232795 1 � .�
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RESOLVPD, By the Counail of the City of Saint Paul� ��
Minneso�a� that a joint agreement between the City of Saint -
Paul, the Village of Map]a�rood and the Cotanty of Ra.msey� �°,
providing for the design, construetion� operation and
maintenanee of certain storm water sewer facilities to I ::
provide for the drainage of storm and surface waters from
areas eontrolled by the Citp of Saint Paul� the Village of � ;'
Maplewood and the County of Ramsey� lying generally in the �
vicinitp of the intersection of White Bear Avenue and '
Lar enteur flvenue which a reement at a e ' �` '
p � g p g 9 carries a f -
revision date of March 10� 1967� a copy of which is ��
hereto attaehed and incorporated herein by reference as F .;
fully and as completely as if set forth here3n verbatim, i �_
be and is hereby in all things approved and the proper I ;:_
City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute +
said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul; `
be it �f
.. � -:•
FIIRTHER RESOFLVED� That the aforementioned agreement of I �,
. March 10� 1967� shall be substituted in lieu and in place of ; ,-
the prior agre�ment between the City of Saint Paul� the ;�
Village of Maplewood and the County of Ramsey heretofore '�
authorized by resolution of the Couneil� C. F. No. 231706� '�
� adopted January 25� 1967, and the authority contained in ;:
said resolution, C. F. No. 231706, is canceled and superseded ';
hereby. �
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Asst. Corporation CounseL � �9
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�96� � �'�
Adopted by the Council �P 19'—
Yeas Nays j
Carlson ,'� /�PR 1� 1��� �4
Dalglish �'
Approved 1�9 ''
Holland ' _ � ��
Meredith n Favor ��,��� �
1 '
: erson � �?�ll�y Ma�yor,
Tedesco A gainst f �•'
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lylr+3T�ce.�'Xesident (Peteryon) , ���Lls�� APR 8 ,a��'/ !�
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Th�s instrumen� o� agreemen� made and en�ered in�o �ointly �.by
�� ,i
the City of Saint Paul, acting by and through its council, and �th;e �
i Village of Maplewood, acting by and through its council, and the �,
� ' 1= � •
� � County of Ramsey, acting by and through its Board of County i; � :
i �
� Commissioners, all pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Sta utes -
� � � ;
� 1965, Section 471.59, ;� '
� - �
I WITNESSETH: ' i� •. �
;, �
WHEREAS, The Parties hereto desire to enter into a joint �� ' �
agreement and effort providing generally for the design, construcl- �
�If ''
tion, operation and maintenance of certain cooperative storm sewers
MI� 4'
to provide for the drainage of storm water and surface water from �
, t
areas controlled by the �tillage of Maplewood and the City of S���t
Paul in the County of Ramsey and affecting large areas owned, j:
operated and controlled by the County of Ramsey, and . ��
WHEREAS, The area involved in this proposed activity liei� J�. �
s �
generally in the vicinity of the intersection of White Bear Avinue ; �
and Larpenteur Avenue, more fully indicated on attached Exhibit� No. ; '
l, and includes an area controlled and operated by Ramsey Count�yt,as i ,
i �
arid for the County Home and recreational areas, and � '} i !
� i3 ;
WHEREAS, Preliminary feasibility studies and reports whi�ch'��
'� i�
have heretofore been conducted by the Engineering Departments o�f�� � �
the City of Saint Paul, the Village of Maplewood and the Count�y� '�
I �,
of Ramsey indicate that it is feasible, practical and technica�l`ly
, h , ,
proper to provide for the drainage of the storm and surface wat�ers •
��� �' �
from the area above described into Wakefield Lake located generally ' �
at the intersection of Larpenteur Avenue and Prosperity Road i�n � ; �
�3 i
the Village of Maplewood� and by means of lake level control ,{ � �
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structures to control the level of Wakefield Lake and outlet �'.: '
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Wakefield Lake through a storm drainage sewer to the West along :� { �
� �_ �
Larpenteur Avenue and outletting into Lake Phalen, and ��
; �
1�H�REA9, The surface wa�er congest�on and impounding pre- �� .
sently existing in the area is of such nature as to require the� !� ; ;
�s '
� immediate and urgent action of the governing bodies concerned � t; ;
� � � �
in order to alleviate the condition, and • � _
, WHEREAS, The Parties to this agreement are in agreement 1' �
� C
� with reference to the details hereinafter set forth; �
�: � ;
� , ,.
