05-1058Council File # (��— I�S D
Green Sheet # 3028742
Presented by
Referred To � � Committee Date
WI�SREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application for Service Area Expansion to an
adjoining space (32 addirional seats) for the following licenses: Wine On Sale, Malt On Sale-Strong, Entertairunent
(B), and Restaurant (B), ID#20030000134, Dara Thai Restaurant at 769 Milton Street North, be approved with the
following conditions:
1. The sale of Wine and Beer will take place only in conjunction with the sale and service of food;
2. Provide copies of gross receipts from the sales of food, wine and beer, showing at least sixty (60) percent attributable
to the sale of food quarterly;
3. Any remodeling or expansion of this facility must be reviewed by LIEP priar to beginning a project;
4. Licensee will not allow any loitering behind the building of the licensed business;
5. The licensee shall build an interior service area in the back of the business (along Chatsworth Street) that would
include a sound-proof wall which would prevent music being played inside to be heazd by those outside.
6. The licensee must never prop open back doors during business hours.
7. The licensee may not dispose of beer bottles into the dumpster between the hours of 8:00 pm. and 8:00 a.m.
8. The licensee must install a video surveillance camera in the front and back of the business within three (3) months after
City Council approval of the expansion. License holder will maintain the video surveillance cameras in good working
order. Tapes must be maintained for seven (7) days.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license
application with the aforementioned conditions.
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav �
Bostrom ✓
Hazris ✓
Lantry �
Adopted by Council: Date �n� qz,�n �� c7�5
Adoption CertiSed by Council Secretary
Requested by DepartrnentoE
Form Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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Departrnentlofficelcouncil: Date Initiated:
V J sv,r y
co -���,� 09 Green Sheet NO: 3028742
CoMact Person & Phone• DeoaHmerR Sent To Person InitiaVDate
Marcia Mcertnond � � 0 un il
266-8560 pujyn 1 uncil De rtmentDirector
Must Be on Councll Agenda by (Date): Number Z � Cier
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Order 4
Tohl # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approving the license applicarion with conditions, per the Legisla6ve He�aring Officer, for Wine On Sale, Malt On Sale-Strong,
Entertainment (B), and Restaurant (B) licenses for Kazen M. Thao, owner, dba Daza Thai Restaurant, 769 Milton Street North.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civii 5ervice Commission 2. Has this pewoNfirm ever besn a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirm pnssess a skill not nonnally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advarrtapes If Approved:
COUtl�i� ����c�'CFt CeT1$2C
DisadvantapesffAppraved: �e,{q`g o Q nilnG
��Sd ir � � Cba18aD
Disadvantages If Not ADProved:
Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted:
Fundinq Swrce: Activitv Number. .
Financial Information:
p5 �05�
Dara Thai Restaurant 769 Milton Street North
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Room 330 City HalllCourthouse
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The hearing was called to order at 3:00 p.m. (a continuation from October 7, 2005).
STAFF PRESENT: Kristina Schweinler, License, Inspections and Environmental Protection
(LIEP); Jean Birkholz, Ciry Council Offices.
OTHERS PRESENT: Robert K. Thao, Karen Thao, Lee Her and Mai Xiong, and a
representative from the District 7 Office.
Marcia Moermond asked Ms. Schweinler to provide a staff report. Ms. Schweinler stated that
this is a license application request to expand the license service area to an adjoining space (32
additional seats) for the current Wine On Sale License, Malt On Sale Strong License, and the
Entertainment and Restaurant License. At this time, stafPs recommendation is for approval with
the four (4) conditions that were suggested by the District 7 Planning Council and the LIEP
office. The outstanding check and NSF fees were paid sometime today between 9 a.m. and 3
p.m. with another check. Staffl s recornmendation is for approval with the additional four (4)
conditions pending the clearance of today's check.
Ms. Moermond explained that the request for a license or in this case, expanding the service area
of a cunent license, the neighborhood is notified because iYs a Class N License, one of tl�e
licenses that triggers neighborhood notification. Other trigger licenses include auto repair store,
entertainment and liquor licenses. In this case, the neighborhood responded with two (2) letters
of objection to this particular license: 1) from the proprietor of Minnehaha Lanes; and 2) from
District 7.
Ms. Moermond explained that there are three (3) possible outcomes of this hearing this morning:
1) that she recommend that the Ciry Council grant this license without any conditions attached to
it; 2) that she recommend that the City Council grant this license with conditions attached to it;
or 3) that she recommend to the City Council that this license be refened to an Administrative
Law Judge. That possibility would be used if there are conditions that she thinks are necessary
to make this a workable situation, but that aren't acceptable to the license holder or if there is no
way that this can be a workable situation.
