232487 Od¢inal to City Clerk . • ' � '
:t��. � ��� ORD' INANCE � i � �
�- . ����� � ,
��� � -_„ COUNCIL FILE NO.
- , ;:I i. ,,I I
- :'�' -, I
An ordinance prohibiting the inhaling, �` _ . '
breathing or drinking of certain subs�ances � �� �
and regul'+ating the sale thereof. f
, ,,�.
t i
Section l. No �person shall inhale , breathe, drink or ; � � �
otherwise take into the body any compound, liquid or chemical , , � f
containing �oluol, hegane, trichloroethylene, acetone, toluene; ( E
ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, trichoroathane, isopropanol;� (
methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl cellosolve acetate, cycloheganone, : _ ��� ; '°
or an.y o�her substance capable of_ inducing intogication, elation, , � ;
dizziness, paralysis, irrational behavior or, in any ma.nner, � � �
i �
distorting or changing the audio, visual or mental proces'ses. ; �
For the purpose of this section, any such condition so induced ; � �
shall be deemed to be �an intogicated condition; provided, however, � �
that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any person � ,
who inhales, breathes, or drinks such material or substance , ;
pursuant to the direction or prescription of any doctor, physician, , :
surgeon, dentist, or podiatrist authorized to so direct or preseribe. ; ,
- �
Section 2. No person shall, for the purpose of violating ' � �
or aiding another to violate any provision of this ordinance, '� �- ; ;
_ intentionally possess, buy, sell, transfer possession, orr•�recei�ve '�j .
possession of any glue or cement containing any of the in�oxi= •i ,� ,;
cating substan.ces defined in�Section 1. 1 ,a
Seetion 3. Except as provided in subsection tb) hereof and ' � �
Section 4�, no person under eighteen (18) years of' age shall . � � .
possess or buy any glue or cement con�Gaining the intoxieating �: a
� snbstances defined in Section l. � � : "� �� � �
- � . _. . . ! I :
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) hereof and Section
4�, no person shall sell or transfer possession of anp glue con= � ,
taining the intoxicating substances defined in Section 1 to � : (
another person under (18) years of age. �i „- �
(b) Provided, however, a person may sell or transfer pos- � � �
session of an.y glue eontaining the intoxicating substances defined � �
in Section 1 to a, person under eighteen (18) years of age for� model � � '
building or other lawful use where said �uvenile has in his _; � � i '
possession and presents the written. consent'of his parent or �� �, ! �
. guard.ian, which consent shall contain the address 'and telephone � (
number of said parent or guardian. � �� ^� �
�� � 'i
� (c) This section ,sh�11 not apply where the glue or cem�nt .� � '
is sold, delivered, or given away simultaneously with and as;'� , � ;
� part of a ki� used for �he construction of model airplanes, moaei � :;
, boats, model automobiles_, model trains , or other similar models.,i ; '
� f�' i �
, Section 4�. 9 person ma.king a ,Sale or transfer of possession j ''
Ori¢inal to City Clerk ' -
z Page 2
�. _ -� OI� � INANCE � M��►,,t ,.
� �- .,�, COUNCIL FILE NO �''`'���+ri�llf' k
� s ���,.
of any glue containing the in�oxicating substances defined in q � �' , ° �
Section 1 to a erson under ei hteen 18 ears f � �
o e who �
P � � ) Y �
presents the written eonsent of his parent or guard,ian shall ;�'
keep the �rritten consent required by this section in a perm- ��'��}
anent type file available for inspection by the Police Depap�G- ;,, _i'�
ment for a period of at least sig months.` �; � �,�
�.1 _
� Section 5. Eetail establiahments selling glue or cemen� ;
containing the intogica�ing substances defined in Sec�ionil • �
' shall not sell such glue or cement from a self-service display. o' -
See�ion 6. This ordinance shall not apply� to the distri- �� _
bution of glue or cement by adult supervised youth organizations� ;� �
for use by their regularly organized model classes. ;; `
Section 7. 9ny person violating any provision of this :'�
ordinaxice shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon eonviction „ �
thereof shall be punished by a fine no� to exceed �100.00 or
by imprisonment for no� to exceed 90 days. : �j• '
. �� ��,
Section 8. This ordinarice shall be deemed a part of the „ � •
Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein � { �
, and given an appropriate chapter and/or section �number at the ' � � ��
time of the negt revision of the said Legislative Code. �} , ±
Se tion 9. This ordinance shall take effeet and be in forcex � '
� �<thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. " �
s.,._ . ' '
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` Yeas Councilmen Na' s Passed b the Co �ci` � 3 0 1961 -1�1` � � i�
�a � r 3
Dalglish ' �- j "
' o
�� Tn Favor
Meredith � � � �� I ^
��_ - A gainst �
I �;.. ..a��a���s. n�..�. MAR 3 01�6� ��� i
r ��:::��z�,:�a�?t:,��;Y�rie� �..... �
r �ce Pr �"0°�' Approved: �'� � I
A est:
� ` I ' , _ �
- . ���
� ., , , �
Ci Clerk � ayor • �
�� R � i��
t � Form approved Corporation Counsel By -�–��
�� �' ' � ; �uB�is�o APR 1 1967 � �
.. � . � . . Vlll,�
f - 'P�pllcate to PrInter r
Z� � • u� { €
� ORDINANCE ����� ,�
An ordinance prohibitin.� the inhaling,
breathing or drinking of certain substances
and regulating the sale thereof.
