05-1084Council FIle # ��' �J p� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION 5AlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA GreenSheet# 3028390 RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING: 1) EXECUTION OF A 4 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH MARKET LOFTS LLC AND THE HOUSING AND 5 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA; 2) 6 ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SW CORNER OF EAST 7 STH AND WALL STREETS AND MID-BLOCK ON THE WEST SIDE OF WALL STREET 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 BETWEEN 4TH AND STH STREETS; 3) EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH MICHAUD BUILDING LLC; AND 4) EXECUTION OF A LIVEABLE COMMUNITIES GRANT AGREEMENT WITH MARKET LOF`TS LLC, DISTRICT 17 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") is desirous of developing an approxunately 15,Q00 square foot indoor fanner's mazket space (the "Indoor City Mazket") on cerkain properties located in the Lowertown area of downtown St. Paul adjacent to the present outdoar fanner's market owned by the City. Located atop and below Indoor City Mazket will be constructed 41 units of far sale housing, including four (4) units to be sold to persons of moderate income (the "Housing ProjecY') (hereinafter the Indoor City Mazket and the Hosuing Project shall be collecrively referred to as the "ProjecY'); and WHEREAS, in order to help facilitate the Project, the HRA Board of Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 03-7/9-3, authorizing the HRA to acquire the following two (2) parcels of real property and legally described as follows: Lots 1 and 2, Block 14, Whitney and Smith's Addition, according to the recorded piat thereof, and situate in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; and I,ot 3, Block 14, Whitney and Smith's Addition to Saint Paul, except the Northwesterly 18 feet thereof and except the Southwesterly 25 feet ther�f (hereinafter referred to as"Pazcel 2") (hereinafter the above-described parcels are collectively referred to as the "Properties"); and WHEREAS, the City desires to enter into a Development Agreement (the "Development AgreemenY') with Market I.ofts LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Developer") and the HRA, whereby the HRA will convey the Properties to Developer, who will then subdivide the Properties so as to create a Housing Parcel and a City Parcel. The Development Agreement further requires that the Developer (i) will conshuct upon the Housing Pazcel a 40-space underground pazldng ramp below the Indoor City Mazket and 41 units of for sale residential condominium lofts above the Indoor City Market, which wiil �5- co��C 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 include a miniinum of four (4) housing units that will be sold to persons whose incomes do not exceed eighry percent (80%) of the area-wide median family income for the St. Paul-Minneapolis metropolitan area, and (ii) will, in partnership with the City, construct the exterior shell ofthe Indoor City Market upon the City Parcel. Upon the completion of the subdivision of the Properties and the construcrion of exterior shell of the Indoor City Market, the Developer wiil convey fee ritle to the City Parcel to the City for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerarion; and WHEREAS, the Project aiso requires that a new public alleywaybe established on the Properties from East 5�' Street, which wiil allow, among other things, for the vehicular delivery of produce and other products to a loading dock to be constructed on the City Parcel (the "City I.oading Dock"); and WHEREAS, the owner of real property adjacent to the City Parcel, Michaud Building LLC ("Michaud"), has requested that the City enter into an Agreement with Michaud that would limit the times of the day and sizes of the vehicles, by which the City or iYs designees can use the City Loading Dock (the "Loading Dock AgreemenY'); and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Councii has made available to the City, a Liveable Communities grant in the amount of $450,000.00 (the "Met Council GranY') far the purpose of facilitating the development and construction of the Project. HRA is desirous of entering into a Grant Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Grant AgreemenY' ) with the Developer in the amount of $450,000.00, for the purpose of facilitating the conshuction of the Project; and WHEREAS, unanticipated delays in completing all of the actions necessary to commence the Project has resulted in an increase in non-property related Project costs and thus the need for the HRA to amend and increase the original total budgeted Project cost bytransferring an addirional $300,OOOin public funds from the HRA's Fund 117 Enterprise L,oan Fund; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of Commissioners, pursuant to action taken previous to the consideration of this Resolurion, has approved the Development Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that: 1. It hereby approves the Development Agreement in substanfially the form submitted, and ali signatories designated under Chapter 86 of the City's Administrafive Code are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Development Agreement on behalf of the City. The Director of the City's Department of Planning and Economic Development is hereby authorized to negotiate and agree to any amendments, delerions or revisions to the Development Agreement which do not substantially change the rights or obligations of the City under the Development Agreement provided that such amendments aze acceptable in form and substance to the 5aint Paul City Attorney. 