232387 ' i • V.L� Orlginal/to City Clerk . „i M � � ~ d� ` ORDINANCE �3;2�8�7 � ;, . . t r' � �% COUNCIL FILE NO / 9 � PRESENTED BY' a �`� ORDINANCE NO �. � , An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, �ntitled: - ' . 'i"An ordinance fixing the duties and respol sibilities I and the minimum quali.fications for the various classes of positions in the Clas Sified Service of the City, " � approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: f � . Section 1. That Ordinance No. �7607 approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of 4 " the "Duties and responsibilities" in the specifications fOr Building Inspector. the words "Under direction", �and by substituti.ng in lie� thereof the words - "Under"supervlsion'r. Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is -� hereby further'amended by striking out the "Mi.nimum qualifications" in the .•' ' f . . specifications for Planning Technician ZI, and by substituti.ng i.n lieu thereof'S �- - " � - ; the following: . � � • "High school graduation and at least 15 credit hours in courses � - applicable toward a Public Administration Certificate such , " as given by the Univexsity of Mi.nnesota (certain courses may ' be substituted for those required for the Public�Administration � Certificate; a list of such substitute courses isi ma.intained in the Civil Service Bureau); and two years= experience as a Planning Technician I, or equivalent. " � Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended,� I e and the same is ; ` i hereby further amended by inserting i.n'their proper alphabetical order the,.� `� following speci.fications for the titles: ' Asphalt Shoveler . ,. , Senior Building Inspector . ,i � � Senior Electrical Inspector , , - � Senior Mechanical Inspector _ � � Senior Plumbing Inspector , � _ , I _ . � . - --� ; _1_ j.� f� � �, s , �. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C3ouncit ��� � • Carlson ' - � Dalglish . • -� ± _ Holland Tn Favor - Meredith 1 � _ Peterson , A gainst ; � Tedesco � � Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: { � � , Attest: 1 ; �� { �I '� City Clerk M�y ' ` �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � � � � � , � � � . . � . ' „ • Ort¢inal to City Clerk ' , .. � •1 < . .. _. � ORDINANCE , 232�3�'7 . , � �- , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �� f Section 4. This ordinance s.hall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approva.l, and publication. , n{ � F ` 7 . -t ' �}, :� .i „� ", � ! � i ' , ..� t , 1� : �� � ' i � �; �� i1 _�_ . � ;1 � N1AR 2 3196F � � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson . Dalglish Holland � � n Favor � Meredith , � Againat Peterson � ,� , . Tedesco � � � 3 19�� "� �� Mr. President (Byr ) Approv � � " ttest: - '•'i F , ��- C' lerk n �y ' ? , �� ' � � � Form approved Corporation Counsel By f � � i uB��s�o IMAR 2 ��9��7 , ; _ .-� F • r r _ •i + � � 23238� .�= Title of class; � _ �0 ASPHALT SHOVELER I3 Duties and responsibilities; , _. Under supervision, in the Public Works Depart-ment to shovel hot _t asphalt on large paving jobs where a large paver or a roller � _ of the size 'of six tons or over is being used� or in',the 4Vater Department to shovel hot asphalt when asphalt jobs are 300 square feet or more in a day; and to perform rela�ted work as assi�ned. �, . , �� '�� �xamples of work performed; To shovel hot asphalt, and to place it for the asphalt ralcers, Minimum qualifications: Good physical condition and three months° experience as a Public Works Laborer or as an Unskilled Laborer�working on asphalt pavement repair. . „ _ 1 7 -1 = � ' ' T ,2� � s � • 'f � � � 23238'7 � - � �� Title of class: � �jV � � J � SENIOR BUILDi1VG INSPECTOR , _, � . Duties and responsibilities: i Under supervision, to assist in supervising building ' masonry and plastering inspectors for the Bureau of Public Buildings; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: , To assist in snp�rvising the wor�C of building, plaste