232413 � •ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 232413. � 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LICEr15� COI���ITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ES�ftUTlO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE March 9� 1967 COMMISSIONE RESOL�IED: That Application J-1t�507 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7053� expiring January 31, 1968, issued to the Shubert Bar, Inc, at l�99 tiJabasha S�reet, be and the same is hereby transferred to E. D. M., Inc. . � S at the same address. On Sale Ziquor Establishment TRANSI�ER (Licensees) 2nformally approved by �ouncil February 14, 1967 . , , � � . , '. ' , � 91967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��'� 919� Dalglish � prove 19� � Holland � � .� rn Favor - � ��a;� Peterson � Mayor Tedesco �—`�ga�st _ � � Mr. President, Byrne � PUBUSH�D MAR 1 � 196� �22 # • ... , _ - �Z3 � � /.3 _- ' ' � CITY 0� SAIl�iT PAUI. Capital of Minnesota ' : � � a �� � , } ` .� ' �e a�ti�er�t o kb`ic �a et . � � � ;� � ; , POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH � FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiasioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ' ROGEFt M. CONWAY. Depaty Commlastoner -, ;t' :. � DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inepeetor Februar�f 14, 1967 �•�� I , -� ; Hon�able Mayor and �ity Council � � Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota Gentleme r� E. D. M., Inc. makes application f or the transfer of i Qn Sale Liquor License No. 7053, expiring January 31, 1968, ; from the present licensee� Shubert Bar, Inc, at 1�99. Wabasha Street to E. D. M., Inc. at t�e s ame address. i , � . ' E. D. M., Inc. also malce applicat�.on for Foodstuff, ' , f�. and. Off Sale T�Ialt Beverage and Ci�arette licenses at the � same location. � � � This location has been licensed for a sir,Lilar business '! � since 19l�8. The present licensees� Shu�trbert �ar, Inc., have ' � held the licenses sincs pctober 196l�. - . The officers of the corporation are Richard C. schneider� President; and Nlaurice T. McKasy� Secretary-Treasurer. They, , � _� �� likewise, are the only two stockholders. � . ' r �� 3� Mr. Schneider has been a driver-salesman for the i� � y. , � Mc�,ean Distributing Co. for the past nine years. ? � � ��� _ ; ,� Mr. McKas� is s elf-emoloyed� as owner and operator a"�� of a variety store. -! �� . � VeTy trt2ly yo�'s� , i i � �� (� . �/�� , ,� 1 . :., �icense Inspec�or � �C� - � � „ �. t;��� :� i °.-I i� c� � - �� _� L��1� - � c.�� � �. _ � � , . , • ' - � . � - _�.� _ : . -�-�` : 'i - ,- St. Paula M�nnesota , . . � February� 8� 1967 � . . � ,- + Honorable City CounQil of the � , City .o� St. Paul f3ourt Houee , , St. Paul, Minnesota ~ � � _;.;; .