233082 . �i '
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Counoil File No.._ "
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Theundereignedherebqpropoeeethemal�ingofthefollowin , � �
a in gpublioimprovement by the City of 8aint Psul� ;
� ' .
reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of the St. from Hendon Ave. to Buford �
Ave.,and .b�„doin�,all:,other,�work which is necessar r�and iacidental. to_com�leteN�aid �
improvement.:.___ .............................................. . . ».»....�. . �».�».� ........M��„ �
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� Dated thie... 19 th.:.»day of».......................Apr i 1 ....... .........»., 19 6� �
........ .. .......... _._.�. ..... �
Counoilman. ��- �
� �
� �
WHEREAB� A written propoe�l for the maldng of the following impmvement� vis.: �
reconstruct the, sidewalk on.,the.east_side._of.�Hythe..St�.,from HendonwAve:..to Buford �
Ave.• and.b� doin��aTl,other..work which_is.necessarq and.�incidental, to complete Nsaid �
� improyeme�?t:................... .................»...___...... .......... ..............................................................._...._..... M��� � �
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hsving been preaented to the Counoil.of the City of 8aint Paul.._.-....�............_...�........................................ �� ":.�- °
, therefore, be it �
-- t �
. • RE80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Work�be and ie hereby ordered and direated: F
1. To inveatigate the neceeeity for, or deeirability of,.the maldng of esid improvemeat. 4
2. To investigate the neture� extent and eatimated aoet of esid improvement� and the total ooat thereof. ,
� 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. �
4. To etste whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked gor on�,he petition of three ar more ownere. ' ;
b. To report upon s11 of 4he�oregoing mt�ttere to the t�ommieeioner of Finanoe. X
! �
APR 191967 t ,
Adoptedby the �:ounoiL.....................................».................................... � �
Y�aas ' •
APR 1 9196� �d
Councilman ,Carlson. � ; �
Dalglish , . Approved._........».. »........................................ , �
Holland ,, ' � , � .
Meredith � ' , +, �
• • � Peterson �
• Tedesco �----- 4 -
� 4
Mr. President, B.gzrre . � ' ' Mayor�
�000 �-aa ' • �
P'UBLISH.ED APR 2� 196� �
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