05-1006coua�a Fue # OS-10ptp
Green Sheet # ,30�5 �7�
1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
2 Pilot Project pursuant to Civil Service Ru1e 8.A.6., to ,jointly administer and process examinations with
3 Ramsey county for ffie fitle of Library Clerk to extend the previously-approved pilot project for an
4 additional three (3) years).
Requested by Department o£
Adopted by Council: Date
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DeparlmenVofiee/eounc(1: Date Initiafed:
Hu -��,�,� �-� Green Sheet NO: 3028579
CoMact Person 8 Phone:
N�9�e �Y
Must Be on Council Agen
ConLad Type:
Tohal � of Signahrre Pages _(Clip NI Lowtions for Signalure)
0 R� Raan � +
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Appcoval to extend tLe attached Pilot Project, pursuant to Civil Service Rule 8.A.6., to jointly admurister Library Clerk examinahons
w(th Ramsey County. Ttus pilot project was originally brought to Council for approval for three yeazs. One yeaz was approved with
the condition that a progess report be given co the Library Boazd. The Library Boazd approved renewal of the pilot project on 4l29lO5.
�dations: Approee (A) or Reject
Plamm�g Commission
CIB Committee
CiNI Senice Commission
CasHRevenue Budgeted:
MitiaW�g Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (N[ho, What, When, Where, Why):
Since 2000, the Administrative teams of the Saint Paul Public Library Agency and the Ramsey County Librazy have met to explore
of cooperation that could increase efficiency and service W customezs. To jointly administer the er.amiaation for Library Clerk
chosen as a pilot project to decrease duplication of efforts for a common applicant pool.
The City will be able to continue to work with Ramsey County in joint selecGon process for the posiHon oF Library Clerk with
specific goals to: increase the number of apptioants; increase the diversity of applicants; and inccease the diversity of new hires.
Disadvantages IfApproved:
�Uisadva�fa9� � H� APProved:
The City will not be able to continue to work with Raznsey County in join selection process for the posirion of Library Clerk.
Funding Source:
t. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a conlract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirtn fl�er heen a city emWoyee?
Yes No
3. Does fhis persun(Cum possess a skiU mt �rortnaity possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and altach to green sheet
Activily Number.
/a�9er.^H �
V�.+::=:t�. . ... _
OCT � g 2005
October 25, 200512:1 BpM
Pege 1
OS- /��
AngelaS NaleLny,De�sctor
Randy G %Ily, Mayor
400 Crry Ra11 Annec
15 WertFaurth Street
Sai,+tParr�Minnesota SSIOLZ631
Tefephorse: 651-266-6500
7obline: 651-266-6502
Facsimi[e: 65I-292-7656
Council President Lantry and City. Council Members
Dennis Flaheriy, Deputy Mayor
From: Angela Nalezny, Human Resources Director �
Date: October 21, 2005
Re: Renewal of the City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Exam Collaboration Pilot Project
'I'his pilot project was approved for a one-yeaz trial period by the Library Boazd and tUe City Council on May 16,
2004. The approval required that staff make a report to the Library Board at the end of one year. That report
was pzesented to the Library Board on Apri120, 2005. The Libraty Board approved this pilot proj ect for an
additionai three years. The City and County are now ready to conduct a new exanunation for Library
Clerk/Library Page. I am asking City Council to also approve the pilot project for an additional three years.
This pilot project is presented pursuant to Civil Service Rule 8A6:
The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or research projects designed to enhance
recruitment, selection, experimental ieanung placements, pre-entry training programs, employee career
development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the }ob training prograzns, referral and/or
appoinhnent processes for the filling of City positions. (Full text is attached.)
The City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County will joinfly administer and process exams £or Library Clerk, an
entry-level library position. (Ramsey County's equivalent job tifle is Library Page.) The parties will jointly
recnzit and acluiinister the qualifications exam at their respective libraries and produce a connmon applicant list.
Once the applicant list is established, the process wiil separate so both pazties can hire according to their own
Personnel or Civil Service Rules. (County seniority points and the City's promotion rights will be appiied by
each respective party sepatately thus creating sepazate eligible lists.) Both the City and County Library
Directors are in favor of extending this pilot project.
Please see attached Report to the Library Boazd dated Apri120, 2005.