�; Attention: � Mr, D. P* MoL�.ughlin, '� ,� �� _ � LiQense Inspeator - • ;'- �,� aentlemen: The undereigned hereby requeets approval oi �he trana�er o� all oY their right, t3.tle and `F � interest 3n and to that Qertain On-Sale �iquor p� � � � lioense issued to Sahubert Bar, Ino, Qurrently in �' �� M uae at 499 i'Pabasha Street, St. Paul, Minnesotay : ;�- -= together- wit� all other 13ctensea, to E, D & I►�, INC. -; �$ �' The undersigned, Maurio.e T. MoKasy and ' 8loharct��C, Sohneider� hereby- r<epreaen� tha� th�y are �' - � ' the inQOrporatora and sole stookholders o� the , E, D & M, �Ino, an.d hereby �oin in the request for � approval of• the above tr �t ,� ; , . . , , . . :� ,1 ,I . ��� �i I � � .,� k _, , . . � - - � - � : . : ! i� e . � E I .��. '. �..P„T S , :������ - . r�+�;� . '�,.... ' _ .._ �� . - I \ � � ' � , \ . _ `\ r+ �� , � �r�. �� � y �v 1 11 � , { .. .`l`w - . f • � •,.' . . . ��� If �I ." i � 1 , . . ; �, . • , ' � C ZTY�OF`'SAINT'PAZTL ., . �. . � . DEPAR7.�iJT OF PITBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DIVISICdJ ' '` Da�e February 8� ].9 6'T � 1. Jlpplioat3,on for. 4n-S�Ze Li�u�.., Lioense 2. �am�a of appTi.c�n�' " Riohard Q. Schneider � � 3. Busine�s addre8s, �99 Wabaeha St. Residence ' 11�3. Sout�i $obert .st.� St.Paul�biinn. , • _ 4. Trade riama; if an.y � ' ��ahubert Bar. Ino. ' �- ' �i � , ---= � _ . . -- - ---- _ . . _ .. - - , , , 4 . 5. Retail Beer Federal :Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp will be used. � 6. (?n what floor luoated I�gfn ' Number� of rooms used Erltire �iret Y1oor ��• � � � �North�es� oornor Qf 'Wabasha "�� � y . • 7. BetaRean what oroas straets gn� �Qgan�� VPhich aide of street �e�t �• :,< ._ , . -.-.-...-., ... --- . 8. 9re prem3.ae's naar ocoupied YesTlrPhat bueineas On-3a�leLiquo�ow long 10 years - 9. Are premi.ses`now, un,oaaupied NO Hovr long vacant P'revious use ' - . . _ . . ._�. ..,. . �_. .. .�,. .- -- . , _.�.. ._... _ _. 10.. Are q.ou a new o�av�ner ��a : Have you been in a simiiar busine ss bef ore• NO . . . , ---..-,� .,.�_. , - Where � � - - • , . When 11. Are you goin.g to operate this businees personally �' Yes � If not a who';wi:�.l operate it' - • • ' � _ . _ . _....v. • - - --� - - _ _�_ . ..__ . -._._. / ; { 12. Are you in-any ot�ier buai.n.esa at the present titne -� !�/�a -i `` , . . _ -_ ;• _. - - - - - -------. _ . .... ---• ._ _. ; :_;.,_ .. _ . _ . _ 13. Eave thsxe �been' an�r ciomplaints against your operation of th3.a ��pe of plaoa No � ' � ��r. . , ' .._ . . �Phen - - Where - - - � • ,. -_ - . ._ _. _. ..__ . . _ _ .. _. . _ - { - - 14. Have you_�ever liad any lioenae revoked rjQ �IThat rea son and �3ate , ' .' , . � . � • . ; - � . - . � � . 15. Are you'a oit3.sen�of th� IInited States YesN�tive IJatura3ized - . . - - - - :- ..�._._.. --- . �----�-- 16. YP�re �vere: you box�. ,3t. Fanl.� .l�i3nn. Date of birth' July 8, 1934 ' 17. �I am no� married, My (grife f a) (husband�s) riame and �ddre ss �ia � � , . , . , , -- . � . -3� �,�, , . �, :E��, , . , a . 18. (If married femaTe) m,y ma�iden nams� is ' . • - " - . ' '..,.... " '• ._ .._ . j 19. Ho�v long have �ou. lived in St. Paul 32 yQa�e • " ' ' . - � • - �- ---- -- -- � - ---�—,— . , � R � : . 20, �Eave you ever bsen ar,re sted No Violation of-v�rhat arim.3.na1 1aw or ordinance - . ' y • • � � . 21. Are you a regiatered vot'ar in the City of St. Pau�. -.� Yes �; No. . __ . _r_,. _._ � _ .�„___ ._.._._. _. ... .__ .. _.