05-1016Council File # O � _ � Green Sheet # ��� '� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date t3 WHEREAS, adverse action was initiated againstthe Gambling Location; Cigarette/Tobacco; Liquor on Sale - Sunday; Restaurant ($)-more than 12 seats; Liquor on Sale -100 seats or less (C}; Alarm Permit (New); and Entertainment (A) licenses held by Viaduct Inn, LLC, d/b/a Viaduct Inn (License ID#20030004263) far the premises located at 1056 - 7`" Street East in Saint Paul byNotice of Intent to Suspend Licenses dated October 7, 2005, alleging licensee was delinquent in paying required license fees and late fees; and WHEREAS, licensee did respond to the Notice of Intent to Suspend License to contest the allegations or pay the required license fees and late fees; and WHEREAS, the Notice of Intent to Suspend Licenses stated that if the licensee failed to respond or pay all the required license and late fees by October 17, 2005, that the matter would be placed on the consent agenda to impose the recommended penalty, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Gambling Locatxon; CigaretteYTobacco; Liquor un Sale - Sunday; Restauzant (B)-more than 12 seats; Liquor on Sale -100 seats or less (C); Alarm Permit (New); and Entertainment (A) licenses held by Viaduct Inn, LLC, d/b/a Viaduct Inn are hereby suspended until such time as ali the required license and late fees are paid in full to the Office of LIEP. ���� Requested by Department of: BY: __ �� ' " � �/' ( Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date /��,ft22�/f.ra a�C� (� �./ ' `.l a II Adoption Certifie@ ,� By: Date Secretary BY= .. �/ � Mayor �or Su�si�S� to �t�'�� OS- /o�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Creen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � LP — ��ensG7ns�,ectionlEnviroarroc Contact person 8 Phone: Rachei Gunderson 2 Must Be on Council Aaen 19-OCT-0S y Assign Number For RouEfng Order Green Sheet NC}: 3028517 o � hro r Y i en 'o nvir n ro a eaf D rect 2 0 3 a or' f5ce Ma orlA i nf 4 an ' 5 krk I k Total # of 5ignature Pages _(Clip AII loqtions fw Sigaature} Approval of the attached resolufion to take adverse action against the Gambling I,ocarion; CigarettelTobacco; Liquor on SaIe- Sunday; Restaurant (B} - more thaa 12 seats; Liquor on Sale -100 seats or less (C}; Alazm Pemut (New}; and Entertainment (A) licenses held by Viaduct Inn, LLC, d/b/a Viaduct Inn (License ID#20D30004263} for the premises located at 1056 Jth Street East in Saint Pai necommenaations: Approve (A} or Plan�ing Commission CIB Committee Civit Service Commission t. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a confract far this departme�t? Yes No 2. Has this personlfimi evec been a pty empioyee? Yes No 3. 6oes this persoNB�n passess a skitl rrot nortna0y possessed by any current aty employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach fo green sheet ... _------ I�kiating Problem, Issues, Opportu�ity �VYho, What, When, YYhere, Why); Licensee failed to pay the delinquent llcense fees and late fees. After norification, licensee failed to respond the Notice af Intent Suspend Licenses. wdvanta�es H Approved: Licenses suspended as recoimnsnded by the Of�ce of LIEP, oisauvanWges ff Aopraved: None RECtI!'L� oisadvantages if Not Approved: Licenses not suspended against the recommendarion of the Office of LIEP. OCT 2 6 2�05 MAY4R'S flFFICE Total Amount of Transaction: FUnding SOUrce; Contrects CosURevenue Budgeted: Acfivity Number, Ftnancial hiformafion: {Facplainj � � ,r� . }, . � - . der�.#�� ` � ` ��e„a�pt`.�'E i:.,r�1'�. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rmuly C. KeR}; Mayor OCtAISCT 7, Z��S a5- 10��, OFFIC� F THE CITY ATTORNEY Mmnm1J. Cervmees, CilyAnomey c�i�on 400CiryHa11 TeleyTione:651266-87Z0 ISWest%IIogqBlvd &ar.;rin�i7e; 651298-5619 SaintPaul, Mmnesara 55102 NOTICE OF INTENT TQ SUSPEND LICENSES OwnerlManager Viaduct Inn 1056 - 7"' Sixeet East St, Paul, MN 55106 RE: Gambling Location; Cigazette/Tobacco; Liquoz on Sale - Sunday; Restaurant (B) - more than 12 seafs; Liquor On Sa1e -100 seats or less (C); Alarm Permit {New} and E�tertauiment (A) licenses held by Viaduct Inn, LLC, d/b/a Viaduct Inn for the premises located at 1056 - 7"' Street East in Saint Paul. LicenseID #24030004263 I-. ... u The Office of License, Tnspections and Environmental Protecfion has recommended snspension of the Gambling Location; CigarettelTobacco; Liquor on Sale - Sunday; Restauraut (B} - more than 12 seats; Liquor On Sale -100 seats or less (C) ; A1arm Permit (New} and Entertaitunent (A} licenses held by Viaduct Inn, LLC, dlbla Viaduct Inn for the premises located at 1056 - 7"` Street East in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 22, 2405, you were sent a letter from the Office of Lieense, Inspections and Environmental Protection regardin� yoar delinqnent liquor license payments. Un August 9, 2005 a payment pian was set up and according fo their records neither the August 15, 2005 nor the September 15, 2005 payment hsve been made. In additian to the liquor license fees, there are outstandin� license fees for Gamblin� Lacation; Ci�areffelTobacco; Restanrant (B) - more than 12 seats; Alarm Permit (New) and Enterfainment (A} which have not been paid. The total due for all the license and late fees is $4,679.04. As af today's date, none of the license and tate fees have been paid. AA-ADA-EEO Employer oS- 10� 4� v�aaU�t r� (� �--� October 7, 2005 Page 2 At this time, you have three options on bow to proceed: 1- ffyou wish to continue to do business in the City of Saint Paul, you will need to pay the license and late fees to the Office of License, Inspections and Bnviranmentat Protection at 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minnesota. " 55101-1002 no iater fhan Monday, October 17, 2005. Information shouid be dizected to the attention of Christine Rozek. A self-addressed sfaznped eneelope is inciuded for your convenience. Payment of the license and late fees wi11 be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to wIuch you are etttitled. 2. If you wish to haue a public hearing before tLte Saint Paul Ciry Cotzncii, you wi11 need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the facts and requesting a pubtic hearing. We will need to receive your lettez by Monday, October 17, 2005. The matter will tlzen be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to deternuue whether to suspend your license. You will have an opportunify to appear befoxe the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. If you no tonger wish to do business in the City of Saint Paul, you may send a written statement ta that effecf to the 4ffice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 200, St. Paul, Miuuesota 55101-1002 no later than Monday, October 17, 2005. Tnformation should be directed to the attention of Christine Rozek. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October 17, 2045, how you woald like Yo proceed. If yon have not contacted me by then, I will assume that you are not contestung the suspension of yonr license. If you have questions about these opfions, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �� �� Rachel Gunderson Assistaut City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, �IEP Mamik O'I,eary, 2623 Aldrich Avenue South, Niinneapolis, MN 55408 nA-ntia-�o ��oy� � � �5— lc�t�e s�ra� oF ��rrFSO�rA > � ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY II.S. MATL MEGIiAN McGIVERN, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 7, 2005, she served the attached NOTICE OF IIV'TF..NT TO SUSPEND LICENSES by placing true and correct copies thereof in envelopes addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Viaduct Inn 1056 - 7`� Street East St. Paul, NIlV 55106 Mamik O'Leary 2623 Aldrich Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 (which are the last knoum addresses of said persons) depositzng the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mail at St. Paul, Minnesota. �.: � � !<< �f�i/ _ . � �. MEGI3AN McGIVERN Subscribed and sworn to before me day of October, 2005. Notary Public JOANNE G. CLEAdEFi'I'3 . hUTARY PUBLIC-MWPESOT$ MY COMMIS310N EXPIRESJAN.31, 20 } Q . :r' � ��`...