05-1094Council File # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refened To: Green Sheet # Committee:Date: as-��a � 2( 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, wishes to enter into a Secure Our Schools grant 2 from the U.S. Department of Justice; and WHEREAS, tlus grant provides funding to provide a more secure environment in Saint Paul Schools and reducejuvenile delinquency;and 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into, and Chief John Harrington to implement the attached grant agreement. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. 28 29 30 Yeas ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council:Date: Nays �� Absent Requested by Department of: By: � p oval Recommended by FiGancial Services: l�-e� �? 3, 3cxi : l� a` Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� l/U.�-GY�l�J�...rgC� �- Approved by � by City Attorney: fOr Secure Our Schools authorize grant � Green Sheet Green Sheet ,. Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ac_�..e. l Departmentloffice/council: Date Initiated: V`� w � pD — Pos�D�a�w�� o,.�T-05 Green Sheet NO: 3028381 Confad Person 8 Phorre- Deoartment Sent To Person Initial/Date Chief John Hartington � 0 oGee D artmen Police De artnent 266-5588 ,q�jg 1 olice D ar[men[ D artnent D'uector Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number j �p80C19I rvices Fnan 'at enc�es For � Routing 3 Attome Ci AKOrn . Order 4 a or's Office Ma r 5 ouncil Conncil 6 Clerk i Clerk ' '' ' 7 oliee De arlment Police De arhnen[ Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Sairn Paul to enter into the attached Secure Our Schools grant agreement. , Recommendatioos: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? GB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has received a Secwe Our Schools grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. Authorization is needed for the grant agreement. (NOTE: Any quesrions regazding this grant please call Amy Brown at 651-266-5507.) AdvantaqeslfApproved: � ' The Secure Our Schools grant provides funding to provide a more secure environment in Saint Paul Schools and reduce juvenile delinquency. Disadvantages If Approved: a None. �sm'��s ��?CE?a`f;� �°f?�$(?� e�OV �. O LG�S Disadvantages If Not Approved: � Inability to use grants funds available to partnerslup with Saint Paul Public Schools to reduce juvenile deliquency by developing school safety resources, establislung and enhancing school safety equipment and programs, and enhancing school safety efforts in Saint Paul. Total Amount of �1�,�, �� n Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Transaction:`7•� iQ,��t � Funding Source: U.S. Dept. Of JuStiCe Activitv Number: 34170 Financiai Information: tf e (Explain) . �yo tl G g +I ��3 L � � ��� � �� 05 ioa�) ,� �;:_ e��� _ ` Off ce of the Dfrector 1100 Vermoni Avenue, NYV Washingion, DC 20530 Chief John Harrington St. Paul, City of 367 Crrove Street St. Paul, MN 55102 ., " , f 1 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services September 22, 200� Re: Secure Our Schools Grant #: 2005CKWX0560 Dear Chief Harrington: On behalf of Attomey General Alberto R. Gonzales, it is my pleasure to congratulate you on receiving a COPS 2005 Secure Our Schools gant. Enclosed is your agency's award document with a list of special conditions (on the reverse side) that apply to your grant. The award amount is $250,840.00. You will also find enclosed an ACH-Vendor form, a Civil Rights Seven-Step Guide, a Financial Status Report (SF-269A) with a Helpful Hints Guide, and a Fact Sheet regarding on-line filing of your quarterly SF-269As. Please read and fasniliarize yourself with the grant award conditions prior to signing the award document. To accept your grant, the law enforcement and government executives listed on the document must sign the enclosed original grant award and retum it to the COPS Office within 90 days. Failure to submit the signed award document in this 90-day period may result in withdrawal of the �ant wi4hout further notice from the COPS Office. Your grant award period officially began on September 1, 2005 and runs through August 31, 2007. Extensions of rime to expend grant funds may be offered on a case-by-case basis. Informarion on extensions will be made available approximately three to four months before the grant period expires. Should you have any quesrions with the award process, please contact your grant coordinator assigned to this pxoject at 1-800-421-6770. Congratulations again on your award. On behalf of the COPS Office, we look forward to working with you on this school safety project. Sincerely, ��� Carl R. Peed Director Enclosures wr� p � �� �� __� i y �,r - App�icant Orgz Project Title: "��� � ��o� Grant#: ZOOSCKWX0560 ORI #: N1N06209 Legal Name: St Paul, City of - _.- �� :[ ��::: I. Hatrington ;. ._ , _ _. . City, State, Zip Code: St Paul, MN 55102 � � - = •� � � � Telephone: (651)291-1111 ,. �� �� �_ - :-�-...� �._ . Fax: (651)266-5711 _.::.: '� - � -- .. _ .. . ,. _- . ,.. . _:_ Goverument Esecatiys: Mayor Rand3r't�elly ' ' _ ..._ _ ' ;'' Address: 1S:W�St I{eilo�g $1vCT; : i.` ' , , _ .... z: , �ity, State, Zip Code:. 5i.Paul Iv�(V S�iI'f}2 ... .. _ Telephone.' (651)266-8510 � � � Fax: (6'S1)266-8513 , . . .,_., �: .:__.:; . �.- ..:.... ..........:. ._-_..-.. . . _. .... .�:: . . : _.-._-..:f: ,, .:-:�- 9/1/2005 " Awazd Start Date: AwazdEnd Date: 8�3I720�7 [ 4` :. -, '' ° , ._- . . . Award Amount: �250,84{):DQ . , -, _ ;- ..:✓ ,.- .: :: . .... ....: Carl R Peed, DireCttir : , ;: __. . ... _ ........_ _.. .. . U. S. Department of Justice Community driented Policing Se� � �l/?e:;.✓ SE�. '� F� ; _ _. ,... , . Date : ,: ; ,, ` ,,.. ... .. .... _..._ .... ..._ - , , � ' _.. _ ,._ ' ° - _ .. -_, . �gu3ture �5f f.a�v, �nfoicem�Pt f�fficial with ttte. _., Typed Naz[ke and Tifle of Law Enfoi'cemez�d::.: :: ;°_ Data _ _ _.:: _ .. Autho '` to t1c �s Grant A�tti _ G3ffieial .... _ _. ,_ � : , _ .-..,. mY,:.:.;... ::. ,..... . _. _. _ . _... ._._ SigtL�ture-of Gavenunent Official with the Authority Typed Name and Tifle of Govemment Official �"'ate ;`.. to AccBpt this G�nt Lfwazd ,.. _::. ; _ , ..,. •. . . _ False statements or cfaims`made 5ii co�iiiection wi�}i COPS - -, l+ward . 902 i:,_ ID� 82 ,..:.: . , .:: . giants mayresuk in �ies, imprisoament, debarment from _ artici atin in federal . , P P S S�fis or coi�i�acts, and/oran rem Y �Y availatr3@ hy laiv ta the FederaT Cmveuiinent , �: � ; :.: _ �..- ���dy� ; ` : _ ': > CONDITIONS OF SECURE OIJR SCHOQLS CiRA�i'T A4U�I? ,.:_;__ _ '-: ' _ _ - . 7 --.- CuanYees:flrathave�iseenaiea�tEettfuad3agfortheproctuementufan9te . f$2aD000 d I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ..:�i �� � i� 8. 9_ 10. . -- f= ' - ::11. .- 12." I3. .;.� :14..: .. - IS..:;: 76. � - __� . _..._ . m_m xcessn _.. an pantouseanan competitiv must prdviclaa wiiF[ei�:solesauXCe jpst�f"cytinn ti�'SheOffice of Community Oriented . . ..:_, .._ , .:-.. Policing Services (COP�j;�'vi`ipprovai prior to obl�g.stittXp, eS;�'i�sdu3g, or�3ia�.ving down grmit funds for that item. The funding unda this pr"oject is for the payment ofup�fir 50 costs to unprove secucity at schools and oa .. school grounds. The allowable costs forwluch your agency's grant has been approved are listed on the budget�.. cle2tazLCe memormdum, which is included in your�agency's awazd packeL : -.:- ---' . ---.-:': Set�tre�bur Schools giant funds must be used to supplement, and not supplant, state, localor Buieais of L�d}aa �,{�'aus � 3he tee acimowl � - - - . � °-.� . ...: - - : . - . .... _ _ gran es �Yff�een�t:tti;comgiy waTli-YFie Asst?tazices and Certificahons.subulitE�€1 tivrth fhe Se� Our SchooLs t ��� � '- ° - - ga° aPPlica€ioiv�:'-[ ._:. __. .. _:,-_ ,:.._ :.,,. In orda to assist the CO��Dffiee in:tfiemoiutiirltig tifthearx�d, your agency will be responnble for submitting periodic progress reports and quarterly fivancial ststus reports. _:T6e COPS may conducf,or sponsor national evaluarions of the Secure Our SchooLs progam. The grantee:�� Depathnent . . _... _ . __.. ... . ... ...... . Ihe tce� ... . .. Yo ahi8e ti:;:fiiet coridifio .. .. _ . . .. _.. .___ _ .... ,.., � �b���� _,.,_.Y �S, nS;;�d!�gt��hotrsasfqtmt�in�the£TgijormAdministmtive ; _ ... .: .. ....... ..... .. ..: ... . .. .. ..... RequirementsJorC'nm:tsmid��Coopemtive �Igreemers�s fo;$tate;z�d3;brn!'Gov�emments, 28 C.F.R. Pazt 66 (or the Uniform Adn+;n;�r;ve Reqnirements for Cxianis arid Cooperntive Agreements with Institutions of I3'igha� Education, ,-:::;, Ho ttals and other Non-Profit ' ' ... - ... _ ... sp _ Organv.ahons, 28 C.FR Part 70, as applicable). �ax �nts of $500,000 or more (or $1,000,000 or more m grnnts over an eighteen-monthperiod), tli�giazttee --: -- '� acimowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (3Eflie giaatee.as r�ure�to - sab�€_one imdec28 C F.R. 42.3�j,�) that is zpprovecl �tp Othee_of Justice Programs, �ice o�:�ia� Rig}1ts,tsa ---.' v�e�7ation of rts Assi�tai3tes sndmaY resultinihe svspes�scon;zi�tl3e drawd¢}ynnffunds,: Tr�r� grantee must submit; 8r�?t�s:.urldt� 3'Sti(i;3}�0, tfie ` within 60 days of tLe The grazttee agrees to aze iew�ana xeep �.iue;�as;�rop��a tsureau of Citizenship and Immigration Savices =`-� ` rification Form (I-9). This form is to be used by the recipienis of fedeml funds to veriEy;ihat , : in the United States. � . .'� ----= Schools funds to opecate an inteijurisdictional crimmal�inYC'�1�:@nce system must com�sJ,g _ -� s nf.?8 CFR Pazt 23. The graatee acl,uai"vledges:'tSt�T iY#g1s }et �.' - ed and::: -� -'` ilicahantherelevantSnecial�E:onditioa,cerb;f�;�:r�r�,,,.,i;a.��Pe�,�r�v n��z'i�s��: _�....:�.. � .., _ .... .. : .. ::.:. . . � ._ � . r ahons, oiuF� �yn 28 �FR`Pazts 22 and 4b, the gs'eri!ee agfe�gto:,:�;omg�y�F3zY� tliese Cederel iegulations. The grantee may not obligate��ea�end or draw dowu.gr�t{+mdsa�i3i.koffictal�notification is received that the project - budget f�as been approved by the COPS Office. ;;:. Youra genc ma . . _ _..:.... . y y reques[ an eatennon of the gmnt awazd penod to receive additional time tfl implement youL g�aat - grogrmn_ :Such extensions do not provide adclitional fimding. Only those grmitces tLat cangrovide axeasoitalzle =-- �- }usfification for delays will be granted no-cost extevsions. Extension requesls must be recelsed by..lhe("APS�:OfFice _. - priortaSliee7qtii8lionofthe�sfS�wani. - ��� ' ' - ` - � aiz:aM;nr,n,a,f:��.;�� — -.. _. - _- - ._ - .- --;. .;.:a,,..�...�..;..«�.e......_,.:.,.,, .ti....._..,,,...�„M._ ._ . : .. ._ __... . ' --- •:- ... ----- --�. .---- --- COPS Office will not approve:': � m�'s£ieakfon `�::.. _ . . . ... _...: _ .,:.: ..... ... _ ?�Y .., �4uest t}�at resu�ts:m an incTease of federal�imds- :`.- :` Travel costs for tr�sportahaa, tarFgi� �rtd�ttbsis�enc� items me altowable'vnder the Secure Our Schools .._ . . . . ..... ��... grant progam with prior approvaF Pa3�ent for havel costs incutred d'sectly by the grantee and ��-� '=��� � grmmt-related havel costs of other (non-grantee) individuals will be based on the rates established in the grantee's _:;_::;� :waitten travel_policy (if available) ff costs aze reasonable and allocable to the projeci. Grm�tees ihat do not tiave . $cceptebJe wntten t�svel policies will be reimbuised for allowable per_ diem ha�eJ cos(S:}'y�,jpdgingxme�s�and ,, ; � '- - -'. -:_:_:. mqcleAit&iS aY the-�sfaFi3ished QfiA pa diem rnte"s for the retevant geogzaphie a�a� :AIlii�sYe atd'aze havei costsunIl _.:. - . bzt�labuisedbased , ,,. _; �n 8ie I(nvast duc.ount comaeacra3.;airfaze thefed� govemmenticont�t airFm�e, if auiEt6rized and aaailab7e sx s1au�Fan1 coaclt_aufaze,"in aecoYdazice a�fi:Circrt�ar�i`87 �nsst.P.�icipiesfoi StaTe, Loeal and Indian Tnbal Govanucents; Circ.i�l8r {�i22 Cost Principles Eurlten ProlitSli.gan�atiiii+s; mmH��aculazA-21 Cost Principles forEducationalInstitufio � 2s . .. ... ..: .. ::.::.:.::. . ..._ ,.. �` aPPlicable. ,,.- _. � '_�17. -. False statements or claims made in connection with COPS rants ma result in £me ��- ��� . B Y s, imprisonmen[, debarment from -:: � . - ::: gazticip8tkng in federal grants or conhacts, and/or any other remedy available by law. ' ". - - - � < - - _ :_._:,. ;' ` '� , % ': =�1; I100Y ovAuewgN�3' Wavtington,DC20530 Memorandum QS"-�09y U. S. Department of Justice Cnm�nunitv Oriented Policing Services Grants Administration Division (GAD) Secure Our Schools To: John M. Harrington, Chief St. Paul, Ciry of From: Robert A. Phillips, Deputy Director for Operauons, Grants Administration ChaneA Trotter-Jones, Grant Prograzn Specialist, Grants Administration Stephanie Takane, Staff Accountant, Finance Division 11.� ✓� Re: Secure Our Schools Financial Clearance Memo A fmancial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this awazd appear reasonable, allowable, and consistent with existing guidelines. Excepuons / Adjustments aze noted below. Vendor # 416005521 ORI #: MN06209 Grant #: 2005CKWX0560 Budaet Category Proposed BudQet Approved Budget Adjustments DisallowedlAd.justed - Reasons/Comments Personnel $138,619.96 $138,619.96 $0.00 TraveUTraining $33,560.00 $33,560.00 $0.00 Equipment $314,000.00 $314,000.00 $0.00 Supplies $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $0.00 Consultants/Contractois $1Q000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 Direct Costs: $501,679.96 $501,679.96 $0.00 -- - -- - - - - -- -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - -- Grand Total $501,679.96 $501,679.96 $0.00 G1'and Total• Federal Share: $ 250,840.00 ' Applicant Share: $ 250,840.00 Cleared Date: 8/26/2005 Overall Comments: Prior to the obligation, expenditure or drawdown of grant funds for non-competiflve contracts in excess of $1OQ000, gantee must submit a sole source justification to the COPS office for review and approval. 