_. 56 57 5E 59 10 4. 61 °a Auto Tirr :.ales Co., street Cert. tc Ren^, r -P Pq in; veprciAtion Bed, Meter Co., YJF- -M. -z R 30.00 27.54 11 .50 40.16, 3,126.60 American BnEineers Supply Co Yui .-Helico 1 s -M . R. Arne! icor Water Workp Assn.,r Water -M. Cc R. R. S. Anderson, Pu'-. Library-ldew Books - W. Austin, Pur. Agent, Mayors Ofi'1 .e- xp. 2. 1 Corp. Cour. is Ofi'-r,xp. 1. 0 Com. Fin, n e -Mai f ! 1 0 Cornp'.ro11e s Off axp. 1 Fol ice --61. R. 6..8 Fire -M. t 1. 1 Heglih-He l+,h- « R. 4 Bridge B r'_;. a Repair 1. 0 Gen-Mnni ipal ourt-Maint. 4 6 Gene; ec�tion pence 4 0 ru?'. Sc!jool - ec R. 21 1 rub. ', Lii nary-(wenl . Supplies 37 1 Water -M. a R. 3. 5 8 . 8 °a Auto Tirr :.ales Co., street Cert. tc Ren^, r -P Pq in; veprciAtion Bed, Meter Co., YJF- -M. -z R 30.00 27.54 11 .50 40.16, 3,126.60 #2 5162 Bahneman & List, 80.10 Health-Pub.Baths-M. x R. 18 90 Parks-Parks-Maint. 6J20 !` 80 10 rr X63 Edward Baker, 29.85 Pub. Libra�y-New Books 64 A. G. Bauer, 7.23 Pub. ,,Playgrounds-Maint. 65 Bazillepartridge, 11.10 Police ;on t. & Bett. r, 66 _ 0. S. Berg, " 6.50 Strut Cons. &air-M�nt. 67 r, Geo. C. Bi7nng 16.50 Fire-^..R. 7 60 Com.Pubrks-Administration 3 00 Sprinkl 6 0 16. 0 68 T. L. Blood & Co., i 7.65 Health-Pu Baths-M.&R. 6. 5 Auditori-Maint. 1. 0 7. 5 69 Board of Water Commissioners, 486.68 Fire-M. & 33.96 Pub.Wo:ka Workhouse-M 7.02 Gen-urate Supply i30.2.�2 Auditori -Maint. 8.00 Sprinkl ng 41.78 Pay. W outa-9th to Spruce 93.00 486.68 70 Boosey Co., 4.76 Pub, \ chap s -M . & R. 71 Boston Book Co., 92.25 Pub. L-Ebz2,ry-Genl. Supplies 72 R. R. Bowker Co., 4.00 Pub. Lila-r y-N�qv Books 73 H. C. Boyeson, 4 3.40 Com.-- tnaYrea_Maint. 74 Brooks Bros., 30.84 F M. a R. 10.84 Parks-Maint. 28.00 38. 4 75 Brown's Photo Craft Co., 14.25 Strut Gonst. cc Repr.-'A 10. 0 Water- !71� & R. 3. 5 \ 14. 5 76 Bureau of Municipal Research, .75 Pitw. Liizrary-N�v Books 77 M. Burg & Sons, 179.50 Pub. Ss,iools-M. & R. 78 Burns Lumber Co., 34.50 Pub. bchools-M,. &R. 79 Camera Art, Co., 69.50 Garp. Counsels Off-Rxp. 4 2 #3 s' 5180 Wm. J. Campbell, 9.00 Pab. Library -Nei Books 81 Capital City Lime & Cement Co., 220.51 f PoliceConst. Better Sewer Co epr-M. `y +22.51 82 Capital City Lumber Co., I 60.88 Pub.Wd,rks-W rkhouse-M 3 40 pub. SahoolsM- & R. 25.48 60 '� 88 83 Casey Creamery Co., 16.00 Ppb. scbools-M. a R. 84 Chaska Brick & Tile Co., 294.40 Sewer Const. & Repr-M. j 85 Chicago, Milwai}kee & St. Paul Ry., 161.23 Pub. L hting-Maint. Supplies 130 5.23 Pub. Li ary-Genib. Parks-Pa=Maint. 154.h0 161. 3 86 "Citizens Ied & Fuel Co., 3.00 = Pub cc R. 87. \bchoQls-M. John Cla k Co., ! 1.66 Pub. Library -New Books j i r 88 Clymer & Huelster, 28.75 Gen-Mvjuj_c�ipal Court -M. 89 Craftsman Press, f 70.65 Gen -Pr nted forms & Tanks 20. O Gen-Ele tion Expense 41.0 Pub.Wo-Administration 8. 5 ` \\ 0. I � 90 Crane & Ordway Co., ! 1,956.50 Fire- & R. 17.00 Pub.Wo ks-Workhouse-M 4. 7 Street onst. & Repr-M 110 Pub. Sc ools-M. & R. 28.62 Ames Sch of 1,900.19 Parks -Par s-Maint. 4'92 1,956 50 91 Crescent Creamery Co., i 3.25 Pub.Wdi4�s-Workhouse-Maint. 92 E. M. Crist, E .25 Pub. Ubwary-Genl.'i�upplies j 93 Daily News Publishing Co., .16 Gen-CivA1 Service-Maint. 94 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 60.59 Pub. rks-Workho.?se-M .23 Street Const. & Repr-M. .90 ,ewer C st. & Repair 2 .36 p Pub. Sch is -M. a R. .50 ' P Water -M. & R. 2 •80 6 .59 95 Dennison Mnfg. Co., 1.81 per. Library-G4n1. Supplies 4� " k #4 5196 L. F. Dow Co., 35.55 Pub.Works t., ministration-M 33 30 Pub behoo . & R. 1.35 Pub. Libra-Genl. Supplies .90 3 .55 97 Drake Marble & Tile Co., 84.30 Pub.Util-Mun.Test.Lab-N.A" 8 .30 Randolph Hts. School 2 00 84 30 98 W. J. Dyer & Pro.', 33.85 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 99 L. Eisenmenger, 8.40 Pdlicek-M, & R.6.4 Pub,, Schools -M. a R. 2.0 8.4 5200 Electric Blue Print Co., `i 41.74 Water -M. & R. i 1 Elite Laundry, =89 Pub. c,chools-M, a R. 2 Elson Art Publishing Co., 1.50 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 1 3 Engineering & Contracting, 2.00 Water -M. & R. 4 Essanell Electric Co., 1.71. Water -M. a R. 5 S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F. 158.04 Compt ller-Prtg.Staty.etc 21.00 City C bk-Exp. 10.54 Cbm.PubNff-52 -Adinistration"119.50Pub.Workhouse-M. 2.00 Printed & blanks 5.00 158.04; 6 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 92.68 Fire -M. & 3.94 Health-Pub.•baths-M, a R. 2.0E Pub.Warks-A inistration-M 3. '4 3 S.&S.Clnr,-Ga age -M. 2 - tub. Schools- & R. 8 2 Water -M. x R. 74 65 92 68 7. E. �,. Ferrey, j 18.90 Sprinkling Ij 3 Finch, VanSlyck & McConville, 104.07 Heal th-auaP\antine-M. a R. 6.65 Pub. School M. & R. 1 4.07 9 bi. W. Fitzzerald, 17.50 Gen-Misc. &�Unforseen Exp. 10 Fleischman Yeast Co., 5.00 �+ P�,b.Wo^�s-Wgrkhovse-Maint. 11 Ford Motor Co., 15.27 er-M'. & R. 9.27 Pav . 14th�,,Broarlway. to Robert 6.00 .5 .27 12 Funk & WaEnalls, 15.99 Pub. Library -New Books #5 5213 Gopher Lime & Cement Co., 6,78 Fire -M. & R. 14 M. N. Goss, Commissioner, 171.90 '} Brtd;e Bldg. & Repair Water-M. & R. • 15 R. L. Gould & Co. t171. 10.35 Pub.Works-Workhouse-M Pub. ;,chools-M. & R. 16 Griggs, Loper & Co., 75,99 Health-Pub.Baths-M. a R. 20 95 Pub.Works-Workhouse-M 55 14 75 99 17 Jos. Hraag Roofing Co., nater -M. & R. 18 Chas. A. Haase, 2.90 Pub. Schools -M.. & R. i 19 He-kett., Gates & Hurty, ! 13.50 b.&:.Cing`Street. Cleaning -M 20 Hackney Investment Co., 1 25.00 Street Const. & Repair -M 21 Harline Grocery Co., 1 1.91 rub. Schools -M. u R. 22 N. r. Hansen, 4.83 Pub. Playgrounds-Maint. 23 Hartin Coal Co., 1,314.30 Pub. Schools -M. ec R. 723.57 (1915) 590.73_ . 1,314.30 24 Haskins Bros., ° 58.55 Fire -M. & R. 39}}'..Oo Pub.Works-Workhouse-M 19-.5`"• 5.55 25 Hennecke Shops, 6.00 Pub. Library -New Books 26 Tone;; Hensler, 5.30 Water -M. & R. 27 A. P. Herschler, 603.80 Health -Pub. -Baths-M.&R. 112 90 Parks-Parks-Mairt. 460#90 603 80 28 Hersey fg. Co., 225.00. Water -M. & R. 29 Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, 14.25 Put. Library -New Books 30 William Hitchniar., 2.90 - Pub. Library -New Books 31 Hoyt Nursery, a 7.75 Pub. Schools -M. a R. 32 F. 0. Hueber:er, 14.25 Pub. Lighting-Maint. #6 5233 H. R. Huntting Co., 67.40 Pub. L,,tbrary-New Books 34 Hupmobile Co., 22.20 Water -M. & R. t 35 H. B. Hyams, 6.48 �4 Parks-Parks-Maint. 36 Independent 011 Co., 18.50 Health-4Juarantine-M.&R. 5. O 5.�;.Cing-Street Cing.-M. 13. 0 18. 0 37 tndeper.dent Packing & Provision Co., 29.20 _ Parks -Park s-Maint. _ 38 Jemeson, Hevener & Griggs, 2.65 Water -M. & R. 39 A. C. Jefferson Lumber Co., 99.75 Pub. Schools -M. & R. 40 Johnson'High school, 1.90 Pub. Schools -M. 6c R. 41 Wm. B. Joyce & Co., 18•CO Water -M. & R. 42 Jos. Kouba, 6.40 Water -M. &•R. 43 Kny-Scheerer Co., 30.75 Mechanic Arts H. S. Library 44 Otto Largum, 2.14 Corp. Counsels Office -Exp. 45 Walter Lemon Co., 70.30 Street Const. & Repair -M. 46 F. G. Leslie Co., 6.40 Police -Const. & Bett. 47 John W. Lux Grocery Co., 7.77 Pu�b.,Schools-M. & R. 48 C. B. Lyon & Bro., 499.70 Water -M. & R. 49 Library of Congress, 171.92 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 50 McClain & Hedman, 58.70 Mayors Office -Exp. 2 75 City Clerk -Exp. 2 75 Com.Pub.aorks-Administration 5 45 Pub. Schools -M. & R. 16 00 Teachers Trng. School Lib. 31 75 58 70 51 A. C. McClurg Co., 180.98 Pub. Library -New books 52 G. M. McGeary & Son, .75 Auditorium-Maint. 53 McGraw-Hill Book Co., 6.00 Pub. Library -New Books 54 Maendler Bros., 18.92 Police -Const. & Bett. ;_ t #8 5274 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, Pu .Works- ministration 3. 6 105.93 St t Const & RepaIr-M. 79 74 Put. hools- tc R. 1 .63 Water -M & R. .70 105.93 b. 75 Northern Coal & Dock Co „ 118.09 Street Sonst. & Repai.r-M 40.5 Pub. Li nary-Genl. Supplies , 38. Sprinkling.. 20. 5 Pay. Canada -74th to`9th 18. 0 Nk 118. 9 76 Northern States PowerCo., 18.44 __-- Pub. chools-M• & R. Water -11.6c R. 8.7 9. 2 18. 4 77 Northwestern Blaugas Co., R. 20.20 Health-41�rar.tine-M. 6c 78 Northwestern Electric Equipment Jt.e Co., 10. 9 28.30 Police•\\& Fire Al. Pub. Ill EL 3. 5 Water -M. & R. 14.D6 28. 0 79 Northwestern Shot. & Lead�PWorks, 499.80 Water -'K\ & R. 80 Northwestern Stamp Works', •75 Pub. Worms -Administration -M Pub. Schobl\s-M, a R. .25 81 Northwestern Telephone Exchange; 25.69 Comptroller -Exp. 4.00 Gen -Purchasing Dept. -M 13 46 _ Auditorium-Maint. 6 00 Water -M. & R. 2.3 25. 9 82 Northwestern Tire Co., 136.40 Police -M. & R. 27.12 Pub. schools -M. & R. 941 Water -M. & R. 83 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 34.46 Police -M. & R. 2. Pub. chools-M• & R. 1.6 Water -M. 6c R. 30.3 84 O'Hart Publishing Co., 10.00 Pub. Library -New Books 85 Peoples Transfer Co., 28.55 Pub. Library -Gent. Supplies 86 A. Perkins, 16.70 Pub. Schools -M. & R. e7 Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., 22.50 Pub.Works-Administration-M 5. Pub. Schools -M. & R.. 94 Water -M. & R. 7. 5 v 22. 0 88 A. W. Peterson, 52.23 Police -M. & R. ' #7 ' 5255 MahlefWagon Co., 5.00 W ter -M. Sc R. 56 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., ! 683.55 Police -M. & R• 133 4 Health -Pub. aths-M. & R. 10 8 Pub.Works- dministration 21 9 i Street Co t. & Repr.-M. 18 3 Sewer Co t. & Repr-M. 11. 7 S.&S.C1 -Street Cleaning 36 96 It" '-Sewer Cleaning 2 93 Bridge ldg. & Repair 91 Pub.Bl s-insp. & Clerks -M 35 59 Water -M. & R. 61 16 683.55 57 F. R. Mann & Son, 4.50 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 56 •Martin Motor Sales Co., 8.75 Fire -M. & R. P 59 The Matteson Co., 94.50 Water -M. & R. A r 60 Mich. Mauris, 3.35 Water -M. & R. 61 Melady Paper Co., 6.60 Health -Health -M. & R. 2.10 Health -Pub. Baths -M. & R. 4. 6. EO 62 Michaud Bros., 4.89 Pub.Works-Workhouse-M 2.E5 Parks-Parks-Maint. 2. 63 Midway Lime & Cement Co., I 8.10 Pub. Schools -M. & R. j 64 Miller -Davis Printing Co., 1.65 Water -M. & R. 65 Mrs. J. R. Miller, 7.84 Parks-Parks-Maint. 66 E. A. Moeller, 174.00 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies 67 Motorcycle Accessory Co., 7.36 Street. Const. & Repair 68 H. Mueller Mnfg. Co., 128.00 Water -M. & R. 69 National -Candy Co., 229.45 Parks-Parke-Maint. 70 National Gas Governor Co., .75 Pub.Works-Workhouse-Maint. 71 H. G. Neal Co., 4.92 Street Const. & Repair-Maint. 72 New York Tea Co., 13.00 Parks-Parks-1vlaint. 73 Nicka-'Machine Shop, 24.20 , S. & S. Cing-Street Cleaning -M Z #8f 5274 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 105.93 Pu' .Works- ministration 3. 6 Stre t Const & Repakr-M. 79 74 Pub. hools- &'R. 1 .63 Water -M\\& R. •70 105.93 Northern Coal & Dock Co., - 118.09 - Street ,ponst. Repair -M 40.5 Pub. Litkary-Genl. Supplies 38• Sprinkling: 20. 5 Pay. Canada -74th to 9th 18..0 118. 9 Northern States Power Co., l 18.44 P bchools-M & R 8.7 u Water & R. 9. 2 -18. 4 Northwestern Blaugas Co., 20.20 Health -4 rartine-M. & R. Northwestern Electri.c Equipment Co., 28.30 Police, 6c Fire Al. Jt.s/c 10. Pub. PAygrounds-Maint. 3. Water -M. & R. 14.V 28. 0 Northwestern Shot. & Lead Works, 499.80 Water2 \ & R. Northwestern Stamp Works, .75 Pub. Wori -Administration-M .25 Pub. Scho s -M, a R. Northwestern Telephone Exchange, 25.69 Comptroller -Exp. 4.00 Gen -Purchasing Dept. -M 13 46 Auditorium-Maint. 6 00 Water -M. & R. 2. 3 25.69 Northwestern Tire Co., 136.40 Police -M. & R. 20.12 Pub. z�choolS-M. & R. 69 15 Water -M. & R. 40 3 136. 0 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 34.46 Police -M. & R. 2• Pub. Schools -M. & R. 1.5 Water -M. & R. 30.3 34 .4 O'Hart Publishing Co., 10.00 Pub. Library -New Books Peoples Transfer Co., 28.55 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies A. Perkins, 16.70 Pub. SChoo1S-M. & R. Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., 22.50 Pub.Works-Administration-M 5. Pub. Schools -M. & R. 9l Water -M. & R. 7. 5 22. 0 A. W. Peterson, 52.23 Police -M. & R. #9. ,5289 Pierce Oil Corporation, 3.00 Sprinkling 90 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 58.73: Pub. Playgr0 ds-Maint. 22 62 Randolph Hts School 24 06 4 Parks -Parks -M int. 12.05 \ = 5 .73 91 Prest-O-Lite Co., 1.75 Water -M. &R. tai 92 Prussian Remed., e 48.00 Pub. Util-M'srk is -M 15 50 Parks-Parks-Uaint. 32 50 01 48 00 93 Raymer Hardware Co., 67.45 Fire -M. & R. 0 Health -(,guar 7tinC-M.