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COEMMI69�IONE v -�� D I �
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- RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for new traffic signals at: Snelli g �
and Ford Pkwy. , Payne Ave. and Parkway Dr. , Como Ave. and Lafond Ave. , W. 7th Blvd,� a d
Shepard Rd. , University Ave. and Lafayette Rd. , 5th St. and Wacouta St. , Plato Ave.'� n � �
Wabasha St. ; and for traffic signal revisions at: Snelling Ave. and Highland Pk�v�y. , � -
Snellir�g Ave. and Midway Pkwy. , Rice St. and Sycamore St. , Kellogg Blvd. and S t �ete S: 1 �
and to install underground conduit for future traffic signals at Robert St. and P,�9at � e;
and to interconnect traffic signats on Snelling Ave. from Ford Pkwy. to Highland� ��.� +�
Kellogg Blvd. from St. Peter St. to Market St. , and on Wacouta St. from 5th St. �to 6� h t� �
as _submitted by• the Commissioner of Public Works are hereby approved and the Purfhasing� �
Agent is hereby authorized to advertize for bids thereon and in a manner provided� in and �
by the Charter. Each �,ump sum bid shall be accompanied by a statement of total cost for ;
each of the fifteen (15) signal projects. The sum of the fifteen (15) cost state�nenits �� h 11
equal the lump sum bid. The lump sum bid shall be the basis for the consideration;� f t�e
a�ard of contract and be i t further 'I ,; ,� �
� �RESOLVED, That the cost of the above traffic signal projects be financed fr4om. IR�
Fund Code 3001 , the same fund to be reimbursed from City Street Bond Fund Code 7�200 ST� 15� I��
from Municipal State. Aid, from Minnesota Highway Department Funds as per City-State, .�g ee �t
No. 55352, from County Aid Funds and from Municipal State Aid Suspense Funds, and f omt �
Urban Renewal Bond Funds as follows: � ; ,� � �
l + � - - % �E+ �.
1 . Snelling Ave. and Ford Pkwy. - 66 2/3% State Highway Funds, 33 1/3% County Ai unds.
f f � "i �l j
2. Snelling Ave. interconnection from Ford Pkwy. to Highland Pkwy. - 57 1/7% ' ta e� i
Highway Funds, 14 2/7% County Aid Funds, 28 2/7% M&A. i ,. , � t
3. Snelling Ave. and Midway Pkwy. - 50% State Highway Funds, 25% MSA, 25% �SA Su � nse.
4. Como Ave. and Lafond Ave. - 5�% MSA, 50% MSA Suspense Funds. • '� � ��
5. Payne Ave. and Parkwey Dr. and University Ave. and Lafayette Rd. - 100°��MS
6. Kellogg Blvd. and St. Peter St. and Kellogg Blvd. interconnection from St: Pe e St.
to Market St. - 100% State Highway Funds. j ` � �
7. W, 7th Blvd. and Shepard Rd. - 33 1/3% State Highway Funds, 66 2/3% MSA. ; ,,
8. Snelling Ave. and Highland Pkwy. - 50% State Hig hway Fun ds, 5 0% M S A. � � -
9. Rice St. and Sycamore St. - 5�% State Highway Funds, 25% Urban Renewal Fun s,� 2 /o 'MSF
10. 5th St. and Wacouta St. - 25% Urban Renewal Bond Funds, 75% MSA. I ; '� +;
11 . Wacouta interconnection from 5th St. to 6th St. - 122/, Urban Renewal Bond, unds
872% MSA. � � �
12. Robert St. � Plato Ave. - 100% Urban Renewal Bond Funds. + ,
1 3. Wa bas ha St. � P la to Ave. - 5 0% S ta te Hig hway Fun ds, 5�% Ur ban Renewa l Bon d F� d� :
30196 { ; �
C O U N C I L ME N Ado pted b y the Counci ��� '' 19 �
Yeas Nays �� �i '� 1 � �
����a� NiAR 3 019� - ., � �
n�t�sb i � ' .; ; �
Holland Approve � i - 19+ + �
��� Tn Favor � � � ' "� �
Meredith �
/J� f yo
De..._.._.. �J �
