232212 .. { 232212 �.� ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT' PAUL FO ENCIL No. CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED Bv William E.Carlson Febru�ry 14 19 67 COMMISSIONER DATF R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLL,ER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENGY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WI7HOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. BIIRF,AII OF POLICE 0118-100 IInifarmed Division - Salariea 17,K48.00 0113-100 Detective Divieion - Salaries 18,970.00 110-100 Ad.miniatration � Salariea 25,74�7.00 0 I4 -100 Staff & Inspection - Salaries 10 1.00 . 36,�.8.oa 36,518.o0 BIIRF',AII OF H�AZ'IrS 0186�.200 Building Mainte�ance -- Contract.Serv. 600.00 181�200 Vita1 Statistics - Contra.et.Serv. 300.00 - 189-�00 Housing Inapection - Cc�mmodities 300.00 0180..8Q0 Administration - Cap.Outlay 200.Ofl 188-800 Dog I,icense Enforce. - Cap. Outlay 200.00 800.00 800.00 BUHF,�iU OF POLICE AZJD FIRE AT�R1�4 0171-.3@4 Traffic Signal Maint. - Commodities 170.00 170-400 Admin. end Operation - Other Charges 1 0.00 170.00 170.00 ��-� �� , YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS ��� � � 1�D'G� Carlson \ � ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI�- 19 • Dalglieh � �EB � � 19�� � Holland APPROVED 1 9 IN FAVOR Meredith ,l V ' Peterson MAYOR OGAINST Jo��p.re J. R�Y al��li Tedesco � COUNTERSIGN/E.D BY �a$y �m��trolier f �I[/ CITY COMPTR 6R MR. PRESIDENT � BY�� � y - . -- 60O �-Se °�8 PUBLISFbfD MAR 4 1967 � �" 4�fry Q-����aroller . ' � 232212 ��r Notice CITY OF ST. PAUL Council File No. to MINNESOTA P rinte r COUNCIL R�SOLUTION 19_ RESOLUED, that the transfers within funds of the various �ity Depaz-tments heretofore approved by the Cit3r Comptroller, as such transfers of funds as of ���. �� � (� are indivated in documents attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, as fully as if the same were set forth fully and completely her�in, are hereby appraved, copies of the aforementioned also being on f ile in the of_ fice of the City Clerk and in the office of the City C�p-troller. � FE� �� 1961 Adopted by the Council 19_ FEB 2 � 196� City Comptroller Approved 19_,_, By AU�LISH�fD MAR 4 1967