232964 . �i� ,
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� t ?
r. FILE NO. "
I j
COMM SS�ONE Robert F. Peterson TF Apr i 1 1 1 , 1967 ; � �
h t '�
� "_ I�
WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 195g, Chapter.�00, �
H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Sai t � '
Paul , may pay a portion of the assessabte costs of Sidewalk Construction when s ch :
costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, �� i
; ,
WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following desceibed parcels of proper"ty �
be relieved of the following amount: f� ` f�
Bescription Amount � I`
Lot 24, Bk. 4, Lockwoods Add. $132.82 �. . ��
Lot 17, Blk. 2, Auditors Subd. No. 69 42.64 +� ��
Lot 18, Blk. 2, Auditors Subd. No. 69 100.8g �. ��
Subj , to esmt. except the west 19•75 ft. of the N. 38 ft. ; Lot 17 and �
except the W 2 ft. of the S 35 ft. of the N 73 ft. ; Lot 17, and the ' . ' �
S 52 ft. of Lot 16, Blk. 16, Arlington Hills Add. 95•59 t' I
Lot 6, Blk. 14, Beaupre and Kelly's Add. 176.72 "
Lot 7, Blk. 14, Beaupre and Kelly's Add. 176.65 i'
South 42.89 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 15, Beaupre and Kelly's Add. 176.65 I
North 30 ft. of Lot 6 and all of Lot 7, Blk, 1 , Fairview Add. 186.26 l; �f ,
Lots 6 and 7, 'Blk: 2. Fairview Add. 163. 16 - �
Lot 6, Blk. 2, Fairview Add. 163. 16 , s
_Lot 7, Blk. 3, Fairview Add. _163. 16 I' ' I#
East 50 ft. of Lots 8, 9, 10, Blk. 3, Fairview Add. 60.63 ! '�
Lot 1 , Lanberg's Re. of Blk. 13, Beaupre and Kelly's Add. --` 197.83 1- -
Lots 13 and14, Lanberg's re. of Blk. 13, Beaupre and Kelly's Add. 176.22 �� • �
Lot 24, Blk. 16, Eastville Heights 109.72 � i
Lot 27, Blk. 16, Eastville Heights 62.72 ; �
Lot 28, Blk. 16, Eastville Heights 55•79
That part lying between Hyacinth and Oran�e, Arcade and Mendota Sts.
of the Southwest � of Section 21 , Township 29, Range 22. 154.62 . �
. . , . �
LJHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $2,395.2 ; ' I� '
now therefore be it� ��
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and �he is hereby authorized, ,
to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, code 6000, the amount of � ' E
$2,395.23, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 196�5
Sidewalk Contract 65-M-327, District No. 3, Legy No. 11 , L-6728, in the amount o , �
$2,395.23, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the Q', ty's �
'� COUNCILMEN S ha re of Loca l I mp rovemen t A i d Fund, 0920-701 . (1967) APR 121967� � ' +
Adopted by the Council �7;9-
Yeas Nays � � i
Carlson - �
APR I 219�7 !
Dalglish �
� Approved � 9- i
Holland � � �
Meredith Tn Favor � �� k
.Pet�erso��, • "yor�
, , �
Tedeaco Against ; t
�r�a�resident,j,_.By,.��� �UBLI�H�£D APR 15196� -
tl 6Ea::::�::ei9:: • �° :::�:e:.:s��o o ,
Mr. Vice Presiden: (Yeterson) !
