232208 ' � � 232208 ;r` ,�`� , , . � �, Y_ „ A ' � j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNGIL FILE N0. ' Resolution Apprnving Assessment By— � and Figing Time of Hearing Z`hereon � In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for construction and reconatruction of sidewalks a.nd work incidental thereto: , Contract 65-M-325, Levy No: 8, ]7istrict No. 1 �_--a-----�---, . � , _ -- —. - ,- �.__ - __,�_,,,�— __.____._� � -- --� : - -�----,r-__ - - .. . _ A� _ -"i ."( ._ _ _ ~ ._ ' ._ . - - ,�;:'s . —. ;M� -- �_.��'� = �. ' ,. ,.. �• ., .. . `'S�, •te ' - ' * - . � � - '• . '�.• „ _ ` -- - _ -� _ _ 4.. , «c. s-, a_ - ' - ` ' - ' r' ".-- ��UJ.:47�7L�J.7�.r.: '- . - -• ` ` � - -�-_ ,_+ .., ' _ _ - ' - ' ` -- ' .0.�' 2 6 - Fry St��.both sides from Taylor Ave. to Hewitt Ay�e:' �_„ � ' _ - -� � �� �e� `� � F.O..#22�F677 - Buford Avenue� both sides from Grantham St: to ,Chelmsf.ord. St. . FeO. �'22�+812 - Simpson St., east side from Arlington Ave. to Hebraska Ave. , F.O. #22269� - Ludl'ow Ave,, both sides from �@ Aveea��, Gordon Ave. to St. ; ' - Paul and N. P. Railroacl Tracks., ` � F.O. #22�+678 - Kuapp St., north side f'rom Como Ave. to.Hillside Ave. ; F.O. �21.go18 - �'eronia Ave;�, north side from Prior Ave.. to Lynnhurst Ave., � ��,���}�,y��;,�;on�the�,west�side�o��Lyrm.hurst,Ave..��from=-Fer,oni�_AYe.._�to„w„___,.,.��_.,�, - ► ' Qe,kley Aveo and�on the south` side of Oakley Av�e. from Prior � ; �f,+c.��.���-0�i..�A�e.atortItiynnhur,st�Ave..o,..,.�-r��+n;*r��..-�...�.._e_..u�.__......��--r�.�-�--�-�_� ..�, � .. , � . NON�tU�U�st3�..�•.:.���x'x«r�_._«-...'5,;,�..or.r....o�.£y��.m7a�ti�w�`�?-�''�__.. �v"'�y"`�'L"'.'L'..^.'s'!_x�_.�.+�."`�.°;."�fif` i .0.� 2 _ - ry St., both aides from Tayl.or Ave. to Hewitt Ave. FaO.��#22?±.67�7,.�Lr�Buford Q,�venue�_both;sides�from�Grantham St; to che].�,m,sford.�_SttL�ior; w�ih F.O. #22�+6�'� - Knapp Sto� �north side from Como Ave.�to Hillside Ave. . ' the al��ve zmprt,v�zr.ei�t I�a�a�ng �;�en sub�t�c�i i;c� tkP C�ut�cil, and tk4y �fan�,�� ��ving con¢id��ec# �a�t� � and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it _ � ' _ - - --- - ��`- • • • - RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHEft, That a public heaxing be had an said assessment on the 29th day of Nlmrch��267 , , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the �ouncil Chamber of the Court Flouse and City Hall Building, in the City bf St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fina.nce give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular . owner to whom the notice is directed. - �OUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ��8 2 81g��' Carlson Adopted by the Counc' • �.. Daiglish �� 2 8� 196� - Hoiland � ., - Meredith , – - ` �� � peterson � prove� , � � •�° ° Tedesco � � Byrne Tn Favor � , '" _� Mayor - I� ' � Against • Fo=m R_2 2� lo.s3 8� �UBLISH�fD MAR 4 1967