&R. 2 Gen-Mun. Ga Se -M. & S. 9. 4 Street Const & Repair -M 8. 0 Pub.Util-Mun. est.Lab.-M 3. 5 Pub. Lighting Maint. 1. Gen-Docks;Wha es & Levees 3.0 Pub. Schools -M & R. 33.41 Parks -Parks -Mai t. 7.14 Sprinkling .15 Paving Depreciat on 1.5 67.4 94 Reed Motor Supply Co., .91 " Street Const..& Repair -M .41 Pub. Schools -M. & R. .50 95 Reliance Iron & Wire Works, 47.70 Water -M. & R. 3 96 Review Publishing Col, 808.97 _ Corp. Counsels Off -Exp. 113.40 Gen -Official Publications 695457 808;97 97 E, R. Robinson, 30.00' Pub..Library-New Books 98 N. C. Robinson, 108.30 Gen -Mist. & Unforseen Exp. r' 99 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 218.65 Fire -Const. & Bett. 49.24 Water -M. & R. 102,.00 Sprinkling 59;16 Paving Depreciation 8:25 218.65 300 Russell Sage Foundation, 1.50 _ Pub. Library -New Books 1 St. Paul Battery Co., 1.20 Sewer Const. & Repair -M 2 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 332.89 Gen -Civil Service -M x.00 , - Pub. Library -New Books 32E.64 a. Teachers Trng. S. Lib. 2.25 332.89 3 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 99.28 Pub.Works-Workhouse-Maint ,5.75 Sewer Const. & Repr-M 1.50 Pub. Schools -M. & R. 67.43,,. •_,_ ,�«. y -. #o 5304 St. Paul Builders Material Co. Contd. Auditorium-Maint. .60 Nater -M. & R. 24.00 99.8 5 St. Paul Electric Co., ( 33:01 Fire -M. & R. 2• 0 Water -M. & R. 30. 1 33. 1 6 -St. Paul Foundry Co., I 74.32 Street Const. & Repair -M 31.15 Water -M. & `N'. 11. Paving Depreciation 32.lrl 74.30 7 St. Paul Gas Light Co., i 4,435.39 S.&S.Cing-Stre t Cleaning Pub. Lighting -.int. 1.' 4,423.4 Parks -Parks -Mair . 10.9 4,435.3 8 St. Paul Glass Co., 1.00 Pub.Works-Administration 1.0� 9 St. Paul Tent & Awning Co., 5.65 Fire -M. & R. i - 10 St. Paul Welding Co., 8.00' Water -M. & R. 11 Sanitary Food Co., 1 49.66 Health -Pub. Baths-M.&R. 23.13 Parks-Parks-Maint. 263 49.66 12 Sauk Rapids Granite Co., 78.15 Pay. Canada -14th to 9th St. 13 Schieffelin & Co., 3.00 Health-Wuarantine-M. - R. 14 Schleh Bros., 1.00 Pay. Canada -14th to 9th 15 Chas. C. Schroeder, 55.20 Parks-Parks-Maint. 16 Schulenberg Bros., 39. 39.66 Pub. Schools -M. & R.- .17 17 Schuneman & Evans, 5.36 Pub. Schools -M. & R. .40 -�3g Pub. Library -M. & R. 4.96 1&,' The SeaZrave Co., 5.12 b'Are-M. & R. 19 Shevrmod Co., 74.98 Pub. Library -New Books 20 J. L. Shiely Co., 23.35 Auditorium-Maint. .60 Water -M. & R. 2 .75 2 ,.35 21 Shotwell-tiobart-Johnson Co., 33.00 Pub. Lighting-Maint. o 22 A. P. Smith Mnfg. Co., 1.66 Water -M. & R. #11 5323 L. C. Smith & Bro., Fire -M. & R. 24 R. C. Smith Auto Co., Sewer Const. & Repair-Maint. 25 G. Sommers & Co., 1 Pub.Works-Workhouse-M 1.20 Gen -Election Expense 17.044 26Standard Book Co., Pub. Library -New Books 27 G. E. Stechert & Co., o° Pub. Library -New Books 28 Stone & Forsyth Co., Heal th-t.�aarantine-M. cc R. t 29 J. C. St.uhlman, Fire -M. & R. 30 F. P. Sullivan & Co., Parks-Parks-Maint. 31 Sweeney Clothes Cleaners, Auditorium-Maint. 32 Tire Repair Co., Com. Finance-Transp. .91 Water -M. & R. 24.53 25.44 33 W. E. Thompson, Gen -Election Expense 34 John Townsend & Son, Water -M. & R. 35 Transit Supply Co., Pub. Schools -M. & R. 36 Twin. City Varnish Co., Ames School 37 'Am. H. Ulmer, Street Const. & Repr. 114.00 Sewer Const. & Repr 120.00 234.00 38 U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., Water -M. & R. 39 D. Van Nostrand Co., Pub. Library -New Books 40 Vaughan. Seed Store, Parks-Parks-Maint. 41 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., i Police -M. R. L6 •50 Gen-Mun. G age -M. & S. 92.00 pub .Works -W rY.riouse ]?.50 He .B the -M. & R. 42.00 Pub. Schools- & R. 16.00 Water -M. & R. 44.50 294 .50 42 Virtue Printing Co., Police -M. (loft. 2.00 Gen -Election xp. 1.50 Pub. Schools- & R. 2.25 0.75- 27.00 28.21 52.50 37.82 8.75 28.00 25.44 1.32 18.,.75 100.00 26.25 234.00 4,048-.70 .75 2.52 224.50 5.75 .E #12 189.00 5343 Waldorf Bindery Co., Pub. Library -Gent. Supplies 44 Washington Foundry Co., Parks-Parks-Maint. 45 Qrbas. Weinhagen & Son, 34F309 2 Health -Health -M. & R. 46 Western Electric Co., 6 Parks_Parks-Mairt. r• 47 Western Machine Works, 1 43 Street Const. & Repair -M, 22 20 S-&.3.Cing-Street Cleaning 48 Western Supply Co., .25 Police -Const. & Bett.. 8 .17 Pub. Schools -M. & R. Water -M. & R. 2 .38 Sprinkling _ 02 2 49 Western. Union Telegraph Co., Mayos Office -Exp. I Gen -purchasing Dept. 50 70.92 50 John Wiley & Sons, Pub. Library -Fire Loss 51 H. W. Wilson Co., Pub. Library -New Books 52 Winecke & Doerr, Parks-Parks-Maint. 53 . White Auto Co., Police -M. & R. 54 J. P. Whitwell, Pub.Works-Workhouse 55 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, Pub. Schools -M. & R. 56 Zimmerman Bros., Parks -Parks -Administration Total Res. #193 189.00 14.00 29.00 2.95 ' 64.09 34F309 2 27 6 283.17 1 43 22 20 56.29 .25 8 .17 4.40 .38 02 - 4 40 6.68 I .90 70.92 a 9.50 12.25 82.50 6.50 026,894.1 1 5365 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 66 CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM COUAUDITED FILE FILE NO AUDITED d U L 2 3 1916 191 �*• " 67 PER #195 Resol—d that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, pa�ablc out of the hereinafter specified funds and in fas or of the persons, firms or corporations for the amspunts set opgosite their respective names as sp •i� cd in the -following 1 d tailc ;tat I) t j ca. I tour Imcn ) Nays �n Adopted by the Coun�� 191 . Fxr osworlh G. :lpproiedff�� 191 Ser;e` Con:'. & Eeoatr 19 .00 In favor t�dej' MAYORAgaijisL rich Nlr. Pre -4 Iu 69 5365 H. C. Ahr n;s, 7.00 Pol lce-M. & R. 66 T. F. Brit,.' -s & Co., 437.50 Fir—Ml.& R. 67 Cacital City Li;^e & 01 -7.i -n Co., Ser;e` Con:'. & Eeoatr 19 .00 Misc. & Uniorseen Exp. 6 .00 Carnia -14th to 9`.h 1 3 6.51 1 , 4.51 69 Citizens Ice & Fuel Co., 3,390.23 Puh. .chools-M. � R. 69 Co -Operative Car)i--e x : rvice Co. 14.00 Pll}'.WOrlC6–Ad1".1."_i F+r9�-1 On 85. 0 SeWelCorea`... & t?P.liS'_r 59. 0 a 144 00 70 did. 0. Edreundson, 2.01 Corrp:lcller-Of i', 7 71 S. Py_'arn_r:orti:, Corn. Finance, 4,(39.36 ed. _;per. As,-;ess. Poras CI£;68 '.4' 72 S. A. Fnrns:vorth, Com. "'n^ace, 5,`,00.00 Red. Tax Levy Certs.1<,lr, a,�c �? .,. A. ,Frne.v.orth, Com. Ftnscce, 1,766.00 IntF:�est 74 �-- F.. W. :;oc,tzin-Pr , 12.1,' Fu'c.'idor4a-Worl-r:o ::;e-b'sin^,.. 75 A. C. Gooding, State Treesurer, 4,Fi00.OG ,:ta`_e Liquor Tar: 76 llop):ins Co., zOGr0 Fit` .'Forkt=_-Admir,istr•e t ion. 77 P.`rs. Mqr,, liorar:, 27.44 Police -y. & p. i 5378 Merchants National Bank, 56,944.78 Interest 7o Merchants National Bank, •. 198,OOG.00 Red. Bonds 1916 a/c 43.22 80 A. F. Morton, 43.0 Auditorium -Salaries -Maint. 43. 2 129.08 81 Edw. Neuman, Police -M. 8c R. 50.00 82 Nielsen Bros., Parks-Parks-Maint. 40.64 83 Dr. J. 0hage, Health -Pub. Baths -M. & R. 5.70 ga A. G. Perkins, Pub. Schools -M. &'R. J� 85 Pierce Oil Corporation, 3,276.72 Street Const.. & Repair 17.50 86 Alex Rice, Police -M. & R. 87 St. Paul Blue Print Co., J4. 45.08 Fire -M. & R. Pub.Bldgs-Archt. & Drftsm. Ames School McClellan School Parks-Parks-Maint. Water -M. & R. Municipal Garage -Const. 22.64 88 St. Paul Electric Co., Health -Pub. Baths -M. & R. 89 St. Paul Sanitation CO- 233.80 Pub. Schools -M. & R. 122.50 90 J, L. Schwab Co., Pub. Playgrounds-Maint. 201.72 91 A. M. Sharood, Parks-Parks-MPirt. 568.00 92 A. L. Snyder, Parks-ParkF-Vusic. 47.30 93 A. Swedall, Pub. Schools -M. & R. 5,124.00 94 Thornton Bros., 500.00 Sewer on Randolph St. 40. 0 James -Arbor to Bay 52. 0 " Edmund -Fry & Charles Grad. & Curb. Doswell 1, 7. 0 Pay. Como-G.N. Bri.dge to 2 2 5. 0 Dale St. 5,1 00 57.65 95 Tierney & Co., Pub.Works-Workhouse 4 35.00 • v 96 United Charities, � Health -quarantine -M. & R. #3 5397 Otto S. Zelner, Gen -Civil Service-Maint. Total Res. #195 286,896.06 �v \n, 117x9— � Resnlveti that w, rernts be drawn u the Cit. Trrs—, nnvuble nut ofhe 1;erelna ftor s ecifled funds In facor of thr Persons, firms u orPorn tions for the nm unt. sepo t n slte their respective tno —Ifled In the following de- Ileds stn tement: H. C. Ahrens, $7.00, T. F. Annex & Cr., $437.50. �nital clic Llme At Cergpnt Co., $I.- 564.51. P Citizens Ico & F—I Co.. $3.390,23. ro-oP rntilo GOrnge & 9crvlte $144.41D. • o" W. O. Fdmund-n. ,,,Z S.3fi. A, Farnsworth. Com. Finance. $4,- S.0. A. Farnsworth. Com. Finance. M.0 S. A. Fn—worth, Com. FlmAnce. El.- i86.a. H. IV.C.ozinger. $12.18. C. A. C. Goo --ding, ding. 9tnte Treasurer: H.- A00.0D. G. \I. Hopkins Co.. $ A9. \Irs. ?Inn- Hon n. Mi.44 Mere ha ms \ntbnnl Ha k, 556.9H.78. -Ae rcltn rational Hn k, $198.000.00. A F. Morton $43.22, Fd w. \eumnn. f129.08.- \ialsen Rros.. 1150.00. I 'Dr. J. Olut ge, HO,fi4. A. G. Perkins, Plerre tltl Cornornllon.'$3.276.7`. Al— Rlce, SI i.iA. St. Paul Rlun Print Co.. $45,08, ¢t. Paul F.lertrlr Cn^ 112.61. t. Riill Sanitation . 11233.&1. - J. L. "hwllb Cn„ $12250. A. It Shnrood. $2M.72. A. L Snyder. 11568.00, . 9wednll. 147.30. Thornton Rros.. $5.124.00, Tierney & Cr.. $57.65. Vnited Charities. 1135.00. Gtln S Zriner, $20.50. Adantcdby the Connell July 26. 1916. ApPro,ed Jul, 27. 1916. (August 5-1916) 20.50 . t c CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT {/ COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. JUL 2; l BY AUDITED 't - P #196 , 11-1% ed Ihat warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of ffe hereinafter specified funds and ' in favor of the person., firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as s'pec•ifed in the follaVing - detailed statement: '! Seas a I Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Coun �,,E _191-6 , Far t.,acurth✓" Go_ . Approved191p— fly Ind In favor ------- MAYOR Against �\ a udcncch Alr. President. rviu 5_ 5398 S. A.. Farnsworth, Corn. Finarce, 2,971.00 Pub. ::ch ole-Saler'es _ Total Fes. #196 X2,471.00 9- t1'6n— Resnlawd [h:tt want+ b« drnq-n uPor thr cite Tr«:�vu,�l rrPna':: ble h«reinnit«r sparifl«d a 11-t of th[ of [h« Prrsnnn, nrm ttm¢n n�rntinnse fog ^he ntn Ppnsl [onowin `«eteh1 resPeetr _ un `s set [n lleds st::temer. [fled in he g de 9 A. Farnsworth. cnm. Flnnnce, E2; i1.a1. y Adopted by the Cnuncll July ?6, 1916. APpro-d July 71, 1916. - - (August0-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO ............. ...... ....._-._.._ By ........... ....__............_............... _.... .... :_............._............ ... .._.....�w�� FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of......p8Y1n s z......ap.1iS11....e,.v.ea7,ll.e....fS.Q.:G. _ ,.1_�...�..._a.ye=?z.o_. to,...._..........__.._... Minneh2ha..._s re t,.t_o�retherw th_ae._r, nat-•r and Kas conne_tiona from_ atr.ee.-t- mains-ta.__prapar.ty linea -complete ..,..... sher..e _.ti,ade.,....alao.._curbin- and ._.pavin{._.cf_alle3r..._aiui._.irivEr.w pr.oache.s..-.__ ...--._. _.. ... ........... --- _ ........... ........... _.......... ...... .._........................ ...... ----------- -----.......... ............ ............ ......... ---....... _..... ...... .................................... ......... .................... under Preliminary order ........ ..................... approved ............Febr...18th, 1916. ._......................... ...... _....... _........ Intermediary Order ........ ............. ..........._..................__................. approved ................... ....... ,_ _.......... _................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the snidCity is...P.ave_Canitol avenue from Hahne avenueto water and has connections .. ......... frcr ..atTee t....Mains t.c...prnger.ty line. �_c.onple.Le.,... hese _�A.x_. T..a�1Y._....._. reade,___alec curb ani pave_, alley ...and driveway approaches where .................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... .... __................ __.___...._—, 191 ........... Approved- ....................--......-.......-- - 191 Councilman Farnsworth t/ v Goss Mayor Rezre¢sti �7v Form B. S. A. 8-7 L ....... ....... I .................... ..... --- ..... _..... ..... _.......... City Clerk. ........ ............ .............. ...... ........... ................... .......... .