232957 a I i r ' � � i� �I r � � { � � ��� i j Couno�l File No.23295 � I , F ''I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � � : . and ; � : PRELIMINARY ORDER. ` ± � � � Theundereignedhereby pmpoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8aint Peul�vis.p � � reconstruct the sidewalk and replace with integral curb and sidewalk on both sides•�.; � ........................_____...................................................... .............:...........................................................�..........: t : . ' � of,Universi� Ave=__from.Mackubin,St.,,to Arundel St and b_y doing,_all„other_.work f . , ; which is necessar and incidental to co lete said im rovement. ` k ...................__......Y......................................_.....n?P.............................P.......................................................... 4 ; �._.............................................................. ......................... ............. _............� � ? � Dated th�e.,._12 t h:..»....day og.........................A�r i 1............. ....., 19 6� � ................... ... .. _•w�^..:�--� . ........ � � Counoilman.� i � � � � t � T PRELIMINARY ORI2EIt. ; ; �- WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the maldng of the following improvement, via.s ° -' . , � , reconstruct the sidewalk and replace with integral curb and sidewalk on both sides� ; .................._.............................._........................................---_......_.........................................--------..................................._ s�� ; of University Ave. from Mackubin St. to Arundel St. and by doing all other work '�,� ................................................................................._... .._........................................_...................---..........._.........................- r . . ' which�is.necessary and incidennal, to complete, said improvement. ��4 ; ...._..................� .......... .-----._. ...............�....�____.... ......... .._.....___._...._.................._...--•--................_�...._.M ....M�I f � 6sving been preseated to the Counoil of the City of$aint Paul..............._..........._.................................._.._._ ��!j '_ ; - therefore, be it � � RE$OLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Works be and ie herebq ordered and direoted: � '� , r , 1. To investigate the necessity for, or deairability of,,the mal�ng of eaid improvement. ' ; � � 2. To investigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of eaid improvement, and the total aoat thereof. ; 3 . , 3. To furnieh a plsn, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. � : � .- 4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for on �he petition of thYee or more ownere. � : b. To report upon all of 4,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiaeioner of Finanoe. ; � ��� � 219�� � � Adopted by the Counoil..._........._........................................................... � Y�se • � 3 AP� a 219�� d, Councilman ,Carlson. t .; � Dalglish . Approved.........................................._.........._........... � Holland Meredith . � � � ::e Te�4S.SA .......... �..........._. ' . ---{ � f��:��xfe'�����'.�9::6:'��i�:E�; • Mayor. ; � � ��.�Vice Pre"sident (t'eterson) � � ` � - E . pOBUSH�D APR 151967� j � . � � . f � �