D001345. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;y �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Na L�I.�sI'J�� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date:�-a -�� Budget Revision • ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consisten t with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on th e request of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services to amend the 1994 budget of the Purchasing's Value Added Services Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance drManagement Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT AND DIVlSION LEDGER. FU N D.ACTI VITY.OBJ ECT Technology and Management Services Purchasing's Value Added Services GL-124-11254-0219 Prof. Services GL-124-11254-0133 Cap. City Int. �c ` Prepared By. ctivity Mana er -r� Requested by: Department Director � A oved by: Director of n n Financial Services �� CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 10,000 (8,500) 1,500 0 8,50� 8,50� 10, 000 10,000 �i��:3�9� Date 5-��-57 Date �'�7� "� � � Date � ����IYIIt: OEPAi�iTWENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATE INRIATED v �� (� ` p - T"& MS/PURCFiASING 2,�(��� SEPT 23, 19 �REEN SHEE _- 3 � 887 CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE �R��ATE iNfilALlDATE � EPARTMENT DIRECTOR CRV COUNGL Linda C$]IlP 266-8920 ASSIGN Cf1YATfOflNEY IT(CLERK Nureen wx BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BY iDA7EJ ppM� ' OGET DiREGTOfl FIN. & MGT. SEAVICE$ Dlq. OiiDFA IMYOR (OR ASSISL1Nn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnor+ qEalESreo: Move money from consulting services code to correct expenditure code for interns. Dollars for planned intern were incorrectly hudgeted in 200 series. RECOMMENDATONS: Approve (A) or RejBCY (R) PEHSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _. CML SEAV{CE CAMMISSfOtl �� Has ihis persoNfirm ever xrorketl untler a contrect tor this departrnent? - _GBCOMMfifEE _ YES NO 2. Ha5 Mi5 pe�sonffirm ever been a city employee? — �� — VES NO _ DIS7RICi cAUxf _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a slcill npt normafty possessed by arty currert ciry employee? SUPPOflTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJEC'lIVE> YES NO • Explain ell yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sHaet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Wfw, What, Whe�. Where. Why). Need to pay intern salary from 100' sexies. Salary dollars budgeted are not sufficient to cover salary. Intern is assisting with follow up items Erom City's Disparity Study. ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVEO: OISADVANTqGESIF APPiWVEO: RECEI�ED OCT _ 21997 CITY CLERK DISADVANTACaES �F NOT APPROVED: �85�� �� TAL AMOUNT OF TqANSACTION S COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) / Y8S NO "�� l�./ FUNDIHG SOUNCE ��w}'Fd},� O,r ��� / i „ ACTIVITY NUMBER r I Z-+ � `. t FINANCIAL INPoRMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � 111 A lJ V V J • L L 1. U t �� 1 h i Y A U L AD1L2 C=Ly C1?!'5 pBii_Ow d¢A� �PJ�� nifla finonce deni Fo: � AuHINiSivaTIV'� "vEDEn � � _ � "vaie: F�� BiiDGnS' "r.nviSiGH 'a�isiNi3iBAii45 uRGnB, "vonsisieni wiih ihe aai¢orit? ¢ran*ed "to iue Mxpor ie 5eccion iu,0i,d of iae Gii? CearLer and 6ased on tae ieauesi of ine uitecior oi iae ueparimeni oi Pub1 i c Heal th io a¢end tne i9 9Toudgei oi ine _�isancP Hnucing�lhatamant iund, ine Direcior oi ine ueyari�eni oi r"inance and rianagemeni Services is auinorized io amead sain oudgei in i5e ioiiowing manner. Cuxteni n�enned Budgei i.aange Budgei ------° --°------- ----------- • HHALiri OuDINnriCH3 nNF6BCENni+i"rUB1IG H"nALTH 9P�CiaL "n"nYBiiU"n inGiri IN eALB �c i1GUSIidG 3Pn-"saio0-GSi3 iRUiH LN �BL14 UF llUUS1NG - DOYL'1�ATIN� TAO1Y. YIL�UUU.00 3uo—�3ioD-Gaa7 iaUTH IN SeL� GF k0u9IHG - TrcA,�`SFfiS Tu G"nhnrcAL FUND 3u.u6 S1"c,OOG.OG i9avi,GOi 5�42.u0 su.00 $li,4a"n,00 YB�L�UU $'IZ,UUO,U� WNn@BnB. Ttl3 f&uTn i4 3AGE OF d�7U5iitG N5nD5 "sPBNDINQ auiHORiiY iA ub5i TanASFB� T6 GnriaEaG FuND n"Q& i&E BSN1'�1L QF C�1fiFUT�n eND, �'Anu�nA, YH�rca I3 SF&itDIi1G 6UYri6&ii3 iN �iU�'GICATIriG BQUIPH�Ni Tt7'ai CG�7LD EB T&eA6FBBBnD iHBicBr"OnG Be BnSuLFnD, iHAT ltffi H9TO� flFFBOt�1i� iAn CAAi�G% i6 THH iy4i BUDGBi. • F "PAHnu 6Y: �( An d nnyiiS�i"nD BY; DBFa&TH$Ni fY1�� e " 6nfi BY: HaY03 -------- (6- 0�-��- ------------------------------ oaTff: w �,�,N�,� `�o013y 5� 013/97 GREEN SHEET No 60904 o�.,a,.a.��,� ROU7ING ORDFR TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES � ❑ UIYATldUEY ❑ QIY44RIC ❑ RIFI1:.hlLiERU1CF200! ❑ AI1111CIRLfFRVIKLTQ �Y11YOR(aRASMAIR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Stgnatures on Administrative Order to transfer spendirrg authority between ogject codes for the lease of computer. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this persa�rm e+er waked u�Wer a caAractfor tlxs dePeRmeMT YES NO Has ihia PerseNfirm ever been a city empbyee7 YES NO ooes this persorJfirm possess a sian na rro�malryposseessea ny anr cunent cityr emWovee? YES NO Is Uua pe�saJfitm alargeted vendo(7 YES NO Spending authority needs to be transferred far the lease of computer. RECEIVED Rental computer will be leased. pCT 1 31997 CITY CLERK SADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED NONE SADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVI No computer. s y42 sourtce Receiots INFOftMATION (EXPIAII� COSTrttEVENUEBUD6ETED(CIRCLEON� YES NO ncrniTrNUwe�e 33261 dv� ��/