232407 � � 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' 2324a'� :y ° CITY OF ST. PAUL � FOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � LICE�dSE CQT�A�IITTE� COUN �OLUTI N—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY March ' 1'67 COMMISSIONE DATF � 1 RESOLVEV: � That Application J-1l�513 for Restaurant, On and Off �ale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses, applied for by rirs. T�yrtle �ncan at 67.�. Concordia - �a ' Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. i - . � � -� � - 1 � I ; �� i . Informally_ �prov ei by �ouncil I , February 16, 1967 i . Qld I,ocation � , ' � � 91967. � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays � 419�y' � � Carlson Dalglish Approved 19.^ Holland � � Tn Favor ! T R..+...�.7:�.�_� _ Peterson � - . Mayor A gainst Tedesco ' F• Mr. President, Byrne A�lBLISF�fD MAR 1 � 196� , � � � �� � � �� �i; . � 3 �`� �}[� ; ;� ;- . + CITY OF SAINT PAiTL � ���. ; ` � Capital of Minnesota i ' , �e a�ti�e�t o c�b�ic a t '� - °rtt � , � e � �� � � :� �: , =t.,� POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets r HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM � ROGEA M. CONWAY, DeDaty Commiea[oner � DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN. Lieenee Inepeetor ' ( , February 16, 1967 � • b � ; - �t � �, Honorable Mayor and �ity �ouncil - • Saint Paul, Minnesota Centlemen: , ` Myrtle Duncan makes application for Restaurant� On and. Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses at 61l� Concordia Avenue� which is on �he North side of the ; street between Dale and Kent Streets. � ' =! ' This location has been licensed for a similar :; _ ` business since March 1959. �'1�e present licensee;�0. D. • Davis, has held such licenses since FebxRZaxy 1966. � � , There are two 3.2 establi�shments within two hlocks. `;;, The closest On Sa1e Liquor place is five blocks arid the k�;,� closest Off Sale Liquor place is next door. The `nearest , church is one block and the nearest school is two �b locks � away. � I ' - Mrs. Duncan is a housewife and has no outside employment. ' �� ' Vexy t ruly ynurs, � ,���P�� , � � . _ License Insp ector � _; _ � , + 'f � ' �� � ,. _ � , •3 - � � � :,j �c , � � �� , �S 1 ' i • � � �0 . � -I 1 - - { �1 .. _ 4 ' � . 1 - � .� J� T C ITY OF SAINT PAUI. � • , ' „ �, " DEPdRT�'NT bF P[TBLIC SAF&TY � • .. , . • . . LICENSE DT4ISI�I�T ' : � - _ � - . Date ��-. l �/ ZS.---,c ' �lo J�pplication for � �-- r� �, �`� �`s..���. , . -. _; '� Licenae , � , �._._�.� �... , ; 2. Nam�a of app].ioan - : ; �, � � '__ �� ,• , ! . � .;. ' 3p Busine�e addreas� Reaidenoe�-�=l�---� ����t,�._ . ����' • ti � ;4 �; 4. Trade nam�,� if an�r _ � � -- ' . :� ,•, , � , ' _ , " 5. Retai� Beer Federal Tax Stsmp Retail Liquor Federa7, Tax Stamp �+till be uaed. � - - -- �-�. . . . . _ , . ..,.,..__... 6. On what floor looated � � Atumber of rooms used � / �~ � . � - 7. BetReen what orosa stroets ,� nioh side of atreotF--�, _,�u� � � ���:;� 8� Are premiaea a�r 000upie�VPhat busineas � - Hrnir long - - 9, � dre premises naw unoaaupied ovP long vacan� ` �� ��� � �;�Previoua u-�,���� � � � , _ . . �-��-�fi��"� �"- ' • �� ' - '. (10� Are you a �ew owner Have you been in fa similar busineas before �� � 9�here � � - Whon , � - - - - � _,._� Z1. Are you goin.g to operate this businoas�peraonally �O � �� � ' ' � If not* who will operate it C� — �" :; _ _ � . . ---- _ �----.- 12; 1�re you�i.n any other bus3ness at the presant tims G,%C� �r�:f.. � `_ , - . _ . _. . ., . . . . .. . - - - ..-.-�._._.»�,. . . . _ � . _ . 13,. . Hav� there baen any ooanplaints 'against your_ operation of this.