—�... Mayor. v /J q � Jed CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,,.REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 7� In the Matter of 7,4 --- -- ----- -- - ------- - - 7 ---- ------ ---------- - ---------------- .............. -------- . . ..... -------- — ------ - -- - ----- -- - ------------- --- --- --------- - ---------- - . ...... ----- ---- -- -- -- --- under Preliminary Order approved ----- ----- -- --------- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvemeht is $ - a -------- ----------- KI' --D- OF PAV--I'--G X APPROXI'- IATF ES". COST --FR FRONT FOOT Granite 4,93,128.38 $8.97 Sdstone 92,172.10 7.91 3 1, creosoted Block 73,835.80 7.11 Brick 68,834.12 6.63 Asphalt 59,783.18 5.76 Asphalt concrete 50,494.16 4,.86 Asphalt ma-adan 41,681-50 4.01 14'acadam 36,679.72 3.53 Concrete 43,348.76 4.17 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4-3 '424 D C TOTAL. '.e7 TY OF SY..PAUL { l DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE - 4 COMMIS TONER OF FII ANCE REPORT'OF ON PRELIMIN RY ORDER _ (E" " ' DESCRI.PTION - - ADDITION LOT aLocH /r ' ASSESSED VALUATION n Li �0 L/ 3 0 z8 0 4 a� j / S )A2 b ] J 3 y i1 J f ! a 3, 52 A TOTAL, - .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FfN_.ANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _- n TOTAL. ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDI T tON - ASSESSED - VALUATION S4 0 r � , vLy --7 n TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL >,� I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF -FINANCE ONPRELIMINARYORDER _ - (B)� e- DESCRIPTION LOT BLL -CK" ADDITION ASSESSED, VALUATION tiu h o `7 c� 7� 1 C, v^ p A�f �2C'G? / v' ar ✓/iii "t 7 1 ✓ �. �1 ,c / J'1 1n l �7 K d - ,•J �, � � l PJ .J LLD z � . TOTAL, I.R.-.A. 93 s ..' CI Y OF*ST,' GAUL 1 \ DEPARTMENTOF FINANCE ' s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT .BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION y Y % � a, C v 6 X� C�e u a � 7 J � Nle 00 aNla TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION / d ( G V Lo(oo �� 80 2Q TOTAL. ITX ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT' OF CO • } ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -• DESCRIPTION A LOT eLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 43• i� Al 1.9p 2zvm T r ,QJ 9 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FFNANG - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .$. DESCRIPTION -- LOT eLOCIc C'" ADDITION ASSESSED , VALUATION L d -d Ir ,a, 4 2 6 S .S 4,L� 1ORM e.s.A. a-5 8 TOTAL. 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL t 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OOMMISSIONE.R'OF"FINANCE ' - ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER (B) f DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK '- -pADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION --- ��/ / •ice �.,`7� l(O� ( o w '1 Cb T l j o s QL2 .l Gc J p ea q J TOTAL. CITY OR'ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ) ASSESSED VALUATION _ P I . 5I, 0 s� �p.S ro 0 0 J .�o o;SIC 2�0 TOTAL, - - CITY OF ST. PAUL - 1 b. t` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE- ON PRELIMINARYCORDER " ASSESSED OESCF%IPT1ON LOT BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION o Y,. The Commissioner of Finance further rcports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council; together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. ronM e. s. Ams 3 C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works t Report to Commissioner of Finance J , maro.r._ 16tn, _ 7916_. To the Commissioner of Fihance of the City of St. Paul: --Thr Commissioner of Public Works, havj"ng had under consideration tCr preliminary order of the Colin- eil, known as Council File vo,9171 _approved February 18th,_191_ _6 relative in ravine- Capitol. Avenue,__frolt. vpu.ljn.e A"venue_t:, L`.i.rl ebaba_Street.._ god having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herehy reports: 1. Said improvement is -..__ _. _necessary and (or) desirable. ,o '' The estimated cost thereof is $-- XXXX XXX Xx and . .._.. _, and the total cost thereof �s :� a the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ ....._._. _... .. :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is... ..._..asked for upon petition of three m• wore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. '0auuissi I 'r of 1' b Works. CITE( OF SAINT PAUL DEPORTMENT OC -PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS.. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Dew" =ff.16xe. OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-, Ex.lx.e. J. E. CARROLL Su Cox.Txc"'. 6 .LFREO JACI SO N_Scn=xrr.T— Minn.GS H. HE OE771 Orrice Ex.lxW St. Paul MMar. 15 1916. H. W. GOETlINGER Sur.. W... ��n 1. r 7 1 m .IL-- 11. 11. Goss,.. Commissioner of Public Works Building. Dear Sir,- ! I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the pavin'; of Capitol Ave. from Ha:iline Ave. to Minnehaha St., in accordance ::ith Council File #9171, approved Feb. 18, 1916. Assessable frontage 10,384 ft. XL. -D OF FAVI :G 1AP_1::CXl11I;F.T7,; EST.. TCOS" T -,Ji T;'-:C;',T '00T, Granite $93,128.38 $"8.97 Sandstone 82,172.10 7.91 3? Creosoted Block 73,835.80 7.11 Brick 68,834.12 6.63 Asphalt 59,783.18 5.76 Asphalt concrete 50,494.16 4.86 Asphalt macadam 41,681.50 4.01 Macadam 36,679.72 3.53 Concrete 43,348.76 4.17 . 17her Aouse service connections are not in, add to each lot: (�3G.00 For sewer, either side of street ) (25.00 (tip30.00 For eater; 11. side of street ) 0`18.50 (45.00 For water, S. side of street ) (?16.00 For gas, 11. aide of street _. ) r _ For qas, S. vide o: street (.:;7.00 ( "E.00 iiOiF Before this paving can be done a storm water relief sewer sic d be built oil Capitol Ave. from Fry St. to Sheldon Ave., on T.1i3i::chaha St. from Fry St. to Sheldon Ave. and on Snelling Ave. from Van 3,1ren St. to Capitol Ave. Yours very truly, st, P 'al, Ili — Jane. I9iI3 The Honorable City louncil, City Gen " I c-.Ien ".'e, t'—e owenerl-, of propyl 'r on 171-il'ol Ave, '=t7e-n F-.T711ne A,,--,.. -r. AVa, ereby Cn' Cr 9 =in -t t'.,e -,)--vei l Ave, —,(3-n Ave, an^ r% -j qvr Ave, For e -ra on t`i- t -a Inip'r,--,, °nt in not 7, , s o 111 -;.dine �rAirline, --n,? it j3 n--' nesea- ry )—,re the Y s,an,- It -re -t ncw,or *.-etrre--m FcArview -Avn, -nd Ai IIA Lot Block ZA(4 0, ------ St,PaUl MInn June 19I6 The Honorable Clity CounMI, city Gentl,bman,— WO,, the 'Vnder .."nod, owners of property abutting, on (laPitol Ave,, between Hemline Ave and Fairview Ave,do hereby enter a ProNet, against the Pavelng of Oapitol Ave between Hamline Ave, and ftmkbal Ave, For the reason that the Improvement Is not reSsesery,gn it zeas Curbed and Graveled et a heavy expence only a.9bort time ago etween Eamline and A-1dine.and It is not resnesary to pave tte s4i,ia street now, Name Lot Plook Addition Koo & ----------- A"Tt 70 + 40 e7 c a P e7 st, Paul , jAin:I , june I 5I6 The Fonorabls city Couneil, city (;entleme2l,— iVe, the tu?deTe Tied, O!literg of provertY abutting on (,epitoi Age. batgeen Fc�itiline ,Ave snd Fairview A9e,do herebY enter s Protest, r fret t.Yo paveir-S of Capitol Ave,betTmen. ramline Ave, and �' gt��� Ave, t is not neaseeax9,as it For the reaem that the lnprovemen -,o forbad and Graveled gt a hea9Y eaPanod on1Y a chart titre ems= et sen to pave t`.e i{aaline and Aldine and it is not �escssarY e?^a stre©t 'love Addition Name LOt itlook . { t t `A✓L _L St, Paul, Mir!n— June I9I6 The Honorable City Council, City .Gentlemen,— .a, the undersigned, oweners of properly abutting on Capitol Ave, betzem H=Iine Ale, nn�! Fairvier Ave,do hereby enter a Prctest against the paveirg of C4pitol Ave, betseen I!a_:11::e Ave•, grid Fairview Ave,For the reason that the ImproveiLent in not nesaaaasy, as it wsa Curbed and f7aveled At a heavy expense only a sl-crt ti e ato bet",:m Hamline end Aldine, and it JS not neseeeary t.0 PaVC Vfl same street now,. {it 7;eme ` Lot Blc k kii'i Lit -- a t i tri 2 _ 41cUUa. Y u C.A. �4 Astir qV L / �• T , � �' �t.� (� 'tom �, 2 t t _ t Ll st,P-ul ,t`:in: ,Jrata I9ic C i ty a, ;,70 un,n.-r�4T'? 1, ovmers of property -_'rutt-Lngon Capitol Ave, ',R*wRen H-,mlinp .Ave t.nrl ?=irview Ave,do hereby ental a Proteet, .€ ln�-t .`,-e tj•-vetng of C^pitol Ave,�,etween Hamline Ave, 2nd Ifil" W Ave, For tl.,e re: -eon th=,t the Improvement is not nesFe= ry,-, it r -s rnO Graveled qt he vy ,x c:: e cnly ri 'ci .; -go a'rs H --line and Alcll ne, -id it is not neo es,.ry to p2ve t`_e Lot Rlcek� Addition '.� _PZ �el d4 �Y C F No .Goes Ordlaaace No 5766—� By M. N. Goa A ordlnanca authoils N mead requlr- Ing the Mb` 1'ranefer Rahway Compan9 to reDlaee the present S wooden bridge carrying Its tracks �, a „ over Como avenue west with a p6r,- m ent bridge, and approvlag Dlahs_.•-. _ - and specifications therefor. Whereas, The Minnesota Rat1 wfly Companyw -' - brb!F- over Co An ordinance authorizing and requiring the Minnesota Transfer Railway;Company to replace the present wooden bridge carrying its tracks over Como.avenue west, with a permanent bridge, and approving e . plans and specifications therefor. WHEREAS, The Minnesota Transfer Railway,bompany now main - tains a wooden bridge over Como avenue west, lying partly in the•City a of St. Paul and partly outside the limits of said City, for the pur- pose of carrying the railway tracks of said Company over said avenue; and whereas, said bridge is so constructed that the supports thereof' stand in the traveled roadway and obstruct, inconvenience and endanger travel thereon, and it is necessary for the public safety and conveni- ence that said bridge be removed and replaced by a structure obviating such or similar obstructions in the roadway; and the Commissioner of Public Works has prepared and submitted plans and specifications for a bridge to replace said wooden bridge,'which plans and specifications ars hereto attached and are in every way adequate and sufficient; now < therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S.T. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That with the consent and approval of the County ofpRameey, the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company is hereby authorized and directed to replace the present wooden bridge or treatle carrying the tracks of said Railway Company over and across Como avenue west; with a permanent bridge, .in acoordance.with plans and speoificatione submitted to the Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on July . 6th, 1916, and which plans_and specifications are hereby adopted and approved for such purpose. Section 2. The said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company is J hereby ordered to commence the construction of said bridge within months from the service of a copy of this ordinance upon it, and to COM .ete the same within— he from such service. `�'Seotion 3. The City Clark is hereby ordered and directed, E ■ 1 upon the passage and publication of this ordinance, to serve a copy thereof, together with a copy of said plans and specifications, upon said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after the passage and publication thereof. AO Adopted by the Council __ 1916. Yeas Naps Mr. Farnsworth Goes Hyland i Keller McColl Wunderlich 7Mr. President (Irvin) Approved 1916.�� &Heng Mayor. Attest VMIS City Clerk. C. F. No. 10639—By 11, N. Goes— Resolved. That the Commissioner Public Work be and he is hereby t Ihorized and be to prepare ,pia and speeldcatlons for a perman;y brldge carrying the Minnesota Tra Railway— fer Rway Co. across Co., aver. rest: located partly th Linen. ln the C Lins of St. Yaul, Minp., a d par inRamsey County, Minn., and sube same for approval to the City Coun Adopted by the Council May 23 . 16 .Approved May 24. 