D001341� Mmwea coqasm: -e�raenclonncns� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIINIS'I'RATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVLSION -Fna�e Dept'sAeeou�rtn9 Divkbn �� -Requesqng Dept Na Dab: ADMINlSTRATIYE ORDER. Consistetdwith fhe auttwrity graM.ed to the MaYw in Sedion 10A7A of tl�e City CFuRtt and hased on the request af the Director of the Departme�rt of Executive Administralion - L1EP to amend the 7997 budg� af the Special Fund, the Director of the Department of Fnance and Management Serviees is autFwrized to amend said budget in fhe following manner: �� _.� ctl1111� FROM: GL 320 33351 086/ GL 320 33353 0857 • TO: G1320 333510557 GL 320 33353 055� Emeutive Atlministratlon - LIEP !l�I1Y115� �n�lp�l\i4i44 Data Processing Hardware Data Processing Hardware Operating Transfer to General Fund OperaGng Transfer W Oenerai Furd CURRENf APPftOVED 111AQlDED �IQQ�[ CXGNOES BUOGEf 19,200 (6,606) 106,'I50 (13,811) 12.692 82,339 0 6,608 0 23,87� 726,350 0 6,608 23,877 Preparetlby: ANVttyMamyer 125�350 ,�. �Q `�- 3 � -�� �. � . �, �,� �. i � �,��,� r/i��L AYIN r/M�00[� I1ML1 'u\ IIYl�1 Wf�l n�va �.�,�:�. �„��„� 700 f � I E7�ECUTiVEAD�STRATION - LIEP 09/23/97 EEN SHEET NO. 35572 cwrrncrm�nsor,entox� nEn�x�rru�sc�aA � arrcouruv. JANET ODALEDT 266-9111 �� �l-�% ^�°� �a,renn�r 0 arra�: �� ���,�..�„s„�..,� ,� o �,.��� o �„�.��,,,� � YAYOR(dLAffiGNlj � OTAL if OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) x�pumm ROVAL OF 1997 SPECW. FUND REVLSIONS. xFVw.4.varow'noTS NP� W��Pq PE240NAI. SII2VICE CONTRACIS MUSf ANSWER THE FOL7AWING QUFSiTO1VS euNrmicm*a.acaow _avasxw�oow�N 1.FIu9mpem�Famacav3edooderaconnactforPoisdepammfl c�conu.u�TES YES Id0 n sc� _ 2Haemispoam�5�me�abanareS�Ya� oa,xxzco�ec xFS xa sueron'rsmucxcouamoamcnvcr 3. Dau tlm pwami/fi�m pme� a aliLL ootn«ma�Y P� bY mS ��S �Ya� YES NO (EzpWn a� yes answers oo sepante aheet aud attarL ta greea aheet) uun�tnaa moatB.t sw�, oetonrmarr M�a wdt �w w�, whrk THE OFFICE OF LICINSE, INSPECITONS AND INVIItObA�.TITAL PROTECTION II,ECTED TO PARITCIPATE IN THE PC REPLACEMENT PROGRAM TFIIS PROGRAM WAS IN1TfATED BY THE TECHNOIAGYAIVD MANAGIIvIQdT SERVICES DEPARTMQd'f AND ALLOWS PARITCIPATING DEPARTMENTS TO LEASE NEW PC5 AT A LF,SSIIt COST 1T�AN PURCHASING THN.M. ADVANTAC6&APP0.0V�: APPROVAL OF THLS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER WII.L MOVE SPECIAL FUNDS TO "OPERATING TRANSFER TO GENERAL FOND" CT CODE 0557. DISADVAN'1'ACCS ff APPROVID: xoxs RECEiVEQ flCT 21997 �ITY CLERK �..,,,�,���,�� THE FUNDS WII.L NOT BE MOVED TO THE REQUIItID GINERAL FUND ACTIVITY. ,�Tw.,��ap,�,�,_ aso a�s.00 ������, � � �m� SPECU� FUND 320 ,RM„��� 33351-0857 -$ 6 608 4� �,�,,,,,b,,:�,,,� 33353-0857 - $23,811 �� dW �.��.�. ��,� �.�u �.�-