� �_ _._ ., .._. .._ _. . _ . _ . . _ . , .. _._ (Ansarer fril.ly�arid"�apnnpletely.� �These^a� �lications are thorou hl csheoked an.d an � falaifiQation �rill be aauae �or denial.. ' " ' , • • . . � !. - Y�, ,. - ,,... _ • � . - • . AFFIDAVIT' BY APPZICANT � � , • FOR � � RE7'AIL BEER OR LIQ�UOR LICENSE t2e= pn� Sa le �L�,qu,�or Lioenae � Name o� tt�pliQa�.t �i _hs�rd G'. Schneic�� � _ � w. � , � s . Bu�i�eas �►c�dr��a 499 Waba ha Street- Pau M n ota ��e you �kter �o�.e owmer of thi� bt�ainesa4No e �f �o�o �� S� & p�rf,nersh3p7 �o�pmz^�'��q�! Yee , nther? � ���e �atvl�e,���"!.n buainees, inolade �hnae by loan aP mo�n��r, p�o�err�y or otherwiees � Part o�rner c�ith , N�me Maurice T i Mag�,sy _ �d��ge '1900b1aundere �Ave._ _,���' I��[ __ MQKaRv , . , ��' r� ��rpon►tion, give i�s nam� E. D & �4, Tna'._ + _ � � � � .. . Are �rou interegteel in �ny �ray in any v�her �tetail Be�r or �,iquox bu�ineae4 N� ' Ae �ole oern�r4 Partner? S'tocYholder? O�her�r5.ae7 (Through loau of mon.ey, etcp Explain� �ddress oP euoh buainesa and n.ature of intereat in same _ __ �-� L • ^ gna ure o a pp o�in 8'tate of M�.nn�eat�t � . . � es _ . County of �maey ' � , _ , • r - - ' Aiohard C. Sahneider being firat duly �worn, deposes ancl aays upon oa s aa rea orego ng affidavit bearing hie aignature and l�ows the aontenta thereof� that the sams ia true of hia own Irnowledgm, mxcept a� to thoae mattaara t�he�ein ntated upon information aud belief and as to thoae me�tters he be- lie��s t�e�a to�T� trua4 � - � ' - � ., g - '� . S ure o a pp aaa � . . b'�ibearibed��rad aworn to before me �hie gth day of FebTUary 19 67 : • ___.._. Ed�+ard T_. Donohue o ary a, maey ounty, ea �r oo�miaeioa expirma Nov. 3� 19 6� ..«..._. � , � , -� , . . , . .. . � . � F f �STATE (7F MINNES4TA .. ' , SS 'C4UNTY OF RAMSEY Siahard C, Sahn�ider • being first duly aworn, doth depose and say that he makea this affidavit in aonnection with appliaation for " OII-� gale" liquor lioenae (" Sale" malt beverage liaenae) in t�q„C,i�ty of (,IJr�L�' $a3nt pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the City of,�aint, Paul i� and has res3.de_d therein for 32 • y�eara, months, and is now and has boen for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said City and that he now reaides at N0, 1183 Svuth Robert St. , Hest St. Paul� $��., Minne a ota. . " i • . i � . � Subsoribed a�nd sworn to before me hia 9th day of FebruaTy, i967 � D'y�i� Ed�vard. T. •Donohue � o ary ia maey Coun y, bqinne s o a ' - �r a ommis aion expirea Nov. �3� �1967: ,. _ _ , � �. . . ^. . � . .. _, + . . C ITY`OF 4SA INT�PAUL ; , ' • . , . DEP�BTMENT OF P[TSLIC SAk'ETY , . . � LICENSE DIPISIC�T • . , Date �'���u�i'y �s, 19_ 8�l • 1. Applicat3.on for.� _ Oi�i-3a�:�a Li.c�t�or Lioense 2. Name of �appl3.oan� _' �uT�O9 T. �E3I�t�8y _ � . . _ . . , . . .F 3. Busine�s addreae. '.+�9�,'#���as�e� 3t. Residence 190.0 ��,rui��x� �'P�qti� � l�to �nu3* " � � : - - - , . �i�n. 4. Trade ri.ams,.if any �(�bu'bert 33�lr� �nQ�. • �{ 5. Retail,Beer Fed�ral� 'Tax Stamp_ � Retail Ziquor Federal Taa Stamp• will be used. . . , : � , �3 _ _.._ • . . .....� ,__ __ _.. ._... �....