D001350_ - City Clerk - Finance Dept. • _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineei (HGA) - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMn No. �� ��_ A J Date � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-30 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to ihe Improvement described as ��int Paul Civic Center Expansion CP� Building ('onstmction known as Contract L_City Project No.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the following: L Construct Fifih Floor Office L.evel per Contcactor Pcoposal (CP) #0..83. $182,948.00 All work for CVB and Civic Center Staff Offices and restroom relocation. Milestone date of 16 April 1998 to remain for 0370-Milesrone Final CompLetion Pxo}ec[. Approved by Expans�on Coordinating Committee on 16 July 1997. Approved by Civic Center Authoriry on 30 3uty 1997. No alternates are accepted. Carpet for SPCC and CVB oftice space to be determined (cost herein includes allowance for these offices-same as base bid). Reason: Redesigned due to GVB 4ease of space. Total $182,945.00 ORDERED, That the City of 5aint Paul, thiough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 182 948 00 . said amount to be added ro the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. APP �D AS � �F � � c City Attorney Expansio Co dina g Committee ! and which amount is to be financed from: �'� U 19� Committee �Z 19 �� • Director of //�'� l�� . . .� / _ ��- �� / � �� � / _- �.. �' • - ��a - � i� :�� .� . � - - � \ ��3� ����.� IOFFiCE,COUNCiL DATE fNIT1ATE� y�� GREEN SHEE CONTACTPE ON&PHONE INRIAUDATE INffIAVDATE � ( c ��� n �EPqRTMENT DIpECTOR Q CRV COONCIL �/�C�/V' / ✓/`-F�S �`���.`J��� NYIBERFOR CfiYATTORNEV OCfiYCLERK BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (�AT� pOUTiNG � B ET DIRECfOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. OflDEN AYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n Q(�' QYY1� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��'�� h�%!w�- RtS ACTION flE�UESTED: Cih-��- ��,� � 3� (Ylt �, , f'n.�,-4�s�,,�. RECOMMENDA7iONS: Approva (n} or Reiect (R) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSS AHSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESSIOliS: _ PIANNMG CQMMISSION _ qVil SERVICE CA MlSS10N �� HaS this perSONfim1 CVer worked undar a COntraCt for this department7 _ CIB COMMIrfEE _Q_, ��� ' , � . YES "NO 2. Has this persoNFlrm ever been a ciry employee? _ SiAFF — YES NO _ DISTRIGTCOURT _ 3. Does this person/firm pos5ess a sltill not normally po5sessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECiIVE? YES NO Explain ell yes answera on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPGIRTUNITY (Wha, Whet, When. Where, Why): �, �� NTAGES IFAPPROVED� �'�@s�! NSFd s�p � � ��s� �ECE���� $�PT, �F�tisr��,"V ��� � S DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: �� C�r� � ��� RECEIVED � N�� �CT 15 199i CBTY CLERK OISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROYED: �1 VY �/[/ N TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $'v ����• V COST/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIpCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIf7G SOURCE �1'M � �� l .