231932 ' � v� i' { � I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . ' . � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��'�-' �� - PILE NO. � -� I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , . � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' ; F PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONE � DATF - i: �' ' i. _ I t � I f � r - i WI�REAS, Robert L. Ames.,the City A�cchitect,has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about t � � the expense incurred by the City o� Sain.t Paul �,n removing a dangerous � � ; structure at 458 Iglehart Avenue, more particularly described as Lot 5, ' . ; Block 21, Mackubin and Marshall�s fl�dition to Saint pau1; and '' B 1 � WHEREAS, it appears that the lastla�own record owners of. the � 1 _ � property are-•Anne�Okes� and-Bertha Kohls, 1051 Wakefield Avenue, Saint i � Paul, Minnesota; now, tharefore, be it : � E RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Sai.nt Paul hold . a public hearing in the Council Chamber at 10 o�clock a.m. on the 21st , � � � ; day of February, 1967,�"to"consider any complaints about the expense incurred�� F by the City of Sai.nt Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; be it � + ; k I' _ FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City A"rchitect notify by mail the ` ' record owners of the property in question at the last knot+m adciress, as , well as other interested persons of record. � t �� E - ' } � FORM� PPROVED � , . � � � - As . Corpor�tion ounsel ' '" - ° � t � r _ � _ � - � � . E +, 't � � = � ` �E� 7 �96� . . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 1�� € Yeas Nays � � � Carlson , �E� 7 g��� , � Dalglish t Approved L9; Holland • ` - i Meredith �In Favor , f ; � . - Peterson , / Mayor � - Tedesco V A gainst � � Mr. President, Byrne , ���� ' i F PUBLISI�ED C�� , I - �2a �� 1 � , • DUrL1�ATE TO rRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. ��-�- �� �� – � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER DATF � WHEREAS, Robert L. Ames the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about - the expense i.ncurred by the City of Saint Paul in re�oving a dangerous structure at 458 Iglehart Avenue, more particularly described as Lot S, Block 21, Mackubin and Marshall�s �ddition to Saint Paul; and i WHEREAS, it appears that the lastlmown record owners of the property are Anne Okes and Bertha Kohls, 1051 Wakefield Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at lU o'clock a.m. on the 21st ` day of February, 1967, to consider any co�plaints about the expense incurr by the City of Saint Paul and to conf3rm the amount thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect notify by mail the record owners of the property in cluestion at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record. • �'�� 71967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ig._ � Yeas Nays Carlson . �'�� 7196� Dalglish Approved 19,— Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst �/� Mr. President, Byrne �j b � �z2 �1 , � ...�T : �i�� � ' - I T-Y O F S A I N T P A lJ ���'- - - . . I'� , i-- { , - �' r� :r-. � .r �,.'"�,,�-�t,.+�Y_r+� � , N •I��., . �� ` , � �-�"''r� .�= Capital of Minnesota •---` .�'_' j' � � ,�` . * . � r, „� � -��..w; _..-.----- :�� -`^ �,�„' ��: �� s _ �_. � � � '� { �r. _,1 �'t _ `'" 7" 4 ,+ .b�� ��'(.: �` f _ �1r1� '� -R'' � �� ' �ll� _-- ��B.U� =' -P ��� �I.N�C� _ r: _ ' ` r �� ir. _ _ _� �`` r � 1 � - � '� '�-4",'�'°= r .� � �� --z _�-z�--�-sr�-�J� �ilt�l�,r 8 � j� - `L,;'�,.�1 :t,'_ l�t�: - - .' i+'"•.. ' .- r � —' _'�-�-�.I� ~� <. :c tt" . I !. ' ,. , ' y ! �+y�'. {'' �� N I —'l ��y: ' �,.i�.. 1 f 1 �f„�,y ���'�J�` F - 1 • �R.��� �• tihY�� .,�� ,�_� �+,. „� BUREAU OF PUBUC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ec+ 445 Ci+y Hall, 55102 �� 2�3-42��2 � ;� February 1, 1967 •^, � � L/�, , ��� t � ,. "v�w�� � .� y 1 � Hon. Thomas F. Byrne, Mayor � and Members of the City Council � , = � 1 . ; Subject : 458 Iglehart Avenue �- Gentlemen: � � , , a � -;tA statement of expense has been filed with the City Clerk on � � `; this date for the purpose of creating a lien on the property �jknown as 458 Iglehart Avenue, described as Lot 5, Block 21, ;�Mackubin � Marshall' s Addition. The record owner of the � � ;iproperty is Anne Okes and Bertha Kohls, 1051 Wakefield Aventae, ; � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106. The following parties have also F � � ibeen given notice as interested parties : Mrs. Edna M. Ryan, ° 342 Pleasant Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102; Walter 3 Bialas, Cokato, Minnesota; Wyman A. Nelson, Attorney, Cokato, � . Minnesota ; Rose Letourneau, 53 Lyton Place, Saint Paul, Minne- ; � sota 55117. ' ; � The following resolutions were adopted by the City Council in F ` connection with the condemnation of this two story two family ; ' '`dwelling : � � ' 1 ' ' f C. F. 224375 adopted July 8, 1965, published July 10, 1965 sets a public hearing at 10 A.M. August 10, 196�. � _ � ��C. F. 224940 adopted August 19, 1965,, puk�lished August 21, 1965 , � r � . ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of � � i ; ' •:the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. t � ' - � y C. F. 228457 adopted May 6, 1966, published May 14, 1966 dir , ected the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Build- � ° ings to enter the premises and wreck and remove the dangerous { dwelling and do any and all things therein necessary for the ; 'protection of life, limb and adjoining property. ,` ' �� � �� � �. ' . � � � -� � ` r � � ' M � � F { � .. �C ; � �v e .•r �� �� � � I . � d I � i • � i . � � i I � f i - ,� ,� � ri ' � I t ,1 E � i 1 _ i , `f Pg. 2 ; i � C. F. 229853 adopted August 18, 1966 and published August 20, I , � 1966 approved the award of the contract for wrecking to . , �� A. Kamish Co. for the sum of $750.00 in accordance with � '� specificatioris and Informal Bid No. 9898. ; � C. F. 231350 adopted December 29, 1966 published December 31, ` � �, ; 1966 provided.that the wrecking expense of $750.00 and the ; , expenses of the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public � Buildings in connection with the condemnatinn proceedings and � � writing specifications amount�ng to $89.06, making a total ` ; ' of $839.06, be paid out of Wrecking Buildings-Demolition ! :: Account 0976-256, and in the event said sum proves collecti- ` ' ble from the owner same is to be credited to that account. � , , : The building has been satisfactorily wrecked and a registered ' � bill mailed to the owner. , We are requesting that you hold a public hearing with ten � , days notice to consider any, complaints about the expenses ' incurred and to confirm the amount. � � � You tr y � � ; � .! � � i , �, , 4� . j ' ' ert L. � '� � :�� CITY ARCHITECT � , � A . . . t j ' . F � . • � . + ' 7 ' 1 � � f { � � i r L ' - 3 - � } � t f 1 � �� � � t F . " � i 4 f � - a 4 . � Y _ t - �� 1 �, � � f � e f ' 1 * _ 1 � � 1 � � tl - � ' ; i t �