232399 F L ' ' 1 - � ` I f ' . + .. ,. �. �. � � ^ � � �a - � =;~� {. � ". :.. +���� r . �} � y. 2�23�9 ,` 'T r • q . ��''�'FI NAL�� ORDER �, ' ` - �aUNCIL FILE N0. - �_ . _ . . , �y _� . '- , " � - � - • File No. ���5 � . - � . . In the Matter of re�or�tru��� ��e s�a�wau�. on both �3,ae� o� �. �eha'tl8 �Itte. . ' _� � � . from �ls�ndra�. S�. ta Wh�.te Bear Ava. �d by aoing a]1 other vo�k,.�]�.�1� ie t�ace��e►ry aii� 3ncident�,1 ta com�lefie said impxov�anei�t. _ _ ' � . _ : _ . . , � - _ under Prelimina,ry Order 23�� � approved Januar;r',14��,,,�6'� ' . � S . _ Intermediary Order � � approvecL ' A public heaxing having been had .upon the above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council _ having heard all persons, objection's and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it -; ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise natuxe, extent and kind of im- � provement"to be made by the said City is . . � =�` : ._ � * " ' to recoustruat �the aide�a3.k on bo-F,h sides of E. ,Mirine2xah� .Av�. (fx�om �'3.eaadaau St.� . ta Whi.te Be� Av�: an�cl by do3ng �7.1 ot}iez� vprk wli3ah i� nec�s, , artd �cidental. ta • y , cvmplste isa�d �.mprovem�ent, exCe�,� �rhe�e-go�od an8 stifYici�at p�. .: . d s��ewalks_ now - , e�t�3t. ' . ,; , - • � i ' � , fi ° ' �e . . ' :'� ` - �. ' ' . \ � _ ' � �� � �� ' and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. � - , RESOI�vED FURTIi�R, That the Commission er of Public Works be arid is hereby instructed and , directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- , ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ` _ � , � � . . MtiR`�, 91967i COUNCII.,MEN - � '� -' . Adopted by the Council � � Yeas Carlson . Nays � g 19�� �� a Dal ' " Approv �' �`` '� , glish i � Holland _ � ' . ���`-'= {1�r�i#f'r" � . ;.. � Peterson � Favor � Tedesco - F . Mayor B�/rn@ - � Against � � ' � _ ?� �-sa zn� a� x-i _ ' � PUBLlSH�'p �AR 1 � � _ . . ,11�6� , . . � � � . �t . ; - ,�� , , �r ,. � � . . - Dist. No. 3 J . _ . .. ' � ' � B.S. E. Minnehaha Ave. - Flandrau St. to Wh. Bear Ave. O /�S�F OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONF,R OF PUBLIC WORKS 2323 9�9 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ��� r1�� � ' �� F, _� ' �� Jan. 12th. 1967 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Counci], known �s Council File �To. 231480 approved 1 Jan. lOth.19 67 relative to reconstructinf� the sidewalk on both sides of E. Minnehaha Ave, from Flandrau St. to White Bear Ave. and bv doin� all other work whilh is necessary and incidental to cnmalete said imnrovement. I � I � :. I i 4 n� F} i ( `} }. �� , and having investigated the matters and things referred to therei ; hereby reports: tii . �� . 1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft. for sta dard sidewalk 5 , t wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. ide. ,�,. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mad�� ��� _ �.r;�. part thereof. �f 3. Initiated by the Commissioner o• .Z�,'u�r�.kSc�Eyr� � s g �� �� ��'\ � ��� � r 4. Improvement is asked for upo '�petit,�ton _ +'� I �.� � �� �' � � -� ; r.� � �C�/I` � � ti �, �DijE�}�7: �j�� r., � � '�a � , '�y �' n �, ��� ��� , �l i���b���,��' Couunissioner of Pub c Works 4 , . ,��iJv