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i' , � � '�
f' �
COMM SS�IONER �bdrL' �� P4ti�rSCN1 ' DATF �r`� „i F��
. . . �
MHBRE�IS, By �uthort�y b� tlze �..�ws af �tnneao�a fo� the y�ar i�59, Chapter 300� �
N,R. Z17 �nd ra�tfi� br f.�� !b. 19����� �PAroved �y 2r 1959. the ft�y of ��int�
���1, �Y t�Y a p!��tion of �h� �ssi►s��bt� cost� t�f $1tle�tk �onstrucfiion wher� �uc� �
co��s excesd tf� benef#�s to the propsrty owne�, � � �
,� . , - ' . ' �
�1+if�ll�AS�, ���t has;.�n. deteraiinad th�t the� foti�ring des��tbed perc�l� o� prop�rty
bs r�i.i.4Yed ,of th� fv,l�lwviRg a�ount:
, � ' . ' �
i.ot 2�, �k��i, L+ack�rands Add. ,1 . 2 �
kot �,7, �E�lk� 2, Aud,ito�rs Su6d, Ib� f�g, , . . , , ; , , . „ , �2.64 �
�kot 18, ��k. 2, Rcsdtt�rs Subd. l�lo. 69 � �00.$9 �
Sub,j. ;tQ as�t, except F6�e was� 19,:75 �'�. Qf the, �. 3� �fi, ; �Lot 17,�nd ,
sxcspt th+a W Z �t. o� �he g 35 ft. of the M 7� ft� ; t,ot� ��. and �hs � �
S SZ �t. ,of, �:o� 16a, #�k. , �6, :/Irl i ngtor� ;HI 11� Ad,d., , ' 95•59
kot 6, 11 Ic. 14, Beaupr� �nd :�,ef ly's Add. � � ' 176.7Z � ;
'�.o� 7. , �lk. l�i, ;Beaupre �nd �eel ly!s Add. . ; � , S�'6.65 � :
Sai�th��2.89 ft. of lot ��, �8�tc. �5, �aupr. rna� r�ai�y�z iEda. � 17b.65 F
Horth 3Q ��, of �.ot ,�r ,�nd +il l of �.pt 7, .Iltk�: 1, �ai rvi�w Ad�1. 186�.26 ; + ; �
�.ot� 6 and �, �lk. 2. l�ai rvteM Add. ' � 163.16 �
�ot 6, �tk, 2, f�t rvt�► Add. 163.16 r
tax 7, II]k. 3, ��+t cvl� Add. 163.16 i
�aast �0 �ft, ;of L,o�s 8. ,9,, �0, Blk. 3� ���lrview Add.. 60.63 �
Lot 1. k�nberg�� �te. of �iik. 13. ��pr� r�nd �lly's Add. 1��.83 �
I.ots i3 andl�; t,anberg's re. of @�k� 13, ��+nPra and l�eslly's Add. 1�6.2Z � t`
I.ut 2b, i�i0c. 16, ��s�vi11• I�etghts 109.y2 1
Lot 2�.t �lk, 16� �sstvil�• Hslghts fr2.� � i.
�,ot a$, Itik. 16, �s►stvi t le Hsigh�s 55.79 f �
'Fh+�t p�r� lying bet+�n Hya�tnth �nd 4r�Ale. Arceda �nd !lsncbta St�.
' of t�s 5outhw�st � of Sec�tori 21, ToNr+gh�p 29. Range x2. 154.62 � �-
Wti�R�AS�, �he total a�ount of •ss�s;abla rosts thc Ctty �y. p�y ts ��.395•�3, "
now ther�fora be it, �
R�SQLVEn, Th+�t the Coa�tssioner bf '�lubitc librk� Ua.�nd �hs� is hers�iy �uthori�ted �
to .p+►y fro� the ,1��r�nent improvea�nt �tevo�v,Ing �fund� codm 64QOy th� au�ount of �
�2,395•�3� a portion of the �essesaabMe coa,ts of Sid�w�k Co�struction� u���r ths �1965 �;
Sid��k �ontract 6��327', Dis�rlct �lo. ,3,�; °�.egy.No. i1, �;�6�28, in the �ount of
�2,395•23, aald tenNaner�t improveoent �Revolving �und to b� rei�u.rsed FrorA the �ity's �
COUNCILMEN SharA q� Loce3 '�mprovemant Aid �`und, 09�0�+701. �i967�, �� � 2 �y�� 1 �
' Adopted by the Council 19.—
Yeas Nays �
Carlson APR 121���. � �
Dalglish �=
Approved �19—
Holland �
Meredith In Favor �
Tedesco �gainst '
j: .... . .... . �..�.�ea•e,
� r
:E..�.1�.e���,��c�e?T�te:�A:x....".i�3�i�i , .
. ;
Mr. Vice President (Yeterson)
, �,
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n �I. `