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- File No. �-�5$ • �� }
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� the Matter of � ' . � '� , �
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' 't t �_; .��i'f'�.�. tf,� H F:��f f1C lil i r �,r 1[iul'r� riY }�� : il ', i
' , • '!.�- }1�. ��113C� i)y C�liidC'll�lll'!' �i�'�i f 1}C 1 tl�_� t''Zt' ! d� ' �l� il . '' � � �
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'�";z s��e�t: �'1 : ��et .�£ LotS 1 �r,td 2 , ai?ti �_h-� . � ; .. � � . . � f ' ;'
- ,�i ! nts ]'� a:id �0, �� 1 iT: :31 ����. 2, R�11�Yrt L. ;•.:: ; c
�: ���e� n tiei.�hts �Lc�•t� :, �t�.. .;� 5��, .�1 l �I� Trar�t . ' s :
tt,_ . �__.terc�d L�.,�d �uz�vel '�'c�. �t,', ' ;
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f . � a
unde � �, ,;�u�:.t� 3U l�� t ,�l I�nts �� tttiruugh 10 in. 1 �,� ��r� r�� „ , � �; .
/ 7 � '�.�: [7iSI't' Cl i�()t j 1�+ 111��� Sl):�tlli'I'�V t�:� il �tfiil '.l� �,1t ��, anceF .� ��
upon� -. . i'rrxn il�� SoutF���ast �Ur�i� r� ��F l,ot � tc� � i.�,i}.t .,, � � � ' -
� `
� , ; � l �i�e ;,f sa �d lot i0 � �et i���ri-her�y n: liic , �t; �-. ,�. � , ent ` C `
is he� : �r��c�r thereof ,�tl .i,ci 13l nc1: ! , h��}�ert 1,. Ware` � f.ast�-�� � � : � '
� �:�-i�;��t�s Ac�re I,ots. T}�e ti�rth 3Q feet of T,otG 11 thr�,�;���- r � n �� ;
- 1 ��, B] ock 1, Robert L. Ware's Edstern Heights Acre i,ot5. 1 � : i
Also, that part of Lots 17, 18, and 1��, Blo�k 1., Robert 11 f
L. Ware's Easter.n Heights Acre I�ots lying within th� i '. ,�I
following described lines: B�ginning at the northwe:�t .#
�� corner of I.ot 17; thence bearin� easterly along the � E
. � north line of Lots 17, 18, and 19 to a point 45 f��et � _. �
east of the northwesterly corner of Lot 19; thence t �
- souther�.y at right �ngles a distance of 45 feet; � � ' ;
• thEn�e_ on_a �,urye �o the right tangent ta the las,�k-des- -� � � �
� cribed line at a radius of ��5 feet �thc c2nter point of - - � � ;�� �
said curve being located on the wESt line at' said Lo� 1'!, 1 F :�` �
4� feet south of t�te northwc�st c.�rner f�iet�eo#1 to a poiTit � , �
wit �etween the east and,_wes�t lines of said Lot 18 bein� th� ±� �
point nf intei�section of said curve witti a line b0 fcet ,. . _ :
sou t hwes ter ly from arx d para l lel t� a l.i.zie run frcxn the � ; ,': � � _
_ sDUtheast corne�, of___Lat 3, _Block 1, to a E�«in� ��r� t}��e_, , =;_ - . �
' west line of said �T,ot 3, 30 ,�'eet north of tMc sc�ut}�west ��` ay of,'
corner�fihereof; thence northwe:��c�rly along said para11e1 ' ='� � ; � �
• lzne to the point of interseeti��n with a line 3U feet � . �o� ; � �
' go� sc�uth �'rom and Parallel to the n�rth lin� oi' l�ot 17; thence 'ce of � `�
sai west along the last-describ�d parallel line to the west ce afe
h�� line 'of said Lot 17; theiice north along the said wes� linE� j �� � i� '
uf Lot 17, 30 f�et to the pc�int of beginning. ; �I ,��
- • :
-�-- _._�._ _ _ :
Yeas � Il°�tti line b'�L,ots 17, lti, and ,1�3 '�o.a poin�4�=te�t �- - :
east of the northwesterly eorner of I.ot 19; thezice � : �
southerly at right angLes a distance of 45 feet; � �
tt1ence on a cux`ve to the ra.�;ht tan�;ent ta th� last-des- - i ' � t
_ . cribed` line at a raclius �f 45 f�et �the ceriter poit�t �f� , ,� '� � ,�
_ �` � 5aid curve bein� located oii the w�st line of saici Lot 19, ` �� i� t
45 feet south a� tY�e �wrthw�st ��rner therE�q��to a poiz�t � � ayor � " ;
' _ .,,��.k�etween �he east_ ar�d_west �.ine� c�f said Lot 18 b�in,�•�_the, , , ;�4
'poin'`C�o�'" infiei�sec�i�r�:��.�;�rd'"cu�v_e�. with a Line ,50 feet �i i_ � r�
6.sa 2� southwesterly from and par�`llel t�a �l"i.ne:-ru�c�°f�c�;r- thew :���;� �, ;�f
southeast corz�er of Lat 3, �ilock l, to a point on the ; , � ° `}.�
' � � west line of said Lot 3, 30 f�eet nprth �f the suuthwest ti
corner;thereof; thence northw�sterl5� along 5aid parallel
�line ta the poin� of int�rse�t.���n with a line 30 feet }
south fxom and parallel to the ziorth 1 ine• �f i,ot 17; thence
west along the Iast=described parallel. .l.ine fio the w�st ,
line ,of- said Lot 17; thenc� no�.r-�h a]_ong the saicl west linr
of Lot 17; 30 feet to the' 4�oint of begiIiniiig. �
� . ti