NOW� THEREFORE� BE IT AGREED by the Parties hereto� and '� ' �
�; i
each of them� as follows : ;� . � �
l. The engineering, planning and preparation of working �.. '
� �; .
drawings for the project will be undertaken and completed ,by tYie ;: ,
�It �1 �
Engineering Department of the City of Saint Paul with the cooper= :
1;• :
ation of the Engineer for the Village of Maplewood and the �' '
� , _
?,. : �
�ngineer for the County of Ramsey."y The Engineering Department . ;
will prepare detailed plans and specifications for the construction ' '
of a storm and surface water drainage pro�ect running generall!y�� �' 1
I: }
from the area of Ruth Street in the Village of Maplewood into �� .
�; - .
Wakefield Lake; providing for an outfall water level control ,;- ;
structure from Wakefield Lake and a sewer runnin enerall �' ' '
g g Y ?,' �
westerly along Larpenteur Avenue from Wakefield Lake to Lake �' �
} ;
i� -
Phalen and there outletting. The design criteria shall be th ''
�ill �' �
usually and normally accepted by the City of Saint P aul for the �� F �
construction of its storm and surface water drainage projects. ,
2 . Upon completion of the plans and specifications ,by �he '
� 'i
Engineering Department �of the City of Saint Paul, these shall bel - _
� '� '! .
� submitted to the governing bodies of the City of Saint Paul, the' � �
s �; :
; County of Ramsey, and the Village of Maplewood for approval. s, y
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3. The plans and specifications for the pro�ect shall be '
#� .
divided into two phases of construction. Phase I shall_ include ' �;� '
that portion of the project involving the overflow and control ` ���
I ��
structure from Wake�ield Lake and the storm drainage sewer �`; = •
�, 7
running from Wakefield Lake westerly along Larpenteur Avenue �i: ;
, �
and outletting into Lake Phalen. Fhase I sewers are shown in � �� � �
broken line on Exhibit No. 1 which is attached hereto and made �a� t { !
. �.
part of this Agreement. �;- �
Phase II of the project shall include the plans and speci- � �
��� '
fications for the construction of that portion of the project �1 �
,; .
draining the area involved, in the vicinity of the intersection °i '
��. I
of White Bear Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue, into Wakefield Lake.� j;
Phase II sewers are as follows: In Larpenteur Avenue from ii .
approximately 400 feet east of Ruth Street to Wakefield Lake;
,'- �
in White Bear Avenue from California Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue;�� � ,
and in Van Dyke Street from Ripley Avenue to Larpenteur Avenueo �� ;
N. 1� � �
Plans and specifications � together with cost estimates, 111
; �
be prepared separately for each of the above phases. Phase II . '•
� ,�
�; . '
sewers are shown in solid line on Exhibit No. 1. ; !
�� �
4. When the plans and specifications for each of the phases ;
have been approved by the governing bodies of the City of Saint� �'�
i� ; ,
Par�l, the County of Ramsey and the Village of Maplewood, the I ' � '
i= ,
Village of Maplewood will immediately advertise for construction ��' -
bids for the construction of Phase I of the project, and will +� i ;
�I proceed in accordance with the statutes controlling the construc;; �
tion of internal improvements in the award of contract and� � �' '
I ',
� _ ; ,
construction of Phase I of the project. The entire supervision, ,� -
control and o eration of the construction '!'
p project contemplated � �
I 1� -
pursuant to Phase I of the project will be undertaken under the� •. ,
1 !:� � .
immediate supervision of the Village of Maplewood .and the Villa�geo: �
. ; �
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� Engineer. Upon award of contract for this construction the County � ;
. , �:' .
of Ramsey will pay to the Village of Maplewood as and for its =� ; �
1 '
' share of the construction cost of Phase I the sum of �100,000.00., �
f ; � .
The City of Saint Paul will at the same time pay to the Villag�; ii� } �
I ,�
of Maplewood the sum of �5,000.00 as and for its share of the I ��. i �
� construction cost of Phase I of the project. The Village of ff ' �
,. :
� �
�: �
Maplewood will provide the sum of 96200,000.00 as and for its sYiare - !
' � �� �' �
of the construction cost involved in the construction of Phasell�' � '
Payments shall be made to the Treasurer of the Village of Maplel-': -
` 1� i
wood to be applied to the construction cost, and both of said �` .
1- ` .
.payments may be treated by Map lewood as assessments for improvem�nts '
r S �
to which the County and the City hereby agree. ' � i
5. It is contemplated by the Parties to this agreement that ;
�I ,_ ;
legislation will be submitted for consideration to the 1967 seision �
�s � I
of the Minnesota Legislature for authority to construct Phase I��.
of this project in accordance with the terms of this agreemen �. �� ; !
Upon such legislation being adopted, and subject in all things ,
�F 1 '
to the action of the Legislature relating thereto, the County of'!