An Affirmative Acrion Equal Opportunity Employer
The partees will split the labor time/cost of recruihnent, job fairs, adverkising and exam administration.
This pilot project is proposed for three years.
Civil Service Rules
Civil Service Rule 8A6 allows for the following.
Appropriate Civil Servi ce Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the
purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for the time period as specified for the project. A
project will not exceed a 3-year time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and
Council within 3-montl�s of the end of the project,
Since `ue proposed City-County Exam Collaboration process is different than what is curtenfly done, we aze
asldng to anend, Civil Service Rule 6.C. to allow for Ramsey Couaty's role in the process.
6.0 - Egamin�tion Administration
All examinations shall be prepazed and held under the direction of the Director, who may desigiate City
employees or employ persons from outside the City as special examiners to assist with the preparation,
conduct, or grading of any examination.
Comment: All exams will be prepared and held under the direction of both the City and Ramsey County Hnman
Resources Directors with input from both the City's and County's Librazies.
Data Practices
Personnel data sflall be sfiared between City and County employees in accordance with the Minnesota
Govemment Data Practices Act. Applicants will be applying for a job in both jurisdictions at the same time and
the data submitted, both public and private, will be given to both jurisdictions. This information will be listed
on the job announcement.
Measures of Success
The Committee will measure success by the following:
• Increase of applicants
• Increase in the diversity of applicants
• Increase in the diversity of new hires
• Realize economies of scale (i.e, cost savings)
• Satisfaction of both Library agencies
If you have any questions, please let me lmow. My phone number is 266-6515.
Attachment: Civil Service Rule 8A6 (Pilot Projects)
An Affirmative Action Equal Opporhinity Employer
11C11 1V LVVJ rv�.v ia�.�v �u
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Saint Paul Public Library Board
April 20, 2005
ST7BJECT: Saint Paul Public/Ramsey County Library Joint Testing Pilot Project
Evatuation of the pilot project undertaken in June 2004 for the City of Saint �Paul and
Ramsey County to jointly administer and process exams for ihe City's Library Clerk �nd
the County's Library Page titles.
j Since 2000 the Administrarive teams of the Saint Paul Public Library and the �tamsey
County Library have met to explore areas of cooperation that could increase efficiency
and service to their customers. The opporhmiry arose in 20Q3 to participate in this }oint
testing project and to concentrate on recruiting a diverse pool of applicants for both
library systems.
When the pilot project was fixst conceived, we expected that on� jurisdiction vvould be in
charge of the ex<�un administration and scoring. However, we soon decided that each
jurisdiction would adminiseer and score exams and then the Cwo lists would be merged.
That has proven successful.
The original goal of the proj ect was to open agplications quarterly over the coursa of the
year. Due to hiring constraints at the end of 2004, the position has been posted iwice at
the time of this report. The second posting in March 20Q5 was for only ten days but
resulted in:
337 agplicants;
of those who filled out the optional tracicina form 48% were white
(not of Hispanic origin} and 47°lo were aither Asian/Pacific Isiander,
African Amcrican, Hispanic or Native American/Alaskan Native.
MRY-18-2�05 09�53 6512667060 96%
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,: From the first list generated under the pilot project, the Saint Paul Public Library has
hired 13 Library CLertcs of which 10 were non-white. Both library systems are satisfied
�vith the evolution of the exam process. After the first posting several cltanges were made
that sueamlined the process and resulted in a larger number of appticants. There h�s been
no competition for eligi6le applicants because the pool of qualified diverse candidates is
so large, We continue to work closely.
An unportant aspect of the projeot has been a refinement of recruitment techniqnes on the
part of both jurisdictions Saint Paul Public has shared information gained through the
recruitment model il is creating for the Urban Library 1'rogram. The large response to the
Mareh posting can be attribuied to implementarion of some aspects of the model.
'I'he original report indicated success would be measured by the following:
� Increase of applicants
• Increase in the diversity of appiicants
• Increase in the diversity of newhires
• Satisfaction of both Library agencies
• Decrease in the overall warkload of collaboration in comparison to two separate
•._ .,
The measures of success have been met in the first four of the five items listed. The first
rime the test was given joindy actually resulted in an increase of worb for both
jurisdictions. This was a leaming process and many procedures were sueamlined the
second time the test was given. The second testing process was much more efficient.