ing. and masonry inspectorse To assist in t;raining inspectors in proper methods of inspection and report writing. , To advise inspectore, contractors and general public �as to , inteipretation of the building code and ordinances� To make inspections as required and Izelp individual inspectors make problem inspections. I To write letter-s, issue correci:ion orders, and main ain inspection records. Minimum qualifications: �M Four years° experience as a Building, Masonry, or lasterer ;� Inspector in Yhe Bureau of Public Buildings. . - - -- - --- --- •- ��---- - _ . _ �- .. _. _ � . � - i � ,. �, H �� 1� i a 1 �� �, ,; :, i i`; _3" . � M . � , . � •. . , .. , - � i 23238�7 '� , Title o€ clays: -���� IJ�l 4 SENIOR ELECTRICAL INSPE TOR Duties a�nd responsibili�ies; Under supervi$ion, �o assis� in sup�rvisin� electri al inspectors for the Si�reau of Public Buildings; and to perfo m related ' v�ork as assigned. �1 � � , ' 1 Examples of work performed: Ta as'sist in supervising the work of elec�rical insp ctors. To assist in training inspectors in proper methods of inspections and repo2t writing. �: , To advise inspectors, contrac�ors� and f:he general.�public � ,�` as �o interpretations of the electricaZ code. 1� 1� To make inapect-ions a-s required and help individua inspectors make problem in5pections. � ± To write lettersY issue correction ordere, and mai tain , inspection records. � , Minimum qualifications: Four years' expericnce a� an Electrical Inspector i the Bureau of Public Buildings. �� .a . ` � ,� ��j ;� N , � � �; � , , � �± , _4_ -� . , _ ' •�- � < � � ' r�V�1Gr�i�lD� Title of class: SENIOR MECHANICAL INSPECT 1R ���� Dutie s and re sponsibilitie s: �, � /� � : Under supervisionr to aesist in supervising heatin� and piping, �as burner, oil burner, refrigeratioiz and shee znetal inspectors for the Bureau of Public Buildings; and to perfarm related work � as assigned. Examples o€ work performed: To assist in supervieing the work of heating, pipin . gas burner, refrigeration, and sheet metal inspectors. To assist in t•rai.nix�g inspec�ors in proper methods of inspection - a�zd report writing. To advise ins�pectors� contiactiors and the general ublic as to inter�reL-ai:ion of heating, oil burner, gas burne �az�d refrigeratiion code sections. To malce i.nspections as required and assist individ al inspectors make problem inspections. To write letters, issue correction orders and main�ain inspection records. Minimum qualifications: Four years' experience as a �Ieating and Piping Inspector, Heatfng, ' ,•., Piping and Gas Burner 7s��'pecto7.•� Gas Burner In pector, . � � • � Refrigeration Insgectoi, or Sheet Metal l:nspecto , ii� the Bureau . oi F'ub}.ic� i3uildings. K -- - .�. --�-�-- :'--.-��•,'.�= _ ._��---•� � � . ` � . r�_ ,.�- - . � • ., . .. � = � • ���.I:+tJ'�3F� Title of class; ' � SENIOR PLUMBING INSPEGTOR 3 �� � Duties and responsibilifiies: Undex supervision, to asais� in supervising plumbi g inspectors for the Bureau of Public Buildings; and to perfor relatied work as assigned. �f � Examples of work,perforrned: To assist in"supervising the work of plumbing inspe tors. lr '� To assist in training inspectors in proper method of inspection , and report writing. � : To advise inspectors! cozitractars and the general p blic as Co �;+ ' interpretation of the plumbin� code. � To make inspections.as required and. help individual inspectors make problem inspections. . , To ��rite letters, issue correction orders� and main•ain inspection recordso Minimunz qualifications: Four years' experience as a Plumbing Lnspector in t e Bureau 4 of Public Buildings. �� _ . -� � � . u � , � � ° -6- � Y� I�. d � � ���� —-:r, , � i_ I st � � " 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app � dopted �/-�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �Carlson �Carlson �a�g�,sh 232��� , oa���,sh �-lolland olland ' \ �A4ered+#�r- '1 Meredith � � J�Peterson Peterson Tedesco \Tedesco r. President Byrne . President Byrne �O