__ - 6. Qn what �loor'luoated� ��A�i1 ' Number of rooms used �i�'��Lx'6 �'��'�t �f1�o�',• , ... _ ; - � No��u�d�� cor��r of ���i��h�. �. � � , , 7. Between vrhat orosa streete ttrit� �1�cC���t�p_S��h3ch side of .street �f�B'� . :. .,. �•, �- , . _ ... _ - � •:-, - 8. 9re premisea �na�ar oQOUpied�Q� Wha� busi,ness 4x1—�i��eL�f,,11���ow long . . �� �'�t�P�� T - -: . _ .. ... ._ . _ � . _.__.. ..._. _.. , . �.�. .._- 9: ,�.re premi�as-;ric�vv�uri.oaoup2ed �0 Hrn�,1rn�.g vaQan� - Pxevious use , 10; Are you� a �new aevn,ar • �a� Eave 'you been: in a similar busin,e�'"ss bef ore �o Wher� . ,' , • . ` � . ,� ' '� YPhen '. � • . 11. Are'you gp�ing�to operate�this buainese pers�nally �'�s ' ' If no't t:'i�rho-wiTl operate it • _ � j � , - - - ---.. . _ . ._ _ _ . . , ___ _ .... ... _._. _ ._._... + 12. Are you-in any, othe'r bus3.nese at the prese�.t� time ��Q� �}�% ��p- ���f-y .��,g � . . _ . - -- �-- -- •- - . _.__.--- -• - - .... ___.. .. ._. .,_�___ . ��,.._.__., �C�-_..—r.�. — 1S. $ave�thsre�been any�ciomplaint�`s against ��roizx operation of �his t�rpe of plaoe �� , , _ ._._ , t .�Phian � ' � • • - •Where ' 14. Have you ever b,ad,an�r lioense revol�ad �a 1Nhat reason and' date . _ � � • . . ";y , .. '� , .. : . �, . . � � ,. � ` . � ^ 1� . 15. ,Are y,ou•a oi,tizen of'tha Unit'ed State s ��g Native � �� Naturalized ' '. _ .. ._ _ . . _ ___ ----•. --- . .--�------ ' , 16. YPhsre vmare �you tio� �t• �'�u�o ����.'.. . Date of birth ��Qpt.. 20� 19I4� �+-�� . • �}� i " ` � . y ' 17. -I am., g ' mar`ried� �y (wife T e) (h��) name and'addre s s�ia �d��A���� �����y� ' � 1900 �#�t��d+�r� Av��u�, ��' �'�.�x1� .��iaeei3�a. � �� � ' � . . . . . - 18. (If married .femaYa) �y maiden nama is � ` - ' ' ' 19. Haov long °have '�rou. 1?.ved 3.n Sts Paul � ' �� y����� '� � . - - � • -, -. __ . . - , _�. . _ . .. _.. .. k- - .. _. .. 20; •�ve you ever been az'x�e sted �� �Vio�.ation of�what ariinirial lavP or ordinance — � . . • ' : , � , . . , , - • - �-,- - ---- - - � - ----- -- - - . _- -- -- -.._. . 21. �re pou'a, regiatered.voter i.n the City of St. Paul � $ ' Yes � No. � .�.� .._.. .. ..� _ - � .�.l���...�. -.� v ti �.- . �J . . .�. . .... . .�_. . . _._ _. _ . � .. (An,secer fully'�arid`oomplete].y.:' rThese a' �lioations are tliurou hl ahecl�d and an � falaifiQation. will be cause fpr den�.al.• � i � r • � - � AFF IDAV IT' BY l�PPZ ICANT . � , " � F08 � � . . RE�'AIL BEER OR LIQ;UOx LICENSE . . . � � • Re s On— �le Liquor Liaense . . . Nam� a� applieant �iaurioe T'. �oK�sy . . — - - � .. -,.-_� � Bu�i�ba• ��dr�ma 499 t48�aaeha 9trQat. 5t. Paul, MfnnQsota � . r -ry 7 �' -f i ' � r ' 4+ , ��� yrou �he �o�.� ouner of this buaineas?�o If ao�o ie i� a psrt'�nerah3p� �oi�pe��t'�fqn� � Yes , other? ' 0'�h��e in�o�^ee��l !n huai�eas, inolade �hase by loan af ma�nd�r,. �p�o�r�Cy or otherwieea Na�e Rioh��d tS. Solaneit�or Addresa' 1'i53 30. 