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Green Sheet # 3Ga %�' /
1 RESOLVED, tbat the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ntifies the attached January 1, 2006
2 t}uough December 31, 2006 Collective Bazgaining Agreemern between the City of Saim Paul and the Saint Paui Police
3 Federation
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Requested by Department of:
Human Resources
BY� � �
Form Appro by C �;\a�� `�
Form� oved by Mayor or ub ' i to
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Adopted by Council: Date _ //�/P�i�� /�✓ �D�/�
Adoption Certi e by Council Secretary
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Contad Person & Phone:
Jason ScMnid[
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Tofal # of Signafure Pages _(Cltp AB Locattons for SignaWre}
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Action Requestetl:
Resolufion apptoving t6e attached January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2006 Collecfive Bazgaining Agreement between the City of Saint
Paul and rhe Saint Paul Police Federatioa
Recorttme�tlatio�s: App�o�e (A) ar R
Plannirg Commission
CI6 Commitlee
Chil Senice Commission
t. Fhas this persan/5ttn e�er waked under a contfact forthis department'?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNGrm e�er been a cily empioyee7
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirm possess a skiil not namalty possessed by any
curcent city employee?
Yes rfo
Explain alI yes answers an separate sheet and attach W green sheet
required to negotiate with the bazgaining units.
Advantages tFApproved:
An agreement reached through good faith bazgaining will be in place through December 31, 2006.
OisadvaMages NApproved:
Disadvanfages N Not Approved:
The City would be required to re-open negotiations with this bargaining unit This would strain relations wifh the unit.
ropl Amount of
Funding Soume:
PinancW{ {nformation:
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
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November 22, 2005 3:53 PM Page 1
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Below is a summary of the changes in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of
Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation. The new agreement is for the period of January
1, 2006 through December 31, 2006.
2.5% increase to base rate for non-sworn classifications effective 1/1/06.
2.5% increase to the base rate for all swom classifications effective the first pay period after
5/1/06, additiona12.5% applied to Step C, Step D, and the 7-yeaz Step.
Health Insurance:
Health insurance contributions follow the City pattem for 2006.
2006: Single: The 2Q05 single contriburion per month plus 70% of the average increase
in the single prexnium of all plans for 2006. For 2006 only, employees
participating in either of the two low-cost plans shall receive an additional
$7.26 per month toward the cost of the two low-cost pians, or the full cost
of the two plans, whichever is less.
2006: Family: 70% of the average premium of all plans.
Post Emplovment Health Plan
Agreed to increase the City's contribution for PEHP from $250 per yeaz to $350 per year for
employees who are not eligible for Retiree Health Insurance.
Joint Stiuulation on Testin8
Agreed to modify the November 2, 2000 Joint Stipulation on Testing between the City and
Union. Effective 1/1/06 the requirement to report scores to 0.01 will be reduced to 0.1.
Shift DifFerential
Agreed to standardize language between sworn and non-swom classificarions to provide Shift
Differential for employees who work between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM.
Retiree Health Insurance
Ageed to require 20 years of consecutive service to be eligibie for Retiree Health Insurance for
employees who sever employment from the City and then return after 1/1/06.
Incaaacitation f12.10)
For any employee hired after 1/i/06, "Off-Dut}�' Incapacitation is reduced from a maximum of
six months to three months.
PresidentBoard Release Time
Agreed to modify the current union president'h time release program that is paid for by vacation
donation by union members. Effective 1/1/06, all union members will donate three hours of
--- -- ---- --vacationYo-create apool_of hours for the union president and union board members to utilize for
---- --- ---- -- -
uuion business. Board members asage is subject to managemenYs agproval and the union wi1I
be required to make monthly reports to management regarding the usage of the pool of hours.
Uniform Allowance
Agreed to annually increase the ECC Uniform Altowance by the ECC across the board (ATB)
wage increase.
Agreed to eliminate the $1.50 per hour Nazcotics Agent premium effective 12/31/06.
Agreed to include Sergeants and Commanders in eligibility for time and on�halfpay on minor
Chan�e in Shift
Agreed to language that provides oompensatory time to employees whose regularly assigned shift
is changed with less than 46 houts notice due to dignitary visits to St Paul.
Bereavement Leave
Agreed to base leave eligibility on paytoll year instead of calendar year.
Meet & Confers
Ageed to non-binding meet & wnfer meetings regarding: Working Out of Classification, and
Other changes are of a housekeeping nature.
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1 Purpose ......................................................................................
2 Definitions ................................................................................
3 Recognition ...............................................................................
4 Securiry .....................................................................................
5 Employer Authority ..................................................................
6 Employee and Federation Rights Crrievance Procedure ...........
7 Sa�ings Clause ..........................................................................
8 Hours of Work and Overtime ...................................................
9 Court Time ................................................................................
10 Call Back ...................:...............................................................
11 Stand - By Tune ........................................................................
12 Uniform Allowance ..................................................................
13 Military Leave of Absence .......................................................
14 Lega1 Service .....................................................................
15 Working Out of Classification ...........................................
• 16 Insurance ............................................................................
17 Safety .................................................................................
18 Premium Pay/Special Allowances .....................................
19 Shift Differential ................................................................
20 Vacarion .............................................................................
21 Holidays .............................................................................
22 Severance Pay ...................:................................................
23 Wage Schedule ..................................................................
24 Sick Leave ..........................................................................
25 Incapacitation .....................................................................
26 Maternity Leave .................................................................
27 Funeral and Bereavement Leave ........................................
28 Discipline ...........................................................................
29 Seniority .............................................................................
30 Bidding ...............................................................................
31 Work Breaks ......................................................................
32 Change in Shift ..................................................................
33 Duration and Effective Date ..............................................
Appendix A Uniform Allowance ...............
.............................. 4
.............................. 8
.............................. 8
.............................. 9
.............................. 9
.............................. 9
............................ 10
............................ 10
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............................ Al
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This AGREEMENT is entered into, between the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter refeaed
to as the EMPLOYER, and the Saint Paul Police Federation, hereinafter referred to as the
as its basic objecrive the promorion of the mutual interests of the City of Saint Paul and its
• employees to provide the highest level of services by methods which will best serve the needs of
the general public.
d5 -110�-
1.1 The EMPLOYER and the FEDERATION agree that the purpose of entering into this
1.1(1) Achieve orderly and peaceful relations, thereby establishing a system of
�t€F� operations and the highest Ievel of performance that is
consistent with the well-being of ali concemed.
Establish the full and complete understanding of the parties concerning the
terms and conditions of this AGItEEMENT.
Establish procedures to orderly and peacefully resolve disputes as to the
application or interpretation of this AGREEMENT.
Place in written fonn the parties' agreement upon terms and conditions of
employment for the duration of this AGREEMEN'T'.
• 2.2
Saint Paul Police Federarion
The City of Saint Paul
2.3 FEDERATION MEMBER: A member of the Saint Paul Police Federarion
A member of the FEDERATION'S exclusively recognized
bazgaining unit
The collective bargaining agreement between the
2.6 DEPARTMENT HEAD: The Chief of Police, CiTy of Saint Paul
3.1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the FEDERATION as the exclusive representarive for the
purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of exnployment for all full-
time police department personnel; excluding supervisory employees, confidential
employees, part-time employees, temporary or seasonal employees and all other
employees exelusivelg represented by other organizations.
3.2 Job classes that are within the bargaining unit and covered by this AGREEMENT aze as
Communicarions Services and Maintenance Supervisor
EmeFgency Communicatioas_CenterManager_____ ___ _
Emergency Communications Center ShiB Supervisor
Emergency Communications Center Fire Disgatcher I
Emergency Communications Center Police Dispatcher
Emergency Communications Center Telecommunicator
Police Officer
Police Trainee
Sergeant --- — --
33 In the event ihe EMPLOYER and the FEDERATION aze unable to agree as to the
inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job position the issue shall be subxiutted to
the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination.
4,1 The EMPLOYER shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a
deduction, in writing, an amount necessary to cover monthly FEDERATION dues. Such
monies shall be rernitted as directed by the FEDBRATION.