Ramsey, upon and pursuant to legislative authority if granted,� �j :
will advertise for bids and award construction contracts for t�he;� , ,
� � '� '
construction of Phase II of the pro�ect, in accordance with the }4 �
� rt ; .
p�ans and specifications theretofore adoptedo The County of j ,. '
Ramsey shall act in the matter pursuant to statutes controlling �' ' '
�� �# �
generally contracts for public improvements within the County of�' :
� I ;i ;
Ramseyo Upon award of the contract therefor the City of Sain � � �
' �
Paul will pay to the County of Ramsey the sum of �245,000.00 aIs • � �
, � ; :
and for its share of the construction cost involved in the con�l j� �
struction of Phase II, and the Village of Maplewood will pay �fo ';; ; '
I ' ,
the County of Ramsey as and for its share of the construction ( _�' �
" ! �: ,-
cost thereof the sum of $50,OOOo00. These payments shall be mad`e
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to the Treasurer of the County of Ramsey at the time aforesaid. !► '
, �P' i i
The County of Ramsey will provide the sum of �150,000.00 as and � -
, +;w i' �
i. ,
for its share of the construction cost involved in the construc � on ;
j� +
of Phase II. I`° ;, "
��. ; ;
6. It is the estimate of the Parties hereto that the tota+l �: ; �
, � � ,i
; cost of construction of the two phases of the pro�ect as outlined !?
� �i
i above will be approximately �305,000.00 for Phase I and i;' E ;
I �= a �
�445�000.00 for the construction of Phase II. Where total cost j�` � ;
� _ ,
! of construction or consturction cost is mentioned in this ,� � '
�` - �
� agreement, it shall mean total pro�ect cost, including �= �
I �:
� contractor ' s cost� engineering and inspection, legal fees, easement s ;
I� �i . �
costs, laboratory materials, tests and other direct contract costs.
�: �
In the event that the construction cost as finally determined b� l {. , '
contract awarded in the construction of either hase differs fro��i� . ±
" i
j this proposed estimate, the difference shall be paid by the i ',
` � �
' Parties hereto in the same proportion as is indicated in this 1 : ;
, � + I
, agreemen t w i t h re ference to t he paymen t o f t he es tima te d cos t o f ��'
�I � � ,
� such hase. Repa ents of excess mone s wi l l be ma de in t he sa�ne�l
I p 3'� Y ��_ ,
� proportion. After completion of both pnases, final adjustment ;
will be made upon a certification of the various amounts due under �
i � .
i this agreement by the Auditor of Ramsey County to the Parties :' j
! hereto so that each party shall pay equal one-third shares of the ;' :
i total cost of Phase I and Phase II of the project. � '
. �� t ,
7. Change Orders in the plans and specifications in an ��
S ,
� amount not to exceed $2 ,000.00 may be approved by the Engineer : �
- # ,
� � ! � �
� in charge of the pro�ect for either the Village of Maplewood in
, .
Phase I or the County of Ramsey in Phase II. Change Order� in �
- ,
, excess of �2 ,000.00 must be presented to the governing bodies �' .
!� �
prior to approval for consideration and action. _
1 i
i • I ;� j
8. Any legal services involved in the acquisition of right; � •
� �� ' i
of-way, preparation of contract documents or other le.gal work � �
. �� 1
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involved in the project shall be provided by the attorney for ��. ; �
� the Village of Maplewood as concerns Phase I and by the County � ��' � �
, I �-
� - Attorney of the County of Ramsey as concerns Phase II of this , �;' ,
: � 1�
, ;.
,. ;
; pro�ect. �'
; ,
' 9. Upon completion of the pro�ect the operation and � -
� �� � :
' maintenance and control of the work accomplished under Phase I � {i� ; ,
� "
shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Village � +�. ' :
1 . '
� of Maplewood, except for maintenance of the overflow structure, ' �� '
� � ;, ;
� • which shall be the responsibility of the County. Insofar as , , !
; � ,
� ' Phase II is concerned, the operation and maintenance and control �q' � � ;
� �,I +s �
S ° �
of the work shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the � '
. �II ,; = `
City of Saint Paul, except for the Van Dyke Street portion in the,; �
. I
i'- ; M
Village of Maplewood, which shall be the responsibility of the ��_ -
,- - {
+- �
Village of Map.lewood. Any expense incurred in the maintenance or,' ;
repair of the mai� sewers constructed under both Phase I and �i � i
, ;
� I. : ;
, rhase II of the pro�ect, as shown on Exhibit No. 1, shall be
; �
borne by the Parties to this� agreement in equal one-third propo -_ � �
, d i �
tionate shares,except for the routine maintenance of the overfliw�' �
structure, the costs of which shall, be borne by Ramsey County
�; � ;
i� ; ;
exclusively. Payment shall be ma�de among the Parties from time �; � � �
y ' �
to time as necessary �pon certification of the Ramsey County � �; � �
�� � i
Auditor to the various governing bodies concerned. �
. �`' �
The City of Saint Paul shall be responsible for the cost of�;
, ��-
construction and maintenance of all catch basins and leads i; � °
constructed under the provisions of Section 10 and built withini `= .