8obert St. �� ��rt otitiner s�i�h � . � , - west . • au , nneaota ° . a no er Franaee $a�ilo�f 655 Mt. �urve Blvc� , 4' SeQ�rit� tor lo�n � �t. lPauls biinnesota . of money , � . IP b �s�rporattion, give i�s ne� �� D° E'i� I�i� �riO:' ' �' ��: � -- - -- ... �re you �intere�ted 3.n �ay �vay in �ny o�he"r �{etail Bebr or �,iqaox bu��ineas4 l�p " Ae �ole o�vner3 No Partner? �� � StocskhoYder? �� ' � , ` . - • �' . . • Other�rise7 (Through loan of money, etop Explain� � � , , . �ddress oP suah businesa and n.sture of intereat in same ' KQnO 3 g ure o app o�n . . � . . ., Sta,te of �Iinn�e ata . . ' , ea � , " x County of �►meey . , - - - .. � _ • .. . , , , • , � �• � ,��iZ'�.Ce T. biCKa�p being� firat duly aworn, deposes and says upon oa - • a�a rea e orego ng affidavit bearing hia aignature and l�.ows the aonten�e ther"eof� that the esm� ie trua'of his own. lmawladgm, mxcept as to thoae �mattaa�e� t�liare�n �tated�upon inforn�tion and belief and as to thoae me�tters he bem lievpa t�xe� to•be tru�� . . D _;�. , � , ,, _- . ��� . . �. ' , S gna ure o a pp a n - _ L, " . ' Subearibed'�►r�d �worn to before me � � � thie 9�h de�y of k'ab�'tl�l"y� 19 8� , _._..._ � arci T. �onoY�uQ . o ry a, .B�s�ey ounty, eo ' �r ocmmieeion expirma NOV. 3� 19 fi? w� .. � ` ' � . � STdTT ('fF MINNESOT� � SS CCAATY OF RAMSEY � - M8uT9.c3� T. Mc3Keey being firat duly e�vorn., doth depose and sa y that he makea this affidavit i.0 oonneotion with appliaatiun for _ � " Ori— Sale" liquor lioense (" • Sale" aialt beverage lioenae) in the City of $aint paul, Minnesots; that your affiant is a reaident of the City of Saint paul , , j • - , . - and has resided therein for SZ yeare, months, and is ' now and has ,boen for the tim� e►bove mentioned �,bona fide resident of said City and that he noar reaides at N0. 1900 Saundex'� StI'eet� - Saint Faul, Minnesota. ' , , . , - ; • � , � . � .; . ' � . : :; Subscribed a�nd aworn to before . , � � me/this gtg day ofFebruary , I9 6? _ � '` ,dward �. Donohue - o ary , ic maey Coun y, M nneso a �. . , . �r a�nnission expirea Nov. 3� 1967. : - , _ , ; ' , - . r , , f i . i t , � �,r z 3z ��3 �- C-�. �P - � � CIYY O�F ST. PAIJL � � �- APPLICATIVN FOR "UN SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE • , Application No. ._ Name of Applicant_..�. E,� D &�M,- INC. .. � �e.w.� R,esidence Address.....__._...._.....__..._.._____._...........___...._.__.�............................_......---_..... Telephone No..:.._..._...._.._..._.__...r._._� Are you a citizen of .the United Sta,tes?_ _._..._.. _......_.__._...._.._._...._.__._.._....._..__._.........._.._.__... .._.._........._.___ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? No .._......_.___..___...._�_�__._...w.—._..._.._..._._� . ._.._---...._.__...._..._......................_..__._......_.......__.__...____— When and where'!...._........._.._.._..._..._.....____._.. Not applicable If corporation, give name and general' purpose of corporation.....T,Q„��,�at�, On=Sa�Li_q,.u�r_b,i.3siness. ' _.._.._._._.______ _...______.._ .._._..___ __._..._.._._�.____.__._.__. When incorporated� February 10�.:.�1967 . If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?Not.. applicable _„W Ho«� many members?_........_....._......_.. _ _ . Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . . . . . . � ...__...k�i�.k��.�d....�......��h1CI��S��'.,...�Pr�.�id.�.�......_..._�.1.�_.�4..�..�Q��...r�..