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� r � - � �' � 'e 4•_J � i - -� � � 232945 � ?�� , � i CITY OF ST. PAUL - , , '^•�`��• ' _ r� �— _ � OFFICE 4F TI� COMMISSIONER OF FINANGE ° � _ _ '���� r. " Report of Completion of Ass�essment � U � �n�swi L � � - E � , In the matter of the assessment of �i�i�`�.�,�� C��L t�i#d ��pins�� �Et�` �clif�*t�t�Gt#,i�ti #f� � . . ,� . - � s�d�t�tl�.s �td �or� �t�c�de�te� �ri�stv� !�oac�x�r ���#����", ��y l�. �, Dis��i�� � �� :� - ...� ��r r�, i �!i ` '-'-_'�- - �--- .�--�--�..r-..�__.,��.-.�-...-r-�-�-•--' -----i---••---�._.-,,--_ -� . . -�..'-•--- . � =--�I - - ��y ' i - �����aL6 Z '- : � . - - _ + - , i :;. � . - A.O: - 219717 - Clarina� SE,� bot� sid�s �t,a� �nrn� Av�, to McLea�d Av�. � . � '� : -: 8�0. - 219351 - F�r�ont Av�:, both aides iro� �rpr��� �r. to 8�r1 �St. _ � � � - � ' a.0: - 22.2358 � Laat� pl�ce,- t+ei� aid� fxaa Jes�uaine Ave. tio. Ma�cyland Ave. � "� - .� �, ' -� r -. - 1��.0. - 22212?� I Liivaori Adt., aozth sid� from Jtssis St. to Edgerton St. ! *- .�.� ,_ - �� r,�.�, F,-p. - 3239U7 � Fo:�st St.� Mist aid� fraa Ivy Ave, to Clear Aw: , :� � �.4. � 22212�i - D�lu�h SE:., w�st sid� fraa Hawthora� Ave. north appro�c�.ia�t�ly t � � 126 f��t sbuttin� 1237 Dulutb Stis�et. � �_ �.0. - 223083 -- �i�lsh St.� +eaiC sid� froo Magaolia Ave. aouth approxi�atelq 123 � � � fe�t sbutEiag 7�2 �. I�fag�oliM Av�nue. � : � , � ����0.�:��3.40�1'�'��,�iawei�q�l.Zx �����abuttii4g�73�6�E�imt%aeran�.uci��iv�c�ueeh�,appros�..,���- �. � s:0 22�35� ��.�Mian�h�ha�Av�..,,�na�tb..4�,d��t?�aa.:�dairtoawSt.�to.�ehs;wst��,���� � � ��,,�.�.�i"t[��..,,. •,��► �'' �PFco�ia��ly..`�'22"�est abiit�in�i72�EdgiiiCon`St. -.'._.. ._._ .._.-�. � F�,�i,��0•�►�222129��tl�l+en�lotn�8t,.�, ease�aid�.�f� tJ��snia�:.Av�.�aorth_:ppras�_}..x������ � �E �_._._. _ia�tel��122 �e�t. �.Y_,•��•vYr.• . � .... _,,,_ r . f To the �ounci� o� t�� ��t�r c�� St. Pau�: I . � -essass�►�r.a::. � � 1��- r pf k'iltax1cK �er��iY �'E3�n�s t�t'he Gouncil i�te£vIl��v�ix��t�a t��f�itejr.en� 4� th� � � � a.0�. - 2?2�58 Lane Pl�sc�� wea.t side, f�o� Ja�s�ointr,Av�. Eo �lar�l��td Av�. gr u ux�s ri�� i2�����re:. ros �nn aa�.-�ar � i�-•; .�� r r� �ia ig ns' � ri�� �f� arr nrs��y�arn�rif, ��� � I F.O. � 2��2123` - La�aoa Ave.� aorth s��e �r�'ai J�srti S"�. to g��ston St. � � P,O. - 223907 - Bar�st St., �i��t side fto� Ivy Avs. to .Ciear Ave. � � F.O. - 22�3oQ3,� al�h �r.. �a�tt *ids �raa Magadiia Av . souti���pproxi�ately 125 ' � tv7r�a 4Qm�sact.ti,tU�L�;. �t! , . �J__....--,..-.�,�ia'-zi..r�.c.x.� � e Ln�r.E�.xr3��sC abu�tin�. 742 B. �Hasaoli.a Avinui.�.