D001338n LJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA OFFICE OF 1TiE MAYOR /_��11►17.Y : Y\/ � : 1 t • • 1. City Cierk 2. Finance 3. PED ! • � � ) . - 1 �� ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, there is a need to create strategies to secure and accommodate a significant share of the region's growth in jobs, people and households in the urban core over the next 25 years; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Council has agreed to plan a day-long Economic Summit: An Initiauve for RevitalJzing and Sustaining the Urban Core on October 15, inviting an interdisciplinary group of 50-75 practiuoners--economic development, business and industry, finance, and community development professionals; and WHEREAS, the summit will result in complementary regional, local and private sector action agendas for urban revitalization, focusing on the tools and strategies that have proven to be most effective, and an endorsed legislative package targeted at supporting existing tools or establishing new tools for urban revitalization. NOW, THEREFORE, the Department of Plamiing and Economic Development is authorized to contribute $500 to sponsor the Economic Summit in partnership with Metropolitan Council, Capital City Partnership, Honeywell, 3M, Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Downtown Council, St. Paul Port Authority, Minneapolis Community Development Agency and Minneapolis Planning Department. FUND SOURCE: PED Operations Fund GL-1263�92 9 `'/ 7 ' d Frepared by• ctivity Manager Approved by: Mayor � g. Requeste by: Department Director ate: K:\shared�Adminor. TM ►lllfl) � �i� J/V v V V V DEPARTMENTlOFFICFJCOUNGIL DATEINRIAiED GREEN SHEET N_ 21 894 Planning & Economic Development 9/19/97 iNm,woA iNmawa� COMACT PERSON & PHONE i � ! � OFFAFITMENT DIflECTOP CRY COUNCIL role Otto 266-6635 `��' "�'�" cmArroaNev CT'CLERK NUYBEfl FOP BE�NWUNC0.AGENDABY(DAl'� pp�NG BUDGETDIRECTOR /� FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. OqDER MpYOR(ORA$$ISTAN'n `T Ot L TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA6ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS F@R SIGNATUR� ACiION NEQUES7ED: pproval of Administrative Order RECOMMENDA'nONS: Approva (A) a Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UES710NS: _ PLANNiNG COMMtSS70N _ CML SERVICE CAIAMISSION �� H25 this pBf50NFfm BVe� wOrkBtl untler a COntreCt for Mis department? _ C�B COMM�T7EE _ YES NO 2. Has this personMrm ever been a ciry employee? — �� — YES NO _ DISiRiCT CAUxf _ 3. Does this pereon/firtn possess a skill no[ normally possessad by any cuneM ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECT7VE? YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separete sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (VJho, Whet, When. Where, Why): Contribution of $500 to sponsor the October 15, 1997 Economic Summit ANTPGES IFAPPROVED: The summit will result in complementary regional, local and private sector action agendas for urban revitalization, focusing on the tdols and strategies that have proven to be most effective, and an endorsed legislative package targeted at supporting existing tools or establishing new tools for urban revitalization. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED' None �?ECEIVED SEP 2 9 1997 �%eT'� CLERK DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ 5 �� COSUREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE PED Opexations Fund pCTIVITYNUM6EFi GL-126-36010-0299 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � � Metropolit� Council �p � 3� Working for the Region, Pianning for the Futwe • September 4, t997 Pam Wheelock St. Paul PED 25 W. Sth St. St. Paul, MN 55102 DearMs. Wheelock: � �������� ���3 .� ?,� SE:r - �3 199? FL4NN!NGAti�] ECGN�n!iC nEVEIOPMENT The Metropolitan Council is very pleased that your organizarion is a sponsor of the October 15th Economic Summit: An Initiative for Revitalizing and Sustaining the Urban Core. The sponsors include �iic ibieiropoli;a:� Ce�acil, Cxgital Ciiy F1:Tneiship, F?oac� wel:, �tv1, G:ezter ?4inrezpnlic Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Downtown Council, St. Paul Port Authority, St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development, Minneapolis Community Development Agency, and Minneapolis Planning Department. The Summit is a day-long session aimed at creating strategies to secure and accommodate a significant share of the region's growth in jobs, people and households in the urban core over the next 25 years. The focus of the Summit will be on: • How we can further economic development best suited fot the region's utban center, • How we can bring about more redevelopment and infili activity. On what's working, what • moze is needed, • How we can secure more mixed use development (residential, commercial, retail and office). Critical outcomes include: • Complementary regional, local and private sector action agendas for urban revitalization, focusing on t4e tools and strategies that have proven to be most effective. . An endocsed Legislative package targeted at supporting existing tools or establishing new tools for urban revitalization. The day's session will be targeted to an interdisciplinary group of 50-75 practitioners -- economic development, bnsiness and indushy, fmance, communi y development. Two case study projects -- Phalen Comdor Initiarive and Southeasi Muuieapolis industrial -- wili pLOVide zxamples oi curcenc issues, strategies and tools. The two will help frame the broader discussion of how we can go further using existing resources and techniques and what changes, innovations and new tools are needed. � We are requesting $500 from your organization to move forward on a partnership agenda for the long term vitality of the urban core. Please remit your contribution for the Economic Summit to the Metropoli(an Council, attention John Kari at 230 East Fifth Sireet, St. Paul, MN 5510 L If you have any questlons please call John at (612) 602-1548. Kari • c�ohn LaBoskey, Capital City Parhiership 230 East FiRh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1634 (6121 291-6359 Fae 291-6550 TDD/TCY 291-0904 Metro Info Une 229-3780 An Equat Opporturzify Employer