���a..e.....�._�..t�.,P�u�...,...Minn. : .Maurice T. McKasyt �SecretaryWTreasurer� 1900:,Saunders:�Ave. ,T^St� Paul,��Iinn. , _ ., : , Names and addresses of Stockholders: . ...........Richard,..,C..._._Schneidgr•�11.5�South Robert...St�_,,,,,ti'P�t.__�.�,5,,, Paul,,_._M�,nn.,__._,_,.._.__ ........_ _Maurice....T..__McKasy,_..1900_Saunders Avenu.e,._..St_._�Pauls. Minnesota Tr. ...._..�Tr�w� _..___................_._.____._..___....__ _ ..............._....._.......�.._...�.- �--� --__._,....._._........-----�... ......;-..__.. Give name of surety company.which will write bond, if known............_..... __.....�_._. ._...��"-�. ..._.__...._ ...._.�� Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward �499 • �Pabas-ha • ti'Pest • Wabasha � • Egchange '����� �' � . . , . � . - - =� `�� �., ' � ;,y`' `� . - How man feet from an academ , college or universit (measured alon streets � none near. Y Y Y , g ) •--.:_.......-�---....._._...._...._...__._...._....__..._.. How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?....�.......:�.�Q•..�.�G�___:....�_._,.._.......__.....___.._...__...�.� How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?....:_...__._...._.....__.._ Name of closest school...._.___._.Assumption._...,._.___.__,._. , How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_.._..._.....Commerc.ial.__.____._. ....._..._..._.....____.._.._......_._ On what floor located?..........Main____...._...._...._�..._. ........_..__._..__ Are premises owned by you or leased?._..Leas.ed..� leased give name of owner.._�.Stat,g..Q�.�walter J. • • • Gaertner If a restaurant give aeating capacity?.............6�..._�.7�....�?�xr�?.QIJA_...:_...__..........._...._.......----......__...._. _......_.._..___......._..._.........._�...._._ Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._.._...__...__...:._......._...._..:�..--_--._...._.........__._...__.._.......-.---........_..._.........___.�_� Give trade name--------------------- --Sehubert---Bar,�---��-'-----------...--------- ----...----•----------•--•-------•-•-------------•---------•-�----------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The intormatioa abo�e mnat be.given for hotels and restauranYs which use more than one room for liquor sules). How many guest rooms in hotel7..._.._______....�..._...._._.._..._.:......._.__........_. _. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)..._......._..___.._..._..__..._..._..._...W...... Give names and addresses of three business referencea:...._... ...._.�...._...�.�._..._....._.._._....._.____ _._...�_______.._� 1,� Edward T,,._Doriohue .Mw E-606 Fir�t�National�Bk�. _Bldg.� St. Paul_,_. Minn, 2. __ John McLean ���: 730 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, I12inn. . ....._. ._......._....._...._-____.�.__.._..._..._. _...._._..__............_... 3.._...._Clifford Henr� .� 499 �Vabasha Street ._.___._ . St;. Paul�.�inn. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF .CO�tPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPOftATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPOftATION BE ATTACFiED: SEE OTHER SIDE . �