�� ' � l.0. - 2230��{oi�idlih� St., �rnst+side�froie C�ainiui� AYe�. to_th��south �pp�tqx- : a Fo�t�l�a�tely, �122.leaC�abuttina.�73$tEasz,L�ienii�ea Awnu� .�r � ' . . . . . ...�.. ..... . . . . . .. . _.` __ � ° ��L:�?I��t��It�I2g . . .. .. .... .. .. .. . ... .. . .. .« ,. ...r. ., �y?�.�,.�...+....._ ..f.��k._ 1��.—. ' -� I �:c�rct.�or� c�asts� . ... . ._ ...._. . ...._ .�.._ �..._.,..M.._._...�_..�� �s��_. t -i Co� costs for confirma.tion . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . :. . . . � Comptroller's Costs 114 00 TOTAL �XPENDI,TUR.ES . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . $ _ 11,524 28_ � � Charge to . . . .. .. . . . . .Q`��9:7�.� . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . $ � ,6�n _b.p— ; {i . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . .. NQm-�►��le.s�sb��. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 144 13..— 4 � Net.Assessment . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . $ 9�769 55 , ; , �� � � Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- � � tained, to-wit: the aum of $ 9�769.55 ugon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deem�d ; � - benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance wi�h : � the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assesament has been completed, and that hereto attach�d, � identified by the signature of the said Caminissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as � � t com;pleted by him, and which ia herewith submitted to the un il for such ion ereon as may be � l ; considered proper. ../ � - - - , d�� - il Dated March 14, 1967 ommissi r of ' ee� � x +` � s � Form R.2 2M 10-88 8� � � i : �� � -. �� � " ' � +� I,...� r ,r' �t ' ��VL�/ � � � �r% ' l� ,' , ' ' ` V �_ _ COUNGII., FILE'IVO. ,; � ' �.._..�r CITY O�F ST. PAUL - - R,esdlution Ratif By— �1 yutg Assesament � � �, �� � � ;� _ � In the matter of the assessment of benefi��, coat sn�# eapensrt� $o�" Cota�t�ractioti o$ � . � �idms+alit� and wor$ i.acidct���l the�reto# Contraet 6��-3�7# Levy i�o. S, Distri.a� � �' - ---- �o. �, - �, ' .' _ ----- � -----.'--- , - - -,—?„-- --� -,-T-r_..� � -�-- -•-- • - - .-•.-r--- ,-..�-s-�---. � - � ess$ss�aLa: • �. . _ =,�, . ; :.:�f ; _ - { .�,,. �i '� � _ � " =a` - r 'c. �. , F.O.� - 219717 Clazence 5�. , bot}i sid���fran Burns Ave. eo McLean Ave. y: ,_*: r: '�; 8.0. - 219351 - Fr.ea�ont Av�., .both��sides `�rost Cqpreas 8e. to Earl St. - - - ' �t :��- ���- . r 1�.0. - 222358 - Lane Plac,e;�'i��if%`iidi from Jsssamia� Av�. to Maryland�Avm:-. -- ' �� },� F.O. - 222125 � Lawson Ave. , north side-from Jefsie;St.t eo Bdgertoa.St. r� -� � '.'{;�,�'°-.. '�.` . r ��. 