05-1022Counci]File# O�� / Green Sheet # 3028410 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGES WHEREAS, the mission of the Public Works Sewer Utility is to provide a basic service of transporting sanitary wastewater to the regional treatment system and to provide this service at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, Sanitazy Sewer Service charges pay for the cost of operating and maintaining the sewage disposal system including the principal and interest on bonds sold for system construction and rehabilitation, and for paying Saint Paul's share of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services' annual budget as provided in Chapter 473, Minnesota Statutes, and in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act; and WHEREAS, additional missions of the Public Works Sewer Utility are to collect and transport storm water to the Mississippi River through a separate system of pipes, to improve the quality of our storm water discharges and to provide this serv3ce at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 14, Article 19, First Special Session, Laws of Minnesota, 1985, and all other laws particularly Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075 and applicable charter provisions, enacted Ordinance #17359 (6/3/86) establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitated by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the maintenance, operation and use of the sepazated storm sewer system; and WHEREAS, the Storm Sewer System Charge is based on a property's anticipated contribution of storm water runoff to the storm sewer system, and is a function of its size and land use; and WHEREAS, the Storm Sewer System Charge ordinance provides that the City Council may, from time to time by resolution, establish Storm Sewer System Charge rates for various land use classifications which will be based upon data provided by the Department of Public Works; and WHEREAS, revenue collected from the Storm Sewer System Charge is used to pay back Sewer Revenue Bonds sold for constructing the storm sewer system and for paying for its operation and maintenance; and 2�1 WHEREAS, state and federal mandated environmental programs have been imposed upon Saint Paul without accompanying funds; and 2006 SANITARY SEWER CHARGES AND ps- loa�. WHEREAS, the proposed 2006 Budget will result in anticipated expenditures, credits and financing for the sanitary and storm sewer systems as follows: Expenses: Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Gross Charges $16,591,787 MCES Cunent Value Credit 8( 4'861) Net MCES Service Charges Debt Service Sewer System Rehabilitation Construction Sewer Maintenance Major Sewer Repair Sewer System Management Storm Water Discharge Management Infrastructure Management Billing Cost Paid the Water Utility Private Sewer Connection Repair Program Storm Sewer System Charge Management Regional Issues / Mandates Management Gopher State One-Call Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) Storm Sewer System Charge Bad Debts Other Required Expenses Total Expenses Financine: Sanitary Sewer Service Chuge Storm Sewer System Charge Use of Retained Earnings Proceeds From Note Issuance MCES Repayment per Flow Agreement SAC Revenue Sewer Connection Repair Assessment Interest on Investments Miscellaneous Financing Repayment of Pazk's Loan Intergovernmental Revenue Total Financing $16,506,926 $10,912,689 6,210,000 5,759568 1,849,000 1,143,277 1,226,847 68Q001 694,706 500,000 352,741 177,049 188,492 118,141 59,047 2,833,324 $49,211,808 $28,772,053 9,413,897 4,198,147 4,000,000 i,100,000 600,000 500,000 200,000 205,000 150,000 72,711 $49,211,808 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 77.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Sanitary Sewer Service Charges and upon the recommendation of City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sanitazy Sewer Service Charges to be levied oS- toaa and coilected effective January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006 as follows: $2.66 per 100 cubic feet for the first 1OQ000 cubic feet; and $2.62 per 100 cubic feet for the next 400,000 cubic feet; and $2.56 per 100 cubic feet after 500,000 cubic feet. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that these rates reflect a one and a half percent increase over 2005 Sanitary Sewer Service Charge rates; and Be it F'LTRTHER RESOLVED, that a minimum Sanitary Sewer Service Charge shall be levied and assessed to every property based upon water meter size. The minimum charge below shall reflect part of the fixed cost for basic sewer service: Water Meter Size Minimum CharQe 3/4" and smaller $7.20 per Quarter 1" 12.60 per Quarter 1 1/4" 5.60 per Month 1 1/2" 8.80 per Month 2" 20.00 per Month 3" 42.00 per Month 4" 104.00 per Month 5" 150.00 per Month 6" 200.00 per Month 8" 344.00 per Month 10" 492.00 per Month 12" 680.00 per Month Larger than 12" 1,000.00 per Month Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that properties served by meters one inch and smaller shall be billed quarterly. Properties served by meters lazger than one inch shall be billed monthly, with the exception of one and two fanuly homes which shall be charged quarterly for Sanitary Sewer Service Chazges; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sanitary Sewer Service Charges for one and two family dwellings far the billing year shall be determined by the amount of water consumed, regardless of the size of the water meter, and the amount billed shall never be greater than the amount of water consumed during the quarter consisting of the first three months prior to the fizst billing of the year, except for those dwellings assessed minimum chazges; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sanitazy Sewer Service Charges for all other properties, regardless of the size of the meter, shall be based on actual water consumption for each billing period; and Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 81.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative oS- lo�- Code pertaining to Storm Sewer System Charges and upon recommendation of City Administration, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Storm Sewer System Charges to be levied and collected effective January l, 2006 through December 31, 2006 as follows: Class I,and Use Classification 2006 Rate Unit A Cemeteries, golf courses, parks, unimproved vacant $94.78 Acre land, and 1 and 2 family residential land in excess of 1/3rd acre B Railroad right of way $359.54 Acre C 1 and 2 family residential properties less than 1/3rd acre $56.67 Parcel D Condominiums and town houses $38.12 Unit E Pubiic and private schools and community centers $520.27 Acre F Multiple dwellings, churches, synagogues and $69437 Acre govemment buildings G Commercial and industrial properties $935.44 Acre Be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that these rates reflect a one and one half percent increase over the 2005 Storm Sewer System Charge rates. Form Approved by the City At[omey By� �d�. � . �'�,� Adopted by Council: Date: �/� a �� Q � ���� � � Approved b the Of ce of Fin ncial Services Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary � By: By� � � � n Approve y r: Date: U `� L � � pprovBd Mayor for B �'� � ���/�O �'/ ��%, A B y' l �� i� / . pS'- �o�- � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PW — rubHcwo�cs Contact Person & Phone: Mike Kassan _ 2666249 Must Be on Council f�genda by (Date): 02-NOV-0S ContractType: RE-RESOLUl70N Date Initiated� ,�-05 Green Sheet NO: 3028410 � , Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip NI Locations for Signature) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Departrnent SentTo Person InitiaUDate blitWoxics /0 ewerUtli er licW � D De entDireGOr �ublic Worlcs �� ' blic WorksAccomt dal Services i A or's O�ce Approve the attached Resolution setting 2006 Sanitary Sewer rates and setting 2006 Storm Sewer System Chazge. Recommentlations: Appro�e (A) or Reject i Planning Commission CIB Committee � CiHI Service Commission Personal Service Contracis MustMswerthe 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this departmerrt? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No 6cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiafing Problem, Issues, Opportuniiy (Who, What, When, Where, Why): - As required in the Legislative Code, sanitary sewer rates must be set annually. Proposed sanitary sewer rates will increase by 1.5% and the Storm Sewer System Chazge wIll also increase by 1.5% in 2006. T7us increase is necessazy because�MCES rates for 2006 a increasing; other costs are increasing due to inflarion and the Utility needs [o reduce its dependence on reserves. Advantage5 NApproved: , " Tfie current rates will provide adequate revenue to operate and maintain the City's sewer system. Approving the resolution will also satisfy The City's legal requirement to set sanitary sewer rates annually. � �` ��� Y Disadv0ntages HApproved: None OCT 2 � 2005 � . . y . 4 Disadvanqges HNotAppmved: We will not be in compliance wiTh reguirements of the Legislative Code to set sanitary sewer rates annually. Trensaction: Fu�ding Source: Financial Information: (F�cpiain} CosURevenue Budgeted: Activ'rty Number: �e�:a, , �..... - ' ' -., a � � � � ���� Oetober 10, 2005 1:45 PM Page 1 __ -_ ._ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ______ w