�� 1� �"�� ACTIVITY NUMBEH �7 �/�D - 7�,�L �(�d /'�� � GO�� C� PINANCIALINFORwSATION (EXPLAIN) • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center DATE 4SSUED: 2 September 1997 Expansio� Project CONTRACT NO.: CP-4.01 Saint Pauf, Minnesota CONTRACT T17LE: Building Construction Multiscope • CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount: PO # 0'15117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. C4.01-01 C4.01-02 C4.01-03 C4.01-04 C4.01-05 C4.01-06 C4.01-07 C4.01-08 C4.01-09 C4.01-10 C4.01-11 C4.01-12 C4.01-13 C4.01-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-16 C4,01-17 C4.01-18 C4A1-19 C4.01-20 C4.01-21 C4.01-22 C4.01-23 C4.01-24 C4.01-25 C4.01-26 C4.01-27 C4.01-28 C4.01-29 C4.01-30 Subtotal Deduct Add 34,475.Q0 151,969.0a 29,684A� 10,193.00 24, 598.00 86,610.00 (4,535.50) (4,422.00) (9,016.�0) (23,313.00) (41 286 50) • Total 819,856.50 29,410.00 8,927.00 4,482.00 22,0OO.OD 15,460.00 50,000.00 3,253.00 24, 705.00 29,188.00 40,889.00 8,883.00 19,081.00 5,531.00 8,734.�Q 4,718.00 21, 389.00 14,593.00 18,700.00 10,723.00 182, 948.00 $861 143.00 CON7RAC"T DATE: 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $35,178,556.50 � � Coniractor Proposal No.: Cr 4.tts Projecr ST. PAUL CN{C CENTER CP.4 � ►35D 1. It is requested the completion date be () extended, () decreased, () unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be Z. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if apphcable). Reference RFP No.: 4.53 ; FO NO.: Title: 5`" Level - SPGC and CVB Offices 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) $ See attached (X) Firm price for performing this change is �Increased) (Deductl Adequate supporting details and information must be attached to allow Owner to evafuate. $ � � Time and material per contract, but not to exceed � ( 1 Actual cost at compfetion of work Submitted by: FOR CPMI USE Ownerl • 1. Action Recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Change w+ll not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. �Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. �Basis of payment shall be S �: � 1 S`1 �3 �The following modification is recommended: c jY� 33`�- ( � Change in completion date is accepted. ��� . �.� �� O Change is acceptable wrth no change in pnce. `y�Change is acceptable no change in completion date.-}- �' ��,'���� �( ) Other � 2. 5. A/E consufted. °� Prepared by:� v (CPMI) Approved 6y (HGA) Reason for Change: ( � Design Change ��Client Request ( 1 Field Condit+on ( � Suggested by Contractor ( 1 Design Omission or Oiher (explainl 3, Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( 1 YES 4. ls Contractor's Estimaie attached? YES YES • Approved by Approved by: CPMI inc., c/o Saint Paui cc: Chris Hansen Center, I.A. O"ShaUgnnE Mike Pederson Date:__� �NO ()NO ()NO 143 West Fourth StreeT, Dick Zehring Date: �' ��� ,� Pauf, MN 551 3225- A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: �0 �35C� • ��— �> A`D 6�1 T I OrN�A-L I IV'F O R lfi1�"A� 1 O`N ".` �� Contractor Proposal No. CP 4.83 Date Mav 27. 1997 Project: ST. PAUL CIV{C CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 I. