232960 ,, � , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2�2�j� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� �;. . , "'�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � '� , C U N C I L R L U O N—G E N E R A L F O R M f' _ ; PRESENTED BY I- i� COMMISSIONE DATF p i� — I� � � f I SESOLVED, That the proper City officers are authorized and , � directed to aceep� the conveyance of a permanent easement for � � ;� the constr�zction, operation, and maintenance of a public stree _ i� or road, and ri$ht of way, 3:n and over the following described , ,� property: � � - I The North sixty (60) feet of the South ; , three 'hundred ei ht � �� g y (380) feet of all ' , that part of the Southwest Quarter (SW �) r ° ; of Sec�ion thirty-five (.35), Township ;� ' � twenty-nine (29), Ra.n.ge,�twen�y-two (22) I, lying South of State Trunk Highway No. �, ; 12-108, exeept the East ten hundred �, i seventy (E 1070) feet thereof. ; i - � � Sach easement being conveyed and deeded by the fee owners �: Wil].iam D. (�lapp and Rohland H. Thoma sen. �' � i � I: � � �,w,_ � " �` � �� , � i� . i ; �FOR OV D, , �: ; i Asst, Corpora ' n Counsel � I ; � . ., i �: '� . , . � �� ��t. _ �- ' ; APR1219� � � � COUNCILMEN Adopted b the Council ��9_ � Yeas Nays Y Carlson ��� 1121� � ! I Dalglish pproved 19= ' Holland }� a � Meredith In Favor ��' ' . � �� ��'�--- Mayor Tedesco � Against ' �p I .! ��::e�rgsic�giit:"B"y,�n"�;::rei!;' '„ i� :.:....s::,:::.�...•:9 ,Mr. Vice President (Peterson) PUBLI�FI�ED APR 15 1967 i� � fi � �2z �� �f - � i 3 � � � 'a DUrLICATE TO�rRINTER �29� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. _ -F � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONER DATF - ( RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are authorized an directed to accept the conveyance of a permanent easement for � ' the eonstruction, operation, and maintenance of a public etree � or road, and right of way, in and over the following de$cribed propertys _ �� The North aixty (60) feet of the South three hundred eighty (380) feet of all �: that part of the Southwest Quarter {S�T �) . of Section thirty-five (35), �ownship twenty-n�.ne (29), Range twen�y-two (22) ' lying South of Sta�e Trunk Highway No. 12-108, except the East ten hundred aeventy (E 1070) feet thereof. Sueh easement being Gonveyed and deeded by the fee owners William D. Clapp and Rohland H. Thomeeen. l �( I r � � � I i I� �, APR � � 19� ! . � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � Z ]�'�j�' � � I Dalglish Approved �g_ Holland i Meredith Tn Favor � � ���__ �yor . Tedesco � A gainst ; .ti.. ..•......... . .....,r..��tt- � �rd'u.�'�e�1��d1tJ,:BY�'.Ile���i:aE.::l� � Mx. Vice Yresident (�'eterson) ' �22 � � �e