05-1092Council File # �tCAZ Green Sheet # 3028534 Presented By: RESOLUTION OF PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To: � Committee:Date: 1 WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has entered into intergovernmental mobility 2 agreement #02-13629-C; and 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 WHEREAS, the City Council authorized this agreement on July 6, 2005 (council file #OS-585); and WHEREAS, a 2005 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this agreement; and WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $27,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2005 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addiNon be made ta the 2005 budget: 13 14 15 436 - Police Special Projects 16 FINANCING PLAN: 17 34168 - Ramsey Cty. Admin. Sec. Intergov. Mobility 18 4399 - Other Miscellaneous Services 19 Total Changes to Financing Ci7RRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 27,000 27,000 27,000 20 21 SPENDING PLAN: 22 34168 - Ramsey Cty. Admin. Sec. Intergov. Mobility 23 011l - Full-Time Permanent Salaries 0 21,000 21,000 24 0439 - Fringe BeneTits 0 6,000 6,000 25 Total Changes to Spending 27,000 26 27 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2005 budget. 28 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date:�Vfw�d�,� a'3. o�OG�� Adopfion Certified by Co�n,Fil Secretary: By: Approved by May , .D te: B � QdFiscaMO&CR�2005V?4768 intergo i agreement for Mgie A�ip oval Recommended by Financial Services: By: � Form Aparoved bx Cit�.Attornev: � /l sy: butlget.cr.2005.x1s for C � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � n�_ t nA'7 DepartmenUofice/council: Date Initiated: V J � � � PD — policeDepanment Z�T-05 Green Sheet NO: 3028534 CoMad Person & Phone- Denarhnent Sent To Person Initial/Date Chief John Hartirgton � 0 olice De a nt 2665588 /�jyn 1 olice De ar[meot D artment Direc[or Must Be on Council /�qenda by (Date): Number Z �nancial rvi Office Fnanciai Servi F or � Routing 3 Attom Ci Attorne Order , 4 r' ce Ma odAssistant 5 oancil Ci Council 6 i erk Ci lerk 7 oGce De ar[ment Potice De arhnent Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Signatures on the attached council resolution establishing a 2005 financing and spending plan for intergovernmenta] mobility agreement#02-13629-C. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Pollowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB Committee Yes ' No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/,firm ever been a city employee? Yes 'No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City Council authorized agreement #02-13629-C on July 6, 2005 (council file #OS-585). A 2005 financing and spending plan needs to be established for tlus agreement. (See attached.) AdvantaqeslfApproJed: Appropriate 2005 financing and spending plan for intergovemmental mobility agreement #02-13629-C. � � � � � Disadvantages If Approved: None. ��V � �S 2�Q�J �°��� ���fi����' DisadvantageslfNotApproved: The 2005 budget will not include tlus intergovernmenta] mobility agreement. Total Amount of /jyy( CosURevenue Budgeted: Trensaction: �`� le g ,.,.�.} � ,.R� FundinA Source: Ramsey COUnty Activity Number: 34168 �:'� ��s+ � •��"' � �� � ' �� Financialinformation: 1g 9 }�� (Explain) � �o tl 1 0 °LoW � � va-i3�a�-� p�j 10�2 AGREE�,NT RAMSEY COLTNTY, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AND CITY OF SAINT PAUL, POLICE DEPARTNIENT 'I`his agreement is hereby entered into the , 2005 by and between the County of Ramsey, acting through its Sheriff (hereinafter "County") and the City of Saint Paul, Police Department (hereinafter "Ciry"). WFIEREAS, the employee Angela Steenberg, is a regular employee of the Ciry, in the position of Administrative Coordinator, with certain rights as a City employee; and WI�REAS, the parties agree that Ms. Steenberg be granted an intergovernmental mobility assignment from the City to the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department to assume duties described; and WI-IEREAS, this agreement is authorized and subject to the Laws of Minnesota, Minnesota Statutes 15.51-15.59 (inclusive), NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto and their respective agencies hereby agree as follows: 1. Effective ��►v s°�" �o � 2005, Ms. Steenberg will be placed on an intergovernmental mobility assigmllent from the City to the Department for an initial period of 24 months, upon the approval of the City Council. This assignment may be extended for an additiona124 months upon agreement by the City and the County and execution of a written amendment to this agreement. 