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: 4.83 : FO NO.: Title: 5`" Levef - SPCC and CVB Offices. Please review the following information for evatuation of the Qricing of the attached Contractor Proposaf. Contact us if you have any further questions. 1. Skylight relocation +s excluded. This will be submitted on a time and material basis. 2. The eggcrate louvet shown on 2/4.83 is excluded. • • 8/27/97 • ST. PAUL CIV/C CENTER EXPANSION SAlNT Pft UL, MN »�03 PH. 6!2/193-9154 FAX� 613/793-9�5: Description: Title: CP 4.83 5th LeveL Shared Area St. Paul Civic Center Expansfon Summary Ghange Proposal � ��� Mortenson Labor: (See attached) MoAenson Material: (See zttached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) RECEIVEfl AUG 2 7 1997 CPMI $ Amount g 1.597 s e S - S S - Generel Conditwns: (MOrtenson Work) $ 1,604 SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson SUBCONTRAGTORSMENDORS t Mulcahy, Inc. $ $ • 2. Natio�alSpecialties $ �54 3 Paul's Woodcraft $ 645 4 Security Metal Products $ �' $ 1,244 5 Summit Door g 265 6 Wasche Interiors 7. Wheeler Hardware $ Z $ 282 8 Caulking $ 9 S - ta. SUBTOTALSubNend $ 15,934 SUBTOTALFee M. A. Mortenson Company Fee. SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5 % M. A, Mortenson Work 15% Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax' SUBTOTALTax $ 797 � 24 $ 1,037 8 7% $ SUBTOTAL:M.A.MOrtenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax `� 18 Builder's Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTO7AL Insurance & Bonds 0 0007 ($.72lThousand) 0 0038 (53.77(Thousand) D.00SD (54.9593Ifhousand) ^y 13 g 70 S 92 $ 176 • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ �$ Page 1 \J 8/27/97 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal � � ,Summary J� ST. PAUL CIV/C CENTER IXPANSION SAGVTPAUL, MN 55l01 PH. 612l293-9/54 FAK 612/?93-9557 � Description: CP 4.83 Title: Sth Level - SPCG Offices Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Matenal: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Assoaated Costs (Change Proposai) 5 Amount $ 1.175 S - 5 $ General Conditions� $ - (MOrtenson Work) SUBTOTALM.A.Mortenson $ 1,1t5 $ (g $ 1,205 � (1,190) $ - 5. Secunty Metai Pmducts ��- � $ 6,440 6. Summft Door $ - 7. St Paul Linoleum $ 1,700 S. Wasche Interiors $ 3,986 9. Wheeler Hardware $ 3,403 10. CaWking $ 624 SUBTOTALSubNend $ "16,077 SUBTOTALFee $ 804 5 167 y 971 7% $ M A Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5% M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: Total Material & Equipment $ M A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax� SUBTOTALTax • SUBTOTAL:M.A.MOrtenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 78,763 Builder'S Risk GCL Insusance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds $ 13 6S 90 172 TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ '18,334 0 0007 (�72f(housand) $ 0.0038 (�3.77(fhousattd) $ 0.0050 (54.9593lfhousand) $ Page 1 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS g/27/g7 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion ���Summary Change Proposal I ��U • ���� ST.�PAUL C�IVTC CENTER EXPANSIOS D: T���� SAINTPAUL. MN )5102 PH:672/243-4174 FAX:61?