the City of Saint Paul, exclusive of those built in Larpenteur � '
Avenue. The Village of Maplewood shall be responsible for the � � �
. t' �
cost of construction and maintenance of all catch basins built j! ' .
t;. � ,
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 and located within the; j;
Vi�lage of- Maplewood, e�l.usive of those located in Larpenteur I �� ' ,
� ' �
Avenue. The County of Ramsey shall be responsible for the cost =
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of construction and maintenance of those catch basins and leads �:' = i
� I � i
built in Larpenteur Avenue under Phase I of the project and ��, � ;
shall be responsible for the maintenance of those catch basins ' � �
� and leads built in Larpenteur Avenue under Phase II of the �� - �
, - .
� project. _ ,
; ,
10. The agreement is intended to define cost shares for t�he� �
• sewer trunk line that is to be used to carry runoff from the j� � �
�� '
County of Ramsey, the Village of Maplewood and the City of Sain ! �� i
i. 1
Paul. It is not the intention of this agreement to share costs � � I
! , �
i of catch basins and leads that connect the catch basins to the I i < �
1 ' -
cooperative main line sewer, except as described in Section 11. � � + �
, � ic• : ;
. The County may advertise for and accept bids and award contracts for �
construction of catch basins and pipe connections to the �ointl�yl-�; �
financed sewers described in Section 3 and indicated on Exhibit• �� i i
3 ,
No. 1 if such seWer appurtenances are requested either by the �;' j �
� Y F
County of Ramsey, the City of Saint Paul or the Village of ; � ;
Maplewood and provision for payment of the cost of such sewer :
�i � �
appurtenances is made by the responsible municipality. The County _ �
Ii �`
may provide for the concurrent construction of such appurtenancis ;
' f ��
hereunder if, at the time of advertising for bids, the f •
. , �
� municipality involved has provided for the payment of any costs i � '
. �� f �
or charges attributable thereto. Such contracts shall be a '' ,
1�• ,
• � �
separate item on any bid or proposal. i �
, �
11. It also is hereby agreed that the County of Ramsey wil,l
i reconstruct and repave Larpenteur Avenue within the limits of I g � '
. '
' the Phase II sewer project. It is anticipated that the Larpenteur! }
� E y
i Avenue reconstruction will be accomplished with the Phase YI �'� , :
� ��
� sewer work under a single contract. It is also understood and ;� �
+ �, -
� agreed that the costs for repaving of 'Larpenteur Avenue shall � i- ,
�� k
� in�lude costs of drainage structures including catch basins in ! ��� .
` I �� I
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Larpenteur Avenue and leads therefrom. It is further agreed �� '
��� `
1�' j
that the City of Saint Paul and the Village of Maplewood will 1'
• �3- a
participate in the costs of the Larpenteur Avenue repaving ,
pro�ect in accordance with the following formula: The costs �:'
of repaving of Larpenteur Avenue to a width needed to
accommodate future traffic requirements for the design life of ;;
f�. �
the pavement will be the total cost responsibility of the ��
• I:
County of Ramsey. The cost of parking widths or additional �:_
traffic lanes requested by the City of Saint Paul and the Village ? ;
of Maplewood shall be shared twenty-five per cent by the County �fx�� ,
� �
Ramsey and seventy-five per cent by the Village of Maplewood or {�
by the City of Saint Paul depending on the side that the ��
i�_ ,
pavement is widened. All costs of catch basins and leads � �� '
constructed on Larpenteur Avenue within the limits of the Phase ��
II sewer pro�ect shall be distributed uniformly across the ��'
total pavement width before computing cost shares. ,�
�- -
In Presence Of: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � '
I � �
By: I �
Mayor = '
; �
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� �!. _
C i ty C lerk �;-
Approved as to form: � �i
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Assistant Corparation Counsel i`
Countersigned: , �
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City Comptroller � �!
Approved as to form and execution �
this day of , ';
lg6�o ��a
. ;
Assistant Corporation Counsel '
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Mayor S
' Clerk �� `
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Approved as to form: �
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. Village of Maplewood Attorney _
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• ' By: � �� -
Chairman, County Board j;
� �; ,
Attest: �°
County Auditor '
• ��
Approved as to form: -
Assistant County Attorney �`
. i
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REV. 3-10-67
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