232319 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 232319 CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ; , PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ' p,,Tp WI�REAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul did, by resolution C.F. 230990 approved November 29, 1966, vacate that section of public alley described as: a. The north 26 feet of the east 10 feet of Lot 19, West Side Land and Cottage Co;s Subdivision of Bl�; 36 of ' Brown and JacksonTs Addition to West St. Paul � b. The north 26 fe'et of the west 20 feet of Lot 20, West Side Land and Cottage Co's Subdivision of Block 36 of ' Brown and Jacksonts Addition to West St. Paul i t - and, WHEREAS, the conditions of the vacation resolution cited above have now been satisfied by the petitioners; BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the City Committee on Lands, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute separate quit claim deeds conveying to Robert W. and Donna M. Leko parcel (a) as described above, and to James Jones parcel (b) as described above. � - Received from City Clerk�s FORM f'PROVED office 2 Quit Cla3m� deeds. � � ���� �q , Gorporation o n el , '[�' °�-�'`` On behalf of Mr. & Mrs. ?�eko and James Jones Date 3-- � -� � MAR 3 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ° Carlson ) fle�� 3 19� Dalglish /, pproved ������6 19._ Holland � Tn Favor � �� J � Peterson Mayor �� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne _ PUBLISH�ED MAR 11196� . ' �22 � r' � , � " , . � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ! 223-b317 , Valuation Engineer ' , r ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L � � Ass'T Valuation Engineer � BUREAU OF VALUATIONS t ! , 286 Cify Hell R ; . Saint Peul,�O te 65102 � ������ �. � � � S , ';f , � March 1, 1967 � �� � � :; � City Council , � City of Saint Pau1 i f - Gentlemen: � , i - The Council of the City of St. Paul did, by resolution � C. F. 230990, approved November 29, 1966, vacate those ' sections of public alley described as: � 4 � � a. ` The north 26 feet of the east 10 feet of Lot 19., West Side Land and Cottage Cots Subdivision of b�.ock 36 of Brown and JacksonTs Addition to West St. Pau1 � � t � b. The north 26 feet of the west 20 feet of Lot 20�, West Side Land and Cottage Co's Subdivision of Block136 of Brown and Jackson's Addition to West St. Pau1 � � The conditions of this vacation have been satisfied�by the petitioners; and, therefore, we the Committee on Larids do recommend to the Council of the City of St. Pau.l that it authorize and direct the proper city officers to convey said lands by separate quit claim deeds to: _ Robert W, and Donna M. Leko (Parcel a) � � � � James Jones (Parcel b) . � Very truly yours, � � � � ; , � , 4 May or ( � . � f t � , � Purchasing gent 1 � , � � . � • , t ' - - �; ' � e Commissioner of Public Works � � , TS:lf ► � � � k ' 1 P • • f. � . � 1� . .� � � S � ' � � CLTY O', { 1 i Ana Cods 612 e� e GERALD A.ALFVEBY 423-5121 ~ 'x , PAUL J. KELLY 0. ,q . ° THOMAS J.STEARNS � JON R. DUCKSTAD �� �� ^c ARTHUR M. NELSON �'° ' JEROME J. SEGAL ROBERT E.O'CONNELL : THOM/1S M. MOONEY First Assistant CITY OF SAINT PAUL' , GENE H. ROSENBLUM JAMES W. KENNEY DANIEL A.KUS � . Sp�etal Asaistant L'EGAL DEPARTM'ENT 316 City Hail, St. Paal. Minnesota 55102 `����� JOSEPH �. SUMMERS Corporation Counsel Febr ua ry 2 8, 196'] � '� �; � t . ! � , 'k , U , � °?-���7 I ' �-----!r Mr. Roy Bredahl� Jr. ; F Assistant Valuation Engineer ' , Dear Sir: ; Attached hereto are the two quit claim dee',ds requested by you and which pertain to the property vacated by resolution� � C. F. No. 230990, approved November 29� 1966. � Yours very truly, i � - . _ � J r me J. Se �l � As istant Corp�o;rati n Counsel JJS/mlp � _ Enclosures ! i f ° F � � • L . � � � 1 e . � � t �� �t l � . ' �:� • r . J. WILLIAM DONOVAN � 223-5317 , Valuation Engineer � ROYE. BREDAHL, Jr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 1 Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS � - 286 Ci+y Hell i 1 Seint Paul, Minnesote 55102 i �� ' February 9, 1967 , � � Mr. Jerome Segal Ass't Corporation Counsel � � City �' Saint Paul i Dear Mr. Segal: t Attached for your review and a roval is a lette� �and PP proposed Council resolution in connection with tYie vacation described as: The north 26 feet of the east 10 feet of Lot 19, and the north 26 feet of th�e west 20 feet of Lot 20, West Side Land and � - ' Cottage CoTs Subdivision of block 36 of Brown and JacksonTs Addition to West St. Paul. Request you approve the resolution as to form and prepare , the necessary deeds conveying the properties involved and = return to this office for further processing. � .r . � . Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. ' � Very truly y our s, � � � - Roy�. Bredahl, J�: - Assft Valuation E�gineer : REB:lf f att. � c F � , RE � EII� E !