The FEDERATION may designate employe�es from the bargaining unit to act as stewazds
and shall inform the EMPLOYER in writing of such choice.
The EMPLOYER sbatl make space available on the employee bulletin board for posting
official FEDERATION norices and announcements.
If upon review, the department head or authorized representative in chazge of the facitlity
or work area where the notice(s) or announcement(s) is to be posted disapproves of the
posted item(s), it shall be removed.
4.4 The FEDERATION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any
and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the City as a result of
any action taken or not taken by the City under the provisions of this Article.
4.5 Release tnne for negotiations. During each round of negotiations, four individuais (not
includiug the Fe@eratioa President) will be aliowed to meet witk the City's authorized
representative, without loss of pay, for the purpose of wage, salary, or fringe benefit
discussions. Each individual is eligible for up to 12 hours of such release time.
4.6 Federation Release Titne Bank. Each member of the Federation shall have Itis/her
vacation batance reduced by three (3) hours annually for the purpose of establishing a
Federation Release Time Bank of vacation hours to be used by the Federation President
and Members of the Federation Board to conduct union business. The individual elected
Federation President shall be released from a minimum of 50% (1040 hours) of his/her
normal duties, members of the Federation Executive Boazd may utilize the remaining
l� -//b�
ARTICLE 4 - SECURITY (Continued)
• hours donated. The donation bank shall be established each yeat based on the number of
employees covered by the bargaining unit as of the first date of the new payroll year. The
Federation will provide annual written notice to the Department of who is eligible for
Federafion Release foz the year. Eligible Federation Boazd members must receive prior
authorization from his/tser supervisor. The Federation shali make monthly Release Time
usage repa�to-tke Department. Failure to make a monthly report will result in
forfeiture of the remaining balance of hours in the Federation Release Time Bank. There
shall be no annual carryover of any unused Federation Release Time hours.
In addition, the Federation will pay a$5000.00 administrative fee each year to the
It is understood that the PresidenY s release time will be taken in whole day increments as
much as possible and that the President will work with his/her supervisor to identify
which days each pay period will be release time days. It is also understood that, during
hisJher release time, the Federation PresidenYs activides are up to the Federarion's
discretion. Boazd Member release time wiil be taken in whole hour increments. Once
board release time is approved by the menaber's supervisor, the Board member's
activities are up to the Federation's discretion so long as the release time is used for
leg'ttimate union business.
It is further understood that, as with all employees and consistent with Article 30, the
• assignment (including any special assignments) for the individual serving as Federation
Preside�t wcltbe determined by the DEPARTMENT HEAD.
5.1 The FEDERATION recognizes the prerogatives of the EMPLOYER to operate and
manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of
appropriate authorities. The prerogatives and authority that the EMPLOYER has not
officially abridged, delegated or modified by this AGREEMENT are retained by the
5.2 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent
managerial policy wluch include, but are not limited to such areas of discretion or policy
as the functions and pro�ams of ffie EMPLOYER, its overall budget, utilization of
tecluiology, and organizational structure and selection, and direction and number of
- - -- -- -
- - - ----- -- -
--- ---
A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as Yo the interpretation or app�icafion
of the specific terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT.
It is specificatly understood that any matters governed by Civil Service Rules or statutory
provisions shall not be cottsidered grievances and subject to the grievance procedure
hereinafter set forth. However, disciplinary actions may be appealed to either the Civil
Service Commission or to an arbitrator. If disciplinary action is grieved under the terms
of this contract, the union's Step 2 written grievance must state whether the grievance, if
still unresolved after Step 3, will be appealed to the Civil Service Commission or to an
Nothing in this Article precludes employees from pursuing whatever recourse they may
have under the terms of the Veterans Preference Act.
The EMPLOYER will recognize REPRESENTATIVES designated by the •
FEDERATION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit kaving tke duties
and responsibilities estabiished by this Article. The FEDERATION shall notify the
EMPLOYER in writing of ffie names of such FEDERATION REPRESENTATIVES and
of tfieir successors when so designated.
It is recognized and accepted by the FEDERATIQN aad the EMPLOYER that the
processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and
responsibilities of the EMPLOYEES and shall therefore be accomplished during normal
working hours only when consistent with such EMPLOYEE duties and responsibilities.
The aggrieved EMPLOYEE and the FEDERATION REPRESENTA'FIVE shall be
allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss in pay when a grievance is investigated
and presented Yo the EMPLOYER during normal working hours, provided the
EMPLOYEE and the FEDERATION REPRESENTATIVE haue notified and received
the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is
reasonable and would not be detrimentai to the work programs ofthe EMPLOYER.
• PROCEDURE (Continued)
Grievances, as defined by Secrion 6.1, shall be resolved in conformance with the
following procedure:
Step 1 An EMPLOYEE claiming a violation conceming the interpretation or
application of the CONTRACT shall, within twenty-one (21) calendar
days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievances to
the EMPLOYEE'S supervisor as designated by the EMPLOYER. The
EMPLOYER designated representative will discuss and give an answer to
such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendaz days after receipt. A
grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in
writing setting forth the nature of this grievance, the facts on which it is
based, the provision or provisions of the CONTRACT allegedly violated,
the remedy requested, and sha11 be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10)
calendar days after the EMPLOYER designated representative's final
answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the
FEDERATION witrrin ten (10) calendaz days shall be considered waived.
Step 2 If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the
• FEDERATION to, and discussed with, the EMPLOYER designated Step
2 representative. The EMPLOYER designated representative shall give
the FEDERATION the EMPLOYER' S Step 2 answer in writing within
ten (10) caleridar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance
not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendaz
days following the EMPLOYER designated representative's final Step 2
answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the
FEDERATION within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived.
Step 3 If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the
FEDERATION to, and discussed with the EMPLOYER designated Step 3
representative. The EMPLOYER designated representative shall give the
FEDERATION the EMPLOYER'S Step 3 answer in writing within ten
(10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not
resolved in Step 3 may be appealed by the FEDERATION to Step 4
within ten (10) calendaz days following the EMPLOYER designated
representative's final answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in
writing to Step 4 by the FEDERATION within ten (10) calendaz days shall
be considered waived.
PROCEDURE (Continued)
Oplional Mediation Step
1. If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 3,
either the Federation or the Employer may, within ten (10)
- - - - -- ----
calendar_days,-request-mediation. �f th�parties-agree-tha�t�te- - --- - --- - - --- --
grievance is suitable for mediation, the patties shall submit a joint
request to the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services for the
assignment of a mediator.
Grievance mediation shali be completed within 30 days of the
2. Grievance mediation is an optionat and voluntary part of the
grievance resolution process. It is a supplement to, not a substitute
for, grievance arbitration. When grievance mediation is invoked,
the contractual time Iimit for moving the grievance to arbitration
shall be delayed for the period of inediation.
3. The grievance mediation process shall be informal. Rules of
evidence shall not apply, and no record shall be made of the
proceeding. Both sides shall be provided ample opportunity to •
present the evidence and argument to support tfieir case. The
mediator may meet with the parties in joint session or in separate
4. At the request of both parties, the mediator may issue an oral
recommendation for settlement. Either party may request that the
mediator assess how an arbitrator might rule in tlus case.
5. The grievant shall be present at the grievance mediation
proceeding. If the grievance is resolved, the grievant shall sign a
statement agreeing to accept the outcome. Unless the parties agree
otherwise, the outcome shall not be presidential.
6. If the grievance is not resolved and is subsequently moved to
azbitration, such proceeding shall be de novo. Nothing said or
done by the parties or the mediator during grievance mediation
with respect to their positions concerning resolution or offers of
settlement may be used or referred to during arbitration.
Step 4 A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to 5tep 4 shall be
submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of the Public
Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971. The selection of an arbitrator •
shall be made in accordance with the 'Rules Governing the Arbitration of
Grievances" as established by the Boazd Bureau of Mediation Services.
� �/lba-
• PROCEDURE (Continued)
A. The azbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or
subtract from the terms and conditions of the AGREEMEI�T. The arbitrator shall
consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the
EMPLOYER and the FEDERATION, and shall have no authority to make a
decision on any other issue not so submitted.
B. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or
inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws,
rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision
shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following the close of the
hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever is later, unless the
parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be based solely on the
arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this
AGREEMENT and to the facts of the grievance presented.
C. The fees and expenses for the azbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne
equally by the EMPLOYER and the FEDERATION, provided that each party
shall be responsibie for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If
• either pariy desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a
record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a
verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost sha11 be shared equally.
If a gievance is not presented within the 6me limits set forth above, it shall be
considered "waived." If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified
time limit, or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of
the EMPLOYER' S last answer. If the EMPLOYER does not answer a grievance or an
appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the FEDERATION may elect to treat the
grievance as denied at that step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next step.
The time lunit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreexnent of the
EMPLOYER and the FEDERATION in each step.
All documents, communicarions and records dealing with a grievance shall be filed
separately from the personnei files ofthe invoived EMPLOYEE(S).
7.1 This AGREEMENT is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota
and the City of Saint Paul. In the event any provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be
held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose fsnal judginent
or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be
— -
voidad� AlI otl�ec provisions sfiaTl conh'nue in fnl�force and effect The voided provision
may be renegotiated at the written request of either party.
�' •� � � �� � � � i iy
8.1 The normal work day shatl be eight (8) consecutive hours per day except for those
employees assigned to the 4/40 shift where the normal work days shall be ten (10)
consecutive hours per day. For employees assigned to the 5/3 shift, the normal work day
shall be nine (9) consecutive hours per day. For employees assigned to the 4/2 shift, they
may be required to work a ten (10) hour day or an eight (8) hour day consistent with the
schedule and as assigned by the DEPARTMENT HEAD.
8.2 The normal work period shatl be eighty (80) fiours in a work period o£fourteen (14) days.
For employees assigned to the 5/3 shift, the normal work period shall be one hundred
sixty (160) hours in twenty-eight (28) days.
83 This section shall not be construed as and is not a guarantee of any hours of work per •
normal work day or per normal work week.
8.4 All employees shall be at the location designated by theit supervisor, ready for work, at
the established starting time and shall remain at an assigned work location until the end
of the established work day unless otherwise directed by their supervisor.
8.5 Employees will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the
Employee's normal hourly rate in either compensatory time or in cash, subject to the
limitations of Section 8.2, for hours that exceed daily planned scheduling by the
EMPLOYER. The EMPLOYER shall use its best efforts to equitably distribute overtime
work when scheduling events or other work that is not unique or particular to any one
8.6 Employees may accumulate up to a maximwn of one hundred (100) hours of
compensatory time.
���! /��
9.1 EMPLOYEES required to appear in court during scheduled off-duty time will be
compensated at the rate of one and on�half (1.5) times the EMPLOXEE' S normal hourly
rate for hours worked with a m;nimum of four (4) hours at the EMPLOYEE'S normat
hourly rate.
9.2 The m;n;mum of four (4) hours shall not apply when such court time is an extension of or
an eaziy report to a scheduled shift.
10.1 EMPLOYEES called to work during scheduled off-duty time will be compensated at the
rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the EMPLOYEE'S normal hourly rate for hours
worked with a xninimum of four (4) hours at the EMI'LOYEE' S normal hourly rate.
10.2 The minimum of four (4) hours shall not apply when such call to work is an extension of
or an early report to a scheduled shift.
11,1 An EMPLOYEE required to stand-by for cnurt appeazance during scheduled off-duty
• tixne will be compensated for a minimum oftwo (2) hours based on the EMPLOYEE'S
normal hourly rate for such day he/she is required to stand-by, but such compensation
shall not apply where the EMPLOYEE is called to court for an appearance on the case
subject to the stand-by request or for any other case.
11.1(1) If an employee is on standby for a court appeazance and is called into
court, heJshe will receive not less than two (2) hours pay based on his/her
normal hourly rate.
11.2 The two hour minimum compensation for stand-by sha11 not apply if notification is given
that the stand-by is canceled prior to 6:00 p.m. of the preceding day.
113 Unless notified to the contrary, stand-by status shali confinue for a ma:cimum of two
consecutive days, at which tnne the EMPLOYEE shall be required to contact the City or
County triai lawyer or his/her secretary in charge of scheduling by 1600 hours the day
following iniriarion of stand-by status, who will then continue or cancel stand-by status as
required and maintain an appropriate record of such notification.
t2.1 The 1972 base of oae-kundred eighty ($ 280.00) dollars as a clothing allowance on a
voucher system will be increased on January 1,1974 and each yeaz thereafter on the basis
of a yearly study of the increased cost of the defined uniform. The 1972 base cost of the
uniforms are defined in Appenduc A.
12.2 Article 12.1 shall apply only to the following job classes:
Police Officer
123 Effective 7anuary 1, 2006, all other job classes under this AGREEMENT shall be entitled
to two hundred seventy five ($275.00) dollars each yeaz as a clothing allowance on a
voucher system. This amount shall be increased by the annuat pencentage wage increase
for Emergency Communications Center classifications in subsequent years.
Any employee who sha11 be a member of the National Guard, the Naval Mititia or any �
other component of the militia of the state, now or hereafter ora ni�ed or constituted
under state or federallaw, or who shall be a member of the Officer's Reserve Corps, the
Rnliat Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve or any other
reserve component of the military or naval force of the United States, now or hereafter
organized or constituted under federal law, shall be entifled to leave of absence from
employment without loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leaue or
other benefits for atl time when such EMPLOYEE is engaged with such organization or
component in trainuig or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority
pursuant to law, whether for state or federal purposes, pmvided that such leave shall not
exceed a total of fifteen (15) days in any calendaz year, and further provided that such
lea�e shall be allowed only in case the required military or naval service is satisfactorily
perFormed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established. Such leave shall
not be allowed unless the EMPLOYEE (1) returns to hislher position immediately upon
being relieved fram such military or navai service and not Iater than the expiration of
time herein limited for such feave, or (2) is prevented from so returning by physical or
mental disability or other cause not due to such EMPLOYEE'S own fault, or (3) is
required by proper authority to continue in such xnilitary or naval service beyond the time
herein limited for such leave.
Any EMPLOYEE who engages in active service in time of war or other emergency
declared by proper authozity or any of the military or naval forces of the state or of the
United States for which leave is not otherwise allowed by law, shall be entitled to leave
of absence from employment without pay during such service with right of reinstatement
and subject to such wnditions as are imposed by law.
13.3 Such leaves of absence as aze granted under Article 13 shall conform to Minnesota
Statutes, Section 192 as amended from time to time and shall confer no additional
benefits other than those granted by said statute.
14.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect of duty,
EMPLO'YER shail defend, save hamiless and indemnify an EMPLOYEE and/or lus/her
estate against any claun or demand, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an
alleged act or omission occurring in the performance and scope of EMPLOYEB' S duties.
14.2 Notwithstanding Article 14.1 above, the Employer shall not be responsible for paying any
legal service fees or for providing any legal service arising from any legal action where
the employee is the Plaintiff.
15.1 EMPLOYER shail avoid, whenever possible, working an EMPLOYEE on an out-of-class
assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any BMI'LOYEE working an out-of-class
assigosnent for a period in excess of fifteen ( I S) working days during a year shall receive
the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classification not later than the
sixteenth (16) day of such assignment. For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class
assi�unent is defined as an assignxnent of an employee to perform, on a full-time basis,
all of the siguficant duties and responsibilities of a position different from the
employee's regular posifion, and which is in a classification higher than the classificafion
held by such employee. The rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment s�,.il be
the same rate the employee would receive if such employee received a regulaz
appointment to the higher classification.
Active Employee Insarance
16.1 ' Th�msuraftce plans, prem}ums for-co�erage the insurauce
---- — —
- --
p ans o ered by the Employer shali be solely controlled by the contracts negotiated by
the Employer and the benefit providers. The Employer will attempt to pravent any
changes in the benefits offered by the benefit providers. However, the employees
selecting the offered plans agree to accept any changes in benefits which a specific
provider implemenfs.