05-��y Version 9/03 APPLICATiON FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE �. TYPE OF SUBMISSION: Aoolication � . ConsVU�fion �/' Non-Construcuon Preapplicatlon L Constructian I�! Non-Co�iruction 5, kPPLICANT 1NFORMATION �°9� N�e: � City of St. Paui Police Deoartmem Orgarnzational �UNS: I 961fi6339 ' 2 DATE 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE Aoplicarn State Application Itlermfier J3:`.=�Lv :k`Ct 'OJC�^=_ vE[L ( -=.�'c_` ___ _ _ Atldress: ' Sireett � 367 Grove Street � �_�___-_—_ ____- —_ Street2: j -^_— ___� i . . . __ __ _ ' -_-�_ _ 'City: ;S`mtPaul ___ __ Counry '��ey _ __� ' State: � Mrv I' Zip Code: 5510�� �' Country USA I i I_..__-J 6. • EMPLOYER 1DENTIFlCATION NUMBEA (E1N): �41-6005521 � 8. TYPE OF APPLICA710N: I,/I New -,! CoMinuation � Rev�sion If Revisioq enter appmpnate letterts) in hox(es) 0. Increase AwaM B. Oecrease Award C. Inaeue Duration D. Decreese Dura4w Other (speceFj): � 10. CATALOG.OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE 7��� CDPS Secure Our Schools �2.' AHEAS AFfECTED BY PROJECT ' St. Paul, MN -� -���---�- ---� i 13. ` PROPOSED PROJECT: ' Start Date 09l07/2005 ' 15. • ESTIMATEfl FUNDING: ' a. Federai ' b. Apphcant ' c. State ' d. �ocal ' e. Other !� Camtlet, Soz.r, ercp ' Ending Date 08/31l2006 �'�, Organizational Unit: ,__ ____________-__. . Departmerrt: Saim Paul Police Departmem ' � —__--__—__ __ ____ __._ _._. Divison: Researcn and Grants � Name and telephone number of person to 6e contacted on matters invoiving th�s app (give area code) Prefix: ' M ,' Rrst Name: � Amy �. r —___._- - _ ___�, Mddle Narne ,, _ ___ ' Last Name: Brown �— -�-- -�-��-' � - � � � , Suffix: I Email: amy.brown�ci.stpaul.mn.us � �__ —_— ___ ._ . ' Phone Number (grve area code) Pax Number (grve area code) 651466-5507 �I �651-26G5542 !_ _�-��-� ,� 7.' TYPE OF APPLICANT: �iryor Township Govemmerrt �I L _- ________ _ ___' i7„�:.._-,,; :..: ,:,,.,.., y . _- '_-.__' _ _' ' ' ___ ' � 9.' NAME OF FEDERAL AGETlCY: Communrty Onemed Paliang Services l7.' �ESCBIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANTS PROJECT: Secure Sa�nt Paul's Schools � L _ __._____.._ _-_-_'__ 14.' CONGRESSiONAL DI57RIC7S OF: ' a. Applicant 4 ' b. Project _.. _ _ �4 1fi.15 APPLICAZION SU6.IECT TO REVIEW BY STATEEXECUTIVE g L 250,060.00 � ORDER 52372 PAOC£SS? a. VES. THIS PFEAPPLICATIOWAPPLICATION WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO g� 252.620.0�, THE STATE IXECUTIVE OROER 12372 P(OCESS FOR REVIEW ON: 8 s S I ❑ YES DATE J _ I b. j, PqOGRAM IS NOT COVEfiED BY E.O. 12372 , I✓� OR PROGPAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FOR REVIEW ' f. Program Income 5`_ J J _ I 17. IS THE APPIICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FE�ERAL DEBT? g. TOTAL S���� '��� 1 ',_j Yes If °Yes," attach an explanaUOn. �Jl No 76' TO THE HESY OF MY KNOWLEUGE AND BBJEF, N-L �ATA IN THIS APPI.ICATlO WPHEAf'PI.ICA710N APE iRl1E AND COPflECT. THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PULY AUTHORQm BY iHE GOYERNING H�DV OF THE APPLICANT AND TNEAPPLICANT W1LL COMPLY WfTFi TME AT1'ACHm 0.55UP.ANCESIFTHE ASSISTANGE IS AWAROm. r _ _—__' , ,'_'__" ' a. Authorized Prefix: �Mr. �I ' First Name: I Rand � Middte Name I C � Representative '- � --_--- -... .. _-.._-.-_,- . 'LastName: Kel ly -- —_ Suffix: I ' b. Title: � Samt Paui Mayor !' a Telephone Number (grve area code): � 651-26 6-8510 ^ I '__ ___.... __..__ ______ _ 1 .________.-_ ---_-. _.._ _._: ___ .. - ______ __--_____._.___._.. ' EmaiC �Irandy.kell �a.sYpaul.mn.us Fax Num (grve area cotle): 651 266•8513 Y : , . � L-___ __ _ __ _.. -_-_-__ _ _ d. Signature oLAuthorized Previaus Etl�tion Usable Authonzedfor LacaiReproduction e.DateSigned: �../�/,��- I 7 Slantlartl Form 424 (Rev, x-�ac) Presmbetl by OMB CirCUlaz A-102 �5 �o�'i � DELINQUENT FE�ERAL DEBT EXPLANATION The following field should contain an exQtanation if the Appiicant organization is delinqueM on any Fetleral Debt. Mazimum numher of characters that can be entered is 4,000. Try antl avoitl e#ra soaces and carriage returns to m�imize the availabiliTy of space. N/A o�-ia9y Application Attachment to SF-424 Generel InsVUCtions: OMB Number: 1103-0098 Expiration Date: 02I29/2008 7he COPS Appiication Attachmerrt to SF-424 is used in conjunction with all COP5 program applications. Please ensure that you have completed ali of the required sections. If a section is not appficable, please check the not applieahle checkbox. COPS FUNDING REQUEST Federal assistanee is 6eing requested under the foliowing COPS Office funding category: Seleci the COPS ONice funding category for which you are requesting tederal assistance. Please reter to the program-specific pomon of the COPS Applicatlon Guide to detertnme which funtling category ihe COPS Progmm tor wh�ch you are apptymg falls. Please ensure that you have read understand, and agiee to comply with [he applirable grant terms and contlRions as ouilinetl in the COPS Applrcation Guide before finalizing your selecf�on. ' FUNDING CATEGORIES: ' COPS in School5 � � Tribal Programs '�, Universal Hiring Program �, Community Policing Development Progrems �! Targeted Programs ' ', Interoperable Communications Technology Progrem iJ' Secure our Schools APPLICANT INFORMATION Check here if your agency has not been assigned an ORI #. A. Applicant ORI Number. I,MN09209 �, The ORI number is assigned by the FBI antl is your agencys unique identifier. The first two letters are your siate abbreviation, the neM three numbers are your counry's code, and the final two numbers identify your jurisdiction wdhin your county. If you do not currently have an ORI number, the COPS Off�ce wiil assign one to your agency tor the purpose of tracking your grant. B. General Appiicani Information ''�, Not Apphcable Qf applying under Targeted Programs, please check here) ,___.__._- _. ___ __._____._-- ' 1. Cognizant Fetleral Agency LCOPS _ _ __ —___.—____.___________.. ' 2. Fiscal Year. �'O7I01/2005 � 'ta �112/31/2005�, (mo/daytyr) ,____ _ . � �_____.__' ' 3. Populaiion served as af the 2000 US Census 1287151 ____.. I, If the population served is not represented 6y U.S. Census figures (e.g., colleges, special ___.._ __. agencies, schools, police tlepartments, etc.) piease mdicate the size of the population served: i _ C. Law E�urcemeM Agency Information Not apphcable (If applying under Targeted Programs or Community Policing Development Programs, please check here) t. Is your agency contracting for law enforcement services? Yes iJ No 1/ "yes," the Legaf Name and address intormation (isted on the SF-424 under section Applicant Informahon should be for the junsdicfion thaf wilt be coniracting fo receive law enforcement services, and NOT the faw enforcement agency that will actually prov�de those serv�ces. Also, be sure to enter the name and agency information of the contract law entorcement department urttler section A(law enforcement execut�ve rnformation) of this document. In af! contracfing arrangements, ihe junsdicfion that �s applying for assistance is ultimalely responsible tor ensunng compliance wrth ali granf requirements. For additionai clari(ication on contractlng guidelines, please see fhe program-specific sechon ot the COPS Application Guide. ' If you are a tribal law enforcement agency, instead ot providing your own faw etNorcemeM services, does your tribe exelusively coMraM with a non-BIA local law enforcement agency for services? Yes � No '�J' Not Appiicable If 'Yes.' please re�er to the program-specific section of fhe COPS Application Gu�de for additional elig�b�lity intormation. Certam COPS 7iibal Programs do not allow a tribe that exclusivety contracfs with a non-BIA local law enforcemeM agency to appiy tor funding. Application Attachment to SF-424 05��09y OMB Number: 7'103-0098 Erpiration Date: 02129/2008 2. Populffiion Served By Law Efiorcement Agency ' Do officers have rip marv law e�orcement authority for the population to be served? ,J. Yes � No �'��. M agency wifh primary law entorcement authority is tlefined as the first responder to calls for service, and has ul5mate and final responsibiliry tor the prevenhon, detection, antl/or investigafion of cnminal laws within its junsdiction. If yes, what is the actual population iot which your tlepartment has primary law enforcement authority� [In other words, the 2000 Census population minus the incorporated tovms antl cities that have their own pol�ce departments.] ____ _..________ 287151 If no, please explam. Include the date by which your agency anficipates having pnmary law enforcement authortty for this popWation. [Please limd your response to a maximum of 250 words.] I ; NIA ' L�-�09 y Appiication Attachment to SF-424 OMB Num6e�: 1703-0098 Eepiration Date: 02/29(2008 3. Land Base Coveretl by law Enforcement Ageney (in square milesj: 55 Enter ihe number ot square miies coveretl by the law enforcement agency. Ezclutle ihe population and square miles pnmariry served by other law entorcement agenc�es within yourjurisdiction. For example, a sheriH's depaRmerrt must erclude populations antl areas covered by a city police department for which the shenfYs department has no primary law enforoemerrt authoirty. Do not lisf acres (1 mile = 640 ac�es). 4. Current Budgeted Locally-Funded Swom Force Strength as of the Date of this Appiication: • Fuli Time ' Part Time SZO � � En;er [Ye GcGyat�, focaiy-�unG�. ="rvc� � fcrce 5ia, ' udye.eG ia%a%1'r-��%��E� �wcm lcrce si�ength is ihe numbef of swom o'm"ce�posmons you� departmeni has allocated for ifs budget, including stateV Bureau of Indian Affairs, and locally-funded vacanc�es. Do noi rnclude unpard/reserve officers, COPS-funded pasrtions (unless they are in fhe locally-lunded refention period), or detention staff. 5. Current Actuai Locally-Funded Sworn Force Strength as of the Date ot this Application: ' Full Time ` Part Time _.__ .___ _ —_— —� 557 0 - �.___ _—.____ J Ente� the acival locaily-funded swom torce strength. The acival locally-funded swom force strength is fhe actuaf number ot sworn officer positions employed by your department as of the date of application. Do not include vacant stafe, Bureau of Indian Affairs, or locally-funded positions, COPS-funded posihons (unless'they are rn the locally-funded retention period), or unpaid/reserve posif�ons. WAIVERS OF 7HE LOCAL MATCH Please reter to ihe program-specific sec6on of fhe COPS Applicafion Guitle to dete�mme if your agency may appty for a waiver of the local maich. Certain COPS Proqrams do not have local matching requirements, whiie others do not allow applicants to apply for a waiver of fhe local match. 1J Check here ff nof applicable • Are you requesting a waiver of the ioeal match based upon severe fiscal distress? j Yes �,� No If requesting a waive�, you are required to attaCh a tletaded waiverjustificahon below. Please refer to the COPS AppOCahon Gmde "Waiver of ihe Local Match" section for intormation on what to include in yourjusfdication, as well as the program-specitic porton of the Gwde to review the local match requnements for the grant program under which you are applying. ._ ._ __ _ _.__ ___—__ .,,_ _ _ - � ___� n<, >:`%t �..,7: i; :.t¢�:.:.,.... .- . _: .;��, f-�' Appiication Attachment to SF-424 Os-�a�y OMB Number: 1103-0098 F�oi2tion Date: 02/29/2008 EXECUTIVE INFORMATION lisYing mdrviduals without ul8mate programma5c and financial authorily for the grant could delay fhe rewew of your appiication, or remove your applicaf�on trom considerafion. A. Law EMarcement ExecutivelProgram Official Information: Enter the law ertforceme�rt executive's name and confact irrtorma6on (for law enforcement agenc�es) or program o�cial's name antl corrtact information (for non-law enforcement agencies). For law entorcement agencies, ihis is the highesFranking officia! withm yourjurisdictron (e_g., Ch�el of Po(�ce, Shenff, or equivalent). If fhe gram is awaided, ihis position would be responsible for the programmatic implementafion of the awartl. !f your agency is a "siart-up" th�s section can iemain blank. _ —__._-__ __._--___. _—_— _ —_ ' ___"_'__ _—____'__" --. ---_ , ' rtle iCh�ef of Police � _______._.__ __--_—__._____—_—____ . _._ ._ _.__. —__ __ -__—. _ __ __"__'_ __— '____' ' Prefix jMr. ' ' First Name �JOhn MitldieNarne IM LastName ���Hamngton ____ .._ ______ — ____ — Suffix .�—_— ___---_ Agency Name rSamt Paul Pohce Department __ —___._._—__._.—_______ _ ._--- ' Street Address 1:367 Grove Street _. _. ___.... __ __.___—_______._____. _______ _—___ _ Sireei Atltlress 2 i, _— ___ _..__ --.--_ _._ _ _ .. _ __— ___ __. __ - __ — —__ __. _'' _.___ _ ._. — ---_._.._____._._ _ . ' City ' Samt Paul � _ _ . - _..___ ______._.__--___—'_.__—_ —_.____ County � Ramse � `—__ _.__- ..J __._—___.—__--_—.___ .__ __ _ - __ ____________—._ __ �. _ ____ __ —.-- --_— _____ ___ i ' State MN: Minnesota ._ _ _ __..._____ .__ Province •—_____—_._----__—__ _—_____ __ L _ _— __—.____ _____ —___. _ — --.— ______ _.. ! '__ __ _ ____---_—_.— _.___..'__ - -; ' Zip Cotle 155101 � ' Country � � � USA: UNITED STATES _ _ _ i —___.__-____ _._-__..._____.—____ ' ___ __ ___._ _ __ _ ._ _�.. _ _ . ' Telephone �651-266-5588 .__.___.__._______.__ ' ___ --__ ..._ __._ .___- ____. _ Fax 1651-266-5542 � ,_ _'—_.__. —__ _, _' _ __—."___" _..__._ --_ -- — _ _ — _ _ _"___ ' E-mail �7ohn harnngton�cistpaul.mn.us ,_ __ _ _ __ , _ _ _ ' B. Type of Agency: New Startup' (please specify) Other" (please specify) Municipal Agency rypes that have an asierisk nexi to them and fhat are applying for COPS hinng grants must provide additional intormation. Please reter fo 1he COPS Applicahon Guide: Agency Supplemenial Information secfion for the questions that you will need to address. Please attach this informatron below: - __ _ ___.;� ____� .-.a. ._._ .:3� , _�ss.'.�--.E.