� Tedesco ASainst . '
�. President, 3{� g3,x,�e - PUBLISFt�U APR � � 96 '�
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RESOLVED, That the plans and spectfications for n�w traf��� signals a�: Sne;llin� Arr�w, ;
and Ford Pkwy., Payna Ave, and P�rkway Dr„ Como Ava. and Lafond Ava., 4! 7th Btvd. and �t
Shepard Rd. , University Av�. and Lafayette Rd. , 5th St: and irlacouta St. , Plato Ave. ahd �
Wabmsha St.; and for traffic signal revisions at: Snelling Ave. and Highlsnd Pkwy., C
Sn�llTng Ave. and Midway Pkwy. , Rice St� and Sycamore St., Kellogg Blvd. and St Pmte ` St.i
and to inst�all undergrounc�conduit for future traffic signals at Robert St. and Pl�at Ave; �
and to interconnect traffic signals on Snelling Avet from Fard Pkwy, to Highland pl .,,
Keilogg Blvd. from St. Peter St. to Mark�t St,�, and on Wacouta St. from 5th St. to 6 �h �it�
�s submTtted by the Commiss`ioner of Public Works are hereby approved ar+d the Purchas�ng � �
Agent iS hereby authorizod to adVertize for bids thareon and in a manner provid�d inrans�
By the Charter. Each A.ump sum bid shail bo accompanisd by a statemant of total cost for�
e�ich of the fiftean (l5) signai pro,jects. Tha sum of the fifteen (15) cost state�en s �h�lll�' y
. �vc�rual ths lump sum bid. The lump sum bid shall ba the basis for the consideratiota o the,
a���rd' of contract and be it further
R�SOLVED, 7hat the cost of the above eraffic signal proJects be financed fro� P�R
Fund' Coae 3001 , the sarr� fund to be reimbursed from City Street Bond Fund Cod� 7200 �T 15�.
from Manictpal State Aid� from Minr�esota Highway Oepartment Funds as per City-Stmte gro�Moent
No. 55352, from County Aid Funds and from Muntcipal State Atd Suspense Funds, �nd frtxn
Urban Rer�ew�l Bond Funds as,follows: �
1 . Snalltng Ave. and Ford Pkwy. - 66 2/390 State Highway Funds, 33 1/3%a County �Iid; FWnds.
2. Sc�e l l i�g i4ve. t nte rconc�ect i on from Ford Pkwy. to H i gh l and Pkwy. - 57 1/7°6 S�tate
Highway Funds, 14 2/7% County Aid Funds, 28 2/7°,6 M5�1.
3. Sneliing Ave. and Midway Pkwy. - 50% State Highway Funds, 25% MSA, 25°K MSAISu�pwns�.
4. Como Av�. and Lafond Ave. - 50'�6 MSA, 50°�6 MSA 5uspense Funds. '
5. Payne Ave. and Parkw�y Dr. and University Ave. and Lafayet�e Rd. - 100°� FISI�.
6. Kellogg Blvd. and St. Peter St. �nd Kellogg B)vd. interconnection from St. Pe er St.
to Market St. - 100°,G Sfiate Highway Funds.
7� W 7th Blvd. and Shepard 'Rd. - 33 1/3�� State Highway S=unds, 66 2/3i6 t�SA.
8. Snelling Ave. and Highland Pkwy. - 5Uryo State Htghway Funds, 50',� MSA.
9. Rice St. and Sycamore St. - 5�`16 State Highway Funds, 25°� Urban Renewmi �u s, � M�A
10. 5th St. and Wacouta St. - 2596 Urban Renewal Bond Funds, 75'� �4SA. • � ' �;
11 . Wacouta inCerconnaction fran 5th St. to 6th St. - 12�*� Orban Renewal Bond �und��:
87� MSA. ,
12. Robert St. � Plato Ava. - 1009b Urban Renewal Bond Funds. (
13. Wabasha St. � Plato Ave. - 50°� State HigEiway Funds, 50°� Urban Renewal �ond Fund�c. `
COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Coun ' M� -� v +u'�=`� 19�
Yeas Nays
NIAR 3 O 1 �l � . I�
St��'��' � _n I
8 � '�
Holland Appro�P� 1 —�
X,°� Favor �
Meredith '
��ers�a.� . t �y�
R��Pn ���8 � .
X�3LX Tedesco i�
Mr. Presideat, ��� �,ne 1
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