233079 �I F � 4
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I Counoil File No....�� ' -
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Theundereignedherebypropoeeethemal¢ingofthefollowin � � '
gpublioimpmvement by the City oi 8aint PaW,vis.• • , �
reconstruct the sideaalk on both sides of Tuscarora Ave. from W. 7th. St. to�Bay St� � �
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and b doin all other work which is necessar and incidental to oomplete sa�d im- �
�rove ent....�._.____..............................................................�.........................................�...... � �i...�_.....I ,.
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Dated th�e... 19th.�.:...�...dsq of......................April......... . 67 � � ,
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WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vu.: � �
reconstruct the.sidewalk on_both.sides_of_Tuscarora Ave. from W. 7th. St. to Bay� St. ':
and bp_doi�..all..other..work.which_is�necessary and_�incidental..to.com�lete �saidMim- t
' provement.:.....................................•.....»...___..........................................--....w.........�._ ... ��.�.._�' * .
._.................._..........................�.................------- -..........................................................................................� If � { ,
hsving been preaented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul......._...................................................._.... ��' � ` } �
�t6erefore, be it : � �
� ItE80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and dirented: `
. �
1. To inveetigate the necessity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. j
� 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total ooat thereof. � �
� 3. To furnieh a pinn, profile or aketch of eaid impmvement. • � � -
4. To e t a t e w he t her or no�eai d improvemen t ie se ke d for on Y,he pe t i tioa o f t h r e e or more ownere. }, �
b. To report upon sll of the�oregoiag mattere to the �mmiesioner o€�nanae. � �
_�. �
Adopted by the �:ounoiL...........................................��..1�.�9�7 ; f.
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Y�es - � `
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Councilman �Carlson. ' ` = � "
Dalglish , . Approved.................................................._................
Holland . • �
Meredith �
• ' Peterson � � �
� Tedesco • ••--• �j ± , '
Mr. President, B.�r�;ne ' Mayor. � Y
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l �1 PUBLI�FfED ,�IPR �`� ���� � •� � �
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