Tnterim Library Directoi, Kathleen Flynn (651) 266-7070
MRY-18-Z005 09�54 65iZ667060 96: P.03
D 5'�o'�� Council File # (��`
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Referred To
!� �'t L G i GYG� �'.'t�. � 1�l L n
Committee Date � ���/C`/"
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and rarifies the attached
Pilot Pro}ect pursuant to Civil Service Rule SA.6 to jointly administer and process examinations with
Ramsey County for the ritle, Library Cleri4 and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a progress report be given to the Library Boazd
in one year to determine whether the pilot project should be renewed by the Board.
Requested by Departmem of
Office of Resources
By: � r
Form Appr�
Approved by Nfay� j Date �t `"
Green Sheet #_3013015_
iin fot Submis'"sion
i� ,+
Adopted by Council: Date /�/' ( �D,-1
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
� tareen sneet �reen sne�t Green Sneet tareen sneet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenVoffce/councii: Dateinitiated:
Hu 'ElumanResources o�� Green Sheet NO: 3013015
Contatt Person & Phone: Deoartment Sent 7o Person � InitiallDate
Mgela Nalezny � 0 �
266-6545 ,qujgn 1 u an esources De artmentDirecor
Must Be on Couneii Agenda by (Date): Number Z r J 5,��
RoUting 3 a�or's ffic Mawr/As istan
Order 4 unc"
5 itv leck 'tv t k
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AIf Locations for Signature}
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached Pilot Project pursuant to Civil Service Rule SA.6 to jointly administer and process exanvnations with Ramsey
Counry for the ritle, Library Clerk.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contreets Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Plartning Commission 1, Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent?
CIB Committee Yes No �
Civil Service Commission 2. Has Nis persoNfirtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
curzent city employee?
Yes No
Exptain aii yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
For some job openings, the Ciry and County aze dupHcating efforts, especially when it is found there is an overlap in the applicants that
apply for Ciry and County jobs and the tesu given aze very much alike.
There would be an increase of applicanu, increased diversiry of applicants, increased diversity of new hires. There would also be a
decrease in the overall workload due to collaborarion in comparison to hvo separate processes.
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
More rime spent on development and adminis�arion of tests means less time allowed for targeted recmiting.
Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted:
Fundinp Source: Activity Number:
Pinancial Information:
Presented b}
Referred To
Green Sheet#_3013015_
Co�ittee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
Pilot Project pursuant to Civil Service Rule 8A.6 to jointly administer and process examinations with
Ramsey Counry for the title, Library Cierk.
Requested by Depamnent o£
Officeof �manResoutces
Form Appr ed by C' ey �
By: � \�
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
�.vuua;ii i �ac +r
Adopted by Council: Date
Angela S. NaleYny, Director
� Rarsdy C. Kelly, Mayor
To: Council President Bostrom and City Council Members
400 Ciry Ha1[Annes
25 Wut Fourth S[reei
SaiN Paul, Minnesota 55102-l631
Telephorze: 651-266-6500
Jobline 65I-266-6502
Facsimil e: 651-192-7656
C: Mayor Randy Keily
Dennis Flaherty, Deputy Mayor
From: Angela Nalezny, Human Resources Directo
Date: Mazch 15, 2004
Re: City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Exam Collaboration Pilot Project
This pilot project is presented pursuant to Civii Sezvice Rule 8A6:
The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or reseazch projects designed to enhance
recruihnent, selection, experunental leaming placements, pre-enhy training programs, employee cazeer
development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the job training prograxns, referral and/or
appointment processes for the filling of City positions. (Full text is aitached.)
The City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County will }ointly administer and process exams for Library Clerk, an
entry-level library position. (Ramsey County's equivalent job title is Library Page.) The parties will jointly
recruit and administer the qualifications exam at their respective libraries and produce a common applicant list.
Once the applicant list is established, the process will separate so both parties can hire according to their own
Personnel or Civil Service Rules. (County seniority points and the City's promorion rights will be applied by
each respective party separately thus creating separate eligible lists J Both the City and County Library
Directors are in favor of this pilot project and have actively participated in the planning process.
