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- T�enaderei�aedhereb�propo�eethemaldnsoithefollowinspublioimpronement by the Cit�ot 8aint P�ul�rls.: � �
reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of South Robert St. from Winona- St. to 1 �
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� Wyoming St. and by doing all other work which is �necessary and incidental to com-
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13th. � A ril 67 �
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WHER,FAS� A wtttten propoei►1 ior the maidns of tbe followins impro�ement�vis.: � '_
reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of South Robert St. from Winona St. to �� ,
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�omin� St: and �.doin�, all other'work,which.is�necessar��and�incidental to com- �.- ! u
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I »..............................................................»........._�».,....»...................... ..................................... .....
' 6��been presented to the Counoil oi the City of Ssint Paul_�...... ._................_...... _ �
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� t6erefare� be it - � -� .:
• R,F80LVED, Thst the Coma4ieaioner,of.Publio Worke be snd ie hereby ordered snd direated:
1. To inveati6ate the necea�ty for, or deairability of,.the msldng of esid improvement. . ;
� 2. To iaveeti6ste the natur4� exteat sod eatianated coet of esid improvement� and t�he total ooet thereof. ;� �
� . 3. To fur4ie6 a plan, pm81e or ekatoh oi ea�id impmvemen� - � E:
4. To�e whether or aot�sid impm�ement ie aeked for on 4,he petition oi three or more owners. r � ;
b. To report npoa�ll oi the fot�e�oini mntters to the Commieeioner of Plinanoe. : �,
Adopted by the Couno�... .......... 1 g 19� � ,
..� ........................ ;
Y=.. ' . " g 19�'� {'
" - � . . APR 1
Councilman .Carlson. ' `
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� Dalgliah , Appto�ed................................................................. ; . .
- Ho l land , ' �. •• �
� Meredith • �
. � �- ` 0
• Tedesce � ` � '
, Mr. President. B.�rtirre . ' � Mapot. `
, �a s.a • , � . : �
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� . PUBLISH�D ppa �� i9s� i � �
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