2. It hereby approves and accepts the City's conveyance of the City Parcel to the Developer under the terms and conditions set forth in the Development Agreement. c�5- l��t g2 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 42 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 3. It hereby approves the Loading Dock Agreement in substantially the form submitted, and all signatories designated under Chapter 86 of the City's Administrative Code are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Loading Dock Agreement on behalf of the City. The Director of the City's Department of Plavning and Economic Development is hereby authorized to negotiate and agree to any amendments, delefions or revisions to the I,oading Dock Agreement which do not substantially change the rights or obiigations of the City under the I.oading Dock Agreement provided that snch aznendments are acceptable in form and substance to the Saint Paul City Attorney. 4. It hereby approves the Grant Agreement, and a11 signatories designated under Chapter 86 of the City's Administrative Code aze hereby authorized and directed to execute the the Grant Agreement on behalf of the City. The Director of the City's Depattment of Planning and Economic Development is hereby authorized to negotiate and agree to any amendments, delerions or revisions to the Grant Agreement which do not substanrially change the rights or obligations of the City under the Grant Agreement provided that such amendments are acceptable in form and substance to the Saint Paul City Attorney. 5. The Director of the City's Department of Planning and Economic Development ar her designees, in consultation with the City Attorney's Office, are fiuther directed and authorized to take all actions necessary to implement this Resolution and said Director is authorized to execute any docuxnents and instruments in connection therewith. 6. It hereby approves the transfer of $300,000 HRA Enterprise Funds as detailed in 104 Attachxnent A. Requested by Department of: Planning and 8conomic f Y: AdoF AdoF BY: Appx BY: n4 _ � / Ma,Ff 5�►��h , o FS �s r rer�oa— / ..�rn :r� :t�l.'v / �• � -�_ 5 �. �S- �0��4 ATTACHMENT A The Council of the City of Saint Paui approves the amendment of Indoor Farmers' Market Budget 2005 Capital Project Fund (CPL) Indoor Fartners' Market FINANCING PLAN COS-7R056-7325-40000 Transfer from 2005 C.I.B. COS-7R058-7302-00000 Transferfrom HRA Enterprise Fund 117-26505-0565 Total Financing SPENDING PLAN CO5-7R058-0547-00000 Indoor Farmers' Market Project ToWI 5pending Netlncrease Current Change Budget 260,000 - - 300,000 200,000 300,000 Amended Budget 200,000 300,000 500,000 200,000 300,000 500,000 200,000 300,000 500,000 300,000 10/10/2005 103.x1w Prepared by PED Accounting � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pE — Planning & Econonuc Development Co�ad Person 8 Phone: Diane Nordquist 266-6640 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Da ���- tG NaY o5 70-OCT-05 � Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 0 lannine & Economic Develon 7 � 1 annin & Economic Develo De a ent Director � 2 "nancial rvites O�ce F'nancial Se ' / � y �� g � a.3- im Attorne = � vor's O ce Ma /A sistant �` ouncil Ci Council � erk ' Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) City Council Resolution app:oving the Development Agieement and relafed Agceements fox the Mazket Lofts project, a 41 unit condominium project with first floor in-door fazmer's market. Recommendations: Approve (A) or K Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission (R): Answerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee? 1'es No 3. Does this person�rm possess a skill not normal4y possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): OsOctober 12, 2005 the HRA Board will be requested to approve a resolurion approving a Development Agreement with Mazket Lofts LLC and other related Agreements for the Mazket Lofts project. Advantaaes If Approved: The Developers will be able to proceed with the development of 41 units of ownership condominiuxns and a first floor in-door farmers mazket owned by the Ciry of Saint Paul. Disadvantaqeslf Appsoved: None DisadvantaAes If Not Approved: The project would not move forwazd. iL- _ 1��!A� :�. � •,,. , c, _, NOV � � 2005 � 3028390 �.aT?�!� �ac!a^,"r�1 l . " f t' Totat t�mourn of � 1�505000 CostlRevenue eudgeted: ��� t;��,�R r Trensaction: � - - O Fundinq Source: STAR, Met Coun, CIB, Activitv Number: /� ,3 p 2 � �o� �DS - �1�. n�� -0.�7 � Financialinformation: HRAEntespri `-'(� �{3FX (Explain) P�IVetE �unaS � STAR and CIB will be shuctured as loans, repayable only if project is not complete. Met Council will be a grant payable upon completion. M2( COCIACIL _ QS°,00a C�ol S'7Rr(L,`JO�,00t7 c.o2=I�oSS 2oo�.-U(3 � i�3S�ea� Coz-��ZcSS R� � 00. D �'�Fv�M 20o ei 6 : 3oo.oFro e o+� -� .yrFz eo� -� o - oo�c>ov ` �boS Gf3 .�oo�c�on co,��7 oS� P({tNFf-T� ('Ntsf-�y�v�c�i G�z00000i