The process of conducting employment exams is labor intensive, both for the City and the County. The many
phases are highly detail oriented (including exam creation, administration, scoring and certificarion) and require
a great deal of data entry. For some job openings, the City and County are truly duplicating efforts, especially
when we find there is overlap in the applicants that apply for City and County jobs and the tests given aze very
much alike.
One drawback in spending so much time on the exam side of employment hiring is less time for recruiting,
especially targeted recruiting. One goal of this pilot praject is to increase the diversity of the pool of appiicants,
An Affirmative Action Equal Oppornuiity ADA Bmployer
� ' � d5-/ov�
and ultimately the workforce, for both the City and the County. Staffers will be able to spend more time at job
fairs, in the public high schoois, and developing recruitrnent contacts in the community.
Additional goals of this collaboration include economies of scale in recruitment, advertising, job fairs, and exam
creation and administration.
Both the City Administration and the County Board have a strong commitment to this type of collaborarion and
to diversifying their respecrive workforces.
The exam collaborarion committee, made up of representatives from the City and County Human Resources
Departments, developed a coilaboration matrix of 42 possible job classifications that could be applicable for
City-County Exam Collaborarion. The classifications were analyzed using the following categories: job titie,
typical duries performed, minimum qualifications, salaryrange, exam types and supervisory level. The
committee has identified a group of job titles that aze comparable in neazly ali categories, were administered
fairly frequently by both jurisdictions and would be the best candidates for use in this collaboration. However at
this time, the committee would like to focus on one job title and use it as a pilot, that being Library
Clerk/Library Page. This title has traditionally been more difficult to fill for the City due to its part-time nature
and the requirement to work weekends. The City often posts this job as "open continuous," meaning we accept
applications over a long period of time and tesY and post eligible lists often to ensure the Library has enough
employees to cover vacancies. This job classification is an ideal test case for this proposed coliaboration. If this
project is successful, both parties will likely propose a more formal relationship in the form of a joint powers
The parties will split the labor time/cost of recruitment, job fairs, advertising and exam administration.
This pilot project is proposed for three years.
Civil Service Rules
Civil Service Rule 8A6 allows for the following.
Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the
purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for the time period as specified for the project. A
project will not exceed a 3-year tune span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and
Council within 3-months of the end of the project.
Since the proposed City-County Exam Collaboration process is different than what is currently done, we are
asking to suspend, or more accurately, amend, Civii Service Rule 6.C. In some ways, we are amending all the
Civil Service Rules as they pertain to recruitment and exam admiuistration to allow for Ramsey County's role in
the process.
6.0 - Examination Administration
All examinations shall be prepared and held under the direction of the Director, who may designate City
employees or employ persons from outside the City as special exanriners to assist with the preparation,
conduct, or grading of any examination.
An Affirmative Acrion Equal Opportunity ADA Employer 2
Comment: All exams will be prepazed and held under the direction of both the City and Ramsey County Human
Resources D'uectors with input from both the City's and County's Libraries. The test will be a qualifications
rating, which is a pass/fail test.
Data Practices
Personnel data shall be shared between City and County employees in accordance with the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act. Applicants will be applying for a}ob in both jurisdictions at fhe same time and
the data submitted, both public and private, will be given to both jurisdictions. This information will be listed
on the job announcement.
Union Discussions
I met with AFSMCE Business Representative Kurt Errickson and I.oca12508 President Mazcy Schiilinger on
December i, 2003. Both aze in favor of collaboration but were concemed about this process replacing city jobs.
The reality is that both Human Resources departments have experienced budget cuts and reductions in staff and
would have with or without this project. One goal of this project is to try to reduce the workload of existing
Measures of Success
The Committee will measure success by the following:
. Increase of appiicants
• Increase in the diversity of applicants
. Increase in the diversity of new hires
• Decrease in the overall workload of collaboration in comparison to two sepazate processes
. Satisfaction of both Library agencies
As always, if you have any questions, please let me lrnow. My phone number is 266-6515.