�.,^re. , . � �:ac ..;n* � trs=iosy Application Attachment to SF-424 OMB Numbe�:1103-0098 Expiration Date= 02129/2006 C. GovemmeM Ezecu[iv�nancial Official Information: Enfer the govemmeM executive's name and contacf information (for govemment agencies) or financial o�cial's name and confad informafion (for non-govemmerrt agencies). For govemmerrt agencies, this is fhe hiqhest-ranking oflicial within yourjunsdiction (Mayor, City Admin�sfrator, Tribal Chairman, or equivalenf). If ihe gram is awarded, this posdion would be responsible for ihe tinancial management of the awaid. ' Title � Mayor of Sai nt P aul ___- _ _-_ _-_-- - _ _ — __ _ ____--"__--._ __ __ Prefix ' Mr. ' First Name � Randy _ _______ - _ _. MidtlleNarne �C � ' Lasi Narne ��Kelty __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ___' _ _ _ - _ _ - Suffix -' - -------, ' Name of Government ___ _ _ _ __ - --- --� -- -�- ---------- - - EntitylFinanciai Entily '� City of Saint Paui _ __ - ._ ___ - _ _ _ _ . ._ _ _ _ _ _ . ' Street Address 7, 390 City Hali '____. _-____- __...__. - _'__ ___ ____'-'_"'__ __'___" __ __ _-_ _ _-_'_' ;i ___'__ '-__' -__ _-___ . Street Address 2 I 75 West Kellogg Bivd _--__-_ _�__— _ ._-_-_ __-__ ______ -__. _____ __ - _ _..--._- __. ' City � _____i .___...______-_ . . _ _..____ County �Ramsey -_..-- __ -____ �____. __.— ._. " State ... _ � �--���---� - MN: Minnesota --_�---� _ __- -. ___ - - ___.-_— .—__.-_ -__ -_ _ _. ._ __ i Province �� � _.___-__ _ _ _ - ' __"-,, ,. _ _ _ .__'— _.__"__-___-- ' ___' ____ ' Zp Code :55101 � _. __ ._-- _ -.._. _____ _____... ______ __._ .. _...___- ___ _ .__ _ _ __. .. ____ ` CouMry . USA: UNITED STATES .. _ _ _ ___. ___ _ ._____._-__ .___-.___-_- _ _ _..._, ' Telepfione 1651-258-8510 _' -____ ___. _'-____"_____-____- _ Fax �657-266-8513 . ._--_-. . ___- _.._ .____._____..____'-_____..-_____________-_..___- -... _- -____ _ __ _ ' E-mail �,rantly.kelly�ci.stpaui.mn.us ' Type of GovemmeM Entity , _ _ . .. __ ._ __ _ _ . _._.__ _- _ _ ._ .___ _ . _ _ _ _ -. __.. . . _ _ _ __ __ _ . _ , City _ ._ _. .. � Application Attachment to SF-424 �-�ogy OMB Number: 1103-0098 Expiration Date: 02/29/2008 CONTINUATION OF PROJECT AFTER FEDERAL EUNDING ENDS Reterrtion for COPS Hiring Grants This section is applicable to applicants applyi�g tor swom officer posi5ons. :,/ if not applyirtg for swo�n olficer positions, p/ease check here. '� Hiring g2ntees are requited fo retain ali additional o�cer posdions awaitled to� at least one tull local budget cycle toilowmg ihe expi2tion of COPS grent )unding tor each COPS-funded o�cer posiffon. The add�t�ortal o�cer posrtions should be added to your agencys !aw enforcement butlgef with stafe, local, or tnbal funtls lor at least one full local b�dget cycle, over and above all other locatiy-funded o�cer positions (including other school resource olficers) that would have existed regarclless of the grant, trom ihe Ome that ihe thirtysix (36j monfhs o1 grant funding for each COPS posi6on expires. Absorbing COPS-tunded oHicers thmugh attrrt�on (rather than atlding the ex�ra pasitlons to your butlget with adtlifional funtling) does nof ineet the reteMion requirement Please be aware that it your agency has additional sworn officer hiring grants that are active when one binng grant expires, the officer positions fhat were awarded untler the expired grant are added to your baselme of locally-funded olficer posifions and must be mainfamed throughout fhe implementahon of all adtlrfional h�nng qrants. Use fhe space befow to explain how your agency currently plans fo retain any addrtional o�cer posihons awarded. Please be as specific as pouible about the source(s) of reten6on funding (Generel Fund revenues, local ba/lot �tem, etc.) your agency plans to uti6ze. A missmg or mcomplete response coWd aNect your abiliry to receive iundmg. N/A 9 e Application Attachment to SF-424 NEED FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE l�`�J �(�Sf OMB Number: 1703-0098 Fxpiration Date: 07J29/2008 AI! applicarrts are required to provide a bnef ezplanation of their agency5 public safery needs and an explanation ot thelr agency's inabdity to implement this project and/or adtlress ihese public safety needs wrthout federal assisfance. In ihe space below, please pronde a brief e�cplanation of their agency's public saiety needs and an explanation of their agencys inabilityto impiement this prqecC w@hout tederal assis[ance. [Please limft your response to a maximum of 250 words.j — SPPS has experienced dramatic, tlistricbwide 6utlget cuts; smce September 1, 2001 tlistrict safery personnei decreasetl from 54 to 7ust � .over 75 workers. Such a deficit in staffing continues to limd the capability of SPPS to develop meamngFUl plans for overall distnc[ safery � needs. Safety leadership and remaining staH are unabie to adequately address overail district planning, as they must spentl much of their , jtime responding to emergencies and attending to baseline tasks. Cuts in funtling are also reflectetl in a crucial lack of resources for , ! essential traimng antl matenais for the schoois' site safety teams, SROs and others involvetl in SPPS safety. To meet the goals of providing a more secure environment in Saint Paul Public Schools, and reducing 7uvenile delinquency, two objectives � , present: first, provitle on-going professionai development for School Resource Officers antl Schooi Safery Teams; second, use technology ' to provide increased security and tleterrence and enforcemerrc at schools. � �Training and on-gomg professonal development for all responsibiliry levels is needed to continue to improve the deterrence and � enforcement of juvenile delinquency at school and in the community. The implementation of school surveillance systems will provide a mondonng system, cnme/oftense deterrence, as well an increase in solved crimes at schools. A web-based closed cvcuit TV system will also prowde betler allocation of resources. Insiead of hawng hail monitors waiking around a school, one person monitoring the camera 'feed can coordmate with the SRO and ou[side law enforcement if necessary. � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY P/ease reter to the COPS Applieation Guide: "How to Apply" section of the program for which you are applying to detefmine it an F,cecutive Summary is required as paK of your applicatiors. Check here if not applicable Please attach a brief summary of how your agency will use this federal funding. Be sure to include a description of how you expect this grant to �mpact pubiic safety and/or crirt+e prevenfion in your community. Please refer to the COPS Appiication Guide for clarificaiion on specific information to include in your summary. The Executive Summary may be used to keep Congress or other executive branch agencies mformed on law enforcemeni strategies to deter crime in your community. [Please limit your response to a m�imum of 40o wortls.] _ __—_ .,; ....__ — _ 1 —___--__ ' _^_ �. _�_-- __— '— __ __� .' _ ._ �..__ PROdECT DESCRtPT10N (NARRATIVE) Please refer to tl�e COPS Applicffiion Guitle: Haw to Apply secfion of the progrem far which you are applying to determine if a Projecf DescripBon (Narlative) is required as part of your application. � I Check here if not apphcable Please attach an in-depth narrative response detailing your proposed project. Please refer to the program-specific section of the COPS Application Guide: "HOw to Apply" section for iniormation on whai should be included in your response, as well as any additional formatting requirements and page length limdations. _—__' —_—_—, I ,,._ �� i ,:,,,.r r;..-_^^ I , � L ._ -_—_ _' '' ________.__- -_' __ - _—" _—._'__'__—__ _J ' __'_ " �;-�09�1 Secure Saurt Paul Schools Executive Summary School violence and the safety of students, scaff and families at school has become a major concem Collaborations between local and counry ]aw enforcement and school districts are an effective and comprehensive method w enhance the safery of our school communiries. Saint Paul, Minnesota is a diverse cosmopolitan city of 287,000 residents; however the social and economic problems of some families often lead w increased juvenile delinquency. Living in poveny and iu association wirh low academic achievement and an increased risk of dropping out of school (Entwisle, 1990; Stedman, Sal & Celebusl�, 1998; Velez, 1989) can be linked wrth an increase in disciplinary problems and crime rates in local communities, both having a potential impact on school safety. In addiuon, studenu for whom English is a second language (42% of Saint Paul students) are three times as likely as native English speakers to be low academic achievess, putting them at increased risk for engaging in negative behavioxs. Since the mid 1980s, School Resource Officeis (SROs) fromthe Saint Paul Police Depanment l�ave been worl�ng with Saint Paul Public Schools providing on-sice policing, crime deterrence, and support to both staff and studenu. An SRO might also work in the school to provide mentoring, healthy adult relationships, after-school progran�s, class preseirtations, and demonstrations. Many SROs are involved in their schools as athleric coaches and club sponsors. All of these activiues are above and beyond the policing they do at a school and have a significant positive impact on the school and community To meet the goals of providing a more secure environment in Saint Paul Public Schools, and reducing juvenile delinquency, this project proposes to: provide on-going professional development for School Resource Officers and School SafetyTeams; and use technologyto provide increased securiry and deterrence and enforcement at schools. Tiaining and on-going professional development is needed to continue to improve the deterrence and enforcement of juven�e delinquency at school and in the community. The unplementation of school surveillance systems will provide a monitoring system, crime/offense deterrence, as well an increase in solved crimes at schools. A web-based closed circuit TV system will also provide better allocauon of resources and access to school and police from any computer. It u intended that these interventions will provide a safer school, improve attendance, and decrease disciplinary acrions both in and out of school for Saint Paul's youth. Saint Pau! Po/ice Department & Saint Pau/ Pub/ic Schoo/s COPS - Seeuie Our Sehoo/s G2nt App/itation os�oq y Overview The Cny of Sz Paul Police Depamneac in paztneiship wah Saint Pau1I'ublic Schools mspecrfully iequests $250,060 firom rhe Deparcmenc of Juscice's COPS Secure Our Schools Program to assist wich the developme� of school safery resources, to esrablish and enhance school safety equipme� and progiams, and to enhance school safety effons in S� PauL The goal of this projea pian is to reduce juvenile delinquency rhrough rhe enl�ancemeuc of school safetyequipment, uaining, and coordinuion. The modesc amou� of this requesS which includes no funds for peisonnel for either agency, ieflects the partne�s' commrcmPm co and ihe sus[ainability of the proposed effort. The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota is a designated Enteiprise Community, wrrh 287,151 reside�s in a cnettopolican azea of 3 million. On any given weekday, there are 42,000 children and 6000 teacheis, administrato�s and support sTaff in aztendance az Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS). The demographics of the stude� populazion of the SPPS is incredibly dive�e: no single eduuciry comprises more than 30% of total enrollment, 42% speak a la�'aae otherthan English az home, ll% receive Special Education Services, and fullytwo thirds, 66% of the studems qualify for the F�e/Reduced Lunch Program - the indicazor of povexry in public schools. . The Ciry of St. Paul Police Department's (SPPD) Juvenile Una cons�sts of a Commander, appm�ately 10 Sexgeant / Investigato�, 1 SRO Setgeant / Supeivisor, 10 School Resource Officess, 2 Missing Peisons Office�, and 2 suppott staff. The function of the Juvenile Unit is rhreefold: invesvgate juvenile crime cases, provide School Resource officexs (SROs) in St. Paul, and run the Missing Peisons Unit because most missing persons and runaways are juveniles. The Juvenile Unit worls closely with Ramsey CountyProbation on the Enhanced Probation Progracn, the school distria's Attendance Action Committee on tn�ancyissues, the MN Gang Suike Force on juvenile gang issues, the Ranuey County Court with both rhe Juvenile Substance Abuse Court and Juvenile Ove�ight Committee, the Nazional Center for Missing and Exploited Children and many other groups with juvenile useerests. Unit staff attend manycomm and fonuns to provide information abouz crime trends, availability of progxams for youth and to answer questions about police response and juvenile Unit procedures. Since the mid 1980s, SROs have been worlang wirh schools providing on-sice policing, ciime detecrence, and suppon to both staff and mideins. When in a school, SROs work with Principals to help solve issues fdr studems. An SRO might also workinthe schoolto provide mernoring, heakhyadult relationships, after-school progruns, class presentazions, and demonstrations. Many SROs are uivolved in their schools as athletic coaches and club sponsos�. All of these activities are above and beyond the policing they do at a school and have a significarn posrrive impacx on the school and communiry. SPPS and SPPD l�ave worked collaborarivelyfor manyyeacs. Seigeant PaulStrong u the Sergeaztt of the School Resource Officeis in St. PauL Saint Paul Public Schools' Office of Safety and Security is adnunisteied by William Waterkamp, a retired St. Paul Police Officer and an emerging narional leader of school emesgency preparedness and crisis ma�emern. Common backgrouncl has provided significant oppoitunities to worktogether for the benefi� of both agencies. In addition to this opesarional level collaboration, there s also stcategic collaboration via regiilar, ongoing comm„n;cation between Police Chief John Harrington and School Superi�ende� Patricia Hacvey. Assessxnent of E�sting Problems The issue of school violence and the safery of sruderns, staff and families at school