/243-9i5- Description: CP 4.83 Title: Sih Level - CVB Offces Modenson Labor. (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Eqmpment (See attached) Assoaated Costs (Change Proposal) 5 Amourti $ a 840 $ 83 S - $ 13,250 General Conditions: $ - (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.Mortenson $ 18,173 SUBCONTR4CTORSNENDORS 1 Custom Expressions $ 560 2 Gateway Glass $ 3.2n6 • 3 LeJeune Steel 3 3,532 4. Mulcahy, inc $ 4A,196 5 Panelfold 5 6,320 6. Paul's Woodcraft $ 7,830 7 Security Metal Products $ 8,260 8 St Paul Linoleum S 9,750 9 Summit Door $ 6,306 70. TwinCRyAcoushcs $ 9,s�Z 11 Wasche Interiors S 9,435 12 Wheeler Hardware $ 7.560 73. Cauiking $ 1,100 SUBTOTALSUbNend . $ �»���� M. A MoRenson Company Fee� SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: SUBTOTAL Fee Total Material €, Equipment $ M A. Mortenson Material & Eqwpment Tax. SUBTOTALTax • $ 5.885 $ 2,726 $ 8,617 83 7% $ 6 SUBTOTAL: M. A. Mortenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax 5 �44,49� Builder's Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72lihousand) 0.0038 ($3.77/Thousand) 0 0050 ($4.9593/Thousand) s� 104 $ 545 $ 717 $ 1,365 TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 745,562 Page 1 __MF1Y 15 '9? 09�42 FR SECiJP,ITY t°LTi'_ 31C� 978 4762 T� 161223;;5557 P-02/04 ' - . Z2'3`1Hd Lb:bi L6. SI .lHld , - - : � .. . � �35� PaGE 2 '� zo � � Security Metal. products �� 12519 CER15E AVENUE HqY�i"ypRNE , Cq g{}Z5p f273) 772 � O , ` ..... . ... . ... . ... . � FAX: 1370) 9T8-4762 �;CliANGE ORDER OUt7TF `_ _ _ re�_ � 7 �rs� �g �15� L6'd - - wd ob-£0 L6-Si-1.t�w � ..�.. �� r. ..�� -�r ... - .. ..�...� vrr r�� ��vL •� aviGG.iJ�./..�� • .VWCII . �0"3�ef� Lb:aT L6. ST ,lt6J .. � �35� PAGE 2 �`� `f � Securi�y M(�ta( praducts c�an �� � 25 7 9 GER15£ AVENUE NAtNr„ORNE , CA 9D250 C213) 772-117ti C Q � : ORDER QUOT� � F"z �s�a� e>s-a�e2 � �, � N N "pz.'� ,»:>�:..:.-��:�:-. � �' � � g p "��l ^ fOR E ONLY � o � a� � ESCRiPTlON OF CHAl�GE ,�� �.;_ us �' °¢ c t�r �s � � ...� ''�';�t ',^ �a: : �`:`: Q `�.�... .:�.=s: •-' .:. ..... . . ... " UH{T � p�,, `FRMS •' SaGLS f �-A I. =,c 35��c� Fi[. �� ., 1 � � - - fl:.�-s T•°t Z 1 N�^� . -----_ O � 2�{i � - . . � ' i.. : .� �G ^ ^ 3 s.�F o Fz- N�,., SZ�� � K k _ �!�' X Ny `✓ �'�^�t ' PL tR/� � 7 g 3 X t� s. us� .+•�4 n: ��,., 5 k " � rnar,c /� 2! �/�,'v ssa � � - - S� � � — 6^N / 3s�of, f''i�c�...c.. ust� S`ti i�z 14 Z. � 8`r c r'E rR.I� M�+/ �s3a 34••x 8�f < �� N T \ � � M ti � �� + � W 4 v �� w � 4 w M �� � � � V � � / ��" �' � � � . � -� � - - . . ,• � Zc A " " - - 1�#A � i. zfz x(oz 5' wa.� t. .. . , „ t E �, � 1�' �n✓ `1S_x Z '� ha« ,_,,�.� r.r:!"t�rr� , S'* THtS PRtCE �$ gqSED OIV qty 8 TO t Q WEEK aEUVERY ! �EY$ �0'd raT.a� $ 3 � � /�� U �, _, � ��� Hd 05=E9 L6-ST-.leu . 1'IMI 1J JI VJ '�G 1 �\ .Jr.iv���� � �u��ftr ..�av ��� '���� �V i�:1c�L�./�v�• . -.-. �. � b0"�d 82�=bL 1.6, ST ,titbJ � . . � 135(� � � � _.. • PAGE 2 Security- Meta[ P�oducts � 125 i 9 C£RSS£ AVENUE Ch an r+awrxorure.c�v sozso c2�s) ��z-s,7� C- rs'� %CHANGE ORt»i� �ri, �ni-� . F•uc �3col g7s<7s2 � ! ! f ? # DESCRIPTION OF �A�� 9 �. .. «. r , . _ � �� X c� �+ � � .?� 'i " I !� u5g �7q � � �{ x 3 S�oso �, u�g s? g✓ T „ 4 � N % �''� Z f �r5�" %3L . __ ^ � A�BW T M 1 Y "' � 53 5 `� � 3 �osn t rc, � 5 � ` ` �R�+..+.t � .. .. �i 2 � � ,� 531D • oG.