Attachment: Civil Service Rule 8A6 (Pilot Projects)
An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer
Sec 0$ - Civil Service Kules
rage i oz �r
Home Residents Business . Leisure Mayor Council Depts
�'�r �
c�cy co�n���
City Departm
Human Resource
Gvil Sernce Rules
Job Descriptions
Employee and Retiree
Labor Reiations
A�rmative Ac ti o n/Diversity
Workef's Compen
City ]06 Open
Documents and Maps
�� r�Search
Civil Service Ruies
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Civil Service Rules
8. Filling Vacancies
Whenever a vacancy in a Classified position occurs, unless the vacancy is to be
flled by reduction, transfer, reinstatement after iayoff or reinstatement after
voluntary reduction, ihe appointing officer shall make a requisition for
certification on the form prescribed by the Human Resources Director. The
vacancy shalf be fiNed whenever possible in the fnitowing order:
1. By reduc[ion
2. By transfer
3. By reinstatement after layoff
4. By reinstatement after voluntary reduction
5. By promoYion
6. By reinstatement after resignation and by original entrance
Appointing o�cers have the authority to appoint and employ, in accordance
with the titles and grades in these Rufes, the number of persons authorized by
the City Budget in effect and approved by the Budget Director.
In the absence of an eligible list for a position requested, the Office of Human
Resources may certify from higher classes to vacancies occurring in lower
classes, or from the eligible list of the nearest equal or hi9her graded
appropriate list, where the examination reasonably measures the ability of the
eligibte to perform the doties in the class to which certification is made.
Certification from a related list as described in this paragraph shall be made
only from an originai entrance eligible list.
Appointing officers have the authority to appoint and to employ an employee to
more than one title co�currently. However, appointment to each title must be
made in accordance with ali applicable Civil Service Rules. Such muitiple
appointments may be made only in situations where it is reasonable to expect
the employee to be assigned for at least one day per caiendar year in each
titie. Such multiple appointments must be approved by the Human Resources
Employees whose positions have been reciassified in accorda�ce with Sedion
25.0 of these Rules shall have preference in certification to their positions from
the promotional Iist irrespective of their s[anding on the list. The Diredor may
authorize an appointing authority to promote an incumbent without further
competitive examination to a classified position which has been reallocated to a
different classification because of changes in job duties and responsibilities,
wfiich are not the result of planned management action. This authorization
may occur only if the incumbent has performed the critical duties of the higher
position for one year or more, meets the minimum qualifications, has
promotion rights, and has demonstrated satisfactory performance in their
http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/humres/csrules/sec08.hhn 3/15/2004
Sec 08 - Civil Service Rules
rage � oi v
a5-/ pp �
Vacant positions shat{ be fitled from a promotion eligible tist or from a tist of
promotion eligibles on an open list in the following manner: The Office of
Human Resources shall cerUfy to the appointing officer a list of eligibtes which
shall include the top 3 eligibles, plus the top 3 eligibles from the appointing
division plus ties. If the top 3 cerGfied eligibles are from the appointing
division, no further names shali be certified.
If the top 3 certified eligibles are not from the appoin[ing division, then the
certification shall be expanded to include the required number of eligibies from
the appointing division.
The term 'division' used in this pa2graph shall mean 'department' in aIl tases
where a department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of this
paragraph's provisions, the fol{owing are considered to be divisions of the
Mayor's Office; Human and Civil Rights; Office of Human Resources. For the
purpose of this provision, Legisiative Opereting shall be considered a separate
department; Fire Equipment Services shall be considered a division of the Fire
and Safety Services Department, the Department of Public Works shall be
considered as one division, the Department of Planning and Economic
Development shall be considered as one division, and the Department of
Finance and Management shall be considered as one division.
Section S.A.3 shall �ot apply to titles represented by the Professional
Employees bargaining unit or the Professional Supervisory Employees
bargaining unit.
When two or more titles are combined into a new titie, the Director may
authorize the appointing authority to appoint affected employees to the new
title without further competitive testin9 as long as they have been certified [o
one of Yhe titles being combined, and they meet the minimum qualifications for
the new title. Seniority will be determined in accordance with Section 22
The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or research projects
designed to enhance recruitment, selection, experimental learning placements,
pre-entry training programs, employee career development prog2ms,
inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs, referral and/or ,
appointment processes for the filling of Ciry positions.
The Human Resources Director, priof to taking any employment adion in the
above referenced pilot and/or research projects, shall obtain the approval of
the Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Councii. Notice to the
affected bargaining units shall be given and at such time, the bargaining units
have the right to discuss their issues as weli as present recommendations for
changes in the project, Notice to the City Council wil4 be given for review and
subsequent approval/denial of the project. Written documentation shall be
provided by the Human Resources Director for review prior to approval.