has become a major concern Collaborations berween local and countylaw enforceme� and school clistricu is an effective and comprehensive method to enl�auce rhe safety of our school communities. The No ChildLeftBaSi�zlAct has spurned some unuztended cQnsequences that are inhibituig school safery and security effoms. With the centtal focus on raising test scores, an ever increasing amouin of iesources are pu� towards that effort. As a result, fewer resources are allocazed for campus safery. In addition, the mandate that requires states to create defuutions of "pezsiscendy dangerous" schools is actually decieasing the crimes reported by school officials. Accord'n�g to the final repon of the 2005 survey of SROs Saint Pau/ Po/ice Oepaifinenf & Saint Pau/ Pub/ic Sehoo/s COPS - Seeuie Ou� Schoo/s G�ant App/ication Page > of 6 o�-io�y conduaed bythe Nazional Associarion of School Resource OfFice� (NASRO), "Public policy and funding uends are clearly headed in the opposixe direccion of what fro�-line school safery officials are saying �s needed" (Trump, 2CO5). Wl�ile St Paul offe� a diveise cosmopolitan environme� where individuals can share rheir cukure, the social and economic problems of some fami]ies add an additionat educational burden to rhe problems of educ�T� urban yoirth and to rhe safery issues affecvng them Living in poveny and irs associauon wi[h low academic achievemeuc and an incmased risk of droppmg out of school (Entwisle, 1990; Stedman, S nik & Celebuslfl,1998; Velez,1989) can be linked with an inciease in disciplinary problems and crime rates m local commiuiities, borh having a potenGial impact on school safety. Also, studeucs for whom English is a second la �'�e are three times as likely as narive English speakeis to be low academic achievex�, pintmg them at incieased risk for e��a in negari�e behaviois. Incidenzs occumng az schools, including assaulu, fights, sex offenses and dxug-related activiries, are another sa£ety issue. Incident reports about gang activity and other disturbances at mclividual school sites vary, with some origuiating over 200 calls in nine months while othe� record 30 calls or less per site. Inconsiste� incident repoxeing procedures represents a gap in SPPS' capaciryto make accurate threaz assessmems at school sixes. Recording processes reJated to specific incidems which occur on school property are often complicazed by a]ack of procedural direction, compliance with P�crl a policies, and/or by an inadequate supply of basic record-keeping material such as standardized incident repon cards. For this and other reasons relued to reluctance on the pan of some school sites to properly repon incidenu which occur, data around school safety issues is likely inaccucate. Since the 2001-2002 schooi yEar, SPPS has ea�perienced dcamatic, districrwide budget curs. On September 1, 2001 d'utric� safery pe�onnel numbered 54. Curs in funding each yeaz have resuked in a significant reduction in securiry staff leaving just over 15 worke�s. Such a deficit in staffing continues to limit the capabiliry of SPPS to develop meanuzgfiil plans for overall distria safety needs. Safecy leade�hip and remaining sta£f are unable to adequately address overall district plann'vig, as they must spend much of their vme responcling to emeigencies and attencling to baseline tasls. Curs in funding are also refleaed in a crucial ]ack of resou�es for esseiniat rr�n; � and materials for the schools' sice safetyteams, SROs and otheis involved in SPPS safery. Schools have a legal and moral responsibilityto provide a safe environmem, buc often are rehxctant to work too closelywuh law enforcement for feaz rhat a sends a negative messav,e to the communiry. Having a police officer at a school all day every day creaces the perceprion that the school is not safe. Law enfoicemem is often reluaant to work directlywith schools, perceived as "laddie cops" and would rathex work on "real crime." Quite often both agencies are reluccant to share power. Fortunately, this is not the culrure m Saint PauL Safery and Secwity is bard to pu�ue in a school setting because of the traditional view of schools as open and friendly and because they are a community meeting place. It is not a part of scaff psyche to expecc, let alone look for, ciiminat behaviots. Therefore methods such as natural surveillance and other Crirre Preca�aiori rlm�sgh Entirornr�un[ Daagn (CPTED) merhods are less effective in a school setting. Project Goals and Objectives To meet rhe goals of providing a mom secure environment in Saim Paul Public Schools, and reducing juvenile delinquency, nvo objeccives present: fust, provide on-going professional developmern for School Resource Officeis and School SafetyTeams; second, use technologyto provide increased securiry and deterrence and enforcemem az schools. Trauung and on-going professional developmein for all responsibility levels is needed to continue to improve the deternnce and enforcement of juvenile delinc�uency at school and in the communi[y. The National Association of School Resource Office:s provides some of these T*ain��s (described belo� locally as well as a National Conference for both uniformed SROs as well as civilian safetyteams. The implemernation of school sucveillance systems will provide a monitoring system, crime/offense deterrence, as well an increase in solved crimes ac schooL�. A web-based closed circwt TV system will also Saint Pau/ Po/ice Department 8 Saint Pau/ Pub/ic Schao/s COPS - Secure Our Schoo/s Grant AppficaEion Page 2 of 6 Q5-/D9�f provide better allocation of resoiuCes. Instead of having cwo orthiee monsoxs wallang around a school, one peison monaoring rhe camera feed can coordinate w'seh the SRO and otvside law enforeement if necessary. Sai� Paul I'ublic Schools has inaiazed surveillance az two schook with pilot programs az Battle Creek Middle School and Humboldz Senior Eigh School to tesc rhe e$ecuveness of cameras and to decemvne rhe most appropriate system- Posiuve changes in bel�avior have been anecdorally noted az both saes. Humboldt's system was set up for the e�aerior of rhe building to dersrmine if it could deter property crime in rhe parlflng 1ou and to the fro� of rhe building. Since inscallarion, it has accomplished borh. The syscem az Battle Creek was placed so rhe principal could use ic dllriIIg rhe day for studexu behavios and Ce�ral Security could use it az night to verify alarms. T1vs too bas proved successfuL While the cbanges in behavaor are anecdotal, and data collecced ace unreliable, rhis plan proposes a dara collection plan, borh pre- and post- camera installauon, logging scude� behavior and property crunes. Additionallythe ime�ion is to build this system so tl�at the police depazTmem can easily access all cameras from any compiaer - including rhose in squad cats. This will allow both oiganizations to see inside and outside of a school az anytime, including crisis situations and lockdowns. On a more positive side a would free officezs to be more proactive with studems rather than spending laige amounts of rune builcling a case and questioning witnesses - all camera feed is recorded and time/date stamped for easy rexrievaL Implementation P]an This sununer, a task fotce will be assembled with the goal of teducing juvenile delinquency and better coordinacing efforrs of the various agencies i�olved in the juvenile process. Membess will include Sg�. Stxong, William Wateiisamp, school *+>in»+��on, ttvancyofficeis, SROs and representauves from the juvenile jusuce s}�stem, social senrices, and child protection services. This task fomz will begin by exacninuig cunein procedures in place az rhe schools, with 1aw enforcemeiu, and the couxts to respond to �uvenile delinquency, then detennine best piactices and ways to streau�luie the system to make it mo� responsive. Then by offenng i,aini a and oppoituniries to dialogue with other urterested pax�ies wirl�in the system, everyone will be abie to better use already sca�e iesourres mofe effectively. In the twelve mo�h gcant penod, police office� will attend relevant tiainings. Proactive courses such as Basic and 11dvance School Resource Officer T+�'n��, Tiainuzg for SRO administrato�, and attending the National SRO conference wi11 be included, as well as Tta�n1 a for reactionary events like responding to a homicide in progress - the unfonunate reality of school shootings. An explanation of these trainings is below: . The Basic School Resoiuce Officer Couise u a foscy-hour block of instivction designed for aray law enforcemem officer with Lwo yeacs or less experience worlffng in an educazional environmei¢. The course emphasizes three main areas of instruction: functionmg as a police officer in the school setting, worlang as a resource and problem solver, and developing teaching slalls. Attendees will be given a worlflng lmowledge of the School Resource Officer concept and how to establish a lasvng paetne�hip with their schools. .'The Advanced School Resou�e Officer Coucse is a twem�four (24) hour block of insLrucrion designed for any law enforcemeirt officer worlflng in an educational environment. This couise will provide additional slalls and programs for the experienced School Resource Officer to idemifyand diffi�se potentially dangerous simations on campus. • The SRO Superviso� and Managemei¢ course for police supervisois and school admuiistrato� is a three-day (24 hr.) coucse for those who have the responsibility of implemerrr'n_a, supervising, ,.,an��, and eval"a?-na an SRO program and/or School Resource Officeis. The goal is to provide manage� with infoimation, slslls and stiategies to develop, coordinate and maiutain a successful SRQ progiamintheirschool commuuiry. . "Active Shootei" *��nina will develop the principles and tactics in the patrol response to a "Homicide in Progress°. Areas of instntcnon will include issues relating to school and workplace aca of violence. Parricipanu in rhe coiuse will be uained in the proper response and tactics of Saint Pau/ Po/ice Department & Saint Pau! Pub/ic Schoo/s COPS - Seeure Dur Schon/s G�ant Application Page 3 of 6 D5 -/dS y dealing wich a violeu� threaz e�ering a public place and eaacting violence uoon t4ie innocenr. This cou�e will include cJassroom, fose on foire t.ain;�, live fire range work, and peer me�oring. •"KeyElemeias" is a 4ilz day prognm providing inscruction on se]ected key eleme�s related to the mosc effective enforceme�, imeroe�ion and preve�ion pracrices in a school environmem. It is p�u on and paid for bythe Narional Ce�er for ltissing and Eacploiced Childien. Camen systems will lx installed az some of the 17 secondary schools in the district For purposes of the g�ant request and daza collection and evaluazion, the Highland and Humboldt comple�s l�ave been chosen. Each complex is comprised of both a Junior High and a Senior High School co-locazed on a common campus. These schools were chosen based on data cum�ly available. I�igbland's enrollme� is close to 2300 scudems, and Hucnboldt's approximately 1350. Highland is chosen for ns `average-ness'; when compared to district wide data and demographics> N!;hland is average in demographics, income levels, etc. On the orher hand, Humboldt would be considered below average and preserns challenges, and is locazed on the west side of St. Paul, an area with very high poverry and very low English language sifllls. Consequemly, the disciplu�axy data for Humboldt shows significanrlyhigh suspensions, repeat suspensions, and other disciplinaryac�ions. The table below provides a basic snvcture and timeline proposed Cainezas SPPS developme�ix plan — a detailed William timeline of uainings including who SPPS wiIl be aztending, what, how much, regisxrations, etc. (a `best-guess' is included in this timeline) determine complemencary roles between school seciuityand SRO SPPS Data Coach to 'll, �ach Jt(V will receroe az ieasc one au�ea and professional developmern e�perience which will be shared with SROs not attending. SPPS acl�nuiistracion and safetyteams will also receive professional developmeirt. SPPS Human Resources at schooL SecurityPes�onnelin placeleatningschool climate, meeting studems, building rappon, defining roles in schooL Incident logs (data to iuvenile needs/issues Meet wnh pro�ea schooPs leade�ship and safetyteams to review grant objectives and Strong leadexship and I safety plans saferyteazns from projecc SPPS SPPS network of other professionals in the field for consult and advice. az Police Contractor camera piacemei Police can access ieal time. wi�h other Saint Paa/ Po/ice Depaitment & Saint PaW Pub/ie Schoo/s COPS - Seeure Our Schoo/s Grant App/icaEion carneras m consult and Page 4 of 6 ����� pilot schools for info disseminuion and f uture plan Co�inue CzmeraInsLallarion Troubleshoot and make final at Police Depattment Plan W�]]iam �paterlsamp and Design signs and logos and plan Tor news SPPS Comm„n;cations, ieleases aboia the suiveillance syscem Paul Strong and SPPD Public Relations. SROs, School Safety Build reJationship w/ school arlminicrrarion. Teams, Wil]iam Waterkamp Undeistand�ng the roles played by both parties and Paul Stro Comcactor & SPPS Camera system fully operationaL Departme� Pollce will be able to access from anycomputer. Signs in place, logos are we releues, site councils news SPPS Communications Paul Strong and SPPD Public Relations. en au agencies issues :�• � system p�otschoolsforin£o dissemination and future T Developmetrt Development Meet wirh Satery l eazn Trom : pilot schools for info dissemu�ation and finure plan Monitoring resulu Data Analysis and evaluation Developmeut E xa*n;na*; on of Best Pncsices ; gesnlu - P1an movic� forward SRO T Ta�nma and Professional Development to SPPS & SPPD �ecunty 1 eisonnei ana �nvs oeuc� coo � in res onse to inciderns SROs, School Safety Build relationship w/ school a�lm;n;er.a*�on. Teams, William Waterlrara�np Undexstanding