� . G( / 5 } � - �''t T r'E 2 � r � 3 � � � � � - x ni� r �ZX Aef ••. u ,.:„ -- � � t ' ` 3> rzac � � z�aCC•L. Sf r5. �« .- �`s. x � u ,.. � . _ ._. � Z, v TH�S PRfCE IS BRS[B ON AN WEEK OLUYERY TOTq�, !:`=:::"; Ne � � ��'O b0'd Wd 0S=£0 te-SY-AtlW . - ** T�7TAL PRGE.54 �t��� ' n � � � ��,v�t� S' M�`�i `o ���� � � UG 1 J� 1997 ��� `` E �- CC A �.� fl � ��(Yf N,.A. MOt�TEfvSON C0. tlFt 5'{(�i C. 5> !R' _ - a K. pS,, st � -��"' Js� 53-( Ga 53� 3 a�. � — � n ��..,� � l 4 CS'� _ �� ,�3`�Pc Q � SIls6 53.5A b� IC , ��(a �'�eP� d, K S�j�II S3'� �• K S�� 5'3`►/k o_l�- `��..� 1 i ' " ��'7D4�4�---�[��S-b0.1�LJ-f`�-' � . • g y, s ,,�� U� �C . S39 .�F'fh � � . Sl�h S�{ � o .� . '1 � �� � � �� �,�.�� �D �,, G�- C� 3 (.�s� � �� �� �� � � ��:JLJ c� c; 5�- � ' \ S+ 5pe.� .,,�' 5�-- S F�c- "� SPcc �C' 5p�-r� �.�'� grcc. � �po � f9�, �' � �z>P .� >ae l� � !� 3 f� 3� 3� 3w ia� te-d wa ae:z9 zs-�i-�na TUL-1�-1957 87�12 � I ��- A P.61/N1 1 YU{ W P udJ �ll Bid/Proposal U 0���� � D St. Pi512}292-9702 U HEATHER JENSEN. PROJECT EIVGINEER Fax (6'f 2)292 JUL 10 1997 t840�343-3264 Bate= 7t7 o1s7 From: PAULA ELUS .lob: C1VtC GEt�i�'ER ADDITI #951442 SUMMIT I�OaR, 1'NC. 130 Eva Street � A , �aR co. SeCtlOtl; 08211-PREFlNISHED N100D DOO PROPOSAL REQUEST #4.83 SHARED ADD $1244.4� f 7� r. 9`° CVB ADD u63fl5.52 34�L' = ` .� z3��. ;� TaTAL AC7D $7549.92 TAXINCLUD tf this transmissian is incampie#e or you have any questions piease caSi 612f292-9711 THE RIGHT 7)pOR, ON TIME _ . _ TDTFiL P.C�l � 1.1 � � ` ���r��ii�� J W1-tEELER HARDV�ARE �0. P.�. BOX 4305 - 1724 SELBY AVE. ST. PAU�, NFiNNESOTA 55404 Facsimile Gaver Sh�et To: �EATHER JENSEN � Company: M�ftl"ENSC�N ���t, � Fhone: 293-9154 ��,� V Fax: 293-95�7 � �,2 � vG �' �� � � From: KIRK D. W EL�f��,� Phone: f>12-645�50'i �.�� Fax: 612-645-9943 � 05-13-9 997 �w*ase�Q g°ZT�`�� Pages including this � cover page: 3 RE: ClViC CE�TER — PRlG{NG FOR R.�.P. 4.83 ATTACytD iS PRICING PEF2 DOOft �OR TNIS R.F.P. iT MUST BE NOTED FI-fAT ALL FINiSH HARDWAftE 45 ON SiTE CURREf�TLY. ANY DELETION AN4 ADflTIdIVAL HARDWARE REQUIRED MUST BE COOftDINATED IN TH� FIELD BY OTHERS. THE FOLLOWtNG 4S A GENERA� LIST OF NEW iVIR7ERtALS RcQUlRED' (72; NEW HINGES, (19) NEW LOCKSETS/LATCHSETS, { 18) NEW CYLiNDERS. {2; NEW ROLLER LATCHES, (2) NEW OVERHERD STQPS, (47} NEW WALL STQPS, (4) NEW CLdSERS, {4) NEW KICKP(ATES, {4) NEW SETS OF GASKET, {7} NEW DOOff POSfTiON SWITHCES, (5) I�EEW PANIC DEVECES - SOME ARE EIECTRiG. (2j NEW POWER 5UPPl�ES, AND (3} NEW E�EC7RIC STRlKES_ PLEASE LET ME KNQW !F YOU HRVE,4NY QUESTiONS. KiRK , � SE�'d �tr65St'.'3[.S3 'r_b6F,Gh'�=L9 r'?:ri !.FF.T-1.�-'-lf1H � " � PRiCING F�R CIViC CT17. EXPANS1flN -- R.�_p. #4.83 � N � � 1350 : (GREDt7}lADD CHRNGE MADE � 5392.{30 AD� �-1ARDWARE FQR tVEW DOQR #508A c J 5392.fl4 ADD FiAr2QWARE FOR NEW OOQf2 �508?. ���� ($420.00} DELETE DOOR #S15A �,�• (g45G.fl0) DEi�E7EOOOR#536A ��/;_ ($430_66) OELET� DOOR#5i6B //!j �g11.Op AD� HA42DWAFtE FOR NEU! DOOR #5'! �A ���(��.�'� S7q6�M1 ADD HAROVVARE FOR SyEW DOOft # 52fiA �[.s'`��3�0 T� Gi.�• *�� �� � i _ � � � 1 r $7�00 ADD HARDVJARE FOR tJ�W DOC3R #�266 /j/� ($171 OD} CHANGE TO HAROWARE GROUP #31 AT DOCR #527A $274.00 ADD HARDWARE F�R NEW �JOOR #527C '' $274.00 ADD }iARDWARE FOR NEW DOO� #527D �?