1916. , (May 27-1918) ° ff� IN 8 P E C I F I C A T I 0 N 8 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PERMANENT BRIDGE CARRYING THE MINNESOTA TRANSFER RAILWAY OVER COMO AVENUE WEST ST. PAUL, MINN. LOCATION: The crossing is located near the northwest city limits of St -Paul,, Como avenue at the point of this crossing is:the north city limits and is the boundary line between the city of'St Paul on the eoyth and Ramsey County on the north. The north 33 feet of the bridge proper will be located in Ra*eey County and the sout 40' will be located in the`City of St.Paul. The distance from t center line of c rossing to the west city lim- its ad„jojning Minneapolis ie about $67 feet. PRESENT CONDITION. A pile trestle at present carries X single track railway traffto over the street, distance between bents about 15 feet, for location of same see plan. NEW BRIDGE. The new bridge shall be a structure of permanent character, in - general outline eonfdrming to plans prepared by the city. Supports may be placed inside the curblinss,width between ourbs to be 46 feet, but no supporting bent or pier can be put in the roadway.' Ends of bridge to be supported by concrete abutments placed on the street lines so that distance face to face of abutment normal to the street is not lose than 73 feet. The overhead clearance ower the. street car tracks shall not be less than 14'-6". " NUMBER OF TRACKS. The number of tracks running overhead may be increased over one subject to the approval of the city,council and the county commiss- ioners. BRIDGE FLOOR. The bridge floor over the full width of the street shall be tight ° and proper waterproofing and drainage shall be provided to prevent any leakage of water "or other matter through the bridge floor. The, roadway ballast shall be carried across the.bridge. -2- APPEARANCE. The elevation of the structure shall present as far as possible a pleasing outline from the street. If a steel structure is built the structural steel shall be so en- cased with concrete to givethebridge the outside appearance of a concrete structure. All concrete shall be given a rubbed down finish and be of uniform i color throughout. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIAL AND WOREYANSHIP. All struotural'steel used shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the American Railway Engineers Associa- tion, which specifications also shall govern the design and work- manship. All specifications :dor concrete, design of same, material,workman- ship etc., specifications for reinforcing steel and other material going into the structure or any special specifications in regard to bridge shall be subject to the approval of the city andcounty offi- oials. FOUNDATIONS. All foundations to go down deep enough to insure the safety of the structure against the action of frost or settlement. If sat is- ' factory foundation cannot be obtained with reasonable depth pilin4. shall be used. All foundation pits to be properlytproteeted during excavation. WINGWALLS. Wingwalls of abutments to go far enough back from the street line to prevent loose dirt from sliding down on the sidewalks. All elopes to be protected against scour and washouts. TEMPORARY BRIDGE. Any temporary structure, falsework etc., which it is necessary to build and keep in place during the construction of the new bridge, will be allowed for a certain length of time. Plans of,such tem- ' porary structure shall be submitted for approval and no work on same shall be started before such approval is obtained. ..3_ APPROVAL OF PLANS. Complete plans of the new bridge and specifications for same r� shall be furnished the city council and county commissioners for approval and one set of prints of the approved glens shall be furnished the city for file free of charge. TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. The time of finishing the new structure will be stated by a city ordinance. RESPONSIBILITY. The railway company will be in responsible charge of the construction of the new bridge and any interference with street traffic, damage to property, accidents eta., caused by reason of the building the new bridge,the City of St -Paul or the County of Ramsey shall not be liable for. MAINTENANCE: The structure shall be maintained in satisfactory oondition:by the railway company. Any extra expense involved in maintaining the street under the bridge due to the existence of the bridge shall be -sustained by the, Railway Company. a � a Department of Public Works c Bureau of Bridges June 3rd 1916 MSG. f ..3_ APPROVAL OF PLANS. Complete plans of the new bridge and specifications for same r� shall be furnished the city council and county commissioners for approval and one set of prints of the approved glens shall be furnished the city for file free of charge. TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. The time of finishing the new structure will be stated by a city ordinance. RESPONSIBILITY. The railway company will be in responsible charge of the construction of the new bridge and any interference with street traffic, damage to property, accidents eta., caused by reason of the building the new bridge,the City of St -Paul or the County of Ramsey shall not be liable for. MAINTENANCE: The structure shall be maintained in satisfactory oondition:by the railway company. Any extra expense involved in maintaining the street under the bridge due to the existence of the bridge shall be -sustained by the, Railway Company. a � a Department of Public Works c Bureau of Bridges June 3rd 1916 MSG. f' f err. �. Iyy. �E. THOMPBON O7�.BER w`Oea TERBEN t. nt jnnp Part 910 ttb- _T WM. BOss C C. ^R09BY sp. nye L. H. oJOHNSON "r ro Vement J� eAue LK.ROY CAGY rW O KINOSeORO `V, Ji'lt•' g�{(. ".�� DREW T.cMILTdN FOWBLE _ �' - E. C. HUNTINGTON. ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA - July 24th,1916. v-- 4 R Tr Ivi a HN TTCeB Dear Sir:- �,. w o„ we trust that no further delay will be ranted .„ ���.�•„ by the Council in the matter of the bridge on Minnesota z AN P „ ' ....:ecrosses Como Aveenue "eat. „ Transfer 'Railway line where it „A •" This matter is to come up before the Counpil July 26th, ,. A. I..„...., gnd the ordinance should be passed,ab as to require the :ate” 'o„ construction of the bridge and to make possible a paving • .�•N "o. of the street as qmo templated b) the preliminary order now „, „„.... in for that work. The only e'ane way of, proceedure it seems to us is for all of the interest involved to co- _ „•N��• operate, and a delay in the construction of the bridge will seriously upset ell paving plans. This bridge has the ;"•Iendorsement of this League, as has also the paving of the L.c.H �• street. °'""."•: Yours truly, ti Directors i o c. Hon. M. N. Gose, Coemr. of Public Works.. Dear Sir:— The Council, at its meeting of this date, laid the attached specifications for a Bridge over Como Ave. WAst, carrying the tracks of the Minnesota Transfer Co., over until July :6t� h, 1� 916 so that the members of the Council, can go out and look at the site. The speciTications were ordered referred back to your department, a proper resolution and ordinance 'to be prepared. Very eepectfully, City Clerk. L. ,® C. F. No. 11753—Ordlnauee No. 3754— au An ordlnanc•e thorizing the Minn e- so�a Transrer Railway Company, a '// ���- o t, ration, to a netru, as main- a0 t Bain a branch spur trach o Myrtle x and pealing Ordinance No. SJ Vel,uapproved June 21. 1916. AL � `•� r \ ncll o[ [ham Clt}' of Sl. Paul \v ,dalntil''T �{ An ordinance authorizing the Minnesota Transfer Railway o � Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a branchspur track on Myrtle.avenue, and repealing Ordinance No. 3720, approved June 21, j .1916. j i THE OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES, ORDAIN: Section 1. Authority and permission are hereby given to i the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a branch spur track on Myrtle avenue, connecting with the existing track thereon at a point at or near the eastWn line of Lot 86, Hewitt's Outlots, produced, and extending along Myrtle avenue to the westerly line of Lot 85, Hewitt's Outlots, as shown by the red lines on the blue-print•hereto annexed, and to operate freight cars thereon for the purpose of` receiving ata discharging. I merchandise. This permission, however, is granted upon.and expressly " subject to the following conditions: (1) That the said Minnesota Transfer RAllway Company shall save the said City harmless and indemnify it againstlall damages, claims, judgments, suits, costs and expense whatsoever in any way_ arising out of the construction, maintenance, use, operation or re- moval of said track. (2) That said track shall be placed even with the surface Of the street, and when necessary or ordered by the Commissioner of Public Works or the Council, the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Com- pany shall plank and repiank the same so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow care to stand or re- main upon the street so as to interfere with public travel. (3) The said track shall betaken up and removed from said street and the street resto#ed to its original condition at, the cost and expense of said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, whenever the -Council shall so order, i (4) That the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company shall signify inkwriting its acceptance of this ordinance and all the terms i r I 1 e thereof, within thirty days after the publication thereof. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 3720, approved June 31st, 1916,, is hereby repealed. , Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. lo Adopted by the Council _------------- 1916. Yeas Nava _ Mr. Farnsworth s Goss Hyland C- r / Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President Urvin) Approved -Attest G G�-CcGr - Amt"" Mayor. City Clerk i POW I - C. F. No. 1-17. ''rrdlnance No. 3756-- 13Y 756=By Henr' CC.Jl= An ordinance to provide for the repis- f-1i.. and Ilrenslnp of clops and for the care, prote,tlon and disposition of Inst, s[ray'ed. hnm,lees and a.11- ed d ps. and fur eer rinoW and, prot,r [in�.' [he riph[a of n th,rr�rf'and far the pro lection of the` pvbllr. This is n En rpenr 0r - n r,dderoeda ne ssarr for the .R„�✓t-rr i'� �atlon f the1e pubs lr• brace -i s' h and sx frty ' – - 3 An Ordinance to provide for the registration and licens- ing of dogs and for the care, protection and dispostion of lost, stayed, homeless and unlicensed d9zs, and for securing and protecting the rights of owners thereof, and for the protection of the public. , This is an Emeggency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public Peace, Health and Safety, THE COTNCIL Or THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - SECTION I. All Dogs To Be Licensed.- Fee:- Hereafter it shall be unlaw- ful for any person to own or harbor any dog with4the cor;orate limits of the City of St. Paul without having first obtained a license as herein _rovided, and any person who desires tq maintain or preserve any right or property in such dog, shall annually pro- cure a license for the dog so Ined or harbored; the annual license fee shall be the sum of One Dollar for each male dog, and the sum of Three Dollars for each female do -g; provided that no license shall be required for any dog which is less than three months old. SECTION II. Unlicensed dogs not to be permitted to run at large:- It shall r be unlawful hereafter for any dog to be owned, harbored or permitted. to run at large in any of the streets, alleys, parks, or public places within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul without being' duly licensed and without wearing the metal tag herein provided for SECTION III. License Ta Be Granted By The City Ckerk:- A dog license shall be granted upon written ap lication to the City Clerk, and shall be signed by him and shall continue in force until the first day of :.:ay next succeeding the date of its issuance. SECTION IV. Description Of Dog: In'ap:lying for a dog license, the owner shall state in crritin the name, sex, breed,age, color and markin' of thedogfor which the license is to be procured. SECTION V. Every Dog to wear a Collar:- Every dog'so licensed, must_*ear around is neck a collar, to, which shall be attached a metal tag, distinctly marked with the year in wich the same -is issued, and.a number designated by the City Clerk, which n umber shall be stated in the license granted. Such metal tag shall 'be furnished by the City, and no other tag shall be issued as a substitute therefor, ex- cept that in case any person owning a dog who states in writing to license tag theretofore issued has been lost, the City Clark that the the City Clerk shall be permitted to issue to such person a new tag upon payment by the ap licant of the sum of Twenty-five Cents (x.25), which shall be in the same form as the original tag. It