3si. , 1� F.O. - 223907 - ForesC St., W�et •ide froai`�Ivy�Ave:to"C1ear�Av�:��►.�=:,..��...:�-=--�`� +---;.-=-"�� F.O. - 222124 - Duluth St. , t�est �ide from Eexthorae Ave. north apprmc��ately I ' i 126 feet abutting 1237 Duluth Strae�t. � F.O. - 223003 - �i�lsh St., eaat sida- fro�+ Magnolia Avs. south approximatelq i2S I � � feat abatting 742 B. Ma�aolia Av�nue. ! F ' 1�,.0. 223001 � Wilsh St.,�west aide fro� (ierattiva� Ave. to Che south a�rpxmc- �I F i a�S�iz�i�X�r�t'�r id�ma'�ely 1Z2��-f�st abut��ng'�736'�E�st Gersnivm l�v�nue;�='�. NH�IWYe+�4+t?�-f .7 � t ` i 1�.0. 222360 - L.. I�innehaha Ave. , north sida gron �dsertoa St. to tba wes� - � Tr��c���.�.�.�r.ry�r'"�. PP �......».�.y�rr...�>,,..,�_ r,-,«� $� � %_,�.•__r...�.�._��kx��._�...w..,..� � a" ro�tel 122-fea►t--a�b�u�tia 7�3=Ed"rton�-�St: --�- -�-�--�-M---� ; ' � �} ,�'.y0.�.y-,y,222123 - H�ndota St. , aast •ide fram Jw��eh+fsy�s7amine Avs. north approz- ' � '' l�.�ul�'1J[-Lic:� 'n.ra�.r.��.+.e ,w�•• _ 'R�..►+1r��,..�i ,�'�11.1Y[:W�.r..ara.w•...a..Wirr► � .•r1►- ..r.+.�.y«..ah�is�atiF { t �: ----�---�-�.imste�ly-��122�fest�. --� s w-- ---�-�-----�----�--�� ; - - 1 ; ��zib�ic hc�ii�g 3ia�ing becn had u��z the as.3e�smen�: far fih� abQ�e impYx�rez�T��nt, ��td s�iti a�s��- � : m.�1-A8SBSSABL&:,�rer �cans iclerzd b;�• the Cou �il, ��d �a�in s� b e e s i c t�n sid,�:�e c i f f r a'.l�! s�.t i�f�,c�o r y, , � .T--� �-s�. 1�.0: - 2 2 7 3 5 8 - L�ne P lace, weat s i de raa Jessarn ine Avs. to ?ia�cp la n d Ave. � b E i�:O,:er��2 2 2 1 2 5 - Lawson Ave., nort h a t de from J�ss ia St. to B d�e�ton St. ; ! 8.0: - 223907 - l�orest St., Wea� aide from Ivy Ava. to Ci�ar Ave. � _� �f F.O. - 223Q03 � Wal�h St., •aet side fraa Magaoli�e Ave. aouth approai,mst�ly 125 t _� � . . RF,Sf�L`�'�D, TI���e�� db`{�xt��.i����74��8R'=Ha�nol4id�IA'veiiu�:rai�y itx �1 zespects r�.tif:ie�T, �nd t�e � F.O�., - 223001, - W�loh St, r�est eide� troa Gerani� Ave. to tbe routh a roz- ' ` � �r�,,r,G u,heT.:u�� �rc.eie� +.c+telylj122'''�e�La�nt't�`�ngt 7�6'�Eist�r6e�ani�ua�"Avenue�''#0�pc�m�ir.na�io�i. ; � E �3� IT �'URTHE�t��tESO�,'Cr��3, '�'hAt t�e r:uid ass�s�m�nt ba �rid i� �s n�r��y �3�t,�;rzr�irsad to �e ' - � i na f�.�'j7� ;Tl ti,,�Y +,r.� 1 • J.�.lt..»�.kfn � ;. R -Y_ ,..,��w�-��..� u„u� _� . i ■ 1 p{ � ±± y �: COUNCILMEN M � Yeas Carlson Nays Adopted by the Counci �19�� � -�-� ; Dalglish � Hoiland Meredith t ; �e�er�-c�-~ A ove � � ��� � k Tedesco � � 'E ::@_.:�::�:�:�'f�t�:�:s::�:��::,::;;;:�::�::: � t: ' ::�:��:�:: � :........... ..�..�. ..........: Mr. Vice President (Peterson) Tn �'&VOT ` i' _ � ' ayor � � A gainst � FUBLISH�ED ApR 151967 , Form R-2 2M 10-88 8�u � � . f ? ���