the roles played by all Qaccies. and Paul Stro 4 SROs Bring back new infoLmation to the schooJs a police departmern 4 SROs Inciease pohce awareness oi nauonaz �ssues impacting education and ]aw enforcement TaskForee Membeis Dialogue between all agencies responding to �uvenile needs/issues SPPD & SPPS Share new informazion on national trends in education & law enforcemein. securitype�sonnel and SPPS Daza Coach SPPD Deteimine �t itrtesvemions are havmg an enea on school climate, student behavior and crime Get a nauonat pe�specuve on �icv �ssucs. Evaluaze where the depanmein and schools stand with similar schools and depattmems• Better coordu�azion of resources among St. Pac and Ranuey County services. To develop a plan/relationslup wrth schools thaz identifies roles, develop a pactne�ship, and to share each othexs eicpercise in maintaining a safe, oroductive school environment. to Saint Paul Po/iee Depaitment & Saint Pau/ Public Sehoo/s COPS - Secure Ou� Sehoo/s GrentApp/icaEion Page 5 of 6 aS-��y In order to provide reliable data for comparison, a standardized procedure will be creazed and followed byschool safery peisonnel to accuiacelytrack offenses - both cnminal and those against school policyto deterniine the number of offenses, building climate and ciiminal bel�aviois befoie surveillance systems are installed Camera systems will be installed over the wuner holidays as well as significant madieting in che school of the swveillance system The same data will continue to be colleaed for companson. It is eacpected to see a decrease m discipline evenu, arresu, and general behavior issues. SROs will shift from a reactive to proactive role and be more involved in the individual engagement of srudenu. School Climate and attendance will unprove. Cucxent/Planned Caime Prevention Activities There u no single program that meeu the numerous needs of our yoinh. We believe that the following plan addresses a mm�ber of the most significant problems that we face today. While ic will noc solve all of our problems, we believe that we will be able co show substaznial resuhs. The p1an may be considered in four main areas: 1) Enhanced Probarion Deals with the chronic serious yoinl�ful offender in order to show that there aze consequences for our acrions and wirh this progiam we can have those consequences rendered immediately, empl�asizuig the fact that a peison must take �sponsibility for their actions. This projea allows us to team up wnh RatxLSey Couary Probauon in order to see tbaz the acnonr of these juveniles can be deak wixh immecliazely. 2) Gang Iineroe�ion- Enables juveniles to take a step toward tunm�g their life around Manyyouth make mistakes at a yDUng age and then do not Imow how to uutiate posmve ct�anges in their lives. This program assiscs them in a munber of areas helpin, them to become capable, productive and responsible civzens. We will be worl�ng with a noTrpmfit agency in Sainx Paul. 3) TiUancyand CurfewSweeps- The pucpose hem is to assist juveniles to see that theymust attend school and obeythe curfew laws. Not only are the juvezules taken off the street, they are taken to a ce�er where an adult will be able to talk with them and find o� if there might be other problems that need to be addressed. I3ere we have the oppommiryto team up with orher agencies and Saim Pau1 Schools in order to work on these two problems. 4) Meraoring- Providing caring aduhs to at-risk yoirrh to meinor and provide role models l�as rhe greazest poternial of assisr.ing these yoirth. We will provide memois using police officets participating with no¢ profa agencies in Saint Paul with their after school enrichmeiu progtams. The youth will come to see the office� as friends and resources, rather than as someone to be feared Saint Pau/ Police Depa�irnent 8 Saint Pau/ Publie Schoo/s COPS - Seeure Our Schao(s Graet Appfication Page 6 of 6 Evaluation Plans, Outcomes, and Effectiveness of the Program �-,o9y � � � L L � Z � � 3 m d z R d � � � m .°� � � o y 4 \ R � y 4 W R r. 4 O �. � .G V h � 0 U r� C O '�'. R ii 6: :+ m 3 7 O OI O O � � O � � r tn � 3 O [��J � LL 'a O Y � ' O O a 3 �' d LL m > � F vid � x T ' � 0 m ¢ w m � � N � m U �� E N � C' L Q N a g � � U �n m � x � o � LL m N � � m m E c 0 m m A 'a � t J � Q � � : x x ' a a m � � `o 0 m m ¢ ¢ w w � � � N � � N 9 N U � m U a a� �� L � � � � � �, °' � U �c �� � U c m �'� � y � � y o x m o K LL B� m LL� � � m ". � � N �- E m a�i -- E ra � m m� c°' m � � � � � 0 R J o. Q LJ"� . o a Q o� a�o o � �,� °! I r�r �ir r � � I ° o o ° o_�i� ° o �I� m N rlr O R N m � N d O U U C U � � � � �'. y � c � y 7 � O � + J Q. � U . m o � ? � i E � o `o 0 a� m " � =c=o �° � o � � Q 6 Y y d ' O _ (6 � L N C �. U ' � '3 C N _ � � m n � � o � �" �' a� 3 0 � O � � 0 U � � 0 O O ° o_ � � 7 U � C 0 U �� Application Attachment to SF-424 05-/Og � OMB Number: 1103-0098 Ezpiration Date: 0?129/2008 OFFICIAL PARTNER(S) CONTACT INFORMATION � Not Applicable Qf you� application does not require an official paMer, please check here). M official'partner' untler the grarrt may be a govemmerrtal or priva[e errtRy that has established a iegal, corrtractuai, or other agreemeM with the applicarrt for the purpose of supporting and working together for mutual benefits of the grant. Piease refer to the progmm-specific portion of the Guide for a complete description of partnership requirements untler the grant program for which you are applying. __ -- -_ __— _— _ -__- _.__ .- ' Trtle 'Superintendent of Schools ' -___- __-__ -_-._-_.___---_ ___- -__ . _ _ - _ _-__ - — _` --'- __-_-__ Prefix � ; ` First Name '� Patricia _._ _ .____ _-- -'_____ ___- MiddleName iA. _ _ ________ ______..__.-_- ' LastName •�Harvey - -- - - - -- SuRix ----�-- -�. ' Name of Partner Agency _ _ _____ ' Saint Paul Pu61ic Schools, ISD #625 , . ___'- ___ __ __ . _ __ _ ` Type of Partner Agency (e.g., School Distnct) .. . __.__ ____.._.________ _ _ .._-___.. -._ __ _ ._- __ �__.__. _ _.__ I School District , _-_ -___ _' __-"_-_--'__ -___" "_- ' Street Address 1' 360 Cotborn St. --- -- ' �___ __.__ - __.._. -_____ - _-_-- .- Street Adtlress 2 � - - - - - - - '�_ __'_"_____-'_______- __'_ ' City �St. Paul_- - _- _.—._'— - __- - _ _.__._ _ : ',___- __.-___-.__ __-__- _- -___ ... . - __.__---_— -_._ __.__.- _. __ ___ ._ _ _. ., Counry � Rams ` Siate � � MN: Minnesota ' � � _ _ __.____ J Province __ _ -- _ __ --_ -__�.-___- ___ -. ___- -____ ___.. �__-__.___- --. -_- -- ___ - -__ ' ZipCode ',55102 ___ _�i .._ _.___ _.__-_ --_. ____.._____ - __. _______, _ _ __ _ _ _ - .. _._�_....__ . . _ . - ___ . . ___. _. . _ ___ ___ _ _ . ___. ._. _ -. _ ' Courrtry �, USA: UNITED STATES � __-- -- _.-__-_ . ____-_ _ .�, ' Tefephone 1 �____ -_.__ ___ - _ _.___ ---__ .____._ _- - _._ - - _ ___ Fax 1651-290-8331 �_�-- __--. . _._ ___ _`-__--- _. _ _- __ __'_ _ _ _'__- ___-' _' _ ' E-maii �'isupt.harvey@spps.org Application Attachment to SF-424 d5-io��{ OMB Number: 1103•0098 Expuation Date: 02J29/2008 CERTIFICATION OF REVIEW AND REPRESENTATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH REaU1REMENTS The signatures of the appiicanYS Aufhorized Organizational Represertlative (on-line appiications only), Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official and Govemmerrt Executiv�nancial Official, and any applicahle program partners on the Certification of Review and Representation of Comnliance wrth Fequiremertts: 1) Assures the COPS Office that the applicarrt vnll compiy wrth all legal, administrative, and programmatic reqmremems that govem the appiicant for acceotance and use of federal funds as outlined in the applicable COPS Appiicahon Guide; AND 2) Attests to the accuracy of the infortnation subm�tted with this application (inciuding the Budget Detail Worksheets). The signatures below must Ce made by the actual execuiives narneU on this appiication unless there is an officialty dxumenied authorization for a delegaied s�gnature. it your junsdiction has such an officiai document, it must be attached to this application. Applications vnth missing, incomplete, or inaccurate signatures or responses may not be considered for fundinq. Stamped or electronic signatures (unless applying online v�a Grants.gov) also wiil not be accepied. Origmai signatures are required. Faxed copies will not be accepted. APplicanons postrnarked aiter the final apphcation deadline date may not be considered for funding. Signatures shall be treatetl as a material representation ot fact upon which reliance wiii be placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant. Please be advised that a hotd may be placed on this application if it is deemed that the applicant agency is not in compliance with federal avil nghts laws, and/or is not cooperating wrth an ongoing federal civii nghts investigation, and/or is not cooperating wrth a COPS Office compiiance inuestigation conceming a curtent gram awartl. By signing below, i certifythat I have read, understand, and agree, if awarded, to a6ide by all of the applicable greM compliance terms and conditions as outlined in the COPS Application Guide. In adtlition, i certify that the information provided on this Sorm and any attached forms is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false stateme�ts or claims made in connecfion with COPS programs may result in fines, imprisonment, debarment from partcipating in federal grants, c perative agreements, or contracts, and/or any other remetly avadabie by law to the federal govemment. � Authorized Organizational Represe'rtative's Signature: � �.�/�� Date: _ / rs"� � L -�—�v law Enforcement ExecutivelProgram Official: r _._—__. ____—_ __� _ _--. Prefix � Mc__ --- �� 'FirstName �John ________--.---_—_—.______'—_—_. �� —_ — — Middle Name I rv' --�----- � --�—� _ _ _ _ _' __ . __ _ _ , '—._— _. .—_ -- ' ___ _ _ . �— _ _.-- ___ --__'�"---_.__.—____.. ' Last Name I Hamng[on _ .___.—_— .__._ — ___.._ —_ _ _ ____ _ _ _ - Suff�x — --- — Signatur . - � — -- � ��— Date: i � � _ __ _ � , Govem �rt ecutive/Financiai Official: _ ___� _ _. ._ _ _ _ ..� �__ Prefix �M 'i 'Firs Name , Ra ndy ' ,_ _— _._ — —_ _._ _ _ _ . Middle N e �C --- — --- �— _ � _ _ _ ___ _ _ r _ —_ _—_ _ _— --- _,— _ " LastName I Kelty Suff�x � � Signature: ��i`��-l/J �f �' Date' � �� /� Z�^"' . . _' _ _` . � -=--��--�—''�3 — Signing this page also assures the COPS Office that you have read, understand, and agree, if awartletl, to abitle by the gra'rt terms and condiUons as outlined in the Assurances and Certffications. The siqned hard copy of the Assurances and Certifications shoultl be kept in the agency's fdes and furrnshed upon request. (�'-/7f! �f Application Attachment to SF-424 OMB Number: 1103-0098 6cpuation Date: 02/29/2008 Official Partner(s) Signature: P ��i x First Name Patric�a Mitltlle Name A. Last Name Harvey Surfix Signature: '°" C ' Date: Completed Upon Subm�ssion to Grants.gov Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix Signature: Uate: CompleEetl Upon Submission to Grants.gov Prefiz First Name Middie Name Last Name � , Suffix Signature: Date: Completed Upon Suhmission to Grants.gov Pretix F+rst Name Middle Name Last Name Suttix Signature: Date: , Completed Upon Submission to Grarrts.gov GRANTS.GOV NOTE: When applying online v�a Grants.gov, the Authonzed Organ¢ational Representffiive's signature will 6e the only signature submitted online. However, the Law Entorcement Executive/Program Officiai and the Government ExecutiveJFinanciai Official signatures, as well as any applicable program partners' sgnatures, are MANDATORY and a hard copy of the Certificallon of Review and Representation ot Compiiance wtth Reqwremenis shouid be kept in the agency's files and fumishetl upon request. Signaiures shall be treated as a matenal representation ot fact upon which reliance wiil be piaced when the Department of Jus4ce tletermmes to award the covered grant. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT NOTICE The pubiic reportng burden (or this collection of information is estimated to be up to eight average hours per response, depending upon the COPS program being appiied for mcluding Ume for searching existing data sources, gathering the data needed, and compieting and reviewmg the application. Send comments regarding this burUen estimate or any other aspects of the collection of this information, including suggestions for reducmg this burden, to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice, 1100 Vertnont Avenue, N.W., Washing[on, D.C. 20530; and to the Pu61ic Use Reports Pro�ect, Office of Information and Regulatory Affavs, Otfice ofi Managemerrt antl Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503. You are not required to respond to this collection of informa4on unless it displays a valid OMB controi number. The OMB comroi number for this applicat�on is 1103-0098 and the expiration date is 2/29/2008. /� • � Standard Appli�ation Forms Section 7 4: Assurances Seve.-al pzovisions of fedenl law and policp a�ly w all gxant piograms. We (the OfSce of Communiry Orienred Poiidng Savices) need to secuxe youc usuxance mat the applicant wiil comply with these nsocisions If you cvould like ;urth� ssuoxmarioa aoou2 anc oi these usurznces, please conrect youi stare's COPS Cmnt Pzogram Speaalist ac (800) 421-G�0. By the applitant's aurhonzed zenieseararive's signatuxe, the apolicant usuces tSat it will comply wirh all legal and adminisaarive z tk�at goaem rhe appSicanc fox acceocance and use of fedexal grent funds. Ia Pamculu, the applicaat assuzes us tSat 1. Ic bzs been legally and offiaalky authorized by the avpxopaau govetmng body (for example, mayoz oz aty council) to apply Eoc rhLs gxaat and thac rhe petsons "a '^g ihe appucanon and ihese usucances on irs behalf aze aurhorized ro do so and to act on iu behaLf with zespect xo any issues rhat may avse duvng processing of dus application. 