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i�l `/J� `�' - ' -fi.� '� `_ :; ' f I; � ` r3 � ' - '-yF _N � ' .-. 1 . } ,d "' �, .r ! I1 F l. 'r t � . • A .� ,. � �} ' ,� .�,.ff � � r . -4 ..-. , �., , ;� ,�,. : , �e� - -� : � I � c} , �1 . , ; COUNCTL FILE N0. � . ' � ' --�'"`""' GITY O�F ST. PAUL : ;� R,esdl`utian Ratifying Assessment By . � � � ; . . , � In the matter of the assessment of 1�Clnefite� coa� 8tid expeuee� for coms�s�iatiori oi� sida- s ^� _ � .:a��ks�� ��osk�,�i.��.d�n�al �be�eto� Cont�act �i5-M`-�23, Levq �o. 3, Diatrict Mc�. 3, 1 :'� �wr�..�,a„�'-,:.:�: .�.r--�.,t-:t.�..-�• A —..r-,-- - ....-.--.--.-...r.---. _. _ - = • J' ' . -,- = - J'' . , ;- , '—_---�-....., _ . " r . • `} "� ., � , . _ r- � _ • -1 , -±`: {� . � AS988SASLE t •.'a r' , .r � � .._ ', F '' ' ...t - , � ,1 ''e _ . , - f, i�� 1 �. �i � , • �. ' - . '''� � .d � _ F.O. - 221744 r�-. Delaware Ave. � both ,�idt� fro�n9Page $t.= to Stdney, St. � ;y'_i _ F.O.,�-_ 222031'= Hall`Av�. , vest aide from Winone St. north approxinetelq - �-., , �� ; = 125 ft. and on the north ride o$ Winona St. fron Hall '"-�� ; � Ave. west approximately 37.5 feet abutting 35 W. Wiaona St. � � j F.O. - 223716 - Bidwall St. , tast sidr from Georg� St. to the uorth 50 f�et ' � " � abutting'�540 Didw�ll St. ' � i[ F.O. - 222783 � WinaloW 3t., both aides from Aanapolia St. to Wy�in St. � � !� F.a. - 222[►35 - aobe�t St., east side from Sidney St. to Curtice Aneg � � � F.O. - 222890 - Ottawa Ave., both •ide� fYOm W. Page St. to W. I�iorton St. � -� ' �.0. - 223000 Hancock,�8t4, _eaoC„side„froc��iasti�_St....to„thexaouth approsinatelqF-. , � � �uc2ex�itrr��sr�y� *� ,c�! . �C;� _. _�____.- ..,_ . � 39 feet�a6ntting�1094"13. Siaeh St. � � � �F�On���2,�.L�7Q,�3Ex;,,,Atlantic,�8t�. �,,we�t�aide,�fz�o�n�Deech.,St,,,�aouth. to.,the alle���.,.� j , � approatnatal;y 13�3 feat a,but�ing` 1234 Eiech� S`tieet. , � = „ �i�t�.�«(3��rt'�t_.• ,;�i�r.-€�_.__., . � ,� ^a..fi�irr.r�s a•:a.rw�yer.�carwa.v+R��.,�+r,..s.Vsi`�,s� Gik�ii�li•d'SC�l��wYI�ARV/�'Y '�+.a+i.�.+c�.rYF�►w.r.�+��..� }€ � - — _ � -.--.. _ .. �� .. --...�.. -..-�.�.�.r.,.., I ' L F� xort�ess$ss�BLS:�_ ft ' `; • F.O:''�-""Z21744`.=Deli��aie��i�ived,�both'�aid s��rom P ge�$t�otoi�aida���St' ;��:� �ax� asspas� � � � r � � � r�$�9��aYi222435 �S��,eHqb�.����$G-3,hea�� Qid�:yfrop�.�$idtiay, �Stt.�: �O::CiitticaiAve:: �ati�fa�tvey, ' : � F.O. � 222890 - Ottawa Ave., both, aides from W. P�ge St. to W. Morton St. { � b���0��1�'�221�743 - Atlaatic St. , west �ide from Eeseh St. eouth to the alley � � approzimatel� 123 f�et abutting 1234 Deech Street. � � } ; »r.cnr��t�t`� �t+l...o �.ti.., -a .... �,._,..�_a �..