If in either yeaz the number of plans increases, the increase witl be based on the average
162 Effective for the 7anuary 2006 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee covered
by this agreement who is employed full-time and who selects single employee health
insurance coverage provided by the Employer, the Employer agrees to contdbute the
2005 single contribution per month, plus 70% of the average increase in the single
premium of all plans for 2006. For 2006 only, employees participating in either of the
two low-cost plans shall receive an additionat $7.26 per month toward the cost of the two
low-cost plans, or the full cost of the two plans, whichever is less.
For each eligible fu11-time employee who selects family health insurance coverage, the •
Employer will contabute 70% of the average premium of all plans.
I63 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," a1I benefit eligible empIoyees (i.e. 40 hours/pay period or
more) must select at least singte health insurance coverage and $ I0,000 of Iife insurance
coverage. The City will contribute the cost of the $10,000 mandatory life insuranc�
Tt is understood that these mandatory coverages (single health and $10,0001ife) may not
be waived. However, an employee covered by this agreement whose spouse is also
employed by the City of Saint Paul, and is eligible to participate in the City's health
insurance plan, will not be required to select mandatory health insurance coverage as long
as one of the spouses is pazticipating in tfie City's insurance plan with family coverage.
The mandatory life insurance continues to apply. Ia this event, two hundred and twenty
five dollars ($225.00 per month) shall be eligibie for payment as unused benefit doltars.
Such payment shall be made during the month of Jattuary far the previous insurance year.
16.4 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to
participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts ofFered by the Employer. The service fee
charged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the
Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account
will be paid by the Employer. •
� � //D �
ARTICLE 16 — INSURANCE (Continued)
Survivor Insurance
16.5 In the event of tt�e death of an active employee, the dependents of the empioyee shall
have the option, within thirty (3D) days, to continue the current hospitalization and
medical benefits, including such plan improvements as may be made from time to time,
which said dependents previously had, at the premium and Employer contribution
applicable to eligi�ble early retirees. The date of death shall be considered to be the date
of retirement.
In the event of the death of an early retiree or a regulaz retiree, the dependents of the
retiree shall have the option, within thirty (30) days, to continue the curreat
hospitalization aad medical benefits which said dependents previously had, at the
premium and Employer contribution accorded to the eligible deceased retiree.
In the event of the death of an employee killed in the line of duty, the Employer wili
contribute 100% of the premium for either single or fanuly health insurance coverage for
eligible dependents. An eliable dependent who is not enrolled in the City's health
insurance program at the tune of the employee`s death will have an option to enroll at the
n�t annuai open enrollment period.
Tt is further understood that coverage shall cease in the event of:
16.5(1) Subsequent remarriage of the surviving spouse of the deceased employee
oz retiree.
16.5(2) The employment of the surviving spouse or dependent where health
insurance is obtained through a group program provided by said
Employer. In this event, however, the surviving spouse or dependent sha11
have the right to maintain City health insurance for the first ninety (90)
days of said employment.
Retiree Insurance
16.6 Employees who retire must meet the foliowing condirions in order to be eligible for the
Employer contributions listed in Articles 16.7 through 16.10 below toward a heaith
insurance plan offered by the Employer:
Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act covering
employees of the City of Saint Paul at the time of retirement, and
Have severed hisiher relationship with the City of Saint Paul under one of
the retiree pians, and
16.6(3) Have completed at least 20 years of service (20 consecutive years of
service for any employee hired or separating and returning to the City after
January 1, 2006) with the City of Saint Paul or be receiving a disability
pension, and
ARTICLE 16 - INSURANCE (Continued)
Employees ia the job classificafion of Police Trainee, Police Of&cer, Sergeant,
Lieutenant and Commander, fiired ai�er JuTy T, 2005� ska� not �e eligibl�taFeceive the
Employer contributions described in Articles 16.7 through 16.10. In lieu of such
contributions for retiree +n��r�n�, �e Employer shall pay $350 per yeaz into the
employee's account in a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) maintained by the
Employer. Such contributions shall be made on or before 1vlarch 1, and shall be credited
for the previous caiendar year. Only employees in the job classification of Police
Trainee, Police Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant and Commander who aze on the department
payroll on January 1 of the previous calendar yeaz sha11 qualify for the PEF1P
conhibution; except that such employees wfio are separated from employment during the
previous year and who have at least ten (10) years of service will receive a pro-rated
contributioa. Neither emptoyees who have separated their employment with ttte Ciry by
reason of involuntary termination for misconduct nor employees with Iess than ten (10)
years of service snaii be eligibie for any pro-rated contriburion.
16.6(4) Have severed tris/her relationship with the City of Saint Paul for reasons
other thatl an involuntary tennination for misconduct.
Early Retirees
This Article shall apply to emptoyees who;
16.7(1) Retire on or after January 1, I996, and
16.7(2) Were appointed on or before December 31, 1495, and
I6.7(3) Have not attained age 65 at retirement, and
16.7(4) Meet the tenns set forth in Article 16.6 above, and
16.7(5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer.
Unfil such refirees reach sixty-fivs (65) yeats of age, the Employer agrees to contribute a
maximum of $350.00 per month foward the pzemium for single or family health
insurance wverage. Any unused portion of the Employer's contdbution shall not be paid
to the retiree.
When such early retiree attains age 65, the provisions of Article 16.9 shall appiy.
TIris Arficle shail apply to employees who:
16.8(1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and
16.8(2) Were appointed on or after 7anuary 1,1996, and
16.8(3) Have not attained age 65 at retirement, and
16.8(4) Meet the terms set forth in Article 16.6 above, and
16.8(5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer.
Until such retirees reach sixty-five years (65) of age, the Employer agrees to contribute a
maximum of $300.00 per month toward the cost of single or family health insurance
0� -I/o�-
ARTICLE 16 — INSURANCE (Continued)
• coverage. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shali not be paid to the
When such early retiree attains age 65, the provisions of Azticle 16.10 shall apply.
Regular Retirees (Age 65 and over)
16.9 This Article shall apply to employees who:
16.9(1) Retire on or after 7anuary 1, 1996, and
16.9(2} Were appointed prior to January 1, 1996, and
16.4(3) Have attained age 65 at retirement, and
16.9(4) Meet the terms set forth in Article 16.6 above, and
16.9(5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer.
The Employer agrees to contribute a maYimum of $550.00 per month toward the
premium for single or family health insurance coverage offered to regular retirees and
their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to
the retiree.
This Article shall alsa apply to eazly retirees who retired under the provisions of Article
16.7 when such early retiree attains age 65.
• 16.10 This Article shall apply to employees who:
16.10(1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and
16.10(2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1996, and
16.10(3) Have attained age 65 at retirement, and
16.10(4) Meet the terms set forth in Article 16.b above, and
16.10(5) Select a heaith insurance plan offered by the Employer.
The Employer agrees to contribute a maxnnum of $300.00 per month towazd the
premium for singl,e or family health insurance coverage offered to regular retirees and
their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to
the retiree.
This Article shall also apply to early retirees who retired under the provisions of Article
1 b.8 when such early retiree attains age 65.
16.11 The contriburions indicated in P„-ticle 16 shall be paid to the Bmployer's third party
administrator or designated representative.
16.12 A retiree's participation in the City's health insurance plan must be continuous. The
retiree must be participating in a City health insarance plan at the tirue of retirement. If a
• retiree chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retirement or if a retiree
discontinues his/her participation at a later date, such retiree will not be eligible for any
fuhue participation or for any Employer conhibution..
ARTICLE 16 — INSURANCE (Cont'tnued)
16.13 Effective for employees who retire on or after July 1, 2003, addirional dependents beyond
tliose of record at the time of retirement may not be added to the retiree's health
insurance plan at City expense after retirement.
