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05-1128Return copy to:
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Council File # pS ��Z�
Green Sheet # 3028437
Presented By
� �
Referred'Io � � Committee= Da[e
1 WHEREAS, To comply with the Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services method of charging
2 local goveming bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges, the Saint Paul City Council, pursuant to Section
3 77.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, adopted Resolution C.F. 260524 on January 23, 1973
4 (Chapter A-6 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service Availability Charges
5 (SAC); and
WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Council - Environmental Services has increased the unit charges for
the year 2006 from $1,450.00 to $1,550.00 per unit; now therefore be it
10 RESOLVEA, That Council Resolution C.F. 260524, adopted January 23, 1973, as amended, be and
ll the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit charge from $1,450.00 to
12 $1,550.00 per unit far the year 2006; and be it
14 FURTHER RESOLVED, That this amending resolution will take effect and be in force beginning
15 January l, 2006.
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
P�/1/ — Public Works
ConWCt Person & Phone:
Bruce Engeibrekt
Must Be on Council Agen
�2-0�-05�� i Green Sheet NO:
0 ublicW rks BruceEneelbrekt I 0 3
nrrL �. .-�-
1 ublicWOrks T DeoartmentDirector
2 Ciri Attomev Judv Hanwn �/�i� / O' 1
3 �� Mavor's Ofiice Mavor/ASSistant
4 Council � Marv Erickson
5 �iN Clerk Shari Moore
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ali Loeations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approve the resolurion to increase the Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) from $1,450 per SAC to $1,550 per SAC beginning 7anuary 1,
idations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
qB Committee
Civil Service Commission
rersonai sernce contrects nnust answer tne Fouowmg c7uest�ons:
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenC?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does fhis personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curtent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): j
The Metropolitan Council - Envuonmental Services is requesting an increase in the Sewer Availability Charge. (See attached '
September 28, 20051etter.)
AdvanWSies �f Approved:
� r r
DisadvanWpes If Approved:
Builders/property owners will have to pay the increase of $100 per SAC.
�cr � � 2005
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Disadvantapes If Not Approved:
City would have to absorb the increase which would be approximately $162,000.
� ocai wmount ot
Pundinp Source:
Fi nancial Information:
Sewer Service
Enterprise Fund
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number.
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� Metropolitan Council ��
Buitding communiries thaY work
Enuironmentai Seruices
September 28, 2005
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7anuary 1, 2006. The new basic MCES SAC rate will be $1,550 for all Local
Govemments. The MCES SAC rate to be paid by your Local Government to MCES is
the rate in effect at the time of payment on the building or sewer connection permit
regardless of when the permitting process began.
The monthly SAC report and payment are due within 30 days of the end of the month.
The Local Govemment's retainage of 1% ofMCES SAC collections will only be allowed
as a discount for prompt payment. Late reports will forfeit this discount.
Your comnnunity collects a local (or retail) SAC as users connect to the metropolitan
wastewater system for the first rime or as a user's potential or peak sewage increases.
The MCES (or wholesale) SAC is paid to the Council on the same basis. The SAC funds
we collect pay for the reserve capacity (unused) portion of the capital costs of the
metropolitan wastewater system as specified in Minnesota Statutes section 473.517 (3).
If you have any financial questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 602-1196. For
SAC procedural questions, please contact Sandra Selby at (651) 602-1118 or read the
SAC procedure manual on our web site at:
www.met�ncouncil.orelenvironmentlRatesBilline/2006-SAC-orocedures-manual ndf.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
� ���
ason M. Willett
MCES Finance Director
Buitding Inspections Department
230 East F7frh Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1626 •(65p 602-1005
Metro Info Line 602-1888
Fae 602-1138 • TTY 291-0904
Arz E9ua1 OPPartunihJ EYnPLOyer