05-1038COUNCIL FILE #: �� � lv GREEN SHEET #: 301$'SORY ,ii RESOLUTION 7 WHEREAS, total reimbursement from State/Metropolitan Council bond proceeds will be $932,000, with the remaining 8$213,000 reimbursement to be awarded in a future bonding bill; and 7 WHEREAS, Public Works advanced $932,000 to Parks and Recreation in 2002 so that the Como East Shore Drive 8 project could proceed at an earlier date; and 10 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council agreed to reimburse the City of Saint for project costs incurred prior to [he availability 11 of these grants funds; and 12 13 WHEREAS, upon receipt, Parks and Recreation will use these grant funds to reimburse Public Works; and 14 15 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upo� the recommendation of the 16 Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capita.l Improvement Budget Committee, that $932,000 is available for 17 appropriation in the 2002 Capital Improvement Budget, and said budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by 18 Council, is hereby further amended as follows: 19 CURRENT 20 FINANCING PLAN: 21 CO2 - Pazks Capital Projects 22 3J054 - Como East Shore Drive BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET I� 23 3461- Metro.Parks and Open Space Grant 0 932,000 932,000 24 7302 - Transfer from Enterprise Fund 932,000 (932,000) 0 25 932,000 0 0 26 27 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVBD, by the Counci] of the City of Saint Paul, that the City of Saint Paul agrees to compty 28. with the requirements of this funding; and be it 29 30 FIIVALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute agrzements which 31 may be necessary to implement this project on behalf on the City of Saint Paul. I7ie 3t. Pau1 Long - Range Cag#taI ImAronetneat 8udget Cornmittee receiaud tfiis request ott �daftil,�p? ��_��y andrecoramenda .m..� a -Gti"i'�� ��ea: � �-� �....�. G�FMIQTWiBalResoluLOns, Como Shorelme-MetCOUncilFUntlsxls Page 7of2 1 WHEREAS, under the Minnesota Session Laws of 2005, 1 st Special Session, Chapter 1, Article 2, Section ll, Subdivision 6, 2 which includes an appropriation to the Metropolitan Council for Regional Puk and Open Space Devetopment grants; a grant 3 has been awarded to the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $719,000 for partial reimbursement for redeveloping J miles of 4 East Shore Drive in Como Regional Park. This project included roadway, separated pedestrian bike/pedestrian trails, 5 lighting, ]andscaping and drainage; and os - �o3S COLJNCIL FILE #: GREEN SHEET �: '� o a-�O�a- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referzed to: Committee Date: Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation $ D�' `�"� ��0/ /C�sl`""'-r1� Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director. c �/ p„�r- 9, � L Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Ap�� by City � ome� Approved by M" � Date; for Sub G.IFMIQTwrkalResoWtions, AOs, G�een Sheets�Reso/ut�onslE. Como Shorelme - Met Cowcd Funtls xls Page. 2 of2 Adopted by Council: Date: OS- / 03� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR — Pazks and Recrea[ion Contact Person 8 Phone: .lason Wirka 266G417 Must Be on Council/�qen� Contract Type: AR-RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSACTION Date Initiated: 21SEP-05 � , 0.ssign Number For Routing Order 7otal#ofSignaturePages � (ClipfJlLOCationsforSignature) Green Sheet NO: 3028092 Deparhnent SentToPerson InkiallDate 0 at and r afion 1 ar an reafi n D a ent Dir or ��'t 2 in isl rvices ffice 'nanc'al Servi A4 5 -/a' 3 " Attom 4 a or's Offi a odAssisMrut 5 0o cil Ci C un i 6 i Clerk 1 rk Approval of attached resolution authorizing the acceptance of state/metropolitan council bond proceeds for the re-conshuc6on of E. Como Lake Drive, aud setting up the appropriate financing plan. Recommendafions: Appro�e (A) a Reject (R): Planning Commission {�- CIB Committee Ciwl Service Commission � STM� t= Mswerthe Following QuesEons: 1. Has this person/firtn e�er vrorked under a conlrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn eeer been a cfty employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfinn possess a skill not normally possessed by arry current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Inkiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AtivanlageslfApproved: Parks will reimburse Public Works for funds loaned in 2002 so that the E. Como Shore Drive project could proceed at an earlier date. Disadvantapes If Approvetl: None. Disadvantages M Not Approved: Public Works will not be reimbursed. T2nsaction: Funtling Source: Fina ncial Informafion: (Explain) $932,000 State bond proceeds CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y Activity Number. 3,JQ�j4 � �?°�,r:.L?J,m81 �, LzL 1 Cr i �°.�d�'aY September 21, 200511:45 AM Page 1