1�.1 EMPLOYER and EMPLOYEE shall cooperate in the enforcement of all applicable
regulations for the enforcement of job safety. If an EMPLOYEE feels that his/her work
duties or responsibilities require such EMPLOI'EE to be in a situaiion tfiat violates
federal or state safety standards, tke matter shall be immediately considered by the
EMPLOYER. If such matter is not satisfactorily adjusted, it may become the subject of a
grievance and will be processed in accordance with the grievance procedure set forth
In addition to other compensation payable, any fixil-time employee designated as a
member of the Critical Incident Response Team (CIR� and Hostage Negotiation Team
shall be granted an allowance of one hundred twenty ($120.00) dollars biweekly. Only •
employees who have satisfactorily completed all required training shall be eligible for
such assignment designarion and special allowance.
In addi6on to other compensation payable, Canine handlers who aze required to keep the
dogs in their homes, transport them in their private cars, etc., shatl be ganted an
allowance not to exceed one hundred seventy ($170.00) dollars biweekly. Such
allowance shall be considered payment, also, for the keeping in condition of uniforms
and equipment and sustenance of the animal. Such allowance shall be payable only
during the time the employee is performing duties as outlined above.
A. Any Police Officer, Emergency Commuttications Center Telecommunicator,
Emergency Communicafions Center Police Dispatcher, or Emergency
Communicarions Center Fire Dispatcher who is assigned to the duties of a Field
Training Officer, or Communication Trainittg Officer shall be paid a differential
of $1.50 per hour above lus/her regulaz base rate for those slufts actually worked
by the employee. Only employees who have satisfactorily completed all required
training shall be eligible for such assignuient and pay differential.
• B. Effective January 1, 2000, the Employer may assign up to sixty (60) Police
Officers to the duties of a Full-Time Field Training Officer and up to fifteen (15)
Sergeants to the duties of a Full-Time Field Trainiug Supervisor. Said
EMPLOYEES shall be paid a differential of $1.50 per hour above his/her regulaz
base rate for all hours during the period he/she is so designated. Only Police
Officers and Sergeants who have satisfaetozily completed all required training
delineated by the DEPARTMENT HEAD shall be eligi�le for such assignment
and pay differential. Full-Time Fieid Training Offccers and Supervisors will be
designated and defined by the DEPARTMENT HEAD. These EMPLOYEES
shall provide various training in the field and perform other training duties as
assigned by the DEPARTMENT HBAD. These EMPLOYEES shall provide
various training in the field and perform other training duties as assigned by the
Any employee designated as a member of the Ordnance Disposal Unit shall be paid a
differential of $1.50 per hour above his/her base rate. Only employees who have
satisfactorily completed ali required training shall be eligible for such assignment and pay
Any Police Officer assigneci as a Narcatics Agent to the Nucotics Unit shail be paid a
differential of $1.50 per hour above his/her base rate. Effective December 31, 2006, th.is
premium shall be eliminated.
Effective the fust day of the pay period closest to January 1, 2003, employees working in
the title, Police Officer, and assigned as a School Resource Officer shall be paid a
differential of $0.75 per hour above his/her base rate.
Employees working in the ritie, Police Officer, and assigned to one of the Dishicts,
FORCE, Canine, Mounted, SRO or Traffic & Accident shall receive one and a half
percent (1.5%) per hour above the base rate.
Employees covered by trris agreement who have a least three (3) years of service with the
Department, will receive four percent (4%) per hour above their base rate for maintaizung
• licenses and successful complefion of Department and State mandated training. The
Employer reserves the right to pay such premiums Yo employees with less than three (3)
yeazs in the Deparhnent providing such etnployee holds the required certi&cation. F'ue S
Dispatcher shall be included in the above allowance because they aze required to have an
EMT certificate,
Any ceztified Commander who is assigued tke duties of a"Senior Commander" shall
receive five percent (5%) per hour above their base rate.
The number and nature of such Senior Commander assignments shali be defermined
solely by the Chief.
The Cluefmay remove employees from Senior Commander assignments at anytime. The
Chief shall make such assigmnents only from among employees holding the rank of
Assignments to and removals from Senior Commander duties shall not be subject to the
provisions of Article 6(Grievance Procedure) of this agreement
It is recogoized that the intent of item #5 on the December 8, 1499 Memorandum of
Agreement was that the following individuals are petmanenfly "grand fathered" to a rate
of wmpensation no lower than the "Senior Commander" rate. These individuals are the •
only remaining individuais who were in certified Commander tifles prior to the
implementation of the December 8, 1999 Memorandum of Agreement:
Nattcy DiPema Richard Gazdell
The DEPARTMENT HEAD shatl designate EMPLOYEES to be paid a premium above
ffieir base rate if certified as proficient in language sldlls other than English as delineated
by the DEPARTMENT HEAD. The premium for EMPLOYEES who are designated
shail be two percent (2%).
19.1 Any employee who works a shift beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than
6:00 p.m., and providing that four or more hours of the shift are between 6:00 p.m. and
6:00 a.m. shall be paid a differential of five percent (5%) of the employee's base rate for
all hows of the shift actually worked by the employee.
Any employee who works a shi$ beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than
6:00 p.m., but less thaa four kours of the sluft worked are between the kours of 6:00 p.m.
and 6:00 a.m. shall be paid a night differential of five percent (5%) of the employee's •
base rate for only the hours actually worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
20.1 Each full-time employee shall be granted vacation according to the following schedule:
Years of Service
0 thru 5 yeazs
after � yeazs
after 10 years
after 15 years
after 20 yeazs
Vacation Granted
15 days
20 days
23 days
25 days
27 days
Empioyees who work less than full-time shall be granted vacation on a pro rata basis.
20.2 The head of the Departcnent may pennit an employee to carry over into the following IRS
payroll reporting yeaz up to one hundred twenty (120) hours of vacafion. However, if
requested by an employee, the Deparfinent Head may compensate the employee in cash
at the end of each Il2S payroll reporting yeaz for any or all hours for which the employee
requests payment. Payment shall be at the rate of pay in effect at the time payment is
203 Employees with at least 180 days of accuruulated unused sick leave sha11 be allowed to
convert two (2) days of unused sick leave to one (1) day of vacation up to a maxunum of
• five (5) days of vacation. This conversion provision may be applied only to the extent
that the balance of unused sick leave is not reduced lower than 180 days.
20.4 The above provisions of vacation shali be subject to Resolution No. 6446, Section I, sub.
21.1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be recognized and observed
as paid kolidays:
New Yeazs' Day
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents' Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans' Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Eligible EMPLOI'EES shal� Feceiae pay for each of the holidays listed above, on which
they perform no work. For employees normally assigned to a work week of Monday
through Friday, the following sha11 apply:
21.1 {1) Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fail on Sahuday, the
preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday.
ARTICLE 21— HOLIDAYS (Continued)
Wlienever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Sunday, the
succeeding Monday shall be observed as the holiday.
For those employees assigned to a work week other than Monday through
Friday, t5e TialitTay shall be observed oa �ie- calendar-date of the holidaq._
21.2 Note, begirming with gayroll year 2003, floating kofldays were eliminated and moved
into the vacation schedule.
21.3 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an EMPLOYEE
mnst be employed as of the date of the holiday and have paid hours on the payroll for that
pay period. The amount of holiday time earned shall be based upon the number of tton-
holiday hours paid during that pay period (see proration charts in Salary Plan and Rates
of Compensation). For the purpose of this section, non-holiday hours paid includes hours
actualty worked (excluding overtime), vacation time, compensatory time, paid leave and
sick leave. It is fiuther understood that neither temporary, emergency noz other
employees not heretofore eligible shall raceive holiday pay.
21.4 If an employee entitled to a holiday is required to work on New Year's Day, Memorial
Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Martin Luther
King Day, PresidenYs Day, Day After Thanksgiving, or Veterans' Day, he/she shall be
recompersed for work done on this day by being granted compensatory tune on a time
and one-half basis or by being paid on a time and one-half basis for such hours worked,
in addition eo his/her regular holiday pay.
22.1 The Employer shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Article 22.
22.2 To be eligible for the severance pay program, an employee must meet the following
22.2(lj The employee must be voluntariIy separated from Ciry employment or
have been subject to separation, lay-off or compuisory retirement. Those
employees who aze discharged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency,
inwmpetency, or any othex disciplinary reason are not eligible for the City
severance pay program.