� FF'6 91967 � CORPORq��M � ��NSE1 l � r � � � .. j • � � � Ha�ry E. Mars6all , �ITY o, Albert E.Olaon City Clerk and ,,v° e., . Council Recorder � Commissioner of Registration ' . ': o � � • ,+ �A '�':,' he OPFICE OP THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - BUREAU OF RECORDS 188 City Flall St.Paul,Minnesota 66i0� February 6, 1967 � +.:�. � � D � a - G_ `� Mr. J. William Donovan Committee on La.nds 286 City Ha11 Deax Sir: Please be advised that all of the terms and conditions in connection with the vacation of alley in West Side Land and Cottage Company's Subdivision of Block 36 of Brown and Jackson's Addition to,West St. Paul, pursuant to Council File No. 230g90, have been complied with. , We call your attention to the provision in the resolution�directing the . Committee on Lands to proceed with the sale of la.nds under the terms of Ordina.nce No. 13309• � � ery �rul,y yours, * �f� r Cit Clerk AO�ng I �. � � � - : . t 1 � � � Y � � � R �O � . ■ l k � � 2o30—Quit Claim Deed. Form No. 30 `""`*`^'•'■°°*"•■°", "'""`"•°" � / � Cor oratlon to Indivldual. Mlnneoota Uniform Conve ancln B n • 3 ' � � JVlade this........................................... da� of...........................'� �C i� �fr��et�ture .... :....................................... z9..............., between ................�.�:�y.....Q.�...Sa�.?��....Pau1�...a....�4�t?�.�iP.al............................ � ........................................................................... x � , � ` . ��. � ` � cor oration under the laws o th� State o Minnesota..,......... , p�rty of the first part, iind ' P f f................. .................... JaA��.�....Jones.............: � ...........................................................� • .......... ` ........................................................................ .................._..._............................ , .............._......................................................................................................:...._........................_..................................�..:...................�....................................... Ramse Minnes;ota of the Countr� of...........................�..................................................._.ancl State of............................................................................................. party....................o f tlze second part, - One Dollar ($61i Oe��e a�n�jLot�ier igd'o�t'�si�dtva�luat�e�'c�On�s�������'15�4f th�e s�m o� .................... .......................... ........................................................................._................................................................................................. ��S- to i�in hand pzid by the srcid pa��t.�.............of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowlJd ed, does hereb� f�rarat, I3c�r�'airc, Qzcitclaiin, c�nd Conve� uni�o tlae sc�id par�:Y..........�.of the aecond pa��t,...��s... Tzeirs and asai�ns, FoT•ever, all the t�•act..................or parcel..................o f la�a,d lying and being in the Count� o f •••.S.8m3P..�.........................................and Stccte of JYlinnesota, cZescribed as follows, to-wit: h � . The north twenty-six (N. 26) feet of the w�st twenty (W. 20) feet of Lot twenty (20) , West Side La�nd and Cottage Co' s Subdivision of block 36 of Browri and Jackson' s Addition to West St. Paul; P a � . � � � �0 ��b¢ �rib t0 �OYb l�j¢ �ptTY¢, To�sether with all the heredztaments and a � ppurtenc�n�e� there- i acnto belon�inF or in anyz,uise appertatnin�', to the said part.,Y.........................o the second art � P ............................... heirs a�ul ass�i��zs, Foreve��. � ' �rt �e�timonp �t�jereof, The said �rst pa��ty has ca e preaercta to be e tie t d ii its o r or e name by its...�����„ i t S C i ty C lerk �5��tr and tta���y...,.�',S,omp��'o��.�ind �t ...............� � s oorpo�ats seal to be hereunto affixed the dcc� antl year flrat abovs wr�tten. _ k . � _ .- CITY OF SAINT PA�UL - -- ............By........................................;.......................................................::.... In Presence � � :............................................................. Ma or ��BL�� - Its............y..................;..................................x x ............................................................................................................... � ...........................................................................................................:.... - _____ jt8.....City Clerk � � � . � Countersignedz _ � � - t , - , Its City Comptroller • r r 4 r � C-' .zattos�dmo� R��� s�I �. . � ' � � , , . } . spaU��sse�v�no� � . ................................................................................................B�I ------........................._.......:....�...:................................................:...�.... ............................'........................�.IBZ� ���� ' � _ ................................................ .:............................................. 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