233123 � �33 �.��3 � ; � ; , } , � . ,; , _ � � � i . ' I � � � � ` , , ; � � , F � 1 { i Council Flle No. 233123—By Victor J. � ' ' Tedesco— ' Resolved, That upon"the petition of r i r . Display Fixtures, Inc., and others, that � � section of public street hereinafter , described be and the same hereby is - vacated and discontinued as a public street: That part of Agnes Avenue lying i • between the westerly line oP Lot 13, • � � Block 3, Major's Addition, Ramsey � 7 � Co., Minn., as extended southerly � - ' � and the center line of vacatec� j � Leland Street; ; Also, that part o4 Parmer Street � - � r 1ying between the southerly line of � the alley in Block 3, Major's Ekddi- ' tion,Ramsey Co.,Minn„ as extend- i t ; ed easterly, and a 'line 10 feet ; ! ' southerly oE and parallel to the center line of the track.of the � � � Chicago, Milargukee, St. Paul and � Pacific Railway Company; , ' subject expressly to the following , conditions and reservation�: ' , 1.That the description of that portion f oE Agnes Avenue proposed to be vacated be described as follows: ' h Thet part of Agnes Avenue lying � - between the westerly line of Lot 13, Block '3, Maior's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn., as extended southerly � and the center line oP vacatec� � : Leland Street; .also, that part of � ' Parmer Street �ying between the , southerly liae oP the alley in Block r f 3, Maior's Addition, Ramsey Co., � ' Minn., as ��ctended easterly, and a i line iQ feet southei�y of and parallel � . � to the center line of the track ot the ; Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and , � PaciHc Raiiway Company, said line being the northerly limits of the ? t vacation of_Parmer Street as ap_ . � ,; � I � I proved by C. F. No. 202912, Tu�y 8, '�� i 1961, i i 2.That the vacation be subiect to all the terms and conditions of Section � 228 of the Lepislative Code as amended reguiating the procedure ■ E and prescribing conditions far the : • vacation of public grounds, streets, . - alleys and highways in the City of � ' Saint Palil. } � . 3.That a speci8c easement be retained � ' to protect the interests of the ? � Northern States Power Company � • _ t over that portion of the area to be `- f vacated ]ying northeasterly of the " 4 � � northeasterly line of Lot 1, Block 3, i ! � � , C• �'✓• Youngman's Third Addition to � St. Paui, Minn„ extended north- ' 3 � westerly. 4.That petitioners prepare and submit ' a survey indicating the location of said sidewalk along vacated Leland Street, and if said sidewalk crosses ' the portion of Agnes Avenue to be vacated, that an easement be � � � } j _ - granted to the City oP Saint Paul for � public walkway purposes, i�l - i i � _ b.That the petitioners pay to the City the sum of �8,550 as compensation � '. for the vacation and provide the ' _ City with a bond in the amount o4 �� 5�.000. �i i , • - �- � Adopted by the Council AprII 21,1987. � APP�ved April 21, 1967. - �� f . � ' " ' ' i (April 28, 1987) , f� i i i ' ' � � ! i r Fi F _ � ; � ' # t �