__,, ,7 ia,. .r z . ,rr:._.t � +►. � � — �--'-141'lIJlJ1l1�1'lLj iuwv vuc-oa,iu-u4�qoaucu��pC- A,�1U U11C'-`S"d�I1C 1S�IIeTep�lI1'iLll-i"C�jIM,)CI;L�..s'iCL4ii1GlC�"[4"uCt-�u same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation�' � � - ;� BE IT FUR,THER R�ESOLVE,D, That the said asaessment be and it is hereby determined to b�� � � . � �- i; pa.yable �n = equal installments. _ � � } � � .� � � � �. � � 'd 'coUrrcu.,n�rr �PR � �,��� ' ; f ; �'e� Carison Na�s Adopted by the Councii � Qalg�ssh � �- : � Ho!land� -. " t Meredith AP(� �, � ��Q�� � ` � �� rover� � Tedesco � � M1 a.� .e..,.�;7.r;n,iT'T,T�......:�;= V � i��l1l�����:::::.:,_�.�:..:�:ast:::�w�:�33::� � Mr. Vice President (Peteraon) Tn F&VOr ' ' i !i �, n . ayor. � �� a ;. � ,� � Form x-2 aM iass s� Aga�nst�; pUBLI�H�ED - APR 1� 196T ' �� � _ �,,y_,�-. _ ,F -, s ; ► ;. • _.... . 1 .� �a. ,,, • . s , � ' - - � - - � � � -- . � 2���.� � � � �� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL _ � + ' � , OFFICE aF THE COMMISSIdNER OF FINANCE �n�� : � t7 j�� ,� R,eport of Completion of Assessment � _: _ � � � tt In the matter of the assessment of b�tt��f,t.��, tq#� �tn$ s7�ri�!#� '�A� �i�lt��¢��01� �lf. ���$t�- ��'_ � '; - : � ±��lkr �m� �+oac� sx�l.c�er�t+�i ��ta� rt�n�a�� 6�-��-��� �aev� �o. �.� 3�ia�c�is� ��� ,�� � � -� - . -- .—-.-.,._--- T__ --.--._--.�r--.--. .- -,z�.-,.,.�___._.,�,-- .. ., _- ..._ _ _ : ,,. - a - . — g. . . . - � �'.._ - _ ° • • A , 'r---�� 1 '.. r � '� � }�;'ri�- r'i. '_ � . .' _` � I, 1 .j '4 ,_ r�r ' .. t' ti }� - .�� ,. ; �ia .� i r{ ' . .-. _ - r.,' . ' ��� ' 1'' b' - ��_ , � `�4 : ' ' �, _ _ . _ .�15 ='t " `1y� . ,��,�� i' 1,$SE$8�1bLEi � �;�_ -�' { ` . � "s - t � _- t�. � . ._ '; ' ;{. . . . �� '. ' �i�.'r{ = • , ' .- ; ;i . � .. :l�� , 1�.0. - �x17.4�r'.� Dei�warr �Av�.; �boCh-iid�i�_ tra+ P�.� $��..� to� Sidn�y Se.,, � ,-, ._ ��. � _�� �� , , �a_ , . ,r; !.0. � 222Q91,- Sa 11;Avi.,� �v�st �sid�e f ra� i�inoaa S t. noz kh appro�ciaui tely -,:-�-,�;,,;,�Y,;.,�� �.- � 4` " 12S !t. aad on th• nort�ti sid� o� iiinaaa �t. fros 8a11 ' f � �t Ave. w�*Q appro�ieeat�ly 37:5 l�st abukting 3S W. t�indns S�. � - � �� lf.0� - 229116 - �id��ll S�.� �a�at sid� fraa Gabr� 6e. to th� narth .SO ��tt `- � � �butcin= 540 DidW.ii 8t. � s� �.0. - ��Z78� 1 WinsloN �C., both aid�s isos lan�poli,s Se. to i1p.o��i.n�s 8�� ; ' j . �'.O. - 2�2�435 - aob�rC St., •ast side #rv■i 8idn�q &t. to �urti�� Ave� ! �' } l,0. - 222a9� � Ot�aoea Av`ee., bo�h s3d�r rroa� W. �a� �e. to W: Hortou St. j ; , ' �..0 �22�0 H�ncock. St... �ta�t,sid�,.froo�,.6 tY�_9t..- to:�tlu=�oe��h ap �roxiat�i t.�� ' i a � uucter��.��rz►,��,.t,�n-.. - ... ,�,� �•.,�.� .� ._... ._..___�.... �!