shall be unlawful for any person to make; sell, purchase or transfer in any way any such tap or counterfeitthesame in any mann=r, or to place or permit to be placed any tag so made, sold, purchased, transferred or gounteffeited, upon his dog or any dog in his custody or keaping or place or permit to be placed any tag issued Ias aforesaid, upon any other dog than the one, for vihich•such tag was originally 'issued by the City Clerk. SECTION VI. Record Of License:- The City Clerk shall keep in a book to be provided for that purpose a record of all dog licenses issued, with the name and residence of the persons to whom issued, and the number designated upon th10netal tag furnished theretith. SECTION VII. Tgrm And Renewal Of License:- Dog lipenses shall be granted under the provisions of this Ordinance and shall date from the first day of May, of each year; they may be renewed by the payment of the fee provided for herein for the issuance of a new license_, for the term of eachrenetiQal. The certificate of license or renewal shall be granted upon a similar aprlication to that made in applying for - an original license, and shell state the name and address of the owner and also the number of such license or renewal. No license s FIV n32 ` shall be transferred except upon written application to, end' -a with th ! consent of the City Clerk endarsed thereon. i SECTION VIII. Seizure of Unlicensed Dogs:- It shall be lawful for the dog license inspector or any of his duly authorized assistants or any peace officer or any person duly authorized in writing by the Com istioner of :Vjlic Safety, to capture, seize and de— liver to the dog license 'inspector or the keeper of a Pubic Pound, or to any suitable place to be spp:oved by the Com.i5- 1 sioner of PiLlic Safety, any dog fount within said City of St. Paul, unlicensed, or not wear -,,n, the -..etal to rrovided.for in this Ordin.t.nce. SEC IO?i IX. I-! Poasession Of Dogs Sized: How Recovered:- Any do.g so seized and im.,ounded may oe redeemed by any person producin a license ,,11"� Ln r •t. . 99 { therefor and Arsu4+ ';ownership of such dog by a sworn state- ^ment in ritin.� within•seventy-two hours after such seizure and impoundage if it shall be shorn that the license so produced Bras issued prior to the timD such doh was so seized and im pounded, no :ayment shill be exacted for the return of the dog, otherwi.sA r f^- +},= o-rne- shell bep„�t+�-� to rest a pos- session of said do-, he shall pay to the Com:Assioner of Finance the sum herein re:,uired for a new license, and upon presenta tion of a receipt therefor to the City Clerk, he shall thereupon issue an order directin_; the return of -such dog to the owner upon the owner's pr-sentin.- such written ordac, togeth--r with a new license and ta- to the person in char;;e of the place where such dog i,; impounded. If the owner of the dog seized or impounded under the provisions of this Ordinance does not resume its possession by compli::nee withtheforegoing provisions, with- in seventy-two hours after the seizure or impoundin thereof, he shall forfeit all ri„ht of pro,_3rty in such dog. 0 n4 n s�uim X. J. Any Person Harborin- A Do; Shall Be Deemed Its Owner: Any per- son o.rnin;; or harborinZ a do; for three consecutive days shall, for the purpose of this ordinance be dees:ad the owner thereof,. SECTION XI. The Comn issioner Of Ptiolic Safety L[a.y Prohibit Dogs From Run4ing At Large:— nenever the Commissioner of Public Safety shall deam it necessary for the protection of the public, he shall upon being authorized so to do by—resolution of the Council, issue an order prohibiting, for a given tima therein specified, any and all dogs from running, at large :.-"thin tha City, unless such dogs be securely muzzled so as to effectually prevent them from biting any person or animal. S, -:ch order, before it shall be effective shall be pub— by one publication in the same manner as other official publications of the proceedings .of t::o Co-.mcil of said City. SECTIOi1 XII. Interference with Officers Or Other Persons; It shall be unlawful for any person to molest or in any way interfere with any peace officer,.pourdmaster, or x y of their duly authorized assistants or with any duly uthorized agent or any person authorized by -the Com-.issioner of Public Safety while engaged in performin work under the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTI0II XIII. Commissioner Of Public Safety Authorized To Detail Dog License Inspectors:— The Com issioner of Public Safety of the City of St. Paul, is authorized _nd directed, immediately after the pas— sage of this Ordinance, to detail an o-ficer from the Bureau of Police or from the Bureau of Health to dcL duty as a dog license in— spector, and he may detail to such doE 'license inspector or such other police officers or sanitary inspectors or other employes of FV r,,. n5n the Bireau of Health as he may deem necess:-.ry, to bei-i-an,as as_istan= dog license inspectors,, for the purr.ose of carrying. into execution the provisions of this ordinance. It shall lie the duty of such inspectors and such other police officers or employes of the Bureai of Health to make and file wit.-. the City Clerk, as soon as j practicable after the first day of Au.,ust, 191--, and annually there- after an itemized report of the nambe'r and description of the dogs and the names of the owners or keepers o° all dog.s in the City of St. Paul, and in each retort so rendered after the first re -ort herein- before provided for, such inspector and such other polide Officers or employes of :he Bureau of Health sh_.11 give an account of their doings in connection vitt. the enforce:cent of this ordinance. €ECTION Y.IV. City Clerk to Give :Notice of Expirati3n of License: It shay_ also be the duty of the City Clerk to notify the o•mers or keepers of dogs which may have been licensed under the provisions of this ordinance, shortly befor_ the ex_iration of any such license, of the fact of such expiration, and he shall see '%at after such license expires a new license is taken out, if such o,�ner or keeper con- tinues to o,, -,n or keep said dog, but the failure to notify any person as herein provided shall not 'oe dee..ed an excuse or a defense in the j,rosacution of any person for the violation of the terms of this ordinance. The Do,, License Inspector shall in general see that the ;rovisions of this ordinance are carried out and .erform such other duties in connection therewith as may be im;;osed from time to titre by the Commissioner (�,f Publif, Safety. SECTION XV. Duty of Bureau of Police and Bureau of Health: It sh;.11 be the duty of the Co mnissioner of Public Safety, annually on the first 4ay of May or at such other times as in his judgement it may be advisable, to desi„•nate the Bureau of Police or the Bureau of Health or both of -aid Bureaus, to enforce the provisions of thie Ordinance', n6n and particularly, .it shall be the duty of each officer of the, Bureau of Police and each sanitary inspector in the Bureau of I Health, from time to time, to report to the Commissioner of Public Safety, all dogs ormed or kept within the district which said officers . are assigned to patrol, an_9 shall report in detail what dogs of those 'sithin such district are without licenses and tags, or are at large, contrary to the provisions of'this ordinance, and such police officers or sanitary inspectors shall have'the right to make reasonable demand at any time of any owner or keapar of any dog e whath:r within his district or not, that he exhitit the tag and - license for such dog, and it shall be unlawful for any such owner .or koeper, on such demand, to refuse to ex:iJit such license or tag. StCPIO"T RVI. Special Pound !A&sters: Tne Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ a pound master and such assistants as may be necessary and advisable, and a sufficient numaer of t' men ani teams, whose duty it shall be to capture and convey to the ten: .YS � dog pound, and care for, kil"- and disfoae of all doge rennin;; at large, contrary to this ordinance. Such persona so employed shall aot under the supervision of a police officer or officers, to be det sled by the Co-,. issiona_ mo accompany such persons, which so capturin„ conveyin- and disposing c' such dogs, each of said men so employed to be paid at a rate of not to exceed Two and 50/100 ($2.50) dollars per day without a horse and wagon, and not to exceed Three and 50/100 ($3.50) dollars per day with a horse and wagon, provided that such Commissioner of Public Safety shall not have authority under this Ordinance to incur an in— debtedness as herein provided in excess of the sum of Six Hun— dred ($600.00) dollars without further authority from the Council. The pound master and his assistants and the dog license inspector and his assistants shall, while in the performance of their respective duties, under the provisions of this ordinance, be vested with police authority', acid shall have �he power to make. such arrests as other police officers coull make ::.ile on duty. n7n SECTIO:: XVII. f Destruction of �Ticiou3 Dogs: The Comnassioner of Public S.Aty shall have the ower to order the destruction of any dog which he may deem dangerous and vicious, whether licensed or not, after three days written notice to, nd an oportunity affordin-, the owner or keeper of such dos to be heard. Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of said Commissioner of Public Safety that any dog while runninS at large has bitten one or more persons, .d such dog shall be deemad a vicious dog. f SECTIOii XVIII. License Heretofore Issued: All licenses heretofore is3uod pursuant. to the provisions of pre-existin- ordinances and still effective, shall remain in force for the time they werooriginally issued. SECTION XIX. Disposition Of Unclaimed Do:,-s:- At, the expiration of three days from the time a dog is impounded as rovided for in this ordinance, if said dog has not been rzclaimed in ac•Eordance with the provisions hereof,`it shall b-e the duty of the Dog License Inspector to cause such dog to be killed ac_:ording to the most humane and approved methods, or otherwise disposed of, as directed by the Commi-sioner of Public Safety. SECTION XX. All moneys to be Paid Over Daily To TheiComnissioner of Finance: The Dog License Inspector and Pound Master and their as.,istants shall pay over daily to the. Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul, any and all moneys received by bhem under the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTIO; XXI. Conflict-incl Ordinances Repealdd:- All o dincnces and pests of.or- inances inccnaistent her lith arch r 3y rzpealed. n SECTIC;I XXII. ry G Penalty:- Any person violatin any o= the provis_ons of this Ordin nce shall be deemed �uiity o- a aisderLeanor, an' upon con- viction thereof, sh:.11 be �.unished by a fine not exc e ng One {4 Hundred (lOQ.00) dollars, or by imprisonment for net_Ac -eding ninety days. SECTIvi1 XXIII. This ordinance is ereby declared to 'a an emergency ordinance rendered recessaryor the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety,and shall.take effect and be in force immed- iately upon its passage and publication. Yeas, Councilmen ( i') Nays Adopted by the Council �t�lel6 ,191 Farnsworth - 7 // oss � / In favor GJ// �C- 191 Keller Approved McColl \ b Against 1�7^ L MAYOR Mr. President,9Pww& ,A, t COUNCIL FILE NO._...........By-. ^/ /. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._C tile.-- s i__ewa 1_k_._t.ca... ? d th p f .,_six feet on both si.ie3 of =c.3ric avcnne bet'veen c-.rji atesir t a u ',rt77s r + under Preliminary order....._1C.1.3'�5..... ......... _....... _......... __ approved .._) e ...... ............. .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,'and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......: .gtrue t a ce:l_ent tilesi...... _.... _...--......._............ ---= ............... .................. ... .. ......... ..... a.Z��d t...3:_Q....>.ri�ga�.LCL.L.,................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis $_C_58 P.P.K.-lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... ...... day of Al 18_t__-.___.._.. 191 6..