232430 Orlglnal to Clty Clerk � u ORDINANCE �� 232430 � COUNCIL FILE NO -� �'� ` /.�.5 d �RESENTED QY ORDINANCE NO. , � An ordinance amending Chapter 447A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to ' Sunday Sales. TEE COUNCIL OF TFiE CIZ'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 447A.01 which reads as follows: ; - - " 'Person' as used in this chapter means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other group however organized, corporate di- rectors and officers, and the manager of the place where the violation occurs. "; � is hereby amended by striking the same in its entirety and sub- stituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: ,: r ► " 'Person' as used in this chapter means any , individual, partnership, corporation, association, - or other group howener o�ganized, corporate di- rectors and officers, and the manager, salesperson, clerk or other individual at the place where the violation occurs. " � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in , force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. � � - � � - ' = t � , � � 81��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �a�se�- , Dalglish � � In Fayor ` � � Holland � , ( Meredith � Against Peterson . Tedesco �� 2 � 1�� Mr. President rne) Ap ed: Attest: � , - � City Clerk ,�ayor �O . /'�/.J�-Ci�� �,.��� , Form approved Corporation Counsel Ey 1 , ,�u6LISH�D ��R �. i96� � Dapllcate to Printer � � ORDINANCE 232430 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��-� �/ Q An ordinance amending Chapter 447A of the Sai.nt Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Sunday Sa1es. T� COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINs Seetion 3. That Section 447A.01 which reads as follows: " 'Person' as used in this chapter meana any individual, partnerahip, �orporation, association, or other group howener organized, corporate di- rectors and officera, and the manager ,of the place where the violation ocaur�. " f is hereby amended by striking the same in 3ts en�irety and aub- stituting in lieu and in plaoe thexeof the followinq: " 'Person' as used in this chapter means any individual, partn�rship, corporation, a�sociation, or other group however organized, corporate di- rectors and officer�e, and the manager, salesperson, clerk or other individual at the place where the violation occura." Section 2. Th3.� o=di.nance shall take e£f,eet and be in force thirty daya after its passage, appronal and publication. � 2 � 19��. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council alglish - Holland n Favor Meredith � Against Peterson ,� ,, Tedesco � � � �•��� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form appro�ed Corporation Counsel By I Ist � � �,���"' � 2nd � Laid over to � 3rd and app.��dopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas � Nays �carlson 'Lerlsarr �algiish alglish 23243 1-lolland olland � � � \Meredith �eredith r � � _ Pp+etso{�� � eterson \ � Tedesco �'edesco ` \ . Mr. President Byrne �vlr. President B rne Y O �