22.2(2) The employee must file a waiver of reemployment with the Human
Resources Director, which will clearly indicate that by requesting
severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or
reemployment (of any type), with the City or with Independent School
L}istrict No. 625.
l�� //d�-
ARTICLE 22 — 5EVERANCE PAY (Continued)
22.2(3) The empioyee must have an accumulated balance of at least six hundred
forty (640) hours of sick leave credit at the time of Fus/her separation from
22.3 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility
requirements set forth above, he/she will be granted severance pay in an amount equai to
one-half of the daily rate of pay for the position held by the employee on the date of
sepazation for each day of accrued sick leave subject to a maximum as shown below
based on the number of years of service with the City.
At Least 20
$ 5,000
$ 6,000
$ 7,QQ�
$ 8,000
$ 9,000
• 22.4 An employee who meets the eligibility requirements for a severance benefit under Article
22.3 and who meets the following additional requirements shail be granted severance pay
in the amount of tiurty thousand dollars ($30,000) in lieu of the amounts payable under
Article 22.3:
22.4(1) Non-Sworn Personnei, Any employee in the job classification of
Emergency Communications Center Telecommunicator, Emergency
Communications Center Police Dispatcher, Emergency Commuaications
Center Fire Dispatcher I, Emergency Communications Center Shift
Supervisor, Communications Services and Maintenance Supervisor, and
Emergency Communications Manager, who:
is sepazated from City employment on or after 3une 3�, 1992;
has an accumulated balance of at least one thousand eight hundred
fifty (1,850) hours of sick leave credits; and
has at least twenty five (25) yeazs of service at the time of his/her
sepazation from service, ar who separates by reason of be3ng ruled
disabled and at the time of disability separation has at least twenty
(20) years of service and begins drawing a disability pension.
22.4(2) Sworn Personnel $ired Prior to December 15,1486. Any employee in
the job classification of PoIice Trainee, Police Officer, Sergeant,
Lieutenant and Commander, who:
was hired by the City on or prior fo December Y5, t986; --- --
has an accumuiated baiance of at least one thousand eight hundred
fifty (1,850} hours of sick leave credzts; and
has at least twenty five (25} years of service at the ticne of histher
separation from service, or who separated by reason of being ruled
disabled and at tke time of disability separation has at least twenty
(20) years of service and begins drawing a disability pension.
22.4(3} Swom PersonneI Hired Between April 20,1987, through September 4,
1990. Any employee in the job classification of Police Trainee, Police
Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant and Commander, who;
was hired by the City duriag tha period from April 20, 1987,
through September 4, 149Q; •
has an accumulated balance of at least one thousand siY hundred
seventy five (1,675) hours of sick leave credits; and
has at least twenty ftve (25) years of service at the time of his/her
separation from service, or who separated by reason of being ruled
disabled and at the time of disability separation has at least twenty
(20) years of service and begins drawing a disability pensiou.
22.4(4) Sworn Personnel Hered On or After January 2,1992. Any employee in
the job classification of Police Trainee, Police Officer, Sergeant,
Lieutenant and Commander, who:
was hired by the City on or after January 2, 1991;
has an accumulated balance of at least one thousand five hundred
(1,500) hours of sick leave credits; and
has at least twenty five (25} yeazs of service at the time of his/her
sepazation from service, or who separated by reason of being ruled
disabled and at the rime of disability separation has at 2east twenry �
(20) yeazs of service and begins drawing a disability pension.
The manner of payment of such severance pay shall be made in three consecutive annual
payments of ten thousand dollazs ($10,000) each. The first payment shall be made during
the month of February in the yeaz following the yeaz in which the employee separates
his/her employment. The second and third annual payments shall be made during the
month of April in subsequent yeazs.
22.5 For the purpose of this severance program, a death of an employee shall be considered as
separation of employment, and if the employee would have met all of the requirements
set forth above, at the time of his/her death, payment of the severance pay may be made
to the employee's estate or spouse.
22.6 Severance Pay which totals ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or less shall be paid in
accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance No. 11490.
22.7 This severance pay program shall be subject to and govemed by the provisions of City
Ordinance No. 11490 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this Article
conflict with said ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this Article shall control.
Employees are not eligible for severance plans listed in City Ordinance No. 11490.
23.1 Salary ranges applicable to titles covered by this AGREEMENT shall be as shown below.
Increases aze effective on the first day of the pay period closest to the indicated effective
Effective January 1, 2006:
(or closest payperiod)
Effective the first pay period
following May 1, 2006:
2.50% rate increase for non-swom classificafions.
2.50% rate increase for sworn classifications; and
an additiona12.50% increase for Step C, Step D and
the 7-year Step.
A B C D 7 YR 10 YR 15 YR 20 YR
5/13/06 $1,672.86 $1,828.18 $2,034.13 $2,141.68 $2,216.64 $2,280.11 $2,332.34 $2,452.94
f.y�1Klf�\�Y_ `i 1 ' ��u1� t�lui
A B C D 7 YR 10 YR 15 YR 20 YR
5M3/06 $1,952.43 $2,136.46 $2,379.67 $2,506.63 $2,594.37 $2,670.07 $2,731.91 $2,873.18
A B C D 7 YR 9 0 YR 15 YR 20 YR
5/13/06 $2,335.47 $2,566.30 $2,868.54 $3,026.07 $3,131.99 $3,22925 $3,306.87 $3,477.87
A B C D E 10 YR 15 YR 20 YR
12/2M05 $9,940.83 $2,123.76 $2,203.16 $2,307.83 $2,395.05 $2,535.62 $2,594.35 $2,699.50
A B C D E 10 YR 15 YR 20 YR
12/24/05 $t,968.64 $2,122.40 $2,204.30 $2,306.24 $2,398.20 $2,506.52 $2,566.98 $2,592.14
A B C D E 10 YR 15 YR 20 YR
12/24/05 $2,487.61 $2,726.25 $2,829.85 $2,966.38 $3,080.17 $3,263.17 $3,339.82 $3,364.97
A B C D E 10 YR 15 YR 20 YR
12/24/OS $1,662.92 $1,817.31 $1,884.34 $1,972.73 $2,046.33 $2,165.30 $2,214.90 $2,240.06
A B C D E 10 YR 15 YR 20 YR
12/24l05 $1,61921 $1,757.76 $1,83527 $1,914.04 $1,997.89 $2,069.92 $2,156.09 $2,18124
A B C D E 10 YR 15 YR 20 YR
12/24/05 $1,502.26 $1,630.65 $1,700.56 $1,772.99 $1,849.24 $1,917.22 $1,994.57 $2,018.72 •
24.1 During any period in which an EMPLOYEE is absent from work on sick leave, with or
without pay, he shall not be employed or engage in any occupation for compensation
outside of his/her regular City employment: Violation of the provisions of this paragraph
by any EMPLOYEE shall be grounds for suspension or dischazge.
24.2 In the case of a serious illness or disability of a pazent or household member, the head of
the department shall grant leave with pay in order for the employee to care for or to make
arrangements for ffie care of such sick and disabled persons. Such paid leave shall be
dtawn from the employee's accumulated sick leave credits. Use of such sick leave shall
be limited for forty (40) hours per incident.
An employee may use sick leave for absences due to an illness of the employee's child
for such reasonable periods as the employee's attendauce with the child may be
necessary, on the same terms ffie empioyee is able to use sick leave for his/her own
illness. An employee may aiso use up to forty (40) hours per incident to arrange for the
caze of a seriously ill or disabled child.
243 The head of the department or the Human Resources Director may require a physician's
certificate or additional certificate at any time during an employee's use of sick leave for
the purposes stated in 24.2 above. All such certificates shall be forwarded by the
• appointing officer to the Office of Human Resources.