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 111pos,, of the Court House and City Hall Building in t4.e City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner' of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ _.... ��191- .._ ity Clerk. Approved.... ...... .......... _ ............._ _......... _.. _.......... 191 __....__................. - - - Anal— °von Mayor. and having rep,.rtnthereby' r solves cti Councilman Fa sworth Thai ,; b' aid P -port bQVL e, a n I to ur 14-11 tonne Iro,peemen[ , her.' PIIBLISUED 5 proceeded with. S —�6 - T-.. " That the nature of the Improv ent u'hlch the l.uncll r mmends . / JG Mc oil nI ito f 1 [ t I 'id— i . 1 u °d di'a ' `-- 1 s yt t Ith nu al my�.� /" f 1,111,-I+. .,n.1 'I'm thi. ort T1111.111 iu "R .. i- . I,er lineal foot. 11r -solved Further, That Vub1h, Mayor `� hearing be had on all Improvement i1i. '.vth I;Iy „Ial the linr `'✓//j , L, of.1V ,i ]'Ilk A. I[., In [heCourt- -il h:Im net It the 1 ourt It—,e and Form B. S. A. 8-6 Hnli 11ni1tiilw In che City- o[ ,t. . Paul. That the mlYni mler of Fi- Klt,„nivel �i said eeunK to ' p..... �,f,d _ Ih. x In the mby the �'ha r[. r, statinK.the time a r Vlace of he trio K. the ,uture of the impro\ i nt. rd the Iota' cost thereof �stlmated. ae .\dupt.n ht Icll July 26, 1916. - ' Jul, , .\ppru ved .._u 1x16. 1:\ue us: :;-19ttu COUNCI FJL�.�._- ....... ... .___.-_.-�-_- > C; INTERMEDIARY ORDER. V In the Matter of. .._�.=."j..%etr•.cting, relayir .; ani re? ai ring with ee:.:ent tile .... ....... ........ ...... ....... _.................... _................_........._................... t4_a.rr_.lth .� ..__s=.cit :`:�.SrE _t_tile e; o-ak on the east side of State E r.=t `—i rat Ct T,atererce c t ,'hence scutb to Florida under Preliminary order ._1O,_F.- 6 ...... ... _.... _....... -............. approved ..... a.Y_.._SSth±....1= 13. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recormnends is._A ratasad re ...._wit`. t,�^t tiIc �Ia r u`h ,f six....feet '"..Xxe:............... ea'et si... State street La.arence strezt thence south tc �'.criia street, e.........- ................_................-. - ........... ............ __....... _-........ -- .... ---..--._..__...... _......... ...... ......... ........ ...... ........ .... --- _ ��- lineal foot. 1 with no altert?ahves, and that the estimated cost thereof is $� _= �-:._...._...:....... y _olv p. ?3t'z Resolve .Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......=:.......r....._... ....... _._....day of 3.6 ................--, 191 -_G... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 1§jNjWft of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, staring the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ _.. �N4 Z6 X916 1 'C.' Jerk. Approved....................____._'.,;_,.._..y.g..---.........-, 197_.._..._. Councilman Far sworth f Go" Mayor a Form B. S. A. 8-6 apm sats Imprlov— meet h 'It to be proceeded Ith. 2. rhat the nature il of the imp, ent which the. Councr commend. utt, reluc and repair with e1 `tl l.width ..f a feet 1. nt tu,t"al�i,xau< , ,the east aia� Of,tn b,,,.-nl so„K Vit. lawa - / r, u, �'tert et , l ltem�r uthFlorid "tree,, ,ithaltr na 11 t'rs �ond that th.• n�tlmat,vl , ,at thereuf le 59 i ents nrr lineal font Resolved Further. That a publlc nearing be had on ,ala Improvement ,he !8th d— i�f .\u{;ust. 1:+15, t [he hour of to o'clock A. M.,. In [he Coun- cil Chamber of the Court Hou Hull Ituilding In the City of St. Paul. That the Commis - ,loner o[ Finance glue n e of saki meeting to the persona ant. •t n the man r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the ,oatne- thereof a timated. .Aduptea by teshe C0'nail July 26, 1915. \ppro ted Jury 2-1916. (August 5-1916) Mayor. PUBIASHED - �C COUNCIL,RI E NOS ...................,„ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _=:a.tru�_t.rg,-__relay,i_r.7..3rd.._rerairi,ng__.vr'_ t: ccy,ar.t tile ..._.... to a ,vidth cf six fo-` t,e rresent ce.-Lent tile sidevtalk or the east s4ie 4f W,,ca .rinse �.'. _L._.'Ge�= a+ :.ilf2z str _et t e^. north.._ .. 40 feet ............ .. _.._ ......... 1 _- -___..................._.,..--......_.......-........._...............................-._.........._..__.....__.......`,.......... ................_..... .... ........ under Preliminar order.___._......_1P_,I�3 12th 1910. Y ..._...._ --......_........_......._._.approved..._`.. r..............._.z....._.............__........ .......... _....... .......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is h6eby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....1.1ec.o.ns true t+ e...aas.t..s�3e_..nf....$.c ..... ......... .r....._ill�r.3...3t -...:_ :.ti...z.._...h40f feet, __�............ ...._.................................... ....... .............. ................... ............ _............_._................................__......__......_._..._... — -..............—._._............ _I*:. ......................... --..._...........__.._ ^" er lineal fcot :cr new kik , th no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $—_��...F_._......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ... Z.atl!.._...... _...... .day of Augur -t ............................... 191 g.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council ChambergpW X. Sof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ _..__ 916191, Jerk. Approved........... ............. -.... x ... ..... ..i;ri.. __------....., 191 _......... _.__...... -- ...- -..____..... - ........... .................. -- -- Mayor. d. snort n - Councilman Faros orth healed ylmDrovementnasa herb demo be Droeeeded with GOSS Th t thenature f the Im Drove• " O 11y[ whlc h1'thrn('nu nril recommen de le pp ^�{ t+t runt. relay' au.1 '•�nair f,11h r 11 I11ju' rile t t n'Idth •,f .pix feet the- 1 it t nt [Ile �Ide\eull< xn ' ,ett+tide of \l'oodbridi;e et erT; hegin- pQ nl )lilfvrl al r, ,•�. then.e north 40 ,. t, xith ro alit rnn uc.•�. and thnt the it), 11,�l tits ati :a IhIt Per 1 •uso(not f„t Th •' Wwratp.. �,4 �Re Iv^d Further.nid I a public errent wring he had o geld im Dro. ment } J �e'the �RIn il.i> of i\uxuet. Ix16, at Mayor J V Ar he hnnr of 10 o'clock A M.. In the ncll Cham her. In th, Court House Form B. S. A. 8-6 f .and City Hail Ruilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commie- aloner of Finance give notice ofsaid seting to the persons and in the r Drov id ed by the Charter, stat - low the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imDrovemen [, and the . •. total Dost thereof as atInt tea. j. Adopted by the C— 'It July 26, 1916. A DDY'uved July 2-, 1916. (August 6-1916) 1 , COUNCIL bkL€ Imo.-' ............. .. By .... --- ....... .:..--...... . ................ .... ........ _.. INTERMEDIARY, OR ER. In the Matter of1.t .:....Fe...Y.er:P.^ t...t.i_1.Q_ to a vridth of Six feet, the r rceankcei..ent tile sidewalk on the east side of Park avenue from `.riola-straet thence nc h to cmc �r _....................... ........ ..-...... ........................ ... - ----- ........... 11,275 u: e 29th 1916. under Preliminary order..... - ....:..__....---- .................... approved ...................... ........... _?................................ ................... ...... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1 ^str ct relay 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......�.ir.�.-:-.�. _ ....... ..a and repair ait'scei,ent tile to a x'idth cf six feet the rresent ceaent ti.i.g.._g.t.. rce....... ................ _......... ............................................. _....... ........ .......... ....._..... .-..._---_... __. _—.-..__.............._._--..................................................................._.._ 58 4. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 2r 1i::aaI fust ..0_..._............ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. -22t.4 . day of Au ust .... 191 .6_. , at, the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,EMPAdn of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided, by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement,.and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... --XLK916...-. 191 .. _. ll((% City Cler . Approved.. ..........:.. ... . ' Id havn.e Mayor. reby resolves. the ee said reporatbe u ..+ Councilman Farn orth by approved d adopted. Bald Improvpe tent le harcbv to be ptacecdeU with. yt� r " Goss That the nature f the improve. UB-iofEV which the Cou sell rec menda la U\ .tiv,C r,•la ,' and r..pu lrmwith . s rile -e to a 01 the or �0 [set ane ant . ant rile aide walk on the •' +[ side of Pa,knorth or . from ,nue, -e [, thence sort a—I n '+h no alternatives, and 1— the en- eted cost thereof i 58 Cents, per al foo[. Resolved Further. That a public —ring be Aad o Bald Im Drovement Mayor �� �y ,, the sslh day nr augu.i. t976, t e hour of 10 o'clock A. It In tha Form B. S. A. 8-6 u,T Chamber of the Court House id n'I[y Hall 1uilding In the City of Paul. Thajthe missloner o[ e glee nnticc of Bald n seting to to pars o ns and In the m r pro--, ed by the Charter. stating the time ' pince of hearing. the nature of improvement,nd the total cost dsof a estimated. - opU'd ny the Council July 26. 1919. ,proved July 271916. (August 5-1916) - ) r COUNCIL FILE NO. Bv.....�.�✓Lrr. e z%�✓ ""r j ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDS In the Matter oE......s. a.r. t_in;,-re_lapint and rer.airing lith cea.ert file tL...a_':ri"It`. 3JIN ; 'te rresert ce: e _ rile sidewalk on the South e.ire ^+chi,?,an Street tesi _.i .r, at,r as* Cc,. --nth street thence west 50_fet/ 2 P __. .. ..__.._ ..... _..... _._ ...—....... ........ _.......__. ,.. ..... .................. ....... .__.... _........................ ... ........ .............. _ _... _...................... ........ ____ —..-._......__.................... under Preliminary order ........ 10, 705 .. approved.... ..Y_ 25 th, 1516 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ...Recc;ns true t, relay a^3._repa.ir_:T. t ..._c. -a -ant til- to a width cf 3ix feet, the Fre sent cexert fila s' e�^alxc_. South sire of '.: i -a: street teoinnin7 at West ,. 1 .. ..............."....._..........._.._.:...__...........-...-----............a........................ -..................._........ _... 3.es.ar..t.'�....e.,.r.0s...w.....the.::.cM....w.e.a..�...-2.�r-.t.z_t--�_.................. ..._.._................ ....................... .............. ........ .......... .._...._.. p with no alternatives, and' that the estimated cost thereof is $__r'__52 peT lineal foe t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._ 2 : th-__---------__ - day of -.._Auzuet...... ....... ......_._.......... • 191 6....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M_, in the Council Chamber, jqppPtfft *of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charted, staring the time and place of hearing, the natur of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ _.. 191 __........... .f� ..._ .........._...... � tty Clerk. Approved_....-.............. .1....,.1 iil.._. .............. 191--- �. h haylnt Mayor. hereby repo gat the Said report . CouncilmanjFdworth ,beiayImproeeme�t°iaro o, Proceeded with. that the lure f the m�which the Councll recom itnt'uc tit, nn,l r, iniid \\'lththe [o a \-i,it 1, Of fret, \uendth.rc�f is 58 Iln.-M f,Ot1`nrl11 That ���� ( ari ng he had a 'aid •m Provem en[ Mayor kowr<Jb rt V.11.r hef l�lo°.\ ¢us[: IYUI.:t the }- �%/\ 'clo«k A. \1., in the Cuu ncll th« tri [Loos« nd Form B. S. A. 8-6Tha[I�li by oino[ au l:omtnlaeloner of nt'h ur a Pc- ,o ns "I'll to the mlannerelpro- by the Charter, stating the me 1 Piave a[ hearing, the nature'of the r0 and the t.,tal cost there- , eaumate[d. I J1111 27. 1!,16 \i qaq be h�. 1il .Iul. 7f.. Iol r,. h -,.\uKuat 5-i:,i til COUNCIL FILE, NO s' d-dtl'—d ?.G• v � L � � By__....._..__....._._., .._....._........... .... .................... _................... <S� INTERMEDIARY ORDER....=-=="'- In the Matter of r...a cen...�}._..._till siisQitlk tc a width chic feet t`.e east siie cf Laae.nir. ctre,3t •cet:ceen Sidneystreet and Wins ns street,._ 0 _ .......... __---_ - ._.. ___.... h na 222nd, 1916. under Preliminary order.... —11,,..136 .................._........_...._............ approved..._,._....,\. .......... .t...