232260 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �322.60 � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF - WHEREAt�� the City of �aint Paul by deed dated May '�� 19�1� recorded in the office of Registrar of Titles as Document No. 3001.34, and entered in Regi�ter No. 72� page 255, and.by deed dated April 8� 1952, reeorded in the office of Registrar of Titles as Documen� No. 306071, and entered in Register No. 180� page 218� conveyed to the IInited �`States of America a spoil dispos�,l easement for use in depos.iting spoilage from dredging operations under�aken to improve the Mississippi River� and WIiEREA�S the pv.rposes and ob�ectives of said spoil disposal easements wi�h respect to T�aet 8 and Tra�t 9 as described in said deeds have been aecomplished� and the Un3.ted States of A�eriea by Quit Claim Deed dated October 31 1966� has reconveyed to the City of Saint Paul all the rights� ti�le and interest in Tract 8 and Tract 9 it ha�d acq�.ired by the foregoing instr�.ments� and WHEREA�S� Tract 8 and �ract 9 are �ow owned by the Port Au�hority of the City of :Saint Paul� and said Port Authority de- �;.�`� ,, ' " sires to remove any and all encumbranees imposed on Tract 8 and �� __ : Traet 9 by said deeds� � ��� NOW� THEREF�ORE� BE IT RESOLVED BY �FiE COtTNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P9UI,: That the proposed form of Quit Claim Deed conveying the in- �erest of the City of �3sint Paul in said spoil disposal �easements to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul� a copy of said proposed. Qnit Claim Deed being attaehed Merdto and incorporated herein by referenee� is in all things appro4ed and adopted� and the proper officers_of the City of �aint Paul are hereby authorized and directefl to% xe ecute on behalf of the City of 'Saint Paul said proposed Q�it Claim Deed.' MAR 1 19�7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Car _ � ���� Dalglish pproved � 19— Holland � Meredith � Tn Favor ' � - Peterson (� Mayor — gco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � pUBLISH�fD MAR 4 196��' � , �22 