---. ,�..._.x,_. ; � 139�iei�i�batting�0��. �Siacth �t� � � � , , � �' 4: �- �y2,1763 At�a ic,.$ • �, ,, a�� L s ` A,.,, p,� �._.,,,X��t side !x � ch:�6.t., ou�h tor t4�sall� .��.,....�,.�,. _ � � �` � • �oiei�ia�eT —12 = � _ 7-..�._._.r.� � t � � :�`•jn�z t �'���`pp-o �r 3'�!`�itibutei�na �234 ��i�h 6t t. � i F3���th���„x,.:...�=n.•.��,�,�..�,��,xw��,��.�..�,..,��:.�._.�,;�p�;r���l��.a,��.�;,•«�.-�.��.��:�.:�._�.�,.ri,...,�,�,�:�_,... � � _�____'__._.�.. .�., _..__ .......�..�,.._,__.. �._....�.._ _ .. _..._ . _ �� r �H�,fN� S�E8&AELRt, �»ity of ;��- �'aul: , � � l�. ��`�G4`=►""D�l�Mar� Av�., both •idea f�raw Sag�+ St, ko �idasy Bt. � - �•O�iie�L��.?�!��icf'n�:s�o�.�b��1C��StA.,��east�;�aide�GfradGS�dn�Y'I;S��1;54-i�,Cu�tite�;Av�:��;�t of�th� ex- ; � 8��±ure�222t�9A�I O�t�a�aA Ave�,� bo�hrA 1di�1 fr`°°F��}�Psg�e�S�.nti°hT�'a.y.Mor�on�S�.Nir��t, �r�:�: 4 " ��.�. -' ZZf7�43 - A�ia�ntia St. ;''�s� �i�* �raoi •sch ��+ �outh to tha iller � [ . , �pps�o�aiaat�ly 123 fa�� �buttin� 12� �e:ch SCr�a�: � : � � �afal cur��t�r�cti� �c��� � _ � �.`�5��_., � s �._.�, ,� Engineering . . . . . . . .) . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $ � i` Inspection . .. . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . $ 655 35 E. � z �� . ;� 6 60 j.:� Postal� caxds . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . $ , :� Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . $ 66 00 ' � Collection costs . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . $ 132 00 'y 6 60 � Court costs for canfirmation . . . .. . . . . . . . . $ i''i Comptroller's Costs � _ � � � � � � � � 66 �00 �� ' TpTAI, �XpEN]�ZTUR,ES � 7.486 02 - °� Charge to . . . .. . . . . . . . . 0920.701 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 765 7�_ - t� . . . .. . .�.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .Non-Assessable. . . . . . . . . . � 443 $�_ �� Net Assessment . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . $ 6.276 38 � � �' _ .� ,_�� Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- <� tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 6,276.38 upon each and every lot, paxt or parcel af la,nd deemed �� �� benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with ;� . ` � the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto atta,ched, '� gnature of the said Commissioner and made a art hereof is the said assessment as -i ;:� identified by the si , p , ;? com,pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the unci for suc act on t r n as may be 4; � '-- - �-3 considered proper. _ � t� � �� Date� March 14, 1967 ommissio of �nv . { ; i� Form R-2 2M 10-63 8� { � - � p . 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