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._onet^:e t a cec:B-^. t tillsi,e-al;: a iit :f six feet cn the east slie of wanou,in street tiJ.@..tit.w'.,9.,:....�.e...3,�>:.;�_—d...Tr..........:3.xt�.....'ii..]•T...9T:.E�.....R.a..::_4'..4.a................. _........... .....................---.........__........_.......__......... ........................ .......... ........... ..._._ _..... ....... ._.................. _.... __............. _....... _..................... ........... '........ ... --...... ._............................ ................. .............. r with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $______.......:..-... lirea'_ fort. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......5.tti1— ......... _ ...... day of A.},1;, tp..t..........._..._........_........... 191 .8_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, JW of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance 4 give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ --_...... �ui.�� ___, 191 ..................... AA ny Clerk. Approved.......... ...............__ _._..... __ ......._... 191 _.....:.... V . Councilman Far sworth Go ` - Y erg \.j,,_, �AnX l c S Mayor 9nvti A Form B. S. A. 8-6 i 1 ..-.-._... .............. .......... ---.. Mayor. IuttheC void rep, - u here:i v appru�-etl n IFe sail Improve e d r nt I. er'�Ihat t h etnatu neofthe I nt ,chill, the Cou nc II r "I til,. 'idow IIIti ,f 1• the e ';;.•��.; m , nt reel. ,el[balb' [i rsotl Cle d �Furtner, clThat•'l afo pt a 11ng be had o said Lmprov,. _Mth hui "i inf :logos[, i'r of a') l o'clock A. 31., In I I hd9T,hof [Its er 1ICItya for St.11PaulialTha[a u lth n Coum xlnner of Finance give n [Ice [ � 11 ti, id edin tot b}•pthe Chante 'state the time and place of hearing, the re of the Improvement, and th.I ^oat thereof a earl mated. .,,I,.d b>' Il,.• I' nil JU,, 2 6, 1111G V raced July' �;ull��t E. rBSI-tSE m K—S COUNCIL FILE NO. .......... _... ...__._ By........-;.G��.r:..�....... t, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. la the Matterof__?=_3_`r....ing a cc-,ent tile si.'_e lk to a width of six. ...... ..........._......_.._........... ......................... ......_.............. _ f_e' c __ ccc c:a u Pra nerd avenge to !>Iary- � ]a. -.,i straat,__.. _. ......... _._.....__...-- ._..._ ..__._._. ........... -................. ......... .......... ............. -........ ...... ..... ...... .... --- .._...... ..... --............... .......... ........ --.................. .... ......................... .......... ............. ........ 1� 740 _.........._approved._':-,ne let 1910. under Preliminary order . z........_..._. .............................................................._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement r ii hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....24_T'.e tr'ae t a cen.e nt ..... ............ til Giie:calk to a width of six feet on the eas, si.ie of ,. ,aie st._ct - _......_..-. __......... l _................... ----....... ...... .... .................. __._......... .......................... _... ............... ........................... frainer9 av, nue to ••a,;lanl str lt, _........ ...... ._................ ............... _.._....... _ -._..—_....... _.............. _._--.......... ...... ......................_..._.... ........ ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._ `�....r.;.r, it font, Resolved Further, That a public heariri� be had on said improvement on the....... 2°. tn. _.......... _ ...... day of A'.. '.•...e.t... __.................. 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the CouncitChamber, VWNFM iof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ _-__........ .f�__, 191 ........_. C. Clerk. Approved.... ......... ........ ...... ........... ........... .._.......... , 191_......... ........ .............. ---..__.._..—..........._.......... _.__—_._ , part Mayor. '—' I'll,e upon the enl. al ha�'ing Councilman Farnsw th `t he rel r-11%sc .. 9'ha[ the said report he and t Goss ..i "th .: ��ia"ins 11116-4 and adepte, ppELISFM .rdered to b,. ' Ment he,ebl. oro,-eeara-Itn� 2 That lthe —lure ,q the 1n,nr,,te_ entt t�-hlrt ,IeR, nrll r ends Is act e,Utt til. sidewalk to , " C O tt'iJlh or sly fe,•t on the east side of ' • Jessie sl r. et from Itrai %-ti o [,r \I„rcla nd sl reef. trflh n niti rnn ti r,•s. anti That ,h, ,estimated ,w[ the rear Is 68 tents per Ilneal root. " Yoerg. ti1� ,Re--ieed Further, That a pu Dllc itIng _8th ih oontsaid Improvement Mayor Powers JA v ti n "` gnet. ]v16., t the hour f ]0 o'clock A. M.. In the Coun- �I7 (_-hem her r the Court House a d Form B. S. A. B-6 .'ip' Hau suiiamg in the city or st. ortul. That the Commisaluner or FI - the ie glue not or said meet`ng to Idea b� the and is rating the tlme and place nr hearing. the nature or the impr—emeht and the total cost thgre era estimated. Adopted by the. Counell July 26, 1916. Art, d July 27, 1916. (August 5-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. .......... ....... Bv......._._.....,_._INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_..G.n..a-tru.cA zg.._aaelLe.c.t_._t.i..Ze_..a..�e�s.�l.k.._ feet_ -r._the west silo �)_f.._Sarr. ,�3 a✓e;a_e_fr4_r .. an3...ave ue to St. -- "lair _a_ r-nt, - _.._._..- ...... _ ..... _....................-,...:--...I........_....._......-........ ..------ ............ .... .-.............. ......... .-.... ... .... .............. ..................... ............... ... .........._.._. under Prelitrlimvy order ........1 nt_1 �....-_-..._ ......... _.......... appr�eved ... A.F.. r 11 s25th, 1916. ..................................... 4 The Muncil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and ad?pted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....CC,:st:•;.:Ct a, ce,,.ent `i le si ie^r_lk o a width rf ci:c : t on t'te west side of Saratoga ... ............ ................ _... ............. ---- --................._........_......................_._.._................. ..................... avenue fro:L ',rand avenue Ot. glair street, ............. ....... ...... _.......... .... -----............... ...... ........................ .......................... ...... _.............. ............... ......... ......... .... ....... .._ ........... ... ... _.......... _........__...... _ ._.... --........_............_............,............-_........._.._.__._e.............__......._...._._.......-................. ...... ............. .... _......... ....... -...... ......... ..._._.............. _... _............................ ....... ........ -...... 0 . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ : 33 per lineal foot _....................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......._.2at_.. ... __ day of AL = ss.t_..... ....... 191 .5.._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, #A101p11M 10 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,1U1 19►s Adopted by the Council.........__—_._....�.--_ 191,,E{..._ it ---y rk. .......... V M Mayor. r's1a, ement- h-'e'Cenae oogI c, Councilman Far ',worth epprt. nereby vas t m. the ead e I+ hereby approvedra d pte Gos 1 end tho said Impr—srostrt Is hereby —�•�� ordered to he proceeded with. 2.That the nature 'ot the Improve- . ant wnirh the C.,-11 r enaa the S p : ��ti�n t�°t sis ram'somtne 1-e.t ur H to 't Cla{r sir t�.I I Ith n �aiterna�tiv— A"" nd u,nl u,r Istialated root th,•rror Is ,6 � rete per ilo,•:,1 root. Resolved Further, That s public n,�. � y(/ hearing he had o said Improvement - Mayor Pnwm-s V /).1� / Vt the 11- 28tlt I];,, of hu Aust ]'^e•tht Councll Chamber t the Court Form B. S. 8-6 House and Clty Hall oBuil dins In the I ty of St. Paul. That the Commit- ',loner o[ Finance give notice of said mon fleting to the persona and IIt tar,n the Ing, the ttimelrl.dand place o[ hearing, let_ the totalr t costhereof - and ea timatsd. the Ad°p ted by the rounrll duly 26. 1916. Approv.d duly 27,. 1916. (August 5-1916) 41-11y COUNCIL FILE NO._A�.....__...._....__ B - - ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 1 In the Matter of..._C.r._8` .'.H.C..`v.7.10.._ ..._CP.4: x,.4..._t.7I.........$id4 ?.� 1.1C.....t4....a...'n.? :�.th.....u.I..._e.iX. -: feet on to egith_eie_ Gf-^.�ceo�a__a.y�;,.lae__u��i:n thence wept to the -,7resaant walk approxi>vat lr ZCG feat .................. ....... ..... .... .. __... __. _........ _..............---...._................................__.......... ........ _.......... ......_..............•--......------ under Preliminary order. . ........ .......... ............appro-ved.....tI.LtAl�.._5..Lel.0.....1cJ.-.._a*............. _..:.............. .......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopteand the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. e 2. Thaf- the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._Cct's ttic t a cenent..._+ le..._?.=: "r,l ....t4 '� wish-�f.._six.._fe_....... :_ t z..._south...si3e..... f ......................... nt .:..._'-Q,:�Lazirz aS,....Qx.f.:.,.x.3...... tt u -.._t .z... -Rx. 9 ., Veaik ....... �* rcx 1 .'.............................................................. ..............__. ................ ........ .... _........ ....... .... _.._............... ...... _—.._.__...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..--.:. th_........ -..day of ...F+.liall,d t ...................... 191...6.... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estirgated. UL 261916,__, Adopted by the Council ............. 1� _.__.._. tst__ - -- —. ' City rk. Approved..-_ ....:.......:..:_....- , at f th C -rt o e upon the al-,..•_ .... _............. .......... naving core de -I _Mayor. a ' resolves: .Id report be and t.. - approved and adap tete 1s hereby Councilman Farris worth n mproved with i as proceeded th D Goss the nature of the improve - fir• .�Reiinient ch the Council recommends Ia the sidewt11, to a t `� n the south nide nof —nu,rt rd . beglnnlnS [ tlx ford C /f ., thenee t e+[ ro th Nith nont 11Sjk tel)- th nllrr- toy( ioxlntN tet. tha:100t and than the estimated Lost l\GJtr eu( i 66 Ceth per lineal toot. Trin ved Further, That a ' �I.1 V�Mo epublic Tent .ring had on said Improvement e hr '_6th tl:ty If August. 1916. 8t Mayor J vA—A hIt e a It r Chamof 10 ber lock[ A. the inthe Dunt oBuilding and City Han I.the Form B. S. A. 8-s 'Ity of St. Paul. That the Commie- Aoner of Finance give notice of said Mee tin g to the persons and Inthe ,Imanner provided by the Charter, etat- Ing the time arW place of hearing, the nature of the,finpruvement, and the total Coat thereof ae estimated. -. Adopted by the Council July 26, 1916. Approved July 27. 1916. • 1 {August S -X916) COUNCIL FILE NO._ .......... ...........__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. �-y- In the Matter of x1 `1 ` . ::w.:.;.^..o..?....L.zl..3::.t.....�._.1.�....8.;_.:'.::",.2.7v......e.�....i�...:7.:,1.t`1....Gf....R..7..X.�.- -- eet on the acute Bide o.f-- awe---as.erue._Jat.tfeen S,mii.za-l-e..._�A.r �...� � �i:t �_ : _. �t,� � -•i ;: ^•r .i.S t ~e*w en Selby .veaue_ and _As. tland..... .......... _ --- ._._ _ ._._... ...... ... .... —__...._ . under Preliminary order .------ lit $76 e. 2�+r1gl0' .._--- z.....___........................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance, upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Cens t r uc t a cetaent lila sideevalk to a. `. pix feat scut side of :iaiue avenue between Syr :icata street and ;ri.t, a street and "_:c east side of C Syrjigate.__st.=z. t.._.'.: 4�.. ,.._Sz13y-acz t�.g...z'_3....A8 land..avezu.e�._........... ............................._ 0 c3 rr lineal foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_._ e ._t..✓....._.`............ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......__28th _ 'day of AUg�ts, ...... .............................1 191 6.....r ,atfhe hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ 191_.—_. City Cle Approved........... ............ ..........-...... ........---._._, 191-_........ Councilman Faros vorth " Goss Mayor P, fn�n� Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mayor. 