2. Under the direction of Bob Fletcher, Sheriff, Ms. Steenberg will perform the duties of Administrative Secretary-Sheriff's Dept. As Ms. Steenberg serves at the pleasure of the Sheriff, this intergovernmental mobility agreement may be terminated at any time by the Sheriff. This agreement may also be ternunated at any time by Ms. Steenberg or the City with 30 days written notice. 4. The Sheriff's Department shall reimburse Ms. Steenberg for all expenses incurred which relate to her duties as the Sheri� s Administrative Secretary pursuant to applicable Department expense reimbursement policies. 5. During the life of this intergovernmental mobility agreement, Ms. Steenberg remains a regular employee of the City and continues to accrue and retain benefits, seniority, compensation and allowances from the City in accordance ., . �' ��Z with any current and subsequendy approved City administrative procedures and/or policies and labor agreements, including any increases in compensation or allowances that may occur during the effective dates of this mobility agreement for which Ms. Steenberg would be eligible. Ms. Steenberg will comply with any City procedures related to receipt of allowances or use of sick/vacation time. Total compensation under this agreement for Ms. Steenberg's services is contained in the attached letter, which is incorporated by reference into this agreement. 6. All of Ms. Steenberg's compensation will be subject to the Public Employee Retirement Associarion of Minnesota with contributions from the City and Ms. Steenberg. During the life of this intergovernmental mobility agreement, the Sheriff's Department shall reimburse the City for 100 percent of Ms. Steenberg's compensation and related fringe benefit costs, including overtime payment, which receives from the City as described in Pazagraphs 5 and 6 above, on a quarterly basis, or by some other arrangement as mutually agreed by the I}epartment and the City, for the length of the mobility agreement or until such time as the City informs the Department of any salary increases as stated in Paragraph 5. Actual figures aze contained in the attached letter, which is incorporated by reference. 8. Each pariy is responsible for its own acts and behaviors and the results thereof. The State's liability is govemed by the Minnesota Tort Clauns Act,lVlinnesota Statutes 3.736. The City's responsibility is governed by the Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes 466.02. Although the supervision of Ms. Steenberg's duties will rest exclusively with the Ramsey County Sheriff s Department, she is not an employee and isn't entitled to any benefits including but not limited to, unemployment benefits, pension, sick and vacation leave, death and medical benefits except as provided in MN Stat. 15.54, Subd. 3 9. Nothing in this intergovernmental mobility agreement, explicit or implicit, shall be construed to be an ofFer or promise of permanent employment for Ms. Steenberg with the Ramsey County Sheriff s Department. 10. Ms. Steenberg retains the right to return to her previous employment with the City upon expiration of the mobility assignment or due to ternunation of the assignment at any time during the effective dates of this mobility agreement. 11. The City will submit invoices to the Ramsey County SherifPs Department as agreed between the two parties on a quarterly basis. Final invoices at the end of each state fiscal yeaz (the month of June) wili be submitted no later than A naust 15�' of each calendaz year. County of Raznsey �� �.�i�� Ramsev Countv Sheriff � as�o form p5 tc�Z � � � City Attorney-approved as to form 1,��,x� ��t� FinanceDirectQ CFoS�SE�"� Image 1 .� , , � Image 1 PT2E5�'TF`�D BY Coimcil File # ��S ���� http:/lwebmail. ci. stpaul.mn.us/servleUwebacc/ekdtk2Qp4hotbg9Fq 1�J' IO�tZ R�SOLCITIOi�t CI'TY OF SAL�iT PAUI., MIl�1NESflTA Gceen Shect 7 3D27039 iS COAZ'�II1TP:E: Da7'E i 2 ? 4 a s a s a io ai ia is i� 15 a.�s i� WHEREAS, M'simesota Stawtes 15.51 et. s� provides for tk�e interchange of pabfic esngloyees among various jurisdictions; �d WHEREAS, .Vfnnesota Statutes 471.59 � sec� requires the consent ofthe governing bodies o£political su6divisions w enterinto agreements among them for such mattexs as employee interchsnges> and WftSREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul and Ramsey County desire ta emer imo an a5reement for the iaha-eovemmental transfer of Adminismative Coordinawr Angie S2senberg of Yhe Saint Paut Police Depamnent; aad WHEREAS, ii is the intent of the Council that the City be reimbtissed by Ramsey County for all casts incurnd by the Cixy as a resuit oi this transfer, includmg salary, fringe boneFits aaci pension costs; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper Ciry officials are authrnized to enter into a written agreexnettt consisYent with the above recitals az�d applicable laws. RCt]U.$Stbd �3}' �JCjhHY:TbpC O�: ey" FfIOC 1UPb 3vi �2P� Hy: � Fz 9/19/2005 10:19 AN