�� {5342.00) OELETE DQOR #628 • � ` i$255.00) DELE! E bOOR �529 " t5z�4,oa3 DELETE DOOR #531 � 5274.00 ADD HARDWARE �OR NEW DOOR #53�A �� $274.OQ ADD HRRDWARE FOR NEW DOOR #531 B 5274.QQ ADD HARDWARE FOR NEW DOOR #533A " $67.OG CHANGE HARDVt GROUP RT �534A TC GROUP �r1� � 8 � .00) CHANGE {iARDWARE GROUP A.7 #535A TO GROUP #� � � ��+ {� CHAIVGE NARDWARE GRQUP AT #537 TQ GROUA #�' 3i n ($274.00) DELETE DOOR #538 `' $3,142.60 ADD HARDWAP.E Fdft NEW DpOR #542A �' �u274.Q0 A�D HAROWA43E FOR NEW DOOR �543A t� $274.00 A�D tiARDWARE FOR tdEW DOOR #544A �Z��. �$?�3'� AD� HARi]WARE FOR NEW QOOR#545A "�e G d.P, 3� ;�t .��..�.ro...-�.. — �--� . � �4_p0 ADD HARDWARE FOR NEW DOOft #547A �LZ���� $� ADD HARDWARE FOR NEW DOOR #548A .. 7'o G{.P. t43 �,� G � $ St�'= <.wa�c.. F N. Rr � fiy�A =; �6'd £b65Sb9�i9 £hEE>b92L9 r�:cti L66S-Lc-9fl�J ��� � � ,dl, �l • ~ NE� . �Z�+� i � ;'� S27a.00 (51b1.00) (5858.00) 53,142.00 �274 p0 $274 00 $274.00 $274 O6 �274.00 $274.00 $274.00 �V adlclJ '`C_...��r. � T�899.00 �j 3899.00 � E3� PRICSN� fOR CfV1G CTR EJCFANSlON -- R.�.P. #4.83 ADQ H,4RDWARE FOt2 t�(EW D04R #549A �'r G�.� t1 a � AL}D HARQWARE FOR NEW DOOR #550 CH.�N6E TO tiARDWARE GRQUP �36 AT DOOR �551A OELE7E DOOR #55'1 B ADO t-tARDWARE AT NcW DOOR #552A ADD HARQWARE AT NEW DOOR #5�3A ADD FiARDWARE A7 Ne'W DOOR #554A ADP HARDWARE AT NEW UO�R #555A ADD HAF2�WARE AT NEW DODR #555A ADp HARDWARE AT NEW DOOR #5�7A A�D HARDWARE A7 FvEW DOOR #558A ADD NARDWARE AT NE OfJR #559A ADD Fif�12DWARE AT NEW DOdR #560A ^ TO �a f�- ADD HARDWARE AT NEW OOOR #562A ADd HARDWARE AT NEW DOOR #562B r[ g12 . d TOTAL NET ADD FOR R.F.P. #4_S3 . � l 3, S� �• `� �-,'.' !P�� : �3, �o� C�� �i,5� u �G�: -�; : � 2 � � 8? � �C�'d £CE65C5ZT9 � £bEESt=9zT5 £2:cZ - LEE7�-LZ-�Jilt+ � • �0�3� �oRr�rsox The Canst�uctiorz Organizatiors� 27 May 1947 Susan Jones CPMI c/ o Saint Paul Civic Centec I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 Subject: Request for Proposal #4.83 Sr� Level - SPCC and CVB Offices Dear Susan: S2zs-�o�;g �?J RECEIVED MAY 2 8 1997 GPMi j BUILDING DIVISION Minneapolis Office 700 Meatlow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 In response to RFP #4.83 dated 1 May 1997, we are submitting the following cost proposal. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotafions and our piice breakdown. See attached proposals for breakdowns requested. The alternates are listed on separate proposals. There was some confusion as to the scope of work for Alternates #7 &#8. These will be suUmitted when we receive all of the suUcontractor responses. The cost for Ehe new skylight locations is not included in this proposal. This work was approved on a Hme and material basis and wi11 be suUmitted separately when the work is complete. Please note additional informaflon page attached and let me kno�� �f you need addifional infermation or darification on the enclosed. - - -- -------- - -- ---- The amount quoted includes oi4y the cost of the changes iden ' anges ro the contract not specificaily identified as revisions are nnku�ektd m t is proposal and are exduded. Mortenson reserves the right to suUmiLa-ar osa for addirional costs and time Telated to the impact of th�s change on the effect of this change in comUination with other changes. g�,�c�iN �<"�`' S` Very truly oy urs, � ��\ JL45y`�/ Allen S.Troshinsky Assistant 1'roject Managei � , ���t�,�e �,�,� . file: RFP #4.83 Minneapolis-Seattle•DenverCOlorado Springs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Prancisco•HonoW WLOS Angeles � � 3aa�-�¢.