05-1099Council File # �s �� / !
Green Sheet # ��a �93�
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, the Court of Appeals for the State of Minnesota has granted review of a Writ of Certiorari
2 to the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul regazding Council File No. OS-613 regarding the demolition of
3 647 York Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota and has the authoriry to stay the enforcement of the 647 York
4 Avenue Council Resolution to protect the subject matter of the appeal pursued to Susan Strombeck; and
5 WFI�REAS, the settlement of this case (Appellate Court Case No: A05-1592) is in the public interest to
6 bring to conclusion costly court proceedings and more quickly remedy the long-term nuisance conditions
7 at this property which adversely affect the community; now, therefore, be it
8 RESOLVED, that the CiTy of Saint Paul agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in the attached
9 stipulation which provide for the rehabilitation of 647 York Avenue in 180 days, per Chapter 33 of the
10 Saint Paul Legisiative Code.
Aequested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date q((ktPY171�� a�� o7-��S
Adoption Certified
Fozm A�Trrov�d by City
by Mayor for Submission to Council
Approved by
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
OS- roq�
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
Departrnentlofflce/council: Date Initiated:
co -���il 23NOV-05 Green Sheet NO: 3028934
Cor�d Person & Phone- Department Sent To Person InitiaUDate
Councilmember Dan Bostro � 0 ouncii
266$660 p 1 oancil De artmentDirecWr
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): � Number Z y„ r� k C'tv Clerk �
23-NOV-0S For 3 i
Routing �
Order 4 �
ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requesffid:
Agreeing to ffie terms and condirions outlined in the sripulation of settlement providing for the rehabilitation of 647 York Avenue in
180 days, per Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and jointly requesting the dismissal of Appellate Court Case No. A05-155 '
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city emploYee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advanqpes If Approved:
Disadvantaqes If Not Approved:
Total Amount of Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
Funtling Source: Activitv Number:
Fi nancial I nformation:
(Explain) �
OS- t oq�
IN CdUltT OFAppaai c
Scuaa 3uam�,
Ciiy of Saint Paut,
Respondent. APPELLATE COTJRT CASE 1�i0; A05-859Z
'rhis Siiputation of Sett]ement and prd�. for �ys�nisssl is entered ynto this ;�� cjay of
Navember, 2005, by and betK H�e Cm a£ Sai�C p�, ��� t"�ity'�, a municipai
corPoratioa, and Retator Snsan Strombeck.
WBEI2��45, the Relstor $ted a Writ of Certiorm% on Angust i2, Z005, c�atlenging the
decision ofthe Saint Paut City Cnunci2 ooaurring on 7u1y1 T, 2f}d5, and ieffeceed in Coimcii
ResoIution Nuaaber OS-613; and
WHEREAS, the City and Relatoz desire #o coaapromise, settle aad dismiss the pending
Proceed'mgs in order to facilitaie the rehabilitaiion of propetty Iocated at G47 Yflric in the Ciry of
Saint ?aul, h�inaesota, the Pmperry ti�t is dse subject of the underlyin� disgute;
NOW THFRE rFp� it is fiereby a�'eed and sripulaied bexween the City and Relator as
1. That Retator witI post a!62000 Pe�forrztance Bond with the Saint Paul Department of
License, lnspectioi+ and Euviromnentui Pivtection (L�P):
OS- l o9q
2. T1�az Relator shatt compieoe the repair of a!1 of the items tisted ia the Ccrtificote of
�Y Team 7nspectiou RePort vuhich was Perfotmed c�n S�}�' 22, 20Q5, with a3! sign
offs ana ap�aova3s by 8re eity code compt;ance aff cer within 1 so aays afler city co�mcil
app�vai aud finat adc}ption. Said RepozY is hereby incoEgotatsd hereia ia its eatirety yy this
3. That fhe Ciry�agrees to malce prompt inspections of work that bas becn camgleted to
avoid any delays in the pmgre,ys of the tehabilitalion. In the event � inspectioa has not eccurred
witFrin &ve business days of the rcquest, the sa�nc mmsber af daps shall be acided beyoad the
agreed vPen completian date af 3uae 1, 2406. In i�e event thc project is not completed by the
deadlinc date of June i, 2QD6, but mose than fifty perceat of fhe proj�t is campleted, a progress
reprnt shafl be immediatety submztte� to City Cvu� for the"u roview, and if city code
compliance agree the praject is at ieast 56°fo complzoe, addiGoaat tima wil9 be �ranted, not to go
���P��' 15, 2bt�, for the eompletion of tt1�c projece.
4. That Robett C. Witt of RC. Witt Constcuction witl supervise t1�e rehabilitatian af the
subJect PTaPerlY w finat completion, which inciudes tbe fia�al sign ofFan ali permits by City
Inspe��tors. '
5. 7't�at alI psyments to vroatraetots amd subco�actoss will bc rosde by Financiai
Manager B�rb Wegleituec.
6. Ti� this 3tipulatiog and fkder far F9ismissal shall Y� a&ill arat fiaal setttement ofthe
claimS asserted in tke Wrif af Geriios�ri currentty � before dus Couet
7. That the rea� property focated at  Yark in the City af Saint Paui hes been
bS - ! 099
determined to con�e a auis�ce birilr�iag by die City Cotmcil of the City af Saiat PavI and
�d P''°P�7' �a�t �emaia subjeci to thc Police pomers af the City of Saint Paul duaicg its
completion. The mH�.,r ca�ditioa wilt not terrainate �aiil there has bee� a fiaat sign off by
Crt5' In,ypecwrs. Any �tices of �fici�cy or eorrectioa shali be provided to the Relator as
provided by }aw.
S. 'Fhat the City will exercise iSs Pofice Powers #o abate the mrisaace at 647 York in the
City of Saint Paut, if tfie rehab�7itation of this property exceeds tfie a�ed ugon de�lta�e of
Septcmber i S, 300G, or any date that exceeds a deadtine that has been agreed upvn by both
9. That Ret�tvr agrees, upan co�typtetiaa ofthe rehabilitation and prior w using tfie
pmperty for renial, to commit to using a nputable t,enanY s�reemng agency a�! to abserve aI2 of
the guideiines and recommendstions promuigated by tFre Crime Fne Multi-FTousing ProBram at
the City of Saint Paui Police Deparhneni FORG� i�nit
16. Thsi fha sub.lect PmPeriY anci s�ounding $,�ounds witi be maintained in campllance
wit� ati city codes until the faaat compietion anct sign off oftl�e rchabili[arian of the property,
1 I. That the abovic entitied matter having been fiylly cmntpmnmised axid settled� it is
stipulated and agreed fi�at the same is horaby dismissed an the meriis with prejudice and withaut
cosfs or disbucsemems fo either party, and that upon the filing of rhis 3tipuEsfion, tfic abave
namet3 Court of Appeats is audmrized to dismiss t�e actia�n of reeord.
1\VV U7'1Y 4�111 i..lf Jf�llll 1'iII.IL
aS - l �9�
IN WITNFSS �Y$ERE4F, tfie partzes Lereto, aclmowledge tfist this agreGment is the
entire ag}eement af tire panies with regaz�d ta the prop�y Icuated at 647 Yark in the City of
5aint Panl, Mismesota. �
bat�: / � " /0 � C� S 20Q5.
B �
' A. i;anson 41247408
sistant Ciiy Attorney
40Q City �Tsll, i S W. KoIlagg Blvd.
Saint P�I, R2twT SS IO2
(651) 26G-8714
. �.
Hy� �-� • � o �
5usan Stmmbeck