If an employee is absent because of the provisions of Article 24.2 for three or fewer
calendaz days heJshe shall submit to the head of the department a certificate signed by the
employee stating the nature of the child, pazent, or household member's sickness. If the
sickness continues for more than three calendaz days, no further sick leave shall be
granted unless or until a physician is consuited. The sick leave may be continued from
and including the day of consultation, but only if a certificate signed by the physician
certifying to the nature and period of the person's sickness is submitted and approved by
the head of the department and forwazded to the Office of Huxnan Resources.
24.4 No sick leave shall be granted for the above reasons unless the employee reports to
his/her department head the necessity for the absence not later than one-half hour after
his/her regulaziy scheduled time to report for work, unless he/she can show to the
satisfaction of the deparhnent head that the failure to report was excusable.
24.5 An employee sha11 be paid under the provisions of this article only for the number of days
or hours for which he/she would normally have been paid if he/she had not been on sick
24.6 Effective July 1, 2005, employees in the job classification of Police Trainee, Police
Offioer, Sergeant, Lieutenant and Commander shall accrue sick leave at the rate of tweive
• (12) days per yeaz.
25.1 Regulaz, full time, EMPLOYEES in the tifles of Police Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant and
Commander who are injured during the course of employment and thereby rendered
'vncapable of performing job duties and responsibilities shall receive full wages during the
- — — - ------
- —
period of incapacity, not to exceed the period equai to twelve (12) months plus
accumulated sick leave, It is understood that in such cases, the twelve (12) month period
shall fust be utilized and only when same is erchausted shall accumulated sick leave be
25.2 Regulaz, full time, EMPLOYEES in the tifles of Police Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant and
Commandet, who aze disabled through injury or siclmess other than specified in Section
25.1 above shall receive full wages for a period equal to accumulated sick leave plus six
(6) months as provided herein. It is understood that in such cases, accumulated sick leave
shall fust be utilized before the six (6) months, or any part thereo� shall be applicable. It
is further understood that the six (6) month period shall be available only in those years
where the last available Annual Report of the City Risk Management Office sb all show
average sick leave used per employee in the tifles of Police O�cer, Sergeant, Lieutenant
and Commander (based on the 1972 Annual Report method of calculating same) of seven
(� days or less. For any employee trired after January 1, 2006, the masimum paid time
offunder this Section 25.2 shall be three (3) months.
25.2(1) The seven (� day bazgaining unit qualification will not include sick leave •
usage in excess of four consecutive months. Sick leave days converted
under the vacation conversion program wili also be excluded.
253 EMPLOYEES injured or incapacitated by illness in the line of duty shall be entiUed to
reinstatement at any time within five (5) yeats from the date of injury or incapacity,
provided they aze physically capable of resuming their job.
25.4 Except as specifically provided in this Article, all illness and incapacity rules and policies
previously in effect shall continue.
26.1 Matemity is defined as the physical state of pregnancy of an employee, commencing
eight (8) months before the estimated date of childbirtb, as determined by a physician,
and ending six (6) montbs after the date of such birth. In the event of an employee's
pregnancy, the employee may apply for leave without pay at any time during the period
stated above and the employer may approve such leave at its opfion, and such leave may
be no longer than one (1) year.
�5 - //0 �-
27.1 Employees in the job ciassification of Emergency Communications Center
Telecommunicator, Emergency Communications Center Police Dispatcher, Emergency
Communications Center Fire Dispatchez I, Communications Services and Maintenance
Supervisor, Emergency Communications Center Sluft Supervisor, and Emergency
Communications Center Manager who have accumulated sick leave credits, as provided
in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted leave with pay for such period of time as the
Head of the Deparhnent deems necessary, on account of death of the employee's mother,
father, spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or other person who is
a member of the household. Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as
provided in the Civil Service Rules, may be granted one day of sick leave to attend the
funeral of the Employee's grandparent or grandchild.
27.2 Employees in the job classificafion of Police Trainee, Police Officer, Sergeant,
Lieutenant and Commander shall be entitled to three (3) work days per yeaz for paid
Bereavement Leaue. Paid Bereavement Leave may be used by an employee in the case
death of the employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law,
father-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or other person who is a member of the
• 27.2(1) A total of three (3) days per payroll yeaz may be used as Bereavement
Leave. Such leave shall not carry over from yeaz to yeaz.
27.2(2) Additional time ofF in the event of death of an employee's mother, father,
spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent,
grandchild, or other person who is a member of the household sha11 be
chazged to the employee's accrued vacation or compensatory tixne, Any
additional time off must be approved by the department head.
27.2{3) Bereavement Leave may only be used for those days when an employee
has been previously scheduled to work during the requested leave time.
27.2(4) The Department reserves the right to request appropriate documentation
relating to the death at issue prior to granting Bereavement Leave. Such
request for documentation shall not be subject to the provisions of Article
6 (Grievance Procedure).
27.2(5) This Article supersedes any and all Civil Service Rules relating to
utilization of paid leave for purposes stated in this article.
28.1 The Employer may discipline employees in any of the forms listed below:
Oral reprimand
Written reprimand
The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only and in accordance with the
concept of progressive discipline.
29.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this AGREEMENT, shall be defined as follows:
The length of continuous, regulaz and probationary service with the EMPLOYER from
the date an employee was first certified and appointed to a class tiUe covered by this
AGREEMENT, it being further understood that seniority is confined to the current class
assignment held by an employee. In cases where two or more employees are appointed •
to the same class tifle on the same date, the seniority shall be determined by employee's
rank on the eligible list from which certification was made. Seniority shall terminate
when an empIoyee retires, resigns, or is dischatged.
29.2 In the event it is determined by the EMPLOYER that it is necessary to reduce the
workforce, employees will be laid offby class tifle within each department based on
inverse length of class seniority as defined above.
In cases where there are promotional series, when the number of employees in these
higher tifles is to be reduced, etnployees who have held lower tifles which are in this
bargaining unit will be offered reductions to the highest of these tiUes to which class
seniority would keep them from being laid off, before layoffs are made by any class title
within any departuient.
It is understood that such employees will pick up their former seniority date in any class
of positions that they previously held.
293 Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire
after two years of layoff. However the recall rights for ranking officers (i.e.; Sergeants
and above) shall expire after three years of layoff.
30.1 Once a yeaz the Department shall hold a bid £or Patroi Officers working District
assignments. Officers assigned to a District shall be aliowed to bid for their work shifts,
i.e.; midnights, days and aftemoons and assignments to shifts wi21 be based upon an
Officer's seniority. The bid card shall also include District preference. The Department
shall attempt to assign Officers to their preferred District azea. However, when a District
assignment conflicts with a work shift bid, the work shift bid shall take preference.
30.2 The Department retains ifie right to designate speciai assignments fo Districf personnel
levels and such speciai assignments are not govemed by the seniority bid system
described above. The Department also reserves the right to make adjustments to tUe
District personnel assignments. Such reassignment shall, whenever possible, honor the
original seniority shift bids.
303 Those Patrol Officers assigned to other Units shall also be given bid cazds. If an Officer
is transferred from an assignment not covered by this section to a Team ass�gnment, the
Department shall make every effort to honor the Officer's yeazly bid cazd.
30.4 The Employer agrees to form a coixuxuttee made up of Federa6on-appointed and
Department-appointed members to meet and confer on procedures, policy, and substance
� related to the appointment of special assignment jobs.
30.5 All employer/employee committees meeting times shall be considered part of an
employee's regular work schedule. Any work performed by an employee for the
committee may be done during their normal work hours if it does not create a burden on
the unit to which they are assigned.
Once per year the EMPLOYER shall issue seniority bid cards to Emergen�y
Communications Center Telecomxnunicators, Emergency Communicafions Center Police
Dispatchers and Emergency Communications Center Fire Dispatchers. Such
$MPLOYEES shall complete the bid cazd as to preference for shift (Tour I, II, III) which
shall be assigaed base@ on classification seniority.
31.1 EMPLOYEES in the tifles of Emergency Communicafions Center Telecommunicator,
Emergency Communications Center Police Dispatcher and Emergency Communications
Center Fire Dispatcher shall be allowed adequate time from work within each four
consecurive hours of work to use the nearest convenient restroom and/or as relief from
31.2 If said EMPLOYEE is required to work a full one-half shift beyond his/her regular end of •
tour, he/she shall be entitled to the rest period that occurs during said one-half sMft.