� �� �3�G � � Mo�HSOx The Constructioa Organization 0 _. __�__ -,,. K, �-'v � ;� � �;--'-�, 6 August 1997 a.. �' � .,..�ii ,y�. .: ti , �r��;l � SusanJones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Pourth Sfreet St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: • Dear Susan: , Salnt Paut Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 Field Oxder #4.127- Paint shotcrete walls at parking ramp M�nneapolis Otfice 700 Meatlow Lane North PO. Box 710 (55440-0770) Mmneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (6�2) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 In accordance with Field Order #4127 daYed 4 August 1997 we are submitting a cost proposaL We quote the sum of Three Thousand One Hundced Eighty-One Dollars (+$3,181.00) for the added work. Enclosed is our price Ureakdown. Please let me know if you need addirional infoxmarion or claz�fication on the enclosed and issue a contract change order. The amount quoted indudes onIy the cost of the changes identified hexein. Changes to the conhact not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for additional costs and time related eo the impact of thu dtange on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in comUination with othex changes. Very truly yours, � �� �� Allen S. Troshitvsky Assistult Project Manaaer file: FO#4.L7 Mmneapo4isSeattie•DenverCoforado SRnngsMiiwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•Honolulu•LOS Angeles CPMI w � PROJECT: �fELD d-RDE:R.- Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion FIELD ORDER NO.: CP-4 Building Construction DATEISSUED: OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. 0'Shaughnessy Plaza CPMI PROJECT NO.: 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 �t � �-�-q D ��. F4.'127 4 August 1997 3225 CONTRACT NO.: CP-4.0� TO: MA Mortenson CONTRACT: Multiscope 300 Eagle Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Attn.: Allen Troshinsky You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum and Contract Time. If you consider a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, pfease submit your itemized proposal to CPMI immediately and before proceeding with the work. DESCRIPTfON: 1. "Shotcrete walls" to be painted white in parking ramp from the ffoor efevation to five feet on all levels (P1-P6l. IV07ES: • 1. Work to commence on 25 June 1997 and be completed as soon as possible. 2. If work affects the project schedule, please notify CPMI immediately before proceeding. 3. Work to be done on a time and material basis with timesheets turned in QAII.Y. 4. Reason: Life/Safety concems, City Ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: COST. PLANIVING & MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAI, INC. ��� - ��-- Q� Lou Dorso Assistant Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen . Gephart Lee Lambert Mike Pederson Metropofitan Sloomington 3225-404.5 n�FORMS\F�ELDOD DOC