232323 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' , 2323� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CIL R OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF _ � • RESOLVED, That�the Council hereby approves the awa,rd of the Contract Cammittee F therefor and hereby awa.rds contract for furnishing a11 labor,. materials, equipment , , � and services necessary for or reasonably incidenta,l to the wr�ecking of two and one- ha,lf (22� story frame building and the performance of miscellaneous site work and I clea,nup located at 469 Collins Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota.,� to MLNNESOTA I,UMBER AND WRECKING CORPORATION in accordance with City specifYcations therefor hereto � attached and the Forma.l Bid #2175 of said Minnesota Zumber and Wrecking Corporation, City to pay contractor $1.,550.00, such bid being the lowest and said Minnesota � Lumber & Wrecking Corporation being a reasonable and reliableibidder and the. . Corporation Caunsel be and hereby is directed to dxaw up the proper form of contract I therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized;to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #2175. �_:;:.; . + 1 � COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Councilr�� � 1�6� 19._ . Yeas Nays ' ` Carlson � � 3 _ Dalglish , �9� Approved 19_ Holland p��-- �In Favor ► Peterson Mayor T�esee- � Against Mr. President, Byrne PU$USH�ED MAR 11196� �za DUrLICATE TO rRINTER �2�2�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER p,,TE RESOLVED� That the Council hereby approves the award o� the Cohtraet Carmnittee therefor and hereby awards contra.ct for f�irni$hing a11 labor, materials, equiPanent and services necessary for or reasonably incideatal to the wrecking of two and one- half (2�) atory frame building and the performance of miacellnneou� site xork a,nd clea.nup located at �+69 colline Street� S�int Paul, Minnesota, to MINNESOTA I�JI�ER AND Wli'EC�ffNG CORPORA.TIOA ir� accordance with City speciPications therefor hereto attached and the Formai Bid #2175 oP said Minnesota. Lumber e.nc� Wrecking Corpor�.tion, City to pay contractor $1�550.00, duch bid being the lowest and ga.id Minnesota Lumber 8a Wrecking Corporation being a reasona,ble s,nd rel3able bidder and the Corporation Caunsel be and hereby ia directed to draw up the proper form of contract there�or, attd the prcrper C3ty ofi'�.c3a1s hereby are authorized to execute sa3d contract on behalf of the City of Sr�int Paul. Formal Bid �2175. COUNCILMEN � 3 1�6� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � 3 196� Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland � *�i-Ca�� In Favor Peterson � Mayor Te�ese�- A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �2z