32.1 Dignitary Visits — Should the Employer detennine in its sole discretion that schedule
changes aze necessary to provide staPfing required to adequately accommodate a visit to
5t. Paul by an individual for whom a State or Federal govemment agency has requested
special security precautions, the following schedule change provisions shall apply:
32.1(i) When an employee is required to change their normally scheduled day off
with less than 96 hours notice, the employee shall be entitled to
compensation based on the following schedule:
Minimum Advance Notice Compensation
96 hours 2 hours compensatory time
72 hours 3 hours compensatory time
48 hours 4 hours compensatory time
24 hours 5 hours compensatory time
If the employee receives less than 24 hours advance notice, ali hours
worked that depart from the employee's regular work schedule shall be •
compensated at time and on�half the employee's regulaz hourly rate.
32.1(2) When an employee is ordered to work on a scheduled off day, s(he shall
also be given an alternate day off to be determined by his/her supervisor.
The altemate day off shall be scheduled sometiune within the employee's
28-day FLSA work period, or the following 28-day FLSA work period if
the change in work schedule will not trigger FLSA overtime.
32.2 For purposes of this Section, a"change in work schedule" means changing a scheduled
off day to a scheduled work day or changing the stazting and ending time of an
employee's shift (but not the total number of consecutive hours of work} on a scheduled
work day by more than 90 minutes. This Article does not apply to changes for which the
only change from the employee's regularly scheduled shift is an early start or hold-over
that results in the employee working more hours than s/he would normally have worked
during such scheduled shift.
32.3 The provisions of this Article do not supersede and shall not be used to circumvent the
provisions of Article 9(Court Time), Article 10 (Cail Back), or other overtime provisions
of the Labor Agreement.
33.1 Except as herein provided, this Agreement shall be effective as of 7anuary l, 2006 and
shall continue in full force and effect through December 31, 2006 and thereafter until
modified or amended by mutual agreement of the parties.
Either party desiring to aznend or modify this AGREEMENT shall notify the other in
writing by June 15 of the year in which modifications are desired, so as to comply with
the provisions of the Pubiic Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971.
33.2 Retroactive pay adjustments sha11 apply to all employees of the bargaining unit who are
active employees on the date of signing of the agreement except those who have been
temiinated for cause.
� � �/ ,
f �
.� .° �. -
Labor Relafions Manager
��i� !! ZyoS
David Titus Date
Saint Paul Police Federation President
b�- //b �.
Unit Price
Overcoats .••••-••••----••••••....
Jackets, winter .................
7ackets, intermediate.......
Jackets, summer ..............
Pazkas ..............................
......................................................................................... $ 3 9.95
......................................................................................... $35.95
......................................................................................... $49.95
Rain Suits (Motorcycle Officers)....
Rain Coats .......................................
Cap Covers ......................................
Vests ...........................................
Alternate Vest ......................
Trousers, winter...........
Trousers, intermediate .
Trousers, sum�ner.........
Shirts, winter (Colored) ................................................
• Shirts, winter (Ranking Officer) ...................................
Shirts, suixuner (Colored} ..............................................
Shirts, summer {Ranking Officer) ................................
Ties ...........................................................................
............$ 2.50
....$ 8.50
....$ 5.95
.................. $ 34. 95
.................. $25.50
..........................$ 7.95
....:.....................$ 8.95
..........................$ 6.95
..........................$ 7.95
....$ 1.25
Sho s ....... ........ ................... ... ....................... ..................................................................... $19 . 00
Alternate .................................................................................................................$22.00
Chukka Boots ................................................................................:...................................$19.OQ
Ranch Weilington Boots ...................................................................................................$22.00
Overshoes .......................................................................................................................... $12.95
Alternate Overshoes ..........................................................................................................$ 6.95
Rubbers .............................................................................................................................$ 3.95
Socks (Black or Navy Blue) .......................................
Socks (Black with White Foot) ..................:................
Rubber Leg�gs .........................................................
Black Gloves .....................................................................
LTniform Caps, winter .......................................................
Uniform Caps, summer .....................................................
.....................................$ 1.50
.....................................$ 1.75
.....................................$ 4.95
..................$ 7.50
..................$ 8.75
..................$ 8.'IS
Sam Browne Helts ..........................................................
Altemate Sam Browne Belts ...........................................
Garrison ...................................................................
Cartridge Holder .............
Flashlight Holder ............
pederal Streamer Holder.
Handcuffs ........................
Handcuff Case .................
Whistle Chains
...................................................$ 1.95
Safety Helmet:
.......................................................$ 2.25
Visor ..................................................................... ........$ 1.50
Chin CuP ............................................................................................................•........$ .95
. ......................
Ch�nStrap ...................................................................................................................$ 9.95
Heavy Duty Face Shield ...............................................................
Head Suspen � .......................................................$ 4.90
sion .................................................. ....................$14.20
Outer Shell .............................................................................................•....................$ 2.95
Duty Guard ...................... ............
Y-D FIamess .......................................................
........................................................$ 2.95
......................$ 5.95
Federal ..........................................................................................
Safariland 11A ...................................................................................................
Safariland 29 ....................................................................................................
Don Hume 216 .........................................
................................................................... $15.50
The following items aze included in the clothing allowance for employees assigned to
work as Detectives:
Handcuff Holders
Unit Price
..................................$ 8.95
..........................$ 2.50
.......$ 3.50
.............:..............................................................................$ 1.50
...........................$ 2.00
................................ • •-................
- ..........................
...............................$ 3.04
OS-//b a-
This Memorandum of tJnderstanding is made and entered into this 29�' day of November, 2005,
by and between the City of St. Paul (the "Employer") and the St. Paul Police Federation (the
"Federation") to be included as part of the collective bazgaining agreement between the
Employer and the Federation for the period from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006 (the
"Labor Agreement").
• During the negotiations of tfie Labor Agreement, the parties agreed to continue to meet and
confer on the following issues in a timely manner. Although such discussions may result in an
agreement to amend the Labor Agreement, the parties sha11 be bound by the expressed terms and
condirions of the Labor Agreement with regard to all such issues unless the parties enter into a
written agreement signed by both of them which modifies or clarifies the Labor Agreement.
The tasks to be undertalcen and the issues about which the parties sha11 continue to meet and
confer aze:
Worldn� Out of Classification
The parties agree to meet and confer to discuss potential changes to the structure of how
Working Out of Classification is assigned and utilized.
The parties agree to meet and confer regarding the possible reinstatement of the Lieutenant job
Federation Release Time Schedulin¢
Should concerns arise regazding the scheduling and release of Federation Board members under
Article 4.6, the parties agree to meet and confer to discuss possible resolutions of the issue.
Other items agreed but not snecificallv referenced in the Labor Aereement:
The parties have agreed to the following terms and conditions not specifically listed in the
collective bargaining agreement.
Memorandum of Agreement on Health Insurance
The parties previously agreed to a September 15, 2005 MOA regarding the calculations of the
City's contribution to single and family health insurance for 2006.
The parties agreed that the November 2, 2000 Joint Stipulation and Order for Dismissal shall be
amended such that testing to the nearest OA1 will be reduced to 0.1.
Watch Commander Settlement
The pazties agreed to amend the Apri114, 2004 class grievance settlement regazding working out
of class for Watch Commander duties by changing the reference of calendar year to paytoll yeat.
The patties agreed that police officers one-yeaz probation (2080 hours) commences upon the
successful completion of the academy. Also, time spent on a leaue of absence does not count
toward probation time.
Narcotics Premium
Due to the elimination of the premium, employees currenfly assigned as Nazcotics Agents shall
be allowed to transfer out of the assignment upon the employee's request, subject to the
foliowing conditions: this shall only apply to current officers who aze receiving the premium; and
the Department reserves all rights to staff the assignment as needed by the Department.
,� � // 9
ason Schmi Date
Iabor Relations Manager
� 4 1 �tGari ��.�f•oS
Dave rtus r Date
President •
;u� a��m.a«