05-101Council File # QS ' I 0 {
Green Sheet # 3 j%�
1 VJIIEREAS, the Transportation Equity Act for the 21�` Cenhuy (TEA 21) authorizes funds for our nation's
2 krighways, transit, motor carrier, safety, and research program, and
3 WI�REAS, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure is preparing
4 legislation to xeauthorize these programs, when the TEA 21 E�ension Act expires on May 31, 2005, and
5 WHEREAS, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Tzansportation and Infrastructure is seeking a new
6 round of completed questionnaires for surface transportafion by the close of husiness on Februa.ry 7, 2005, and
7 WfIEREAS, Saint Paul is eligible to submit such a questionnaire for apossible fixture Saint Paul streetcar proposal
8 along with proposals already submitted to U.S. Congresswoman McCollum for the Central Comdor LRT, the Red
9 Rock Commuter Rail Line, Union Depot and the West Midway Biotech Corridor, therefore be it
10 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby approves and submits to U.S. Congzesswoman McCollum
11 a completed questionnaire entitled "Transportation Project Evaluation Criteria, U.S. House of Representatives
12 Committee on Transportation and Infrashucture, Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, St. Paul Streetcar," for
13 submission with the aforementioned TEA-21 proposals already submitted by the City of Saint Paul.
Requested by Departrnent oL
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci]
Approved byJ�aj�r: Date -�`" l L� —`
Adopted by Council: Date ��-1 a� a U 8�
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CoMaM Person 8 Phone:
JaY Berenav
Must Be on Council f\qen�
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Green Sheet NO: 3025104
Deoarhnent SentToPerson
0 omc�
1 omcit ent ' ector
2 ' Cler �
Tofal # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested: -
Approve and submit to U.S. Congresswoman McCollum, a completed ques6onnaire entitled "Trausportarion Projec[ Evaluadon
Criteria, U.S. House of Representarives Committee.on Transportation and In&ashucture, Subcommittee on Highrivays and Transit, St
Panl Streetcaz, for submission with the aforementioned TEA-21 pxoposals 2lceady submitted by the City of Saint Paul.
Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Reject
Planning Commission
CIB Committce
Citil Service Commission
1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er waked urder a coMract for this department?
Yes No
2. Fias this persoNfimi e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Wes this persoNfirm possess a skill not nomialty possessed by any
curtent city emplqree?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and alfach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantages IfApproved:
Disadvantages IfApproved:
DiSadvantage5lf Not A{lpfoved:
Punding Source:
Financial Information:
Mswer the Following
CosflRevenue Budgeted:
AMiViN Number:
February 2, 2005 2:59 PM Page 1
es �� I
Saint Paul Streetcar
Naxne and Congressional District of the primary Member of Congress sponsoring the
The Honorable Betly McCollum, 4tb Congressional District, Minnesota .
Other Members supporting the project.
The Honorable Martin Olav Sabo, Sth Congressional D'astrict, Minnesota.
If the project is a highway project, identify the State or other qualifie d recipient
responsible for carrying out the project.
N(A — Transit project.
If the project is a transit project, please identify the project sponsor (must be an eligible
reeipient of Federal transit fund(s).
The City of St. Paul, working cooperahvely with Ramsey County and Metropolitan
Please categorize the project (check one)
Transit rail new start
Bus, bus equipment, or bus facility
Intermodal facility (Passenger)
Intermodal facility (freight)
Bicycle and Pedestrian
Qther (Please identify) x prouosed FTA "Small S4arts" Program
Is the project eligible for the use of Federal-aid highway or transit funds under Title 23 or
Title 44 of the United States Code?
The project is eligible for both Titles 23 and 49.
7. If the project is a highway or bridge project, is it on the National Highway System?
N/A — The St. Paul Streetcar Project would be fixed rail, at grade, in mixed traffic.
Briefly describe the total project.
A modern streetcar figed rail line, with frequent stops, maintenance facility with
public transit links in the City of St. Paul.
Is it part of a larger system of projects?
This line would connect with the currentiy designed Central Corridor, Metro
Transit bus service & ideally a streetcar project fn Minneapolis.
VJhat is the total estimated cost of the project?
Please identify the specific segment for which project funding is being sought, including
terminus points.
Termini are not final at this time: a western terminus connectiug with the City of
Minneapolis is desired. Funding is sought for the entire potential project limits.
What dollaz amount are you requesting in the authorization for this project or segment of
a project?
The City of St. Paul requests $50 million in this Authorization.
11. Project Schedule
What is the proposed schedule and status of work on the project?
Feasibility and Alternatives Analysis FY 200 6-07; Planning and Design: FY 2007-08
and 2008-09; Construction in FY 2008-09 and 2009-10.
What is the current stage of development of the project? (if the project is a transit new
start. Please specify whether the project is in alternafive analysis, preliminary engineering,
final design, has been issued a record of decision, under environmental review, or already
has a current fu11 funding grant agreement.)
In Alternatives Analysis.
Will the requested funding for the project be obligated within the nea six years?
12. Project Plan
a. Is the project part of the State's long-range plan?
The project will be included in the State Long Range Plan and S'I'8 upon its
addition to the Metropolitan Council's Transportahon Improvement Plan.
b. Is the project included in the metropolitan and/or State Transportation
Improvement Program(s)?
Not at this time.
Is the project considered by the State andlor regional transportation officials as critical to
their needs? Please provide a letter of support from these officials, and if you cannot,
explain why not.
At this phase of the feasibility study, it is not possible to provide support
documentation. Letter of support wil1 be provided later.
Does the project have national or regional significance? Describe.
Yes, local circulator transit to direct and sustain reinvestment in distressed areas,
access jobs, and an alternate mode of travel for urban livability.
Has the proposed project encountered, or is it likely 4o encounter, any significant
opposition or other obstacles based on environmental or other types of concerns?
No, there is strong local support for improved transit. Project will be built largely
in existing right-of-way, minimize environmental issues.
16. Describe the economic, environxnental, congestion mitigation, and safety benefits
associated with completion of the project.
Wiil direct and sustain redevelopment, ufilize clean electrically-powered vehicles,
reduce congestion and improve pedestrian safety.
Has the project already received funding through the State's federal-aid highway
or transit formula apportionments or from other Federal, State, local, or private
funds? If yes, how much and from what source?
The City of St. Paul is currentiy considering all funding options.
Has the project received funding in a previous authorization act?
19, If the project has received funding in a previous authorization act, please cite the act(s)
and amount(s) authorized.
Has the project received funding in a previous appropriations act?
If the project has received funding in a previous appropriations act, please cite the
act(s) and amount(s) appropriated.
If the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure chose to fund this project, please
provide a description of the project as you would like it to appear in the bill.
St. Paui Streetcar. Modern fiaed rail; urban circulator links transit to sustain
existinglplanned intense redevelopment.