�type of plaoe ' , . . . • . � : . � , . . Rhsn Where • 14. Ha�ve •you ever had any lioense revoltnd��� 9Phat reason and date • � 15o Are you' a oitizen of tk� n ted State �tive � - Nat ralized _ - j • f� j J •_ �z�scr�n-{.: :., � - . � 16. Nhsre were you b-d Date� of birth_���" / ����• � - - . .__ ._.. . .-.� � � a . � �, i;�... . : - 17. I am�y_���rried� L�y (grife�s) (husband�a) name and addro sa is ` � ~- �_ f�-_ r_ �� . . . ; � _ 18, (If marrfYed femaTe) my maiden name is I - _ • . � - , i . , ; , 19, Ha�r 1on.g have you lived in �5t� Paul �i a - � - . .. _ I . 20. Asve you e4er been a�rested���iolation of what oriminal ,la� or ordinance � - _ . f '� � , � � ' ' !` ' . i • ' _ ' ' __' ' ' ' _. ��'r_ ' ." .' �,..y ; !� �� Y c � � � .21. Are you a registered voter in the City of'St� Pau�. � 1 Ye s o� �: . _, . r _. , . . _, __ . _.. , ._ .. --•�------------� . � � ' : �: (lnsvrer fully and aompletely�� These a"lioationa are thorou lil. aheoked and any ' � �� . fl � falaifioation �rill be aauae for denia].�. i ' - = - � - ^� , . , • . . � - � � - � - � . - � , .> AFFID�V IT BY APPLICANT - i .,. FOR ' , � RE�AIL B£ER OR LIQ�UOR LICENSE i . � � Re t Q�_Sale /��q-L���edp.rP,llGa'Lioense Na� o� appliaant � � � � � Bu��di• �ddra�a � i . ��� you �hm �o�,e ormer o� thi� buainess no�� �.e i� & �r�n.ership7 �ol��e�^et'�fpG�Y , other7 � t'�h��e �n��1w�e��d � buais�eas, inolade �hase b loan aP m�n�y, px�o�rt�y or otherwi�e: ." . 1 i. � � r , N�� ,a Addr�ge . . . . . . _ ��,1�r2�� �'G�C%xGi� � � - ' . i . , _ 4 ' _ '� I�' e� nt�rporation, g3.ve i�a n�a�a� + �, . Are qou interegted 3.n b�ny �aay iri e�ny o�her �tetail Beer or �,iqu�x bra�inees?� . �,e sole owner? partner? S'tookholder�? - - . — O�hei-�ri�e7 �Through �o�n oP money, eto. Exple►in� I °I , �� - bddresa oP auoh buainesa a�nd nature of intereat in same _.. �I • • �/�� A A I. � �(/�l S gna ure o A pp oQn =. _ gt�t� of M1.nn�aate� � as • Countq of �aata�y • _ ., - •- - - �: � 1�Yrtle 7�unoan � being firat duly aworn, deposes and saqs upon oa�"t�is'�`Fi'm Fiaa rea orego ng affidavit bearing hia aignatui�e and l�vwa the aon�enta thereoff that the same ia true of hia own Irnowledgm, �xcept a� to thoee • mattsera t�hea�ein �tated upon inforn�tion and belief and as to thoae m�ttera he be- iie�as �k4e� to � tru�o 4 � ' S �a ur o a pp eam , , � � : Subeari c�d'a�xad awo to be£ore me ; this 7 d�y of�eb�� 19 6? .......�.. . i � - � � o ry o, B�aisey ounty, eo -- `73 � My ooamie�ioa ezpii�a �4'�5 19��� _ . � � LEONf�F.?Q G, . � - . = Natary publ�c, Ramsey Countyv Nt�n�. � Niy Commtssi4n ExPires April l5, �97'S, ' . r ' � � . � � �' � " ' - . - i = . ST11TS ('�' MINNESOT�, - -- SS � COUNTY fJF RAA'ISEY � 2 - • � � ti I }�. C ?� '� � c��_ / �yrtle Duncan � being firat duly aivorn, doth depoae _. � � ' - - and say that She makes thia affidavit in connection with application for � — i " Sale" liquor lioenae (" pn Sale" malt beverage lioenae) in the City of - Saint Paul, Minnesots; that your affiant is a resident of the City of Saint paul ' _ __ ' - _ � - - and has res3.ded therein for 46 yeara, -� months, and ia � • � now and hae boen f or the time ab mre mmntioned a bona fide reside nt of said City _ e ' ' . . and that =he now reaides at N0. � . � - _ ""'" � - . =. Saint paul, Minneaota. . = � - � ' . . - � . _, . � _ 't ; l � :i . Subsoribed and aworn to before • • - ` - _, -� , � - _ � ;i : me this � day of Feb I9� ' a` � � _: ! o ar io msey Coun y, Mlnneso a , _: I�r-ao�is aion expirea =' : , _ _ , - - . .� � � - � � � • LEON�IRD,C S EqSTRON � � N0't�rY Public, Ramsey:�ounty,����� - �Y Commissi� Expires April 15. ,�97�„