05-1086Green Sheet # 3028774 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3'7 RESOLU770N CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By_ Referred To 2005 Council File # ��� D '� Committee: Date November 10, WHEREAS, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement (NHPI) has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability of revoking the rental registration certificate for a duplex rental property located at 456 CHARLE5 AVE and registered to Cf0 Globe Property Management; and WHEREAS, on October 13, 2005 members of the 5t. Paul Police FORCE unit executed a search warrant at 456 Charles Avenue. Several arrests were made, and police officers recovered a substantial amount ofmarijuana. Residents Montrell Devom Shorn Johnson, Kenneth Green, and Khulia Fay Pringle were all charged with operating a disorderly house and admitted to officers that they smoke marijuana at the house. Derek Dion Green was arrested for possession of marijuana with intent to distnbute. A minor child was placed in protective custody. See: CN 05220720• and WHEREAS, since the beginning of the year there has been at least three (3) arders issued to clean up trash at 456 Charles; and WHEREAS, Legislative Code §51.06 (a) (ri) provides that a detennination by the Director of Neighborhood Aousing and Property Improvement that use and occupancy of that dwelling constitutes a nuisance and provides further that such is grounds for revocating a rental registration certificate; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2005, NHPI send C/O Glove Property Management the proper Notice of Intent to Revoke Rental Registration (copy attached); and WHEREAS, C/O Globe Property Management has not appealed said notice and the time for filing an appeal has expired; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based on the foregoing the Saint Pau1 City Council hereby adopts the following findings and order concernnig the subject property at 456 CHARI,ES AVE . 1. !� � That the subject property is a duplex rental property that is required to be registered with the City's Rental Registration Progam. That the holder of the Rental Registration Certificate for the subject property is C/0 Globe Property Management. That use and occupancy of the subject property has constituted a nuisance and continues to be a nuisance. � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 � .�. � The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 05 lt�g (� 1. The above-referenced Rental Registration Certificate issued to C/O Globe Property Management for the duplex rental property at 456 CHARLES AVE , Saint Paul, MN is hereby revoked. 2. It is further ordered that a copy of this resolution be mailed to C/O Globe Property Management. Yeas Navs Absent Senanav ✓ Montcromerv ✓ B os""'^'^ — TYlU Has Lan Hel Adop Adop By: Appr By: Requested by Department of: � 9/04 Nei hbo hood Housin Pro ert Im Tovement By: � _ ._ _ � �. � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �: �,. �1- ���c o�n�rtwr��w,��: � i�rea�ea: - - NH ���H«��,y ��o�.� Green Sheet NO: 3028774 CoMact Person 8 Phone: �� Sent To Person InitiaUDate Mdy Dawkins � 0 r o' r �� Assign 1 o r vtD' r �l�� Must Be on Council Age�Ma by (�e): Number 2 0 23NOV-05 For Routing 3 a r•s Offi r/Assistsnt prde� 4 0 5 e ' CI Total # of Signature Pag� _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Netion Requested: r Revoke rental registration certificate for property located at 456 Charles and registered to C/O Glo�e Property Management. Recommend�ions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service CoMrects Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this person/firtn ever vraked under a conhact fa this depastment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this pers�rm erer been a cily employee? Yes No 3. Does this person�rm possess a skili not normalty possessed by arry curtent citY �P�? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and aNach to green sheet Mitiating Pro61em, lssues, OPPortunity (Who, What, When, W�e, Why): The use and occupancy of 456 Chazles Avenue consdtutes a nuisance. Advantaqes R Approved: � The City will enforce the Rental Registration Ordinance and close down a problem property ��� � :� � Disadvantages H Approved; � � None. ���?� r����@��� DisadvantaS�es If Not Approved: The Rental Registration ordivance will be rendered importent and a nu7isance condition will remain unabated. Total Amount of 0 CosHRevenue BudgMed: N Transaction: Funding Source: �/a Aetivity Number: Financial lnformation: (Explain) NEIGBORHOOD HOUSING AND PROPER7'Y IIv1PROVEMEN'I' AndyDawkins.D'vecmr r t . ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy G Kelty, Mayor 1�:�� a�la�g c� F�,�o,c���u I600WhiteBearAveN. TeC 651-266-l900 SaintPaul,MN55106-1608 Faa:651-266-1926 NOTICE o�tob� i s, aoos Christopher W Lahaie Po Box 620715 Las Vegas NV 89162-0715 Cf0 Globe Property Management 2230 W County Rd C Roseville MN 55113 RR Current Re: 456 CHARI,ES AVE Dear C10 Globe Property Management: I am writing to you in your capacity as the holder of a rental registration certificate for 456 CHARLES AVE, St. Paul, MN. You are hereby notified, pursuant to the authority granted to me under Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, of the City's intent to revoke the registration certificate for 456 CHARLES AVE . Based on the following facts I have detern�ined that the use and occupancy of456 CHARLES AVE constitutes a nuisance: 1. On October 13, 2005 members ofthe St. Paul Police FORCE unit executed a search warrant at 456 Charles Avenue. Several arrests were made, and police officers recovered a substantial amount of marijuana. Residents Montrell DevornShorn Johnson, Kenneth Green, and Khulia Fay Pringle were all charged with operating a disorderly house and admitted to officers that they smoke marijuana at the house. Derek Dion Green was arrested for possession of xnarijuana with intent to distnbute. A minor child was placed in protective custody. See: CN 05220720 2. Since the begnming of the year there has been at least three (3) orders issued to clean up trash at 456 Charles. I have referred this matter to the St. Paul City Council with a recommendation to revoke the rental registration certificate. The City Council will revoke unless an appeai is filed in the neact thirteen (13) days from the date of this notice. An appeal may be filed pursuant to legislative Code § 18.02, by appearing in person between the hours of 8:00 a.m and 430 p.m on any business day at the City Clerk's Of&ce, Room 110, Gity Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevazd, St. Paul, MN or you may appeal by mail within the same 13 day time line. AA-ADA-EEO Employer o5-to�c� Once the City Council has revoked the rental registration certificate, occupancy of the property is not allowed until (1) an inspection by Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement (NHPI) has been conducted, (2) the Director ofNHPI has determiued the property to be in compliance with the city code and no longer constitutes a nuisance, and (3) the certificate is renewed. Note: Renting a property without a certificate is a misdemeanor. Please call me as soon as possible to arrange a meeting to discuss how to correct this situation before the City Council acts to revoke this certificate. If all issues are addressed, I will recommend that the revocation be withdrawn from consideration by the City Council. Sincerely, Andy Dawkins Director Ne3ghborhood Housing and Property Improvement City of St. Paul (651)266-1927 nntr 10/04 AA-ADA-EEO Employa