� "t :
Section 1. No person shall inhale , brP . •hP, drink or '
otherwise take in o the body an.y com ound, liquid or chemical �'
containing o uol, hexane, trichloroethylene, acetone, toluene, �•
ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, trichoroathane, isopropanol, '
methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl cellosolve acetate, ayclohexanon.e,
or any other�ubstarce aauable of ir � i n� i ntoxication.. ela�Gion,
zziness paral sis irrational behav'ior or, in any manner,
dist r ng or chan�in the au o, sua o mental procesaes.
For the purpose of this seation, any such condition so induced �
shal]. be deemed to be an. intogicated condition; provided, however, �
that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any person
who inhales, breathes, or drinks such material or substance
pursuant to the direction or prescription of any doctor, physician, .
surgeon, dentist, or podiatrist authorized to so direct or prescribe.
Section 2. No per�son shall, for the purpose of violating '
or aiding another to violate any provision of this ordinance,
intentionally possess, buy, sell, transfer possession, or receive
possession of any glue or cement containin$ any of the intvxi-,
cating substances defined in Section 1.
Section 3. Except as provided in subsection {rb) hereof a�d �
5ection 4, no person under eighteen (18) yeaxs of age sha11 �
poasess or buy any glue or cement contain.ing the intoxicating 1 �
subatances defined in Section 1. < .
, , .
(a) Except as pr�ovided in subsection (b) hereof and Section
4�, no person shall sell or transfer possessiort of any glue co�.- �
tainin.g the �.ntoxicating substances defined in Section 1 to �
another person under (18) yeaxs of age. ;
, i
(b} Provided, however, a person. may sell or transfer pos- � �
session of any glue containing the intoxicating substan.ces defined. ;
in Section 1 to a person under �.ighteen (18) yeaxs of age for mo�el �
building o�r other lawful use where said �uvenile has in his �
possession and presents the written consent of his paxent or
guardian, which consent shall contain the address and telephone `
number of said parent or guaxdian.
(c} This aection shalY not apply where the glue or cement
is sold, delivered, or given away simultaneously with and as
part of a kit used for tlze conatruction of model airplanes, model
boats, model automabiles, model traina, or other simila,r models.
Section �. A peraon ma�3.ng a sale or tran.sfer of possession
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by,the Council
� Carlson N '
Dalglish Tn Fanor -` - �
Holland - � I �
Meredith • Against�� j �
Il j
Peterson ;,� • j
Tedesco ��
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: �
Attest: . �
City Clerk Mayor
Form appro�ed Corporation Counsel By
.�Dllcate to Printer � ���
Page 2 �'�
`r ORDINANCE ����.��� ;
���'"f j—f
of any glue aontaining the intoxicating substances defined in
Sectian 1 to a person under eighteen (18) yeaxs of age who
presents the written consent Qf his parent or guardian shal].
keep the written consent required by this section in a perm-
anent type file available for inspection by the Police Depart-
' ment for a period of at least six months.
Section 5. Eetail establishments sellin.g glue or ceffient �
containing the intoxiaatin� substances defined �.n Section 1 1
' shall not sell suah glue or cement from a self-service display. ,
Section 6. Thia ordinance sha11 not apply to the aistri-
bution of glue or cement by adult supervised youth organizations
for use by their regularly organized model classes.
Section 7, An.y person violating any provision of this .
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed �100.00 or �
by imprisonment for not to exceed 90 days.
Section 8. This ord.inan.ce shall be deemed a part of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein
and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the '
time of the next reviaion of the said Legislative Code. �
• Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in forae ,
thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. '
f ' ;
� ; r ;
� � 1
�AR 3 019��
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by t e uncil
-G�r�sea— ;
Dalglish Tn Favo� � i
Meredith � Against� � � '
���„ Tede�sco�- i��R 3 0196� 'I ,
11�°;��,,,��,�,�",�,�,�,'i��ii;�':����:@:;:�::i Approved: '
Attest' Mr. Vice President (fiolland) • �
City Clerk Mayor ;
�� �
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
i !
. � i
�.4 " a
. . • f� '�� ��,
� � (�"�(('�J 4�►'�y/ �f } �
�1T1' p �OdPd�LA S �,
Ana Cod�612 4.� A•c! GER/1LD A.ALFVEDY �
423-5121 •�.
PAUL J. KELLY pi I � ' �,
'o �','^► -' . THOMAS J.STEHRNS �
; ""-="`�`�' ' JON R. DUCKSTAO� ' '�
- {.