Documentation shall include the foi�owing:
a. Assurance that the proposal does not 5upplant existing certified
b. Identification oF Civii Service Rufes affected by the proposal, if any.
c. Participants in programs will be certified, fiaving a probationary period,
involved in structured training and will be provided an out placement
referral service.
d. Classifications created through the proposai will be assigned fo the
appropriate bargaining unit as per our present policy and procedures.
e. It is recognized that any affect on terms and conditions of employment are
subject to negotiation5.
f. Pitot employment pro}ects will be in accordance with State and Federal
http://www.ci.stpaul.xnn.us/depts/humres/csrules/sec08.htm 3/15/2004
d5-/ a��
laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter.
g. Reference to the City Policy 06jedives sought to 6e served by the pilot
and/or research project.
Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council can
be suspended for the purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for
the time period as specified for the project. A project will not exceed a 3-year
time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and Council
within 3-months of the end of the project.
Vacant positions shall be fifled from an original entrance list in the following
Vacancy Filled From An Original Entrance List
Single vacanty from a requisition shall be filled as follows:
The Office oP Human Resources shail certify to the appointing authority tfie
three (3) highest scoring eligibles from the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office
of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3)
highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in each proteded-ciass group. The
appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified.
When underutilization or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8_e�b.,
does not exist in any protec[ed class, the O�ce of Human Resources shall
certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the
list, plus ties. In addition, the O�ce of Human Resources shall certify the three
(3) highest scorin9 eligibles on the list, plus ties, from each and every
protected class who are among either the top thirty-three percent (33%) or
the highest scoring twenty (20) efigib4es on the 4ist, whicheves wil{ produce the
greater number of protected-class eligibles. The appointing authority may
appoint any eligible so certified.
When a specific }ob title is underutilized or when underrepresentation exists in
the Saint Paul Board of Education civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's
departmentjdivision work force, certification wil4 be as follows: The Qffice of
Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest
scoring e{igibles on the 1ist, pfus ties. In addition, tfie 6ifice o4 Human
Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring
eligibles, pfus ties, of each and every protected ciass who are among the top
forty-five percent (45%) of the highest scoring eligibles on the overall list. The
appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified.
Number of eligibies on a list: For purposes of determining the number of
eligibles on a list, this number shall be determined at the time a new list is
e5tablished and shall include only those new persons who took and passed the
most recent examination and are placed on that list.
Underrepresentation: A condition that exists at any given time when tHe
percentage of each protected-class group within the overall work force for the
Saint Paul Board of Education and the departments/divisions of the City of
Saint Paul are below the City's goals for each protected-class group as
contained in the City's adopted Open Opportunity Program Action
Plan/A�rmative Action P4an {pOPAPJAAP).
Underutiiization: A condition that exists at any given time when the number
of protected-class members employed in the job categories is fewer than the
number of qualified protected-class members that wouid be reasonably
expected to be employed by the availability in the releva�t labor market areas,
based upon census data and information as contained in the City's adopted
Open Opportunity Program Action Pian/Affirmative Action Program
http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/depts/humres/csruleslsecOB.htm 3/15/2004
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Disabied: For the purpose of these Rules, shail be defined using the federal
governmenYs definition of a disabled person based upon the definition
contained in the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
Muitiple Vacancies From a Single Requisition
Multiple vacancies from a single requisition shall be filled as follows:
The Office of Human Resources shzll certify to the appointing authority the
number of eligibtes on the list necessary to fill the number of vacancies, plus
two additional scorers, plus ties, in accordance with 8.�, In addition, this
same number shall 4e certified from each protected-class grouQ. The
appointing authority may appoint any eiigible so certified.
Open Opportunity Program Action Pian/A�rmative Action Plan
The City of Saint Paul shall adopt an Open Opportunity Program Action
Plan/A�rmative Action Program (OOPAP/AAP).
Each City Depar[ment and O�ce is required to compiy with ail provisions and
sec[ions of the OOPAP/AAP.
The appointing officer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three entrants are
listed. However, if fewer than three are ceRified from a promotion list for a title
represented by the Professional Supervisory Employee Bargaining Unit, and if
an appoinYment is made, the appointing off+cer must appoint one of the
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