232837 _ 23 �f � - �8 ;'�i counoil File rro.._...�....... � 1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and � �� � � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � � � � Theundereignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,vii.: � reconstruct the sidewalk on the south side of Randol�h Ave.�from.Macalester St.�lto� .._....--------•-•-••---------•--•---------------------------------•-------------------..._.._...------------------•------ Davern St. .and b� doing _all_ other work which is necessar�.and.incidental .to.compl� � plete said improvement. � ........-•------•................_-----------•-------•--•----...._..----.........----...---•--------.........._..............._................._........._..._.............--•----•----• !-- ' ................................_._-----------•---•--•---....---•--•--...---...------•-----------------••-----........................................----------•--•-•--......__...____. � I � , ------ i � , Dated this........4�k�,�......day of--------------------�Rx.�.�.................... ._, 19 SZ ` •... ............ 4 � r---- � ------•---... " .... ..........___�.. ..---......Councilman. r � � i i 1 k � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malflng of the following improvement, viz.: � _.reconstruct the sidewalk__on the south.side__of_Randolph._Aye.._.from_Macalester_St,_,ito� ----•- ----- --- ------- Davern St and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to comM�� --- --------- -----•--•---..._....__.._..----.. ....._.._......--•------ ------ •--•---•• -------------•-------- ...------- --------- -•--..... .......--•------------ ---...._. ....Plete said im rovement. '� ..-----•--------------•--•---P---------•-----.....•--....__.......___....---...----------•----......-•--•--•--•--•------...---------------•--•--•-•---•--------------------------- --- � -•-------------•---------•--•-------....-----••---•----•--•--------..._..._____..-•---•---•--------------....-------------•-------------------------•-----•-•-------•-•--•---.._.�_.... � � � _� having been presented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul.................. �!.. (- --------------------------•------...-----------•-----•�- therefore, be it �I :y RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and direated: ! � 1. To investigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of esid improvement. ! � 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.,i " 3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. � � 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. � b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commieaioner of I+�nance. 1 APR 619�1 � Adoptedby the CounciL----------------------------------------•-------...------------------------ : YEAB � Carlson 6 1g�7 Councilman Dalglish APR �4 ,_Re1_ 1 and, Approved----•.............._.......--•----•-----------...--•------•-•-•---------- I� � � � Meredith , p e*____.o�^— � � � �� Ted s � ._�.__ ----------------------------- -------- .___......._.�..___-_ � �. .;;.� �_ , �'�f�A��?�;3:ee��:�4��3 ���� Mayor. j � Mr.�Vice I'resident (Poterson) � j s000 �-s4 f , . + � + i �e�is�� APR � 19��' ' � ; , # �� �