2. Ic will comply onth *he pxovisions of fedezal law wluch limic cexmin polirical acwiries of gxancee employees whose prinupal employxnent is in connearon vnth an activiry financed in whole or in parc with �his gcant These xesmcnons aze set forth m 5 U.S.C. § 1501, et seq. 3. It will comply wiih the mmimum wage and maamum houcs pzovisions of the FedereL Faii Iaboz Standazds Act, i£' applicable. 4. It w�ll esrablish safeguazds, if it k�as noc done so alxeadg to pxol�ibrt CSIS ployees from vsing theix posidons fox a purpose ttiat is, oc gives the appeazance of being, movca[ed by a desice for pxivate gassi fox themselves oz othecs, pamcuiarly those orixh whom tney have fiuvly, busmess or orher nes. 5. It will give the Depazrment oE Jusnce ox the Comptiollu Genenl access to and the right to examiae iecoxds and documents ielared to the gxant 6. It will comply with all reqwzemenu ssnposed by rhe Depu'tment of Jusace as a condition ot adxnixustrative xequtcement of the gcant, uicluding but not limired co: rhe requicements of 28 CFTL Pazt 66 and 28 CFR Pazc 70, oe rhe Fedexal Acqmsinon Regulations, as applicabie (govexnuig cosi pnn.aples); OMB Cuculaz A-133 (governing audiu) and othex applitable OMB axculaxs', the applica6le pxomsvons of rhe Omnibus Came Conttol and Safe Sueets Aci of 1968, as amended; 28 CFR Parc 38.1; the cuczent edition of the COPS Gzant Momtoang Standazds and Gmdelines; and vnth all othec applicable pzogam iequizemenrs, 1aws, oidexs, xegulations, oc atculazs. 7. If applitable, it will, io the eatent pncticable and mnsistenc with applicable law, seek, xe¢uit and lvxe qualined membexs of zaoat and ed�nic minoaty gtoups and qvaliEed womea in oidei to furthes effective 1aw enfoscezneat by in¢easuig theiz sanks within ihe svrorn positions in ihe agenry. 1965, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 3789(�); Tide VI of the Croil Rights Acc oi 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 2000�; the Indian Civi1 Righu Act (25 U.S.C. §§ 1301-1303); Sernon 504 oi che Re6abilitarion Aa of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794); Tide II, Subade A of [he Amerirans with Disabilities Aa (ADA) (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.); rhe Age Discdminanon Att oi 1975 (42 U.S.C. § G101, et seq.); and Depaxffienc of Justice Non- Discriminanon Regularions coarained in Tide 28, Par¢ 35 and 42 (subpazts C, D, E and G) of the Code o£ Federal Regulanons. A. In the evrnt rhat any coutt os adxnimssative agenry makes a finding oi discriminarion on gxounds of nce, co1o�, zeiigion, nanonal ongtn, gendet, disability or age against rhe applicant afrex a due pmcess heaang, i[ agiees io focwaxd a copy of the SncLng to the Office of Civi1 Rights, Office of Justice Pzogiams, 810 7th Stxeet, NW, Waslilngcon, D.C. 20531. B. Gcanrees that have 50 or moxe employees and gcants over $500,000 (oz ova $1,000,000 in grents over an eighteen-monrh penod), must submit an acceprable Equal Employmenc Opponunity Plan ("EEOP") oz EEOP short form (if grancee is requssed to submit an EEOP undec 28 CFTt 42302), that is appzoved by the Office of Jusnce Pzogx�ams, Office foc Qvil ilights witLin GO days of the awazd stazt date Foi gcants under $500,000, buc over $25,OOQ ox foc gxantees vnth £ewex than 50 employees, the gcantee must submit an EEOP Cemfita¢on. (Crcantees of 1us than $25,000 aze not subjett to the EEOP xequicement) 9, Puxsuant co Depazrmenx of Jusnce guidelines (June t8, 2002 Fedenl Registez (Volume 67, Numbu 117, pages 41455-4147�), undeL Tide VI of the Croi1 Rights Act of 1964, vt will ensuce meazvngfiil access to its pxogruns and arnvines by pexsons witk� lixnited English pxoflcienry. 10. It will ensuxe ihat any facilines undu iu ownetskup, lease os supervision wnich shall be utilized in the accomplvshmenx of the pxoject aze not listed on the Envixonmenral Pzocettio¢ Agen�s (EPA) list of Violanng Facilines aad thac it will noufy us if adoised by rhe EPA thai a Faciliry ro be used in [6is gxant is undu considention foc such listing by the EYA 8. It will not, on die giound of rece, color, xelipon, nadonal oagia, geuda, disability ox age, unlaw£ully eadude any pezson from pattiaparion in, deny the benefirs of ox emnloymeat 2o any pexson, oc subjea any pexsoa ro discdminatioa in connection with any progxams oi activines funded in whole ot in part with fedexat funds. These cavil rights xequizements are found in the non-discrimioation piovisions of the Omnibus Cnme Conaol aad Safe Stceets Act of 11. If the applicant's state has esnblished a teview and comment pxoced�xe undec Esecutive Ozdu 12372 and kias selecced thvc pxogrnm foi teview, it has made thu app3icarion available fot review by ehe stace Single Point of Contact 12. Ic will suhxnit all suroeys, interview pzococols, and othu uuocmaaon collections to the COPS OEfice foi submiss�on co the Office of Ma�,oement and Budget fot deazance undec the 2� p,g /D9y Standard Appiication Forms Section 15: Certifications �egarding Lab6ying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsi6iiity Matters; Drug-free Workplacs Requirements Caordination with Atfected Agencies. Although rhe Denumenc oi Jusnce has made evay effoa to s�mnufp the applicarion psocess, orii� nx ovisioas o£ fede:al law =eauue vs co ;ees pouc agency's ceirificauon iegai"' a cecra�n mattexs Applicans should mad the xegularions ated below and the instrucaoas foi cerafitarion induded in the zegularions to undezsrand tiie se�•;*P�*+ents and wheihec they anply to a paraculaz apoucanc Si tius form wmplies 'vrith cecrifitation xequuemena uada 28 CFR Part 69, "New Restarnons on Lobbying;' 28 Cr'R Pazt 67, "Govewment-Wide De6azment and $uspension (Nonnmcucemeac)," 28 CFR Part 83 Govemment-Wide Requizemens foi Diug-Fzee Wor�lace (Gzaats)," and the coozdination iequicemens of rhe Aablic Safety Paztnecship and Commuairy Poucing Aa of 1994.'I'he ceitifications shall 6e aear.ed as a material cepxesentaaon of fact unon wnich xeliance will be placed when the Depaztmenc of Justice detezmmes to awazd rhe covued gxanr. l. Lobbpuig As requixed by Secrion 1352, Tide 31 of *he U.S. Code, and unplemented at 28 CFR Part G9, foz pecsons encenng inro a gcant ox coopexanve �eement ovex $1OQ000, as de5ned at 28 CFR Pazc 69, the appGcanc ceztifies c6ac: A. No fedesal appzopriated funds have been paid or wil1 be paid, by os on behalf of ihe undetsigned, to any puson foc influenang oc aaempting to influence an offices oz employee of any agenry, a membe: of Congxess, an officu or employee of Congess, oi an employee of a membu of Congxess in connecaon with rhe makmg of any fedecal gzan� the entering into o£ any coopexanve agzeemenr, and the excensioq connnuanoa, ienemal, axneadment ox modification of any federal grant oz coopesaave agceement; S. If any funds othe� than £edexat appropriated funds have been paid ox will be paid ro any pexson fos influenc�ng ox attempung to mfluence an officu oc employee oE aay agenry, a membex of Congxess, an offices oz employee of Congtess, oz an employee of a member of Congxess in connernon wiih ikus fedenl gzant ox coopesarive agceemenx, the undexsigned shall compleu and submit Srandazd Fossn - T LL, "Disclosuie of Lobbying Acdviries," m ucoidance wixh its mstrucaons; G The undexsigned shall iequiie that the language of d�is certificanon be included in +he awazd documents for all su6awazds at all tiexs (induding subgxants, conaaccs undec n ants and coopesanve agreements, and subconrzacts� and ihat all sub- reupiens shall cerrify and disclose accocdingly. 2. Debarment, Suspension and Othec Responsibility' MatteLs (Direcc Redpient) As cequired by Execurive Oxdes 12549, Debarment and Suspensioq and implemented at 28 CFR P^^t 67, fox piospective pazncipants in pamary covaed a�ansacrions, as defined at 28 CFR Patt 67, Secaon 67.440 - A. The applicant cecnfies that ii and irs prinapals: � Aze not presendy debaned, suspended, pxoposed foz debarment, declaxed ineligible, sentenced to a denizl of federal benefirs by a srate oz Eedecal court, oz volunraril.y esduded from covaed uansactions bq any fedeial department ox agency; (ss) Have not anrhin a ttuee-year period pzeceding thu application been conmcted of ox kiad a civil judgmenx xendesed aa , nst �em Foz commission of fraud ox a caminal offense in conaearon wirh obra'"'na, attempaag to ob+�'-, oc perfoiming a public (fedexal, state ox local) oz privace agreemenx ox uansacrion; vrolation of fedenl oi srate antiaust sramces oz comm�ssson of embezzlemenc, rheft, foxgery, 6ribety, falsification or destrucrion of xecoxds, making false sntements, tax evasion oc seceivmg stolen pioperry, ma6ing false daims, or obstrucrion of �usdce, oi coaunission of any offense indicating a lack of business integnty oc business honesry that seaously and duectly afFecu youi pzesent zesponsibility. (m� Sue not pxesendy mdicced foi ox orhexvnse mmmally ox avilly chazged by a govexnmenral ennry (fedenl, staxe or local) vnxh commission of any of the ofEenses enumernted in pazagmph (A)(u) of this cernficarion; and (iv) Have not wi[hin a duee-yeaz period preceding tkus apphcation had one oi moxe public txansactions (fedeLal, state oc local) tecm�namd fox cause or default; and B. Where the applicant is unable to certify to any o£ the sxatements in tlus cercificauon, he or she st�aIl attach an explananon to chis application. , 3. Drug-Pree Woxkplace (Grentees Other'Phan Individuals) As xeyuiced 6y the Dxug-Fxee Woxlcglace Act of 1988, and implemented at 28 CFR Pazt 83, fot grantees, as defined at 28 CFR Part 83, Secrions 83 and 83.510 - A The applicant cerrifies tktat it will, ox will continue tq provide a dcug-free wozkplace by. (i) Publishing a scacement notifying employees that rhe unlawful manufacnsse, discriburion, disnens�ng, possession oz use oi a con¢olled subsiance is p=olubited in the gtantee's woikplace aad spedfying the acnons xhat vrill be taken against employees fox violation of such pmhi6irion; (ss) Esrablishing an on-going drug-free awazeness pzogxam co �nfoxm employees about - 29 05 �09�/ Standard Appiication Forms Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Instructions for Completion of SF-LLL, D"+sclosure of Lobbying Activities This disclosure form shall be comp�eted by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime Federal recipien�, atthe initiation or receipt of a covered Federal action, or a material �hange to a previous filing, pursuantto title 31 U.S.C. section 1352. The fifing of a form is required for each payment or agreementto make paymentto any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Memher of Congress, an afficer or employee of Gongsess, ac an employee of a Member nf Congress in connection with a covered Federal action. Complete all items that apply for both the initial filing and material change report Refer to the implementing guida�ce pubiished bythe Office of Management and Budget for additional information. 1. Identify the type of covered Federal action for which lobbying actiwiy is andlor has been secured to influence the outcome of a covered Federal action. 2. Idenf�F/ the status of the covered Federal action. 3. Identify the appropriate classification of this report. If this is a follow-up report caused by a material change to the informa6on previously reported, enter the year and quarter in which the change occurred. Enter the date of the last pre v iously submitted report by this reporting entiiy for this cove red Federal action. of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grants, coopera5ve agreements, loans and �oan commiunents. 8. Enter the most appropriate Federal identifying number available for the Federa4 acti�n idenflfied in item 1(e.g., Request for Proposal (RFP) number, invitation for Bid (IFB) number; grant announcement number; the contract, grant, or loan award number, the applirationlproposal control number assigned by the Federal agency). Include prefixes, e.g., "RFPD E•90-001." 9. For a covered Federal action where there has been an a w a rd or loan commitrnent by the Federal agency, enter the Federal amount of the award/loan commitment for the prime entity identified in item 4 or 5. 4. Enter the full name, address, city, state and zip code of the reporting entity. Include Congressional Disfict num6er, if known. Check the appropriate ciassifica6on of the re p o r t i n 9 entity that designates if it is, or expects to be, a prime or suha w a rd recipient. Identiiy the tier of the subawardee, e.g., the first subawardee of the prime is the 1st tier. Subaward s include 6ut are not limited to subcontracts, subgrants and contract awards under grants. 5. If the organization filing the report in item 4 checks " S u b a w a rdee," then enter the fuli name, address, city, state and zip code of the prime Federal recipient. Include C o n g ressionai District, if known. 6. Enter the name of the Federal agency making the award or loan commitment. Include at least one organizational level below agency name, if known. For e�mple, Department of Transporta6on, United States Coast Guard . 7. Enter the Federal program name or description for the cove red Federal action (item 1). If known, enterthe full Catalog 10. (a) Enter the full name, address, city, state and zip code of the lobbying entity engaged by the reporting registrant identified in item 4 to influence the covered Federal action. (b) Enter the full name(s) of the individual(s) performing services, and include full address if diff e rent from 10 (a). Enter Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial (MI). 11. The cer6fying official shall sign and date the form, print hismer name, title and telephone number. Pubiic 2porfing burden Sor this collectioa of infortnation is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, inc(uding time for reviewing instructions, s e a rching existing data sources, gathedng and maintaining the dafa needed, and comp/etrng and reviewing the coflection of infonnation. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspecf of this collecfion of informatron, inciuding suggesfions for reducing fhis burden, to the Office of Management and Budgef, Paperv✓ork Reducfion Project (0348-0046), Washington, D.C. 205fl3. Q�j-/09�f ' ApplicaM Legal Name: , Ciry of St. Paul Pohce Department BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEETS OMBNUmber.1�03-0097 Fxovation Oate: 2/29/2008 ORI #: — —_'— _ —_—_—_— _— ___— _ _' - MN06209 COPS FUNDING REQUEST Fetleral assistance is being requestetl under the following COPS Office funtling category: ' Please selecf the tunding category tha[ was selected on the COPS ApP���tion Attachment to SF-024. `_ COPS in Schools . , Tribal Progrems ' i Universal Hiring Progrem � _, Community Policing DevelopmeM Progrems A. Sworn Officer Positions � ,'� Targetetl Progrems ���; Interopereble Communications Technology Program IJ' Secure our Schools No Swom Officer Posi[ions Requested ✓ Inffiructions: COPS hving grent programs pay for entry-level salanes and henefits of newty hired, atltlitional swom law enforcement oificers for a penod of thirty-5ix (36) months. This wotksheet wdl assist your agency m properly organrzmg your mazimum estimated salary and benefit costs antl provitling [he necessary financial detaiis for review by ihe COPS Office. Please list the entry-level base salary and fnnge benefiis rounded to the nearesf whole dollar for one swom officer posihon within your agency. COPS hinng funds may also be used to pay for entry-level salanes and 6enetits oi newly-hired, atldftional officers who wiil backfill the positions of locally-fundetl veteran officers that will 6e deployed into commumty poliang specialry areas (i.e., School Resource Officers). Do not inclutle employee contributions. Complete part i il you are requesfing lunds for lull-time oHicer positions; part 2 it you are requesting part-t�me officer positions; and both parts 7 and 2 i� you are requesting lull and pad-time officer postions. Officer Positions Requesietl: __ � ' Fulbtime: � ' Partdime: i En[er the number o/ new, entry-level full-eme and/or part-time officer posrtions that are bemg requested. Do not inclutle any oHicers already funded (or �or which fund�ng has been requested) under any other COPS granGS or any posdions otherwise funded wiih state, local, tnbal, or BIA /unds Your request shou)d be consistent wRh your agency's �aw entorcemeni needs. Oo not request rtrore pos�6ons than your agency can support and retam. Please complete if your agency is requesting paR-time officers: Part-Time Hours: ' What is the average number of hours per week that your part-t�me COPS oHicer wiil work? � * Now many hours per week is considered full-time emQloyment? ' W hat is the average num6er of hours per year that your part-time COPS officer will work? ___ J ` What is the hourty rate for the part-time COPS officer? To calculate the base salary amount for part-time officers, multiply the hourly 2te by the average number of hours per year that the part-t�me COPS-Funded oR�cef will work. You will enter this base salary oo page 4. Note: There is a funtling cap for part-time officers in proportion to 1he numbe� of hours worked and ihe maximum fetleral funding allowetl untler a particular COPS hiring prograrn. For example, 'COPS m Schools' has a m�imum federal share of $125,000. The part-time fede2l funtling cap would be calW lated as follows: 20 hours/40 hour week = S full-hme eqmvalent; paR-time tetleral share cap =.5 X$125,000 (mauimum allowed) _$62,500. "The Universal Hiring Pmgram° has a m�imum federal share of $75,000. The part-time federal funding cap woultl be calculatetl as follows: 20 hours/40 hour week =.5 full-time equrvalent; part-time Fetleral share cap =.5 X$75.000 (maximum aliowed) _$37,500. ' Appticant Legal Name: City of Si. Paul 6. CiviliaNOther Personnel InsVUCtions: Each position must be listed and computed separafely. Position Title: Secunty Personnel os ia;y OMB Number. 1103-�087 Expiration Date: 2/292008 QRI #: MN06209 ' Base Salary Computation: (( � 26,029.00! X'__ 100.00'�,) X�'� _ 1�I) _� 26,029.00 (Base Salary Suhtotap ((Annual Base Salary($) X Percent of Time Devotetl to [he Pro�ect( %)) X Number of Years Devoted to the Pro�ec[) % of Base Frinae Benefit Cost Salarv Subtotal Mtlitional Information `SOaal Secunry � 1,61379� 6.19; Can't Exceetl 62%. if Exempt Check Here: `Medicare � �37720� 1.44' CanY Exceed 1.45h. If Exempt Check Here. Health Insurance ' S,196.00: � 19.96 FamAy Coverage? ,�, Yes �� No Life Insurance �' li. , —__ "__ " _____—'" -.. i _-_ � - - .� VacaUOn , Number of Hours Annually: _ _ ______ . ..' _ _ _ Sick Leave �. � 'I : � Number of Hours Annually ' __ _-__..___... _ _-__ _-_- _ _�i. __ _ � Retvement '�' � �� -��- ���� � �� -�� 1.439.00 5.52��, . ____._.__ _- __ -- ; . __ -___ -__'__'_� -__ -_`,('__ _' W orker's Comp � I t.. � . .. _ _ _ _ _<—__—__ i. , _ __ ___ '__ . -_—' --.______ - _ _ Unemployment Ins. �'�. � I _ ____._ __—__-_�._._ _ __ ,.--_-__ _ '__' -____-____ _ "" _'__ _ __. Other '� j�� � ' Descnbe: O[her ' Descnbe. . 9 �� ��� "----`:_ -----.-`- -`�_...--`:.._._-�t_. _. ' Sotal Fnn e Benefits: _ ,_. 8,fi25.99� Subtotal Position Saiary and Benefits: � 34,654.99'� ._ __ ___ _.._ Please include a detailed position description tor all positions listed in ihe Budget N�rrative ' Appiicant Legal Name: _____ __.-_.-___'._.__-----__._--- City of St. Paul B. Civilian/Other Personnel 1nsUUCtions: Eacn position must be listetl and cromputed separately. Position Title: S�urity Personnel D5 -1�9y OMB Numher: 7103-0097 Exoiration Date: 2129/2008 ORI �: ° MN0G209 ._ __._ ___-___ - .___ _ - _ _ _ ._ __ Base Salary Computation: (('� ___ 26,029_00! X;� 100.00,) X' 1 i) �� 26,029.00� (Base Salary Subtotaq ((Annual Base Salary($) X Percen[ of Time Devoted [o the Pro7ect( %)) X Number ot Years Devotetl to the Pro�ect) Frinae Be�fit 'Social Secunry "Metlicare Health Insurance �fe �nsurance vacation SicK Leave Renrement Workers Comp Unemployment Ins. Other % of Base Cas[ Salarv Subtotal Atlditional Information _ _ . _ .. _ _ _ _.__ _ _ _. __ ._. _ _ 1,61379� � fi.79' Can't Exceed 6.2%. if Exempt Check Here: 37720�i �� 1.44�, Can't Exceed 1.45q. If Exempt Check Here: ' S,796.00�1�� 19.96' FamityCoverage? ,� , Yes � No __ "-___'___.'__.._"-_______ _�: -._... - �i � �� ��� � Number of Hours Mnually: ��. , - -. _ _ - _ ._ -_ ' _ --------- -- ,-- - � • � �, Number ot Hours /annually ; _ _- ' _ _ __' _ " _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ i . _ _ _ _ ___'____ "_ " - ' - -' _ _ " ' - 1.439.00�; 5.521 ' ..-__ �____ _. _ .. . -__. __' ___' _"'__- ___--,,,._'___ � "', I: _ __ _-_. _ _ __ _. --_. _ i. � _ ..�.. �. � ' • Describe: - � � Other ���'� ToWlFringeBenefits: � 8,625.99� __ _ . . __ _ .. i Subtotal Position Salary and Benefits: ��, � Descnbe: I 34,654.99 � Pl�se include a detailed position description tar al! positions listed in the Budget Namative pJ-J I��f ' Applicant Lega� Name: Ciry of SC Paul - __ _ __'—__- _ -' _ _- __ _- __.'__ — "__-__'_ __ _ B. Civilian/Other Personnei inslructions: Each position must be Iisted and compuied separately. . _ _ _._. _ __._. _ Position TiUer Secuniy Personnel OMB Number: 1103-0097 Expirahon Date: 2/29/2008 ORI k: MN06209 Base Salary Computation: (( I 26,029.001 X, 100.00�) X, 1 �) _, 26,029.00 (Base Salary Subtotalj ((Annual Base Salary($) X Percent of Time Devotetl to the Pro�ect(% )) X Number of Years Devoted to the Pro�ect) °e W Base Frinae Benefit Cos[ Sala�uhtuta� Adtlitional Information .. __-_ . ____ _. . . _. _ _ _. 'Social Seanry 1,613.79i'� 6.19� Can't Exceetl 62%. if Exempt Check Here: , `Metlicare 37720'i � 1.44' Can'1 Exceed 1 45%. If Exempt Check Here: Healih insurance � 5,196.00�� �� 79.96�� Famity Coverage? ' Yes ' No __. _ _ ___ " _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ i ' �felnsurance ' '� _ _ _ _ _.__ . _ " _ _ _ .._ _ __ _. . ._ : ,� . ...- , Vacation Number of Hours Mnualiy: � '�. _ ._ - _ __ .__ __- ' _ ;� � � � �; � '� NumberofHOUrsAnnualiy: , , Sick Leave i, �_ . _. _ ____ . . _ __-_ � _ __-__'___—_—_'_______.. , -_ Rehrement ! 1,439.00I! 5.52i �. _ _ _. _ __— _—.____--_ _ i�.__ __ ' ' _'_'_ __ — _ _ I i Workefs Comp � _ ._ _ � � . ! _ _ — __.'_ ___ __ —'__`_ _ __—'.—, _._ ' Unemployment Ins �, ' "___'_ .'—_____."_'_"___'_ _'_� ' - ' ' __ - _ - ___-_'__' ". _'___' _ _ _ _ � Ofhes ' � � ' Descnbe:'� Other � ' ` Descnbe: '_ � � 8,625.99i _- - TotalFrin9eBenefits: �� � _ . __ � � � __ _ _ _ __' � -- - Su6total Position Salary and Benefits: � 34,654.99� Please inc�ude a demiled position descnption fo� all posifions listed in the 8udget Narrafive ' Appiicant Legal Name: Ciry of St. Paul B. Civilian/Other Persannei Instructions: Each position must be 1"rsted and wmputetl seAarerely. ._ _ ______._— ____ ._-_- - ___—_ __ _ ---. .. _- - Positian Titler Sewriry Personnei _ 45 -� Dgy OMB Number. 1�030057 Expiration Dffie: 2/29/2008 ORI #: MN06209 _________. '__ -- _ . 'BaseSalaryComputaUOn:((' 26.029.00i X 100.00i) X'� 1,) = 26,029.00'(BaseSalarySuMOtap ((Annuai Base Salary($) X Percenl of Time Devoted to the Project(% )) X Number of Years Devotetl to the Pro7ecp % of Base Frinae Benefit Cost Salarv Subtotal � Atlditionai IMOrmation 'Social Securdy 1,6'13.79� 6.19�, Can't Exceed 62%. If Exempt Check Here: ' _ _ - _..___. _. .- ' ._____ _ . .__ ___ P 'Metlicare � �� 37720I �I 1.44' Can't Exceetl 1_45 %. If Ezem t ChecK Here. .._- _ � r._. -_ . 5�196.00�! ' � Health Insurance I 18.961 Famity Coverage? � � Yes � No Life Insu2nce � .. � � � � � �� �� .. .� � � �i i . __ � '_ . ____'-. _ _ i,; __ . _ _ , � � � - _ _ ' Number of Hours Annualiy: , �, vacation � -- ...r.- � -- -. _- -- - - . __ ��, _ . . _ � . : _ . __ _ Sick Leave � �' ' Numbe� of Hours Annualy: � _ _ ' ' _. ._ . .__' _ ___________-i� .' . 1.439.00j� 5.52' ___ _ _ _ _. _- Retirement �, _ , i_ ._ _ . _ _ __ _ _ _, . __-, Worker's Comp �'i i ' . ___._ _ _ . . . .:______' ' ___'_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ ' ', Unemployment Ins. ' . Other I. . _ — — __ __ . ___ _ __ . _ ___ _ -_ - .� ��_ _ .._. ' ` DesGribe: : _ . - - Other � � _ �_ _ � � . � _ - _ _ .� _ ��. . ' ' Descnbe: �� � Tata{ Fringe Benelits: �`._ , _ ___ _,_ _ _ � __ __ _ __ __'___ _ 8,625.99� � - SubtoWl Position Salary and Benefits: I 34,654.99� Please include a detailed pasifion description tor all positiorts listed in the Budget Narretive ` Appiicant Legaf Name: CiTy of St. Paul Police Department B. CivilianlOther Personnel (conYd) Q5 -,l 094� OMB Number: 1103-0097 Expiration Date: 2l29/2008 ORI �: MN06209 If no funtls were budgeted for �) Social Securiry, 2) Medicare, 3) Worker's Compensation, andlor 4) Unemptoyment Insurence, your agency must provide an explanation tor each omission bNow: t) Soc�al Securiry: _ __ _ 2) Medicare: 3) Worker's Compensation: ! Saint Paul Public Schools is self-insured. 4j Unemployment Insurance: ', Samt Paui Public Sch6ols is self-insured. 05 �a9y OMB Number. 1103-0097 Expiration Date: 2/29/2008 ' Appliwnt Lega� Name: City of St. Paul Police Departmeni C. EQUIPMENTIfECtiNOLOGY ORI �: MNO6Z09 No Equipmenffiechnology Requestetl _ _ Instruclions: �st non�xpentlahle items that are to 6e purchasetl. Non2xpendabie equipment is tangible property (e.g., technology) having a useful life oi more than Iwo years. Expentlable items shoultl be inciudetl either in the "SUPPLIES° or "OTHER" categories. Applicants should analyze the cost benefits oi purchasing versus leasing equipment, espec�alty for high-price items and Ihose subject [o ra�itl technical advances. Rented m leased eqwpment costs shoultl be listed m the "CONTRACTSlCONSULTAN'fS" category. If adtldional Cutlget infortnation is requ�red io be enteretl for tNS category please complete the infortnation in an electronm fortnat antl attach ihe tlocumeni using ihe'Other Attachments' fortn fountl m the Pure Edge fortns package. Pursuant to the Consolitlated Appropriations Act 2005, P.L 108-447, be ativised that, to the greatest extent practical, all eqmpment and protlucts purchased with these funds must be American-made. For agencies purchasing items reiatetl to enhancetl communicatians systems, the COPS Office ezpects antl e�courages that, wherever feasible, such voice or tlata communiwtions equipment shoultl be incorporatetl into an intre- or interjuristlictional stretegy for communications interoperability among federa6 state, and iocal law enforcement agencies. See the COPS Applica4on Gwde for a list of allowableluna�lowable costs for the particular program for which you are applymg. ' Computation ' UniVltem Oescriptian (# of ItemsN�its X Unit Cost($) ) Per item Subtotsl ($) . _. _____._.__.____-_�-__-_._- _._._.__ __ .: ISurvedlance Camem System mdutling cameras, msiallation, traming and lmainienance(Request) - --...---`-- -- . �. - �- - -� " � - `__-__ ____ `__- , � , 4i : 50,000.00�' 200A�.00i � _ ' �.... ._- __ _ _.' �` __ _ . _ ._ _ __ '. _ . _ -__'__'__" _ �-'-_-_-'-_'__ -_'-_'� '��Surveillance Camera System including cameras, instaliation, training antl , �,mainienance(Match) ' --------, - -��� ' ___ ___ ___ � , _ _ _'_ _ _ � � `�____ '. 114,000.00� ; _ _ � . ' -_' f ... _ ._ _ .. '_— ___'� �.--__- _ _ _ _"_ __ t 14,000.00 � ' ,� _'__"_ , r - __, _ '__ , , � . _- _ _ _' ' l - _ _ _" ' " ' _ � � ' _ _'_____' _--_`_ __'__. - _ _ _ _ .�._ _. _ . --_"'_' _-'__ __'_ -"_"__ _ __ _' _ - ' __'_ __ __'__'_ '_' _-' .' _ . , , � i i . .'____"", . '_-_-"_"'_' "',____ _ __ i ' __--' '_ _ _ _ _ _ _,_,._ ______._____. L � _.___ .__.__..._.._ � � � � � � � � -� � EQUIPMEM TOTAL: 31A,000.00'� Tmnsfer to Budgei� Summary Line 3 Piease include a detailed descripfion tor all items lisfed in the Budget Nanative �-� o9y OMB Number. 