'Itereo `id reports be and Y aDprov¢d ad adopt bb _ha Bald Improvement le here. red to be proceeded with. That theture of the Improve at which the Council recommends It vit x cement til¢ aide x.xllc to ,1(h of six (,r[ on the a%Th side ca lgue xven 1e between Syndicate Et. d I rigi;a yl reel and on the resat tilde "M, t� ..(res( between Selby ave- at' � Jd -[1;11111,1 1 with no alter- ives. 1d that the¢eetimatrel • t h.reof is 58 i'enly per lineal Ino[. Resolved Further, That a ptno ewring be had on said Improvement the 280h day of August. 1916, at the [ 10 o'clock A. M. In the Council 'hamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of sal' meeting to the pereons and in the m r provided by the Charter, stating nth, time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improve- ent. and the total coat thereof as estimated. A pt.�.l n" Thr l'ou 1161 July 26. 1'r 16. A111 -111 -It July 27. 1916. (August 5-1916) or COUNCIL FILE NO .. ........... lay..—.rte''– INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofCe1C&.nt_ -i.e__9i3ewa.l_k...._t4_..3....1":.i3.th of.._six.._..... feet on both sides -of Eerke.lex, aysntte_fron_Jo_eep�ir_e.."."9treet .c'. �i r -'A✓..ale, under Preliminary order -._1.1, 2.77_ _ _" . ... approved......._June: 25th? k516... The Council of. the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. p 2. That the nature of the improvethent which the Council recommends is -....Cor struc t a eau ant .............. ...:...... tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on bc.t` ailas of Berkeley avenue from Joserhire stre^t t� nrior aven,ae _...._......................................._.._....._........ _. ., ...._......... ........................._........ t........ _a .......... _ ...... ...... _.. -- -- k.. f with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__0 _ 59 per lineal fcct. _........._.........._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had bn said improvement on the....... zscttu____...._._....day of A. SUB.t_....... ._..... ....... ...... ...... . 191 .6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,wmo*� of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ............ .__.._s:���—, 191_.......... City Cler Approved........... .._........___........._.._....:.............. , ............. .......... — — — �'ft. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth..,t0 h� 1 h.1 tut; s"iide?. -i 1,t s: aU13Li:.li'1'�i7 •' GO 5"'atLt n,. I�a.d repo rte band na Ch,- Ls hembt aVVrnc�a ml dopted. :. pr.. o,a,,,..a I .1 L Mayor e.,.iai.tlyt.l ttnhaunon,.rausre- r Form B. S. A. 8.-6 A \1.. Ih� . t H��u.+• :.1..1 .'Iv Hall huiid- Ih�r 91. 1':.ul. Th:.t the ih� p.•rsnns nA lineing r pr�.�'Id.•d by the til- 01 st nIi Ilm. v nd plu.•r �.[ he:trin F. tl.r nut Uro t h.' impr�:c�-.nrnL '.nd the to[i,l cost •�.f allmuteJ. h, tun .. Jule .G. 1916. 16. 1:\ugust 5-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO . ................. By� .......... Q V__ 6-. . . . ...... . ......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter a cent tile 3i.lewaik to a width of six ............ ..e.. .m. ....... - .......... .. ...... ....... . .................... ............... .... __ ..... . .. .. ........ ........... feet on the neat side cf Amherst street between Princeton avenue and .... . . . .... ..... .... .... ..... ..... . S1.6 Clair street.,___. . .... ... ... . ....... . .......... . ................ . ........ ...... .. . ............. .......... ...... ..... ............... .. .......... ... ............... . . ........ . ........................ . ............. under Preliminary order... --10.,.8.36 ..... ......... . .......... approved June to..th, 1916, .. ...... .................................................. . ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and 'adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be: proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet, on .the wczt ;.i....i...e....... o...f... . .A.L.h2.3t Street ......... I _. I...................... ........... ....... ...................................... .......... I ...... ..... .............. Pxla . . ................................ ......... .... . . ...... . .......... ........ ........... .......... - ... ......... I .... . ...... ........ .... . ....... .......... . .... . . ....... . ......... ..... ........ ...................... ........... .............. . . ......... 1 .... ...... ............. ......... ......... ............ ...... ..... .......... ... ... . I ........ ....... . ..... ____...__2�..__ .................... ........ . . .. ............. . .... . . ........ . .... .... . ............................... ...... .......... ............ ... .... ......... .. .... . ....... ....... ........... ..... . . ... . .. . .............. . ...... .. . ...... ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 58. ........ . Per 1 ........... ineal foo t. .. . .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemeni on the 2.9 th .... . ............. ...... day of . ..... . ....... ....... . ............ 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 00*Wi- of the. Court House and City Hall Building in the City of Sr. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-.--- 191 ............... Ci lerk. j, Approved........... .......... . ......... . . ........... 191 . ......... .... ... . . ........ .. . . . . ...... . ...... — Mayor. aid rl,, h Counci I Iman Farris rth �',h.t " be said report b. Goss 1,"I. ly i I'lp.p' Ite d. ,I d ni n a , , PrOl—lings 1, .rt which the Co—lil lercurm, ..i Belli 'd '. , P ro,--d,d with, That the nature of th, im, llh- id—all Nash I th YOM 10—l"d P'ths'. That P_�u Mavor Powers ,ii,g.,h,,had on skid Im u Form B. S. A. 8-6 e hour of 10 u'cl.cl, in u ""''ham I In. co .0City of � T11 .8 St. Paul. That the comm 'fP"'n- i- .it- of .: —11.1; 1. the Pere. _ and I. t er time, by the Charter, eta the and place of hearing. f theI, I, Improvement. ..,I he I, at,at,,. I b)the Council July 26, 1916: July 27, 1916. (August 5-1916) icCOUNCIL FILE NO_ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of. i:3.=.=?..tiny a eec�ent tile. s=1,ew=ilk to a width of six _. feet on the 4outh site of iagnolia'strd�t tervaen E:a k street ?...d Earl street, ............ ............ _.._....... ............ ................ ...... ...... ........... —..... _...... _......................... _--------- ---... ..... ................................... ....... ......... .... '....... ....... under Preliminary order _.-_._ ...... 10, 838......................approved __June.__ 6t:h 1916. ...................... _...... The Cguncit of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. , 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....C.S]06.txU.G.t. a._Cec,ent tilcilleralk to a width of six feet ,n the south Bide of a.agnolia street tetivaen Frank street and Earl street __._.._..__..........._.........._.....1............................................. ........ a........,..._ ..... .............. ..... ..._.... ........ _....... _........... ........ ....... ................ .......................................................--......__._....._.......__..•._:--.._......_...._.._..............._.............._............-__............. ....... .......... ........_:. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1' r lineal foot. 58 re=_.. ........_ Resolved Further That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......°.th ... _..... _ ...... day of August, 191 6.._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamberwppm,&W. S of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUL 26 (916 Adopted by the Council ............ _..... 191_. / Ciry C .4t�troyed........... .......... _......"._'....-'_..'..... _........... . 191 _....... �a Thi._._.._ ... _..... _._............_.......... _-_..__..� naving Mayor. I mlaeton.... ea,, po ret. , ving con Id port, he,a�y o.,t Councilman Far Orth 1. th; h the e 1 Bort be an. ' same Is hereby py�e cl and- ado, " Go and the a e Imceeded with Is her ordered to be proceeded with. .� me That the nature oI the Imp. , rent which the council recomm en de , ,,trust I armee[ tile sl".tb . to a width of xia feet the uth side of et \ iltagnnlix .v[rePy between lFrank street U`yL� �Il and I�:x rl .vtr t. u'llh no elft rnnlivea. I and ,hat Ih tuna I etst thereoe 1s ` �ryI 58 c. nts p7r lineal foot. Resolved Farther. That a public hearing be had on said Improvement Mayor j v :1�.. ,,car n the "_:4h any t August 1916, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M.. In the Councll Chamberse City Form B. S. A. 8-6 - Hall Building h inthetCitYuof StdPaul. notiCethp, C said meeting ° oPnance the pereonvee no an t I4the manner providad by the Ch ted. stating lurethe time nd piece of m n . andh the total ocostthe therreoe vas estimated. Adopted by the Council July 26. 1916. Approved July :7. 1916. 0 I August --1916) COUNCIL FILE NO.. By. .. . ........................ —VW INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of 4 LL sides of Palace bCtlx-�a Taalizz . ...... . ... — .. ........... . ..... ............ . . ..... ata_-- .........._._.............. ........ under Preliminary order........... . ......................approved J.i4.ne 6..th, 1916. ...... ........ . .............................................. ...... .. ....... The Council of the ity of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report; hereby resolves: 1. 'That the said report be and the same is'hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Cons tnact -a cexent.. ..... ............ Ua1 anue, .......................... ................. ....... ....... ..... ........... ........ ........ . ..... ....... - ... ........ I ..... ..... . ......... ..................... .. . . ............... ...... . ............. . .... ........................... ........ ....... ....... ....... ...... ........ .......... .... .. ...... ...... .......... ... .. ......... . - ............. ..............._............__....................1.--............ ....... .............. ...... .......... ................ . ............... ..... . ....... ........ ........ .. .... ......... ....... . ...... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated costth'ereof is i—,aC I i-, e a l f 3- t, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._.. ....... . . ...... day of ... ....... ......... .......... . 191 6.-...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, i111111pipliti!p of the Court House and City HAII Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ . .. . ...... i9l—.- .............. Ciry erk. Approved_....._`...........--_` :....._'.:_e....... . ............ . 191_........_ .... . . . . . ....... . . .. . .... . .. ........... .......... report � Mayor. tNY8%1d,1o1.d and roily I mp—ement 1 Councilman Far worth be V ....... d wfth� I�hat the nature of "o -t which the Council r.c..n- G 0 on,tru, t of 7" fret on both �11, lr— t 1,11—In H—lins nd S—diet --nue. will, no I, nazi—.,. :—i that the, --f 11 58 t,,he, estimated lin-I foot. Resolved Further. That a public n—H.,b,ehild on aid improvement ., he 9"da)of August, 1916, at the hourof 10 o'clock A. M. in the Mayor PO� Ji Council Chamber of the Court House and City � Hall Building In For. B. S. A. 8-6 the City of St. Paul. That the C...I.- B B I1n1r of "'n"n" give notice of said meeting 10 he persons and in the manner provided by the Charter. stat- . Ing the time and place of hearing. the natureof the Improvement,and the — total t thereof —t1mat,d. Adopted by the Council July 26, 1916.1 Approved July 27. 1916. y. (August 5-1916) b r- —. L14D i 111CROFILH CERTIFICATE I The Undersigned 'hereby certifies• a follows: 1., The roll of microfilm described here. was made in the regular course of bu is ness by in accordance with -fie standard and a�prcved techivlques with a kecordak microfilm machine, t•Scdel yR�_� of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The ro11 of microfilm was made on �I AN 3 19 66 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of'microfilm contains photographic copies of: e i 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the Q last document. Signed: Operator L �%� ?7i -/y --as i9'7i ---�� 19 1,4 7a y9� 7d a . 1 .aSA m o � O a y I . 1 .aSA m o � O a y