At this level, Ms. Moerniond further explained, the owner must agree with all of the conditions,
including the new ones proposed by District 7 and agreed to by LIEP:
1. The licensee shall build an interior service area in the back of the business (along
Chatsworth Street) that would include a sound-proof wall which would prevent music
being played inside to be heard by those outside;
2. The licensee must never prop open back doors during business hours;
3. The licensee may not dispose of beer bottles into the dumpster between the hours of
8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m;
�5 t �55�
LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLJTES — Dara T'hai Restaurant October 25, 2005, 2
4. The licensee must install a recorded video surveillance camera in the front and back
of the business to be operating no later than three (3) months after the license is
issued to expand services, maintaining a 7-day record.
Ms. Moermond asked if there currently was a recorded video surveillance camera. Mr. Thao
responded that there wasn't, only a fake camera. She also suggested that the FORCE Unit of the
Police Department would be able to give them some further suggestions about securing the area
to make it a more safe physical space.
Ms. Moermond asked Karen Thao if she accepts these conditions onto the license. She
responded that she does. Ms. Moermond noted that Karen needs to sign another affidavit.
Mr. Thao responded to the complaint letter submitted by the owners of Minnehaha Lanes,
insisting that each enumerated complaint was false.
Mr. Thao noted that he is not personally responsible for someone else throwing bottles, etc., into
their dumpster. Ms. Moermond stated that if someone else comes and dumps things onto the
property, the owner of the building and the land is held responsible, not the lease holder. Ms.
Schweinler added that LIEP would have to have actual proof in order to hold someone from
Dara Thai responsible.
Ms. Moermond recommended approval for the expanded service area with the aforementioned
conditions, provided that the check posted today with LIEP, clears.
The hearing was adjourned at 3:39 p.m.
Dara Thai Restaurant 769 Milton Street North
Friday, October 7, 2005
Room 330 City HalUCourthouse
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The hearing was called to order at 11:03 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Kristina Schweinler, License, Inspections and Environmental Protection
(LIEP); Jean Birkholz, City Council Offices.
OTHERS PRESENT: Robert K. Thao, Lee Hez and Mai Xiong.
Ms. Moermond explained that there are three (3) possible outcomes of this hearing this morning:
1) that she recommend that the City Council grant this license without any conditions attached to
it; 2) that she recommend that the City Council grant this license with conditions attached to it; or
3) that she recommend to the City Council that this license be referred to an Administrative Law
Judge. That possibiliry would be used if there are conditions that she thinks are necessary to make
this a workable situation, but that aren't acceptable to the license holder or if there is no way that
this can be a workable situation.
Marcia Moermond asked Ms. Schweinler to provide a staff report. Ms. Schweinler stated that this
is a license application request to expand the license service area to an adjoining space (32
additional seats) for Wine On Sale, Malt On Sale Strong, Entertainment and Restaarant License.
At this time, staff's recommendation is for denial because there are outstanding fees due, and that
Karen M. Thao, the licensee, is not present today. None of the people here today is listed on the
license; therefore, none of them can accept conditions placed on the license; only the licensee can
do that. The outstanding fees need to be taken care before this application can move forward.
Mr. Thao noted that none of the people here today is listed on the license because Mr. Her and Ms.
Xiong are going to help out first to see if they would be interested in becoming partners. He went
on to say that even though his wife, Karen M. Thao, is the owner but is not here today, he is the
one who takes care of the business end of things for her. Ms. Schweinler reiterated that she is the
only name on the license, so she is the only one who can respond to what takes place today. He
cannot do it for her.
Ms. Moermond added that no matter what happens here today, another hearing will need to be
scheduled that includes Mrs. Thao.
Ms. Moermond asked Ms. Schweinler what staffls recommendation for denial is based upon
besides the fact that Karen Thao is not present for today's hearing. Ms. Schweinler responded that
staff's recommendation for denial is based upon the fact that the building permit fee, the sur
charge on plan check fee and the Sewer Access Charge (SAC) aze outstanding; a check was
written but tke funds were not available. Mr. Thao said that the fees would be paid within two (2)
Ms. Moermond stated that this hearing will be rescheduled for two (2) weeks out. At that time,
Karen Thao must be present and the fees must be paid or Ms. Moemiond will recommend denial.
The hearing was adjourned at 11:11 a.m.