1103-0097 Expiration Date: 2/29/2008 • Applicant Legal Name: �City of St. Paul Police DeDartment D. OTHER COSTS ORI #: �IMN06209 � No Other Costs Requestetl � Instructionr. �st other reauested items that will support the pro�ect goals and o6jec[ives as outiinetl m your apphcation. Other costs may mclutle Rems such as overtime antl backgrountl investigations for law enforcement officer posdions(s) and/or civilian position(s) ii aliowable untler the progrem for which you are applying. if atltlitional budget infortnation is requvetl to be enteretl for this category please complete ihe information m an elec[ron�c format antl attach the document using the'Oiher Attachments' fortn found in the Pure Edge fortns package. Pursuant to the Consolitlatetl Approoriations Act 2005, P.L 108-047, be ativisetl that, to the greatest estent prac6cal, all equipment antl products purchased wRh these funtls must be Amencan-made. See [he COPS Applicahon Guitle for a lis[ of allowable/unaliowable ca5ts for the particular program for which you are applymg. UniUltem Description � _ _ _ "_'_" — _____'_— ` CompuWGOn (# of ItemsNnits X Unit Cost($) ) Per item Suhtotal (§) ' i _ ____._ __ . - - - �'__ '_'_ _ __ '_' " "_ __ _ _ _ �I il _'..._'_ ... __' , ' _ _ _ _ r I � i ______ -_' -__.___'_ '___' .._"" i-____' _'__-__-_':., -__ .._ - , _ _ . _ ' __-_._--. -_ ____ ' '_"'_'__ _ __ _-� i , _—_ ,-.___'_'_ _� _ '_ ' ' _- , ,'— — __"__'' i i � '___ ' � I _ '_ , � _'_ __'_ '____ '_ __'_' """ ____ . ... __ __ ' __"_ ' _ _ ._' '_'____- ' —_ ______ ____— —_ __'� I ,___"_._ ... _ __, -_ _ .. � i . -______"__'_— __"_ "_ �'� �__—"'_ __._ �.. .. - -_ ___ I ___'" _ - _ - _" _ _' "_ _ _' _" __' _ - . _ . _ _ _"" _ _ . - __—_— _—_'— "__—'__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ""_' � I , ,- _ . . . . . . I ', _ l I I I I � � � I _ _ _� .___ _ _________i _ ,_ ._ _ _ . _ _ . OTHER COST TOTAL: ; � � Trensfe�<oBUtlgM Summary Line 4 Please inWude a detailed description tor alf items lisfetl in !he Budget Narrative �5-io9 y OMB Numoer. n03-0087 Expiration Date: ?J2912008 ` Appiicant Legai Name: City of SL Paul Police Deoar[men[ E. SUPPLIES ORI #: ����� � MN06209 No Supplies ReqUested Instructions: List items by type (office supplies; pastage: traimng materials; copymg paper, books; hantl-heltl tape recortlers; etc). Generaliy, supp��es include any m2teriats that are expentlable or consumetl during the course of the project. If add"Rionai butlget iniorma[ion is requrted io be enteretl for this category please complete the mfortnation in an electronic fortnat and attach the tlocument using the'Other Attachments' form fountl in the Pure Ed9e forms packa9e. See ihe COPS Applira4on Guide for a lisi of allowable/unallowable costs for the particular progmm for which you are app�y�ng. ' Computation " UniNtem Description (# of Itemsftlnits X Und Cost(S) ) Per Item Su6totai ($) ____ . .__-- —.___.., . Signage & Marketing Ma[enals � � � _ --- 7: �,--��-� - - 4,000.00� I 4,000.00 _ _ .— __—_ _: '__ _ __ _ ____ _'_—'-- '_ '— --_ __ ;Conierence Materials � ' — ', _ ..____- _. ��-__..__ _ _ _ _ , __ _ _. � 1; i 1,500.001 �, 7,500.00� __' _'____' -__'__ _ __ I L__— ______' ._ ___ .___._-i'- - - _ _ -_ _ ___"' _ '_'__. _—._"' __._ _-___' .' !Conference Refreshments � � i __—_ ___ _ ,—__ __ r__ ...__ __ _ ._ ' �' 600.00� � 500.00� _ . -1 ._ _ _. _J� _ _ ._ _ . . ._ _ .. .__ __ ._ � __ .... __ . . . _ - ,.-. ___._. __ _ _ ... I'i � I _ _" _ ' - __- _ i '_-"_"."_. _ _' �-__ � . �. , � I � L .�__ __"� �_ _ __ - .-_ i i -. _ __.__ __ _" � "__ " �_ ._'_. _ ___ _ . __ _ ' _ _ _ � '_ ___ _____ .__ "__._._- _"_ _________I �I.__...�._.___I �._-___....____-__'I"_. __ __ .. SUPPLIES TOTAL: ; 6,000.00 7rensfer to Budget Summary Line 5 Please include a detailed description for a(f i[ems lisfed in ihe Budget Narrative A5-�o9y. OMB Number. Tt03-0097 Expiration Date: 7J2912008 ' Appiicant Legal Name: �C�ry oi St. Paui Police Department F. TRAVEL(fRA1NiNG ORI #: — � — MN06209 -. . No Trevel/Trein�ng Costs Fiequestetl Instructions: Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g., mandffiorytramng, staff to iraining, Fieltl interwews, ativisory grouo meetings). Show the hasis of computa6on (e.g., 6 staff memoers fimes the unit cost per person for lodging for 3 tlays). Trafnmg pro7ecis, trammg fees, Iravel, lodgmg and per tliem 2tes for trainees shauld be listetl as sepa2te travel items. Show the number of siaif attentlmg any event and ihe unft costs per person involvetl. ItlentiSy the location of tfavel, when possi6le. Note: Any loCal training Costs (within a 50-mile ratlm5) Shoultl be listetl untler SeciiOn D('Other Costs'). If addRlonal budget mfortnation is requiretl to be entered for this category please complete the mrofmation m an eleC[ronic format antl attaCh the tlocument usmg the'Oiher Atiachments' form found in [he Pure Edge fortns package. See the COPS Application Guitle for a Iisi of allowable/unallowabie costs for the particular prograrn for which you are apptyinq. ' Reason for 7raveVTreining & Location of TravellTraining _ _. _ _ - ____ ___. _—__________ .see attachment ` Computation # of Days Per Item ' TravellTraining Item (# of Staff X Unit Cost($) X?ripslEvents ) Subrotal ($) attachment j _--_ ._�__ _ . . _ __ � 1I 33,560.00 1 . 33,560.00 _- ___�._._.. ____.__ . ____ .__—' -'_'—_. . _'_-._____ ' — .— - _ r .___��„__—....._ _�_'__"—'_'___ _ � _ I _ _ ___'_ '_ —_ _ _ ' ___" __ _— _' - - _ �_'__ __ _'_ _ '___ _ _ _ - __' _' _ _' -------�'� - - -. _�_- .. _____._... - 1 � _ ---': - --- _. __ �. _. ---- - --- - � - . . �- - - -�� - -- L_._.. - -- --T_ - �- - - TRAVEL/TRAINING TOTAL: 33,560.00 Tansfirto eutlget Summary Line 6 Please include a detailed descriptiort and justificffiian tor all trevel iisted in the Budget Namafive. D5�o9� 0 � � a LL r ro a a `m E E � � m m � ' m 0 c d E L U ro Q �: a- C� � " �� O a. CU i W 0 a o : o � o 0 0 � � � ° � � o 0 N m m � c n c� c �n rn o a p v_ � � N W r r r tn CO c7 r N � O i m a m m � c� d � W T �n �n � T ,- T �n u) T r �n �n T C1 � � Q � i 7 F' Z N �7 � � M t�n N O�i I� N � O � M � Q T � M V' N � � u7 � � 'C r � � y w ° v v v v �t a � � r � v c � v m a E � Z N R N � a � ° c) � N 1� EA N � � O � � � � � �° o U � U O1 � u o U v � u � c � s m � z ¢ = � � '��° °��' m m ¢ � o� w ' � � � ' "� 'c W U �� U v � W � � tp K ,6 0 �n °�' p x `� o x � C p � � N O O O m � m O m � N t�6 ii � � m i6 ii N �? m N � E m F y �' m m in in m c m � in c °' m d a � ' N � N 9 m � d p � � [C � a a Q [C [C � a a ¢ -� a ¢ a � ) ,.� m C � j O = � �(6 (�j � � ^ � � � 16 � F .-. ~ c6 C r J p�`. � 0 p� � � � � p m p � -� � O Cp � � CA �n p [f] � �7 3 °if � � 1— .� y a ro U F � � N 'p c c 7 O f6 !n p � � U � p d O L ta �— ? m O N m � � m >. c d U O CC � "6 F Q p N O � � Q � m Q Z J Y � m n 05-ID OMB Number. 11030097 EYp�2tion Daze: 2l29/2008 ' Applicant Legal Name: ORI �: . _ ._ _-_'____-____ _ _--__ -_- - — �_-__-_- ���IMN06209 City of St. Paul Poiice Department -- --- G.CONTRACTS/CONSULTANTS Nocamracts/ConsultalrtsCOStsRequestea , Instructions: See the COPS Appiication Gwde for a hsi of allowable/unallowable costs for the partcular program for which you are apolying. lt adtlRionat budget iniomiallon is requiretl to �e entered for this category please compiete the infortnation m an elec[romc format a�tl attach the tlocument usmg the'Other Attachment5 form fountl m the Pure Edge forms package. Corttracts: Provide a descnptwn of the product or service to be procured by contracc and an esiimate of the cost. Appucants are encouragetl to promote free and open competihon in awarding contrac[s. ' CoMract Description ' Contrect Bitl Type (�Pen-Competitrve or Sole Source) ' Per Contract Subtatal ($) ._- _.___-_-__--_--_-____-___ ,, Infortnation Technology Infrastructure Work �� . � � Sole Source 70,000.00. �' . __- -_.__ _ __ _ __ __ _ ___ . "'_ �.. ., -_.._.._.......___...._.�.__�-��-�-�._...�; , __ _-__- -_- __ ___ _ - _ ' i. __ _ __ __ _ _- _'.._______' _' � _'-' _ � ' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ConVacuSubtoWL r 7U,000.00'�(G1) Consuitanf Fees: For each consultant enter the narne Qf Known), service to be pmvided, hourty or tlaily fee (hased upon an e-hour tlay), antl estimated �ength of time on [he pro7ect. ConsWtant fees m excess of $450 per day reqwre adddional wntten �ustification m the Budget Narratrve and must be pre-approved in wnting by the COPS Office. ' Consultant Namelfitle ' Service Provided ' COmputation Per Consuitant Fee —__. - -'- -- i '_ _'__. _...--- . � ' (COSt (g) X # of Days or Hours) Subtotal ($) �` _ . ___- �____ ___ -_ _ . �,-....,- -_,_- _,� _ - ._ _��.,,..�, � _�n.. a" - _-_. � .'_- _ _ ___ _ � � _ _ __ __ __ � _ _ ' ___ -�....�„7' 1 I _ -_ _ i _ � ' I� I� �' _ ' _ � .. �..-_ ___ -_-._.,...a� ��z- s-��-- - ._ .-__ _ _ _ -, `__ - _ . _.._ .. _ I, I I � ----_.._._ ._......_._ , -_ _... -- --- I �i '� ;I ,�-`--°_.,.,__..._-___.___.-�_- J�� ---�.�..�.....� ...�....e.r' ---'�--�- -- - - - i I ., �----------- � - - --�--- - - � _ . � Ji_ _.� --- -�--- -�- -------- ��- -----,. _ � - -- ' ----- -- - - - �- - -- ,-----_- -_ Consultant Fees SuMOtal: ' (G2) Consulfarrt Erpenses: List all expenses to be paid from the grant to the mdmdual consultants separate fmm their consuBant fees (e.g., trave�, meals, IoUgmg). - "COnsWtant NamelTitle " Service Provided � CompuWtion Per ConsulWnt � � � � �� --�� -� �-�-- �- � (COSt ($) X tk of Days) SuMOtal ($i , i �' '__' '_ _ .li _�� - �__ - _ _ _ ' _ _____,�.,_,__.._...T.-,._...__..v.T , _ _., _.__ __.'_._ ... . _ _----- i � i -�„ _-, _ _ __ _ _-.- -�z-...��-....._,.m..� -.._.�.a,.�-..��-�_'-- _-__- __'__'-'_ _ - _ _ __ '- _ �� ��. -. _i�_ _— _ ' _ _" __'-_ �"--__-- �. _" __ ____ '. ._- ._. ConsulWnt SubtotaL• (G3) CONTRACTSlCONSULTANTSTOTAL: �' �0,000.00 Contracts (G7) + Consultant Fees (62) + ConsWtant Expenses (G3) iransfer to eudge[ Summary Line 7 Please incl�de a detailed description for all contracts fisfed in the Budget Narrative. • Applica'rt Legal Name: City of St. Paul Police Department BUDGET Si1MMARY InsWCtions: When you have comoleted the Budget Detail Worksheets, please transfer the category totals to the spaces below. Please compute the Totai Project AmouM, Total Federal Share Amount, antl Total Local Share (if applicable). Piease see the App�ication Guide tor infortnation on the maximum federai � share and local matchmg requirements for the grerrt for which you are applying. Budget Category A. Sworn Officer Positions B. CiviliaNOther Personnel C. EquipmentlTechnatogy D. Other Costs E. Supplies F. Trevef/Training G. Contreets/ConsultaMs H. Indirect Costs Total Pmject AmouM: Total Federal Share Amount: (Total Pro7ect Amouni X Federal Share Percentage Allowable) Toial Locai Share Amount (if applicabie): (Total Pmject Amount - Total Federal Share Amount) Category Total (S) �--- - _i � ---_ --- -- 138,620.00 i r ----- 3�4,00O.00l i � --------_— � �- _—_ _—_— j � --�--- ' 6,000.001 j 33,560.00I i � 10,000.00� i L �=_ _ _ _ _ i ___—_-_—__ _ __5U2,180.0� _--- 250,060.001 �-- ------- ----� �6 ��4 OMB Number: 1103-0097 E�piration Daze: 2129/2008 ORI #: "MN06209 Line # 2 3 4 5 6 7 a —_. ______�..-__ � �—___— _—__�252,b .J CoMact Ifrtormation for Budget Questions Please provide contact information of the finanaal official that the COPS Office may contact vnth quesiions relatetl to your budget submisswn. Authonzed OfficiaPS TyQed Name: Prefix: �—_� i __ _- __._ ___ _- 1 �_ _'. __— ' First Name: IAmy '�r-=_ _r= _'_____ MitltlleName: �Mane ' Last Name: � Brown � - �� �� �� �� � _ ______.: _____ _' Suffix: __i ' Trtie: � Research and Grent Manager " Phone: L651-266-5507 'E-maii Address: ramy _- __.__-.__ __ _- _ _ .� F�: �,651-266-5542 -�� �� � � PAPERWORKRE�UCTION ACT NOTICE The publro repamng burde� �or thia collection M iniormation is esi�ma�ed to ba up lo 2 haurs per response, tlepentling upon the COPS program be�ng applistl Saq inGUtling the time for reviemrog instrucUOns, seemhing existing tlafa sources, gat�enng the butlget tlata neetled antl complet�ng the wotksheets. Send mmments regarding this burtlen esGmate w any ot�er aspects of t�e cWlection of thrs mformation, indWmg suggestions for retluang this buraeq to Ne Ofiice of Commumy Onenretl Poliang Serv�ces, U.S. �epaAnent W Jushce, 7'100 Vermant Avanue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530; and to �he Public Use Reports f'rol�. ��� of Information antl Regularory +�airs, OPoCe of Managemerrc antl Budge4 N12shington, D.C. 20503 You are not reqmred to respontl to th�s mlleetion d information uNess rt displays a valid OMB contrd number. The OMB control number for ttus appiice[on is 1103-0097 and the eryi2hon tlate is 2@9@008 Saint Paul PllBLIC SCHUULS 05 -109y Independe�rt School Disbicf 625 Offrce Of The Superintendent 360 Colbome Sueec Patxicia A. I-7arvey, Ph.D. Saint Panl, MN 7510�3299 Superintendent of Schools Telephoac (G51) 767-8150 • F� (651) 290-8331 • www.spps.orn June 10, 2005 Chief John Harrington Saint Paul Police Department 367 Csrove Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Deaz John: I am writing to offer my enthusiastic support of the City of St. Paul Police DepartmenY s grant application to the COPS Secure Our Schoois program. This is a wonderfui opponunity to strengthen and deepen our mutual commitment to keeping our children and our community safe as we conrinue to align and coordinate services. As part of this grant applicauon, I commit $254,000 in match towazds the purchase of surveillance equipment to be purchased and installed at Humboldt and Highland school complexes and personnel to monitor the surveillance systems. I look fonvazd to the evaluation of how this use of technology and the ongoing development that School Resource Officers and School Safety Teams will impact the school environment, school attendance and discipline, and test scores. It is important that we continue to work together as we provide safe schools and neighborhoods in St. Paul. The long-standing relationship between the Saint Paul Public Schools and the St. Paui Police Department gives me the greatest confidence that we can make lasting improvements in school safety and security. Sincerely, Q �`"'. ` `*'�„�� ��r�s�� Patricia A. Harvey