232528 _ S ir , �
� 23252� ;,
� � Counoil File xo..........._ ,.
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� i Theundersignedhereby pmpoaesthema�ingofthefollowingpublioimprovement bythe City of Saint Paul,vis.:
. I •
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; reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Sheldon St. from Frankson Ave to
......___......-•-•------...-------•------ ............................__.....____--- ___.............................�._.._...____........._....._..__._._---.._.--- ,
- ' i Arlington Ave. and by doing all other work which is aecessary and incidental to �
� complete„_said_im�rovement:._._....Y_....M.......................M.M.�...F..�...... ...�............_....�....._.M____._--_._.. ' �
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Dated thie........�Z�.h.......day of......._..___......---...�:��k�..._.._... .. 19 �7._
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i �Counailman. •
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. i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ma�ng of the following improvement, via.: �
, � ,_,_reconstruct the sidewalk,_on__the east side._of_.Sheldon St. from rankson Ave�.to ___ �
-------_._----- ----._.._..._------------ -----.�..__-------- ----------------•----•----.__...�-----.._-----._.__..
i Arlington Ave. and b�r doing all�other work which is necessar� and�incidental to r�
� -----------........................................•----------- ---- ---- ...-• --•--------•-------------_....._....._._. . � �
' ! complete said improvement. -,
, ---------_.._..._....----•-•-•-•---....._--------------------__....
� - �
� havin been N reaented to the Counuil of the CitM of Saint Paul_��__._.._.�._.----.____ .~_..._....~.M._�..� _�
B P Y --
, ' therefore, be it , I
! RESOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: "� �
; 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the maldng of eaid improvement. - �
. j
; 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement� and the total aoat thereof. !
' 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketah of said improvement. . ,
4. To atate whether or not esid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. �
� � b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiseioner of Finanae. '+ �
� � 17 19��' �; - '
Adopted by the CounciL__......_._---------------------------------•----._._.�-._..__ �' +
� i
; YESS � � �
! Carl.�on �,I ; `
i Councilman Dalg ish �AR 1 7 19� �' ' .
� xolland ApprovecL_.__.................._. u; �
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i8� Tedesco -------- - -..-- --��.! ._...._... .._._.._.._ �� ,
' M$. F��l�t�7�1�'r:",eP�u:oul;i's�,�;s;�;� ��� Mayor. � ,
� ::: . o � ,
F Mr.�Vice�President�(Peteraon)
� 5000 7-6{ . a'
s- o - �
; �v�usl� �lAR 2 519�� �
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