'"•� � ^° � /1RTHUR M. NELSON
Ffrst Aesidant GENE H. ROSENBLUM
DANIEL A.KUS +�} t . {
Sp�cfal Attb4ant LEGAL DErARTM'ENT n� ' i �
' �r t ;
316 Ctty Hall, St. �a�l� Mleassota bb102 � ��
. ,� �� � �
,IOSEPH P. SUMMERS v'j;�+ ' !. ,
Corporation Counsel March 9 i 1967 '���'� ° ' '�
" ��,' � . .�
�' � -
�� i �' • -
. '�� � �� ,
The Honorable Thomas R. Byrne �i ,� -
and Members of the Council �i ,� , ,
of the City of Saint Paul _ _ '
vr � E
�� i � ,
Here is the final draft of a proposed ordinance aimed �� �i �% `
.- .
at curtailing the practice of sniffing glue and other dangerous ; .
, �� i
substances. Attached hereto is a general explanation of what " ,� '°
�� ,:
� � �
we are trying to a�complish with this ordinance. : i ' ,6
, 1
, ;�
, .
Very truly yours, ;, � , �
t . ';{ t
.�/� a �
��J�%�f(/" �.r./,��` • �,' , ' ' �
�. -
Daniel A. Klas �; !
Special Assistant �
�� �� �; .
� Corporation Counsel P � . ,
, ' . ,; j ��
� DAK:�a � '� ` 1� .
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�,TY � # �I � _1 ; �t
Ana Cod�612 �$ °a i GERALD A.ALFVEBYi'
Z23-5121 �, ''x j PAUL J. KELLY �I�I14 I i
� _`�� �' JON R. DUCKSTAU � �
`�� ='� ^c ARTHUR M. NELSON
�'` ! JEROME J. SEGAL l��
Sp�efal As:istant L'EGAL DEPARTM'ENT , �"r'���
316 City Hali, St. Paul, Miooesota b5102 ...__,,,
Corporatioa Counsel M8I'Ch 9� 196 7
� , - . � ! y ,� I .�
. � i � n
Commissioner William E. Carlson � r� � � , ��� ,;
Department of Public Safety ' � � Ji I, G
City of Saint Paul : � . � ? .,
, �+ i ;
Dear Commissioner Carlson: � � ' � f
� �
Re: Glue Sniffing Ordinance t r �
� �{ �. �
After seneral meetings with various members of the " `
community, and having the benefit of several sample ordinances,�, . .
as well as reading a considerable amount of literature on this �
problem, I am submitting a final draft of a glue sniffing � � i �.
ordinance for our resentation to the Council. �� , , ��
Y P : ,i. I ` �
As you will note, the actual prohibition against sniffing �; � ,
includes only those under 18 years of age. These people, of � °
course, will be under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court } � �
and would not be subject to any fine or i.mprisonment. This � �
would seem to be a reasonable procedure since those who sniff � ��
glue are no doubt suffering from mental and emotional problems .
and would be put under the supervision of the Juvenile Court , �� � `
and others authorized and able to provide help°. �
You will note that anyone who is over 18 years of age �: � ; '
and in any way aids a person to sniff glue or �in any other way �ri; � i�'
violates this ordinance will be subject to a. fine or. imprisonment. k �
: 7 '
This ordinance cannot elimi.nate the problem, but the ex- � �
perience of Minneapolis and other cities with �similax ordinances
has been that it does alleniate the problem by making it more pk ,
difficult to obtain the noxious substances, and to make others �i� �
aware of the dange�s. � ��
� u � �
Very truly yours, � .
/��� C�� ��' '
���� �
� �, .
Daniel A. Klas � � �
Special Assistant �j , �
Corporation Counsel �
DAK:j a �O t �j ' ;
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December 9, 19 66 �
` ,� � .
To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St. Pa ul: � �
, "t 3 �
The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre— �
li mi nary order of t he Counci l known a s Counci l Fi le tVo. 231007 �f � E�
� � �.�
approved November 30, 19 66 relative to �: � '
-- - -- -- - -- - - ' ,� � E
� Condemni_rig-and tal�.ing an �eesement -in �the land necessary-for the slopes, cuta � ;,f i '
! and fillsp including �right of removal of lateral support from subject land or # �
rec�ainder thereofa occasioned by excavations thereof or construcCion of slopea �
, ' �
in the grading and �urfacing with bituminous material the alley in Conver & r� �l ,�; {
, Theopolde Rear. of Blk. 8,. and in Blk..:.7�;_Collega ,Park�'.fram,�„_,_.
�FierCe St. to Fry St.✓ �XC�as�aRPARK - - -�� . �. .�....--- �-- —i ',' �
i�' j f
and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein. hereb�,
�i' i
reports: - �� 1 i
1, The estimated cost thereof is $• �' � + -
� � ,. �, � �
���12 t314 J5�6 � ;:� � {�.
.� ��r { ,
c� � wt '� {
2. A plan� profi le or sketch of s fid im���ve�ment'' s hereto attached
and made a part hereof. � RECEIVED � �f � '
� DEPT. OF ; �u , �
3. Initiated by the Commissioner o �u�l�iT��k'si � � �
o �4. Improvement i s asked for upon peti tr�o'bC�,Ly�yL° X ��;�ii
_ �� f�� �
' �� 1 1
, Commi sioner of Public ,Work�s
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