05-1013Council File # O `� ` � � ' � Green Sheet # y?(��c�1 / PIZESE_\'TED BY REFERRED TO C0�IDSITTEE: DATE i WHEREAS, adverse action was initiated against the Saint Paul Taxicab Driver z (Provisional) license application submitted by Kelcey M. Hamblin (License ID#20050002819) s for the City of Saint Paul by Norice of Intent to Deny Provisional Taxicab Driver License 4 Application dated October 7, 2005, alleging the payment made by the licensee for the license s application was returned by the financial institution with a notation "closed accounY'; and s v WHEREAS, the licensee did not respond to the Notice of Intent to Deny Provisional s Tacicab Driver License Application to contest the allegation or to make payment on delinquent s license fees; and io ii WHEREAS, the Notice of Intent to Deny Provisional Ta�cicab Driver License Application iz stated that if the licensee failed to respond or pay the delinquent license fees by October 17, ia 2005, that the matter would be placed on the consent agenda to impose the recommended a4 penalty, now, therefore, be it �s gs �a as zs zo RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Taacicab Driver (Provisional) license application submitted by Kelcey M. Hamblin is hereby denied. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � oS- �c�3 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � LP — Licrnsellnspection/Environ Prot Conqct Person & Phone• Rachel Gunderson 266-8710 on Counral Agenda by 19-OCT-O5 y Assign Number For Routing Orde� Green Sheet NO: 3028514 ueoartmerrc SentTOPerson 0 icenselln tio nviron Pr 1 icense/Ivs ction/EnvironPro De artmentD7ector 2 i A rn " 3 a or's ce Ma odAssistant 4 ouncil 5 i Clerk Clerk Toql # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature) ' Action Requested: Approval of the attached resoluuon to take adverse action against the Saint Paul Taxicab Driver (Provisional) license application submitted by Kelcey M. Hamblin for the City of Saint Paul. idations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission Cf6 Committee Civil Service Commission Service Contrects Must Mswer the Following 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why)• Licensee paid license applicarion fee with a check that was retumed by the bank with a notation "Closed AccounY'. After notification, licensee failed to respond to the Notice of Intent to Deny Frovisional Taxicab Driver License Application. AdvanWges If Approved: License application denied by reco�endation of the Office of LIEP. DisadvantageslfApproved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved License appllicarion approved against the recommendation of the Office of LIEP. ��� G � 2�05 MAYOR'S OFFICE Transaction: Fundinp Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: � a '�o^csa^^n �' ����� �s��8�`t+ �'-'. ='^, Financial Information: (ExPlain) OC3 2 6 2005 � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL x�dY C gelly, dfayyor OCtObCi 7, 2OOS OS - /0/3 r: OFFICc JF THE CTTY ATTORNEY Mmrue7J. Cervmztes, CityAnorney civil Divis3on 400CiryHa11 ISWest%IIv�Blvd SaintPaul, Minnesota 55702 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY PROVISIONAL TAXICAB DRIVER LICENSE APPLICATION Kelcey M. Hamblin 1727 Field Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 RE: Application for a Saint Paui Taxicab Driver (Provisional) License License ID #20050002819 � Dear Mr. Hambl3n: Te7ephone: 65Z 266-87I0 Facsimi]e; 657 29&5679 The O�ce of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the Saint Paul Taxicab Driver (Provisional) License application you submitted. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On Angast 23, 2005 you received a letter from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection stating the check you submitted in payment for your Tagi Cab Driver (provisionan License was returned by your financial institution with the notation "Closed Account". You were given ten (10) days from the date of that letter (5eptember 2, 200� to send in the license application payment along with retarned check charges. As of today's date, payment has not been received. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: 1. You can pay the delinquent license fee. If that is yQUr choice, please send a certified check, cashier's check or money order in the amount of $55.00 (which includes a$15.00 chazge far a returned check) to the Office of Licettse, Inspections and Environmental Frotection, 8 Fourth Street East, Suife 200, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55101-1002 by Monday, October 17, 2005. Thev will also accept a credit cazd �avment bv Uhone. Information shouid be directed to the attention of Christine Rozek. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Payment of the delinquent fee will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are enritled. AA-ADA-EEO Employet :� Kelcey Hamblin October 7, 2005 Page 2 � (-. (`��j- 101'� 2. If you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the facts and requesting a public kearing. We will need to receive your letter by 1Vlonday, October 17, 2005. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine whether to deny your application. You will have an opporhmity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your awn behalf. 3. You can withdraw your application. If this is your choice, you should send the letter to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minuesota, 55101-1002. The letter should be directed to Reid Soley no later than Monday, October 17, 2005. Any request for a refund of the license application fee must also be made in writing to the Office of LIEP. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October 17, 2005, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the denial of your provisional license application. Sincerely, �� Rachel Gunderson Assistant City Attorney cc: Cluistine Rozek, Deputy D'uector of LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer � �� o�- ��� � STATE OF MIIJNESOTA ) ) ss. COiJNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFI`IDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAII. MEGHAN McGIVERN, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 7, 2005, she served the attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY PROVISIONAL TAXICAB DRIVER LICENSE APPLdCATTON by placing a true and conect copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Kelcey M. Hamblin 1727 Field Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mail at St. Paul, Minnesota. � _I_,LI. ��_���1�. I MEGI�AN McGIVERN Subscribed and sworn to before me � _ t � 1 �� b � :�_f � � � � i� :� � �� �.' 1 � 1 '. . t 9� ; r . �� , �-<. s . -'� `. .' _ � . c t " e : � this 7th day of October, 2005.